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Spring Edition

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America’s Foremost Propagator and Grower




James I. George & Son Growers of America's \ finest Clematis

Goes are rapidly becoming one

of the most popular of all vines and we have a collection of varieties and colors to suit any purpose. The hybrids with their platter-like flowers often measuring six to eight inches across the bloom are a joy wherever seen or grown. What the smaller flowered varieties lack in size of bloom, they more than make up with the quantity

of bloom. All the varieties listed are hardy in western New York State climate and are propagated and grown by us on their own roots.

Clematis make a fine display on arbors, trellises, old stumps, or grown and trained on cedar posts in the garden. Their use as summer cut flowers should not be over-



Select a location for Clematis which receives at least six hours of sunshine a day and see that the soil is a rich loose loam with good drainage. If the soil is not rich, it would pay to dig a good size hole, remove the soil and refill with a good loam. Provide a support for the plants to climb upon as Clematis do not like to have their tops and leaves on the ground but rather up into the air and light. A moist, cool root-run for the summer months is well worth the trouble of mix- ing 44 peat moss and 4 Driconure to provide a mulch at least two inches deep and in a two-foot circle around the plant. A little Vigoro and lime

worked into the soil once or twice a season will supply the essential requirements. In extremely dry weather they should be watered from time to time. When cold weather arrives in the fall, safe winter protection can be easily accomplished by pulling soil up around the stems and cover- ing with leaves, straw or other loose material. If height of vine is desired, little pruning, and only to remove the dead wood, in February or March, is enough, but generally Clematis make a better display if cut back to 18 inches above the ground in the very early spring before the new shoots have started.

Buy Direct from the Grower IT IS EASY TO ORDER BY MAIL

Simple Instructions to Follow

. Cash with order. No C. O. D.

WN =

to stand as booked.

. Keep a copy of your order. We acknowledge by postcard only.

. No changes in varieties on order (previous) after September 15th. The orders have

4. Only guarantee on the plants is that a good live plant will be shipped to you. We are not responsible for plants that do not live when they are beyond our planting

and care.

5. Complete planting and cultural directions will be mailed with plants.


We ship in the spring about March 1st and continue until the planting season is over. Post- age is paid by us anywhere in the U. S. A. on Clematis. The ornamental vines are postpaid if included with an order for Clematis, otherwise the order must amount to $5.00 to have us pay the postage on them. As far as possible, we sup-


ply Clematis with soil on their roots even though it may mean additional postage on the shipment.


We suggest that you get your order in as early as possible for early selection.



In A Wonderful Assortment of Pastel and Stronger Colors. Lavender, Purple, Pink, Mauve, Red, White, Yellow, Blue and Multicolor Shades


Azure-blue petals. Tapering buds which assume many interesting forms when unfolding their large, azure-blue petals, producing a star-like form, with a circle center of creamy stamens accentuating the dis- tinctive outline of the flower, serve to characterize this unusual hybrid of the Viticella type. It attains a height of 8 to 10 feet, and its blooming period extends from July to late September. Each $1.50

Comtesse de Bouchard Excellent color. Gracefully curved petals that range in tone from satiny rose to rich pink places this variety in a distinct category. Not only are the flowers the nearest approach to clear pink of all hybrids, but the plant is a strong grower and a profuse bloomer from July to September, and reaches 8 to 10 feet in height. Each $1.50

Belle of Woking

An English hybrid recently introduced in America, it has double flowers that range from pale bluish mauve to silver-gray. Since the flowers are produced on year- old wood, pruning should consist of removing dead wood only. June and July are months of profuse bloom in the garden, and yet this climber attracts attention for its unusual charm. Eight feet seems to be its limit.

