Historic, Archive Document

Do not assume content reflects current scientific knowledge, policies, or practices.

ROBERT WAYMAN 39-09 214th Place Bayside, L. 1., N. Y.


Dive Fruits & Veretent : : Suvesu of Plent Tadas | | UeSe Depteof Acriculture- Veshincton, Del.


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‘Deyartment of Agrionlture


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Clara Noyes 20c each $2.00 Doz. $15.00 per 100


AYearAround Iris Pageant

ms cage Ww ; pay fa nservatorie® > oF and some pe Piers in heat oe e specimens re iC cerutinl ; ; M. MOHR : xperts are orchid, and scrutin ee jovelines®, (One-half actual size) higk -salaried exp the loveliest oreo vith all their fa {rises ne-Nalft actual size : ne bor 4 Lris P

that distinguish 4 Kaleido-

i nd emp lies compat . Fever eee rchids, 2 lovelie the com color the ush and } Huge frilly flowers Hot please place i eat { have se wildering range orchid out : : er TOW right ae The Finest of th gee clea Ww ahs dexquisly ris th > sign an “Pogocyelus Hybrids” : yrchids never b ae most delicate or ce peside it ead of natural desig Hardy and ree pa e you will fete nd, Vy guaran surpass it in every aay for they Flowering a ars e alry arden tha s exquisite fragra ee oie 25¢ Each in the OP r. ices have the Most Cr and besides com the $2.50—doz. : | war . ris ¥ .

$18.00 per 100

Sent from my Nursery in Grandview, Wash.

TECTORUM (Illustrated Above) The famous Roof Iris of China m ia ; Hardy anywhere—in sun or shade PaOsh cessive orc 20c each, $2.00—doz. 50c each, $5.00—doz. $15.00 per 100 $37.50 per 100


4 TECTORUM $ .00 Sent from my nursery 1 TECTORUM ALBUM in N. J.


A white form of Tectorum


The illustration is in miniature. The flowers are quite large. Rich royal purple.

25c each; $2.50 doz. $20.00 per 100


IRIS RETICULATA The First Flowers of Springtime

In purple-and-gold enamel these graceful and char with the enchanting perfume of woodland violets, bring us spring days of blustering March, the very magic of tha artand mystery of the Near East, and they linger with us as the\Spri advances, blooming well into April. In the Sotth they comévi flower a month earlier. In one old New England Barden Reticulata has come into color and splendour every spring for years, from an original planting of over half a century ago, and ther has been no letting down in all that time. No one knows\how they came there, as Iris Reticulata was apparently unknown in this coun- try at that time. In all probability some world traveler foundtthem and brought them home as a cherished floral treasure. At any.event when the now aged couple moved in more than 50 years go they found Iris Reticulata blooming there and they have cantnned since. Amazing evidence of ruggedness and longevity to those who know the severity of New England winters.

Iris Reticulata precedes the early flowering trees and shrubs, and holds the center of the stage well through the spring season. It is distinguished from other members of this great family by its curious four-sided tapering spears or stalks, which seem to be designed for piercing the icy crust of the snow. It has also become a favorite novelty among house plants wherever it has been introduced.

12 RARE IRIS RETICULATA for $2.50—100 for $20.00 Sent From Bayside



These exquisite midgets of the Iris world have introduced new and delightful notes of color and form to the modern garden, and they can be trusted to bloom prodigiously from April well up to the middle of May, in the Northern States, and a full month earlier in the South. Hybrid products, the result of crossing Iris Pumila, the stemless variety that is found from Austria to the Caucasus, with the French Iris Chamaeiris, which has blooms on ten inch stems, these new Hybrids show the striking brilliant colors of both parent strains, with symmetrical but diminutive flowers in many new colors on sturdy stems 6 to 12 inches tall—veritable bantams of their floral family.

ever. ™~

Iris Reticulata

The First Flowers of Springtime


The sturdy and rugged Pogocyelus Hybrid Irises, the fame of which has circled the globe in a compara- tively few seasons, represent the genius and triumph of one of the world’s greatest students of hybrid breed- ing as applied to horticulture, Sir Michael Foster, M.P., one of Britain’s statesmen and scientists. Flowering radiantly and abundantly in the genial month of May, they illuminate a garden with their extravagant and almost tropical beauty, and excite the admiration of every flower lover and of every passer-by. One notable variety of this epoch-making group was the achieve- ment of the late William Mohr, one of California’s great horticulturists. Famed as one of thelargest known Tris in the world, Wm. Mohr gives the startling effect of a monster orchid, delicately superb in soft shades of violet—like the Cattleya orchids—with exquisite vein- ing of darker manganese violet. An illustration in this folder gives only a mere suggestion of the beauty of this variety, in reduced size: the living flower has to be seen to be appreciated.


