Historic, Archive Document Do not assume content reflects current scientific knowledge, policies, or practices. ' * 1 (h S-F{i ■ Ft FORESTRY RESEARCH WHATS NEW IN THE WEST U.S. Department or Agriculture Forest Service JULY 1977 *t U *«* What's Inside urce assessment The standing dead ' > . ■Determining forest -nutrients,. _ _ _ New publications a note to you Forestry Research: What's New in the West, is a report on the work of the USDA Forest Service’s four Forest and Range Experiment Stations in the West. These research centers, and the States included in their areas of study are: Rocky Mountain (North Dakota, South Dakota, Nebraska, Kansas, Colorado, Arizona, New Mexico, and part of Wyoming, Oklahoma, and Texas); Intermountain (Montana, Idaho, Utah, Nevada, and part of Wyoming); Pacific Northwest (Alaska, Oregon, and Washington); and Pacific Southwest (California, Hawaii, and the Pacific Basin). on the cover Air to ground communication and a flagman are used to aid the flight crew in locating small field plots in conjunction with photo interpretation studies of range vegetation. See ‘"'Toward Better Resource Assessments" on facing page. our addresses Single copies of most of the publications mentioned in this issue are available free of charge. When writing to research Stations, please include your complete mailing address (with ZIP) and request publications by author, title, and number (if one is given). For INT publications write: Intermountain Forest and Range Experiment Station 507 25th Street Ogden, Utah 84401 For PNW publications write: Pacific Northwest Forest and Range Experiment Station Post Office Box 3141 Portland, Oregon 97208 For PSW publications write: Pacific Southwest Forest and Range Experiment Station Post Office Box 245 Berkeley, California 94701 For RM publications write: Rocky Mountain Forest and Range Experiment Station 240 West Prospect Street Fort Collins, Colorado 80521 If you are planning to move, please notify us as much in advance as possible. Send your old address, your new address, and the address label from the back cover to Forestry Research: What's New in the West, 240 West Prospect Street, Fort Collins, Colorado 80521. When reprinting articles, please credit USDA Forest Service. Mention of commercial products in this issue is for information only — no endorsement by the U.S. Department of Agriculture is implied. 'r (\ Toward better resource Hjg&i t v. V Stem*' . * • 1 .».* r..* i Wendell O. Schroll, Forest Service pilot, and Dick Myhre, scientific photographer, with their Forest Service Aero Commander and mapping camera system. assessments fl rowing demands for natural resources ^Jand environmental preservation pose complex challenges to our Nation’s future. Wit¬ ness controversies over energy development, timber harvesting, pollution control and wil¬ derness preservation to name a few. The Forest and Rangeland Renewable Re¬ sources Planning Act of 1974 (RPA) and the National Forest Management Act of 1976 (NFMA) direct the Forest Service to intensify planning for future management of National Forest lands, for forestry research, and for State and Private forestry assistance, to help meet these challenges. In fact the Forest Serv¬ ice is to submit plans, in the form of a recom¬ mended agency program, to the President and the Congress every five years. This kind of planning requires lots of facts from many sources. So RPA directs the Forest Service to assemble the facts and assess the status of the Nation’s renewable natural re¬ sources every 10 years. These assessments, also submitted to the President and Congress, are combined with public opinions and pro¬ fessional judgement to form the basis for For¬ est Service program proposals. In June of 1976, the Resources Evaluation Techniques Research and Development Pro¬ gram was established at Rocky Mountain For¬ est and Range Experiment Station to take a lead role for improving and speeding ways of making national resource assessments. Other agencies such as the Bureau of Land Management, Soil Conservation Service, Economic Research Service, Fish and Wildlife Service, Geological Survey and National Aero¬ nautics and Space Administration were asked to participate. Several of these agencies are as¬ signing their own representatives to the Program staff. 1 Research goals The Program objective is to mold the best available resource inventory and analysis tech¬ niques into an efficient system for assessing multiple resources on public and private lands nationwide. With information from all lands, the Forest Service can do a better job of identi¬ fying those actions for lands and activities within its scope of responsibility that will make the most significant contribution to national welfare. The Program staff will concentrate on ways to answer such questions as: Where are the resources? How much is there? What is their condition? How available are they? What are the demands for them? How will changing prices affect future demands? How will various land and resource uses interact to affect future supplies? What are the opportunities to im¬ prove productivity? How will human and en¬ vironmental welfare be affected by various re¬ source and land uses? Oxygen mask is necessary at 25,000 feet as Dick Myhre readies camera equipment during photo mission. Bob Dana, physicist, uses a microdensitometer to scan aerial photographs. Color characteristics from these photos define ground vegetation types. This data is then stored on a digital computer tape for later analysis. Where sound techniques already exist for answering these questions, they’ll be incor¬ porated into the system. Where there are gaps, new techniques will be developed. Emphasis will be on broad, multiresource inventories rather than conventional single resource ap¬ proaches. Initial research is focusing on five problems that pose immediate barriers to a multiresource assessment process. 