Historic, Archive Document

Do not assume content reflects current scientific knowledge, policies, or practices.




Order Now

and Save 5%

A last minute cable from Holland offers us an extra 5% discount on all orders placed before July 15th* We are passing this saving on to you. Mail your or* der before the 15th of July* Early Autumn is planting time, we make no deliver¬ ies until the bulbs should go into the ground* We do not require payment until delivery time. See last page it tells how to order.


May 15


for the Qreenhouse Qarden and Rock Qarden



The Wayside Gardens Co.

Mentor, Ohio

Of Considerable Importance to You

DURING the past few years the love for gardening in America has grown by leaps and bounds. American gardeners, instead of being satisfied with the standard kinds of bulbs offered, are also asking for recently introduced va¬ rieties of which only a limited amount of bulbs are available. We, therefore, ask you kindly to assist us in our ef¬ forts to serve and give the best by ordering these rarer favorites not later than July 15th. Orders received on or before that date are in ample time to be sent to Holland.

All varieties of bulbs and plants offered in this catalog indicated by a star (*), are carried in stock and are available throughout the entire season in the finest quality. It is the lesser known or more expensive sorts we urge you to order at once, if possible, and not later than July 15th.

See inside of back cover, telling you how to order.

Wayside Gardens Plant Food

A New Plant Food Which Does Not Burn

To be Used When Planting Bulbs This Fall

THIS new Plant Food has been made from slowly disintegrating organic materials, giving the same results that are obtained from rotted manure. It has been developed by ourselves to fill that great need felt by so many gardeners for whom it is practically im¬ possible to obtain or handle rotted manure. Wayside Gardens Plant Food may be used in the most “reckless” manner without any danger of “burning.” It may come in contact with bulbs or the foliage of plants without doing damage. It should be applied at the rate of 50 pounds for 500 square feet, when planting bulbs or plants, mixing it with the soil is advisable. If this is not possible, it may be used as a top dressing. It lasts for more than a year. It does not contain any filler (is all pure plant food). Because of these unusually fine points, this new product received a warm welcome from many experienced gardeners and superintendents of large es¬ tates, who know what they want and because of the heavy demands, we are able to reduce our price from $125.00 to $90.00 per ton.

1000 pounds for . $48.00

500 pounds for . 25.00

100 pounds for . 7.00

50 pounds for . 4.00

Page Three



Each 12 100

Bulbs Bulbs

*Hippeastnun, Giant Hybrids. There is nothing that will give the amateur greater pleasure for the window garden than these giant-flowering Amaryllis that are so easily managed.

The strain we offer is the finest that has ever been produced in this country, strong bulbs throwing vigorous stems with from four to six gigantic blooms of the most perfect form, ranging in color from pure white grounds with varied markings of rose, red and crimson to the richest self colors as scarlet, crimson, bright red, cherry, and almost maroon. We can supply them in mixture only. Delivery from November until April. Large,

strong bulbs . $0.75 $8.00 $60.00


(Half-Hardy Must Have Protection)

These popular flowers of French origin are exceedingly useful as a decorative plant for house or garden, and fine for cutting. If planted outdoors in the Fall they must be well protected with leaves or other litter; they may also be planted in the Spring in well drained soil, and will flower during the summer, starting in May.

12 100 Bulbs Bulbs

*St. Brigid. We offer a selection of these very popular Anemone, so fre¬ quently seen in the florist’s shops in the early springtime. The flowers are unusually large, semi-double, with finely divided petals. There is a wide range of rich and brilliant colors in this magnificent strain . ..$1.35 $10.00

*De Caen. The plants are taller in growth than the St. Brigid and more

single. They contain many fine shades of blue, white and scarlet . . . 1.00 7.50

Anemone De Caen and St. Brigid.

Page Four


Amaryllis Hippeastrum ( Giant Hybrid).

Page Five



(Hardy-Give Light Protection)

These plants have a small bulb, producing grassy leaves near the ground, and very slender, but stiff, naked stems bearing a head of waxy flowers of great lasting quality. All are pretty. Their culture is the same as for Narcissi, and just as easy as for that flower. They are easily naturalized in almost any soil. Plant them about 3 inches deep, and leave them alone. They are especially happy under oak and deciduous trees, in crevices in rocks, or in rough, gritty soils.

12 100 Bulbs Bulbs

♦Capitata. There are several species of Brodiaea called California Hya¬ cinths, and a good one is Capitata. The stem is slender, capped with a head of violet-blue flowers. They revel in hot, dry places among

rocks or in grit, and flower very early . $0.65 $4.50

*Crocea. Has light yellow flowers in umbels . 1.20 9.00

♦Grandiflora. Has a few large, glossy purple flowers of much beauty and great lasting qualities. The bulbs can be naturalized in any clay

soil, especially if moist . 65 4.50

♦Hendersoni. Bears many flowers in an umbel. The ground color is

light with a deep purple band down the center of each petal . 1.00 8.00

♦Ixioides. Called “Golden Star,’ has an umbel like Hendersoni, but with

flowers of a fine golden yellow on stems 6 to 8 inches high . 1.20 9.00

♦Lactea. Has a close umbel of milky white flowers . 65 4.50

♦Laxa. Is known as Blue Milla, and has a many-flowered umbel of fine

blue flowers. It is one of the best for naturalizing . 80 6.00

♦Mixed Varieties. This mixture contains all the sorts listed in this

collection and is good for naturalizing . 70 5.25


(Tender Indoors Only)

These like a stiff, clayey soil. Bulbs should be set with the crown, or top, pro¬ truding just above the surface. When in growing condition, warm water given several times during the week will hasten the flowering period and increase the number of blooms. Plant but one in a pot. We call especial attention to the Yellow Calla, which is one of the grandest varieties in cultivation, and most valuable for house or conservatory decoration. See the description below. Plant Callas indoors in the Fall of the year; outdoors in April.

Each 12 100

Bulbs Bulbs

♦Yellow Calla Lily, Elliottiana. A grand novelty one that should be planted extensively. The deep golden yellow flowers are truly magnificent and produced in abundance. The green foli¬ age is spotted white, which adds to its beauty . $0.40 $4.25 $35.00




Until one has seen a good collection of these plants, he has no idea how much Nature can do in the variation of one flower. All Mariposas are forms of Calo¬ chortus, yet there are several strains, all with the slender grace of stem belonging to the species. Cup-shaped flowers, one to many on a stem, wonderfully marked with eyes and dots and pencilings in rich colors, are characteristics. Yet each strain carries out the plan on a color scheme of its own, and then can be compared only with the orchids in wonderful variability of beauty. “Mariposa” is simply the Spanish word for butterfly, and is applied to these Tulips because the eyes and markings of the flowers are so much like those on a butterfly’s wings. The bulbs are small and should be planted about 2 y2 inches deep and covered during Winter.

12 100 Bulbs Bulbs

♦Finest Mixed Colors . . . . . $0.70 $5.00

No other varieties except those preceded by a star (•) are carried instock in the Autumn.

Page Six

Page Seven

Calocliortus, Mixed Varieties.




There are few bulbous plants that meet climatic or soil conditions better or give a more attractive bloom. They are hardy without protection, and thrive either under ordinary garden conditions or when naturalized in open, moist woods or in not too dense a grassy growth. The flower stems are 4 feet high with as many as a hundred star-shaped flowers measuring iy2 inches across and flowering in long succession. September delivery.

12 100 Bulbs Bulbs

*Esculenta, Very showy in mass plantings. Forms flower spikes up to 2 feet high, bearing a cluster of star-shaped flowers of a very fine, rich purple. Plant 4 inches deep. Extra heavy bulbs . . . $0.75 $6.00

*Xielchtlini. Same as above but stronger grower, flowers are larger and

come in hues of a deep blue and creamy white. Extra heavy bulbs . . 1.25 10.00





*Iiucillae (Glory of the Snow). A mass planting forms one of the most sumptuous displays of floral beauty, a mass of blue and white, intense and brilliant. They bloom at the time of the Crocuses, producing dwarf flower spikes, bearing from 12 to 15 flowers of a sky-blue with a pure white heart, creating a lovely effect. They should be planted in the Fall, 3 inches deep, about 18 bulbs to a square foot, in a sunny location or in half shade and in places where they can remain undisturbed for a number of years. The flowers will cross with one another and will seed themselves, forming natural colonies . $18.00 per 1000.. $0.45




*Sardensis, This is the earlier of the two varieties to come into bloom, and the first real blue flower of another year. This is a rich, blue self-color. The remarks made for the variety Luciliae apply to Sardensis . $21.00 per 1000.. .50 2.50

Colchicum - Meadow Saffron


A group of Autumn-flowering bulbs with large, crocus-like blossoms appearing after the foliage has died down. They are strongly recommended for planting in grass, where their bold, delightfully chequered flowers are seen to the best advantage, and producing a succession of beautiful crocus-like flowers, literally carpeting the ground. Among the most beautiful of woodland flowers and are equally at home in lawn or rock garden, where they keep up a succession of flowers from September till November; i. e., at a season when outdoor flowers are scarce.

*Autumnale. Commonly called flowering; of easy culture ...

Autumnale album.

Autumnale major.

the Autumn Crocus; very free Pure white, increasing fast, making good

Bornmulleri. Fine cup-shaped, long-tubed flowers coloring; one of the finest species; early flowering

Speciosum. Deep rose-purple; very large, stout and Speciosum album. White; very large .






, $0.40




. .45




. .45



f .50



, .45



. 1.50


No other varieties except those preceded by a star (•) are carried in stock in the Autumn.

Page Eight


Crocus Vermis


There are many things for which you may envy a man and among the greatest of them is the joy he experienced the first Spring after he has made his first planting of Crocus. The finding of those Crocus in bloom is one of the genuine delights of life. Though we may eventually plant them by the thousands, or may have been so long at gardening that little surprises us, yet that first Crocus is a great event. And we suggest that in every garden, no matter how large or how small, there be some definite Crocus corner which we can watch during those early days of March.

*Baron von Brunow. Large bluish mauve . $0.4

Julia Culp. Large purple-blue; late. Beautiful . 6

Kathleen Farlow. Pure white; large flower; fine substance

*King of the Whites. Large, white .

Madame Melba. Pale mauve, darker stripes .

^Maximilian. Very large, pure porcelain blue .

*Mont Blanc. Pure white . 4

^Purpurea grandiflora. Very large; purple-blue .

♦Mammoth Yellow .

*Sir Walter Scott. White, striped lilac .

*Named Varieties Mixed. The above in mixture .


Bulbs . $0.45









. .70



. .60



. .60







. .60



. .60



. .45



. .40



Page Nine




Besides the Dutch Crocuses there are certain species that bloom very much earlier in the year, often before the snow has gone. The flowers of these wild sorts are smaller than those of the Dutch kinds, but they are as vigorous and free as the others. Given a sunny position in the rock garden, or a sheltered position in grass where the sun may encourage them freely, they will surprise you by their hardy appearance in the face of cold and storms.

Crocus Imperati, pale lilac with a buff jacket, often flowers in late February, and is closely followed by Crocus Siberi, a fuller, purer mauve sort; it has as a com¬ panion the deep rich yellow Crocus Susianus, which is even more attractive in the bud stage with its dark, rich, brown flowers on the exterior of the segments. Once planted they will take care of themselves for many years. Then comes Crocus Tommasinianus, an exquisite vaselike form, in color varying from a pale mauve to quite a rich purple. This variation is one of its great attractions. These all increase as freely as do the Dutch varieties.


For Rock Garden or Hardy Border 12 100 1000

Bulbs Bulbs Bulbs

Iridiflorus (Syn. Byzantinus). A native of Hungary, Western Transylvania, and the Banat; large purple outer segments, inner segments pale lilac, much branched; lilac anthers, very distinct and handsome . $2.80 $21.00

Longiflorus melitensis. Soft lilac feathered deeper yellow at

base; anthers yellow; stigmata orange-red. Violet scented . . . 4.00 33.00

Medius. A fine species from the neighborhood of Mentone and Spezzia; flowers lovely rich violet, with handsome purple vein- ing at base; stigmata rich glowing orange-red; one of the

handsomest of the Autumn-flowering species . 3.65 30.00

Korolkowi. A lovely yellow species . 80 6.00 57.50

Nudiflorus. Flowers rich clear purple, a native of the Asturia Mountains, the Pyrenees, Landes and Cervennes, etc., and at

one time naturalized in the Midland counties of England . 1.75 12.00

Ochroleucus. Creamy white, clear orange base; a native of

Lebanon . 2.20 15.00

Fulchellus. Lavender-blue with white anthers and orange spotted throat; a lovely species found growing in the healthy thickets

bordering the Bosphorus . 2.95 22.50

Salzmanni. A native of Tangier; lilac, dark feathered, delight¬ ing in a moist soil . 1.75 12.00

*Sativus (The Saffron Crocus). Habitat Italy to Kurdistan; large flowers, purplish lilac, feathered violet, with showy orange

stigmata, slightly scented. Flowering freely when established. .50 3.00 27.00

*Speciosus. Bright violet-blue, prettily veined, having orange- red anthers, and light yellow throat, large, handsome and showy; one of the best for naturalizing in grass and massing

in borders or in rock work . 50 3.00 27.00

Speciosus Artabir. A beautiful variety with large, pale blue

flowers with dark veinings . 1.00 8.00 72.00

*Zonatus. Rose-lilac, yellow center and orange zone; ethereal in

lovely coloring . 50 3.00 27.00


For Rock Garden or Hardy Border

*Biflorus (Scotch Crocus). White with lilac stripes . 90 7.00 68.00

*Imperati. Fine shade of mauve; exterior of the three outside

segments a rich fawn . 80 6.00 50.00

*Sieberi. A gem; lavender flowers with bright orange stigmata. . .60 4.00 36.00

*Susianus. Most attractive, deep, rich yellow with dark, rich

brown flames on exterior of segments . 50 3.00 27.00

^Tommasinianus. Flower varies from a pale mauve to a rich

purple . 50 3.00 25.00

*Versicolor. Strong grower; flowers are white, striped purple ... .60 4.00 36.00

No other varieties except those preceded by a star (*) are carried in stock in the Autumn.

Page Ten

Page Eleven

Crocus Tommasinianus. Crocus Susianus. Crocus Sicberi.


Eremurus - Foxtail Lily ; Giant Asphodels

These astonishing plants are just beginning to find their way into American gardens. They come from India, Persia and Central Africa, and are among the noblest of bulbous plants. A well grown clump of Eremuri may justly be regarded as an achievement to be proud of. The great flower stalk, eight feet tall and more, rises from a crowded tuft of long, narrow leaves, and is covered by a flower spike two or three feet long, composed of closely set, bell-shaped flowers, in colors of rose, yellow, white and coppery pink. When flowering is over, the foliage disappears entirely, but reappears very early in the Spring, when it is advisable to protect the young flower spike from late frosts. To fill the great bare space left when the plant goes to rest, Asters may be planted near it. In Winter a mulch of straw over the crown is a safeguard. These plants enjoy a rich soil, and a well drained, sunny situation. Plant about 5 to 6 inches deep.


Elwesianus. A variety of Robustus; very vigorous, enormous spikes thickly set with pink flowers . $4.00

Elwesianus albus. Pure white flowers on superb spikes . 5.00

Himalaicus. A noble plant, spikes up to eight feet high, one-third covered with fine white flowers; a clump of this in flower is a sight which once seen is not soon forgotten . 3.00

Himrod. A stately hybrid between Himalaicus and Robustus, differing from Robustus only in its paler silvery rose coloring; a splendid plant . 4.00

*Robustus. Tall, strong, rosy pink flowers; one of the finest; will grow to a height of 10 feet when fully established . 4.00

Erythronium - Dog's-tooth Violet


These are charming woodland plants, producing in early April, small, lily-like flowers of which the colors run in delicate tints of white, pink, cream, bright yellow and rose. They thrive in shaded corners or crevices of rock work. Their beauty is enhanced by their richly mottled leaves. They like a light, rather moist, but well drained soil. Plant the corms about three inches deep.

12 100 Bulbs Bulbs

* Calif ornicum. Cream colored, often with 4 or 5 flowers on the stem.

Leaves richly mottled. A large colony is a beautiful sight . $0.65 $4.50

*Citrinum. A native of Southwestern Oregon; is rather stouter in

habit than the last; flowers creamy at the outside, citron center . 65 4.50

*G-randiflorum robustum. A most distinct species, usually found in the mountains of the West. The leaves are not mottled, but a plain green.

The flowers are of the brightest buttercup yellow . 75


*Hendersoni. Like Californicum, but the flowers are a lovely light pur¬ ple, with the centers a deep maroon, almost black. Most striking . . .



*Hartwegi. Perhaps the most lovely of all Erythroniums. With the stout habit of this group, it has exquisite rose-pink flowers. From the coastal region of Oregon . 75


*Mix©d Colors. Splendid for naturalizing and for rock garden in light shade . $40.00 per 1000.. .60


No other varieties except those preceded by a star (*) are carried in stock in the Autumn,

Page Twelve


Erytlironium Dog’s-tooth Violet.

Page Thirteen



(Hardy Give Slight Protection)



*HyemaUs (Winter Aconite). These produce at about the same time that the Crocuses are in bloom, little yellow flowers like Buttercups about three inches above the ground, with settings of fine green, frilled collars which never seem to mind the worst of weather conditions. Will thrive under trees where few other plants can hold their own. They seed themselves freely and colonies from self-sown seed are soon formed. Plant firmly two inches deep in shade or half shade, about eighteen bulbs to a square foot . $20.00 per 1000.. $0.35




Eranthis Hyemalis.


The bulbs of Eranthis Hyemalis are black and no larger than the ordinary garden pea. Not a very inspiring bulb to look at, but bulbs just the same. If you will plant them as instructed and in close groups you will be well pleased with their very early golden yellow blossoms.

No other varieties except those preceded by a star (*) are carried in stock in the Autumn.

Page Fourteen



(Tender Indoors Only)

This is one of the most beautiful of all Cape bulbs, possessing a peculiar grace of form, and its fragrance is most delightful, one pot of a dozen bulbs being sufficient to perfume a whole house.

When planting Freesia bulbs in pots or pans, they may be spaced 2 inches apart and must be staked as they grow; if planted in benches they may be set 4 inches in rows 2 inches apart.

To produce the finest flowers they should be grown cool; a day temperature of 60 degrees and night temperature of 45 to 50 degrees is best; they like plenty of water at all times.



*Carrie Budau. Lavender-pink; large . $0.90

^General Pershing. Extra good; large open flowers of a pinkish lavender

with yellow lip, suf¬ fused bronze, pro¬ duced on stems of¬ ten 3 feet tall, with several side later¬ als; strong grower; liberal producer. Se¬ lected bulbs .

*June Michelsen.

Large, deep rose- pi n k , yellow

blotch .

*Mendota. Extra fine, bright gold¬ en yellow, pro¬ duced liberally on tall, stiff stems. A splendid cut flower; very ear¬ ly; best yellow .

* Purity. A magnifi¬ cent, snowy white; of very large size and great length of stem. A truss bear¬ ing from 8 to 10 buds, of which six are often open at one time. Mammoth bulbs .

Mixed Freesias.

*Splendens. Very good violet shade; good grower with large flowers; highly rec¬ ommended to grow

in quantity .

*Mixed colors. A love¬ ly mixture made up out of many varie¬ ties with all the shades of the rain¬ bow .















No other varieties except those preceded by a star (*) are carried in stock in the Autumn.

Page Fifteen


Fritiilaria - M ission Bells


Fritillarias are bulbous plants of the woodlands. The stems are leafy and most graceful, with many pendent, bell-like flowers. One species found in Southern Cal¬ ifornia is called “Mission Bells,” while in other places local species are called Brown or Chocolate Lilies.

In the West there are two types: The true Mission Bells do better in a clay soil in full sun. The woodland Fritillarias like woodland soils and conditions, and in cultivation some shade and a free soil. They have proved hardy as far north as Wisconsin. This is hardly a matter for surprise, as F. lanceolata is a southern form of F. kamtschatcensis which is found in Alaska and crosses into Siberia.

12 100 1000 Bulbs Bulbs Bulbs

^Lanceolata. Grows from 1 V2 to 3 feet high, with few to many

flowers. They are green and brown, mottled prettily . $1.20 $9.00

Meleagris (Guinea Hen Flower or Checkered Lily). These pro¬ duce in early April dwarf, pendent, bell-shaped flowers in vari¬ ous shades of color, curiously checkered, striped and splashed.

They are very effective in colonies, requiring a somewhat dry situation. Invaluable for mass planting in the meadows and

for naturalizing . 60 4.00 35.00

Meleagris alba. This is the pure white form of this interesting

type. Plant four inches deep . 80 6.00 55.00

*Recurva. Is as beautiful, and much resembles a Lily. In size

and habit like F. lanceolata with orange-scarlet flowers . 1.75 12.00

*Pudica. Of still a different habit. A low plant with a single clear bright yellow bell. It is from the arid regions of the

Fritiilaria Meleagris.

No other varieties except those preceded by a star (*) are carried in stock in the Autumn.

Page Sixteen


Fritillaria - Crown Imperial


One of the most characteristic plants of old-fashioned gardens. It is the most robust of all the species. The flowers are borne in umbels on stout stems, 3 to 4

feet high. Each 12 100

*Imperialis. Orange-red. (Order at once, please!) . $0.45 $4.00 $32.50

Owing to scarcity of bulbs, it is suggested that orders be placed at once.

