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Abbott & Cobb


Golden No. 14

Early Fortune

Golden No

Early Fortune

Golden No. 14

Golden No. 14

Golden No. 14

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'YY’/’ITH gratitude to our many customer friends for their patronage the past year, we approach 1938 with renewed confidence in the future of our business.

Abbott & Cobb seed must not only be good seed, but it must be the very best seed seed that is not only sure to germinate and grow but produce plants that will return our customers the most money.

Several of our friends have told us that they not only try for “top of the market” prices but work for a premium. Abbott & Cobb seed produces plants that bring in the premium.

We do not have an all-embracing list but devote all our energies to a small list of the things that bring results. Look over our list of specialties for top-notch producers of profitable crops.




ADVANCE NOTICE. We will have an improved Pascal Celery in 1939 . This is something very fine, developed by Abbott & Cobb, and what you have been look¬ ing for. Place your orders in advance this coming year as the stock will be limited.

SPECIAL NOTICE. When ordering seed by mail, be careful to give your Name, Post Office, County, State, and Express Office, that your order may go forward without delay. We will pay the postage on seeds forwarded by Parcel Post as quoted by the Ounce, Quarter-Pound, or Pound, when cash accompanies the order. This does not include articles as quoted in five- or ten-pound lots. If Peas, Beans, and Corn are to be forwarded by Parcel Post, add postage as per zone rates.

TERMS OF GUARANTEE. We give no warranty, express or implied, as to description, purity, productiveness or any other matter of any seeds, bulbs, or plants we sell, and we will not be in any way responsible for them. If the purchaser does not accept the goods on these terms, they are to be returned at once, and if the money has been paid for them, it will be refunded. ABBOTT & COBB.

Washington Asparagus


GIANT GREEN. An exceedingly fine strain, the seeds having been selected from the largest stalks in the field. Color is light green. The tops remain solid or closed longer than most varieties of Asparagus. We can highly recommend this seed for commercial purposes. Pkt. 10 cts.; oz. i5 cts.; Vilb. 30 cts,; lb. $1 ; 10 lbs. $8.50.

COLUMBIA MAMMOTH WHITE. Shoots of largest size and clear white. Most popular white variety. Pkt. 10 cts.; oz. 15 cts.; V4lb. 30 cts.; lb. $1; 10 lbs. $8.50.

WASHINGTON. (Reselected.) Very productive, new, rust-resistant strain, selected by the United States Department of Agriculture, and of extra-fine quality. Rich dark green stalks tinted darker at the tips. Will grow faster and cut earlier than any other variety. Pkt. 10 cts.; oz. 30 cts.; y4lb. $1; lb. $3.50; 10 lbs. $32.50.


We can supply strong one and two-year-old roots of the following

varieties: 100 i,0oo

Giant Green . $1 00 $6 00

Washington . 1 00 6 00

Washington, Giant Roots . 2 00 15 00

We can supply some very fine Asparagus Roots of Mary Wash¬ ington grown on our own farms from extra-fancy stock selections at $15 per 1,000.

Our supply of most of the special stocks which we are offering is usually exhausted before the planting season. It seems that the demand for well-rogued stocks is increasing every year. We urge our customers, therefore, to place their orders at once, especially for those varieties which are the most important, because of the impending difficulty to obtain good seed when the rush has begun.

A partial view of our Pennypack Valley Tiial-Grounds, located at Bustleton, Pa

ABBOTT & COBB Philadelphia, Pa.


Green-Podded Beans

GIANT STRINGLESS. Very productive, long, round-podded sort, maturing a trifle later than Red Valentine. Absolutely stringless. Pkt. 10 cts. ; lb. 30 cts. ; 10 lbs. $1.60 ; 100 lbs. $14.

RED VALENTINE. Earliest Bean of all, maturing in 6 to 7 weeks after planting. Pods are round and of medium length. Pkt. 10 cts.; lb. 30 cts.; 10 lbs. $1.50; 100 lbs. $12.

BLACK VALENTINE. Hardiest and most productive green- podded Bean grown ; strong, vigorous vines. Pods are some¬ what flat and very long, making a fine appearance. The season is a trifle longer than that of Red Valentine. Pkt. 10 cts.; lb. 30 cts.; 10 lbs. $1.50; 100 lbs. $12.

BOUNTIFUL. A very popular sort with the shipper because it is a prolific producer of flat and absolutely stringless pods of exceedingly fine quality. Pkt. 10 cts.; lb. 30 cts.; 10 lbs. $1.60; 100 lbs. $14.


PENCIL-POD WAX. A very popular Bean because of its unusually good quality. It is of superior flavor, very brittle, exceedingly tender, and absolutely stringless. Its produc¬ tiveness, early maturity, and rust-resistant qualities have made it a great favorite. Pkt. 10 cts.; lb. 30 cts.; 10 lbs. $1.70; 100 lbs. $15.

CURRIE’S RUSTPROOF. One of the earliest and most popular of the Wax or yellow Beans. Pods flat, sometimes 6 to 7 inches long. Pkt. 10 cts.; lb. 30 cts.; 10 lbs. $1.60; 100 lbs. $14.

SURE-CROP STRINGLESS WAX. This is one of the best flat, wax-podded sorts we know of, and a good, thrifty grower, producing an abundance of Beans 6 to 7 inches long. It is a sort that will fill the measure quickly and is rather easy to pick. This variety is not any more susceptible to rust than any other stock. We recommend it highly for commercial and home-garden use. Pkt. 10 cts. ; lb. 30 cts.; 10 lbs. $1.70; 100 lbs. $15.

WARDWELL’S KIDNEY WAX. An old favorite. Long, straight, broad, brittle, almost stringless, light golden pods, borne in unusually large quanti¬ ties. Good Bean for market. Pkt. 10 cts.; lb. 30 cts.; 10 lbs. $1.60; 100 lbs. $14.


WHITE MARROWFAT. Heavy producer of large, oval-shaped white Beans. A great favorite for baking or soup. Pkt. 10 cts.; lb. 30 cts,; 10 lbs. $1.50; 100 lbs. $12.

WHITE KIDNEY. Tall, erect plants bearing an abundance of large, showy pods filled with kidney¬ shaped, white Beans that do not discolor when cooked. A popular dry Shell Bean. We recom¬ mend growing these Beans in soil that is not too rich in order that the vines will stand erect, thus eliminating rusted or spotted Beans when they are harvested. Pkt. 10 cts.; lb. 30 cts.: 10 lbs. $1.50; 100 lbs. $12.

Sure-Crop Stringless Wax Beans


Philadelphia, Pa. 3


Fordhook Bush Lima Beans

FORDHOOK BUSH. The heaviest cropping Bush Lima. It is ready to pick at least 2 weeks before the Pole Limas, bearing a prolific crop of good- sized pods, each with 3 to 5 large, thick, meaty Beans of excellent quality. Pkt. 10 cts. ; lb. 35 cts.; 10 lbs. $2.25; 100 lbs. $18.

FORD’S MAMMOTH (POLE). Probably the largest-podded Lima Bean. They are very dark green, about 6 inches long, flat, and contain 4 or

5 Beans of fine quality in a pod. Pkt. 10 cts.; lb. 35 cts.; 10 lbs. $1.90; 100 lbs. $16.

KING OF THE GARDEN (POLE). So attractive that they usually bring better prices than most flat-podded Limas. It is the strongest growing, most productive of the large Limas. Pods are 5 to

6 inches long, each with 4 or 5 large, flat Beans. Two vines to each pole are enough. Pkt. 10 cts.; lb. 35 cts.; 10 lbs. $1.90; 100 lbs. $16.

DREER’S IMPROVED (POLE). A vigorous grower, freely producing very thick pods about 4 inches long, containing from 3 to 5 large, thick, and fine quality Beans. Later in maturing than most Lima Beans. Pkt. 10 cts.; lb. 35 cts.; 10 lbs. $1.90; 100 lbs. $16.


Bastian’s Half-Long

We have been working for some time to get a first-class stock of this variety. The roots are dark red, very smooth and uniform in shape, running a trifle longer than most stocks of this variety. The quality of this Beet is also very fine, retaining its tenderness longer than most varieties. Tops are rather heavy, making a fine, robust appearance while growing. This Beet is grown principally in and around Philadelphia County for winter or storage purposes.

Pkt. 10 cts. ; oz. 15 cts. ; 30 cts. ; lb. $1 ; 10 lbs. $9

EARLY WONDER. An early-maturing variety with globe-shaped roots, dark flesh, and tops of medium size. A fine second-early or later variety for bunching. Pkt. 10 cts.; oz. 15 cts.; 141b. 25 cts.; lb. 80 cts.; 10 lbs. $7.50.

EARLY ECLIPSE. A favorite second-early, following Crosby’s Egyptian. Globe-shaped root; small tap-root. Good for storing in trenches. Pkt. 10 cts.; oz. 15 cts.; 141b. 25 cts.; lb. 80 cts.; 10 lbs. $7.50.

EARLY LENTZ. One of the very best early Beets we know. Grown and selected by a Bucks County market gardener under our direction. He has gone to much trouble and expense to grow the finest stock for us; it can be relied upon to be absolutely true to type. Color rather light; quality excellent; top rather heavy. Pkt. 10 cts.; oz. 15 cts.; V^b. 30 cts.; lb. $1 ; 10 lbs. $9.

Bastian’s Halt-Long Beet

ABBOTT & COBB Philadelphia, Pa.


Crosby’s Egyptian (Special) Beets

Beet, Crosby's Egyptian (Special)

For critical growers, we recommend this stock highly. It is extra early, dark red, with a medium-sized top, making it a fine variety for coldframes and outside use. We have not found another Beet that will equal this for bunching throughout the entire season. The fact that it does not crack under trying conditions is really important for bunching purposes. It has a fine globe shape.

Pkt. 10 cts. ; oz. 15 cts. ; lA\h. 30 cts. ; lb. 90 cts. ; 10 lbs. $8

MODEL RED GLOBE. Similar to Eclipse, but a trifle later. Perfect globe shape, of uniform size, rich crimson color, and a fine and sweet flavor. Fine midseason variety. Pkt. 10 cts.; oz. 15 cts.; V41 b. 25 cts.; lb. 80 cts.; 10 lbs. $7.50.


THYME, BROAD-LEAF ENGLISH. Best variety known. Plant grows upright, making it easier to cut. Hardy. Pkt. 10 cts.; oz. 40 cts.; $1.25; lb. $4.50.

SUMMER SAVORY. Pkt. 10 cts.; oz. 15 cts.; A\b. 40 cts.; Ib. $1.25.

ABBOTT & COBB Philadelphia, Pa.

SWEET MARJORAM. Pkt. 10 cts.; oz. 40 cts.; Klb. $1.25; Ib. $4.50.

DILL. Pkt. 10 cts. ; oz. 15 cts. ; lA\b. 25 cts. ; Ib. 80 cts.

FENNEL, FLORENCE. Pkt. 10 cts.; oz. 15 cts.; 341b. 45 cts.; lb. $1.50.


ABBOTT & COBB Philadelphia; Pa.

Beet, New Early

An extremely early variety maturing at the same time as the Early Flat Egyptian but positively globe-shaped, dark in color, with a small top. We have made this special strain of Beet ourselves, and know that it is giving the best of results after four years with the market gardeners. For those producing Beets under glass, we cannot recommend this too highly. The stock is true. We do not recommend it for summer use, unless there is irrigation, as the tops are apt to be too small in dry weather. You should include this in your next spring’s crop.

Pkt. 10 cts.; oz. 15 cts.; Vihb. 30 cts. ; lb. $1; 10 lbs. $9

Mangel Beet for Stock-Feeding

LONG RED. This mammoth-yielding variety produces its roots largely above ground, making them easy to harvest. A desirable cow-feed to increase milk-flow. Pkt. 10 cts.; oz. 15 cts.; *41b. 20 cts.; lb. 50 cts.; 10 lbs. $4.

GOLDEN TANKARD. Roots are very large; flesh yellow, zoned with white. Pkt. 10 cts.; oz. 15 cts.; *41b. 20 cts.; lb. 50 cts.; 10 lbs. $4.

CHIRK CASTLE. Very large, long, red variety, somewhat sweeter than Mammoth Long Red. Pkt. 10 cts.; oz. 15 cts.; V^b. 20 cts.; lb. 50 cts.; 10 lbs. $4.


Our new strain of Detroit Dark Red Beets

Beet, Detroit Dark Red (Late)

In this particular strain we are offering something exceptionally fine. Canners through¬ out the country are reporting this variety to be the finest they have ever seen for that purpose. The tops are rather small. This is very necessary.

We have gone to the trouble of having a few put through the canning process, and the illustration shows the exceptionally fine color and type. For the market gardener who is figuring on bunching Beets, it has also proved to be worth while, the color and shape satisfying the particular buyer.

Pkt. 10 cts. ; oz. 15 cts. ; Virtu 30 cts. ; lb. 90 cts. ; 10 lbs. $8

Beet, Detroit Dark Red (Large Top)

Here is a new stock of Detroit Beet which we made especially for market gardeners wishing a large top. The stock is true, with a fine globe-shaped root; outer skin dark; inside flesh very dark. This root will hold its shape better than most varieties of Detroit when it is subject to hard soil or adverse weather conditions.

Pkt. 10 cts. ; oz. 15 cts. ; Virtu 30 cts. ; lb. $1 ; 10 lbs. $9

ABBOTT & COBB Philadelphia, Pa.



Green Italian Broccoli

This is now a very popular vegetable, having rapidly forged to tne front because of its exceptionally pleasing flavor, which is similar to cauliflower. People who are not in the habit of eating kale, cauli¬ flower, or cabbage have relished this fine vegetable.

The variety we offer is the sprouting type, growing, in most cases, about 3 feet.

The plant has a sort of branching habit. As soon as a sprout is cut from a branch, another immediately forms and matures very quickly.

The strain that we are offering is the dark green, robust type, and we have succeeded in keeping our stock true. Pkt. 10 cts. ; oz. 40 cts.; l/4\h. $1.35; lb. $4.50.


ENKHUIZEN GLORY. Excellent, me¬ dium-early, short-stemmed, for¬ eign variety. The large, round heads are very solid, with few outer leaves. One of the most uniform and desirable varieties, suitable alike for garden or field- culture. Pkt. 10 cts.; oz. 25 cts.; i/4lb. 85 cts.; lb. $3; 10 lbs. $28.50.

Green Italian Broccoli

GOLDEN ACRE SPECIAL. We wondered whether it was possible to make a perfect stock of Cabbage. We believe we have done so in this selected strain. It has the same earliness as our regular Golden Acre, the round head sort just an extra-selection of Golden Acre. Pkt. 10 cts.; oz. 50 cts.; 141b. $1.75; lb. $6; 10 lbs. $55.

Drumhead Savoy


Here is a type of Drum¬ head Savoy which we have produced on our own farms, according to the ideas of several critical growers wishing a large type of Cabbage. If it is grown to full size, twelve heads will fill a barrel. The strain is exceptionally true. Pkt. 10 cts.; oz. 50 cts.; i/4lb. $1.75; lb. $6; 10 lbs. $55.

COPENHAGEN MAR¬ KET. An early round- headed variety which is in a class by itself. Heads very solid, often weighing 10 pounds. About as early as Charleston Wakefield. Sow the seed in Febru¬ ary for early use, as the fall-sown plants are apt to run to seed in tne spring. Pkt. 10 cts.; oz. 30 cts.; y4\b. $1 ; lb. $3.50; 10 lbs. $30.

Drumhead Savoy Cabbage

ABBOTT & COBB Philadelphia, Pa.




The most popular early Cab¬ bage. The pointed heads are of medium size, solid, and of excellent quality. They are hardy, resist frosts, and mature in 100 days. Pkt. 10 cts.; oz. 30 cts.; lAVo. 85 cts.; lb. $3; 10 lbs. $28.50.

CHARLESTON or LARGE WAKEFIELD. A week laterthan Early Jersey Wakefield. Heads are larger, just as solid, but not quite so pointed. Good variety to follow the Early Jersey Wakefield. Pkt. 10 cts.; oz. 30 cts.; V^b. 85 cts.; lb. $3; 10 lbs. $28.50.

