Historic, archived document

Do not assume content reflects current scientific knowledge, policies, or practices.

M. & S.

Bulbs^ Plants and Seeds


FALL 1924

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special Offer of M. & S. Darwin Tulips

consisting of the follow- ing beautiful, illustrated varieties

1 Baronne cle la Tonnaye

2 Pride of Haarlem

3 Madame Krelag'e

4 Bartig’on

One Dozen of each $2.00 postpaid or five of each $1.00 postpaid.


4, U 0

The Meyer Seed Co.

32 Light Street

Baltimore, Md.

Plaza 6919

The Meyer Seed Co., 32 Light St., Baltimore, Md,

Depth at Which Bulbs Should Be Planted Many of our customers are frequent- ly puzzled to know the proper depth and dist- ance apart at which bulbs should be plant- ed. The accompany- ing diagram conveys the information much more clearly and brief- ly than we could de- scribe it. The chart will bear careful study.

Outdoor planting should be done early in the fall to secure healthy plants, vig- orous foliage and beau- tiful flowers.


All parcels of seeds, bulbs and plants, up to and includ- ing 8 oz. at the rate of Ic for each 2 oz. regardless of dist- ance; over 8 oz., at the Zone Rate. All merchandise other than seeds, bulbs and plants up to and including 4 oz. in weight can be sent at the rate of Ic an ounce re- gardless of distance. Over 4 ozs. at the Zone Rate.

NOTE; When estimating postage on goods not in- cluded in our free delivery, bear in mind that while the packing on one pound may only weigh the fraction of a pound, it must be considered as a full pound when adding postage. On larger quantities add postage in proportion.

Limit of weight for delivery within local, first, second and third zones is 70 pounds: to all other zones, 50 pounds.

When larger quantities are wanted we can pack in two

or more parcels if necessary.

provided money

is remitted

to cover postage.


1st lb.

Add’l lb.

1 and 2 zone 150 miles



3 zone 150 to 300 miles


4 zone 300 to 600 miles. . . .



5 zone 600 to 1,000 miles. .



6 zone 1,000 to 1,400 miles.



7 zone 1,400 to 1,800 miles.



8 zone All over 1,800 miles.



Poisons cannot be sent by mail. Liquids and goods packed in glass should be sent by Express.


Directions for Planting in the Open Ground

This should be done in October and November, but they can be set out at any time, as long as the ground is open and the bulbs remain sound. The best compost for their culture is the following: One-third sand, one-third well- rotted cow manure and one-third good garden mould. Special care should be taken not to add any bone ferti- lizers, as they usually draw vermin. The beds composed of the above compost should be well dug to a depth of fourteen inches, and raised from two to four inches above the level of the walks. Care should be taken not to press the earth too firmly around and over the bulbs. After planting, rake the bed smooth, and after the ground has frozen tolerably hard in early winter cover with dry litter leaves or coarse manure.

For Culture in Pots, Use Our M. & S. Special Prepared Peat Soil, or prepare the above* compost, adding, if possible, a quantity of leaf mould. The most favorable time for plantin:? is litter part of October and November. The size of the pot depends on the number of bulbs planted in a single one; three bulbs in a pot of say, six inches diameter, makes a rich, massive effect; one or two bulbs in each may be planted in proportionately smaller pots— two bulbs in each are very effective. When planted, water them well, then bury in cold frame or open ground to the depth of six inches for three months, in which condition the preparatory root growth necessary to a vigorous development of their flower spikes is made. After this period remove the pots to a cool room. Being exposed to the light for the first time, care should be exercised not to place them in the direct rays of the sun for two or three days.

For Growing Hyacinths in Glasses Single varieties are the best for this purpose. Our Mother Bulbs are highly recommended for this purpose.

It is a very easy matter to grow Hyacinths in glasses successfully, so long as one takes proper care of the bulb before placing it in the glass. It is very important to clean the bottom of the bulb thoroughly, removing dust, loose skins and old roots, as otherwise the water in the

glass would become rank. Be careful not to hurt or touch the new forming roots all around the bottom just above last years roots.

It is recommended to make use of clear, running water.

You will obtain the best results by placing the bulbs in the glasses during the latter part of October. The new bud inside the bulb is developed by that time to such an extent that the growing of the new roots will commence within a couple of days after the bulb is placed within the reach of sufficient moisture. Starting the bulbs in glasses earlier in the season than the above-mentioned is not to be recom- mended, and will often be the cause of bad results.

When setting bulbs be certain the new root system just touches the water, or in other words, that only the bottom of the bulb be submerged. This is very important, and if not done carefully, may be the cause of a poor root growth. The bulb can be easily kept in the right position by placing a slice of cork between the bulb and the glass.

After bulbs are set in the glasses store them in an en- tirely dark room, cupboard or similar location, free from gases. It is advisable to keep slightly warm the first ten days, so that the roots will grow through properly while the bulb itself will become somewhat dried off. The. bulb will then absorb so much water through the growth of the roots that the level of the water will become somewhat reduced. This is as it should be, and will prevent the bulb from rotting, and the water from becoming stagnant; if in an exceptional case the water should become rank, bulb and glass must be cleaned at once. Should, however, the water evaporate before the new roots are appearing, just pour a little fresh water in the glass.

After the growth of the new roots has commenced leave everything at rest, being careful that temperature does not exceed 50 degrees Fahrenheit. Ventilate at times, but take care that frost does not injure the bulbs. The root system will develop gradually, and after the middle of January the buds will be about two inches long and may then be placed in full light. Some varieties being later, should be left in a dark cool place longer in order to become sufficiently de- veloped.

It is of great importance not to bring Hyacinths to day- light too soon, as this is the chief cause of failure of flowers to develop on a normal stem or even failing to develop at all. When in a good forcing condition they will easily grow and flower in an ordinary room temperature in about six weeks after bringing to light.


For Bedding Out Proceed same as with Hyacinths. See depth and width chart above.

For Pot or Pan Culture Plant about four bulbs in a six-inch pot or five bulbs in a six-inch pan, water thoroughly and then remove to the open ground or in cold frames, and treat same as Hyacinths after that.


The double and single trumpet varieties should be planted in soil and treated same as Hyacinths. Polyan- thus types such as Chinese Lilies, Paper White Narcissus, Grand Soleil d’Or, etc., succeed very well if planted in water and pebbles. A small lump of charcoal prevents the water from getting foul, although changes of water are advisable. Some advise putting them in the dark, but for a short period this is not absolutely necessary.


A real show can be obtained from these tiny bulbs, for indoor bloOwing treat same as Hyacinths. Place a few bulbs, or as many as the size of pot will warrant. They will make a grand display. Planted out in the open ground, they bloom among the first of the spring flowers.



THE MEYER SEED CO., 32 Light St., Baltimore, Md.


M. & S. Mother Bulb Hyacinths

M. & S. 2d or Bedding Size Double Named Hyacinths

We offer these second size bulbs in the same names and colors as the above first size. Order by name.

8c each; 85e per doz.; S.OO per 100; or all mixed col- ors, same price, all postpaid.

M. & S. Superior Sure Blooming Hyacinths

M. & S. Mother Bulbs. Exhibition Size

GRAND MAITRE Deep porcelain blue.

BISMARCK Sky blue, very attractive.

L’INNOCENCE Pure white flowers. Best forcer. Immense size.

KING OF THE BLUES Dark blue, very showy, extra fine.

GERTRUDE Finest pink; large truss.

ROIS des BELGES Brilliant red. Very showy.

LA VICTOIRE Bright red, large truss.

Price, 15c each; $1.50 dozen; $10.00 per 100; or mixed colors same price all post- paid.

CITY OF HAARLEM— The best yellow.

MARCONI Finest rose, new variety. It is the best of the rose pink varieties, with largest bells and truss.

20c each; $2.00 dozen; $15.00 per 100.

M. & S. First Size Single Named Hyacinths

L’INNOCENCE Pure white, compact spike, early.

GERTRUDE Deep pink, large spike, early.

LADY DERBY Salmon pink.

LA VICTORIE— Fine red, early.

LORD BALFOUR Dark violet, large fine forcer.

GRAND MAITRE The best porcelain blue, very large spike, early. .

KING OF THE BLUES— Dark blue, very showy, extra fine.

QUEEN OF THE BLUES— Light blue, large splendid truss.

YELLOW HAMMER Pure yellow, the best yellow.

10c each; $1.10 per doz.; $8.00 per 100; or mixed colors, same price, postpaid.

M. & S. Second or Bedding Size Single Named Hyacinths

We offer these second size bulbs in the same names and colors as the above first size. Order by name.

7c each; 75c dozen; $5.50 per 100; or mixed colors, same price, all postpaid.

M. & S. First Size

Double Named Hyacinths

SNOWBALL Pure white.

PRINCE OF ORANGE Dark rose, very showy. REMBRANDTH Dark porcelain blue.

PRESIDENT ROOSEVELT Clear pink, large flower. SUNFLOWER The best double yellow.

12c each; $1.25 per doz.; $0.00 per 100; or all mixed colors, same price, all postpaid.

Christmas Forcing Hyacintha

(Very Fine)

These bulbs are specially prepared for early blooming and can be made to bloom by Christmas.

L’INNOCENCE— Pure white.

BISMARCK— Light blue.

GERTRUDE Finest pink.

15c each; $1.50 per doz.

French Roman Hyacinths

A charming and distinct class of hyacinths, extensively grown by florists for winter cue flowers. They force readily in the house, and we recommend them for outdoor plant- ing. Each bulb gives three or four graceful flower spikes, and by successive planting they can be had in flowers from November to March. The delightfully fragrant flowers are more slender and smaller than the ordinary Hyacinths, but are considerably earlier. The best effect is produced by planting four or five bulbs in a medium-sized pot. In three colors White and Pink: 20c each; $2.00 per doz.; $10.00 per 100. Blue: 12c each; $1.25 per doz.