Page Seventeen


Galanthus Nivalis.

Galanthus - Snowdrops


These are particularly effective under hedges, under cedar trees and in thin wood¬ land. Thy are the first to open in the Spring and are very lovely. They dislike being moved and should be left alone to naturalize themselves. Plant two inches deep; mulch in Winter with straw, hay, leaves or well-decayed manure. The single¬ flowering Snowdrops, if they are left alone, soon take to producing double flowers. The differences and variations in the varieties of Snowdrops are so comparatively small that it does not seem worth while to offer them in variety.

12 100 1000 Bulbs Bulbs Bulbs

♦Galanthus nivalis. Old-fashioned variety. It is advisable to plant the bulbs at once when received, because they are likely to be attacked by dry rot if kept above ground for any length

of time . $0.60 $4.00 $35.00

♦Galanthus Elwesi. This is a larger type than the old-fashioned Galanthus nivalis, but does not naturalize quite as freely. It is, however, a very much better kind for the warmer parts of

the United States, and does well in Florida and California . 60 4.00 35.00

No other varieties except those preceded by a star (•) are carried in stock in the Autumn.

Page Eighteen



Give the Hyacinth its Due

No one would have expected that our old Mother Earth contained such entrancing fragrance had not Hyacinths, by pome miracle of alchemy, revealed it to us.

Here, too, we have it combined with the widest possible range of color, and even with flowers of the truest blue in every shade the very rarest combination.

They open to greet us before the new Spring dawns, if we but give them a share of our garden, and pour out their incense as if in token of their gratitude and thanks for their deliverance from a long imprisonment.

Of importance to us all is the greatly reduced price of Hyacinths. We hope you will take advantage of the opportunity by planting them freely.

Do not attempt the old mid-Victorian methods of round Hyacinth beds in the lawn, but plant them in clusters of six or more in the border in front of shrubs or ever¬ greens, thereby enjoying their brilliant colors and fragrance three or four weeks before the Darwin Tulips come into bloom.

Select Exhibition Size

These are varieties selected for their large sized spikes, elegance of form, and beauty and richness of color. The bulbs are of mammoth size the cream of the crop. Exhibition Hyacinth bulbs are unsurpassed for growing in pots or in Hyacinth glasses if this is preferred to pot culture.


$1.75 per 12; $12.00 per 100.


Garibaldi. Brilliant vermilion-red; good early forcing variety.

Gertrude. Deep rose-pink; compact spikes on good stems. A very popular forcing variety; also used for bedding.

♦La Victoire. Shiny carmine-red, with large, well filled spikes. A splendid bedder.

♦MarconL Bright deep rose; short, broad trusses, borne on stiff stems. A good forcer but particularly fine outdoors.


Pink Perfection. Light carmine-rose, with large, compact spikes. One of the best varieties in its class for pots.

General De Wet. Lively light pink with a lighter center; large trusses with good sized bells. Fine for forcing or bedding.

♦Lady Derby. Beautiful, clear rose-pink, with large, compact trusses. Early and fine for both forcing and bedding.

♦Queen of the Pinks. A very lovely pink; trusses broad and large, with good sized bells and strong stems. The best late forcing variety and good for all purposes.


Electra. Light, silvery blue with immense, well filled spikes. Early and one of the finest light blue Hyacinths for forcing.

♦Perle Brilliant. Light blue, tinged lavender; splendid spikes with large, substantial bells. A fine pot Hyacinth and good for bedding.

Queen of the Blues. Clear, light porcelain blue; a strong growing variety with large, well formed trusses. One of the best of its color, particularly for bedding.

Page Nineteen




Dr. Lieber. Lavender-blue, shaded violet, the general effect being deep blue. Bears large, compact spikes and is fine for early forcing as well as bedding.

♦Grand M ait re. Deep blue with long, compact spikes of large bells, on strong stems. One of the most popular blues; fine for pots as well as bedding.

♦King of the Blues. Dark violet-blue; splendid large trusses. One of the best known blue Hyacinths. Good for late forcing and bedding.

Menelik. Very dark, almost purple; well formed trusses. A splendid bedder and good for forcing.


♦Arentine Arendsen. One of the finest whites; long spikes with large, snowy white bells. Early, fine for forcing and a good bedder.

La Grandesse. Pure white with fine, compact spikes. The best late forcing variety and fine for bedding as well.

♦L’Innocence. This is the most satisfactory all-around pure white. Compact spikes with large bells. Does well indoors and out.


Sir Wm. Mansfield. A splendid truss of ruby-violet. The best of its kind.


♦City of Haarlem. The finest of the yellows. Well formed trusses of orange-yellow bells. An excellent variety for forcing and bedding.

♦Sunburst. A very lovely and distinct color, different from all the others, perhaps best described as a ruddy apricot. This variety does not make a very large bulb.

Yellow Hammer. Creamy yellow; compact spike and large bells.

The above yellow varieties are priced at $2.25 per 12; $15.00 per 100.

Hyacinths. Page Twenty


Hyacinths for Garden Planting

Hyacinths are available in different sizes. This difference in size does not in the least effect the quality of the bulbs. The large exhibition bulbs should be used for indoor growing or forcing. These bulbs measure about 19 centimeters in circum¬ ference. For garden planting it is better to use bulbs a little smaller say about 17 centimeters. These do not cost quite as much but give equally good results. Below we offer the best varieties for garden use.


Bulbs Bulbs

♦General De Wet. Light pink, white center; large spike . $125 $9.00

*I.ady Derby. Rose-pink; compact spike; strong stem . 1.25 9.00

*Queen of the Pinks. Bright, glistening pink; tall, erect . 1.25 9.00

*La Victoire. Shining carmine; fine, upright spike . 1.25 9.00


♦L’Innocence. Pure white; large bells; fine spike . 1.25 9.00

♦La Grandesse. Pure white; early . 1.25 9.00


*Grand Maitre. Deep lavender-blue; immense, loose spike . 1.25 9.00

♦Xing of the Blues. Rich dark blue; large, perfect spike . 1.25 9.00

*Perle Brilliant. Light blue; large, erect . 1.25 9.00

*Queen of the Blues. Clear porcelain blue; beautiful trusses . 1.25 9.00


♦City of Haarlem. Rich deep yellow; tall, erect spike . 1.75 12.00

♦Sunburst. Best described as ruddy apricot . 1.75 12.00


♦All Colors Mixed . 1.25 9.00

French Roman Hyacinths

The flowers are delightfully fragrant and each bulb will throw up from three to five spikes. For forcing four bulbs are generally planted in a 5-inch pan. Because of their early flowering and ease of growth, they are successfully grown in bowls with pebbles in the same manner as Paper- White Narcissi. Flowers may be had from December until March if plantings are made in succession. 12 10o

Bulbs Bulbs

♦White. Mammoth bulbs . $2.70 $20.00

♦Vieux Rose. The beautiful old rose Parisian Hyacinth . 1.20 9.00

No other varieties except those preceded by a star (•) are carried in stock in- the Autumn

Page Twenty-one


Dutch Iris - The New Iris Hollctndia

(Hardy Give Slight Protection)

This distinct group is of recent origin and has in a few years won international recognition. The flowers are not only superior in substance, brilliancy and purity of color, but also earlier, larger and of greater refinement than the old Spanish Iris.

These Iris are unsurpassed as cut flowers, as they will stand any amount of handling.

Their hardiness and large color range have made them very popular for garden purposes, and though in extreme climates they need some protection, they do quite well as far north as New York. The varieties we list have been carefully selected to give the full range of colors.

Per 12 Per 100

* Albert Kuyp. Standards pure white, tinted light lavender; falls lem¬ on-yellow, central blotch . $0.90 $7.00

*Anton Mauve. Very large and substantial flower of a most pleasing

tone of uniform soft blue; very choice and unique color . 90 7.00

*David Bless. Beautiful lavender-blue . 90 7.00

*Prans Hals. Standards very light blue; falls creamy yellow with

large orange blotch . 90 7.00

*Hart Nibbrig. Brilliant clear blue, the finest in this color . 90 7.00

*Huchtenburg. Blue, shaded white, yellow and orange . 90 7.00

*Rembrandt. One of the best and showiest varieties of a magnificent

deep blue with orange- yellow central blotch; very substantial flowers. .90 7.00

*Van Everdingen. White and yellow. Exceptionally fine . 90 7.00

*Yellow Queen. Lovely pure deep yellow . 1.00 8.00

Iris Hispanica - Spanish Iris

(Hardy Give Slight Protection)

Spanish Iris bear somewhat smaller flowers than those of the Dutch group. They are especially valuable on account of their later flowering.

The varieties offered here are in our opinion the best. per 12 Per 100

*Cajanus. Bright yellow, vigorous grower; large flowers on long stems. .$0.85 $6.50

*King of the Blues. Strong grower and one of the best dark blues . 85 6.50

*Ea Reconnaissance. Beautiful bronze, very large flower; finest of all

bronze colored Iris . 85 6.50

*Louise (Perle d’Amour). Very delicate light, pearly blue; early . 85 6.50

*Queen Wilhelmina. Beautiful pure white . 85 6.50


(Half Hardy Give Protection)

Desirable bulbs for forcing or outside borders. If planted outside they require covering during the winter.

12 100 Bulbs Bulbs

*Mixed Colors . - . $0.40 $3.00

Leucojum - Snowflakes

(Hardy) 12 100 1000

Bulbs Bulbs Bulbs

*Vernum (Spring Snowflake). This is one of the earliest and most attractive Spring flowers. Growing from 6 to 8 inches high they bear dainty nodding flowers which are white, tipped with green. They should be planted in early Fall in a good, light, well drained soil in which they may be buried 4 or 5 inches apart in masses or bold clumps to be effective, 2 inches deep,

and then be left alone to bloom year after year . $0.80 $7.50 $70. 0C

No other varieties except those preceded by a star (*) are carried in stock in the Autumn.

Page Twenty-two


New Dutch Iris.

Page Twenty-three



Lilium Speciosum Magnfficum.

Varieties for the Garden

There Is a notion that Lilies are “hard to grow.” Some of the rarer species are, it is true; they do not only stubbornly refuse to make themselves at home in the gar¬ den, unless conditions are precisely to their liking, but some of them cannot endure the northern Winter without the necessary covering of litter, which many other tender plants require. Unless one goes in for Lilies to the extent of making a hobby of them, however, these can all be left to the collector and there will be quite enough species remaining to give one a Lily season in the three months duration of which loveliness follows loveliness with breaks of only relatively brief length. We say species for the reason that the Lilies in cultivation show an exceptionally low per¬ centage of horticultural varieties. Possibly because Nature made every species perfect to begin with, the hand of the hybridizer has been loath to endeavor to “paint the Lily,” as it were.

DELIVERY— This depends upon the arrival of the bulbs from our foreign sources. Many get here too late for Autumn planting, thus necessitating carrying over the bulbs until Spring. Most of the varieties listed will arrive in time for Pall planting. Those that don’t, we will carry over and deliver in the Spring in perfect condition.

Page Twenty- four



All Lilies have been priced per each; per dozen and per hundred. Three bulbs of one variety may be purchased at the dozen rate; twenty-five bulbs at the hundred rate.

Lilies are imported from China, Japan, Russia, and other European countries; some are native of America.

Delivery of bulbs ordered will, therefore, depend on when they are received by us, and best time to plant. Simply order the bulbs you would like to have and we will see to it that they are sent at the best time for planting in your garden.

Each Doz. 100

*Auratum (The Gold-Banded Japan Lily). This is indeed the Queen of Lilies and should have a place in every garden and greenhouse. It commences to bloom in August and continues into September. It is of the simplest culture and perfectly hardy. Growing amongst Paeonias, and along the margins of evergreens, groups of Lilium Auratum (6 to 12 bulbs in a clump, planted 9 inches apart), produce a grand effect. A sit¬ uation should be chosen where the plants are sheltered from cutting winds and screened from the midday sun.

Large bulbs . $0.50 $5.00 $40. Of

Mammoth bulbs . 70 6.00 50.00

*Auratum pictum. Large, white flowers beautifully spotted crim¬ son, the petals being tipped red; very showy .

*Auratum platyphylLum. Also called “Macranthum.” Very large, handsome flowers of great substance, with broad, white petals, spotted yellow, and having bold, handsome foliage of sturdy habit. Undoubtedly the choicest of all.

Large bulbs .

Mammoth bulbs .

*Auratuni Wittei. Large, pure white, unspotted flowers with golden band down each petal. Very chaste and beautiful.

Height 3 to 4 feet . . .

*Batemanniae (Japan). A beautiful Lily with rich, glowing apricot-red flowers in August and September. 3 to 4 feet high. *Bolanderi. A rare and beautiful little Lily growing 1 to 3 feet high, bearing on slender stems small, dainty, bell-shaped flow¬ ers, deep vinors red, freely spotted purple. Plant 9 inches

deep in loose, gritty leaf-soil .

*Browni odorum (China and Japan). A very beautiful Lily produc¬ ing in July handsome trumpet-shaped flowers nearly 10 inches long, tips of petals reflexing slightly, inside white, with brown anthers. Outside chocolate-brown. Height 3 feet. Very scarce.. *Canadense (North-East America). Our beautiful and graceful native Lily, producing in July pendent, bell-shaped flowers ranging from yellow to orange, spotted crimson-black. Height

3 feet .

+Canadense flavum. Yellow-flowered form of the above .

*Candidum (Madonna or Annunciation Lily). This Lily likes a good deep soil, not too dry, and should be left undisturbed for years. Before planting dust the bulbs with flowers of sulphur, as this will aid in keeping away disease. Plant shallow with the tops just below the surface, and then give a mulching of well-decayed stable manure.

Large, selected size .

Mammoth bulbs .

*Carolinianum. A showy Lily with slender stems, bearing reflexed, orange-red flowers, spotted maroon. Requires a well drained

situation. July-August. 2 to 3 feet .

*Chalcedonicum (Scarlet Turk’s Cap Lily). Flowers intense deep scarlet with reflexed petals, blooming in July. Very showy and effective. 3 feet .







































No other varieties except those preceded by a star (•) are carried in stock in the Autumn.

Page Twenty five


LILIES— Continued.

Each Doz,


*Colcliicum (Szovitsianum). (Caucasus and North Persia). Bear¬ ing handsome spikes of large turban-shaped flowers of great beauty, clear citron-yellow spotted black. 3 feet high. Thrives

best in gritty loam and when established bloom freely. June.. $0.90 $8.50 $70.00

Columbianum (N. W. America). The Oregon Lily; a very graceful species bearing from July to August spikes of small, fragrant flowers of a brilliant deep orange spotted crimson, resembling

miniature L. Humboldti. Height 2V2 feet . 50

*Concolor (China and Japan). A very lovely Lily, bearing in July two to three erect glossy, fiery scarlet flowers with dark red spots. Height 1 foot. A gem for sheltered sunny nooks on rock work where it can be kept fairly moist during dry

weather; also a charming pot plant for the greenhouse . 40

*Coridion (China and Japan). A charming little companion Lily to Concolor, producing beautiful lemon-yellow flowers, spotted purple, especially suitable for pot culture or rockeries. Height

2 to 3 feet. July flowering . 50

*Cordifolium (Japan). Resembles L. giganteum but smaller; heart-shaped foliage and long, trumpet-shaped, whitish flowers with dark markings inside. August flowering. Likes a well drained soil with abundance of leaf soil. Height 3 to 4 feet . . .

*Croceum (True). The Irish Orange Lily. South Europe. Flow¬ ers very showy, bright orange, with minute dark brown spots.

June flowering. When well grown and established it attains a height of 5 feet or more, with a large quantity of flowers on

each stem. This Lily is now getting scarce . 50

*Davuricum. (See Umbellatum).

*Elegans (Thunbergianum). (Japan). Very hardy, dwarf Lilies thriving in any garden and producing large, erect flowers of various shades of yellow, orange and red. All varieties grow from 1 y2 to 2 feet: bloom in June and July. Mixed colors....

*Elegans, Alice Wilson. A very rare and beautiful Lily with clear

lemon colored flowers. Height 2 feet .

*Elegans atrosanguineum. A dark coppery crimson with purple- black spots at base of petals. Very attractive. Height 1 foot.

*Elegans, Orange Queen. Very handsome, producing in July, large orange colored flowers with small, black spots; a strong, robust grower; very decorative in pots or borders. 15 to 18 inches . .

*Excelsum. (See Testaceum).

*Giganteum (The Himalayas). The most majestic of Lilies, hav¬ ing stems 10 to 12 feet high when established, with large, hand¬ some, heart-shaped leaves, and from July to August bearing immense, long, white, trumpet-shaped, sweet scented flowers.

Groups of this noble Lily in woodland or wild gardens produce a grand effect. It requires to become established before flow¬ ering freely and thrives best where there is an abundance of

leaf soil. Bulbs 11/13 inches . 5.00

*G-rayi (North Carolina). A strikingly handsome Lily from the Alleghany Mountains, producing flowers of distinct and elegant form, rich, deep blood-crimson, interior spotted maroon-black and shading to golden yellow. Habit light and graceful. July

flowering. 3 to 4 feet . 35 3.50 25.00

*Hansoni (The Japanese Yellow Martagon Lily). Most desirable; not particular in its cultural requirements and extremely hand¬ some in flower- does well in light loam. Plant among shrubs and low plants to protect young shoots, this being one of the earliest Lilies to appear in the Spring. Stem reaches a height of 4 to 5 feet, carrying blossoms 2 inches across, regularly re- flexed, petals bright orange spotted more or less with brown, of

a waxy texture. Admirable for pot culture. June flowering.. .50 5.00 40.00

*Henryi. A most elegant Lily discovered by Dr. Henry in Central China, producing in August-September handsome branching heads of twenty or more flowers resembling in form L. specio- sum, but of a soft orange-yellow color; a hardy and vigorous grower, attaining a height of 8 feet when established. Hardy as a tree. Easily grown and permanent . 70 6.00 50.00

No other varieties except those preceded by a star (*) are carried in stock in the Autumn.

Page Twenty-six





























Lilinm Hansoni.

Page Twenty-seven


Lilium Tenuifolium.

A lovely orange-red Lily. Its brilliant color, easy culture and absolute hardiness have made it a great garden favorite. All it asks is a sunny place in the border where the soil is well drained.

$3,50 per dozen. $25.00 per 100.

Page Twenty-eight


Lilium Regale The Queen of Lilies

Most beautiful of all Lilies in cultivation. Lilium Regale is truly a royal Lily, worthy of a place in every garden. A vigorous grower with sturdy stems; 4 to 5 feet high, densely covered with lanceolate foliage. Center of flower flushed with yellow, shading to wrhite at the outer edges; the almost translucent petals have a delightful pearly tint; the contrast between the rich color of the reverse of the petals and the old shading of the throat is extraordinarily beautiful. Thrives in any good, well drained soil and is the easiest of all Lilies to grow. Plant early fall, about

5 inches deep. July flowering. Each 12 100

^Medium bulbs. 6 to 7 inches . $0.30 $2.75 $20.00

*Large bulbs. 7 to 8 inches . 50 4.25 35.00

^Select bulbs. 8 to 9 inches . 60 5.25 45.00

Page Twenty-nine


IjlXiEES* Continued. Each Doz. 100

*Humboldti (California). Large, handsome flowers of great sub¬ stance, rich golden yellow, spotted dark crimson, with recurved petals; very showy. Height 5 feet. July flowering. This Lily requires to be established before blooming freely and then pro¬ duces as many as 20 to 30 flowers on a stem . $0.75 $7.50 $55.00

*Kelloggi (California). A graceful, fragrant woodland Lily bear¬ ing on slender stems, pretty flowers with recurved petals, sil¬ very pink, freely spotted rose-crimson and having a yellow bar down center of petals. Height 2% feet. Plant 9 inches deep in very gritty, loose soil in partial shade . 1.25 12.00

*Krameri (Also called Japonicum). (South Japan). Flower very chaste and beautiful, delicate rose-pink, of elegant outline; graceful habit of growth. July flowering. Height 2 feet. In Japan it is a low Alpine; growing in well drained, rich, wood¬ land soil where it is always cool and not lacking moisture. It

may be gently forced in pots of sandy loam and leaf soil . 60 6.00 45.00

*Leichtlini Yellow. A fine Lily from Western Japan somewhat resembling a Tiger Lily, with graceful foliage and producing in late Summer spikes of pale yellow spotted flowers. Height

4 feet. Of easy cultivation . 50 5.00 40.00

*I»ongiflorum (Japan). Very beautiful white, trumpet-shaped flowers, suitable for pots or sheltered situations in the flower border; they thrive best in a compost of fibrous loam, leaf soil

and coarse sand . 60 6.00 45.00

*Madonna Lily. (See Candidum).

*Maritimum (California). A rare and beautiful little Lily with slightly pendent, bell-shaped bright crimson flowers with pur¬ ple spots. Height 3 feet. It requires to be grown in a peaty bog where the roots can enjoy moisture but the top is fairly dry .

*Martagon (Central and Southern Europe). (Dalmaticum or Turk’s Cap Lily). Bearing early in July pyramidal heads of glossy light purplish rose, reflexed flowers, spotted more or less with black. Height 4 feet .

*Martagon album. One of the most beautiful Lilies, producing in July handsome pyramidal spikes of very beautiful, pure white flowers, with reflexing petals of waxlike substance. Height 4 feet .

