Historic, Archive Document

Do not assume content reflects current scientific knowledge, policies, or practices.



Number 4.

Bibliographical Contributions.

June, 1922.

Bibliography on the

Preservation of Fruits and Vegetables in Transit and Storage, with Annotations.

Contributed by the Library of the Bureau of Markets and Crop Estimates.

Washington, D. C.


Bibliographical Contributions.

No. 1. A check list of the publications of the Department of Agriculture on the subject of plant pathology, 1837-1913. Prepared in the Bureau of Plant Industry Library. 1919.

No. 2. Check list of publications of the state agricultural experiment stations on the subject of plant pathology, 1876-1920. Prepared in the Bureau of Plant Industry Library. 1922.

No. 3. Check list of publications issued by the Bureau of Plant Industry, United States Department of Agricul- ture, 1901-1920 and by the divisions and offices which combined to form this bureau, 1862-1901. Prepared in the. Bureau of Plant Industry Library. 1921.

No. 4. Bibliography on the preservation of fruits and vege- tables in transit and storage with annotations. Pre- pared in the Bureau of Markets and Crop Estimates Li- brary. 1922.



Number 4. Bibliographical Contributions. June, 1922.

Bibliography on the

Preservation of Fruits and Vegetables in Transit and Storage, with Annotations.

Contributed by the Library of the Bureau of Markets and Crop Estimates.

Washington, D. C.


Compiled by Katharine G. Rice.

In assembling this bibliography an attempt has been made to cover rather completely the publications issued prior to July 1, 1920, that have a bearing on the preservation of fruits and vegetables in transit and storage. The successful marketing of perishable products depends to a large extent on harvesting and transporting or storing them in such a way that they will reach the consumer in a satisfactory condition at the time bo wants 1sh©8u . :. .

Special attention has been given to investigational and his- torical material. Bulletins and articles of a popular nature which deal with the practical application of the results of investigations and with commercial practices have also been included. It is hoped that the annotations will be useful in giving some idea of the extent and character of the material included in the references.

This bibliography was planned and begun by Mr. Edwin Smith, who was formerly connected with the Division of Preservation of Fruits and Vegetables in Transit and Storage of the Bureau of Markets. It was then turned over to Miss Caroline B„ Sherman, at that time Librarian of the Bureau of Markets, who delegated Miss Katharine G, Rice to complete the work. The outline prepared by Mr, Smith and the refer- ences which he had selected were found very useful. Before the bibli- ography was completed, Miss Sherman and Miss Rice were transferred to the Division of Market Information and because of the pressure of other work it was laid aside. At the request of the present librarian it has been completed recently.

A few references to material published in foreign languages are included. The titles have been translated into English but the annota- tions indicate the language in which the articles are written.

The call numbers shown at the right hand side of the pages are those used in the Library of the Department of Agriculture and, of course, will be useful only in connection with work carried on in that particular library.

Mary G. Lacy,

Librarian, Bureau of

Markets and Crop Estimates.



Cold storage 1

Common storage 11

Decays, and physiological disturbances 18

Dehydration 22

Handling 32

Ice house and cold storages ^1

Packing, packages and grades

Pits and trench storage U-g

Precooling ^9

Prevention of freezing in transit 53

References with related interest 5+

Refrigerator cars 60

Ripening and respiration 65

Standardization 69

Technology 76

Transportation 72



Bailey, E. W. Local cold storage problems for southern Illinois. SI * 111. Hort. Soc, Trans., new ser., vol. 50, 19l6, H6 p. 523-5U0.

Temperature is the important factor in successful fruit marketing. Cold storages and precooling. Discussion.

Barnard, H. E. Cold storage. Sci. Airer. Sup., vol. 71, no. IS5I, U70

June 2k t 1911, P. 39s. Sci25C A general article on cold storage practice.

Beach, S. A. Hew York apples in storage. IT. Y. Exp. Sta., Bui. 100 2Ug, 190U, p. S3-152. NUS Results of experiments showing life in storage of 205 varieties of apples. Discussion of results regarding coloring, maturity, cellar storage, ajschanical and ice cold storage, size of apples, scald.

Benson, A. H. Cold storage of fruits. New South Wales Agr. Gaz., 23 vol. k, pt. 11, Nov. IS93, p. S70-S77. NU72 A system of cold storage which affords a nearly even temperature with a constant influx of cold air, Ul.7 degrees. Period of storage for various fruits.

Blair, J. C. Fruit storage experiments. 111. Exp. Sta., Cir. 100

kk, 1902, IS pp. I16S Details of construction for a fru.it cold storage house and cellar.

Blake, M. A. Cold storage test with peaches. N. J. Exo. Sta., 100

Hfept. 1911, p. 72-73. Ni*6S Cold storage test of peaches at 23 and 32 degrees.

Boodle, L. A. Cold Storage of fruits and vegetables.- Kew Roy. S9

Gardens, Bui. Misc. Inform. I91U, no. 1, p. 11-16. K51B A review of Hill's investigations at Cornell re- garding ventilation,

Brown, B. S„ Modem fruit marketing. New York, I91S. 233 pp. 93

A complete discussion of the harvesting, packing, BS1E storing, transporting and selling of fruit.

Cairns, A. D. Cold storage fruit notes, 1907. West .Aus .Dept. Agr. , 23

Jour., vol. 15, pt. 12, Dec. 1907. p. 902-906. W52J Keeping qualities of several varieties of apricots, peaches, plums, nectarines, apples and pears.

* These symbols refer to the call numbers used in the Library of the U. S. Department of Agriculture.

. .r , . ■-

- 2 -

Carter, W.E.Jr. Apple storage. Ice and Refrig., vol. $h, no. 2, 295 .S Feb. 191s, p. 73-7^.' Ic2 Immediate delivery to cold storage is important. Equipment: Reinforced concrete structure most satisfactory; brine system of cooling.

de Castella, F, Storage test of shipping grapes. Victoria Dept. 23

Agr., Jour.,, vol. % pt. S, Aug. I9II, p. 531*532. V66J Variety test in cold storage of grapes packed in cork.

Storage test of shipping grapes. Victoria Dept. 23

Agr., Jour., vol. 10, pt. 12, Dec. 1912, p. 715-717- V66J Continuation of variety tests begun in 1911.

Clark, V. A. Cold storage on the farm. Mechanical cold storage 1

for fruit. Keeping qualities of apples. U. S. AggUF

Dept. Agr., Farm, Bui. 119, I90O, p. 9-lS.

Suggestions for cold storage on the farm. Behavior

of different fruits and vegetables in a mechanical

cold store. Relative keeping qualities of 23

varieties of apples.

Clemence, &. L. Cold storage for farm products. Mass. St. Bd. 2

Agr., Rept. IS96, p. 226-236. M3SR A popular article on cold storage on the farm and the construction and management of cold storage houses.

Cold storage. Garden and Forest, vol. 7, no. 3U1, Sept. SO

p. 352-353. Gl61 Historical. The influence of the refrigerator car and cold storage upon the fruit and vege- table supply of New York City. "Experimental attempts at cold storage began 5.n this city eighteen years ago (IS76), and developed into a commercial industry three years later."

Cold storage for apples. Ice and Refrig., vol. 4S, no. 5, May, 1915 , 295 #g p. 23S. Ic2 Description of a small cold storage for apples to be located near the orchard.

Cold storage for fruit. Cape of Cood Hope Dept. Agr., Agr. Jour., 2k vol. 23, no. 5, Nov. I903, p. 520-531. AgS Correspondence about methods of commercial practice as observed in the United States.

- 3 -

Cold storage for fruit. West Indian Bui., vol. 5, 190U, p. II7-I3I+.

Interviews with cold storage operators, railroad steamship company officials in the United States.

Cold storage of fruits. Amer

If 1?03, p. j)

Teirrperatures, methods preservation of exhibition specimens.

. Gardening, vol, 2.kt no. HU3, Aug. md formulae for the



SO Am3

Cooper, Madison.

Douane, M.

Eus tace , H.J.

Faville, E. E.

Ferretti, U.

Practical cold storage. Chicago, I905, 600 pp. 295 2nd ed. I91U, Sl6 pp. C~fgP Short historical sketch; theory, design and con- struction of "buildings and apparatus : application of ccld storage to dairy products, fruits, fish; use of ice, ice houses. The second edition in- corporates more exact data on design, construction, and insulation. "A standard authority on modem cold storage practice."

Utilization of refrigeration processes for the lU conservation, storage and transportation of fruits. P21S Bui. Mens. Off. lens. Agr. vol. l6, I917, p. 229-51. A report to the French Commission containing sug- gestions for the organization and development of the fruit industry. (French)

Cold storage for Iowa grown apples. Iowa Exp. . ICO Sta., Bui. 108, I909, p. 39U-U1U. 109 Discussion of experimental results concerning the relation between the handling of fruit, the oper- ation of the storage and the hehavior of the fruit in storage. Covers many points in The Apple in Cold Storage by &. Harold Powell.

Cold storage for fruit. Kans . Exp. Sta., ''Bui. ZH, 100

I899 - 31 pp» K13S

The results of tests in commercial cold storage and the practical handling of products in cold storage .

Refrigeration and the cold storage industry. Rocca 295 San Casciano, Italy, I909. UU2 pp. F37I An extended treatise on the cold storage industry. Bibliography.

Fruit storage experiments. 111. Exp. Sta., Cir. 67, I903, p. 3-10. 100 Results of the use of ice cold storage for one I16S season.

- U -

Fulton, S. H.

Garcia, Fabian.

Gourley, J. H.

Greene , L .

Hall, F. H.

Hollsinger, F. Jorgensen, I.

The cold storage of small fruits. tJ. S. Dept. 1 Agr., Bur. Plant Indus., Bui. 10S, 1907. 2S pp. P69B Results of investigations covering three years, relative to the factors including soil, climate, harvesting, packages, storage temperatures and varieties, which affect the keeping of small fruits in cold storage.

Hatch Projects. N. M. Exp. Sta., Bept. I91U-I5, 100 p. 60. Nl^5 Results of a preliminary test on the keeping qualities of Bartlett pears.

Notes on storing apples. Amer. Soc. Hort. Sci,, SI Proc. 9th meet., 1912, p. kl-kk. Sol2 An experiment to determine the relative value of open and closed packages for the storing of apples. Discussion.

Apple storage problems. Ind. Hort. Soc, Trans. SI 1915, p. 72-96. In2 A paper on the author1 s work in Iowa. Influence of moisture, freezing, maturity, color and size. Discussion.

Cold storage for Iowa grown apples. Iowa Exp. 100 Sta., Bui. lUU, 1913, p. 357-373- Besults of freezing apples on the tree and in cold storage. Picking, packing, time of storage t culture, variety tests.


Keeping quality of aoples. N. Y. Exp. Sta., .100 Pop. Bui. 21+8, I90U. Il pp. NUg Variety tests. A popular treatment of the material contained in N.Y. Exp. Sta., Bui. 2kSt See Beach, S . A. , New York Apples in Storage.

Cold storage for fruit. Amer. Hort., vol. 5> SO no. 12, Dec. 1895, p. ISO. Am3S Historical.

Cold storage of food. Sci. Amer. Sup., vol. SS, kfO Sept. 6, 1919, p. 150*151. Cont. Sept. 20, p.l7S. Sci25C When fruit is kept in cold storage, there is a change in the chemical state but not in the physical. Ripening, equation representing re- lation between respiration and temperature. Respiration number, an index to keeping possi- bilities. Other factors besides temperature, humidity, light, and movement of air vary for different species and varieties.

- 5 -

Kapadia system of preservation. Cold Storage and Prod. Be v., vol.

19, no. 220, July 20, igi6, p. I5H-I55. Conservation through the presence of an inert gas. Excellent for delicate fruits.

Kirk, T. W.

Knight, J.

Latchford, F. R.

Lemson, H. H.

Loiseau, Leon.

ds Loisy, C.

McKay, H.

Mason, R. P.

Mauro , I ,

Cold storage of fruit. New Zealand Dept. Agr., Jour., vol. 5, no. 5, Nov. 1012, p. 503-515 Plans and cost of a plant for UOOO cases of fruit.

Experiments in cold storage of fruit. Victoria, Dept. Agr., Jour., vol. r>, pt. 2, Mar;. 19c5 > p. 153-159.

Notes on keeping quality of apples and pears.

Cold storage for fruit and other productions. Ontario Fruit Grow. Asso., Sept. J>2d. ireet., 1900, p. 31-3Q.

A popular discussion of ice cold storage.

Storage of apples. N. H. Exp. Sta., Bui. 79» 1900, p. 25-29.

Report of biological study concerning the stor- age of apples.

Preservation of fruits "by cold storage. Paris, 1903. 29 pp.

Keeping peaches and other fruits in cold storage and their shipment to New York.

The conservation of f raits "by cold storage. Rev. Sop. Sci. Hyg. Alirnen. .vol. b, no. 3, 1905, p. 79-30.

Refrigeration does not inhibit the ripening processes going on in the interior of fruit. Storage temperatures recommended for peaches, oranges, lemons, grapes, and tomatoes. (French)

Cold storage. N. J. Port. Soc. , Proc. 1907, p. 127-135.

Some suggestions concerning the profit of careful fruit storage in New Jersey. Discussion.

Cold storage for apples. Acer. Cultivator,

vol. 57, no. U6, Nov. 16, 1395, p. 1.

A brief article giving the proper temperatures.

Application of cold in the agricultural industry. Agr. Mod., vol. 19, no. 25, I9I3, p. 270, 271. The conservation of strawberries. (Italian)

295.3 C672


23 .







339.9 Sol




A2132 16


* 6 -

Memorandum respecting cold storage and the utility collecting stations. 295

Ontario Govt., By order Leg. Assem., 1900, p. 1-12, QnS lU-16.

Cold storage is advantageous to successful marl© ting and maintaining trade. The collecting station - erection and control.

Moody, J. F. Cold storage of fruit. West. Aus . Dept. Agr. and 23

Indus., Bui. 31, 1912. 7 pp. W52B Discussion of cold storage.

Powell, G-. Harold. The apple in cold storage. U. S. Dept. Agr., Bur, 1

Plant Indus., Bui. k8, 1903. Sk pp. P69B Description of a comprehensive series of exper- iments on various varieties of apples from several States when held in cold storage. Culture of fruit, maturity, packages, size of fruit, temperatures and scald.

Cold storage investigations "by the U„ S. Department SI

of Agriculture. 111. Hort. Soc. , Trans., new ser., Il6 vol. 36, 1902, p. 363 - 36S.

A discussion' of maturity, decay in storage, temper- ature, wrapping and packages for the storage of pears, peaches and apples.

Cold storage with special reference to the pear and 1

peach. U. S. Dept. Agr., Bur. Plant Indus., Bui. P69B kO, 1903. 28 pp.

Discussion of results of experiments with picking

and packing pears and peaches for storage; temperatures.

Helation of cold storage to commercial apple culture .1

U. S. Dept. Agr., Yearbook, 1903, p. 225-23S. AgZkY The apple industry in I9O3. Markets, marketing, cold storage development and the proper harvesting and handling of apples.

Pratt, B. B. Does wood of the box affect the flavor of apples? SO

Better Fruit, vol. S, no. 3, Sept. 1913, p. 25. BUS The results of tests in cold storage using "boxes of different kinds of wood.

Preservation of grapes "by frees ins:. Pure Products, vol. 10, no. 7, 3SC.S

July I91U, p. 355. P97 Description of a process used in Holland for pre- serving grapes as when taken from the vine. Six hundred pmmds showed only 1 per cent loss ir.. v/eight.

-o7 -

Quinn, G. Further experiments in the cold storage of fruit* 23

South Aus. Dept. Agr., Jour., vol. 10, nos. SoSU 2 and 3, Oct. 1906, p. 75-7S.

Accounts 6f the cold storage of plums, apples and pears for different lengths of time.

Ramsey, H. J. The handling and storage of apples in the Pacific 1

Northwest. U. S. Dept. Agr., Bui. 587, 1917- 32 PP- AgZkB Methods of harvesting and storage. Storage life of various varieties of northwestern apples.

Rane, F. W. Notes on cold storage. Amer. Gardening, vol. 19, SO

no. 19k, Sept. 1S9S, p. 63U-635. Am3 Essentials for successful storage. Taken from a paper presented to Society for Promotion of Agricultural Science, 1S97»

Reynolds, J. B. Cold storage of pears and apples. Ontario Agr. 101

Coll. and Exp. Farms, Bui. 123, 1902. 8 pp. OnSB Discussion of methods for handling pears and apples in cold storage, (Summary in Canada Hort., vol, 25, no. 10, Oct. 1902, p. kOk-kCF))

Ruddick, J. A. Cold storage and the cold storage act. Canada HU.9 Dept. Agr., ,Dairy and Cold Stor. Com., Bui. Cl6B 23, 19IO, p. 3-27. .

The cold storage of apples and other fruits. Warehouses. Ice storages on farms. (Eggs and dairy products included).

The cold storage of food products with some notes UU.9

on insulation and warehouse management. Canada ClbB Dept. Agr., Dairy and Cold Stor. Com., Bui. kkt 1915. 23pp.

Afethods and proper temperature for cold storage. (Includes suggestions for storage of dairy products and furs.)

Refrigeration in relation to fruit growing in Canada. 82

Nova Scotia Fruit Grow. Assoc., Rept. Uoth meet., NS5 1912, p. 33-U2. Popular address.

Selfe, N. Cold storage and the preservation of fruit from an 23

engineer's point of view. Tasmania Coun. Agr., T1SA Jour. July, 1S95, p. 6S-71.

A popular article in the nature of a review with suggestions .

- S r

Smith, E. Precooling, shipment and cold storage of tender fruit. UU.9

Canada Dept. Agr., Dairy and Cold St or. Com., Bui* Cl6B Us, 1916. 35 pp.

