Historic, archived document

Do not assume content reflects current scientific knowledge, policies, or practices.

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* JAN 1 9 «W? -*■











U. S. A.


JAN 1 4 1923





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Since our establishment in 1832, it has been our constant aim to put out only seeds of the highest quality, always believing that in seeds, “the best is none too good.” With our various growing stations scattered throughout America, trial grounds and corps of expert field men, and our well-equipped cleaning and drying establishments, our facilities for producing high quality seeds are not excelled by any seed growing establishment in America.

We do not pretend to compete in price with unreliable or careless growers or dealers, as poor seeds are dear at any price, but we are equipped to pro¬ duce strictly high grade seeds at a moderate cost. We handle nothing we do not believe to be the best and intend that our prices shall be as low as is consistent with this quality. We always want to feel that the seeds which we send out are our best advertisement.

The prices in this list are those prevailing on date of issue and are sub¬ ject to change without notice. We are, however, always pleased to make firm prices or special quotations on large quantities at any time.

Our prices are for delivery f. o. b. cars at Cambridge, N. Y. Barrels, boxes and bags are charged extra at value and are not returnable.

To those who use sufficient quantities and can anticipate their require* ments, we are glad to quote low contract prices on stocks to be grown the coming season, provided we have their orders early.

T Fl R S * ^t t^ie Pr^ces herein named our terms are net * ' * * * ^ cash 60 days from date of invoice, or a dis¬

count of 1 VP/o will be allowed for cash within ten days. Bills pur¬ chased on contract, growing orders or on special quotations made on large quantities are always acceptance due net 60 days from date of invoice, or subject to a discount of 1H% for cash in ten days. Cash or satisfactory reference must accompany orders from unknown correspondents.

We give no warranty, express or implied as to description, quality, pro¬ ductiveness or any other matter connected with the goods we send out, and we will not be in any way responsible for the crop.


In telegraphing, use our CODE on third page of cover and these In connection with telegraph cipher words for varieties should

be used in TELEGRAMS ONLY not in orders by mail.

Quality Will be Remembered Long After Price is Forgotten '*

This Trade Price List cancels all previous price lists , and prices herein are subject to change without notice.

Cambridge, New York January 10, 1933

To Our Customers :

Since the issuance of our last Trade Price List seed dealers generally have been more or less exercised about future business. The business of selling seeds is one that must go on, as people must have food even if they are obliged to do without other necessities, so it is only proper to figure out that seed must be sown if vegetables and flowers are to be produced. We approach the coming spring months feeling very optimistic as to the ulti¬ mate results. During the growing season of 1932 we produced an exceedingly fine lot of seed, and therefore are in a position to supply practically all the normal requirements of our friends and customers in the trade.


As to Quantities :

Seed priced at 50 cents or less per pound not less than half pounds sold at pound prices and a higher propor¬ tionate price will be charged for seed by the ounce.

Copyright 1933 by

JEROME B. RICE SEED CO., Cambridge, N. Y.




Rices Specialties for 1933


Tendergreen Bean

This is well named and is becoming very popular with both home and market- gardeners. The round creasebacked medium green pods are 6 inches long, always stringless and of the finest quality. In season it is slightly later than Burpee’s Stringless and the pods remain in good eating condition over a long period. (See page 9)

Stringless Davis’ White Wax Bean

Although for many years the Davis’ White Kidney Wax Bean has been popular in those localities demanding an early large flat straight podded wax Bean, there has been one big objection to the strain and that was a strong string. However in this new strain the string is missing and the pods are the same attractive waxy white color. (See Page 7)

Stringless Davis’ White Wax



Rice s Specialties for 1933

Stringless Black Valentine Bean

For years the most popular green-podded winter shipping Bean from the South was the Black Valentine. As the consumer began demanding stringless Beans, there was a decided slowing down in its popularity. In this stringless strain we have a pod which is not quite so round as that of the old variety, but it retains the desirable dark green color and shipping characteristics and is without strings. (See Page 8)

You will find on pages 7 to 11 all the varieties of beans we offer. Better stocks are not on the market.

Rice’s Golden Sunshine Corn

We again are calling your attention to this wonderful variety of sweet corn, for we believe it to be one of the most valuable sorts in its class. Earlier than Golden Bantam by one week with the same rich deep golden color and high quality and with ears one-half larger than Bantam. A profitable variety for the market and an acquisition to any home garden. (See page 23)

Rice’s Golden Sunshine Corn



Rices Specialties for 1933

New Golden Gem or Nugget

Earliest yellow sweet corn. Two weeks earlier than Bantam.

The earliest Yellow Sweet Corn with a flavor approaching that of Golden Bantam and ear of almost the same size just the right size to permit easy handling when eaten off the cob.

Golden Gem is a week earlier than Golden Sunshine, decidedly more dwarf in habit and the 8 rowed ears are well filled from butt to tip with the deliciously sweet golden yellow kernels. It is about ten days to two weeks earlier than Golden Bantam. ( See page 22)

Rice’s Longfellow Cucumber Equally Dependable for Greenhouse or Outdoor Culture

The illustration above hardly does credit to this most excellent cucumber in that it cannot portray the deep emerald green color which is one of its leading characteristics.

Very few cucumbers are adaptable alike to greenhouse and field culture, most of the forcing sorts being near failures outdoors, but this is not true of the Longfellow, fruits of which we have grown in the open so perfect as to be indistinguishable from a hothouse product. ( See page 27)



Rices Specialties for 1 933

National Pickling Cucumber

It is extremely productive, perfect in form, produces a very small per¬ centage of “Nubs” and “Crooks,” and is in every way desirable. We are headquarters for the finest strain grown from originators’ stock. ( See page 27)

Rice’s Early Fortune Cucumber

Originated by us in 1906, Rice’s Early Fortune cucumber has increased in popularity until today it is the outstanding trucker and market garden variety. It is early, extremely productive, solid, and has a deep rich green color, which does not fade in shipment. We constantly are adding improve¬ ments to this strain and we predict that it long will retain its leadership ill the cucumber field. {See page 26)








Green Globe French . Artie $3 50

Plant of medium growth with deep green leaves; buds or flower heads green, nearly round or slightly elongated; scales rather narrow and spiny, moderately thick at the base.


f -

Giant Argenteuil . Asperse 35

The popular variety in the Paris markets; early, exceedingly large and very productive.

Palmetto . Aspersion 35

An early maturing and prolific variety with thick, dark green shoots, distinctly pointed at the tip. A popular canning variety.

Washington . Asphodel 50

The original, rust-resistant type, introduced by the U. S. Department of Agriculture. A heavy yielding variety with long, thick, heavy stalks, closely folded at the tips; color rich, dark green.

Washington, Mary . Asphyxia 60

The highest type of the rust-resistant asparagus. It is earlier, larger and longer than the original Washington and quite as resistant. Tips

are very tight and do not “sprangle out” or “blow” prematurely.

Burpee’s Kidney Wax

One of the very best wax beans for either the home garden, market grower or canner; always stringless




All beans are put up 120 lbs. to the bag DWARF BUTTER OR WAX PODDED VARIETIES



Black Wax, Pencil Pod . Beacut

The best of the dwarf, black-seeded wax varieties. Early and very productive. Pods large, 6l/2 to 7 inches long, round, nearly straight and crease-backed; strictly stringless, free from fiber, fleshy and brittle; of highest quality; color very clear yellow. Plant growth exceptionally strong and vigorous.

Black Wax, Prolific . Beach

Early; pods round, about five inches long, fleshy, brittle and stringless, deep yellow in color and attractive; a standard sort.

Currie’s Rust Proof Wax . Bead

Very early and productive, pods large, SV2 to 6 inches long, flat and straight; color bright yellow and attractive in market. Has more or less fiber and string. Seed black. Grown largely by market gardeners because of its earliness and hardiness.

Davis’ White Kidney Wax . Beadle

An early, productive and attractive wax variety. Pods large and flat, 614 to 7 inches long, very uniform and extremely straight, stringy and fibrous and fair quality. Color clear bright yellow. Seed white and kidney shaped. A market gardener’s sort.

Davis’ Wax, Stringless (New) . Beadman

It produces the same attractive waxy white pods of the original variety but minus the strings. The larger flat pods are 6 $4 inches long and uniformly straight. The white beans are kidney shaped.

Golden Eye Wax . Beagel

Almost rust proof, very hardy, early and prolific. Pods large, yellow, 5 to 6 inches long, flat and almost straight, and with considerable fiber and string. Beans are white with a yellow eye. Very showy; follows Old Style Golden Wax in season.

Golden Wax (Old Style) . Beak

Probably the most popular of the wax varieties and one of the best. Very early and quite productive; pods 4 to inches long, very stout, straight or slightly curved and oval in form; flesh, brittle, stringless and of good quality; color bright yellow; seed white, much mottled brown.

Golden Wax, Improved Rust Proof (Grenell’s) . ...Beaker

Closely resembles Golden Wax, differing only in having a shorter, stouter and more straight, flat pod. Plant a trifle shorter and apparently not so productive as in the Old Style. The brown mottled seed is darker in color than Golden Wax.

Hodson Wax . Beamy

Extremely vigorous, very hardy and productive, though rather late. Noted for its very large, flat, gently curved, attractive wax pods which are 6 to 6^4 inches long; rather fibrous and stringy. Holds up well as a shipping sort to distant markets.

Kidney Wax (Burpee’s New Stringless) . . . Bear

Resembling Wardwell’s Kidney Wax, but pod is longer and thicker, though not so broad; fairly productive and of high quality; stringless, fiberless, very straight, fleshy and brittle. Pods about 6 inches long and of aln attractive, clear yellow color; mid-season. An excellent variety for canning.

Refugee Wax (Stringless) . Beardless

A popular canner’s variety. Mid-season, very hardy, vigorous and productive. Pods 4^4 to 5 inches long, slender, regularly curved, round, well filled, with no depressions; fleshy, fine grained and excellent quality. Color pale yellow but showing a faint purple splashing at maturity.


100 lbs. $10 00

10 00

9 50

9 50

15 00

11 00

10 00

10 00

9 50

10 50

9 50



BEANS Dwarf Wax Podded Varieties Continued



Round Pod Kidney Wax (Brittle Wax) . Bearer

An excellent early, round podded, stringless variety of highest quality. Pods 5 to 6 inches long and of a light yellow wa'x-like color. Seed white with brownish-black eye.

Sure Crop Wax . Bearing

A selection from Currie’s Rust Proof Wax, having black seed and differing from that sort in that it is stringless, more hardy, rust- resistant and a little later. Pods flat, 6 inches long, somewhat thicker than Currie’s and with a stronger plant growth. Very desirable.

Unrivalled Wax . Bearipoy

An immensely productive, first early, showy sort. Pods 5 to 5 54 inches long, rather narrow, either perfectly straight or slightly curved, somewhat flattened but fleshy. The pods show their clear yellow color at an early stage and while having a trace of string are quite fiberless. Plant large, vigorous and nearly disease resistant; seed distinctly small, flat, kidney-shaped, ochre-brown in color.

Wardwell’s Kidney Wax . Beastly

A very popular, early, gardener’s variety. Pods large, 5 54 to 6 inches long, moderately stout, straight and flat, fleshy, brittle, fine grained and nearly stringless. Of good quality and very attractive.

Webber Wax (Cracker Jack Wax) . Bearish

A high quality, flat podded, stringless variety of the season of Wardwell’s Kidney Wax. Pods 6 to 6*4 inches long, quite broad and uniformly curved, fleshy, stringless and brittle, with little fiber.

Plant more vigorous and productive than Wardwell’s. Color of pod is a decided bright yellow. Seed yellow kidney-shaped.

DWARF GREEN PODDED VARIETIES Black Valentine (Roi des Noirs) . i . Beatify

Beautiful large pods about 6 inches long, slender, nearly round and almost straight; stringy, fibrous, though fine grained, dark green in color. Seed black. An early, productive, profitable gardener’s variety. Plant more vigorous and productive than Red Valentine and pods darker green.

Black Valentine, Stringless . Beatione

While the pods are not quite as rounded as in the old type, it possesses all the other desirable characteristics and is free from strings.

Boston Small Pea (The Navy Bean of Commerce) . Beating

Bountiful . Beau

Best of the flat-podded stringless varieties. Pods 6 54 to 7 inches long, thick, flat and slightly curved, stringless, slightly fibrous, attrac¬ tive and of fine quality; color light green. Very early, vigorous, hardy and productive.

Broad Windsor (Fava) . : . Beauish

The English “Bread Bean”; largest and best of its class.

These so called Fava beans are very popular in all localities having a large Italian population.

Burpee’s Stringless Green Pod . Beauty

Early, hardy, vigorous and productive. Pods large, 5 54 inches long, thick, round and crease-backed, dark green in color; strictly stringless, tender and brittle; of good quality. Used as a cut bean by many canners.

French’s Horticultural . . . Bechance

One of the most attractive of the Horticultural family. Vine very erect, straight and compact, with a tendency to throw out short runners. _ Pods prolific, 7 to 8 inches long, broad, stringy and fibrous, and distinctly marked with a very vivid crimson.

Full Measure.. . Becace

A fine stringless, early, medium green, high quality bean. Pods straight, 6 inches long, very fleshy, round crease-backed and showing depressions around the beans. In season slightly later than Burpee’s Stringless. Seed bean much resembles Red Valentine. Desirable for canning. Also valuable for shipping.

Giant Stringless Green Pod . Beck

Somewhat similar to Burpee’s Stringless, but pod is a little longer. 654 in., straighter and more slender, more depressed between beans and slightly lighter in color; early, hardy and of highest quality. A desirable canners’ variety.

Horticultural Dwarf . Becloud

An old standard snap and shell sort. Pods about 5 inches long, flat, almost stringless, greenish-yellow splashed with carmine.


100 lbs. $10 00

9 50

10 00

10 00

12 00

9 00

15 00

8 50

9 00

14 50

9 00

14 00

9 00

9 00

10 00



BEANS Dwarf Green Podded Varieties Continued



Improved Early Red Valentine (Hopkins) . Bedaub

A very hardy, early and productive standard sort. Pods 4 $4 inches long, round and creasebacked, medium green, slightly stringy and of good quality.

Large White Kidney . Bedding

A most excellent white, kidney-shaped field bean.

Large White Marrow . Bedeck

Large, oval-shaped white beans, grown as a field crop for baking.

Longfellow (Empereur de Russe) . Bedew

A very; excellent variety of French origin. Moderately early and productive. Pods dark green, 5 A to 6V2 inches long, very slender, straight and round; very slightly stringy, tender, fine grained, attrac¬ tive and of good quality.

Long Yellow Six Weeks . Bedim

An old standard sort, very vigorous, hardy, productive and early. Pods 5 to 6 inches long, flat, light green in color, with more or less string and of medium quality.

Low’s Champion Bush . Bedizen

A very old variety of the Horticultural type, sometimes known as Red Cranberry. Pods deep green, about 5 inches long, very flat, extremely straight, stringless, tender and of fine quality. Beans deep red. Extensively used as a canning variety in the eastern states.

Masterpiece (Sutton’s) . Bedkin

An English variety used quite extensively in this country as a forcing sort on private estates, and is not recommended for garden culture. When grown under glass the plants are of robust constitution,

unusually prolific, early and hardy: pods very dark green, about 8 inches long, flat, straight, thick, handsome and tender when very young, developing considerable string as they mature.

Red Kidney . Bedrench

Quite like White Kidney, except the beans are deep red in color.

Refugee Stringless (Rogers) . Bedrist

A desirable stringless selection from Refugee or 1000 to 1, resembling that variety in form of pod, season of maturity and habit of growth, though not as hardy or quite as productive. Very popular with


Refugee, or Thousand=to=One . Bedrop

A very productive, hardy, vigorous late sort, much in favor with the canning trade. Pods 5 to 5 Vi inches long, somewhat slender, round and slightly curved; almost stringless; fine-grained and good quality; color light green.

Ruby Horticultural Dwarf . Bedwarf

An improved type of Dwarf Horticultural. Very hardy, early and productive. _ -Pods about 5 inches long, straight, flat and stringless; color greenish-yellow splashed with bright carmine.

Tendergreen (Henderson’s) . Bedworm

One of the very best of the round, green podded beans. Fleshy pods about 6 inches long, stringless, very productive and closely resembles an improved Full Measure.

Tennessee Green Pod (Brown Bunch) (Franklin Bean) . .Beeter A popular sort in the South where it is sometimes kmown as Dwarf Kentucky Wonder. One of the very earliest green-podded beans. Plant vigorous, hardy and productive. Pods 6 to 7 inches long, broad, very flat, irregular in shape, dark green in color, nearly stringless and of exceptionally fine flavor. Beans chocolate-brown.


100 lbs.

9 00

9 00 9 00 10 50

9 00

13 00

15 00

10 00 10 00

9 00


10 00

15 00

10 00


Jerome B. Rice Seed Co. give no warranty, express or implied as to description, quality productiveness or any other matter of any seeds they send out and will be in no way responsible for the crop.






Burger’s Green Pod, or White Kentucky Wonder. . . .Befriend

A very early, white-seeded variety of German origin. Pods 6 to 7 inches long, flattened and nearly straight; very tender, fleshy and stringless; of high quality; color medium green. Foliage distinctly dark green, much crumped.

Golden Cluster Wax . Beget

An excellent pole wax-podded sort; early, vigorous, hardy and produc¬ tive. Pod to 7 inches long, extremely straight, broad and flat; very fleshy, stringy though fine grained, attractive and good quality; color light waxy-yellow. Beans white, oval-shaped.

Horticultural Pole, or Cranberry (.October Bean) . Begird

An old, well known, standard sort. Mid-season in maturity, hardy and productive. Pods 5 to 6 inches long, straight,, flat, stringless and of good quality; color dark green, splashed with bright red.

Ideal Market or Black Creaseback Pole . Begnaw

Earliest and most prolific of the green-podded pole, beans, being a full week earlier than Kentucky Wonder. Pods 5 inches long, round, slightly curved, stringless when young and borne in clusters of six; very tender, pulpy and excellent quality; seeds black.

Kentucky Wonder, or Old Homestead . Begone

The most popular, green-podded climbing, or corn hill bean; early and productive. Pods 8 to 9 inches long, nearly round, very slender, decidedly curved, slightly stringy, tender anfl good quality.

Kentucky Wonder Wax . Begoot

O'ne of the earliest of the pole wax sorts. Pods flat, 7 to 8 inches long, thick, decidedly creasebacked, very fleshy, brittle but stringy, attrac¬ tive and fair quality; color light yellow.

King Horticultural (Worcester or Hampden Pole) ... .Begrime Both beans and pods are larger than in other types of Pole Horti¬ cultural; late, vigorous and productive. Pods 6 to 7 inches long,

flat and stringless; very showy; color light green, splashed with bright carmine.

Lazy Wife . Begrudge

A late, productive standard sort. Pods 5 to 6 inches long, broad, straight and flat, stringless, very fleshy, brittle, fine grained, attrac¬ tive and excellent quality. Color medium green; dry beans round and white.

Missouri Wonder (Noxall) . Begring

An exceedingly productive, long bearing, late variety; pods 5 inches long, uniform, flat, curved, fairly tough, stringy and fibrous; medium green in color.

McCaslan Pole . Begster

A very early, prolific white-seeded pole bean; one of the most popular Southern varieties. Pods deep green, meaty, stringless and of excellent quality.

Red Speckled Cut=short, or Corn=HiII . Beguile

A well known hardy, late and productive sort. Pods to 4 inches long, stout, straight and flat, stringy, fine grained and fair quality; color light green.

Scarlet Runner . Behalf

O'n the order of the Limas; grown mostly in America for its orna¬ mental, bright scarlet flowers. Pods 6 inches long; seed reddish- brown, mottled black.

Striped Creaseback, or Scotia (Nancy Davis) . Behead

A very hardy and productive cornfield bean. Pods to 7 inches long, round, straight and creaseback; slightly stringy, very fleshy,

fine grained, attractive and good quality; pods light green.

Tennessee Wonder (Egg Harbor) . Beheel

Somewhat similar in habit to Kentucky Wonder but with immensely larger, . straighter, smoother and more creasebacked pods. Pods 8 to 9 inches long, green, tinged purple; slightly stringy; not produc¬ tive. More suitable as a shell rather than snap bean.

White Creaseback (Fat Horse) . Behest

Very hardy, very early and moderately productive. Pods 5 to 6 inches long, uniform, nearly round and slender; slightly stringy, very fleshy, brittle and fine grained; fair quality; color light green. Beans small, oblong and white in color.

White Dutch Case Knife . Behind

Green snap pods, 8 to 10 inches in length, very broad, straight and flat, stringy, brittle and of fair quality; mid-season; best as a shell bean. Beans 8 in number, very flat and ivory-white.

White Dutch Runner . Beholder

Same general habit as Scarlet Runner; pods slightly larger; flowers and beans white.


100 lbs.

$13 00

15 00

13 50

15 00

11 00

16 00

18 00

14 00

12 00

14 00

13 50

16 00

14 00

14 00

14 50

15 00

16 00







Burpee’s Bush . . Beef

Plant large, spreading; hardy, mid-season and productive. Pods

414 to 5 inches long, containing 3 to 4 beans which are as large as in the pole sorts, flat and white.

