Historic, archived document Do not assume content reflects current scientific knowledge, policies, or practices. FALL 1923 PRICE LIST SPRING 1924 STOKES* NURSERY LECOMPTE, LA. Our Specialties are: Pansies, Roses, Evergreen Trees and Shrubs, Fancy Leaved Caladiums and Easter Lilies. Owing to having no help our stock is very limited. Thanking our many customers for their liberal patronage, we are Respectfully, SAM STOKES & SON. Price Cape Jasmine $ .25 Hydrangea, pink flowered I . 25 Amoor River Privet for hedge . 03 Magnolia Grandiflora 15 Magnolia Fuscata, large size 50 Sweet Shrub, Chocolate color .25 Abelia Grandiflora, evergreen 25 Pansy Plants, giant flowered, mixed colors, dozen 25c; 100...$1,50 Fancy Leaved Caladiums, cannot be sent out before April. We have a collection of about 40 varities — they are all mixed. We cannot send separate colors 25 Sweet William, either single or double, mixed colors, dozen 15 100 for 1.00 ROSES Mary Van Houtte, cream color 25 J. L. Mock, deep pink 25 Gen. McArthur, red , .25 Louis Philippe, red 20 Bride, white 25 Bridesmaid, pink 25 White Ladybanks, climber 20 Pittosporum; wTe have two varieties, solid green and varie- gated 25 & .50 Our Bulb stock is all sold out for this season. We do not handle ferns and other house plants. We recommend express shipments. All orders must be ac- companied by cash. Do not send postage stamps. Sign your name and address plainly. ADDRESS SAM STOKES & SON Box 416 LECOMPTE, LA. raj 33131 esei jjah Ynmnuvi 'mMyrB .AJ ,3TlMOD3J bn'.s &9stT aaav%i&vS t*9«oH ^oUhbH :9u esBIsitasqE wO .gsiliJ fans ammbebsD bwjssJ yan*? *admrfB .bdiimil y*i&v g'x alaoJia fuo qb>d cm gnb/sii oi $mwO 3g&ncnrt&q lirrsdif li^d# /to* (niq ,B9miBibyH e^beri lot i9T/hcI T9r/iJIlioomA Bioi'tibfiBiO BfongBM exig 9gifif ^iBDau"? BiJon^BM .10 1 0 9 9tBl090fO ,dUTlffe 1997/8 iI991^19V9 ^BioftibrnriO Bll9dA O3.I$...00Jt nssojb ,8iok>9 b9xim .boio /zort tmii-g .^IobI*! mscl JhqA 9To‘i9d iuo ine* 9d Jonas o .armfibBlBO bevBOwI r-*n;>H Ub 9Tb y9ffj— siii'iKv Ok iirodB. io noitoelfoo b 9/Kfi eW AS £1 n9sob ^aiofoo h'lxim t9ldi/ob to al^nia lodire 00, t 10I B3BOH j99V/8 001 as, as, as, os. as, as. os... loioo rrfBSTj <9tiuoH obt/| /tbM >lmq q9eb ^rfool .J .1, bsi , Turin Aoll .noO b9i tsqqif iriiaiuoJ . j..-. 9^iriw||9bh8 >lrtiq rbiBrJfe brx8 isdmilo <8}lnBdybBJMBiidW -9XTB V blXB 0991 jj bil08 t89[johKV 07/1 9VBfi 97/ ; OTU 08, A as. . .. I . baitrg ion ob 9 W .no8B9>. girft 10I iuo blog Hb pa Aoofa dluH uO .aioBfq 98 u orf isdio boK goiol elbrtBd -ob 9d nurrt Biobio IfjA .ajoerrrqirfg 889iqxo bnsmmooai s'N luov, xq*i3 .aqroBia agBteoq boon loo oG .dgBO yd bolnnqrno) .ylnrBlq aaeibbB br|s Oman BB35KKIA ViOZ & 23MOT2 MA8 •AJ .3T3MG33J 81* xoS