Results of warehouse precooling; tine required for pre- cooling; storage life; the effect of rapid vs. gradual precooling on cherries, peaches, plums, pears.

Cold storage for fruits and vegetables. Gartenflora, SO vol. 5U, 1905, p. 23I-2U5. G19 Discussion of results of experimental work in the United States and Europe. (German)

Stubenrauch, A. V. Cold storage, precooling and shipping deciduous SI

Fruit. Oreg. Hort. Soc, Proc. 25th meet., 1910, Or32 P- 31-3S.

General discussion of factors influencing the keeping of fruit in storage and transit.

Factors governing the successful storage of California 1

table grapes. U. S. Dept. Agr., Bui. 35, 1913. 31 pp. AgSUB Investigations from I906 to 1912. Description of test work. Satisfactory methods for packing grapes for storage . Transportation.

Fruit and vegetable transportation and storage investi- 297.9

gations by the Department of Agriculture. Amer. Ware- Am32 housemen's Asso., Proc. 23d meet., 1913, p. 116-1*42. Results of experimental work on grapes, pears, apples, pineapples, and celery. Discussion,

- . . Report on grape shipment experiments. Calif. Fruit SO

Grow., vol. kQ, no. 1115, Nov. 29, I909, p. 1-U, C12 Experiments of the Bureau of Plant Industry in California relating to the storage and transportation of table grapes.

J'" Storage and refrigeration of fruits and vegetables, 90

Stan. Cyclopedia of Hort., vol. 6, I917, p. 32U5-3259. C995 Systems of cold and common storage ; insulation; tem- peratures for fruits and vegetables; maturity and methods of handling fruits and vegetables for storage.

Storage and transportation investigations with citrus 295 ,S

fruits and grapes. Ice and Befrig., vol. 36, no. 1, Ice Jan. I909, p. 3-Q.

Valencia oranges, lemons and table grapes.

Taylor, W. A. The influence of refrigeration on the fruit industry. 1

U. S. Dept. Agr., Yearbook I90O, p. 56I-5SO. AgSUY The historical development of cold storage. Effect of cold storage and the refrigerator car upon the development of the fruit industry.

Stetefeld, R.

- 9 -

Valvassori, V. The preservation of fruits and vegetables. Eev. Soc. 3s9-9

Sci. Hyg. Alimen. vol. 1, no. 5, I90U, p. 592. Sol A summary of data regarding the length of tine fruit and vegetables may he kept in cold storage. (French)

Waugh, F. A. A model cold storage house. Coun. Gent., vol. 7&, 6

no. 307*+ , Dec. 30, 1911, p. 7, 27. CS33 Description of fruit storage house at Massachusetts Agricultural College.

Wilcox, E. V. Cold storage for tropical fruits. Hawaii Exp. Sta., 1

Press Bui. kjt IQlU. 12 pp. EX63H Storage tests of the Star appls, avocado, fig, papya, pineapple, and mango were made at 3^ degrees, 36 degrees and U5 degrees.

Miscellaneous investigations. Hawaii Exp. Sta., Bept. 1

191U, p. 23. EX63H Experiments on the adaptability of cold storage to various tropical fruit.

Wright, W: P, Cold storage of fruit. Gt. Brit. Bd. Agr,, Jour., 10

vol. 6, no. 1, 1S99, p. 85-S7. G79J A report of experiments with sort fruits at temperatures of 30 and 32 degrees and with apples at 36 degrees.


Aldricb, P. H. The winter storage of roots. ?t. Exp. Sta., Bui. 203, 100

1917. 9 PP. v59

Concerning the loss in weight and the decay of roots in various forms of storage and packing mediums. Edibility of stored vegetables.

Close, C. P. Irish potato investigations. Md. Exp. Sta., Bui. I32, 100 I909, p. 151-173. M36S Cold storage of seed potatoes has little advantage over ordinary storage.

Cold storage onions. Pacif . Rural Press, vol. 57, no. 21, May 27, 6

1299, p. 321. P112 Experiments showing that it is feasible to overcome the sprouting propensity of onions.

The keeping of asparagus in cold storage by canning establishments. 3S9.S

Pure Products, vol. 6, no. 6, June 19IO, p, 312-313. P97 No appreciable change takes place after storing for period of four weeks.

10 -

Morse , E. W. Experiments in keeping asparagus after cutting* Mass. 100 Exp. Sta., Bui. 172, 1917, p. 297- 307. . M3^ Analysis and physiological study of asparagus under re frige ration.

Parisot, E. Temperature in relation to storing potatoes. Jour. lU Agr. Prat., new ser., vol. S, no. 50, I90H, p. 763-765 . J82 Abstract in Rev. Hort., vol. 77, no. 1. 1905, 8. . A temperature of 3°C. is found best for potatoes. (French*

Price, J. C. C. Harvesting and storing sweet potatoes. Ala. Exp. Sta., 100 Bui. 197, 1917. 22 pp. Issued also as Bui. 197, pop. ed. AllS Tests with sweet potatoes stored in cold stores, banks and pits, show that cold storage is to be preferred. Plans for store house.

Thompson, H. C. Celery storage experiments. U. S, Dept. Agr., Bui. 1

579, 1917. 26 pp/ AgSUB Be suits of experiments I912-I916. Description of crates, effect of height of crates in storage room,

Preliminary report on celery storage investigations. ol

Soc. Hort. Sci., Proc. 11th meet., I91U, p. 10-15. Sol2 Temperatures in transit, type of crate and temperature in storage as related to decay.

White., T. H. Irish potato investigations from I909 to 1913. Md. Exp. 100 Sta., Bui. 172, 1913, p. 105-120. ' M36S Showing the advantage in holding seed potatoes in cold storage.

11 -



Brayton, A. W. Keeping apples in common storage. 111.. Hort. Soc. , 81 Trans., new ser., vol. 50, I9I6, p. Ul2-Ul6„ Il6 Handling a storage house. Discussion.

Clark, V. A. Storing apple3 without ice. U. S. Dept. Agr,, Farm. 1

Bui. 119, 1900, p. 5-9. %SHF Storage pits and houses. Specifications.

Concrete structures for storing fruit and vegetables. Ice and Cold 295. 3

Stor., vol. 20, no. 236, Nov. I917, p. IU5-IU6. Ic22 Construction of a concrete storage cellar for use with- out ice. Cooling and ventilating systems. Plans.

CuTmings, M. B. Farm- apple storage. Vt. Exp. Sta., Bui. 186, 1915, 100 p. 99-136. V59 Studies in apple storage relative to dipping in various solutions and packing in various fillers. Structural character of apples in relation to storage.

lagan, F. N. Home storage houses for fruits. Pa. St. Coll. Agr., 275.29 Ext. Cir. 7U, 1913. IS pp. P3SC Underground and pit storage. Specifications for storage house. Twenty-four illustrations.

Forbush, E. H. Common storage of fruits and vegetables . Mass. St. 2

Bd. Agr., Bui. 5 (3rd ed. rev.), 1913, p. 172-183 . M3SB Various kinds of storages for small-scale producers. Suggestions for special care of certain products.

Grapes and how to store them. Coun. Life, vol. 36, no. 5, 1919, p. 68. SO

Suggestions for storing grapes for domestic use. C332

Home vegetable and fruit storage. Mass. Agr. Coll., Ext. Bui. 26 , 275-29 191s. 7 pp. M331E The cellar stors room. Elementary.

Hutt, W. H. Air-cooled apple storage houses. Hm C. Exp. Sta., 100 Bui, 22S, I91U. 31 pPo NS1

Materials for a storage. Arrangement for intake of cold air. Management. Plans,

Construction and use of farm storage house for apples. 81

Ind. Hort. Soc, Trans. 1917, p. 233-2U7. In2 Description of an air-cooled storage house. Handling the apples for storage. Discussion.

- 12

Kaiser, W„ G. A concrete storage cellar for the orchardist. 111.

Hort. Soc, Trans., new ser., vol. 51, 1917, p.5S-£>9. Description. Discussion regarding relative merits of concrete and "brick.

Lewis, C. I.

Lewis, D. E.

Lewis, W. J

Quick, W. C.

Pear harvesting and storage investigations in Rogue River Valley. Oreg. Exp. Sta., Bui. l62, I9I9. 39 PP- Study of increase in size of Bar tie tt pears. The "Pressure . test Tine of picking and type of storage in relation to keeping Barlett and Bosc pears. Twenty- one table s . Comprehens ive .

The possibilities of a good cheap common storage plant.

Better Fruit, vol. 8, no. h, 1913, p; lU-15.

Results of experiments at the Kansas Experiment Station,

Profitable fruit storage cellar. N. Eng. Homestead, vol. 65, no. 8, Aug., 1912, p. lUO, 1U2. Descriptive. Diagrams.

Essentials of air-cooled storage houses. Better Fruit,

vol. 12, no. 11, 1918, p. 5, 23.

Importance of ventilation, .insulation, humidity.

Ramsey, E. J. Management of common storage houses for apples in the Pacific Northwest. U. S. Dept. Agr., Farm* Bui. 852, 1917. 23 pp.

Description and operation of common storages for apples.

Shear, C. L. Spoilage of cranberries after harvest. U. S. Dept. Agr., Bui. Jlk, 191S. 20 pp.

Storage decays; losses occur because of smothering and fungus rots. Suggestions for harvesting, sorting, storing.

Simpson, R. A. Cool storage for the commercial apple-grower. 111.

Hort. Sec, Trans., new ser., vol. 20, 1916, p. IU7-I6O. Description of a cool storage to be built in the or- chard. Discussion.

Smith, E.

Taylor, R. H.

Farm storages for fruits and vegetables. Brit. Col. Dept. Agr., Bui. 58, lQlU. 2Q pp.

Description of methods of ventilation and insulation of common storages; methods of building pits. Plans.

Some effects of high temperatures and humidity upon the keeping quality of Bartlett pears. Calif. St. Com. Hort., Mo. Bui., vol. 8, no. 3, 1919, p. 115-125. Temperatures ranging from 95 to 110 degrees F. will prolong normal ripening process. Procedure, tables, results. Not valuable for practical application.

81 116

100 0r3









81 116





- 13 -

Thayer, P. Storage of grapes. Ohio Exp. Sta., Mo. Bui., vol- 3, 100 no. 10, 1918, p. 315-317. 0h3s The results of tests conducted on 22 varieties of grapes to determine which are "best for storage. Handling.

True, S. H. Some factors affecting the keeping qualities of American 1

lemons. U. S. Dept. Agr*, Bur, Plant Indus,, Cir. 2o, P69C I909. 17 pp.

Notes on the methods of handling, storing, and curing California lemons and their decay*

War vegetable gardening and home storage of vegetables. Nat. War 75

Garden Come, Washington, 19IS, p. 2U-31. N212 A home storage manual for fruits and vegetables.

See also Cold storage, fruits; Handling, fruits*


Alwood, W. B. A new plan for the construction of a storage cellar. 100 Va. Exp. Sta., Bui. 58, IS95, p. l6l-l6s. VglS Suggestions for construction,

Beal, W, H. Storage of Hubbard squash. U. S. Dept. Agr., Farm Bui. 1

3^2, 1909, p. lg-19. AgSkF

Factors governing the successful storage of squash

as determined by Prof. W. Stuart of the Vermont Station.

Beattie, J. H. Home storage of vegetables. U. S. Dept. Agr., Farm. 1

Bui. S79, I917. 22 pp. AggUF Various types of storages with plans. Special methods for storing different vegetables.

Beattie, W. R. Celery. U. S. Dept. Agr., Farm. Bui. 2g2, 1907, 1

p. 22- 3U. AggUF Decays, blanching, handling, storing in trenches, cellars and storage houses.

Onion culture. U. S. Dept. Agr., Farm. Bui, 35U, I909, 1

p. 21-29, 3I-33. AggUF

Harvesting, storing, marketing.

The storage and marketing of sweet potatoes. U„ S. 1

Dept. Agr., Farm. Bui. 520, 1912. l6 pp. AggUF Harvesting, marketing. Construction of storage houses.

Sweet potatoes. U. S. Dept. Agr., Farm. Bui. 32U, 1

190S, p. 26-35. AggUF Harvesting, grading, marketing. Storage houses.

- 14 -

Brown, B. S. Vegetable storage on the farm. Me. Coll. Agr., Ext. Bui. 275.23 120, 191S. 15 pp. M2S1B Field and cellar storage. Directions for storing differ- ent kinds of vegetables.

Butler, 0. Storage of potatoes. N. E. Exp. Sta., Cir. 20, 1919- 100 3 pp, N45 Effects of temperature, aeration, humidity. Pit storage.

Cance, A. E. Connecticut Valley onion supply and distribution. Mass. 100 Exp. Sta., Bui. 169, 1916, p. 74-77, S3-97. M3^H Harvesting and storing onions in the Connecticut Valley,

Carpenter, J. ¥. Sweet potato storage. Miss. Agr. Coll*, Ext. Cir. 275.29 IS, 1917. 16 pp. M6SC Construction of a storage house; plans. Harvesting, diggers, grading, hauling, filling the storage house. Caro of potatoes during the storage. Storage pits.

Christie, W. He ports of Hedemarken County Experiment Station. 104 1910. 53 pp. NS32 Results of storing in piles shows desirability of having a storage house. (German)

Cole, E. T7. Sweet potato curing in Texas.. Tex. Dept. Agr., Bui. 2

4P, 1916, o. 10-25. T312B Harvesting. Plant of the Nabors Emit Co. at Winnsboro, Tex.: equipment, methods, costs. Illustrations.

Coaolly, H. M. Illustrated lecture on sweet potatoes. U. S. Dept. Agr., 1

Syllabus 26, 1017, p. 6-12, 15-lS. Ex6Fa Construction and manage me nt of storage house. Harvesting. Diseases .

Dolve, R. M. Potato warehouse plans. N. Dak. Exp. Sta., Bui. 101, 100 1912 9 26 pp. NS13 Bequire'raents , types, plans. The elevator and loading platform.

Elliott, J. A. Storage rots of sweet potatoes. Ark. Exp. Sta., Bui. 100 144, 191S. 16 pp. Ar42 Short description of causes and kinds of disease. Kiln drying, curing. Storage houses and bins - specifications and plans.

Fairfield, \7. H. A cheap root cellar. Canada Exp. Farms,, Rept. 19lU, 101 vol. 2, p. 940. Ex6R Suggestions for building $ small root cellar on the farm.

Fields, J. Storing sweet potatoes. Okla. Exp. Sta., B&pt. 100

1905-1906, p. 36-37- 0k4

Directions for successful storing.

- 15 r

Findlay, H. Practical gardening. New York and London, I9IS.

p. 223-236, FU9

Suggestions for storing late vegetables from the home garden. The storage pit, vegetable cellar, attic storage. Elementary,

Greig, A. R. Silos and root cellars for prairie farms. Brit. Col.., 99*9 Dept. Lands, Forest Br., Bui. 9, I915, p. 2S-3U. B77B Storing field roots. Specifications for a root cellar,

Grobb, E. H. Potato culture on irrigated farms of the west. U. S. 1

Dept. Agr., Farm Bui. 336, 1910, p. 9-10. AgSUF S t o rage , marke t ing .

Hayunga, J. Msthods of storing cabbage over winter in Holland. IS

Mitteil. Deut. Landw. Gesell., vol. 26, no. 3S, 1911, DUgM p. 517-520.

Description of a cabbage storage house. (German)

Hoffman, G. P. Bill of materials and building plans for the Clems on 275.29 sweet potato storage house. Clemson, S. C. Igr. Coll., SoSE Ext. Cir. 10, 11, 12, I9IS. k pp. each. Plans for buildings with a capacity of 2,000, 1,000 and 500 bushels, respectively.

Johnson, S. B. Sweet potato storage. Ariz. Exp. Sta., Sept. 1917, 10C p. UUl. ArU

Ifesults of two tests carried on at Yuma Date Orchard by the Division of Horticulture.

Lance, E. J. Saving sweet potatoes for seed. New South Wales Agr. 23

Gaz., vol. 12, no. 2, 1Q0I, p. 231. NU72 Storing in a box with alternate layers of dry sand.

Laughlin, E. V. Potato storage house. Farm Eng., vol. 5, no. U, 1917i 5^.S p. 6. F22U Plan and specifications for a storage house with a capacity of 25,000 bushels.

Lloyd, J. W. Storage of vegetables for winter use . 111. Exp. Sta., 100 Cir. 23I, 191s. U pp. IL6S Basement, pit and outdoor cellar storage. Elementary.

McCall, F. E. Vegetabla storage. S. Dak. St, Coll. Agr., Ext. Cir. 275.29 9, 1913. 12 pp. S0S5 The outside cellar, house cellar, storage house, storage pit. The air-cooled cellar, plan of ventilation. Best storage temperatures for various vegetables.


McGinty, R. A. Storing vegetables for home use. Colo. Agr. Coll., Ext. 275.29 Bui., ser. 1, no- IU5, 19IS. 3 pp. (Re print of Ext. C71E Bui., no. 131).


Macoun, W. T. The potato in Canada. Canada Dept. Agr., Exp. Farms, 101 Bui. 90, 191S, p. 12-lU. C33B Cellar and pit storage on a small scale.

Merrill, M. C. Storing vegetables for winter. Utah Exp. Sta., Cir. 100 26, 1917. S pp. u«-

Requirements and methods.

Moore, J. G-. How to store vegetables for winter use. Wis. Exp. Sta., 100 Cir. 92, 1917. S pp. w75 Diz-ections for storing in cellars and pits. The parti- cular essentials for different vegetables.

Mooring, D. C. Sweet potatoes. Olrla. Exp. Sta., Cir. 25, I91U, 100 p. S-12.

Harvesting. Directions for storing and "building a wooden storage.