10 Magnificent Specimens, All Different, Each One La- beled—My Selection


Culturai Directions Includ- ed. The Collection will in- clude one ‘‘William Mohr’’ previously sold at $25.00 per

These Pogocyclus marvels flourish in rock gardens plant, and one variety from and in beds and borders anywhere and everywhere, and the gardens of Sir Michael

are rated among the hardiest varieties in the world. Fereer Ui Wn atest ton

my Iris Ranch at Grandview, For Complete Pogocyclus Listing—See Page 36 Wash.

of my general catalogue.

Sent to you direct from my Iris Ranch at Grandview, Wash. Labeled—Cultural Directions Included

This superb collection of 20 Beautiful Miniatures, ALL DIF FER- ENT, will be carefully made up to cover the color range and main- tain delicate harmony. It includes soft sky blues, luxurious purple, soft and brilliant yellows, pure snow white, rich burgundy red, and other delicate new tones. Each plant is carefully labeled.


UR Early Flowering Iris Masterpieces, the ‘Early Flowering Aristocrats” represent as a celebrated group the glorious achievements of some of the world’s most illustrious students and practitioners of hybrid breeding, in

America, Britain, France, and other countries. Among the most gorgeous of all the early flowering varieties, they come marching as gallant heralds of the summer’s vast and marvelous pageant. Each one of these exhibition varieties shows a different, startling, distinctive color or pattern—bronze rose, shining like beaten metal; orchid pink, changing like the prismatic shades in the

clouds of the sunrise; and magical

effects of all sorts, beggaring descrip-


For a Complete Listing of 60 Varieties of Miniature Gems See Page 34 of My Iris Catalogue

For other May-flowering Irises, see those marked EARLY on Pages 7 to 29 of my general catalogue. Also the “AUTUMN FLOWERING” Irises on Page 32, as these flower profusely along with the EARLY varieties as well as in the Autumn.

$2.00 stra"

My Selection

Cultural Directions with all ; : _ Shipments. Miniature Bearded Iris pate ee


From My Farms in the Famous Yakima Valley

Our great tribe of modern Tall Bearded Iris is like a World Congress—Congress of Beauty and Garden Splendour: “Pallida”’ from the Southern Tyrol; ‘“Albicans”’ from Arabia and Spain; “Variegata” from Serbia and Bulgaria, and the neighbor- hood of Vienna; ‘““Kashmuriana” from Afghanistan, Baluchistan, and the fragrant Vale of Kashmir; “Trojana” from the Troad; ‘“‘Mesopitamica” from Armenia; “Cypriana” from Cyprus, and “Ricardi’’ from Syria. All these and many others have been fetched from the loveliest natural garden spots of the world, and bred and cultivated, hybridized and blended, into the bewildering array of our modern brilliant, stately, superb, and luxurious Tall Bearded Irises. Hybridizers in friendly competition have striven intensively to outdo one another in the production of new and unique varieties, of enormous size and height, in new colors, forms, and tex- tures, with fragrance to outdo the lily and the rose, until today no flower approach- es the Irises in their combinations of these desirable qualities. The pedigrees of some of these splendid varieties are so far reaching, so complex, that seeds from a single pod of varieties fertilized with pollen from their own flowers will produce blooms in all the colors of the solar spectrum. The surpassing beauty of these latest cre- ations will thrill you like the glories of a golden, roseate, and opalescent sunset,

Sierre Blue



AL WELL displayed collection of these MASTERPIECES will win you the capital prize in any show, and many of the other prizes in their classes. They represent my personal selections of potential 100% Prize Winners from several thousand varieties that I have grown. If you already own some of them you are well acquainted with the sur- passing quality of the whole group, and you will welcome the opportunity to acquire others. If, however, you have yet to make their acquaintance but do not wish to purchase the entire collection, you may freely make your own selections with every assurance that each one is the finest, in its own class. The collection includes 10 Winners of the Dykes Memorial Medal, a coveted international honor awarded only for the finest Iris of the Year. The others are all Championship varieties.

