Historic, archived document Do not assume content reflects current scientific knowledge, policies, or practices. 1 grow the largest and most perfect Sunflowers in the World lOc per pack, 3 packs for 25c World’s Largest Sunflowers Monstrous beauties and immense yielders E. B, WILLIAMSON Most Carefully Selected AND Quality Is Beyond Question SMALL NURSERY STOCK ¥IN PRESENTING this season’s pamphlet, I do not offer an extensive i line, hut make a specialty of the seeds and plants herein listed. You do not want poor stock at any price, and I affirm without qualification that my prices are as low as quality supplied will justify. I want your trade and will ^ive value received in quality for money sent me. ORDER EARLY. Look this pamphlet over carefully. Make up your order now and foward same. Then there will he no delay when planting time comes. Remember, I furnish THE VERY CHOICEST SEEDS FROM THE VERY CHOICEST STOCK. Yours truly. Mammoth Squash Itf yoti want to ^roiv some enormoiis squashes, sonie- thliii^ big for exhibitlou purposes you shoultl try the Mammoth. These are very large aiitl grow to weigh as uiiieh as two hiintlrccl poiiutls and it is hard to tell whether they are squashes or pumpkins as they seem to be part way between. Price, lOe per package; three for 23c, Banana Squash This is not a new variety. It is probably the tliiest in quality of all squash, large in size, a great yielder, a good keeper, and of most excellent flavor. .My strnii^ of Banana Squash generally grows over two feet and some times over three feet, .You will find this squash superior to all others. Price, 10c per package; 3 for 23c. Mangel Wurzels 3IAMMOTH IjONG RE;D: A widely grown, large red mangel. Enormously productive, specimens often weigh- ing twenty to twenty-five pounds. Very smooth, uniform and of good shape. A most excellent feed in winter for live stock and poultry. Easily grown and they help to keep stock in good condition and free from disease. Price 10c per pack; 3 for 23'.». Golden Tankard The standard mangel. Rich, golden yellow flCvSh, cyl- indrical in shape, easily taken up aii’ early. An excellent keeper*. Price, 10c per pkg.; 3 for 25e Golden Wax Beans The most popular variety and this popularity is due largely to the fact that the strain I have is a great im- provement over the old Golden Wax; have larger pods and wonderfully prolific. This stock is one of the hand- somest beans I have ever seen, the pods a rich golden yellow' color and of a perfect shape and rust proof. Be .sure and include in your order wax beaus. Voii will find them most delicious. Price, lOe per package; 3 for 25c. “1200-to-l” Navy Beans This beau lias made a wonderful record everywhere. I wish I had spae».* to reproduce the testimonials I have received. It will produce more beans from the ninouiit of ground planted and quantity used for seed, than any other white bean. 3Iore than 1200 beans have been pro- duced on a single plant. Pods well filletl with nearly round, medium sized, pure white beans of best quality. Three picks will supply the average size ramily one year. By all menus try these beaus, then write me your suc- cess. Price, lOe per pack; 3 for 25e. Icicle Radish Tliis is a long, extra early variety with color of snow* white. It is crisp and brittle and of an cxeeileiit mild flavor, many elaimiiig that it has a better flavor than the scarlet varieties. It has the same mild flavor at all stages of its growth and is the most popular of any of the white sorts. It you relish good radish you are making no mistake in selecting this see^l for your garden. Price, 10c per package; 3 for 25c. Crisp-as-Ice Lettuce This is a beautiful lettuce of the cabbage type. The .solid beads are of medium size and the leaves are so tender and brittle as to have suggested the name, CRISP- AS-I'CE. Head lias a rich yellow heart. The leaves are thick and glossy, some what curled, green color, varie- gated with bronze. It cannot he over estimated or over praised for home use in spring, summer or late in fall, f rice. Sc per package; 3 for 20c. Tom Thumb Pop Corn The newest and best. Dwarf growing, heavy crop- ping, sure popper. Pops twenty times its size. Nothing ever grown can compare with this strain and I cannot say too much of tlii.s pop-corn. Be sure and include an order of this remarkable variety. Price, 10c for a big pack; 3 for 25c. DeLUE^S aOLDEN QfAilfT, the Sweetest Sweet Corn on Earth i^on BaS^Rag") The Problem Before the American Farmer Today Is to make two ears of corn ^row where only one ^rew before. Land advancing makes this a very necessary achievement, and your Seed Corn is a mighty important item. At the recent Corn Show