THE MEYER SEED CO. gives no warranty, express or implied, as to description, quality, productiveness or any other matter of any seeds, bulbs or plants they send out, and will not be in any way responsible for the crop. If the purchaser does not accept the goods on these terms, they are at once to be returned.

Hyacinth Glasses

In three colors Green, blue and white, in low and high patterns; for forcing Hyacinths to bloom in water. 35c

each; $4.00 per doz. Parcel Post, 5c and 30c per dozen extra.


THE MEYER SEED CO., 32 Light St., Baltimore, Md.

M. & S. Superb Darwin Tulips

The flowers of this superb class have called “The Tulip Aristocrats.” The bly brilliant coloring and splendid substance of their large globular or cup-shaped flowers, their long strong stems and robust growth of plant make them unsurpassed for May bloom- ing in the garden. Darwins are not only desir- able for outdoor bedding and last a long time after cutting, but have an advantage over other classes of late tulips in that they may be forced in pots provided it is done slowly. They range in color from the softest pink through shades of rose and crimson, mauve, violet, purple, yellow and maroon. The varieties we offer have been selected from a very large list after careful trials and we believe they are the most satisfactory obtainable. The quality of the bulbs will be found unsurpassed. Culture: the same as that for Cottage or Mayflowering Tulips.

For convenience in planting we give height in inches.

APHRODITE Clear, silvery rose-pink with white base; a good sized round flower of ex- quisite color on a very tall, stiff stem. Height 34 inches. 15c each; $1.50 per doz.; $10.00 per 100.

BARONNE De La TONNAYE— 26 inches Rose, shaded blush, beautiful flower of large size. A faultless variety for bedding and splen- did forcer. 60c per doz.; $3.50 per 100.

BARTIGON Fiery red, very fine flower, good forcer. Height 24 inches. 75c doz.;

$5.00 per 100.

CENTENAIRE Rich violet-rose, with a large blue center; immense flower of perfect form. Magnificent for the border; excellent for forcing. Height 32 inches. 15c each; $1.25 per doz.; $8.50 per 100.

CLARA BUTT 20 inches. Globular flower, salmon colored, with rose base and external flushing of pink. A choice refined Tulip of pleasing shade. 50c per doz.; $3.00 per 100.

DREAM— 26 inches. Very large flower, lilac- shaded rose, one that should be in every col- lection. 60c per doz.; $4.00 per 100.

FARNCOMBE SANDERS— 25 inches. Rosy scarlet, inside cerise pink with white center, one of the finest. 65c per doz.; $4.50 per 100.

GLOW Dazzling vermilion scarlet, centre white with blue markings. Very beautiful. 22 inches. 60c per

doz.; $4.00 per 100.

INGLESCOMBE YELLOW— 20 inches (The Yellow Darwin). Color, glossy canary; large globe-shaped flowers borne on long stems. 55c per doz.; $3.50 per 100.

La CANDEUR 22 inches. Lovely soft white, slightly tinged blush, a beautiful large globular, erect flower. 60c per doz.; $4.00 per 100.


(The Black Tulip)— 25 inches. Deep black ma- roon. The blackest of all Tulips. Very large flower of fine form. 65c per doz.; $4.50 per 100.

MME. KRELAGE 28 inches. Bright lilac rose margined silver rose, center salmon pink, very fine. 65c per doz.; $4.50 per 100.

MASSENET— An ex- quisite shade of pale rose, with a broad margin of creamy white; base bright blue. A grand acquisition to any collection, however rare. Height 30 inches. 15c each; $1.25 per doz.; $9.00 per 100.

PICOTEE (Maiden’s Blush) 24 in. white, margined rose, gracefully curved petals. 60c doz.; Inglescombe Yellow. $3.00 per 100.

Darwin Tulip Bartigon

PRIDE OF HAARLEM— 24 inches. Brilliant deep salmon, shaded with scarlet. 65c per doz.; $4.50 per 100.

REV. H. EWBANK 20 inches. Soft lavender violet; very large flower. A beautiful flower for the garden or forced. 60c per doz.; $4.00 per 100.

SUZON 25 inches. Soft buff rose. Shading to blush at margin of petals, inside soft flesh pink, with white centre. 60c per doz.; $4.00 per 100.

TERRA COTTA An exquisite shade of deep pink; very large handsome flower on strong stem. Height 30 inches. Recent introduction. 15c each; $1.25 per doz.; $9.50 per 100.

WM. COPELAND 24 inches. Bright violet, early forcer. 65c per doz.; $4.50 per 100.

YOLANDA Color a deep rosy-pink, flushed salmon. The finest and handsomest pink Darwin Tulip in culti- vation. Height 28 inches. Very new. 20c each; $2.00 per doz.; $15.00 per 100.

May 1, 1924.

Gentlemen: It gives me great pleasure to inform you of the wonderful success I had with the Hyacinths pur- chased from you in the fall. The blooms were better than any I have grown before. JUDGE C. W. HEUISLER, Bretton Place, Guilford, Baltimore.

May 14, 1924.

Gentlemen: The Darwin Tulips which I purchased of you during the past season Were very fine indeed. MISS ANNA M. BACON, Sparks, Md.

May 15, 1924.

Gentlemen: The Parrot and Darwin Tulips which were purchased from you in the fall produced the most wonderful blooms. They were indeed good to look upon. MRS. CHAS. J. SWINDELL, Roland Park, Baltimore.

All Bulhs sent postpaid, luiless otherwise specified.

THE MEYER SEED CO., 32 Light St., Baltimore, Md.


M. & S. Perfection Darwin Mixture

A mixture of choicest of varieties, giving a splendid range of colors. Price, 50c per doz.; $3.00 per 100.

M. & S. Breeder or Old Dutch Late Tulips

The Breeders really form a distinct class by them- selves, owing to their peculiar dull toned bronze colors. It is these odd colors which form one of the chief charac- teristics of the Breeders. Outside of that, most of them produce flowers with great lasting qualities and with a sweet agreeable fragrance.

LOUIS XrV (New) 16 inches. Dull bluish violet, margined golden brown; greenish black base starred yellow; large goblet-shaped flower of great beauty. Exquisite for planting outside and extra variety for forcing. 25c each; $2.75 per doz.; $20.00 per 100.

ORANGE BEAUTY 24 inches. Golden orange.

75c per doz.; $5.00 per 100.

YELLOW PERFECTION 24 inches. Light bronze yellow. 60c per doz.; $4.00 per 100.

M. & S. Single Early Tulips Keizerskroon.

BRONZE QUEEN 25 inches. Soft buff, inside tinged golden bronze. 65c per doz.; $4.50 per 100.

JAUNE d’OEUF 25 inches. Rosy lilac, yellow bord- ered. 60c per doz.; $4.60 per 100.

MADEA 28 inches. Rose carmine, tinged salmon, very fine and large. 60c per doz.; $4.00 per 100.

The tulips which I grew from your bulbs the past spring were perfectly wonderful, and I venture to say were of the best I have seen in this section of the country.


Narcissus Poeticus Ornatus. See page 5.

M. & S. Single Elarly Tulips

All suitable for Bedding

Most varieties do well grown indoors, but those marked with a star (*) have been found most uniformly satis- factory for pot culture.

ARTUS Deep scarlet. 45c per doz.; $3.00 per 100. BELLE ALLIANCE— Bright red.* 55c per doz.; $3.50 per 100.

CHRYSOLORA ^Very fine yellow.* 45c per doz.^ $3.00 per 100. " *

COTTAGE MAID Pink and white. 55c per doz.; $3.50 per 100.

DUC de BERLIN Light red, golden yellow border, long stem. 45e per doz.; $3.00 per 100.

KEIZERSKROON Scarlet, yellow borders.* 65c per

doz.; $4.50 per 100.

La REINE White tinted rose.* 45e per doz.; $3.00 per 100.

PRINCE OF AUSTRIA Orange scarlet.* 55c per doz.; $3.50 per 100.

PROSERPINE Rosy violet, very large, handsome flower*. 80c per doz.; $6.50 per 100.

ROSE GRISDELIN— Pink.* 45c per doz.; $3.00 per



Pure white, true. 50e per doz.; $3.25 per


YELLOW PRINCE Pure yellow.* 45c per doz.; $3.00 per


SUPERFINE MIXED All good va- rieties. 35c per doz.;

$2.75 per 100.

EXTRA SUPER- FINE MIXED All named varieties. 50c per doz.; $3.50 per 100.


Hyacinths, Narcissus,

Tulips, Crocus and Lily of the Valley can be grown successfully in

our Prepared Fibre.

1 qt. 10c; 4 qts. 25c;

pk. 40c; bu. $1.15. ^ ^

Parcel post weight M. & S. Early Tulips Growing 14 lb. per bushel. in Prepared Fibre.

All Bulbs sent postpaid, unless otherwise specified.


THE MEYER SEED CO., 32 Light St., Baltimore, Md.

April 26, 1924.

Gentlemen; The tulips which you furnished the Women’s Hospital were lovely. They were a great pleasure to the patients, nurses and visitors. ELIZABETH P. FRICK.

February 1, 1924.

Gentlemen: The hyacinth bulbs which I bought from you in the fall are now in bloom and they are simply wonderful. MILDRED G. THOMPSON, Elkridge, Md.

M. & S. Double Early Tulips

All suitable for bedding, those marked (*) for pot culture.

MURILLO Pink suffused white*. 40e per

doz.; $2.75 per 100.

LaCANDEUR Pure white*. 45c per doz.; $3.00 per 100.

RUBRA MAXIMA Crimson scarlet*. 55e

per doz.; $3.50 per 100.

SALVATOR ROSA Deep rose. 65c per doz.; $4.00 per 100.

COURONNE d’OR Fine yellow*. 55c per doz.; $3.50 per 100.

TITIAN Red, yellow border. 55c per doz.; $3.50 per 100.

SUPERFINE MIXED All good varieties. 35c per doz.; $2.50 per 100.