Burpees’ Improved Bush . Beehive

Both beans and pods will average larger than in the old type, the pods usually 5^4 to 6 inches in length and containing six beans of greater thickness.

Dreer’s Bush . Beetle

A thick seeded, or potato type of Dwarf Lima; equally productive with Burpee’s but a week later; of high quality.

Fordhook Bush . Beeves

A most excellent, early and distinct variety and exceedingly popular

with market gardeners. Pods about 5 inches long, containing 4 to 5 large, oval shaped, very thick white beans of the so-called Potato Lima type.

Henderson’s Bush . Befall

A vigorous, hardy, very early and small type of Bush Lima; much in favor with canners. Pods small, about 3 inches long, containing three to four small, flat, white beans of good quality.

Jackson Wonder, or Calico Bush . Behue

A very prolific, almost drought resistant dwarf Lima. Seeds small, like Sieva, spotted and mottled dark brown. Plant growth resembles the Sieva type or Henderson’s Bush.

New Wonder Bush . Befit

Similar to Burpee’s Bush in season and productiveness. The plant, however, is more dwarf; bean broader, thin'ner and more flat.

Wood’s Prolific . Before

Quite similar in character and habit of growth to Henderson’s Bush,

though the beans are somewhat larger and thicker.

LIMA BEANS, POLE VARIETIES Carpinteria . . . Behoof

A very fine, vigorous, strong growing Lima. Very productive, pods averaging 4 to 4*4 inches, beans, usually four to the pod, are larger and somewhat thicker than ordinary Limas. Seed retains its distinc¬ tive green tinge.

Dreer’s Improved (Challenger) . Being

Plants very vigorous, very hardy, late and productive. Pods about 314 inches long, containing 4 to 5 very thick, medium sized, light green beans of excellent quality. Also known as Potato Lima.

Early Leviathan. . . Belate

A very early, large podded variety; the. earliest of the Large Lima class. Pods 5 to 6 inches long, containing 5 to 6 large, flat, white bean s

Florida Butter (Speckled Pole Lima) . .. . Belad

A dependable, prolific, small seeded Lima, popular in the South. Pods borne in clusters; seeds size of Sieva, cream colored, speckled reddish-brown.

Giant Podded . Belboy

The largest podded Lima in cultivation; extremely vigorous in growth, with dark green foliage and pods; mid-season. Pods measure about 7 inches long, by 1 J4 inches broad and are borne in clusters of six to eight; beans extra large and of excellent quality. Undoubtedly the best of all the large-podded varieties.

King of the Garden . ; ; . .* Belch

An improved strain of Large White Lima; pods about an inch longer, proportionately wider and uniformly four-seeded.

Large White . Belfry

The standard Pole Lima. Vigorous, mid-season, productive. Pods 4 to 5 inchest long, very flat, 3 to 4 seeded.

Seibert’s Early . Belief

Earlier and more productive than Large White Lima; beans rather thicker and of higher quality.

Small or Sieva . Belle

Beans small and white on the order of Henderson’s Bush Lima. Plant of large growth, vigorous and productive.


100 lbs. $16.00

18 00

Sold Out Sold Out

12 00

15 00

18 00

14 00

$18 00

22 00

16 50

16 00

19 00

17 00 17 00 17 00

15 00





Our American Grown stocks of Beet Seed have won a National Reputation for Purity, Trueness to Type, Form and Color, and are supplied to the Best Seed Dealers in this Country. Canners find our stocks very satisfactory.

Detroit Dark Red. The Most popular all purpose beet



Boston Crosby . Bemker

An exceptionally good selection from Crosby’s Egyptian, being more “globy”; with a smaller top and tap root. Roots are remarkably uniform, very dark red, flesh deep purplish red with little tendency to zoning. One of the most popular and handsome of the early beets.

Crimson Globe . Bemock

A late or main crop variety, medium in size, globe shaped; flesh deep purple slightly zoned; foliage small, dark bronze.

Crosby’s Egyptian . Bencher

Where a first early market is desired our strain of this variety is unequalled. Roots a flattened globe shape; skin fairly dark red, flesh a trifle lighter in color and lightly zoned; tops small.

Detroit Dark Red . Bendable

One of the very best sorts for home or market garden and for canning purposes. Roots uniformly smooth, of medium size, and

globe shaped; skin dark red, flesh solid vermilion red. O'ur special stock of this variety shows no white zones. Tops are small, upright, dark green, shaded red.

Dewing’s Early Blood Turnip . Beneath

Medium early, top-shaped; roots dark red, flesh carmine, zoned a lighter shade; good quality.

Early Blood Turnip, Improved . Benefice

The old standard table beet; roots nearly round or slightly flattened, bright red, zoned and of good quality. Not so early as Detroit, and with a larger, coarser top.

Early Wonder . Benefider

A selection from Crosby’s Egyptian though not so early as our strain of that variety. Roots uniform, nearly globe-shaped, with small top and tap root; skin dark red, flesh deep blood red, with little zoning. Popular with market gardeners for early or late planting.

Eclipse . Benefit

An early variety with small tops and medium sized, round, bright red roots; flesh bright red, zoned pinkish-white.

Edmands’s Blood Turnip . Benight

A second early sort, with short tops; roots nearly round, dark red; flesh purplish red with little zoning; a good keeper.



$0 50











BEET Table Varieties Continued

Boston Crosby

An improved Early Wonder and a most profitable first early beet for the market gardener. Note the small taproots.

Tel. Per

Cipher Pound

Extra Early Egyptian . . . Benignant $0 35

One of the very earliest, with small top; roots distinctly flat and mod¬ erately thick, very dark red; flesh dark purplish red, zoned a lighter shade.

Half Long Blood . B’enison 40

Excellent second early sort and good keeper. Roots deep red, half long and smooth; distinctly zoned; small tops.

Long Smooth Blood . Benzoin 35

A standard, long, late variety; roots 14 inches long, smooth, rather slender; flesh deep purplish red; gocd quality and excellent keeper.

Swiss Chard, Dark Green White Ribbed (Smooth) ... .Beotin 40

A dark green leaved variety, quite similar to Fordhook Giant, but hav¬

ing fairly smooth upright foliage and broad white leaf stems.

Swiss Chard, Fordhook Giant . Bepaint 40

Decidedly the best of the Chards, Leaves broad, upright in growth, very dark green, crumpled or savoyed, with broad, white mid-rib.

Swiss Chard, Silver . Bequeath 35

Its yellowish-green, large leaves are used as greens and the middle leaf- rib served like asparagus.

Swiss Chard, Lucullus . Bequest 35

An improved type of Chard. Of more upright growth than the Silver variety; leaves yellowish-green, fairly crumpled, mid-rib and veins white; stalks thick, broad and flat and as large as rhubarb.

Our stock of Beet Detroit Dark Red in our exhaustive trial the past summer proved to be “Good As Any and Better’n Some”



BEET Continued


Tel. Per

Cipher Pound

Giant Half Sugar Rose (Feeding Sugar) . Bereft $0 25

A most valuable large yielding variety for feeding; oval shaped; skin rose-colored, flesh white.

Giant Sludstrup (Yellow Intermediate). . Beragmot 25

A long; reddish-yellow, ovoid root, growing more than half above ground; easily harvested, and by actual test far excells any other variety in weight and feeding value.

Golden Tankard . Beseem 25

Roots large, nearly cylindrical in shape, narrowing abruptly at both ends; skin deep orange-yellow; flesh zoned yellow and white; sweet and productive.

Ideal (Eckendorf) . Beset 25

Light yellow. Grows well above ground and is as large at bottom as at top.

Long Red Mammoth Prize (Norbiton Giant) . Besom 22

Attains enormous size, producing thirty to fifty tons to the acre.

Roots nearly cylindrical in shape, light red, growing well above ground; flesh white and rose-colored.

Sugar, Klein Wanzleben . Bestick 25

Largest yielding and one of the best for sugar making.

Sugar, Lane’s Imperial (White French) . Bestow 25

A white fleshed, handsome and very productive strain; skin below ground rose-colored, top gray or bronze; for stock feeding.

Sugar, Vilmorin’s Improved . Bestride 28

An improvement on the White French Sugar; used extensively for making beet sugar.


Italian Green Sprouting . Brocacy $3 50

A distinct variety extensively cultivated by Italian gardeners. Plant forms a large, solid head which remains green. When the central head is cut, numerous sprouts develop from the leaf axils, each sprout terminating in small green heads, which are bunched for market.

Cook ana serve like asparagus. Frequently called Broccoli Calabrese.

Purple Cape . Brocade 3 00

Very similar to White Cape, excepting in color, heads being of a brownish purple.

White Cape . Brocket 3 00

Heads compact, good size and of a creamy white color; one of the most certain to head.


Carter’s Perfection . Brushy $1 00

Stems grow about 2 feet in height and are thickly set with sprouts \y2 to 2 inches in diameter.

Dalkeith . Brusing 1 25

Plant stems about 20 inches high and well covered with 2-inch sprouts; hardy and fairly early.

Long Island Improved . Brustop 2 00

Undoubtedly the best and most dependable. Plant earlier, more dwarf afid compact than other varieties.





We are now producing in America, under personal supervision and from our own stock seeds, all the standard varieties of Cabbage seed, and are prepared to accept growing contracts for large or small quantities.

Golden Acre

A Specially Selected, Extra Early Type

Tel. Per

Cipher Pound

All Head Early (The Faultless) . Caballer $1 00

As early as most of the early summer cabbages; the deep, flat heads are remarkably solid and uniform in color as well as in shape and size; makes a fine winter cabbage if sown late. Splendid sort for kraut making.

All Seasons . Cabal 1 00

Heads large, round and very deep; can be planted for early or late crop; a splendid keeper; in season a late second early, coming in with Early Flat Dutch; a favorite with kraut manufacturers.

Charleston Large Wakefield . Cabin 1 25

About one week later than Early Jersey Wakefield, but the conical heads are fully one-half larger.

Copenhagen Market . Cable 1 75

Very fine, nearly as early as Jersey Wakefield; stem short, heads large, round and solid, with few outer leaves of an upright growth.

Our stock of this popular variety is very early, uniform and dependable.

Danish Ball Head (Hollander) . Caboose 1 50

One of the very best winter sorts and one of the most hardy; heads round, deep or balloon-shaped, and very solid. Our selected stock of this cabbage is unexcelled.

Danish Round Head . Cacao 1 50

Similar to Danish Ball Head, but with shorter stem; heads slightly larger, more round and about two weeks earlier. Very hard and heavy.

Early Flat Dutch . Cackle 1 00

Earlier and heads somewhat smaller than Late Flat Dutch; a good short stemmed second early.



CABBAGE Continued


Tel. Per

Cipher Pound

Early Summer . Cadence $1 10

Heads medium in size, round, somewhat flattened, compact and solid; outer leaves spreading and light glaucous green. Ten days later than Jersey Wakefield and one of the best large, second early sorts.

Early Jersey Wakefield, Rice’s Selected . Cadet 1 00

The most widely known and popular extra early variety; heads a broad cone shaped and very solid. Our stock is very dwarf, compact extremely early.

Early Winnigstadt, Rice’s True . Cage 1 25

Medium early, short stemmed; heads solid, fine grained, cone shaped and pointed, the leaves having a peculiar and distinct twist at point of head; very productive and excellent quality.

Glory of Enkhuizen . Calash 1 50

Excellent medium early, short-stemmed variety, maturing ten days earlier than Danish Round Head. Heads large, round, very solid, with few outer leaves. One of the most satisfactory for kraut making.

Golden Acre (New) . Calcar 3 00

An extra early selection of the Copenhagen type, and the earliest of the round headed cabbages, maturing with Jersey Wakefield. Plant small, dwarf and compact, with few outer leaves; heads of medium size, round as a ball, hard, solid and very uniform.

Houser . Calculus 3 00

An extra large, round, hard heading, late sort.

Large Late Drumhead, Rice’s Premium . Caldron 1 00

Heads large, flat and solid, and a good keeper.



CABBAGE Continued



Late Flat Dutch, Rice’s Premium . Calefy

A justly popular and esteemed variety; extensively cultivated for market and family use. Heads large, round, flattened and very firm; has a medium stem and is very hardy.

Louisville Drumhead . Calendar

Withstands summer heat splendidly; second early, heads large and solid.

Red Rock . Caliber

The largest and surest heading red cabbage; more deeply colored at the heart than Red Dutch; medium to long stem.

Savoy, Extra Early Dwarf . Calibum

A dwarf growing, compact heading, very early variety. Heads of medium size, intensely savoyed, with dark green outer leaves.

Savoy, Perfection Drumhead . Callus

The best winter keeper of the Savoys; heads late, round, compact and solid; leaves numerous, deep green and coarsely crimped.

Savoy, Rice’s Prizewinner . Callot

The most uniform and handsome of the Savoys. Heads are compact, intensely savoyed, very firm and quite distinct from Drumhead Savoy, the outer leaves being of a blue-green color.

Stein’s Early Flat Dutch . Callow

An early and excellent type of Early Flat Dutch, with a medium stem;

heads round, flat and solid.

Stone Mason Drumhead (Warren’s) . Calmly

Produces large, firm, broad, flat heads, fine grained and sweet; one of the best late, main crop sorts.

Succession . Calico

One of the best of cabbages; heads very large and somewhat flat; ten days later than Early Summer.

Surehead (Rice’s) . Caliph

All head and always sure to head. This is an exceptionally fine late cabbage of the Flat Dutch type, but with the outer leaves of more upright growth. Heads are large, round and flattened, very hard and fine-grained; splendid keeper.

Wisconsin Hollander No. 8 . Calipage

A yellows-resistant strain of the Danish Ballhead, desirable for grow¬

ing in sections infected with this disease. Plants are somewhat larger, more leafy and spreading than the Ballhead, but heads are fully as firm, compact and long keeping.



$1 00

1 25 1 35 1 75

1 25

2 00

1 25 1 25 1 50 1 10

3 00


While generally referred to as a cabbage, this desirable vegetable is more nearly re¬ lated to the mustard family. They generally bolt to seed when sown in early spring, but when seed is sown at turnip seeding time, produce excellent heads during the cool late summer or autumn season.

Chihli . Cabinacy $2 50

Earliest and most sure heading of the Chinese varieties. Plant of upright growth, producing long, solid, white cylindrical heads, two feet in length. Leaves very broad, smooth, fringed on edge, with broad, white mid-rib; superior quality.

Pe Tsai . Cabinet 1 25

Sometimes called Celery Cabbage; resembles Cos Lettuce as much as cabbage, though with a decided cabbage flavor.

Wong Bok . Cabinore 1 25

The heads of this variety are shorter and broader than Pe Tsai, the incurving leaves producing a tighter, more compact head.




Henderson’s Early Snowball

A superior early, sure=heading strain



Dry Weather (Danish Giant) . Caucus

One of the very best varieties; especially adapted for growing in dry locations.

Early Favorite . Causable

One of the best early, large growing kinds; forms a large head which is solid, crisp and under unfavorable conditions will form heads more frequently than any other variety.

Extra Selected Early Dwarf Erfurt . Causative

The finest strain of the Erfurt Cauliflower; almost as early as the Snowball, producing very solid, pure white heads of the very finest quality; seldom fails to form a good sized head.

Henderson’s Early Snowball . Causeway

Undoubtedly the finest and most popular early variety.

Heads very early, of medium size, firm, compact, solid and very white; plant compact in growth with few short, upright leaves.

Veitch’s Autumn Giant . Cauter

A large, vigorous, late variety; heads large, firm, very white and well protected by large, dark green foliage; stem rather long.



$1 25



$17 00


7 00

1 00

14 00

I 25

16 00


4 50


Spanish . Cardoon $1 25

A tall and vigorous grower with large, broad leaves; spineless.

We are always pleased to quote Special Prices on quantity orders. Send a memorandum of your requirements and permit us to quote you.




Rice’s Coreless Carrot



Chantenay Half Long (The Model) . Caracole

Excellent medium early half-long stump rooted variety; roots about 6 inches long, very thick, smooth and of a deep orange-red color.

Chantenay, Red Cored . Caradove

Fine grained flesh of a deep or reddish orange. The core is so small as to almost warrant the name “coreless.” Shippers are finding th's to be quite popular on the markets.

Danvers Half Long . Caravan

The best known second early, half-long sort; roots 6 to 8 inches long, tapering to a blunt point; flesh deep orange, tender and good quality.

Eary Scarlet Horn . Caravel

Very early, with small top; roots about 3 inches long, rather blunt rooted ; color orange-red.

French Forcing Horn (Golden Ball) . Carbine

The earliest variety; tops very small; roots almost round, about 2*4 inches long; orange-red in color.

Half Long Stump Rooted Nantes . . Carboy

Roots. 6 to 8 inches long, nearly cylindrical, blunt ended, smooth and of bright orange color. Flesh red, sweet and mild; almost coreless.

Hutchinson . Carbum

Largely grown in the New England states. Roots 10 to 12 inches in length, nearly cylindrical in form and ending in an abrupt stump root. Color a deep orange. Immensely productive.

Improved Long Orange . Carcass

An excellent intermediate season, standard sort; roots 12 inches long,

about 3 inches broad at the crown, tapering regularly to a point; deep orange color.

Improved Short White (Mastodon) . Carder

Roots half-long, 7 to 9 inches in length and very smooth, heavy at the shoulder, tapering regularly to a point; color creamy white, light green above ground; enormously productive. Fine for stock feeding.

Large White Belgian . Cardiac

Grown exclusively for stock feeding. Roots about 16 inches long and very thick. White under ground and green above; grows about one- third above ground.

Large Yellow Belgian . Cardinal

Quite similar to White Belgian except in color. Roots 20 inches long, broad and pointed; light orange below the surface, green above.

Oxheart, or Guerande . .Careful

Mature roots 4}4 to 5 inches long, very stout and thick, ending in an abrupt, small tap root; small top and easily harvested; color light bright orange.

Rice’s Coreless . .Carette

The most strikingly handsome early carrot we are acquainted with. Roots are deep orange in color, exceptionally smooth, cylindrical in form, 6 inches in length by 1*4 inches in diameter. Free from woody heart or core, and of the highest quality.

Rubicon . Careless

Early, almost cylindrical in shape, half long and stump rooted; color deep orange; finest quality.



$0 70 80
















Dwarf Golden Self Blanching A superior, dependable strain for critical trade

Tel. Per

Cipher Pound

Golden Self Blanching Dwarf (Selected Stock) . Celature $2 75

Our strain of this variety is unexcelled and absolutely reliable; this sort is without doubt the finest early celery in cultivation. Plants compact and stocky, with yellowish-green foliage; stalks perfectly solid, of a fine, nutty flavor, attains a good size; blanches a handsome golden yellow color.

Golden Self Blanching (New Tall French Type) . Celatest 2 75

Easy Blanching (Sanford Superb) . . . Celebray 2 25

A new variety, resembling Golden Self Blanching, but the leaves are green and the stalks blanch white instead of yellow. It is also more hardy and less liable to blight. Stalks are somewhat taller, but have the same form and heavy heart of the Self Blanching, and while maturing about two weeks after that variety, has the advantage in being an excellent winter keeper as well as an early celery. One of the easiest to blanch and of best quality.

The Jerome B. Rice Seed Co. for years have endeavored to assist all customers by giving accurate descriptions of all seed offered and this year we have added two pages (pages 70 and 71) of very useful information.



CELERY Continued



Emperor, or Fordhook... . Celebram

A valuable selection from Columbia. Plant quite dwarf and stocky, with large, full light yellow heart. Stalks broad, thick and crisp. Follows Self Blanching in season and is a superior sort for fall and winter use. Very tender and too brittle for shipment to distant markets.

Giant Pascal . Celecon

A compact, vigiprous, productive variety and one of the best for winter use; leaves upright, short and dark green; stalks short, thick and very broad; blanches a beautiful yellowish-white.

Golden Plume, or Wonderful . Celecur

Resembles Golden Self Blanching in appearance, crispness and fine nutty flavor, though somewhat earlier, larger and of ranker growth. Blanches quickly with a full heart and rich, golden-yellow color. Apparently more disease resistant than other yellow celeries. A very desirable sort.

Improved White Plume . Celeder

A very early, handsome variety; leaves light, bright green; easily blanched a beautiful silvery-white color. A popular sort for first early market.

Winter Queen . Cellered

Of medium height, broad, light green stalks; very solid and crisp; blanches well.



$2 50

1 40

3 25

1 65

1 40

The Specialty pages (2 to 5) are well worthy of turning back to but then scattered through this price list there are many other varieties still worthy of a place in this class especially Rice’s Strain of Vick’s Scarlet Globe Radish.


(Turnip-Rooted Celery)

Large Smooth Prague . Celting $1 25

O'ne of the largest; smooth and almost spherical.


Curled . Cherub $0 70

A variety with crisp, curled leaves; used for flavoring soups and salads.


Large Rooted (Magdeburg) . Chicane $0 75

The dried roots are roasted and used as a substitute for coffee.

Witloof (French Endive) . Chicken 85

The plants form long, parsnip-shaped roots; the roots are forced in frames or greenhouse and the new growth of lettuce-like leaves is cut and served as a salad.