Each $1.50


Crimson Star

Crimson Star

A new variety. The name itself suggests the color, which is vinous red with brownish anthers. In size it is truly spectacular, for it often attains a diameter of 6 to 7 inches. Comparatively new, this showy hybrid (6 to 8 ft.) holds the distinction of having the best red tone yet produced. The blooming period is from June to Sep- i | tember. Each $1.50 Belle of Woking


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ff Lovely Cematis for the Garden

Duchess of Edinburgh

Duchess of Albany

vio. SES of gorgeous pink, trumpet-like flowers ee : onslender but sturdy stems suggesta grace and a delicacy rarely found among climb- ing plants. The dark brown center of the flower and the white streaks on the outer side of the petals are interesting fea- tures. July to Sep- tember is the bloom- ing period, and this Vatlety iS ampatticua larly desirable where it can be seen at close range. Of in-



Duchess of Edinburgh

Double, pure white, and not unlike a Gardenia, is the de- scription for the flowers of this most desirable plant. White flowers make highlights in the shady garden and help to tone down the brilliant hues in the open border. It is interesting to note that this new introduc- tion blooms on year-old wood, hence pruning should consist of removing only the dead wood in late February or March. The growth habit of Duchess of Edinburgh suggests its use for pillar treatment.

Each $1.25

Duchess of Albany

terest to those who are partial to American plants is the fact that this magnificent hybrid had its origin as a hybrid of Texensis—the Scarlet Clematis of Texas.

Each $2.00

Also known as Marsh or Curly Clematis, it is character- ized by graceful foliage and dainty bell or urn-shaped flow- ers. The color of this species, which is indigenous to the South, has been described as steel-blue, and it has proved hardy in northern New York. While its native habitat is that of a swamp, it thrives well in ordinary loam that has been well limed. These curious, bell-like flowers are in evi- dence from July to September and the plant can be expected to climb 8 feet on a trellis, or better still, scramble over some Crispa early blooming shrub.

Each $1.00

Excellent for Fences, Pergolas, Trellis and Posts

Ernest Markham

A strong growing Clematis with bloom in midsummer. The blooms are medium size and very bright red. This variety is new and promises to be the leader in the group of red-flowered Clematis. Each $1.50

Ernest Markham

Gipsy Queen

A hybrid of the well known Jackmani, Gipsy Queen has velvety violet-purple flowers of a pleas- ing size. It is typically a summer-blooming variety with all the vigor of its parent, and it should be pruned severely in early spring. Each $1.25


It might well have been called Henryi gigantea for the large white flowers not infrequently meas- ure 8 inches across. Although the growth is vigor- ous and it climbs to a height of 8 feet, Henryi is outstanding for its quality of bloom rather than its quantity. elleres 19.4 hybrid of rare beauty. Each $1.25


Gipsy Queen

Elsa Spath

Bright blue, profuse. Each $1.50

Henry Chapin A fine red Clematis with a medium sized bloom. Pro- fuse blooms in midsummer on a medium height vine.

Each $1.50


One of the newest hybrids from England, Huldine has received recog- nition from the Royal Horticultural Society. The translucent blooms are pearly white with delicate mauve- : ae pink bars on the reverse side. Huldine Each $1.25



Fairy Queen

Fairy Queen

Pale flesh-pink to mauve-white bloom of large size with a streak of pink on each petal. Medium height and midsummer bloomer. Each $1.25

Jackmani Rubra

A bright red variety of Jackmani, it has all the qualities that make the parent form desirable, in- cluding vigorous growth and a free-flowering habit.

Each $1.50 Jackmani Superba

Dark violet-purple and larger than Jackmani, it may well be considered a splendid addition to the large-flowered Clematis because of its rich sub- stance. Each $2.00

King Edward VII

Crimson bars against a violet background un- doubtedly suggested the real name of this variety. The large and distinctive blossoms are produced on 8- to 10-foot vines during the summer and fall months. Each $1.50

Lady Betty Balfour

Clematis viticella, introduced to England from Spain in the sixteenth century, has given us many delightful hybrids, among them Lady Betty Bal- four. In early spring it should be cut back half way if one would enjoy the full value of its vel- vety purple flowers through the summer months.