EXTRA SUPERFINE MIXED— All named varieties. 50c per doz.; $3.00 per 100.

April 16, 1924.

Gentlemen: All the bulbs which I ordered from you last year were very successful. All of the schools reported wonderful blooms. ADELAIDE DERRINGER, School Garden Supervisor.

The tulips which I purchased last fall gave me one of the finest spring gardens in the neighborhood. I was complimented numerous times about them.

MRS. DORA DAUER, 1217 S. Charles St., Baltimore, Md.

M. & S. Parrot or Dragon Tulips.

M. & S. Parrot or Dragon Tulips

Parrot Tulips do not receive the attention they deserve. They like a light, sandy soil, shallow planting and a sunny location.

Parrot Tulips belong to the late or May flowering Tulips, and have immense, attractive flowers of singu- lar and picturesque forms and bri.liant and varied colors. The petals are curiously fringed or cut, and the form of the flowers, especi- ally before it opens, resembles the neck of a parrot.

ADMIRALE de CONSTANTI- NOPLE— Fine red. 50c per doz.; $3.00 per 100.

LUTE A MAJOR Yellow, very fine. 50c per doz.; $3.00 per 100.

MARKGRAAF von BADEN Orange striped scarlet. 50c per doz.; $3.00 per 100.

CAFE BRUN Brownish. 50c per doz.; $3.00 per 100.

The Hyacinths which I purchased from you last fall were the finest I have ever seen.


Guilford, Baltimore,

M. & S. Double Early Tulip Couronne d’Or.

All Bullis sent postpaid, unless otherwise specified.

THE MEYER SEED GO., 32 Light St., Baltimore, Md.


Sweet-Scented Jonquils

These delightful flowers are especially graceful when grown in pans or pots, but do equally well outdoors. The slender, foliage stalks enhance a most fragrant flower borne in clusters of 2 to 4.

SINGLE CAMPERNELLE JONQUILS— Rich yel- low, very fragrant; height, 12 inches. 50e. per doz.; $3.50 per 100.

DOUBLE CAMPERNELLE JONQUILS— Sweet- scented. Large double yellow. 50c per doz.; $3.50 per 100.

M. & S. Superior Narcissus, Daffodils and Jonquils

Medium and Large Single-Trumpet Varieties EMPEROR Mother bulbs. Immense flower. Gold- en yellow trumpet; perianth primrose. 10c each; $1.00 per doz.; $7.50 per 100. 1st size round bulbs, 75c per doz.; $5.00 per 100.

EMPRESS Mother bulbs; perianth white, trum- pet deep yellow; very strong grower. Exceptionally showy and one of the best. 10c each; $1.00 per doz.; $7.50 per 100. 1st size round bulbs, 75c per doz.; $5.00 per 100.

GOLDEN SPUR Mother bulbs. Early golden yellow. 10c each; 75c per doz.; $7.50 per 100.

KING ALFRED The largest and finest golden yellow Giant Trumpet Variety. Mother bulbs. 20c

each; $2.00 per doz.; $14.00 per 100.

BRIDAL VEIL Ivory white, splendid form. 75c

per doz.; $5.00 per 100.

GLORIA MUNDI Clear yellow perianth, orange scarlet cup. 75c per doz.; $5.00 per 100.

SPRING GLORY A new bi-color, grand variety, white perianth, broad and very fine formed, citron yellow trumpet. 25c each; $2.50 per doz.

Double Narcissus Von Sion.

Single Narcissus Emperor

POETICUS ORNATUS. (Pheasant’s Eye)— The popu- lar Narcissus for garden planting; pure white with scarlet edged cup or eye; most effective when planted in clumps on lawns, in woodlands, meadows, on banks of streams and ponds as well as in the border and herbaceous bed; late. (Fine for forcing). 45c per doz.; $3.50 per 100. Mother bulbs.

SIR WATKINS Extra large, medium trumpet; a grand owner. Orange and yellow cup, perianth primrose. Mother bulbs. 10c each; $1.00 per doz.; $7.50 per 100.

Double Narcissus or Daffodils

SULPHUR (or Silver Phoenix) (Codlins and Cream). Large creamy white flowers, sulphur nectary. Exquisite corsage flower; fine for growing in pots. Height, 18 inches. 8c each; 75c per doz.; $5.00 per 100.

VON SION The well-known Double Yellow Daffodil. Large double golden yellow, extra fine for forcing or out- door culture. Mother bulbs. 8c each; 75c per doz.; $5.00 per 100.

The bulbs which I purchased from you last fall turned out to be entirely satisfactory. They were the best I have seen for sometime.

MR. D. H. COOK. Easton, Md.

All Bulbs sent postpaid, unless otherwise specified.

THE MEYER SEED CO., 32 Light St., Baltimore, Md.

Polyanthus Narcissus

i nese are all for indoor bloom- ing. Either in M. & S. Fibre Soil or Stones and Water Special Quo- tations on Larger Quantities.

PAPER WHITE NAR- CISSUS GRAN- D I F L O R A— Flowers pure snow white; de- sirable for their beauty and de- licious odor. This forces admirably and flowers freely in dense clusters; will come into bloom as early as November. 13 cm. and up. Ex- tra Selected Bulbs —5c each; 50c per doz.; $3.00 per 100; $25.00 per 1000; $30.00 case of 1250.

RISING SUN NARCISSUS Grand Soleil d’Or (also called

Paper White Narcissus. Yellow Paper

Whites) A

splendid variety; large round flowers with lapping petals of bright yellow with orange cups; many of them borne on a stalk, thus forming a big cluster; very free bloomer.

Each 10c; $1.00 per doz.; $8.00 per 100.

GRAND MONARQUE NARCISSUS— Pure white flowers, with lovely yellow cup, a very effective flower. 7c each; 75c per doz.; $5.00 per 100.

DOUBLE ROMAN NARCISSUS— Handsome double flowers of a pleasing shade of white, lemon and yellow, very fragrant. 6c each; 60c per doz.; $4.50 per 100.

CHINESE SACRED NARCISSUS— The Chinese Joss Lily. For growing in pebbles and water; can also be grown in soil or fibre. Mammoth Bulbs. 13c each; 2 for 25c; $1.40 per doz.; Basket of 30 bulbs, $3.25.


If to go by Mail, add 8c per Quart

For growing various bulbs in water. Qt. lOe; 4 qts. 30c; pk. 50c.

PEARL CHIP PEBBLES Very handsome, looking just like Mother of Pearl. For growing bulbs in water and for aquariums. 10c per lb.; add postage if to go by parcel post.

Narcissus Bowls

These are used for growing Nar- cissus Bulbs in water with pebbles to hold them in place; prepared fibre soil can also be used. All of them come in six colors, except where noted. Blue, green, rose, mulberry, ivory and yellow.

If bowls are to be sent by parcel post add 10c to the cost of each.

No. 304 8 inch diameter. 6 colors. Holds 12 Paper Whites. Price, $1.25.

No. 321 3 ^x2 Vs, inch diameter. Barrel effect. Holds 3 bulbs. Price, 25c.

No. 302 \yi inch diameter. Plain, holds 3 bulbs.

Price, 25c.

No. 203 7 H inch diameter. Diamond shaped decora- tion; will hold 9 Paper White Narcissus. Price, 75c.

No. 403 7 M inch diameter. Panel shaped decoration; will hold 9 Paper White Narcissus. Price, 75c.

No. 303 6 3^ inch diameter. 6 colors, holds 6 to 8 bulbs. Price, 40c.


No. 298 Jardinier-shaped. 5 3^x3 inches. Assorted colors, holding three bulbs. Price, 50c.

No. 300 7 inch diameter. Dish effect, with feet, in 6 colors, holds from 6 to 9 bulbs. Also used as fern dish. Price 75c. With liner used for ferns $1.00.

No. 305 Very handsome bowl in blue, rose and black. 9Hx2^ inches. Holding 9 to 12 bulbs. Price $1.50.

No. 1000 12 inch bowl, will hold about 25 bulbs. Comes in the 6 standard colors, very handsome bowl. Price. $2.50.

INSERT or FLOWER HOLDERS— For all the above in the 6 standard colors, S5c each.

If bowls are to be sent by parcel post add 10c to the cost of each.

M. & S. Finest Large Flowering Crocus

Among the earliest to blossom in spring is the beautiful little flower, lifting its head almost before the snow has disappeared. The showy funnel-shaped flowers borne above the grass-like leaves are most welcome visitors in the early spring sunshine.

BARON VON BRUNO W— Dark blue. 25c per doz.; $1.75 per 100.

MONT BLANC Free bloomer; large white. 25e per

doz.; $1.75 per 100.

SIR WALTER SCOTT— White, striped violet. 25c

per doz.; $1.75 per 100.

PURPUREA GRANDIFLORA— The best purple. 25e per doz.; $1.75 per 100.

MAMMOTH YELLOW— An extra large bulb. S5c per doz.; $2.25 per 100.

MAMMOTH MIXED ALL CHOICEST VARIETIES 20c per doz.; $1.50 per 100.

May 1, 1924.

Gentlemen: The Hyacinth and Paper White Narcissus bulbs which I purchased from you in the fall turned out wonderful. MRS. D. C. ORCHARD, 632 W. Lanvale St., Baltimore.

M. & S. Large Flowering Crocus.

All Bulhs sent postpaid, unless otherwise specified.

THE MEYER SEED CO., 32 Light St., Baltimore, Md.


Hardy Japanese Garden Lilies

No garden should be without some of these Queens of Flowers. They are perfectly hardy and can be planted in the late fall or early spring. Very seldom they are ready for delivery before early part of December.

AURATUM. (Goldbanded Lily) Large, graceful flowers, composed of six petals of a delicate ivory-white, thickly studded with chocolate-crimson spots and striped through the center by a golden yellow band. 30c each; $3.25 per doz.

SPECIOSUM ALBUM Large white flowers of great substance, with a greenish band running through the center of each petal. 40e each; $4.50 per doz.