GOLDEN ACRE. A very valuable, first-early, round-head sort. This variety is known throughout the country as the best for early

solid,8 “elves' 'very ‘'limik” to Mammoth Red Rock Cabbage grown on our trial-grounds

Copenhagen but not so large a head. Our trials show it to mature 10 days earlier than the Copen¬ hagen Market. Pkt. 10 cts.; oz. 30 cts.; V^b. 85 cts.; lb. $3; 10 lbs. $28.50.

MAMMOTH RED ROCK. (Fall or Winter Cab¬ bage.) Very large, round, solid head. This variety is fine for cole slaw, as the color gives it a fine appearance. Pkt. 10 cts.; oz. 30 cts.; lA\b. 85 cts.; lb.

$3; 10 lbs. $28.50.

DANISH BALLHEAD (Extra-selected Short

Stem). (Fall or Winter Cabbage.) About the same size as our regular stock of Ball- head and about the same time for maturity. We have really selected this to the limit and are sure the stock will please the most critical.

Pkt. 10 cts.; oz. 50 cts.; Vilb. $1.75; lb. $6; 10 lbs. $55

A few heads of our Extra-Selected m Danish Ballhead Cabbage

Grown on the farm of Robert Springle, Holley, N. Y.

ABBOTT & COBB Philadelphia, Pa.



LATE FLAT DUTCH. One of the best late winter Cabbages. Very large, oval-shaped heads of good quality that keep well. Pkt. 10 cts.; oz. 25 cts. ; l/4l b. 85 cts.; lb. $3; 10 lbs. $28.50.

DANISH B ALLHEAD. A medium-sized, very solid-heading, popular variety for winter use. Grown principally by our New York growers for shipping. Pkt. 10 cts.; oz. 25 cts.; y4\b. 85 cts.; lb. $3; 10 lbs. $28.50.

HARD-HEADING SAVOY. (Special.) An exceptionally hard strain to produce true. This also is grown under our own care and direction. It is a somewhat smaller type than the Drum- A fancy package of Chinese Cabbage, head Savoy, meeting all the requirements that are necessary

Chi-hi-li grown from Abbott & Cobb Seed to produce a fine crop. Heads are round and well crimped.

This strain is now used in a large way commercially for fall or winter use. Pkt. 10c. ; oz. 50c. ; y4lb. $1 .75 ; lb. $6 ; 10 lbs. $55.

CHINESE CABBAGE, WONG BOK. Large, tender heads; eat like lettuce or boil as cabbage. Sow the seed August 1. Seed sown in spring is rarely successful. Pkt. 10 cts.; oz. 35 cts.; l/4\b. $1.25; lb. $4; 10 lbs. $35.

CHINESE CABBAGE, CHI-HI-LI. Long, solid, white, cylindrical head, about 2 feet in height. Leaves very broad, fringed on edge, with broad white midrib. Our strain is unsurpassed. This delicious vegetable is in great demand wherever it is known and is a profitable market specialty. We recommend it highly. Pkt. 10 cts.; oz. 15 cts.; V4lb. 50 cts.; lb. $1.75.


SUCCESSION. Large, solid, flat heads, which will stand a long time before marketing. A fine second-early variety. Pkt. 10 cts. ; oz. 25 cts.; V4lb. 85 cts.; lb. $3; 10 lbs. $28.50.

ALL-SEASONS. Good variety to use any time throughout the season. Heads are large, a trifle flat, and mature early. Pkt. 10 cts.; oz. 25 cts.; l/4\b. 85 cts.; lb. $3; 10 lbs. $28.50.

LAUDERBACK’S ALL-YEAR-ROUND. An old standard variety, originated by one of our market gardeners several years ago. Excellent for summer or fall. A robust grower, producing a fine rather flat head. Excellent for sauerkraut. Pkt. 10 cts.; oz. 25 cts.; 141b. 85 cts.; lb. $3; 10 lbs. $28.50.

Swiss Chard

GIANT LUCULLUS. This is a variety of Beet grown exclusively for its large, tender leaves which are cooked the same as spinach; the midribs are sometimes served like asparagus, making delicious “greens.” Cut 4 inches above the ground, the plants will produce another large crop of leaves; can be cut repeatedly. Valuable crop for poultry-feed. Pkt. 10 cts.; oz. 15 cts.; y4lb. 30 cts.; lb. 80 cts.; 10 lbs. $7.

LARGE GREEN WHITE-RIBBED. The best-selling sort on the market. A big improvement over the LucuIIus varieties, having a much better flavor and the leaf is green but not so curly. Commercial growers claim this will outsell any other variety. Pkt. 10 cts.; oz. 15 cts.; y4\b. 30 cts.; lb. 80 cts.; 10 lbs. $7.


ERFURT. Extra selected for depth of head. Curd exceptionally fine. Foliage strong enough to pro¬ tect it from sun or cold weal her. An extra-fine stock for particular growers of Cauliflower. Pkt.

25 cts.; oz. $3; l/4lb. $9; lb. $35.

IMPROVED SNOWBALL. A decided improvement over ' Snowball. It has a deeper head, fine curd,

is a trifle heavier and has much darker green foliage. Robust stock, having enough vitality to resist unfavorable conditions. Just as early as our regular stock of Early Snowball, but a trifle larger. Pkt. 25 cts.; oz. $4; 141b. $14; lb. $40.

EARLY SNOWBALL. Deep, solid heads of medium size, pure white, and of excellent quality. Ideal for the home-garden; very best early for the market-grower. Foliage heavy enough to protect it from hot sun and fairly heavy frost. Pkt. 25 cts. ; oz. $2 ; V4lb. $6.50; lb. $25.

AUTUMN GIANT. An enormous late sort; leaves very large and hardy. Pkt. 25 cts.; A field of our special Erfurt Cauli- oz. $1 ; l/4lb. $3 ; lb. $10. flower grown on the farm of Oren van Benschoten, Margaretville, N. Y.

ABBOTT & COBB Philadelphia, Pa.




An excellent stump- rooted sort of fine orange color, with medium-sized tops and a small neck. This stock is very uniform, aver¬ aging from 2 to 4 inches thick at the shoulder and 5 to 6 inches in length. The flesh is fine-grained, crisp, and tender. We have de¬ veloped this strain so that the color will run practically the same throughout, and have eliminated a certain amount of the core. An ideal sort for bunching.

Pkt. 10 cts.; oz. 15 cts.; Vilb. 35 cts. ; lb. $1 ; 10 lbs. $9.

Danvers Half - Long



The growers say that this is what they call a real stock of Danvers Half-Long. It will average 1% inches longer than Chantenay, with not quite so blunt a point, and rich, orange- colored skin.

We have also developed this stock to run a fine orange color throughout and have eliminated, as much as possible, the green core which is found in so many types of Carrot. This is a strain you need not be afraid to exhibit at vege¬ table shows where there is plenty of competition.

Pkt. 10 cts.; oz. 20 cts.; Vilb. 45 cts.; lb. $1.50; 10 lbs. $14.

ABBOTT & COBB Philadelphia, Pa.



A bunch of New Nantes Carrots grown on our own farms Note smoothness, length, and fine color.


A variety that is classed with the Intermediate types. It averages 8 inches in length, with a slightly blunt point and medium-heavy top. Flesh is exceptionally rich orange color, with small core. This makes a fine bunching Carrot for those who have good, deep, loose soil. Pkt. 10 cts.; oz. 15 cts.; Y^b. 45 cts.; lb. $1.50; 10 lbs. $14.


An entirely new strain of the long-keeping green va¬ riety. It has about the same style stalks as our Full- Heart Easy Blanching but is much harder to blanch. It is full-hearted, similar to the Full-Heart listed herein. Height about 16 inches. Very stout stalks. An extra long-keeping variety. We recommend this to those wishing to trench Celery for very late blanching. Pkt. 20 cts.; oz. $1.25; Vibb. $4; lb. $15.

COLUMBIA. Finest eating Celery to be had. The ribs are round, very solid, and it grows a very stout, light green stalk.

Pkt. 10 cts.; oz. 50 cts.; V^lb. $1.75; lb. $6.

MEYERS’ WHITE PLUME. Very early Celery. Ribs and leaves when bleached are white and it requires only a short time before it is ready for market. Pkt. 10 cts.; oz. 30 cts.; y4lb. $1 ; lb. $3.

WINTER QUEEN. An old standard, late-keeping sort. Has very stout stalks of medium height which when blanched are very attractive creamy white in color, crisp and of fine flavor.

Pkt. 10 cts.; oz. 35 cts.; i^lb. $1; lb. $3.


Well-shaped, uniform roots 6 to 7 inches long, about 1J^ inches thick, perfectly cylindrical and abruptly stump-rooted at lower end, practically coreless. Color orange-scarlet; tender and sweet. Top heavier than stocks of ordinary Nantes. Pkt. 10 cts.; oz. 15 cts.; Vitt). 40 cts.; lb. $1.35; 10 lbs. $12.50.

RED-CORE CHANTENAY. Uniform red-cored roots measuring 6 inches in length and 2 inches thick, tapering gradually but abruptly; stump- rooted. Fine grain, tender and sweet. Pkt. 10 cts.; oz. 15 cts.; ^lb. 35 cts.; lb. $1; 10 lbs. $9.


stump-rooted variety some¬ what longer than the Chante- nay, with deep orange color.

Pkt. 10 cts.; oz. 15 cts.; lA\h. 30 cts.; lb. $1.10; 10 lbs. $10.

WINTER KING. The best winter variety to store in trenches, and should be ready to market just after Christmas. Produces exceedingly full- hearted, very green, stout stalks of unusually good keeping qualities. Pkt. 10 cts.; oz. 50 cts.; i/4lb. $1.75; lb. $6.


ABBOTT & COBB Philadelphia, Pa.


ABBOTT & COBB Philadelphia/ Pa.

A 6-acre block of Celery grown by Fulmer Brothers, Bustleton Avenue, Phila., Pa. Also a bunch of three. Note the uniformity in the field and the stoutness of the individual stalks

Full -Heart Easy- Blanching Celery

Here’s another stock of Celery which we have made and developed for the market gardener, and believe it is suiting every Celery grower who is figuring on trenching Celery. The ribs are more round than the general run of Easy- blanching stocks, producing as much heart as is possible to grow. The height is about 20 inches. When blanched, it is a light golden color. The round¬ ness and brittleness of the ribs make this what you might call “real quality.”

Pkt. 25 cts.; oz. $2; V^b. $7; lb. $25


Celery, Golden No. 14

No one else has had a hand in developing this extra-fine strain of Celery, and we have spent consider¬ able money in seeing to it that the stock has been kept true to the original. We do not know of any type or stock of Celery that has been more of a favorite than this No. 14 for the general or late crop. Florida, New York, Indiana, Ohio, Michigan, and California are demanding more and more each year. We have se¬ lected it for a long, round rib and plenty of heart. This, we have learned from critical buyers, is really essential. The heart is a light golden color, with not a green tint in a single stalk. It will mature a little earlier than our Golden Self-blanching Special and will blanch a trifle quicker, due to the extra-fancy se¬ lection. The keeping qualities for storage are excellent.

Pkt. 25 cts. ; oz. $1.50; Vihb. $5.50; lb. $20

Easy-Blanching (Special)

Above is an illustration of the new Green Cross Celery grown on our own Farm. See page 12

One of the best Celeries for early or late use. The very stout and handsome stalks are more resistant to disease than any other variety on the market. Its keeping quali¬ ties are excellent for an Easy- blanching type of Celery. When placed in a trench, this type should be ready to market soon after Christmas. This is another of the special strains of Celery that we have grown on our own Farms. It has been a real favorite among the market gardeners for

several years. pkt. 25 cts. ; oz. $1.50; y4lb. $5.50; lb. $20

Early Fortune (Improved

One of the main features of this particular type of Celery is the earliness, quick-growing habit, and its resistance to disease. It is a cross between Golden Self¬ blanching and Easy-blanching.

There is an abundance of heart in this well-selected stock, and it is valuable for either close or wide culture. The seed is grown on our own Farms, and is given every attention possible to make an ex¬ cellent type of Celery in its class.

Pkt. 20 cts.; oz. $1.50; Vilb. $5; lb. $18; 10 lbs. $175

ABBOTT & COBB Philadelphia, Pa.


Above is a photograph of our Early Fortune Celery grown by A. Duda & Sons, Oviedo, Florida. Note quality


Above is a partial view of a field of Celery, Golden No. 14, grown by J. D. Ameele, president of the Williamson Co¬ operative Vegetable Association, Inc., of Williamson, N. Y. Note the exceptionally fine package and crop.

Celery, A. & C. Sweetheart

Very similar in shape to our Full-Heart variety, and the finest quality yet produced. It is easy- blanching and we recommend it to growers wishing to blanch green Celery in the row with dirt or boards. It is more or less dwarf in habit, with round, solid ribs and an abundance of heart. The plume is a rich golden color.

This type has also proved to be of value for cold-storage purposes. It should be given a little time

in the field to blanch, and be sure to get the heart well up in the stalk before placing it in cold storage.

We recommend it also for trench¬ ing, but it will not keep as well for this purpose as Full-Heart Easy- blanching.

Pkt. 25 cts.; oz. $2; $7; lb. $25

Special No. 763

This variety came from our Early Fortune. It is a long-rib sort with a rich golden heart. In making the rib longer, we have been able to get a good, uniform strain of Celery. The vitality is exceptionally strong, hav¬ ing a cross of green. This is now grown in all Celery sections of the United States and Canada and has become a leader.

Pkt. 20 cts.; oz. $1.50; l/^b. $5; lb. $18; 10 lbs. $175

Golden Self-Blanching


In this we are offering a well- selected and true type. The ribs are more or less round, to safeguard against softness for storage purposes. It is a trifle more green than the Golden No. 14, and has given the best satisfaction.

Pkt. 25 cts.; oz. $1; l/£b. $3.50; lb. $12; 10 lbs. $110

Sweetheart Celery grown on our trial-giounds

ABBOTT & COBB Philadelphia, Pa.



GIANT PRAGUE (Special). A very large- bulbed Celeriac. We have improved this strain sufficiently to offer something excellent in this line. Most stocks of Celeriac are apt to grow too large a top with small roots. We have reversed this and can offer you large bulbs with only medium-sized tops. The root is apple-shaped. Pkt. 10 cts. ; oz. 50 cts. ; Y^b. $1.75; lb. $6.

Corn Salad

Used both as a salad and pot-herb. A cool- season crop, maturing in 6 to 8 weeks. Plant in early spring; also in late summer for fall crop.

LARGE-SEEDED BROAD-LEAF. Leaves large and broad. Best variety to grow under glass. Pkt. 10 cts. ; oz. 20 cts. ; Y4lb. 40 cts. ; lb. $1.25 ; 10 lbs. $11.


WITLOOF (French Endive). This grows in a solid, oblong head and blanches ivory-white. When lifting, cut whole head with part of the roots to hold the leaves together. It is the choicest of all the winter salads, and is used to such an extent in this country that much of it is imported. Pkt. 10 cts.; oz. 20 cts.; V^lb. 50 cts.; lb. $1.60; 10 lbs. $15.

LARGE-ROOTED, or COMMON. This variety is cultivated principally for the roots, which, when matured, are dried and ground. It is a substitute for coffee, and is used sometimes for flavoring the latter. The roots can be boiled and served like salsify. Pkt. 10 cts. ; oz. 20 cts. ; 141b. 45 cts.; lb. $1.35; 10 lbs. $12.50.





Collards field corn

GEORGIA, SOUTHERN, or CREOLE. This is the white- or green-stemmed variety, growing 2 to 3 feet high and forming a large, loose, open head or cluster of leaves with a rather long stem. A frost, if not too severe, will improve rather than injure the quality of the leaves. Pkt. 10 cts. ; oz. 15 cts. ; y4lb. 25 cts. ; lb. 75 cts. ; 10 lbs. $6.50.

Improved Learning Corn

IMPROVED LEAMING. A high-yielding Corn, maturing in 120 days. One of the best varieties for silage as well as for husking. Pkt. 10 cts.; lb. 25 cts.; pk. (14 lbs.) $1; bus. (56 lbs.) $3.

