Historic, archived document Do not assume content reflects current scientific knowledge, policies, or practices. LIBRARY OF THE UNITED STATES DEPARTMENT OF AGRICULTURE Class .. ji.LQ- Book Z 7 3 s-isTT y.^q. epfc.N THE ZOOLOGICAL RECORD. THE object of the Zoological Record is to give, by means of an annual Volume, complete lists of the Works and Publications relating to Zoology in all its branches that have appeared during the year preceding the date of the Volume ; together with full information as to the points they deal with, arranged in such a manner as to serve as an Index to the literature of Zoology in all parts of the globe, and thus to form a repertory which will retain its value for the Student in future years. The ‘ Zoological Record ’ is published for the Society by Messrs. Gurney and Jackson at the price of 80s. per volume. But all Members of the Zoological Society of London have the privilege of receiving it, including the cost of delivery (within the United Kingdom), at a subscription price of 20s. per annum. This Sub- scription is due on the 1st of July in every year, but the privilege of Subscription is forfeited unless the amount be paid before the 1st of December following. The Zoological Society, having purchased the entire stock of the ‘ Zoological Record,’ are able to supply complete sets of the first twenty-two volumes at the price of £5 10 s. Volumes of any single year (exclusive . of the last two volumes and Vol. 6) can likewise be supplied at 10s. per volume. Members of the Society wishing to subscribe to the ‘ Record ; are requested to apply at this office for a Form, to be returned when filled up and signed by the subscriber. In order to facilitate the payment of the subscription, a Banker’s Order Form is also furnished to those who prefer that mode of payment. This order, when filled up and signed, should be sent to the Society’s office for registration ; it will then be sent to the Agents named therein. Learned Societies and Institutions and members of the former Zoological Record ‘ Record ’ on the the Zoological Oct. 1st, 1893. to subscribe to the ded to Members of i. SCLATER, Secretary. Zoological Socf&rr of LoXuda* 3, Hanover Square, W. LIST OF VOLUMES OF THE ‘ZOOLOGICAL KEC0RD.’ The Record of Zoological Literature, 1864. Volume First. Edited by Albert C. L. G, Gunther, M.A., M.D., Pli.D., F.Z.S., &c. London, 1865. Price 10s. The Kecord of Zoological Literature, 1865. Volume Second. Edited by Albert C. L. G. Gunther, M.A., M.D., Ph.D., F.Z.S., &c. London, 1866. Price 10s. The Record of Zoological Literature, 1866. Volume Third. Edited by Albert C. L. G. Gunther, M.A., M.D., Pli.D., F.R.S., F.Z.S., &c. London, 1867. Price 10s. The Kecord of Zoological Literature, 1867. Volume Fourth. Edited by Albert C. L. G. Gunther, M.A., M.D., Pli.D., F.R.S., F.Z.S., &c. London, 1868. Price 10s. The Kecord of Zoological Literature, 1868. Volume Fifth. Edited by Albert C. L. G. Gunther, M.A., M.D., Pli.D., F.K.S., F.Z.S., &c. London, 1869. Price 10s. The Kecord of Zoological Literature, 1869. Volume Sixth. Edited by Albert C. L. G. Gunther, M.A., M.D., Ph.D., F.R.S., F.Z.S., &c. London, 1870. Price 30s. The Zoological Kecord for 1870 ; being Volume Seventh of the Kecord of Zoological Literature. Edited by Alfred Newton, M.A., F.K.S., Professor of Zoology and Comparative Anatomy in the Uni- versity of Cambridge, F.L.S., V.P.Z.S, &c. London, 1871. Price 10s. The Zoological Kecord for 1871 ; being Volume Eighth of the Kecord of Zoological Literature. Edited by Alfred Newton, M.A., F.R.S., Professor of Zoology and Comparative Anatomy in the Uni- versity of Cambridge,F.L.S., V.P.Z.S., &c. London, 1878. Price 10s. The Zoological Kecord for 1872; being Volume Ninth of the Kecord of Zoological Literature. Edited by Alfred Newton, M.A., F.R.S., Professor of Zoology and Comparative Anatomy in the Uni- versity of Cambridge, F.L.S., V.P.Z.S., &c. London, 1874, Price 10s. The Zoological Kecord for 1873 ; being Volume Tenth of the Kecord of Zoological Literature. Edited by Edward Caldwell Rye, F.Z.S., Librarian to the Royal Geographical Society. London, 1875. Price 10s. 45262, The Zoological Record for 1874 ; being Volume Eleventh of the Record of Zoological Literature. Edited by Edwaed Caldwell Rye, F.Z.S., M.E.S., Editor Ent. M. Mag., Librarian to the Royal Geographical Society. London, 1876. Price 10s. The Zoological Record for 1875 ; being Volume Twelfth of the Record of Zoological Literature. Edited by Edwaed Caldwell Rye, F.Z.S., M.E.S., Editor Ent. M. Mag., Librarian to the Royal Geo- graphical Society. London, 1877. Price 10s. The Zoological Record for 1876 ; being Volume Thirteenth of the Record of Zoological Literature. Edited by Edwaed Caldwell Rye, F.Z.S., M.E.S., Editor Ent. M. Mag., Librarian to the Royal Geographical Society. London, 1878. Price 10s. The Zoological Record for 1877 ; being Volume Fourteenth of the Record of Zoological Literature. Edited by Edwaed Caldwell Rye, F.Z.S., M.E.S., Editor Ent. M. Mag., Librarian to the Royal Geographical Society. London, 1879. Price 10s. The Zoological Record for 1878 ; being Volume Fifteenth of the Record of Zoological Literature. Edited by Edwaed Caldwell Rye, F.Z.S., M.E.S., Editor Ent. M. Mag., Librarian to the Royal Geographical Society. London, 1880. Price 10s. The Zoological Record for 1879 ; being Volume Sixteenth of the Record of Zoological Literature. Edited by Edwaed Caldwell Rye, F.Z.S., M.E.S., Editor Ent. M. Mag., Librarian to the Royal Geographical Society. London, 1881. Price 10s. The Zoological Record for 1880 ; being Volume Seventeenth of the Record of Zoological Literature. Edited by Edwaed Caldwell Rye, F.Z.S., M.E.S., Editor Ent. M. Mag., Librarian to the Royal Geographical Society. London, 1881. Price 10s. The Zoological Record for 1881 ; being Volume Eighteenth of the Record of Zoological Literature. Edited by Edwaed Caldwell Rye, F.Z.S., M.E.S., Editor Ent. M. Mag., Librarian to the Royal Geographical Society. London, 1882. Price 10s. The Zoological Record for 1882 ; being Volume Nineteenth of the Record of Zoological Literature. Edited by Edwaed Caldwell Rye, F.Z.S., M.E.S., Editor Ent. M. Mag., Librarian to the Royal Geographical Society. London, 1888. Price 10s. The Zoological Record for 1888 ; being Volume Twentieth of the Record of Zoological Literature. Edited by Edwaed Caldwell Rye, F.Z.S., M.E.S., Editor Ent. M. Mag., Librarian to the Royal Geographical Society. London, 1884. Price 10s. Tlie Zoological Record for 1884 ; being Volume the Twenty - first of the Record of Zoological Literature. Edited by F. Jeffrey Bell, M.A., Sec. R.M.S., Professor of Comparative Anatomy and Zoology in King’s College, London. London, 1885. Price 10s. The Zoological Record for 1885 ; being Volume the Twenty- second of the Record of Zoological Literature. Edited by F. Jeffrey Bell, M.A., Sec. R.M.S., Professor of Comparative Anatomy and Zoology in King’s College, London. London, 1886. Price 10s. The Zoological Record for 1886 ; being Volume the Twenty- third of the Record of Zoological Literature. Edited by Frank E. Beddard, M.A., F.Z.S., Prosector and Davis Lecturer to the Zoological Society of London. London, 1887. Price 10s. The Zoological Record for 1887 ; being Volume the Twenty- fourth of the Record of Zoological Literature. Edited by Frank E. Beddard, M.A., F.Z.S., Prosector and Davis Lecturer to the Zoological Society of London. London, 1888. Price 10s. The Zoological Record for 1888 ; being Volume the Twenty- fifth of the Record of Zoological Literature. Edited by Frank E. Beddard, M.A., F.Z.S., Prosector and Davis Lecturer to the Zoological Society of London. London, 1890. Price 10s. The Zoological Record for 1889 ; being Volume the Twenty- sixtli of the Record of Zoological Literature. Edited by Frank E. Beddard, M.A., F.Z.S., Prosector and Davis Lecturer to the Zoological Society of London. London, 1890. Price 10s. The Zoological Record for 1890 ; being Volume the Twenty- seventh of the Record of Zoological Literature. Edited by Frank E. Beddard, M.A., F.Z.S., Prosector and Davis Lecturer to the Zoological Society of London. London, 1892. Price 10s. The Zoological Record for 1891 ; being Volume the Twenty- eighth of the Record of Zoological Literature. Edited by David Sharp, Esq., M.D., F.R.S., F.Z.S. London, 1892. Price 80s. The Zoological Record for 1892 ; being Volume the Twenty- ninth of the Record of Zoological Literature. Edited by David Sharp, Esq., M.D., F.R.S., F.Z.S. London, 1898. Price 30s. These 'publications may be obtained at the Society’s Office (3 Hanover Square , TK), of Messrs. Gurney and Jackson ( Paternoster Row , E.C.), or throuyh any bookseller. THE ) ) 3 3 3 ; ZOOLOGICAL RECORD, VOLUME THE TWENTY-NINTH. BEING RECORDS OF ZOOLOGICAL LITERATURE RELATING CHIEFLY TO THE YEAR 1892. By J. A. Thomson, R. Lydekker, R. Bowdler Sharpe, G. A. Bou- lenger, W. A. Herdman, B. B. Woodward, R. I. Pocock, D. Sharp, F. A. Bather, Florence Buchanan, S. J. Hickson, and R. Hanitsch. EDITED BY D. SHARP, M.A., F.R.S., F.Z.S., Ac., CURATOR IN ZOOLOGY, UNIVERSITY MUSEUM OF ZOOLOGY AND COMPARATIVE ANATOMY, CAMBRIDGE. Explorate solum : sic fit via certior ultr^i. LONDON : GURNEY & JACKSON, PATERNOSTER ROW. M.DCCC.XCIH. Communications, Papers, and Memoirs intended for this work should be addressed to “ The Editor of the Zoological Record, Zoological Society, 3, Hanover Square, London, W.” It is earnestly requested that in the case of separately -printed copies of papers so forwarded, the original pagination be indicated. The Editor thanks those Societies and individuals who have for- warded works and papers for the purposes of the Record, and suggests that Societies publishing Zoological Papers would much facilitate the work of the Recorders by forwarding a separate copy of each Zoological Memoir they publish to the Editor for the use of the Recorder. London : Printed by Simmons & Rotten, 4a, Shoe Laue, E.C. 4-b 2GZ- PREFACE. Owing to the punctuality of most of the Recorders the twenty- ninth volume of the Zoological Record will be in the hands of the subscribers at a date that may, it is hoped, be considered satisfactory. The names of three new Recorders appear on the title page, and the Editor feels it to be a duty, as well as a pleasure, to thank all the Contributors, old and new, for their assistance. The three new Recorders, Miss Florence Buchanan, Mr. F. 0. Bather, and Dr. R. Hanitsch, have carried out their work in an efficient manner, though it is much to be regretted that Mr. Bather was prevented by a weakness of the eyes from completing his examination of the literature relating to Echinodennata. Mr. J. A. Thomson, being desirous of facilitating reference in the very extensive and difficult department he deals with, has drawn up a complete Subject Record in addition to a separate List of Works and Essays. On comparing this twenty-ninth volume with those of the earlier part of the series, it will be noticed that the scope of the Record has become much enlarged. The Zoology of our days is an aggregate of a number of special departments of observation and research ; hence, it is no easy task to furnish a complete Record, and at the same time to arrange it so as to meet the wishes of the various persons who may consult it from different points of view. In order to make the work as widely useful as possible, it appears to be necessary to give in each Record an Index of Special Subjects in addition to the List of Titles and the taxonomical arrangement according to genera ; and this the Editor hopes may prove to be iv PREFACE. feasible. Abstracts of, and Reports on, the Memoirs recorded will, as a consequence, be reduced to the narrowest dimensions. As completeness should be the most indispensable of the cha- racteristics of the work, there is in each of the Records one department it is impossible to speak of with satisfaction, yiz. : Palaeontology. When the Record was established it was not intended to include this subject. At the present time some of the Recorders examine the Geological literature of each year, and give a nearly complete epitome of the Palaeontology they meet with, while others are content with a less exhaustive treatment of the subject. To make the Paleontology complete, and to give a stratigraphical Index to it in each of the eighteen Records of which our volume consists, is a course that would add considerably to the labours of the Recorders and somewhat to the extent of the Volume, and cannot, therefore, in the present circumstances of the Record, be adopted. Indeed, it would be preferable for the Palaeontologists to undertake a separate Record, and if no other satisfactory arrangement can be made, it may be hoped that they will do so, and thus relieve the Zoological Recorders from a task which they only imperfectly carry out. D. SHARP. Cambridge, Sept. 1, 1893. LIST OF THE ABBREVIATED TITLES OF THE PRINCIPAL JOURNALS AND OF THE TRANSACTIONS OF LEARNED SOCIETIES THAT CONTAIN ZOOLOGICAL PAPERS. Abh. Ah. Bed. — Abhandlungen der koniglich Akademie der Wissen- schaften zu Berlin. (Also SB.) Abh. Bayer. A k. — Abhandlungen der mathematisch-physikalischen Classe der k. Bayerischen Akademie der Wissenschaften (Munich). (Also SB.) Abh. Bohm. Ges. — Abhandlungen der mathemitisch-naturwissenschaft- lichen Classe der k. Bohmischen Gesellschaft der Wissenschaften (Prague). (Called also Rozpravy tridy mathematicko-prirodovedecke kralovske ceske spolecnosti nauk.) (Also SB.) Abh. Ges. Gotting . — Abhandlungen der k. Gesellschaft der Wissenschaften zu Gottingen. Abh. Ges. Halle — Abhandlungen der naturforschenden Gesellschaft in Halle. (Also Ber.) A bh. Ges. Isis —Abhandlungen der naturwissenschaftlichen Gesellschaft ‘ Isis ’ in Dresden. (See SB.) Abh. Ges. Konigsb. — Abhandlungen der k. physikalisch-okonomischen Gesellschaft in Preussen (Konigsberg). (Also SB.) Abh. naturf. Ges. Gbrlitz — Abhandlungen der naturforschenden Gesell- schaft zu Gorlitz. Abh. naturh. Ges. Niirnberg — Abhandlungen der naturhistorischen Gesellschaft zu Niirnberg (Niirnberg). Abh. Sachs. Ges. — Abhandlungen der k. Sachsischen Gesellschaft der Wissenschaften (Leipzig). (Also Ber.) Abh. Schw. pal. Ges. — Abhandlungen der Schweizerischen palaontogra- phischen Gesellschaft (Bale). Abh. Sench. Ges. — Abhandlungen herausgegeben von der Senekenber- gischen naturforschenden Gesellschaft (Frankfort). (Also Ber.) VI LIST OF ABBREVIATIONS. Abh. Ver. Brem. — Abhandlungen herausgegeben vom naturwissenschaft- lichen Yerein zu Bremen. Abh. Ver. Hamb. — Abhandlungen aus dem Gebiete der Naturwissen- schaften herausgegeben vom naturw. Yerein in Hamburg. Abh. zool. Mus. Dresden — Abhandlungen und Berichte des k, zoologischen, etc., Museums in Dresden. Act. Ac. Bordeaux — Actes de TAcademie nationale des Sciences, Belles Lettres et Arts de Bordeaux. Act. Ac. Cordob. — Actas de l’Academia nacional de Ciencias en Cordoba (Buenos Ayres). Act. Lund. — Acta Universitatis Lundensis (Lund). (Called also Lunds Universitets ArssJcrift.) Act. Soc. Chili — Actes de la Societe scientifique du Chili. Act. Soc. Fenn. — Acta Societatis Scientiarum Fennicse (Helsingfors). Act. Soc. Helv. — Actes de la Societe Helvetique des Sciences naturelles. (Called also Verhandl. d. schweiz. Naturforsch. Gesells.) Act. Soc. Jura. — Actes de la Societe Jurassienne d’Emulation. Act. Soc. L. Bord. — Actes de la Societe Linneenne de Bordeaux. (Also Comptes rendus .) Act. JJpsala. — Acta Universitatis Upsalensis. (Called also Upsala Uni- versitets ArssJcrift.) Agric. Gaz. N.S.W. — Agricultural Gazette of New South Wales (Sydney). Am. Geol. — The American Geologist (Calvin et alii : Minneapolis). Am. J. Sci. — American Journal of Science (New Haven). Am. Micr. J. — American Monthly Microscopical Journal (Washington). Am. Nat. — The American Naturalist (Philadelphia). Anat. Anz. — Anatomischer Anzeiger (Bardeleben : Jena). An. Mus. B. Aires — Anales del Museo nacional, Buenos Aires. An. Mus. Costa Rica — Anales del Museo nacional, Republica de Costa Bica (San Jose). An. Mus. La Plata — Auales del Museo, La Plata (Buenos Ayres). An. Mus. nac. Mexico — Anales del Museo nacional de Mexico. An. Soc. Arg. — Anales de la Sociedad Cientifica Argentina (Buenos Ayres). An. Soc. Esp. — Anales de la Sociedad Espahola de Historia Natural (Madrid). Ann. Ent. Belg. — Annales de la Societe Entomologique de Belgique (Brussels). Ann. Fac. Marseille — Annales de la Faeulte des Sciences de Marseille, publiees sous les auspices de la municipality (Marseille & Paris). Ann. Geol. univ. Paris — Annuaire Geologique universel, Revue de Geologie et Paleontologie (Carey & Douville). Ann. II of museum Wien — Annalen des k. k. naturhistorischen Hofmuseums (von Hauer : Vienna). LIST OF ABBREVIATIONS. VII Ann. Mai. — Annales de Malacologie (Servain : Paris). Ann. Micrograph. — Annales de Micrographie specialement consacrees a la Bacteriologie aux Protophytes et aux Protozoaires (Miquel : Paris). Ann. Mas. Belg. — Annales du Musee royal d’Histoire Naturelle de Bel- gique (Brussels). Ann. Mus. Genov. — Annali del Museo civico di Storia Naturale di Genova (Genoa). Ann. Mus. Marseille — Annales du Musee d’Histoire Naturelle de Marseille. Zoologie (Marion : Marseilles). Ann. N. H. — Annals and Magazine of Natural History (London). Ann. N. York Ac. — Annals of the New York Academy of Sciences. (Also Trans.) Ann. Queensland Mus. — Annals of the Queensland Museum (Brisbane). Ann. Sci. Geol. — Annales des Sciences Geologiques (Hebert & Milue- Ed wards : Paris). Ann. Sci. Nat. — Annales des Sciences Naturelles. Zoologie. (Paris). Ann. Scot. N. H. — The Annals of Scottish Natural History. Ann. Soc. Agric. Lyon — Annales de la Societe d’ Agriculture, Histoire Naturelle, et Arts utiles de Lyon (Lyons & Paris). Ann. Soc. Belg. Micr. — (Also Bull. Soc. Belg. Mici'.} q.v.) Ann. Soc. Brux. — Annales de la Societe Scientifique de Bruxelles (Brussels). Ann. Soc. Char. — Amnales de la Societe des Sciences Naturelles de la Charente Inferieure (= Academie de la Rochelle). Ann. Soc. But, Fr. — Annales de la Societe Entomologique de France (Paris). Ann. Soc. Geol. Belg. — Annales de la Societe Geologique de Belgique (Liege). Ann. Soc. Geol, Nord — Annales de la Societe Geologique du Nord (Lille). (Also Memoir es.) Ann. Soc. L. Lyon (n.s.) — Annales de la Societe Linneenne de Lyon. Nouvelle serie. Ann. Soc. Mai. Belg.— Annales de la Societe Malacologique de Belgique (Brussels). Ann. Univ. Lyon — Annales de l’universite de Lyon (Paris). Ann. TJniv. Toscane — Annali delle Universita Toscane (Pisa). Ant. Annual — The Antananarivo Annual and Madagascar Magazine (Sibree : Antananarivo). Anz. Ak. Wien — Anzeiger der mathematisch-naturwissenschaftlichen Classe der k. Akademie der Wissenschaften zu Wien (Vienna). Appalachia — Appalachia : the Journal of the Appalachian Mountain Club (Boston). Arb. Inst. Wurzb. — Arbeiten aus dem zoologisch-zootomischen Institute in Wurzburg. ym LIST OF ABBREVIATIONS. Arb. z. Inst. Wien-— Arbeiten aus dem zoologischen Institute der Tlni- versitat Wien (Vienna). Arb. z. Inst. Graz — Arbeiten aus dem zoologischen Institute zu Graz (Leipsic). Arch. Anat. Phys. — Archiv fur Anatomie und Physiologie (His? Braune, & Du Bois Reymond : Leipzig). Arch. Biol . — Archives de Biologie (Van Beneden & Van Bambeke : Ghent). Arch. dyAnthrop. — Archives d’Anthropologie (Toulouse). Arch. f. Anthrop. — Archiv fur Anthropologie : Zeitschrift fur Naturge- schichte und Urgeschichte des Menschen (Brunswick). Arch.f. Math, og Naturv. — Archiv for Mathematik og Naturvidenskab (Lie, G. 0. Sars : Kristiania). Arch. f. Nat . — Archiv fur Naturgeschichte. Neue Folge (Berlin). Arch.f. Thierheilk. — Archiv fur Thierheilkunde. Arch. ges. Phys. — Archiv fur die gesammte Physiologie des Menschen und der Thiere (Pfltiger : Bonn). Arch. Ital. Biol. — Archives Italiennes de Biologie ; Revues, Resumes, Reproductions des travaux scientifiques Italiens (Emery & Mosso : Turin). Arch . mikr. Anat. — Archiv fur mikroskopische Anatomie (Bonn). Arch. Miss. Sci . — Archives des Missions Scientifiques et Literaires (Paris). Arch. Mus. Lyon — Archives du Museum d’Histoire Naturelle de Lyon. Arch. Mus. B. Jan. — Archives do Museu nacional do Rio de Janeiro. Arch. Mus . Teyl.— Archives du Musee Teyler (Haarlem). Arch. Nat. Liv. — Archiv fur die Naturkunde Liv-, Esth-, und Kurlands (Dorpat). Arch, naturw. Landesforsch. Bohmen — Archiv fiir naturwissenschaftliche Landesdurehforschung von Bohmen (Prag). Arch. Neerl. — Archives Neerlandaises des Sciences Exactes et Naturelles (Bosscha : Haarlem). A rch. Phys. — Archives de Physiologie Normale et Pathologique (Brown- Sequard : Paris). Arch. Sci . Nat. — Archives des Sciences Physiques et Naturelles (Geneva). Arch. Ver. Mecklenb. — Archiv des Vereins der Freunde der Naturge- schichte in Mecklenburg. Arch. Zeeuwsch Genoots. Wetensch. — Archief vroegere en latere Mede- deelingen vournamelijk in Betrekking tot Zeeland uitgegeven door het Zeeuwsch Genootschap der Wetenschappen (Middelburg). Arch. Z. exper.— Archives de Zoologie experimental et generate (Lacaze- Duthiers : Paris). Atti Acc. Gioen. — Atti dell5 Accademia Gioenia di Scienze Naturali (Catania). LIST OF ABBREVIATIONS. IX Atti Acc . Napoli — Atti della R. Accademia delle Scienze Fisiche e Mate- matiche. Atti Acc. Palermo — Atti della R. Accademia di Scienze, Lettere e Belle Arti di Palermo (Palermo). Atti Acc. Pontaniana — Atti dell’ Accademia Pontaniana (Naples). Atti Acc. Pontif \ Lincei — Atti dell’ Accademia Pontificia de’ nuovi Lincei. Atti Acc. Tor. — Atti della R. Accademia delle Scienze di Torino (Turin). Atti 1st. Nap. — Atti del R. Istituto d’incorraggiamento alle Scienze Naturali Economichi e Technologiche, &c., di Napoli (Naples). Atti 1st. Venet. — Atti del R. Istituto Yeneto di Scienze, Lettere et Arti, &c. (Venice). Atti [Mem. Rend.'] Acc. Rom.— -Atti [Memorie : Rendiconti] della R. Accademia dei Lincei (Rome). Atti [Mem.] Soc.Tosc. — Atti [Memorie] della Societa Toscana di Scienze Naturali residente in Pisa. Atti [Rend. Mem.] Soc. Mod. — Atti [Memorie : Rendiconti] della Societa dei Naturalisti di Modena. Atti Soc. Ital. — Atti della Society Italiana di Scienze Naturali (Milan). Atti Soc. Ligust. — Atti della Societa Ligustica di scienze naturali e geo- grafiche (Genova). Atti Soc. Ven.-Trent. — Atti della Societa Veneto-Trentina di Scienze Naturali residente in Padova (Padua). (Also Bull.) Atti Univ. Genova — Atti della R. Universita di Genova. Auk — The Auk. A Quarterly Journal of Ornithology. (Continuation of the Bulletin of the Nuttall Ornithological Club.) Ausland — Das Ausland (Stuttgart). Beitr. Morphol. Morphog. — Beitrage zur Morphologie und Morphogenie (Gerlach : Stuttgart). Beitr. Pal. Oesterr.-Ung. — Beitrage zur Palaontologie Oesterreich- Ungarn’s und des Orients (Mojsisovics & Neumayr : Vienna). Beitr. Russ. Reiches (2) — Beitrage zur Kenntniss des Russichen Reiches und der angrerzenden Lander Asiens. Neue Folge (Schrenck & Maximowics : St. Petersburg). Ber. deuts. botan. Ges. — Bericht der deutschen botanischen Gesellschaft (Berlin). Ber. deutsch. orn. Ges. — Bericht der allgemeines deutsche ornithologische Gesellschaft zu Berlin. Ber. Ges. Freiburg— Berichte der naturforschenden Gesellschaft zu Frei- burg (Freiburg, i Br.). Bergens Mus. Aarsber. — Bergens Museum Aarsberetning (Bergen). Ber. Ges. Ghemn. — Bericht der naturwissenschaftlichen Gesellschaft zu Chemnitz. X LIST OF ABBREVIATIONS. Ber. Ges . Halle — Bericht iiber die Sitzungen der naturforschenden Gesellschaft zu Halle. (Also Abhandl.) Ber. Ges. Hanau = JB. wetter. Ges. Ber. Komm . miss. JJnters. deutsch. Meere— Bericht der Kommission zur Untersuchung der deutschen Meere. Ber. JSfatur/. Artzte — Amtliche Bericht deutscher Naturforscher und Artzte. Ber. naturf. Ges. Bamberg — Bericht der naturforschenden Gesellschaft in Bamberg. Ber. naturkist. Mas. Hamburg— Bericht des naturhistorischen Museums in Hamburg, Ber. natur. Ver . Passau — Bericht des naturhistorischen Vereins in Passau. Ber. naturw. Ver. Regensburg — Bericht der naturwissenschaftlichen Vereins in Begensburg, (Formerly CB.). Ber . Oberhess. 6?es.---Bericht der Oberhessischen Gesellschaft fur Natur- und Heilkunde (Giessen). Ber. Offenb. Ver. — Bericht liber die Thatigkeit des Offenbacher Vereins fiir Naturkunde (Oifenbach-on-the-Main), Ber. Sachs. Ges. — Bericht ueber die Verhandlungen der koniglichen Sachs. Gesellschaft der Wissenschaft in Leipzig. (Also Abhandl.) Ber. SencJc. Ges. — Bericht der Senckenbergische naturforschende Gesell- schaft im Frankfurt am Main. (Also Abhandl.) Ber. St. Gall. Ges. — Bericht iiber die Thatigkeit der St. Gallischen naturwissenschaftlichen Gesellschaft (St. Gallen). Ber. Ver. Cassel — Berichte des Vereins fiir Naturkunde zu Cassel. Ber. Ver. Pass. — Bericht der naturwissenschaftlichen Vereins in Passau. Ber. Ver. Sehwaben— Bericht der naturwissenschaftlichen Vereins fur Schwaben und Neuburg (a. V.), friiher naturhistorischen Vereins Augsburg (Augsburg). Berl. Monats.— Berliner Monatshefte. B. E. Z. — Berliner Entomologische Zeitschrift. Bibl. haut. etudes. — Bibliotheque de l’ecole des hautes etudes. Section des Sciences Naturelles (Paris). Bibl. univ. — Bibliotheque universelle et Revue Suisse (Geneva). (See Arch. Sci. Nat.) Bibl. Zool. — Bibliotheca Zoologica (Leipsic). Bidr. Pint. Nat. — Bidrag till Kannedom af Finlands Natur och Folk (Helsingfors). Bih. Sv. Ah. Handl. — Bihang till K. Svenska Vetenskaps-Akademiens Handlingar (Stockholm). Bijdr. Dierh. — Bijdragen tot de Dierkunde (Amsterdam). Biol. Centralbl. — Biologisches Ceutralblatt (Rosenthal : Erlangen). Biol. Centr. Am. — Biologia Centrali Americana (Godman & Salvin : London). LIST OF ABBREVIATIONS. XI Biol. Foren. — BiologiskaForeningens Forhandlingar. Verhandlungeu des biologischen Vereins in Stockholm. (Figerstedt : Stockholm.) Bol. Ac. Arg. — Boletin de la Academia nacional de Ciencias de la Republica Argentina (Cordoba). Bol. geol . S. Paulo — Boletim da Commissao geographica e geologica da Provincia de S. Paulo. Bol. Mus. la Plata — Boletin del Museo la Plata (Buenos Ayres). Bol. Com. Geol. — Bollettino del R. Comitato Geologico d’ltalia (Roma). Boll. Mus. Zool. Anut. Comp. Torino — Bollettino dei Musei di Zoologia ed Anatomia comparata della R. University, di Torino. Boll, sclent. — Bollettino scientifico (Maggi, Zoja, & Giovanni : Pavia). Boll. Soc. Adr. — Bollettino della Societa Adriatica di Scieuze naturali (Trieste). Boll. Soc. geol. Ital. — Bollettino della Societa geologica Italiana (Rome). Boll. Soc. Nat. Napoli — Bollettino della Societa di Naturalisti in Napoli. (Formerly Rivista italiana di scienze naturali [Circolo degli aspiranti naturalisti].) Boll. Soc. Rom. Stud. Zool. — Bollettino della Societa Romana per gli Studi Zoologici. Bot. Z — Botanische Zeitung (Halle). Brit. Nat. — The British Naturalist (Robson : London). Bull. Ac. Belg. — Bulletin de l’Academie royale des Sciences, des Lettres, et des Beaux Arts de Belgique (Brussels). (Also Mem.) * Bull. Ac. Cracovie — Bulletin international de l’Academie des sciences de Cracovie (Cracovie). Bidl. Ac. Hippone — Bulletin de l’Academie d'Hippone (Bone). Bull. Am. Mus. Nat. Hist. — Bulletin of the American Museum of Natural History (New York). Bull. Brit. Ornith. Club — Bulletin of the British Ornithologists’ Club. Bull. Brookville Soc. — Bulletin of the Brookville Society of Natural History (Brookville, Indiana, U.S.A.). Bull. Buff. Soc. — Bulletin of the Buffalo Society of Natural Sciences. Bull. Bussey Inst. — Bulletin of the Bussey Institution (Boston). Bull. Cornell Univ. — Bulletin of the Cornell University. (Ithaca.) Bull. Denison Univ. — Bulletin of the Scientific Laboratories of Denison Universities (Granville, Ohio). Bull. Dep. Agric. Ent. — U.S. Department of Agriculture. Division of Entomology. Bulletin (Washington). Bull. Ent. Ital. — Bullettino della Societa Entomologica Italiana (Florence). Bull. Ess. Inst. — Bulletin of the Essex Institute (Salem, U.S. A.). Bull. Geol. Soc. Amer. — Bulletin of the Geological Society of America (New York). Xll LIST OF ABBREVIATIONS. Ball. Jilin. Lab. N. H. — Bulletin of the Illinois State Laboratory of Natural History. (Champaign, Illinois.) j Bull. Inst. Nat. Genevois — Bulletin de PInstitut nationale Genevois. Bull. Lab. Iowa — Bulletin from the Laboratories of Natural History of the State University of Iowa (Iowa city). Bull. Minnesota Acad . — Bulletin of the Minnesota Academy of Natural Sciences. Ball. Mosc. — Bulletin de la Societe imperiale des Naturalistes de Moscou (Menzbier : Moscow). Bull. Mus. Belg. — Bulletin du Musee royal d’Histoire Naturelle de Belgique (Brussels). Bull. Mas. C. Z. — Bulletin of the Museum of Comparative Zoology of Harvard College (Cambridge, U.S.A.). Bull. Nat. Hist. Soc. New Brunswick — Bulletin of the Natural History Society of New Brunswick (St. John’s, N.B.). Bull. -New York Mus . Nat Hist. — Bulletin of the New York State Museum of Natural History (Albany). Bull. Ohio Exp. Station, — Bulletin of the Ohio Agricultural Experiment Station, Technical Series (Columbus). Bull. Petersb . — Bulletin de l’Academie imperiale des Sciences de St. Petersbourg. Bull. Phil. Soc. Wash. — Bulletin of the Philosophical Society of Wash- ington. Bull. Sci. Fr. Belg. —Bulletin Scientifique de la France et de la Belgique (Giard : Paris). Bull. Soc. Ac. Brest — Bulletin de la Societe Academique de Brest. Ball. Soc. Acclim. — Bulletin mensuel de la Societe nationale d’Acclima- tation de Paris (Paris). Bull. Soc. Angers — Bulletin de la Societe d’Etudes scientifiques d’ Angers (Angers). Bull. Soc. Antkrop. Lyon — Bulletin de la Societe d’Anthropologie de Lyon. Ball. Soc . Anthrop . Paris — Bulletin de la Societe d’Anthropologie de Paris. Bull. Soc. Aude — Bulletin de la Societe d’Etudes scientifiques de l’Aude (Carcassonne). Bull. Soc. Autun — Societe d’Histoire Naturelle d’Autun. Ball. Soc. Belg. Micr. — Bulletin de la Societe Beige de Microscopie (Brussels). (Also Anncdes.) Ball. Soc. Beziers — Bulletin de la Societe d’l^tude des Sciences Naturelles de Beziers. Comptes rendus des Seances (Beziers). Bull. Soc. Borda-Dax — Bulletin de la Societe de Borda (Dax). Ball. Soc. Calm. — Bulletin de la Societe d’Histoire Naturelle de Colmar. LIST OF ABBREVIATIONS. Xlll Bull. Soc. d'Elbeuf. — Bulletin de la Societe d’etude des sciences naturelles d’Elbeuf. Bull. Soc. Dinan. — Bulletin de la Societe des Naturalistes Dinantais (Diuant). Bull. Soc. Ent. Suisse — See MT. Schio. ent. Ges. Bull. Soc. Ent. Fr. — Bulletin des seances de la Societe Entomologique de France (Paris) (See Ann.'). Bull. Soc. Finistere — Bulletin de la Societe d’Etudes scientifiques du Finistere (Morlaix). Bull. Soc. Geogr. — Bulletin de la Societe de Geographic (Paris). Bull. Soc. Geol. — Bulletin de la Societe Geologique de France (Paris). Bull. Soc. Isere — Bulletin de la Societe de statistique des sciences natu- relles et des arts industriels du departement de l’lsere (Grenoble). Bull. Soc. L. Bruxelles — Bulletin de la Societe royale Linneenne de Bruxelles. Bull. Soc. L. Nord France — Bulletin de la Societe Linneenne du Nord de la France (Amiens). Bull. Soc. L. Norm. — Bulletin de la Societe Linneenne de Normandie (Caen). Bull. Soc. Mai. Fr. — Bulletin de la Societe Malacologique de France (Paris). Bull. Soc. Mai. Ital. — Bullettino della Societa Malacologica Italiana (Pisa). Bull. Soc. Metz — Bulletin de la Societe d’Histoire Naturelle de Metz (formerly du Departement de la Moselle). Bull. Soc. Murith. — Bulletin des travaux de la Societe Murithienne du Yalais (Neufchatel). Bull. Soc. Nancy — Bulletin de la Societe des Sciences de Nancy (Paris). Bull. Soc. Neuchatel — Bulletin de la Societe des Sciences Naturelles de Neuchatel. Bull. Soc. Nimes — Bulletin de la Societe d’etude des sciences naturelles de Nimes (Nimes). Bull. Soc. Ouest France — Bulletin de la Societe des Sciences Naturelles de l’Ouest de la France (Paris). Bull. Soc. Philom. — Bulletin de la Societe Philomathique de Paris. Bull. Soc. Rouen — Bulletin de la Societe des Amis des Sciences Naturelles de Rouen (Rouen). Bull. Soc. Saone — Bulletins de la Societe des Sciences Naturelles de Saone- et-Loire (Chalons sur Saone.) (Also Mem.) Bull. Soc. Savoie — Bulletin de la Societe d’Histoire Naturelle de Savoie (Chambery). Bull. Soc. Sci. Phys. Nat. Toulouse — Bulletin de la Societe des Sciences Physiques et Naturelles de Toulouse (Toulouse). Bull. Soc. Isere — Bulletin de la Societe de Statistique des Sciences Naturelles, &c.. du Departement de l’lsere (Grenoble). XIV LIST OF ABBREVIATIONS. Bull. Soc. Toulouse — Bulletin de la Societe d’Histoire Naturelle de Tou- louse. Bull. Soc. Vaud. — Bulletin de la Societe Yaudoise des Sciences Naturelles (Lausanne). Bull. Soc. Ven.- Trent. — Bullettino della Societa Veneto-Trentina di Scienze Naturali (Padua). (Also Atti.) Bull. Soc. Yonne — Bulletin de la Societe des Sciences Historiques et Naturelles de 1’Yonne (Auxerre). Bull. Soc. Z. Fr. — Bulletin de la Societe Zoologique de France (Paris). Bull. U. S. Fish Comm. — Bulletin of the United States Fish Commission (Washington). Bull. U. S. Geol. Surv.— Bulletin of the United States Geological Survey (Washington). Bull. V. S. Nat. Mus. — Bulletin of the United States National Museum (Washington). (Also Proceedings.) Bull. Washb. Coll. — Bulletin of the Washburn Laboratory of Natural History (Topeka, Kansas). Canad. Ent. — Canadian Entomologist (Saunders : Montreal). Can. Bee. — Canadian Record of Science. Cardiff Nat Soc. — Cardiff Naturalists’ Society. Report and Transactions (Cardiff). CB. Bald. Parasit. — Centralblatt fiir Bakteriologie und Parasitenkunde (Uhlworn : Cassel). CB. Ges. Anthrop. — Correspondenzblatt der deutschen Gesellschaft fiir Anthropologie, &c. (Brunswick). CB. Iris — Correspondenz-Blatt des entomologischen Vereins Iris zu Dresden. CB. med. Wiss. — Centralblatt fur die medicinischen Wissenschaften (Berlin). CB- Ver. Regensb. — (Now Ber.) CB. Ver. Rheinl. — Correspondenz-Blatt des naturhistorischen Vereins der preussischen Rheinlaude und Westphalens (Bonn). (Also Vtrh. & SB.) CB. Ver. Riga — Correspondenzblatt des Naturforscher- Vereins zu Riga. Cellule — La Cellule. Recueil de Cytologie et d’Histologie Generale (Carnoy, Gilson, & Denys : Lierre & Gand). Circ. deutsch . Fisch. Ver. — Circulare des deutschen Fischerei- Vereins (Berlin). Comm. Ateneo Brescia — Commentari dell’ Ateneo di Brescia. Conch. Mittheil. — Conchologische Mittheilungen (Martens: Cassel). Contr. E. M. Mus. Geol. Princeton — Contributions from the E. M. Museum of Geology, Princeton College, U.S.A, (Scott & Osborn). LIST OF ABBREVIATIONS. XV C.R. — Comptes rendus des Seances hebdomadaires de l’Academie des Sciences (Paris). CM. Ass. Fr. Sci. — Compte-rendu de l'Association Fran9ais pour l’avance- ment des Sciences. CM. Ent. Belg. — Comptes rendus des Seances de la Societe Entomologique de Belgique (Brussels). C R. Soc. Biol. — Comptes rendus hebdomadaires des Seances et Memoires de la Societe de Biologie (Paris). CM. Soc. L. Bord. — Comptes Rendus de la Societe Linneenne de Bordeaux. (Also Actes.) Dan. Selsk. Sfa'.— K. Danske Yidenskabernes Selskabs Skrifter (Copen- hagen). Denk. Ak. Wien — Denkschriften der k. Akademie der Wissenschaften zu Wien (Vienna). (Also SB.) Deutsche e. iT.— Deutsche entomologische Zeitschrift (Kraatz : Berlin). Echange — L’Echange, Revue Linneenne, organe des Naturalistes de la region Lyonnaise. E. Mus. Lund. — E museo Lundii En Samling Af Afhandlinger (Liitken : Kjobnhavn). Ent. — The Entomologist (London). Ent. Am. — Entomologica Americana (Brooklyn). Ent. Gen. — L’Entomologiste Genevois. Journal mensnel d’Entomologie pure et appliquee (Geneva). Ent. M. M. — The Entomologist’s Monthly Magazine (London). Ent. Med. — Entomologiske Meddeldser udgivne af Entomologisk Fore- ning ved Fr. Meinert Copenhagen. Ent. Nachr. — Entomologische Nachrichten (Karsch : Berlin). Ent. Tidskr. — Entomologisk Tidskrift, pa foranstaltande af Entomologiska Foreningen i Stockholm (Spangberg: Stockholm). Ert. Term. Kor. — Ertekezesek a termeszettudomanyok korebol, Magyar tudomanyos Akademia [Memoirs on Natural Science, Hungarian Academy of Sciences] (Budapesth). Ess. Nat. — Essex Naturalist : being the Journal, Transactions, and Pro- ceedings of the Essex Field Club (Buckhurst Hill). Etudes cl' Ent. — Etudes d’Entomologie, Faunes Entomologiques, Descrip- tions d’lnsectes nouveaux ou peu connus (G. Oberthiir : Rennes). Evkon. Erd. Muz. — Evkonyvek erdelzi muzeumegylet (Kolozsvar = Klausenberg). Fauna — Fauna. Comptes rendus des Sciences de la Societe de Naturalistes Luxembourgeois; Feuill. Nat. — Feuille des Jeunes Naturalistes (Dollfus : .Paris). Field — The Field (London). XVI LIST OF ABBREVIATIONS. Field Club. — The Field Club, with which is incorporated The Garner (London). For. & Sir. — Forest and Stream. Fork. Selsh. Chr. — Forhandlinger i Yidenskabs-Selskabet i Christiania. Fork. Sk. Naturf. — Forhandlingar vid de Skandinaviska Naturforskarnes. Frelon. — Le Frelon, journal d’Entomologie. Garner — The Garner, &c. (now Field Club, q.v.). Gef. Welt — Die gefiederte Welt : Zeitschrift fur Yogelliebhaber, -zuchter und -handler (Russ : Berlin). Geol. Mag. — Geological Magazine (Woodward: London). Giorn. Sci. Palerm. — Giornale di Scienze Naturali ed Economiche di Palermo. Goteborgs Handl. — Goteborgs kongl. Yetenskaps och Yitterhets samhalles Handlingar. Helios — See Mon. MT. Ver. Naturw. Franhfurt-a-O. Hist. Berwick Nat. Club — History of the Berwickshire Naturalists’ Club (Alnwick). Hor. Ent. Boss. — Horae Societatis Entomologicae Rossicae (St. Petersburg). Humming Bird. — The Humming Bird (Boucard : London). Ibis — The Ibis (Sclater : London). Ind. Mus. Notes — Indian Museum Notes (Calcutta). lns. Life — Insect Life (Washington). lnt. J. Micr.— The International Journal of Microscopy & Natural Science (Allen & Spiers : London & New York). Irish Natural. — The Irish Naturalist. Isvest. Mosc. TJniv. — Isvestiya imperatorskova obshchestva lyubitelei Estestvoznaniya, Antropologi i Etnografii Sostoyashova, pre Mos- kovskom Universitet. J . Ac. Philad. — Journal of the Academy of Natural Sciences of Phila- * delphia. J. Agric. Soc. India — Journal of the Agricultural and Horticultural Society of India (Calcutta). J. Anat. Phys. — Journal of Anatomy and Physiology (London). J. A. S. B. — Journal of the Asiatic Society of Bengal (Calcutta). J. A. S. ( Bombay ) — Journal of the Bombay Branch of the Royal Asiatic Society. J. A. S. ( Ceylon ) — Journal of the Ceylon Branch of the Royal Asiatic Society. J. A. S. {China) — Journal of the China Branch of the Royal Asiatic Society. J. A. S. ( Straits ) — Journal of the Straits Branch of the Royal Asiatic Society (Singapore). LIST OF ABBREVIATIONS. XVII JB. Ale. Amsl.— Jaarboek van de k. Akademie van Wetenschappen (Amsterdam). (Also Verhandl .) JB. Mijnwezen — Jaarboek van het Mijnwezen in Nederlandsch Oost- Indie (Amsterdam) . JB. geol. Beichsanst. — Jahrbuch der k.-k. geologischen Reichsanstalt (Vienna). (Also Verhandl.) JB. Hamb. — Jahrbuch der Hamburgischen wissenschaftlichen Austalten. JB. Karpath. Ver. — Jahrbuch des Ungarischen Karpathen- Vereius (Kes- mark). JB. h. Akad. Erfurt — Jahrbiicher der koniglichen Akademie gemeinniitz- iger Wissenschaften zu Erfurt. JB. le. preuss. geol. Laiulesanst. — Jahrbuch der konighch preussischen geologischen Landesanstalt und Bergakademie zu Berlin. JB. mol. Ges. — Jahrbuch der deutschen malakozoologischen Gesellschaft (Kobelt : Frankfort). JB. Mineral. — Neues Jahrbuch fur Mineralogie, Geologie, und Palieon- tologie (Leonard & Geinitz : Leipzig). JB. Mijnwezen Nederl. Indie — Jaarboek vau het Mijnwezen van Nederl. Oost Indie (Amsterdam). JB. Mus. Kdmt. — Jahrbuch des naturhistorischen Landesmuseums von Karnthen (Klagenfurt). JB. nass. Ver. — Jahrbuch des nassauischen Vereins fiir Naturkunde (Wiesbaden). JB. Sieb. Karpath. Ver. — Jahrbuch des Siebenbiirgischen Karpathen- Vereins (Hermannstadt). Jahresber. forst.-phcin. Stat. — Jahresbericht der forstlich-phanologischen Stationen Deutschlands (Berlin). J. Ber. Annab. Ver. — Jahresbericht des Annaberg-Buchholzer Vereius fiir Naturkunde (Annaberg). J. Ber. Ges. Graub.^- Jahresbericht der naturforschenden Gesellschaft Graubiindens (Chur), J. Ber. Ges. Hannov. — Jahresbericht der naturforschenden Gesellschaft in Hannover. J. Ber. 1c. Bohm. Ges. Wins. — Jahresbericht der koniglich Bohmischen Gesellschaft der Wissenschaften. J. Ber. Pollichia — Jahresbericht der Pollichia eines naturwissenschaft- lichen Vereins der Rheinpfalz (Diirkheim a. d. Hart). J.Ber. Schles. Ges.— Jahresbericht der Schlesischen Gesellschaft fiir vater- landische Cultur (Breslau). (Also Abhandl.) J. Ber. Ver. Braunschw. — Jahresbericht des Vereins fiir Naturwissen- schaft zu Braunschweig (Brunswick). J. Ber. Ver. Frankfurt — Jahresbericht des physikalischen Vereins zu Frankfurt-am-Main. J. Ber. Ver. M agdeburg— Jahresbericht und Abhandlungen des natur- wissenschaftlichen Vereins in Magdeburg. 1892. [vol. xxix.] b 2 XV111 LIST OF ABBREVIATIONS. J. Ber. Ver. Osnabr. — Jahresbericht des naturwissenschaftlichen Yereins zu Osnabriick. J. Ber. Ver. Zwickau — Jahresbericht des Yereins fur Naturkunde zu Zwickau. J. Ber. Westf. Ver. — Jahresbericht der zoologischen Sektion des Westfal- ischen provinzial-Yereins fiir Wissenschaft und Kunst (Munster). J. Bomb. N. H. Soc. — The Journal of the Bombay Natural History Society (Phipson : Bombay). J. Brit. Dent. Ass. — Journal of the British Dental Association (London). J. Cincinn. Soc. — Journal of the Cincinnati Society of Natural History. J. Coll. Sci. Japan — Journal of the College of Science, Imperial University, Japan (Tokyo). J. de Conch. — Journal de Conchy liologie (Crosse & Fischer : Paris). J. de VAnat. Phys. — Journal de l’Anatomie et de la Physiologic (Pouchet : Paris). J. Elisha Mitchell Sci. Soc. — Journal of the Elisha Mitchell Scientific Society (Raleigh, N.C.). Jen. Z. Nat. — Jenaische Zeitschrift fiir Naturwissenschaft, herausgegeben von der medicinisch-naturwissensehaftlichen Gesellschaft zu Jena. J.f. 0. — Journal fiir Ornithologie (Cabanis : Leipzig). JH. Ver. Luneb. — Jahreshefte des naturwissenschaftlichen Yereins fiir das Fiirstenthum Liineburg. JH. Ver. Wiirtt. — Jahreshefte des Yereins fiir vaterlandische Naturkunde in Wiirttemberg (Stuttgart). J. Inst. Jamaica — Journal of the Institute of Jamaica (Kingston). J. L. S. — Journal of the Linnean Society ; Zoology (London). J^Eondon Coll. Soc. — Journal of the City of London College Society, London (Lewes). J.Mar. Biol. Ass. — Journal of the Marine Biological Association (London & Plymouth). J. Morph. — Journal of Morphology (Whitman & Allis : Boston, U.S. A.). J. Microgr. — Journal de Micrographie (Pelletan : Paris). J. New Jersey N. H. Soc.— Journal of the New Jersey Natural History Society (Trenton). (Formerly J. Trenton Soc.) J. Northampt. Soc. — Journal of the Northamptonshire Natural History Society and Field Club. J. N. Y. Micr. Soc. — Journal of the New York Microscopical Society (New York). J. of Conch. — Journal [formerly Quarterly Journal] of Conchology (London). Johns Hoph. Univ. Circ. — Johns Hopkins University Circulars (Balti- more). J. Physiol. — The Journal of Physiology (Foster et alii : Cambridge). J. Quek. Club — Journal of the Quekett Microscopical Club (London). LIST OF ABBREVIATIONS. XIX J. R. Agric. Soc. — Journal of the Royal Agricultural Society (London). J. B. Inst. Cornwall — Journal of the Royal Institution of Cornwall (Truro). J. R. Micr. Soc. — Journal of the Royal Microscopical Society (London). J. B. Geol. Soc. Ireland — Journal of the Royal Geological Society of Ireland (London, Dublin, and Edinburgh). J. R. Soc. N. S. W. — Journal and Proceedings of the Royal Society of New South Wales (Sydney). J. Sci. Lisb. — Jornal de Sciencias, &c., da Academia de Lisboa (Lisbon). J. Tr. Viet. Inst. — Journal of the Transactions of the Victoria Institute, or Philosophical Society of Great Britain (London). Kansas quart. — The Kansas University quarterly. Kansas Sclent. — The Kansas City Scientist (Kansas). (Formerly The Naturalist'). Kosmos Lemberg — Kosmos : Lemberg. L’Ab. — L’Abeille (Paris). La Nature — La Nature, Revue des Sciences, &c. (Tissandier : Paris). UA nthrop. — L’ Anthropologie (Paris). Le Nat. — Le Naturaliste (Deyrolle r Paris). Leopoldina — Leopoldina : Arritlichen Organ fiir der k. Leopold-Carol. deutsch. Acad. Lioar Man. — Yn Lioar Manninagh. Published quarterly, for The Isle of Man Natural History and Antiquarian Society (Kermode : Ramsey). Lotos — Lotos, Jahrbuch fiir Naturwissenschaft im Auftrage des Vereines ‘Lotos’ (Prague). Maandbl. Natuurw. — Maandblad voor Naturwetenschappen (Amsterdam). Mai. Bl.' — Malakozoologische Blatter (Clessin : Cassel). Math. Nat. Ber. TJng.— Mathematische und naturwissenschaftliche Be- richte aus Ungarn. Mit Unterstiitzung der Ungarischen Akad. d. Wiss. und der K. Ungar. naturwiss. Ges. herausgegeben von Baron R. Eotvos, &c. (Frohlich : Buda-Pest). Math. term. Ertes — Mathematikai es termeszettudomanyi Ertesito (Gyula : Buda-Pesth). Math. term. /tfds.-^Mathematikai es termeszettudomanyi kozlemenyek (Buda-Pest). Med. Nat. — The Mediterranean Naturalist (Cooke : Malta). Med. Soc. Fenn.— Meddelanden af Societas pro Fauna et Flora Fennica (Helsingfors). Mel. biol. — Melanges biologiques tires du Bulletin de i’Academie imperiale des Sciences de St. Petersburg. Mem. Ac. Barcel. — Memorias de la real Academia de Ciencias de Barcelona. XX LIST OF ABBREVIATIONS. Mem. Ac. Belg.— Memoires del’Academie royale des Sciences, des Lettres, et des Beaux Arts de Belgique (Brussels). (Also Bull.) Mem. Acc. Bologn.— Memorie della R. Accademia delle Scienze dell’ Istituto di Bologna. Mem. Ac. Dijon — Memoires de l’Academie des Sciences, Arts, et Belles- Lettres de Dijon. Mem. Ac. Lyon — Memoires de l’Academie des Sciences, Belles-Lettres et Arts de Lyon (Lyon). Mem. Ac. Madrid — Memorias de la real Academia de Ciencias Exactas Fisicas, y Naturales de Madrid (Madrid). Mem,. Acc. Mod. — Memorie delle R. Accademia di Scienze, Lettere, ed Arti in Modena. Mem. Ac. Montp. — Memoires de la Section des Sciences de l’Academie des Sciences et Lettres de Montpellier. Mem. Ac. Petersb. (7) — Memoires de l’Academie imperiale des Sciences de St. Petersbourg. 7me serie. Mem. Ac. Savoie — Memoires de l’Academie des Sciences, Belles-Lettres, et Arts de Savoie (Chambery). (Also Comptes Rendus.) Mem. Ac. Sci. — Memoires de PAcademie des Sciences (Paris). Mem. Ac. Sci. Lisboa — Memorias da Academia real das Sciencias de Lisboa. Mem. Acc. Tor. — Memorie della R. Accademia delle Scienze di Torino (Turin). Mem. Ac. Toulouse — Memoires de l’Academie des Sciences, &c., de Tou- louse. Mem. Ac. Vaucluse — Memoires de l’Academie de Yaucluse (Avignon). Mem. Am. Ac. — Memoirs of the American Academy of Arts and Sciences (Cambridge). (Also Proceedings.') Mem. Boll. Soc. Geogr. Ital. — Memorie (Bollettino) della Societa Geografica Italiana (Rome). Mem. Bost. Soc. — Memoirs of the Boston Society of Natural History. (Also Proceedings .) Mem. California Acad. — Memoirs of the Californian Academy of Sciences (San Francisco). Mem. Cour. Ac. Belg. 4to. — Memoires Couronnes et Memoires des Savants Etrangers, publies par l’Academie Royale des Sciences, des Lettres et des Beaux Arts de Belgique. Mem. Cour. Ac. Belg. 8vo. — Ibid. 8vo. Mem. Inst. Genev. — Memoires de l’lnstitut national Genevois (Geneva). Mem. 1st. Lomb. — Memorie del R. Istituto Lombardo di Scienze e Lettere (Milan). Mem. 1st. Venet. — Memorie del R. Istituto Yeneto di Scienze, &c. (Yenice). Mem. Liege — Memoires de la Societe royale des Sciences de Liege. Mem. Mus. C. Z. — Memoirs of the Museum of Comparative Zoology at Harvard College (Cambridge, U.S.A.). LIST OF ABBREVIATIONS. XXI Mem. Nat. Ac. Sci. — Memoirs of the National Academy of Sciences (Washington). Mem.-pres. Ac. Sci. — Memoires presentes par divers savants a l’Academie des Sciences de Hnstitut de France (Paris). Mem. Soc. Biol. — (See G.R.) Mem. Soc. Bord. — Memoires de la Societe des Sciences Physiques et Naturelles de Bordeaux. Mem. Soc. Cannes — Memoires de la Societe des Sciences Naturelles et Historiques des Lettres et des Beaux- Arts de Cannes et de l’Arron- dissement de Grasse (Cannes). Mem. Soc. Cherb. — Memoires de la Societe nationale des Sciences Natu- relles et Mathematiques de Cherbourg. Mem. Soc. Geol. — Memoires de la Societe Geologique de France (Paris). Mem. Soc. Hainault — Memoires et publications de la Societe des Sciences, des Arts, et des Lettres du Hainault (Mons). Mem. Soc. Lille — Memoires de la Societe de 1’ Agriculture et des Arts de Lille. Mem. Soc. L. N. Fr. — Memoires de la Societe Linneenne du Nord de la France (Amiens). Mem. Soc. Maine et Loire — Memoires de la Societe academique de Maine et Loire (Angers). Mem. Soc. Manch. — Memoirs and Proceedings of the Manchester Literary and Philosophical Society (London). Mem. Soc. Oise — Memoires de la Societe academique d’Archeolo des Sciences et Arts du departement de l’Ojse. Mem. Soc. Phys. Genev. — Memoires de la Societe de Physique et d’His- toire Naturelle de Geneve. Mem. Soc. Saone — Memoires de la Societe des Sciences Naturelles de Saone-et-Loire (Chalon-sur-Saone). (Also Bulletin.) Mem. Soc. Seine & Oise — Memoires de la Societe des Sciences Naturelles et Medicales de Seine-et-Oise (Versailles). Mem. Soc. Zool. — Memoires de la Societe Zoologique de France (Paris). Mid. Nat — The Midland Naturalist (Badger & Hillhouse : London & Birmingham). Monit. Zool. Ital. — Monitore Zoologico Italiano (Chiarugi & Ficalbi : Florence.) Month. Int. J. Anat. Hist. — Monthly International Journal of Anatomy and Histology (Paris, Leipsic, London). Morph. JB. — Morphologisches Jahrbuch : eine Zeitschrift fiir Anatomie und Entwickelungsgeschichte (Gegenbaur : Leipzig). MT. Aargau. nat. Ges.— Mittheilungen der Aargauischen naturforschenden Gesellschaft. XXII LIST OT ABBREVIATIONS. MT. embr. Inst. Wien ( n.s .) — Mittheilungen aus dem embryologischen Institute der k. k. Universitat in Wien. New series (Sehenck : Yienna). MT. Ges. Bern — Mittheilungen der naturforschenden Gesellschaft in Bern. MT. min. geol. Mas. Dresden— Mittheilungen aus dem k. mineralogisch- geologischen und praehistoi’ischen Museum in Dresden. MT. orn. Ver. Wien — Mittheilungen des ornithologischen Yereins in Wien (Vienna). MT. Osterlande — Mittheilungen aus dem Osterlande (Altenburg). MT. Schw. ent. Ges. — Mittheilungen der Schweizerischen entomologischen Gesellschaft (Schaffhausen). (Also with French title.) MT. Ung. geol. Anst. — Mittheilungen aus dem Jahrbuehe der k. Un- garischen geologischen Anstalt (Buda-Pest). MT.Ver. Steierm. — Mittheilungen des naturwissenschaftlichen Yereins fiir Steierm ark (Gratz). MT. Vorpomm. — Mittheilungen aus dem naturwissenschaftlichen Yereine von Neu-Yorpommern und Riigen (Griefswald). MT. z. Stat. Neap. — Mittheilungen aus der zoologischen Station in Neapel (Leipzig). N. Act. Ups. — Nova Acta R. Societatis Scientiarum Upsaliensis (Upsala). N. Acta Ac. L.-C. Nat. cur. — Nova Acta Academise Cass. Leopoldino- Carolinae Germanise Naturae curiosorum (Leipzig). (Also Verhand- lungen der h. Leop. Carol ^deuUchen Acad. d. Naturfd) N. Arch. Mus. — Nouvelles Archives du Museum d’Histoire Naturelle (Paris). N. Denh. Schwr. Ges. — Neue Denkschriften der allgemeinen Schweizer- ischen Gesellschaft fiir die gesammten Naturwissenschaften. N. Mem. Soc. Helv. — Nouveaux Memoires de la Societe Helvetique des Sciences Naturelles (Lausanne). N. Mem. Soc. imp. Moscou— Nouveaux Memoires de la Societe imperial© des Naturalistes de Moscou. N. Z. J. Sci.— The New Zealand Journal of Science (Dunedin). Naclnr. Ges. Gotting. — Nachrichten von der k. Gesellschaft der Wissen- schaf ten und der Georg Auguste Universitat zu Gottingen. Nadir, mol. Ges. — Nachrichtsblatt der deutschen malakozoologischen Gesellschaft (Frankfort). Nat. Canad. — Le Naturaliste Canadien (Provancher : Cap Rouge, Quebec). Nat. -Hist. Tr. North. Durham — Natural-History Transactions of North- umberland, Durham, and Newcastle-on- Tyne (London & New- castle). LIST OF ABBREVIATIONS. XX111 Nat. Mex. — La Naturaleza (Mexico). Nat. Sicil. — II Naturalista Sieiliano : Giornale delle Scienze Naturali (Ragusa : Palermo). Nat. Tijdschr. Nederl. Ind. — Natuurkundig Tijdschrift voor Nederlandsche Indie (Batavia). Nat. Notes — Nature Notes, The Selborne Society’s Magazine (Britten : London). Naturalist — The Naturalist : Journal of the Yorkshire Naturalists’ Union, &c. A Monthly Journal of Natural History for North of England (Roebuck & Clarke : London & Leeds). Natural Sci. — Natural Science : a Monthly Review of Scientific Progress. Nature — Nature (London). Nat. Ver. Haarlem — Natuurkundige Yerhandelingen van de Hollandsche Maatschappig der Wetenschappen te Haarlem (Haarlem). Nat. Ver. Utrecht — Natuurkundige Yerhandelingen Provinciaal Utregtsch genootschap van Kunsten en Wetenschappen (Utrecht). Naut. — The Nautilus (Pilsbry & Averell : Philadelphia). Neujahrsbl. Naturf. Ges. — Neujahrsblatt herausgegeben von der Natur- forschenden Gesellschaft (Zurich). Nor. Selsk. Skr. — K. Norske Yidenskabemes Selskabs Skrifter (Thrond- jhem). Notes Leyd. Mas. — Notes from the Royal Zoological Museum of the Netherlands at Leyden (Jentink). Notizbl. Ver. Erdk. Darmstadt — Notizblatt des Yereins fur Erdkunde zu Darmstadt. Nunq. ot. — Nunquam otiosus (Schaufuss : Dresden). Nyt. Mag. Nature. — Nyt Magazin for Naturvidenskaberne (Danielssen et alii : Christiania). CEfv. Ak. Forh. — (Efversigt af k. Yetenskaps Akademiens Forhaud- lingar (Stockholm). (Efo. Finska Forh. — QEfversigt af Finska Yetenskaps Societetens For- handlingar (Helsingfors). Om. JB. — Ornithologisches Jahrbuch. Organ fur die palaearktische Faunengebiet. Orn. MB. — Ornithologische Monatsberichte herausgegeben von Dr. A. Reichenow, Berlin. Orn. Ool. — Ornithologist & Oologist (Pawtucket, R. I.). Ornis — Ornis : Internationale Zeitschrift fur die gesammte Ornithologie (Blasius & Hayek : Yienna). Orvos-termesz. Ertesito. — Orvos-termeszettudomanyi l^rtesito (Kolozsvar = Klausenberg). Ottawa Nat. — The Ottawa Naturalist. The Transactions of the Ottawa Field Naturalists’ Club (Ottawa). XXIV LIST OF ABBREVIATIONS. Overs. Dan. Selsk. — Oversigt over det k. Danske Videnskabernes Selskabs Forhandlinger (Copenhagen). P. Ac. Philad. — Proceedings of the Academy of Natural Sciences of Philadelphia. P. Am. Ac. — Proceedings of the American Academy of Arts and Sciences (Boston). (Also Mem.) P. Am. Ass. — Proceedings of the American Association for the Advance- ment of Science. (Also Mem.) P. Am. Micr. Soc. — Proceedings of the American Society of Microscopists (Buffalo). P. Am. Phil. Soc. — Proceedings of the American Philosophical Society, &c. (Philadelphia). (Also Trans.) Pap. Soc. Brit. Columb. — Papers and communications read before the Natural History Society of British Columbia (Victoria, B. C.). P. A. S. B. — Proceedings of the Asiatic Society of Bengal (Cal- cutta). P. Bath. N. H. Soc. — Proceedings of the Bath Natural History and Antiquarian Field Club. P. Belf. Soc. — (See Report.) P. Biol. Soc. Washington — Proceedings of the Biological Society of Washington. P. Birmingh. Phil. Soc. — Proceedings of the Birmingham Philosophical Society. P. Birmingh. Soc. — (See Report.) P. Bost. Soc. — Proceedings of the Boston Society of Natural History (Boston, U.S.A.) (Also Mem.) P. Bristol Soc. — Proceedings of the Bristol Naturalists’ Society. P. Cal. Ac. Sci. — Proceedings of the Californian Academy of Sciences (San Francisco). (Also Trans, and Occas. Papers.) P. Camhr. Phil. Soc. — Proceedings of the Philosophical Society, Cam- bridge. (Also Trans.) P. Colorado Soc. — Proceedings of the Colorado Scientific Society (Denver). P. Cottesw. Nat. F. C. — Proceedings of the Cotteswold Naturalists’ Field Club (Gloucester). P. Croydon Club — Proceedings of the Croydon Microscopical and Natural History Club. P. Davenport Ac.— Proceedings of the Davenport Academy of Natural Sciences (Davenport, Iowa). P. Dorset Field Club — Proceedings of the Dorset Natural History and Antiquarian Field Club (Sherborne). P. E. Soc. — Proceedings of the Entomological Society of London. P. E. Soc. Wash. — Proceedings of the Entomological Society of Washington. LIST OF ABBREVIATIONS. XXV p. Folkestone Soc. — Proceedings of the Folkestone Natural History Society. P. Oeol. A 89. — Proceedings of the Geologists’ Association (London). P. Hampshire Club — Papers and Proceedings of the Hampshire Field Club (Southampton). P. Holmesdale Nat. Hist. Club — Proceedings of the Holmesdale Natural History Club (London). P. Linn. Soc. N.S. W. — Proceedings of the Linnean Society of New South Wales (Sydney). P. Liverp. Biol. Soc. — Proceedings of the Liverpool Biological Society. P. Liverp. Field Club — Proceedings of the Liverpool Naturalists’ Field Club. P. Liverp. Soc. — Proceedings of the Literary and Philosophical Society of Liverpool. P. London Amateur Soc. — Proceedings of the London Amateur Scientific Society. Metropolitan Scientific Association and Society of Amateur Geologists (London). P. Newport Nat. Hist. Soc. — Proceedings of the Newport Natural History Society. P. N. H. Soc. Glasg. — Proceedings of the Natural History Society of Glasgow. P. N.-Scot . Inst. — Proceedings and Transactions of the Nova-Scotian Institute of Natural Science (Halifax, N.-S.). P. Phil. Soc. Glasg. — Proceedings of the Philosophical Society of Glasgow. P. Phys. Soc. Edinb. — Proceedings of the Royal Physical Society of Edinburgh. P. Rochester Acad. — Proceedings of the Rochester Academy of Science (Rochester, N.T.) P. R . Inst. — Proceedings of the Royal Institution of Great Britain (London). P. R. Irish Ac. — Proceedings of the Royal Irish Academy (Dublin). P. R. Soc . — Proceedings of the Royal Society (London). P. R. Soc. Edinb . — Proceedings of the Royal Society of Edinburgh. (Also Trans.') P. R. Soc. Queensl. — Proceedings of the Royal Society of Queensland (Brisbane). P. R. Soc. Tasm. — Papers and Proceedings and Reports of the Royal Society of Tasmania (Hobarton). P. R. Soc. Viet.— Proceedings of the Royal Society of Yictoria (Mel- bourne). (Also Trans.) P. Soc. Manch. — (See Mem.) P. Somerset. Soc. — Proceedings of the Somersetshire Archaeological and Natural History Society. New series (Taunton). xxvi LIST OP ABBREVIATIONS. P. Tr. Croydon Nat. Hist. Club— Proceedings and Transactions of the Croydon Microscopical and Natural History Club (Croydon). P. U. S. Nat. Mas. — Proceedings of the United States National Museum (Washington). (Also Ball.) P.-v. Soc. Mai. Belg. — Proces-verbaux des seances de la Societe Malacolo- gique de Belgique (Brussels), P.-v. Soc. Tosc. — Processi verbali della Society Toscana delle Scienze Naturali (Pisa). P. Warwick. Club — Proceedings of the Warwickshire Naturalists’ and Archseologists’ Field Club (Warwick). P. Z. S. — Proceedings of the Zoological Society (London). (Also Trans.) Pal. Abh. — Palseontologische Abhandlungen (Dames & Kayser : Berlin). Palceontogr. — Palaeontographica : Beitrage zur Naturgeschichte der Yor- welt (Cassel). Pal. Ind. — Palaeontologia Indica. (4to) Memoirs of the Geological Survey of India (Calcutta). Pal. Soc. — Monographs of the Palaeontological Society. Pam. Alcad. umiej. wydz. przyr. Krakau — Pamietnik Akademii Umiejetnosci w Krakowie. Wydzial matem. przyr (Cracow). Pam. Fizjogr. — Pamietnik Fizjograficzny (Warsaw). Phil. Tr.— Philosophical Transactions of the Royal Society (London). (Also Proc.) Preisschr. Jblonovsk. Gesells. Leipsig — Preisschriften gekront uud herausgegeben von der furstlich Jablonovski’ schen Gesellschaft zu Leipsig Prodr. Zool. Viet. — Prodromus of the Zoology of Victoria (McCoy : Melbourne). Protok. obsch. estest. Kazan — Protokolui zasyedanii obshchestva estestvols- puitatelei prl Imperatorskom Kazanskom Unlversltetye. Psyche — Psyche, a Journal of Entomology. Published by the Cambridge Entomological Club (Cambridge, Mass., U.S.A.). Q. J. Geol. Soc. — Quarterly Journal of the Geological Society (London). Q. J. Micr. Sci. — Quarterly Journal of Microscopical Science (Lankester et alii : London). Bad Jugoslav, akad. — Rad jugoslavenske akademije znanosti i umjetnosti (Zagreb). [Transactions of the South Slav Academy of Science and Art.] Bee. Austral. Mus. — Records of the Australian Museum (Ramsay : Sydney). Bee. Geol. Surv. Ind. — Records of the Geological Survey of India (Calcutta). Bee. Z. Suisse- Recueil Zoologique Suisse (Fol : Geneva & Bale). LIST OF ABBREVIATIONS. XXV11 Rend. Acc. Nap. — Rendiconto dell’ Accademia delle Scienze Fisiche e Matematiche (Sezione della Societa reale di Napoli). Rend. 1st. Lombardo — -Rendiconti del R. Istituto Lombardo delle Scienze e Lettere (Milan). Rep. A ustr. Ass. — Reports of the Australasian Association for the Advance- ment of Science. Rep. Aastr. Zool. Soc. — Report of the South Australian Zoological and Acclimatization Society (Adelaide). Rep. Belfast Field Club — Annual Report and Proceedings of the Belfast Naturalists’ Field Club. Rep. Brighton Soc. — Annual Report and Abstract of Proceedings of the Brighton and Sussex Natural History Society (Brighton). Rep. Brit. Ass. — Report of the British Association for the Advancement of Science. Rep. Cornell Univ. Stat. — Report of the Department of Entomology of the Cornell University Experiment Station (Comstock : Ithaca, N.Y.). Rep. Cornwall Polytechn. — Reports of the Royal Poly technical Society of Cornwall. Rep. Dep. Agric. Ent.— Report of the Entomologist. From the Annual Report of the Department of Agriculture (Washington). Rep. E. Soc. Ont. — Report of the Entomological Society of the Province of Ontario. Rep. Felsted Soc — Report of the Felsted School Natural History Society (Chelmsford). Rep. Fish. Scotl. — Annual Report of the Fishery Board for Scotland (London, Edinburgh, & Dublin). Rep. Geol. Surv. Canada — Report of the Geological and Natural History Survey and Museum of Canada (Montreal). Rep. Guernsey Soc. — Report and Transactions ; Guernsey Society of Natural Science and Local Research. Rep. Ins. lllin. — Annual Report of the Noxious and Beneficial Insects of the State of Illinois (Springfield). Rep. Ins. N. York— Annual Report of the Injurious and other Insects of New York (Lintner : Albany). Rep. Leeds Soc. — Leeds Philosophical and Literary Society. The Annual Report (Leeds). Rep. Marlb. Coll. Soc. — Report of the Marlborough College Natural History Society. Rep. N. Staffordsh. Club — North Staffordshire Naturalists’ Field Club and Archaeological Society. Annual Report and Transactions. Rep. N. Y. Mus. — Annual Report of the New York State Museum of Natural History (Albany). Rep. & P. Belfast N. H. Soc. — Report and Proceedings of the Belfast Natural History and Philosophical Society. XXVlii LIST OP ABBREVIATIONS. Rep. Penzance Soc. — Report and Transactions of the Penzance Natural History and Antiquarian Society. Rep. Plym. Inst. — Annual Report and Transactions of the Plymouth Institution and Devon and Cornwall Natural History Society (Plymouth). Rep Rugby Soc . — Report of the Rugby School Natural History Society. Rep. Southport Soc. — The . . % Report of the Southport Society of Natural Science. Rep. Tv. Devon Ass. — Report and Transactions of the Devonshire Asso- ciation for the Advancement of Science, &c. (Plymouth). Rep. U. S. Ent. Comm. — Report of the United States Entomological Commission (Washington). Rep. U. S. Fish. Comm. — Report of the Commissioner, United States Commission of Fish and Fisheries (Washington). Rep. U. S. Geol. Surv. — Annual Report of the United States Geological Survey (Washington). Rep. U. S. Nat. Mas. — Annual Report of the Board of Regents of the Smithsonian Institution. Report of the National Museum (Wash- ington). Rep. Wellington Soc. — Report of the Wellington College Natural Science Society (Wellington Coll.). Rep. Yorks. Phil. Soc. — Report of the Council of the Yorkshire Philo- sophical Society. Rev. Arg. Hist. Nat. — Revista Argentina de Historia Natural. ( Ameghino : Buenos Ayres.) Rev. Biol.— Revue Biologique du Nord de la France (Barrois, Hallez, Moniez : Lille). Rev. Cien. Madrid — Revista de los progresos de las Ciencias Exactas, Fisicas, y Naturales (Madrid). Rev. Cient. TJniv. Venezuela — Revista Cientifica mensual dela Universidad Central de Venezuela (Caracas). Rev. d'Ent. — Revue d’Entomologie, publie par la Societe Fran£aise d’Entomologie (Fauvel : Caen). Rev. Mus. la Plata — Re vista del Museo de la Plata (Ameghino : la Plata). Rev. Quest. Sci.— Revue des Questions Scientifiques publiee par la Societe scientifique de Bruxelles (Brussels). Rev. Sci.' — Revue Scientifique de la France et de l’Eiranger (Paris). Rev. Sci. Bourb.— Revue Scientifique du Bourbonnais et du centre de la France (Olivier : Moulins). Rev. Sci. Nat. Oporto — Revista de Sciencas Naturaes e Socias (Severo & Peixoto : Porto). Rev. Sci. Nat. Ouest — Revue des Sciences Naturelles de l’Onest (Paris). Rev. Sci. Nat. St. Petersb. — Revue des Sciences naturelles. Publiee par la Societe des Naturalises a St. Petersbourg (St. Petersburg). LISTT OP ABBREVIATIONS. XXIX Rev. Soc. Porto— Revista da Societa de Instruc9ao de Porto (Oporto). Rev. Tierkeilhunde — Revue fur Tierheilkunde uud Tierzucht (Vienna). llev. Ti\ Sci. — Revue des Travaux Scientifiques (Paris). Rev. Zool. — Revue Zoologique. Riv. Ital. Sci. Nat. — Rivista italiana di Scienze Naturali e Bollettino del Naturalista Collettore, Allevatore, Coltivatore (Brogi: Siena). Rochester Nat. — The Rochester Naturalist (Rochester). S. E. Z — Stettiner entomologische Zeitung (Dohrn : Stettin). Samm , Geol. Mus. Leid. — Sammlungen des Geologischen Reichrnuseums in Leiden, Samm. naturw. Vortrdge — Sammlung naturwissenschaftlicher Vortrage (Huth: Berlin.) SB. Ah. Berlin — Sitzungsberichte der koniglich Preussischen Akademie der Wissenschaften zu Berlin (formerly Bericht and Monatsbericht). (Also Abhandl.) SB. Ah. Wien — Sitzungsberichte der mathematische-naturwissenschaft- lichen Classe der k. Akademie der Wissenschaften (Vienna). (Also Denkschriften. ) SB. Bayer. Ah. — Sitzungsberichte der mathematisch-physikalischen Classe der k. Bayerischen Akademie der Wissenschaften (Munich). (Also Abhandl.) SB. Bohm. Ges. — Sitzungsberichte der k. Bohmiscben G-esellschaft der Wissenschaften (Prague). (Also Abhandl .) SB. Ges. Dorp. — Sitzungsberichte der Naturforscher-Gesellschaft bei der Universitat Dorpat (Dragendorff : Dorpat). (Also Schriften.) SB. Ges. Isis — Sitzuugsberichte und Abhandlungen der naturwissen- schaftlichen Gesellschaft ‘ Isis ’ (Dresden). (Also Abhandl.) SB. Ges. Konigsb. — Sitzungsberichte der k. physikalisch-okonomischen Gesellschaft in Preussen (Konigsberg). (See Schr. Ges. Konigsb.) SB. Ges. Leipzig — Sitzungsberichte der naturforschenden Gesellschaft zu Leipzig. SB. Ges. Marb. — Sitzungsberichte der Gesellschaft zur Beforderung der gesammten Naturwissenschaften zu Marburg. SB. Ges. Morph. — Sitzungsberichte der Gesellschaft fur Morphologie und Physiologie in Munchen (Munich). SB. Ges. Wilrzb. — Sitzuugsberichte des physikalisch-medicinischen Gesell- schaft zu Wurzburg. (Also Verli.) SB. nat. Fr. — Sitzungsberichte der Gesellschaft naturforschender Freunde zu Berlin. SB. niederrhein. Ges. — Sitzungsberichte der niederrheinischen Gesell- schaft fur Natur- und Heilkunde (Bonn). (Published with Verb. & CB. Ver. Rlieinl.) SB. Soc. Erlangen — Sitzungsberichte der physikalisch-medicinischen Societat zu Erlangen. XXX LIST OF ABBREVIATIONS. SB. z.-b. Wien — Sitzungsberichte der zoologisch-botanischen Gesellschaft in Wien (Vienna). (Also Verh.) Schr. Ges. Danz. — Neueste Schriften der naturforschenden Gesellschaft zu Danzig. Schr. Ges. Konigsb. — Schriften der physikalisch-okonomischen Gesell- schaft zu Kdnigsberg in Preussen. Schr. gesammt. Naturw. Marburg — Schriften der Gesellschaft znr Befor- derung der gesammten Naturwissenschaften zu Marburg. Schr. Nat. ges. Dorpat. — Schriften herausgegeben von der Naturforscher- Gesellschaft bei der Universitat Dorpat. (Also SB.) Schr. Nat. Ver. Schlesioig — Schriften des naturwissensehaftlichen Vereins fur Schleswig-Holstein (Kiel). Schr. Ver. Harzes — Schriften des naturwissensehaftlichen Vereins des Harzes in Wernigerode. Schr. TJniv. Kiel — Schriften der Universitat zu Kiel. Science — Science (Dali : Cambridge, Mass.). Sci. Goss. — Hardwick’s Science Gossip (Taylor : London). Sci. P. R. Dubl. Soc. — Scientific Proceedings of the Royal Dublin Society. Sci. Tr. R. Dublin Soc. (2) — The Scientific Transactions of the Rojal Dublin Society. Second Series. Scot. Nat.— The Scottish Naturalist (Clarke : Perth). Smiths. Contrib. Knowledge — Smithsonian Contributions to Knowledge (Washington). Smiths. Misc. Coll. — Smithsonian Miscellaneous Collections (Washington). Smiths. Report — Annual Report of the Board of Regents of the Smith- sonian Institution, &c. (Washington). Soc. Ent. — Societas Entomologica. Soc. Agricole Pyren.-orient. — Societe Agricole Scientifique et Litteraire des Pyreuees-orientales (Perpignan). Sprawozd. Kom. fi'iyjogr. — Sprawozdanie Komisyi fizyjograficznej, &c. (Cracow). Stavanger Mus. — Stavanger Museums Aarsberetning. Stud. Biol. Lab. J. Hopkins Univ. — Studies at the Biological Laboratory of the Johns Hopkins University (Baltimore). Stud. Mus. Dundee — Studies from the Museum of Zoology in University College, Dundee (D’Arcy Thompson : Dundee). Sv. Ah. Handl. — K. Svenska Vetenskaps-Akademiens Handlingar (Stock- holm). Tag. Deut. Nat. Vers. — Tageblatt der Versammlung deutscher Natur- forscher und Aertzte. Tijdschr. Ent. — Tijdschrift voor Entomologie (The Hague). Tijdschr. Ind. Volkenkund — Tijdschrift voor Indische Taal-, Land- en Volkenkuude, etc. (Brandes & Abendann, Batavia and the Hague). LIST OF ABBREVIATIONS. XXXI Tijdschr. Nederl. Dierk. Ver. (2) — Tijdschrift van de Nederlandsche Dierknndige Vereeniging (Leyden). Tijdschr . Nederl. Ind. — Naturkundig Tijdschrift voor Nederlandsch Indie (Batavia). Timekri — Timehri : being the Journal of the Royal Agricultural and Commercial Society of British Guiana (Quelch : Demerara). Termes Kozlony — Termeszettudomanyi Kozlony kiadja a k. magyar termeszett. Tarsulat (Budapest). Term, fuzeteh — Termeszetrajzi fiizetek : kiadja a magyar remzeti Museum (Journal of Zoology, &c., edited by Hungarian Museum at Buda- pesth). Tr. Albany Inst. — Transactions of the Albany Institute. (Formerly Proceedings also). Tr. Am. Phil. Sue. — Transactions of the American Philosophical Society, &c. (Philadelphia). (Also Proceedings ). Tr. Am. Put. Soc. — Transactions of the American Entomological Society (Philadelphia). Tr. A. S. Japan — Transactions of the Asiatic Society of Japan (Yoko- hama). Tr. Carnb . Phil. Soc. — Transactions of the Cambridge Philosophical Society. (Also Proceedings.') Tr. City London Soc. — Transactions of the City of London Entomological and Natural History Society (London). Tr. Conn. Ac. — Transactions of the Connecticut Academy of Sciences (New Haven). Tr. Croydon Club. — (See Proceedings.) Tr. Cumberl. Westmorl. Ass. — Transactions of the Cumberland and West- moreland Association for the Advancement of Literature and Science (Carlisle). Tr. Dumfries Nat. Hist. Soc. — The Transactions and Journal of Proceed- ings of the Dumfries and Galloway Natural History and Antiquarian Society (Dumfries). Tr. Edin. Geol. Soc. — Transactions of the Edinburgh Geological Society. Tr. Edinb. Nat Soc. — Transactions of the Edinburgh Field Naturalists’ and Microscopical Society. Tr. Ess . Club = Ess. ATat.— Essex Naturalist : being the Journal, Trans- actions, and Proceedings of the Essex Field Club (Buckhurst Hill). Tr. E. Kent Nat. Hist. Soc. — Transactions of the East Kent Natural History Society (Canterbury). Tr. E. Soc. — Transactions of the Entomological Society of London. Tr. Herif. Soc.— Transactions of: the Hertfordshire Natural History Society and Field Club (Watford). Tr. Kansas Ac. — Transactions of the Kansas Academy of Science (Topeka). xxxii LIST OF ABBREVIATIONS. Tr. Leicester Soc.- — Transactions of the Leicester Literary and Philo- sophical Society (Leicester). Tr. L. S. — Transactions of the Linnean Society, London. (Also Journal.) Tr. L. 8. New York— -Transactions of the Linnean Society -of New York. Tr. Manch. Geol. Soc. — Transactions of the Manchester Geological Society. Tr. Manch. Micr. Soc, —Transactions of the Manchester Microscopical Society. Tr. Maryland Ac. Sci.— Transactions of the Maryland Academy of Sciences. Tr . Norw. Soc. — Transactions of the Norfolk and Norwich Naturalists’ Society (Norwich). Tr. Notts. Soc. — Transactions of the Nottingham Naturalists’ Society. Tr. N. York Ac. Sci. — Transactions of the New York Academy of Sciences (New York). (Also Annals.) Tr. N. Z. Inst. — Transactions and Proceedings of the New Zealand Institute (Wellington). Tr. Odont. Soc.—' Transactions of the Odontological Society. Tr. Ottawa Nat. Club — Transactions of the Ottawa Field-Naturalists’ Club. (Also called Ottawa Naturalist.) Tr. & P. Perthsh. Soc. — Transactions and Proceedings of the Perthshire Society of Natural Science (Perth). Tr. R. Irish Ac. — Transactions of the Royal Irish Academy (Dublin). Tr. S. African Phil. Soc. — Transactions of the South African Philosophical Society (Cape Town). Tr. R. Soc. Canada — Proceedings and Transactions of the Royal Society of Canada (Montreal). Tr. R. Soc. JEclinb. — Transactions of the Royal Society of Edinburgh. Tr. R. Soc. S. Austr. — Transactions of the Royal Society of South Australia (Adelaide). Tr. R. Soc. Viet.— Transactions of the Royal Society of Victoria. (Also Proceedings.) Tr. Shropshire Soc. — Transactions of the Shropshire Archaeological and Natural History Society (Shrewsbury and Oswestry). Tr. Stirling Soc. — Transactions of the Stirling Natural History and Archaeological Society. Tr. St. Louis Acad. — Transactions of the Academy of Science of St. Louis. Tr. Texas Ac. — Transactions of the Texas Academy of Science. Tr. Wagner Inst. — Transactions of the Wagner Free Institute of Science of Philadelphia. Tr. Wisconsin Acad. — Transactions of the Wisconsin Academy of Sciences, Arts, and Letters (Madison), (Also Bulletin.) LIST OE ABBEEVIATIONS. XXXIII Tr. Woolhope Nat. — Transactions of the Woolhope Naturalists’ Field Club (Hereford). Tr. Yorksh. Union — Transactions of the Yorkshire Naturalists’ Union (London & Leeds). Tr. Z. S. — Transactions of the Zoological Society (London). Trav. Inst. Zool. Lille — Travaux le l’lnstitut Zoologique de Lille et de la Station maritime de Wimereux (Lille). Trav. Lab. Histol. — Travaux du Laboratoire d’Histologie du College de France, Ecole pratique des Hautes Etudes (Ranvier : Paris). Trav. Soc. TJniv. Kharkova — Travaux de la Societe des Naturalistes a l’Universite imperiale de Kharkow. Trav. Soc. Varsovie. — Travaux de la Societe des Naturalistes de Yarsovie. Comptes rendus de la section biologique. (Also Protokolui otdyeleniya biologhii [Warsaw].) Trencsen term. egy. — Trencsen megzei termeszettudomanyi egysiilet (Trencsin). Tromsb Mus. Aarsh. — Tromso Museum’s Aarshefter. Trudui Kazan. TJniv. — Trudui obsh chest va estestvolspuitatelei prl Imperatorskom Kazanskom Unlversitetye. Trudui Kliarkoff TJniv. — Tru lui obshchestva ispuitatelei prihody pre imp. Kharkovakom Uulversltetye (Kharkoff). Trudui obsch. est. — Trudui obshchestva estestvolspuitatelei prl Impe- ratorikom Yarshavskom Uulversltetye (Warsaw). Trudui Russ. Est. — Trudui sezda russkich estestvolspuitatelei. Trudui St. Petersburg Est. — Trudui sanct Petersburghskagho obshch- estva estestvolspuitatelei. (Called also Travaux de la Societe des Naturalistes de St. Petersburg.) TJnters. Nat. — Untersuchungen zur Naturlehre des Menschen und der Thiere (Moleschott : Giessen). ° O Upsala TJniv. ArssJcrift — Upsala Universitets Arsskrift (Upsala). (Also Act. Upsala.) Verb. Ak. Amst. — Verhan lehngeu der koninklijke Akademie van Weten- schappen (Amsterdam). (Also JB.) Verb. A not. Ges. - Verhaudlungen der anatomischen Gesellschaft (Jena : published with Anat. Anz.). Verb,, antbrop. Ges. — Verhaudlungen der Berliner anthropologischen G essellschaf t (Berlin). Verb, deutsch. Naturf. — Verhaudlungen der Gesellschaft deutscher Naturforscher und Arzte (Leipzig or elsewhere). Verb, deutsch. odont. Ges. — Verhandlungen der deutschen odontologischen Gesellschaft. Verb, deutsch. Zool. Ges. — Verhaudlungen der deutschen zoologischen Gesellschaft. 1892. [yol. xxix.] b 3 XXXIV LIST OP ABBREVIATIONS. Verh. geol. Reichsanst. — Verhandlungen der k.-k. geologischen Reichsan- stalt (Vienna). (Also JB.) Verh. Qes. Basel — Verhandlungen der naturforschenden Gesellschaft in Basel (Bille). Verh. Ges. Wurzb. — Verhandlungen der physikalisch - medicinischen Gesellschaft zu Wurzburg. (Also SB.) Verh. k. Leopold . Carol. Akad. Naturf. — (See N. Act. Ac. Leop. Carol. Nat. cur.) Verh. naturw. Ver. Karlsruhe — Verhandlungen des naturwissenschaft- lichen Vereins in Karlsruhe. Verh. schweiz. Naturf. Ges. — (See Act. Soc. Helv.) Verh. Siebenb. Ver. — Verhandlungen und Mittheilungen des Siebenbur- gischen Vereins fur Naturwissenschaften (Hermannstadt). Verh. Ver. Briinn — Verhandlungen des naturforschenden Vereins in Briinn. Verh. Ver. Hamb. — Verhandlungen des Vereins fur naturwissenschaft- liche Unterhaltung zu Hamburg. Verh. Ver. Heidelb. — Verhandlungen des naturhistorisch- medicinischen Vereins zu Heidelberg. Verh. Ver. Presburg — Verhandlungen des Vereins fur Natur- und Heil- kunde zu Presburg. Verh. Ver. Rheinl. — Verhandlungen des naturhistorischen Vereins der preussischen Rheinlande und Westphalen (Bonn). (Also CB.) Verh. z.-b. Wien — Verhandlungen der kaiserlichen-koniglichen zoologisch- botanischen Gesellschaft in Wien (Vienna). (Also SB.) Verh.d. Ver. Santiago — Verhandlungen des Deutschen wissenschaftlichen Vereines zu Santiago (Santiago, Chili). Versl. Ah. Amst. — Verslagen en Mededeelingen der k. Akademie van Wetenschappen (Amsterdam). Viet. Nat. — Victorian Naturalist, The Journal and Magazine of the Field Naturalists’ Club of Victoria (Melbourne). Vid. Medd. — Videnskabelige Meddelelser fra den naturhistoriske Fore- ning (Copenhagen). Viert. Ges. Zurich — Vierteljahrschrift der naturforschenden Gesellschaft in Zurich (Wolf : Zurich). West Am. Scientist — The West American Scientist (San Diego). Wien. ent. Z. — Wiener entomologische Zeitung (Vienna). Wilt. Mag. — The Wiltshire Archaeological and Natural History Magazine (Devizes). York. Phil. Soc. — Yorkshire Philosophical Society Annual Report (York). Z. Biol. — Zeitschrift fur Biologie (Munchen). Z. Ent. Brest. — Zeitschrift fur Entomologie (Breslau). LfST OF ABBREVIATIONS. XXXV Z. Ferdinand. Tirol Vorarlberg — Zeitschrift des Ferdinandeuins fiir Tirol und Vorarlberg (Innsbruck). Z. f. Ethnol. — Zeitschrift fiir Ethnologie (Bastian & Hartmann : Berlin). Z.f. Thiernied. — Zeitschrift fiir Thiermedicin und vergleichende Patho- logic). Z. geol. Ges. — Zeitschrift der deutschen geologischen Gesellschaft (Berlin). Z. ges. Orn. — Zeitschrift fiir die gesammte Ornithologie (Von Madarasz: Budapest). Z. Naturw. — Zeitschr;ft fiir Naturwissenschaften. Original Abhand- lungen und Berichte herausgegeben im Auftrage der naturwissen- schaftlichen Vereins fiir Sachsen und Thiiringen (Brass : Halle- a-S.). Z. Orn. — Zeitschrift fiir Ornithologie und praktischen Geflug. Z. iviss. Mikr. — Zeitschrift fiir wissenschaftliche Mikroscopie und fiir mikroscopische Technik (Berens : Braunschweig). Z. wiss. Zool. — Zeitschrift fiir wissenschaftliche Zoologie (Kolliker & Ehlers : Leipzig). Zapiski Kiev. — Zapiski Kievskagho Obshchestva Estestvolspuitatelei (Kieff). Zapiski Novoross. Obsch. Estestv. — Zapiski Novorossiskagho Obshchestva Estestvolspuitatelei (Odessa). Zoe— Zoe : A Biological Journal (San Francisco). Zool. — The Zoologist (Harting : London). Zool. Anz. — Zoologischer Anzeiger (Oarus : Leipzig). Zool.Beitr. — Zoologische Beitriige (Breslau). Zool. Gart. — Der Zoologische Garten (Noll : Frankfort). Zool. Jahrb. — Zoologische Jahrbiicher (Spengel : Giessen). Zool. JB. — Zoologischer Jahresbericht (Mayer & Giesbrecht : Berlin). Zool. Mag. — The Zoological Magazine (Tokyo). Zool. Rec. — The Zoological Record (Zool. Soc. : London). Zool. Vort. — Zoologische Vortrage herausgegeben von William Marshall (Leipzig). An asterisk prefixed to a quotation signifies that the Recorder has not seen the journal or work referred to. ERRATA. Insecta, p. 107, top line, for “ Pryacoderus ,” read “ Pyracoderus” Tnsecta, p. 139, line 11 from top, after “ Tactoderus ” add “ n. g” Insecta, p. 139, line 12 from top, transfer “ Tcenophtlialmus costtfer1' to p. 158, it being a Curculionid. CONTENTS I. GENERAL SUBJECTS. By J. Arthur Thomson, M.A. Page Titles 1 Subject-Index 36 Text Books, Essays, & General 36 Cell and Protoplasm 42 Page Oogenesis, Spermatogenesis, Fertilisation 44 Sex, Reproduction, Heredity . 46 Evolution 49 H. MAMMALIA. By R. Introduction 1 The General Subject 2 Faunas 21 Special Structures, Develop- ment, &c 21 Special Work 22 Primates 22 Chiroptera 25 Insectivora 27 . Lydekker, B.A., F.G.S. Carnivora 28 Rodentia 32 Ungulata 36 Cetacea 48 Sirenia 51 Edentata 51 Marsupialia 52 Monotremata 54 Multituberculata 55 III. AYES. By R. Bowdler Sharpe, LL.D. Titles 1 Faunistic 24 Anatomy and Miscellaneous . 24 Systematic 24 Ratitse 24 Struthioniformes 24 Casuariiformes 24 Dinornithiform.es 25 j'Epyornithiformes 25 Apterygiformes 25 Carinatae 25 Crypturiformes 25 Galliformes 25 Columbiformes 28 Opisthocomiformes 29 Ralliformes 29 Podicipedidif ormes 31 Colym biformes 31 Hesperornithif ormes .... 31 Procellariif ormes 31 Alciformes 32 Carinatae — Lariformes 32 iEgialitornithiformes .... 32 Charadriiformes 33 Gruiformes 34 Pelargiformes 34 Tapinopif ormes 35 Phaenicopteriformes 35 Anseriformes 35 Pelecanif ormes 36 Cathartidiformes 36 Accipitrif ormes 37 Striges 39 Coraciif ormes 40 Trogones 46 Coccyges 46 Psittacif ormes 47 Scansores 48 Eurylaemi 49 Menurae 49 Passeriformes 49 xxxvm CONTENTS. IY. REPTILIA and BATRACHIA. By G. A. Boulenger. Page Titles 1 Works and Papers 16 Faunae 17 Palaeontological 20 Reptilia 20 Squamata 21 Lacertilia 21 Rhiptoglossa 25 Dolichosauria 25 Pythonomorpha 25 Ophidia 26 Ornithosauria 30 Dinosauria 31 V. PISCES. By Titles . 1 General Subject 15 Faunae 17 Palaeontology 19 Teleostomi 20 Teleostei 20 Acanthopterygii 20 A. Pharyngognathi. 24 Anacanthini 24 Physostomi 25 Plectognathi 31 Ganoidei 32 Crossopterygii 33 Dipnoi 33 Page Emydosauria 31 Chelonia 32 Ichthyosauria 33 Plesiosauria 33 Thecodontia 34 Acrosauria 34 Rhynchocephalia 34 Anomodontia 35 Batrachia 35 Ecaudata 36 Caudata 39 Apoda 41 Stegocephala 41 G. A. Boulenger. Ostracodermi 34 Antiarcha 34 Osteostraci 34 Heterostraci 35 Holocephali 35 Elasmobranchii 35 Acanthodii 35 Selachii 35 Asterospondyli 36 Tectospondyii 36 Icbtbyotomi 37 Incertae sedis 37 Cyclostomi 38 Leptocardii 38 YI. TUNICATA. By Prof. W. A. Herdman, D.Sc. List of Publications II Geographical Distribution ... 6 Anatomy, &c 3 | Systematic 6 YII. MOLLUSCA. By B. B. Woodward, F.G.S., F.R.M.S. Titles 1 Anatomy, Physiology, &c. ... 29 Distribution 37 Geographical 37 Geological 48 Systematic 53 Cephalopoda 53 Dibranchiata 53 Octopoda 53 Decapoda 54 Ammonea 54 Tetrabranchiata 55 Gastropoda 56 Pulmonata 56 Stylommatophora 56 Basommatophora 67 Opisthobranchiata ..... 68 Nudibranchiata 68 Tectibranchiata 69 Prosobranchiata 70 Nucleobranchiata .... 70 Pectinibranchiata .... 71 Scutibranchiata 84 Polyplacophora 88 CONTENTS. xxxix MOLLUSC A — continued. Page Aplacophora 89 Scaphopoda 89 Pelecypoda 90 Septibranchiata 90 Eulamellibranchiata. ... 90 Page Pelecypoda — Pseudolamellibranchiata . 94 Filibranchiata 95 Protobranchiata 95 Incerta sedes 96 VIII. BRACHIOPODA. By B. B. Woodward, F.G.S., F.R.M.S. Titles 1 Anatomy, &c 3 Distribution — Geographical . . 4 Geological 4 Systematic — Inarticulata 5 Articulata 6 IX. BRYOZOA (POLYZOA). By B. B. Woodward, F.G.S , F.R.M.S. Titles 1 Anatomy, &c 2 Distribution — Geographical . . 3 Geological 3 Systematic — Entoprocta Ectoprocta 4 4 X. CRUSTACEA (including Gigantostraca and Pantopoda). By R. Innes Pocock. Titles 1 Anatomy, Physiology, Embry- ology, Distribution 13 Systematic 16 Malacostraca. Podophthalma. Decapoda. Brachyura 16 Oxystomata 19 Anomura 20 Macrura 22 Schizopoda 24 Edriophthalma. Cumacae 25 Amphipoda 25 Isopoda 27 Entomostraca. Phyllopoda 29 Cladocera 29 Ostracoda 29 Copepoda 30 Cirripedia 31 Pantopoda 32 Gigantostraca 33 XI. ARACHNID A. Titles of Papers 1 Anatomy, Embryology, Physi- ology, Habits, &c 11 Distribution 13 Systematic — Scorpiones 14 | By R. Innes Pocock. Systematic — Pedipalpi 14 Aranese 14 Pseudoscorpiones 33 Opiliones 34 Acari 35 XII. MYRIOPODA AND PROTOTRACHEATA. By R. Innes Pocock. Myriopoda — Titles of Papers 1 Anatomy, Physiology, Phy- logeny, &c 3 Distribution 3 Systematic — Chilopoda . . Diplopoda . Prototracheata 3 4 6 xl CONTENTS. XIII. INSECTA. By D. Sharp. Page Introduction 1 Titles 2 Anatomy, Physiology, Biology £3 Faunistic and Palaeontology . . 70 Page Economic 83 Bibliography, Nomenclature, Biography 86 Systematic 88 Page Gicindelidae . * . ■ 88 Carabidae 90 Amphizoidae, Hali- plidae, Dytis- cidae 98 Gyrinidae 99 Hydrophilidae . . 100 Staphylinidae ... 101 Pselaphidae .... 103 Scydmaenidae ... 103 Paussidae 103 Silphidae 104 Trichopterygidae . 104 Histeridae 104 Phalacridae .... 106 Nitidulidae .... 107 Trogositidae. ... 108 Colydiidae .... 108 Cucujidae,Rhysso- didae 109 Crytophagidae . . 109 Aculeata Apidae 186 Yespidae .... 188 Fossoria .... 189 Formicidae . . . 196 Terebrantia Chrysididae . . . 201 General 211 Rhopalocera Papilionidae . . 211 Pieridae 213 Danaidae .... 214 Acraeidae, Heli- coniidae. . . . 215 (a.) COLEOPTERA. Page Lathridiidae, My- cetophagidae . . 110 Dermestidae, Byrrhidae. ... 110 Parnidae, Hetero- ceridae 110 Lucanidae, Passa- lidae Ill Scarabaeidae . ... Ill Buprestidae .... 122 Throscidae,Monom- midae,Eucnemidae 126 Elateridae 126 Dascillidae 129 Malacodermata . . 129 Cleridae ...... 131 Bostrichidae, Ptinidae, Cioidae 133 Tenebrionidae . . 133 Cistelidae 140 (b.) Hymenoptera. | Terebrantia Ichneumonidae . 202 Braconidae . . . 205 Evaniidae, Ste- phaniidae,Mo- nomachidae, Trigonalidae . 206 (c.) Lepidoptera. Rhopalocera Nymphalidae . .215 Morphidae . ..218 Satyridae .... 219 Elymniidae,Ery- cinidae . . . .221 Lycaenidae ... 221 Page Melandryidae, Lagriidae .... 141 Pedilidae,Xylophi- lidae 141 Anthicidae .... 141 Mordellidae, Rhi- pidophoridae, Stylopidae . . . 142 Cantharidae .... 142 (Edemeridae . ... 145 Curcnlionidae ... 145 Cerambycidae . . . 159 Scolytidae 168 Brenthidae 169 Anthribidae .... 1 70 Bruchidae 170 Chrysomelidae . . 170 Erotylidae 182 Endomychidae . . 182 Coccinellidae ... 183 Corylophidae ... 185 Terebrantia Chalcididae . . . 206 Proctotrupidae . 207 Cynipidae. ... 207 Sessiliventres Siricidae .... 208 Tenthredinidae . 208 Rhopalocera Hesperiidae . . . 224 Heterocera General . . . . . 226 Sphingidae . . . 226 iEgeriidae . . . 227 Castniidae. . . . 229 CONTENTS. xli Page He Grocer a Bombyces . . . 229 Cymatophoridae 250 Noctuidae .... 250 Deltoididae . . . 260 Geometridae . . 261 General 283 Cecidomyiidae . . 283 Mycetophilidae, Simuliidae, Bib- ionidae, Blepha- roceridae .... 284 Culicidae, Chiro- nomidae 285 Tipulidae 285 Lepidoptera — continued. Page Heterocera Pyralidae , Cram- bidae, Phy- citidae, Sieu- lodidae .... 273 Page Heterocera Tortricidae ... 279 Tineidae .... 280 Agdistidae, Pterophoridae 282 (d.) Diptera. Xylophagidae, Stratiomyiidae . 285 Tabanidae 286 Nemestrinidae, Bombyliidae . . 287 Asilidae 289 Leptidae, Therev- idae, Empidae . . 289 Dolichopodidae . . 290 Syrphidae 290 CEstridas 292 Conopidae, Pipun- culidae, Platy- pezidae 293 Muscidae calyp- tratae 293 Muscidae acalyp- tratae 301 Phoridae 302 Pupipara 302 Heteroptera . , . 303 General 303 Pentatomidae . 303 Coreidae .... 305 Lygaeidae, Pyrr- hocoridae . . . 307 Tingitidae. . . . 308 Aradidae .... 308 Hydrometridae . 309 Trichoptera . . . 320 Planipennia . . . 320 Thysanura(Aptera)320 (e.) Rhynchota. Heteroptera Reduviidae . . . 309 Saldidae, Cimic- idae 310 Capsidae 311 Hydrocorisae . . 312 Homoptera .... 312 Cicadidae .... 312 Fulgoridae ... 314 (f.) Neuroptera. Mallophaga, Ter- mitidae, Psocidae 321 Perlidae ,321 Homoptera Cercopidae . . . 315 Membracidae . . 315 Jassidae 315 Psyllidae . . . . 316 Aphididae . . . 316 Coccidae, Aleu- rodidae . . . . 317 Ephemeridae . . . 321 Odonata 322 (g.) Orthoptera. Forficnlidae .... 325 Blattidae 325 Mantidae . . Phasmatidae Gryllidae . . . 326 . 327 . 327 Locnstidae .... 327 Acridiidee .... 331 xlii CONTENTS. XIY. ECHINODERMATA. By F. A. Bather. Titles Biology Distribution- Geographical Geological . . Systematic . . . Holothurioidea Page 1 5 7 8 9 9 Echinoidea Asteroidea . Ophiuroidea Crinoidea . Cystidea . . Blastoidea . Page 10 16 17 18 21 22 XY. YERMES. By Florence Buchanan, B Sc. Titles 1 Hemichordata — Biological 30 Faunistic 31 Systematic 31 Annelida — Biological 31 Faunistic 39 Systematic 43 Gephyrea 43 Chaetopoda 44 Hirudinea 51 Platyhelminthes — Biological 53 Faunistic 61 Systematic 63 Cestoda 63 Systematic — Trematoda 66 Nemertinea 69 Turbellaria 70 Nematoda, Acanthocepbala and Chaetognatha — Biological 73 Faunistic 79 Systematic 80 Nematoda 80 Acanthocephala 81 Chaetognatha 82 Rotifera — Biological 82 Faunistic 84 Systematic 85 Mesozoa 88 XYI. CCELENTERATA. By S. J. Hickson, M.A., D.Sc. List of Papers Morphology . Faunistic. . . 1 Systematic — 4 Hydrozoa . 9 Scyphozoa , Anthozoa , 10 11 11 XYII. SPONGIiE. By R. Hanitsch, Ph.D. List of Publications 1 Anatomy, Embryology, Physi- ology, Biology 7 Distribution — Faunistic 14 Geological 15 XVIH. PROTOZOA. List of Publications 1 Anatomy, Biology 14 Distribution — Faunistic 16 Geological 17 Systematic — Calcarea 15 Hexactinellida 17 Tetractinellida 17 Monaxonida 18 Keratosa 24 Incertae sedis 24 By R. Hanitsch, Ph.D. Systematic — Gymnomyxa 18 Corticata 28 Incertae sedis 32 Index to Genera and Subgenera described as New, &c. Gen. Sab. 1 THE ZOOLOGICAL RECORD FOR 1892. I. GENERAL SUBJECTS. BY J. Arthur Thomson, M.A. PLAN OF RECORD. I. — Titles. II. — Subject-Index. a. Text-Books, Essays, and General. B. Cell and Protoplasm. c. Oogenesis, Spermatogenesis, Fertilisation. d. Sex, Reproduction, and Heredity. e. Evolution. TITLES.* 1. cAas, E. Sjaeleliv og Intelligens hos Dyr. Del I. Pattedyr og Fugle. Christiania : 8vo, pp. 1-192, illustr. 2. Agassiz, A. General sketch of the Expedition of the “ Albatross ” from February to May, 1891. Report on the Dredging operations off the West Coast of Central America to the Galapagos, to the West Coast of Mexico, and in the Gulf of California. Bull. Mus. C. Z. xxiii (1892), pp. 1-89, 22 pis. 3. Alcock, A. A case of Commensalism between a Gymnoblastic Anthomedusoid ( Stylactis minoi, n. sp.) and a Scorpasnoid Fish ( Minous inermis). Ann. N. H. x, pp. 207-214, 1 pi. * An asterisk prefixed to a quotation indicates that the Recorder has not seen the Journal or Work referred to. 2 Gen. Sub. J. GENERAL SUBJECTS. 4. [Alcock, A.] On the Habits of Gelasimus annulijpes, Edw, Ann. N. H. 1892, pp. 415 & 416. Re Sexual Selection. 5. Allen, J. A. Definite versus Fortuitous Variation. (Discussion Amer. Soc. Nat.) Am. Nat. xxvi, pp. 85-91. 6. Altmann, A. Ein Beitrag zur Granulalehre. Verh. Anat. Ges. 1892, pp. 220-223. 7. ° -. Ueber Kernstructur und Netzstructuren. Inhalt eines Vort- rages, gehalten auf der Wiener Anatomen Versammlung 1892. Arch. Anat. Entw. 1892, pp. 223-230. 8. *Ammon, O. La selection naturellechezl’homme. L’Anthropologie, 1892, ii, pp. 720-736. 9. Andrews, E. A. Experimental Embryology. Am. Nat. xxvi, pp. 367-382 & 580-592. 10. — — . Heliotropic Animals. T. c. pp. 400-407. 11. —. Bifurcated Annelids. T. c. pp. 725-731. 12. Anon. Chronophotography, or Photography as applied to Moving Objects. Nature, xlv, pp. 228-232, 11 figs. 13. . Discussion fiber Verbreitung pelagischer Thierformen. Verh. deutsch. Zool. Ges. 1892, pp. 119-121. 14. Apathy, S. Contractile und leitende Primitivfibrillen. MT. z. Stat. Neap, x, pp. 355-375, 1 pi. General Histology. 15. Kritische Bemerkungen fiber das Frenzel’sche Mesozoon Salinella. Eine biologische Skizze. Biol. Centralbl. xii, pp. 108-123. 16. Critical Observations on Frenzel’s Mesozoon Salinella : a Biological Sketch. Ann. N. H. ix, pp. 465-481. Translation of above. 17. Aplin, O. V. Albinism in Birds and Mammals. Zool. xvi, p. 191, 18. Apstein, C. Quantitative Plankton-Studien im Sfissvrasser. BioJ. Centralbl. xii, pp. 484-512 & 608. 19. . Das Plankton des Sfisswassers und seine quantitative Bestim- mung. Schr. Nat. Ver. Schleswig, ix, pp. 267-273. 20. Ardissone, F. L’Organismo vivente considerato nella sua essenza et nella sua origine. Varese : 8vo, 24 pp. 21. °Arndt, It. Biologische Studien. i. Das biologische Grundgesetz. Greifswrald : 8vo, ix & 203 pp. 22. ^Arnold, A. F. Beitrage zur Kenntnis des Beptilien-Ovariums. Inaug. Diss. Erlangen, 8vo, 39 pp. TITLES. Gen. Sub. 3 23. AssflETON, R. On the Development of the Optic Nerve of Verte- brates, and the Choroidal Fissure of Embryonic Life. Q. J. Micr. Sci. xxxiv, pp. 85-104, 2 pis. . [See also Beard (37).] 24. Aurivillius-, C. W. J. Analyse d’un memoire intitule du deguise- ment des Decapodes oxyrhyniques a l’aide d’adaptations singulieres du corps. Ann. Sci. Nat. xiii, pp. 343-348. 25. Ayers, H. Vertebrate Cephalogenesis. ii. A Contribution to the Morphology of the Vertebrate Ear, with a Reconsideration of its Functions. J. Morph, vi, pp. 1-360, 12 pis. 26. °Balbiani E. G. Nouvellesrecherches experimentales sur la mero- tomie des Infusoires cilies. Ann. Micrograph. 1892, 79 pp., 3 pis. 27. Ballowitz, E. Die Bedeutung der Valentin’schen Querbiinder am Spermatozoenkopfe der Saugethiere. Arch. Anat. Phys. 1891, pp. 193-211, 1 pi. 28. Banks, N. Mimicry in Spiders. P. E. Soc. Wash, ii, pp. 174-176. 29. VON Bardeleben, K. Ueber Spermatogenese bei Saugetieren, besonders beim Menschen. Verh. Anat. Ges. 1892, pp. 202-208. 30. Bataillon, E. Sur le determiuisme physiologique de la metamor- phose chez le ver a soie. C.R. cxv, pp. 61-64. 31. Cf . Recherches anatomiques et experimentales sur la metamor- phose des Amphibiens anoures. Paris : 127 pp , 6 pis. 32. Bates, H. W. The Naturalist on the River Amazon. With a Memoir of the author, by Edward Clodd. Reprint of the unabridged edition, with map and numerous illustrations. London : 8vo, 478 pp. 33. Bateson, W. On Numerical Variation in Teeth, with a discussion of the Conception of Homology. P. Z. S. 1892, pp. 102-115, 6 figg. 34. . [Letter to Nature.] The Alleged Aggressive Mimicry of Volucellce. Nature, xlvi, p. 585. Cf. Poulton, op. cit. xlvii, p. 28 ; Bateson, t. c. p. 77 ; Poulton, t. c. p. 126. Bather, F. A. [See Buckman & Bather (79).] 35. Beale, L. S. Protoplasm, Physical Life, and Law ; or, Nature as viewed from without. London : 4th Edition, 8vo, 286 pp. 36. Beard, J. The Histogenesis of Nerve. Anat. Anz. vii, pp. 290- 302. 37. . [Letter to Nature.] On a supposed Law of Metazoan Develop- ment. Nature, xlvii, p. 79, and Anat. Anz. viii, pp. 22. Cf. Assiieton, R., t. c. p. 176. 38. . Larvae and their Relations to Adult Forms. Rep. Brit. Ass. 1892, p. 757. 4 Gen. Sub. I. GENERAL SUBJECTS. 39. [Beard, J.] The Transient Ganglion Cells and their Nerves in Baja batis. Anat. Anz. vii, pp. 191-206, 8 figg. 40. . Notes on Lampreys and Hags ( Myxine ). Anat. Anz. viii, pp. 59 & 60. Re Hermaphroditism. 41. Beddard, F. E. Animal Colouration : an account of the principal facts and theories relating to the Colours and Markings of Animals. London : 8vo, 258 pp., 4 col. pis., illustrs. 42. . Some Recent Observations upon Mimicry. Nat. Sci. pp. 10- 16. 43. Beecher, C. E. Development of the Brachiopoda. Part. n. Classi- fication of the Stages of Growth and Decline. Am. J. Sci. xliv, pp. 133-155, 1 pi., figg. 44. Behrens, W. Tabellen zum Gebrauch bei mikroskopischen Arbeiten. 2nd Ed. Braunschweig : 8vo, vii & 205 pp. 45. Benda, C. Ueber die Histiogenese des Sauropsidenspermatozoons. Yerh. Anat. Ges. vi, 1892, pp. 195-199. 46. ° . Eine Mitteilung zur Samenbildung. Int. Centralbl. Phys. Path. Harn Sexual-orgaue, iv, pp. 23-25. 47. Beraneck, E. Sur le nerf parietal et la morphologie du troisieme ceil des Yertebres. Anat. Anz. vii, pp. 674-689, 6 figg. 48. Bergh, R. S. Kritik einer moderner Hypothese von der Ueber- tragung erblicher Eigenschaften. Zool. Anz. xv, pp. 43-52. 49. — . A Criticism of a Modern Hypothesis of the Transmission of Hereditary Characters. Ann. N. H. x, pp. 467-475. Bernard, H. M. & M. [See Lang (318).] 50. Bertacchini, P. La Spermatogenese chez la Rana temporaria. Arch. Ital. Biol, xvii, pp. 166 & 167. BEZAN90N, P. [See Yariot & BEZAN90N (500-502).] 51. Biedermann, W. Ueber den Farbenwechsel der Frosche. Arch. Ges. Phys. li, pp. 455-508, 1 pi. Be Colouration. 52. °Biegeleben, A. von. Betrachtungen fiber das Yerhaltuis der menschlichen Seele zur Tbierseele. Frankfurt : 8vo, 27 pp. 53. Bignell, G. C. Myrmica ruginodes making War on its own Species. Ent. M. M. xxviii, p. 135. 51. Blanc, H. Note prelimiuaire sur la maturation et la fecondation de l’ceuf de la Truite. Bull. Soc. Yaud. xxvii, pp. 272-275. . Sur la maturation et la fecondation de l’ceuf de la Truite des lacs. C.R. Soc. helv. Sci. Nat. Ixxiv, pp. 55 & 56. 55. titles. Gen. Sub . 5 56. Blanc, L. Un cas d’ovule a deux noyaux chez un Mammifere ( Mils decumanus ). C.B. Soc. Biol. iv. pp. 563 & 564. 57. . Note sur l'iufluence de la lumiere sur l’orientation de Pembryon dans l’oeuf de Poule. T. c. pp. 774-776. 58. Blanchard, It. Deuxieme Rapport sur la nomenclature des etres organises. Congres Internat. Zool. ii, pt. 1, pp. 303-314. Cf. Bull. Soc. Z. Fr. xvii, pp. 196-200. 59. . Regies de nomenclature adoptees par le Congres Zoologique de Moscou. Zool. Anz. xv, pp. 440-442. 59a. Bles, E. J. Notes on the Plankton observed at Plymouth during June, July, August, and September, 1892. J. Mar. Biol. Ass. ii, pp. 340-343. 60. Bodington, A. Mental Evolution in Man and the Lower Animals (continued). Am. Nat. xxvi, pp. 482-494 & 593-606. Bcettgek, O. [See Brehm (73).] 61. *Bohh, A. A. Die Befruchtung des Forelleneies. SB. G-es. Morph, vii, pp. 65-73, figg. 62. °Bommeli, R. Die Thierwelt. Eine illustrierte Naturgeschichte der jetzt lebenden Thiere. Stuttgart : 8vo, Heft 1, 64 pp. 63. °Bonnier, G-. Anatomie et Physiologie Animales. I. Etude special de Phomme. n. Les Orgaues et leurs fonctions dans la serie animale. Paris : 18mo, 310 pp. 64. Bordage, E. Les Vertebres descendent-ils des Arthropodes. Rev. Sci. xlix, pp. 333-339, 9 figg. 65. Born, G. Die Reifung des Amphibieneies und die Befruchtung unreifer Eier bei Triton tceniatus. Anat. Anz. vii, pp. 772-781 & 803- 811, 1 fig. 66. Borrel, A. De la division du noyau et de la division cellulaire dans les tumeurs epitheliales. J. de l’Anat. Phys. xxviii, pp. 129- 142, 2 pis. 67. Boulenger, G. A. Fecundation in the Tailed Batrachians : a summary Review of Recent Discoveries. Zool. Jahrb. vi,pp. 447-452. 68. °Boveri, Th. Ueber die Enstehung des Gegensatzes zwischen den Geschlechtszellen und den somatischen Zellen bei Ascaris megaloce- phala. SB. Ges. Morph, viii, pp. 114-125, 5 figg. 69. °Brandes, G. Ueber Mimicry und andere Anpassungserschei- nungen im Thierreiche. CB. Yer. Sachs. Thfir. 1891, pp. 168-171. 70. Brandt, A. Essai d’une classification des variations animales selon leurs causes. Congres Internat. Zool. ii, pt. 1, pp. 66 & 67. 71. Brandt, K. Ueber Anpassungserscheinungen und Art der Ver- breitung von Hochseethieren, in Krummel’s Reisebeschreibung d. Plankton Exp. pp. 338-370, 1 map. 6 Gen. .Sub. I. GENERAL SUBJECTS. 72. Brauer, A. Ueber das Ei von Branchipus Grubii v. Dyb. Yon der Bildung bis zur Ablage. Abb. Ak. Berl. 1892, 66 pp., 3 pis. 73. Brehm, A. E. Tbierleben. Allgemeine Knnde des Thierreichs. 3. ganzlich neubearbeitete Aufl. Hrsg. von Prof. Dr. Pechuel- Loesche. Bd. vi. (Birds, 3rd vol.), 740 pp., 20 pis., 106 figg., 3 maps (Pechuel-Loesche & W. Haacke). Bd. vii. ( Beptilia and Amphibia ), 825 pp., 16 pis., 167 figg., 1 map (Pechuel-Loesche & O. Boettger). Bd. viii. ( Fishes ), 517 pp., 11 pis., 146 figg., 1 map (Pechuel-Loesche & W. Haacke). Bd. ix. (Insects), 764 pp., 21 pis., 287 figg., 1 map (E. L. Tascheuberg). 74. 0 -. Thierleben. Kleine Ausgabe fur Yolk und Schule. 2. Auf. ganzl. neu bearb. von R. Schmidtlein. i Bd. Die Saugethiere. Leipzig : 8vo, xvi & 747 pp., 1 pi., 226 figg. 75. Bronn, — . Klassen und Ordnungen des Thierreichs. The following divisions have made progress in 1892, viz. : — Ccelenterata , by C. Chun ; Echinoderms , by H. Ludwig ; Mollusca , by H. Simroth, Vermes , by M. Braun ; Crustacea , by A. Gerstaecker ; Mammalia , by W. Leche. See other Records. 76. Brooks, W. K , & Herrick, F. H. The Embryology and Metamor- phosis of the Macroura. Johns Hopk. Univ. Circ. xi, pp. 67 & 68. Be Poecilogony. 77. Brown-Sequard. Eflrets produits sur de nombreux etats morbides par des injections sous-cutanees d’un extrait liquide retire des testi- cules. C.R. cxiv, pp. 1318-1321. Cf. t. c. pp. 1399-1405 (Brown- Sequard & d’Arsonval), p. 1446 (Grigorescu). 78. . Effiets physiologiques d’un liquide extrait des glandes sexuelles, et surtout des testicules. T. c. pp, 1237-1242. 78a. . Heredite d’une affection due a une cause accidentelle. Faits et arguments contre les explications et les critiques de Weismann. Arch. Phys. xxiv, pp. 686-688. 79. Buckman, S. S., & Bather, F. A. The Terms of Auxology. Zool. Anz. xv, pp. 420, 421, & 429-434. 80. Buchner, O. Die Asymmetric der Gastropoden in ihren Bezie- huugen und Wirkungen auf die Lebenaiisserungen der Schalentra- genden Schnecken. JH. Yer. Wurtt. xlviii, pp. 58-92. 81. 0BtiCHNER, E. Ueber Yergangenheit und Zukunft des Menschen- gesschlechtes im Sinne der Entwickelungstheorie. Festschr. Yer. Rheinpfalz. 1892, pp. 48-65. 8"2. Burger, O. Was sind die Attraktionspharen und ihre Centralkorper. Anat. Auz. vii, pp. 222-231. TITLES Gen. Sub . 7 83. Butschli, O. Untersuchungen fiber mikroskopisclie Schaume und das Protoplasma. Yersuche und Beobachtungen zur Losung der Frage nach den physikalischen Bedingungen der Lebenserschei- nungen. Leipzig : 4to, iv & 232 pp, 6 pis., 23 figg., and atlas of 19 microphotographs. 84. . Ueber die sogenannten Centralkorper der Zelle und ihre Bedeutung. Yerh. Yer. Heidelb. iv, pp. 535-538. 85. cBurckhardt, R. Das Centralnervensystem von Protopterus annectens. Eine vergleichend-anatomische Studie. Berlin : 8vo, 64 pp., 5 pis. Chapters on Phyletic History of the Brain, Metamerism. &c. 86. C?B use alio xi, L. Sulla frammentazione nucleare seguita dalla divisione della cellula. Giiorn. Acc. Med. Torino, v, pp. 326-328. 87. 0 -. Contribuzione alio studio della memhrana cellulare. Mal- phighia, 1892, 90 pp., 2 pis. 88. Calderwood, W. L. A Contribution to the Knowledge of the Ovary and Intra-ovarian Egg in Teleosteans. J. Mar. Biol. Ass. ii, pp. 298-313, 2 pis. 89. Campbell, H. J. Text-book of Elementary Biology. London : 8vo, 286 pp, 136 figg. Canestrini. [See Morselli (366).] 90. cCarlet, G. Precis de zoologie medicale. 3 edit, entierement re- fondue. Paris : 8vo, 722 pp, 636 figg. 91. Carlile, \Y. W, Animal Intelligence. Tr. N. Z. Inst, xxiv, pp. 349-354. 92. Cattaneo, G. Influenza del letargo sulle forme e i fenomeni delle cellule ameboidi negli Invertebrati. Atti Soc. Ligust. iii, pp. 248-251. . [See also Morselli (366)!] 93. Ciiatin, J. La Cellule animale ; sa structure et sa vie : etude biolo- gique et pratique. Paris : 8vo, 304 pp., 149 figg. 94. . Sur la membrane basilaire. C.R. Soc. Biol, iv, pp. 463 & 464. 95. Cholodkovsky, N. Contribution a la theorie du mesoderme et de la metamerie. Congr. Internat. Zool. ii, pt. 1, pp. 58-65. Cf. Rev. Sci. Nat. St. Petersb. iii, pp. 204-209. 96. Ciiun, C. Die Dissogonie, eine neue Form der gescblechtlichen Zeugung. Feschr. R. Leuckart, pp. 77-108, 5 pis, 3 figg. Leipzig : 4to. 97. Clarke, C. B. On Biologic Regions and Tabulation Areas. Phil. Trans, clxxxiii, pp. 371-387, 2 maps ; P. R. Soc. 1, pp. 472-474. 1892. [vol. xxix.] b 4 8 Gen. Sub. I. GENERAL SUBJECTS. 98. Clark, J. Natural Relations between Temperature and Proto- plasmic Movement. Rep. Brit. Ass. 1892, p. 7G0. 99. . Experimental Observations on the Function of the Nucleus in the Vegetable Cell. T. c. p. 761. 100. Comstock, J. H. The Descent of the Lepidoptera. An application of the Theory of Natural Selection to Taxonomy. (Abstract) P. Am. Ass. xli, pp. 199-201. 101. Cope, E. D. Definite versus Fortuitous Variation. (Discussion Amer. Soc. Nat.) Am. Nat. xxvi, pp. 85-91. 102. . On some points in the Kinetogenesis of the Limbs of Verte- brates. P. Am. Phil. Soc. xxx, pp. 282-285. 103. Cort, C. J. Ueber Anomalie der Segmentirung bei Anneliden und deren Bedeutungfur die Theorie der Metamerie. Z. wiss. ZooJ. liv, pp. 569-578, 1 pi. 101. Cornevin, C. Etudes zootechniques sur la croissance. Arch. Phys, xxiv, pp. 477-487, cf. J. med. vet. et zootechn. iii, pp. 449- 460. 105. Coste, F. H. Perry. On Insect Colours. Nature, xlv, pp. 513— 517, 541, 542 & 605. 106. . Evolution of Insect Colours. Ent. xxv, pp. 28 & 29. - — — . [See also Hopkins (266).] 107. Coulon, Raimond. Syn these de transformisme. Description elementaire de revolution universelle. Paris : 8vo, xiv & 215 pp. 108. Crato, E. Beitrag zur Kenntnis der Protoplasmastructur. Ber. Deutsche Botan. Ges. x, pp. 451-458. 109. Crety, C. Le noyau vitellin dans les oeufs des Trematodes. Arch. Ital. Biol, xvii, pp. 396-399. 110. . Intorno al nucleo vitellino dei Trematodi. Atti [Rend.JAcc. Rom. 1892, pp. 92-97. 111. Creutzburg, N. Ueber metaphysische Probleme in der Zoologie. Fine Kritik der Darwin’schen Theorie. Abh. Ges. Halle, xvii, pp. 461-472. Crotch, W. Duppa. [See Romanes (435).] 112. Cuenot, L. Les organes phagocytaires chez quelques invertebres. Arch. Z. exper. x, pp. ix-xi. 113. . Notes sur les Echinodermes. i. Ovogenese et Spermato- genese. Zooh Anz. xv, pp. 121-125, figg. 114. -. La valeur respiratoire de Phemocyanine. C.R. cxv, pp. 127-129. 115. Cunningham, J. T. The Evolutiou of Flat-Fishes. Nat. Sci. i, pp. 191-199. TITLES. Gen. Sub. 9 Curtel, G. [See Lang, A. (318).] 116. Danilewsky, B. Ueber die physiologische Wirkung des Cocains auf wirbellose Thiere. Arch. ges. Phys. li, pp. 446-454. 117. Dannehl, P. Ueber die kadaverosen Veranderungen der Alt- mann’schen Granula. Arch, pathol. Anat. cxxviii, pp. 485-496. Re Structure of Protoplasm. 118. Dareste, C. Note sur revolution de l’embryon de la poule soumis pendant l’incubation a un mouvement de rotation continue. C.R. cxv, pp. 137 & 138. 119. . La teratogenie experimentale. Rev. Sci. xlix, pp. 33-42, 19 figg. 120. Darwin, Ci-iarles. Voyage of H.M.S. “Beagle” round the World. London : 8vo, 202 pp., illustr. Sixpenny Edition. 121. Darwin, F. Charles Darwin : His Life told in an Autobiographical chapter, and in a selected series of his published letters. London : 8vo, 346 pp., with portrait. 122. Deiiner, H. Ueber die sogenaunte parthenogenetische Furchung des Froscheies. Verh. Ges. Wiirzb. xxvi. Inaug. Diss. Wurzburg : 8 vo, 18 pp., 1 pi. 123. Detmer, W. Ueber die Natur und Bedeutung der physiologischen Elemente des Protoplasmas. Ber. Deutsche Botan. Ges. x, pp. 433-442. 124. Dineur, E. Note sur la sensibilite des leucocytes a l’electricite. Bull. Soc. Belg. Micr. xviii, pp. 113-118. 125. Distant, W. L. A Naturalist in the Transvaal. London : 8vo, 16 & 277 pp., 5 pis., 29 figg. 126. Dixon, C. The Migration of Birds : an attempt to reduce Avian Season Flight to Law. London : 8vo, 306 pp. Instinct and Evolution. 127. Dixon, E. T. [Letter to Nature.] The Limits of Animal Intelli- gence. Nature, xlvi, p. 392. Cf. C. Lloyd Morgan, t. c. p. 417, and St. George Mivart, t. c. p. 466. 128. Dreyer, F. Die Principien der Geriistbildung bei Rhizopoden, Spongien, und Echinodermen. Ein Versuch zur mechanischen Erkla- rung organischer Gebilde. Jen. Z. Nat. xxvi, pp. 204-468, 14 pis. 129. . Ziele und Wege biologischer Forschung beleuchtet an der Hand einer Gerustbildungsmechanik. Jena : 8vo, xii & 103 pp., 6 pis. 10 Gen . Sub. I. GENERAL SUBJECTS. ISO. Driesch, H. Entwicklungsmechanische Studien : in. Die Yerminderung des Furchungsmaterials und ihre Folgen (Weiteres iiber Theilbildungen). iv. Experimenteile Yeranderungen des Typus der Furchung und ihre Folgen (Wirkungen von Warmezufuhr und von Druck). v. Yon der Furchung doppelt befruchteter Eier. vi. Ueber einige allgemeine Frage der theorefcischen Morphologie. Z. wiss. Zool. lv, pp. 1-62, 3 pis. 131. . Entwicklungsmecbanisches. Anat. Auz. vii, pp. 584-586. Am. Nat. xxvi, pp. 1042 & 1043. 132. — — . Ivritische Erorterungen neuerer Beitrage zur theoretischen Morphologie. Biol. Centralbl. xii, pp. 528-540, 545-556. 133. . Epigenesis or Evolution ? (Abstract) Am. Nat. xxvi, pp. 178-180. 134. Dubois, R. Anatomie et Physiologie comparee de la Pholade dactyle (structure, locomotion, tact, olfaction, gustation, vision, dermatoptique, photogenie) avec une theorie generale des sensations. Paris : 8vo, x & 167 pp., 68 figg., 15 pis. 135. Duclaux, — . Sur une reaction donnee comme particuliere a la spermine. C.R. cxv, pp. 549 & 550. 136. C;Dutoit-Haller, — . Schopfung und Entwickelung nach Bibel und Naturwissenschaft. Basel : 8vo, 44 pp. 137. °Eberth, S. Referat iiber den Befruchtungsprocess bei Wir- bellosen (Echinodermen) und Wirbeltieren (Selachier, Reptilien). Miinch. med. Wochschr. xxxix, p. 371. 138. — . Schlummerzellen und Gewebsbildung. T. c. pp. 755-758. 139. * . Schlummerzellen und Gewebsbildung. Fortschr. Med. x, pp. 990-1000. 140. Ebner, Y. von. Ueber die Beziehungen der Wirbel zu den Urwirbel. SB. Ak. Wien, ci, pp. 235-260, 1 pi. 141. Edinger, L. Untersuchungen liber die vergleichende Anatomie des Gehirns. i. Das Yorderhirn (Neuabdruck, 1892). Frankfurt a-M. : 4to, 28 pp., 4 pis. li. Das Zwischenhirn. Erster Theil. Das Zwischenhirn der Selachier und der Amphibien. Frankfurt a-M. : 4to, 95 pp., 5 pis. ; both reprints from Abh. Senck. Ges. 142. — — . Zwolf Yorlesungen iiber den Bau der nervosen Central- organe. 3 Aufl. Leipzig : 8vo, viii & 196 pp., 139 figg. 143. ^Ehrmann, S. Zur Kenntnis von der Entwickelung und Wander- ung des Pigmentes bei den Amphibien. Arch. Dermatol, xxiv, pp. 195-222, 1 pi. TITLES. Gen. Sub. 11 144. [^'Ehrmann, S.] Beitrag zur Physiologie der Pigmentzellen nach Yersuchen am Farbenwechsel der Amphibien. Arch. Dermatol, xxiv, pp. 519-539, 1 pi. Re Colouration. 145. Eimer, G. H. Th. Die Enstehung und Ausbildung des Muskelge- webes, insbesondere der Querstreifung derselben als Wirkung der Thatigkeit betrachtet. Z. wiss. Zool. liii, Suppl. pp. 67-111, 13 figg. 146. . Ueber die Enstehung der Arten. Vortrag. JH. Yer Wiirtt. xlviii, pp. lxxxii & lxxxiii. 147. 4-Eismond, J. Beitrag zur Frage iiber die Theilung des Zell-leibes. Arb. z. Lab. Warschau (1892), 20 pp. 148. Ellenberger, W. Handbuch der Yergleichende Histologie und Physiologie der Haussaugethiere, Band n. Yergleichende Physio- logie der Haussaugetiere, Teil n. Berlin : 8vo, viii & 994 pp., 284 figg., 4 pis. 149. ^Elliot, D. G. The Inheritance of Acquired Characters. Presi- dent’s Address Amer. Ornithol. Union, 1891. Auk, ix, pp. 77-104. 150. . Hybridism, and a Description of a Hybrid between Anas boschas and Anas americana. Auk, ix, pp. 160-166. 151. Emery, C. Zur Morphologic der cyklopischen Missbildungen. Eine Hypothese betreffend den Schlundring der Wirbeltiere. Anat. Anz. viii, pp. 52-57. 152. Endues, — . Anatomisch-entwickelungsgeschichtliche Studien iiber die formbildende Bedeutung des Blutgefass-Apparates unter beson- derer Beriicksichtigung der damit verbundenen mechanischen Einfliisse. Arch. mikr. Anat. xl, pp. 435-483, 3 pis. 153. °Engel, It. Nouveaux elements de chimie medicate et de chimie biologique. 4th Ed. Paris : 8vo, 2nd part, pp. 324-694, figg. 37- 108. 154. *Engelmann, T. W. [& others]. Festschrift. Beitrage zur Psychologie und Physiologie der Sinnesorgane. Hermann von Helmholtz als Festgruss zu seinem 70 Geburtstage dargebracht von Th. W. Engelmann, E. Javal, A. Konig, J. v. Kries, Th. Lipps, L. Matthiesen, W. Preyer, W. Uhthofi. Gesamm. u. hrsg. von A. Konig. Hamburg : 8vo, vii & 388 pp., 6 pis. 155. Escherich, C. Die biologische Bedeutung der “ Genitalanhange ” der Insecten (Eiu Beitrag zur Bastardfrage). Yerh. z.-b. Yrien, xlii, pp. 225-240, 1 pi. 156. Escherich, K. Ueber die Gesetzmassigkeit im Abandern der Zeichnung bei Iusekten. Beitrag zur Theorie von der Entwicklung aus constitutionellen Ursachen. Deutsche e. Z. 1892, pp. 113-130, 1 pi. 12 Gen. Sub. 1. GENERAL SUBJECTS. 156a. Ewald, C. A. The Influence of Light on the Gas Exchange in Animal Tissues. J. Physiol, xiii, pp. 847-859. 157. Fabani, C. Nota ad alcuni casi di anomalie nel colore degli uccelli. Riv. Ital. Sci. Nat. xii, pp. 3 & 4. 158. . Altre osservazioni intorno alle cause delhalbinismo anomalo e periodico. T. c. pp. 70 & 71. 159. — — . Studi sul mimetismo. T. c. pp. 71 & 72. 160. *Farges, Alb. La Yie et Involution des especes, avec une these sur revolution etendue au corps de l’homme. 3 Ed. rev. et augm. Paris : 8vo, 320 pp. 161. Fayod^ Y. Reponse aux remarques de M. le professeur G-uignard au sujet de ma communication sur la structure du protoplasme. C.R. Soc. Riol. iv, pp. 60-62. 162. Ferton, Ch. Notes pour servir a l’histoire de l’instinct des Pom- pilides. Act. Soc. L. Bord. xliv, pp. 281-294. 163. Fick, R. Bemerkungen zu 0. Burger’s Erklarungsversuch der Attraktionspharen. Anat. Anz. vii, pp. 464-467. 164. •• Ueber die Befruchtung des Axolotleies. T. c. pp. 818-821. 165. Field, G. W. The Problem of Marine Biology. Am. Nat. xxvi, pp. 799-808 ; Nature, xlvi, pp. 623-625. 166. *Fischer-Sigwart, H. Das Gebirge, ein Riickzugsgebiet fiir die Thierwelt. MT. Aargau nat. Ges. 1892, pp. 111-196. Fleming, G. [See Neumann, L. G. (374).] 167. Flemming, W. Zur Nomenclatur der Zellteilimg. Anat. Anz. vii, pp. 26-32. 168. . Ueber Unsichtbarkeit lebendiger Kernstrukturen. T. c. pp. 758-764. 169. Flower, W. H. The Horse : a Study in Natural History. London : 8vo, 210 pp., figg. 170. *Franceschini, R. Die Biologie als selbstiindige Wissenschaft. Hamburg : 8vo, 38 pp. 171. *Francke, K. Das Leben der Zelle. Rede. Mtinchen : 8vo, 9 pp. 172. Francken, C. J. Wijnaendts. Sexueele Evolutie. Tijdschr. Nederl. Dierk. Yer. iii, pp. 206-225. 173. Fredericq, L. Sur rhemocyanine. C.R. cxv, p. 61. 174. •. Nouvelles recherches sur kautotomie chez le crabe (Carcinus mamas). Arch. Biol, xii, pp. 169-198. 175. Frenzel, J. Ueber den Mitteldarm von Artemia. Ein Beitrag zurLehre von der Yerdauung und Resorption. Zool. Jahrb. (Abtli. Anat.) vi, pp. 249-270, 1 pi., 11 figg. TITLES. Gen. Sub. 13 176. [Frenzel, J.] Beitrage zur yergleichenden Physiologie und Histologie der Verdauung. Arch. Anat. Phys. (Physiol. Abth.), 1892, pp. 81-114, 2 pis. 177. . Die nucleolare Kernhalbierung. Ein Beitrag zur Kenntnis des Zellkernes und der amitotischen Epithelregeneration. Arch, mikr. Anat. xxxix (1892), pp. 1-32, 1 pi. 178. Feoriep, A. Zur Entwicklungsgeschichte der Kopfnerven. I. Entwicklung der Trochlearis bei Torpedo. n. Kiemenspalten organe der Selachierembryonen. Verb. Anat. G-es. v (1891), pp. 55- 65, 6 figg. 179. . Ueber den Gebrauch der Worte proximal und distal. Anat. Anz. vii, pp. 764-767. 180. FusaPvI, R. Sur les premieres phases de developpement des Teleos- teens. Arch. Ital. Biol, xviii, pp. 204-239. 181. Gadow, H. Crop and Sternum of Opistliocomus cr i status : a con- tribution to the question of the Correlation of Organs and the Inheritance of Acquired Characters. P. R. Irish Ac. 1892, pp. 147- 153, 2 pis. 182. Gage, S. II. The Comparative Physiology of Respiration. P. Am. Ass. xli, pp. 183-196. 183. . The Comparative Physiology of Respiration. A.m. Nat. xxvi, pp. 817-832. Cf. Nature, xlvi, pp. 598-601. 184. Garner, R. L. The Speech of Monkeys. London : 8vo, 260 pp. 185. Gaubert, P. Autotomie chez les Pycnogonides. Bull. Soc. Z. Fr. xvii, pp. 224 & 225. 186. ° — — . Sur l’autotomie chez les Araignees. Bull. Soc. Philom. iv, pp. 78 & 79. 187. Gaudry, A. Similitudes dans la marche de revolution sur Pancien et le nouveau continent. C.R. cxv, pp. 11-13. 188. Gautier, A., & Landi, L. Sur la vie residuelle et les produits du fonctionnement des tissus separes de l’etre vivant. Op. cit. cxiv, pp. 1048-1053. 189. & . Sur les produits du fonctionnement des tissus et par- ticulierement des muscles, separes de l’etre vivant. Methodes analytiques. T. c. pp. 1154-1159. 190. & . Sur la produits de la vie residuelle des tissus, en particulier du tissu musculaire separe de l’etre vivant. T. c. pp. 1312-1317. 191. — — & . Phenomenes de la vie residuelle du muscle separe de l’etre vivant. Action physiologiques des bases musculaires. T. c. pp. 1449-1455. 14 Gen. Sub. I. GENERAL SUBJECTS. 192. Geddes, P., & Thomson, J. A. L’Evolution du Sexe. Trad.fran^ par H. de Varigny. Paris : 18mo, x & 457 pp., illustr. (With some emendations.) 193. Gegenbaur, C. Die Epiglottis. Vergleichend-anatomische Studie. Leipzig : 4to, vii & 69 pp., 2 pis., 15 figg. 194. C;Gerlach, W. Ein Beitrag zur Lehre von den Elementar- organismen. St. Petersb. med. Wochschr. xvii, pp. 295-297, 1 fig. 195. Gehuchten, A. Van. Nouvelles recherches sur les ganglions cerebro-spinaux. Cellule, viii, pp. 235-253, 1 pi. 196. — — ~. Contributions a l’etude des ganglions cerebro-spinaux. Bull. Ac. Belg. xxiv, pp. 117-154, 11 figg. 197. °Germano, E. Ricerche istologiche sul testicolo dall nascita alia maturita. Month. Int. J. Anat. Hist, ix, pp. 241-255, 1 pi. 198. Giacomini, E. Materiaux pour l’etude du developpement du Seps chalcides. Arch. Ital. Biol, xvi, pp. 332-359, 1 pi. 199. Giard, A. Nouvelles remarques sur la poecilogonie. C.R. cxiv pp. 1549-1552. 200. . Sur la persistance partielle de la symetrie bilaterale chez un Turbot ( Rhombus maxlmus ), et sur l’heredite des caracteres acquis chez les Pleuronectes. C.R. Soc. Biol, iv, pp. 31-34. 201. Gilson, G. On the Affinity of Nuclein for Iron and other sub- stances. Rep. Brit. Ass. 1892, pp. 778-780. 202. — — . A Method of Staining Chromatin by chemical means. T. c. p. 780. 203. Girard, C. Observations sur quelques points de la nomenclature zoologique. Congres Internat. Zool.ii, pt. 1, pp. 74-97. 204. *G irod, P. Manipulations de Zoologie. Guide pour les travaux pratiques de dissection. Animaux vertebres. Paris : 8vo, vi & 158 pp., 32 pis. 205. Gogorza y Gonzales, J. Influencia del aguadulce en los animales marinos. Ann. Soc. Espan. Hist. Nat. xx, pp. 221-256 & 257-271. 206. Grabham, — . Heredity. J. Inst. Jamaica, i, No. iv, pp. 121-128. 207. Graffenberger, L. Versuche fiber die Yeranderungen, welche der Abschluss des Lichtes in der chemischen Zusammensetzung des thierischen Organismus und dessen N-Umsatz hervorruft. Arch. ges. Phys. liii, pp. 238-280. 208. Grassi, B. Conclusioni d’una memoria sulla societa dei Termiti. Atti [Rend.] Acc. Rom. 1892, pp. 33-36. 209. R a witz, P. Ueber dieUmbildung von Grundsubstanz zu Zellen. Deuts. med. Wochschr. xviii (1892), pp. 712-714. 210. . Ueber die schlfimmernden Zellen des Bindegewebes und ihr Yerhalten bei progressiveu Ernahrnngsstorungen. Arch, pathol. Anat. cxxvii, pp. 96-121. TITLES. Gen. Sub. 15 211. ^[Grawitz, P.] Ueber Scblnmmerzellen und Cellularpathologie. Deuts. med. Wochschr. xviii, pp. 811-813. 212. Griffiths, A. B. The Physiology of the Invertebrata. London : 8 vo, ix & 477 pp., 80 figs. 213. . On the Blood of the Invertebrata. P. R. Soc. Edinb. xix, pp. 116-130. 214. . Sur la composition de l’hemocyanine. Bull. Ac. Belg. xxiii, pp. 842-844. 215. . Recherches sur les couleurs de quelques insectes. C.R. cxv, pp. 958 & 959. 216. Groom, T. T. Early Development of Cirripedia. P. R. Soc. lii, pp. 158-162. [Oogenesis, Fertilisation.] 217. Guignard, L. Remarques sur la communication faite par M. Fayod dans la seance dn 26 Decembre, 1891, sur la structure du proto- plasme. C.R. Soc. Biol, iv, p. 1. 