Historic, Archive Document

Do not assume content reflects current scientific knowledge, policies, or practices.


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The prices are for the quantities specified, but 25 of a variety will be shipped at 100 rates and 250 at 1,000 rates.

The packing season usually opens in Spring about the first of March. All goods are carefully packed in boxes or bales, for which I make a charge suf- ficient to cover cost of material used. Please state whether goods are to be shipped by freight or express and name route. After delivering to the for- warders, all articles are entirely at the risk of the purchaser; and if any loss or delay occurs, the forwarders must alone be held responsible. Atl goods are delivered at Express Office or Freight Depot at Little Silver or Red Bank free of cartage. Parties desiring stock shipped by Express C. O. D. will please remit one-quarter the amount of their purchase when ordering.

Claims, if any, must be made within fifteen days after receipt of stock,

MonMmouTH NuRsERY is located one mile from Little Silver Depot, two miles from RED BANK, thirty miles from NEW York Ciry, and five miles from Lonc BRANCH, To reach it from N#W YORK take the Central Railroad of New Jersey, foot of Liberty street and 23d street, or the Pennsylvania Railroad, foot of Cortlandt, Desbrosses or 23d streets. From PHILADEL- PHIA take the Pennsylvania Railroad, Broad and Market streets, or the Philadelphia and Reading Railroad, Bound Brook Route. In all cases get tickets for LITTLE SILVER (good on either route).


New Jersey State lsoard of Agriculture.

Office of the State Entomologist.

No. 30-1906.

NEw BRUNSWICK, N. J., September 17, 1906.

This ts to Certify, That I have this 14th day of September, 1906, inspected the general nursery stock growing on the Monmouth Nurseries, J. T. Lovett, Proprietor, at Little Silver, in Monmouth County, New Jersey, and have found the same apparently free from San José scale and other dangerously injurious insect pests; also that the examined stock seemed healthy.

I further certify, that the nursery has a properly constructed house, 16x10x6.8 feet, for fumigating with hydrocyanic acid gas, upon which I have marked the quantity of cyanide of potassium required for an effective charge.

This certificate expires June Ist, 1907, and covers only stock actually on the nurseries when examined.

JOHN B. SMITH, State Entomologist.



Tied 25 in a bunch with roots straightened.

100 1000 100 ABINGTON (wezw)...... $ .60 $4.00 INewshlome 425) eae $ .50 AOR oo tee .50 2.00 OomeP aul ee ee .50 Brands .wancq- eee ae .50 PA OX President)\(P)ie ee 50 GARSD TN A772) er .60 4.50 scam Rear Guard (P).......... .50 Commonwealth.......... 50 2.50 Reliance, ett ee .60 ee Rarlyobicd (2c eer .60 4.00 | Senator Dunlapers ee 40 Rairticld tate eee 50 Dy. ie Stevens’ Lat: Champion... 50 Hlorela so) eek ae ee .50 2.00 Thompsons Earliest. 0. 50 Gandy ois ire ent on eae 50 2.25 Thompson's No.2........ 40 wees. Gen De Wet.) ce. -50 2.50 Velvet (Do see meee .50 Gladstones= seen Pees 50 2.50 \Wllarn rlkie soso s 555 o: 50 GOV. ROLLINS (P) zew 1.00 50 Strawberry-Raspberry 1.50 MeKinley..4 22 oe .50 2.50 RASPBERRIES 100 1000 | 100 Cardinal een Cyt eras $1.00 $9.00 Kansacnve.ce ce ie tee $1.00 Conrathecce Se wee 1.00 8.50 | ITIN Gitte Sas ae eee I.00 Gumberland@.- ee: 1.00 8 00 oudonter he tee ee ere 1.00 Guthbertenee oe eee I.00 FOO15.. ie UI NG ae sta a ee 1.50 Golden Qucenic cs es I.00 g.OO |


I have a large stock of exceedingly fine plants, grown from root cuttings, of Kenoyer,

Rathbun and W Fel Blackberries.

100 1000 100 Blowers, root cutting pe VERSIE Ai are oe $1.25 Plant 28 se sere ae $3.00 | RATHBUN, suckers. 1.00 Baclytlanvest-ee 5. eee: TS $0 00 | root cutting Eldorado. eo a eee I.00 Qroo sa} PIAMIES teres me vee 1,00 Necburcd ss eet 1.50 Snyder at ee ee eee T.00 KENOYER, root cutting V2 avlor se cee ea eee eee 1.00 plants. A promising Ward, root cutting plants 1.25 very early Blackberry. 200 182000 7) = Walson ere ee T.00 DEWBERRIES. 100 1C00 | 100 Austin's Improved........ $ .75 $5.00 | Premoncis aak ee ee $1.00 LUGRERWAL ee oS SROO™ al CONCORD GRAPES 100 PV EATS INOe Mase ae ce ae oeceare Rene teehee «<>, aa nen ee a cere ee $2.50 DEVICATS POU. solr nts rete Stee eM tae nr s2 cc SRA Ure tee Re eee ne | nc 3 00 i Yon ore Sui, 0 \ere nih (ees eee IIE rire Pani eae CemeGn t Ered, Rieti tare eis a ceed Gt A onal B : 4 00


I have some 20,000 of these vines. All were transplanted and cut back last spring,

and are very fine stock.



Asparagus, Columbians Miami @ tla eV hice a =y Cries niente eee a eee $ .40 Palmetto, gl ay Catenin act erie is. Mate aie ae ee ed ate Gs eee ee 235

st s DNC ANS fe se Nad oo toe "eterno EMRIs aa Rte Rete Fehon ate eer ines »50 HORSE RADISH, Se Re Bas es. a eee ame $30.00 per Io 000 .50 Rhubarb, Myatt’ sHluinnaeis Givideduroots. :. PAcimr sere. are inen eee 3.00 os whole: 1o0o0ts..::3 Qicsta eer se oe eee see 10 00

For Lavender, Mint, Sage and, Tarragon, see Kitchen Perennials, page Io.


A terOvE ie bil her SilVEReNe |p i


Hardy Perennials, or Hardy Herbaceous Plants are a leading specialty at the Mon- mouth Nursery and I have a very large stock of them, particularly in Anemones, Col- umbines, Iris, Gaillardias, Larkspurs, Sweet Williams, Hardy Pinks, Phloxes, Oriental Poppies and Veronicas.

