Historic, Archive Document Do not assume content reflects current scientific knowledge, policies, or practices. 1927 Abbott & Cobb 4903 FRANKFORD AVENUE PHILADELPHIA, PA. Special Notice ordering see<^ by mail, be careful to give your Name, Post Office, County, State, and Express Office, that your order may go forward without delay. We will pay the postage on seeds forwarded by Parcel Post as quoted by the Ounce, Quarter Pound, or Pound, when cash accompanies the order. This does not include articles as quoted in five or ten-pound lots. If Peas, Beans, and Corn are to be forwarded by Parcel Post, add postage as per zone rates. Terms of Guarantee. We give no warranty, express or implied, as to description, purity, productiveness or any other matter of any seeds, bulbs or plants we sell, and we will not be in any way responsible for them. If the purchaser does not accept the goods on these terms they are to be returned at once, and if the money has been paid for them, it will be refunded. ABBOTT & COBB. QUANTITY OF SEEDS REQUIRED TO SOW A SINGLE ROW OF 100 YARDS Asparagus 8 oz. Beans, Bush 6 lbs. Beans, Pole .3 lbs. Beets ,5 oz. Cabbage 2 oz. Carrot 3 oz. Cauliflower 34°z* Chinese Cabbage 2 oz. Celery .3 oz. Corn 1 lb. Cucumber 4 oz. Egg Plant 1 oz. Endive 2 oz. Leek 2 oz. Lettuce .2 oz. Melon, Water. .- 3 oz. Melon, Citron 2 oz. Okra. 12 oz. Onion for Sets 8 oz. Onion for Large Bulbs 2 oz. Parsnip 3 oz. Parsley 2 oz. Peas 6 lbs. Pepper .1 oz. Pumpkin 2 oz. Radish 6 oz. Salsify 4 oz. Spinach 6 oz. Squash 3 oz. Tomato 1 oz. Turnip 3 oz. GRASS SEEDS TO THE ACRE Red Clover 10 to 15 lbs. White Clover (Dutch) 10 lbs. Alfalfa or Lucerne 20 lbs. Alsike Clover 12 lbs. Sweet Clover 25 lbs. Crimson Clover. ..... 12 to 15 lbs. Timothy 12 lbs. Hungarian Grass 1 bus. Pasture Grass 2 J4 to 3 bus. Blue Grass 2 to 3 bus. Rye Grass 1 34 to 2 bus. Orchard Grass. ....... 1 34 to 2 bus. Red Top Grass 1 34 to 2 bus. Mixed Lawn Grass 5 bus. Millet 1 bus. QUANTITY OF SEEDS USUALLY SOWN UPON AN ACRE Barley Broadcast 2 to 3 bus. Beans, Dwarf, in drills. . .134 bus. Beans, Pole in hills. . 10 to 12 qts. Beets, in drills 5 to 6 lbs. Broom Corn, in hills. ..8 to 10 qts. Buckwheat. 1 bus. Cabbage, in beds, to trans- plant ...... 341b. Carrots, in drills 3 to 4 Tbs. Corn, in hills 8 to 10 qts. Com, for fodder 3 bus. Cowpeas 1 34 to 2 bus. Cucumber, in hills 2 lbs. Flax, broadcast 1 34 bus. Hemp 134 bus. Mustard, broadcast ^bus. Melon, Musk, in hills.. .2 to 3 lbs. Melon, Water, in hills. .4 to 5 lbs. Oats, broadcast 2 to 3 bus. Onionskin drills .5 to 6 lbs. Onion Sets, in drills.. .6 to 12 bus. Onion Seeds, in drills. .6 to 12 lbs. Parsnips, in drills 4 to 6 lbs. Peas, in drills 1 34 bus. Peas, broadcast 3 bus. Potatoes, cut tubers 10 bus. Pumpkins, in hills 4 to 6 lbs. Radish, in drills 8 to 10 lbs. Rye, broadcast to 2 bus. Sage, in drills 8 to 10 lbs. Salsify, in drills 8 to 10 lbs. Spinach, in drills 10 to 12 lbs. Squash, Bush, in hills.. .4 to 6 lbs. Squash, Running, in hills 3 to 4 lbs. Sugar-Cane or Sorghum 10 to 12 lbs. SudanGrass,broadcastl6 to 24 lbs. Sudan Grass, in rows.. . .2 to 3 lbs. Tomato, to transplant 341b. Turnip, in drills 3 4 to 2 lbs. Turnip, broadcast. .... .3 to 4 lbs. Vetches, broadcast . .30 lbs. Wheat, broadcast. ... 1 34 to 2 bus. PARCEL POST RATES WEIGHT LIMIT. The weight limit within the first, second and third zones is now within all other zones 50 pounds. Shipments of 20 pounds or over are cheaper if sent by the second zone. DOMESTIC PARCEL POST RATES ^ Within the United States and Possessions or fraction First zone, within 50 miles of Philadelphia 7 cts. Second zone, within 50 to 150 miles of Philadelphia 7 cts. Third zone, within 150 to 300 miles of Philadelphia. 8 cts. Fourth zone, within 300 to 600 miles of Philadelphia 9. cts. Fifth zone, within 600 to 1,000 miles of Philadelphia. 1 Of cts. Sixth zone, within 1,000 to 1,400 miles of Philadelphia llfcts. Seventh zone, within 1,400 to 1,800 miles of Philadelphia 13 cts. Eighth zone, all over 1,800 miles of Philadelphia MjCts. 70 pounds, and express beyond Each additional pound or fraction 1 Ct. 1 ct. 2 cts. 4 cts. 6 cts. 8 cts. 10 cts. 12 cts. /N presenting this 1927 Catalogue of vegetable and flower seeds to customers and prospective buyers, we desire to emphasize again the importance of planting only properly handled seeds of carefully selected strains and varieties. This careful selection is tedious and expensive but it pays in the long run, serving, as it does, to keep up the standards of quality and yield, and even to improve upon the original. To give this important work the attention it deserves, it is necessary to confine it to a limited number of varieties. For that reason we offer only those types and strains which are adapted to the localities We swerve and over whose selection and grading we have control. Our list is not as long as some because of this, but the seeds which it contains are there because of decided merit. The same care is extended to our list of flower seeds which includes all popular and profitable varieties for market and home use. Full-Heart Easy-Blanching Celery. See page 9 VEGETABLE SEEDS 2 ABBOTT 6? COBB, Philadelphia Abbott & Cobb’s Vegetable Seeds ASPARAGUS GIANT GREEN. An exceedingly fine strain, the seeds having been selected from the largest stalks in the field. Color is light green. The tops remain solid or closed longer than most varieties of Asparagus. We can highly recommend this seed for commercial purposes. Pkt. 10 cts., oz. 15 cts., Vilb. 30 cts., lb. $1, 10 lbs. $8.50. COLUMBIA MAMMOTH WHITE. Shoots of largest size and clear white. Most popular white variety. Pkt. 10 cts., oz. 15 cts., V^b. 30 cts., lb. $1, 10 lbs. $8.50. WASHINGTON. Very productive new rust-resistant strain, selected by the United States Department of Agriculture, of extra fine quality. Rich dark green stalks tinted darker at the tips. Will grow faster and cut earlier than any other variety. Pkt. 10 cts., oz. 40 cts., V^b. $1.50, lb. $5, 10 lbs. $45. ASPARAGUS ROOTS We can supply strong one and two-year-old roots of the following varieties: 100 1,000 Giant Green $1 25 $7 00 Columbia Mammoth White 1 25 7 00 Washington 1 75 12 00 Washington Asparagus ABBOTT 6? COBB, Philadelphia 3 VEGETABLE SEEDS Round-Pod Kidney Wax Beans BEANS (Green-podded) GIANT STRINGLESS. Very productive, long, round-podded sort, maturing a trifle later than Red Valentine. Absolutely stringless. Pkt. lOcts., lb. 30 cts., 10 lbs. $2.40, 100 lbs. $22. RED VALENTINE. Earliest Bean of all, maturing in six to seven weeks after planting. Pods are round and of medium length. Pkt. 10 cts., lb. 30 cts., 10 lbs. $2.25, 100 lbs. $20. BLACK VALENTINE. Hardiest and most pro- ductive green-podded Bean grown; strong, vigor- ous vines. Pods are somewhat flat and very long, making a fine appearance. The season is a trifle longer than that of Red Valentine. Pkt. 10 cts., lb. 30 cts., 10 lbs. $2.25, 100 lbs. $20. BOUNTIFUL. A very popular sort with the shipper because it is a prolific producer of flat and abso- lutely stringless pods of exceedingly fine qualitv. Pkt. 10 cts., lb. 30 cts., 10 lbs. $2.50, 100 lbs. $23. WAX-PODDED BEANS ROUND-POD KIDNEY WAX. A very popular Bean because of its unusually good quality; of superior flavor, very brittle, exceedingly tender and absolutely stringless. Its productiveness, early maturing, and rust-resistant qualities have made it a great favorite. Pkt. 10 cts., lb. 35 cts., 10 lbs. $3, 100 lbs. $28. CURRIE’S RUSTPROOF. One of the earliest and most popular of the Wax or yellow Beans. Pods flat, sometimes 6 to 7 inches long. Pkt. 10 cts., Ib. 30 cts., 10 lbs. $2.20, 100 lbs. $20. WARDWELL’S KIDNEY WAX. An old favorite. Long, straight, broad, brittle, almost stringless, light golden pods, borne in unusually large quantities. Good Bean for market. Pkt. 10 cts., Ib. 30 cts., 10 lbs. $2.20, 100 lbs. $20. SOUP BEANS WHITE MARROWFAT. Heavy producer of large, oval-shaped white Beans. A great favorite for baking or soup. Pkt. 10 cts., lb. 25 cts., 10 lbs. $1.80, 100 lbs. $16. WHITE KIDNEY. Tall, erect plants bearing an abundance of large, showy pods filled with kidney- shaped, white Beans that do not discolor when cooked. A popular dry Shell Bean. We recom- mend growing these Beans in soil that is not too rich in order that the vines will stand erect, thus eliminating rusted or spotted Beans when they are harvested. Pkt. 10 cts., lb. 25 cts., 10 lbs. $1.80, 100 lbs. $16. LIMA BEANS FORDHOOK BUSH. The heaviest cropping Bush Lima. It is ready to pick at least two weeks before the Pole Limas, bearing a prolific crop of good- sized pods, each with three to five large, thick, meaty Beans of excellent quality. Pkt. 10 cts., lb. 50 cts., 10 lbs. $3, 100 lbs. $25. FORD’S MAMMOTH (POLE). Probably the largest-podded Lima Bean. They are very dark green, about 6 inches long, flat, and containing four to five Beans of fine quality in a pod. Pkt 10 cts., lb. 40 cts., 10 lbs. $3, 100 lbs. $25. KING OF THE GARDEN (POLE). So attractive that they usually bring better prices than most flat-podded Limas. It is the strongest growing, most productive of the large Limas; pods 5 to 6 inches long, each with four to five large, flat Beans. Two vines to each pole is enough. Pkt. 10 cts., lb. 40 cts., 10 lbs. $3, 100 lbs. $25. DREER’S IMPROVED (POLE). A vigorous grower, freely producing very thick pods about 4 inches long, containing from three to five large, thick, and fine quality Beans. Later in maturing than most Lima Beans. Pkt. 10 cts., lb. 50 cts., 10 lbs. $3, 100 lbs. $25. Fordhook Bush Lima Beans VEGETABLE SEEDS 4 ABBOTT 6? COBB, Philadelphia Crosby’s Egyptian (Special) Beets BEETS CROSBY’S EGYPTIAN (Special) After four years’ work of selecting, we can offer this stock of Beet to the most critical grower. It is extra early, dark red, with a medium-sized top, making it a fine variety for coldframes and outside use. Many growers are now using this for bunching throughout the entire season as it will not crack under the most trying conditions. Pkt. 10 cts., oz. 20 cts., Vilb. 40 cts., lb. $1.25, 10 lbs. $11. CROSBY’S EGYPTIAN. An excellent early, rich- colored Beet, with somewhat larger tops than our special Crosby’s Egyptian listed above. Pkt. 10c., oz. 15c., V4lb. 30c., lb. 85c., 10 lbs. $7.50. EARLY WONDER. An early-maturing variety with globe-shaped roots, dark flesh, and tops of medium size. A fine second-early or later variety for bunching. Pkt. 10 cts., oz. 20 cts., VAb. 40 cts., lb. $1, 10 lbs. $9. EARLY ECLIPSE. A favorite second-early Beet, but it is not as early as Crosby’s Egyptian. Globe-shaped root, small taproot. Very good va- riety for storing in trenches. Pkt. 10 cts., oz. 15 cts., i/4lb. 30 cts., lb. 85 cts., 10 lbs. $7.50. EARLY LENTZ One of the very best early-maturing Beets we know. Grown and selected by a Bucks Co. market-gardener under our direc- tion. He has gone to much trouble and expense to grow the finest stock for us; it can be relied upon to be absolutely true to type. Color rather light, quality excellent, top rather heavv. Pkt. 10 cts., oz. 20 cts., V4lb. 40 cts., lb. $1.10, 10 lbs. $10. DETROIT DARK RED. (Late). A turnip-shaped Beet of a very rich red color throughout, largely used by market -gardeners and canners. We have a very fine strain of this variety. Pkt. 10 cts., oz. 20 cts., V4lb. 40 cts., lb. $1.25, 10 lbs. $10. ABBOTT & COBB, Philadelphia 5 VEGETABLE SEEDS BEETS, continued MODEL