California Gold—36 in. Generally considered the finest deep yellow Iris. Superb in every way. 25c. Constance Meyer—40 in. AWARDED TWO SILVER MEDALS in

England, where it originated and where it is considered the finest pink toned Iris originated to date. 20c.

Crystal Beauty—50 in. Very early and very tall new gleaming snow white that stands shoulder high. The tallest and one of the most out- standing of all white Iris. 20c.

Dauntless—40 in. DYKES MEDAL WINNER. One of the finest and purest red toned Irises. Sold for $35 for a single plant just a few years ago. 25c.

Depute Nomblot—48 in. DYKES MEDAL WINNER. Standards copper-red flushed golden-bronze. Falls rich claret-crimson. 25c.

G. P. Baker—48 in. AWARDED A SILVER MEDAL, ALSO THE DYKES MEMORIAL MEDAL. A superb canary yellow, perfect in every way, each flower stalk profusely branched. A Masterpiece. 20c.

Gudrun—42 in. Early. Awarded the DYKES MEDAL in England. Superb snow white of massive size. The largest white and by many considered the best. 25c.

Happy Days—44 in, The Hybridizer’s dream come true. A mammoth sized deep yellow as large as the giant Nene with an unusual glistening finish and deep orange beard. 35c.


Carefully made up of varieties not listed above, but of superb quality, so that one may order both groups without a chance of duplication. The term “Surprise” is used advisedly, for the collection contains some of the most celebrated of the world’s favorite varieties. You will find it a happy surprise indeed!

16 Varieties My Selection YD

Each Separately Labeled

Guaranteed $3.50 Value These will be sent to you direct

for they dim the radiance of tropical butterflies with their jeweled splendor.


Jean Cayeux—36 in. Winner of the DYKES MEMORIAL MEDAL A marvelous blending of Havanna and Copper brown. 25¢

Joyance—42 in. DYKES MEDAL WINNER. A huge cream or ivory toned flower—best of its color. 25c.

Marquita—40 in. Smooth ivory with an eggshell finish, with brilliant roby lines running from base to apex of falls. One of the dozen best ris. 50c.

Meldoric—50 in. Early. Generally considered the finest purple Iris in- troduced to date. Flowers of huge size. 25c.

Nene—38 in. THIS VERY STUNNING IRIS IS THE WORLD'S LARGEST IRIS AND ONE OF THE FINEST INTRODUCED TO DATE. The huge flowers sometimes measure 9 inches long, with petals of heavy kid-like substance. The Standards are soft lilac and the Falls rich old-rose, the general effect being red. Now that it can be had at such a nominal price it should be in every garden. 25c.

Rameses—42 in. DYKES MEDAL WINNER. A superb flower _ a blending of Tourmaline Pink and soft yellow. A prodigious bloomer. 20c.

San Francisco—44 in. DYKES MEDAL WINNER. Huge white with a feather-stitch edging of lavender blue. Sold a few years ago at $35.00 for a single plant. 25c.

Sierre Blue—50 in, Awarded DYKES MEDAL in the United States. Finest Deep Blue introduced to date. A real champion. 25ce.

Sir Launcelot—32 in. A most unusual and exceedingly brilliant brown- red tone. 25c.

Theodolinda—42 in. Superb white of immense size, with a blue feather- stitched edging. 25c.

The Black Douglas—38 in. Very richly and deeply colored velvety blackish pansy violet. Best near black. 25e¢.

Vert Gallant—50 in. DYKES MEDAL winner in France. The most prodigious bloomer of any Iris I have ever seen, producing 4 to 5 ee stalks to a single rhizome. Soft rose and dahlia carmine

end, 35c.



from my Iris Ranch at Grandview, Wash.