*Fardalinum (Leopard Lily). (California). A stately shade-loving Lily of elegant habit, producing in July heads of large, hand¬ some, showy flowers, bright scarlet shading to rich yellow, freely spotted purple-brown. Height 5 to 6 feet. Of easy cul¬ ture in moist situations, making a brilliant effect when natural¬ ized . 35 3.50 25.00

*Parryi (California). Distinct, beautiful; grows from 4 to 6 feet high and the slender stems bear several funnel-shaped flowers of soft yellow, with conspicuous brown anthers, delicately fra¬ grant. A partially shaded place sheltered from winds, and moist, well drained peaty soil suits it well; easily cultivated but not a very strong grower. Base roots. Fall planting, 4

inches deep. July flowering. Selected bulbs . 1.25 13.00 95.00

*Farvum (California). A sub-alpine species, found growing in deep, moist, stony soil along banks of streams, flowers small and bell-shaped, of a bright red shaded yellow and freely

spotted; showy. June-July. Height 3V2 feet . 75 7.50 55.00

1.00 10.00 75.00

.35 3.50 25.00

1.00 10.00 75.00

No other varieties except those preceded by a star (*) are carried in stock in the Autumn.

Page Thirty


Lilium Philadelphicum.

Lilium Browni.

Lilium Martagon.

Page Thirty-one


Lilium Henryi.

Page Thirty-tw


Lihum Davuricum.

I. ilium Auratum.

Page Thirty-three


LILIES Continued. Each

*Philadelphicum (Canada and United States). A graceful little Lily, bearing in July charming flowers, scarlet shading to

orange, elegantly spotted black. Height 1 foot . $0.30

*Philippinense fomiosanum (Formosa). A very graceful Lily, growing 2 to 3 feet high with grassy foliage and slender stem; flowers very long and trumpet-shaped, white with reddish brown shading on exterior, tips of petals elegantly recurving.

It is hardy, but it makes its foliage too early, and is often

damaged by frost. Very fragrant . 40

*Pomponicum (Maritime Alps). A beautiful June-flowering Lily with very elegant foliage and reflexed flowers of a rich sealing- wax scarlet color. Height 2 to 3 feet. Thrives in strong, well drained loam with full exposure. Much like Chalcedonicum . . 1.75 *Pyrenaicum (Yellow Turk’s Cap Lily). (Pyrenees). A fine, showy species for flower borders and of very easy culture; it has a leafy stem surmounted by an elegant umbel of pendent flowers with reflexed petals, yellow shaded green, finely dotted black

and with scarlet anthers. June flowering. Height 3 feet . 1.00

*Re£-ale or Myriophyllum (The Regal Lily). (See page 29).

*Reezli. A beautiful Lily from the Pacific Coast, allied to Lilium Pardalinum. It produces stems with graceful foliage and a raceme of yellow flowers tinged orange and finely spotted ma¬ roon-purple, having reflexing petals. June flowering. Height

2V2 to 3 feet . 75

*Rubellum (South Japan). A little gem among Lilies, having a slender growth like that of Krameri, while the flowers are of distinct and elegant form, delicate pale rose with golden anthers; it has been found to thrive best out-of-doors in a par¬ tially shady situation in a compost of loam, leaf soil and stones; it makes a lovely pot plant (2 or 3 bulbs in a pot), and may be gently forced into bloom by the end of May. Height

1V2 feet . 40

*Speciosum album. Bearing large, handsome white flowers of firm texture with a greenish band running through the center of

each petal. 3 feet . 50

*Speciosum Melpomene. One of the richest colored of this group, bearing large, handsome flowers of great substance, dark crim¬ son heavily spotted purple-crimson and margined white. Height 3 feet.

Large bulbs . 40

Mammoth bulbs . 50

*Speciosum rubrum magnificum. A grand Lily resembling the favorite Melpomene, but blooms earlier, is richer in color and has longer and broader petals; the foliage is of a rich dark green, while the rich crimson flowers are of great substance, and borne 10 to 20 on a spike.

Large bulbs . 40

Mammoth bulbs . . . .. . 60

*Sulphureum (syn. Wallichianum superbum and ochroleucum). A very beautiful trumpet-shaped Lily from Upper Burmah, pro¬ ducing in September, handsome flowers 9 inches long, of great substance and deliciously fragrant; on first opening they are of a soft sulphur color, but change ultimately to white tinged rose. Height 4 to 6 feet. In mild localities this charming Lily may be grown out-of-doors, but otherwise we recommend pot culture in a cool, airy greenhouse, plunging the pots out-of- doors in Summer and bringing them indoors for blooming in

Autumn . 2.00

*Superbmn (Eastern U. S. to Canada). A very showy bog-loving and easily grown Lily, with flowers orange to crimson spotted rich brown and elegantly recurved, stately in growth; late Sum¬ mer flowering. Height 4 to 7 feet. Hardy as a tree . 25




























No other varieties except those preceded by a star (*) are carried in stock in the Autumn.

Page Thirty -four


Lilium Superbum.

Page Thirty-five.


IiIXiIES Continued.

*Tenuifolium (Siberia). A dainty little Idly with slender stem and grassy foliage, bearing in early June, numerous si glossy scarlet flowers with reflexed petals. Height 1 y2 feet. This Lily should be planted in a sunny situation in light, sandy, well drained soil .

*Tenuifolium, Golden Gleam. A beautiful type of Lilium Tenui folium, with flowers of a beautiful apricot shade. A free an< vigorous grower .









, .60



*Testaceum (syn. Excelsum). This is one of the loveliest and fin¬ est of all Lilies. It is supposed to be a cross between Lilium Candidum and Lilium Chalcedonicum. The color is difficult to describe, being a shading of dull apricot with orange-yellow anthers. It bears from June to July very beautiful, delight¬ fully fragrant flowers. A vigorous grower. Height 4 feet. Au¬ tumn planting only . 2.50 25.00 195.00

*Tigrinum Fortunei giganteum (The Tiger Lily). (China and Japan). Remarkably handsome Lilies, of easy culture, produc¬ ing an abundance of large, showy, brilliantly colored flowers, lighting up the garden in August and September. Very hardy, vigorous growers. A grand, robust variety of Fortunei having a woolly stem and producing on bold branching heads up to 20 large, rich orange-scarlet flowers spotted crimson-brown.

Height 5 feet . 35 3.50 25.00

*Tigrinum flore pleno (The Double Tiger Lily). Flowers double,

orange-scarlet, lasting long in bloom. Height 4 feet . 35 3.50 25.00

*UmbeIlatum grandiflorum (Europe). A very showy Lily of easy culture, bearing in June large, handsome, rich orange flowers shaded red; very effective when grouped in shrubbery and flow¬ er borders; also good pot plants . 35 3.50 25.00

*Umbellatum, Golden Fleece. A very fine variety, producing large, open flowers of a clear apricot, slightly speckled maroon-crim¬ son; a good strong grower. Height 20 inches . 1.50 15.00 110.00

*Umbellatum, Monarch. Producing branching tiers up to 20 or more flowers of a brilliant orange-scarlet shaded vermilion,

faintly spotted; of robust growth . 1.00 10.00 75.00

*Wallacei. A handsome Lily of a beautiful shade of the warmest

apricot with rosy shading. August. Height 1 y2 to 2 feet ... .50 5.00 35.00

*Washingtonianum. A beautiful Lily from California, with large, reflexed flowers, varying in color from light to a rich wine color, slightly spotted deeper. This variety requires a moist but well drained situation. June-July. 3 to 5 feet. Extra

large bulbs . 1.00 10.00 75.00

*Willmottiae (syn. Warleyense). A pretty free-flowering species from China; of graceful habit with rich green, slender foliage, and bearing about 20 brilliant orange-red flowers measuring 3 inches across with recurved petals freely dotted with brownish spots. It is easily grown either in pots or outdoors in a half-

shaded situation. Height 4 feet . 1.00 10.00 75.00

Easter Lilies

(Tender Indoor Only)

We offer two types of the Longiflorum Lily usually grown by the florist. Of the two types we recommend L. formosum as the best for private conservatory growing.

Each 12 100

*Harrisi. These bulbs usually arrive from Bermuda in July. Bulbs Bulbs

7 to 9 inches in circumference . $0.50 $4.75 $45.00

*Iiongifiorum formosum. We have contracted for and expect some of the following size to arrive about September first.

9 to 10 inches in circumference . 70 6.75 65.00

No other varieties except those preceded by a star (*) are carried in stock in the Autumn.

Page Thirty-six


Lilium Candidum Madonna Lily.

Lilium Candidum

( Madonna Lily )

Be very careful that you plant the right type of this beautiful Lily in your garden. There is an early-flowering variety which is grown in the south of Prance. These should not be used in America; if planted in the garden, they are prone to disease and are unsatisfactory. In Europe this type is called L. candidum speciosum. This variety is only too often sold because they cost less.

The true type to use for the garden is the L. candidum from the north of Prance; is easily recognized by its white, fleshy scales, by those that know both types.

Plant in loam or sandy soil, in an open, fully exposed place, surrounding the bulb with sharp sand and placing it somewhat on its side. After it has become fully estab¬ lished leave it alone as it much resents disturbance at the roots. If necessary to

transplant, do so as soon as the flower stems die down. Each 12 100

* Selected, bulbs . $0.30 $3.00 $25.00

^Mammoth bulbs . 50 5.00 35.00

No other varieties except those preceded by a star (*) are carried in stock in the Autumn.

Page Thirty-seven


Lily-of-the- V alley

For forcing, the pips are to be preferred, being grown under conditions tending to promote vigorous and early blooming. Twelve to eighteen pips may be planted in a 6-inch pot, with all the fibrous roots carefully preserved, and keeping the crowns above the soil. Place them in a temperature of about 80 degrees, cover the crowns with loose moss and keep them constantly moist with tepid water.

^Berlin Pips. The earliest, largest and best for forcing. Extra strong pips with long roots producing flowers with 15 to 20 bells and fine foliage. $1-00 per 12; $7.00 per 100; $17.50 per 250; $65.00 per 1000. Ready in December for indoor forcing. *Field Grown Clumps. We recommend fall planting of Lily-of-the-Valley for out¬ door culture and can supply exceptionally vigorous, field grown clumps at $2.00 per 3; $6.00 per 12; $50,00 per 100.

*Fortin Pips. Imported roots for outdoor planting; late Fall or early Spring. $1.00 per 12; $5.00 per 100.

Liiy-of-the-Valley are usually badly neglected in the garden; after flowering feed them bone meal liberally and you will have wonderful results.

Muscari - Grape Hyacinths


These lovely Spring flowers, with their dainty spikes of bell-shaped flowers, require no special culture or soil. Naturalized on rockwork and grassy banks they look very beautiful, while as edgings and massed in the flower border they are most charming, and continue a long time in bloom. Height 4 to 6 inches. The Moschatum varieties like a rather richer soil than the other species.

12 100 1000 Bulbs Bulbs Bulbs

Azureum (syn. Hyacinthus azureus). Bearing lovely little spikes of Cambridge blue colored bells early in February; very hardy

and free flowering . $0.50 $3.50 $30.00

*Botryoides coeruleum. Bright blue, very free grower which

naturalizes easily, flowering at the time of the Crocuses . 45 3.00 25.00

*Botryoides album. This is the white form which is very pretty

planted with the blue variety of this type . 70 5.00 45.00

^Heavenly Blue. While there are several kinds of Muscari, we consider this variety the best for mass planting. Their flow¬ ers open just about the time that the Chionodoxas and Crocuses are going. They do very well in the wild garden and also in the grass if it is not too rank. They are nice under trees

and along the borders where they may be left undisturbed . 45 3.00 25.00

Massey anum. A very distinct new Tassel Hyacinth with bright

rosy colored flowers in May . 6.00 54.00

Moschatum (The Musk Hyacinth). Producing little spikes of bells which open grayish purple and fade off to a yellowish

brown; very sweet scented. Height 5 inches . 2.70 20.00

Moschatum majus (The Large Musk Hyacinth). Spikes and bells double the size of the above, but of the same color; very fra¬ grant. April flowering. Height 7 inches . 2.70 20.00

Moschatum flavum (syn. macrocarpum). Bearing medium sized spikes of yellow bells, shaded purple at mouth; fragrant.

Height 6 inches. Rare . 2.70 20.00

Neglectum majus (Starch Hyacinth). Producing spikes of large blue-black flowers in early spring, remaining long in bloom.

Height 8 inches . 90 7.00

Paradoxum (The Caucasian Starch Hyacinth). Long, handsome spikes of nearly pure black flowers produced in April; very

handsome . 90 7.00

Flumosum (Ostrich Feather or Plume Hyacinth). Bearing in May handsome feathery plumes of violet colored flowers; very at¬ tractive. Height 7 inches . 1.75 12.00

No other varieties except those preceded by a star (•) are carried in stock in the Autumn.

Page Thirty-eight


Muscari, Heavenly Blue.

No other varieties except those preceded by a star (*) are carried in stock in the Autumn.

Page Thirty-nine


Mertensia Virginica



This is indispensable in the garden for color effect; flowers are porcelain blue turning pink with age. The plant grows from one to two feet high, bearing a panicle of flow^ers about one inch long in short pendent clusters. It is splendid for the open border or for naturalizing along the woodland path, in the dell, along the brook or pond; it flowers from the time Daffodils are in bloom, continuing while the May-flowering Tulips are at their best. We urge all garden lovers to use this de¬ lightful plant in quantities as it is permanent and so helpful to create beautiful pictures.

Extra heavy roots for immediate effect, 75c per 3; $2.00 per 12; $15.00 per 100; $125.00 per 1000.

No other varieties except those preceded by a star (*) are carried in stock in the Autumn.

Page Forty


Narcissus, King Alfred.



The varieties in this list hav© been selected with the idea of providing not only the very best standard kinds and the better known novelties, but also the newer and rarer productions, which can confidently recommend as being the gems among the hundreds developed by foreign specialists.

The figure following the name indi¬ cates the relative time of flowering.

12 100 Bulbs Bulbs

* Albatross (Barri). 4. Large, flat, white perianth; cup pale citron, with edge of bright madder-red and beautifully frilled brim; a large flower

and a good garden variety. Height 20 inches . $

*Alba Plena Odorata (Double White Poeticus). 4. Large, double, snowy white, sweet scented, gardenia-like blossoms; much prized for cutting. To obtain fine, handsome flowers this Narcissus should be planted

early in a deep, cool, moist soil .

Argent (Double). Alternate rows of pure yellow and larger pure white petals. A long-stemmed, double flower of very graceful form. Open faced and friendly looking. The texture of the white petals glistens

as if dusted with silver. Free flowering; midseason bloomer .

*Autocrat (Incomparabilis). 3. Broad perianth of primrose-yellow, tending to reflex; aureolin yellow cup, expanded at mouth. A hand¬ some, free-flowering variety for the border, and the best of its type

for pots. Height 20 inches .

Bath’s Flame (Barri). Yellow perianth, deep yellow cup with broad edge of orange-red. The petals are very lonp\ giving the flower a distinct and outstanding character. A perfection in scarlet and gold. Dong

stems. Very floriferous .

Bernardino (Incomparabilis). Grand flower with very large, creamy perianth and widely expanded cup heavily stained deep orange .

1.35 $10.00

1.20 9.00

1.75 12.00

1.85 12.50

3.65 30.00

2.20 15.00

Page Forty-one


NARCISSI— Continued. 12 100

Bulbs Bulbs

*Blood Orange (Barri). 3. Broad, overlapping perianth of creamy yel¬ low; cup sunflower-yellow, very daintily frilled. Interesting color and a good grower. Height 16 inches . $1.35 $10.00

^Cleopatra (Yellow Trumpet). 3. Perianth broad and overlapping, of a clear primrose-yellow; long, bold trumpet, beautifully imbricated, of deep, rich yellow. Of refined character and the finest Yellow

Trumpet of Emperor coloring. Height 18 inches . 3.00 25.00

*Big round bulbs . 2.70 20.00

*Conspicuus (Barri). 4. Large, broad, spreading perianth of soft yel¬ low; short yellow cup, edged bright orange-scarlet. One of the most useful of all Daffodils. Splendid for the border or naturalizing.

Height 21 inches . 90 7.00

*Diademe < Incomparabilis). Creamy white perianth, very broad yellow crown. A choice companion to Autocrat, Blood Orange, and others in large plantings under trees and in “vista” landscape work . 1.85 12.50

*Elvira (Poetaz). 3. Perianth pure white, eye bright yellow. Three or four flowers of great substance on a stem. Fine for forcing. Height 20 inches . 90 7.00

-Emperor (Yellow Trumpet). 3. Perianth deep primrose-yellow, broad at base; trumpet rich yellow. A large flower of remarkable sub¬ stance; fine for borders or forcing. Height 20 inches . 2.00 13.00

*Big round bulbs . 1.35 10.00

^Empress (Bicolor Trumpet). 3. Sulphur white perianth, with rather narrow petals; trumpet rich chrome-yellow. A very useful Daffodil

for the border. Height 18 inches . 2.00 13.00

*Big round bulbs . 1.35 10.00

Evangeline (Leedsi). 4. Broad, pure white perianth, with smooth, overlapping petals of remarkable substance; expanding cup of citron- yellow. A Daffodil of fine substance, and wonderful form. Height 18 inches . 1.15 8.75

^Firebrand (Farri). 4. Perianth creamy white, shaded soft yeflow at base; cup fiery red, prettily fluted. This is one of the brightest of all Daffodils. Splendid for shaded borders. Height 17 inches . 1.35 10.00

Glory of Sassenheim (Bicolor). A beautiful large Bicolor variety; very

free flowering and early. Extra heavy bulbs . 2.00 13.00

Big round bulbs . 1.35 10.00

*Golden Spur (Yellow Trumpet). 1. Self colored a deep rich yellow.

Perianth large and spreading; large trumpet with broad, open mouth.

Splendid for early forcing. Height 17 inches . 2.20 15.00

*Big round bulbs . 1.35 10.00

Helios (Poetaz). Creamy yellow, pure yellow cups, fine, very flori- ferous and excellent cut flower variety. It is early and has strong

stems with 5 to 8 large florets. This variety was a favorite in the New York and Boston markets before the quarantine. We can again offer these bulbs at pre-quarantine price . 1.85 12.50

Horace (Poeticus). 2. Pure white perianth, with overlapping round petals; large cup with rim of scarlet-red; one of the early varieties in this section. Height 16 inches . 1.35 10.00

*King Alfred (Yellow Trumpet). 2. Perianth and trumpet chrome- yellow; broad perianth petals of great substance; trumpet of medium size, widely expanding, with brim rolled back and beautifully fluted.

A flower of lasting quality. Height 20 inches . 2.50 18.00

*Big round bulbs . 2.00 13.00

*I.aurens Koster (Poetaz). 3. Very handsome variety; perianth white with deep yellow cup. The finest of the poetaz and a splendid Nar¬ cissus . 1.20 9.00

No other varieties except those preceded by a star (•) are carried in stock in the Autumn.

Page Forty -two


Narcissus Conspicuus.

Narcissus Whitewell.

Page Forty -three


NARCISSI Continued.



Lord Kitchener (Leedsi). Pure white perianth, very broad and flat, of heavy texture, crown pale primrose, wide open. A fluted carving of fine ivory . $2.00

*Lucifer (Incomparabilis). 3. Perianth sulphur-white, with long, well rounded petals, starlike in effect; cup chrome-yellow edged bright orange. A showy flower for outdoors; it holds its color splendidly. Height 18 inches . 1.35

Madame de Graaff (White Trumpet). A pure white Daffodil, when open¬ ing creamy yellow. This shade turns to white when flower develops.

A very lovely Daffodil. Bulbs should be planted at once upon re¬ ceipt as they do not like to be kept above the soil for any length

of time . 2.00

Masterpiece (Barri). Perfectly formed flower; creamy white perianth;

flat, spreading orange crown. Very beautiful . 2.20

Minister Talma (Yellow Trumpet). As King Alfred, only slightly smaller, much better than Golden Spur. It is particularly good for

forcing, being earlier than Alfred . 2.10

*Mrs. Langtry (Leedsi). 4. White perianth; cup pale primrose pass¬ ing into white, with a narrow margin of lemon-yellow; a very free- flowering variety, and the very best of the older Leedsi Narcissi.

Height 16 inches . 1.00

*01ympia (Yellow Trumpet). 3. Perianth of deep primrose-yellow; huge, straight trumpet of slightly deeper color, frilled at brim; an enor¬ mous flower, splendid for the garden or pot culture. Height 15 inches. 2.70

*Big round bulbs . 2.20

*Ornatus (Poeticus). 4. Perianth pure white; cup margined bright crimson. A splendid variety for massing, and the best of the inex¬ pensive sorts. Height 14 inches . 1.00

Orange Cup (Poetaz). 3. Splendid variety; yellow perianth with

orange cup . 1.75

*Foeticus. (See Recurvus).

*Queen of the North (Leedsi). 3. Broad, large perianth of glistening white and remarkable texture; cup soft primrose-yellow, with nar¬ row rim of sulphur white. A flower of the highest quality and very

clear color. Height 18 inches . 1.15

*Recurvus (Poeticus). 6. The old Pheasant’s Eye. Perianth pure white, somewhat reflexing; cup margined deep scarlet; sweet scented.

Fine for massing in borders or in grass. Height 15 inches . 70

Red Beacon (Barri). 3. Broad perianth of great substance, ivory-white at the base; fluted and frilled cup of vivid orange-scarlet. A wonder¬ fully striking flower because of its brilliant coloring. A good grower.