Each $1.25


Lanuginosa Candida

Lanuginosa Candida

Pure white. A white form of one of the outstanding early-flowering species. Strong grower, 12 to 15 feet. Has green ornamental leaves; makes an excellent cut flower.

Bach $1:25 Lasurstern

A fine deep blue flower of a very large size makes this variety very distinctive. What it lacks in quantity of bloom, it certainly more than makes up for in size and quality of flower. Each $1.50



Mme. Baron Veillard

Mme. Baron Veillard

If pastel tones are desired, the warm lilac-rose flowers of this French introduction will undoubtedly meet with approval. As the days get cooler, the color of the blooms becomes more intense, and its growth is checked only by frost. Then, too, it is tall grow- ing (10 to 12 ft.), sturdy of growth, and very pro- fuse in bloom. The flowers are moderate in size, borne in generous clusters, and of unusually deli- cate beauty. From all accounts, Mme. Baron Veillard is destined to become very popular. Each $1.25

. Lord Neville

Another blue Clematis, but this one is flushed with mauve and is most attractive. Large flowers with overlapping petals, a long

blooming season (June to September), and a strong, rich growth Lord Neville

make it a striking feature in the landscape. Each $1.50

Montana Alba

With petals rich in texture, like plum-col- ored velvet, Lord Neville will add a note of luxury and atmosphere to any garden. Where

Known as the Great Indian Cleinatis, this species from the average height and long blooming season are Himalaya Mountains is a plant of remarkable vigor. The whitish desired, together with flowers unusual in out-

flowers, with showy yellow stamens, change to pink with age.

line and exquisite in color, this extraordinary

Each $1.25 _ plant will meet the requirements. Each $1.25


Montana Superba

A superior strain of white Montana which blooms early in May in New York State. The vine is 20 to 30 feet in height making a mass of flowers in the spring. It blooms on the past season’s wood. Each $1.25



Montana Undulata

Similar to Montana rubens in its general charac- teristics, this variety is distinguished by its soft mauve-pink flowers. A setting of stone, preferably a wall or a terrace, will do much to bring out the beauty of this Asiatic treasure. Each $1.25

Montana Rubens

“China, the mother of gardens,” gave us this early blooming variety with its rosy red flowers, 1 to 2 inches across, which change to a deep, clear pink as they expand. Here is a plant, too, for the garden in late May and June. It will enhance the beauty of any window, and seems particularly adapted for growing on walls, since it grows 10 to 15 feet tall. Since it blooms on year-old wood, pruning should consist of the removal of dead wood only. Each $1.25

Montana Rubens

Mme. Edouard Andre

Another red Clematis, but this one has a purplish cast, the flowers are smaller, and the petals are more rounded than those of Jack- mani rubra and Crimson King. Perhaps more modest in its rapidity of growth (7 feet), it excels, however, in a profusion of bloom. A cluster of these flowers suggests the richness and texture of an old Persian rug. Each $1.25


When cold weather arrives, soil should be pulled up around the Clematis and straw, peat

or loose leaves added to prevent winter injury from freezing and thawing. Small pieces oi screen will prevent mice or rabbits from eat- ing Clematis tops in the winter.

Mme. Edouard Andes


Clematis - Quick Growing

Nelly Moser

Among the many excellent hybrids of Clematis lanuginosa, the so-called “Woolly-leaved Clematis,” is Nelly Moser. Red bars accentuate the pale mauve and white petals. Truly an unusual flower, profuse in its bloom and vigorous in its growth (10 to 12 feet), this variety will bring new interest to the summer gar- den. Each $1.50



Barbara Jackman

Medium sized mauve, bright red bar.

Each $1.50

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Barbara pecian





Familiar and desirable, this plant, with its panicles of fragrant white flowers, needs no descriptive comment except to emphasize the fact that it has many uses and is very reliable.