held at Chicago, INDIANA CORN a^ain showed its supremacy. My Seed Corn is all Indiana grown,'‘land is absolutely guaranteed true to type. ' I perfect bushel of corn is like the perfect family, or the perfect neighborhood — something very rare. Go to your own crib and pick out a bushel of the best ears you can find, and see how rare is the perfect ear, one that comes up to the standard in every way. I’ve got some pretty good corn, but I do not want you to think they are all perfect ears. Just the same, 1 am sure you cannot get better corn anywhere at any price. I know the corn I sell. Williamson’s Improved Early Learning Corn This strain of early Learning has been^bred 'and kept pure for eighteen years by Isaac Williamson of Kosciusco County, and we doubt very much if there is a better strain of improved Learning in the United States. Learning produces well on li^ht and heavy soils where other varieties could not thrive. It will mature in one-hundred days. Because of its earliness and vigorous growth it will make a crop even in dry seasons. Send in your order early. You will ^et something that will please you. Price, 1 bu. $4.00; V2 bu. $2.25; Va bu. $1.23; 1 lb. 2Sc. Williamson’s White Wonder Corn This is strictly a white corn with red cob. It is, without a doubt, the greatest yielder I have even seen, often producing twenty-five to thirtry-five bushels per acre more than common size corn. Grain of ^ood size, dented on the surface, and will mature in 110 to 1 I 3 days. I would like to see every farmer make a start on this corn this year. Upon exhibition of this corn last fall 1 made lar^e sales, leaving Q limited quantity on hand, therefore, I can only allow three pounds to a customer. Guaranteed to please. Price, 40c per pound; 3 pounds $1.00. Kauffman’s Calico Corn If you are a feeder, you will do well to.f^et a start of this ^reat yieldinti, ^reat feed- ing and ^ood old variety of corn. Rich in oil and protein, easily masticated by cattle. Roots, iarde; stocks, strong and thrifty. I am willing to put this strain of Calico up against any you can obtain. It seems peculiarly adapted to all lands and is a heavy pro- ducer on rich ground. Try it; you can*t afford to be without some of this variety if you are a feeder. Matures in 100 to 103 days. Price, 1 bu. $3.73; Vt. bu. $2.00; Va bu. $1.15; 1 lb. 25c. A FEW FACTS ABOUT GOOT RASPBERRIES {Photographs Don’t Lie) Each year we hear of a new raspberry bein^ introduced. Some of them have proven to be successful, but by careful observation and actual experience we find that our NEW IMPROVED CUMBERLAND (Black Cap) and SCOTT’S COLOSSAL (Red) to be the most reliable, most prolific and best money makers of them all. RASPBERRIES are the most delicious and popu- lar of all small fruits, except possibly, the strawberry. They are more and more becoming the most profitable of the bush fruits, and should be ^rown commercially for all markets as well as home uses. WHEN BUYING RASPBERRY PLANTS you can’t afford to take chances. You can’t afford to plant anything that you do not know to be ri^ht. In no other business must the buyer lean so strongly upon the producer as in this business, for you do not know whether or not your plants will be ri^ht until they come into bearing. 1 absolutely guarantee that all plants sent out by me to be strictly as represented. TO WHOM IT MAY CONCERN: fVe can say that we have seen products raised by Mr. William- son and while his line is not extensive, it is of most excellent Quality. We know him to be responsible and relia- ble, striving to supply his customers with high-grade stock, and heliiwe he wW sustain every statement made in his pamphlet. Yours truly. City National Bank of Goshen C. E. CORNELL, Cashier. ACTUAL SIZE SCOTT’S COLOSSAL MY GUARANTEE That all raspberry plants sent out by me have been taken from my best pro- ducing stock, and if carefully planted, and properly cared for and cultivated that they will grow. Should any fail to do so, I will replace such plants at half price. What better can I offer? E. B. WILLIAMSON Delightfully ELICIOUS SCOTT’S COLOSSAL SCOTT’S COLOSSAL is a lar^e, handsome, bright red raspberry that stands today a ^reat producer, a sure cropper, and of the finest quality. On account of the phenomenal yield of each plant and the hu^e proportions to which it ^rows, no one will need a lar^e quantity for personal or family use. ^‘THE PROOF OF THE PUDDING IS IN THE EATING” Improved Cumberland Black Raspberry A view of the most wonderful producing slx-year-old IMPROVED CUMBERLAND BLACK RASPBERRY patch. This patch has never failed to produce dood crops, and berries sold from It the past season netted S3ti6.00 