Height 17 inches . 2.20

Robert Sydenham (Yellow Trumpet). Beautiful exhibition variety of almost the same color of Van Waveren’s Giant, but somewhat larger.

The biggest Daffodil known today . . 3.25

-Rugulosus Giganteus (Jonquil). This Giant Jonquil should be given a place in your garden. 3 to 4 lovely golden flowers, delightfully fra¬ grant are borne on top of a strong stem. Bulbs force easily and

multiply rapidly in the garden . 1.35

*Rugulosus (Jonquil). 2. Self colored rich yellow; very fragrant; three or four flowers on a stem; the best form of the single Campernelle Jonquils. Fine for borders or naturalizing. Height 17 inches . 1.00

*Rugulosus plenus (Double Jonquil). 2. Clear golden yellow. Fine

for outdoors or pots. Height 13 inches . 1.35

^Seagull (Barri). 3. Broad perianth of the purest white; cup pale lemon-yellow, usually with tiny edge of light orange; an exquisitely beautiful flower; one of the loveliest of its class. Fine for outdoors. Height 17 inches . 1.15

No other varieties except those preceded by a star (*) are carried in stock in the

Page Forty-four























Poet Narcissus Recurvus Naturalized.

Page Forty-five


NARCISSI— Continued.



*Sir Watkin (Incomparabilis). 2. Perianth primrose-yellow; large and well formed yellow cup; tinged deep yellow. A giant among the

medium-crowned Daffodils. Height 21 inches . $1.55

^Southern Gem (Leedsi). 1. A giant Leedsi with pure white petals and large, lemon-yellow crown, which becomes cream colored as the

flower develops. Splendid size 'and texture; fine stems . 1.85

^Spring* Glory (Bicolor Trumpet). 1. Clear white perianth, with long petals of fine form; long trumpet of deep chrome-yellow, reflexing at the brim. A very large flower of fine character. Height 16 inches. . . . 2.00

*Big round bulbs . 1.35

The Pearl (Double). A dwarf little mite with much character. The silvery perianth protects a neatly formed center of prettily curved wavy petals of campernelle color. About 10 inches high. One has to bend down in the nursery to appreciate its value, but placed in a rockery pocket at eye level or a little lower “it speaks its piece with

eloquence.” A rare variety . 1.75

Tresserve (Yellow Trumpet). 3. Perianth primrose-yellow, slightly hooded; very large trumpet of rich canary-yellow, very broad at the

mouth and deeply flanged. Height 17 inches . 2.50

*Van Sion; syn., Telamonius plenus (Double Trumpet). 3. Golden yel¬ low; the most popular Double Trumpet Daffodil for forcing. Out¬ doors Van Sions are likely to become very green the second year after planting, there being something in our soil or climate which

affects the color of this Daffodil. Height 13 inches . 1.85

*Van Waveren’s Giant (Bicolor Trumpet). 1. Broad primrose perianth; bright yellow trumpet, with very large, open mouth, flanged at brim.

A huge flower of vigorous habit and very showy character. Height

17 inches . . 2.70

*Big round bulbs . 2.20

^Victoria (Bicolor Trumpet). 3. Broad, creamy white perianth, with closely lapping petals; clear, rich yellow trumpet, very large and frilled at mouth. A very beautiful Daffodil; good for forcing. Height

16 inches . 1.75

*Big round bulbs . 1.00

*White Lady (Leedsi). 3. Broad white perianth of perfect form; small cup of pale canary, beautifully crinkled; free blooming, and well suited to outdoor planting; superb when used as a cut flower. Height 20 inches . 1.00

Whitewell (Incomparabilis). 2. Flat creamy white perianth with very broad overlapping petals; large open cup of deep chrome-yellow. A large flower of sturdy growth and substance. Height 18 inches . 2.30

*Will Scarlet (Incomparabilis). 5. Creamy white perianth; widely ex¬ panded cup of brilliant orange-scarlet, elegantly frilled. A note¬ worthy variety, owing to the dazzling scarlet of the cup; a very good grower. Height 18 inches . 2.20

*Mixed Daffodils. A splendid mixture of many varieties and types, all suitable for naturalizing, is offered to induce liberal plantings of

these lovely flowers. . $70.00 per 1000.. 1.00


















* Narcissus, Paper White

American grown bulbs have proven after careful testing to flower as well as im¬ ported bulbs, but they must not be started before December first. Planted in pebbles and water and grown fairly cool in full light they will produce splendid flowers three weeks after planting. Use largest bulbs only!

$1.00 per 12. $7.50 per 100.

No other varieties except those preceded by a star (•) are carried in stock in the Autumn.

Page Forty -six


Narcissus, Spring Glory.

Narcissus, Emperor.

Page Forty-seven


Miniature Daffodils for the Rock Garden

The following are charming little subjects for rock work, where their dainty flowers are seen to perfection. They should be left undisturbed for years, and if happy will soon establish themselves and afford a lovely picture in early Spring. All the Bulbocodium (except Monophyllus), and the Cyclamineus, like moisture, and should, therefore, be planted at the foot of the rockery. Bulbocodium monophyllus flourishes in a warm, dry sheltered situation planted in almost pure sand; when coming into bloom give water freely. Triandrus albus (Angel’s Tears) and Junci- folius delight in partial shade and a light gritty soil, and should be given a well drained position.

Our stock of these varieties is very limited and we offer them only for as long as unsold. Per 12

-Bulbocodium citrinus (Large Sulphur Hoop Petticoat). Very beautiful pale

citron-yellow. Height 6 to 8 inches . $5.00

^Bulbocodium conspicuus (Yellow Hoop Petticoat). Flowers rich golden yellow,

of hoop-petticoat form and rushlike foliage. Height 6 inches . 5.00

*Jonquilla, Simplex. The true tiny single Jonquil. The bulbs as well as the flowers of this miniature Daffodil are not very much larger than the Snow¬ drop. The flowers are a pure golden yellow and delightfully fragrant; foliage is grasslike. Perfectly hardy and most satisfactory small Daffodil for the

rock garden. Plant in little clusters of 10 or 15 bulbs . 2.50

*Jonquilla flore pleno. This is the charming double-flowered form of the above.

Also splendid in the rockery . 3.00

-Triandrus albus. An exquisite beautiful little species, it is of slender growth and produces a cluster of elegant creamy white little flowers with globular

cup and perianth reflexing as in the Cyclamen. Height 7 inches . 4.75

*W. P. Miller. A charming free-flowering variety, with dainty, sulphur colored flowers; one of the best varieties for the American rock garden. Height 11 inches . 2.75

Narcissus, White Lady.

No other varieties except those preceded by a star (•) are carried in stock in the Autumn.

Page Forty-eight


Narcissus, Lucifer.

Narcissus, Rugulosus Giganteus.

Narcissus, Sir Watkin.

Narcissus, Firebrand.

Page Forty-nine


Ranunculus (Must Have Protection)

Double flowers on strong, straight stems 8 to 12 inches long. The colors range in a large diversified assortment. Excellent for forcing.

12 100 Bulbs Bulbs

^Double Trench Mixed. Strong roots . $1.00 $7.50


The English Blue Bell (Scilla nutans), with its long pendent bells, abounds in many gardens. The fine Spanish varieties (S. hispanica) have erect flower-spikes and open campanulate flowers. All are very effective in flower and shrubbery borders, and most valuable for wild gardens and woodlands, where they should be largely naturalized. Wood Hyacinths may be planted in bare shady places, and odd corners which often have a desert-like appearance which can thus be rendered bright and cheerful. They will also thrive under Fir and Pine trees, where few other plants will grow. Plant September to November, 6 inches deep, to obtain fine flower spikes.


Scilla ' Hispanica (Syn. Campanulata).


100 1000

^Hispanica, White Queen. Spikes of pure white bells; beautiful.

Height 1 foot .

*Hispanica, Blue King. Producing fine bold heads of good sized

bells, dark lavender shaded blue . 60

^Hispanica, Rosalind. Having large, pyramidal heads of blush- pink open bells, fine robust grower. Height 14 inches . 70

Scilla - Nutans

The True Bnglish Blue Bell








. .60



. .70






*Nutans, Bnglish Pink Bells. Bearing spikes of pretty blush-

pink flowers .

*Nutans, Bnglish Blue Bells. Gracefully arching stems with dark violet-blue bells; a valuable bulb to naturalize in wood¬ lands and shady walks. Height 14 inches .

*Nutans, English White Bells. Bells pure white on long, grace¬ fully arching stems, beautiful when naturalized in copses, shady walks, etc., also prized for cutting. Height 14 inches . .

Bulbs Bulbs Bulbs

$0.70 $5.00 $45.00

.50 3.00 25.00

.65 4.50 40.00

Sternbergia 12

(Hardy Give Light Protection) Bulbs

*Lutea major. A large-flowered form of the Lily of the field; a very effective Autumn-flowering bulbous plant producing large, handsome crocus-like flowers of a rich golden yellow. The bulbs make a charming decoration if planted in bowls or pots and flower a few weeks after planting. Out-of-doors the Sternbergia likes a warm, well drained situation on banks or borders, where it should be left undisturbed for years. The bulbs should be planted 9 inches deep, and in cold districts a covering of dry litter should be given in Winter. Fine for the rock garden . $3.00




Trilliums (Hardy)

Trilliums are very attractive plants of the Lily family. The forms known as Wood Lilies or Wake Robins are well known in the East and are fine woodland plants. Of these, the best is T. grandiflorum.

A better plant for the shaded corner, damp woodland, border of streams, where the soil is moist, or for the shaded parts of the garden, does not grow. It takes a year for them to take hold, but they will then improve for years. There is no better bulbous plant to naturalize to perfection in gravel, loam, sand and heavy clay, and in each case, with no care whatever. 12 100

Bulbs Bulbs

* Grandiflorum. This is the best of all the Trilliums, growing about 12 to 15 inches high and produces large, starlike, white blossoms very early in the Spring . $90.00 per 1000. .$1.50 $10.00

No other varieties except those preceded by a star (•) are carried in stock in the Autumn.

Page Fifty

Page Fifty-one

Scilla Nutans English Blue Bells.


Scilla Sibirica.

Scillas - Squills

(March and April Flowering1 Hardy)

The rich dark blue of Scilla bifolia and the bright blue of Scilla sibirica in early Spring render them invaluable for edgings or for massing in flower beds and borders. As they bloom so early in the year, it is advisable to give them a sunny situation.

They are not particular about the soil in which they grow. They are ideal for the wild garden but they are not to be despised in the border, especially if they are left alone for two or three years without being disturbed in any way. They are splendid in the rock garden. Never plant less than 12 or 18 bulbs in a clump.

12 100 1000 Bulbs Bulbs Bulbs

♦Sibirica Blue (Siberian Squill). Earliest to flower, connecting the flowering of the Crocuses with the Narcissi. Fine for nat¬ uralizing, producing drooping, bell-like flowers on stems 3 to 4 inches high. Succeed well in the rock garden. Color bright

blue. Plant 3 inches deep in shade, half shade or in full sun. .$0.60 $4.00 $35.00

Bifolla. Dwarf, rich blue flowers, which bloom with the Winter

Aconite in March. Excellent for clumps, edgings and rock work. .60 4.00 35.00

No other varieties except those preceded by a star (*) are carried in stock in the Autvmn.

Page Fifty two

Low Tulip Prices


JLHERE is an over-production of Hol¬ land Tulip bulbs.

It means some surprisingly fine varie¬ ties are available at remarkable prices.

Louis XIV, the aristocrat of Tulips, as well as popular favorites, such as Clara Butt, Pride of Haarlem, Rev. H. Ew- bank, and many others, are priced so low you can afiford to buy in hundreds instead of by the dozen.

The truth of the matter is all these prices are lower than before the war. Take Hyacinths, for instance; exhibi¬ tion size bulbs may now be had for about half the price paid last year.

It just does look as if it would be many a long day before such an opportunity would happen again. We recommend that you stock up on bulbs this year ! Plant them in goodly numbers, replace old bulbs that have been in the garden for a number of years, with newly imported stock. NOW is the time to do it.

Page Fifty-three

A Popular Assortment of Tulips for 1931

The collection of Tulips we have offered for many years under this heading has always stood out conspicuously because of the unusually fine varieties our Dutch growers made available for us. This year they have given us a still greater concession than usual. You will notice that Darwin Tulip, White Emperor, is included in the list. This new pure white Darwin is not offered anywhere in this country at a price so that everyone can have it. In addition, the lovely Lily- flowered Tulip Sirene is added and also the two great favorites, Breeder Tulip Prince of Orange and Louis XIV. The last we may say is world famous and the most beautiful Tulip known. If you are not familiar with varieties of Tulips, may we suggest you order this collection. We are sure you cannot do better or nearly as well any¬ where else. By ordering early you will do us a favor.

Darwin Tulips

*Baronne de la Tonnaye

♦Clara Butt


*Mr. Farncombe Sanders ♦Prof. Rauwenhof ♦Princess Elizabeth

Cottage Tulips

♦John Ruskin

♦Inglescombe Yellow




♦Pride of Haarlem ♦Rev. H. Ewbank ♦Scarlet Beauty ♦Zulu

♦White Emperor

Breeder Tulips

♦Bronze Queen ♦Panorama (Fairy)

♦Prince of Orange ♦Louis XIV

The collections are made up of 100, 200, 500 and 1000 bulbs. The unusually low price is as follows:

Collection A. * 100 bulbs in 20 varieties all labeled and packed

separately 5 bulbs of a variety, for ......$ 4.75

Collection B. * 200 bulbs in 20 varieties all labeled and packed

separately 10 bulbs of a variety, for . 9.25

Collection C. * 500 bulbs in 20 varieties all labeled and packed

separately 25 bulbs of a variety, for ..... 22.00

Collection D. *1000 bulbs in 20 varieties all labeled and packed

separately 50 bulbs of a variety, for ...... 41.75

The collections are not allowed to be broken at this special price. Color descriptions can be found in the alphabetical lists of Tulips.

No other varieties except those preceded by a star (*) are carried in stock in the Autumn

Page Fifty-four


A lovely combination of colors .

Breeder Tulip, Prince of Orange.

Darwin Tulip, Bleu Aimable.

Page Fifty-five


Darwin Tulips

The Darwin Tulips were developed in the north of Prance, supposedly from choice varieties of Bybloem Tulips. Owing- to the unusual clearness of the colors, to the substance of the petals, and to their vigorous growth, these seedlings, when they came into the hands of the prominent Dutch firms, seemed worthy of forming a new class of Tulips. In 1889 they were named in honor of Darwin, and offered for sale. They remained little known for a number of years but with renewed interest in the Tulip, which sprang up in England at the beginning of the present decade, they com¬ menced to receive attention. In America the Darwins are now widely appreciated, and their popularity here promises to exceed the favor they have enjoyed so long in Europe.

The colors include the brilliant scarlets and crimsons, and the more somber tones of red. The shades of rose and pink, of violet, and purple are unsurpassed for their delicacy or their richness of color. There are slate blue and blue-violets which might almost be called blue, while Dumas’ “Black Tulip” is very nearly realized in some of the dark maroon varieties. There are no yellows. All the bronze and buff tones are Breeders; while bright yellow and orange-scarlet must be sought among the Cottage Tulips. The Darwins may be left undisturbed for years, but it must be kept in mind that Tulips are not long lived in our soil and climate, but if taken care of, we have known them to last many years. The collection offered in this catalog is made up from the best varieties offered for sale in Holland.

The figure following the name indicates the relative time of flowering.

12 100 Bulbs Bulbs

-Afterglow; syn., Katherine Havemeyer. 4. Deep rosy orange, with salmon shading at edges of petals; inside deep orange with yellowish base. A showy Tulip for outdoors. Height 26 inches . $0.65 $ 4.50

Aphrodite. 3. Silvery rose-pink, white base. A beautifully shaped

Tulip of great strength; flower lasting a long time. Height 34 inches. 1.60 11.25

Ariadne. 2. Brilliant rosy carmine, shaded scarlet with blue base.

Large flower; great substance. Height 28 inches . 65 4.50

Anton Mauve. Enormous flower of good substance and form. Violet, bordered soft grayish white. This beautiful variety should be in every garden, planted in strong clumps or masses in semi-shade. It is extremely effective next to Iberis Sempervirens or Doronicum, and is of fine bearing. Height 32 inches . 1.45 10.50

*Ascanio. 3. Tall grower, rosy lilac flower; popular in English gardens because as a cut flower it is unique; plant it together with Cottage Tulips, Inglescombe Pink, and use both for table decoration . 85 6.50

*Baronne de la Tonnaye. 4. Bright rose, margined blush rose. Height

26 inches . 55 3.75

*Bartigon. 1. A very showy, shapely flower of good substance on strong stem; fiery crimson with pure white base, broadly ringed deep blue. It is splendid for forcing. Height 28 inches . 60 4.25

*Bleu Aimable. 4. Pale lavender, with white base, starred blue; beau¬ tiful flower of distinct shape. Height 25 inches . 65 4.50

Bleu Celeste. 2. Violet-blue flower of fine form. Handsome near

Tulips of clear pink tones. Height 30 inches . 2.90 22.00

Centenaire. 1. Rich violet-rose, with large blue base; enormous flow¬ ers. Early. One of the best forcing varieties. Height 30 inches . . . .60 4.00

*Cify of Biaarlem. A handsome, fiery cardinal-red Darwin of great sub¬ stance. The deep violet base of this Tulip, outlined in wThite, gives it a striking effect when open. It is admirably at home among all the lighter colored Spring flowers, such as the Hardy Alyssum or Doroni¬ cum, in the garden or border. Height 31 inches . 1.05 8.25

*Clara Butt. 4. Clear pink, flushed salmon-rose; inside much deeper,

with blue base. Beautiful out-of-doors. Height 21 inches . 50 3.50

No other varieties except those preceded by a star (*) are carried in stock in the Autumn.

Page Fifty-six


Page Fifty-seven



12 100 Bulbs Bulbs

*Chant de Cygne. 4. Glowing salmon-scarlet shaded soft rose. On© of the finest and the largest of all existing Darwin Tulips. A beautiful novelty. Height 26 inches . $0.70 $ 5.25

*Dream. 2. Pale heliotrope, inside deep violet with blue base. One of

the loveliest of Darwins. Height 27 inches . 65 4.50

*Duchess of Hohenberg. 2. Most lovely association of gray-lilac and rosy heliotrope. A magnificent flower of perfect form, borne on a stiff stem. Makes lovely beds with white Violas. Height 29 inches . 2.90 22.00

*Duke of Portland. 2. Clear claret color changing with age to bright garnet, and blue base; a long, very large flower of rich color and fine form. Height 30 inches. A very fine variety . 90 7.00

Eclipse. 2. Self-colored glowing blood-red, with steel-blue base. A

huge flower, often having an extra number of petals. Height 25 inches. 2.50 18.00

*Edmee; syn., Beauty. 4. Vivid cherry-rose, edged soft rose; the brightest color in this type. Large flower of great beauty. Height 25 inches . 65 4.50

^Europe. 2. Salmon-scarlet, shaded rose with white base; medium

sized flower on strong stem. Height 22 inches . 55 3.75

*Euterpe. 2. Silvery lilac with rosy tone; dainty, coy, incurving of the edges of its outer petals. This charming variety makes a beautiful bed planted with Stachys lanata. Height 29 inches . 65 4.50

*Feu Brilliant. 2. A most glorious scarlet Tulip; large and beautifully shaped flower on strong stem; one of the first to bloom; highly rec¬ ommended. Height 28 inches . 75 5.50

*Faust. A long, large and splendid flower of deep wine color, lighter than La Tulipe Noire, but related to that in color. The flower is of oval form and fine spreading petal, well held up on its tall stem; a magnificent thing for cutting or for rich coloring among other Tulips in the border. Height 31 inches . 1.00 7.50

^Flamingo. 2. One of the most beautiful pink Tulips. Exquisite pure color and satin sheen. Lovely pointed flower. Beautiful in border among Camassias, Nepeta Mussini, and Bleeding Heart. Please do not confuse with a Single Early Tulip of that name. Height 28 inches . . .65 4.50

Fraulein Von Amberg. 2. Dark violet, edged tawny gray; inside dull violet-purple, with white base; open flower of peculiar flattened form.

The whole flower has a brownish cast, which changes the ground color

in great degree. Height 30 inches . 1.55 11.00

Frans Hals. 3. Violet-blue, large flower. First class Certificate,

Amsterdam. Height 25 inches . 1.00 8.00

Giant. 2. Deep reddish purple, shaded dark violet with white base.

Handsome flower of enormous size on long stem; sturdy habit.

Height 29 inches . 2.05 13.75

* Glory of Welworth. 3. Heliotrope-lilac of a very brilliant character;

large flower on stout stem. Height 24 inches . 80 6.00

Glow; syn., Claude Gillot. 3. Dazzling vermilion-scarlet; white base.

Good sized flower of distinct shape. Height 23 inches . 65 4.50

Harry Veitch. 2. Blood-red with brighter edge and blue base; very

brilliant; medium sized flower. Height 23 inches . .75 5.50

Gretchen. 3. Silvery pale rose, flushed white, inside soft pink with

white base marked blue. Height 22 inches . 50 3.50

Herodiade. 1. Lilac-rose, of clear color; very large flower carried on a strong stem 26 inches high. A very early-flowering variety and ex¬ cellent for greenhouse forcing . 70 5.25

No other varieties except those preceded by a star (*) are carried in stock in the Autumn.