218. . Remarques au sujet de la deuxieme note de M. Fayod sur la structure du protoplasme. T. c. pp. 62-64. 219. ° . Neue Studien fiber die Befruchtung. Vergleichung der bei Pflanzen und Thieren beobachteten morphologischen Erscheinungen. Nat. Rundschau, vii, pp. 282 & 283, figg. 220. ^Guinard, L. Precis de teratologie. Anomalies et monstruosites chez Thomme et chez les animaux. Precede d’une preface par Cam, Dareste. Paris : 8vo, xxiii & 553 pp., 272 figg. 221. Guitel, F. Sur l’ovaire et l'oeuf du Gobius minutus. C.R. cxiv, pp. 612-616. 222. * . Observations sur les moeurs du Gobius minutus . Arch. Z. esper. x, pp. 499-555, 1 pi. Haacke, W. [See Brehm (73).] 223. Haase, S. Untersuch ungen fiber die Mimicry auf Grundlage eines natfirlichen Systems der Papilioniden. Biblioth. Zool. (Leuckart & Chun). Cassel : 4to, Heft viii, Theil ii, pp. 1-98, 12 pis., 9 figg. 224. Hjeckel, E. Plankton-Composition. Vorlafifige Mittheilung. Jen. Z. Nat. xxvii, pp. 559-566. 225. Hacker, V. Die Eibildung bei Cyclops und Canthocamptus. Zool. Jahrb. (Abth. Anat.) vi, pp. 211-248, 1 pi. 226. . Die heterotypische Kerntheilung im Cyclus der generativen Zellen. Ber. Ges. Freiburg, vi, pp. 160-193, 3 pis. 227. . Die Kernteilungsvorgange bei der Mesoderm- und Ento- dermbildung von Cyclops. Arch. mikr. Anat. xxxix, pp. 556-581 2 pis. 228. . Ueber specifische Variation bei Arthropoden, im Besonderen fiber die Schutzanpassungen bei Rrabben. Ber. Ges. Freiburg, vi, pp. 90-100. 16 Gen. Sub. I. GENERAL SUBJECTS. 229. Hallex, P. Snr l’origine vraisemblablement teratologique de deux especes de Triclades. C.R. cxiv, pp. 1125-1128 ; Rev. Sci. xlix, pp. 697 & 698. 230. ^Halliburton, W. D. Lehrbuch der chemisclien Physiologie und Pathologie. Unter Mitwirkung des Yerfassers deutsch bearbeitet von K. Kaiser. Heidelberg : 8vo, 12 & 883 pp., 100 figg. 231. j::'Hamann, 0. Entwicklungslehre und Darwinismus. Eine kritische Darstellung der modernen Entwicklungslehre und ihrer Erklarungs- versuche mit besonderer Beriicksicbtigung der StelluDg des Mensehen in der Natur. Jena : 8vo, xix & 304 pp., 16 figg. 232. Hansemann, D. Ueber die Anaplasie der Geschwulstzellen und die asymmetrische Mitose. Arch, pathol. Anat. cxxix, pp. 436-449. 233. . Ueber Centrosomen und Attractiouspharen in ruhenden Zelleu. Anat. Anz. viii, pp. 57-59. 234. Hartog, M. M. On Rabl’s Doctrine of the Personality of the Segments of the Nucleus, and Weismann’s “ Idant ” Theory of Here- dity. Rep. Brit. Ass. 1892, pp. 742-744. 235. Hatschek, B. Zur Metamerie der Wirbeltiere. Anat. Anz. viii, pp. 89-91. 236. ""Hauptmann, C. Beitrage zu einer dynamischen Theorie der Lebewesen. Bd. i. Die Metaphysik in der modernen Physiologie. Dresden : 8vo, vii & 388 pp. 237. Haycraft, J. B. Development of Vertebrate Muscle. First Origin of Vertebrate Fibres. Further Growth. J. Physiol, xiii, pp. 16-18. 238. HeideNhain, M. Ueber die Riesenzellen des Knochenmarkes und ihre Centralkorper. SB. Ges. Wurzb. 1892, pp. 130-133. 239. -. Ueber Kern und Protoplasma. In Festschr.-Koelliker, pp. 109-166, 3 pis. Heider, K. [See Korschelt & Heider (306).] 240. Heim, F. La zoologie et la medecine. Rev. Sci. 1, pp. 737-743. 241. . Sur la matiere colorante bleue du sang des Crustaces. C.R. cxiv, pp. 771-774. 242. . Sur les pigments des oeufs des Crustaces. C.R. Soc. Biol, iv, pp. 467-470. Re Colouration. 243. -"Heincke, F. Variability und Bastardbildung bei Cyprinoiden. Festschr. Leuckart. pp. 65-73, 3 figg. 244. Heller, K. M. Ein beachtenswerther Fall von Mimicry. Ent. Nachr. (Karsch) xviii, pp. 183-185. Helmholz, H. von. [Festschrift : see Engelmann and others (154).] TITLES. Gen. Sub. 17 245. Henking, H. Untersuchungen iiber die ersten Entwicklungs- vorgange in den Eiern der Insecten. in. Specielles und Allge- meines. Z. wiss. Zool. liv, pp. 1-274, 12 pis., 12 figg. 246. . Kfinstliche Nachbildung von Kernteiiungsfiguren. Arch. mikr. Anat. xli, pp. 28-39, 1 pi. 247. *Henneguy, F. Classification des oeufs des animanx basee sur leur constitution. C.P. Soc. Philom. 1891-92, pp. 1 & 2. 248. °Henneguy, L. F. Essai de classification des oeufs des animaux au point de vue embryogenique. Bull. Soc. Philom. iv, pp. 37-44. 249. Herbst, C. Experimented Untersuchungen fiber den Einfiuss der veranderten chemischen Zusammensetzung des umgebenden Mediums auf die Entwicklung der Thiere. i Theil. Yersuche an Seeigeleiern. Z. wiss. Zool. lv, pp. 446-518, 2 pis. 250. Herdman, W. A. Pules of Nomenclature. Nature, xlvi, pp. 417 & 418. 251. Hericourt, J. La medication de M. Brown-Sequard. Pev. Sci. 1, pp. 817-821. 252. °Herrick, C. L. Metamerism of the Vertebrate Head. J. Comp. Neurol, i (1891), pp. 203 & 204. 253. ° . Histogenesis and Physiology of the Nervous Elements. Op. cit. ii, pp. 137-149. . [See also Brooks & Herrick (78).] 254. Hertwig, 0. Text-Book of the Embryology of Man and Mam- mals. Trans, from 3rd German Ed. by E. L. Mark. London : 8vo, 660 pp., 339 figg., 2 col. pis. 255. . Urmund und Spina bifida, eine vergleichend-morphologische, teratologische Studie an missgebildeten Froscheiern. Arch, mikr. Anat. xxxvii, pp. 353-503, 3 pis. 256. . Die Zelle und die Gewebe. Grundzfige der allgemeinen Anatomie et Physiologie. Erster Theil. Jena : 8vo, xi & 296 pp., 168 figg. 257. # . Altere und neuere Entwickelungs-Theorien. Berlin : 8vo, 35 pp. 258. Hertwig, R. Lehrbuch der Zoologie. Teil ii. Jena : 8vo, pp. vii & 321-588, figg. 315-568. 259. Ueber Befruchtung und Conjugation. Yerh. deutsch. Zool. Ges. ii, pp. 95-112. 260. His, W. Zur allgemeinen Morphologic des Gehirns. Arch. Anat. Phys. (Anat. Abth.) 1892, pp. 346-383, 36 figg. 261. — . Die Entwickelung der menschlichen und tierischen Phy- siognomien. T. c. pp. 384-421, 51 figg. 18 Gen. Sub. I. GENERAL SUBJECTS. 262. [His, W.] Zur Nomenclatur des Gehirns und Ruckenmarks. Arch. Anat. Phys. (Anat. Abth.) 1892, pp. 425-428. 263. Hodgkinson, A. Iridescent Colours. Nature, xlvi, pp. 92-94. 264. Holborow, A. Evolution and Scripture. London: 8vo, 338 pp. 265. Holt, E. W. L. North Sea Investigations. J. Mar. Biol. Ass. ii (1892), pp. 216-219, 363-393, & 399-404. Re Reproduction of Fishes. 266. Hopkins, F. G. [Letter to Nature.] Pigments of Lepidoptera. Nature, xlv, p. 581. Cf. Coste, t. c. p. 605, and Meldola, ibidem. 267. Hornell, J. [Letter to Nature.] A Strange Commensalism — Sponge and Annelid. Op. cit. xlvii, p. 78. 268. Horsley, V. The Structure and Functions of the Brain and Spinal Cord. Being the Fullerian Lectures for 1891. London and Philadelphia : 8vo, 229 pp., illustr. 269. Horvath, — -. Sur l’existence des series paralleles dans le cycle biologique des Pemphigiens. C.R. cxiv, pp. 842-844. 270. Houssay, F. Sur la theorie des feuillets et le parablaste. T. c. pp. 1128-1130. 271. Hudson, W. H. The Naturalist in La Plata. London : 8vo, 383 pp., illustr. 272. Hudson, G. V. Instances of Instinct in Insects. Tr. N. Z. Inst, xxiv, pp. 354-358. 273. Hurst, C. H. Biological Theories, i. The Nature of Heredity. Nat. Sci. i, pp. 502-507 & 578-587. — . [See also Marshall, A. M., & Hurst (341).] 274. Hutchinson, H. N. Extinct Monsters : a Popular Account of some of the Larger Forms of Ancient Animal Life. London : 8vo, 234 pp., numerous illustr. 275. Huxley, T. H. Essays upon some Controverted Questions. London : 8vo, 616 pp. 276. H. W. [Letter to Nature.] On the Attitudes of the Zebra during sleep, and their Influence on the Protective Value of its Stripes. Nature, xlv, p. 248. 277. Imiiof, O. E. Programm zu einer monographischen Bcarbeitung eines grosseren Sees, enthaltend die verschiedenen Gesichtspunkte, deren eingehendes Studium zur Erkenntnis der Existenzbedingungen des gesammten organischen Lebens der Seen nothwendig ist. Biol. Centralbl. xii, pp. 512-521. 278. . Die Zusammensetzung der pelagischen Fauna der Siisswasser- becken. Biol. Centralbl. xii, pp. 171-182 & 200-205. TITLES. Gen. Sub. 19 279. [IiiHOP, 0. E.] Yorlaufige notiz fiber die Lebensverhaltnisse und Existenz-bedingungen der pelagischen und Tiefsee- Flora und Fauna der Seen. T. c. pp. 521-523. 280. . Les conditions de milieu dans les lacs d’eau douce. Rev. Sci. I, pp. 497-500. 281. . Considerations generates sur la faune des Invertebres de la Suisse. C.R. Soc. helv. Sci. Nat. lxxiv, pp. 56-66. 282. ° . Ueber das Leben und die Lebensverhaltnisse zugefrorener Seen. MT. Aargau. nat. Ges. 1892, pp. 42-58. Cf. Beitrago zur Fauna der Schweiz. Thierwelt der Stehenden Gewasser. T. c. pp. 59-110. 283. Ischikawa, C. Studies on Reproductive Elements, i. Spermato- genesis, Ovogenesis, and Fertilisation in Diaptomus. J. Coll. Sci. Japan, v, pp. 1-34, 1 pi. 284. °Jacquart, E. Ce qu’il faut penser de ^intelligence des animaux. Lyon : 8vo, 62 pp. 285. °Jarisch, — . Ueber die Bildung des Pigmentes in den Oberhaut- zellen. Arch. Dermatol, xxiv, pp. 223 & 224, 1 pi. Re Colouration. 286. Jensen, P. Ueber den Geotropismus niederer Organismen. Arch, ges. Physiol, liii, pp. 428-480, 13 figg. 287. . Methode der Beobachtung und Yivisection von Infusorien in Gelatinelosung. Biol. Centralbl. xii, pp. 556-560. 288. Johns, B. G. The Protective Colour iu Animals. Nineteenth Century, xxxii, pp. 454-469. 289. Johnson, H. P. Amitosis in the Embryonal Envelopes of the Scorpion. Bull. Mus. C. Z. xxii, pp. 127-161, 3 pis. 290. Joseph, G. L’influence de l’eclairage sur la disjunction des organes visuels, leur reduction, leur atrophie complete, et leur compensation chez les animaux cavernicoles. Bull. Soc. Z. Fr. xvii, pp. 121-125. 291. ^Keller, C. Alpentiere im Wechsel der Zeit. (Marshall’s Zool. Yortrage.) Leipzig : 8vo, 48 pp. 292. Kennel, J. yon. Mimicry bei kleinen Insecten. Ent. Nachr. xviii, pp. 159 & 160. 293. . Questions proposees par M. le Prof. Cosmovici : 1. Sur une division definitive du regne animal en u phyla, ’’ division basee sur les recherches morpho-embryologiques. 2. Fondement naturel d’un systeme du type des vers. 3. Uniformite de la terminologie des organes secretaires des vers. Congres Internat. Zool. ii, pt. 1, pp. 68-73. 294. Kipling, J. L. Beast and Man in India. New Edition. London : 8vo, 356 pp., illustr. 20 Gen. Sub. I. GENERAL SUBJECTS. 295. Knauthe, K. Ueber vererbte Yerstiimmelungen. Zool. Anz. xv, p. 5. 296. . Ueber Melanismus bei Fiscken. T. c. p. 25. 297. Kochs, VV. Ueber die Yorgange beim Einfrieren und Austrocknen von Tieren und Pflanzensamen. Biol. Centralbl. xii, pp. 330-339. 298. °Kocks, J. Ueber die Korrelation des Wachstums der rudimen- taren organe und ihres Mutterbodens. Yerh, Deuts. Gres. Gynakol, iv, Kongress, pp. 425-432. 299. Kcenig-W arthausen, Frhr. R. Ueber die Farbung der Yogeleier und fiber spate Yogelbruten, JH. Yer. Wfirtt. xlviii, pp. 63-65. 300. *K5hncke, H. Thier und Mensch. Plaudereien aus dem Zoolo- gischen Garten. Part 1, 66 pp. Hamburg : 8vo. 301. Kolliker, A. von. Nervenzellen und Nervenfasern. Biol, Centralbl. xii, pp. 33-51. 302. ■ — — . Ueber die Entwickelung der Elemente des Nervensystems, contra Beard und Dohrn. Yerh. Anat. Ges. vi (1892), pp. 76-78. , [Festschrift ; see Schultze and others (458),] 303. YKoppen, M. Beitrage zur vergleichenden Anatomie des Central- nervensystems derWirbelthiere. Zur Anatomie des Eidechsengehirns. Morph. Arb. (Schwalbe), i, pp. 496-515, 3 pis. 304. Kohl, C. Rudimentare Wirbeltieraugen. Teil I. Bibl. Zool, Heft 13, 143 pp., 9 pis. 305. *Korschelt, E. Entwicklungsmeckanische Studien. Nat. Rund- schau, vii, pp. 11, 12, & 89. 306. Korschelt, E., & Heider, K. Lehrbuch der vergleichenden Entwicklungsgeschichte der wirbellosen Thiere. Part ii. Jena : 8vo, pp. 309-908, 315 figg. 307. °Kostanecki, K. von. Ueber die Schicksale der Centralspindel bei karyokinetischer Zellteilung. Anat. Hefte ii, pp. 249-268, 36 figg. 308. YKostanecki, Y. von. Ueber Kernteilung bei Riesenzellen nach Beobachtungen an der embryonalen Saugetierleber. Anat. Hefte i, pp. 323-352, 20 figg. 309. ^Krapelin, K. Die Brutpflege der Thiere (Sammlnng Yortr. Yirchow und Wattenbach). Hamburg : 8vo, 26 pp. 310. Krasser, F. Zur Structur des ruhenden Zellkerns. SB. Ak. Wien, ci, pp. 560-583. 311. Kromayer, E. Die Protopiasmafaserung der Epithelzelle. Arch, mikr. Anat. xxxix (1892), pp. 141-150, 1 pi. 312. Krummel, O. Reisebeschreibung der Plankton-Expedition nebst Einleitung von Y. Hensen, und Vorberichten von Dahl, Apstein, Lohmann, Borgert, Schiitt, und Brandt. Mit 100 figg. in Text, sowie 5 Karten, u. 1 Photogravure. Kiel u. Leipzig : 4to, 370 pp. TITLES. Gen. Sub. 21 313. Kunckel d’Herculais. Le Criquet pelerin (Schistocerca peregrina, Oliv.), et ses changements de coloration. Role des pigments dans les phenomenes d’histolyse et d’histogenese qui accompagnent la metamorphose. C.R. cxiv, pp. 240-242. Re Colouration. 314. *Kupffer, C. yon. The Development of the Cranial Nerves of Vertebrates. J. Comp. Neurol, i (1891), pp. 246-264. 315. CsLaborde, J. V. Traite elementaire de Physiologie. Paris : 8vo, 387 pp., 25 pis., 130 figg. 316. °Lameere, A. Esquisse de la Zoologie. Bruxelles: 12mo, 302 pp. Landi, L. [See Gautier & Landi (188-191).] 317. °L AN DO IS, H. Die Ernahrung der Larven und Embryonen ist bestimmend fur die Eustehung der Geschlechter. Nat. Wochenschr, vii, p. 170. 318. Lang, A. Lehrbuch der vergleichenden Anatomie zum Gebrauche bei vergleichend anatomischen und zoologischen Yorlesungen. 3 Abth. Jena : 8vo, pp. 567-870, 219 figg. Translation of previous parts into English (H. M. & M. Bernard), and into French (G. Curtel). 319. . Die Asymmetrie der Gastropoden. Viert. Ges. Zurich, xxxvi (1891), pp. 339-371, 22 figg. 320. °Lataste, F. Indications nouvelles et reponse a une reclamation de priorite, 5 propos de sa publication : Pourquoi, dans le meme type de Vertebres la masse relative de l’encephale varie en sens inverse de la masse du corps. Act. Soc. Sci. Chili, i, pp. 35-38. 321. La Valette, St. George. Ueber innere Zwitterbildung beim Flusskrebs. Arch. mikr. Auat. xxxix, pp. 504-524, 1 pi. 322. Lea, A. Sheridan. The Chemical Basis of the Animal Body : an Appendix to Foster’s Text-book of Physiology. London : 8vo, 266 pp. 323. Lebrun, H. Les centrosomes dans l’oeuf de YAscaris megaloce- phcila. Anat. Anz. vii, pp. 627 & 628. 324. Leuckart, R. Festschrift zum siebenzigsten Geburtstage Rudolf Leuckarts. Dem verehrten Jubilar dargebracht von seinen dank- baren Schulern. Leipzig : 4to, xv & 413 pp., 40 pis., 43 figg., and portrait. 325. Lilienfeld, L., & Monti, Achille. Sulla localizzazione micro- chimica del fosforo nei tessuti. Alti Acc. Rom. 1892, pp. 354-358. 326. Locard, A. L’influence du milieu sur la variation. Rev. Sci. xlix, pp. 724-726. 22 Gen. Sub. T. GENERAL SUBJECTS. 327. Looss, A. Schmarotzerthum in der T bier welt, (Marshall’s Vor- trage.) Leipzig : 8vo, 180 pp. Loria, A. [See Morselli (366),] 328. °Lothes, R. Praeparirmethodik. Eine Anleitung zu den anato- mischen Uebungen fiir die Studierenden der Thiermedicin, Berlin : 8vo, vi & 135 pp., 8 pis. 320. °Lwoff, W. Gegonwartiger Stand der Frage von der Polyspermie (Russian). Rev. Sci. Nat. St. Petersb. iii, pp. 23-30. 330. Lydekker, R. Phases of Animal Life : Past and Present, Lon- don : 8vo, 234 pp. 332. McKendrick, J. G. Life in Motion ; or Muscle and Nerve. London and Edinburgh : 8vo, xiii & 202 pp., 81 figg. 333. McMurrich, J. P. Definite versus Fortuitous Variation. [Dis- cussion.] Am. Nat. xxvi, pp. 85-91. 334. '^Macpherson, A. H. Albinism in Birds and Mammals. Zool, xvi, p. 191. 335. Mann, G. The Functions, Staining Reactions, and Structure of Nuclei. Rep. Brit. Ass. 1892, pp. 753 & 754. 336. , The Origin of Sex. T. c , pp. 756 & 757. 337. Marchal, P, Notes sur La Vie et les Moeurs des Insectes: observa- tions sur Y Ammophila affiyiis. Kirby. Arch. Z. exper. x, pp. 23-36, Re Instinct. 338. ^Marenzeller, E. von. Das Heim der Tiefseethiere. Schr, Yer. Verbr. nat. Kenntn. Wien, Bd. xxxii, pp. 149-177. 339. *Marey, J. La Photographie du mouvement. Avec chromo- photographies originales reproduces en photogravures sans interven- tion de la main humaine. Paris : 8vo, 90 pp. Mark, E. L. [See Hertwig, O. (254).] 340. Marshall, A. Milnes. Descriptive Catalogue of the Embryo- logical Models, Manchester Museum. Manchester : 8vo, 160 pp. 341. Marshall, A. M., & Hurst, C. H. A Junior Course of Practical Zoology. 3rd Edition. London : 8vo, 502 pp., figg. 342. Marshall, W. Das Thema der Flughautbildungen von einem allgemeinen Gesichtspunkte. SB. Ges. Leipzig, xvii-xviii Jhg. pp. 11-13. 343. °Matthiesen,L. Die neueren Fortschritte in unserer Kenntniss von dem optischen Baue des Auges der Wirbelthiere. Hamburg and Leipzig : 8vo, 63 pp., 2 pis. From Festschrift Helmholtz. TITLES. Gen . Sub. 23 Mattieu- Williams, W. [See Romanes (435).] 344. Meehan, T. Definite versus Fortuitous Variation. [Discussion.] Am. Nat. xxvi, pp. 85-91. Meldola, R. [See Hopkins (266).] 345. °Meltzer, S. J. On the Importance of Vibration to Cell Life. New York Med. J. v, pp. 708-712. 346. Merrifield, F. Double-broodedness : whether influenced by the state of the food-plant ? Ent. M. M. xxviii, pp. 20 & 21. 347. Metschnikoff, E. Lecons sur la Pathologie comparee de l’inflam- mation faites a l’lnstitut Pasteur en Avril et Mai, 1891. Paris : 8vo, 1892, 235 pp., 65 fi gg., 13 col. pis. 348. . La Lutte pour l’existence entre les diverses parties de l’organisme. Rev. Sci. 1, pp. 321-326. 349. Miall, L. 0. The Surface-Film of Water, and its relation to the life of Plants and Animals. Nature, xlvi, pp. 7-11. 350. Michael, A. D. On the Variations in the Internal Anatomy of the Gcimasince , especially in that of the genital organs, and on their mode of coition. Tr. L. S. v, pp. 281-324, 4 pis. 351. Miles, Manly. Heredity of Acquired Characters. P. Am. Ass. xli, pp. 202-211. 352. . Heredity of Acquired Characters. Am. Nat. xxvi, pp. 887-900. 353. Mineryini, R. Contributo alia Morfologia del! adattamento fun- zionale degli organi: particolarita di struttura delle arterie della cute. Boll. Soc. Nat. Napoli, vi, pp. 138-152, 1 pi. 354. Mingazzini, P. L’Oolisi nella Seps chalcides. Atti [Rend.] Acc. Rom. 1892, pp. 41-45. Cf Mon. Zool. iii, pp. 8 & 9. 355. Minot, C. S. Human Embryology. New York : 8vo, xxiii & 815 pp., 463 figg. Re Generalities. 356. Mitchell, P. C. Death. Nat. Sci. i, pp. 434-441. Miyart, St. George. [See Dixon (127).] 357. i::;MoBius, K. Die Thiergebiete der Erde, ihre karfcographische Abgrenzung und museologische Bezeichnung. Nat. Wochenschr. vii, pp. 107 & 108. Monti, A. [See Liliexfeld & Monti (325).] 358. Monticelli, F. S. Sul nucleo vitellino del uova dei Trematodi. Boll. Soc. Nat. Napoli, vi, pp. 5-8. 359. ° . Richerche snlla spermatogenesi nei Trematodi. Month. Int. J. Anat. Hist, ix, pp. 112-118 & 121-149, 2 pis. 1892. [yol. xxix.] b 5 24 Gen. Sub. I. GENERAL SUBJECTS. 360. Moore, J. E. S. On tlie Relationships and Role of Arehoplasm during Mitosis in the Larval Salamander. Q. J. Micr. Sci. xxxiv, 1892, pp. 181-197, 1 pi. 361. * . On the Relationships and Role of the Archoplasmic Body during Mitosis in the Larval Salamander. Rep. Brit. Ass. 1892, pp. 755 & 756. 362. Morgan, C. Lloyd. The Method of Comparative Psychology. T. c. pp. 754 & 755. 363. . Factors in the Evolution of Mammals. Nat. Sci, i, pp. 97-101. . [See also Dixon (127).] 364. Morgan, T. H. Spiral Modification of Metamerism. J. Morph, vii, pp. 245-251, 3 figg. 365. Morris, C. The Origin of Lungs, a chapter in Evolution. Am. Nat. xxvi, pp. 975-986. 366. ^Morselli, E. Carlo Darwin e il Darwinismo nelle Scienze biologiche e sociali. Scritti vari di G-. Canestrini, G. Cattaneo, A. Loria, &c. Milano : 8vo, 312 pp. 367. Moseley, H. N. Notes by a Naturalist : an Account of Observa- tions made during the Yoyage of H.M.S. “ Challenger.” New and revised edition, with map, portrait, and woodcuts, and a brief memoir of the author. London : 8vo, 562 pp. 368. ""Motto, Coco A. Leggendo Darwin : contributo-psicologico. Napoli : 8vo, 16 pp. 369. 4:;sMuller, J. Ueber Gamophagie. Ein Yersuch zum weiteren Ausbau der Theorie der Befruehtung und Yererbung. Stuttgart : 8vo, 64 pp. 370. ^Nadaillac, le Marquis de. Intelligence et Instinct. Paris : 8vo, 79 pp. 371. Nagel, W. Beobachtungen fiber das Yerhalten einiger wirbelloser Thiere gegen galvanische und faradische Reizung. Arch. ges. Phys, lii, pp. 624-631. 372. . Fortgesetze Beobachtungen fiber polare galvanische Reizung bei Wasserthiercn. Op. cit. liii, pp. 332-347. 373. Nathusius, W. yon. Die fibrillare Structur der Hornzellen der Haare. Zool. Anz. xv, pp. 395-400, 9 figg. 374. ^Neumann, L. G. Treatise on the Parasites and Parasitic Diseases of the Domestic Animals. Traits, and ed. by G. Fleming. London : 8vo, 812 pp., 365 figg. 375. °Neyiani, A. Riproduzione animale e vegetale. Rev. Ital. Sci. Nat. xii, pp. 86-88, 101, 102, 105-109, 134-136, & 137-141. TITLES. Gen. Sub. 25 376. Nicolas, A. Les spheres attractives et le fuseau achromatique dans le testicule adulte, dans la glande genitale et le rein embryon- naires de la Salamandre. C.R. Soc. Biol, iv (1892), pp. 472-477. 377. . Les spermatogonies chez la Salamandre d’hiver (noyanx polymorphes ; sphere attractive, division directe). C.R. Soc. Biol, iv, pp. 590-595. 378. ^Norman, A. M. Museum Normanicum, or a Catalogue of the Invertebrata of Europe, and the Arctic and North Atlantic Oceans, which are contained in the Collection of the Rev. Canon A. M. Norman, vn. Spongozoa. vill. Rhizopoda. Printed for private dis- tribution. Durham : 8vo, 21 pp. 379. Nussbaum, M. Beitrage zur Lehre von der Fortpflanzung und Yererbung. Arch. mikr. Anat. xli, pp. 129-145. 380. Nutting, C. C. What is an “Acquired character”? Am. Nat. xxvi, pp. 1009-1013. 381. Oka, A. Die periodische Regeneration der oberen Korperhalfte bei den Diplosomiden. Biol. Centralbl. xii, pp. 265-268. 382. Olivier, L. On the Canalisation of Cells, and the Continuity of Living Matter in Plants and Animals. Rep. Brit. Ass. 1892, pp. 792 & 793. 383. Oppel, A. Die Befruchtung des Reptilieneies. Arch. mikr. Anat. xxxix, pp. 215-290, 4 pis. 384. . Unsere Kenntniss von der Enstehung der roten und weissen Blutkorperchen. Zusammenfassendes Referat. Centralbl. Pathol, iii, pp. 193-217 & 241-259. See for notice of various papers on this subject, not included in this record. 385. Osborn, H. F. The Difficulties in Hereditary Theory. Am. Nat. xxvi, pp. 537-567. 386. . Heredity and the Oerm Cells. T. c. pp. 642-670. 387. ^Osborn, H. L. The Protozoa — a Phylum of the Animal Kingdom considered Biologically. Am. Micr. J. xiii, pp. 233-243, 1 pi. 388. . Introduction to Elementary Biology. Op. cit. xii, pp. 241- 243 ; xiii, pp. 9-11 & 26-28. 389. Passy, J. La photographie du mouvement. Rev. Sci. xlix, pp. 17-20. 390. Pearson, K. The Grammar of Science. London : 8vo, pp. Pechuel-Loesciie. [See Brehm (73).] 391. Perenyi, J. Die Enstehung des Mesoderms. Math. nat. Ber. Uug. viii, pp. 272-278, 2 pis. 392. cPerrier, Remy. Elements d’anatomie comparee. Paris : 8vo, 1200 pp., 600 figg., 8 col. pis. 26 Gen. Sub. I. GENERAL SUBJECTS. 393. *Perrier, E. Traite cie Zoologie. 1 Partie. Zoologie generale, Protozoaires et Phytozoaires. Paris : 8vo, vii & 865 pp., 700 figg. 394. Petersen, W. Ueber die Ungleichzeitigkeit in der Erscheinung der Geschlechter bei Schmetterlingen. Zool. Jahrb. (Abth. Syst. Geog. Biol.), vi, pp. 671-679. 395. Philippon, G. Eifets de la decompression brusque sur les animaux places dans Pair comprime. C.R. cxv, pp. 186-188. 396. Pictet, C. Spermatogenese et Fecondation chez les Animaux Invertebres. Arch. Phys. Nat. xxvii, pp. 175-214 \cf. same in MT. z. Sfcat. Neap, x (1891), pp. 75-152, 2 pis.]. 397. Plateau, F. La ressemblance protectrice dans le regne animal. Bull. Ac. Belg. xxiii, pp. 89-135. 398. Pcehl, A. Action physiologique de la spermine. Interpretation de ses eflrets sur l’organisme. C.R. cxv, pp. 129-132. 399. . Du r61e de la spermine dans les oxydations intra-organiques, T. q. pp. 518-521. 400. °Posner, C. Weitere Notiz zur Chemie des Samens. CB. med. Wiss. 1892, pp. 225 & 226. 401. Pouchet, G. Sur la formation du pigment melanique. C.R. Soc, Biol, iv, p. 516. 402. Poulton, E. B. Further Experiments upon the Colour-relation between certain Lepidopterous larvae, pup®, cocoons, and imagines, and their surroundings. Tr. E. Soc. 1892, pp, 293-487, pis. xiv & xv. . [See also Bateson (34).] 403. Prenant, A. Sur la signification de la cellule accessoire du testicule et sur la comparaison morphologique des elements du testicule et de l’ovaire. J. de 1’Anat. Phys. xxviii, pp. 292-321 & 529-562. 404. — — . Contribution a l’etude de la division cellulaire. Le corps intermediare de Flemming dans les cellules seminales de la Scolo- pendre et de la Lithobie. Arch. Phys. xxiv, pp. 295-310, 1 pi. 405. . Le corps intermediare de Flemming dans les cellules semi- nales de la Scolopendre et de la Lithobie. C.R. Soc. Biol, iv, pp. 172- 176. 406. . Le corpuscle central d’E. van Beneden dans les cellules seminales de la Scolopendre. T. c. pp. 221-225. 408. * . L’origine du fuseau achromatique nucleaire dans les cellules seminales de la Scolopendre. T. c. pp. 219 -253. 409. Quatrefages, A. de. Darwin et ses precurseurs fran9ais. Etude sur le transformisme. 2 Ed. rev. et augm. Paris : 8vo, 299 pp. TITLES. Gen. Sub. 27 410. Rabl, C. Theorie des Mesoderm (Fortsetzung). Morph. JB. xix, pp. 65-144, 4 pis., 3 figg. 411. . Ueber die Metamerie des Wirbeltierkopfes. Yerh. Anat. Ges. vi (1892), pp. 101—135, 1 pi., 4 figg. 412. ~Raillet, A. Parasites animaux. Les parasites transmissibles des animaux a l’homme envisages specialement an point de vue de la prophylaxie. Paris : 8vo, 48 pp. 413. Randolph, H. The Regeneration of the Tail in Lumbriculus. J. Morph, vii, pp. 317-344, 4 pis. General considerations as to regeneration. 414. *Ranvier, L. Le systeme vascnlaire. J. Microgr. xv, pp. 295-303, and xvi, pp. 135-142. 415. ° . Les elements et les tissus du systeme conjonctif (Suite). Op. cit. xv, pp. 321-326. 416. Raspail, X. Description d’une serie de pontes d’Oiseaux au point de vue de la coloration et de la forme des oeufs. Mem. Soc. Zool. v, pp. 174-189. 417. . A propos de l’origine de la couleur des oeufs des Oiseaux. Bull. Soc. Z. Fr. xvii, pp. 212-218. 418. Rath, 0. vom. Kritik einiger Falle von scheinbarer Yererbung von Yerletzungen. Ber. Ges. Freiburg, vi, pp. 101-113. 419. * . Zur Kenntnis der Spermatogenese von Gryllotalpa vulgaris , Latr., mit besonderer Beriicksichtigung der Frage der Reduktions- teilung. Arch. mikr. Anat. xl, pp. 102-132, 2 pis. 420. cRawitz, B. Compendium der vergleichenden Anatomie. Leipzig: 8vo, v & 272 pp., 90 figg. 421. Reichenow, A. Handworterbuch der Zoologie, Anthropologie, und Ethnologie. Bd. vi. Breslau : 8vo, 571 pp., figg. 422. *Repiachoff, W. Ueber die Gastrulation der Wirbeltiere nebst Bemerkungen fiber die Homologie der Keimblatter der Metazoen. [Russian.] Mem. Soc. Nat. Nouv. Russ, xvii, 24 pp. 423. 0Retterer, E. Anatomie et Physiologie animales. Paris : 16mo, 590 pp., illustr. 424. Retzius, G. Biologische Untersuchungen. NeueFolge. Stockholm and Leipzig : 4to, ii, 53 pp., 16 pis. ; iii, 68 pp., 23 pis. ; iv, 70 pp., 29 pis. 425. Riley, C. Y. Fortuitous Yariation. Abstract. Am. Nat. xxvi, pp. 861-863. 426. . The transmission of Acquired Characters through Heredity. Abstract. Nature, xlvi, pp. 504 & 505. 427. Ritzema-Bos, J. Zoologie ffir Landwirthe. Berlin : 8vo, viii & 182 pp., 149 figg. 28 Gen. Suh . I. GENERAL SUBJECTS. 428. Robinson, A. The Nutritive Importance of the Yolk-sac. J. Anat. Phys. xxvi, pp. 308-323, 1 pi. 429. Roemer, F. Die chemische Reizharkeit tierischer Zellen. Arch. Pathol, cxxviii, pp. 98-131, 1 pi. 430. Rohde, E. Muskel und Nerv. i. Ascaris. ir. Mermis und Amphi- oxus. hi. Gordius. Zool. Beitr. iii, pp. 69-106, 6 pis.; pp. 161-182, 4 pis.; pp. 183-192. General Histology. 431. . Muskel und Nerve bei Nematoden. SB. Ak. Beilin, 1892, pp. 515-526. General Histology. 432. . Muskel und Nerve bei Mermis und Amphioxus. SB. Ak. Berlin, 1892, pp. 659-664. 433. Romanes, G. J. Darwin, and after Darwin : an Exposition of the Darwinian Theory, and a Discussion of Post-Darwinian Questions. Vol. i. The Darwinian Theory. London : 8vo, 430 pp , illustrated. 434. — — . Darwin und nach Darwin. Eine Darstellung der Darwin’schcn Theorie, und Erorterung Darwinistischer Streitfragen. Bd. i. Die Darwin’sche Theorie aus d. Engl, von B. Yetter. Leipzig : 8vo, vii & 542 pp., 1 portrait, 124 figg. 435. . [Letter to Nature.] The Migration of the Lemming. Nature, xlv, p. 248. Cf Crotch, t. c. p. 294, and Mattieu- Williams, t. c. p. 295. 436. Roule, L. L’Embryologie generate. Paris: 16mo, xiv & 510 pp., 121 figs. 437. . Les affinites zoologiques des Yertebres. Rev. Sci. xlix, pp. 588-594. 438. Roux, W. Ueber das entwickelungsmechanische Yermogen jeder der beiden ersten Furchungszellen des Eies. Yerh. Anat. Ges. vi, 1892, pp. 22-62. 439. . Beitrag zur Entwicklungsmechanik des Embryo. Ueber die morphologische Polarisation von Eiern und Embryonen durch den elektrischen Strom, sowie fiber die Wirkung des elektrischen Strom auf die Richtung des ersten Theilung des Eies. SB. Ak. Wien, ci, pp. 27-234, 3 pis ; Ber. Nat. Med. Yer. Innsbruck, xx, pp. 3-57. 440. Ruckert, J. Zur Entwickelungsgeschichte des Ovarialeies bei Selachiern. Anat. Anz. vii, pp. 107-158, 6 figs. 441. . Ueber physiologische Polyspermie bei meroblastischer Wir- beltiereiern. Yerh. Anat. Ges. vii, pp. 320-333, 2 figs. 442. =. Ueber die Yerdoppelung der Chromosomen im Keimblaschen des Selachiereies. Anat. Anz. viii, pp. 44-52, 2 figg. TITLES. Gen. Sub. 29 443. Ryder, J. A. On the mechanical genesis of the Scales of Fishes. P. Ac. Philad. 1892, pp. 219-224. 444. . The Principle of the Conservation of Energy in Biological Evolution : a Reclamation and Critique. T. c. pp. 455-468. 445. . A Geometrical Representation of the relative intensity of the Conflict between Organisms. Am. Nat. xxvi, pp. 923-929. 446. Sabatier, A. Essai sur la Yie et la Mort. Paris : 8vo, 277 pp. 447. . La synthese des etres vivants. Rev. Sci. 1, pp. 16-20. 448. Saint-Remy, G. Sur Thistologie de la glande pituitaire. C.R. cxiv, pp. 770 & 771. 449. °Scervini, P. Anatomia dei centri nervosi. Napoli: xii & 356 pp., figg- 450. Schaaffhausen, — . Ueber die Urzeugung. CB. Yei% Rheinl. xlix, pp. 32-40. 451. °Schiller-Tietz, — . Folgen, Bedeutung und Wesen der Blutver- wandtschaft (Inzucht) ini Mensehen-, Thier-, und Pflanzenleben. 2 te verm. u. vollig umgearb. Aufl. Berlin u. Neuwied : 8vo, 94 pp. 452. °Schirschoff, D. J. Ueber die Beziehung der Korperform der Fische zur Stromstarke des von ihnen bewohnten Bassins. Trudui St. Petersburg Est. xxiii, pp. 79-99. 453. Schmidt, H. Schlummernde Zellen im normalen und pathologisch- veranderten Fettgewebe. Arch, pathol. cxxviii, pp. 58-97, 1 pi. 454. °Schmul, A. Ueber das Schicksal des Eisens im thierischen Organismus. Inaug. Diss. Dorpat: 8vo, 28 pp. 455. Schneider, K. C. Zur Frage der Entwicklung des Intellekts. Biol. Centralbl. xii, pp. 30-32. 456. Schneider, R. Yerbreitung und Bedeutung des Eisens im ani- malischen Korper. Yerh. Deutsche Naturf. 64 vers., pp. 111-116. 456a. Schofield, A. T. Elementary Physiology for Students. London: 8vo, xii & 372 pp,, 227 fig?., 2 col. pis. 457. °Schottlander, — . Ueber die Enstehung des Graaf’schen Folli- kels bein Mensehen und seinen Untergang bei Mensch und Sauge- tieren. Z. Geburtshilfe u. Gynakol. xxiv, pp. 312-314. 458. Schultze, O. [and others]. Festschrift Herrn Geheimrath Albert von Koelliker zur Feier seines fiinfzigjahrigen medicinischen Doctor jubilaums gewidmet vom dem anatomisehen Institut der Universitat Wurzburg. (Schultze, O. ; Fick, R. ; Yoll, A.; Scla- vunos, G. ; Heidenhain, M.) Leipzig : fol., 166 pp., 11 pis., 2 figg. 459. °Schulz, P. Ueber die in historischer Zeit ausgestorbenen Thiere. Berlin : 4to, 35 pp., 5 figg. 460. Schulze, F. E. Ueber die Bezeichnung der Lage und Richtung im Thierkorper. SB. nat. Fr. 1892, pp. 43-51. 30 Gen. Sub. I. GENERAL SUBJECTS. 461. Schutt, F. Analytische Plankton Studien. Ziele, Methoden, uud Anfangsresultate der quantitative- analytischen Planktonforschung. Kiel and Leipzig : 8vo, 117 pp., 16 tables, 1 map. 462. 0 S c H we ig E e -L e RC h e n fe ld, A. yon. Das Mikroskop. Leitfadeu des mikroskopischen Technik nach dem lieutigen Standeder theoret- ischen und praktischen Erfahrungen. Wien & Leipzig : 8vo, 144 pp., 91 figg., 13 pis. 463. °Seitz, Ad. Ueber gewisse Eigenthumlichkeiten bei Fortpflanzung einiger Thiere. Ber. Oberhess. Ges. xxviii, pp. 118 & 119. 464. Semon, R. Studien uber den Bauplan des Urogenitalsystems der Wirbeltiere. Dargelegt an der Entwickeluug dieses Organsystems bei Ichthyophis glutmosus. Jen. Z. Nat. xxvi, pp. 89-203, 14 pis. 465. Semper, C. Ueber Farbenverauderung einiger Fiscbe. Arb. Inst. Wiirzb. x, pp. 15—19, 1 pi. 466. *Shaler, N. S. Nature and Man in North America. London : 8 vo, 290 pp. 467. Sicaed, H. L’evolution sexuelle dans l’Espece humaine. Paris ; 8vo, 319 pp., 94 figg. 468. Siegfried, M. Ueber die chemischen Eigenschaf ten des reticulierten Gewebes. Ber. Sachs. Ges. 1892, p. 306. 469. # . Ueber die chemischen Eigenschaf ten des reticulierten Gewebes. Habilit. Schrift. Leipzig : 8vo, 21 pp. 470. SlMROTH, H. Einige Punkte aus der Oekonomie des Weichthier- korpers, ein Kapitel liber Constitution. Leopoldina, xxviii, pp. 100- 102, 121-125, & 141-144. 471. — — . Ueber die Nahrung der Landthiere. SB. Ges. Leipzig, xvii, xviii, Jhrg., pp. 14-17. 472. — . Ueber das Plankton. SB. Ges. Leipzig, Jhrg. 1891-92, pp. 86 & 87. 473. Smith, W. W. Evolution of Colours in the Vanes see. Ent. xxv, pp. 27 & 28. 474. Solger, B. Zelle und Zellkern. (Bd. in. Thiermedizinische Vortrage herausgegeben von G. Schneidemiihl.) Leipzig : 8vo, 61 pp., 1 pi. 475. 0 . Ueber die Architektur der Stiitzsubstanzen. Leipzig : 8vo, 36 pp., 6 figg. 476. Sorel, G. A propos des lois mathematiques de M. Delboeuf. Rev. Sci. xlix, pp. 461-465. 477. Spulee, A. Zur Phylogenie und Ontogenie des Flligelgeaders der Schmetterlinge. Z. wiss. Zool. liii, pp. 597-646, 2 pis. Re Evolution, Eimer’s Theory, &c. 478. Stoll, O. Zur Zoogeographie der landbewohnenden Wirbellosen. Viert. Ges. Zurich, xxxvii, pp. 233-273. TITLES. Gen. Sub. 31 479. Strachley, E. 0. Die Karyomitose bei abnormer Entwicklung des Forelleneies. MT. Erab. Inst. Wien, xii, pp. 20-22. 480. Stricht, van dee. Nouvelles recherches sur la genese des globules rouges et des globules blancs du sang. Arch. Biol, xii, pp. 199-344, 6 pis. 481. . Contribution a l’etude de la sphere attractive. Arch. Biol. xii, pp. 741-763, 1 pi. ; Bull. Ac. Belg. xxiii, pp. 167-192, 1 pi. 482. Suchetet, A. Les Oiseaux hybrides rencontres a l’etat sauvage. 3 Partie. Mem. Soc. Zool. v, pp. 253-525. 483. ^Sussdoef, M. Lelirbuch der vergleichenden Anatomie der Haus- tiere. Stuttgart : 8vo, Lief 2, pp. 161-320, 45 figg. Taschenberg, E. L. [See Brehm (73).] 484. Taschenberg, 0. Historische Entwicklung der Lehre von der Parthenogenesis. Abh. Ges. Halle, xvii, pp. 365-454. 485. . Bibliotheca Zoologica. II. Verzeichniss der Schriften fiber Zoologie, welche in den periodischen Werken enthalten und vom Jahre 1861-1880 selbstandig erschienen sind. Bearb. von 0. Taschenberg. Lief x, Sign. 361-400. Leipzig : 8vo, pp. 2929-3248. 486. Tetens, H. Resultate der anatomischen Untersuchung eines lateralen Zwitters von Smerinthus populi (L.), nebst einiger daran gekniiften allgemeineu Betrachtungen. B. E. Z. xxxvi, pp. 457-466, 1 pi. 487. Thomson, J. A. Outlines of Zoology. Edinburgh : 8vo, xiv & 640 pp., 32 full-page illustrs. 488. . The Study of Animal Life. London : 8vo, xii & 375 pp., figg* . [See also Geddes & Thomson (192).] 489. Thomson, J. A., & Wyld, N. The Facts of Sex in Relation to Metabolism : a Review of some Recent Theories. P. R. Phys. Soc. Edinb. xi, pp. 249-282. 490. Tichomirow, A. Signification des recherches embryologiques pour la classification. Congres. Internat. Zool. ii, part i, pp. 32-48. 491. Todaro, F. Sulla struttura, la maturazione, e la fecondazione dell’ ovo della Seps chalcides. Atti [Rend.] Acc. Rom. vii, pp. 445- 449. Cf. Monit. Zool. Ital. iii, pp. 6-8. 492. 5"!Toralbo, L. Contributo alia conoscenza del nucleo cellulare nelle glandole della pelle degli anfibi. Month. Int. J. Anat. Hist, ix, pp. 89-94, 2 pis. 493. #Tschemen, J. A. Darwinismus, eine Untersuchung der Darwin’- schen Theorie der Abstammung des Menschen. [Russian.] Odessa: 8vo, 508 pp. 32 Qen . Sub. I. GENERAL SUBJECTS. 494. Tylden, H. J. The Bearing of Pathology upon the Doctrine of the Transmission of Acquired Characters. Nature, xlvi, pp. 302- 305. 496. Urech, P. Beobachtungen iiber die zeitliche Succession des Auftreten der Farbenfelder auf den Puppenfliigelchen von Pieris brassicce. Zool. Anz. xv, pp. 284-290 & 293-299. 497. . Ueber Eigenschaf ten der Schuppenpigmente einiger Lepido- pteren-species. T. c. pp. 299-306. 498. Varigny, H. de. Experimental Evolution. Lectures delivered in the Summer School of Art and Science, University Hall, Edinburgh. London : 8vo, ix & 271 pp. 499. . Les especes qui s’en vont [after Lucas]. Rev. Sci. xlix, pp. 560-562. 500. Yariot, G., & BEZAN90N, P. Independance de la spermatogenese et de la secretion testiculaire proprement dits. Bull. Soc. Anthrop. Paris, iii, pp. 282-288. 501. & . De la spermatogenese. T. c. pp. 289-294. 502. Cs & -. Influence de la secretion testiculaire sur le develop* pement organique. Independance de cette fonction et de la sperma- togenese dans certains cas. Gaz. med. Paris, lxiii, pp. 229-232. 503. Vas, E. Studien iiber den Bau des Chromatins in der sympathischen Ganglienzelle. Arch. mikr. Anat. xl, pp. 375-389, 1 pi. 504. Yerhoeff, C. Beitrage zur Biologie der Hymenopteren. Zool. Jahrb. vi (Abth. Syst.), pp. 680-754, 2 pis. 505. . Neue und wenig bekannte Gesetze aus der Hymenopteren- Biologie. Zool. Anz. xv, pp. 362-370. 506. -. Biologische Aphorismen iiber einige Hymenopteren, Dipteren, und Coleopteren. Yerh. Yer. Rheinl. xlviii, pp. 1-80, 3 pis. 507. Yerworn, M. Die Bewegung der lebenden Substanz. Eine ver- gleichend physiologische Untersuchung der Contractionserschein- ungen. Jena : 8vo, 103 pp., 19 figg. 508. — . Die physiologische Bedeutung des Zellkerns. Arch. Ges. Phys. li, pp. 1-1 18, 6 pis. 509. . Ueber die Fahigkeit der Zelle, activ ihr specifisches Gewicht zu verandern. Op. cit. liii, pp. 140-155, 1 fig. Yetter, B. [See Romanes (434).] 510. Yialleton, L. La division indirecte des cellules. Rev. Sci. xlix, pp. 678-687, 12 figg. 511. # . La spermatogenese chez les mammiferes et chez l’homme. Lyon Medicale. Ixix, pp. 383-396. 512. Yiguier, C. L’heliotrcpisme des Nauplius. C.R. cxiv, pp. 1489- 1492. TITLES. Gen. Sub. 33 513. Virchow, H. Das Dotter-Organ. Arch. mikr. Anat. xl, pp. 39- 101, 2 pis. 514. ■. Das Dotterorgan der Wirbelthiere. Z. wiss. Zool. liii, Suppl , pp. 161-206, 1 pi. 515. . Dotterzellen und Dotterfurchung bei Wirbeltieren. Verh. Anat. Ges. vi, 1892, pp. 209-219. 516. Virchow, R. Transformation and Descent. J. Bacterol. Pathol, i, pp. 1-12. 517. Voeltzkow, A. On the Oviposition aud Embryonic Development of the Crocodile. Ann. N. H. ix, pp. 66-72. 518. Vogt, C., & Yung, E. Traite d’anatoinie comparee pratique. Paris : 8vo, vol. 2, pp. 513-640, illustr. 519. *Vogt, J. G. Die Menschwerdung. Die Entwicklung des Menschen aus der Hauptreihe der Primaten und die Begriindung der weiten Kluft zwischen Thier und Mensch, abschliessend mit der vollstandigen Losung des Willensproblems, &c. Leipzig : 8vo, iv & 393 pp., illustr. 520. #Staats yon WacquaNT-G eozelles. Weitervererbung von Albi- nismus. Zool. Gart. xxxiii, pp. 356-366. 521. Wagner, F. v. General Observations on Fission and Gemmation in the Animal Kingdom. (Trans.) Aun. N. II. x, pp. 23-54. 522. Wagner, J. Ueberblick iiber den gegeuwartigen Stand der Frage von dem Wesen und der Bedeutung der Befruchtung (Russian). Rev. Sci. Nat. St. Petersb. iii, pp. 88-91 & 145-155. 523. Waite, E. R. Albinos and White Varieties. Zool. xvi, p. 25. 524. Wallace, A. Russel. Island Life ; or the Phenomena and Causes of Insular Faunas and Floras, including a Revision and Attempted Solution of the problem of Geological Climates. 2nd and Revised Edition. London : 8vo, xx & 563 pp., 26 maps and illustr. Cf. Nature, xlvi, p. 56. 525. . Note on Sexual Selection. Nat. Sci. i, pp. 749 & 750. 526. Warner, F. Co-ordination of Cellular Growth and Action by Physical Forces. Rep. Brit. Ass. 1892, pp. 761 & 762. 527. Wasmann, E. Die internationalen Beziehungen von Lomechusa strumosa. Biol. Ceutralbl. xii, pp. 584-599 & 638-669. Re Instinct. 528. . Die zusammegesetzen Nester und gemischten Kolonien der Ameisen. Ein Beitrag zur Biologie, Psychologie, und Entwicklungs- geschichte der Ameisengesellschaften. Mtinster-i.-w. : 8vo, viii & 264 pp., 2 pis., 16 figg. 529. Watase, S. The Origin of the Sertoli's Cell (Spermatoblasts). Am. Nat. xxvi, pp. 442-444. 34 Gen. Sub. I. GENERAL SUBJECTS. 530. [Watase, S.] On the Significance of Spermatogenesis. Am. Nat. xxvi, pp. 624-626. 531. . On the Phenomena of Sex-differentiation. J. Morph, vi, pp. 481-493. 532. Waters, B. H. Primitive Segmentation of the Vertebrate Brain. Q. J. Micr. Sci. xxxiii, pp. 457-475, 1 pi. 533. Webber, H. J. Phenomena and Development of Fecundation. Am. Nat. xxvi, pp. 103-111 & 287-310. 534. Weir, J. Jenner. Albinism in Birds and Mammals. Zool. xvi, pp. 141-143. 535. Weismann, A. Das Keimplasma. Eine Theorie der Vererbung. Jena : 8vo, xviii & 628 pp., 24 figg. 536. -. Die Continuitat des Keimplasmas als Grundlage einer Theorie der Vererbung. 2 Aufl. Jena : 8vo, 112 pp. 537. . Aufsatze fiber Vererbung und verwandte biologische Fragen. Jena : 8vo, vii & 848 pp., 19 figg. 538. . Essays upon Heredity and Kindred Biological Problems. Vol. 2. Edited by E. B. Poulton & A. E. Shipley. London : 8vo, 226 pp. 539. Weldon, W. F. R. On certain Correlated Varieties in Crangon vulgaris. P. R. Soc. li, pp. 2-21. 540. Werner, F. Untersuchungen fiber die Zeichnung der Wirbelthiere. Zool. Jahrb. (Abth. Syst.) vi, pp. 155-229, 5 pis. 541. . Zoologische Miscellen. i. Konvergenz oder Verwandschaft. ii. Noch etwas fiber die Zeichnung der Tiere. m. Die epitrichial Skulptur der Schlangenepidermis. Biol. Centralbl. xii, pp. 268-280. 542. Wilson, E. B. On Multiple and Partial Development in Amphi- oxus. Anat. Anz. pp. 732-740, 11 figg. 543. Wiederslieim, R. Das Gliedmassenskelet der Wirbelthiere mit besonderer Berficksichtigung des Schulter- und Beckengfirtels bei Fischen, Amphibien, und Reptilien. Jena : text 8vo, v & 266 pp., 40 figg., atlas of 17 pis. 544. Wildeman, E. de. Les recherches recentes sur la structure cellulaire et la division du noyau. Neptunia, ii, pp. 1400-1410 & 1411-1444. 545. .. Les recherches recentes sur la structure cellulaire. Bull. Soc. Belg. Micr. xviii, pp. 16-24. 546. Winkler, F. Zur Frage nach dem Ursprung des Pigments. MT. embr. Inst. Wien, xii, pp. 64-80. 547. Zur Frage nach dem Ursprunge des Pigments. Wien. Med. Wochenschr. xlii, pp. 1153-1155, 1193-1196, 1230-1232, & 1260-1262. TITLES. Gen. Sub. 35 548. Wundt, W. Yorlesungen liber die Menschen- und Thier-seele. 2 umgearb. Aufl. Hamburg and Leipzig : 8vo, xii & 495 pp. 549. Wurm, W. Ueber die Farbe der Yogelfedern. JH. Yer. Wiirtt, xlviii, pp. 41-46. Wyld, N. [See Thomson & Wyld (489).] 550. Yung, E. De l’influence des lumieres colorees surle developpement des animaux. C.R. cxv, pp. 620 & 621. 551. . Sur l’existence d’un soi-disant sens de direction ou d’orienta- tion chez l’homme et les animaux. C.R. Soc. helv. lxxiv, pp. 49-51. 552. # . Orientirungssinn bei Menschen und Thieren. Nat. Rund- schau, vii, pp. 195 & 196. ■. [See also Yogt & Yung (518).] 553. *Zacharias, 0. Katechismus des Darwinismus. Leipzig : 8vo, viii & 176 pp., 30 figg., 1 pb, 1 portrait. 554. Zander, R. Ueber den gegenwartigen Stand der Lehre von der Zelltheilung. Biol. Centralbl. xii, pp. 281-309. 555. Ziegler, H. E. Ueber die embryonale Anlage des Blutes bei den Wirbeltieren. Yerh. deuts. Z. Ues. ii, pp. 18-30. 556. . Ueber den Begriff des Instincts. Op. cit. 1892, pp. 122-136. 557. Ziegler, J. Tierphanologische Beobachtungen zu Frankfurt am Main. Ber. Senck. Gres. 1892, pp. 47-69. 558. Zimmermann, K. W. Pigmentzellen mit Attraktionspharen. Yerh. Anat. Ges. vi (1892), pp. 274 & 275. 559. Zittel, K. A. yon. Handbuch der Palaontologie. l Abt. Palao- zoologie, Bd. iv, Lief. 1, Mammalia. Miincheu and Leipzig : 8yo, 1-304 pp., 245 figg. 560. Zoja, L. & R. Intorno al plastiduli fucsinophili (bioplasti dell’ Altmann). Mem. 1st. Lomb. vii, pp. 237-270, 2 pis. 561. * . Sur les plastidules fuchsinophiles. Bioplastes d’Altmann (conclusion). J. Microgr. xvi, pp. 13-15. 562. Zopf, W. Beitriige zur Physiologie und Morphologie Niederer- Organismen. i Heft. Leipzig : 8vo, iv & 97 pp., 3 pis. 563. °Zschokke, E. Weitere Untersuchungen liber das Yerhaltnis der Knochenbildung zur Statik und Mechanik des Yertebraten-Skelettes. Zurich : 4to, 102 pp., 11 col, pis., illustrs. Re Evolution. 36 Gen. Sub. I. GENERAL SUBJECTS. II,— -SUBJECT-INDEX. The object of this part of the Record is to bring together those contributions which have a direct bearing on the larger biological problems. Such of these papers as are based on special examples are also included in the Special Records ; these latter, moreover, include many observations on variation, mimicry, habits, &c., that cannot be noticed in this General Record. a. Text-Books, Essays, and General, p. 36. B. Cell and Protoplasm, p. 42. c. Oogenesis, Spermatogenesis, Fertilisation, p. 44. d. Sex, Reproduction, and Heredity, p. 46, E. Evolution, p. 49. a. TEXT-BOOKS, ESSAYS, AND GENERAL. (1) Text-books, &c. Text-books : Bonnier (63), Campbell (89), Carlet (90), Ellen- berger (148), Engel (153), Girod (204), Griffiths (212), Hertwig, 0. (254), Hertwig, R. (258), Hurst (341), Laborde (315), Lameere (316), Lang (318), Marshall (341), Minot (355), Perrier, E. (393), Perrier, R. (392), Rawitz (420), Retterer (423), Ritzema-Bos (327), Roule (436), Schofield (456a), Sussdorf (483), Thomson (487), Vogt & Yung (518), Zittel (559). Other books of a general nature : Bates (32), Brehm (73), Bronn (75), Distant (125), Hudson (271), Hutchinson (274), Kipling (294), Moseley (367), Neumann (374), Thomson (488). (2) Nomenclature. Orientation of the body : Schulze (460) proposes a complete series of unambiguous terms. All not quite irregular bodies may be grouped according as their middle is defined by a point, a liue, or a plane, — synstigma, syngramma, sympeda. Around the centre is central or proximal, the direction leading towards this is centrad or proximad, the position is centran or proximan. So distal, distad, distan ; axial, axiad, axian. The two ends of the principal axis are rostral and caudal. The two ends of the dorso-ventral axis are dorsal and ventral. The two ends of the perlateral (isopolar) axis are dextral and sinistral. Related terms end in n and in d as above. The median plane separates dextral and sinistral, the frontal plane separates ventral and dorsal, the transversal plane separates caudal and rostral. SUBJECT-INDEX. Gen. Sub. 37 The terms proximal and distal ; Froriep (179). Terms of auxology : Buck man & Bather (79) suggest the following terminology : — Ontogeny. Phylogeny. /'Embryonic. Anaplasis . .< Brephic. Same ' |>Epacme. (Keanic. Metaplasis . . J Ephebic. terms, with j • Acme. /Gerontic. prefix “phyh” ] 1 Cataplasis . .< Catabatic. >Paracme. ( Hypostrophe. ) Zoological nomenclature : Blanchard (58, 59), Girard (203), Herd- man (250), Tichomirow (490). (3) Taxonomic. Kennel (293) sees seven classes or cycles of animals, viz. I. Protozoa. II. Metazoa. 1. Radiata . 2. Bilateralia ( Spongice. .< Ccelentera. \ Echinoderma . r Insegmentata. ’ c Segmentata. or, a. Animaux a gastrula b. Animaux a trochosphcera C Insegmentata. \ Segmentata. Cholodkowsky (95) gives the following arrangement : — Metazoa / Enteroccela : inch Brachiopoda, Echinoderma , Chce- tognatha, Chordata , Enteropneusta. Genitoccela : inch all Ccelomata not Enteroccela , in which the coelome is said to arise in i the compact mass of mesoderm, which corresponds to the sexual tissue of Platodes. Accela : inch Ccelentera , Porifera , Platodes. Nemer- \ tint , Orthonectida , and Dicyemida. Embryology and classification : Tichomirow (490). Affinities of Vertebrata ; Roule (437). — Affinities between Arthropoda and Vertebrata ; Bordage (64). — Affinities of Vertebrata ; Houle (437). 38 Gen. Sub. I. GENERAL SUBJECTS. (4) Distribution. Agassiz (2), Apstein (18, 19), Bles (69a), Brandt (71), Clarke (97), Field (165), Fischer-Sigwart (166), Imhof (277-282), Keller (291), Krummel (312), Marenzeller (338), Mobius (357), Schutt (461), Simroth (472), Stoll (478), Wallace (524), (5) Morphological. General questions of theoretical morphology ; Driesch (130-132).— Suggested correction of the prevalent conception of homology ; Bateson (33). Principles of skeleton-making in Rhizopods, Sponges, and Echino- derms ; Dreyer(128, 129). — Architecture of skeletal substances ; Solger (475). Mesoderm and Metamerism ; Perenyi (391), Rabl (410, 411). — Meta- merism of Enterocoela due to ramifications of the gut ; of Genitocoela due to linear budding ; Cholodkowsky (95). — Metamerism of Vertebrata ; Burckhardt (85): of Vertebrate head ; Herrick (252). — Primitive seg- mentation of the Vertebrate brain ; Waters (532). — Spiral modification of metamerism ; Morgan (364). Relation of size of brain to size of body ; Lataste (320). Vertebrate nervous system: Brain, Edinger, Selctchii, Amjjhibia (141) ; KOppen, Lizard (303) ; Scervini, General (449) ; Retzius, Cerebellum, sympathetic ganglia (424) ; Burckhardt, Phvletic history of the brain (85). — Cranial nerves; Froriep (178), Kupffer (314). — Parietal eye ; Beraneck (47). Pituitary body ; Saint-Re my (448). Eye ; Matthiesen (343). Vertebrate ear ; Ayers (25). Epiglottis ; Gegenbauer (193). Pectoral and pelvic girdles, especially of Fishes, Amphibians, and Reptiles ; Wiedersheim (543). Urino-genital system ; Semon (464). Morphology of Cyclopian monsters ; Emery (151). (6) Physiological. Physiology of the Invertebrata\ Griffiths (212). — Comparative physio- logy of domestic animals ; Ellenberger (148). — Chemical basis of animal body ; Lea (322). Comparative pathology : 6 * * * * 11 Tracing the significance of amoeboid cells, or phagocytes, from the Protozoa upwards, through various groups of animals to the higher Vertebrates” ; Metschnikoff (347). — Struggle for existence among the parts of the organism ; Metschnikoff (348). SUBJECT-INDEX. Gen. Sub. 39 Theory of vital movement : In the expansion of a pseudopodium there must be local lessenings of the surface tension ; this diminution of the surface tension depends on the chemical affinity of the protoplasm for oxygen ; the plasmic particles are drawn within the operative sphere of the oxygen molecules in the medium, and, being satisfied, remain indif- ferent, or are shoved aside by their successors. Contraction is an expres- sion of increased surface tension ; this increase occurs when the complex plasmic particles break up on being stimulated ; the disrupted particles are drawn to the centre of the unit mass ; the reason of this is in the nuclear substance, for which the exhausted protoplasm now exhibits chemotropism. Application of these ideas to Yorticella, and to muscle ; Verworn (507). Origin of striped muscle ; Eimer (145), Haycraft (237). Muscle and nerve ; McKexdrick (332). Movement of animals studied by photographs ; Marey (339), Passy (389). General physiology of the cell; Hertwig (256). — Comparison of “microscopic foams” with protoplasm ; Butschli (83). Studies on growth ; Cornevin (104). Life and death ; Sabatier (446). Death ; Mitchell (356). — La synthese des etres vivants ; Sabatier (447). Residual life; Gautier & Landi (188-191). Nervous system ; Horsley (268). Digestion and absorption ( Artemia , &c.) ; Frexzel (175, 176). Comparative physiology of respiration ; Gage (182, 183). Blood of the Inver tebrata ; Griffiths (213, 214). — Haemocyanin ; Fredericq (173), Coexot (114), Heim (241). Iron in the animal body ; Sciimul (454), Schxeider (456) [cf. Sim- roth, Die Enstehung der Landthiere, 1891]. Autotomy of shore-crab ; Fredericq (174).— Autotomy of Spiders and Pycnogonids ; Gaubert (185, 186). (7) Animal Intelligence and Instinct. Aas (1). — Limits of animal intelligence ; Dixon (127), Mivart (127), Morgan (127,362). — Relation of human and animal “ Seele ” ; Biege- leben (52). — Mental evolution in man and animals ; Bodington (60). — Theory of sensation ; Dubois (134). — History of instinct of Pompilhlce ; Ferton (162). — Societies of Termites ; Grassi (208). — Numerous observations ; Hudson, W. H. (271), and Hudson, G. Y. (272). — Estimate of animal intelligence ; Jacquart (284). — Parental care ; Krapelin (309). — Analysis of instinct of Ammophila ; Marchal (337). — Intelli- gence and instinct ; Nadaillac (370). — Development of intellect; Schneider (455). — Psychology of societies of Ants ; Wasmann (528). 1892. [yol. xxix.] ^ b 6 40 Gen. Sub. I. GENERAL SUBJECTS. — International relations between Lomechusa and Ants ; Wasmann (527). — Sense of direction; Yung (551). — Conception of instinct ; Ziegler (556). — Revised edition of lectures ; Wundt (548). (8) Embryological. Introduction to study of embryology; Roule (486). Text-Books : Hertwig (254), Korschelt & Heidee (306), Minot (355). Old and new conceptions of development; Hertwig (257). — Das biolo- giscbe Grundgesetz ; Arndt (21). — On a supposed law of Metazoan development : Alternation of generations seems to underlie Metazoan development. The birth of the Nemertine on the Pilidium, that of the Echinoderm on the Pluteus, may be rather normal than exceptional. A larval stage lurks in all cases, but it may be represented merely by a blastoderm upon a yolk-sac, or by less than that. But the larva never disappears, however much it may undergo degeneration. In Mammals, wdiere it is thoroughly parasitic, it is most reduced ; Beard (37, 38). See also Asslieton (37). Theory of germinal layers ; Houssay (270) : — f Epiblast Ectoderm -< ( Neuroblast C Mesoblast Endoderm ) ( Parablast Protohypoblast < C Metablast (_ Deutohypoblast < ( Hypoblast Theory of mesoderm and metamerism ; Cholodkovsky (95). Theory of mesoderm ; Rabl (410). Homology of germinal layers : gastrulation in Vertebrata ; Repiaciioff (422). Development of optic nerve of Vertebrates : The optic stalk has no share in forming the nervous parts of the eye ; the nerve-fibres grow inwards from the retina towards and into the brain ; Assheton (23). Histogenesis of nerve; Beard (36), and Herrick (253): contra , Beard and Doi-irn; Kolliker (302). Nerve-cells and nerve-fibres : All nerve-fibres are direct processes of nerve cells ; they are not formed by the concrescence of rows of cells ; Kolliker (301). Transient ganglion cells ; Beard (39).—* Cerebro-spinal ganglia : at a certain stage in the development of Amniota all the nerve cells of the spinal ganglia are opposito-bipolar (a form permanent in fishes), but they become unipolar. The spinal ganglia of Vertebrates are the origins of the sensory part of all the spinal nerves. The ganglia of 5th, 9th, SUBJECT-INDEX. Gen. Sub. 41 and 10th cranial nerves are comparable to spinal ganglia ; Gehtjchten (195, 196). Wirbel and Urwirbei ; Ebner (140). Blood corpuscles ; Stricht (480). — Report on state of knowledge as to the history of blood corpuscles ; Oppel (384). — Origin of the blood in Vertebrates ; Ziegler (555), Yolk-organ of Vertebrates ; Virchow (513-515). Physiological factors determining metamorphoses : “ Theory of meta- morphosis as due to asphyxia ” ; Bataillon (30). Experimental embryology : General accounts of recent work ; Andrews (9), Korschelt (305), Roux (438). — Experiments on Frog ova : a loss of even one-sixth of the substance of the ovum produced only cir- cumscribed local defects or disturbances. Puncturing one of the two first segmentation cells resulted in a typical half-morula, half-gastrula, half-embryo. Right and left half- embryos, and also anterior and posterior half-embryos were produced. By “ post-generation ” the half-embryo may form a whole by vitalising the injured half-egg, which has been lying passive, while the uninjured half has been developing ; but Roux has also succeeded in rearing an entire frog-embryo from half an egg, without any co-operation on the part of the other injured half ; Roux (305). Influence of electric current on ova, and their segmentation ; Roux (306). Experiments on ova of Echinoids : With increased temperature the ova of sea-urchius \_Sjphcerechitu(s] formed double blastulse, gastrulse, and even Plutei. The mode of segmentation is also modified. If one cell of the 4-celled stage be shaken off or destroyed, the remainder may form a normal Pluteus ; and an isolated cell may form a blast ula, or even a Pluteus. Pressure modifies very considerably the course of segmentation, but yet after removal of the disturbing influence normal larvae result : Driesch (130). — The addition of various salts (of potassium, lithium, &c.) to sea-water delayed the formation of the larval skeleton, inhibited the characteristic Pluteus outgrowths, or resulted in the production of altogether abnormal larvae. It seems that the influence on the developing ova is not directly chemical, but is due to the altered osmotic pressure of the sea-water : Herbst(249). Artificial stimulus resulting in the production of an egg-membrane : Unfertilised ova of sea-urchins placed in sea-wrater and shaken up with chloroform, benzol, toluol, &c., form a protective membrane similar to that which appears after the entrance of a spermatozoon. Even on fertilised ova, robbed of their normal membrane, a second membrane was formed in response to artificial stimulus : Herbst (249). Multiple and partial development of Amphioxus ova : From the cells of the 2-celled stage shaken apart, two embryos of half-size result ; similarly from the 4-celled stage four embryos of quarter-size were pro- duced. Incomplete separation of the cells resulted in various forms of connected dwarf-embryos. A unit from the 8-celled stage does not, how- ever, form an embryo. According to Wilson this inability is due to 42 Gen. Sub. I. GENERAL SUBJECTS. qualitative limitations. The segmentation of isolated blastomere of the 2- or 4-celled stage agrees exactly with that of the entire ovum ; Wilson (542). Incubation during continuous rotation ; Dareste (118). — Influence of light on orientation of chick embryo; Blanc (57). — Influence of coloured light on development ; Yung (550). Urmund and Spina bifida : Study of abnormalities which occur in the development of Frog ova, in consequence of over- ripeness and polyspermy. The segmentation may be strangely irregular, large parts of the yolk may remain undivided, and the formation of the gastrula may be so disturbed that the Urmund remains partially or wholly unclosed. Mor- phological interpretations of resulting abnormalities ; Hertwig (255). The terms of auxology ; Buckman & Bather (79). B. CELL AND PROTOPLASM. General treatises and essays on the Cell : Hertwig (256), Chatin (93), Heidenhain (239), Solger (474), Francke (171). Physiology of the Cell and Protoplasm : Theory of protoplasmic move- ments ; Verworn (507). — The power cells have of altering their specific gravity ; VerNvorn (509). — Chemical irritability of protoplasm ; Roemer (429). — Physiological elements of protoplasm; Detmer (123). — Cell phy- siology ; Lilienfeld & Monti (325). Protoplasm : General considerations ; Beale (35). — Activities of pro- toplasm compared with the phenomena seen in observing fine foams ; Butsciili (83). The author’s general conclusion is that protoplasm has a frothy or foam-like structure, and that the physical conditions observable in the drops of emulsion do, mutatis mutandis , help us towards an understanding of the streaming movements and changes of shape in protoplasmic units. Cytoplasm and nucleoplasm have a foam- like structure, and consist of a honeycomb-like arrangement of lamellae, with fluid or enchylema in the interspaces. The structure may be mimicked by means of fine emulsions or foams. Appearances of fibrillation, reticulation, nodal thickenings, &c., are readily produced artificially. In various conditions amoeboid streaming movements occur. Structure of Cytoplasm: Altmann (6,7), Butsciili (83), Crato (108), Dannehl (117), Fayod (161), Flemming (168), Guignard (217, 218), Kromayer (311), Prenant (405-408). Nucleus : Nucleus and Protoplasm ; Heidenhain (239).— Physiological import of nucleus; Yerworn (508) ; only through its metabolism does it influence the life of the cell. Structure and Functions of Nucleus; Mann (335). The nuclear chromatin segments are organs for the transformation of simple into more complex compounds. The nucleolus is a storehouse of elaborated material. The achromatin is the essential plasma. Two special seats of the achromatin substance are the archoplasma and the endo -nucleolar substance. — SUBJECT-INDEX. Gen. Sub. 43 Experiments on function of nucleus ; Clark (99) —Structure of: nucleus; Altmann (7). — Structure of resting nucleus; Krasser (310). E.abl’s doctrine of the nuclear segments ; Hartog (234). Affinity of nucleus for iron-staining chromatin; Gilson (201). Nuclei in glands of Amphibian skin ; Toralbo (492). Attractive spheres and centrosomata ; Burger (82), Butschli (84), Fick (163), Hansemann (233), Heidenhain (238), Lebrun (323), Moore (360), Nicolas (376), Stricht (481), Zimmermann (558). Cell-division : Present state of knowledge ; Zander (554). — Role of archoplasm; Moore (360). — Indirect division, general account ; Vialleton (510). — Direct division ; Nicolas (377). — Division of nucleus and of cell in epithelial tumours ; Borrel (66). — Nuclear fragmentation followed by the division of: the cell ; Buscalioni (86). — Amitotic cell-division ; Frenzel (177). — Heterotypical nuclear division in origin of reproductive elements ; Hhscker (226). — Nuclear division in formation of mesoderm and endoderm in Cyclops ; FLecker (227). — Asymmetrical mitosis ; Hansemann (232). — Amitosis in embryonal envelopes of Scorpion ; Johnson (289). — Eismond (147). The fate of the central spindle in Karyokinesis ; Kostanecki (307). Nuclear division in giant cells ; Kostanecki (308). Terminology, for Aster, Dyaster, &e., it seems desirable to substitute Astroid, Dyastroid, &c. ; Flemming (167). Flemming’s “ intermediate body ” in the seminal cells of Scolopendra and Lithobius ; Prenant (404). — Origin of achromatic spindle ; Prenant (408). Primitive fibrils ; Apathy (14). The primitive fibrils of smooth muscle and of nerve have been hitherto overlooked ; the interfibrillar spaces have been seen, not the fibrils. Contractile substance and con- ducting substance are alike intracellular plasmic products, and consist of primitive fibrils and of intrafibrillar substance. — Origin of muscle fibres ; Eimer (145), Haycraft (237). — Muscle and nerve; Rohde (430, 431). Cell-membrane ; Buscalioni (87). — The basilar membrane ; Chattn (94). Continuity between cells ; Olivier (382). Biology of Protozoa ; Osborn (387). Histology of nervous system ; Retzius (424). Rohde (430, 431), Yas (503). Chemical properties of reticular tissue ; Siegfried (468). Schlummerzellen und Gewebsbildung ; Eberth (138), Grawitz (210), Schmidt (453). Miscellaneous ; Meltzer (345). 44 Gen. Sub. I. GENERAL SUBJECTS. c. OOGENESIS, SPERMATOGENESIS, FERTILISATION. General biological considerations ; Weismann (535), Henking (245). (1) Oogenesis, Maturation, &c. Embry ological classification of ova ; Henneguy (247). — Comparison of male and female reproductive cells ; Prenant (403). — Heterotypical nuclear division in oogenesis and spermatogenesis ; ILecker (226). — Graafian follicle, history of; Sci-iottlandee (457). Yolk-cells and yolk-segmentation ; Yirchow (515). — Nutritive import- ance of the yolk-sac ; Robinson (428). Yolk-organ of Vertebrates ; Virchow (513-515). — Binucleate ovum of rat ; Blanc (56). Ovum of reptiles; Arnold (32). — Oogenesis in Seps chalcides; Giacomini (198), Mingazzini (354), Todaro (491). Maturation in ovum of Trout ; Blanc (54). — Ovary and ovum of Gobius minutus ; Guitel (221). — Ova of Turbot; Holt (265). — Oogenesis, &c., in Teleosteans ; Fusari (180). — Oogenesis in Teleostei : Ovarian ova of Dab, Hake, &c. ; in all ripening ovaries, ova for three consecutive spawning periods are present ; Calderwood (88). — Abnormal karyomitosis in Trout ovum; Strachley (479). — Ovarian ovum of Selachii : Complex alterations of mass and form exhibited by the chromosomata. It can hardly be a “ Keimplasma” which undergoes such alterations of mass; it must be an involved somatic plasma. Proposed theory of mutual fer- tilisation, or amphimixis of chromosomata ; Ruckeet (440, 442). History of the germ-cells in Insecta : An important treatise on oogenesis, maturation, and fertilisation in Insecta. Discussion of egg- envelopes, the formation of polar bodies, the “ thelyid ” (an achromatic polar body), &c. The first and second divisions of the spermatocytes are comparable to the divisions which form polar bodies. Polyspermy com- mon. The arrhenoid of the spermatozoon comparable to the thelyid. Comparison of the processes of fertilisation in Insects, Protozoa , and ADgiosperms; Henking (245). — Oogenesis in Cyclops and Cantho- camptus ; Hacker (225). — History of ovum in Branchipus grubii ; Brauer (72). Early development of Cirripeclia, maturation, fertilisation, &c. ; Groom (216).— Oogenesis in Diaptomus ; Ischikawa (283). — Centrosomata in ovum of Ascaris jnegalocephala ; Lebrun (323). — Vitelline nucleus of ova of Trematoda ; Monticelli (358), and Crety (109). — In Echino- derms; Cuenot (113). (2) Fertilisation. Fertilisation of ova in Echinoderms, Selachii , Peptilla ; Eberth (137): in Reptiles ; Oppel (383): in Axolotl ; Fick (164). The middle portion of the spermatozoon gives rise to an attractive sphere, which seems to divide ; Fick (164). SUBJECT-INDEX. Gen. Sub. 45 Immature ova of Triton tceniatus ; Born (65) : Trout ; Bohm (61). Trout : In fertilisation, the two pronuclei fuse, and so do their solar centres ; Blanc (54, 55). Invertebrates ; Pictet (396). — Insects ; Henking (245). — Diaptomus : The primary sperm-cells and the primitive ova have eight chromatin elements ; the pronuclei have four ; there is a reducing division ; in the first two segmentation-spheres there are likewise eight chromosomes ; ISCHIKAWA (283). Parthenogenesis (?) in Frog : of about 1500 unfertilised ova (of Rana fuscci) about 100 exhibited irregular segmentation furrows ; Dehner (122). General problems of fertilisation ; Herttvig (259), Lwoff (329), Muller (369), Wagner (522), Webber (533). Comparison of the process of fertilisation in plants and in animals ; Guignard (219). The protective membrane formed after fertilisation ; Herbst (249) [see Embryology]. Polyspermy : In Selachii : Most, if not all, of the merocyte nuclei (vitelline or parablast nuclei) in the ova of the Selachians are modified male pronuclei ; polyspermy appears to be normal ; Ruckert (441). — In Reptiles : Accessory sperm-nuclei in Anguis , Tropidonotus , Lacerta ; polyspermy appears to be frequent ; Oppel (383). — In Axolotl : Some- times as many as nine spermatozoa in ovum ; Fick (164). — In Insects ; Henking (245). Results of over-fertilisation : In the over-fertilised ovum opposing factors conflict ; on the one hand there are forces tending to de- velopment and incited by the fertilisation, on the other hand there are forces of an inhibiting and disturbing nature, due to the injury the ovum has sustained by over maturation, or by other abnormal conditions operative before fertilisation ; Hertwig (255) [see also Embryology] . (3) Spermatogenesis. General significance of spermatogenesis ; Watase (530). — Comparison of spermatogenesis and oogenesis ; Henking (245). — Morphological com- parison of ovary and testis ; Prenant (403). — Heterotypical nuclear division in oogenesis and spermatogenesis ; H.ecker (226). — Especial details in regard to reduction-divisions in Gryllotalpa vulgaris ; Rath (419). Histology of testis; Germano (197). — Distinction between spermato- genesis and testicular secretion ; Variot & Bezaxcon (500-502). — Histology of spermatozoon ; Ballowitz (27). Spermatogenesis : in various Invertebrates ; Pictet (396) : in Tre- mcitoda ; Monticelli (359): in Echinoderms ; Cuenot (113): in Diaptomus ; Ischikawa (283): in Scolopendra., Lithobius ; Prenant 46 Gen. Sub. I. GENERAL SUBJECTS. (403-408) : in Frog ; Bertacchini (50) : in Salamander ; Nicolas (376) : in Sauropsida ; Benda (45) : in Mammals and Man ; Bar- DELEBEN (29), YlALLETON (511). Origin of Sertoli’s cells ; Watase (529). Spermine, &c. ; Brown-Sequard (77), Duclaux (135), Hericourt (251), Pcehl (398, 399). p. SEX, REPRODUCTION, HEREDITY. (1) Sex and Reproduction. General considerations; Weismann (535), Henking (245). — Summary of recent observations and theories ; Webber (533). — Reproduction among plants and animals ; Neyiani (375). — Life and death; Sabatier (446). — Origin of contrast between somatic and reproductive cells in Ascaris ; Boveri (68). Evolution of sex : The male organism inclines to greater activity, the female to greater passivity, a conclusion similar to that maintained by Geddes and Thomson in 11 The Evolution of Sex Francken (172). Sex-differentiation : Important to distinguish (a) the phenomena of heredity, or the mixture of the parental characteristics in the offspring ; and ( b ) the phenomena of sexual differentiation in the organism, in which the parental characters have already been mixed. The micro-chemical reaction of the sperm-nucleus, which is entirely different from that of the ovum-nucleus during the earlier stages of its existence, becomes essentially like that of the female pro- nucleus at the moment of fecundation. The phenomenon of sex- differentiation is one writh that of irritability, and is the most pro- nounced of all the phenomena of protoplasmic irritability, because the stimulus acts at an early stage of ontogeny, and thus at the outset profoundly deflects the course of behaviour of the whole organism ; Watase (531). Nature of sex : Critical review of some recent theories in regard to sex and reproduction. In contrasting the sexes, their reproductive elements, &c., the contrast must be expressed in contrasted ratios of anabolism (A) and Katabolism (K). Thus, in the female the ratio — is greater than the corresponding vital ratio in the male. This is designed as a correction of the general thesis of the “Evolution of Sex Thomson & Wyld (489). Origin of sex : Conditions unfavourable to ready assimilation are believed to tend to produce male offspring, reverse for female. In con- jugation the starving cell is fed on surplus nourishment of the over-fed cell ; Mann (336). Parthenogenesis: History of our knowledge ; Taschenberg (484). — Apparent parthenogenesis in ova of Frog ; Dehner (122). SUBJECT-INDEX. Gen. Sub. 47 Dissogonie : a new form of sexual reproduction ; Chun (96). Fertilisation and conjugation ; Hertwig (259). “ Gamophagie According to the author, one germinal substance assimilates the other in fertilisation ; Muller (369). — Fission and gemma- tion : Wagner (521). Hermaphroditism : Traces of hermaphroditism in the Lamprey, not without interest in reference to speculations as to the possible herma- phroditism of ancestral Vertebrates ; Beard (40). — Hermaphroditism of Astacus ; La Valette, St. George (321). — Certain spermatogonia, “ untrue to their original destination,” may, instead of dividing into spermatocytes, grow into ova. — Lateral hermaphroditism; Tetens (486). Hybridism ; Elliot (150). — Hybrid birds in nature ; Suchetet (482). — Fertile sexual union can take place only between those insects whose genital appendages precisely correspond. Hybridism between different species seems mechanically impossible ; Escherich (156). Variability and hybridism of Cyprinoids ; Heincke (243). Breeding in and in ; Schiller-Tietz (451). Biological conclusions illustrated in reference to certain Hymenoptera, Diptera, and Coleoptera ; Verhoeff (506).— Sex and reproduction in Hymenoptera. (1) Proterothesia : in nests of Fossoria , Vesparia , and their parasites, the tenants of the anterior cells are male of the posterior female. (2) Proterocraty : the individuals which appear first in a brood are the strongest. (3) Proterandry, correlated with Proterothesia. (4) Polyandry ; Verhoeff (504, 505). — Dichogamy in Lepidoptera. The advantage of dichogamy, or “ dichogenesis,” lies in the prevention of in-breeding ; its occurrence may be readily accounted for by natural selection ; Petersen (394). Peculiarities of reproduction ; Seitz (463). Fecundation in tailed Batrachians ; Boulenger (67). — Detailed study of reproduction in Gobius minutas ; Guitel (222). — Variations in genital organs of Gamasince , and mode of coition ; Michael (350). Determination of sex by nutrition ; Landois (317). Double-broodedness of Lepidoptera : whether influenced by the state of the food-plant ; Merrifield (346). Parental care among animals ; Krapelin (309). Conclusions as to the societies of Termites ; Grassi (208). Regeneration : Regeneration of the tail in Lumbriculus ; general con- siderations as to regenerative processes ; Randolph (413). — Regeneration in Annelids : Bifurcated Annelids. Collection of cases. Some general considerations. “ The bifurcated monstrosities exhibit what may be a universally present but latent ability of parts of a highly-organized animal to form a complete individual like that to which they belong Andrews (11). Regeneration ; Weismann (535). — Periodic regeneration of the upper half of the body in Diplosomidce ; Oka (381). — Post-generation ; Roux (438). Influence of nutrition on sex ; Landois (317).— Influence of nutrition 48 den. Sub. I. GENERAL SUBJECTS. on reproduction : It seems likely that the nutritive supply has much to do "with Proterothesia and Proterocraty in Hi/menoptera ; Verhoeff (504-506). (2) Heredity. Historical and critical survey ; sums up in favour of Lamarckian con- ceptions ; Osborn (385, 386). — Nature of heredity ; Hurst (273). Das Keimplasma : This statement of Weismann’s theory of heredity centres around his conception of the germ-plasm. This nuclear sub- stance is believed to contain reserve vital units, or biophors, which are combined into units of a higher order — the determinants. Each deter- minant is capable of controlling one kind of cell, and the germ-cell con- tains as many determinants as there are different cells, or groups of cells, in the fully-formed organism, which are capable of being individually determined from the germ onwards. The determinants have a definite arrangement in the germ-plasm, forming aggregates of a higher order — the ids. It is suggested that parts of the chromosomes are the ids, and that the nuclear rods are aggregates of ids, spoken of as idants. Apart from the elaborate working out of the conception of a germ -plasm, there are important discussions of regeneration, multiplication by fission and gem- mation, alternation of generations, the formation of the germ-cells, amphimixis, reversion, dimorphism, and polymorphism, the non-trans- mission of acquired characters, variation, &c. ; Weismann (535). Translation of Weismann’s essays ; Poulton & Shipley (538). — -Weis- mann’s “Idant” theory of heredity ; Hartog (234). Transmission or non-transmission of acquired characters; Elliot (149), Knauthe (295), Miles (351), 1'ath (418), Riley (426). Answer to Weismann ; Brown-Sequard (78a). Pathology, so far from offering any support to the hypothesis of the transmission of acquired characters, pronounces against it ; Tylden (494). It is assumed, on insufficient evidence, that the nucleus is the sole bearer of hereditary qualities. The cell-plasma., and especially the cen- trosomata, must be taken account of ; Bergh (48). In reference to the'Hoazin, Gadow (181) states that the crop, by its downward growth, gradually encroaches upon, and modifies, the con- formation of neighbouring organs; some of these modifications of the sternal apparatus are already pre-formed to a considerable extent, before they are actually necessitated. They are inherited. Transmission of acquired characters in Pleuronedklce ; Giard (200). Henking (245) does not depreciate the importance of the nucleus as a bearer of hereditary qualities, but he also believes in the importance of the plasma, and in the modifiability of the chromosomata by influences from the protoplasm. What is an a acquired character”? “Acquired characters, however evident they may be to all but the neo-Darwinians, have the convenient SUBJECT-INDEX. Gen. Sab. 49 property of becoming blastogenic, or not acquired, whenever they are proved to be transmitted” ; Nutting (380). Inheritance of albinism ; Staats von Wacquant-G-eozelles (520). Heredity ; Grabham (20G), Muller (369). e. EVOLUTION. GENERAL QUESTIONS. Das Keimplasma ; Weismann (535) \cf. Heredity, supra] . Darwin and after Darwin ; Romanes (433) ; German translation (434). Catechism of Darwinism ; ZaCHARIas (553). Critical account of modern theories ; Hamann (231). French predecessors of Darwin : historical and critical ; Quatrefages (409). Darwin and Darwinism ; Morselli, Canestrini, Cattaneo, & Loria (366). Present state of the Evolution problem ; some arguments for Lamarc- kian position ; Osborn (385, 386). Criticism of Darwinian theory from philosonhical standpoint ; Creutz- BURG (111). Controverted questions re Evolution, &c. ; Huxley (275). Experimental evolution ; Varigny (498). Origin of species ; Eimer (146). Elementary description of universal evolution : Raimond Coulon (107). On Delboeuf’s laws ; Sorel (476). Dynamical theory of organisms ; Hauptmann (236). Protest against a materialistic conception of the organism ; Ardis- sone (20). Transformation and descent ; Virchow (516). Convergence or relationship ? Werner (541). Das biologische Grundgesetz ; Arndt (21). Urzeugung ; Schaaffhausen (450). Theories of nutrition and heredity, in which energy is not recognised as one of the prime factors in every vital process, should be received with caution ; Miles (351). The importance of recognising the principle of the conservation of energy when considering the evolution of organisms [cf. Herbert Spen- cer’s “Principles of Biology”]; Ryder (444). General works : see also Coulon (107), Dutoit-Haller (136), Faroes (160), Motto (368), Tschemen (493). 50 Gen. Sub . I. GENERAL SUBJECTS. NATURE AND ORIGIN OF VARIATIONS. Classification of animal variations ; Brandt (70) : — | a. Strictly individual. 0 , b. Proper to the vital cycle, i. Spontaneous < _ 1 J c. Proper to sex. ^ d. Proper to future generations. f a. Due to external influences. . . , J b. Due to function. II. cqune . ^ Due pathological processes. I cJ. Correlated with the preceding. Variations may be inherited ( a ) directly from parents, (b) indirectly by influence, (c) by atavism from ancestors. Definite versus Fortuitous Variation : Discussion ; Meehan (341), McMurrich (333), Allen (5), Cope (101). Fortuitous variation ; Riley (425). On the “ constitution 33 of Molluscs ; SlMROTH (470). — Constitutional variation of markings in insects; Escherich(156)„ — Correlated variations in C rang on vulgaris ; Weldon (539). Struggle for existence among the parts of an organism ; Metschni- koff (348). Translation of essays on Amphimixis, &c. ; Weismann (538). Factors in evolution of Mammals ; Morgan (363), Precis of teratology — human and animal ; Duinard (220). — Probable teratogenic origin of two species of Tricladidce ( Dendrocoelum nausicace and Phagocata gracilis ) ; Hallez (229). — Teratological variations : The malformations which occur in Frog embryos in consequence of the im- perfect closure of the “ Urmund 33 are analogous to the Terata mesodidyma and Katadidyma in Teleostean fishes, and to Spina bifida in higher Ver- tebrates ; Hertwig (255). Variation in internal structures of Gamasince ; Michael (350). Variability and Hybridism of Cyprinoids ; Heincke (243). INFLUENCE OF ENVIRONMENT. Results of experimental Evolution ; Varigny (498). Specific variation in Arthropods : A certain kind of variation occurs with peculiar frequency in certain groups, thus sexual dimorphism in Copepods, protective adaptation in Decapoda. The habit of masking ; ELecker (228). Influence of artificial environmental conditions on ova; Driesch (130), Herbst (249), Dareste (119) and others [see Embryology]. Influence of surroundings on variation ; Locard (326). Colour-relation between Lepidopterous larvae, pupae, cocoons, and imagines, and their surroundings ; Poulton (402). — Influence of sur- roundings on colour ; Beddard (41). — Influence of coloured light on SUBJECT-INDEX. Gen. Sub. 51 development : Green Planarians and Hydrae do not grow better with violet than green light, are exceptions to the rule that green light is pre- judicial to development. The Hydra grows more quickly in red than white light ; Yung (550). — Influence of light on orientation of chick embryo ; Blanc (57). Atrophy, &c., of eyes in cave-inhabiting animals ; Joseph (290). Heliotropic animals; Andrews (10), after Loeb. — Heliotropic Nauplii ; Viguier (512). Influence of light on metabolism : Exclusion of light is associated with increase of weight, more fat, less haemoglobin, &c. ; Graefenberger (207), Ewald(156a). Influence of electrical stimulus on ova ; Roux (439). — Influence of electrical stimulus on leucocytes; Dineur (124). — Galvanic stimulation of aquatic animals ; Nagel (371, 372). Relations between temperature and protoplasmic movement ; Clark (98). — Influence of refrigeration and desiccation ; Kochs (297). Influence of fresh water on marine animals ; Gogorza y Gonzales (205). Influence of cocain on Coelenterates, worms, arthropods, &c. ; Danj- lewsky (116). General discussion of parasitism ; Looss (327). Functional adaptation ; Minervini (353) and Endres (152). On the mechanical origin of fish scales : The scales have a segmental arrangement ; their imbrication is explained by reference to the muscu- lature which, in contraction, throws the integument into rhombic areoloe; Ryder (443). Evolution of skeletal structures : “ An essay towards a mechanical explanation of organic structures.” The occurrence of the tetraxial type of skeletal element in Sponges, Echinoderms, and Polycistina, in different materials, suggests independence of vital forces. Vesicular bodies tend to exhibit a tetraxial skeletal structure quite apart from metabolism, for merely physical reasons ; Dreyer (128). Relation of ossification to the statics and mechanics of the skeleton ; Zschokke (563). Poecilogony : when members of the same species have a different onto- geny ; Giard (199). Cf. Brooks & Herrick (76). On the relation between the shapes of fishes and the strength of the currents in which they live ; Schirschoff (452). The surface film of water, its relation to the life of plants and animals; Miall (349). Effect of sudden pressure ; Philippon (395). Geotropism of lower organisms ; Jensen (286). Experiments on metamorphosis of Amphibians ; Bataillon (31). SELECTION AND ELIMINATION Struggle for existence i Geometrical representation of relative intensity of the conflict between organisms. For organisms swimmiog in water 52 Gen. Sub. I. GENERAL SUBJECTS. or flying in air, we may say that their accessibility, inter se , and liability to attack is from 60,000 directions ; for sessile organisms, or those lying on a plane, from 30,000 directions ; for heavy terrestrial forms, from 400 directions ; for burrowing or tubicolous, from 314 to 0 ; for testaceous, opercnlate, mimetic, or parasitic forms, accessibility almost or quite nil ; Ryder (445) Interspecific competition : Myrmica ruginodis making war on its own species ; Bignell (53). Extermination of animals ; Schulz (459), Varigny (499). [Cf. Lucas, E. A. Animals recently extinct, or threatened with extinction, as repre- sented in the collections of the U. S. National Museum. Washington : 8vo, 1891, 40 pp., 11 pis.] Natural selection among mankind ; Ammon (8) : in Lepidoptera ; Comstock (100). Struggle between males : Not only is there a struggle between males, but the large number of males allows a selection of the fittest amongst the fit, and the strongest are first in the field (proterocraty) ; Veii- hoeff (505). Sexual selection ; Wallace (525). Case of Gelasimus annulipes : The brightly-coloured chela of the male is (1) a club in contests with rival males, and (2) a signal to allure the females, and may be also a stopper for the burrow and a nuptial support; Alcock (4). PARTICULAR PROBLEMS. ( a ) Colouration. ^Etiology of animal colouration ; Beddard (41), — Physiology of colour-change ; Biedermann (51). -Colour-changes in Fishes ; Semper (465). Physiological chemistry of colouration ; Urech (496). — Analysis of green pigment in wings of Lepidoptera : Regarded as probably excretory ; derived from uric acid ; Griffiths (215). — Role of pigments in histolysis and histogenesis ; Kunckel d’Herculais (313). The origin of pigment : Pigment is present in the ova of Bufo almost from the first, and seems to arise from a modification of yolk-plates ; Winkler (546). — Melanie pigment ; Pouchet (401).— Melanism and melanochroism in British Lepidoptera ; Tutt (495). Albinism: Aplin (17), Fabani (157), Macpherson (334), Waite (523), Weir (534). Colouration in birds ; Wurm (549) : in birds’ eggs ; Koenig- Warthausen, Frhr. (299), and Raspail (416, 417). Origin and migration of pigment in Amphibia ; Ehrmann (113, 144). Melanism in Fishes ; Knautiie (296). Colours of insects : Coste (105, 106), Griffiths (215), Hopkins (266), SUBJECT-INDEX. Gen . Sub . 53 Meldola (266), Urech (496, 497), and others [see Insecta]. — Evolution of colours in the Vanessce ; Smith (473). Pigments of ova of Crustacea ; Heim (242). Iridescent colours ; Hodgkinson (263). Protective colouring ; Johns (288). — Markings of Vertebrates; Werner (540). Hints from pathology : Caspary, Ehrmann, Jarisch, Kaposi — Die Pathogenese der Pigmentierungen und Entfarbungen der Haut : Verh. 10 Internat. Med. Congress Berlin (1890) ; Abth. Dermatol. 1892, pp. 91-114. (b) Mimicry. General discussion of mimicry ; special study of PapiUonidce ; Haase (223). Recent observations, with criticism ; Beddard (42). Mimicry and other adaptations ; Brandes (69). Alleged “ aggressive mimicry ” of Volucellce ; Bateson (34). Aggressive mimicry of Volucellce ; corrections on latter author’s book on “ Colours of Animals”; Poulton (34).— A notable case: Peridexia ( Coleopteva ) and Pogonius ( Hymenoptera ) ; Heller (244). — Mimicry in small insects ; Kennel (292). — Mimicry in Spiders ; Banks (28). — Mimicry ; Fabani (159). Protective resemblance in the animal kingdom ; Plateau (397). (c) Miscellaneous. Evolution of Flat-fishes; Cunningham (115) and Giard (200). Origin of muscle : The cross-striation is the expression of alternately strong and weak waves in the muscle substance. It is incomplete in sluggish animals, and more marked as activity increases. The striation is, in short, the result of increased function — the mechanical result of contraction ; Eimer (145). The origin of lungs : Air-breathing in fishes supposed to have been originally performed by the unchanged walls of the oesophagus ; then a pouch, ... an air-bladder, ... a lung. [But how ?]; Morris (365). Origin of Metazoa : Discussion of Salinella ; the higher organisation of the multicellular individual is to be regarded as the consequence of the gradual degeneration of the separate cell-individuals which compose it ; Apathy (15). Adaptations facilitating “masking” in Crabs ; Aukivillius (24), and Hjgcker (228). Migration of birds ; Dixon (126). — Speech of Monkeys; Garner (181). Segmentation : Occurrence of intercalated segments perhaps due to very favourable developmental conditions, to rapid growth causing “ slips ” in segmentation. Perhaps such cases help to bridge the gulf between Nemerteans and Annelids ; Cori (103). 54 Gen. Sub. I. GENERAL SUBJECTS. Rudimentary organs ; Kocks (298). — Study of rudimentary eyes in Vertebrata ; Kohl (304). — Elughaut Bildung ; Marshall (342). Genital appendages of Insects : The intricacies of the genital append- ages are not readily interpreted as adaptive. Their final cause is das Princip der Reinerhaltung der Arten ; Their efficient cause ein unbe- kanntes Kraft ; Escherich (155). Venation of wings in Lepidoptera ; Spuler (477). Parallel series in life-histories of Pemphigiidce ; Horvath (269). Asymmetry of Gastropods; Buchner (80), Lang (319). Parallelism of evolution in Old and New World ; Gaudry (187). Stages of growth and decline [in development of Brachiopoda ] ; Beecher (43). Evolution of ant-societies ; Wasmann (528). Man’s past and future considered according to the doctrine of evolu- tion ; Buchner (81). Mamm. 1 II. MAMMALIA. BY R. Lydekker, B.A., F.G.S. A feature of the year is the large amount of work which has been devoted to the elucidation of the morphology of the dentition, Ballo- witz, Bateson, Freund, Kukenthal, Leche, Osborn, Rose, Scott, Schlosser, Thomas, and Topinard having all contributed memoirs on this subject. The view that Mammals were originally diphyodont is gaining universal acceptation. Attention may be drawn to Scott’s investigations as to the homology of the cusps of the premolars, which, if confirmed, show a remarkable difference between those teeth and the molars. Another subject which has received especial attention is that of the brain, and its relations in the higher and lower Mammals ; Symington having reverted to the old view that the brain of the non- Placentals has no corpus-callosum. Beddard, Beevor, Chapman, Hill, and Turner have also contributed to this branch. In distribution, Hart Merriam’s important memoir on the life-zones of North America is likely to become classical. Important advances have been made in our knowledge of the Mammals of Africa, several interesting new Antelopes having been described during the year — notably those respectively named by Sclater and Thomas. The latter’s revision of the genus Cephalophus has cleared up the synonymy of a very difficult group ; while True’s memoir on the Mammals of East Africa is an important addition to our knowledge of the zoology of that region. The revision of the Hyracoidea , by Thomas, is likewise of great value. The same writer has also contributed papers on the Mammals of the East, recording a new species of Eemigale , as well as several of Tupaia and Sciurus. The large number of new species of Monkeys described is also a feature of the year’s work ; while the observations of Thomas on the dentition of Centetes claim special notice. Of high value are Winge’s memoir on the Bats of Lagoa Santa, and Cameron’s observations as to the relations of the antlers of the American Deer to those of the Old World. 1892. [vol. xxix.] c 1 2 Mamm. II. MAMMALIA. Among palaeontological work, reference may be made to Earle’s memoirs on Coryphodon and Palceosyops , and also to the remarkable horned Artiodactyle — Protoceras , now fully described by Osborn and Wortman. In fauriistic palaeontology, Boule and Gaudry, as well as Deprret, have written on the Mammals of France ; Rutimeyer has continued his researches on those of Switzerland, and Hofmann on those of Styria ; while Cope, Osborn, and Scott have devoted themselves to the North American forms. The first part of the Mammalian portion of Zittel’s Palaeontologie indicates that when complete the work will be of the highest value to students of both fossil and recent Mammals. I.— THE GENERAL SUBJECT * Abbott, W. J. L. [See p. 30, Pinnipedia .] Allen, H. On the Foramen Magnum of the Common Porpoise, and on a Human Lower Jaw of unusual size. P. Ac. Philad. 1892, p. 289. In two specimens of the skull of the Porpoise the basioccipital was seen to be entirely excluded from the condyles by the junction of the exoccipitals below the foramen magnum. . [See also Chiroptera , p. 25, and Carnivora , p. 28.] Allen, J. A. On a small Collection of Mammals from the Galapagos Islands, collected by Dr. G. Baur. Bull. Am. Mus. Nat. Hist, iv, pp. 47-50. Includes a new Atalapha, a new Oryzomys , and the common and black Rats. [See Vespertilionidce and Muridce.'] . The Geographical Distribution of North American Mammals. T. c. pp. 199-243. Adopts zone-divisions considerably differing from those taken by Merriam in the memoir cited on p. 11 ; giving the characteristic fauna of each. Ameghino, F. Repliques aux Critiques du Dr. Burmeister sur quelques Genres de Mammiferes Fossiles de la Republique Argentine. Bol. Ac. Arg. xii, pp. 437-469. A reply to the criticisms of Burmeister quoted in Zool. Rec. xxviii, Mamm. pp. 5 & 6, in which the author maintains the correctness of his own views. The distinctness of the genera Acrotherium , Adinotherium , and Notohippus , from Nesodon , is insisted upon, and it is urged that the critic has confounded milk with permanent teeth, and that his restoration of the skull of the latter is quite incorrect. The substitution of Pachyn- * An asterisk prefixed to a quotation indicates that the Recorder has not seen the Journal or Work referred to. THE GENERAL SUBJECT. Mamm. 3 odon in place of Trigodon , &c., is shown to be quite unjustifiable. That the early Megatherioids had a thin layer of enamel between the cement and dentine of their teeth, is held to be fully proved ; and it is mentioned that this feature harmonizes with the rudiments of an enamel-organ recently discovered among living Edentates. It is further stated that the alleged existence of a plastron among the Glyptodonts is incorrect, that which has been mistaken for such being in reality the head-shield. It is also pointed out that Burmeister has made certain errors in regard to the proper tails belonging to the various genera of this group. Finally, the author mentions that his own name, Pontoplanodes (Zool. Rec. xxviii, Mamm. p. 48), has priority over his critic’s Saurodelphis ( loc . cit.). Anderson, J. On a small Collection of Mammals, Reptiles, and Batra- chians from Barbary. P. Z. S. 1892, pp. 3-24. 11 species of Mammals are mentioned, among which Plecotus auritus is, for the first time, recorded from Tunisia, while its alleged occurrence in Algeria is authenticated. . [See also p. 35, Spalacidce] Ballowitz, E. [See p. 51, Edentata.] Bateson, W. On Numerical Variation in Teeth, with a discussion of the Conception of Homology. P. Z. S. 1892, pp. 102-115, figs. Numerous instances are given of individual variation in the number of teeth of Mammals ; especial interest attaching to a skull of Ommatophoca , in which an incipient division of the first premolar on one side of the upper jaw is accompanied on the opposite side with the development of two complete teeth. It is considered that the Owenian theory of the homologies of Mammalian teeth, based on the hypothesis that the typical series is composed of a definite number of teeth, some- of which may be absent in particular cases, is untenable ; and a new view is propounded as to the homology of multiple parts. Baur, G. [See p. 54, Monotremata .] Beauregard, H. [See p. 25, Chiroptera , and p. 48, Cetacea.] Beddard, F. E. [See p. 22, Primates , p. 32, Rodentia , and p. 36, Octodontidce.] Beevor, C. E. [See p. 22, Primates.'] Beneden, P. J. v. [See p. 48, Cetacea.] Blanc, L. Sur un Cas Remarquable de Dedoublement de la Region Tarso-Metatarsienne (Schistomelie). Ann. Soc. Linn. Lyon (2) xxix, pp. 40-51, figs. Describes the anatomy of the hind foot of a Calf exhibiting a duplica- tion of the metatarsus and pes, with the development of a third digit on one side of the duplicated pes. 4 Mamm. II. MAMMALIA. Blanford, W. T. The Age of the Himalayas. Geol. Mag. (3) ix, pp. 161-168. A list is given of the Mammalian fauna of Tibet, with notes on its evolution and insulation. [See p. 45, Cervidce , and p. 46, Camelidce.] Bocage, J. Y. B. du. [See p. 25, Chiroptera .] Bolam, G. [See p. 26, Vespertilionidce .] ^Bonnet, B. Grundriss der Entwickelungsgeschichte der Haussaugethiere. Berlin : 1891, 282 pp., figs. Boule, M. [See p. 6, Gaudry, and p. 37, Proboscidea.] Bouvier, E. L. [See p. 30, Pinnipedia , and p. 48, Cetacea.] Buchner, E. [See p. 33, Sciuridce , and p. 35, Dipodidce.\ Buckley, J. E. [See p. 7, Harvie-Brown & Buckley.] Buxton, E. N. Short Stalks ; or Hunting Camps, North, South, East, and West. London : 1892, 8vo, 405 pp., illustrated. A fully illustrated sporting account of many of the species of large game from various parts of the world. Cacciamali, G. B. Sulla Classificazione dei Mammiferi. Riv. Ital. Sci. Nat. xii, pp. 49-51. Cameron, A. G. [See p. 44, Cervidce.'] Cannieu, A. [See p. 32, Rodentia.] Capellini, G. [See p. 48, Cetacea.] Chapman, F. M. Notes on Birds and Mammals observed near Trinidad, Cuba, with Remarks on the Origin of West Indian Bird Life. Bull. Am. Mus. Nat. Hist, iv, pp. 279-350. Contains a few notes on the Mammals of S. Cuba, with description of a new subfossil species of Hutia. [See p. 36, Octodontidce.] Chapman, H. [See p. 22, Primates , and p. 36, Octodontidce.] Chieyitz, J. H. Sur l’Existence de l’Area Centralis Retinae dans les Quatres Premieres Classes des Vertebras. Overs. Dan. Selsk. 1891, pp. 239-253. Christy, M. [See p. 36, Leporidce.] Ciaccio, G. Y. [See p. 40, Equidce.] Collett, R. [See p. 24, Cercopithecidce.] Cook, J. H. [See p. 29, Ursidce.] Cope, E. D. A Contribution to a Knowledge of the Fauna of the Blanco Beds of Texas. P. Ac. Philad. 1892, pp. 226-229. Several Mammals are recorded from these beds, which are of late Tertiary age ; among them being a new Mastodon. [See p. 37, Proboscidea.] THE GENERAL SUBJECT. Mamm . 5 [Cope, E. D.] On False Elbow- Joints. P. Am. Phil. Soc. xxx, pp. 285-291, pis. ix & x. . Points in the Kinetogenesis of the Limbs of Vertebrates. T. c. pp. 282-285. . [See also p. 40, Equidce , and p. 52, Marsupialia.] Cragin, F. W. [See p. 46, Camelidce.] Deperet, C. La Fanne de Mammiferes Miocenes de la G-rive- St- Alban (Isere), et de quelques autres Localites du Bassin du Rhone. Arch. Mus. Lyon, v, art. 2, 96 pp., 4 pis. An important revision of all the Mammals hitherto described from these formations, with notices of a number of recently discovered specimens and descriptions of new forms. The author recognizes a total of 47 named species from G-rive-St-Alban, of which 4 are new, while there are also several new varieties. Especial attention is directed to the Chalicotheriidce , and it is concluded that the older forms from Sansan and G-rive- St- Alban belong to Macrotherium, while the Eppelsheim species pertains to Chalic other ium. The name M. grande is adopted for the species described. It is concluded, on account of the structure of both the skull and the limbs, that the group should be placed among the Perissodactyla. The fauna of Mt. Ceindre includes 18 named species, 3 of which are new. [See Simiidce , Rhinolophidce , Vespertilionidce , Soricidce , Felidce, Viverridce, Mustelidce, Chalicotheriidce, and Suidce.] . Les Animaux Pliocenes du Roussillon. M6m. Soc. Geol.-Pal. iii, pp. 117-127, pis. i & ii. The completion of the Mammalian portion of the memoir quoted in Zool. Rec. xxviii, Mamm. p. 7. The forms described include Felis , Ursus , Lagomys, Hipparion , Cervus, Capreolus , and Dolichopiihecus. [See, p. 35, Mur idee and, p. 46, Cervidce.] Dollo, L. Sur la Morphologie des C6tes. Bull. Sci. Fr. Belg. xxiv, pp. 1-19. It is contended, in the first place, that ribs have not an inter- vertebral origin ; and, in the second, that hasmapophyses are homo- logous with one another throughout the length of the vertebral column. The former view is illustrated by the conditions obtaining in the Sirenia. Bun, W. S. [See p. 52, Marsupialia.] Duval, M. [See p. 32, Rodentia .] Earle, C. [See p. 38, Amblypoda , and p. 42, Titanotheriidce.] Eglington, W. [See p. 12, Nicolls.] Fabrini, W. [See p. 28, Felidce.'] 6 Mamm. II. MAMMALIA. Fauvel, A. A. La Faune du Chan-toung (Chine). Rev. Quest. Sci. (2) i, pp. 455-492. Contains a notice of the prehistoric and living Mammals. Filhol, H. [See p. 27, Macro s celididce , and p. 30, Creodonta.] Fiserius, E. [See p. 32, Rodentia .] Forbes, H. O. [See p. 30, Pinnipedia.] Frenkel, M. Du Tissu Conjonctif dans le Lobule Hepatique de cer- tains Mammiferes. C.R. Soc. Biol. 1892, pp. 38 & 39. Freund, P. [See p. 33, Rodentia.] Gadow, H. [See p. 52, Marsupialia.] Gaudry, A. Excursion dans l’Amerique du Nord. Bull. Soc. Geol. (3) xix, pp. 936-1024. Contains notes on American fossil Mammals and their phylogeny. [See also p. 34, Cercopithecidce.] - — — & Boule, M. Materiaux pour l’Histoire des Temps Quaternaires, pt. 4, pp. 105-130, pis. xx-xxiv. Paris : 1892, sm. 4to. Treats of Hycena , JJrsus, and Canis lupus. Geberg, A. Ueber die Endigung des Gehornerven in der Schnecke der Saugethiere. Anat. Anz. viii, 20-22. Gehuchten, A. v. Les Cellules Nervenser du Sympathique chez quelques Mammiferes et chez l’Homme. Cellule, viii, pp. 83-85, pi. It is concluded that the nervous elements in the sympathetic of Mam- mals are strictly comparable to those of the cerebro-spinal system. They are provided with two kinds of prolongations — one long and the other short ; and always end freely. Germain, H. [See p. 24, Cebidce.] Gilis, P. Anatomie des Scalenes (Costotrachelians) chez les Ruminants, les Solipedes, et les Carnassiers. C.R. Soc. Biol. 1892, pp. 464-467. — — . [See also p. 33, Rodentia.] Gorjanovic-Kramberger, D. O. [See p. 48, Cetacea.] Greve, C. [See p. 28, Carnivora.] Hamilton, D. Records of Sport in Southern India. London : 1892, 4to, 284 pp., illustrated. Contains sporting accounts of many Indian Mammals. Harting, J. E. Yermin of the Farm, J. R. Agric. Soc. (3) iii, pp. 205-231 & 463-478, figs. A popular illustrated account of the various Mammals supposed to be injurious to the English farmer. Contains an account of the present plague of Microtus (= Arvicola) agrestis in the south of Scotland. . [See also p. 30, Mustelidce , and p. 34, Muridce.] THE GENERAL SUBJECT-. Mamin. 7 Harvie-Brown, J. A., & Buckley, E. A Vertebrate Fauna of Argyll and the Inner Hebrides. Edinburgh : 1892, 8vo, 252 pp., illustrated. Includes an account of the Mammals. Henneguy, L. F. Sur la Constitution de l’Endoderm des Mammiferes. C.R. Soc. Biol. 1892, pp. 277-279. Hepburn, D. [See p. 23, Primates.'] Hicks, H. [See p. 37, Proboscidea.] Hill, A. The Hippocampus. P. R. Soc. lii, p. 5 (Abstract). The subject of this paper was to test the deviation of the Hippo- campus from the normal type in such Mammals as are devoid of smell, or possess this sense in a very limited degree. It was discovered that the fascia dentata was absent in those forms which possess no olfactory bulb or tract. . [See also p. 54, Monotremata.] Hoernes, R. [See p. 47, Chceropotamidce.] Hofmann, A. Beitrage zur Miocsenen Saugethier-fauna der Steiermark. JB. geol. Reichsanst, xlii, pp. 63-76, pis. ii & iii. A continuation of the author’s previous researches on the Miocene fauna of Styria. The species described are Chalicomys jcegeri, Hycenarctus brevirhinus , Trochictis taxodon , Hyomoschus peneckei, and Sorex styriacus. [See, p. 27, Soricidce, p. 29, Ursidce , and, p. 46, Tragulidce.] Howes, G-. B. Notes upon the Shoulder-Girdle of certain Dicynodont Reptiles. J. Anat. Phys. xxvi, pp. 403-405. It is incidentally mentioned that the coracoid process of the Eutheria and Metatheria represents the epicoracoid of the Monotremes, and also that the term precoracoid is inapplicable to the latter element. Howorth, Sir H. H. [See p. 37, Proboscidea.] Hudson, W. H. The Naturalist in La Plata. London : 1892, 8vo, 388 pp., illustrated. Contains accounts of the habits of many of the Argentine Mammals, more especially the Huanaco and the Viscacha. Hutchinson, H. N. Extinct Monsters. London: 1892, 8vo, 254 pp., illustrated. Contains restored figures of several species of extinct Mammals. Jentink, F. A. [See p. 34, Muridce.] Kolmann, — . [See p. 24, Cercopithecidce.] Kriz, M. Die Hohlen in den Mahrischen Devonkalken und ihre Vorzeit. JB. geol. Reichsanst, xli, pp. 442-570, pis. viii & ix. An account of explorations in the caverns of northern Moravia, with details of their fauna. 8 Hamm. II. MAMMALIA. Kukenthal, W. Ueber den Ursprung und die Entwickelung der Saugetierzahne. Jen. Z. Nat. xxvi, pp. 469-489. Translated in Ann. N. H. (6) ix, pp. 279-285. A recapitulation and further development of the author’s views as to the evolution of Mammalian teeth. The theory that the Whales are connected by means of Zeuglodon with the Seals is disputed. . Ueber die Enstehung und Entwicklung der Saugetierstammes. Biol. Centralbl. xiii, pp. 400-413. Translated in Ann. N. H. (6) x, pp. 365-380. The author summarizes his views as to the relationship between Mammals and the lower Vertebrates. He concludes that in the Theromorous or Anomodont .Reptiles the original state of the dentition was that of polyphyodontism, while in the marsupial and placental Mammals it was diphyodont. In consequence, however, of the specializa- tion of the individual teeth in the Anomodonts, all dentitions except the first have been suppressed ; while in the Marsupials at least one tooth of the second dentition became functional. On the other hand, in spite of the specialization, both series of teeth appear in Placentals. Later on, the author considers that his view as to the formation of complex Mammalian teeth by the fusion of simple denticules is supported by the cheek-teeth of the Multituberculata. In the Vei'tebrata, as a whole, it appears, however, that the development of the dentition is primarily traceable to the fission of individual teeth. In regard to the relations of Mammals to other groups, it is urged that their ancestors were not Anomodont Reptiles, but primeval forms (from which the Anomodonts themselves may have diverged), living during the Palaeozoic period, and having a generalized dentition of simple conical teeth. From these were developed the Multituberculate Mammals ; of which the existing Monotremes are considered to be a specialized side-branch. The Marsupials are likewise considered to be another early branch from this same ancient stem, their dentition being traceable to a modi- fication of the Multituberculate type. Finally, it is concluded that Placentals are not descended from Marsupials ; the one having the second dentition as the permanent series, while in the other the first set persists. . [See also p. 43, Cetacea .] Kulagin, N. [See p. 29, Canidce .] Langkavel, B. [See p. 29, Canidce.'] Lataste, F. [See p. 25, Chiroptera, and p. 36, Leporidce.] Leche, W. Studien fiber die Entwicklung des Zahnsystems bei den Saugethieren. Morph. JB. xix, pp. 502-547, figs. An important memoir, still further elaborating the subject of the suc- cession and homologies of the. Mammalian dentition. Kfikenthal’s conclusions are discussed in detail ; and the author’s own observations on dental development fully illustrated. Taking Erinaceus as a starting- THE GENERAL SUBJECT. Mamm . 9 point, the author has studied the development of the teeth and the relations of the milk and permanent series in the following genera, viz. : Talpa , Sorex, Didelphys, Myrmecobius , Perameles , Trlchosurus, Phascol- arctus , Tatusia, Easy pus , Balwnoptera , Procaviay Fells , and Canis. In discussing the relations between the milk and permanent dentitions, it is shown that the teeth of the latter series are developed on the inner side of those of the former ; while, contrary to the view of Kiikenthal, reasons are given for considering the milk-dentition to be both auto- genetically and phylogenetically the elder of the twain. As the result of all the forms examined, it is further concluded that the molars belong morphologically to the lirst dentition, i.e ., they are milk-teeth without vertical successors. The author takes the opportunity of mentioning that his previous views as to the teeth of Bats are incorrect ; it now appearing that the almost completely tritubercular nature of their molars is the result of a kind of degeneration, and is in nowise primitive. It is also urged that the term, second dentition, is not the equivalent of per- sistent dentition, seeing that in the latter the molars belong to the first series ; while, as in Erinaceus , some of the anterior teeth may likewise pertain to the first series. Hence the following stages of development of Mammalian dentition may be distinguished — (1) When the permanent dentition consists solely of teeth of the first series, e.g.y Odontoceti. (2) When the persistent dentition is composed of teeth of the first series, with the exception of the last premolar, e.g ., Marsupialia. (3) When the permanent dentition comprises molars of the first dentition, wdth incisors, canines, and premolars belonging partly to the first and partly to the second series, e.g., Erinaceus. (4) When the permanent dentition is formed exclusively, with the exception of the molars, of teeth of the second series, as in all the higher Mammals. Later on it is argued that the monophyodontism of the inferior Mammals is the result of the non-appearance of the second dentition, whilst in the higher types it is produced by the suppression of the first series, that is to say by retrogressive evolution. In opposition to the view that the milk- dentition is a recent addition, the author is inclined to admit that it is, on the contrary, the second dentition, which has been but gradually acquired. With regard to the so-called u Zahnwall ” and u Zahnfurche f the author arrives at the same results in Erinaceus , as Rose in Man ; Zahnwall and Zahnfurche having no relation to the origin or development of teeth. On the contrary, they have merely a relation to the configura- tion of the buccal cavity during that period of life in which teeth are wanting. To the foregoing ontogenetical researches are added observa- tions on the formation of the dental system in general. Amongst these may be noted the important statement that in all Mammalia where homodontism is found ( Odontoceti , Edentata ), it is not a primitive character, but the result of retrogressive evolution. Additional highly interesting remarks are given on progressive and retrogressive evolution of the Mammalian dentitions. Leche, W. [See also p. 52, Marsupialia .] 10 Mamm. II. MAMMALIA. Lenhossek, M. v. Die Nervenurspriinge und Endigungen im Jacobson’- schen Organ des Kaninchens. Anat. Anz. vii, pp. 628-635. Lydekker, R. Discovery of Australian-like Mammals in South America. Nature, xlvi, pp. 11 & 12. Notices the discovery in the Tertiary of South America of Marsupials allied to the Thylaciue. . [See also p. 28, Viverridce, p. 41, Rhinocerotidce , p. 43, Bovidce, p. 45, Cervidce, p. 47, Anoplotheriidce , p. 49, Cetacea , and p. 51, Sirenia.li Macpherson, H. A. A Vertebrate Fauna of Lakeland. Edinburgh : 1892, 8vo, 650 pp., illustrated. Contains notices of the Mammals of Cumberland, Westmoreland, and North Lancashire, and two special articles on the Red Deer and Pine Marten. Maggi, D. [See p. 23, Primates.'] Malaqttin, A. Sur la Presence de Vertebres dans l’Eocene Inferieur du Nord de la Prance. Ann. Soc. Geol. Nord. xix, pp. 315-319. Records a large Coryphodon. Major, C. J. F. Le Gisement Ossifere de Mitylini. In “Samos,” by C. Stefani. Lausanne : 1892, 4to. The author recapitulates his views as to the Upper Miocene age of the deposits of Samos, Pikermi, and Maragha. An important discussion is given on the affinities of Chalicotherium, in which it is suggested that its resemblances to Palceosyops do not indicate genetic relationship. It is concluded that the genus is quite distinct from Macrotherium , of the Middle Miocene of Sansan, and that the two together represent a distinct order — the Ancylopoda. A list is given of the Mammals of Samos. Mares, F. Experiences sur l’Hibernation des Mammiferes. Mem. Soc. Biol. 1892, pp. 313-320. Marsh, O. C. Discovery of Cretaceous Mammals : Part 3. Am. J. Sci. (3) xliii, pp. 249-262, pis. v-xi. Describes a number of teeth from the Laramie Cretaceous of Wyoming, many of which are referred to new genera and species of Multituberculata and Marsupialia \_q.v.]. . [See also p. 38, Condylarthra , and p. 40, j Equidce.] Martin, H. T. [See p. 34, Castoridce .] Martin, K. . [See p. 37, Proboscidea .] Maska, K. J. Die Diluviale Fauna und Spuren des Menschen in der Schoschunker Hohle in Mahren. JB. geol. Reichsanst. xli, pp. 415— 422, pi. vii. Records the occurrence of human remains with those of other Verte- brates in a Moravian cavern. The milk-dentition of Hycena crocuta ( spelcea ) is figured. THE GENERAL SUBJECT. Mamm. 1 1 Matschie, P, Ueber einige Afrikanische Saugethiere. SB. nat. Fr. 1892, pp. 110-115 & 130-140. [See Felidae, Frocaviidce, Equidce, and Bovidce.~] . Ueber eine kleine Sammlung von Saugethieren und Reptilien, welche Herr L. Conradt aus Usambaru (Deutsch-Ost-Afrika), heimgebracht hat. T. c. pp. 101-110. A few Micro-Mammalia are mentioned. . Ueber die Verbreitung einiger Saugethiere in Afrika. T. c. pp. 223-235. Chiefly devoted to a criticism of True’s paper {infra, p. 19), but also contains a description of a new Cynocejphalus [see Cercopithecidce , p. 24]. . Ueber einige Neuerwerbungen des Berliner Zool. Gartens. T. c. pp. 220-223. Mainly deals with certain Felines. Meli, M. Sopra alcuni Resti di Mammiferi Fossili nei Terreni Quater- nari della Provincia di Roma. Boll. Soc. Geol. Ital. x, 5 pp. Records remains of a few recent and extinct species from the Pleisto- cene deposits in question. Merriam, C. H. The Geographic Distribution of Life in North America, with special reference to the Mammalia. P. Biol. Soc. "Washington, vii, pp. 1-64, map. North America is divided, from north to south, into the Boreal, Transition, Sonoran, and Tropical zones, severally distinguished by a more or less characteristic Mammalian fauna. These zones are proved to coincide very closely with those founded by different writers respectively on the eastern and western sides of the continent, and are now shown to be transcontinental. The Boreal region is divided into an Arctic and a Boreal zone, the latter comprising the area south of the treeless Arctic districts, sweeping across the continent from Newfoundland and the southern shore of Hudson Bay to Alaska ; and on its southern border giving off three prolongations running into the United States, down the Alleghanies, the Rocky Mountains, and the Cascade and Sierra Nevada ranges. The Transitional zone, as its name implies, is a kind of neutral area between the Boreal and the Sonoran. It is strongly urged that the Boreal zone and the northern portion of the Palsearctic region really form one zoological region, but that from the latter, as ordinarily under- stood, should be removed an area corresponding with that of the Sonoran zone. Full lists are given of the Mammalian fauna of the several zones, among which are some new subgeneric names, together with certain amendments on some generic terms generally in use. It is considered that the Glacial period has played a very important part in the present distribution of the North American fauna ; it being even urged that the S. American Llamas were originally northern forms driven- as far south as the latitude of the Andes by the cold. The paper con- 12 Mamm. II. MAMMALIA. eludes with a criticism of some of Wallace’s views, in which it is considered that he has not allowed sufficient importance to the effects of climate as a factor in distribution. [See, p. 33, Sciuridce , p. 34, Muridce , and, p. 35, Geomyidce.] [Merriam, C. H.] Descriptions of Nine New Mammals collected by E. W. Nelson, in the States of Colima and Jalisco, Mexico. T. c. pp. 164-174. [See p. 27, Soricidce , p. 34, Muridce, and p. 35, Geomyidce.] Meyer, A. B. [See p. 25, Cercopithecidce.] MObius, K. [See p. 37, Proboscidea.] Moewes, F. [See p. 44, Giraffidce.\ Morgan, C. L. Factors in the Evolution of the Mammalia, Nat. Sci. i, pp. 97-101. Criticizes some of Scott’s views on this subject. Moreno, F. P. [See p. 49, Cetacea .] Mummery, J. H. Some Points in the Structure and Development of Dentine. Phil. Tr. clxxxii b, pp. 527-545, pis. xxxvi-xxxix. The full text of the memoir quoted in Zool. Rec. xxviii, Mamm. p. 13. Nachtrieb, H. F. [See p. 24, Lemuroidea.] Nehring, A., Yerh. Anthrop. Ges. 1892, p. 86, records 14 species of fossil Mammals from a cave near Schaffhausen ; all but one being small forms. . [See also p. 45, Cervidce , and p. 48, Suidce.] Newton, E. T. [See p. 34, Castoridce.] Nicolls, J. A., & Eglington, W. The Sportsman in South Africa. London : 1892, 8vo, pp. vi & 147, pis. An illustrated descriptive work on all the large game of the districts lying to the south of the Zambesi [see, p. 44, Bovidce]. Ogilby, J. D. Catalogue of Australian Mammals, with Introductory Notes on General Mammology. Sydney : 1892, 8vo, 142 pp., figs. The completion of the work, of which an advanced publication of the first portion is noticed in Zool. Rec. xxviii, Mamm. p. 14. The list includes both terrestrial and aquatic forms ; and the author adopts the view of the indigenous origin of the Dingo. [See p. 35, Muridce.] Osborn, H. F. The History and Homologies of the Mammalian Molar Cusps. Anat. Anz. vii, pp. 740-747. In the course of this paper the author emphasizes his views that the primitive type of Mammalian molar was a simple cone ; and contests the theory that the molars of the Multitub erculata are due to the fusion of originally separate teeth. . [See also p. 31, Creodonta, p. 37, Amblypoda , p. 39, Condylarthra and Perissodactyla , p. 40, Lophiodontidce, and p. 46, Protoceratidce.] THE GENERAL SUBJECT. Mamm. 13 Osborn, H. F., & Wortman, J. L. Fossil Mammals of the Wahsatch and Wind River Beds. Bull. Am. Mus. Nat. Hist, iv, pp. 81-148, figs., pi. iv. A very important paper, recording the results of working out a col- lection obtained in 1891. The Palaeontological portion is divided into the four following sections, of which the third is by Wortman, while the others are by Osborn: — viz., (1) Homologies and Nomenclature of the Mammalian Molar Cusps ; (2) the Classification of the Perisso- dactyla ; (3) the Ancestry of the Felidce ; (4) Taxonomy and Mor- phology of the Primates, Creodonts, and Ungulates. In the first part of the paper attention is principally directed to the subsidiary cusps of the Mammalian molar, for which the general term style is suggested. [See Creodonta, Perissodactyla , and Amblypoda.] Palmer, T. S. [See p. 30, Otariidce.J Pavlow, M. [See p. 41, Rhinocerotidce.] Petrini, — . [See p. 28, Carnivora.'] Pohlig, H. [See p. 37, Proboscidea, and p. 45, Cervidce.] Poland, H. Fur-bearing Animals in Nature and in Commerce. London : 1892, 8vo, pp. lvi & 392, illustrated. Contains tables of the number of pelts annually obtained from the various species of fur-bearing animals, with notices of the animals themselves. Reviewed in Nat. Science, i, pp. 624-626. Pomel, A. [See p. 33, Sciuridce , p. 35, Muridce , and p. 44, Giraffidce.] Pommerol, F. [See p. 40, Equidce.] Pouchet, G. [See p. 49, Cetacea.] Pousargues, E. de. [See p. 33, Rodentia, and p. 45, Cervidce.] Quelch, J. J. [See p. 25, Chiroptera.] Regnault, F. (1) Fouilles dans le Terrain Miocene Moyen de St. Gaudens (Haute-Garonne) — Le Dryopitheque, (2) Fouilles dans les Grotees de Gargas et de Malarnaud. C.R. Ass. Fr. Sci. xix, pt. 2, pp. 408-411, figs. Figures a mandible of Dryopithecus , and a human lower jaw very similar to the one from Naulette. Retterer, E. de. Sur la Morphologie et Involution de 1’Epithelium du Yagin des Mammiferes. Mem. Soc. Biol. 1892, pp. 101-107. Robinson, A. Development of Segmentation- Cavity, Archenteron, Germinal Layers, and Amnion of Mammals. Q. J. Micr. Sci. xxxiii, pp. 369-455, 5 pis. . [See also p. 33, Rodentia.] 