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Chrysanthemums Plant Now for Fall Bloom!


Exhibition Chrysanthemums

The largest flowered types. Blooms are magnificent and of amazing size and form when plants are disbudded. Allow one to three stems to a plant.

YELLOW TURNER—Large light yellow flowers with incurved petals. Plants of medium height. Disbud about Aug. 20 for bloom Nov. 1.

PINK TURNER—The large flowers with incurving petals are a pleasing shade of pink. Treat like the above.

BRONZE TURNER—Beautiful buff bronze with incurved petals. Plants of medium height. Disbud Aug. 20 for bloom about Nov. 1.

WILLIAM TURNER—Giant ball-shaped flowers of purest white. Petals in- curved. Plants of medium height. Disbud about Aug. 25 for bloom Nov. 1.

WILLIAM VERT—Large crimson flowers with reflexed petals. stems. Disbud August 20 for bloom about November 1.

THOMAS POCKETT—Clear pink with incurving tips. Midseason. RED MAJESTIC—Bronzy red. Select bud late August for midseason bloom. COUNTRY MAIDEN—Broad petals are apricot bronze, incurving. Mid-


CORONATION AMARANTH—Broad, incurved petals of mauve with sil- very reverse.


Large Flowered Chrysanthemums (COMMERCIAL TYPES)

This group produces the best large flowered types with long stems for cutting. Although the flowers are not as large as the Exhibition types they are quite large when disbudded and have excellent stems.

EVENING GLOW—Bright golden yellow. Seven flowering.

BONNAFON IMPROVED—Intense golden yellow ball shaped flowers. Midseason.

YELLOW WAITE—Bright yellow with incurved petals. Early flowering. BUTTERBALL—Clear yellow with incurved petals. Early. Very beautiful. KEYSTONE—Bronzy orange with incurved petals. Early flowering type.

INDIAN CHIEF—Deep reddish bronze with gold reverse. Large flowers. Midseason.

ANACONDA—Deep coppery bronze with incurved petals. Gold reverse. Midseason.

inches across. Early

BETTY—Medium large bronze with incurved petals. W. H. WAITE, IMPROVED (Red Waite)—Reddish bronze.

ARMISTICE DAY—Petals incurved. Red with gold reverse. Very showy. Midseason.



GARNET KING—Fine red with dark reflex. Midseason.

MRS. HARRY TURNER—Crimson flowers with flowering.

MAJOR EDW. E. BOWES—Large flowers of medium pink. Early flowering.

ARISTOCRAT—Clear orchid pink. Late flowering. New.

ROSY MORN—Deep rich pink with lighter reverse. Midseason.

MAY WALLACE—Bright pink with incurved petals. Midseason bloom. HELEN FRICK—Deep lavender flowers with incurved petals. Late. WHITE HELEN FRICK—Like the above but flowers white. Late flowering.

DECEMBER WHITE—Large flowers with incurved petals. Matures very late.

incurved petals. Late

Petals incurved.


A popular group for mass planting and for use in bouquets. There are two types of flowers: the small button type and the larger loose flowered. Both produce sprays of flowers and a few will benefit by disbudding as indicated in description.

WHITE POMPONS SEAFOAM—Good for sprays or disbudding. Pure white. Midseason.

TREASURE ISLAND WHITE—Fine decorative late pompon. Good dis- budded or for sprays.

PINK POMPONS FAIR MAID—Clear daybreak pink. Early.

MINUET—Fine pink of medium size. Especially good for bunching, keep- ing and shipping. Midseason.

PINK DOT—Light pink, crimson dot at center. Good long sprays. Early. PINK PEARL—Rosy pink. Early.

PURPLE POMPONS AMETHYST— Bright purple; good sprays—late.


FIREBALL—Bright crimson, perfect form; good for potting. Early. WILDFIRE—Very brilliant red; holds color well and is very showy.


ARGO—Large rounded pompon of bronzy orange which does not fade. Dwarf growth, rigid stems. Excellent production. Late.

BRONZE GOLDSMITH—Reddish orange large flowers. Late.

BRONZE MASTERPIECE—Medium flowers of apricot bronze. Midseason. DOROTHY TURNER—Reddish bronze and gold. Late.

DESERT GOLD—Two-tone bronzy yellow. Large clusters. Early.

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YELLOW POMPONS AUTUMN GLINTS—Large flowers, golden yellow showing a crimson re- verse to the petals. Flowers profit in size by disbudding. Midseason. HASHEGAWA—Deep yellow blooms in clusters. Late. SPUN GOLD—Decorative type of deep lemon yellow. Late. STARDUST—Rich golden yellow. Good sprays. Late. THE QUINTUPLETS—This colorful group of small button type Pompons are

easy to grow and make a welcome filler for Chrysanthemum bouquets. Plants are all 2 to 3 feet in height and flower in late October and early November.