100-DAY BRISTOL. Grown under immediate direc¬ tion, this 100-day Corn will grow large crops with 16 rows of large, broad, deep kernels on a small cob. Pkt. 10 cts.; lb. 25 cts.; pk. (14 lbs.) $1 ; bus. (56 lbs.) $3.

EUREKA ENSILAGE. For tonnage, Eureka is the best ensilage Corn. A very vigorous grower, hav¬ ing unusually heavy foliage, with large, tender stalks that the cattle will relish. Pkt. 10 cts.; lb. 15 cts.; pk. (14 lbs.) 75 cts.; bus. (56 lbs.) $2.50.

Horse-Radish Roots

The old standard variety; Philadelphia grown.

Fine, strong sets. $1 per 100; $7 per 1,000. If

wanted by mail, add 10 cts. per 100 for postage.


IMPROVED BROAD-LEAF. This is considered the best Dandelion by many growers. It is very early, producing a bigger crop of large, broad, thick leaves than most varieties, and is especially good for under glass. Pkt. 10 cts.; oz. 45 cts.; V^lb. $1.50; lb. $5.50.

ABBOTT & COBB Philadelphia, Pa.


Above is a photograph of a large field of Golden Cross Bantam on our farms, together

with a packed bushel which shows the fine quality.

Sweet Corn

ABBOTT & COBB’S EARLY. This variety is acclimated, being one of our originations and grown in Bucks County, Pennsylvania. It is one of the early types of genuine Sweet Corn, with medium-sized stalks, 60 per cent of which will produce two ears. The quality of the large, 14-rowed ears is excellent and the grains are of medium size. A special drying process insures the best of germinating power to the seed. Pkt. 10 cts. ; lb. 30 cts. ; 10 lbs. $2.25; 100 lbs. $16.

HOWLING MOB. Undoubtedly the finest medium-early Corn. Ears are larger and a trifle later than the Abbott & Cobb’s Early. The seed we offer has been grown by a farmer in Bucks County and is absolutely true to type. Pkt. 10 cts. ; lb. 30 cts. ; 10 lbs. $2 ; 100 lbs. $14.

KENDEL’S EARLY GIANT. A very popular, large, second-early variety, about a week later than Howling Mob. The ears are very thick and about 8 inches long, with real sweet flavor. Pkt. 10 cts.; lb. 30 cts.; 10 lbs. $2; 100 lbs. $14.

GOLDEN BANTAM. The favorite Corn in the small garden because of its deliciously sweet kernels. The stalks grow from 4 to 5 feet high,

ABBOTT & COBB Philadelphia, Pa.

producing a good-sized golden ear. The color is very often misleading to those who do not know this variety, but a trial will convince anyone that the quality is excellent. Pkt. 10 cts.; lb. 30 cts.; 10 lbs. $2; 100 lbs. $14.

STOWELL’S EVERGREEN. The leading main- crop Corn for home use, market, and canning. Our stock has been grown and selected on a Bucks County farm under our direct super¬ vision and thoroughly dried by a natural process. It will produce large, uniform-sized ears of fine quality. The grains are of medium size and slender. Pkt. 10 cts. ; lb. 30 cts. ; 10 lbs. $2; 100 lbs. $14.

GOLDEN CROSS BANTAM. A variety ma¬ turing about 10 days later than the standard Golden Bantam, with ears double the size and much deeper grains more resistant to diseases.

Pkt. 10 cts. ; lb. 40 cts. ; 10 lbs. $3.50 ; 100 lbs. $30.

COUNTRY GENTLEMAN. A favorite main- crop variety requiring rich ground. Has a small cob with tender, medium-sized, deep kernels of an unusually high quality. Pkt. 10 cts.; lb. 30 cts.; 10 lbs. $2; 100 lbs. $14.



Florida Deep Heart Endive

Photographed on half- bushel measure, show¬ ing comparative size.


BLACK BEAUTY. Finest of all. Fruit is large, handsome, and of glossy black color; very early and productive. Pkt. 10 cts.; oz. 35 cts. ; V^b. $1.25; lb. $4.

FLORIDA HIGH-BUSH. The plants are large and erect, bearing most of the fruits off the ground. Very productive. Pkt. 10 cts.; oz. 35 cts.; *41b. $1.25; lb. $4.


In this we are offering a green curled, very deep-hearted sort, large in size, white-ribbed. It is very compact and will blanch while growing, elimi¬ nating the tying for blanching purposes. It is a new sort that if handled and grown correctly will often outclass any of the older types of green curled Endive. Pkt. 10 cts.; oz. 20 cts.; V41b. 50 cts.; lb. $1.75; 10 lbs. $16.50.


carolle). The leaves are very broad, somewhat rounded at the end, forming an excep¬ tionally large and much deeper heart than the ordinary type of EscaroIIe. This is a fine strain for market gardeners who wish to grow large-sized Endive. Our stock of this is true and dependable. Pkt. 10 cts.; oz. 15 cts.; V4lb. 50 cts.; lb. $1.75; 10 lbs. $16.50.

MAMMOTH GREEN CURLED or OYSTER. Very large, curly plants, which, when bleached, are light yellow with a meaty flavor. It is the variety most commonly grown by market gardeners.

Pkt. 10 cts.; oz. 15 cts.; lA\b. 40 cts.; lb. $1.25; 10 lbs. $11.50.

BROAD-LEAF (Full-Heart). Leaves are broad, thick, slightly wrinkled, and easily blanched. The best of the broad-leaf type. We are sure this well- developed, heavy heart will meet with the ap¬ proval of all who use it. Pkt. 10 cts.; oz. 15 cts.; i/4lb. 40 cts.; lb. $1.25; 10 lbs. $11.50.



The leaves are dark green and very curly. This stock is used for early spring sow¬ ing. Pkt. 10 cts.; oz. 15 cts.; i/4lb. 30 cts.; lb. 80 cts.; 10 lbs. $7.50.

LARGE MUSSELBURGH. Stems short, very thick; broad, dark leaves; very mild flavor. Pkt. 10 cts. ; oz. 20 cts. ; V^b. 65 cts. ; lb. $2 ; 10 lbs. $17.50.

Green Curled Deep-Heart White-Ribbed Endive


The plant is low and compact, with large, bright green leaves, curled, cut, and crimped so that the whole plant resembles a bunch of moss.

Pkt. 10 cts.; oz. 15 cts. ; *41b. 30 cts. ; lb. 80 cts.; 10 lbs. $7.50.


GIANT ITALIAN. Very large, short, thick stems with broad, dark green leaves. Extremely hardy. Pkt. 10 cts.; oz. 20 cts.; t/^lb. 65 cts.; lb. $2; 10 lbs. $17.50.

ABBOTT & COBB Philadelphia, Pa.



A quick-growing, “turnip-rooted” cabbage. Use when half grown (the bulbs 2 to 2 x/i inches in diameter). Make sowings every 10 days to insure succession.


An extremely early variety with very small tops, which permit planting very closely. It is the best for forcing or outdoor use. Pkt. 10 cts. ; oz. 35 cts. ; y4lb. $1.25; lb. $4.

WHITE VIENNA. A very popular white variety with few small leaves, white skin, and tender, delicate flesh. Pkt. 10 cts.; oz. 25 cts.; 141h. 75 cts.; lb. $2.50.



Here’s another new development of recent years. One of the best points about this particular strain is its blight-resistant qualities. A slow grower, making heavy, firm heads that remain in good condition several weeks. Outer leaves dark green, inner blanch pure white. This is an extra-selected strain of New York or Wonderful and has always given fine results.

Early Short-Leaf White Kohlrabi

Pkt. 10 cts.; oz. 25 cts.; %lb. 75 cts.; lb. $2.75; 10 lbs. $25

A partial view of our Pennypack Valley Trial-Grounds, showing Wonderful and Romaine or Cos Lettuce. This is the ninth year we ran other stocks in comparison to our No. 728 Wonderful and our Dark Cos Romaine. Every year these private stocks proved superior.

ABBOTT & COBB Philadelphia, Pa.


ABCO Lettuce


Here is a type of Lettuce that we have selected out of our special stock of White Big Boston. What we have done is select the smaller ones with a smooth, thick leaf. These, we have noted, are rather rugged, will stand more sun, and mature about 5 days earlier, making one of the hardest heads we have ever seen in Lettuce. Coming out of the White Boston type, they do not show any redness in cool or even frosty weather. It is plenty large enough to pack two dozen in a standard Lettuce crate. We recommend this for early spring or fall use, under glass or outside.

Pkt. 10 cts. ; oz. 25 cts.; l/\\b. 75 cts.; Ib. $2.50; 10 lbs. $22.50


Our stock of Big Boston is, without doubt, the finest to be had anywhere. We have gone to great trouble and expense to produce the very best strain of this desirable variety. By careful test it has proved the best out of thirty different strains. The leaves are thick and dark green, producing very solid white heads. We recommend this variety to particular growers. Pkt. 10 cts.; oz. 15 cts. ; Vilb. 45 cts. ; lb. $1.25 ; 10 lbs. $11.

ALL-SEASONS. Very dark green leaves, forming a very large, compact head, but does not head well during July and August. A fine strain for spring and fall use. Pkt. 10 cts.; oz. 20 cts.; V4lb. 65 cts.; lb. $2; 10 lbs. $17.50.

IDEAL. This is the earliest variety we know, pro¬ ducing a leaf similar to the old type Salamander or May King. The frame is exceptionally large, and while the head is not quite so hard as some varieties, its earliness really makes it valuable. It is often put on the market 10 days ahead of Big Boston or White Big Boston. Pkt. 10 cts.; oz. 20 cts.; l/4\b. 65 cts.; lb. $2; 10 lbs. $17.50.

SALAMANDER. One of the most desirable for all-season growing, producing very solid and tender heads of excellent quality at all seasons. Pkt. 10 cts.; oz. 20 cts.; y4l b. 50 cts.; lb. $1.50; 10 lbs. $12.50.

ALLHEART. Resembles Salamander in appearance but the heads are not quite so large. It is the best hot-weather Lettuce that we know, having with¬ stood repeated tests on hot, hard soil. This is one of our specials. It is the strain unsurpassed. Pkt. 10 cts.; oz. 20 cts.; y4l b. 50 cts.; lb. $1.50; 10 lbs. $12.50.

ABBOTT & COBB Philadelphia, Pa.



A few of the parent plants of our No. 728 Wonderful Lettuce. Note the solidness and uniformity

White Big Boston (Special) Lettuce

For several years we have been producing and selling an exceptionally fine strain of White Big Boston. We developed the stock ourselves, making sure that the frame and head were large enough. It resembles Big Boston in appearance. The leaves are a trifle smoother than most varieties of Big Boston, and do not turn red in cool or cold weather. The head and frame are just as large as any Big Boston; the stock is true. The fact that it does not turn red in cool weather makes it a most valuable shipper, for it often brings a premium over the Big Boston type. We recommend it highly for growing under coldframes, first planting or drilling in the spring and for all fall plantings.

Pkt. 10 cts.; oz. 35 cts.; lA\b. $1; lb. $3.50; 10 lbs. $32.50

One of the four greenhouses, planted Above is a photograph of how Joseph Loschiavo & Sons grew our with our new Abco Lettuce, at Seabrook special White Big Boston in Oswego, N. Y. Note how well this type Farms, Bridgeton, N. J. fills the crate.

ABBOTT & COBB Philadelphia, Pa.



BLACK-SEEDED SIMP¬ SON. One of the old, most reliable, and productive loose-leaf varieties. The nearly white, very large, thin, curly, very tender leaves are of very good quality, remaining in fine condition for some time. Pkt. 10 cts. ; oz. 20 cts. ; 341b. 50 cts.; lb. $1.50; 10 lbs. $12.50.

ROMAINE or COS. This is the largest variety of green Cos Lettuce that grows. It has an upright, quick-growing habit, and a solid, very crisp head of fine flavor that bleaches as it grows. It is not so apt to blast as some of the light-colored strains, therefore more sure to make a crop. Pkt. 10 cts.; oz. 15 cts.; l/4lb. 40 cts.; lb. $1.50; 10 lbs. $14.

DARK COS. In this Cos we are offering something new.

We have developed it with the idea in mind that it would withstand heat and bad weather conditions. Our experiments have proved it to be far superior in this respect. The leaves are dark green with a selt-folding head. Height is about 15 inches. We believe this to be a very valuable commercial type, and will gladly furnish a liberal sample of seed to those who have not already tried it. Pkt. 10 cts.; oz. 15 cts.; V41h- 40 cts.; lb. $1.50; 10 lbs. $14.

Romaine or Cos Lettuce


HEARTS OF GOLD or HOODOO. A new, orange-fleshed variety, ideal as a shipping melon and of the very finest quality. Vine vigorous, remarkably blight-resisting, and very productive. Fruit of medium and very uniform size. Netting exceptionally fine and dense, extending practically over the entire surface. Rind thin, yet very firm, so that the melons arrive in perfect condition in distant markets. Flesh thick, firm, highly colored, of fine texture and delicious flavor. One of the best market melons offered today. Pkt. 10 cts.; oz. 15 cts.; i/4lb. 40 cts.; lb. $1.25; 10 lbs. $11.50.

ROCKY FORD. The most desirable green-fleshed melon and unexcelled for spiciness and sweetness. Our stock is the improved blight-resistant type of Rocky Ford. Its shipping qualities are fine. Light green flesh with small seed-cavity and extra-fine flavor. A very popular variety and always scarce and in heavy demand. Pkt. 10 cts.; oz. 15 cts.; l/\\b. 30 cts.; lb. $1; 10 lbs. $9.

FORDHOOK. One of the very best early, deep-fleshed, pink melons, with a most delicious flavor. Some¬ what flat in shape, well netted, the sectors showing plainly. Pkt. 10 cts.; oz. 15 cts.; y^b. 30 cts.; lb. $1 ; 10 lbs. $9.

HONEY DEW. This new and deliciously flavored melon has met with instant public favor. It is the

very finest melon grown today because of its extraordi¬ nary sweetness. Fruit very large; rind smooth and cream- colored. The light green flesh is very thick, and unsurpassed in quality and richness of flavor, crisp texture, and unrivaled sweetness. Pkt. 10 cts.; oz. 15 cts.; l/^b. 45 cts.; lb. $1.50; 10 lbs. $14.

ABBOTT & COBB MUSKMELON. Another variety of merit which we are offering this coming season, originated and grown on our own farms. We have developed an unusually strong vine and, this season, saw it produce a wonderful crop under the most adverse weather conditions which we have ever experienced. It is very productive, bearing fruit with a very thick, firm, dark pink flesh. The netting is not as pro¬ nounced as in some other varieties. The quality is far above the average. Average weight., 33^ lbs. Pkt 10 cts. ; oz. 25 cts.; 341b. 80 cts.; lb. $3. SUPPLY LIMITED.


FORDHOOK FANCY. The dark green leaves of this va¬ riety are more curled on the edges than any other sort, making most attractive greens. Oz. 10 cts.; y$\b. 25 cts.; lb. 65 cts. ; 10 lbs. $6.

Abbott & Cobb Muskmelon

ABBOTT & COBB Philadelphia, Pa.


A very fine sample of Brigham Strain Michigan Globe A bumper crop of Onions grown by E. C. Clements, Onion grown by Joseph Morabilo, Oswego, N. Y. Fairton, N. J., from Abbott & Cobb Japanese Sets


SOUTHPORT WHITE GLOBE. Large, pure white Onion. Skin is silvery white; flesh pure white and of fine flavor. Fine to grow for green bunch Onions. Pkt. 10 cts.; oz. 25 cts.; V^h. 80 cts.; lb. $2.75; 10 lbs. $26.50.

MOUNTAIN DANVERS. A real globe-shaped, early Onion, maturing two weeks earlier than Yellow Globe Danvers, with flesh of about the same color. We have known this Onion to pro¬ duce 850 bushels to an acre. Pkt. 10 cts.; oz. 25 cts.; V4lb. 65 cts.; lb. $2.50; 10 lbs. $22.50.

SOUTHPORT YELLOW GLOBE. The largest and handsomest yellow Onion. Exceedingly produc¬ tive later main-crop sort, growing a uniform, rich golden-colored, globe-shaped bulb. Known to pro¬ duce as high as 900 bushels per acre. Pkt. 10 cts.; oz. 25 cts.; Viflo. 65 cts.; lb. $2.50; 10 lbs. $22.50.