14 Mamm. II. MAMMALIA. Rose, C. Ueber die Enstehung und Formabanderungen der Menscklichen Molaren. Anat. Anz. vii, pp. 392-421, figs. The author gives a detailed description of the cheek-teeth of human embryoes, of various races, and indicates their mutual resemblances and differences, and their general bearing on the phylogeny of molars. It is stated that although, in some respects, the immature molars of Europeans resemble those of non-European nations, the reduction in the number of the tubercles found in the former is peculiar to them. It is further shown that this reduction-process tends to reproduce the original tritubercular type ; the tubercles which disappear being those which have been superadded to the primitive triangle. It is added that Cope is correct in regarding the human first upper milk-molar as being formed strictly on the tritubercular type. It is shown that in all the upper cheek-teeth, the first cusp to appear is the antero-external, hitherto regarded as the paracone, but which is identified by the author with the protocone. . Ueber die erste Anlage der Zahnleiste beim Menschen. Op. cit. viii, pp. 29-32. — — . Ueber die schmelzlosen Zahnrudimente des Menschen. Verh. deutsch. odont. Ges. iv, pp. 1-28, figs. Concludes that the toothlike bodies devoid of enamel frequently found in the front of human jaws are due to caries or other disease, and do not represent missing teeth. . Zur Phylogenie des Saugetiergebiss. Biol. Central bl. xii, pp. 624-638. A discussion as to the relationship of the teeth of Mammals to those of Reptiles. It is concluded that Placentals, Marsupials, and Menotremes are correlated, but not genetically related groups. . [See also p. 51, Edentata , and p. 52, Marsupialia.'] Rothschild, W. Descriptions of Two New Mammals from New Guinea. P. Z. S. 1892, pp. 545 & 546. [See p. 53, Phalangeridce and p. 54, Echidnidce.'] Rutimeyer, L. Die Eocane Saugethier-welt von Egerkingen. Abh. Schw. pal. Ges. xviii, pp. 1-153, pis. i-viii. The full memoir, of which a preliminary resume, (Zool. Rec. xxvii, Mamm. p. 13) had been previously published, descriptive of recent additions to our knowledge of the Mammals of the Swiss Siderolites. Many of the new species were mentioned in the preliminary notice, but as they were unaccompanied by any diagnosis could not be recognized. The title-page is dated 1891, but the description of the plates 1892 ; and from internal evidence (p. 62), it is evident that the memoir was not pub- lished until the latter year. THE GENERAL SUBJECT. Mamm . 15 The first of the descriptive portion of the memoir treats of the Ungu- lates, which are classified as follows : viz. — a. Ungulata Trigonodontia (? = Condylarthra). B. TJngulata Zygodontia. I. Imparidigitata. a. Palceotherida. b. Lophiodontida. II. Paridigitata. a. Suina. b. Selenodontia ( Hyopotamus , Bachitlierium , etc.). In the Trigonodonts it is argued that less importance should be assigned to the structure of the carpus and tarsus than to the trituberculism of the teeth. In the Palceotheriidce the genus Paloplotherium is maintained, and a new species described ; while in the Lophiodontidce there is likewise a new species of the type genus. Pachynolophus is divided into several subgenera, of which there is one new species ; the name Hyracotherium siderolithicum being still maintained for a member of this group, although its marked distinction from the typical Hyracotherium is mentioned. Among the Artiodactyles, Tapinodon gresslyi is identified with Hyopotamus ; the skull from Hordwell referred by the .Recorder to the former under the name of Anthracotherium gresslyi being regarded as indicating a new form. Hyopotamus picteti, Lyd., is also considered to be identical with H. gresslyi , although identified by its founder with Dacry- therium [see p. 47]. Several new species of Dichobunus and Xiphodon- tlierium are named ; and Tetraselenodon and Bachitlierium are recorded from these beds, the former being placed near Dichoclon , of which a new species is described. Among the Rodents a new Plesiarctomys is described, and certain In- sectivores are identified with some from Quercy. In the Creodonts a lower molar, described as Ailuravus , is referred to the Arctocyoniclce , with a sug- gestion of affinity to AElurus. New species of Hycenodon and Pterodon are described, as well as a new genus of Proviverridce , approximating to the living African Suricata ( Rhyzcena ). In the Lemuroids, Adapis and Ccenopithecus are compared, and new species of Pelycodus, Hyopsodus, and Necrolemur described. The memoir concludes with a discussion of the homologies and nomen- clature of the elements of the Mammalian molar, and a general survey of the fauna of the Siderolites and its relationships. [See p. 24, Lemuroidea , p. 31, Proviverridce and Arctocyonidce, p. 32, Hycenodontidce , p. 33, Sciuridce , p. 40, Lophiodontidce , p. 41, Palceotheriidce , p. 47, Bichodontidce , Anoplotheriidce , Ccenotheriidce , and Anthracotheriidce.~\ Rutimeyer, L. Die Eociinen Saugethiere von Egerkingen. Yerh. Ges. Basel, x (Festschrift), pp. 101-129. The first part of this paper deals with the author’s earlier works in homologizing the cusps of Mammalian molars ; his own nomenclature 16 Mamm. II. MAMMALIA. being contrasted with that subsequently published in the United States. The second portion has some general observations on the fauna of Egerkingen. Ruffini, H. [See p. 28, Carnivora.'] Ruge, G. [See p. 23, Primates.] Safford, J. M. The Pelvis of a Megalonyx and other Bones from Big- Bone Cave. Bull. Geol. Soc. Amer. iii, pp. 121-123. Schacht, H. [See p. 28, Carnivora.] Schaff, E. [See p. 29, Canidce.] Scheler, G. [See p. 45, Cervidce.] Schlosser, M. Ueber die Deutung des Milchgebisses der Saugethiere. Yerh. deutsch. odont. Ges. iv, 10 pp. A recapitulation and discussion of recent views as to the homology and development of the milk dentition. In the course of the paper it is stated that living Elephants have no deciduous incisors. . Ueber die systematische Stellung der Gattungen Plesiadapis , Protoadapis, Pleuraspidotherium , and Orthaspidotherium. JB. Mineral. 1892, ii, pp. 238-240. It is concluded that the first two of the genera named, which had been previously assigned to the Lemuroids, are more probably Rodents, although having a fuller dentition than any existing member of the order. On the other hand the genera Pleuraspidotherium and Orthaspidotherium are considered to represent Condylarthrous Ungulates, probably allied to the Perissodactyla. They had been previously referred to the Insectivora. Schonland, S. [See p. 41, Equidce.] Sclater, P. L. On a small Collection of Mammals brought by Mr. A. Sharpe from Nyassaland. P. Z. S. 1892, pp. 97 & 98. 8 species are noticed, and among these the range of Tragelaphus angasi is extended more to the north than was previously known. . [See also p. 24, Cercopithecidce , and p. 43, Bovidce.] Scott, O. B. The Evolution of the Premolar Teeth in the Mammals. P. Ac. Philad. 1892, pp. 405-440. In the first place the author refers to Fleischmann’s objections to the view of the development of the more complex types of Mammalian molars from a simple cone, and to the homology between the cusps of those of the upper and lower jaws. It is considered that these objections cannot be sustained, more especially as the author believes that the Marsupials are not the ancestors of the Placentals. The author then proceeds to trace, in detail, the origin of the more complex types of premolars. Even when these teeth have assumed a completely molariform structure, their history is quite different from that of the molars, the elements which correspond in function and position to those of the latter not being THE GENERAL SUBJECT. May am. 17 homologous therewith. The key to the homologies is afforded by the position of the protocone. As the premolars do not present quite the same degree of developmental constancy as the molars, the last of the series is adapted as the standard. The various cusps of the premolars are then contrasted with those of the molars, and new names proposed where necessary. It is concluded that while the inferior premolars may contain three elements which are homologous with molar cusps, the upper premolars contain but one cusp which can be homologized with a molar cusp ; and, furthermore, that while in the molar crown the protocone is on the inner, and the protoconid on the outer side, in both sets of premolars, upper as well as lower, it retains its primitive position on the outer side. The following table exhibits the corre- spondence of position (not of homology) between the molar and pre- molar elements, when the whole are developed : — Molars. Upper Jaw. Preholars. Protocone = Deuterocone. Paracone = Protocone. Metacone = Tritocone. Hypocone Lower Jaw. Tetartocone. Protoconid == Protoconid. Paraconid Paraconid. Metaconid = Deuteroconid. Hypoconid = Metaconid. Entoconid Tetartoconid. The author next proceeds to point out the peculiarities of the premolar cusps in several of the orders. In an addendum it is mentioned that if Rose’s views as to the position of the protocone and paracone in the molars (supra, p. 14) prove to be well-founded, then the cusps of the pre- molars and molars will be homologous, and the new terms proposed unnecessary, . [See also p. 31, Greodonta.'] Snell, O. Das Gewicht des Gehirnes und des Hirnmantels der Sauge- thiere in Beziehung zu deren geistigen Fahigkeiten. SB. Ges. Morph, vii, pp. 90-94. Southwell, T. [See p. 50, Cetacea .] Spencer, W. B. The Fauna and Zoological Relationships of Tasmania. Rep. Austr. Assoc. 1892 ; Address to Sect. D, 44 pp. Stefanescu, G. [See p. 37, Proboscidea.~\ Stephens, F. [See p. 33, Sciuridce.] 1892. [vol. xxix.] c 2 18 Mamm. II. MAMMALIA. Struthers, J. [See p. 23, Primates.'] Sussdorf, J. [See p. 48, Suidce.] Swayne, H. G. C. [See p. 43, Bovidce.] Taeker, J. [See p. 36, Ungulata.] Thomas, 0. Notes on Du. W. Kiikenthal’s Discoveries in Mammalian Dentition. Ann. N. H, (6) ix, pp. 308-311. In consequence of KiikenthaPs recent investigations, the author is now disposed to admit that Mammals may have been originally diphyodont ; although, at the same time, this view renders it very difficult to account for the condition obtaining in the Mesozoic Triconodon. It is contended that Kiikenthal is incorrect in homologizing the changing pre- molar of the Marsupials with the third of the typical series, and that it really corresponds with the fourth of the same. After some discussion as to the question whether the premolars or milk-molars are homologous with the true molars, it is argued that KiikenthaPs theory of the fusion of the teeth of the permanent and milk sets to form the molars cannot be sustained ; but his view of the fission of multicuspid teeth to form the unicuspid ones of the Cetacea is supported. . On Mammals from Nyassaland. P. Z. S. 1892, pp. 546-554. Describes 27 species of Mammals sent home by Mr. H. H. Johnston, which include 3 new varieties, among them the Lesser Pala. Isomys is regarded as distinct from Mus. [See p. 34, Muridce , and p. 43, Bovidce.] . On some Mammals from Mount Dulit in North Borneo. T. c. pp. 221-227, pis. xviii & xix. 21 species are recognized, among which are the new Hemi gale hosei , Tupaia montana , T. melanura , and Sciurus brookei. [See p. 27, Tupaiidce , p. 29, Viverridce , and p. 33, Sciuridce.] . On some New Mammalia from the East Indian Archipelago. Ann. N. H. (6) ix, pp. 250-254. A preliminary notice of the species described in the preceding paper, together with that of a new Tragulus. [See p. 46, Tragididce.] . On the Mammalia collected by Signor Leonardo Eea in Burma and Tenasserim. Ann. Mus. Genov. (2) x, pp. 913-949, pis. x & xi. The list includes 114 species, all of which have been previously described. The name Linsang is adopted in lieu of Prionodon, and Cervulus fece is figured. Orcella fluminalis is identified with 0. brevi- rostris. . On the probable Identity of certain Specimens, formerly in the Lidth de Jeude Collection, and now in the British Museum, with those figured by Albert Seba in his “Thesaurus,” in 1734. P. Z. S. 1892, pp. 309-318. • . [See also p. 27, Centetidce , p. 38, Hyracoidea, and p. 43, Bovidce.]. THE GENERAL SUBJECT. Mamm. 19 Topinard, B. [See p. 23, Primates .] Trouessart, E. L. [See p. 41, Equidce. ] True, F. W. An Annotated Catalogue of the Mammals collected by Dr. W. L. Abbott in the Kilima-njaro Region, East Africa. P. U. S. Nat. Mns. xv, pp. 445-480, pis. lxxv-lxxx. Contains a complete list of all the Mammals from the district, with descriptions of three new species, and figures of others recently named. [See p. 33, Sciuridce , and p. 34, Muridce. ] Tscherski, J. D. Wissenschaftliche Resultate der v. d. k. Ak. Wiss. zur Eforschung des Janalandes und der Neusibirischen Inseln in den Jahren 1885 und 1886 ausgesandten Expedition. Pt. 4. Bes- chreibung der Sammlung Posttertiarer Saugethiere. Mem. Ac. Petersb. xl, pp. 1-511, pis. i & vi. The species described include Felis tigris , Canis lupus, C. familiaris , Vulpes lagopus, Gulo luscus, Ursus maritimus , U. arctos , Phoca fcetida, Trichechus rosmarus , Spermophilus eversmanni , Lemmus obensis, Cuniculus torquatus , Lepus variabilis, Bison priscus, Ovibos moschatus , Ovis nivicola, Colus saiga [= Saiga tartarica] , Alces palmatus, Bangifer tarandus , Cervus canadensis , v. maral , Equus caballus, and Rhinoceros tichorhinus. A skeleton of the recent Equus przewalskii is also described ; and there are notices of the distribution of certain groups, of which the fossilized remains occur in the new Siberian islands. The occurrence of remains of the tiger at such a distance within the Arctic Circle is noteworthy. Tuckermann, F. [See p. 23, Primates.'] Turner, Sir W. [See p. 50, Cetacea , and p. 54, Monotremata .] Yaughan, J. [See p. 41, Equidce .] Waldeyer, W. [See p. 51, Sirenia.] Ward. R. Horn-Measurements and Weights of the Great Game of the World. London : 1892, 4to, 264 pp., illustrated. . [See also p. 43, Bovidce .] White, T. [See p. 29, Canidce .] Winge, H. [See p. 25, Chiroptera .] Witchell,, C. A., & Strugnell, 0. B. The Fauna and Flora of Gloucestershire. Stroud : 1892, 8vo, 301 pp., illustrated. Contains an account of the Mammals of the district. Woodward, M. F. [See p. 38, Hyracoidea .] Wortman, J. L. [See Osborn, and p.46, Proteroceratidce.] Zietz, A. [See p. 53, Marsupialia .] 20 Mamm. II. MAMMALIA. Zittel, K. A. Handbuch der Palseontologie. 1st Abhtheil. — Palaeo- zoologie, band iv, lief. 1. Munich : 1892, 8vo, 304 pp., illustrations. This part of the work commences the Mammals, and includes the orders Monotremata , Marsupialia , Edentata , Cetacea, Sirenia , and the Perissodactyle Ungulates. The class is subdivided as follows : — Subclass a. Eplacentalia. Order 1. Monotremata. 2. Allotheria {Multituber culata). 3. Marsupialia . Suborder a. Polyprotodontia. b. Diprotodontia. Subclass b. Plaoentalia. Order 4. Edentata. 5. Cetacea. Suborder a. Archceoceti. b. Odontoceti. c. Mystacoceti . Order 6. Sirenia. 7. TJngulata. Suborder a. Condylarthra. b. Perissodactyla. c. Artiodactyla. d. Amblypoda. e. Proboscidea. f. Toxodontia. g. Typotheria. h. Hyracoidea. Order 8. Tillodontia. 9. Rodentia. 10. Insectivora. 11. Chiroptera. 12. Carnivora. Suborder a. Creodonta. b, Fissipedia. c. Pinnipedia. Order 13. Primates. Suborder a. Prosimice. b. Simice. c. Bimana. The Polyprotodont Secondary Mammals are classed among the Mar- supials ; while the existing Myrmecobius is made the type of a separate family. FAUNAS, SPECIAL STRUCTURES; DEVELOPMENT, ETC. Mamm. 21 II.— FAUNAS. A. — Recent. Britain. See Harvie-Brown & Buckley, p. 7 ; Macpherson, p. 10 ; and Witchell & Strugnell, p. 19. Asia. See Blanford (Tibet), p. 4 ; Fauvel (China), p. 6 ; Thomas (Malay ana and Burma), p. 18. Africa. See Anderson, p. 3 ; Matschie, p. 11 ; Nicolls & Eglington, p. 12 ; Sclater, p. 43 ; Thomas, p. 18 ; True, p. 19. America. See Allen (Galapagos), p. 2 ; Chapman (Cuba), p. 4 ; Lataste (Chilian Bats), p. 25 ; Merriam, p. 11 ; Quelch (Guiana Bats), p. 25 ; Winge (Brazilian Bats), p. 25. Australia. See Ogilby, p. 12 ; Spencer, p. 17 ; Zietz, p. 19. B. — Fossil. Europe. See Deperet (France), p. 5 ; Gaudry & Boule (France), p. 6 ; Hofmann (Styria), p. 7 ; Maska (Moravia), p. 10 ; Major (Pikermi and Samos), p. 10 ; Meli (Italy), p. 11 ; Nehring (Germany), p. 12 ; Rutimeyer (Switzerland), p. 14. Asia. See Tscherski (Siberia), p. 19. N. America. See Cope, p. 4; Marsh, p. 10; Osborn & Wortman, p. 13 ; Scott, p. 16. Ill— SPECIAL STRUCTURES; DEVELOPMENT; Ere. Circulatory System. — See Beauregard, Chiroptera, p. 25. Dentition. — See Allen, Chiroptera , p. 25 ; Ballowitz, Edentata , p. 51 ; Bateson, p. 3 ; Freund, Rodentia , p. 33 ; Kukenthal, p. 49 ; Leche, p. 8 ; Lydekker, Sirenia, p. 31 ; Osborn, p. 12 ; Rose, Edentata, p. 51; and Marsupialia, p. 52 ; Scott, p. 16 ; Schlosser, p. 17 ; Taeker, Ungulata , p. 36 ; Thomas, p. 18, and Centetidce, p. 27 ; Topinard, Primates , p. 23 ; Woodward, Hyracoidea , p. 38. Development, Embryology, and Reproduction. — See Cannieu, Rodentia, p. 32 (penis) ; Duval, Rodentia , p. 32 (placenta) ; Fiserius, Rodentia , p. 32 ; Fleischmann, Rodentia , p. 33 (placenta) ; Pousargues, Rodentia , p. 33 (penis) ; Robinson, p. 13 (germinal layers), and Rodentia , p. 33 (yolk-sac and placenta). Digestive System. — See Carlier, Erinaceidce , p. 27 (histology) ; Turner, Cetacea , p. 50 ; Waldeyer, Sirenia , p. 51. Ear. — See Geberg, p. 6. Eye. — See Chievitz, p. 4. Glands. — See Petrini, Carnivora , p. 28 ; Tuckermann, Primates , p. 23. Histology. — See Carlier, Erinaceidce , p. 27 (digestive system) 22 Mamm. II. MAMMALIA. Frenkel, p. 6 (hepatic connective tissue); Henneguy, p. 7 (endoderm) ; Mummery, p. 12 (dentine) ; Retterer, p. 13 (epithelium). Morphology. — See Cameron, p. 44 (antlers) ; Dollo, p. 5 (ribs) ; Hepburn, Primates , p. 23 (grooves in hand and foot) ; Howes, p. 7 (shoulder-girdle) ; Kukrnthal, p. 8 (teeth) ; Osborn, p. 12 (teeth) ; Rose, p. 14 (teeth); Scott, p. 16 (teeth) ; Schlosser, p. 16 (teeth) ; Thomas, p. 18 (teeth) : Topinard, Primates , p. 23 (teeth). Muscles. — See Allen, Carnivora , p. 28 ; Beddard, Primates , infra , and Octodontidce , p. 36 ; Gilis, p. 6, and Podentia, p. 33 •; Hepburn, Primates , p. 23 ; Ruge, Primates , p. 23. Nerves and Brain. — See Beddard, Rodentia, p. 32, and Octodontidce, p. 36 ; Beevor, Primates , infra ; Chapman, Primates , infra ; Geberg, p. 6 ; Gehuchten, p. 6 ; Hepburn, Primates, p. 23 ; Hill, p. 7, and Monotremata , p. 54 ; Lenhossek, p. 10 ; Ruffini, Carnivora, p. 28 ; Symington, Marsupialia, p. 53 ; Turner, Monotremata , p. 54. Nose. — See Lenhossek, p. 10 (Jacobson’s organ) ; Symington, Marsu- pialia, p. 53 (Jacobson’s organ). Osteology. — See Allen, p. 2, and Carnivora, p. 28 ; Baur, Mono- tremata, p. 54 ; Cope, p. 5 ; Howes, p. 7 ; Maggi, Primates , p. 23 ; Struthers, Primates, p. 23. IY. — SPECIAL WORK. (Extinct groups and species are indicated by a f.) 1. PRIMATES . Beddard, F. E. Contributions to the Anatomy of the Anthropoid Apes. P. Z. S. 1892, pp. 118-120 (Abstract). Compares the myology of Anthropopithecus [ Troglodytes ] calvus with A. niger ; and also shows that an Ape recently exhibited in the Zoological Society’s Gardens, and believed to be an adult example of Simla morio, was immature. Beevor, C. E. On the Course of the Fibres of the Cingulum and the Posterior Parts of the Corpus Callosum and Fornix in the Marmoset Monkey. Phil. Tr. clxxxii b, pp. 135-199, pis. xx-xxiv. The full text of the memoir quoted in Zool. Rec. xxviii, Mamm. p. 22. Chapman, H. Observations upon the Brain of the Gorilla. P. Ac. Philad. 1892, pp. 203-212, pis. xi & xii. The author points out the features in which the Gorilla’s brain differs from those of other Anthropoids, and suggests that the Gorilla may be descended from Cynocephalus ; the other forms having totally distinct origins. SPECIAL WORK. Mamm. 23 Hepburn, D. Comparative Anatomy of the Muscles and Nerves of the Superior and Inferior Extremities of the Anthropoid Apes. J. Anat. Phys. (2) vi, pp. 149-186 & 324-356, pis. iii & ix. An elaborate comparison of these structures in a large number of the Primates. . The Integumentary Grooves on the Palm of the Hand and Sole of the Foot of Man and the Anthropoid Apes. Op. cit. xxvii, pp. 112- 130, pis. vii-ix. It is found that both hand and foot bear external evidence of the muscular homologies existing between them ; and as these homologies are almost identical in man and apes, so are the lines produced in the skin by muscles. Modifications in the size of muscles have produced some variation in the direction of the lines, but not sufficient to obscure the general adherence to one plan. While the human hand has developed into a better grasping organ than that of an ape, and the foot into a more secure organ of support, both retain evidence of their fundamental unity of structure, and both are capable of performing the same kinds of movements, subject to certain modifications suited to the necessities of each case. Maggi, L. La Sutura Endomesognatica alia Superficie Facciale degli Intermascellari nel Semnopithecus entellus. Rend. 1st. Lombardo (2) xxv, pp. 89 & 90, pi. i. Ruge, G. Zeugnisse fur die metamere Yerkurzung des Rumpfes bei Saugethieren ; Der Musculus Rectus Thoraco-abdominalis der Pri- maten. Morph. JB. xix, pp. 376-427, pis. xii & xiv. An elaborate study of the relations of this muscle in a number of Primates, with an account of its morphological bearings. Struthers, J. The Articular Processes of the Vertebras of the Gorilla compared with those in Man, and on Costo- Vertebral Variation in the Gorilla. J. Anat. Phys. xxvii, pp. 131-138. Topinard, P. De l’Evolution des Molaires et des Premolaires chez les Primates, et en particular chez l’Homme. L’Anthrop. iii, pp. 641-710, figs. An elaborate dissertation on the formation and homologies of the cusps and roots of the cheek-teeth of the Primates , with observations on the relation of these teeth to the tritubercular type. The author is of opinion that the theory of the direct descent of Man from Lemuroids cannot be sustained ; and he inclines to the view that the Hominidce should be separated from the other Anthropoids to constitute a distinct suborder. Tuckerman, F. The Gustatory Organs of Ateles ater. J. Anat. Phys. xxvi, pp. 391-393. 24 Marnm. IT. MAMMALIA. A.— ANTHROPOIDEA. a. SlMIIDJE. t Bryopithecus : note on its femur ; Pohlig, SB. niederrhein. Ges. 1892, pp. 41-43. Hylobates hainanus , n. sp., Thomas, Ann. N. H. (6) ix, pp. 85 & 86, Hainan. Distinguished by absence of light frontal band. f Pliopithecus antiquus, n. var. chantrei , Deperet, Arch. Mus. Lyon, v, p. 9, pi. ii, fig. 14, Mt. Ceindre. b. CERCOPITHECID2E. Collett, R. On a New Monkey from North-East Sumatra. P. Z. S. 1892, pp. 613-617, pi. xlii. Gaudry, C.R. cxiv, pp. 1236 & 1237, records the occurrence of frag- mentary remains of a Monkey from a cavern in the Haute-Garonne. Macacus cynomolgus : embryo described by Kolmann, Anat. Anz. vii, pp. 335-340. \ Macacus trarensis , n. sp., Pomel, C.R. cxiv, pp. 157-160, Pleistocene, Algeria. Semnopithecus everetti , n. sp., Thomas, P. Z. S. 1892, p. 582, N. Borneo. Semnopithecus cruciger, n. sp., Thomas, Ann. N. H. (6) x, pp. 475-477, Borneo. Semnopithecus pyrrhus , its distinctness from S. maurus ; J entink, Notes Leyd. Mus. xiv, pp. 119-121, pis. iii & iv. Semnopithecus thomasi , n. sp., Collett, op. cit., Sumatra. Semnopithecus nemoeus, recorded by Meyer, P. Z. S. 1892, p. 665, from Hainan. Gercopithecus schmidti , n. sp., Matschie, Zool. Anz. xv, p. 161, Uganda. Cercopithecus stairsi, n. sp., Sclater, P. Z. S. 1892, p. 580, pi. xl, Lower Zambesi. Cynocephalus langheldi , n. sp., Matschie, SB. nat. Fr. 1892, p. 232, Ungaru, E. Africa. c. Cebidjl Germain, H. Les Sapajous. Act. Soc. Chili, i, pp. 105-107 Notes on the habits of these Monkeys. B, — LEMUROIDEA. Nachtrieb, H. F. A New Lemur. Zool. Anz. xv, pp. 147 & 148. A preliminary notice of a Lemur from the Philippines regarded as indicating a new species. SPECIAL WORK. Mamm. 25 Lemur menagensis , n. sp., Nachtrieb, loc. cit. \Necrolemur cartieri , n. sp., L. Rutimeyer, Abh. Schw. pal. G-es. xviii, p. 114, Up. Eocene, Switzerland, t Pelycodus helveticus , n. sp., Rutimeyer, t. c. p. 117, ibid. \ Ryopsodus jurensis, n. sp., Rutimeyer, t. c. p. 121, ibid. 2. CHIROPTERA. Allen, H. On a New Subfamily of Phyllostome Bats. P. U. S. Nat. Mus. xv, pp. 437-439. It is concluded that Natalus should be removed from the Vesperti- lionidce to form a subfamily of Phy llostomatidce. . On the Molars of the Pteropine Bats. P. Ac. Philad. 1892, pp. 172 & 173. The author believes that he is able to identify the constituent cusps of these teeth with those of the quadritubercular type, in which case they cease to be aberrant. Beauregard, H. Le Canal Carotidien des Roussettes. C.R. Soc. Biol. 1892, pp. 914-916. Bocage, J. Y. B. du. Observations sur les Especes du Genre Cyno- nycteris rencontrees en Angola par M. d’Anchieta. J. Sci. Lisb. (2) vii, pp. 173-178, figs. It is concluded that the species represented are probably C. straminea, C. cegyptiaca , and C. collaris. Lataste, F. Etudes sur la Faune Chilienne — Note sur les Chauves- Souris. Act. Soc. Chili, i, pp. 70-91. The list includes 1 Desmodus , 1 Sturnira , 1 Nyctinomus, 3 Vespertilio , 2 Atalapha , and 4 Vesperugo. Quelch, J. J. The Bats of British Guiana. Timehri (2) vi, pp. 90-109. Notes on the habits of the various species. It is stated that there are blood-sucking Bats in districts where Desmodus is unknown. Winge, H. Jordfundne og nulevende Flagermus (Chiroptera) fra Lagoa Santa, Minas Geraes, Brasilien ; nach Udsigt over Flagermusenes indtyrdes Scsegtskab. E. Mus. Lund. vol. iii, pp. 1-65, pis. i&ii. An important memoir on the Bats of Lagoa Santa, uniform with the one on the Rodents noticed in Zool. Rec. xxiv, Mamm. p. 32, but, unfor- tunately, in Danish. As in that case, the recent and fossil forms are taken together, and figures of the skulls and dentition of the majority given. No species are new ; but a full account is given of the forgotten Phyllustoma humerale, Lund, now referred to Stenoderma. Numerous species, described more or less imperfectly by the same author, are assigned to their proper genera. It is proposed to alter the names of the Bats termed by Dobsjn Lonchoglossa wiedi and Molossus tenimincki into 26 Mamin. II. MAMMALIA. L. ecaudata and L. histipes respectively ; but both these changes are inadmissible, according to the rules of nomenclature. Two appendices follow the systematic portion, the first containing an account of the author’s investigations on the myology of Bats and his proposed classi- fication, while the second deals with the work of other writers. This part appears to contain a number of valuable observations, and also comprises a complete series of dental formulae, given in such a manner as to indicate what the author considers to be the homologies of the individual teeth throughout the order. a. Ptebopodidj:. Cynopterus blanfordi, n. sp., Thomas, Ann. Mus. Genov. (2) x, p. 884 (1891), Karin Hills, Burma. See also t. c. p. 921, pi. xi. b . Rhinolophiml Rhinolophus ferrum-equinum : de Kerville, Le Nat. 1891, p. 239, describes and photographs a colony hibernating in a cave in the department of Eure. t Rhinolophus lugdunensis et collongengis, n. spp., Deperet, Arch. Mus. Lyon, v, pp. 13 & 16, pi. ii, figs. 4-9, Miocene, Mt. Ceindre. C. VeSPERTILIONIDJ]]. Bolam, G. Daubenton’s Bat in Northumberland, with remarks upon other Species recorded from the district. Naturalist, 1892, pp. 269-272. t Vespertilio grivensis , n. sp., Deperet, Arch. Mus. Lyon, v, p. 11, pi. ii, figs. 2 & 3, Miocene, Grive-St- Alban. Rhogeessa alleni , n. sp., Thomas, Ann. N. H. (6) x, pp. 477 & 478, Mexico. Scotophilus temmincki , regarded by H. Allen, P. U. S. Nat. Mus. xv, pp. 442 & 443, as nearly allied to Atalapha and Dasypterus. Atalapha brachyotis , n. sp., J. A. Allen, Bull. Am. Mus. Nat. Hist, iv, pp. 47 & 48, Galapagos I. Nyctophilus wallceri, n. sp., Thomas, Ann. N. H. (6) x, pp. 405 & 406, Adelaide R., Australia. Harpiocep ha lus fece , n. sp., Thomas, Ann. Mus. Genov. (2) x, p. 884 (1891), Karin Hills, Burma. See also t. c. p. 926. Natalus, Gray, amended by Winge {supra, p. 25), p. 38, to Natalis ; transferred by Allen, supra , to Phyllostomatidre. d. Phyllostomatid^. Chilonycteris davyi , n. var. fulvus , Thomas, Ann. N. H. (6) p. 410, Mexico. SPECIAL WORK. Mamm . 27 Ectophylla alba, n. g. & sp., H. Allen, P. U. S. Nat. Mus. xv, pp. 441 & 442, Honduras. Founded on a mutilated skin without skull. Artibeus, Leach, amended by Winge {supra, p. 25), p. 38, to Artobius. Artibeus harti, n. sp., Thomas, Ann. N. H. (6) ix, pp. 408-410, Trinidad. 3. INSECTIVOBA. a. Tupaiid^e. Tupaia everetti, n. sp., Thomas, Ann. N. H. (6) ix, pp. 250 & 251, Mindanao, Philippines. Tupaia picta , n. sp., Thomas, t. c. pp. 251 & 252, N. Borneo. Tupaia montana, n. sp., Thomas, t. c. p. 252, Mt. Dulit, N. Borneo. Also P. Z. S. 1892, p. 223. Tupaia melanura, n. sp., Thomas, t. c. pp. 252 & 253, ibid. Also P. Z. S. 1892, p. 224. b. Macroscelididji. Filhol, H. Note sur un Insectivore Nouveau. Bull. Soc. Philom. (8) iv, p. 134. Describes and figures the hinder end of a mandibular ramus considered to be allied to the existing Rhynchocyon. t Pseudorhynchocyon cayluxi, n. g. & sp., Filhol, l. c., Phosphorites, Caylux. c. SORICIM. fSorex styriacus, n. sp., Hofmann, JB. geol. Reichsanst. xlii, p. 74, pi. iii, fig. 4, Miocene, Styria. Sorex oreopolus et saussurei, n. spp., Merriam, P. Biol. Soc. Washington, vii, pp. 173 & 174, Mexico. d. Erinaceidje. Carlier, E. W. Contributions to the Histology of the Hedgehog {Erinaceus europceus). J. Anat. Phys. xxvii, pp. 85-111 & 169-178, pis. iv-vi & xi. The first part deals with the alimentary canal, the second with the liver, and the third with the skin. The spines are shown to be the morphological equivalents of hairs. e. Centetidj;. Thomas, 0. On the Insectivorous Genus Echinops, Martin, with Notes on the Dentition of the Allied Genera. P. Z. S. 1892, pp. 500-505. After noticing in detail the leading dental and other characteristics of 28 Mamm. II. MAMMALIA. Echinops , the author shows that the adult dentition of Centetes exhibits the Marsupial feature of having four molars. It is suggested that the presumed affinity between Solenodon and Centetes is merely due to the feature of trituberculism in the molar dentition. Echinops telfuiri , n. var . palescens, Thomas, t. c. p. 501, S. Madagascar. 4. CARNIVORA . A.— CARNIVORA VERA. Allen, H. On the Cephalo-humeral Muscle, and the so-called rudi- mentary Clavicle of Carnivora. P. Ac. Philad. 1892, p. 217. Suggests that the ossification met with in the muscles of the shoulder of Carnivores is not really a representative of the clavicle. Greve, C. Die Geographische Verbreitung der Barenartigen. Zool. Jahrb. Abth. f. Syst. vi, pp. 588-616, pi. xxvii. The geographical distribution of the various species of Ursidce , Procyonidce , Arctictis , Cercoleptes} &c. Petrini, — . Note sur la Presence de Corpuscules de Pacini et de Ganglions Nerveux dans le Pancreas du Chat. CR. Soc. Biol. 1892, pp. 275 & 276. Schacht, H. Die Raubsaugethiere des Teutoburger Walder. vm, Der Fischotter ( Lutra vulgaris) ; ix, Der Dachs ( Meles taxus). Zool. Gart. xxxiii, pp. 41-48. Ruffini, A. Sur un Reticule Nerveux Special, et sur quelques Corpus- cules de Pacini qui se trouvent , en connexion avec les Organes Musculo-tendineux du Chat. Arch. Ital. Biol, xvii, pp. 101-106. a. Felidae. Fabrini, E. Su alcuni Felini del Pliocene Italiano. Atti [Mem. Rend.] Acc. Rom. (5) i, pp. 257-263. Preliminary notes on Pliocene Feline remains in the Museum at Florence. t Felis hillianus [a], n. sp., Cope, Am. Nat. xxvi, p. 1029, Pliocene, Texas. Caracal berberorum, n. sp., Matsuhie, SB. nat. Fr. 1892, p. 114, N. Africa. iPseudcelurus transitorius , n. sp., Deperet, Arch. Mus. Lyon, v, p. 21, pi. i, figs. 5 & 6, Miocene, Grive-St- Alban. b. Viverridac. Lydekker, R. On the Occurrence of the so-called Viverra hastingsice of Hordwell in the French Phosphorites. Q. J. Geol. Soc. xlviii, pp. 373 & 374, fig. It is shown that Viverra hastingsice , Davies, is common to the Oligocene SPECIAL WORK. Mamm. 29 of France and Hordwell, and since there is no character by which the lower jaw of the type of the latter can be satisfactorily distinguished from the type of V. cingustidens , Filhol, it is considered that V. hastingsice is specifically inseparable from V. angustidens. Hence the cranium, which is the subject of the communication, is figured under the latter and earlier name. There is added a list of 7 Mammals known to be common to the Headon Beds of Hordwell and the Isle of Wight, and the French phosphorites. Genetta vulgaris , recorded by de Kerville, Bull. Soc. Rouen, 1890, pp. 79 & 80, from the Department of the Eure, t Progenetta, n. g., Deperet, Arch. Mus. Lyon, v, p. 34, pi. i, fig. 3 ; type, Mustela incerta , Lartet. Linsang , adopted by Thomas, Ann. Mus. Genov. (2) x, p. 9, in place of Prionodon ; the latter being preoccupied by Priodon. Hemigale hosei , n. sp., Thoma.s, Ann. N. H. (6) ix, p. 250, and P. Z. S. 1892, p. 222, pi. xviii, Mt. Dulit, Borneo. C. Hy^enim. t Borophagus diversidens , n. g. & sp., Cope, Am. Nat. xxvi, p. 1029, Pliocene, Texas. d. Canids. Kulagin, N. Mittheilung fiber die Hunderasse Laika (Eskimo-hunde) inRussland. Zool. Jahrb. Abth. f. Syst. vi, pp. 435-441, pi. xx. Langkavel, B. Ueber Dingos, Pariah- und Neuseelandische Hunde. Zool. Gart. xxxiii, pp. 33-38. . Der Polarfuchs ( Cants lagopus). T. c. pp. 79-88 & 111-119. Schaff, E. Ueber den Schadel von Canis adustus, Sund. Zool. Jahrb. Abth. f. Syst. vi, pp. 522-531, pi. xxv. A comparison of the skull of this Jackal with those of other species. White, T. On the Native Dog of New Zealand. Tr. N. Z. Inst, xxiv, pp. 540-557. e. Ursidal Cooke, J. H. On the occurrence of TJrsus arctos in the Malta Pleisto- cene. Med. Nat. ii, pp. 267-269. Hycenarctus brevirhinus , Hofmann, JB. geol. Reichsanst. xlii, p. 64, pi. ii, figs. 1-3, = Cephalogale brevirhinus , Hofmann [Zool. Rec. xxiv, Mamm. p. 25], = Hycenarctus minutus , Koken [Zool. Rec. xxv, Mamm. p. 31]. 30 Mamm. II. MAMMALIA. /. Mustelid.®. Harting, J. E. The British Marten ( Maries sylvatica , Nilsson). Zool. (3) xv, pp. 450-459 (1891), and xvi, pp. 131-138. An account of its distribution and habits in the British Islands. f Maries delpkinensis, n. sp., Deperet, Arch. Mus. Lyon, v, p. 26, pi. i, fig. 10, Miocene, Grive-St-Alban. iMustela incerta , Lartet, ref erred by Deperet to Viverridce (vide supra). iCanimartes cumminsi , n. g. & sp., Cope, Am. Nat.- xxvi, p. 1029, Pliocene, Texas. B. — PINNIPEDIA. Abbott, W. J. L. On the occurrence of Walrus in the Thames Yalley. P. Geol. Assoc, xii, p. 357. Bouvier, E. L. Plexus formes par les Arteres Intercostales du Phoca vitalina. Bull. Soc. Philom. (8) v, pp. 81-84. Forbes, H. 0. On some points in the Anatomy of a Sea Bear caught off Sumner, Canterbury, New Zealand ; with notes on the New Zealand Eared Seals. Tr. N. Z. Inst, xxiv, pp. 198-200. A preliminary paper dealing with some points in the anatomy of Arcto- cephalus forsteri. The author objects to the division of the Otariidce into Otaria and Arctocephalus ; and he would subdivide the latter into Eumet- opias (Hair-seals, or Sea-lions), and Arctocephalus proper (Fur-seals, or Sea-bears). In the New Zealand region he recognizes Eu. hooheri (Auckland Island Hair-seal), and A. forsteri , of which Otaria cinerea is the female. The skins described by J. W. Clarke as Otaria cinerea , Peron, are referred to A. forsteri ; being those of Fur-seals. Peron’s name must be dropped. Eu. hooheri appears to be confined to the Auck- land Isles ; while A. forsteri is common to New Zealand, Chatham Island, and the Seal-Rocks, near Port Stephens, New South Wales. g. Otariid^:. iCallotaria , n. nom., Palmer, P. Biol. Soc. Washington, vii, p. 156 ; to replace Callorhinus , Gray (preoccupied). fC.— CREODONTA. Filhol, H. Note sur le Quer cither ium tenehrosum. Bull. Soc. Philom. (8) iv, pp. 135-137. Describes and figures the upper and lower dentition of this remarkable Creodont from the Phosphorites. SPECIAL WORK. Mamm. 31 Osborn, Bull. Am. Mus. Nat. Hist, iv, pp. 103-118, gives a synopsis of the Wahsatch forms, which are divided into Palceonictidce, Oxycenidce, Proviverridce , Miacidce , Mesonychidce, and Arctocyonidce. Oxycena is shown to have f incisors. Scott, W. B. A Revision of the North American Creodonta , with notes on some Genera which have been referred to that Group. P. Ac. Philad. 1892, pp. 291-323. The group is divided into the families Oxyclcenidce , Arctocyonidce , Triisodontidce, Mesonychidce , Proviverridce (= Leptictidce , in part), Palceo- nyctidce (= Ambloctynidce ), Hycenodontidce (= Oxycenidce ), and Miacidce , each of which is fuller defined. Then follows a classified synopsis of the genera, among which several are new ( vide infra). h. OxYCLMmDM. • \ Protochriacus , n. g., Scott, P. Ac. Philad. 1892, p. 296 ; type, Chriacus priscus, Cope. ■\ Epichriacus, n. g., Scott, l. c. ; type, Chriacus schlosserianus , Cope, f Pentacodon, n. g., Scott, l. c. ; type, Chriacus inversus , Cope. • \Ellipsodon , n. g., Scott, t. c. p. 298 ; type, Tricentes incequidens , Cope. i. tARCTOCYONID^:. ■\Ailuravue picteti, n. g. & sp., L. Rutimeyer, Abh. Schw. pal. Ges. xviii, p. 97, Up. Eocene, Switzerland. f Clcenodon, n. g., Scott, op. cit. p. 298 ; type, Mioclcenus ferox , Cope, f Tetraclcenodon, n. g., Scott, t. c . p. 299 ; type, Mioclcenus foverianus , Cope. j. fTRIISODONTIM. ■ \ Microclcenoclon , n. g., Scott, £. c. p. 302 ; type, Triisodon assurgens , Cope. fc. tMESONYCHIM. t Dissacus leptognathics, n. sp., Osborn, Bull. Am. Mus. Nat. Hist, iv, p. 112, Eocene, Wahsatch Beds, f Pachycena gigantea , n. sp., Osborn, t. c., pp. 113 & 114, ibid. 1. f P KO VIVE RRI DiE . ■\Prorhyzcena egerhingice , n. sp., Rutimeyer, Abh. Schw. pal. Ges. xviii, p. 105, Up. Eocene, Switzerland. 32 Mamm. II. MAMMALTA, m. fPAL^ONYCTIM. Wortman, Ball. Am. Mus. Nat. Hist, iv, pp. 95-103, points out how the dentition of Palceonictis and Patriofelis shows a transition towards that of the Felidce , the upper p. 4 and the lower m. 1 developing into carnassials. Ambloctonus is included in the family, of which a diagnosis is given by Osborn, t. c. p. 104. f Patriofelis leidyanus [a] n. sp., Wortman, t.c. p. 98, Eocene, Wahsatch Beds. ■\ Palceonictis occidentalism n. sp., Osborn, t. c. p. 104, ibid. n. tHY^NODONTID^:. f Hycenodon schlosseri, n. sp., Rutimeyer, Abh. Schw. pal. Ges. xviii, p. 101, Up. Eocene, Switzerland, f Pterodon magnus , n. sp., Rutimeyer, t. c., p. 99, ibid. INCERTA5 SEDIS. ■f Protogonodon, n.g., Scott, op.cit. p. 322 : type, Mioclcenus pentacus, Cope, f Paradoxodon, n. g , Scott, l. c. ; type, Chriacus ruetimeyeranus , Cope, f Carcinodon, n. g., Scott, t. c., p. 323 ; type, Mioclcenus Jilholianus, Cope. 5. — UODENTIA. Beddard, F. E. On the Convolutions of the Cerebral Hemispheres of certain Rodents. P. Z. S. 1892, pp. 596-613, figs. This paper refers chiefly to Dasyprocta , Gcelogenys , Lagostomus , Hydrochcerus, and Dolichotis , being the genera of Rodents in which the brains show the greatest development of convolutions. The author illus- trates the form of the convolutions in these and other genera, and dis- cusses the bearing of his observations upon classification. Cannieu, A. Recherches sur l’Appareil Reproducteur Male du Cavia. Rev. Sci. Nat. Ouest. ii, pp. 55-63, and figs, [incomplete]. Duval, M. Le Placenta des Rongeurs et l’lnversion des Feuillets Blastodermiques. T. c. pp. 917-919. . Le Placenta des Rongeurs. J. de l’Anat. Phys. xxviii, pp. 58-98 & 333-453, pis. iii-v, xvi, & xvii. The completion of the memoir, of which the earlier portions have already been recorded. Fiserius, E. Beitrage zur Entwicklungsgeschichte von Sciurus vulgaris. Verh. Ges. Wurzb. xxvi, pp. 103-122, pi. ii. An epitome of the developmental history of this species. SPECIAL WORK. Mamm. 33 Fleischmann, A. Die einheitliche Plan der Placentarbildung bei Nagethieren. SB. Ak. Berlin, 1892, pp. 445-457, pi. ii. It is concluded that the view of Ryder that the discoidal placenta of the Rodents is derived from the diminution of a zonary one, is well supported. Freund, P. Beitrage zur Entwicklungsgeschicte der Zahnanlagen bei Nagethieren. Arch. mikr. Anat. xxix, pp. 525-555, 2 pis. Confirms previous observations as to the presence in Lepus of a rudi- mentary tooth in each jaw in front of the large incisor, which is regarded as a much-reduced deciduous predecessor of the latter. In the upper diastema of Leptus there is a distinct dental ridge, without enamel-germs ; but the latter occur in Sciurus. It is concluded that the Duplicidentata present a very old type of the order, next to which comes the Sciuro- morpha. The view that Rodents are directly descended from Marsu- pials is supported. The memoir is translated in Ann. N. H. (6) xi, pp. 301-327 (1893). Gilis, P. Note sur un Muscle Costo-Basilaire chez le Cochon d’lnde. CR. Soc. Biol. 1892, p. 1018. Pousakgues, E. de. Note sur l’Appareil Genital Male du Cochon d’lnde ( Caoia, cobayd). Bull. Soc. Philom. (8) v, pp. 45-48. Robinson, A. Some Points in the Early Development of Mus musculus and Mus decumanus ; the Relation of the Yolk-sac to the Decidua and Placenta. Rep. Brit. Ass. 1891, pp. 690 & 691. . Observations upon the Development of the Spinal Cord in Mus musculus and Mus .decumanus ; the Formation of the Septa and Fissures. T. c. pp. 691 <& 692. a. Sciurid.®, Stephens, F. Notes on Sciurus fossor, Peale. Zoe, iii, pp. 118 & 119. The author thinks it probable that the name S. leporinus will eventu- ally have to be adopted for this Carolina Squirrel. Sciurus bi'ooJcei , n. sp., Thomas, Ann. N. H. (6) ix, p. 253, and P. Z. S. 1892, p. 225, Mt. Dulit, N. Borneo. Sciurus lowi , n. sp., Thomas, t. c. p. 253, Lumbidan. Sciurus pryeri and hosei , n. spp , Thomas, op. cit. x, pp. 214 & 215, N. Borneo. Sciurus undulatus, n. sp., True, P. U. S. Nat. Mus. xv, pp. 465-467, E. Africa. Sciurus getulus : Pomel, C.R. cxiv, pp. 53 & 54, has a note on this almost unknown African species. Xerospermophilus}n. subg., Merriam, P. Biol. Soc. Washington, vii, p. 27 ; type, Sperinophilus mohavensis. 1892. [vol. xxix.] c 3 34 Mamin. II. MAMMALIA. Ammospermophilus , n. subg., Merriam, l. c. ; type, S. leucurus . Arctomys caudatus : notes on its distribution by Buchner, Mel. biol. xiii, pp. 309-324, where it is shown that this species has a wide range in Central Asia, extending to regions north of the Altai. Cynomys mexicanus , n. sp., Merriam, op. cit. p. 157, Mexico, t Plesiarctomys schlosseri , n. sp., Rutimeyer, Abh. Schw. pal. Ges. xviii, p. 89, Up. Eocene, Switzerland. b. Castoridjl Martin, H. T. Castorologia : the History and Traditions of the Canadian Beaver. London & Montreal : 1892, 8vo, 238 pp., illus. Describes the Beaver from the historical, zoological, distributional, and commercial aspects ; with notices of other American Rodents, recent and fossil. Newton, E. T. On a Skull of Trogontherium cuvieri from the Forest- bed of East Runton, near Cromer. T. Z. S. xiii, pp. 165-175, pi. xix. The complete memoir, of which the abstract is quoted in Zool. Rec. xxviii, Mamm. p. 30. c. Murids. Harting, J. E. Plague of Field Voles in the South of Scotland. Zool. (3) xvi, pp. 161-173. Jentink, F. A. On a New Species of Rat from the Island of Flores. In Weber’s Zool. Ergebnisse einer Reise in Niederlandish Ost-Indien, ii, pp. 78-83, pi. iii. The species in question is the largest Rat yet known. The Indian Mas setifer is referred to Nesocia, which is regarded as a subgenus of Mas ( vide infra). Gerbillus calurus , hab. unknown, G. gracilis , Gambia, and G. emini, Wadelai, n. spp., Thomas, Ann. N. H. (6) ix, pp. 76-79. Meriones tristrami, n. sp., Thomas, t. c. p. 148, Palestine. Dendromys nigrifrons, n. sp., True, P. U. S. Nat. Mus. xv, pp. 462-464, E. Africa. Steatomys bocagei , n. sp., Thomas, Ann. N. H. (6) x, p. 264, Angola. It is also noted that the proper name of S. edulis is S. pratensis. Rhithrodontomys , Giglioli, 1873, should replace Ochetodon , Coues, 1874 ; Merriam, P. Biol. Soc. Washington, vii, p. 26. Sitomys, Fitzinger, should replace the untenable Hesperomys ; Merriam, t. c. p. 27. Sitomys musculus , n. sp., Merriam, t. c. p. 170, Mexico. Oryzomys bauri , n. sp., J. A. Allen, Bull. Am. Mus. Nat. Hist, iv, pp. 48-50, Galapagos I. SPECIAL WORK Mamm. 35 Neoloma alleni and tenuicauda , n. spp , Merriam, P. Biol. Soc. Washing- ton, vii, pp. 168-170, Mexico. Xenomys nehoni , n. g. & sp., Merriam, t. c. pp. 159-163, Mexico. Arvicola phceus, n. sp., Merriam, t. c. pp. 171 & 172, Mexico. t Bramus barbarusfn. g. & sp., Pomel, C.R. cxiv, pp. 1159-1163, Pleisto- cene, Tunis. Allied to Microtus. Isomys pumilio, n. varr. diminutus and bechuance , Thomas, P. Z. S. 1892, pp. 551 & 552, Masailand and Bechuanaland. Mus chiropus, n. sp., Thomas, Ann. Mus. Genov. (2) x, p. 889 (1891), Karin Hills, Burma. See also t. c. p. 935, pi. xi. Mas ( Dasymys ) bentleyce , p. 179, Lower Congo, M. daltoni, p. 181, W. Africa, M. burtoni, pp. 182 & 183, Ashanti, n. spp., Thomas, Ann. N. H. (6) x. Mus aquilus, n. sp., True, P. U. S. Nat. Mus. xv, pp. 460-462. Mus armandvillei , n. sp., Jentink, op. cit ., Flores. Acomys wilsoni , n. sp., Thomas, Ann. N. H. (6)'x, p. 22, Mombasa. Conilurus , W. Ogilby, 1838, adopted by J. D. Ogilby, Cat. Australian Mammals ( supra , p. 12), p. 113, for Bapalotis , Licht., preoccupied. Pitheclur melanurus, Jentink, Notes Leyd. Mus. xiv, pp. 122-126, pis. iii & iv, gives a description of this rare red-coloured Rat from Java. t Trilophomys,n. g., Deperet, Mem. Soc. Geol.-Pal. iii, p. 121; to replace Lophiomys) Dep. [Zool. Rec. xxvii, Mamm. p. 37], preoccupied. d. Spalacidje. Spalax typhlus, recorded by Anderson, P. Z. S. 1892, pp. 472-476, from Egypt, with notes on its habits. e . Geomyid.E. Geomys nelsoni, formosus, and gymnurus , n. spp., Merriam, B. Biol. Soc. Washington, vii, pp. 164-167, Mexico. (The first of these is appa- rently identical with the undermentioned species, which has the priority. — R. L.) Geomys bulleri, n. sp., Thomas, Ann. N. H. (6) x, p. 196, Jalisco, Mexico. Perodipus , Fitzinger, SB. Ak. Wien. 1867, p. 126, is stated by Merriam, P. Biol. Soc. Washington, vii, p. 26, to be the proper name of the genus termed Dipodops by Merriam, 1890 [see Zool. Rec. xxvii, Mamm. p. 37]. Perognathus merriami , n. sp., J. A. Allen, Bull. Am. Mus. Nat. Hist, iv, pp. 45 & 46, pi. iii, S.E. Texas. /. Dipodid^:. Sminthus concolor, n. sp., Buchner, Mel. biol. xiii, pp. 268-271, Kansu, China. •36 Mamm. II. MAMMALIA. g. OCTODONTIML Beddard, F. E. On the Brain and Muscular Anatomy of Aulacodus- P. Z. S. 1892, pp. 520-527, figs. Describes the anatomy of the muscles and brain in detail, and that of the viscera more briefly ; with figures of the hard palate and the brain. t Capromys columbianiis , n. sp., Chapman, Bull. Am. Mus. Nat. Hist, iv, pp. 314 & 315, Subfossil, Cuba. h. Leporid^:. Christy, M. On th 3 Extermination of the Rabbit in Australasia. Zool. (3) xvi, pp. 377-388. In the course of this article the author alludes to the remarkable variation in the numbers of Lepus americanus in the north-west of Canada ; the animals being apparently attacked by an epidemic. Lataste, F, A propos de Lapins Domestiques Yivant en Liberte dans l’ilot de FEtang de Cauquenes (Colchagua). Act. Soc. Chili, ii, pp. 210-222. The author discusses the bearings of this case in regard to feral Rabbits in general. He concludes that domestic Rabbits run wild, never revert to the original wild race, nor do they ever form a new species. Generally such feral Rabbits tend to lose individual variations, and to form a more or less uniform race. Lepus cuniculus : a wild Albino recorded by de Kerville, Bull. Soc. Rouen, 1891, pp. 61 & 62. For formula of milk-dentition, see Wood- ward, infra, p. Lepus sinensis , n. var. coreanus , Thomas, Ann. N. H. (6) ix, pp. 146 & 147, Cprea. 6.-UNGULATA. Taeker, J. Zur Kenntniss der Ontogenese bei Ungulaten. Dorpat : 1892, 8vo, 27 pp., 4 pis. An elaborate treatise on the mode of formation and development of the cheek-teeth of the Ungulates. The forms described are the Horse, the Pig, Dorcatherium , the Elk, the Roe, the Sheep, and the Ox. It is con- cluded that all selenodont types show an initial bunodont condition. In all forms cones are first developed on the crowns of the molars, which in the bunodont types tend to assume a pyramidal form, and unite with one another at their bases ; while in the selenodonts they take a crescent shape. The accessor}7 column and cingulum in the latter are of secondary origin. The more complicated types of selenodont molars result from SPECIAL WORK. Mamm. 37 additions of new elements to the original cones, such additions being added in the upper molars to the paracone, and not, as has been supposed, to the protocone. In selenodonts it is the antero-external cone which first makes its appearance, and it is accordingly urged that this, instead of the inner cone, ought to be called the protocone. A. — PROBOSCIDEA. Hicks, H. On the Discovery of Mammoth and other Remains in Ends- leigh Street, &c. Q. J. Geol. Soc. xlviii, pp. 453-467. It is concluded that the Mammoth lived very early in the Glacial period. Howorth, Sir H. H. The Mammoth and the Glacial Drift. Geol. Mag. (3) ix, pp. 250-258 & 396-405. The author endeavours to prove that the Mammoth is of pre- rather than post-glacial age. Martin, K. Mammuthreste aus Niederland. JB. Mineral. 1892, i, pp. 45-48. Mobius, K. Die Behaarung des Mammuths und der Lebenden Ele- phanten, vergleichend untersucht. SB. Ak. Berlin, 1892, pp. 527- 538, pi. iii. Records the existence in living Elephants of a remnant of the woolly coat of the Mammoth. Pohlig, H. Monographic des Elephas antiquus ; Nachtrage zur Denti- tion des Elephas antiquus. N. Acta Ac. L.-C. Nat. cur. lvii, pp. 260-466, pis. and text, figs. The completion of the monograph quoted in Zool. Rec. xxv, Mamm. p. 43. Stefanescu, G. On the Existence of the Dinotherium in Roumania. Bull. Geol. Soc. Am. iii, pp. 81-83. t Mastodon longirostris from Lahr, Eck, JB. Mineral, 1892, i, p. 151. f Mastodon successor , n. sp., Cope, P. Ac. Philad. 1892, p. 227, Up. Tertiary, Texas. f Mastodon giganteus , restored by Marsh, Am. J. Sci. (3) xlv, p. 350, pi. viii. B.— fAMBLYPODA. a. 'j'CORYPHODONTIDiE. Osborn, Bull. Am. Mus. Nat. Hist, iv, pp. 120-122, shows that while the fore-foot was of the semi-digitigrade type of the Elephant, the pes was truly plantigrade. 38 Mamm. II. MAMMALIA. Earle, C. Revision of the Species of Coryphodon. Bull. Am. Mus. Nat. Hist, iv, pp. 149-166, figs. It is concluded that Bathmodon and Metalophodon are synonyms of Coryphodon , and that there are 8 American species of the latter, together with 1 each of Manteodon and Ectcicodon. The cusps of the molars are homologized with those of other Ungulates. C. — HYRACOIDEA. b. PrOCAVIIDJ]. Thomas, 0. On the Species of the Eyracoidea. P. Z. S. 1892, pp. 50- 76, pi. iii. After a careful revision of all the known species, it is concluded that it appears impossible to refer the Hyraces to more than a single genus, for which the name Procavia is adopted. 14 species (one of which is new), and 4 varieties are recognized, so far as available material admits of forming a final conclusion. These species are defined, and their distri- bution described, with the aid of a map. The skull of P . pallida is figured. Woodward, M. F. On the Milk- Dentition of Procavia ( Eyrax ) capensis and of the Rabbit, with remarks on the relation of the Milk and Permanent Dentitions of the Mammalia. T. c. pp. 38-49, pi. ii. It is concluded that in the Hyrax the milk-dentition is i f , c f, mm £ , and the permanent if, c %, p£, mf. The upper milk-canine may, however, sometimes be retained in the permanent series. In the Rabbit the formula of the milk-teeth is found to be if, mmf. The common Hare and the Rabbit are the only known Rodents with deciduous incisors, while the Rabbit is peculiar in having milk-predecessors to both incisors. Procavia latastei , n. sp., Thomas, t. c. p. 69, Senegal. Procavia stuhlmanni , n. sp., Matschie, SB. nat. Fr. 1892, pp. 110-112, Yictoria Nyanza. Dendrohyrax validus : skull figured by True, P. U. S. Nat. Mus. xv, pi. lxxv. D. — tCONDYLARTHRA . Marsh, O. C. A New Order of Extinct Eocene Mammals. Am. J. Sci. (3) xliii, pp. 445-449, figs. Regards Meniscotherium and a form described as Eyracops as indi- cating a new order, allied to the Eyracoidea, but presenting very generalized features in the dentition and feet ; the digits terminating neither in claws nor in hoofs. From this character the name Mesodactyla is proposed. The paper is criticized by Cope, Am. Nat. xxvi, pp. 411 & SPECIAL WOKE. Mamm. 39 412, who doubts whether Hyracops is distinct from Meniscotherium, and confirms his previous reference of the latter to the Condylcirthra. Osborn, H. F. Is Meniscotherium a Member of the Chalicotheroiclea ? Am. Nat. xxvi, pp. 507-509, figs. The question is provisionally answered in the affirmative; Menisco- therium being perhaps the ancestor of Chalicotherium. c. Phenacodontidjl fMeniscodon picteti , n. sp., Rutimeyer, Abh. Schw. pal. G-es. xviii, p. 10, Up. Eocene, Switzerland. The G-enus Meniscodon, Rut., dates from 1888, but is quoted in Zool. Rec. xxv, Mamm. p. 45, as being a mis- print for Meniscotherium. d. +Meniscotheriida;. t Hyracops socialis, n. g. & sp., Marsh, Am. J. Sci. (3) xliii, pp. 446 & 447, Low. Eocene, New Mexico. E. — PERISSODACTYLA. The following classification is proposed by Osborn, Bull. Am. Mus. Nat. Hist, iv, p. 92 : — Buno-selenodont. . Titanotheriidce . . Palceosyopince . . Palceosyops. Titanotheriince . . Titanotherium. Lopho-selenodont . Equidce Hyracotheriince . Hyracotherium. Anchitheriinoe . . Anchitherium. Equince Equus. Sub-lophodont . . . Tapiridce Systemodontince . Systemodon. Tapirince Tapirus. Transitional .... Helaletitce .... Helaletes. Lophiodontidce . . Lophiodon. Lophodont Hyracodontidce . Hyrachyinoe . . . Hyrachyus. Hyracodontince. . Hyracodon. Triplopodince. . . Triplopus. Amynodontidce . . Amynodon. Rhinocerotidce . . Aceratheriince . . Aceratherium. Diceratheriince . . Dicer atherium. Rhinocerotince . . Rhinoceros. Elasmotheriince . Elasmotherium. Systemodon is regarded as an ancestral Tapir ( t . c. p. 124), and is dis- tinguished from Hyracotherium and the equine line by the approxima- tion of the first lower premolar to the canine. 40 Mamm. II. MAMMALIA. e. tLoPHIODONTlDJC. Osborn, Am. Nat. xxiv, pp. 763-765, considers that the European forms included under the genus Lophiodon are really referable to three distinct families. The more typical forms, which might be retained in Lophiodon , have no representatives in America, but the others seem allied to transatlantic types, as indicated in the following table : — L. isselensis. parisiensis, ) T , . . . . 7 = Lophiodon — Lophiodontidce. tapir oides. ) * L. annectans = Isectolophus — Tapiridce. L. cartieri = Hyrachyus — Hyracodontidce. L. rhinocer oides = Amynodon — Phinocerotidce. f Lophiodon annectans , n. sp., Rutimeyer, Abh. Schw. pal. Ges. xviii, p. 34, Up. Eocene, Switzerland. f Propalceotherium minutu'm » n. sp., Rutimeyer, t. c. p. 35, ibid. /. Equidj:. Ciaccio, G. V. Sur une Etrange et Remarquable Particularity de Structure observee dans le Cornee d’un Cheval. Arch. Ital. Biol, xvii, pp. 295-297. Cope, E. D. On the Permanent and Temporary Dentitions of certain Three-toed Horses. Am. Nat. xxvi, pp. 942-944, pis. xxv & xxvi. The changes in the upper molars of Protohippus placidus are pointed out ; in the early state the dentition is that of Hippotherium, and it is not till middle life that the protocone fuses with the paraconule to form the typical Protohippus molar. It is added that in all the group the milk-dentition is much simpler than the permanent one ; the milk-molars approximating to the permanent molars of Anchitherium. Marsh, O. C. Recent Polydactyle Horses. Am. J. Sci. (3) xliii, pp. 339-354, figs. Describes and figures feet of several existing Horses having super- numerary digits, which are regarded as indicating reversions to primitive polydactyle forms. A general survey of the extinct North American Perissodactyles allied to the Horse is appended, with illustrations of the foot-structure. In the course of this the new name Hippops is suggested for the undiscovered pentadactyle ancestor of the Horse ; and it is also stated that Phenacodus, Cope, should be replaced by the earlier Helohyus , Marsh. Criticized by Cope, Am. Nat. xxvi, pp. 410 & 411, who states that Helohyus was never defined'. Pommerol, F. Sur un Petit Cheval Quaternaire trouve dans la Limagne. C.R. Ass. Fr. Sci. xix, pt. 2, pp. 567-573, figs. A replica of the paper quoted in Zool. Rec. xxvii, Mamm. p. 41. SPECIAL WORK. Mamm. 41 SchOnland, S., Nature, xlvi, pp. 6 & 7, confirms the statement as to the coloration of the Zebra being indistinguishable in moonlight from surrounding objects, and adds that it is likewise protective in daylight. Trouessart, E. L. The Fiction of the American Horse, and the Truth on this Disputed Point. Science, xx, pp. 128 & 129. It is concluded that the statement as to the occurrence of Horses in La Plata at the time of the discovery of the New World is unfounded. Some observations are added on fossil species. Vaughan, T. Strangeway’s Veterinary Anatomy. 4th edition. Edin- burgh : 1892, 8vo, 601 pp., illustrated. f Equus simplicidens, n. sp., Cope, P. Am. Phil. Soc. 1892, p. 124, Pliocene (?), Texas. Equus boehrni , n. sp., Matschie, SB. nat. Fr. 1892, p. 131, German East Africa. g. j*PAL,EOTHERUM. f Paloplotherium magnum, n. sp., Rutimeyer, Abh. Schw. pal. Ges. xviii, p. 19, Up. Eocene, Switzerland. h. RhINOCEROTIDjE. Lydekker, R. Notes on Rhinoceroses, Aucient and Modern. Field, lxxix, p. 903, & lxxx, p. 38. Rhinoceros simus, note on by H. A. Bryden, ibid, lxxx, p. 84. Pavlow, (Madame) M. Les Rhinoceridce de la Russie, et le Developpe- ment des Rhinoceridce en general. Bull. Mosc. 1892, pp. 137-221, pis. ii-v. After recording the occurrence of the Russian representatives of the family, the author enters into a long discussion as to the mutual relation- ships of the various species of Rhinoceros , Aceratherium, etc. ; her views as to the phylogeny of the group being expressed in tabular form. It is considered that R. antiquitatis has no affinity with R. simus and R. platy - rhinus , but is allied to R. leptorhinus ; while both R. indicus and R. son- daicus (i javanicus ) are derived from R. sivalensis , the latter through the bicorn R. Jcarnuliensis. Aceratherium croizeti , of the European Oligocene, is referred to the American genus Amynodon , although the characteristic third upper molar is at present unknown. The Phosphorites of France also yield a species nearly allied to the American Aceratherium occi- dental. The resemblance of Lophioclon rhinoceroid.es to the Rhinocero- tidce is referred to (c/. Osborn, supra , p. 40). 42 Mamm . II. MAMMALIA. i. fTlTANOTHERIIDJL Earle, C. A Memoir upon the Grenus Palceosyops , Leidy, and its Allies. J. Ac. Philad. ix, pp. 267-388, pis. x-xiv. The author concludes that the family Lambdotheriidce should be abolished, and that Palceosyops and its allies should be included in the Titanotheridce , of which they constitute a subfamily, the Palceosyopince. This subfamily is characterized by all the premolars being unlike the molars, whereas in the Titanotherince some of the former are molariform. The genera of the Palceosyopince are distinguished as follows : — I. All three incisors present in each jaw. a. External lobes of upper molars very oblique and shallow . . . . 1. Lambdotherium. b. External lobes of upper molars straight and deep. a. Premaxillary symphysis short and round, last upper molar with two inner cones .... 2. Limnohyops. Last upper molar xyith one inner cone 3. Palceosyops. b. Premaxillary symphysis elongate and narrow 4. Telmatotherium. II. Only two incisors in each jaw . . . . 5. Haplacodon. The author has some doubts as to the propriety of separating Limno- hyops and Telmatotherium from Palceosyops , and concludes that the relationship between the first and third is closer than that between the second and third. The abortion of one of the inner cones in the upper molars of Limnohyops is considered, as in the analogous instance of the Bhinocerotidce, to indicate the greater specialization. As regards the succession in time of the genera of the whole family, the horned Titano- therium is Miocene, the hornless Diplacodon Uinta Eocene, Telmato- therium, Palceosyops , and Limnohyops are from the upper Bridger Eocene, while Lambdotherium is from the lower Bridger, and perhaps the under- lying Wasatch. Lambdotherium is closely allied to the ancestral stock of the family, but the absence of p T may indicate that it is not the actual ancestor. INCERTEE SEDIS. j. Chalicotheriid^:. Macrotherium grande , n. var. rhodanicum , Deperet, Arch. Mus. Lyon, v, p. 63, pis. ii-iv, Miocene, Rhone Valley (skull figured). SPECIAL WORK, Mamm. 43 F.— ARTIODACTYLA . h. Bovim. Lydekker, R. Wild Oxen. Land and Water, lii, pp. 738-740 (1891), and liii, pp. 25, 53, 54, 79, & 80, woodcuts. An illustrated popular account of all the living and some of the fossil species. . Wild Goats. Field, lxxix, pp. 312, 313, 355, 356, & 393. A popular illustrated account of all the species. Nehring, SB. nat. Fr. 1892, pp. 129 & 130, has notes on the atlas and axis vertebrae of Bos primigenius. Sclater, P. L. On a New Antelope from Somaliland, and on some other Specimens of Antelopes from the same country. P. Z. S. 1892, pp. 98-102, pi. v, figs. The new Antelope is a species of Bubalis , that generic name being adopted in place of A Icelaphus. The other species referred to are those mentioned in the following paper. . The Antelopes of Somaliland. Nat. Science, i, pp. 255-265, figs. An account of all the Antelopes known to inhabit this region. The full list of the species from North Somaliland is now as follows, viz. : — Swayne’s Hartebeest Salt’s Antelope . . Klipspringer . . . Waterbuck . . . Soemmerring’s Gazelle Pelzeln’s Gazelle . . Speke’s Gazelle . . Clarke’s Gazelle . . Waller’s Gazelle . . Beisa Antelope . . Greater Kudu . . Lesser Kudu . . . Bubalis swaynei . Neo tragus saltianus Oreotragus saltator Cobus , sp. inc. . . Gazella scemmerringi „ pelzelni . ,, spekei . . Ammodorcas clarkei Lithocranius walleri Oryx beisa . . . Strepsiceros kudu . „ imberbis “ Sig.” “ Sagaro.” “ Alikhud.” “ Aoul.” “ Dero.” “ Dero.” “ Dibatag.” “ Gerenuk.” “ Baet.” “ Goriali G odir.’3 “ Arreh Godir.1’ Swayne, H. G. C. Field-Notes on the Antelopes of Northern Somali-, land. P. Z. S. 1892, pp. 300-308. Thomas, O. On the Antelopes of the Genus Cephalophus. T. e . pp. 413-430. A revision of all the species, which are considered to be 18 in number. Ward, R. New African Antelopes. Field, lxxx, p. 84. Notices and figures heads of Oryx callotis, Bubalis jacksoni, and Connochcetes albo-jubatus. 44 Mamm. II. MAMMALIA. Bubalis swaynei , n. sp., Sclater, P. Z. S. 1892, p. 98, pi. v, Somaliland ; see also t. c. p. 257. Bubalis jacksoni, n. sp., Thomas, Ann. N. H. (6) ix, pp. 386 & 387, country between the Victoria Nyanza and the Naivasha. Bubalis leucoprymmus , n. sp., Matschie, SB. nat. Fr. 1892, p. 137, German East Africa. Damalis jimela, n. sp., Matschie, t. c. p. 135, ibid. Connochcetes taurinus, n. var. albojubatus , Thomas, Ann. N. H. (6) ix, p. 387, Uganda. Oryx callotis, n. sp., Thomas, P. Z. S. 1892, pp. 195 & 196, pi. xiv, East Africa. Figured by True, P. U. S. Nat. Mus. xv, pi. lxxvi. t Antilope (? Nagor) maupasi, n. sp., Pomel, C.R. cxv, pp. 213-216, Pleis- tocene, Algeria. AEpyceros melampus , n. var. johnstoni, Thomas, P. Z. S. 1892, pp. 553 & 554, Nyassaland. Cephalophus jentinki, n. sp., Thomas, t. c. p. 417, Liberia. Cephalophus dorsalis , n. var. castaneus, Thomas, t. c. p. 421, Cameroons. Cephalophus abyssinicus , n. n., Thomas, t. c. p. 427, to replace the inad- missible C. madoqua. Cephalophus wquinoctialis , n. sp., Matschie, SB. nat. Fr. 1892, p. 112, Victoria Nyanza. Cephalophus spadix , figured by True, P. U. S. Nat. Mus. xv, pi. lxxviii. Strepsiceros suara , n. sp., Matschie, op. cit. p. 135, German E. Africa. Antilope triangularis , Gunther (= Doratoceros , Lydekker), provisionally considered by Nicolls and Eglington (supra, p. 12) to be founded upon abnormal horns of the Kudu. Z. GlRAFFIDiE. Moewes, F. Ueber die gegenwartige Verbreitung der Giraffe im Siiden des Sambesi. Zool. Gart. xxxiii, pp. 51-53. f Libytherium macrusium , n. g. & sp., Pomel, C.R. cxv, pp. 100-102, Pliocene, Algeria. m. Cervid^:. Cameron, A. G. The Value of the Antlers in Classification of Deer. Field, lxxix, pp. 625, 703, 741, 860, & 861, figs. The author urges that antlers are of primary importance in the classifi- cation of the Deer, but that they must be studied from an evolutionary and palaeontological point of view ; and that those of the first and second year are, in some respects, of more value than those of adult animals. It is considered that Rangifer , Alces, Cervus, and Cariacus all indicate pri- mary branches of the family, which have had no connection with one another since antlers first originated, and hence that the component parts SPECIAL WORK. Mamm. 45 of these antlers cannot be homologized. The brow-tine of Cervus is con- sidered to be quite unrepresented in Cariacus , the vertically directed tine found in some species of the latter being regarded as distinct from a brow-tine. Hence the Deer are divided into brow-antlered and fork- antlered types. And it is further considered that Pere David’s Deer belongs to the second group, and should therefore be regarded as generi- cally distinct from Cervus , under the title of Elaphurus. Lydekker, R. The Deer of Asia. Land and Water, liii, suppl., Jan. 23, pp. x & xi, & pp. 130, 131, 164, 165, 192, 193, 221, 247, & 248. Pohlig, H. Die Cerviden des Thiiringischen Diluvial-Travertines, mit Beitragen liber undere diluviale und fiber recente Hirschformen. Palseontographica, xxxix, pp. 215-261, pis. xxiv-xxvii. This forms the second fasciculus of the fauna and flora of the formation in question. The species include Cervus giganteus , C. dama, C. elaphus, A Ices machlis , Rangifer tarandus , and Capreolus caprcea. [Vide infra .] Pousargues, E. de. Sur un Anomalie des Pattes Anterieures d’une Biche ( Cervus xanthopygus'). Bull. Soc. Philom. (8) iv, pp. 95-97. Describes and figures a horny growth near the carpus in this stag. Scheler, G. y. Ueber die Ursachen abnormer Geweihbildung bei den Hirscharten, insbesondere die Bildung von mehr als zwei Geweih- stangen. JH. Yer. Wiirtt. xlviii, pp. 135-178, pis. iii-vi. Describes and figures a number of abnormal antlers of Deer, with a dis- cussion of the mode of formation. Cervus elaphus , n. var. antiqui , Pohlig, op. cit. p. 246, Pleistocene. Cervus cashmirianus , n. var. yarkandensis, Blanford, P. Z. S. 1892, pp. 116 & 117, Yarkand. t Cervus giganteus: A. Nehring, SB. nat. Fr. 1892, pp. 3-8, describes a head of the variety ruff , dredged from the Rhone near Worms. This specimen (figured in Deutsche Jager-Zeitung, xviii, pp. 571-573) shows that the antlers, instead of extending horizontally, are directed upwards and outwards, like those of the Fallow Deer. In Yerh. anthrop. Ges. 1892, pp. 125-127, the same author gives reasons for believing that the word Schelch , occurring in the “ Niebelungen Lied,” is not, as has been thought, applicable to this species, but probably refers either to the Elk or to a wild Stallion, t Cervus giganteus (= euryceros ), n. varr. germanice and italics, Pohlig, op. cit. pp. 220 & 228, Pleistocene. Cervus dama, n. var. gastaldii, Pohlig, op. cit. p. 241, Pleistocene, f Cervus pachygenys , n. sp., Pomel, C.R. cxv, pp. 213-216, Pleistocene, Algeria. Cervulus fece, figured by Thomas, Ann. Mus. Genov. (2) x, pi. x. 46 Mamm. II. MAMMALIA. Alces machlis (= Cervus alces ), n. varr. diluvii and -europce, Pohlig, op. cit. pp. 236 & 237, Pleistocene. iCapreolus ruscinensis , n. sp., Deperet, Pliocene, Roussillon, France. n. Tragulims. Tragulus nigricans , n. sp., Thomas, Ann. N. H. (6) ix, p. 254, Balabac, Philippines. t Hyomoschus peneckei , n. sp., Hofmann, JB. geol. Reichsanst. xlii, p. 72, pi. ii, figs. 4, 5, Miocene, Styria. O. PfJOTOCERATIDiE (TNCERTiE SeDIS). Osborn, H. F., & Wortman, J. L. Characters of Protoceras (Marsh), the New Artiodactyl from the Lower Miocene. Bull. Am. Mus. Nat. Hist, iv, pp. 351-372, figs. ; see also Nature, xlvii, pp. 321 & 322 (1893). The authors describe a skull remarkable for the presence of a number of paired irregular bony processes, comparable to those of Uintatherium. Hornless (female) skulls of the same type were also obtained ; and it was found by comparison that both belonged to Protoceras , Marsh (Zool. Rec. xxviii, Mamm. p. 44). That genus ,must accordingly indicate a distinct family group of Artiodactyles,- approximating, in some degree, to the Tragulina through Leptomeryx. The feet, however (of which specimens were discovered with the skulls) are of the inadaptive modi- fication, and there are important differences in the structure of the cranium. The resemblance of the male skull to that of Uintatherium is further increased by the presence of large sabre-like upper tusks. p. Camelid2E. Cragin, F. W. Observations on Llama Remains from Colorado and Kansas. Amer. Geol. ix, pp. 257-260. Restricting the term Auchenia to those forms in which the premolars are f, the author considers it doubtful whether any of the West American Llamas belong to that genus. The remainder of the paper is devoted to the description of specimens from the localities mentioned. Auchenia hesterna , Leidy, is provisionally referred to Holomeniscus. t Auchenia huerfanensis , n. sp., Cragin, l. c. (?), Pliocene, Huerfano River, Colorado. Camelus hactrianus : Blanford, P. Z. S. 1892, pp. 370 & 371, notices the skull and skin of a specimen shot by Major Cumberland in the neighbourhood of Yarkand; and concludes that all the examples found in that district are feral. SPECIAL WORK. Mamm. 47 q. tDlCHODONTIM. iDichodon cartieri, n. sp., Rutimeyer, Abh. Schw. pal. Ges. xviii, p. 79, Up. Eocene, Switzerland. iTetraselenodon JcoivalevsJcii, recorded by Rutimeyer, t. c. p. 82, from same. r. Anoplotheriim. t Xipliodontherium pygmceum and obliquum , n. spp., Rutimeyer, Abh. Schw. pal. G-es. xviii, p. 74, Up. Eocene, Switzerland. iXiphodontherium schlosseri, n. sp., Rutimeyer, t. c. p. 75, ibid. t Mixtotherium gresslyi, n. sp., Rutimeyer, t. c. p. 78, ibid. Lydekker, R. On Dacryiherium ovinum from the Isle of Wight and Quercy Q. J. G. S. xlviii, pp. 1-4, pi. i. Describes a cranium and mandible of Dacryiherium cayluxi from the Quercy Phosphorites, which proves the identity of this form with the Dichobune ovina of Owen, from the Oligocene of the Isle of Wight. The species should thus be known as Dacryiherium ovinum . It is shown that the mandible referred by Filhol to D . cayluxi belongs to another animal. Hyopotamus picteti , Lyd., is identified with Dacrytherium (see also Rutimeyer, supra, p. 15). S. *j*CiENOTHERIID2E. t Dichobune muelleri , langii, p. 70, and pygmcea , p. 72, n. spp., Ruti- meyer, Abh. Schw. pal. Ges. xviii, Up. Eocene, Switzerland. t tANTHRACOTHERIIM. iHypotamus gresslyi , n. var. minor , Rutimeyer, t. c. p. 61, ibid. u. Chceropotahid^e. Hoernes, R. Zur Kenntniss der Milchbezahnung der Gattung Entelodon, Aym. SB. Ak. Wien, 1892, Abth. ii, pp. 17-24, 1 pi. Describes part of a mandibular ramus with the milk dentition, showing that the last milk-molar has the usual trilobed form. 48 Mamm. II. MAMMALIA. V. SlJIDiE. Nehring, A. Zwei Javanische Wildschweine des Berliner Zoologischen G-artens (wahrscheinlich Sus longirostris , Nehring). Zool. Gart xxxiii, pp. 7-11. . Einige nene Notizen iiber die Langrusselschweine ( Sus longi- rostris') im Berliner Zoologischer Gartens. T. c. pp. 240-242. Notices two pigs from Java in the Berlin Gardens, which may belong to S. longirostris , that form being intermediate between S. barbatus and S. verrucosus. Sussdorf, J. Der Hauer eines Suiden, ein interressanter Bodenseefund. JH. Ver. Wiirtt. xlviii, pp. 238-247. Describes a lower canine of Sus scrofa exhibiting a pathological peculiarity in structure. f Chceromorus pygmeeus, n. sp., Deperet, Arch. Mus. Lyon, v, p. 87, pi. i, Miocene, Grive-St- Alban. 7 .—CETACEA. Beauregard, H. Note sur Deux Echouements Recents de Balcenoptera musculus. CR. Soc. Biol. 1892, pp. 202 & 203. Beneden, P. J. van. Un Cetace Fluviatile d’Afrique. Mem. Ac. Belg. (3) xxiii, pp. 350-355, 1 pi. Note on Sotalia teuszii , with figure of skull. Bouvier, E. L. Sur un Echouement d ’ Hyperoodon a l’entree de la Baie de Carentan. CR. Soc. Biol. 1892, pp. 835-838. . Observations Anatomiques sur VHyperoodon rostratus. Ann. Sci. Nat. (7) xiii, pp. 259-320, pis. vii & viii. Describes, in detail, the external characters and visceral anatomy of a recently stranded specimen. Capellini, G. Un Delfinide Miocenico, Ossia il Supposto Uomo Fossile di Acquabona presso Arcevia nelle Marche. Atti (Mem. Rend.) Acc. Rom. (5) i, pp. 325-330. It is considered that the specimen referred to belongs probably either to a Schizodelphis or a Squalodon. Gorjanovic-Kramberger, D. O. Fosilnih Cetaceih Hrvutske i Kranjske. (De Fossilibus Cetaceis Croatise et Carneoliae.) Rad Jugoslav, akad. cxi, pp. 1-21, pis. i-iii. A memoir in Croatian on fossil Cetaceans from Croatia and Carniola. The specimens are referred to Champsodelphis} Platanista , Delphinapterus , and Mesocetus ; the two new species being mentioned below. SPECIAL WORK. Mcimm. 49 Kukenthal, W. Mittheilungen iiber den Carpus des Weisswals (Die Bildung des Hamatums und das Vorkommen von Zwei und Drei Centralien). Morph. JB. xix, pp. 56-64, pi. iii. The occurrence of two centralia is noticed in both Delphinapterus and Monoceros ; and the morphological bearing of this feature, as well as the presence of five distal carpalia, fully discussed. . Ichthyosaurier und Wale. JB. Mineral. 1892, i, pp. 161-166. The analogy between Ichthyosaurs and Whales is traced ; and as it is probable that the former have descended from armoured reptiles, so the latter (from the discovery of traces of scutes with a fossil Dolphin and Zeuglodon ) may have taken origin from Mammals furnished with a der- mal armour. . Sotalia teuszii , n. sp., ein Pflanzenfressender (?) Delphin aus Kamerun. Zool. Jahrb. Abth. f. Syst. vi, pp. 442-446, pi. xxi. Lydekker, R. On Zeuglodont and other Cetacean Remains from the Tertiaries of the Caucasus. P. Z. S. 1892, pp. 558-564, pis. xxxvi- xxxviii . The specimens are from Eocene beds, and are referred to a new species of Zeuglodon , and to two representatives of the Platanistidce , one of which is regarded as indicating a new genus, while the other is not named. It is considered that the specimens help to confirm the view as to the Cetacean nature of Zeuglodon {vide infra), Moreno, F. P. Noticias sobre algunos Cetaceos Fosiles y Actuales de la Republica Argentina. Rev. Mus. la Plata, iii, pp. 381-398, pis. viii-xi. Describes a recent Cetacean referred to a new species of Lageno- rhynchus, and two fossil crania provisionally assigned to the Delphinidce (?• v-)‘ Pouchet, G. Note sur la Baleine Observee par Nearque. CR. Soc. Biol. 1892, pp. 422 & 423. Concludes that the Whale seen by Nearchus in the Persian Gulf was a Megaptera. & Beauregard, H. Note sur l’Ambre Gris. T. c. pp. 588-590. . Recherches sur le Cachalot. N. Arch. Mus. (3) iv, pp. 1-90, pis. i-xii. A continuation of the elaborate monograph quoted in Zool. Rec. xxvi, Mamm. p. 48 ; the present part dealing with the anatomy of the head and brain. 1892. [vol. xxix.] c 4 50 Mamm. II. MAMMALIA. Southwell, T. Notes on the Seal and Whale Fishery. Zool. (3) xii, pp. 100-105. Turner, Sir W. The Lesser Rorqual ( Balcenoptera rostrata ) in the Scotch Seas, with observations on its Anatomy. P. R. Soc. Edinb. xix, pp. 36-75, 2 pis. Describes a female stranded at Granton in 1888, and tabulates all the examples hitherto recorded from the Scotch coasts. . Notes on some of the Viscera of Risso’s Dolphin ( Grampus griseus ). J. Anat. Phys. (2) vi, pp. 258-270. a . Physeteridj:. Mesoplodon bidens ( sowerbiensis ). Fischer, C.R. cxiv, pp. 1283-1286, describes the osteology of a specimen stranded at Cap Breton, August, 1888. Tegetmeier, Field, lxxx, p. 1003, records the stranding of another specimen on the Norfolk coast, Dec. 18th, 1892. Hyperoodon rostratus : Bouvier’s notes, quoted in Zool. Rec. xxviii, Mamm. p. 48, translated in Ann. N. H. (6) ix, pp. 484-486. b. PlATANISTIDjE. ■flniopsis caucasica , n. g. & sp., Lydekker, P. Z. S. 1892, p. 562, Eocene, Caucasus. f Platanista croatica, n. sp., Gorjanovic-Kramberger, Rad jugoslav. akad. cxi, p. 12, Tertiary, Croatia. ■j* Champsodelphis carniolicus , n. sp., Gorjanovic-Kramberger, t. c. p. 6, Tertiary, Carniola. c. Delphinidji. Grampus griseus : Sir W. Turner, P. Phys. Soc. Edinb. xi, pp. 1-6, describes one of six examples caught at Hillswick, Shetland, Sep- tember, 1889. Another captured on the Solway, September 30th, 1892, recorded in Land and Water, liv, p. 405. Delphinus dussumieri, n. n., Blanford, Mammals of British India, p. 588 (1891), for D. longirostris , Dussumier, nec Gray. [Omitted from Zool. Rec. xxviii.] Sotalia teuszii , n. sp., Kukenthal, Zool. JB. vi, pp. 442-446, pi. xxi, Cameroon district. Believed to be herbivorous. Lagenorhynchus floweri, n. sp., Moreno, Rev. Mus. La Plata, iii, p. 383, pis. viii & ix. SPECIAL WORK. Mamm. 51 f Mesocetus poucheti, n. g. & sp., Moreno, t. c. p. 393, pi. x, Tertiary, Argentina. f Notocetus vanbenedeni, n. g. & sp., Moreno, t. c. p. 395, ibid. •\Orcella fluminalis , identified with 0. brevirostris ; Thomas, Ann. Mus. Genov. (2) x, p. 39. d . tZEUGLODONTIM. f Zeuglodon caucasicus, n. sp., Lydekker, P. Z. S. 1892, p. 559, Eocene, Caucasus. 8. SIRENIA. Lydekker, It. On a remarkable Sirenian Jaw from the Oligocene of Italy, and its bearing on the Evolution of the Sirenia. P. Z. S. 1892, pp. 77-83, woodcut. Describes part of an upper jaw of a Sirenian from the Tertiaries of Northern Italy, containing milk-teeth. As these teeth showed a masked selenodont structure, it is urged that the specimen indicates the descent of the Sirenia from Selenodont Artiodactyle-like Ungulates. It was inci- dentally shown that Halitherium veronense , Zigno, from the same deposits, belongs to Prorastoma , Owen. Waldeyer, W. Ueber den feineren Bau des Magens und Darmkanales von Manatus americanus. SB. Ak. Berlin, 1892, pp. 79-85. 9. EDENTATA. Ballowitz, E. Das Schmelzorgan der Edentaten, seine Ausbildung im Embryo, und die Persistenz seines Keimrandes bei dem erwachsenen Thier. Arch. mikr. Anat. xl, pp. 133-156, pis. vi & vii. The existence of an enamel-organ in the embryo of Dasypus is con- firmed ; and it is now shown that a portion of this persists as an epithe- lial ring at the base of the pulp-cavity. Rose, C. Ueber rudimentare Zahnanlagen der Gattung Manis. Anat. Anz. vii, pp. 618-622. Records rudimentary dental structures in embryoes of Manis tricuspis and M. javanica. fMEGATHERIIM. For presence of enamel in teeth of earlier forms, see Ameghino, supra , pp. 2 & 3. 52 Mamm. II. MAMMALIA. fG-LYPTODONTIM. The alleged existence of a plastron is stated by Ameghino (supra, p. 3) to be incorrect. 10.— MARSUPIALIA. For list of Australian forms, see Ogilby, supra , p. 12. Cope,E.D. On the Habits and Affinities of the New Australian Mammal, Notoryctes typhlops. Am. Nat. xxvi, pp. 121-128, pi. ix. Concludes that the affinities of this animal are rather with Insectivores than Marsupials, and that its nearest ally is probably Chrysochloris. Dun, W. S. Notes on the Teeth known as Sceparnodon ramsayi, Owen (Phascolonus gigas, Lydekker). Rec. Geol. Surv. N.S.W. iii, pp. 25- 28, pi. vi. New specimens from Bingera serve to disprove some of the views of De Yis as to the lower incisors of this type ; and thus leave it still probable that Sceparnodon may be identical with Phascolonus. GI-adow, H. On the Systematic Position of Notoryctes typhlops. P. Z. S. 1892, pp. 361-370, figs. After an exhaustive consideration of the hard and soft parts, the author concludes that Notoryctes is an undoubted polyprotodont Marsu- pial, and that its relationship is nearer to the Dasyuridce than to the Peramelidce. Leche, Biol. Foren. iv, pp. 1 & 2, likewise has a note on the affinities of the same genus. Rose, C. Ueber die Zahnentwickelung der Beuteltiere. Anat. Anz. vii, pp. 639-650 & 693-707, figs. From an examination of a series of foetal specimens, it is concluded that the teeth of Marsupials are developed in the same manner as in other Mammals ; the anterior ones being diphyodont, while the true molars are produced as lateral outgrowths, with the exception of the last premolar. The germs of the replacing teeth are, however, aborted, and the permanent teeth consequently belong to the milk-series. In some cases, as in Didelphys , the last premolar takes a place among the milk-molars, with- out displacing one of the latter ; although it generally succeeds a milk- tooth in the ordinary manner. It is also considered that the outermost upper incisor of Perameles , Macropus, and Phalangista belongs to the second series, which takes its place alongside those of the first series with- out any displacement. Further evidence is also obtained in support of the view that the premolars and molars are formed by the coalescence of three or more simple conical teeth. SPECIAL WORK. Mamm. 53 Symington, J. On the Organ of Jacobson in the Kangaroo and Rock- Wallaby ( Macropus giganteus and Petrogale penicillata). J. Anat. Phys. xxvi, pp. 371-374, pi. x. It is shown that in Ornithorhynchus the cartilage of the organ in question, in the greater part of its extent, forms a complete tube, from which passes, internally, a turbinative process ; no indications of such a process occurring in the Metatheria and Eutheria. Further, in Ornithorhynchus the organ, which is very large, extends forwards as well as backwards beyond its opening into the naso-palatine foramen, while in other Mam- mals the opening, which may be either into that foramen or into the nasal cavity, represents the anterior end of the organ. . The Cerebral Commissures in the Marsupialia and Alonotremata. T. c. pp. 22-84, pis. i-iii, figs. It is concluded that the cerebral commissures of Monotremes and Marsupials may be distinguished from those of Eutherians by the fol- lowing characters : — (1) The anterior commissure is as large as, and generally much larger than, any other transverse commissure of the cerebrum, and it unites the whole of the cortex of the two hemispheres, except the gyri dentati and hippocampi majores. (2) They have no true corpus callosum. (3) The superior transverse commissure is simply one for the gyri dentati and hippocampi majores. In the Eutherians, on the other hand, the following conditions obtain : — (1) The anterior commissure is much smaller than the other transverse commissures, and it never extends to the cortex on the upper surface of the cerebral hemi- spheres, or to that on the upper part of the inner surface of the same. (2) A true corpus callosum, and likewise (3) a hippocampal commissure are present. Zietz, A. List of South Australian Species of Kangaroos and Wallabies. Tr. R. Soc. S. Austr. xv, pp. 18 & 19. a. Phalange rid j]. Acrobates pulchellus, n. sp., Rothschild, P. Z. S. 1892, p. 546, Island in Dutch New Guinea. b. fAMPHITHERIIDJL ■ \Telacodon Icevis, n. g. & sp., Marsh, Am. J. Sci. (3) xliii, p. 258, Cretaceous, Wyoming. ■ \Batodon tenuis , n. g. & sp., Marsh, l. c. ibid. c. Incert^: Sedis. t Stagodon validus , n.sp., Marsh, Am. J. Sci. (3) xliii, p. 256, Cretaceous, Wyoming. 54 Mamm. II. MAMMALIA. f Thlceodon paslanicus, n. g. & sp., Cope, Am. Nat. xxvi, pp. 758-760, Cretaceous, Wyoming. Founded upon an imperfect mandible, in which the angle is wanting, considered to belong either to a Marsupial or a Monotreme. 11. MONOTRRMATA . Baur, Am. Nat. xxvi, pp. 72 & 435, records the absence of zygapo- physes in the cervical vertebrae as a new fact. Carus, t. c. p. 965, points out that Owen had long since noticed the fact of their absence, except in the atlas of Echidna. Hill, A. The Cerebrum of Ornithorhynchus paradoxus. P. R. Soc. lii, pp. 163 & 164. [Abstract.] Although the brain is distinctly Mammalian, it presents certain peculiar features connected with the rhinencephalon, hippocampus, and cerebral commissures, which have not hitherto been noticed. The olfactory bulb has a thin stalk, and is quite free from the frontal portion of the hemisphere. The hippocampus is very large, and lies entirely dorsal of the velum interpositum, while it is continued for- wards to the extreme front of the brain, thus forming with the rhinencephalon a loop open in front. No commissural fibres cross the incisura pallii longitudinalis dorsally of the hippocampus ; and it is con- cluded such fibres as do cross from one hemisphere to another do not represent a true corpus callosum. Exclusive of the incisura rhinalis and dentary fossa , which scarcely come under this category, the cortex is completely destitute of convolutions. Turner, Sir W. The Cerebral Hemispheres of Ornithorhynchus para- doxus. J. Anat. Phys. (2) vi, pp. 358-361. The author finds that the rhinencephalon is more highly organized and larger in Echidna than in Ornithorhynchus ; while the pallial part is on a larger and more complicated plan. Moreover, the cerebellum is like- wise a larger organ, with its surface more minutely fissured in Echidna. Hence it is concluded that the brain of the latter is decidedly more highly organized than that of Ornithorhynchus. a. Echidnid^:. Echidna aculeata : remarks on young specimens ; W. N. Parker, Rep. Brit. Ass. 1891, p. 693. Proechidna nigroaculeata , n. sp., Rothschild, P. Z. S. 1892, p. 545, Dutch New Guinea. SPECIAL WORK. Mamm. 55 12. f MULTITTJBERCULATA. f Cimolodon parvus , n. sp., 0. C. Marsh, Am. J. Sci. (3) xliii, p. 254, Cretaceous, Wyoming. f Cimolodon agilis , n. sp., Marsh, t. c. p. 255, ibid. -j* Allacodon fortis, n. sp., Marsh, l. c. ibid. •\Allacodon rarus , n. sp., Marsh, t. c. p. 256, ibid. -j* Oracodon conulus, n. sp., Marsh, l. c. ibid. A res 1 III. AVES. BY R. Bowdler Sharpe, LL.D. The year 1892 has been rendered remarkable by the publication of Dr. G-adow’s Classification of Birds, by Professor Mivart’s popular Intro- duction to Ornithology, and by the excellent work by Captain Charles Bendire on the Life-histories of American Birds. The zoo-geographical work of Dr. C. Hart Merriam and Mr. J. A. Allen, though based upon studies of the Mammalia, possesses the deepest interest for Orni- thologists. The year will also probably be notable for the foundation in this country of the ‘ British Ornithologists’ Club,’ whose monthly ‘ Bulletin ’ contains a record of most important work, while the ‘ Ibis ’ is more flourishing than ever. Arrangement op Record. I. — Titles of Separate Works, and of the more im- portant Papers published in Proceedings of Societies, &c. II. — Faunistic. III. — Anatomy and Miscellaneous. IV. — Systematic. I.— TITLES* Albarda, N. Ueber das Yorkommen seltener Vogel in den Niederlanden. J. f. 0. 1892, pp. 417-431. Alessi, S. Briefliches aus Tunisien. T. c. pp. 313-317. Alfaro, A. Resena de las principals Aves que habitan la parte superior del Volcan de Poas. An. Mus. Costa Rica, iii, pp. 160 & 161. * An asterisk prefixed to a quotation indicates that the Recorder has not seen the Journal or Work referred to. 1892. [vol. xxix.] c 5 2 Aves. Ill, AYES. Allen, C. S. [See Pandiones , p. 39.] Allen, J. A. Notice on some Venezuelan Birds collected by Mrs. H. H. Smith. Bull. Am. Mus. iv, pp. 51-56. \_Tanagridce , p. 52 ; Tyrannidce , p. 61 ; Piciformes , p. 49.] . On a Collection of Birds from Chapada, Matto Grosso, Brazil, made by Mrs. H. H. Smith. Part n. Tyrannidce. T. c. pp. 330-350. [Part i, cf. Zool. Rec. xxviii, Aves , p. 2.] . The Geographical Distribution of North American Mammals. T. c. pp. 199-243, pis. v-viii [maps]. . [See also Ralliformes , p. 30 ; Piciformes , p. 49.] Anonymous. Fourth Supplement to the A. 0. IT. Check-list of North- American Birds. Auk, ix, pp. 105-108. Anthony, A. W. Birds of South-western New Mexico. Auk, ix, pp. 357-369. Aplin, O. V. Notes on Birds seen in Switzerland. Zool. 1892, pp.3-14 & 65-73. . Supplementary Notes on the Birds of Oxfordshire. T. c. pp. 241-258. . Notes from a Winter Journal, 1890 & 1891. Mid. Nat. xv, pp. 40-43 & 58-62. [. Emberizince , p. 53 ; Laniidce , p. 55 ; Cinclidce, p. 58.] Attwater, H. P. List of Birds observed in the vicinity of San Antonio, Bexar County, Texas. Auk, ix, pp. 337-345. Austen, E. E. On Bird-life at Heidelberg. Rep. Rugby Soc. 1891, pp. 36-43. Baker, E. C. S. [See Pycnonotidce , p. 59 ; Troglodytidce , p. 58.] Baldamus, E. Das Leben der europaischen Kuckucke, nebst Beitragen zur Lebenskunde der iibrigen parasitischen Kuckucke und Starlinge. Berlin : 1892, 224 pp., viii pis. Barboza du Bocage, J. V. Additions et Corrections a l’Ornithologie d’ Angola. I. J. Sci. Lisb. (2) viii, pp. 248-264. [Tri * isoridce , p. 43 ; Nectariniidce, p. 54.] . Aves do Sertao de Benguella. J. Sci. Lisb. (2) vii, pp. 157-172. \_Turdidce , p. 57.] . Subsidios para a Fauna da Guine Portugueza. T. c. pp. 179-184. . Aves de Dahome. T. c. pp. 185-187. Baur, G. Besuch der Galapagos-Inseln. Biol. Centralbl. xii, pp. 221-250. Beckwith, W. Shropshire Birds. Tr. Shropshire Soc. 1892, pp. 183-198. Beddard, F. E. Animal Coloration : an account of the principal facts and theories relating to the colours and markings of animals. London : 8vo, 1892, pp. [See also Plotidce, p. 36.] TITLES. Aves 3 Bendire, C. Life Histories of North American Birds, with special reference to their breeding, habits, and eggs. U. S. Nat. Mus. Special Bulletin, No. i. Washington : 1892, 4to, pp. viii & 416, pis. i-xii. [ Galliformes , p. 25 ; ColumUformes, p. 28 ; Accipitriformes , p. 37 ; Striges , p. 39.J Berlepsch, H. yon. Die Yernichtung unserer Yogel im Siiden und der daraus resultirende Schaden. C.R. ii, Congr. Orn. Intern, ii, pp. 179-189. . Die Yogel der Insel Curasao, nach einer von Herrn Ernst Peters daselbst angelegten Sammlung. J. f. 0. 1892, pp. 61-104. [ Ccerebidce , p. 52 ; Falconidce, p. 39 ; Odontophorince , p. 28.] . [See also Botjcard & Berlepsch.] & Stolzmann, J. Resultats des recherches ornithologiques faites au Perou par M. Jean Kalinowski. P. Z. S. 1892, pp. 371-411. [ Tanagridce , p. 52 ; Icteridce , p. 51 ; Tyrannidce , p. 62 ; Dendroco- lapthlce , p. 62.] & . [See also Crypturiformes , p. 25 ; Trochili, p. 62 ; Fur- nariince , p. 62.] Besse, C., & St. Maurice, Abbaye de. Liste des Oiseaux palmes du Yalais. Bull. Soc. Murith. livr. xvi-xviii, pp. 36-42 (1890). Bird, M. Bird Life of the Norfolk Broads. Field Club, iii, pp. 1-4, 20-24, 36-60, 52-55, 65-69, 86-88, 104-108, 116-120, 133-138, 151-154, 164-167, & 177-180. Blaauw, F. E. [See Platalecs , p. 34.] Blakiston, T. W. [the late]. Obituary Notice. Ibis, 1892, pp. 190 & 191 ; Auk, ix, pp. 75 & 76. Blasius, R-. Zur Oologie. C.R. ii, Congr. Orn. Intern, ii, pp. 148-152. Blomefield, L. Remarks on the Distribution and Movements of British Animals and Plants, in Past and Present Times, as instanced in the Nightingale and some other cases. P. Bath Nat. Hist. Club, 1892, pp. 185-199. Bocage. [See Barboza du Bocage.] Bolam, G-. Ornithological Notes. Hist. Berwick Nat. Club, 1890-91, pp. 345-368. Bolles, F. [See Piciformes, p. 49.] Bonvalot, G. De Paris au Tonkin a travers Le Tibet-Inconnu. Paris : 8vo, 1892, Oiseaux, pp. 488 & 489. Boucard, A. Aves colectadas en Costarica. An. Mus. Costa Rica, iii, pp. 141-159. 4 Aces. III. AYES. [Boucard, A.] [See also Phasiani , p. 26 ; Trochili , p. 46.] . H. W. Bates [Obituary Notice]. Humming Bird, ii, pp. 26-31, with portrait. Boucard, A., & Berlepsch, H. yon. List of Birds collected by M. Hardy, at Porto Real, Brazil, with description of one supposed new species. Humming Bird, ii, pp. 41-45. [ Formicariidce , p. 63.] Brewster, W. ■ [See Mniotiltidce , p. 53.] Brooks, W. E. A few remarks on Mr. Oates’s “ Birds of British India.” Ibis, 1892, pp. 59-62. [Corvidce, p. 47 ; Regulidce , p. 55 ; Sylviidce , p. 57 ; Muscicapidce , p. 61 ; Turdidce , p. 57 ; Motacillidce , p. 53 ; Alaudidce , p. 53.] Brusina, S. Vogel Croato-Serbische mit Beriicksich des iibrig slav. Siidens. Verbreitung fur eine croato-serbische Ornithologie. Fort- zetzung. Denkschr. Serb. K. Akad. xii, 168 pp. : . K. Ornitologyi Kotora i Crne Gore. Glasnik Naravosl. Druz. vi, pp. 59-81. . Ornitolozke biljezke za hrvatsku faunu. Op. cit. iii, pp. 129-150 (1888). . Nore ornitoloske biljeske. Op. cit. iv, pp. 205-221 (1889). Brettini, A. Appunti storici sulla Falconeria. Riv. Ital. Sci. Nat., Ann. xii (Boll.), pp. 89, 90, 100-102, 107-109, 121, & 122. Bryant, W. E. A Check list of the Water Birds of California. Zoe, iii, pp. 135-140. Buchner, E. Rapport sur le deuxieme Congres Ornithologique Inter- national de Budapest. 8vo, pp. 1-50. Buckley, T. E. Contributions to the Vertebrate Fauna of Sutherland and Caithness. Ann. Scott. Nat. Hist, i, pp. 156-168. [See also Harvie-Brown & Buckley.] Buda, A. yon. Unsere seltenere Gaste im Comitate Hunyad. C.R. ii, Congr. Orn. Intern, ii, pp. 145-148. Buller, W. L. Notes and Observations on New Zealand Birds. Tr. N. Z. Inst, xxiv, pp. 64-74, pi. xiv. . Further Notes and Observations on certain species of New Zea- land Birds, T. c. pp. 75-92. [ Apterygi formes , p. 25.] Burmeister H. [the late]. Obituary Notice. Ibis, 1892, pp. 581 & 582. Butler, A. W. [See Psittaciformes , p. 47.] Buttikofer, J. On the Collections of Birds sent by the late R. T. Demery, from the Sulymah River (W. Africa). Notes Leyd. Mus. xiv, pp. 19-30. [ Ploceidce , p. 51.] TITLES. Aves 5 [Buttikofer, J.] On a Collection of Birds from the Islands of Flores, Sumba, and Rotti. T. c. pp. 193-206. [Sylviidce, p. 58 ; Diceidce, p. 54 ; Meliphagidce , p. 54 ; Ploceidce, p. 51 ; Muscicapidce , p. 61.] . Europaische Zug-vogel als Gaste in Liberia. C.R. ii, Congr. Orn. Intern, ii, pp. 172-176. . J. P. van Wickevoort Crommelin [Obituary Notice]. Orn. Jahrb. iii, pp. 76-79. . [See also Ploceidce, p. 51 ; Sylviidce , p. 57 ; Turdidce , p. 57 ; Mus- cicapidce, p. 61.] Cabanis, J. [See Pterocletes , p. 28.] Campbell, A. G. Notizen ueber Australische Oologie. C.R. ii, Congr. Orn. Intern, ii, pp. 155-158. [. Menurce- , p. 49 ; Sternince, p. 32.] . [See also Paradiseidce , p. 50.] Campbell, C. W. A List of the Birds collected in Corea. Ibis, 1892, pp. 230-248, pi. v. [ Picidce , p. 49 ; Timeliidce , p. 59; Sylviidce , p. 57 ; Muscicapidce , p. 62.] Cannaviello, E. Casi d’Albinismo nella Provincia di Napoli. Boll. Ital. Sci. Nat. xii, p. 72. Caper, Y. [See Cuculidce , p. 46.] Chapman, F. M. Notes on Birds and Mammals observed near Trinidad, Cuba, with remarks on the origin of West Indian Bird Life. Bull. Am. Mus. iv, pp. 279-330. [ Ralliformes , p. 30 ; Columbiformes , p. 29 ; Buteoninoe , p. 38 ; Tyrannidce, p. 62 ; Icteridce, p. 51 ; Mniotilticlce , p. 53.] . A Preliminary Study of the Grackles of the Subgenus Quiscalus. Bull. Am. Mus. iv, pp. 1-20, map. [Icteridce, p. 51.] ^Cheney, S. P. Wood Notes Wild, Notations of Bird Music. Boston, U.S.A. : 1892, 12mo, i-xvi & 1-261 pp. Chernel, S. yon. [See Scolopacidce , p. 34.] Cherrie, G. K. A preliminary list of the Birds of San Jose, Costa Rica. [Zool. Rec. xxviii, Aves, p. 7.] Auk. ix, pp. 21-27, 247-251, 322-329. [Tanagridce, p. 52 ; Icteridce, p. 51 .] . Descripcion de tres Especies nuevas para la Avifauna Costaricense. An. Mus. Costa Rica, iii, pp. 135-137. [ Tanagridce , p. 52 ; Formicariidce, p. 63.] . [See also Tyrannidce, p. 62.] Chievitz, J. H. Sur l’existence de l’area centralis retinae dans les vertebres. Overs. Dan. Selsk. 1891, Aves, pp. 246-252. 6 Aves. III. AYES. Church, A. H. Researches on Turacin, an animal pigment containing copper. Phil. Tr. clxxxviii, pp. 511-536. [ Musophagidce , p. 47.] Clarke, W. Eagle . [See Gruiformes, p. 34 ; Lariformes , p. 32 ; Mus- cicapidce , p. 60.] Cockerell, T. The West Indian fauna in South Florida. Nature, xlvi, pp. 458-459. Collett, R. On a collection of Birds from Tongoa, New Hebrides. Forh. Selsk. Chr. 1892, pp. . Das Leben der Yogel im Arctischen Norwegen. C.R. ii, Congr. Orn. Intern, ii, pp. 21-39. Cope, E. D. Occurrence of Bird remains in Pueres Series, New Mexico. Tr. Am. Phil. Soc. xvi, p. 302. Cordeaux, J. On the Migration of Birds as observed on the east coast of Great Britain. C.R. ii, Congr. Orn. Intern, ii, pp. 165-167. — . A recent visit to the Fame Islands. Zool. 1892, pp. 293-303. . Migration in the Humber District in the Autumn of 1892. T. c. pp. 417-420. . [See also Sylviidce , p. 57.] Cory, C. B. Catalogue of West Indian Birds, containing a list of all species known to occur in the Bahama Islands, the Greater Antilles, the Caymans, and the Lesser Antilles, excepting the Islands of Tobago and Trinidad. Boston : 1892, roy. 8vo, 163 pp., with map. \_Columb {formes, p. 29 ; Striges, p. 40 ; Fringillidce, p. 52 ; Vireonidce , p. 56 ; Ccerebidce, p. 52.] . A list of Birds taken on Maraguana, Watling’s Island, and Inagua, Bahamas, during July. August, September, and October, 1891. Auk. ix, pp. 48 & 49. . Remarks on a Collection of Birds made by W. W. Brown, jun., on Mona and Porto Rico during February and a part of March, 1892. T. c. pp. 228 & 229. . In Cuba with Dr. Gundlach. T. c. pp. 271-273. . [See also Picidce, p. 49.] Couyreur, E. Influence du Pneumogastrique sur les fonctions circula- toires (coeur, pression sanguine, effets vasomoteurs), chez les Oiseaux, et comparaison avec les Mammiferes. Ann. Soc. L. Lyon (n.s.) xxxix, pp. 11-24. . Influence du Pneumogastrique sur la secretion urinaire chez les Oiseaux et comparaison avec les Mammiferes. T. c. pp. 25-40. . Sur la Pneumogastrique des Oiseaux. Ann. Univ. Lyon, pp. 1-104, pis. i-iii. Craig, A. Stray notes on the Birds of Anglesea. Tr. Edinb. Nat. Soc. ii, p. 361, 1889-90. TITLES. A ves 7 [Craig, A.] Birds of the Great Glen, Inverness-shire. Tr. Edinb. Nat. Soc. pp. 439-457, 1890-91. Creaghe-Haward, L. Notes on some East Anglian Birds. Tr. Leicester Soc. ii, pp. 538-554. Crommelin, J. P. van Wickevoort [the late]. Obituary Notice. Ibis, 1892, p. 352. [See also Buttikofer, J.] Crowley, P. [See Paradiseidce , p. 50 ; Ptilonorhynchidce, p. 50.] Czato, J. von. [See Accipitriformes , p. 37.] Czynk, E. von. Der Herbstzug, 1891, im Fogaras-cher Comitat. Orn. Jahrb. iii, pp. 191-195. Dalgleish, J. J. [See Pr ocellar iidce, p. 31.] Dareste, C. Note sur revolution de l’embryon de la poule soumis pendant l’incubation a un mouvement de rotation continu. C.R. cxv, pp. 137 & 138. Davies, S. A. A Naturalist’s Ramble in Swedish Lapland. Zool. 1892, pp. 81-87. Davison, W. R. Descriptions of some new species of Birds from the Eastern Coast of the Malayan Peninsula. Ibis, 1892, pp. 99-103. [Camp ophag idee, p. 60 ; Muscicapidce , p. 60 ; Timeliidce , p. 59 ; Eula- betidee , p. 50.] De La Touche, J. D. On Birds collected or observed in the vicinity of Foochow and Swatow in South-eastern China. Part I [with notes by H. H. Slater]. Ibis, 1892, pp. 400-430. . . Part ii. Id. t. c. pp. 477-503, pi. xii. [. Ralliformes , p. 30.] Deperet, C. Sur la faune d’Oiseaux pliocenes du Roussillon. C.R. cxiv, pp. 690-692. [ Corvidce , p. 48 ; Perdicidce , p. 27 ; Anatidoe , p. 35.] De Yis, C. W. Report on the Zoological Gleanings of the Adminis- tration during the year 1890-91 [Annual (Parliamentary) Report on British New Guinea]. Brisbane : 1892, App. cc, pp. 93-97, cum tab. [. Muscicapidce , p. 56 ; Meliphagidoe , p. 54 ; Timeliidce , p. 59 ; Ptilo- norhynchidce, p. 50 ; Laniidce , p. 56.] . Zoology of British New Guinea. Ann. Queensland Mus. ii, pp. 4-11. [. Muscicapidce , p. 58 ; Timeliidce , p. 59 ; Meliphagidoe , p. 54 ; Para- mythiidee , p. 50 ; Sylviidce , p. 58 ; Laniidce , p. 56.] . Residue of the Extinct Birds of Queensland as yet detected. P. Linn. Soc. N.S.W. (2) vi, pp. 437-456, pis. xxiii & xxiv. [ Casuariiformes , p. 24 ; Apterygiformes , p. 25 ; Aquilince , p. 38 ; Ralliformes , p. 31 ; Pelarg iformes, p. 34 ; Platalece , p. 34 ; Pelecani} p. 36.] 8 Aves. III. AYES. Distant, W. L. A Naturalist in the Transvaal. London : 8vo, xvi & 277 pp., 5 pis. [Aves, pp. 163-169.] Dixon, L. The Migration of Birds. An attempt to reduce Avian Flight to Law. London : 1892, 8vo, viii & 300 pp. [See Nature, xlvi, pp. 169-172.] Dresser, H. E. [See Laniidce , p. 55 ; Paridce , p. 55 ; Cinclidce , p. 58.] Dubaleu, P. E. Monographie raisonnee des Oiseaux, observes dans les departements des Laudes, de la Gironde, du Gers, des Basses- Pyrenees, des Hautes- Pyrenees, et sur le Golfe de Gascogne. Bull. Soc. Borda-Dax, xvii, pp. 173-191. Duchaussoy, H. [See Hirundinidce , p. 61.] Dubois, A. Etablissement d’une classification Internationale. C.R. ii, Congr. Orn. Intern, ii, pp. 92-94. Duges, A. Instrucciones para colectores de Aves. Nat. Mex. (2) ii, pp. 175-179, pi. ix. D’Urban, W. S. M., & Mathew, M. A. The Birds of Devon. London : 1892, 8vo, i-lxxxvii & 1-460 pp. Dwight, I. Summer Birds of the Crest of the Pennsylvania Alleghanies. Auk, ix, pp. 129-142. Dybowski, J., & Oustalet, E. L’extreme sud Algerien. Arch. Miss. Sci. i, 1891, pp. 354-359. Eglington, W. [See Nicolls & Eglington.] Elliot, D. G. The inheritance of acquired characters. [Presidential address to the A. 0. U. Nov. 18, 1891.] Auk, ix, pp. 77-104. . Hybridism, and a description of a Hybrid between Anas boschas and A. americana. T. c. pp. 160-166. \_Anseriformes , p. 35.] Evans, A. H. [See Wilson & Evans.] Evans, W. Some further notes on the periods occupied by Birds in the Incubation of their Eggs. Ibis, 1892, pp. 55-58. \Cf. Zool. Rec. xxviii, Aves , p. 10.] Fabani, C. Nota intorno ad alcuni casi di anomalie nel colore degli uccelli. Riv. Ital. Sci. Nat., Ann. xii (Boll.), pp. 2 & 3. . Spiegazione intorne alle cause dell’ isabellismo, melanismo ed albinismo negli uccelli. T. c. pp. 3 & 4. . Epoche, mutazioni et varieta nel Canto degli uccelli. T. c. pp. 35-39. . Teoria delle somiglianze nel Canto degli uccelli. T. c. pp. 90 & 91. TITLES. Aves 9 [Fabani, C.] Studio sul mimetismo nel colorito degli uccelli. Riv. Ital. Sci. Nat.. Ann. xii (Boll.), pp. 105, 106, & 122-124. Fatio, Y. [See Studer & Fatio.] Fatjvel, A. La Faune du Chan-toung. Rev. Quest. Sci. ii (i) pp. 455-492. Oiseaux, pp. 466-476. Ferguson, R. S. [See Macpherson, H. A.] Ficalbi, E. Sulla architettura istologica di alcuni peli degli uccelli con considerazioni sulla filogenia dei peli e delle penne. Atti [Mem.] Soc. Tosc. xi, 1890, pp. 227-266, pi. ix. Field, H. C. [See Dinornithi formes, p. 25.] Finn, F. An Evolutionist in East Africa. Nat. Sci. i, pp. 744-748. Fischer-Siegwart, H. L’albinisme chez les Oiseaux. Arch. Sci. Nat. (3) xxviii, pp. 555-559. Floericke, C. Winterbeobachtungen 1891-92. Orn. Jahrb. iii, pp. 182-189. . Zur charakteristik der schlesischen Yogelwelt. J. f. 0. 1892, pp. 151-170. *■ . Yersuch einer avifauna der Provinz Schlesien. Lief i, 8vo, Marburg, 1892. . XII Jahresbericht (1887) des Ausschusses fiir Beobachtungs- stationen der Yogel Deutschlands. J. f. O. 1892, pp. 237-253. Forbes, H. 0. Preliminary notice of additions to the extinct Avifauna of New Zealand. Tr. N. Z. Inst, xxiv, pp. 185-189. \_Accipitrince, p. 38 ; Ralliformes , p. 30 ; Anseriformes , p. 35 ; Phalacro- coraces , p. 36 ; Dinomithiformes , p. 25.] . Aphanapteryx and other remains in the Chatham Is. Nature, xlvi, pp. 252 & 253. . [See also Ralliformes , p. 30 ; Corviclce, p. 49.] Foster, L. S. Bibliographies of American Naturalists : iv. The Pub- lished Writings of George Newbold Lawrence, 1844-1891. Bull. U. S. Nat. Mus. No. 40, pp. xi-124. Fritsch, A. Die Yogelwelt am Gatterschlager Teiche bei Neuhaus in Bohmen. Orn. Jahrb. iii, pp. 19-23. . Die Yogelwelt am unter-Porernitzer Teiche bei Prag. T. c. pp. 30-32. Frohawk, F. W. [See Ralliformes, p. 30.] Furbringer, M. L. StejnegePs Yogelsystem und Th. StudePs Unter- suchungen fiber die Embrvonalentwickelung der antarktischen Yogel. J. f. O. 1892, pp. 137-151. 10 Aves. III. AYES. [Furbringer, M.] Untersuchungen zur Morphologie, &c., der Yogel. [Review by F. Helm.] Biol. Centralbl. xii, pp. 146-157. Gadow, H. On the Classification of Birds. P. Z. S. 1892, pp. 229-256. [See also Opisthocomi, p. 29.] Gatke, H. Ornithologisches aus Helgoland. Orn. Jahrb. iii, pp. 201 & 202. [. Platalece , p. 84; Fringillidce , p. 53 ; Alaudidce , p. 53.] . [See also Seebohm, H.] Gibbs, M. Acorn-eating Birds in Michigan. Nature, xlvi, p. 495. Giglioli, H. H. L’Avigeographia. C.R. ii, Congr. Orn. Intern, ii, pp. 159-164. & Manzella, A. Iconographia dell’ Avifauna Italica, ovvero Tavole illustranti le specie di Uccelli che trovansi in Italia con brevi descrizione e note. Prato (Toscano) : 1892, fol., pts. xlvii-1. [. Accipitrtformes , p. 39 ; Pandiones , p. 39 ; Striges , p. 40 ; Capri- ?nulgi, p. 44 ; Cypseli , p. 44 ; Laniidce , p. 56 ; Certliiidce , p. 54 ; Sittidce, p. 54 ; Turdidce , p. 57 ; Muscicapidce , p. 60.] Godman, F. D., & Salvin, O. Biologia Centrali-americana ; or Contributions to the Knowledge of the Fauna and Flora of Mexico and Central America. [Zool. Rec. xxviii, Aves , p. 12.] Loudon : 1892, 4to, Zoology, pts. xcix, c, cii-cv, pp. 193-368, pis. 49-57. [. Formicariidce , p. 62 ; Trochili , p. 45.] [See also Salvin & Godman.] Goering, A. Zur kenntnis des Pflanzen- und Thier-lebens der Paramos. MT. Osterlande (n.s.) v, pp. 249-256. Grant, W. R. Ogilvie. [See Ogilvie-Grant.] Gurney, J. H. Ornithological Notes from Norfolk. Zool. 1892, pp. 398-401. Haigh, G. H. Caton. The Motions of Divers on Land. T. c. p. 226. Hall, H. G. Odd-coloured eggs. C.R. ii, Congr. Orn. Intern, ii, pp. 153 & 154. Hanisch, H. Aus Dalmatien. Orn. Jahrb. iii, pp. 27-30. \Scolopacidce , p. 33.] . Ornithologische Mittheilungen aus dem unteren Narentathale. T. c. pp. 55-60. \_Ardeidce, p. 34.] . [See also Otides, p. 34.] Hamilton, A. [See Ralliformes, p. 30 ; Dinornithiformes , p. 25.] Hartert, E. Notes on the Caprimulgiidce. Ibis, 1892, pp. 274-288, pi. vi. [ Caprimulgi , p. 44.] TITLES. Aves 11 [Hartert, E.] Catalogue of the Picarice in the Collection of the British Museum. Caprimulgi [g'.v.], Cypseli [q.v.~\. [Vol. xvi of the Cata- logue of Birds.] London : 8vo, pp. 434-654, pis. x-xiv. [Caprimulgi, p. 44 ; Cypseli , p. 44 ; Podargi, p. 40 ; Steatornithes, p. 40.] . On the Birds of Eastern Prussia. Part I. Ibis, 1892, pp. 353-372. [ Sylviidce , p. 57 ; Sittidce, p. 54 ; Fringillidce, p. 53 ; Corvidae, p. 49.] ■ . . Part ii. T. c. pp. 504-522. . Trivial-namen und Notizen aus Schlesien. Orn. Jahrb. iii, pp. 32 & 33. . [See also Striges , p. 40 ; Pionince , p. 47 ; Conurince , p. 47 ; Alaudidce, p. 53 ; Tyrannidce , p. 62.] Harting, J. E. Hawks and Hawking. P. R. Inst, xiii, pp. 357-361. Hartlaub, G. Ein Beitrag zur Ornithologie Chinas. Abh. Yer. Brem. xii, pp. 295-335. . [See also Ralliformes, p. 30 ; Muscicapidce , p. 61.] Harvie-Brown, J. A., & Buckley, T. E. A Vertebrate Fauna of Argyll and the Inner Hebrides. Edinburgh : 1892, Roy. 8vo, xxiv & 314 pp., map. [See also Piciformes, p. 48.] Helm, F. [See Furbringer, M., & Meyer, A. B.] Hatch, P. L. Notes on the Birds of Minnesota, with specific charac- ters. Minneapolis : 1892, 8vo, ix & 487 pp. Henke, R. G-. Auch einiges fiber Rackelwild und Hahnenfedrigkeit. J. f. O. 1892, pp. 170-177. Herrano, A. L. [See P sittaciformes , p. 47.] Hewetson, H. B. Causes of Variation in Shape and Colour of Eggs. Tr. Leeds Nat. Club, ii, pp. 64-66 (1890). Hill, J. P. [See Howes & Hill.] Holland, A. H. Short Notes on the Birds of the Estancia Espartilla, Argentine Republic. Ibis, 1892, pp. 193-214. Homeyer, A. yon. Ueber das Leben der Vogel in Central West Afrika. Denkwfirdigkeiten meiner Reise nach und durch Angola, 1875. C.R. ii, Cong. Orn. Intern, ii, pp. 1-17. Howes, G. B., & Hill, J. P. Pedal Skeleton of the Dorking Fowl, with remarks on hexadactylism and phalangeal variation in the Amniota. J. Anat. Phys. xxvi, pp. 395-403. Hubbard, S. Additions to the Birds of the Gray’s Harbour Region, Washington. Zoe, iii, pp. 140-144. Hudson, W. H. The Naturalist in La Plata. London : 1892, 8vo, viii & 388 pp. 12 Aves. III. AYES. Hutchinson, H. N. Extinct Monsters. A Popular Account of some of the larger forms of Animal Life. London : 1892, 8vo, i-xx & 1-254 pp. \_Hesperornithiformes , p. 31.] Hutton, F. W. [See Dinornithiformes , p. 25.] Ijima, J. Notes on a collection of Birds from Tsushima. J. Coll. Sci. Japan, v, pp. 105-128, pi. xii. [ Piciformes , p. 49.] Irby, L. H. British Birds, Key List. Second Edition. London : 1892, 8vo, viii & 70 pp. Jackson, F. J. [See Sharpe, R. B.] James, H. Berkeley [the late]. A New List of Chilian Birds, with a preface by P. L. Sclater. London : 8vo, 1892, viii & 16 pp. Johnson, F. 0. Bird Notes from Alameda County. Zoe, iii, pp. 115-117. Johnson, F. P. Birds observed on a Fishing Expedition to South Trondhjem. Zool. 1892, pp. 267-269. Kaiser, A. Zur Ornis der Sinaihalbinsel. Orn. Jahrb. iii, pp. 207-248. Keeler, C. A. Evolution of the Colours of North American Land Birds. Occas. papers Calif. Acad, iii, 362 pp., xix pis.. \Cf. Auk, xi, pp. 189-195.] . A supposed new feather structure ( Pseudopilum ). Zoe, iii, p. 257. . On the Natural History of the Farallon Islands. Zoology. T. c. pp. 144-165, pis. xviii-xxi. Kerr, J. Graham. On the Avifauna of the Lower Pilcomayo. Ibis, 1892, pp. 120-152, pi. iii. [. Piciformes , p. 48.] Kerville, H. G. de. Faune de la Normandie. Fasc. iii. Colwnbidce , Gallinacece , Grallce , Palmipedes . Bull. Soc. Rouen, 1892, pp. 201-582, pi. i. . [See also Lariformes, p. 32.] KhlyebnIkov, Y. Spisok Ptltz Astrakhanskoi ghubernil. Protok. obsch. estest. Kazan, 1890-91 (1891), No. 121, 10 pp. 4-Klein, E. The Etiology and Pathology of Grouse Disease, Fowl Enteritis, and some other Diseases affecting Birds. London : 8vo. Kleinschmidt, O. Einige bemerkenswerte Notizen aus der Umgebung von Marburg a. d. Lahn (Sommer 1891 und winter 1891-92). Orn. Jahrb. iii, pp. 166-168. • . Yogel des Grossherzogthums Hessen, insbesondere der Rheinebene bei Nierstein. T. c. pp. 195-212. TITLES. Aves 13 Klug, K. Beitrage zur Kenntniss der Verdauung der Vogel insbeson- dere der Ganse. C.R. ii, Congr. Orn. Intern, ii, pp. 43-59, taf. i. Knubley, E. P. Is Legislative Protection required for Wild Birds’ Eggs ? Ann. Scott. Nat. Hist, i, pp. 213-218. Kcenig, A. Zweiter Beitrag zur Avifauna von Tunis. J. f. O. 1892, pp. 266-312 & 330-416, taf. iii. Kcenig-Warthausen, Baron. Ueber spate Vogelbruten. JH. Ver. Wiirtt. xlviii, pp. lxiv & lxv. . Farbung der Vogeleier. T. c. pp. lxiii & lxiv. Koepert, 0. [See Sturnidce , p. 50.] Kolombatovic, G. [See Anseriformes , p. 35.] Kollibay, — . Ornithologisches aus Schlesien. J. f. O. 1892, pp. 317- 328. Kosic, V. Gragja za dubrovacku nomenklaturu i faunu ptica. Glasnik. Naravosl. Druz. iii, pp. 118-128 (1888). Lawrence, G. N. [See Foster, L. S.] Lawrence, R. H. A Preliminary List of the Birds of the Gray’s Harbour Region, Washington. Auk, ix, pp. 39-47. . Further Notes on Birds of the Gray’s Harbour Region, Washing- ton. T. c. pp. 352-357. Legge, W. V. Protection of Tasmanian Owls. P. R. Soc. Tasm. 1889, p. 40. . Protection of the Cape Barren Goose. T. c. pp. 41 & 42. . [See also Limicolce , p. 33.] Leotard, J. Sur la disparition ou l’extension de diverses especes animales. CR. Ass. Fr. Sci. xx, Birds, pp. 563-565. Leebody, J. R. Notes on Birds of Lough Swilly. Irish Nat. i, pp. 173-177. Leverkuhn, P. Bericht iiber eine Reise nach Ungarn im Friijahre, 1891. C.R. ii, Congr. Orn. Intern, ii, pp. 210-238. Lewis, H. Notes on Birds observed in Hertfordshire during the Year 1891. Tr. Hertf. Soc. vii, pp. 62-68. Lilford [Lord]. Coloured Figures of the Birds of the British Islands. Pts. xxi & xxii [c/. Zool. Rec. xxviii, Aves, p. 16]. The species figured are mentioned under the headings of their respec- tive families. . Notes on the Ornithology of Northamptonshire. Zool. 1892, pp. 201-210. . Notes on the Birds of Northamptonshire. J. Northampt. Soc. v, pp. 41-53, 85-93, 131-141, 161-171, 178-1 6, 207-222, 293-302. , . Op. cit. vi, pp. 1-7, 41-49, 69-76, 116-125, 162-171, 196- 207, 262-266, & 269-277. 14 Aves. III. AYES. [Lilford (Lord).] Notes on the Birds of Northamptonshire. J. North- ampt. Soc. vii, pp. 3-12, 58-63, & 140-146. -. [See also Accipitriformes, p. 37; Hemipodii, p. 28.] Linstow, Dr. v. Beobachtungen an Vogeltanien. CB. Bakt. Parasit. xii, pp. 501-504. Loomis, L. M. A further Review of the Avian Fauna of Chester County, South Carolina [Zool. Rec. xxviii, Aves , p. 17]. Auk, ix, pp. 28-39. Lorenz, T. Die Vogel des Moskauer Gouvernements. Bull. Soc. Mosc. 1892, pp. 263-321. Lorenz yon Liburnau, L. Die Ornis von Oesterreich-Ungarn und den Occupationslandern im k. k. Naturhistorischen Hofmuseum zu Wien. Ann. Hofmuseum Wien, vii, pp. 306-372. Lucas, F. A. [See Aleiformes , p. 32.] . [See also Trochili , p. 45.] Luzecki, O. J. Zur Ornis der siidostlichen Bukowina. Orn. Jahrb. iii, pp. 199-201. Lydekker, R. Remarks on some recently described Extinct Birds of Queensland. Ibis, 1892, pp. 530-533. . Recent Researches in Fossil Birds. Nat. Sci. i, pp. 266-271. — — . [See also Dinornithiformes , p. 25.] Mackay, G. H. [See Charadriidce , p. 33 ; Scolopacidce, p. 33.] Macpherson, H. A. A Vertebrate Fauna of Lakeland; including Cumberland and Westmoreland, with Lancashire north of the Sands. With a Preface by R. S. Ferguson. Edinburgh : 1892, 8vo, i-civ & 1-552 pp. . Winter Notes from Switzerland and North Italy. Zool. 1892, pp. 258-263. Manzella, A. [See Giglioli, II. H.] Martorelli, G-. Le Mute Regressive degli Uccelli Migranti, e il loro scambio tra gli Emisferi Nord e Sud. Atti Soc. Ital. xxxiv, pp. 36-97. Mathew, M. A. [See D’Urban & Mathew.] McLeod, J. C. Ornithological Notes from New Zealand. Ibis, 1892, pp. 250-254. Mearns, E. A. [See Falconidce, p. 39.] Merriam, C. Hart. The Geographic Distribution of Life in North America, with special reference to the Mammalia. P. Biol. Soc. Wash, vii, pp. 1-64, pi. i. TITLES. Aves 15 [Merriam, C. Hart.] The West Indian Fauna in South Florida. Nature, xlvi, pp. 458 & 459. . [See also Striges, p. 40.] Meves, F. W. [the late]. Obituary Notice. Ibis, 1892, pp. 191 & 192. Meyer, A. B. Abbildungen von Vogel-skeletten herausgegeben mit Unterstiitzung der Generaldirektion der Konigl. Sammlungen fur Kunst und Wissenschaft in Dresden. Lief, xvi, xvii, xviii, taf. cli- clxxx. [Zool. Rec. xxvii, Aves , p. 127.] The species figured are mentioned under their respective families. . Beitrag zur Kenntniss der Yogelfauna von Kaiser Wilhelms-Land. J. f. 0. 1892, pp. 254-266. [ Timeliidce , p. 59 ; Paradiseidce , p. 50 ; Columbiformes, p. 28.] . The Birds of Sumba. Notes Leyd. Mus. xiv, pp. 265 & 266. [ Palceornithince , p. 48.] . [See also Aquilince , p. 38.] . [See also Pycnonotidce, p. 59.] & Helm, F. vi. Jahresbericht (1890) der Ornithologischen Beobachtungstationen im Konigreiche Sachsen. Dresden : 1892, i-iv & 1-135 pp. Middendorf, E. v. Yogelleben an den Russischen Leuchthiirmen des Schwarzen, Kaspischen und Weissen Meeres. Ornis, 1893, pp. 1- 124. Millais, J. G-. [See Tetraonidce , p. 26.] Milne-Edwards, A. Sur les oiseaux fossiles des depots Eocenes de phosphate de Chaux du sud de la France. C.R. ii, Congr. Orn. Intern, ii, pp. 60-80. [ Accipitriformes , p. 38 ; Striges , p. 40 ; Guculidce , p. 46 ; Trogones, p. 46 ; Coracice , p. 41 ; Cypseli , p. 44 ; Pseudopisthocomi , p. 29 ; Pterocletes , p. 28 ; Galliformes , p. 27 ; Grues , p. 34 ; Ardece, p. 34; Ralliformes , p. 30 ; Tapinopi- formes , p. 35.] Mivart, St. George. Birds: The Elements of Ornithology. London: 1892, 8vo, 330 pp. Mochler-Ferryman, A. F. Up the Niger : Narrative of Major Claude Macdonald’s Mission to the Niger and Benue Rivers, W. Africa. London : 8vo, 1892, Birds, Appendix, p. 310. More, A. G. Recent Additions to the List of Irish Birds. Irish Nat. i, pp. 3 & 4. Nachtrieb, H. F. First Report of the State Zoologist, accompanied with Notes on the Birds of Minnesota, by Dr. P. L. Hatch [£.».]. Minneapolis : 1892, 8vo, 487 pp. J.6 Aves. III. AVES. Newton, A. Errors concerning the Sanderling. [Add. to Ibis for July, 1892], 8vo, 5 pp. [. Scolopacidce , p. 33.] Nicholls, H. Notes on the Habits of some of our British Birds. Tr. Eastb. Nat. Hist. Soc. 1892, pp. 253-258. Nicolls, J. A., & Eglington, W. The Sportsman in South Africa. The haunts, habits, description, and the pursuit of all game, fur and feather, found south of the Zambesi (including the Cape Colony, Transvaal, Bechuanaland, Natal, and Damaraland), at the present day, with brief notices of the best-known fresh and saltwater fish. 1892, 8vo, vi & 148 pp., pis. i-xii. North, A. J. Supplement to the Descriptive Catalogue of Nests and Eggs of Birds found Breeding in Australia and Tasmania. Rec. Austral. Mus. ii, pp. 11-22. [ Striges , p. 40 ; Cacatuidce , p. 47 ; Coccyges , p. 47 ; Paradiseidce , p. 50 ; rJ imeliidce , p. 59 ; Campophagidce , p. 60 ; Meliphagidce , p. 54.] . Additions to the Avifaunas of Tasmania, and Norfolk and Lord Howe’s Islands. T. c. pp. 36-38. \_Anseriformes} p. 35 ; Pelargiformes , p. 34 ; Phalacrocoraces , p. 36 ; Scolopacidce , p. 33.] Oates, E. W. [See Brooks, W. E.] Ogilvie, F. M. [See Laridce , p. 32.] Ogilvie-Crant, W. R. Catalogue of the Picarice in the Collection of the British Museum. Bucerotes [ q.v ., p. 42] and Trogones [< pv ., p. 46]. [Yol. xvii of the “ Catalogue of Birds.”] 1892, 8vo, pp. 347-502, pis. xiii-xvii. . [See also Perdicidce , p. 27.] . [See also Hemipodii , p. 28.] Olphe-G-alliard, L. Christian Ludwig Brehm’s Ornithologische Briefe (with Portrait). Orn. Jahrb. iii, pp. 127-162, taf. i. Onslow [Earl of]. Native New Zealand Birds. Nature, xlvi, pp. 502 & 503. Oustalet, M. E. Catalogue des oiseaux rapportes de lTle Nias, par M. J. Claine en 1891. Bull. Soc. Philom. viii, iv, pp. 107-122. . Contributions a la Faune de la Chine et du Thibet. Description des especes et de races nouvelles d’oiseaux donnees recemment au Musee d’Histoire Naturelle, par le Prince Henri d’Orleans. Ann. Sci. Nat. (7) xii, pp. 271-318. [See Perdicidce , p. 27 ; Cinclidce , p. 58 ; Timeliidce , p. 58 ; Frin- gillidcey p. 52 ; Paridce , p. 55 ; Zosteropidce, p. 55.] TITLES. Axes 1 7 [Oustalet, M. E.] Notice sur quelques especes nouvelles ou peu connues de la Collection ornithologique du Museum d’Histoire Naturelle. N. Arch. Mus. Paris (2) iv, pp. 211-220, pis. xiv & xv. \_Halcyones , p. 42; Paradiseidce , p. 50 ; Ampelidce , p. 56 ; Muscicapidce , p. 61 ; Tyrannidce , p. 62.] . Rapport a M. le Ministre de l’lnstruction Publique et des Beaux- Arts sur le Congres Ornithologique International de Budapest en 1891. Arch. Miss. Sci. 1892, 34 pp. ; t. c. pp. 441-473 (1891). . Rapport sur la Biologiedes Oiseaux. C.R. ii, Congr. Orn. Intern. ii, pp. 95-117. . [See Dybowski, J.] ^'Packard, A. S. The Labrador Coast. A Journal of Two Summer Cruises to that Region. With Notes on its Early Discovery, on the Eskimo, on its Physical G-eography, Geology, and Natural History. New York : 1891, 8vo, 1-513 pp., with maps and illus- trations. Palacky, J. Ueber die Nordostasiatische Ornis. Yerh. z.