Each $1.00

Mrs. Spencer Castle

Pink, often double flowers. Each $1.50

Prins Hendrik

Prins Hendrik

There is something indescribably beautiful about blue flowers. Prins Hendrik 1s azure- blue, with ruffled petals often 7 inches or more in diameter. Indeed, the flowers suggest the beauty of rare Orchids. It is desirable for conservatory treatment as well as for outdoor use, and in either case, the flowers last well when cut. Since it reaches a height of about 7 feet, it can be cared for easily in a conserva- tory and can be trained for a desired effect.

Each $2.00


Probably so named because it suggested something of the beauty of the Indian maiden, this lavender-blue Clematis is accentuated by a disc of darker anthers. Short, pointed buds, rounded petals which make a full flower, and the vigorous growth are the distinguish- ing marks of this exceptional variety which is a fine bloomer during the summer months. Each $1.25

Spooneri var. Rosea Shell-pink,

small flowers. Each $1.50


Tangutica Obtusiuscula

Yellow bells, like Japanese lanterns, on stately stems, or mod- est Chinese lanterns—describe them as you will, these flowers are golden yellow, dainty and unusual. In late June come the first flowers, and the blooming carries through until September. Clambering over a rock, Tangutica obtusiuscula, the best of the yellow Clematis, seems to grow well. Each $1.00

Tangutica Obtusiuscula


Texas may well be proud of this species which has its natural habitat in that great state. Indeed, the curious urn- shaped flowers of reddish rose, softened on the inner side with buff and pinkish buff tones, make this plant, often listed Coccinea, unique. The long-haired seed clusters are truly fascinating. Plant this species near a fence, or let it ramble over a stone wall, and it will soon take on a charac- ter all its own. It is well to know that this plant is herb- aceous in our climate, and sends up entirely new growth each year. Each $1.00


The President

White trellises embellished with the reddish plum- violet blossoms of The President will give to the sum- mer garden that richness which the dark-flowered climbing Roses provide in June. It has proved to be a thrifty variety, producing its blooms freely the entire length of its 10-foot vines. This plant will appeal to the discriminating gardener. Each $1.50


The President

Mrs. Cholmondeley

Wisteria-blue is featured by this lady with the long name, and the color, we think, is far more remark- able than the designated name. Rare delicacy of color and large, open flow- ers, borne in profusion, are desirable qualities for summer-flowering vines, and it is extraordinary to find such an unusual tone of blue in this group of plants. Each $1.25

Mrs. Cholmondeley

William Kennett

The coolness of deep lavender is a welcome adjunct to any garden, and it is all the more effective when the flowers are unusual in character. In addition to having a long blooming period (June to September), William Kennett is a sturdy grower, and produces flowers of ex- ceptional size. Each $1.50 Lady Betty Balfour

Lady Betty Balfour

Clematis viticella, introduced to England from Spain in the sixteenth century, has given us many delightful hybrids, among them Lady Betty Bal- four. In early spring it should be cut back half way if one would enjoy the full value of its vel- vety purple flowers through the summer months.

Each $1.25

Miss Bateman

White with cream bars, profuse. Each $1.50

Ville de Lyon

Ville de Lyon

This Clematis produces an abundance of carmine-red flowers which are all the more striking because of the darker tones in the center of each blossom. From July until September it clambers to a height of 8 to 10 feet. a 4

Each $1.25 Miss Bateman


W. E. Gladstone

A large lilac-colored bloom with a light center.

Each $1.25


A cool, moist root run is all-important in growing Clematis. A mulch 2 inches deep and in a 2-foot circle around each plant made up of three-fourths peat moss and one-fourth

Driconure feeds them when it rains and keeps the soil cool and moist. This may be worked into the soil once during the summer and replaced. We like to plant Clematis on a cedar post in full sun with this mulch on the soil.