Neshit, D. M. Sweet potatoes. U. S. Dept. Agr., Farm. Bui. 129, 1901, 1

p. 20-27. AggUF Harvesting, shipping, storage, desiccation.

Ormsbee, C. 0. Storing celery. Market Grow. Jour., vol. 25, no. 9 » 6

1919, p. 173-179. M3^ Storage and handling.

Partial directions for raising, harvesting and storing onions, squashes, 2

cabhages, as applicable to Maine conditions. Me. Dept. M2SB Agr., Quar. Bul., vol. 15, no. 2, lPlb, p. 6-7, 11-13, 1S-19.

Directions for harvesting and storing on a small scale.

Potts, A. T. Growing and storing sweet potatoes. Tex. Agr. Coll., 275.29 Bul. B-27, 1916, p. 11-16. T312 Harvesting. Plans for storage house. Care in storage.

Rosa, J. T. Jr. Storing vegetables. Mo. Coll. Agr., Ext. Cir. 53, 275.29

191S. S pp. M69C Caves, trenches. Methods of storing different vegetables.

Schaffnit,- E. Winter storage of potatoes. Zeit. Landw. Kammer Brauns., 13

vol. S^, no. 2S, Oct. I9I5 . pp. 2U5-2U9. B73

Schribaux, E. A method of storing potatoes. Jour. Agr, Prat., new Ik ser., vol. 7, I90U, p. 2lh, 215 . JS2 Description of storing potatoes in pulverized soil or sand. (French)

- 17 "*

Smith, P. Potatoes. Cultivation, manuring, varieties, storing and 22

seed supply in Bengal. Bengal Dept. Agr*, Quar.. Jour., BU3Q vol.. 3, no. 1, 1919, p. S-12. Experiments with storage methods. .

Stahl, J. L, Hints on storing and marketing potatoes . West. Wash. 100 Exp. Sta., Mo.. Bui., vol. k, no. 7, I916, p. 9-10. . W272 Storing seed and market potatoes.

Stewart, G. Potato production. Utah Exp. Sta., Cir. UO, 1919, 100 p. U1-51+. Utl

Digging, grading are factors in storage. Elementary.

Stuart, W. Potato storage and storage houses. II. S. Dept. Agr., .; 1

Farm. Bui. Ek~J , I917. 27 pp. Aggl+F A discussion of factors in potato storage with a presentation in detail of methods of constructing and operating pits, cellars and storage houses.

Stuckey, H. P. Sweet potatoes. Ga. Exp. Sta., Bui. 107, 19lV P. 93-99* 100

Fungicides do not prevent decay. Plans and specif i- G29S cations for a storage house.

Suitable storage conditions for certain perishable food products. 1

. U. S. Dept. Agr., Bui. 729, 19IS, p. 1-6. , Aggl+B Valuable information and data with accompanying chart, for managers of storage warehouses, Federal Eeserve Banks, and producers of farm products. (Butter, poultry and fish included.)

Thompson, E. C. Storing and marketing sweet potatoes. U. S, Dept. / 1

Agr., Farm. Bui. 5^S, 1913. 15 pp. AggUF Maturity, careful handling, thorough curing and temperatures. Directions and designs for building a storage ,

. _ Sweet potato storage. U. S. Dept. Agr., Farm. Bul„ 1

970, 191s. 27 pp. AgSUF Detailed discussion of factors governing the successful storage of sweet potatoes and nethods of construction of pits, cellars and storage. Plans. Specifications.

Woodhouse, E. J. Potato storage work in Bihar and Orissa in I912. 22

Bihar and Orissa Dept. Agr., Jour., vol. 1, no.. 2, 1913» In23 p. -.II5-I37..

Notes on storing under sand to prevent damage from the potato moth.

See also, Cold storage; Decays and physiological disturbances, vegetables; Handl ing , ve ge t ab le s .


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- IS



Ames, Adeline The temperature relations of some fungi causing kSk.S

storage rots. Phytopathology, vol. 5, n0« !> 1915, p. II-I9.

Showing the temperatures at which storage rot organisms will germinate and grow. Tables.

Brill, H. C. Copra and coconut oil. Philippine Jour. Sci., U75

sect. A, vol. 12, no. 2, 1917, p. 55-S6. ?53 Moisture and molds on copra and coconut meat cause loss of weight in transportation. Micro-organisms described. Copra once properly dried dees not ordinarily absorb enough moisture to develop growth of mold. Drying methods used in Philippines.

Brooks, Chas. Some apple diseases and their treatment. N. H. ICO

Exp. Sta., Bui. 157, 1912. 15 pp. NU5 A general discussion of apple diseases prevalent in orchard and storage.

Apple rots. Abstract in Phytopathology, vol. U, U6*+.S

no. 6, I91U, p. U03. P56

List of fungi which have been isolated from market and storage apples and which are capable of pro- ducing rot.

Apple scald. Abstract in Phytopathology, vol. 6, no. 1, I916, p. 110-111. P56

Experiments indicate that humidity is more im- portant than carbon dioxide in determining the amount of apple scald,

Apple-scald. U. S. Dept. Agr., Jour. Agr. Re- 1 search, vol. l6, no. 3, 1Q19, p. 195-217. AgS^J A report of studiss on the nature and control of apple scald including experiments on the relation of orchard and storage conditions to the develop- ment of the disease. Tables and graphs.

Brown-rot of prunes and cherries in the Pacific 1 Northwest. U. S. Dept. Agr., Bui. 36S, I916. AggUB 10 pp.

Blossom infection. Suggested spraying schedule.

. is -

Brooks, Chas. Effect of temperature aeration and humidity on 1

Jonathan*- spot and scale of apples in storage. AgSkJ U. S. Dept. Agr., Jour. Agr. Research, vol. 11, no. 7, 1917, P. 2S7-31S.

Results of laboratory experiments. Fairly mature fruit stored under conditions of good aeration show comparatively little spot or scald.

Jonathan spot. Abstract in Phytopathology, vol. 7, ^Sk.S

no. 1, 1917, p. 76, P56 Relation cf temperature and humidity in storage to Jonathan spot.

Recent experiments on apple scald. Ice and 295-3

Refrifi., vol. 5U, no. 1, Jan. I9IS, p. . Ic2

A paper read before a meeting of the American Ware- housemen's Association with discussion. Experiments made by the Bureau of Plant Industry; methods, re- lation of various conditions to development of scald.

Temperature relations of apple rot fungi. U. S. 1

Dept. Agr., Jour. Agr. Research, vol. S, no. Uf AgSUJ 1917, p. 139-16U.

Showing rate of growth of apple rot fungi at various temperatures. Twenty- f ive graphs.

Clinton, G-. P. Apple rots of Illinois. 111. Exp. Sta., Bui. 69, 100

1902, p. 139-22U. I16S Various fruit rots described. Illustrations.

Cook, Melville T. The Jonathan spot rot. Phytopathology, vol. l+,no.2,U6U.S

19lU, p. 102-105. P56 Investigation of causes of spot rot carried on by bagging apples on trees at intervals. No con- clusions.

Coons, G. E. The plant diseases of importance in the transporta-

tion of fruits and vegetables. Amer. Railway C7S Perish. Freight Asso., Cir. U73-A, I9I0. 59 pp. The relation cf plant diseases to transportation. The diseases commonly found in shipments of the various kinds of -fruits and vegetables; frost injury. Preparation for successful shipping. Illustrations. Diagrams showing recommended load- ing plans.

Cruess, W. V. The fermentation organisms of California grapes. 500

Calif. Univ., Pubs. Agr. Sci., vol. U, no. 1, I9IS. C125AC 66 pp.

Refers largely to wine making.

- 20 -

Essig, E. 0. Important dried fruit insects in California. 2

Calif. Beot. Agr., M0 . Bui., vol. 9, no. J>, sup., C12M 1920, p. 119-125.

Moths and beetles infesting dried fruits. Control measures .

Eustace, H. J. A destructive apple rot following scab. N. Y. 100

(Geneva) Exp. Sta., Bui. 227, 1902, p. 367-3S9. NUg Pink mold invades the tissue where the epidermis is broken by scab. Greening especially affected.

Investigations on seme fruit diseases. N. Y. Exp. 100

Sta., Bui. 2Q7, 1902, p. 31-US. NUS Apple and peach rots in storage. Sulphur fumigation. The effect of cold storage on the development of the diseases of apples and peaches. Inoculation experi- ments; blue mold only, developed and caused decay v/hile held in storage for 2 months at 32 degrees r

Fawcett, G. L. The rot of citrus fruit. Porto Rico Progress, vol. 110

S, no. 1, Dec. 191U, p. 5-7. p3'3 Hot from Diplodia Natalensis, its nature and control, (folio)

Eawcett, H. S. Stem-end rot of citrus fruits. Ha. Exp. Sta., Bui. 100

107, 1911. 23 pp. F06S Description and control of the disease. A catalog of rots, spots and blemishes on citrus fruits in Florida is contained in the appendix.

Fisher, D. F. Factors that influence diseases of apples in storage. SO Better fruit, vol. lU, no. 3, 1919, p". 3-U. BUS A practical discussion va.lua.ble to those engaged in commercial handling.

Grossenbachor, J. G. Experiments on the decay of Florida oranges. U.S. 1

Dept. Agr., Bur. Plant Indus., Cir. 12U, I9I3, PoQC P. 17-29.

"Amnion iat ion" and "melanose". Condition of fruit at maturity, a resultant of the amount of moisture during growing season.

Halsted, B. D. Decay in the apnle barrel. Popular Sci,, vol. U3, U70 no. 1, 1893, P. 76-SU. Hi Pathology of apple rots as understood in ISP 3.

Hawkins, Lou A. Some effects of the brown-rot fungus upon the com- U50 position of the peach. Amer. Jour. Bot., vol. 2, kapjb no. 2, Feb. I915, p. 71-Sl.

The pentosan content remains the same , the acid content increases and the total sugar content de creases .


Link, George K, K. Handbook of the diseases of vegetables occurring 1

under market, storage and transit conditions. U. S, P6976E Dept. Agr., Bar. Plant Indus., 1919. 73 TP-

Designed primarily to aid inspectors of the Bureau of Markets in the detection of plant diseases on the market. Descriptions of diseases and other disturbances apt to affect vegetables upon arrival in the markets. Illustrated with colored photo- graphs .

Mansfield, A. B. Ripe-rot of stone-fruits. New Zealand Dept. Agr., 23

Jour. Agr., vol. 12, no. 3, Mar. 1916, p. 2lU-2l6. NUSJ Description and remedies for ripe-rot.

Martin, Geo. W. Brovvn blotch of the Sieffer rear. Phytopathology, USU.S vol. 3, no. 5, May, 3.91s, p. 23U-239. P56 Description,

Orchard experiment with Jonathan spot rot in 191U. U6U.g

Abstract in Pnytopathology, vol. k, no, 6, 131k, P56 p. UoS.

E:qperiments carried on in I91U shew results in harmony with those of 1913 described by Melville T. Coot, in "The Jonathan spot rot."

Morse, W. J.

Arsenate of lead as a fungicide for apple scab. Ab- U6U.3 stract in Pliytopathology, ,vol. 6, no. 1, I916, p. 113. P56 Spraying experiments with arsenate of lead gave successful results in four seasons.

Parker, Wm. B. Control of dried-fruit insects in California. U, S. 1

Dept. Agr., Bui. 235, 1915 . 13 pp. AgSUB The Indian-real moth and the dricd-fru.it beetle. Processing the fruit. Sealed packages .

Powell, G. Harold. Causes of citrus fru.it decay. Calif* Cultivator, 6

vol. 2U, no. 15, Apr. I905, p. 3^-3^5 . C12 A preliminary account of the investigations then being carried on by the Bureau of Plant Industry for the control of losses in citrus fruit during transportation and marketing.

The decay of oranges while in transit from California. 1

U. S. Dept. Agr. t , Bur,, Plant Indus., Bui. 123, 1Q0S. P69B 7^ PP.

A summary of investigations conducted on a commercial scale and supplemented by laboratory methods when possible which have involved the handling and inspec- tion of large quantities of oranges through all the operations from the trees in California to the markets in the East.

- 22 ~

Reed, E. S.

Schneider, 0.

Smith, CO.

York spot ind York skin-crack. Abstract in Phytopathology, vol. kt no. 6, 19lU, p. U05. Both the spot and the skin crack seem to be most abundant on trees under fifteen years of age.

Investigations on the growth and spread of de- cay fungi in storage fruit, Landw. Jahrbuch Schweiz, 25, I9II, p. 225-2^6. Relation of temperatures and ripeness to de- cays . ( German)

Sour rot of lemon in California-. Phytopathol- ogy* vol. 7, no. I, 1017, p. 37-41. A soft storage decay characterized by a pe- culiar sour odor. Description, cause.

Stakman, 2. C. A fruit spot of the Wealthy apple. Phytopath- ology, vol. U, no. k, 191k, p. 333-335- Prevalent in Minnesota. Investigations made but no definite conclusions reached.

Stevens, P. L. A destructive strawberry disease. Science, new ser., vol. 30, no. 1017, June, I91U, p. 9U9-95O. Investigations at Hammond, indicate that molds and leaks are caused by the fungi. Botrytis and Phis opus.

Some problems of plant pathology in reference to

transportation. Phytopathology, vol. nc« Apr. I915, p. 103-110.

Pathological problems concerning changes occurring in fruit in transit are important but not widely studied.

Some new strawberry fungi. Phytopathology, vol. 6,

no. 3, 1Q16, p. 2S3-267. Descriptions and illustrations.

Citrus canker. Fla. Ex-p. Sta., Bui. 128, I9I5, 20 pp.

Disease affects bark, leaves and fruit. History, appearance and eradication,,

Some changes produced in strawberry fruits by Phiz opus Nigricans. Phytopathology, vol. 7, no. 1917, p. 173-13U.

The bio-chemical changes brought about by this fungus on the various constituents of the straw- berry.


17 L23




U70 Sci2


Stevens, E. S.

Stevens, N. E.





- 23 -

Stevens, N. E. The effect of endrot fungus on cranberries, U50 Amer. Jour. Bot., vol. 6, no. 6, 1919, -^3^ p. 235-2I4I.

A chemical and histological study of the endrot fungus . II lus trat ions .

Rhizopus rot of strawberries in transit, U. S. 1

Dept. Agr., Bui. 531, 1Q17, 20 pp. AgSUB Description of the rot and factors that accel- erate or restrict its development in transit.

Turley, H. E. New fruit fungi found on the Chicago market. kjO

Science, vol. 50, Oct. 17, 1919, p. 375-376. sci2 Description of diseases rather than a study of the fungi.

See also Cold storage, fruits.; Handling, fruits; Pre cooling; Ripening and respiration, fruits.


A "bacterial rot of onions. West Indies Dept. Agr., West Indian S

Bui., vol. 5, I90U, p. I3U-I39. W522 Experiments indicate that keeping onions dry is the one important point in the prevention of bacterial rot.

Bailey, F. D. Powdery scab of potatoes in Oregon. Science, U70

vol. U2, Sept. 2U, 1915, p. Sci2 Short. Eirst appearance of powdery scab west of Rocky Mountains .

Barre, H. W. Sweet potato rots. S. C. Exp. Sta., Rept. 1911, 100

p. U9-5I. SoS

A report of tests regarding methods of storing sweet potatoes to prevent rots.

Beal, W. H. Storage of sweet potatoes. Rotting of potatoes 1

in storage. 0*. S. Dept. Agr., Farm Bui. 273, AgSkF 1906, p. 9-11.

Practical measures for preventing storage rots of sweet potatoes as determined at the Alabama, Maine and Vermont Stations.

Berry, James 3. Diseases of sweet potatoes. G&. St. Coll. of 276 Agr., Bui. l6l, I9IS. S pp. G29B Harvesting. Field diseases and molds. Storage house conditions*

- 2k -

Carpenter, C. W.

Fraser, W. P.-

Gussow, H. J.

Harter, L. L.

Some potato tuber-rots caused by species of 1 Pu.sariutn0 U. S, Dept* Agr., Jour. Agr. Re- AgZkJ

5, Nov. I9I5, p. 183-210, Dry rot, jelly-end rot.

search, vol„ 5 s no' Method of testing. Inoculation. Eight plates,

Storage rots of potatoes, and other vegetables, Uo^.9 Quebec Soc. Protec. Plants, Rept. 6, I9I3-IU, Q3 p. 5O-5I,

Description of rots common to potatoes in stor- age; measures for protection*

The storage rots of potatoes. Canada Exp. .. 101 Farms, Sept.. I9I3, p. USO-U92. Ex6R Description of potato storage rots due to or- ganisms. Suggestions for proper storage methods..

The decay of cabbage in storage. U. S. Dept. 1 Agr.., Bar. Plant Indus., Cir. 39, 1909.. S pp. P69C The results of investigations concerning the decay of cabbage in storage; suggestions for control.

Haskell, R. J.

Humbert, J.. G.

Sweet potato diseases. U. S. Dept. Agr., Farm 1. Bui. 1059, I9I9, p. 19-21. AggtyF Description of the five most important storage rots with some suggestions for control.

Sweet potato storage rots. U. S. Dept. Agr., 1 Jour. Agr. Research, vol. 15, no. 6, p. 337-6S. AgSUJ Description of 17 fungi responsible for stor- age rots in sweet potatoes. Bibliography.

A Fusariun tuber and stem rot of potato. Ab- kSk^E stract in Phytopathology, vol. 6, no. 1, I916, F>6 P. 106-107.

A virulent stem and tober rot which affects po- tatoes in storage.

Potato wilt and tuber rot caused by Fusarrum k£>k*8 Eumartii. Phytopathology, vol. 6, no. k, P56 19l65 p. 321-327.

Inoculations show that Fusarium Eumartii may cause both a vine wilt and a tuber rot.

The neck rot of white onions. Ohio Exp. Sta.. 100 Mo. 3uU, vol. 1„ no. 6, I916, p. 76-lSO. 0h3S Control by sanitation and fumigation.