Itis an error, and a very common one, to suppose that field clumps are the only really good plants to be had in Hardy Perennials. Asa matter of fact, plants grown in pots often give better results than any others; especially is this the case with Poppies, Anemones, Larkspurs, Hardy Pinks and many others that might be named. Further than this, plants from pots endure shipment much better than plants from the border and scarcely one will fail—even when planted late in the season.

Many Florists and Nurserymen who have a local trade, reap a double profit from Hardy Perennials by making a home planting—a profit from the flowers they produce and one from sales of plants. By having Hardy Perennial Plants in flower to show their patrons, they are enabled to greatly increase sales and the increase from the plants themselves is frequently many fold.

I aim to grow superior plants of the best sorts—not to produce in an indifferent way a long and cumbersome list of species and varieties. How well I have succeeded is shown by the great and rapid increase of my business in Hardy Perennials,

Thousand rate of any variety given upon application.



10 100

Achillea Mallefolium™ reseums «\Gerice @ueen . 2. ne a en $ .50 $4.00 * Ptarmica fl. pl. “* The Pearl,’ 21% in. pots or field plants......... .50 4.00 ALYSSUM SAXATILE COMPACTUM. Dense Golden Tuft, field clumps .60 5.00 Anemone Japonica alba, PEG, ANG OLS ore Pas Ch ee EL RS Oconto le tcleoae ine isk Met serira 50 3.50 BUD «NOG 9) OS ac Saez ara a id eee Pndione cor tote .60 5 00

sf re eens DU peerh ies 5 OOS Wieoioie eitouae A Cow ae eceato .60 4.50

fe = as Ss BOIS WOUSP eae cree empeca neces ore ais 6.00

z 3 ~ leaky each, BA se (OOS ogee boc deucnusoe oboe 50 B50)

a * S = 7 BUA Tin ep Olsiae os aalsLance tess eon 60 5.00

~ i sae @ cen’ Gharlotte: 20 lle: POLShe sa an i ee 50 3.50

= 3 s 5 : 3% Mee MOUS Nea ebeore .60 5.00

a ‘rosea superba, 2% LW 910 USicin a Cewtucienaeacas bane aes .60 4.50

=: 3 i S * 35 Mt DOS ocatenacnvsosnpoocsuMcs 75 6.00

~ A * Whirlwind, Dh t in. POUSEer eso ae ee te .50 3.50

= = * = 34 IME *P OUSUp eae. et ere cmeiet crtine 60 5.00

My plants of Anemone Japonica were all propagated early, are strongly rooted and have good tops; even those in 2% in. pots. Japanese Anemones grown in pots start

better and give more bloom than field grown plants. I have a large stock of very fine plants of them.

Amthemusetinctoras Goldens Marsuerite.. Clumipsemc: =. sss s0. eis $ .60 $5.00 i = ely aan scl pSiy ate ny. Saas Pus hata ok oe renee .60 5.00 Aquilegia chrysantha. Golden-spurred Columbine. Field clumps....... 7s 6.00 Bs flabellatasnanasalbayie| Gachuimapser.| seve yates eis eens 75 6 00 a dlandnlosas tela eelumips o;a see. ae a eee es ees 5 6.00 S VULGARIS ALBA. Giant White Columbine. Field grown.. .60 5.00 Atabisealbidaltiap aa) ollb le Rocks @ressy. 2°, ink pOtsues ee aee soe 50 4.00 Asclepias tuberosa. Butterfly Weed, 2 year roots...............--------- 1.00 8.CO Asters. Hardy Michaelmas Daisies, 12 choice named sorts. 2% in. pots. 50 4 00 = a pa a a 2s 5 Chum psruncieas 75 6.00 ASIC RE DAW Mi Aj crandsnewrsont. 4 isuimer pots. a s5 ese ese 2.00 15.00 s Japonica Clumip se eAtmermi Cam gO Willers ae eal 75 6.00 R “Gladstone. Chuimip se Amer le cra Witla eet eres es T.00 8.00 , Sinensiaee C lumps Aumentcam: row nee seraieete ee oe T.00 8.00 * Bocconia cordata —— PlumesPoppy.::; Seecace oc cies See ees .60 5.00 Pol tontaast ror ester wae re hee es LAMENT maa ee ences Ae eRe .50 4.00 4 meee lavicguiainlacars ey Pee wie 5 uies tn Boe <2 .]. Sue RN epee Cae y a ate So hals ey .60 5.00 | o ag NANA. Lov ett’s Dwarf Boltonia. 2% in. pots.... 75 6.00 a a Gliimipsie ss eyes es 10.00 CAMPANULA MEDIA. Canterbury Bells: Gsop7aainesp Os setae ger oso .50 3.00 5 Rieldecltmipsies.s.n soe .60 5.00 ea persicaefolia. Peach-leaved Harebell. 2% in pots...... $ 50 $4.00

= 3 fl. pl. alba. Double White Harebell. (New). PE NOs ADOUS so dos T.00 8.00

3 os et eae Double White Harebell. 3% in.

WOES sons ee ode, ahetens 1.50

= Grossiekis) Hield- clumps. iio. in aims oss ooo elec ai 60 5.00

4 ) OV ET Mee SUV RON ee


G@entranthus rubra Ned eVialeriangs 24, ines OLS pee ae ee aes Cerastium tomentosum. Snow id Summer. 2% in. pots....:........... Chrysanthemums, Hardye ) 20 selecr namedovanctiese, 9227 nap Otsas eee s 207 ee Clitm psa ere @lematissDavidiana., Bush) Clemaus. neldschumps, ines) ee eee Convallariasmayalis:s sll yaoi ine Vall cw ying ey aera ae peers pra @orcopsis#lanceolatan (dite) solide Wc cr- oy cater erg re ee Daisy, Japanese (Chrysanthemum Nipponicum). 2% in. pots.......... FS Field clumps eo Shasta.s sorrom eo. eld. chuimpst.sriiee =) ee nee eee ee ee “Delphiniumyelatumecoclestinnm © s-2 1. ere eee ee a formosums, CLUMPS eae. oes eee ee eee ee ie HYBRIDUM. English Larkspur, Kelway’s strain. Strong Clini pS aeeecest eee Smensis-* Cininescrleanicspute: @ © lump styrene eee eee anne Desmodium penduliflorum. Bush Trefoil. SUVARI = POLS y pede ee eras ore: ie % 5 DiworycarsOlLdicootssss—. ee ALIN: pees INS "Pp ORS tet si. eee ee eens Dianthus barbatus. (See Sweet William).