SPECIOSUM RUBRUM, or ROSEUM— White , heavily spotted with rich, rosy-crimson spots. 35c each; $4.00 per doz.

SPECIOSUM MAGNIFICUM— Rich, deep red. 35c each; $4.00 per dox.

Calla Lilies

These like a stiff, clayey soil with a small quantity of shredded cow- manure. Bulbs should be set with the crown, or top, protruding just above the surface. When in growing condition, warm water given several times during the week will hasten the flowering period and increase the number of blooms. When using the large-sized bulbs, plant but one in a pot; smaller ones, two. We call especial attention to the Yellow Calla, which is one of the grandest varieties in cultivation, and most valuable for house or conservatory decoration. Plant Calla indoors only in the fall of the year.

MAMMOTH WHITE CALLA LILY— Selected bulbs. 30c each; $3.00 per doz.

GODFREY EVERBLOOMING This ia a great improvement over the ordinary white Calla. The flowers, while a trifle smaller, are of purer white and delicately scented. Strong flowering bulbs, 25c each; $2.50 per doz.

YELLOW CALLA LILY A grand novelty one that should be planted extensively. The deep golden flowers are truly magnificent and produced in abundance. The green foliage spotted creamy white, which adds to its beauty. . Selected Bulbs, 40c each; $4.00 per doz.

Lilium Candidum


Choice Northern France Grown

The favorite Lily of the old-fashioned garden, produces strong, stiff stems, studded with a mass of pure, glistening white flowers, that enliven the perennial flower-garden or, for contrast with the beautiful green shrubs ot the June garden, are unequaled, frequently growing 4H feet high.

Plant some bulbs during September and October and enjoy a big crop of flowers next June; or pot up, store in cold frame and force for early winter in the greenhouse or conservatory. Our bulbs of this splendid Lily are grown in northern France, and are of the true thick-petaled va- riety, which is much superior in habit and flowering qualities to that of the cheap, loose, southern grown bulbs.

Extra Large Bulbs, 20c each; $2.00 per doz.

Purity Freesia.


This is one of the most beautiful of all Cape bulbs, possessing peculiar grace of form; and its fragrance is most delightful, one pot of a dozen bulbs being sufficient to perfume a whole house. As cut flowers they are extremely valuable; the unexpanded blooms opening in water, fill the air with the most delicate perfume, and their endurance is really remarkable.

IMPROVEDX-TURITY The finest and purest white variety yet introduced ; of strong growth and with very large flowers.

^"Mammoth Bulbs,"[50c dor.; $3.75 per 100.

Selected Bulbs. 40c per dcz.; $2.75 per 100; $25.00 per 1000.

M. & S. RAINBOW FREESIAS— Just like the above, but they come in all colors of the rainbow, very novel and handsome. 60c per doz.

Freesias shculdfbe started outside in pots as early as possible, and brought inside before frost.

Lily Bulbs for Indoor Growing

Lilium Harrisii


This is undoubtedly the best Lily for winter forcing, as it comes quickly into bloom. The flowers are trumpet- shaped, pure white, and delightfully fragrant. The freedom with which the flowers are produced is truly remarkable.

EXTRA FINE BULBS 7 to 9 inches, 30c each; $3.50 per doz.

Japanese Lily, Auratum.

All Bulbs sent postpaid, unless otherwise specified.


THE MEYER SEED CO., 32 Light St., Baltimore, Md.

Paeony Edulis Superba

M. & S. Choice Paeonies

Double Paeonies are too well known to require description. Their present popularity is due to the great improvement in them in recent years, their easy culture, the handsome appearance of the plant, and the brilliant and striking effect of their massive, finely formed and richly colored flowers. The attention given to them, in Europe and America, has resulted in the production of many notably fine new varieties. Among hardy, herbaceous perennials, the Chinese Paeonies rank about first for lawn or flower-border, or shrubbery decoration. They are all hardy.

CZARINA Delf rose pink shading to violet.

QUEEN VICTORIA Pure white, profuse bloomer.

COURONNE d’OR Snow white, golden yellow stamens.

EDULIS SUPERBA Beautiful brilliant pink.

FELIX CROUSSE Rich, dazzling ruby red, without a tinge of purple.

All the above 50c each; $5.00 per doz.


These elegant little flowers, the first to make their appearance, while snow is still on the ground, should be found in every garden, not only because they are the earliest spring flowers, but because they are the loveliest. The Snowdrop thrives in almost any situation or soil, and should be planted as early in the autumn as possible, as they suffer much if left long out of the ground.

SINGLE— Selected bulbs. Doz. 25c; 100 $2.00.

DOUBLE— Selected bulbs. Doz. 45c; 100 $3.50.



An early flowering spring bulb for borders or rockery. Produces flower-spikes bearing ten to fifteen scilla-like flowers. Perfectly hardy and should be planted close together for effect.

LUCILLAE Deep blue, with white center. Selected mother bulbs.

40c per doz.; $2.00 per 100.

Rare Paeonies


(Calot 1857)— Midseason. Enormous, com- pact flat flower of soft flesh color deepening to shell pink. Center showing crimson splashes, sometimes faint stripes on the face of the petals. Well formed and very striking. Deliciously fragrant. A vigorous grower and profuse bloomer. Rose type. Fine for cut flowers and usually in bloom just about Decoration Day. $1.50 each.

LADY ALEXANDER DUFF (Kelway 1902) Lovely French white. Central flower of rather flattened, circular form and the central petals have a touch of carmine. Side flowers come in semi-double, saucer-shape form, ex- posing the anthers. $3.50 each.

SARAH BERNHARDT (Lemoine 1906)— Semi-rose type; late midseason. Apple-blos- som-pink with each petal silver tipped, giving the appearance of a distinct border of pure white. The strongest growing of all Peonies. $1.25 each.


Rose type; late. Very large and full dark crim- som bloom. $1.25 each.

Special offer: One of each of the above four, $7.00.

M. & S. Winter Flowering Spencer Sweet Peas

For indoor forcing. This seed has been grow- ing from originator’s stock and can be depended upon for excellent results.

SNOW FLAKE— Pure white.

LAVENDER ORCHID— Deep lavender.

ZVOLANEK RED— Pure deep red.

COLUMBIA— Salmon standard; white wings

YARRAWA Rose pink, lighter wings.

HERCULES Soft rose pink.

All the above, 10c per pkt; Koz. 40c; 1 oz. 75c.

M. & S. Spencer Sweet Peas for Outdoor Culture

Plant in November, and have real sweet peas next summer.

10c per pkt.; 15c per oz.; 50c per lb.; $1.50 per lb.

We can also furnish named varieties in all popular colors. Price, pkt. 10c; oz. 20c; M lb. 75c; lb. $2.50.

Farmogerm Nitrogen-Fixing Bacteria, specially prepared for Sweet Peas. Gar- den size, 50c.

M. & S. Spencer Sweet Peas.

THE MEYER SEED CO., 32 Light St., Baltimore, Md.


M. & S. Perfection Pansies

About the end of August is the best time for starting Pansy seeds for early spring blooming. This allows the plant to to into soring in vigorous condition.

TRIUMPH OF THE GIANT— Immense flowers of great brilliancy. Pkt. 25e; 5 pkts. $1.00; oz. $6.00.

MASTERPIECE PANSY— Flowers beautifully curled or waved, exquisite colors. Pkt. 25c; 5 pkts $1.00.

GIANT EXHIBITION PANSIES— A fine mixture of most brilliant colors. Pkt. 10c; 3 pkts. 25c; oz. $3.00.

VERY FINE MIXED PANSIES— Pkt. 5c; oz. $1.50.

Tufted Pansies or Violas

While the flowers of the Tufted Pansies are not so large as the regular type, yet they bloom so freely that they are superior to pansies where effect is wanted, the colors being particularly clear and distinct; they also bloom for a longer time. Seed sown in April produces flowering plants by June, and from then on until frost they are a sheet of bloom. 10c per pkg.; 75c; oz., $2.50.

Steele’s Greenhouse Special Mixture Pansies

This is the pansy we sell to florists to grow the plants which they offer for sale in the early spring. It can be relied upon to be absolutely originators’ stock. Pkt.

25c and 50c; oz. $7.50.

Amaryllis Bulbs

AMERICAN HYBRIDS In offering this selection of seedlings we believe that they are the best obtainable at the present time, and we know of nothing that we can recommend that will give the amateur greater pleasure for his window garden. They embody, with vigorous growth, free-flowering habit and enormou size of the individual flowers, a really wonderful range of colors, varying from deep crimson to bright orange-scarlet, and from light rose to almost pure white, many of them beau- tiful combinations in stripes and variegations. Mixed varieties only in very strong bulbs. 75c each.

FORMOSISSIMA (Jacobean Lily). Brilliamt crim-

son, free andfearly. |25c each.

Eranthis Hyemalis


Early in spring the golden blossoms look charming, rest- ing on an emerald-green cushion of leaves, and forming a striking contrast to the snowdrops scillas and chionodoxas. The foliage remains long after the flowers, making the plant especially valuable in moist situations, such as under

trees, which the Winter Aconite enjoys, and where few other flowering plants will thrive. 3 to 8 inches high.

25c per doz.; $2.50 per 100.


The Ixia is a beautiful little winter-flowering bulb, with long, slender, graceful spikes of bloom. The colors are rich, varied and beautiful, the center always differing in color from the other parts of the flower, so that the blos- soms, expanding in the sun’s rays, present a picture of gorgeous beauty. Very desirable for pots.

CHOICE MIXED 40c per doz.; $2.00 per 100.

Lily of the Valley

One of the most beautiful and admired spring flowering plants. For indoors it forces quickly. Planted outdoors they increase from year to year. Ready in December.

EXTRA LARGE CLUMPS— For out- door planting. 30c ea.; $3 doz. For post- age add 5c for each clump.