- 25 ••«•

Jamieson, Clara 0. Phoma Destructive, the cause of a fruit 1

rot of the tomato. .'U. S, Dept. Agr., Jour. AgSUJ Agr„ Research, vol. |f, no., la 1915- 20 pp» An active ground parasite of green and ripe tomatoes which causes rot.

Link, G. K. A physiological study of two strains of Fusar- U5O ium in their causal relation to tuber rot and B652 wilt of potato. Botan. Gaz.a vol. 62, no. 3* Sept. 151b, p. I69-209,

Experimental infection. Habits of growth and carbon sources of the two organisms.

Lutman, B. P. Some observations on ordinary beet scab. Phy- U6U.S topathology, vol, 5, no. 1, 1915, p. 30-31** ?56 The beet scab is caused by the same organism as the potato scab,

McAlpine, D. Experimental results in their relation to bitter U6U-.06 pit. Bitter Pit Investigation (Australia), MllB Rept. k, I91U-I5. 17S pp„

A general summary of the bitter pit investiga- tions in Australia including:

(1) Development of bitter pit after apples are gathered,

(2) Bio-chemical researches on bitter pit. For the most part apples become affected while still on the tree.

(3) Cold storage experiments.

There are five reports of the Bitter Pit Inves- tigation in which the disease of bitter pit is discussed at some length »

Melchers, L. E, Black spot of pepper. Abstract in Phytopathology, U6U.S vol. 7, no. 1, 1917, p. 63. P56 Renders fruit unsalable. Sweet peppers are most susceptible than the hot varieties.

Melhus, I.E. A Phoma rot of Irish potatoes. Abstract in Phy- U6U.S topathology, vol. ht no. 1, I91U, p. hi. P56 Studies of blight when celery is stored in car- lots at 31 to 32 degrees.

Silver scurf, a disease of the potato. U. S. 1

Dept. Agr., Eur. Plant Indus., Cir. 12 7, 1913, P69C P. 15-2U.

Causes disfiguration and abnormal shrinkage.

Munn, M. T. Neck-rot disease of onions. N. Y. Exp. Sta», 100 Bui. U37, 1917, p. 365-U5O. NUS Causes, factors favorable to infection, methods of control.

25 -

Orton, W. A.

Watermelon diseases. TJ. S. Dept. Agr., Farm Bui, 821, 1917, p. 6-1S. Description of rots and their control.

Osmun, A. Vincent Ring-spot of cauliflower. Phytopathology,

vol. R, no. 5, I915, p. 260-265. Description, causes. No suggestions for con- trol. Affects cabbage also.

Pethybridge, G. H. Observations on the cause of the common dry

rot of the potato tuber in the British Isles, Roy. Dublin Soc, Sci. Proc, new ser., vol. 15, no. 21, I9I7, p. 193-222. Study of fungus causing dry rot.

Ramsey, G. B,

Reddick, D.

Rosehbaum, J.

Shapovalov, M.

Sherbakoff, CD.

Stevens, F. L.

Tuber rot in potato shipment. Ext. News Letter 95, I9I9. Tuber rot prevalent in I9IS crop.

Me. Coll. Agr.

Decay of celery in storage. Abstract in Phy- topathology, vol. U, no. 1, I91U, p. U5. ' Report on a late blight disease which causes storage rot in celery.

The origin and spread of tomato fruit rots in transit. Phytopathology, vol. S, no. 11, 191S, p. 572-5SO".

The conclusion is reached that most tomato rots originate in the field and spread during transit.

Effect of temperature on germination and

growth of the common potato-scab organism.

U. S. Dept. Agr., Jour. Agr. Research, vol. kt

no. 2, May 15, 1915, p. I29-I33.

Results of experiments on several strains

isolated from diseased potatoes from Maine,

Vermont and Wisconsin.

Buckeye rot of tomato fruit. Phytopathology, vol. 7, no. 2, 1917, p. H9-I29. Description, cause, control.

Black spot of onion sets. 111. Exp. Sta., Bui. 220, I9I9, p. 507-32. A study of the three types of black spot which affect onions to the extent of 60 to SO per cent as shown by examinations in mar- kets and stores. Illustrations.



U6U.S P56



275.29 M2glE

U6U-.S P56

U6U.S P56



U6U.S P56

100 ll6S

- 27 -

Stewart, F. C. Blackheart and the aeration of potatoes in storage.

N. Y. Erp. Sta., Bui. U36, 1917, p. 32^"3^2'

Insufficient aeration causes blackheart; size of tuber apparently not important. Experiments to determine how deeply it is safe to pile potatoes.

Taubenhaus, J. J. Soil stain and pox, two little known diseases of

the sweet potato. Abstract in Phytopathology, vol. U, no. 6, I91U, p. U05.

The soil stain is a disease of the epidermis only. The pox is similar to the scab of white potatoes.

Studies in the control of storage rots of the sweet

potato. Abstract in Phytopathology, vol. 6, no. .1, 1916, p. 106.

The necessity of ventilation, fumigation and the use of fungicides.

Recent studies of some new or little known diseases

of the sweet potato. Phytopathology, vol. U, no. U, 1914, p. 3C5-317.

Studies on black rot, charcoal rot, Java black rot, stem rot and ring rot.

A bacterial disease of cultivated mushrooms. Phytopathology, vol. 5, no. 1, I9I5, p. 51-53* Value of mushrooms, not yield, is diminishod.

Control of neck rot and Anthracnose of onion sets. Phytapathology, vol. S, no. 2, 1918, p. 70. Prevention of neck rot by artificial drying*


Tolaas, A. G.

Walker, J. G,

Wolf, Frederick A. Fruit rots of egg plant. Abstract in Phytopathol- ogy, vol. If, no. 1, I91U, p. 38. Excretion of fungus, Ascochyta Hortoriura, causes disintegration of tissues.


46U.S P56


U6U.S P56



Sge also Common storage, vegetables; Transportation.

- 2S **


Bioletti, P. T,

Dried wine grapes. Calif. Bd. St. Viticul. Com., Bui. 15, 1919, p. 6~2g,

An evaporator for wine grapes. Illustrations.

95-9 C12B

Saving raisins "by sulfuring. Calif. Exp. Sta., Cir. 100 211, 1919. U pp. C12S Tests at Kearney Experiment Vineyard, Description of sulfuring hood; plans, specifications, illustrations.

Bliss, R. Z.

Brown, F. R.

Home fruit and vegetable drying. Iowa St, Coll. Agr., Ext. Bui. 65, 191 S. k pp„

Tables showing preparation, temperature, appear- ance of dried product. Description of various simple driers for horns use. Elementary.

The drying of prunes. Oreg. Exp. Sta., Crop Pest and Hort. Sept. 1911-1912, p. 5I-5S. Tunnel and stack dryers. Description of the process.

Caldwell, J. S. Evaporation of apples. Wash, Exp. Sta., Bui.

131, 1916. lio" pp.

Extensive treatment. Types of evaporators, cost of construction, equipment. Grading and packing the dried fruit. Includes a review of litera- ture relating to the subject,

Farm and home drying of fruits and vegetables.

U. S. Dept. Agr., Farm. Bui. 9SU, 191S. 6l pp. A discussion of the possibilities, principles, methods and preparation of fruits and vegetables for drying.

Christie, A.

Corbett, L. C.

Cruess, W. V.

The University farm evaporator. Calif. Dept. AgT., Mo. Bui., vol. 9, no. 3, sup., 1920, p. 125-131.

Description, ground plan. Facts deduced from experiments in treatment of grapes.

Raspberries. U. S. Dept. Agr., Farm. Bui. 213, 19C5, P. 16-35*

Harvesting the crop. Curing raspberries by evaporation and sun drying.

The evaporation of vegetables. Calif. St. Com. Hort., Mo. Bui., vol. S, no. 3, I919, p. 93-100,

Types of evaporators for commercial and domestic uses .

275.2 109

100 0r3









Evaporators for prune drying. Calif. Exp. Sta., Cir. 213, 1919. 30 pp.

Theory of evaporation. Construction and use of various kinds of evaporators for commercial use.

100 C12S

- 2 q *■

Cruess. W. V,

Types of evaporators. Calif. Dept. Agr., Mo. Bui. 2 vol. 9, no. 39 sup., 1920, p. IOU-II3.

Dosch, Henry E.

Discussion of principles. General forms: Natural draft, forced draft, distillation.

Evaporation of fruits. Calif. Fruit Grow., vol. 19, nos. 3 and 9, Aug. IS96, p. 1^3, 1°3- Heat and circulation are the great principles. Economy in labor and fuel. Evaporating prunes, pears, apples.

Drying of fruits and vegetables and preservation of vegetables by

fermentation and salting. Ontario Dept. Agr., Cir. 12, 191s. 23 pp.

Methods, apparatus and storage for domestic rathsr than commercial use.

Gould, H. P.

Howard, G. L. C.

Hudson, A. W.

Johnson, M. 0.

Kirkpatrick, E. L,

Evaporation of apples. U. S. Dept. Agr., Farm. Bui. 291, 1907. 3S pp. Evaporators and appliances. The process of drying. Handling and storing the dried fruit.

The sun drying of vegetables. Quetta, Fruit Exp. Sta., Bui. S, 191S. 20 pp. Methods for sun drying vegetables in India and suggestions for application in the United States.

The evaporator and rain-damaged prunes. Calif. Dept. Agr., Mo. Bui., vol. 9, no. 3, sup., 1920, p, IIS-II9.

An evaporator to be used in an emergency, auxiliary to sun-drying operations.

Drying ^as a method of food preservation in Hawaii. Hawaii Exp. Sta., Ext. Bui. 7, I9IS. 31 PP-

Principles of drying. Three methods J Air dry- ing, heated-air drying, vacuum drying. Des- cription of a home-made air drier used in Hawaii. Effect of drying on the banana, sweet potato, Irish potato.

Drying fruits and vegetables in New York State. N. Y. St. Coll. Agr., Cornell Head. Course for Farm, Les. 132, I9IS, p. 137-203. Kiln evaporator, tomx drier, dehydrator. Gen- eral directions for preparation, processing and storing various fruits and vegetables.


SO C12









275.29 H3I



Kraeger, F. 0,

Home drying of fruits and vegetables in Wash- 275,29 ington. Wash, St. Coll., Ext. Serv. Pub., ser. W27P 1, no. 57, 1919. 31 pp.

Construction and operation of driers. Special processes. Preparation of various fruits and vegetables,, Tables made up from reports of the Weather Bureau show the varying conditions of^ sunshine > temperature and humidity in differ- ent parts of the State in order that their rela- tion to the principles of drying may be studied.

Macfarlane, M,

Preservation of fruits and vegetables for home use. Can. Dept. Agr., Ero, Farms, Bui. 93, 193S, p. 13-20.

Methods, directions and time tables for differ- ent vegetables.

101 C33B

Peglion, V.

Prescott, S. C.

Po'taW drying. R. Accad. Lincei, Comitato 3S9.S Sci. Alimen. Pubblicazioni, no, 5, I9IS. 11 pp. R6b Methods and machinery. (Italian)

Coffinereial dehydration. Arcer. Acad. Politt and 2S0.9 Social Sci., Annals, vol. S3, no. 172, 'May I919, Am3U p. US- 69. -

History of dehydration in America. Systems. Ad- vantages. Reduction in weight and bulk of various vegetables. Nutritive value. Desirability as compared with canned product. Tables.

Preservation of food. ' Ohio Agr. Coll., Ext. Bui., vol. lU, no. 1,

1913-19, p. ,12-19.

Drying, fermentation,, salting. Elementary; home use. .

275.29 Oh32

Razous, P.


309 R21

Rutishauser, J. Showell, H.

Theory and practice of industrial drying, ed. rev., Paris, 1919. 252 pp. Principle of evaporation. Types of hot air driers, heating systems. Commercial 'drying of a variety of materials including fruit and vege- tables. (French)

Potato drying.- Berne, Ferd Wyss, 191S. 51 pp. 75 Potato drying as carried on in Germany. (German) R§3

Dipping and drying the Sultana. * South Aus. Dept. Agr., Jour., vol. 20, no. S, Mar. 1917, p. 667-671.

The fruit, the dip 'and drying.

25 , SoSU

- 31 -

Tufts, W. P. The Oregon ttmnel evaporator. Calif. Dept. 2

. Agr., Mo. Bal., vol. 9, no. 3, sup., 1920, C12M p. 131-133.

Fundamentals, operation. The favorite type for prunes.

Wood, Bessie S, Drying and brining fruits and vegetables. Ga. 276

Coll. Agr., Bui- 156, vol. 7, no. 1, 1918. G29B 12 pp„

Drying: Sun, cooks tove, kiln. Brining for domestic use*

See also Common storage, vegetables; Decays and

physiological disturbances; Handling, fruits; Packing, packages and grades; Precooling; Transportation.



Ashby, T. H. How to prevent decay of our citrus fruits.

51a. AgrM vol. 31, no. 39, Sept. 190^, p. 6ll. Ways of decreasing the enormous losses in the transit of citrus fruit.

Busey, Samuel C. The gathering, packing, transportation and sale

of fresh vegetables and fruits. New York, 1875- 15 PP.

Competent inspection and free markets for producers.

Campbell, J. A. Co-operation, central packing, and cool storage in 23

the fruit industry. New Zealand Dept. Agr., IWgJ Jour. Agr., vol. 17, no. 6., Dec. 191S, p. 337-3^ General discussion of the problems involved in handling fruit from orchard to market.

Careful handling, precooling, cold storage and transportation inves- 7

tigations. Brit. Col. Dept. Agr,, Repts. g, 9, B77R 1913, 191^. P. 37-3S, g^-g6.

Packing and cutting rhubarb. Shipping strawberries and raspberries. Precooling plant. Cold storage of apples*

Corbett, L. C,

DeOng, E. R.

Color as an indication of the picking maturity of fruits and vegetables. U. S. Dept. Agr., Year- book 19l6, p. 99-IO6.

Results of experiments conducted by the Department of Agriculture. Apples - colored plates showing various stages of maturity; relation to storage period. Tomatoes - conditions determing storage.

What hinders dried fruit sales. Calif. St. Com. Hort., Mo. Bui., vol. g, no. 5, 1919, p. 2^0-2^3. Insect infestation of dried fruit.

Dyer, Francis J. Improved methods of fruit-handling. Amer. Rev.

of Rev., vol. 39, no. 3, I9O9, p. 305-3IO.

A survey of handling and precooling investigations

and general fruit shipping methods up to I9C9*

Farrington, E. I. When to pick the fruit. Coun. Life, vol. 32, no. 6, Oct. 1917, p. 80.

When to pick different varieties for domestic use.

Fawcett, H* S.

Spotting of citrus fruits. Calif. St. Com. Hort. Mo. Bui., vol. kt no. 9, Sept. 1915, pr V5U-U35. Careless handling especially during cool, moist weather causes "green spots."








CS32 2


- 33 -

Franklin, H. J,

Gould, H. P.

Greene, Laurens.

Gunderson, A. J,

Hood, S. C.

Iorns, M. J.

Kains, M. G.

Lewis, CI,

Lewis, I. P.

Report of the cranberry substation for 1915» 100 Mass. Exp* Sta., Bui, l68, 1916, p. 5-2^. M38H Factors affecting the amount of shrinkage of cranberries in storage and in transportation.

Report of the cranberry substation for 19l6. 100 Mass. Exp; Sta,, Bui. 180, 1917, P- 133-239* M3gH Results of various methods of hauling and storing cranberries.

Peach growing. New York, 1918. U26 pp. 93 A general treatment of the subject of grow- GJ3 ing peaches which contains some discussion of picking, packing and transportation*

Proper handling of frozen apples* Ind. Hort, 81 Soc, Trans. 1917, 271-276. In2 Practical experiences show that freezing is not injurious if apples are allowed to thaw slowly. Discussion,

A trip to the Fort Valley peach district of 81

Georgia. 111. Hort. Soc, Trans., new ser., Il6

vol. 50, 1916, p. 168-171.

Picking, packing, marketing. The Georgia

Fruit Exchange.

A detailed description of a new machine for % peeling citrus fruits. U. S. Dept., Agr., Aggl+B Bui. 399, 1916, p. 13-19. Illustrations. Suggestions for operating.

Picking and packing citrus fruits. Porto 100 Rico Exp. Sta*, Cir- 8, I9O9. 18 pp. P83C Field and packing house operations. Sug- gestions concerning the processes involved from curing to transportation to market.

Do you know when fruit is ripe? Garden Mag.t 80 vol. 28, no. 1, Aug, I9I8, p. 17-18. G-1&L2 How and when to pick various kinds of fruit.

Harve sting and preparing prunes fox- evapora- 80 tion. Better Fruit, vol. lhr no* 29 I919. 6 pp. BU6 Methods and time of pickingj sorting, brown rot infection, grading, dipping, rinsing*

Using an apple sizing machiner. Ohio Exp. Sta., 100 Mo. Bui., vol. h, no. 7, <^uly 1919, p., 221-22^. 0h3S Types, Operation.

... 3^ -

Citrus fruit handling and storage. Ela, Eort. Soe.j Proc<. 26th Meet., 1913, p. 3O-U5. Relation of careful handling to keeping qualities of citrus fruits as seen in Bureau of Plant Industry tests in Florida,

Sorting cat frosted oranges and lemons. Sci. Amer.f vol* 111, no, 25, Dec. 19, 191^, p. 512. BeacriptiQfi of a water separator which determines the specific gravity of fruit so that it is pos- sible to pick out the frozen specimens.

The handling of Porto Eican oranges, grape fruit and pineapples. Porto Rico, Insular Exp. Sta., Bui. 7, 191^. 59 PP.-

Relation of careful handling to the decay in transit of Porto Rican fruits. Twenty-four il- lustrations.

