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His Majesty

Award of Merit, R. H. S. '28.

First Class Certificate Haarlem, '27.


Earlham Large- flowered Hybrid Montbretia* s

These are the magnificent New Montbretias which have attracted so much attention the last year or two at the Royal Horticultural Society's Shows in late summer and during autumn and gained the Gold Medal. They are a completely new race of flowers and result from hybridisation which has been most successfully carried out by Mr. Sydney Morris of Earlham Hall, Norwich , and represent an enormous advance on the ordinary Montbretia' s in commerce, being generally much taller and more robust in growth , and having flowers of great size and beauty, some of them measuring 3 to 4 or more inches in diameter. They make first-class border plants and are of great decorative value for cutting.

The prices quoted below are for strong corms for autumn delivery.


Per 100

Goldfinch, having a branching head of flowers of good size, bright yellow with small maroon blotches at centre, outer petals heavily shaded brilliant cherry-scarlet, very decorative . . . $ 8.

His Majesty, a glorious variety, flowers measuring 4 inches or more across, very broad-petalled, deep velvety scarlet shading down to gold, reserve of petals dark crimson shading down to gold, ht. 4 1/2 ft. the largest- flowered of all Montbretias. First Class Certificate, R. H. S. and Glasgow . . $ 10.

James CoeiJ, flowers very large and open, of per¬ fect form, with smooth broad petals, rich deep vermillion-scarlet with golden-orange lustre, centre yellow with crimson blotches, very handsome, ht. 31/i ft.. Award of Merit Haarlem and R. H. S.


Per 100

JoQU of AtC , flowers very large, broad-petalled and smooth, glowing deep golden colour, with slight crimson markings in centre, reverse of petals flushed orange, ht. 3 ft. Award of Merit, R. H. S . $ 24.—

Lemon Qlieen, creamy yellow, pale centre and deep orange buds, a very attractive flower and of great decorative value . $ 5.

Marjorie, large open flowers, orange-yellow, with crimson centre, a beautiful flower, perfectly flat when fully open, ht. 3 ft. . . . $ 5.


Nimbus, one of the most distinct in its class.

Flowers golden with a distinct crimson ring round the base. Award of Merit,

R. H. S . $ 8.—


Per 100

PoCQh.Ont.QS, rich coppery scarlet, with golden lustre.

Centre orange with small blood-crimson blotches ; flowers large and handsome,

ht. 3 ft . $8.-


Princess, brilliant ruby-scarlet, flowers of fair size, centre yellow with small crimson blotches, very effective, ht. ll/2 ft . $ 6.

PrinceSS Mnry, a very beautiful shaped flower, pale yellow petals with red tips, and three of the petals bright crimson on reserve side $ 12.—

Qlieen Adelnidn, deep orange shaded with red on outer side of the petals, strong grower, flowers 4 inches in diameter. Award of Merit, R. H. S . ... $ 12.—

Queen Alexundru, a choice variety with erect habit of growth, chrome-yellow with carmine blotch at base of petals, late-flowering, ht. 4 ft., Award of Merit, R. H. S. and Haarlem *26 . $ 8.


Per 100

Queen Charlotte, of free branching habit, flowers orange-scarlet, centre shading to primrose with ruby markings, ht.

21/* ft . $8.—

Queen Charlotte

Queen Elisubeth, a brilliant shade of coppery red, paler in centre, large flower with broad round petals ..... $ 30.

Queen Mary,

flowers of fine form with broad rounded smooth petals, rich apricot- orange, with crimson markings, branching habit, ht. 3 ft. Award of Merit, R. H. S . $ 30.—


Per 100

Queen of Spain, flowers of large size, brilliant deep golden-orange, reverse of petals goldenapricot with small crimson and purple calyx colour very brilliant and effective, ht. 2T/2 to 3 ft.

Award of Merit R. H. S. and Haarlem . $ 8.

Queen of Spain

Sunshine, a distinct shade of cherry-scarlet

merging to gold. Good habit of growth, ht. about 2]/2 feet . . $ 32.

Una, flowers rich apricot with carmine

blotch, a well-shaped flower of good substance, ht. 2Y2 ft. Award of

Merit, R. H. S . $ 8.

NeW Hybrids, from which some charming varieties

may be selected . $ 4.


Cultural Notes.

Montbretias are easily cultivated, and should be planted out in late autumn or early spring in well trenched land. They do best in a light loamy soil, which must be enriched with leafmould, but no strong manure should be used. A little lime may be beneficial. After this they require hardly any attention except watering, when the weather is very dry. When the plants are established a small quantity of artificial manure such as bonemeal may be given. The ground should be kept well hoed between the plants. They should not be treated as quite hardy and after flowering the bulbs should be lifted and stored in sand in some place free from frost, ready to replant in spring.



Printed by DE BUSSY, Amsterdam