Historic, Archive Document

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relations service

vr-R'-.'Exr S'


-IMted States Department of Agriculture,


1 f /

f ' -2 Forage Crop Investigations*- CA<^





PARA GRASS (Panicum barbinode) .

Para grass is a native of South America and is grown somewhat commonly in Florida, to a rapidly increasing extent in southern Texas, and occasionally throughout the Gulf coast region. It is a perennial which makes its best growth on damp soils, though it has been fairly successful on Texas ranches on heavy soils without irrigation where irrigation is needed for most other crops. It is not injured by prolonged overflows and makes a vigorous growth where the land is under water several weeks. It is especially valuable for planting on ditch banks, on the margins of ponds, and on soils too wet and seepy for the cultiva- tion of other crops. It is used for both hay and pasture. Para grass will not withstand a lower temperature than about 18° F. It is therefore adapted only to the extreme southern portion of the country and, perhaps, to California.- It has succeeded as far north as Charleston, S. C.

Planting.— Para grass is usually propagated by planting pieces of the running s»ms, which often make a growth of 20 to 30 feet in a season. Pieces of the stem Jr om 6 to 12 inches long and having three or four joints grow rapidly when simply fished down into freshly plowed ground, so propagation is neither diffi- cult nor erxiensive. The first growth from the cuttings is in long prostrate run- ners, but assoon as the ground becomes fairly well covered the plant becomes more erect, son reaching a height of 3 to 4 feet, so the closer the cuttings are planted the sooisj a crop will be secured. When cuttings are scarce and a more abundant supply is v anted for the following season, or when the field is to be used for grazing only, he cuttings may be planted 16 feet apart in each direc- tion, as they will then cever the ground in the course of the summer and afford considerable good grazing though the amount which can be mowed for hay will be small. When cuttings are abundant and the crop is wanted for hay they should be planted more closely, so that the ground may become covered and the erect growth secured mt»re quickly. If planted only 1 or 2 feet apart in each direction, early in the spring, two or three good cuttings for hay may be made the first season. Cuttings may be planted at any time from early spring until as late as September, though late plantings will make little growth until the following season.

Uses.— If wanted for hay, Para grass should be cut when it reaches 3 to 4 feet in height. From three to five cuttings may be made in a season; and as from 1 *o 9 ^us of hay are secu refit at each cutting, the total yield is heavy. Many and Florida growers import having made as much as 12 tons of hay per .n a season, and a few report much heavier yields. The hay is rather e, butjs d)f excellent quality if cut as soon as it has made a sufficient nd before the stems become hard and woody. When the grass is 'Stand too long before cutting the stems become coarse and unpala- used for pasture the grass stands trampling well and is relished by Vock.

\greatly increased by annual plowings and diskings. Some grow- \>w in November or December, as plowing at that time is sure to ^e stems, so that they will be well protected in case of a dtivators, living below the frost line, prefer to plow in July, nmer cutting of hay, but loosening the soil, so as to secure Aber cuttings and abundant winter grazing. An annual Vficial, but the season when it can be done to best advan- of the probable winter temperature. While this grass diich root at every point, the runners are wholly nd, and so can be destroyed without great trouble Yig late in the fall. In tropical regions of constant 'ss is difficult to control, but is very easily man- Aional frosts occur, or where irrigation is prac- \some in any part of the United States except, Sart of Florida.

\ied under irrigation in Arizona and Califor- nia! grasses known that will yield as heavily

S. M. Tracy, Special Agent.