The handling and storage of apples. Me. Dept. Agr., Bui., vol. 17, no. 3, 1918, p. 77-81* General discussion of factors entering into successful marketing*

Keeping quality of citrus fruit treated to eli- minate frosted fruit. Calif. Cultivator, vol* 32, no. 19, 1912, p. 582, 599, 607. A review of the results of using distillate or kerosene oil and of alcohol in separating fros- ted fruit as regards flavor and decay.

The handling of plant-ripened pineapples. (Unpublished) U. S. Dept. Agr., Bur. Mar. and Crop Est., files*

Maturity and picking. Demonstration of careful handling and proper refrigeration in successfully marketing hard, ripe pineapples.,

Harvesting, packing and marketing the apple crop. Pa. St. Coll., Ext, Cir. 50, 19x60 kk pp. Picking - Time, receptacles* Grading - New York Law, methods > machinery* Backing - Houses, package Shipping. Storage* Marks tiiig*

Report on experiment in picking, packing, handling* cool-storage $ and transportation of peaches. Vic- toria Dept. Agr,, Jovr., vol» 14, no. 1, 191^» P. ^1-55-

Tabulated results of experiment.,

A chemical process of peeling peaches* S. Car* Exp. Sta., Bui. 196, I91g„ g pp.

The process, equipment. Plan for vat. Illustrations.

- 35 -

and cu^; is -L;.i England, Us S. Dept. Agr., Sec. 1

Foreign Mar,, Cir. 1, 1895. 2 pp. F75C Suggestions for harvesting and packing peaches for the English market,

Powell, G-. Harold, The clecay of oranges while in transit from 1

California, U. S. Dept. Agr., Bur, Plant Indus., P69B Bui, 123, 190g. 79 pp.

The rs suits of investigations covering several years in connection with field and shipping condi- tions0 Charts showing results of careful handling and precooling. This publication covers work that opened a new epoch in fruit transportation,

, The handling of fruit for transportation* U. S. 1

Dept. Agr., Yearbook 1905, p. 3^362. Agg^Y A survey of increased shipments of perishables, causes of decay, early attempts with refrigeration in transit and cooling before shipment*

Ramsey, H. J. Factors governing the successful shipment of red 1

raspberries from the Puyallup Valley. U. S. Dept. Aggl+B Agr., Bui. 2jk , I915. 37 pp.

Experiments made in the seasons 1911, 1912, 1913> with the handling, precooling and shipping of rasp- berries. Recommendations,

The handling and shipping of fresh cherries and 1

prunes from the Willamette Valley. U. S. Dept. AggUB Agr., Bui. 331r 1916. 2S pp.

The results of handling and precooling experiments with sweet cherries and plums during the seasons of 1911 and 1913.

___ Handling and shipping citrus fruits in the Gulf 1

States. U. S. Dept. Agr., Farm. Bui. 696, I915. AggUF 23 pp.

A practical discussion of the subject, covering careful handling, precooling, methods of shipment and cold storage,

_ Lemon handling. (Unpublished) U. S. Dept. Agr.,

Bu. Mar. and Crop Est., files.

Extensive handling and storage experiments carried on in California.

Rogers, J. M. A simple and effective method of protecting citrus U6U.S

fruits against stem-end rot. Phytopathology, vol. P56 7, no.. 5, Oct. 1917, p. 361-367.

Citrus fruits may be protected to a great degree by shellacking the stem-end.

- 36-

Shamel, A. D. A humidifier for lemon curing rooms. U. S. Dept. 1

Agr., Bui. U9U, 1917. 10 pp. Aggi+B Design and operation of a humidifier.

Sievers, A. F. A preliminary study of the forced curing of lemons 1

as practiced in California. U. S. Dept. Agr., P69B Bureau of Plant Indus., Bui. 232, 1912* 3S pp. A report on an investigation made to ascertain the effectiveness and control of factors involved in the forced curing of lemons. The investigation concerns the process rather than the effect of the treatment.

Smith, Edwin. Methods of fruit picking and handling. Brit- Col. 82 Dept. Agr., Hort. Br., Cir. 27, 1912. 7 pp. B77 Injuries to fruit in harvesting and shipping and the reduction of losses "by careful handling.

_ Methods of handling basket fruits. Canada Dept. ^.9

Agr., Dairy and Cold Stor. Com., Bui. 52, I917 CloB 13 PP.

Methods in use at the Grimsby precooling plants to reduce the cost of handling fruit in and out of the warehouse.

Stokes, F. G. The dried pear industry. Calif. St. Com. Hort., 2

Mo. Bui., vol. 6, no. % I917, p. 12-19. C12M Suggestions for handling pears preparatory to drying.

A story about sawdust. World's Work, vol. 2g, no. k, 191^ p. 3SO. 110

Shipping grapes in sawdust. WS9

Stubenrauch, A. V.Factors governing the successful shipment of 1

oranges from Florida. tJ. S. Dept. Agr., Bui. 63, AgS^B 1914-. 50 pp.

Results of handling, precooling and shipping in- vestigations lasting seven years.


Fruit handling and precooling investigations. Better Fruit, vol. 7, no. 5, Nov. 1912, p. 59-65. B46 An article with tables showing results of shipping grapes, oranges, raspberries, cherries and prunes.

The handling of deciduous fruits on the Pacific 1 Coast. U. S. Dept. Agr., Yearbook I9O9, p. 3^5-37^ Ag&Y inscription of harvesting and shipping methods. ■Precooling.

The relation of handling to decay in California 1 navel oranges; season of I9IO-II. U. S. Dept. P69B Agr., Bur. Plant Indus., Bui. 676, 1911. 7 pp%

£2£tJ*!*525oS£ me^^cal injuries and natural de- SSEiLf0* 2®Sff« and the effect of washing, brushing, careful handling, and high packing on deSay. '


Swope, C. A.

Tanner. J. M.

Tenny, Lloyd S.

Walker, Ernest*

Waugh, Frank A.

Webber, H. J.

Willi ts, P.

Winslow, R. M.

Young, W. J.

See also

Planting, gathering and marketing the cherry. Kans, Hort. Soc, Trans., vol* 3U. 19X7 1 P- SO-S3. Packing. Marketing; need of organization.

Spraying, harvesting and marketing the peach. 111. Hort. Soc, Trans., new ser., vol. 51 » 1917, p. 33*i-3Sg.

Picking, packing, grading. Discussion*

The decay of Florida oranges while in transit and on the market. IT. S. Dept. Agr., Bur? Plant Indus., Cir. 19, I9OS. S pp. Results of experiments in handling Florida oranges carried on in 1906-1907*

Suggestions on the storage of apples, Exp. Sta., Cir. 13* I9II. k pp. Handling apples for storage.


Fruit harvesting, storing, marketing* New York, 1914. 22k pp.

The fruit market; picking; grading and packing; the fruit package; fruit storage.

A study of the effects of freezes on citrus in California. Calif. Exp. Sta., Bui. 30^, 1919, p.

The freeze of I913 in California. Changes that take place in frozen oranges and lemons. A test of the efficiency of orchard heating.

Causes of unnecessary decay in lemons* Calif. St, Com. Hort., Mo. Bul», vol. no. 6, I916, p. 213-216.

Handling lemons to avoid decay.

Careful handling, precooling and cold storage investigations. Brit. Col. Dept. Agr., Kept. S, 1913, p. 37-3S.

Investigations concerning handling and storing rhubarb, strawberries, raspberries and apples.

Handling apples for storage. Wash. Exp. Sta,, Pop. Bui. 72, I91U. S pp.

Pick fruit when hard ripe and place in storage as soon as possible.

Cold storage, fruits; Common storage, fruits; Transportation.


SI 116



100 ArU2



100 C12S





100 W27E

Brebm, C. E.

Butler, 0,

Carver, Geo,

Cole, E.

- 3S -


Harvesting peas. Conn. Gent. vol. Si, no. 21, 1916, p. 107S.

Best methods for harvesting peas.

The sweet-corn harvest. Coun. Gent., vol, SI, no. 2^, igi6, p. 1198.

Some general suggestions for successful harvesting.

Effect of wounds on loss of weight of potatoes. Amer. Soc. Agron., Jour., vol. 11, no. Oct. 1919, p. 30^-305.

Experiments on uninjured and bruised potatoes stored for 111 days at S to 10°C. Tables.

Saving the sweet potato crop. Ala. (Tuskegee) Bui. 10, 1906. 14 pp.

Directions for handling sweet potatoes to prevent decay in storage.

Pea curing in Texas. Tex. Dept. Agr., Bui. IS, new ser. 6 pp* Equipment and procedure.

Experiments on the storage of onions. The Agr. News (Barbados),

vol. 10, no. 23S, 1911, p. 191, A test on a small scale to determine the value of treating onions with slaked lime, flowers of sulphur, carbon dioxide gas, Bordeaux mixture, 1-1000 corrosive sublimate solution, and sulphur dioxide gas.


CS33 6

CS33 14.


100 A115B





Eitch, C. L.

Grimes, A. M.

Howard, H. M.

Hull, M.

The potato industry of Colorado. Colo. Exp. Sta„, Bui. 175, 1910> p. 12-11+, 3UJ12, 1+5-60. A discussion of all phases of the potato industry in Colorado including quality, protection from frost, diseases. Potato cellar construction and management. Marketing.

Handling and loading southern new potatoes. U. S. Dept. Agr., Farm Bui. 1050, I9I9. IS pp. "DonUs" for potato diggers. Grading. Loading the cars.

The growing and marketing of squashes, melons and cucumbers. Mass. St. Bd. Agr., Bui. 5 (3 rd ed. rev.), I9IS, p. 116-125.

General discussion including suggestions for suc- cessful harvesting.

Harvesting sweet potatoes. la. Agr. Coll., Ext. Cir. H-69, I919. (Mimeographed). Digging. Crates.

100 C71S





275.29 L93H

- 39 -

Hull, M. Sweet potato storage house disinfection. ?7g|5;29

La. Agr. Coll., Ext. Cir. H-70, 1919 (Mimeographed):. X93H Application of formaldehyde.

McKay, A. W. The handling and transportation of cantaloupes, 1

U. S. Dept. Agr., Farm Bui. Il4 5, 1921. 21 pp. Ag84F (Revision of Mar. Doc. 9 and 10).

Investigations show that careful handling decreases mold and decay in cantaloupes. Beneficial results from picking at proper maturity and from shipping without wrapping.

Macoun, W. T. Digging and storing of potatoes. Canada Dept. Agr., 101 Exp. Farms, Pam. 15. k pp. C332 Suggestions for digging potatoes. Temporary and cooperative storage.

Malpeaux, L. Harvesting and storing potatoes. Vie Agr. Rural e, l4 vol. 6, no. HO, Sept. I9I0, p. 238-244.. V67 Time and methods of harvesting and storing. Directions for proper storage conditions. Comparison of composition of lots stored in pits and in cellars. ( French)

Maturity of Cauliflower affects shrinkage. Market Grow. Jour., 6

vol. 24, no. 6, 1919, p. 230. M34 Experiments at Oregon Station to determine the re- lation of time of cutting to loss in weight.

More, C. T. Commercial handling, grading and marketing of pota- 1

toes. U. S. Dept. of Agr., Farm. Bui. 753. 1917* AgS4F 42 pp.

Special attention is given to sizing, grading, stand- ardization, containers, brands.

Newman, C. L. Sweet potato experiments. Ark. Exp. Sta., Bui, 72, 100 1902, p. 40-43. Ar42 Treatment for storage.

Pittuck, B. C. Cabbage. Tex. Exp. Sta.r Bui. 69, I9O3, p. 27-28. 100 Cutting. Packing. Suggestions for ventilating T3IS in cars.

Proper lettuce harvesting. Coun. Gent., vol. SI, no. 9, Feb.. 26, 6

1916, p. 452. CS33 Careless cutting and packing is the cause of much loss.

Round, L. A. Preservation of vegetables by fermentation and salt- 1

ing. U. S. Dept. Agr., Farm. Bui. 881, 1917. 11 pp.Ag34F Principles, equipment, procedure.

Stewart, F. C. Formaldehyde gas injury to potato tubers. Abstract

in Phytopathology, vol. 4, no. 1, p. 38* p5°

Conditions under which fumigation with formaldehyde gas results in injury. Formaldehyde injuries show depressed areas of dead brown tissue.

Thompson, H. C. Asparagus. U. S, Dept. Agr., Farm. Bui. 829, IS1"?* 1

p. 9-12. Agg4F Oat ting, packing.

Treatment of frozen potatoes. Sci. Amer. Sup., vol. 85, no. 219 8, ^70

Feb. 16, 1918, p. 99. Sci25C

A drying process not practicable on a commercial scale.

Waid, C. 1.

Muskmelon culture in Michigan. Mich. Exp. Sta.,

Spec. Bui. 95, I919, p. H-13.

Harvesting, marketing. General discussion.

Wheeler, Frank. Growing and marketing asparagus. Mass. St. Bd.

Agr., Bui. 5 (3rd ed rev.), I9I8, p. 159-1 63. Cutting, length, bunches, tying machines.

100 M58S



Young, Robt. A, The dasheen, a root crop for the Southern States. 1

U. S. Dept. Agr., Bur. Plant Indus., Cir. 127, 1913, P69C P- 31-33.

Harvesting, grading, storage.


Blair, J. C. Cold storage on the farm, Amer. Agr.f 6

vol* 72, nos. 1*+, 15, Oct, 1903, p. 26S-270; Am3 2gg, 290.

Specifications, construction, plans for a cold storage.

Bonham, CM. Precooling and fruit storage investigations. 7

Canada Dept. Agr., Agr. Gaz., vol. 6, ClbG no. 2, 1919, p. lUl-1^2.

The work at the Grimshy Warehouse in 191S.

Bowen, John T. Ice houses and the use of ice on the dairy 1

farm. U. S. Dept. Agr., Farm. Bui. 623, 1915. AgS^F 2k pp.

How to build insulated and uninsulated ice houses. The farmer1 s ice house - construction, insulation, drainage, waterproofing. Plans. Written especially for the dairy farmer.

Central cold storage warehouse, Chicago. Ice and Eefrig. , 295*3 vol. 53, no. 1+, Oct. 1917, p. 121-126. Ic2 A description of on© of the most up-to-date cold storage warehouses; capacity 3 million cubic feet. Building, insulation, machinery, refrigeration* Plans, illustrations.

Cold-air refrigeration plant. Power, vol. ^2, no. 20, 1915, 290.S p. 6$, PS7 Description of a model packing house on the Pacific Coast in which refrigeration is accomplished by means of the circulation of cold air through air ducts.

Cold storage warehouses. Amer. Asso. Eefrig., Proc. 1915» 295-9 p. 71-33. Am3 Report of committee of the National Fire Protec- tion Association on manufacturing risks and special hazards. Location, construction, waterproofing, insulation, refrigeration and fire protection of cold storages.

Corhett, L. C. Ice houses. U. S. Dept. Agr., Farm. Bui. 1

^75, 1911. 20 pp. AgSUF Types and construction of ice houses. Relation of the ice supply to fruit storage.

- , . . ■»

. ' '

Fruit and vegetable storage structures. Concrete, vol. 11» no. 2, Aug. 1917, P. 37-33.

The possibilities of concrete for fruit and vegetable storage structures. Plans*

Graham, P. R*

Hansen, H. F,

Ice cold storage on the farm. Ontario Dept. Agr., Bui. 207, 1912. *+S pp. A good description of ice cold storages for the farm. The storage of ice. Plans.

A successful cold storage for apples. Minn. Hort. vol. U1+, no. 6, June 1916, p. 2^3-2Ulj-. (Published by Minn. Hort. Soc. as Trees, Fruits and Flowers of Minn.) Directions for building a farm storage.

Large apple storage warehouse. Ice and Eefrig. , vol. 5^» no. 3, March I9I8, p. 15^-15&* Description of a plant owned by the Winchester Cold Storage Co. of Winchester, Va. Dimensions - 120 x 200 feet, 5 stories high. Construction, elevating system, insulation, refrigeration.

Lindvail, N. A. Modern construction of ice and cold storages.

Ice, vol. 17, no. 5, Dec. 1915, p. 28-29. Temperature variation and excess moisture must be overcome.

101 OnSB



295.S Ic2

295-8 Ic23

Mobley, P. H. Apple storage. Pefrig. World, vol. 52, 295. 8

no. 1, Jan. 1917, p. 31-33- C67

The storage house - construction, insulation, advantages of cork, ventilation, temperature. Precooling. Apples should be picked at maturity,

Reynolds, J. B. Cold storage. Experiments in cold storage of 101 fruit. Ontario Agr. Coll. and Exp. Farm, OnS Rept. 1901, p. 6-11.

Results obtained with the Hanrahan system of cold storage. Cold storage experiments with apples and pears.

Rice, Arthur L. Operating variable temperature refrigeration 29O.S system. Power, vol. ^2, no. 21, 1915, p. 709-710. PS 7 Working temperatures varying from &5 to 10° F,

Robertson, J. W.Cold storage. Canada Dept. Agr., Agr. and 7

Dairying Com., Rept. 1897, pt. 5- 87 pp. Cl6D Discussion of uses of cold storage with plans for building.



Shipman, R. L. Maintenance of insulation for low temperatures* 290*8

Power, vol* U2t no. k9 I915, p. 118-119- P87 So-called "breathing process of walls is due to changes in "barometric pressure and temperature.

Spaulding, R. E. Experimental tests of fireproof and non-

fireproof ice house construction. C67 Refrig. World, vol. U9, no. 6, June, 1915» p. hyhj.

Practical tests covering a period of two years show that an ice house can "be built which is fireproof and practically insulated against meltage. Illustrations.

See also

Cold storage; Technology.