Page Fifty-eight


Darwin Tulip, President Taft.

Darwin Tulip, Zulu.

Darwin Tulip, Viola.

Darwin Tulip, Afterglow.

Page Fifty-nine



12 100 Bulbs Bulbs

*Isis. 3. Crimson-scarlet with blue base; very large flower of striking beauty. A variety of the most intense color. Showy for borders or among shrubbery, and extra fine for forcing. Height 26 inches . $0.70 $ 5.00

*Jubilee. Of deepest violet, this Tulip with its splendid carriage, good form and strong texture, has a place by itself among the purple Dar¬ wins. Its telling hue is charming above Anchusa myosotidiflora, and if planted with a variety such as Duchess of Hohenberg, in clumps above these blue flowers, the effect is wonderful. Height 31 inches. . 1.00 8.00

*Xing George V. 2. Glowing salmon-scarlet, shaded bright rose; inside brilliant orange-scarlet with blue base. A flower of intense color.

Height 25 inches . 1.60 11.25

King Harold. 3. Deep ox-blood-red, with purple-black base; large flow¬ er of fine form, on a sturdy stem. Superb variety for the border, and most effective in partial shade. Height 24 inches . 70 5.00

*La Fiancee. A most beautiful and distinct pink Tulip with a blue base.

Plant near purple-leaved shrubs with Camassias and Bleeding Hearts.

Height 30 inches. This handsome Tulip is splendid for mass effect

in the border . 90 7.00

*La Tristesse. A tall, slaty violet Tulip with grey rim of medium size but good form. Effective grouped among pale yellow Tulips. Height 30 inches . 75 5.75

*La Tulipe Noire. 3. Dark maroon-black, the blackest of all the Tulips.

Large flower. Height 25 inches . . 70 5.00

Louise de la Valliere. 3. Brilliant cherry-rose with blue base. A magnificent Tulip. Height 24 inches . 85 6.50

^Loveliness. 2. Soft carmine-rose, paler at margin; good size and of

fine form. Lovely in every way; splendid forcer. Height 23 inches . . .55 3.75

Madame Barrois. 2. Dull rose with soft rose margin which changes

to pale flesh-white; blush base. A new Darwin. Height 25 inches . . 1.00 7.50

Madame Krelage. 2. Tender lilac-rose, margined pale silvery rose; inside soft rose-pink; long flower, lovely in borders. Height 28 inches. .55 3.75

^Massachusetts. 2. Vivid pink, edged rosy white, white base. Large

flower of beautiful color. Height 26 inches . 60 4.00

Massenet. 3. Opening deep rose with edge of paler rose, fading to pale rose; inside creamy white, base bright blue. A flower of large size, and one of the handsomest. Height 30 inches . 75 5.75

Major Sandberg. 4. A beautifully shaped Tulip of unique dull bur¬ gundy red color with black center. The flower is large with strong stem of medium height, about 28 inches. Of vigorous growth and compelling appearance; a good novelty . 3.00 25.00

Matchless. 2. A symmetrical and fine flower of a charming tone of deep rose-pink. The petals are decidedly incurved, which gives a variety to its appearance, and its color commends it for use with all lavender or bluish early flowers. Height 27 inches . 70 5.00

*Melicette. 3. Soft lavender; inside dark lavender-violet with beautiful

blue base. The purest lavender Darwin. Height 25 inches . 1.00 7.50

*Mr. Farncombe Sanders. 2. Scarlet; inside vivid cerise-scarlet with white base; large. Flower of perfect shape. One of the best among the reds. Height 25 inches . 50 3.50

*Mrs. Potter Palmer; syn., Mr. D. T. Fish; Fashion. 2. Deep purple. A

very fine Tulip for the border . 75 5.75

No other varieties except those preceded by a star (*) are carried in stock in the Autumn.

Page Sixty


Darwin Tulip, Ascanio.

Darzvin Tulip, Petrus Hondius.

Darwin Tulip, Chant de Cygne.

Darwin Tulip, Rosa Bella.

Page Sixty-one







Mystery. 2. Very large and beautiful shiny black flower with circular,

blue base; most effective variety. Height 23 inches . $2.50 $18.00

Orange Perfection. 3. Brilliant salmon-orange when first opening, shaded scarlet with age, and bright blue base; large flower of most intense color. Splendid for borders or among evergreens. Height 26

inches .

*Paul Baudry. 3. Dark violet-purple, shaded bronze. A lovely new

variety .

*Petrus Hondius. A lovely carmine-rose flower with a blue base. Looks well planted with a deep purple Tulip. A most brilliant color in

Darwins. Height 30 inches .

*Pride of Haarlem. 1. Brilliant rosy carmine with blue base; very large flower on tall, strong stem; sweet scented. Unsurpassed for

borders. Height 25 inches .

Prince of the Netherlands. 3. Cerise-scarlet, edged rose, blue base; extra large flower of striking color. Height 31 inches .

2.70 20.00

.85 6.50

.65 4.50

.50 3.50

.70 5.00

^Prince of Wales. A shining cherry-red Darwin. The best of its color- bar none. The merest suspicion of blue in its hue makes it eminently suitable for use with Anchusa myosotidiflora or Mertensia, and if a brilliant effect should be wanted, it might be grown about the double Arabis in drifts or colonies. Height 28 inches . 1.05 8.25

^President Taft. Large, deep crimson-red flower on a very sturdy stem,

20 inches high. A crimson so intense and yet so pleasing that it is one of the outstanding Darwin Tulips. There is no other red like that seen in President Taft. For a variety to be used in a solid bed it cannot be surpassed. Rather late flowering but lasts longer than most

Tulips. Include it in every collection . 75 5.75

^Princess Elizabeth. 2. Clear deep pink, changing with age to rose- pink, white base. Large flower. Height 26 inches. One of the loveli¬ est pink sorts; splendid in the border . 60 4.00

^Professor Rauwenhof. 3. Bright cherry-red with scarlet glow inside; brilliant blue base. Enormous flower on a strong stem. Height 28 inches . 60 4.00

*Pysche. 1. Silvery rose, edged soft rose; inside shaded silvery rose

with pale blue base. Large flower. Height 26 inches . 65 4.50

Pulcinella. 1. Very lovely shaped flower of a clear, bright and pleasing

cerise-red. Flowers very early and is good for forcing in greenhouse. 1.15 8.75

Raphael. 2. Great richness of tone is exhibited in this maroon colored

Tulip. It is one of the best of the dark varieties. Height 30 inches. . 1.00 7.50

Remembrance. 2. Pale slate lilac; inside dull violet, flushed brown at

base. Height 25 inches . 90 7.00

^Reverend H. Ewbank. Plant this lovely mauve Tulip with sky-blue flax for lovely effect. It is one of the best of its type. A beautiful blend¬ ing of colors may be had by intermixing with yellow Cottage Tulips

or planting close to the old-fashioned Bleeding Heart . 60 4.00

Rosa Bella. 3. Exceedingly beautiful salmon-rose. One of the finest novelties which has been awarded a First Class Certificate. Height 21 inches. Will be the most popular pink when quantities of it are available and the price reduced . 1.25 9.50

Ronald Gunn. 2. Blue-violet, coming very close to blue. A unique va¬ riety, fine in the border and one of the best when forced. Height 26 inches . 1.00 7.50

Salmonea. 2. A flower of interesting color and symmetrical form; a rounding cup of a warm tapestry-like pink with buff-edged petals of strong texture. The Tulip in mass, or with but few is lovely, and gives a very singular and beautiful spread of color. Height 28 inches. 1.00 7.50

No other varieties except those preceded by a star (•) are carried in stock in the Autumn.

Page Sixty-two


Darwin Tulip, Princess Elizabeth.

Darwin Tulip, La Tristessc.

Page Sixty-three



12 100 Bulbs Bulbs

*Scarlet Beauty. 2. Pure glowing scarlet. Extra large flower. Height

22 inches. New; looks well in the distance in a large garden . $0.70 $ 5.00

The Bishop. 3. Finest deep violet, blue base, white halo. Beautiful

form. Plant in a carpet of yellow pansies. Height 29 inches . 2.95 23.00

Thorbecke; syn., Jefferies. 1. Deep wine-red, center dark; large, oval¬ shaped flower on tall, strong stem. This is the only Darwin Tulip in this color in existence and one of the most attractive when planted between shrubbery or in the border. Height 23 inches . 75 5.75

*Van Foortvliet; syn., Minister Tak Van Poortvliet. 2. Bright rosy scarlet with a blue base; large flower on tall stem. Award of Merit

R. H. S. London. Height 24 inches . . .. .65 4.50

* Viking. 4. Deep violet; inside violet, flushed brown with blue base.

Large, open flower. Height 27 inches . 1.00 7.50

Venus. 8. Large, pure silvery rose, white base marked with a pale blue ring; very lovely color; good form and substance. Very beautiful.

Height 28 inches . 1.60 11.25

*Viola. 3. Dark violet, strong, large flower. Height 30 inches. Beau¬ tiful variety and one of the best garden sorts . 90 7.00

*Wliite Emperor. A lovely new, pure white Darwin, much better than the well known White Queen. Best planted next to a deep scarlet or

dark purple variety . 1.00 7.50

* White Queen. 2. Almost white when mature; with black anthers;

medium size. Height 24 inches . 70 5.00

^William Pitt. 2. Very dark crimson, with purplish bloom on the outer petals and white base starred blue; large flower of distinct color and great beauty. Fine for borders and for forcing. Height 22 inches .. .60 4.25

* William Copland; syn., Sweet Lavender. 1. Lilac-rose; not a large flower but of merit because it may be forced as easily as the early

Tulips. Height 25 inches . 60 4.00

*Yolande; syn., Duchess of Westminster. 2. Soft rose; inside brilliant salmon-rose. This variety is a greatly improved Clara Butt. Height

27 inches . 1.35 10.00

*Zulu. 2. Rich, velvety black with shining purple edges; large, egg- shaped flower, and the finest of all the dark varieties, might almost be

called the Black Tulip. Height 27 inches . 75 5.75

Zwanenberg. 3. Pure white with black anthers. A large, substantial flower and one of the best white Darwins yet introduced. Height 28

inches . 1.60 11.25

*Superb Mixture of Darwins. This is our own special mixture which we recommend where the best results are desired in beds of mixed colors.

It is made up of numerous named sorts and in equal proportions of

each variety . ...$32.50 per 1000.. .50 3.50

^Unnamed Tulips for Cutting*. So that you may be able to have plenty of flowers to cut from your own garden, we have arranged with our grower to prepare for us a selection of large-flowering Tulips suitable for cutting. Instead of going to the extra expense of keeping the varieties separate, we have instructed him not to do so. Great care will be taken to see to it that each package contains the greatest variety possible in harmonious colors. There will be Darwin Tulips, Cottage Tulips, Breeder Tulips, Lily- Flowered Tulips, etc. All long-stemmed varieties, excellently suited for cutting. Sold in quantities of not less than 100 bulbs.

100 bulbs, Cut Flower Collection, for . $4.00

250 bulbs, Cut Flower Collection, for . 9.50

No other varieties except those preceded by a star (*) are carried in stock in the Autumn.

Page Sixty-four

Page Sixty-five

Unnamed varieties of Darwin, Breeder, Lily-flowered and Cottage Tulips blended in lovely colors; with long stems for cutting. (See bottom of page 64 for price and description).


The Tulips of the Future

Dutch Hybridists are always working to improve Bulbs, and especially upon Tulips. It is more than likely that our grandchildren will not plant the varieties that are now popular and are giving us so much pleasure. New races of Tulips are developing and improvement in the existing races is going on steadily. New varieties will ultimately replace the entire list of Tulips with which you are now familiar. It probably will be years before prices are such that you will want to buy one hundred or more of these improved Tulips, but we cannot resist offering on these two pages, some of the newest varieties that have been introduced by our grower and which are acclaimed all over Europe and praised by those who have seen them. Their colors are gorgeous and the substance of these new Tulips is unsurpassed. Perhaps, you would like to try one or two of these new sorts and we, therefore, take great pleasure in offering this select list.

New Darwin Tulips

On this page are listed the finest Darwin Tulips ever introduced, and they are beyond doubt the most exquisite varieties in existence.


Avalon. Large, pure white flowers with black anthers. Tall and strong stem.

A wonderfully fine flower, very useful because there are so very few white late-flowering Tulips . $0.65

Capt. Lindbergh. Pure golden yellow; large flower; tall growing . 90

Cherry Pink. Bright cherry-blossom-pink; flowers are shaped like a rose-bud, delicately edged white, center bluish white. Large flowers on strong and not too tall a stem. A marvelous Darwin Tulip of great beauty . 6.00

Gloria Swanson. An enormous purplish crimson flower, with darker center.

We do not believe that a larger and stronger Tulip exists in this color. Strong stem and flower has great lasting qualities. This really is a giant . . 2.50

Golden Pleece. Bright golden yellow, petals are slightly tipped brown, black

anthers. This is a crossing between C. T. Bouton d’Or and D. T. La Tulipe

Noire . 15

Kathleen Farlow. Bright silvery rose, a very delicate flower on tall, strong stem. Highly recommended . 60

La Prance. A gloriously soft self colored Darwin Tulip of delicate La Prance pink. We have named this Tulip after the well known rose of this color. Large, well formed flower, center pure white. Stem is strong and not too

tall. Anyone who admires the rose La France will admire this variety . 4.00

La Tosca. Large, sulphur-yellow flower, egg-shaped with a darker yellow center. Strong growing plant; flowers are carried on a tall and strong stem; one of the very few yellow Darwin Tulips. A wonderful creation . 1.0C

Lilac Wonder. A color which has up to now not been known in any Tulip, the flower is porcelain-blue with a white center edged heavenly blue. Stem strong and not too tall. A wonderful novelty which will have a great future . 1.00

No other varieties except those preceded by a star (•) are carried in stock in the Autumn.

Page Sixty-six


Darwin Tulip, Duke of Portland.

Darwin Tulip, City of Haarlem.

Darwin Tulip, Flamingo.

Darwin Tulip, Anton Mauve.

Page Sixty-seven




L’Innocence. A white Darwin Tulip with a short-petalled flower of great sub¬ stance; anthers are grayish white. A very fine novelty and fine addition to the white Darwins . $2.50

Lohengrin. Bright rosy red with pure white center, very large, oval-shaped flower, tall and strong stem. Certainly one of the loveliest flowers lately introduced. Highly recommended . 70

Marble Queen. Of purest marble whiteness, when the flower ages it becomes slightly cream-white. Flowers are very substantial, large and are carried on stiff stems. A 1927 introduction. Highly recommended . 1.00

Mermaid. Delicate flesh-pink with white center; tremendous flower of oval shape, strong and tall stem. This novelty is among the first to bloom and has great lasting qualities. A 1927 introduction. Height 28 inches . 80

Mount Everest. A pure white Darwin Tulip of great substance; anthers black. Large flower on a strong stem of glistening whiteness . 90

Mr. Mandell. Lovely violet-blue edged lighter, interior slightly darker. Enor¬ mous flower on tall, stiff stem. Is among the first to bloom and the last to fade. Highly recommended. Height 30 inches . 1.50

Mrs. Grullemans. The purest white Darwin Tulip introduced. This is an im¬ provement on the white Zwanenburg, also offered in this list. Flowers are large, of great substance, with pure white center and light sulphur-yellow anthers, on heavy, strong stem. Height 28 inches. The purity of its white is equal to that of the Easter Lily . 5.00

Princess Mary. Brilliant pink, tremendous flower of great substance, very attractive when forced in pots. This will take the place of many other pink Tulips. One of the largest and best in this color. Height 34 inches . 70

Proserpina. A color which is very much like the Single Early Tulip of this name. Long flower on a tall stem. The flower is inclined to be lily-shaped, is a beautiful exhibition variety and a lively novelty . 15

Queen of Hearts. Purplish wine-red, a very peculiar color. This is the only Darwin Tulip in this color we know. Height 28 inches . 15

Rose Glory. A glorious dark pink Tulip, large flower, center pure white. This is one of the finest Tulips lately introduced. Highly recommended . 75

Sundew. A gorgeous cup of glowing crimson uplifted on a tall, stately stem.

In size and shape a true Darwin but its petals are beautifully fringed and laciniated at the outer edges, presenting a very charming and novel appear¬ ance either in bed or vase. Not since the introduction of Fantasy has such a striking novelty been offered to the Tulip connoisseur. .Doz., $1.25; 100, $9.50.. .15

Tokay. Lavender-blue, edged lighter blue on the outer petals. Tremendous large flower on a strong and tall stem. The largest Tulip of this color in existence . 15

Wayside Gardens. A lovely bright pink Tulip of tremendous size, slightly edged lighter pink. Very large and well formed flower on tall, strong stem.

The very best of all pink Darwin Tulips. The foreign introducer compli¬ mented us by calling this Tulip after our nursery. We have seen it and it is beautiful . 1.00

White Giant. Pure white; a very beautiful Tulip. Large flower on tall and strong stem. Anthers are black . 1.00

White City. A pure white Darwin of great beauty; very large flower. Anthers are black . 10

Yellow Giant. A pure yellow Tulip of great beauty and substance; large flower with black anthers. Tall and strong stem. The only yellow Darwin Tulip in existence to date . 80

No other varieties except those preceded by a star (•) are carried in stock in the Autumn.

Page Sixty-eight


Darwin Tulip, Feu Brilliant.

Darwin Tulip, La Tulip e Noire.

Darzvin Tulip, Rev. H. Eivbank.

Darzvin Tulip, Major Sandberg.

Page Sixty-nine


Breeder Tulips

The Breeder Tulips have been favorites in Holland for centuries, but it is only within recent years that they have become known and appreciated in America, and now they bid fair to rival the Darwin Tulips in popularity.

Their majestic size and remarkable colors place them distinctly in a class by themselves. Every lover of the more somber shades cannot fail to revel in the rich and artistic blendings of purple and old gold, bronze and terra cotta, brown and violet, and buff and maroon found among the Breeders. They are late to bloom but surpass in size and vigor the Darwins, although lacking the color brilliancy or the latter. The flowers are, many of them, sweet scented, and all splendid for cutting.

12 100 Bulbs Bulbs

♦Abd-el-Kader. A fine bronze Breeder, with dark lilac flushes on the golden bronze of all the petals. The flower is large and well shaped,

held on a tall, stout stem. A beautiful Tulip. Height 30 inches . $1.00 $7.50

*Apricot. A magnificent Breeder of light bronze overlaid with a deep old rose. The Tulip is large and well formed, the petals wonderfully strong and fine, on a tall stem of splendid substance and erectness.

Height 28 inches . 70 5.25

Alcida. 2. Eight bronze, edged golden yellow, which, with age, becomes soft primrose-yellow; a medium sized flower of clear tone, with fine

green base. Height 25 inches . 85 6.50

Bacchus. 2. Large, long flower on a graceful stem; dark violet-blue, with darker bloom on outside of petals, inside violet-blue, white base.

The bluest of all Tulips. Height 33 inches . 1.00 8.00

*Bronze Queen. 1. Large, strong flower, stout stem; fine form; purplish fawn, interior buff-yellow, bright lemon-chrome base; filaments olive

above, yellow below. A great favorite. Height 28 inches . 60 4.25

♦Cardinal Manning. 1. Very large, egg-shaped flower; bishop’s purple, flushed rosy bronze, changing to an almost pure orange at the ex¬ treme edges of the petals; the base is tinged yellow; filaments blue

at apex. Height 34 inches . 70 5.00

Cherbourg. 2. Beautiful, large, egg-shaped flower; golden feathered and streaked purple-brown; base slightly stained. We have only a few bulbs of this variety. Those who like to see all the new Tulips should include a few bulbs of this in their order . Each, $2.25.

Copernicus. 2. Dark coppery bronze, flushed old rose, interior warm

brown with yellow base. A splendid large flower. Height 27 inches.. .80 6.00

Coridion. 2. Clear yellow, overlaid with broad stripe of lilac through

center of petals. A Tulip of rare form and beauty. Height 28 inches. . 2.40 17.00

Duke of Edinburgh. 2. Enormous, well shaped flowers on stiff stem; one of the giants of this family; beautiful deep violet with large, white base. Height 33 inches. We have exceptionally strong stock

of this variety and can offer this now at a very special price . 4.00 33.00

*Dom Pedro. 2. Coffee-brown and maroon, shaded with old gold. It is the outstanding Breeder Tulip in this color. Robust in habit and long lasting, making it the best of the bronzy varieties . 75 5.75

♦Fairy. Remarkable for its splendid orange-scarlet color, its overlying bluish bloom, its amazing olive-green base, yellow pistil and dull violet anthers. Open or partly closed, the flower is magnificent, the

effect in mass planting superb. Height 27 inches . .65 4.50

Garibaldi. 3. Base and center of petals terra cotta with broad edge of

golden bronze. Exquisite coloring ; strong growth; one of the choicest. 4.15 34.00

Golden Bronze; syn., Toison d’Or, 3. Light brownish yellow, with faint flush of heliotrope outside; deep mahogany-brown within, shading to golden brown at tip of petals, yellow base. The general effect at a distance is a bright yellow-brown. Height 24 inches . 75 5.75

No other varieties except those preceded by a star (•) are carried in stock in the Autumn.

Page Seventy


Breeder Tulip , Bronze Queen.

Breeder Tulip, Lucifer.