RED GLOBE. Similar to Eclipse, but a trifle later. Perfect globe-shape, of uniform size, rich crimson color, and a fine and sweet flavor. Fine midseason variety. Pkt. 10 cts., oz. 20 cts., l/4lb. 40 cts., lb. $1.10, 10 lbs. $10. BASTIAN’S HALF-LONG We have been working for some time to get a first-class stock of this variety. The roots are dark red, very smooth and uni- form in shape, running a trifle longer than most stocks of this variety. The quality of this Beet is also very fine, retaining its tenderness longer than most varieties. Tops are rather heavy, making a fine, robust appearance while growing. This Beet is grown principally in and around Philadelphia County for winter or storage purposes. Pkt. 10 cts., oz. 20 cts., 141b. 40 cts., lb. $1.10, 10 lbs. $10. MANGEL BEET FOR STOCK-FEEDING LONG RED. A mammoth-yielding variety, pro- ducing roots largely above ground, making them easy to harvest. A desirable cow-feed to increase milk-flow. Pkt. 10 cts., oz. 15 cts., yflb. 25 cts., lb. 60 cts., 10 lbs. $5. Bastian’s Half-long Beet GOLDEN TANKARD. Roots are very large; flesh yellow, zoned with white. Pkt. 10 cts., oz. 15 cts., i/4lb. 25 cts., lb. 60 cts., 10 lbs. $5. CHIRK CASTLE. Very large, long, red variety, somewhat sweeter than Mam- moth Long Red. Pkt. 10 cts., oz. 15 cts., yfib. 25 cts., lb. 60 cts., 10 lbs. $5. SWISS CHARD GIANT LUCULLUS. This is a variety of Beet grown exclusively for its large, tender leaves which are cooked the same as spinach; the midribs are some- times served like asparagus making delicious “greens.” Cut 4 inches above the ground, the plants will produce another large crop of leaves; can be cut repeatedly. Valuable crop for poultry feed. Pkt. 10 cts., oz. 20 cts., Y^\h. 40 cts., lb. $1, 10 lbs. $9. LARGE GREEN WHITE-RIBBED The best selling sort on the market. It Long Red Mangel Beet is a big improvement over the Lu- cullus varie- ties; the leaf is green but not as curly. It also has a much better flavor than the LucuIIus varieties. Pkt. 10 cts., oz. 20 cts., Vilb. 40 cts., lb. $1, 10 lbs. $9. CAULIFLOWER EARLY SNOWBALL. Deep, solid heads of medium size, pure white, and of excel- lent quality. An ideal all-season variety for the home-garden and the best early for the market grower. Forces easily. Pkt. 25 cts., oz. $4, i/4lb. $12, lb. $45. AUTUMN GIANT. An enormous late sort; leaves very large and hardy. Pkt. 25 cts., oz. $1, V4lb. $3, lb. $10. Early Snowball Cauliflower VEGETABLE SEEDS 6 ABBOTT 6? COBB, Philadelphia Charleston, or Large Wakefield Cabbage CABBAGE EXTRA-EARLY JERSEY WAKEFIELD. The most popular early Cabbage. The pointed heads are of medium size, solid, and of excellent quality. Hardy, resisting frosts; maturing in 100 days. Pkt. 10c., oz. 30c., i/4lb. $1, lb. $3.50, 10 lbs. $30. CHARLESTON, or LARGE WAKEFIELD. A week later than Extra-Early Jersey Wakefield. Heads are larger, just as solid, but not quite as pointed. Good variety to follow the Early Jersey Wake- field. Pkt. 10 cts., oz. 30 cts., Vil b. $1, lb. $3.50, 10 lbs. $30. EARLY FAVORITE An entirely new variety. After proving and testing for two years, we have decided it will make a valuable variety for early use. The heads are round, medium sized, and very solid, the stem short. It will mature about ten days earlier than Copen- hagen. We cannot recommend this too highly to commercial growers. Pkt. 10 cts., oz. $1.25, y4lb. $4.25, lb. $16, 10 lbs. $150. COPENHAGEN MARKET. An early round- headed variety which is in a class by itself. Heads very solid, often weighing 10 pounds. About as early as Charleston Wakefield. Sow the seed in February for early use, as the fall-sown plants are apt to run to seed in the spring. Pkt. 10 cts., oz. 35 cts., i/4lb. $1.10, lb. $4, 10 lbs. $38.50. EARLY SUMMER VARIETIES SUCCESSION. Large, solid, flat heads, which will stand a long time before marketing. A fine second-early variety. Pkt. 10 cts., oz. 25 cts., 141b. 85 cts., lb. $3, 10 lbs. $28.50. EARLY SUMMER CABBAGE, continued ALL -SEASONS. Good variety to use any time throughout the season. Heads are large, a trifle flat, and mature early. Pkt. 10 cts., oz. 25 cts., 141b. 85 cts., lb. $3, 10 lbs. $28.50. LAUDERBACK’S ALL-YEAR-ROUND. An old standard variety, originated by one of our market- gardeners several years ago. Excellent for summer or fall. A robust grower, producing a fine rather flat head. Excellent for sauerkrout. Pkt. 10 cts. oz. 25 cts., 141b. 85 cts., lb. $3, 10 lbs. $28.50. FALL or WINTER VARIETIES LATE FLAT DUTCH. One of the best late winter Cabbages. Very large, oval-shaped heads of good quality that keep well. Pkt. 10 cts., oz. 25 cts., 141b. 85 cts., lb. $3, 10 lbs. $28.50. DANISH BALLHEAD. A medium sized, very solid- heading, popular variety for winter use. Grown principally by our New York growers for shipping. Pkt. 10 cts., oz. 35 cts., y4lb. $1.10, lb. $4, 10 lbs. $38.50. HARD-HEADING SAVOY (Special) An unusually good variety for early or late planting. The heads are large, solid, almost round, and very crisp. A fine sort to store for winter use as it will keep longer than any other. Used particularly for boiling because of its fine flavor. Pkt. 10 cts., oz. 60 cts., y^b. $2, lb. $7, 10 lbs. $60. MAMMOTH RED RpCK. Very large, round, solid head. This variety is fine for coleslaw, as the color gives it a fine appearance. Pkt. 10 cts., oz. 25 cts., 141b. 85 cts., lb. $3, 10 lbs. $28.50. CHINESE CABBAGE (Wong-Bok). Makes a salad with a delightful peppery zest; should be in every garden. Large, tender heads can be eaten like lettuce or boiled as cabbage. In the latitude of Philadelphia or New York sow the seed August 1. Seed sown in spring is rarely successful as the heads run to seed in hot weather. Pkt. 10 cts., oz. 40 cts., i/4lb. $1.25, lb. $4, 10 lbs. $38.50. Hard-Heading Savoy Cabbage ABBOTT 6? COBB, Philadelphia 7 VEGETABLE SEEDS CARROT Rich in the important vitamines, Carrots should be eaten frequently. When pulled fresh and young, the roots are tender and delicious. Rubicon Half-Long Carrots CHANTENAY An excellent stump-rooted sort of fine orange color, with medium- sized tops and a small neck. The roots are uniform, averaging from 2 to 4 inches thick at the shoulder and 5 to 6 inches in length. The flesh is fine- grained, crisp, ten- der, and free from core. A productive ideal bunching Carrot. Pkt. 10c., oz. 20 cts., 141b. 35 cts., lb. $1.25, 10 lbs. $11.50. RUBICON HALF- LONG. A stump- rooted variety some- what longer than the Chantenay, with deep orange color. Pkt. 10c., oz. 20c., i/4lb. 35c., lb. $1.25, 10 lbs. $11.50. DANVER’S HALF-LONG. An extremely popular main-crop Carrot. A trifle longer than Chantenay. with pointed root and pleasing orange color. Grown princiDally for winter use. Pkt. 10 cts., oz. 20 cts., V^lb. 35 cts., lb. $1, 10 lbs. $9.50. ST. VALERY. The most desirable Carrot for home and fancy markets. It has 10-inch, smooth, pointed, dark orange-colored roots. Pkt. 10 cts., oz. 20 cts., lb. 30 cts., lb. $1, 10 lbs. $9. Chantenay Carrot Field of Golden Self-blanching Celery grown by J. H. Snyder, New York, from Abbott & Cobb’s Seed VEGETABLE SEEDS 8 ABBOTT S’ COBB, Philadelphia CELERY GOLDEN SELF-BLANCHING (Special) Grown in all of the leading Celery sec- tions of the United States because the growers claim there is nothing better. It has fine golden appearance, producing a rib more round than most stocks of Golden Self-blanching. Our stock is tested one year before selling, to safeguard the grower against any poor stock. This particular sort is a vigorous grower and is therefore more free from blight. We have carefully selected and rogued it to eliminate the hollow stem or softness while growing or after blanching. The germinating quali- ties are also better in this robust stock, which makes it a big factor in producing large, strong stalks. Pkt. 10 cts., oz. $1.25, y4lb. $4, lb. $14, 10 lbs. $130. EARLY FORTUNE (Improved Golden) We are offering in this variety one that has been on the market for three or four years and has proved itself to be a valuable early sort. It is a cross between Golden Self-blanching and Easy-blanching, re- taining the quick, robust-growing habits of Easy-blanching. It is far more resistant to blight than Golden Self-blanching and matures two weeks earlier. It has the largest heart of any known variety; very valuable for either close or wide culture. This seed is grown on our own Farms and is absolutely true to type. Do not fail to try even a small quantity of this if you are not familiar with it. Pkt. 25 cts., oz. $2.50, y^lb. $8, lb. $30. Early Fortune Celery GOLDEN PLUME CELERY DEMONSTRATION AT H. N. DUDLEY’S FARM, BUSTLETON, PA. Seed sown April 13, 1926. Transplanted July 16, 1926 SOURCE G Single stalk RADI Wt. Ibs. E D F O Bunches R M A Wt. Ibs. iRKET Culls Wt. Ibs. Total stalks Wt. Ibs. Aver, wt. per stalk Ibs. Woodruff (1924 crop seed) 34 46 13 29 11 2 84 77 0.91 Woodruff (1925 crop seed) 31 52 12% 32 7 2 75 86 1.15 Meisch’s Special 31 51 15% 44 9 3 86 98 1.14 Stumpp & Walter’s Golden Plume 42 67 11% 34 1 % 78 111% 1.42 Eberle’s Wonderful 30 45 13% 34 1 % 73 79% 1.10 Stokes’ Golden Plume 39 67 13% 38 2 % 81 105% 1.30 Garrahan’s Golden Plume 31 63 13 38% 4 2 82 103% 1.26 Abbott & Cobb’s Early Fortune . . 36 75 12 36% 1 % 74 112% 1.52 Buist’s Golden Plume 39 723^ 12 38 8 4 86 114% 1.33 Forbes’ Golden Plume 27 46 14 41 1 % 71 87M 1.23 Note. — Due to extreme heat July 9 and 10, many plants died. Entire demonstration replanted on July 16. ABBOTT feP COBB, Philadelphia 9 VEGETABLE SEEDS Abbott & Cobb’s Special Golden Self-blanching Celery, grown by Starkey Farms, Morrisville, Pa. CELERY, FULL HEART EASY-BLANCHING In this stock we are offering something new — a combination that should suit every grower of Celery, as it can be used for both early and late. The ribs are more round than the general run of Easy- blanching stocks, producing as much heart as is possible to grow. The height is about twenty inches, very easily blanched to a light golden color. The roundness of the ribs will eliminate the softness that is always noticeable in Easy-blanching types. Extra good for cold storage or trenching. See illustration on page 1. Pkt. 25 cts., oz. $2.25, y4lb. $8, lb. $30. continued EASY-BLANCHING (Special) One of the very best for early or late use. Very stout and handsome stalks that are more free from blight than any other Celery on the market. It will bleach to light golden color almost as quickly with boards or paper as Golden Self-blanching. We have used a great deal of care in pro- ducing this stock and it is giving perfect satisfaction to all who are using it. This is a full-hearted variety, having been known to produce 450 crates on an acre of muck-land soil. The seed is grown on our own farms. Pkt. 10 cts., oz. $1.50, $5.50, lb. $20. VEGETABLE SEEDS 10 ABBOTT & COBB, Philadelphia Meisch’s Green Celery CELERY, continued MEISCH’S GREEN Another easy-blanching variety, grow- ing full-hearted stalks a trifle shorter than Easy-blanching, and of a beautiful light golden color when bleached. This seed was grown by us from the original stock and is absolutely true to type. The ribs of this variety are more round than those of the Easy-blanching. It can be bleached with paper, boards, or dirt for early use and is a good variety to store for winter use. Pkt. 10 cts., oz. $2, ^Ib. $7, lb. $25. EASY-BLANCHING. Good early-bleaching va- riety; can also be used for winter storing. Pkt. 10 cts., oz. 75 cts., V^lb. $2.25, lb. $8. COLUMBIA. Finest eating Celery to be had. The ribs are round and very solid and it grows a very stout, light green stalk. Pkt. 10 cts., oz. 50 cts., i/4lb. $1.75, lb. $6. MEYERS’ WHITE PLUME. Very early Celery. Ribs and leaves when bleached are white and it requires only a short time before it is ready for market. First early Celery that was originated and still holds a high place among the early varie- ties; recommended. Pkt. 10 cts., oz. 30 cts., lA\h. $1, lb. $3. ABBOTT 6? COBB, Philadelphia n VEGETABLE SEEDS Giant Prague Celeriac CORN SALAD Used both as a salad and pot herb. A cool-season crop, maturing in six to eight weeks. Plant in early spring; also in late summer for fall crop. LARGE-SEEDED BROAD-LEAF. Leaves large and broad. Best variety to grow under glass. Pkt. 10 cts., oz. 20 cts., Y^b. 40 cts., lb. $1.25, 10 lbs. $11. FIELD CORN IMPROVED LEAMING. A high-yielding Corn, maturing in 90 to 100 days. One of the best va- rieties for silage as well as for husking. Pkt. 10 cts., lb. 25 cts., pk. (14 lbs.) $1, bus (56 lbs.) $3. 