Historic, Archive Document Do not assume content reflects current scientific knowledge, policies, or practices. fr&nklirv forestry' (^. Boston and Colhain mass. 1 ONE-YEAR GUARANTEE (3-year the same except for period covered) The FRANKLIN FORESTRY COMPANY hereby makes the following guaranty with the party of the second part named in the above contract, to which this guarantee is attached and of which it becomes a part: If after three months and within one year from the completion of the planting work prescribed by said con- tract, written notice from said party of the second part or his legal representatives shall be received at the principal business office of said Company, to the effect that less than 75% of the trees planted under said con- tract are then alive, then said FRANKLIN FOR- ESTRY COMPANY shall, at its own expense, make an examination of such planting or plantings, and if, in its judgment, the condition so reported exists, the Com- pany shall, within a period of 18 months from the completion of the said planting, plant a sufficient number of trees (of the same variety and age as the original planting, if possible) to bring the total number of living trees up to at least 75% of the original setting; this work to be done at no expense whatever to the party of the second part. It is hereby expressly understood and agreed that this guaranty shall not apply in case of loss due to fire; nor in case of loss due to convulsions of nature such as land- slips, floods, cyclones, or hail storms; nor in case of loss due to any appearance, development, or increase of in- sect enemies or fungous diseases, except when such in- sects or fungi were plainly present on the stock when it was originally planted; nor shall it apply in case of loss or damage caused by third parties, whether man or beast, nor in case of loss or damage due to the acts or omissions of the party of the second part, his agent or agents. But that it shall apply only in case of losses caused by unfavorable and extreme climatic conditions, such as heat, cold, drought, or early or late frosts. The Company further guarantees that no weak or inferior stock shall be used in any planting, and that the trees at the time of setting shall be free from injurious insects or diseases. All stock set by the Company bears the certificate of the State Nursery Inspector. FRANKLIN FORESTRY COMPANY by 2 CONTRACT FOREST PLANTING With One or Three- Year Guarantee (See Page 1 ) This work has been for many years and still is our specialty. 25% Discount If we write a contract for a period of 3 years, it carries this liberal discount, explained on pages 4 and 3. Time to Plant Forest planting may be done at any time when there is no frost in the ground with the exception of the summer months, when the new growth is too tender to bear shipment. Prices Detailed prices are given on the center pages, covering the most commonly used sizes — viz., 3 and 4 years old — and various species and areas. PLANTING OTHER STOCK No Guarantee We will plant stock obtained from sources other than our own nurseries if desired, and every year we do a considerable amount of such planting. Prices Our regular schedule of prices for this work will be given on application. 3 ORNAMENTAL PLANTING Guarantee Optional We are also prepared to do a certain amount of ornamental planting, both for mass and specialty effects, using our own trees and equip- ment. Prices Conditions vary so greatly that flat prices cannot be made but quotations will be gladly furnished on application. NURSERY STOCK We can of course furnish stock to those who wish to do their own planting, whether forest or ornamental and as this stock is of our own rais- ing we feel able to recommend it. Nurseries To our well established nurseries in the towns of Colrain and Sudbury, we have added another in Plymouth, as often we are able to save time and expense through ability to ship from a nearby point. The chief advantage however is in being able to ship both earlier and later in the season. Prices Prices for various sizes and kinds of stock are given on pages 6 and 7. I' 4 J 5 CONTRACT PLANTING PRICES 1927 (The prices given on these pages include both stock and planting) Land will be set with the following-named species