Breeder Tulip, Fairy. Breeder Tulip, Cardinal Manning.

Page Seventy-one





*God©t Farfait. A charming- Tulip of great richness of color and nice habit of growth. Its slender stem permits it to bend a little. Its wondrous bloom and rich deep purple color touched with feathers of brownish black which are almost indistinguishable, make it exceed¬ ingly handsome. The outside of the flower is a duller purple than the inside, which is incomparably rich. Height 29 inches . $0.85

Golden Buff. A tremendously large flower on a tall and stiff stem, dull golden buff, center greenish yellow. A new color among the Breeders. Highly recommended. Height 32 inches . Each, $2.00..

Goldfinch. 3. Golden bronze suffused with deep lilac through center of petals. Inside deep bronze with lighter edge. Base yellow. Pointed flowers on stately stem. Height 29 inches . 1.00

Heloise. A beautiful combination of deep brown and old rose. Inside deep brown edged golden bronze, base yellow. Large flowers with reflexing petals. A most exquisite variety. Height 28 inches . 1.35

Indian Chief. A most artistic flower of enormous size, carried on a very tall, stiff stem. Its beautiful color is of an Indian-brown flushed coppery brown. A magnificent variety that stands out above all others

in the garden. Height 34 inches . 4.25

*Jaune d’Oeuf. Well formed, large flower on tall stem; bright, deep lemon-chrome, with a slight flush of pale purple on the outer seg¬ ments, large, pale green base; filaments greenish. Height 28 inches. .75 James Watt. Purple, flushed bronze; inside dark mahogany, with purple base; very large, globular flower. The most exquisite of all Breeders. Extra fine for any outdoor situation. Height 26 inches . 2.00

La Turquoise. Large flower of exquisite form on a strong, straight stem; of great substance, keeping for a long time. A fine light brick-

red, with broad edge of deep yellow . 1.80

*IiOuis XIV. Rich dark purple, shaded steel-blue, heavily flushed bronze, edged golden brown; enormous size and stately bearing. The best Breeder Tulip in commerce today. A great favorite with everyone for border planting or as a cut flower it is unsurpassed. We have

greatly reduced the price of this variety so all can buy it in quantity. .65 *liucifer. Bright terra cotta-orange; enormous flowers. One of the newer varieties of great brilliance. An exquisite flower for the bor¬ der as well as for cutting. Height 24 inches . 1.25

Mabel. Clear rosy white, pure white base, a most beautiful Tulip when forced in March. Highly recommended. Height 28 inches . 70

Madame Lethierry. Well formed, fine flower of a deep rose-pink, flushed with salmon at the outside margin and on the whole of the inside of each segment; the base is yellowish near the ovary, passing to a

greenish black ring. Height 25 inches . 90

Marechal Victor. A wonderful new variety. Large flower of a clear blue with brown border and yellow base. Should be in every col¬ lection. Height 30 inches . 4.25

Mrs. Beecher Stowe. A fine deep purple, of good form and splendid stem; very deep in color and uniform. One of those with the velvety bloom on the outer petals which gives a Tulip so rich an appearance

either in the garden or in the house. Height 30 inches . 2.70

*Mon Tresor. Indian-red, with orange tone at edge of petals; inside dull blood-red, with yellow base marked bronze; a medium sized flower; quite distinct. Height 25 inches . 70

Orange Perfection; syn., Marginata. Very handsome variety; the color is an apricot-orange with a distinct yellow border which makes it ex¬ ceedingly effective in the garden. Limited stock. Height 28 inches . . 1.00 Parthenope. Large flower, lilac-rose shaded bronze edged bright orange when in full bloom. Center light blue. A 1927 introduction. Height 28 inches . 2.25











9.50 5.25







No other varieties except those preceded by a star (*) are carried in stock in the Autumn.

Page Seventy-two


Breeder Tulip, St. James.

Breeder Tulip, Mon Tresor.

Breeder Tulip, Apricot.

Breeder Tulip, Louis XIV.

Page Seventy-three





Fink Pearl. A wonderfully effective variety offered by us in limited quantity. Beautiful flower, of fine form, lilac-pink with rosy bloom; interior rose, shaded creamy white . $1.35

Purple Beech. The color resembles the foliage of the red or purple Beech tree. Large, globular flower on sturdy stem. Yellowish base streaked olive. This is one of our very best among several seedlings of this color. Height 29 inches . 1.15

♦Prince Albert. Glowing mahogany-brown, shaded dull bronze, green base. Splendid variety for the border. Height 30 inches . 1.00

♦Prince of Orange. Large, very showy, well formed flower of great substance; terra cotta, edged orange-yellow, base indefinite yellow streaked with olive, filaments olive. Height 26 inches . 85

Prince of Wales. Large, open flower, dark bronze, shaded red, interior coppery brown, with black base, starred yellow. Height 28 inches.

Do not confuse this variety with Darwin Tulip of same name . 2.60

Roi Soleil. A Tulip of striking beauty. A wonderful combination of dark violet-blue and shades of bronze. Fine large, well formed flower. Plant with yellow pansies. Still extremely scarce, but we are very anxious to have you try some of them, knowing that they will give

you great pleasure and be a source of much pride . 1.15

St. Janies. Lilac, edged tan, shaded light rose. Inside mahogany with golden brown edge. Very large flower on tall stem. Height 28 inches.

A superb exhibition variety . 75

♦Turenne. Dark blue, heavily flushed bronze at margin; very large flower bud . 75

♦Velvet King. Immense flower on extra strong stem. Its robust growth makes it one of the most conspicuous; fine cup-shaped form; bright, dark royal purple, small, white, sharply defined base. Magnificent planted in masses of yellow pansies, or dotted through a large plant¬

ing of the pale heliotrope Darwin Tulip, Dream. Height 31 inches ... .85

Vulcan. Beautifully shaped flower of a color unlike any other reddish apricot, with broad margin of bright buff-yellow, interior dark apri¬ cot, edged yellow, with dark green base starred yellow. Extremely pretty when forced. Height 24 inches . 1.05

William the Silent. Enormous, well formed flower, on tall, strong stem; dark purple-blue, with darker bloom on outer petals, white base.

One more variety that we should like to see in the garden of every lover of Tulips. A fine novelty. Height 26 inches . 2.90

♦Wilberforce. Soft apricot, edged a clear tone of primrose-yellow with broader yellow margin inside and green base; a medium sized flower of distinct color on very tall stem. Splendid for the border. Height 32 inches . 1.25

♦Yellow Perfection. A large flower of remarkable beauty. Light bronze- yellow, edged golden yellow, interior bronzy brown, yellow base starred green. Height 26 inches . 75

♦Choice Mixed Breeder Tulips. Mixed bulbs, as a rule, do not appeal to the planter of bulbs because it does not make possible the blending of eolors. Breeder Tulips, however, are in a class by themselves, and their colors do permit easy blending. They are in shades of bronze, golden bronze, violet, buff, maroon and terra cotta. We suggest a liberal planting for cut flowers . $42.50 per 1000.. .65

















No other vaiieties except those preceded by a star (*) are carried in stock in the Autumn.

Page Seventy-four


Breeder Tulip, Coridion.

Breeder Tulip, Dom Pedro.

Breeder Tulip, Prince Albert. Breeder Tulip, Prince of Orange.

Page Seventy-five


Cottage Tulips

Hybrid Cottage and Triumph Tulips

The Cottage Tulips come into bloom in early May, after the Early Single varieties have passed. They are hardy and robust, with long, slender, but very stiff stems. The flowers are mostly long and oval, many of them with the petals gracefully re¬ flexed. The Cottage Tulips as a class are rich in the more delicate and artistic shades of yellow, orange, and fawn with salmon, old rose and amber. They are the best of all Tulips for cutting and they develop best when planted outdoors, in¬ cluding the earlier kinds. 12 100

Bulbs Bulbs

Alaska. A remarkable Hybrid Tulip of a clear bright yellow color and elegant form. The yellow is very even and soft. The form of the long, slender flower is interesting. The petals reflex slightly and the charm of the slender bloom is unusual. A fine Tulip to use with Mertensia virginica. Height 25 inches . $2.70 $20.00

Alcmene. Glowing rose, of bright hue, unmatched by that of any other variety; of fine rounding form, with exquisite base of cream white with iridescent blue color. Color soft, yet brilliant. Height 25 inches. 1.05 ♦Ambrosia. A rich flower of pale terra cotta and amber, and a rosy glow throughout; a Tulip that commands attention wherever seen. A flower of great size and slender form, held on a very long, fine stem; for cutting or garden use it is superb. Plant with Faust, or Darwin

of similar color. Height 28 inches . 1.80

Arethusa, A large and freely opening cup of pure light chrome-yellow.

This flower is much larger and more interesting and a great improve¬ ment over Pallida lutea. Height 25 inches . 2.50

Argo, This extraordinary variety created considerable excitement at the recent International Flower Show where it was admired by all; while the flower is not large, it stands out amongst all others for its rich color. It is deep golden yellow, slightly penciled toward the top

edges with orange, which deepens as the flower ages . 1.15

Avis Kennicott. Large, chrome-yellow flower with striking black base and anthers. Effective grown near Iris, Midnight. Height 23 inches.. 1.25 ♦Bouton d’Or. The finest and deepest golden yellow Tulip with black anthers. Cup-shaped flower of medium size; splendid for cutting and for mass effect; if planted amongst blue Anchusa myosotidiflora, or have them rise in quantity from a solid bed of white Violas or Arabis,

they will make a striking picture. Height 20 inches . 65

Beauty of Bath. Soft rosy lilac, bordered canary-yellow. Most effec¬ tive, very beautiful Tulip. Height 23 inches . 1.60

Buff Beauty. A very delicate Tulip, salmon-orange, shaded buff, center orange, shaded yellow. When forced the color turns to bright orange.

Height 20 inches . 1.15

♦Carrara. This pale Tulip has created, by its beauty, a sensation at the English shows; it is round and pure white as the marble from which it has its name. A most delicate flower. Height 25 inches . 1.80

♦Dido. A perfect flower, excellent in color and form, poised firmly at the top of its straight stem. Color is deep rich pink with yellow stripes.

It is an unusual and magnificent Tulip. Fragrant. Height 30 inches. . 1.80 Dillenburg'. A glorious salmon-orange shaded rose. The flowers are large and borne on strong, stiff stems. This is the finest Cottage

Tulip in this color. Height 25 inches . Each, 90c..

Bleanor Pratt. A lovely flower. The white which runs into the band of pale lavender becomes creamy at the top and sometimes there is a faint marking of gray-blue at the base of the outer petals. One rarely sees a more interesting Tulip than this variety. Height 28 inches . 2.70












No other varieties except those preceded by a star (*) are carried in stock in the Autumn.

Page Seventy-six


Cottage Tulip, Ellen Willmott.

Cottage Tulip, Ambrosia.

Cottage Tulip, Alcmene.

Cottage Tulip, Gesneriana Lutea.

Page Seventy-seven



12 100 Bulbs Bulbs

*ElIen Willmott. One of the finest May-flowering Tulips. Flowers very

large, beautifully shaped, soft creamy yellow, deliciously fragrant ..$0.75 $5.50

*Fairy Queen. Effective association of lilac and amber; beautiful sil¬ very heliotrope shade when forced. Large flower; one of the most

lovely of Cottage Tulips. Height 20 inches . 65 4.50

Flava. A canary-yellow Tulip of Satiny texture. Leaves silvery green.

Lovely planted against Persian Lilacs. The blossoms last a fort¬ night after other border varieties are past. Height 25 inches . 2.25 15.50

*Gesneriana Dutea. Warm yellow flower. Fine for herbaceous borders

among clumps of creamy Intermediate Iris. Height 24 inches . 60 4.00

*Gesneriana Spathulata. The finest of the Gesneriana group. Rich ruby-crimson flower with a blue base, and long, slender segments.

Makes magnificent beds or is splendid against evergreens. Height

24 inches . 75 5.50

*Golden Spire. Orange-yellow; large flower, pointed, reflexing petals .. 1.10 8.50

Golden Wonder. A golden yellow, shaded brown with black anthers, turning to golden yellow when in full bloom. This is a crossing be¬ tween Darwin Tulip La Tulipe Noire and the Cottage Tulip Bouton d’Or. Large flower on strong stem . 1.25 9.50

^Grenadier. A large Tulip of fine form and good substance, borne on strong stem; dazzling brilliant orange, yellow base. Especially rec¬ ommended for planting here and there in the borders in clumps for “high spots” in your color schemes. Height 21 inches .

^Hammer Hales. Very long flower; remarkable blending of bronze, old rose, apricot and fawn color. Beautiful flower of marked distinction.

Very scarce. Height 24 inches .

*Inglescombe Fink. Salmon-pink, blue base; very brilliant. A great fa¬ vorite in England where it is planted by the thousands, and is largely used as a cut flower. Exquisite with some light green foliage on a dinner table. This variety will stand cutting with long stem longer than any other Tulip. This habit and its delightful color indoors make it one of the best .

♦Inglescombe Yellow. Glossy canary-yellow. Large, globular flowers.

Has the true shape of the Darwin Tulip, hence is called the “Yellow Darwin” .

Ingrid. Soft creamy white, shaded yellow and rose, turning to salmon- yellow as the flower ages . Each, 80c.

♦John Ruskin. Salmon-rose, edged lemon-yellow; inside deep rosy lilac, with margin of yellow; large flower of fine shape. Height 16 inches . .

La Candeur; syn., Parisian White. Silvery white; as the flower ages it turns to a soft rose; medium size and globular form. Fine for bor¬ ders. Height 16 inches .

*I.a Merveille. Orange-scarlet, flushed rose, with yellow base; very long, large flower of exquisite form, deliciously scented. A superb variety for any purpose. Height 20 inches . . . .

Leda. A beautiful and very scarce variety. Vivid rose shading light

rose towards the border . 2.50 18.00

Dord Carnarvon. Has a well defined band of clear bright pink on its magnificent pointed petals which makes it amazing. The Tulip has an uncommon form, and the band or striping of pink makes it a won¬ derful flower. Vaselike form. It is one of the outstanding new Hybrid Tulips. Height 26 inches . 1.25 9.50

No other varieties except those preceded by a star (*) are carried In stock In the Autumn.

.70 5.25

.70 5.25

.60 4.00

.50 3.50

.75 5.50

.75 5.75

.70 5.00

Page Seventy-eight


Cottage Tulip, Vitellina.

Cottage Tulip, Fairy Queen.

Cottage Tulip, Twilight. Cottage Tulip, Moonlight.

Page Seventy-nine



12 100 Bulbs Bulbs

Mayflower. 3. The largest of all Tulips in existence; a beautiful orange-scarlet with glittering black center, outside grayish white- violet glow; when we measured one of its petals during flowering time, it measured 8^4 inches in length and 4*4 inches in width. Height 24 inches . Each, $1.50..

Marvel. Amber-yellow, with rosy lilac flush at center of petals; inside bright yellow shaded brown toward base with green star. Medium sized flower, becoming quite yellow with age. Height 25 inches . $0.80 $6.00

♦Moonlight. The best pale yellow Tulip; a lovely color and the flower is very long and of fine oval shape. Beautiful in the border among Irises, Bleeding Heart and Nepeta Mussini. Height 25 inches . 70 5.25

Mount Tacoma. A charming peony-like Tulip, resembling a semi-double, pure white peony. The flower is the size of a small peony, and the slightly laciniated petals, both upright and reflexing, give an effect never before seen in Tulips; very fine for the border. Height 28 inches . Each, 95c..

Mrs. Kerrell. Opening salmon-rose, with age becoming rose, edged soft salmon, with blue and white base; pointed flower of open form. One of the most distinct colors among the Cottage Tulips. Height 18 inches . 85 6.50

♦Mrs. Moon. One of the best tall yellow Tulips. Beautiful vase-shaped flowers, carried on sturdy stems. One of the loveliest yellow Cottage Tulips. Splendid among the purple German Irises. Height 25 inches. . .85 6.50

♦Orange King. 4. Glistening deep orange, shaded rose, inside deep orange-scarlet with yellow base; sweet scented; a globular flower of great size and brilliant coloring. Most attractive for beds or borders.

Height 23 inches . 70 5.00

♦Ficotee or Maiden’s Blush. Long; clear white; the petals, which are pointed and elegantly reflexed, are beautifully margined and penciled on edges with bright pink . 60 4.25

Fride of Inglescombe. Pure white, margined carmine-rose that suf¬ fuses the flower as it ages. Large flower with reflexing petals.

Highly recommended. Height 26 inches . 70 5.00

Quaintness. Golden brown, overlaid with rose, the interior mahogany- brown, with yellow base. A remarkable color scheme to be found among the Cottage Tulips. A fine pointed flower, very charming among purple horned Pansies. Height 20 inches . 1.80 12.25

♦Scarlet Emperor. Brilliant glowing dark scarlet, center clear yellow and black anthers; a long, large flower that does well in shady places.

Excellent as a cut flower . 2.05 13.50

Sir Harry. Pine mauve-pink, broad base, lightly waved petals. Pine for

cutting and for planting among gray-leaved plants. Height 26 inches. .90 7.00

Summer Beauty. Rose, flaked crimson and white; large and lovely

flower . 2.20 15.00

♦The Fawn. Pale rosy fawn, changing to cream, flushed blush rose; large, egg-shaped flower of exquisite beauty on graceful stem. A gem among late Tulips. Height 20 inches . 60 4.25

The Lizard. Deep blood-red, with purple bloom, striped and feathered

yellow and white; most unusual markings. Height 24 inches . 1.15 8.75

The President. Pure orange; a delicate Tulip with incurved petals, may be used in the rock garden . Each, 45c . .

No other varieties except those preceded by a star (*) are carried in stock in the Autumn.

Page Eighty


Cottage Tulip, Grenadier. Cottage Tulip, John Ruskin.

Cottage Tulip, Hammer Hales.

Cottage Tulip, Inglescombe Yellow.

Page Eighty-one



Bulbs Bulbs

Twilight. A soft-toned violet Tulip with a white base and midrib. Plant

among light yellow Iris and Iberis sempervirens. Height 23 inches. . $2.50 $18.00

Union Jack; syn., Distinction. 1. Bight violet, feathered purple, with a few markings of white; blue base; large flower. A very striking va¬ riety for borders or late forcing. Height 20 inches . 1.80 12.25

Viridiflora. Large, well formed, wide open flower with pointed petals of soft pale green edged with creamy yellow. A charming variety of extraordinary coloring. Very nice to cut with yellow or pink Tulips.

Height 20 inches . 2.25 15.50

♦Vitellina. Sweet-scented creamy flower of large size; has fragrance like that of the orange. Looks well planted with some clear pink

variety. Forces well. Height 20 inches . 1.00 7.50

Walter T. Ware. 4. Deep golden yellow, the deepest and richest color among late Tulips; broad, globular flowers, reflexing at the top. A va¬ riety remarkable for its lasting qualities and color. Height 18 inches. .85 6.50

White Cross. A strikingly beautiful Tulip, large, pure white flowers of which the inner petals stand erect; outer petals are recurved. Highly

recommended . Each, $1.00..

White Duchess. A pure white Cottage Tulip of great beauty. Petals

undulated, very beautiful . Each, $1.35..

Zomerschoon. Salmon-rose, flaked creamy white; said to be the most

beautiful Tulip in existence. Very scarce . Each, 65c. .

♦Special Mixture of Late Single Tulips . $32.50 per 1000.. .50 3.50

Lily-Flowering Tulips

As the result of crossing the dainty pointed-petaled Tulipa retroflexa with a pink Darwin, we have here a new, very beautiful, and distinct race of Tulips having graceful, slightly reflexing flowers on tall, sturdy stems.

12 100 Bulbs Bulbs

Adonis. Long, fine shaped flower of a vivid rosy red . $0.85 $6.50

Artemis. Bright carmine-rose, pure white base . 85 6.50

*Sirene. A very beautiful flower. Rich rose-pink with pale pink at the margins of segments, white base. Fine forcer. Great exhibition flower of exquisite beauty . 75 5.75

Parrot Tulips

We urge you to grow some of these quaintly shaped flowers particularly for house decoration. The artistic forms and colorings make them especially suitable for cut flower purposes; in the garden, if planted in borders or groups, they are not always satisfactory, as they lack the vigorous, straight stems of the other Tulips with the exception of one variety, the beautiful novelty “Fantasy” which has as straight and

tall a stem as a Darwin Tulip. All Parrot Tulips are extremely effective planted in long drifts in front of evergreens. 12 ioo

Bulbs Bulbs

♦Admiral de Constantinople. Deep scarlet, streaked with yellow . $0.70 $5.25

*Cramoisi Brilliant. Rich blood-crimson with blackish markings; very

large and handsome . 70 5.25

♦Fantasy. The only Parrot Tulip with a straight, strong stem. This is a “sport” from the well known Darwin Tulip variety, Clara Butt, with the same habits in every way as to color, height, strength of stem, and time of flowering. The flowers are of quaint and beautiful form, the petals being laciniated, having curious excrescences on the outside. We have only a limited supply of this fine novelty which we will offer

if ordered with other Tulips at 25c each . 2.95 23.00

♦Lutea Major. Yellow, lightly suffused scarlet; very large . 70 5.25

♦Ferfecta. Golden yellow, blotched deep scarlet . 70 5.25

♦Finest Mixed Farrot Tulips . . 60 4.25

No other varieties except those preceded by a star (*) are carried in stock in the Autumn.