PIPS FOR FORCING ONLY— These can be brought to bloom very quickly. We recommend our cocoanut fibre for this. Price, 80c per doz.; $1.50 per 25; $5.50 per 100.


Lily of the Valley Growing in Prepared Fibre.

(Wood Hyacinths, Siberian Squill or English BluebeU)



Bears spikes 15 inches high, of bell-like flowers, during early May. Plant 5 or 6 inches deep in shady situations. Very effective for borders; will grow under fir or pine trees.

ALBA MAXIMA Clear white, with very fine, large bells. 40c per doz.; $2.00 per 100.

BLUE QUEEN Erect spikes of por- celain-blue flowers; strong grower. 40c

per doz.; $2.00 per 100.

EXCELSIOR Bright deep blue, with large bells. 40c per doz.; $2.00 per 100; $45.00 per 1,000.

ROSE QUEEN Bells of soft lilac-rose; very pretty. 50c per doz.; $3.00 per 100. SCILLAS continued on next page.

All Bulbs sent postpaid, unless otherwise specified.


THE MEYER SEED CO., 32 Light St., Baltimore, Md.

Iris Germanica

Grape Hyacinths Muscari


Spikes 3 to 4 inches high, of small, drooping, bell-like flowers. Fine for massing in borders or naturalizing. Plant 3 to 4 inches deep. Blooms in April.

BLUE Splendid for massing. Jumbo bulbs. 50c per

doz.; $3.00 per 100.

Grape Hyacinths

Very beautiful little flowers for planting in masses, either in shade or where exposed to the sun. When planted out in herbaceous borders, where they can be left undis- turbed, they do exceedingly well, each year adding to their already profuse-blooming qualities. Bloom out- doors during May. They are also excellent for pot culture.

HEAVENLY BLUE This variety is the largest and best of the Grape Hyacinths. The bells are large and form a fine truss. Splendid effects are produced by mass- ing in the garden or border. 40c per doz.; $2.00 per 100.

Giant French or Poppy-Flowered Anemones

Mixed, containing a wonderful range of colors, including blue, rose, white, scarlet, etc. 60c per doz.; $5.00 per 100.

ST. BRIGID ANEMONES A celebrated Irish strain of semi-double flowering Poppy Anemones, in a multitude of charming colors, ranging from pure white to deepest ma- roon, including all intermediate shades, such as rose, red, pink, blue, etc. Mixed colors 60c per doz.; $5.00 per 100.


Double French Hydrids. A splendid strain of these bright spring flowering bulbs. Mixture contains all colors.

50c per doz.; $4.00 per 100.

Spanish Iris Bulbs

Graceful, slender stems, a loose but beautiful flower, the charming colors thereof produce a combination not surpassed by an orchid. The exclamation of delight at first sight given forth by those who have not previously seen them are undisputable proof of their well-deserve merit. The finest effect with them are produced when planted in clumps of 25 or 100 bulbs and even more, either in the perennial border or by themselves. The stems are from 18 to 24 inches long; flowering period in May and early June. They may also be grown in pots indoors and stored in cold frames during winter and forced in bloom from March to May. As they are biennial they must be planted every other year.


CAJ ANUS— Yellow.

SOUVENIR— Lavender.


SOLFATERRE Deep purplish blue with deep yellow blotch.

QUEEN EMMA Fine deep golden yellow.

LA NUIT— Dark blue.

All the above, 75c per doz.; $5.00 per 100.


The Iris Germanica are among the most de- sirable and easiest grown of our spring-flower- ing hardy plants, producing in May their showy flowers of exquisite coloring, combining the richest and most delicate tints. For best re- sults plant in a well-drained sunny position, barely covering the roots. Avoid fresh manure in preparing your border.


ALCAZAR Light and dark violet. 75c


BLUE JAY Late blue. 35c each; $3.00 per doz.

CATERINA Large blue bicolor. 75c each.

DARIUS Yellow and mauve. 25c each; $2.50 per doz.

FLAVESCENS Light yellow. 25c each; $2.50 per doz.

ILCHESTER— Gray amber and violet. 75c each; $2.50 per doz.

MONSIGNOR— Purple bicolor. 35c7each; $3.00 per doz.

NIBELUNGEN— Fawn and violet. 25c each;; $2.50 per doz.

PALLIDA DALMATICA— Lavender blue. 25c each; $2.50 per doz.

POCAHONTAS White bordered blue. 50c each; $5.00 per doz.

QUEEN OF MAY— Rose lilac. 25c each; $2.50 per doz.

WHITE KNIGHT— Pure white. $1.00 each.

For parcel post add 5c a plant, or 30c per doz. on Germanica and Siberica Irises.


Blue, 35c.

White, 35c.

Grand Japan Iris

LARGE-FLOWERING (Iris Kaempferi grandiflora)

The grandest of all hardy Iris. The flowers are enormous, averaging from 8 7o 10 inches across, and of most gorgeous and exquisite colors, each flower usually showing several shades. They bloom during June and July, and grow 2 to 3 feet high.

JAPAN IRIS, MIXED VARIETIES— These are named kinds but not labeled. You are certain to get fine varieties in this assortment. Price, 30c each; 3 for 80c; 12 for $3.00. Postpaid.

THE MEYER SEED CO., 32 Light St., Baltimore, Md.

1 1

Hardy Climbiiig Roses

One year plants, 28c each; 3 for 72c; two year, 60c each; 3 for $1.70.


Same as American Beauty with addition of climbing habit. Dark glowing crimson blooms; very fragrant. As hardy as an oak.

BLUE RAMBLER Flowers metallic blue, borne in large clusters. A perpetual source of wonder.

DOROTHY PERKINS— Beautiful, shell- pink rambler. Sweetly scented. Flowers borne in large clusters,

PAUL’S SCARLET CLIMBER— New ever- blooming climber. Large double scarlet flowers. Very hardy.

SHOWER OF GOLD Deep golden yellow with orange shadings. Beautiful metallic fol- iage. A fine yellow rambler.

DR, W. VAN FLEET Blooms are as large as produced by bush Rose often over four inches across. Color, a delicate shade of flesh pink on the outer petals, deepening to rosy- flesh in the center.

SPECIAL— 1 each of above 6 Hardy Climbing Roses, 1 year, $1.25; 2 year, $3.00.

Monthly Rose. Los Angeles

LOS ANGELES This is by all means one of the finest Roses ever introduced. The growth is very vigorous and produces a continuous succession of long stemmed flowers of a luminous flame-golden, toned with coral and shaded with translucent gold at the base of the petals. The buds are long and pointed, and expand into a flower of mam- moth proportions, while the beauty of form, and ever-in- creasing wealth of color is maintained from the incipient bud until the last petal drops. Price, 1 year plants, 40c; 3 for $1.14; 12 for $3.84. Strong 2 year plants, 80c; 3 lor $2.28; 12 for $7.68.

GENERAL McARTHUR Bears large, bright, crim scarlet flowers on long stems. Price, 1 year, 26e each; 2 year, 70e.

HELEN GOOD A delicate pink in color with pleasing pure Rose perfume. Price, 1 year, 25c each; 2 year, 65c.

Everblooming Roses

THAT BLOOM ALL SUMMER WHITE KILLARNEY— Pure white and and free blooming, 1 year, each. 28c; 2 vear each, 75c.

RENA ROBBINS Pure white with golden heart; unexcelled. 1 year, 80c; 2 year, 75c.

RADIANCE Pink American Beauty. A lovely rose pink cclor, sweet scented and free flowering. 1 year, each, 28c; 2 year, 75c.

MRS. H. WINETT A bright crimson. Finest of red or crimson roses. Prized for fra- grance. 1 year, 30c each; 2 year, 70c.

FRANCIS SCOTT KEY In honor of the writer of the “Star Spangled Banner.’’ A daz- zling crimson globular rose of immense size.

1 year, 28c; 2 year, 75c.

COLUMBIA A perfecr peach-blow pink

which deepens as it opens. Long stiff stems, glossy foliage, and flowering freely during the whole season. Fragrant. 1 year, each, 35c;

2 year, 70c.

BERLE DES JARDINES— Color, cream- white; foliage, thick, dark, glossy red. 1 year, each, 28c; 2 year, 68e.

KAISERINE AUGUSTA VICTORIA— Pure white; continuous blooming; nothing more fragrant. 1 year, 27c; 2 year, 75c.

OPHELIA Ophelia is the most beautiful rose of recent introduction. Color, salmon-flesh, shaded with rose. 1 year, 30c; 2 year, 75c.

ALEXANDER HILL GRAY— Its color is a solid deep throughout, Marechal Neil-like lemon-yellow. Strongly scented. 1 year, 28c; 2 year, 68c.

ETOILE DE FRANCE— A brilliant shade of velvety crimson. Very striking. Extremely large flowers. 1 year, 35c; 2 year, 75e.

SUNBURST Stands head and shoulders above all other yellows. Rose with shadings of copper and orange. 1 year, 35c; 2 year, 75c.

MADAME BUTTERFLY— Color, bright pink, apricot and gold. Free blooming. Price, 1 year, 30c; 2 year, 75c each.

CRUSADER Color rich velvety crimson>- I deep in shade, very double and free-flowering. kPrice. 1 year * vear, 80c eacL. WILLIAM SHEAN A beautiful pure pink, with deli- cate tinting. Immense flowers of perfect form. Price, 1 year, 28c; 2 year, 75c.

WELLESLEY Good sized flowers and free blooming. Beautiful rose-pink. Price, 1 year, 28c; 2 year, 70c.

CRIMSON QUEEN A comparatively new Rose of bright velvety crimson. Vigorous grower. Price, 1 year, 26c; 2 year, 70c each.

ANTOINE REVOIRE Charmingly shaded rosy-flesh on yellow ground; flowers sweetly fragrant. Price, 1 year, 28c; 2 year, 70c each.

NATIONAL EMBLEM A truly magnificent Rose. Dazzling crimson in color and delightfully sweet-scented.