True Georgia . Collar $0 45

Plant 2 to 3 feet high, forming a cluster of tender, undulated leaves at the top of its rather long stem; used as “greens” in the South and West


LAMB’S LETTUCE OR FETTICUS Large Green Cabbaging . Corned $0 50

A quite distinct sort, with short, rounded, smooth, almost erect, very green leaves, forming a compact rosette.

Large Seeded Dutch . . Coruscate 50

A vigorous variety; leaves large, round, grayish-green and veined.




For the past few years we have devoted a great deal of time and money to the improvement of our stocks of Sweet Corn. Not only have we given care to the selection and improvement of our types, but we have been most careful in testing our stock seed, ear by ear, for root rot and other troublesome diseases, and then, by ear to row plantings, have been able to check the results obtained, eliminate disease if found and improve our types as well.

All Sweet Corn is put up ioo lbs. to the bag

Golden Bantam

Tel. Per

Cipher 100 lbs.

Adams’ Extra Early . Coral $7 00

Not a sugar corn, but largely grown for early use; hardy, standing early planting and the thick, hard husks preventing entrance of the corn worm. Ears 7 to & inches long, 12-rowed. Our strain is superior in earliness, size of ear and dwarf habit to any other stock ever in our trials.

Alpha . Corcel 10 50

A very early, dwarf growing white grained variety, slightly earlier than Cory. Ears 6 to 7 inches long, 8 rowed; of fair quality.

Cory, Mammoth Early White . Cordage 10 50

One of the very earliest and best of all extra early sweet corn. Ears 10 to 12 rowed. 7 to 8 inches long, fairly sweet, tender and white.

Stalks about 4 feet high, usually producing two large handsome ears on each stalk.

Early Mayflower . Cordig 10 50

A selection from Mammoth White Cory, and a popular variety in the eastern states.

Extra Early Dighton (Earliest of All) . Cordify 10 50

An extra early selection from Red Cob Cory, and the earliest sweet corn in our trials. Stalks not quite 4 feet high; ears usually two to stalk, 6 to 7 inches long, 8 to 10 rowed; grain white, and broad as in Cory; cob pink.

Early Market (60 day Make Good) . Cordifun 10 50

A first early corn with decided merit for the market gardener, being the first large-eared white sweet corn in the market. Plant growth about 3J4 feet, ears close to the ground. Ears 6 to 7 inches long, blocky in form, 12 to 14 rowed, with exceptionally white grain.

Golden Bantam . Cordial 10 50

Early, golden yellow in color and of highest quality. Ears 6 to 7 inches long, 8-rowed. Our stock has been most carefully selected and is superior to much that is offered and we know by experience that it has given satisfaction to thousands of planters.

Golden Gem . Cordibel 20 00

The earliest yellow or golden eared corn, being a week earlier than Sunshine, of more dwarf habit and possessing a sweet, 8-rowed ear equal in size to Golden Bantam, although two weeks earlier than that variety.



SWEET CORN Extra Early Varieties Continued

Whipple’s Early



Golden Sunshine . Cordity

A very early corn of the Golden Bantam type, maturing a week to ten days earlier than that variety. More dwarf in habit than Bantam, with ears 6T/$ inches long, containing 12 rows of broad, yellow sweet grains. Especially desirable for its extreme earliness.

Whipple’s Early White . Cordman

A very early variety with the deep grain of the Evergreen type. About 5 days earlier than Early Crosby. Stalks 5 to 6 feet high, of vigorous growth; ears produced 1^2 feet from the ground, often two to the stalk, are 8 inches long, rather “blocky” in form, 16 to 18 and often 20 rowed, filled to the end with rather narrow, deep, wedge- shaped grains of pearly whiteness and high sugar content.

Whipple’s Early Yellow . Cordnow

A remarkable new yellow sweet corn of much merit. While the stalks grow 6 feet or more in height and the 14-rowed ears a*e 7 to 8 inches in length, this variety matures three days later than Golden Bantam. The kernels are broad deep and of excellent quality.


100 lbs.

$14 00

10 00

10 50


Crosby . Cordon

An old, popular variety; ears 7 inches long, 12-rowed; the grains are short and square, very white, sweet and tender; a favorite sort with canners. Our stock of this variety is very true to type.

Golden Buttercup . Cordpen

Popular in the Eastern States. In season with Golden Giant and similar to that variety in many respects.

Golden Cream (Golden Country Gentleman) . Corduroy

A very fine corn on the order of Golden Bantam but a week to ten days later. Ears about same size as the Bantam, but the grain is smaller, deep and zigzagged and of a rich golden color; of excellent quality.

Golden Giant . Cordwain

A cross between Golden Bantam and Howling. Mob and is one of the few new yellow corns to retain the high quality of its golden parent. In season between Golden Bantam and Bantam Evergreen, of medium growth, with ears 8 inches long, 16 to 18 rowed.

Howling Mob . Core

One of the finest second early, large eared sorts; very productive, white, and of excellent quality. Ears 9 to 10 inches long, 16-rowed.

KendePs Giant . . Corinth

A large-eared, second early sort; on the order of Howling Mob,

but while a trifle earlier, will not average so large an ear; ears 8 to 9 inches long, 12-rowed.

$12 00

11 00 12 00

11 00

10 00 10 00


SWEET CORN— Continued



Minnesota . . . Corking

Very popular standard early sort. Ears about 8 inches long, 8-rowed; kernels very broad, sweet and tender.

Adams’ Early (or Burlington) . Cornel

Not a sugar corn; similar to Adams’ Extra Early, but two weeks later; ears about 8 inches long, 12 to 14 rowed and of fair quality.

Bantam Evergreen . Corneous

A cross between Golden Bantam and Stowell’s Evergreen and a most excellent sort of fine quality. Ears 8 inches long, 12 to 14 rowed; matures with Early Evergreen, grain rather broad and deep, of a rich golden-yellow color.

Black Mexican . Corner

One of the sweetest and best; ears 8 inches long and 8 rowed; grains bluish-black when ripe.

Mammoth Early . ...Cornice

An early selection of Late Mammoth; ears 8 to 9 inches long, 14-rowed; grain broad, deep, tender and sugary.

Rice’s Early Evergreen . Coronary

A valuable variety, maturing a few days earlier than Stowell’s. Ears nearly as large, about 8 inches long, 14 to 16 rowed; grains somewhat narrower than Stowell’s; very productive and of high quality.

MAIN CROP AND LATE VARIETIES Country Gentleman (Shoe Peg) . Corporate

An especially fine quality corn. Ears 7 to 8 inches long, cob small, white and densely covered with long, slender, white grains, without row formation. Season with Stowell’s Evergreen.

Hickory King (True Broad Grained) . Corporing

A field rather than a sweet corn and used extensively in the South for “roasting ears.’’ Of tall vigorous growth, fairly late with large ears and broad dented, white grain.

Long Island Beauty . Corporel

A popular main crop variety with immense large white ears often a foot in length, 16 to 18 rowed. Very sweet and sugary.

Mammoth Sugar (Late Mammoth) . Correctly

The largest eared variety of sweet corn; about a week earlier than Stowell’s Evergreen. Ears often 12 inches long and 16 to 18 rowed, sweet, tender and delicious.

Narrow Grained Evergreen . Corrector

A splendid, high quality Evergreen. Slightly earlier than Stowell’s; ears 8 to 9 inches long, with a small cob containing 18 to 20 rows of very deep narrow, white grains. One of the best canning varieties.

Sto well’s Evergreen . Corrival

The standard and best known sweet corn. Ears 8 to 9 inches long, 16 to 18 rowed, with a very deep, sweet, grain. Our strain of this variety is noted for its uniform, deep grain, small cob and high quality.

Trucker’s Favorite . Corrode

A late sort of the Adams’ type; ears 9 to 10 inches long, handsome, 14 to 16 rowed. Not a sweet corn.

White Evergreen . Corroding

A type of Stowell’s Evergreen of the same season, but with rather a larger, broader ear, and a broader, whiter grain. Ears 8 to 9 inches long, 16 rowed.

Zig Zag Evergreen . Corrosion

A selection from Stowell’s, having ears densely covered with narrower, deep, sweet, white grain, without rows. Size of ear and season same as Stowell’s. A fine high quality sort.


100 lbs. $10 00

7 50

11 00

11 00 10 50 10 00

10 00

6 50

10 50 10 50

10 50

10 00

7 50

11 00

11 00

Our Seed Corn Is Pedigreed Stock and Northern Grown






Blount’s Prolific . Corrosive '

Early Yellow Canada . Corrugate

Golden Dent . Corrupt >

Longfellow . Corruptly

Snowflake . Corsair >


Early Mastodon . . . Carrow N

Eureka . Corse

Evergreen Sweet Fodder . Corselet

Purely a sweet corn, and the best of all corns for fodder.

Learning . Corset

Pride of the North . Cortege

Red Cob Ensilage . Cortes

Sanford White Flint . Corther

The best flint corn for fodder; grows to a very large size.

Southern White Sheeptooth

Cortical y


Black Beauty . Cortmun

Japanese Hulless . Cortijar

Queen’s Golden . Cortipan

White Rice . Cortivent




Extra Curled (Peppergrass) . Cresset

A small, curled plant, having a fine pungent flavor and used as a salad.

True Water . Crested

For growing along banks of ponds and streams; wholly unlike Extra

Curled; leaves are quite large and thick.

Upland . Crestfal

Quite distinct from Curled Cress, the leaves more resembling True Water.


100 lbs.







$10 00 10 00 9 00

9 00




$0 30

2 50


Howling Mob




We are very extensive growers of cucumber seed, and producing our stocks in the North, under our own supervision, believe them to be superior to those generally offered.

The figures following descriptions represent the average length and diameter of the mature fruit grown as a field crop; if produced under gardening conditions fruit may average larger.

B. S. indicates Black Spine; W. S. White Spine Write us for Special Prices on Large Quantites or Growing Contract.

Tel. Per

Cipher Pound

Boston Pickling, or Green

Prolific . Cubature $0 50

Fruit short, smooth, symmetrical and bright green; very productive, making a good pickle; a little shorter and thicker than most pick¬ ling sorts, 61/, x 2 54 in. B. S.

Chicago Pickling ( Westerfield)

Cubic . . . 50

A most excellent pickling sort: very uniform, productive and good color. Our strain is much superior to stocks generally sold under this name. 7 x 3 in. B. S.

Davis’ Perfect . Cuckold 55

An extra long, dark green type of White Spine; retains its color and good qualities long after being

picked; fruit is exceptionally, long, smooth, and tapering at both ends; flesh crisp, solid, with few seeds; mid-season. 11 x 3 in. W. S.

Davis’ Perfect . Cuckow 65

Extra Selected Stock, put up in 1

lb. cloth sealed bags.

Deltus . Cuckman 50

A desirable variety, excellent for forcing or outdoor culture. Fruits very smooth, with few spines,

cylindrical in form, rounding at

both ends. Color dark green with faint light green markings at flower end; fairly productive.

11 x l Vi in. W. S.

Earliest of All . Cucked 50

An extra early, prolific, desirable .

White Spine much in favor in the South for early shipment to north¬ ern markets. Fruit very full and uniform, tapering slightly but abruptly at both ends; color a good deep green. While a week to ten days earlier than Early Fortune, it is not so handsome a cucumber and will not hold its color as well. It is desirable, however, for its extreme earliness. 7^4 x 2*4 in. W. S.

Early Cluster . Cuckoo 50

Very early; fruit short, chunky, small and borne in clusters in the center of the plant; light green in color; prolific. 6 x 2^4 in. B. S.

. Cuddle 55

The finest type of White Spine yet produced. Early, very productive and disease-resistant; fruits nine inches long, slightly tapering; flesh white, very firm and crisp, with very few seeds; color rich, dark green, which does not fade when shipped a long distance. 9 x 2}4 in. W. S.

Early Fortune (Extra Selected Stock) . Cudex 65

Put up in 1 lb. cloth sealed bags.

Early Frame, or Short Green . Cudgel 50

Vigorous and productive; medium in size and earliness; good for pickling and slicing; fruit light green and is inclined to be three- cornered rather than round. 7 x 3 in. B. S.

Fordhook Famous . Culler 65

Largest of the White Spine family; fruit long, thick and tapering at both ends, crisp and solid; a fine slicing sort; color light green.

14 x 3'/2 in. W. S.

U.B.R.S Co*

Earliest of All. A fine White Spine

Early Fortune.



CUCUMBER— Continued



Japanese Climbing . Culpable

A distinct climbing sort for covering fences or trellises; fruit long, thick, crisp and fine quality; color dark green; 8 x 3 in. B. S.

Jersey Pickling . Culprit

A very productive variety; fruit long, tapering at both ends and bottle-necked; pickles long and very slender. 7 x 3 in. B. S.

Klondike . . Cultivate

A medium early, very good strain of White Spine; fruits attractive, full, uniform, rather thick, short and blocky, tapering abruptly at both ends; color very dark green, which it holds well; only fairly productive. 7^4 x 2^4 in. W. S.

Longfellow (New) . Cultivan

An excellent long, slender, dark green variety equally desirable for green-house forcing or outdoor culture. An ideal type for the private garden or as a “straight pack” variety for shipment to market. 12 to 14 inches long by 2(4 inches in diameter. W. S.

Long Green, Improved . Culture

A standard late, well-known table sort; 12 to 14 inches long, slender, more or less warted, tapering towards the stem end; color dark green, flesh white and firm. We have a superior stock of this variety. 12 x 3 in. B. S.

National Pickling . . Cunation

Claimed as being a very superior strain of pickling cucumber. De¬

veloped by the Michigan Agriculture College under the supervision of the National . Pickle Packers’ Association and having many years’ careful breeding and selection. Resembles Snows in type and habit. B. S.

Snow’s Perfected Pickle . Cumbrous

The most symmetrical, best formed and productive pickling sort; early, small, square ended and deep green. Our select strain of this variety is much superior to stocks generally sold under this name. 6 x 2J4 in. B. S.

Stays Green . Cumkirb

A well advertised, popular early dark green Cucumber grown ex¬ tensively in the South for Northern markets. Fruits symmetrical,

nearly square ended, 8x3 inches. W. S.

The Vaughan (Windermoor Wonder) . Cumsin

A very attractive, long, white spined variety of excellent dark green color. Suitable for forcing or outdoor culture. 12 x 3 in. W. S.

West India Gherkin . .....Cumulate

Grown exclusively for pickles; fruit very small, oval and covered

with spines; color light green. 2 x 1*4 in.

White Spine, Extra Long or Evergreen . Cuneate

An extra long type of White Spine; fruits cylindrical, dark green in color; mid-season. 14 x 3*A in. U. S.

White Spine, Henderson’s Perfected . Cunning

A very fine strain of White Spine, showing evidences of its Emerald parentage in occasionally throwing a smooth green type. Fruits very rich dark green, symmetrical, thick and nearly square ended; plant healthy, vigorous and productive. Popular in the South as a shipping variety; 8 x 3 in. W. S.

White Spine, Improved Early (Arlington) . . . Cupel

One of the very earliest and best known of the White Spines; a short square-ended, rather three-cornered type; very productive; fine for slicing or pickles; medium green color. 7*4 x 2^4 in. W. S.

White Wonder . Cupping

Fruit, produced in clusters, is symmetrical, short, blocky and rounded at both ends; color ivory-white from time of forming until maturity; moderately productive. 7 x 3 in. W. S.



$0 60















CUCUMBER CROPS turned out a poor crop of seed the past year but as we were fortunate in selecting a good locality we are offering the seed at very moderate prices. Write for special prices on large quantities.






Improved Thick Leaf . Dandling

One of the best, forming a regular tuft of rather upright growth; blanches readily.

Common . Dandy

This is the well known Dandelion; early, vigorous and hardy.


Black Beauty . Egotism

Earlier and nearly as large as New York Purple; fruit very dark purple, which color it holds for a long time.

Early Dwarf Purple . Egrail

The earliest Egg Plant; fruit small and ovoid-shaped, 3 to 4 inches long by 2 inches in diameter; deep dull purple in color.

Early Long Purple . Egram

One of the earliest and most productive sorts; fruits club-shaped, 6 to 8 inches long; rich purple; fine quality.

Florida High Bush . Egress

Of strong, upright growth, holding its fruit well above ground; fruit similar in form and size to New York Purple, though not so dark in color.

New York Improved Purple (Spineless) . Egret

The favorite market variety. Plant large, spreading and spineless,

producing four to six large oval fruits of dark purple color.


Green Curled Endive

Broad Leaved Batavian (Escarolle) . Endear

One of the best varieties for salads; leaves of upright growth, broad, more or less twisted and waved, bright deep green, with a nearly white midrib. Inner leaves form a fair head which blanches a creamy white.

Full Heart Batavian . Endemic

A desirable new strain of Batavian Endive, possessing all the good qualities of the parent but with the leaves more full at the heart.

Green Curled Winter . Ending

The most hardy and vigorous sort; leaves bright, deep green with the outer midribs usually showing a trace of rose; readily blanches a creamy white.

Moss Curled. . Endless

Grows more compact than Green Curled and the medium green leaves are finer cut; leaf stems often tinged purple; blanches creamy white.

White Curled . Endorse

The divided leaves are of a very light yellowish-green color which blanches almost white.



$4 50 2 00

$3 75 3 50 3 50 3 75

3 50

$0 60









Florence (Finocchio, also called Sweet Anise) . Fenner

Produces a bulb-like bunch of thickened stalks of lower leaves above ground at base of leaf stalk. Plant branching, upright with dense.

thread-like foliage.


Dipper . Gouge

Grows in the form of a dipper and thus is useful as well as


Dish Cloth or Luffa . Gouging

The peculiar interior is used as a sponge or dishcloth.

Fancy Varieties Mixed . Goumet

A collection of the fancy and ornamental gourds.

Hercules’ Club . Gouner

Distinctly club-shaped; the longest of the family.

Japanese Nest Egg . Goupel

Fruit small and creamy white, much resembling a hen’s egg.

Sugar Trough . Gout

Grow to hold from 5 to 10 gallons and make useful household containers.



Dwarf Purple, or Brown Curled . Kaleido

Similar to Dwarf Curled Scotch, excepting in color of foliage, which is a rich purple; very hardy.

Dwarf Curled Scotch. . Kallet

A handsome, very finely curled, dwarf spreading variety; foliage long and of an attractive bright green; very hardy.

Dwarf Curled Scotch (Blue Stem) . Kalming

A hardy type of Scotch Kale very popular in the Norfolk district, the plants having a distinctive blue coloring.

Dwarf Curled Siberian (German Greens) . Kalmia

A most vigorous and spreading variety; leaves are large and rather plain in the center, but cut and frilled at the edges; color is a bluish- green.

Tall Curled Scotch . Kaloon

Plants of this variety grow two to three feet in height, bearing long, plume-like, light green leaves which are much cut and deeply curled at the edges; very hardy.


Early White Vienna . . . Koker

Extremely early, with distinctly small tops; bulbs medium size, very light green or nearly white and of best quality.

Early Purple Vienna . Kokomo

Early and with small top; bulbs medium size and purple in color;

flesh white.

Large Green, or White

. Rolling

Quite hardy and most productive; grown mostly for stock feeding; bulbs often weigh eight to ten pounds and are of a greenish- white color.


Broad American Flag . Leech

The favorite gardener’s variety; strong growing, broad leaved and productive.

Large Carentan Winter. .. .Leer

The largest and most hardy variety; leaves same length as American Flag but much thicker and darker green.

London Flag . Leeward

The oldest and best known variety; hardy and productive.

Giant Musselburg . Leeway

A hardy sort; leaves fan-shaped and dark green.



$0 75

$1 00

1 00 1 00 1 00 1 00 1 00

$0 55 50 55 50


$1 25 1 25 1 15

$1 25

1 25

1 25 1 25





The letters B. S. indicate Black Seed and W. S., White Seed.

All Heart, or Summer Header A heat=resisting variety, heading well in mid=summer

Tel. Per

Cipher Pound

All Heart (Summer Header) (B. S.) . Legabur $0 65

A fine strain of Salamander but produces a larger head and one of the most adaptable heading varieties we are acquainted with, heading as well in mid-summer as in spring or fall. Forms a medium size, solid, cabbage butter head; leaves light green, straight on edges and crumpled; quality fine.

Big Boston (Selected Stock) (W. S.) . Legalize 65

Very popular for outside culture as well as cold frame forcing.

Head large and compact; leaves broad, almost smooth, but wavy at the edge; color light green, slightly tinged reddish-brown; heart greenish-white, tinged yellow; of fair quality.

Boston Curled (B. S.) . Legation 70

A crisp, loose-heading variety not unlike Grand Rapids. Medium in size, deep green and very curly; probably the most curled or fringed variety; moderately early and of fair quality.

Boston Market (W. S.) . Legatee 60

Small to medium in size and an early heading sort; leaves broad, blistered and crumpled; color medium green, more or less tinged brown; quality good. Identical with White Seeded Tcnnisball.

Brown Dutch (B. S.) . . . . . Legator 65

A late heading, medium-sized variety; leaves broad, very thick and smooth, with plain edges; color dark-green, overlaid bronze red; head firm and buttery-yellow inside; quality good.



LETTUCE— Continued

Rice’s Selected Grand Rapids Tel.


