Historic, archived document Do not assume content reflects current scientific knowledge, policies, or practices. Trustworthy Trees & Plants Membbri American Association a- OF NURSERYMEN Southern Nurserymens Asso. MANAGEMENT OVER 30 YEARS EXPERIENCE The Howard-Hickory Co. i t \ Landscape Gardeners Nurserymen CAPITAL. $85,900. WEST OF TOWN ON SOUTHERN RAILWAY AND STATE HIGHWAY No. lO HICKORY, N. C. Cur Well Known G. F. IVEY, President G. L. LYERLY, VlCE-PRES. M. E. THRONEBURG, Sec.-Treas. “~~TTEFEWENeE- L/ I p^FI3tr BANK ★ JUL 2 2 1933* U. S. AUTVtT K>.' PEACH PITS CAROLINA SUCKED PEA Ic.*5 _ _ \\ High Grade First Quality Seed 1952 Crop (Last Year's) Counting from 6000 to 'JOOG seed per bu. of ^0 lb Priced for IMMEDIATE ACCEPTANCE as follows, sacked P .0 .B .here 4 4 SO to IOC bUi at $ 1*5° ner bu io to SC bu. at 1.60 11 n 50 to q.0 bu . at 1.70 ii 1* 20 to 30 bin at 1.80 ! 1 .1 10 1 0 20 bu * at 1.90 it W + 5 to 10 bu.$at 2.00 n 11 Terms r- Cash with order, or s ight draft shi Orders will be accepted subject to the supply, and prices are subject to change without notice. Shipment will be made immediately. Orders may be booked for later shipment at these prices now, but only if remittance for at least ?.$% of the amount of the order accompanies it. THE PRICE WILL ADVANCE 3 PURELY Of this we have little doubt. The price of cotton has- doubled and that of wheat more/ doubled in the (than last year. All commodities are on the rise. But these Peach Seed quotations are lower than In any circular we have ever mailed. We cannot now have the seed collected for what we did a short time ago. Consequently, WHEN CUR PRESENT SUPPLY 13 GONE THESE QUOTATIONS WILL HAY- TO SO. Therefore, we advise you to buy now and save 7 ours elf some real money. Take advantage of this las t low •Nv. * And remember, the quality of the seed is the finest we -know how to obtain. Pc6r qua lity seed are cos ^ 1^ at any price . With prices advancinr so fast, we cannot hazard a guess at the price of the 1955 crop. We can advise after Slept. 1st about this. THE HOWARD-HICKORY CO. I