20c Ea. $2.00 Doz.


per 100

The Spectacular


HE opulent splendor of the universally popular Siberian Iris furnishes another striking example of the magic of hybrid culture, in this specific union and blending of two illustrious races—the Iris “‘Siberica”’ of old Russia and adjacent states and provinces of Central Europe, and its mystical, thoroughly Oriental cousin, most appropriately named the Iris “Orientalis.”’ These peculiarly novel and fetching hybrids, while smaller than the Tall Bearded Iris, are the most prodigious bloomers of all. They have a distinctive daintiness, smooth elegance, and subtle coloring that suggest instantly the mystical charms and spells of all Eastern art and beauty. Peculiarly adaptable and accommodating wherever they are, they thrive amazingly under varying conditions, and in full sun or partial shade. They are obviously satisfied with average conditions, and the simplest cultivation; and a single plant will make no fuss over producing fifty or more flower stalks, with hundreds of blooms on graceful, slender stems. These delightful Siberian Iris are singularly ideal for garden and landscape compositions, with groupings by pools, lakes, or streams, and they happily solve all the flower-arrangement prob- lems of the most exacting hostess.



In my personal selection of the Rarest of these Superb Varieties, I include a soft sky blue; a deep, rich purple; a clear lavender; a dainty, delicate snow white; and six other beauties. The finest set of Siberian Iris offered anywhere in the world at such a low price. Varieties included in this collection have been priced at $5.00 and $10.00 a plant and one was introduced at $25.00 for a single plant.

For a complete list of all the finest Siberian Iris see Page 37 of my Iris Catalogue

Beardless Iris Species and |

N the month of June (or May in the South) the marvelous

and too little known Beardless Iris Species and Hybrids

bridge the gap between the blooming season of Tall Bearded Iris and Japanese Iris and obligingly remain in bloom until the Japs are in full array and color. The Species of Beardless Iris best known and most popular are of European, Asiatic, and , American origin, and many magnificent hybrids have come ' from crosses of these various types. They are distinctly differ- ent in form from all other Iris, and the varieties show individu- al variations in form and color that render them more or less individually unique.

The Beardless Iris is well-known to be the hardiest of all the Iris family, readily adaptable to any climate and any situ- ation. It is the ideal Iris for cutting, and a general favorite for flower arrangements and all ornamental purposes. The follow- ing is a very choice selection:

Dorothea K. Williamson—24 in. Rich Royal Purple. 25c.

Fulva—24 in. Copper Red. See illustra- tion. 35c.

Giganticoerulea—40 in. Lovely blue. See color illustration. $1.00.

Hyacinthiniana—18 in. Hyacinth scent- ed, soft blue and sulphur’yellow flowers. 25c.

Kaempferi—40 in. Wine red. 35c.

Notha—36 blue. 25c.

Ochroleuca—4 ft. central zone. 20c.

in. Exquisite soft porcelain

White with yellow |

Pseudacorus Alba—36 in. A finer white | would be hard to find. 35c.

Pseudacorus Gigantea—36 in. Gigantic yellow. 25c.

Shrevei Alba—36 in. Lovely white and blue. 35¢e.

The full list of other Beardless Species and Hybrids will be found on Pages 38 and 39 of my Iris Catalogue. ,

Giganticoerulea $1.00 Ea.

An exceedingly rich Royal much more hand- some than the illustration and a prodigious bloomer.

Originally sold at $25.00 a plant. One of the choice varieties now included in the Siberian Iris Collection below.


12 Superb Siberian Irises My Selection


All Different—All Correctly Labeled Cultural Directions Included Sent to you direct from my

nursery in New Jersey

Iris Fulva

35c Ea. $3.50 Doz. $25.00 per 100



The 10 Varieties listed here, all separately labeled, make up one of the most unusual and desirable collections ever offered at any price. Several of the varieties have sold re-- cently for more than tam es for :

entire collection.

Sent a to you from my nursery _in New Jersey

- Gultural Directions ___ Included



Summenr-Blooming Iria “Ka

Regad, Majestic, Gorgesus

The Summer’s Crown Jewels

XOTIC looking, in colors and contour—bizarre

perhaps at first glance—fantastic in its effect against

a background of more conventional flowers of the

beds and borders, Iris Kaempferi becomes quickly one of the familiar spirits of the garden, just as a rare, precious, and exquisite bit of Oriental enamel, embroidery, or carving may insinuate itself into a homely and common- place scene to glorify it and become the dominant note of an accomplished harmony.