California Cream Butter (B. S.) . Legbail

Plant compact, heads large, globular and very firm; leaves broad, blistered and crumpled and very thick; color dark, glossy green, lightly tinged and spotted brown; the heads blanch a beautiful golden yellow.

Chicken Lettuce . Leghen

A tall growing, leafy variety grown solely for poultry.

Crisp as Ice (Hartford Bronze Head) (B. S.) . Legend

A slightly elongated, medium sized, compact heading variety; leaves very broad, somewhat blistered, crumpled, very thick and stiff; outer leaves variegated dark brown and green, the brown predominating.

Deacon Cabbage (W. S.) . Legerline

Heads globular, somewhat flattened and blanch well; leaves broad and flat, sometimes slightly blistered and unusually thick; color light, grayish-green, never spotted; quality excellent.

Denver Market (W. S.) . Legible

A crisp, oval heading sort; leaves short, excessively blistered, crumpled and frilled on the edges; color very light green, never spotted; quality fair.

Golden Queen (W. S.) . Legion

An early, small heading variety; heads compact, somewhat pointed and well blanched; leaves broad, slightly blistered and crumpled; color light yellowish-green, with no brownish tinge; quality very fine.

Grand Rapids (Selected Stock) (B. S.) . Legislate

The favorite loose-leaved forcing lettuce, which does well in the North for early planting outside. Leaves short, spatulate in shape, ex¬ cessively blistered and crumpled, and the border heavily fringed; color very light green, with no trace of brown. A most handsome and attractive lettuce of fair quality.

Hanson, Improved (Nonpareil) (W. S.) . Legume

One of the most reliable, sure-heading sorts; heads globular, large and late; leaves large and very broad, fairly blistered and crumpled, borders finely frilled; color clear light green; quality good. A fine variety for midsummer planting outside, as it withstands the hot season better than most sorts and is a slow seeder.

Per Pound $0 60





1 25



|T Lettuce has always been a specialty with us. In our Trial « Grounds at Cambridge, N. Y., it is our practice to make several ^ sowings of the lettuce trials so as to carefully study the varieties during different seasons of the year.



LETTUCE— Continued

New York, or Wonderful

The most popular American head lettuce

Tel. Per

Cipher Pound

Henderson’s New York Cabbage (Wonderful) (W.S.) .Leisure $1 25

A very large, late, globular heading variety; leaves broad of thick texture, fairly blistered and crumpled, and the borders frilled; color clear dark green; quality good. Known in California and the far west as “Los Angeles,” and shipped to eastern markets under the mis¬ leading name of “Iceberg.”

Hubbard’s Market (W.S.) . Lejune 60

One of the best of the dark green cabbage butter heading varieties.

Valuable for market and home garden. Quality and flavor extra fine.

Much prized in South America.

Iceberg (W.S.) . Lemon 65

A large, late, crisp cabbage-heading variety; heads very firm, hard and well blanched; leaves unusually broad and quite blistered and crumpled, borders finely frilled; color medium green with faint brown tracing on the border; quality good. An excellent summer variety. If you wish the lettuce offered by dealers in vegetables as Iceberg please specify New York in your order.

Mammoth Black Seeded Butter (B'.S.) . Lenitive 65

Heads fairly firm, large and oval shaped; leaves broad, fairly crumpled and blistered; color medium green; quality excellent.

May King (W.S.) . ...Lenity 65

A handsome, small, extremely early, compact heading variety; leaves light yellowish-green, tinged reddish brown at the edges, while the heart blanches a rich golden yellow; quality fine.

Mignonette (B.S.) . Lenroot 75

A small early, crisp and curled cabbage heading variety; plant very compact, forming a hard, globular, well blanched head; leaves broad, excessively blistered, crumpled and twisted; color medium dark brown with a dark greenish tinge; quality good. Recommended as one of the very earliest heading varieties.

New York No. 12 (W.S.)... . . Lentil 1 25

An exceptionally fine selection from Henderson’s New York. Very large light colored heads which, under favorable conditions, become very solid. May be successfully grown along Atlantic Coast and Eastern portions of the U. S. as it is recommended for midsummer use.



LETTUCE— Continued

Tel. Per

Cipher Pound

Prize Head Early (also known as Beefsteak) (W.S.) . .Leonine. $0 60

A crisp tender loose-leaved, non-heading sort, and one of the most popular; leaves much crumpled and excessively frilled at the borders; color light brown on a medium green base; quality good.

Salamander (B'.S.) . Leopard 60

One of the most popular American varieties; heads of medium size, very solid, compact and globular in form; leaves straight on the edges, but crumpled; color medium green; quality fine. Salamander succeeds under most trying weather conditions where most varieties fail; quite identical with Black Seeded Tennisball.

Silesia, Early Curled (W.S.) . Leper 60

Early, medium large, crisp and loose heading; leaves rather short and broad, much crumpled and well frilled on the borders; color very light green. Quite identical with Early Curled Simpson.

Simpson, Black Seeded (B.S.) . Lesion 60

One of the best and most popular large, early, loose-heading varieties, succeeding everywhere, and always reliable. Leaves very broad, much blistered and crumpled, and excessively frilled on the borders; color light yellowish-green; quality fine.

Simpson, Early Curled (W.S.).... . Lesser 60

A leading early, loose-heading variety of fairly large size; leaves broad, crumpled and well frilled at the edges; color light green; quality good.

Tennisball, Black Seeded (B.S.) . Lesson 60

A very reliable, adaptable, sure heading sort; heads globular, firm and well blanched; leaves broad and crumpled; color medium green, never spotted brown; quality the best. Quite identical with Salamander.

Tennisball, White Seeded (W.S.) . . . Lethal 60

Entirely distinct from the black seeded variety; an excellent forcing sort, but does not succeed so well for growing outdoors; heads of medium size, very compact, globular and well blanched; leaves broad, blistered and crumpled; color dull green, lightly tinged brown on edges of leaves; quality good.

Wayahead (W.S.) . Levee 60

A very early, medium small, handsome, compact, sure-heading variety; the outer leaves are medium light green, crumpled and blistered; the inner head blanches a rich buttery-yellow; of superior quality.

White Boston (The Joslin Lettuce) (W.S.) . Lever 80

A solid heading strain of Big Boston without the brown tinge. A

cabbage butter head variety of a light green color with a distinctly

yellow heart. Very resistant to tip burn.

White Paris Self Folding Cos (Romaine) (W.S.) . Level 60

A medium large, strictly self-closing lettuce, making a well-blanched, firm, loaf-shaped head; leaves oval in form, flat and smooth, color medium dark green; quality excellent. Also known as Trianon Cos.

A view on our trial grounds at Cambridge





We are extensive producers of both Musk and Water Melon seed, grow¬ ing the stock seed under expert supervision on our breeding plots at Rocky Ford, Colorado. No better, more true to type stocks are obtain¬ able. A trial order will convince.

Lake Champlain Musk Melon

Tel. Per

Cipher Pound

Banana Cantaloupe . Meager $0 60

Shaped somewhat as name indicates; grows about 2 14 feet long; flesh deep salmon color and has a sweet mild flavor.

Bender’s Surprise (The Bender Melon) . Meanor 60

A very popular variety in the east, particularly around Albany,

N. Y. A selection from Surprise and a close kin to Irondequolt, differing from that variety in being slightly earlier, more oblong, fuller and more rounded at the ends and not quite as well netted; skin light greenish-yellow when ripe. A very delicious, large, salmon- fleshed melon with superior shipping and keeping qualities.

Bottomly . Meanly 60

On the order of Early Knight, which it resembles, although about ten days later in maturing. O'blong in form, distinctly ribbed and heavily netted; flesh green and exceedingly sweet. Recommended as being more disease resistant than other types; productive.

Burrell’s Gem (Ordway Pink Meat) . Meander 50

An excellent melon of the Netted Gem type; somewhat later than that variety and a fourth larger; fruit oblong, distinctly but not deeply ribbed and well netted; flesh deep salmon, of fine quality.

Cassaba, Golden Beauty... . Meanham 60

A variety extensively grown in California for local use and shipping.

Fruits nearly globular, pointing slightly at stem end; 6 to 8 inches in diameter; skin wrinkled, bright yellow with golden tint; flesh white, thick, juicy and sweet.

Defender . Meanness 50

Quite identical with Burrell’s Gem; medium size, oval shaped, ribbed and well netted; flesh deep salmon and of fine flavor.



MUSK MELON— Continued

New Delicious

An extra early type of the popular Bender -pel. per

Cipher Pound

Delicious . Meanople $0 80

Best described as an early strain of the famous Bender melon and while a trifle smaller in size, possesses all the good qualities of its parent. Not to be confused with a green-fleshed variety bearing a similar name.

Eden Gem (Gold-lined Rocky Ford) . Meantime 50

A round type of Rocky Ford; entirely covered with fine netting and without ribs; flesh green, tinted yellow at center; quality excellent.

Emerald Gem . Measles 55

A splendid early variety, coming in just ahead of Rocky Ford; fruits deep emerald green in color, globular or slightly flattened, irregularly and distinctly ribbed and lightly netted; flesh very thick, sweet and of a deep, rich salmon color, having an exceedingly small seed cavity.

One of the best melons for the home garden and local market, but it is not a shipper.

Extra Early Knight (Sweet Air) . Measly 55

An extremely early medium sized melon of the Acme type. Fruit oblong, showing the neck tendency of its parent; skin deep green, turning to golden at maturity,, well covered with a close gray netting and distinctly ribbed; flesh fairly thick and very sweet; color medium green blending to light pink near the center. The earliest high quality melon and a good shipper.

Extra Early Osage . Measure 55

A week to ten days earlier than the old type O’sage, and nearly as large; flesh very thick, salmon colored and of high quality. Form, color and general appearance similar to Osage. One of the very best melons we grow.

Fordhook . Medal 50

A medium sized melon; round, much flattened at the ends, decidedly ribbed and fairly netted; skin deep emerald green; flesh thick orange- yellow in color and of excellent quality.

Hackensack (Turk’s Cap) . Meddle 50

Fruit large, round, flattened at the ends, deeply and irregularly ribbed, coarsely and heavily netted; flesh green, thick and of fine quality.

Hackensack, Extra Early Improved . Medial 3a

An early selection from the old Hackensack, maturing from a week to ten days earlier; somewhat smaller and not so deeply ribbed, but other¬ wise similar to the old type.

Hale’s Best . ...Mediamer 60

A remarkably early shipping melon from the Imperial Valley, Cal.

Melons are oval in shape, about 6 in. long by 4*4 in. in diameter, with heavy netting and fairly distinct ribbing. . Flesh exceptionally thick and deep salmon in color. A most promising and profitable variety.



MUSK MELON— Continued

New Honey Rock



Hearts of Gold (Improved Hoodoo) . Mediate

A splendid, mid-season variety developed from the Hoodoo, being larger and more uniform; fruit round, with tendency to heart-shape, lightly ribbed and covered with a fine gray netting; flesh very thick, deep salmon color, and of high quality; a good shipping melon.

Honey Ball . Medianet

A minature Honey Dew in appearance, possessing yellowish-white rind lightly covered with a finely traced netting and with the silvery-green flesh of that variety; differing in being earlier and about the size of Rocky Ford.

Honey Dew (Antibes) . Mediasure

A distinct melon of the Cassaba type. Fruit large ovoid in form, about 10 inches long and 8 inches in diameter; surface smooth and hard without ribbing or netting, creamy white in color, turning to a lemon tint when fully ripe; flesh light emerald green, very thick, ripening to the rind, very tender and melting, with an extreme sweet¬ ness found in no other melon. Matures with Osage and is an excellent shipping and keeping sort.

Honey Rock (or Sugar Rock) . Mediarock

A rather new melon originating in Indiana and acquiring immediate

popularity on account of high quality. O'f medium size with a gray- green skin moderately covered with a heavy, coarse netting; rich salmon flesh.

Irondequoit . Mediator

A netted type of Tip Top, and a most excellent main crop sort. Fruit large, gray-green in color, round, flattened at the ends, distinctly

ribbed and well netted; flesh very thick, deep salmon color, and of the highest quality; a fine market melon.

Jenny Lind . Medical

An extra early, small, green-fleshed melon; fruit round and flattened at the ends, but showing a decided “button” at blossom end; deeply ribbed and heavily netted.

Lake Champlain (Golden Champlain) . Medicure

An exceedingly early, salmon-fleshed melon of medium size and fine quality. Evidently a cross between Fordhook and Emerald Gem as it has a tendency to produce melons resembling both types.

Long Yellow Cantaloupe . Medium

Large, long, oval and deeply ribbed; flesh light salmon, very thick and sweet.



$0 60










MUSK MELON Continued Tel.


Milwaukee Market . Medj oy

A variety very popular in Chicago and Milwaukee markets. Of Surprise parentage and close kin to Bender’s Surprise, although later. Fruits of medium size, nearly round, lightly ribbed and fairly netted; skin light green; flesh thick, salmon colored and very sweet.

Montreal Green Nutmeg (Montreal Market) . Medlar

Excellent; very large, often weighing 18 to 20 pounds; fruit round, flattened at both ends, medium green, deeply ribbed and well netted; flesh remarkably thick and of superior quality.

Ohio Sugar . Medling

Might well be termed a green flesh Tip Top, resembling that variety in every way except in color of flesh.

Osage, or Miller’s Cream . Medulla

A rather large, main crop, oval melon of very superior quality; fruit dark green, slightly ribbed and well covered with a shallow, gray netting; flesh rich orange-salmon, exceedingly thick, with a small seed cavity.

Paul Rose (Petoskey) . Meed

An oblong melon of the Osage type, but smaller. The fruits are deep green slightly ribbed and fairly netted ;_ flesh very thick, deep salmon color and of highest quality; seed cavity small, triangular shaped.

Perfecto, Salmon Tint (New) (Edwards’ Perfecto) .. Meeport

A very superior type of the Rocky Ford melon, having a deeply tinted salmon flesh, and exceedingly small seed cell, a firm, hard gray netting and excellent shipping qualities.

Pollock’s No. 10-25 . Meekmow

A very popular, standard, Rocky Ford shipping melon, having a hard gray netting and salmon-tinted flesh.

Pollock’s No. 10=25 (Extra Selected Stock) . Meekner

Put up in 1 lb. cloth sealed bags.

Rice’s Improved Pink Meat (New) . Medico

A medium size, oval shipping melon, with a hard dark green riild, lightly ribbed and heavily netted. Flesh deep orange pink, ripening to the rind, and of excellent, spicy flavor. Carries well to distant markets. Ripens midseason and is very prolific.

Rice’s Orange Flesh (New) . Meetown

Undoubtedly the “last word” in the Rocky Ford type of shipping melons and has brought the highest price in every market shipped to. Its appealing deep orange flesh is its distinctive characteristic. It is the most solid, with the smallest seed cell of any type and will weigh more to the crate. Fruit very uniform in size, nearly round and densely covered with a hard gray netting. Recommended for its hardiness prolificness, deep flesh and excellent eating and shipping qualties.

Rice’s Orange Flesh (Extra Selected Stock) . Meetower

Put up in 1 lb. cloth sealed bags.

Rocky Ford, or Nettled Gem . Meekness

We have an especially fine, improved strain of this popular melon as now grown at Rocky Ford. The fruit is small, almost round, smooth, showing no ribs, and densely covered with a heavy, hard gray netting; flesh thick and deep green, showing a faint lining of pink or gold at the center; of the highest quality. An excellent shipping variety.

Tip Top . Mellow

In shape varies from round to slightly oblong; rather large in size and somewhat late in maturing. Skin green, distinctly ribbed and lightly netted; flesh rich deep salmon, sweet and spicy.

Per Pound $0 60













Rice’s Orange Flesh




The Famous Stone Mountain Melon from Dixie Land



Alabama Sweet (Bradford) . Melody

Moderately early, oblong in form, of large size; skin medium green, irregularly striped a dark green; flesh bright scarlet, tender and sweet; seed white. Has a very tough rind and makes a fine shipping variety.

Citron, Colorado Preserving . Memento

An improvement on the old preserving Citron; seeds green, fruit

round to oblong; very productive.

Citron, Red Seeded . . . Memoir

The old, well know, red-seeded preserving melon.

Excel . Menable

Largest of the shipping melons; midseason; fruit long, dark green in color with an irregular faint striping and covered with a fine veining of a darker shade; flesh red and crisp; rind hard and tough; seeds gray-brown, but variable as to color.

Florida Favorite . Mend

Oblong in shape and grows to a fair size; rind light green with irregular stripes of a dark green; ten days earlier than Kolb’s Gem; quality excellent; seeds white.

Fordhook Early . Menial

An extra early variety of fine quality and fair size; form round to oblong; skin dark green mottled with a darker shade; flesh bright red; seeds white.

Georgia Rattlesnake (Striped Gypsy) . Mental

Large and oblong; rind very tough and in color a distinctive pale, light green, much mottled and striped very dark green; seeds white; an attractive and fine shipping melon.

Golden Honey (Golden Ice Cream) . Menting

An attractiye, distinct melon, possessing a dark green rind, oblong in form, with a very solid, sweet, canary yellow flesh; very early; seeds brown.

Halbert Honey . Mention

Shape oblong, well filled to the ends, skin very dark green, showing a faint longitudinal tracing, or indentation in the rind; medium early and fairly large; flesh crimson and very sweet.. Seeds white.



$0 40











WATER MELON— Continued Te,


Harris’ Earliest . Mephitis

A medium-sized, extra early melon, quite identical with Cole’s Early.

Hungarian Honey . Mercer

A superb early variety, uniformily globe-shaped, color dark green, mottled and veined with a darker shade; flesh brilliant red, ripening clear to the rind and of the highest quality; seeds brown and very small.

Irish Gray . Mercemee

A large, long, main crop variety with a distinctive, gray-green skin; shell very tough and hard, making a fine shipper; flesh very firm, crisp and sweet; seeds brown.

Kleckley’s Sweets, or Monte Cristo . Mercy

Medium to large in size, medium early and exceedingly sweet; oblong in form, slightly tapering towards the stem end; rind very dark green; flesh very bright, rich red and ripens nearly to the rind; too tender for a shipping melon; seeds white to light brown.

Klondike . Mercup

A popular melon in the West especially in California, having a dark green, thin shallow ribbed, tough rind and attractive bright red flesh of very good quality; seeds small, black. A good shipping sort.

Kolb’s Gem . Merciless

Of large size and a good shipper; nearly round in form, rind dark green and striped with lighter shades; fair quality; black seeded.

Long Light Icing (Gray Monarch) . Mercury

Grows long and to a large size; medium early and productive; rind light pale-green, with a light mottled tracing of a slightly darker

shade; flesh brilliant crimson and of exceptional quality; seeds white.

Peerless, or Ice Cream . Merger

Very early, of medium size and one of the best for growing in the North; a short oblong in form; rind thin, light green, mottled and finely veined with a darker shade; flesh bright scarlet and very sweet; seeds white.

Phinney’s Early . Meridian

Ripens with Peerless; medium in size and oblong in form; color very distinct, the rind being mottled with various shades of green so as to present an almost scaly appearance; quality good; seeds light


Round Dark Icing . Mermaid

Medium to large in size, moderately early and good in quality; fruit round. and dark green; flesh bright red; seeds white.

Round Light Icing . Merman

Moderately early, of fair size and nearly round; rind very light green, indistinctly veined and dotted with a slightly darker shade; flesh bright red; seeds white.

Stone Mountain (Dixie Bell or Lipsey) . Mermake

A very large, nearly round or “blocky” melon of high quality. Rind fairly tough, dark green; flesh sweet, rich scarlet, with few seeds; very prolific; one of the most popular shipping varieties; seeds white.

Sweetheart . Merrily

A medium early variety, fruits growing to a very large size; round to oblong in form with a rather thick, tough rind; a good shipper; color very light green, slightly veined a trifle darker shade; flesh bright red and of fair quality; seeds black.

Thurmond Gray . Meriner

An excellent oblong shipping melon, maturing with Tom Watson; very uniform and productive with a hard, gray-green shell and rich crimson flesh of fine quality; quite disease resistant; seeds brown.

Tom Watson . Merry

Probably the best shipping melon, and one of the best main crop sorts; grows to a very large size. Fruit large and long in shape, colored a medium green with a light tracing of a darker shade, not unlike Peerless in its coloring; flesh rich red and of good quality; seeds brown.

Winter Queen . Mersad

A Russian variety of fair size, round in shape; rind light cream with faint, irregular light green striping; early, prolific and excellent in quality. A good keeping and shipping variety; seeds small, black.

Wondermelon (Imp. Kleckley’s Sweets) . Mersing

A large, oblong melon with a thin dark rind and showing faint

tracings or indentations running the length of the melon. Also known as White Seeded Kleckley.



$0 40 45



















Tel. Cipher

Black, or Brown . Mustache

Considered more pungent than White London; leaves oblong, broad and cut; seed reddish-brown.

Chinese Pac Tsai (Gin Toi) . Mustable

An attractive, delicious salad plant of upright growth with broad, white tender stalks and light green foliage; greatly relished by Orientals. Also known as Chinese White Mustard.

Florida Broad Leaved . Musting

Good strong growth and stands a long time before running to seed. Thick broad leaves with white ribs.

Fordhook Fancy (Ostrich Plume) . _ . Mustang

A handsome, vigorous growing, mild variety, standing a long time before going to seed; leaves bright green, intensely curled and fringed on the edges; fine for salads and garnishings; seed reddish- brown.