per acre, wholesale. PLANT THESE in Your Garden This Year: **DeLue*s Golden GianV* Sweet Corn *‘1200-to-l** Navy Beans ** White Icicle** Radish ** Improved Golden** Wax Beans You Will Be MORE Than Pleased ^LL ORDERS will be acknowledged promptly and shipments made when the weather condition permits. To avoid danger of cold and frost, those living in the South pi ease take into consideration the difference in our climate. ALL SEED ORDERS ^o for- ward at once. |F INTERESTED in nur sery or shruhhery not listed in this pamphlet, write me your wants. I am located aja- cent to one of the largest and most reliable nurseries in the middle-west; one where you can obtain reliable stock, true to name, reasonable prices and honorable Ireafment. One-year-old IMPROVED CDMBERIAIVD BLACK RASPBERRY patch. Notice Its thrift. Like its parent, the slx-year-old patch, it also is a wooderful producer. J OOK the Seed List Over. Remember, there is real quality in every pack. There is no better anywhere no matter what the price. NEW IMPROVED CUMBERLAND RASPBERRY APPROACHED BY NO OTHER IN EITHER QUALITY OR COMMERCIAL VALUE OF THIS berry I cannot say too much in praise. It is the greatest commercial berry of them all. For can- ning it has no equal. It will develop a larger crop of fruit than any known variety and the plants will yield continually for years. Plant This Year— Yields Next ACTUAL SIZE NEW IMPROVED CUMBERLAND TAKEN FROM STEMS SHOWN BELOW My stock is wonderfully productive, producing regularly and uniformally very lar^e crops. The berry is unusually firm and is well adapted for lon^ shipments. Greatest Value Ever Offered for the Money These two varieties of raspberries are the be^innin^ and end of every ^ood quality in the raspberry list and should be ^rown in every garden. MY PRICES — All One Kind or Assorted: 4 to 6 Doz. $1 OC Per Dozen .... V Write for Prices on Larger Quantities 7 to 12 Doz. Per Dozen . . . . 1.00 1 to 3 Doz. $1 C A Per Dozen .... v BLACKBERRIES ELDORADO A STRONG ^rowin^, hardy variety; very productive, fruit very lar^e, jet black in lar^e clusters and of highest quality. Its keeping quality is un- surpassed and commands the highest market price, (Price same as raspberries.) STRAWBERRIES I HAVE come to the conclusion that for the average farmer and back-yard grower there is one variety that will fill the bill, one that is so much super- ior to all others, one that is self pollenizin^ and therefore a perfect berry, one that is hardy notwithstanding the severe winters, a ^ood grower and plant maker, very vigorous, a prolific bearer of luxurious fruit, one that is adapted to every locality, in fact, one that has so many ^ood points in its favor and so much superior to other sorts that I have concluded to handle this one kind: SENATOR DUNLAP This berry has established greater popularity than any other sort offered. Grows immense quantities of lar^e, handsome berries that are a rich, dark red with flossy finish shading to deep scarlet on the under side. Noted for uniformity in size and shape. The rich, bright red of its meat and delicate flavor makes it really ideal. Be sure and plant a SENATOR DUNLAP garden this spring (March, April or May), Don’t let this season slip by without doin^ so, but order AT ONCE while you have it in mind and before they are all sold. Prices: 100, $1.23; 200, $2.00; 500, $4.00; lOOO, $7.00 DeLue’s Golden Giant Swejet Corn “XHE rSEW JVIASXER OE XHE EIELDS” The Most Wonderful Sweet Corn of the Age! m 1 1 . 141. i m • m ' lop i t 171 IAE LLE*S golden giant excel.s all other early varieties in size, productiveness and quality, and all of the late varieties In qual- ity and early maturity. It is the one corn for the market gardener who wants the ((reatest amount of the hl(thest quality corn in the shortest period of time from the smallest piece of land. It is be- cause of the extreme tenderness combined with the exquisite rich suftary flavor, that the Golden Giant has become the standard of perfection for su(iar corn, and when you consider that its admirers report that it Is one or Iwo weeks’ earlier and two or three times as lar(te as its own parent. The Golden Bantam, of better quality, deeper color and more productive, you may be sure that is has well earned the title of “The New Master of the Fields.” I want every one of niy customers to try this new sw'eet corn. You w'lll udree tliut I hove done you a lienuine favor in muklnii this su jiiiestion, and nothinii will ever tempt you to look further in the sweet corn line. Several seed firms are sub- stiliitlnti a yellow corn for the genuine. IVIy seed is the real thlnd* the original lienuine DeLue's Golden triant, and