Historic, Archive Document

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"Trade Names adopted 1921


Azro M. Dows

A. W. DOWS & CO. Kearney Square Lowell, Mass.



I take great pleasure in presenting to you my 7th Annual Catalogue. Each successive year I have tested out new varieties of real merit so that this year my list is longer and has many very choice Dahlias, Gladioli, Peonies, Irises, etc. at REASONABLE PRICES


No wholesale list this year. Those entitled to trade dis- count will be treated right. Discounts liberal.


No mail order accepted for less than $1.00. Cash with or- ders under $5.00. On $5.00 and over I will accept 25% deposit and balance when you are ready for the goods. Orders of $5.00 and over will be sent prepaid to 4th zone. Postage sent in excess on- other orders will be refunded. Stamps or bills are sent at your risk. Checks and money orders at my risk. ORDER EARLY and avoid disappointment should the va- riety desired be sold out.

SUBSTITUTION: I never substi:ute without permission; but it is well to mention a few varieties that you are will- ing to have substituted should any of the varieties or- dered be sold out.

GUARANTEE: I guarantee all stock to be in growing con- dition and true to name. Please notify me if any prove otherwise.


Visitors welcome any day at the gardens, 136 Smith Street, and when flowers are in bloom you will be given some to take away. Thousands of Dahlias and Gladioli in blossom during July, August, September, October.

Yours for Delightful Dahlias and Glorious Gladioli.


Kearney Square, Lowell, Mass.



Location: Any good garden soil will grow dahlias and they will do equally well on high or low land. A sunny, airy location is best.

Planting and Cultivation: Good stable manure ploughed in in the fall and turned again the following spring makes the ground light. When planting use 2-3 sheep manure and 1-3 hard wood ashes or bone meal as the fertilizer. In this locality plant from May 15 to June 15. Dig a bole six inches deep. Lay the bulb flat and cover four inches, deep. Two feet apart in the rows and each row three feet apart is best for proper growth, but if space is limited they can be planted closer.

Blooms for Display: In order to get the largest flowers it is quite necessary that you disbud severely. Pinch out all small side branches and buds, letting only the largest mature. Unlike the Gladiolus the Dahlia is a continuous bloomer until frost kills the tops.

ACHIEVEMENT (Col.) Alexander. A clear rich velvety maroon with a waxy white collar. 25c.

AGNES HAYIL AND (Dec.) Marean. Rose pink and yellow. 50c.

ALASKA (Dec.) An excellent white of good growth. 75c. ALBERT WARD (Peo.) Meachen & Sherman. Deep pur- ple 75c.

AMANDA HOUGHTON (Dec.) Slocombe. White, lavender tip. $1.00.

AMBASSADOR (Cac.) Broomall. A soft yellow shaded sal- mon-pink. $1.50

AMERICAN BEAUTY (Dec.) American Beauty rose color, of large size. 25c.

AMERICAN HERO (Peo.) Stillman. Pink, shading to yel- low center. $1.00.

AMITYVILLE (Dec.) Finger. Light silvery pink. 75c. AMUN RA (Dec.) Seal. Water-lily type. Golden copper to red, bronze in center. 75c.

AUGUS ME GAR (Show.) A very large and fine lavender purple. 50c.

AUTUMN GLOW (Dec.) Wilmore. A real autumn-colored dahlia of medium height. 75c.

AZALIA (Dec.) Boston. Creamy yellow tinged pinkish red. 75c.

BESSIE BOSTON (Dec.) Leedham. Scarlet, petals slightly clefted. 25c.

BRIAN BREAU (Dec.) Deep purple, clear and large. 50c. BRIGADIER (Inc. Cac.) Burrell. Bright crimson. Petals long and incurved. 25c.

CAROLYN WINTJEN (Dec.) Wintjen. Salmon pink with rose shadings. 50c.

CHAMPAGNE (Dec.) Boston. Dull golden champagne color. $1.50.

CHARM (Dec.) Marean. Burnt orange and yellow. Large flower. Strong grower. $1.00.

COLLEEN BAWN (Dec.) Kernon. A deep pink flower with long slightly twisted petals', makes up a bloom that must be seen to be appreciated. $3.00 COPPER (Dec.) Doolittle. Odd coloring, being copper shading to bronze. 50c.