100-DAY BRISTOL. Grown under immediate direction, this 100-day Corn will grow large crops with 16 rows of large, broad, deep kernels on a small cob. Pkt. 10 cts., lb. 25 cts., pk. (14 lbs.) $1, bus. (56 lbs.) $3. EUREKA ENSILAGE. For tonnage, Eureka is the best ensilage Corn. A very vigorous grower, having unusually heavy foliage, with large, tender stalks that the cattle will relish. Pkt. 10 cts., lb. 15 cts., pk. (14 lbs.) 75 cts., bus. (56 lbs.) $2.50. CELERY, continued NO-FAULT GIANT. Resembles Meyers’ White Plume in many respects. It is, without doubt, the stronger grower and the stalks are much heavier. It is noted for standing dry weather better than any other early Celery. Ribs resemble Giant Pascal. Pkt. 10 cts., oz. 40 cts., V4lb. $1.15, lb. $4. WINTER KING (Special) The best winter variety to store in trenches. Should be ready to market just after Christmas. It will produce exceedingly full-hearted, very green, stout stalks of unusually good keep- ing qualities. For those who figure on growing late Celery, we recom- mend this particular stock. Pkt. 10 cts., oz. 50 cts., Vilb. $1.75, lb. $6. WINTER QUEEN. An old standard, late- keeping, sort. Has very stout stalks of medium height which when blanched are very attractive creamy white in color, crisp and of fine flavor. Pkt. 10 cts., oz. 35 cts., y4lb. $1, lb. $3. CELERIAC GIANT PRAGUE (Special) For some time we have been work- ing to produce a stock of large- bulbed Celeriac and now we have improved the strain sufficiently to offer something excellent in this line. Most other stocks grow very large tops and very small bulbs or roots. We have bred this to produce a medium-sized top with a large apple- shaped root. It has excellent keep- ing qualities. Pkt. 10 cts., oz. 85 cts., V4lb. $3, lb. $10. Improved Learning Corn VEGETABLE SEEDS 12 ABBOTT 6? COBB, Philadelphia Abbott & Cobb’s Early Sweet Corn SWEET ABBOTT & COBB’S EARLY As this sort was originated by us and grown in Bucks County, Pennsylvania, it is acclimated. Large, 14-rowed ears, with medium-sized grains. Two fine ears are borne by about 60 per cent of the stalks. The quality is excellent and the stalks are of medium size. An exceptionally fine Sweet Corn that quickly became a favorite with all of the early Corn-growers. A special drying process insures the best of germinating power to each seed. Pkt. 10 cts., lb. 40 cts., 10 lbs. $3, 50 lbs. $12. HOWLING MOB. Undoubtedly the finest medium early Corn. Ears are larger and a trifle later than the Abbott & Cobb’s Early. The seed we offer has been grown by a farmer in Bucks County and is absolutely true to type. Pkt. 10 cts., lb. 40 cts., 10 lbs. $2.75, 50 lbs. $11. KENDEL’S EARLY GIANT. A very popular, large, second-early variety, about a week later than Howling Mob. The ears are very thick and about 8 inches long, with real sweet flavor. Pkt. 10 cts., lb. 40 cts., 10 lbs. $2.75, 50 lbs. $11. CORN GOLDEN BANTAM. The favorite Corn in the small garden because of its deliciously sweet kernels. The stalks grow from 4 to 5 feet high, producing a good-sized golden ear. The color is very often misleading to those who do not know this variety, but a trial will convince anyone that the quality is excellent. Pkt. 10 cts., Ib. 40 cts., 10 lbs. $2.75, 50 lbs. $11. STOWELL’S EVERGREEN. The leading main- crop Corn for home use, market, and canning. Our stock has been grown and selected on a Bucks County farm under our direct supervision and thoroughly dried by a natural process. It will produce large, uniform-sized ears of fine quality. The grains are of medium size and slender. Pkt. 10 cts., lb. 40 cts., 10 lbs. $2.50, 50 lbs. $10. EARLY METROPOLITAN. Combines the essential features of earliness, productiveness, and good flavor. Ears 8 to 9 inches long. A very desirable variety. Pkt. 10 cts., lb. 40 cts., 10 lbs. $2.75, 50 lbs. $11. COUNTRY GENTLEMAN. A favorite main-crop variety requiring rich ground. Has a small cob with tender, medium-sized, deep kernels of an unusual high quality. Pkt. 10 cts., lb. 40 cts., 10 lbs. $2.50, 50 lbs. $10. Abbott & Cobb’s Celerv Seed is famous for its purity, uniformity, and special strains of the most - profitable varieties. This superior quality is maintained by rigid selection of improved types in the field and a most careful supervision of its planting and cultivation down to its harvesting and preparation for our use. There is none better. Golden Bantam Sweet Corn ABBOTT 6P COBB, Philadelphia 13 VEGETABLE SEEDS Early Fortune Cucumber CUCUMBER WHITE SPINE. An extra dark green, White-Spine variety of fine shape and appearance. Season is about the same as Arlington. Pkt. 10 cts., oz. 20 cts., i/4lb. 35 cts., lb. $1, 10 lbs. $9. LONG GREEN. Fine. long, dark green sort for pickling or shipping purposes. Pkt. 10 cts., oz. 20 cts., i/4lb. 35 cts., lb. $1, 10 lbs. $9. EARLY GREEN HILL We are offering an entirely new strain of Cucumber this year. It is earlier than any of the White Spine strains, and will out- yield them. Beautiful, glossy, dark green fruits of very uniform shape and an average length of 8 to 10 inches. They will hold their color and brittleness a long time, so are excellent shippers to distant markets. The vines are more robust growers than most varieties, and they will stand up better under adverse conditions. Pkt. 10 cts., oz. 20 cts., 141b. 40 cts., lb. $1.50, 10 lbs. $14. See illustration page 14. CUCUMBER, continued EARLY FORTUNE. A very early, dark green, prolific variety with fruit averaging about 8 inches long. Pkt. 10 cts., oz. 20 cts., V^Nb. 40 cts., lb. $1.25, 10 lbs. $11.50. DANDELION IMPROVED BROAD-LEAF. This variety is con- sidered the best by many growers. It is very early, producing a bigger crop of large, broad, thick leaves than most varieties, and is especially good for under glass. Pkt. 10 cts., oz. 60 cts., Vilb. $2, lb. $7.50. ENDIVE MAMMOTH GREEN CURLED, or OYSTER. Very large, curly plants, which, when bleached, are light yellow with a meaty flavor. It is the variety most commonly grown by market -gar- deners. Pkt. 10 cts., oz. 20 cts., V^lb. 50 cts., lb. $1.50, 10 lbs. $14. BROAD-LEAF (Escarolle). Leaves are broad, thick, slightly wrinkled, and easily blanched. The best of the broad-leaf type. Pkt. 10 cts., oz. 20 cts., V4lb. 50 cts., lb. $1.50, 10 lbs. $14. VEGETABLE SEEDS 14 ABBOTT 6? COBB, Philadelphia Black Beauty Eggplant EGGPLANT BLACK BEAUTY. Finest of all. Fruit is large, handsome, and of glossy black color; very early and productive. Pkt. 10 cts., oz. 50 cts., $1.75, lb. $6. KALE IMPERIAL LONG-STANDING. Fast grower and yet stands much longer than most varieties with- out going to seed. The leaves are dark green and very curly. Pkt. 10 cts., oz. 20 cts., V^lb. 30 cts., lb. 80 cts., 10 lbs. $7.50. KOHLRABI A quick-growing, “turnip-rooted” cabbage. Use when half grown (the bulbs 2 to 2^ inches in diameter). Make sowings every ten days to insure succession. EARLY SHORT-LEAF WHITE An extremely early variety with very small tops, which permits planting very closely. It is the best for forcing or out- door use. Pkt. 10 cts., oz. 25 cts., Vilb. 85 cts., lb. $3. WHITE VIENNA. A very popular white variety with few small leaves, white skin, and tender, delicate flesh. Pkt. 10 cts., oz. 20 cts., V^lb. 60 cts., lb. $2. LEEK The most delightfully flavored member of the onion family. The thick, tender stalks, when cooked, are relished by those who never eat onions. Used in stews and soups they impart a very delicate flavor. GIANT ITALIAN. Very large, short, thick stems with broad, dark green leaves; very hardy. Pkt. 10 cts., oz. 25 cts., 141b. 75 cts., lb. $2.50, 5 lbs. $12. HORSE-RADISH ROOTS The old standard variety; Philadelphia grown. Fine, strong sets. $1 per 100, $7 per 1,000. If wanted by mail, add 10 cts. per 100 for postage. LARGE MUSSELBURGH. Stems short, very thick; broad, dark leaves; very mild flavor. Pkt. 10 cts., oz. 25 cts., 141b. 60 cts., lb. $2, 5 lbs. $9.50. Early Green Hill Cucumbers. See page 13 ABBOTT 6? COBB, Philadelphia 15 VEGETABLE SEEDS White Big Boston Lettuce LETTUCE WHITE BIG BOSTON (Special) For the last four years we have been producing and selling an unusually good type of White Big Boston that is abso- lutely true to type. It resembles the Big Boston in appearance, with leaves a trifle smoother than most varieties of White Boston and which do not turn red in cool or cold weather. The head and frame is just as large as is possible to produce; it will cut as many crates per acre as the regular Big Boston. The fact that it does not turn red in cool weather makes it a most valuable shipper for it often brings 50 cents per crate more than the Big Boston. The commission men are always anxious to get hold of a good stock of well grown White Boston. This is the type to grow to please them. It is an exception- ally fine variety for growing under cold- frames or for the first planting outside in the spring. Pkt. 10 cts., oz. 40 cts., y^b. $1.25, lb. $4, 10 lbs. $40. ABBOTT&COBB'SSPECIALBIGBOSTON Our stock of Big Boston is, without doubt, the finest to be had anywhere. We have gone to great trouble and expense to produce the very best strain of this de- sirable variety. By careful test it has proved the best out of thirty different strains. The leaves are thick and dark green, producing very solid white heads. We especially recommend this variety to particular growers. Pkt. 10 cts., oz. 20 cts., V4lb. 50 cts., lb. $1.50, 10 lbs. $12.50. See cut, page 17. BIG BOSTON. A fine solid-heading variety. Very large, with dark green, heavy leaves. Equally good indoors, in frames or outdoors in spring or fall. Avery desirable market variety. Pkt. 10 cts., oz. 20 cts., 141b. 35 cts., Ib. $1, 10 lbs. $9. ALL-SEASONS. Very dark green leaves, forming a very large, compact head, but does not head well during July and August. A fine strain for spring and fall use. Pkt. 10 cts., oz. 35 cts., $1, lb. $3, 10 lbs. $25. VEGETABLE SEEDS 16 ABBOTT &? COBB, Philadelphia Romaine or Cos Lettuce LETTUCE, SALAMANDER. One of the most desirable for all- season growing, producing very solid and tender heads of excellent quality at all seasons. Pkt. 10 cts., oz. 25 cts., Vilb- 50 cts., lb. $1.50, 10 lbs. $12.50. ALLHEART Resembles Salamander in appearance but the heads are not quite as large. It is the best hot-weather Lettuce that we know, having withstood repeated tests on hot, hard soil. This is one of our specials. It is the strain unsurpassed. Pkt. 10 cts., oz. 30 cts., Vilb. 65 cts., lb. $2.25, 10 lbs. $20. GRAND RAPIDS. A loose-leaf, quick-growing va- riety, used especially for forcing in greenhouses. It is also used to sow in the open ground, and, when 3 to 4 inches high, it can be cut off about 1 inch above the ground and it will grow again. It is sometimes called “Cut-Lettuce.’ ’ Do not sow as deep as most Lettuce seed; it will not germi- nate as well. Pkt. 10 cts., oz. 25 cts., Vilb. 50 cts., lb. $1.75, 10 lbs. $15. continued NEW YORK, or WONDERFUL. The most popular Lettuce grown for market, where it is known as “California Ice Lettuce.” A slow grower, making a heavy, firm head that remains in good condition several weeks. Outer leaves dark green, inner blanch pure white. Pkt. 10 cts., oz. 30 cts., V4lb. 90 cts., lb. $3, 10 lbs. $27.50. MORSE. Of the loose-leaf type, but of compact habit; outer leaves light green, heart blanches light yellow. May be grown under glass; fine for outdoor culture. Pkt. 10 cts., oz. 25 cts., Villa. 50 cts., lb. $1.75. BLACK-SEEDED SIMPSON. One of the old, most reliable and productive loose-leaf varieties. The nearly white, very large, thin, curly, very tender leaves are of very good quality, remaining in fine condition for some time. Pkt. 10 cts., oz. 25 cts., Vilb. 50 cts., lb. $1.75, 10 lbs. $15. ROMAINE, or COS. This is the largest variety of green Cos Lettuce that grows. It has an upright, quick-growing habit, and a solid, very crisp head of fine flavor that bleaches as it grows. It is not so apt to blast as some of the light-colored strains, therefore more sure to make a crop. Pkt. 10 cts., oz. 25 cts., Vilb. 50 cts., lb. $1.50, 10 lbs. $12.50. ABBOTT 6? COBB, Philadelphia 17 VEGETABLE SEEDS Big Boston Lettuce. See page 15 MUSKMELON SALMON-FLESHED. Firm, oval-shaped, close-netted melon, very desirable for shipping. Rich salmon- colored flesh — a new color for melons and one that has proved very attractive to the consumers because of its high flavor. Pkt. 10 cts., oz. 20 cts., Vilb. 40 cts., lb. $1.50, 10 lbs. $14. ROCKY FORD. The most desirable green-fleshed melon; it is unexcelled for spiciness and sweetness. Our stock is the improved blight-resistant type of Rocky Ford. Its shipping qualities are fine. Light green flesh with small seed cavity and extra-fine flavor. A very popular variety and always scarce and in heavy demand. Pkt. 10 cts., oz. 20 cts., Vilb. 40 cts., lb. $1.25, 10 lbs. $11.50. FORDHOOK. One of the very best early, deep-fleshed, pink melons, with a most delicious flavor. Somewhat flat in shape, well netted, the sectors showing plainly. Pkt. 10 cts., oz. 20 cts., V^lb. 40 cts., lb. $1.25, 10 lbs. $11.50. HONEY DEW. This new, deliciously flavored melon has met with instant public favor. It is the very finest melon grown today because of its extraordinary sweet- ness. Fruit very large; rind smooth and cream colored. The light green flesh is very thick, and unsurpassed in quality and rich crisp texture and unrivaled 10 cts., oz. 20 cts., V^lk. 45 cts., lbs. $14. ^ — VEGETABLE SEEDS 18 ABBOTT 6s? COBB, Philadelphia Southport Yellow Globe Onion ONIONS YELLOW DUTCH. Early, medium-sized, flat- shaped Onions of good quality, straw-colored skin, and fine keeping qualities. Best for growing sets and the one most often used. Pkt 10 cts., oz. 30 cts., y4lb. 75 cts., lb. $2.25, 10 lbs. $21. SOUTHPORT YELLOW GLOBE. The largest and handsomest yellow Onion; exceedingly productive later main-crop sort, growing a uniform, rich golden colored, globe-shaped bulb. This variety is known to produce as high as 900 bushels per acre. Pkt. 10 cts., oz. 30 cts., V41 h- 75 cts., lb. $2.50, 10 lbs. $22.25. YELLOW GLOBE DANVERS. Probably the most popular all-purpose Onion, and by all odds the one most grown for market. Somewhat flatter than the Southport Strain, with light, crisp, and mild flesh. It is a very productive, medium early sort, fine keeper, and excellent for shipping. Pkt. 10c., oz. 30c., V4lb. 75c, lb. $2.50, 10 lbs. $22.25. MAMMOTH YELLOW PRIZETAKER. Every small grower knows this Onion and its qualities; it is unsurpassed. Without doubt, a fine sort to grow, as it will crop better than most yellow varieties. By sowdng early, in coldframes, and transplanting in the open ground, 4 to 5 inches apart, 4-inch Onions may be grown easily. Pkt 10c, oz. 30c, i/4lb. 80 cts, lb. $2.75, 10 lbs. $25. WATERMELON TOM WATSON. Most largely grown commercial Watermelon. Similar in size and shape to Kleck- Iey Sweets, but much larger, often weighing 25 to 30 pounds and often 24 inches long. Very prolific, producing its large delicious fruits in great abun- dance; of uniform size. Very solid rind; flesh heavy and sweet. Pkt. 10 cts, oz. 15 cts., V^lb. 30 cts, lb. 75 cts, 10 lbs. $7. KLECKLEY SWEETS. The sweetest Watermelon and one of the easiest to grow. About 18 to 20 inches long, 12 inches in diameter, and filled with the juiciest, sweetest flesh imaginable. The dark green rind is thin, breaking easily in shipping. The most widely grown for home and local markets. Pkt. 10 cts, oz. 15 cts, l/4lb. 30 cts, lb. 75 cts, 10 lbs. $7. WHITE SILVERSKIN. Flattened bulbs with clear white skin and mild flesh. Grown principally for sets and small pickling Onions; is the best white sort for this purpose. Pkt. 10 cts, oz. 35 cts, i/4lb. 85 cts, lb. $3, 10 lbs. $27.50. Southport White Globe Onions. See page 19 ABBOTT 6? COBB, Philadelphia 19 VEGETABLE SEEDS Thomas Laxton Peas ONIONS, continued SOUTHPORT WHITE GLOBE. Large, pure white Onion. Skin is silvery white; flesh pure white and of fine flavor. This requires about a week longer to mature than most white sorts. Fine variety to grow in the spring for green bunch Onions. Pkt. 10 cts., oz. 40 cts., y4lb. $1, lb. $3.25, 10 lbs. $30. ONION SETS White Silverskin. Pt. 20 cts., qt. 35 cts., pk. $1.75, bus. $7. Yellow Dutch. Pt. 20 cts., qt. 30 cts., pk. $1.50, bus. $5. Yellow Danvers. Pt. 20 cts., qt. 30 cts., pk. $1.50, bus. $5. Write for prices on large quantities PARSLEY HAMBURG, or PARSNIP-ROOTED. Grown principally for the root which, in our stock, re- semble a parsnip in shape and color, though somewhat smaller and very highly flavored. Foliage is almost the same as plain or single Parsley. Pkt. 10 cts., oz. 20 cts., 141b 40 cts., lb, $1.25, 10 lbs. $10. PARSLEY, continued MARKET GARDENERS’ A strong-growing variety, usually about 8 inches high, with beautiful, dark green, very finely cut leaves. The compact, curly leaves are excellent for garnishing and sometimes used for flavoring, but we do not recommend this variety for that purpose as highly as Hamburg, or Parsnip- rooted. For all general purposes, Market Gardeners’ is the best variety. Pkt. 10 cts., oz. 20 cts., ^Ib. 40 cts., lb. $1.25, 10 lbs. $10. PARSNIP HOLLOW-CROWN. Our strain of this standard table variety produces very smooth, medium- length roots, with very few fibers and pure white flesh. It is exceptionally fine. Pkt. 10 cts., oz. 20 cts., i/4lb. 35 cts., lb. 90 cts., 10 lbs. $8.50. PEAS RECORD EXTRA-EARLY. The earliest maturing vine — days ahead of all others. The 18 to 20-inch vines produce an abundance of short, but well- filled pods. Excellent for canning. Pkt. 10 cts., lb. 30 cts., 10 lbs. $2.50, 50 lbs. $10. THOMAS LAXTON. Pods about 3 inches long. About one week later than our Record Extra- Early. Vines 3 feet tall, producing a heavy crop of pods, each filled with very sweet Peas. Pkt. 10 cts., lb. 40 cts., 10 lbs. $3. 50 lbs. $12. Market Gardeners’ Parsley VEGETAB EE SEEDS 20 ABBOTT 6? COBB, Philadelphia Ruby King Peppers. See page 21 PEAS, continued GRADUS. Of the same season, and resembling Thomas Laxton in appearance, but the 24-inch vines are not quite as dark green. The most de- pendable producer under all conditions and for all purposes. Pkt. 10 cts., lb. 40 cts., 10 lbs. $3, 50 lbs. $12. TELEPHONE. A second-early variety with vine about 2 feet long, producing an abundance of well- filled pods about 3 inches long. Fine for canning. Pkt. 10 cts., lb. 40 cts., 10 lbs. $3, 50 lbs. $12. PILOT. A very fine sort. The seed can be sown outdoors just as early as the ground can be worked. It will stand as much cold weather as any round, smooth-seeded variety. Extra-large- podded sort, maturing about the same time as Thomas Laxton and Gradus. Valuable for com- mercial or home use. Pkt. 10 cts., lb. 40 cts., 10 lbs. $3, 50 lbs. $12. GOLIATH. One of the newest varieties on the market, producing 5 to 7-inch pods (the largest known) well filled with large sweet Peas of excel- lent quality. Vines grow 5 to 7 feet long. Season about the same as Long Island Mammoth. It is a most desirable late crop Pea. Pkt. 10 cts., lb. 40 cts., 10 lbs. $3, 50 lbs. $12. POTLATCH. A late, dwarf variety, with extra- heavy dark green vines that grow about 14 inches high, and 4-inch pods, well filled with fine, large Peas. A good variety to grow without brush. Pkt. 10 cts., lb. 40 cts., 10 lbs. $3, 50 lbs. $12. PUMPKIN KING OF MAMMOTHS. The largest of all. Grows to enormous size, often 2 feet in diameter, some- times weighs 200 pounds; almost round in shape, with orange-colored skin and deep, bright yellow flesh. Very fine quality. It is the kind to grow to take prizes at the county fairs. Pkt. 10 cts., oz. 20 cts., y4Ib. 40 cts., lb. $1.25. WINTER LUXURY, or PIE. Medium size, nearly round; smooth yellow skin; flesh very thick, light yellow, sweet and finely flavored. Skin golden yellow with gray netting. A fine pie variety and a good keeper. Pkt. 10 cts., oz. 20 cts., V^lb. 40 cts., lb. $1.25. CUSHAW, or CROOKNECK. A fine, solid, yellow crookneck, nearly all flesh. A good all - round Pumpkin. Pkt. 10 cts., oz. 20 cts., V^lb. 40 cts., lb. $1.25. ABBOTT 6? COBB, Philadelphia 21 VEGETABLE SEEDS FiCd of Worldbc;ater Peppers PEPPER RUBY KING. Large, handsome fruits, 4 to 6 inches long, with broad shoulders and thick, mildly piquant-flavored flesh; when ripe a beautiful bright red. Largely used for pickling, and is especially good for making mangoes and salads. Market ‘gardeners have found it an extremely good selling Pepper. Pkt. 10 cts., oz. 40 cts., V4lb. $1.25, lb. $4, 10 lbs. $35. WORLDBEATER Without doubt this is the finest Pepper yet introduced. A cross between Chinese Giant and Ruby King, it is fully as early as Ruby King and similar in shape, but broader at the blossom end, and in size almost as big as Chinese Giant, but more prolific, some plants producing as many as twenty-five marketable Peppers. Bears a delightful green fruit that turns a beautiful shade of scarlet, with thick, firm flesh. A good shipper. Pkt. 10 cts., oz. 40 cts., V4lb. $1.25, lb. $4.25, 10 lbs. $40. BELL, or BULLNOSE. This is an old standard favorite market Pepper, valuable because it is very productive. Fruit large, with thick flesh. Usually considered a sweet Pepper but its flesh gets very hot in hot dry seasons. Pkt. 10 cts., oz. 40 cts., y4lb. $1.25, lb. $4, 10 lbs. $35. LONG RED CAYENNE. Very prolific; pointed fruits 6 inches long, deep green when young. This variety is used principally for flavoring purposes because of its pungency. Pkt. 10 cts., oz. 30 cts., l/4lb. 85 cts., Ib. $3. Bell Pepper VEGETABLE SEEDS 22 ABBOTT 5? COBB, Philadelphia White Box Radishes RADISH Our stocks are all grown especially for us and WHITE BOX (Special) Another of our special varieties. We grow our own stock of seed of this variety, so that we are sure that it is true to