Mustard Spinach or Tendergreen . Mustamer

A valuable addition to list of vegatables used as “greens” and it has quickly become popular. The thick, tender, dark green leaves are produced quickly and are very palatable.

New Chinese (Elephant Ear) . Muster

A very vigorous sort of upright growth; leaves deep green, fairly smooth, about 10 inches long by 6^4 inches broad, and of sweetly pungent flavor; seed reddish-brown.

Southern Giant Curled . Mustop

Plant vigorous and hardy, of upright, spreading growth; leaves 5

inches long by 3 inches wide, light green, tinged yellow, much crumpled and frilled at the edges. The popular market variety in the South; seed small, dark reddish-brown.

White London . Musty

Plant of rapid, upright growth, sqon going to seed; leaves rather small and smooth, deeply cut or divided; color deep green; seed large, light yellow.


Early Dwarf Long Pod . Oager

An early, dwarf growing, sturdy variety producing an abundance of long,. fluted, dark green 8 in. pointed pods. One of the best for canning.

Early Dwarf Prolific . Oaken

O'ne of the earliest and most dwarf varieties; pods short, rather blunt, 4 in. long, deep green, slightly corrugated; quality good; very productive.

Perkins’ Mammoth (Long Green) . Obeah

Very early and productive. Plant 3 feet high; pods bright green, 7j4. in. long, straight, slender, pointed and slightly corrugated; a

desirable market variety.

White Velvet . Obey

Plants 3 P2 feet high. Pods whitish-green, 7 in. long, slightly curved and pointed, smooth and tender; early and productive.


We Make a Specialty of Superior Onion Seeds

Write us for prices in large quantities or on growing contract.

Ailsa Craig . Onager

An exhibition variety of large size, specimens having been grown to weigh over 3 pounds each; bulbs oval-shaped with light straw-colored skin; exceptionally mild. Popular in the British Isles.

Australian Brown . Oneness

Noted for its keeping qualities and peculiar brown color; early, semi¬ globe shaped and productive.

Bermuda Crystal Wax . Onerary

A pure white, flat onion, largely grown in Texas for the early North¬ ern market.

Bermuda White . Onset

Bulbs straw-white in color, flat, mild and sweet; very early.

Ebenezer, or Japanese . Onsing

A popular variety for producing “sets.” The small onions have a

heavy, yellowish-brown skin and show a less tendency to produce

scullions and are better keepers than other yellow varieties.



$0 25 65







$0 25




$1 50

1 10

3 03

2 00

1 25



Rice’s Southport Red Globe Onion



Large Red Wethersfield . Onward

One of the oldest and best known types of onion. Used for growing sets or mature large onions. The large flat deep mahogany red bulbs have pinkish white flesh of a decided onion flavor.

Ohio Yellow Globe or Michigan Yellow Globe . Onway

A variety quite popular in Ohio and some of the eastern onion¬ growing districts. With the exception that it is distinctly flat bottomed, it resembles Southport YeU°w Globe in every respect; Michigan Yellow Globe is practically the same.

Prizetaker (Same as Yellow Spanish or Valencia) . Onyx

One of the largest onions grown and the mildest; is productive and a sure cropper; bulbs are globe-shaped and of a light straw color. Our seed is American grown and very superior.

Southport Large Red Globe . Opaline

The finest type and most popular of the red onions. The bulbs are distinctly globe-shaped, with a small neck, and are excellent keepers; color a deep purplish red. We have an unequalled strain of this variety and sell annually thousands of pounds in the large commercial onion growing districts.

Southport Large Red Globe, Selected . Opaque

A special selection, grown only from ideal bulbs, for a very critical trade.

Southport White Globe . ..Opening

Of the true Southport Globe form with a thin, delicate skin of purest paper whiteness; flesh is very crisp, fine-grained, snowy-white in color and exceedingly mild; usually commands the highest price in market.



1 25

1 25

1 25

1 25

1 40 1 60



ONION Continued



Southport White Globe, Selected . Openly

This seed is produced for a special fancy trade from the most perfect bulbs.

Southport Yellow Globe . . Opera

The most largely grown yellow market onion and the most profitable. The bulbs are a true deep’ globe, having a small neck and a heavy, thick skin which makes it an excellent storage sort; the color is a deep yellow

or golden-brown, quite distinct from most stocks of this variety. The

flesh is white, crisp and mild in flavor.

Southport, Yellow Globe, Selected . Operate

Seed is grown only from the most perfect bulbs for an especially critical trade.

Sweet Spanish, Riverside Strain . Operating

This is the best strain of all the so-called Spanish types. The large bulbs with a coppery cclored skin have mild white, flesh and are of very mild delicate flavor. It has been developed into quite a good keeper.

White Portugal, or Silverskin . Operation

A large, flat, white onion of mild and pleasant flavor; hard and fine-grained. White Portugal is more extensively grown for sets than any other white variety, and is also largely used as a pickier and for bunching. An excellent keeper.

Yellow Danvers, Round . Operative

Mfore flat in form than Globe Danvers, but in other respects quite similar; produces a good market onion and is an exceptional keeper; used mostly to produce onion sets.

Yellow Globe Danvers . Operator

While not so “globy” as the Southport type and hence not so popular in the more critical markets, it is a very dependable onion to grow; it is almost devoid of “stiff-necks,” or scullions, is always a heavy yielder, has an excellent color, and because of its small neck cures well and makes splendid storage stock .

Yellow Globe Danvers, our Finest Strain . Operose

This, our special strain, is all grown from carefully selected, hand- sorted bulbs and is immeasurably superior to most stock offered under this name.

Yellow Strasburg . Ophidian

The most popular variety for growing yellow onion sets. The sets from this seed are uniformly round, plump and a bright yellow color; full-grown onions are bright yellow, bulbs flat and round; flesh white and mild.


Mammoth Silver King . Oppress

One of the very largest of the foreign onions; the bulbs are thick and flat, of a pure silvery-white color both in skin and flesh, and are remarkably mild.

White Barletta . Oppressor

One of the earliest, handsomest and smallest of the white pickling onions; makes a good bunching sort.

White Lisbon . Optaman

A variety grown largely as a bunching onion. When matured the round white bulbs are about three inches in diameter.

White Queen . . Optative

A rapid growing small, flat, early white onion; grown extensively for

sets, pickling and bunching.

White Welsh . Optiwell

While it forms no bulbs it is one of the best for bunching as green onions. A very hardy perennial. The white shoots make a rapid growth and are ready for market ahead of those from sets. Very mild and delicate in flavor.*



$1 75 1 15

1 25

2 00

1 50

1 10

1 15

1 25

1 10

$1 50

1 50 1 50 1 50 1 50


Potato Onions, or Irish Multipliers .

Red Onion Sets .

White Onion Sets .

Yellow Onion Sets .

Ebenezer, or Japanese Onion Sets .




> for


Optional .






New Emerald Gem

The most compact, attractive parsley for all purposes.

Tel. Per

Cipher Pound

Champion Moss Curled . Parable $0 35

A compact growing sort; leaves are a uniform dark green color, very finely cut and so closely curled as to resemble bunches of moss; one of the most useful and decorative sorts.

Emerald Gem . Paracan 1 00

A very dwarf, compact variety with short petiole. Leaves intensely curled and very dark green. Best for home garden and edging.

Fine Double Curled . Parade 35

A standard dwarf variety with deeply cut and finely crimped leaves.

Fern Leaved . Paradise 40

A dwarf, compact, ornamental, fern-leaved variety; leaves finely


Large Italian Improved . Paraduce 1 00

The most vigorous growing of all plain leaved Parsleys.

Thick Large Rooted Hamburg (Heimishe) . Paradox 40

The edible roots of this variety resemble a small, thick parsnip in shape and color, and are extensively used for flavoring soups and stews; leaves plain. Roots with tops attached have a large sale in Jewish communities.

Plain . Paragoge 30

The leaves are flat, deeply cut, but not curled and very dark green in color.


Guernsey . Parsing $0 35

Our stock of this variety is not quite so long as Hollow Crowned, but of greater diameter; clean skinned, with a fine, grooved neck.

Hollow Crowmed (Large 5ugar) . Parslow 35

Better known and more generally grown than any other sort; roots smooth, usually 15 inches long by 3 inches in diameter at the top; tender and sugary.

Sutton’s Student . ..Parsonage 35

A very fine English strain with long, smooth roots of highest quality.





Vine of Hundredfold Peas

We are one of the largest American producers of Seed Peas and the high quality of our stock is not surpassed by any grower in Europe or America.

In addition to observing all our peas while growing in the fields for seed we annually make exhaustive trials in our grounds in Cambridge, New York.

The average weight of Peas per measured bushel is 56 lbs. for wrinkled varieties and 60 lbs. for smooth sorts.

Wrinkled Peas are marked.*

Wrinkled Peas are put up 112 lbs., and smooth peas 120 lbs., net weight, per bag, unless otherwise ordered.

Ask for special prices on Peas in car lots; also for future contract orders.


Tel. Per

Cipher 100 lbs.

^Bliss’ American Wonder

. Peace $11 00

Standard, well known extra early dwarf sort. Height 1 V-?. ft.

*BIue Bantam . Peacer Sold Out

A splendid large-podded dwarf variety of the Laxtonian class. Height 2 ft. Vine and foliage stout and healthy, medium dark green; pointed pods dark green, 4 inches long, broad and straight, containing 6 to 8 deep green peas of excellent quality.

Early Bird . Peaceful 12 00

An exceptionally early, hardy, productive, handsome pea. Height 2 feet. Vine and foliage moderately heavy, light green; pods dark green, 4 inches long, semi-broad, pointed and well filled with 8 to 9 very large, dark green peas. Nearly as early as Alaska, hardy and exceedingly productive; seed blue, semi-wrinkled; quality fair.

^Hundredfold . . Peacock Sold Out

Ofte of the best of the . Laxtonian types; vine 2 feet high, sturdy, dark green and productive; pods dark green, 4 inches long, fairly broad and pointed containing 8 large, dark green peas, excellent quality.



PEAS Continued

Laxton’s Progress

The “last word” in the Taxtonian type of peas

Tel. Per

Cipher 100 lbs.

*Laxtonian . Peahen Sold Out

A large podded, dwarf variety on the order of Gradus, though more dwarf and a little earlier. Height 22 in.; pods and vine deep green; pods 3H inches long, straight and pointed, containing 6 to 8 large dark green peas.

*Laxton’s Progress . Peajack 16 00

The earliest large podded dwarf sweet pea. Height 18 inches. In season four days earlier than Laxtonian. Pods 4 inches long, broad and pointed, deep green in color, containing 8 large, dark green peas of high quality.

Laxton’s Superb . Peajaw 12 00

A hardy, semi-wrinkled, blue-seeded extra early variety, growing 22 to 24 inches in height with dark green 4-inch semi-broad, pointed pods; of fair quality.. Desirable as a gardener’s first crop pea, stand¬ ing very early planting.

*LittIe Gem, Premium . Peaceable 11 00

An improved and more dwarf strain of McLean’s Little Gem.

Height 1}4 feet. Foliage dark green; pods light green 3 in. long, round, square ended and well filled with 6 to 8 light green peas of good quality; very productive.

*LittIe Giant, Rice’s . Peccable 11 00

Best described as a dark podded Sutton’s Excelsior although some¬ what earlier. An excellent, extra early, dwarf variety of highest

Juality. Height 18 inches. Foliage dark green, stout and healthy.

’ods . 3.1/2 in- long, dark green, straight, round and square ended, containing 6 to 8 large, very dark green peas; exceedingly productive.

*LittIe Marvel . Peak 14 00

An extra fine dwarf sweet pea. Pods somewhat larger than Nott’s Excelsior and same season. A fine variety for either private or market garden. Height 18 inches. Foliage and pods very deep green; pods 3 inches long, nearly round and square ended, containing 7 very dark green peas of high quality; very productive.

*Nott’s Excelsior . Peasant 11 00

A standard, extra early dwarf pea. Height 1 feet. Foliage medium green, stout and heavy; pods light green, 3 inches long, round, straight and blunt ended, containing 6 light green peas of high quality; productive.



PEAS Continued


Tel. Per

Cipher 100 lbs.

*Peter Pan . Pebble Sold Out

One of the very finest of the large podded, dwarf peas, on the order of Laxtonian, though somewhat earlier. Height 20 inches. Vine and foliage stout, heavy and deep green; pods deep green, 4 in. long, very broad, straight and pointed, containing 6 to 8 very large, deep green peas of superb quality.

*Pioneer . Pecan Sold Out

An improved type of Laxtonian. Quite similar to Peter Pan, though the pods are not quite so broad and uniform. Height 20 in. Foliage bright green, pods and peas deep green; pods 3^4 in. long, pointed and well filled.

^Sutton’s Excelsior . Pectmal $12 00

An improvement on Nott’s Excelsior, with larger pods and greater productiveness. Height 20 inches. Vine and foliage stout, medium green in color; pods light green, 31/ inches long, straight, round and square ended, containing 7 to 8 large, bright green peas of very fine quality.


The best of the smooth, blue seeded, Ameer or Claudit type, and is certainly an acquisition for the market gardener as it will stand planting as early as Alaska. Height 3 feet. Foliage and vine strong, sturdy and light green in color; pods deep green, 3% inches long, broad, saddle-backed, slightly curved and pointed, containing 7 to 8 large, medium green peas. A very showy variety, maturing practically with Gradus but a great deal more productive.



PEAS Continued

World’s Record

We have an uneqnaled stock of this excellent pea



Alaska . Peculiar

Very early, smooth, blue pea. Popular with canners and market gardeners for a first early sort. Height 21/ feet, Foliage and pods light green; pods 2}4 in. long, round, straight and square ended, containing 6 light green peas. Very uniform in maturity.

Ameer (Large Podded Alaska) . Pecuniary

Early, large, smooth, blue pea; large, broad, deep green pods. Hardy, standing early planting and popular with market gardeners. Height

3J4 ft.

Bountiful . Pedagog

One of the best of the blue, smooth seeded peas; much on the order of Ameer. Height 3 feet. Vine and foliage moderately heavy, medium dark green; pods deep green, 3*4 inches long, almost round, pointed and containing 7 to 8 large green peas. Matures with Gradus, but more productive.

Claudit . Pedal

Extra large pods, well filled; seed smooth, blue, similar to Ameer, but pods not quite so broad. Height 2>Vi feet.

First and Best . Peddle

A standard extra early, prolific, smooth, white pea. Height 2^4 feet.

❖Gradus, or Prosperity . .Pedestal

A standard, early large podded variety, very popular with market gardeners. Height 3 feet. Vine and foliage moderately heavy and medium green; pods medium green, 3^4 in. long, semi-round, straight, slightly curved at the tip, and pointed, containing 6 to 8 large, very sweet, medium green peas; moderately productive and of high



100 lbs. $10 00

11 00

11 00

11 00

10 00 12 00



Mammoth Podded Extra Early

An exceptionally early, large podded variety



Mammoth Podded Extra Early . Pedilow

On the order of Rice’s Extra Early, but pods one-fourth larger. Matures practically with Extra Early and Alaska and is much more productive. Vine and foliage robust, heavy and deep green. Height 3 feet. Pods dark green, 4 in. long, round, broad, saddle-backed and square ended, containing 7 extra large light green peas. A very productive and extra fine sort, bound to take first place as a leading market gardener’s first early pea. Dry seed variable in color, white and green.

^Marchioness . Pediment

On the order of Gradus, but earlier. Might well be termed an im¬ proved early Gradus. Vine and foliage moderately heavy and medium green in color; pods a shade darker, 3^4 in. long, semi-round, straight and pointed, containing 7 medium dark green peas.

Pilot, Improved . Peerage

A popular market gardener’s large podded, extra early, smooth pea, much more productive than the old type Pilot, with larger pods. Seed

large, light to dark green in color. Follows closely after Rice’s Extra Early in season. Height 3 feet. Foliage medium green, pods a shade darker, peas dark green. Pods 3^4 inches long, rather broad and pointed and containing 6 to 7 peas; productive.

Rice’s Pedigree Extra Early . Peevish

Our finest, earliest, selected strain of Extra Early peas. Height 2 feet. Foliage medium green, pods and peas light green. Pods round, square ended, 2^4 inches in length and containing 6 peas; productive.

^Surprise, or Eclipse . Pelisse

One of the earliest of the wrinkled sweet peas, maturing with Alaska. Height 2 feet. Foliage and pods light green. Pods inches long, round and square ended, containing 6 medium green peas. Very productive and uniform in maturity. Popular canners’ sort.

^Sutton’s Ideal . Pellet

An English variety, said to be an improvement on Thomas Laxton. Height 3 feet. Vine and foliage moderately heavy, medium green; pods medium green, 3^4 inches long, broad, thick and “stubby” appearing, square ended; pods contain 7 medium green peas of best quality; fairly productive and in season, slightly earlier than Thos. Laxton.

^Thomas Laxton . Pellicle

A very popular variety. Height 3 feet; vine and foliage moderately stout, medium green; pods medium green 3}4 inches long, straight, nearly round and square ended, containing 7 medium dark green peas of superior quality. Compared with Gradus, it is a little earlier, and more productive.


100 lbs. $12 00

11 00

11 00

10 00

12 00

11 00

11 00



PEAS Continued



^World’s Record . Pellmell

An improved type of Gradus, being slightly earlier, more dwarf, true to type and productive. Height 2*4 feet. Vines moderately stout, medium green; pods medium green, 4 inches long, very broad, pointed and well filled with 7 to 8 very large, dark green peas of exceptional quality.


* Admiral, Green Seeded . Pelmat

A selection from the old Admiral, but is a decided improvement over that variety in that the peas retain their clear green color even when matured for seed. Both pods and vine are a deep green and vine retains its color until pods are nearly ripe. Height 3^4 feet, pods, 3 in. long. A canner’s favorite.

* Admiral Dewey . Peltry

A desirable variety of the Duke of Albany type and produces dark green pods 4J4 inches long and which are filled with 8 or 9 medium light green peas.

* Advancer, Improved . Pelvis

A well known, popular, second early variety, much in favor with the canning trade. A week to ten days earlier than Horsford’s Market Garden. Height 2 1,4 feet. Vine and foliage moderately heavy and dark green; pods light green, 3 in. long, straight, round and blunt ended and closely filled with 6 light green peas of good quality; very productive.

*AIderman . Pemmican

Of the Telephone type but with darker pods and peas. Height 4 feet. Vine strong and stout, medium green; pods 454 inches long, very broad, dark green, pointed, straight, though slightly curved at the point, containing 9 large, medium green peas of finest quality.

*Bliss’ Everbearing . Penance

An old standard late, main crop variety. Height 2l4 feet. Vine

and foliage sturdy and strong, dark green; pods usually in pairs, medium green, 3 in. long, straight and containing 4 to 5 light green peas of good quality; matures following Telephone.

Canada Field . Pence

Seed small, white; for field culture only. Height 4 feet. Vine

moderately stout and medium green; pods light green. 2^4 inches long, square ended; 6 small, light green peas in pod; matures with Telephone.

*Canners’ Perfection . . Pencmen

Undoubtedly the most productive variety and a favorite with the canning trade where a large, ungraded pea is desired. Height 2 54 feet. Vine and foliage moderately stout, deep green in color; pods borne in pairs, 3 inches long, straight, round and square ended, medium green, containing 8 medium green peas.

^Champion of England . Penchant

One of the richest, best flavored late peas; well known and popular. Height 4 feet. Vine stout, : deep green; pods, often in pairs, medium green, 3x/2 inches long, straight, nearly round and blunt ended, con¬ taining 8 light green peas; productive. Season following Telephone.

*Duke of Albany . Pendency

A fine strain of the dark podded Telephone type. Height 4 feet. Vine strong and vigorous, medium green; pods dark green, 454 inches long, broad, pointed; straight though slightly curving at the tip, containing 9 medium green peas. Very productive and a trifle earlier than other Telephone types.

*Dwarf Champion, Rice’s Improved . Pending

A fine main crop pea, maturing slightly later than Dwarf Defiance. Height 3 feet. Foliage stout, medium dark green; pods medium dark green, 3*4 inches long, straight, broad and square ended, containing 7 to 8 large, medium dark green peas of fine quality; moderately productive.

*Dwarf Defiance (Potlatch) . Pendulous

A splendid large-podded variety of the Stratagem type. Height 3 feet. Vines strong and heavy with dark green foliage and pods. Pods 4 *4 inches long, very broad, slightly curved and pointed and containing 8 to 9 very large medium dark green peas of high quality. A superb, productive main crop sort.

*Dwarf Telephone (Carter’s Daisy) . Pendlum

A standard main crop variety popular with market gardeners. Vine and foliage exceptionally stout, medium green in color; height 2 feet. Pods medium green, 4 inches long, broad, _ straight and pointed, containing 7 to 8 bright green peas of high quality; fairly productive.


100 lbs.

$14 00

$10 00

11 00

10 00

12 00

11 00

6 50

10 00

11 00

12 00

12 00

12 00

14 00



PEAS Continued

Tel. Per

Cipher 100 lbs.