DAKOTA (Dec.) Marean. Flame red and bronze yellow. Strong grower. 75c.

D. M. MOORE (Dec.) Wilmore. The best black maroon. Large. 50c.

DOROTHY ROBBINS (Dec.) Finger. Red buff, slightly darker than King of Autumn. 75c.

12 of any variety for price of 10 unless otherwise priced.

Whrkralc p'r ~cz on my vrWoo rp.-n r.-~ R

0 Dahlias )

DR. HARRY L. TEVIS (Dec.) Peiicano. Salmon rose and old gold. Immense flower. 75c.

ELIZABETH SLOCOMBE (Hyb. Cac.) Slocombe. Reddish purple. 50c.

ELSIE DANIELS (Cac.) Meachen & Sherman. Soft lav- ender pink shading to white. $3.00.

EMPRESS EUGENIE (Dec.) Vavra. Rich rosaline pur- ple. 50c.

E. T. BEDFORD (Dec.) Marean. A silvered purple of fine form. $1.00.

EVELYN DANE (Hyb. Cac.) Broomall. Soft pink and light yellow. 75c.

EYEQUE (Hyb. Cac.) Hornsveld. Rose purple with a delicate rose color on edge. 50c.

FLEUR d’OR (Dec.) A giant of pure golden yellow. $2.00.

FLORENCE FINGER (Dec.) Finger. Dark rose of extra good keeping qualities. 75c.

FRANK A. WALKER (Dec.) Alexander. Mallow pink. 35c.

FRAU G. SCHEIFF (Dec.) Nonne & Hoepker. Orange, yel- low and red. 75c.

GEE WHIZ (Hyb. Cac.) Broomall. Soft buff shaded sal- mon. $1.00.

GEN.. GRANT (Show) Keynes. Orange streaked chocolate.


GEORGE WALTERS (Hyb. Cac.) Carter. Salmon pink suffused gold in center. 75c.

GLORIANNA (Dec.) Hodgens. A pure gold, slightly red- dish glow in center. 75c.

GLORIEUX (Dec.) Mastick. Picric yellow to apricot, buff center. $1.00. .

GLORIE de LYON <Show.) A pure white of French origin. 25c.

GLORY OF ARGONNE (Hyb. Cac.) Maytrott. Violet rose, white center. 50c.

GOLDEN WEST (Hyb. Cac.) Broomall. Golden buff. 50c.

GOLDFINCH (Dec.) Marean Yellow and orange One

of the best. $1.00.

HAMPTON COURT (Peo.) Ware. Mauve pink. 25c.

HELEN KELLER (Dec.) Broomall. Beautiful pink, free bloomer. 75c.

HERCULES (Dec.) Marean. Tangerine and yellow, quilled petals. $1.00.

HOCHSAI (Dec.) (From Holland.) Crimson and yellow. 35c.

IMMENSE (Dec.) Kirby. White, overlaid a new shade of crimson. 50c.

IMPERIAL (Fancy show.) Keynes. Deep purplish ma- roon. 25c.

JEAN CHAZOT (Hyb. Cac.) Cayeux. Golden bronze suf- fused nasturtium red. $1.00.

JENNIE JOHNSON (Show.) Light pink, pencilled and tipped white and rose pink. 50c.

JERSEY’S BEAUTY (Hyb. Cac.) Waite. Yellow, center coral red. $1.00.

JOHN HARDING (Hyb. Cac.) Purplish red of the finest form. $1.50.

JUDGE 3IAREAN (Dec.) Marean. Remarkable blending of orange and red. $1.00.

KING OF AUTUMN (Dec.) Hornsveld. Buff, yellow and

terra cotta. 75c.

KITTIE DUNLAP (Dec.) Boston. American Beauty rose color and very large. $1.00.

12 of any variety for price of 10 unless otherwise priced.

Wholesale pr.ces on many varieties upon application.



LA FAVORITA (Hyb. Cac.) Lohrmann. Oriental orange color. 50c.

LE GRAND MANITOU (Dec.) Charmet. Lilac striped purple. 50c.

LE TOREADOR (Dec.) Marean. Wonderful oriental red.


LILY GRAND (Hyb. Cac.) Murphy. A massive white of great depth and substance. $1.00.