Wicentra ispectabilis ats ee ire a eee DIGITALIS PURPUREA. Foxglove. ib 0g; -|0X0) COP RORI S 8 See ne

be ee


ee ee

5 ce ce = Sir omemel timinp Sey. .-coe eee ee ee ee 2 dloximoides:+ 3-1 Disp OLS ae areca se een be ce we

Stronmceclmmipseerew ce eae eae ae VEryngium amethystioums s5ea Liolly= Stroneaplants. sense ae ee Bunkiaslanerfoliatvariedatas Wantesated Days Wiliees 4) on a Ser ONAL Ae (Goer iulem me Jey ary le vl y; Meset art nee a ele oe ery ten

so OTE BOUGDIEAINA cosy ttre oy 2s] es enlace te Cee etry a an

2 isubcordatal granditliora: oW ite: Dany: slay ees ser ae a GAILLARDIA GRANDIFLORA. Blanket Flower. Clumps.......... COMPA GHAcs<€ lumps ae a ee GIANT EVBRIDS] Clumips:. 245 -- Galtam“boreales—. Nedr Straws ee. I eee eee ee vs Gypsophila paniculata. Baby's Ensaulie Stronestield roots see Helenium autumnale superbum. Clumps.............00-ec0eceeeeeeeees Helianthus Miascimiallivarrarmes Glial cme co: Deen ee ee ieee ss mollis: Dow mye Stun ower -\Clunnaga siesta ee re ane eran multiflorus grandiplenus. (So/e7/ d Or). 3 in. pots.......... Heliopsis Pitcherianus. Orange Sunflower. 2% in. pots................

ee we


33 tgtioe e Glirmpsveen ay eto ee eee Ilemerocallis Dumortiert. Goldens aysiu yale ee ee oe flavaee Alvem@niybilye see te Sct tte cea re 5 pn ea

i. fulvasta la winy cD aves Bilycnrs 2 eect, pene rt ee ears ne

i: ani here Ben nl bee en OKCrotoiavo) <= Bromo IDen7 INN fo 20% 64,8 ots Ses ne

8 Lhunbergis, qjapanese.Wemoneliliy. ete ee ee Hibiscus militaris. Halbert leaved Hibiscus Strong I year roots......


moscheutos. Rose or Marsh Mallow. “Crimson Eye,” Pink and Pine Witte. Asvicat TOO ace

moscneutos. . Salle wvaGiehlesn 2 Vea hOOlsyaan a toa wne ne Hollyhocks, Double. Lovett’s Superb, separate colors. Strong roots.... ce cs Bi i MmixeGmeoOlors ==) Stkone kL OOlSe een

z Singles Mixed tolorse. Stron so emiseen nce ei tt eee Hyacinthus candicans. Hardy Hyacinth. Strong bulbs................. Iberis sempervirens. Evergreen Candytuft From ‘frames.............. IRIS, GERMAN. Choice named Home grown. $25.00 per Iooo.... % Mixed varieties Home grown $20.00 per 1,000..

a JAPANESE. Superb araimied a) Str Oneain@ ots ueiaane te ee Ee SS Ghoice vanieties imix ct aston oyoOls ra yeaa Wathyrus latitolms: \;-Rerennial Pea “Stronemield ootse-) een. aaa ee = es MARY SE OMVIEAG..- cicveeiro Clon sterg 7 eee

ma AM CBE WOOL. coon dconn Soc od Odo


- e Pink Beauty) 1 Yeat froopsnes, see eee Mobeliacardinalis:. (Cardinal Mower 24 Sin atss ee ee eee ee Lychnis viscaria splendens fl. pl. Double German Catchfly. 2% in pots Lysimachia nummuleria. Creeping Jenny. Moneywort..,........ Stach ate

<b punctata: ClUMPSiiii ies cres PPM aad a aha Ginna ad tartan

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Lythram roseum superbum. Rose Loosestrife. Strong field plants....... ; Be Atitumme Glows otuono plamtse 2. .045 00 5.6. Monarda didyma splendens. Oswego Tea. Bee Balm...................

Se ettectulasaval bass -Vial ldis erecamnlOk wan ives ee sck. eco) os Saw 5 fg ohne

MOSS PINKS. Phlox subulata.

Alba, pure white; Rosea, bright rose; The Bride, white with pink eye. ROS ROOMS Ione OOO Were erry ew ee ere eM ener ei ee et MOAR oes Si


Myosotis palustris semperflorens. Forget-me-not. 2% in. pots.......... = ss sy Oa ae Cllitimipi soca eens INepetaxolechomm arses Gnoulm de lbvays. seer ane oc... castes ee on yea ns etre OcnotherasVoungi VOUmouse ie viemunen loin TOSCre ate oat es ye ae | Pachydandralstecnaimal (sa 20 > eine OLS relay. Weise teehee ne ts ene e BH Chirp ST eae os... ee eoereges tee tepeye ee cuske eie tah rete ote



3 Y ENE POLS roe (A splendid lot of plants of this useful and showy Hardy Perennial.)

Rapaver nudicaule. lecland Poppy. sotrons clumps... 45-0... 42.5.. 0.8 Rarcant hustomnensicters) vein eratyele liver ieee he nee ele ee ee PENSTEMON BARBATUS TORREYI. Beard Tongue. Clumps.....


Strong roots, 2 or more eyes each.

Andracscaurena = Bright cose, later extra foreuttmg .... 44)... ..-.5" Arethusa. Large, full, soft pink; long stems; very fragrant........... Brennus. Brilliant dark crimson, appearing almost black.............. Dark Grimson | ‘he wellknown darkicnimsonmvaricty. .- 46). 4455.. =. Early Rose. Very free bloomer, late ; a superior variety for cutting.....