MICHIGAN GLOBE. An exceptionally strong- growing variety, maturing about same time as Southport Yellow Globe. A trifle more flat than that variety and a little higher than Yellow Globe Danvers, somewhat resistant to disease. We highly recommend our strain. Pkt. 10 cts.; oz. 25 cts.; i/4lb. 70 cts.; lb. $2.50; 10 lbs. $22.50.

WHITE SILVERSKIN. Flattened bulbs with clear white skin and mild flesh. Grown principally for sets and small pickling Onions; is the best white sort for this purpose. Pkt. 10 cts.; oz. 25 cts.; i/4lb. 80 cts.; lb. $2.75; 10 lbs. $26.50.

Onion Write for prices on

W11HJ11 JCla large quantities

Pt. Qt. Pk. Bus.

White Silverskin . $0 10 $0 20 $0 90 $3 00

Yellow Dutch . 10 15 75 2 50

Japanese . 10 15 75 2 50

MAMMOTH YELLOW PRIZETAKER. Every small grower knows this Onion and its qualities; it is unsurpassed. By sowing early in coldframes, and transplanting in the open ground, 4 to 5 inches apart, 4-inch Onions may be grown. Pkt. 10 cts. ; oz. 25 cts.; lA\b. 85 cts.; lb. $3; 10 lbs. $28.50.

JAPANESE or EBENEZER. Early, medium¬ sized, flat-shaped Onions of good quality, straw-colored skin, and fine keeping quali¬ ties. Best for sets. Pkt. 10 cts.; oz. 25 cts.; V4lb. 65 cts.; lb. $2.50; 10 lbs. $22.50.

YELLOW GLOBE DANVERS. Somewhat flatter than the Southport strain, with light, crisp, and mild flesh. A very productive, medium-early sort, fine keeper, and excel¬ lent shipper. Pkt. 10 cts.; oz. 25 cts.; 65 cts.;

lb. $2.50; 10 lbs.


Japanese Onion Sets grown on our farms. These are of exceptional quality

ABBOTT & COBB Philadelphia, Pa.


A fancy box of Cukes as shipped by Frank D. Henry of Mullica Hill, N. J.


extra dark green White-Spine variety of fine shape and appearance. Season is about the same as Arlington. Pkt. 10 cts.; oz. 20 cts.; V^lb. 40 cts.; lb. $1.25; 10 lbs. $11.50.

LONG GREEN. Fine, long, dark green sort for pickling or ship¬ ping purposes. Vines vigorous and very productive. Pkt. 10 cts.; oz. 20 cts.; i/4lb. 40 cts.; lb. $1.25; 10 lbs. $11.50.

L. H. Robinson, Dansville, N. Y., grew these fancy packages; planted 140 acres

The above label signifies the very best pack¬ age. A. & C. Cucumber is taking this label. This prominent Plant City, Fla., packer is par¬ ticular about his fancy packages

A fancy bushel of A.& C. Cucumbers grown by Joseph Sykes, Williamstown, N. J.

Large field of A. & C. Cucumbers grown by King Faring

A. & C. Cucumber

^T^HIS is positively a new stock of Cucumber which we are offering and not a renamed variety nor an old variety remodeled. We have spent six years in developing this extraordinary strain and have been able to place small quantities of seed for test

I with various critical Cucumber growers. In every case they report that it is the finest they have ever seen. The vine, in a good stock of Cucumber, must be robust and resistant I to diseases. We have settled this question and made it according to our own ideas. These vines will produce an abundance of Cucumbers 10 inches long, not quite as thick as a great many other stocks, and that will hold their greenness longer than any type we have ever handled. The time of maturity is 60 days. We are proud of this fancy strain of Cu¬ cumber and suggest making it a point, this coming season, to give it a good trial. Our supply of this seed for the next three years will be limited on account of the great de¬ mand and the limited amount of stock seed available.

Mr. Thompson, field manager of King Farms Company, examining

some of the fancy packages


very early, dark green, prolific va¬ riety with fruit aver¬ aging about 8 inches long. Pkt. 10 cts. ; oz. 20 cts.; y4 lb. 50 cts.; lb. $1.50; 10 lbs. $12.50.

Pkt. 10 cts.; oz. 25 cts.; Vi lb. 85 cts.; lb. $2.25; 10 lbs. $20

Sompany, Morrisville, Pa.


Above is a field of our New No. 10 Parsnip grown on our own farms, together with a bushel of stock roots. Note color, shape, and hollow crown.

Parsnip, New No. 10

We have taken a few roots of our Philadelphia Hollow-Crown Parsnip and developed them into what we call a No. 10 strain. We do not see where anything more can be done to this fine strain to make it better. The seed is grown on our farms, and we use every care and precaution to make this the best type of Parsnip ever put out. It is necessary, we believe, to have just as small a core as possible in Parsnips. This eliminates a certain amount of toughness when cooked. We cannot recommend this too highly.

Pkt. 10 cts. ; oz. 15 cts. ; Virtu 50 cts. ; lb. $1.75; 10 lbs. $16.50

HOLLOW-CROWN. Philadelphia County has always been noted for some extra selections of Hollow- Crown Parsnips. We have taken hold of these special strains and developed them into what we believe to be a real genuine sort, medium length and smooth, that is, very few fibers. The color is the whitest that is possible to produce. We grow our own stock seed of this sort and would recommend using it if you wish to produce a fancy package of Parsnips. Pkt. 10 cts.; oz. 15 cts.; 141b. 30 cts.; lb. 90 cts.; 10 lbs. $8.

W atermelon

TOM WATSON. An important commercial variety. Similar in size and shape to Kleckley Sweets, but larger, often weighing 25 to 30 pounds and often 24 inches long. Prolific, producing delicious fruits in great abundance; of uniform size. Very solid rind; flesh heavy and sweet. Pkt. 10 cts.; oz. 15 cts.; 14 lb.

25 cts.; lb. 80 cts.; 10 lbs. $7.50.

KLECKLEY SWEETS. The sweetest Watermelon and one of the easiest to grow. About 18 to 20 inches long, 12 inches in diameter, and filled with the juiciest, sweetest flesh imaginable. The dark green rind is thin, breaking easily in shipping. Widely grown for home and local markets. Pkt. 10 cts.; oz. 15 cts.;

141b. 25 cts.; lb. 80 cts.; 10 lbs. $7.50.

ABBOTT & COBB Philadelphia, Pa.



DARK KNIGHT. Here is something new which we are offering in the way of Parsley. About the same height as our Market Gardeners’ and just as much curl. The cross we have made between Market Gardeners’ and Summer Green, which is exceptionally dark, gives this strain of Parsley an unusually green appearance. Early spring or summer crop will not show up quite as dark as it should be, but when the fall months arrive this will retain its greenness longer than anything we have ever offered in this line. In some of the trials which we have made, frost had affected the Market Gardeners’ variety while this strain with¬ stood the cold. We claim this is a very valuable new variety. Pkt. 10 cts.; oz. 20 cts. ; Y^b. 40 cts.; lb. $1.25 ; 10 lbs. $10.

MARKET GARDENERS’. A strong-growing va¬ riety, usually about 8 inches high, with beautiful, dark green, very finely cut leaves. The compact, curly leaves are excellent for garnishing and some¬ times used for flavoring, but we do not recommend this variety for that purpose as highly as Ham¬ burg or Parsnip-rooted. For all general purposes, Market Gardeners’ is the best variety. Pkt. 10 cts.; oz. 15 cts.; ^lb. 30 cts.; lb. $1; 10 lbs. $9.

Dark Knight Parsley



HAMBURG or PARSNIP-ROOTED. Grown principally for the root which, in our stock, resembles a parsnip in shape and color, though somewhat smaller and very highly flavored. Foliage is almost the same as plain or single Parsley. Pkt. 10 cts.; oz. 20 cts.; Y^b. 40 cts.; lb. $1.25; 10 lbs. $11.50.


RECORD EXTRA-EARLY. The earliest maturing vine days ahead of all others. The 18 to 20-inch vines produce an abundance of short, but well-filled pods. Excellent for canning. Pkt. 10 cts.; lb. 30 cts.; 10 lbs. $2; 100 lbs. $15.

THOMAS LAXTON. Pods about 3 inches long. About one week later than our Record Extra-Early. Vines 3 feet tall, producing a heavy crop of pods, each filled with very sweet Peas. Pkt. 10 cts.; lb. 35 cts.; 10 lbs. $2; 100 lbs. $16.

GRADUS. Of the same season, and resembling Thomas Laxton in appearance, but the 24-inch vines are not quite so dark green. The most dependable producer under all conditions and for all purposes. Pkt. 10 cts.; lb. 35 cts.; 10 lbs. $2; 100 lbs. $16.

TELEPHONE. A second-early variety with vine about 2 feet long, producing an abundance of well-filled pods about 3 inches long. Fine for canning. Withstands hot weather better than earlier sorts. Pkt. 10 cts.; lb. 35 cts.; 10 lbs. $2; 100 lbs. $16.

PILOT. A very fine sort. The seed can be sown outdoors just as early as the ground can be worked. It will stand as much cold weather as any round, smooth-seeded variety. Extra-large-podded sort, matur¬ ing about the same time as Thomas Laxton and Gradus. Valuable for commercial or home use and long a great favorite on the markets. Pkt. 10 cts.; lb. 35 cts.; 10 lbs. $2; 100 lbs. $16.

GOLIATH. One of the newest varieties on the market, producing 5 to 7-inch pods (the largest known) well filled with large sweet Peas of excellent quality. Vines grow 5 to 7 feet long. Season about the same as Long Island Mammoth. It is a most desirable Iate-crop Pea and very popular with market gardeners everywhere. Pkt. 10 cts.; lb. 35 cts.; 10 lbs. $2; 100 lbs. $16.

POTLATCH. A late, dwarf variety, with extra-heavy dark green vines that grow about 14 inches high, and 4-inch pods, well filled with fine, large Peas. A good variety to grow without brush. A great favorite with many gardeners. Pkt. 10 cts.; lb. 35 cts.; 10 lbs. $2; 100 lbs. $16.

ABBOTT & COBB Philadelphia, Pa.



RUBY KING. Large, handsome fruits, 4 to 6 inches long, with broad shoulders and thick, mildly piquant-flavored flesh; when ripe a beautiful bright red. Good seller. Pkt. 10 cts. ; oz. 30 cts. ; i/4lb. $1; lb. $3.50; 10 lbs. $32.50.

BELL or BULLNOSE. This is an old standard favorite market Pepper, valuable because it is very productive. Fruit large, with thick flesh. Usually considered a sweet Pepper but its flesh gets very hot in hot dry seasons. Pkt. 10 cts.; oz. 30 cts. ; ^lb. $1 ; lb. $3.50 ; 10 lbs. $32.50.

LONG RED CAYENNE. Very prolific; pointed fruits 6 inches long, deep green when young. This variety is used principally for flavoring pur¬ poses because of its pungency. Pkt. 10 cts.; oz. 35 cts.; y4 lb. $1; lb. $3.50.


Without doubt this is the finest Pepper yet introduced. Almost as big as Chinese Giant, but more prolific. Bears a delightful green fruit that turns a beautiful shade of scarlet, with thick, firm flesh. A good shipper.

Pkt. 10 cts.; oz. 35 cts.; ^lb. $1.25; lb. $4; 10 lbs. $37.50

Worldbeater Pepper

Abbott & Cobb Early Pepper

Abbott & Cobb Early

Here’s a stock of Pepper which we just finished making. It will mature ten days to two weeks earlier than Ruby King. A good strong bush, rather dwarf but producing an abundance of large, four-pointed Peppers. A real money-maker for those trying for early Peppers. This stock is true.

Pkt. 10c.; oz. 50c.; Y^h. $1.75; lb. $6

CALIFORNIA WONDER. This new variety re¬ sembles Chinese Giant in shape but has much thicker flesh. The fruit will average 4 inches in diameter at the top, tapering slightly. It matures its fruit somewhat earlier than Chinese Giant and is very prolific. Color glossy dark green, turning to crimson. Pkt. 10 cts.; oz. 50 cts.; V4H5. $1.75; lb. $6; 10 lbs. $57.50.


KING OF MAMMOTHS. The largest of all. Grows to enormous size, often 2 feet in diameter, some¬ times weighs 200 pounds; almost round in shape, with orange-colored skin and deep, bright yellow flesh. Very fine quality. It is the kind to grow to take prizes at the county fairs. Pkt. 10 cts.; oz. 15 cts.; l/4\h. 35 cts.; lb. $1.

WINTER LUXURY or PIE. Medium size, nearly round; smooth yellow skin; flesh very thick, light yellow, sweet and finely flayored. Skin golden yellow with gray netting. A fine pie variety and a good keeper. Pkt. 10 cts.; oz. 15 cts.; l/4lb. 30 cts.; lb. 90 cts.

CUSHAW or CROOKNECK. A fine, solid, yellow crookneck, nearly all flesh. A good all-round Pumpkin of excellent flavor that is very popular for making pies. Pkt. 10 cts.; oz. 15 cts.; ^lb. 40 cts.; lb. $1.25.

ABBOTT & COBB Philadelphia, Pa.


Scarlet Globe Radishes


SCARLET GLOBE. Probably the most popular Radish grown for commercial or home use. It is the earliest of all, producing light red, round, crisp Radishes of mild flavor. Excellent for forcing. Pkt. 10 cts. ; oz. 15 cts. ; V^lb. 25 cts. ; lb. 70 cts.; 10 lbs. $6.50.

WHITE BOX (SPECIAL). Another of our special varieties. We grow our own stock of seed of this variety, so that we are sure that it is true to type; we have been selecting it for six years. It is a pure white globe-shaped Radish, with a medium¬ sized top, and will stand longer on the ground before running to seed than other strains of White Box. A fine variety for growing under glass. Pkt. 10 cts.; oz. 15 cts.; V^b. 25 cts.; lb. 80 cts.; 10 lbs. $7.50.

ABBOTT & COBB Philadelphia, Pa.

WHITE ICICLE. Best long early white sort for forcing or outside sowing. Pkt. 10 cts.; oz. 15 cts.; Vilb. 25 cts.; lb. 80 cts.; 10 lbs. $7.50.

WHITE STRASBURG. The most popular long white sort for market gardeners. The pure white roots, 5 inches long and quite thick, remain solid for a long time after maturing. Pkt. 10 cts.; oz. 15 cts.; *41b. 30 cts.; lb. 80 cts.; 10 lbs. $7.50.

EARLY LONG SCARLET. The best long red va¬ riety grown. Fine, long, very crisp scarlet roots and short tops. Pkt. 10 cts.; oz. 15 cts.; *41b. 30 cts.; lb. 90 cts.; 10 lbs. $8.50.

Our stocks are all grown especially for us and have been most carefully selected


Radish, Winter Varieties

WHITE CHINESE or CELESTIAL. A very large, white sort, grown especially for bunching in the fall or storing in the winter. A profitable variety to grow. Pkt. 10 cts. ; oz. 15 cts. ; ^lb. 25 cts. ; lb. 80 cts.; 10 lbs. $7.50.

HALF-LONG BLACK SPANISH. (Our own grow¬ ing.) Pure white, very hard, crisp flesh and black skin. This variety keeps fine during the winter months when stored in cellars or pits. Pkt. 10 cts. ; oz. 15 cts.; y4\b. 25 cts.; lb. 80 cts.; 10 lbs. $7.50.

ROUND BLACK SPANISH. Similar to the Half- Long, except in shape. Roots round and black. Very hardy, robust grower. Fine for late bunch¬ ing. Pkt. 10 cts.; oz. 15 cts.; ^lb. 25 cts.; lb. 80 cts.; 10 lbs. $7.50.

Summer Straightneck Squash



of the earliest, most popular Squashes, of dwarf habit, upright growth, and fine flavor. Color creamy white when matured. Pkt. 10 cts.; oz. 15 cts.; y4l b. 35 cts.; lb. $1; 10 lbs. $9.