*Horsford’s Market Garden . Penguin $10 00

A very productive main crop sort, much used by canners. Height 3 feet, yine and foliage stout, strong and dark green; pods medium green, 3 inches long, almost round, and blunt ended and always well filled with 6 to 7 light green peas of good quality. The pods are always borne in pairs and produced near top of the vine.

Marrowfat, Large White . Pennant 10 00

An old time smooth, round, white seeded pea, growing five feet in height. While immensely productive the quality is below the average.

Pods light green, 3 inches long.

*Onward . Penner 12 00

A very distinct and valuable new mid-season variety, coming in just ahead of Telephone. A heavy cropping pea, 3 feet in height, with vigorous, strong, medium-green foliage. Pods are 4 inches long, large, broad, straight and blunt ended, deep green in color containing 6 to 8 deep green sweet peas. Decidedly the best pea of recent introduction.

^Prince Edward . Penniless

One of the best of the large, dark podded Telephone types, and one of the most productive. Height 4 feet. Vine and foliage stout and heavy, medium green; pods dark green, 4|4 inches long, broad and pointed, containing 8 to 9 very large medium green peas.

^Prince of Wales . Penny

Heavy cropper; peas very large, of fine quality. Popular with canners wanting a large, productive pea. Height 4 feet. Vine and foliage moderately stout, heavy and deep green; pods medium green, 3 54 inches long, straight and square ended, containing 6 large, light green peas.

^Prizewinner . Penoble

12 50

11 00

12 00

A fine main crop pea on the order of Stratagem though somewhat earlier and more productive. Height 2 54 feet. Foliage very heavy and sturdy, dark green. Pods dark green, 4*4 inches long, very broad straight and pointed, containing 9 large, medium dark green peas of excellent quality.

*Quite Content . Penore 14 00

A type of the well known Alderman. Height 4 54 feet. Vine and foliage heavy, of a deep green color; pods numerous, deep green, about 5 inches long, broad, pointed and containing 9 to 10 large, medium green peas of the best quality,

^Rice’s No. 13 . Pension Sold Out

O'ne of the finest, most productive, sweet wrinkled canning varieties.

Will produce more small size wrinkled peas than any other sort we are acquainted with. Height 3 feet. Vine and foliage deep green; pods medium light green, 3*4 inches long, curved and pointed, containing 9 to 10 light green peas; ripens very uniformly. Season trifle later than Horsford’s Market Garden.

^Stratagem, Improved . Pensive 12 00

A well known old favorite sort. Height 2*4 feet. Vine stout and dark green; pods 4 inches long, slightly curved, pointed and dark green, containing 8 to 9 medium green peas.

*Sugar, Dwarf Gray Seeded (Edible Pods) . Pentagraf 14 00

Height 3 feet. Purple blossoms. Quite like Tall Gray, but earlier and of shorter growth.

*Sugar, Tall Gray Seeded (Edible Pods) . Pentecost 14 00

Height 4 feet. Blossoms purple. Vine medium heavy, medium green; pods .light green, 2 *4 inches long, 54 inch broad, square ended, containing 7 light green peas; quite late.

Sugar, Dwarf White (Edible Pods) . Penult 14 00

Height, 2 feet. Vine fairly heavy, light green; pods light green,

2^4 inches long, pointed, and narrow as compared with Mammoth Melting Sugar; 6 light green peas to pod; quite early.

*Sugar, Giant Luscious (Edible Pods) . Penwalk 16 00

One of the best of the Sugar Peas, growing 5 ft. high and very productive; seed large, gray, much wrinkled.

Sugar, Mammoth Melting (Tall White) (Edible Pods)..Penatgon 16 00

Large, broad pods, very brittle and entirely stringless. Height 5 feet. Vine stout,, medium green; pods light green, 354 inches long,

1 inch broad, pointed, containing 7 light green peas. Seed smooth and white. Season of Telephone.

^Telephone . Peonage 12 00

A standard, high quality, large podded pea. Height 4 54 feet. Vine and foliage strong and heavy, medium green. Pods 454 in. long, medium green, straight, broad and pointed, containing 8 large, light green peas; main crop, productive.




California Wonder Pepper Te1.


California Wonder . Pepace

Resembles Chinese Giant in the large size and “blocky” form of its fruit, but having an extremely thick, mild, sweet flesh not possessed by that variety. Fruit indistinctly 4-lobed, upright, crimson, measur¬ ing 4 y2 in. in length by 4 in. in diameter. Rather late in maturing.

Chinese Giant . Peparding

One of the very largest of the mild red varieties. Plant of short, stocky growth, with light green foliage; fruits pendent, thick, blocky and square ended, 4 to 5 inches in diameter and of equal length; color brilliant glossy scarlet.

Crimson Giant (Ohio Crimson) . Pepgog

A very excellent, productive large variety; grows as large as Chinese Giant, but doubly. as productive with better formed, more oblong, pendent fruits which are 3-lobed, 5 inches long and 3l/> inches in diameter; very mild, thick flesh; color brilliant crimson, mid-season.

Early Dwarf Red Squash . Pepland

A medium sized flat, or tomato-shaped, variety, with pendent fruit more or less ribbed, about 3^4 inches in diameter and two inches in depth; flesh thick and mild; color bright red.

Early Giant (Harris) . Peplady

The earliest and most prolific of the large peppers and a real acquisi¬ tion. It matures its fruit but slightly later than Harris’ Earliest, is of dwarf, compact growth, bearing as many as 12 pendent fruits on a single plant scarlet fruit measuring 5 in. in length by 3 *4 in. in diameter, 3-lobed; mild and sweet.

Harris’ Earliest . Peplake

The earliest pepper we are acquainted with, being earlier than Neopolitan. Plant very uniform in growth, dwarf and compact, seldom over 18 inches in height, and extremely productive. Fruits pendent, mild and sweet, similar to Bull Nose in form, three-lobed, 3}4 inches in height hy 2^4 inches in diameter. The best pepper for the home garden.

Hungarian Yellow . Peppless

Fruit pendent, very pungent, S to 6 in. in length, rather slender and tapering to a somewhat twisted point. Waxy canary yellow in color, turning crimson at maturity; very prolific. Also known as Bulgarian Yellow Wax.

Large Bell, or Bull Nose . Peplar

A standard early variety and popular as a pickling sort; the pendent

scarlet fruits are two inches in diameter, three inches long and blunt ended; usually mild and sweet, but an occassional fruit is hot on account of pungent ribs.

Long Red Cayenne (Narrow Type) . Peplet

Pendent fruits about five inches long and three-fourths inch in diameter at the base, often curved and twisted; bright red; hot and pungent.

Long Thick Red (Finger Pepper) (Italian Fieriello) . . . . Peplow

A hot pepper on the order of Cayenne, though much larger with a thicker flesh. Early and very prolific. Pods pendent, 4l/2 inches long by 1% inches in diameter at top; red and pungent. Popular in many markets; very early.



$4 00

4 00

4 00

3 00

3 00

2 50

4 00

2 50

2 75

3 50



PEPPER Continued

Long Thick Red Pepper



Mammonth Golden Queen . Pepman

One of the largest of the sweet, yellow peppers; resembles Ruby King in size, form and mild flavor; green in color, fruit pendent, 3 lobed, 4 inches long by 3 l/2 inches in diameter, turning yellow at maturity.

Neapolitan . Pepnot

A very early, productive, large variety and one of the sweetest and most mild. Fruit 3-lobed, of upright growth, four inches long and two inches thick; color yellowish-green turning bright red at maturity.

Oshkosh . Pepost

A very distinct, desirable, large variety. While the fruit is bright canary yellow at maturity, during growth it is an intense, deep glossy green, making an attractive sort to market as “green peppers.” Fruit distinctly formed, being smooth, without lobes, 4*4 inches in length by 2>y2 inches in diameter, broad at the base and tapering to an abrupt, blunt point; plant conpact cf semi-dwarf habit, very productive and about season of Ruby King; mild and exceptionally sweet.

Pimento . Peppered

A very thick fleshed, heart-shaped, smooth, mild, crimson variety,

much used for salads; fruit pendent; 3J4 inches long by 2x/2 inches, greatest diameter; rather late in season.

Red Cherry . #. . Peppery

Fruits erect, small, round or cherry-shaped, rich scarlet and very hot; late.

Red Cherry, Large . . Pepering

Fruit erect, about 1*4 inches in diameter, round, smooth and

exceedingly pungent. Extensively used by pickling houses.

Red Chili . Peproad

Of low growth, forming a spreading plant about 18 inches high; fruit usually erect, about one and a half inches long, cone shaped, bright red and very hot; exceedingly prolific; used for pepper sauce.

Red Cluster . Pepsing

The plants are immensely productive of small, slender, pointed,

upright coral-red peppers which are exceedingly hot; 2 inches long by Yi inch diameter.

Ruby King . Pepson

One of the most profitable and satisfactory varieties for the home or market garden; plants are early, productive and of dwarf, compact, upright growth; fruits pendent, often 4 to 6 inches long by 3 to 4 inches thick, tapering, and of a bright ruby-red color; flesh is thick, sweet and mild.

Sunnybrook . Peptar

A tomato-shaped, sweet, red pepper of much merit. Fruit smooth, upright, 3 inches in diameter by 2x/2 inches in depth with thick flesh; moderately early.

Sweet Golden Dawn . Peptime

As early, sweet, mild yellow variety, smaller than Golden Queen; fruit blocky in form like Bull Nose; 4 lobed, pendent, Zl/2 inches in height by 2*4 inches in diameter; color light green, turning yellow at maturity.

Worldbeater . ^epward

One of the very best of the large peppers, being a cross between Chinese Giant and Ruby King, having the longer form and earliness of the latter, with the size of the former. Fruits 4-lobed, 5 inches long by 3 $4 inches in diameter; flesh very thick and mild; exceedingly productive and a good shipper.



3 00

2 50

4 00

2 50

3 00 3 00 3 00

3 00

2 50

3 00

3 00

2 75



Sweet or Sugar Pie



Connecticut Field (Big Tom) . Publican

Generally used for planting in corn for stock feeding, and also for making pies; fruit rather oblong, flattened at the ends, often 15 inches in diameter; smooth, hard, reddish-cirange distinctly ribbed skin; with rich, orange-yellow flesh.

Cushaw, Golden . Publicly

Similar to White Cushaw, except in color of shell, which is golden yellow.

Cushaw, Striped . Puisant

Of the crookneck type with mottled green and white stripes; fruit will weigh from 10 to 15 pounds; flesh yellow, very solid and fine grained.

Cushaw, White (Jonathan) . Publicist

A popular crooknecked variety with a hard, creamy-white shell;

fruits two feet in length, with long, solid, meaty necks; fine quality.

Golden Oblong . Publish

O’blong in shape and very uniform; usually 15 to 20 inches long and 8 to 10 inches in diameter; skin rich golden orange, flesh light golden yellow; an excellent keeper and of fine quality.

Japanese Pie . Puceron

Shaped somewhat like the Cushaws and grows to a large size; skin deep green with dark stripes; flesh deep yellow and of high quality; seeds sculptured like Chinese letters.

King of the Mammoths (Potiron) . Pucker

The giant among pumpkins; specimens have been grown to weigh 60 pounds and reaching two feet or more in diameter; fruit round and flattened, slightly ribbed; skin salmon-orange, flesh bright yellow and very thick.

Large Cheese, or Kentucky Field . Pudding

Large, round, flattened fruits, much ribbed and creamy-buff in color; flesh yellow, very deep and of finest quality; one of the best canning sorts.

Mammoth Tours . Puddle

A very large, oblong variety, weighing up to 100 pounds; skin smooth, faintly ribbed, of a gray-green color, slightly mottled .and striped a deeper shade; grown mainly for stock feeding and exhibition purposes.

Sweet or Sugar (New England Pie) . ...Pullet

Fruits small, round, flattened at the ends, and slightly ribbed; skin and flesh deep orange-yellow; flesh very thick and of high quality.

Tennessee Sweet Potato . Pulmonic

Of medium size and nearly bell shaped, with neck slightly crooked; skin creamy white, sometimes slightly striped green; flesh creamy white, deep, fine grained and excellent quality.

Winter Luxury . .• . . . Pulpit

Round, medium in size with a golden-yellow skin closely netted like a netted musk melon; gf fine quality and an exceptionally good keeper.



$0 35

















Our Radish stock seeds are all produced on our own Michigan farms from carefully sorted, selected and transplanted roots, and are not surpassed for earliness and purity by any stocks, ever grown in Europe or America. We can especially recommend our forcing varieties to the most critical trade.

Write for Special Prices on Large Quantities or Growing Contract Orders

Rice’s Sparkler White Tipped Radish



Crimson Giant . Rabbit

Very desirable for home and market gardens. Roots are a deep globe shape and of a dark crimson color; stands a long time before becoming pithy. Quality excellent.

Early Scarlet Turnip . Raccoon

A well-known variety; very quick grower.

Early Scarlet Turnip, White Tipped (Rosy Gem) . Raciness

Round, deep scarlet, shading to a white tip on the bottom; very early; used extensively both as a forcing and out-door sort. We have a very superior strain of this radish.

Golden Globe (Golden Summer Turnip) . Radial

Root round rather than turnip-shaped, crisp and tender, of a fine yellow color, with few leaves; popular in the South as it withstands summer heat. ,



$0 40







RADISH Continued

Tel. Per

Cipher Pound

Non Plus Ultra, or Fireball (Scarlet Button) . Radiator $0 40

Round rather than turnip-shaped, of medium size with a small top; bright scarlet; very early, and one of the best forcing varieties, fol¬ lowing Saxa in three to four days.

Philadelphia White Box (White Ball) . . . ; . . .Radically 40

One of the best of the white varieties either for forcing or out-door

culture; more round than turnip-shaped; intermediate in size; always crisp, fine-grained and tender.

Rice’s Saxa . Radius 40

The earliest of the forcing radishes, and one of the slowest to shoot to seed. Round, bright scarlet and with the smallest possible top.

We have an excellent stock of this radish.

Small White Turnip . Ragged 40

A desirable, small, quick growing, waxy-white, turnip-shaped variety with small top; a week earlier than White Box.

Sparkler White Tip . Raging 35

Quite similar to Scarlet Turnip White Tipped as to size and time of maturity. The root, however, is more round or ball shaped, and the white extends farther up on the radish, and on this account is more popular in many markets.


Early Deep Scarlet 01ive=Shaped . Railing $0 35

Of attractive olive shape; color, deep scarlet.

Early White 01ive=Shaped . Raiment 40

Handsome small white variety, with a small top; of rapid growth.

French Breakfast . Rainbow 35

Of oblong form, small and quick growing; color bright rose-scarlet, with small, white tip; good out-doors or under glass.

Vick’s Scarlet Globe . Rajah 35

We have an exceptionally fine stock of this superb variety. It is one of the very earliest of the forcing radishes and does equally well outside; roots are of fair size, globe-shaped and with a very small top; always crisp and tender; color a bright scarlet.

Vick’s Scarlet Globe . Rajput 50

Specially selected seed for greenhouse planting. This is a fine strain and is now offered in response to numerous requests for such seed.


Chartier, or Shepherd . Rakish $0 30

A very popular summer variety; roots 7 to 8 inches long and rather thick, deep scarlet at the top, shading off to pure white at the tip; somewhat later in maturing than other long scarlet sorts .

Cincinnati Market (The Glass) . Rally 30

An improved strain of Long Scarlet, being slightly larger and with a very small top; roots 6 to 7 inches long, scarlet colored; flesh white, almost transparent, brittle and crisp.

Half Long Deep Scarlet . Ramble 30

Roots are half long, somewhat tapering at the point, and of a deep, rich red color; of quick growth and seldom pithy.

Icicle (Long White) . Rambling 35

The handsome long pure white roots have tender brittle juicy and agreeably snappy flesh. It is to be preferred to Lady Finger or Long White Vienna.

Long Brightest Scarlet (Long Cardinal) . Ramify 0 35

One of the best colored, most handsome as well as the earliest of the long scarlet radishes; crisp and tender until full grown; roots not quite so long as Long Scarlet, and of a bright, vivid scarlet color, tipped white; a good forcing sort with a small top.

Long Scarlet Short Top . Rammer 33

Roots are smooth, tender and uniform in shape, about six inches long and of a bright carmine-red color; tops short and small; an old standard sort.



RADISH— Continued

Vick’s Scarlet Globe



Long White Lady Finger (White Vienna) . . .Ramous

An early maturing, long white summer radish; roots white, slender and smooth, are 6 to 7 inches long, tapering slightly at the top. This variety grows more above ground than Icicle and consequently is more or less tinged with green at the top of the root.

Pearl Forcing . Rampant

A splendid long, pearly-white variety of rapid growth; the roots remain fit for use a full two weeks before going to seed; quite similar to Icicle.

White Giant Stuttgart . Ramrod

The roots are large, top-shaped and frequently four inches in

diameter and of equal length; of a clear white color; a fine summer or fall radish.

White Strasburg . Ranchero

Roots are about five inches long, thick at the shoulder and abruptly tapering; skin and flesh pure white, and remain firm and brittle longer than most varieties.

FALL OR WINTER VARIETIES California Mammoth White Winter . Rancor

A good fall and winter variety. Roots about 8 inches long, thick, smooth, cylindrical in form; skin and flesh white, tender and crisp.

Half Long Black Spanish . Random

Intermediate in shape between Long and Round Black Spanish; roots grayish-black, 4 to 5 inches long and half that in diameter.

Long Black Spanish . Ranger

One of the latest and hardiest varieties for winter use; roots 8 to 9 inches long, 2 to 3 inches in diameter and nearly black in color.

Round Black Spanish . Ransack

Roots are round, inclined to top-shape, and 3 to 4 inches in diameter; skin almost black, flesh white, crisp and pungent.

Rose China Winter (Scarlet China) . Ransom

One of the very best winter sorts; roots are cylindrical, or largest near the bottom, stump rooted or blunt at both ends; skin smooth and bright, deep rose color; flesh white, crisp and pungent; the roots grow 4 to 5 inches long and 2 inches thick.

White Chinese, or Celestial . Ranter

Roots 6 to 8 inches long, thick, cylindrical and smooth, with a beautiful white skin and flesh; the whitest and least pungent of the winter radishes.



$0 35












Rice’s Saxa Radish

An exceptionally early attractive variety either for greenhouse

or outdoor culture




Dwarf Essex . Rapids

For sowing. There is no plant that will give so large a yield of forage at so small a cost as this.

Rhubarb, or Pie Plant

Myatt’s Linneus Giant . Rhenish

Early and very fine; leaves and stalks of immense size. Many planters prefer seed to roots.

Salsify, or Vegetable Oyster

Mammoth Sandwich Island . Salsing

Recognized as the standard variety. The long thick white roots find a ready sale on the market.


Large Leaved French . Sorrow

The standard variety; produces large, bright, green leaves some¬ what sour in flavor.



$0 09

$1 00

$1 25

$1 00





Bloomsdale Savoy Leaved (Norfolk Savoy) . Spicery

Very early and hardy, and one of the best for market and canning. Plant of upright growth with a tendency to go quickly to seed in hot weather. Petiole (stem) 3 inches long, leaves of medium size, the lower ones rounded while the upper leaves beccme pointed, more or less crumpled and blistered; color glossy deep green.

Bloomsdale, Long Standing . Spicman

Nearly as early as the old strain and will stand two weeks longer before bolting to seed. Plants very uniform, leaves intensely crumpled and blistered, dark glossy green in color.

Early Giant Thick Leaved (Round Leaved) . Spicular

A strong, upright growing medium early sort quite identical with Thick Leaved Round.

Giant Nobel . Spider

A greatly improved strain of the Viroflay or smooth-leaved types; a very productive variety with large, very thick, rather smooth rounded leaves. A long standing, shy seeding sort and one of the best for canning.

King of Denmark (Antvorskov) . Spifler

A fine long-season Spinach, remaining longer than most varieties before bolting to seed. Plant vigorous and spreading; leaves large, rounded, fairly crumpled and blistered; dark green in color; fine for spring seeding.

Large Viroflay . Spigot

For either spring or fall sowing. Plant of upright growth; leaves are very large, broad, thick and arrow-shaped with a 4 inch petiole

much crumpled and dark green in color. Desirable for canning because of its clean, upright leaves.

Long Season . Spiking

In general appearance quite similar to Triumph. Plant makes a flat rosette with very dark green, crumpled, broad and pointed leaves. One

of the very best long-standing varieties.

New Zealand (Tetragonia Expansa) . Spinal

Entirely distinct from the true Spinach; plant tall and spreading with numerous side shoots; leaves medium green, rather small and pointed; grows well in hot weather and under adverse conditions.

Prickly Winter . Spindle

A long standing, late maturing sort; plant very large, vigorous and hardy; leaves round, thick, medium sized and dark green.

Princess Juliana . Spinny

An exceptionally fine type of Long Standing Spinach. Plant a dense compact rosette with very short petioles; leaves are large, rounded, thick, in texture much blistered and crimpled, very dark green in color. Noted for its freedom from male plants and its slow seeding qualities.

Triumph (Fillbasket) . Spinster

A very long standing variety. Plant makes a flat rosette; leaves

compact, short, broad and pointed, much wrinkled and with a short petiole.

Victoria . Spinacle

Makes a dense, flat rosette with very short petioles. Leaves very large, thick and much wrinkled, blunt or rounded and dark green in color. Stands hot weather well and is exceedingly slow to shoot to seed.