Festiva maxima (770) = alleepure witite,sthemmuestot alla). 5 5 ae Fragrans (¢7we). Large, full, deep rose; very fragrant; late; long stems BVOC ETUC ON CVOOSIC athe © Hip A coe oe RAS Oo Sees Pens Serene

Jolin. Birgit tOshy jimi & Wem leneers ahah itil a cus ebay echue Bcen seen oes. Kady Bramwell: Soft) silvery rose; full and fragrant. .../............. L’Esperence. Rosy pink, early ; very fragrant; tall, strong grower; free

OO TING THAR tea me ore een ante NODS. a PANE Ara eees we aay, Gree de in chs Officinalis rubra plena. Old fashioned early blooming bright red........ Palas, IP Ure SinOne Winn & srmllll eyonGl Time RE OS G on esa oe ba we ce oe cone Phoemise Deep purple-wine savenyeiine VaAtlcly- on —. 2545.) ee Rotts) Old but cood: Vividsdark emmson >free bloomer. 4.5- 0 - Queen Victoria (Whitley). White, cream center ; superior keeper; very

Vilna DlesOrrC uit bl mlgeen oo styucs eee cee 3.0 oie pardoned eg eg. Rosca, Popular rose colored variety ; larce-and fragrant: o.....25-. 0... SGsannag om oder Os vaplnikemlaneermhkacha (tee atewe ats rae eee ene DoublevPinkavarietres: mite clita. = ope Rs tech UE oe moe es Dowslesalliscolorsrnminc Ce crs ie oo = 5p ROM ee OE) So eee eens 2 Singlewallscolorcumauleced: agi eyo ones rte, 0!) SEN acne ae cme ne, ele eee teen


Abbottsford. Carmine pink ; large and beautiful. 2% in. pots. .......

lors Majestyam inte awondernnulllystnee-. 2) A imempots aa ae ees %: a @huimipSeaeree sic oenineeh eco... 5 RO appear terre Seong ne Scere gen Mirco pinkins) seance. full pune white tow erSam2 A ime pols... ee. a - (COT ga DSN a cee Ren PO MES, s:.''c CICS Mate any oe Re

Perpetual Snow. Pure white, richly clove scented, elegantly fringed ; flowers freely and constantly all summer and

UWE 29, SH. YP OUS Waeeea ae ayo See nat ame er

Ss s MUTT pists Geren y Sete ca tcc Gk: 0 ema Pars on Syriac Aa sou, de Saaley- Deepipink, mnely fringed. 2)7¢ine pots... s5545..-- 04. -

ee en enn |


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Of these I have a large and very fine stock.

rooted with good balls of earth; the first season.

Even those in 2% inch pots are well

stock that will make strong plants and flowers freely

Bacchante. Light wine with crimson eye. Lothair. Light red ; midseason

Belvidere. Bright red; early. Lumineux. Rosy pink; carmine center.

Boquet de Fleur. White withcarmine eye ; Maculata. Bright rosy carmine; showy. elegant form. MineP 2 Wangier (2.7 aSvoc A. Deep

COQUELICOT. Bright firey red; mid- firey red; the finest red Phlox; mid season. season.

Cyclon. White suffused with rosy lilac ; Mr. Gladstone. Satiny rose, bright red dark eye. eye.

Eiffel Tower. Soft flesh pink; carmine Mrs. Jenkins. Pure white, very large pan- eye; tall grower. icles ; early

Evenment. Salmon pink with carmine Offenbach. Light purple; dwarf habit. eye. Otto Thalacker. Rosy carmine; free

Independence. Pure milk white; midsea bloomer; dwarf. son to late. Parachute. Bright purple, white eye.

Inspector Elpel. Light rose, carmine eye. Peach Blow. Blush pink, white center.

Joan of) Are. | Pure (white. very inee Pecheur d Island. Crimson, carmine eye. bloomer ; early till late. Pharon. Bright lilac, white eye.

La Nuit. Rich purple garnet. R. P. Struthers. Bright rosy red, carmine

La Vague. Light rosy purple ; late. eves

La Vengeur. Bright amaranth; large Semiranis. Rosy lilac, white center. flower. Von Goethe. Rosy purple, carmine eye.

Le Siecle. Bright pink ; early. Von Hochburg. Bright rich claret; large

Le Soleil. Bright pink with rosy eye. panicles.

Well established plants in 2% in. pots, 4oc. per 10 ; $3.00 per 100 ; $25 00 per 1,000. Strong field clumps, 6cc. per 10; $5.00 per 100 ; $40.00 per 1,000.

mixed varieties, 50c. per 10 : $4.00 per 100 ; $35.00 per 1,000.

EARLY BLOOMING PHLOX. Phlox suffruticosa.

Beauty of Mindon (J/odesty). White, flushed rose.

Miss Lingard. Pure white with blush eye; long full panicles of bloom, from very early until late autumn; splendid for cutting.

Progress. White suffused lilac. Well established plants in 2% in. pots, 50c. per 10; Strong field clumps, 75c. per Io ; $6.00 per 100,


$4 00 per 100.

Amoena. Lovely Phlox Strong plants....60c¢ per 10; $5 00 per 100; $10.00 per 1,000 @arolinay Laurelleavied 2hiox ) St,one. planitc.n es ee eee 1.00 per Io; £8 00 per Ioo Subulata. (See Moss Pinks) 10 100 Physostegia virginica. Dragonehicad. om (Smile deren eee eee $ .60 $5 00 alibas= ANnite- Drag ontelleads es tp..e nearer eee .60 5 00 Platycodon Leichtlinii. Clematis-flowered Bell Flower 2 year roots.... w75 6 oo Mariesi, Japaneses Bell Mowers gemyeat Ools = ya ee ae .60 5 00 Pols;gonum*cuspidataum= 1 Giant motwieed 5 meee ares ane eel een 75 6 OO Priumulay vulgaris: sbnglish= pai inOSess: 3) 1/11) else kee ee eee ere 60 5.00 Ranunculusvacris tapi gDouple suit terc up. \ meee reine nee .50 4 00 Rubusirosactolius, + Stra wbery-TaspDeny. aan eee 50 4-00 Rudbeckia lanciniata fl. pl. Golden Glow. Strong divisions........... .50 3 00 a ze a ae ie : Chama saa Ae sees coer eets .60 5 00 s maxima Great Conellower, Stromesteldi roots eae S55) 6.00 oD: Newman Gpeciosa)s slum pS. See eee tre .60 5.00 purpureay | Grea Punple ConetlowenmmGlmumipss ane n eas B75 6.00 A superb lot of strong clumps of this grand Hardy Perennial. sub=-tomentosa. sblack-ey ed Susansye© lmao Se arene eel “ails 6.00 triloba. Wonderfully free bloomemes@lumipss-- 5h ere ae: .60 5.00 SALVIA AZUREA GRANDIFLORA. California Blue Sage. Clumps 50 6.00



