Historic, Archive Document Do not assume content reflects current scientific knowledge, policies, or practices. D HILL, President FOUNDED 1855 INCORPORATED 1910 EVERGREEN SPECIALISTS LARGEST GROWERS IN AMERICA Du n d e e , I II . ( NEAR CHICAGO ) ADVANCE PRICE-LIST OF £> biddings and transplants FOR DELIVERY SPRING 1S17. iy -1 P il will Q *| T T p -J-V r* P *7 p annual whole rave you mon rred attenti material , order now, 1 lowing : Inches Age ICC 1,000 10,000 ICO tr m ii ii f f, tl TT.I1 IT f 1 _ 1 u Canadensis (Hack < ill t’pruce ) * -0 pruce) - : tt n ii «i IT II It I? ft :t it tr ti u Tl It ft If tl ft It Tt »t tl tl II IT It Tt f! 00 r,n rj p p-. Tf ' v- O p;r« *.j coo 8 50 600 COR l.ri 400 850 500 500 550 / r' R * CC t? o 600 COO 2 EVP PGR HI !H SPPDhIHGS (Com ) Pinus bylvestris (Scotch line)- It II It II It II II « Thuya 0 c c i dent a 1 i s ( Ara . r b . ii ti it ii Inches 3-6' ' 6-12 10-20 Vitae) 2-5 " 4-8 DECIDUOUS SEEDLINGS Acer Saccharinum (Soft Maple) 6- Acer Sac char urn ( Hard or Sugar’ Maple) 8* Castanea A .me • icana ( a . Swt . chestnut ) 12- Diospyros Vi rg ini ana ( Pars i ran on) Praxi nus Arne r i c ana ( Wh. i t e Ash ) IliCoria Laciniosa (/hellbark Hkry. Hi cor ia Ovata ( Shag-bark hickory ) Ilicoria Pecan (Pecan) Jug Ians Cinorea ( Butternut ) Licjuidambar Styrac ifl.ua (hut. Gum) Quercus Paluotria (Pin Oak) Queue us Rubra (Red Da’- ) Robin! a Pseulaeacia { klac" ecu ' ) ii u ti it 1 mu s •' m e r i c • ' .n a ( A r : . ' h i t c E ? m ) •15 18 •18 O — -12 ■8 12- 10 12 6 12 6 12 10 18 ■6 •18 — .1. o _l 2 -24 / ■ge 100 1,000 10,000 100M 2 yr . $1.25 $ 4.75 $ 40.00 $300 3 19 1.75 7.00 57.50 525 4 It 2.25 11.50 97.50 2 11 1.25 7 . 00 57.50 500 3 11 1.75 10.50 92. CO 350 1 If 1 . 25 5 . 7 5 50.00 400 p 11 1.75 9 . 50 85.00 750 2 It 2.25. 19 . 00 150.00 j. 11 ' 2.25 14 . 00 120.00 g II 1,50 4 . 00 ■35.00 1 II 3.25 25.00 200.00 1 TI 3.(0 23.00 200. OC 1 11 2.75 21/00 180.00 1 11 o o to 27 . 50 250.00 1 M 1.75 14.00 115.00 o 2.75 21.00 190.00 (i :: 1 . 7 5 11.50 92.00 1 ii 1 . 25 2.75 23.00 1 n 1 . 50 4 . 7 5 40 . 00 1 it ? .25 3 t 50 30.00 250 r ii 1 . 50 5.00 42.50 375 Prices are net f.o.b. fundee; boxing free. Terms: 30 days. Will allow 50 at 100 rate; 500 at 1,000 rate; 5,000 at 10,0C0 rate; :0 , 000 at 100,000 rate. We are always pleased to submit samples and to make special quotations for large quantities. You will save money by ordering now while assortment is complete and prices low. Very truly yours , THE P. HILL HURSPh.Y CO. lundee, Illinois. ■*e f r i e nd 1 y ; wr i t e occasional! h.I). - In purchasing your Seedlings and Transplants remember that cur stock is American grown, therefore fully acclimated and is absolutely hardy and free from disease. Being central ly locates , shipments reach you. in a few days. The stock irwariubty arrives in perfect condition, is on hand Just when you want it and there ar no exorbitant transpor- tation charges. Try i ill's trees this year and 2 b kllb IB IT. 8. - If interested in larger sizes, write for prices.