LOTUS (Dec.) Boston. Luminous flame, or a lovely orange.


MADGE GREEN (Peo.) Lafabregue. Mallow pink. 50c.

MAID OF THE MIST (Dec.) Slocombe. Cream shaded cin- namon pink. Fine. $2.00.

MARGUERITE BOUCHON (Cac.) Cayeux. Rose and white. 50c.

MARION CHRISTINE (Dec.) Meachen & Sherman. Cad- mium tipped with begonia rose. $1.00.

MARJORIE FIELD (Dec.) Wonderful shade of pink. Very large. $1.00.

MARY STEFFENSEN (Hyb. Cac.) Peacock. Citron yel- low, white and rose pink. 50c.

MAUDE ADAMS (Show) Alexander. Blush tipped rose pink. 35c.

MAYBELLE ECKLUND (Peo.) Doolittle. Maroon. $1.00.

MEFHISTOPHELES (Hyb. Dec.) Marean. Ruby red tipped yellow. $1.00.

MERMAID (Dec.) Slocombe. Delicate blush pink. $2.00.

3IERRY WIDOW (Dec.) Marean. Main color yellow suf- fused with shades of red. $1.00.

MILDRED (Dec.) Slocombe. A fine pink. $2.00.

MILLIE RODGERS (Dec.) Pelicano. Old gold shading to amber. 50c.

MILLIONAIRE (Dec.) Stillman. Lavender and white. Very large and fine. 50c.

MISS HELEN HOLLIS (Show) Alexander. A fine scarlet.


MONARCH (Dec.) Slocombe. A very large white. $2.00.

MOTHER (Dec.) Childs. Rose and gold. 75c.

MR. ALEX. WALDIE (Dec.) Broomall. Cream and sal- mon pink. $1.00.

MR. CROWLEY (Dec.) Broomall. Salmon pink on cream. Very large. $1.50.

MR. H. C. DRESSELHUYS (Dec.) Ballego. Soft rose pink. Improved Delice. 75c.

MRS. C. FLOOD (Dec.) Murphy. A real baby pink, shading to white and pale gold at center. $1.00.

MRS. CARL SALBACH (Dec.) Salbach. Mallow pink, light- er at center. 75c.

MRS. CHAS. L. BRITTON (Hyb. Cac.) Meachen & Sher- man. Outer petals pink and center white. $2.00.

MRS. C. H. BRECK (Cac.) Titus. Yellow and rose in com- bination. 50c.

MRS EDNA SPENCER (Hyb. Cac.) Spencer. Lavender pink or orchid shading to white., 50c.

MRS. F. C. BURNS (Dec.) Burns. Shell pink. 75c.

MRS. FRANK BAILEY (Hyb. Cac.) Giant golden yellow. $4.00.

MRS. FRYLIN.lt (Dec.) Clear deep scarlet red. 35c.

MRS. I. deVER WARNER (Dec.) Marean. Light rosaline purple. Very large and a good keeper. $1.00.

MRS. J. GARDNER CASSATT (Dec.) A bright cerise pink. 50c,

12 of any variety for price of 10 unless otherwise priced.

Wholesale prices on many varieties upon application.


( Dahlias )

MRS. OPPERHEIM (Dec.) White and lavender. 50c.

MRS. SEYBOLD (Peo. Dec.) Crimson or rose, and white. 50c.

MRS. W. H. PEPIN (Dec.) Ela. Pure white with broad flat petals. 50c.

MT. SHASTA (Hyb. Cac.) Stillman. Shell pink of very large size. 75c.

NIBELUNGENHORT (Hyb. Cac.) Goes & Koenemann. Old rose. 35c.

NINIGRET (Peo.) Stillman. Rich dark red, clouded and striped much lighter. 25c.

NOIR ALYAREZ (Dec.) Nonin. Deep velvety blood red.


NORMA (Show) Turner. Buff, or live bright orange. 50c

OLD ROSE (Peo. Dec.) Boston. Real old rose color. 25c.

ORA DOW (Dec.) Velvety maroon, effectively tipped white. 35c.

ORANGE DOAZON (Dec.) Orange scarlet. 50c.

-OREGON BEAUTY (Dec.) Gill. Red, ball form, short petals. 25c.

PACIFIC GLOW (Peo.) Burns. Pink, long twisted petals.