Santolina incana. Lavender Cotton. 2% in. pots <i 5 Clumps

OO O WO Oo 68s Oo Oo GO ord ClO ote oo

Co rd

Sedum Japonicum Wanicdatumew Cl UTNDS: motne es tet nes oe eas he BE maximum. Great Stone Crop. Clumps sarmentosum carneum. 21% in. pots Sieboldi. 2% in. pots


00-0190 Goo Gong, 6 OOO oo coo a0 oO 0 ee


spectabilis (true). Showy Stone Crop. 2% in. pots Solidago maritima. Seaside Golden Rod

Comm TL Oar ee Pe eee es ere He ea A Stachyshlanataws) \WWOOllyWoundwornt) Clumpss:.05542+55.50 9060.55. 4. STOKESIA CYANEA. Cornflower Aster Small plants, $25 per 1,000

SMO OVUM oA ode cea cuod

y s = @ lain Stays Pes ere acne SWEET WILLIAM (Dianthus barbatus) Hunt’s Perfection. Fine plants. Gee

2 cs 5 i Hunt's Perfection. Clumps

ve Dark Crimson, Pink, Pure White. Fine plants..

Cluinipse ane Thalictrum aquilegifolum. Meadow Rue. Clumps Tradescantia Virginica. Widow’s Tears. Clumps He a rosea. Clumps Tricyrtis hirta. Japanese Toad Lily. Strong plants Valeriana officinalis. Garden Heliotrope Clumps Weronicasincanays loan Speed wells Glumips semen sae ease eel

‘* LONGIFOLIA SUBSESSILIS. Blue Jay Flower. From 2% in.

6 oe

Ce ry


Strong plants from frames..... Strong chumps. 2 cias saat This is the finest Hardy Perennial that produces blue flowers. PLUP CSCI Seg © NUM Se eres Cte ne rete SG, a, < FMR as See aeie any ects cee spicata. Glia P Serre eee a iste sos eens «oir pn aeppn Sor reai e Vinca minor. Periwinkle..... :

= Varlcoa taew iat mee N uence ea to. sieve oie aoe Seen tC acca aye oe SP Ree Yucca filamentosa. 2 yearroots. Adam’s Needle

ee ee

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PCAVAyr TOOUSMe ce aaa. ve ee ee oe ee


Ampelopsis Guinquefoliasma ine inial@reepers. 2 yeaa eee coe

tricolor 2py.calen SURO Oe err T ee. «1 See were ee cre cere a

a VEITCHI. Boston or Japanese Ivy, field grown, No. I, 2 to

BENE ACO S ates sna eter OE TSS, ~. 1s uSeeRS Caste NRG oy re: Sracigs Ampelopsis VEITCHI Boston or Japanese Ivy, field grown, extra strong, ZEUOLS MEET OD Supa wees eee he Fo ys + « i eae eco Lemar iam eaeaceer a some:

Aristolochia sipho, Dutchman’s pe. EAVEAPONUO UD tin, WSacecccucee coc CLEMATIS PANICULATAs 2s antepotse nc .: 14 iitestin cease sc eae ee ms 2 aS. held’ or Ow MeeNOnele see ect ee

Myecars yield erowm—ee xtkals thONn gas eee Buonyanoustradicans a2 nyicalss '2 LOml oman lOPS \ aera aint eri eee variegata, 2 Yen: Opto, 2 INGUOP Sem gcrees ets eee Hedera Hibernica. Irish Ivy, 34 in. pots, 2 to 3 ft. tops, well furnished.. LONICERA HALLEANA. Hall’ S Japan Honeysuckle, 6 to I2 in


ef ce

Qian 2 CONS) liter BuViES ee ST tOus alter Hendersoni. Henderson’s Everblooming, 6 to 12 in of ge Henderson’s Everblooming, 2 to 3 ft Japonica aurea reticulata. Golden Veined, 2 yrs., 1% to 2 ft.

uC Golden Veined, BE Wie, DAO Hii « Rosa Wichuriana. Memorial Rose, 2 years

ce ee ee Ce ce

eee ee wee

eee ee ew we

i i rr ay

NETS SE OVCtt Oey CATS .Ust << ./s Semen ann ners ener ees elas: sheccoma radicanssmlnuimipet Creeper 2nyeans . .j-eeererie ae ees ae ieee Wistaria Sinensis. Chinese Blue Wistaria, 2 yous, Ore) its sce ene

se gs “s it 3 to 5 ‘tt Bern oy Wa Re meng Seer

100 $ 6.00

10.00 6.00

10.00 10.00 3.00 6.00 8.00 6.00 6.00 8.00 2.50 5.00 8.00 7.00 12.00 6.00 8.00 6.00 8.00 3.00 6.00 10.00



