Historic, archived document

Do not assume content reflects current scientific knowledge, policies, or practices.

)93 c

Ferns and Hardy Perennials

O’, B. Department cf Agricuitu




Mackinaw : : : : Illinois


We guarantee all plants to be true to name. All plants graded and packed by ex¬ perienced graders and packers.

Please state how items are to be sent. Most items go by express. Small lots are sometimes cheaper by parcel post. Very heavy lots are cheaper by frieght. But if weather is very hot freight is not safe. In event no instructions are sent we use our best judgment, but assume no risk. Large orders are shipped C. O. D. to customers we do not know. We advise delaying shipments on plants until ripened. However, they may be shipped in the growing or blooming stage, but it is not a good time to move plants. We are ready to ship your order at any time. But if the weather is hot it is not safe to ship plants, and we advise waiting until the weather is cooler. We will do our best at any time. We will assure you good plants 'and cheaper than you can get elsewhere.


All responsible parties will be given credit for thirty (30) days from date of shipment. We do not care to sell less than 250 at these prices. Most items may be had in thousand lots, many in five and ten thousand lots. Let us know your needs and we will quote you promptly. And your orders will be shipped promptly.



Common Where It Color of Time of Per

Botanical Name Name Grows Flower Bloom 1000

Acorus calamus, Sweet Flag, Bogs, Yellow, June . $12.00

Actaea alba, White Baneberry, Shade, White, May . 25.00

Actaea rubra, Red Baneberry, Shade, White, May and June . 30.00

Amorpha canescens, Lead Plant, Sun, Violet, July . 15.00

Anemone Cylindrica, Thimble Weed, Sun or Shade, White, August . 15.00

Anemone Pennsylvanica, White Anemone, Sun, May-July . 10.00

Anemone thalictroides, Rue Anemone, Woods, White, April-June . 25.00

Aplectrum hyemale, Putty Root, Shade, Yellow-Purple, June . 45.00

Aquilegia canadensis, Wild Colombine, Anywhere, Yellow-Red, May-June

1 year plants . 10.00

2 year plants . 15.00

XX plants . 30.00

Arisaema dracontium, Dragon Leaved, Indian Turnip, Shade, Green-Purple,

May . ? . . . 15.00

Arisaema, triphyllum, Indian Turnip, Shade, Green-Purple, May . 10.00

Aristotochia hastata, Virginia snakeroot, Shade . 30.00

Artemisia serrata, Dusty Miller, Sun, Greenish, August-October . 14.00

Asarum canadense, Wild Ginger, Shade, Violet, April-May . 10.00

Asclepias incarnata, Swamp Milkweed, Open Flats, Pink-Lilac, July-September 15.00

Asclepias tubrosa, Butterfly Weed, Sun, Yellow-Red, July-September . 25.00

Asclepias verticillata, Whorled Milkweed, Sun, White, July-August . 10.00

Aster novae angliac. New England Aster, Sun, Purple, July-September ...... 10.00

Aster sagittifolius, Arrow Lvd. Aster, Sun, Blue, September-October . 10.00

Aster, Cordifolius, Hart Lvd. Aster, Part Shade, Pale Blue, September-

October . 10. CO

Asters, Mixed hardy asters . 10.00

Baptisia bractacta, Bracted False Indigo, Sun, Yellow, May . 30.00

Baptisia leucantha, Delicate White False Indigo, Sun, July . 30.00

Callirhoe triangulata, Clustered Poppy Mallow, Dry Land, Purple, August-

September . 20.00

Camassia quamash, Wild Hyacinth, Rich Openshade, Pink, April-May . 30.00

Campanula roturdifolia, Hare Bells, Anywhere, Blue, July-Oct . 30.00

Caulophyllum thalictroides, Blue Cohosh, Shade, White, May . 15.00

Chelone glabra, Turtle Head, Damp Place, White, August-September . 25.00

Chrysanthemum leucanthemum, Oxeyed Daisy, Anywhere, Sun, White,

August-October . 15.00

Cimcimfuga, americana, American Bugbane, Hillsides, White, May-June .... 25.00

Claytonia Virginica, Spring Beauty, Open Shade, Purple, April-June . 12.00

Convailaria Majaiis, Lily of the Valley, Part Shade, White, May-June . 20.00

Delphinium tricorne, Dwarf Larkspur, Sun and Shade, Dark Blue, May-June . . 15.00

