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SECTION 562, P.L.&R.



United States ‘Dept. of Agriculture JOHN SCHEEPERS, INC. Librarian Washington 25, De-Cs

Flower Bulb Specialists 37 WALL STREET NEW YORK 5, N. Y.

aon Bsc UW bes ce

ARLY contracts with our growers

in Northern France” enable us to offer at extremely attractive prices, limited quantities of our Scheepers’ Special Strain of "TRUE NORTHERN FRANCE” LILIUM CANDIDUM (MA- DONNA LILY) which has been success- fully used for many years in the finest gardens throughout this country.

Among the Lilies, the lovely MADONNA LILY (Lilium Candidum) rules supreme. Combining fragrance, stateliness, beauty, and inspiring char- acteristics in a high degree, it adds a touch of chaste refinement to any garden, no matter how sumptuous or modest.

It is very easy to grow; the prime requisite for successful cultivation is the correct start with the right kind of bulbs. France is the chief producer of Madonna Lily bulbs. In some sections of France, particularly in the South, strains of Madonna Lilies are produced that have not proven satisfactory in American gardens. The finest stocks are produced in one or two nurseries in the NORTH OF FRANCE, and these fields have escaped the ravages of war.


Because of their pure white color, Madonna Lilies fit in any garden scheme. For best effect plant in clumps of 5 to 10 bulbs each throughout the hardy border. Set them about 4 inches apart each way, plac- ing little sharp sand underneath each bulb for proper drainage. Set the bulb at a slight tilt and cover the crown with not over 2 inches of soil. A liberal

addition of humus to the soil will amply repay itself. The best time to plant is during September—the sooner the better. Root action will commence at once and a slight leaf growth will be made before heavy frosts stop vegetation. They are not particular as to location; either sun or shade, but prefer partial shade to be at their best.




For other Lilies and Bulbs for Fall Planting See our 1948 Fall Edi-

tion of Over 100 Gold Medals x Awarded Us for Su- BEAUTY PROM preme Quality Bulbs. BULEBSs

We offer these "True Northern France” bulbs of Highest Quality as follows:

LO0MighestiQuality Bulbs. nese were eee. $85.00 100 Selected Bulbs of Fine Quality...........0..00....... $50.00 00) Highest Quality, Bulbs. .-eyeecee re 43.00 50 Selected Bulbs of Fine Quality...................... 26.00 LOtHighestiQuclity=Bulbspas= = =e 9.00 10 Selected Bulbs of Fine Quollity...................... 6.00

We will receive a few enormous bulbs which we offer under the name "SPECIAL STOCK.” Supply very limited.

Hamper of 100 ‘Special Stock” Bulbs................ $125.00 Hamper of 50 “Special Stock” Bulbs.................. 62.50 Pers) Omopeciclistockes bulb senna nes 13.00

ee - SS ~

PLANT DELPHINIUMS AC ley a perfect setting mils VWikdlonne AG oy

Truly magnificent effects in the June Garden can be obtained by planting Madonna Lilies in conjunction with DELPHINIUMS, variety BELLADONNA or the HYBRIDS (the hardy blue Larkspur), or against a background of Evergreens or Climbing Roses, up against a summer house or in a pergola in thickly - Meee eas a planted clumps.

We offer extra selected young vigorous plants of Delphinium, they are shipped balled to insure safe arrival and prevent plants being checked while in transit.

per 100 per10 DELPHINIUM BELLADONNA, selected, heaviest plants, SCHEEPERS’ IMPROVED STRAIN........ $75.00 $7.75

DELPHINIUM SCHEEPERS’ HYBRIDS, Scheepers’ famous strain, selected, heaviest plants............ 87.50 .00

JOHN SCHEEPERS, Fh Hower Bulb Specialists


Telephone HAnover 2-1177

2 Serving tes py, Gardens

for more Hho thirty years


JOHN SCHEEPERS, Inc. 37 Wall Street ~ E Het : § s New York 5, N. 2) ta gh 2 5 >

hab EP Gentlemen: Kindly ship the folldwiha! LILIUM CANDIDUM iMpdomna. Lliea) : ter Lot of 100 Highest Quality Bulbs @ $85.00 each besaethe Lot of 50 Highest- Quality Bulbs @’ 43.00 each Eee Lot of 25 Highest Quality Bulbs ‘@> 22.00 each’ : chee Lot of 10. Highest Quality Bulbs @ 9.00 each :

ese. Lot of 100 Selected Bulbs of Fine Quality @ $50.00 Bach eee. Lot of 50 Selected Bulbs of Fine Quality @ 26.00 each .z Pans Lot of 10 Selected Bulbs of Fine Quality @ 6.00 each «

Pee Lot of 100 “Special Stock’ Bulbs @ $125.00 each Eb Maer Lot of 50 “Special Stock’’ Bulbs @ 62.50 each