Virginia Blight Resistant . Spinner

A blight resistant strain of the Savoy Leaved spinach developed at the Virginia Experiment Station, making it now possible to grow spinach successfully on infected soil. A fairly early seeder.



$0 14













A typical specimen of Rice’s Giant Summer Straightneck Squash




New Blue Hubbard Squash

Tel. Per

Cipher Pound

Banana . Squab $0 80

A prolific, oblong variety, 2Vj feet in length by 6 inches in diameter, having a gray-green shell, with irregular stripes and dashes of a darker shade; distinctly pointed at the blow end; solid dry flesh and small seed cavity; rather late in maturing.

Bay State . Squabble 65

Round or turban-shaped, with a distinct “button” at the blossom end, and having a hard, gray-green shell; excellent for fall and winter.

Crookneck, Giant Summer (Bush) . Squaw 60

The largest and one of the earliest summer varieties; fruits often 2 to 2 *4 feet long, very warty and deep orange in color.

Crookneck, Golden Summer (Bush) . Squeamish 60

A standard, early and productive summer sort; fruits about a foot long, moderately warted and of a bright yellow color.

Delicious . Squall 75

A fall and winter sort of medium size; top-shaped in form and dark gr^en, some specimens showing light-green markings. running toward the blossom end; flesh orange, very dry and delicious.

Fordhook (Vining) . Squatter 60

A small, oblong variety, excellent for summer or winter; fruits 8 to 10 inches long, slightly ridged; skin smooth, thin and yellow; flesh very thick, straw colored, extremely dry and sweet.

Fordhook (Bush) . Squating 60

Similar to the Fordhook Vining but of bush habit.

Golden Delicious . Squeem 65

A fall and winter variety of recent introduction. Medium in size, somewhat top shaped, color a rich golden tint, flesh dry and very thick, with highest quality. Very productive, it will yield more in cans per acre than any other variety of Squash or Pumpkin. Should prove of value to the market or home garden.

Hubbard, Blue . Squeson 1 25

A new type of Hubbard squash and said to excel all in the superior quality of its flesh. Form and habit of growth similar to the original Hubbard, but differing in having an extremely hard, blue-gray shell.

Hubbard, Golden . Squealer 1 00

Earlier than Hubbard; the shell is moderately warted, hard, strong

and of a rich orange-red color. Flesh deep orange. An excellent keeper.



SQUASH Continued

Tel. Per

Cipher Pound

Hubbard, Improved . '. . Squeeze $0 75

The standard winter squash; fruits large, heavy and moderately warted; shell dark bronze-green, showing more or less light-green markings toward blossom tnd; flesh bright orange-yellow, fine grained, thick and dry.

Hubbard, Warted . Squirsole 85

Somewhat larger in size than the well-known Hubbard, and of equal quality, but is more heavily warted and the shell is very dark- green, almost black, in color. Our stock of this variety is exceptionally true.

Mammoth Chili.... . . . . Squint 75

Grown for exhibition and stock feeding; specimens have been grown to weigh upwards of 150 pounds; fruits oblong, skin quite smooth but with broad, open netting and rich orange-yellow color.

Marrow, Boston . Squadron 45

The orange-colored fruits are oblong and somewhat flattened at the blossom end. Skin is moderately hard, flesh salmon yellow in color and it is fine grained. Very popular with canners.

Marrow, Vegetable (Bush) . Squirave 60

An English variety for summer and fall use; grows about 9 inches long and a perfect oblong in form; shell pale cream color, flesh white.

Marrow, Vegetable (Vining) . Squiton 60

Similar to the Bush type, but with a trailing vine and longer; large fruit, averaging about 16 to 18 inches in length by SlA inches in diameter.

Marrow, Italian Vegetable (Cocozella) . Squimal 60

A summer variety of bush habit; fruits oblong 16 to 18 inches in length and 5 inches in diameter; color dark green, marbled with yellow and dark green stripes, carrying 5 furrowed ribs the length of the fruit; very early.

Scallop, Early White Bush (Cymling) . Squamous 50

Very early summer squash; fruit flattened and scalloped, about 8 inches in diameter, comparatively smooth on the surface and creamy- white in color; also known as Patty Pan.

Scallop, Mammoth White Bush . Squire 55

Very similar to Early White Bush, though much larger, 10 to 12 inches in diameter, and of a clear, waxy-white color.

Scallop, Green Tinted White Bush (Benning) . Squireen 65

Similar to White Bush Scallop, but carrying a fresh green tinge well towards maturity, making an attractive market sort. When fully matured the fruit becomes pale brown in color.

Scallop, Early Yellow Bush . Squander 50

Quite identical with White Bush except in color, which is deep orange.

Scallop, Mammoth Yellow Bush (Golden Custard) .... Squeak 60

A mammoth strain of Yellow Bush Scallop.

Straightneck, Giant Summer . Squede 80

A selection from the Crookneck squash but with a straight rather than a crooked neck, and thus being more easily packed for shipment.

Fruits intensely warted, 18 to 20 inches long, deep orange in color with a thick meaty neck.

Table Queen or Des Moines . Squivel 70

A trailing variety, producing acorn-shaped fruit with a thin, dis¬

tinctly ribbed, dark green shell; 6 inches long by 4 ^ inches in diameter. Flesh light yellow and bakes well; quite early.

Warren . Squirting Sold Out

An improved type of Essex Hybrid, growing somewhat larger and of a deeper orange-red color.

Wood’s Prolific . Squisog 60

Small, early, on the order of White Bush Scallop, though smaller and not scalloped; very thick through; color creamy white.

Zucchini . Squijola 55

A short, blocky type of the Cocozella squash, growing 13 to 14 inches in length. Skin is dark green, becoming lightly mottled and striped yellow at maturity. A desirable type of the Italian Marrows.

Zucchini, Black . Squikimi 65

An improved strain of the popular Italian Marrow. Skin entirely black, 18 inches long by 5lA inches in diameter and distinctly fluted.




Cipher Pound

Connecticut Seed Leaf . Toband $2 50

A popular sort used for cigar wrappers and home use.

Fine Havana . Tobing 2 50

Finest strain of imported seed.

White Burley . Tober 2 50




- .1

Rice’s Special Earliana Tomato Acme Early (Essex Early Hybrid) . Toddle

A well known hardy, fairly early and productive sort; fruits of fair size, round and smooth; color purplish-pink.

Beauty . Toilet

A productive main crop variety; fruits large and exceptionally smooth, solid and of excellent quality; color purplish-pink.

Bonny Best . . Toilsome

About a week earlier than Chalk’s Jewel; fruit somewhat smaller, very smooth, round, solid and uniform, and produced in clusters in center of the plant; ripens uniformly and is very productive; color bright red.

Break O’Day . Tootday

An early Wilt resistant variety with large, solid, globular scarlet

fruits. One of the best of the disease resistant varieties developed by the late Dr. Pritchard. About ten days earlier than Marglobe.

Canadian . Toleman

Introduced by the Ontario (Canada) Agricultural College. It is a product of a cross between Bonny Best and Earliana and has many of the good qualities of each parent variety. Color bright red.

Chalk’s Jewel . Tolerant

An exceptionally fine early variety, about ten days later than

Earliana; fruit uniformly smooth, round and solid; color crimson; a

good canning sort for the North.

Cooper’s Special . Tolerage

Quite similar to Livingston’s Globe, although less tall, more compact and somewhat earlier in habit; fruit medium size, globe-shaped, solid and purplish-pink in color. A profitable shipping variety.

Crimson Cushion (Beefsteak or Enormous) . Tolerable

The largest of the bright red tomatoes.

Dwarf Champion . . . Tongs

Of a distinctly dwarf, compact, upright growth; fruits smooth, solid and medium size; color pink; quite early.

$2 25 2 25 2 50

2 75 2 75

2 25

3 00

3 50 3 00



TOMATO— Continued

John Baer Tomato ,



Dwarf Stone . Tongue

The best of the dwarf tomatoes; fruits large, smooth, round, very- solid and of deep scarlet color.

Earliana (Spark’s) . Tonic

The earliest and best of the very early tomatoes; very productive for an early sort; fruit of fair size, round, very smooth and solid, and produced in. clusters in center of the plant; color bright scarlet. Plants

have a distinct open habit of growth. Our many years of selection on this stock has made it unequalled today.

Earliana (Special Strain) . Tonspec

Seed saved from crown-set globe-shaped fruit from selected, extra early plants.

Early Detroit . Tonnage

A very fine, early, large-fruited, purple variety; a little larger than Beauty, and somewhat earlier; fruits nearly globe-shaped, smooth and solid.

Globe (Livingston’s) . Tonsure

A vigorous, productive, medium early tomato, much in favor with Southern truckers; fruit globe-shaped, smooth and solid; color purplish- pink.

Golden Ponderosa . Tonquin

Largest of the yellow tomatoes and similar to Ponderosa except in color of fruit.

Golden Queen . Tontine

Ripens early, is large, smooth and solid; color golden yellow.

Grand Rapids Forcing . Tontimel

Undoubtedly one of the best American forcing tomatoes. A very

productive sort, of distinctive compact growth producing clusters of medium size, attractive, solid scarlet fruits.

Greater Baltimore . Toothard

A main crop, productive, red fruited variety of the Matchless type;

quite popular with the canners.

Gulf State Market . Toothcan

A globe-shaped selection from Early Detroit, retaining the earliness of that variety, but larger, deeper and more productive. Fruits very solid and free from cracking; color deep purplish-pink. A shipping variety in the South.

John Baer . Toothedge

An early, productive, red tomato on the order of Chalk’s Jewel. We have a splendid, uniform stock of this variety.

John Baer Special Strain . Toothache

Selected especially for canner trade. Very productive; of good sized smooth fruits with cell walls very thick and seed cavity small.



$3 00 3 00

3 50 2 75

2 75

4 00

3 00 6 00

2 25

3 00

2 50

3 50



TOMATO Continued



June Pink . Toothpick

In habit of growth, productiveness and size of fruit identical with Earliana, differing only in having purple fruit; the best extra early purple variety.

Marglobe . Tooting

O'ne of the most popular of the new Wilt resistant varieties. It is second early in maturity. The plant, is vigorous, large, and erect, its foliage shading the fruit and preventing sun scald. Fruits are red in color, large, smooth and globular. . A very productive variety well adapted for truck gardening, shipping and as a canning variety.

Matchless . Topaz

A very dependable, large, smooth, second early sort; makes a good canning variety; color cardinal red.

Norton, Wilt Resistant . Topman

Similar to Stone but bred for its resistance to Fusarium Wilt; possibly a trifle later than Stone. Deep red in color.

Oxheart . Tophart

The largest of all tomatoes, purple fruits often weighting up to a pound and a half. Of distinct “oxheart” form, very solid, with few seed cells.

Ponderosa (Brimmer) . Topping

An exceptionnally large, purple-fruited tomato, and for home use one of the best; fruit very solid, with few seeds. We have much im¬ proved this stock.

Pritchard (Scarlet Topper) . Topper

A mid-season scarlet fruited sort, which is resistant to Fusarium Wilt and to Nail Head rust. Vine vigorous and productive. Fruits nearly globular in shape.

Red Cherry . Toppled

Fruits small, about the size of a large cherry, smooth and round; for preserves.

Red Rock . Torch

A very fine selection of the Matchless type; medium early, round, smooth and cardinal red; makes a good canning variety.

Royal Purple . - . Torment

An improved type of Beauty and more productive; fruits exceedingly smooth and . uniformly large in size, round, and with little core; color deep pink, tinged purple; a mid-season sort.

Stone . Tornado

The standard and general favorite with truckers and canners;

always dependable, very vigorous and productive; fruits round, large,

solid, smooth and deep red in color. Our selected stock of Stone is

much above the average.

Strawberry (Winter Cherry or Husk) . Torpedo

The small yellow fruits are produced in a husk; excellent for


Yellow Cherry . Torsion

For preserves; similar to Red Cherry except in color.

Yellow Pear . Topmast

Fruits small and pear-shaped, rich, clear yellow in color; used for preserves.

Yellow Plum . Tortoise

A small yellow-fruited variety much resembling a plum in size and form; for preserving.



$3 00 2 50

2 25

2 50 5 00

4 00

3 50

4 00 2 25

2 50

2 00

3 50

4 00 4 00

4 00

Shogoin or Japanese Foliage Turnip




We are large producers of American grown Turnip Seed and will be glad to quote Special Prices for quantity orders for either prompt shipment

or future contract.

Purple Top White Globe Turnip

Tel. Per

Cipher Pound

Amber Globe (Green Top) . Turban $0 30

One of the best yellow-fleshed sorts; roots globular and of large size; skin clear yellow except the top, which is tinged green.

Early Snowball . Turbid 30

Very early, of medium size, round as a ball with white skin and flesh.

Early White Flat Dutch . Turbinate 24

A very early flat, strap leaved white turnip of medium size and fine quality.

Extra Early Purple Top Milan . Turbine 40

Extremely early and of splendid quality; bulbs of medium size, flat and white, with a bright purple top; strap leaved.

Extra Early White Milan . Turbot 40

Similar to Purple Top Milan except that the roots are a solid clear white.

Long White Cow Horn . Turfed 25

Roots are often 12 to 15 inches long and 3 inches in diameter, round, carrot-like in form and slightly crooked; clear white in color except a shade of green at the top; quality good.

Pomeranian White Globe (Large White Globe) . Turgid 24

One of the largest and most productive; roots often grow to weigh 10 to 12 pounds, are globe-shaped, slightly flattened; skin smooth and white; largely used for stock feeding.

Purple Top Strap Leaved . Turkey 24

The most widely cultivated and best known variety; a very early, productive sort; roots are flat, medium sized, purple or dark red above ground, white below; flesh white, tender and fine grained.

Purple Top White Globe . Turkois 24

Almost a perfect globe in form; flesh and skin white, colored purple, or red, above ground; very fine grained and sweet; a superior variety.

Rice’s Improved Golden Ball (Orange Jelly) . Turmeric 30

The best of the yellow-fleshed turnips; the tops are small, roots medium size, round, smooth and deep yellow; flesh firm, crisp and of most excellent quality.

Seven Top . Turmoil 22

Grown exclusively for the tops, which are used for greens.



TURNIP— Continued

Tel. Per

Cipher Pound

Shogoin (Japanese Foliage Turnip) . Turmen $0 40

A Japanese variety becoming very popular in the South for turnip greens, displacing the Seven Top to some extent. Bright green leaves grow upright, about 2 feet. Roots semi-globe, pure white, sweet and tender. _ After tops are cut, and used for greens, the roots form very quickly.

Southern Prize . . . . . Turncap 22

Similar to Seven Top, but with a more distinctly formed, sym¬ metrical root.

White Egg . Turnation 25

An early, oval or egg-shaped variety; roots of medium size, smooth and clear white; of the very best quality.

Yellow Aberdeen (Purple Top) . . . Turner 28

A late, medium sized, long keeping variety; roots round, yellow with a purple top; flesh tender and sweet.

Yellow Globe (Stone) . Turning 30

A round, smooth, light yellow variety of medium size with green top; good quality.


Golden Neckless

Budlong White Rock (Breadstone) . . . ...Turnland $0 30

An American variety; very early, round and white, with green top.

Canadian Gem, or Universal (Century) . Turnmore 30

Roots nearly round, golden-yellow flesh with purple top; very small top and neck; quality about the average. Noted for its exceptional hardi¬ ness and vigor.

Golden Neckless . Turnstile 35

Roots attain a large size; are almost globular, being slightly oblong; flesh yellow, with purple top, solid and of finest quality; neck very small.

Improved American Purple Top (Long Island) . Turpilate 30

A hardy, productive variety with a small neck; roots are large, oblong or globular in form, with a very small tap root; color bright yellow with a purple top; flesh very solid, tender and sweet.

Skirving’s Purple Top . Turtise 35

Roots very large, round, slightly oval; flesh yellow with a purple top.

White Swede, or Russian . Turtman 30

Roots very large, nearly globe-shaped, with a small neck; color white with a green shade at the neck; flesh white, firm and sweet.





Tel. Per

Cipher Pound

Anise ( Pimpinella Anisum ) . Herald $0 75

An annual. Seed used for flavoring. Different from the Sweet Anise of commission men which is Florence Fennel.

Balm ( Melissa officinalis ) . Heraldic 2 25

Perennial. Leaves fragrant.

Basil Sweet ( Ocymum basilicum ) . Heroic 1 00

Annual. Used for seasoning.

Basil Napolitana ( Basilico Napolitano ) . Heroism 1 25

An Annual. This is the variety used for flavoring mock turtle soup.

Borage ( Borago officinalis ) . Heraldry 1 00

Annual. Leaves used as a pot herb and for flavoring. A fine bee food plant.

Caraway ( Carum Carui ) . Herbage 50

Bi-ennial. Seeds used for flavoring.

Cardoon (See Page 18) . 1 25

Catnip or Catmint ( Nepeta Cataria ) . Herbal 4 00

Leaves when green or dry are used for flavoring; also popular with cats.

Coriander (Coriandrum sativum) . Herbarium 50

Annual. Seeds used in medicine and for flavoring.

Dill Mammoth ( Anethum grave olens ) . Hercules 40

Annual. Used in making dill pickles.

Fennel Florence (See Page 29) . 75

Fennel Sweet ( Foeniculum officinale ) . Heroine 60

Perennial. Seeds used for flavoring.

Horehound ( Marrubium vulgare ) . Herdman 2 25

Perennial. Leaves used for seasoning and medicinal purposes.

Lavender ( Lavandula spica ) . Hereat 2 00

Half hardy perennial. Very fragrant leaves.

Marjoram Sweet ( Origanum marjoram ) . Heroism 1 00

Tender perennial. Young leaves used for seasoning.

Rosemary ( Rosmarinus officinalis) . Heresy 2 75

Perennial. Used for seasoning.

Rue ( Ruta graveolens ) . Heretic 2 00

Perennial. For use in medicines.

Saffron ( Carthamus tinctorius ) . Heritable 1 25

Annual. For flavoring and making a special tea.

Sage ( Salvia Officimlis) . Heritage 1 50

Hardy Perennial. Most useful of all herbs.



HERBS Continued

Savory Summer ( Satureia hortensis ) . .

Annual. Used for seasoning.



. Hermetic



$0 75

Thyme Broad Leaved ( Thymus vulgaris ) .

Hardy perennial. Used for flavoring and medicinally.

3 50

Wormwood ( Artemisia absinth ) .

Hardy perennial. Useful as a tonic, as a vermifuge and seasoning.

also for

2 50


Mammoth Russian .

The standard large growing variety; seeds white, striped



$0 09

Something of Interest to You

In 1932 we celebrated our One Hundredth Anniversary and we re-print here in condensed form part of an article which appeared in the Seed World (Chicago, Ill.) November 11, 1932.

The seed growing business of the Jerome B. Rice Seed Company, Cam¬ bridge, New York, celebrates its one-hundredth birthday anniversary this fall.

Activity at Top Speed

Its several warehouses at Cambridge are rapidly being filled with seeds from the west. Activity in the cleaning and milling departments would be a joy to A. T. Ferrell and A. C. Barbeau were they to see the many types of their products in constant operation.

Extensive Seed Growing Operations

No mention of the company’s activities would be complete without includ¬ ing the far distant stations. In Michigan a warehouse equipped with drier and cleaners for handling radish and sweet corn is located at Carson City. That station this year reports an unusually good crop of high quality radish seed.

The plant at Rocky Ford, Colo., is maintained especially for crops such as cucumber, cantaloupe, watermelon, pumpkin and squash. Here also experi¬ ments with other varieties of seed are constantly made. Another plant at Filer, Ida., is operated on beans, one of the company’s specialties. The growing station at Bozeman, Mont., is devoted principally to peas, while Mt. Vernon, Wash., is now shipping east in carload lots such items as peas, cabbage, beet, Swiss chard, Mangel Wurzel, turnip and rutabaga. The Sacramento, Cal., plant naturally is used for the company’s California grown varieties.






Blanche Ferry .

Scarlet standard, wings white; medium size;



very fragrant.



$0 60

Dorothy Eckford .

Pure white; large hooded form; fine.


King Edward VII .

Large, carmine-scarlet variety.


Lady Grisel Hamilton .

Lavender; flowers large and hooded.


Lord Nelson .

Dark navy blue; large hocded flowers.


Prima Donna .


Pure pink; above medium size; hooded flowers.


Large waved, lavender flowers suffused with pink.

Austin Frederick . Swamer 1 25

A pleasing shade of bright lavender.

Barbara . Swan 1 25

Beautiful brilliant orange-salmon.

Blanche Ferry Spencer...! . Swantnor

Standard rose-pink, wings white; a beautiful variety.

Blue Bird . Swanee

Fine large, much waved and frilled blue variety.

Clara Curtis . Swardel

A very large primrose variety.

Crimson King . Swartee

The finest large, true crimson variety.

Dainty Spencer . Swathe

White with pink edges; very large.

Dora . Swating

Bright rose standard with wings of light primrose.

Doreen . Swatner

Large waved flowers of carmine-rose.

Fiery Cross . Sweated

A beautiful large fiery-scarlet.

Fortune . Swedton

Large waved flowers of an attractive dark blue shade.