Price, 1 year, 30c; 2 year, 80c. each.

ROBIN HOOD Grand grower. Rosy-scarlet flowers freely produced. Price, 1 year, 30e; 2 year, 75c each.


THE MEYER SEED CO., 32 Light St., Baltimore, Md,

Popular Decorative Ferns

Price 25c each; larger size, 48e; extra large size, 75e and $1.25 each.

OSTRICH PLUME FERN— Large, heavy, plume-like fronds.

which often grow over eight inches

Flowering Beefsteak Begonia


BOSTON FERN Long drooping fronds. Produces manv new fronds.

ROOSEVELT F E R N— Dense massive fronds. Erect in growth; exceedingly grace- ful in appearance.

FEATHER FERN (As- paragus Sprengerii) The foliage is composed of dense, glossy green, graceful droop- ing branches. Sprays four to five feet long. 24c each; large plants, 75c.

LACE FERN (Asparagus Plumosus) Fronds are bright green, gracefully arched, and as finely woven as the finest silken mesh. 24c each; large plants, 75c.

Roosevelt Fern

Fancy Begonias


M a m m o t h multi-colored leaves blending from shades of orange and silver to bright green and plum hues. 40c each.

BEGONIA, CHRISTMAS RED Flowers bright green, changing to coral-red. 30c each.


Heavy textured leaves, red be- neath, above a glossy olive green. Coral-red flowers. 30c

each; large size, 50c.

AMERICAN WONDER LEMON Blossoms very sweet scented. Fruits at all stages of growth. 30c each; large plants, 75c and $1.25 each.

Free Blooming Fuchsia, Phenomenal

The Best Fuchsias

Fuschias bloom the year around summer and winter.

Price, 24c each; 3 for 68c

PHENOMENAL Bright scar- let flowers with rich purple corolla.

WAVE OF LIFE— Golden fol- iage; flowers dark purple.

GLOIRE DES MARCHES— Double; deep scarlet and white.

SPECIOSA Flowers are 4 in- ches or more in length; tube and sepals bright carmine.

BLACK PRINCE Flowers car- mine rose: extra large.

Fruiting Orange

FLOWERING AND FRUIT- ING ORANGE Bears masses of waxy-white blossoms followed by bright colored, very sweet fruit. Fasily grown. 28c each; large plants, 75c and $1.25 each.

Hardy Perennial Plants

DELPHINIUMS— I mmense spikes of brilliant shades of blue. Blooms from June until September. 35c each; 12 for $3.60.

SHASTA DAISY Pure white with gold center, petals very long and center soft and velvety. 20c.

HARDY ORIENTAL POPPY Fnormous large flaming red flow- ers. Striking. 25c each.

LONG SPURRED COLUMBINE (Aquilegia)— We offer a fine extra long-spurred strain in mixed colors covering shades of pink, lav- ender, white, yellow, etc. 24c each; 3 for 68c.

FOXGLOVE (Digitalis) Bears thimble-shaped flowers on large spikes. Always satsifactory. 25c each.

BABY’S BREATH Bears a mass of small white flowers; fine for vases. 30c each.

DOUBLE HOLLYHOCKS Straight towering spikes of waxy ■double flowers. Select from colors; white, maroon, pink, red and yellow. 25c each; 3 for 72c; $2.70 per dozen.

CAMPANULA (Canter- bury Bells) Hardy. Flowers from May until September. Bell-shaped flowers. Select from following shades: Blue, pink and white. 25c each; 3 for 72c.


Colors: Salmon, white, scarlet- rose, dark red. Price, 35c each; 3 for $1.00.

GIANT CYCLAMEN (Per- sian Violet) Prettiest and most attractive of plants for fall and winter and early spring flowering. Foliage beautifully marked. Colors: White, pink, red. Price, 60c each.

Delphinium Gold Medal Hybrids

THE MEYER SEED CO.. 32 Light St.. Baltimore, Md.


Rhubarb Roots

(Ready October)

VICTORIA First size roots. 10c each; $1.00 per doz.; per 100, $7.50. Allow 5c each or 20c dozen for postage, if wanted by mail.


CULTURE For fall use, sow in September, for winter crop in October in rows or broadcast. Cover that which is left out over winter with straw or leaves after the weather I becomes quite cold. Keep clear of weeds.

BLOOMSDALE SAVOY LEAVED— The popular Fall Spinach so largely grown for market. Grows upright, the leaves being crumpled, dark green and very thick. Pkt. 5c; oz. 10c; lb. 15c; lb. 40c; 5 lbs. $1.25. Postpaid.

Prices on larger quantities furnished on application.

VICTORIA A favorite for the home garden. Pkt. 5c; oz. 10c; 3^ lb. 15c; lb. 40c; 5 lbs. $1.25. Postpaid.

LONG SEASON Leaves are decidedly dark green 34 color, very broad, thick and fleshy. Pkt. 5c; oz. 10c; oz. lb. 25c; lb. 40c; 5 lbs. $1.25. Postpaid.

SORREL OR SOURGRASS— Pkt. 5c and 10c; oz. 20c; 34 lb. 75c.

Bloomsdale Savoy Leaved Spinach.

Pure Culture, Spore Process Mushroom Spawn

Prices for Pure Culture, Spore Process Spawn (if ordered to be sent by Parcel Post, include postage, according to zone; a brick weights 1 34 lbs). 1 brick, 25c; 5 bricks, $1.00; 25 bricks, $4.50; 50 bricks, $8.50; full case, 100 bricks, $16.00.

Leaflets on Growing Mushrooms free. MUSHROOM, or HOTBED THERMOMETERS—

Wood frame, heavy brass point. Price, $1.75. Parcel post weight, 2 lbs. Iron frame and point very strong.


(Can be sown safely until 15th of August) BURPEE’S STRINGLESS BEANS— Green pod. 34 pt., 15c; 1 pt., 30c; 1 qt., 50c; 2 qts., 75c.

IMPROVED RED VALENTINE— H pt., 15c; 1 pt., 30c; 1 qt., 50c; 2 qts., 75c.

M. & S. PURE CROP STRINGLESS WAX— 34 pt., 15c; 1 pt., 30c; 1 qt., 50c; 2 qts., 75c.

PENCIL POD BLACK WAX— 34 pt., 15c; 1 pt., 30c; 1 qt., 50c; 2 qts., 75c.

Asparagus Roots

(Ready October)

The two-year-old roots usually produce two years after planting.

2-Year-Old Roots




ARGENTEUIL (Green Stalks).




BARR’S (Green Stalks)





(White Stalks)




PALMETTO (Green Stalks)








M. & S. Early Cardinal Radishes.


(Can be sown up to early August)

“M. & S.” EARLY MARVELOUS BEET— The ideal Beet for the market or home garden. Pkg. 5c and 10c; oz. 15c; 34 lb. 35c; lb. $1.25.

DETROIT DARK RED— Pkg. 5c; oz. 10c; 34 lb. 30c; lb. $1.00.


(Can be sown up to early August)

M. & S. SOUTHERN PRIDE— Ideal for home garden; half long. Pkt. 5c and 10c; oz. 15c; 34 lb. 35c; lb. $1.25.

OX HEART A short thick Carrot. Pkt. 5c and 10c; oz. 15c; 34 lb. 35c; lb. $1.25.

M. & S. Quick Growing Radishes

CULTURE To be tender and crisp Radishes must be grown quickly, and this requires rich soil and plenty of moisture. Sow at intervals of ten days. May also be sown as a catch crop between rows of beets, lettuce, onions, etc. Radishes can be forced in hotbeds, but must have plenty of ventilation and moisture.

M. & S. EARLY CARDINAL RADISH— These are the best little criso round red Radishes. The most desir- able kind for home garden and market gardener’s use. Pkt. 5c; oz. 10c; 34 lb. 25c; lb. 75c.

WHITE TURNIP (Short Top)— Of quick growth; roots round, pure white, tails very thin; leaves short, flavor excellent. Fine for forcing and open ground. Pkt. 5c; oz. lOe; 34 lb. 25c; lb. 75c.

WHITE-TIPPED SCARLET GLOBE— A good forc- ing variety. Small size and very attractive, being a handsome, bright scarlet, with white tip. Very early and good quality. Pkt. 5c; oz. 10c; 34 lb. 25c; lb. 75c.

All radishes postpaid.


Every household should have a box or a hotbed of parsley.

M. & S. GREEN CURLED BEAUTY PARSLEY— Pkt. 5c and 10c; oz. 15c; 34 lb. 25c; lb. 75c. Postpaid.


THE MEYER SEED CO., 32 Light St., Baltimore, Md.

New Imperial Curled Long Standing Kale.

Curled Kale or Sprouts

For early spring use, sow in September, and protect during winter. The Kales are more hearty than cabbage and make excellent greens for spring and winter use, and are improved by frost.

EMERALD ISLE KALE This is really the handsom- est Kale that has ever come under our notice, and is entirely distinct from other strains. The closesly curled, handsome leaves are most attractive. A fine exhibition plapt of medium height. Very hardy. Pkt. 5c and 10c; oz. 15c; K lb. 30c; lb. $1.00.

NEW IMPERIAL CURLED LONG STANDING— The leaves are very crimpy and of a dark green color. Pkt. 5c; oz. 10c; 34 lb. 20c; lb. 60c.

All the above postapid.


(Sow untU end of August)

M. & S. EARLY CHAMPION— Pkt. 5c; oz. 10c; 34 lb. 20c; lb. 60c.

RED OR PURPLE TOP WHITE GLOBE— Pkt. 5c; oz. 10c; 34 lb. 15e; lb. 50c.

RED OR PURPLE TOP WHITE FLAT— Pkt. 5c; oz. 10c; 3i lb. 15c; lb. 50c.

IMPROVED PURPLE TOP RUTABAGA— Pkt. 5c; oz. 10c; 34 lb. 15e; lb. 50c.