BOSTON MARROW. A very fine fall and winter Squash with a thin, bright orange skin and yellow flesh; it keeps well and has no superior for pies or canning. The plants are very productive. Pkt. 10 cts. ; oz. 15 cts. ;y4 lb. 25 cts. ; lb. 80 cts. ; 10 lbs. $7.50.

COCOZELLE. A summer variety of bush habit, with oblong fruit 12 to 14 inches long and 4 inches

in diameter. Color dark green, with light green stripes. Pkt. 10 cts. ; oz. 1 5 cts. ; y4 lb. 30 cts. ; lb. 90 cts.; 10 lbs. $8.

Cocozelle Squash

Warted Hubbard Squash

WARTED HUBBARD. Popular variety, univer¬ sally rated as the best late-keeping winter Squash. The hard thickly warted dark green shell encases a thick layer of delicious bright orange meat. Pkt. 10 cts. ; oz. 15 cts. ; y4 lb. 35 cts. ; lb. $1 ; 10 lbs. $9.

SUMMER STRAIGHTNECK. A fine early variety of the Crookneck type, with vines of bush habit. The fruits, when mature, are often 1)^ to 2 feet long, with a densely warted golden surface. Pkt.

10 cts.; oz. 15 cts.; l/4 lb. 30 cts.; lb. 90 cts.; 10 lbs. $8.


MAMMOTH SANDWICH ISLAND. This is the best variety. Roots light in color, heavy and thick. Salsify requires deeply cultivated soil and should be sown early in the spring. Pkt. 10 cts.; oz. 15 cts.; *41b. 50 cts.; lb. $1.75; 10 lbs. $16.50.


LARGE-LEAVED. A fine variety for market gardeners. Very large, light green leaves. This sort can be cut several times during the summer. Can be wintered over and it will grow again in the spring. Pkt. 10 cts.; oz. 15 cts.; V^lb. 50 cts.; lb. $1.50; 10 lbs. $14.

NARROW-LEAVED. The leaves of this variety are narrower than the Large-Leaved, long, slender, and attractive, bright green. Pkt. 10 cts.; oz. 30 cts.; V4lb. 70 cts.; lb. $2.50; 10 lbs. $24.

Boston Marrow Squash

ABBOTT & COBB Philadelphia, Pa.



Above is a field of our Virginia Blight-resistant Spinach grown by W. C. Kort, Rochester, N. Y. Note size and trueness.

BLOOMSDALE SAVOY. The earliest of all. Thick, large, curled leaves. Our stock has been grown under our immediate direction and is exceptionally fine for fall sowing also. Oz. 10 cts. ; 15 cts. ;

lb. 40 cts.; 10 lbs. $2; 100 lbs. $16.

KING OF DENMARK. A very quick grower, with dark, thick, heavy, half-crimped leaves that stand long before running to seed. Oz. 10 cts.; V^b. 15 cts.; lb. 40 cts.; 10 lbs. $2.20; 100 lbs. $17.

LONG SEASON, Extra Selected. The finest of all summer varieties. It remains marketable a long time. Very heavy, dark green, curled leaves grow¬ ing closer to the ground than Bloomsdale. Very productive. Oz. 10 cts.; V^b. 15 cts.; lb. 40 cts.; 10 lbs. $2.20; 100 lbs. $17.

VIRGINIA BLIGHT-RESISTANT. Originated by the Agricultural Experiment Station of Virginia, this vigorous variety has proved to be a popular and profitable crop. The foliage is dark, much curled, and ruffled; of the Savov type. Oz. 10 cts. ; i/4lb. 15 cts.; lb 40 cts. ; 10 1bs.'$2.20; 100 lbs. $17.

LONG-STANDING BLOOMSDALE. This is a new variety introduced six years ago and is upright in growth. It resembles Bloomsdale Savoy but will grow to a much larger size and will stay ten days longer on the ground before running to seed. This is fast becoming the most popular variety for all seasons’ use, producing more bushels per acre. Oz. 10 cts.; ^lb. 15 cts.; lb. 40 cts.; 10 lbs. $2.20; 100 lbs. $17.

GIANT THICK-LEAF. A quick-growing sort, with very large, round, and almost smooth leaves. Most popular for canning-house Spinach. Oz.

10 cts.; 141b* 15 cts.; lb. 40 cts.; 10 lbs. $2; 100 lbs. $16.

JULIANA. Another type of Spinach that is a fa¬ vorite among the commercial growers. This is a type that grows rather close to the ground, very curly or crimped, and is one of the longest stand¬ ing varieties. In many cases it will stand ten days longer than Long-standing Bloomsdale. Oz. 10 cts.; }4\b. 15 cts.; lb. 40 cts.; 10 lbs. $2.25;

Long-Standing Bloomsdale Spinach

1 harvested 2 acres of this 4-acre field before the market broke and sold 2,000 bushel baskets of Spinach from the 2 acres harvested. We started cutting when the Spinach was rather small and at the time we stopped cutting it would cut from 1,200 to 1,300 bushels per acre. The type of Spinach was extra good and no other strain mixed. It was the best Bloomsdale Long-Standing that I have seen.

100 lbs. $18.

ABBOTT & COBB Philadelphia, Pa.



Improved Grothen Globe Tomatoes grown on our farms


Improved Grothen Globe. This \s 5 ^ery

- ± - decided im¬ provement on the Grothen Globe Tomato, a variety originated in the South. We have de¬ veloped this to produce a Tomato with a good, heavy thick wall suitable for carrying long dis¬ tances. It is a trifle earlier than Marglobe, very productive, with large-sized fruit. This year our fields produced 16 tons to the acre. Pkt. 10 cts.; oz. $1; Vilb. $3.25; lb. $12.

Autumn Queen. In this stock we are offering

- - - something new. We nave

developed this strain to mature about one week later than Marglobe. The vine is strong and robust. An exceptionally good variety for yield, producing large, very thick, globe-shaped To¬ matoes with small seed-space and fine bright red color. It has been our ambition for the past five years to put out a strain of Tomato in this class. Insist on having this for at least a part of your crop this coming season for we believe it will out- yield any stock of Tomato ever offered before. Pkt. 10 cts.; oz. $1; y4 lb. $3.25; lb. $12.

Spring Garden. W<' haY<= originated this va-

- - - riety. It is a perfect, globe-

shaped stock with strong foliage, and about as early as Bonny Best, Scarlet Topper, etc. An exceptionally true strain with good-sized fruit. It is unusual for a variety this large to mature per¬ fect, globe-shaped Tomatoes about the same time as Bonny Best. Good-sized Tomatoes can be picked all season. Pkt. 10 cts.; oz. $1 ; 141b. $3.25; lb. $12.

BONNY BEST. A fine outdoor, second-early To¬ mato and a remarkably productive sort. Used by a great many canners. Pkt. 10 cts.; oz. 30 cts.; V4lb. $1 ; lb. $3.50.

STONE. The best-known Tomato for main crop. Our strain of this variety has been carefully se¬ lected to produce heavy crops of uniform fruits. Pkt. 10 cts.; oz. 35 cts.; 141b. $1; lb. $3.50.

MARGLOBE. Since its origination, we believe this has become a favorite quicker than any other stock of Tomato. One of the main points to be considered is the shape we know that it is abso¬ lutely essential to have a good globe shape. This we have secured, together with selecting the stock to eliminate cracks around the stem. Our stock seed, every year, costs a considerable amount of money to produce. We suggest that you give this extra-selected stock a trial. Pkt. 10 cts.; oz. 45 cts.; V4lb. $1.50; lb. $5.50; 10 lbs. $52.50.

MATCHLESS. An improvement on the Stone Tomato. It is a vigorous grower, producing abun¬ dant late crops. Pkt. 10 cts.; oz. 35 cts.; 141b. $1; lb. $3.50.

GREATER BALTIMORE. A desirable general or Iate-crop variety. Pkt. 10 cts. ; oz. 35 cts. ; *41b. $1 ; lb. $3.50.

LIVINGSTON’S GLOBE. A real globe-shaped stock, grown by us for seed-purposes only. Pkt. 10 cts.; oz. 35 cts.; 141b. $1; lb. $3.50.

RUTGERS. A new variety developed by crossing Marglobe and J. T. D. Deep globe shape, with thick, deep red meat and small seed-cells. Heavy yielder. Pkt. 10 cts.; oz. 40 cts.; yflb. $1.25; lb. $4.50.

ABBOTT & COBB Philadelphia/ Pa.


Purple-Top Yellow Globe (Rutabaga). A half bushel of our Bucks County Rutabaga. Note shape and small neck. Grown on our own trial-grounds.


CANADA PEAS. One of the best-known va-

Purple-Top White Globe Turnip

The best sort for early sowing or winter use. The roots are a perfect globe shape, the upper half being light purple and the lower half pure white. Fine quality; an excellent keeper. Good for table use or feeding stock. Pkt. 10 cts. ; oz. 15 cts. ; Vitt). 30 cts.; lb. 80 cts.; 10 lbs. $7.50.

Purple-Top Yellow Globe

Grows same shape and size as Purple-Top White Globe Turnip, but the skin is yellow, with a purple crown. Flesh deep yellow and of excellent quality. Pkt. 10 cts.; oz. 15 cts.; Vilb. 30 cts.; lb. 80 cts.; 10 lbs. $7.50.

Purple-Top Yellow Globe (Rutabaga)

Carefully selected and grown by us from the famous Bucks County, Pennsylvania, type of Rutabaga. We believe this is the finest variety obtainable. We have selected the stock so that it will mature two weeks earlier than the ordinary stock of Rutabaga. The globe-shaped, yellow-skinned root is practically neckless and has a purple crown and deep yellow flesh of excellent quality.

Pkt. 10 cts.; oz. 30 cts.; Vitt). $1; lb. $3.50;

10 lbs. $32.50

Purple-Top White Globe Turnips

Grown on our own trial - grounds

rieties for plowing under for green ma¬ nure. Also excellent when cut green and cured like clover for feeding through the winter. We have secured quite a quantity of these Peas and will be glad to quote prices on large quantities. Prices subject to change. Bus. $4.

SOJA BEANS. Bus. $3.50.


Lb. 25 cts.; 100 lbs. $12.


15 cts.; 100 lbs. $8.


Lb. 10 cts.; bus. $2.20.

TIMOTHY. Lb. 15 cts.; bus.


MILLET, GOLDEN or GER¬ MAN. Lb. 15 cts.; bus.

(50 lbs.) $2.50.

RYE, WINTER. Lb. 10 cts.; bus. (56 lbs.) $1.75; 100 lbs. $3.

CLOVER, Medium Red. Lb. 40 cts.; bus. $16.

Mammoth Red. Lb. 40 cts.; bus.


Alsike. Lb. 50 cts.; bus. $24.

Alfalfa. Lb. 50 cts.; bus. $24.

White Dutch. Lb. 60 cts.; bus. (60 lbs.)


Crimson. Lb. 15 cts.; bus. $7.50.

As the market on all Field and Grass Seeds fluc¬ tuates, the above prices are subject to change with¬ out notice.

ABBOTT & COBB Philadelphia, Pa.



Nothing around the home adds to or detracts from its appearance so much as the lawn. Carefully built and maintained lawns will last for many years. While care must be taken to get the right start, it is not a difficult task to make a good lawn.

Loam soil is usually preferable. Avoid soil from excavations, but if you must use it, add sufficient sand, peat moss, or similar material to loosen it up.

Plow or spade the lawn area to a depth of 6 inches, provided this is not deeper than the top-soil; then disc or rake the ground until it is thoroughly pulverized. It should be leveled off with a gradual slope from the house to insure satisfactory surface drainage.

Apply complete plant-food, preferably Vigoro, at the rate of 4 pounds for each 100 square feet, and work it lightly into the surface soil with a rake. Then sow half the seed crosswise and half lengthwise for uniform distribution. If the area is small, the distribution of Vigoro or other plant-food may be made by hand, but for the larger areas it is more practicable that a spreader be used.

Cheap seed is false economy, as you are sure to be disappointed. We have gone to much expense in compounding our A. & C. Grass Seed Mixtures. They represent years of experience and are sold as cheaply as we can market good seed. Sow 5 to 7 pounds per 1,000 square feet for a heavy stand of grass.

Roll after seeding, or tamp with a wide board to imbed seeds firmly in the soil; sprinkle thoroughly with a fine spray, and keep the seed-bed moist until germination takes place. Thereafter, water the lawn thor¬ oughly once or twice a week. Light sprinkling causes shallow rooting.

Mow the lawn just as soon as it is possible to clip off a few blades; this develops a heavier plant; then do not clip shorter than 1}^ inches.

Regular feeding, mowing, and watering will result in a beautiful lawn. A. & C. Grass Seed Mixtures are well balanced and will give satisfactory results in all cases, if the above program is followed. Where weeds show up in your new lawn, they come from seeds in the ground; our Grass Seed Mixtures are weed-free.

A. & C. SPECIAL MIXTURE. For the very best results use A. & C. Special Mixture. The extra money paid will more than repay in results. Qt. 50 cts. ; V2pk. (2^/2 lbs.) $1.35; pk. (5 lbs.) $2.15; bus. $8.

A. & C. FANCY is a good grade of grass seed but does not have so many of the fancy sorts which go to make the highest type of lawn. You will not, however, be disappointed in its results. Qt. 30 cts.; V^pk. (2*/^ lbs.) 90 cts.; pk. (5 lbs.) $1.70; bus. (20 lbs.) $6.25.

SHADY SPOT is a special mixture for shaded places. After having sown one of the above mixtures, sow Shady Spot under trees or other shaded places; this will insure a gradual change from one to the other. Qt. 50 cts.; y2pk. (2 y2 lbs.) $1.35; pk. (5 lbs.) $2.15; bus. $3.

ABBOTT & COBB Philadelphia, Pa.


Abbott & Cobb’s Choice Flower Seeds

Rustproof Antirrhinum (Snapdragon)

ABBOTT & COBB ^Philadelphia, Pa.


Attractive blue flowers profusely borne all summer by a compact, low-growing plant that thrives in any soil. One of the most desirable bedding plants. Annual; sow seeds in greenhouse, hotbed or in border where plants are to grow. In a bed, set the plants 1 foot apart. Fall-sown seed gives good winter-blooming plants indoors. 1 to 1 Yi ft. Pkt. 10 cts.; y4oz. 25 cts.

Acroclinium (Everlasting)

Popular both as summer cut-flowers and dried for winter bouquets. Annuals, with pink and white flowers. To preserve them for winter bouquets, pick them just before the flowers have opened, hang in a dry, airy room until dry. The colors remain bright all winter. 2 to 2)^ ft. Pkt. 10 cts. ; y4oz. 20 cts


LITTLE GEM. A free-blooming, beautiful, honey- scented, white-flowered dwarf annual, for edging beds or rock-gardens. Blooms in six weeks from seed. Keep the old faded flowers removed to perpetuate flowering, j^ft. Pkt. 10 cts.; l/4oz. 25 cts.; oz. 75 cts.

Antirrhinum Snapdragon

After years of effort, plant-breeders have suc¬ ceeded in producing a strain of Snapdragons that is rustproof. Mixed colors, pkt. 10 cts.; y4oz. 50 cts.


Calendula Pot Marigold

A very showy, free-flowering annual that thrives in good garden loam, producing large, lemon or orange shaded, disc-like, double flowers in profusion from June to November; also thrives in pots or benches under glass and is much used by florists. \l/2 ft. Pkt. 10 cts.; oz. 30 cts.


Bright yellow and reddish brown, single, daisy¬ like flowers that thrive in almost any soil in a sunny situation. Sow the seeds where plants are to stand; thin to 8 inches apart each way. A continuous supply of bloom may be assured bv keeping all faded flowers removed. A wonderfully attractive cut-flower. Pkt. 10 cts.; oz. 40 cts.

Campanula Canterbury Bells

One of the most attractive old-fashioned garden flowers. Large, strong plants, covered in June with large “cup-and-saucer” shaped blooms of blue, pink, or white. Well-grown plants are 2 or more feet high and 13^ feet broad. They can be lifted when in full bloom and potted for house decoration; good cut- flower.^ Pkt. 10 cts.; V^oz. 50 cts.


QUEEN OF THE MARKET. A very early class with medium-sized blooms that appear three to four weeks before the larger-flowered kinds. Branching plants, with long-stemmed blooms, much used by florists for cut-flowers. 1^ ft. Mixed col¬ ors, pkt. 10 cts.; y4oz. 40 cts.; oz. $1.25.