PAUL MICHAEL (Dec.) Dr. L. Michael. Apricot with bronze shadings. $1.00.

PEACE (Hyb. Cac.) Sampson. A very large pure white. 50c.

PEG O’ MY HEART (Peo.) Marean. Mauve. $1.00.

POLLYANNA (Dec.) Murphy. Buff yellow, suffused red. One of the largest. $2.00.

PRESIDENT WILSON (Dec.) Jones. Dark rose crimson tipped white. $1.50.

PRIDE (Pom) Alexander. Scarlet. 25c.

PRIDE OF CALIFORNIA (Dec.) Lohrmann. Dark crim- son. Very full and double. 50c.

PRINCESS MARY (Peo.) Hornsveld. A lovely shade of vivid pink. 50c.

PRINCESS PAT (Dec.) McWhirter. Glorious shade of old rose. 75c.

PURITY (Dec.) Slocombe. White of large size. 50c.

PURPLE MANITOU (Dec.) Purple. Sport of LeGrand Manitou. 50c.

QUAKER MAID (Dec.) Burpee. Amaranth pink, lighter toward tips. $1.00.

QUEEN JOSEPHINE (Hyb. Cac.) Seal. Royal purple suf- fused white. Veined. $1.00.

QUEEN MARY (Dec.) Cannell. Rose pink. 50c.

QUEEN WILHELMINA (Peo.) Hornsveld. White. 50c.

RADEN KARTINI (Peo. Dec.) Dutch origin. Salmon pink. 50c.

REBECCA KENSON (Cac.) White shaded red. 35c.

RED CROSS (Hyb. Cac.) Anderson. Bright red and yellow in combination. 50c.

RED DEVIL (Dec.) Finger. Carmine red, gold tipped $1.00.

ROSA BONHEUR (Hyb. Cac.) Rowe. Ivory white, center shading to a beautiful shell pink. $2.00.

ROSALIA STYLES (Peo.) Rose pink flushed white with lighter colored center. $1.00.

ROSA NELL (Dec.) Broom-all. Clear bright rose. One of the best. 75c.

ROSEMAWR (Dec.) Broomall. Rich rose pink. Immense.


SAM SAM (Dec.) Titus. Carmine on yellow to old rose. 50c.

SCARLET GIANT (Hyb. Show) Stillman. Intense scarlet of large size. 50c.

12 of any variety for price of 10 unless otherwise priced.

Wholesale prices on many varieties upon application.



SHOWER OF HOLD (Dec.) Boston. Brilliant yellow deep- ening- to apricot toward center. 75c.

SIR WATKINS (Dec.) Meachen & Sherman. Apricot buff shaded with gold. FINE. $5.00.

SNOWDRIFT (Dec.) Broomall. Silver white of large size. Elegant. $1.00.

SOPHY MOREY (Cac.) Phlox purple, white on center petals. 75c.

SOUY. de OUST. DOAZON (Dec.) Bruant. Orange scarlet. Very large. 50c.

STANLEY (Dec.) Maytrott. Carmine purple shaded Tyrian rose. 50c.

STRADELLA (Show) Alexander. Rose purple. 35c.

SUNBEAM (Dec.) Slocombe. Red, streaked yellow. $1.00.

SUTIT (Dec.) Titus. Red. 35c.

THE EMPEROR (Dec.) Marean. Dark purple to maroon.


THE GRIZZLY (Dec.) Burns. Maroon red. Large and shaggy. $1.00.

THEODORE YAIL (Dec.) Boston. Old gold shading to apricot. 75c.

THE U. S. A. (Peo.) Stillman. Red orange. Free bloom- er. $1.50.

UNCLE SAM (Peo) Meachen & Sherman Pale orange tinted coral red. $1.50.

VIYIAN (Show) Comstock. White edged purple. 35c.

WASHINOTON. CITY (Hyb. Cac.) Broomall. White. Very large. $1.00.

WILLIAM AUSTIN (Peo.) White, suffused cerise, tipped carmine. 25c.

WILLIAM SLOCOMBE (Dec.) Slocombe. Canary yellow.


WILLIAM STORY (Dec.) Story. Bright yellow of fine habit. 75c.

WIZARD OF OZ (Dec.) Doolittle. Amber shaded pink. $2.50.