M. & S. Early Champion Turnips.

Com Salad

CULTURE Sow in September and October in drills one foot apart; it will mature in six to eight weeks. Ex- tensively used for garnishing and mixing with potato

LARGE LEAVED— Pkt. 5c; oz. 15c; 34 lb. 25c; lb. 75c. Postpaid.


(Can be sown successfully in August)

GREEN CURLED Tender and crisp. Pkt. 5e and 10c; oz. 25c; 34 lb. 50c; lb. $1.50.

WHITE CURLED Self-blanching. Very tender when young; blanches readily. Pkt. 5c and 10c; oz. 25c; 34 lb. 50c; lb. $1.50.


This variety is chiefly used in soups and stews; it requires to be tied up for blanching, Pkt. 5c and 10c; oz. 25c; 34 lb. 50c; lb. $1.50.

M. & S. Choice Strain of Lettuce

CULTURE Lettuce is now sown during most all seasons of the year. For winter use sow the seed in Sep- tember in hotbeds and follow it with other sowings for succession.

M. & S. Belvedere Lettuce.

M. & S. BELVEDERE LETTUCE— This variety stands supreme as being the best head lettuce on the market today. It is very slow seeding, makes large heads, is all green, no red edges, tender and crisp and has a fine yellow heart. Once planted no other variety will do. Pkt. 10c; oz. 35c; 34 lb. 85c; lb. $3.00.

BIG BOSTON Resembles Boston Market, but nearly twice as large, desirable for forcing and spring and fall outdoor planting. Pkt. 5c and 10c; oz. 20c; 34 lb. 60c; lb. $2.00.

BLACK SEEDED SIMPSON LETTUCE— Fine, large, loose heads, early, finely fringed and curled; very popular for family garden and forcing, Pkt. 5c and 10c; oz. 20c; 34 lb. 60c; lb. $2.00.

ROMAIN WHITE PARIS COS— Has long, narrow, upright leaves; does not head, but when tied up blanches very nicely, Pkt 5e and 10c; oz. 20c; 34 lb. 60c; lb.$2.00.

Winter Top or Egyptian Onion Sets

Winter Top or Egyptian Onion Sets are sometimes known as Perennial Tree Sets since the bulbs form on the top of the stalks if left in the ground. They are used and planted mostly to produce early green bunch or table onions. Planted during September or October and al- lowed to remain in the ground through the winter months, they produce the first early green onions oftentimes ready for use before the last snow has disappeared from the ground. Pt. 15c; qt. 25c; 2 qts. 40c; 34pk. 75c; pk. $1.25; bushel (28 lbs.) $4.50. All postpaid but pts. and qts. add 5c to each.

Multiplier Onion Sets

Yellow and White Multiplier Onion Sets are the money makers for the growers of green onions, easy to plant, easy to grow, easy to wash and bunch. They produce from four to seven green onions from each bulb planted think of it. They mature earlier than all other varieties of bottom sets. Plant during September or October. If not pulled in the spring will multiply in the ground and produce clumps of from four to seven onions in August. Price same as above.

Send us your name and address for our 1925 Garden Book.


THE MEYER SEED CO., 32 Light St., Baltimore, Md.

For Fresh New Growth Only

Simplicity Hedge Trimmer

M. & S. Success Self-Watering Window Boxes

Price $5.00 postpaid

Simplicity Hedge Pruner and Trimmer

For Pruning Back Old Growth and Trimming New Price $5.00 postpaid

Pop Com

WHITE RICE Lb. 10c; Special price in quantities. If to go by parcel post add according to zone.

Sheet-Iron Corn Popper

Parcel Post weight, 2 pounds. Price, 50c.

M. & S. ALL WIRE CORN POPPER— Capacity 1 qt, 25c. Parcel Post weight, 1 lb.

Grape Protecting Bags

If put on dur- ing the period when grapes are forming they will save many times their cost in the amount of fruit they will save from insects, rot, birds, etc. All ready to fasten.

No. 2 the right size for our domestic grapes. Price, lOe doz.; 50e 100? $4^5 1,000. Prices on larger bags on application.

Parcel Post weight, 2 lbs. per 100; 15 lbs. per 1,000.

Bag all grapes to keep them from insect stings.

The Success Plant Box is made of strong galvanized iron, neatly enameled in dark green. It is so constructed that the watering is easy, the drainage ample, the air circulation perfect.



































Destroys all insects. It is stainless. A thorough disin- fectant. 1 pt.

50c; 1 qt. $1.00 1 gal. $3.00.

Combination Sprayer and pint of Dethol 85c. Being a liquid, it can- not be sent by parcel post; ex- press only.

Japanese Air Ferns

Stays green indefinitely. A handsome deco- ration to any home. Needs only air. Price, 25c, postpaid.

Red Sage or Ruscus

Used extensively around the holi- days for decorating. Great quanti- ties are used annually for cemetery decoration. Price $1.25 per lb.; if wanted by parcel post add 10c per lb.

We Recommend Fall Spraying With

Scalecide The Tree Saver

One gallon of “Scalecide” will spray as many trees as 3 H gallons of Lime Sulphur Solution. Dilute for all dormant spray work 1 part to 15 parts of water. 1 qt. 60c; 1 gal. $1.40; 5 gals. $6.25; 10 gals.

$10.60; 30 gals., H bbl., $26.00; 50 gals., bbl., $38.00. Last two F. O. B. factory. New Jersey.

Special circular on request.


THE MEYER SEED CO., 32 Light St., Baltimore, Md.

Thrift Jars

Lighten labor, save time and pre- vent spoilage. They are easily sealed be- fore processing and the seal is tight and permanent.

Price List

No. 33 Quarts with caps, $1.40 per doz., post- paid. Weight, 20 lbs.

No. 32—19 oz., with caps, $1.15 per doz., post- paid. Weight, 15 lbs.

No. 3— Sealer, $2.50 each, postpaid.

No. 3 P Caps, box of 6 dozen, $2.15, postpaid.

Japanese Broom Rake

An ingenuous device for cleaning the debris out of a iawn or grass plot, leaving it as free from refuse as though swept with a broom. In fact to get the best resulfs it should be used with the motion of a broom. Made of split bamboo, rigidly secured, with a suitable length han- dle. Just the thing for cleaning grass clippings from walks and flower beds and borders, and from the lawn.

Price, $1.25 each; 10c extra for postage.

24 inch. Particularly adapted for raking leaves. $2.50 each; 15c extra for postage.

Pigr. 18.

Sell Eggs by Mail to Your City Friends Shipped in Alum- nized Metal Egg Crates

Indestructible; made for interchangeable shipments; lasts for years; pays for it- self in a few shipments. Buy yours now and realize more money for your eggs. Your friends want them. Thousands now in daily use.

The Metal Edge Filler is a wonder. A new inven- tion and cannot be beat for safely carrying _ eggs by mail. Light in weight and very strong.

Price of eggs in the city is about double the price obtained by the farmer at a local store for selected eggs. You might as well be receiving this added profit by shipping your eggs direct. Metal Egg Crates Prices

1 doz. size all eggs $1.25

2 doz. size all eggs 1.50

3 doz. size all eggs 1.75

4 doz. size all eggs 2.00

6 doz. size all eggs 2.50

Metal Egg Crates


The Real Glass Substitute

No question as to its economy

15e per square foot

100 running feet to roll Cel-O-Glass is made 3 feet wide Write for fullest information.

Juicy Fruit Press

A wonderful press for fruits, grapes, lard, jel- lies, etc.

Special Feature

All parts coming in con- tact with Fruit Juices are tinned with Pure Block Tin.

Press must be seen to be appreciated as it is in a class by itself.

3-Quart size (Fig. 1) Price, $5.25 post- paid. Weight 13 lbs.

6-quart size Price, $6.50, postpaid. Wt., 19 lbs.

8-quart size (with stand) Price, $8.00 postpaid. Wt., 36 lbs.



The Robertson Compressed Air Sprayers

PLANET JR. EDGER, No. 2 Fig. 18. Made of best material, extremely simple and easy to operate. Price, $2.00, postpaid.


edging walks. Price, $1.25, postpaid. See foot rest.

“KEEN KUTTER” RAKE Bow pattern. 14-tooth, $1.50. Regular pattern, 16-tooth, $1.25.

“QUEEN” LAWN RAKE— With handle, 24-teeth, 75c; 36 teeth, $1.50.

“OLE OLSEN” LAWN RAKE— All wood, 26 teeth, hickory wood, with handle, $1.00; less handle, 75c.

WOOD LEAF RAKE Reinforced with 3 heavy wire bows; has 24 teeth. Price, $1.25. All rakes by express only.

Are different from all others. They work easier, give a more powerful spray, last longer, always work. They are the only sprayers with the Robertson Patent Pump, which has higher working efficiency than any other pump ever made.


For parcel post add 10c to each Standard size, having one-quart container

Tin pump and container $1.00

Tin pump and galvanized iron container 1.25

Brass pump and copper container 2.00

Brass pump and container 1.75

All sprayers have brass tubes and fittings.



The real secret in making plants grow to perfection lies in having a rich fertile soil. All plants need feeding and a loose mellow soil in which to develop their real beauty. In all your planting let your first thought be the preparation of your soil so that the young plants can start off with a fair chance of life.

Wizard Sheep and Cow Manures are natural plant foods that will make your soil rich and fertile. They supply the essential organic matter to make soils mellow and friable, insuring strong root growth. Wizard is concentrated, con- venient and absolutely weedless. Its concentrated strength goes a long way One bag equals a whole wagon load of stable manure. It is not a chemical stimulant but a real plant food that gives your soil just what it needs to make plants grow.

LAWNS Wizard produces a thick velvety green turf of lasting beauty. Fall is the best time to make your lawn and an application of Wizard now on new and old lawns will produce an establishe planting ready to start off vigorous and strong with the first breath of Spring. Scatter broadcast 6 to 10 lbs. per 100 square feet for best results.