GIANT COMET. Long, stiff stems, bearing very double, showy flowers with long, wavy, twisted petals, like Japanese chrysanthemums. Wonderful for vases and table decorations, producing exceed¬ ingly beautiful effects. 2 ft. Mixed colors, pkt. 10 cts.; V4OZ. 40 cts.; oz. $1.25.

Annual Calliopsis

Aquilegia Columbine

ABBOTT & COBB’S LONG-SPURRED HY¬ BRIDS. Beautiful white, yellow, pink, scarlet, and blue blooms with long spurs. They prefer moist, well-drained soil in full sun or partial shade. Peren¬ nial; sow seeds in July for bloom the following May and June. 2 ft. Pkt. 10 cts.; l/±oz. 25 cts.

Candytuft Iberis

One of the most indispensable annuals. Plants a foot or more high, covered with clusters of small pure white flowers; good for cutting; desirable rockery plants and an excellent edging for beds. Fall-sown plants bloom from May to July; spring- sown flower from July to September. Prefer good soil and a light, airy situation. For cut-flowers make successive sowings every fourteen days. Pkt. 10 cts.; V4oz. 15 cts.; oz. 50 cts.

Balsam Impatiens

The finest strains of this delightful old plant. Large, double flowers, varying from white to dark blood-red, yellowish and spotted forms. Early May-sown seed will produce plants that bloom from July to frost. Set plants 2 feet apart to get good specimens. 2 to 2^ ft. Pkt. 10 cts.; ^oz. 25 cts.; oz. 75 cts.

Balsam Apple Momordica

Tender vines, bearing curious, warted, golden yellow, ovoid fruits, 2 to 3 inches long, which burst open when ripe, showing the seeds and their brilliant carmine interiors. Excellent- for training on trellises, over rockwork, or stumps. 10 ft. Pkt. 10 cts.; oz. 50 cts.


ABBOTT & COBB Philadelphia, Pa.


Carnation Celosia


MARGUERITE. The earliest Carnation popular for rich color and delicious fragrance. Flowers white ranging through yellow, scarlet, and deep crimson. Plants from seed sown early in the open bloom from July to frost, and, if given some pro¬ tection, winter well. For early bloom, sow seeds early indoors. Pkt. 10 cts. ; y4oz. 50 cts.

Centaurea Bachelor’s Button

One of the commonest old-fashioned flowers be¬ loved by everyone who grows it. Beautiful fringed blue or white flowers, single or double, 1 inch across, are borne from July till frost. An annual; the plants perpetuate themselves by self-sown seeds. 1 to 2 ft. Pkt. 10 cts.; l/4 oz. 20 cts.; oz. 75 cts.

Cosmos, Orange Flare

ABBOTT & COBB Philadelphia, Pa.

Castor-Oil Bean Ricinus communis

Gives a tropical appearance when used as center of bed, or screen. When ground is warm, sow seed in rich soil; thin plants to about 1 3^2 feet apart. Pkt. 10 cts.; oz. 20 cts.; y4lb. 65 cts.


Free-flowering, hardy annuals, with double white, yellow, or red flowers from August till November. It is one of the most attractive of the late summer¬ flowering plants; easily grown; useful for cut-flowers as well as garden decoration. Pkt. 10 cts.; Vi02* 30 cts.

Celosia Dwarf Cockscomb

One of the showiest annuals. Small flowers of brilliant golden yellow, crimson, or other shades of red, crowded into velvety fasciated masses that resemble a rooster’s comb. Very attractive bedding plant. Sow seeds early indoors. Pkt. 10 cts.; y4oz. 50 cts.


Showy, bright yellow flowers on long, graceful stems, ideally adapted for cutting as well as garden decoration. Blooms over a long season. Seeds sown early bloom the first season, but they will be finer the second year. Pkt. 10 cts.; y4oz. 25 cts.; oz. 75 cts.


Very satisfactory late summer-flowering annuals with big, daisy-like flowers, 3 to 4 inches across, in white or pink. Strong-growing, very graceful plants 3 to 6 feet high. Pkt. 10 cts.; y4oz. 20 cts. ORANGE FLARE. New early-flowering Cosmos. Bears a profusion of strikingly vivid orange- yellow blooms four months after seed is sown. A novelty that fills a long-felt need for an early- flowering Cosmos. Pale green feathery foliage. Pkt. 25 cts.; V4oz. 75 cts.; oz. $2.50.


Perennial Larkspurs are the finest blue flowers for the garden. Shades range from sky-blue almost to black; some varieties pinkish lavender. Mixed colors, pkt. 10 cts.; y4oz. 50 cts.; oz. $1.75.




Dianthus Pinks

The sweet fragrance of these delightful single or double white, pink, or crimson flowers is unforget¬ table. They are borne on 10-inch stems produced by a tuft-like plant with short, narrow, gray-green leaves. Use them to border beds or walks. 1 ft. Pkt. 10 cts. ; l/4oz. 25 cts.

Digitalis Foxglove

Tall spires of narrow, bell-like, white, pink, rose, or speckled flowers that add grace to any garden. A biennial; sow seeds in July for flowers next June; once established they reseed themselves. Naturalize them in shrubbery plantations or put them at the back of the border. Pkt. 10 cts. ; */4 oz . 30 cts.

Gypsophila Baby’s Breath

A free-flowering annual that thrives in any situa¬ tion, even dry places, and produces misty white panicles of bloom much used in mixing with other flowers when making bouquets. Desirable for grow¬ ing on waste places and in rockeries. \x/i ft. Pkt. 10 cts.; y4oz. $1.


Vigorous vines for shading porches and arbors. They grow quickly from seed and produce showy yellow flowers, followed by curious fruits of many shapes and colors. Pkt. 10 cts.; oz. 30 cts.

Eschscholtzia California Poppy

From June to frost a bed of these will be a con¬ stant mass of color brilliant yellow, orange, rosy crimson, wallflower-red, and kindred shades. Sow the seeds early, in good soil in a sunny situation; sometimes it self-sows. An attractive edging for beds because of its blue-green foliage. 1 ft. Pkt. 10 cts.; V4OZ. 30 cts.

Four o’Clock Mirabilis jalapa

Marvel of Peru is an old-time annual. Flowers open in late afternoon, remain open all night, and fade in the morning. Brilliant shades of red, pink, white, and yellow; bright foliage. Pkt. 10 cts.; oz. 20 cts.


ANNUAL. Brilliant red and yellow daisy-like flowers with brown centers 2 inches across. They thrive in a sunny situation in well-drained, light soil and bloom from July to frost. Sow the seed early where the plants are to grow. 1 to 1^2 ft- Pkt. 10 cts.; i^oz. 25 cts.; oz. 75 cts.

Morning-Glory, Heavenly Blue

ABBOTT & COBB Philadelphia, Pa.


Marigold, Yellow Supreme

Myosotis Forget-me-not

Exquisite, small, delicate blue flowers, borne in profusion from May till frost. Thrive in shaded situations in moist soil. Sow seed up to midsummer where plants are to stand; give slight mulch. Later sown seed must be wintered in a coldframe. Pkt. 10 cts.; Vioz. 25 cts.


Probably the freest flowering annual vine and one of the most rapid-growing. It thrives in any situa¬ tion and soil, producing a profusion of large blooms in white, pink, purple, and intermediate shades, from June till frost. Most desirable for covering fences, walls, trellises, and unsightly objects. Mixed colors, pkt. 10 cts.; y4oz. 25 cts.

HEAVENLY BLUE. A new strain producing very large flowers of deep, intense blue, shading lighter toward the center. The flowers remain open until late afternoon. Pkt. 10 cts.; y4oz. 40 cts.



No garden is complete without at least a few plants of these stately, time-honored flowers. Tall spikes, 6 to 7 feet, with 4-inch white, pink, or red flowers that open in July, continuing until August. Seed started in a hotbed in February will bloom the same season. Plant among shrubbery, in angles of the house, fence-corners, along fences, and border beds. Keep all diseased leaves removed and remove all old stalks and leaves at the end of the season, to prevent trouble from rust. Pkt. 10 cts.; l/4oz. 30 cts.


Probably the best-known hardy annual. Large white, pink, scarlet, and blue flowers, 13^2 inches across, with spurs of equal length, on long stems; fine for cut-flowers. Prefer deep, rich, sandy loam in a sunny situation; deep digging is essential. For the earliest bloom, sow seeds in fall; they germinate slowly. 2 ft. Mixed colors, pkt. 10 cts.; l/4oz. 25 cts.

SCARLET GLEAM. Another sensational develop¬ ment in double Nasturtiums. The dazzling, fiery orange-scarlet flowers are sweet-scented, very large, double, and are produced on long, stiff stems. A very free bloomer and provides a gor¬ geous display all summer. Pkt. 10 cts.; V2°z* 25 cts. ; oz. 40 cts.

GOLDEN GLEAM. Glorious semi-double Nas¬ turtium of pure sunny yellow, long lasting, and fragrant. The flowers average 3 inches across. Plants are compact and literally cover themselves with flowers. A valuable novelty. Pkt. 10 cts.; V20Z. 25 cts. ; oz. 40 cts.

TOM THUMB (DWARF) MIXTURE, pkt. 10 cts.; oz. 20 cts.; y4\b. 50 cts.

TALL or CLIMBING MIXTURE, pkt. 10 cts.; oz. 20 cts. ; x/4\h. 50 cts.

Mignonette Reseda odorata

Sweet Mignonette is a lovely plant with rather long spikes of deliciously fragrant flowers. Early sown seed will give plants that bloom all summer.

Pkt. 10 cts.; y4oz. 20 cts.

Semi-Double Nasturtium, Golden Gleam


A profusion of large, double, yellow or orange flowers are borne continuously till frost by robust plants 2 to feet tall. A most desirable bedding plant; also good for filling in the perennial and mixed borders. Mixed colors, pkt. 10 cts.; V4OZ. 20 cts.

GUINEA GOLD. Splendid new Marigold with loosely arranged broad petals of glowing yellow, very bright and luminous. Finest of all Marigolds for cutting. Pkt. 10 cts.; y4oz.

45 cts.; oz. $1.25.

YELLOW SUPREME. Resembling in many respects the popular Guinea Gold, this new variety is a pleasing companion to it. The flowers, some 3 inches in diameter, are loose¬ ly built and ruffled somewhat like a carna¬ tion; the color is a delightful shade of Iemon- yellow and the flowers are free from the ob¬ jectionable Marigold odor. Plants are 2 3^2 to 3 feet tall. Pkt. 15 cts.; y4oz. 85 cts.

ABBOTT & COBB Philadelphia, Pa.


Annual Phlox


Our seed is most carefully selected, and if the plants are given a cool, moist soil, protected from harsh winds and the mid-day sun, unusually large flowers will be produced. Their color is unsurpassed in brilliancy and markings. Sow seeds in mid¬ summer and protect plants over winter in a cold- frame. The blooms on plants from spring-sown seed will not be as large on account of summer heat. Mixed colors, pkt. 50 cts.; V4OZ. $3; oz. $10.


For window- and porch-boxes, as well as for bed¬ ding, Petunias are very effective. Their large, trumpet-shaped, ruffled flowers vary from white to dark purple-violet and are borne in abundance from June to frost, and if kept indoors will bloom all winter. Our seed is carefully selected. Pkt. 10 cts.; V4oz. 50 cts.


Showy annuals of easy cultivation, useful for beds, mixed borders, and cut-flowers. Brilliant flowers in shades of white, pink, crimson, and violet are abundantly produced in flat clusters. Easily raised; sow seed where the plants are to grow, preferably in light, well-drained soil. Mixed colors, pkt. 10 cts.; V4OZ. 40 cts.

Single Petunias

Physalis Francheti Chinese Lantern

This beautiful 2-foot plant is grown chiefly for the orange-scarlet, lantern-like fruit in fall, which can be cut and dried for winter bouquets. Native bittersweet, artistically arranged with Chinese Lan¬ terns, adds to the winter decoration of the home. Although a perennial, the pods are produced the same year from spring-sown seed. Pkt. 10 Cts.; Vi02* 50 cts.

Oriental Poppies

These are extremely hardy and, once established, last for years. They produce immense single flowers, 4 inches across, in early summer. Sow the seed thinly, early in the spring, and leave the plants until September before moving them to the per¬ manent garden. Pkt. 10 cts.; Vi02* 35 cts.


Beautiful little plants with cylindrical, pale green leaves and reddish stems that bear an abundance of shining flowers of yellow, orange, or scarlet. It frequently reseeds itself. Very valuable in rockeries, as edging to beds, or broadcast over sunny banks. It is the best covering for dry, sunny places, thriving on less water than most garden plants. Single, Mixed, pkt. 10 cts.; y4oz. cts* Double, Mixed, pkt. 10 cts.; y4oz. 75 cts.


ABBOTT & COBB Philadelphia, Pa.


Salvia (Scarlet Sage)


One of the most charming winter-flowering house plants; easily grown and free from insect pests. Our seed was grown for us by one of the most celebrated English Primrose specialists. The flowers are re¬ markable for their size, beauty, brilliancy of color, and substance of petals; colors, white, pink, red. P2 to %ft. Mixed colors, pkt. 10 cts.; y4oz. $3.50.

Salvia Scarlet Sage

One of the best late summer- and fall-flowering plants. The tall, compact bushes, with dark green foliage, are literally ablaze with brilliant scarlet blooms until hard frosts kill them. Start the seed in the house or hotbed, transplanting to the open when danger of frost is over. Pkt. 10 cts.; y4oz. 75 cts.; oz. $2.50.


Under the name of Mourning Bride this plant was known in old-time gardens. It has been vastly im¬ proved, and the flowers are excellent for cutting. Mixed colors, white, pink, maroon, yellow, scarlet, and crimson. Pkt. 10 cts.; y4oz. 20 cts.

Scarlet Runner Beans

A rapid-growing climber, with intense scarlet flowers followed by long pods of edible beans. Desir¬ able for trellis, porch, or fence covering. Pkt. 10 cts.; lb. 35 cts.

Sweet William

Free-flowering, showy perennial; a garden favorite for generations. Once established in good soil the plants last for years. Sow seeds in spring or early fall where plants are to grow. We have mixtures of both tall and dwarf forms. Price of either mixture, pkt. 10 cts.; x/4 oz. 30 cts.


Flowers in long spikes of various colors, with the delicious scent of carnations. They bloom quickly from seed. Pkt. 10 cts.; l/4oz. 30 cts.; oz. $1.

Sweet Peas

Flowers often 2 inches across; petals beautifully waved and crinkled, in delicate shades from white, scarlet, crimson, coral, pink, and lavender to deep purple; borne on long stems. Blooms a month longer than ordinary early-blooming sorts. Mixed colors, pkt. 10 cts.; oz. 20 cts.; l/4\b. 60 cts.; lb. $2.

ABBOTT & COBB Philadelphia, Pa.




An old favorite bright-colored bedding plant whose sweetly scented white, pink, scarlet, blue, and purple flowers are borne in large, flat clusters profusely from June till frost. Sow seeds in the house or hotbed to get early-flowering plants. Pkt. 10 cts. ; l/4oz. 30 cts.


Half-hardy perennials bearing large clusters of rich yellow, red, or orange-brown, deliciously fra¬ grant flowers. Seed sown in March or April in a warm house will flower the following winter in a cool greenhouse; keep over in coldframes for spring bloom. Mixed colors, pkt. 10 cts.; y4o z. 25 cts.


DESERT GOLD. This variety is of the new Crown of Gold strain. Its light and deep shades of gold are equally striking in the garden and when the flowers are cut for the house. Pkt. 10 cts.; l^oz. 50 cts.

FANTASY. A fascinating novelty with quilled, twisted petals that form rounded, shaggy flowers of medium size. Colors range through reds, yellows and orange, also pinks and creams.

Mixed colors, pkt. 10 cts.; l/4oz. 40 cts.

SCABIOUS-FLOWERED. Two-foot plants bearing flowers that resemble the annual scabiosa. All the bright colors are included in the mixture. Pkt. 10 cts.; y4oz. 50 cts.