1. Techniques are needed for inventorying several resources simultaneously, rather than individually as in the past. Integrating timber and range inventories into a single process will be the first step in this direction. Test sites for developing the technique are located in South Carolina, Colorado, and Washington. These sites were selected to represent a variety of vegetation, terrain and land use patterns in dif¬ ferent physiographic regions of the country. At each location, the major components of an in¬ ventory system will be worked out: (a) the re¬ source and land parameters to measure; (b) the measurement methods; (c) the sampling design or designs; and (d) data processing procedures. Major emphasis will be on evaluating the utility of various sampling designs and remote sensing techniques for making integrated re¬ sources inventories. 2 A sizable knowledge base already exists for research in this area. For example, imagery from the Earth Resources Technology Satellite (LANDSAT) can be used to detect and meas¬ ure major changes in land use patterns. Con¬ version of rangeland or forest land to agricul¬ tural crop production or urban development can already be determined from satellite imagery. Reasonable estimates of timber or range forage production have been made using a combination of satellite imagery and aerial photography in several areas. Program scientists are determining the extent to which For example, there are few available guidelines for defining the relevant parameters to be measured and evaluated for national assess¬ ments of outdoor recreation and wilderness, especially for dispersed recreation opportuni¬ ties. Decisions to provide different outdoor rec¬ reation and wilderness experiences are often constrained politically, socially, or by other re¬ source and land uses. The jobs here are to define the parameters that must be measured, and to develop techniques for evaluating those measurements in relation to other resource values. Dick Francis, range scientist and Wally Greentree, forestry technician, interpret aerial photographs for compiling natural resource inventory data. these results may be applied to other sections of the United States. Multilevel sampling using ground measurements, and measure¬ ments from different aerial photograph scales, has been applied in certain locations to identify plant species and density, and areas covered by specific plant communities. The efficiency of these techniques is being evaluated, and modi¬ fied for application in other parts of the coun¬ try. 2. Inventory and assessment of outdoor recreation and wilderness opportunities, and wildlife and fish habitat pose special problems. Wildlife and fish populations are mobile and the habitat requirements for some species cover extensive, highly diverse environments. The thrust of research in this area is to define those parameters essential to an effective na¬ tional assessment of habitat, singly or together with other resource values like timber, range, and watershed. 3. Analytical techniques for projecting fu¬ ture regional and national timber supplies under various resource and market conditions are deficient. Several operational models are al¬ ready available for projecting physical timber 3 supplies but these need to be modified for re¬ gional and national assessment application. A technique for estimating and projecting timber supplies based on economic constraints will be demonstrated on a study area in the South. The technique will take into account such variables as closeness to market, physical barriers in the woods, and condition of the timber. After a practical technique is devel¬ oped, it will be further tested in other regions. Program scientists expect to use existing methods for predicting physical timber sup¬ plies as an integral part of projecting economic availability. 4. The national data base for tabulating and analyzing present and future standing timber inventories, and supplies of wood products after milling residue losses, needs a great deal of improvement. Emphasis is on bringing the data base up to standard for the 1980 RPA Timber Assessment. Regional timber statistics gathered by Resources Eval¬ uation Units at other Experiment Stations are being integrated into this national data base. 5. Efficient and effective mechanisms are needed for storing, retrieving, displaying and updating data bases required for national assessments of forest and rangeland renew¬ able resources. Most current data bases have Norm Merritt, computer programmer, intensifies satellite imagery on a Spatial Data System color image enhancer. Resource assessment methods of today are far ahead of those used in earlier times. been constructed for functional use; timber data bases for timber, and range data bases for range, being examples. The goal here is a data base that will contain basic resource informa¬ tion that can be withdrawn and displayed to make multiresource decisions. Existing systems will be used as fully as possible. Results from the Resources Evaluation Techniques Research and Development Pro¬ gram should greatly improve multiresource in¬ ventory and analysis procedures for use at re¬ gional and national levels. Plans call for partial implementation in the 1980 National Assess¬ ment, and full implementation by 1990. The ultimate payoff will be more up-to-date, ac¬ curate facts for developing regional and na¬ tional programs under the provisions of RPA and NFMA. If you desire more information or have questions concerning this program, contact Program Manager Richard S. Driscoll at the Rocky Mountain Station, Ft. Collins, Colorado - (303) 482-7332, (FTS 323-1264). i i —By Richard S. Driscoll and Phil Johnson, Rocky Mountain Station 4 mm This lodgepole pine stand contains a large number of standing dead trees in a range of deterioration classes. tands of dead trees that stretch for miles in some parts of the West, silver¬ ing with each passing year, are figuratively filled with gold. Many of the ghostly trunks contain wood that is still sound and can be profitably sawn into lumber. “With a few exceptions, it has been as¬ sumed in the past that standing dead timber had no value for lumber and was suited only for chips,” says Dick Woodfin, leader of research on Timber Quality Yields and Grades at the Pacific Northwest Station in Portland, Oregon. “Everyone recognized deterioration, but no one really knew how rates of deterioration and the length of time since death affect what a sawmill can recover in products.” Now results from two studies give