Acer dasycarpum. Silver or Soft Maple, ro to 12 ft., 13 to-2sin.-calipene =. Soc te oe ee = 12 10-14 it <2 10.22 Ime Caliper: =.4200 a cs Be ao pee = 23 to 3 in caliper Del Giles Poy See 6 00 ‘© pseudo-platanus. Sycamore Maple, Io to 12 ft., 1% tor2 ine caliper. sse5e a - aS = 2 to 14 [t.5<2 tOl2s: incalt.= oes SO y = = ms % to 3 in caliper Seat cee 7 00 ‘* saccharinum. Sugar or Rock Maple, 8 lOO ft 1 COs ine Caled. ee ene ue ss LOLO 4210 15 to (em Calls. = 93250 = of: x a re = LOstOnm2 th, 1s fo yin Cals. = E50 es = ae z PZ2AOIA Nis 21025 -esCallee 6 ee 2 500 EB a ae oe = 3 10 4 in. cal. specimens. ....- 25.00 Aralia spinosa. Hercules Chibe3 i tom-Tt; arenes ee op oe Oe eee iea7s ote s ey SrlonGalt = Sipe te cen ee Rea eee 3 00 Gatal pas Dunger, 2 ycat licads-.5 tovOnt= Stempel IO 00 os a Bee Se 5 bOSO ChE S TC IME ace 2 sone ee eel eee seg 12.50 . a Reis = On OLO si SUS MS eee air reg eo een ee eee ee a 15.00 Cercis canadensis. American judas. 3 :lO" Aue, (hans 2 eo eee ees 1.50 a Se SCO. 0 Gilg y= Se oa ee Ne ee ee, 2.00 Cornus florida. W hite flow ered Dogwood, 3 £0 it aera ee ey eee 75 aa a gee a EECOsO2 fit, e ee ee ere 3.00 Fagus sylvatica. European Beech, 6 to 8 foe 5 EE ne Ren ag ee Md ae eee 5.00 poe purpurea Riversii. Rivers Purple-leaved Beech, 4 to 5 ft. 5.00 its i 2 ees sa Ba LOLO rit eee 7] SO ee a eed i a 2h = Slt OPO Orit © er OOO Gymnocladus Canadensis. Kentucky Coffee nee AGtO Ositeayt eet eee ee 2.50 a tc = OStO Sable shoot ne 4.00 Liquidabar styraciflua. Sw cet Gitte 3: CO dgitee tr eta ge ee eee te 2.00 B of . oe, 5 LO-OMNiee eet oer Se ee aS 2950 Liriodendron tulipifera. Tulip GAGE 3cLO -ABibre es Sere eee n ere ee I 50 me i eS 50: ORI ea aes ee ee 2 00 7 fe a yO NO» HOM aes orgie cea ene cree nee cae 3.50 Salisburia adiantifolia (Gingko). Maiden Hair res. 4 COsRRi een 2.00 ce Ss Kos 5 tOsOntbas Saree eee 250 iS ee oe re % toe i Bones een ere 3.50 Salix Salamonu. Salamon’s Willow, 12 tom ft., 13/ 10 2 im: Cal. 7-4... -- 4.00 = Ee mo as Page Mees TAGE C8il Vos etecteaes wie one ORs 6.00 a ite ces 2 DI, A OSS IM CANS pen ace eee 8.50 Syxingasaponica. pel reemolaG ht 0: Tt. ase ee eee ee ee 7-50 oe x = rE OSLO, S155 ae OY here mee eee meen ee 10 00 me os os = SOLO. tA ees ee Seas Sores aeree 15.00 oe a ‘- be TOSCO: T244 t pepe ee oe Cee ew cee ee 20 00 UWlmus: Americana, American Mimo to 2 gsi, calles 5 er eee 8.00 e oe * AND TZ. LO SAR hive. Calan Sek cece mee eee 12.00 TWO REMARKABLE EVERGREENS. Of these most valuable Evergreens | have a very large stock. Both are extremely beautiful and both are very hardy. 10 BIOTA AUREA NANA. Berckman’s Golden Arbor Vite, Io to 12 in. at 2.00 ag “* : as feeb Kore haar a 3.00 Ss les 8 ee s = csem ow Rinpe LOVEN Korat H Ves 3.50 PICEA PUNGENS GLAUCA. Colorado Blue Spruce. 2 to 23 ft......... 15.00 “0 s 2 4 i PAUOes otk = Wee ee 20.00 : ee ee 3 3 = BAO ess: tte ene ee 25.00 5 < ee: 2 al 0 Ya fag 8 aan ie 30.00 PUNGENS, GREEN FOLIAGE. Colorado Spruce. 2% to 3 ft 3.00 : BLOBS otk 4.00 es : Ss a zs ; 3510 4 it.5 a 5.00 at c. te a we 4 to 5 ft specimens.. I0 00 ; Sis Ss Ex : : be tO pe Ocak

specimens.. 15.00

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“I O71 Gd oO1 © Ur



75 OO 100.00


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Althea, Double, 3

to 4 ft

emia l=) ela) fe ecie/ces(e) lelielie) («) (ele) (ele «fe! is) wie “altelieuie) eel felie. ©) le) (aisle. ese) (e\le («jis s/s) ©

emltotisealbace> scons shite tay ern mole Sys ak Select e gen sites teat ae as = Variegated- Neavedee 2 Al Opn lita mantic aes its SURE «eet on 8S o Ee & x OMA ak Ja scion Stee EMSS Be Ea Ge cet td SR ate eres fae Nraliaspentaphiyl laerontorameboden tosh Aece a cathe ca phe ee earane = = Steatitn uate ath poets a ns 5" (BO ea UL tne vee fy NR i PO on, SE

sp inosa.

AZALEA AMOENA, 2% in. pots

oe ee

Berberis Lovetti.

Hercules’ Club (See Deciduous Trees, page 8). 8 to 10 in high Ree Reese Goya ce ae 12 Ax Ome Setstnre Ins ahi eeas ou ne Meee Een. als a perce Hheshedcemplantrof the fmturesmers tO; romdinl s tramsenr.

3 TUBS (MOP Bain, CCE ONS ya EOC Ca skee CaM RG, con caer Aa ns Rome oe OM oO Warmalyerch, 2A 0O.1Ug Win, UeNBs coc ccot $30 00 per T,000......... 2 “f US. TKO) IAS) idly IOWSIN Ag cook 40 00 ad NA Gees ieee = In (ROR: Be See thes Cae ORO Oma ss e arer pee nyaben tr is < DAORD sailings ehh ery teetiten eerees. TE NOROOp epee cosets Baan Nee a a 2 to 3 ft., INGEN ice bie Op bie HAOROO WD ail eae va toc tee hes

Buddleya variabilis, 114 to 2 ft


Calycanthus floridus, 6 te 12 in


Cornus paniculata, 1% to 2 ft

ce ce

Deutzia crenata

‘© Pride of

DEGO maui t eee PMS 75 cep ee ee Anema Ma 1% 2 it, trams

BAO By rie. SRA O ay 8 all ick poss at RG 8 TPO POEMS) Gl cacao A ec aees ea e fiReep ee oCOsAGh ee hema merma tes... \Camemne sc! ear aMeeer ls freee, ak Rochester, 3 to 4 ft

appa amiemieniele! late) jo: 5e) (elamissielieire) (elle) (olcelicliclie) o) felianiel e)felle/ial iain) te

ee cra chia els ptOrl Smileys DUSUNY scree ncaa ose: <- +) susmametctin des econ SP aeM oy oe ss ss IS WOES MOTORS ON an eicrs wees LRN Go cloth ean ee Rema rete ee zs TOSEA MS RUOM OMIT a DUNS UVa ce cea: Cen, WL are eer oRA oak ¥ LEMOINEL IWPRTO) FSW eaL a ee Se ea aire ys eee eine ase ie ih mh hd ipl ose TBO Oe AY ET ates rwse Aas ROR aE cists is at eb Se eas Slee a oe DytOugeita eas anes EI OPEN Pe oe ii oe Seeks aa oer: ee a Be OveUaliLS cat we PREPS cher moat 5: =. 3/6 em, Heieau anaes See Meister ons Exochoraaorandiflorash 5a lO 2 shba sas 3,26: bl.) </ eeeaetg® ceee ere hrc ra ai vee a DET Om ASU A tae Ans rir es ot IEC coe Ne ete Deer 5A 2

Genista Japonica.