W. W. RAWSON (Show) Johnson. White edged lavender. 50c.

YELLOWSTONE (Hyb. Cac.) Stillman. Canary yellow of fine habit. $2.00.


CALLA ALBA MACULATA. One of the most popular plants for blooming in the open during the summer, and un- equaled in the winter as a house plant. Leaves are spotted and the flowers are white. Many blooms from each bulb. Large bulbs, 40c each. Smaller bulbs, 25c; all will bloom.


For the benefit of those who are not familiar with the names of the different varieties of Dahlias or do not care to select particular kinds, these collections are put up in amounts ranging from $5.00 to $20.00 per dozen, and include the latest and finest varieties.

In ordering, simply specify the amount you wish to spend per dozen, and I will ship you a collection of Dahlias pre- paid which will catalogue at least twice the amout remitted; the selection of varieties being left to me.

12 of any variety for price of 10 unless otherwise priced.

Wholesale prices on many varieties upon application.



Planting' and Culture. Plant the bulbs from May 1 to June 15, four inches deep in heavy soil and six inches deep in light soil with full exposure to the sun. It is better if the ground has been prepared the fall before with fresh stable manure well forked in and turned again the following spring.

The gladiolus is a great drinker. Don’t give it merely a sip. Give it plenty of water while you are doing it, even if you do not water more than once a week. After sundown is best. Larger flowers will repay you for the extra care. Stir the soil the next day after rain or after sprinkling. Never allow the soil to crust.

Blooming. For best results, cut the spikes when the first flower opens and let them bloom in the house. Each morn- ing remove the wilted blossoms, cut off a little of the stem and give fresh water.

A. B. KUNDERD (Kunderd.) Fine ruffled cream and pink. 25c.

ADELINE KENT (Diener.) Light rose pink. Ruffled. 40c. ALBANIA (Kemp.) Glistening white, faint markings, strong grower. 25c.

ALICE TIPLADY (Kunderd.) Orange saffron. Very popu- lar. 5c; 50c doz.

AMERICA (Banning.) The favorite lavender pink. 10c; 75c doz.

ANAMOSA (Kunderd.) Finest orange salmon. 5c; 50c doz. ANNA EBERIUS (Diener.) Dark velvety purple; throat lighter shade. Very popular. 25c.

A. W. HUNT (Christy.) Best orange red, blended carmine. Very large. 25c.

BARON HULOT (Lemoine.) Violet blue. 15c.

BEACON FLAME (Kunderd.) Clear scarlet. 20c.

BENGAL TIGER (Pratt.) Bengal Tiger markings. 25c. BILLY RED (Kunderd.) Rich cardinal scarlet. 20c. BLACK PANSY (Kunderd.) Dark, rich brilliant red. 20c. BYRON L. SMITH (Kunderd.) White, overlaid lavender pink. Orchid-like coloring. 20c.

CANOPUS (Kunderd.) Large, rich solid yellow, deeper throat. 5c; 40c doz.

CHALLENGER (Kunderd.) Dark velvety red of solid col- or. Fine. 25c.

CORUNNA (Kunderd.) Extra good garnet red. 20c. CRIMSON GLOW (Betscher.) Deep self scarlet, large flowers. 10c; 75c doz.

DIENER’S AMERICAN BEAUTY. Brilliant American Beauty color, with creamy yellow throat. 45c. DOROTHY McKIBBIN (Kunderd.) Peach blossom pink. Ruffled and early. 15c.

DR. LINCOLN COTHRAN (Diener.) Light Jasper red, lightly feathered purple. 20c.

EARLY PENDLETON (Kunderd.) Almost like Mrs. F.

Pendleton but much earlier. 10c.

E. J. SHAYLOR (Kunderd.) Ruffled rose pink. Vigorous 20c.

ELF (D lener.) Extra large white, lemon tongue. 25c. FLORA (Burbank.) White, with rich pink throat. Elegant 10c; 75c doz.

ELSE ROSE (Diener.) Light mallow pink. Beautiful. 50c. EVELYN KIRTLAND (Austin.) Flame or orange pink.

Fine for cutting. 10c; 75c doz.

FAIRFAX (Diener.) Solid magenta. 15c.

12 of any variety for price of 10 unless otherwise priced. Wholesale prices on many varieties upon application.