FLOWER GARDENS Beautiful green foliage and a wealth of vivid colored flowers are the result of feeding your plants Wizard. Applications during the growing season will put new life in your plants and prolong the blooming period. Fall applications to perennials, vines and shrubs at the rate of 10 lbs. per 100 square feet or a hand- ful or more mixed with the soil under each plant will bring rugged growth and increased beauty next Spring.

VEGETABLES AND FRUITS— Wizard Sheep Ma- nure produces big crops of crisp tender vegetables; fruit of high color and fine flavor. There is nothing better than Wizard. Apply 10 lbs. per 100 square feet or 2000 lbs. per acre.

FLORISTS Wizard Sheep and Cow Manures have been the standard of qualitv for 17 years. For top dressing and liquid manuring Wizard Sheep Manure is unexcelled. Wizard Shredded Cow Manure makes an ideal mulch and supplies sufficient plant food to grow big crops of highest quality. You need manure to grow plants at a profit and it pays to use Wizard.

WIZARD BRAND COW OR CATTLE MANURE (Shredded) Convenient to handle, making it possible for everyone to get this usually scarce article at all times. This is where you get a wagon load of manure in a 100 lb.

bag. 2 lbs. 15c; 5 lbs. 30e; 10 lbs. 50e; 25 lbs. $1.00; 50 lbs. $2.00; 100 lbs. $3.50; 500 lbs. $15.00; 1,000

lbs. $27.50; per ton, $52.50.

WIZARD BRAND SHEEP MANURE— Apply 1,000 lbs. per acre. For garden, lawn or greenhouse use. This is where you get a whole cart load of manure in a 100 lb. bag at a much lower figure. 2 lbs. 15c; 5 lbs. 30c; 10 los. 50c; 26 los. $1.00; 50 lbs. $2.00; 100 lbs. $3.00; 500 lbs. $12.50; 1,000 lbs. $.4 00; per ton, $45 00.

PREMIER BRAND PULVERIZED POULTRY MA- NURE— For the lawn, vegetables, flowers, fruits, garden and for house plants. This fertilizer produces quick growth, rapid devel- opment, and large yields. It is ideal for garden use. Old lawns 30 to 50 lbs. per 1,000 sq. ft. New lawns 40 to 60 lbs. per 1,000 sq. ft. Home gardens 3 to 5 lbs. per 100 sq. ft. Trees 3 to 5 lbs. each. Vines and bushes 1 lb. each.

Golf courses and put- ting greens 50 to 60 lbs. per 1,000 sq. ft.

Fairways 30 to 40 lbs. per 1,000 sq. ft. Fruits and vegetables 1,000. to 1,200 lbs. per acre.

5 lbs. 30c; 10 lbs. 50c; 25 lbs. $1.00; 50 lbs. $1.75; 100 lbs. $3.00; ton $45.00.

BLOOD (Dried) For indoor culture of flowering plants, like roses, carnations, etc., its chief element being nitrogen.

1 lb. 10c; 25 lbs. $2.00; $3.75 per 50 lbs.; 100 lbs. $7.00; $12.00 per 200 lbs.

BONE MEAL (Ober’s Pure Bone) Splendid article for building up wornout ^oil, lawns, etc. Lb. 6c; 10 lbs. 50c; 25 lbs. $1.25; 100 lbs. $3.25; 200 lbs. $5.50; ton, $47.00

BONE MEAL (Ober’s Special Grade Raw) Unusual- ly rich in nitrogen and phosphoric acid, the two principal plant foods. Does not burn.l lb. 6c; 10 lbs. 50c; $1.25 for 25 lbs.; $3.50 per 100 lbs.; 200 lbs. $6.50; ton, $52.00.

SUMMERS COMPLETE LAWN FERTILIZERS— 10 lbs. $1.25; 25 lbs. $2.50; 50 lbs. $3.50; 100 lbs. $5.50 BONE FLOUR Finely pulverized and bolted. Effective immediately. For rose growing this cannot be excelled. Rich in phosphoric acid and ammonia. Apply 600 lbs. per acre. 5 lbs. 50c; 10 lbs. 85c; 25 lbs. $1.50; 50 lbs. $2.75; 100 lbs. $5.00; 200 lbs. $8.50.

STERILIZED HUMUS (Leaf Mold)— Fine for lawns replanting and repotting. 4c lb.; 10 lbs. 35c; 50 lbs. $1.50; 100 lbs. $2.50; 500 lbs. $10.00; 1,000 lbs. $18.50, last four sizes delivered. Ton and car load price on application.

PREPARED FIBRE Grow your House Bulbs without soil, drainage or saucers. Highly recommended. 1 qt.

lOc; 4 qts. 25e; pk. 40c; bu. $1.25. Parcel post weight 14 lbs. per bushel.

FLURETTE A liquid Plant Food. Makes strong and rapid growth. To be diluted with water as per directions.

Yi pt. 25c; 1 pt. 40c; 1 qt. 75c. Not mailable.

LIME (Hydrated or Powdered) Promotes growth and gives the grass a rich color. Apply one ton per acre on fields, or ton on lawns. 5 lbs. 20c; 10 lbs. 30c.;

50 lbs. $1.00; 100 lbs. $1.75; Tonpriceson application. SULPHATE OF POTASH— 10c per lb.

MURIATE OF POTASH— 10c. per lb.

NITRATE OF SODA— 1 lb. 10c; 3 lbs. 25c. Prices in larger quantities on application.

WHITE ROSE PLANT FOOD— Unequalled for Ferns, Palms, Flowers, Lawns and Gardens

A specially prepared high grade plant food containing 5 per cent, ammonia, 8 per cent, available phosphoric acid and 3 per cent potash. Apply at the rate of 1 lb. for every

50 sq. ft. 1 lb. 25c, 30c postpaid; 5 lbs. 75c; 10 lbs. $1.25; 25 lbs. $2.50; 50 lbs. $4.00; 100 lbs. $6.50.

TOBACCO STEMS For fumigating, mulching and fertilizing; an excellent top dressing for lawns in winter.

1 lb. 5c; 50 lbs. $1.50; 100 lbs. $2.50. Tobacco Dust, 10c lb.; 5 lb. 40c; 10 lb. 75c; 100 lbs. $5.25.



A Great Many of the Finest Lawns Around Baltimore Are Seeded with M. & S. Well-Known LAWN SEEDS

August and September are the best months for making new^^nd building up old lawns. M. & S. ROLAND PARK GRASS SEED.— Use 1 lb. to 200 Square ft., 50 to 60 lb. to acre

One of the most essential parts of the country place and suburban home is a carefully made and well-kept lawn. No trouble should be spared in its making, as much of the future results depend upon the start or foundation of the lawn, which, if correctly made, can easily be kept in perfect condition for years, and give pleasure not only to the owner, but to others who see it. In seeding for lawn-making, care should be taken that a well-balanced mixture of grasses is used, one composed of such varieties as will blend together well and also ripen successively, thus securing a healthy and beautiful color throughout the summer. Our M. & S. Roland Park Lawn Grass Seed produce beautiful and permanent lawns. It is made from our own formula, and composed of grasses which are adapted for the purpose of producing turf which retains its rich green color and velvet appearance throughout the entire summer and fall. In making up this brand we are careful to use seed that has been thoroughly recleaned, the light seed and chaff haying been blown out.

M. & S. ROLAND PARK LAWN GRASS— 1 lb. 35c; 3 lb. $1.00; 5 lb. $1.60; 10 lb. $3.00; bu. of 30 lb. $8.75.

M. & S. SHADY NOOK GRASS— It is quite difficult to obtain a satisfactory growth of grass under trees and in shady places. For sowing in such places we recommend the use of this special mixture. It will quickly produce an abundant and even growth of beautiful green grass. The grasses used in making this special mixture are only those that are well adapted for growing in shade. It has been successfully used on some large operations where a green sward was desired on land partially shaded by old trees. Price same as above.


fair greens, etc. The turf required for pleasure grounds must be of a character to withstand rough usage. This special mixture is made from our own formula, and will produce a permanent turf that will stand the hardest wear. For tennis courts, cricket tables, golf links, polo grounds, or wherever a good sward is wanted, this seed will give perfect satisfaction. We believe that the golf links should be as fine as a velvety lawn, hence the need of a fine mixture. Price same as above.

M. & S. GOLF LINK MIXTURE— This mixture is composed exclusively of fine-bladed grasses which will withstand frequent close cutting and trampling. It does not contain any White Clover, the latter not being suitable or the closely cut golf lawn.' It is very important that only grasses which fulfill all requirements for the golf course are used in this mixture. Lb. 75c; 3 lb. $2.00; 5 lb. $3.25; 10 lbs. or more at 55c per lb.

GENUINE SOUTH GERMAN CREEPING BENT GRASS Adapted admirably for lawns, also putting greens, tennis courts, etc.; sow 60 lbs. per acre. 1 lb. $1.50; larger quantity, price on application.

St^dler’s Superior Plant Food

Feed your plants new life and beauty with Stadler’s Superior Plant Food. Then you will take greater pride than ever in your cherished house or garden plants. The remarkable and almost immediate effects of Superior Plant Food on plant life is highly gratifying. You can see improvement every day. And how they do grow throwing off new shoots of luxuriant beauty and ^health, with a richer color.

Universal in its year-’round use. Use ^it all winter on those potted ferns, be- “■gonias or hyacinths of yours all and summer on your outdoor garden, your bulb plants, roses, hardy shrubs, trees and lawn. Just dissolve a teaspoonful in the watering pot every time you sprinkle the garden.

Clean and odorless. 25c, f50c and $1.00 cans. The dollar size contains 600 treatments enough for over a year. Results guaranteed.

An All-the-Year Fertilizer For Garden and House Plants.

WHITE CLOVER— M lb. 25c; lb. 40c; lb. 75c.

Larger quantity, price on application.

Price, trial size, 15c; small size, 25c; 100 tablets, 75c; 1,000, $3.50. Postpaid.