is absolutely ifuaranteed as are other seeds listed in this pamphlet. By all means try this wonderful sweet corn. Price, 23c per package; three for 60c. The Very Choicest Seeds from the Very Choicest Stock WATERMELONS Its mighty hard to make a choice of Watermelons; they are all ^ood, and I could be happy with any of them. However, I have boiled it down to two varieties. Kleckley Sweets Tom Watson This is the original strain and is probably best known. It is too brittle to ship but our local raisers have met with ^ood success in hauling to near by markets and dis- posing of them with profit. Without question it is one of the sweetest flavored of all melons. Oblong in shape, skin dark ^reen and flesh bright red. Price, 10c per package; three for 23c. This is an extra lon^ melon of attractive appearance, uniform in shape and quality. It is “sweet as honey,” crisp and delicious. The rind is thin hut tou^h, and flesh a bright red attractive color. The heart is lar^e with no core therein. t)ur seed was ^rown from selected stock under our most painstaking care, and is a ^reat improve- ment over the introducer’s stock. Price, 10c per package; three for 23c. TOMATOES Early Wonder I am introducing a new Tomato known as Early Wonder. It has reached such a state of perfection that I challenge the world with this magnificent to* mato. It knows no competition and is positively the greatest and grandest tomato novelty of the a(ie. It is earlier than the ‘‘Ear- liest of All,** “Earliana,** ‘*Earl- ibell** or “Early June,** In fact, it has them all out-distanced when it comes to earliness. It is smooth, finely flavored, thick meated, sweet and delicious. Its color, deep, {flossy, dark red -a brilliant red. A lar^e, attractive fine looking tomato that sells on sif^ht. It is simply a colossal to- mato— a mammoth wonder — a hu^e red beauty from every standpoint, and the yield in enormous. Order without delay as my supply of seed this season is limited. Price, 15c per package, straight. Best Quality — Prompt Service — Satisfied Customers MUSKMELONS Osage Styled the Queen of Melons. This melon is hiflhly prized about Chicafio and is fast becoming the most popular va- riety in nearly all the hotels and restaur- ants. Skin dark ^reen, slightly netted. The flesh is of a rich salmon color, very sweet and meltin{^ in quality, and is thick, so that the melon is almost solid, the seed cavity beind remarkably small. Price, 10c per package; three for 25c, “Days of Real Sport** in Tom Watson Melon Patch. Early Hackensack Rocky Ford This i.s a selert»#»n of the old Hackensack, which it resembles, but is ten or twelve days* earlier. The melons wei^h from four to ten pounds and are of most excellent flavor. It is one of the earliest, hardiest and most prolific of netted melons. Price, IOcpk(i.; 3 for 25c. This cantaloupe is of medium size and oval in shape, heavy netted and very solid. The flesh is ^reen, thick, juicy and of delicious flavor. Very early and woonderfully productive. My seed is saved from choice selected first ripe stock; none better. Price, 10c pk^.; 3 for 25c. The illustration here shows how you can protect your Sunflow- ers from birds. Note the mon- strous stock it requires to hold the bill heads. GROW MORE SUNFLOWERS Mammoth Russian Sunflowers pOR years I have studied and experimented with sunflowers. At first, the heads be- ing large and stocks small, they would break, consequently would not delivelop into a large and perfect flower. This I have overcome and today 1 fully believe that I grow the largest and most perfect sunflower in the world. My seed has been grown with good success in every state in the union and many foreign countries. CUNFLOWERS are a most healthy food for poultry. You will find it in every high grade commercial scratch feed. Planted in their runs they make most excellent shade. They have been found to have considerable value for silage purposes, and it is not unlikely that fields of sunflowers may become common throughout the corn belt. My seed this year has been most carefully selected and only sold in packages. NEVER SOLD IN BULK OD 1/^17 1 Per Pack || A lOc Pack Will Grow lUC 3 for 25c II A BUSHEL HOW TO SEND n/IOIMEV You can send money any way you please, only it is not safe to send loose sil- ver; stamps are acceptable. The silver is almost sure to break through the envelope, unless well wrapped. If it it packed in a pastboard card or sewed up in cloth, it is generally all right. We guarantee safe receipt of money by Money Order, Draft, Check, or Registered Letter, Paper Money in Reg- istered Letter is all right. Personal Checks welcome. E. B. WILLIAMSON So'f''“cSs;S GOSHEN, INDIANA