ER on Lot of 25 “Special Stock’ Bulbs @ 32.00 each 2

ae calle Lot of 10 “Special Stock’ Bulbs @ 13.00 each


a, Belladonna @ $75.00 per 100

pnt ee Belladonna @ 7.75 per 10

ender Scheepers’ Hybrids @ $87.50 per 100 aS Scheepers’ Hybrids @ 9.00 per 10


Riau Bungei @ $1.75 each wou Himrob @ $2.50 each Roteone, Elwesii @ 3.00 each vss Robustus @ 3.00 each Spelt Elwesii Albus @ 2.50 each _............ Shelford @ 2.00 each

Petite te Himalaicus @ 1.75 each ae Collections of one each of above seven varieties Regular List Price $16.50, Special Collection Price $15.50

SCHEEPERS' BULB FOOD eta atey 5 lb. Cans eee Ono m bags ee OOM ba Bags

Total Amount of Order $

(We will bill you after shipment is made.)


100 lb. bags, Each,

Full instructions for proper use contained in each package.

Coen ae - or _Achisionene for Your Garden

K NOWN also as the “Foxtail Lily,” ‘Desert-Candle” or “Giant Asphodel”

they are with the exception of the variety Himalaicus native of Turkestan.

A well-grown clump of Eremuri may justly be regarded an achievement to be proud of. The great flower stalk, often eight feet tall and more, rises- from a crowded tuft of long, narrow leaves, and is crowned by a flower spike two to three feet long, composed of closely set bell-shaped flowers, star-like in effect, in soft tones of rose, yellow, salmon and white.

When the gigantic flowering is over, the plant disappears entirely, but reappears very early in the spring, when it is advisable to protect the young flower spike from late frosts. Such protection is most important.

To fill the great bare space left when the plants go to rest, Gypsophilas- may be planted near and kept staked until the Eremuri die down, when they may be allowed to fall forward in their place. Some of our clients have planted them most successfully on the north side of evergreens.

It has not been until this year that the finest varieties of these garden- aristocrats have become more reasonably priced. Plant a few clumps in your garden. They will give your hardy border character at a time of the year when flowers of the heights of Eremuri are absent in your garden.

CULTURE: These plants enjoy a rich soil with an admixture of sharp sand and well-drained sunny location. Cover top of root crown with 5 inches of soil. In winter a mulch of wood ashes over the crown is a safeguard, or a box may be filled with leaves and inverted over it.

BUNGEI: Vigorous, citron yellow, HIMROB: Gigantic spikes of a light reaching 4 feet in height. Extremely blush pink. Flowers in early June. handsome; flowers in June-July. $1.75 $2.50 each.


ELWESII: Enormous soft pink spike; ROBUSTUS: Rosy pink. A beautiful, broad green foliage. A vigorous, dis- Vigorous species glaucous foliage. tinct form of E. robustus. Height, 10 Flowers in early June. Height 6 to & to 12 feet. Flower in early June. $3 _ feet. $3 each.


SINGING. Gy Gee ce SR ree Cle Co ee

ange, de i 1 : i above; pure white. Very beautiful; a Sue coon hon a ecre:

and later. Grows 6 feet tall, nearly half of the spike being clothed with HIMALAICUS: Pure-white, close-fur- the flowers and coppery tinted buds.

flowers in early June. $2.50 each.

nished spike. Height, 6 to 8 feet. A grand plant. Flowers in late June. Flowers in early June. $1.75 each. $2.00 each.

A COLLECTION of one extra selected, specimen root each of the above seven varieties, total seven roots. Regular list price, $16.50. Special collec-

tion price, $15.50. Order at once—supply is limited.

All Scheepers' Eremuri are extra-heavy specimen roots.

rotect the Ynvestment of Your Garden wm SOCHEEPERS’ BULB FOOD


V E have been asked by many friends to tell them what sort of plant food we use in growing our choice bulbs. We told them we had a special formula that gave health and long lI:fe to these plants. A few prevailed upon us to make up a quantity and let them try it in their own gardens. We did.

The extraordinary success that these gardeners met with and the enthusiasm resulting from it have encour- aged us to offer all our friends and patrons a chance to use the very same plant food in their attempts at producing healthy, luxuriant flowers with strong stems and exquisite colorings.

And so we present this opportunity for you to order some of SCHEEPERS’ BULB FOOD and we recommend that you try it with your next planting. It is almost entirely composed of organic matter and may be used with absolute safety in connection with the planting of bulbs at any time, in any soil or with any other plants. It is also economical—as a teaspoonful for each bulb is the average requirement.

We are sure that if you take advantage of this offer you will find it a very happy investment.

5 lb. cans, Each, $1.85 25 lb. bags, Each, 3.50 100 lb. bags, Each, 9.50

Full instructions for proper use contained in each package.


: ? Postage Stamp Will be Paid


by Addressee

if Mailed in the United States


First Class Permit No. 47266, Sec. 510 P. L. & R., New York, N. Y.

JOHN SCHEEPERS, Inc. 37 Wall Street New York 5, N. Y.