proof that much valuable lumber can be produced from trees that have been dead for several years. These findings may provide the economic incentive to remove more standing dead timber in the future. The two studies were begun at the Pacific Northwest Station in 1974. In one study, re¬ search forester Tom Fahey worked in eastern Oregon with grand fir that had died in 1972 and 1973 following defoliation by the Douglas- fir tussock moth. He found less than 5 percent difference between the volume recovered from trees dead for 2 years and comparable live trees. The volume of lumber recovered from live trees was 32.2 percent of the total tree vol¬ ume from stump to a 6-inch diameter top; from the dead trees it was 27.5 percent. But because of deterioration, more lumber from the dead trees was classified in lower grades. The loss of grade was more severe in small diameter logs than large ones and was caused mainly by dry¬ ing checks. Losses from sap rots and ambrosia beetles were minor. Even with the volume losses, the value of the dead trees was $43 per 100 cubic feet, com¬ pared with $59 per 100 cubic feet for live trees. Expressed in dollars per thousand board feet of lumber, the average value was $139 for green trees and $125 for dead ones. Study trees (133 live and 50 dead) were logged and sawn into lumber by the same methods used commercially every day. Fahey worked directly with local timber and mill own¬ ers. The logging and sawmill crews received no special training for the studies. 5 An additional study At the same time the study on true fir was being done, another study was producing strik¬ ingly similar results. Forest Products Tech¬ nologist Tom Snellgrove worked with standing dead western white pine on the Clearwater Na¬ tional Forest in Idaho. This study was more complex as it covered a greater range of time since mortality. Some study trees had been dead less than 2 years and some more than 7 years. Snellgrove found that trees dead for up to 2 years had a value equal to 72 percent of the value of live trees of comparable diameter and quality. Trees dead for 3 to 6 years were worth 44 percent as much as live trees. The oldest dead (7 years and more) were worth 29 percent as much as live trees. Drying and subsequent checking, combined with blue stain, were the major causes of lower lumber grade in trees dead 1 to 2 years. Checking caused less de¬ grade in the larger trees. In both studies, the loss in volume and value of dead trees showed up at three stages of the logging and milling process: 1) fewer logs were taken from the forest, due to breakage in felling and handling; 2) because of defects, a smaller amount of lumber was cut from logs at the mill; and 3) more of the cut lumber was classified in lower grades because of defects. There are several reasons for the gradual loss of lumber volume and grade in dead trees. When a tree dies, microorganisms, molds, fungi, and insects begin the long process of re¬ ducing the tree to its organic components, which then become nutrients available to other plants. During this process, the dead tree’s needles turn brown and fall. The bark loosens and slips away. As the tree loses moisture, the outside dries faster than the interior, and checks or cracks develop in the bole to relieve the stress. Decay fungi, introduced by insects, cause stains on the wood which reduce its value as finishing lumber — although it may occa¬ sionally increase its value for some specialty products. A tree that has no branches or crown to cushion its fall is more likely to break when felled. Because of breakage, the costs of logging and processing are higher per unit of product. This 10-inch diameter white pine had been dead 3-6 years, and had no needles, twigs, or small branches. Even with the deterioration indicated by the deep checks, it contains a significant amount of usable wood. Volume estimates Since several months or a year may elapse before it is obvious that a tree is dead, there are no precise counts of the number of standing dead in the West. But there are estimates based on forest surveys. Estimates in “Out¬ look for Timber in the United States” indicate that in 1970, there were more than 11 billion cubic feet of salvageable softwood sawtimber killed by fire, insects, and other destructive agents on commercial forest land in the west¬ ern United States. The amount of softwood timber cut in the entire United States in 1970 was less than 9 billion cubic feet. Estimates prepared in 1975 for a Forest Service study team showed the following vol¬ umes, in billions of board feet, of accessible, 6 salvageable, dead, softwood timber on Na¬ tional Forest land in the West: lodgepole pine 2.48, Douglas-fir 1.07, ponderosa pine .36, western white pine .45, and true firs and spruces 1.20. Excessive standing dead timber can pre¬ sent obstacles to good forest management — as a fire hazard or a barrier to replanting. Some dead trees are needed in every forest stand to provide habitat for birds and other animals im¬ portant in forest ecosystems. Much dead timber, however, is a resource that is going to waste and is gradually losing value. To help foster utilization of standing dead timber, the Pacific Northwest Station’s Timber Sample trees are selected to represent a range of dia¬ meters, stages of deterioration and timber quality. After surface characteristics are recorded, the sample tree is tagged with a number that is used to identify all products it yields at the sawmill. Quality research unit began product yield studies in 1974. Before that time there had been almost no work done that followed stand¬ ing dead timber through the sawmill to finished lumber. The results of Fahey’s and Snellgrove’s studies were summarized in a paper Woodfin presented at the Rocky Mountain Forest In¬ dustries Conference in Missoula, Montana, in April 1976. Reprints of this paper, “Potentials from Salvage Timber,’’ are available from the Pacific Northwest Station. Information on all studies is available either in publications or by telephone from the Timber Quality Unit. (Call 503/234-3361, Ext. 4966, or FTS 429-4966.) The area covered by this research unit is the geographical range of all western softwood species. The unit’s research