-b. Wien, xlii, pp. 43-46. Palmer, J. E. Birds of Lambay Island. Irish Nat. i, pp. 114-117. Parker, T. Jeffery. [See Apterygiformes , p. 25.] Patterson, R. L. Birds of Rathlin Island, Antrim. Irish Nat. i, pp. 50- 53, 70-73, 85, & 86. . [See Procellariiformes , p. 32 ; Coraciidce, p. 41.] Pelzeln, A. yon [the late]. Obituary Notice. Ibis, 1892, pp. 188— 190; Auk, ix, pp. 74 & 75. Perzina, E. Wiener Trivialnamen. Orn. Jahrb. iii, pp. 66-71. Peters, E. Die Vogel Cura9aos nach meinem Journalnotizen vom 21 August bis 5 Sept. 1890. J. f. O. 1892, pp. 104-122. Pigott, D. London Birds and London Insects. Roy. 8vo, 1892, pp. Pleske, T. Die ornithologische Ausbeute der Expedition der Gebriider G. und M. Grum-G-rzimailo nach Central Asien (1889-90). Mel. biol. xiii, livr. 2, pp. 273-301. \Phasianidce, p. 26 ; Turd idee, p. 57.] . Ornithographia Rossica. Die Yogelfauna des Russischen Reichs. Bd. ii, Lief, v ( Locustella , Cettia, Urosphena ), pp. xli-liv & 561-J366, taf . iv. [Syloiidts, p. 57.] Prain, D. Fauna of Narcondam and Barren Island. J. A. S. B. 1892, pp. 109-120. Birds, pp. 111-114. Pratt, A. E. The Snows of Tibet. London : 1892, 8vo. Bird?, pp. 235-237. 1892. [yol. xxix.] c 6 18 Aves. III. AYES. Quelch, J. J. Avifauna of Georgetown (British Guiana). Journ. Agr. & Comm. Soc. Brit. Guian. (2) vi, pp. 182 & 183. . Additions to the Avifauna of British Guiana. T. c. p. 186. . [See also Accipitriformes , p. 37 ; Cotingidce , p. 62.] Rabe, Dr. Observations sur les passages d’oiseaux dans le departement de l’Yonne. Bull. Soc. Yonne, xlvi, pp. 1-44. Raeburn, H. Some Further Notes on the Summer Birds of Shetland. P. Phys. Soc. Edinb. xi, pt. 1, pp. 67-73. — — . [See also Winge, H.] Ralfe, P. Birds of the Isle of Man. Zool. 1892, pp. 93-100. Reichenow, A. Zur Yogelfauna von Kamerun. Erster Nachtrag. J. f. 0. 1892, pp. 176-195, tab. ii. [. Ralliformes , p. 30; Columbiformes, p. 28 ; Coliidce, p. 46; Capitones, p. 48 ; Muscicapidce, p. 60 ; Cam pophag idee , p. 60 ; Laniidce, p. 56 ; j Eula- betidce , p. 50 ; Ploceidce , p. 51 ; Pyc?ionotidce, p. 59 ; Nectariniidce , p. 54 ; Zosteropidce, p. 55 ; Sylviidcie , p. 58 ; Timeliidce , p. 59; Turdidce , p. 57.] . Zur Yogelfauna von Togoland. Nachtrag. T. c. pp. 233-236. . [See also Columbiformes , p. 28 ; Perdicidce , p. 27 ; Phalacocoraces , p. 36 ; Capitones , p. 48 ; Colii , p. 46 ; Indieatores, p. 48 ; Caprimulgi , p. 44 ; Ploceidce , p. 46 ; Fringillidce , p. 53 ; Nectariniidce, p. 54 ; Zosteropidce , p. 55 ; Laniidce , p. 56 ; Turdidce , p. 56 ; Sylviidce , p. 58 ; Pycnonotidce , p. 59 ; Muscicapidce , p. 60 ; Hirundinidcp , p. 61.] Rendall, P. Notes on the Ornithology of the Gambia. Ibis, 1892, pp. 215-230. Rhoads, S. N. The Breeding Habits of the Florida Burrowing Owl ( Speotyto cunicularia floridana). Auk, ix, pp. 1-8. . The Birds of South-eastern Texas and Southern Arizona observed during May, June, and July, 1891. P. Ac. Philad. 1892, pp. 98-126. Ridgway, R. [See Trochili , p. 45.] Rodiczky, E. yon. Yolkswirthschaftliche Bedeutung der Gefliigelzucht in Ungarn. C.R. ii, Congr. Orn. Intern, ii, pp. 190-197. Rothschild, W. Descriptions of Seven New Species of Birds from the Sandwich Islands. Ann. N. H. (6) x, pp. 108-112. [See Anseriformes, p. 35 ; Drepanidce , p. 52 ; Fringillidce , p. 52 ; Meliphagidce , p. 54 ; Sylviidce , p. 57.] . [See also Columbiformes , p. 29 ; Anseriformes , p. 35.] Russ, K. Ueber die Nest- und Jugendkleider in der Gefangenschaft geziichteter fremlandischer Yogel nebst angeben fiber Nestbau, Gelege, Yerfarbung. und * Geschlects-Yerschiedenheiten. C.R. ii, Congr. Orn. Intern, ii, pp. 129-136. TITLES. Aves 19 RuzskiI, M. Kratkii otchet ob ornltologhlchesklkh Izslyedovaniyakh Kazanskoi ghubernii. Protok. obsch. estest. Kazan, 1890-91 (1891), No. 126, 13 pp. Rzehak, E. C. F. Oesterreichisch-schlesisches Vogel-Idiotikon. Orn. Jabrb. iii, pp. 114-118. St. Maurice, Abbaye de. [See Besse & St. Maurice.] Salyadori, T. Uccelli di Engano raccolti dal dott. Modigliani. Ann. Mus. Genov. (2) xii, pp. 123-142. [See Campophagidce, p. 60 ; Zosteropidce , p. 55 ; Turdidce , p. 56 ; Eulabetidce , p. 50 ; Columbi/ormes , p. 29.] • . Yiaggio di Lamberto Loria nella Papuasia Orientale. i. Uccelli della Nuova Guinea Meridionale-Orientale e delle Isole Heath E Killerton. II. Uccelli delle Isole D’Entrecasteaux, in. Collezioni Ornitologiche. T. c. pp. 797-834. . [See also Columbi/ormes, p. 29 : Conurince , p. 47 : Pionince, p. 47 ; Par idee, p. 55.] Sal yin, 0. Catalogue of the Picarice in the Collection of the British Museum. Upupae, Trochili. [Vol. xvi of the Catalogue of Birds.] London : 8vo, 1892, pp. 1-433, pis. i-ix. [ TJpupce , p. 43 ; Trochili, p. 45.] . [See also Godman & Salvin.] & Godman, F. D. Biologia Centrali-americana ; or, Contribu- tions to the Knowledge of the Fauna and Flora of Mexico and Central America. London : 1892, 4to, Aves, pts. xeix, c, & cii-cv, pp. 193-368, pis. xlix-lvii. [ Formicariiclce , p. 62 ; Trochili , p. 45.] & . On a Collection of Birds from Central Nicaragua. Ibis, 1892, pp. 324-328. [ Trochili , p. 46 ; Certhiidce, p. 54.] Sandman, J. A. Fagelfaunan pa Karlo och Kringliggande Skav. Med. Soc. Fenn. xvii, pp. 187-272. Saunders, H. [See Procellariiclce, p. 31 ; Stercorariidce, p. 32.] Schaeck, F. de. Les varietes d’oiseaux du Museum de Paris. C.R. ii, Congr. Orn. Intern, ii, pp. 81-91. . Drei Wocher in der Nahe von Fontainebleau. Orn. Jahrb. iii, pp. 24-27. . [See also Perdicidce , p. 27.] Schaeff, E. Die Excursion nach dem Hansag und dem Neusiedler-See. C.R. ii, Congr. Orn. Intern, ii, pp. 198-201. Schollmayer, — . Beitrage zur Ornis Krains. [Zool. Rec. xxviii, Aves, p. 25.] 20 Aves, III. AYES. SchOpwinkel, A. Die Yogelwelt der G-rafschaft Wernigerode. Schr. Yer. Harzes. vi, pp. 1-62. Schrader, G-. Ornithologischer Beobachtungen auf meinen Sammel- reisen. Orn. Jahrb. iii, pp. 11-19 & 43-54. [Zool. Rec. xxviii, Avcs, p. 25.] Schulz, F. [See Stemplemann, H.] Sclater, P. L. On a Collection of Birds from the Island of Anguilla, West Indies. P. Z. S. 1892, pp. 498-500. . [See also James, H. B.] . [See also Golumbiformes, p. 29 ; Fringillidce , p. 52.] Sclater, W. L. On the Indian Museum and its Collection of Birds. Ibis, 1892, pp. 65-87. A valuable memoir, giving a list of the types still extant in the Indian Museum, Calcutta. Scott , W. E. D. Observations on the Birds of Jamaica, i. Alistofthe Birds recorded from the island, with annotations. [Zool. Rec. xxviii, Aves, p. 25.] Auk, ix, pp. 120-129, 273-277, & 369-375. . Notes on the Birds of the Caloosahatchie Region of Florida. T. c. pp. 209-218. . [See Ardeidce, p. 34.] Sebisanovic, G-. Ornitolozko-mamalozke viesti iz varazdinske okohee. Glasnik Naravosl. Dru^. iii, pp. 236-248 (1888). . Ornitoloska viest iz varazdinstrog Kraja za. god. 1889. Op. cit. iv, pp. 312-315, 1889. Seebohm, H. List of the Birds of Heligoland as recorded by Herr Gatke. Ibis, 1892, pp. 1-32. . On the Birds of Tsu-sima, Japan. T. c. pp. 87-89. . Further additions to the Avifauna of Tsu-sima, in the Japanese Empire. T. c. pp. 399 & 400. [Piciformes, p. 49.] . [See also Scolopacidce , p. 33 ; Phasianidce , p. 26; Piciformes , p.49 ; Sylviidce , p. 57.] Sennett, G. B. [See Meleagridce, p. 28.] Sharpe, R. B. Catalogue of the Picarice in the Collection of the British Museum. Coracice and Halcyones. Leptosomatidce [< q.v . p. 41], Coraciidce [q.v. p. 41], Meropidce [q.v. p. 43], Alcedinidce [q.v. p. 41], Momotidce [q.v. p. 43], Todidce [q.v. p. 43], Coliidce [q.v. p. 46.] 1892, pp. 1-345, pis. i-xii. [Yol. xvii of The Catalogue of Birds.] TITLES. Aves 21 [Sharpe, R. B.] On the Birds collected by Mr. F. J. Jackson, F.Z.S., during his recent expedition to Uganda, through the territory of the Imperial British East African Company. [Zool. Rec. xxviii, Aves, p. 26.] With notes by the Collector. Part in. Ibis, 1892, pp. 152-164, pi. iv. [. Muscicapidce , p. 61 ; Sylviidce , p. 58.] . Part iv. T. c. pp. 299-322, pi. vii. [Muscicapidce, p. 61 ; Capitones , p. 48 ; Meropes, p. 43.] ■ . Part y. T. c. pp. 534-555, pi. xiv. [ Perdicidce , p. 27.] . Descriptions of New Species of Birds discovered by Mr. C. Hose on Mount Dulit in N. W. Borneo. T. c. pp. 322-324. [ F’odargi , p. 40 ; Zosteropidce , p. 55 ; Turdidce , p. 56 ; Capitones , p. 48.] . On a Collection of Birds from Mount Dulit, in North Western Borneo. T. c. pp. 430-442, pis. x & xi. [Campophagidce, p. 60 ; Eurylcemi, p. 49 ; Capitonidce, p. 48.] . [See also Rallidce, p. 30 ; Striges, p. 40 ; Falconidce, p. 39 ; Cor - vidce , p. 50 ; Oriolidce, p. 51 ; Eulabetidce , p. 50 ; Timeliidce , p. 59 ; Fringillidce, p. 53 ; Sylviidce , p. 58 ; Muscicapidce , p. 60 ; Carnpo- phagulce , p. 60 ; Pycnonotidce , p. 59 ; Eurylcemi , p. 49.] Sharpe, R. B., & Wyatt, C. W. A Monograph of the Hirundinidce , or Family of Swallows. Part xv. 1892, 4to. [. Hirundinidce , p. 61.] Shelley. G. E. [See Paridce , p. 55 ; Zosteropidce , p. 55 ; N ectariniidce , p. 54.'] Shufeldt, R. W. A Study of the Fossil Avifauna of the Equus Beds of the Oregon Desert. J. Ac. Philad. ix, pp. 389-425, pis. xv-xvii. [ Lariformes , p. 32 ; Ralliformes , p. 31 ; Tetraonidce , p. 27 ; Pelargi- formcs, p. 34 ; Phcenicopteriformes , p. 35 ; Accipitriformes , p. 38 ; Icteridce , p. 51.] . Concerning the Taxonomy of the North American Pygopodes, based upon their osteology. J. Anat. Phys. xxvi, pp. 199-203. [See also Trochili , p. 46.] Sibree, J. On the Birds of Madagascar, and their connection with native Folklore, Proverbs, and Superstitions. [Zool. Rec. xxviii, Aves , p. 27.] Part iv. Ibis, 1892, pp. 103-119. . The same. Part v. T. c. pp. 261-274. Sjostedt, Y. Neue Vogelarten von Kamerun. J. f. O. 1892, pp. 313 & 314. [■ Cucvli , p. 47 ; Pici, p. 49 ; Ploceidce , p. 51.] Slater, H. H. [See De la Touche, J. D.] 22 Aves. III. AYES. Stejneger, L. Two additions to the Japanese Avifauna, including description of a new species. P. U. S. Nat. Mus. xv, pp. 371-373. [Scolopacidce, p. 33 ; Sylviidce , p. 57.] Stemplemann, H., & Schulz, F. Enumeration de las Aves de la provincia de Cordoba Republica Argentina. Bol. Ac. Arg. pp. 393-408, x, 4a, 1890. Stone, W. Birds collected by the West Greenland Expedition. P. Ac. Philad. 1892, pp. 145-152. Stossich, M. I distomi degli uccelli. Boll. Soc. Adr. xiii, pp. 143-194. Strugnell, W. B. [See Witchell & Strugnell.] Studer, Th., & Fatio, Y. Katolog der schweizerischen Vogel und ihrer Verbreitungsgebiete. 8vo, 70 pp., with map. Styan, F. W. [See Perdicidce, p. 27 ; Corvidae, p. 50 ; Sylviidce, p. 58 ; Muscicapidce, p. 61.] Suchetet, A. Oiseaux hybrides rencontres & l’etat sauvage. me Partie. Les Passereaux [Zool. Bee. xxviii, Aves, p. 29]. Bull. Soc. Z. Fr. (2) v, pp. 253-352, 352-524. Tinkler, John E. The Avifauna of Arkengarthdale, Swaledale, and the New Forest. Nat. 1892, pp. 309-325. Tippenhauer, L. Die Insel Haiti. Leipzig : 4to, 1893 (1892), xviii & 693 pp., 32 pis., Aves, pp. 317-323. Tristram, H. B. On two small collections of Birds from Bugotu and Florida, two of the smaller Solomon Islands. Ibis, 1892, pp. 293-299. [ Campophagidce , p. 60.] . [See also Nestoridce, p. 47.] Trumbull, G. [See Anseriformes, p. 36.] Tschusi-Schmidhoffen, Y. Bitter von. Am Velenezeer und Kleinen Balatonsee. C.B. ii, Congr. Orn. Intern, ii, pp. 202-209. . August von Pelzeln. Obituary Notice. Orn. Jahrb. iii, pp. 1-11. . Ueber die Anlegung von Privat-Sammlungen. T. c. pp. 71-73. . Pfarrer Carl (P. Blasius), Hanf. Obituary Notice. T. c. pp. 87-97. . Ornithologische Miscellen. T. c. pp. 254-256. . [See also Pterocletes, p. 28.] Valentinitsch, F. [See Tetraonidce, p. 26.] Vallon, G. Seltenheiten der italianische Ornis. Orn. Jahrb. iii, pp. 97-108. . Escursioni Ornitologiche nel Trentino. Boll. Soc. Adr. xiii, pp. 117-141. TITLES. Aves 23 Van Dyck, W. T. [See Nectariniidce, p. 54.] Vorderman, A. G. Java Vogels, i. Nat. Tijdschr. Nederl. Ind. li, Afl. 4, pp. 373-416. . Bijdrage tot de kennis der Avifauna van het Eiland Bawean. T. c. pp. 417-422. Waite, E. R. Sterna and Shoulder Girdle of Birds. Tr. Leeds Nat. Club, ii, p. 67. Walker, J. J. The Bird life of Adele Island, North-West Australia. Ibis, 1892, pp. 254-261. \_Suloni p. 36 ; Fregati , p. 36.] Wallace, A. R. Island Life. Second Edition. London : 8vo, xx & 563 pp. ^Walters, Alan. Palms and Pearls ; or, Scenes in Ceylon. London : 8vo, 1892, pp. Western, R. W. The tactics adopted by certain Birds when flying in the wind. P. R. Soc. Edinb. pp. 76-80, pi. xviii. Whymper, E. Travels amongst the Great Andes of the Equator, with Supplementary Appendix. London : 1892, 2 vols., 8vo. Wilson, S. B., & Evans, A. H. Aves Hawaienses : The Birds of the Sandwich Islands. Part in. 1892, 4to. [. Drepanidce , p. 52 ; Scolopacidce , p. 33.] Winge, H. Fuglene ved de danske Fyr i 1890. Yid. Medd. 1891, pp. 61-132. . On the Breeding of the Sand Grouse in Captivity in Denmark. Op. cit. 1892, pp. 126-130. [Translated by H. Raeburn, Zool. 1892, pp. 341-345.] Witchell, C. A. Bird-song and its Scientific Value. P. Cottesw. Nat. F. C. x, pp. 238-257. Witchell, C. A., & Strugnell, W. B. The Fauna and Flora of Gloucestershire. Stroud : 1892, roy. 8vo, i-xxiv & 1-300 pp. Wolf, T. Geografia y Geologia del Ecuador. 8vo, xii & 671 pp, [Notes on the Birds, pp. 456-460.] Wolley-Dod, C. [See Cuculidce, p. 47.] Wurm, W. Uber die Farben der Yogelfedern. JH. Ver. Wiirtt. xlviii, pp. xli-xlvi. Wytatt, C. W. [See Sharpe & Wyatt.] Young, C. J. Notes on the Natural History of the Blue Mountain, Co. of Leeds, Ontario. Ottawa Nat. p. 45. Ziegler, J. Tierphanologische Beobachtungen zu Frankfurt a. Main. Ber. Senck. Ges. 1892, pp. 47-69. 24 Aves. in. AYES. SPECIAL SUBJECTS. II.— FAUNISTIC. PaluEarctic Region. See Alessi, Aplin, Bonvalot, Brusina, Camp- bell, Collett, Dresser, Dybowski, Fatio, G-atke, Giglioli, Hartert, Hart- laub, Ijima, Kaiser, Kerville, Koenig, Lilford, Lorenz, Macpherson, Oustalet, Pleske, Pratt, Schrader, Seebohm, Stejneger, Stpder, Tschusi, Winge. Ethiopian Region. See Bocage, Biittikofer, Eglington, Homeyer, Nicliolls, Ogilvie-Grant, Reichenow, Rendall, Sharpe, Shelley. Indian Region. See Brooks, Biittikofer, Davison, De la Touche, Oustalet, Salvadori, Sharpe, Yorderman. Australian Region. See Buller, Biittikofer, Campbell, Collett, De Yis, Forbes, Meyer, North, Rothschild, Salvadori, Tristram, Wilson. Nearctic Region. See Allen, “ Anon.”, Anthony, Bendire, Bryant, Cory, Keeler, Loomis, Merriam, Packard. Neotropical Region. See Alfaro, Allen, Berlepsch, Boucard, Chap- man, Cherrie, Cory, Godman, Hartert, Holland, Hudson, Kerr, Peters, Quelch, Salvin, Sclater, Scott, Tippenhauer, Wolf. III. — ANATOMY and MISCELLANEOUS. Anatomy. See Beddard, Couvreur, Dareste, Fabani, Fiirbringer, Helm, Klug, Parker. Osteology. See Beddard, Meyer. Oology. See Bendire, Blasius, Crowley, Hall, Hewetson, North. Neo-oology. See Evans. Pterylography. See Church, Ficalbi, Keeler, Martorelli. Fossil Birds. See Deperet, Forbes, Lydekker, Milne-Edwards, Shufeldt. Biography. See Boucard, Burmeister, Biittikofer, Pelzeln, Tschusi- Schmidh often. Literature. See Perzina, Sclater (W. L.). Classification. See Fiirbringer, Gadow, Mivart. Geographical Distribution. See Giglioli, 'Palacky. Migration. See Cordeaux, Czynk, Dixon. IV. — SY STEMATIC. Subclass RATTLE. Order STttUTHIONIFORMES. See Nicolls, J. A., & Eglington, W. Order CASUARIIFORMES. Dromaius gracilipes , n. sp. (fossil) ; C. W. de Yis, P. Linn. Soc. N.S.W. (2) vi, pp. 445-448, pi. xxiii, figg. 7 a & 7b. DINORNITHIFORMES — GALLI FORMES. Aves 25 Order DINORNITHIFORMES. Field, H. C. Discoveries of Moa Bones. Tr. N. Z. Inst, xxiv, pp. 558- 561. Hutton, F. W. On the Moas of New Zealand. T. c. pp. 93-172, pis. xv- xvii. Dinornis potcns , n. sp. (= D. ingens, var. robustus , Owen), p. 115 ; Tylopteryx, n. subg. D. ( T .) torosus, n. sp. (= D. gracilis , Haast), p. 116 ; Palapteryx plenus, n. sp., p. 122 (= P. clromioides , Owen). Anomaloptei'yx antiquus, p. 124, n. sp. ; Mesopteryx, n. g., p. 129, Eury apteryx ponder osus, p. 137 (= Dinornis gravis , Hutton), E. pyg- mceus , p. 139, n. spp. D. potens , D. torosus ; P. dromioides ; Anomalopteryx didiformis ; curtus ; Syornis crassus ; Mesopteryx didinus ; Euryapteryx ponde- rosus : bones figured. Id. ut supra. Lydekker, R. The History of the Moas, or Extinct Flightless Birds of New Zealand. Nat. Sci. i, pp. 588-595. P alceocasuarius , n. g. (fossil). Type, P. elegans , n. sp., New Zealand ; H. 0. Forbes, Tr. N. Z. Inst, xxiv, p. 189. Order iEPYORNITHIFORMES. See Newton, R. B., Geol. Mag. (3) x, pp. 197 & 198. AEpyornis medius ?, egg of ; P. L. Sclater, P. Z. S. 1892, p. 299. Order APTERYGrIFORMES. Parker, T. J. Observations on the Anatomy and Development of the Apteryx. P. R. Soc. p. 340 ; id. Phil. Trans, clxxxii b, pp. 25-134, pis. viii-xix. Apteryx maxima , notes on ; W. L. Buller, Tr. N. Z. Inst, xxiv, p. 91. Metapleryx, n. g. Type, M. bifrons, n. sp. (fossil), Queensland ; C. W. de Yis, P. Linn. Soc. N.S.W. (2) vi, pp. 448-454, pi. xxiii, figg. 8a & Sb. Subclass CARINATiE. Order CRYPT URIFORMES. Nothoprocta moebiusi , n. sp., Bolivia, H. VON Berlepsch, Ber. Allg. Deutschl. Orn. Ges., Dec. 1892, p. 13. Crypturus garleppi, n. sp., Bolivia, id. t. c. p. 12. Order GALLIFORMES. Bendire, C. Life Histories of North American Birds, with special reference to their Breeding Habits and Eggs. U.S. Nat. Mus., Special Bulletin, No. 1, Washington, 1892, 4to, figs. ; eggs of Colinus virginianus (pi. i, fig. 1) ; Oreortyx pictus plumiferus (pi. i, figs. 2 26 Aves. III. AYES. & 3); Callipepla sqaamata (pi. i, figs. 4 & 5), C. squamata casta- nogastris (pi. i, figs. 6 & 7), C. calif ornica (pi. i, figs. 8-10), C. gambeli (pi. i, figs. 11-14) ; Cyrtonyx montezumaz (pi. i, fig. 15) ; Dendragapus obscurus fuliginosus (pi. i, figs. 16-19), D. canadensis (pi. i, figs. 20-23) ; Bonasa umbellus (pi. ii, fig. 1), B. umbellus togata (pi. ii, fig. 2), B. umbellus umbelloides (pi. ii, fig. 3), B. umbellus sabini (pi. ii, fig. 4) ; Lagopus lagopus (pi. ii, figs. 5-10), L. rupestris (pi. ii, figs. 11-15), L. leueurus (pi. ii, figs. 16 & 17) ; Tympanuchus ameri - canus (pi. ii, figs. 18-20), T. cupido { pi. iii, fig. 2), T . pallidicinctas (pi. iii, fig. 1) ; Pediocaztes phasianellus (pi. iii, figs. 3-5), P.phasian- ellus columbianus (pi. iii, figs. 6-8), P . phasianellus campeslris (pi. iii, figs. 9 & 10) ; Centrocercus urophasianus (pi. iii, figs. 11-13). Suborder CRACES. Ortalis vetala maccalli : egg figured ; C. Bendire, t. c. pi. iii, fig. 16. Penelope purpurascens : skeleton figured ; A. B. Meyer, Abbild. Vogel. Skel., Taf. clxxviii. Suborder PHASIANI. Family PhasianidvE. Crossoptilon leucurum, n. sp., E. Thibet ; H. Seebohm, Bull. B. O. C., No. 4, p. xvii. Rheinhardius phoenix , nom. emend. [?], pro R. ocellata (Verr.) ; A. Bou- CARD, Humming Bird, ii, pp. 10-12. Phasianus satcheuensis , n. sp., North of Nian Schan Mountains; Th. Pleske, Mel. Biol, xiii, livr. 2, pp. 296 & 297. P. tarnovskii, n. sp., Zarafshan, Central Asia ; H. Seebohm, P. Z. S. 1892, p. 271. Family Tetraonim. See Bendire, 0., ut supra, p. 25. Millais, J. G-. Game Birds and Shooting-sketches ; illustrating the habits, modes of capture, stages of plumage, and the hybrids and varieties which occur amongst them. London : 1892, roy. 4to, 72 pp., xv pis. Valentinitsch, F. Das Haselhuhn ( Tetrao bonasia). Dessen Natur- geschichte und Jagd. Eine ornithologische und jagdliche Mono- graphic 8vo, xii & 288 pp., pis. 1-4. [Orn. Jahrb. iii, pp. 82 & 83.] Lagopus lagopus, in Maine ; H. Merrill, Auk, p. 300 : in the Faroe Is. • H. W. Feilden, Zool. 1892, p. 413. Bonasia bonasia , skeleton figured ; A. B. Meyer, Abbild. Vogel. Skel. Taf. clxxx. Pedioccetes nanus, n. sp. (fossil), Pliocene of Oregon: R. W. Shufeldt J. Ac. Philad. ix, p. 414. GALLIFORMES. Aves 27 Palceotetrix , n. g. Type, P. gilli, n. sp. (fossil), Equus Beds, Oregon ; R. W. Shufeldt, J. Ac. Philad. ix, p. 416. Dendragapus obscurus fuliginosus, its food ; L. Beldixg, Zoe, iii, pp. 232 & 233. Family Perdicid^:. Subfamily Perdicix^e. Nicolls, J. A., & Eglixgtox, W. The Sportsman in South Africa. 8vo, 1892. The Francolins and Quails described, and many of them figured (pp. 100-106, pis. i & xi). Tetraogallus henrici , n. sp., Ta-tsien-lou ; E. Oustalet, Ann. Sci. Nat. (7) xii, p. 295. Palceortyx ocyptera , n. sp. (fossil), Eocene of S. France ; A. Milne- Edwards, C.R. ii, Congr. Orn. Intern, ii, pp. 71 & 72. P. caylux- ensis, n. sp. (fossil), id. t. c. p. 72. Palceocryptonyx donnezani, n. sp. (fossil), Pliocene of France; C. Deperet, C.R. cvi, p. 690. Perdix hispaniolensis , n. sp., Spain ; A. Reichexow, Ber. Allg. Deutsch. Orn. Ges. xi, p. 5. Francolinus and Pternistes : notes on these genera ; AY. R. Ogilyie- Grant, Ibis, 1892, pp. 32-55, pi. i. F. vulgaris : its range ; F. de Schaeck, Orn. Jahrb. iii, pp. 108-112. F. subtorguatus stuhlmanni , n. subsp., Yictoria Nyanza, A. Reiche- no'VY, J. f . O. 1892, pp. 17 & 18. F. uluensis , n. sp., Ukambani, W. R. Ogilyie-Grant, Ibis, 1892, p. 44. F. shaipii, n. sp., Abyssinia, id. t. c. p. 47. F. jacksoni [Zool. Rec. xxviii, Ares, p. 35], figured, id. t. c. pi. i. F. gedgii, figured, R. B. Sharpe, Ibis, 1892, pi. xiv. Caloperdix borneensis , n. sp., Mt. Dulit, Borneo, AY. R. Ogilyie-Graxt, Bull. B. O. C. ii, p. v. C. sumatrana, n. sp., Sumatra, id. ibid. Bambusicola : notes on the genus ; id. Ibis, 1892, pp. 387-389. Arbaricola : notes on the genus ; id. t.c. pp. 390-399. A. gingiva, figured; id. t. c. p. ix. A. ardens, n. sp., Hainan ; F. W. Styax, Bull.B. O. C. ii, p. vi. Coturnix : notes on the genus ; AV. R. Ogilyie-Graxt, Ann. N. H. (6) x, pp. 166-173. Coturnix communis , in AYigtownshire ; P. Adair, Ann. Scott. Nat. Hist.i, pp. 168-171 : nesting in N. Devon ; F. H. C. Gould, Zool. 1892, p. 427. C. emini [Zool. Rec. xxviii, Aves, p. 36], figured ; A. Reich- exow, J. f. O. 1892, tab. i, fig. 3. [Is C. adansoni , AY. R. Ogilyie- Graxt, ut supra .] Subfamily Odontophorin^:. Oreortyx pictus plumiferus : its food ; R. Beldjng, Zoe, iii, pp. 233 & 234. 28 Aves. III. AYES. Odontophorus guianensis : skeleton figured ; A. B. Meyer, Abbild. Y5gel. Skel., Taf. clxxix. Eupsychortyx gouldi , n. sp., CuraQao ; H. von Berlepsch, J. f. 0. 1892, pp. 98-101. Family Meleagridjd. Meleagris gallopavo ellioti , n. subsp., Rio Grande, Texas ; G. B. Sennett, Auk, ix, pp. 167-169, pi. iii. M. gallopavo (fig. 14) and M. gallopavo mexicana (fig. 15) : eggs figured ; C. Bendire, Life Histories N. A. Birds, pi. iii. Suborder HEMIPODII. See Nicolls, J. A., & Eglington, W. Turnix nigricollis : sexual differences ; W. R. Ogilvie-Grant, Ibis, 1892, pp. 346 & 347 : nesting in captivity ; Lord Lilford, t. c. pp. 466 & 467. Suborder PTEROCLETES. See Nicolls, J. A., & Eglington, W. Syrrhaptes paradoxus : notes on the incursion of 1891 ; Y. Ritter yon Tschusi zu Schmidhoffen, Orn. Jahrb. iii, pp. 118-122 : in the North of France ; M. Dubois, Bull. Soc. L. Nord France, ix, pp. 11 & 12. Pterocles coronata , in Tunis ; J. Cabanis, Ber. Allg. Deutschl. Orn. Ges., Sept. 1892, p. 5. P . varius and P. larvatus, n. spp, (fossil), Eocene of S. France, A. Milne-Edwards, C.R. ii, Congr. Orn. Intern, ii, pp. 70 & 71. Order COLUMBIFORMES. Bendire, C. Life Histories of North American Birds, with special reference to their Breeding Habits, and Eggs. U. S. Nat. Mus. Special Bulletin, No. 1, Washington, 1892, 4to. Eggs of the following species are figured : — Columba fasciata (pi. iii, fig. 17). C. fasciata vioscce ( pi. iii, fig. 18), C. flavirostris (pi. iv, fig. 2), C. leucocephala (pi. iv, fig. 4) ; Ectopistes migratorius (pi. iv, fig. 6) ; Zenaidura macrura (pi. iv, figs. 8 & 9) ; Zenaida zenaida (pi. ii, fig. 21) ; Engyptila albifrons (pi. ii, fig. 22) ; Melopelia leucoptera (pi. ii, fig. 23) ; Columbigallina passerina pallescens (pi. ii, fig. 24) ; Scardafella inca (pi. ii, fig. 25) ; Geotrygon montana (pi. ii, fig. 26). Columba domestica X Turtur risorius ; H. Gadeau de Kerville, Bull. Soc. Rouen (3) xxvii, pp. 195-199. C. domestica : its parasites ; C.R. Soc. Biol. (9) iv, pp. 49-53. Haplopelia inornata , n. sp., Cameroons, A. Reich enow, Ber. Allg. Deutschl. Orn. Ges., Feb. 1892, p. 6 ; id., J. f. 0. 1892, p. 179. COLUMBIFORMES — RALLIFORMES. Aves 29 Turtur : notes on the African species of the genus ; A. Reichenow, J. f. 0. 1892, pp. 12-15. Leucosarcia picata : skeleton figured; A. B. Meyer, Abbild. Yogel. Skel., Taf. clxxvii. Carpophaga cenothorax, n. sp., I. of Engano, T. Salvadori, Ann. Mus. Genov. (2) xii, pp. 130 & 140. Myristicivora luctuosa : skeleton figured ; A. B. Meyer, Abbild. Yogel. Skel., Taf. clxxvi. Ptilnpus coronulatu-s huonensis , n. subsp., Huon Gulf, E. New Guinea ; id. J. f. 0. 1892, pp. 263 & 264. P. salvadorii , n. sp., Jobi I, W. Roths- child, Bull. B. O. C. iii, p. x. P. tristrami , n. sp., Marquesas Is., T. Salvadori, Boll. Mus. Zool. Tor. vii, pp. Totreron melanospila : skeleton figured ; A. B. Meyer, Abbild. Yogel. Skel., Taf. clxxv, fig. 1. Phlogamas bimaculata , u. sp., Makassar, T. Salvadori, Bull. B. 0. C., No. 3, p. 8. P. albicollis , n. sp., Box L, id. t. c. p. x. Macropygia albicapilla : skeleton figured ; A. B. Meyer, Abbild. Y5gel. Skel., Taf. clxxv, fig. 2. Macropygia cinnamomea , n. sp., I. of Engano, T. Salvadori, Ann. Mus. Genov. (2) xii, pp. 140 & 141. Zenaida richardsoni , = Z. zenaida ; C. R. Cory, Cat. W. Ind. Birds, p. 138. Columbigallina passerina terrestris , n. subsp., E. United States, E. M. Chapman, Bull. Am. Mus. iv, p. 293. Geophaps scripta : notes on nestlings ; P. L. Sclater, P. Z. S. 1892, pp. 76 & 77. Osmotreron griseicauda : skeleton figured ; A. B. Meyer, Abbild. Yogel. Skel., Taf. clxxiv. Order OPISTHOCOMIFORMES. Suborder OPISTHOCOM I. Opisthocomus cristatus, crop and sternum of : a contribution to the ques- tion of the correlation of organs and the inheritance of acquired characters ; H. Gadow, P. R. Irish Ac. (3) ii, pp. 147-154, pis. vii & viii. Suborder PSEUDOPISTHOCOMI. Filholornis , n. g. Type, F. paradoxa , n. sp. (fossil), Eocene of S. France; A. Milne-Edwards, C.R. ii, Congr. Orn. Intern, ii, pp. 67 & 68. F. gravis and F. debilis , n. spp., id. t. c. p. 69. Order RALLIFORMES. Elaphrocnemus, n. g. Type, E. phasianus , n. sp., Eocene of S. France ; A. Milne-Edwards, C.R. ii, Congr. Orn. Intern, ii, pp. 77 & 78. E. gracilis and E. crex , n. spp., id. t. c. pp. 78 & 79. 30 Aves . nr. ayes. Orthocnemus , n. g. Type, O.gallicus , n. sp. (fossil), Eocene of S. France; id. t. c. pp. 74 & 75. 0. cursor , n. sp., id. t. c. p. 76. 0. major , n. sp., id. t. c. pp. 76 & 77. 1 lallus dasypus , n. sp. (fossil), id. t. c. pp. 73 & 74. R. arenarius , n. sp., id. t. c. p. 74. R. longirostris cubanus, n. subsp., Cuba, F. M. Chap- man, Bull. Am. Mus. iv, pp. 288 & 289. Cabalas modestus, Hutton, is the young of C.-dieffenbachii , Gray ; H. 0. Forbes, Bull. B. O. C., No. 4, p. xx. {Cf. H. O. Forbes, Bull. B. O. C. ix, p. xxxix.] Aramides plumbeicollis, n. sp., Costa Rica, J. C. Zeledon, Ann. Mus. Costa Rica, iii, p. 134. Crecoides, n. n. for Crecioides, Shuf. ; Siiufeldt, J. Ac. Philad. ix, pp. 411 & 412, notes. Porzana bailloni , in Herefordshire ; W. H. M. Ayres, Zool. 1892, p. 27 : in Yorkshire; J. Backhouse, Nat. 1892, p. 308 : in Somersetshire ; H. St. B. Goldsmith, Zool. 1892, p. 412. Porzanula, n. g. Type, P. palmeri , n. sp., LaysanL, North Pacific ; F. W. Frohawk, Ann. N. H. (6) ix, pp. 247-249. Rallus ecaudatus, King, and R. sandvicensis , Gm., belong to the genus Pennula ; G. Hartlaub, Abh. Yer. Brem. xii, heft. 3, pp. 395-397. Porzanula ( ut supra) = Pennula ; id. t. c. p. 399. Rallus sandwichensis , is a Pennula , and probably = P. ecaudata, King ; R. B. Siiarpe, Bull. B. O. C., No. 4, p. xx. [Cf. Hartlaub, op. cit. No. 5, p. xxiv, and Sharpe, op. cit. No. 5, p. xxiv.] Kittlitzia , n. g. [but cf. Hartert, Zool. Rec. xxviii, Aves , p. 57]. Type, Rallus monasa, Kittl., from Ualan ; G. Hartlaub, Abh. Yer. Brem. xii, heft. 3, p. 391. Aphanolimnas, n. n. pro Kittlitzia, Hartl. ( nec Hartert) ; R. B. Sharpe, Bull. B. O. C., No. 4, p. xx (Dec., 1892). Corethrura elegans , from the Cameroons ; A. Reichenow, J. f. 0. 1892, pp. 178 & 179. Ocydromus insignis , n. sp. (subfossil), Chatham Is., H. 0. Forbes, Tr. N. Z. Inst, xxiv, p. 188. Aphanapteryx hawhinsii , n. sp. (subfossil), Chatham Is., id. t. c. p. 189. Diaphorapteryx , n. g. for the preceding ; id., Bull. B. O. C., No. 4, p. xxi. [Genus cancelled, id., Bull. B. 0. C., No. 9, p. 1.] Porphyrio maclcintoshi, n. sp. (fossil), Queensland, C. W. de Yis, P. Linn. Soc. N.S.W. (2) vi, p. 440, pi. xxiv, fig. 2a. Notnrnis parkeri, n. sp. (fossil), New Zealand, H. 0. Forbes, Tr. N. Z. Inst, xxiv, p. 187. Aptornis : notes on the genus ; A. Hamilton, t. c. pp. 175-184. Gallinula coccineipes [Zool. Rec. xxviii, Aves, p. 37], figured ; J. D. De La Touche, Ibis, 1892, pi. xii [= Amaurornis akoolf G. peralata, n. sp. (fossil), Queensland, C. W.de Yis, P. Linn. Soc. N.S.W. (2) vi, pp. 440 & 441, pi. xxiv, figs. 3 a & 3 b. G. chloropus X Fulica atra ; H. Kreye, Orn. Jahrb. iii, p. 172. RALLIFORMES — PROCELLARITFORMES, Aves 31 Porpbyriornis , n. g. Type, P. comeri , n. sp., Gough I. ; J. A. Allen, Bull. Am. Mus. iv, pp. 57 & 58. Tribonyx ejfuxus, n. sp. (fossil), Queensland, C. W. De Yis, P. Linn. Soc. N.S.W. (2) vi, pp. 439 & 440. Fulica minor , n. sp. (fossil), Pliocene of Oregon, R. TV. Shufeldt, J. Ac. Philad. ix, p. 412. Order PODICIPEDIDIFORMES. Shufeldt, R. W. Concerning the Taxonomy of the North American Pygopodes, based upon their osteology. J. Anat. Phys. xxvi, pp. 198-203. Podicipes nigricollis , in Merionethshire ; G. H. Caton Haigh, Zool. 1892, p. 311 : in Anglesea ; W. Banks, t. c. p. 411 : in Norfolk ; T. Bidwell, t. c. p. 358. P. rubricollis, in Devon ; E. A. S. Elliot, t. c. p. 331. Podicipes auritus , supposed nesting in Ross-shire, = P . fluviatilis ; A. W. Evans, Ann. Scott. Nat. Hist, i, pp. 171 & 172. Order COLYMBIFORMES. Motions on land ; Haigh, Zool. 1892, p. 226. Taxonomy ; see Shufeldt, R. TV., ut supra. TJrinator imber : migration in Massachusetts ; G. H. Mackay, Auk, ix, p. 292. Order HESPERORNITHIFORMES. Eesperornis regalis : restoration ; H. N. Hutchinson, Extinct Monsters, p. 109, pi. ii. Order PROCELLARIIFORMES. Dalgleish, J. J. Notes on the Petrels of Madeira and adjoining Seas. P. Phys. Soc. Edinb. xi, pt. 1, pp. 27-30. Pu firms major , in Tiree ; J. A. Harvie-Brown, Ann. Scott. N. H. i, p. 74. P. major and P. cinereus , in France ; L. Bureau, Bull. Soc. Ouest France, ii, pp. 39 & 40, pi. iii, figs. 1 & 2. Cymochorea leucorrboa , off Scottish Coasts ; TV. Evans, Ann. Scott. N. Hist, i, pp. 74-76. Oceanitis oceanicns, in Ireland ; R. L. Patterson, Ibis, 1892, pp. 180 & 181 : in Scotland ; H. Saunders, t. c. p. 183 : in Jura ; H. Evans, Ann. Scott. N. H. i, p. 18. Procellaria pelagica used as a candle in the Orkneys and S. Kilda : E. Lovett, P. Croydon Club, pp. 331 & 332 : id., J. Northampt. Soc. 1892, pp. 113 & 114. 32 Aces. hi. AVES. Order ALCIFORMES. Keeler, C. A. Notes on the Auks breeding in the Farallone Islands. Zoe, iii, pp. 144-165, pis. xviii-xxi. Alca impennis : an unrecorded egg ; F. A. Lucas, Auk, ix, p. 198 : figured ; H. Gadeau de Kerville, Faun. Norm, iii, pi. i. TJria troile , figured ; Lord Lilford, Col. Fig. Br. Birds, part xxi. Order LARIFORMES. Family Stercorariida:. Stercorarius catarrhades , in Shetland ; W. E. Clarke, Ann. Scott. N. H. i, pp. 87-92. S. parasiticus and S. crepidatus : notes on ; H. Saunders, Ibis. 1892, pp. 183-185. Lestris pomarinus, figured ; Lord Lilford, Col. Fig. Br. Birds, part xxi. Family Laridas. Subfamily Larinae. Larus robustus, n. sp. (fossil), and L. oregonus, n. sp. (fossil), Equus Beds, Oregon, R. Shufeldt, J. Ac. Philad. ix, p. 398. L. argentatus smith sonianus, Habits in New England ; G. H. Mackay, Auk, ix, pp. 221-228. L. leacopterus , and L. glaucus, in Ireland ; R. Warren, Irish Nat. i, pp. 129-134 & 154-156. L. leucopterus , near Aldeburgh ; F. Menteitii Ogilvie, Zool. 1892, p. 114: In West and North of Scotland; Duke of Argyll, Ann. Scott. N. H. i, pp. 140-141. L. eburneus , in co. Dublin ; E. G. Waddilove, Zool. 1892, p. 228. L. ridibundus , figured ; Lord Lilford, Col. Fig. Br. Birds, part xxi. L. canus, a monstrosity ; G. de Kerville, J. de PAnat. Phys. xxviii, pp. 564-566, pi. xviii. Rissa tridactyla , its rudimentary hallux ; W. E. Clarke, Ibis, 1892, pp. 442-447. Xema sabinii , near Bournemouth ; F. Coburn, Zool. 1892, p. 22 : in Cornwall ; T. H. Cornish, t. c. p. 22 : in Norfolk ; H. W. Feilden, t. c. p. 423 : in Pembrokeshire ; C. Jeffreys, t. c. p. 423 : in San Francisco Bay ; W. E. Bryant, Zoe, iii, p. 165. Subfamily Stern inae. Anous stolidus, nests photographed ; A. J. Campbell, C.R. ii, Congr. Orn. Intern, ii, p. 157. Order ^EGTALORNITHIFORMES. [Incertae Sedis. Cf. Zool. Rec. xxviii, Aves, p. 39.] JEgialornis gallicus , Lydekker, = Tachyornis \_Cypselidce , q.v.~\ ; A. Milne-Edwards, C.R. ii, Congr. Orn. Intern, ii, pp. 66 & 67. CHARADRIIFORMES. jLv&s 33 Order CHARADRIIFORMES. Legge, W. V. On the Geographical Distribution of the Australian Limicolce. Pr. Austr. Ass. 1892, pp. [1-50]. Suborder CHARADRII. Family Charadriim. Charadrius squatarola. habits in Massachusetts ; G. H. Mackay, Auk, ix, pp. 143-152. Vanellus vulgaris , notes on nesting ; R. Howse, Nat. 1892, pp. 137-139. uEgialitis asiatica , figured ; Lord Lilford, Col. Fig. Br. Birds, part xxi. Family Scolofacim. Scolopax rusticula , in Dalmatia; H. Hanisch, Orn. Jahrb. iii, pp. 27-30 & 189-191 : nesting in North Uist ; J. C. Orde, Ann. Scott. N. H.i, p. 73. Numenius borealis , habits and migration in New England ; G. H. Mackay, Auk, ix, pp. 16-21 : figured ; Lord Lilford, Col. Fig. Br. Birds, part xxi : in California ; W. E. Bryant, Zoe, iii, p. 165, [= N. hudsonicus : L. Belding, t. c. p. 257]. N. arquata :, in Worcestershire in July; F. Coburn, Zool. 1892, p.23: on Long Island ; W. DutchEr, Auk, ix, p. 392. N. hudsonicus , in Massa- chusetts ; G. H. Mackay, Auk, ix, pp. 345-352. N. cyanopus and allies ; W. Legge, P. R. Soc. Tasm. 1888, pp. 133-136. Pavoncella pugnax, in North Carolina ; H. H. Brimley, Auk, ix, pp. 299 & 300 : in Orkney ; T. Peace, Ann. Scott. N. H. i, p. 73 : in the Outer Hebrides, id., t. c. p. 139. Totanus fuscus, in Ireland ; E. Williams, Zool. 1892, p. 35. T. incanus , figured ; S. B. Wilson & A. H. Evans, Av. Haw. part iii. Eurinorhync h us pygmceus, Hainan; G.Hartlaub, Abh.Ver.Brem. xii, p.330. Tringa ternminckii , in Japan ; L. Stejneger, P. U. S. Nat. Mus. xv, p. 371. T. minutilla , in Devonshire ; H. A. Evans, Zool. 1892, p. 141. T. acuminata , in Norfolk; T. Southwell, Zool. 1892, pp. 356-358 : H. Seebohm, Bull. B. 0. C. No. 3, p. ix. Ereunetes occidentalism in Connecticut ; W. E. Treat, Auk. ix, p. 389. Calidris arenaria , figured ; Lord Lilford, Col. Fig. Br. Birds, part xxi : notes on its distribution ; A. Newton, Add. to Ibis for July, 1892, p. 5 ; id. Nature, xlvi, p. 222 ; id. Rec. Austral. Mus. ii, p. 22 : in the Malay Archipelago ; H. Seebohm, Ibis, 1892, pp. 469-470. Tringoides hypoleucus , skeleton figured ; A. B. Meyer, Abbild. Vogel. Skel., Taf. clxii, fig. 2. Limosa lapponica, figured ; Lord Lilford, Col. Fig. Br. Birds, part xxii. Himantopus leucocephalus , in Norfolk Island, Lord Howe Island, and the New Hebrides ; A. J. North, Rec. Austral. Mus. ii, p. 38. Crymophilus fulicarius , in Nantucket Island, Massachusetts ; G. H. Mackay, Auk, ix, pp. 294-298 : in Princetown Harbour, Mass. ; G. S. Miller, t. c. pp. 288 & 289 : in Leicestershire ; A. Matthews, Zool. 1892, p. 26 : in Warwickshire ; F. Coburn, t. c. p. 26 : in 1892. [vol. xxix.] c 7 34 Aves. III. AVES. Ireland ; R. Patterson, Zool. 1892, pp. 26, 32, & 33 : in Islay, R. S. Skirving, Ann. Scott. N. H. i, p. 72 : in Jura ; H. Evans, t. c. p. 72: in S.W. Scotland ; R. Service, t. c. p. 73 : in Devon ; W. E. H. Pids- ley, t. c. p. 28. P. hyperboreus : notes on nesting and migration ; S. von Chernel, C.R. ii, Congr. Orn. Intern, ii, pp. 137-144, pi. 2 : in Ireland; E. Williams, Zool. 1892, p. 28. Suborder PARRiE. Jacana spinosa , in Jamaica ; T. D. A. Cockerell, P. Z. S. 1892, p. 472. Suborder CEDICNEMI. (Edicnemus crepitans , in Kent ; W. Verner, Zool. 1892, p. 24. Suborder OTIDES. See Nicolls, J. A., and Egltngton, W. Otis tarda , figured; Lord Lilford, Col. Fig. Br. Birds, part xxi : in Orkney, T. Peace, Ann. Scott. N. H. i, p. 138. 0. tetrax, in Silesia ; E. Urban, Orn. Jahrb. iii, p. 34: in Moravia; F. Schaller, ibid. : in Steiermark ; A. J. Mojsisovics, ibid. : in Northern Dalmatia ; H. Hanisch, t. c. pp. 112 & 113. Order GRUIFORMES. Geranopsis elatus, n. sp. (fossil), A. Milne-Edwards, C.R. ii, Congr. Orn. Intern, ii, pp. 72 & 73. Grus leucogeranus , in the Hebrides [Zool. Rec. xxviii, Aves, p. 41], was an escaped specimen ; W. E. Clarke, Ibis, 1892, p. 181. Order PELARGIFORMES. Suborder ARDEiE. Hanisch, H. Ornithologische Mittheilungen aus dem unteren Naren- tathale. Reiher ( Ardeidce ). Orn. Jahrb. iii, pp. 55-60. Palceopelagus, n. g. Type, P. nobilis , n. sp. (fossil), Queensland ; C. W. De Vis, P. Linn. Soc. N.S.W. (2) vi, pp. 441-443, pi. xxiv, figs. 4 a, 4a1. Ardea amissa , n. sp. (fossil), Eocene of S. France ; A. Milne-Edwards, C.R. ii, Congr. Orn. Intern, ii, p. 73. A. paloccidentalis, n.sp. (fossil), Pliocene of Oregon ; R. W. Shufeldt, J. Acad. Philad. ix, p. 411. A. garzetta , figured ; Lord Lilford, Col. Fig. Br. Birds, part xxi. Herodias egretta, in Norfolk I. ; A. J. North, Rec. Austral. Mus. ii, P- 37, Botaurus neoxenus : male described ; W. E. D. Scott, Auk, ix, pp. 141 & 142. Suborder PLATALE2E. Platalea leucerodia , in Heligoland ; H. Gatke, Orn. Jahrb. iii, p. 201 : its breeding places in Holland ; F. E. Blaauw, Ibis, 1892, p. 468. P. subtenuis , n. sp. (fossil), Queensland, C. W. De Vis, P. Linn. Soc. N.S.W. (2) vi, pp. 443 & 144, figs. 5a & 5b. TAPINOPIFOKMES ANSERIFORMES. Aves 35 Order TAPINOPIFORMES. Tapinopus, n. g. Type, T. ellioti, n. sp. (fossil), Eocene of S. France ; A. Milne-Edwards, C.R. ii, Congr. Orn. Intern, ii, pp. 79 & 80. Order PH2ENIC0PTERIF0RMES. Phcenicopterus copei , n. sp. (fossil), Eqnus Beds, Oregon ; R. W. Shu- feldt, J. Ac. Philad. ix, pp. 410 & 411. Order ANSERIFORMES. See Nicolls, J. A., and Eglington, W. Olor palor eg onus (fossil) : notes on ; R. W. Shufeldt, J. Ac. Philad. ix, p. 409. Cnemiornis gracilis and C. minor , n. spp. (fossil) ; H. 0. Forbes, Tr. N. Z. Inst, xxiv, pp. 187 & 188. Bernicla ruficollis , figured ; Lord Lilford, Col. Fig. Br. Birds, part xxi. B. mwiroii, n. sp., Kauai, Sandwich, Is., W. Rothschild, Ann. & Mag. N. H. (6) x, p. 108. B. leucopsis, in Venezia, E. Arrigoni degli Oddi, Atti Soc. Ital. xxxiv, pp. 117-121. B.projnnqua, n. sp. (fossil), Equus Beds, Oregon, Shufeldt, J. Ac. Philad. ix, pp. 408 & 409. Anser anatoides , n. sp. (fossil), Pliocene of France ; C. Deperet, C.R. cxiv, p. 690. A. cinereus , A. segetum, and A. albifrons, in Dalmatia ; G. Kolambatovic, Glasnik. Naravosl. Druz. vi, pp. 168-171 (1891). Biziura lautouri , n. sp. (fossil), from New Zealand ; H. O. Forbes, Tr. N. Z. Inst, xxiv, p. 188. Anseranas melanoleuca , in Tasmania ; W. F. Petterd, P. R. Soc. Tasm. 1888, pp. 91 & 92. Tadorna casarca : on the recent occurrence in the British Is. ; F. M. Ogilvie, Zool. 1892, pp. 892-398 : in Ireland ; R. J. Ussher, t. c. pp. 334 & 335. T. rutila , in co. Donegal ; J.S. Elliott, t. c. p. 311. Anas condoni , n. sp. (fossil), Equus Beds, Oregon, R. W. Shufeldt, J. Ac. Philad. ix, pp. 406 & 407. A. laysanensis, n. sp., Laysan I., W. Rothschild, Bull. B. O. C., No. 4, p. xvii. A. angustirostris and Fuligula marila, in Bohemia; — Riha, Orn. Jahrb. iii, pp. 260 & 261. A. boschas X A. americana; D. G. Elliot, Auk, ix, pp. 160— 166. Sq)atula clypeata nesting in Orkney ; W. Harvey, Ann. Scott. N. H. i, p. 138 : in co. Westmeath, F. J. Battersby, Zool. 1892, p. 311. S. variegata in Tasmania ; A. J. North, Rec. Austral. Mus. ii, p. 37. Harelda glacialis on the Suffolk Coast in Summer ; F. M. Ogilvie, Zool. 1892, p. 109. Somateria mollissima, figured ; Lord Lilford, Col. Fig. Br. Birds, part xxii. Aythya marila nearctica , n. sp. (fossil), Equus Beds, Oregon ; R. W. Shu- feldt, J. Ac. Philad. ix, p. 405. 86 Aves. III. AVES. C Edemia : notes on the American species ; G. Trumbull, Auk, ix, pp. 153-157. (E. nigra , figured ; Lord Lilford, Col. Fig. Br. Birds, part xxii : migration in spring ; Gr. H. Mackay, Auk, ix, pp. 292- 294 : nesting in Sussex ; C. Fowler, Zool. 1892, p. 151. CE. fusca , figured ; Lord Lilford, Col. Fig. Br. Birds, part xxii. Erismatura australis in Tasmania ; A. J. North, Rec. Austral. Mus. ii, p. 37. Clangula hyemalis, in New England ; G. H. Mackay, Auk, ii, pp. 330-337. Mergus serrator , figured ; Lord Lilford, Col. Fig. Br. Birds, part xxi. Order PELECANTFORMES. Suborder SULiE. Sula cyanops and S. fiber , nesting on Adele I. ; J. Walker, Ibis, 1892, pp. 257 & 258. Suborder PHALACROCORACES. Family Phalacrocoracim. Phalacrocorax carlo and P. graculus, figured ; Lord Lilford, Col. Fig. Br. Birds, part xxii. P. gutturalis , n. sp., Victoria Nyanza, A. Reiche- NOW, J. f. 0. 1892, pp. 133 & 134. P . novce zealandiaz , n. var., major (fossil) ; H. O. Forbes, Tr. N. Z. Inst, xxiv, p. 189. P. sulcirostris , in Norfolk I. ; A. J. North, Rec. Austral. Mus. ii, p. 38. Family Plotidje. Plotus melanogaster : notes on anatomy and osteology ; F. E. Beddard, P. Z. S. 1892, pp. 291-296. Suborder PELECANI. Pelecanus proavus , n. sp. (fossil), Queensland, C. W. De Vis, P. Linn. Soc. N.S.W. (2) vi, pp. 444 & 445, figs. 6a & 6b. P. erythrorhynchus , in Maine ; H. Merrill, Auk, ix, p. 292. Suborder FREGATI. T achy petes minor nesting on Adele I. ; J. Walker, Ibis, 1892, pp. 258-260. Order OATH ARTIDIFORMES. Bendire, C. Life Histories of North American Birds, with special reference to their breeding habits and eggs. U. S. Nat. Mus., Special Bulletin No. 1, Washington, 1892, 4to. Eggs of the following species are figured : — Pseudogryphus californianus (pi. iv, fig. 5) ; Cathartes aura (pi. iv, figs. 1 & 3) ; Catharista atrata (pi. iv, figs. 7 & 10). ACC1P1IRIF0KMES. Aves 37 Order ACCIPITEIFOEMES. Bendire, C. Life Histories of North American Birds, with special reference to their breeding habits and eggs. U. S. Nat. Mus., Special Bulletin No. i, Washington, 1892, 4to. Eggs of the following species are figured : — Elanoides forficatus (pi. v, figs. 1 & 2), Elanus leucurus (pi. v, figs. 3 & 4) ; Ictinia mississipiensis (pi. 5, fig. 5) ; Rosthramus sociabilis (pi. v, figs. 6 & 7) ; Circus hud- sonius (pi. v, figs. 8-10) ; Accipiter velox (pi. v, figs. 11-17), A. cooperi (pi. v, figs. 18-20), A. atricapillus (pi. vi, fig. 1), A. atricapillus striatulus (pi. vi, fig. 2) ; Parabuteo unicinctus harrisi (pi. vi, figs. 3 & 3), Buteo borealis (pi. vi, figs. 5 & G), B. borealis calurus (pi. vi, figs. 7 & 8), B. lineatus (pi. vii, figs. 1-5), B. lineatus elegans (pi. vi, fig. 9), B. abbreviatus (pi. vii, fig. 6), B. albicaudatus (pi. vii, figs. 8 & 9), B. swainsoni (pi. viii, figs. 1-6), B. latissimus (pi. vii, figs. 10- 13), B. brachyurus (pi. viii, fig, 7) ; Urubitinga anthracina (pi. viii, figs. 8 & 9), A sturina plagiaia (pi. vii, fig. 7), Archibuteo lagopus sanctijohannis (pi. viii, figs. 10-12), A. ferrugineus (pi. ix, figs. 1, 2, & 4) ; Aquila chrysaetos (pi. ix, figs. 3 & 5) ; Halicetus leucocephalus (pi. ix, fig. 7) ; Falco rusticolus gyrfalco (pi. ix, figs. 6, 8, & 9), F. rusticolus obsoletus (pi. x, fig. 1), F. mexicanus (pi. x, figs. 2 & 3), F. peregrinus anatvm (pi. x, figs. 5-7), F. columbarius (pi. x, figs. 4 & 8), F. fusco-ccerulescens (pi. x, figs. 9 & 10), F. sparverius (pi. x, figs. 11- 16) ; Polyborus cheriway (pi. xi, figs. 1-4) ; Pandion haliaetus caro- linensis (pis. x, fig. 17, & xi, figs. 5-9). Czat6, J. von. Die Verbreitung und Lebendsweise der Tagraubvogel in Siebenbiirgen. C.R. ii, Congr. Orn. Intern, ii, pp. 118-128. Lilford, Lord. Notes on Birds in the Lilford Aviaries. J. Northampt. Soc. v, pp. 258-269. [ Haliaetus albicilla , Aquila mogilnik, A. adalberti , A. rapax , A. nepal- ensis, A. pennata , Pseudaetus bonelli , Circaetus gallicus , Vultur monachus, Gypdetusbarbatus, Neophron perenopterus.~\ Mearns, E. A. A Study of the Sparrow Hawks (Subgenus Tunnunculus) of America, with especial reference to the Continental species ( Falco sparverius , Linn.). Auk, ix, pp. 252-270. [See Falconidce , p. 39.] Quelch, J. J. Our [British Guiana] Birds of Prey. Journ. R. Agr. & Comm. Soc. Brit. Guian. (2) vi, pp. 117-162. Family Vulturim. Neophron pileatus : skeleton figured ; A. B. Meyer, Abbild. Vogel. Skel., Taf. cli. 38 Aves. in. AYES. Family Falconim. Subfamily Polyborin^e. Polyborus cheriway : egg and chick ; A. Duges, Nat. Mex. (2) ii, pp. 173 & 174, pi. ix. Ibycter chimango : skeleton figured ; A. B. Meyer, Abbild. Vogel. Skel., Taf. cliii. Subfamily Accipitrin^: Circus cyaneus , figured ; Lord Lilford, Col. Fig. Br. Birds, part xxi. C . hamiltoni and C. teautensis, n. spp. (subfossil), New Zealand ; H. O. Forbes, Tr. N. Z. Inst, xxiv, p. 186. Astur brevipes , notes on; N. v. Ssomow, Orn. Jahrb. iii, pp. 179-182. Melierax polyzonus : skeleton figured ; A. B. Meyer, Abbild. Vogel. Skel., Taf. clix. Subfamily Buteoninje. Busarellus nigricollis : skeleton figured ; A. B. Meyer, Abbild. Vogel. Skel., Taf. cliv. Buteo borealis calurus in Cuba; F. M. Chapman, Bull. Am. Mus. iv, p. 294. B. albicaudatus colonus , n. subsp., Cura9ao ; H. VON Berlepsch, J. f. 0. 1892, pp. 89-91. Subfamily Aquiline. Necrastur , n. g. Type N. alacer (fossil), Queensland ; C. W. De Vis, P. Linn. Soc. N.S.W. (2) vi, pp. 437-439, pi. xxiv, figs, la, lb. Aquila hypogcea , n. sp. (fossil) ; A. Milne-Edwards, C.R. ii, Congr. Orn. Intern, ii, pp. 60 & 61. A. pliogryps, n. sp. (fossil), and A. sodalis, n. sp. (fossil), Equus Beds, Oregon, R. W. Shufeldt, J. Ac. Philad. ix, pp. 416-418. A. rapax, in Astrachan ; A. B. Meyer, Abb. Ges. Isis, 1892, pp. 67-71 : notes on A. bocJci , id. i t. c. A. ncevia, in Essex ; Miller Christy, Zool. 1892, p. 76. Spizaetus coronatus , skeleton figured ; A. B. Meyer, Abbild. Vogel. Skel., Taf. clvi. Nisaetus fasciatus, skeleton figured, id. t. c. Taf. civ. Spilornis rujipectus, skeleton figured, id. t. c. Taf. clvii. Circaetns gallicus , in Bohemia, F. v. Fiskal, Orn. Jahrb. iii, pp. 173 & 174: in the Forest of Andaine (Orne) ; Abbe Letacq, Bull. Soc. L. Norm, vi, pp. 180-183. Haliaetus albicilla : notes on ; V. Ritter yon Tschusi zu Schmid- hoffen, Orn. Jahrb. iii, pp. 74-76 : figured, E. H. Giglioli & A. Manzella, Iconogr. Avif. Ital. part xlix. Gypohierax angolensis , skeleton figured ; A. B. Meyer, Abbild. Vogel. Skel., Taf. clii. Milvus migrans , figured ; E. H. Giglioli & A. Manzella, Iconogr. Avif. Ital. part xlvii. ACCIPITR1F0RMES, STRIGES. Aves 89 Family Falconim. Pernis apivorus, in co. Wexford ; E. Williams, Zool. 1892, p. 428. Baza lophotes : notes on its nest and eggs ; T. A. Hauxwell, J. Bomb. N. H. Soc. viii, pp. 403 & 404. Falco peregrinus, from Pappan I., N. W. Borneo, R. B. Sharpe, Bull. B. O. C. ii, p. iv. F. peregrinus anatum, skeleton figured ; A. B. Meyer, Abbild. Vogel. Skel., Taf. clviii. F. barbarns and F. punicus, figured ; E. H. Giglioli & A. Manzella, Iconogr. Avif. Ital., parts, xlvii & xlviii. F. rusticolus obsoletus, in Rhode I. ; A. O’D. Taylor, Auk, ix, pp. 300 & 301. Gennaia saker and G. feldeggii , figured ; E. H. Giglioli & A. Manzella, Iconogr. Avif. Ital., part xlviii. Hierofalco candicans , in Achill ; R. M. Barrington, Zool. 1892, p. 77. Falco cenchris , figured ; Lord Lilford, Col. Fig. Br. Birds, part xxii. Falco tinnunculus X F. cesalon ; George Bolam, Naturalist, 1892, pp. 369 & 370. F . sparverioides : notes on ; F. M. Chapman, Bull. Am. Mus. iv, pp. 294-296. F. sparverius deserticolus , n. subsp., Arizona ; E. A. Mearns, Auk, ix, p. 263. F. sparverius peninsularis, n. subsp., Lower California, id. t. c. p. 267. F. sparverius australis , n. subsp., S. America, id. t. c. p. 269. F. sparverius cequatoi'ialis, n. subsp., Guayaquil, Ecuador, id. t. c. p. 269. F. sparverius brevi- pennis , n. subsp., Cura9ao ; H. yon Berlepsch, J. f. O. 1892, pp. 91-95. Suborder PANDIONES. Pandion haliaetus , figured ; E. H. Giglioli & A. Manzella, Icongr. Avif. Ital., part xlvii : formerly nesting in the Lake District of England ; A. G. More, Zool. 1892, pp. 1-3 : breeding on Plum I., N. Y. ; C. S. Allen, Auk, ix, pp. 313-321, pis. iv & v. Order STRIGES. Bendire, C. Life Histories of North American Birds, with special reference to thier breeding habits and eggs. Washington : 1892, 4to, viii & 414 pp., pis. i-xii. The eggs of the following species are figured: — Strix pratincola (pi. xii, fig. 1) ; Asio wilsonianus (pi. xii, fig. 2), A. accipitrinus (pi. xii, fig. 3) ; Syrnium nebulosum (pi. xii, fig. 4) ; Scotiaptex cinerea (pi. xii, fig. 5) ; Nyctala tengmalmi richardsoni (pi. xii, fig. 6), N. acadica (pi. xii, fig. 7) ; Megascops asio (pi. xii, fig. 8), M. asio maxwellice (pi. xii, fig. 10), M. asio trichopsis (pi. xii, fig. 11), M- asio macfarlanei (pi. xii, fig. 9), M. flammeolus (pi. xii, fig. 15) ; Bubo virginianus (pi. xii, fig. 12) ; Nyctea nyctea (pi. xii, fig. 19) ; Surjiia ulula caparoch (pi. xii, fig. 18) ; Speotyto cunicularia hypogaa (pi. xii, fig. 14), S. cunicularia floridana (pi. xii, fig. 16) ; Glaucidium phalcenoides (pi. xii, fig. 17) ; Micropallas whitneyi (pi. xii, fig. 13). 40 Aves. III. AYES. Bubo maximus , figured ; E. H. Giglioli & A. Manzella, Iconogr. Avif. Ital , part xlvii. B. incertus , n. sp. (fossil), Eocene of S. France ; A. Milne-Edwards, C. R. ii, Congr. Orn. Intern, ii, pp. 63 & 64. Necrobyas harpax , n. sp. (fossil), and N. rossignoli , n. sp. (fossil), Eocene of France, id. t. c. pp. 61-63. Megascops flammeolus idahoensis , figured: C. H. Merriam, Auk, ix, pp. 169-171, pi. ii. Scops menadensis, skeleton figured ; A. B. Meyer, Abbild. Vogel. Skel., Taf. clxi, fig. 2. S. mantananensis, n. sp., Mantanani I., N. W. Borneo ; R. B. Sharpe, Bull. B. O. C., No. 2, p. iv. S. brookii , n. sp., Mt. Dulit, Borneo, id. ibid. Nyctea ulula , in Austrian Silesia ; E. Urban, Orn. Jahrb. iii, p. 122. Asio accipitrinus , increase of nests in vole-stricken districts of Scotland ; P. Adair, Ann. Scott. N. H. i, pp. 219-231. Otus ( potius Asio ) henrici , n. sp. (fossil), Eocene of S. France, A. Milne- Edwards, C.R. ii, Congr. Orn. Intern, ii, p. 63. Carine noctua , in Oxfordshire ; O. V. Aplin, Zool. 1892, p. 332. Athene noctua plumipes, skeleton figured ; A. B. Meyer, Abbild. Vogel. Skel., Taf. clx, fig. 2. Ninox connivensj egg figured ; A. J. North, Rec. Austral. Mus. ii, pi. ii, fig. 1. Speotyto cunicularia bahamensis, = S. cunicularia floridanus ; C. B. Cory, Cat. W. Ind. Birds, p. 140. S. cunicularia floridana , its breeding habits; S. N. Rhoads, Auk, lx, pp. 1-8. Syrnium occidentals : notes on; F. Stephens, Auk, ix, pp. 392 & 393. S. aluco , figured ; A. H. Giglioli & A. Manzella, Iconogr. Avif . Ital., part xlvii. Strix flammea bargei , n. subsp., Cura9ao I.; E. Hartert, Bull. B. 0. C., No. 3, p. xiii. Order CORAOIIFORMES. Suborder STEATORNITHES. Hartert, E. Catalogue of the Picarice in the Collection of the British Museum. Coracias, Fam. Steatornithidce. [Vol. xvi of The Cata- logue of Birds.] London : 1892, 8vo, pp. 653 & 654. Suborder PODARGI. Hartert, E., ut supra : Fam. Podargidce, pp. 629-636 & 652, pi. xiv. Podargus strigoides, remarks on ; W. Saville Kent, P. Z. S. 1892, p. 477. Batrachostomus harterti, n. sp., Mt. Dulit, N. W. Borneo ; R. B. Sharpe, Ibis, 1892, p. 323 : figured, E. Hartert, Cat. Birds, xvi, pi. xiv. B. poliolophus, n. sp., W. Sumatra ; E. Hartert, Notes Leyd. Mus. xiv, p. 63. B. mixtus , n. sp., Mt. Dulit, N. W. Borneo ; R. B. Sharpe, Bull. B. O. C., No. 2, p. iv. AEgotheles sahadorii , n. sp., S. E. New Guinea ; E. Hartert, Cat. Birds, xvi, p. 649. C0RACI1 FORMES. Aves 41 Suborder CORACLE. Family Coraciim. Sharpe, R. B. Catalogue of the Picarice in the Collection of the British Museum. Coraciae and Halcyones. Coraciidce. [Yol. xvii of The Catalogue of Birds.] 1892, pp. 4-40, pis. ii & iii. Geranopterus, n. g. Type, G. elatus , n. sp. (fossil), Eocene of S. France; A. Milne-Edwards, C.R. ii, Orn. Congr. Intern, ii, p. 66. Coracias olivaceiceps, n. sp. [nom. emend, pro C. mosambicus , Dresser] ; R. B. Sharpe, t. c. p. 25. C. garrula , in Ireland ; R. L. Patterson, Ibis, 1892, p. 181 : in Caithness ; L. Dunbar, Ann. Scott. N. II. i, p. 136. Eurystomus orientalis (pi. ii, fig. 1), E. calonyx (pi. ii, fig. 2), E. Solomon - ensis [Zool. Rec. xxvii, Aves , p. 38] (pi. iii, fig. 1), E. azureus (pi. iii, fig. 2), figured ; R. B. Sharpe, ut supra. E. afer, n. var. rufo- buccalis, Uganda ; A. Reichenow, J. f. 0. 1892, p. 27. Suborder LEPTOSOMATI. Family LEPTOSOHATiDiE. Sharpe, R. B. Catalogue of the Picarice in the Collection of the British Museum. Coraciae and Halcyones. Leptosomatidce. [Yol. xvii of The Catalogue of Birds.] 1892, pp. 1-3. Suborder HALCYONES. Family Alcedinim. Sharpe, R. B. Catalogue of the Picarice in the Collection of the British Museum. Coraciae and Halcyones. Alcedinidce. [Yol. xvii of The Catalogue of Birds.] 1892, pp. 93-312. Subfamily Alcedinin^e. Ceryle septentrionalis , n. subsp., nom. emend, pro C. cabanisi (auct., nee Tschudi), S. United States to Panama ; id. t. c. pp. 134-136. C. cequatorialis, n. sp., Ecuador, id. t. c. p. 140, pi. iv, fig. 1. C. stictoptera , figured ; id. t. c. pi. iv, fig. 2. Alcedo floresiana, n. subsp., Flores ; id. t. c. p. 151. A. guentheri, n. sp., W. Africa, id. t. c. pi. iv, fig. 2. Distinct from A. quadribrachys , (pi. iv, fig. 1), id. t. c. pp. 156 & 157. A. ispida : nesting habits ; R. Scobie, P. N. H. Soc. Glasg. (n.s.) iii, p. 255. Subfamily Dacelonin^e. Ceyx euerythra , n. sp., Malaisia ; R. B. Sharpe, Cat. B. Brit. Mus. xvii, p. 179. C. samarensis [Zool. Rec. xxvii, Aves, p. 38] = C. melanura\ id. t. c. p. 180. C. sulaensis [Zool. Rec. xxvii, Avesi p. 38] = C. 42 Aves. III. AYES. malamaui [Zool. Rec. xxvii, Aves, p. 38], id. t. c. p. 184. C. marga- rethce [Zool. Rec. xxvii, Aves , p. 38] = C. bournsii [Zool. Rec. xxvii, Aves, p. 38] ; id. t. c. p. 185. C. steerii, n. sp., Mindoro, id. t. c. p. 187. Halcyon torquatus (pi. vi, fig. 1), H.forbesi, n. sp., Sierra Leone (pi. vi, fig, 2), H. malimbicus (pi. vi, fig. 3) : heads figured ; R. B. Sharpe, t. c. pp. 246 & 247, pi. vi. H. admiralitatis, n. sp., Admiralty Is., id. t. c. p. 251. H. rufigularis , n. subsp., hab. ignot., id. t. c. p. 260. H. mediocris , n. subsp., Ponape, id. ibid. H. tutuilce , n. sp., Tutuila, id. t. c. p. 266. H. tannensis, n. sp., Tanna I., id. ibid. H. chloris : head figured ; id. t. c. pi. vii, fig. 3. H. armstrongi , n. subsp., Bunnah, id. t. c. p. 277, pi. vii, fig. i. H. vidali, n. subsp., S. Kon- kan, id. t. c. p. 278. H. solomonis, head figured ; id. t. c. pi. vii, fig. 2. H. suvensis, n. sp., Suva I., id. t. c. p. 281. H. humii, n. sp,, Malacca, id. t. c. p. 281, pi. viii. H. meyeri , n. subsp., Togian Is., id. t. c. p. 282. H. davisoni, n. subsp., Andamans, id. t. c. p. 282. H. ( Cyanalcyon ) quadricolor, figured ; E. Oustalet, N. Arch. Mus. (2) (3) iv, pi. xiv. Todirhamphus youngi, n. sp., Morea I., p. 289 ; R. B. Sharpe, ut supra,, p. 289. Suborder BUCEROTES. Family Bucerotidjc. Ogilvie-Grant, W. R. Catalogue of the Picarice in the Collection of the British Museum. Coraciae and Halcyones. Bucerotidce. [Yol. xvii of The Catalogue of Birds.] 1891, pp. 347-428, pis. xiii & xiv. Buceros exaratus : skeleton figured ; A. B. Meyer, Abbild. Yogel. Skel., Taf. clxix. Gymnoloemus, n. g. Type, G. marchii, W. R. Ogilvie-Grant, t. c. p. 370. Ptilolcemus, n. g. Type, P. tickelli ; id. t. c. p. 392. Lophoceros damarensis, figured ; id. t. c. p. 411, pi. xiv. L. flavirostris , id. t. c. p. 412, L. leuconielas, p. 414, and L. elegans , p. 415 : tails figured ; id. t. c. p. 413. L.jacksoni [Zool. Rec. xxviii, Aves , p. 49J, figured ; id. t. c. p. 416. Ortholophus , n. g. Type, 0. albocristatus ; id. t. c. p. 424. Tockus gingalensis : nest and eggs ; F. Lewis, J. A. S. (Ceylon) xii, pp. 63-65. Suborder UPUP^. Salvin, 0. Catalogue of the Picarice in the Collection of the British Museum. Upupse. [Yol. xvi of The Catalogue of Birds.] 1892, pp. 1-26, pis. i-iii. Family Upupid^:. 5 species recognized ; 0. Salvin, ut supra. U. somalensis, n. sp., Somali- land, id. t. c. p. 13, pi. i. COEACIIFORHES. Ave 6* 43 Family Ierisoeimj. 3 genera recognized : Irrisor, Scoptelus , and Rhinopomastus ; O. Salvin, t. c. pp. 16-26. Irrisor bollii (pi. ii), and I.jacTcsoni [Zool. Rec. xxvii, Aves, p. 39], pi. iii, fig. 1, figured ; id. t. c. Scoptelus castaneiceps , figured ; id. t. c. pi. iii, fig. 2. S: anchietce , n. sp., Benguela, J. v. Barboza du Bocage, J. Sci. Lisb. (2) No. viii, p. 254. Suborder MEROPES. Family Meeopim. Sharpe, R. B. Catalogue of the Picarice in the Collection of the British Museum. Coraciae and Halcyones. Meropidce. [Yol. xvii of The Catalogue of Birds.] 1892, pp. 41-92, pi. i. Dicrocercus furcatus (pi. i, fig. 2), distinct from D. hirundineus (pi. i, fig. 1): both species (heads) figured ; id. t. c. pp. 42-44. Melittophagus meridionalis, n. sp. (pi. i, fig. 4), distinct from M. pusillus (pi. i, fig. 5), and M. cyanostictus (pi. i, fig. 3) : heads of all 3 species figured ; id. t. c. pp. 45-48. M. oreobates , n. sp., Mt. Elgon, E. C. Africa ; id. Ibis, 1892, pp. 320 & 321. Merops apiaster, in Moravia ; J. Talsky, Orn. Jahrb. iii, p. 195 : in co. Wicklow ; E. Williams, Zool. 1892, p. 428. M. philippinus , skeleton figured ; A. B. Meyer, Abbild. Vogel. Skel., Taf. elxii, fig. 1. Suborder MOMOTI. Family Momotid^;. Sharpe, R. B. Catalogue of the Picarice in the Collection of the British Museum. Coracise and Halcyones. Momotidce. [Vol. xvii of The Catalogue of Birds.] 1892, pp. 313-332. Momotus parensis, n. sp., Para ; id. t. c. p. 320. M. bartletti, n. sp., Colombia to Upper Amazonia ; id. t. c. pp. 320 & 321, pi. ix. M. subrufescens , figured ; id. t. c. pi. x, fig. i. M. micro stephanus figured ; id. t. c. pi. x, fig. 2. M. cequatorialis, figured ; id. t . c. pi. xi. M. vene~ zuelce) n. sp., Venezuela ; id. t. c. p. 321. Aspatha , n. g. Type, A. gularis (Lafresn.) ; id. t. c. p. 331. Suborder TODI. Family Todim. Sharpe, R. B. Catalogue of the Picarice in the Collection of the British Museum. Coracise and Halcyones. Todiclce. [Vol. xvii of The Catalogue of Birds.] 1892, pp. 333-337. 44 Aves. III. AYES. Suborder CAPRIMULGI. Hartert, E. Notes on the Caprimulgidce. Ibis, 1892, pp. 274 288, pi . vi. Caprimulgus europceus and its allies ; id. t. c. pp. 277-279. C. tristigma , Rupp., = G. lentiginosus , Smith ; id. t. c. p. 279. C. eximius , figured ; id. t. c. pp. 279 & 280, pi. vi. C. asiaticus : notes on ; id. t. c. p. 280. G. arundinaceus, Jacq. & Pucher, and G. faberi , Meyer, = C. affinis, id. t. c. pp. 280 & 281. C. salvadorii , Sharpe, == C. macrnrus , of which C. albonotatus is only a race ; id. t. c. pp. 281- 283. C. Jcelaarti is a race of C. jotaka ; id. t. c. pp. 283-285. C. melanopogon , Salvad., = G. jotaka ; id. t. c. p. 285. G. concretus : notes on ; id. t. c. p. 285. Antrostomus , = Caprimulgus ; id. t. c. p. 286. A. vociferus , arizonce , vocifer , = C. macromystax , Wagl. ; id. t. c. p. 286. C. salvini, n. sp. (=C. macromystax , auct., nec Wagl.) id. t. c. p. 287. Scotornis nigricans , = S. climacurus ; id. t. c. pp. 287 & 288. Hartert, E. Catalogue of the Picarice in the Collection of the British Museum. Coracias. Family Caprimulgidce. [Yol. xvi of The Cata- logue of Birds.] 8vo, pp. 519-652, pis. xi-xiii. Caprimulgus griseatus , figured ; id. t. c. pi. xi. C. whiteleyi , n. sp., Roraima ; id. t. c. pp. 573 & 574, pi. xii. C. claims, n. sp., Uganda ; A. Reichenow, Ber. Allg. Deutschl. Orn. Ges., Jan. 1892, p. 1 ; id. J. f. O. p. 29. G. europceus , figured ; Lord Lilford, Col. Fig. Br. Birds, part xxii ; E. H. Giglioli & A. Manzella, Iconogr. Avif. Ital. pt. 1. C. ruficollis and C . asiaticus , figured ; iid. t. c. pt. 1. Lyncornis mindanensis , figured ; E. Hartert, t. c. pi. xiii. Suborder CYPSELI. Hartert, E. Catalogue of the Picarice in the Collection of the British Museum. Coraciae. Family Cypselidce. [Vol. xvi of The Catalogue of Birds.] London : 1892, pp. 434-518, pi. x. Micropus africanus, distinct from M. apus ; id. t. c. pp. 440 & 441. Aeronautes, n. g. Type, A. melanoleucus ; id. t. c. pp. 459 & 460. Claudia , n. g. Type, C. squamata ; id. t. c. pp. 469 & 470. Chcetura guianensis, n. subsp., Guiana; id. t. c. p. 486. C. ussheri, figured ; id. t. c. pi. x. Collocalia merguiensis, n. subsp., Tenasserim ; id. t. c. p. 506. [See Ridgway, R., Am. Nat. xxvi, pp. 1040 & 1041 ; Shufeldt, R. W., t. c. pp. 869 & 870.] Cypselus affinis, figured ; E. H. Giglioli & Manzella, Iconogr. Avif. Ital. pt. xlviii. Collocalia in the Andaman Is. ; [Anon.] Ibis, 1892, pp. 578 & 579. Tacky ornis , n. g. Type, T. hirundo , n. sp. (fossil), Eocene of S. France ; A. Milne-Edwards, C.R. ii, Congr. Orn. Intern, ii, pp. 66 & 67. [AJgialornis (Zool. Rec. xxviii, Aves, p. 39) is identical ; id. t. c>] CORACIIFORMES. Aves 45 Suborder TROCHILI. Food : Bolles, F., Science, xx, p. 318, and G-ibbs, M., t. c. p. 329. Bo board, A. Genera of Humming Birds, pp. 1-56, 8vo [published in the 4 Humming Bird,’ ii, Jan.-July, 1892]. Eoplnornis hauxwelli , n. sp., Nauta. id . t. c. p. 37. . A complete list up to date of the Humming Birds found in Columbia, with descriptions of several supposed new species. T. c. pp. 73-87. The following species are supposed to be new : — Heliodoxa berlepschi , u. sp., Reliotrypha simoni , n. sp., Heliangelus rothschildi, n. sp., Eriocnemis albigularis , n. sp., Chlorostillon speviosa , n. sp., Saucerottia nunesij n. sp., Uranomitra colombiana , n. sp., Phaethornis panamensis, n. sp., Homophania lawrencii, n. sp. Ridgway, R. The Humming Birds. Rep. U S. Nat. Mus. 1890, pp. 253- 383, pi. xlv, and 47 cuts in the text. A review of the family of Trochilidce, with special reference to the species of the United States. T. c. pp. 255-292. Notes on the anatomy, by F. A. Lucas. [See also Am. Nat. xxvi, pp. 1040 & 1041.] Salvin. O., & Godman, F. D. Biologia Centrali-americana., Aves, Vol. ii, pp. 249-366. The following species are figured : — Oreopyra calolcema (pi. liv, figs. 1 & 2) ; Delattria hemileuca (pi. liv, figs. 3 & 4), D. margarethce and D. sybillce (pi. Hva) ; Hemistephania veraguensis (pi. lv, fig. 1) ; Rypuro- ptila (s. n. Chalybura) melanorrhoa (pi. lv, figs. 2 & 3) ; Callipharus (a. n. Eupherusa ) nigriventris (pi. lvii, figs. 3 & 4) ; Selasphorus torridus and S. ardens (pi. lvi) ; Lophornis adorabilis (pi. lvii, figs. 1 & 2). Salvin, O. Catalogue of the Picarice in the Collection of the British Museum. [Yol. xvi of The Catalogue of Birds.] Trochili, pp. 27- 433, pis. iv-ix. Panychlora micans, n. sp., hab. ?, id. t. c. p. 71, pi. iv, fig. 1. Chloi'ostilbon peruanus, figured ; id. t. c. pi. iv, fig. 2. Neolesbia , n. g. Type, N. nehrJcornce ; id. t. c. p. 145. Heliangelus laticlavius , Ecuador, id. t. c. p. 160, and H. violicollis , n. spp., p. 162, pi. v, figs. 1 & 2. Heliotrypha barrali and H. speciosa, n. sp., Colombia ?, figured, id. t. c. pi. vi, figs. 1 & 2. Iolcema lurninosa , figured ; id. t. c. pi. viii, fig. 1. Phceolcema cervinigularis , n. sp., Ecuador ?, id. t. c. p. 325, pi. viii, fig. 2. Eriocnemis ventralis, n. sp., Colombia, id. t. c. p. 364, pi. ix, fig. 2. E. dyselius figured ; id. t. c. pi. ix, fig. 1. Agyrtria cceruleiceps, figured; id. t. c. pi. vii, fig. 1. Amazilia sumichrasti , n. sp., S. Mexico, id. t. c. p. 213, pi. vii, fig. 2. 46 Aves. III. AVER. Polycrata decora , n. sp., Chiriqui, id. t. c. p. 238. Oreopyra pectoralis , n. sp., Costa Rica, id. t. c. p. 308. See Shufeldt, R. W., Am. Nat. xxvi, pp. 869 & 870 ; Nature, xlvi, p. 465. Cyanolesbia emmce , n. sp., Colombia, H. von Berlepsch, Ber. Allg. Deutsch. Ora. Ges., Dec. 1892, p. 10. C. caudata , n. sp., Venezuela, id. t. c. p. 12. Delatiria sybillce, n. sp., Nicaragua, 0. Salvin & F. D. Godman, Ibis, 1892, p, 327. Cyanomyia guerrerensis , n. sp., Guerrero, iid. t. c. p. 290 ; iid., Biol. Centr.- Am. Aves, ii. Pliaethornis rupurumii , n. sp., British Guiana, A. Boucard, Humming Bird, ii, p. 1. Suborder COL II. Family Coliidj:. Sharpe, R. B. Catalogue of the Picarice in the Collection of the British Museum. Goliidce. [Vol. xvii of The Catalogue of Birds.] 1891, pp. 338-346, p. xii. C. leucotis (fig. 1), and C. affinis (fig. 2), figured ; id. t. c. pi. xii. Colius nigriscapalis , n. sp., Cameroons, A. Reichenow, Ber. Allg. Deutsch. Ges., Feb. 1892, p. 3 ; id. J. f. O. 1892, p. 180. Order TROGONES. Family Trogonid^. Ogilvie-Grant, W. R. Catalogue of the Picarice in the Collection of the British Museum. Coracise and Halcyones. Trogonidce. [Vol. xvii of The Catalogue of Birds.] 1891, pp. 429-497, pis. xiii-xvii. Archceotrogon , n. g. Type, A. venustus , n. sp. (fossil), Eocene of S. France ; A. Milne-Ed wards, C.R. ii, Congr. Orn. Intern, ii, pp. 64-66. Trogon bolivianus , n. sp., Amazonia and Ecuador, W. R. Ogilvie Grant, t. c. p. 473, pi. xy. Hapaloderma vittatum , figured ; id. t. c. pi. xvi. Harpactes vidua , n. sp., Mt. Dulit, Borneo, id. t. c. p. 501. H. dulitensis , n. sp., Mt. Dulit, id. t. c. p. 502, pi. xvii. Order COCCYGES. Family CucuLiDiE. Dynamopterus , n. g. Type, D. velox, n. sp. (fossil); A. Milne-Edwards, C.R. ii, Congr. Orn. Intern, ii, p. 64. Cuculus canorus : two eggs in a nest ; V. Caper, Orn. Jahrb. iii, pp. 248- COCCYGES, PSITTACIFORMES. Aves 47 254. C. canorus and Hirundo rustica reared in the same nest ; C. Wolley-Dod, Ibis, 1892, pp. 524-530. C. aurivillii , n. sp , Cameroons, Y. Sjostedt, J. f. O. 1892, p. 313. Cacomantis virescens : skeleton figured ; A. B. Meyer, Abbild. Vogel. Skel., Taf. clxxiii, fig. 2. Coccyzus americanus occidentalism in Washington; R. H. Lawrence, Auk, ix, pp. 393 & 394. Centropus phasianus : egg described and figured ; A. J. North, Rec. Austral. Mus. ii, p. 17, pi. ii, fig. 4. Pyrrhocentor celebensis : skeleton figured ; A. B. Meyer, Abbild. Vogel. Skel., Taf. clxxii. Guira guira : skeleton figured ; id. t. c. Taf. clxxi, fig. 2. Family Musophagidas. Church, A. H. Researches on Turacin, an animal pigment containing copper. Phil. Trans, clxxxiii, pp. 511-530. Order PSITTACIFORMES. A. L. H [errano]. Sinopsis de los Psitacidos mexicanos. Nat. Mex. (2) ii, pp. 213-218. Family Nestoridjs. Nestor norfolcensis : notes on a specimen ; H. B . Tristram, Ibis, 1892, pp. 557 & 558. Family Cacatuida;. Calyptorhynchus funereus and C. solandri : eggs described and figured ; A. J. North, Rec. Austral. Mus. ii, p. 18, pi. ii, figs. 2 & 3, Family Psittacida:. Subfamily Conurinae. Conurus carolinensis : its range and habits ; A. W. Butler, Auk, ix, pp. 49-56 : in Missouri; C. H. Merriam, t. c. p. 301. C. rubritorques, Scl., distinct from C. holochlorus ; T. Salvadori, Bull. B. 0. C., No. 3, p. xi. G. arubensis, n. sp., Aruba I., E. Hartert, op. cit. No. 4, p. xvi. C. gundlachi , from Mona = C. chloropterus of San Domingo ; C. Cory, Auk, ix, pp. 228 & 229. Subfamily Pioninae. Chrysotis hecTci — C. lilacina (Less.) ; T. Salvadori, Ibis, 1892, pp. 467 & 468. C. rothschildi , n. sp., Bonaire I., E. Hartert, Bull. B. O. C., No. 3, p. xiii. 43 Aves. III. AYES. Subfamily Pal,eornithin,e. Geoffroyius tjindance , n. sp., Sumba I., A. B. Meyer, Notes Leyd. Mus. xiv, p. 267. Polytelis alexandrce : egg described and figured; A. J. North, Rec. Austral. Mus. ii, p. 19, pi. 2, fig. 5. Loriculus stigmatus : skeleton figured ; A. B. Meyer, Abbild. Vogel. Skel., Taf. clxx, fig. 1. Subfamily Platycercin^e. Platycercas erythrotis, from Antipodes I. ; H. 0. Forbes, Tr. N. Z. Inst, xxiv, pp. 190- 192. Neophema elegans : skeleton figured ; A. B. Meyer, Abbild. Vogel. Skel., Taf. clxx, fig. 2. Order SCANSORES. Suborder CAPITONES. Pogonorhynchus rubrifacies , n. sp., Kimoani, Equat. Africa ; A. Reich- enow, Ber. Allg. Deutsch. Orn. G-es., Jan. 1892, p. 1 : id. J. f. 0. 1892, p. 25. Mesobucco eximius, n. sp., Mt. Dulit, N. W. Borneo, R. B. Sharpe, Ibis, 1892, p. 324 : figured, id. t. c. pi. xi. Trachyphonus erythrocephalus , T. boehmi and T. arnciudi : notes on, id. t. c. pp. 310 & 311. Barbatida ugandce , n. sp., Uganda; A. Reichenow, Ber. Allg. Deutsch. Orn. Ges., Jan. 1892, p. 1 : id. J. f. O. 1892, p. 25. B. coryphcea , n. sp., Cameroons, id. Ber. Allg. Deutsch. Orn. Ges., Feb. 1892, p. 3, and J. f. 0. 1892, p. 181, Tab. ii, fig. 2. B. leucomystax , n. sp., Sotik, E. C. Africa, R. B. Sharpe, Ibis, 1892, p. 311. Suborder INDICATORES. Indicator pygmceus, n. sp., Victoria Nyanza, A. Reichenow, J. f. 0. 1892, p. 132. Suborder PICI. Family Picim. Subfamily Picin^e. Celeus lcerri [Zool. Rec. xxviii, Aves, p. 55], figured ; J. Graham Kerr, Ibis, 1892, pi. iii. Bracbypternas ceylonus : eggs and nesting ; F. Lewis, J. A. S. (Ceylon) xii, pp. 63-65. Picus leuconotus , in Carinthia ; F. Schulz, Orn. Jahrb. iii, p. 203. P. major , in Scotland ; J. A. Harvie Brown, Ann. Scott. N. H. i, pp. 1-17. SCANSORES — PASSERIFORMES. Aves 49 Spkyrapicus varius : young in captivity ; F. Bolles, Auk, ix, pp. 109-119. Thriponax kalinowskii, figured ; C. W. Campbell, Ibis, 1892, pi. v ; not distinct from T. richardsi , Tristr. ; H. Seebohm, t. c. pp. 248-250 : P. Z. S. 1892, p. 195 : from Tsu-sima, id. Ibis, 1892, p. 399 : figured ; J . Ijima, J. Sci. Coll. Tokio, v, pi. xii. Centurus bahamensis , n. sp., Great Bahama I., Bahamas, C. Cory, Auk, ix, p. 270. Campothera tullbergi , n. sp., Cameroons, Y. Sjostedt, J. f. O. 1892, pp. 313 & 314. Colaptes : remarks on the North American species ; J. A. Allen, Bull. Am. Mus. iv, Art. ii, pp. 21-44, pi. ii. Subfamily Picumnin^. Picumnus obsoletus, n. sp., Venezuela, J. A. Allen, Bull. Am. Mus. iv, Art. v, p. 55. Order EURYLuEMI. Calyptomena hosii , n. sp., Mt. Dulit, Sarawak, It. B. Sharpe, Ann. & Mag N. H. (6) ix, p. 249 : figured, Ibis, 1892, pi. xi. Order MENURiE. Menura victories : nest figured ; A. J. Campbell, C.R. ii, Congr. Orn. Intern, ii, p. 156. Order PASSERIFORMES. Section A. OSCINES. Family Corvids. Palceocorax , n. g. Type, Corvus moriorum , Forbes ; H. 0. Forbes, Bull. B. O. C., No. 4, p. xxi. Corvus prcecorax , n. sp. (fossil), Pliocene of France, see C. D^peret, C. R. cxiv, p. 690. C. annectens , n. sp. (fossil), Pliocene of Oregon, R. W. Shufeldt, J. Ac. Philad. ix, p. 419. C . intermedins , remarks on ; W. E. Brooks, Ibis, 1892, p. 59. Trypaneorax frugilegus : on the feathered bill ; R. Service, Ann. Scott. L N. H. i, pp. 218 & 219. Nucifraga caryocatactes : breeding in East Prussia ; E. Hartert, Ibis, 1892, p. 370. Garrulus glandarius : migration in Belgium ; E. de Selys-Longchamps, C.R. ii, Congr. Orn. Intern, ii, p. 178. Aphelocoma calif wnica, in Washington ; R. H. Lawrence, Auk, ix, p. 301. Cyanocorax cyanopogon : skeleton figured; A. B. Meyer, Abbild. Vogel. Skel., Taf . clx, fig. 1. 1892. [vol. xxix.] c 8 III. AVES. Perisoreus canadensis, in Massachusetts ; R. 0. Morris, Auk, ix, p. 395. Crypsirluna nigra , n. sp., Hainan, F. W. Styan, Bull. B. 0. C., No. 2, p. vi [ ? —Temnurus truncatus , R. B. Sharpe, op. cit. No. iv, p. xi.] Pyrrhocorax primigenius (fossil), in France ; E. Riviere, C.R. Ass. Fr. Sci. xx, p. 400. Family Paradise ivm. Ptilorhis victories : nest and egg ; A. J. Campbell, Yict. Nat. viii, pp. 134 & 135. Paradisea raggiana : nest and egg; P. Crowley, Bull. B. 0. C., No. 4, p. xvi (3), v, pp. 218-220, pi. xv. Craspedophora mantoui, figured ; E. Oustalet, N. Arch. Mus. Diphyllodes chrysoptera septentrionalis , n. subsp., N. E. New Guinea ; A. B. Meyer, J. f. 0. 1892, pp. 260-262. Manucodia comrii : nest and egg described ; A. J. North, Rec. Austral. Mus. ii, p. 32. Family Ptilonorhynchidjl Amblyornis subalaris : plan of its bower ; C W. De Yis, Ann. Report Brit. New Guinea, 1890-91, App. cc, p. 95, cum fig. Chlamydodera cerviniventris and C. maculata : notes on eggs ; P. Crowley, Bull. B. O. C., No. 4, p. xvi. Family Sturnid^e. Koepert, 0. Der Star ( Sturnus vulgaris ) in volkswirtschaftlicher und biologische Beziehung. Altenburg : 1892, 115 pp. Sturnus vulgaris , figured ; Lord Lilford, Col. Fig. Br. Birds, part xxii. Family Eulabetid^:. Acridotheres torquatus, n. sp., Pahang, E-. Malay Archipelago; W. R. Davison, Ibis, 1892, pp. 102 & 103 : is an AEthiopsar ; R. B. Sharpe, Bull. B. 0. C., No. 2, p. vii. Calornis enganensis, n. sp., I. of Engano ; T. Salvadori, Ann. Mus. Genov. (2) xii, p, 137. Onychognathus preussi, n. sp., Cameroons ; A. Reichenow, Ber. Allg. Deutsch. Ges., Feb. 1892, p. 4 ; id. J. f. 0. 1892, p. 184. Gracula enganensis , n. sp., I. of Engano; T. Salvadori, Ann. Mus. Genov. (2) xii, pp. 137 & 138. Family Paramythiid^i. Paramythia, n. g. Type, P. montium, n. sp., Mt. Suckling, S. E. New Guinea ; C. W. De Yis, Ann. Rep. Brit. New Guinea, App. cc, p. 95. PASSERIFORMES. Aves 51 Family Dicrurim. Ckibia bracteata , in Tasmania ; W. Y. Legge, P. R. Soc. Tasm. 1888, pp. xix, xx & pp. 93-94 (1889). Family Orioliidjr Oriolus hosii, n. sp., Mt. Dulit, Borneo ; R. B. Sharpe, Bull. B. 0. C., No. 2, p. iv. Oriolus celebensis : skeleton figured ; A, B. Meyer, Abbild. Yog el. Skel., Taf. clxvi, fig, 1. Family Icterim. Quiscalus : notes on the species ; F. M. Chapman, Bull, Am. Mus. iv, pp. 1-16, pi. i. Ptiloxena , n. g. Type, P. atroviolacea , of Cuba ; id. t. c. p. 307. Scolecophagus affinis, n.sp. (fossil), Equus Beds, Oregon ; R. W. Shufeldt, J. Ac. Philad. ix, pp. 418 & 419. Dives TcalinowsTcii, n. sp., Ica, Peru ; H. yon Berlepsch & J. Stolzmann, P. Z. S. 1892, p. 378. Molothrus occidentalism n. sp., Lima, Peru ; iid. t. c. p. 378. M. ater , in Mexico ; A. Duges, Nat. Mex. (2) ii, pp. 103-106. M. robustus , parasitic on Buarremon gutturalis ; G. K. Cherrie, Auk, ix, pp. 25-27. Family Ploceim. Subfamily Yiduin^e. Cryptospiza reichenovn : $ described ; A. Reichenow, J. f. 0. 1892, p. 187. C. salvadorii , n. sp., Shoa ; id. Ber. Allg. Deutsch. Ges., Feb. 1892, p. 6. Hypochera : notes on the species ; id. J. f. 0. 1892, p. 49. Mania sinensis : notes on ; J. Buttikofer, Notes Leyd. Mus. xiv, p. 132. M. nisoria and its allies ; id. t. c . pp. 202-204. Pstrelda roseicrissa, n. sp., Bukoba, Yictoria Nyanza ; A. Reichenow, Ber. Allg. Deutsch. Orn. Ges., Feb. 1892, p. 7 ; id. J. f. 0. 1892, p. 47. Subfamily Plocein^e. Symplectes croconotus and S. tephronotus , n. spp., Cameroons ; A. Reich- enow, Ber. Allg. Deutsch. Orn. Ges., Feb.|1892, p. 4 ; id. J. f. 0. 1892, p. 186. S. melanogaster , $ described ; id. J. f. 0. 1892, p. 185. S.preussi, n. sp., Cameroons ; id. t. c., Sept. 1892, p. 6. Malimbus : notes on species in Liberia ; J. Buttikofer, Notes Leyd. Mus. xiv, pp. 24-28. M. racbilice : female described ; Y. SjOstedt, J. f. 0. 1892, p. 313. 52 Aves. III. AYES. Family Tanagrid^e. Euphonia : notes on the Costa Rican species, with ‘ Key G-. K. Cherrie, Auk, ix, pp. 23-25. Rhamphocelus coslaricensis, n. sp., Costa Rica ; id. An. Mus. Costa Rica, iii, p. 135. R. atrosericeus capitalist n. subsp., Venezuela ; J. A. Allen, Bull. Am. Mus. iv, Art. v, p. 51. Saltator immaculatus , n. sp., Lima, Peru ; H. yon Berlepsch & J. Stolz- mann, P. Z. S. 1892, p. 375. Pyranga testacea tschudii , n. subsp., Lima, Peru ; iid. t. c. p. 375. Family CiEREBiD^s. Ccereba bartolemica and allies : notes on ; C. B. Cory, Cat. W. Ind. Birds, pp. 154 & 155. C. uropiggialis , n. sp., Cura9ao ; H. von Berlepsch, J. f. 0. 1892, pp. 77-81. Family Drepanime. Hemignathus obscurus , H. olivaceus, H. procerus , H. hanapepe , figured ; S. B. Wilson & A. H. Evans, Av. Haw. part iii. Vestiaria coccinea : skeleton figured ; A. B. Meyer, Abbild. Vogel. Skel., Taf. clxiii, fig. 2. Himatione fraithii , n. sp., Laysan I., Sandwich Group, W. Rothschild, Ann. & Mag. N. H. (6) x, p. 109. H.parva , H. montana , and H. stejnegeri , figured ; S. B. Wilson & A. H. Evans, Av. Haw., part iii. H. sanguinea : skeleton figured ; A. B. Meyer, Abbild. Vogel. Skel., Taf. clxiii, fig. 1. Loxioides baillieni : skeleton figured ; id. op. cit. Taf. clxv, fig. 2. Psittacirostra psittacea : skeleton figured ; id. t. c. fig. 1. Family Fringillidj]. Subfamily Coccothraustin^e. Coccothraustes vespertina, in Ontario ; Trans. Can. Inst, iii, pp. 111-124 : notes on ; A. W. Butler, Auk, ix, pp. 238-274. Pyrrhulagra for Loxigilla : L. Stejneger, in Cory, Cat. W. Ind. Birds, p. 148. P. noctis grenadensis , n. subsp., Grenada, and P. n. ridgwayi , Antigua; C. B. Cory, t. c. p. 150. Subfamily Fringillin^;. Acanthis, Bechst., = Carduelis ; P. L. Sclater, Ibis, 1892, pp. 555-557. Serinus serinus, in Devonshire ; W. E. H. Pidsley, Zool. 1892, p. 114. Rhodacanthisj n. g. Type, R. palmeri, Kona, Hawaii ; W. Rothschild, Ann. & Mag. N. H. (6) x, pp. 110 & 111. R. flaviceps, n. sp., Kona, Hawaii, id. t. c. p. 111. PASSERIFORMES. Aves 53 Telespyza Jlavissima , n. sp., Lajsan I., Sandwich Group, id. t. c. p. 110. Carpodacus erythrinu-s, breeding in East Prussia; E. Hartert, Ibis, 1892, p. 368. Uragus henricii , n. sp., Tibet ; E. Oustalet, Ann. Sci. Nat. (7) xii, p. 291, pi. xi, fig. 2. Eurhinospiza, n. g. Type, E. henrici , n. sp.; E. Oustalet, Ann. Sci. Nat. (7) xii, p. 293, pi. xi. Hyphantospiza , n. g. Type, H. olivacea (Fraser) ; A. Reichenow, Ber. Allg. Deutsch. Orn. Ges. xi, p. 6. Loxia curvirostra, in Ireland ; R. J. Ussher, Irish Nat. i, pp. 6-9 & 28-31. L. bifasciata , in Belgium ; A. de Selys-Longchamps, C.R. ii, Congr. Orn. Intern, ii, p. 177. Pinicola enucleator , in Heligoland ; H. Gatke, Orn. Jahrb. iii, p. 202. Subfamily Emberizinue. Emberiza cirlus : its distribution in Great Britain ; 0. V. Aplin, Zool. 1892, pp. 121-128 & 174-181. E. hortulana, in E. Bohemia ; K. Knezowrek, Orn. Jahrb. iii, pp. 64-66. E. cia, near Graz ; A. v. Mojsisovics, t. c. p. 79. E. pusilla , from Borneo ; R. B. Sharpe, Bull. B. 0. C. ii, p. iv. Zonotrichia albicollis, in California ; R. Ridgway, Auk, ix, p. 302. Family Alaudid^. Alauda gulgida and allies : remarks on ; TV. E. Brooks, Ibis, 1892, pp. 61 & 62. A. brachydactyla , near Yichy, France ; Rev. Sci. Bourb. y, p. 53. A. yeltoniensis , in Heligoland; H. Gatke, Orn. Jahrb. iii, p. 202. Alcemon margaritce : eggs described ; S. Alessi, J. f. 0. 1892, pp. 314 & 315. Otocorys berlepschi , figured ; E. Hartert, Ibis, 1892, pi. xiii. Family Motacillid^. Motacilla rail , on the migration of ; J. Cordeaux, Zool. 1892, pp. 389- 391. Antkus blakistoni , remarks on ; TV. E. Brooks, Ibis, 1892, p. 61. A. gustavi : skeleton figured ; A. B. Meyer, Abbild. Yogel. Skel., Taf. clxxi, fig. 1. Family Mniotiltidjj. Seiurus noveborcicensis notabilis , in New Jersey ; TV. C. Southwick, Auk, ix, p. 303. Dendrceca petechia fiaviceps , n. subsp., Bahama Is., M. Chapman, Bull. Am. Mus. iv, pp. 310 & 311. D. nigrifrons. $ 5 figured ; TV. Brewster, Auk, ix, pi. i. D. dugesi , figured; A, Duges, Nat. 54 Aves. III. ayes. Mex. (2) ii, pp. 97 & 98, pi. v, fig. 1. D. pennsylvanica nesting in Missouri ; B. F. Gault, Auk, ix, p. 396. Helminthophila pinus X H. leucobronchialis ; F. M. Chapman, t. c. p. 302. H. leucobronchialis , in Queen’s Co., Long I. ; A. H. Howell, t. c. p. 306. Family Certhiim. Certhia fa?niliarisf figured ; E. H. Giglioli & A. Manzella, Iconogr. Avif. Ital. pt. 1. C. mexicana from Nicaragua ; O. Salvin & F. D. Godman, Ibis, 1892, p. 325. Family Sittim. Sitta ccesia homey eri, in East Prussia ; E. Hartert, Ibis, 1892, pp. 364 & 365. S. neumayeri, figured ; E. H. Giglioli & A. Manzella, Iconogr. Avif. Ital. pt. xl. Family Meliphagid^. Viridonia, n. g. Type, V. sagittirostris , n. sp., Sandwich Is. ; W. Roths- child, Ann. N. H. (6) x, p. 112. Melipotes maculata , n. sp., Mt. Suckling, S. E. New Guinea ; C. W. De Yis, Ann. Rep. Brit. New Guinea, 1890-91, App. cc, p. 94; id. Ann. Queensl. Mus. No. 2, p. 5. P tilotis frenata : nest and eggs described and figured ; A. J. North, Rec. Austral. Mus. ii, p. 15, pi. iii. Stigmatops ocularis : remarks on ; J. Buttikofer, Notes Leyd. Mus. xiv, pp. 199 & 200. Acrulocercus braccatus : skeleton figured ; A. B. Meyer, Abbild. Yogel. Skel., Taf. clxiv, fig. 1. Family Nectariniim. Nectar inia gadowi , n. sp., Benguela ; J. Y. Barboza du Bocage, Jorn. Lisb. (2) No. viii, p. 256. N. osea , near Beyrout ; W. T. van Dych, Ibis, 1892, p. 469. Cinnyris nesophilus, n. sp., Anjuan I., G. E. Shelley, Bull. B. O. C., No. 2, p. iv. C. oritis and C. preussi, n. spp., Cameroons, A. Reiche- now, Ber. Allg. Deutsch. Orn. Ges., March, 1892, p. 4 : id. J. f. O. 1892, p. 190. Family Dicehme. Dicceum wilhelmince , n. sp., Sumba I., J. Buttikofer, Notes Leyd. Mus. xiv, p. 199. PASSERIFORMES. Aves 55 Family Zosteropid^:. Zosterops incerta , n. sp., I. of Engano, Sumatra, T. Salvadori, Ann. Mus. Genov. (2) xii, p. 133. Z. squamifrons , n. sp., Mt. Dulit, N. W. Borneo, R. B. Sharpe, Ibis, 1892, p. 323. Z. anderssoni, n. sp., Damaraland, G. E. Shelley, Bull. B. O. C., No. 2, p. v. Z. stuhlmanni, n. sp., Victoria Nyanza, A. Reichenow, Ber. Allg. Deutsch. Orn. Ges., March, 1892, p. 7 : id. J. f. 0. 1892, p. 54. Z. stenocricola, n. sp., Cameroons, id. Ber. Allg. Deutsch. Ges., March, 1892, p. 7 : id. J. f. 0. 1892, p. 191. Z. jiavilateralis , n. sp., East Africa, id. t. c. p. 192. Z. superciliosa , n. sp., Equatorial Africa, id. ibid. Z. atrifrons : skeleton figured; A. B. Meyer, Abbild. Vogel. Skel., Taf. clxxiii, fig. 1. Z. mussoti, n. sp., Szechuen, E. Oustalet, Ann. Sci. Nat. (7) xii, p. 289. Family Regulidje. Regulus : notes on the genus, with key to species ; T. Pleske, Mel. biol., Taf. xiii, livr. 2, pp. 303-337. R. tristis, n. sp., id. t. c. p. 306, Turkestan. R. himalayensis , remarks on ; W. E. Brooks, Ibis, 1892, p. 59. Family Parim. Parus cr istatus, in West of France ; L. Bureau, Bull. Soc. Sci. Nat. Ouest France, ii, p. 143. P. major , double nest ; E. Lovett, P. Tr. Croydon Nat. Hist. Club, 1892, pp. 330 & 331. P. plesJcei , in Belgium ; E. de Selys-Longchamp, C.R. ii, Congr. Orn. Intern, ii, p. 178. Notes on synomymy of European species ; v. Tschusi zu Schmid- hoffen, Orn. Jahrb. iii, pp. 175-178. P. xanthostomus , n. sp., R. Zambesi, G. E. Shelley, Bull. B. 0. C., No. 2, p. vi. P. rovumce , n. sp., Rovuma River, id. ibid. Leptopocile henrici , n. sp., Tibet ; E. Oustalet, Ann. Sci. Nat. (7) xii, p. 287, pi. x, fig. 1. Acredula irbii , in South Tirol ; V. Ritter von Tschusi zur Schmid- hoffen, Orn. Jahrb. iii, p. 122. A. macedonica , n. sp., Macedonia, T. Salvadori & H. E. Dresser, Bull. B. 0. C. No. 4, p. xvi. A. bonvaloti, n. sp., Ta-tsien-lou ; E. Oustalet, Ann. Sci. Nat. (7) xii, pp. 284-286, pi. ix, fig. 1. Family LANiiDiE. Aplin, 0. V. Further remarks upon Grey Shrikes, Zool. 1892, p. 112. Dresser, N. E. Remarks on Lanius lahtorn and its allies. Ibis, 1892, pp. 288-293. . Notes on the Palasarctic species of the genus Lanius , t. c. pp. 374-380. 56 Aves. III. AYES. Lanius excubitor , in Gloucestershire ; A. L. Clarke, Zool. 1892, p. 151. L. mackinnoni [Zool. Rec. xxviii, Aves, p. 62], in Cameroons ; A. Reichenow, J. f. O. 1892, p. 184. L. minor , figured ; E. H. Giglioli & A. Manzella, Icongr. Avif . Ital. part xlix. L. rufus , in Great Britain ; O. V. Aplin, Zool. 1892, pp. 345-352 : in Sussex ; T. Parkin, t. c. p. 230 : in South Devon ; E. A. Elliot, t. c. p. 412. Laniarius gubernator , n. sp., Cameroons, A. Reichenow, Ber. Allg. Deutsch. Orn. Ges., Sept. 1892, p. 5. Nilaus nigritemporalis, n. sp., Ngoma, Equatorial Africa, id. t. c. p. 3 : id. J. f. O. 1892, pp. 36 & 37. Hypocolius ampelinus , $ $ figured ; P. L. Sclater, P. Z. S. p. 470. Eopsaltria sudestiensis, n. sp., Sud-est I., Louisiade Archipelago, C. W. De Yis, Ann. Rep. Brit. New Guinea, 1890-91, 'p. 96 : Ann. Queensl. Mus. No. 2, p. 8. Family Ampelime. Ampelis macsi , n. sp., Japan, E. Oustalet, N. Arch. Mus. Paris (3) iv, pp. 213-216. Family Vireonidjl Vireo : notes on West Indian species ; C. B. Cory, Cat. W. Ind. Birds, pp. 152-154. V. olivaceus , in British Colombia and Washington ; C. F. Batchelder, Auk, ix, pp. 395 & 396. Family Turdid^:. Geocichla everetti , n. sp., Mt. Dulit, Sarawak, Borneo, R. B. Sharpe, Ibis, 1892, pp. 323 & 324. G. leucolcema , n. sp., Isle of Engano, T. Salvadori, Ann. Mus. Genov. (2) xii, pp. 135 & 136. Turdus nigrilorum , n. sp., Cameroons, A. Reichenow, Ber. Allg. Deutsch. Orn. Ges., March, 1892, p. 4 : id. J. f. 0. 1892, p. 194. Merula celebensis , n. sp., Macassar, Celebes, J. Buttikofer, Notes Leyd. Mus. xv, p. 109. Notes on M.javanica , M. seebohmi and M. schlegeli , id. t. c. pp. 107-110. M. elgonensis [Zool. Rec. xxviii, Aves , p. 63], fully described ; R. B. Sharpe, Ibis, 1892, pp. 160 & 161. Phceornis obscura : skeleton figured ; A. B. Meyer, Abbild. Vogel. Skel., Taf. clxiv, fig. 2. Callene hypoleuca, n. sp., Cameroons, A. Reichenow, Ber. Allg. Deutsch. Orn. Ges., Feb. 1892, p. 6 : id. J. f. O. 1892, p. 194, tab. ii, fig. 3. Cossypha polioptera, n. sp., Victoria Nyanza, id, t. c, p. 133. Erythacus sibilans , from Hainan ; G. Hartlaub, Abh. Ver. Brem. xii, pp. 304 & 305. E. rubecula, figured; Lord Lilford, Col. Fig. Br. Birds, part xxii. Cyanecula suecica , in Orkney ; T. E. Buckley, Ann. Scott. N. H. 1892, p. 70. PASSERIFORMES. Aves 57 Ruticilla tithys, in Lancashire ; F. Brownswood, Zool. 1892, p. 115. R. moussieri, figured ; E. H. Giglioli & A. Manzella, Icongr. Avif. Ital. part xlviii. Pratincola pallidigula, n. sp., Cameroons, A. Reichenow, Ber. Allg. Deutsch. Orn. G-es., April, 1892, p. 4 : id. J. f. 0. 1892, p. 194. P. indica, remarks on ; W. E. Brooks, Ibis, 1892, p. 60. P. rubicola, in N. E. Germany ; H. Schalow, SB. nat. Fr. 1892, pp. 141-145. P. maura przewalskii ; Th. Pleske, Bull. Petersb. (3) xxxv, p. 129. Cercomela (. Myrmecocichla ) melanura , note on the habits ; H. E. Barnes, J. Bomb. N. H. Soc. vii, pp. 252 & 253. Thamnolcea nigra and its allies ; J. Buttikofer, Notes Leyd. Mus. xiv, pp. 17 & 18. T. shelleyi , notes on, J. V. Barboza du Bocage, J. Sci. Lisb. (2) vii, pp. 167-170. Saxicola leucomela , figured ; E. H. Giglioli & A. Manzella, Iconogr. Avif. Ital. p xlix. Family Sylviim. Sylvia nisoria in Yorkshire ; J. Cordeaux, Zool. 1892, p. 424 ; id. P. Z. S. 1892, p. 542 : records of capture in Great Britain ; H. Seebohm, Bull. B. 0. C., No. 3, p. xi. Hypolais caligata and H. roma : remarks on ; W. E. Brooks, Ibis, 1892, pp. 59 & 60. H. rama and Acrocephalus streperus : hybrid described ; Th. Pleske, Orn. Ross. pp. 561-563. Phylloscopus neglectus and P. sindianus : remarks on ; W. E. Brooks, Ibis, 1892, p. 60. P. rufus , wintering in Somerset ; R. H. Read, Zool. 1892, p. Ill : unusual nesting ; id. ibid. : notes on nesting ; J. Backhouse, t. c. p. 150 ; C. F. Archibald, t. c . p. 226. P. superciliosus, in Lincolnshire ; G. H. Caton Haigh, Zool. 1892, p. 413. Acanthopneuste ijimoe , n. sp., Seven Is., Japan ; L. Stejneger, P. U. S. Nat. Mus. xv, p. 372. Lusciniola melanopogon, in Hungary ; A. Grunack, J. f. O. 1892, pp. 213 & 214. Locustella ncevia, nesting in S. W. Scotland ; R. Service, Zool. 1892, p. 333. L. ochotensis , ad. et juv., figured ; Th. Pleske, Orn. Ross., tab. 4, figs. 1 & 2. Cettia canturiens, $ ad. figured ; id. t. c., tab. iv, fig. 3. C. minuta ; id. t. c., tab. iv, fig. 4. C. canturiens septentrionalis , n. subsp., Russian Manchuria ; C. W. Campbell, Ibis, 1892, p. 235. G. canturiens borealis, n. subsp., Corea ; id. t. c. p. 235. Urosphena squamiceps , ad. figured ; T. Pleske, Orn. Ross., tab. iv, fig. 5. Acrocephalus fruticola (Naum.), in E. Prussia ; E. Hartert, Ibis, 1892, pp. 361 & 362. A. palustris, in Oxfordshire ; W. Warde Fowler, Zool. 1892, pp. 303-309. Tatare : notes on the species ; J. Buttikofer, Notes Leyd. Mus. xiv, pp. 13-16. T. familiar is, n. sp., Laysan I., Sandwich Group ; W. Rothschild, Ann. N. H. (6) x, p. 109. 58 Aves. IIT. AVES. Burnesia epichlora , n. sp., Camaroons ; A. Reichenow, Ber. Allg. Deutsch. Orn. Ges., Feb. 1892, p. 6 ; figured, id. J. f. 0. 1892, p. 193, tab. ii, fig. 1. Brymceca saharce , figured ; A. Koenig, J. f. O. 1892, tab. iii. Apalis mystacalis [Zool. Rec. xxviii, Aves, p. 65], figured ; A. Reichenow, t. c. tab. i, fig. 2. A.jaclcsoni [Zool. Rec. xxviii, Aves, p. 65], figured; R. B. Sharpe, Ibis, 1892, pl.iv, fig. 2. A.pidchra [Zool. Rec. xxviii, Aves, p. 65], figured ; id. t. c. pi. iv, fig. 1. Camaroptera griseigula, n. sp., Teita, E. Africa ; id. t. c. p. 158. Malurus mortoni, n. sp., SudestL, Louisiade Archipelago ; C. W. De Yis, Ann. Rep. Brit. New Guinea, 1890-91, p. 97 ; id. Ann. Queensland Mus. No. 2, p. 9. Acanthiza tenkatei, n. sp., Flores ; J. Buttikofer, Notes Leyd. Mus. xiv, p. 195. Cisticola emini , n. sp., Victoria Nyanza ; A. Reichenow, J. f. O. 1892, p. 56. C. ehubbi, n. sp., Mt. Elgon, E. C. Africa ; R. B. Sharpe, Ibis, 1892, pp. 157 & 158. Graminicola striata , n. sp., Hainan ; F. W. Styan, Bull. B. 0. G, No. 2, p. vi. Family Troglodytim. Elachura haplonota, n. sp. [_E7. immaculata on plate], from N. Cachar, Assam ; E. C. S. Baker, J. Bomb. N. H. Soc. vii, pp. 319-322 ; Ibis, 1892, pp. 62-64, pi. i, fig. 1. B. punctata , figured ; id. t. c. pi. i, fig. 2. Family Cinclim. Cinclus : notes on some Palsearctic species ; H. E. Dresser, Ibis, 1892, pp. 380-387. C. melanogaster pyrenaicus, range of ; 0. Y. Aplin, Zool. 1892, p. 359. C. pallasi, var. soulliei , n. subsp., Tibet ; E. Oustalet, Ann. Sci. Nat. (7) xii, p. 299. Family Mimim. Mimus polyglottus, formerly in New Jersey ; S. Lockwood, Am. Nat. xxvi, pp. 635-641. Harporhynchus curvirostris palmer i : its nesting habits ; H. Brown, Zoe, iii, pp. 243-248. FAmily Timeliidjs. Babax lanceolatus , var. bonvaloti, n. subsp., So, Tibet ; E. Oustalet, Ann. Sci. Nat. (7) xii, p. 273. P omatorhinus maclellandi, var. dedehensi, n. subsp., Tioungeu ; P. m., var. armandi , n. subsp., Aio, Tibet ; E. Oustalet, t. c. pp. 276 & 277. PASSERIFORMES. Aves 59 Trochalopteron henricii , n. sp., So, Tibet ; E. Oustalet, Ann. Sci. Nat. (7) xii, p. 274. T. bonvaloti, n. sp., Tioungeu, id. t. c. p. 275. Suthora fulvicauda and S. longicauda, n. spp., Corea ; C. W. Campbell, Ibis, 1892, p. 287. Amalocichla , n. g. Type, A. sclateriana , n. sp., Mt. Suckling, S. E. New Guinea ; C. W. De Yis, Ann. Rep. Brit. New Guinea, App. cc, 1890-91, p. 95 ; id. Ann. Queensland Mus., No. 2, pp. 5 & 6. Orthonyx spinicauda : nest described and egg figured ; A. J. North, Re \ Austral. Mus. ii, pp. 15 & 16, pi. ii, fig. 5. Turdinus monachus, n. sp., Cameroons ; A. Reichenow, Ber. Allg. Deutsch. Orn. Ges., Feb. 1892, p. 4 ; id. J. f. 0. 1892, p. 193. T. raoloneyanus , n. sp., Gold Coast ; R. B. Sharpe, P. Z. S. 1892, p. 228, pi. xx, fig. 2. Amaurocichla , n. g. Type, A. bocagii , n. sp., St. Thomas, West Africa; ' id. t. c. p. 228, pi. xx, fig. 1. Ptilocichla leucogaslra , n. sp., Pahang, E. Malay Peninsula, W. R. Davi- son, Ibis, 1892, pp. 100 & 101. Malacopteron melanocephalum, n. sp., Pahang, E. Malay Peninsula, id. t. c. pp. 101 & 102. Eupetes geislerorum , n. sp., Butaueng, N. E. New Guinea ; A. B. Meyer, J. f. O. 1892, pp. 259 & 260. Stachyris davisoni , n. sp., Pahang, E. Malay Peninsula, R. B. Sharpe, Bull. B. 0. C., No. 2, p. vii. Alcippe bieti , n. sp., E. Oustalet, Ta-tsien-lou, Ann. Sci. Nat. (7) xii, p. 304. Family Pycnonotid^:. Hypsipetes psaroides and H. concolor : account of nesting habits ; E. C. S. Baker, J. Bomb. N. H. Soc. vii, pp. 129 & 265. Hemixus flavala : account of nesting habits ; id. t. c. p. 7. Criniger aureus , note on ; A. B. Meyer, Ibis, 1892, pp. 178 & 180. C. fiaveolus , figured with nest ; E. C. S. Baker, J. Bomb. N. H. Soc. vii, pi. ii. Otocompsa emeria and 0. flaviventris, figured with nests ; id. t. c. pis. viii & xv. Xanthixus flavescens , figured with nest ; id. t. c. pp. 1-4, pi. i. Pinarocichla schmackeri , n. sp., Hainan ; F. W. Styan, Bull. B. 0. C., No. 2, p. vi [= Criniger pallidus, Swinhoe ; R. B. Sharpe, op. cit. No. 4, p. xix]. Xenocichla poliocephala, n. sp., Cameroons ; A. Reichenow, Ber. Allg. Deutsch. Orn. Ges., Feb. 1892, p. 5 ; id. J. f. 0. 1892, p. 189. Spizixus canifrons : account of nesting habits ; E. C. S. Baker, J. Bomb. N. H. Soc. vii, p. 10. Andropadus montanus, n. sp., Cameroons ; A. Reichenow, Ber. Allg. Deutsch. Orn. Ges., Feb. 1892, p. 5 ; id. J. f. O. 1892, p. 188. A. earner onensis, n. sp., Cameroons, id. J. f. 0. 1892, pp. 126 & 127. A . eugenius, n. sp., Victoria Nyanza, id. t. c. p. 133. 60 Aves. III. AYES. Family Campophagiml Graucalus preussi, n. sp., Cameroons, A. Reichenow, Ber. Allg. Deutsch. Orn. Ges. xi, p. 4. G . enganensis , n. sp., I. of Engano, T. Salvadori, Ann. Mas. Genov. (2) xii, pp. 129 & 130. G. nigrifrons, n. sp., Bugotu, Solomon Is., H. B. Tristram, Ibis, 1892, p. 294. G. welch- mani , n. sp., Bugotu, id. t. c. pp. 294 & 295. G. leucopygius: skele- ton figured; A. B. Meyer, Abbild. Vogel. Skel., Taf. clxvi, fig. 2. Edoliisoma tenuirostre : nest and eggs described ; A. J. North, Rec. Austral. Mus. ii, pp. 13 & 14. E. morio : skeleton figured; A. B. Meyer, Abbild. Vogel. Skel., Taf. clxvii, fig. 2. Campophaga minor , n. sp., Pahang, E. Malay Peninsula, W. R. Davison, Ibis, 1892, p. 99 [= Lalage culminata ; R. B. Sharpe, Bull. B. O. C., No. 2, p. vii]. Pericrocotus modiglianii , n. sp., I. of Engano, T. Salvadori, Ann. Mus. Genov. (2) xii, pp. 130-132. P. wrayi — P. montanus : P. cinerei - gula also probably identical ; R. B. Sharpe, Ibis, 1892, p. 435. Lalage leucopygialis ; skeleton figured ; A. B. Meyer, Abbild. Vogel. Skel., Taf. clxvii, fig. 1. Family Muscicapim. Alseonax pumila, n. sp., Bukoba, Victoria Nyanza, A. Reichenow, Ber. Allg. Deutsch. Orn. Ges., Jan. 1892, xi, p. 3 ; id. J. f. 0. 1892, pp. 32 & 33. Platystira jacksoni [Zool. Rec. xxviii, Aves, p. 67], fully described and figured ; R. B. Sharpe, Ibis, 1892, p. 301, pi. vii, fig. 2. Musicapa grisola : supposed occurrence in N. Zealand ; F. W. Hutton, Tr. N. Z. Inst, xxiv, p. 710 [Determination erroneous ; teste H. O. Forbes]. M. collaris , figured ; E. H. Giglioli & A. Manzella, Iconogr. Avif. Ital. pt. xlix. Erythrosterna parva, figured ; iid. t. c. pt. xlix. Muscicapa johnstoni = Dioptrornis fischeri ; R. B. Sharpe, Ibis, 1892, pp. 300 & 301. Rubecula tytleri , Jameson = Muscicapa parva’, W. E. Clarke, Ibis, 1892, pp. 558 & 559. P editor hynchus stuhlmanni [Zool. Rec. xxviii, Aves, p. 67], figured ; A. Reichenow, J. f. O. 1892, tab. i, fig. 1 : in Cameroons ; id. t. c. p. 183. Gerygone insperata, n. sp., Mt. Suckling, S. E. New Guinea, C. W. De Vis, Ann. Rep. Brit. New Guinea, 1890-91, App. cc, p. 94 ; id. Ann. Queensland Mus. No. 2, p. 4. G. pectoralis, n. sp., Pahang, E. Malay Peninsula ; W. R. Davison, Ibis, 1892, pp. 99 & 100 [= G. modig- lianii, Salvad. (Zool. Rec. xxviii, Aves, p. 67) ; R. B. Sharpe, Bull. B. O. C., No. 2, p. vii. Pcecilodryas vicaria , n. sp., Mt. Suckling, S. E. New Guinea, C. W. De Vis, Ann. Rep. Brit. New Guinea, 1890-91, App. cc, p. 94 : Ann. Queensland Mus. No. 2, p. 4. PASSERIFORMES. Aves 61 Hyliota nehrkorni , n. sp., Accra, G. Hartlaub, Ibis, 1892, p. 373, pi. viii. Review of the species of Hyliota ; id. pp. 373 & 374. Parisoma lugens , fully described ; R. B. Sharpe, Ibis, 1892, pp. 302 & 303. Trochocercus albonotatus [Zool. Rec. xxviii, Aves , p. 67], figured ; R. B. Sharpe, Ibis, 1892, pi. vii, fig. 1. Rhipidura : review of the genus ; J. Buttikofer, Notes Leyd. Mus. xv, pp. 65-98 & 113-115. R. celebensis , n. sp., Macassar, p. 79. B. teyss- inanni, n. sp., Macassar, p. 80. R. meyeri , n. sp. ( R . braehyrhyncha , auct., nec Schl.), pp. 82 & 113. B. sumbawensis , n. sp., Sumbawa, p. 85. R. rosenbergi, n. sp., Aru I., p. 88. R. hoeedti , n. sp., Lettie I., p. 93. R. tenkatei, n. sp., Rotti I. ; id. Notes Leyd. Mus. xiv, p. 205. R. concmna, n. sp., Mt. Suckling, S. E. New Guinea ; C. W. De Yis, Ann. Rep. Brit. New Guinea, 1890-91, App. cc, p. 94. R. biitti- koferi , Dammar I., Banda Sea ; R. B. Sharpe, Bull. B. O. C., No. 4, p. xviii. Elniinia schwebischi , n. sp., Congo ; E. Oustalet, N. Arch. Mus. Paris (3) iv, pp. 216 & 217. Cryptolopha bicolor , n. sp., Hainan ; F. W. Styan, Bull. B. O. C., No. 2, p. vi. [= Herpornis tyrannulus, Swinh. ; R. B. Sharpe, Bull. B. O. C., No. 4, p. xix.] C. mackenziana , n. sp., Kikuyu, E. C. Africa ; R. B. Sharpe, Ibis, 1892, p. 153. C. xanthoschistus : remarks on ; W. E. Brooks, Ibis, 1892, p. 60. Siphia luteola : female described ; C. W. Campbell, Ibis, 1892, pp. 233 & 234. Family Hirundinid.®. Duchassoy, H. De l’arrivee et du depart des Hirondelles. Bull. Soc. L. Nord France, i, pp. 85-92 (1891). Sharpe, R. B., & Wyatt, C. W. A Monograph of the Hirundinidce , or Family of Swallows. Part xv. 1892, 4to. The following species are described and figured : — Atticora cinerea ; Hirundo javanica, H. tahitica , H. namiyei (no figure), H. arcticincta ; Cotile rupestris ; Tachycineta thalassinus. Hirundo emini , n. sp., Victoria Nyanza ; A. Reichenow, Ber. Allg. Deutsch. Orn. Ges., Jan. 1892, p. 2 ; id. J. f. O. 1892, pp. 30 & 31. Psalidoprocne chalybea , n. sp., Cameroons ; id. op. cit.y Sept. 1892, p. 6. Section B. OLIGOMYODAE. Family Tyrannim. Allen, J. A. On a Collection of Birds from Chapada, Matto Grosso, Brazil, made by Mrs. H. H. Smith [Zool. Rec. xxviii, Aves , p. 2]. Part ii. Tyrannidce. Bull. Am. Mus. iv, pp. 331-350. Lophotriccus subcristatus , n. sp., Venezuela ; id. t. c. p. 53. 62 Aves. III. AVES. Anceretes sclateri , n. sp., Chili ; E. Oustalet, N. Arch. Mus. Paris (3) iv, pp. 217 & 218. Mnionectes semischistaceus , n. sp., Costa Rica ; G. K. Cherrie, P. U. S. Nat. Mus. xv, p. 27. Ornithion pusillum subflavum, n. subsp., Costa Rica ; id. t. c. p. 28. Pitangus jamaicensis , n. sp., Jamaica ; F. M. Chapman, Bull. Am. Mus. iv, p. 303. Pyrocephalus rubineus heterurus , n. subsp., Lima, Peru ; H. VON Berlepsch & J. Stolzmann, P. Z. S. 1892, p. 381. Myiarchus nutting i, in Arizona ; A. K. Fisher, Auk, ix, p. 394. M. brevipennis , n. sp., I. of Aruba, E. Hartert, Bull. B. 0. C., No. 3, p. xii. Family Cotingim. Chasmorhynchus niveus : position of the Caruncle and method of song ; J. J. Quelch, J. R. Agr. & Comm. Soc. Brit. Guiana (2) vi, pp. 164— 166. C. tricarunculatus : skeleton figured ; A. B. Meyer, Abbild. Vogel. Skel., Taf. clviii. Family Pittiid^. Pitta granatina borneensis , n. subsp., Borneo, D. G. Elliot, Auk, ix, pp. 218-221. Erythropitta celebensis : skeleton figured; A. B. Meyer, Abbild. Vogel. Skel., Taf. clxi, fig. 1 . Division II. TEA CHEOPHONAE. Family Dendrocolaptim. Subfamily Furnariin^e. Upucerthia harterti, n. sp., Bolivia, H. von Berlepsch, Ber. Allg. Deutsch. Orn. Ges., Dec. 1892, p. 10. Cinclodes taczanowsJcii, n. sp., Ghorillos, Peru, id. & J. Stolzmann, P. Z. S. 1892, p. 381. Family Formicariid^, Thamnophilus punctatus and T. bridgesi , figured ; 0. Salvin & F. D. Godman, Biologia Centrali-americana, Aves , ii, pi. xlix, fig§. 1 & 2. T. atrinucha , n. sp., Honduras to Ecuador, iid. t. c. pp. 200 & 201. T. immaculatus , Lafr., is a Myrmelastes ; iid. t. c. p. 225. Myrmelastes lawrencii , n. sp. [= M. corvinus, Lawr., nee Gould], Panama, iid. t. c. pp. 226 & 227. M. intermedins , figured [n. s. Myrmeciza immaculata~] , iid. t. c. pi. li, figs. 2 & 3. Thamnestes anabatinus , $ figured ; iid . t. c. pi. 1, fig. 1. PASSERIFORMES. Aves 63 Dysithamnus puncticeps, £ $ figured ; iid. t. c. pi. 1, figs. 2 & 3. Formicivora stictocorypha , n. sp., Porto Real, Brazil, A. Boucard & H. YON Berlepsch, Humming Bird, ii, p. 44. Myrmeciza leucosticta , figured ; iicl . t. c. pi. li, fig. 1. M. nigricauda, n. sp., Ecuador, iid. t. c. p. 230. If. occidentalism n. sp., Costa Rica, G-. K. Cherrie, An. Mus. Costa Rica, iii, p. 135. Pithy s leucaspis is a Gymnopithys; O. Salvin & F. D. Godman, t. c. p. 221. G. ruficeps , n. sp., Colombia, iid. t. c. p. 222, note. Grallaria princeps (pi. Iii), G. dives (pi. liii, fig. 1), and G. perspicillata (pi. liii, fig. 2), figured ; iid. t. c. G. lizanoi , n. sp., Costa Rica, G. K. Cherrie, An. Mus. Costa Rica, iii, p. 137. Eejjt. 1 IV. REPTILIA AND BATRACHIA. BY Gr. A. Boulenger. This subject is treated as follows, viz : — I. Titles of all Works and Papers arranged ALPHABETICALLY ACCORDING TO AUTHORS’ NAMES. II. Works and Papers dealing with both Reptiles and Batrachians. III. Faunistic : a, Recent ; b, Fossil. IV. References, arranged Systematically. I. TITLES.* Adolphi, H. Ueber Yariationen der Spinalnerven und der Wirbelsaule iinserer Amphibien. I. Bufo variabilis , Pall. Morph. JB. xix, 1892, pp. 313-375, figs., pi. xii. Ambrosetti, J. B. Observaciones sobre los Reptiles fosiles oligocenos de los terrenos terciarios antiguos del Parana. Bol. Ac. Cordoba, x, 1890, pp. 409-426. Anderson, J. On a small Collection of Mammals, Reptiles, and Batra- chians from Barbary. P. Z. S. 1892, pp. 3-24, pi. i. Andersson, O. A. Zur Kenntniss des sympathischen Nervensy stems der urodelen Amphibien. Morph. JB. (Anat.), v, 1892, pp. 184- 210, pis. xv-xviii. Ayters, H. Vertebrate Cephalogenesis. ii. A Contribution to the Morphology of the Vertebrate Ear, with a Reconsideration of its Functions. J. Morph, vi, 1892,' pp. 1-360, pis. i-xii. Bataillon, E. Contribution a l’etude de la circulation arterielle des Cheloniens. Ann. Soc. L. Lyon (2) xxxix, 1892, pp. 81-86, pi. * An asterisk prefixed to a quotation indicates that the Recorder has not seen the Journal or Work referred to. 1892. [vol. xxix.] c 9 2 Rept. IV. REPTILIA AND BATRACHIA. Baur, G. Das Yariiren der Eidechsen-Gattung Tropidurus auf den Galapagos-Inseln. Leuckart Festschrift, 1892, pp. 259-277, figs. . On the Morphology of the Skull in the Mosasauridce. J. Morph. vii, 1892, pp. 1-22, pis. i & ii. . Bemerkungen fiber verschiedene Arten von Schildkroten. Zool. Anz. xv, 1892, pp. 155-159. . Der Carpus der Schildkroten. Erwiderung an Herrn Prof. Dr. Emil Rosenberg. Anat. Anz. vii, 1892, pp. 206-211, figs. . On the Taxonomy of the genus Emys , C. Dumeril. P. Am. Phil. Soc. xxx, 1892, pp. 40-44. Additional note, t. c. p. 245. Bedriaga, J. de. A propos de l’importation et du croisement des Reptiles et des Amphibiens. Lettre a M. le professeur Anatole Bogdanow. C.R. Congres Internat. Zool. i, 1892, pp. 244 & 245. — — . Les Yipefes europeennes et circum-mediterraneennes. T. c. pp. 236-241. . Chalcides simo?iyi, Steind., et Molge luschani , Steind. T. c. pp. 242 & 243. . Tableaux synoptiques pour servir a la determination des larves des Batraciens Urodele3 d’Europe. C.R. Ass. Fr. Sci. 1891, ii, pp. 540-546. . Ueber die Begattung bei einigen geschwanzten Amphibien (Fortsetzung). Zool. Anz. xvi, 1893, pp. 102-104. . Notice sur les Amphibiens et Reptiles recueillis par M. A. F. •Moller aux lies de la Guinee. O Istituto (Coimbra), ser. 2, Nos. 6 & 7, 1892 [quoted from a Reprint]. Benda, C. Ueber die Histiogenese des Sauropsidenspermatozoons. Yerh. Anat. Ges. 1892, pp. 195-199. Beranek, E. Sur le nerf parietal et la morphologie du troisieme oeil des Yertebres. Anat. Anz. vii, 1892, pp. 674-689, figs. Bertelli, D. Sulla membrana timpanica della Rana esculenta . Mon. Zool. Ital. iii, 1892, pp. 203-207. French translation : Arch. Ital. Biol, xviii, 1893, pp. 458-462. Bertoldo, J. M. Sur le Developpement des Axolotls. Le Nat. xiv, 1892, p. 15. Biedermann, W. Ueber den Farbenwechsel der Frosche. Arch. ges. Phys. Ii, 1892, pp. 455-508, pi. xi. Bocage, J. Y. B. du. Subsidios para a Fauna da Guine Portugueza. J. Sci. Lisb. (2) ii, 1892, pp. 179-184. . Sur le Hemidactylus mabouia , var. molleri , Bedriaga, de St. Thome. T. c. p. 221. Notice sur les Amphibiens et Reptiles recueillis par M. A. F. Moller aux lies de la Guinee. T. c. pp. 229-232. TITLES. Rept. 3 [Bocage, J. V. B. du.] Note sur le Dendraspis de 1’ile St. Thome. J. Sci. Lisb. (2) ii, 1892, pp. 265-267, fig. Bocourt, F. Note sur la variability dans le nombre des plaques cephaliques cbez certains Ophidiens. Bull. Soc. Z. Fr, xvii, 1892, pp. 40 & 41. . Note sur un petit Opbidien appartenant au genre Tropidoclonium. Le Nat. xiv, 1892, p. 132. . Note sur un Ophidien appartenant au genre Rutcenia. T. c. p. 278. Bosttgee, 0. Katalog der Batrachier-Sammlung im Museum der Senckenbergiscben Naturforschenden Gesellschaft in Frankfurt am Main. Fraukfort a/M. : 1892, 8vo, 73 pp. . Kriechtiere der Kaukasuslander, gesammelt durcb die Radde- Yalentin’sche Expedition nacb dem Karabagh und durcb die Herren Dr. J.Valentin und P. Reibisch. Ber. Senck. Ges. 1892, pp. 131-150. . Mitteilung fiber eine Reptiliensendung von Aden in Sfid-Arabien. Ber. Oftenb. Ver. xxix-xxxii, 1892, pp. 61-63. . Liste von Kriechtieren und Lurchen aus dem tropiscben Asien u. aus Papuasien. T. c. pp. 65-157. . Drei neue colubriforme Scblangen. Zool. Anz. xv, 1892, pp. 417— 420. Born, G. Die Reifung des Ampbibieneies und die Befruchtung unreifer Eier bei Triton tamiatus. Anat. Anz. vii, 1892, pp. 772-781 & 803- 811, figs. Boulenger, G. A. Catalogue of the Snakes in the British Museum (Natural History). Yol. I, containing the families Typlilopidce , Glauconiidce , Boidce , Ilysiidce , Uropeltidce, Xenopeltidce , and Colubridce aglyphce, part. London : 1893, 8vo, xiii & 448 pp., 28 pis. . Reptilia and Batracbia. Appendix to Distant’s “ Naturalist in the Transvaal.” London : 1892, 8vo, pp. 174-176, fig. . Remarks on an Iguana with reproduced tail. P. Z. S. 1891, pp. 466 & 467. % A Synopsis of the Tadpoles of the European Batrachians. T. c. pp. 593-627, pis. xlv-xlvii. . Notes on Transcaspian Reptiles. T. c. pp. 628-633. . An Account of the Reptiles and Batrachians collected by Mr. C. Hose on Mt. Dulit, Borneo. Op. cit. 1892, pp. 505-508, pis. xxix & xxx. — — . On newly-discovered East African Chameleons, with Remarks on some other Reptiles described by Dr. Steindachner. Ann. N. H. (6) ix, 1892, pp. 72-74. — . Description of a new Snake from Nubia. T. c . pp. 74-76. 4 Ri pL IT. REPTILIA AND BATRACHIA. [Boulenger, G. A.] Description of a new Frog from Burma. Ann. N. H. (6) ix, 1892, pp. 141 & 142, pi. ix. . On Strauch’s Triton longipes. T. c. pp. 144 & 145. . Description of new Reptiles and Batrachians from the Loo Choo Islands. Op. cit. x, 1892, pp. 302-304. . On the Larva of Molge montandonl. T. c. pp. 304 & 305, fig. . On some newly-described Jurassic and Cretaceous Lizards and Rhynchocephalians. Op. cit. xi, 1893, pp. 204-210. — — -. Description of a new Toad from Travancore. J. Bomb. Soc. vii, 1892, pp. 317 & 318. . Description of a new Earth-Snake from Travancore. T. c. p. 318. — — . Description of a new Tree-Frog from New South Wales. P. Linn. Soc. N.S.W. (2) vii, 1892, p. 403. , An Investigation, into the Variations of the Viper in Great Britain. Zool. (3) xvi, 1892, pp. 87-93. . Fecundation in the Tailed Batrachians. A summary Review of recent Discoveries. Morph. JB., Syst. vi, 1892, pp. 447-452. . Marine Snakes. Nat. Sci. i, 1892, pp. 44-49, figs. . The Poisonous Secretion of Batrachians. T. c. pp. 185-190, figs. Bout an, L. Excursion zoologique a la Montagne de Hummoun ul Faroun (Montagne des bains de Pharaon). Arch. Z. exper. (2) x, 1892, pp. 1-22. Brehm, A. C. Tierlebeu, Dritte Aufiage. vii. Die Kriechthiere und Lurche. Neubearbeitet von O. Bcettger and Pechuel-Loesche. Leipzig & Vienna : 1892, 8vo, xiv, 825 pp., figs., 16 pis., 1 map. Burckiiardt, R. Das Gehirn von Triceratops flabellatas , Marsh. JB. Mineral. 1892, ii, pp. 71 & 72, fig. Butler, G. W. On the Subdivision of the Body-cavity in Snakes. P. Z. S. 1892, pp. 477-498, pi. xxviii. Camerano, L. Nota di Biologia alpina. in. Dell’ azione dell’ acqua corrente e della luce sullo sviluppo degli Anfibi Anuri. Boll. Mus. Zool. Tor. viii, 1893, No. 140. Caruccio, A. Su’ Serpenti non velenosi della Provincia di Roma. Boll. Soc. Rom. i, 1892, pp. 39-57. Chiarugi, G. Sullo sviluppo del nervo olfattivo nella Lacerta muralis. Nota preliminare. Monit. Zool. Ital. iii, 1892, pp. 211 & 212. French translation, Arch. Ital. Biol, xviii, 1893, pp. 363 & 364. Cope, E. D. On the Homologies of the Posterior Cranial Arches in the Reptilia. Tr. Am. Phil. Soc. xvii, 1892, pp. 11-26, pis. i-v. Abstract in Am. Nat. xxvi, 1892, pp. 407 & 408, pi. xvii. TITLES. Rept. 5 [Cope, E. D.] A Synopsis of the Species of the Te'id Genus Cnemid- ophorus. Tr. Am. Phil. Soc. xxvii, 1892, pp. 27-52, pis. vi-xiii [recorded from separate copy]. . A Contribution to the Vertebrate Palaeontology of Texas. P. Am. Phil. Soc. xxx, 1892, pp. 123-131. . On Tiaporus , a new Genus of Teiidae. T. c. pp. 132 & 133, pi. — . . The Osteology of the Lacertilia. T. c. pp. 185-221, pis. ii-vi. * . On the Skull of the Dinosaurian Lcelaps incrassatus , Cope. T. c. pp. 240-245. . On the Phylogeny of the Vertebrata. T. c. pp. 278-281, figs. . The Batrachia and Reptilia of North Western Texas. P. Ac. Philad. 1892, pp. 331-337. . A Critical Review of the Characters and Variations of the Snakes of North America. P. U. S. Nat. Mus. xiv, 1892, pp. 589-694. — — . On Degenerative Types of Scapular and Pelvic Arches in the Lacertilia. J. Morph, vii, 1892, pp. 223-244, pi. xiii. - — . On a New Spade-Foot from Texas. Am. Nat. xxvii, 1893, pp* 155 & 156, fig. . A New Species of Eutcenia from Western Pennsylvania. Op. cit. xxvi, 1892, pp. 964 & 965, fig. * . The Vertebrata of the Tertiary and Cretaceous Rocks of the North-West Territory. Contr. Canad. Pal. iii, 1891, 25 pp., 14 pis. . Remarks on the communication “ Ein fossiler Giftzahn,” by Dr. F. Kinkelin. Zool. Anz. xv, 1892, p. 224. Dehner, H. Ueber die sogenannte parthenogenetische Furchung des Frosch-Eies. Verh. Ges. Wiirzb. (2) xxvi, 1892, pp. 1-18, pi. i. Dekhuysen, M. C. Ueber das Blut der Amphibien. Verh. Anat. Ges. 1892, pp. 90-103, pi. i. Del Prato, D. A. Le Raccolte Zoologiche fatte nel Congo dal Cav. Giuseppe Corona. Parma : 1893, 8vo, 14 pp. De Vis, C. W. Zoology of British New Guinea. Part i. Vertebrata. Ann. Queensland Mus. i, 1892, No. 2, pp. 3-12. Dollo, L. Nouvelle Note sur le Champsosaure, Rhynchocephalien adapte a la vie fluviatile. Bull. Soc. Belg. Geol. v, Mem. pp. 151-199, pis. vi-viii (1892). . Sur l’origine de la nageoire caudale des Ichthyosaurus. Op. cit. vi, Proc. Verb. pp. 167-174, figs. (1892). . Sur la morphologic des Cotes. Bull. Sci. Fr. Belg. xxiv, 1892, pp. 113-129. , Sur la morphologie de la Colonne Vertebrale. T. c. 19 pp. [separate copy]. 6 Rept. IV. REPTILfA AND BATRACHIA. Douglas-Ogilby, J. Descriptions of three new Australian Lizards. Rec. Austral. Mus. ii, 1892, pp. 6-11. . On some undescribed Reptiles and Fishes from Australia. T. q. pp. 23-26. Douglass, G-. N. On the Herpetology of the Grand Duchy of Baden. Zool. (3) xvi, 1892, pp. 15-19 & 211-222. Drasch, — . Ueber die Giftdriisen des Salamanders. Verb. Anat. Ges. 1892, pp. 244-253. Dreckmann, F. A rare Snake (Psammophis longtfrons). J.Bomb. N.H. Soc.vii, 1892, pp. 406 & 407. Duges, A. Descripcion del esqueleto del Rhinophrynus dorsalis , D. B. Nat. Mex. (2) ii, 1892, pp. 98 & 99, pi. v. . El Dendrophidium dendrophis , Schl. T. c. pp. 100 & 101, pi. v. Edinger, L. Untersuchungen iiber die vergleichende Anatomie des Gehirns : 2. Das Zwischenhirn. Erster Teil : Das Zwischenhirn der Selachier und der Amphibien. Abh. Senck. Ges. xviii, 1892, 55 pp., 5 pis. Abstract in An. Anz. vii, 1892, pp. 472-476. Emery, C. Ulteriori studi sullo scheletro della mano degli Anfibi Anuri. Atti Acc. Pontif. Lincei (5) i, 1892, Rend. pp. 203-206. Etheridge, R., Jun. On Further Traces of Meiolania in New S. Wales. Rec. Austral. Mus. ii, 1893, pp. 39-41. Eycleshymer, A. C. The Development of the Optic Vesicles in Amphibia. J. Morph, viii, 1893, pp. 189-193, figs. . Paraphysis and Epiphysis in Amblystoma. Anat. Anz. vii, 1892, pp. 215-217. Farrington, O. C. The Nephrostomes of Rana. Tr. Conn. Ac. viii, 1892, pp. 309-314, pi. xxiv. Feoktistow, A. E. On the Physiology of the Rattle of Crotalus durissus. Translation. Ann. N. H. (6) xi, 1893, pp. 54-58. Ferreira, J. B. Sobre o “ Acanthodactylus ” de Portugal. J. Sci. Lisb. (2) ii, 1892, pp. 188-194. . Sur l’existence du “ Triton palmatus ” (Schn.) en Portugal. T. c. pp. 195-198. Revisao dos Reptis e Batrachios de Portugal. T. c. pp. 268-290. Fick, R. Ueber die Befruchtung des Axolotleies. Vorlaufige Mitteilung. Anat. Anz. vii, 1892, pp. 818-821. Field, H. H. Ueber streng metamere Anlage der Niere bei Amphibien. Verh. deutsch. Zool. Ges. ii, 1892, pp. 113-117. Fletcher, J. J. Contributions to a more exact knowledge of the Geographical Distribution of the Australian Batrachia. No. hi. P. Linn. Soc. N.S.W. (2) vii, 1892, pp. 7-19. TITLES. JEtept. 7 Fraas, E. Ueber einen neuen Fund von Ichthyosaurus in Wiirttemberg. JB. Mineral. 1892, ii, pp. 87-90, figs. . Ichthyosaurus numismalis , E. Fraas. JH. Yer. Wurtt. xlviii, 1892, pp. 22-31, pi. i. Gage, S. P. A preliminary account of the brain of Diemyctylus virides - cenSj based upon sections made through the entire head. Abstract. P. Am. Ass. xli, 1892, p. 197. Garman, H. A Synopsis of the Reptiles and Amphibians of Illinois. Bull. Illin. Lab. N. H. iii, 1892, pp. 215-389, pis. ix-xv. Garman, S. The Reptiles of the Galapagos Islands. From the col- lections of Dr. Geo. Baur. Bull. Ess. Inst, xxiv, 1892. pp. 73-87. . On Reptiles collected by Dr. Geo. Baur near Guayaquil, Ecuador. T. c. pp. 88-95. . On Cophias and Bachia. T. c. pp. 96 & 97. . On Texas Reptiles collected by Mr. F. W. Wamsley for Professor J. W. P. Jenks. T. c. pp. 98-109. . The Reptilian Rattle. Science, xx. 1892, pp. 16 & 17, figs. Gaudry, A. Les Pythonomorphes de France. C.R. cxv, 1892, pp. 303 & 304, and Mem. Soc. Geol. iii, 1892, No. 3, 13 pp., pis. i & ii. . L 'Ichthyosaurus hurgunclice. Bull. Soc. Autun, v, 1892, pp. 365- 372, pi. xv. Gaupp, E. Grundziige der Bildung und Umbildung des Primordial- craniums von Rana fusca. Yerh. Anat. Ges. 1892, pp. 183-190. Giacomixi, E. Contributo alia migliore conoscenza degli annessi fetali nei Rettili. Nota preventiva. Monit. Zool. Ital. iii, 1892, pp. 126-128, 157-164, & 185-196. Girtanner, A. Die Griechische Landschildkrote im Garten. Zool. Gart. xxxiii, 1892, pp. 349 & 350. Gorjanoyic-Kramberger, C. Aigialosaurus) eine neue Eidechse aus den Kreideschiefern der Insel Lesina, mit Riicksicht auf die bereits beschriebenen Lacertiden von Comen und Lesina. Glasnik Nadar. Drustva, vii, 1892, pp. 74-106, pis. iii-iv. The same paper in Croatian, Rad Jugoslav. akad. cix, 1892, pp. 96-123, pis. i & ii. Greenough, H. S. Sur les homologies des premiers stades suivant la segmentation chez les Batraciens. Bull. Soc. Z. Fr. xvii, 1892, pp. 57-59. Gregorio, A. de. Sulla Trionyx ragusensis, De Greg., et la T. melitensis , Lydek. Nat. Sicil. xi, 1892, pp. 182 & 183. Griesbach, H. Ueber Plasmastructuren der Blutkorperchen im krei- senden Blute der Amphibien. Leuckart Festschrift, 1892, pp. 215— 227, pi. xxiii. 8 Bejot. IY. REPT1LIA AND BATRACHIA. Gunther, A. List of the Species of Reptiles and Fishes collected by Mr. A. E. Pratt on the Upper Yang-tze-Kiang and in the province Sze-chuen, with Description of the New Species. Appendix II to Pratt’s “ Snows of Tibet ” (London : 1892, 8vo), pp. 238-250, pis. i-iv. . Report on a Collection of Reptiles and Batrachians transmitted by Mr. H. H. Johnston, C.B., from Nyassaland. P. Z. S. 1892, pp. 555- 558, pi. xxxiii-xxxv (1893). Hahn, G. Les Axolotls et leur Metamorphose. Rev. Quest. Sci. (2) i, 1892, pp. 178-205. Haly, A. Essay on the Construction of Zoological Tables, with a Tabular Diagnosis of the Snakes of Ceylon. J. A. S. (Ceylon), xi, 1892, pp. 22-32, 183-232, figs. Harvie-Brown, J. A., & Buckley, T. E. A Vertebrate Fauna of Argyll and the Inner Hebrides. Edinburgh : 1892, 8vo, 252 pp. Hasse, C. Die Entwicklung der Wirbelsaule von Triton tceniatus. Erste Abhandlung fiber die Entwicklung der Wirbelsaule. Z. wiss. Zool. liii (Suppl.) 1892, pp. 1-20, pis. i-iii. . Die Entwicklung der Wirbelsaule der ungeschwanzten Amphi- bien. Zweite Abhandlung fiber die Entwicklung der Wirbelsaule. Z. wiss. Zool. lv, 1892, pp. 252-264, pi. xii. — . Allgemeine Bemerkungen fiber die Entwickelung und die Stammes- geschichte der Wirbelsaule. Anat. Anz. viii, 1893, pp. 288-289. Hay, 0. P. On the Ejection of Blood from the Eyes of Horned Toads. P. U. S. Nat. Mus. xv, 1892, pp. 375-378. . On the Breeding Habits, Eggs, and Young of certain Snakes. T. c. pp. 385-397. — — . Description of a supposed new Species of Storeria from Florida, Storeria victa. Science, xix, 1892, p. 199. Heidenilein, M. Notiz betreftend eine rudimentare Drfise bei den Weibchen der einheimischen Tritonen. Anat. Anz. vii, 1892, pp. 432-435, figs. Herrera, A. L. Sur le pleur de sang chez le Batrachosoma asio , Cope. Le Nat. xiv, 1892, p. 114. Hertwig, 0. Urmund und Spina bifida, eine vergleichend-morpho- logische, teratologische Studie an missgebildeten Froscheiern. Arch, mikr. Anat. xxxvii, 1892, pp. 353-503, pis. xvi-xx. Hochstetter, F. Beitrage zur Entwicklungsgeschichte des Venen- systems der Amnioten. n. Reptilien ( Lacerta , Tropidonotus) . Morph. JB. xix, 1892, pp. 428-501, pi. xv-xvii. Hoffmann, C. K. Bijdrage tot de Kennis der Ontwikkelings- geschiedenis van het Aderlijke Bloedvatenstelsel bij de Reptilien. Verh. Ak. Amst. xxix, 1892, pp. 1-19, pis. i & ii. TITLES. Eept. 9 Holland, W. J. A Nest Building Frog. Am. Nat. xxvii, 1893, pp. 67 & 68. Honnorat-Bastide, E. F. Reptiles et Batraciens des Basses- Alpes. C.R. Ass. Fr. Sci. 1891, ii, pp. 583-586. Houssay, F. Sur la circulation embryonnaire dans la tete chez 1’ Axolotl. C.R. cxv, 1892, pp. 132-135. Howes, G-. B. Notes upon the Shoulder Girdle of certain Dicynodon- toid Reptiles. J. Anat. Phys. xxvi, 1892, pp. 403-405. Hulke, J. W. On the Shoulder Girdle in Ichthyosauria and Sau- ropterygia. P. R. Soc. lii, 1892, pp. 233-255, figs. Jack, R. L., & Etheridge, R., Jun. The Geology and Palaeontology of Queensland and New Guinea. Brisbane and London : 1892, 8vo, 768 pp. Jordan, E. 0., & Eyclesiiymer, A. C. The Cleavage of the Amphibian Ovum. Anat. Anz. vii, 1892, pp. 622-624. Jungersen, H. F. E. Om Udviklingen af den Miillerske Gang (iEggelederen) hos Padderna. Yid. Medd. 1892 (1893), pp. 32-72, pis. ii & iii. Kermode, P. M. C. Contributions to a Vertebrate Fauna of the Isle of Man. Zool. (3) xvii, 1893, pp. 64 & 65. Kingsley, J. S. The Head of an Embryo Amphiuma. Am. Nat. xxvi, 1892, pp. 671-680. Kinkelin, F. Ein fossiler Giftzahn. Zool. Anz. xv, 1892, pp. 93 & 94. Klaatsch, H. Zur Morphologie der Mesenterialbildungen am Darmkanal der Wirbelthiere. I. Theil. Amphibien und Reptilien. Morph. JB. xviii, 1892, pp. 385-450, figs., pL xii. Klinckowstrom, A. de. Le premier developpement de l’oeil pineal, l’epiphyse et le nerf parietal chez Iguana tuberculata. Anat. Anz. viii, 1893, pp. 289-299, figs. Knauthe, K. Zur Biologie der Amphibien. Zool. Anz. xv, 1892, pp. 20-23. Konig, A. Die Kriechthierfauna Tunesiens. SB. niederrhein. Ges. 1892, pp. 3-26. Kukenthal, W. Zur Entwicklung des Handskelettes des Krokodils. Morph. JB. xix, 1892, pp. 42-55, pi. ii. . Ichthyosaurier und Wale. JB. Mineral. 