Historic, Archive Document Do not assume content reflects current scientific knowledge, policies, or practice RETURN wPOMOLCK: ACTION OF pkENCLA" • 9- 1317 ^ortietti .Amraal (Emtfrmtum Amrrtran Aaanriatton of Hnraprynirn 'jBciroit, 3um 23-25, 1915 ^ (Compliments of irk IJatljauiaya Irrrg Pant Nurarry (iMnbiann - - - - (Ditto J Wick Hathaway’s Berry Plant Nursery Madison, Ohio Represented ( Wick Hathaway . - Owner by (Sam Hathaway . Asst. Mgr. Badge Number 157 Quality and Promptness are a hobby at “fertile ACRES FARMS ” The most extensive exclusive Berry Plant Nursery IN OHIO Remember Headquarters Madison, Ohio, June 21st, 1915 To the Nursery Trade: Berry Plant and Fruit Growing is our specialty. We grow the finest quality of plants by the million — graded right, priced right, usual terms. Let us have an opportunity to quote a price on your want list. Headquarters (Badge 157) for Black Raspberry Plants Cumberland, Gregg, Kansas and Plum Farmer. Headquarters (Badge No. 157) for Purple Raspberry Plants Cardinal, Columbian, Haymaker, Royal Purple and Shaffer’s Collossal. Headquarters (Badge No. 157) for Red Raspberry Plants HERBERT — The best yielder of the finest large berries of all reds. ST. REGIS — The ever-bearing Red that has made good and has been the biggest seller in a single season for the most money of any Red Raspberry ever introduced. My orders from the trade 1914-15 exceeded ^ million plants. The earliest Berries are getting ripe this present week. It is the earliest and lat- est of any raspberry grown. SO COME TO HEADQUARTERS, (Badge No. 157). Eaton Red Raspberry A great yielder — of more stocky growth than any other Red sort. Perfection Red Raspberry Derived its name perhaps, because it makes very few sucker plants. MARLBORO — One of our best Reds. Also LOUDON, CUTHBERT, EARLY KING and MILLER grown in large quantities. Yellow Raspberry The Golden Queen. The best of ail Yel- lows, and I hope soon to offer a NEW YEL- LOW which propogates from the tips — the same as the black and purple varieties do. Blackberry Plants (Root cutting stock) Eldorado, Blowers, Mercereau, Ward, Snyder, Rathbun, Erie, Ohmer, Early King, Early Harvest and Lucretia Dewberry. Remember Badge No. 157 AND Try Hathaway First Headquarters (Badge 157) for Strawberry Plants The leading varieties a specialty, includ- ing the best tested new sorts, also Fall Bearing Strawberry Plants Superb, Productive and Progressive. I can also supply Currant, Gooseberry and Grape plants of all leading sorts. Remember Headquarters (Badge No. IS 7) is where the plants are GROWN and where your order can be filled for any quantity of a single variety at wholesale— from a single thousand up to a car load, on short notice. WICK HATHAWAY Madison, Lake County, Ohio Badge No. 157 Tmats Me fr ^ Try and make a visit to Fertile Acres Farms Where thousands of bushels of the finest of berries and car loads of plants have been raised. Only 38 miles East of Cleveland or 9 miles East of Painesville, Ohio, at Stop 20, C. P. & E. Electric Ry., Madison, O. Do You Hear That? Come! V