type; we have been selecting it for four years. It is a pure white, globe-shaped Radish, with a medium-size top; it will stand longer on the ground before running to seed than other strains of White Box. A fine variety for growing under glass. Pkt. 10 cts., oz. 20 cts., \\\h. 35 cts., lb. $1, 10 lbs. $9. WHITE ICICLE. Best long early white sort for forcing or outside sowing. Pkt. 10 cts., oz. 15 cts., V4lb. 30 cts., lb. 75 cts., 10 lbs. $7. have been most carefully selected. SCARLET GLOBE Probably the most popular Radish grown for commercial or home use. It is the earliest of all, producing light red, round, crisp Radishes of mild flavor Excellent for forcing. See cut, page 23. Pkt. 10 cts., oz. 20 cts., Vilb. 35 cts., lb. $1, 10 lbs. $9. WHITE STRASBURG. The most popular long white sort for market-gardeners. The pure white roots, 5 inches long and quite thick, remain solid for a long time after maturing. Pkt. 10 cts., oz. 15 cts., i/4lb. 30 cts., lb. 80 cts., 10 lbs. $7.50. EARLY LONG SCARLET. The best long red va- riety grown. Fine, long, very crisp scarlet roots and short tops. Pkt. 10 cts., oz. 15 cts., V41b. 30 cts., lb. 90 cts., 10 lbs. $8.50. ABBOTT 62? COBB, Philadelphia 23 VEGETABLE SEEDS Scarlet Globe Radishes RADISH, WINTER VARIETIES WHITE CHINESE, or CELESTIAL. A very large, white sort, grown especially for bunching in the fall or storing in the winter. A profitable variety to grow. Pkt. 10 cts., oz. 20 cts., VAb. 35 cts., lb. $1. HALF-LONG BLACK SPANISH. Pure white, very hard, crisp flesh and black skin. This variety keeps fine during the winter months when stored in cellars or pits. Pkt. 10 cts., oz. 20 cts., ^lb. 35 cts., lb. $1. ROUND BLACK SPANISH. Similar to the Half- Long, except in shape. Roots round and black. Very hardy, robust grower. Fine for late bunch- ing. Pkt. 10 cts., oz. 15 cts., Vilb. 30 cts., lb. 75 cts. SALSIFY MAMMOTH SANDWICH ISLAND. This is the best variety. Roots light in color, heavy and thick. Salsify requires deeply cultivated soil and should be sown early in the spring. Pkt. 10 cts., oz. 30 cts., i/4lb. 70 cts., lb. $2.50, 10 lbs. $24. SORREL LARGE-LEAVED. A fine variety for market -gar- deners. Very large, light green leaves. This sort can be cut several times during the summer. Gan be wintered over and it will grow again in the spring. Pkt. 10 cts., oz. 25 cts., Vilb. 50 cts., lb. $1.50, 10 lbs. $14. VEGETABLE SEEDS 24 ABBOTT & COBB, Philadelphia Bloomsdale Savoy Spinach SPINACH BLOOMSDALE SAVOY. The earliest Spinach of all. It has thick, large curled leaves. Our stock has been grown under our immediate direction and is exceptionally fine. A fine sort for fall sowing also. Pkt. 10 cts., oz. 15 cts., V^b. 20 cts., lb. 50 cts., 10 lbs. $3, 50 lbs. $12.50. KING OF DENMARK. A very quick grower, with dark, thick, heavy, half-crimped leaves that stand long before running to seed. Pkt. 10 cts., oz. 1 5 cts., i/4lb. 25 cts., lb. 60 cts., 10 lbs. $4, 50 lbs. $17.50. LONG SEASON, Extra Selected. The finest of all summer varieties. It remains marketable a long time. Very heavy, dark green, curled leaves growing closer to the ground than Bloomsdale. Very productive. Pkt. 10 cts., oz. 15 cts., ^lb. 20 cts., lb. 60 cts., 10 lbs. $3.75, 50 lbs. $17.50. GIANT THICK-LEAF. A quick-growing sort, with very large, round, and almost smooth leaves. Most popular for canning-house Spinach. Pkt. 10 cts., oz. 15 cts., V4lb. 20 cts., lb. 50 cts., 10 lbs. $3, 50 lbs. $12.50. SQUASH MAMMOTH WHITE BUSH SCALLOPED. One of the earliest, most popular Squashes, of dwarf habit, upright growth, and fine flavor. Color creamy white when fliatured. Pkt. 10 cts., oz. 20 cts., i/4lb. 40 cts., lb. $1.25, 10 lbs. $11.50. BOSTON MARROW. A very fine fall and winter Squash with a thin, bright orange skin and yellow flesh; it keeps well and has no superior for pies or canning. The plants are very productive. Pkt. 10 cts., oz. 20 cts., 35 cts., lb. $1, 10 lbs. $9. TOMATO Boston Marrow Squash BONNY BEST FORCING The seed of Bonny Best is grown and selected for us. No one else has been allowed to do the rogueing and selecting, as we are determined to put out a strain of seed that is in a class by itself. The plants were grown on ground that is adapted for Tomato-growing, and from the time when they are planted until they are harvested, they showed no signs of blight. This point is essential when growing for greenhouse purposes. For four years our stock has been grown by some of the largest green- house men in the country, and we have seen and heard excellent reports of our efforts. Pkt. 25 cts., oz. $3.25, V^b. $12, lb. $45. ABBOTT & COBB, Philadelphia 25 VEGETABLE SEEDS Livingston Globe Tomatoes BONNY BEST. A fine outdoor, sec ond-early Tomato and a re markably productive sort. Fruits large, smooth, and round, of uniform shape and free from cracks. Used by a great manycanners. Pkt. 10c., oz. 40c., l/4lb. $1.10, lb. $4. LIVINGSTON’S GLOBE The best main-crop, purple-fruited To- mato, maturing about the same time as the Stone. The fruit is very large, ex- ceedingly solid, of mild, pleasant, delicious flavor, having but a few seeds, is smooth, ripens close at the stem, and is of a hand- some color. The vigorous, blight-resisting plants are very heavy yielders, better than most purple-fruited sorts. It is the best long-distance shipper, with very thick and firm flesh. Extra choice seed grown for us under our supervision in New Jersey. Pkt. 10 cts., oz. 50 cts., y4lb. $1.75, lb. $6. A. & C. Celery Seed is used in every Celery-growing section of America. It’s so good that big growers must have it. STONE. The best-known Tomato for main crop. Large, smooth, solid fruits of deep scarlet color; they are so firm they ship or haul long distances, arriving in perfect condition. Seed-cells few and small. Our strain of this variety has been carefully selected to produce heavy crops of uni- form fruits. Pkt. 10 cts., oz. 40 cts., 141b. $1.10, lb. $4. MATCHLESS. An improvement on the Stone Tomato. It is a vigorous grower, producing abun- dant crops of late, handsome bright red fruits with solid flesh of the finest quality. Pkt. 10 cts., oz. 40 cts., $1.10, lb. $4. GREATER BALTIMORE. A desirable general or Iate-crop variety. Large, uniform, perfectly smooth, extremely firm, bright red fruits, with thick meat that ripens evenly without cracks or ridges, borne in large clusters by strong, vigor- ous vines. Pkt. 10 cts., oz. 40 cts., ^lb. $1.10, lb. $4. VEGETABLE SEEDS 26 ABBOTT &> COBB, Philadelphia TURNIP PURPLE-TOP WHITE GLOBE. The best sort for early sowing or winter use. The roots are a perfect globe- shape, the upper half being light purple and the lower half pure white. Fine quality; an excellent keeper. Good for table use or feeding stock. Pkt. 10 cts., oz. 15 cts., y4lb. 25 cts., lb. 80 cts., 10 lbs. $7.50. PURPLE-TOP YELLOW GLOBE. Grows same shape and size as Purple-Top White Globe Turnip, but the skin is yellow, with a purple crown. Flesh deep yellow and of excellent quality. Pkt. 10 cts., oz. 15 cts., *4 lb. 30 cts., lb. $1, 10 lbs. $9. YELLOW GLOBE (Rutabaga) Carefully grown and selected especially for us by a Bucks County grower, it is, without doubt, the finest Rutabaga that can be ob- tained. It has taken the first prize at several county fairs. A globe-shaped, yellow-skinned root, with purple crown and deep yellow flesh of excellent quality. Pkt. 10 cts., oz. 50 cts., V4lb. $1.50, lb. $5, 10 lbs. $45. Yellow Globe Rutabagas ABBOTT ii COBB, Philadelphia 27 FIELD SEEDS HERBS THYME, BROAD-LEAF ENGLISH. Best variety known. Plant grows upright, making it easier to cut. Hardy. Pkt. 10 cts., oz. 35 cts., Vilb. $1.25, lb. $4. SUMMER SAVORY. Pkt. 10 cts., oz. 20 cts., V4lb- 40 cts., lb. $1.25. SWEET MARJORAM. Pkt. 10 cts., oz. 30 cts., Vi lb. 85 cts., lb. $3. DILL. Pkt. 10 cts., oz. 15 cts., Vilb. 25 cts., lb. 80 cts. FENNEL, FLORENCE. Pkt. 10 cts., oz. 15 cts., Vilb. 45 cts., lb. $1.50. Soja Beans FIELD SEEDS CANADA PEAS. One of the best-known varieties for plowing under for green manure. Also excel- lent when cut green and cured like clover for feeding through the winter. We have secured quite a quantity of these Peas and will be glad to quote prices on large quantities. Prices subject to change. Bus. $4.75. SOJA BEANS. Bus. $5. VETCH, HAIRY or SAND. Lb. 30 cts., 100 lbs. $20. RAPE, DWARF ESSEX. Lb. 20 cts., 100 lbs. $12. WHEAT, HARVEST KING. Lb. 10 cts., bus. (60 lbs.) $2.50. TIMOTHY. Lb. 20 cts., bus. (45 lbs.) $4.15. MILLET, GOLDEN or GERMAN. Lb. 10 cts., bus (50 lbs.) $2.50. RYE, WINTER. Lb. 10 cts., bus. (56 lbs.) $1.75, 100 lbs. $3. CLOVER, Medium Red. Lb. 50 cts., bus. (60 lbs.) $25. Mammoth Red. Lb. 50 cts., bus. (60 lbs.) $25. Alsike. Lb. 40 cts., bus. (60 lbs.) $22.50. Alfalfa. Lb. 30 cts., bus. (60 lbs.) $16. White Dutch. Lb. 80 cts., bus. (60 lbs.) $35. Crimson. Lb. 25 cts., bus. (60 lbs.) $8.50. As the market on all Field and Grass Seeds fluctuates, the above prices are subject to change without notice TREATMENT OF SEEDS BEFORE PLANTING For Legumes All seeds of the pea family, peas, beans, sweet peas, clover, vetch, alfalfa, etc., should be inoculated with jyjjJLFORD CULTURES *n or<^er to develop the nitrogen-fixing bacteria upon which the — prosperity of these plants depend. The proper Culture for each kind of seed should be obtained and used according to directions. CLOVER SEEDS PEAS AND BEANS H bus $0 60 I 1 bus 1 00 | 2 V£bus $2 25 10 bus 8 00 1 bus $0 60 I 2 bus 1 00 | 5 bus $2 25 10 bus 8 00 For other Seeds To destroy fungous growth or spores of bacterial blights, rots, or rusts, all seeds should be dusted with SEMESAN or soaked in a solution of it before planting. This wonderful new product prevents damping off and many of the ills which young seedlings are heir to, besides stimulating them to vigorous growth. It is extremely concentrated and therefore economical to use. PRICES FOR SEMESAN 2 o/.s . ...