produces informa¬ tion of interest to industry in all states west of the Rocky Mountains. A large portion of the softwood timber from federal lands of the West is valued for sale on the basis of information of the type developed by this project. Close coop¬ erators are the Intermountain and Rocky Mountain Stations, and the western regions of the Forest Service. Extensive cooperation is re¬ ceived from the companies and associations of the forest products industry. To assure uni¬ form standards, the lumber products are graded under the supervision of a Western Wood Products Association Quality Super¬ visor. Looking to the future During the next 3 years, Woodfin and his staff will concentrate on studies of product re¬ covery from standing dead timber. Studies in¬ volving lodgepole pine and ponderosa pine are currently underway. There will be additional work on grand fir and western white pine. Studies are planned also on Engelmann spruce, western larch, ponderosa pine, and Sitka spruce and western hemlock in Alaska. Meanwhile, other research at the Pacific Northwest Station and elsewhere is directed toward understanding and preventing 7 Lumber of several dimensions and grades, cut from study trees at a cooperating sawmill, is sorted for drying. problems related to dead timber. Since the pri¬ mary cause of timber mortality is catastrophic outbreaks of insects such as the Douglas-fir tussock moth, the mountain pine beetle, the western pine beetle, and the spruce budworm, emphasis is on entomological studies. Still other studies are trying to find out how much dead material is needed in the forest to provide nutrients for the next generation of trees, and provide perching and nesting sites for wildlife. But for the millions of dead trees that are not needed in the forests for nutrients or wild¬ life, Woodfin says: “We will be able to say more accurately which dead trees may pay their way through the sawmill. So far, the product recov¬ ery has been better than anyone thought it would be.’’ —By Dorothy Bergstrom, Pacific Northwest Station 8 Meeting a forest's nutrient needs Forest trees have specific and complex nutrient needs. All trees require not only 13 nutrients from the soil, but they need them in fairly specific amounts at various stages of growth. At the Pacific Southwest Forest and Range Experiment Station, research forester Robert F. Powers is working on a series of in¬ terrelated studies to determine nutrient re¬ quirements of commercially important pines and true firs in the West. He hopes to present methods and guide¬ lines that land managers can use to determine: nutrient deficiencies on specific forest sites; how and when to apply fertilizer to remedy these deficiencies; and how management prac¬ tices, such as prescribed burning, harvesting, and slash piling, affect soil nutrients. Powers is attempting to improve — and sometimes combine — several of the tech¬ niques used to determine when nutrients are below “critical levels” and to relate these tech¬ niques more specifically to forest lands. Powers believes, for example, that soil bio¬ assay doesn’t simulate forest field conditions accurately enough. In conventional bioassays, fast-growing plants, such as lettuce and barley, are grown in soil samples treated with various fertilizers. The soils and plants are analyzed to determine possible deficiencies and to pinpoint fertilizer treatments that will give the best re¬ sults. Intact soil cores from an old-growth red fir forest are seeded with fir in the greenhouse. Seedling yields are compared with yields from cores taken under other forest conditions to help evaluate effects of sil¬ vicultural treatments on soil fertility. One of the problems with this technique — in addition to the use of fast-growing plants instead of conifers — is the fact that the soil samples are carefully screened, sifted, and pro¬ cessed. Powers says that this alters important soil properties, such as bulk density, aeration and drainage, and nutrient distribution pat¬ terns. For his test plants, he uses trees of the same species and the same genetic makeup as trees in the stands being analyzed. He also 9 Research Forester Robert Powers has grown mixed conifer species in solution cultures as a preliminary step in determining their nutritional requirements. uses “plugs” — intact, soil-profile cores taken from depths near the current rooting zone (about 30 cm deep). This technique “brings some of the natural variability of the field plot into the greenhouse.” His preliminary results show that his core samples are more accurate indicators of field response to fertilizers than are the conventional sieved samples. Counteracting problems Powers also cites problems with conven¬ tional soil chemical analyses. One is that nu¬ trients shown in the analysis may be in crystalline or organic forms that trees can’t ab¬ sorb. Another problem is that standard methods usually were developed for agricul¬ tural crops and have not been evaluated prop¬ erly for wildland trees. To counteract this, he has compared chemical extractants, such as sodium bicarbonate, in simulating how trees absorb phosphorus, a mineral that is often defi¬ cient in forest soils. So far, sodium bicarbonate has proved the best of several extractants. He has shown, for example, that the critical level for phosphorus is 25 parts per million for young seedlings of ponderosa pine and white fir. He recommends combining bioassay and chemical analysis with foliar analysis of tree needs. His experiments have shown that criti¬ cal levels of nitrogen and phosphorus in pon¬ derosa pine, Douglas-fir, and white fir range be¬ tween 0.9 and 1.1 percent of the dry weight of recently matured needles for nitrogen, depend¬ ing on species, and 0.15 percent for phos¬ phorus. Powers used the combination of foliar analysis and soil chemical analysis to relate the nitrogen-supplying power of soil to site index. Using foliage and soil samples collected from stands of ponderosa pine in northern Cali¬ fornia, he measured the amount of soil nitrogen available to trees, and correlated it to site index and to nitrogen levels in the needles. His results showed that site index for ponderosa pine increased linearly with available soil nitro¬ gen, up to about 20 parts per million. Above that level, site index did not improve signifi¬ cantly. 