The splendid, robust Bearded Iris was my first love, in my early days of floriculture, as all my old friends know so well; but if I were exiled to a desert island or a wilderness with “a book of verses underneath the bough, a jug of wine”—and perhaps just one exquisite flower for the nourishment of the senses, my choice—it is already made! I should take this great and noble Iris for companion and comforter. My collection of these gems absolutely is peer- less, and the newest, rarest, and finest are ready for my customers. These are all grown in the United States at my spacious nursery in New Jersey and will be sent to you direct from there.

See Pages 40 and 41 of my Iris Catalogue for list of Summer-Blooming Iris ‘‘Kaempferi’’

Iris Dichotoma


IRISES That Bloom In August


Out of Northern China and Manchuria, the altogether lovely August-flowering Iris Dichotoma, also known as “The Vesper Iris,” pours its bounty into the lap of summer from spreading clumps of delicate, slender stems, from thirty inches to a yard in height. And those thin but sturdy stalks send forth branches of their own, and it is nothing unusual for one plant to yield more than a hundred blooms in one short season, when the clumps have become estab- lished. As Morning Glories are flowers of the dawn, Iris Dichotoma opens at mid-afternoon—precisely at three, with astonishing regularity (you can set your watch by it) and gives you a fresh crop of its picturesque blooms every day for several weeks, It is one of the newest members of the great Iris family to appear in American gardens, and everywhere it has met with the reception accorded all such sensational discoveries.

IRIS $4 .00 DICHOTOMA 3 ror *1<2

Sent to you direct from my nursery in New Jersey

Cultural Directions Included



This splendid assortment will be selected by me personally, and each variety will be earefully labeled. The color range will be complete; no two varieties alike; with giant singles and doubles, mottled, striped, and

blended effects, soft pastels and gaudy pri- mary hues, the collection will be fascinating and delightful. Some of the flowers will be as large as dinner plates.

& Gorgeous IRIS ‘‘Kaempferi’’ All Different and Distinct Each Plant Labeled

Sent to you direct from my nursery in New Jersey

Cultural Directions Included

Brocade Mountain

(One-eighth Actual Size)

it appears to require frost, here in our latitude, to form buds and open its IRIS flowers, and it has endured sub-zero weather in my own garden without injury.

Oddly enough, the rare and interesting Iris Stylosa which blooms in our American Winter, is native to Algeria, Asia Minor, and Northern Syria. With curious independence it refuses to conform to a change in seasonal schedules, and our bleak season of ice and snow does not alter its determination. It will not flower in summer- time, but sends forth its lovely blue blossoms in the winter months, beginning in December—in cold frames or sheltered nooks in the Northern States, but out of doors in Virginia and farther South. Actually | Winter Flowering Iris


$4.00 STYLOSA 2

Sent From Bayside

Eleanor Roosevelt

flowers in April and September 20c Each $2.00 Doz.

$15.00 per 100

HE Iris Collections here listed are made up of species and varieties brought together from well nigh every nook and corner of the globe; and afford you interesting mementoes of lands now tragically barren and devas- tated, which must inevitably be re- deemed to bloom again in all their glory.

These groups will also provide you with a floral calendar as indicated, for the 12 months of the year, bringing beauty to your garden from many far off lands, as well as indulging many choice varieties of American origin.

In case you do not wish all of these collections, you may select those that will give you whatever garden program is desired.

Month of Bloom : MARCH..... 12 tris Reticulata:.c. «eee $2.50

ARR ae 20 Lovely Miniature Iris Gems..... 2.50 MALY Gee ete. 10 Pogocyclus: Hybrids?.)2. -24.csn 2.00 12 Early Flowering Iris Aristocrats.. 2.00 AMUINDS: pos kG on 16 Tall Bearded Iris—Surprise Coll.. 2.00 12) Superb Siberian adrisiys. see 2.25 10 Beardless Iris Species and Hybrids 2.50

AONB DES, Ta oeane 6 Summer Blooming Iris ‘““Kaempieri? 4... ee ee 2.25 AUGUSTE... 3 Chinese Iris Dichotoma......... 1.00 SEPT., OCT ..12 Autumn Flowering Iris.......... 2.00 WINTER FLOWERING 4 Iris Stylosa.......... 2.00



Separate Cultural Directions Included with Each Group—Each Plant Labeled

Stobert Wayman

a Place

2h |

Bayside, Long Island, New York