Hydrangea paniculata grandiflora, 2 to

Golden Fleece,


f oy it

Fleeti. Golden Lace, 1%t ee ee 2 t

Hypericum Van y OMPAMTIR wa ee Ror eon cin aE es = 8 a Ole? EE eea reer a thes, Sa

lex crema, jlapEimese IBlollly Wa Wo mS Mls Soe Re c occ obo oe sono sseuccencd |Ruon SUT UA EO Oe Sek os hea doe Sack pempN bommocon soso c oo aneece KALMIA LATIFOLIA. Mountain Laurel, 12 to 18 in., bushy and fine. oe os af eS 18 to 24 in., a ean fs.

Be ce e oo 2to 3 ft., bushy and fine...

ge Be a = CG We poe Pe Ue ee

These Kalmias have good solid balls of earth and are extra fine. Car lots supplied at very low rates.

LIGUSTRUM IBOTA. Chinese Privet, 1% to 2 ft , trans., $40 per 1,000

28 to 3 ft., trans., $60 per I,000. ce ee ce BAKO) G1 1h. oe $80 a3 6 : ee oe ) 4 to 5 fh exa tines hr1O per 1.000

Ibota nana. New dwarf, edging Privet, I2 to 18 in., DISA S ag Sib oon ein es cs ss es # PiViete En tOu2rtite. bushy ei ae ovalifolium. California Privet, 3 yrs, 3 to 4 ft., bushy, CO JETP MAOOOE oo oe on ae 2 SAYS ere cCOn be ite USA $4 O_pelnie OOOn ee ae ~ ie Say. ESe, 5) to Ott. bushy, $50 per 1.000... .. ne of ef BMVSe On LOvouit.. extra, Siyi5seDelE OOO -

mre Globe or r Ball, 18in., high and spread... ; te ea in. Aan Ot

10 $

>I.00 1.25 T 25 7s T.00 I

oc aD)

‘75 (exe) 50 .0O


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to HOH

moun mount D ) e)

7.00 9g 0O 12.00

3.50 5.00 2.50 5.00 6.00


10 je ONE TT, | RIAL eS liaves ne Neen) e


CALIFORNIA PRIVET. Globe or Ball’ 30 inte 35) 26min spreades =. 2. | 30 finer 2S Sea oie me eel alee a Standard, heads isaine diameters eee ar a 4 7 = enone ES) eee eae = es a = “Vor Pars ope eco tae na toat te I offer a splendid lot of Standard and Globe Privet.

LYCIUM SINENSIS, DIES COAS tae ee oo ee GeO) (DG 1EAOGOn oa soe BNUOnd il bereeta a anes +d CRAIGeaD eee meee (reer vce ot af DYE NO F lila, headed back and bushy, $50 per I ,000

s 6 Bi Tie ia Tite. Sea crane Rhododendron gmaximum.) 2 Great Baye) 02 \tomrs ums. a eae a aS S ss DEC Bynes fon emer cane, RO eRe! ee : ue ae VA 6 ra OR eaten on enote ne ttis OE tan aaa bai he PON KROL ahs <o eR ersOh amei h ta ae) os ee oe ze if: LEAS ee eo eer ene irae, ae : oe ae SNL 2p ENR SpE See a ee dali Al eA

Car lots at special rates. Rhododendron punctatum, I2 to 18 in., bushy a 1% to 2 ft. ; oe “f 2 to 2% ft. ve RUS cotinus ob unplesiiningen stor tt. amet een een ee es ‘\ TYPHINA LACINIATA. Laced-leaved Staghorn Sumac, 2 to

66é 66 66

Beat Gene pe mas aeecege ee

BitOrae tt --.-. Meme Ae coh ee ee eh Ane: ROSA RUGOSA. Japanese Rose, I2 to 18 in., trans


Robinia hispida. Rose XCACIAR eS 2 CONsutit


1% to 2 ft., ‘trans RGR ena, See os as alba. 12to18 in



78 LOL2 4G ., “Tinie Beer oe A ey ee ee pe 2 LOZ, AEtee. VET aM eee eee ea eee prunifolia fl. pl. Bridal Witeath. 2jtonapits se) 12 ocean eee ee a ees ra 3 COMISIt: Ae a eee eee Styrax Japonica, 1 estor2elt ecu ue eee eo) ie ye te ee eines Smyphoricarpus vulgaris. Indian Currant »1setopgitts rae ae ess x ee BMOGG Wl seoee. Len ee ee fo eae eee Syringa Josikaea. Josika’ s Lilac, 3 to 4 ft



6 66 66


Astorg "ft. 7 Age a ee ee ne Ee ee villosa.) Phe finest of yall/the Wilacs/#reito 18a. transes= ee eee Tamarix Indica, 3 to a ft cS = SACKONO EES CE ees eee antes SMM, wohl, Ske Aenean ial ire esa ioe Viburnumidentatumsis:toizatetransess). 2 eee ee eee ee Weigela nana Varledatas: 2010 Biulits eno ee cues. 6 Wa 2 ee a ee Ee ns BOCA ae cis ee es ee & Paine alo epee es Het a:


Arundoidonax, Lardy Bamboo es Strons ioetsnes ee eee eee + a variegata. Division)... (4 gaeaaeys ical Oerny toe a a eet Eulalia gracillima univittata. Japanese Rush. Clumps 3 in. square..... of Japonica’ variedata.s Chumps 3 in.. Squaneqeess= a ener eee

ss Lebrina.. (Clumips3 in. Squwamesenmer see ieee cee

Phalaris arundinacea picta. Clumps........ | 5 4 Pee een ereeoer a arora


Lavender, Sweet. (Lavendulaweza). 2, ineepotse see eee eee Mint,’ Meadow ‘or Spear 2.29.2 soe.: . . ... eae ee eee ee Set Peppermints aoe eee ee coe ws «sl 2 eee eee eye og ene eee Sage, Holts Mammoth. A very superior form of the garden sage. 2% IM EDOES ieee erceene

Clumips’. @2.\s. . .. Rein Sere eee Cetera: Marragon (2 s/7acvur) tr ule. 257 inl» POES;. .. Se Meee reenter nace coe a ay GlUMPS... i Cs Minted oie aeetl ard tose

ole) heb elielevieste lei le) let ete, aive./a) ‘ao, *e> wise ej'e le) a \@\ Je le) \6) el lele ce (@).eles,0) (0) 6 \e) ‘sie cele) leleue

“¢ ce “e¢


$3.5 5.00 6.00 8.50



I still have a good lot of roots of the following varieties of Cannas. They are strong roots, two and three eyes each, grown by me at Little Silver, are in perfect condition and strictly true to name and unmixed. To close them out I offer them at the reduced prices annexed. Speak quickly or it will be too late.

Adiniral Schley. 3 ft. Gilt edge. Similar to Queen Charlotte but better. $2.00 per 100; $15.00 per 1000.

Allemania. 5to6ft. An improved Italia. One of the very best of the Giant or Orchid-flowered varieties. $1.50 per 100; $12.00 per 1000.

Austria. 6 ft. An orchid-flowered variety with pure canary yellow flowers. Fine foliage; does not bloom until late. $1.50 per 100; $12.00 per 1000.

Crimson Bedder. 3to4 ft. The best bedding Canna. Superb. $2.00 per 100; $18.00 per 1000.

David Harum. 4 ft. One of the finest bronze leavedsorts. Flowers vermillion, spotted crimson. $2.00 per 100; $15.00 per 100.

King Edward. 43 ft. A brilliant scarlet Canna. Fine foliage, a splendid bed- ding variety. $2.00 per 100; $18.00 per 1000.

Little Gem. 1 to 2 ft. A pocket edition of Mme. Crozy. Same make up and color of flower. Truly a little gem. $3.00 per 100; $25.00 per 1000.

Mrs. Kate Gray. 5 to 6 ft. A superb orchid-flowered variety with immense, bright orange-scarlet flowers. $2.00 per 100; $15.00 per 1000.

Pres. Carnot. 4 ft. A standard bronze-leaved variety; a free grower and bloomer. Orange-scarlet flowers. $1.50 per 100; $12.00 per 1000.

Pres. MckKiniley. 3 ft. Brilliant crimson. A superb bedding variety. $2.00 per 100; $15.00 per 1000.

West Grove. 4 ft. A superb pink Canna. The best of its color and very fine. $2.50 per 100.

Yellow Crozy. 33 ft. The best yellow Canna. Large pure yellow flowers; free bloomer anda sturdy, stocky grower. Of greatvalue for bedding. $2.50 per 100; $20.00 per 1000.


Home grown and in first-class shape. They are strong field grown roots and strictly true to name.


Brittania. Deep salmon flesh. John H. Roach. Lemon yellow. Black Prince. Velvety maroon. Kingfisher. Crimson and lake. Bridesmaid. Primrose and blush. Kriemhilde. Flesh pink.

Capstan. Soft apricot and brick red. Konigen Wilhelmina, Richmaroon. Chas. Woodbridge. Crimson and lake Mr. Moore. Deep claret and maroon. Columbia. Salmon shaded lemon. Mrs. Montefiore. Scarlet crimson. Cycle. Crimson. Oban. Rosy lavender.

Firebrand. Glowing crimson. Ruby. Vermillion and carmine. Gloriosa. Magenta and crimson. Strahlein Krone. Cardinal red. Harmony. Orange red and old gold. Wm. Cuthbertson. Crimson and car- Island Queen. Soft lavender. mine.

75c, per dozen; $5.00 per 100.



Amethyste. Deep rich garnet, long twisted petals.......................... $2.50 Apollo. Rosy lake shading to crimson; beautiful form and very decorative.

Lone twisted petals heen... . RR a ee ee eee 3.00 Aristocrat. Richbrilliant vermillion, very decorative....................... 2.50 Harzer Kind. Pure light pink: dware habitae. 5: ae sss 2.) ee 2.50 Landrat Dr. Scheiff. Light orange shading to chamois; a new and distinct

color; very decorative: 22.0 i... “ie fo i ee ee 2.50 Medusa. Brilliant garnet shading to rich maroon. Large flower with long,

tubularemuchstwistedspebtalsins....; Weert cre ere ate eee 2.50 Neck;~ Clearfiery- bright crimson: dwar habit. ; 2 =. 3. ee 2.50

Spotless Queen. Pure snow white; large fiower with long graceful petals and fine form. Awarded first prize as best white Cactus Dahlia by Am. TVSUUEULE eos Chega a Eo eo esas Dag eo Ne ee 5.00 Trudchen Pape. Beautiful silvery rose, shading to deep rose. Large full flower,elegant form and long graceful petals, twisted in a fantastic and charming manners cach is ee ee. RR ee eae ee 3.00


DOZEN 100 Crimson Century. Similar to 20th Century but with more intense COlON sve el Ses Fe eee. ee ee ee $1.25 $8.00 Lavender Century. Star shaped flowers of deep lavender or rich wine colors --Unique. <> o.2itee.... .: Sager ole se eee nee Gere 125 8.00 Scarlet Century Intense brilliant, dazzling scarlet................ deie 12.00 20th Century The most popular of all single Dahlias.............. 1.25 8.00


Several thousand plaints of the good, cld reliable Gen. Grant or Single Grant Ger- anium; the finest and best of all Geraniums for brilliant display in beddinz. Strong plants in 2} and 2% in. pots, with solid balls and good strong tops, $2.25 per 1(0;

$20.00 per 1000.

Circulars gwing full descriptions, mailed free upon request. Ask for circulars

A and B. J. T. LOVETT, Little Silver, N. J.

February 20, 1907.