FIERY KNIGHT (Hopman.) Brilliant vermilion. 20c.

FLORA (Velthuys.) Very large yellow. 10c; 75c doz.

GOLD DROP (Kunderd.) Ruffled yellow prim. 25c.

GOLDEN KING (Black.) Pure sulphur yellow, blotched crimson. 10c; 75c doz.

GOLDEN MEASURE (Kelway.) Very best tall, deep yellow. 25c.

GOLIATH (Velthuys.) Claret red. Fine. 20c.

GRETCHEN ZANG (Austin.) Geranium pink, with car- mine throat markings. 10c; 75c doz.

HALLEY (Velthuys.) The popular salmon pink. 5c; 50c doz; $3.50 per 100.

HERADA (Austin.) A pure mauve. Very popular with florists. 10c; 75c doz.

JACK LONDON (Diener.) Striped salmon. Fine commer- cial variety. 20c.

JOE COLEMAN (Kunderd.) Rich red> blotched carmine, large and vigorous. 15c.

LILLIAN WEBB (Diener.) Strawberry pink, flecked. 10c; 75c doz.

LOUISE (Wright.) Large clear lavender, blotched. Fine. 25c.

LOVELINESS (Zeestraten.) Lovely creamy pink. 10c; 75c doz.

MAGNIFICENT (Dows.) Venetian pink, tinted deep. 15c.

MAINE (Vos.) A large white, lily form. 40c.

MARSHALL FOCH (Kunderd.) Salmon flesh, to deep sal- mon pink. A prize winner. 20c.

MARY PICKFORD (Kunderd.) Creamy white and yellow. 15c.

MISS SPOKANE (Kunderd.)" Orange salmon. Large and beautiful. 25c.

MATTHEW CRAWFORD (Kunderd.) Large cream pink. Grand. 20c.

MRS. DR. NORTON (Kunderd.) Cream and pink. Ex- ceedingly beautiful. 20c; $1.75 doz.

MRS. FRANK PENDLETON (Kunderd.) Bright rose pink on white. 10c; 75c doz.

MRS. F. C. PETERS (Fischer.) Lilac rose, with blotch. Extra good. 35c.

MRS. WM. KENT (Diener.) Rose and shrimp pink. 15c.

MYRTLE MeNALLY (Diener.) Rich cream, flecked rosy pink on edges. 15c.

NEGERFURST (Pfitzer.) Very dark velvety red, small white throat. 20c.

NEUTRALITY (Kunderd.) An AMERICA seedling. Purer pink and showier. 20c.

1910 ROSE (Kunderd.) Deep rich rose, shading lighter toward throat. Early and large. 10c; 75c doz.; $4.50 100.

ORANGE BRILLIANT (Cave.) Brilliant apricot orange. Hooded. Fine and early. 10c; 65c doz.; $4.00 per 100.

ORANGE GLORY (Kunderd.) Ruffled orange, large. 25c.

PANTHEON (Kunderd.) A massive white, feathered rose. 35c.

PEACH ROSE (Kunderd.) Velvety rose pink. Beautiful. 50c.

PRIM (Kunderd.) A large, clear yellow prim. 5c; 50c doz.

■PRINCE OF WALES (Van Zanten.) A clear grenadine pink or deep buff. 10c; 75c doz.

12 of any variety for price of 10 unless otherwise pr'cej.

Wholesale prices on many varieties upon appllcafcn.


( Gladioli )

PURPLE GLORY (Kunderd.) Large ruffled purplish red. Velvety appearance. 25c.

RICHARD DIENER (Diener.) Pure geranium pink. 75c.

ROSE ASH (Diener.) Ashes of Roses. Tall and vigorous. 25c; $2.00 doz.

SCARLANO (Kunderd.) Brilliant orange scarlet. 15c.

SCHWABEN (Pfitzer.) Marguerite yellow, blotched ama- ranth purple on lower petals. 10c; 75c doz.

SHEILA (Coleman.) Light coral red, fading to flesh pink in throat. A real beauty and early. 25c; $2.00 doz.

SIDNEY PLUMMER (Salbach.) Yellow with pink mark- ings in throat. Fine. 35c.

SIRIUS (Kunderd.) Large, dark salmon, rich throat. Ruf- fled. 5c; 50c doz.