Dicentra canadensis, Squirrel Corn, Shade, Pinkish White, April-May . 10. U0

Dicentra Cucullaria, Dutchmans Breeches, Shade, White, April-May . 10.00

Dcdecatheon media, Shooting Star, Sun, Pink, May-June . 18.00

Echinacea purpurea, Purple Coneflower, Sun or Part Shade, Purple,

June-July . . ... 15.00

Echinacea Augustifolia, Coneflower, Prairie, Sun, Purple, June-July . 15.00

Equisetum hyemale, Scouring Bush, Sun, Green-Yellow, May-June . 15.00

Eryngium aquaticum, Button Snake Root, Sun-sod, White, July . 15.00

Erythronium Albidum, Adders Tongue Violet, Shade, White, April-May . 15.00

Eupatorium coelestinum, Mist-Flower, Sun or Part Shade, Purple, Sep¬ tember-October . 20.00

Eupatorium Ageratoides (urticaefolium), Snake Root, Open Shade, White,

September-November . 10.00

Eupatorium perfoliatum, Boneset, Wet, Sun, White, July . 20.00

Eupatorium purpureum, Joe Pye Weed, Part Shade, Purple, July- Sep¬ tember . 18.00


Common Where It Color of Time of Per

Botanical Name Name Grows Flower Bloom 1000

Euphorbia corollata, Flowering Spurge, Sun, White, July-September . $20.00

Euphorbia cyparissias, Cyprus Spurge, Sun, Yellow, June . 20.00

Gentian andrewsii, Closed Gentian, Damp Sun, Blue, August-October . 30.00

Gentian. Prairie Gentian, Opensun, Blue, August-September . 80.00

Geranium maculatum, Cranes Bill, Anywhere, Pink, May-June . 12.00

Helianthus mollis, Hairy Sun Flower, Sun, Yellow, July-September . 15.00

Helianthus giganteus, Tall Sunflower, Sun, Yellow, September-October . 18.00

Hepatica acutiloba (Evergreen), Damp Shade, Pink, April-May

1 to 2 plant clumps . 10.00

3 to 4 plant clumps . 15.00

5 to 6 plant clumps . 20.00

7 to 10 plant clumps . 30.00

Hydrastis canadensis, Golden Seal, Shade, White, May . 30.00

Hypericum cistifolum, Round Podded St. Johns Wort, Sun, Yellow, July-August 15.00

Iris versicolor, Wild Iris, Sun, Blue, May-June . 12.00

Isopyrum biternatum, False Rue Anemone, Shade, White, April-May . 15.00

Jeffersonia diphylla, Twin Leaf, Deep Shade, White, May-June . 25.00

Krigia virginica, Cyntha, Open Woods, Yellow, June-July . 20.00

Liatris scairosa, Button Blazing Star, Sun, Purple, July-September . 15.00

Latris spicata, Blazing Star, Sun, Purple, July-August . 25.00

Lepachys pinnata, Gray headed Cone Flower, Yellow, Sun, June-September .... 15.00

Lithospermum caneseens, Puccoon, Open Sun, Yellow, May-June . 20.00

Lithospermum augustifolium, Narrow Leaved Puccoon, Sun, Bright

Yellow, April-July . 20.00

Li Paris liliifolia, Lily Lvd. Liparis, Shade, Purplish, June . 25.00

Lobelia syphililica, Great Blue Lobelia, Moist Soil, Sun, Blue, July-October .... 15.00

Mentha piperita, Mint, Moist Soil, Sun, White, May . 15.00

Mertensia Virginica, Blue Bells, Open Shade, April-June

Firsts . 18.00

Seconds . 8.00

XX Grade . 48.00

Monarda fistulosa, Horse Mint, Sun, Pink, July-September . 12.00

Oenothera Biennis, Common Evening Primrose, Sun, Yellow, June-September . . 18.00

Oenothera Speciosa, Showy Evening Primrose, Sun. White-Pink, May . 35.00

Oxalis violacea, Violet Sheep Sorrel, Sun, Violet, May-June . 15.00

Pedicularis canadensis, Wood Betony, Sun, Yellow, May . 20.00

Pentstemon Laevigatus, Smooth Beards Tongue, Sun, White, June-July . 15.00

Petalostemum candidum, White Prairie Clover, Sun, July-August . 20.00

Petalostemum villosum, Purple Prairie Clover, Sun, July-August . 20.00

Phlox bifida, Cleft Phlox, Mixed Colors, Sun or Shade, April-June . 20.00

Phlox divaricata, Sweet William, Open Shade, Lilac or Blue, May-June Phlox glaberrima, Wild Pink Phlox, Sun, June-July Phlox pilosa, Prairie Phlox, Red, May-June