Annette—Delicate pink.

Cecile—Light yellow; reflexed petals.

Emelie—Pure white, slightly reflexed.

Marie—Orange bronze; very small.

Yvonne—Reddish bronze.

Anemone Chrysanthemums

The flowers of this group have two kinds of petals: the outer in two or

more rows, flat and broad surrounding the cushion center. The center

petals are often in a contrasting color. Flowers are borne in a beautiful


BEAUTIFUL LADY—Large flowered bright pink, creamy cushion. Mid- season.

CAPTIVATION—Mahogany red bronze throughout. Midseason.

ENCHANTRESS—Large deep pink. Good as sprays or can be disbudded to 6 inches. Late.

ESTRELITA—Bronzy orange. Midseason.

FRIEDA—Clear orchid pink with light yellow cushion. Holds color well. Good sprays. Midseason.

GOLDEN PHEASANT—Golden yellow throughout. Midseason.

PURPLE QUEEN—Small bright purple, almost a pompon in size. Early.

RED WELCOME—Raspberry red. Early.

SINCERITY—Pure white with white florets. Early.

WHITE FRIEDA—Pure white. Midseason.

YELLOW GARZA SUPREME—Light yellow. Late.

Spoon Chrysanthemums

Flowers unique with their long tubular petals with spoon-shaped tips. These are short and stiff, standing out from the center without drooping

as in the Spidery sorts.

BRILLIANCE—Excellent erect growing type with showy flowers. The long tubular petals are a clear maize yellow showing bright red tips. Mid- season.

OTTO BLUM—A very unusual and striking lavender. Medium size flowers having one row of spoon-shaped quilled petals surrounding a large flat white cushion. Growth sturdy; flowers of good substance. Midseason.

PINK MATCH STICK—A very free-flowering spoon chrysanthemum. Flowers light pink in color appearing in midseason on plants of medium height.

WHITE MATCH STICK—Petals quilled with spoon-like tips. Flowers of medium size. Midseason.

YELLOW SPOON—Small spoon-type flowers in a pleasing lemon yellow. Early flowering.

Spider Mums

The most unusual of all ‘Mums’. The flowers are beautiful with their curious long tubular petals which often hang several inches in a most graceful fashion. Very choice and much admired at the flower shows. Flowers become quite large with disbudding.

BESS WITT—Large feathery variety with long tubular petals of bronzy- orange. Very large when disbudded.

BUTTERFLY—Large canary yellow. Long tubular hooked petals with spoon-like tips. Early.

NIGHTINGALE—Very unusual, flowers actually a light*green color. For best color and shape the last bud is best and if a cover of cloth or shade is available the flowers will have better shape and color. Blooms about October 25.

RED SPIDER—Large spidery type of Magenta with gold center.

SILVER LACE—Pure white. Large quilled flowers with long reflexed petals having hooked tips. A fine keeper and excellent for cutting. Blooms about Nov. 15. Disbud for larger flowers.

Cascade Chrysanthemums

The following varieties are suitable for culture in pots and training as cascades of small single flowers. Special training is usually given these plants to produce the best floral displays, but no special care is necessary if plants are grown in the open garden, in the usual way.

ANNA—Small single white.

BIJO—Light pink, small single. LIGHTHOUSE—Medium bronzy red.

LITTLE PRINCESS—Tiny golden yellow anemone. PURPLE QUEEN—Small bright purple anemone.

Cushion Mums

Very dwarf Chrysanthemums useful in the foreground for they are in bloum for an exceptionally long season—early September until frosts—and really covered with showy flowers. Plant in full sun, need no disbudding.

AMELIA—Bright pink. CHAMPION—Deep bronze.

EDGAR A. GUEST—Bright bronzy red. HARVEST GOLD—Delicate yellow.

Single Chrysanthemums

A spray type with open centered flowers. Flowers have one or two rows of colored petals, surrounding a yellow center. Charming in bou- quets. Disbudding will increase size of some flowers. AFTERGLOW—Deep rust bronze with gold center. Late.

ALEK STRIBBLING—One of the finest large pure white singles. APRICOT VALENCIA—Deep apricot bronze. Late.

JENNIFER—Splendid bright yellow, fine either disbudded or as sprays. Good strong sturdy stem. Midseason.

PEACHGLOW—Medium size chamois pink. Late.

ROSALIND—Medium size clear pink—good stems. Late. SARONG—Medium bright crimson scarlet. Late. VAGABOND—Apricot buff with small center. Late.

Korean Hybrids

Remarkably hardy daisy-like Chrysanthemum valuable as mass planting or for hedge purposes. Blooming early and lasting over a long period.

APOLLO— Bronze, red and gold. CERES—Chamois yellow and gold. DAPHNE—Salmon pink. MERCURY—Coppery bronze and red.


8715 MacArthur Boulevard