Historic, archived document Do not assume content reflects current scientific knowledge, policies, or practices. f NEW FLE D-LEAVED JAPANESE 3AKBEKR.Y William M. Hunt & Company, Inc. Distributors 148 Chambers Street New York City &6} T IS only once in a lifetime that a really worth-while, outstanding novelty in hardy shrubs is introduced, and in this new Barberry we have such a plant. It is similar in all respects to the green-leaved Japanese Barberry which is so popular for mixing in the shrubbery border, as single specimens, or for planting in clumps on the Iawm, as well as for foundation plantings and for hedges, but the foliage of this new variety is of a rich, lustrous, bronzy red, similar to the richest red-leaved Japanese Maples. However, unlike these and other colored shrubs in which the coloring fades or disappears entirely as the season advances, this new Barberry becomes more brilliant and gorgeous throughout the summer, and in the fall its foliage changes to vivid orange, scarlet, and red shades, more brilliant and more effective than in the ordinary Japanese Barberry. In this coloring it is unequaled by any other shrub and is followed by the same brilliant scarlet berries common to the type, which remain on the plant the entire winter. All that is required to develop its brilliant coloring at all seasons is that it be planted in full exposure to the sun. 1 yr. old plants 75c. ea. $ 7.50 per. doz. $50. per 100 2 “ “ “ $1.00 “ 10.00 “ “ $75. “ 100 3 “ “ “ $2.50 “ 25.00 “ “ $175. “ 100