1892, i, pp. 161-166. Lataste, F. Etudes sur la faune Chilienne. i. Note sur les Lezards (Ordre des Sauriens). Act. Soc. Sci. Chili, i, 1892, pp. 7-40. . Le peritoine du Python de Seba, reponse aux critiques de M. Gerard W. Butler. Op. cit. ii, 1893, pp. clxvii-clxx. 10 Bept. IY. REPTTLTA AND BATRACHIA. Leydig, F. Receptacula seminis der Urodelen. Zur Frage der Deutung. Zool. Anz. xv, 1892, pp. 309-312, 356. • . Integument briinstiger Fische nnd Amphibien. Biol. Centralbl. xii, 1892, pp. 205-221. . Zum Integument niederer Wirbeltiere abermals. T. c. pp. 444-467. . Blaufarbiger Wasserfrosch ; Leuchtflecken der Ellritze. Zool. Gart. xxxiii, 1892, pp. 1-7. Lortet, L. Les Reptiles fossiles du Bassin du Rhone. Arch. Mus. Lyon, y, 1892, pp. 1—139, figs., pis. i-xii. Lovisato, D. Nuovi resti di coccodrilliano fossile nel miocene di Nurri. Atti Acc. Lincei (5) i, 1892, Rend., pp. 436-439. Lucas, A. H. S. Notes on the Distribution of Victorian Batrachians, with Descriptions of two new Species. P. R. Soc. Viet. (2) iv, 1892, pp. 59-64. Lydekker, R. On Part of the Pelvis of Polacanthus. Q. J. Geol. Soc. xlviii, 1892, pp. 148 & 149, figs. . Note on Two Dinosaurian Foot-bones from the "Wealden. T. c. pp. 375 & 376, fig. — — . Recent Advances in Knowledge of the Ichthyosaurian Reptiles. Nat. Sci. i, 1892, pp. 514-521, figs. Macallum, A. B. Studies on the Blood of Amphibia. Tr. Can. Inst, ii, 1892, pp. 221-260, pi. i. Marsh, 0. C. The Skull of Torosaurus. Am. J. Sci. (3) xliii, 1892, pp. 81-84, pis. ii & iii. . Notice of New Reptiles from the Laramie Formation. T. c. pp. 449-453, figs. . Notes on Triassic Dinosauria. T. c. pp. 543-546, pis. xv-xvii. . Notes on Mesozoic Vertebrate Fossils. Op. cit. xliv, 1892, pp. 171-176, pis. ii-v. . Restorations of Claosaurus and Ceratosaurus. T. c. pp. 343-349, pis. vi & vii. . The Skull and Brain of Claosaurus. Op. cit. xlv, 1893, pp. 83-86, pis. iv & v. . Restoration of Anchisaurus. T. c. pp. 169-170, pi. vi. Marshall, W. B. Necturus maculatus in the Hudson River. Am. Nat. xxvi, 1892, pp. 779 & 780. Martin, C. J. Observations on the Poisonous Constituents of the Venom of the Australian Black Snake ( Pseudechis porphyriacus). P. Linn. Soc. N.S.W. (2) vii, 1892, pp. 319-322. TITLES. Rept. 11 [Martin, C. J.] The Yeiiom o£ the Australian Black Snake ( Pseudechis poiphyriacus). J. R. Soc. N.S.W. xxvi, 1892, pp. 240-264. Martin, R. Sur l’habitat de la Couleuvre verte et jaune. Bull. Soc. Ouest France, ii, 1892, pp. 149 & 150. Martin, R., & Rollixat, R. Catalogue des Reptiles, Batraciens et Poissons du Departement de l'lndre. Mem. Soc. Zool. v, 1892, pp. 30-45. Matschie, P. Ueber eine kleiue Sammlung von Siiugethieren und Reptilien, welche Herr L. Conradt aus Usambara (Deutsch-Ostafrika) heimgebracht hat. SB. nat. Fr. 1892, pp. 101-110. Maurer, F. Haut-Sinnesorgaae, Feder- und Haaraulagen, uud deren gegenseitige Beziehungen, ein Beitrag zur Phylogenie der Siiuge- thierhaare. Morph. JB. xviii, 1892, pp. 717-804, figs., pis. xxiv-xxvi. Mazza, F. Caso di dicefalia derodimica in un Anguis frag ills. Atti Soc. Ligust. iii, 1892, pp. 256-261, pi. ii. Meiiely, L. v. Magyarorszag Barna Bekal (Ranee fuscce Hungarke ). Math. term. koz. xxv, 1892, pp. 1-63, pis. i-viii. . Beitrage zur Kenntniss der Bombinator-Arten sowie deren Standorte und Yerbreitung in Ungarn. Math. Nat. Ber. Ung. x, 1892, pp. 55-79, pis. iv & v. . Die Herpetologischen Yerhaltnisse des siebenburgischen Burzen- landes. Beitrage zu einer Monographie der k. freien Stadt Kronstadt. Kronstadt : 1892, 8vo, 91 pp. Meyer, A. Ueber das Yorderhirn einiger Reptilien. Z. wiss. Zool. lv, 1892, pp. 63-133, pis. iv & v. Meyer, A. B., & Helm, F. vi. Jahresbericht (1890) der Ornitholo- gischen Beobachtungstationen im Konigreich Sachsen. Berlin : 1892, 4to, 135 pp. Mina-Palumbo, F. Rettili ed Anfibi Nebrodensi (Continua). Nat. Sicil. xi, 1892, pp. 114—120, 239-252, and xii, 1892-93, pp. 52-56, 75-80, & 148-150. Mixgazzini, P. L’Oolisi nella Seps chalcides. Atti Acc. Lincei (5) i, 1892, Rend., pp. 41-45. Mitrophanoph, P. Researches on the development of Yertebrate Animals [Russian]. Trav. Soc. Yarsovie, ii, 1892, 251 pp., 7 pis. Mitsukuri, K. On the Foetal Membranes of Chelonia. J. Coll. Sci. Japan, iv, 1891, pp. 1-53, pi. i-x. . Further Studies on the Formation of the Germinal Layers in Chelonia. Op. cit. v, 1892, pp. 35-52, pis. ii-iv. Mocquard, F. Yoyage de M. Chaper a Borneo. Nouvelle contribution a la faune herpetologique de Borneo. Mem. Soc. Zool. v, 1892, pp. 190-206, pi. vii. 12 Kept. 1Y. EEPTJLIA AND BATEACHIA. [Mocquard, F.] Description de deux Ophidiens et d’un Batracien d’especes nouvelles. Le Nat. xiv, 1892, p. 35. Muller, F. Siebenter Nachtrag zum Katalog der herpetologischen Sammlung des Basler Museums. Festschr. 75. Best. Nat. Ges. Basel, 1892, pp. 195-215, pi. iii. Negri, A. Trionici eocenici ed oligoceuici del Yeneto. Mem. Soc. Ital. (3) viii, 1892, No. 7, 53 pp., 5 pis. Newton, E. T. On some new Reptiles from the Elgin Sandstone. (Abstract). P. B. Soc. Iii, 1892, pp. 389-391. . Note on an Iguanodont Tooth. Geol. Mag. (3) ix, 1892, pp. 49 & 50, fig. Niemann, F. Beitrage zur Morphologie und Physiologie der Oberlip- pendriisen einiger Ophidier. Arch. f. Nat. lviii, 1, 1892, pp. 262- 286, pi. xiv. Norris, H. W. Studies on the Development of the Ear of Amblystoma. Part 1. Development of the Auditory vesicle. J. Morph, vii, 1892, pp. 23-34, pis. iii & iv. Oppel, A. Die Befruchtung des Reptilieneies. Arch. mikr. Anat. xxxix, 1892, pp. 215-290, pis. ix-xii. Ostroumoff, A. Zoologische Excursion nach Mangyschlak und Busatchi (Russian text). Protok. obsch. estest. Kazan, 1889-90, Append. No. 113 (1890), 16 pp. Parker, W. N. ’ Experiments on Respiration in Tadpoles of the Com- mon Frog ( Rana temporaria). Rep. Brit. Ass. 1891, p. 694. Peracca, M. G. Descrizione di nuove specie di Rettili e Anfibi di Madagascar. Boll. Mus. Zool. Tor. vii, 1892, No. 112. Perrin, A. Remarques sur le pied des Batracienset des Sauriens. C.R. cxv, 1892, pp. 885-887. . Contribution a 1’etude de la myologie comparee : Membre poste- rieur chez un certain nombre de Batraciens et de Sauriens. Bull. Sci. Fr. Belg. (4) iii, 1892, pp. 373-552, pis. xvi-xxiii. Piel de Churcheville, H. & T. Note sur la presence du Tropido- note a collier, variete a deux raies, Tropidonotus natrix , var. lilineata , dans les environs de Nantes. Bull. Soc. Ouest France, ii, 1892, pp. 35-38, pi. ii. Pohlig, H. Altpermische Saurierfahrten, Fische und Medusen der Gegend von Friedrichroda i. Thiir. Leuckart Festschrift, 1892, pp. 59-64, figs., pi. vii. Positano-Spada, D. Sulla identita specifica della Lacerta muralis e della Lacerta serpa. Boll. Soc. Rom. i, 1892, pp. 89-94. . Sopre une nuova varieta di Lacerta muralis. T. c. pp. 154-157, figs. TITLES. Rept. 13 Quelch, J. J. Yenom in Harmless Snakes. Zool. (3) xvii, 1893, pp. 30 & 31. Remy Saint-Loup, — . Sur une disposition intermediate a celles qui ont fait etablir un caractere anatomique diff erentiel des Plagiotremes et des Hydrosauriens. CR. Soc. Biol. (9) iv, 1892, pp. 176-179, figs. Retzius, G. Die Nervenendigungen in dem Geschmacksorgan der Saugethiere und Amphibien. Biol. Unters. (2) iv, 1892, pp. 19-32, pis. vii-x. . Die Nervenendigungen in den Endknospen resp. Nervenhiigeln der Fische nnd Amphibien. T. c. pp. 33-36. — — . Ueber die sensiblen Nervenendigungen in den Epithelien bei den Wirbelthieren. T. c. pp. 37-44, pis. xi-xv. Rex, H. Beitrage zur Morphologie der Hirnvenen der Amphibien. Morph. JB. xix, 1892, pp. 295-311, pi. xi. Rose, C. Ueber die Zahnleiste und die Eischwiele der Sauropsiden. Anat. Anz. vii, 1892, pp. 748-758, figs. - — — . Ueber die Zahnentwickelung der Krokodile. Yerh. Anat. Ges. 1892, pp. 225-227. Roux, W. Ueber das entwickelnngsmechanische Yermogen jeder der beiden ersten Furchungszellen des Eies. T. c. pp. 22-62. Rumpf, G. Aus dem Leben der griechischen Landschildkrote, Testudo grceca. Zool. Gart. xxxiii, 1892, pp. 260-264. Sarasin, P. & F. Ueber das Gehororgan der Cseciliiden. Anat. Anz. vii, 1892, pp. 812-815. Scharff, R. F. Is the Frog a Native of Ireland? Irish Nat. i, 1893, pp. 1-6. Sc ii lam pp, K. W. Das Auge des Grottenolmes ( Proteus anguineus). Z. wiss. Zool. liii, 1892, pp. 537-557, pi. xxi. Schulze, E., & Borcheding, F. Fauna Saxonica. Amphibia et Reptilia. Yerzeichniss der Lurche und Kriechtiere des Nordwest- lichen Deutschlands. Jena : 1893, 8vo, 94 pp., figs. Schulze, F. E. Ueber die inneren Kiemen der Batrachierlarven. ii. Mittheilung. Skelet, Musculatur, Blutgefasse, Filterapparat, Respiratorische Anhange und Athmungsbewegungen erwachsener Larven von Pelobates fuscus, Abh. Ak. Berl. 1892, 66 pp., 6 pis. Sclater, P. L. Remarks upon the habits of a South- African Snake (Dasypeltis scabra ). P. Z. S. 1892, p. 476. Sclater, W. L. List of the Batrachia in the Indian Museum. London : 1892, 8vo, 43 pp. • On some Specimens of Frogs in the Indian Museum, Calcutta, with Descriptions of several new Species. P. Z. S. 1892. pp. 311- 348, pi. xxiv. 14 Rept. IV. REPTILIA AND BATRACHIA. Seeley, H. G-. Researches on the Structure, Organization and Classifi- cation of the Fossil Reptilia. vn. Further observations on Pareia- saurus. Phil. Tr. clxxxiii (b), 1892, pp. 311-370, figs., pis. xvii-xxiii. - — — . The Nature of the Shoulder Girdle and Clavicular Arch in Sauropterygia. P. R. Soc. li, 1892, pp. 119-151, figs. -. On the Os pubis of Polaccinthus foxii. Q. J. Geol. Soc. xlviii, 1892, pp. 81-85, figs. . Contribution to a Knowledge of the Saurischia of Europe and Africa. T. c., Proc., pp. 188-191. . On a New Reptile from Welte Yreden (Beaufort West), Eunoto- sauriis africanus (Seeley). T. c. pp. 583-585, figs. . The Mesosauria of South Africa. T. c. pp. 586-604, pi. xviii. Seillee, R. V. Die Zungendriisen von Lcicerta. Leuckart Festschrift, 1892, pp. 250-258, pis. xxv & xxvi. Siebenrock, F. Zur Kenntniss des Kopfskelettes der Scincoiden, Anguiden, und Gerrhosauriden. Ann. Hofmuseum Wien, vii, 1892, pp. 163-196, pis. i & ii. . Ueber Wirbelassimilation bei den Sauriern. T. c. pp. 373-378, figs. Skuphos, T. G. Yorlaufige Mittheilung fiber Parthanosaurus zitteli , einen neuen Saurier aus der Trias. Zool. Anz. xvi, 1893, pp. 67-69. Sluit'er, C. P. Das Jacobson’sche Organ von Crocodilus porosus (Schn.). Anat. Anz. vii, 1892, pp. 540-545, figs. Smirnow, A. E. Ueber die Nerven der Sehnen bei Rana temporaria , R. esculenta , und Bafo vulgaris (Russian text). Protok. obsch. estest, Kazan, 1889-90, Append. No. 112 (1890), 6 pp. Steindachner, F. Ueber die typischen Exemplare von Lacerta mosor- ensis , Kolomb., 1886 (= Lacerta Jcoritana , Tom., 1889). Ann. Hof- museum Wien, vii, 1892, pp. 235-240, pi. xvi. . Ueber zwei noch unbeschriebene Nototrema-Axten aus Ecuador und Bolivia. Anz. Ak. Wien, 1892, pp. 175 & 176, and SB. Ak. Wien, ci, i, 1892, pp. 837-842, 2 pis. Stejneger, L. Preliminary Description of a new Genus and Species of Blind Cave Salamander from North America. P. U. S. Nat. Mus. xv, 1892, pp. 115-117, pi. ix. Strahl, — . Die Rfickbildung reifer Eierstockseier am Ovarium von Lacerta agilis. Yerh. Anat. Ges. 1892, pp. 190-195. Strong, O. S. The Structure and Homologies of the Cranial Nerves of the Amphibia, as determined by their Peripheral Distribution and Internal Origin. Part 2. Anat. Anz. vii, 1892, pp. 467-471. ^Taylor, W. E. Ophidia of Nebraska. Report of the Nebraska State Board of Agriculture, 1891. TITLES. Rept. 15 [Taylor, W. E.] Catalogue of the Snakes of Nebraska, with Notes on their Habits and Distribution. Am. Nat. xxvi, 1892, pp. 742-752. Test, F. C. Fish-Cultural Investigations in Montana and Wyoming. Annotated List of Reptiles and Batrachians collected. Bull. U. S. Fish Comm. f. 1891, pp. 57-59 (1892). Yaillant, L. Recherches biologiques faites a la Menagerie des Reptiles (premier Article). Contribution a l’etude de l’alimentation chez les Ophidiens. N. Arch. Mus. (3) iv, 1892, pp. 221-234. . Remarques sur Palimentation chez les Ophidiens. C.R. cxv, 1892, pp. 277-279. Yerrill, G. E. Notes on the Fauna of the Island of Dominica, British West Indies, with Lists of the Species obtained and observed by G. E. and A. H. Yerrill. Tr. Conn. Ac. viii, 1892, pp. 315-355. Yinciguerra, D. Rettili e Batraci di Engauo raccolti dal Dott. Elio Modigliani. Ann. Mus. Genov. (2) xii, 1892, pp. 517-526. Yirchow, II. Das Dotterorgan der Wirbelthiere. Z. wiss. Zool. liii (Suppl.), 1892, pp. 161-206, pi. x. Yceltzkow, A. On the Oviposition and Embryonic Development of the Crocodile. Translation. Ann. N. H. (6) ix, 1892, pp. 66-72. Werner, F. Untersuchungen fiber die Zeichnung der Wirbelthiere. Zool. JB., Syst. vi, 1892, pp. 155-229. pis. vi-x. . Zoologische Miscellen. n. Noch etwas iiber die Zeichnung der Tiere. in. Die Epitrichialskulptur der Schlangenepidermis. Biol. Centralbl. xii, 1892, pp. 272-280. . Herpetologische Nova. Zool. Anz. xvi, 1893, pp. 81-84. . Ausbeute einer herpetologischen Excursion nach Ost-Algerien. Yerh. z.-b. Wien, xlii, 1892, pp. 350-355. . Tierleben in Ost-Algerien. Zool. Gart. xxxiii, 1892, pp. 264-273. . Biologische Notizen aus der Reptilienwelt. T. c. pp. 367-372. Werner, H. Bemerkungen fiber den Scheltopusik und die Treppennatter. T. c. pp. 38-41. . Ueber die Lebensweise des Wiisten-Warans und der Hufeisen- natter in Gefangenschaft. T . c. pp. 304-306, 374 & 375. Wiedersheim, R. Das Gliedmassenskelet der Wirbelthiere, mit beson- derer Berlicksichtigung des Schulter- und Beckengurtels bei Fischen, Amphibien und Reptilien. Jena: 1892, 8vo, .266 pp., figs., 17 pis. ■ . Die Phylogenie der Beutelknochen. Eine entwicklungsgeschicht- lich-vergleichend anatomische Studie. Z. wiss. Zool. liii (Suppl.) 1892, pp. 43-66, pis. vi & vii. IV. REPTILIA AND BATEACHIA. 16 Kept. Wilder, H. H. Die Nasengegend von Menopoma alleghaniense und Amphiuma tridactylum , nebst Bemerkungen fiber die Morphologie des Ramus ophthalmicus profundus trigemini. Morph. JB. v, 1892, pp. 155-176, pis. xii & xiii. Will, L. Beitrage zur Entwicklungsgeschichte der Reptilien. 1. Die Anlage der Keimblatter beim Gecko ( Platydactylus facetanus , Schreib.). Op. cit. vi, 1892, pp. 1-160, figs., pis. i-xi. — — . Zur Kenntniss der Schildkroten-Gastrula. Biol. Centralbl. xii, 1892, pp. 182-192, figs. Williston, S. W. Kansas Pterodactyls. Kansas Quart, i, 1892, pp. 1-13, pi. i. - — - & Case, E. C. Kansas Mosasaurs. T. c. pp. 15-32, pis. ii-vi. Witchell, C. A., & Strugnell, W. B. The Fauna and Flora of Gloucestershire. Stroud : 1892, 8vo, 301 pp. Ziegler, F. Zur Kenntniss der Oberflachenbilder bei Rawa-Embryonen. Anat. Anz. vii, 1892, pp. 211-215, figs. II.— WORKS AND PAPERS DEALING WITH BOTH REPTILES AND BATRACHIANS. 0. Bcettger & Pechuel-Loesche have prepared the seventh volume, dealing with the Reptiles and Batrachians, of the third revised edition of Brehm’s Tierleben (Leipzig & Vienna : 1892). Remarks on phylogeny of the Reptiles and Batrachians ; E. D. Cope, P. Am. Phil. Soc. xxx, 1892, pp. 278-280. Development and phylogeny of the vertebral column ; C. Hasse, Anat. Anz. viii, 1893, pp. 288 & 289, summarises his views on this. He traces two phyla : one embracing the Ganoids, Teleostei, Tailless Batrachians, and Amniota ; the other the Selachians, Dipnoi, and Tailed Batrachians. The morphology of the vertebral column and ribs, by L. Dollo, Bull. Sci. Fr. Belg. xxiv, 1892 [quoted from separate copies]. R. Wiedersheim’s book, “ Das Gliedmasenskelet der Wirbelthiere ” (see p. 15), deals chiefly with the pectoral and pelvic arches and limbs of Reptiles and Batrachians. Philogeny of the marsupial bones of Mammals. R. Wiedersheim, d propos of this, enters into details on the morphology of the pelvis in Reptiles and Batrachians ; Z. wiss. Zool. liii (Suppl.), 1892, pp. 1-20, pis. i-iii. Myology of the hind limb in Lizards and Batrachians; A. Perrin, C.R. cxv, 1802, pp. 885-887, and Bull. Sci. Fr. Belg. (4) iii, 1892, pp. 373-552, has a contribution on. On the nerve-terminations in the skin of Reptiles and Batrachians. G. Retzius, Biol. Unters. (2) iv, 1892, pp. 19-44, pis. vii-xv. FAUNJE. Rept. 17 Copulatory organs in the various groups of Reptiles and Batrachians ; Remy Saint-Loup, C.R. Soc. Biol. (9) iv, 1892, pp. 176-179, figs., remarks on the difference in these. Morphology of the vertebrate ear ; H. Ayers, J. Morph, vi, 1892, pp. 1-360, pis. i-xii. Morphology of the peritoneum in Reptiles and Batrachians ; H. Klaatsch, Morph. JB. xviii, 1892, pp. 385-450, figs., pi. xii. Markings of Reptiles and Batrachians ; F. Werner, Zool. JB., Syst. vi, 1892, pp. 155-229, pis. vi-x, deals with their signification. Seventh supplement to his Catalogue of the Herpetological Collection in the Basle Museum ; F. Muller, Festschr. Nat. Ges. Basel, 1892, pp. 195-215, pi. iii. III.— FAUNJ®. A.— RECENT. Europe. European Batrachians ; G. A. Boulenger, P. Z. S. 1892, pp. 593-627, pis. xlv-xlvii, describes and figures the Tadpoles. Isle of Man ; Kermode, Zool. (3) xvii, 1893, pp. 64 & 65. “ Vertebrate Fauna of Argyll and Inner Hebrides” (Edinburgh : 1892, 8vo) ; J. A. Harvie-Brown & T. E. Buckley devote pp. 216-218 to the Reptiles and Batrachians. “Vertebrate Fauna of Lakeland” (Edinburgh : 1892, 8vo) ; H. A. Mac- pherson, pp. 461-465, deals with the Reptiles and Batrachians. “ Fauna and Flora of Gloucestershire ” (Stroud : 1892, 8vo) ; C. A. Witchell & W. B. Strugnell, Reptilia and Amphibia, pp. 124-148, figs. Department Indre, France: R. Martin & R. Rollinat, Mem. Soc. Zool. v, 1892, pp. 30-38, enumerate the Reptiles and Batrachians of. Department Basses Alpes : E. F. Hoxnorat-Bastide, CR. Ass. Fr. Sci. 1891, ii, pp. 583-586, remarks on the herpetological fauna of the. France and Germany : J. de Bedriaga, CR. Congres. Internat. Zool. i, 1892, p. 244, draws attention to some recent introductions of foreign Reptiles and Batrachians. N. W. Germany : Erwin Schulze & F. Borcherding publish a cata- logue of the Reptiles and Batrachians of ; Jena : 1893, 8vo, 94 pp., figs. Grand Duchy of Baden : G. N. Douglass concludes his Herpetology of ; Zool. (3) xvi, 1892, pp. 15-19 & 211-222. Kronstadt, Transylvania : L. yon Mehely, in Beitrage zu einer Monographie der k. freien Stadt Kronstadt (Kronstadt : 1892, 8vo), contributes an article (91 pp.) on the Herpetology of the environs of. Portugal : J. Bettencourt Fereira, J. Sci. Lisb. (2) ii, 1892, pp. 268-290, list of the Reptiles and Batrachians. Province of Rome : A. Caruccio, Boll. Soc. Rom. i, 1892, pp. 39-57, describes the harmless Snakes. 1892. [vol. sxix.] c 10 IV. REPTILIA AND BATRACHIA. 18 Bept. Sicily : F. Mina-Palumbo, Nat. Sicil. xi, 1892, pp. 114-120, 239-252, and xii, 1892-3, pp. 52-56, 75-80, 148-150, articles on the Herpetology of. Asia. Caucasus District : O. Bcettger, Ber. Senck. Ges. 1892, pp. 131-150, has notes on Reptiles and Batrachians. Mangyschlak and Busatschi : A. Ostroumoff, Protok. obsch. estest. Kazan. 1889-90, Append. No. 113 (1890), gives an account, in Russian, of a zoological excursion. Transcaspian Reptiles : G. A. Boulenger, P. Z. S. 1891, pp. 622-633, has notes on. Aden : O. Bcettger, Ber. Offenb. Ver. xxix-xxxii, 1892, pp. 61-63, records some Reptiles from. Upper Yaug-tse-kiang and Sze-Chuen : A. Gunther gives a list of the Reptiles and Batrachians collected by Mr. A. E. Pratt, Appendix ii to Pratt’s “Snows of Tibet ” (London : 1892, 8vo), pp. 238-242, pi. i. Great Loo Choo I. : G. A. Boulenger, Ann. N. H. (6) x, 1892, pp. 302-304, remarks on a collection of Reptiles and Batrachians made by Mr. Holst. India and Ceylon, Salanga I. in Siam, Camboja, Sumatra, and Java : O. Bcettger, Ber. Oifenb. Yer. xxix-xxxii, 1892, pp. 65-145, reports on collections from. India and Burma : W. L. Sc later, P. Z. S. 1892, pp. 341-348, pi. xxiv, has notes on the Frogs preserved in the Calcutta Museum. Ceylon : A. Halt, J. A. S. (Ceylon) xi, 1892, pp. 22-32 & 183-232, table for the identification of the Snakes. Engano I., S. E. of Sumatra : D. Vinciguerra, Ann. Mus. Genov. (2) xii, 1892, pp. 517-526, reported on the Reptiles and Batrachians collected by Modigliani. Borneo : F. Mocquard, Mem. Soc. Zool. v, 1892, pp. 190-206, pi. vii, reports on a collection of Reptiles and Batrachians from W. Borneo, and also remarks on some of the specimens previously described by himself. G. A. Boulenger, P. Z. S. 1892, pp. 505-508, pis. xxix & xxx, reports on the Reptiles and Batrachians collected by Mr. C. Hose on Mt. Dulit. Africa. Algeria and Tunisia : J. Anderson, P. Z. S. 1892, pp. 11-24, list of Reptiles and Batrachians, with notes. Algeria : F. Werner, Yerh. z.-b. Wien, xlii, 1892, pp. 350-355, and Zool. Gart. xxxiii, 1892, pp. 264-273, has notes on the Reptiles and Batrachians collected by himself. Tunisia : A. Konig, SB. niederrhein. Ges. 1892, pp. 3-26, enumerates, with notes, the Reptiles and Batrachians collected by himself. Portuguese Guinea : J. Y. Barboza du Bocage, J. Sci. Lisb. (2) ii, 1892, pp. 183 & 184, enumerates the Reptiles. FAUNiE. Kept. 19 Is. of the Gulf of Guinea : J. de Bedriaga, 0 Istituto, ser. 2, Nos. 6 & 7, 1892, describes the Reptiles and Batrachians obtained by A. F. Moller in the ; remarks by J. Y. Barboza du Bocage, J. Sci. Lisb. (2) ii, 1892, pp. 229-232. Congo: D. A. Del Prato, in a separately published pamphlet (Parma : 1893, 8vo, 14 pp.), gives a list of Reptiles. Usambara, German East Africa : P. Matschie, SB. nat. Fr. 1892, pp. 102-110, reports on a small collection of Reptiles and Batrachians. Nyassaland : A. Gunther, P. Z. S. 1892, pp. 555-558, pis. xxxiii-xxxv (1893), reports on a collection of Reptiles and Batrachians. Transvaal : G. A. Boulexger gives a list of the Reptiles and Batrachians obtained by W. L. Distant, Appendix to Distant’s “ Naturalist in the Transvaal55 (London : 1892, 8vo), pp. 174—170, fig. Madagascar: M. G. Peracca, Boll. Mus. Zool. Tor. vii, 1892, No. 112, describes two new Snakes and a new Frog. America. North America : E. D. Cope, P. U. S. Nat. Mus. xiv, 1892, pp. 589-694, critical review of the characters and variations of the Snakes. Nebraska : W. E. Taylor, Catalogues of the Snakes, with notes on their habits and distribution ; Report of the Nebraska State Board of Agriculture, 1891, and Am. Nat. xxvi, 1892, pp. 742-752. Montana and Wyoming : F. C. Test, Bull. U. S. Fish. Comm. 1891, pp. 57-59 (1892), remarks on some Reptiles and Batrachians. Illinois : H. Gar man, Bull. Illin. Lab. N. H. iii, 1892, pp. 215-389, pis. ix-xv, synopsis of the Reptiles and Batrachians. Texas: S. Garman, Bull. Ess. Inst, xxiv, 1892, pp. 98-109, reports on a collection of Reptiles. North Western Texas : E. D. Cope, P. Ac. Philad. 1892, pp. 331-337, list of Reptiles and Batrachians. Dominica, West Indies: G. E. Verrill, Tr. Conn. Ac. viii, 1892, pp. 350-352 & 355. Galapagos and Guayaquil: S. Garman, Bull. Ess. Inst, xxiv, 1892, pp. 73-95, reports on the Reptiles obtained by G. Baur. Chili : F. Lataste, Actes Soc. Sci. Chili, i, 1892, pp. 7-40, publishes a revision of the Lacertilia , minus the genus Liolcemus. Papuasia and Australia. Ceram, Amboy na, Barda, and New Guinea : O. Bcettger, Ber. Offenb. Ver. xxix-xxxii, 1892, annotated list of Reptiles and Batrachians. British New Guinea: C. W. De Yis, Ann. Queensland Mus. i, 1892, No. 2, pp. 11 & 12, enumerates some Reptiles. Australia : J. J. Fletcher, P. Linn. Soc. N.S.W. (2) vii, 1892, pp. 7- 19, publishes a third contribution to a more exact knowledge of the geographical distribution of the Batrachia. IT. REPTILIA ARD BATEACHIA. 20 Rept. Victoria : A. H. S. Lucas, P. R. Soc. Viet. (2) iv, 1892, pp. 59-G4, has notes on the distribution of Victorian Batrachians. B.— FOSSIL. Rhone Basin : L. Lortet, Arch. Mus. Lyon, v, 1892, pp. 1-139, figs., pis. i-xii, monographs the fossil Reptiles and Batrachians. Critical remarks on some of the Lizards and Rhynchocephalians are made by G. A. Boulenger, Ann. 1ST. H. (6) xi, 1893, pp. 201-210. United States: O. C. Marsh, Am. J. Sci. (3) xliii, 1892, pp. 449-453, figs., and xliv, 1892, pp. 171-176, pis. ii-v, describes various Reptilian remains from the Laramie formation. Texas : E. D. Cope, P. Am. Phil. Soc. xx, 1892, pp. 123-131, describes fossil Reptiles. Parana : J. B. Ambrosettj, BoL Ac. Cordoba, x, 1890, pp. 409-426, describes fossil Oligocene Reptiles. Queensland : R. L. Jack & R. Etheridge, Jun., Geol. and Pal. Queensland and New Guinea (Brisbane and London : 1892, 8vo), pp. 648-653, enumerate the fossil Reptiles. IV.— REFERENCES, ARRANGED SYSTEMATICALLY. REPTILIA. H. G. Seeley, dealing with the systematic position of Pariosaurus, expresses his views on the relations of the various groups of Reptilia. The Labyrinthodonts are referred to this class. Phil. Tr. clxxxiii (b), 1892, pp. 367 & 368. E. D. Cope, Tr. Am. Phil. Soc. xvii, 1892, pp. 11-26, pis. i-v, discusses the homologies of the posterior cranial arches in the Reptilia. The author admits as probable Baur’s hypothesis, which supposes the bars to have been derived from a roofed skull by perforation. The elements usually termed quadrato jugal, squamoral, and supratem- poral, are respectively named zygomatic, supratemporal, and supra- mastoid. The paper concludes with systematic considerations which do not differ materially from the views expressed by the same author in 1885. J. W. Hulke, P. R. Soc. lii, 1892, pp. 233-255, figs., discusses the homology of the various elements in the Reptilian shoulder-girdle. A. Meyer, Z. w'iss. Zool. lv, 1892, pp. 63-133, pis. iv & v, writes on the brain of Reptiles. E. Beranek, Anat. Anz. vii, 1892, pp. 674-689, figs., writes on the pineal eye and its nerve. A. de Klinckowstrom, Anat. Anz. viii, 1893, pp. 289-299, figs., studies the early development of the pineal eye, the epiphysis, and the parietal nerve in Iguana. SQUAMATA. Kept. 21 F. Maurer, Morph. JB. xviii, 1892, pp. 739-747, remarks on the forma- tion and structure of scales in the Reptiles. C. Rose, Anat. Anz. vii, 1892, pp. 748-758, figs., writes on the develop- ment of teeth and egg-tooth in Reptiles. C. K. Hoffmann, Yerh. Ak. Amst. xxix, 1892, pp. 1-19, pis. i & ii, writes on the development of the venous system in Reptiles. F. Hochstetter, Morph. JB. xix, 1892, pp. 428-501, pis. xv-xvii, con- tributes to the knowledge of the development of the venous system in Reptiles, his researches being chiefly based on Lacerta and Tro- pidonotus. E. Giacomini has preliminary notes on the foetal membranes of Reptiles; Mon. Zool. Ital. iii, 1892, pp. 126-128, 157-164, & 185-196. H. Virciiow, Z. wiss. Zool. liii (Suppl.), 1892, pp. 170-206, pi. x, deals specially with the vitelline sac of Reptiles. A. Oppel, Arch. mikr. Anat. xxxix, 1892, pp. 215-290, pis. ix-xii, deals with the fecundation of the egg in Anguis frag ills and Tropidonotus natrix. C. Benda, Yerh. Anat. Ges. 1892, pp. 195-199, writes on the histio- genesis of the Sauropidan spermatozoon. F. Werner, Biol. Centralbl. xii, 1892, pp. 272-277, offers further remarks on the markings of Reptiles. F. Werner, Zool. Gart. xxxiii, 1892, pp. 367-372, has biological notes on various Reptiles. SQUAMATA. LACERTILIA. E. D. Cope, -P. Am. Phil. Soc. xxx, 1892, pp. 185-221, pis. ii-vi, writes on the osteology of the Lacertilia, and J. Morph, vii, 1892, pp. 223- 244, pi. xiii, on degenerative types of scapular and pelvic arches in the Lacertilia. F. Siebenrock, Ann. Hofmuseum Wien, vii, 1892, pp. 163-196, pis. i & ii, makes a comparative study of the skulls in the principal genera of Scincidce, Anguidce , and Gerrhosauridce. The same author, t. c. pp. 373-378, writes on the sacrum of Lacertilia. R. v. Seiller, Leuckart Festschrift, 1892, pp. 250-258, pis. xxv & xxvi, writes on the lingual glands of Lacerta. G. Chiarugi, Monit. Zool. Ital. iii, 1892, pp. 211 & 212, and Arch. Ital. Biol, xviii, 1893, pp. 363 & 364, has a preliminary note on the develop- ment of the olfactory nerve in Lacerta muralis. L. Will, Morph. JB., Anat. vi, 1892, pp. 1-160, figs., pis. i-xi, deals with the embryology of Tarentola mauritanica , L. P. Mingazzini, Atti Acc. Lincei (5) i, 1892, Rend. pp. 41-45, has a, note on the gestation in Chalcides iridactylus. Strahl, Yerh. Anat. Ges. 1892, pp. 190-195, remarks on retrogression of ripe ovarian eggs in Lacerta agilis. 22 Rept. IV. REPTILIA AND BATRACHIA. Geckonid^e. Teratoscincus scincus, Schleg. : note on Transcaspian specimens ; Bou- lenger, P. Z. S. 1891, p. 629. Gymnodactylus caspius , Eichw., and G. fedtschenlcoi, Strauch : notes by Boulenger, t. c. pp. 629 & 630. G. louisiadensis , n. sp., De Yis, Ann. Queensland Mus. i, 1892, No. 2, p. 11, Sudest I., British New Guinea. G. sphyrurus , p. 6, New South Wales, and cornutu-s , p. 8, N. E. Queensland, n. spp., Douglas- Ogilby, Rec. Austral. Mus. ii, 1892. Gonatodes collaris , n. sp., Garman, Bull. Ess. Inst, xxiv, 1892, p. 83, Chatham I., Galapagos. Diplodactylus intermedins , n. sp., Douglas-Ogilby, t. c. p. 10, Interior of New South Wales. Phyllodactylus galapagensis , Ptrs. : notes by Garman, Bull. Ess. Inst, xxiv, 1892, p. 81. P. baurii , n. sp., id. t. c. p. 82, Charles I., Gala- pagos. Ptyodactylus lacazii , n. sp., Boutan, Arch. Z. exper. (2) x, 1892, p. 17, N. W. Arabia [= P. lobatus, L. — Rec.] . Hemidactylus mabouia , Mor. : on variations in the femoral pores ; Bocage, J. Sci. Lisb. (2) ii, 1892, p. 221 : n. var molleri ; Bedriaga, O Istituto (Coimbra), xxxix, 1892 (p. 19 of reprint), S. Thome, Gulf of Guinea. II. greeffii , Bocage: remarks, id. ibid. p. 16. Lygodactylus conradti, n. sp., Matschie, SB. nat. Fr. 1892, p. 109, Usam- bara, German E. Africa. L. angularis , n. sp., Gunther, P. Z. S. 1892, p. 555, pl.xxxiii, fig. 1 (1893), Nyassaland. Ptychozoon horsfieldii , Gray, described and figured by F. Muller, Festschr. Nat. Ges. Basel, 1892, p. 209, pi. iv. Agamule. Draco modiglianii , n. sp., Vinciguerra, Anu. Mus. Genov. (2) xii, 1892, p. 523, Engano I. Gonyocepbalus heyschlagi , n. sp., Bcettger, Ber. Offenb. Yer. xxix-xxxii, 1892, p. 104, N. E. Sumatra. Iguanidjs. Iguana tuberculata , L. : on a specimen with reproduced, striped tail ; Boulenger, P. Z. S. 1891, p. 466. Conolophus subcristatus , Gray, and Amblyrhynchus cristatus, Bell : notes by Garman, Bull. Ess. Inst, xxiv, 1892, pp. 77 & 79. The same author, Science, xx, 1892, p. 16, fig., remarks on the dorsal crest of Cono- lophus subcristatus , each of the spines of which resembles externally the rattle of a small rattlesnake. SQUAMATA. Rept, 23 Tropidurus , Wgm. : G. Batje, Leuckart Festschrift, 1892, pp. 259-277, figs., describes the variations of the Lizards of this genus in the Gala- pagos Is. T. bcirringtonensis, p. 268, and jacobii, p. 269, n. spp., id. ibid. T. bocourtii, Blgr., = T. occipitalis , Ptrs. ; Gasman, Bull. Ess. Inst, xxiv, 1892, p. 94. Phrynosoma, Wgm. : on the ejection of blood from the eyes ; 0. P. Hay, P. U. S. Nat. Mus. xv, 1892, p. 375 ; A. L. Herrera, Le Nat. xiv, 1892, p. 114. Iguanavus teres , n. sp. (foss.), Marsh, Am. J. Sci. (3) xliii, 1892, p. 451, Laramie formation, Wyoming. ANGUIDiE. Ophisuurus apus , Pall. : notes on habits; H. Werner, Zool. Gart. xxxiii, 1892, p. 38. Anguis fragilis , L. : on a dicephalous monster ; Mazza, Atti Soc. Ligust. iii, 1892, p. 256, pi. ii. Yaeanid^. Varcinus griseus , Daud. : on its habits in confinement ; H. Werner, Zool. Gart. xxxiii, 1892, pp. 304 & 374. V. heteropholis , n. sp., Boclengee, P. Z. S. 1892, p. 506, pi. xxix, Mt. Dulit, Borneo. Teiidje. Ameiva pleii , n. var. brachiosqucunatus , Cope, in Verrill, Tr. Conn. Ac. viii, 1892, p. 352, Dominica, W. Indies [= ? A.fuscata , Garm. — Rec.] Tiaporus , n. g., like Ameiva, but without femoral pores. T. fuliginosus , n. sp., Cope, P. Am. Phil. Soc. xx, 1892, p. 132, pi. — , Swan I., off N. E. Coast of Honduras. Cnemid oph orus, Wagl. : synopsis of the species, by Cope, Tr. Am. Phil. Soc. xvii, 1892, p. 27, pis. vi-xiii. C. tessellatus, rubidus, and multi- scutatus , pp. 36 & 37, Lower California, C. gularis scalaris, p. 47, Chihuahua, N. Mexico, sericeus , p. 48, Texas, and semifasciatus , p. 49, Chihuahua, n. subspp., icl. ibid. C. variolosus} p. 39, Coahuila, and septemvittatus, p. 40, California, n. spp., id. ibid. C. lentigmosus, n. sp., Garman, Bull. Ess. Inst, xxiv, 1892, p. 92, Guayaquil, Ecuador. Propodinema , n. g. for Poclinema paranensis, Scalabrini (foss.), Ambrose™, Bol. Ac. Cordoba, x, 1890, p. 410. P. oligocena , n. sp. (foss.), id. t. c. p. 413, Oligocene, Parana. Chamops, n, g. for a Lacertilian maxillary. C. segnis, n. sp. (foss.), Marsh, Am. J. Sci. (3) xliii, 1892, p. 450, fig., Laramie formation of Wyoming [apparently nearest to the Teiidce. — Rec.]. Backia , Gray, 1845 [not 1849, as stated] should supersede Cophias , Fitz., 1826, nec Merr., 1820 ; Garman, Bull. Ess. Inst, xxiv, 1892, p. 96. 24 Bept . IV. EEPTILIA AND BATRACHIA. LfACERTIDiE. Lacerta muralis , Laur. : notes on Italian specimens ; Positano-Spada, Boll. Soc. Rom. i, 1892, p. 89 : n. var. multifasciata, id. t. c. p. 154, fig., Italy. L. muralis , vars. depressa , Camer., and difilippii, Carrier. : notes by Bcettger, Ber. Senck. Ges. 1892, pp. 140 & 144 : n. vars. raddei , p. 142, and valentini, p. 145, Caucasus. L. mosorensis , Kolomb. (= horitana , Tom.), redescribed and figured by Steindach- ner, Ann. Hofmuseum Wien, vii, 1892, p. 235, pi. xvi. Acanthodactylus vulgaris , D. & B. : remarks on Portuguese specimens ; Ferreira, J. Sci. Lisb. (2) ii, 1892, p. 188. Holaspis guentheri , Gray, recorded from East Africa by Matsciiie, SB. nat. Fr. 1892, p. 110. Scincid^:. E. D. Cope, J. Morph, vii, 1892, p. 233, gives a synopsis of the genera of Scincidce , in which the following new generic names are introduced : — Monophyaspis , Oncopus, Ollochirus , Tridentulus, Furcillus, Hap- loscincus , Dimeropus , Dicloniscus, Mesomycterus. Lygosoma africanum, Gray, redescribed by Bedriaga, O Istituto (Coimbra), xxxix, 1882 (p. 23 of reprint). L. travancoricum , Bedd., n. var., palnica ; Bcettger, Ber. Offenb. Yer. xxix-xxxii, 1892, p. 72, Pulney Hills, S. India. L. ( Siaphos ) relictum , n. sp., Vinci- guerra, Ann. Mus. Genov. (2) xii, 1892, p. 524, Engano I. Mocoa cceruleocauda , n. sp., De Yis, Ann. Queensland Mus. i, 1892, No. 2, p. 12, Sudest I., British New Guinea. Eumeces scutatus , Theob. : note on Transcaspian specimens ; Boulenger, P. Z. S. 1891, p. 630. Ophiomorus brevipes, Blanf. : note on Transcaspian specimens ; Bou- lenger, t. c. p. 631. Chalcides simonyi, Stdr., is regarded as a variety of C. viridanus , Gravh., by Boulenger, Ann. N. H. (6) ix, 1892, p. 74 : note by Bedriaga, C.R. Congres Internat. Zool. i, 1892, p. 242. C. boulengeri) n. sp., Anderson, P. Z. S. 1892, p. 17, pi. i, fig. 1, Duirat, Tunisia. Incert^: Sedis. Euposaurus , n. g. (Jourdan MS.), for small fossil Lizards, which are referred to the Rhynchocephalians ; Lortet, Arch. Mus. Lyon, v, 1892, p. 73. These fossils are regarded by the Recorder as Lacer- tilian ; Ann. N. H. (6) xi, 1893, p. 208. E. thiollieri, p. 73, pi. vi, figs. 7-10, and cerinensis, p. 75, figs., n. spp., Lortet, t. c., Jurassic, Cerin, France, 6 QUA MATA. Reyt. 25 RHIPTOGLOSSA. G. A. Boulenger, Ann. N. H. (6) ix, 1892, p. 72, remarks on some newly- discovered E. African Chameleons, regarding Chamceleon hbhnelii , Stdr., and C. leikipiensis , Stdr., as identical with C. bitceniatus , Fisch., and C. cibbotti, Stejn., as identical with C. tavetensis , Stdr. The female of the latter species is described. Chamceleon fischeri, Reich, mote by Matschie, SB. nat. Fr. 1892, p. 102. C. deremensis , p. 103, spinosus, p. 105, and tenuis , p. 106, n. spp., id. ibid., Usambara, German E. Africa. C. isabellinus , n.sp., Gunther, P. Z. S. 1892, p. 556, pi. xxxiii, fig. 2 (1893), Nyassaland [ = C. clilepis, Leach. — Rec.] C. ( Brookesia ) brevicaudo.tus , p. 107, and temporalis , p. 108, n. spp., Matschie, t. c., Usambara, German E. Africa. Rhampholeon platyceps , p. 556, pi. xxxiv, fig. 1, and brachyurus, p, 557, pi. xxxiv, fig. 2, n. spp., Gunther, t. c. Nyassaland. DOLICHOSAURIA. C. Gorjanovic-Kramberger, Glasnik Nadar. Drustva, vii, 1892, pp. 74-106, pis. iii & iv, and Rad jugoslav. akad. cix, 1892, pp. 96-123, pis. i & ii, discusses the relations of this group of Reptiles, for which he proposes the name Ophiosauria. Aigialosaurus , n. g. for A. dalmaticus , n. sp. (foss.), C. Gorjanovic- Kramberger, ibicl., Chalk of Lesina I., Dalmatia. Pontosaurus , n. g. for Hyclrosaurus lesinensis, Kornh. (foss.) C. Gorjanovic-Kramberger, ibid. Remarks by Boulexger, Ann. N. H. (6) xi, 1893, pp. 204-207. PYTHOXOMORPHA. G. Baur, J. Morph, vii, 1892, pp. 1-22, reviews the history of our know- ledge of the Mosasauroid skull, and discusses the systematic position of the Mosasauridce. A. Gaudry, Mem. Soc. Geol. iii, No. 3, 1892, 13 pp., 2 pis., describes the remains of Mosasanrs hitherto found in France, which are referred to Liodon aneeps , Ow., L. compressidens , Gaudry, L. mosa- sauroides , Gaudry, and Mosasaurus , sp. Liodon mosasauroides and compressidens , n. spp., Gaudry, CR. cxv, 1892, p. 304, Chalk, Pau and Sens, France. Clidastes velox, Marsh : description of a nearly complete specimen, with figures of the pectoral and pelvic arches ; Williston & Case, Kansas Quart, i, 1892, p. 17, pis. ii & iii. C. westii, n. sp., iid., t. c. p. 29, pis. iv & v, Cretaceous of Kansas. Vlatecarpus coryphaeus , Cope : on the skull ; Baur, J. Morph, vii, 1892, p. 1, pis. i & ii. 26 Rept. IV. REPTILIA AND BAT RAC HI A. OPHIDIA. Boulenger, G. A. Catalogue of the Snakes in the British Museum (Natural History). Yol. i, containing the families Typhlopidce , Glauconiidce, Boidaz , Ilysiidoe, UropeltidcB , Xenopeltidce, and Colabridce Aglyphce , part. London : 1893, 8vo, xiii, 448 pp., 28 pis. The classification adopted is the same as proposed by the Recorder in 1890. This volume contains descriptions of 523 species, and the enumeration of 3324 specimens. G. B. Butler, P. Z. S. 1892, pp. 477-498, pi. xxviii, deals with the subdivision of the body-cavity in Snakes. F. Lataste, Act. Soc. Sci. Chili, ii, 1893, pp. clxvii-clxx, replies to some criticisms of his own work made by the author of the above paper. F. Werner, Biol. Centralbl. xii, 1892, pp. 277-280, remarks on the sculpture of the epidermis in Snakes. S. G arman, Science, xx, 1892, p. 16, figs., has further remarks on the origin and evolution of the Ophidian <£ Rattle.5’ F. Niemann, Arch. f. Nat. lviii, i, 1892, pp. 262-286, pi. xiv, deals with the morphology and physiology of the labial and poison glands of Snakes. J. J. Quelch writes on “Venom in Harmless Snakes,55 and refers in particular to the effect on himself of a bite from the opisthogly- phous Erythrolamprus venustissimus. Zool. (3) xvii, 1893, p. 30. C. J. Martin, P. Linn. Soc. N.S.W.(2) vii, 1892, pp. 319-322, and J. R. Soc. N.S.W. xxvi, 1892, pp. 240-264, makes observations on the poisonous constituents of the venom of Pseudechis porpJiyriacus. L. Vaillant records observations made in the Garden of Plants on the feeding of Snakes. N. Arch. Mus. (3) iv, 1892, pp. 221-234. Abstract in CR. cxv, 1892, pp. 277-279* 0. P. Hay, P. U. S. Nat. Mus. xv, 1892, pp. 385-397, has notes on the breeding habits, eggs, and young of various North American Snakes. G. A. Boulenger, Nat. Sci. i, 1892, pp. 44-49, figs., writes on Marine Snakes. Typhlopidce. Typhlops curtus, n. sp., Douglas-Ogilby, Rec. Austral. Mus. ii, 1892, p. 23, Gulf of Carpentaria [= T. ligatus , Ptrs. — Rec.] T. boettgeri , p. 39, pi. ii, fig. 6, Madagascar, and crossii, p. 52, pi. iii, fig. 5, Niger, n. spp., Boulenger, Cat. Sn. i, 1893. GlAUCONIIDjE. Glauconia distanti, n. sp., Boulenger, in Distant’s Naturalist in the Transvaal, p. 175, fig., Transvaal. SQUAMATA. Kept. 27 Boidad. Eryx , Daud., and Gongylophis , Wagl. : A synopsis of the species is given by Boulenger, Ann. N. H. (6) ix, 1892, p. 75. Gongylophis muelleri , n. sp., id., ibid. p. 74, Sennar. E.jaculus , L. : Note on Transcaspian specimens; Boulenger, P. Z. S. 1891, p. G31. Uropeltimc. Rhinophis travancoricus , n. sp., Boulexger, Cat. Sn. i, p. 143, pi. ix, fig. 3, 1893, and J. Bomb. N. H. Soe. vii, 1892, p. 318, Travancore. COLUBIIID.E. Aglyphce. Bromicodryas , n. g. for Herpetodryas bernieri, D. & B., Boulexger, Cat. Sn. i, p. 189, 1893. Eutcenia elegans brunnea and lineolata , n. subspp., Cope, P. U. S. Nat. Mus. xiv, 1892, pp. 654 & 655, California. E. infernalis vidua, n. subsp., id., ibid. p. 658, California. E. sirtalis semifasciata , p. 662, Illinois and Wisconsin, and trilineata , p. 664, Oregon and Montana, n. subspp., id., ibid. E. brachy stoma, n. sp., Cope, Am. Nat. xxvi, 1892, p. 964, fig., W. Pennsylvania [= E. leptocephala , B. & G. — Rec.] E. aurata, n. sp., Cope, P. U. S. Nat. Mns. xiv, 1892, p. 659, New Mexico. E. prmocularis, n. sp., Bocourt, Le Nat. xiv, 1892, p. 278, Belize, Honduras. Tropidonotus infernalis, Blainv. : On variations in the labial shields ; Bocourt, Bull. Soc. Z. Fr. xvii, 1892, p. 40. T. natrix , L. : On the occurrence of the striped variety near Nantes, Brittany ; H. & T. Piel DE Churcheville, Bull. Soc. Ouest France, ii, 1892, p. 35, pi. ii. T. conspicillatus , Gthr. : redescribed, from Sumatra, by Bcettger, Ber. Offienb. Yer. xxix-xxxii, 1892, p. 109. T. tessellatus , var. favescens, Werner, an albino ; Werner, Yerh. z.-b. Wien, xlii, 1892, p. 355. T. obliquus, Hallow., and transversus, Hallow. : notes by Barman, Bull. Ess. Inst, xxiv, 1892, p. 103. T. petersii , n. sp., Boulenger, Cat. Sn. i, p.225, pi. xiv, fig. i, 1893, Borneo. Natrix fasciata pleuralis, n. subsp.; Cope, P. U. S. Nat. Mus. xiv, 1892, p. 672, Mississippi and Georgia. Macropopliis, n. subg. for Tropidonotus hypomelas , Gthr., and T. dendro- phiops , Gthr. ; Boulenger, Cat. Sn. i, p. 264, 1893. Macropisthodon, n. g. for Tropidonotus flaviceps, D. & B., and allies ; Boulenger, t. c. p. 265. Storeria victa, n. sp. ; 0. P. Hay, Science, xix, 1892, p. 199, Florida. Ehabdops, n. g., for Ablabes olivaceus, Bedd., and A. bicolor, Gthr.; Boulenger, Cat. Sn. i, p. 300, 1893. Plagiopholis , n. g., for P. blalcewayi , n. sp. ; Boulenger, t. c. p. 301, pi. xix, fig. 3, Shan States. 28 Rept. IV. REPTILIA AND BAT RAC HI A. Trirhinopholis , n. g., for T . nuchalis, n. sp. ; Boulenger, Cat. Sn. i, p. 419, pi. xxviii, fig. 1, Shan States. Tetralepis , n. g., allied to Ablabes , D. & B., but with the dentition of Homalosoma , Wagl., and only four upper labial shields ; Bcettger, Ber. Offenb. Ver. xxix-xxxii, 1892, p. 124. T . fruhslorferi , n. sp.; id. t. c., p. 125, Tengger Mts., Java. Oxyrhabdium , n. n. for Stenognathus , D. & B., nec Chaud. ; Boulenger, Cat. Sn. i, p. 302. Lycognathophis, n. g., for Psammophis seychellensis, Schleg. ; Boulenger, t. c. p. 317. Ablabophis , n. g., for Coronella rufula , Licht.; Boulenger, t. c. p. 318. Lamprophis fuscus, n. sp., Boulenger, t. c. p. 322, pi. xx, fig. 4, Cape of Good Hope. Gonionotophis , n. n. for Gonionotus , Mocq. nec Gray, Boulenger, t. c. p. 323. Gonionotus vossii , n. sp., Bcettger, Zool. Anz. xv, 1892, p. 418, Came- roons. Lycophidium meleagris, p. 337, pi. xxi, fig. 2, Angola, jacJcsoni , p. 340, pi. xxi, fig. 3, E. Africa, and abyssinicum, p. 342, pi. xxii, fig. 2, Abyssinia, n. spp., Boulenger, t. c. Jjy codon striatus, Shaw, recorded from Transcaspia by Boulenger, P.Z. S. 1891, p. 631. L. stormi, n. sp., Bcettger, Zool. Anz. xv, 1892, p. 418, Celebes. Stegonotus heterurus, n. sp., Boulenger, Cat. Sn. i, p. 367, pi . xxv, fig . 1 , Duke of York I. and Yew Britain. S. dumerilii, n, n. for Ly codon muelleri, D. & B. ; id. t. c. p. 368. Zamenis, Wagl. : a synopsis of the species recorded from S. W. Asia ; Boulenger, P. Z. S. 1891, p. 632. Z. gemonensis, Laur. : on its distribution in France ; It. Martin, Bull. Soc. Guest France, ii, 1892, p. 149. Bascanium semilineatum , n. sp., Cope, P. U. S. Nat. Mus. xiv, 1892, p. 626, Arizona. Philophylloiihis, P anther ophis, and P otamophis. These nomina nuda of Fitzinger are revived by Garman, Bull. Ess. Inst, xxiv, 1892, pp. 105 & 108, to replace Haldea , B. & G., Cyclophis, Gthr., and Scotophis , B. & G. Coluber enganensis , n. sp., Yinciguerra, Ann. Mus. Genov. (2) xii, 1892, p. 524, Engano I. Bhinechis scalaris , Mich. : on its habits in confinement ; H. Werner, Zool. Gart. xxxiii, 1892, p. 40. Dromicus dolicocercus , n. sp., Peracca, Boll. Mus. Zool. Tor. vii, 1892, No. 112, pi. i, fig. 1, Madagascar. Herpetodryas biserialis, Gthr., brunneus, Gthr., and reticulatus , Ptrs. : notes by Garman, Bull. Ess. Inst, xxiv, 1892, pp. 85, 90, & 91. Dendrophidium dendrophis , Schl., described and figured by Duges, Nat. Mex. (2) ii, 1892, p. 100, pi. v. Dendrophis helena , n. sp., Werner, Zool. Anz. xvi, 1893, p. 81, Ceylon. squamata. Kept. 29 Si motes meyerinlcii , Stdr., = S. octolineatv.s , Schn. ; Boulenger, Ann. N. H. (6) ix, 1892, p. 74. Conopsis limatus , Kenn. : on variations in the head-shields ; Bocourt, Bull. Soc. Z. Fl\ xvii, 1892, p. 41. Cyclophis modestus , Mart., n. var. punctatolinsata ; Bcettgee, Ber. Senck. Ges. 1892, p. 147, Armenia. Pseudocyclophis waiter i, Bttgr. : note by Boulenger, P. Z. S. 1891, p. 632. Tropidocloniuni annulatum , n. sp., Bocourt, Le Nat. xiv, 1892, p. 132, Godines, Guatemala. Chilomeniscus stramineus fasciatus , n. subsp., Cope, P. U. S. Nat. Mus. xiv, 1892, p. 595, California. Idiopkolis , n. g. Body cylindrical ; head not distinct from neck ; tail very short ; three internasals and two prsefrontals ; no loreal, no praeocular, no supraocular, no anterior temporal ; nostril between two shields ; eye small, with round pupil ; two pairs of chin-shields, anterior in contact with symphysial ; scales smooth ; anal single ; subcaudals double ; maxillary teeth numerous, equal, very small. I. collaris , n. sp., Mocquard, Le Nat. xiv, 1892, p. 35, and Mem. Soc. Zool. v, 1892, p. 191, pi. vii, fig. 1, W. Borneo. Dcisypeltis scabra , L. : on the manner in which it feeds on eggs ; Sclater, P. Z. S. 1892, p. 476. Opisthoglyphce . Coniophanes si gnat us , n. sp., G arm an, Bull. Ess. Inst, xxiv, 1892, p. 91, Guayaquil, Ecuador. Tachymenis boulengeri , n. sp., Peracca, Boll. Mus. Zool. Tor. vii, 1892, No. 112, pi. i, fig. 2, Madagascar. Psammophylax variabilis , n. sp., Gunther, P. Z. S. 1892, p. 557, pi. xxxv (1893), Nyassaland. Psammophis longifrons , Blgr.: note by F. Deeckmann, J. Bomb. Soc. vii, 1892, p. 406. Dipsas triqonata, Schn., recorded from Transcaspia by Boulenger, P. Z. S. 1891, p. 633. Leptodira annulata, L. : notes by Garman, Bull. Ess. Inst, xxiv, 1892, p. 90. Tantilla annulata, n. sp,, Bcettger, Zool. Anz. xv, 1892, p. 419, Nica- ragua. Gerardia prevostiana, Eyd. & Soul., recorded from Ceylon by Haly, J. A. S. (Ceylon), xi, 1892, p. 197. Proteroglyphce. Hoplocephalus suboccipitalis , n. sp., Douglas- Ogilby, Pec. Austral. Mus. ii, 1892, p. 23, Moree, New South Wales. 30 Rept. IV. REPTILIA AND BATRACHIA. Dendraspis angusticeps , Smith, described from S. Thome by Bedriaga, O Istituto, No. 6, 1892. The same Snake is referred to D. jamesonii, Trail, by Bocage, J. Sci. Lisb. (2) ii, 1892, p. 265. Hydras pldturus, L. : notes by G-arman, Bull. Ess. Inst, xxiv, 1892, p. 88. VlPERIDiE. Causus rostratus, Gthr., redescribed as C. rostratus, n. sp., by Mooquard, Le Nat. xvi, 1892, p. 35 ; the error corrected, p. 64. Vipera , Laur. : J. de Bedriaga, C.R. Congres Internat. Zool. i, 1892, pp. 236-241, diagnoses the species of the Mediterranean district. V. beras, L. : on variations in British specimens ; Boulenger, Zool. (3) xvi, 1892, p. 87. A. B. Meyer & F. Helm, J. Ber. ornith. Beobacht. Stat. Sachsen, vi, pp. 55-63, have compiled interesting information on its occurrence and habits in Saxony. V. lebetina , L., n. var. deserti ; Anderson, P. Z. S. 1892, p. 20, pi. i, fig. 3, Duirat, Tunisia. A. E. Feoktistow’s paper on the physiology of the rattle of Cro talus durissus is translated in Ann. N, H. (6) xi, 1893, pp. 54-58. Croialus adamanteus ruber , n. subsp., Cope, P. U. S. Nat. Mus. xiv, 1892, p. 690, N. America. Trimeresurus xanthomelas , Gthr. (— jerdoni, G-thr.), figured by Gunther, in Pratt’s Snows of Tibet, pi. i, fig. a. T. oJcinavensis, n. sp., Bou- lenger, Ann. N. H. (6) x, 1892, p. 302, Great Loo Choo I. Provipera baettgeri , n. g. & sp., for a fossil poison-tooth from the Lower Miocene of Morbach-Biebrich, Germany ; Kinkelin, Zool. Anz. xv, 1892, p. 93. Remarks by Cope, t. c. p. 224. Incert^ Sedis. Coniophis, n. g., for Ophidian vertebrae, the affinities of which are still unsettled. C. precedens , n. sp. (foss.), Marsh, Am. J. Sci. (3) xliii, 1892, p. 450, fig., Ceratops beds (Cretaceous) of Wyoming. ORNITHOSAURIA. S. W. Williston, Kansas Quart, i, 1892, pp. 1-13, pi. i, describes remains of Ptercinodon , Marsh, and Nyctodactylus , Marsh, from Kansas, and proposes to divide the Order into three families, viz. : Pterodactylidce (with subfamilies Pteranodontince and Pterodactylince), Bhamphorhynchidce , and Ornithochiridce. Pterodactylus cerinensis, H. v. Mey., described and figured by Lortet Arch. Mus. Lyon, v, 1892, p. 129, fig., pi. v, figs. 3 & 4. DIN03AURI A. EMYDOSAU RIA. Rept. 31 DINOSAURIA. H. G. Seeley, Q. J. Geol. Soc. xlviii, 1892, Proc. pp. 108-191, discusses the relations of the Saurischian Dinosaurs. 0. C. Marsh, Am. J. Sci. (3) xliii, 1892, pp. 81-83, pis. ii & iii, has remarks on the skull of the Ceratopsidce, and a restoration of the skull ot lorosaurus latus, Marsh. R. Lydekker, Q. J. Geol. Soc. xlviii, 1892, p. 375, fig., has a note on some Sauropodous Dinosaurian foot-bones from the Wealden. R. Burckhardt, JB. Mineral. 1892, ii, pp. 71 & 72, fig., criticizes Marsh’s interpretation of the brain of Triceratops flabellatus. Jguanodon hillii, n. sp., for a tooth from the Lower Chalk near Hitchin, England ; E. T. Newton, Geol. Mag. (3) ix, 1892, p. 49. Claosaurus annectens , n. sp., Marsh, Am. J. Sci. (3) xliii, 1892, p. 453, & xliv, 1892, p. 171, pi. ii, and restoration, p. 343, pi. vi, Laramie formation, Wyoming. On its skull and brain ; id. op. cit. xlv, 1893, p. 83, pis. iv & v. Polacanthus , Hulke : on the pelvis ; Seeley, Q. J. Geol. Soc. xlviii, 1892, p. 81, figs. ; Lydekker, t. c. p. 148, figs. Palceoscincus costatus , Leidy, is regarded as a Stegosaurian tooth by Marsh, Am. J. Sci. (3) xliv, 1892, p. 173. P. latas , n. sp., id. ibid. pi. iii, fig. 2, Ceratops beds, Wyoming. Stegosaurus ungulatus , Marsh : tooth figured ; Marsh, ibid. pi. iv, fig. 1. LcElaps incrassatus, Cope : description of the skull ; Cope, P. Am. Phil. Soc. xxx, 1892, p. 240. Ceratosaurus nasicornis, Marsh : restoration by Marsh, Am. J. Sci. (3) xliv, 1892, p. 347, pi. vii. Anchisaurus colurus , Marsh : further notes and figures by Marsh, Am. J. Sci. (3) xliii, 1892, p. 543, pis. xv & xvi, & xlv, 1893, p. 169, pi. vi. A . solus, n. sp., id. op. cit. xliii, p. 545, Trias, Connecticut River. Ornithomimus , Marsh, should probably be referred to the Theropoda ; Marsh, Am. J. Sci. (3) xliii, 1892, p. 451. 0. sedeus , p. 451, and minutus , p. 452, n. spp., id. ibid., Ceratops beds, Wyoming. Aublysodon , Leidy : remarks by Marsh, Am. J. Sci. (3) xliv, 1892, p. 174. A. ampins , p. 174, and cristatus, p. 175, n. spp., Marsh, t. c., Laramie formation, North America emydosauria. W. Kukenthal, Morph. JB. xix, 1892, pp. 42-55, pi. ii, describes the skeleton of the manus in young Crocodiles, and draws special attention to the hyperphalangy in the fourth and fifth fingers, which shows that the existing Crocodilians are derived from forms more thoroughly adapted to aquatic life. C. Roese, Yerh. Anat. Ges. 1892, pp. 225-227, remarks on the develop- ment of the teeth in Crocodiles. 32 Rept. IV. REPTILIA AI\D BATSACHIA. C. P. Sluiter, Anat. Anz. vii, 1892, pp. 540-545, figs., writes on Jacob- son’s organ in Crocodilus porosus. Tomistoma, S. Mull. : on fossil remains from the Miocene of Nurri, Italy ; Lovisato, Atti Acc. Pontif. Lincei (5) i, 1892, Pend. p. 436. Rhampho stoma neogea , Burm. (foss.) : note by Ambrosetti, Bol. Ac. Cordoba, x, 1890, p. 414. Leptorrhamphus, n. g., near Gavialis, for L. entrerrianus , n. sp. (foss.) ; Ambrosetti, t. c. p. 417, Oligocene, Parana. Oxysdonsaurus, n. g., near Gavialis , for 0. striatus , n. sp. (foss.) ; Ambro- setti, t. c. p. 419, Oligocene, Parana. Proalligator , n. g. for Crocodilus australis , Bravard (foss.); Ambrosetti, t. c. p. 420. Atoposaurus jourdani, H. v. Mey. (foss.), described and figured by Lortet, Arch. Mus. Lyon, v, 1892, p. 92, figs., pi. xi, figs. 9-16. Alligatorellus beaumonti, Gerv. (foss.), described and figured ; Lortet, t. c. p. 99, pis. ix bis. & xi, figs. 1-8. Alligatorium meyeri , Gerv. (foss.), described and figured ; Lortet, t. c. p. 108, pi. x. Gavialinum, n. g. (Gavialidce ?) for G. rhodani, n. sp. (foss.); Lortet, t. c. p. 122, pi. viii, Bathonian, Villebois, France. Crocodileimus robustus, Gerv. (foss.), described and figured by Lortet, t. c. p. 114, pi. ix. CHELONIA. G. Baur, Anat. Anz. vii, 1892, pp. 206-211, figs., has further remarks on the carpus of Chelonians. E. Bataillon, Ann. Soc. L. Lyon (2) xxxix, 1892, pp. 81-86, pi. — , has a contribution to the study of the arterial circulation in the land Tortoise. L. Will, Biol. Centralbl. xii, 1892, pp. 182-192, figs., writes on gastru- lation in the Chelonians. K. Mitsukuri’s second and third contributions to the embryology of Reptilia, J. Coll. Sci. Japan, iv, 1891, pp. 1-53, pis. i-x, & v, 1892, pp. 35-52, pis. ii-iv, deals with the foetal membranes of Chelo?iia, the researches being based on Clemmys japonica and Trionyx japonicus. Trionyx melitensis , Lyd. (foss.), — ? T. ragusensis, De Greg. 1883 ; De Gregorio, Nat. Sicil. xi, 1892, p. 182. T. leucopotamicus, n.sp. (foss.), Cope, Contr. Canad. Pal. iii, 1891, p. 5, pi. i, figs. 8 & 9, Lower Miocene, Canada. T. gemmellaroi , p. 11, pis. i & v, figs. 2-5, capel- linii , p. 26, pis. ii & iii, and affinis , p. 47, pi. v, fig. 1, n. spp. (foss.) ; Negri, Mem. Soc. Ital. Sci. Nat. (3) viii, 1892, No. 7, Eocene of Monte Bolca. Miolania owenii , A. S. Woodw. (foss.) : on some remains from New S. Wales ; R. Etheridge, Jun., Rec. Austral. Mus. ii, 1893, p. 39. CHELONIA, ICHTHYOSAURIA, PLESIOSAURIA. Rept. 33 L. Lortet, Arch. Mus. Lyon, v, 1892, p. 5, proposes a new family, “ Halmyrachelides ,” for Idiochelys, H. v. Mey., and Hydropelta , H. v. Mey. Idiochelys fitzingeri , H. v. Mey. (foss.), described and figured by Lortet, t. c. p. 7, pi. i, & pi. ii, figs. 1 & 2. Hydropelta meyeri , H. v. Mey. (foss.), described and figured by Lortet, t. c. p. 18, pi. iii, figs. 3-5. Eurysternum crassipes , Wagn. (foss.), described and figured ; Lortet, t. c. p. 24, pi. ii, figs. 4-7, and pi. ii bis. G. Baur, Zool. Anz. xv, 1892, pp. 155-159, remarks on various genera of Testudinidce, and insists on the distinctive characters of the families Emydidce and Testudinidce. Testudo grceca,Jj. : on its habits; G. Rumpf, Zool. Gart. xxxiii, 1892, p. 260 ; A. Girtannee, t. c. p. 349. T. turgida, n. sp. (foss.), Cope, P. Am. Phil. Soc. xx, 1892, p. 27, Upper Cenozoic of Texas. Emys , Dum. : G. Baur, op. cit. xxx, 1892, pp. 40 & 245, discusses which species should be regarded as the type of this genus. Cistudo cinosternoicles , Gray : notes by Garman, Bull. Ess. Inst, xxiv, 1892, p. 99. Cinosternum flavescens , Ag. : note by Cope, P. Ac. Philad. 1892, p. 333. ICHTHYOSAURIA. E. Fraas, JB. Mineral. 1892, ii, pp. 87-90, figs., describes and figures a specimen of Ichthyosaurus quadriscissus, Qu., showing the contours of the soft parts, including dorsal and caudal fins. A propos of Fraas’s discovery, L. Dollo, P.-v. Soc. Belg. Geol. vi, 1892, pp. 167-174, figs., discusses the origin of the dorsal fin in these Reptiles. R. Lydekker, Nat. Sci. i, 1892, pp. 514-521, reviews the various ac- cessions to our knowledge of the Ichthyosauria. J. W. Hulke, P. R. Soc. Iii, 1892, pp. 233-255, has remarks on the Ichthyosaurian shoulder-girdle. W. Kukenthal, JB. Mineral. 1892, i, pp. 161-166, remarks on the hyperphalangy of Ichthyosaurs as compared to that of Cetaceans. Ichthyosaurus numismalis, n. sp., E. Fraas, JH. Yer. Wiirtt. xlviii, 1892, p. 22, pi. i, Lias, Wiirttemberg. I. burgimdice, Gaudry, de- scribed and figured by Gaudry, Bull. Soc. Autun, v, 1892, p. 365, pi. xv. PLESIOSAURIA. H. G. Seeley, P. R. Soc. Ii, 1892, pp. 119-151, figs., deals with the nature of the shoulder* girdle and clavicular arch in the Plesiosauria, which he divides into two groups, termed Dicranopleura and Cercido- pleura. 1892. [YOL. XXIX.] C 11 34 JRept. IV. EEPTILIA AND BATRACHIA. The subject further discussed by J. W. Hulke, P. It. Soc. lii, 1892, pp. 233-255, figs. H. G. Seeley, Q, J. Geol. Soc. xlviii, 1892, pp. 586-604, discusses the characters aud systematic position of the Mesosauria , which sub- order he divides into two groups : Proganosauria and Neusticosauria. Mesosaurus tenuidens , Gerv., described and figured; Seeley, t. c. p. 591, pi. xviii, fig. 5. M. pleurogaster , n. sp., id. t. c. p. 587, pi. xviii, figs. 1-4, Kimberley, S. Africa. Eunotosaurus , n. g., probably referable to the Mesosauria. E. africanus , n. sp., Seeley, t. c. p. 583, figs., Beaufort West, S. Africa. Parthanosaurus , n.g., allied to Nothosaurus , forP. zittelii, n. sp., Skuphos, Zool. Anz. xvi, 1893, p. 67, Trias of Yorarlberg. THECODONTIA. Belodon , H. v. Mey., and Aetosaurus , Fraas, are regarded by Seeley, Q. J. Geol. Soc. xlviii, 1892, Proc., p. 189, as primitive Cetiosaurians. Episcoposaurus Jiaploceras , n. sp., Cope, P. Am. Phil. Soc. xx, 1892, p. 129, Trias of Texas. ACROSAURIA. Pleurosaurus goldfussi} H. v. Mey. (foss.), described and figured by Lortet, Arch. Mus. Lyon, v, 1892, p. 81, figs., pi. vii. The Recorder points out, Ann. N. H. (6) xi, 1893, p. 208, that this Lizard should be regarded as the type of a distinct order of Reptiles, combining characters of the Proterosaurian Rhynchocephalia and Squamata , for which the name Acrosauria , H. v. Meyer, 1860, may be used. RHYNCHOCEPHALIA. L. Dollo, Bull. Soc. Belg. Geol. v, Mem. 1892, pp. 151-199, pis. vi-viii, completes his description of Champsosaurus , and discusses its position among the Rhynchocephalians, which he pronounces to be near the Proterosauridce. G. A. Boulenger gives a revised scheme of the classification proposed by him in 1891 ; the Champ so sauridce are transferred to the sub- order Proterosauria , and the Sauranodontidce are added to the sub- order j Rhynchocephalia vera ; Ann. N. H. (6) xi, 1893, p. 209. Diopeus , Cope (foss.), is regarded as a Rhynchocephalian, somewhat allied to Palceoliatteria , Credn. ; Cope, Tr. Am. Phil. Soc. xvii, 1892, p. 15. Homoeosauras jourdani , p. 69, pi. vi, figs. 1-5, and rhodani , p. 72, pi. iv, fig. 6, n. spp. (foss.), Lortet, Arch. Mus. Lyon, v, 1892, Jurassic, Corin, France. Rept. 35 ANOMODONTIA, BATEACHIA. Sauranodon incisivus, Jourdan (foss.), [= Saphceosaurus thollierii, H. y. Mey.], described and figured by Lortet, Arch. Mus. Lyon, v, p. 30, figs., pis. liter, iii, iv, & v. A new family, Sauranodontidce , is established by Lortet for its reception. ANOMODONTIA. H. G. Seeley, Phil. Tr. clxxxiii (b), 1892, pp. 311-370, pis. xvii-xxiii, describes remains of Pariosaurus and Procolophon , at the same time discussing the classification of the Anomodontia , which are now divided into six groups. G. B. Howes remarks on the shoulder- girdle of Keirognathus , Seeley, and other Dicynodonts ; J. Anat. Phys. xxvi, 1892, pp. 403-405. Gordonia , n. g., allied to Dicynodon, Ow., for G. traquairi, huxleyana , duffiana , and juddiana , n. spp. ; E. T. Newton, P. R. Soc. Iii, 1892, p. 389, Trias of Elgin, Scotland. Gedda, n. g., allied to Ptychognathus , Ow., for G. elginensis, n. sp., E. T. Newton, t. c. p. 390, Elgin. Elginia , n. g., nearest allied to Pariosaurus , Ow., for E. mirahilis, n. sp.; E. T. Newton, t. c. p.391, Elgin. Pareiasaurus bairn , n. sp., Seeley, t. c. p. 322, Trias, Karroo Group, S. Africa. BATEACHIA . O. Bcettger issues a catalogue of the collection of Batrachians in the Senckenberg Museum. Frankfort a/M. : 1892, 8vo, 73 pp. W. L. Sclater has compiled a list of the Batrachians in the Indian Museum, Calcutta. London : 1892, 8vo, 43 pp. O. S. Strong, Anat. Anz. vii, 1892, pp. 467-471, writes on the structure and homologies of the cranial nerves of the Batrachians, as deter- mined by their peripheral distribution and internal origin. H. Rex, Morph. JB. xix, 1892, pp. 295-311, pi. xi, contributes to the morphology of the cerebral veins in Batrachians. L. Edinger, Abh. Senck. Ges. xviii, 1892, 55 pp., 5 pis., has a memoir on the brain of Batrachians. Abstract in Anat. Anz. vii, 1892, pp. 472-476. A. B. Macallgm, Tr. Can. Inst, ii, 1892, pp. 221-260, pi. i, has studies on the blood of Batrachians. M. C. Dekhuysen, Yerh. Anat. Ges. 1892, pp. 90-103, pi. i, writes on the same subject. H. Griesbach, Leuckart Fetschrift, 1892, pp. 215-227, pi. xxiii, further contributes to the knowledge of the blood-corpuscles of Batrachians. O. C. Farrington, Tr. Conn. Ac. viii, 1892, pp. 309-314, pi. xxiv, describes the kidney, with nephrostomes in Batrachians. 36 Reft. IV. KEPT I LI A AND BATE AC HI A. H. F. E. Jungeesen, Yid. Medd. 1892 (1893), pp. 32-72, pis. ii & iii, writes on the development of the Mullerian dnct in Batrachians. A. C. Eycleshymer, J. Morph, viii, 1893, pp. 189-193, figs., has a note on the development of the optic vesicles in Batrachians. H. H. Field remarks on the metameric development of the kidney in Batrachians ; Yerh. Deutsch. Zool. Ges. ii, 1892, pp. 113-117. W. Roux, Yerh. Anat. Ges. 1892, pp. 22-62, reviews recent researches on the segmentation of the Batrachian ovum. G-. Born, Anat. Anz. vii, 1892, pp. 772-781 & 803-811, figs., writes on the first phases of the development of the Batrachian ovum. E. O. Jordan & A. C. Eycleshymer, Anat. Anz. vii, 1892, pp. 622-624, have a note on the cleavage of the Batrachian ovum. H. S. Greenough, Bull. Soc. Z. Fr. xvii, 1892, pp. 57-59, writes on the same subject. F. Leydig, Biol. Centralbl. xii, 1892, pp. 205-221, writes on the dermal excrescences of breeding Batrachians, and pp. 444-467, on the structure of the skin. G-. A. Boulengee, Nat. Sci. i, 1892, pp. 185-190, figs., reviews our knowledge of the poisonous secretion of Batrachians. K. Knauthe, Zool. Anz. xv, 1892, pp. 20-23, records his experiments on the influence of temperature on Batrachians. ECAUDATA. 0. Emery, Atti Acc. Pontif. Lincei (5) i, 1892, Rend., pp. 203-206, publishes the results of further studies of the skeleton of the manus in tailless Batrachians. H. Adolphi, Morph. JB. xix, 1892, pp. 315-375, figs., pi. xii, writes on variations in the spinal nerves and vertebral column of Bufo viridis. C. Hasse, Z. wiss. Zool. lv, 1892, pp. 252-264, pi. xii, writes on the development of the vertebral column in tailless Batrachians. . E. G-aupp, Yerh. Anat. Ges. 1892, pp. 183-190, writes on the endocranium of Rcina temporaria. D. Bertelli, Monit. Zool.' Ital. iii, 1892, pp. 203-207, remarks on the tympanic membrane of Rana esculenta. French translation in Arch. Ital. Biol, xviii, 1893, pp. 458-462. A. E, Smirnow has a paper, in Russian, on the nerves of Rana and Bufo; Protok. obsch. estest. Kazan, 1889-90, Append. No. 112 (1890), 6 pp. W. Biedermann, Arch. Ges. Phys. Ii, 1892, pp. 455-508, pi. xi, investi- gates the movements of the chromatophores in tailless Batrachians. Gr. A. Boulenger, P. Z. S. 1891, pp. 593-627, pis. xlv-xlvii, gives de- scriptions and figures of the Tadpoles of the European Batrachians, with a key to their identification. F. E. Schulze, Abh. Ak. Berl. 1892, 66 pp., 6 pis., continues his studies of the structure of the larva of Pelobates fuscus. ECAUDATA. Rept. 87 L. Camerano, Boll. Mus. Zool. Tor. vii, 1892, No. 140, writes on the action of running water and of light on the development of tailless Batrachians. W. N. Parker reports on Experiments on the Respiration in Tadpoles of Rana temporaria , Rep. Brit. Ass. 1891, p. 694. F. Ziegler, Anat. Anz. vii, 1892, pp. 211-215, figs., describes the external characters of the frog-embryo. H. Deiiner, Yerh. Ges. Wurzb. (2) xxvi, 1892, pp. 1-18, pi. i, has a paper on the segmentation of the frog-ovum. 0. Hertwig, Arch. Mikr. Anat. xxxvii, 1892, pp. 353-503, pis. xvi-xx, has a paper on malformed frog-eggs. It AN I DAL Rana , L. : L. v. Mehely, Math. term. koz. xxv, 1892, pp. 1-63, pis. i-viii, has an illustrated memoir (in Hungarian) on the brown Frogs of Hungary ( R . temporaria , L., arvalis , Nilss., and agilis, Thom.). R. temporaria , L. : on its occurrence in Ireland ; Scharff, Irish Nat. i, 1893, p. 1. R. pretiosa, B. & G. : Notes by Test, Bull. U. S. Fish. Comm. 1891, p. 58 (1892). R. agilis , Thom. : on its occurrence in the Main district ; Leydig, Zool. Gart. xxxiii, 1892, p. 321. R. earner ani, Blgr., and R. macrocnemis, Blgr. : notes by Bcettger, Ber. Senck. Ges. 1892, pp. 134 & 136. R. esculenta, L. : on blue specimens ; Leydig, Zool. Gart. xxxiii, 1892, p. 1. R. newton i, Bocage : redescribed by Bedriaga, O Istituto (Coimbra), xxxix, 1892, p. 2 of reprint. R. masoni , Blgr. : redescribed by Bcettger, Ber. Uffenb. Yer. xxix-xxxii, 1892, p. 138. R. vicina , Stol. : p. 342, pi. xxiv, fig. 1, and granulosa , And., p. 346, redescribed by TV. L. Sclater, P. Z. S. 1892, who also has notes on R. hascheana, Stol., p. 344, R. puila , Stol., p. 344, R. gracilis , Gravh., p. 345, R. nigrovitiata , Blyth, p. 345, and R. erythrcea, Schleg., p. 345. R. assamensis, p. 343, pi. xxiv, fig. 2, Rhasi Hills, limborgi , p. 344, fig. 3, Tenasserim, and tenasserimensis , p. 345, fig. 4, n. spp., "VY L. Sclater, t.c. R. holsti, n. sp., Boulenger, Ann. N. H. (6) x, 1892, p. 302, Great Loo Choo I. R. octoplicata , p. 83, United States [= areolata , B. & G. — Rec.], and schlueteri , p. 84, Borneo, n. spp., Werner, Zool. Anz. xvi, 1893. R. microdisca , n. sp., Bcettger, Ber. Offenb. Yer. xxix-xxxii, 1892, p. 137, Tengger Mts., Java. R. nyassce, n. sp., Gunther, P. Z. S. 1892, p. 558 (1893), Nyassaland. R. schmacTcei'i, n. sp., Bcettger, Ratal. Senckenb. p. 11, 1892, Ichang, China. R. oatesii, n. sp., Boulenger, Ann. N. H. (6) ix, 1892, p. 141, pi. ix, Toungoo, Burma. R. albofrenata , n. sp., F. Muller, Festschr. Nat. Ges. Basel, 1892, p. 197, pi. iii, fig. i, Madagascar. Cornufer boule?igeri, n. sp., Bcettger, Ratal. Senckenb. p. 18, 1892, New Britain. 38 Rept. IV. REPT I LI A AND BATRACHIA. Rhacophorus difficilis , n. sp., Bcettger, Katal. Senckenb. p. 14, 1892, Madagascar. R. boule?igeri, n. sp., Peracca, Boll. Mus. Zool. Tor. vii, 1892, No. 112, pi. i, fig. 3, Madagascar. P. dulitensis , n. sp., Boulenger, P. Z. S. 1892, p. 507, pi. xxx, fig. 1, Mt. Dulit, Borneo. Chiromantis rufescens, Gthr. : on the ‘nest5 of a West African Tree Frog, probably of this species ; W. J. Holland, Am. Nat. xxvii, 1893, p. 67. IxciI'jls cinerciscens , Stol., and I. punctatus, And., (= glandulosus , Jerd.) : note on the type specimens ; W. L. Sclater, P. Z. S. 1892, p. 347. I. aurifasciatus , Schieg. : redescribed by Bcettger, Ber. Offenb. Ver. xxix-xxxii, 1892, p. 142. I. schmaclceri, n. sp., id. Ratal. Senckenb. p. 17, 1892, Mindoro, Philippines. Rappia thomensis , Bocage : redescribed by Bedriaga, O Istituto (Coimbra), xxxix, 1892 (p. 5 of reprint). R. molleri , n. sp., id. t. c. p. 13, S. Thome, Gulf of Guinea. Engystomatid.e. Phryniscus lauds, Gthr., n. var. exigua, Bcettger, Katal. Senckenb. p. 22, 1892, Andes of Ecuador. Cophixalus , n. g., allied to Ccillula, for C. geislerorum, n. sp., Bcettger, Katal. Senckenb. p. 24, 1892, New Guinea. Chaperina, n. g. : Tongue elliptic, free behind ; no vomerine teeth : a transverse dermal fold on the palate in front of the cesophagous ; tympanum distinct ; digits free, dilated into small disks ; distal phalanx T-shaped ; outer metatarsals bound together ; pupil hori- zontal ; transverse processes of sacrum rather strongly dilated ; prse- coracoids present, very slender ; sternum cartilaginous ; no omo- sternum. G.fasca , n. sp., Mocquard, Le Nat. xiv, 1892, p. 35, and Mem. Soc. Zool. v, 1892, p. 194, pi. vii, fig. 2, Sintang, Borneo. DySCOPHIDiE. Anodonthyla , n. g. : no teeth on palate; toes free; pupil horizontal. A. boidengeri, n. sp., F. Muller, Festschr. Nat. Ges. Basel, 1892, p. 198, pi. iii, fig. 2, Madagascar. Fanchonia, n. g., referred to the Dyscophidce , for F. elegans , n. sp., Werner, Zool. Anz. xvi, 1893, p. 82, Tropical Africa ? Cystignathidjc. Calyptocep>halus gayi , D. & B. Lacerta caudiverbera , L., is based on the larva of this frog ; Lataste, Act. Soc. Sci. Chili, i, 1892, p. 7. Hylodes lehmanni , p. 26, Colombia, fleischmanni , p. 27, Costa Rica, and W -nig rum, p. 28, Andes of Ecuador, n. spp., Bcettger, Katal. Senckenb. 1892. ECAUDATA, CAUDATA. Rept. 39 Bufoniidje. Pseudophryne dendyi , p. 62, North Gippsland, Victoria, and semimar- morata , p. 63, S. E. Victoria, n. spp., Lucas, P. R. Soc. Viet. (2) iv, 1892. Nectophryne hosii, n. sp., Boulenger, P. Z. S. 1892, p. 508, pi. xxx, fig. 2, Mt. Dulit, Borneo. Bufo asper , Gravh. : on a remarkable specimen from Borneo ; Boulenger, P. Z. S. 1892, p. 508. B. fergusonii , n. sp,, Boulenger, J. Bomb. N. H. Soc. vii, 1892, p. 317, Travancore. Rhinophrynus dorsalis , D. & B. : description and figure of the skeleton, by A. Duges, Nat. Mex. (2) ii, 1892, p. 98, pi. v. Hylida;, Hyla amboinensis, ’ Horst : notes by Bcettger, Ber. Offenb. Ver. xxix-xxxii, 1892, p. 156. H. albolimbata , p. 40, S. America, Colum- biana,, p. 41, Colombia, and prosoblepon , p. 45, Costa Rica, n. spp., Bcettger, Katal. Senckenb. 1892. H. chloris, n. sp., Boulenger, P. Linn. Soc. N.S.W. (2) vii, 1892, p. 403, New South Wales. H. ( Trachycephalus ) angastifrons , n. sp., Werner, Zool. Anz. xvi, 1893, p. 83, Brazil [= ? H. nigromacidata , Tsch. — Rec.]. Nototrema weinlandii, pp. 175 & 837, pi. i, Ecuador, and bolivianum , pp. 176 & 840, p]. ii, Bolivia, n. spp., Steindachner, Anz. Ak. Wien, 1892, and SB. Ak. Wien, ci, i, 1892. Pelobatiml Spea laticeps , n. sp., Cope, Am. Nat. xxvii, 1893, p. 155, fig., Texas. Lfiptobrachium carinense, Blgr. : on a specimen with vomerine teeth ; W. L. Sclater, P. Z. S. 1892, p. 347. Discoglossid.e. L. v. Mehely publishes a translation in German of his paper on Bombinator ; Math. Nat. Ber, Ung, x, 1892, pp. 55-79, pis. iv & v. CAUDATA. J. de Bedriaga gives a French translation of his synopsis of the larvaa of European tailed Batrachians. C.R. Ass. Fr. Sci. 1891, ii, pp. 540-546. S. P. Gage, P. Am. Ass. xli, 1892, p. 197, investigates the brain of Molge viridescens , Raf. A. C. Eycleshymer, Anat. Anz. vii, 1892, pp. 215-217, writes on para- phyis and epiphyis in the brain of Amblystoma. O. A. Andersson, Morph. JB., Anat. v, 1892, pp. 184-210, pis. xv-xviii, writes on the sympathetic nervous system of tailed Batrachians. IV. REPT1LIA AND BATRACH1A. 40 Bept. K. W. Schlampp, Z. wiss. Zool.iii, 1892, pp. 537-557, pi. xxi, investigates the structure of the eye of Proteus anguineus. H. H. Wilder, Morph. JB., Anat. v, 1892, pp. 155-176, pis. xii & xiii, describes the anatomy of the nasal region of Cryptobranchus and Amphiuma. C. Hasse, Z. wiss. Zool. liii (Suppl.), 1892, pp. 1-20, pis. i-iii, describes the development of the vertebral column of Molge vulgaris. J. S. Kingsley, Am. Nat. xxvi, 1892, pp. 671-680, describes the head of an embryo Amphiuma means. F. Houssay, C.R. cxv, 1892, pp. 132-135, writes on the circulation in the head of the Axolotl-embryo. H. W. Norris, J. Morph, vii, 1892, pp. 23-31, pis. iii & iv, investigates the development of the auditory vesicle in Amblystoma. ft. Fick, Anat. Auz. vii, 1892, pp. 818-821, has a preliminary note on the fecundation of the Axolotl-egg. F. Leydig, Zool. Anz. xv, 1892, pp. 309-312 & 356, remarks on the receptaculum se minis of tailed Batrachians. M. Heidenhein, Anat. Anz. vii, 1892, pp. 432-435, figs., records the presence of rudimentary anal glands in female Newts. G. A. Boulenger, Morph. JB., Syst. vi, 1892, pp. 447-452, reviews recent discoveries on the fecundation in the tailed Batrachians. Drascii, Verh. Anat. Ges. 1892, pp. 244-253, makes observations on the poison-glands of the Salamander. Salamandra , Laur. : Molge luschani , Star., is referred to this genus by Boulenger, Ann. N. H. (6) ix, 1892, p. 74, and to the genus Spelerpes by Bedriaga, C.R. Congres. Internat. Zool. i, 1892, p. 243. Triton longipes , Strauch.,= Molge cristata , Laur. ; Boulenger, Ann. N. H. (6) ix, 1892, p. 144. Molge montandoni , Blgr. : larva described and figured by Boulenger, op. cit. (6) x, 1892, p. 304, fig. Molge palmata, Schn. : Portuguese specimens are referred to this species by Ferreira, J. Sci. Lisb. (2) ii, 1892, p. 195 [belong, no aoubt, to M . boscce , Lat. — Reg.]. M.rusconii , Genej on the pairing ; Bedriaga, Zool. Anz. xvi, 1893, p. 102. Tylototriton andersoni , n. sp., Boulenger, Ann. N. H. (6) x, 1892, p. 304, Great Loo Choo I. Amblystoma tigrinum , Green : G. Hahn, Rev. Quest. Sci. (2) i, 1892, pp. 178-205, reviews our knowledge of the Axolotl and its metamor- phoses ; Spanish translation in Nat. Mex. (2) ii, 1892, pp. 218-230. J. M. Bertoldo, Le Nat. xiv, 1892, p. 15, records notes on the growth of Axolotls in confinement. Typhlotriton , n. g., of the group Desmognathince , but with the eyes con- cealed under the continuous skin of the head. T. spelceus , n. sp., Stejneger, P. U. S. Nat. Mus. xv, 1892, p. 115, pi. ix, Rock House Cave, Missouri. Necturus maculatus, Raf. : on its introduction in the Hudson River ; W. B. Marshall, Am. Nat. xxvi, 1892, p. 779. APODA, STEGOCEPHALA. Rept. 41 APODA. P. & F. Sarasin, Anafc. Anz. vii, 1892, pp. 812-815, have further remarks on the organ of hearing in Csecilians. Dermophis thomensis , Bocage, redescribed by Bedriaga, 0 Istituto (Coimbra), xxxix, 1892 (p. 13 of reprint). Siplionops paulensis , n. sp., Bcettger, Katal. Senckenb. p. 62, 1892, S. Paulo, Brazil. STEGOCEPHALA. This Order is proposed to be transferred to the Class Reptilia ; H. Gr. Seeley, Phil. Tr. clxxxiii (b), 1892, p. 367. Ichniotherhim cottce , n. n. for foot-prints from the Permian of Fried- richroda, Thuringia ; Pohlig, Leuckart Festschrift, 1892, p. 60, fig., pi. vii, fig. 1. Pisces 1 V. PISCES. BY G. A. Boulengee. This subject is treated as follows, viz. : — I. Titles of Works and Papers arranged ALPHABETICALLY ACCORDING TO AUTHORS’ NAMES. II. General Subject. III. Faunae. IY. Palaeontology. V. References, arranged Systematically. I. TITLES* Agassiz, A. Preliminary Note on some Modifications of the Chromato- phores of Fishes and Crustaceans. Bull. Mus. C. Z. xxiii, 1892, pp. 189-193, 1 pi. Alcock, A. On Utero-gestation in Tnygon bleeJceri. Ann. N. H. (6) ix, 1892, pp. 417-427, pi. xix. . Some Observations on the Embryonic History of Pteroplateci micrura. Op. cit. (6) x, 1892, pp. 1-8, pi. iv. . A Case of Commensalism between a Gymnoblastic Anthomedusoid (Stylactis minoty, and a Scorpsenoid Fish ( Minous inermis ). T. c. pp. 207-214, fig. -. Natural History Notes from H. M. Indian Marine Survey Steamer ‘ Investigator,’ Lieut. G. S. Gunn, R.N., commanding. Series n, No 5 : On the Bathybial Fishes collected during the Season of 1891— 92. T. c. pp. 345-365, pi. xviii. Alcock, R. The Digestive Processes of Ammoccetes. P. Cambr. Phil. Soc. vii, 1892, pp. 252-255. * An asterisk prefixed to a quotation indicates that the Recorder has not seen the Journal or Work referred to. Pisces. V. PISCES. Andre ae, A. Vorlaufige Mittheilung liber die Ganoiden ( Lepulosteus und Amia) des Mainzer Beckens. Verb. Yer. Heidelb. (2) v, 1893, pp. 7-15, figs. Antipa, G. Ueber die Beziehungeo der Thymus zu den sog. Riemen- spaltorganen bei Selachiern. Anat. Anz. vii, 1892, pp. G90-692, fig. Ayers, H. Vertebrate Cephalogenesis. n. A Contribution to the Morphology of the Vertebrate Ear, with a Reconsideration of its Functions. J. Morph, vi, 1892, pp. 1-360, pis. i-xii. Bassani, F. Gl’ Ittioliti delle Marne di Salcedo e di Novale nel Vicen- tino. Atti 1st. Venet. (7) iii, 1892, pp. 1031-1045. Bean, T. H. Notes on the Fishes collected in Mexico by Professor Duges, with Descriptions of new species. P. U. S. Nat. Mils, xv, 1892, pp. 283-287, pi. xliv. . Una nuevo especie de Lampera. Nat. Mex. (2) ii, 1892, pp. 171 & 172, pi. viii. Beard, J. The Transient Ganglion Cells and their Nerves in Raid batis. Anat. Anz. vii, 1892, pp. 191-206, figs. >. Notes on Lampreys and Hags (. Myxine ). Op. tit. viii, 1892, pp. 59 & 60. Bellotti, C. Note al Manuale d’lttiologia francese del Dott. Emilio Moreau. Atti Soc. Ital. xxxiv, 1892, pp. 19-35. • . Un nuovo Siluroide giapponese. T. c. pp. 99-101, fig. Blanc, H. Note preliminaire sur la maturation et la fecondation de 1’oeuf de la truite. Bull. Soc. Vaud. (3) xxvii, 1892, pp. 272- 275. Bohr, C. Sur la secretion de l’oxygene dans la vessie natatoire des Poissons. C.R. cxiv, 1892, pp. 1560-1562. Bollman, C. H. A Review of the Centrarchidce , or Freshwater Sun- fishes, of North America. Rep. U. S. Fish Comm. f. 1888, pp. 557-579, pis. lxviii-lxxii (1891). Boulenger, G. A. Third Account of the Fishes obtained by Surgeon- Major A. S. G. Javakar at Muscat, East Coast of Arabia. P. Z. S. 1892, pp. 134-136/ . On Lucioperca marina , C. & V. T. c. pp. 411-413, pi. xxv. . Description of a new Blennioid Fish from Kamtschatka. T. e. pp. 583-585, fig. (1893). . Note on Toxotes microlepis, Gthr., and Toxotes microlepis, Blyth. Aun. N. H. (6) ix, 1892, pp. 143 & 144. -. Description of a new Siluroid Fish from China. T. c. p. 247. TITLES. Pisces 3 [Boulenger, G. A.] On some new or little-known Fishes obtained by Dr. J. W. Evans and Mr. Spencer Moore, daring their recent Ex- pedition to the Province of Matto Grosso, Brazil. Ann. N. H. (6) x, 1892, pp. 9-12, pis. i & ii. . Note on the Variations of the Lateral Shields in the Three-spined Stickleback ( Gastrosteus aculeatus). Op. cit. xi, 1893, pp. 228 & 229. Boveri, T. Die Nierencanalchen des Amphioxus. Ein Beitrag zur Phylogenie des Urogenitalsystems der Wirbelthiere. Morph. JB., Anat. v, 1892, pp. 429-510, figs., pis. xxxi-xxxiv. . Ueber die Bildungsstatte der Geschlecbtsdriisen und die Entste- hung der Genitalkammern bei Amvhioxtis. Anat. Anz. vii, 1892, pp. 170-181, figs. Boyer, E. R. The Mesoderm in Teleosts ; especially its Share in the Formation of the Pectoral Fin. Bull. Mus. C. Z. xxiii, 1892, pp. 91- 133, 8 pis. *Bkaus, H. Ueber die Rami ventrales der vorderen Spinalnerven einiger Selachier. Inaugural Dissertation. Jena : 1892, 8vo, 35 pp. Brehm, A. C. Tierleben. Die Fische. Dritte Auflage, unter Mit- wirkung von W. Haacke neubearbeitet von Pechuel-Loesche. Leipzic and Vienna: 1892, 8vo, 517 pp., 146 figs., 11 pis., 1 map. Bridge, T. W., & Haddon, A. C. Contributions to the Anatomy of Fishes, ir. The Air-Bladder and Weberian Ossicles in the Siluroid Fishes. Abstract, P. R. Soc. lii, 1892, pp. 139-157. Browne, M. Notes upon Colohodus, a genus of Mesozoic Fossil Fishes. Rep. Brit. Ass. 1891, pp. 644 & 645(1892). Burckhardt, P. Das Centralnervensystem von Protopterus annectens. Fine vergleicheud-anatomische Studie. Berlin : 1892, 8vo, 64 pp., 4to atlas, 5 pis, . Ueber das Centralnervensystem der Dipnoer. Verh. deutsch. Zool. Ges. ii, 1892, pp. 92-95. . Das Centralnervensystem von Protopterus annectens. SB. nat. Fr. 1892, pp. 23-25. Burne, R. H. On the Presence of a Branchial Basket in Myxine glutinosa. P. Z. S. 1892, pp. 706-708, pi. xlvii (1893). Buxbaum, L. Ein Zug Aale auf der Wanderschaft im Main. Zool. Gart. xxxiii, 1892, pp. 20 & 21. . Der Wanderzug der Mainfische im Friihling 1892. T. c. pp. 184- 188. Calderwood, W. L. A Contribution to our Knowledge of the Ovary and Intra-ovarian Egg in Teleosteans. J. Mar. Biol. Ass. (2) ii, 1892, pp. 298-312, pis. xi & xii. . Notes on Centrina salviani. T. c. pp. 322-324, pi. xiii. 4 Pisces. V. PISCES. Cavazzani, E. L’ichthyotoxique chez les Petromyzon marinas. Arch. Ital. Biol, xviii, 1892, pp. 182-186. Claypole, E. W. On the Structure of the American Pfceraspidian, Palceaspis (Claypole) ; with Remarks on the Family. Q. J. G-eol. Soc. xlviii, 1892, pp. 542-561, figs. . A new Gigantic Placoderm from Ohio. Am. Geol. x, 1892, pp. 1-4, fig- ■. The Head of Dinichthys. T. c. pp. 199-207. . A new Coccostean — Coccosteus cuyahagce. Op. cit. xi, 1893, pp. 167-171, figs. Cockerell, T. D. A. A provisional List of the Fishes of Jamaica. Institute of Jamaica, Bulletin No. 1, 1892, 16 pp. Collinge, W. E. On the Preservation of Teleostean Ova. Ann. N. H. (6) x, 1892, pp. 228-230. Cope, E. D. The Vertebrata of the Tertiary and Cretaceous Rocks of the North-West Territory. Contr. Canad. Pal. iii, 1891, 25 pp., 14 pis. . A Contribution to the Vertebrate Palaeontology of Texas. P. Am. Phil. Soc. xxx, 1892, pp. 123-131. . On some New and Little-known Palaeozoic Vertebrates. T. c. pp. 221-229, pis. vii & viii. -. On the Phylogeny of the Vertebrata. T. c. pp. 278-281, figs. . On a new Horizon of Fossil Fishes. Abstract, P. Am. Ass. 1891 (1892), p. 285. Crook, A. R. Ueber einige fossile Knochenfische aus der mittleren Kreide von Kansas. Palaeontogr. xxxix, 1892, pp. 107-124, pis. xv- xviii. Cuenot, L. Les Poissons commensaux et parasites. Le Nat. xiv, 1892, pp. 53-57, figs. Cunningham, J. T. Recent Additions to our Knowledge of the Natural History of some Devonshire Sea Fish. Rep. Tr. Devon Ass. xxiv, 1892, pp. 470-475. . On the Rate of Growth of some Sea Fishes, and the Age and Size at which they begin to breed. J. Mar. Biol. Ass. (2) ii, 1892, pp. 222-264. . Ichthyological Contributions. T. c. pp. 325-332, pi. xiv. — — . Report on the Probable Ages of Young Fish Collected by Mr. Holt in the North Sea. T. c. pp. 344-362. . On the Growth of Food-Fishes and their Distribution at different Ages. Rep. Brit. Ass. 1891, pp. 685 & 686 (1892). — — . The Reproduction of the Pilchard. T. c. p. 686. TITLES. Pisces 5 [Cunningham, J. T.] Distribution of Crystal log obi us nilssonii. Rep. Brit. Ass. 1891, p. 687. . The Growth of the Pilchard or Sardine. Nature, xlv, 1892, pp. 255 & 256. >. Pilchards. T. c. p. 558. . The Evolution of Flat-Fishes. Nat. Sci. i, 1892, pp. 191-199 & 635-638. °Daguin, A., & Bardies, C. Faune de la Haute Marne. Les Poissons. Paris : 1892, 16mo, 89 pp. Dahl, F. Zur Frage der Bewegung fliegender Fische. Zool. Adz. xv, 1892, pp. 106-108. Daimeries, A. Notes Ichthyologiques. Bull. Soc. Mai. Belg. (4) vi, 1891, pp. lxxiii-lxxvii. Danilewsky, B. Zur Physiologie des Centralnervensystems vom Ampliioxus. Arch. ges. Phys. li, 1892, pp. 393-400. Davis, J. W. On the Fossil Fish-Remains of the Coal-Measures of the British Islands. Part 1. Pleuracanthkhe. Sci. Tr. R. Dublin Soc. (2) iv, 1892, pp. 703-748, pis. lxv-lxxiii. Dean, B. Notes on the Common Catfish. Rep. U. S. Fish. Comm, xix, 1892, pp. 301-305, pi. — . [Quoted from Separate Copy.] >. Pineal Fontanelle of Placoderm and Catfish. T. c. pp. 308-333, 14 pis. [Quoted from Separate Copy.] Dohrn, A. Die Schwann’schen Kerne der Selachierembryonen. Anat. Anz. vii, 1892, pp. 348-351. Dollo, L. Sur la Morphologie des Cotes. Bull. Sci. Fr. Belg. xxiv, 1892, pp. 113-129. . Sur la Morphologie de la Colonne vertebrale. T. c. 19 pp. [separate copy]. . Sur le Lepidosteus suessoniensis. T. c. 5 pp. [separate copy]. Douglas-Ogilby, J. On some undescribed Reptiles and Fishes from Australia. Rec. Austral. Mus. ii, 1892, pp. 23-26. Dubois, R. Contribution a l’etude du mecanisme respiratoire des Dipno'iques et de leur passage de la torpeur estivale a la vie active. Ann. Soc. L. Lyon (2) xxxix, 1892, pp. 65-72, figs. Duncker, G. Ein muthmasslicher Bastard zwischen Pleur onectes platessa, L., und P. limanda , L. Zool. Anz. xv, 1892, pp. 451-453. Dunn, M. Pilchards. Nature, xlv, 1892, pp. 511 & 512. Edinger, L. Untersuchungen fiber die vergleichende Anatomie des Gehirns : 2. Das Zwischenhirn. Erster Teil : Das Zwischenhirn der Selachier und der Amphibien. Abh. Senck. Ges. xviii, 1892, 55 pp., 5 pis. Abstract in Anat. Auz, vii, 1892, pp. 472-476. 6 Pisces . v. pisces. Eigenmann, C. H. The Fishes of San Diego, California. P. U. S. Nat. Mus. xv , 1892, pp. 123-178, pis. x-xviii. • . Branchiostoma elongation, Sundevall, at San Diego, California. Am. Nat. xxvi, 1892, p. 70. . On the Presence of an Operculum in the Aspredinklce. T. c. p. 71. . The Percopsidce of the Pacific Slope. Science, xx, 1892, pp, 233 & 234. Eigenmann, C. H. & R. S. New Fishes from Western Canada. Am. Nat. xxvi, 1892, pp. 961-964. • . Preliminary Descriptions of New Fishes from the North-West. Op. cit. xxvii, 1893, pp. 151-154. Etheridge, R., Jun., & Woodward, A. S. On the Occurrence of the genus Belonostomus in the Rolling Downs Formation (Cretaceous) of Central Queensland. Tr. R. Soc. Yict. ii, 1892, pp. 1-7, pi. i. Evermann, B. W. Report on the Establishment of Fish-Cultural Stations in the Rocky Mountain Region and Gulf States. Bull. U. S. Fish Comm. f. 1891, pp. 1-90, pis. i-xxxvi (1892). . Description of a new Sucker, Pantosteus jordani. Op. cit. 1892, pp. 51-56, fig. (1893). Ewart, J. C. The Electric Organ of the Skate. — Observations on the Structure, Relations, Progressive Development, and Growth of the Electric Organ of the Skate. Phil. Tr. clxxxiii (b), 1892, pp. 389- 420, pis. xxvi-xxx. Abstract, P. R. Soc. 1, 1892, pp. 474-476. — — . The lateral sense organs of Elasmobranchs. i. The sensory canals of Lcemargus. ii. The sensory canals of the common Skate, Raia batis. Zool. Anz. xv, 1892, pp. 116-120. Facciola, L. SulP esistenza di passaggio da alcune specie di Leptocefalidi agli adulti corrispondenti. Nat. Sicil. xi, 1893, pp. 144-148. Festa, E. I Pesci del Piemonte. Boll. Mus. Zool. Tor. vii, 1892, No. 129, 125 pp. Forbes, H. O. On a Species of Regalecus or Great Oar-fish, caught in Okain’s Bay. Tr. N. Z. Inst. xxiv. 1892, pp. 192-198. Fusari, R. Sur les premieres phases de developpement des Teleosteens. Arch. Ital. Biol, xviii, 1892, pp. 204-239. Gadeau de Kerville, H. Description d’un poisson et d’un oiseau monstreux. J. de l’Anat. Phys. xxviii, 1892, pp. 563-566, pi. xviii. Gardiner, E. J. L. Note on the Fish Remains from the Old Red Sandstone of Portishead. P. Bristol Soc. (2) vii, 1892, pp. 34 & 35. Garman, S. The Discoboli. Cyclopteridcei Liparopsidce, and Liparididce. Mem. Mus. C. Z. xiv, No. 2, 1892, 96 pp., 13 pis. . The Distribution of Fishes. Science, xix, 1892, p. 187. TITLES. Pisces 7 Gtard, A. The Evolution of Flat-Fish. Nat. Sci. i, 1892, pp. 356-359. Gill, T. Notes on the Tetrciodontoidea. P. IT. S. Nat. Mus. xiv, 1892, pp. 705-720, pi. xxxiv. Grassi, G. B., & Calandruccio, S. Le Leptocefalide e la loro trans- formazione in Murenide. Atti Acc. Pontif. Lincei (5) i, 1892, Rend. pp. 375-379. Grimm, G. Fischerei und Jagd in den russischen Gewassern. Ueber- setzt von G. Josephy. Arch. f. Nat. lviii, i, 1892, pp. 191-208. Guitel, F. Sur l’ovaire et l’oeuf du Gobius minutus. C.R. cxiv, 1892, pp. 612-616, figs. . Sur les mceurs du Clinus argenteus. Op. cit. cxlv, 1892, pp. 295-297. . Observations sur les moeurs du Gobius minutus. Arch. Z. exper. (2) x, 1892, pp. 499-555, pi. xxii. Gunther, A. List of the Species of Reptiles and Fishes collected by Mr. A. E. Pratt on the Upper Yang-tze-kiang and in the province Sze-Chuen, with Description of the New Species. Appendix n to Pratt’s “Snows of Tibet” (London: 1892, 8vo), pp. 238-250, pis. i-iv. . Description of a remarkable Fish from Mauritius, belonging to the Genus Scorpcena. P. Z. S. 1891, pp. 482 & 483, pi. xxxix. . Additional Note on the Occurrence of Lichia vadigo on the Cornish Coast. Ann. N. H. (6) x, 1892, pp. 335 & 336. Haase, H. Beobachtungen fiber fliegende Fische. Zool. Anz. xv, 1892, p. 26. Hasse, C. Die Entwicklung der Wirbelsaule der Elasmobranchier. Dritte Abhandlung fiber die Entwicklung der Wirbelsaule. Z. wiss. Zool. lv, 1892, pp. 519-531, pi. xxi. . Die Entwicklung der Wirbelsaule der Dipnoi. Vierte Abhandlung fiber die Entwicklung der Wirbelsaule. T. c. 1893, pp. 533-542, pi. xxii. . Allgemeine Bemerkungen fiber die Entwickelung und die Stammesgeschichte der Wirbelsaule. Anat. Anz. viii, 1893, pp. 288 & 289. Hatschek, B. Zur Metamerie der Wirbeltiere. Nachtrag und Berichti- gung. Op. cit. 1892, pp. 89-91. . Die Metamerie des Amphioxus und des Ammocodes. Yerh. Anat. Ges. 1892, pp. 136-161, figs. Heincke,F. YariabilitatundBastardbildungbei Cyprinoiden. Leuckart Festschrift, 1892, pp. 64-73, figs., pi. viii. Herrick, C. L. Notes upon the Anatomy and Histology of the Prosencephalon in Teleosts. Am. Nat. xxvi, 1892, pp. 112-120, pis. vii & vii. 1892. [vol. xxix.] c 12 8 Pisces. V. PISCES. [Herrick, C. L.] Additional Notes on the Teleost Brain. Anat. Anz. vii, 1892, pp. 422-431, figs. Herzenstein, S. Ichthyologische Bemerkungen aus dem Zoologischen Museum der Kaiserlichen Akademie Wissenschaften. Mel. Biol, xiii, 1892, pp. 219-235, fig., and Bull. Petersb. (2) iii, 1892, pp. 49-65, fig. Hilgendorf, F. Neue Stor-Art you Nord-Japan, Acipenser miJcadoi. SB. nat. Fr. 1892, pp. 98-100. Hoffman, H. A., & Jordan, D. S. A Catalogue of the Fishes of Greece, with Notes on the Names now in use, and those employed by classical authors. P. Ac. Philad. 1892, pp. 230-285. Hoffmann, C. K. Zur Entwicklungsgeschichte des Herzens und der Blutgefasse bei den Selachiern. Ein Beitrag zur Kenntniss des unteren Keimblattes. Morph. JB. xix, 1893, pp. 592-648, figs., pis. xxii-xxv. - — -. Ueber die Eutstehung der endothelialen Anlage des Herzens und der Gefasse bei Hai-Embryonen ( Acanthias vulgaris). Anat. Anz. vii, 1892, pp. 270-273, figs. Holmberg, E. Ij. Sobre algunos Peces nuevos 6 poco conocidos de la Republica Argentina. Rev. Argent, i, 1891, pp. 180-193. Holt, E. W. L. On some Young Specimens of Centrolophus pompilus (Art.) from the Coast of Cornwall. J. Mar. Biol. Ass. (2) ii, 1892, pp. 265-267. . North Sea Investigations. T. c. pp. 216-219 & 363-393. Hopkins, G. S. On the digestive tract of some North American Ganoids. Abstract. P.Am. Ass. xli, 1892, p. 197. Howes, G. B. On the Arrangement of the Living Fishes, as based upon the Study of their Reproductive System. Rep. Brit. Ass. 1891, pp. 694 & 695 (1892). . On the Customary Methods of Describing the Gills of Fishes. T. c. p. 702. Jaekel, O. Ueber Dichelodus , Gieb., und einige Ichthyodoruliten, eine Entgegnung an Herrn A. Smith Woodward. JB. Mineral. 1892, i, pp. 145-151, figs. . Ueber Cladodus und seine Bedeutung fiir die Phylogenie der Extremitaten. SB. nat. Fr. 1892, pp. 80-92, fig. . Ueber Chalcodus permianus. T. c. pp. 156-158. Jordan, D. S., & Davis, B. M. A Preliminary Review of the Apodal Fishes or Eels inhabiting the waters of America and Europe. Rep. U. S. Fish. Comm. f. 1888, pp. 581-677, pis. lxxiii-lxxx (1892). Kermode, P. M. C. Contributions to a Vertebrate Fauna of the Isle of Man. Fish. Zool. (3) xvii, 1893, pp. 65-70. TITLES. Pisces 9 Kirsch, P. H. Notes on the Streams and Fishes of Clinton County, Kentucky, with a Description of a new Darter. Bull. U. S. Fish. Comm. f. 1890, pp. 289-292, fig. (1892). . Notes on a Collection of Fishes from the Southern Tributaries of the Cumberland River in Kentucky and Tennessee. Op. cit. 1891, pp. 259-268 (1893). Klaatsch, H. Beitrage zur vergleichenden Anatomie der Wirbelsaule. i. Ueber den Urzustand der Fischwirbelsaule. Morph. JB. xix, 1893, pp. 649-680, fig., pi. xxvi. ^'Klunzinger, C. B. Bodenseefische, deren Pflege und Fang. Stuttgart: 1892, 8vo, xii, 232 pp., figs. Knauthe, K. Ueber Melanismus bei Fischen. Zool. Anz. xv, 1892, p. 25. . Ichthyologische Notiz. Op. cit. xvi, 1893, pp. 109 & 110. Kolombatovic, G. Blennius zvonimiri , n. sp., Nova vrsta babice dalmatinskoga mora. Glasnik. Naravosl. Druztva, vii, 1892, pp. 107-112, pi. v. Kunstler, M. Sur la fecondatiou artificielle du Cantharus griseus. Act. Soc. L. Bord. (5) v, 1893, pp. 241-243. Lataste, F. Sur les poissons vomis par les puits artesiens. Actes Soc. Sci. Chili, i, 1892, pp. xxxviii & xxxxix. Lenhossek, M. y. Die Nervenendigungen in den Endknospen der Mundschleimhaut der Fische. Vorlaufige Mittheilung. Festschr, Nat. Ges. Basel, 1892, pp. 92-100. . Beobachtungen an den Spinalganglien und dem Riickenmark von Pristiurusembryonen. Anat. Anz. vii, 1892, pp. 519-539, figs. Leydig, F. Integument briinstiger Fische und Amphibien. Biol. Centrabl. xii, 1892, pp. 205-221. . Blaufarbiger Wasserfrosch ; Leuchtflecken der Ellritze. Zool. Gart. xxxiii, 1892, pp. 1-7. . Zur Kenntniss der Legerohre des Bitterlings. T. c. pp. 129-133. - — -. Springfrosch, Bana agilis ; Ellritze, Phoxinus Icevis. T. c. pp. 321-326. Lidth de Jeude, T. W. On Orthagoriscus nasus, Ranzani. Notes Leyd. Mus. xiv, 1892, pp. 127-128, pi. v. Lilljeborg, W. Sveriges och Norges Fiskar. Upsala : 3 vols. 8vo, 1884-91. Fascicle 8, concluding the work, issued 1891. Lucas, A. H. S. A new species of Freshwater Fish from Lake Nigothoruk, Mount Wellington, Victoria. P. R. Soc. Viet. (2) iv, 1892, pp. 27 & 28. 10 Pisces. V. PISCES. Lucas, F. A. On Carcharodon mortoni , Gibbes. P. Biol. Soc. Washing- ton, vii, 1892, pp. 151 & 152. Lutken, C. F. Spolia Atlantica. Scopelini Musei Zoologici Universi- tatis Hauniensis. Bidrag til Knndskab om det aabne Havs Laxesild eller Scopeliner. Med et Tillseg om en anden pelagisk Fiskeslaegt. Vid. Selsk. Skr. (6) vii, 1892, pp. 223-297, 3 pis. Lwoff, B. Ueber die Keimblatterbildung bei den Wirbeltieren. Biol. Centralbl. xiii, 1893, pp. 40-50, 76-81. Macpherson, H. A. A Vertebrate Fauna of Lakeland, including Cumberland and Westmoreland with Lancashire North of the Sands. Edinburgh : 1892, 8vo, 552 pp. Marcy, — . Des Mouvements de natation de la Raie. CR. cxvi, 1893, pp. 77-81, figs. Marion, F. Reproduction et croissance de la Sardine dans le golfe de Marseille durant la campagne 1891. C.R. Ass. Fr. Sci. 1891, i, pp. 238 & 239 (1892). Martin, R., & Rollinat, R. Catalogue des Reptiles, Batraciens, et Poissons du Departement de l’lndre. Mem. Soc. Zool. v, 1892, pp. 30-45. Maxwell, H. Notes on the Freshwater Fishes of the Solway Area. Ann. Scott. N. H. i, 1892, pp. 103 & 104. McCormick, L. M. Descriptive List of the Fishes of Lorain County, Ohio. Bull. Oberlin Coll. Labor. No. 2, 1892, 34 pp., 14 pis. McIntosh, W. C. Notes from the St. Andrews Marine Laboratory. No. xiii. Ann. N. H. (6) x, 1892, pp. 97-108, pi. viii. Mojsisovics, A. Y. Ueber eine auffalige (ueue) Varietat des Acipenser ruthcnus, L. SB. Ak. Wien, ci, i, 1892, pp. 328-330, pi. — . Mollier, S. Zur Entwickelung der Selachierextremitaten. Vorlaufige Mitteilung. Anat. Anz. vii, 1892, pp. 351-365. Moreau, E. Manuel d’Ichthyologie fra^aise. Paris : 1892, 8vo, 650 pp., 3 pis. Morris, C. The Origin of Lungs, a Chapter in Evolution. Anat. Anz. xxvi, 1892, pp. 975-986. Newton, E. T. Note on a new species of Onychodus from the Lower Old Red Sandstone of Forfar. Geol. Mag. (3) ix, 1892, pp. 51 & 52, %• Nitsche, P. Die Zucht des Schleierschwanzes und des Teleskopfisches in Zimmer und Garten. Zool. Gart. xxxiii, 1892, pp. 289-300, 336-348. Olt, A. Lebensweise und Entwicklung des Bitterlings. Z. wiss. Zool. lv, 1893, pp. 543-575, pi. xxiii. TITLES. Pisces 11 Ostroumoff, A. Zoologische Excursion nach Mangyscblack und Basatschi (Russian text). Protok. obsch. estest. Kazan, 1889-90, Append. No. 113 (1890), 16 pp. Owsjannikow, P. On the Embryology of the River-Lamprey. Trans- lation. Ann. N. H. (6) xi, 1893, pp. 30-43. Perugia, A. Intorno ad alcuni pesci raccolti al Congo dal Capitano Giacomo Bove. Ann. Mus. Genov. (2) x, 1892, pp. 967-977, figs. • . Descrizione di una nuova specie di Myxus raccolta nel Rio Senegal dal Cap. G. Capurro. Op. cit. xii, 1892, pp. 1007 & 1008. . Descrizione di due nuove specie di ’pesci raccolti in Sarawak dai Sig. G. Doria ed O. Beccari. T. c. pp. 1009 & 1010. Platt, J. B. Fibres connecting the Central Nervous System and Chorda in Amphioxus. Anat. Anz. vii, 1892, pp. 282-284, figs. Pohlig, H. Altpermische Saurierfahrten, Fische und Medusen der Gegend von Friedrichroda i. Thfir. Leuckart Festschrift, 1892, pp. 59-64, figs., pi. vii. Pollard, H. B. On the Anatomy and Phylogenetic Position of Polypterus. Morph. JB., Anat. v, 1892, pp. 387-428, figs., pis. xxvii-xxx. . The Lateral Line System in Siluroids. T. c. pp. 525-551, pis. xxxv & xxxvi. Pouchet, G. Remarque sur deux Turbots a face nadirale pigment^e. C.R. Soc. Biol. (9) iv, 1892, pp. 200-202. Purvis, G. C. On the Pineal Eye of Lamnci cornulica, or Porbeagle Shark. P. Phys. Soc. Edinb. 1890-91, pp. 62-67, pi. — (1892). Rabl, C. Ueber die Entwicklung des Yenensystems der Selachier. Leuckart Festschrift, 1892, pp. 228-235, figs. . Ueber die Metamerie des Wirbeltierkopfes. Yerh. Anat. Ges. 1892, pp. 104-135, figs., pi. ii. Raffaele, F. Ricerche sullo sviluppo del sistema vascolare nei Selacei. MT. z. Stat. Neap, x, 1892, pp. 441-479, pis. xxix-xxxi. Ramon y Cajal, S. La Retina de los Teleosteos y algunas observa- ciones sobre la de los vertebrados superiores. Ann. Soc. Esp. (2) i, 1892, pp. 281-305, figs. Reis, O. Zur Osteologie der Coelacanthinen, i Teil. Rumpfskelet, Knochen des Schadels und der TVangen, Kiemenbogenskelet, Schultergfirtel, Becken, Integument und innere Organe. Inaugural Dissertation. Munich : 1892, 8vo, 39 pp., 2 pis. . Zur Osteologie und Systematik der Belonorhvnchiden und T etragonolepiden . Geogn. JH. iv, 1892, pp. 143-166. . Anhang fiber Dorypterus. T . c. pp. 167-170. 12 Pisces. V. PISCES. [Reis, O.] Ueber die Zurechnung der Acanthodier zu den Selacbiern. SB. nat. Fr. 1892, pp. 153-156. With remarks by 0. Jaekel, t. c. pp. 156-158. Retzius, G-. Die sensiblen Nervenendigungen in der Haut des Petromyzon. Biol. Untersuch. (2) iii, 1892, pp. 37-40, pi. xiii. . Die Nervenendigungen in den Endknospen resp. Nervenhiigeln der Fische und Amphibien. Op. cit. iv, pp. 33-36. . Ueber die sensiblen Nervenendigungen in den Epithelien bei den Wirbelthieren. T. c. pp. 37-44, pis. xi-xv. . Das Caudalskelet der Myxine glutinosa. Biol. Foren. iii, 1892, pp. 81-84, pi. iii. . Das hintere Ende des Riickenmarks und der Chorda dorsalis bei Petromyzon fluviatilis. Op. cit. iv, 1892, pp. 36-41, figs. Rohde, E. Muskel und Nerv bei Mermis und Amphioxus. SB. Ak. Berlin, 1892, pp. 659-664. Rohon, J. V. Die Obersilurischen Fische von Oesel. i. Theil. Thyestidce und Tremataspiidce. Mem. Ac. Petersb. (7) xxxviii, 1892, No. 13, 88 pp., 2 pis. Rose, C. Ueber Zahnbau und Zahnwechsel der Dipnoer. Anat. Anz. vii, 1892, pp. 821-839, figs. Ruckert, J. Zur Entwickelungsgeschichte des Ovarialeies bei Selachiern. T. c. pp. 107-158, figs. . Ueber die Verdoppelung der Chromosomen im Keimblaschen des Selachiereies. Op. cit. viii, 1892, pp. 44-52, figs. Ryder, J. A. The Sturgeons and Sturgeon Industries of the Eastern Coast of the United States, with an Account of Experiments bear- ing upon Sturgeon Culture. Bull. U. S. Fish. Comm, viii, 1890, pp. 231-281, pis. xxxvii-lix. . On the Mechanical Genesis of the Scales of Fishes. P. Ac. Philad. 1892, pp. 219-224, figs., and Ann. N. H. (6) xi, 1893, pp. 243-248, figs. Sauvage, H. E. La faune ichthyologique du terrain permien fran9ais. C.R. cxvi, 1893, pp. 656 & 657. . Recherches sur les Poissons du Lias Sup^rieur de l’Yonne. Zone a Ciment de Vassy. Bull. Soc. Autun, iv, 1891, pp. 59-81, pis. vi-ix, and v, 1892, pp. 386-399, pis. xvi & xvii. Schmidt, F. Ueber neue silurische Fischfunde auf Oesel. JB. Mineral. 1893, i, pp. 99-101. Schmidt, L. Untersuchuugen zur Kenntniss des Wirbelbaues von Amia calva. Z. wiss. Zool. liv, 1892, pp. 748-764, figs., pi. xxxiv. Schulze, E. Fauna piscium Germanise, ii. Auflage. Konigsberg : 1892, 8vo, 94 pp., figs. TITLES. Fisces 13 Schulze, F. E. Freie Nervenenden in der Epidermis der Knochenfische. SB. Ak. Berlin, 1892, pp. 87 & 88, fig. Sedgwick, A. Notes on Elasmobranch Development. Q. J. Micr. Sci. xxxiii, 1892, pp. 559-586, pi. xxxv. Service, R. Freshwater Fishes of the Solway Area. Ann. Scott. N. H. i, 1892, pp. 18-25. Sieglin, — . Einbiirgening fremder Nutzfische in Wiirttemberg. JH. Yer. Wurth xlviii, 1892, pp. xxvii-xli. Sim, G. Occurrence of Triglops murrayi , Gunther, on the East Coast of Scotland. Ann. Scott. N. H. i, 1892, p. 76. . Occurrence of Sebastes viviparus , Kroyer, off the East Coast of Scotland. Op. cit. ii, 1893, p. 47. Spencer, W. B. Note on the Habits of Ceratodus forsteri. P. R. Soc. Yict. (2) iv, 1892, pp. 81-84. Steindachner, F. Ueber einige nene und seltene Fischarten in den Sammlungen des k. k. naturhistorischen Hofmuseums. Anz. Ak. Wien, 1892, pp. 130-134, and Denk. Ak. Wien, lix, 1892, pp. 357- 384, 6 pis. Stohr, P. Die Entwickelung von Leber and Pankreas der Forelle. Anat. Anz. viii, 1893, pp. 205-208. Storms, R. Note sur l’lchthyologie fossile. Bull Soc. Belg. Geol. v, 1891, pp. 114-128 & 142-157. ■ . Sur le Cybium ( Enchodus ) bleekcvi , du Terrain Bruxellien. Op. cit. vi, Mem. pp. 3-14, pi. i (1892). Strachly, 0. Die Karyomitose bei abnormer Entwicklung des Forel- leneies. MT. embr. Inst. Wien (2) v, 1892, pp. 20-22. Thomson, G. M. Notes on Sea-Fishes. Tr. N. Z. Inst, xxiv, 1892, pp. 202-215. Traquair, R. H. On the British Species of Astzrolepidce . P. Phys. Soc. Edinb. 1891-92, pp. 283-286 (1893). . On a New Palseoniscid Fish, Myriolepis hibernicus , from the Coal- Measures, co. Kilkenny, Ireland. Geol. Mag. (3) x, 1893, pp. 54-56, pi. iii. . Notes on the Devonian Fishes of Campbelltown and Scaumenac Bay in Canada. No. 2. T. c. pp. 145-149, figs. . Note on an abnormally developed Thornback (Raia clavata , L.). Ann. Scott. N. H. i, 1892, pp. 29 & 30, fig. . List of the type and figured Specimens in the u Powrie Collection ” of Fossils. T. c. pp. 31-39. . On Malformed Trout from Scottish Waters. No. 1. T. c. pp. 92- 103, pis. iii-v. . A new Fossil Fish from Dura Den. T. c. pp. 233-235. 14 Pisces . V. PISCES. [Traquair, R. H.] An unusually Coloured Example of the Thornback (Raia clavata , Linn.). Ann. Scott. N. H. ii, 1893, p. 25, pi. i. Trimen, R. On the Occurrence of a rare Fish ( Lophotes cepedianus ) at the Cape of Good Hope. P. Z. S. 1891, pp. 483 & 484. Vaillant, L. Remarques sur quelques Poissons du haut Tonkin. C.R. cxiv, 1892, pp. 1028 & 1029. ■ . Sur le genre Megapleuro?i. T. c. pp. 1083 & 1084. . Sur les affinites du genre Oreosoma, Cuvier. Op. cit. cxvi, 1893, pp. 598-000. . Sur quelques Poissons rapportes du haut Tonkin par M. Pavie. Bull. Soc. Philom. (8) iv, 1892, pp. 125-127. . Notes Ichthyologiques. Op. cit. v, 1893, pp. 13-17. . Sur la possibility du transport des galets dans l’appareil digestif des Poissons. Bull. Soc. Geol. (3) xx, 1892, pp. 111-113. Virchow, H. Das Dotterorgan der Wirbelthiere. Z. wiss. Zool. liii, Suppl., 1892, pp. 161-206, pi. x. Werner, F. Untersuchungen fiber die Zeichnung der Wirbelthiere. Morph. JB., Syst. vi, 1892, pp. 155-229, pis. vi-x. Whiteaves, J. F. Contributions to Canadian Palaeontology. Vol. i. Part iv. The Fossils of the Devonian Rocks of the Islands, Shores, or immediate vicinity of Lakes Manitoba and Winnipegosis. Geo- logical Survey of Canada. Ottawa : 1892, 359 pp., 47 pis. Wiedersheim, R. Das Gliedmassenskelet der Wirbelthiere, mit beson- derer Berucksichtigung des Schulter- und Beckengiirtels bei Fischen, Amphibien, und Reptilien. Jena : 1892, 8vo, 266 pp., figs., 17 pis. Wijhe, J. W. van. Ueber Amphioxus. Anat. Anz. viii, 1893, pp. 152- 172. Wilson, E. B. On Multiple and Partial Development in Amphioxus. Op. cit. vii, 1892, pp. 732-740, figs. Witchell, C. A., & Strugnell, W. B. The Fauna and Flora of Gloucestershire. Stroud : 1892, 8vo, 301 pp. Wood-Mason, J., & Alcock, A. Further Observations on the Gestation of Indian Rays ; being Natural History Notes from H.M. Indian Marine Survey Steamer “Investigator.” Series n, No. 2. P. R. Soc. 1, 1892, pp. 202-209. Woodward, A. S. On the Skeleton of a Chimseroid Fish (. Ischyodus ) from the Oxford Clay of Christian Malford, Wiltshire. Ann. N. H. (6) ix, 1892, pp. 94-96. . On some Teeth of new Chimseroid Fishes from the Oxford and Kimmeridge Clays of England. Op. cit. x, 1892, pp. 13-16, pi. iii. . Doubly-armoured Herrings. T. c. pp. 412 & 413. TITLES, GENERAL SUBJECT. PisCGS 15 [Woodward, A. S.] Note on a Case of Subdivision of the Median Fin in a Dipnoan Fish. Ann. N. H. (6) xi, 1893, pp. 241 & 242, fig. . On the Lower Devonian Fish-Fauna of Campbell town, New Bruns- wick. Geol. Mag. (3) ix, 1892, pp. 1-6, pi. i. • Further Contributions to the Devonian Fish-Fauna of Canada. T. c. pp. 481-485, figs., pi. xiii. . Description of the Cretaceous Saw-Fish, Sclerorhynchus atavus. T. c. pp. 529-534, fig., pi. xiv. . Supplementary observations on some Fossil Fishes of the English Lower Oolites. P. Geol. Ass. xii, 1892, pp. 238-241, pi. iv. . Remarks on the Lower Tertiary Fish-Fauna of Sardinia. Rep. Brit. Ass. 1891, pp. 634 & 635 (1892). ■ . The Evolution of Fins. Nat. Sci. i, 1892, pp. 28-35, figs. . The Fore-runners of the Backboned Animals. T. c. pp. 596-602, figs. . The Evolution of Sharks’ Teeth. T. c. pp. 671-675, figs. Wool man, A. J. New Fishes from Chihuahua, Mexico. Am. Nat. xxvi, 1892, pp. 259-261. Young, M., & Eagle Clarke, W. On Anarrhichas minor, Olafsen, and its occurrence on the Aberdeenshire Coast. Ann. Scott. N. H. i, 1892, pp. 26-29, pi. i. Zenk, F. Ueber die Laichzeit des Aales. Mitth. Oesterr. Fischereiver. 1891, No. 39, and Zool. Gart. xxxiii, 1892, pp. 61 & 62. Ziegler, H. E., & F. Beitrage zur Entwickelungsgeschichte von Tor - pedo. Arch. mikr. Anat. xxxix, 1892, pp. 56-102, figs., pis. iii & iv. II.— GENERAL SUBJECT. W. Haacke & Pechuel-Loesche have revised the volume dealing with Fishes in the new (third) edition of Brehm’s Tierleben ; Leipzic & Vienna : 1892, 8vo, 517 pp., 146 figs., 11 pis., 1 map. G. B. Howes, Rep. Brit. Ass. 1891, p. 694 (1892), expresses his views on the arrangement of Fishes ( cf . Zool. Rec. xxviii, Pisces , p. 2). E. D. Cope, P. Am. Phil. Soc. xxx, pp. 280 & 281, figs., remarks on the phylogeny of the Fishes. R. Wiedersheim, “ Das Gliedmassenskelet der Wirbelthiere n (see p. 14) ; pp. 24-84 & 143-183 are devoted to the Fishes. A. S. Woodward, Nat. Sci. i, 1892, pp. 28-35, figs., gives a summary of the state of our knowledge of the evolution of fins. 0. Jaekel, SB. nat. Fr. 1892, pp. 80-92, also discusses the evolution of the limbs of Fishes. C. Hasse, Anat. Anz. viii, 1893, pp. 288 & 289, summarises his views on the development and phylogeny of the vertebral column. 16 Pisces. V. PISCES. H. Klaatsch, Morph. JB. xix, 1893, pp. 649-680, fig., pi. xxvi, contributes to the morphology and embryology of the vertebral column in Fishes. L. Dollo, Bull. Sci. Fr. Belg. xxiv, 1892 [quoted from separate copies], discusses the morphology of the vertebral column and ribs. C. Rabl, Yerh. Anat. Ges. 1892, pp. 104-135, figs., pi. ii, discusses the metamery of the head in Vertebrates. H. Ayers, J. Morph, vi, 1892, pp. 1-360, pis. i-xii, has a contribution to the morphology of the Vertebrate ear. G. B. Howes, Rep. Brit. Ass. 1891, p. 702, remarks on the customary methods of describing the gills of Fishes. Gills of the Marsipobranch- Plagiostome type are, for anatomical purposes, termed Cystobranckice , and those of the higher Teleosteans Pectinobranchicc. J. A. Ryder, P. Ac. Philad. 1892, pp. 219-224, figs., and Ann. N. H. (6) xi, 1893, pp. 243-248, figs., writes on the mechanical genesis of the scales of Fishes, and their segmental relation to the hard and soft parts. C. Morris, Am. Nat. xxvi, 1892, pp. 975-986, writes on the air-bladder and the origin of lungs. P. Mitrophanoph, Trav. Soc. Varsovie. ii, 1892, 251 pp., 7 pis., has a paper, in Russian, dealing with the embryology of Fishes. On the nerve-terminations in the epithelium of Fishes ; G. Retzius, Biol. Untersuch. N. F. (2) iii, 1892, pp. 37-40, pis. xiii, & iv, 1892, pp. 33-44, pis. xi-xv. On the nerve-terminations in the buccal epithelium of Fishes ; Len- hossek, Festschr. Nat. Ges. Basel, 1892, pp. 92-100. A. Agassiz, Bull. Mus. C. Z, xxiii, 1892, pp. 189-193, 1 pi., has a preliminary note on some modifications of the chromatophores of Fishes. F. Leydig, Biol. Centralbl. xii, 1892, pp. 205-221, writes on the dermal excrescences of breeding Fishes, and, pp. 444-449, on the structure of the skin. J. T. Cunningham, Rep. Tr. Devon Ass. xxiv, 1892, pp. 470-475, reviews recent additions to our knowledge of the life-history of some Devonshire Sea Fishes. C. Bohr, C.R. cxiv, 1892, pp. 1560-1562, records his experiments on the secretion of oxygen in the air-bladder of Fishes. H. Haase, Zool. Anz. xv, 1892, p. 26, and F. Dahl, t. c. pp. 106-108, further discuss the movements of flying Fishes. F. Lataste, Actes Soc. Sci. Chili, i, 1892, pp. xxxviii & xxxix, remarks on Fishes expelled from artesian wells in France and the Algerian Sahara. L. Vaillant, Bull. Soc. Geol. (3) xx, 1892, pp. 111-113, remarks on stones transported in the digestive tract of Fishes. L. Cuenot, Le Nat. xiv, 1892, pp. 53-57, figs., publishes a popular article on commensalism and parasitism among Fishes. FAUNA'. Pisces 1 7 HI. — FAUNAE. Eueope. “ Vertebrate Fauna of Argyll and the Inner Hebrides ” (Edinburgh : 1892, 8vo) ; J. A. Haryie- Brown & T. E. Buckley devote pp. 219-234 to Fishes. Solway : R. Service, Ann. Scott. N. H. i, 1892, pp. 18-25, gives a list of the Freshwater Fishes of the Solway area, A few additions to the list by H. Maxwell, t. c. pp. 103 & 104. Isle of Man : P. M. C. Kerxode, Zool. (3) xvii, 1892, pp. 65-70, enume- rates the Fishes. “ Vertebrate Fauna of Lakeland H. A. Macpherson deals with the Fishes on pp. 466-526. “ The Fauna and Flora of Gloucestershire ” (Stroud : 1892, 8vo) ; C. A. Witchell & W. B. Strcgnell, Pisces , pp. 149-166. Scandinavia : “ Sveriges och Norges Fiskar” (Upsala : 8vo, 3 vols., 1884-91), by W. Lill.jeborg ; fascicle 8, concluding the work, was issued in 1891. Russia in Europe : revised list of the Fishes ; 0. Grimm, Arch. f. Nat. lviii, 1, 1892, pp. 195-207. France: Manual of French Ichthyology, E. Moreau (Paris: 1892, 8vo, 650 pp., 3 pis); criticised by C. Bellotti, Atti Soc. Ital. xxxiv, 1892, pp. 19-35. Dep. Haute Marne : Faunede la Haute Marne, Poissons ; A. Daguin & C. Bardies (Paris : 1892, 16mo, 89 pp.). Dep. Indre : R. Martin & R. Rollinat, Mem. Soc. Zool. v, 1892, pp. 38-45, enumerate the Fishes. Germany : Erwin Schulze brings out a new, illustrated edition of his synopsis of the Fishes of Germany (Konisberg : 1892, 8vo, 94 pp., 49 figs.). River Main : L. Bruxbaum, Zool. Gart. xxxiii, 1892, pp. 184-188, re- ports on the migrations of Fishes in this river during the spring of 1892. Bodensee : C. B. Klunzinger, Bodenseefische, deren Pflege und Fang (Stuttgart : 1892, 8vo, xii & 232 pp., figs.). Wurttemberg : on the introduction of foreign Fish to ; Sieglin, JH. Ver. Wiirtt. xlviii, 1892, pp. xxvii-xli. Piedmont : E. Festa, Bol. Mus. Zool. Tor. vii, 1892, No. 129, describes the Fishes. Greece : H. A. Hoffman & D. S. Jordan, P. Ac. Philad. 1892, pp. 230-285, publish a catalogue of the Fishes, with notes on the names now in use and those employed by classical authors. Asia. Mangyschlak and Busatchi : A. Ostroumoff, Protok. obsch. estest. Kazan, 1889-90, Append. No. 113 (1890), gives an account, in Russian, of a zoological excursion to. 18 Pisces. V. PISCES. Upper Yang-tse-Kiang and Province Sze-Chuen : A. Gunther gives a list of the Fishes collected by Mr. A. E. Pratt ; Appendix ii to Pratt’s “Snows of Tibet” (London : 1892, 8vo), pp. 243-250, pis. i-iv. Upper Tonkin: L. Yaillant, C.R. cxiv, 1892, pp. 1028 & 1029, and Bull. Soc. Philom. (8) iv, 1892, pp. 125 & 127, records some Fishes. Muscat, East Coast of Arabia : G-. A. Boulenger, P. Z. S. 1892, pp. 133-136, has a third report on the Fishes obtained by Surgeon-Major Javakar. Laccadive Sea, Gulf of Manaar, and Coast of Coromandel : A. Alcock, Ann. N. H. (6) x, pp. 345-365, pi. xviii, reports on the bathybial Fishes obtained by the “Investigator,” during the season of 1891-92. Africa. Congo : A. Perugia, Ann. Mus. Genov. (2) x, 1892, pp. 967-977, figs., reports on a collection of Fishes. America. Montana and Wyoming : B. H. Evermann, Bull. U. S. Fish. Comm. f. 1891, pp. 41-55 (1892), gives an annotated list of Fishes. Ohio : L. M. McCormick, Bull. Oberlin Coll. Labor., No. 2, 1892, 34 pp., 14 pis., gives a descriptive list of the Fishes of Lorain County. Kentucky : P. H. Kirsch, Bull. U. S. Fish Comm. f. 1890, pp. 291 & 292, gives a list of the Fishes of Clinton County. Kentucky and Tennessee: P. H. Kirsch, op. cit. 1891, pp. 259-268 (1893), reports on a collection from the Southern tributaries of the Cumberland River. Texas : B. H. Evermann, t. c. pp. 75-88, has notes on Fishes. California : C. H. Eigenmann, P. U. S. Nat. Mus. xv, 1892, pp. 123- 178, pis. x-xviii, gives an account of his observations on the Fishes of San Diego, with special reference to the spawning habits, embryology and migrations. Jamaica : T. D. A. Cockerell has compiled a provisional list of the Fishes, published as Bulletin No. 1, by the Institute of Jamaica, 1892. Matto-Grosso, Brazil : G. A. Boulenger, Ann. N. H. (6) x, 1892, pp. 9-12, pis. i & ii, describes some new or little-known Fishes. Argentina : E. L. Holmberg, Rev. Argent, i, 1891, pp. 180-193, describes new or little-known Fishes. New Zealand. G. M. Thomson, Tr. N. Z. lust, xxiv, 1892, pp. 202-215, has notes on the occurrence, habits, weight, &c., of various Marine Fishes in New Zealand. PALEONTOLOGY. Pisces 19 IV. — PALAEONTOLOGY. R. Storms, Bull. Soc. Bel g. Geol. v, 1891, pp. 114-128 & 142-157, reviews recent progress in fossil Ichthyology. R. H. Traquair, Ann. Scott. N. H. i, 1892, pp. 31-39, gives a list of the type and figured specimens of fossil Fishes in the “ Powrie Collec- tion,” now in the Edinburgh Museum. British Islands : J. W. Davis, Sci. Tr. R. Dublin Soc. (2) iv, 1892, pp. 703-748, pis. lxv-lxxiii, describes and figures the P l eur acanthi dee from the Coal Measures. England : A. S. "Woodward, P. Ceol. Ass. xii, 1892, pp. 238-241, pi. iv, makes supplementary observations on some fossil Fishes of the Lower Oolites. E. J. L. Gardiner, P. Bristol Soc. (2) vii, 1892, pp. 34 & 35, has a note on Fish-remains from the Old Red Sandstone of Portishead. France : H. E. Sauvage, C.R. cxvi, 1893, p. 656, remarks on the fossil Fish of the Permian. Dep. Yonne : H. E. Sauvage, Bull. Soc. Autun, iv, 1891, pp. 59-81, pis. vi-ix, and op. cit. v, 1892, pp. 386-399, pis. xvi & xvii, publishes researches on the Fish of the Upper Lias. Belgium : A. Daimeries, Bull. Soc. Mai. Belg. (4) vi, 1891, pp. lxxiii- lxxvii, describes fossil Fish-remains. Isle of Oesel, Baltic : J. Y. Rohon monographs the Thyestidce and Tremataspidce of the Upper Silurian ; Mem. Ac. Petersb. (7) xxxviii, 1892, No. 13, 88 pp., 2 pis. F. Schmidt, JB. Mineral. 1893, pp. 99-101, reports on the discovery of New Silurian Fish-remains on the Isle of Oesel. Italy : F. Bassani, Atti 1st. Yenet. (7) iii, 1892, pp. 1031-1045, has a note on Tertiary Fish-remains from Salcedo and No vale. Sardinia : A. S. Woodward, Rep. Brit. Ass. 1891, p. 634 (1892), makes short remarks on the Lower Tertiary Fish fauna. Canada : A. S. Woodward, Geol. Mag. (3) ix, 1892, pp. 1-6, pi. i, and pp. 481-485, pi. xiii, and R. H. Traquair, op. cit. x, 1893, pp. 145-149, figs., have notes on some Devonian Fish-remains. J. F. Whiteaves, Contr. Can. Pal. i, pt. iv, pp. 353-356, has notes on the Fishes of the Devonian of Lakes Manitoba and Winnipeg. E. D. Cope describes some Fish-remains from the Oligocene or Lower Miocene beds of the Cypress Hills ; op. cit. iii, 1891, pp. 1-4. Pennsylvania : E. D. Cope, P. Am. Phil. Soc. xxx, 1892, pp. 221-229, pis. vii & viii, describes various new and little-known palaeozoic Fish- remains, mostly from the Chemung beds. Kansas : A. R. Crook, Palseontogr. xxxix, 1892, pp. 107-124, pis. xv- xviii, describes some Teleosteans from the Chalk. South Dakota : E. D. Cope, P. Am. Ass. 1891 (1892), p. 285, remarks on the discovery of Oligocene (?) Fish-remains in the Ree Hills. 20 Pisces. y. pisces. V. — REFERENCES, ARRANGED SYSTEMATICALLY. TELEOSTOMI. TELEOSTEI. C. L. Herrick, Am. Nat. xxvi, 1892, pp. 112-120, pis. vii & viii, has notes on the anatomy and histology of the prosencephalon of Teleos- teans. The same author, Anat. Anz. vii, 1892, pp. 422-431, figs., has additional notes on the Teleost brain. S. Ramon y Cajal, An. Soc. Esp. (2) i, 1892, pp. 281-305, figs., re- marks on the retina of Teleosteans. F. E. Schulze, SB. Ak. Berlin, 1892, pp. 87 & 88, fig., has a note on nerve-terminations in the ’epidermis of Teleosteans. R. Fusari, Arch. Ital. Biol, xviii, 1892, pp. 204-239, gives a French abstract of his researches on the early stages of development in Teleosteans. P. Stohr, Anat. Anz. viii, 1893, pp. 205-208, writes on the develop- ment of the liver and pancreas in the Trout. W. L. Calderwood, J. Mar. Biol. Ass. (2) ii, 1892, pp. 298-312, pis. xi & xii, contributes to our knowledge of the ovary and intra-ovarian egg in Teleosteans. E. R. Boyer, Bull. Mus. C. Z. xxiii, 1892, pp. 91-133, 8 pis., writes on the mesoderm in Teleosteans, and its share in the formation of the pectoral fin. J. T. Cunningham, J. Mar. Biol. Ass. (2) ii, 1892, pp. 222-264 & 344-362, writes on the rate of growth of some sea Fishes (Gadoids, Pleuronectoids, and Clupeoids), and the age and size at which they begin to breed ; also, t. c. pp. 325-332, on a few larval forms of Sole and Mackerel. W. E. Collinge, Ann. N. H. (6) x, 1892, pp. 228-230, reports on the results of his method of preserving Teleostean ova. A GA NTHOPTER YGIL PERCID2E. Lucioperca, Cuv. : Boulengee, P. Z. S. 1892, p. 411, gives a synopsis of the species, and describes and figures, pi. xxv, a specimen of L. marina , C. & Y. Etheostoma cinereum , Storer, redescribed by Kirsch, Bull. U. S. Fish Comm. f. 1891, p. 264 (1893). E. guentheri , p. 962, Winnipeg and Iowa, and quappella , p. 963, Qu’Appelle, W. Canada, n. spp., Eigen- mann, Am. Nat. xxvi, 1892, p. 963. E. scovellii, n. sp., Woolman, t. c. p. 260, Chihuahua, N. Mexico. E. wrightii, n. sp., McCormick, Bull. Oberlin Coll. Labor., No. 2, 1892, p. 30, Lorain County, Ohio. E. obeyense, n. sp., Kirsch, Bull. U. S. Fish Comm. f. 1890, p. 292, fig. (1892), Kentucky. TELEOSTOMI. Pisces 21 Siniperca scherzerl , n. sp., Steindachner, Adz. Ak. Wien, 1892, p. 130, and Denk. Ak. Wien, lix, 1892, p. 357, pi. i, fig. 1, Shanghai. Percalabrax japonicus, C. & V.: on a large specimen; Steindachner, Denk. Ak. Wien, lix, 1892, p. 359. Serranus dermopterus , Schleg., redescribed and figured ; id. t. c. p. 359, pi. ii, fig. 1. C. H. Bollman, Rep. U. S. Fish. Comm. f. 1888, pp. 557-579. pis. lxviii- lxxii (1891), reviews the N. American Central' chidce. Squamipinnes. Toxotes niicrolepis, Gthr,, is distinct from T. microlepis , Blyth, which is renamed T. blythii ; Boulenger, Ann. N. H. (6) ix, 1892, p. 143. SPARIDiE. Box lineatus , n. sp., Boulenger, P. Z. S. 1892, p. 134, Muscat, Arabia. Cantharus griseus , C. & Y. : on artificial fecundation ; Kunstler, Act. Soc. L. Bord. (5) v, 1893, p. 241. ScORPiENIDiE. Sebastes viviparus , Kroy. : on its occurrence off the East Coast of Scotland ; G. Sim, Ann. Scott. N-. H. ii, 1893, p. 47. [The fish described as S. norvegicus by Sim is Scorpama dactylopterus. — Rec.] Scorpcena frondosa , n. sp., Guntiier, P. Z. S. 1891, p. 482, pi. xxxix, Mauritius. Minous inermis , Alcock : description of an Anthomedusoid commensal on this fish ; Alcock, Ann. N. H. (6) x, 1892, p. 207. Nandida’. Acharnes niederleinii) p. 181, Missiones, Argentina, and chacoensis, p. 182, Chaco, Argentina, n. spp., Holmberg, Rev. Argent, i, 1891. Berycim. Oreosoma , Cuv., is referred to the Berycidce ; Vaillant, C.R. cxvi, 1893, p. 598. SCI^NID.E. Scicena albijlora, Richards., (= Pagrus macrophthalmus , Basil.), p. 361, amoyensis, Blkr., p. 362, and amblyceps , Blkr., p. 363, redescribed by Steindachner, Denk. Ak. Wien, lix, 1892. Carangjd^i. Lichia vadigo, Risso : on specimens from the Cornish Coast ; Gunther, Ann. N. H. (6) x, 1892, p. 335. 