W. E. Gladstone

Other Ornamental Vines

Many Garden Lovers Enjoy the Familiar Vines of Yesteryear Ampelopsis Lowi Celastrus Scandens

Where a very attrach¥e wine te needed tora low Américan’’Bittéfsweet: Here is°a vigorous climbing wall or on a bird bath, this makes an excellent vine. Plant that will grow readily in partial shade. To prevent i Each 75c it from becoming too rampant, it should be pruned fre- quently. The familiar autumn fruits are always useful for

° . ¢ indoor decoration. Ea Ampelopsis Quinquefolia | pian Virginia Creeper. This vine, more correctly known as Parthenocissus, is one of our most vigorous native climbers. While it adapts itself readily to trellises and arbors, it is often found clambering over stone walls. Each autumn season its foliage is clothed in shades of gold and scarlet. Each 50c

Ampelopsis Veitchi

Boston Ivy. Almost too well known to need descrip- tion, this vigorous climber seems to thrive even under smoky city conditions, making a rich mass of dark green foliage. Its ability to cling to almost any sur- face and its rich autumn color are among its desir- able qualities. Each $1.00

Aristolochia Sipho

Dutchman’s Pipe. The curious brownish pipe- shaped flowers are a delight to children and the large heart-shaped leaves make a dense screen. Few

vines are better adapted to porches or pergolas. Each $1.50

Bignonia Radicans

Trumpet Vine. Luxuriant foliage and brilliant clus- ters of orange-scarlet flowers make this American vine a worthy adjunct to any garden. It may be trained on old tree stumps or on trellises, or it may be ailowed to grow wild. Each 50c

Bignonia Mm. Galen

Large clusters of orange-red flowers make this a very showy vine. A good strong growing vine. Each $1.00


or CUTE ALONG. DOTTED "LUNE sci cc Oe ara ch aR a

JAMES I. GEORGE & SON, Fairport, N. Y. Please do not write

here Date Your Name Very Plain

Street No. CitveanGi Clem oes ee eee eee ee eee Forwarded by Mail, Express or Freight PSIVOUE EE iC OSC ae ee = Cashin) eee en Vioneys Order, 4 Draft.or Check, $

State how much money you enclose QUANTITY NAME OF ARTICLE Dollars Cents

Clematis No. 1, grown on own roots, postpaid in U.S.A. at the proper planting time

Postpaid in U.S.A.

Each Ascotiensis $1.50 Barbara Jackman 1.50 Bell of Woking 1.50 Comtesse de Bouchard 1.50 Crimson Star 1.50 Crispa 1.00 Duchess of Edinburgh haatale 125 Elsa Spath 1.50 Ernest Markham 1.50 Fairy Queen 125 Gipsy Queen 1.25 Henryi 1.25 ___Henry Chapin 1.50 Huldine 125 Jackmani 1:25 bes Jackmani rubra 1.50 Jackmani superba 2.00 King Edward VII 1.50 Lady Betty Balfour 125 Lanuginosa candida 125 Lasurstern 1.50 Lawsoniana 1.50 Lord Neville 25 Miss Bateman 1.50 Mme. Baron Veillard 1.25 Mme. Edouard Andre 125 | Montana alba 1.25 Montana rubens V25 Montana superba 1.25 |

In making your order, please give the price, to avoid delays and errors




Clematis No. 1, grown on own roots, postpaid in U.S.A. at the proper planting time


Montana undulata $1.25 Mrs. Spencer Castle . 1.50 Mrs. Cholmondeley 125 Nelly Moser 1.50 Paniculata 1.00 Ramona 25 Spooneri var. Rosea 1.50 ___Tangutica obtusiuscula 1.00 Texensis 1.00 The President 1.50 Ville de Lyon ibaa) W. E. Gladstone 1.25 Wm. Kennett 1225

