Historic, archived document

Do not assume content reflects current scientific knowledge, policies, or practices.


Haven Seed Company


Growers for the Wholesale Trade Only


Cancelling All Previous Offers and Subject xo Change Without Notice

Tomato Seed=Crop 102^3

Santa Ana, California, January 15, 1923.


We give no warranty, express or implied, as to description, quality, productiveness, or in any other matter of any seeds we send out, and will not be in any way responsible for the crop. If the purchaser does not accept the goods on these conditions they are at once to be returned.

We offer the following varieties of TOMATO SEED, Crop of 1923, for delivery after harvest.

We grow all our Tomato Seed, and for seed purposes only. Our entire force give their undivided attention to the production of the highest possible grade of Tomato Seed and by producing it in quantity we are able to make the prices at which we sell.

All seed is thoroughly washed and milled and securely packed for safe carriage.

If you have special strains or varieties other than those listed herein which you wish grown, write us and we will endeavor to meet your requirements.

Plans for seed supplies must be made in advance and we are now preparing for the 1923 crop of Tomatoes. Your orders should be placed early. Additional orders may be made later as we may be able to accept them.

In event of crop failure, loss by fire or other causes beyond our control, we make a full pro rata delivery.

Delivery made f. o. b. Santa Ana, California.

Bags charged for extra at market value.

TERMS:— Sixty (60) day acceptance, 2% discount allowed if remittance is mailed within ten (10) days from date of invoice. Discount not allowed unless taken within the ten (10) day period.

Our equipment is of the best and your orders will have our careful personal attention.

Yours truly.



List of Varieties

Pounds VARIETY Price per lb,

Acme $

.Atlantic Prize -

Avon Early


.Bonny Best


Buckeye State -

.Burbank (new) -

.Burwood (Broad leaf, smooth, scarlet)

.Chalk’s Early Jewel



Crimson Cushion

.Dwarf Aristocrat

Dwarf Champion

Dwarf Giant

Dwarf Ponderosa

Dwarf Stone

Duke of York


.Early Detroit

.Enormous -

.E avorite

.First Early (A. & M.)

-Globe -

.Golden Queen

.Greater Baltimore

-Gulf State Market


I. X. L

-John Baer

.June Pink

.Long Keeper ,




.Mansfield Tree


.Mikado or Turner’s Hybrid

.Mikado, Scarlet





Pounds VARIETY Price per lb.

Red Rock $

.San Jose Canner



.Trophy, Improved

.Truckers’ Favorite

.Yellow Ponderosa

Wilt Resistant Sorts



.Nor duke


Forcing Sorts

.Carter’s Sunrise


.Frogmore Select

.Lister’s Prolific


.Noroton (Round Cluster Forcing)....

.Recruit (Selected)

.Stirling Castle

Small Fruited Sorts

.Red Currant

.Red Cherry

Red Pear

.Red Plum

.Red Peach

.Yellow Cherry

.Yellow Pear

.Yellow Plum

.Yellow Peach

.Golden Husk or Strawberry

.Purple Husk

Haven’s Select Strains

Cucumber, Lemon $

.Gherkin, West India

Pepper, Chinese Giant


.Egg Plant, Black Beauty

Improved New York Purple

Haven seed company.

Santa Ana, California