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■jr MAR 2 2 1924 £


qA Fee w of Its §Many i Merits

It begins blooming in late July when flowers in the garden are very scarce.

It is not particular about its location or soil, and is absolutely hardy. It needs absolutely no attention after planting, and continues each year get¬ ting better. Flowers measure from 8 to 10 inches across , and are a blaze of colors. Bobbink & Atkins Marshmallows are distinctive from all others.

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U have probably heard of this new production of ours, ut we want you to know and enjoy its beauty. We, nd tbo«c who have already secured it, have now had ime to test it thoroughly in every way, and are con- inced it has come to stay.

One of its great recommendations is that absolutely no attention is needed after the root is once planted. The root is of a semi-bulbous nature, and becomes larger each successive year, thus improving the flowers also. It starts into growth after all danger of late frost, and quickly reaches a height of 6 to 9 feet, having large, thick stems capable of holding up the enormous flowers without any support. The leaves are, in accordance with this rapid growth, very large and decorative, giving quite a tropical effect in their luxuriance, and, what is important, they clothe the stems right to the ground, if given light.

Toward the end of July, when there is a dearth of bloom in the garden, the buds of our wonderful hybrid Giant-flowering Marshmal¬ low begin to open, and what a sight! When fully expanded, the flow¬ ers measure on an average of 8 to 10 inches in diameter, and we have measured some inches across. This blaze of color is only one flower, and you can imagine the result of a group of plants which throw up about five or six substantial stems, and each stem bearing continually until late autumn, a succession of sometimes as many as forty flowers.

Although so large, these flowers are by no means coarse in anyway. The colors range from pure white to an intense crimson, and each individual color is kept separate, so that you can carry out any in¬ tended color scheme. There are solid colors and those having a dif¬ ferent “eye”, such as white or pink with a red center, and the shad¬ ing is very soft, so that any clash in color with other flowers is almost impossible.

In planting, very little care is necessary. The roots should sim¬

ply be planted with the crown about 3 inches under the surface with the stump of the old stem pointing up and covered firmly. Although they grow in almost a.nv position, the greatest magnificence is at¬ tained when a moist location is selected. As before stab' late in starting, and so escape the spring frosts. Afte- is spent, a large, green seed-pod persists, which may < picked off, but there is a certain amount of decoration whci. left on; they do not injure the plant in any way.

When the stems die down, as they do every winter, they may be cut off close to the ground and the roots left undisturbed, to shoot up with renewed vigor the following spring. Being absolutely hardy, they need no protection, but in poor soil a mulch of manure is very beneficial, and its value will be seen in the improved plant and flower the following summer.

In closing, we wish to point out that

Our Hybrid Giant- Flowering Marshmallow

Is Positively Distinct from All Others

Both in leaf and the flower being larger. The most satisfactory way of proving this, and to be convinced of its royal splendor, is to visit our Nurseries and actually see our plants growing in thousands. The flowers are at their best in the month of August, but you can see some until frost.

Each 10 100

1 year . $0.25 $2.20 $18.00

2 years ........... .35 3.00 25.00

3 years ........... .50 4.50 35.00

4 years ........... .75 6.50 50.00

^[i 1 1 - - - =1^


You will see one of the most complete collections of evergreens, trees, shrubs, and all plants ever assembled, and we are pleased at all times to conduct any visitors around our grounds.

By train, our Nurseries are a few minutes from Rutherford Station, which is the first stop from New


York City on the Erie Main Line ; Carlton Hill is the second station, which is just by our Nurseries.

The New Dyckman Street Ferry, from 204th Street, New York City, to Palisades Avenue, Engle¬ wood, N. J., affords a pleasant automobile drive, with good roads all the way to our Nurseries.

Ask for Our Illustrated General and Rose Catalogs

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BOBBINK & ATKINS, Rutherford, New Jersey

GNkurserymen and Florists


Giant -Flowering Marshmallow

Natural size 8 to 10 inches

Nurserymen and Florists