22 Pisces. V. PISCES. Stromateidas. Centrolophus pompilus, Art. : on some young specimens from the Coast of Cornwall ; Holt, J. Mar. Biol. Ass. (2) ii, 1892, p. 265. ScOMBRIDiE. Thynnus macropterus, Schleg., = T. albacora , Lowe ; Boulenger, P. Z. S. 1892, p. 135. Cybium ( Enchodus ) bleeheri , Winkler (foss.), described and figured by Storms, Mem. Soc. Belg. Geol. vi, 1892, p. 3, pi. i. CoTTIDiE. Triglops murrayi , Gthr., recorded from the E. Coast of Scotland by G. Sim, Ann. Scott. N. H. i, 1892, p. 76. Cottus philonips and onychus , n. spp., Eigenmann, Am. Nat. xxvi, 1892, p. 963, W. Canada. Argyrocottus , n. g., resembling Melletes} Bean, in the very long ventrals, but distinguished by the absence of cleft behind the last gill, of teeth on the palate, and of scales. A. zanderi , n. sp., Herzenstein, Mel. biol. xiii, 1892, p. 219, Sachalien I. Discoboli S. Garman brings out a monograph of these Fishes, which he divides into three families : Cyclopteridce) Liparopsidce , Liparididce ; Mem. Mus. C. Z. xiv, No. 2, 1892, 96 pp., 13 pis. Cyclopteroides, n. g., closely allied to Cyclopterus , for C. gyrinops, n. sp. ; Garman, t. c. p. 37, pi. xi, figs. 4-9, Alaska. Liparops , n. g., for Cyclopterus stelleri , Pall. ; Garman, t. c. p. 42. Liparis, Act. : the following species are figured by Garman, t. c. : — L. agassizii, Putn., pis. i-iii, pulchellus , Ayres, pi. iv, mucosus , Ayres, pi. v, calliodon, Pall., pi. vi, figs. 1-5, antarctica, Putn., pi. vi, figs. 6-10, liparis , L., pi. vii, figs. 1-5, and montagui, Don., pi. vii, figs. 6-20. Remarks on the distribution of the Cyclopteri ; Garman, Science, xix, 1892, p. 187. Gobiidjl Gobius minutus , Gm. : extensive notes on variations of fin-rays, scaling and colour, sexual differences, and habits of this Fish, which is figured ; Guitel, Arch. Z. exper. (2) x, 1892, p. 499, pi. xxii : on the ovary and eggs ; Guitel, C.R. cxiv, 1892, p. 612. G. bec- carii, n. sp., Perugia, Ann. Mus. Genov. (2) xii, 1892, p. 1010, Sarawak. Cry stallo gobius nilssonii, Gill : on its abundance at Plymouth ; J. T. Cun- ningham, Rep. Brit. Ass. 1891, p. 687 (1892), TELEOSTOMI. Pisces 23 Blennitd^e. Blennius zvonimiri, n. sp., Kolombatovic, Glasnik Naravosl. Brustza, vii, 1892, p. 107, pi. v, Coast of Dalmatia. CUnus argenteus , C. & V. : on nesting and oviposition ; F. Guitel, C.R. cxv, 1892, p. 295. Anarrhichas minor , Olafs., figured, with notes on its occurrence on the Scottish Coast ; M. Young & W. Eagle Clarke, Ann. Scott. N. H. i, 1892, p. 26, pi. i. Blenniophidium , n. g., allied to Cebedichthys ; Boulenger, P. Z. S. 1892, p. 583 (1893). B. petropauli , n. sp., id. t. c. p. 584, fig., Kamtschatka. Mastacembelidje. Mastacembelus marmoratus , n. sp., Perugia, Ann. Mus. Genov. (2) x, 1892, p. 968, Congo. Mugilime. Mugil alatus , n. sp., Steindachner, Anz. Ak. Wien, 1892, p. 133, and Denk. Ak. Wien, lix, 1892, p. 364, Madagascar. Myxus capurrii, n. sp., Perugia, Ann. Mus. Genov. (2) xii, 1892, p. 1007, Senegal. GrASTROSTEID^. Gastrosteus aculeatus , L. : Remarks on the variations of the lateral shields in specimens from Ostend Harbour ; Boulenger, Ann. N. H. (6) xi, 1893, p. 228. Trachypteridj:. Begalecus grillii , Lindr., redescribed by H. 0. Forbes, Tr. N. Z. Inst, xxiv, 1892, p. 192. Lophotim. Lophotes cepedianus , C. & V., recorded from the Cape of Good Hope by Trimen, P. Z. S. 1891, p. 483. Incertj] Sedis. Pseudo scop elus, n. g. ( Trachinidarum ?). Body naked ; spinous dorsal short, soft dorsal and anal long ; a ventral lateral line ; mouth deeply cleft. P. scriptus , n. sp., Lutken, Yid. Selsk. Skr. (6) vii, 1892, p. 285, pi. i, figs. 3-5, Bahamas. 1892. [yol. xxix.] c 13 24 Pisces. y. pisces. AGANTHOPTEUYGIL PHABYNGOGNA TEF. Chromides. Chromis fasciatus, n. sp., Perugia, Ann. Mus. Genov. (2) x, 1892, p. 970, Congo. Acara bartoni , n. sp., Bean, P. U. S. Nat. Mus. xv, 1892, p. 286, pi. xliv, fig. 3, San Luis Potosi , Mexico. Heros centralis , n. sp., Holmberg, Rev. Argent, i, 1891, p. 183, Santiago del Estero, Argentina. Crenicichla saxatilis, L., n. var., semicincta , Steindaciiner, Denk. Ak. Wien, lix, 1892, p. 376, Bolivia. ANAGANTHINI. GADIDA. J. T. Cunningham, Rep. Brit. Ass. 1891, p. 685, remarks on the growth of various British Gadoids, and their Distribution at different ages Also J. Mar. Biol. Ass. (2) ii, 1892, p. 222-264. Ophidiida. Ammodytes lanceolatus and A. tobianus : on the eggs and young stages ; McIntosh, Ann. N. H. (6) x, 1892, p. 97. Lamprogrammns fragilis, n. sp. (?), Alcock, t. c. p. 348, Bay of Bengal, 678 faths. Hephthocara , n. g. : head large, with thin, smooth, uucrested bones, scaleless ; no armature, but a weak opercular spine ; body com- pressed, tapering, covered with deciduous cycloid scales ; eye moderate ; snout not overhanging the jaws ; mouth with obliquely ascending cleft, and with the lower jaw prominent ; villiform teeth in the jaws, palatines, and vomer ; no barbel or hyoid filaments ; gill-openings wide ; gill-membranes separate ; four gills ; no pseudo- branchiae ; eight branchiostegals ; lateral line indistinguishable ; vertical fins confluent; pectoral fins entire ; no ventral fins. H. sinium , n. sp., Alcock, t. c. p. 349, pi. xviii, fig. 1, Gulf of Manaar, 902 faths. Macrurida. Macrurus macrolopTius , Alcock, figured by Alcock, Ann. N. H. (6) x, 1892, p. 351. M. hextii , Ale., and wood-masoni, Ale. : further notes ; id. t. c. pp. 351 & 353. M. ccelorhynchus, Risso : description of an anomalous specimen ; Herzenstein, Mel. biol. xiii, 1892, p. 223. Pleuronectida. W. C. McIntosh, Ann. N. H. (6) x, 1892, p. 102, remarks on the ova and larvae of certain British Peuronectoids. TELE08T0MI. Pisces 25 E. W. L. Holt, J. Mar. Biol. Ass. (2) ii, 1892, pp. 363-379, writes on the relation of size to sexual maturity in Pleuroneetoids. J. T. Cunningham, Nat. Sci. i, 1892, pp. 191-199 & 635-638, and A. Giard, t. c. pp. 356-359, discuss the evolution of Flat-Fishes. G. Pouchet, CR. Soc. Biol. (9) iv, 1892, pp. 200-202, remarks on Turbots with partially pigmented blind side. Pleuronectes, L. : on an apparent hybrid between P. platessa , L., and P. limanda, L. ; Duncker, Zool. Anz. xv, 1892, p. 451. Zeuqoptenis norveqicus, Gthr. : note by J. T. Cunningham, J. Mar. Biol. Ass. (2) ii, 1892, p. 325. PHYSOSTOML SlLURlDJS. B. Dean, Rep. U. S. Fish Comm, xix, 1892, pp. 308-333, 14 pis., has notes on the anatomy of the Siluroids, with special reference to the pineal fontanelle ; a list is given of the characters in which the Fish of this family differ from the other Teleosteans. H. B. Pollard, Morph. JB., Anat. v, 1892, pp. 525-551, pis. xxxv& xxxvi, describes the lateral line system in a few Siluroids of the genera Clarias , Callichthys , Auchenaspis, Trichomycterus, and Chcetostomus. T. W. Bridge & A. C. Haddon, P. R. Soc. lii, 1892, pp. 139-157, publish an abstract of their paper on the air-bladder and Weberian ossicles in the Siluroids. C. H. Eigenmann, Am. Nat. xxvi, 1892, p. 71, corrects a previous state- ment that the operculum is absent in Aspredo. Diastatomycter , Vaill., = Hemisilurus , Blkr. ; Vaillant, Bull. Soc. Philom. (8) v, 1893, p. 15. Mcicrones pluriradiatus, n. sp., Vaillant, op. cit. iv, 1892, p. 126, Upper Tonkin. M.pratti, n. sp., Gunther, in Pratt’s “ Snows of Tibet,” p. 245, pi. i, fig. b, Province of Sze-Chuen, China. Pseudobagrus eupogon , n. sp., Boulenger, Ann. N. H. (6) ix, 1892, p. 247, Shanghai. Neobagj'us, n. g., distinguished from Pseudobagrus by the small number (13) of anal rays, the rounded caudal, the absence of teeth on the palate, and the attachment of the gill-membranes to the isthmus. Bellotti, Atti Soc. Ital. xxxiv, 1892, p. 100. N.fuscus , n. sp., id. t. c. p. 101, fig., Yokohama, Japan. Rhineaster rhceas, n. sp. (foss.), Cope, Contr. Canad. Pal. iii, 1891, p. 3, pi. i, fig. 3, Lower Miocene, Canada. Amiurus catus, L., note and figure ; B. Dean, Rep. U. S. Fish Comm, xix, 1892, p. 302, pi. — . A. cancellatus and maconnellii, n. spp. (foss.), Cope, Contr. Canad. Pal. iii, 1891, pp. 3 & 4, pi. i, figs. 4-7, Lower Miocene, Canada. Amblyceps marginatus , n. sp., Gunther, in Pratt’s “ Snows of Tibet,” p. 245, pi. ii, fig. a, Province of Sze-Chuen, China. 26 Pisces. V. PISCES. CJiiloglanis dybowsTcii , n. sp., Yaillant, CR. Soc. Philom. 12 Juin, 1892, p. 2, Oubanghi, W. Africa. Synodontis guentheri, n. sp., Yaillant, Bull. Soc. Philom. 1893 (8) v, p. 16, Nile. S. notatus, n. n. for S. maculatus , Yaill. nec Rupp., id. t. c. p. 17. Pelt ura, n. g. Head depressed ; snout pointed ; eye small, superior, in the posterior part of the head ; mouth inferior, nearly terminal, toothless ; lip thick, with small tubercles ; six barbels, two belong- ing to the mandible ; dorsal and anal short ; a short adipose fin ; a double series of imbricate scutes extend from the dorsal and anal along the back and belly, and becomes single on the caudal peduncle; ventrals and pectorals horizontal ; branchial opening reduced to a mere cleft ; a semicircle of small teeth on the vomer. P. bovei, n. sp., Perugia, Ann. Mus. Genov. (2) x, 1892, p. 972, fig., Congo. Pseudocheneis pciviei, n. sp., Yaillant, Bull. Soc. Philom. (8) iv, 1892, p. 126, Upper Tonkin. Plecostomus panther inus, Kner, redescribed by Boulenger, Ann. N. H. (6) x, 1892, p. 9. P. cochliodon , Kner ; note by the same, t. c. p. 10. Loricaria evansii , n. sp., Boulenger, t. c. p. 10, pi. i, Matto Grosso, Brazil, ScOPELIDiE. C. F. Lutken, Yid. Selsk. Skr. (6) vii, 1892, pp. 223-297, 3 pis., brings out a revision of the Scopeloids preserved in the Copenhagen Museum. Rliinoscopelus , n. subg., for Scopelus coccoi, Cocco, and allies; Lutken, t. c. p. 242. Scopelus ( Rliinoscopelus ) andrece , p. 245, fig., and rarus, p. 246, figs., n. spp., Lutken, ibid., Atlantic. S. arcticus , p. 249, fig., W. of Cape Horn, affinis , p. 252, fig., Atlantic, sphengodes , p. 253, fig., Atlantic, gracilis , p. 255, fig., Atlantic, hygomii , p. 256, fig., Atlantic, and reinhardtii , p. 257, fig., Atlantic, n. spp., id. ibid. Argyropelecus aculeatus, Yah, and A. elongatus , Esmark, redescribed by Lutken, t. c. p. 282. Bathypterois insularis , n. sp., Alcock, Ann. N. H. (6) x, 1892, p. 356, Laccadive Sea, 1140 faths. Alepocephalus blanfordii , p. 357, Gulf of Manaar, 902 faths., and eden- tulus, p. 358, pi. xviii, fig. 2, Bay of Bengal, 475 faths., n. spp., Alcock, t. c. Xenodermichthys guentheri , n. sp., Alcock, t. c. p. 359, pi. xviii, fig. 3, Bay of Bengal, 678 faths. Leptoderma macrops , Yaill. : note by Alcock, t. c. p. 361. Cyprinid^. F. IIeincke, Leuckart Festschrift, 1892, pp. 65-73, figs., pi. viii, writes on variability and hybridisation in the German Cyprinoids. TELEOSTOMI. Pisces 27 K. Knauthe, Zool. Anz. xv, 1892, p. 25, remarks on melanism in Ger- man Cyprinoids. Pantosteus, Cope : notes on the various species, by Evermann, Bull. U. S. Fish Comm. f. 1892, pp. 51-56 (1893). P.jordani , n. sp., id. t. c. p. 51, fig., Upper Missouri Basin. P. columbianus , n. sp., Eigenmann, Am. Nat. xxvii, 1893, p. 151, Oregon. Carassius auratus, L. : on the reproduction and development of mon- strous varieties ; Nitsche, Zool. Gart. xxxiii, 1892, p. 289. Carpio cantonensis , n. sp. (hybrid between Cyprinus carpio and Carassius auratus ?), Heincke, Leuckart Festschrift, 1892, p. 70, pi. viii. Gymnodiptychus , n. g., allied to Biptychus , Stdr. ; Herzenstein, Mel. biol. xiii, 1892, pp. 225. G. pachycheilus^ n. sp., id. t. c. p.226, Central Asia. Barbus schlegelii , Gthr., note by Steindachner, Denk. Ak. Wien, lix, 1892, p. 370. Acanthogobio , n. g., allied to Gobio, for A. guentheri, n. sp., Herzenstein, Mel. biol. xiii, 1892, p. 228, Central Asia. Pseudogobio maculatus , Gthr., and rivularis , Basil, redescribed and figured by Steindachner, t. c. pp. 370 & 371, pi. i, figs. 3 & 4. Crossochilus fasciatus , n. sp., Steindachner, Anz. Ak. Wien, 1892, p. 130, and Denk. Ak. Wien, lix, 1892, p. 372, pi. iv, fig. 2, China. Pungtungiaf n. g., allied to Pseudorasbora , Blkr. ; Herzenstein, t. c. p. 230. P. herzi, n. sp., id. t. c. p. 231, fig., Corea. Leuciscus phoxinus , L. : on the phosphorescent spots ; Leydig, Zool. Gart. xxxiii, 1892, pp. 4 & 325. L. gilli , n. sp., Evermann, Bull. U. S. Fish Comm. f. 1891, p. 44, pi. xx (1892), Montana. L. ( Leucos ) macedonicus, n. sp., Steindachner, Anz. Ak. Wien, 1892, p. 131, and Denk. Ak. Wien, lix, 1892, p. 377, pi. ii, fig. 2, Mace- donia. Notropis cayuga atrocaudalis , n. var., Evermann, Bull. U. S. Fish Comm, f. 1891, p. 76 (1892), Neches R., Texas. N. mix, p. 77, nocomis, p. 78, fumeus, p. 81, and notemigonoides , p. 81, n. spp., id. t. c., Texas. N. chihuahua , n. sp., Woodman, Am. Nat. xxvi, 1892, p.259, Chihuahua, N. Mexico. N. albeolus, p. 152, heterolepis , p. 152, reticulatus, p. 152, and scopiferus, p. 153, n. spp., Eigenmann, Am. Nat. xxvii, 1893, Western Canada. Opsopoeodus oscidus, n. sp., Evermann, Bull. U. S. Fish Comm. f. 1891, p. 82 (1892), Texas. Algansea dugesi , n. sp., Bean, P. U. S. Nat. Mus. xv, 1892, p. 283, pi. xliv, fig. 1, Guanajuato, Mexico. Agosia falcata , p. 153, and shusvsap, p. 154, n. spp., Eigenmann, Am. Nat. xxvii, 1893, Western Canada. Rhodeus amarus, L. : on its habits and development ; A. Olt, Z. wiss. Zool. lv, 1893, p. 543, pi. xxiii : on the urogenital tube ; Leydig, Zool. Gart. xxxiii, 1892, p. 129. Acanthorhodeus tonhinensis, n. sp., Vaillant, Bull. Soc. Philom. (8) iv, 1892, p. 127, Upper Tonkin. 28 Pisces. y. pisces. Achilognathus guichenoti , Blkr., redescribed by Steindachner, Denk. Ak. Wien, lix, 1892, p. 367. A. coreanus, n. sp., Steindachner, Adz. Ak. Wien, 1892, p. 133, and t. c. p. 366, Corea. Opsariichthys bidens , Gthr., redescribed by Steindachner, t. c. p. 368. Chanodichthys affinis, n. sp., Vaillant, Bull. Soc. Philom. (8) iv, 1892, p. 127, Upper Tonkin. Leucaspius delineatus, Sieb. : on malformed specimens ; Knauthe, Zool. Anz. xvi, 1893, p. 109. Homaloptera fimbriata, Gthr., figured by Gunther, in Pratt’s “ Snows of Tibet,” pi. iii, fig. a. H. abbreviata, n. sp., id. t. c. p. 248, pi. iii, fig. b, Province of Sze-Chuen, China. NemacJiilus sturanyi , n. sp., Steindachner, Anz. Ak. Wien, 1892, p. 131, and Denk. Ak. Wien, lix, 1892, p. 378, pi. ii, fig. 3, Macedonia. Botia pratti and super ciliaris, n. spp., Gunther, in Pratt’s “ Snows of Tibet,” p. 250, pi. iv, Province of Sze-Chuen, China. Eucirrichthys , n. g., allied to Aca,nthophthahnus and Apua. Body cylin- drical, elongate, slender ; mouth with pendant lip ; eight barbels at the end of the snout, six of which are maxillary ; a minute spine below the eye ; dorsal far back, with the last ray just above the first anal ray. E. dorice, n. sp., Perugia, Ann. Mus. Genov. (2) xii, 1892, p. 1009, Sarawak. Characiniile. Curimatus nitens , p. 184, and conspersus , p. 185, n. spp., Holmberg, Rev. Argent, i, 1891, Rio Paraguay. Prochilodus platensis, n. sp., Holmberg, t. c. p. 186, Rio de la Plata, Buenos Ayres. Leporinus solarii , Holmb., redescribed by Holmberg, t. c. p. 187. Alestes brevipinnis , n. sp., Perugia, Ann. Mus. Genov. (2) x, 1892, p. 975, Congo. Nanncethiops unitceniatus , Gthr., has ctenoid scales ; Yaillant, Bull. Soc. Philom. (8) v, 1893, p. 13, fig. Brycon ( Chalcinopsis ) alburnus, Gthr., and dentex , Gthr., redescribed by Steindachner, Denk. Ak. Wien, lix, 1892, pp. 374 & 375. Tetragonopterus (. Hemibrycon ) polyodon, Gthr., redescribed, id. t. c. p. 375. T. lineatus , Stdr., == T. lineatus, Perugia ; T. anomalus , Stdr., = T. nigripinnis, Perugia, id. t. c. p. 376. T. correntinus, p. 188, Rio Parana, Corrientes, and erythropterus, p. 189, Rio de la Plata, n. spp., Holmberg, Rev. Argent, i, 1891. T. moorii , n. sp., Boulenger, Ann. N. H. (6) x, 1892, p. 11, pi. ii, fig. 1, Matto Grosso, Brazil. Brachychalcinus, n. g., intermediate between Tetragonopterus, Cuv., and Lueikenia, Stdr., but with a movable spine, directed forward, in front of the dorsal fin ; Boulenger, t. c. p. 11. B. retrospina, n. sp., id. t. c. p. 12, pi. ii, fig. 2, Matto Grosso, Brazil. Piabuca melanostoma, n. sp., Holmberg, t. c. p. 192, Argentina. TELEOSTOMJ. Pisces 29 Myletes mesopotamicns , Holmb., redescribed ; Holmberg, Rev. Argent, i, 1891, p. 193. Bergia altipmnisf Stdr., = Pseudocorynopoma dorice, Perugia ; Boulen- ger, Ann. N. H. (6) x, 1892, p. 12; Steindachner, Denk. Ak. Wien, lix, 1892, p. 376. Chalcinopelecus, n. g. [= Pseudocorynopoma , Perugia. — Rec.], for C. argentinus , n. sp., Holmberg, t. c. p. 190, Argentina. Cyprinodonthle. Characadon variatus , Bean : note by Bean, P. U. S. Nat. Mus. xv, 1892, p. 286. Haplochilus dayi , n. sp., Steindachner, Anz. Ak. Wien, 1892, p. 13J, and Denk. Ak. Wien, lix, 1892, p. 376, pi. i, fig. 2, Ceylon. Fundulus pallidus, n. sp., Evermann, Bull. U. S. Fish Comm. f. 1891, p. 84, pi. xxxv (1892), Texas. F. robustus, n. sp., Bean, P. U. S. Nat. Mus. xv, 1892, p. 285, pi. xliv, fig. 2, Mexico. Zygonectes funduloides, p. 85, pi. xxxv, fig. 3, pulvereus , p. 85, pi. xxxvi, fig. 1, and jenkinsi , p. 86, pi. xxxvi, fig. 2, n. spp., Evermann, t. c., Texas. Galaxiid^:. Galaxias ?iigothoruk} n. sp., Lucas, P. R. Soc. Yict. (2) iv, 1892, p. 28, Lake Nigothoruk, Gippsland, Victoria. STERNOPTYCHID.E. Diplophos taenia , Gthr., redescribed and figured by Lutken, Yid. Selsk. Skr. (6) vii, 1892, p. 278, pi. ii, figs. 1-3. Gonostoma microdon , Gthr. (?) : note on, and figure of a specimen re- ferred to this species ; Lutken, t. c. p. 280, pi. iii, figs. 4 & 5. G. elongatum , Gthr. : note by Alcock, Ann. N. H. (6) x, 1892, p. 354. Chauliodus pammelas, n. sp., Alcock, t. c. p. 355, Laccadive Sea, 1370 faths. Stomiatid^;. Astronesthes, Rich. : remarks on the three species of this genus ; Lutken, Yid. Selsk. Skr. (6) vii, 1892, p. 273. Photostomias guernei , Coll. : note by Lutken, t. c. p. 280, fig. Salmonim. H. Blanc, Bull. Soc. Yaud. (3) xxvii, 1892, pp. 272-275, has a prelimin- ary note on the maturation and fecundation of Trout ova. 0. Strachly, MT. Embr. Inst. Wien (2) v, 1892, pp. 20-22, has a note on abnormal development of the Trout ovum. 30 Pisces. V. PISCES. Salmo fario , L. : R. Traquair, Ann. Scott. N. H. i, 1892, p. 92, pis. iii- v, describes and figures malformed specimens from Scottish waters. S. ohridanus, n. sp., Steindachner, Anz. Ak. Wien, 1892, p. 132, and Denk. Ak. Wien, lix, 1892, p. 23, pi. iii, figs. 1-3, Macedonia. Coregonus coulterii , n. sp., Eigenmann, Am. Nat.xxvi, 1892, p. 961, Rocky Mountains. PERCOPSIDiE. Remarks by Eigenmann, Science, xx, 1892, p. 233. Columbia , n. gen., allied to Percopsis , Ag., but dorsal and anal each with two very strong spines, scales most strongly ctenoid on anterior part of body, and posterior margin of preopercle with a few short but strong spines. C. transmontana , n. sp., id. t. c. p. 234, Umatilla, Columbia River. Clupeim;. Clupea pilchardus, L. : on its growth ; J. T. Cunningham, Nature, xlv, 1892, pp. 255-558 ; M. Dunn, t. c. p. 511 : on its growth in the Mediterranean; Marion, CR. Ass. Fr. Sci. 1891, p. 228 : onits repro- duction ; J. T. Cunningham, Rep. Brit. Ass. 1891, p. 686 (1892). Hyperlophus, n. g., distinguished by the dorsal serrature, for Clupea spratelloides , n. sp., Douglas-Ogilby. Rec. Austral. Mus. ii, 1892, p. 24, Coast of New South Wales. A. S. Woodward, Ann. N. H. (6) x, 1892, p. 412, points out that this doubly-armed herring falls in the genus Diplomystus, Cope, established for Cretaceous and early Tertiary species. Pellonula vorax , Gthr. : note by Perugia, Ann. Mus. Genov. (2) x, 1892, p. 977. Halosaurim. Halosaurus parvipennis , n. sp., Alcock, Ann. N. H. (6) x, 1892, p. 362, Laccadive Sea, 865-880 faths. Saurodontim. Ichthyodectes anaides, Cope (foss.) : notes by Crook, Palaeontogr. xxxix, 1892, p. Ill, pi. xv. I. polymicj'odus, n. sp. (foss.), id. t. c. p. 112, pi. xvi, Chalk of Kansas. Portheus molossus , Cope: notes by Crook, t. c. p. 114, pi. xviii. Murjsnid^e. D. S. Jordan & B. M. Davis, Rep. U. S. Fish. Comm. f. 1888, pp. 581-677, pis. lxxiii-lxxx (1892), review the Apodal Fishes inhabiting the waters of America and Europe, TELEOSTOMI. Pisces 31 G. B. Grassi & S. Calandruccio, Atti Acc. Pontif. Lincei (5) i, 1892, Rend. pp. 375-379, write on the transformation of Leptocephali into Mursenoids. Anguilla vulgaris , Cuv. : on an extraordinary passage of Eels in the Main ; Buxbaum, Zool. Gart. xxxiii, 1892, p. 20 : on its breeding season ; Zenk, t. c. p. 61. Proconger vicinus, Yaill. : note on the stomach ; Alcock, Ann. N. H. (6) x, 1892, p. 363. Rabula , n. subg. for the species of Gymnothorax which have the dorsal fin inserted behind the head ; J ordan & Davis, t. c. p. 590. Quassiremus , n. g. for Ophichthys evionthias , Jord. & Bollm. ; Jordan & Davis, t. c. p. 622. Scytalichthys , n. snbg. for Ophichthys miurus , Jord. & Gilb. ; Jordan & Davis, t. c. p. 635. Nettastoma melanurum , Raf. : note on its larval ( Leptocephalus longirostrist Kaup ; H yoprorus messanensis , Koll.) and adult characters ; Fac- ciola, Nat. Sicil. xi, 1893, p. 144. Gavialiceps microps , Alcock (? = Nemichtliys infans , Yaill. nec Gthr.) : further notes by Alcock, t. c. p. 364. Venefica , n. g. for Nettastoma procer urn, Goode & Bean ; Jordan & Davis, t. c. p. 651. Avocettina , n. g. for Nemichtliys infans, Gthr. ; Jordan & Davis, t. c. p. 655. Ilyophis , n. g., type of a new family, Ilyophididce , intermediate between Simenchelys and Synaphohranchus ; Jordan & Davis, t. c. p. 670. I. hrunneus , n. sp., iid. t. c. p. 671, Galapagos Is. Ahlia, n. g. for Myrophis egmontis, Jord. ; Jordan & Davis, t. c. p. 639. Myrophis frio, n. sp., Jordan & Davis, t. c. p. 640, Coast of Brazil. Gordiichthys , n. g., allied to Murcenesox, Jordan & Davis, t. c. p.644; G. irreritus , n. sp., iid. t. c., Gulf of Mexico. Xenomystax, n. g., allied to Murcenesox ; Jordan & Davis, t. c. p. 648. X. atrarius , n. sp., iid. t. c. p. 649, off Coast of Ecuador, 401 faths. Chlopsis equatorialis, n. sp., Jordan & Davis, t. c. p. 650, off Coast of Ecuador, 401 faths. PLECTOGNATHL Batistes aureolus, Richards., redescribed by Herzenstein, Mel. biol. xiii, 1892, p. 233. Ostracion meretrix , n. sp. (foss.), Daimeries, Bull. Soc. Mai. Belg. (4) vi, 1891, p. Ixxv, Eocene, Brussels. «T. Gill, P. U. S. Nat. Mus. xiv, 1892, pp. 705-720, pi. xxxiv, has notes on the Tetrodons, which group he raises to the rank of a super- family, Tetraodontoidea, divided into three families, viz. : Chone- rhinidce, Canthigasteridce , and Tetraodontidce ; the latter is again divided into two subfamilies, viz., Tetraodontince and Colomesince. Orthagoriscus nasus, Ranz., described and figured by van Lidth de Jeude, Notes Leyd. Mus. xiv, 1892, p. 127, pi. v. 32 Pisces. V. PISCES. GANOIDEI. G. S. Hopkins gives an abstract of a paper on the digestive tract of some N. American Ganoids ; P. Am. Ass. xli, 1892, p. 197. L. Schmidt, Z. wiss. Zool. liv, 1892, pp. 748-764, figs., pi. xxxiv, deals with the morphology of the vertebral column of Amia calva. Amia lohiteavesiana and macrospondyla , n. spp. (foss.), Cope, Contr. Canad. Pal. iii, 1891, p. 2, pi. i, figs. 1 & 2, Lower Miocene, Canada. A. Tcehreri , n. sp. (foss.), Andreae, Yerh. Ver. Heidelb. (2) v, 1893, p. 9, Lower Miocene, Messel, near Darmstadt. Caturus , Ag. (foss.) : notes by Sauvage, Bull. Soc. Autun, iv, 1891, pp. 63-81, pis. vi-ix. C. gigas , p. 74, pi. vii, and vetr odor salts, p. 79, pi. ix, n. spp., id. ibid., Upper Lias, Yonne, France. C. chaperi , Sauvg., and stenoura , Sauvg., figured, pis. vi & viii. Leptolepis affinis, p. 389, pi. xvi, and autissiodorensis, p.393, pi. xvi, n. spp., Sauvage, Bull. Soc. Autun, v, 1892, Upper Lias, Yonne, France. Lepidopterus, n. g., allied to Lepidotus , for L. crassus, n. sp. (foss.) ; Pohlig, Leuckart Festschrift, 1892, p. 63, pi. vii, fig. 3, Permian of Friedrichroda, Thuringia. Belonostomus sweeti , n. sp. (foss.), R. Etheridge, Jun., & A. S. Wood- ward, Tr. R. Soc. Yict, ii, 1892, p. 1, pi. i, Cretaceous of Central Queensland. Pholidophorus gaudryi , n. sp., Sauvage, Bull. Soc. Autun, v, 1892, p. 398, pi. xvii, Upper Lias, Yonne, France. Ctenolepis cyclus , Ag. (foss.) : figures of typical specimens ; A. S. Woodward, P. Geol. Ass. xii, 1892, pi. iv, figs. 5-8. Lepidosteus suessoniensis , Gerv. (foss.), is a Fish, not a Reptile as stated by Lemoine ; Dollo, Bull. Sci. Fr. Belg. xxiv, 1892 [quoted from separate copy]. Tetragonolepis , Bronn (foss.), is regarded as the type of a new family, Tetragonolepidce , by Reis, Geogu. JH. iv, 1892, p. 160. Colobodus, Ag. (foss.) : remarks by Montagu Brown, Rep. Brit. Ass. 1891, p. 644 (1892). Microdus dumbelii, n. sp. (foss.), Cope, P. Am. Phil. Soc. xx, 1892, p. 128, Lower Cretaceous (?) of Texas. Mesodon rugulosus , Ag. (foss.) : note by A. S. Woodward, P. Geol. Soc. xii, 1892, p. 239, pi. iv, figs. 2-4. Dorypterus, Germ, (foss.) ; notes by Reis, Geogn. JH. iv, 1892, p. 167. Acipenser, L : on the Sturgeons of the East Coast of the United States ; Ryder, Bull. U. S. Fish Comm, viii, 1890, p. 231, pis. xxxvii-lix. A. ruthenus, L. : on a remarkable new variety : A. v. Mojsisovics, SB. Ak. Wien, ci, i, 1892, p. 328, pi. — . A. milcadoi , n. sp., Hilgendorf, SB. nat. Fr. 1892, p. 98, N. Japan. Myriolepis hibernicus , n. sp. (foss.), Traquair, Geol. Mag. (3) x, 1893, p. 54, pi. iii, Coal Measures, co. Kilkenny, Ireland. Amblypterus traquairi, n. sp. (foss.), Pohlig, Leuckart Festschrift, 1892, p. 63, pi. vii, fig. 4, Permian of Friedrichroda, Thuringia. TELEOSTOMI, DIPNOI. Pisces 33 O. M. Reis, Geogn. JH. iv, 1892, p. 157, discusses the systematic position of the Bclonorhynchidcr. Saurichthys striolatus , Bronn, ajjicalis, A g., and mougeoti , Ag. (foss.); notes, id. t. c. p. 148, figs. S. gypsophilus , n. sp., id* t. c. p. 158, fig., Keuper of Franconia. Sauroi'hynchus, n. g. for Belonostomus acutus , Ag. (foss.), Reis, t. c. p. 145. CROSSOPTERYGrII. H. B. Pollard, Morph. JB., Anat. v, 1892, pp. 387-428, figs., pis. xxvii-xxx, has a paper on the anatomy and phylogenetic position of Polypterus , which is regarded as representing the ancestral form of the Stegocephalous Batrachians. 0. M. Reis, Inaugural Dissertation, Munich, 1892 (cf. p. 11), describes the osteology of the Ccelcicanthidce. Onychodus scoticus, n. sp., E. T. Newton, Geol. Mag. (3) ix, 1892, p. 51, Old Red Sandstone of Forfar, Scotland. Gyropfychius heddlei , n. sp., Traquair, Ann. Scott. N. H. i, 1892, p. 233, Lower Old Red Sandstone, Dura Den, Scotland. Megalichthys macropomus , n. sp. (foss.), Cope, P. Am. Phil: Soc. xxx, 1892, p. 226, pi. viii, Carboniferous, Kansas. Uolopty chius ? Jilosus , n. sp. (foss.), Cope, t. c. p. 228, pi. vii, fig. 3, Devonian, Pennsylvania. dipnoi. C. Rose, Anat. Anz. vii, 1892, pp. 821-839, figs., writes on the teeth of the Dipnoi. C. Hasse, Z. wiss. Zool. lv, 1893, pp. 533-542, pi. xxii, deals with the development of the vertebral column in the Dipnoi. B. Dean, Rep. U. S. Fish. Comm, xix, 1892, pp. 309-314, writes on the pineal fontanelle of DinicJdhys, and compares the Placoderms and Siluroids. P. Burckiiardt brings out a work on the Central Nervous System of the Dipnoi (Berlin : 1892, 8vo, 64 pp., 4to atlas, 5 pis.). Abstracts of his researches in Verh. deutsch. Zool. Ges. ii, 1892, pp. 92-95, and SB. nat. Fr. 1892, pp. 23-25. R. Dubois, Ann. Soc. L. Lyon (2) xxxix, 1892, pp. 65-72, figs., writes on the mechanism of the respiration in the Dipnoi and the passage from the torpid to the active condition. Ceratodus forsteri , Krefft : notes on the habits ; W. B. Spencer, Pr. R. Soc. Yict. (2) iv, 1892, p. 81. C. ( Meglaplenron ) rochei, Gaudry (foss.) : note on its scales ; Yaillant, C.R. cxiv, 1892, p. 1083. Coccosteus macromus, n. sp. (foss.), Cope, P. Am, Phil. Soc. xxx, 1892, p. 225, Devonian, Pennsylvania. C. canadensis , n. sp. (foss.), A. S. Woodward, Geol. Mag. (3) ix, 1892, p. 483, pi. xiii, fig. 2, Upper Devonian, Scaumenac Bay, Canada. C. cuyahogce, m sp. (foss.), Claypole, Am. Geol. xi, 1893, p. 167, figs., Devonian of Ohio. 84 Pisces. V. PISCES. Aspicliclithys (?) nobilis , n. sp. (foss.), Whiteaves, Contr. Can. Pal. i, pt. iv, p. 354, pi. xlvii, fig. i, Devonian, South Manitou L, Lake Winnipeg. Phlyctcenaspis acadica , Whiteaves : notes and figures by A. S. Wood- ward, Geol. Mag. (3) ix, 1892, p. 5, pi. i, figs. 7 & 8, and p. 481, fig., and by Traqtjair, op. cit. x, 1893, p. 147. Dinichthys, Newb. (foss.) : description of the skull, by Claypole, Am. Geol. x, 1892, p. 199, figs. D. canadensis , n. sp., Whiteayes, Contr. Canad. Pal. i, pt. iv, 1892, p. 353, pi. xlvi, fig. 12, Devonian, Snake I., Lake Winnipeg. Gorgonichthys , n. g., allied to Dinichthys. G. clarki , n. sp. (foss.), Claypole, Am. Geol. x, 1892, p. 2, fig., Devonian of Ohio. Ganorhynchus oblongus , n. sp. (foss.), Cope, P. Am. Phil. Soc. xxx, 1892, p. 225, Devonian, Pennsylvania. A. S. Woodward, Ann. N. H. (6) xi, 1893, pp. 241 & 242, fig., describes a case of subdivision of the median fin in the fossil Dipnoan Phaneropleuron curtum. OSTRACODERMI. A. S. Woodward, Nat. Sci. i, 1892, pp. 596-602, figs., has an article on the Earliest Fishes ( Palceospondylus and Ostracodermi). ANTIARCHA. R. H. Traqtjair, P. Phys. Soc. Edinb. 1891-92, pp. 283-286 (1893), offers remarks on the British species of Asterolepidce. Cephalaspis campbelltownensis , Whiteaves : note and figure by A. S.Wood- ward, Geol. Mag. (3) ix, 1892, p. 4, pi. i, fig. 6 : note by Traqtjair, op. cit. x, 1893, p. 146. C.jexti , n. sp., id. t. c. p. 147, Lower Devon- ian, Campbelltown, New Brunswick. Holonema rugosa, Clayp. : notes by Cope, P. Am. Phil. Soc. xxx, 1892, p. 223. H. horrida , n. sp., id. t. c. p. 222, pi. vii, fig. 2, Devonian, Pennsylvania . Bothriolepis minor , Newb. : note by Cope, t. c. p. 224. B. canadensis , Whiteaves : note on the supposed jaws ; A. S. Woodward, Geol. Mag. (3) ix, 1892, p. 484, fig. B. leptochirus , n. sp., Traqtjair, P. Phys. Soc. Edinb. 1891-92, p. 286 (1893), Upper Old Red Sand- stone of Heads of Ayr, Scotland. OSTEOSTRACI. J. Y. Rohon discusses the systematic position of the families Thyestidce (n. n.) and Tremataspidce , and recharacterises the genera Thyestes , Eichw., and Tremataspis, F. Schmidt. ; Mem. Ac. Petersb. (7) xxxviii, 1892, No. 13, p. 84. Tremataspis schniidti, p. 39, mickwitzi, p. 56, and simonsoni , p. 63, n. spp., Rohon, t. c., Upper Silurian, Isle of Oesel, Baltic. Thyestes verrucosus , Eichw. : descrd. & figrd. by Rohon, t. c. p. 15, pis. i & ii. Chalcodus permianus , Zitt., = Menaspis armata, Jaekel ; Jaekel, SB. nat. Fr. 1892, p. 157. OSTRACODERJil, HOLOCEPRALI, ELASMOBRANCHII. Pisces 35 HETEEOSTEACI. Palazaspis , Claypole : notes and restoration by Claypole, Q. J. Geol. Soc. xlviii, 1892, p. 542, figs. Tolypaspis , n. n. for Tolypelepis , Pander ; F. Schmidt, JE. Mineral. 1893, i, p. 100. HOLOCEPHALI. Ischyodus emargmatus , Egert. (foss.) : note by A. S. Woodward, P. Geol. Ass. xii, 1892, p. 238, pi. iv, fig. 1. Pachymylus , n. g., for P. leedsii , n. sp. (foss.), founded on teeth from the Oxford Clay of Peterborough ; A. S. Woodward, Ann. N. H. (6) x, 1892, p. 14, pi. iii, figs. 1 & 2. Brachymylus , n. g., A. S. Woodward, t. c. p. 14. B. altidens and minor , n. spp. (foss.), Oxford and Kimmeridge Clays, Peterborough and Weymouth. Elasmodectes secans , n. sp. (foss.), A. S. Woodward, t. c. p. 16, pi. iii, fig. 3, Kimmeridge Clay, Weymouth. ELASMOBRANCHII. ACANTHODII. On the systematic position of the Acanthodii ; Reis, SB. nat. Fr. 1892, pp. 153-156, and Jaekel, t. c. pp. 156-158. SELACHII. A. S. Woodward, Nat. Sci. i, pp. 671-675, figs., discusses the evolution of Sharks’ teeth. L. Edinger, Abh. Senck. Ges. xviii, 1892, 55 pp., 5 pis., has a memoir on the brain of Selachians. Abstract in Anat. Anz. vii, 1892, pp. 472- 476. H. Braus publishes researches on the rami ventrales of the anterior spinal nerves of Selachians. Jena : 1892, 8vo, 35 pp. A. Sedgwick, Q. J. Micr. Sci. xxxiii, 1892, pp. 559-586, pi. xxxv, has notes on Elasmobranch development. S. Mollier, Anat. Anz. vii, 1892, pp. 351-365, has a preliminary note on the development of the limbs in Selachians. C. Hasse, Z. wiss. Zool. lv, 1892, pp. 519-531, pi. xxi, publishes a con- tribution to the development of the vertebral column of the Sela- chians. G. Antipa, Anat. Anz. vii, 1892, pp. 690-692, figs., remarks on the relations of the Thymus to the so-called branchial cleft organs in Selachians. C. Rael, Leuckart Festschrift, 1892, pp. 228-235, figs., writes on the development of the venous system in Selachians. 36 Pisces. V. PISCES. F. Raffaele, MT. z. Stat. Neap, x, 1892, pp. 441-479, pis. xxix-xxxi, investigates the development of the vascular system in Selachians. A. Dohrn, Anat. Anz. vii, 1892, pp. 348-351, remarks on the nerve- cells of Selachian embryos. C. K. Hoffmann, Morph. JB. xix, 1893, pp. 592-648, figs., pis. xxii-xxv, deals with the embryology of the heart and blood-vessels in the Selachians. J. Ruckert, Anat. Anz. viii, 1892, pp. 44-52, has a further contribution to the segmentation of the Selachian ovum. J. Ruckert, op. cit. vii, 1892, pp. 107-158, figs., has a paper on the deve- lopment of the ovarian egg in Selachians. F. Werner, Morph. JB., Syst. vi, 1892, pp. 220-224, pi. x, discusses the signification of the markings of Selachians. ASTEROSPONDYLI. G. C. Purvis, P. Phys. Soc. Edinb. 1890-91, pp. 62-67, pi. — (1892), writes on the pineal gland of Lamina cornubica. M. V. Lenhossek, Anat. Anz. vii, 1892, pp. 519-539, figs., has obser- vations on the spinal ganglia and spinal marrow in embryos of Pristiurus. Carcharodon mortoni, Gibbes, = C. megalodon, A g. (foss.) ; F. A. Lucas, P. Biol. Soc. Washington, vii, 1892, p. 151. Galeus lefevrei, n. sp. (foss.), Daimeries, Bull. Soc. Mai. Belg. (4) vi, 1891, p. lxxiv, Eocene, Brussels. TECTOSPONDYLI. J. C. Ewart has a further paper on the electric organ of the Skate ; Phil. Tr. clxxxiii (b), 1892, pp. 389-420, pis. xxvi-xxx. Abstract, P. R. S.l, 1892, pp. 474-476. J. C. Ewart, Zool. Anz. xv, 1892, pp. 116-120, writes on the sensory canals of Lcemargus and Raia batis. J. Beard, Anat. Anz. vii, 1892, pp. 191-206, figs., has a paper on the transient ganglion cells and their nerves in Raia batis. A. Alcock, Ann. N. H. (6) ix, 1892, pp. 417-427, pi. xix, and x, 1892, pp. 1-8, pi. iv, describes the gravid uterus andfoetus of Trygon bleeheri and Pteroplatea micrura. J. Wood-Mason & A. Alcock, P. R. Soc. 1, 1892, pp. 202-209, record further observations on the gestation of Indian Rays. C. K. Hoffmann, Anat. Anz. vii, 1892, pp. 270-273, figs., has a note on the early development of the heart and blood-vessels in Acan- thias vulgaris. H. E. & F. Ziegler, Arch. mikr. Anat. xxxix, 1892, pp. 56-102, figs., pis. iii & iv, publish contributions to the embryology of Tor- pedo ocellata. Marcy, C.R. cxvi, 1893, pp. 77-81, figs., has observations on the natation of the Skate. ELASMOBRANCHII. Pisces 37 Acanthias vulgaris , Risso : on a dicephalous embryo ; Gadeau de Kerville, J. de l’Anat. Phys. xxviii, 1892, p. 563, pi. xviii, figs. 1 & 2. Centrina salviani , Risso : note by W. L. Calderwood, J. Mar. Biol. Ass. (2) ii, 1892, p. 322, pi. xiii. Sclerorhynchus atavus , A. S. Woodw. (foss.), redescribed and figured by A. S. Woodward, Geol. Mag. (3) ix, 1892, p. 529, pi. xiv. Dichelodus acutus, Gieb. (foss.) : remarks by Jaekel, JB. Mineral. 1892, i, p. 148. j Raia clavata , L. : on an abnormally coloured example ; Traquair, Ann. Scott. N. H. ii, 1893, p. 25, pi. i. Trygon pastinaca, L., var. marmorata , Stdr., figured by Steindachner, Denk. Ak. Wien, lix, 1892, pi. iii, fig. 1. T. navarrcc and simensis , n. spp., Steindachner, Anz. Ak. Wien, 1892, pp. 132 & 133, and t. c. pp. 381 & 382, pis. v & vi, Shanghai. ICHTHYOTOMI. Claclodus, Ag. : remarks by Jaekel, SB. nat. Fr. 1892, p. 80. Pleuracanthidcc : on the remains from the British Coal Measures ; J. W. Dayis, Sci. Tr. R. Dublin Soc. (2) iv, 1892, pp. 703-748, pis. lxv-lxxiii. Pleuracanthus undulatus , p. 733, pi. lxxii, fig. 16, Burnley, hoivsei, p. 735, pi. lxxii, fig. 21, Newcastle-on-Tyne, tliomsoni , p. 742, pi. Ixxiii, fig. 17, Kilmarnock, obtusus, p. 742, pi. Ixxiii, fig. 18, Clifton, Yorkshire, serratus , p. 744, pi. Ixxiii, figs. 19 & 20, Newcastle-on-Tyne, and woodwardi , p. 744, pi. Ixxiii, fig. 21, Dalkeith, n. spp., id. ibid. Diplodus problematicus , n. sp. (foss.), A. S. Woodward, G-eol. Mag. (3) ix, 1892, p. 2, pi. i, fig. 2, Lower Devonian, Campbelltown, New Brunswick. Doliodus, n. g. for the above species ; Traquair, op. cit. x, 1893, p. 145. INCERT^E SEDIS. 0. Jaekel, JB. Mineral. 1892, i, pp. 145-151, figs., in reply to some criti- cisms of A. S. Woodward, enters into details on the structure of various Ichthyodorulites. Acanthodes semistriatus , n. sp., A. S. Woodward, Geol. Mag. (3) ix, 1892, p. 3, pi. i, fig. 3, Lower Devonian, Campbelltown, New Brunswick. Gyracanthus incurvus, Traq. : note and figure by A. S. Woodward, t. c. p. 2, pi. i, figs. 4 & 5. Diplacanthus horridus, n. sp., A. S. Woodward, t. c. p. 482, pi. xiii, fig. 1, Upper Devonian, Scaumenac Bay. Canada. Cheiracanthus ? cosiellatus, n. sp., Traquair, op. cit. x, 1893, p. 146, Devonian of Canada. Protodus, n. g ., for Elasmobranch teeth representing a specialized form of a very simple type ; A. S. Woodward, op. cit. ix, 1892, p. 1. P. jexi, n. sp., id. t. c. p. 2, pi. i, fig. 1, Lower Devonian, Campbelltown, New Brunswick. Remarks by Traquair, op. cit. x, 1893, p. 145. 38 Pisces . V. PISCES. CYCLOSTOMI. J. Beard, Anat. Anz. viii, 1892, pp. 59 & 60, gives an abstract of his observations on small specimens of Myxine glutinosa , and on the hermaphroditism of Lampreys. R. H. Burne, P. Z. S. 1892, pp. 706-708, pi. xlvii (1893), writes on the presence of a branchial basket in Myxine glutinosa. G. Retzius, Biol. Foren. iii, 1892, pp. 81-84, pi. iii, describes the caudal skeleton of Myxine glutinosa. G-. Retzius, op. cit. iv, 1892, pp. 36-41, figs., writes on the termination of the spine and notochord in the tail of Petromyzon fluviatilis. On the nerve-terminations in the skin of Petromyzon ; G. Retzius, Biol. Unters. (2) iii, 1892, pp. 37-40, pi. xiii. B. Hatschek, Anat. Anz. viii, 1892, pp. 89-91, and Yerh. Anat. Ges. 1892, pp. 147-161, figs., supplements and corrects some of his obser- vations on Metamery in Ammoccetes . P. Owsjannikow’s paper on the embryology of Petromyzon fluviatilis is translated in Ann. N. H. (6) xi, 1893, pp. 34-43. B. Lwoff, Biol. Centralbl. xiii, 1893, pp. 45-48, summarises his researches on the segmentation of the Petromyzon ovum. R. Alcock, P. Cambr. Phil. Soc. vii, 1892, pp. 252-255, writes on the digestive processes of Ammoccetes. E. Cavazzani, Arch. Ital. Biol, xviii, 1892, pp. 182-186, relates his experi- ments on the poisonous properties of the blood of Petromyzon marinus. Lampetra spadicea , Bean, described and figured by Bean, Nat. Mex. (2) ii, 1892, pp. 171 & 172, pi. viii : note by Bean, P. U. S. Nat. Mus. xv, 1892, p. 283. LEPTOCARDII. J. W. van Wijhe, Anat. Anz. viii, 1893, pp. 152-172, has notes on the morphology of Amphioxus. B. Hatschek, Anat. Anz. viii, 1892, pp. 89-91, and Yerh. Anat. Ges. 1892, pp. 136-147, figs., writes on Metamery. E. Rohde, SB. Ak. Berlin, 1892, pp. 659-664, compares the muscles and nerves of A mphioxus with those of Mermis. J. B. Platt, Anat. Anz. vii, 1892, pp. 282-284, figs., writes on fibres connecting the central nervous system and chorda. T. Boveri, Morph. JB., Anat. v, 1892, pp. 429-510, figs., pis. xxxi-xxxiv, deals with the excretory tubules of the urogenital system. T. Boveri, Anat. Anz. vii, 1892, pp. 170-181, figs., writes on the genital glands. E. B. Wilson, t. c. pp. 732-740, figs., writes on multiple and partial development. B. Danilewsky, Arch. ges. Phys. li, 1892, pp. 393-400, writes on the physiology of the central nervous system. Branchio stoma elongatum , Sund., recorded from California by Eigen- mann, Am. Nat. xxvi, 1892, p. 70. Tun. 1 VI. TUNICATA. BY Professor W. A. Herdman, t).Scv F.R.S. I.— LIST OF PUBLICATIONS. 1. Bles, E. J. Notes on Plankton observed at Plymouth during June — September, 1892. J. Mar. Biol. Ass. (n.s.), ii, No. 4, Nov. 1892, pp. 340-343. 2. Betschli, 0. Einige Bemerkungen iiber die Augen der Salpen. Zool. Anz. xv, Jhg., No. 401, pp. 349-353. 3. Garstang, W. Attempt to elucidate the real structure and relations of Moss’s Polystigmatic Appendicularian. Tr. Biol. Soc. Liverp. vi, pp. 57-69, pi. v. 4. . On the development of the stigmata in Ascidians. P. R. Soc. li, pp. 505-513. 5. Goppert, E. Untersuchungen ii. d. Sehorgan d. Salpen. Morph. JB. 1892, pp. 250-294, pis. viii-x. 6. Herdman, W. A. Notes on the structure of OiJcopleura. Tr. Biol. Soc. Liverp. vi, pp. 40-56, pis. i-iv. 7. . Note on the Geographical distribution of Tunicata. Brit. Assoc. Rep. for 1892 (Edinburgh meeting), pp. 787 & 788. 8. -. Note on Atrial Tentacles in Ascidians. Brit. Assoc. Rep. for 1892 (Edinburgh meeting), pp. 788 & 789. 9. . Notes on the Collections made during the Cruise of the s.y. “Argo” up the West Coast of Norway in July, 1891. Tr. Biol. Soc. Liverp. vi, pp. 70-93, pis. vi & vii. 10. . A functional Hermaphrodite Ascidian. Nature, xlvi, p. 561. 11. Hjort, Johan. Zum Entwicklungscyclus der zusammengesetzten Ascidien. Zool. Anz. xv, No. 400, pp. 328-332. 12. Jourdain, S. De la deglutition chez les Synascidies. Bull, Soc. Philom. iv, No. 1, pp. 35 & 36. 1892. [vol. XXIX.] C 14 2 Tun. VI. TUNICATA. 13. Julin, Ch. Les Ascidiens des cdtes du Boulonnais. I. Recherches sur l’anatomie et l’embryogenie de Styelopsis grossularia — Introduc- tion. Bull. Sci. xxiv, pp. 1-52. 14. Kowalevsky, A. Einige Beitrage zur Bildung des Mantels des Ascidien. Mem. Ac. Petersb. vii, xxviii, No. 10, pp. 1-20, pis. i & ii. 15. Lahille, F. Classification des Tuniciers (groupes primordiaux). Naturaliste, 1 Mars, 1892, 12 pp. 16. Lohmann, H. Vorbericht fiber die Appendikularien der Plankton- Expedition, in Reisebeschreibung der Plankton-Expedition von Dr. Otto Krfimmel. Kiel u. Leipzig, 1892, pp. 139-149. 17. Metcalf, Maynard M. The Anatomy and Development of the Eyes and Subneural Gland in Salpa. Johns Hopk. Univ. Circ. xi, No. 97, pp. 78 & 79 (April, 1892). 18. Nott, J. T. On the Composite Ascidians of the North Shore Reef. Tr. N. Z. Inst, xxiv, pp. 305-334, pis. xxiv-xxx. 19. Oka, A. Die periodische Regeneration der Oberen Korperhalfte bei den Diplosomiden. Biol. Centralbl. 12 bd, Nos. 9 & 10, pp. 265-268. 20. . Ueber die Knospung der Botrylliden. Z. wiss. Zool. bd. 54, pp. 521-547, pis. xx-xxii. 21. Oka, A., and Willey, A. On a new genus of Synascidians from Japan. Q. J. Micr. Sci. xxxiii, pp. 313-323, pis. xvii & xviii. 22. Pizon, A. Developpement de l’organe vibratile chez les Ascidies composees. C.R. cxiv, No. 5, pp. 237-239. 23. . Histoire de la blastogenese chez les Botryllides. Ann. Sci. Nat. Zool. xiv, Nos. 1, 2, 3. 24. . Developpement du systeme vasculaire colonial chez les Botryl- lides. Bull. Soc. Philom. iii, No. 4, pp. 183-186. 25. Salensky, W. Ueber die Thatigkeit der Kalymmocyten (Testa- zellen) bei der Entwicklung einiger Synascidien (m. Taf. xiv u. xv). Festschrift zum siebenzigsten Geburtstage Rudolf Leuckarts. Leipzig : 1892, pp. 109-120. 26. Seeliger, O. Ueber die erste Bildung des Zwitterapparates in den jungen Pyrosomenstocken (m. Taf. xxxviii). Festschrift zum sie- benzigsten Geburtstage Rudolf Leuckarts. Leipzig : 1892, pp. 374- 384. 27. . Bemerkungen zu Herrn Prof. Salensky’s Beitrage zur Emb. d. Pyrosomen. Zool. Jahrb. bd. v ; Zool. Anz. xv, Jhg., No. 385, pp. 78-84. 28. Swainson, G. A new form of Appendicularian “ Haus.” Int. J. Micr., January, 1892, 3 pp., pi. v. 29. Watt, James. On the structure of Boltenia pachydermatina. Tr. N. Z. Inst, xxiv, pp. 334-348, pis. xxxi-xxxiv. Tun. 3 ANATOMY, EMBRYOLOGY, AND PHYSIOLOGY. SO. Willey, A. Observations on the Post-embryonic development of Ciona intestinalis and Clavelina lepadiformis. P. R. Soc. li, pp. 513-520. . [See also Oka & Willey.] 31. . On the development of the hypophysis in the Ascidians. Zool. Anz. xv, No. 400, pp. 332-334. II.— ANATOMY, EMBRYOLOGY, AND PHYSIOLOGY. (a.) ANATOMY. Nott (18) has given a description, with some anatomical and histo- logical detail, of eight new species of Compound Ascidians from New Zealand belonging to the genera Leptoclinum , Polysyncraton , and Cystodytes. The most important form is Polysyncraton , which presents characters intermediate between those of Leptoclinum , M.-Edw., Cctlo- cormus , Herdm., and the Diplosomidae. Nott proposes finally to follow Jourdain in uniting the families Didemnidae and Diplosomidae under the term Oligosomidae, in which he would put Polysyncraton. He gives a new diagnosis of this family Oligosomidae. Watt (29) gives an account of the anatomy, and some points in the histology, of Boltenia pachydermatina, Herdm., the large common Boltenia of New Zealand. He points out that this species agrees with Culeolus in having the heart on the right side of the body, and six folds on each side of the branchial sac. Oka (20) gives an account of the structure of a species of Botryllus from Misaki, Japan. Butschli (2) gives an account of the eyes of Salpa , with the view of showing that while in some species the whole eye is simple and non- inverted, in those with horse-shoe eyes the lateral parts become modified so as to be inverted, and this leads to forms with three eyes, which may be compared with the vertebrate pineal eye and pair of lateral eyes. Metcalf (17) gives a preliminary account of his investigations into the structure and development of the eyes, subneural gland and neigh- bouring parts in Salpa. He finds that in the chain form of S. pinnatai in addition to the median dorsal eye, there are two pairs of much smaller eyes on the nerve-ganglion. He finds that the dorsal tubercle is innervated by a plexus of nerve cells and fibres. In the development, the cavity of the central nervous system is continuous with the lumen of the ciliated funnel of the dorsal tubercle. He appears to agree with those previous writers who regard the early function of these structures to have been probably the aeration of the brain, and the carrying off of the waste products, while the opening into the pharnyx was probably a sense organ. Goppert (5) has examined the structure of the eyes in five species of Salpa. The eye arises as a stalked body, projecting anteriorly and ven- trally from the middle of the ganglion. Some of its cells become the 4 Tun. VI. TUNIC ATA. retina and a pigment layer ; there are also in most species special groups of sensory elements without pigment. The retina may also be differ- entiated into two layers ; and the end of the optic cell which is directed towards the light in some cases represents the nerve ending, and in other cases is the opposite end of the cell. He points out that while the solitary Salpce are mostly able to look only dorsally, the chain forms are able to look out ventrally in addition. He considers that there is no direct relation between these eyes of Salpce and the vertebrate eyes, except that both are developed from parts of the central nervous system. Herdman (6) describes the minute structure of a species of Oikopleura from Liverpool Bay, as made out from serial sections. These show, amongst other things, the condition of the endostyle as a diverticulum to a great extent shut off from the branchial sac, the presence of a genital duct, the distribution of the enlarged ectoderm cells and the cuticular test, the exact course of the nerve cord through the posterior part of the body, and, finally, the shapes and relative positions of the alimentary and reproductive viscera. Garstang (3), from an examination of the descriptions and figures of Moss and Fol, comes to the conclusion that Moss’s remarkable polystig- matic Appendicularian ( Mossia dolioloides ) has no special resemblance to Doliolum but is identical with Fol’s Kowalevskia. He gives a new diagnosis of the genus Kowalevskia , and describes the two species K. tenuis and K. mossi. Herdman (8) points- out that atrial tentacles have been known in both Simple and Compound Ascidians since 1882, and are now known to occur in four genera, all of these being cases where colonies or aggregations of individuals are formed. Julin (13) gives the first part of a detailed memoir on the Ascidians of Boulonnais. He commences with Styelopsis grossularia as a type, and goes over a considerable part of its structure. Oka & Willey (21) give a detailed account of the structure of a new Compound Ascidian allied to the genus Didemnoides, from Japan. It forms large red lobed colonies, has large tailed larvae, and a thin layer of calcareous spicules in the test. (b.) EMBRYOLOGY. Oka (20) gives an elaborate account of the development of the buds, and the formation of the colony, in a Botryllus from Japan. Seeliger (27) corrects some points in Salensky’s account of the development of Pyrosoma — especially in regard to his criticisms of Seeliger’s former papers. Hjort (11) gives an account of the cycle of development in the Com- pound Ascidians. He finds, as Willey does also, that both in the larva, and also in the young bud, the hypophysis and the ganglion have a common origin from the neural tube, and that the neural tube opens into ANATOMY; EMBRYOLOGY, AND PHYSIOLOGY. Tun. 5 the stomodaeum, as originally described by Kowalevsky. Willey con- siders that the ganglion of the Ascidians seems to bear a similar relation to the hypophysis that the infundibulum does to the hypophysis of the higher Vertebrates. But, while in the latter case both organs are rudi- mentary and arise independently, in the Ascidians both organs are functional and arise together. Pizon (22) finds in various families of the Compound Ascidians and in Clavelinidae that the dorsal tubercle develops as a blind diverticulum from the primitive endodermal vesicle and opens secondarily into the “ branchial ” vesicle, while its posterior part becomes atrophied. It is not, then, a buccal invagination, and so Pizon rejects the homology with the hypophysis of Vertebrates. He considers that the dorsal tubercle is an ancestral organ, once of great importance, but now disappearing, and with no important function in the existing Tunicata. Oka (19) finds a species of Diplosoma , from Japan, in which the upper half of the body is periodically renewed, the younger thorax gradually taking the place of the older one. G-arstang (4) has investigated the development of the stigmata in the branchial sac of Clavelina , Botryllus, Thylacium , and Styela. He finds that in Botryllus the stigmata of the full-grown oozooid are secondary formations due to the subdivision of a series of transversely elongated primary “ proto-stigmata.” In the buds, however, there are no proto- stigmata, the stigmata appearing quite independently of one another. In Thylacium and Styela he also finds proto-stigmata, while in Clavelina , as in the buds of Botryllus , the development is secondarily abbreviated. Garstang therefore regards Pyrosoma in which the adult stigmata are elongated transversely as being a primitive type of Caducichordate Tunicata , in which the proto-stigmata have never been subdivided. He also regards Botryllus and Styela as being more primitive in the Ascidiacea than Clavelina. Willey (30) reconsiders his former views in regard to homologies in Amphioxus and the Tunicata , and now submits that the proboscis cavity, endostyle, mouth, and first pair of gill slits in Ascidians correspond to the organs bearing the same names in Amphioxus, while the club-shaped gland of Amphioxus cannot be homologous with the intestine of Asci- dians, as suggested by Van Beneden and Julin. Kowalevsky (14) has made the remarkable discovery that the cells in the Ascidian test are mesoblastic in origin, being derived from the mesenchyme of the larva and making their way through the ectoderm to the exterior during the metamorphosis. The thin test of the free- swimming tailed larva ( Phallusia mammillata ) has no cells. This agrees well with the observations made by various investigators, that in Com- pound Ascidians the cells of the test act as phagocytes. Salensky (25) has also independently discovered that in Pyrosoma the test cells are mesodermal in origin. Julin (13) is of opinion that in Styelopsis there are two kinds of cells in the test, the one pigmented red, like the pigmented connective tissue cells throughout the body, and probably of 6 Tun. VI. TUNICATA. mesoderm ic origin, the others colourless, and probably of epiblastic origin from the proliferation of the ectoderm. (c.) PHYSIOLOGY. Jourdain (12) has been making experiments on the process of degluti- tion in Ascidians. He finds that in Perophora and Clavelina deglutition takes place along the dorsal side of the branchial sac, a little to the right hand side of the series of languets. He considers that one of the functions of the vibratile pit (dorsal tubercle) is to furnish mucus for the purpose of agglutinating the food particles. Herdman (10) places on record an instance of a large Ascidian (A. raentula) acting as a functional hermaphrodite and fertilizing its own ova. III. — GEOGRAPHICAL DISTRIBUTION. Nott (18) records eight species of Compound Ascidians (all new to science) from the north shore reef, Auckland, New Zealand. Only four species of Ascidians had previously been known from New Zealand. Lohmann (16) discusses both the horizontal and the vertical distribu- tion of the Appendicularians in the North Atlantic, as brought out by the “ Plankton ” Expedition. Bles (1) finds Appendicularia abundant at Plymouth at beginning of July, chiefly Oikopleura cophocerca. Herdman (7), from a consideration of the geographical distribution of the known Tunicata , comes to the conclusion that Ascidians attain their greatest development, both in numbers and size, in the colder northern and southern seas. Herdman (9) gives a list of twenty-three species of Simple and Com- pound Ascidians from the Norwegian seas. Several of them are new to science, but are not yet described in detail. IY.— SYSTEMATIC. A S C I D 1 2E COMPOSITE. Didemnidjl Sarcodidemnoides, n. g., Oka & Willey, (21) p. 321. Sarcodidemnoides misakiense , n. sp., id. ibid. Leptoclinum niveum , n. sp., Nott, (18) p. 308. Leptoclinum densurn, n. sp., id. t. c. p. 311. Leptoclinum tuberatum , n. sp., id. t. c. p. 314. Leptoclinum maculatum , n. sp., id. t. c. p. 316. Polysyncraton , n. g., Nott, (18) p. 318 [genus not defined apart from the species.] Polysyncraton paradoxum, n. sp., id. ibid. Polysyncraton fuscum, n. sp., id. t. c. p. 321. ASCIDLE COMPOSITE, LARYACEA. Tun . 7 Distomim. Cystodytes aucJclandicus, n. sp., Nott, (18) p. 323. Cystodytes per spicuus, n. sp. ?, id. t. c. p. 326. Diplosomid^. Diplosoma mitsuJcurii, n. sp., Oka, (19) p. 266. LARYACEA. Folia , n. g., Lohmann, (16) p. 139. Folia (ethiopica, n. sp., id. ibid. Folia gracilis , n. sp., id. t. c. p. 147. OiJcopleura labradoriensis , n. sp., id. t. c. p. 141 . Althoffia , n. g., id. t. c. p. 146. Althoffia tumida, n. sp., id. t. c. p. 147. Frilillaria glandulifera , n. sp., id. ibid. Moll. 1 VIL MOLLUSCA. > BY B. B. Woodward, F.G-.S., F.R.M.S., &c. In this Record an attempt has been made to repair the more serious of the omissions that occurred in Mollusca in Yols. xxyi and xxvii. Accord- ingly important works by Cossmann, Dall, Heude, and others have been either noticed for the first time, or portions that had been previously overlooked have been now inserted. The Palaeontological papers have not been so exhaustively treated as they were in Yol. xxviii. The labour of examining the extensive litera- ture of Geology is of itself very great ; and as it does not appear necessary for the purposes of Zoology proper that all the Palaeontological details should be given, the Recorder, in the absence of an understanding that the Record should serve the purposes of Palaeontologists as well as Zoolo- gists, has not felt justified in extending the length of his Record by introducing details that might be looked on as superfluous. Hence, fossil species described as new are mostly omitted from the Systematic part of the Record, and the titles of the papers do not invariably appear in the general list. Under the heading “ Geological,” in Section n, there will, however, be found references to all important Palaeontological works and communications ; and the fact of new species being described in them is always noted. New generic and sectional names, however, are fully recorded in the Systematic part. I.— TITLES* 1. Adams, G. W. Land and Freshwater Shells at Karachi. Journ. Conch, vii, pp. 81 & 82. 2. Adams, L. E. A contribution to the authenticated records of Derby- shire. T. c. p. 77. * An asterisk prefixed to a quotation indicates that the Recorder lias not seen the Journal or Work referred to. 1892. [yol. xxix.] d 1 2 Moll. VII. MOLLUSCA.. 3. Aldrich, T. H. A new Land Shell [ Nanina dohertyi ] from Sumatra. Naut. vi, p. 90. 4. Amalizky, W. Ueber die Anthracosien der Permformation Russ- lands. Palseontogr. xxxix, pp. 125-212, 5 pis. Also separately in Russian : Text 8vo, pis. 4to. Abstract in Protok. Otdyel. Biol. 1891-92, No. 3. 5. Ancey, C. F. Description of a new species of Helicidai [ Ptychodon magdalence]. Brit. Nat. 1891, pp. 65 & 66. 6. . Diagnoses of Land Shells. Op. cit. 1892, pp. 125-127, 1 fig. 7. . On some Shells from Eastern Bolivia and Western Brazil. Journ. Conch, vii, pp. 90-97, fig. 8. . Descriptions de mollusques nouveaux. Le Nat. 1892, p. 178. 8a. . Etudes sur la Faune malacologique des lies Sandwich. Mem. Soc. Zool. v, pp. 708-722. 9. Archer, F. Supplementary report upon the Testaceous Mollusca of the Liverpool] M[arine] B[iological] C[ommittee] District. P. Liverp. Soc. vi, pp. 105-121. 10. Baichere, E. Faunule malacologique de Carcassonne. Feuill. Nat. 1892, pp. 63-68. 11. Baker, F. C. Notes on a collection of Shells from the Mauritius ; with a consideration of the genus Magilus of Montfort. P. Roches- ter Acad, ii, pp. 19-40, 1 pi. 12. Ballowitz, E. Ueber den feineren Bau der Muskelsubstanzen. 1. Die Muskelfaser der Cephalopoden. Arch. mikr. Anat. xxxix, pp. 291-324, 2 pis. Abstr. in J. R. Micr. Soc. pp. 351 & 352. 13. Barrois, J. Anatomie du Gryptazeca monodonta. Rev. Sci. Nat. Ouest, ii, pp. 330 & 331, figs. 14. Bednall, W. T. Land and Freshwater Mollusca [of the Elder Exploring Expedition]. Tr. R. Soc. S. Austr. xvi, pp. 62-67, 1 pi. 15. Beiirendsen, O. Zur Geologie des Ostabhanges der Argentinischen Cordillere. Z. Geol. Ges. xliv, pp. 1-42. 16. Bergh, R. Die Nudibranchiata holohepatica porostomata. Verb, z.-b. Wien, xlii (Abh.), pp. 1-16. 17. . System der Nudibranchiaten Gasteropoden. Semper’s Reisen in Archipel Philippinen, Theil ii, Bd. ii, Hft. 18, pp. 995-1165 [com- pleting vol.]. 18. . Opisthobranches provenant des campagnes du yacht l’Hiron- delle. Fasc. iv of “ Resultats des Campagnes scientifiques . . . par Albert I. . . . de Monaco.” Monaco : 1892 [1893 on wrapper], 4to, 35 pp., 4 pis. TITLES. Moll. 3 19. Beushansen, L. Anmigenia rhenana ein Anodonta ahnlicher zweis- chaler aus dem rheinischen Mitteldevon. JB. k. prenss. geol. Landesanst. xi, Abhand. pp. 1-10, fig. 20. Bierbauer, B. A Check-list of the Palaeozoic Fossils of Wisconsin, Minnesota, Iowa, Dakota, and Nebraska. Bull. Minnesota Acad. iii. Mollusca , pp. 234-245. 21. Binney, W. G. A Fourth Supplement to the Fifth Volume of the Terrestrial and Air-breathing Mollusks of the United States and adjacent Territories. Bull. Mus. C. Z. xxii, pp. 163-204, 4 pis. 22. Bittner, A. Neue Arten aus der Trias von Balia in Kleimasien. JB. geol. Reichsanst. xlii, pp. 77-89, 2 pis. 23. . Ueber die systematische Stellung von Mactra und verwandten Gattungen. Verh. geol. Reichsanst. 1892, pp. 232-241. 24. Bizet, E. Catalogue des Mollusques observes k l’etat vivant dans le Departement de la Somme. Part II. Mem. Soc. L. N. Fr. viii, pp. 262-405. Part I appeared in op. cit. vii. 25. Blake, J. F. The Evolution and Classification of the Cephalopoda : an account of recent advances. P. Geol. Ass. xii, pp. 275-295. 26. Blum, J. Schlendertage auf Capri. Nachr. mal. Ges. 1892, pp. 23-30. 27. . Die Schneckenfauna von Richisan im Klonthal (Kanton Glarus). Nachr. mal. Ges. 1892, pp. 127-130. 28. Boehm, G. Lithiotis problematical Giimbel. Ber. Ges. Freiburg, vi, pp. 65-80, 3 pis. 29. - — . Ueber den Fussmuskeleindruck bei Pachyerisma. T. c. pp. 119 & 120. 30. Bcettger, O. Drei neue mitteloligocane Mollusken aus deutschem Rupelthon. Mal. Bl. xi, pp. 89-93. 31. . Zur Kenntniss der Land- und Susswasser-Mollusken von Nossi-Be. hi. Nachr. mal. Ges. 1892, pp. 53-58. 32. . Schnecken von der Insel Giura, N.-Sporaden, aus dem pho- kischen Parnass und aus anderen griechischen Gebieten. T. c. pp. 59-66. 33. . Die Meeresmollusken der mittleren Liukiu-Inseln. (Vor- wort von A. Fritze.) T. c. pp. 153-157. 34. -. Neue Stenogyren aus Westafrika und ein neues Aperostoma aus Honduras. T. c. pp. 202-204. 35. . Wissenschaftliche Ergebnisse der Reise Dr. J. Valentin’s im Sommer, 1890. ii. Die Meeresmollusken der Insel Kalymos. Ber. Senck. Ges. 1892, pp. 150-163. . [See also for Syndosmya schneideri, n. sp., Schneider (337) ? and for determination and description of species, Simroth (355).] 4 Moll. VII. MOLLUSCA. 36. Bourguignat, J. R. Iconographie malacologique des Animaux mollusques fluviatiles du Lac Tanganika. Corbeil : 1888, 8vo, 82 pp., 35 pis. 37. . Mollusques de l’Afrique Equatoriale de Moguedouchou . . . au Tanganyika. Paris : 1889, 8vo, 229 pp., 8 pis. 38. Boutan, L. Sur le systeme nerveux de la Nerita polita. C.R. cxiv, pp. 1133-1135. Abstr. in J. R. Micr. Soc. 1892, p. 465. 39. Bouvier, E. L. Quelques observations anatomiques sur les Mol- lusques Gasteropodes. CR. Soc. Biol, iv, pp. 987-992. 40. . Sur ^organisation des Amphiboles. Bull. Soc. Philom. iv, pp. 146-153. . [See also Fischer, P., & Bouvier, E. L. (131 & 132).] 41. Boycott, A. E. Contributions towards a list of the Mollusca of Herefordshire. Sci. Goss. 1892, pp. 77-79. 42. Brancsik, C. Consiguatio systematica specierum in itinere Bosnensi anno 1888 . . . collectarum, &c. Evkon Trencsen Yarm. xii (1890), pp. 68-76. 43. Brazier, J. On the synonymy of Helix ( Hadra ) gulosa , Gould. P. Linn. Soc. N.S.W. vi, pp. 321-328. 44. . Catalogue of the Marine Shells of Australia and Tasmania. Pt. I. Cephalopoda ; Pt. n. Pteropoda. Sydney : 8vo, 42 pp. Australian Museum Catalogue, No. 15. 45. Broemme, Dr. Zur Fauna von Lugano. Nachr. mal, Ges. 1892, pp. 171-173. 46. Bronn, H. G. Klassen und Ordnungen des Thier-Reichs . . . Bd. hi. Mollusca . . . neu bearbeitet von Dr. H. Simroth. Leipzig : 1892, 8vo, Lief 1 & 2. 47. Brown, Amos P. The development of the Shell in the Coiled Stage of Baculites compressus , Say. P. Ac. Philad. 1892, pp. 136— 141, 1 pi. 48. Brusina, S. Ueber die Gruppe der Congeria triangularis. Z. geol. Ges. xliv, pp. 488-497. 49. . Fauna fossile terziaria di Markusevec in Croazia. Con un elenco delle Dreissensidse della Dalmazia, Croazia e Slavonia. Glasnik Naravosl. Druzt. vii, pp. 113-210. 50. Bucaille, E. Catalogue raisonne des Mollusques terrestres et d’eau douce observes dans le departement de la Seine-Inferieure . . . revue . . . par R. Fortin. Bull. Soc. Rouen, xxvii, pp. 171-189. 51. Buchner, O. Die asymmetrie der Gastropoden in ihren Bezie- hungen und Wirkungen auf die Lebensausserungen der schalen- tragenden Schnecken. JH. Yer. Wurtt. xlviii, pp. 58-92. TITLES. Moll 5 52. Buckman, S. S. The reported occurrence of Ammonites jurensis in the Northampton Sands. G-eol. Mag. 1892, pp. 258-260. 53. . The Morphology of 1 Stephanoceras ’ zigzac. Q. J. Geol. Soc. xlviii, pp. 447-452, 2 pis. 54. . A Monograph on the Inferior Oolite Ammonites of the British Islands. Pt. vii, pp. 313-344, pis. lvii-lxxvi (Pal. Soc.). 55. Bucquoy, E., Dautzenberg, P., & Dollfus, G. Les Mollusques Marins du Roussillon : fasc. 19, Carditidce , Lasceidce , Galeommidoe , Cardiidce ; fasc. 20, Cardiidce (fin), Chamidce, Isocardiidce , = Tome ii, pp. 221-320, pis. xxxviii-li. 56. Canavari, M. Note di Malacologia fossile. Bull. Soc. Mai. Ital. xvi, pp. 65-73, 1 pi. 57. Carazzi, I). La perforazione delle rocce calcaree per opera dei datteri ( Lithodomus dactylus ). Atti Soc. Ligust. iii, pp. 279-297, fig- 58. Caruana-Gatto, A. New Clausilice from Malta. Med. Nat. i, pp. 148 & 149. 59. . Disappearance of Spondylus gcederopus , L., and other species from Maltese Waters. T. c. p. 165. 60. . Maltese Ccecilianelloe . Op. cit. ii, pp. 226 & 227. 3 new species are described by Westerlund. 61. . Assiminea littorina , Delle Chiaie, in Malta. T. c. p. 245. 62. Caziot, — . Liste des coquilles marines recueillies a Bandol (pres Toulon). Feuill. Nat. 1892, pp. 148 & 149. 63. Chaster, G. W. Shell hunting in Merionethshire. Journ. Conch, vii, pp. 78 & 79. 64. Clarke, J. M. The discovery of Clymenia in the fauna of the intumescens zone (Naples beds) of Western New York, &c. Am. J. Sci. xliii, pp. 57-62, figs. 65. Clessin, S. Bythinella bosniensis , n. sp. Mai. Bl. xi, p. 20, fig. 66. Clubb, J. A. [See Herdman & Clubb (184).] 67. Cockerell, T. D. A. [Descriptions of alleged new species of Helix and Veronicella , concealed in “ Museum Notes ’’.] J. Inst. Jamaica, i, pp. 55, 96, 134. 68. . Remarks on Australian Slugs. Ann. N. H. ix, pp. 370-372. [Reply to Hedley (178).] 69. . The genera Limax, Arion , and Helix. Conchologist, ii, pp. 28 & 29. 70. . The British Arionidce. T. c. pp. 84 & 85. [A criticism of Collinge (79).] . New varieties of American Mollusca. Journ. Conch, vii, p. 39. 71. 6 Moll. VII. MOLLUSCA. 72. [Cockerell, T. D. A.] A revised list of the species of British Slugs. Journ. Conch, vii, pp. 66-70. 73. . Notes on the North American species of Succinea. Naut. vi, pp. 21-23 & 29-31. 74. . The endemic features of the British Slug-Fauna. Sci. Goss. 1892, pp. 255-259. 75. Collinge, W. E. Notes on the variation of the genus Avion. Ann. N. H. ix, pp. 307 & 308. 76. . Limax maximus, L., and its variety cmereo-niger, Wolf. Ann. N. H. x, pp. 425 & 426. 77. . Descriptions of a new variety of Avion hovtensis, Fer., and A. circumscviptus , Johnst. Conchologist, ii, pp. 26-27. 78. . Some further remarks on the burrowing habits of certain Land Molluscs. T. c. pp. 29 & 30. 79. . A review of the Avionidce of the British Isles. T. c. pp. 56-66 & 76-83. [Criticism by Cockerell, t. c. pp. 84 & 85 ; reply by Collinge, pp. 85 & 86.] 80. . A catalogue of the Slugs of the British Isles. Brit. Nat. 1892, pp. 176-179. 81. Conklin, E. G. Cleavage of the ovum in Cvepidula fovnicata. Zool. Anz. xv, pp. 185-188, figs. Abstr. in J. R. Micr. Soc. 1892, p. 464. 82. Cooke, A. II. On the origin of the genera of Land and Fresh- water Mollusca. Conchologist, ii, pp. 41-48. 83. . On the geographical distribution of the Land-Mollusca of the Philippine Is., and their relations to the Mollusca of the neighbour- ing groups. P. Z. S. 1892, pp. 447-469. Abstr. in Nature, xlvi, p. 142. 84. Cooper, J. G. Catalogue of the Land and Freshwater Mollusca of Lower California. Zoe, iii, pp. 12-25. 85. Cossmann, M. Catalogue illustre des coquilles fossiles de l’Eocene des Environs de Paris. Fasc. v ( Ptevopoda , Cephalopoda ), Supplement. Mem. Soc. Mai. Belg. 1891 [1893], pp. 1-163 ; also, separately in advance, July, 1892. The names for new sections proposed in Parts iii & iv, and omitted from the Record in 1889-90, have been inserted in the Systematic part this year. 86. . Reponse aux observations de M. E. Vincent sur le “ Gilbevtia inopinata , Morlet.” Bull. Soc. Mai. Belg. 1891 [1893], pp. lxiv-lxvi. 87. . Revision sommaire de la faune du terrain oligocene marin aux environs d’Etampes (continued). J. de Conch. 1892, pp. 330-375. TITLES. Moll 7 88. Coupin, H. Les Mollusques : introduction a l’etude de leur organisation, developpement, classification, affinites, et principaux types, vii & 261 pp., figg. 89. Coutagne, G. Sur la Faune malacologique terrestre des lies de la Rade de Marseille. C.R. Ass. Fr. Sci. 1891, ii, pp. 546-554. 90. Cox, J. C. Descriptions of some new species of Pulmonate Mollusca from Australia and the Solomon Is. P. Linn. Soc. N.S.W. vi, pp. 565-570, 2 pis. 91. Crandall, 0. A. Physa heterostropha. Naut. vi, pp. 20 & 21. 92. Crick, W. D. Bibliography of the Land and Freshwater Mollusca of Northamptonshire. Conchologist, ii, pp. 10-13. 93. Crosse, H. Faune malacologique terrestre et fluviatile de l'ile de Portorico. J. de Conch. 1892, pp. 5-71. 94. . Etudes malacologiques sur des genres nouveaux ou peu connus. T. c. pp. 279-292, 1 pi. j . [See also Fischer & Crosse (133).] 95. Crosse, H., & Fischer, P. Note sur les Mollusques marins du Golfe de Siam (Cote O. du Cambodge). T. c. pp. 71-77. 96. & . Note sur le genre Holospira , Martens, et sur la dis- tribution geographique des especes dont il se compose. T. c. pp. 256-279, 1 pi. 97. & . Note sur le Neritina picta) Sow. T. c. pp. 292 & 293. 98. & . Diagnoses Molluscorum Reipublicae Mexican® et Gua- telmalse incolarum. T. c. pp. 294-296. . [See also Fischer, P., & Crosse, H. (133).] 99. Cuenot, L. Etudes sur le sang et les glandes lymphatiques dans la serie animale (2e Partie : Invertebres). Arch. Z. exper. ix, 1891 (Mollusques), pp. 19-54. Abstr. in J. R. Micr. Soc. 1892, pp. 192 & 193. 100. . L’excretion chez les Gasteropodes pulmones. C.R. cxv, pp. 256-258. Abstr. in J. R. Micr. Soc. 1892, p. 597. 100a. . Etudes physiologiques sur les Gasteropodes Pulmones. Arch. Biol, xii, pp. 683-740, 1 pi. Abstr. in J. R. Micr. Soc. 1893, p. 312. 101. Dall, W. H. Reports on the Results of Dredging, under the supervision of A. Agassiz, in the Gulf of Mexico (1877-78) and in the Caribbean Sea (1879-80), by the U.S. Coast Survey Steamer “ Blake,” . . . xxix. Report on the Mollusca. . . . Part n. Gastropoda and S caphopoda. Bull. Mus. C. Z. xviii, 1889, 492 pp., 31 pis. 8 Moll VJI. MOLLUSCA. 102. [Dall, W. H.] Contributions to the Tertiary Fauna of Florida. . . . Part II [completing the Gastropoda , Pteropoda , Polyplacophora , and Scaphopoda , Tr. Wagner Inst, iii, pp. 201-446, 1 map, and pis. xiii-xxii. 103. — — . Note on Cytherea convexa, Say. Naut. vi, pp. 52 & 53. 104. . On some types new to the fauna of the Galapagos Islands. Op. cit. v. pp. 97-99. 105. . Instructions for Collecting Mollusks, and other useful hints for the Conchologist. Bull. U.S. Nat. Mus. xxxix, 56 pp. . [For Vitrinella williamsoni and Amphissa bicolor , n. spp., see Williamson (435).] . [For Pleurotoma simpsoni , Tralia minuscula, and Pandora bushiana , n. spp. (1889), see Simpson (349).] 106. Danilo, F., & Sandri, G. B. Elenco dei molluschi lamelli- branchiati dei dintorni di Zara. Glasnik Naravosl. Druzt. vi, 1891, pp. 82-108. 107. Dautzenberg, P. Revision des Mollusques Marins des A^res. [Fasc. I of Resultats des Campagnes scientifiques accomplies sur son yacht par le Prince . . . de Monaco.] Monaco : 1889, 4to, 112 pp., 4 pis. 108. . Description d’un Perideris nouveau [P. lechatelieri ] provenant du Dahomey. J. de Conch. 1892, p. 297. 109. — — . Description d’une espece nouvelle du genre Chama [(7. nicol- loni\ provenant des cotes oceaniques de France. Bull. Soc. Ouest Fr. ii, pp. 133-135, figg. . [See also Bucquoy, E., Dautzenberg, P., & Dollfus, G, (55).] 110. Dean, G. W. More about Unio luteolus and U. radiatus. Naut. v, pp. 112 & 113. 111. . Catalogue of the Shell-bearing Mollusca of Portage County, Ohio. Am. Nat. xxvi, pp. 11-23. 112. Deschamps, E. Description d’une nouvelle espece A Unio [77. cor- beW] de Ceylan. Bull. Soc. Z. Fr. xvii, pp. 68-69, fig. Dollfus, G. [See Bucquoy, E., Dautzenberg, P., & Dollfus, G. (55).] 113. Donald, Miss J. Notes on some new and little-known species of Carboniferous Murchisonia. Q. J. Geol. Soc. xlviii, pp. 562-57 5, 2 pis. 114. Dreger, J. Die Gastropoden von Haring bei Kirchbichl in Tirol. Ann. Hof museum Wien, vii, pp. 11-34, 4 pis. 115. Drouet, H. Unionidce nouveaux ou peu connus. J. de Conch. 1892, pp. 86-94. TITLES. Moll. 9 115a. Drouet, H., & Chaper, M. Voyage de M. Chaper a Borneo. — Unionidce. Mem. Soc. Zool. v, pp. 145-155, 2 pis. 116. Dubois, R. Anatomie et physiologie comparees de la Pholade dac- tyle. Ann. Univ. Lyon, ii, fasc. 2, x & 167 pp., 15 pis. Dunker, W. [See Hesse, P. (185).] 117. Ehrmann, P. Nachtrag zur Gastropoden-Fauna der Umgegend von Leipzig nebst einigen biologischen Bemerkungeu. SB. Ges. Leipzig, xviii, pp. 76-80. 118. Erlanger, R. yon. Beitrage zur Entwicklungsgeschichte der Gasteropoden . . . Thl. I. Zur Entwicklung von Bythinia tentaculata. MT. z. Stat. Neap, x, pp. 376-407, 2 pis., figg. Abstr. in J. R.Micr. Soc. 1893, p. 313. 119. . Mittheilungen fiber Bau und Entwicklung einiger marinen Prosobrancbier. I. Ueber Capulus hungaricus. Zool. Anz. xv, pp. 465-468. Abstr. in J. R. Micr. Soc. 1893, p. 163. 120. . On the paired Nephridia of Prosobranchs, the homologies of the only remaining Nephridium of most Prosobranchs, and the relations of the Nephridia to the Gonad and Genital Duct. Q. J. Micr. Sci. xxxiii, pp. 587-623, 2 pis. Abstr. in J. R. Micr. Soc. 1892, p. 598. Etheridge, R., jun. [See Jack & Etheridge (193).] 121. Eyre, W. L. W. On the Classification of Varieties [of Helix hor- tensis and nemoralis ]. Conchologist, ii, pp. 7-10. 122. c'Fagot, P. Histoire malacologique des Pyrenees Fra^aises et Espagnoles. Liste, &c. Bull. Soc. Ramond, 1891, xxvi, p. 215 ( fide Rev. Tr. Sci. xii, p. 393). 123. . Histoire malacologique de la presqu’ lie Sainte-Lucie (Aude). Bull. Soc. Aude, iii, pp. 173-180. 124. Faure, C. Dell’ origine di qualche varieta nei Molluschi. Riv. Ital. Sci. Nat. x, 1891, pp. 89, 90, & 105-107. 125. Fischer, H. Recherches sur la morphologie du Foie des Gastero- podes. Bull. Sci. Fr. xxiv, pp. 260-346, 7 pis. Abstr. in J. R. Micr. Soc. 1892, pp. 596 & 597. 126. . Note sur l’enroulement de la coquille des embryons de Gas- tropodes. J. de Conch. 1892, pp. 309-313. 127. . Sur le developpement du Foie chez la Paludine. C.R. Soc. Biol, iii, 1891, pp. 644 & 645. . [See also Fischer, P., and Fischer, H. (134).] 128. Fischer, P. Catalogue et distribution geographique des Mollusques terrestres, fluviatiles, et marins d’une partie de l’lndo-Chine. Bull. Soc. Autun, iv, pp. 87-276. 129. . Note sur la distribution geographique de VOvula carnea, Poiret. J. de Conch. 1892, pp. 77 & 78. 10 Moll. YU. MOLLUSCA. 129a. [Fischer, P.] Le Catalogue de la Collection Schliiter. J. de Conch. 1892, pp. 208-212. 130. . Note sur la faune terrestre et fluviatile de l’ile d’Hainan (Cliine). Deuxieme supplement. T. c. pp. 313-315. 131. Fischer, P., & Bouvier, E. L. Recherches et considerations sur l’asymetrie des Mollusques univalves. T. c. pp. 117-207, 3 pis. 132. & . Sur l’enroulement des Mollusques univalves. T. c. pp. 234-245. 133. Fischer, P., & Crosse, H. Etudes sur les mollusque terrestres et fluviatiles. Mission Scient. Mexique et Amer. Cent, vn, ii, pp. 313- 392, pis. liii & liv. Melaniidce , Proserpinidce. . [See also Crosse, H., & Fischer, P. (95).] 134. Fischer, P., & Fischer, H. Diagnoses d’especes nouvelles de Mollusques Cephalopodes recueillis dans le cours de l’Expedition scientifique du Talisman. J. de Conch. 1892, pp. 297-300. 135. Folin, Marquis de. Les mollusques speciaux a la region extreme sud-ouest de la France et l’Atlantide. Rev. Sci. Nat. Ouest, ii, pp. 324-329. 136. Ford, J. Some remarks on New Jersey Coast Shells. Naut. vi, pp. 25-29, figs. 137. Foresti, L. Di alcune varieta della Melania verrii , De Stef. Bull. Soc. Mai. Ital. xvi, pp. 74-79, 1 pi. 138. . Di una nuova specie di Pholadomya [ P . elego.ntula ] plio- cenica. T. c. pp. 80-82, 1 pi. 139. Futterer, — . Die oberen Kreidebildungen den Umgebung des Lago di Santa Croce inder Yenetianer Alpen. Pal. Abh. vi, 124 pp., 12 pis. 140. Gain, W. A. Some remarks on the Colour changes in Avion inter- medins., Normand. Conchologist, ii, pp. 55 & 56. 141. . [Notes on Variation.] Brit. Nat. 1892. 142. Gallenstein, H. yon. Die Schalenformungen der Muscheln des Worther-See’s in Karnten. Nachr. mal. Ges. 1892, pp. 102-114. 143. Galletly, A. The Pearl Molluscs of the Persian Gulf. P. Phys. Soc. Edinb. xi, pp. 30 & 31. 144. Gamble, F. W. Observations on two rare British Nudibranchs ( Lomanotus genei, Yerany, and Hancockia eudactylota , Gosse). Ann. N. H. ix, pp. 378-385, 1 pi. 145. Ganong, W. F. Zoological Notes. . . . i. Mollusca [of New . Brunswick]. Bull. Nat. Hist. Soc. New Brunswick, ix, pp. 46 & 47. Addenda to list published 1887. TITLES. Moll 11 146. Garstang, W. On some new or rare Marine Animals recently discovered on the Coast of Devonshire. Rep. Tr. Devon Ass. xxiv, pp. 377-386. Mollusca , pp. 383 & 384. 147. . Notes on the Structure and Habits of Jorunna johnstoni. Conchologist, ii, pp. 49-52. Gatto, A. C. C. [See Caruana-Gatto (58, &c.).] 118. Girard, A. 0. Notice sur les Cephalopodes des cotes de l’Espagne. An. Soc. Esp. xxi, pp. 391-399. 149. Godwin-Austen, H. H. On new species and varieties of the . . . genus Diplommatina from the Garo, Naga, and Munipur Hill-ranges, Assam. P. Z. S. 1892, pp. 509-520. 150. . Description of a new species of Helix of the subgenus Plecto - pylis [H. fultoni]. Ann. N. H. 1892, pp. 300 & 301. 151. Goodrich, E. S. Note on a large Squid ( Ommastrephes pteropus , Stp.). J. Mar. Biol. Ass. ii, pp. 314-321, figg. 152. Goodchild, J. G. Notes on Carboniferous Lamellibranchs [ Cteno - donta and Nucula]. P. Phys. Soc. Edinb. xi, pp. 244 & 245. 152a. . Note on the genus A llorisma , King. T. c. pp. 245 & 246. 153. Gorjanovic-Kramberger, D. Ueber einen tertiaren Rudisten [ Ceratoconcha costata , n. g. & sp.] aus Podsused bei Agram. Glasnik. Naravosl. Druzt. iv, 1889, pp. 48-55, 1 pi. 154. Granger, A. Description d’une nouvelle espece d’Ampullaire [Ampullaria brohardi]. Le Nat. 1892, p. 97, fig. 155. Gregorio, March A. de. Sul genere Pectunculus e pricipua- mente sulle specie viventi Mediterranee e fossili. Nat. Sicil. xi, pp. 89-96 & 106-114. For comment on this paper, see Monte rosato (260). 156. . Intorno alia nota del March, di Monterosato sul genere Pectunculus. T. c. pp. 209-212. 157. . Nota intorno talune conchiglie Mediterranee del terziario inferiore del littorale Ligure. T. c. pp. 270-272. 158. Griesbaoh, — . Ueber das Blut der acephalen Mollusken. Yerh. Ges. Deutsch. Naturf. lxiii, pt. 2 (1891), pp. 131-133. 159. Griffiths, A. B. Sur une globuline incolore [from the blood of Patella] qui possede une fonctiou respiratoire. C. R. cxv, p. 259. 160. . Sur une globuline respiratoire contenue dans le sang des Chitons. T. c. pp. 474 & 475. 161. . Sur les tissus nerveux de quelques invertebres. T. c. pp. 562 & 563. 162. . On the Blood of the Invertebrata. P. R. Soc. Edinb. xviii (Blood of the Mollvsca), pp. 290-292, & xix, pp. 127-130. 12 Moll . VII. MOLLUSCA. 163. Grobben, C. Beitrage zur kenntniss des Baues von Cuspidaria ( Neaera ) cuspidata , Olivi, nebst Betrachtungen fiber das System der Lamellibranchiaten. Arb. z. Inst. Wien, x, No. 3, 46 pp., 4 pis. Abstr. in J. R. Micr. Soc. 1893, p. 164. 164. . Das system der Lamellibranchiaten. Zool. Anz. xv, pp. 371-375. This is the second section of the preceding. Diverse transla- tions of the table of classification appear in J. R. Micr. Soc. 1892. p. 772, and Nat. Sci. ii, p. 9. 165. Guppy, R. J. L. Note on Bulimus oblongus. P. Z. S. 1892, pp. 271 & 272. 166. Haller, B. Die Anatomie von Siphonaria gigas, Less., eines opisthobranchen gasteropoden. Arb. z. Inst. Wien, x, pp. 71-100, 3 pis. Abstr. in J. R. Micr. Soc. 1892, p. 770. 167. % Die morphologie der Prosob ranchier . . . m. Naticiden und Calyptraeiden. Morph. JB. xviii, pp. 451-543, 7 pis. Abstr. in J. R. Micr. Soc. 1892, pp. 769-770. 168. Hart, H. C. Notes on Marine Mollusca collected on the Coasts of Donegal and Dublin. Zool. xvi, pp. 51-56, 105-107, 139-141, 181-183 & 414. 169. Hartmann, W. D. Description of a new Diplomorpha [D. coxi]. P. Linn. Soc. N.S.W. vi, p. 571, figg. 170. . Catalogue of the genus Partula [pt. i]. Naut. vi, pp. 73-76, figg- 171. Hecht, E. Remarques sur quelques moyens de defense des Eolidiens. C.R. cxv, pp. 746-748. Abstr. in J. R. Micr. Soc. 1893, p. 313. 172. Hedley, C. List of the Mollusca collected by Sir W. MacGregor on the Fly River. Colonial Reports, No. 6, British New Guinea, 1889-1890 (1891), p. 84. 172a. . Uses of shells among the Papuans. Thompson’s British New Guinea. London : 1892, 8vo, pp. 283-285. 173. . [Note on a species of Glaucus (6r. atlanticus ) frequently washed ashore on the Coast of New South Wales.] P. Linn. Soc. N.S.W. vi, p. 576. 174. . The Land Molluscan fauna of British New Guinea (Anatomical Supplement) [to paper Zool. Rec. 1891, Moll. p. 12, No. 172]. T. c. pp. 685-698, 5 pis. 175. . Observations on the Charopidce. Op. cit. vii, pp. 157-169, 2 pis. 175. — On the genus Perrieria. T. c. pp. 311-313. 177, On the structure and affinities of Panda atomataf Gray. Rec. Austral. Mus. ii, pp. 26-31, 3 pis. TITLES. Moll 13 178. [Hedley, C.] Remarks on Australian Slugs. Ann. N. H. ix, pp. 169-171. See Cockerell (68) for reply. 179. Hedley, C., & Musson. C. T. On a collection of Land and Fresh- water Shells from Queensland. P. Linn. Soc. N.S.W. vi, pp. 551-564. 180. Heimburg, H. von. Abbildungund Beschreibung einer neuen Helix [H. aggiei , Solomon Is.]. Mai. Bl. xi, pp. 158 & 159, figg. 181. Hemphill, H. Studies among Mollusks, Instinct and Genera. Zoe, ii, pp. 312-318. 182. •. Note on a Californian Loligo \_L. stearnsii , n. sp.]. Zoe, iii, pp. 51 & 52. 183. Herdman, W. A. An additional occurrence of Pleurophyllidia loveni in Britain. Conchologist, ii, p. 52. 184. Herdman, W. A., & Clubb, J. A. On the innervation of the Cerata of some Nudibranchiata. Q. J. Micr. Sci. xxxiii, pp. 541-558, 3 pis. Abstr. in J. R. Micr. Soc. 1892, p. 598. 185. Hesse, P. Zur Kenntniss der Molluskenfauna Westfalens. (Con- chylien, welche sich in der Grafschaft Schaumburg und der Umgegend finden. Yon W. Dunker.) J. Ber. Westf. Yer. xix (1891), pp. 79-86. 186. Heude, P. M. Notes sur les Mollusques terrestres (et d’eau douce) de la Yallee du Fleuve Bleu. Pp. 125-188, pis. xxxiii-xliii in Mem. Hist. Nat. Empire Chinois, par des Peres de la Compagnie de Jesus. Tom i, pt. 4, 1890. Part only seen and recorded in 1891. - — . [See also Moellendorff (257).] 187. Heuscher, J. Zur Anatomie und Histologie der Proneomenia sluiteri , Hubrecht. Yiert. Ges. Zurich, xxxvii, pp. 148-161, figg. Abstr. in J. R. Micr. Soc. 1892, p. 771. 188. Holm, G. Om mynningen hos Lituites, Breyn. Geol. Foren. Stock- holm Forh. xiii, pp. 736-774, 3 pis. 189. . Om tvenne Gyroceras-formigtbojdaFJneZoceras-arter. Op.cit. xiv, pp. 125-134 & 208-210, 3 pis. 190. Horsley, J. W. List of Mollusca found at Meiringen, Switzerland. Journ. Conch, vii, p. 32. 191. Hudleston, W. H. A Monograph of the British Jurassic Gas- teropoda. Pt. i, No. 6. Gasteropoda of the Inferior Oolite (Pal. Soc.), pp. 273-324, pis. xxi-xxvi. 192. Hudleston, W. H., & Wilson, E. A Catalogue of British Jurassic Gasteropoda , &c. London : 8vo, xxxiii & 147 pp. 192a.1|*Ishika'wa, C. [Introduction to the Anatomy of Animals. I. Dipsas plicata, Lea.] In Japanese. Tokio : 1892, 8vo, 35 pp., 6 pis. 14 Moll . VII. MOLLUSCA. 193. Jack, R. Lm & Etheridge, R., jun. The Geology and Palaeonto- logy of Queensland and New Guinea. Text & atlas, 2 vols. Brisbane & London : 1892, 8vo, xxx & 768 pp., 68 pis. 194. Janet, C. Note sur trois nouvelles Belemnites Senoniennes. Bull. Soc. Geol. xix, pp. 716-721, 1 pi., figg. 195. Jhering, H. von. Morphologie und Systematik des Geuital- apparates von Helix. Z. wiss. Zool. liv, pp. 386-520, 2 pis. Abstr. in J. R. Micr. Soc. 1892, pp. 768 & 769. 196. .. Anodonta und Glabaris (finis). Zool. Anz. xv, pp. 1-5. 197. — — . Zur Ivenntniss der Gattung Cristaria. Nachr. mal. Ges. 1892, pp. 1-14. 198. — — . Die Gattung Hyalina. T. c. pp. 132-140. 198a. . Ueber Atopos, Simroth. T. c. pp. 140-144. 199. Jobert, — . De la formation du Byssus chez quelques Mollusques acephales. Rev. Tr. Sci. xii, pp. 396-398. 200. Johnson, C. W., & Pilsbry, H. A. A new American Helix [H. sar - genti ]. Naut. vi, pp. 8 & 9. & . [See also Pilsbry & Johnson (303).] 201. Johnston, R. M. Critical observations on recent contributions to our knowledge of the freshwater Shells of Tasmania. Part I. P. R. Soc. Tasm. 1888 (1889), pp. 84-90, 4 pis. The plates illustrate the author’s paper in the same publica- tion for 1877. 202. . Observations on the variability of the Tasmanian TJnio. T.c. pp. 95-96, 2 pis. 203. Joubin, L. Recherches sur la coloration du tegument chez les Cephalopodes. Arch. Z. exper. x, pp. 277-330, 3 pis. & figg. 204. Jousseaume, F. Reflexions sur la Faune malacologique de la Mer Rouge. Ann. Sci. Nat. xii, pp. 343-363. 205. Kellog, J. L. Some notes from a study in the Morphology of the Lamellibranchiata. Johns Hopk. Univ. Circ. xi, pp. 80-83. Abstr. in J. R. Micr. Soc. 1892, pp. 353 & 354. 206. Keyes, C. R. The Platyceras group of Palaeozoic Gasteropods. Am. Geol. x, pp. 273-277. 207. Kilian, W. Sur quelques Ammonitides appartenant au Museum d’Histoire Naturelle de Lyon. Arch. Mus. Lyon, v, No. 3, 9 pp., 1 pi. 208. . Sur quelques Cephalopodes nouveaux ou peu connus de la periode secondaire. Bull. Soc. Stat. Isere (4) i, pp. 203-208, 7 pis. 209. Kittl, E. Die Gastropoden der Schichten von St. Cassian der sudalpinen Trias. II Thiel. Ann. Hof museum Wien, vii, pp. 35-97, 5 pis. TITLES. Moll. 15 210. KnIpovICH, N. K embriologhii Kruilonoghikh [On the Embryo- logy of the Pteropodoi\. Rev. Sci. Nat. St. Petersb. 1891, pp. 148-151. 211. Koenen, A. yon. Das norddeutsche Unter-Oligocan und seine Mollnsken-Fauna . . . Lief. IY. Rissoidce-Patellidce . . . Opistho- branchiata . . . Polyplacophora, Scaphopoda , Pteropoda, Cephalo- poda. Abh. Geol. specialkarte Prenss. x, No. 4, pp. 819-1004, pis. liii-lxii. 212. Koken, E. Ueber die Gastropoden der rothen Schlernschichten nebst Bemerkungen fiber Yerbreitung nnd Herkunft einiger tri- assischer Gattnngen. JB. Mineral. 1892, ii, pp. 25-36. For extended paper, see WOehrmann & Koken (438). 213. Korschelt, E. On the Development of Dreissena polymorpha , Pallas. Ann. N. H. ix, pp. 157-169, figg. Transl. from SB. nat. Fr. 1891, pp. 131-146. 214. . Beitrage zur Entwicklungsgeschiehte der Cephalopoden in Festschr. R. Leuckarts. pp. 347-373, 2 pis. & figg. 215. . Ueber die Differenzierung der Keimblatter bei den Cepha- lopoden mit Riicksicht auf die Bilduug des Darm-cacals und nerven- systems. Yerh. deutsch. Zool. Ges. ii, pp. 87-92. Kramberger-Gorjanoyic, D. [See Gorjanovic-Kramberger (153).] 216. Krause, A. Mollusken von Ostspitzbergen. Zool. JB. vi, Syst. pp. 339-376, 3 pis. 217. Lacaze-Dutiiiers, H. de. Observation d’un Argonaute de la Mediterranee. Arch. Z. exper. x, pp. 37-56, fig. Abstr. in Le Nat. 1892, pp. 114 & 115, fig., and J. R. Micr. Soc. 1892, p. 351. 218. Lang, A. Lehrbuch der Yergleichenden Anatomie, &c. Abth. iii, Mollusca , pp. 567-870, figg. Jena : 1892, 8vo. 219. Letellier, — . Sur la fonction urinaire de l’organe de Keber chez les Mollusques acephales. Bull. Soc. L. Norm, v, pp. 8-12. 220. Locard, A. Sur les Pleurotomidce vivants du groupe du Clathurella purpurea. Echange, 1891, vii, pp. 5 & 6. 220a. . Sur une espece nouvelle du genre Neptunea [iY nicolloni\. T. c. p. 34. 220b. . Especes nouvelles du groupe du Cytherea rudis, Poli. T. c. p. 69. 221. . Les Anomies des cotes de France. T. c. p. 86. 222. Revision des Alexia Francaises. T. c. pp. 131 & 132. 223. . Sur une espece nouvelle du genre Belgrandia [ B . coutagnei ] . Op. cit. viii, p. 3. 16 Moll . VII. MOLLUSCA. 224. [Locard, A.] Sur quelques Limnees Fran£aises du groupe du Limncea limosa. T. c. pp. 18 & 19. 225. . Les Limnees Frar^aises du groupe du Limncea peregra. T. c. pp. 77-79, 90, & 91. 226. Sur la presence d’une Mitra [M. aquitanica~\ Fra^aise dans la faune oceanique. T. c. p. 101. 227. Loens, H. Ergiebige Methode, kleine Wasserschnecken zu fangen. Nachr. mal. Ges. 1892, pp. 66-68. 228. . Succinea oblonga , pfeifferi , putris im Trocknen lebend. Hirschberg in Schlesien. T. c. pp. 130 & 131. 229. . Nachtrag zur Molluskenfauna Westfalens. T. c. pp. 169 & 170. 230. . Die Gastropodenfauna des Miinsterlandes. Mal. Bl. xi, pp. 121-157. 231. Loewinson-Lessing, F. Les Ammonees de la zone a Sporadoceras munsteri , dans les monts Gouberlinskya Gory. Mem. Soc. Belg. Geol. vi, pp. 15-25, 1 pi. 232. Loisel, G. Sur l’appareil musculaire de la Radula chez les Helix. J. de l’Anat. xxviii, pp. 566-572, figg. 233. Lory, P. Sur les Hoplites Yalanginiens du groupe de Hoplites neoco- miensis. Bull. Soc. Stat. Isere (4) i, pp. 229-255. 234. MacDonald, R. On the Classification of Yarieties [of Helix hor- tensis and nemoralis], Conchologist, ii, pp. 27 & 28. 235. MacGeorge, — . Un mollusque nouveau [ Thylacodes medusae ] du Japon. Le Nat. 1892, pp. 123 & 124, fig. 236. M’Intosh, W. C. Note on the occurrence of Pleurophyllidia loveni in Britain. Conchologist, ii, p. 21. 237. McMurtrie, J. Eigg Shells : notes on the Land and Freshwater Mollusca of the Island of Eigg. Journ. Conch, vii, pp. 113-119. 238. Marshall, W. B. Preliminary list of New York Unionidce. Bull. New York Mus. Nat. Hist, i, No. 1, 17 pp. 239. — — . Gould’s types of Nassa and Columbella. Naut. vi, pp. 47 & 48. 240. Martens, E. Die lebenden Mollusken in den Kantonen Appenzell und St. G alien. Ber. St. Gall. Ges. 1889-90 (1891), pp. 108-132. 241. ■. Einige neue Arten von Land- und Siisswasser-Mollusken aus Uganda und dem Yictoria-Nyansa. SB. nat. Fr. 1892, pp. 15-19. 242. — . Ueber einige seltenere Conchylien der Mark Brandenburg, insbesondere fiber Clausilia latestriata, Bielz. SB. nat. Fr. 1892, p. 93. 243. . Ueber die von Dr. Stuhlmann in Nordostafrika gesammelten Land- und Siisswasser-Mollusken. T. c. pp. 174-181. TITLES. Moll. 17 244. [Martens, E.] Die Beschreibucg vier neuer Afrikanischer Conchy- lien-Arten. T. c. pp. 181-183. 245. . Biologia Centrali- Americana. Mollusca, pp. 97-176, pis. vi-ix. 246. Martini & Chemnitz. Systematisches Conchylien- Cabinet. Lief. 390-395, Bd. iii, Abth. 12, Hft. 52-54 : Columbellidce and Nassidce , bearbeitet von Dr. W. Kobelt, pp. 1-128, pis. i-xviii. Bd. xi, Abth. 4, Hft. 21 : Pholadea bearbeitet von S. Clessin, pp. 25-40, pis. vii-xii. 247. Mascarini, A. I Molluschi conchigliferi delle adiacenze di Ascoli- Piceno. Bull. Soc. Mai. Ital. xvi, pp. 234-260. 248. Mazzarelli, G. Intorno al preteso occhio anale dell larve degli Opistobranchi. Bend. R. Acc. Lincei, 1892, i, pp. 103 & 104. Abstr. in J. R. Micr. Soc. 1892, p. 770. 249. Melvill, J. C. Notes upon Cyprcea chrysalis and C. amphithales. Journ. Conch, vii, pp. 120-123. 250. Melvill, J. C., & Ponsonby, J. H. Descriptions of seven new species of Terrestrial Mollusca from South Africa. Ann. N. H. ix, pp. 84-87, figg. 251. & . Descriptions of seventeen new Terrestrial Mollusks from South or Central Africa, in the Collection of E. L. Layard. T. c. pp. 87-94. 252. & . Descriptions of thirteen new species of Terrestrial and Freshwater Mollusca from South Africa. Op. cit. x, pp. 237- 242, 1 pi. 253. Metcalf, M. M. Preliminary notes upon the Embryology of Chiton. Johns Hopk. Univ. Circ. xi, pp. 79 & 80. Abstr. in J. R. Micr. Soc. 1892, pp. 352 & 353. 254. MIkhaelIs, E. Oplsanie novuikh I malolzvyestnuikh mollyuskov yuzhnagho Altaya I syevernoi Dzhungharii [Descriptions of new or little-known Mollusca from Southern Altai and Northern Dzoongaria]. 1. Limax natalianus , n. sp. Issued by the Acad. Imp. Sci. St. Petersb. 8vo, 6 pp., figg. 255. Millot, L. Note sur les Cephalopodes Dibranches du Lias superieur de Sainte-Colombe-les-Avallon (Yonne), precedee d’un resume sur la classification des Cephalopodes. Bull. Soc. Autun, iv, pp. 37-57, fig. 256. Moebius, K. Eine echte Perle von ungewohnlicher Form und Farbung. SB. nat. Fr. 1892, pp. 1-3, fig. 257. Moellendorff, O. von. Bemerkungen zu P. Heude’s notes sur les Mollusques terrestres de la vallee du Fleuve Bleu, Nachr. mal. Ges. 1892, pp. 15-23. 258. . Die Landschneckenfauna der Tenimber Inseln (Timorlaut). T. c. pp. 81-102, 1 pi. 1892. [vol. xxtx.] d 2 18 Moll. VII. MOLLUSCA. 259. Moenig, J. Zur Molluskenfauna im Oberamt Saulgau. JH. Ver. Wiirtt. xlviii, pp. 119-134. 260. Monterosato, Marchese T. di. Nota intorno ai Pectunculus dei mari d’Europa. Nat. Sicil. xi, pp. 143-155. Comment on a paper by Gregorio (155). 261. . Note sur V Emarginula compressa , Cantraine. J, de Conch. 1892, pp. 78-81. 262. . Monografia dei Vermeti del Mediterraneo. Bull. Soc. Mai. Ital. xvii, p. 7-48, 7 pis. 263. Morlet, L. Diagnoses Molluscorum novorum in Indo- China collectorum. J. de Conch. 1892, pp. 82-86. 264. ■. Descriptions d’especes nouvelles, provenant de l’lndo-Chine. T. c. pp. 315-329, 3 pis. 265. Moynier de Yillepoix, R. Recherches sur la formation et I’accroissement de la coquille des Mollusques. J. de l’Anat. Phys. xxviii, pp. 461-518 & 582-674, 4 pis. Also issued as a Thesis, dated 1893. 266. . Sur la reparation de la coquille chez Helix aspersa. Bull. Soc. Z. Fr. xvii, pp. 30 & 31. Abstr. in J. R. Micr. Soc. 1893, p. 30. 267. . Note sur le mode de production des formations calcaires du test des Mollusques. Mem. Soc. Biol, iv, pp. 35-42. Musson, C. T. [See Hedley & Musson (179).] 268. Newton, R. B. On the American Palaeozoic Gasteropod, Trema - tonotus , and its identification in Britain, with description of a new species [T. britannicus ]. Geol. Mag. 1892, pp. 337-341 & 525, 1 pi. 269. Nicolas, H. Complements monographiques des genres Lartetia , Moitessieria , Bithinella, Avenionia , et Acme . Ann. Soc. Agric. Lyon, iv, pp. 27-50, 1 pi. 270. . Etude . . . sur la Faune malacologique du Danien des Environs de Saint-Remy et Les Baux (Provence). C.R. Ass. Fr. Sci. 1891, ii, pp. 448-457, figg. 271. Novak, O. Revision der palseozoischen Hyolithiden Bohmens. Abh. Bohm. Ges. iv, No. 6, 48 pp., 6 pis., figg. in text. 272. Oldham, C. Additions to the South Devon list of Land and Fresh- water Mollusca. Journ. Conch, vii, pp. 108 & 109. 273. Oppenheim, P. Die Gattungen Dreyssensia van Beneden und Congeria Partsch, ihre gegenseitigen Beziehungen und ihre Verthei- lung in zeit und Raum. Z. geol. Ges. xliii, pp. 923-966, 1 pi. 274. . Ueber innere gammenfalten bei fossilen Cerithien und Melaniaden. Op. cit. xliv, pp. 439-446, figg. 275. Pallecchi, T. Nota sui cromatofori dei Cefalopodi. Atti Soc. Ligust. iii, pp. 204-214. TITLES. Moll, 19 276. Pantanelli, D. Lamellibranchi pliocenici : Enumerazione e sinonimia delle specie dell’ Italia superiore e centrale. Bull. Soc. Mai. Ital. xvii, pp. 49-128. [In progress.] 277. Paylow, A. Argiles de Speeton et leurs equivalents, par A. Pavlow & G. W. Lamplugh. ii. Ammonites de Speeton et leur rapports avec les Ammonites des autres pays. Par A. Pavlow. Bull. Soc. Mosc. 1891 (1892), pp. 455-513, 6 pis. Abstr. in Nature, xlvi, p. 257. 278. Pelseneer, P. La classification generale des Mollusques. Bull. Sci. Fr. Belg. xxiv, pp. 347-371, 1 fig. 279. . Le systeme nerveaux streptoneure des Heteropodes. C.R. cxiv, pp. 775-777. Abstr. in J. It. Micr. Soc. 1892, p. 352. 280. . L’Oeil de Scutum. Bull. Soc. Mai. Belg. 1891 [1893], pp. xxviii-xxx. 281. . L’Hermaphroditisme des Nudibrancbes sacoglosses (Elysiens, &c.). T. c. p. lv. 282. . Sur quelques points d’organisation des Nudibranches et sur leur phylogenie. T. c. pp. lxviii-lxxi. 283. . Sur la dentrorsite de certains Gastropodes dit “ senestres ” ( Lanistes , Peraclis , Limacina, et larves des Cymbuliidce). T. c. pp. xciv-xcvi. 284. . A propos de 1’ “ Asymetrie des Mollusques univalves.” J. de Conch. 1892, pp. 229-233. 285. Phisalix, C. Note sur les Chromatophores des Cephalopodes. C.R. Soc. Biol, iv, pp. 442-447, fig. 286. Picaglia, L. Molluschi terrestri e fluviatili viventi nelle Provincie di Modena e reggio. Catalogo sistematico. Bull. Soc. Mai. Ital. xvi, pp. 83-232. Includes a table with the distribution of Tertiary species. 287. . Contributo alia Malacologia fossile dell’ Emilia. Molluschi terrestri e fluviatili del Modenese e del reggiano. Atti. Soc. Mod. xi, pp. 157-177 & 226. 288. Picard, K. Ueber Balatonites sondershusanus , n. sp. Z. geol. Ges. xliv, pp. 483-487, 1 pi. 289. Pilsbry, H. A. Anatomy of West Indian Helices [ Caracolus rostratus, acutus , Hemitrochus salvatoris ]. P. Ac. Philad. 1892, pp. 128 & 129, 1 pi. 290. . New and unfigured Unionidoe. T. c. pp. 131 & 132, 2 pis. [Notes and figures of Unio quintardii , Cragin, pilsbryi , Marsh, and Arconaia provancheriana, Pilsbry ; all old species.] 291. . A new species of Pachychilus [P. (polygonatus, Lea? var.) rovirosai\. T. c. p. 153, fig. 20 Moll . VTT. MOLLUSCA. 292. [Pilsbry, H. A.] On the anatomy of 8 agda, Cysticopsis , Z Egisfa , and Dentellaria. T. c. pp. 213-215, 1 pi. 293. . A new Marine Gasteropod [ Chrysodomus stonef\ from New Jersey. T. c. 328 pp., figg. 293a. . Notes on a collection of Shells from the State of Tabasco, Mexico. T. c. pp. 338-341, figg. 294. . Preliminary outline of a new classification of the Helices. T. c. pp. 387-404. 295. . On a collection of Land Mollusca from the I. of Dominica, West Indies. [With notes on habitats, &c., by G. E. Verrill.] Tr. Conn. Ac. viii [4 pp. Extract]. 296. . Description of a new Hydrobia [ H . texana ] with notes on other Rissoidce. P. Davenport Ac. vt 1887, pp. 33 & 34. 297. . A new species of Zonites [Z. brittsii ] from Arkansas. Naut. v, pp. 99. 298. . Note on the group Panda. Op. cit. vi, p. 9. 299. . Observations on the Helices of New Zealand. T. c, pp. 54-57. 300. . On the Amnicoloid genus Lyogyrus , with the description of a new species [L. dalli\. T. c. pp. 61 & 62. 301. . Observations on the Helicoid group Charopa and allied forms. T. c. pp. 67-69. 302. . Hadra and Camaena [Reply to Moellendorff, see Zool. Rec. 1891, Moll. p. 19, No. 285]. Nachr. mal. Ges. 1892, pp. 69-73. . See also Tryon’s Manual, &c. . [See also Johnson & Pilsbry (200).] 303. Pilsbry, H. A., & Johnson, C. W. Catalogue of Fissurellidce of the United States. Naut. v, pp. 102-107 & 113. 304. Plate. L. Ueber einiger Organisations verhaltnisse der Dentalien. SB. Ges. Marb. 1890 (1891), pp. 26-29. 305. . Ueber den Bau und die systematische Stellung der Solenoconchen. Yerh. deutsch. Zool. Ges. i, 1891, pp. 60-63. Abstr. in J. R. Micr. Soc. 1892, p. 465, and Am. Nat. xxvi, pp. 347 & 348. 306. . Ueber den Bau und die Verwandtschaftsbeziehung der Oncidien. Yerh. deutsch. Zool. Ges. ii, pp. 30-42. With phylogeny of Pulmonata and Opisthobranchiata. 307. . Ueber den Bau und die Yerwandtschaftsbeziehungen der Solenoconchen. Zool. JB. v, Anat. pp. 301-86, 4 pis. Abstr. in J. R. Micr. Soc. 1893, p. 31. TITLES. Mull. 21 398. Pollonera, C. Note su alcuni gruppi di specie del genere Xerophila. i. Sul gruppo della X. subprof uga. Boll. Mus. Zool. Tor. vii, No. 128, 18 pp. Ponsonby, J. H. [See Melyill & Ponsonby (250-252).] 309. Poteat, W. L. Notes on the fertility of Physa heterostropha , Say. J. Elisha Mitchell Sci. Soc. viii, pp. 70-73. Abstr. in Science, xix, pp. 325 & 326. 310. Pruvot, G. Sur l’embryogenie d’une Proneomenia [P. aglao- phenice ]. C.R. cxiv, pp. 1211—1214. Abstr. in J. R. Micr. Soc. 1892, p. 599. 311. Rawitz, B. Ueber den feineren Bau der hinteren Speicheldrusen der Cephalopoden. Arch. mikr. Anat. xxxix, pp. 596-611, 1 pi. Abstr. in J. R. Micr. Soc. 1892, p. 595. 312. . Der mantelrand der Acephalen. Dritte Theil, Siphoniatay &c. Jen. Z. Nat. xxvii, pp. 1-232, 7 pis, and figg. Abstr. in J. R. Micr. Soc. 1892, p. 772. 313. Reibisch, P. Die [non marine] conchyliologische Fauna der Galapagos-Inseln. SB. Ges. Isis, 1892, pp. 13-32, 1 pi. 314. Reibisch, Th. Verzeichniss der bisher in den diluvialen Mergeln von Cotta bei Dresden aufgefundenen [non marine] Conchylien. T. c. pp. 8-12. 315. Retzius, G. Das sensible nervensystem der mollusken \Limax and Arion]. Biol. Untersuch. N. F. iv, pp. 11-18, 3 pis. 316. Rigaux, E. Notice geologique sur le Bas Boulonnais. Mem. Soc. Acad. Boulogne, xiv [n. spp. described on pp. 104-108, 2 pis ]. 317. Rivers, J. J. A new volutoid shell [Scaphella ( Voluta ) arnheimi ] from Monterey Bay. Naut. v, pp. Ill & 112. 318. Roebuck, W. D. Additions to the . . . census of the Land and Freshwater Mollusca of Scotland. Ann. Scot. N. H. 1892, pp. 104-107 & 235-238. 319. Rogers, J. On the viviparous nature of Balea. Journ. Conch, vii, pp. 40 & 41. 320. Rolle, H. Diagnosen neuer Arten. Nachr. mal. Ges. 1892, pp. 50-52. 321. Rosen, O. Beitrag zur Kenntniss der Molluskenfauna Trans- kaspiens und Chorossans. T. c. pp. 121-126. 322. Rossmaessler’s Iconographie der Europa'ischen Land- und Siiss- wasser-Mollusken. Fortgesetzt von D. Kobelt. Neue Folge. Bd. v, pp. 41-118, pis. cxxxi-cl ; Bd. vi, pp. 1-48, pis. cli-clx. 323. Rothpletz, A. Die Perm-, Trias- und Jura- formation auf Timor und Rotti im indischen Archipel. Palaeontogr, xxxix. Mollusca , pp. 85-106. 22 Moll. VII. MOLLUSCA, 324. Ruediger, H. Ueber die Silur- Cephalopoden aus den Mecklen- burgischen Diluvialgeschieben. Arch. Yer. Mecklenb. xlv, pp. 1-86, 3 pis. 325. Sacco, F. I molluschi dei terreni terziarii del Piemonte e della Liguria. . . . Pt. xi. Eulimidce e Pyramidellidce. Mem. Acc. Tor. xlii, pp. 585-682, 2 pis. 326. Sampson, F. A. Mesodon andrewsi in Missouri. Naut. vi, pp. 90 & 91. 327. Sandberger, F. von. Verzeichniss der Conchylien des nordlichen Badischen Schwarzwalds. Mai. Bl. xi, pp. 94-100. Sandri, G-. B. [See Danilo & Sandri (106).] 328. Sargent, F. E. Annotated list of Alabama Land Mollusca. Naut. vi, pp. 76-78. 329. Scharff, R. F. The Slugs of Ireland. Sci. P. R. Dubl. Soc. vii, pp. 192-195. Abstr. of paper in Sci. Tr. recorded for 1891. 330. — — «. Some remarks on the Distribution of British Land and Freshwater Mollusca. Conchologist, ii, pp. 1-6. 331. . Note on the affinities of the genera Limax , Avion , and Helix. T. c. pp. 14, 83, & 84. 332. . The Irish Land and Freshwater Mollusca. Irish Nat. i, pp. 45-47, 65-67, 87-90, 105-109, 135-138, 149-153, & 177-181 ; also separately, 25 pp. & Index. 333. Schepman, M. M. Land and Freshwater Shells collected by Dr. H. Ten Kate in Soemba, Timor, and other East-Indian Islands. Notes Leyd. Mus. xiv, pp. 145-160, 1 pi. 334. Schieldt, R. C. Diffuse pigmentation of the Epidermis [not periostracum] of the Oyster, due to prolonged exposure to the light, &c. P. Ac. Philad. 1892, pp. 350 & 351. 335. . The Hermaphroditism and Yiviparity of the Oysters of the N. W. Coast of the United States. T. c. pp. 351 & 352. 336. Schieldt, R. C., & Ryder, J. A. On the cause of the Greening of the Oyster, and its presumed Algous endoparasites. T. c. p. 352. 337. Schneider, O. Vorlaufige mittheilung fiber die Molluskenfauna von Borkum [with description of Syndosmya schneider i, n. sp., by O. Bcettger]. Nachr. mal. Ges. 1892, pp. 114-117. 338. Schuberth, O. Beitrage zur vergleichenden Anatomie des Genital- apparates von Helix mit besonderer Berficksichtigung der Systematik. Arch. f. Nat. lviii, pp. 1-65, 6 pis. Abstr. in J. R. Micr. Soc. 1892, p. 196. 339. Scott, A. [List of Mollusca from the raised beach at Fillyside, between Leith and Portobello. In paper by J. Bennie.] P. R. Phys. Soc. Edinb, xi, pp. 221-237.. TITLES. Moll. 23 340. Scott, T. Notes on a collection of Echinoderms and Molluscan Shells found in the Moray Firth District. T. c. pp. 82-84. 341. . On the Land and Freshwater Mollusca of Bute. P. N. H. Soc. Glasg. iii, pp. 170-181, 1 map. 342. Shimek, B. A new species of Freshwater Mollusk [. Ancylus obli- quus ]. Bull. Lab. Iowa, i, pp. 214 & 215, fig. 343. . Pyrgulopsis scalariformis (Wollf), Call & Pilsbry. T. c. pp. 168-174, 1 pi. 344. Siemiradzki, J. yon. Die oberjurassische Ammoniten-Fauna in Polen. Z. geol. Ges. xliv, pp. 447-482. 345. Simone lli, V. Sopra le affinita zoologiche della Rothpletzia rudista , Sim. Boll. Soc. geol. Ital. xi, pp. 76-80, figg. 346. Simpson, C. T. Notes on the TJnionidce of Florida and the South- eastern States. P. U. S. Nat. Mus. xv, pp. 405-436, 26 pis. 347. . Collecting Notes. Naut. vi, pp. 37-40. 348. . On a revision of the American TJnionidce. T. c. pp. 78-80. 349. . Contributions to the Mollusca of Florida. P. Davenport Acc. v (1887-89), pp. 45-72 & 63*-72*. Descriptions of Pleurotoma simpsoni, Tralia minuscula , and Pandora bushiana, n. spp., by W. H. Dali. 350. Simpson, G. B. Descriptions of new species of Fossils from the Clinton . . . and Waverly Groups, &c. Tr. Am. Phil. Soc. xvi (1890) [ Mollusca ], pp. 445-459, figg. 351. Simroth, H. Ueber einige Raublungenschnecken des Kaukasus. Festschr. R. Leuckarts. Leipzig : 1892, 8vo, pp. 48-58, 1 pi., figg. 352. . Ueber Kaukasische Limaciden und Testacelliden. Yerh. deutsch Zool. Ges. i, 1891, pp. 57 & 58. 352a. — — . Ueber die Vaginuliden. T. c. pp. 58-60. 353. -. Ueber eine anzahl von muscheln welche Herr Pechuel- Losche auf seiner bekannten Expedition an den Congofallen gesam- melt hatte. SB. Ges. Leipzig, xviii, pp. 23 & 24. 353a. Ueber Atopos, &c. T. c. pp. 25-29. 354. . Ueber die nackten Limaciden und Testacelliden des Kaukasus. T. c. pp, 40-49. 355. . Ueber die bei Gelegenheit einer Reise nach dem Kaukasus gesammelten Gehauseschnecken [species determined, and Hyalinia horstii, n. sp., described, by Dr. O. Bcettoer]. T. c. pp. 49-58. 356. . Ueber eine reihe von Vaginula&Tten. T. c. pp. 58-73 ; Nachtrag, pp. 84-86. 357. . Ueber die pelagischen Gastropodenlarven der deutschen Planktonfahrt. T. c. pp. 98-107. 24 Moll. VII. MOLLUSCA. 358. [Simroth, H.] Einige Bemerkungen iiber Bithynella dunkeri , Frauenf. Mai. Bl. xi, pp. 106 & 107, figg. 359. . Hesperarion , eine neue Atnerikanische Nachtschneckengat- tung. T. c. pp. 109-119, figg. 360. . Einige Bemerkungen zu vorstehendem Aufsatz [Ueber Atopos, Simr., von H. v. Ihering]. Nachr. mal. Gres. 1892, pp. 144- 149. 361. . Einige Punkte aus der oekonomie des Weichthierkorpers, ein Kapitel fiber Constitution. Leopoldina, 1892 [ Mollusca ], pp. 122- 125 & 141-144. . [See also Bronn, H. G. (46).] 362. Sluiter, C. P. Ueber die Bewegung einiger tropischen Mollusken, &c. Tijdschr. Nederl. Dierk, Yer. iii, pp. 170-184, 1 pi. 363. Smith, C. W. Additional Notes on the Land and Freshwater Shells of Cumberland and Westmoreland. Tr. Cumberl. Westmorl. Ass. xvi, pp. 139 & 140. 364. Smith, E. A. On the Land Shells of St. Helena. P. Z. S. 1892, pp. 258-270, 2 pis. 365. . Descriptions of new species of Shells [ Pecten crouchi ] from Mauritius and \_Mitra fultoni ] from California. Ann. N. H. ix, pp. 255 & 256, figg. 366. — — . On the Shells of the Victoria Nyanza, or Lake Oukerewe. Op. cit. x, pp. 121-128, 1 pi. 366a. -. Additions to the Shell Fauna of the Victoria Nyanza. T. c. pp. 380-383. 367. . Further additions to the known Marine Molluscan Fauna of St. Helena, T. c. pp. 129-135. 368. % Description of a new species of Slug [ Apera burnupi ] from South Africa. T. c. pp. 465 & 466. 369. . Notes on G aster opteron meckelii, Kosse. P. N. H. Soc. Glasg. iii, pp. 258 & 259. 370. . Description of a new species of Spondylus [$. powelli ] and a new Helix \_H. hedleyi], Journ, Conch, vii, pp. 70-73. 371. . Description of a new species of Nucula [A. fultoni], and a list of the species belonging to the subgenus Acila. T. c. pp. 110-112. 372. . Note on a variety and the epidermis \i.e.y periostracum] of Cyclophorus zebrinus of Benson. Conchologist, ii, pp. 6 & 7. 373. ■. Description of a new species of Acroptychia [A. notabilis ]. T. c. pp. 22 & 23. 374. . Notice of an imperforate specimen of Haliotis. T. c. pp. 75 & 76. TITLES. Moll . 25 375. [Smith, E. A.] Remarks upon the relationship of the Molluscan Fauna of the Red Sea and Mediterranean. Med. Nat. i, pp. 109-111. [Reprint from P. Z. S. See Zool. Rec. 1891, Moll. p. 26, No. 405.] 376. Smith, J. List of Shells, &c., observed on the Ardeer and Irvine Beaches, Ayrshire. P. N. H. Soc. Glasg. iii, pp. 243-248. 377. Somerville, J. E. Achatina acicula in a Roman Cemetery at Ven- timiglia, Italian Riviera. Journ. Conch, vii, pp. 42 & 43. 378. Sowerby, G. B. Marine Shells of South Africa, &c. London : 4to, pp. iv & 89, 5 pis. 379. . Descriptions of seven new species of Land Shells from the U.S. of Colombia. P. Z. S. 1892, pp. 296-299, 1 pi. 380. . Review of the genus Pyrula (Lamarck), and description of a new species \_P.filosa\. Conchologist, ii, pp. 73-75. 381. Standen, R. Observations on the reproduction of the dart, during an attempt to breed from a sinistral Helix asjpersa, Mull. Journ. Conch, vii, pp. 33-38. 382. Stearns, R. E. C. Preliminary descriptions of new Molluscan forms from West American regions [Galapagos Is.], &c. Naut. vi, pp. 85-89. 383. Stein, J. G. Am. Beitrage zur Mollusken-Fauna Graubiinden’s. ii. Nachtrag. J. Ber. Ges. Graub. xxxv, pp. 124-139. 384. Sterki, V. Some notes on North American forms of Vallonia. Naut. v, pp. 100 & 101. 385. . Preliminary list of North American Pupidce (North of Mexica). Op. cit. vi, pp. 2-8. 386. . Hyalinia Iceviuscula , n. sp. T. c. pp. 53 & 54. 387. Stone, W. On Atlantic Crepidulas. T. c. pp. 40-42, figg. 388. Strode, W. S. The Unionidce of Spoon River, Fulton Co., Illinois. Am. Nat. xxvi, pp. 495-501. 389. Strubell, B. Landschnecken aus Halmahera [Moluccas]. Nachr. mal. Ges. 1892, pp. 41-50. 390. Suter, H. Contributions to the Molluscan Fauna of New Zealand. Tr. N. Z. Inst, xxiv, pp. 270-278. 391. . List of the introduced Land and Freshwater Mollusca of New Zealand. T. c. pp. 279-281. 391a. . List of Land and Freshwater Mollusca doubtful for New Zealand or not inhabiting it [ sic : i.e., erroneously attributed to New Zealand]. T. c. pp. 281-283. 392. . Miscellaneous communications on New Zealand Land and Freshwater Mollusca. T. c. pp. 283-286. 26 Moll. VII. MOLLUSCA. 393. [Sutee, H.] On the Dentition of some New Zealand Land and Fresh- water Mollusca , with descriptions of new species. Tr. N. Z. Inst, xxiv, pp. 286-303, 4 pis. 394. . Conchyliologische Mittheilungen aus Neu-Seeland. Mai. Bl. xi, pp. 101-106, figg. 395. . Communications Conchyliologiques des Antipodes. 1. Les Pitys de la Nouvelle-Zelande. 2. Un Ancylus de la Nouvelle-Zelande. 3. Les Limacidce et Arionidce de la Nouvelle-Zelande. J. de Conch. 1892, pp. 245-255. 396. Sykes, E. R. On some monstrosities of Littorina rudis , Maton. P. Dorset Field Club, xiii, pp. 191-198, 1 pi. 397. . Bibliography of the Land and Freshwater Mollusca of Dorset. Conchologist, ii, pp. 24-26. 398. Szep, R. Die Molluskenfauna der Umgebung von Guns. Mai. Bl. pp. (27-32 in 1889) 33-41. 399. Tate, R. Descriptions of some new species of Marine Mollusca from Australia. Tr. R. Soc. S. Austr. xv, pp. 125-132, 1 pi. 399a. . A third supplement to a list of the Lamellibranch and Palio- branch Mollusca of S. Australia. T. c. pp. 133-136. 399b. . The Cambrian Fossils of S. Australia. T. c. pp. 183-189, 1 pi. 400. Tausch, L. von. Ueber die Bivalvengattung Conchodus und C. schwageri, n. f. aus der obersten Trias derNordalpen. Abh. Geol. Reichsanst. xvii, No. 1, 8 pp., 3 pis. 401. Taylok, G. W. Japanese Limpets. Naut. vi, pp. 69 & 70. 402. . Note on Acmcea saccharina (Linne). T. c. pp. 89 & 90. 403. Thiele, J. Beitrage zur kenntniss der Mollusken. i. Ueber das Epipodium. Z. wiss. Zool. liii, pp. 578-590, 1 pi. 403a. . ii. Ueber die Molluskenschale. T. c. pp. 220-251, 1 pi, Abstr. in J. R. Micr. Soc. 1893, p. 164. 404. — — , Zur phylogenie des Byssus-apparats der Lamellibranchier. Yerh. deutsch. Zool. Ges. ii, pp. 52-57. 405. - — — . Das Integument der Chitonen. Biol. Centralbl. xi, 1891, pp. 722-726. 406. Tippenhauek, L. G. Die Insel Haiti. Leipzig : 1893, 4to [List of Mollusca ], pp. 325-327. 407. Tomlin, J. R. B. Notes on the Marine Mollusca of the North Wales Coast, with complete lists of the recorded Nudibranchs and Cephalopods. Journ. Conch, vii, pp. 25-31. 408. Tomlin, B. [Notes on Bissoa.] Brit. Nat. 1892, pp. 72-74, 155 & 156, 179 & 180, 257 & 258. TITLES. Moll 27 409. Tryon. Manual of Conchology . . . continuation by H. A. Pilsbry. Yol. xiv (pts. 53 & 54), Polyplacophora , 128 pp., 29 pis. 410. . . Second Series : Pulmonata, Yol. viii ( Helicidce , Yol. vi), 112 pp., 27 pis. [ Gochlostylce completed — Suppt. to Helix]. 410a. Tuniot, A. Monstruosites et deformations [of the shell] chez les Mollusques. Bull. Soc. Reims, i, pp. 46-58. 411. Tye, G. S. On the periostracum of Helix avbustorum , Mull. Conchologist, ii, pp. 53 & 54. 412. Ulrich, A. Palaeozoische Yersteinerungen aus Bolivien. Stein- mann’s Beitr. Geol. Palseont. S.-Amer. i, 116 pp., 5 pis. Stuttgart : 1892, 8vo. 413. Ulrich, E. O. New Lower Silurian Lamellibranchiata chiefly from Minnesota Rocks. Rept. Geol. Surv. Minnesota, No. 19, pp. 211-248, figg- 414. . New Lamellibranchiata. Am. Geol. x, pp. 96-104, 1 pi. 415. Upham, W. Recent fossils of the Harbour and Back Bay, Boston. P. Bost. Soc. xxv, pp. 305-316. 416. Yaughan, T. W. Mollusks of Dorcheat Bayou and Lake Bisteneau, Louisiana. Yerril, G. E. [See Pilsbry (295).] 417. Yiallanes, H. Recherches sur la filtration de l’eau par les Mollusques et applications & l’Ostreiculture et h l’Oceanographie. C.R. cxiv, pp. 1386-1388. 418. Yincent, E. Observations sur “ Gilbertia inopinata , Mor.” Bull. Soc. Mai. Belg. 1891 (1893), pp. lii-lv. Reply, see Cossmann (86). 419. . Description d’une nouvelle espece de uPholadidcev \_Aspi- dopholas stainieri ] des Environs d5 Anvers. T. c. pp. lxxxvi-xci, figg. 420. . Contribution a la paleontologie de l’Eocene Beige Pholadidce. Mem. Soc. Mai. Beige, 1891 [1893], pp. 164-168, 1 pi., 1 fig. 421. Yize, J. E. Land and Freshwater Shells [of Hereford]. Tr. Woolhope Nat. 1886-9 (1892), pp. 180-188. 422. Wackwitz, J. Beitrage zur Histologie der Mollusken-Muskulatur, speziell der Heteropoden und Pteropoden. Zool. Beitr. iii, pp. 129-160, 3 pis. 423. Walker, B. The Shell-bearing Mollusca of Michigan. Naut. vi, pp. 13-19, 31-35, 42-47, 63-67, 1 pi. 424. Walton, J. The Mollusca of Monroe County, N. Y. P. Rochester Acad, ii, pp. 3-19, 8 pis. 425. Warren, [Miss] A. Contributions towards a list of the Marine Mollusca of Killala Bay, Ireland. Journ. Conch, vii, pp. 98-107. 28 Moll VII. MOLLUSCA. 426. Watson, R. B. The relation of the Land and Freshwater Mollusca of the Madeiran Is. to those known elsewhere. T. c. PP- 1-7. 427. . Note sur l’habitat de YOvula carnea , Poiret. J. de Conch. 1892, p. 208. 428. Westerlund, C. A. Spicilegium Malacologicum. Neue Binnen- conchylien in der palaarktischen Region. Yerh. z.-b. Wien, xlii, (Abh.), pp. 25-48. 429. . Faunula Molluscorum Hispalensis. An. Soc. Esp. xxi, pp. 381-390. 430. . Spicilegium Malacologicum. Neue Binnen-conchylien in der palaarktischen Region, m. Nachr. mal. Ges. 1892, pp. 185-201. — — . [For 3 n. spp. of Ccecilianella described, see Caruana-Gatto (60).] 431. Whidborne, G. F. A monograph of the Devonian Fauna of the South of England. Yol. ii, pt. 2, pp. 57-88, pis. vi-x (Pal. Soc.). 432. Whiteaves, J. F. The Orthoceratidce of the Trenton Limestone of the Winnipeg Basin. Tr. R. Soc. Canada, ix (4), pp. 77-90, 7 pis. 433. Willem, Y. Contributions a l’etude physiologique des organes des sens chez les Mollusques. I. La vision chez les Gastropodes Pulmones. n. Les Gastropodes Pulmones per9oivent-ils les rayons ultra- violets ? in. Observations sur la vision et les organes visuels de quelques Mollusques, Prosobranches, et Opisthobranches. Arch. Biol, xii, pp. 57-149, 1 pi. Abstr. in J. Micr. Soc. 1892, p. 596. 434. Williams, J. W. The Shells of Stourport. Sci. Goss. pp. 226-228. 435. Williamson, (Mrs.) M. B. An annotated list of the Shells of San Pedro Bay and vicinity. . . . With a description of two new species by W. H. Dali. P. U. S. Nat. Mus. xv, pp. 179-219, 5 pis. Wilson, E. [See Hudleston & Wilson (192).] 436. Wiren, A. Histologiska meddelanden om Chcetoderma mtiduluvny Loven. Biol. Foren. iii, 1890, pp. 37-49. 437. Witchell, C. A., & Strugnell, W. B. The Fauna and Flora of Gloucestershire. Stroud : 1892, 8vo. Mollusca , pp. 171-177. 438. Woehrmann, S. von, & Koken, E. Die Fauna der Raibler Schichten vom Schlernplateau. Z. geol. Ges. xliv, pp. 167-223, 11 pis. Almost all molluscan. A preliminary note of the new genera of Gastropoda appeared in JB. Mineral. 1892, ii, pp. 25-36. See Koken (212). 439. Woodward, B. B. On the mode of growth and the structure of the Shell in Velates conoideus, Lamk., and other Neritidce. P. Z. S. 1892, pp. 528-540, 2 pis. Abstr. in J. R. Micr. Soc. 1893, p. 30. ANATOMY. PHYSIOLOGY. ETC. 3 loll 29 440. [Woodward, B, B.] On the radula of Paludestrinajenkinsi, Smith, and that of P. ventrosa, Mont. Ann. N. H. ix, pp. 376-378, figg. 441. Zimmermann, K. W. Ueber den Kernteilungsmodus bei der Spermatogenese von Helix pomatia. Verh. Anat. Ges. v, 1891, pp. 187-193. II. — ANATOMY, PHYSIOLOGY, &c. 1. General. Comparative anatomy of the Mollusca ; Lang (218). — Organization, development, &c., of the Mollusca ; Coupin (88). — Some points in Molluscan anatomy ; Simroth (361). — The asymmetry of Univalve Mollusca is discussed very fully by Fischer & Bouvier (131). who in the course of their paper describe and figure the main points in the anatomy and the nervous system of : Chrysodomus contraria, F ulgur perversus , Lanistes bolteniana, and Ampullaria insular um. — Coiling of Univalves ; Fischer & Bouvier (132). — Asymmetry of Gastropoda ; Buchner (51). — Asymmetry of Univalves ; Pelseneer (284). — On the dextral nature of certain Gastropoda called “ sinistral ” ; Pelseneer (283). — Anatomical observations on Gastropoda ; Bouvier (39). — Physiological observations on Pulmonata ; Cuenot (100a). — Anatomy of Aurinia gouldiana, Trophon ( Aspella ) scalarioides, Cocculina spinigera, Margarita ( Turcicula ) imperialism Pleurotomaria quoyana, P. adansoniana , and of the Pelecypoda Septibranchiata ; Dall (101) 1889. — Anatomy of parts of Limax natalianus , n. sp. ; MIkhaelIs (254). — Anatomy of Ariolimax columbianus , Gould, and Hesperarion [n. g.] niger , Coop. ; Simroth (359). — Anatomy of Pseudomilax, Selenochlamys , Trigono- chlamys ; Simroth (351). — Anatomy of Panda atomata, Gray; Hedley (177). — Anatomy of Sagda similis , Cysticopsis tenerrima , AEgista platy- omphala, Caracolus orbiculata ; Pilsbry (292). — Anatomy of Caracolus rostratus, acntus , Hemitrochus salvatoris ; Pilsbry (289). — Anatomy of Cryptazeca monodonta ; Barrois (13). — Anatomy of Amphibola ; Bouvier (40). — Anatomy with figg. of Siphonaria gigas, Less.; Haller (166), who concludes that Siphonaria is an Opisthobranch, ranking next to Umbrella. — Anatomy and morphology of Naticidce and Calyptrceidce ; Haller (167). — Anatomy of Semisinus , Pachychilus , Ceres, Helicina ; Fischer & Crosse (133). — Anatomy of Scaphopoda ; Plate (304, 305, & 307). — Anatomy and histology of Proneomenia sluiteri ; Heuscher (187). — Histological notes on Chcetoderma nitidulum, Loven ; Wiren (436). — Some points in the morphology of Pelecypoda ; Kellog (205). — Anatomy of Dipsas plicata , Lea ; Ishikawa (192a). — Anatomy and physiology of Pholas dactylus ; Dubois (116). — Anatomy of Cuspidaria ( Neaera ) cuspidata, Olivi ; Grobben (163). 30 Moll. VII. MOLLUSCA. 2. Shell and Integument. Formation and growth of the shell in Mollusca , a resume , including some new observations, and with a very full bibliography ; Moynier de Yillepoix (267). — Structure and formation of the Molluscan shell ; Thiele (403a). — On the mode of production of the calcareous deposit of the shell of Mollusca ; Moynier de Yillepoix (267). — Development of shell in coiled stage of fBaculites compressus , Say ; Brown (47). — Coiling of shell in Mollusca glossophora ; Bowell, Sci. Gross. 1892, pp. 127 & 128. — Note on the coiling of the shell in the embryos of Gastro- poda ; Fischer, H. (126). — Periostracum of Helix arbustorum ; Tye (411). — Repair of shell in Helix aspersa ; Moynier de Yillepoix (266). — Periostracum of Cyclopborus zebrinus , Bens. ; Smith (372). — Inner palatal folds in fossil Cerithiidce and Melaniidce ; Oppenheim (274). — Mode of growth and structure of the shell in Velates conoideus, Lanck., and other Neritidce ; Woodward (439). — On the integument of Chitons ; Thiele (405). — On the margin of the mantle of Acephala siphoniata ; Rawitz (312). — Growth of the shell of the mussels in Lake Worth er (Carinthia) ; Gallenstein (142). — Pearl of unusual form and colour ; Moebius (256). — On the colouration of the tegument of Cephalopoda ; Joubin (203): The movements of the chromatophores are due to the nervous excitation of their essentially motile amibo'id coloured proto- plasm, and not to the presence of special motor muscles. — On the chro- matophores of Cep>halopoda ; Phisalix (285), Pallecchi (275) . — Diffuse pigmentation of the epidermis [not periostracum] of the oyster due to prolonged exposure to the light ; Schieldt (334). 3. Muscular System. Epipodium of Mollusca ; Thiele (403). — Histology of the muscular system of Heteropoda and Pteropoda ; Wackwitz (422). — Muscle-fibres of Cephalopoda ; Ballowitz (12). — Micro-structure of the cartilages of Cephalopoda ; Zachariades, CR. Soc. Biol, iii, p. 454. — Muscles of the radular apparatus in Helix ; Loisel (232). 4. Digestive System. Jaws and radula of Nanina , 2 species, Microcystina sappho, Helicarion musgravi , Cristigibba macgregori, Chloritis, 2 species, Hadra broadbenti, Geotrochus, 6 spp., and Succinea simplex , from British New Guinea ; Hedley (174). — The radular apparatus in Helix is actuated by one paired and three unpaired muscles ; Loisel (232). — Radulse and jaws of Helix ; Schuberth (338) — Dentition of some New Zealand non-marine Mollusca ; Suter (393). — Radulse of Paludestrina jenhinsi and ventrosa ; Woodward (439). — On the minute structure of the posterior salivary glands of the Cephalopoda ; Rawitz (311). ANATOMY, PHYSIOLOGY, ETC. Moll. 31 5. CIRCULATORY SYSTEM. Blood and lymphatic glands of Mollusca ; Cuenot (99). — Analyses of the blood of Mollusca ; Griffiths (162).