SWEET LAVENDER (Coleman.) Light pinkish lavender, magenta blotch. Lives up to its name. 25c; $2.00 doz.

THOMAS T. KENT (Diener.) Shell pink and strawberry. Large. 20c.

TWO TINT (Childs.) Light flesh pink, shaded white and yellow. Delicate coloring. 25c; $2.00 doz.

WILBRINK (Hopman.) Very light pink with throat like Halley. Very early. 5c; 50c doz.; $3.50 per 100.

MIXED GLADIOLI. This season I have a large quantity of Gladioli which, as will often happen, get mixed and are discarded for that reason from my list. The mixture contains some of the very best varieties. For one who is looking for a good GLAD garden with flowers to bloom at different times this mixture will All the bill and the price is LOW. $3.50 per 100. $20.00 per 1000. Get your order

in early to make sure of it.

PLANTING STOCK AND BULBLETS of most varieties at much less price.

WHOLESALE RATES on many varieties upon application.


The large, broad leaf Cannas are always a delight in any

garden and will grow in almost any soil. Try a few of these

choice varieties. Strong roots, 25c each; $2.00 doz. unless

otherwise priced.

ALLE MANIA. Green leaves, scarlet flower with yellow edge. Very striking. 4 ft.

EUREKA. Green leaves, white flower, first showing cream color. 3 % ft.

INDIANA. Green leaves, glistening orange flower, striped red. 4 ft.

KING HUMBERT. Dark bronze green leaves, large red flower. 4 ft.

MRS. A. F. CONRAD. Light green leaves, salmon pink flowers. Zy2 ft.

THE PRESIDENT. Green leaves, rich glowing scarlet flowers, full and rounded. 4 ft.

UNCLE SAM. Green leaves, deep vivid crimson flowers of large size. 5-6 ft.

VENUS. Green leaves, rosy pink flowers with yellow edge. 31/2 ft.

VICTORY. Green leaves, apricot colored flowers of extra fine form. 3 ft. Commences to bloom when stalk is only a foot high and continues to end of season.

12 of any variety for price of 10 unless otherwise priced.

Wholesale p*-'res on many varieties upon appl'cat'rn.

C ANN AS (Continued)

WYOMING. Bronze leaves, orange flower without red, of the true Orchid type. 6-7 ft.

BRONZE BERBER. What is known as the old fashioned Canna is the BRONZE BEDDER which has dark bronze green leaves but a small red flower. Foliage is very large and useful as a background for better varieties. 6-8 ft. Large roots 10c each; 75c doz. ; $5.00 per 100.

By using a combination of varieties a splendid bed of Cannas can be made which will be a continuous delight in any garden.


I have raised Double Hollyhocks for years. The stock is pure, self colors, of Wlhite, Yellow, Pink, Red, and Maroon. Vigorous young plants ready to bloom 20c each $2.00 doz. (Delivery in May.) Seed 10c each color for small packages. (Delivery now.) Seed should be started early in cold frame or house but will not bloom till second year.


Lilies require a well enriched ground but must have good drainage.

L ILIUM CANRIRUM (Madonna Lily.) A large pure white lily and sweet scented. Should be in every garden. Cover bulbs only 3 inches. 60c each; $6.00 doz.

LILIUM REGALE (Regal Lily.) A new and glorious lily from China. Most vigorous, with sturdy stems. Short trumpet shaped flowers of pure white almost translucent; the heart suffused yellow; outside petals lightly shaded umber. Cover bulbs only 6 inches. $1.00 each; $10.00 doz. Seed 50c per 100.


The Iris is always beautiful coming along in early spring- time and will grow well in partial shade. The roots should not be covered more than three inches. Here are only a few of my varieties.

“S” refers to the standards, “F” to the falls.

ANNA FARR. S. white, bordered pale blue: F. white, with blue at base, held horizontal. A magnificent flower. $1.00. BLUE JAY. S. bright clear blue; F. intense dark blue. 25c. CAPRICE. S. rosy red; F. deeper rosy red. Large. 35c. CELESTE. S. & F. pale azure-blue. 30 inches. 35c.

FAIRY. White, delicately bordered and suffused pale blue. The tallest variety having a white effect. Not new but not appreciated as it should be. Fragrant. 25c. FLORENTINA BLUE. Tall and vigorous, deep dark blue. 25c.