2 iC

- 1+1+


Alderman, W. H. Packing apples and peaches, W. Va. Exp,

Sta., Bui. 139, 1912, p. 277- 30Cv Varieties of apples best adapted to barrel and to box packing. Picking the fruit* Barrel packing, facing, filling, papering; the barrel press. Box packing, wrapping the apples, lining, the bulge, the press, labeling. Packing peaches*

Blake, Maurice A. Packing and shipping peaches in Georgia

carriers* N. J. Exp. Sta., Bui. 2gU, 1915. Ug pp.

Requirements of a good shipping package* The proper degree of maturity at which different varieties should be picked for shipping. Packing. Grades.

- Suggested grades for peaches. N. J. Exp.

Sta., Cir. 58, 1916. 8 pp. Basis upon which grades should be establish- ed. Definition of "Well colored for the variety."

Buckholder, C. L. Barrel packing of apples. Purdue Univ., Ext. Bui. 50, 1917- S PP- Packing equipment, grading, handling the barreled fruit.

Creelman, J. A. Peach package test. 1915- Canada Dept* Agr., Agr. Gaz., vol. *io» 1910, p.. 222-225.

The advantages of the different kinds of packages as determined by tests in a model packing room at the Grimsby plant.

Downing, F. P. Berry boxes and fruit baskets. West. Fruit

Jobber, vol. 6, no. ht I9I9, p. 15-21 Description of prevailing types of boxes; suggestions.

Dyer, W. A. A new package for apples. Coun. Life, vol.

29, no. 1, Nov. I915, p. 5I+, 56. The successful use of bushel corrugated- cardboard cartons.

Flack, A. H. Modern methods of packing apples. Canada

Dept. Agr., Fruit Br., Bui. 2, 1917* 62 pp. Very complete information on packing apples in barrels and boxes.

i I

* 45 -

Herron, G. Fruit packages in the Middle West. Okla. 100 Expt Sti, Cir. Infom. 21, I913* 27 pp. 0k4 Package types best adapted to apples, peaches and strawberries*

Hoi ton, John C. The theory and practice of sanitary precau- U64.9 tions in grove and packing house operations* F662Q SI a. St. Plant Board, Quar. Bui., vol. 2, no. k, 191g, p. 161-179.

Relation of sanitation to decays. Evolution

of idea. Disinfection. Comprehensive treatment.

Bull, M. Grading sweet potatoes. La. Agr. Coll., Ext. 275.29

Cir. H-6g, I919. (Mimeographed). L93H Purpose. Grades. .'

Judson, Lowell B.Picking, packing, and marketing the apples. 100 Idaho Exp. Sta., Bui. 54, 1906. 37 pp. Idl Thorough discussion. Time and devices for picking. Boxes. Packers and packing houses. Plan for Bailing press. Fruit growers' organizations.

Lewis, C. I. The physical handling of fruit. Better Fruit, 80 vol. 11, nos. 4, 5^b, I916, p. 5-10; 5-6; 10-12. B46 Based on a study of the Pacific Northwest. Harvesting, grading and packing equipment. The three grades adopted in the Northwest. Packing houses.

Lloyd, J. W. Marketing the muskmelon. 111. Exp. Sta., Bui. 100 124, 190S, p. 295-322. II 6S

Special consideration of Netted Gem type. The 1/3 bushel Climax basket. Time of picking. Packing shed. Grading.

Markell, Edw. L. The sorting, sizing, packing and storing of SI fruit. Peninsula Hort. Soc, Trans. 29th P37 Meet., I916, p. 41-47.

A popolar paper giving results of storage inves- tigations conducted by the Department of Agri- culture.

More, C. T. The commercial grading, packing and shipping of 1

cantaloupes. TJ. S. Dept. Agr., Farm. Bui. Ag24F 707s 1916. 23 PP.

A discussion of all phases of preparing 'can- taloupes for market.

- U6 -

Commercial handling, grading, and marketing of potatoes* U. S. Dept. Agr., Farm, Bui, 753» 19l6. 1+2 pp.

Discussion of best methods for handling potatoes from the field to the market*

Preparation of strawberries for market. U, S. Dept. Agr,, Farm. Bui. 979 1 191S. 27 pp. Complete suggestions for handling strawberries from the vine to the car.

Packing Indiana apples. Ind. Exp. Sta., Cir. 39, 1913. 2S pp. '

The box and barrel. Sizing and packing equip- ment. Problems in packing.

Apple packing. South Aus. Dept. Agr., Bui. 98,

1916. 15 pp.

Wrapping and padding; the straight and diagonal packs.

Growing and marketing of grapes. West. Wash. Exp. Sta., Mo. Bui., vol. 5, no. 12, 1918, p. 176-177.

Repacking is to be avoided.

Preliminary report on apple packing houses in the Northwest. TT. S. Dept. Agr., Mar. Doc. ht

1917. 31 PP.

Description of packing houses, packing and ware- houses.

Cherry package test season of 1915» Canada Dept. Agr., Agr* Gaz., vol. 2, .no. 11, Nov. 1915, p. 1050~1054.

Description of various packages. Test ship- ments show that the Climax package is most desirable for sour cherries.

Standard apple packing chart, Apple grading rules for I919.

Better Fruit, vol. 1*+, no. 3, I919, p. Illustrations showing placement of apples in standard apple box. Definitions for various grades as considered standard in the Northwest in 1919o



Palmer, W. R.

Quinn, Geo.

Reid, R. T.

Scott, W. M.

Smith, E.

Tanner, J, M.

Packing house equipment. 111. Hort. Soc, Trans., new ser., vol. 50, I9I0, p. IS9-I97. Paper with discussion. Building and machinery for packing houses* General, elementary.



100 In2P



100 W272





so b^6




Truax, H. E. U. S. grades for potatoes. U. S. Dept. Agr«f 1

Dept. Cir. 96, 1920. U pp. AgSkV

Grades recommended by U. S. Department of


Tufts, Warren P. Notes concerning certain California fruit 2

packages. Calif. St. Com. Hort., Mo.. Bui., C12M

vol. 7, no. 8, 191S, p. U-gyJ+gg.


The packing of apples in California. Calif* 100

Exp. Sta., Cir. 178, 1917* 31 PP* C12S Handling apples for packing. Kinds of packs. Detailed instructions for packing a box.

Waid, C. W. Grading potatoes in the United States. Ontario, 75*9

Veg. Grow, Assoc., Bept. 1918, p. Ong Address delivered in Toronto on the grading system generally accepted by Michigan potato growers, with discussion. Methods.

White, H. L. Apple grading and packing. Mass. St. Bd. Agr», 2

Cir. 50 (2nd ed. rev), 1916. 23 pp. M38Ci The U. S. standard barrel law. The Sulzer Bill. The Massachusetts apple grading law - explanation of requirements and definitions.

Wolff, W. H. The packing of apples in barrels and boxes. N. H. 275.29 Coll., Ext. Bui. 7> 1916. 32 pp- $+5 Detailed treatment of all phases of barrel and box packing. Illustrations.

See also

Common storage; Handling; Transportation.

- Us -


Appel, Otto* Experiments in storing potatoes. Arbeit. U1O.9 Biol. Abtheil. Land-und-forst. , vol. 2t Gj3- no. 3, 1902, p. 373-376.

Results of "burying in the ground. (German)

Bechtel, J. R. How to store celery. Nat. Stockman and Farmer, 6 vol. U3, no. 25, Septi 20, I919, p. 6g6-6g7. N21 Time and method of placing celery in trenches.

Delwiche, E. J. The culture and storage of root crops. Wis. 100 Exp. Sta., Cir. Inform. l6, 1910, p. 9-11. W75 Harvesting. Constructing a pit.

Gardner, J. J. Harvesting and storing vegetables for home use. 100 Colo. Exp. Sta*, Bui. 232, I9I7. 7 pp« C71S Directions for storing various vegetables in pits.

Helweg, L, Winter storage experiments with potatoes. 11

1913-17* Tidssk. Plant.; Vol. 2*+, no. 3, TU39 1917, p. U36-U63.

Results of experiments relating to the con- struction and ventilation of pits.

Tompson, H. F. Boston celery storage methods. Market Grow. 6

Jour., vol. 21, no. % 1917, p. 95. M3U Building and managing the pit*

See also Common storage.


Cooling peaches before shipping. Orange Judd Farmer, vol. 6

37, no. Id, Oct. 19&, p. 359* 0rl An article on the work of G. Harold Powell in Georgiao

Cooper, Madison The precooling of fruit. Cold, vol* 4, 295*3 no. 10, Aug, 1913, p. 183-189. C67I Description of car and warehouse precool- ing. Plans

Dennis, S. J. The portable refrigerating plant of the 295«9 U. S. Department of Agriculture. Amer. Am32T Soc. Refrig. Eng., Trans., vol. 4, no. 60, 19 08, p. 236-243.

Description of car used by the Department of Agriculture in precooling experiments.

, The precooling of fruit in the United States, 295.9

Internat. Cong. Refrig. Indus., 2nd, 1910, InS2 Eng. ed., p. 464-486.

A paper read before the Second International Refrigeration Congress, Vienna, 1910»

Faget, Arthur. Precooling of fruit. Amer. Soc. Refrig. Eng., 295,9

Trans., vol. 6, no. 84, I9IO, p. 95-110. Am32T Description of two California precooling plants. Diagrams showing arrangement of valves, ducts and connections for precooling car.

Gay, CM. San Bernardino precooling plant. Amer. Soc. 295-9

Refrig. Eng., Jour., vol* 2, no. 2, I915, Am32J p. 5-20.

Paper read before the American Society of Refrig- erating Engineers. Detailed description of plant built for Atchison, Topeka and Santa FesRailroad. Apparatus for precooling takes care of about 150 cars a day. Diagrams and illustrations. (See Jour., vol. 2, no. 4, p. 40-47 for discussion of this paper).

Hughes, J. L. Fruits - their handling and storage. Amer. 295.9

Soc. Refrig. Eng., Trans., vol. 9, no. 122, Am32T 1913, P. 203-215.

Apples and peaches - picking time, methods of precooling.

- 50 -

Killick, V. W. Precooling California oranges to save millions

of dollars annually. Scii Airier*, vol* 115» no. IS, Oct, 2g, 19l6, p. 387.

A description of warehouse precooling in California*

Pennington, M. E. A simple ice precooling plant. Amer.

Ware. Assoc., Proc. 25th Meet., 1915» p. 266-272.

A simple ice precooling plant costing about $800.

The precooling of perishable products. Pub. by Intermittent Vacuum Precooling Corporation. New York, 1913- 35 PP.

Value of precooling. The intermittent vacuum process.

The precooling plant of the Southern Pacific at Roseville, Cal* Railway Age Gaz., vol. Ug, no. 11, Mar. 1010, p. 725-727

Description of plant and methods of precool- ing. Diagrams.

Ramsey, H. J. The handling and precooling of Florida lettuce

and celery. U. Dept. Agr., Bui. 601, 1917. 29 pp.

Results of careful handling and precooling in shipping tests carried on in 1913-1^ and I91U- 15; results of storage experiments. Cost of precooling less than that of icing cars during trip. Precooled celery has been successfully stored for h weeks*

Precooling and handling investigations with

oranges and lettuce, Florida season 1913-1^. Fla. Hort. Soc, Proc. 27th Meet., 191^, p. 199-210.

Address covering careful handling, packing, precooling and shipping tests.

Redfearn, B. W, Methods of precooling perishable goods at

loading stations. Railway Age Gaz., vol. 55 no. 13, Sept. 1913, p. 56g. Paper presented at the third International Congress of Refrigeration. The "Gay System and Intermittent Vacuum Pre-cooling."

- 51 -

Ruddick, J. A.

Smith, Edwin.

The Grimsby precooling and experimental fruit storage warehouse* Canada Dept. Agr., Dairy and Cold Stor* Com., Cir. 13, 1915* 2 pp. Methods of handling* fruit rates, and rules of the Grimsby warehouse*

Cherry precooling possibilities* Canada Dept. Agr., Dairy and Cold Stor. Com., Cir. 15, 1915. 3 PP.

Results of precooling sour cherries and shipping them by freight.

The Grimsby precooling and experimental fruit storage warehouse. Canada Dept. Agr., Dairy and Cold Stor. Com., Bui. U7, 1916. l6 pp. Description of Grimsby methods and rates.


HU.9 C16B


Maturity of fruits for precooled shipments. Canada Dept. Agr*, Agr* Gaz**, vol. n0» 1Q16, p. lg-20.

Based on Department of Agriculture tests. Proper maturity for picking fruits to be precooled.

Peach precooling. Canada Dept. Agr., Agr. 7 Gaz., vol. 3, no. 2, Feb. I916, p. 121-123. Cl6G Brine tank cars.



Steel, Rufus. Advantage of precooling fruit for shipping. 80 Better Fruit, vol* 5, no. 2, 1910, p. 65-6S. BUS Description of the intermittent -vacuum system.

Stubenrauch, A.V. Bartlett pear precooling and storage investi- 1

gations in the Rogue River Valley* U. S. P69C Dept. Agr., Bur. Plant Indus., Cir. Ilk, 1913, p. 19-2^.

Results of investigations made in I9I2.

_ _ Fruit precooling problems. Amer* Soc. Refrig. 295.9

Eng., Trans., vol. 7, no. 96, I9II, p. 1 62-179. Jim32T Paper read before the American Society of Refrig- erating Engineers. Suggested construction of cars for precooling; placement of thermometers. Limitations - cooling must be quick and equal. Diagrams and table.

. _ The handling and precooling of fruits for trans- 93

portation. Portland, Ore., 1912* 27 pp. St93 Prevention of decay. Precooling in warehouses and cars.

- 52

The precooling of fruit. U. S. Dept. Agr.f 1

Yearbook I9IO, p. AgS^Y The progress and results of investigations made by the Bureau of Plant Industry. The status of the process as used commercially in 1910#

The Winter Park fruit precooling plant. Ice, vol. 17, no. Ut 295. g

Nov. I915, p. 19-20. Ic23 Description of a plant for precooling citinas fruits at Winter Park, Pla. Illustrations*

See also Cold storage; Handling; Transportation.

- 53 -


Bonnar, J. D. Why ice in refrigerators prevents freezing. ^70

Sci. Amer*, vol. 112, no. 11, March 13, 1915, Sci25

p. 2^9.

The vapor contained in the air of the car is congealed and latent heat is thereby given up which ■warms the car.

McKay, A. W. Preventing frost damage in transit. Calif. 80

Citrograph, vol. 2, no. 6, Apr. 1917, p. U-5, 17* C125 The results of experiments made by the U. S. Department of Agriculture.

McPike, Eugene F. Heating cars containing perishable freight. 288.8 Railvjay Age Gaz., vol. 51, no. 2, Aug. 19X1, RI36 p. 323-32H.

Methods used and their effectiveness.

__ Heating cars for perishable freight* Railway

and Eng. Rev., vol. 51, July 8, I9H1 p. 607-608. Deals largely with the charcoal heater.

New heater for refrigerator cars. Ice and Refrig., vol. 38, 29 5.8

No, ht April 1910, p. 293. Ic2 Charcoal heater used by Illinois Central Railroad.

Protection of potatoes from cold in transit - Lining and loading 1

cars. U. S. Dept. Agr., Farm. Bui. IO9I, AgS^F 1920. 27 pp. (Revision of Mar. Doc. 17). Explanations and illustrations of methods used in loading the principal types of cars. Results of tests and inspections made by the U. S. Depart- ment of Agriculture.

Williams, H. E. Protection of food products from injurious temper- 1

atures. U. S. Dept. Agr., Farm. Bui. 125, AggUF 1901. 26 pp.

A Weather Bureau review on the relations between temperature and transportation, and temperature and storage of food products. Notes on freight cars and storage temperatures.

See also Transportation.

- 5^ ~


Mams, A. B.

Andrews, Erank.

Ashby, T. J,

Baxter, C. W.

Best, Elsdon.

Bowen, John T.

Marketing perishable farm products. Columbia 280.3 Univ., Stud, in Histo Econ. and' Pub. Law, vol. Adl 72, no. 3, I916, p. 7-1S0.

Character and significance of the marketing problem. Present system of marketing perishables. Reform of processes and reduction of costs.

The reduction of waste in marketing. U. S. Dept. 1 Agr., Yearbook 1911, p. 165-176. Agg^Y Carlot movements - despatch, service and diversions.

Preservatives in fruit shipping. Queensland Agr. 23 Jour., vol. 13, no. 1, 1903, p. 31. Q33 The use of formaldehyde to prevent decay in cars of citrus fruit.

Marketing Georgia peaches. Canada Dept. Agr.t S2 Fruit Div., Cir. 1, I915. 1 pp. Cl6c Descriptive rather than constructive. The Georgia Fruit Exchange.

Maori storehouses and kindred structures. New 296 Zealand Dom. Museum, Bui. 5, I916. IO3 pp. mS Description of the storage places used for food supplies by the Maori people of New Zealand* Historical rather than constructive.

The application of refrigeration to the handling 1 of milk. U. S. Dept. Agr., Bui. 9S, I91U. gg pp.. Agg^B Good description of different methods of refrigera- tion with useful data on ice and salt mixtures*

California fruits. Garden and Forest, vol. g, no. U09, Dec. 1895, P. 512.

The amount of fruit shipped in lg95» destination, freight rates, and icing charges*

Collins, J. H.

Deniaffe, -

Methods of wholesale distribution of fruits and vegetables on large markets. U. S. Dept, Agr., Bui. 267, 1915. 2g pp.

Methods of receiving, terminal distribution and sales.

Experiments on the conservation of potatoes and their loss of weight. Jardin, vol* 21, no. Ugl, 1907, p. 76-79 *

Loss about one per cent per month; early table varieties lose most. (French)







- 55 -

Dixon, Geo, D.


Dutt, H. L.

Fisher, J.W.Jr.,

Puller, Claude.

Gore, H. C.