— A globulin is obtainable from the blood of Patella vulgata, which is colourless and contains no metal ; this, which has a respiratory value, it is proposed to call achroglobine ; Griffiths (159). — Respiratory globulin in the blood of Chitons ; Griffiths (160). — On the blood of the Pelecypoda ; Griesbach (158). — The respiratory value of Haemocyanin : Cuenot, C.R. cxv, pp. 127 & 128, finds that the blood of Helix pomatia can absorb more oxygen than an equal volume of water. 6. Respiratory System. Structure of the gill in Amusium dalli, Dimya argentea , and Area ectocomata ; Dall (101), 1889, who also discusses Pelseneer’s classification of the Pelecypoda. 7. Excretory and Secretory System. Excretion in the Pulmonata ; Cuenot (100). — The alleged anal eye of larval Opisthobranchs is, in fact, the permanent kidney ; Mazzarelli (248). — On the nephridia of Prosobranchs ; Erlanger (120). — On the urinary function of the organ of Keber in Acephala ; Letellier (219). — Fischer, H. (125) treats very fully of the morphology of the liver of Gastropoda , and briefly compares it with that of Brachiopoda, Bryozoa , and Rotifera. He distinguishes three stages in its evolution, and sum- marizes its principal variations. He does not consider it of practical value in classification. — Development of the liver in Paludina ; Fischer, H. (127). — A detailed description of the byssus glands of Barbatia helb- lingia is given by Sluiter (362). — Formation of the byssus in some Pelecypoda ; Jobert (199). — On the phylogeny of the byssus-apparatus of the Pelecypoda ; Thiele (404). 8. Nervous System. Sensory nervous system of Mollusca [ Limax and Avion ] • Retzius (315). — Innervation of the Cerata of some Nudibranchiata ; Herdman & Clubb (184). — Heteropoda are streptoneurous ; Pelseneer (279). — Nervous system of Merita polita ; Boutan (38).— Analyses of the nervous tissue of some Mollusca ; Griffiths (161). 9. Sensory Organs. Vision in the Pulmonata , Opisthobranchiata , and Prosobranchiata ; Willem (433). — The alleged anal eye of larval Opisthobranchs Mazza- relli (248) finds is, in point of fact, the permanent kidney. — On the eye of Scutum ; Pelseneer (280). Position and character of the Osphradia in Acmcea ; Dall (101) 1889. 32 Mull. VJI. MOLLUSCA. 10. Generative Organs. Genitalia of Nanina, 2 species, Chloritis leei , Hadra broadbenti , and Geotrochus , 6 species, from British New Guinea ; Hedley (174). — Anatomy of the genital apparatus of Helix ; Schuberth (338). — Mor- phology and systematic value of the genital apparatus in Helix ; Jhering (195). — On the mode of nuclear division in the development of the Sper- matozoa of Helix pomatia ; Zimmermann (441). — Hermaphroditism of Nudibranchiata sacoglossa ; Pelseneer (281). — Oysters of the N. W. Coast of the United States are hermaphrodite and viviparous; SCHIELDT (335). 11. Embryology. Development of Cephalopoda ; Korschelt (214). — Differentiation of the germinal layers in Cephalopoda ; Korschelt (215). — Notes on the embryology of the Pteropoda [in Russian] ; KnIpovIch (210). — Develop- ment of Bythinia tentaculata ; Erlang er (118). — Development of Capulus hungaricus ; Erlanger (119).— -Cleavage of the ovum in Crepidula fornicata\ Conklin (81). — Embryology of Chiton; Metcalf (253). — Embryogeny of Proneomenia ; Pruvot (310). — Development of Dreissen[si]a polymorpha ; Korschelt (213). 12. Phylogeny and Classification. Pelseneer (278) classifies the Mollusca as follows : — A mphineura ( Polyplacophora. \ Aplacophora. Gastropoda Streptoneura Euthyneura iAspidobranchia . . Ctenobranchia . . , Opisthobranchia [including Ptero- poda]. Pulmonata . . . {Rhipidoglossa . Docoglossa. {Platypoda . Heteropoda. f Tectibranchia. [ Nudibranchia. ( Stylommatophora. \ Basommatophora. Scaphopoda Solenochoncha. (Protobranchia. Fillibranchia. Lamellibranchia \ Pseudolamellibranchia. f Eulamellibranchia. Septibranchia. ( Dibranchia. Cephalopoda ••••■• • ( Tetrabranchia. Moll 33 ANATOMY, PHYSIOLOGY, ETC. The phylogenetic relationships of these groups are expressed in the following tree : — Heteropoda. Pulmonata. Pelseneer concludes that the affinities of the Mollusca are to be sought in the Polychceta errantia, and that, of existing forms, the Eunicidce seem, from the ensemble of their organization, the least removed from the Mollusca. Classification of Cephalapoda ; Blake (25). — Morphology and Phyto- geny of f Stephanocerus zigzac series ; Buckman (53). — Phylogenetic relationships of the species of *| m Olicostephanus from the Speeton Clay ; Pavlow (277). D 3 1892. [vol. xxix.] 34 Moth YIT. MOLLUSCA. Pilsbry (294) invites criticism on the following proposed classifi- cation of the Helices : — Group I. Macroon. Genus Acavus. Genus Stylodonta. Genus IPelicophanta. Group II. Belogona. Genus Helix. Genus Leucochroa . Genus Allognathus. Genus Cochlostyla. Genus Polymitci. Genus Hemitrochus. °Genus Glyptostoma. 0Genus A canthinula. °Genus Valonia. Group III. Teleophalla. Genus Sagda. Genus Cysticopsis. Group IV. Epiphallophora. Genus Caracolus. Genus Camcena. Genus Camcenella. Genus Obba. Genus Chloritis. Genus Papuina. '::'Genus Planispira . Group Y. Haplogona. Genus Polygyra. Genus JEudodonta. Genus Patula. Genus Trochomorpha. Genus Anoglypta. Group YI. POLYPLACOGNATHA. Genus Punctum. Genus Laonia. Genera of Doubtful Position. In addition to those marked ■* above, the systematic position of the fol- lowing genera is doubtful : — Strobilops. Ampelita. Pedinogyra. P olygyratia. Macrocyclis. Scilaropsis. Yon Jhering (195) recognizes 7 genera in Helicidce, which he arranges phylogenetically thus : — Dorcasia \ Xerophila. / ANATOMY, PHYSIOLOGY, ETC. Moll. 35 Plate (306), p. 42, thus expresses the phytogeny of the Pulmonata and Opisihobranchiata : — Tectibranchia. / / / / Nudibranchia. Stemform of Pulmonata. \ Holohepatica. \ Oncidii dee. Basommatophora. \ Cladoheyatica. Stylommatophora. The Nudibranchiata are Pleurobranchcea specialized by the loss of a gill. The Tritoniidce are the oldest forms, from these spring the Doridi- idee (through the Polyceridce ) and the Eolidiidce, of which last the Elysice (or Sacoglossa) are specialized forms ; Pelseneer (282). Bergh (17) classifies the Gasteropoda Nudibranchiata as follows : — A. Nudibranchiata Cladohepatica. Fam. AeolidiadeE. Fam. Tethymelibidce. Fam. Lomanotidce. Fam. Dotonidce. Fam. Dendronotidce. Fam. BornellidcE. Fam. Scyllaeidce. Fam. Phylliroidce. Fam. Pleurophyllidiadce. Fam. Pleuroleuridce. Fam. Tritoniadce. B. Nudibranchiata Holohepatica. Fam. Dorididce cryptobranchiatce. Subfam. Bathy dorididce. Subfam. Hexabranchidce. Subfam. Archidorididce. Subfam. Discodorididee. Subfam. Diaululidce. Subfam. Cadlinidee. Subfam. Kentrodorididce. Subfam. Platy dorididce. Subfam. Chromodorididce. Subfam. Miamiridce . {Doricl idee cryptobranchi atce). Fam. Porostomata. Subfam. Doriopsidce. Subfam. Phyllidiadce. Fam. Dorididce phanerobranchiatce. Subfam. Polyceradce. Subfam. Goniodoridce. ( Dorididce phanerobranchiatce). Fam. CorambidcE. Systematic position of Naticidce and Calyptrceidce ; Haller (167). — Tables of phylogenetic relationships of Eulimidce and Pyramidellidce from the Tertiaries of Piedmont and Liguria ; Sacco (325). 36 Moll VII. MOLLUSCA. The Scaphopoda are considered by Plate (307) to have branched off from the Prorhipidoglossce after the Pelecypoda and before Patella ; he expresses his conclusions thus : — Rhipidoglossa. Classification of the Pelecypoda , based partly on the gill-structure, partly on the hinge characters ; Grobben (163, 164). Origin of the genera of non-marine Mollusca ; Cooke (82). — Origin of some varieties of Mollusca ; Faure (124). — Classification of varieties of Helix hortensis and H. nemoralis ; Eyre (121), MacDonald (234). 13. Stray Notes. Habits of the Mediterranean Argonaut with figure of position when swimming ; Lacaze-Duthiers (217). — Burrowing habits of certain land Molluscs ; Collinge (78). — Perforation of limestone rocks by Litho- domus ; Carazzi (57). — Comparison of movements of rotation in Articulata and Mollusca ; Petit, Act. Soc. L. Bord. xliv, pp. 349-351. — Fertility of Physa Tieterostropha , Say ; Poteat (309).— Effects on a Snail of a median section of its brain ; Petit, Act. Soc. L. Bord. xlv, pp. 119 & 120, 1 pi. — Phosphorescence in Latia lateralis , Gould ; Suter (394). — Filtration of water by Mollusca ; Viallanes (417). — Appear- ance of Mollusca in isolated ponds ; Reid, Tr. Norw. Soc. v, pp. 279 & 280. — Locomotion (Bewegung) of certain tropical Mollusca, more especially byssiferous examples ; Sluiter (362). — Disappearance of Spondylus gcederopus and other species from Maltese waters ; Caruana-Gatto (59). — W. A. Gain, Brit. Nat. 1892, has a series of notes on the subject of varieties. He begins by deprecating the naming of slight variations from the normal forms, p. 15 : in another part, p. 233, he places on record two worthless variations as new to Britain. — Monstrosities and deformations DISTRIBUTION. Moll. 37 in the Molluscan shell ; Tuniot (410a). — Monstrosities of Littorina rudis , Maton ; Sykes (396). — Effects of freezing and desiccation on Snails ; Kochs, Biol. Centralbl. xii, pp. 337 & 338. — Dissolution of the shells of Mollusca in the digestive cavity of fish and the bearings of this on fossilization ; Chaper, Bull. Soc. Geol. xx, pp. 114-117. — “Instinct and genera”; Hemphill (181). — Parasites of freshwater Mollusca of Cairo; Sonsino, in Festschr. R. Leuckarts, pp. 134-146, 1 pi. — Cercari- deum of Helix hortensis and its development into Distomum ; Bloch- mann, CB. Bakt. Parasit. xii, pp. 649-652. — Mollusca consumed as food by Birds ; Loens, Zool. Gart. xxxiii, pp. 49-51. 14. Economics. Uses of shells among the Papuans ; Hedley (172a). — Paludina japoiiica. Mart., for sale in the Chinese market, San Francisco; "Wood, Naut. v, p. 114. — Japanese Anodonta , brought to San Francisco markets ; Wood, Naut. vi, p. 51. — Freshwater Mollusca in the kitchen middens of Florida ; Moore, Am. Nat. xxvi, p. 914. — Application to Oyster culture of the filtration of water by Mollusca ; Viallanes (417). 15. Collection, Preservation, Museums, &c. Instructions for collecting, &c. ; Dall (105). — Method of taking W ater- snails ; Loens (227). — Collecting notes; Simpson (347). — Shell collecting at Eastport, U.S. ; Roper, Naut. vi, pp. 49 & 50. — Notice of the collection of H. A. Ward ; Pilsbry, Science, xx, p. 369. — Schliiter’s Catalogue a simple list : the generic and subgeneric values attributed to him cannot stand ; Fischer (129a). III. — DISTRIBUTION. GEOGRAPHICAL. NON-MARINE MOLLUSCA. a. Pal^arctic Zone. New palaearctic species ; Westerlund (428 & 430). I. Septentrional Region. British Isles : The Conchological Society’s List, Journ. Conch, vii, pp. 49-66. — Remarks on distribution in the British Isles; Scharff (330). — Catalogues of British Slugs ; Collinge (80) : summary of ib. ; Cockerell (72 & 74). — Review of British Arionidce ; Collinge (79) : and criticism by Cockerell (70). — A list of species and varieties of non- marine Mollusca , alleged to be peculiar to the British Islands, occurs 38 Moll. VII. MOLLUSCA. in Wallace’s Island Life, 2nd edition, pp. 357-359, republished by the compiler ; Cockerell, Nature, xlvi, pp. 76 & 77 : see also Scharff, t.c., p. 173. — Cumberland: non-marine of; Smith (363). — Derbyshire: additions to list ; Adams (2). — Devon : additions to the S. Devon list ; Oldham (272). — Dorset : bibliography of non-marine forms ; Sykes (397). — Gloucestershire : list ; Witchell & Strugnell (437). — Here- fordshire : list; Boycott (41), Yize (421). — Merionethshire: speci- mens taken in ; Chaster (63). — Northamptonshire : bibliography ; Crick (92). — Sussex : bibliography, Conchologist, ii, pp. 30-33. — West- moreland : non-marine of; Smith (363). — Worcestershire: shells of Stourport ; Williams (434). Scotland : additions to the Scotch fauna ; Roebuck (318). — Species in Bute ; Scott (341). — List of shells from Eigg ; McMurtrie (237). Ireland : Irish non-marine ; Scharff (332). — Planorbis riparius, West, added to the British fauna from Lough Swilly ; Milne, Irish Nat. 1892, p. 192 [misidentification, = P. nautileus , Linn.]. — Helix lampra , alleged new species [= H. ericetorum] ; Westerlund (428). Channel Isles : Pupa ringens in Guernsey ; Marquand, Journ. Conch, vii, p. 44. Belgium : Anodonta Iho teller ii, n. sp. ; Drouet (115). France: Mollusca of the Seine-Inferieure ; Bucaille (50). — Alexia armoricana , n. sp. [?], W. coast of France ; Locard (222). — Mollusca of the Department of the Somme ; Bizet (24). — List of bivalve Mollusca collected in the Seine near Elbeuf [of no value] ; Lancelevee, Ball. Soc. d’Elbeuf, x, pp. 51 & 52. Germany: — Baden : list of the shells of the North Baden Black Forest ; Sandberger (327).— Bavaria : JJnio cles'sini , n. sp., from the Danube [ i.e . the Donau] at Lauingen ; Drouet (115). — Borkum Is. : list of 30 species, including Alexia myosotis, Drap., new to Germany, and Assiminea gray ana , Leech ; Schneider (337). — Brandenburg : occurrence of Helix ericetovuiyi and H. candicans at Landsberg-a-Warthe ; Krause, SB. nat. Fr. 1892, p. 141 : rare Mollusca of Mark Brandenburg ; Martens (242). ■^-Saxony ; supplement to list of Mollusca from near Leipzig ; Ehrmann (117). — Silesia: notes on 6 species; I*oens (228). — Westphalia: MolluscRn fauna ; Hesse (185),— Gastropoda of Miinsterland ; Loens (230) .—Supplemental list of 30 species ; Loens (229). — Wurttemburg : Molluscan fauna of Saulgau ; Moenig (259). Sweden : Hyalinia iipsalensis, n. sp., Westerlund (428). Switzerland : Helix ( Patula ) chaperi , n, sp., Westerlund (428). —Recent Mollusca of Appenzell and St. Gallen ; Martens (240). — Molluscan fauna of Graubunde'ns ; Stein (383). — Mollusca found at Meiringen ; Horsley (190). — List of 46 species, with varieties, from Richisau (Canton Glarus) ; Blum (27). — Mollusca of Pays-d’Euhaut, Vaudois ; Pittier & Getaz, Bull. Soc. Vaud. xxvii, pp. 209 & 210. DISTRIBUTION. Moll. 39 2. Circum-Mediterranean Region. Species of Helix (Xerophila), with 20 new species : Pollonera (308). Spain : Helix, 4 new species ; Cionella disparata, n. sp. ; Westerlund (428). — Helix, 5 new species : Papa retracta , Buliminus hispalensis, Cion- ella virginea, Pkysa clathrata, Melanopsis liarpa, Neritina mixta , n. spp. ; Westerlund (430). — Mollusca of the Pyrenees, French and Spanish ; Fagot (122). France : Mollusca peculiar to the extreme S. W. of France ; Folin (135). — Pupa, 4 new species from the Pyrenean Depts. ; Westerlund (428). — Malacological fauna of Carcasonne ; Baichere (10). — Mollusca of the Peninsular of Sainte-Lucie (Aude) ; Fagot (123). — Alleged new species of Lartetia, Moitessieria, Bithinella , and Acme, from near Aviguon ; Kicolas (269). — Belgrandia coutagnei, n. sp. [?], Avignon ; Locard (223). — Terrestrial Mollusca of other Isles in the roadstead of Marseilles ; Coutagne (89). Italy ; Pupa honesta , n. sp. ; Westerlund (430). — Helix neptuni , n. sp.; Westerlund (428). — Catalogue of species in and around the Province of Modena ; Picaglia (286). — List of species from Lake Lugano and its shores ; Broemme (45). — Species from Ascoli-Piceno ; Mascarini (247). Sardinia : Helix modestissima , n. sp. ; Westerlund (428). Capri Is. : List of 26 species ; Blum (26). Sicily : Hyalinia , 2 new species ; Helix masthorella , n. sp. ; Wester- lund (428). — Pupa refuga , Pomatias eircticus, n.spp.; Westerlund (430). — Pseudamnicola' nebrodensis, n. sp. [= Vestitu, Benoit] ; Kobelt, in Rossmaessler (322) v. Malta : Clausilia melitensis, n. sp., Caruana-G-atto (58) ; Ccecilianella, 3 new species, id. (60) ; Occurrence of Assiminea littorina , id. (61). — - Cionella, 3 new species ; Westerlund (430). Austro-Hungary : — Carinthia : Anodonta, 2 new species [?] ; Kobelt, in Rossmaessler (322) vi : Growth of the shell of the mussels in Lake Worther ; Gallenstein (142). — Carniola : Clausilia vestigans, n. sp., Westerlund (428). — Dalmatia : Pupa appelinsi , n. sp. ; Westerlund (428). — Hungary : Mollusca of the environs of Guns, 69 species ; Szep (398). — Siebenburgen : Clausilia denbeli, n. sp. ; Westerlund (428). — Bosnia : List of species with Zonites tenerrimus, Helix osoria , Belima optabilis, n. spp. (1890), Brancsik (42) ; Bythinella bosniemis , n. sp„ Clessin (65) ; Clausilia calabacensis , n. sp., Westerlund (428) ; Helix broemmei , n. sp., from Acarnania, Kobelt, in Rossmaessler (322) v ; Pseudammicola euboica, n. sp., Euboea ; Kobelt, in Rossmaessler (322) v. Greece : Unio thiessce, n. sp., Anodonta , 3 new species ; Drouet (115). — Helix giurica and Clausilia broemmei , n. spp., with notes on other species and some new varieties from Greece and Giura Is. ; Bcettger (32). — Corfu: Unio helence, n. sp. ; Drouet (115).— Sofrauo Is. [? Sofraua Xisia] : Buliminus mestus , n. sp. ; Westerlund (428). Crete : Hyalinia spratti, Helix meclea, n. spp. : Westerlund (428\ 40 Moll. VII. MOLLUSCA. Roumania : Buliminus montandoni, n. sp., from Dobrudscha ; Wester- lund (428). Caucasus : rapacious Mollusca ; Simroth (351) : Limacidm , with 4 new species, and Testacellidce ; Simroth (352) : Testaceous Mollusca , with Hyalinia horsti , n. sp. ; Bcettger in Simroth (355). Asia Minor : Buliminus movradi , ponsonbyi , n. spp. ; Westerlund (428). Syria: Helix, 2 new species, Clausilia calopleura , n. sp. ; Wester- lund (428). Palestine : Helix patriarcharum, Buliminus granulatus , n. spp. ; Westerlund (428). Egypt : Helix , 2 new species ; Westerlund (428). — Libya : Helix apaturia , n. sp. ; Westerlund (428). Tunis : Helix hypsa, n. sp. ; Westerlund (428). Algeria : Helix , 4 new species, Buliminus djurdjurensis , n. sp., Cionella , 2 new species ; Westerlund (428). Morocco : Cionella extrema , n. sp. ; Westerlund (428). 3. Central Asiatic Region. Transcaspia : 11 forms enumerated, including 3 new species and 2 new varieties ; Rosen (321). — Turkestan : Limax natalianus from Semirets- chje ; MikhaelIs (254). 4. Chinese Region. Mollusca from the Valley of the Blue River, with a large number of new species ; Heude, 1890 (186) ; Moellendorf (257) criticises Heude. — Hainan Is. : 4 species added to fauna ; Fischer (130). 5. Japanese Region. Liu-Kiu Is. : List of 19 species from the Middle Is., Ennea densecos- tata and Trochomorpha fritzei , n. spp. ; Bcettger (33). 6. Atlantidean Region . Madeira : relation of the non-marine Mollusca to those found else- where ; Watson (426). b. Pal^iotropical African Zone. Twelve new species from N. E. Africa; Martens (243). 7. Central African Region. Becuanaland : Buliminus layardi, n. sp. ; Melvill & Ponsonby (251). — Tanganika : illustrations of freshwater Mollusca from Lake Tanganika ; Bourguignat (36) 1888 : Cyclostoma burtoni, n. sp. ; DISTRIBUTION. Moll. 41 Ancey (5). — Uganda : Helix bellula and Ennea stuhlmanni , n. spp. ; Martens (241). — Usambara : Ennea grossa , n. sp. ; Martens (244). — Victoria Nyanza : Limncea nyansce, Physa trigona , n. spp., Vivipara, 3 new species from Victoria Nyanza ; Martens (241) : Paludina constrica and Spatha subcequilatera , n. spp. ; Martens, Conch. Mittheil. iii, 1889 : shells from Victoria Nyanza, with Viviparus, 3 new species ; Smith (366) : ib. with Ampullaria , 2 new species, Planorbis victories and Sphce- rium nyanzee , n. spp. ; Smith (366a). 8. West African Region . Pseudoglessula, n. sect., Stenogyra , with 2 new species ; Bcettger (34). — Angola : Buliminus quisqualis, n. sp, ; Melvill & Ponsonby (251). — Cameroons : Achatina pyramidella , Ennea conospira, Cyclophorus preussi, n. spp. ; Martens (244). — Congo : Stenogyra badia, n. sp. ; Martens, Conch. Mittheil. iii, 1889. — Dahomey : Perideris lechatelieri, n. sp. ; Dautzenberg (108). — Damaraland : Pupa ovampoensis , Stenogyra chapmani, Cionella ovampoensis , n. spp., from Ovampo-Land ; Melvill & Ponsonby (251).— Gaboon : Achatina dimidiata1 n. sp. ; Martens, Conch. Mittheil. iii, 1889. — Senegambia : Ennea hendigiana , n. sp. ; Rolle (320). — St. Helena : land shells, with 11 new species ; Smith (364). 9. South African Region. Ennea , 7 new species, HZrope, 2 new species, Vitrina, 2 new species, Macrocyclis , 2 new species, Helix farquha?'i, n. sp., H. (. Pella ), 11 new species, H. ( Trochozonites ) dioryce , n. sp., Planorbis segmentinai n. sp. ; Melvill & Ponsonby (250-252). — Apera burnupi, n. sp. ; Smith (368). — Ennea consobrina, n. sp. ; Ancey (6). 10. Malagasy Region. Madagascar : Acroptychia notabilis , n. sp. ; Smith (373) : Nossi-Be Is., 3 new species ; Bcettger (31). — Mauritius : notes on shells from the ; Baker (11). c. Pal^otropical Oriental Zone. 12. Indian Region . Specimens from Karachi ; Adams (1). — Ceylon : Vag inula sarasi- norum from Candy ; Simroth (356) : Unio corbeti, n. sp., from Lake Kaudy ; Deschamps (112). 13. Indo-Chinese Region. Catalogue with geographical distribution of Indo-Chinese species ; Fischer (128) : 5 new species, land Mollusca ; Morlet (264). — Assam : 42 Moll. Vn. MOLLUSCA. Helix fultoni, n. sp., from the Khasi Hills (?) ; Godwin-Austen (150) : Diplommatina , 26 new species from the Garo, Naga and Munipur Hills ; Godwin-Austen (149). — Cambodia : Ampullaria brohardi, n. sp. ; Granger (154). — Laos and Tonkin : 10 new species ; Morlet (263 & 264). — Singapore : Vaginula carusi , n. sp. ; Simroth (356). 14. Indo- Malay Region. List of Indo-Malay genera which extend to the Philippines ; Cooke (83). — Borneo : Unio, 6 new species, Pseudodon, 2 new species ; Drouet & Chaper (115a). — Java : Vaginula , 5 new species; Simroth (356). — Soemba, Timor, &c. : Non-marine Mollusca, 6 new species ; Schepman (333). — Sumatra : Nanina dohertyi , n. sp. ; Aldrich (3) : Vaginula sumatrensis and weberi , n. spp. ; Simroth (356). — Timor Laut : list of 20 species including 15 new ; Moellendorff (258). 15. Philippine Region. Philippines : geographical distribution of the land forms ; Cooke (83) : Vaginula chavesin , n. sp., from Mindanao ; Simroth (356) : Unio serradelli , n, sp. ; Drouet (115). d. Australian Zone. 16. Austro- Malay Region. Celebes : Vaginula graffi , n. sp. ; Simroth (356). — Saleijer Is. : Vaginula vivipara, n. sp. ; Simroth (356). — Moluccas : 9 species from Halmahera (3 new species Helix, 2 new species Leptopoma) ; Strubell (389): Vaginula bocazei, n. sp.; Simroth (356): Acochlidium amboinense and paradonum , nom. nud. for two freshwater species from Amboina; Strubell, SB. niederrhein. Ges. xlix, p. 62. — New Guinea : list of a few species collected by Sir W. MacGregor on the Fly River ; Hedley (172) : Jaws, radulse, and genitalia of some British New Guinea land Mollusca , Hedley (174) ; ? Helix hedleyi , n. sp., Smith (370). — Solomon Is. : Helix, 2 new species, Bulim\_ul]us hobsoni , n. sp., Hedley a macleayi , n. g. & sp. ; Cox (90) : Helix aggiei, n. sp. ; Heimburg (180) : Cceliaxis exigua , Ad. & Angas, erroneously described as from these Is., is an Australian form and a syn. for Perrier ia australis , Forbes sp. ; Hedley (176). 17. Australian Region. Remarks on the slugs ; Hedley (178), Cockerell (68) : Helix everard- ensis, elderi, n. spp., Elder River, Central Australia ; Bednall (14). — Queensland : notes on a collection of shells, with 3 new species ; Hedley & Musson (179). — Tasmania : observations on freshwater shells ; Johnston (201) : variability of the Tasmanian Unio ; id. (202). DISTRIBUTION. Moll . 43 18. Austro- Polynesian Region. New Hebrides : Diplomorpha coxi , n. sp. ; Hartman (169). 19. Polynesian Region. Sandwich Is. : revision of the genera Pupa (with 3 newr species), Ceeci- lianella (1 new species), and Helicter (2 new species) ; Ancey (8a). 20. Neozelanian Region. New Zealand : lists of Mollusca ; Suter (390) : list of introduced species; id. (391) : list of doubtful species and forms erroneously re- corded; id. (391a): miscellaneous notes; id. (392): dentition of some forms with Amphidoxa olivacea and Phrixgnathus transitans , n. spp. ; id. (393) : notes on land Mollusca ; Suter (394) : notes on New Zealand Helices ; Pilsbry (299, 410) : notes on Pitys , occurrence of Ancylus , on the Limacidce and Arionidce ; Suter (395) : Ptychodon magdalence , n. sp., 1891 ; Ancey (5). e. Neantarctic Zone. 21. Patagonian Region. Paraguay: Vaginala, 3 new species; Simroth (356). 22. Chilian Pegion. Chili : Vaginula chilensis , n. sp. ; Simroth (356). /. Neotropical Zone. 23. Peruvian Region. Galapagos Is. : Non-marine Mollusca , -with Bulimulus , 1 new sect, and 14 new species, Pupa , 2 new species, Succinea wolfi and Helicina wolji, n. spp. ; Reibisch, P. (313) : Zonites baueri , Leptinaria chuthamensis , Helicina nesiotica ; Dall (104): Bulimus habeli, Onchidium lesliei , n.spp.; Stearns (382). 24. Columbian Region . United States of Columbia, 7 new species ; Sowerby (379). — New Granada : Helix sieversi, n. sp. ; Martens, Conch. Mittheil. iii (1889). 25. Brazilian Region. Bolivia : Happia dalliana , Guppy a anguina , Cyclophorus orbignyi , Odontostomus lemoinei , n. spp., and Helicina. 3 new species ; Ancey (7) : 44 Moll. VII. MOLLUSCA. Nenia orbignyi , n. sp. ; Ancey (6) : Cyane orbignyi , Nenia orbignyi , Odontostomus lemoinei , n. spp. ; Ancey (8). — Brazil : Systrophia alcidiana , Bulimulus germaini , Helicina leucozonalis, n. spp. ; Ancey (7). 26. Mexican Region. Melaniidce and Proserpinidce ; Fischer & Crosse (133). — Central America : Omphalina 2, Hyalinia 3, Guppya 4, Pseudohyalina cidariscus , Helix altispira, and Polygyra 2 new species ; Martens (245). — California: Catalogue of non-marine species of Lower California ; Cooper (84). — Guatemala : Neritina sargi and Unio usuniasintce , n. spp. ; Crosse & Fischer (98). — Honduras : Aperostoma goldfussi, n. sp. ; Bcettger (34). — Mexico: Bulimulus chaperi and Anodonta chapalensis, n. spp. ; Crosse & Fischer (98) : Patula intonsa , n. sp., from Orizaba ; Pilsbry, in Tryon’s Manual (410): Eucalodium compactum and Potamanax rovirosai, n. subg. & n. sp., from Tabasco ; Pilsbry (293a) : Pachychilus rovirosai , possible new species ; Pilsbry (291). 27. Caribbean Region. West Indies : anatomy of Caracolus , 2 species, and Hemitrochus salva- toris ; Pilsbry (289) — Dominica Is. : notes on a collection of land Mollusca, including Vaginula punctatissima, Semp., new to loc. ; Pilsbry (295). — Haiti : list of Mollusca ; Tippenhauer (406). — Jamaica : Helix vendryesi , Veronicella jamaicensis, virgata , dissimilis , alleged new species ; Cockerell (67). — Portorico : catalogue with 130 species ; Crosse (93). g. Nearctic Zone. 28. American Region. N. American forms of Vallonia ; Sterki (384) : Pupidce of N. America; Sterki (385) : North American species of Succinea ; Cockerell (73) : notes on Unio luteolus and radiatus ; Dean (110). — Alabama : list of land Mollusca ; Sargent (328) : Helix sargenti, n. sp. ; Johnson & Pilsbry (200). — Arkansas: Zonites brittsii , n. sp. ; Pilsbry (297). — Florida : list of Mollusca ( Pleurotoma simpsoni , Tralia minuscula , and Pandora bushiana , n. spp. by Dall) Simpson (349) : Lyogyrus dalli , n. sp. ; Pilsbry (300) : Florida Unionidce with Unio subluridus , n. sp. ; Simpson (346). — Illinois: Unionidce of Spoon River; Strode (388). — Iowa: Ancylus obliquus , n. sp. ; Shimek (342). — Louisiana : Mollusca of Dorcheat Bayou and Lake Bisteneau ; Vaughan (416). — Michigan : shell-bearing Mollusca ; Walker (423). — Missouri : occurrence of Mesodon andrewsi ; Sampson (326). — New York : Mollusca of Monroe County ; Walton (424) : preliminary list of the Unionidce ; Marshall (238). — Ohio : catalogue of non-marine Testacea of Portage County ; Denn (111). — Texas: Hyalinia Iceviuscula , n. sp.; Sterki (386): Hydro- bia texana , n. sp. (1887) ; Pilsbry (296). DISTRIBUTION. Moll. 45 29. Californian Region. Pupidce of North America ; Sterki (385) : North American species of Succinea ; Cockerell (73). — California : occurrence of Limax agrestis , Linn.; Raymond, Naut. v, p. 101. — Arizona: occurrence of Patula strigosa, Gould ; Stearns, Naut. vi, p. 1. 30. Canadian Region. North American forms of Vallonia ; Sterki (384) : North American species of Succinea ; Cockerell (73). — New Brunswick : addenda to the Mollusca ; Ganong (145). MARINE MOLLUSCA. 1 . Arctic Province. Mollusca from East Spitzbergen, 71 species, including Pleuroleura walteri , n. sp. ; Krause (216). 2. Boreal Province. [None.] 3. Celtic Province. British Isles : Mollusca of the Liverpool Marine Biological Com- mittee District ; Archer (9) : Nudibranchia at Puffin Is. ; Herdman, Tr. Liverp. Biol. Soc. v (1891), p. 31 : Observations on Lomanotus genei, Verany, and Hancockia eudactglota, Gosse ; Gamble (144) : occurrence of Pleurophyllidia loveni in Britain; M’Intosh (236), Herdman (183), Griesbach, Conchologist, ii, p. 72 : Rare Mollusca on the Devon Coast ; Garstang (146): marine invertebrate fauna of Plymouth ; Garstang, J. Mar. Biol. Ass. ii, pp. 335-337 : Mollusca of N. Wales Coast ; Tomlin (407) : Mollusca of the Moray Firth ; Scott (340) : list of shells on Ardeer and Irvine beaches, Ayrshire ; Smith, J. (376) : Mollusca from the Coasts of Donegal and Dublin ; Hart (168) : list of species from Killala Bay, Ireland ; Warren (425). France : Mollusca of the Department of the Somme ; Bizet (24). Germany : Syndosmya schneiaeri , n. sp., from Borkum Is. ; Bcettger in Schneider (337). 4. Lusitanian Province. Distribution of Ovula carnea , Poiret ; Fischer, P. (129), Watson (427). — Atlantic : Cratena fructuosa, n. sp., and Pleurobranchillus morosus , n g. and sp. ; Bergh (18). — Azores : Mollusca obtained by the Prince of Monaco : Dautzenberg (107) 1889 ; many new species : Euplocamus 46 Moll. VII. MOLLUSCA. atlcinticus, n. sp. ; Bergh (18). — Maderia : Spondylus powelli, n. sp. ; Smith (370). — West Coast of France : Mitra aquitanica, found on the West Coast of France ; Locard (226) : Clathurella bourguignati , servaini, n. spp., 1891 ; Locard (220) : Neptunea nicolloni , n. sp. ; Locard (220a) : Anomiidce with Anomia boletiformis, n. sp. ; Locard (221): Chama nicolloni , n. sp. ; Dautzenburg (109). — Spain: Cephalopoda of the Spanish Coasts ; Girard (148). — Mediterranean : Vermetidce , with 3 new species of Vermetus ; Monterosato (262). — South Coast of France : Molluscan fauna of Bandol (near Toulon) ; Caziot (62) : Anomiidce ; Locard (221). — List of Mollusca of the neighbourhood of Zara ; Danilo & Sandri (106). — Kalymos Is. : Pollia reticulata , azona, Alvania rufopunctata , Gibbula eliadum , and valentini, n. spp. ; Bcettger (35). — Malta : Disappearance of Spondylus gcederopus , &c. ; Caruana-Gatto (59). m 5. Arcdo- Caspian Province. [None.] 6. West African Province. Mogador : Lepidopleurus granoliratus , n. sp. ; Tryon’s Manual (409). — Octopus sponsalis and ergasticus , n. spp., W. coast, oft the Sahara littoral ; Fischer, P. & H. (134). — Senegambia : Pisania scholvieni and Turritella maltzani, n. spp. ; Rolle (320). 7. South African Province. Catalogue, with 1 new genus and 43 new species ; Sowerby (378). — St. Helena: additions to the fauna, with Jeffrey sia atlantica and Telli- mya producta, n. spp. ; Smith (367). 8. Indo-Pacific Province . Mauritius: notes on shells; Baker (11): Pecten crouchi , n. sp. ; Smith (365). — Red Sea : remarks on the fauna ; Jousseaume (204). — Persian Gulf: pearl Mollusca ; Galletly (143). — India : Nucula fultoni, n. sp., Bay of Bengal ; Smith (371). — Indo-China : Catalogue with geo- graphical distribution of Indo-Chinese species ; Fischer (128). — Gulf of Siam, W. of Cambodia, 27 species; Crosse & Fischer (95). — Hongkong: Ischnochiton asperior and bisculptus , n. spp. ; Tryon’s Manual (409) : Pyrula jilosa, n. sp. ; Sowerby (380). — Liu-Kiu Is. : list of 167 species, Monilea fritzei new ; Bcettger (33). — Philippines Is. : Ischnochiton solicitor, n. sp. ; Tryon’s Manual (409). — Australia : Cephalopoda and Pteropocla ; Brazier (44). 9. Australo-Zelandic Province. Australia : Ischnochiton cariosus and liaddoni , n. spp. ; Tryon’s Manual (409). — Descriptions of 1 new genus and 11 new species of marine DISTRIBUTION. Moll. 47 Mollusca from South Australia ; Tate, (399) 3rd Suppl. to list of Australian Pelecypocla ; id. (399a). — Glaitcus atlanticus , Forster, washed ashore, New S. Wales ; Hedley (173). — Cephalopoda and Pteropoda of Australia and Tasmania ; Brazier (44). — Tasmania : Callochiton lohatus, n. sp. ; Tryon’s Manual (409) : Columbella unisulcata , n. sp. ; Kobelt, in Martini & Chemnitz (246). — New Zealand : Spongiochiton productus , n. sp. ; Tryon’s Manual (409). 10. Japonic Province. Japan : Volutharpa salmiana , n. sp. ; Rolle (320) : Thylacodes medusce, n. sp. ; MacGeorge (235) : Japanes ePatellidce ; Taylor (401): Lepidopleurus curvatus and (?) Ischnochiton asperior , n. sp. ; Tryon’s Manual (409). — Bonin Is.: Ischnochiton multidentatus , n. sp. ; Tryon’s Manual (409). 11. Aleutian Province. [None.] 12. Californian Province. Fisnrellidce of the United States ; Pilsbry & Johnson (303). — Cali- fornia : Loligo stearnsii , n. sp. [?] ; Hemphill (182) : Margarita (Turcicula) hairdii, n. sp.; Dall (101) 1889: TJvanilla regina , n. sp. ; Stearns (382) : Chcetopleura gemmea , n. sp., and Ischnochiton , 9 new species ; Tryon’s Manual (409). — Lower California : Mitra fultoni, n. sp.; Smith (365) : Lepidopleurus rugatus , n. sp., and Ischnochiton , 2 new species ; Tryon’s Manual (409). — Monterey Bay : Scaphella arnheimi , n. sp. ; Rivers (317). — San Pedro Bay : catalogue of shells from ( Vitri - nella williamsoni and Amphissa bicolor , n. spp., Ball) ; Williamson (435). 13. Panamic Province. Ecuador : Littorina atyphus, n. sp., Manta ; Stearns (382). — Gala- pagos Is. : Nitidella incerta and Littorina galapagiensis , n.spp. ; Stearns (382). 14. Peruvian Province. [None.] 15. Antarctic Province. [None.] 16. Patagonian Province. Gorriti Is. : Chcetopleura armillata , n. sp. ; Tryon’s Manual (409). 48 Moll. VII. MOLLUSCA. 17. Caribbean Province. Descriptions of species dredged in the G-ulf of Mexico, including many new ; Dall (101) 1889 : Fissurellidce of the United States ; Pilsbry & Johnson (303) : List of Mollusca (with Pleurotoma simpsoni , Tralia minuscula , Natica fordiana , and Pandora bushiana , n. spp., by Dall); Simpson (349). — Florida Keys : Ischnochiton jloridanus , n. sp. ; Tryon’s Manual (409). — Haiti Is. : list of Mollusca ; Tippenhauer (406). 18. Transatlantic Province. Descriptions of species dredged, including many new ; Dall (101) 1889 : Fissurellidce of the United States ; Pilsbry & Johnson (303). — New Jersey : Coast shells, with figs.; Ford (136) : Chrysodomus stonei , n. sp. ; Pilsbry (293) : Crepidulce, Stone (387). GEOLOGICAL. Summary of Palaeontological work done during 1890 : Cephalopoda , by E. Haug, Gastropoda , by M. Cossmann ; Ann. Geol. Univ. pp. 957- 1024. Palaeontology of New Guinea ; Etheridge, in Thompson’s “ British New Guinea,” London, 1892, 8vo, pp. 208-215. Fossil types in the Bath Museum ; P. Bath N. H. Soc. vii, pp. 270- 279. 1. Quaternary. Pleistocene non-marine Mollusca found in the Admiralty section ; Abbott, P. Geol. Ass. xii, p. 356. — List of Mollusca from the Pleistocene deposits at West Wittering, Sussex ; Reid, Q. J. Geol. Soc. xlviii, p. 357. — Notes on marine shells from the Post-pliocene deposits of Man- chester ; Roeder, Tr, Manch. Geol. Soc. xxi, pp. 607-619. — Mollusca from raised beach at Fillyside, between Leith and Portobello, N.B. ; Scott (339). — Malacological fauna of recent deposits at Brussels ; Raeymaekers, Bull. Soc. Mai. Belg. o 1891 [1893], pp. vii-xi. — Post- glacial Mollusca, with Pissoa parva, at Aland, Sweden ; Madsen, Geol. Foren. Stockholm Forhandl. xiv, pp. 585-590. — List of non-marine Mol- lusca from the alluvial marls of Cotta, near Dresden ; Reibisch, T. (314). — Silurian Cephalopoda from the alluvial beds of Mecklenburg ; Ruediger (324). — Pliocene and quaternary Molluscan fauna of the environs of Oran ; Pallary, CR. Ass. Fr. Sci. 1891, ii, pp. 383-387, figs. — Recent fossils of the Harbour and Back Bay, Boston ; Upham (415). — Fossils of the Loess of E. Nebraska and W. Iowa ; Shimek, Bull. Lab. Iowa, i, pp. 200-214, ii, pp. 89-93. — Post-tertiary shells col- lected in a dry salt lake near Eddy, Mexico ; Sterki, Rep. Geol. Surv. Texas, iii, pp. 263-265. — Post-tertiary Mollusca of Queensland ; Jack & Etheridge (193) pp. 640-646. DISTRIBUTION. Moll. 49 2. Tertiary. Belgium: Aspidopholas stainiei n. sp., from the Tertiary of Antwerp ; Vincent (419). — France : marine Mo llusca of the Basin of the Rhone ; Fontannes, Etudes strat. and paleont. periode tert. dans le Bassin du Rhone, x, Paris, 1892, 8vo. — Germany : older Tertiary fauna of the neighbourhood of Berlin, with new species ; Koenen, JB. k. preuss. geol. Landesanst. xi, Abh. pp. 257-276, figg. — Austro-Hungary : Gastropoda from Haring, Tirol, with 15 new species ; Dreger (114) : fossil fauna of Markusevec in Croatia, 49 new species, Baglivia , n. g. : Brcsina (49): Tertiary Rudistes, Ceratoconcha costata , n. g. & sp., 1889, from A gram ; Gorjanovic-Kramberger (153).— Italy : Upper Tertiary Pectanculus ; Gregorio (155): Non-marine Mollusca of the Province of Modena; Picaglia (286). — -Tertiary species (many said to be new) of Eulimidce and Pyramidellidce from Piedmont and Liguria ; Sacco (325). — Sardinia : Spirulirostrina lovisatoi , n. g. & sp. ; Canavari (56). — Molluscan fauna of Florida, pt. ii, completing the Gastropoda , Pteropoda, Polyplacophora , and Scaphopoda , with very many new species, and Glyptostyla panamensis, n. g. & sp., from the Tertiary beds of Panama ; Dall (102). — New Guinea : Tertiary Mollusca ; -Jack & Etheridge (193) pp. 692-694. Pliocene : Lists of pliocene Mollusca from the environs of Montpellier ; Viguier, C.R. Ass. Fr. Sci. 1891, ii, pp. 405-416, 1 pi. — Italy : Pliocene Lamellibranchiata from upper and central Italy; Pantanelli (276). — Pliocene Mollusca of Cerreto-Guidi and confines, with Conus caroli , Area idee, and Lepton stefanii, n. spp. ; Fucini, Boll. Soc. geol. Ital. x, pp. 59-86, 1 pi. — Pliocene of Bologna, with Pholadomya elegantula , n. sp.; Foresti (138). — New Zealand : Pliocene Mollusca ; Hutton, Nature, xlvi, p. 474 [Abstr.]. Miocene : Germany : Pelecypoda from the Miocene of Dingden, with many new species ; Lehmann, Verh. Ver. Rheinl. xlix, pp. 198-241. 1 pi. — Austro-Hungary : Sarmatic-miocene shells of Oststeiermark ; Hilber, MT. Ver. Steierm. xxviii, pp. 235-248, 1 pi. — Pontic fauna of Southern Hungary, with Cardium semseyi , n. sp. ; Halavats, MT. Ung. geol. Anst. x, No. 2. — Prepontic fauna of Agram ; Gorjanovic-Kramberger, Glasnik Naravosl. Druzt. v, 1890, pp. 154-164, 1 pi. — Miocene non-marine Mollusca from Samos; Stefani in ‘Samos.’ By C. de Stefani, C. J. Forsyth Major and W. Barbey. Lausanne : 1891 (1892), 4to, pp. 76-81, i pi. Oligocene : France : revision of the Oligocene fauna of Etampes (contd.) with Odontostomia lamberti and Truncatella bezanconi , n. spp. ; Cossmann (87) : Fauna of the Oligocene of Narbonne ; Viguier, Bull. Soc. Beziers, xiv, p. 72. — Germany : Upper Oligocene fossils of the Malliss Brickearths ; Geinitz, Arch. Ver. Mecklemb. xlvi, pp. 65-67, 71 & 72 : Natica geinitzi , Calliostoma jetschmi, Yoldia beyrichi, from the Rupelian of Germany ; Bgettger (30) : Lower Oligocene Mollusca of N. Germany, with many new species ; Koenen (211). — Albania : Ohgo- cene Mollusca ; Dreyer, JB. geol. Reichsanst. xlii, pp. 339 & 340. 1892. [vol. xxix.] d 4 50 Moll. VII. MOLLDSCA. Eocene : Belgium : Eocene Pholadidce ; Vincent (420).— France : Eocene Mollusca from the environs of Paris, with some new genera and sections and many new species; Cossmann (85): lists of Eocene fossils collected near Reims on different excursions ; Bull. Soc. Reims, i, pp. 62-64, 84 & 85, 91, 94-97. — Germany : new locality for non-marine Mollusca from the Vincentinian Eocene ; Oppenheim & Beyrich, Z. geol. Ges. xliv, pp. 500-503. — Italy : Lower Tertiary Mollusca of the Ligurian littoral ; Gregorio (157). 3. Secondary. Secondary fossils from the Balkans, with many new species ; Vankov, Rad. jugoslav. Akad. cxi, pp. 78-102 : Secondary fossils from St. Philippe-de-Benguela, with Desmoceras cuvervillei , Hamites tropicalis and Natica gabonensis , n. spp. ; Stanislas Meunier, Le Nat. 1892, pp. 113 & 114, figg. : new genera and new species of Mollusca from the Secondary rooks of the Argentine Cordilleras; Behrendsen (15): Secondary fossils from Queensland with Pseudavicula and Maccoyella , new genera and many new species ; Jack & Etheridge (193), pp. 319 & 320, 388 & 389, 445-503, 561-574: Unio eyi'ensis, Tate, and sp. ? from the Mesozoic of South Australia ; Etheridge in Brown, Reports on the Coalbearing area near Leigh’s Creek [Govt. Rept.] 1891, pp. 11 & 12 ; Upper Rognacian of Les Baux, with 3 new species of land shells ; Nicolas (270). Cretaceous : Mollusca from the Cretaceous of Schleswig-Holstein with Dimyodon boehmi , n. sp. ; Stolley, MT. min. Inst. Kiel, i, pp. 229-244 : fossils of the Cretaceous of the Venetian Alps with new Caprinidce ; Boehm, Ber. Ges. Freiburg, vi, pp. 1.39-148, figg. : Cretaceous Mollusca from the S. E. of Spain, with new species of Mortoniceras, &c. ; Nickles, Annales Hebert, i, pp. 187-202, figg. : Cretaceous forms from Albania ; Dreger, JB. geol. Reichsanst. xlii, pp. 337-339 : list of Cretaceous fossils from the Podol’ski Govt. ; RadkevICH, Zapiski. Kiev, xi (1891), pp. 82 & 83 : Cyprcea from the Fox Hills Group ; Campbell, Naut. vi, p. 50 : on the occurrence of Actinocamax quadratus and Belemnitella mucronata ; Strombeck, Z. geol. Ges. xliii, pp. 919-922. Upper Cretaceous: Upper Senonian fossils of the Eifel ; Vogel, Verh. Ver. Rheinl. xlix, pp. 18-87, figg. : palaeontology of the Upper Senonian of Irnich, Eifel, with many new species ; Vogel, Verh. Ver. Rheinl. xlix, pp. 32-106, 1 pi. : Upper Cretaceous Mollusca of the Venetian Alps, with many new species and Cornucaprina. and Orthop- tychus n. gg. ; Futterer (139) : 3 new species of Belemnites ( Actino- camax)i from the Senonian ; Janet (194). Lower Cretaceous : Ammonites from S. W. France, with 3 new species ; Kilian (208) : Neocomian of Dimbovicioara, Roumania, with descrip- tions of Molluscan species, none new ; Uhlig, JB. geol. Reichsanst. xli, pp. 216-234: Valanginian Hoplites of the group H. neocomiensis ; Lory (233). DISTRIBUTION. Moll. 51 Tithonian : List of fossils from Aizy-sur-Noyarcy (Isere) ; Gevrey, Bull. Soc. Stat. Isere (4) i, pp. 49-55. Jurassic : Catalogue of British Jurassic Gastropoda ; Hudleston & Wilson (192) : Jurassic Mollusca of Yorkshire, list ; Fox- Strangways, Mem. Geol. Surv. U. K., Jurassic Bocks, ii, pp. 45-117, 150-185, 204-245, 249, & 250: Speeton Clay Ammonites, with several new species ; Pavlow (277). — Jurassic Mollusca of Boulogne, with new species ; Rigaux(316) : Upper Jurassic fossils from Grenoble ; Paquier, Bull. Soc. Stat. Isere (4) i, pp. 33-44 : Harpoceras mathayense , n. sp., Upper Callovian of Doubs ; Kilian (208) : Renggerithone [Oxfordian] fauna of Kandern, Baden ; Lent, MT. Badischen geol. Landesanst, ii, pp. 623-639 : Upper Jurassic Ammonites of Poland, Oppelia stolzmanni, Cardioceras sues si, Persphinctes , 5 new species, Proplanulites teisseyrei, n. spp. ; Siemiradzki (344) : Mollusca from the Middle Jurassic of Castel Tesino in the S. E. Tirol ; Boese & Finkelstein, Z. geol. Ges. xliv, pp. 280-284 : Jurassic Mollusca , with many new species from the Is. of Timor and Rotti ; Rothpletz (323). Inferior Oolite : Gastropoda of the British Isles, several new species ; Hudleston (191): Ammonites of the British Islands, with alleged new species ; Buckman (54). Northampton Sands : occurrence of Ammonites jurensis ; Buckman (52). Liassic : List of fossils from the Lias of Northamptonshire ; J. Northampt. Soc. 1892, pp. 45-49 : Cephalopoda of the Upper Lias of Sainte-Colombe-les-Avallon (Yonne) ; Millot (255) : Mollusca from the Liassic Ironstone near Helmstedt, with new species ; Wollemann, Yerh. Yer. Rheinl. xlix, pp. 107-124 : Liassic fossils from Sette, with Gervilia ombonii and Pecten taramelli , n. spp. ; Negri, Boll. Soc. geol. Ital. x, pp. 309-331, 1 pi. Trias : Triassic Mollusca of the Duchy of Sachsen- Altenburg ; Geinitz, MT. Osterlande, v, pp. 184-189 : Gastropoda of the St. Cassian beds, Pt. ii, with 2 new genera and 32 new species ; Kittl (209) : Trias of the Northern Alps, notes on Conrkodus , with C. schwageri , n. sp. ; Tausch (400) : Mollusca from the Alpine Trias, with new genera and species ; Koken (212) & Woehrmann & Koken (438) : Preliminary remarks on the Cephalopod fauna of the Himalayan Trias ; Mojsisovics, SB. Ac. Wien, ci, Abth. i, pp. 372-378 ; Chemnitzia manzavinii and Schizodus negrii, n. spp., Trias of Balia, Asia Minor ; Bittner (22) : Timor and Rotti, Triassic Mollusca , with many new species ; Rothpletz (323). Muschelkalk : Fossils of the Muschelkalk, with Benecheia cognata , n. sp. ; Wagner, Z. geol. Ges. xliii, p. 898, fig. : Balatonites son- dershusanus, n. sp., from the Muschelkalk near Sondershausen ; Picard (288). 4. Primary. Palaeozoic Hyolithidce of Bohemia revised, with new genera and new species ; Novak (271). — Check-list of Palaeozoic Mollusca from Wis- consin, Minnesota, Iowa, Dakota, and Nebraska ; Bierbauer (20). — 52 Moll YII. MOLLUSCA. Palaeozoic species of the Platyceras group; Keyes (206). — 11 new species of Pelecypoda , 6 new species of Platyceras , from the Clinton, Lower Helderberg, Chemung, and Waverly groups of Pennsylvania ; Simpson (350). — Middle Devonian and Permo-Carboniferous Mollusca from Queensland, with Deltopecten and Merismopteria , n. gg., and many new species ; Jack & Etheridge, (193) pp. 69 & 264-296 Permian : Permian Mollusca of the Duchy of Sachsen- Altenburg ; Geinitz, MT. Oesterlande, v, pp. 168 & 174-177 : Anthracosice from the Permian of Russia, Palceomutela and Oligodon, n. gg., with many species; Amalizky (4) : Mollusca, with new species from the Permian of the Is. of Timor and Rotti ; Rothpletz (323) : Fossils from Lower Magnesian Limestone of Iowa, with new species of Straparollus , Raphistoma, and Cyrtoceras ; Calvin, Bull. Lab. Iowa, ii, pp. 189-193 : Lower Mag- nesian Limestone fossils from Iowa, with new species of Straparollus , Raphistoma, and Cyrtoceras ; Calvin, Am. Geol. x, pp. 144-148. Carboniferous : Carboniferous Murchisonia , 6 new species ; Donald (113): Carboniferous Pelecypoda — Ctenodonta , Nucula, and Allorisma ; Goodchild (152, 152a). Devonian : Devonian fauna of S. England, with new species ; Whid- borne (431) : Devonian Mollusca of the Duchy of Sachsen- Altenburg ; Geinitz, MT. Osterlande, v, pp. 168 & 174-177 : Ammonites of the Sporadoceras muensteri Zone (Upper Devonian) of Orenburg, with Cly- menia, 3 new species; Loewinson-Lessing (231): Amnigenia rhenana , n. sp , from the Middle Devonian of Germany ; Beushausen (19) : Devonian of the Eastern Alps, with Platyceras conoideum, n. sp. ; Frech, Z. geol. Ges. xliii, p. 678 : Devonian species from Manitoba, with many new, and Astralites, n. g. ( incerta sedis ) ; Whiteaves, Contrib. Canadian Palaeont. i, pp. 292-346, figg. : New Devonian fossils of Iowa — Schizodus symmetricus , Holopea grandis, Straparollus lativalvis, bicarinatus, tricari- natus, Bucania perornata, Cyclostoma , n. spp. ; Calvin, Bull. Lab. Iowa, i, pp. 176-181, figg. : Clymenia neapolitana , n. sp., Upper Devonian (Naples Beds) of Western New York ; Clarke (64) : Devonian of Bolivia, with 6 new species ; Ulrich (412). Silurian : Trematonotus from the Wenlock Limestone, near Dudley ; Newton (268) : Silurian Cephalopoda from the alluvial beds of Mecklen- burg, with 3 new species of Endoceras ; Ruediger (324) : Swedish Silurian, Endoceras hircus and schmidti, n. spp. ; Holm (189) : Swedish Silurian species of Lituites, with 3 new species, and Cyclolituites lynceus , n.sp. ; Holm (188): Orthoceratidce of the Trenton Limestone of the Winnipeg Basin; Whiteaves (432): New Lower Silurian Pelecypoda of the U. S., with Cleionychia, n. g., and 1 new species, Cypricardites, 3 new species, Technophorus, 3 new species, Tellinomya longa, n. sp. ; Ulrich (414) : New Lower Silurian Pelecypoda, with Plethocardia, n. g., mostly from Minnesota ; Ulrich (413) : Raphistoma, brownii , n. sp., and Orthoceras sp. ?, from the Silurian of South Australia ; Etheridge in Brown, Reports on the Coalbearing area near Leigh’s Creek [Govt. Rep.], 1891, pp. 9 & 10. cephalopoda, dibeanchiata. Mull. 53 Cambrian : Swedish fossils from the Cambrian Sandstone, with Den- talium ? cambricum and Hyolithus insularis , n. spp.; Moberg, Geol.Foren. Stockholm Forhandl. xiv, p. 117, figg. : Cambrian fossils of South Aus- tralia, with 3 new species of Mollusca ; Tate, Tr. R. Soc. S. Austr. xv, pp. 183-185. IY. — SYSTEMATIC. Classification of the Mollusca ; Pelseneer, Bull. Sci. Fr. Belg. xxiv, pp. 347-371, 1 fig. Introduction to the study of the Mollusca ; Coupin (88). —Comparative Anatomy of the Mollusca ; Lang (218). — New edition of Bronx (46) by H. Simroth, Lief 1 & 2, Historische Uebersicht. On the asymmetry of univalve Mollusca ; Fischer & Bouvier, J. de Conch. 1892, pp. 117-207, pis. ; Pelseneer, t. c. pp. 229-233. — Coiling of univalves ; Fischer & Bouvier, t. c. pp. 234-245. — See also under Gastropoda. I. CEPHALOPODA. Resume of the classification of Cephalopoda , with a note on the Cephalo- poda Dibranchiata of the Upper Lias of Sainte-Colombe-les-Ava'lon (Yonne) ; Millot, Bull. Soc. Autun, iv, pp. 37-57, figg. — Evolution and classification [chiefly of fossil forms] ; Blake, P. Geol. Ass. xii, pp. 275-295. — Cephalopoda of the Spanish Coast ; Girard, An. Soc. Esp. xxi, pp. 391-399. Catalogue of the Cephalopoda of Australia and Tasmania ; Brazier (44). On the chromatophores of Cephalopoda ; Phisalix, C.R. Soc. Biol, iv, p. 442; Pallecchi, Atti Soc. Ligust. iii, pp. 204-214. — Colouration of the tegument ; Joubin, Arch. Z. exper. x, pp. 277-330, figg. On the structure of the posterior salivary glands of the Cephalopoda ; Rawitz, Arch. mikr. Anat. xxxix, pp. 596-611, 1 pi. Development of the Cephalopoda ; Korschelt (214). — Differentiation of the germinal layers ; Korschelt, Verh. Deutsch. Zool. Ges. ii, pp. 87-92. DIBRANCHIATA. OCTOPODA. A rgonauta : a living specimen and its habits described, with fig. of position when swimming ; Lacaze-Duthiers, Arch. Z. exper x, pp. 37-56. Octopus sponsalis , p. 297, ergasticus, p. 298, W. Coast of Africa, off th6 Sahara littoral, P. & H. Fischer, J. de Conch. 1892, figg. 54 Moll. VII. MOLLUSCA. DECAPODA. Table of chief characters of Oigopsid Gephalopods ; Goodrich, J. Mar, Biol. Ass. ii, pp. 318-321. f Actinocamax grossouvrei , p. 716, toucasi , p. 719, alfridi , p. 720, from the Senonian, Janet, Bull. Soc. Geol. xix. figg., n. spp. Loligo stearnsii , possible new species, California ? Hemphill, Zoe, iii, pp. 50 & 51. Ommastrephes pteropus, Stp., notes on ; Goodrich, J. Mar. Biol. Ass. ii, pp. 314-321, figg. f Spirulirostrina, n. g. for S. lovisatoi , n. sp., Tertiary of Sardinia ; Cana- vari, Bull. Soc. Mai. Ital. xvi, p. 65, fig. AMMONEA . fAmaltheus (?) attenuatus, n. sp., Neocomian of the Argentine Cor- dilleras ; Behrendsen, Z. geol. Ges. xliv, p. 17, fig. f Ammonites jurensis : note on occurrence in Northampton Sands ; Buck- man, Geol. Mag. 1892, pp. 258-260. f Aspidoceras bodenbenderi, n. sp., Tithonian of the Argentine Cordilleras ; Behrendsen, Z. geol. Ges. xliv, p. 13, fig. f Baculi tes compressus, Say, development of shell in coiled stage ; Brown, P. Ac. Philad. 1892, p. 136. f Balatonites sondershusanus , n. sp., Muschelkalk near Sondershausen ; Picard, Z. geol. Ges. xliv, p. 483, figg. f Cardioceras suessi , n. sp., Upper Jurassic of Poland ; Siemiradzki, Z. geol. Ges. xliv, p. 455. \Clymenia ( Cyrtoclymenia ) neapolitana , Upper Devonian of Western New York, Clarke, Am. J. Sci. xiiii, p. 57, fig. ; iC. bar- barce, p. 20, inostranzevi, p. 21, dubia , p. 22, Upper Devonian of Orenburg, Loewinson-Lessing, Mem. Soc. Belg. Geol. vi, figg. : n. spp. f Harpoceras ( Ludwigia ) mathayense, n. sp., Upper Callovian of Doubs ; Kilian, Bull. Soc. Stat. Isere (4) i, p. 204, figg. f Hoplites neocomiensis : on the species of the group from the Yalangi- nian Marls of Southern Dauphine and Haute-Provence ; Lory, Bull. Soc. Stat. Isere (4) i, pp. 229-255. j* H. angulatiformis, p. 16, ntumayri , p. 17, n. spp., Neocomian of the Argentine Cordilleras ; Behrendsen, Z. geol. Ges. xliv, figg. f Lytoceras stephanense, p. 2, depereti , p. 4, n. spp., Lower Cretaceous, S.W. of France ; Kilian, Arch. Mus. Lyon, v, No. 3, fig. f Olcostephanus subdivided into the following groups : Virgatites, Craspe- dites, Polypty$hites , Holcodiscus, Astieria, ISimbirskites ; Pavlow, Bull. Soc. Mosc. 1891 (1892), p. 113. AMMONEA, TETRABRANCHIATA. Moll. 55 f Oppelia bukowskii, p. 450, stolzmanni , p. 452, n. spp., Upper Jurassic of Poland ; Siemieadzki, Z. geol. Ges. xliv. f Perisphinctes : list of species with many new forms from the Upper Jurassic of Poland ; Siemieadzki, Z. geol. Ges. xliv, pp. 455- 478. f Phylloceras goreti , Lower Cretaceous of S. W. France, Kilian, Arch. Mus. Lyon, v, No. 3, fig. ; f P. homophylum , Inferior Oolite of the Argentine Cordilleras, Beheendsen, Z. geol. Ges. xliv, p. 6, fig. : n. spp. f Proplanulites teisseyrei, n. sp., Upper Jurassic of Poland, Siemieadzki, Z. geol. Ges. xliv, p. 480. f Stephanoceras zigzac series, Morphology ; Buckmann, Q. J. Geol. Soc. xlviii, pp. 447-452, 2 pis. To certain of the forms the author gives the names S. subprocerum , clausiprocerum , crassizigzag , pseuclo- procerum. TETRAB RANCHI A TA . Nacjtilid^:. j* Cyclolituites lynceus) Silurian of Sweden, Holm, Geol. Foren. Stockholm Forhandl. xiii, p. 766, fig., n. sp. f Endoceras angelini, p. 27, schlieffeni , p. 30, angustisiphonatum , p. 37, Silurian species from the diluvial deposits of Mecklenburg, Rue- diger, Arch. Yer. Mecklenb. xlv, figg. ; fE. Jiircus, p. 127, schmidti, p. 129, Holm, Geol. Foren. Stockholm Forhandl. xiv, figg. ; f E. crassisiphoiiatum, Trenton Limestone of the Winnipeg Basin ; Whiteaves, Tp. R. Soc. Canada, ix, 4, p. 79, figg. : n. spp. fGonioceras lambii , n. sp., Trenton Limestone of the Winnipeg Basin, Whiteaves, Tr. R. Soc. Canada, ix, No. 4, p. 86, fig. f Lituites : notes on the mouth of ; Holm, Geol. Foren. Stockholm For- handl. xiii, pp. 736-774, figg. t L. tornquisti , p. 742, discors , p. 759, prcecurrens, p. 763, Silurian of Sweden, Holm, Geol. Foren. Stockholm Forhandl. xiii, figg., n. spp. ' \Orthoceras semiplanatum , p. 81, selhirhense , winnipegense , p. 82, n. spp., Trenton Limestone of the Winnipeg Basin, Whiteaves, Tr. R. Soc. Canada, ix, 4, figg. t Poterioceras gracile , n. sp., Trenton Limestone of the Winnipeg Basin, Whiteaves, Tr. R. Soc. Canada, ix, No. 4, p. 87, fig. t Sactoceras canadense , n. sp., Trenton Limestone of the Winnipeg Basin, Whiteaves, Tr. R. Soc. Canada, ix, No. 4, p. 85, fig. [PTEROPODA : see Opisthobranchiata.] 56 Moll. vrr. MOLLUSC A. II. GASTROPODA. Anatomical observations ; Bouvier, C.R. Soc. Biol, iv, p. 987. — Asym- metry of Gastropoda ; Buchner, JH. Yer. Wiirtt. xlviii, pp. 58-92. — Coiling of the shell in embryonic Gastropoda ; Fischer, H., J. de Conch. 1892, pp. 309-313. See also ante, General. Researches on the morphology of the liver of Gastropoda ; Fischer, H.} Bull. Sci. Fr. Belg. xxiv, pp. 260-346, 7 pis. Pelagic Gastropod larvae of the Plankton Expedition ; Simroth, SB. Ges. Leipzig, xviii, pp. 98-107. t Monograph of British Jurassic Gastropoda ; Hudleston (191). ^Catalogue of British Jurassic Gastropoda ; Hudleston & Wilson (192). PULMONATA. Physiological observations ; Cuenot, Arch. Biol, xii, pp. 683-740, 1 pi.: vision; Willem, t. c. pp. 57-122, fig. — Excretion in the Pulmonata ; Cuenot, C.R. cxv, pp. 256-258. Remarks on Australian slugs ; Hedley, Ann. N. H. ix, p. 169 ; Cock- erell, t. c. p. 370. STYLOMMATOPHORA. Testacellidj:. List of British species ; Collinge, Brit. Nat. 1892, p. 178. Testacellidce of the Caucasus, notes on ; Simroth, Yerh. Deutsch. Zool. Ges. i (1891), pp. 57 & 58. (AErope') Helix trimeni, eumacta , South Africa, Melvill & Ponsonby, Ann. N. H. x, p. 237, figg., n. spp. Anceya admirabilis, E. Centr. Africa, Bourguignat, (37) 1889, p. 119, fig., n. sp. Apera burnupi , S. Africa, Smith, Ann, N. H. 1892, p. 466, n. sp. Colpanostoma leroyi , N’gourou, E. Centr. Africa, Bourguignat, (37) 1889, p. 48, fig., n. sp. Edentulina grandidieri , E. Centr. Africa, Bourguignat, (37) 1889, p. 142, fig., n. sp. Elma mitis, China, Heude, (186) p. 152, fig., n. sp. Ennea consobrina, Albany, S. Africa, Ancey, Brit. Nat. 1892, p, 125 ; E. ( microstrophia ) densecostata , Middle Liu-Kiu Is., Bcettger, Nachr. mal. Ges. 1892, p. 159 ; E. fargesiana , China, Heude, (186) p. 152 fig. ; E. stuhlmanni , Uganda, Martens, SB. nat. Fr. 1892, p. 16 ; E. limbata , excavata, p. 178, planidens , ( Ptychotrema ) runsorana, p. 179, N. E. Africa, Martens, SB. nat. Fr. 1892; E. grossa, Usambara, conospira , Cameroons, Martens, SB. nat. Fr. 1892, p. 182; E. thelodonta , p. 85, munita , dolichoskia, p. 86, bowkerce, marice, p. 92, aperostoma , scrobicidata , p. 93, S. Africa, Melvill & Ponsonby, PULMONATA. Moll. 57 Ana. N. H. ix, figg. ; E. ( Uniplicaria ) hendigiana , Goree, Senegambia, Rolle, Nachr. mal. Ges. 1892, p. 50 : n. spp. Eapalus conoideus, n. sp., Butumbi, N. E. Africa, Martens, SB. nat. Fr. 1892, p. 177. Marconia , n. g., type Ennea lata , Smith, with M. gibbosa , recta , n. spp., E. Centr. Africa ; Bourguignat, (37) 1889, pp. 135-138, figg. Selenochlamys : description and anatomy ; Simroth, (351) p. 54. [Streptaoris] Happia dalliana, E. Bolivia, Ancey, Journ. Conch, vii, p. 90 ; [/S'.] Gonaxis bloyeti, E. Centr. Africa, Bourguignat, (37) 1889, p.- 134, fig. ; S. simonianus , thececola , China, Heude, (186) p. 151, figg. ; S. dugasti , Tonkin, Morlet, J. de Conch. 1892, p. 82 : n. spp. Streptostile costulata, n. sp., Butumbi, N. E. Africa, Martens, SB. nat. Fr. 1892, p. 178. Tayloria jouberti , n. sp., Nyantaga, E. Centr. Africa, Bourguignat, (37) 1889, p. 47, fig. Limacidj:. List of British naked species ; Collinge, Brit. Nat. 1892, pp. 178 & 179. Limacidce of the Caucasus, notes on ; Simroth, Yerh. Deutsch. Zool. Ges. i, 1891, pp. 57 & 58. Limacidce of New Zealand ; Suter, J. de Conch. 1892, pp. 250-255. Agriolimax subagrestis , p. 41, agresticulus , n. spp., Caucasus, Simroth, SB. Ges. Leipzig, xviii. Charopidce should form a subfam. of Zonitidce, and not be placed with Helicidce ; Hedley, P. Linn. Soc. N.S.W. vii, pp. 157-169, figg. Euplecta orientalis, n. sp., Timor Laut Is. ; Moellendorff, Nachr. mal. Ges. 1892, p. 54. Guppya anguina , E. Bolivia, Ancey, Journ. Conch, vii, p. 91 ; G. chain - pioni, p. 119, pittieri, biolleyi, p. 121, orosciana, p. 123, Central America, Martens, Biol. Centr. Am. Moll. figg. : n. spp. Eelicarion musgravi , Hedley, jaw and radula ; Hedley, P. Linn. Soc. N.S.W. vi, p. 687, figg. H. tenimbericus , n. sp., Timor Laut Is., Moellendorff, Nachr. mal. Ges. 1892, p. 83. Hyalinia: notes on the genus; Jhering, Nachr. mal. Ges. 1892, pp. 132-140. H. horsti , Caucasus, BcETTGERin Simroth, SB. Ges. Leipzig, xviii, p 50 ; E. glomerula , Guatemala, hoffmanni, Costa Rica, p. 115, stolli , Guate- mala, p. 118, Martens, Biol. Centr. Am. Moll. figg. ; E. gomezi , Bogota, Sowerby, P. Z. S. 1892, p. 298, fig. ; E. Iceviuscula , Texas, Sterki, Naut. vi, p. 53 ; E. ( Polita ) upsaliensis, p. 25, Upsala, bellis, ■ p. 26, senilis , Sicily, ( Mesomphix ) spratti , Crete, p. 44, Westerlund, Yerh. z.-b. Wien (Abh.), xlii : n. spp. [See also infra, Zonites.'] Limax : sensory nervous system; Retzius. Biol. Untersuch. N. F. iv, pp. 11-18, figg. Limax , Avion , and Eelix : note on the affinities of ; Scharf, Conchologist, ii, pp. 14, 83, & 84 ; Cockerell, t. c. pp. 58 Moll . YU. MOLLUSCA. 28 & 29. L. agrestis, Linn, in California ; Raymond, Naut. v, p. 101. L. maximus , L., and its var. cinereo-niger , Wolf, notes on ; Collinge, Ann. N.H. x, pp. 425 & 426. L. natalianus, n. sp., Semiretschje, Turkestan, MIkhaelIs (254). Lytopelte transcaspia , bcettgeri , n. spp., Transcaspia ; Rosen, Nachr. mal. (4es. 1892, pp. 123-124. Macrochlamis simplex , n. sp., China ; Heude, (186) p. 135, fig. ( Macrocyclis ) Helix ccenotera , liparoxantha , n. spp., S. Africa ; Melvill & Ponsonby, Ann. N. H. x, p. 238, fig. Mesolimax reibischi, n. sp., Caucasus, Simroth, SB. Gres. Leipzig, xviii, p. 43. Microcystina sappho , Brazier, jaw and radula ; Hedley, P. Linn. Soc. N.S.W. vi, p. 686, fig g. Moaria chaperiana , n. sp., Usagara, Bourguignat, (37) 1889, p. 14. Nanina hunsteini , Smith, divisa, Forbes, jaws, radulse, and genitalia ; Hedley, P. Linn. Soc. N.S.W. vi, pp. 685 & 686, figg. N. ( Ariophanta ) dohertyi , Sumatra, Aldrich, Naut. vi, p, 90 ; N. hypo- chlora , Cape of Good Hope ; Melvill & Ponsonby, Ann. N. H. ix, p. 87, fig. ; N. cochlo stylo ides, Soemba, Schepman, Notes Leyd. Mus. xiv, p. 148, fig. : n. spp. Omphalina modesta , p. 110, sallceana , p. 112, sculpta , p. 113, n. spp., Mexico ; Martens, Biol. Centr. Am. Moll., figg. Paralimax reibischi, n. sp., Caucasus, Simroth, SB. Ges. Leipzig, xviii, p. 42. Pseudohyalina cidariscus , n. sp., S. E. Mexico, Martens, Biol. Centr. Am. Moll. p. 126, fig. Pseudomilax : description and anatomy ; Simroth, (351) p. 52. Sitala brancsiki, filomarginata , n. spp., Is. Nossi-Be (Madagascar), Bcettger, Nachr. mal. Ges. 1892, pp. 53 & 54. Trigonochlamys : description and anatomy ; Simroth, (351) p. 55. Trochonanina leroyi , p. 18, bloyeti , p. 21, n. spp., CJsagura, Bourguignat, (37) 1889, figg. (Trochozonites) Helix dioryx , n. sp., South Africa, Melvill & Ponsonby, Ann. N. H. ix, p. 89, fig. Vitrina fuscicolor, p. 240, chry soprasina , p. 241, n. spp., South Africa, Melvill & Ponsonby, Ann. N. H. x, figg. Vitrinoides : n. subg. ? of Limax ; Simroth, SB. Ges. Leipzig, xviii, p. 41. Xesta micholitzi, n. sp., Timor Laut Is., Moellendorff, Nachr. mal. Ges. 1892, p. 84, fig. Zonites tenerrimus , Bosnia, Brancsik, Evkon. Trencsen Yarm. xii, 1890, p. 68 ; Z. caroliniensis, North Carolina, Cockerell in Binney, Bull. Mus. C. Z. xxii, p. 167, fig. ; Z. ( Hyalinia ) baueri, Galapagos Is., Dall, Naut. v, p. 98 ; Z. shepardi, p. 167, diegoensis, p. 168, Cali- fornia, Hemphill in Binney, Bull. Mus. C. Z. xxii, figg. ; Z. brittsii , Arkansas, Pilsbry, Naut. v, pp. 99 : n. spp. [See also supra, Hyalinia .] PULMONATA. Moll. 59 Helicim. New classification of the Helices proposed by Pilsbry, P. Ac. Philad., 1892, pp. 387-404.— Supplement to monograph on Helix , Pilsbry in Tryon’s Manual, 2nd Series, viii, pp. 55-78. ARI0NID2E. List of British Species ; Collinge, Brit. Nat. 1892, p. 178. — Review of the British Arionidce ; Collinge, Conch., ii, pp. 56-66 & 76-83 : criti- cised by Cockerell, t, c. pp. 84 & 85 : reply ; Collinge, t. c. 85 & 86. Arionidce of New Zealand ; Suter, J. de Conch. 1892, pp. 250-255. Avion , Limax , and Helix , note on the affinities of ; Scharff, Concholo- gist, ii, pp. 14, 83 & 84 : Cockerell, t. c. pp. 28 & 29. Avion : variation of the genus ; Collinge, Ann. N. H. ix, pp. 307 & 308 : sensory nervous system ; Retzius, Biol. Untersuch. iv, pp. 11-18, fig. Avion hortensis , Fer, and circumscriptus, Johnst., new vars. ; Collinge, Conchologist, ii, pp. 26 & 27. A. intermedius , Normand, remarks on colour changes ; Gain, Conchologist, ii, pp. 55 & 56. Hesperarion , n. g. for Ariolimax niger , Coop. ; Simroth, Mai. Bl. xi, p. 111. RU LIMIT) M. Bulimus oblongus , note on ; Guppy, P. Z. S. 1892, pp. 271 & 272. B. (Rachis) jouberti, p. 61, pachistoma , p. 62, elongatulus , p. 63, E. Cent. Africa, Bourguignat, (37) 1889, figg. ; B. ( Amphidromus ) colu- mellaris, Timor Laut Is., Moellendorff, Nachr. mal. Ges. 1892, p. 98, fig. ; B. guentheri , U. S. of Colombia, Sowerby, P. Z. S. 1892, p. 296, fig. ; B. (Mastus) hispalensis , Spain, Westerlund, An. Soc. Esp. xxi, p. 387 : n. spp. COCHLOSTYLA GROUP. Cochlostyla : monograph completed ; Pilsbry in Tryon’s Manual, 2nd Series, viii : sections Orthostylus , Hypselostyla , Eudoxus , Phengus , Canistrum , Prochilus , and Chrysallis. C. ( Corasia ) tenimberica, n. sp., Timor Laut Is., Moellendorff, Nachr. mal. Ges. 1892, p. 97, fig. HELICIDAE s.s. Hadra and Camaena, reply to Moellendorff ; Pilsbry, Nachr. mal. Ges. 1892, pp. 69-73. Helix , Avion , and Limax , note on the affinities of ; Scharff, Concholo- gist, ii, pp. 14, 83 & 84 : Cockerell, t. c. pp. 28 & 29. Helix : muscular apparatus of the radula ; Loisel, xxviii, pp. 566-572, figg. : anatomy of the genital apparatus with notes on the radulse and jaws ; Schuberth, Arch. f. Nat. lviii, pp. 1-65, figg. : morphology of the genital apparatus ; Jhering, Z. wiss. Zool. liv, pp. 386-520, figg. Panda : note on the group. Pilsbry, Naut. vi, p . 9, considers it to be a development from the Bulimoid branch instead of the Helicoid stem of Helicidce. 60 Moll. VII. MOLLUSCA. Plecteulota , n. subsect, of Eulota , type E. goniostoma , Moellendorff. [See infra , Palseotropical Oriental Species, p. 61.] Suteria , n. sect, of Helix , type H. ide , G-ray ; Pilsbry, Naut. vi, p. 56, and Tryon’s Manual, 2nd Series, viii, p. 69. Thalassohelix , n. sect, of Helix , type H. zelandice ; Pilsbry, Naut. vi, p. 56, and Tryon’s Manual, 2nd Series, viii, p. 71. Xerophila : note on some groups of species of ; Pollonera, Boll. Mus. Zool. Tor. vii, No. 128. (Pal^earctic Species.) Helix aspersa : on the repair of the shell ; Moynier de Yillepoix, Bull. Soc. Z. Fr. xvii, p. 30. H. aspersa, Mull., reproduction of dart; Standen, Journ. Conch, vii, pp. 33-38. H. arbustorum, Mull., note on the periostracum ; Tye, Conchologist, ii, pp. 53 & 54. H. erice- torum, Mull., and H. candicans , Ziegl., at Landsberg-a-W. ; Krause, SB. nat. Fr. 1892, p. 141. H. hortensis and nemoralis , classification of varr. ; Eyre, Conchologist, ii, pp. 7-10 ; Macdonald, t. c. pp. 27 & 28. H. pomatia , var.; Gredler, Nachr. mal. Ges. 1892, p. 174. H. (XEgista) platyomphala , Mlldff , anatomy ; Pilsbry, P. Ac. Philad. 1892, p. 214, fig. H. ( Cressa ) giurica , Giura I. [Grecian Arch.], Bcettger, Nachr. mal. Ges. 1892, p. 59 ; H. osoria , Bosnia, Brancsik, Evkon. Trencsen Yarm. xii, 1890, p. 69 ; H. secundaria , p. 136, serpestes , turbinella , p. 137, vicinella , languescens , molina , p. 138, sapeca , sterilis, p. 143, rhinocerotica , galera, p. 144, subsquamulata, ingloria , vitreola , ternaria , anomia, p. 145, alveolus , p. 146, China, Heude (186), figg. ; H. ( Campylcea ) broemmei, Klissura Pass, in Acarnania (Greece), Kobelt in Rossmaessler, (322) v, p. 108, fig. ; H. ( Xerophila ) mentita , Palermo, p. 2 flvatica, Piedmont, p. 3, trimetina, Is. Pianosa, balteata , Tudu Mannu, p. 4, vmrnierella, p. 5, cliens , p. 6, parca , p. 7, Fernana, (Monter. MS.), Palermo, p. 7, stossiciana, Trieste, p. 9, trina- crina, Palermo, nerusia, Grasse, p. 11, mendica , Rapallo, p. 14, janalis, Genova, senensis, Siena, p. 15, pistoriana , Pistoia, margarita , Oran, elusatica, S. France, p. 16, bigeronica, Lourdes, festce, Tunis, roucay- roli, Algeria, p. 17 [alleged n. spp.], Pollonera, Boll. Mus. Zool. Tor. vii, No. 128 ; H. ( Xerophila ) mutua, pumila, adina, horridula , embryonata , ( Macularia ) leucochila, Spain [alleged n. spp.], Wester- lund, Nachr. mal. Ges. 1892, pp. 187-191 ; H. ( Xerophila ) mutua , p. 385, pumila, horridula , embryonata, p. 386, ( Macularia ) leucochila, p.387, Spain [alleged n. spp.], Westerlund, An. Soc. Esp. xxi ; H. ( Xerophila ) patriarcharum, Palestine, clausella , Spain, bougzou- lensis , Algeria, p. 28, mesopotamica, Syria, batuensis, marconi, Algeria, promissa, Spain, p. 29, pinguis, Alexandria, p. 30, masthorella, Sicily, modestissimci , Sardinia, neptuni, Italy, p. 31, euaxes, Gibraltar ,poichila, Algeria, amblia , Spain, p. 32, lamprci [= ericetorum ], Ireland, p. 33, mexensis, Egypt, ( Pomatia ) beilanica, Syria, ( Cressa ) medea , Crete, hypsa , Tunis, p. 45, ( Xeroleuca ) apaiuria , Lib} a, p. 46 [alleged n. spp.] Westerlund, Yerh. z.-b. Wien, xlii : n. spp. rULMONATA. Moll. 61 (Pal^eotropical African Species.) Helix melvilliana , d. n. for H. chapmani , preocc., W. Africa ; Ancey, Brit. Nat. 1892, p. 126. H. bellula, Uganda, Martens, SB. nat. Fr. 1892, p. 15; H. karewia , Karewia, N. E. Africa, Martens, SB. nat. Fr. 1892, p. 175 ; H. farquhari , Port Elizabeth, Melvill & Ponsonby, Ann. N. H. x, p. 240, fig. ; H. ( Pella ) trichosteiroma , epetrima , p. 84, lygcea , p. 85, rhysodes , p. 87, tuguriolum , erateina , p. 88, bathycoele , p. 89, S. Africa, Melvill & Ponsonby, Ann. N. H. ix, figg.; if. {Pella) actinotricha, p. 238, burnupi , conisalea, p. 239, minythodes , p. 240, S. Africa, Melvill & Ponsonby, Ann. N. H. x, figg. : n. spp. (Pal^eotropical Oriental Species.) H. ( Plectopylis ) fultoni, Khasi Hills ?, Assam, Godwtn-Austen, Ann. N. H. 1892, p. 300 ; if. ( Eulota ) hemisphaerica, p. 90, tenimberica, bitaeniata , p. 91, fig. 1, ( Plecteulota ) goniostoma , p. 92, fig., telitecta, p. 93, fig., Timor Laut Is., Moellendorff, Nachr. mal. Ges. 1892 ; if. ( Chloritis ) rhodochila , micholitzi , tenuitesta , Timor Laut Is., Moellendorff, Nach. mal. Ges. 1892, pp. 95 & 96, figg.; if. {Plecto- tropis) byperteleia , Laos, p. 82, ( Phania ) dugasti, Tonkin, p. 83, Morlet, J. de Conch. 1892 ; if. ( Chloritis ) remoratrix , Laos, Morlet, J. de Conch. 1892, p. 317, fig. ; H. supracostulata , Soemba, Schepman, Notes Leyd. Mus. xiv, p. 150, fig. : n. spp. (Australian and Polynesian Species.) Helix ( Chloritis ) Zee«, Cox, chloritoid es , Pilsbry, jaws and radulse, with genitalia of ZeeZ ; Hedley, P. Lima. Soc. N.S.W. vi, pp. 687 & 688, figg. H. ( Cristigibba ) macgregori , Hedley, jaw and radula ; Hedley, P. Linn. Soc. N.S.W. vi, p. 687, figg. if. ( Geotrochus ) brumeriensis , Forbes, louisiudeimis , Forbes, rollsianus , Smith, wood • laidcianus, Souv., trobriandensis, Hedley, boyeri , Fisch. & Bern., jaws, radula, and genitalia ; Hedley, P. Linn. Soc. N.S.W. vi, pp. 689-691, figg. if. ( Hadra ) gulosa , Gould, synonymy of ; Brazier, P. Linn. Soc. N.S.W. vi, pp. 321-328. if. {Hadra) broadbenti , Brazier, jaw, radula, and genitalia ; Hedley, P. Linn. Soc. N.S.W. vi, p. 688, figg. H. {Panda) atomata , Gray, note on structure and affinities; Hedley, Rec. Austral. Mus. ii, pp. 26-31, 3 pis. H. {Hadra) everardensis , elderi, Elder River, Central Australia ; Bed- nall, Tr. R. Soc. S. Austr. xvi, pp. 64 & 65, figg. ; if. {Hadra) osrarensis, p. 565, derbyi , p. 566, Solomon Is., Cox, P. Linn. Soc. N.S.W. vi, figg. ; if. aggiei , Solomon Is., Heimburg, Mal. Bl. xi, p. 158, figg. ; if. {Geotrochus) hedleyi , New Guinea?, Smith, Journ. Conch, vii, p. 72 ; H. {Planispira) halmaherica, p. 44, {Geotrochus) chondrodes , p. 45, {Albersia) pseudocorasia, p. 47, Halmahera [Moluccas], Strubell, Nachr. mal. Ges. 1892; if. {Amphidoxa) oliracea, Auckland, Suter. Tr. N. Z. Inst, xxiv, p, 290, fig. : n. spp. 62 Moll. VIT. MOLLUSCA. (Neotropical Species.) H. ( Caracolus ) rostratus , acutus , anatomy ; Pilsbry, P. Ac. Philad. 1892, pp. 128 & 129, fig. H. ( C .) orbiculata, Fer., anatomy ; Pilsbry, P. Ac. Philad. 1892, p. 214, fig. H. ( Cysticopsis ) ienerrima, C. B. Ad., anatomy ; Pilsbry, P. Ac. Philad. 1892, p. 214, fig. H. ( Hemitrochus ) salvatoris , anatomy ; Pilsbry, P. Ac. Philad. 1892, p. 129, fig. H. ( Sagda ) similis , C. B. Ad., anatomy ; Pilsbry, P. Ac. Philad. 1892, p. 213, fig. H. creveauxiana , W. Columbia, Ancey, Bull. Soc. Mai. Fr. vii, 1891, p. 152 ; .H. (Sy atrophia) alcidiana, Brazil, Ancey, Journ. Conch, vii, p. 91 ; H. ( Lucerna ) vendryesi, Jamaica, Cockerell, J. Inst. Jamaica, i, p. 55 [nom. preocc. and sp. not new, = H. sloaneanai Shuttlw. var.] ; H. altispira , Honduras, Martens, Biol. Centr. Am. Moll. p. 156, fig. ; H. ( Polygyra ) dissecta , p. 167, richardsoni , p. 168, Mexico, Martens, Biol. Centr. Am. Moll. figs. ; H. sieversi , New Granada, Martens, Conch. Mittheil. iii, 1889, p. 7, fig. : n. spp, (Nearctic Species.) \_Helix] Vallonia : notes on N. American forms ; Sterki, Naut. v, pp. 100 & 101. H. ( Mesodon ) andrew&i in Missouri ; Sampson, Naut. vi, p. 90. H. sargenti , n. sp., Woodville, Alabama, Johnson & Pilsbry, Naut. vi, p. 8. (Fossil forms.) Grandipatula, n. sect, of Helix, type f H. hemisphcerica, Mich. ; Cossmann, Cat. Coqu. Foss. Eocene Paris, iv, 1889, p. 354. Sagdellina , n. sect, of Helix, type \H . chevallieri , Cossm. ; Cat. Coqu. Foss. Eocene Paris, iv, 1889, p. 353. {PH ENA C 0 HE LI C ID AH . ) Under Phenacohelicidce, Stjter (Tr. N. Z. Inst, xxiv, p. 271) includes the following genera of New Zealand heliciform Mollusca : — Phacussa , Thalassia, Gerontia, , Psyra , Pyrrha, Therasia , Phenacohelix , Patu- lopsis [nom. nov. for Charopa, Hutton], Amphidoxa, and Calymna. The family is characterized as animal heliciform, possessing a caudal gland ; jaw ribbed, stegognath ; teeth of radula show all intermediate forms, from aculeate to quadrate ; shell, that of Helix, flat or ele- vated, umbilicated or imperforate ; peristome acute, aperture with- out lamellae ; periostracum smooth or ribbed, seldom hairy. Phacussa stands nearest to Limacidce, Amphidoxa and Calymna to Patulidce. [Pilsbry, P. Ac. Philad. 1892, pp. 401 & 402, includes this group in the genus Endodonta, as restricted by him.] PULMONATA. Moll . 63 PATULA GROUP. Aeschroclomus , n. n. for Thera (sect, of Patula) ; Pilsbry, Naut. vi, p. 55, note. Charopa and allied forms : notes on ; Pilsbry, Naut. vi, pp. 67-69. Charopidce are not Helicidce , but should form a subfamily of Zoni- tidce ; 4 species are redescribed and figured ; Hkdley, P. Linn. Soc. N.S.W. vii, pp. 157-169. Diaglyptus , n. sect., type P. pagodiformis, Smith (= P. bilamellata , Pfr.) ; Pilsbry in Tryon (410) p. 86. Endodonta leimonias , Gray, poecilostica, Pf., are removed to Phrixgnathus ( Laoma ) ; Suter, Tr. N. Z. Inst, xxiv, p. 271. Helenoconcha, n. sect., type P . bilamellata, Sow. ; Pilsbry in Tryon (410) p. 91. Patula : Supplement to monograph ; Pilsbry in Tryon (410). P. strigosa , Gould, in Arizona ; Stearns, Naut. vi, p. 1. P. ( Discus ) brunnescens , Timor Laut Is., Moellendorff, Nachr. mal. Ges. 1892, p. 87 ; P. ( Microphysa ) intonsa, Mexico, Pilsbry in Tryon (410) p. Ill, figg.; P. yersoluta , Icetissima , p. 261, vernoni , pseustes , p. 262, minutissima, leptalea, p. 264, St. Helena, Smith, P. Z. S. 1892, figg.; [P.] Helix chaperi , Switzerland, Westerlund, Yerh. z.-b. Wien, xlii, p. 27 : n. spp. Phrixgnathus transitans , New Zealand ; Suter, Tr. N. Z. Inst, xxiv, p. 297, fig. Pitys : notes on ; Suter, J. de Conch. 1892, pp. 245-248. Ptychodon magdalence , n. sp., New Zealand, Ancey, Brit. Nat. 1891, p. 65. Trochomorpha fritzei , n. sp., Middle Liu-Kiu Is,, Bcettger, Nachr. mal. Ges. 1892, p. 160. Bulimulid^:. Amphidromus latestrigatus , p. 151, Soemba, reflexilabris , p. 152, Timor, Schepman, Notes Leyd. Mus. xiv, figg., n.spp. Bulimulus germaini , Brazil, Ancey, Journ. Conch, vii, p. 92 ; B. ( Placo - stylus ) hobsoni , Solomon Is., Cox, P. Linn. Soc. N.S.W. vi, p. 567, figg.; B. chaperi , Mexico, Crosse & Fischer, J. de Conch. 1892, p. 296 ; B. ( Naesiotus ) invalidus, venustus, p. 17, pallidus , p. 18, cinereus , ventrosus . p. 19, acutus , p. 20, curtus , nudus , p. 21, wolfi , p. 22, simrothi , p. 23, ( Pleuropyrgus ) terebra , p. 24, lima ( Pelecostoma , n. sect.), canaliferus, p. 25, cymatoferus , p. 26, Galapagos Is., Reibisch, SB. Ges. Isis, 1892, figg.; R. subtruncatus, turtoni, St. Helena, Smith, P. Z. S. 1892, p. 266, figg.; B. hoppeli , da-costce , glandiniformis , Bogota, Sowerby, P. Z. S. 1892, p. 297, figg.; B. ( Pleuropyrgus ) habeli , Galapagos Is., Stearns, Naut. vi, p. 86 (& v, pp. 98 & 99) : n. spp. Biplomorpha coxi, n. sp., New Hebrides, Hartman, P. Linn. Soc. N.S.W. vi, p. 571, fig. Partula : catalogue of the genus begun by Hartman, Naut. vi, pp. 73-76. Pelecostoma , n. sect, of Bulimidus 64 Moll. yn. MOLLUSCA. Buliminid.® and Pupidj:. Pupidce of North America [= U. S.] ; Sterki, Naut. vi, pp. 2-8. Balea , viviparous nature of ; Rogers, Journ. Conch, vii, p. 40. Buliminidius larvatus , pupatus, n. spp., China, Heude (186) p. 146, figg. Buliminopsis quaternarius , conoidius , n. spp., China, Heude, (186) p. 147, figg. Bulim\iri\us lourdeli, p. 51, bridouxi , p. 53, Usagara, Bourguignat, (37) 1889, figg.; Buliminus aureus, p. 148, meronianus , meleagrinus , p. 149, guilcherianus, vidianus , antisecalinus, amedeanus , loliaceus , p. 150, China, Heude (186), figg.; B. trapezoideus , Mt. Runsoro, N. E. Africa, Martens, SB. nat. Fr. 1892, p. 176 ; B. layardi , Kobis (Becuanaland), quisqualis, Mo9ambie (Angola), lamoensis, Lamo, E. Africa, Melvill & Ponsonby, Ann. N. H. ix, p. 90, figg. ; B. ( Amphiscopus ) continens, Transeaspia, Rosen, Nachr. mal. Ges. 1892, p. 125 ; B. ( Mastus ) hispalensis, Spain, Westerlund, Nachr. mal. Ges. 1892, p. 192 ; B. ( Napaeus ) djurdjurensis, Algeria, ( Chondrulus ) montan doni , Dobrudscha, movradi, Asia Minor, p. 35, granulatus , Samaria, p. 36, ponsonbyi , Lycia, p. 47, ( Mastus ) mestus, Sofrano Is., p. 46, Westerlund, Yerh. z.-b. Wien, xlii : n. spp. Clausilia ( Nenia ) orbignyi , Bolivia, Ancey, Brit. Nat. 1892, p. 126, Le Nat. 1892, p. 178, figured in Journ. Conch, vii, p. 97; C. (Albinaria) broemmei , Chelmos, near Kalavryta (Greece), Bcettger, Nachr. mal. Ges. 1892, p. 64; C. {Delima) optabilis, Bosnia, Brancsik, Evkon. Trencsen Yarm. xii (1890) p. 73; C. (Papillif era) melitensis, Matta, Caruana-Gatto, Med. Nat. i, p. 148 ; C. retorta, p. 153 ,friniana, p. 160, loloensis, p. 161, China, Heude (186), figg.; C. (Phcedusa ?) massiei , Laos, Morlet, J. de Conch. 1892, p. 83 ; C. paviei, p. 319, dautzenbergi , p. 320, Laos, Morlet, Journ. Conch. 1892, figg.; C magistra, Bogota, Sowerby, P. Z. S. 1892, p. 298, fig. ; C. ( Alopia ) deubeli , Siebenburgen, p. 38, ( Delima ) calabacensis, Greece, p. 39, (Cristataria) calopleura, Syria, ( Cusmicia ) vestigans , Carniolian Alps, p. 41, Westerlund, Yerb. z.-b. Wien, xlii : n. spp. Coeliaxis australis is generically distinct from the type C. layardi . and is referrable to Perrieria, Tap.-Can. C. exigua , Adams, is a syn. of C. australis, and is not a Solomon Is. species ; Hedley, P. Linn. Soc. N.S.W. vii, pp. 311-313. Eucalodium compactum , n. sp., Tabasco, Mexico. Pilsbry, P. Ac. Philad. 1892, p. 338, fig. Holospira : notes on the genus and its distribution ; Crosse & Fischer, J. de Conch. 1892, pp. 256-279, 1 pi. Odontostomus lemoinei, n. sp., Bolivia, Ancey, Le Nat. 1892, p. 178, and Journ. Conch, vii, p. 93, fig. Pachnodus leroyi, p. 65, sesamorum, p. 66, n. spp., E. Centr. Africa, Bourguignat, (37) 1889, figg. Perrieria : notes on the genus ; Hedley, P. Linn. Soc. N.S.W. vii, pp. 311-313. PULMONATA. Moll. 65 Pupa monaclicula , China, Heude, (186) p. 152, fig. P. ringens , in Guern- sey ; Marquand, J. Conch, vii, p. 44. P .color ad ensis and ingersolli; for notes purporting to be descriptions of these noni. nud., see Cockerell, Brit. Nat. 1891, pp. 100 & 101. P. acanthinula , p. 709, lyonsiana , p. 713, magdalence , p. 716, Sandwich Is., Ancey, Mem. Soc. Zool. v; P. anodonta , Queensland, Hedley & Musson, P. Linn. Soc. N.S.W. vi, p. 558, fig. ; P. elizabethensis , Port Elizabeth, ovampoensis, Ovampoland (Damaraland), Melyill & Ponsonby, Ann. N. H. ix, p. 91, fig. ; P. ( Leucochila ) munita , clausa, Galapagos Is., Reibisch, SB. Ges. Isis, 1892, p. 27, fig. ; P. turtoni , obliquicostata, St. Helena, Smith, P. Z. S. 1892, p. 268, figg.; P. ( Torquilla ) retracta, Spain, Westerlund, An. Soc. Esp. xxi, p. 388 ; P. (P.) refuga, homala, Sicily, p. 192, retracta , Spain p. 194, ( Pupilla ) honesta, Italy, p. 194, Westerlund, Nachr. mal. Ges. 1892 ; P. ( Torquilla ) domicella, Lourdes, hetaera , Pyrenees Orientales, p. 36, occidentalis , Hautes-Pyrenees, migma, Pyrenees Orientates, appeliusi, Dalmatia, p. 37, Westerlund, Verh. z.-b. Wien, xlii : n. spp. Rachisellus burtoi , p. 69, ledoulxi , p. 70, n. spp., E. Centr. Africa, Bour- guignat, (37) 1889, figg. Tomigerus (?) perexilis, n. sp., St. Helena, Smith, P. Z. S. 1892, p. 267, fig. Stenogyrim. Achatina bloyeti , p. 82, arctespirata, p. 83, randabeli, p. 84, E. Centr. Africa, Bourguignat, (37) 1889, figg.; A. ( Burtoa ) bridouxiana, p. 92, sebasmia , p. 93, petherichi , p. 95, lavigeriana, p. 96, E. Centr. Africa, Bourguignat, (37) 1889, figg.; A. ( Burtopsis ) jouberti , E. Centr. Africa, Bourguignat, (37) 1889, p. 99, fig. ; A. ( Limicolaria ) charbonnieri, p. 104, megalcea , p. 105, coulboisi , p. 106, dromauxi , p. 107, sepulcralis, p. 108, lamellosa , p. 109, E. Centr. Africa. Bocr- guignat, (37) 1889, figg.; A. ( Serpaa ) pintoi, E. Centr. Africa, Bourguignat, (37) 1889, p. 86, fig. : [alleged n. spp.]. A. ( Periderh ) lechatelieri, Dahomey, Dautzenberg, J. de Conch. 1892, p. 297 ; A. stuhlmanni , Ituri, N. E. Africa, Martens, SB. nat. Fr. 1892, p. 176 ; ( Homorus ) pyramidella , Cameroons, Martens, SB. nat. Fr. 1892, p. 181 ; A. dimidiata [preocc., Smith, 1878], Gaboon, Martens, Conch. Mittheil. iii, 1889, p. 17, fig. : n. spp. [See also infra , Stenogyra. ] [C(Bcilianella\ Achatina acicula , in a Roman cemetery ; Somerville, Journ. Conch, vii, pp. 42 & 43. Ccecilianella baldwini, Sandwich Is., Ancey, Mem. Soc. Zool. v, p. 718 ; C. gattoi , melitensis, pollonerce , Malta, Westerlund in Caruaxa- Gatto, Med. Nat. ii, p. 227 : [alleged n. spp.]. Cionella ovampoensis , Ovampoland (Damaraland), Melyill & Ponsonby, Ann. N. H. ix, p. 91, fig. ; C. ( Ferussacia ) virginea , p. 195, Spain, {Ccecilianella) gattoi , p. 195, melitensis , pollonerce , p. 196, Malta, 1892. [yol. xxix.] d 5 66 Moll. VII. MOLLUSCA. Westerlund, Nachr. mal. Ges. 1892 ; C. ( Ferussacia ) extrema, Marocco, stenophya , bourlieri , Algeria, ( Hohenwarthia ) disparata , Barcelona, p. 43, Westerlund, Verh. z. -b. Wien, xlii : (7. ( Ferus- sacia) virginea , Spain, Westerlund, An. Soc. Esp. xxi, p. 388 : n. spp. Cryptazeca monodonta , anatomy ; Barrois, Rev. Sci. Nat. Ouest, ii, pp. 330 & 331 : figg. Glessula paviei , n. sp., Indo-China, Morlet, J. de Conch. 1892, p. 321, fig. Leptinaria chathamensis, n. sp., Galapagos Is., Dall, Naut. v, p. 98. Pseudoglessula , n. sect, of Stenogyra , for P. heteracra, subcrenata, W. Africa, n. spp. ; Bcettger, Nachr. mal. Ges. 1892, p. 202. Subulina cylindracea, jouberti, E. Centr. Africa, Bourguignat, (37) 1889, p. 115, figg.; S. paucispira, Karewia, N. E. Africa, Martens, SB. nat. Fr. 1892, p. 177 : n, spp. Stenogyra. [See Pseudoglessula , n. sect.] Stenogyra [or rather Achatina ] leroyi , p. 110, grandidieriana , p. Ill, E. Cent. Africa, Bourguignat, (37) 1889, figg. ; S. palus, China, Heude (186) p. 151, fig. ; S. badia, Congo, Martens, Conch. Mittheil. iii, 1889, p. 8, fig. ; S. cacuminata , p. 85, South Africa, chapmani , p. 90, Ovampoland (Damaraland), Melvill <§: Ponsonby, Ann. N. H. ix, fig. : n. spp. Zua sinensis , n. sp., China ; Heude (186), p. 151, fig. Helicteridac and SuccineidjE. Amastra frosti, n. sp., Sandwich Is. ; Ancey, Mem. Soc. Zool. v, p. 719. Carelia sinclairi, n. sp., Sandwich Is. ; Ancey, Mem. Soc. Zool. v, p. 720. Succinea : living in dry localities ; Loens, Nachr. mal. Ges. 1892, pp. 130 & 131. <8. simplex , Pfeiff., jaw and radula ; Hedley, P. Linn. Soc. N.S.W. vi, p. 691, figg. S. ( Brachyspira ) decussata, Timor Laut Is., Moellendorff, Nachr. mal. Ges. 1892, p. 99 ; S. wolfi, Galapagos Is., Reibisch, SB. Ges. Isis, 1892, p. 28, fig. : n. spp. Vaginulim and Oncidiidjs. Notes on the Vagimdidce ; Simroth, Verh. Deutsch. Zool. Ges. i (1891), pp. 58-60. Atopos , Simr. ; notes on ; Jhering, Nachr. mal. Ges. 1892, pp. 140-144 : [with reply by Simroth, t. c. pp. 144-149]. Atopos , description of ; Simroth, SB. Ges. Leipzig, xviii, p. 25. [Abs. of previous paper in Zool. Rec. 1891, Moll. p. 26, No. 400.] Prisma , n. sect, for Vaginula tourannensis , Soul., prismatica, Tapp.-Canef., and heynemanni , nom. nud. ; Simroth, Z. wiss. Zool. Iii, p. 596, fig. Vaginula carusi , Singapore, chavesin , Miudanao, sarasinorum , Candy, bocagei , Moluccas, &c., strubelli , newtoni , platei, marshalli, Java, PULMONATA. Moll. 67 sumatrensisy Sumatra, graft, Celebes, vivipara, Saleijer Is., weberi , Sumatra, cocherelli , Java, ckilensis, Chili, jordani, paraguensis , taylori , Paraguay, Simroth, SB. Gres. Leipzig, xviii, names given, pp. 85 & 86, descriptions, pp. 65-73, n. spp. Veronicella jamaicensisy n. n. for V. hraussii, Fer., of Semper, p. 55, V. virgata , p. 96, dissimilis , p. 134, Cockerell, J. Inst. Jamaica, i : alleged n. spp. Oncidiidai : on the structure and relationship of the ; Plate, Yerh. Deutsch. Zool. Gres, ii, pp. 30-42. Onchidium leslieiy n. sp., G-alapagos Is., Stearns, Naut. vi, p. 87. BASOMMATOPHORA. AuRICULIDJ]. Alexia myosotis, Drap., in Is. of Borkum [first record for Germany] ; Schneider, Nachr. mal. Ges. 1892, p. 116. A. armoricana , n. sp. [?], W. Coast of France; Locard, Echange, vii, 1891, p. 132. Anelasma, n. sect, of Traliopsis , type fT. lemoinei , n. sp., Cossmann, Cat. Coqu. Foss. Eocene Paris, iv, 1889, p. 343 : [altered to Hicrelasma , Harris & Burrow, 1891]. Semiauriculay n. sect, of Auricula , type fA. adversa, Desh. ; Cossmann, Cat. Coqu. Foss. Eocene Paris, iv, 1889, p. 341. Tralia ( Alexia ?) minuscula , Florida ; Dall in Simpson, P. Davenport Ac. v, 1889, p. 69. LimnjEID^: and Physid.e. Ancylus in New Zealand ; Suter, J. de Conch. 1892, pp. 248-250. A. obliquus, n. sp., Lincoln, Iowa, Shimek, Bull. Lab. Iowa, i, p. 214, %• Latia lateralis , Gould, phosphorescence in ; Suter, Mal. Bl. xi, p. 105. Limncea limosinay conglobata , putriformis, Icetay oppressa, pp. 18 & 19, strangulata , p. 78, alleged new French species ; Locard, Echange, viii. L. nyansce, Victoria Nyanza, Martens, SB. nat. Fr. 1892, p. 16, n. sp. Physa heterostropha, Say, notes on ; Crandall, Naut. vi, p. 20 : fertility of ; Poteat ; J. Elisha Mitchell Sci. Soc. viii, pp. 70-73. P. trigona, Victoria Nyanza, Martens, SB. nat. Fr. 1892, p. 17 ; P. ( Bulinus ) clathrata, Spain, Westerlund, Nachr. mal. Ges. 1892, p. 197 ; P. ( Bulinus ) clathrata , Spain, Westerlund, An. Soc. Esp. xxi, p. 388 : n. spp. Physopsis bloyeti, n. sp., E. Cent. Africa; Bourguignat, (37) 1889, p. 160, fig. Planorbis riparius , West., added to Brit. Fauna, from Lough Swilly ; Milne, Irish Nat. 1892, p. 192. [Subsequently withdrawn, = P. nautileus.~\ 68 Moll VIL MOLLUSCA. P. ( Segmentinci ) emicans , S. Africa, Melvill & Ponsonby, Ann. N. H. x, p. 241, fig. ; P. victoria ?, Victoria Nyanza, Smith, Ann. N. H. 1892, p. 383 ; fP. borellii , verticellus, p. 126, sabljari , p. 127 , ptycophorus, lazici , p. 128, marinhovici , p. 129, Tertiary of Markusevec (Croatia), Brusina, Glasnik Naravosl. Druzt. vii : n. spp. Siphonariid^ and Amphibolim. Amphibola : anatomy ; Bouvier, Bull. Soc. Philom. iv, pp. 146-153. Siphonaria is an Opisthobranch ; Haller, Arb. z. Inst. Wien, x, pp. 71- 100, figg., and should be placed next Umbrella. S. gigas, Less., anatomy, with figures ; Haller, Arb. z. Inst. Wien, x, pp. 71-100. OPIS THOBBANGE1A TA. Vision in Opisthobranchiata ; Willem, Arch. Biol, xii, pp. 123-149, figg. On the anal eye of the larvae of Opisthobranchs ; Mazzarelli, Rend. R. Ac. Lmcei, 1892, i, p. 103. Opisthobranchs obtained on the voyages of the ‘ Hirondelle ’ ; Bergh (18). NUDIBRANCHIATA. Synopsis of families and classification ; Bergh (17). — Organisation and phylogeny of the Nudibranchiata ; Pelseneer, Bull. Soc. Mai. Belg. 1891 [1893], pp. lxviii-lxxi — Nudibranchiata holohepatica porosto- mata, synopsis ; Bergh, Verh. z.-b. Wien, xlii (Abh.) pp. 1-16. — Nudibranchiata sacoglossa , are hermaphrodite; Pelseneer, Bull. Soc. Mai. Belg. 1891 [1893], p. lv. — Innervation of the cerata of some Nudibranchiata ; Herdman & Clubb, Q. J. Micr. Sci. xxxiii, pp. 541- 558, figg. — Notes on the Nudibranchiata found at Puffin I. ; Herd- man, Tr. Liverp. Biol. Soc. v (1891) pp. 31-34. ANTHOBRANCHIA TA . Enplocamus atlanticus, n. sp., Azores, Bergh, (18) p. 12, fig. Jorunna johnstoni, notes on structure and habits; Garstang, Conchologist, ii, pp. 49-52. INFEROBRANCHIA TA. Pleuroleura walteri , n. sp., Spitzbergen, Krause, Zool. JB. vi, Syst. p. 366, figg. Pleurophyllidia loveni , Bergh, in Britain ; M’Intosh, Conchologist, ii, p. 21 : addition occurrence ; Herdman, t. c. p. 52 ; Greisbach, t. c. p. 72. OPISTHOBRANCHIATA. Moll 69 POL YBRA NCHIA TA . Cratena fructuosa , n. sp., Saragossa Sea, Bergh, (18) p. 4, fig. Eolididce, remarks on some means of defence amongst the ; Hecht, C.R. cxv, pp. 746-748. Glaucus atlanticus , Forster, note on specimens washed ashore on the coast of New South Wales; Hedley, P. Linn. Soc. N.S.W. vi, p. 576. Hancockia eudactylota, Gosse, observations on ; Gamble, Ann. N. H. ix, pp. 378-385, figg. Lomanotus genet, Verany, observations on ; Gamble, Ann. N. H. ix, pp. 378-385, figg. TECTIBRANCHIATA. {RE PT ANTI A.) AcTjEONID m. Actceon delicatus, E. Coast U. S., Dall, Bull. Mus. C. Z. xviii (1889), p. 41, fig. ; A. monterosatoi , Azores, Dautzenberg, (107) 1889, p. 20, figs. : n. spp. Bulimactceon, n. sect for f Actceon bernayi , n. sp., Cossmann, Mem. Soc. Mai. Belg. 1891 (1892) p. 76. Crenilabium, n. sect, of Actceon, type fA. aciculatus , n. sp., Cossmann, Cat. Coqu. Foss. Eocene Paris, iv (1889), p. 302. Leucotina elongata , n. sp., Port Elizabeth, Sowerby, (378) p. 52, fig. Ovulactceon, n. g., for 0. meekii , n. sp., Caribbean ; Dall, Bull. Mus. C. Z. xviii (1889), pp. 42 & 43, fig. Semiactceon, n. sect, of Actceon, type fTornatella sphcericula , Desh. ; Coss- mann, Cat. Coqu. Foss. Eocene Paris, iv (1889), p. 304. Tornatinida; and Scaphandrid^;. Acrotrema , n. sect, of Cylichna , type -f 'Bulla cylindroidesf Desh. ; Coss- mann, Cat. Coqu. Foss. Eocene Paris, iv (1889), p. 313. Cylichna verrillii, Coast of N. Carolina, Dall, Bull. Mus. C. Z. xviii (1889), p. 54; C. richardi, chevreuxi, Azores, Dautzenberg, (107) 1889, p. 23, figg. : n. spp. Tornatina inariei, p. 21, protracta, p. 22; Azores, Dautzenberg (107) 1889, figg.; T. ( Coleophysis ) perplicatus, Caribbean, Dall, Bull. Mus. C. Z. xviii (1889), p. 45 : n. spp. Utriculus {vortex var. ?) domitus, n. sp., Caribbean, Dall, Bull. Mus. C. Z. xviii (1889), p. 47, fig. Volvula bushii, aspinosa , n. spp., E. Coast U. S., Dall, Bull. Mus. C. Z. xviii (1889), p. 51. Bullidjs, Ringiculidj:, Gastropterim, and Phylinim. Bulla b'ebsii , Guadelupe, p. 56, clausa , Florida, p. 57, Dall, Bull. Mus. C. Z. xviii (1889); B. guernei, Azores, Dautzenberg, (107) 1889, p. 24, figg. ; n. spp. 70 Moll VII. MOLLUSCA. Gasteropteron meckelii , Kosse, notes on ; Smith, P. N. H. Soc. Glasg. iii, p. 258. f Gilbertia : notes on ; Vincent, Bull. Soc. Mai. Belg. 1891 [1893] p. Iii; Cossmann, t. c. p. lxiv. Philine infundibulum , p. 57, planata , p. 58, n. spp., E. Coast U. S., and Caribbean, Dale, Bull. Mus. C. Z. xviii (1889). Pleurobranchid,® and Umbrellidjl Pleurobranchillus , n. g., p. 27, with P. morosus , n. sp., p. 28, Atlantic ; Bergh, (18) fig. Umbraculum ( Hyalopatina ) ru-shii , n. sp., Bahamas, Dall, Bull. Mus. C. Z. xviii (1889), p. 61. Siphonaria is placed amongst Opisthobranchiata , next to Umbrella , by Haller, Arb. z. Inst. Wien, x, pp. 71-100. (NATANTIA or PTEROPODA .) Muscular system of Pteropoda ; Wackwitz, Zool. Beitr. iii, p. 129. — Notes on the embryology of the Pteropoda , Rev. Sci. Nat. St. Petersb. 1891, p. 148 [Russian]. — Catalogue of the Pteropoda of Australia and Tasmania; Brazier (44). f Conularia baini, n. sp., Palaeozoic of Bolivia, Ulrich, (412) p. 36, fig. Hyolithidce : Palaeozoic Hyolithidce of Bohemia revised ; Novak, Abh. Bohm. Ges. iv, No. 6, with Ceratotheca , n. g., type Hyolithes aduncus , Barr., and 4 new species. Bactrotheca , n. g. for B. deleta , n. sp., and Hylithes teres , Barr. Pterygotheca , n. g. for P. barraudei , n. sp., and Orthotheca, n. g. & spp. f Hyolithes schenclci, n. sp., Palaeozoic, Bolivia, Ulrich, (412) p. 37, fig. [NUCLEOBRANCHIATA : see Prosobranchiata.] PROSOBRANCHIA TA. Vision in the Prosobranchiata ; Willem, Arch. Biol, xii, pp. 123-149, figg. — Observations on the nephridia ; Erlanger, Q. J. Micr. Sci. xxxiii, pp. 587-623, figg. NUCLEOBRANCHIATA. The Heteropoda are streptoneurous and are simply Prosobranchs whose exterior aspect has become modified by pelagic life ; Pelseneer, C.R. cxiv, pp. 775-777. — Muscular system of Heteropoda ; Wack- witz, Zool. Beitr. iii, p. 129. PKOSOBRANCHIATA. Moll . 71 PECTINIBRANCHIATA. TOXOGLOSSA. Terebrid^: and Conim. Hemiconus, n. sect, of Conus , type fC. stromboides , Lamk. ; Cossmann, Cat. Coqu. Foss. Eocene Paris, iv (1889), p. 230. Terebra ( Acus ?) benthalis , p. 65. Havana, nassula , limatula, p. 66, n. spp., Caribbean, Dall, Bull. Mus. C. Z. xviii (1889). Pleurotomid^:. Apiotoma , n. sect, of Pleurotoma , type fP. pirulata , Desb. ; Cossmann, Cat. Coqu. Foss. Eocene Paris, iv (1889), p. 259. BeZa grimaldi, n. sp., Azores, Dautzenberg, (107) 1889, p. 26, figg. Borsonia ( Cordieria ) rouaultii , n. sp., Barbadoes, Dall, Bull. Mus. C. Z. xviii (1889), p. 98, fig. Clathurella watsoni , Azores, Dautzenberg, (107) 1889, p. 29, figg.; C. bour- quiqnati , servaini T? new!, W. Coast France, Locard, Echange, vii (1891), pp. 5 & 6 : n. spp. Defrancia ponsonbyi, n. sp., Port Elizabeth, Sowerby, (378) p. 7, fig. Drillia tryonii , albicoma, Caribbean, p. 83, alesidota , hab.?, p. 85, eucosmia, Grenada, haliostrephis, Gulf of Mexico, p. 86, acestra, Havana, p. 87, acrybia, Florida, tristichia , Gulf of Mexico, p. 88 , pagodula, Carib- bean, p. 90, premorra, Gulf of Mexico, p. 93, cepynota, p. 96, moseri , p. 97, E. Coast U. S., Dall, Bull. Mus. C. Z. xviii (1889), figg., n spp. Eopleurotoma , n. sect, of Pleurotoma , type +P. multicostata, Desh. ; Coss- mann, Cat. Coq. Foss. Eocene Paris, iv (1889), p. 265. Epalxis, n. sect, of Dolicotoma, type t Pleurotoma crenulata , L. ; Coss- mann, Cat. Coqu. Foss. Eocene Paris, iv (1889), p. 250. Genota viabrunnea , Caribbean, Dall, Bull. Mus. C. Z. xviii, p. 80, fig. Hemipleurotoma, n. sect, of Pleurotoma , type \P. archimedis , Bell. ; Cossmann, Cat. Coqu. Foss. Eocene Paris, iv (1889), p. 260. Mangilia ( Cythara ) bartlettii, cymella, Caribbean, p. 101, ( Daphnella ) cor - bicula, reticulosa, Barbadoes, &c., p. 103, pompholyx , Barbadoes, p. 104, retifera, p. 105, calyx , p. 107, E. Coast U. S., Sofia, Guadelupe, p. 107, (Glyphostoma) phalera, Trinidad, p. Ill, ( Mangilia ) halitropis , Santa Cruz, p. 114, scipio, Caribbean, p. 117, toreumata , Dominica, p. 118, ( Pleurotomella ) edgariana, Cura9ao, p. 121, catasarca , Carib- bean, p. 124, hadria , E. Coast U. S. p. 125, Dall, Bull. Mus. C. Z. xviii (1889), figg., n. spp. Mitromorpha biplicata , Barbadoes, Dall, Bull. Mus. C. Z. xviii (1889), p. 165, fig. ; M. volva, Port Elizabeth, Sowerby, (378) p. 7, fig. : n. spp. Oxyacrum , n. sect, of Pleurotoma, type fP. obliterata, Desh. ; Cossmann, Cat. Coqu. Foss. Eocene Paris, iv (1889), p. 270. 72 Moll . VII. MOLLUriCA. Bleurotoma periscelida, p. 74, ( Leucosyrinx ) tenoceras, p. 76, E. Coast U. S., ( Ancistrosyrinx ) radiaia, p. 78, Caribbean, Dall, Bull. Mus. C. Z. xviii, figg. ; P. ( Mangilia ?) simpsoni , Florida, Dall in Simpson, P. Davenport Ac. v (1887), p. 54 ; fP. Jiaeringensis , Ter- tiary of Haring, Dreger, Ann. Hofmuseum Wien, vii, p. 28, fig. : n. spp. Systenope , n. sect, of Baphitoma , type fP. polycolpa , n. sp. ; Cossmann, Cat. Coqu. Foss. Eocene Paris, iv (1889), p. 289. Cancellariidjs. Admetula , n. sect, of Cancellaria , type f (7. evulsa ; Cossmann, Cat. Coqu. Foss. Eocene Paris, iv (1889), p. 224. Benthobia , n. g., for B. tryonii , n. sp., N. Carolina ; Dall, Bull. Mus. C. Z. xviii (1889), pp. 131 & 132, fig. Cancellaria ( Trigonostoma ) agassizii, E. Coast U. S., p. 130, microscopica, Caribbean, p. 131, Dall, Bull. Mus. C. Z. xviii (1889), figg., n. spp. Plesiocerithium, n. g., type *j* Cancellaria magloirei, Mell. ; Cossmann, Cat. Coqu. Foss. Eocene Paris, iv (1889), p. 228. Sveltella , n. sect, of Cancellaria , type fC. quantula, Desh. ; Cossmann, Cat. Coqu. Foss. Eocene Paris, iv (1889), p. 222. RHA CH IGL OSSA . Olivia and MARGiNELLiDiE. Ancilla pura, n. sp., Port Elizabeth, Sowerby, (378) p. 17, fig. f ? Ancillaria olivaeformis , n. sp., Tertiary of Haring, Dreger, Ann. Hof- museum Wien, vii, p. 26, fig. Marginella cassis , p. 137, fig., Grulf of Mexico, styria , Sombrero Is., p. 140, Dall, Bull. Mus. C. Z. xviii; M.electrina , Port Elizabeth, Sowerby, (378) p. 21, fig. : n. spp. Volutidj: and Mitrid^. Mitra aquitanica , found on the W. Coast of France ; Locard, Echange, viii, p. 101. M. ( Costellaria ?) styria , p. 159, fig., rushii , p. 160, triphonia , p. 161, Carib- bean, ( Thalia ?) torticula, p. 162, Havana, ( Conomitra ) blaheana , Yucatan Strait, p. 163, Dall, Bull. Mus. C. Z. xviii (1889), figg.; M. fultoni, Lr. California, Smith, Ann. N. H. ix, p. 256, fig. : n. spp. Scaphella ( Aurinia ) robusta , p. 153, gouldiana [with its anatomy], p. 154, Caribbean, Dall, Bull. Mus. C. Z. xviii (1889), figg.; 8. ( Voluta ) arnheimi, Monterey Bay, Calif., Rivers, Naut. v, p. Ill : n. spp. Valuta verconis, S. Australia, Tate, Tr. R. Soc. S. Austr. xv, p. 125, fig. ; ■fV. stromboicles} Tertiary of Haring, Dreger, Ann. Hofmuseum Wien, vii, p. 25, fig. : n. spp. PROSOBRANCHIATA. Moll. 73 Fasciola rum and Turbinellim. Fusciolaria ( Mesorhytis ) meekiana, n. sp., Gulf of Mexico, Dall, Bull. Mus. C. Z. xviii (1889), p. 172, fig. Fusus timessus , p. 166, eucosmius, p. 167, halistreptus , benthalis, p. 168, amiantus , cepynotus , p. 169, alcimus , p. 170, ceramidus , amphiurgus , p. 171, Dall, Bull. Mus. C. Z. xviii (1889), figg.; F. azoricus , Azores, Dautzenberg, (107) 1889, p. 32, figg.; fF. mittereri , Tertiary of Haring, Dreger, Ann. Hof museum Wien, vii, p. 23, fig. : n. spp. f Glyptostyla, n. g. for G. panamensis , n. sp., Tertiary of Isthmus of Darien ; Dall, Tr. Wagner Inst, iii, pp. 232 & 233, figg. Latirulus , n. sect, of Latirus , type fFasws subajffinis , d’Orb. ; Cossmann, Cat. Coqu. Foss. Eocene Paris, iv (1889), p. 169. P seudolatirus , n. sect, of Streptochetus , type *j*& mellevillei , n. sp. ; Coss- mann, Cat. Coqu. Foss. Eocene Paris, iv (1889), p. 170. Turbinella truncata , n. sp., Port Elizabeth, Sowerby, (378) p. 17, fig. Buccinime. Chrysodomus ( Sipho ) rushii, Florida, C. (?) globulus , Little Bahama Bank, Dall, Bull. Mus. C. Z. xviii, p. 175, fig. ; (7. (Sep^o) stonei, New Jersey, Pilsbry, P. Ac. Philad. 1892, p. 328, figg. : n. spp. Columbellisipho, n. sect, of Sipho, type fFasws hordeolus , Lamk. ; Coss- mann, Cat. Coqu. Foss. Eocene Paris, iv (1889), p. 146. Cominella semisulcata, C. (?) sulcata , n. spp., Port Elizabeth, Sowerby, (378) pp. 10 & 11, figg. Coptochetus , n. sect, of Siphonalia , type tFwsws scalaroides, Lamk. ; Coss- mann, Cat. Coqu. Foss. Eocene Paris, iv (1889), p. 153. Endopachy chilus, n. sect, of Tritonidea, type t Purpura crassilabrum, Desh. ; Cossmann, Cat. Coqu. Foss. Eocene Paris, iv (1889), p. 136. Hindsia grimaldi , n. sp., Azores, Dautzenberg, (107) 1889, p. 33, figg. Liomesus (?) stimpsoni , n. sp., Carolina, Dall, Bull. Mus. C. Z. xviii (1889), p. 176, fig. Nassaria bushii , columbellata, p. 182, grayi, p. 183, n. spp., Caribbean, Dall, Bull. Mus. C. Z. xviii (1889), figg, Neptunea nicolloni, Loc., W. Coast of France ; Locard, Echange, vii (1891), p. 34. Pisania scholvieni, n. sp., Njaning, Senegambia, Rolle, Nachr. mal. Ges. 1892, p. 51. Pollia reticulata' azona , n. spp., Kalymos Is., Bcettger, Ber. Seuck. Ges. 1892, p. 153. Tortisipho , n. sect, of Sipho , type t Fusus jucundus, Desh. ; Cossmann, Cat. Coqu. Foss. Eocene Paris, iv (1889), p. 147. Volutharpa salmiana , n. sp., Japan, Rolle, Nachr. mal. Ges. 1892, p. 52. Nassidac and Columbellid^. Nassa : Gould’s types not lost ; Marshall, Naut. vi, p. 47. Nassa scissurata, Carribbean, Dall, Bull. Mus. C. Z. xviii (1889), p. 185 ; N. crawfordi, Port Elizabeth, Sowerby, (378) p. 13, fig. ; n. spp. 74 Moll. VII. MOLLUSCA. Columbellidce : monograph by Kobelt, pp. 1-128, pis. i-xviii ; Martini & Chemnitz (246). Columbella : Gould’s types not lost ; Marshall, Naut. vi, p. 47. C. (Astyris) profundi, Havana, Dall, Bull. Mus. C. Z. xviii (1889), p. 192, fig. ; C. ( Amphissa ) bicolor , San Pedro Bay, Dall in Williamson, P. U. S. Nat. Mus. xv, p. 213, fig. ; C. ( Mitrella ) unisulcata, p. 119, Tasmania, Kobelt in Martini & Chemnitz (246) ; C. capensis, •algoensis, South Africa, Sowerby, (378) p. 22, figg.; C. ( Nitidella ) incerta , Galapagos Is., Stearns, Naut. vi, p. 88 ; C. cominellceformis , S. Australia, Tate, Tr. R. Soc. S. Austr. xv, p. 126, fig. : n. spp. Muricim: and Coralliophiliml Coralliophila lactuca , n. sp., Caribbean, Dall, Bull. Mus. C. Z. xviii (1889), p. 220, fig. Eupleura stimpsonii, n. sp., Barbadoes, Dall, Bull. Mus. C. Z. xviii (1889), p. 204. Magilus, Montf., revision of the genus ; Baker, P. Rochester Acad, ii, pp. 37-40, fig. Murex ( Phyllonotus ) hystricinus , Caribbean, p. 200, ( Pteronotus ) phaneus , Florida, p. 201, tristichus, Cuba, p. 202, ( Muricidea ) philippiana , Caribbean, p. 213, Dall, Bull. Mus. C. Z. xviii (1889), figg.; M. ( Ocinebra ?) crawfordi , babingtoni, South Africa, Sowerby, (378) p. 2, figg.; M. guembeli , Tertiary of Haring, Dreger, Ann. Hof- museum Wien, vii, p. 24, fig. : n. spp. Trophon ( Aspella ) scalarioides , anatomy ; Dall, Bull. Mus. C. Z. xviii (1889), p. 209. T. ( Boreotrophon ) lacunellus, p. 205, actinophorus. p. 206, Caribbean, Dall, Bull. Mus. C. Z. xviii (1889), figs. ; T. dabneyi , p. 36, droueti , p. 37, Azores, Dautzenberg, (107) 1889, figg. : n. spp. TjENIOGLOSSA. Tritonid^, Cassididj:, Doliim, and Cypr^id^e. Amphiperas ( Simnia ) piragua, p. 235, aureocincta , p. 236, n. spp., Caribbean, Dall, Bull. Mus. C. Z. xviii (1889). j 'Cassidaria haeringensis, n. sp., Tertiary of Haring, Dreger, Ann. Hof- museum Wien, vii, p. 21, fig. j ’Cassis fuchsi, n. sp., Tertiary of Haring, Dreger, Ann. Hof museum Wien, vii, p. 21, fig. Cyprcea chrysalis , Kiener, and G. amphithales, Melv., notes on; Melville, Journ. Conch, vii, pp. 120-123. Dolium ( Eudolium ) verrillii, n. sp., Grenada, Dall, Bull. Mus. C. Z. xviii (1889), p. 233, fig. Lampusia ? pharcida , n. sp., Caribbean, Dall, Bull. Mus. C. Z. xviii (1889), p. 227, fig. PROSOBRANCHIATA. Moll. 75 Monocirsus, n. sect, of Triton , type t T. carinulatusi n. sp., Cossmann, Cat. Coqu. Foss. Eocene Paris, iv (1889), p. 112. Ovula carnea , Poiret : distribution; Fischer, J. de Conch. 1892, pp. 77 & 78 ; Watson, t. c. p. 208. Pyrula : review of the genus ; Sowerby, Conchologist, ii, pp. 73-75. P.filosa, n. sp., Hong Kong, Sowerby, Conchologist, ii, p. 74. \Tritonium haeringense , n. sp., Tertiary of Haring, Dreger, Ann. Hof- museum Wien, vii, p. 22, fig. Strombim and Aporrhaiidj:. f Alaria acuta , n. sp., Neocomian of the Argentine Cordilleras, Behrend- sen, Z. geol. Ges. xliv, p. 19, fig. Amplogladius , n. sect, of Gladius , type *j 'Rostellaria athleta, d’Orb. ; Cossmann, Cat. Coqu. Foss. Eocene Paris, iv (1889), p. 90. Ectinochilus , n. sect, of Rimella, type f Strombus canalis , Lam. ; Coss- mann, Cat. Coqu. Foss. Eocene Paris, iv (1889), p. 87. f Eostellaria haueri, n. sp., Tertiary of Haring, Dreger, Ann. Hof- museum Wien, vii, p. 18, fig. Semiterebellum, n. sect, of Gladius, type f Rostellaria marceauxi, Desh. ; Cossmann, Cat. Coqu. Foss. Eocene Paris, iv (1889), p. 91. Wateletia, n. sect, of Gladius , type f Rostellaria geoffroyi , Wat. ; Coss- mann, Cat. Coqu. Foss. Eocene Paris, iv (1889), p. 90. Cerithiim, Planaxidj:, and Trichotropidim. Cerithiidce : inner palatal folds of fossil forms ; Oppenheim, Z. geol. Ges. xliv, pp. 439-446. Aneurychilus , n. sect, of Sandbergeria , type f Cerithium secale, Desh. ; Cossmann, Cat. Coqu. Foss. Eocene Paris, iv (1889), p. 34. Cerithiogsis matara, niartensii , p. 255, acontium , p. 256, n. spp., Caribbean, Dall, Bull. Mus. C. Z. xviii (1889), fig. Cerithium foveolatum , n. sp., Port Elizabeth, Sowerby, (378) p. 36, fig. Exechestoma, n. sect, of Potamides, type t Cerithium angulosum, Lamk. ; Cossmann, Cat. Coqu. Foss. Eocene Paris, iv (1889), p. 71. Granulolabium , n. sect, of Potamides , type j* Cerithium plicatum , Desh. ; Cossmann, Cat. Coqu. Foss. Eocene Paris, iv (1889), p. 76. Mellevillia , n. sect, of Fastigiella, type t Cerithium gibbosulum, Mell. ; Cossmann, Cat. Coqu. Foss. Eocene Paris, iv (1889), p. 36. Orthochilusi n. sect, of Planaxis, type \Ceriihium bezanconi , De R. ; Coss- mann, Cat. Coqu. Foss. Eocene Paris, iv (1889), p. 7. f Pseudoscalites, n. g. for P. elegantissimus (Klipst MS.), n. sp. ; Kittl, Ann. Hof museum Wien, vii, p. 66, fig. Semivertagus , n. sect, of Cerithium , type C. vertagus , Lin. ; Cossmann, Cat. Coqu. Foss. Eocene Paris, iv (1889), p. 28. Tiarella, n. sect, of Lovenella , type f Cerithium pupina, Desh. ; Cossmann, Cat. Coqu. Foss. Eocene Paris, iv (1889), p. 50. [Altered to Cyrbasia , Harris & Burrows, 1891.] 7o Moll. VII. MOLLUSCA. Trachyschcenium , n. sect, of Lovenella, type f Cerithium aloeolatum, Desh.; Cossmann, Cat. Coqu. Foss. Eocene Paris, iv (1889), p. 47. Triforis ( Inella ) sarissa , Barbadoes, p. 247, ( Sychar ) samance, San Domingo, p. 248, n. spp., Dall, Bull. Mus. C. Z. xviii (1889). Tylochilus , n. sect, of Potamides , type fCerithium tuba , Desh. ; Coss- mann, Cat. Coqu. Foss. Eocene Paris, iv (1889), p. 76. Vermetlcle and Turritellid^:. Acrocoelum, n. sect, of Mathildia, type \M. bouryi , n. sp., Cossmann, Cat. Coqu. Foss. Eocene Paris, iii (1888), p. 315. Mathilda barbad^enae, p. 266, fig., Barbadoes, rushii , scitula , p. 267, n. spp., E. Coast U. S., Dall, Bull. Mus. C. Z. xviii (1889). f Siliquaria (?) triadica, n. sp., Trias of St. Cassian, Kittl, Ann. Hof- museum Wien, vii, p. 56, fig. Thylacodes medusae , n. sp., Japan, MacGeorge, Le Nat. 1892, p. 123, fig. Turritella ( Torcula ) acropora , Transatlantic and Caribbean, Dall, Bull. Mus. C. Z. xviii (1889), p. 264; T. maltzani, Goree, Senegambia, Rolle, Nachr. mal. Ges. 1892, p. 51 ; f T. paedopsis , subtilestriata , fasciata, p. 55, abbatis, p. 56, Trias of St. Cassian, Kittl, Ann. Hofmuseum Wien, vii, figg. : n. spp. Vermetulce of the Mediterranean, with Vermetus spirintortus , p. 22, simulans, p. 25, serpuloides , p. 41, n. spp. ; Monte rosato, Bull. Soc. Mal. Ital. xvii. PsEUDOMELANiiDiE and Melaniidac. • \ Angularia , n. g., with A. marginata , n. sp., Alpine Trias ; Koken, JB. Mineral. 1892, ii, p. 32 ; Woehrmann & Koken, Z. geol. Ges. xliv, p. 198, fig. j 'Chemnitzia manzavinii , Trias of Balia, Asia Minor, Bittner, JB. geol. Reichsanst. xlii, p. 87, fig. : +(7. longiscata , solida , Alpine Trias, Woehrmann & Koken, Z. geol. Ges. xliv, p. 199, fig. : n. spp. f Hypsipleura, n. g., with H. cathedralis, n. sp., Alpine Trias ; Koken, JB. Mineral. 1892, ii, p. 32 ; Woehrmann & Koken, Z. geol. Ges. xliv, p. 201, fig. ■ \Katosira , n. g., with K.fragilis, abbreviata , n. spp., Alpine Trias ; Koken, JB. Mineral. 1892, ii, p. 31 ; Woehrmann & Koken, Z. geol. Ges. xliv, p. 205, figg. Loxonema pyrgula , lineatum , n. spp., Alpine Trias, Woehrmann & Koken, Z. geol. Ges. xliv, p. 202, figg. Melania verrii , De Stef., varieties ; Foresti, Bull. Soc. Mal. Ital. xvi, p. 74, figg. M. jacquetiana, joretiana , terminally , dolium , M. (?) rotundata , p. 166, China, Heude (186), figg.; M. tornata , Albert Nyansa, Martens, SB. nat. Fr. 1892, p. 181 ; M. ten-katei , Soemba, Schepman, Notes Leyd. Mus. xiv, p. 156, fig. : n. spp. PROSOBEANCHIATA. Moll . 77 Melaniidce : inner palatal folds of fossil forms ; Oppexheim, Z. geol. Ges. xliv, pp. 439-446. Melanopsis harpa , Spain, Westerlund, Nachr. mal. Ges. 1892, p. 199 ; M. harpa [= costata var.], Spain, Westerlund, An. Soc. Esp. xxi, p. 389 ; fM. pentagona , p. 138, stricturata , p. 139, bogdanovn , p. 142, blanchardi, p. 143, Tertiary of Markusevec (Croatia), Brusina, Glasnik. Naravosl. Druzt. vii : n. spp. f Mrtanoptycliia paradoxa, p. 144, rarinodosa, p. 145, n. spp., Tertiary of Markusevec (Croatia), Brusina, Glasnik. Naravosl. Druzt. vii. Potamanax , n. subg. of Pachychilus , for P. rovirosai, n. sp., Tabasco, Mexico ; Pilsbry, P. Ac. Philad. 1892, p. 341, fig. Pachychilus : anatomy ; Fischer & Crosse, (133) pp. 322-327. P. ( polygonatus, Lea, ? var.) rovirosai , Mexico, Pilsbry, P. Ac. Philad. 1892, p. 153, fig. : possible n. sp. \ Pustularia, n. g. for Chemnitzia alpina , Eichw., Alpine Trias ; Koken, JB. Mineral. 1892, ii, p. 32 ; Woehrmann & Koken, Z. geol. Ges. xliv, p. 203, fig. Plotia leroyi, p. 185, bloyeti, p. 186, n.spp., E. Centr. Africa, Bourguignat, (37) 1889. Semisinus : anatomy ; Fischer & Crosse, (133) pp. 315-317. f Undularia, n. g. for Turritella carinata , Miinst, Alpine Trias ; Koken, JB. Mineral. 1892, ii, p. 31 ; Woehrmann & Koken, Z. geol. Ges. xliv, p. 200, fig. f Zygopleura, n. g., with Z. spinosa, n. sp., and Coronaria, n. sect., with Z. coronata , n. sp., Alpine Trias ; Koken, JB. Mineral. 1892, ii, p. 30; Woehrmann & Koken, Z. geol. Ges. xliv, pp. 203-5, figg. Littorinidj: and Fossaridjc. Cirsope, n. sect, of Lacuna , type +L. marginata , Desh. ; Cossmann, Cat. Coqu. Foss. Eocene Paris, iii (1888), p. 275. Cithna Jeffrey si , n. sp., Azores ; Dautzexberg, (107) 1889, p. 44, figg. Entomope , n. sect, of Lacuna, type t Litiopa klipsteini , Cossm. ; Cossmann, Cat. Coqu. Foss. Eocene Paris, iii (1888), p. 273. Fossarus ( Gottoina ) bella , compacta, n. spp., Caribbean ; Dall, Bull. Mus. C. Z. xviii (1889), pp. 272 & 273, figg. f Lacuna karreri , L.(?) incrassata, n. spp., Trias of St. Cassian, Kittl, Ann. Hofmuseum Wien, vii, p. 97, figg. Littorina rudis, Maton, monstrosities ; Sykes, P. Dorset Field Club, xiii, pp. 191-198, figg. L. ( Tectarius ) galapagiensis , p. 87, Galapagos Is., atyphus, p. 88, Manta, Ecuador, n. spp., Stearns, Naut. vi. Medoriopsis, n. sect, of Lacuna , type t L. effusa , Desh. ; Cossmann, Cat. Coqu. Foss. Eocene Paris, iii (1888), p. 270. Prosthenodon , n. sect, of Littorina, type t L. mondonta, Desh. ; Cossmann, Cat. Coqu. Foss. Eocene Paris, iii (1888), p. 261. 78 Moll. VII. MOLLUSCA. f Pseudofossarus, n. n., = Fossarus, Laube, non Philippi ; Koken, JB. Mineral. 1892, ii, p. 27 ; Woehrmann & Koken, Z. geol. Ges. xliv, p. 191, fig. j 'Purpurina vaceki, n. sp., Trias of St. Cassian ; Kittl, Ann. Hof museum Wien, vii, p. 64, fig. *j* Tretospira, n. g., allied to Purpurina, with T. multistriata, n. sp., Alpine Trias ; Koken, JB. Mineral. 1892, ii, p. 82 ; Woehrmann & Koken, Z. geol. Ges. xliv, pp. 196 & 197, fig. Sola riid2e. Fluxina discula , n. sp., Dominica ; Dall, Bull. Mus. C. Z. xviii (1889), p. 273, figg. Homalogyra ornata, n. sp., Azores, Dautzenberg, (107) 1889, p. 46, figg. Solarium peracutum, sigsbeei, n. spp., Caribbean ; Dall, Bull. Mus. C. Z. xviii (1889), p. 275, figg. Jeefreysihle, Litiopimc, and Rissoiid^:. Alvania rufopunctata , Kalymos Is., Bcettger, Ber. Senck. Ges. 1892, p. 158 ; A.poucheti , p. 49, lamellata , p. 50, Azores, Dautzenberg, (107) 1889, figg. : n. spp. Benthonella, n. g. for B. gaza, fischeri , nisonis , Caribbean ; Dall, Bull. Mus. C. Z. xviii (1889), pp. 282-285. f Chevallieria, n. g., type fC. labrosa, n. sp., Eocene of Paris, Coss- mann, Cat. Coqu. Foss. Eocene Paris, iii (1888), p. 244, fig. Diala infrasulcata , dubia, n. spp., Port Elizabeth, Sowerby, (378) p. 27, figg- Hemibia sublevis, p. 168, carectorum , luteola , crassa , longiscuta, costulata, p. 169, n. spp., China, Heude, (186) figg. Jeffreysia atlantica, n. sp., St. Helena, Smith, Ann. N. H. 1892, p. 130. Onoba moreleti , n. sp., Azores, Dautzenberg, (107) 1889, p. 52, figg. Rissoa: notes on; Tomlin, Brit. Nat. 1892, pp. 72-74, 155 & 156, 179 & 180, 257 & 258. R. precipitata, Yucatan Strait, Dall, Bull. Mus. C. Z. xviii (1889), p. 279, fig. ; R. guernei , p. 47, obesula, p. 48, Azores, Dautzenberg, (107) 1889, figg.; R. ( Alvania ) argentea , ( Cingula ) capensis , Port Elizabeth, Sowerby, (378) p. 38, figg.; f R. tirolensis, Alpine Trias, Woehr- mann & Koken, Z. geol. Ges. xliv, p. 207, fig. : n. spp. Setia roseotincta , n. sp., Azores, Dautzenberg, (107) 1889, p. 53, figg. Hydrobiidj; and Paludinid^;. j - Acrophylictis, n. g., type -fBithinia eugenei, Desh., Eocene of Paris; Cossmann, Cat. Coqu. Foss. Eocene Paris, iii (1888), p. 233, fig. ■fBaglivia, n. g. for B. rugosula , p. 146, goniogyra, strongylogyra , p. 147, streptogyra, ambigua, p. 148, n. spp., Tertiary of Markusevec (Croatia), Brusina, Glasnik Naravosl. Druzt. vii. Belgrandia coutagnei , n. sp., Avignon, Locard, Echange, viii, p. 3. PROSOBRANCHIATA. Moll. 79 Bythynella dunkeri, Frauenf., remarks on ; Simroth, Mai. Bl. xi, pp. 106 & 107, figg. B. bosniensis , Bosnia, Clessin, Mai. Bl. xi, p. 120, fig. ; B. depereti , deformata, larteticeformis , ventricosa, anglesiana , ( Lartetia ) pontmar- tiniana , boulayi, chobauti , chantrei , gabilloti, duhameli, collieri, cureti , (Moitessieria) collieri , Avignon, Nicolas, Ann. Soc. Agric. Lyon, iv, pp. 34-48, figg. ; B. scitula , Tertiary of Markusevec (Croatia), Brusina, Glasnik Naravosl. Druzt. vii, p. 154 : n. spp. Buthinia tentaculata, development ; Erlanger, MT. z. Stat. Neap, x, pp. 376-407, fig. B. delavayana , p. 170, toucheana , chinensis , scalaris , p. 171, spiralis , p. 172, n. spp., China, Heude, (186) figg. ■\Caspia dybowskii, p. 155, obtusa , acicula , p. 156, incerta , p. 157, n. spp., Tertiary of Markusevec (Croatia), Brusina, Glasnik Naravosl. Druzt. vii. Hydrobia texana , Texas, Pilsbry, P. Davenport Ac. v (1887), p. 33 ; +77. vidovici, taediosa, p. 149, atropida, p. 151, monotropida , ditropida , p. 152, polytropida , p. 153, Tertiary of Markusevec (Croatia), Brusina, Glasnik Naravosl. Druzt. vii : n. spp. ffypsobia, n. g. for H. huniida, China ; Heude, (186) p. 173, figg. Lacunopsis dugasti, n. sp., Laos, Morlet, J. de Conch. 1892, p. 84. f Micromelania sulcata, lineolata, p. 161, gracilis , p. 162, n. spp., Tertiary of Markusevec (Croatia), Brusina, Glasnik Naravosl. Druzt. vii. Paludestrina jenkinsi , Smith, and ventrosa, Mont., difference between the radulse ; Woodward, Ann. N. H. ix, pp. 376-378, figg. Paludina : development of the liver ; H. Fischer, CR. Soc. Biol, iii, p. 644. Paludina diminuta , leucostoma, fluminalis , catayensis, p. 175, ventricosat aubryana,dispiralis, p. 175, purificata, fantozatina, p. 175, lapillorum , demolita , deformis , p. 177, China, Heude, (186), figg.; P. constricta , Victoria Nyanza, Martens, Conch. Mittheil. iii (1889), p. 16, fig.; P. laosiensis, Indo China, Morlet, J. de Conch. 1892, p. 85 : n. spp. [See also infra, Vivipara.'] Polycirsus, n. sect, of Hydrobia, type + Bythinia tuba, Desh. ; Cossmann, Cat. Coqu. Foss. Eocene Paris, iii (1888), p. 219. t Prososthenia croatica , n. sp., Tertiary of Markusevec (Croatia), Brusina, Glasnik Naravosl. Druzt. vii, p. 163. Pseudamnicola euboica, Euboa, p. 45, nebrodensis [= vestita, Benoit, 1882], Sicily, p. 50, n. spp., Kobelt in Rossmaessler, (322) v, figg. Pyrgulopsis scalar if or mis, Wolf, note on ; Shimek, Bull. Lab. Iowa, ii, p. 168. Rivularia, n. g., for R. glandina, subelliptica , p. 178, elongata , ovum, globosa , p. 179, China ; Heude (186), figg. Stenothyra toucheana, China, Heude, (186) p 173, figg., n. sp. Vivipara phthinotropis , p. 17, trochlearis, and costulata, p. 18, Victoria Nyanza, Martens, SB. nat. Fr. 1892 ; V. victories, jucundus, cepoides , Victoria Nyanza, Smith, Ann. N. H. x, pp. 124 & 125, figg. : n. spp. [See also supra , P aludina.~] 80 Moll. YII. MOLLUSCA. Valvatid^, Ampullariid^ and Assimineidj;. Ampullaria brohardi, Cambodia, Granger, Le Nat. 1892, p. 97, fig. ; A. nyanzce , gordoni , Victoria Nyanza, Smith, Ann. N. H. x, p 382 : n. spp. Assiminea littorina, Delle Chiaie, in Malta ; Caruana-Gatto, Med. Nat. ii, p. 245. Chlorostracia massiei, n. sp., Laos, Morlet, J. de Conch. 1892, p. 84. Lyogyrus , notes on, and L. dalli , n. sp., Florida ; Pilsbry, Naut. vi, pp. 61 & 62. Meladomus [= Lanistes ] bloyeti , nitidissimus , p. 171, deg uerry anus, p. 175, alexandri, p. 177, n. spp., E. Centr. Africa, Bourgeignat, (37) 1889, figg- *j* Orygoceras corniculum , p. 169, filocinctum, cultratum , cnemopsis , p. 171, n. spp., Tertiary of Markusevec (Croatia), Brtjsina, Glasnik Naravosl. Druzt. vii. Valvata revoili , E. Centr. Africa, Bourguignat, (37) 1889, p. 189, fig. ; + U. cyclostrema, leptonema , Tertiary of Markusevec (Croatia), Brusina, Glasnik Naravosl. Druzt. vii, p. 167 : n. spp. Cyclop fiorid^. Alycoeus expansus , dolichodeiros , p. 129, dolomiticus , monadicus , p. 130, n. spp., China, Heude (186), figg. Aperostoma ( Amphicyclotus ) goldfussi , n. sp., Honduras, Bcettger, Nachr. mal. Ges. 1892, p. 203. Cy< lophorus zebrinus, Bens., on a variety, and on the periostracum of ; Smith, Conchologist, ii. p. 6. C. orbignyi , E. Bolivia, Ancey, Journ. Conch, vii, p. 94 ; C. elatioi •, papillaris , Butumbi, N. E. Africa, Martens, SB. nat. Fr. 1892, p. 180 ; C. preussi, Cameroons, Martens, SB. nat. Fr. 1892, p. 183 ; C. tornatus , Tonkin, Morlet, J. de Conch, xxxii, p. 322, fig. ; f C. matheroui, Upper Rognacian of Les Baux, Nicolas, C.R. Ass. Fl\ Sci. 1891, ii, p. 452, fig. : n. spp. Cyclotus erroneus, China, Heude, (186) p. 128, figg.; fC. nicolasis , Upper Rognacian of Les Baux, Nicolas, C.R. Ass. Fr. Sci. 1891, ii, p. 453, fig.; C. soembaensis, Soernba, Schepman, Notes Leyd. Mus. xiv, p. 158, fig. ; G. filo-liratas , Bogota, Sowerby, P. Z. S. 1892, p. 298, fig. : n. spp. Diplommatina decorosa , p. 510, garoensis , elongata, p. 511 ,chennelli, butleri , p. 512, ambigua , commutata , dohertyi% p. 513, thomsoni , nengloensis , distincta , p. 514, khunhoensis , lapillus , compacta , p. 515, unicrenata, japvoensis , animula , p. 516, subrubella , subtilis , delicata, p. 517, muni- purensis , venustula, domuncula, p. 518, succinea , concinna , gibberosa , p. 519, Godwin- Austen, P. Z. S. 1892 ; D. egregia , Queensland, Hedley & Musson, P. Linn. Soc. N.S.W. vi, p. 561, fig. ; D. inter- media, abbreviata , minuscida , China, Heude, (186) p. 131, figg. : n. spp. PROSOBRANCHIATA. Moll. 81 Geothauma , n. g., type Opisthostoma grandispinosum , Godwin- Austen ; Crosse, J. de Conch. 1892, pp. 282-284, fig. Hedleya , n. g. for H. macleayi, n. sp., allied to Pupina ? Solomon Is. ; Cox, P. Linn. Soc. N.S.W. vi, p. 568, figg. Hungerfordia : notes on ; Crosse, J. de Conch. 1892, pp. 280-282, fig. Leptopoma halmahericum , crenilabre , n. spp., Halmahera [Moluccas], Strubell, Nachr. mal. Ges. 1892, pp. 48 & 49. Maizania, n. g. for M. olivacea , n. sp., E. Centr. Africa ; Bourguignat, (37) 1889, p. 149, fig. f Megalomastoma julliani , n. sp., Upper Rognacian of Les Baux ; Nicolas, C.R. Ass. Fr. Sci. 1891, ii, p. 454, fig. Opisthoporus hypei'borealis, n. sp., China, Heude, (186) p. 128, figg. Paxillus borealis , n. sp., China, Heude, (186) p. 131, fig. Pomatias ( Auritus ) eircticus, n. sp., Sicily, Westerlund, Nachr. mal. Ges. 1892, p. 198. Procyclotus, n. g. for Asiatic species of Cyclotus, type C. gassiesiamus r„ Crosse ; Fischer, Bull. Soc. Autun, iv, p. 183. Pupina costata , n. sp., Queensland, Hedley & Musson, P. Linn. Soc. N.S.W. vi, p. 559, fig. Spiraculum massiei , n. sp., LaoSj Morlet, J. de Conch. 