$0 50 I lib $2 75 | 25 Lbs $62 50 lb 1 60 I 5 lbs 13 00 | 50 lbs 122 50 Do not use Semesan and the Mulford Cultures on the same seeds. Apply the Mulford Culture to the ground directly before planting seeds treated with Semesan. LAWK GRASS SEED 28 ABBOTT 6? COBB, Philadelphia LAWN GRASSES A beautiful lawn is the pride of every home-owner but only by careful preparation of the soil can one be made. Spade or plow it deeply, turning in an abundance of well-decayed manure; if that is not available, use a good brand of Sheep Manure instead, at the rate of 25 pounds to 1,000 square feet, or 1,000 pounds to the acre. Practically all lawn seed mixtures use Kentucky Blue Grass as a basis, and this thrives only in a sweet soil; test the soil to learn its condition. Get a sample of soil an inch or two below the surface, sufficient to fill a glass tumbler. Procure from the druggist blue and red litmus paper. Be careful in handling it; the perspiration of the hands may react on it before it is used. Fasten by a paper clip each piece of litmus paper inside the glass, opposite one another, then fill the glass with the soil, pressing it firmly against the litmus paper. If in an hour’s time neither the blue or pink paper has changed color, the soil is neutral, or if the red paper turns blue it is sweet, so treatment is unnecessary; but should the blue litmus paper turn pink then the soil is sour and needs lime to correct the condition. One-half ton to the acre, or 25 pounds to 1,000 square feet will be sufficient. Rake or harrow the lime in and let the ground stand a week or so until the lime has had a chance to react. After a week use 1,000 pounds of good commercial fertilizer or bone-meal to the acre, harrowing it in. Too much harrowing is impossible, for the better the seed-bed, the better the lawn. Sow grass seed at the proper time. If in the spring, do the work early so that the young grass plants will become established before the weather gets warm. September-sown seed will become established before cold weather. We have gone to much expense in compounding our grass seed mixtures, and we know that if our in- structions are followed in the preparation of the ground, the seed sown evenly and only lightly covered, that a beautiful velvety lawn will be obtained. Remember that the ground is full of weed seeds, and that when A. & C. grass seed mixtures are used, if weeds are seen growing they came from seeds in the ground, they were not in our lawn mixtures. A. & C. SPECIAL MIXTURE. For the very best results use A. & C. Special Mixture. The extra money paid will more than repay in results. Price, qt. 50c., V2pk. (2 V2 lbs.) $1.75, pk. (5 lbs.) $3.25, bus. (20 lbs.) $12. A. & C. FANCY is a good grade of grass seed but does not have as many of the fancy sorts which go to make the highest type of lawn. You will not. however, be disappointed in its results. Qt. 35 cts., V^pk. (21/2 lbs.) $1, pk. (5 lbs.) $1.75, bus. (20 lbs.) $6.50. SHADY SPOT is a special mixture for shaded places. After having sown one of the above mixtures, sow Shady Spot under trees or other shaded places: this wrill insure a gradual change from one to the other. Qt. 50 cts., i/2pk. (2V2 lbs.) $1.75, pk. (5 lbs.) $3.25, bus. (20 lbs.) $12. ABBOTT 6? COBB, Philadelphia 29 FLOWER SEEDS FLOWER SEEDS Ageratum AGERATUM Attractive blue flowers profusely borne all summer by a compact, low-growing plant that thrives in any soil. One of the most desirable bedding plants. Annual; sow seeds in greenhouse, hotbed or in border where plants are to grow. In a bed, set the plants 1 foot apart. Fall-sown seed gives good winter-blooming plants indoors. 1 to ft. Pkt. 10 cts., i/ioz. 25 cts. ACROCLINIUM (Everlasting) Popular both as summer cut-flowers or dried for winter bouquets. Annuals, with pink and white flowers. To preserve them for winter bouquets, pick them just before the flowers have opened, hang in a dry, airy room until dry. The colors remain bright all winter. 2 to 2 ft. Pkt. 10 cts., V4°z- 20 cts. ALYSSUM LITTLE GEM. A free-blooming, beautiful, honey-scented, white-flowered dwarf annual, for edging beds or rock-gardens. Blooms in six weeks from seed. Keep the old fading flowers removed to perpetuate flowering. J^ft. Pkt. 10 cts., f/^oz. 20cts., oz. 50 cts. ANTIRRHINUM • Snapdragon An exquisitely beautiful garden plant. Although a perennial, it blooms the first year if the seed is sown early, under glass. January or February-sown seed will bloom in July and continue to produce till frost. The flowers vary from snow-white to delicate pink, yellow, and deep crimson, lj/2 to 2 ft. Pkt. 10 cts., y^z. 50 cts. Alyssum, Little Gem FLOWER SEEDS 30 ABBOTT y COBB, Philadelphia Queen of the Market Asters AQUILEGIA • Columbine ABBOTT & COBB’S LONG-SPURRED HY- BRIDS. Beautiful bright-colored blooms in white, yellow, pink, scarlet, and blue, with long spurs. They prefer moist, well-drained soil in full sun or partial shade. Perennial; sow seeds in July for bloom the following May and June. 2 ft. Pkt. 10 cts., ^oz. $1. A. & C.’s Long-spurred Hybrid Aquilegia ASTER QUEEN OF THE MARKET. A very early class with medium-sized blooms that appear three to four weeks before the larger-flowered kinds. Branching plants, with long-stemmed blooms, much used by florists for cut-flowers. 1^2 ft. Mixed colors, pkt. 10 cts., I/40Z. 40 cts., oz. $1.25. GIANT COMET. Long, stiff stems, bearing very double, showy flowers with long, wavy, twisted petals, like Japanese chrysanthe- mums. Wonderful for vases and table decorations, pro- ducing exceedingly beautiful effects. 2 ft. Mixed colors, pkt. 10c., V4oz. 40c., oz. $1.25. BALSAM • Impatiens The finest strains of this delightful old plant. Large, double flowers, varying from white to dark blood- red, yellowish and spotted forms. Early May- sown seed will produce plants that bloom from July to frost. Set plants 2 feet apart to get good specimens. 2 to 2l/% ft. Pkt. 10 cts., ^oz. 25 cts., oz. 75 cts. BALSAM APPLE • Momordica Tender vines, bearing curious, waited, golden yellow, ovoid fruits, 2 to 3 inches long, which, when ripe, open, showing the seeds and their brilliant carmine interiors. Excellent for training on trellises, over rockwork, or stumps. 10 ft. Pkt. 10 cts., V4oz* 25 cts. CALENDULA • Pot Marigold A very showy, free-flowering annual that thrives in good garden loam, producing large, lemon or orange shaded, disc-like, double flowers in profusion from June to November; also thrives in pots or benches under glass and much used by florists. 1 ft. Pkt. 10 cts., oz. 50 cts. Giant Comet Asters ABBOTT & COBB, Philadelphia 31 FLOWER SEEDS CALLIOPSIS Bright yellow and reddish brown, single, daisy- like flowers that thrive in almost any soil in a sunny situation. Sow the seeds where plants are to stand; thin to 8 inches apart each way. A con- tinuous supply of bloom may be assured by keeping all faded flowers removed. A wonderfully attractive cut-flower. Pkt. 10 cts., oz. 60 cts. Campanula CAMPANULA • Canterbury Bells One of the most attractive of the old-fashioned garden flowers. Large, strong plants, covered in June with large “cup-and-saucer” shaped blooms of blue, pink, or white. Well-grown plants are 2 or more feet high and \}/2 feet broad. They can be lifted when in full bloom and potted for house decoration; good cut-flower. Pkt. 10 cts., ^oz. 50cts. CANDYTUFT • Iberis One of the most indispensable of the garden an- nuals. Plants a foot or more high, covered with clusters of small pure white flowers that are good cut-flowers; desirable as rockery plant and as an edging for beds. Fall-sown, the plants bloom from May to July; spring-sown, they flower from July to September. Prefer good soil and a light, airy situa- tion. For cut-flowers make successive sowings every fourteen days. Pkt. 10 cts., I/40Z. 20 cts., oz. 75 cts. CARNATION MARGUERITE. The earliest blooming Carnation and popular for its rich colors and delicious fra- grance. Colors white, through yellow, scarlet, to deep crimson. Plants from seed sown in the open bloom from July to frost, and, if given some pro- tection, they will winter well. For early bloom, sow seeds early indoors. Pkt. 10 cts., I/40Z. 50 cts. CASTOR-OIL BEAN • Ricinus communis Gives a tropical appearance when used as center of bed, or screen. When ground is warm, sow seed in rich soil; thin plants to about 1 ^ feet apart. Pkt. 10 cts., oz. 25 cts., Vilb. 75 cts. CENTAUREA • Bachelor’s Button One of the commonest of the old-fashioned flowers beloved by everyone who grows it. Beautiful fringed blue or white flowers, single or double, 1 inch across, are borne from July till frost. An annual; the plants perpetuate them- selves by self-sown seeds. 1 to 2 ft. Pkt. 10 cts., i/ioz. 30 cts., oz. $1. CHRYSANTHEMUM Free-flowering, hardy an- nuals, with double white, yel- low, or red flowers from August till November. It is one of the most attractive of the late summer-flowering Centaurea plants; easily grown; useful for cut-flowers as well as garden decoration. They will flower earlier if seeds are started indoors. Pkt. 10 cts., l/^oz. 30 cts. CELOSIA • Dwarf Coxcomb One of the showiest of the annuals. Large heads of small flowers, brilliant golden yellow, crimson, or other shades of red, crowded into velvety fasciated masses that resemble a rooster’s comb. Very at- tractive bedding plant. Sow seeds early indoors. Pkt. 10 cts., y^oz. 50 cts. COSMOS One of the most satisfactory annuals, flowering in late summer. Big daisy-like flowers, 3 to 4 inches across, in white or pink, are borne by strong-grow- ing but very graceful plants 3 to 6 feet high. Sow indoors, or outdoors as soon as the ground is warm; thin to 3 feet apart. For bloom indoors after frost, grow a few plants in 9- or 10-inch pots, pinching them back at frequent intervals until August 1. U nsurpassed as a cut-flower. Pkt. 10 cts., V4oz- 40 cts. Cosmos FLOWER SEEDS 32 ABBOTT fe? COBB, Philadelphia Gaillardia DELPHINIUM Perennial Larkspurs are the finest blue flowers for the garden. Shades range from sky-blue to almost black; some varieties show yellow and pink. Mixed colors, pkt. 10 cts., ^oz. 30 cts. DIANTHUS • Pinks The sweet fragrance of these delightful single or double white, pink, or crimson flowers is unforget- table. They are borne on 5-inch stems produced by a tuft-like plant with short, narrow, gray-green leaves. Use them to border beds or walks. 1 ft. Pkt. 10 cts., 1/4OZ. 25 cts. DIGITALIS • Foxglove Tall spires of narrow, bell-like, white, pink, rose, or speckled flowers that add grace to any garden. A biennial; sow seeds in July for flowers next June; once established they reseed themselves. Na- turalize them in shrubbery plantations or put them at the back of the border. Pkt. 10 cts., *4oz. 30 cts. Mirabilis jalapa Marvel of Peru is an old- time annual. Flowers open in late afternoon, remain open all night, and fade in the morning. Brilliant shades of red, pink, white, and yellow; bright foli- age. Pkt. 10 cts., oz. 50 cts. Digitalis GAILLARDIA ANNUAL. Brilliant red and yellow daisy-like flowers with brown centers 2 inches across. They thrive in a sunny situation in well-drained, light soil and bloom from July to frost. Sow the seed early where the plants are to grow. 1 to \}/2 ft. Pkt. 10 cts., oz. 75 cts. PERENNIAL. One of the showiest and most effective of the hardy perennials. Seeds sown early, flower in July, continuing till frost. The flowers are large — 3 to 4 inches across. Brownish centers with yellow or red and yellow rays. An excellent cut- flower. 2 ft. Pkt. 10 cts., oz. 75 cts. GYPSOPHILA • Baby’s Breath A free-flowering annual that thrives in any situation, even dry places, and produces misty white ^panicles of bloom much used in mixing with other flowers when making bouquets. Desirable for growing on waste places and in rockeries. 13^ ft. Pkt. 10 cts., I/40Z. 20 cts. ESCHSCHOLTZIA California Poppy From June to frost a bed of these will be a constant mass of color — brilliant yellow, orange- crimson, rosy crimson, wall- flower-red, and kindred shades. Sow the seeds early, in good soil in a sunny situation; some- times it self-sows. An attractive edging for beds because of its blue-green foliage. 1 ft. Pkt. 10 cts., I/40Z. 30 cts. FOUR O’CLOCK Hollyhocks bordering the lawn. See page 33 ABBOTT 6? COBB, Philadelphia 33 FLOWER SEEDS Tom Thumb, or Dwarf Nasturtiums HOLLYHOCKS No garden is complete without at least a few plants of these stately, time-honored flowers. Tall spikes, 6 to 7 feet, with 4-inch white, pink, or red flowers that open in July, continuing until August. Seed started in a hotbed in February will bloom the same season. Plant among shrubbery, in angles of the house, fence-corners, along fences, and border beds. Keep all diseased leaves removed and remove all old stalks and leaves at the end of the season, to prevent trouble from rust. Pkt. 10 cts., y^oz. 30 cts. LARKSPUR Probably the best-known hardy annual. Large white, pink, scarlet, and blue flowers, 13^ inches across, with spurs of equal length, on long stems; fine for cut-flowers. Prefer deep, rich, sandy loam in a sunny situation; deep digging is essential. For the earliest bloom, sow seeds in fall; they germinate slowly. 