Page Eighty-two

Page Eighty-three


Botanical Tulips and Wild Species

For the Rock Garden and Hardy Plant Border The general characteristics of the various species, all of which are natives of Asia Minor and Central Asia, are bright colors and recurved petals. These Tulips do not always feel happy in their new surroundings and after two, or possibly three, sea¬ sons they will disappear. W,lth care and the provision of suitable quarters they will flower quite satisfactorily. They feel best contented in rock gardens and borders.

12 100 Bulbs Bulbs

Australis (Celsiana). Yellow, shaded brown . $1.25 $9.50

*Clusiana. Outer petals bright cherry-red, inner petals creamy white, with violet base; small flower, but very distinct. It should be planted in light soil 6 or 9 inches deep, in the rock garden or among stones in the front of the herbaceous border. A warm and sheltered situation should be chosen, where it will prove to be a gem among early flowers.

Known commonly as “The Lady Tulip.” Flowering season late April.

Height 8 inches . . 85 6.50

*Cornuta Stenopetala. Beautifully formed flower, laciniated like a Parrot Tulip, but held upright on tall, stiff stem. Very interesting and

curious in a collection. Color combination scarlet and gold . 2.50

Dasystemon. A very showy species, fine combination of yellow and white, producing several flowers on a stem. Height 3 inches.

. Each, $1.50 . .

*Eichleri. A grand Tulip from Turkestan; crimson-scarlet flowers with

glistening black center marked with gold. Height 11 inches . 1.15

*Florentina Odorata. Deliciously fragrant, buttery yellow blossoms, often two to a stem, with bronze exteriors, carried on slender, arch¬ ing stem. A charming species that increases rapidly when once

established. Interplant with Grape Hyacinths. Height 18 inches . 65

Greigi. Brilliant orange-scarlet, with deep yellow goblet-shaped flower, pointed, slightly reflexing petals and broad, thick leaves flushed with purple. Flowers in late April and May and is a gorgeous Tulip. Wants a hot, dry situation. While a wonderful Tulip when it flowers well, the bulbs will sometimes produce no bloom. Height 9 inches . . . 2.50 *Xaufmanniana. Large, creamy flower, brilliantly marked with carmine, yellow center. Flower opens flat and is carried on a stem usually less than a foot in height. Blooms early in April out-of-doors, and is delightful for forcing. The bulbs should be planted six inches deep. Splendid for naturalizing in shady places; self-sows itself freely.

Height 5 to 7 inches . 1.45

Xaufmanniana, Brilliant. Scarlet with yellow center .... Each, $1.00.. Kaufmanniana, Gaiety. Very dwarf; white with red stripes. .Each, 70c. .

Linifolia. Light vermilion-red; extra . Each, $1.00..

Marjolletie. Soft primrose, shaded carmine-red at base, small flower of very attractive color. A Tulip from Savoy, flowering about the second

week in May. Height 14 inches . 85

Oculis Solis. Orange-scarlet, with black center; large flower. Early

May. Height 14 inches . 1.80

Fraestang. Dazzling orange-scarlet; very long, large flowers, sometimes coming four or five to a stem. A very showy Tulip from Bokhara,

and superb for rockeries. Late April. Height 14 inches . 3.65

*Fersica. A charming dwarf for narrow borders or the rock garden. Fragrant yellow flowers, bronze on the exterior, are borne in twos or threes on a slender, curving stem. Height 3 inches . 3.65

*Sprengeri. Latest of all Tulips to flower. Makes a handsome group in rock garden or border. Flowers are large and bright orange-scarlet. Grows from 8 to 10 inches tall and when established self-sows freely. 3.65

Sylvesfris. (See Florentina Odorata).











No other varieties except those preceded by a star (•) are carried in stock in the Autumn.

Page Eighty-four


Tulipa Eiclileri A Lovely Dwarf Wild Variety for the Rock Garden. Flowers shown are life size.

Page Eighty-five


Bunch-Flowered Tulips

A new type producing many flowers on a stem; very unusual and handsome.

12 100 Bulbs Bulbs

^Monsieur Mottet. The color of this Tulip is ivory-white, and instead of producing one flower on a stem as other Tulips do, it carries from four to six blossoms, which are in bloom all at the same time, on a stem about 18 inches tall. The result is a unique cut flower and also an excellent garden variety. We would like to see it included in every garden collection . $0.75 $5.75

Rembrandt Tulips

When the coloring matter of a “self color” has become split up into stripes and blotches, that particular flower is called “broken” or “rectified.” When the Darwin Tulips “break” into these variations, they are called “Rembrandt” Tulips. They are very decorative but should be planted by themselves. They require the same cultural treatment as the other May-flowering Tulips, blooming during the month of May in our latitude, and about a month earlier in far southern sections.

12 100 Bulbs Bulbs

*rinest Mixed Rembrandt Tulips . . $1.00 $8.00

Bizarre and Bybloem Tulips


These flower about the same time as the Darwins. They are not quite so tall nor so large and show off to best advantage planted by themselves or with the Rem¬ brandt Tulips. We offer the finer varieties only. 12 100

Bulbs Bulbs


Black Boy. Pine, medium sized flower, with dark brown penciling on

golden yellow ground. Height 21 inches . $1.00

Bonaparte. Light bronze, flamed yellow and mahogany. Height 21

inches . 1.55

Gellert. Large, well formed golden yellow flowers, flushed and flecked

a deep mahogany; very beautiful. Height 23 inches . 2.25

Le Duel. Very beautiful, large flower of a clear yellow, feathered dark coffee-brown. Height 20 inches . 2.05


Admiral Van Kingsbergen. A large, beautiful flower on strong stem;

pure white pencilings on a bright crimson field. Height 23 inches .... 2.50 Blanc de Lait. Very fine flower; pure white with delicate pink mark¬ ings; very distinct. Height 23 inches . 2.70

Ponceau Transparent. Attractively marked pure white with flames of

pale rose. Height 21 inches . , .. 2.25

Ferle Schaap. One of the most beautiful; clear rose, flamed white.

Height 23 inches . . 2.70

Reine Nathalie. Good sized flower; rose ground, feathered whiter

Height 21 inches . 1.25


Amphion. Striking Tulip; the color is violet, with brown and creamy

white pencilings. Height 21 inches . . . 2.25

Insulinde. Most attractive flower, showing a violet ground with yellow

and bronze markings. Height 21 inches . 1.60

Prins Hendrik. Extremely beautiful, though small flower; creamy white ground, with violet stripe through the center of each petal. Height

24 inches . . . Each, $1.00..

Tableau de Rubens. A beautifully colored, good sized flower, showing

a field of clear violet with a deep brown edge. Height 23 inches . 2.70

*Bizarre and Bybloem Tulips Mixed. In fine mixed varieties, selected by us . 90














No other varieties except those preceded by a star (*) are carried in stock in the Autumn.

Page Eighty-six


Tulipa Clusiana.

Tulipa Kaufmanniana.

Page Eighty-seven


Single Early Tulips

Including the Best of the Recent Introductions

They are the best fitted of all Tulips for forcing, and, if not grown too cool, some very early varieties may be had in flower by the end of December. When used for bedding, it is far better that new bulbs be secured each year, for the old bulbs will not do well the second season unless they have been allowed to mature and the foliage to die down before being removed from the beds. Even with the best care, it is uncertain whether the bulbs will again bloom successfully during the second season.

In the following list the handsomest sorts alone are represented, while many of the better known varieties are omitted because they are surpassed by the newer kinds. Detailed planting directions are included with the invoice.

12 100 Bulbs Bulbs

Brilliant Star. Brilliant vermilon-scarlet; early forcer of great sub¬ stance . $0.60 $4.25

*Couleur Cardinal. Outside bronze-scarlet, inside glittering crimson;

large, fine flowers. Pine for bedding and late forcing . 75 5.50

Cramoisi Brilliant. Brilliant scarlet. A splendid bedder and sure

forcer. Very handsome . 60 4.00

*Cullinan. Pale lemon edged pale rose. Very fine for forcing, as well

as for planting outdoors. Height 13 inches . 70 5.00

*De Wet. Beautiful deep orange, shaded golden yellow at the base of the petals. A very artistic flower and one of the finest newer sorts in cultivation. There is no other orange variety which equals it in bril¬ liancy. It is, therefore, one of the showiest bedders, and as it forces

splendidly, we recommend it for all purposes . 1.25 9.50

Iiiana. Immense long flower of beautiful form; pure white. Especially

fine for the garden. Height 14 inches . 65 4.50

Enchantress. A most unusual blending of salmon-orange and rare yellow tones. Brilliant, sturdy variety for outdoor planting, is most effective with interplanting of silver-gray foliaged Phlox subulata,

Lilac. Height 10 inches . 85 6.50

*Flamingo. White, flaked bright carmine-rose. A sport from White

Hawk, having its artistic shape with its more or less crinkled petals. .70 5.00

*Fred Moore. Very handsome bright orange, shaded with scarlet; splen¬ did for forcing. Keep well watered . 70 5.00

Goldfinch. The true Yellow Prince. Golden yellow; sweet scented.

Forces easily and early; lasts long when cut; retains color . 90 7.00

Ibis. A beautiful rose colored Tulip, with white markings; resembles Flamingo, but of deeper color. A magnificent flower. Height 14 inches . 70 5.00

*Keizerskroon. Large, scarlet flower, edged with bright yellow. A good

forcer. Height 16 inches . 1.00 7.50

*Le Eeve; syn., American Lac; Hobbema; Sarah Bernhardt. 4. Old rose; very large flower on a strong stem. Beautiful when grown out-of- doors. Fine for late forcing. Height 13 inches . 85 6.50

Max Havelaar. 2. Blood-orange, flushed salmon-rose; the general tone is close to a watermelon-red; large, well formed flowers; something like La Merveille among the Cottage sorts. A fine bedding and un¬ usually handsome forcing Tulip. Height 12 inches . 70 5.25

No other varieties except those preceded by a star (*) are carried in stock in the Autumn.

Page Eighty-eight





♦Moonbeam (Yellow Queen). Very large, graceful flower of deep prim¬ rose-yellow shading to deeper color at edges. Lovely in the garden . .$2.05

*Mon Tresor. Pure golden yellow; extra fine, large. One of the best

and easiest forcers . 90

♦Primrose Queen. Beautifully formed, medium sized flower. Primrose with canary yellow border. May be used for forcing and is very

handsome for outdoors . 70

♦President Lincoln; syn., Queen of the Violets. Clear violet; large flower. Very effective when grown beside a light yellow Tulip, such as Primrose Queen. Fine for beds, and a splendid forcing sort.

Height 12 inches . 85

*Prince of Austria. True orange shaded scarlet; very fine . 65

♦Pink Beauty. Rosy pink, slightly feathered white; flowers of unsur¬ passed size and beauty . 1.35

♦Rising- Sun. Very deep golden yellow; long, huge flower of very hand¬ some form and habit. A sport of Duchesse de Parma, which excels

all yellow Tulips for bedding or forcing. Height 16 inches . 75

♦Rose Luisante. Dark silky rose; the finest rose variety. Both a forcer

and bedder . 75

♦Vermilion Brilliant. Bright vermilion; best of its class. Forces very

readily; fine bedder. Large . 75

Van Der Neer. Large, brilliant violet-purple flower of fine form; splen¬ did for outdoors, interplanted with Forget-me-nots. Height 12 inches. .85 White Swan. A lovely, graceful early Tulip for the garden. Large, oval, pure white flower on long, curving stem. Goes very well with

purple Pansies or under Wisteria . 60

Yellow Queen. (See Moonbeam).

White Beauty. One of the finest white bedding Tulips and delightful for window boxes and garden pots interplanted with yellow Pansies.

Height 12 inches . 1.25

♦Superb Single Mixed. This is our own special mixture which we recommend where the best results are desired in beds of mixed colors.

This mixture is made up of hundreds of named sorts and in equal proportion of each variety . 50















Planting Table for Plants and Bulbs

PLANTING. The table below shows the number of plants or bulbs required to fill a circular bed of the dimensions given. In planting, begin at outside row where 6 inches apart, 3 inches from edge of bed ; where 12 inches apart, 6 inches from edge of bed. It is customary among professionals in planting a bed to set the plants or bulbs somewhat closer together in the two outer rows, giving more space between each plant or bulb toward the center of the bed.

A square bed will take about the same number of plants. For an oval bed, add length and breadth and divide by two. For example, an oval 9 feet long by 7 feet wide will require the same number of plants as a circular bed 8 feet in diameter.

Diameter of bed

6 in. apart

12 in. apart

18 in. apart

Diameter of bed

6 in. apart

12 in. apart

18 in. apart

3 feet



12 feet




4 feet




13 feet




5 feet




14 feet




6 feet




15 feet




7 feet




16 feet




8 feet




17 feet




9 feet




18 feet


254 .


10 feet




19 feet




11 feet




20 feet




No other varieties except those preceded by a star (•) are carried in stock in the Autumn

Page Eighty-nine


Double Tulips

The double varieties cannot be forced so early or readily as the singles. One of the earliest, Salvator Rosa, may be had by the middle of January, while all other varieties may be flowered from January to March. The flowers are large and

brilliant and are effective in beds or groups. If grown in pots, do not attempt flowering before they are well rooted. 12 100

Bulbs Bulbs

*Boule de Neige (Purity). Pure white, large, peony-like flower; fine

forcer and bedder . $0.70 $5.25

Bleu" Celeste. Large, violet-purple Tulip, flowering later than other double sorts. It is very fine for indoor decoration and for the garden.

Height 16 inches . 2.20 15.00

*Couronne d’Or. Golden yellow flushed orange; magnificent; of great

beauty and size; strong stems, holding flowers upright; fine forcer. . . .85 6.50

*Electra. Magnificent, enormous flower; beautiful rose, feathered vio¬ let; a handsome novelty, unexcelled for exhibition purposes . 1.15 8.75

*E1 Toreador, Striking orange-scarlet Tulip, edged with yellow. Makes

a splendid bed and forces well. Height 12 inches . 1.15 8.75

Golden King. A beautiful full variety in two tones of yellow. Lovely for cutting and for massing in the borders against early white-flower¬ ing shrubs. Height 13 inches . 1.35 10.00

*Mr, Van Der Hoef. A yellow sport of Murillo with all its superb qual¬ ities. One of the very finest of the primrose-yellow, double Tulips.

A very lovely flower. Height 13 inches . 75 5.75

^Murillo. Delicate blush pink. A very fine flower with a lovely color.

An old variety but one of the handsomest; forces very easily . 65 4.50

*Feach Blossom. Large, very double, bright pink flowers, flushed white.

This magnificent variety created a sensation when first exhibited at the International Flower Show. It is most effective for indoor decora¬ tion and lasts a long time cut or in pots. Height 11 inches . 70 5.25

*Safrano (Tea Rose). Of a pleasing saffron-yellow as the old tea rose.. .65 4.50

Salvator Rosa. Dark pink; fine for forcing and outdoors . 75 5.75

*Vuurbaak. Bright scarlet; splendid bedder; large, well shaped flowers.. .70 5.25

*Double Mixed. This is our own special mixture which we recommend where the best results are desired in beds of mixed colors. Made up of the best named sorts, and in equal proportion of each variety . 60 4.00

Iris Germanica

(German or Flag Iris)

The Iris is one of the finest, if not the finest, of our hardy plants. Not particular as to soil or location, but asking only that the sun shine on it. It throws up spikes of bloom that are marvelous in their delicacy of structure and the colorings which are exquisitely dainty are wonderful in their blendings and variety.

Three Doz. 100

Alcazar. S. light bluish violet; F. deep purple with bronze-veined

throat. Striking flower . $1.10 $3.25 $22.50

Ambassadeur. S. a fascinating smoky velvety purple color; F. velvety purple-maroon: beards and style yellow. A magnificent

regal flower of great substance . 1.50

Ballerine. S. light blue-violet, broad and waved at the margin;

F. a deeper shade; sweet scented. A splendid, tall, strong grow¬ ing Pallida form . Each, $1.00.. 3.00

Brooksiana. Charming flowers of neat form, self-colored delicate

rose-lilac, without veining. Beautiful in masses . 75

Caprice. S. rosy red; F. deeper rosy red. Large and handsome. Delightfully fragrant . 1.00







Page Ninety



Three Doz. 100

Crusader. One of the finest lavender-blue varieties, the falls be¬ ing a deeper tone than the standards. A tall, strong grower

with very large flowers of good substance . $1.40 $4.00 $30.00

Dominion. S. Dauphin’s blue or light bluish violet, large, erectly held, well developed; F. of exceptional substance, deep rich indigo-purple. Very velvety texture . Each, $3.00..

Fairy. White, delicately bordered and suffused pale blue. The tallest standard variety giving a white effect. Not new but not

known or appreciated as it should be . 1.10 3.25 22.50

Golden Imperial. The greatest golden yellow Iris known; might

be called the Golden Pallida Dalmatica. Limited stock. Each, 75c. 2.00 6.00 50.00

Isoline. Round standards of pale pinkish buff, strongly flushed mauve; the sharply reflexed falls are Chinese violet with russet

tints at the sides; bewildering shades but most attractive .... 1.40 4.00 30.00

Jeanne d’Arc. S. very large and ruffled, somewhat spreading,

white, delicately penciled lilac; F. white edged lilac at base. . . .75 2.00 15.00

King of Iris. S. clear lemon-yellow; F. rich maroon, bordered

yellow. Brilliant colors. Large flowers . 1.00 3.00 20.00

Dent. A. Williamson. S. Campanula blue-violet; F. rich royal

purple with yellow beard. Very tall and distinct . 1.40 4.00 30.00

Deonidas. Both standards and falls a clear sparkling lavender- blue with lovely golden beard. Almost impossible to distinguish

from Pallida Dalmatica, Princess Beatrice . 1.00 3.00 20.00

Dord of June. Standards lavender-blue; falls rich violet-purple. A most noble, if not the most imposing and handsomest of all Iris. It should have been named Lord of the Iris. A magnifi¬ cent variety of gigantic size .

Mme. Chobaut. A clover-scented blossom of Prussian-red with

light brownish veins, on a pale chalcedony ground .

Monsignor. Possesses a distinctive and pleasing shape, rich color¬ ing and a dark outline to the segments for emphasis. Standards violet; falls heavily veined purple, leaving a border of the vio¬ let; late to flower .

Mrs. Alan Gray. A delicate lavender-pink that appears pinker in

the shadow, a variety of rather early bloom .

Midnight. A rich, deep purple, the finest in this color; a fine cut

flower and very early .

Mother of Pearl. Standards and falls pale bluish lavender with a faint creamy undertone. Large flowers of exceptional sub¬ stance and perfect form on well branched stems .

Nibelungen. S. fawn and yellow; F. violet-purple on bronze. Very large flowers; strong, vigorous grower .

Nuee d’Orage (Syn. Storm Cloud). S. slaty gray; F. bronze and purple. Large flowers. Lovely with pink Darwin Tulip, Clara

Butt .

Opera. A rich violet-red bicolor. S. bright rich pansy violet; F. rich velvety violet-purple. Vigorous and free. Very striking

and much admired .

Oriflamme. S. light blue; F. rich violet-purple. Immense, hand¬ some flowers of good form, produced very freely; abundant

foliage which remains good and clean all summer .

Pallida Dalmatica, Princess Beatrice. The true type; still one of the most attractive and satisfactory all around varieties, with flowers of large size; both standards and falls of a clear laven¬ der-blue, shading to a pale silvery blue at the base and sweetly scented. It is of strong growth with heavy, glaucous foliage.. Prosper Dangler. S. light bronze-red; F. velvety ruby-purple, with white beard yellow tipped. Very handsome. Vigorous growth..





































Page Ninety-one



Princess Victoria .Louise. S. sulphur-yellow; F. rich plum, bor

dered cream .

Queen Caterina. A midseason variety of a beautiful clear orchid purple veined with brilliant gold; the whole being further en

hanced with a bright orange beard .

She kin ah. A delightful shade of pale yellow shading to amber ii the throat, with a lemon colored beard. A most uncommon ant very handsome variety .







. 1.20





. 1.75



Souvenir de Mine. Gfau&iehau. A rich, deep velvety purple Iris; of fine shape and finish. Tall, early, and very distinct. One of the most striking and remarkable of all . Each, $1.00..

Hardy Plant and Alpine Plant Seeds

Gathered at Wayside Gardens

Several years of experience and the observing of results has proven to us beyond a doubt that seeds of Hardy Plants and Rock Plants produced under the more favorable American climatic conditions germinate better and are superior in every way over imported seeds. This fact has been so forcefully brought home to us that wherever possible we harvest our own seeds at Wayside Gardens for the propagation of our stocks. The great variety of plants grown by us (we can say without boasting that our collection of plants is the greatest ever brought together in one nursery in America) makes it possible for us to also offer a most complete collection of all American grown seeds of Hardy Plants and Rock Plants.

Several more varieties could be added to the list presented here, but we have omitted them because they are too difficult to handle for the amateur. The selection offered should give no great trouble to anyone who will be careful, but we cannot and do not give any guarantee as to results, knowing only too well that it requires more time, patience and care to raise hardy plants and rock plants from seeds than a great many people are willing to give. If, however, it is proven that failure is due to the seeds, we will replace them with others, without charge.

Many seeds offered are not only rare but scarce, therefore, send your order early. Only Wayside

Gardens seeds are offered under this heading.