Grempe, P. M.

Heineman, P. G.

The movement of perishable traffic and the cost of handling same. Pa. Eailroad Sys., Inform* for Employees and the Pub*, 1917* 8 pp. An address before the national league of commission merchants. Freight rates negligible in food prices.

Transportation of fruit through the Columbia 80 gateway. Better Fruit, vol. 8, no. 11, May B46 19lU, p. 11-12.

The Columbia gateway offers the cheapest route. Possibilities of Panama Canal Shipments.

A new insect pest of stored potatoes. Bihar 22 and Orrissa, Agr. Jqur., vol. 1, no. 2, 1913i In23 p. 139-11+1.

A Hemipteran of the family Tingidoe punctures and sucks the sap of potatoes in warehouses.

Outlets and methods of sale for shippers of 1 fruits and vegetables. U. S. Dept. Agr., Ag84B Bui. 266, 1915. 28 pp.

Available outlets for the producer in market- ing fruits and vegetables. Getting in touch with these outlets.

Cold storage as a factor in the spread of insect 24 pests. Natal. Agr. Jour, and Min. Rec, vol. 13192 9, no. 7> 1906, p. 656.

Fruit fly maggots remained alive in a torpid con- dition for 124 days.

The cold storage of apple cider. U, S. Dept. 1 Agr., Bur. Chem., Cir. 48, 191O. 13 pp. C42C Report of investigations made by Bureau of Chemistry.

Studies on fruit juices. S. Dept. Agr., 1 Bui. 241, 1915. 19 pp. Ag84B Methods of preparation for the commercial manufacture of fruit juices.

Utilization of breweries for dehydration. 39° *8

Zeits. Gesam. Brau., vol. 41, nos. 24, 25, z13

1918, p. 169-171 ; 175-177.

Utilizing the equipment of breweries for

drying fruits and vegetables. (German)

Cold storage problems. Popular Sci. Mo., 470 no. 2, Aug. 1912, p. 153-162. P81 Scientific relation of general cold storage practice to the preservation of foods in cold

- 56-

Hepburn, Joseph The handling, transportation, and storage of ^70

perishable foodstuffs. Jour. Franklin Inst-, J82 vol* 172, no. 2, Aug. 1911, p. 1?2*173* Handling poultry and dairy products*

Home, F„ A* Uniform and effective cold storage laws* 295*8

Refrig. World, vol. ^9, no. 5, May I915. C67 P. 35-38.

Paper read before the National Food Trades Conference in New York in April, 1915»

How refrigerator insulation is made. Sci. Amer., vol. 115» ^70

no. 26, Dec. 1916, p. 567. Sci25 The process of making cork board.

Ice and refrigeration blue book. Chicago, I9O9. U-00 pp. 295

(Sup. to Ice and Refrig.) Ic2 Tabulation of cold storages and all establishments using mechanical refrigeration in the United States and Canada.

Jackson, H. V. Refrigeration on the homestead. New South 23

Wales Dept. Agr., Farm. Bui. 11 (2d. ed.), N47F 1909. l6 pp.

A discussion of small scale refrigeration. The cold storage of fruits and vegetables.

Jefferson, L. P. The community market. Mass* Agr. Coll., Ext. 275*29 Bui. 21, 191g, 22 pp. M38IE Benefits to producer and consumer. Limitations. Establishment. Legislative regulations in Massachusetts-, Suggested forms for records.

Johnson, Emory R. Principles of ocean transportation. New York, 289 1918. 513 pp. J632 The ocean transportation system and service. Organization of ocean carriers. Government aid and regulation.

Kehoe, R. P. Ice manufacture combined with cold storage. 295*8

Refrig. World, vol. ^3, no. 6, June, 1915, C67 p. 25-26.

Ice manufacture more profitable when combined with cold storage. Table.

^vent, F. Cold storage, its advantages and disadvantages. 295*8

Ice and Refrig., vol. 4-S, no. 3, March, 1915> Ic2 P- 135-

Paper read before Southern Ice Exchange meeting, Feb. 1915. True information regarding cold storages should be disseminated.

57 -

McDermott, P. A. Utilization of cull citrus fruits. Sci. Amer. ^70

sup., vol. Si, no.. 2109, June 3,- 1916, p. 367-368 Sci25C Cull fruits sometimes equal 10 per cent. Dis- cussion of problems. Utilization by preserving juice from culls and removing flavoring oil.

McElheny, V. K. Jr. The economic value of the auction as a distri- 33O

butor of perishable commodities* Pan Amer. Sci. P192 Cong., Proc* I915-16, Sect. Ill, p. 7^0-7^2. History of the auction*1 j its services and results J increasingly necessary in distribution*

McPike, E. P. On the railroad refrigerator service association^

its origin and its aims. Paris, I9OS. 7 pp« Organized Feb. 19^S to develop a standard code of rules for operating refrigerator, ventilator and heater cars.

Moomaw, C. W,

Neff, Peter.

Apple market investigations, 19lH~l5. U. S. Dept. Agr., Bui. 302, 1915. 35 pp. Report of investigations made by the Office of Markets on commercial apple crop conditions and cold storage movement.

Cost of refrigeration. Amer. Asso. Eefrig. , Proc. 1915, p. S5-9O.

A basis for cold storage rates is seriously needed. Suggested method to start criticism and ascertain facts. Charts and tables.



295.9 Am3

Pennington, M. E. Studies of poultry from the farm to the consumer 1

U. S. Dept. Agr.i Bar. Chem., Cir. 6U, 1910. C^2C ^2 pp.

A review of scientific work on the application of refrigeration to the handling of poultry and eggs*

Powell, G. Harold. The California lemon industry. Calif. Citrus 81

Protect. League, Bui. 9, 1913. 59 PP- Extent. Distribution. The California Fruit Growers Exchange. The Citrus Protective League. Cost of production and handling.

Cooperation in the handling and marketing of 1

fruit. U. S. Dept. Agr., Yearbook 1910, Ag_4Y p. 391-J406.

Principles, types, organization, causes of failure.


The cost of distributing the California citrus 2&6,g3

fruit crop from the producer to the consumer. West. W52M Fruit Jobber, vol. 1, no. 12, Apr. 1915» 23-31. Variations in distributing costs, transportation conditions and retail cost*

Italian lemons and their by-products. S* 1

Dept. Agr.j BurTPlant Indus., Bui. l6o» I9O9* P69B 57 pp.

The Italian lemon industry - extent, exports to United States. Handling the lemon garden and crop. By-products, preparation of the fruit, manufacture.

Rowley, C. What about fruit below established standard? 2

Calif. St. Com. Hort., Mo. Bui., vol. 6, no. C12M 1917, P. 193-19 s.

Some suggestions for making use of fruit which is of medium quality. Sell it to consumers who understand just what they are buying in order to assist in keeping down high prices.

Schleussner, O.W. Marketing and distribution of strawberries 1

in 1915. U. S. Dept. Agr., Bui. U77, AgS^B 1917. 32 pp.

The beginning of the market news service; surveys of principal shipping areas.

Marketing and distribution of western musk- 1

melons in I915. u| S. Dept. Agr., Bui. AgS^B UOl, 1916. 3S pp.

History of the muskmelon industry, market- ing arrangements and distribution in Calif- ornia, Arizona, Nevada and Colorado.

Sherman, W„ A. Retail shipments and distribution of fresh 1

tomatoes, 191^. U. S. Dept. Agr., Bui. . AggUB 290, I915. 12 pp,

Figures showing shipments and distribution. Map. Charts.

Sinclair, Angus. Development of transportation in the United 1

. States. U. S. Dept. Agr., Yearbook Agg^Y 1299, p. 0U3-663.

Historic account of the beginning and development of railways.

Transportable refrigerating machine used by General Villa1 s army. 295.8 Ice and Refrig., vol. ^7, no. Oct. 191^, p. 12J. Ic2 Description. Especially valuable for hospitals and ambulances.

Ward, Edward, G. ,Jr. Methods and routes for exporting farm products. 1

tJ. S. Dept. Agr., Bur. Statis., Bui. 29, St2B

19C^* 62 pp.

BilHng instructions and freight contracts. List of fast freight lines. Routes to Gulf and Pacific ports.

Weld, L. D. H. The marketing of farm products. New York, 280.3

1917. ^83 pp. ^+5M Principles of market distribution as applied to the marketing of agricultural products.

^escott, N. P. Truck marketing on a large scale under co- 330

operative principles. Pan. Aner. Sci. Cong., P192 Proc. 1915~l6, Sect. Ill, p. 341-3^ The story of the Eastern Shore of Virginia Produce Exchange, a cooperative association. Management, determination of prices, standard- ization, government.

- 60 «


The WA.B.C,M system of transit refrigeration. Railway Bev.f vol. 60, no. 9, Mar* % 1917, P* 3°5-306, The loading space of a car may be more fully utilized by the use of the A.B.C., that is, the automatic brine circulation system of refrigeration.

Armour, J. Ogden* The packers, the private car lines and the 5^ people. Fniladelphia, I906. 3SO pp. Ar5 The first use of refrigerator cars. The organ* ization of private car lines and the functions they have performed.

The California fruit-supply in New York. Garden and Forest, vol. 6, SO no* 295, Oct. 1893, P* ^32^ 33-

Historical, The experiment of bringing California fruit to New York was first tried in 1S6S„ Description of fruits, refrigeration in transit, carloads, cost of freight ($U00) and refrigera* tion ($200), time in transit, and early auction companies*

Central of New Jersey Ice Car. Railway Age Gaz*f vol. 52, no. 23, 2SS.S June 1912, p. 1239-12H1. RI36 Description and illustrations.

Collins, L. W, Ventilation in transit. (Unpublished). U. S.

Dept. Agr., Bur. Mar* and Crop Est,, files. Description of modern systems of refrigerator car ventilation with results of tests in tran*- sit,

Dennis, S. J. Temperatures of fruits and vegetables in transit 295*9 in refrigerator cars. Amer, Soc. Refrig. Eng#, Am32J Jour., vol. 2, no. 3, 1915, p. l6«.22. Under present systems of refrigeration, temper a* tares in different parts of the same load may vary 30 degrees. Need of further insulation and more adequate ventilation?

Elevator used for icing refrigerator cars. Popular Mechan., vol, 24, 29I.S

no, 1, July 1915, 112. P81 Description of a portable elevator truck for con» veying ice to car bunkers.

- 51 -

Express refrigerator cars for the Chicago, Milwaukee and Paget Sound

Railway. Railway and Eng. Rev., vol. 51 > no. 24, June 17, I3II, p. 531. Design. Ice bunker illustrated.

Icing cars on the Illinois Central. Railway and Eng. Rev., vol. Ul, no. 36, Sept. 7, 1901, p. 588. Methods described and illustrated.

Icing stations on the Burlington. Railway Age Gaz., vol. 47, no . 288.8

14, Oct. l, 1909, p. 580, R130 Methods of operation.

Important features in refrigerator car design. Railway Age Gaz., 288*8 vol. 56, no. 5, Jan. 30, 191*+, 215-221. RI36 Discussion of various devices, with illustra- tions.

Improved devices for refrigerator cars. Railway and Eng. Rev,, vol. 1*2, no. 17, Apr. 26, 1902, p. 3^2. Description of the Jennings collapsible ice tank made to fold in the end of the car.

Leeds, J. S. Organization for handling refrigeration trans- 288.8

portation. Railway Age Gaz., vol. 55»

no. 13, R136

Sept. 2o, I913, p. 569-571.

A paper read before the Congress of Refrigera- tion*

Linofelt flax fiber insulation for refrigerator cars. Railway Age 288.8

Gaz., vol. 50, no. 8, Mar. 3, 1911, p. 37^. 513^ Processes described.

Marchis, L. Production of low temperatures and refrigeration. 5^0

Translation in Smithsonian Inst., Rept. I9O9, Sm6Rf p. 207-22*4-.

Ammonia absorption as a means of refrigeration in transit as tested in Russia was much more ex- pensive than ice refrigeration.

Needed improvements in the transportation of perishable fruits. A 290.8

refrigeration problem. Eng. News, vol. 55*. En34 no. 1, Jan. kt 1906, p. 20-21, Rased on a paper read by G. Harold Powell be- fore the American Society of Refrigerating En- gineers. The fundamental problems in stabilizing The American fruit industry as seen in I9O6.

* 62 -

Pennington, E. The refrigeration of dressed poultry in transit* 1

U. S, Dept. Agr.f Bui* 17, 1913* 35 HP*" ^S^2 Relation of refrigerator car temperatures to carriage of dressed poultry* Refrigerator car construction*

Pennsylvania railroad refrigerator cars* Railway Age Gaz*, vol* 288*8

62, no. 5, Feb. 2, 1917, p. 179-i-Sp* 313° Description. Designed especially fpr milk

and cream*

Powell, G>Harold The transportation of fruit in refrigeration* SO

Calif. Fruit Grower, vol*, 33. nos. 919, 920, C12 Jan. 1906, p. 1, 3, 5«-

A paper presented before the American Society of Refrigerating Engineers discussing conditions of refrigerator cars*

Railways ice company car icing plant, Ice and Refrig*, vol* U9, no* 295»8

2, Aug. 1915. 72-75* Ic2 Description of a car ielng plant at Argentine, Kans. ^'That can be accomplished by adding an ex- haust steam absorption refrigerating machine- Refrigeration In railway cars* Railway Age, vol. 35j no* 9, Feb* 27,

1903. P. 29^.

Amonla refrigeration as used by the Danish State Railway.

Refrigeration by railways* Railway Age Gaz., vol* 50, no* 20, May 228*2 19, 1911, p. 1159. K136 Methods described*

Refrigerator ear. Ice andRefrig*, vol* 53, no* 5, Nov* 1917, 2&. 295,8

Specifications of a patent for a refrigerator ear* Ic2

Refrigerator oare.Rallway Age Gaz,, vol. 50, no* 2^e, June 21, 1911, 288.8

p. 1 607-1 bQS. RI36 Report of committee of the Master Car Builders1 Association* Various types mentioned* Discussion.

Refrigerator cars for the Baltimore and Ohio. Railway Age Gaz*f vol* 288*8

63, no. 22, Nov. 30, 1917, p. 981-98^* IQ.36* Special features described. Insulation* Plans*

Refrigerator cars for the Michigan Central* Railway Age, vol, &*. no. 11, Mar. 15, 1918, p* 561 - 5&. Design and insulation**

- 63 -

Refrigerator cars for the Pacific Fruit Express Co. Railway Rev., vol.

60, no. 21, May 26, 1917, p. 721-723. Dimensions- The underframe, floor racks and ice bunkers* Arrangement of insulation.

Refrigerator cars for the Santa Fe. Rail\vay Age Gaz., vol. 60, 2SS.S

no. 7, Febc lg, 1916, p. 29^-297. R136 Special features are the ventilators, drain attachments, and application of the insulation.

Rutledge, R. M. Status of the American Fruit trade. Better SO^

Fruit, vol. 9, no. 1, July I91U, p. 9. BU6 Historical influence of the refrigerator car. Bananas were first imported into the United States in ISOU.

The "siphon" system of refrigeration. Railway Age, vol* 33» no» Jan. 10, 1902, p. 52-53.

A detailed description of the Bohn "siphon" system.

Di a grams »

Smith, Edwin Insulation test, (Unpublished). U. S. Dept.

Agr., Bur. Mar. and Crop Est., files. Tests made in the Northwest, 1917-18.

The use of brine tank refrigerator cars for

fruit shipment. Canada Dept. Agr., Dairy and CloB Cold Stor. Com., Bui. 50, 1917* 15 PP« Temperature records, with discussions of methods of loading and operating.

The Tiffany refrigerator car. Railroad Gaz., vol. 9, July 13, 1877 1 P. 311.

Description and illustration.

Transportation of fresh meats and fruits, etc. through long distances. U70

Sci. Amer., vol. 23, no. 20, Nov, 12, 1S70, p. Sci25 312.

A description of the Davis refrigerator car. Historial value.

Union Fibre Co., Insulation of railway equipment. Winona, Minn.,

1912. 110 pp.

A short story of the evolution of the refrigerator car in the United States.

The use of brine tank refrigerator cars for fruit shipment. Canada 7

Dept. Agr., Agr. Gaz., vol. kf no. 2, Feb. 1917, Cl6G p. 110-11*4.

Proper method of use to insure satisfactory results.

Pr** fr ght cars and American railways. Col^eia Univ«, Stud, in Hist. Econ. and Law, vol. 31, no. 1, I9O8. 185 PP-

A complete history of early attempts at refrigera- tion for transportation, the development of the refrigerator car, and the private car companies. Costs of refrigerator cars, average mileage per year, and earnings.


- 65 -

eifekiitc- Am inspiration


Bigelow, W. D. Studies on apples. U. S. Dept. Agr., Bur, 1

Chem., Bui* 9^, 19 05. 100 pp. C^2B Chemical analysis of apples during ripening and storage, showing changes in sugar, acid, starch, and pectose contents. Charts and plates.

Studies on peaches. U. S. Dept. Agr., Bur. 1

Chem., Bui. 97, I9O5. 32 pp. CU2B Changes in chemical compo si 1 1 on during growth and ripening. Effect of storage on the composi- tion of peaches. Tables.

Bioletti, E. T. Changes in chemical composition of grapes during 500

ripening. Univ. Calif., Pubs. Agr. Sci., vol. C125Ag 3, no. 6, 191S, p. 103-130.

Chemical analysis and factors affecting rapid ripening. Tables and charts. Bibliography.

Cardiff, I. D. Twenty-sixth annual report of the Agricultural 100 Experiment Station at the State College of Wash- W27E ington, 1916. Wash. Exp. Sta., Bui. 136, 1917,

p. hzJ&.

Experiments on the relation of soil moisture to the keeping quality of Jonathan apples.