2 ft. Mixed colors, pkt. 10 cts., y^oz. 30 cts. MARIGOLD A profusion of large, double, yellow or orange flowers are borne continuously till frost by robust plants 2 to 2^2 feet tall. A most desirable bedding plant; also good for filling in the perennial and mixed borders. Mixed colors, pkt. 10 cts., y^oz. 20 cts. MIGNONETTE Reseda odorata Sweet Mignonette is a lovely plant with rather long spikes of flowers that are deliciously fragrant. Early sown seed will give plants that bloom all summer. Pkt. 10 cts., y^oz. 20 cts. MYOSOTIS • Forget-me-not Exquisite, small, delicate blue flowers, borne in profusion from May till frost. Thrive in shaded situations in moist soil. Sow seed up to midsummer where plants are to stand; give slight mulch. Later sown seed must be wintered in a coldframe. Pkt. 10 cts., 34<>z- 25 cts. MORNING-GLORY Probably the freest flowering plant and one of the most rapid-growing ones. It thrives in any situation and soil, producing a profusion of large blooms in white, pink, purple, and intermediate shades, from June till frost. Most desirable for covering fences, walls, trellises, and unsightly objects. Mixed colors, pkt. 10 cts., y^oz. 25 cts. NASTURTIUM The most satisfactory annual. It thrives in any soil in a sunny situation, and even dry weather does not dim its glory. From July to frost the plants are covered with bloom. Our carefully made mixtures contain a well-balanced assortment of colors which range from white to deepest crimson-maroon. TOM THUMB (DWARF) MIXTURE, pkt. 10 cts., oz. 20 cts., 141b. 50 cts. TALL or CLIMBING MIXTURE, pkt. 10 cts., oz. 20 cts., Vilb. 50 cts. Myosotis FLOWER SEEDS 34 ABBOTT & COBB, Philadelphia Abbott & Cobb’s Pansies PANSY Our strain is most carefully selected, and if the plants are given a cool, moist soil, protected from harsh winds and the mid-day sun, unusually large flowers will be produced. Their color is unsurpassed in brilliancy and markings. Sow seeds in mid- summer and protect plants over winter in a cold- frame. The blooms on plants from spring-sown seed will not be as large on account of summer heat. Mixed colors, pkt. 25 cts., y^oz. $1.50, oz. $5. PETUNIA For window- and porch-boxes, as well as for bed- ding, few plants are as effective. Their large, Single Petunias PETUNIA, continued trumpet-shaped, ruffled flowers, vary from white to dark purple-violet and are borne in abundance from June to frost, and in window-boxes will bloom all winter. Our strain is carefully selected. Pkt. 10 cts., i^oz. 30 cts. PHLOX Showy annuals of easy cultivation, useful for beds, mixed Borders, and cut-flowers. Brilliant colored flowers — white, pink to crimson — in flat clusters. Easily raised; sow seed where the plants are to grow; prefers light, well-drained soil. Mixed colors, pkt. 10 cts., y^oz. 30 cts. Phlox ABBOTT 6? COBB, Philadelphia 35 FLOWER SEEDS Salvia Sweet William SWEET WILLIAM Free-flowering, showy perennial; a garden favorite for generations. Once established in good soil the plants last for years. Sow seeds in spring or early fall where plants are to grow. We have mixtures of both tall and dwarf forms. Price of either mixture, pkt. 10 cts., I/4OZ. 30 cts. Border of Portulacas Primula PORTULACA Beautiful little plants with red stems and cylin- drical, pale green leaves that bear an abundance of richly colored flowers — yellow, orange, or scarlet. It frequently reseeds itself. Very valuable in rockeries, as edging to beds, or broadcasted over sunny banks. It is the best covering for dry, sunny places, thriving on less water than most garden plants. Mixed colors, pkt. 10 cts., V4oz- 75 cts. SALVIA • Scarlet Sage One of the best late summer and fall-flowering plants. The tall, compact bushes, with dark green foliage, are literally ablaze with brilliant scarlet blooms until hard frosts kill them. Start the seed in the house or hotbed, transplanting to the open where danger of frost is over. Pkt. 10 cts., y^oz. 75 cts., oz. $2.50. PRIMULA • Chinese Primrose One of the most charming winter-flowering house plants; easily grown and free from insect pests. Our seed was grown for us by one of the most celebrated English Primrose specialists. The flowers are re- markable for their size, beauty, brilliancy of color, and substance of petals; colors, white, pink, red. Y2 to %ft. Mixed colors, pkt. 10 cts., l^oz. $1. SCABIOSA Under the name of Mourning Bride this plant was known in old-time gardens. It has been vastly improved, and the flowers are excellent for cutting. Mixed colors, white, pink, maroon, yellow, scarlet, and crimson. Pkt. 10 cts., V4oz- 20 cts. SCARLET RUNNER BEANS A rapid growing climber, with intense scarlet flowers followed by long pods. Desirable for trellis, porch, or fence covering. Pkt. 10 cts., lb. 35 cts. FLOWER SEEDS 36 ABBOTT COBB, Philadelphia Spencer Sweet Peas Verbenas SWEET PEAS Spencer Sweet Peas are a comparatively new class. The wonderfully large flowers are often 2 inches across, their petals beautifully waved and crinkled, the colors in delicate shades varying from white to pink and lavenders to deep purple; borne on long stems. They have a longer blooming season by a month than the ordinary early blooming sorts. Mixed colors, pkt. 10 cts., oz. 20 cts., V^b. 60 cts., lb. $2. VERBENA An old and favorite brilliant colored bedding plant. Sweetly scented white, pink, scarlet, blue, and purple flowers in large, flat clusters are borne profusely fromJune till frost. Sow seeds in the house or hotbed to get early flowering plants. Pkt. 10 cts., V4°z. 30 cts. WALLFLOWERS Half-hardy perennials bearing large clusters of rich yellow, red, or orange-purple, deliciously fra- grant flowers. Seed sown in March or April in a warm house will flower the following winter in a cool greenhouse, or they may be kept over in coldframes for spring bloom. Mixed colors, pkt. 10 cts., Vioz* 30 cts. ZINNIA A very hardy annual blooming in late summer and fall until heavy frosts kill the plants. Large, golden yellow or scarlet blooms 2 to 4 inches across that retain their beauty for weeks, are borne in great profusion. Mixed colors, pkt. 10 cts., V4oz* 40 cts. ABBOTT 6? COBB, Philadelphia 37 LAW?i MOWERS This Mower is particularly adapted for large lawns. It has large diameter drive wheels (1034 inches) which, together with the “rear drive” principle upon which it is built, makes it particularly adapted where long, tough grass is encountered. The revolving cutter is 6 inches in diameter and is furnished with four blades. Coldwell’s Lawn Trimmer Made of best material throughout, ball bearings, single screw adjustment, bottom knife of finest tool steel; cuts a swath of 8 inches. Price, $10. 14-in $17 75 | 18-in $20 50 16-in 19 00 | . 20-in 21 50 The Jewel Mower Coldwell Interstate Lawn Mower 14-in $12 00 | 18-in $14 00 16-in 13 00 | The best Mower for the price. It has large driving wheel, insuring light draft; four blades in the re- volving cutter, giving a very fine cut. Its bottom knife is of hard-tempered crucible steel, double ratchet, and fine cut gears, preventing the noise usually found in low-priced Mowers. AH bearings are provided with split brass bushings, by means of which all wear can be taken up. 12-in $7 75 I 16-in $8 75 14-in 8 25 | Pennsylvania Jr. Ball-Bearing Mower To get the best results from this machine, which does exceptionally fine work, the lawn should be mowed at regular intervals. It cuts the grass shorter than the 4-bIaded machine, hence requires mowing at stated periods when the grass is growing rapidly. 8-in. or low wheel, 5-blade cylinder, 5^-in. diameter 12-in $17 00 14- in 20 00 16- in 23 00 18- in 26 00 10-in. or high wheel, 5-blade cylinder, 6-in. diameter 15- in $27 00 17- in.... 30 50 19- in 34 50 21-in 38 50 We can also supply the Pennsylvania Standard in same sizes and prices as above. Great American Ball-Bearing Lawn Mower A high-class machine at a medium price. It is regarded as the best all-round Mower of its type. The perfectly fitting ball cups and cones insure an easy running machine. 10-in. wheels, 5-blade cylinder, 6-in. diameter 15-in. cut $19 50 I 19-in. cut $25 00 17-in. cut 22 50 | 21-in. cut 28 00 PLACET JR. TOOLS 38 ABBOTT 6? COBB, Philadelphia PLANET JR. TOOLS 7 2-page Planet Jr. Catalogue free. Describes 70 tools, includes Seeders, Wheel Hoes, Horse Hoes, Harrows, Orchard and Beet Cultivators. Write postal for it. Planet Jr. tools save time, lighten labor, and get bigger, better crops at less cost. Designed by a practical farmer and manufacturer with over forty years’ experience. Last a lifetime. Fully guaranteed. No. 3 Planet Jr. Hill and Drill Seeder Holds 3 quarts of seed. A favorite among onion-growers, market-gardeners, and seeds- men. Price, $17.50 Sows accurately in large or small quantities in drills in a narrow line, making wheel-hoe cultivation easy, or in hills, 4, 6, 8, 12, or 24 inches apart. Force feed. The flow of seed is instantly started or stopped by the cut-off rod. No seed wasted at end of rows. No. 17 Planet Jr. Single Wheel Hoe Steel frame and wheel Price, $7.75 The highest type of Single Wheel Hoe made. Light, but strong, and can be used by man, woman , or boy. Will do all the cultivation in your garden and best in the easiest, quickest, way. No. 119 Garden Plow and Cultivator Price, $4.75 A new tool for those who prefer the extra-high wheel on their garden Cultivator. The wheel is 24 inches high, and has a lj^-inch rim; has a complete set of cultivating tools — plow, narrow and wide cultivator teeth, three-prong tooth, and scuffle hoe for weed cutting. Handles have plow-handle grips. A well-made, substantial tool at an attractive price. Planet Jr. Planet Jr. Edger No. 2 The Planet Jr. Grass Edger assists wonderfully in producing an attractive walk. $1.60, mailing weight 4Jbs.^Postage extra. A Single and Double Wheel Hoe in one. Straddles crops till 20 inches high, then works between. Has steel frames and 14-inch steel wheels. The greatest hand-cultivating tool in the world. No. 101 Planet Jr. Cultivator Price, with wheel, $11.75 No. 101D, without wheel, $10 A new and improved Cultivator sold at a low price. Stop in and see it. It will please you. Complete with steel wheel, $18 No. 90B (without pulverizer), $14.75 This tool has become a special favorite with straw- berry, tobacco, and sugar-beet growers, market- gardeners, truckers, and farmers, because of its 12 chisel-shaped teeth. The teeth and pulverizer leave the ground in fine condition. Depth can be re- gulated instantly. Cultivates any width from 12 to 32 inches. Handles adjust up, down, and sidewise, saving hands and clothes. Planet Jr. Seed Attachment No. 35 For hotbed or greenhouse work. Can also be attached to the 119-Wheel Hoe or all Single and Double Wheel Hoes. Without Handle, $6.50. With Handle $7. ABBOTT ii COBB, Philadelphia 39 MISCELLANEOUS SUPPLIES MISCELLANEOUS SUPPLIES No. 220 Planet Jr. Fertilizer Distributor A thoroughly practical, well-built implement for distributing fertilizer evenly and thoroughly. It will handle 100 to 2,000 pounds per acre and can be adjusted to fertilize rows as close as 9 inches or as far apart as 4 feet. The economy in material and the saving in labor makes Planet Jr. No. 220 Fertilizer Distributor a profitable investment for every market-gardener or farmer. Price $27. Broadcast Seed Sower The Auto Spray A Self-Operating Automatic Sprayer This machine is one of the strongest and most simple in its parts. The pump is locked by means of sliding cam, which pre- vents wear, gives long service, and renders all parts instantly accessi- ble. Reservoir holds 4 gallons, but should not be over two-thirds full of solution when ready for spraying. About two pumpings will empty the tank, and the operator has only to direct the spray. It can be used in the garden for small trees and shrubs, spray- ing weeds, spraying cattle, or white-washing. Cylinders are made of both gal- vanized iron and brass, with locked seams. It can be carried in the hand or sprayer. used as a knapsack Equipment No. 1A. Brass tank with Stop Cock $9 00 No. IB. Brass Tank with Auto Spray 9 50 No. 1C. Galvanized Tank with Stop Cock. ... 