Dollars Cents

a ee

Vines postpaid if included with an order for Clematis Otherwise they will be sent express collect, unless order totals $5.00 or more VINES Each | Ampelopsis Lowi $0.75 Ampelopsis quinquefolia 50 | Ampelopsis Veitchi 1.00 Aristolochia sipho 1.50 Bignonia radicans 50 Bignonia, Mme. Galen 1.00 Celastrus scandens 50 Euonymus radicans vegetus 1.00 English Ivy, large leaf 50 . Hydrangea petiolaris 1.75 Lonicera, Hall’s Japanese 50 Lonicera Heckrotti 1.00 Lonicera Henryi 1.00 2 Lonicera sempervirens 50 Lonicera Tellmanniana 1.00 Polygonum Auberti 1.00 Wisteria, purple 1.00 Wisteria, pink 1.00 Wisteria, white 1.00 —_—— SO

In making your order, please give the price, to avoid delays and errors


Ornamental Vines Continued

Euonymus Radicans Vegetus

Thick lustrous, dark green evergreen leaves and orange colored berries. Will grow 18 to 20 feet on brick, stone or stucco. Each $1.00

Hedera Helix

Large-leaf English Ivy. Few plants are richer in texture or of more enduring beauty than the English Ivy. It may be used effectively on brick or stone walls or treated as a ground cover. Each 50c

Hydrangea Petiolaris

Climbing Hydrangea it is commonly called and will cling to brick or masonry, reaching a maximum height of twenty to thirty feet. It makes a beautiful display of white flowers. It is a slow grower. Each $1.75

Lonicera Japonica Halliana

Halls Japan Honeysuckle. Delightfully fragrant, free- flowering, and vigorous growing, this vine is commonly used where dense screening effects are needed or as a ground cover. The almost evergreen character of the foli- age gives this familiar plant added distinction. Each 50c

Lonicera Heckrotti

Everblooming Honeysuckle. A superb ground cover with glaucous foliage and delightful two-tone blossoms which are warm purple outside and bright yellow inside. As its common name suggests, it blooms freely through the summer and may be grown on trellises where a climber of moderate height is desired. Each $1.00

Lonicera Henryi

Yellowish flowers and black fruit. Evergreen foliage with long pointed leaves which are very ornamental. A strong growing Honeysuckle which will grow in partial shade.

Each $1.00

Lonicera Sempervirens

Scarlet Trumpet Honeysuckle. Although this species has no distinctive fragrance, it is notable for its clusters of tubular scarlet blossoms and its brilliant red fruits.

Each 50c

Lonicera Tellmanniana

Golden Giant Honeysuckle. This desirable hybrid with its rich yellow blooms, shaded bronzy red, is free flowering and vigorous in its growth. Each $1.00

Polygonum Auberti

Silver Lace Vine. For immediate screening effects the Silver Lace Vine is invaluable. It is a rampant grower and blooms over a long period. Plant it on a cedar post or a trellis for accent effects. Each $1.00


Palygonur Auberti


Lonicera Heckrotti

e o Wisteria, Purple Grafted plants are offered since they mature and bloom sooner than do plants raised from seed. A well-placed specimen of Wisteria is a permanent investment in any garden, since it increases in beauty with the years. Each $1.00

Wisteria, Pink

A choice variety of Wisteria with delicate pink flowers. Each $1.00

Wisteria, White

A white form of Wisteria which is very attractive. Each $1.00

Purple Wisteria

Purple Jackmani

Sec. 34.66, P. L. & R. U. S. POSTAGE


FAIRPORT, N. Y. Permit No. 30


hint Gulag


The most popular of all the large-flowering Clematis in America, with large, velvety violet-purple flowers, this variety has long held the popular acclaim which it so richly deserves. Rapid and vigorous in growth, often 10 feet high, it is profuse in bloom through the summer and early autumn. Its beauty and perfection can be retained by cutting back plants to 3 feet in order to encourage strong new wood. Each $1.25


S, Dept. of Agriculture,

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