at the rate of approximately 1 000 plants to the acre, spaced about 6J/2 feet apart each way. Other spacings at increased rates. No parcel less than five acres in area accepted at these prices. Trees will be set by the thousand unless it is specifically desired to set by the acre, in which case accurate estimate of area must be furnished; if not furnished, land will be surveyed by us at a nominal charge. If set by the thousand, survey is not necessary. To owners willing to make contracts covering a period of three years, we will allow a DIS- COUNT of 25% from these prices, because of the advantage to us of being able to plan our nursery stock requirements ahead. The total amount of stock planted under such contracts must be at least 30.000 trees; and the question of whether a given year’s planting is to be done in spring or fall must be left at our option, with due regard for the owner’s preference. 3-year White Pine, Scotch Pine, Austrian Pine or Norway Spruce Transplants Guaranteed for One Year Guaranteed for Three Years 5 to 25 acres $28.00 per thousand 5 to 25 acres $33.00 per thousand 25 to 100 “ 27.00 “ “ 25 to 100 ” 32.00 “ 100 acres and upward. 26.00 “ “ 100 acres and upward. 31.00 “ “ 3-year Red Pine transplants $5.00 additional. 2-year seedlings of the above species without guarantee, $20.00, $19.00, and $18.00 per thousand 4-year White Pine, Scotch Pine, Austrian Pine or Norway Spruce Transplants Guaranteed for One Year Guaranteed for Three Years 5 to 25 acres $38.00 per thousand 5 to 25 acres $43.00 per thousand 25 to 100 “ 37.00 “ “ 25 to 100 “ 42.00 “ 100 acres and upward 36.00 “ " !|00 acres and upward. — 41.00 4-year Red Pine transplants $7.00 additional. Special plantings made for growing Christmas trees. Ask for particulars. Older trees of all the above species and others furnished and planted at varying prices from 1 0c. each up, according to size and quantity, with or without guarantee. Such trees are useful for ornamental purposes, wind-breaks, screens, etc. The above prices supersede all previous lists and apply in the New England States only. Special prices are made for work outside New England. 6 Nursery Stock Prices 1927 Conifers Whits Pina (Pinus strobus) 100 1,000 10,000 2-year seedlings ( 2 to 4 in.) $1.00 $5.00 $45.00 3 -year seedlings ( 3 to 6 in.) 1.50 8.00 75.00 3 -year transplants ( 3 to 6 in.) 3.00 15.00 140.00 4-year transplants ( 4 to 8 in.) 4.00 20.00 180.00 Transplants* ( 8 to 12 in.) 15c. each Transplants (12 to 18 in.) 50c. each Transplants (18 to 24 in.) 75c. each Transplants ( 2 to 3 ft.) 1.00 each Transplants ( 3 to 4 ft) 1 .50 each Transplants ( 4 to 5 ft.) 2.00 each Red Pine (Pinus resinosa) 2-year seedlings ( 2 to 4 in.) 1.60 12.00 3 -year transplants ( 3 to 4 in.) 5.00 30.00 4-year transplants ( 6 to 12 in.) 6.00 40.00 Transplants (12 to 16 in.) 8.00 80.00 Transplants ( 4 to 5 ft.) 2.00 each Scotch Pine [Pinus sylvestris) 2-year seedlings ( 2 to 4 in.) 1.00 5.00 45.00 3 -year seedlings ( 4 to 8 in.) 1.50 9.00 85.00 4-year seedlings ( 8 to 12 in.) 1.60 12.00 115.00 3-year transplants ( 3 to 6 in.) 4.00 20.00 180.00 4-year transplants ( 6 to 12 in.) 5.00 30.00 270.00 Transplants ( 8 to 12 in.) 15c. each Transplants (12 to 18 in.) 50c. each Transplants ( ! 8 to 24 in.) 75c. each Transplants ( 2 to 3 ft.) 1 .00 each Transplants ( 3 to 4 ft.) 1.50 each Austrian Pine (Pinus austriaca) 4-year transplants ( 3 to 7 in.) 4.00 40.00350.00 Mugho Pine (Pinus mugb LUS) Transplants ( 6 to 9 in.) 25.00 200.00 Japanese Black Pine (Pinus tbunbergii) Transplants (10 to 24 in.) 15.00 100.00 Jack Pine (Pinus banksiana) Transplants ( 4 to 6 ft.) 3.00 each Norway Spruce (Picea excelsa) 2-year seedlings ( 2 to 4 in.) 1.00 5.00 45 00 3-year seedlings ( 3 to 7 in.) 1.25 7.00 65.00 4-year transplants ( 3 to 8 in.) 5.00 30.00 270.00 Transplants ( 4 to 8 in.) 10c. each Transplants ( 8 to 12 in.) 25c. each Transplants (12 to 18 in.) 50c. each Transplants (18 to 24 in.) Balsam Fir (Abies balsamea) 3 -year transplants ( 3 to 5 in.) 5.00 30.00 4-year transplants ( 4 to 7 in.) 8.00 40.00 Transplants ( 6 to 10 in.) - 25 c. each Transplants (12 to 18 in.) 50c. each Transplants (18 to 24 in.) Transplants ( 2 to 3 ft.) * Several times transplanted. 