6 00 No. ID. Galvanized Tank with Auto Spray ... 6 50 Postage extra. Mailing weight, 10 lbs. Extension Pipes. 2-foot lengths for spraying tall shrubs and trees; solid brass 50 Brass Strainer. For straining lumpy liquid. ... 1 20 Brass Auto-Pop Nozzle. Shown in cut, part of No. IB equipment. When sold separately. 1 50 Auto-Pop. With hose and fittings 2 00 For accurately sowing timothy, clovers, millets and heavy seeds of grass and other farm crops. Can be regulated to sow any required quantity per acre. Each Cahoon $5 00 Cyclone 2 25 Farm and Garden Wheelbarrows One of the most useful articles on the list of garden and lawn tools. Materials are selected oak mortised and bolted together, strengthened with six iron braces, made substantial, light and for long service, wheels are 3-inch tread. Keystone Water Ballast Rollers Fill with water, which will weight it to any de- sired number of pounds, as shown below. Equipped with a device for keeping handles stationary. No. Tire in. Length in. Depth in. Width in. Price No. Sec- tions Diam. in. Lgt. in. Wt. empty Wt. filled Price 1 2% 30 12 25 $9 25 601 1 14 24 60 250 $17 00 2 2 % 28 12 24 8 00 602 1 18 24 85 330 20 00 3 2H 26 12 22 7 75 603 1 24 24 100 440 23 00 4 W 22 9 18 5 50 604 1 24 32 135 590 26 00 FERTILIZERS 40 ABBOTT 6? COBB, Philadelphia White Rose Plant Food p u in to LAWNS, FLOWERS & SHRUBS £uy < 3 Package and Grow WHITE ROSE PLANT FOOD is scientifically prepared by ex- perts after exhaustive study and experiment, the ingredients are of such a nature that the plant is supplied with food during all stages of its growth. ANALYSIS:— Ammonia 5 per cent, Available Phosphoric Acid 8 per cent, Potash (soluble in water) 3 per cent. For old lawns apply at the rate of 2 lbs. to every 100 square feet; for new lawns at the rate of lbs. to every 100 square feet. Packed in the following sizes:— 1-lb. pkg. 25c., 5-lb. pkg. 75c., 10-lb. pkg. $1.25, 25-lb. bag $2.50, 50-lb. bag $4, 100-lb. bag $6.50. FERTILIZERS ASHES, HARDWOOD. Apply 1,000 lbs. per acre. Indispensable for all crops requiring potash; excel- lent for mixing with potting soil. For top dressing lawns and grass fields it is applied to best ad- vantage either in very early spring or late fall. 25 lbs. 85 cts., 50 lbs. $1.50. 100 lbs. $2.50, 200-Ib. bbl. $4.25, 1,000 lbs. $18, ton $35. BONE-MEAL. Apply 800 to 1,000 pounds per acre. Made from pure raw bone, without any addition of materials. The ideal bone for rose-beds and greenhouse use. 5 lbs. 30 cts., 10 lbs. 50 cts., 25 lbs. $1, 50 lbs. $2, 100 lbs. $4, 200 lbs. $7.50, 1,000 lbs. $30, ton $55. NITRATE OF SODA. Apply 100 to 150 pounds per acre, mixing with land plaster or other fertilizers to render application more easy. Use only after plants are above ground. If used in liquid form, dilute 2 ounces to 1 gallon of water and do not apply oftener than twice a week. 5 lbs. 40 cts., 10 lbs. 75 cts., 25 lbs. $1.35, 50 lbs. $2.50, 100 lbs. $4.50, 200 lbs. $8.50, 1,000 lbs. $37.50, ton $72.50. HUMUS (Alphano). An excellent article to incor- porate with poor soil in the garden or greenhouse, especially desirable for mixing with potting soil. 5 lbs. 35 cts., 10 lbs. 60 cts., 25 lbs. 85 cts., 100 lbs. $2.25, 500 lbs. $10, 1,000 lbs. $15, ton $25. LIME. For lawn or field use. Very finely pulverized. Hydrated, 10 lbs. 30 cts., 100 lbs. $1.75. PHOSPHATE, HIGH GRADE. For all vegetable crops, grains, grass, etc. Apply 800 to 1 ,000 pounds per acre broadcast. 5 lbs. 30 cts., 10 lbs. 55 cts., 25 lbs. $1.25, 50 lbs. $1.75, 100 lbs. $3.50, 200 lbs. $5.25, 3^ton $23.75, ton $45. SHEEP MANURE. Apply 1,000 pounds per acre. For garden, lawn or greenhouse use, nothing sur- passes sheep manure; it is clean and easily handled, besides giving immediate results. Prices, f.o.b. Philadelphia. 5 lbs. 30 cts., 10 lbs. 50 cts., 25 lbs. $1, 50 lbs. $1.75, 100 lbs. $3.25, 500 lbs. $15, 1,000 lbs. $26.50, ton $50. TOBACCO STEMS. For fumigating, mulching, and fertilizing. Bus. 60 cts., bbl. sack $1.25; in large bales at 2 cts. per lb., I^ton $15, ton $25. See Page 27 for Treatment of Seeds before Planting with Mulford Cultures and Semesan INSECTICIDES AND FUNGICIDES PRICES SUBJECT TO CHANGE WITHOUT NOTICE Only those Insecticides marked ARSENATE OF LEAD (Dry Powder Form). The more popular form, owing to its economical ways of being applied (can be used either as dusting powder or diluted in water). 1 to 2 lbs. per acre. Diluted in water, 1 lb. to 50 gals. k£Ib. 25c., Ib. 45 cts., 5 lbs. $2, 10 lbs. $3.50, 25 lbs. $8. AXFIXO TOBACCO DUST. A superior grade of tobacco dust adapted for root vegetable crops. Acts best under hot weather conditions when a suffocating gas becomes easily available. Lb. 35 cts., 5 lbs. $1.25, 25 lbs. $5, 100 lbs. $17. BLACK LEAF 40. A concentrated nicotine spray for all sucking insects. Oz. 35 cts., 3^Ib. $1.25, 2 lbs. $3.50. BEETOL SPRA. Saves your flowers, fruits, and plants from the ravages of Japanese beetle, rose- bugs, and plant-lice. Kills by contact and also acts as a repellant. Mix one part to 35 parts of water. Pt. $1, qt. $1.75, gal. $5, 5 gals. $20. HELEBORE, POWDERED WHITE. Less poison- ous than Paris Green and safer to use where fruit is nearly ripe. %lb. 30 cts., Ib. 55 cts. MELROSINE. The only remedy endorsed by leading authorities. The general contact in- secticide that kills rose-bugs and other insects. Used with any good spray-pump, diluted with from 20 to 25 parts of water. Pleasant and harmless to use. Guaranteed effective when used according to directions on can. Gal. $6, %gal. $3.25, qt. $1.75, pt. $1, trial size 50 cts. By mail or express at customer’s expense. Or Trial Size, sufficient to make one gallon when diluted and care for several plants for the season, post- paid for 60 cts. LIME-SULFUR SOLUTION. For all scale insects on trees and shrubs; also of benefit for such fungous bark diseases as can be treated in winter. Must be diluted and applied with a spray pump while the trees are dormant, after the leaves have fallen in fall and before the buds swell in spring. It can be used quite strong during mid- winter. One gallon to 10 gallons of water. Qt. 55 cts., h^gal. 90 cts., gal. $1.25. LIME-SULFUR (Dry Powdered). The most ef- ficient form of this highly celebrated spraying compound. Dissolves instantly in cold or hot water. Dissolve at rate of 10 pounds to 50 gal- lons of water. Lb. 35 cts., 5 lbs. $1.40, 10 lbs. $2.50, 25 lbs. $4.50, 50 lbs. $8, 100 lbs. $14. * can be mailed. Postage extra. NICOFUME PAPER. For fumigating green- houses, conservatories, etc. Per box of 24 sheets, $1.25, 144 sheets $5.50, 288 sheets $10. NICOFUME TOBACCO POWDER ( Fumigator ). A 12^6 per cent nicotine fumigator for green- house use; burns efficiently and dispenses dense fumes of nicotine; complete with directions in each can. Lb. tin $1.25, 5 lbs. $4.75, 10 lbs. $8.50. PYROX. A general spray for all eating insects and fungous troubles. One pound makes 5 gallons of spray material. Lb. 50 cts., 5 lbs. $1.75, 10 lbs. $3, 25 lbs. $6.25. PARIS GREEN. Applied as a powder it should be mixed with plaster or flour, 100 parts to 1 part of Paris Green; in solution, mix 1 pound to 100 gallons of water. 34-Ib. pkg. 30 cts., Ib. pkg. 55 cts., 5 lbs. $2.50, 14 lbs. $5. P. T. B. PARA-DICHLOROBENZINE. A success- ful remedy for peach tree borers. Directions with each package. Lb. can 65 cts., 5 lbs. $2.50, 10-Ib. can $4. ♦SLUG SHOT. One of the old and well-known remedies for destroying slugs, currant worms, cabbage worms and all of the scft-shelled insects which trouble vegetation. Lb. shaker box 20 cts., (mail weight, 2 lbs.), 5 lbs. 60 cts., (mail weight, 6 lbs.), 10 lbs. $1.10. ♦TOBACCO DUST, FINE. For green and black aphis, flea-beetles, etc. Splendid fertilizer and preventive for insects in the ground and around roots. 5 lbs. 30 cts., 10 lbs. 50 cts., 25-Ib. bag $1, 50-Ib. bag $1.80, 100-Ib. bag $3.50. ♦TREE TANGLEFOOT. An absolute safeguard against all creeping insects on trees. Apply with paddle, making a band around the tree 3 inches wide. Vermin cannot get over it. Lb. can (mail weight, 2 lbs.) 50 cts., 5-Ib. can (mail weight, 6 lbs.) $2.40. ♦FISH-OIL SOAP (WHALE-OIL SOAP). An ex- cellent wash for trees and plants where insects and eggs affect the bark. ^Ib. (mail weight, 1 Ib.) 15 cts., Ib. (mail weight, 2 lbs.) 25 cts. WEED KILLER. The method of killing weeds thoroughly by application of this liquid has become general. Used only on paths, drives, gutters, and places where no growth is wanted. One gallon makes 40 gallons of treating liquid. Qt. 65 cts., gal. $1.75. INDEX PAGE Acroclinium ........ 29 Ageratum. 29 Alyssum 29 Antirrhinum .29 Apple, Balsam 30 Aquilegia 30 Asparagus 2 Aster 30 Baby’s Breath ..... .32 Bachelor’s Button. . .31 Balsam 30 Beans 3 Bean, ScarletRunner.35 Beets 4, 5 Cabbage 6 Calendula 30 Calliopsis 31 Campanula 31 Candytuft .31 Canterbury Bells . . . .31 Carnation 31 Carrot 7 Castor-oil Bean 31 Cauliflower 5 Celeriac. . . PAGE 11 Forget-me-not PAGE . . .33 Muskmeloa . . . PAGE . . .17 Celery 8-11 Four o’Clock .32 Myosotis ...33 Celosia . . . . . 31 Foxglove. .32 Nasturtium . . .33 Centaurea. 31 Gaillardia .32 Onions. ... ..18,19 Chrysanthemum. . . .31 Grasses, Lawn — Gypsophila .28 Pansy ........ ...34 Clover 27 .32 Parsley. . . .19 Columbine ........ .30 Herbs .27 Parsnip . . .19 Com, Field. 11 Hollyhocks .33 Peas . . 19, 20 Com Salad [.. 11 Horse-radish Roots.. 14 Peas, Field . . .27 Com, Sweet 12 Iberis .31 Pepper . . .21 Cosmos. . . 31 Kale .14 Petunia . . .34 Coxcomb. . 31 Kohlrabi .14 Phlox . . .34 Cucumber. 13 Larkspur .33 Pink . . .32 Dandelion, 13 Lawn Mowers . . . .37 Poppy, California. . . .32 Dianthus . . ........ .32 Leek .14 Portulaca . . . . . . .35 Digitalis. . 32 Lettuce 15 16 Primrose ...35 Delphiniun a......... 32 Mangel 5 Primula . . .35 Eggplant. . 14 Marigold .33 Pumpkin ...20 Endive. . . . 13 Marigold, Pot. . . Mignonette .30 Radish . . .22, 21 Eschscholtzia 32 .33 Rape ........ . . .27 Everlasting Flower. .29 Millet .2 7 Reseda ...... ...33 Fertilizers . 40 Mirahilis .3 2 Ricinus . . .31 Fertilizer Distributor 39 Moraordica .3 0 Roller . . .39 Field Seeds 27 Morning-glory . . . .3 3 Rye. . . .27 PAGE Sage, Scarlet 35 Salsify 23 Salvia 35 Scabiosa .35 Seed Sower 39 Snapdragon. 29 Sorrel 23 Spinach 24 Sprayer 39 Squash 24 Sweet Peas 36 Sweet William 35 Swiss Chard 5 Timothy 27 Tomato 24, 25 Tools, Planet Jr. . . .33 Turnip 26 Verbena. . 36 Vetch 27 Wallflowers 36 Watermelon. 18 Wheat 27 Whe slbarrows 39 Zinnia 36 J, Horace McFarland Company, Horticultural Printers, Harrisburg, Pa. ABBOTT & COBB 4903 FRANKFORD AVENUE PHILADELPHIA, PA.