ISOLINE. S. silvery lilac; F. purplish old-rose, golden at the throat; yellow beard. One of the most beautiful. 50c. KHARPUT. S. violet-blue; F. velvety dark blue. 25c. KOCH I r. S. and F. rich claret-purple. Compact, early and handsome 35c.

LOHENGRIN. S. and F. uniform soft shade of Cattleya rose. Very large. 35c.

MARAM CHEREAU. White, elegantly frilled, with a wide border of clear blue. 25c.

MONSIGNOR. S. rich satiny violet; F. velvety purple crim- son with lighter margin. Large flowers. 50c.

OTHELLO. S. deep rich blue; F. dark velvety purple. 25c. PERFECTION. S. light blue; F. dark velvety violet-black with orange beard. A handsome flower that attracts much attention. 50c.

TAMERLANE. S. clear blue; F. deep rich pansy violet; orange beard. Most striking. 25c.

12 of any variety for price of 10 unless otherwise priced. Wholesale prices on many varieties upon application,


ISMENE (Peruvian Daffodil)

a . i j \ vvio-mrlli'i T

One of the finest of the stately Amaryllis family.


heavy1 bulbs 'send up stems 2 ft. high, on which are Jj°rne numerous large, pure white fragrant flowers. Easily grown and easily forced. Take up in the fall and treat Tike Gladioli. 25c each, $2.50 doz.

PHLOX (Perennials)

Many varieties of Perennial Phlox will be in bloom from July 1st to Oct. 1st. Some of the largest and best sweet- scented varieties ever grown. Roots of these will be ready

in April and September. .

In transplanting Phlox my varieties got mixed so that customers must take chances on colors until another year. A dozen good roots can be furnished for $2.00 and will give good assortment of color.


Do not fail to come to my garden at 136 Smith street

and see the Peonies in bloom from June 5th to July 10th.

You can make your choice of the beautiful blossoms and

sweet-scented varieties, and the roots will be delivered to you

in September. ,

ALBA SULFUMEA. Guard p tals prominent and pure white. Center sulphur yellow. Bomb shape. 75c.

BE1ST FRAXKLIX. Dark red. Midseason. Very large, erect and long stems. Slightly fragrant. $2.00. .

CURIOSITY. Large blooms that are very attractive. Vio let-red, central petals tipped yellow. Fragrant. $1.00.

DELC TI'7 SIMA. Large, compact blooms of a delicate all one color pink, borne in great profusion on erect stems.

$1.00. > _

EDULIS SUPERBA. The famous Decoration Day Peony. Co" or a beautiful bright, clear pink, with s Avery reflex.

$1.00. ^ ;

FELIX CROUSSE. A rich, even, brilliant ruby-red. A val- uable cut flower. $1.00.

FESTIVA MAXIMA (Early.) Extra large, full, globular shape. Pure white with br'ght carmine flakes on the edges on the center petals. Fragrant. The most popular ail round peony in existence. $1.00.

MADAME CALOT. A wonderful white blooming peony, the flowers overlaid delicate blush. A great cut flower va- riety; in bloom on Decoration Day. $1.00.

MOXS. JULES ELIE, Very large, compact bomb type. Large guard petals surrounding a great dome of incurved petals. The entire bloom covered with a silvery sheen. Verv beautiful and a long keeper. $1.50.

PIXK AXD WHITE. Guard petals clear pink, center pure waxy white. Very fragrant. An old fashioned va- riety. 50c.

KOSEA SUPERBA. A grand flower of beautiful rose-pmk and fragrant. One of the best of the old fashioned va- rieties, of the old standard type. 75c.

RUBRA SUPERBA. Rose type. Very late. A beautiful rich brilliant dark crimson of large size and fragrant. Shy bloomer till plants are established. 75c.

THERESE. Rose type. Flowers of enormous size of the most delicate rich satiny pink, with glossy reflex. The last word in Peonies. $4.75.

UMBELLATA ROSEA. Rose type, very early. Large flower, guards violet-rose, shading to an amber white center. Delightful fragrance. $1.00.

12 of any variety for price of 10 unless otherwise priced.

Wlr’e- ale prices on many varieties upon application.