10 Comparing foliage nutrients Powers has found that foliage analysis is a quick and reliable way to determine if nutrient conditions of brushland sites are suitable for planting conifers. At more than 80 locations in California and southern Oregon, he is compar¬ ing the foliage nutrients in conifers to those in manzanita, a shrub that grows in association with ponderosa pine and other tree species. As far as he knows, the study is the first of its kind in the Western U.S. He has established a correlation between the levels of nitrogen, phosphorus, magnesium, and iron in manza¬ nita foliage and the nutrient levels needed for ponderosa pine. He concludes that site index for ponderosa pine can be predicted from ni¬ trogen levels in manzanita foliage. Soils in forest nurseries present special problems because they are continually tilled, planted, fertilized, and irrigated. Nutrients are lost, either through uptake by seedlings or through leaching. Through combinations of foliar and soil analysis, Powers hopes to de¬ velop fertilizer prescriptions for nursery beds that will counteract the expected nutrient loss¬ es. Powers is also working on nutrient prob¬ lems in red fir stands at high elevations. On one site he found that red fir and greenleaf manza¬ nita seedlings, growing in an area of scalped topsoil, had low foliar nitrogen content, while snowbrush, a nitrogen-fixing species, had rela¬ tively high levels. To see whether a fertilization schedule can counteract the problems of imma¬ ture soils and the slow rate at which nutrients are taken up, he is monitoring the effect of ap¬ plications of nitrogen — alone or in combina¬ tion with other nutrients. At high elevations, the low temperatures slow down the rate at which litter and other or¬ ganic matter on the forest floor decompose, which results in needed nutrients being bound up in the litter. So, at another red fir site, he is trying various combinations of thinning and fertilization with nitrogen, to see whether the decomposition rate can be increased to release nutrients for tree use. The University of Cali¬ fornia, Berkeley, is cooperating in this study. In a study of mineral cycling and fertilization in a mixed-conifer plantation, soil temperatures are monitored through probes. Powers is also trying to learn more about the long-range effect of various forest manage¬ ment practices. At a site on the Swain Moun¬ tain Experimental Forest in the Cascades where slash had been burned in an extremely hot fire, he found trees with foliar concentra¬ tions of nitrogen about 20 percent less than concentrations in trees on nearby unburned or lightly burned areas. Soil bioassays showed serious nitrogen and phosphorus deficiencies, and available nitrogen was almost 40 percent less than that on undisturbed stands. Powers says these results suggest that it may take more than a decade to rebuild nitrogen concen¬ trations after a hot slash fire. 11 Fertilization plan Powers’ ideas for improving nutrient analysis techniques have been incorporated in a cooperative forest fertilization plan now being tried by the Pacific Southwest Station and the National Forests of California. The program was started in 1975 and will continue through 1985, with the objective of producing mathematical models foresters can use to pre¬ dict forest response to nitrogen fertilizer. The study will eventually encompass 50 sites that are representative of commercial, sapling-to- sawtimber stands in California. Stands will be weeded, thinned, and treated with 0, 224 and 448 kilograms of nitrogen per hectare. For 5 years following fertilizer treatments, changes in the chemistry of soil and foliage will be moni¬ tored, and tree and stand growth will be meas¬ ured. Powers has based his forest nutrition studies on two principles. “The first,” he says, “is that soil fertility is one of our fundamental resources, and is the primary factor controlling forest productivity that we can influence di¬ rectly. To maintain soil fertility, we need to evaluate it scientifically to see how it changes under differing forest practices.” In discussing his second principle, he says: “Fertilization remains one of the few ways we have of improving site quality. If fertilization is to become a beneficial, reliable, and economic technique in forestry, we need to know — be¬ fore we apply fertilizer — exactly what biologi¬ cal, ecological, and economic returns we can expect.” Forestry Research readers who need fur¬ ther information on the studies described here are welcome to write: Robert F. Powers, Pacific Southwest Station, 1615 Continental Street, Redding, CA 96001, or to phone him at (916) 246-5455 (on ^TS phone: 461-8455). — By Marcia Wood, Pacific Southwest Station To chart the movement of nitrogen through the soil profile of a red fir forest, soil solutions are extracted and taken to the laboratory for chemical analysis. 12 References are recorded on magnetic tape to be fed into the computer. FIREBASE: transferring fire information fcJuppose you are a fire management kJ7officer in an area where the accumula¬ tion and treatment of forest residues is a com¬ plex problem. You know that solving the problem requires sound decisions based on the latest and best fuels management knowledge available. You know that fuel management problems are being studied, and that the infor¬ mation you need probably is available in re¬ ports and published articles. Unfortunately, you don’t have time to make the comprehen¬ sive literature search required to locate them. And if you did find the necessary research documents, they might be so filled with metho¬ dology and scientific jargon that you could not clearly understand the author’s results in the reading time you have. You need a quick, de¬ pendable source of fuels information that is useful, to the point, and easily understood. If this scenario sounds like a situation you have faced, take heart. The type of information you need is now available — from FIREBASE. 