Historic, archived document Do not assume content reflects current scientific knowledge, policies, or practices. 63*5 Germany 1900 r Mignonette „Nineteenhundred“ (Sachs). Electrotypes 8 s. each net. The above is the true reproduction from a photograph of one single plant of Mignonette „Hineteenhundred i, \ It will be readily conceded by every-one who has seen the matchless „Bismarck“-Mignonette I introduced last year, that my novelty of today is the best pendant to it that could well be imagined. The astonishment and admiration, which the powerful forms of the Bis¬ marck - Mignonette excite, will be renewed by the incredible mass of charming golden yellow flowers produced by my Mignonette „Nineteenhundred“. The plant forms a semi-globular bush of the most perfect shape measuring 24 inches in diameter and consisting often of more than 400 flowerspikes. It will be no exaggeration to say that anything more per¬ fect in regularity of shape of the plant and in over¬ abundance of flowers could not be imagined in a Mignonette. Like the „Bismarck“-Mignonette I have nursed this variety for years and can confidently recommend it as being equally well fixed in character and coming as true from seed as the former. 100 Packets 48 s., 10 Packets 5 s. 6 d., 1 Packet 8 d. (Electrotypes 8 s. each net.) Dwarf- Comet - Perfection- Aster, rose. The great popularity, which my Comet-Aster snow- white, I introduced several years ago, soon acquired, caused the new dwarf form of last year to find also a very favorable reception. The new rose colour now introduced can, therefore, not fail to meet with an equally ready welcome, since it has the same prominent qualities as its white sister: dense habit of growth, large plate-like arranged flowers with finely curled petals and extraordinary earliness in flowering. 100 Packets 42 s., 10 Packets 4 s. 6 d., 1 Packet 6 d. J Aster, Dwarf - Ostrichfeather-, pure white (Sachs). Its chief characteristic feature in comparison with the tall Ostrichfeather-Aster is, that with all the eminent qualities of the latter, it combines its adaptedness for dwarf beds and for splendid borders of larger beds and groups of flowering plants. In spite of its little height of only 8 inches and the large flowers measuring 5 inches a cross and borne on long stalks, the candelabra-shaped habit of the bushy plant lends it a very attractive appearance. The gigantic snow-white flowers with their very long and elegantly curled petals are of the most imposing effect in all decorative arrangements of cut- flowers; they are, notwithstanding their size, very graceful and remain perfectly double until they fade. My Dwarf-Ostrichfeather-Aster pure white is not going to supplant but to supplement the Dwarf-Comet- Aster pure white, inasmuch as it begins to unfold its splendid flowers, when the exceedingly early-flowering Dwarf-Comet-Perfection-Aster is beginning to fade, so that it follows the latter and secures, together with it, an uninterrupted succession of large white flowers for months. Electrotypes 3 s. each net. To some it may seem a difficult undertaking to endeavour to surpass the great success, which accom¬ panied the introduction of the white varieties of Comet-, Dwarf-Comet-Perfection, and Ostrichfeather- Aster, yet I feel convinced that my Dwarf-Ostrich- featlier-Aster, pure white, will be equal to the task. 100 Packets 48 s., 10 Packets 5 s. 6 d., 1 Packet 8 d. (Electrotypes 3 s. each net.) Ostrichfeather-Aster (Hohenzollern - Aster), rose (Sachs). „ „ „ „ white changing into pink (Sachs). To the white Ostrichfeather-Aster, the splendid form of whose flowers rivals with the finest Japanese Chrysanthemum, I have succeeded in adding the above 2 new colours, rose and white changing into pink, a good beginning towards the formation of an assort¬ ment of colours of this most imposing Aster. The first of the two is a beautiful deep rose, while the second is white at the opening of the flower, changing at the full development of it into a lovely pink, the same shade as that called „The Bride“ of the Giant-Comet-Aster. The two new T colours have the same prominent features as the white variety: Candelabra-shaped habit of the plant, which is 16 to 18 inches in height, long stout stems carrying flowers 5 inches in diameter, very double and with long, beautifully curled petals. These qualities make the Ostrichfeather-Aster, which is also known as „Hohenzollern-Aster“, of conspicuous value for all bouquet-purposes and other floral arrangements. 100 Packets 42 s., 10 Packets 4 s. 6 d., l Packet 6 d. Dwarf French Bean, Wax-podded, ..First of All" (Sachs). This new variety lias all the best qualities of a first-class dwarf French Bean, being exceedingly prolific, and producing long, fleshy pods of great tenderness. As its name implies, it is earlier than all others, which is a quality of great importance, especially to the market-grower. 100 Packets 42 s., 10 Packets 4 s. 6 d., 1 Packet 6 d. j