Cruess, W. V. Preliminary observations on the ripening of 2

Bartlett pears. Calif. St. Com. Hort., Mo. Bui., C12M vol. 5, no. 12, 1916, p. '425-i+29. Data on tests made to ascertain whether a chemical test could be applied to determine the proper ripe- ness of Bartlett pears for shipment.

Gore, H. C. Studies on fruit respiration. U. S. Dept. Agr., 1

Bur. Chem., Bui. 1*42, 1911. Uo pp.. C^2B Results of experiments concerning the effect of temperature on the respiration of fruits; the effect of picking on the rate of evolution of carbon dioxide by peaches; and the rate of accum- ulation of heat in the respiration of fruits.

Hill, G-. E., Jr. The relation of ventilation to the respiration of ^70 fruits. Abstract in Sci., new ser., vol. 37» no. Sci2 9^9, Mar. 7, 1913, P- 37S.

A study of various fruits when subjected to gases; probable relationship between scald and respiration.

«• 66 ««•

Respiration of fruits and greying plant tissues in 100 certain gases, with reference to ventilation and 1&8C fruit storage. N. Y. (Cornell) Exp. Sta., Bui. 33° » 1913, P. 377-^Og.

A review of literature on the subject. The results of experiments with the respiration of various fruits under aerobic and anaerobic con- ditions.

Morse, Fred W.

Langworthyr C. F, Some results obtained in studying ripening 1

bananas with the respiration calorimeter. AgS^+Y U. S. Dept. Agr., Yearbook 1912, p. 293-3O8. A study of the changes T^ihich take place in ripening and after ripening in order to deter- mine the principles underlying the successful handling of fruits.

The respiration of apples and its relation to 100 their keeping. N. H. Exp. Sta., Bui. 135, -$*5 1902, p. g5-92. Description of apparatus used. The rate of chemical change and ripening in cold storage, as compared with cellar storage and summer temperatures*

Factors involved in the ripening of fruits. 100 Idaho Exp. Sta., Bui. 10U, 1918, p. 22-25. Idl

Carbohydrate changes taking place in ripening apples. A summary of the work done by the department of chemistry at the Idaho Experi- ment Station during 1917*

The changes in the chemical composition of SO apples by storing. Gartenflora, vol. 50, 19 01 . 019 p. 318-321.

Discussion of changes in starch, sugar and acid content of apples in cellar storage. (German)

The physiology of ripening. Jour. Hort. and Agr., vol. 20, no. hp. 7

Oct. 1916, p. 87-88. J82J Ripening fruits take in oxygen and give out carbon dioxide.

Neidig, R, E.

Otto, R.

Prescott, .Albert

The chemistry of fruit ripening. Pot>. Sci. Mo. ^70 vol. 12, Feb. 1878, p. U-60, U73. P81 Description of changes in fruits. "The sweetness of fruit has but slight correspondence Hath its propor- tion of sugar. "


Shamel, A* D.

Snyder, W. P.

Thatcher, R. W.

Some observations upon the relation of humidity 2 to the ripening and storage of fruits- Calif. C12M St- Com. Hort., Mo. Bui., vol. 6, no. 2, 1917» p. 39-^1

Results of experiments on lemons and pears conducted in a lemon packing house at Corona, Calif.

Chemical and physical changes in apples during the SI

ripening and storage period. Ind. Hort. Soc.? In2 Trans. 191b, p. UOS-^II.

Transformation of starch into sucrose.

Enzymes of apples and their relation to the ripen- 1 ing process. U. S. Dept. Agr., Jour. Agr. Research AgSHj vol. 5, no. 3, 1915, p. 103-ll6«

Investigations made to discover the possibility of slowing up the ripening of fruits by means other than cold storage. Different gases were used.

Appleman, C. 0,

Bitting, K. G.


Changes in potatoes during storage. Md. Exp. Sta., Bui. 167, 1912, p. 327-33U. The relation of temperature to starch and sugar transformations; studies on respiration, loss of weight and freezing.

Deterioration in asparagus. Nat. Canners Asso., Bui. 11, 1917. IS pp.

Changes taking place in cut asparagus. Relates especially to preparation for canning.

Hass el bring, Heinrich. Effect of different oxygen pressures on car- bohydrate metabolism of sweet potatoes. U. Dept. Agr., Jour. Agr. Research, vol. 1^, no. 1T 191S, p. 273-234.

Oxygen is not necessary for the formation of cane sugar in sweet potatoes. Apparently cane sugar is stable in relation to the respiratory processes of sweet potatoes.

Physiological changes in sweet potatoes during

storage. U. S. Dept, Agr., Jour. Agr. Research, vol. 3, ho. 1905, p. 331-3^2. . Experimental methods. Changes in moisture and starch contents. Bibliography.

100 M36S







- 6s -

Respiration experiments with sweet potatoes. U. 1 Hasselbring,Eein- S. Dept. Agr., Jour. Agr. Research, vol. 5, no. 12, Agg^J

rich* 1915, P. 5C9-517.

A description of experiments made to determine whether or not there is a correlation "between the sugar content and respiratory activity of sweet potatoes.

Hill, G. IU Jr. The relation of ventilation to the keeping 500

qualities of fruits and vegetables. Wash. Sa22 Univ. (St. Louis), Studies, vol. 1, pt. 1, 1913, p. 1+6-6U-.

Data on lettuce storage and ventilation.

Shiver, F. S. Sweet potato. S. C. Exp. Sta., Bui. 63, 100 1901, 6-37. SoS The effect of storing upon composition with analysis for water content, sugar and starch at different times during the season. Methods of storage.



Ashley, G.

Chace, E. M.

Evolution of standardization* Benefits of 2 standardization to the grower* The opinion C12M of railroad companies on standardization. Calif. St. Com. Hort., Mo. Bui., vol. 7> nos. 1, 2, 191S, p. 38-^0, 1+2-1*6.

These papers read "before the California State Fruit Growers' Convention in 1917«

Standards of maturity for the Washington navel 2 orange* Calif. St. Com. Hort., Mo. Bui., C12M vol. 6, no. 8, 1917, p. 325-30.

A discussion of the relative merits of different standards for judging maturity . The sliding scale as a substitute for the 8 to 1 test.

Cook, S. J. Standardization of vegetables. Pan Amer. Sci. 33^

Cong., Proc. 1915-16, Sect. III., vol. 3, p. P192 ^75-^79.

Fundamental principles and essential factors in standardization.

Jaffa, M. E. Standards for sulphurous acid content of dried 2

fruits. Calif. Dept. Agr., Mo. Bui., vol. 9, C12M no. 3, 1920, p. 113-116.

Discussion of sulphuring from commercial and nutritional points of view.

The standardization of fresh fruit packing law. Calif. St. Com. 2

Hort., Mo. Bui., vol. 5, no. 11, 1916, p. UlU- C12M ^l6. (Also inlaws of Calif., 1915, Chap. 659). The test of the law.

Tate, A. W.

Apple standardization. Calif. St. Com. Hort.,

Mo. Bui., vol. 6, no. 8, I917, p. 332-33*+.

An explanation of the Standard Apple Act of 1917*



- 70 -


Biquard, E. The efficiency of various methods of insulating 295*9 refrigerated rooms. Internat. Cong. Refrig. , Ing2 2nd, 1910, Eng. ed., p. 206-21g. Experiments on thermal conductivity.

Corbet;, L. C. Cold storage. W. Va. Exp. St a., Bui. 7^, 1901, 100 p. 51-80. 152 A plan for building a cold storage with discus- sion of possible returns. The cold storage of apples and chestnuts.

Cos grove, J. J. Sanitary refrigeration and ice making. Pitts- 295 burg, I91U. 6 pp. Cg2 General principles of refrigeration, data on compression and absorption systems; types of machinery; auxiliary apparatus. ttA general out- line of the theory and practice of mechanical refrigeration without giving explanation of tech- nical problems."

Galpin, H. T. Cold storage. Soc. Chem. Ind., Jour., vol. 22, 382 no. 6, Mar. I9O3, p. 31+6-3i+g. M3I A technical account of the use of different brines for producing cold.

Hastings, M. M. A cold-storage evaporimeter. IJ. S. Dept. Agr», 1

Bur. Animal Indus., Cir. 1U9, 1909. g pp. An5C A practical apparatus for determining the humid- ity in storage houses.

Insulation for cold stores. Refrig. World, vol. ^8, no. 2, Aug. - '.295.8

191^, p. 72, C67

As used in the National Ice and Cold Storage Co. of Columbus, Ohio.

Neff, Peter. Practical use of thermometers in refrigerating 290.g plants. Power, vol. ^-2, no. 12, 1915, p. 417-418. P87 Thermometers are not so generally used as is desirable.

Reynolds, J. 3. Cold storage experiments. Ontario Agr. Coll. and 101 Exp. Farm, Rept. 1900, p. 3-7. Ong Observations on the consumption of ice in an ice refrigerator and in an ice cold storage. Diagrams.

- 71 -

Siebel, JT. E. Compend of mechanical refrigeration. Chicago, 295 1911, (gth ed.). 596 pp. Sil

A comprehensive digest of general engineering Ed.S and thermodynamics with many tables, formulae and notes for the use of those dealing with refrigeration*


- 72 -


American apple exports. Garden and Forest, vol. 7, no. 32U, May, 80

189!+, p. 182-183. CI 6l

The demands of the export apple business; varieties; English supplies; preparation and shipment. Historical*

Bird, H. S. Loading American Grapes. U. S. Dept. Agr., 1

Mar. Doc. lk, I9I8* 28 pp. M3U7 Illustrations and instructions for loading grapes according to types of packages. Crush- ing causes great losses.

Burlington conserves foodstuffs and prevents claims. "Railway Age 288.8 Gaz., vol. 63, no, 26, Dec. 19X7, p. 1186-1187. R13^ Inspection at points of origin.

A cool truck. Pastoral Rev., vol. 27, no. 10, Oct. l6, 1917» 23

p. 998. Au75. Description of a car for fast fruit traffic constructed in Junin, Argentina*

Craig, John Shipment of perishable fruits to England. 101

Canada Exp. Farms, Rept. I895, p. 75- Ex^E Notes on a shipment of perishable fruit to England which was unsuccessful because of in- sufficient icing.

Gulp, J. M. Perishable goods. Berne, 1910. pp. (Re- 295

print from Internat. Railway Cong., Ques. 16) C89P A long and interesting article on suitable measures for developing the traffic in perish- ables, together with a history and a review of present methods.

Gas process unsuccessful. Calif. Fruit Grower, vol. 19, no. 9, Aug. 80 I896, p. 165. C12 Carbonic acid gas process of fruit shipment un- successful. In two carlot shipments the fruit was unsalable.

Hawbaker, C. C. Marketing berries and cherries by parcel post. 1

U. S. Dept. Agr., Bui. 688, 1918. 17 pp. Agg^B Containers, Regulations of Post Office department.

How Wells Fargo handles fruit in California. Wells-Fargo Messenger, 286.8 vol. 1, no. 12, Aug. 1913, p. 191-193. wH6 Loading and transferring. Illustrations.

'. J

- 73 -

Leeds, J. S. Refrigeration of citrus fruits in transit from 295«9

California. Internat. Cong. Refrig. Indus., 1st, InS2. vol, 3, 19OS, p. 602-612.

Handling the refrigerator car service in ship- ping iron: California.

Macoun, W. T. Shipment of apples to Glasgow in cold storage. 101

Canada Exp. Farms, Kept. I9O3, p. 93-91*. * Ex6r

One hundred "bushel boxes of autumn apples shipped at a good profit.

McPike, Eugene F. Transportation of perishable commodities - need

of co-operation of shippers with carriers. 111. Cen. Mag., vol. k, Jan. 1916, p. 58-6l. Careful packing, loading and billing on the part of the shipper expedites the handling of perishable products.

Meeker, Claude American fruit in England. U. S. Consular Rept., 157«7 vol. 1+6, no. 170, Nov. p. 399-U02. C76

Remarks on overripe condition of fruits upon ar- rival in England; prices. Harvesting before com- plete maturity and cold storage suggested as remedies. Historical value.

Munger, H. E. Marketing Colorado cabbage. Colo. Agr. Coll., 100 Ext. Bui., ser. 1, no. 163-A, 1919, p. 10-31. C71S Explanation of "market terms". Loading, proper storage facilities, suggestions for distribution, grading. The marketing problems of I9IS.

The potato with best methods of loading. N. Y. Central Lines, Agr. 75 Dept. 14 pp. (Reprint of part of Amer. Asso* of N Refrig., Com. Ry. and SS Refrig., Bui. 3.) Extracts from railroad rules concerning perishable fruits. Illustrations and explanations of some storage diseases of potatoes; formulae for disin- fection. Proper methods of loading illustrated. Prevention of freezing in transit.

Powell, G. Harold. Problems surrounding the shipping of fruit* SO Better Fruit, vol. 5, no. 3, Sept. 1910, p. 25-31, BU6 7^-77.

A rather complete discussion of the transportation of fruit - diseases, packing, storage.

Railroad ice houses. Eng. Record, vol. 70, no, 19 , Nov. 7, 1914, 29O.S

p. 512-513- En36 Notes from a committee report presented at a conven- tion of the American Railway Bridge and Building Association.

- 74 -

Ramsey, H. <J. Heavy loading of freight cars in the transporta- 1

tion of Northwestern apples, U. S. Dept. Agr., M]>^7 Mar. Doc. 13, 1918, 23 pp.

Recommendations concerning temperatures, ventila- tion, "bracing and handling of heavily loaded cars deducted from an investigation of the car shortage of 1917-lg.

Transportation of horticultural products. Stan. 90

Cyclopedia of Hort., vol, 6, 1917, p. 33^7-3371 C99S Methods of handling, precooling, refrigeration and prevention of freezing in transit*

Raukin, J. 0. Marketing Nebraska potatoes. Nebr. Exp. Sta., 100

Cir. 9, 1919. 29 pp. N27 When, where and how Nebraska potatoes are sold. Grading. Loading the cars. Inspection. Care in transit.

Reducing the cost of food distribution. Amer. Acad. Polit* and So- cial Sci., Annals, vol. 50, no. 139* Nov. 1913* 272 pp.

More efficient distribution and conservation. Lower costs through middlemen and retailing, municipal markets, farm credits and advertising, cooperation. Elements in a constructive program.

230.3 Am3

Reynolds, J, B.

Ridley, 7. W.

Robertson, J. W.

Ruddick, J. A.

Shipment of fruit to Winnipeg. Ontario Agr, Coll., 101 Bui. 139, I9O5. 2k pp. OnSB Discussion of maturity of peaches, pears and plums for long distance shipment.

Factors in transportation of strawberries from the 1 Ozark region. U, S. Dept. Agr., Mar. Doc. S, M3^7 191S. 10 pp.

Temperatures in transit with and without ice; load- ing instructions. Decay can largely be prevented by immediate cooling to U-6 to 50 degrees E,

Eruit shipments to Britain. Ontario Fruit Grow. S2 Asso., Rept. 33rd Meet., 1901, p. 63-75. 0nS Observations on methods of cold storage in trans- portation. Discussion.

Trial shipments of peaches in 1910. Canada Dept. 44.9 Agr., Dairy and Cold Stor. Com., Bui 27, 1911. 38 Cl6B pp.

Shipping peaches to Great Britain, picking, packing, pre-cooling, inspection, temperature on railroad and steamer. Conclusions*

Secrist, C. M. Facilities for replenishing ice for refrigera- 288,8 tion in transit. Railway Age Gaz., vol, 55* EI36 no. 13, Sept., 13i3» 5^S. How to minimize loss and delay.

Stubenrauch, A. V.The relation of the transportation and storage 50 of fruits and vegetables to the conservation of J82 these food supplies. Jour. Sociologic Med., vol. l6, no. 6, Dec. 1915, p. 36O-382. Necessity of refrigerator transportation, pre- cooling, causes of decay. Importance of system- atic distribution of fruit crops.

Suggestions to growers and shippers of fruits and vegetables as to 259 »9 the best methods of preparation, loading, stowing, Am31B stripping and bracing for safe transportations Amer. Asso* Refrig. , Com. Railway, and S. S. Re- frig., Bui. 3, 1916, 31 PP.

Some extracts from railroad rules. Billing instru- tions. Illustrations showing methods of loading*

Taylor, W. A. Fruit and vegetable storage and shipment experi- SI ments of the U. S. Department of Agriculture. V8l Va. Hort. Soc, Rept. 1901, p. 17-29. Handling Bartlett and Kieffer pears, late peaches, and sweet potatoes for shipment to the English market. Discussion.

Thayer, Paul Sending apples by parcel post. Ohio Exp. Sta., Mo.100

Bul.s vol. 1, no* 12, Dec. 19l6, p. 377-382-. OI13S Results of experiments made by the Horticultural Department from 1913 to 191&* Types of packages, methods of packing and trial shipments.

Transportation of perishable freight. Railway Age Gaz., vol. : .288.8

no. 9, Mar. I9IO, p. 44g. RI36 Discussion of measures for developing perishable freight traffic.

Welsh, P. S. Factors in transporting New York peaches. N. Y. 280.3

Central Lines, Agr. Dept« 15 pp. N^SSF Descriptions of load arrangements* Illustrations. Refrigeration, - charts showing relation of salted ice to refrigeration.

White, Gordon C. Improved transportation service for perishable ;330 products. Pan Amer. Sci. Cong., Proc. 1915-16, PI92 Sect. Ill, p. I+OO-U25.

A review of all phases of transporting perishable products. Refrigerator cars - description, insula- tion. Precooling, Protection against freezing.. Special market trains. Bi biography*

hite, Gordon C. Perishable terminals. Railway Age Gaz.f vol. 288.8 63, no. 25, Dec. .1917, p. Il6. 513^ Need for terminals for storing perishable freight*

See also Handling; Prevention of freezing in transit;

Refrigerator cars.