13 FIREBASE supplies, upon request, biblio¬ graphic citations and informative digests of published and unpublished items pertinent to every facet of forest and range fires. What is FIREBASE FIREBASE, the fire information segment of the computer assisted Renewable Resources Technical Information System (RRTIS), was developed by the Intermountain Station’s Fire in Multiple-Use Management Research, Devel¬ opment, and Apphcation Program located at the Northern Forest Fire Laboratory, Missoula, Montana. Alan Taylor, research for¬ ester, spearheaded the effort to provide techni¬ cal information from Wildland fire hterature quickly and in the most usable form, to anyone in the international fire community. FIREBASE can respond to your information request by supplying bibliographic citations and digests. m 169 #### FB-7 5-4455 B U.S, Department of Agriculture, Forest Service, Pacific Northwest Region, Division of Fire Management. 17 Jan 1975 Timber Shaded Fuel Breaks in Region Six. < PUB DESOR-6 Fuel Management Notes. 6 p. 2 ref. 1 tab. U.S. Department of Agriculture, Forest Service, Pacific Northwest Region, Division of Fire Management, Portland, OR, USA. LANGUAGE >In En <N0TES >Volume 3 Number 1. <SUBJECT > <T0PIC >Fuel Management; Fire Management <KEYSUG >Fire Presuppression; Fuel Breaks; Economics <GE0 >North America, USA, Great Basin and Pacific Slope States, Pacific Northwest (USA), Washington; Oregon ABSTRACT > <P >Almost 300 miles of shaded fuel -breaks have been constructed in the Pacific Northwest Region of the U.S. Forest Service. Unlike stands which are thinned to remove brush, heavy ground fuels, snags, and dead trees. Ladder fuels are removed from the remaining trees in the stand. Frequently, both the quality and quantity of timber produced in a stand increases after construction of a shaded fuel-break. <S >The average cost of constructing a mile of shaded fuel-break in the Pacific Northwest Region of the U.S. Forest Service was about $4,000 in 1974. A table shows: the location of shaded fuel-breaks constructed on each of the national forests in the Pacific Northwest, the miles of fuel-break constructed, the miles under construction, average width, cost per mile, location on the slope, and the method of fundi ng . 14 FI RE BASE digests usually have two parts; the <P>, or “Principal Message” section, and the <S>, or “Specifics” section. For items dealing with scientific studies, a typical <P> section is a plain language, re- sults-oriented paragraph that states the problem, the research and the results. A typi¬ cal <S> section provides details on metho¬ dology, parameters measured, mathematical equations, and other specifics. It does not, however, contain numerical data or tabular in¬ formation collected in the research process. Some digests do describe the kinds, sources, and amounts of data contained in the original documents. A small but important part of FIREBASE is fire-related training information. Seventeen types of training items, including training schedules, motion pictures, and video tapes are described in specialized digests. This material Alan Taylor screens documents for FIREBASE. should help in the design and implementation of training programs. If copyright and other regulations permit, original documents selected for FIREBASE are recorded on microfilm (microfiche). Micro¬ fiche copies are available to users who, after reading a FIREBASE digest, feel they need additional information. Current status FIREBASE is a small-but-growing data¬ base, with about 3,500 items on file. If you are a land manager, scientist, administrator, edu¬ cator, or anyone else having a fire information need, anywhere in the world, you may find that FIREBASE is useful — today. Five major access centers across the United States are awaiting your telephone call or written request. 15 If it is necessary to charge for microfiche or photocopies, you will be notified of the costs before they are incurred. At present, there is no charge for other FIREBASE services. Ulti¬ mately, FIREBASE and other databases of RRTIS will be operated on a cost recovery basis, with individuals or their organizations paying nominal fees. To put FIREBASE into action: 1) think carefully about the kind of fire information you need; 2) call or write the nearest FIREBASE Access Center; and 3) express your need as specifically as possible. The Access Center operator will search the computer file and send the resulting printout of citations and digests to you, usually within 3 days. The Access Centers are: FIREBASE Access Center Science Information Services PSW Forest & Range Experiment Station P.O. Box 245 Berkeley, CA 94701 Telephone: (415) 486-3688 FTS: 449-3688 FIREBASE Access Center USDA Forest Service, S&PF 1720 Peachtree Road, NW Atlanta, GA 30309 Telephone: (404) 881-3734 FTS: 257-3734 FIREBASE Operations Center Boise Interagency Fire Center 3905 Vista Avenue Boise, ID 83705 Telephone: (208) 384-9458 FTS: 554-9458 FIREBASE Access Center U.S. Dept, of the Interior Natural Resources Library Research Services Branch Washington, D.C. 20240 Telephone: (202) 343-3896 FTS: 343-3896 FIREBASE Access Center USDA Forest Service Forest Fire & Atmospheric Sciences Research P.O. Box 2417 Washington, D.C. 20013 Telephone: (703) 235-8195 FTS: 235-8195 Like other Forest Service computerized systems with potential national and interna¬ tional application, FIREBASE will be tested and evaluated for the next two years. During this period, FIREBASE is under the admin¬ istration of the Deputy Chief for State and Pri¬ vate Forestry, Forest Service USDA, and is headquartered at the FIREBASE Operations Center, Boise Interagency Fire Center, Boise, Idaho. Douglas H. Baker, S&PF coordinator at the Center, has been assigned program man¬ agement responsibilities. Questions and com¬ ments about FIREBASE should be directed to him. Major cooperators in the development of FIREBASE are fire-related divisions of the Forest Service, the Forest Service Technical Information Office, the Bureau of Land Man¬ agement, and Oak Ridge National Laboratories of the Energy Research and Development Ad¬ ministration. International cooperation with the Agricultural Research Information System (AGRIS-Forestry) under development by FAO of the United Nations, is coordinated by the Forest Service Technical Information Office. You can help To serve you better, the FIREBASE file must grow. You can play an important role in the expansion. If you have fire-related informa¬ tion that you feel should be shared with the fire community, you are urged to send it to Ms. Karen L. Eckels, Assistant Manager of the FIREBASE program, FIREBASE Operations Center, Boise, Idaho 83705. If the items are al¬ ready in the system, they will be returned im¬ mediately. Digesting and microfiching new ma¬ terials may take as long as 5 months. —By Alan R. Taylor, Intermountain Station; and Karen L. Eckels, FIREBASE Operations Center. 