COMMON. Very hardy; blooms profusely from late summer until heavy frost. The large golden yellow or scarlet blooms, 2 to 4 inches across, last for weeks. Mixed colors, pkt. 10 cts.; }/ioz. 25 cts.

Fantasy Zinnia

Scabious-flowered Zinnia

ABBOTT & COBB Philadelphia, Pa.



BLOOD (Dried). For indoor culture of flowering plants, its chief element being nitrogen. One of the quickest-acting fertilizers. 5 lbs. 60 cts.; 10 lbs. $1.10; 25 lbs. $2; 50 lbs. $3.25; 100 lbs. $6; 200 lbs. $11.

BONEMEAL. Apply 800 to 1,000 pounds per acre. Made from pure raw bone, without any addition of materials. The ideal bone for rose-beds and greenhouse use. 5 lbs. 25 cts.; 10 lbs. 50 cts.; 25 lbs. $1; 50 lbs. $1.75; 100 lbs. $3; 200 lbs. $5.50; 1,000 lbs. $25; ton $48.

HUMUS (Alphano). An excellent article to in¬ corporate with poor soil in the garden or green¬ house, especially desirable for mixing with potting soil. 5 lbs. 25 cts.; 10 lbs. 45 cts.; 25 lbs. 75 cts.; 100 lbs. $2; 500 lbs. $8; 1,000 lbs. $14; ton $25.

LIME. For lawn or field use. Very finely pulverized. Corrects acid soils, also breaks up clay soils. Hydrated, 10 lbs. 25c.; 50 lbs. 75c.; 100 lbs. $1.50.

LOMA. A scientifically prepared plant-food for the lawn, flower garden, vegetable garden, shrubbery, potted plants, etc.; rich in life-giving nitrogen, potash and phosphates. Lb. 15 cts.; 5 lbs. 50 cts.; 10 lbs. 85 cts.; 25 lbs. $1.50; 50 lbs. $2.50; 100 lbs. $4.

NITRATE OF SODA. Apply 100 to 150 pounds per acre, mixing with land plaster or other fertilizers to render application more easy. Use only after plants are above ground. If used in liquid form, dilute 2 ounces to 1 gallon of water and do not apply oftener than twice a week. 5 lbs. 40 cts.; 10 lbs. 75 cts.; 25 lbs. $1.35; 50 lbs. $2.50; 100 lbs. $3.50; 200 lbs. $6; 1,000 lbs. $27; ton $50.

PEAT MOSS (Torf Mull). Imported, Granulated. A moisture-retaining humus and an aid for saving soil-fertility. It furnishes the needed organic matter which all soils require. For lawns, cover lightly in the spring with Peat Moss and occa¬ sionally during the summer, with a heavy covering in the autumn. For roses, dig deeply and incor¬ porate w'ith the soil Peat Moss to the depth of

Peat Moss, continued

6 inches, before spading. For the flower-garden, spread evenly from 3 to 6 inches deep a covering of Peat Moss, mixing well with the soil. For window- or porch-boxes, mix a good proportion of Peat Moss with some rich compost or soil. For the greenhouse, mix Peat Moss with the potting soil. Pk. 20 cts.; small bale $1.25; medium bale $2; large bale $3.

PHOSPHATE, HIGH-GRADE. For all vegetable crops, grains, grass, etc. Apply 800 to 1,000 pounds per acre broadcast. 5 lbs. 30 cts.; 10 lbs. 50 cts.; 25 lbs. $1; 50 lbs. $1.75; 100 lbs. $3; 200 lbs. $5.25; I^ton $20; ton $40.

PLANTABBS. An odorless plant-food in tablet form, for all plants in the house or garden. They dissolve in water almost instantly and make a wonderful liquid fertilizer. Pkg. of 30 tablets 25 cts.; 75 tablets 50 cts.; 200 tablets $1 (by Parcel Post, $1.10); 1,000 tablets $3.50 (by Parcel Post, $3.65).

SHEEP MANURE. Apply 1,000 pounds per acre. For garden, lawn or greenhouse use, nothing sur¬ passes Sheep Manure; it is clean and easily handled, besides giving immediate results. Prices, f.o.b. Philadelphia. 5 lbs. 25 cts.; 10 lbs. 50 cts.; 25 lbs. $1; 50 lbs. $1.75; 100 lbs. $3.25; 500 lbs. $15; 1,000 lbs. $27.50; ton $50.

SULPHATE OF ALUMINUM. Especially adapted for fertilizing rhododendrons and other plants requiring an acid soil. 5 lbs. 40 cts.; 10 lbs. 70 cts.; 25 lbs. $1.25; 100 lbs. $4; 200 lbs. $7.50.

SULPHATE OF AMMONIA. Apply 75 to 100 pounds per acre only with other fertilizers deficient in nitrogen. A valuable fertilizer for all plants in which a large leaf-development or rapid growth is desired; will stimulate growth almost immedi¬ ately. Also used for top-dressing lawns, producing a thick, velvety growth and discouraging the weeds. Analysis equal to 25 per cent of ammonia. 5 lbs. 50 cts.; 10 lbs. 85 cts.; 25 lbs. $1.25; 50 lbs. $2; 100 lbs. $3.50; 200 lbs. $6.50.


BOVUNG is plain, dried cow-manure com¬ bining the chemical values of fertilizer with the organic and physical values of manure. It con¬ tains all essentials necessary for soil-improve¬ ment and vigorous plant-growth.

This process of dehy¬ dration gives you a clean, odorless, and con¬ centrated product con¬ taining all the fertilizing values of fresh cow-ma¬ nure. It is absolutely free of live weed seeds. A little goes far, yet it can be used freely with¬ out fear of any harmful results.

5 lbs . $0 25

10 lbs . 50

25 lbs . 1 00

50 lbs . 1 50

100 lbs . 2 75


* Specially prepared plant food

VIGORO, a plant-food specially and scientifi¬ cally prepared by experts, adds beauty and vigor to all plant-life. Thousands of home-owners have come to rely on VIGORO as the economical, practical, and effective way to secure finest results. It contains all of the elements of plant- food required to produce early, vigorous growth and bring fruit, flowers, and foliage to full development.

Complete directions in every bag. Endorsed by

leading landscape gardeners and nurserymen.

100-lb. bag . $4 00

50-lb. bag . 2 50

25-lb. bag . 1 50

10-lb. pkg . 85

5-lb. pkg . 45

1-lb. pkg . 10

r*A0l NA«*

Cow Manure Base |

A Bioloqxol TTj

Physical <»nd (.Hfmxdl ' 4


> Go«pcn Weo«a’o»v Co ik ^

; v pi4 *»seo«o n,j y


ABBOTT & COBB Philadelphia, Pa.


Insecticides and Fungicides


APHISTROGEN. Makes a complete spray for aphis (plant lice) and most sucking insects; prepared especially for roses and other plants. 2 ozs. 50 cts.; lA\b. $1.25; 2 lbs. $3.50.

ARSENATE OF LEAD (Dry Powder Form). The more popular form, owing to its economical ways of being applied (can be used either as dusting powder or diluted in water). 1 to 2 lbs. per acre. Dilute in water, 1 lb. to 50 gals. Lb. 30 cts.; 4 lbs. $1; 25 lbs. $4.50.

BLACK-LEAF 40. A concentrated nicotine spray for all sucking insects. Oz. 35 cts.; 5 ozs. $1; lb. $2.10; 2 lbs. $3.25; 5 lbs. $5.85; 10 lbs. $9.85.

BORDEAUX MIXTURE (Powdered). Used same as Bordeaux Mixture Paste or Liquid. Also used for dry dusting. Dilute 1 lb. to 8 gals, of water. Lb. 30 cts.; 4 lbs. $1; 10 lbs. $2.

COATED ARSENATE OF LEAD. For use against Japanese beetles on fruit or shade trees; only one spraying is necessary. Use 5 lbs. to 50 gals, water before beetles become established. Lb. 50 cts.; 23^-Ib. jar $1 ; 5 lbs. $1.90.

FUNGTROGEN. A highly concentrated form of fungicide that will conquer mildew and control black-spot on roses. It also supplies an essential fertilizer. Dilute 1 part with 60 parts of water. J^pt. 75 cts.; pt. $1.25;qt. $2; 3^gal. $3.50; gal. $6.

INSECTROGEN. A complete spray for Ieaf-chew- ing insects, including caterpillars, rose slug worms and Japanese beetles. 4 ozs. 60 cts.; f^pt. $1; pt. $1.7$ ; qt. $2.75; J^gal. $4.50; gal. $8.

LEMON OIL INSECTICIDE. Used by nearly all the leading growers. It effectually destroys mealy bug, scale, thrip and red spider. %pt. 30 cts.; pt. 50 cts.; qt. 85 cts.; y^gal. $1.50; gal. $2.50; 5-gal. keg $10.

LIME-SULFUR (Dry Powdered). The most ef¬ ficient form of this highly celebrated spraying compound. Dissolves instantly in cold or hot water. Use at rate of 10 pounds to 50 gallons of water. Lb. 35 cts.; 5 lbs. $1.40; 10 lbs. $2.50; 25 lbs. $4.25; 50 lbs. $8; 100 lbs. $14.

NICOFUME PAPER. For fumigating greenhouses, conservatories, etc. Per box of 24 sheets, $1.50; 144 sheets, $4.75; 288 sheets, $8.50.

NICOFUME TOBACCO POWDER (Fumigator). A 12J^ per cent nicotine fumigator for green¬ house use; burns efficiently and dispenses dense fumes of nicotine; complete with directions in each can. Lb. $1.15; 5 lbs. $3.50; 10 lbs. $6.25.

PYROX. A general spray for all eating insects and fungous troubles. One pound makes 5 gallons of spray material. Lb. 50 cts.; 5 lbs. $1.75; 10 lbs. $3; 25 lbs. $6.25.

PARIS GREEN. Applied as a powder it should be mixed with plaster or flour, 100 parts to 1 part of Paris Green; in solution, mix 1 pound to 100 gallons of water. J$b. 30 cts.; Ib. 50 cts.; 5 lbs. $2.25; 14 lbs. $4.75.

P. T. B. PARA-DICHLOROBENZENE. A remedy for peach tree borers. Directions with each package. Lb. 50 cts.; 5 lbs. $2.25; 10 lbs. $4.

RED ARROW INSECT SPRAY ( Pyretbrum Soap). A non-poisonous, efficient insecticide for use against sucking and chewing insects, such as Mexican bean beetles, Japanese beetles, rose chafers, aphids (plant lice), leaf hoppers, etc. Oz. 35 cts.; 4 ozs. $1; 3^pt. $1.75; pt. $3.25; qt. $6; gal. $17.50.

SCALECIDE. Used for the destruction of the San Jose scale. Dilute at the rate of 1 gallon Scale- cide to 20 gallons water. Scalecide does not clog nozzles, hose, or pump, and is pleasant to use. Spray when the trees are dormant. Qt. 65 cts.; gal. $1.55; 5 gals. $5.50; 10 gals. $9.50; 30 gals. $22; 50 gals. $30.

SLUG-SHOT. One of the old and well-known remedies for destroying slugs, currant worms, cabbage worms, and all of the soft-shelled insects which trouble vegetation. Lb. 25 cts.; 5 lbs. 90 cts.

SNAROL. For the control of cutworms, snails, slugs, etc.; non-injurious to vegetation. 1J^ It>s. 35 cts.; 4 lbs. 85 cts.; 15 lbs. $3; 50 lbs. $8.

SUNOCO SPRAY OIL. For the control of scale insects, red spider, aphis, thrip, etc. Cheap, effec¬ tive, and pleasant to handle. Gal. $1.25; 5 gals. $5; 15 gals. $8.50; 30 gals. $14; 50 gals. $20.

TOBACCO DUST, FINE. For green and black aphis, flea-beetles, etc. Splendid fertilizer and preventive for insects in the ground and around roots. 5 lbs. 30 cts.; 10 lbs. 50 cts.; 25-Ib. bag $1; 50-Ib. bag $1.80; 100-Ib. bag $3.50.

TREE TANGLEFOOT. An absolute safeguard against all creeping insects on trees. Apply with paddle, making a band around the trees 3 inches wide. 6-oz. can 35 cts.; 1-Ib. can (mail weight, 2 lbs.) 65 cts.; 5-Ib. can (mail weight, 6 lbs.) $3.

FISH-OIL SOAP (WHALE-OIL SOAP). An ex¬ cellent wash for trees and plants where insects and eggs affect the bark. /Apt. 35 cts.

VOLCK (Nursery). A mineral oil spray for general use on growing plants in the nursery, greenhouse and garden; it is not to be confused with “Garden Volck,” which contains soap and nicotine. %pt. 35 cts.; pt. 50 cts.; qt. 75 cts.; gal. $2; 5 gals. $6.25.

WEED KILLER. The method of killing weeds thoroughly by application of this liquid has become general. Used only on paths, drives, gutters, and places where no growth is wanted. One gallon makes 40 gallons of treating liquid. Qt. 55 cts.; gal. $1.75.

WILSON’S O. K. PLANT SPRAY. A powerful yet harmless and efficient insecticide for aphis, red spider, mildew, scale, etc., for inside and outside spraying. F£pt. 40 cts.; qt. $1; gal. $3; 5 gals. $12; 10 gals. $22; f^bbl. (30 gals.) $57; bbl. (50 gals.) $90.


To destroy fungous growth or spores of bacterial blights, rots, or rusts, all seeds should be dusted with or soaked in a solution of it before planting.

2 ozs . $0 50

1 Ib . 2 50

5 lbs . 11 75

25 lbs . 46 25

100 lbs . 180 00

Soy Beans, Cowpeas, Lima

Size Beans Price each

1 bus . $0 35

2 bus . 55

5 bus . 1 20

10 bus . 1 75

Alfalfa, All Clovers, and Lespedeza

Size Price each

Yi bus . $0 35

1 bus. . . 55

2 Yi bus . 1 20

Peas, Vetch, Austrian Win¬ ter Peas, and Beans

Vi bus . $0 30

1 bus . 45

1 2A bus . 65

5 bus . 1 85

ABBOTT & COBB Philadelphia, Pa.


Lawn Mowers and Supplies

Pennsylvania Mower, Super Roller Type

This new Mower for golf greens is the last word in Lawn- Mower construction. It has seven crucible steel blades in a high-speed cylinder, aluminum driving-drums, and train of cut gears running in a grease-tight case. Intermediate gear on roller bearing; drums, cylinder, and front caster wheels on ball bearings. The Super Roller Mower is light running, easy to push, and cuts absolutely without ridging the greens.

Weight only 55 lbs. One size only. 18-inch cut, $50. Grass- Box, $8. Carriage, $5.

Pennsylvania Undercut Lawn Trimmer

The unique construction of the Undercut Trimmer permits cutting not only close to a wall, fence, tree, etc., but it will get the grass under a fence or rock, cut at base of tombstones, house-foundations, and other places hitherto out of reach of anything but hand-shears. The slanting side-plate and conical cylinder make it possible to cut all grass which the regular Lawn Mower will not reach. Ball bearing, with 93^-inch drive-wheel; 4-blade cylinder. $10.50.





Pennsylvania Mower Super Roller Type

Super Great American Ball-Bearing Lawn Mower

A high-class machine at a medium price. It is regarded as the best all-round Mower of its type. The perfectly fitting ball cups and cones insure an easy-running machine.

10-in. wheels, 5-blade cylinder, 6-in. diameter

15-in . $16 15 I 19-in . $19 95

17-in . 18 00 | 21-in . 21 75

Super Great American Ball-Bearing Lawn Mower

Pennsylvania Klifton Ball-Bearing Mower

A quality Mower at a low price. Known everywhere for its high-grade products. The Mower is well built; all parts accurately fitted, and will cut many miles of the household lawn before it requires any ser vicing. Pushes easily and cuts cleanly, leaving a nice smooth finish to the lawn.


12-in . $5 00

14-in . ^ 50

16-in . 6 00


14-m . $6 50

16-in . 6 75

:n 7 00

. Pennsylvania Klifton Ball-Bearing Mower

ABBOTT & COBB Philadelphia, Pa.



