Historic, archived document Do not assume content reflects current scientific knowledge, policies, or practices. WHY NOT BUY THE PR TUB WINNERS? TL 113 K A I B 5k C 13 1 'v I \ * FEB 7 19^tV v .- '■ vv \ B j At the Pittsburgh show last August we won the A c h i $ ye&c nts r cphy , the Konynenburg and liar]: silver cup, one silver me d al^#tnrr v>bYUh‘z e Medals and nearly $100.00, in cash. The next weeic at the Akron shov/ we 'won the "Gold Medal V a silver medal and a bronze medal, besides winning vases and bulbs* These bulbs are priced by the dozen, you may order three or six at the dozen rate. >If you want small bulos or oulblets send us your list and we will make low prices. 'Send enougn money for postage, per doz Albania, Ruffled white .40 Alice Tiplady , Orange Saffron .40 Anna Sberius, velvety purple .40 Apricot Glow, apricot .50 Atherton, salmon rose . .40 Baron J. Hulot, dark blue . .40 Bethel, Large white .40 Betty Joy, light pink .50 Break O’ Bay, delicate pink .40 Byron L. Smith, Lavender .50 Capt .Boynton, Lavender dk.blotch50 Cardinal Prince, Cardinal .40 Carmen Sylva, Snow white .40 Charm, Rose Pina .40 Chateau Thierry Cerise ,Rd. blot ch40 Crimson Glow, glowing crimson .40 E. B. Williamson, Purple .40 E. J. Shaylor , ruff led rose pink. 40 Europa, pure white .40 Evelyn Mirtland, Salmon pink .40 Pern Ilyle , Ruffled cream .50 Blaming sword, Red .40 riossie, lar^e Rose doree .40 Giant Lymph , Light pink .50 Gla.i. tie Boy, Salmon Orange .75 Gold Eagle, Pure deep yellow .50 Golden Bream, Beep yellow .60 Golden Prills , ruff . , a. yellow .50 Golden Dlory , Yel. red blotch .40 Golden Measure, very lg. yellow .50 Henry Pord, Barm PurpLe .40 Kerada, Pure Lauve .40 Jasper, Jasper Red .40 Jenny Lind, Corol pirn: .40 Jewel-l, Pirn: with Yel. throat .40 J ohn T . P i r i e , Mahogany Br own . 5 0 L* Immaculae , graceful Lg. white .40 Longfellow, pink .50 Los Angeles, Shrimp Pink *40 Louise, Lavender .40 Lustre Orange, Vermillion .40 Hah o n i n g , Smoky 1.0® Mahoning Gem, Smoky , Rd . throat 1.00 Marie ICunderd, Early white .50 Mary Pi exford, creamy white .40 Ming Toy, Buff, Yellow .40 Mona Lisa, ruff led , lavender .40 Mr .Mark , Blue , dark blotch .40 Mrs. Dr. Norton, Cream <1 Pink .50 Mrs. P. G. Peters, Lavender .50 any not used will be returned. . per doz Mrs. Francis Ming, scarlet .40 Mrs. Prank Pendleton , Rose pink. 40 Mrs. George Moulton, Rose Red .40 Mrs. Leon Douglas Beg. Rose .50 Ur s . M . S . Burk e , yell ow&apr i c o t . 4 0 Muriel , It . vi olet , die. blotch .50 Opalescent, pale lavender .40 Grange Glory, Ruffled orange .40 Orange Dueen> orange 1.00 Dozen price is eight times each price when- ..-11 l*c. c^re o± one Variety. Orders of ,$5.00 or more way be discounted- 10^ - GOULDS 1 GAllDEHS , 1IORTK LJli/T, OHIO 1933 ym OLES,hLE The number cf bulos given below are the ho. 1, ho. 2 and ho. 3 sizes of the variety, they run heavy to the ho. 1 size. •These are not prepaid, if postage is not sent the bulos well be sent by Express Collect. Priced per lot, no order accepted for less than $1.00. 125 America lot $ .75 140 lirs hi. 3 . Burhe lot $ .85 140 Bethel 1.00 200 Panama " 1.00 185 Betty Joy . 1.35 130 Red Emperor ” .90 100 Capt. Boynton t» 1.00 180 Rose Glory « .85 50 Goliath it ' .40 150 Scarlet Y/onder »’ 1.00 200 Halley »i ' 1.00 130 Scarlet Princeps 11 .85 195 Jenny Lind H ' ' 1.25 '90 Violet Glory " .70 115 Louise n .90 180 Y/ar « 1.25 275 Los Angeles n 1.35 * - . P: riced per 100i T he 1000 rate is 9 'times the 100 rate. # per 100 #1 #2 ?f3 ' per 100 #1 #2 #3 450 Atherton $ .70.60.50 3G0 lloulton $ .60.50,40 $00 Albania .60.50.40 800 hahoning .70.60.40 315 Charm .60.50.40 400 Hr . Harm .60.50.40 2000 Crimson Glov^ .70.60 600 Orange Glory .60.50.40 900 E . J . Shaylor .60.50.40 1000 Opalescent • .70.60.50 650 Europa .60.50.40 570 Pola hegri .60.50.40 1950 L. Ii* Eoch .60 300 Princepine .60.50.40 5500 Fancy mixed .60.50.40 390 Hose ash .60.50.40 1100 Flossie .60.50 550 Salnoh Glow .70.60.50 435. Henry Ford .60.50.40 900 Sentinel .60*50.40 2200 Flaming Sword .70.60.50 700 Taro .60.50.40 225 Fern Kyle .70.60.50 3100 Tycho Zang .60. 5C . 40 750 Gretchen Zang .60.50,40 1000 Tiffany .60.50.40 725 Go-lden Glory .60.50.40 700 Uhlan Chief .70.60.50 675 Jasper •60. 50.40 450 Vanity .69. 50.40 550 L’ Irnmaculae .60.50.40 350 \/hite Giant .60.50.40 365 Kyra .60.50.40 300 Y/ilbrinch • . .60.50.40 700 King Try *60.50.40 If you wish small bulbs or bulblets we can supply many ] k i nd s . * GOULDS 1 GARDEhS , hORTH LIRA, OHIO.