Grenadier . Sweding

Large flowers of poppy-scarlet on long stems.

Hercules . Sweeter

Very large bright rose-pink.

Hebe . Sweeking

Giant rosy pink.

1 15 1 25 1 15 1 25 1 15 1 25 1 25 1 00 1 25 1 25 1 10 1 25




Tel. Per

Cipher Pound

King Edward Spencer . Sweltry $1 10

Large flowering crimson-scarlet.

King White . Swept 1 10

Largest and best formed pure white.

Mary Pickford . Swinder 1 25

Dainty cream-pink with faint suffusion of salmon.

Matchless . Swinboy 1 25

Clear cream.

Royal Purple . Swinish 1 25

Rich deep purple; best of its class.

Tangerine . Swinopole 1 25

Beautiful deep metallic salmon suffused with orange.

Thomas Stevenson . Swiss 1 10

Large waved orange-scarlet.

Warrior . Switch 1 10

Very fine, large, deep marcon. ,

Wedgwood . Swivel 1 15

An attractive, bright silvery blue.

White Spencer . ' . Swollen 1 00

Large, waved, pure white flowers.


Eckford’s Mixed (Grandiflora) . : . Swoon $0 40

Early Flowering Spencer Mixed . Swooning 1 75

Spencer Mixed . Swop 60

Rice’s Best Spencer Mixed (Very Fine) . Sword 1 00


For size of flowers and variety of color our Nasturtium mixtures are unsurpassed.

Dwarf Mixed . Nastium $0 45

Tall Mixed . Nastord 40


Tall Mixed . Morning $0 45

An excellent collection with a great variety of colors.

Imperial Japanese (Mixed Colors) . Morned 75

Flowers much larger and of more delicate coloring than in other sorts.


Common (Green Foliage) . Castigate $0 50

Zanzibariensis (Mixed) . Casting 70

A gigantic, ornamental foliaged variety in collection.


Fine French Mixed . Pansy $8 00

A very fine mixture of good standard colors.

Superb Mixture . Pansybed 12 00

An unsurpassed mixture of giant flowering varieties of finest shades.



Planting Distances

Seed Required

Weeks to Mature

Apart in Row



Per 100 Ft. Row

Per Acre

Artichoke .

2 ft .

4 ft

1 oz. to 500 plants .

1 year

Asparagus, Seed .

2 in .

2 ft

1 oz .

4 lbs .

3 to 4 years

Asparagus, Roots . , . .

2 ft .

4 ft

50 roots .

5445 roots . .

2 years

Beans, Bush .

4 in .

2 ft .

2 lbs .

60 lbs .

6 to 8 weeks

Beans, Bush Lima .

6 in .

2 ft

lib .

55 lbs .

12 to 14 weeks

Beans, Pole .

3 ft .

4 ft ...

14 lb. in hills .

30 lbs .

8 to 10 weeks

Beans, Pole Lima .

3 ft .

3 ft

1 lb. in hills .

30 lbs .

14 to 16 weeks

Beet .

4 in .

134 ft

1 oz .

6 lbs .

8 to 9 weeks

Beet, Mangal and Sugar . .

10 in .

234 ft

1 oz .

5 lbs .

18 to 20 weeks

Broccoli .

114-2 ft

114-3 ft

1 oz, to 3000 plants ....

2 oz .

16 to 18 weeks

Brussels Sprouts .

114-2 ft.


1 oz. to 3000 plants ....

2 oz .

16 to 18 weeks

Cabbage, Early .

1-2 ft . . .

2-3 ft

1 oz. to 3000 plants ....

2 oz .

13 to 14 weeks

Cabbage, Late .

21^ ft. . . .

214 ft

1 oz. to 3000 plants ....

2 oz .

18 to 20 weeks

Carrot, Early .

3 in .

1 ft .

Vo oz .

3 lbs .

8 to 9 weeks

Carrot, Late .

3-6 in ... .

114-2 ft

V4 oz .

2J4 lbs .

11 to 12 weeks

Cauliflower .

lVz-2 ft..

2*4 ft . .

1 oz. to 3000 plants ....

3 oz .

15 to 16 weeks

Celery * . . .

6 in .

3-4 ft

1 oz. to 1 0000 plants .

4 oz .

18 to 20 weeks

Celeriac .

6 in .

2 ft

1 oz. to 3000 plants. . .

4 oz .

16 to 18 weeks

Collards .



1 ozT to 3000 plants . . .

4 oz .

14 to 15 weeks

Corn, Sweet .

3 ft .

3 ft ....

1 lb. to 100 hills .

15 lbs .

8 to 14 weeks

Corn Salad .

3 in .

1 ft ...

2 oz .

10 lbs .

7 to 8 weeks

Cress .

4 in .

134 ft

1 oz .

10 lbs .

4 to 5 weeks

Cress, Water .

3 in .

14 ft

Vo OZ .

8 to 9 weeks

Cucumber .

3 ft .

3 ft

1 oz. to 1 00 hills .

2 lbs .

9 to 10 weeks

Dandelion .

5 ii .

114 ft

14 oz .

5 lbs .

8 to 9 weeks

Egg Plant .

2ft .

214 ft

1 oz. to 2000 plants ....

4 oz .

20 to 22 weeks

Endive .

1ft .

114-2 ft

1 oz .

4 lbs .

10 to 12 weeks

Fennel, Florence .

4-8 in ... .

2-214 ft

1 oz .

3 lbs .

8 to 10 weeks

Kale .

2 ft .

2 ft

14 oz .

3 lbs .

10 to 12 weeks

Kohl Rabi .

6 in ...

114 ft

oz .

4 lbs .

10 to 12 weeks

Leek .

4-6 in


Vo OZ . * . . .

4 lbs .

14 to 16 weeks

Lettuce . . .

6—1 2 in

114 ft

1 oz. to 3000 plants

3 lbs ....

7 to 8 weeks

Melon, Musk .

2-3 ft . .

4-6 ft

1 oz. to 1 00 hills .

2 lbs .

12 to 14 weeks

Melon, Water .

4-6 ft _

8 ft

4 Oz. to 1 00 hills .

4 lbs .

15 to 16 weeks

M ustard .

4-8 in

1 ft

1 oz .

5 lbs .

4 to 5 weeks

Okra .

134-2 ft..

214 ft

2 07 .

8 lbs .

9 to 10 weeks

Onion Seed .

3 in .

114— 21-4 ft

Vo OZ .

5 lbs .

18 to 20 weeks

Onion Sets .

3 in .

1 ft ...

3 lbs .

320 lbs .

5 to 6 weeks

Parsley .

4-8 in ... .

1-114 ft

1 oz .

3 lbs .

12 to 14 weeks

Parsnip .

3-5 in ... .

114-2 ft..

V? oz .

3 lbs .

16 to 18 weeks

Peas .

1-3 in....

2-3 ft . .

1 lb .

90-150 lbs. .

8 to 10 weeks

Pepper .

VA-2 ft..

214 ft.

1 oz. to 1500 plants ....

3 oz .

18 to 20 weeks

Potatoes, Early .

15 in .

3 ft .

5 lbs .

420 lbs .

10 to 12 weeks

Potatoes, Main Crop .

18 in .

3 ft .

4 lbs .

630 lbs .

14 to 16 weeks

Potatoes, Sweet .

134ft.. . .

3 ft .

9380 plants .

18 to 20 weeks

Pumpkin .

3-4 ft ... .

8 ft ....

oz .

4 lbs .

12 to 14 weeks

Radish, Early .

1 in .

1 ft ....

1 oz .

12 lbs .

3 to 4 weeks

Radish, Summer .

2 in .

1 ft .

1 oz .

12 lbs .

5 to 6 weeks

Radish, Winter .

4 in .

l!4ft.. . .

Ya oz .

10 lbs .

7 to 8 weeks

Rhubarb .

1J4— 2 ft . .

4 ft .

Y oz .

3 lbs. or

4840 roots

4 to 6 weeks

Ruta Baga .

6-8 in ... .

114-2 ft.

V? oz .

3 lbs .

10 to 12 weeks

Sage .

6-12 in . . .

114-2 ft

141b .

5 lbs .

8 to 13 weeks

Salsify. . . .

4-6 in ... .

114-2 ft.

1 oz .

8 lbs .

18 to 20 weeks

Spinach. .

3-6 in ... .

1-114 ft.

1 oz .

8 lbs .

8 to 10 weeks

Spinach, New Zealand ....

l^ft.. . .

3 ft .

14 oz .

3 lbs .

10 to 12 weeks

Squash, Bush .

4 ft .

4 ft .

4 oz. to 100 hills .

4 lbs .

7 to 8 weeks

Squash, Vine .

6-8 ft ... .

8 ft .

8 oz. to 100 hills .

2 lbs .

10 to 12 weeks

Swiss Chard .

6-10 in . . .

114 ft. . .

1 oz . .

4 lbs .

7 to 8 weeks

Tomato .

2-3 ft ... .

314-4 ft..

1 oz. to 3000 plants. . . .

2 oz .

16 to 18 weeks

Turnip, Early .

4 in .

114-2 ft..

1 oz .

3 lbs .

8 to 1 0 weeks

Turnip, Late .

6 in .

114-2 ft..

1 oz .

2 lbs .

10 to 12 weeks

NOTE: Differences in maturity vary with climate, season, soil, geographic location and elevation and variety planted.







Anise .

.Anis .

. . Anice .

. Anvz .

.Anis, Gruner Anis

Artichoke .

. Artichaut .

. . Carciofo .

. Karczochv .

. Artischoke

Asparagus .

. Asperge .

. . Sparagio .

.Szparagi .

. Spargel

Balm .

.Melisse citronelle. . . .

. .Melissa .

. Balsam .

. Citronen-Melisse

Basil .

.Basilic grand .

. .Basilico .

.Bazvlia .


Beans .

. Haricots .

. . Fagiuoli .

.Fasola. . .

. Bc-hnen

Beet .

. Betterave .

. . Barbabietola .

.Buraki .


Borage .

. Bourrache .

. .Boragine .

.Boraz .

. Boretsch

Broccoli .

. Chou Brocoli .

. . Cavolo broccolo .

.Brokuly .

. .Spargelkohl

Brussels Sprouts. . . .

.Chou de Bruxelles . . .

. .Cavolo di Bruxelles. .

.Latorvil .

. Rosenkoh!

@abbage .

.Chou pomme .

. . Cavolo Cappuccio . . .

.Kapusta .

.Kopfkohl, Kraut

Cabbage, Savov .

.Chou de Milan .

. .Cavolo Verzatto .

.Sabaudzka .


. Wirsing

Caraway .

. Cumin des pres .

. .Comino .

.Kminek .


Cardoon .

. Cardon .

. .Cardone .

.Kardy .


Carrot .

.Garotte .

. . Carota .

.Marchew .

.Carotten, Mohren

Cauliflower .

.Chou-fieur .

. .Cavolfiore .

.Kalafiory .

. Blumenkohl

Celery .

Ceieri .

. . Sedano .

. Selery .

Celeriac .

.Celeri-rave .

. .Sedano-rapa .

. Selery (Korzen) . .


Chervil .

.Cerfeuil .

. . Cerfoglio .

.Czechrzyca .

. . Kerbel

Chicory .

.Chicoree sauvage. . . .

. .Cicoria .

.Cykorva .

. Cichorienwurzel

Chives .

.Ciboulette .

. .Cipollina .

.Szczpiorek .



Collards .

.Chou .

. .Cavolo Verzatte .

. Kol .

. Junge-Kohl

Coriander .

.Coriandre .

. .Coriandorlo .

.Koledra .

. Coriander

Corn Salad .

.Mache .

. . Dolcetta .

.Ziarno Salatv. . . .


Corn .

.Mais .

. .Mais .

.Kukurydza .

. Mais

Cress .

. Cresson alenois .

. .Crescione d’aioula. . .

. Rzerzucha .

. . Garten-Kresse

Cress, Water .

. Cresson de fontaine. .

. .Crescione di fontana.

. Rzerzucha wodna. . Brunnenkresse

Cucumber .

.Concombre .

. . Cetriolo .

.Ogorek .

. . Gurken

Dandelion .

.Pissenlit .

. .Dente di leone .

. Papawa .

. Lowenzahn

Dill .

.Aneth .

. . Aneto .

.Koper .


Egg Plant .

.Aubergine .

. .Melanzana .

. Gruszka milosna. .

, . Eierpflanze

Endive, Curled .

.Chicoree Endive. . . .

. .Indivia riccia .

. Endy wia .

. Endivien

Endive, Broad Leaf. .

. Chicoree-Scarole RondeCicoria Scarola .

, .Escariol

Fennel .

.Fenouil .

. .Finocchio .

.Koper .

. . Fenchel

Garlic .

.Ail .

. . Aglio .

.Czosnek .

. Knoblauch

Horehound .

.Marrube blanc .

. .Marrubio .

.Marubium .

. Andorn

Horse Radish .

. Raifort sauvage .

. .Rafano .

.Chrzan .

.Meer Rettig

Hyssop .

.Hyssope .

. .Issopo .

.Hyzop .

. .Isop

Kale .

.Chou vert .

. .Cavolo riccio verde. .

.Solanka .

. .Blatterkohl

Kohl Rabi .

.Chou-rave .

. .Cavolo rapa .

. Kalarepa .

.Knollkohl :

Lavender . .

.Lavende .

. . Lavanda .

. Lawenda .

. Lavendel

Leek .

.Poireau .

. .Porro .

Pory .

. . Porree, Lauch

Lettuce .

.Laitue. .

. . Lattuga .

. Salata .

.Lattich, Kopfsalat

Major am .

.Marjolaine .

. .Maggiorana . .

. .Majeranek .

. .Majoran

Melon .

.Melon .

. .Popone .

.Melon .

. .Melone

Melon, Water .

.Melon d’eau .

. .Cocomero d’acqua. . .

.Melon, wodny. . .

. Wasser-Melone

Mushroom .

.Champignon .

. .Fungo pratajolo .

.Grzyb .

. .Schwamm

Nasturtium .

.Capucine .

. .Nasturzio .

.Nasturcya .

. Kapuciner Kresse

Okra .

. Gombaud .

. .Ocra .


Onion .

.Ognon .

. .Cipolla .

.Cebu la .

. . Zwiebel

Parsley .

.Persil .

. . Prezzemolo .

.Pietruszka . .

. .Petersilie

Parsnip . . . .

. Panais .

. .Pastinaca .

.Pasternak .

. . Pastinake

Peas .

. Pois .

. . Piselli .

. Groch .

. .Erbsen

Pepper .

. Piment .

. .Peperone .

. Pieprz .

. Pfeffer

Pumpkin .

.Potiron .

. .Zucca .

.Bania .

. Melonen-Kurbiss

Radish .

.Radis .

.Rzodkiew .

. . Radies

Rhubarb .

.Rhubarbe .

. Rubarbarum .

. . Rhabarber

Rosemary .

.Romarin .

. . Rosmarino .

.Rozmaryn .

. . Rosmarin

Rue .

. Rue .

. . Ruta .

. Ruta .

. Raute

Ruta Baga .

.Chou-navet .

. . Cavolo navone .

.Kohl rube, Wrucken

Saffron .

. Safran .

. .Zafferano .

, .Szafran .

. . Safran

Sage .

.Sauge .

. . Salvia .

.Szalwija . .

. .Salbei

Salsify .

. Salsifis .

. .Scorzanera bianca. . .

. Jarzy, Ostrvga. . .

. .Haferwurzel

Savory, Summer . . . .

. Sarriette annuelle . . .

. .Santoreggia .

. Caber ogrodowy, .

. Bohnenkraut

Sorrel . .

. .Oseille .

. . Acetosa .

.Szczaw .

. Saueramofer

Spinach .

. Epinard .

. .Spinacio .

.Szpinak .

. . Spinat

Squash .

.Courge .

. .Zucca .

.Miekurz . .

. . Ivurbiss

Sunflower .

. Helianthe .

. .Eliotropio .

.Slonecznik .

. . Sonnenblwme

Swiss Chard .

.Poiree .

. .Bietola .


Thyme .

.Thym .

. .Timo .

.Macierzanka .

. Thvmian

Tobacco .

. .Tabac .

. . Tabacco .

.Tytun .

. . Tabak

Tomato .

.Pomme d’Amour. . . .

. . Pomodoro .

. Pomidor .

. .Liebesapfel

Turnip .

.Navet .

. . N avone .

.Rzepa, brukiew. .

. Weisse-Rube

Wormwood .

. . Absinthe .

. .Assenzio .

.Piotun .

. .Wermuth





Prices of Grass and Clover seed fluctuate, hence prices are subject to change.




Rice’s mixture of Lawn Grass Seed is unsurpassed either for lawns, parks or grass plots. It forms a thick, compact growth of short-growing varieties. Following one another in succession, and can be highly recommended.

TUT UP IN ATTRACTIVE CARTONS ( see illustra¬ tions) containing one pound of Lawn Grass and packed 24 cartons to the case. No charge for containers.

Valuable for lawns as well as pastures.

Orchard Grass .

(Choice quality.) Will endure considerable shade.

Fancy Red Top .

Unhulled Red Top .

White Clover .

For lawns; choice stock.

Rice’s Best Mixed Lawn Grass (in bulk) .

Rice’s Best Mixed Lawn Grass (One Pound Cartons). Graspack

Rice’s Quick Results Lawn Grass (in bulk) . Graspeed

Rice’s Shady Nook Lawn Grass (in bulk) . Grasby





$0 15

. Grasing







. Grasrod






Per 1000

Size C.

1 ounce

2y% x 5% inches .

. 1 35


2 ounces

3 % x $y2 .

. 1 65


Vz pint

4 x 6 .

. 2 50

No. 1.

1 pint

5 x 8 .

. 3 00


1 quart

614 x 10 .

. 3 50


3 pints

6^4 X 12 .

. 4 50


2 quarts

8^4 x 12 .

. 5 50


3 quarts

9 x 14^ .

. 8 00


4 quarts

\oy2 x uy2 .

. 11 00


6 quarts

n x i 6y2 .

. 14 00


8 quarts

11^4 x 20 .

. 16 50

Heavier paper is used in the larger than the smaller bags ; weight of paper corresponds to quantity the bag is made to contain.

All these bags are printed with our business card unless purchaser ex¬ pressly states he wishes them without it.

No charge is made for printing our card.

For printing purchaser’s name and address a charge of 75c. will be made for any number up to 1M ; for a greater number 50c. per M, will be charged.

This charge applies only when bags are all of one size and not when the 1000 is made up of various sizes of bags. Each change in size 75c, extra.

Printing other than plain name and address will be charged for according to time it takes.



The telegraphic cipher word for quantities must always precede the cipher word for seeds. In telegraphing us use first the word indicating how shipment is to be made : by Mail, Express or Freight, then give your quantity code word, followed by the cipher for seed wanted, thus :

“Mail Abduct Squeeze Abate Caballer,” would mean mail at once five pounds Improved Hubbard Squash and two pounds All Head Early Cabbage. “Express Able Puffing freight Active Peak, would mean to express at once ten pounds Quaker Pie Pumpkin and ship by freight 250 pounds Little Marvel Peas. Where the same quantity is wanted of several items use the word ditto, thus: “Express Abide Raging ditto Radius Raccoon Rambling, ’’which we would understand meant to express you at once eight pounds each of these Radishes : Sparkler White Tip, Rice’s Saxa, Early Scarlet Turnip and Icicle.

Our customers will find this a very inexpensive way of wiring their orders, but we must caution them that care be taken in writing out the messages, as we cannot hold ourselves responsible for errors arising from incomplete messages or incorrect translation.

IMPORTANT. This telegraphic cipher must be used ONLY on orders by telegraph or cable, and never in written orders sent by mail.

Telegraphic Code Word for Weights


Code Word


Code Word


Code Word

H .

70 .

800.. .

H .

75 .

825.. .

H .

80 .


1 .

85 .


. . . Admire

2 .

90 .

900.. .

3 .

. . .Abbe

95 .

925.. .

. . .Adoles

4 .

100 .

950.. .

5 .

112 .


. . .Adrift

6 .

120 .

. . .Acobean

1000.. .

7 .

125 .

. . . Acquit

1500.. .

8 .

150 .


9 .

175 .

. . . Acrid

2500.. .

10 .

. . .Able

200 .

3000.. .

. . .Adverse

11 .

225 .

3500.. .

. . .Advice

12 .

250 .

4000.. .

. . .Aerate

13 .

275 .

4500.. .

. . .Aerial

14 .

300 .

5000.. .

15 .

325 .

5500.. .

16 .

350 .

6000.. .

. . . Affable

17 .

375 .

6500.. .

. . .Affair

18 .

400 .


. . . Affect

19 .

425 .

7500.. .

20 .

450 .


. . . Affirm

21 .

475 .

8500.. .

22 .

500 .

. . .Addle

9000.. .

23 .

525 .


24 .

550 .

10000.. .

25 .

575 .


. . . Affront

30 .

600 .

20000.. .

35 .

625 .

25000.. .

40 .

650 .


45 .

675 .

35000.. .

50 .

700 .

40000.. .

. . .Afraid

55 .

725 .


60 .

750 .


65 .

775 .

Our Registered Cable Address is “RICE, CAMBRIDGE/'