16 Publications Seeking answers from the past Researchers at the Intermountain Station are obtaining historical fire infor¬ mation from objects that have been re¬ cording data for over 300 years — fire- scarred trees. Ecologist Stephen F. Arno of the Sta¬ tion’s Forest Ecosystems research work unit, Missoula, developed a study to deter¬ mine historical frequency, intensity, and influence of fire on stand structure and composition in various forest types of the Bitterroot National Forest in west-central Montana. He and other researchers dated nearly 900 individual fire scars on living trees, and analyzed age classes of shade- intolerant trees attributable to fire. Results of the study show that fire was historically a major force in stand de¬ velopment in all forest types, but its sig¬ nificance has decreased markedly during the past 50 years, possibly because of or¬ ganized fire suppression. Arno’s findings are detailed in “The Historical Role of Fire on The Bitterroot National Forest,” INT-RP-187-FR-11, available from the Intermountain Station. Applying the multiple use principle The multiple use doctrine is part of the guiding philosophy of the Forest Serv¬ ice, but its effective implementation is a difficult task. A recently published paper titled “Alternatives Analysis for Multiple Use Management: A Case Study,” by Thomac C. Brown, Economist with the Rocky Mountain Station, presents an ap¬ plication of the multiple use principle us¬ ing economic analysis to evaluate manage¬ ment alternatives on a mixed conifer watershed. Physical yields of sawtimber, pulpwood, water, and forage, and effects on wildlife habitat and esthetics are esti¬ mated for six alternatives reflecting a variety of management emphases. Where possible, yields and costs of the alterna¬ tives are valued in dollars. The analysis is presented in a form that facilitates explicit identification of tradeoffs, in dollars where possible, and provides an easy way of iso¬ lating, and in most cases quantifying, the most relevant tradeoffs. Copies of Research Paper RM-176-FR- 11 are available upon request from the Rocky Mountain Station. 17 Regeneration and cutting methods One of the forester’s most difficult jobs is to match regeneration cutting methods to a given landscape and to speci¬ fic silvicultural objectives. Two publications by Philip M. Mc¬ Donald, research forester at the Pacific Southwest Station, suggest that each cutting method has unique merits and that, through planning, the forest man¬ ager can capitalize on these merits. In the first paper, McDonald eval¬ uates the regeneration of five species of conifers, three of hardwoods, and two shrubs after use of five different cutting methods — clearcutting, seed tree, shelter- wood, group selection, and single-tree se¬ lection. His evaluation was made in terms of seedling stocking, density, and height growth. In the second paper, McDonald de¬ scribes an evaluation of a two-stage shel- terwood cut to determine changes in species composition and stand structure, seedfall, regeneration, and growth of the residual stand. The results showed increased amounts of seed and seedlings, plus ac¬ celerated growth in residual stands. They indicated that shelterwood cutting should be attractive to a wide range of landown¬ ers, including those having small acreage and limited capital. Copies of both papers are available from the Pacific Southwest Station. Request: “Forest Regeneration and Seed¬ ling Growth from Five Major Cutting Methods in North Central California,” PSW-115-FR-11; and “Shelterwood Cutting in a Young-Growth Mixed-Conifer Stand in North Central California,” PSW- 117-FR-ll. The cubics are coming The Forest Service plans to be ready to sell stumpage by the cubic foot rather than the board foot by 1980. This means that people who buy and process timber will have to be ready to use the new meas¬ ure to describe logs and product potential. A recent publication from the Pacific Northwest Station points out that infor¬ mation currently or potentially available on product yields and log volume can be used in making the transition from board feet to cubic measurements. The authors show how to calculate both lumber and veneer recovery from log volume and figure the product recovery ratio in cubic measure. They also point out 18 that conversion from cubic measure to metric is a simple mathematical process. Researchers have already concluded that cubic measure is the only satisfactory way to express product recovery from standing dead timber (see “The Legacy of the Standing Dead” in this issue). Because of scaling defect in dead timber, dollars per thousand board feet, net Scribner scale — the traditional expression of timber value — may be meaningless. The value is best described in such terms as dollars per 100 cubic feet of tree or log volume. Reprints of the article “The Cubics are Coming: Predicting Product Recovery from Cubic Volume,” by Thomas D. Fahey and Richard O. Woodfin, Jr., Journal of Forestry, November 1976, are available from the Pacific Northwest Sta¬ tion. Should cubic be metric? Should we leap from the board foot di¬ rectly to the cubic metre for forestry measurements, bypassing the cubic foot? Dave Bruce, project leader for mensura¬ tion at the Pacific Northwest Station, thinks it is worth consideration. Bruce is chairman of the Metrication Committee of the Society of American Foresters, one of the many committees now at work to plan orderly conversion to metric measurement in the United States. In an article appearing in the Novem¬ ber 1976 issue of the Society’s journal, Bruce invited discussion on the selection of metric units for use in forestry when the voluntary conversion is made. He sug¬ gests that U.S. foresters agree now on what metric units are suitable, conven¬ ient, and necessary for use in forestry. In doing this, he says, they might consider adopting the proposals already worked out in Canada and scheduled for use in that country in 1979. The Canadian pro¬ posals call for measuring trees and logs by the cubic metre, in place of the board foot, as now defined by six different log rules. Bruce suggests that in the United States, where more than six board foot log rules are in use, the logical move would be from the board foot directly to the cubic metre. Reprints of “Metrication: What’s Next?” by David Bruce, Journal of For¬ estry, November 1976, are available from the Pacific Northwest Station. 