Eupatorium. Large yellow corymbs . $0.3 5


Napellus. Bright blue flowers . 25


Persicum. Twiggy bushes with long spikes of rosy flowers . 35


Coronaria. Bright rosy crimson . 25


Argenteum. Silvery foliage, yellow flowers. .30

Rostratum. Yellow flowers . 3 5

Saxatile compact um. Yellow flowers . 25

Serpyllifolium. Yellow flowers, grey foliage. .30


Tabernaemontana. Small flowers, light blue

in panicles . 30


Dropmore. Lovely deep blue flowers . 25


Pulsatilla. Violet flowers . 25

Pulsatilla rubra. Deep red-purple flowers. . .35

Sylvestris. Creamy white . 25


Tinctoria. Bright yellow flowers. Good for cutting . 25


Canadensis. Reddish orange . 25

Chrysantha. Waxy yellow; free bloomer . . .25

Chrysantha alba. White flowers . 25

Coerulea. Violet-blue and white . 30

Flabellata nana alba. Dwarf; pure white flowers . 30



Mrs. Scott Elliott Hybrids. Wonderful cob

ors with long-spurred flowers . $0.50

Wayside Pink. Clear pink . 50


Alpina. White; early bloomer . 25


Grandiflora. Large, pure white flowers . 3 5

Verna. White flowers; forms green carpet. .50


Mixed. Large flowers of white, rose and pink . 25


Tuberosa. Orange in large umbels . 25


Odorata. Small white flowers . 3 5


Luteus. Yellow flowers . 25


Alpinus albus. White, good for cutting ... .30

Alpinus, Goliath. Bluish purple flowers ... .50

Alpinus rubra. Rosy purplish flowers . 30

Diplostiphoides. Long feathery violet ray . . .3 5

Farreri, Big Bear. Narrow rays of richest

violet . 50


Eyri. Rosy lilac . 25


Australis. Indigo blue in long racemes . 25


Snowball. Mammoth white . 25

Longfellow. Mammoth pink . 25


Cordata. Creamy white flowers . 25

Page Ninety-two




Latisquama. Pink slightly tinged lavender .. $0.25


Salicifolium. Yellow flowers . 25


Alpina. Dwarf plant, purple flowers . 25


Involucrata. Large crimson flowers . 30


Alliariaefolia. Creamy white . 30

Bononiensis. Blue flowers in loose spikes . . .30

Calycanthema. Pink . 25

Calycanthema. White . 2 5

Calycanthema. Blue . 25

Carpatica. Light violet, large flowers . 25

Carpatica alba. Fine white variety . 25

Elegans. Fine for borders and rockeries ... .25

Glomerata var. dahurica. Rich deep violet. .3 5

Lactiflora alba. Pure white variety . 3 5

Lactiflora coerulea. Light blue . 3 5

Medium. Pink . 25

Medium. White . 25

Medium. Blue . 25

Persicifolia grandiflora alba. White . 25

Persicifolia grandiflora coerulea. Blue . 25

Pyramidalis. Blue and white . 25

Rotundifolia. Pale blue flowers . 3 5

Sarmatica. Pale blue flowers . 50

Telham Beauty . 50

Trachelium. Blue . 35


Double White . 2 5

Double Red . 25

Finest Mixed . 25


Marilandica. Yellow flowers . 25


Coerulea. Pale violet, dark center . 2 5


Macrocephala. Yellow, large heads . 50

Montana. Dark blue flowers . 2 5

Montana alba. White flowers . 25


Tatarica. Sulphur color, scabiosa-like heads. .25


Tomentosum. Grey foliage, white flowers. . .25


Allioni. Rich orange flowers . 25


Alaska. Large glistening white blossoms ... .25

Mrs. C. Lowthian Bell. Large, perfectly formed flowers . 3 5


Davidiana. Chinese species, blue, sweet' scented . 3 5

Integrifolia coerulea. Drooping blue flowers. .35

Recta. Non-climbing, white flowers in clus¬ ters . 3 5


Grandiflora. Large deep yellow flowers . 25


Cheilanthifolia. Fernlike foliage, yellow flowers . 40


Varia. Lilac-purple flowers . 25


Stylosa. Pink, in large heads . 30


Wayside Gardens Hybrids. New variety. The colors range from the palest shade of blue to the deepest indigo blue and royal purple . 50


Gold Medal Hybrids. Made up from the following strains: Blackmore 6? Langdon’s, Watkins’, Samuell’s, Kelway’s and Van¬

derbilt’s . $0.3 5

Belladonna. Light blue . 3 5

Bellamosa. Dark blue . 3 5

Chinense. Gentian-blue . 3 5

Chinense album. Pure white . 3 5


Semperflorens flore pleno. Finest double

mixed . 25


Mixed. Single dwarf Japanese varieties,

mixed . 25


Atrococcineus fl. pi. Double, deep scarlet . . .30

Alpinus Allwoodi. Brilliant rose . 50

Arenarius. Pale purple . 3 5

Caesius grandiflorus. Bright pink . 3 5

Cruentus. Deep red . 3 5

Deltoides. Small rosy purple . 25

Deltoides albus. White flowered . 25

Deltoides, Brilliant. Bright red . 25

Knappi. Yellow flowers in clusters . . . .35

Sutton’s Fairy. Salmon-pink . 25

Sutton’s Giant White. Enormous trusses .. .25

Sutton’s Pink Beauty. Salmon-pink . 2 5

Sutton’s Rich Crimson . 2 5

Sutton’s Scarlet. Intense scarlet . 25

Sutton’s Mixed Shades. Include all tints .. .25

Speciosus. Lavender-pink . 25


*Fraxinella rubra caucasicus. Red-purple flow¬ ers . . . i . 30


*Eximia. Pale purple . 30


Giant Shirley. Magnificent strain . 25

Ambigua, or Grandiflora. Yellow . 25

Gloxiniaeflora. Deep purple . 25

Gloxiniaeflora alba. White . 25

Gloxiniaeflora rosea. Rose-pink . 2 5

Isabellina. Creamy yellow . 50


Ruyschianum japonicum. Dark violet-blue.. .35 ECHINOPS

Ritro. Globular blue heads . 25


Speciosus. Blue flowers, violet tinted . 2 5


Alpinus roseus. Rosy purple flowers . 3 5

Alpinus albus. White flowers . 35


Amethystinum. The true blue thistle . 3 5

Giganteum. Fine variety, blue-green . 30

Planum. Pale blue heads . 25


Myrsinites. Trailer; large heads of yellow. .3 5 FEVERFEW

Little Gem. Large, double, white flowers . . .25

Golden Ball. Dwarf, yellow flowers . 25


Improved English Strain Hybrids. From best

named varieties . 25


Asclepiadea. Beautiful, tall, blue . 75

Lutea. Tawny yellow, stellate . 75

Purdomi. Violet-purple . 75

Thibetica. White flowers . 50


Pratense. Violet-blue . 30

Sanguineum. Dark purple-red . 30

Sanguineum album. Pure white . 30

Page Ninety three


Per Pkt.


Mrs. Bradshaw. Brilliant scarlet . $0.25

Lady Stratheden. Rich golden yellow . 30


Trichosantha. Small blue flowers . 3 5


Paniculata . . 25

Repens. White flowers, rose-pink . 25

Repens rosea. Pink rose variety . 3 5

Rokejeka. Blush white . 25


Autumnale superbum. Deep golden yellow. .25


Pitcheriana. Deep yellow . 25


Bracteatum. Single yellow . 35


Niger. White flowers . 75


Matronalis. Lilac . 25

Matronalis alba. Pure white . 25


Sanguinea. Scarlet or crimson flowers . 40

Wayside Gardens Hybrids. All shades of white, coral and pink . 30


Mixed. White, rose and red shades . 25


Double. Bright Rose, Maroon, Newport Pink, Red, White, Yellow, in separate

colors each . 25

New Allegheny. Semi-double flowers . 25

Single Mixed . 25


Ascyron. Golden yellow . 50

Perforatum. Bright yellow . 40


Sempervirens. White . 25


Helenium. Strong grower, yellow . 3 5

Hirta. Brilliant orange . 35

Royleana. Rich orange . 40


Delavayi. Rosy purple . 25

Grandiflora brevipes. Large crimson-rose .. .50


Mixed. Single and double varieties . 25


Pink Beauty. Large clusters of pink . 25

Red. The red Everlasting Pea . . 25

White Pearl. White flowered variety . 25


Vera. Fragrant blue flowers . 25


Alpinum. Silvery white leaves . 50


Pycnostachya. Brilliant rose-purple . 25

Scariosa. Violet-purple . 25


Cymbalaria. Pale purple . .25


Alpinum. Grey -blue . 40

Flavum. Yellow flowers . 30

Hirsutum. Reddish purple . 30

Narbonnense. Blue flowers . 30

Perenne. Pale blue flowers . 25

Perenne album. White variety . 25


Regale. A beautiful white Lily, easily raised. .30 Tenuifolium. Coral-red flowers . 30

Per Pkt.


Cardinalis. Scarlet flowers . $0.40


Wayside Gardens Hybrids. Colors are both rich and delicate in shades of blue,

mauve, pink, etc . 40

Polyphyllus. Fine blue variety . . 25

Polyphyllus albus. White variety . 25

Polyphyllus roseus. Beautifully shaded rose. .25

Polyphyllus Moerheimi. Soft pink . 35

Polyphyllus, Tunic. Deep pink . 35

Polyphyllus, May Princess. Rich violet-blue. .35

Polyphyllus, Ruby King. Ruby-red . 3 5


Alpina. Dwarf, red-purple . .3 5

Chalcedonica. Scarlet plant . 25

Haageana. Large, brilliant scarlet flowers . . .25

Viscuria splendens. Deep red . 25

Viscaria splendens alba. White-flowered form .25 LYTHRUM

Superbum roseum. Very showy, rose-pink. . .25


Baileyi. Beautiful blue perennial Poppy ... .75


Luteus. Yellow-flowered species . 50


Palustris semperflorens. Rich blue flowers. . .25

Palustris, Pink Beauty. Pink-flowered form. .35 OENOTHERA

Fraseri. Flowers large, pale yellow . 25

Missouriensis. Large yellow flowers . 3 5

Speciosa. Pure white flowers . 25

Youngi. Bright lemon-yellow flowers . 25


Crachatum. A glorified Scotch Thistle . 35


Orientate. Crimson-scarlet, black blotches

at base . . 25

Orientate, Beauty of Livermore. Immense

blood-crimson . 3 5

Orientale, Mrs. Perry. Orange-apricot . 35


Baker’s Sunbeam Mixture. Brilliant colors . . .25

Papaver alpinum. Delicate dwarf species ... .3 5

Papaver thibetica. With showy orange flow¬ ers . . 35


Chinensis. Orange spotted with purple blotches . 3 5


Ovatus. Blue, small, very pretty . 3 5

Diffusus alba. Long flowers of pure white. .3 5

Pubescens. Violet, purple and white . 35

Unilateralis. Blue, splendid cut flower . 3 5


Virginica. Delicate pink flowers . 25

Virginica alba. Pure white . 25


Grandiflora. Large, deep blue flowers . 25

Grandiflora alba. White-flowered form . 25

Mariesi. Dwarf; blue . 30

Mariesi alba. White-flowered form . 30


Album. White . 25

Coeruleum. Bright blue flowers . 25


Mixed Colors of red and copper . 35

Warrensi. Yellow . 40

Page Ninety-four


Auricula alpina. Various colors; exceedingly

fragrant . $0.35

Bulleyana. Rich apricot-yellow . 50

Cashmeriana. Deep violet flowers in dense

heads . 50

Cortusoides. Rosy purple . 35

Moerheitni Hybrids. New strain Primulas, colors ranging from cream to many shades of yellow, orange, purple, lilac, pink,

and crimson . 50

Vulgaris. Pale yellow flowers . 40


Exhibition Yellow. A beautiful strain of

deep yellow . 40

Exhibition Cream. Cream white, with strik¬ ing yellow eye . 40

Munstead Strain Mixed. In shades of yel¬ low, from cream to dark orange . 35

Veris Hybrids. This strain includes various shades of lilac, purple and violet, as well as a wide range of buff, orange, salmon, and rich reds . 25


Finest Mixed of English Varieties . 25


Purpurea. Reddish purple flowers with a large brown cone-shaped center . 25


Azurea. Sky-blue . 25

Pratensis. Dwarf blue . 25

Turkestanica. Bright pink . 30


Dicipiens. Dwarf, white flowers . 30

Megasea Hybrids. Fine mixture of the large-leaved Saxifragas . 50


Ocymoides alba. Pure white . 25

Ocymoides splendens. Rosy pink . 25


Caucasica. Pale blue; fine for cutting . 25

Japonica. Lavender-blue . 25

Pennsylvania. Large golden yellow flowers. .25


Clivorum. Rich orange . 25


Rosy Gem. Bright rose . 25


Alpestris. White; dwarf species . 3 5

Saxifraga. Of mossy growth, flowers white. .3 5 Schafta. Bright pink flowers . 25


Latifolia. Small lavender-blue flowers, in large panicles . 25


Lanata. Very useful white woolly-leaved plant for edgings, etc . 25


Cyanea coerulea. Large blue flowers . 25

Cyanea coerulea alba. White . 25

Per Pkt.


Orientalis. Blue flowers . $0.3 5


Adiantifolium. Pretty fernlike foliage . 25

Aquilegifolium. Flowers purple . 25

Aquilegifolium album. White form of the

above . 25

Dipterocarpum. Rosy purple . 25

Glaucum. Bronze yellow . 25


Serpyllum splendens. Dwarf growing variety;

purple flowers . 25


Perry’s Hardy Hybrids. Pale yellow to deep orange . 25


*Mixed Choice Seedlings. Colors range from

pale yellow to deep orange . 25


Saxifraga. Small pale purple, profuse bloom¬ er . 25


Coccinea. Showy head of old rose . 25

Coccinea alba. White form of the above ... .25

Officinalis. Rose-tinted white flowers; fra¬ grant . 35


Amethystina, Royal Blue. Blue flowers . . . .25

Incana. Silvery foliage, violet flowers . 25

Spicata. Flowers violet-blue in long spikes. .25


Olympicum. Deep yellow . 25

Phoeniceum, Wayside Gardens Hybrids.

All shades of rose, copper and purple ... .35


Utriculata. Dwarf habit, yellow flowers ... .35


Admiration. Deep violet . 25

Floraire. Small blossoms, pale blue . 3 5

Golden Yellow . 25

Gracilis. Rich purple flowers . 35

Perfection. Light blue . 25

Sutton’s Apricot. Rich apricot shade . 35

Sutton’s Gem. A mixture of rose shades. . . .25

White Perfection. Pure white . 3 4


Triloba. White and pink blossoms . 3 5


Filamentosa. White . 25


Flammula. White flowers . 3 5

Montana perfecta. White flowers . 35

Montana rubens. Flowers rosy pink . 35

Paniculta. Abundant white flowers . 35

Hardy Plants and Alpine Plant Seeds from the Floraire Nurseries, Imported to Order Only

When, a few years ago, Mr. H. Correvon of the Floraire Nurseries visited this country on a lecture tour, we had the pleasure of having Mr. Correvon with us. Arrangements were made whereby we were to act as his representatives for the U. S. A. and Canada, and to offer his seeds through the medium of our plant catalog. A special list offering Correvon seeds will be mailed upon request. Inasmuch as no Correvon seeds are carried in stock bv us we urge you to write for this list at once so that there will be ample time to write for those things you desire.

Page Ninety-five


Peonies at Special Prices !

Just as we were completing- our bulb catalog-, one of our very good wholesale cus¬ tomers came to us with the request that we dispose of his list of popular commercial Peonies, at a low price so that he might be able to replant his acreage with the newer and rarer kinds.

The plants offered here were originally furnished him by us a number of years ago. The stocks are clean, true to name and healthy. We shall do the digging, dividing and packing; and we guarantee all plants to be true to name, up to standard size of three to five eyes. They will be shipped early in September or any time con¬ venient to the buyer, and are offered for as long as unsold. All orders will be filled strictly in rotation.

Here is a splendid opportunity of getting some excellent high grade Peonies at a rare bargain price. Remember we guarantee them to be of the best quality and fully up to size. 3 12 100

^Albert Crousse. Very fresh salmon-pink, delicate color. Large,

compact bomb shape; fragrant; erect; medium height. Late... $1.35 $3.75 $27.00

*Couronne d’Or. White with yellow tints arising from a few stamens showing amidst the petals. Center petals tipped with carmine. Large, rather full flower of superb form. Strong

grower and very free bloomer. Good keeper. Late . 1.15 3.40 24.00

*Duchesse de Nemours. Guard petals white, center lemon-yellow, cup-shaped; at first it develops into a large bloom, gradually fading to white; fragrant; strong grower and free bloomer.

Extra good commercial variety. Follows two or three days

later than Festiva Maxima . 1.15 3.40 24.00

*Felix Crousse. Very brilliant red. Medium to large, globular, typical bomb shape; fragrant; strong growth. Stems rather

weak. Midseason . 1.60 4.50 35.00

*Festiva Maxima. Paper-white, crimson markings in center. Very

large and full, rose type; very tall, strong growth. Early .... 1.15 3.40 24.00

*Karl Rosenfield. Very large flower; globular, semi-rose type. Ex¬ tremely vigorous grower, tall, and free flowering. As an early

red it has no equal. Specially priced for this autumn . 1.60 4.50 34.00

*Madame Ducel. Large, globular, typical bomb, light mauve-rose with silvery reflex. Fragrant. Strong grower, medium height;

very free. Extra . 1.15 3.40 24.00

*Marguerite Gerard. Very pale salmon-pink, fading to almost

white. Large, compact, rose type; very strong growth. Late . 1.35 3.75 27.00

*Mme. Emile Galle. Very soft pink, changing to milk-white in center. Very large, compact, flat rose type; tall, strong; fra¬ grant. Late . 1.40 4.00 30.00

*Modele de Perfection. Rose type; late. Enormous, perfectly

compact, double flower of pronounced pyramidal shape; very distinct in this respect, and was well named Model of Perfec¬ tion. Guard and collar light violet-rose with shades of flesh-

pink marbled and veined with bright rose; silver tipped, deep¬ ening in the center; profuse bloomer . 1.50 4.25 32.00

*Mons. Jules Elie. The peerless pure pink. Broad, reflexing guards with a high pyramidal body of semi-quilled petals con¬ verging to an apex. One of the largest, handsomest and most

lasting cutting sorts in existence . 1.60 4.50 35.00

*Venus, Exquisite, pointed buds, opening into large, compact flowers of delicate shell-pink with a collar of flesh-white.

Extra good both as a garden flower and as a cut flower. One of

the best in our collection. Midseason . 1.50 4.25 33.00

Hercules. Beautiful, free-flowering pink . 1.20 3.50 25.00

Officinalis Rubra fl. pL Rich deep crimson; the great Decoration

Day Peony . 2.00 6.00 50.00

Mixed Shades. Last year we were compelled to clean up a field of Peonies which we offered at a very low price. About 3000 plants were left, some of all varieties. We mixed those up and offer them now at a very low price. Do not ask for separate

colors, as we cannot pick them out . 75 2.00 15.00

In view of these extremely low prices no order can be accepted for less than $3.00, nor are these prices subject to the 5% discount which is allowed on all bulb orders placed before July 15th.

Page Ninety-six



To be more certain of getting all varieties wanted. Late orders coming during the close of the season are often difficult to fill with varieties asked for.


To any point within the United States and Canada. Delivery will be made early in autumn or at proper time for planting.


We guarantee all stock furnished by us to be first class and true to name, of a size so as to give immediate results, and will replace anything, no matter what, that does not arrive in good condition, entirely at our expense. There are several causes, of course, for failure over which we have no control, therefore, it is evident and reasonable that we cannot assume re¬ sponsibility after stock is delivered. Poor soil, unfavorable weather, igno¬ rant or careless culture all contribute to failure and are beyond our control.


Are best made immediately upon receipt of goods.


We do not sell less than six bulbs of a kind, unless offered otherwise. Twenty-five or more bulbs of one kind are charged at the hundred rate; six bulbs of one kind are charged at the dozen rate.


These should be made by check, bank draft, post office order or express money order. Please write the amount remitted upon the order. Your remittance and your order will be acknowledged at once when received.


We shall be very glad to open charge accounts when desired; in this case please send bank or trade references with your order. All charge accounts are due the first day of the month following date of purchase. We do not like to send bulbs or other perishable goods collect on delivery, and do so only at your risk.

The following may sound boastful, but is true nevertheless. There is no other firm in America with finer and closer relations in Holland and better able to serve you. Color illustratipns, while not perfect, have been made as carefully and as nearly correct as present printing methods permit, in an effort to help you with your selections.

Should any of our customers be making a trip to Europe, we shall be very glad to give them a letter of introduction to the finest and largest bulb growers in Holland.

For convenience of otjr customers we have prepared five booklets entitled as follows:

“Cultural Instructions for Roses.”

“Cultural Instructions for Peonies and Iris.”

“Cultural Instructions for Lilies.”

“Cultural Instructions for Spring-flowering Garden Bulbs.”

“Rock Garden Construction.”

These booklets may be had for twenty-five cents each. You will find them extremely helpful. They are fully illustrated and full of facts, precisely, as well as concisely, given. The Rock Garden Construction booklet is especially very much in demand and seems to fill a great need.

Garden Clubs desiring lectures or lessons in the growing and care of hardy plants, rock plants or bulbs, kindly communicate with us for detailed infor¬ mation.