72-page Planet Jr. Catalogue free. Describes 70 tools. Includes Seeders, Wheel Hoes, Horse Hoes, Harrows,

Orchard and Beet Cultivators. Write postal for it

Planet Jr. Tools save time, lighten labor, and get bigger, better crops at less cost. Designed by practical farmer and manufacturer with over forty years’ experience. Last a lifetime. Fully guaranteed.

No. 3 Planet Jr. Hill and Drill Seeder

Holds 3 quarts of seed. A favorite among onion-growers, market gardeners, and seeds¬ men.

Price, $19

Sows accurately in large or small quantities in drills in a narrow line, making wheel-hoe cultivation easy, or in hills, 4, 6, 8, 12, or 24 inches apart. Force feed.

The flow of seed is instantly started or stopped by the cut-off rod. No seed wasted at end of rows.

No. 17 Planet Jr. Single Wheel Hoe

Steel frame and wheel Price, $8

The highest type of Single Wheel Hoe made. Light,

but strong, and can be used by man, woman, or boy. Will do all the cultivation in your gar¬ den and in the best, easiest, quickest way.

No. 119 Garden Plow and Cultivator Price, $3.75

A new tool for those who prefer the extra-high wheel on their garden Cultivator. The wheel is 24 inches high, and has a 13^-inch rim; has a complete set of cultivating tools plow, narrow and wide cultivator teeth, three-prong tooth, and scuffle hoe for weed cutting. Handles have plow-handle grips. A well-made, substantial tool at an attractive price.

Planet Jr. Edger No. 2

The Planet Jr. Grass Edger assists wonderfully in producing an attractive walk. $1.50 (mailing weight 4 lbs.) Postage extra.

No. 12 Planet Jr. Double Wheel Hoe Cultivator and Plow Price, $1 1.50

1 A Single and Double Wheel Hoe in one. Straddles crops till 20 inches high, then works between. Has steel frames and 14-inch steel wheels. The greatest hand-cultivating tool in the world.

No. 101 Planet Jr. Cultivator

Price with wheel, $10.75

No. 101D, without wheel, $9.50

A new and improved Cultivator sold at a low price. Stop in and see it. It will please you.

No. 90 Planet Jr. 12- Tooth Harrow Culti¬ vator and Pulverizer

Complete with steel wheel, $17 No. 90B (without pulverizer), $14

This tool has become a special favorite with straw¬ berry, tobacco, and sugar-beet growers, market gardeners, truckers, and farmers, because of its 12 chisel-shaped teeth. The teeth and pulverizer leave the ground in fine condition. Depth can be regu¬ lated instantly. Cultivates any width from 12 to 32 inches. Handles adjust up, down, and sidewise, saving hands and clothes.

Planet Jr. Seed Attachment No. 35

For hotbed or greenhouse work. Can also be attached to the No. 119 Wheel Hoe or all Single and Double Wheel Hoes. $6.

ABBOTT & COBB Philadelphia, Pa.


Miscellaneous Supplies

No. 220 Planet Jr. Fertilizer Distributor

A thoroughly practical, well-built implement for distributing fertilizer evenly and thoroughly. It will handle 100 to 2,000 pounds per acre and can be adjusted to fertilize rows as close as 9 inches or as far apart as 4 feet. The economy in material and the saving in labor makes Planet Jr. No. 220 Fertilizer Distributor a profitable investment for every market gardener or farmer. Price $29.50.

Broadcast Seed Sower

For accurately sowing timothy, clovers, millets and heavy seeds of grass and other farm crops. Can be regulated to sow any required quantity per acre.


Cahoon . $5 00

Cyclone . 2 25

Farm and Garden Wheelbarrows

One of the most useful articles on the list of garden and lawn tools. Materials are selected oak mortised and bolted together, strengthened with six iron braces, made substantial, light and for long service. Wheels are 3-inch tread.















25 .

. $9 00




24 .

. 8 00





22 .

. 7 50





18 .

. 5 50

No. 110 Perfection Sprayer

No. 110GF Perfection. Galvanized Tank, 4-gallon

capacity . Price $6.25

No. 110BF Perfection. Copper Tank, 4-gaIIon

capacity . Price $9.60

No. 140GF Jr. Perfection. Galvanized Tank, 2p2-

gallon capacity . Price $4.50

No. 140BF Jr. Perfection. Copper Tank, 2 J^-gallon capacity . Price $6.85

Sprayer equipped with aphis nozzle to easily reach the under sides of leaves. Highest pressure compressed air sprayer made.

Keystone Water Ballast Rollers

Fill with water, which will weight it to any de¬ sired number of pounds, as shown below. Equipped with a device for keeping handles stationary.


















250 .

. $10 75






330 .

. 13 00






440 .

. 15 75






590 .

. 17 25

ABBOTT & COBB Philadelphia, Pa.




Acroclinium . 35

Ageratum . 35

Alphano . 43

Alyssum . 35

Antirrhinum . 35

Aphistrogen . 44

Aquilegia . 36

Arsenate of Lead . 44

Asparagus . 2

Asparagus Roots . 2

Aster . 36

Baby’s Breath . 38

Bachelor’s Button . 37

Balsam . 36

Balsam Apple . 36

Beans . 3,4

Beans, Scarlet Runner. . . .41

Beans, Soja . 33

Beet, Mangel . 6

Beets . 4-7

Black-Leaf 40 . 44

Bonemeal . 43

Bordeaux Mixture . 44

Bovung . 43

Broccoli . 8

Cabbage. . . . . 8-10

Cabbage, Chinese . 10

Calendula . 36

Calliopsis . 36

Campanula . 36

Candytuft . 36

Canterbury Bells . 36

Carnation . 37

Carrots . 11,12

Castor-oil Bean . 37

Cauliflower . 10

Celeriac . 16

Celery . 12-15

Celosia . 37

Centaurea . 37

Chard, Swiss . 10

Chicory . 16

Chinese Lantern . 40

Chrysanthemum . 37

Clover . 33

Cockscomb, Dwarf . 37

CoIIards . 16

Columbine . 36

Coreopsis . 37


Corn, Field . 16

Corn Salad . 16

Corn, Sweet . 17

Cosmos . 37

Cucumber . 24,25

Cultivator . 46

Dandelion . 16

Delphinium . 37

Dianthus . 38

Digitalis . 38

Dill . 5

Edger . 46

Eggplant . 18

Endive . 16,18

Eschscholtzia . 38

Everlasting . 35

Fennel, Florence . 5

Fertilizer Distributor . 47

Fertilizers . 43

Field Seeds . 33

Fish-oil Soap . 44

Flower Seeds . 35-42

Forget-me-not . 39

Four o’Clock . 38

Foxglove . 38

Fungtrogen . 44

Gaillardia . 38

Gourds . 38

Grasses, Lawn . 34

Gypsophila . 38

Harrow . 46

Herbs . 5

Hollyhocks . 39

Horse-Radish Roots . 16

Humus . 43

Iberis . 36

Impatiens . 36

Insecticides and Fungicides.44

lnsectrogen . 44

Kale . 18

Kohlrabi . 19

Larkspur . 39

Lawn Mowers and Supplies.45

Leek . 18

Lemon Oil Insecticide . 44

Lettuce . 19-22

Lime . 43

Lime-Sulfur (Dry) . 44

Loma . 43


Marigold . 39

Marigold, Pot . 36

Mignonette . 39

Millet . 33

Mirabilis . 38

Miscellaneous Supplies. . . .47

Momordica . 36

Morning-Glory . 39

Moss, Peat . 43

Muskmelon . 22

Mustard . 22

Myosotis . 39

Nasturtium . 39

Nicofume Paper . 44

Nicofume Tobacco Powder .44

Nitragin . 44

Nitrate of Soda . 43

Onions . 23

Onion Sets . 23

Pansy . 40

Paris Green . 44

Parsley . 27

Parsnip . 26

Peas . 27

Peas, Canada . 33

Peat Moss . 43

Pepper . 28

Petunia . 40

Phlox . 40

Phosphate . 43

Physalis . 4'j)

Pinks . 38

Planet Jr. Tools . 46

Plantabbs . 43

Poppies . 38,40

Portulaca . 40

Primrose . 41

Primula . 41

P. T. B. Para-Dichloro¬ benzene . 44

Pulverizer . 46

Pumpkin . 28

Pyrox . 44

Radish . 29,30

Rape, Dwarf Essex . 33

Red Arrow Insect Spray. . .44

Reseda . 39

Ricinus . 37

Romaine . 22


Rutabaga . 33

Rye . 33

Sage, Scarlet . 41

Salsify . 30

Salvia . 41

Savory, Summer . 5

Scabiosa . 41

Scalecide . 44

Seed Attachments . 46

Seeder . 46

Seed Sower . 47

Semesan . 44

Sheep Manure . 43

Slug-Shot . 44

Snapdragon . 35

Snarol . 44

Sorrel . 30

Spinach . 31

Sprayers . 47

Squash . 30

Stocks . 41

Sulphate of Aluminum. . . .43

Sulphate of Ammonia . 43

Sunoco Spray Oil . 44

Sweet Marjoram . 5

Sweet Peas . 41

Sweet William . 41

Thyme . 5

Timothy . 33

Tobacco Dust, Fine . 44

Tomato . 32

Torf Mull . 43

Tree Tanglefoot . 44

Turnip . 33

Vegetable Seeds . 2-33

Verbena . 42

Vetch, Hairy . 33

Vigoro . 43

Volck . 44

Wallflowers . 42

Water Ballast Rollers . 47

Watermelon . 26

Weed Killer . 44

Whale-oil Soap . 44

Wheat . 33

Wheelbarrows . 47

Wheel Hoe . . . 46

Wilson’s O. K. Plant Spray.44 Zinnia . 42


Asparagus . 8 oz.

Beans, Bush . 6 lbs.

Beans, Pole . 3 lbs.

Beets . 5 oz.

Cabbage . 2 oz.

Carrot . 3 oz.

Cauliflower . }^oz.

Chinese Cabbage . 2 oz.

Celery . 3 oz.

Corn . 1 lb.

Cucumber . 4 oz.


Eggplant . 1 oz.

Endive . 2 oz.

Leek . 2 oz.

Lettuce . 2 oz.

Melon, Water . 3 oz.

Melon, Citron . 2 oz.

Okra . 12 oz.

Onion for Sets . 8 oz.

Onion for Large Bulbs . 2 oz.

Parsnip . 3 oz.

Parsley . 2 oz.

Peas . 6 lbs.

Pepper . 1 oz.

Pumpkin . 2 oz.

Radish . 6 oz.

Salsify . 4 oz.

Spinach . 6 oz.

Squash . 3 oz.

Tomato . 1 oz.

Turnip . 3 oz.


Red Clover . 10 to 15 lbs.

White Clover (Dutch) . 10 lbs.

Alfalfa or Lucerne . 20 lbs.

Alsike Clover . 12 lbs.

Sweet Clover . 25 lbs.

Crimson Clover . 12 to 15 lbs.

Timothy . 12 lbs.

Hungarian Grass . 1 bus.

Pasture Grass . 2)/£ to 3 bus.

Blue Grass . 2 to 3 bus.

Rye Grass . 1 }/2 to 2 bus.

Orchard Grass . 1 to 2 bus.

Redtop Grass . 1 to 2 bus.

Mixed Lawn Grass . 5 bus.

Millet . 1 bus.



Barley, broadcast . 2 to 3 bus.

Beans, Dwarf, in drills . 1 bus.

Beans, Pole, in hills.. . . 10 to 12 qts.

Beets, in drills . 5 to 6 lbs.

Broom Corn, in hills. . . .8 to 10 qts.

Buckwheat . 1 bus.

Cabbage, in beds, to trans¬ plant.. . )4Ib.

Carrots, in drills . 3 to 4 lbs.

Corn, in hills . 8 to 10 qts.

Corn, for fodder . 3 bus.

Cowpeas. . . . 1^ to 2 bus.

Cucumber, in hills . 2 lbs.

Flax, broadcast . 1 bus.

Lettuce . . . . . . 3 lbs.

Melon, Musk, in hills. . . .2 to 3 lbs. Melon, Water, in hills. . . .4 to 5 lbs.

Mustard, broadcast . y^bus.

Oats, broadcast . 2 to 3 bus.

Onions, in drills . 5 to 6 lbs.

Onion Sets, in drills. ... 6 to 12 bus. Onion Seeds, in drills.. . .6 to 12 lbs.

Parsnips, in drills . 4 to 6 lbs.

Peas, in drills . bus.

Peas, broadcast . 3 bus.

Potatoes, cut tubers . 10 bus.

Pumpkins, in hills . 4 to 6 lbs.

Radish, in drills . 8 to 10 lbs.

Rye, broadcast . 1 % to 2 bus.

Sage, in drills . 8 to 10 lbs.

Salsify, in drills . 8 to 10 lbs.

Spinach, in drills . 10 to 12 lbs.

Squash, Bush, in hills. . . .4 to 6 lbs. Squash, Running, in hills. 3 to 4 lbs. Sudan Grass, broadcast. 16 to 24 lbs. Sudan Grass, in rows. . . .2 to 3 lbs. Sugar-Cane or Sorghum . 10 to 12 lbs.

Tomato, to transplant . )r£lb.

Turnip, in drills . K to 2 lbs.

Turnip, broadcast . 3 to 4 lbs.

Vetches, broadcast . 30 lbs.

Wheat, broadcast . 1 to 2 bus.


J. Horace McFarland Company, Horticultural Printers .Harrisburg, Pa.

Printed in U.S.A.


Abbott & Cobb

4655-61 Paul Street Frankford, Philadelphia, Pa.

Name _ _ Date _ _ 1 938

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Send by _ on _ 1938 to Station or Express _

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. , r .

Order Abbott & Cobb Specialties early, before these stocks are sold out

BEET. Crosby’s Egyptian (Special). CARROT. Danvers Half-Long (Special). CARROT. Red-Core Chantenay. CARROT. New Nantes.

CAULIFLOWER. Improved Snowball. CELERY. Early Fortune.

CELERY. Full-Heart Easy-blanching. CELERY. Special No. 763.

CELERY. Golden No. 14.


ENDIVE. Florida Deep Heart (Escarolle). LETTUCE. White Big Boston (Special). ONION. Michigan Globe.

PARSNIP. New No. 10.

PEPPER. A. 8s C. Early.

RADISH. Scarlet Globe.

SPINACH. Long-standing Bloomsdale. TOMATO. Marglobe.

TOMATO. Spring Garden.


WEIGHT LIMIT. The weight limit within the first, second, and third zones is now 70 pounds, and within all other zones 50 pounds. Shipments of 20 pounds or over are cheaper if sent by express beyond the second zone.


Within the United States and Possessions

First zone, within 50 miles of Philadelphia . . .

Second zone, within 50 to 150 miles of Philadelphia .

Third zone, within 150 to 300 miles of Philadelphia .

Fourth zone, within 300 to 600 miles of Philadelphia .

Fifth zone, within 600 to 1,000 miles of Philadelphia .

Sixth zone, within 1,000 to 1,400 miles of Philadelphia .

Seventh zone, within 1,400 to 1,800 miles of Philadelphia .

Eighth zone, all over 1,800 miles of Philadelphia .

First pound

Each additional

or fraction

pound or fraction

8 cts.

1 Ct.

8 cts.

1 Ct.

9 cts.

2 cts.

10 cts.

4 cts.

11 cts.

6 cts.

12 cts.

7 cts.

14 cts.

9 cts.

15 cts.

11 cts.


First Class Permit No, 1573, Sec. 510, P. L. & R. Philadelphia, Pa,


4655-61 Paul Street

Frankford, Philadelphia,



A. & C. Cucumbers growing on Mrs. L. A. Morris’ Farm, Bushnell, Fla.

E. L. Hunt, Bushnell, Fla. 1000-bushel ham¬ pers per acre of A. & C. Cucumbers

A. & C. Cucumbers grow¬ ing on Herbert Center’s Farm, Bushnell, Fla. Mr. Center is right-hand man

E. C. Moorman, Bushnell, Fla., and his A. & C. Cucum¬ bers

Above are fields of various A. & C. Cucumber growers in Bushnell, Ha., during 193 5. These

are extra-fancy crops, producing 900 to 1000 bushels per acre

A large field of Abbott & Cobb Muskmelon grown on our farms

Abbott & Cobb