Either of above plants of 3 to 4 stems . 15.00

Either of above plants of 5 to 6 stems . 18.00

Either of above plants of 7 to 8 stems . 25.00

Physostegia virginiana, False Dragon Head, Sun, Pink, June-August . 15.00

Podophyllum peltatum. May Apple, Shade, May-June . 12.00

Polemonium reptens, Greek Valerian, Shade, Blue, Mav . 14.00

Polygonatum biflorum, Solomon Seal, Shade, White, Mav . 15.00

Polygonatum giganteum, Giant Solomons Seal, Shade, White, May . 20.00

Ranunculus acris, Common Buttercup, Sun or Shade, Yellow, May . 15.00

Rudbeckia laciniata, Wild Golden Glow, Part Shade, Yellow, July-August . 15.00

Ruella pedunculata, Stalked Ruella, Sun, Purple, June-August . 15.00

Sanguinaria canadensis, Blood Root, Shade, White, April-May . 15.00

Saponaria officinalis, Bouncing Bet, Sun, Pink, June-October . 12.00

Scutellaria integrifolia, Skull Can, Sun or Shade, Blue, July-August . 15.00

Silene stellata, Stary Campion, Shade, White, July . 18.00

Silene virginica, Fire Pink, Shade, Bright Red, May-June . 30.00


Common Where It Color of Time of Per

Botanical Name Name Grows Flower Bloom 1000

Silphium lacinatum, Compass plant, Sun, Yellow, July-August . $25.00

Silphium perfoliatum, Indian Cup, Damp Soil, Yellow, July-September . 25.00

Sisyrinehium augustifolium, Blue Eyed Grass, Sun, Blue, May-June . 20.00

Smilacina stellata, Star Flowered Solomons Seal, Shade, White, June-July .... 12.00

Smilacina racemosa, False Solomonseal, Shade, Creamy White, May-June .... 15.00

Solidago canadensis, Canadian Golden Rod, Sun, Yellow, August-October . 15.00

Solidago, assorted, Golden Rod, Sun, Yellow, August-October . 15.00

Spirea Filipendula rubra, Queen of the Prairie, Sun, Pink, June-July . 30.00

Stylophorum diphyllum, Celandine Poppy, Shade, Yellow, May-September .... 20.00

Talictrum polygamum, Tall Meadow Rue, Sun, White, June-July . 15.00

Tanacetum vulgare, Tansey, Anywhere, Yellow, June . 15.00

Tradescantia bracteata, Dwarf Pink Spiderwort, Shade, May-June . 35.00

Tradescantia Pilosa, Zig Zag Spiderwort, Part Shade, Lilac Blue, June-

September, singles . 18.00

Tradescantia virginica, Spiderwort, Part Shade, Purple, May-August,

Single . 10.00

Small clumps . 18.00

Tradescantia virginica, Nina Dwarf Spiderwort, Sun or Shade, Blue, May-June,

Singles . 15.00

Trillium Nivale, Dwarf White Trillium, Shade, April . 20.00

Trillium recurvatum, Brown Trillium, Shade, May-June . 15.00

Trillium Grandflorium, Shade, White, May . 10.00

Uvularia perfoliata, Bellwort, Rich Shade, Yellow, May-June . 15.00

Verbena hastata, Blue Verbane, Sun, Purple, July-September . . 12.00

Vernonia altissima, Iron Weed, Sun, Violet, August-October . 15.00

Veronica Virginica, Clovers Root, Sun or Shade, White, July-August . 15.00

Viola blanda, White Violet, Part Shade, May-June . 15.00

Viola palmata, Palm Leaved Violet, Sun, Blue, May-June . . 15.00

Viola Papilionacea, Common Blue Violet, Sun, May-June . 10.00

Viola pedata, Birds Foot Violet, Sun, Blue, May-June

Single . 15.00

Viola Pedata Bicola, Two Colored Birds Foot Violets, Part Shade . 20.00

Viola pubescens, Yellow Violet, Sun or Shade, Yellow, May . 15.00

Viola pallens, Sweet White Violet, Sun, May . 15.00


Adiantum pedatum, Maiden Hair, Damp Shade, Light Sods . 10.00

Medium sods . 15. CO

Heavy sods . 25.00

Aspidium acroslichoides, Christmas (Evergreen), Shade . 15.00

Aspidium thelypteris, Marsh Fern, Rich Shade . 20.00

Asplenium Thelypteroides, Silvery Spleenwort, Damp Shade . 25.00

Asplenium augustifolium, Narrow Leaved Spleenwort, Shade . 25.00

Bolrychium Virginianum, Virginia Grape Fern, Shade . 15.00

Cystoperis fragilis, Fragile Bladder Fern, Moist Shade . 10.00

Onoclea sensibilis, Sensitive Fern, Moist Shade . 15.00

Pteris Aquilina, Brake, Eagle Fern, Part Shade . 25.00

Phegopteris hexagonoptera, Broad Beech Fern, Shade . 15.00


All packing FREE.

We will assure you plants and bulbs that will please you and your customers.


Claims must be made at once. We all make mistakes but we are ready to correct any mistake at any time.