7 Nursery Stock Prices 1927 Conifers 100 1,000 10,000 Douglas Fir (Pseudotsuga taxi folia) Transplants ( 8 to 12 in.) $47.50 $400.00 Hemlock fTsuga canadensis) Transplants ( 2 to 4 in.) 5c. each Transplants ( 4 to 8 in.) 15c. each Transplants (12 to 18 in.) 50c. each Transplants ( 2 to 3 ft.) - 3.50 each Arborvitae (Thuya occidentalis) Transplants ( 3 to 5 in.) 5.00 30.00 Transplants ( 4 to 8 in.) 15c. each Transplants ( 8 to 12 in.) 25c. each Transplants (12 to 18 in.) 50c. each Chinese Arborvitae ( Thuya orientalis) Transplants ( 4 to 8 in.) — 15c. each European Larch (Larix europea) 3-year seedlings ( 3 to 8 in.) 1.00 5.00 45.00 Transplants ( 2 to 4 ft.) 1.50 each Japanese Larch (Larix leptolepsis) Transplants ( 4 to 5 ft.) 1.50 each Transplants ( 5 to 6 ft.) 2.00 each SPECIAL STOCK FOR SALE SPRING 1927 150,000 4-year White Pine seedlings 4-8 in. @ $10.00 per M 30.000 4-year Scotch Pine seedlings 6-12 in. @ $12.00 per M 40.000 4-year Scotch Pine seedlings 12-24 in. @ $15.00 per M 50.000 4-year European Larch seedlings 4-8 in. @ $8.00 per M 30.000 4-year Norway Spruce seedlings 4-8 in. @ $12.00 per M 10.000 5-year Mugho Pine transplants 6-9 in. @ $200.00 per M 500 White Pine ( 5 to 6 ft.) _ $3.00 each 500 White Pine ( 6 to 8 ft.) 5.00 each 100 White Pine ( 8 to 10 ft.) 7.00 each 50 White Pine (15 to 18 ft.) 20.00 each 1,000 Scotch Pine ( 4 to 5 ft.) 2.00 each 50 Scotch Pine (10 to 12 ft.) 9.00 each 100 Scotch Pine (12 to 15 ft.) 15.00 each 50 Red Pine ( 4 to 5 ft.) 4.00 each 800 Red Pine ( 6 to 9 ft.) 5.00 each 100 Bull Pine (lf4 to2 ft.) 2.00 each 500 Jap. Larch ( 6 to 9 ft.) 5.00 each 500 Am. Arborvitae ( 3 to 5 ft.) 4.00 each We have larger sizes and various species other than those listed which we will gladly quote on application. Reduction on orders for 100 and up, in the larger sizes. Note conditions on inside back cover. In the case of all sizes larger than two feet we reserve the right to decline any order for a quantity too small to make shipment profitable. It is advisable with sizes three feet and up to take the roots up with a ball of earth and tie with burlap. For this a charge of 15c. per tree will be made. (Ball and Burlap free in carload lots of larger sizes) 8 WOODS WORK Under this head we handle the following kinds of work: Estimating, Surveying and Mapping We make timber estimates with the degree of accuracy wanted, depending chiefly on the qual- ity of timber and the time the owner wishes to spend. When desired the area will be surveyed and mapped and the whole combined to form an accurate working plan for the owner’s guidance in operating. Forest Thinning and Brush Cutting Cordwood Cutting The importance of thinning and firelines as a means of improving and protecting forest growth continues to be more and more recognized. Be- sides the resulting benefit to the stand a profit can often be realized from the cordwood which in many cases is obtained from the operation. We are also prepared to trim out the brush in young plantations. This is done either by par- tial or complete lopping around planted trees that are being interfered with, and the cost in many cases is only a few dollars per acre. Our charge for all woods work of this sort varies with conditions and will be given on ap- plication. Weevil Removal The insect known as the White Pine Weevil, while seldom fatal to the tree, sometimes causes injury to young plantations by destroying some of the leading shoots. It is best controlled by cutting and burning the infested tips in late spring or early summer. Basis of charge similar to preceding para- graph. Prices on nursery stock given on pages 6 and 7 are net, F. O. B. cars, nurseries, and are subject to no discounts, whatso- ever. Packing is included in the case of 2, 3 and 4-year old stock; added at cost in other cases. All stock is listed subject to previous sale. While we do not guarantee our stock when not planted by us, we use every effort to satisfy and please our customers, and if notified within 5 days of any un- satisfactory shipment received from our nurseries we will either make it right or take the stock back. Nurseries: Colrain, Sudbury and Plymouth, Massachusetts Boston Office : 89 State Street Telephone: Main 2800 Russell S. Langdell, Pres. Walter L. Dane, Vice-Pres. Harry F. Gould, Treasurer