19 Provenance studies results Results of provenance studies in east¬ ern Nebraska in growth, survival and other traits of three conifer species have been published. “Douglas-fir in Eastern Nebraska: A Provenance Study” (Research Paper RM- 178-FR-ll) describes an 11-year field test of rangewide provenances of Douglas-fir in that area. It reveals that height and growth rates are inversely correlated with latitude of origin. Progeny of seed origins from Arizona and New Mexico grew two to three times faster than those from northern Colorado, western Montana, and northern Idaho. Arizona and New Mexico origins are recommended for Christmas trees. Slower growing but winter-hardy northern Colorado origins are recom¬ mended for other types of planting. The second study is detailed in ‘‘East¬ ern White Pine in Eastern Nebraska: A Provenance Study of Southern Appala¬ chian Origins” (Research Paper RM-179- FR-11). It states that eastern white pines from 36 origins in the southern Appala¬ chians have grown rapidly during 7 years in an eastern Nebraska plantation. Neither survival nor height growth were correlated with latitude of origin. South¬ ern origins in general had the longest needles, while northern origins flowered first. Most origins are recommended for ornamentals and Christmas trees only in eastern Nebraska; none are recommended for windbreaks. Results of the third study are pub¬ lished in ‘‘Austrian (European Black) Pine in Eastern Nebraska: A Provenance Study” (Research Paper RM-180-FR-11). This study found that heights, growth rates, flowering, cone production, needle dimensions, and resistance to Dothi- stroma needle blight differed significantly among 25 rangewide origins in a 12-year test. The fastest growing origin, also of highest resistance to Dothistroma needle blight, was from Yugoslavia; this origin is recommended for eastern Nebraska, and is now being widely planted in a state action program. Ralph A. Read, research forester and John A. Sprackling, forestry technician, Rocky Mountain Station, coauthored the first two reports, and Read the third. Copies of these papers, along with pre¬ viously reported provenance studies of Scots pine, Research Paper RM-78; jack pine, Research Paper RM-143; and red pine, Research paper RM-144 for the East¬ ern Plains can be obtained by writing the Rocky Mountain Station. Planning for range resource management About 58 million acres of rangeland under Forest Service management are suitable for grazing. It is estimated that improved planning for direct management and range rehabilitation could produce an increase of more than 80 percent in Ani¬ mal Unit Months per year. Range RAM (Resource Allocation Method) is a computerized planning 20 6 U.S. Government Printing Office: 1 9 7 7-7 79 -6 93/ 21 6 Region 8 method for lands used mainly for grazing by either livestock or big game. As a planning tool, it will help managers on decisions and calculations on cost of range maintenance, improvement and utiliza¬ tion, harvested forage, animal months of grazing, rental fee income, and net revenue. Three computer programs form the basic components of Range RAM to pro¬ vide the planner help with: analysis of a wide spectrum of management activities; formulation of alternative combinations of activities; and formulation of problem solutions that are optimum in an economic sense and feasible in terms of social, politi¬ cal, and environmental criteria. The program is described, and proc¬ esses for its use are outlined in Research Paper PSW-120-FR-11, “RANGE RAM ... a long-term planning method for managing grazing lands,” by Henricus C. Jansen. The brief Research Paper serves as an introduction only. Detailed instructions are available in a three-part Range RAM User’s Manual, which is available on re¬ quest from the Pacific Southwest Station. Aspen symposium proceedings A symposium on utilization and mar¬ keting of Rocky Mountain aspen was held September 8 and 9, 1976 in Fort Collins, Colorado. The gathering was organized to explore aspen product potentials as they relate to more intensive management of this species in the West. The 33 papers presented at the meet¬ ing cover 5 areas: perspectives on Rocky Mountain aspen resource; aspen ecology and harvesting responses; market oppor¬ tunities and limitations; research ad¬ vances in aspen utilization; and applying research information to aspen manage¬ ment decisions. You may obtain a copy of the proceed¬ ings, “Utilization and Marketing as Tools for Aspen Management in the Rocky Mountains,” by writing the Rocky Moun¬ tain Station. Request General Technical Report RM-29-FR-11. Keep a close watch for our next issue. Feature articles will include information on: forest habitat types of Montana; avalanche and blowing snow research; habitat requirements of woodpeckers; and more. If you know of someone who would be interested in this publication, he or she can be added to the mailing list by filling out the coupon below and mailing it to us. i - Please add my name to the mail¬ ing list for Forestry Research: What's New in the West: ZIP Mail to: Forestry Research: What's New in the West U.S. Dep. of Agriculture Forest Service 240 W. Prospect St. Fort Collins, CO 80521 21 national agricultural library 1022856737 3* § ^ o o' $ T ?)■ ■? Si! S' <? t? § ( — o «8 8 8 ~n o <D o c; co o 3 CD o o' 2 & I $ >1 o S3 20 CD ■< O 53 5 £ 3. rn o v 30 > cd *3 ?C g 5 2 o? CD CO ~n 5 o ^ a 5 Co ^ &0 c& ■"I ■v C Co C3 § 53 3 D) 2 C3 rfi Hr CD pi =0 CD c; r~ 53 ID