1892, p. 85. Cyclostomatid^ Aciculidjc, and Truncatellid^e. Acme allardi , alleged n. sp., Avignon, Nicolas, Ann. Soc. Agric. Lyon, iv, p. 49, fig. Acroptychia notabilis , Madagascar, Smith, Conchologist, ii, p. 23. Cyclostoma burtoni , Tanganyka, Ancey, Brit. Nat. 1892, p. 126, fig. ; C. leroyi, E. Centr. Africa, Bourguignat, (37) 1889, p. 152, figg.; t C. jagici , Tertiary of Markusevec (Croatia), Brusina, Glasnik Naravosl. Druzt. vii, p. 172 : n. spp. Tropidophora freyi , n. sp., Is. Nossi-Be [Madagascar], Bcettger, Nachr. mal. Ges. 1892, p. 55. f Truncatella bezangoni, n. sp., Oligocene of Etampes ; Cossmann, J. de Conch, xxxii, p. 358, fig. Hipponycim: and Capulidj:. Amalthea [= Hipponyx ] benthophila, n. sp., Caribbean, Dall, Bull. Mus. C. Z. xviii (1889), p. 289, fig. Calyptrceidce : anatomy and morphology ; Haller, Morph. JB. xviii, pp. 489-518. Capulus hungaricus : structure and development ; Erlanger, Zool. Anz. xv, pp. 465-468. C. ( ffyalorisia ) galea , n. sp., Barbadoes, Dall, Bull. Mus. C. Z. xviii (1889), p. 288, fig. Crepidula fornicata : cleavage of the ovum ; Conklin, Zool. Anz. xv. pp. 185-188, figg. 1892. [yol. xxix.] d 6 82 Moll VII. MOLLUSCA. Crepidulce of the New Jersey Coast ; Stone, Naut. vi, pp. 40-42, figg. f Delphinulopsis, Laube, is restored as a genus by Kittl, Ann. Hofmuseum Wien, vii, p. 58. fZ). laubei, n. sp., Trias of St. Cassian, Kittl, Ann. Hofmuseum Wien, vii, p. 62, fig. Platyceras : notes on Palaeozoic species of the group ; Keyes, Am. G-eol. x, pp. 273-277. f Rothpletzia rudista , Sim. : on its zoological affinities ; Simonelli, Boll. Soc. geol. Ital. xi, pp. 76-80, figg. Naricid,e, Natjcidj:, Oocorythid^ and AdeorbiidvE. Adeorbis ( Clathrella ) naticoides , n. sp., N. Carolina, Dall, Bull. Mus. C. Z. xviii (1889), p. 278. Crommium , n. sect, of Ampullina, type t A. willemeti, Desh., Cossmann, Cat. Coqu. Foss. Eocene Paris, iii (1888), p. 177. Dalium , n. g. for D. solidum , n. sp., Grenada, Dall, Bull. Mus. C. Z. xviii (1889), p. 230, fig. Dialytostoma , n. sect, for Escharella [altered 1891 to Micreschard ], type j mFossarus fischeri , De Laub. ; Cossmann, Cat. Coqu. Foss. Eocene Paris, iii (1888), p. 185. f Natica ( Naticina ) geinitzi , Rupelian of Germany, Bcettger, Mai. Bl. ix, p. 89 ; N. castrensis, p. 293, ( Neverita ) nubila, p. 294, Caribbean, Dall, Bull. Mus. C. Z. xviii (1889) ; N. (Lunatia) forcliana, Florida, Simpson, P. Davenport Ac. v (1889), p. 72 ° ; f N. bodenbenderi , Inf. Oolite of the Argentine Cordilleras, Behrendsen, Z. geol. Ges. xliv, p. 13, fig. ; fA. berwerthiy p. 86, transiens, p. 89, Trias of St. Cassian, Kittl, Ann. Hofmuseum Wien, vii, figg. : n. spp. fNaticella (?) anomala, n. sp., Trias of St. Cassian, Kittl, Ann. Hof- museum Wien, vii, p. 71, fig. Naticidce : anatomy and morphology ; Haller, Morph. JB. xviii, pp. 451-489, figg. f Neritaria, n. g., with N. similis, n. sp., Alpine Trias, Woehrmann & Koken, Z. geol. Ges. xliv, p. 192, figg. Macromphalina, n. sect, for Escharella [altered 1891 to Micreschard]^ type t Sigaretus problematicus , Desh. ; Cossmann, Cat. Coqu. Foss. Eocene Paris, iii (1888), p. 184. Micromphalina , n. sect, of Escharella [altered 1891 to Micreschard], type ■f Lacuna elegans, Desh. ; Cossmann, Cat. Coqu. Foss. Eocene Paris, iii (1888), p. 187. f Ptychostoma stachei, waehneri, p. 95, mojsisovicsi , fasciatum , p. 96, n. spp., Trias of St. Cassian, Kittl, Ann. Hofmuseum Wien, vii, figg- Sigaretopsis, n. sect, of Natica , type iB. infundibulum , Wat.; Cossmann, Cat. Coqu. Foss. Eocene Paris, iii (1888), p. 172. Sigaretus minor, ( Eunaticina ) carolinensis , n. spp., Caribbean, Dall, Bull. Mus. C. Z. xviii (1889), p. 297. PROSOB RANCH IATA . Moll. 83 PTENOGLOSSA. Scalariidj:. Aclis egregia, nucleata, Caribbean, Dall, Bull. Mus. C. Z. xviii(1889), p. 325, figg.; A. tenuistriata, Port Elizabeth, Sowerby, (378) p. 28, fig. : n. spp. Bifidoscala , n. sect, of Scalaria, type *j*8. lemoinei, De Boury ; Coss- mann, Cat. Coqu. Foss. Eocene Paris, iii (1888), p. 135. f Chilocyclus, Bronn : restored as a genus by Kittl, Ann. Hofmuseum Wien, vii, p. 52. Scala scipio , apiculata , p. 310, babylonia, p. 311, retifera , p. 312, frielei , rushii , sericifila, p. 313, nitidella , muscapedia, p. 314, belaurita , p. 316, contorquata , p. 318, polacia, p. 319, aurifila , p. 322, concava , p. 323, discobolaria , p. 324, Transatlantic and Caribbean, Dall, Bull. Mus. C. Z. xviii (1889), figg.; 8. rodleri , subulata , Tertiary of Haring, Dreger, Ann. Hofmuseum Wien, vii, pp. 14 & 15, figg.; t8. (?) triadica, p. 45, 8. damesi, p. 51, Trias of St. Cassian, Kittl, Ann, Hofmuseum Wien, vii, figg. : n. spp. GYMNOGLOSSA. Eulimid^: and Pyramidellid^;. Phylogeny of the species of Eulimidce and Pyramidellidce from the Ter- tiary strata of N. Italy ; Sacco, Mem. Acc. Tor. xlii, pp. 585-682. Auriculina lucida, n. sp., Port Elizabeth, Sowerby, (378) p. 37, fig. Cingulina acutilirata , n. sp., Port Elizabeth, Sowerby, (378) p. 27, fig. Cyclodostomia , n. subg. of Odostomia, with n. spp., Tertiary of N. Italy; Sacco, Mem. Acc. Tor. xlii, p. 628. Diptychus, n. sect, of Syrnola , type \Pyramidella clandestina , Desh. ; Cossmann, Cat. Coqu. Foss. Eocene Paris, iii (1888), p. 95. Eulima (Leiostraca) fusus, Caribbean, Dall, Bull. Mus. C. Z. xviii (1889), p. 329, fig. ; E. langleyi, Port Elizabeth, Sowerby, (378) p. 27, fig. : n. spp. Eulimella ( Stylop-sis ) resticula , n. sp., Florida Keys, Dall, Bull. Mus. C. Z. xviii (1889), p. 338. Hordeulima, n. subg. of Eulima , with f77. hordeola , n. sp., Tertiary of N. Italy ; Sacco, Mem. Acc. Tor. xlii, p. 599, fig. Loxoptyxis, n. sect, of Syrnola , type t8. conulus, n. sp. ; Cossmann, Cat. Coqu. Foss. Eocene Paris, iii (1888), p. 103. Macrodostomia, n. subg. Odostomia , with n. spp., Tertiary of N. Italy ; Sacco, Mem. Acc. Tor. xlii, p. 625, fig. Margineulima , n. sect, of Eulima , type t E.fallax, Desh. ; Cossmann, Cat. Coqu. Foss. Eocene Paris, iii (1888), p. 121. Miralda crispa , n. sp., Port Elizabeth, Sowerby, (378) p. 37, fig. t Odontostomia lamberti , n. sp., Oligocene of Etampes, Cossmann, J. de Conch. 1892, p. 347, fig. 84 Moll. VII. MOLLUSCA. Pe ristichia, n. g., for P. toreta, Florida Keys, agria , Cape Hatteras; Dall, Bull. Mus. C. Z. xviii (1889), pp. 339 & 340. Pharcidella , n. sect, of Pyramidella [q. v.~\. Ptycheulimella ,_ n. subg. of Eulimella , with n. spp., Tertiary of N. Italy; Sacco, Mem. Acc. Tor. xlii, p. 641 . Pyramidella ( Pharcidella ) folinii, n. sp., Barbadoes, Dall, Bull. Mus. C. Z. xviii (1889), p. 334. Pyrgolampros , n. subg. of Turbonilla , with n. spp., Tertiary of N. Italy; Sacco, Mem. Acc. Tor. xlii, p. 667, fig. f Spica, ? n. g., with S. monterosatoi , n. sp., Tertiary of N. Italy ; Sacco, Mem. Acc. Tor. xlii, p. 645, fig. Strioturbonilla , n. subg. of Turbonilla , with n. spp., Tertiary of N. Italy ; Sacco, Mem. Acc. Tor. xlii, p. 676, fig. Sulcosubularia, n. subg. of Eulima , with taurinensis , n. sp., Tertiary of N. Italy ; Sacco, Mem. Acc. Tor. xlii, p. 599, fig. Sulcoturbonilla, n. subg. Turbonilla , for fSf. turricula , Eich. ; Sacco, Mem. Acc. Tor. xlii, p. 674, fig. Turbonilla belotheca) p. 335, curta , p. 337, Caribbean, Dall, Bull. Mus. C. Z. xviii (1889), figg.; T. guernei , p. 60, coarctata , p. 61, Azores, Dautzenberg, (107) 1889, figg.; T. argentea , Icevicostata , tegulata, Port Elizabeth, Sowerby, (378) p. 25, figg.; T. crenulifera, S. Australia, Tate, Tr. R. Soc. S. Austr. xv, p. 126, fig. : n. spp. Turritodostomia , n. subg. of Odostomia , type \0. plicata, Mont. ; Sacco, Mem. Acc. Tor. xlii, p. 623, fig. SCUTIBBANCHIATA. RHIPIDOGLOSSA. Proserpinidj] and Helicinim. Ceres : anatomy ; Fischer & Crosse, (133) pp. 379-381. Cyane orbignyi , n. sp., Bolivia, Ancey, Le Nat. 1892, p. 178. Helicina : anatomy ; Fischer & Crosse, (133) pp. 390-392. H. leucozonalis , Brazil, bourguignatiana , E. Bolivia, p. 95, lirifera, sul- furea, E. Bolivia, p. 96, Ancey, Journ. Conch, vii ; jBT. ( Idesa ) nesiotica , Galapagos Is., Dall, Naut. v, p. 97 ; ti. wolji , Galapagos Is., Reibisch, SB. Ges. Isis, 1892, p. 29, fig. : n. spp. Heudeia : notes on the genus and its allies ; Crosse, J. de Conch. 1892, pp. 284-288, figg. Neritid^: and Neritopsidj;. On the mode of growth and the structure of the shell in Neritidce , espe- cially in Velates conoid eus , Lamk. ; Woodward, P. Z. S. 1892, pp. 528-540. • \Hologyra , n. g., with H. alpina, car inala ^ n. spp., Alpine Trias; Woehrmann & Koken, Z. geol. Ges. xliv, pp. 193 & 194, fig. PRO SOBRANCHI ATA . Moil m f Naticopsis (?) ladina , dianae , p. 75, AT. zitteli , laubei , p. 76, altoni , p. 78, gaderana , p. 79, hinkelini , p. 82, uhligi (Klipst. MS.), involuta, p. 83, telleri , p. 81, n. spp., Trias of St. Cassian, Kittl, Ann. Hofmuseum Wien, vii, figg. Nerita polita : nervous system ; Bout an, C.R. cxiv, p. 1133. Neritina picta , Sow., note on ; Crosse & Fischer, J. de Conch. 1892, pp. 292 & 293. iV. ( Clithon ) rhyssodes , Is. Nossi-Be [Madagascar], Bgettger, Nachr. mal. Ges. 1892, p. 57 ; N. Guatemala, Crosse & Fischer, J. de Conch. 1892, p. 296; N. ( Theodoxus ) mixta, Spain, Westerlund, Nachr. mal. Ges. 1892, p. 200, and An. Soc. Esp. xxi, p. 389 ; tiV. imitans, Trias of St. Cassian, Kittl, Ann. Hofmuseum Wien, vii, p. 41, fig. : n. spp. f Neritodonta cunici, p. 177, serrulata, lamellata , p. 178, n. sp., Tertiary of Markusevec (Croatia), Brusina, Glasnik Naravosl. Druzt. vii. f Palaeonarica, n. g.. p. 42, type Naticella concentrica , Miinst., P. con - stricta, p. 42, cancellata , p. 44, n. spp., Trias of St. Cassian, Kittl, Ann. Hofmuseum Wien, vii, figg. ' \Platychilina , n. g., with P. woehrmanni , n. sp., Alpine Trias ; Woehr- mann & Koken, Z. geol. Ges. xliv, pp. 195 & 196, fig. f Velates conoideus, Lamk., structure and growth of shell ; Woodward, P. Z. S. 1892, pp. 528-540. Turbinidte and Trochid^. Bathybembix , Watson emend., notes on ; Cross, J. de Conch, 1892, pp. 288-292, figg. Calliostoma corbis, p. 365, orion, p. 367, ( Eucasta ) Indiana, p. 368, ( Eutro - chus) sayanwn, p. 370, benedicti, p. 371, cinctellum , p. 372, ( Dentistyla ) sericifilum , p. 373, Transatlantic and Caribbean, Dall, Bull. Mus. C. Z. xviii (1889) figg.; C. farquhari, Port Elizabeth, Sowerby, (378) p. 43, fig. ; +P. jetschini , Rupelian of Germany, Bcettger, Mal. Bl. xi, p. 91 : n. spp. Cirsochilus, n. sect, of Collonia , type t Delphinula striata, Desh. ; Coss- mann, Cat. Coqu. Foss. Eocene Paris, iii (1888), p. 76. Clanculus waltonce, n. sp., Port Elizabeth, Sowerby, (378) p. 45, fig. Cyniscella , n. sect, of Collonia, type t Cyclostoma cornu-pastoris , Lamk. ; Cossmann, Cat. Coqu. Foss. Eocene Paris, iii (1888), p. 79. Dillwynella, n. subg. of Ethalia Ethalia reclusa, p. 361, suppressa, solida, (Dillwynella) modesta, p. 362, n. spp., Caribbean, Dall, Bull. Mus. C. Z. xviii (1889), figg. Eucasta, n. sect, of Calliostoma [^.v.]. Euchelus guttarosea, n. sp., Caribbean, Dall, Bull. Mus. C. Z. xviii (1889), p. 382, fig. Gaza fischeri, n. sp., Santa Lucia, Dall, Bull. Mus. C. Z. xviii (1889), p. 355, fig. 86 Moll VII. MOLLUSCA. Gibbula eliaduru , p. 159, valentini , p. 160, Kalymos Is., Bcettger, Ber. Senck. Gres. 1892 ; G. biporcata, Cape Town, Sowerby, (378) p. 67 : n. spp. Homalochilus, n. sect, for t Collonia miliarisr, n. sp., Eocene Paris ; Coss- mann, Mem. Soc. Mai. Belg. 1891 (1892), p. 44. Margarita ( Turcicula ) imperialism anatomy ; Dale, Bull. Mus. C. Z. xviii (1889), pp. 376 & 377. M. erythrocoma, p. 375, Caribbean, ( Turcicula ) bairdii, p. 378, n. spp., S. California, Dall, Bull. Mus. C. Z. xviii (1889), figg. Monilea fritzei , n. sp., Middle Liu-Kiu Is., Bcettger, Nachr. maL Ges. 1892, p. 166. Norrisella, n. sect, of Norrisia , type Turbo pygmceus, Desh. ; Cossmann, Cat. Coqu. Foss. Eocene Paris, iii (1888), p. 62. f Oncospira legayi, n. sp., Oxfordian of Boulogne, Rigaux, Mem. Soc. Acad. Boulogne, xiv, p. 108, fig. Otaulax , n. sect, of Leptothyra, type f Turbo inermis , Desh. ; Cossmann, Cat. Coqu. Foss. Eocene Paris, iii (1888), p. 72. Periaulax , n. sect, of Pumargarita, type f Solarium spiratum , Lamk. ; Cossmann, Cat. Coqu. Foss. Eocene Paris, iii (1888), p. 66. Phasianella azorica :, n. sp., Azores, Dautzenberg, (107) 1889, p. 61, figg. Phorculus , n. sect, of Gibbula , type t Turbo fraterculus , Desh. ; Coss- mann, Cat. Coqu. Foss. Eocene Paris, iii (1888), p. 61. Pseudodiloma, n. sect, of Gibbula , type iTrochus mirabilis, Desh. ; Coss- mann, Cat. Coqu. Foss. Eocene Paris, iii (1888), p. 60. Solariella fusco-maculata, n. sp., Port Elizabeth, Sowerby, (378) p. 44, % Tectariopsis , n. sect, of Turbo , type j 'T. henrici , Caill. ; Cossmann, Cat. Coqu. Foss. Eocene Paris, iii (1888), p. 71. f Trochus demersus, n. sp., Tertiary of Haring, Dreger, Ann. Hofmuseum Wien, vii, p. 14, fig. Turbo {Leptothyra) phi lipiana, linnei, Caribbean, Dall, Bull. Mus. C. Z. xviii (1889), p. 353, figg.; "\T . tuberculosus , Tertiary of Haring, Dreger, Ann. Hofmuseum Wien, vii, p. 13, fig. : n. spp. Umbonium bairdii , n. sp., Caribbean, Dall, Bull. Mus. C. Z. xviii (1889), p. 359, figg. Uvanilla regina, n. sp., West Coast U. S. ; Stearns, Naut. vi, p. 85. Delphinulid^, Cyclostrematim], and Cocculinid^. Cocculina spinigera , anatomy ; Dall, Bull. Mus. C. Z. xviii (1889), p. 349. Cyclostrema turbinum, p. 393, Havana, pompholyx, Gulf of Mexico, cistro- nium , N. Carolina, p. 394, granulum , Samana Bay, ( Granigyra ) limatum , Cuba, p. 395, Dall, Bull. Mus. C. Z. xviii (1889), figg. ; C. rotundata , inflata , planulata , Port Elizabeth, Sowerby, (378) pp. 45 & 46, figg. : n. spp. f Delphinula parkeri , n. sp., Oxfordian of Boulogne, Rigaux, Mem. Soc. Acad. Boulogne, xiv, p. 107, fig. PROSOBRANCHIATA. Moll. 87 Liotia bairdii , p. 389, miniata , variabilis, p. 390, (Lippistes) acrilla , p. 391, amabilis, p. 392, n. spp., Carribbean, Dall, Bull. Mus. C. Z. xviii (1889), figg. Megatyloma, n. sect, of Tinostoma, type f T. wateleti , Desh. ; Cossmann, Cat. Coqu. Foss. Eocene Paris, iii, p. 50. Vitrinella multicarinata , E. Coast U. S., Dall, Bull. Mus. C. Z. xviii (1889), p. 392; V. williamsoni, San Pedro Bay, Dall in William- son, P. U. S. Nat. Mus. xv, p. 202, fig. : n. spp. Haliotidj], Pleurotomarjid^, and Bellerophontidjl Haliotis : imperforate specimen ; Smith, Conchologist, ii, pp. 75 & 76. Murchisonia ( Qoniostropha ) hibernica , tatei, p. 563, (Hypergonia) penton- ensis , p. 569, kirkbyi , p. 570, plana , p. 571, ( Godocaulus ?) tuedia , p. 572, n. spp., Carboniferous of British Is., Donald, Q. J. Geol. Soc. xlviii, figg. Pleurotomaria quoyana and adansoniana , description of the animal and anatomy ; Dall, Bull. Mus. C. Z. xviii (1889), pp. 397-403. f P. kayseri , n. sp., Palaeozoic of Bolivia, Ulrich, (412) p. 40, fig. Schismope fayalensis , n. sp., Azores, Dautzenberg, (107) 1889, p. 65, figg- ■ \Trematonotus britannicus, Wenlock Beds, near Dudley, proposed as a new species ; Newton, Geol. Mag. 1892, p. 339 : withdrawn as a synonym of T. dilatatus ; Newton, t. c. p. 525. Fissurellidjl Fissurellidce of the United States : catalogue of ; Pilsbry & Johnson, Naut. v, pp. 102-107, & 113. Emarginula compressa , Cantraine, note on ; Monterosato, J. de Conch. 1892, pp. 78-81. E. (Rimula) frenulata, W. Florida, Dall, Bull. Mus. C. Z. xviii (1889), p. 406, fig. ; t E. kittli , Tertiary of Haring, Dreger, Ann. Hof- museum Wieu, vii, p. 13, fig. : n. spp. Entomella, n. sect, of Emarginula , type j*_E7. clypeata , Lam. ; Cossmann, Cat. Coqu. Foss. Eocene Paris, iii (1888), p. 39. Eissurella (Glyphis) fluvianai n. sp., Caribbean, Dall, Bull. Mus. C. Z. xviii (1889), p. 408, fig. Puncturella watsoni, p. 403, Caribbean, P. (?) erecta , p. 405, n. spp,, N. Carolina, Dall, Bull. Mus. C. Z. xviii (1889). Scutum : note on the eye of ; Pelseneer, Bull. Soc. Mai. Belg. 1891 [1893], p. xxviii. \_S. ■=] Parmophor us australis, figured ; Boutan, Rev. Biol, v, pi. ix (p. 69). 88 Moll . VII. MOLLTJSCA. DOCOGLOSSA. AcMiEiDA? and Patellidas. Ac/ncea : position of osphradia ; Dall, Bull. Mus. C. Z. xviii (1889), p. 410. A. saccharina , Linn., note on ; Taylor, Naut. vi, p. 89. Patellidce of Japan ; Taylor, Naut. vi, pp. 69 & 70. Patella vulgata, respiratory globulin from the blood ; Griffiths, C.R. cxv, p. 259. Incerta Sedes. f Astralites, n. g. for A.fimbriatus, n. sp., Devonian, Manitoba ; Whit- eaves, Contr. Canad. Pal. i, p. 323, fig. In some characters this genus resembles Uvanilla , Onustus, or Pleurotomaria , but differs in the presence of a conspicuous fold upon the columella. HI. POLYPLACOPHORA. Monograph begun by Pilsbry (409), who subdivides group as far as done into : — 1. Lepidopleurid^e, ( Lepidopleurus , Hanleya, Hemi- arthrum , Microplax). 2. Chitonid^e, Ischnochitonince ( Leptoplax , Spongiochiton , Chcetopleura , Tonicella , Schizoplax , Callochiton, Ischno- chiton ), Chitonince , and Acanthoplenrince. The integument of Chitons ; Thiele, Biol. Centralbl. xi (1891), pp. 722-726. Respiratory globulin in the blood of Chitons ; Griffiths, C.R. cxv, pp. 474 & 475. Embryology of Chiton; Metcalf, Johns Hopk. Univ. Circ. xi, p. 79. Callochiton princeps , p. 50, Hab. ?, lobatus , p. 53, Tasmania (Carpenter MS.), n. spp., Pilsbry in Tryon’s Manual, xiv, fig. Chcetopleura gemmea , p. 31, Monterey, California, armillata, p. 39, Is. Gorriti (Carpenter MS.), n. spp. ; Pilsbry in Tryon’s Manual, xiv, fig. Cyanoplax, n. subg. of Toniciella ; Pilsbry in Tryon’s Manual, xiv, p. 44. Ischnochiton : Pilsbry in Tryon’s Manual, xiv, divides into subgenera as follows : — Stenochiton , Stenoplax , Ischnoplax , Heterozona , Tachy- dermon, Ischnochiton , Ischnoradsia. I. Jloridanus, p. 58, West Key, Florida, fallax (Carpenter MS.), p. 59, Monterey, California, acrior ( ib .), p. 61, Lower California, conspicuus ( ib .), p. 63, California and Lower California, cariosus (ib.), p. 65, Australia, solidior (ib.), p. 76, Philippines, asperior (ib.), p. 77, Hong Kong or Hakodade, perornatus (ib.), p. 77, hab. ?, multidentatus (ib.), p. 85, Bonin Is., haddoni (ib.), p.88, Port Jackson, N.S.W., bisculptus (Carpenter MS.), p. 119, Hong Kong ?, newcombi (ib.), p. 120, Santa Catalina Is., radians (ib.), p. 121, Monterey, California, aureotinctus (ib.), p. 123, Santa Catalina Is., decipiens (ib.), p. 123, Monterey, POLYPLACOPflOKA — SCAPHOPODA. Moll 89 California, corrugatus ( ib .), p. 123, California, cooperi ( ib .), p. 127, California, sinudentatus (ib.), p. 128, Monterey, California, n. spp., Pilsbry in Tryon’s Manual, xiv, figg. Lepidopleurus rugatus, p. 11, Lower California, granoliratus, p. 14, Mogador, curvatus, p. 16, Japan (Carpenter MS.), n. spp., Pilsbry in Tryon’s Manual, xiv, figg. Lepidozona, n. sect, of subg. Ischnochiton (s. s.) ; Pilsbry in Tryon’s Manual, xiv, pp. 86 & 125 [at first, p. 55, given as sect, of subg. Ischnoradsia]. Leptochiton pergranatus , n. sp., Dominica, Dall, Bull. Mus. C. Z. xviii (1889), p. 414. Notoplax Jioridanus, n. sp., Florida Keys, Dall, Bull. Mus. C. Z. xviii (1889), p. 416. Radsiella, n. sect, of subg. Ischnochiton (s. s.) ; Pilsbry in Tryon’s Manual, xiv, pp. 54 & 86. Spongiochiton productus (Carpenter MS.), n. sp., New Zealand, Pilsbry in Tryon’s Manual, xiv, p. 26, fig. IV. APLACOPHORA. Chcetoderma nitidulum , Loven: histological notes ; Wiren, Biol. Foren. Forhandl. iii (1890), pp. 37-49. Proneomenia sluiteri : anatomy and histology ; Heuscher, Viert. Ges. Zurich, xxxvii, pp. 148-161, figg.; P. aglaophenice , embryogeny of ; Pruvot, C.R. cxiv, pp. 1211-1214. V. SCAPHOPODA. Structure and relationship of the Solenoconcha : anatomy of Dentalium dentale , and notes on that of Siphonentalis affinis and Cadulus subfusi- formis ; Plate, Zool. JB. v, Anat. pp. 301-386, figg.: also id. Verh. Deutsch. Zool. Ges. i (1891), pp. 60-63. [For conclusions as to the phylogenetic relationships, see ante , p. 36.] Cadulus acus, fig., San Domingo, minusculus, Cape Hatteras, n. spp., Dall, Bull. Mus. C. Z. xviii (1889), p. 432. Dentalium : notes on its organization ; Plate, SB. Ges. Marb. 1890 (1891), pp. 26-29. D. callipeplum, p. 419, matara , p. 420, calamus , p. 421, taphrium , p. 422, carduus, p. 423, gouldii, p. 424, callithrix, p. 427, Transatlantic and Caribbean, Dall, Bull. Mus. C. Z. xviii (1889), figg.; \D. haering- ense , Tertiary of Haring, Dreger, Ann. Hofmuseum Wien, vii, p. 12, fig. : n. spp. Lcevidentalium , n. sect, of Dentalium , type iD. incertum , Desh. ; Coss- mann, Cat. Coqu. Foss. Eocene Paris, iii (1888), p. 11. Lobantale , n. sect, of Dentalium , type f D. duplex , Defr. ; Cossmann, Cat. Coqu. Foss. Eocene Paris, iii (1888), p. 11. 90 Moll. VII. MOLLUSCA. YI. PELECYPODA.* New classification proposed by G-robben (163, 164). — Some notes on the morphology of the Pelecypoda ; Kellog, Johns Hopk. Univ. Circ. xi, pp. 80-83. — On the margin of the mantle of Acephala siphoniata ; Rawitz, Jen. Z. Nat. xxvii, pp. 1-232, figg. — On the phylogeny of the Byssus-apparatus ; Thiele, Yerh. Deutsch. Zool. Ges. ii, pp. 52-57. 8EPTIBRANGHIATA. Anatomy of the Septibranchiata discussed ; Dall, Bull. Mus. C. Z. xviii (1889), pp. 441-452. Cuspidaria ( Neaera ) cuspidata, Olivi, structure ; Grobben, Arb. z. Inst. Wien, x, No. 3, pp. 1-31, figg. E ULAMELLIBRANCHIA TA . ANATINACBA. j* Allorisma re-defined ; Goodchild, P. Phys. Soc. Edinb. xi, pp. 245 & 246. Ectorisma , n. g., closely related to Pholadomya , for E. granulata , n. sp., S. Australia; Tate, Tr. R. Soc. S. Austr. xv, p. 127, fig. Pandora (Kenner lia) bushiana , n. sp., Florida, Dall in Simpson, P. Davenport Ac. v (1889), p. 71. f Pholadomya elegantula, n. sp., Pliocene of Savena, near Bologna, Foresti, Bull Soc. Mai. Ital. xvi, p. 81, fig. ■\Pleuromya gottschei, n. sp., Inf. Oolite of the Argentine Cordilleras, Behrendsen, Z. geol. Ges. xliv, p. 11, fig. ■\Thracia aequilatera, n. sp., Neocomian of the Argentine Cordilleras, Behrendsen, Z. geol. Ges. xliv, p. 21, fig. PHOLADACEA. Monograph by Clessin, pp. 25-40 & pis. vii-xii ; Martini & Chemnitz (246). f Aspidopholus stainieri, n. sp., Tertiary of Antwerp, Vincent, Bull. Soc. Mai. Belg. 1891 [1893], p. lxxxvii, fig. f Jouannetia cochlear ella, n. sp., Eocene of Belgium, Vincent, Mem. Soc. Mai. Belg. 1891 [1893], p. 166. Pholas dactylus : anatomy and physiology ; Dubois, Ann. Univ. Lyon, ii, fasc. 2. Pholadidce, from the Eocene of Belgium ; Vincent, Mem. Soc. Mai. Belg. 1891 [1893], pp. 164-168. * Arranged according to Pelseneer’s scheme, vide Woodward, Ann. N. H. xi, p 158. EULAMELLIBRANCHIATA. Moll 91 MYACEA. f Corbula bodenbenderi , p. 19, inflata , nana , p. 20, n. spp., Neocomian of the Argentine Cordilleras, Behrendsen, Z. geol. Ges. xliv, figg. CARDIACEA. Ceratoconclia , n. g. for C. costata, n. sp., Tertiary of Agram ; Gorjano- vic-Kramberger, Glasnik Naravosl. Druzt. iv (1889), p, 50, fig. Chama nicolloni, n. sp., West Coast of France, Datjtzenberg, Bull. Soc. Ouest France, ii, p. 133, figg. f Cornucaprina, n. g., for Schiosia carinata , G. Bohm ; Futterer, Pal. Abh. vi, p. 87, fig. ■ \Limnocardium jagici , p. 186, hosici , p. 188, margaritaceum , p. 190, n. spp., Tertiary of Markusevec (Croatia) ; Brusina, Glasnik Naravosl. Druzt. vii. f Orthoptychus, n. g., for 0. striatus, n. sp., Upper Cretaceous of the Venetian Alps ; Futterer, Pal. Abh. vi, p. 91, figg. f Schiosia, n. sect, for S. schiosensis, n. sp., Cretaceous of the Venetian Alps; Boehm, Ber. Ges. Freiburg, vi, p. 11, with other new species of Caprinidce. Sphcerium nyanzoe , n. sp., Victoria Nyanza, Smith, Ann. N. H. x, p. 383. VENERACEA. f Gonchodus : notes on the genus, with G. schwageri , n. sp., Upper Trias of the Northern Alps ; Tausch, Abh. Geol. Reichsanst. xvii, No. 1, 8 pp., 3 pis. Corbicula trajecta , n. n. for C. toughing ensis, Clessin ; Fischer, Bull. Soc. Autun, iv, p. 240. •\Cyprina argentina , n. sp., Neocomian of the Argentine Cordilleras ; Behrendsen, Z. geol. Ges. xliv, p. 22, fig. Cytherea convexa, Say, preocc. by Brongniart, for a Paris Basin species ; C. sayana, Conrad, stands ; Dall, Naut. vi, p. 52. C. gracilenta, rugata , nitidula, n. spp. ?, W. Coast of France, Locard, Echange, vii (1891), p. 69. j -Isocardia hoeneni , n. sp., Neocomian of the Argentine Cordilleras, Beh- rendsen, Z. geol. Ges. xliv, p. 22, fig. Isocardiidce , n. n. for Cyprinidce ; Bucquoy & others, (55) p. 313. Meroe ovalis , n. sp., Port Elizabeth, Sowerby, (378) p. 59, fig. t Pachyerisma: on the scar of the pedal muscle ; Boehm, Ber. Ges. Freiburg, vi, pp. 119 & 120. Petricola ponsonbyi, n. sp., Port Elizabeth, Sowerby, (378) p. 61, fig. j Ptychomya hoeneni , n. sp., Neocomian of the Argentine Cordilleras, Behrendsen, Z. geol. Ges. xliv, p. 23, fig. 92 Moll. VII. MOLLUSCA. TELLINACEA. Donax bipartitus, n. sp., South Africa, Sowerby, (378) p. 58, fig. Herouvalia defined ; Cossmann, Mem. Soc. Mai. Belg. 1891 (1892), p. 28. Mactra : on the systematic position of Mactra and its allies ; Bittner, Yerh. geol. Reichsanst. 1892, pp. 232-241. Mactra capensis , n. sp., Port Elizabeth, Sowerby, (378) p. 55, fig. Syndosmya schneideri , n. sp., Borkum Is., Bcettger in Schneider, Nachr. mal. Ges. 1892, p. 116. Tellina ( Macoma ) crawfordi , rousi , n. spp., Port Elizabeth, Sowerby, (378) p. 57, figg. SUBMYTILACEA. ( Marine Forms.) f Antkracosia venjuhowi, p. 155, subnucleus, p. 156, loewinsoni, p. 157, ovi- formis, truncata, obscura , p. 158, n. spp., Permian of Russia, Ama- lizky, Palseontogr. xxxix, figg. f Carbonicola subovalis , p. 146, striata , p. 148, substegocephalum , p. 149, recta , indeterminata, p. 150, nova, p. 152, n. spp., Permian of Russia, Amalizky, Palaeontogr. xxxix, figg. Cardita elata, Port Elizabeth, Sowerby, (378) p. 63, fig. ; C. gemmulifera , S. Australia, Tate, Tr. R. Soc. S. Austr. xv, p. 130, fig. : n. spp. Carditella rugosa , n. sp., South Africa, Sowerby, (378) p. 63, fig. Felania subradiata , n. sp., Port Elizabeth, Sowerby, (378) p. 62, fig. Lucina per-obliqua, p. 128, paupera, p. 129, n. spp., S. Australia, Tate, Tr. R. Soc. S. Austr. xv, figg. f Myoconcha parvula, n. sp., Alpine Trias, Woeiirmann & Koken, Z. geol. Ges. xliv, p. 177, fig. Mysella ovalis, n. sp., S. Australia, Tate, Tr. R. Soc. S. Austr. xv, p. 128, fig. Neocardia , n. g. for N. agulata, n. sp., Port Elizabeth, Sowerby, (378) p. 63, fig. f Opts pellati, n. sp., Oxfordian of Boulogne, Rigaux, Mem. Soc. Acad. Boulogne, xiv, p. 107, fig. •j* Plethocardia , n. g. for P. umbonata and suberecta , n. spp. ; Ulrich, Rep. Geol. Surv. Minnesota, No. 19, pp. 243-245, figg. Tellimya producta, n. sp., St. Helena, Smith, Ann. N. H. x, p. 130. \Trigonodus costatus, p. 186, minutus , p. 187, n. spp., Alpine Trias, Woehrmann & Koken, Z. geol. Ges. xliv, figg. ( F resliwater Forms.) Unionidj: and Dreissensiidjk. Anodonta : notes on ; Jhering, Zool. Anz. xv, pp. 1-5. A. ehapalensis , Mexico, Crosse & Fischer, J. de Conch. 1892, p.295; A. grceca , p. 90, quellenneci, p. 91, lepida , p. 92, Lake Copais, Greece, EULAMELLIBRANCHIATA. Moll. 93 Ihotellerii , Belgium, Drouet, J. de Conch. 1892 ; A. recurvirostris , (Kiister MS.) gallensteini, Carinthia, Kobelt in Rossmaessler, (322) vi, p. 47, figg. : n. spp. Congeria and Dreissensia , their relationship and distribution in space and time ; Oppenheim, Z. geol. Ges. xliii, pp. 923-966, 1 pi. C. triangu- laris. notes on the group ; Brusina, Z. geol. Ges. xliv, pp. 488-497. ■\C. hcernesi , p. 492, ornithopsis , p. 495, Brusina, Z. geol. Ges. xliv ; +(7. mytilopsis , ramphora , p. 182, doderleini , p. 183, gitneri , p. 184, Tertiary of Markusevec, Brusina, Glasnik Naravosl. Druzt. vii : n. spp. Cristaria [= Dipsas], note on ; Jhering, Nachr. mal. Ges. 1892, pp. 1-14. Dipsas plicata, Lea: anatomy ; Ishikawa (192a). Dreissensia and Congeria, their relationship and distribution in space and time ; Oppenheim, Z. geol. Ges. xliii, pp. 923-966, 1 pi. Dreissen[sf\a polymorpha , development ; Korschelt, Ann. N. H. ix, pp. 157-169, figg- D. massiei, n. sp., Laos, Morlet, J. de Conch. 1892, p. 85. f Dreissensiidce : fossil species of Dalmatia, Croatia, and Slavonia ; Brusina, Glasnik Naravosl. Druzt. vii, pp. 195-199. Glabaris : notes on ; Jhering, Zool. Anz. xv, pp. 1-5. Margaritana margaritifer , Linn., notes on a specimen of ; Moebius, SB. nat. Fr. 1892, p. 92. fj Najadites verneuili , p. 187, Jischeri , subcastor , p. 191, olcensis, p. 193, parallela , sibirzewi, p. 194, indeterminata , dubia , monstrum , p. 195, n. spp., Permian of Russia ; Amalizky, Palaeontogr. xxxix, figg. f Oligodon, n. g., p. 179, for 0. kingi, p. 181, geinitzi , zitteli , p. 182, n. spp., Permian of Russia, Amalizky, Palaeontogr. xxxix, figg. f Palceomutela, n. g., p. 159, for P. verneuili , p. 163, subparallela , solenoides , p. 164, trapezoidalis , compressa , p. 165, lunulata, semi - lunulata, p. 166, keyserlingi , p. 168, orthodonta , oralis , p. 169, subovalis, trigonalis , p. 170, irregularis , golowkinskiana, p. 171, rectangular is, obliqua, triangularis, p. 174, vaga, jparva , p. 175, elegan- tissima, p. 176, murchisoni , plana, Icevis, p. 177, crassa, gorbatowi , p. 178, curiosa, p. 179, n. spp., Permian of Russia, Amalizky, Palaeontogr. xxxix, figg. Pseudodon crassus , ceneolus , Borneo ; Drouet & Chaper, Mem. Soc. Zool. v, pp. 151 & 152, figg. (see also J. de Conch. 1892, pp. 93 & 94). Spatha subaequilatera, n. sp., Victoria Nyanza, Martens, Conch. Mittheil. iii ( 1 889), p 18, fig. Spathella bloyeti , p. 198, spathuliformis , p. 199, E. Centr. Africa, n. spp., Bourguignat, (37) 1889, figg. Unionidce : on a revision of the American Unionidce ; Simpson, Naut. vi, pp. 78-80 : preliminary list of New York species ; Marshall, Bull. New York Mus. Nat. Hist, i, 17 pp. Unionidce of New York State Marshall, Bull. New York Mus. Nat. Hist, i, No. 1. Unionidce of Spoon River, Illinois ; Strode, Am. Nat. xxvi, pp. 495-501. 94 Moll. VII. MOLLUSCA. Unio : variability of the Tasmanian ; Johnston, P. R. Soc. Tasm. 1888 (1889), pp. 95 & 96. U. luteolus and radiatus , more notes on ; Dean, Naut. v, p. 112. U. vagulus , n. n. for U. subtrigonus , Sow., non Deshayes ; Fischer, Ball. Soc. Autan. iv, p. 223. U. quintardii, Cragin, pilsbryi, Marsh, and ( Arconaia ) provancheriana , Pilsbry, figured ; Pilsbry, P. Ac. Philad. 1892, pp. 131 & 132, 2 pis. U. usumasintce , yzabalensis , Guatemala, Crosse & Fischer, J. de Conch. 1892, pp. 294 ; V. corbeti , Lake Kaudy, Ceylon, Deschamps, Bull. Soc. Z. Fr. xvii, p. 68, fig. ; TJ. serradelli, Philippines, p. 86, helence, Corfu, p. 87, thiessece, Greece, p. 88, clessini , Danube [i.e. the Douau] at Lauingen, p. 89, Drouet, J. de Conch. 1892 ; U. lugens, p. 147, saccellus , p. 148, lingulatus, p. 149, radulosus , p. 150, trompi , p. 153, fulvaster, p. 154, Borneo, Drouet & Chafer, Mem. Soc. Z. Fr. vi, figg.; Z7. dugasti , Laos, Morlet, J. de Conch. 1892, p. 86 ; U. subluridus , Orange Springs, Yolusia County, Florida, Simpson, P. U. S. Nat. Mus. xv, p. 432, fig. : n. spp. PSEUDOLAMELLIBRANCHIATA . Ostreime and Aviculim:. ■ fAvicula kokeni , n. sp., Alpine Trias, Woehrmann & Koken, Z. geol. Ges. xliv, p. 175, fig. f Cleionychia, n. g., type Ambonychia lamellosa, Hall, with C. rhomboidea, n. sp , Trenton Limestone of U. S. ; Ulrich, Am. Geol. x, p. 97, fig. 'fLithiotis problematical Gumb., notes on ; Boehm, Ber. Ges. Freiburg, vi, pp. 65-80, figg. f Maccoyella, n. g., type Avicula barklyi , Moore, Rolling Downs formation of Queensland ; Jack & Etheridge, (193) p. 451, fig. ^ Merismopteria, n. g., type Pterinea macroptera , from the Permo-Carboni- ferous of Queensland ; Jack & Etheridge, (193) p. 271, fig. Ostrea : notes on oysters ; Schieldt (334, 335, 336). fPerna nana , n. sp., Inferior Oolite of the Argentine Cordilleras, Beh- rendsen, Z. geol. Ges. xliv, p. 11, fig. 'f Pinna tomassi , n. sp., Alpine Trias, Woehrmann & Koken, Z. geol. Ges. xliv, p. 177, fig. -f Posidonomya steinmanni , n. sp., Inferior Oolite of the Argentine Cordil- leras, Behrendsen, Z. geol. Ges. xliv, p. 10, fig. ■f Pseudavicula, n. g., type Lucina anomala , Moore, from the Rolling Downs Beds of Queensland ; Jack & Etheridge, (193) p. 449, fig. PECTINACEA. Amusium dalli : gill structure; Dall, Bull. Mus. C. Z. xviii (1889), p. 433. j 'Deltopecten, ti. g., type Pecten illawarensis, Morris, intermediate between PSEUDOL AM ELLIBRANC HI ATA P ROTO BRAN C H I ATA. Moll. 95 Pecten and Aviculopecten, from the Permo-Carboniferous of Queens- land ; Jack & Etheridge, (193) p. 269, fig. Dimya argentea : gill structure ; Dale, Bull. Mus. C. Z. xviii (1889), p. 433. Pecten crouch? , Mauritius, Smith, Ann. N. H. ix, p. 255, fig. ; f P. zitteli, Alpine Trias, Woehrmann & Koken, Z. geol. Ges. xliv, p. 173, fig. : n. spp. Spondylus gcederopus , L., disappearance from Maltese Waters ; Caruana- Gatto, Med. Nat. i, p. 165. S. powelli, n. sp., Madeira, Smith, Journ. Conch, vii, p. 70. FILIBBANGHIA TA. Anomiidce of the Coast of France, with Anomia boletiformis , n. sp. [?] ; Locard, Echange, vii (1891), p. 86. Area ectocomata : gill structure ; Dall, Bull. Mus. C. Z. 1889, p. 433. Barhatia helblingia : foot and byssus glands figured ; Sluiter, Tijdschr. Nederl. Dierk. Ver. iii, pp. 170-184. Lithodomus dactylus , on the boring powers of ; Carazzi, Atti Soc. Ligust. iii, p. 279-297, fig. L. projectans, cuneiformis , S. Australia, n. spp., Tate, Tr. R. Soc. S. Austr. xv, pp. 131 & 132, figg. ■\Myophoria (?) plana , n. sp., Alpine Trias, Woehrmann & Koken, Z. geol. Ges. xliv, p. 183, fig. Myrina crenatulifera , n. sp., S. Australia, Tate, Tr. R. Soc. S. Austr. xv, p. 131, fig. Pectunculus : species living in the Mediterranean, and fossil in the Upper Tertiary strata of Italy; Gregorio, Nat. Sicil. xi, pp. 89-96, 106-114, & 209-212; Monterosato, t. c. pp. 143-155. fi Schizodus negrii, n. sp., Trias of Balia, Asia Minor, Bittner, JB. Geol. Reichsanst. xlii, p. 86, fig. f Trigonia densestriata , Inferior Oolite of the Argentine Cordilleras, Behrendsen, Z. geol. Ges. xliv, p. 12, fig.; \T. transatlantica, p. 27, anguste-costata , p. 28, Upper Cretaceous of the Argentine Cordilleras, Behrendsen, Z. geol. Ges. xliv, figg.; +T. seeleyi , Lower Oolites of Boulogne, Rigaux, Mem. Soc. Acad. Boulogne, xiv, p. 106, fig. : n. spp. FRO TOBBANCHIA TA . Nucula : list of species belonging to the subgenus Acila ; Smith, Journ. Conch, vii, pp. 110-112. N. {Acila) fultoni , n. sp., Bay of Bengal, Smith, Journ. Conch, vii, p. 111. 96 Moll. VII. MOLLUSCA. ■\Nuculites beneckei, p. 46, Jcruegeri, p. 48, n. spp., Palaeozoic of Bolivia, Ulrich (412), figg. t Palceoneilo forbesi, n. sp., Palaeozoic of Bolivia, Ulrich, (412), p. 42, fig. j* Yoldia beyrichi, n. sp., Rupelian of Germany, Bcettger, Mai. Bl. xi, p. 92. Incerta Sedes. f Amnigenia rhenana, n. sp., Middle Devonian of Germany, Beushausen, JB. Preuss. geol. Landesanst. xi, Abhandl. p. 1, fig. Brack. 1 Till. BRACHIOPODA. BY B. B. Woodward, F.G.S., F.R.M.S-, &c. I.— TITLES* 1. Beecher, C. E. Development of the Brachiopoda. Pt. n. Classifi-. cation of the stages of growth and decline. Am. J. Sci. xliv, pp. 133-154, 1 pi. 2. . Ueber die Entwickelung der Brachiopoden. JB. Mineral. 1892, i, pp. 178-197, 1 pi. Translation of article in Am. J. Sci. 1891. See Zool. Rec. 1891. 3. Bierbauer, B. A Check-list of the Palaeozoic Fossils of Wis- consin, Minnesota, Iowa, Dakota, and Nebraska. Bull. Minnesota Acad. iii. [Brachiopoda , pp. 226-234.] 4. Bittner, A. Neue Arten aus der Trias von Balia in Kleissasien. JB. geol. Reichsanst. xlii, pp. 77-89, 2 pis. 5. . Brachiopoden der Alpinen Trias. Nachtrag i. Abh. geol. Reichsanst. xii, No. 2, 38 pp., 4 pis. 6. Blochmann, F. Ueber die Anatomie nnd die verwandtschaftlichen Beziehungen der Brachiopoden. Arch. Yer. Mecklenb. xlvi, pp. 37-50. 7. -. Untersuchungen fiber den Bau der Brachiopoden. i. Die Anatomie von Crania anomala , O. F. M. Jena : 1892, 4to, G5 pp., 7 pis. * An asterisk prefixed to a quotation indicates that the Recorder has not seen the Journal or Work referred to. 1892. [yol. xxix.] D 7 2 Brack. VIII. BRACHIOPODA. 8. Boese, E., & Finkelstein, H. Die mittefjurassischen Brachiopoden- Schichten bei Castel Tesino im ostlichen Sudtirol. Z, geol. Ges. xliv, pp. 265-302. Brachiopoda begin p. 285. 9. Calvin, S. Two unique Spirifers from the Devonian Strata of Iowa. Bull. Lab. Iowa, ii, pp. 165-167, 1 pi. Clarke, J. M. [See Hall & Clarke (17).] 10. Crane, Miss A. Recent observations on the anatomy and develop- ment of the Brachiopoda. Nat. Sci. 1892, pp. 603-611. 11. Derby, 0. A. Nota sobre a geologia e paleontologia de Matto Grosso. \_Brachiopoda with Notothyris (?) smithii and Centronella margarida , n. spp.] Arch. Mus. R. Jan. ix, pp. 59-88. 12. Etheridge, R., Jun. On the occurrence of an Orthis [0. leviensis ], allied to O. actonice, J. de C. Sby., and 0. flabellulum, J. de C. Sby., in the Lower Silurian rocks of Central Australia. In Brown Reports on the Coal-bearing area near Leigh’s Creek [Govt. Rept.], 1891, pp. 13 & 14, figg. 13. . The Pentameridce of New South Wales. Rec. Geol. Surv. N.S.W. iii, pp. 49-60, 2 pis. Finkelstein, H. [See Boese & Finkelstein (8).] 14. Fischer, P., & (Ehlert, P. Mission scientifique du Cap Horn (1882-83) — Brachiopodes. Bull. Soc. Autun, v, pp. 254-334, 5 pis., text illust. 15. & . Brachiopodes de l’Atlantique Nord. [Fasc. iii of Resultats des campagnes scientifiques accomplies sur son yacht par le .. .Prince de Monaco.] Monaco : 1892, 4to, 30 pp., 2 pis. 16. & . Sur 1’evolution de l’appareil branchial de quelques Brachiopodes. C.R. cxv, pp. 749-751. 17. Hall, J., & Clarke, J. M. An introduction to the study of the genera of Palaeozoic Brachiopoda. Pt. i. Geol. Surv. State of New York. Palaeontology viii, pp. xvi & 367, 41 pis. 18. Johnston, R. M. Additions to the list of Tasmanian Fossils [ Brachiopoda ] of Upper Palaeozoic age. P. R. Soc. Tasm. 1889 (1890), pp. 137-141, 1 pi. 19. Joubin, L. Recherches sur l’anatomie de Waldheimia venosa , Sol. Mem. Soc. Zool. v, pp. 554-583, figg. 20. Kayser, E. Beitrage zur Kenntniss der Fauna der Siegenschen Grau- wacke. JB. k. preuss. geol. Landesanst. 1890, pp. 95-107, 5 pis. 21. Matthew, G. F. Trematobolus : an articulate Brachiopod of the inarticulate Order. Can. Rec. v, pp. 276-279, fig. TITLES, ANATOMY, ETC, Brack. 3 22. Newton, R. B. On the occurrence of Ghonetes pratti , Davidson, in the Carboniferous rocks of Western Australia. Geol. Mag. 1892, pp. 468, 469, & 542-544, 1 pi. CEhlert, D. P., & Fischer, P. [See Fischer & CEiilert (14-16).] 23. Rigaux, E. Notice geologique sur le Bas Boulonnais. Mem. Soc. Acad. Boulogne, xiv [n. spp. described on pp. 102-108, 2 pis.]. 24. Rothpletz, A. Die Perm-, Trias- und Jura-formation auf Timor und Rotti im Indischen Archipel. Palseontogr. xxxix, Permian Brachio- poda , pp. 76-85, figg. 25. Schellwien, E. Die Fauna des Karnischen Fusilinenkalks . . . Thl. i. . . . Brachiopoda. Palseontogr. xxxix, pp. 1-56, 8 pis. Schuchert, C. [See Winchell & Schuchert (31).] 26. Simpson, G-. B. Descriptions of new species of fossils from the Clinton . . . aud Waverley groups, &c. Tr. Am. Phil. Soc. xvi (1890) [ Brachiopoda , pp. 437-445, figg.] 27. Sowerby, G. B. Marine shells of South Africa, &c. 4to, London. [6 spp. enumerated at p. 67.] 28. Ulrich, A. Palaeozoische Yersteinerungen aus Bolivien. Stein- mann’s Beitr. Geol. Palaeont. S. Amer. i, 116 pp., 5 pis. Stuttgart : 1892, 8vo. 29. Walker, J. F. The discovery of Terebratulina substriata, Schlo- theim, in Yorkshire. Geol. Mag. 1892, p. 364. 30. . On Yorkshire Thecidea. T. c. p. 548. 31. Winchell, N. H., & Schuchert, C. Preliminary descriptions of new Brachiopoda from the Trenton and Hudson River groups of Minnesota. Am. Geol. ix, pp. 284-294. II.— ANATOMY, &c. Anatomy and relationships of the Brachiopoda ; Blochmann (6), who considers them closely related to Phoronis. — Recent observations on the anatomy and development of the Brachiopoda [a summary] ; Crane (10). — Anatomy of Crania anomala , O.F.M. ; Blochmann (7). — Anatomy with figg. of Waldheimia venosa , Solander ; Joubin (19). Development of Brachiopoda , stages of growth and decline ; Beecher (1). Evolution of the branchial apparatus of Brachiopoda ; Fischer & CEhlert (16). Observations on the characters of the shells of Palaeozoic Brachiopoda , and such structures in the recent forms as throw light upon them are given in Hall & Clarke (17). 4 Brack. VIII. BRACHIOPODA. III.— DISTRIBUTION. A.— GEOGRAPHICAL. English Channel : Brachiopoda off the Coast of the Department of the Somme ; Bizet, Mem. Soc. L. N. Fr. viii, pp. 390-392. North Atlantic forms ; Fischer & CEhlert (15). South Africa : 6 species recorded from ; Sowerby (27). Australia : third supplement to list of Paliobranchs ; Tate (see ante , Moll . 399a). Cape Horn species ; Fischer & CEhlert (14). B.— GEOLOGICAL. Summary of the palaeontology of 1890, Brachiopoda by D. P. (Eiilert, Ann. Geol. univ. Paris, 1890 (1892), pp. 1025-1039. Fossil types in the Bath Museum, P. Bath N. H. Soc. vii, pp. 279-281. Tertiary species from Queensland, 1 n. sp., Jack & Etheridge, (ante, Moll. 193) pp. 561-574. Eocene Brachiopoda, from the environs of Paris ; Mem. Soc. Mai. Belg. 1891, pp. 15-20. Secondary Brachiopoda , from the Balkans, with new species ; Yankov, Rad. Jugoslav, akad. cxi, pp. 92 & 93. — Secondary Brachiopoda , from Queensland and New Guinea, with new species; Jack & Etheridge, (ante, Moll. 193) pp. 442-444. Cretaceous Brachiopoda of Schleswig-Holstein ; Stolly, MT. min. Inst. Kiel, i, pp. 245-248. — Upper Senonian Brachiopoda of the Eifel ; Yogel, Yerh. Yer. Rheinl. xlix, pp. 87-90. — 3 species quoted from the Cretaceous of the Podol’ski Government ; RadkevIch, Zapiski Kiev, xi (1891) p. 83. Jurassic Brachiopoda of Yorkshire, List ; Fox-Strangways, Mem. Geol. Surv. U. K. Jurassic Rocks, vol. ii, pp. 40-45, 148-150, & 201-204. — Middle Jurassic Brachiopoda from Castel Tesino, in S. E. Tirol ; Boese & Finkelstein (8). — Rhynconella pellati , n. sp., Oxfordian of Boulogne ; Rigaux (23). Liassic Brachiopoda from the Ironstone, near Helmstedt, with new species ; Wollemann, Yerh. Yer. Rheinl. xlix, pp. 125-146. Triassic Brachiopoda of the Duchy of Sachsen-Altenburg; Geinitz, MT. Osterlande, v, pp. 189 & 190. — Triassic species from the Alps, with many new forms, and Dinar ella, n. g. ; Bittner (4). — Waldheimia bulcowsJcii, Spiriferina moscai, and Spirigera tricuspii, n. spp., Trias of Balia, Asia Minor ; Bittner (5). Palaeozoic Brachiopoda of the State of New York (Tnarticulata and Articulata, Orthis to Productus ), with many new genera and new species; Hall & Clarke (17). — Check-list of the Palaeozoic Brachiopoda from Wisconsin, Minnesota, Iowa, Dakota, and Nebraska ; Bierbauer (3). — New Brachiopoda from the Palaeozoic of Boulogne ; Rigaux (23). — Permian and Devonian Brachiopoda of the Duchy of Sachsen-Altenburg; INARTICULATA. Brack. 5 Geinitz, MT. Osterlande, v, pp. 169, 177 & 178. — Upper Palaeozoic Brachiopoda of Tasmania , Johnston (18). — Middle Devonian and Permo-Carboniferous species from Queensland, with new and indeter- minate species; Jack & Etheridge (ante, Moll. 193) pp. 64-68, 225-264. Permian Brachiopoda from Timor and Rotti, with new species ; Roth- pletz (24). Carboniferous : Brachiopoda of the Carinthian Fusilina Limestone, with many new species ; Schellwien (25). — Grauwacke Fauna of Siegen, with Biscina , 2 new species ; Kayser, JB. k. preuss. geol. Landesanst. xi, Abhandl. pp. 95-107, figg. — Chonetes pratti from the Carboniferous of W. Australia ; Newton (22). Devonian Brachiopoda of the Eastern Alps, with new species ; Frech, Z. geol. Ges. xliii, pp. 672-680. — Devonian Brachiopoda from Matto Grosso : Notothyris (?) smithii and Centronella (?) niargarida , n. spp. ; Derby (11). — Devonian of Bolivia, with 7 new species ; Ulrich (28). — Devonian species from Manitoba, with 2 new species ; Whiteayes, Contr. Canad. Pal. i, pp. 281-291, figg. — 9 new species from the Clinton, Lower Helderberg, Chemung and Waverley Groups of Penn- sylvania : Simpson (26). — Spirifer urhana and machridei , from the Devonian of Iowa, figured by Calvin (9). — Terebratula iowensis , n. sp., Devonian, Iowa ; Calvin, Bull. Lab. Iowa, i, p. 174, fig. — Fauna of the St. John Group, Canada, with new species of Brachiopoda ; Matthew, Tr. R. Soc. Canada, ix (4), pp. 39-50. — Trematoiholus , n. g., St. John Group, New Brunswick ; Matthew (21). — Lower Devonian Brachio- poda, with 4 new species ; Beclard, Bull. Soc. Belg. Geol. v, pp. 96-102, figg. Siluro-Devonian Pentameridce of Australia ; Etheridge (13). Silurian : New species from the Trenton and Hudson River Groups of Minnesota, with Eallina, n. g., Winchell & Schuchert (31). — Orthis leviensis , n. sp., and flabellulum, J. de C. Sby., from the Lower Silurian of Central Australia ; Etheridge (12). Cambiian fossils of S. Australia, with Orthisina compta and Orthis (?) peculians, n. spp. ; Tate, Tr. R. Soc. S. Austr. xv, p. 185. IV. — SYSTEMATIC. INARTICULATA. f Barroisella, n. g., type Lingula subspatula, Meek & W.; Hall & Clarke, (17) p. 62, figg. Crania anomala , O.F.M., anatomy ; Blochmann (7). Biscina siegenensis, p. 95, anomala, p. 96, n. spp., Grauwacke of Siegen, Kayser, JB. k. preuss. geol. Landesanst. 1890, figg. t Biscinopsis , n. g., type Acrotreta ? gulielmi , Matth. ; Hall & Clarke, (17) p. 105, figg. \Lindstrcemella , n. subg. of Biscina, type L. aspidum , n. sp., Palaeozoic of New York State ; Hall & Clarke, (17) p. 134, figg. 6 Brack. VIII. BRACHIOPODA. f (Ehlertella, n. subg. of Discina , type D. pleuriles, Meek ; Hall & Clarke, (17) p. 133. Uoemerella, n. subg. of Discina, type D. grandis , Yanux. ; Hall & Clarke, (17) p. 137, fig. f Tomasina, n. g., type Lingula criei , Dav.; Hall & Clarke, (17) p. 65, \Trematobolus, n. g. for T. insignis, St. John Group of St. Martins, New Brunswick ; Matthew, Can. Rec. v, p. 276, fig. This genus is con- nected with the Obolidce, but differs in having articulate valves. It may be looked on as combining the features of Siphonotreta , Schizam- bon , and Obolus in its ventral valve, with those of Obolus , Obolella, and Orthis in its dorsal valve. ARTICULATA. PrODUCTIDjE. \ Chonetes pratti, Davids., from Carboniferous of W. Australia ; Newton, Geol. Mag. 1892, pp. 468, 469, & 542-544, fig. fCY. douvillei, Devonian of Boulogne, Rigaux, Mem. Soc. Acad. Boulogne, xiv, p. 104, fig.; iC. arcei , p. 77, ruecki , p. 79, stuebeli, p. 80, Devonian of Bolivia, Ulrich, (28) figg. : n. spp. f Chonopectus, n. g., type Chonetes fischeri , Norw. ; Hall & Clarke, (17) p. 312, fig. f Chonostrophia , n. g., type Chonetes reversa , Whitf. ; Hall & Clarke, (17) p. 310, fig. STROPHOMENIDAi]. f Billing sell a, n. g., type Orthis pepina, Hall ; Hall & Clarke, (17) p. 230, figg. ■j* Christiania, n. g., type Leptcena subquadrata, Hall; Hall & Clarke, (17) p. 298, fig. •f* Dalmanella, n. sect, of Orthis , group of 0. testudinaria, Dalm. ; Hall & Clarke, (17) p. 205, fig. j 'Dinorthis, n. sect, of Orthis , group 0. pectinella, Emm.; Hall & Clarke, (17) p. 195, fig. ■fHerbertella, n. sect, of Orthis , group 0. sinuata , Hall ; Hall & Clarke, (17) p. 198, fig. ■f Ueter orthis, n. sect, of Orthis, group 0. clytie, Hall ; Hall & Clarke, (17) p. 202, figg. ■ fKayserella , n. g., type Orthis lepida , Schnur. ; Hall & Clarke, (17) p. 259, fig. •\Leptella, n. g., type Leptcena sovdida, Billings; Hall & Clarke, (17) p. 293, fig, ARTICULATA. Brack . 7 f Orthidium, n. g., type Orthis gemmicula , Billings ; Hall & Clarke, (17) p. 244, fig. f Orthis leviensis, n. sp., from the Lower Silurian of Central Australia ; Etheridge, (12) p. 24, figg. f Orthotichia , n. sect, of Orthis , group 0. ? morganiana, Derby ; Hall & Clarke, (17) p. 213, figg. * fPlcesiomys , n. sect, of Orthis , group 0. subquadrata , Hall ; Hall & Clarke, (17) p. 196, fig. f Plectorthis, n. sect, of Orthis , group of 0. plicatella , Hall ; Hall & Clarke, (17) p. 194, figg. ' \Polytoechia , n. subg. of Clitambonites , type Hemipronites apicalis, Whitf . ; Hall & Clarke, (17) p. 239, fig. *j ‘Protorthis, n. g., type Orthis billing si, Hartt. ; Hall & Clarke, (17) p. 231, fig. • \Rafinesquina , n. g., type Leptama alternata , Conr. ; Hall & Clarke, (17) p. 281, fig. SpIRIFERID/E. t Athyris betencourti , n. sp., Devonian, Boulogne ; Rigaux, Mem. Soc. Acad. Boulogne, xiv, p. 103, fig. f Cyrtina lonquetii , n. sp., Carboniferous of Boulogne ; Rigaux, Mem. Soc. Acad. Boulogne, xiv, p. 105, fig. 'fMeristella risJcowskyi, n. sp., Devonian of Bolivia ; Ulrich, (28) p. 64, figg- f Spirifer urbanci and macbridei , Devonian, Iowa ; figured by Calvin, Bull. Lab. Iowa, ii, pi. xii. f S. barroisi , Devonian, Boulogne, Rigaux, Mem. Soc. Acad. Boulogne, xiv, p. 102, fig. ; f/S. chuquisaca , Devonian of Bolivia, Ulrich, (28) p. 65, figg. : n. spp. f Spiriferina moscai , n. sp., Trias of Balia, Asia Minor ; Bittner, JB. geol. Reichsanst, xlii, p. 80, fig. fSpirigera- tricupii, n. sp,, Trias of Balia, Asia Minor ; Bittner, JB. geol,. Reichsanst. xlii, p. 82, fig. t Thecocyrtella n. n. for Cyrtotheca , Bittner non Salter ; Bittner, Abh. geol. Reichsanst. xvii, No. 2, p. 15. Rhynchonellim. '\Pentameridce of New South Wales ; Etheridge, Rec. Greol. Surv. N.S.W. iii, pp. 49-60, 2 pis. f Rhynchonella symptychos , Middle Jurassic of S. E. Tirol, Boese & Finkelstein, Z. geol. G-es. xliv, p. 300, fig. ; R. lemeslii , Devonian, p. 103, pellati, Oxfordian, p. 106, of Boulogne, Rigaux, Mem. Soc, Acad. Boulogne, xiv, figg. : n, spp. 8 Brack. VIII. BRACHIOPODA. Terebratulim. -j* Centronella (?) margarida, Devonian, Matto Grosso, Derby, Arch. Mus. R. Jan. ix, p. 84 ; C. silvetii, p. 51, arcei , p. 53, Devonian of Bolivia, Ulrich, (28) figg. : n. spp. f Dinarella, n. g., with D. haueri , n. sp., Trias of the Alps, Bittner, Abh. geol. Reichsanst. xvii, No. 2, p. 24, figg. Hallina, n. g. for H. saffordi , and nicolleti , n. spp., Lower Silurian of Minnesota, Winchell & Schuchert, Am. Geol. ix, pp. 291-293. f Notothyris (?) smithii , n. sp., Devonian of Matto Grosso, Derby, Arch. Mus. R. Jan. ix, p. 81, fig. j* Terebratula haasi , p. 287, vespertilio , p. 290, Middle Jurassic of S. E. Tirol, n. spp., Boese & Finkelstein, Z. geol. Ges. xliv, figg. f Terebratulina substriata, Schloth., in Yorkshire ; Walker, Geol. Mag. 1892, p. 364. Waldheimia venosa, Soland., anatomy with figg. ; J oubin, Mem. Soc. Zool. v, pp. 554r-583. j- W. bukowsJai , Trias of Balia, Asia Minor, Bittner, JB. geol. Reich- sanst. xlii, p. 79, fig. ; fW. tesinensis, Middle Jurassic of S. E. Tirol, Boese & Finkelstein, Z. geol. Ges. xliv, p. 285, fig. : n. spp. Thecideim. f Thecidea: on Yorkshire species ; Walker, Geol. Mag. 1892, p. 548. Bry. 1 IX. BRYOZOA (POLYZOA). BY B. B. Woodward, F.G.S., F.B.M.S., &c. (With kind assistance from R. Kirkpatrick, Esq., F.Z.S., &c.) I. — TITLES. 1. Ami, H. M. Notes and descriptions of some new or hitherto unrecorded species of Fossils from the . . . Ordovician rocks of the Province of Quebec . . . Bryozoa. Can. Rec. v, pp. 96-103. 2. Bierbauer, B. A Check-list of the Palaeozoic Fossils of Wisconsin, Minnesota, Iowa, Dakota, and Nebraska. Bull. Minnesota Acad. iii. Polyzoa, pp. 222-226. 3. Bizet, E. Catalogue des Mollusques observes a l’etat vivant dans le Departement de la Somme. Mem. Soc. L. N. Fr. viii. Bryozoa , pp. 393-402. 4. Braem, F. Die keimblatter der Bryozoen-Knospe. Zool. Anz. xv, pp. 113-115. For reply see Davenport (5). 5. Davenport, C. B. The germ-layers in Bryozoan buds. Zool. Anz. xv, pp. 261-263. A reply to Brai^m (4). 6. Demade, P. Le Statoblaste des Phylactolemates (Bryozoaires d’eau douce) etudie chez Y Alcyonella fungosa et la Crista tella mucedo. La Cellule, viii, pp. 333-378, 2 pis. 7. Hallez, P. Draguages effectues dans le Pas-de-Calais . . . 1888 et 1889. Rev. Biol, ii (1889) \Bryozoa~\, pp. 37 & 38. 8. . Addition a la liste des Bryozoaires du Boulonnais Op. cit. iv (1891), pp. 119 & 120. . Deuxieme supplement a la liste des Bryozoaires du Boulonnais. Op. cit. v (1892), pp. 123 & 124. 9. 2 Bry. IX. BRYOZOA. 10. Harmer, S. F. On the nature of the Excretory Processes in Marine Polyzoa. Q. J. Micr. Sci. xxxiii, pp. 123-1G7, 2 pis. 11. Helm, S. Corclylophora lacustris and five forms of Auimal Life. J. N. Y. Micr. Soc. viii, pp. 43-50, figg. 12. Hennig, A. H. Studier ofver Bryozoerna i Sveriges Kritsystem. I. Cheilostomata. Act. Lund, xxviii, No. 11, 51 pp., 2 pis. 13. Hincks, T. Contributions towards a general history of the Marine Polyzoa , 1890-91. Appendix [contd.]. Ann. N. H. ix, pp. 327-334. Species described in the main work are still misquoted as “ n. sp.” 14. . The Polyzoa of the St. Lawrence : a study of Arctic forms. T. c. pp. 149-157, 1 pi. 15. Korotnev, A. Po voprosu razvltiya pryesnovodnuikh mshanok. — Sur la question du developpement des Bryozoaires d’eau douce. Zapiski Kiev, x, pp. 393-410, 2 pis. 16. Kraepelin, K. Die Deutschen Siisswasser-Bryozoen. n. Ent- wickelungsgeschiclitlicher Theil. Abh. Geb. Hamb. xii, No. 2, 67 pp., 5 pis. 17. Namias, I. Su alcune forme Briozoarie del Mar Rosso. Atti Soc. Mod. xi, pp. 74-77. 18. Neviani, A. Contribuzione alia conoscenza dei Briozoi fossili Italiani — Briozoi post-pliocenici del sottosuolo di Livorno. Boll. Soc. geol. Ital. x, pp. 99-148, 1 pi. 19. Vine, G. R. Notes on Polyzoa found at Cleethorpes in 1875, 1879, and 1882. Naturalist, 1892, pp. 5-11. 20. . Notes on Polyzoa of the Zones of the Upper Chalk. Rep. Brit. Ass. 1891 (1892), pp. 656-659. 21. Waters, W. North Italian [fossil] Bryozoa. Pt. n. Cyclostomata. Q. J. Geol. Soc. xlviii, pp. 153-162, 1 pi. 22. . Observations on the Gland-like Bodies in the Bryozoa. J. L. S. xxiv, pp. 272-278, 1 pi. Abstr. in J. R. Micr. Soc. 1892, p. 777. II. — ANATOMY, &c. Observations on the gland-like bodies in the Bryozoa ; Waters (22). — Nature of the excretory processes in Marine Bryozoa ; Harmer (10). Development of freshwater Bryozoa ; Korotnev (15). — Development of German freshwater Bryozoa ; Kraepelin (16). — Demade (6) con- cludes that the membrane of the stato blast in Alcyonella fungosa and DISTRIBUTION. Bry. 3 Crista t-lla mucedo is composed of cells which undergo cellular differen- tiation, whilst the central mass is a tissue during all the periods of its development. On the germ-layers in Bryozoan buds ; BraEM (4), Davenport (5). III.— DISTRIBUTION. A.— GEOGRAPHICAL. Lincolnshire : Bryozoa found at Cleethorpes ; Vine (19). Norway : list of Bryozoa dredged on the coast ; He RDM ANN, P. Liverp. Biol. Soc. vi, pp. 90 & 91. Boulounais : list of species ; Hallez (7-9). Somme : Bryozoa of the Department of ; Bizet (3). Red Sea : some species from ; Nam i as (17). New Jersey : Urnatella walkerii , n. sp. [?], and Octocella libertas , n. g. [?], n. sp. [?] ; Helm (11). List, with figg., of Bryozoa of the St. Lawrence ; HiNcks (14). B.— GEOLOGICAL. Palaeontological summary for 1890 : Bryozoa , by G. F. Dollfus, Ann. Geol. univ. Paris, 1890 (1892), pp. 1039-1049. Post-pliocene forms from the neighbourhood of Livorno, with 4 new species ; Neviani (18). Tertiary Cyclostomata of N. Italy, 22 species, including Diastopora brendolensis, Befrancia brendolensis , and Lichenopora (?) incrustans, new; Waters (21). Cretaceous : Bryozoa from the Upper Chalk ; Vine (20). — Cretaceous Bryozoa of Sweden, with 13 new species ; Hennig (12). — Bryozoa from the Upper Senonian of Irnich, Eifel ; Vogel, Verh. Ver. Rheinl. xlix, pp. 93-99, fig. — LTpper Senonian Bryozoa of the Eifel ; Vogel, Verb. Ver. Rheinl. xlix, pp. 91-99. — Bryozoa from the Cretaceous of Schleswig- Holstein ; Stolly, MT. min. Inst. Kiel, i, pp. 244 & 245. — 1 species from the Rolling Downs Beds of Queensland; Jack& Etheridge, {ante, Moll. 193) pp. 441 & 442. Jurassic species from Yorkshire (List) ; Fox-Strangways, Mem. Geol. Surv. U. K., Jurassic Rocks, ii, pp. 148 & 200. Palaeozoic : Check-list of Palaeozoic Bryozoa from Wisconsin, Minne- sota, Iowa, Dakota, and Nebraska ; Bierbauer (2). Permian Bryozoa from the Duchy of Sachsen- Altenburg ; Geinitz, MT. Osterlande. v, p. 179. Permo-Carboniferous species, Polypora? smithii , n. sp., from Queens- land ; Jack & Etheridge, (ante, Moll., 193) pp. 216-225. Devonian species from Manitoba, with Piaacotrypa marginata, n. sp. ; Whiteaves, Contr. Can. Pal. i, pp. 277-281, figg. Ordovician species from the province of Quebec, with Bicranopora parva, Bipjlotrypa quebecensis, and Monotrypa incerta, n. spp. ; Ami (1). 4 Bry. IX. JBKYOZOA. IV.— SYSTEMATIC. (f) is prefixed to fossil forms. ENTOPROCTA. Urnatella walherii , New Jersey ; Helm, J. N. Y. Micr. Soc. viii, p. 47, fig., alleged new species ; it appears to be a Pedicellina , but it is not stated whether it is furnished with a stolon or not. Rhabdopleura : cf. VERMES, sub HEM1CH0RDATA , where this and Cephalodiscus will in future be included with Balanoglossus. ECTOPROCTA. CYCLOSTOMATA. t Crisia destefanii, n. sp., Post-pliocene of Livorno ; Neviani, Boll. Soc. geol. Ital. x, p. 135, fig. •} 'Defrancea brendolensis , n. sp., Tertiary of N. Italy, Waters, Q. J. Geol. Soc. xlviii, p. 161, fig. f Diastopora brendolensis , n. sp., Tertiary of N. Italy, Waters, Q. J. Geol. Soc. xlviii, p. 155, fig. *)* Dicranopora parva , n. sp., Ordovician of Quebec, Ami, Can. Rec. v, p. 99. *}* Liplotrypa quebecensis, n. sp., Ordovician of Quebec ; Ami, Can. Rec. v, p. 100. t Entalophora d'anconce, n. sp., Post-pliocene of Livorno, Neviani, Boll. Soc. geol. Ital. x, p. 143, fig. *f ’Idmonea targionii, n. sp., Post-pliocene of Livorno, Neviani, Boll. Soc. geol. Ital. x, p. 139, fig. *}* Lichenopora (?) incrustans , n. sp., Tertiary of N. Italy, Waters, Q. J. Geol. Soc. xlviii, p. 161, fig. fMonotrypa incerta , n. sp., Ordovician of Quebec, Ami, Can. Rec. v, p. 101. CTENOSTOMA T A . Octocella, n. g. [?] for 0. libertas,n. sp. [?], New Jersey ; Helm, J. N. Y. Micr. Soc. viii, p. 48, fig. [May be one out of several genera of Ctenostomata , e.g., Cylindroecium ?, Bowerbanhia ? — not properly defined.] CH1LOSTOMATA. fiCribrilina Icevis , quadrisnlcata, n. spp., Cretaceous of Sweden, Hennig, Act. Lund, xxviii, No. 11, pp. 37 & 38, figg. IleterocEcium , n. g. for Membranipora amplectens , Hincks ; Hincks, Ann. N. H. ix, p. 332. ECTOPROCTA. firij . 5 f Lepralia impressipora , n. sp., Cretaceous of Sweden, Hennig, Act. Lund, xxviii, No. 11, p. 43, fig. f Membranipora excavata, n. sp., Cretaceous of Sweden, Hennig, Act. Lund, xxviii, No. 11, p. 18, fig. j 'Membraniporella aurita,juvensis, n. spp., Cretaceous of Sweden, Hexnig, Act. Lund, xxviii, No. 11, pp. 38 & 39, figg. f Monoporella infiata , n. sp., Cretaceous of Sweden, Hennig, Act. Land, xxviii, No. 11, p. 40, fig. *j* Macronella hians , vesperugo , n.spp., Cretaceous of Sweden, Hennig, Act. Lund, xxviii, No. 11, pp. 44 & 45, figg. f Schizoporella carinata, n. sp., Cretaceous of Sweden, Hennig, Act. Lund, xxviii, No. 11, p. 42, fig. f Smittia adae, n. sp., Post-pliocene of Livorno, Neviani, Boll. Soc. geol. Ital. x, p. 127, fig. f Steganoporella rhomboidalis , n. sp., Cretaceous of Sweden, Hennig, Act. Lund, xxviii, No. 11, p. 36, fig. fPeriteichisma smitti , p. 25, ignabergense , p. 28, n. spp., Cretaceous of Sweden, Hennig, Act. Lund, xxviii, No. 11, figg. PHYLACTOLiEMATA. The statoblast has been studied in Alcyonella fungosa and CristatelJa mucedo by Demade, La Cellule, viii, pp. 333-378, 2 pis. [For con- clusions, see ante , Anatomy, &c.] [YERMIFORMIA.] [Forms sometimes grouped under this heading will for the future be classed with Vermes Crust. 1 X. CRUSTACEA. (Including GIGANTOSTRACA and PANTOPODA.*) By R. I. Pocock. Arrangement of Record : Crustacea, s. s. Titles of Papers, p. 1. Subject-Index, p. 13. Systematic, p. 16. Pantopoda, p. 32. Gigantostraca, p. 33. I.— TITLES OF PAPERS. Alcock, A. (1) On the Stridulating Apparatus of the Red Ocypode Crab. Ann. N. H. (6) x, p. 336. . (2) On the Habits of Gelasimus annulipes. T. c. p. 415. These two papers are reprinted from the Administration Report of the Marine Survey of India for 1891-92. Allen, E. J. (1) Preliminary account of the Nephridia and Body- cavity of the Larva of Palcemonetes varians. P. R. Soc. lii, pp.338- 342. . (2) On the Minute Structure of the Gills of Palcemonetes varians. Q. J. Micr. Sci. xxxiv, pp. 75-84, 1 pi. Ami, H. M. Additional Notes on the Geology and Palaeontology of Ottawa and its Environs. Tr. Ottawa Nat. Club, vi, No. 5, p. 77. Ostracocla. * Since the Gigantostraca and Pantopoda form part of the Marine fauna, and are largely, for this reason, studied systematically by students of Carcinology rather than of Arachnology, it has been considered advisable, on grounds of expediency, to transfer them to that section of the Zool. Rec. which deals with Crustacea. 2 Crust . X. CRUSTACEA* Andrews, E. A, Notes on the Fauna of Jamaica. Johns Hopk. Univ. Circ. xi. Crustacea , p. 75. Aurivillius, C. W. S. (1) Analyse d’un memoire intitule du deguise- ment des Decapodes Oxyrhynques a l’aide d’adaptations singulieres du corps. Ann. Sci. Nat. xiii, pp. 341-348. . (2) Neue Cirripeden aus dem Atlantischen Indischen und Stillen Ocean. (Efv. Ak. Forh. 1892, No. 3, pp. 123-134. Barrois, T. Liste des Phyllopodes recueillis en Syrie. Rev. Biol, v, pp. 24-29. Bateson, W. Supernumerary Claws in Crabs. P. Z. S. 1892, p. 76. Beneden, P. J. van. (1) Le male de certains Caligides et un nouveau genre de cette famille. Bull. Ac. Belg. xxiii, p. 220, &c. . (2) Quelques nouveaux Caligide3 de la cote d’Afrique et de l’Archipel des A9ores. Op. cit. xxiv, p. 241, &c. . (3) Une nouvelle famille dans la tribu des Schizopodes. Bull. Ac. Belg. (3) xxii, pp. 444-459. Benedict, J. E. Decapod Crustacea of Kingston Harbour. Johns Hopk. Univ. Circ. xi, p. 77. . (2) Corystoid Crabs of the Genera Telmessus and Erimacrus. P. U. S. Nat. Mus. xv, pp. 223-230, pis. xxv-xxvii. . (3) Preliminary descriptions of Thirty-seven New Species of Hermit Crabs, of the genus Eupagurus. Op. cit. No. 887, pp. 1-26. Bergh, R. S. (1) Die Drehung des Keimstreifens und die Anlage des Dorsalorgans bei Gammarus pulex. Zool. Anz. xv, p. 268. . (2) Zur Entwicklung des Keimstreifens von Mgsis. T. c. p. 436. Bernard, H. M. (1) The Apodidce : a Morphological Study. Nature Series. London (Macmillan & Co.): 1892. . (2) The Apodemes of Apus and the Endophragmal System of Astacus. Ann. N. H. (6) x, pp. 68-74, pi. v. Bertkau, P. Lebende Branchipus grubei. Yerh. Ver. Rheinl. SB. xlviii, pp. 54 & 55. Birge, E. A. List of Crustacea Cladocera from Madison, Wisconsin. Tr. Wisconsin Acad, viii, p. 393, &c., 1 pi. Blanchard, R., & Richard, J. Faune de lacs sales d’Algerie. Clado- cera et Copepodes. Mem. Soc. Z. Fr. iv, No. 5, pp. 512-535 (1891). Omitted from previous Record. Bolivar, — . Liste de las Crustaceos de Espana y Portugal del Museo de Madrid. Act. Soc. Esp. xxi, p. 124. Bordage, — . Myologie des Crustaces Decapodes. CR. Soc. Philom. No. 19, July, pp. 1 & 2 (1892). TITLES OF PAPERS. Crust. 3 Bouvier, E. L. (1) Sur le developpement embryonnaire des Galathe- ides da genre Diptychus. C.R. cxiv, p. 767. . (2) Sur la graisse du foie des Crustaces Decapodes. Bull. Soc. Philom. (8) iii, pp. 170-174. ■. (3) Observations sur les moeurs des Pagures, faites au laboratoire maritime de Saint- Yaast-la-Houque pendant le mois d’Aout, 1891. Op. cit. iv, pp. 1-9. . (4) Les Glaucothoes sont-elles des Larves de Pagures ? Ann. Sci. Nat. xii, pp. 65-82. •. (5) Sur les Paguriens recueillis dans le Mer Rouge, par M. le Dr. Jousseaume. C.R. Soc. Philom. No. 8, p. 1, 1891-92. No new species. Brady, G. S. A Revision of the British Species of Freshwater Cyclo- pidce and Calanidce. Nat. Hist. Tr. North Durham, xi, pt. 1, p. 68. Bronn, — . Klassen und Ordnungen des Thier-Reichs. Arthropoda, v, pts. 32-34 [On the organization of the Decapod Crustacea ], pp. 821-896. Brooks, W. K., & Herrick, F. H. Embryology and Metamorphosis. Johns Hopk. Univ. Circ. xi, pp. 65-71. On Stenopns , Atyheus, and Gonodactylus. Calderon y Arana, Salv. Notas Carcinologicas. Act. Soc. Esp. xx, pp. 108-110. Camera, C. Ricerche sui Copepodi liberi del Piemonte. Boll. Mus. Zool. Tor. vii, No. 120, pp. 1-13. No new species. Camerano, L. Recherches sur la force absolue des Muscles des Crustaces Decapodes. Arch. Ital. Biol, xvii, pp. 212, &c. Cano, G. Sviluppo postembrionale dei Cancridi. Bull. Ent. Ital. xxiii, pp. 146-158. *Canu, E. Les Copepodes du Boulonnaise, morphologie, embryologie, taxonomie. Lille (Danel) : 1892, 354 pp. *Capanni, Y. La Dafnia. Reggio Emilia, Tip. Artigianelli, 1892. Car, L. Ein Beitrag zur Kenntniss der Copepoden von Triest. Glasnik Naravosl. Druzt. v, pts. 1-4, p. 105, pis. i-iii (1890). No new species. Chevreux, E. (1) (Quatrieme campagne de PHirondelle 1888) Uyale grimaldi et Stenothoe dollfusi, n. spp. Bull. Soc. Z. Fr. xvi, pp. 257-262. . (2) Vibilia erratica , Amphipode pelagique nouveau du littoral des Alpes Mari times. Op. cit. xvii, p. 32. -. (3) Sur le male adulte RHyperia schkogeneios, Stebbing. T. c. p. 233. 1892. [vol. xxix.] d 8 4 Crust. X. CRUSTACEA. Chevreux, E., & Bouvier, E. L. (1) Voyage de la goelette “ Melita.” Note preliminaire sur les Paguriens. Bull. Soc. Z. Fr. xvi, pp. 252, &c. (1891). ■ & (2) Paguriens de la “Melita.” Mem. Soc. Zool. v, pp. 83-144, 3 pis. - — - & . (3) Perrier ella crassipes , espece et genre nouveaux d’Amphipode des cotes de France. Bull. Soc. Z. Fr. xvii, p. 50. Chevreux, G-., & G-uerne, J. de. (1) Sur un espece nouvelle de Ganimarus du lac d’Annecy et sur les Amphipodes d’eau douce de la France. C.R. cxiv, p. 1286. ™ & — — . (2) Description de Gammarus delebecquei, n. sp., du lac d’ Amiens, suivie de quelques remarques sur les Amphipodes d’eau douce de la France. Bull. Soc. Z. Fr. xvii, p. 136. Chilton, C. (1) Notes on some New Zealand Amphipoda and Isopoda. Tr. N. Z. Inst, xxiv, pp. 258-269. , (2) On a tubicolous Amphipod from Port Jackson. Rec. Austral. Mus. ii, No. 1, pp. 1-6. -. (3) A new species of Munna from New Zealand. Ann. N. H. (6) x, p. 1, pis. i & ii. Chyzer, C. Ueber die Estherien Ungarns. Math. Nat. Ber. Ung. x, pp. 119-135. No new species. Claus, C. (1) Ueber die gattung Miracia , Dana, mit besonderer Beriicksichtigung ihres Augen-Baues. Arb. z. Inst. Wien, ix, pp. 267-284. [Omitted from Zool. Rec. xxviii.] • -. (2) Beitrage zur Kenntnis der Susswasser-Ostracoden. Op. cit. x, pp. 147-216 (1892). Anatomical and Systematic. Cuenot, L. Les organes Phagocytaires chez quelques invertebres. Arch. Z. exper. p. ix. On Astacus. Cunningham, J. T. Observations on the Larvae of Palinurus vulgaris. Rep. Brit. Ass. 1891, p. 867. Dahl, F. Die Gattung Copilia ( Saphirinella ). Zool. Jahrb. vi, pp. 499- 522, pi. xxiv. No new species. Della Valle, A. Intorno agli organi di escrezioni di alcuni Gammarini. Bull. Soc. Nat. Napoli (1) iii, pi. i, pp. 269-272. De Man, J. G. (1) Decapoden des Indischen Archipels in Max Weber’s Zool. Ergebnisse, &c. Vol. ii. Leiden (E. J. Brill) : 1892. TiTLES OP PAPERS. Crust . 5 [De Man, J. G-.] (2) Carcinological Studies in the Leyden Museum. Notes Leyd. Mus. xiv, pp. 225-264. Demoor, J. Recherches sur la marche des Crustaces (concluded). Arch. Z. exper. (2) ix, pp. 497-502. Dollfus, A. (1) Crustaces Isopodes terrestres du voyage de M. Ch. Alluaud dans le territoire d’Assinie. Ann. Soc. Ent. Fr. lxi, pp. 385- 390, pi. vii. — . (2) Catalogue raisonne des Isopodes terrestres de l’Espagne. An. Soc. Esp. (2) i, pp. 161-190. — — . (3) Note sur les Isopodes terrestres et fluviatiles de Sjude. Rev. Biol, iv, pp. 1-15 (author’s copy). . (4) Tableaux Synoptiques de la Faune Francaise. Le genre Armadillidium (Crustaces Isopodes terrestres). Feuill. Nat. xxii, No. 259, pp. 1-18. . (5) Sur deux Isopodes terrestres dTslande recueillis par M. Gaston Burdett. Bull. Soc. Z. Fr. xvii, p. 231. Durrant, H. Pond Life Studies. Cypris tristriata. Sci. Goss. 1892, pp. 267-269. Edwards, A. Milne, & Bouvier, E. L. (1) Observations preliminaires sur les Paguriens recueillis par les expeditions du Travailleur et du Talisman. Ann. Sci. Nat. xiii, pp. 185-226. & . (2) Note sur un Pagure des grandes profondeurs de la mer (Parapagurus pilosimanus) . Congr. Internat. Zool. 1892, pi. i, pp. 1-15. & . (3) Sur le developpement embryonnaire des Galatheides abyssaux du genre Diptychus. C.R. 1891-92, No. 10, p. 1. Etheridge, R. (1) On Leala mitchelli , Eth., from the Upper Coal Measures of the Newcastle District. P. Linn. Soc. N.S.W. vii, pp. 307 & 308. . (2) Notes on Queensland Cretaceous Crustacea. P. Linn. Soc. N.S.W. vii, pp. 305 & 306. . (3) Hymenocaris salteri, McCoy. Rec. Geol. Surv. N.SW. 1892, pt. 1, pp. 5-8, pi. iv. cForbes, S. A. On some Lake Superior Entomostraca. Rep. U. S. Fish. Comm, xv (1891), pp. 701-718 [Omitted from Zool. Rec. xxviii.] 4 new species. Fredericq, L. Nouvelles recherches sur l’autotomie chez le Crabe. Arch. Biol, xii, pp. 169, &c. Garstang, J. W. (1) Notes on the Marine Invertebrate fauna of Ply- mouth for 1892. J. Mar. Biol. Ass. ii, No. 4. Crustacea , p. 337. 6 Crust. X. CRUSTACEA. [GrARSTANG, J. W.] (2) On some New or Rare Marine Animals recently discovered on the Coast of Devonshire. Tr, Devon Ass. xxiv, Crustacea, pp. 384 & 385. Gavino, C. Crustacei Brachiuri ed Anomuri raccolti nel viaggio della “ Yettor Pisani” intorn al globo. Boll, Soc. Nat. Napoli (1) iii, pt. 1, pp. 79-105, & pt. 2, pp. 169-288, Q-iard, A., & Bonnier, J. Sur le Cerataspis petiti, Guer., et sur la position systematique dn genre Cerataspis , Gray. C.R. cxiv, p, 1029. Gjesbrecht, W. Systematik und Faunistik der Pelagischen Copepoden der Golfes von Neapel, &c. Berlin (R. Friedlander & Sohn) : 1892. Gourret, C. Sur un variete de Nebalia bipes. Rec. Z. Suisse, v, p. 93. Grobben, C. (1) Ueber die Stammesverwandtschaft der Crustaceen. Yerh, z,-b. Wien, xlii, pp. 11, &c. *— — , (2) Zur Kenntniss der Stammbaumer und der Systems der Crustaceen. SB. Ak. Wien, 1892, pi. i, pp. 237, &c. Groom, T. (1) On the Early Development of Cirripedia. P. R. Soc. Iii, pp. 158-162. — — . (2) On the Orientation of Sacculina. P. Camb. Phil. Soc. vii, p, 160. [Omitted from Zool. Rec. xxviii.] Guerne, Jules de. (1) Sur deux Phyllopodes nouveaux pour la faune des eaux-douces de Madagascar. Bull. Soc. Ent. Fr. 1892, p. 1. . (2) Sur Cryptopus defrancii , Latr., Myside nouveau pour la faune der Acores. T. c. p. lvi. . (3) Un Ostracode nouveau pour la faune fran£aise : La distri- bution geographique de Cypris bispinosa , Luc. Rev. Biol, iv, pp. 518 & 519. Guerne, J. de, & Richard, J. (1) Sur la faune des eaux douces de l’lslande. C.R. cxiv, p. 310. Entomostraca. . (2) Cladoceres et Copepodes d’eau douce des environs deRufisque, Mem. Soc. Zool. v, pp. 526-538. Hacker, V. (1) Ueber specifische Variation bei Arthropoden im Beson- deren fiber die Schutzanpassungen bei Krabben. Ber. Ges. Freiburg, vi, pt. 3, pp. 90-100. . (2) Die Eibildung bei Cyclops und Canthocamptus. Zool. Jahrb. v, pp. 211-248, 1 pi. Hansen, H. J. Bhizorhina ampeliscce, n. g. & sp. En ny til Herpyllo- biidce , n. fam. hovende Copepod, snyltende paa Ampelisca Icevigata , Lilljb. Ent. Med. 1892, pp. 207-234, pi. iii. TITLES OF PAPERS. Crust. 7 Heim, F. (1) Etudes sur le sang des Crustaces Decapodes suivies d’un Essai sur le role des pigments. Ann. Soc. Ent. Fr. lxi, pp. 155-270. . (2) Sur les pigments des ceufs de Crustaces. C.R. Soc. Biol. 1892, p. 467. . (3) Sur la matiere colorante bleue du Sang des Crustaces. C.R. cxiv, p. 771. . (4) Les oeufs des Crustaces contenant des ferments actifs. Bull. Soc. Ent. Fr. 1891, pp. cxvi. [Omitted from Zool. Rec. xxviii.] ° . (5) Etudes sur le sang der Crustaces Decapodes. Recherches sur les Diptero-carpacees. Paris (Chamerot & Renouard) : 1892. Henneguy, F., & Thelohan, P. Sur un Sporozoaire parasite des muscles des Crustaces Decapodes. C.R. Soc. Biol. 1892, p. 585, and C.R. cxiv, p. 1552 ; Trans. Ann. N. H. (6) x, p. 342. Hilgendorf, F. (1) Eine neue ostafrikanische Susswasser-Krabbe ( Telphusa emini). SB. nat. Fr. 1892, No. 1, pp. 11-13. . (2) Eine neue Brachynotus-k.it aus Aden (Br. harpax). Op. cit. No. 4, pp. 37-40. Ide, M. (1) Glandes cutanees a canaux intracellulaires chez les Crus- taces Edriophthalmes. La Cellule, vii, pp. 345-372. Abstr. in J. R. Micr. Sci. 1892, pt. 3, p. 364. . (2) Le tube digestif des Edriophthalmes. La Cellule, viii, pp. 97-204. Imhof, 0. E. Die Zusammensetzung der pelagischen Fauna der Suss- wasserbecken. Biol. Centralbl. xii, pp. 171, &c. Crustacea , pp. 178-182. Ishika'Wa, C. Studies on Reproduction Elements. 1. Spermatogenesis, Ovogenesis, and Fertilization in Diaptomus. J. Coll. Sci. Japan, v, pp. 1-34. Ives, J. E Crustaceans collected by the West Greenland Expe- dition of 1891. P. Ac. Philad. 1891, pi. iii, p. 481. [Omitted from Zool. Rec. xxviii.] No new species. Jolyet, E., & Viallanes, H. Recherches physiologiques sur le systeme nerveux accelerateur et moderateur du coeur chcz le Crabe. Ann. Sci. Nat. xiv, pp. 387-404. Jones, T. Rupert, & Woodward, Henry. A Monograph of the British Palaeozoic Pliyllopoda ( Bhyllocarida , Packard). Pt. ii. Some bivalved and univalved species. Palaeontographical Society for 1892, pp. 73-124. Jones, T. Rupert, & Kirkby, J. W. On Carboniferous Ostracoda from Mongolia. Ann. N. H. (6) ix, pp. 302-307, pi. xvi. No new species. 8 Crust . X. CRUSTACEA. Jourdain, S. Sur quelques points de I’embryogenie de YOniscug murcirius, Cuv., et du Porcelllo sealer , Leach. C.R. cxiv, p. 428. Kafka, J. Die Fauna des Bohmischen Teiche. Arch, naturw. Landes- forsch. Bohmen, viii, No. 2, pp. 1-115. Crustacea , pp. 110-112. Kaufman, A. Ueber die Gattung Acanthopus und eine neue Susswasser- cytheride. Zool. Anz. xv, pp. 393-395. KerhErve, L. B. De l’apparition provoquee des ephippies chez les Daphnies ( Daphnia magna). Mem. Soc. Zool. v, pp. 227-236. Klocke, E. Ein neuer Pleuroxus. Zool. Anz. xv, pp. 188 & 189. Kocns, W. Versuche iiber die Kiinstliche vermehrung Kleiner Crusta- ceen. Biol. Centralbl. xii, p. 599. Kcehler, M. Recherches sur la cavite generale et sur l’appareil excre- teur des Cirripedes. C.R. cxiv, p. 1214. Kcelbel, K. (1) Ein neuer ostasiatisches Flusskrebs. Anz. Ak. Wien, xviii, pp. 176 & 177. — (2) Beitrage zur Kenntniss der Crustaceen der Canarischen Inseln. Ann. Hofmuseum Wien, vii, No. 3, pp. 105-116. 2 new species. Kojevnikov, G. La faune de la mer Baltique orientale et les prob- lemes des explorations prochaines de cette faune. Congr. Intern at. Zool. 1892, pt. 1, p. 132. Kowalevsky, A. Ein Beitrag zur Kenntniss des Excretions-organe des Pantopoden. Mem. Ac. Petersb. xxxviii, No. 12, pp. 1-8, 1 pi. Krause, Aurel. Neue Ostrakoden aus Markischen Silurgeschieben. Z. geol. Ges. 1892, pp. 383-399, pis. xxi & xxii. Lande, A. Quelques remarques sur les Cyclopides. Mem. Soc. Zool. v, pp. 156-173. Lang, Arnold. Lehrbuch der Yergleichenden Anatomie, &c. Jena (Fischer): 1892. Leienklaus, E. Ostracoden des nordwestdeutschen Tertiars. CB. Yer. Rheinl. 1892, pt. 1, pp. 58 & 59. No new species. Lebedinski, J. [On the Development of Erijphia.'] Zapiski. Novoross. Obsch, Estestv. xvii, pp. 137-256. Printed entirely in Russian. McMurrich, J. P. The Formation of the Germ-layers in the Isopod Crustacea. Zool. Anz. xv, p. 271. Marchal, P. (1) Note preliminaire sur l’appareil excreteur desPagurides et des Palinurides. Bull. Soc. Z. Fr. xvi, p. 57 (1891). * . (2) Sur un Pagure habitant une coquille senestre ( Neptunea con - traria, Chem.). T. c. p. 267. TITLES OF PAFERS. Crust. D [Marchal, P.] (3) Recherches anatomiqnes et physiologiques sur l’appareil excreteur des Crustaces Decapodes. Arch. Z. exper. (2) x, pp. 57- 275, 9 pis. Marsh, C. D. On the Deep Water Crustacea of Green Lake. Tr. Wisconsin Acad, viii, pp. 211-213. No new species. Maupas, M. Sur le Belisarius viguieri , nouveau Copepode d’eau douce. C.R. cxv, p. 132. Moniez, R. Faune des lacs sales d’Algerie (Ostracodes). Mem. Soc. Zool. iv, pp. 246-257. [Omitted from Zool. Rec. xxviii.] 2 new species. Nathorst, — . Om nagra mollusker och Ostrakoder fran grartara sotvattensflagL’ingar i Ryssland och Tyskland. CEfv. Ak. Forh. 1892, p.425. No new species. Norman, A. M. (1) British Schizopoda of the Families Lophogastridaz and Euphausiidce. Ann. N. H. (6) ix, pp. 454-464. No new species. — . (2) On British Mysidce , a family of Crustacea Schizopoda. Op. cit. x, pp. 143-166 & 242-263. 2 new species and 1 new genus. . (3) Rare Crustacea on the Yorkshire Coast. Naturalist, 1892, pp. 175 & 176. Occurrence of Tliysanoessa longicaudata and Nematoscelis megalops . Nusbaum, J. Zur Kenntuiss der Wurmerfauna und Crustaceenfauna Polens. Biol. Centralbl. xii, pp. 54, &c. Cyclops , p. 57. No new species. Ortmann, A. (1) Die Decapoden-Krebse des Strassburger Museums. No. ill. Die Abtheilungen der Reptantia, Boas : Homaridce , Lori- cata , and Thalassinidea. Zool. Jahrb. Syst. vi, pp. 1-57. . (2) No. iv. Die Abtheilungen Galatkeidea und Paguridea. T. c. pp. 241-326. . (3) Die Decapoden-Krebse des Strassburger Museums. No. v. Die Abtheilungen Hippidea , Dromidea , und Oxystomata. T. c. pp. 532-588, 1 pi. Osorio, B. (1) Note sur quelques especes de Crustaces de l’ile St. Thome, ilet des Rolas et Angola. J. Sci. Lisb. (2) ii, pp. 140 & 141. No new species. ° . (2) Neuva Contribu^ao para a fauna carcinologica da ilha de St. Thome. T. c. pp. 199-204. 1 new species. 1 0 Crust. t. CRUSTACEA. Ostroumoff, A. Note sur la distribution de Balanu-s eburneus , Gould. Zool. Anz. p. 160. Parker, W. N. Note on abnormalities in the Crayfish. Ann. N. H. (6) ix, pp. 181 & 182. Poppe, S. A., & Richard, J„ Description du Diaptomus schmalceri , n. sp., recueilli par M. Schmacker dans le lac Tahoo (China). Bull. Soc. Z. Fr. xvii, p. 149. Pouchet, G. Contribution a l’histoire des Cyamus. J. de l’Anat. Phys. 1882, pp. 99-108. Rance, C. E. de. Note on the discovery of Estheria minuta (var. Brodeiana) in the New Red Sandstone. Rep. Brit. Ass. 1891, p. 644. Rath, 0. vom. Ueber die von C. Claus beschriebene Nervenendigung in den Sinneshaaren der Crustaceen. Zool. Anz. xv, p. 96. Rathbun, Mary J. Catalogue of the Crabs of the family Periceridce , in the U. S. National Museum. P. U. S. Nat. Mus. xv, pp. 231-277, pis. xxviii-xl. Richard, J. (1) Sur l’ceil lateral des Copepodes du genre Pleuromma. Zool. Anz. xv, p. 400. . (2) Sur la presence d’un Cysticercoid chez un Calanide d’eau douce. Bull. Soc. Z. Fr. xvii, p. 17. . (3) Sur l’identite des genres llyopsyllus , Brady & Robertson, et Abacola, Edwards ; description de I. jousseaumei , n. sp. T. c. p. 69. . (4) Sur quelques Entomostraces de File d’Elbe el de l’ile de Monte Cristo. T. c. p. 225. No new species. . (5) Sur la distribution geographique des Cladocera. Congr. Internat. Zool. 1892, pt. 1 (second half), pp. 9-23. (6) Grimaldina brazzai , Guernella raphaelis , Monodaphnia ?nocquerysi, Cladoceres nouveaux du Congo. Mem. Soc. Zool. v, pp. 213-226. . (7) Recherches sur le systeme glandulaire et sur le systeme nerveux des Copepodes fibres d’eau douce suivies d’une revision des especes de ce groupe qui vivent en France. Ann. Sci. Nat. xii, pp. 113-260. No new species. 0 . (8) Sur les Entomostraces des eaux douces du Chili. Act. Soc. Sci. Chili, ii, pp. 188 & 189. ^Ristori, G. (1) Note di Carcinologie pliocenica. Atti Soc. Tosc. Proc. Yerb. viii, pp. 86-89. *■ . (2) Resti di Crostacei nel pliocene dell5 Isola di Pianosa. T. c . p. 90. I'l'TLES OF PAPERS. Crust. 11 Robertson, D. (1) A second contribution towards a catalogue of the Amphipoda and Isopoda of the Firth of Clyde and West of ScoG land. P. N. H. Soc. Glasg. iii, pt. 3, pp. 199-223. . (2) On some recent Marine Ostracoda, dredged in Granton Harbour. T. c. pt. 2, pp. 196-198. No new species. Robinson, Margaret. On the Nauplius- Eye persisting in some Deca- poda. Q. J. Micr. Sci. xxxiii, p. 283, 1 pi. Sars, G. 0. An Account of the Crustacea of Norway, with short descrip- tions and figures of all the Species. Yol. I, Amphipoda ; parts 10-15. Families Amphilochidce , Stenothoidce , Leucothoidce , and CEdiceridce . Sauvage, H. E. Note sur les Crustaces Jurassiques superieurs du Boulonnais. Ann. Sci. Nat. xii, 83 pp. 6 new species of Decapoda. Schalfeef, P. Carcinologische Bemerkungen aus dem Zoologischen Museum der Kais. Akademie der Wissenschaften. Bull. Petersb. xxxv, pp. 331-342. Schmeil, Otto. Deutschlands freilebende Siisswasser Copepoden : pt. 1, Cyclopidce. Bibl. Zool. xi, 8 pis. No new species. Schneider, A. Sur l’existence d’arteres laterales chez les Amphipodes. Tabl. Zool. ii, p. 213, pi. xxxv. Scott, T. (1) On some new and rare Crustacea from the Firth of Forth. Ann. N. H. (6) x, p. 201, pis. xv & xvi. 3 species recorded, of which one, a Lichomolgus , is new. . (2) Notes on Rhincalanus gigas, Brady, and Ectinosoma atlanticum, Brady & Robertson. P. N. H. Soc. Glasg. iii, p. 264. . (3) The Land and Freshwater Crustacea of the district around Edinburgh. P. R. Soc. Edinb. 1892, pp. 74-81. . (4) Is Amphithopsis latipes a commensal ? Ann. Scott. Nat. Hist. Soc. 1892, p. 141. . (5) Diaptomus castor in the Braid Ponds, near Edinburgh. T. c. p. 202. . (6) Modiolicola insignis in the Firth of Forth. T. c. p. 272. -. (7) lliocryptus sordidus in the Loch End Loch, Edinburgh. T. c. p. 273. . (8) Argissa ( Syrrhoe ) hamatipes) Norman, in the Firth of Forth. T. c. p. 272. . (9) Notes on some Freshwater, Brackish water, and Marine Ento- mostraca , new to the Fauna of Orkney. P. N. H. Soc* Glasg. iii, pt. 2, pp. 91-100. 12 Crust i 1. CRUSTACEA, Scott, Andrew. Notes on Cecrops latrcillei , Leach, and Laimargus viuricatus, Kr. T. c. p. 266. Scott, T. & A. New and rare Crustacea from the East Coast of Scot- land. Ann. Scott. Nat. Hist. Soc. 1892, No. 3, pp. 149-156. Scour fi eld, D. J. On British Cladocera. J. Quek. Club (2) v, p. 63. Sharp, B. On Hippa emerita. P. Ac. Philad. 1892, pp. 327 & 328. Sowinsky, B. Materiaux pour servir a l’etude des Crustaces d’eau douce dans la partie sud-occidentale de la Russie. Zapiski. Kiev, xi, pp. 107-171. Printed in Russiau. St. Hilaire, C. de. Sur la resorption chez l’ecrevisse. Bull. Ac. Belg. xxiv, pp. 506, &c. Stuhlmann, F. Zur Kenntniss der Fauna central-africanischer Seen. Zool. Jahrb. vi, pp. 152-154. Thomson, G-. M. On the Occurrence of Two Species of Cumacea in New Zealand. J. L. S. xxiv, p. 263. Ulrich, E. 0. New Lower Silurian Ostracoda. No. 1. Am. Geol. x, No. 5, pp. 263-270, pi. x. Yiallanes, M. H. (1) Recherches anatomiques et physiologiques sur l’oeil compose des Arthropodes. i. La morphologie de l’oeii de la Langouste. Ann. Sci. Nat. xiii, pp. 349-384, 2 pis. . (2) Contributions a l’histologie du systeme nerveux des Inver- tebres. La lame ganglionnaire de la Langouste. T. c. pp. 385-398. Viguier, C. L’heliotropisme des Nauplius. C.R. cxiv, p. 1489. Yoigt, W. Synapticola teres , n. g. & sp., ein parasitischen Copepode aus Synapta kefersteinii. Z. wiss. Zool. liii, pp. 31-42. Wagner, C. Etudes sur le developpement des Amphipodes : cinquieme partie, Developpement de la Melita palmata. Bull. Mosc. 1891 (n.s.) v, p. 401, pis. ix & x. Walker, A. O. (1 ) Note on some Habits of Crustacea. Tr. Biol. Soc. Liverpool, iv, p. 84 (1890). . (2) Report on the Higher Crustacea collected [in Liverpool Bay] during 1889. T. c. p. 239. . (3) Revision of the Podopthalmata and Cumacea of Liverpool Bay. T. c. pp. 26-104. No new species. . (4) The Lysianassldce of the British Sessile- eyed Crustacea , Bate & Westwood. Ann. N. H. (6) ix, pp. 134-138. Weber, Max. Die Siisswasser-Crustaceen des Indischen Archipels, nebst bemerkungen liber die Susswasser-Fauna im Allgemeinen. In Max Weber’s Zool. Ergebnisse, &c. Yol. n. Leiden : E. J. Brill. TITLES, SUBJECT INDEX TO PAPERS. Crust. 13 Weldon, W. F. R. (1) Certain Correlated Variations in Crangon vulgaris. P. R. Soc. li, pp. 2-21. . (2) The Formation of Germ-layers in Crangon vulgaris. Q. J. Micr. Sci. xxxiii, pp. 343-363, 3 pis. Weltner, W. Nachtrage zur Fauna von Helgoland, hi. Zur Cirri- pedien fauna von Helgoland. Zool. Jahrb. vi, pp. 453-455. Whiteayes, J. F. Description of a New Genus and Species of Phyllo- carid Crustacea from the Middle Cambrian of Mount Stephen. Can. Eec. v, No. 4, pp. 205-208. Wood-Mason, J., & Alcock, A. (1) Natural History Notes from H.M. Marine Steamer “ Investigator,” &c. Ann. N. H. (6) ix, pp. 265-275, 2 pis. & . (2) Natural History Notes, &c. T. c. pp. 358-370. Woodward, H. Notes on a New Decapodous Crustacean, Prosopon etherklgei, H. Woodw., from the Cretaceous of Queensland. P. Linn. Soc. N.S.W. vii, pp. 301-304, pi. iv. * Zschokke, F. Dei Fortpflanzungsthiitigkeit der Cladoceren der Hoch- gebirgseen. Festschr. z. 70. Geburts. E. Leuckart. pp. 396-404. II. — SUBJECT INDEX TO PAPEES ON ANATOMY, PHYSIOLOGY, EMBRYOLOGY, DISTRIBUTION, &c. 1. Embryology and Metamorphosis. Pigment of the eggs in Decapoda ; Heim (2). — Active ferments in eggs of Crustacea ; Heim (4). — Genesis of the sperm and ova and fertilization in Diaptomus ; Ishikawa. — Structure of ova in Cyclops and Canihocamptus ; Hacker. Reproductive activity of Cladocera ; Zschokke. Parthenogenesis in Daphnia ; Kerherve. Artificial reproduction of small Crustacea ; Kochs. Development of Eriphia ; Lebedinski. — Embryology and Meta- morphoses of Stenojous, Alpheus , and Gonodactylus ; Brooks & Herrick. Development of embryo of Diptychus ( Galatheidce) ; Bouvier (1), and Edwards & Bouvier. — Formation of germ layers in Crangon vulgaris ; Weldon. — Development and torsion of the germinal streak in Gam- marus ; Bergh (1 & 2). — Germ-layers in Isopoda : McMurrich. — Embryology of Oniscidce ; Jourdain. — Early development of Cirri- pedia ; Groom. — Postembryonal development of Crabs ; Cano. — Development of A mphipoda\ Wagner. — On the larvee of Palinurus ; Cunningham. 2. Circulatory System. Blood of Decapoda ; Heim (1, 3, 5). — Arteries of Amphipoda ; Schneider. Crust. X. CRUSTACEA. 3. Muscular System. Muscles of Decapoda ; Bordage. — Strength of muscles in Decapoda ; Camerano. 4. Nutrition, Excretory Organs, &c. Digestion of the Crayfish ; St. Hilaire. — On the fat of the liver in Decapoda ; Bouvier. — On the Digestive Tract of Edriophthalmia ; Ide. Excretory Organs : On the body-cavity and excretory organs of Cirri- pedia ; Kcehler. — On the body-cavity and Nephridia of the larva of Palcemonetes ; Allen. — Excretory organs of Gammarus ; Della Yalle. — Excretory orgaus of Paguridce and Decapoda ; March al (1, 3). 5. Nervous System and Organs op Sense. On the nervous system of the heart in the Crab ; Jolyet & Viallanes. — Nervous terminations of the sensory hairs ; Bath. — Nervous and glandular systems of freshwater Copepoda ; Richard. — Nervous system of Palinurus ; Yiallanes. Lateral eyes of Copepoda ; Richard.— Structure of eyes of Mirada ; Claus. — Nauplius-eye of Decapods ; Robinson. — Eye of Palinurus ; Yiallanes. 6. Anatomy and Miscellaneous Subjects. Phylogeny and classification of Crustacea ; Bernard, Grobben (1, 2). General comparative anatomy ; Lang. — Organization of Decapoda ; BronN. — Internal skeleton of Apus and Astacus ; Bernard. — Mor- phology of freshwater Ostracoda ; Claus. — Cutaneous glands of Edriophthalmia ; Ide. — Structure of branchiae in Palcemonetes ; Allen. Abnormalities of Crayfish ; Parker. — Additional claws in Crabs ; Bateson. Variations in Crangon vulgaris ; Weldon. Orientation of Sacculma : Groom (2). — Heliotropism of Nauplius ; Viguier. On the presence of Cysticercoid in freshwater Calanidce ; Richard. Phagocytes of Astacus ; Cuenot. Parasites (Sporozoa) in the muscles of Decapoda ; Henneguy & Thelohan. Habits, Instincts, &c. : Movements of Crustacea ; Demoor. — Decorative instinct of Oxyrhyncha ; Aurivillius (1). — Protective adaptation in Crabs ; Hacker. — Autotomy of Crabs ; Fredericq. — Pagurus in a sinistral shell ; Marchal. — Habits of Gelasimus ; Alcock (2): Ocypoda ; Alcock (1) : of Pagurus ; Bouvier (3) : of Hippa emerita ; Sharp : of Oniscus,&c. ; Walker (1). — History of Cyamus ; Pouchet. — Natural History of Daphnia ; Capanni. — Remarks on the Cyclopidce ; Lande. — Living Branchipus ; Bertkau. SUBJECT INDEX TO PAPERS. Crust . 15 7. Paleontology. Palaeozoic Phyllopoda ; Jones & Woodward. Mi Idle Cambrian : Phyllopoda ; Whiteaves. Lower Silurian : Ostracoda ; Ulrich. — Silurian: Ostracoda ; Krause. Carboniferous Ostracoda from Mongolia ; Jones & Kirkby. Upper Jurassic Crustacea of the Boulonnais ; Sauvage. Pliocene Crustacea ; Ristori (1 & 2). Tertiary Ostracoda ; Leienklaus. 8. Faunistic. Pelagic elements in the fauna of freshwater lakes ; Imhof. Observations on marine and freshwater Crustaceans; Max Weber, a. Holarctic Region . Britain: Mysidce ; Norman (1,2): freshwater Cyclopidce and Calanidce ; Brady : Cladocera ; Scourfield. — Edinburgh and the Firth of Forth : Scott (1, 3, 5-8). — Granton: Ostracoda ; Robertson (2). — Firth of Clyde : Amphipoda and Isopoda ; Robertson (1). — Orkney: Entomostraca- Scott (9). — Yorkshire : rare Crustacea ; Norman (3). — Liverpool Bay : Podophthalmata and Cumacea ; Walker (2, 3). — Plymouth and Coast of Devonshire : Crustacea ; Garstang (1 & 2). Iceland: Isopoda ; Dollfus (5) : freshwater forms; Guerne & Richard. Norway : Amphipoda ; Sars. Heligoland : Cirripedia ; Weltner. Eastern Baltic : Kojevnikov. Germany : free-living, freshwater Copepoda ; Schmeil. France : freshwater Copepoda ; Richard (7) : Ostracoda ; Guerne (3) : Isopoda ; Dollfus (4) : Amphipoda ; Chevreux & Bouvier (3), Chevreux & Guerne (1, 2). Hungary : Ostracoda ; Chyzer. — Bohemia : pond-life ; Kafka. Poland : Nusbaum. Russia : Ostracoda ; Natiiorst. — S. W. of Russia : freshwater Crus- tacea ; Sowinsky. — Black Sea ; Ostroumoff. Mediterranean, &c. : Paguridce ; Edwards & Bouvier. — Island of Elba and Monte Christo : Entomostraca ; Richard (4). — Triest : Copepoda ; Car. — Gulf of Naples : Copepoda ; Giesbrecht. Spain : Isopoda ; Dollfus (2). — Spain and Portugal ; higher Crustacea ; Bolivar. Algeria : Ostracoda ; Moniez : Cladocera and Copepoda ; Blanchard & Richard. Syria : Phyllopoda ; Barrois : Isopoda ; Dollfus (3). Azores : Cryptopus recorded ; Guerne (2). 10 Crust, X. CRUSTACEA. Canary Islands : Kcelbel. Senegal : Entomostraca ; G-uebnk & Richard (2). Japan : Ortmann (1-3). West Greenland : Ives. Wisconsin : Cladocera ; Birge : Deep-water Crustacea of Green Lake; Marsh. b. Ethiopian Region, African Lakes ; Stuhlmann. St. Thomas (Gulf of Guinea) and Angola: Osorio. — Assinie (W. Africa): Isopocla ; Dollfus (1). Red Sea : Paguridce ; Bodyier (5). Madagascar : Phyllopoda ; Guerne (1). c. Lido -Pacific Region. Indian Seas : Wood-Mason & Alcock. — Indian Archipelago : Fresh- water forms ; Max Weber. — Indo-Malaya and Austro-Malaya : Beca- poda ; De Man. — New Zealand : Cumacea ; Thomson. d. Neotropical Region. Jamaica: higher Crustacea ; Andrews, Benedict (1). Chili : freshwater Entomostraca ; Richard (8). III.— SYSTEMATIC. MALACOSTRACA. PODOPHTHALMA. DECAPODA. BRACHYURA. Inachide. Simocarcinus pu stilus , Asaba, pp. 55 & 174, figg. 3 & 4, Gavino, Bull. Soc. Nat. Napoli. (1) iii, n. sp. Periceride. The family characterized and divided into the three subfamilies — Peri- cerince , Othoniince , and Mithracince ; all the genera and all the species known to the author characterized ; Rathbun. Libinia emarginata, Leach, p. 235, pi. xxxi, fig. 2, dubia (M.-Edw.), p. 237, fig. 1, N. America, setosa, Lock. Lower California, p. 238, pi. xxviii ; Rathbun, P. U. S. Nat. Mus. xv. MALACOSTRACA. Crust 17 L. macclonaldi , G-ulf of California, p. 238, pi. xxix, spinimana , Carolina, &c., p. 240, pi. xxx, mexicana, Gulf of California, p. 242, pi. xxxi, fig. 3, Rathbun, P. U. S. Nat. Mus. xv, n. spp. Pericera cornuta , var. codata , M.-Edw., Florida, &c., p. 244 ; Rathbun, P. U. S. Nat. Mus. xv. P, triangulata, Gulf of California, p. 246, pi. xxxii, fig. 1, atlantica , Gulf of Mexico, p. 247, contigua , G-ulf of California, p. 247, pi. xxxii, fig. 2, Rathbun, P. U. S. Nat. Mus. xv, n. spp. Macrocceloma camptocera, Stmp., Florida, p. 249, pi. xxxiii, fig. 2, eutJieca} Stmp., Florida, p. 251 ; Rathbun, P. U. S. Nat. Mus. xv. M. tenuirostris, Jamaica, p. 252, pi. xxxiii, fig. 1, Rathbun, P. U. S. Nat. Mus. xv, n. sp. Podohuenia , n. g. for P. erythrcea , n. sp., Massaua ; Gavino, Boll. Soc. Nat. Napoli (1) iii, p. 180, fig. 5. Tiarinia depressa , Stmp., Ousima, p. 276, pi. xl, fig. 1, spinigera , Stmp., Ousima, p. 277, pi. xl, fig. 2 ; Rathbun, P. U. S. Nat. Mus. xv. Othonia aculeata , Gibbes, Florida, p. 255, pi. xxxiv, figg. 1 & 2, chermi- nieri , Schr., W. Indies, &c., p. 255, pi. xxxiv, figg. 3 & 4 ; Rathbun, P. U. S. Nat. Mus. xv. 0. carolinensis, Charleston, p. 256, pi. xxxv, figg. 1 & 2, nicholsi , California, p. 257, pi. xxxv, fig. 3, rotunda , Florida, p. 258, pi. xxxvi, fig. 1, Rathbun, P. U. S. Nat. Mus. xv, n. spp. Mithrax spinipes , Bell, p. 259, acuticornis , Stmp., Gulf of Mexico, p. 260, pi. xxxvii, fig. 1, forceps , M.-Edw., N. America, Brazil, &c., p. 269 ; Rathbun, P. U. S. Nat. Mus. xv. M. pilosus, Bahamas, p. 262, pi. xxxix, Jiemphilli , Florida, p. 263, pi. xxxvii, fig. 2, sinensis , California, p. 266, pi. xxxviii, fig. 2, bahamensis, p. 267, pi. xxxviii, fig. 1, braziliensis, Brazil, p. 268, pi. xxxvi, fig. 2, Rathbun, P. U. S. Nat. Mus. xv ; M. trigonopus, Panama, p. 183, Gavino, Boll. Soc. Nat. Napoli (1) iii : n. spp. Mithraculus tumidus , Payta, p. 186, Gavino, Boll. Soc. Nat. Napoli (1) iii, n. sp, CoRYSTIDiE. Telmessus cheiragonus , Til., syn. serratus , White, &c., Oregon, &c., p. 224, pis. xxv & xxvi, figg. 2-4, acutidens, Stmp., Japan, p. 228, pi. xxvi, fig. 1 ; Benedict, P. U. S. Nat. Mus. xv. Erimacrus , n. g., p. 229, for Platycorystes isenbeclcii , Brandt, Unalaska, &c., p. 229, pi. xxvi, figg. 5-7, & pi. xxvii ; Benedict, P. U. S. Nat. Mus. xv. Cancrim and Telphusim. Euryetisus, n. g., p. 88, for E. deplanatus, n. sp., Singapore, pp. 81 & 200; Gavino, Boll. Soc. Nat. Napoli (1) iii. Actumnus targionii, Pernambuco, pp. 89 & 209, fig. 13 ; Gavino, Boll. Soc. Nat. Napoli (1) iii, n. sp. 18 Crust. X. CRUSTACEA. Eucratoplax spinidentata, Jamaica, Benedict, Johns Hopk. Univ. Circ, xi, p. 77, n. sp. Pilumnus tridentatus , Haiti., is referable to the genus Heteropanope, the species figured and described, p. 228, pi. vii, fig. 1 ; De Man, Notes Leyd. Mus. xiv. Pilumnus sluiteri, Batavia, p. 283, pi. 1, fig. 2, De Man, in Max Weber’s Zool. Ergeb. ii, n. sp. Telphusa eminii , n. sp., E. Africa, pp. 11-13, Hilgendorf (1). T. granu- late n. sp., Tjibodas, p. 290, pi. ii, fig. 5 ; larnaudi , n. var. brevimar- ginata , Sumatra and Java, p. 294, pi. iv, fig. 6 ; celebensis , n. sp., with 2 new vars., lokaensis and pareparensis , Celebes, p. 297, pis. xvii & xviii, fig. 17 ; De Man, in Max Weber’s Zool. Ergeb. ii. Geotelphusa picta , von Martens, Java, p. 234, pi. viii, fig. 2 ; transversa , von Mart., syn. crassa , M.-Edw., Fiji I., p. 241 ; De Man, Notes Leyd. Mus. xiv. G. loxophthalma, Borneo, p. 245, pi. vii, fig. 3, De Man, Notes Leyd. Mus. xiv, n. sp. GrRAPSIDAS. Brachynotus harpax , Aden, Hilgendorf, pp. 37-40, SB. nat. Fr. 1892, n. sp. Areograpsus jamaicensis, Jamaica, Benedict, Johns Hopk. Univ. Circ. xi, p. 77, n. sp. Glyptograpsus spinipes, Isola delle Perli, Gavino* pp. 92 & 241, fig. 15, Boll. Soc. Nat. Napoli (1) iii, n. sp. Dotilla wickmanni , Celebes, p. 308, pi. xviii, fig. 8, De Man, in Max Weber’s Zool. Ergeb. ii, n. sp. Metaplax crassipes , n. sp., Makassar, p. 325, pi. xix, fig. 12, De Man, in Max Weber’s Zool. Ergeb. ii. Ptychognathus dentatus , n. sp., Celebes, p. 318, pi. xviii, fig. 9; riedelii , n. v&r.pilosa, Flores, p. 323; De Man, in Max Weber’s Zool. Ergeb. ii. Sesarma eydouxi , M.-Edw., p. 248, recta , Band., Surinam, p. 249, pi. x, fig. 4 ; angusticeps, Dana, syn. ricordi , M.-Edw., p. 253, fig. 5 ; elongata , A. M.-Edw., p. 256 ; De Man, Notes Leyd. Mus. xiv. 8. curacaoensis , n. sp., Cura9ao, p. 257, fig. 6 ; De Man, Notes Leyd. Mus. xiv. S. bidentata, n. sp., Jamaica, p. 77 ; Benedict, Johns Hopk. Univ, Circ. xi. S. melissa, de Man, var. moluccensisi Flores, p. 328 ; mceschii, n. sp., Sumatra, p. 331, pi. xx, fig. 14 ; frontalis , A. M.-Edw., Flores, p. 334, pi. xx, fig. 13 ; weberi , n. sp., Flores, p. 338, fig. 15 ; De Man, in Max Weber’s Zool. Ergeb. ii. S. crassipes , n. sp., Pernam- buco, barbimana , n. sp., Payta, pp. 93, 244 & 245 ; Gavino, Boll. Soc. Nat. Napoli (1) iii. Geosesarma, n. subg. of Sesarma , p. 341, nodulifera , n. sp., Java, p. 342, pi. xx, fig. 16 ; sylvicola, n. sp., Sumatra, p. 345, pi. xx, fig. 18 ; maculata, n. sp., Flores, p. 347, pi. xxi, fig. 19 ; De Man, in Max Weber’s Zool. Ergeb. ii. MALACOSTKACA, Crust. 19 OXYSTOMATA. This group with its three sections, the Dorippinea , Calappinea , and the Leucosiinea, pp. 550, &c. ; Ortmann, Zool. Jahrb. vi. C YCLODORIPPIDiE . [New family, p. 582, Ortmann, Zool. Jahrb. vi.] Cyclodorippe dromioides, Japan, pp. 559, pi. xxvi, fig. 5, uncifera , Japan, p. 560, fig. 6, Ortmann, Zool. Jahrb. vi, n. spp. Hippidea. The group, with its two families, Hippidce and A Ibuniidce , characterized, p. 531-538 ; Ortmann, t. c. Dromiidea. The group, with three families, Homolidce, Dynomenidce , n. fam., and Dromiidce , characterized, pp. 538-542 ; Ortmann, Zool. Jahrb. vi. Cryptodromia canaliculata , n. var. ophryoessci , Japan, pp. 545 & 546; Ortmann, Zool. Jahrb. vi. Dicranodromia doderleini , n. sp., Japan, p. 549, pi. xxvi, fig. 4, Ort- mann, Zool. Jahrb. vi. Calappim. Ccilappa japonica, n. sp., Japan, p. 566, pi. xxvi, fig. 8, Ortmann, Zool. Jahrb. vi. Matutim. Notopus novemdeiitcitus, n. sp., New Caledonia, p. 574, pi. xxvi, fig. 11, Ortmann, Zool. Jahrb. vi. Leucoshm. Cryptocnemus obolus, n. sp., Japan, p.576, pi. xxvi, fig. 12. Ortmann, Zool. Jahrb. vi. Ebalia longimanus , Japan, p. 579, pi. xxvi, fig. 13, scabriuscula , Japan, p. 580, fig. 14, conifera, Japan, p. 580, fig. 15, Ortmann, Zool. Jahrb. vi, n. spp. Philyra heterograna, Japan, p. 582, pi. xxvi, fig. 17, syndactyla , Japan, p. 583, pi. xxvi, fig. 18, Ortmann, Zool. Jahrb. vi, n. spp. 1892. [vol. xxix.] d 9 20 Crust. X. CRUSTACEA, ANOMURA. Galatheidea. This group characterized, with the families (Egleldce , Chirostylidce, n., Galatheidce , and Porcellanidce ; Ortmann, Zool. Jahrb. vi, pp. 241-326. P ORCELLANIDCE. Pachycheles Icevidactylus , n. sp., Brazil, p. 26, pi. xii. fig. 1, Ortmann, Zool. Jahrb. vi. Polyonyx carinctius , Loo Choo, p. 268, pi. xii, fig. 2, Ortmann, Zool. Jahrb. vi, n. sp. Porcellana pulchelhda, n. sp., St. Lorenzo, p. 260, Gavino, Boll. Soc. Nat. Napoli (1) iii. Chirostylim:, [New family, p. 244, Ortmann, Zool. Jahrb. vi.] Chirostylus, n. g., p. 246, for C. dolichopus, n. sp., Japan, p. 246, p. xi, fig. 2 ; Ortmann, Zool. Jahrb. vi. Galatheidce. V roptychus japonicus , Japan, p. 248, pi. xi, fig. 3, Ortmann, Zool. Jahrb. vi, n. sp. Galcithea : synopsis of the species, pp. 248 & 249 ; Ortmann, Zool. Jahrb. vi. G. affinis , n. sp., Fiji I., p. 252, pi. xi, fig. 9, Ortmann, Zool. Jahrb. vi. Munida heteracantha , Japan, p. 255, pi. xi, fig. 12, Ortmann, Zool. Jahrb. vi, n. sp. ]ifimidx)psis taurulus , Japan, p. 256, pi. xi, fig. 13, Ortmann, Zool. Jahrb. vi ; M. polymorphci, Canary Is , p. 109, pi. x, figg. 3-16, Kcelbel, Ann. Hofmuseum Wien, vii : n. spp. Galacantha camelus, Japan, p. 257, pi. xi, fig. 14 ; Ortmann, Zool. Jahrb. vi, n. sp. Porcellanidce. Petrolisthes reissii, Ecuador, p.260, pi. xi, fig. 15, leporinoides , S. Sea, p. 263, Ortmann, Zool. Jahrb. vi, n. spp. Paguridea. This tribe contains the families P arapaguridce, Paguridce (with subfams. PagnrincB, Diogenince , Eupagurince ), Ccenobitidce, and Lithodidcc , pp. 269-273 ; Ortmann, Zool. Jahrb. vi. JIALACOSTRACA. Crust. 21 PARAPAGURIDvE. Parapagurus abyssorum , Head., is synonymous with P. pilosimanus, Smith, p. 204 ; Edwards & Bouvier, Ann. Sci. Nat. xiii. Chiroplatea scalata , Gulf of Mexico, p. 275, pi. xii, fig. 4 ; Ortmann, Zool. Jahrb. vi, n. sp. Paguridje. Anapagurus pusillus, Hend., n. var. japonicu-s , Japan, p. 296, pi. xii, fig. 11 ; Ortmann, Zool. Jahrb. vi. A. brew carpus, Spain, p. 215, bicorniger , Cadiz, p. 215, Edwards & Bou- yier, Ann. Sci. Nat. xiii ; A. curvidactylus , Dakar, p.253, Chevreux & Bouvier, Bull. Soc. Z. Fr. xv, and Mem. Soc. Zool. v, p. 91, pi. ii, figg.2-8 : n.spp. Calcinus talismani, Cape Verde, p. 225, Edwards & Bouvier, Ann. Sci. Nat. xiii, n. sp. Catapaguroides , n. g. for C. microps , Spain, p. 211, megalops , Marocco, p. 213, acutifrons, Canaries, p. 213, n. spp., Edwards & Bouvier, Ann. Sci. Nat. xiii. Clibanarius melitai, Dakar, p. 255, Bull. Soc. Z. Fr. xvi, and p. 135, pi. iv, figg. 3-6, Mem. Soc. Zool. v; senegalensis, Dakar, p. 256, t. c. and p. 131, pi. iv, figg. 7-11, t. c., Chevreux & Bouvier : n. spp. Diogenes denticulatus , n. sp., Rufisque, Chevreux & Bouvier, p. 254, Bull. Soc. Z. Fr. xvi, and p. 122, pi. iii, figg. 16-20, Mem. Soc. Zool. v. Eupagurus Icevimanus , Tahiti, p. 302, pi. xii, fig. 13 ; dubius, Japan, p. 307, pi. xii, fig. 14 ; triserratus, Japan, p. 308, pi. xii, fig. 15 ; similis, Japan, p. 310 ; barbatus, Japan, p. 311 ; samoensis, Samoa, p. 312, pi. xii, fig. 17 ; obtusifrons, Japan, p. 313, pi. xii, fig. 18 ; ophthalmicus , Japan, p. 314, pi. xii, fig. 19, Ortmann, Zool. Jahrb. vi ; E. variabilis , Gulf of Gascony, p. 217 ; pubescentulus , Marocco, p. 219 ; irregularis, Cape Blanco, p. 220; pulchellus, Cape Verde, p. 221; ruber , ? Gulf of Gascony, p. 222, Edwards & Bouvier, Ann. Sci. Nat. xiii ; triangularis, Dakar, p. 253, Bull. Soc. Z. Fr. xvi, and p. 93, pi. ii, figg. 9-15, Mem. Soc. Zool. v ; inermis, Dakar, p. 254, t. c. and p. 109, pi. iii, t. c. figg. 1-5 ; minimus, Dakar, p. 106, pi. ii, figg. 21-26, Chevreux & Bouvier ; E. alaslcensis, Alaska, p. 2, aleuticus, Aleutian Is., p. 3 ; patagoniensis, Patagonia, p. 4 ; smithi, Gulf of California, p. 4 ; impressus, Florida, p. 5 ; Jloridanus, Florida, p. 5 ; exilis, La Plata, p. 6 ; albus, California, p. 6 ; gladius, California, p. 7 ; defensus , Gulf of Mexico, p. 7; capillatus, Alaska, p. 8; brandti, dalli , Aleutian Is., p. 9 ; tanneri, p. 10; confragosus, p. 11 ; cornutus, p. 12 ; townsendi , p. 13 ; rathbuni, p. 14, Alaska ; minutus, Gulf of Cali- fornia, p. 14 ; 2mr_Puratllsi Galapagos I., p. 15 ; hemphilli, California, p. 16 ; beringanus , Aleutian Is., p. 17 : newcombei, British Columbia, p. 17 ; undosus , Bering Sea, p. 18 ; setosus, minutus , p. 19 ; gilli, p. 20, Alaska, curacaoensis , Curasao, p. 21 ; calif orniensis, mexicanus, roseus, 22 Crust. X. CRUSTACEA. California, p. 22 ; corallinus, Florida, p. 23 ; coronatus , California, p. 24 ; varians , Gulf of California, p. 24 ; cervicornis , p. 25 ; parvus, p. 26, California ; hispidus, Cuba, p. 26, Benedict, P. U. S. Nat. Mus. xv : n. spp. Nematopagurus , n. g., p. 209, for N. longicornis, n. sp., Mediterranean, &c. ; Edwards & Bouvieii, p. 210, Ann. Sci. Nat. xiii. Paguristes poly thophilus, p. 277, pi. xii, fig. 5, acanthomerus , p. 279, pi. xii, fig. 6, kagoshimensis , p. 281, pi. xii, fig. 8, Japan, Ortmann, Zool. Jahrb. vi ; P. hispidus, Liberia, p. 208, Edwards & Bouvier, Ann. Sci. Nat. xiii : n. spp. Lithodidjs. Lithodes turritus , Japan, p. 320, pi. xii, fig. 26, Ortmann, Zool. Jahrb. vi, n. sp. 1 Japalogaster grebnitzldi , Behring Is., p. 335, fig. 3, hrandti , Sitka, p. 336, fig. 1, Schalfeef, Bull. Petersb. xxxv, n. spp. Placetron, n. g., p. 339, for P. wosnessenskii, n. sp., Kadjak, p. 339, fig. 6 ; Schalfeef, Bull. Petersb. xxxv. MACRURA. The groups Homaridea, Loricata, and Thalassinidea, characterized. The Homaridea, containing the Homaridce and Astacidce ; the Loricata , containing the Palinuridce and Scyllaridce ; and the Thalassinidea , containing the Axiidce , Thalassinidce, Calocaridce (n. fam.), and Callianassidce ; Ortmann, Zool. Jahrb. vh Astacid^. Astacus similis, Corea; Kcelbel, Anz. Ak. Wien, xviii, pp. 176 & 177, n. sp. Palin URID2E. The known genera of the family characterized; Ortmann, pp. 14 & 15, Zool. Jahrb. vi. Avus, n. g., syn. Linuparis, Gray ; Ortmann, p. 21, Zool. Jahrb. vi. Senex, n. g., syn. Panulirus, Gray : synopsis of the species ; Ortmann, pp. 22 & 23, Zool. Jahrb. vi. Puer, n. g., syn. Panulirus , Bate in part, for angulatus , Bate, and pellu - cidus, n. sp., Japan, p. 37, pi. i, fig. 3 ; Ortmann, Zool. Jahrb. vi. Axiidas. Eiconaxius farrece, Japan, pp. 49 & 50, pi. i, fig. 4, Ortmann, Zool. Jahrb. vi, n. sp. MALACOSTEACA. Crust. 23 Callianassidje. Gebia littoralis, Risso, Naples, &c ., p. 53, pi. i, fig. 6, major , De Haan, Japan, p. 54, pi. i, fig. 7, barbata , Str., Samoa, p. 54, pi. i, fig. 8, isodactyla , n. sp., Red Sea, p. 55, pi. i, fig. 9 ; .Ortmann, Zool. Jahrb. vi. Callianassa subterranea , Mont., Mediterranean Sea, p. 55, pi. i, fig. 10, n. vsiv.jajjonica, Japan, fig. 10a, diademata , n. sp., Africa, p. 56, pi. i, fig. 11 ; Ortmann, Zool. Jahrb. vi. AtyiDjE. Atya moluccensis , De Haan, Java, Sumatra, Celebes, &c., p. 357, pi. xxi, fig. 20, brevirostris , n. sp., Flores, p. 360, pi. xxi, fig. 21 ; De Man, in Max Weber’s Zool. Ergeb. ii. Caridina typus, M.-Edw., Flores, Celebes, p. 367, pi. xxi, fig. 22 ; weberi, n. sp., Flores, &c., p. 371, pi. xxii, fig. 23, var. sumatrensis, n. var., Sumatra, p. 375, pi. xxii, fig. 33g ; parvirostris , n. sp., Flores, p. 375, pi. xxii, fig. 24 ; Icevis , Hell., Java, p. 376, pi. xxiii, fig. 27 ; pare- parensis , n. sp., Celebes, p. 379, pi. xxii, fig. 25 ; multidentata , n. sp., Celebes, p. 380, pi. xxii, fig. 26 ; serratirostris, n. sp., Flores, p. 382, pi. xxiii, fig. 28, n. var. celebensis, Celebes, p. 385, pi. xxiii, fig. 28 ; wychii , Hickson, Celebes, p. 386, pi. xxiv, fig. 29, n. var. gracilipes , Celebes, p.393 ; brevicarpalis , Celebes, p.397, pi. xxiv, fig. 30, n. var. cndehe?isis, p. 399, pi. xxiv, fig. 30e ; gracilirostris , n. sp., Celebes, p. 399, pi. xxv, fig. 31 ; De Man, in Max Weber’s Zool. Ergeb. ii ; japonica , n. sp., Japan, p. 261, pi. ix, figg. 7 & 8 ; De Man, Notes Leyd. Mus. xiv. PAL.EHONID.E. Alpheus gracilidigitus, Miers, loc. ?, p. 406, pi. xxv, fig. 32 ; De Man, in Max Weber’s Zool. Ergeb. ii. Hippolyte ponapensis , Ortm., is a synonym of Hetairocaris orientalis, De Man ; De Man, p. 263, Notes Leyd. Mus. xiv. Palcemon weberi , n. sp., Celebes, p. 421, pi. xxv, fig. 33 ; dispar , v. Martens, Celebes, &c., p. 427, pi. xxvi, fig. 34 ; sundaicus, Heller, Flores, Celebes, p.437, pi. xxvi, fig. 35 ; elegans , n. sp., Java, p. 440, pi. xxvi, fig. 36 ; equidens , Dana, Sumatra, p. 453, pi. xxvi, fig. 36; javanicus, Hell., Sumatra, p. 457, pi. xxvi, fig. 38 ; horstii , n. sp., Celebes, p. 460, pi. xxvii, fig. 39 ; scabriculus , Hell., Celebes, p. 462, pi. xxvii, fig. 41 ; endehensis , n. sp., Flores, p. 465, pi. xxvii, fig. 42 ; modestus, n. sp. , Flores, p. 469, pi. xxvii, fig. 43 ; pilimanus, De Man, Sumatra, p. 471 pis. xxvii & xxviii, fig. 44, n. var. leptodactylus , Java, p. 476 pi. xxviii, figg. 44 & k-i ; latimanus , v. Mart., syn. euryrhynchus Ortm., Flores, Timor, &c., p. 477, pi. xxviii, fig. 45 ; placidus, n. sp.} Sumatra, p. 483, pi. xxviii, fig. 46 ; placidulus , n. sp., Flores, &c., p. 489, pi. xxviii, fig. 48 ; lanipropus, n. sp., Celebes, p. 493, pi. xxix, 24 Crust. X. CRUSTACEA. fig. 49 ; bariensis , n. sp., Flores, p. 490, pi. xxix,' fig. 50 ; lepidacty - hides , n. sp., Flores, p. 497, pi. xxix, fig. 51 ; lepidactylus} Thai., Celebes, p. 501, fig. 52 ; latidactylus , Thai., Flores, p. 504, pi. xxix, fig. 52 ; De Man, in Max Weber’s Zool. Ergeb. ii. * Pemim. ' Penceus semisulcatus, De Haan, Celebes, p. 510 ; iudicus, M.-Edw., syn. merguiensis, De Man, Celebes, p. 511, pi. xxix, fig. 3; monoceros , Fabr., Celebes, p. 513, pi. xxix, fig. 54 ; De Man, in Max Weber’s Zool. Ergeb. ii. PSALIDOPODIDiE. [N. fam., p. 265 ; Wood-Mason & Alcock, Ami. N. H. (6) ix.] Psalidopus , n. g., p. 266, for P. huxleyi , Andaman Sea, p. 273, pi. xiv, figg. 1, 2, 7, spiniventris , p. 274, pi. xiv, figg. 3-6, and pi. xv, figg. 1-10, n. spp., Andaman Sea ; Wood-Mason & Alcock, i. c. Acanthephyrid^:. Acanthephyra sanguinea, n. sp., p. 358, fig. 1 ; armata , M.-Edw., p. 359, fig. 2; eximia, Smith, p. 361, fig. 3; brachytelsonis , Bate, p. 363, fig. 4 ; ciirtirostris, W.-M., p. 364, fig. 5, Indian Ocean ; Wood- Mason & Alcock, Ann. N. H. (6) ix. SCHIZOPODA. Norman, Ann. N. H. (6) ix, pp. 454-464, and x, pp. 143-166, 242-263, characterizes this group with the families, sub-families, genera and species that are known to occur in Britain. Cryptopodid^i. [N. fam., p. 444, &c., Beneden, Bull. Ac. Belg. xxii.] Cryptopus , syn. Cerataspis , referred to the Penceidce, p. 1029 ; Giard & Bonnier, C.R. cxiv. Mysiml Mysidopsis gibbosa , Sars, p. 164, pi. x, fig. 8 ; angusta, Sars, p. 165, fig. 9, British Seas; hibernica, n. sp., Valentia, p. 165, pi. ix, figg. 1—5 ; Norman, Ann. N. H. (6) ix. Schistomysis , n. g., p. 254, for S. pgrkeri , n. sp., Devon, p. 256, pi. x, figg. 1-7 ; Norman, Anu. N. H. (6) ix. Heteromysis formosa, Smith, syn. norvegica , Sars, British Seas, p. 158, pi. ix, figg. 6-11 ; Norman, Ann. N. H. (6) ix. Erythrops eleqans , Sars, p. 161, pi. x, fig. 10 ; Norman, Anu. N. H. (6) ix. MALACOSTRACA. Crust: 25 E DRIOPHTH ALM A. CUMACEA. Cyclaspis levis, Dunedin, p. 264, pis. xvi & xvii, figg. 1—26, Thomson, J. L. S. xxiv, n. sp. Diastylis neo-zelandica , Dunedin, Otago Bay, p. 268, pi. xviii, figg. 1-11 ; Thomson, J. L. S. xxiv, n. sp. AMPHIPODA. Amphllochim. Astyra a bijssi, Boeck, Norway, p. 214, pi. lxxiii ; Saks, Amphipoda of Norway. Amphilochoides, n. g., p. 220, for Amplulochus odontonyx, Boeck, p. 221, pi. lxxv, fig. 2 ; and A. pusillus , n. sp., p. 222, pi. lxxvi, fig. 1, Norway ; Sars, Amphipoda of Norway. Amphilochus mcinudens , Sp. Bate, p. 217, pi. lxxiv ; tenuimanus , n. sp., p. 218, pi. lxxv, fig. 1, Norwrav ; Sars, Amphipoda of Norway. Gitaiia sarsii , Boeck, syn. A. sdbrince, p. 228, pi. lxxviii, fig. 1 ; abyssicola , n. sp., p. 229, pi. lxxviii, fig. 2 ; rostrata , Boeck, p. 230, pi. lxxix, fig. 1, Norway ; Sars, Amphipoda of Norway. Gitanopsis , n. g., p. 223, for G. bispinosa , Boeck, p. 224, pi. lxxvi, fig. 2; inermis , Sars, p. 225, pi. lxxvii, fig. 1, and G. arctica, n. sp., p. 227, pi. lxxvii, fig. 2, Norway ; Sars, Amphipoda of Norway. Stegoplax longirostris , Sars, Norway, p. 232, pi. lxxix, fig. 2 ; Sars, Am- phipoda of Norway. GrAMMAEIDiE. Gammarus delebecguei , from the Lake of Annecy, p. 1286, Cheyreux & de Guerne, Bull. Soc. Z. Fr. xvii, & C.R. cxiv, n. sp. Leucothoidai. Leucothoe spinicarpa, Abild., p. 283, pis. c & ci, fig. 1, lilljeborgi , Boeck, p. 284, pi. ci, fig. 2 ; Sars, Amphipoda of Norway. L. incisa , n. n. fovL.furina , Chevreux, from Cumbrae, p. 217 ; Robertson, P. N. H. Soc. Glasg. iii. Lysianaxid^. Synonymy of British Lysianaxidce ; Walker, Ann. N. H. (6) ix, pp. 134-138. Pararistias , n. g., p. 201, for Lysianassci audouinianus , Bate ; Robertson, P. N. H. Soc. Glasg. iii. Perrierella , n. g. for P. crctssipes , n. sp., France, p. 50 ; Cheyreux & Bouyier, Bull. Soc. Z. Fr. xvii. Socarnes erythrophthalmus , Cumbrae, p. 200, Robertson, P, N. H. Soc. Glasg. iii, n. sp. 26 Crust. X. CRUSTACEA. (Edicerim. Aceros phyllonyx , Sars, p. 338, pis. cxix & cxx, fig. 1, Norway ; Sars, Amphipoda of Norway. Bathymedon, n.g., p. 332, for B. longimanus , Boeck, p. 333, phcxvii; saus- surei , Boeck, p. 335, pi. cxviii, fig. 1 ; obtusifrons , Hans., p. 336, pi. cxviii, fig. 2, Norway ; Sars, Amphipoda of Norway. Halicreion longicaudatus , Boeck, p. 322, pi. cxiii, fig. 2, Norway ; Sars, Amphipoda of Norway. Halimedon miilleri, Boeck, p. 327, pi. cxv ; acutifrons , n. sp., p. 329, pi. cxvi ; megalops , Sars, p. 330, pi. cxvi, fig. 2 ; brevicalcar, Goes, p. 331, pi. cxvi, fig. 3 ; Norway ; Sars, Amphipoda of Norway. Monoculodes carmatus, Sp. Bate, p. 295, pi. cv; tessellatus , Schn., p. 297, pi. cvi, fig. 1 ; borealis , Boeck, p. 298, pi. cvi, fig. 2 ; pallidus, n. sp., p. 299, pi. cvi, fig. 3; norvegicus , Boeck, p. 301, pi. cvii, fig. 1; falcatus, n. sp., p. 302, pi. cvii, fig. 2 ; tubercalatus , Boeck, p. 303, pi. cvii, fig. 3 ; latimanus, Goes, p. 304, pi. cviii, fig. 1 ; Icr.oyeri , Boeck, p. 305, pi. cviii, fig. 3 ; longirostris , Goes, p. 306, pi. cviii, fig. 3 ; pachirdi , Boeck, p. 307, pi. cix, fig. 1 ; tenuirostratus, Boeck, p. 309, pi. cix, fig. 2 ; Norway ; Sars, Amphipoda of Norway. Monoculopsis , n.g, p. 310, for longicornis} Boeck, p. 311, pi. cx, fig. 1, Norway ; Sars, Amphipoda of Norway. (Ediceropsis brevicornis , Lillj., p.325, pi. cxiv, Norway; Sars, Amphipoda of Norway. CEdiceros saginatus, Kroy., p. 288, pi. cii; borealis , Boeck, p. 290, pi. ciii, fig. 1, Norway ; Sars, Amphipoda of Norway. Parcediceros, n. g., p. 291, lynceus, Sars, p. 292, pi. ciii, fig. 2, & pi. civ, fig. 1 ; propinquus , Goes, p. 293, pi. civ, fig. 2, Norway ; Sars, Amphipoda of Norway. Periculodes , n. g., p. 312, for P. longimanus , Sp. Bate, p. 313, pi. cx, fig. 2, & pi. cxi, fig. 1, Norway ; Sars, Amphipoda of Norway. Pontocrates norvegicus , Boeck, p. 315, pi. cxi, fig. 2, Norway ; Sars, Amphipoda of Norway. Synchelidium , n. g., p. 317, for brevicarpum , Sp. Bate, p. 318, pi. cxii, fig. 1 ; haplocheles , Grnbe, p. 319, pi. cxii, fig. 2 ; intermedium , n. sp., p, 320, pi. cxiii, fig. 1, Norway ; Sars, Amphipoda of Norway. Orchesti dm. Orchestia floresiana , p. 562, martensii , p. 564, Flores, parvispinosa , Java, p. 566, montana , Celebes, p. 567, Max Weber, Zool. Ergeb. ii, n. spp. Hyale grimaldii , p. 257, figg. 1-5, Chevreux, Bull. Soc. Z. Fr. xvi, n. sp. StENOTHOIM]. Cressa dubia, Sp. Bate, p. 278, pi. xcviii, fig. 2, & pi. xcix, fig. 1; minuta, Boeck, p. 280, pi. xcix, fig. 2, Norway; Sars, Amphipoda of Norway. Metopa alderii Sp. Bate, p. 250, pi. lxxxvi; spectabilis , Sars, p. 251, HALACOSTRACA. Crust. 2 1 pi. lxxxvii ; boeckii , n. sp., syn. M. brazelii, Boeck ; borealis, Sars, in part, p. 252, pi. lxxxviii; borealis , Sars, p. 254, pi. lxxxix, fig. 1; rubrovittata , Sars, p. 255, pi. lxxxix, fig. 2 ; pusilla, n. sp., p. 256, pi. xc, fig. 1 ; longicornis , Boeck, p. 258, pi. xc, fig. 2; tenuimana, n. sp., p. 259, pi. xci, fig. 1; affinis, Boeck, p. 260, pi. xci, fig. 2; brazelii , Goes, p. 261, pi. xcii, fig. 1 ; sinuata, n. sp., syn. bruzelii , Hans., in part, p. 268, pi. xcii, fig. 2 ; propinqua, n. sp., p. 264, pi. xciii, fig. 1; leptocarpa , Sars, p. 265, pi. xciii, fig. 2; solsbergi , Schneider, p. 266, pi. xciv, fig. 1 ; invalida , n. sp., syn. M. alderi , Boeck, in part, p. 267, pi. xciv, fig. 2 ; pollexiana, Sp. Bate, p. 269, pi. xcv ; robusta, n. sp., p. 270, pi. xcvi, fig. 1 ; palmata , n. sp., p. 272, pi. xcvi, fig. 2 ; longi- mana , p. 273, pi. xcvii, fig. 1; neglecta , Hansen, p. 274, pi. xcvii, fig. 2; nasuta, Boeck, p. 276, pi. xcviii, fig. 1 : from Norway ; Sars, Amphi- poda of Norway. Metopella, n. g., suggested as new generic name for Metopa longimana , Sp. Bate, p. 274 ; Sars, Amphipoda of Norway. Proboliwn gregarium , Sars, p. 245, pi. lxxxiv ; calcaratum , Sars, p. 247, pi. lxxxv, Norway ; Sars, Amphipoda of Norway. Stenothoe marina , Sp. Bate, p. 236, pi. lxxx ; microps , n. sp., p. 237, pl.lxxxi, fig. 1 ; tenella, Sars, p. 238, pi, lxxxi, fig. 2 ; monoculoides, Mont., p. 240, pi. lxxxii, fig. 1 ; brevicornis , Sars, p. 241, pi. lxxxii, fig. 2 ; megachir, Boeck, p. 242, pi. lxxxiii, Norway ; Sars, Amphipoda of Norway. S. dollfasi , n. sp., Azores, p. 260, figg. 6-10, Chevreux, Bull. Soc. Z. Fr. xvi. Aliarum Familiar um, Hyperia schizogeneios, Stebbing, adult $ described ; Chevreux, Bull. Soc. Z. Fr. xvii, p. 233. Pardaliscoides, n. g. for P. tenellus , n. sp. ; Stebbing, Rep. on the Amphi- poda of the “ Challenger,” p. 1725 (1888). ISOPODA. AsELLIDtE. Asellus coxalis, Syria, p. 13, pi. li, fig. 11, Dollfus, Rev. Biol, iv, n. sp. Jceropsis neo-zelandica , Akaroa, p. 267, Chilton, Tr. N. Z. Inst, xxiv, n. sp. Munna neo-zelandica , New Zealand, p. 2, pis. i & ii, figg. 1-15; Chilton, Tr. N. Z. Inst, xxiv, n. sp. BoPYRIDtE. Probopyrus giardi on Palcemon placidus, Sumatra, p. 557, pi. xxx, fig. 1, Max Weber, Zool. Ergeb. ii, n. sp. Palcegyge borrei, Giard & Bonnier, on Palcemon dispar , Flores, p. 557, pi. xxx, fig. 5 ; bonnieri, n. sp., on P. lar, Celebes, p. 558, pi. xxx, fig. 4 ; fiuviatilis , n. sp., on P. lampropus, Celebes, p. 559 ; de mani, n. sp., on P. spinimanus , Sumatra, p. 560; Max Weber, Zool. Ergeb. ii. 28 Crust. X. CRUSTACEA. Oniscidj:. Armadillidiurn scabrum , n. sp., Seville, p. 1G5, with fig., Dollfus, Anil. Soc. Esp. (2) i. A. sanctum , n. sp.. Syria, p. 4, pi. i, fig. 2 ; granum , n. sp., Syria, p. 5, fig. 3; Dollfus, Rev. Biol. iv. A. granulatum , Br., serratum, B.-L., nasatum , B.-L., maculatum , Risso, simoni, Dollf., assimile , B.-L., esterelanum , Dollf., zenckeri , Br., pictum , Br., pulchel- lum , Br., vulgare , Latr., sordidum, Dollf., opacum , Kochs, alpinum , Dollf., quinquepustulatum, B.-L., depressum , Br., album , Dollf., from France, figured and described, pp. 8-18, figg. 1-26 ; Dollfus, Feuill. Nat. xxii. Armadillo officinalis , n. var. syriaca , p. 2, albomarginatus , n. sp., Syria, p. 3 ; Dollfus, Rev. Biol. iv. Mesarmadillo, n. g., p. 385 ; alluaucli , p. 386, pi. vii, fig. 1, marginatus, p. 387, fig. 2, tuberculatus , p. 387, fig. 3, Assinie, Dollfus, Ann. Soc. Ent. Fr. lxi, n. spp. MetoponortJirus rufocinctus, Corunna, p. 184, fig. ; Dollfus, Ann. Soc. Esp. (2) i ; M. pica, Syria, p. 10, pi. ii, fig. 9, trifasciatus , Tiberias, p. 11, pi. ii, fig. 10 ; Dollfus, Rev. Biol, iv : n. spp. Philoscia minima , Granada, p. 187, fig., Dollfus, Ann. Soc. Esp. (2) i, n. sp. Porcellio magnificus , n. sp., Alcazaba, p. 270, fig., succinctus , B.-L., p. 171, fig. ; P. nicJdesi, p. 171, fig., bolivari , p. 172, fig., expansus , p. 174, fig., pyrenceus , p. 175, fig., ch bueni, p. 176, fig., amcenus , p. 178, fig., hispanus, p. 179, fig., nigro-granulatus , p. 182, fig., Spain, n. spp. ; Dollfus, Ann. Soc. Esp. (2) i. P. inconspicuus , Dead Sea, p. 5, pi. i, fig. 4 ,fissifrons, Syria, p. 7, pi. i, fig. 5, barroisi , Dead Sea, p. 7, pi. i, fig. 6, contractus , Syria, p. 8, pi. ii, fig. 7 ; P. ( Leptotrichus ) chellus , Syria, pi. ii, fig. 8 ; Dollfus, Rev. Biol. iv. : n. spp. Synarmadillo, n. g., p. 388, for 8. clausus , n. sp., Assinie, p. 388, pi. vii, fig. 4 ; Dollfus, Ann. Soc. Ent. Fr. lxi. Cymothoid^ &c. Ichyoxenus jelling hausii , Herkl., on species of Puntias , Sumatra, p. 545 ; Max Weber, Zool. Ergeb. ii. Lironeca sulcata, Canary Is., p. 105, pi. x, figg. 1 & 2, KcelbEl, Ann. Hof- museum Wien, vii, n. sp. Rocinela typus , M.-Edw., Sumatra, p. 553 ; Max Weber, Zool. Ergeb. ii. Sphceroma egregia, Akaroa, p. 269, Chilton, Tr. N. Z. Inst, xxiv, n. sp. Tachceci lucustris , Sumatra, p. 551, Max Weber, Zool. Ergeb. ii. entomostraca. Crust. 29 ENTOMOSTKACA. PHYLLOPODA. A. Recent Forms. Apus ( Lepidurus ) glacia'lis , n. var. spitzbergensis , Spitzbergea, p. 291, Bernard, The Apodiclce. Branchipus ledoulxi, Syria, p. 25, fig. 1, Barrois, Bev. Biol, v, n. sp. Estheria hierosolymitans and gihoni , figured and described, pp. 34-37 ; Barrois, Rev. Biol. v. b. Fossil Forms. Anomolocaris , n. g., p. 205, canadensis , p. 206, Whiteaves, Can. Bee. v, n. sp. Aptychopsis barraudeana , n. sp., Moffat Beds, p. 101, pi. xv, fig. 1 ; cordi- f or mis, n. sp., Lower Wenlock, p. 103, pi. xv, fig. 2 ; lata , n. sp., p. 104, pi. xv, fig. 6 ; ovata , n. sp., Dumfries, p. 108, fig. 4 ; subquad - rata , n. sp., Upper Silurian, p. 110, fig. 20; oblata, n. sp., Gala group, p. Ill, figg. 18,21, & 23; Jones & Woodward, Paiseont. Soc. Discinocaris ovalis, p. 121, pi. xvi, fig. 20, undulata , p. 122, pi. xvi, fig. 21, Jones & Woodward, Palaeout. Soc., n. spp. Peltocaris patula, Moffat Series, p. 116, pi. xvi, figg. 10 & 11, carruthersii, syn. aptychoides, Woodw,, Moffat Series, p. 116, pi. xvii, fig. 7, Jones & Woodward, Pakeont. Soc., n. spp. CLADOCERA. Alona cilio-caudata , S. W. Russia, p. 159, pi. iii, figg. 33-36, Sowinsky, Zapiski. Kiev, xi. A. lepida , Wisconsin, p. 393, pi. xiii, fig. 19, Birge, Tr. Wisconsin Acad, viii : n. spp. Grimaldina brazzai, Congo, p. 214, figg. 1-3, Richard, Mem. Soc. Zool. v, n. sp. Guernella raphaelis , p. 218, figg. 4-6, Richard, Mem. Soc. Zool. v, n. sp. Latonopsis occidentalism Wisconsin, p. 383, pi. xiii, figg. 1-5, Birge, Tr. Wisconsin Acad, viii, n. sp. Macrothrix chevreuxi. Rufisque, p. 530, GuerNE & Richard, Mem. Soc. Zool. v, n. sp. Moinci dubia , Rufisque, p. 527, Gtterne & Richard, Mem. Soc. Zool. v, n. sp. Moinodaphnia moequersyi , p. 222, figg. 7 & 8, Richard, Mem. Soc. Zool. v, n. sp. Pleuroxus truncatus , n. var. Poppet, p. 189 ; Klocke, Zool. Anz. xv. 30 Crust. X. CRUSTACEA. OSTRACODA. Cypris ungulcita, Algeria, p. 247, blanchardi, p. 252, Moniez, Mem. Soc. Zool. iv, n. spp. Leucocythere, n. g., for L. mirabilis , p. 394 ; Kaufman, Zool. Anz. xv, n. sp. Pachycypris leuckarti , p. 57, incisci, p. 59, S. America, Claus, Arb. z. Inst. Wien, x, n. spp. COPEPODA. Argulus indicus , Java, p. 544, fig. 1, Max Weber, Zool. Ergeb. ii, n. sp. Arietellus , n. g. for A. setosus, n. sp., Naples, p. 415 ; Gtesbrecht, Copepoden des Golfes von Neapel. Belisarius vignieri , p. 132, Maupas, C.R. cxv, p. 132, n. sp. Caligus dakari, p. 243, pi. i, figg. 1-1, Beneden, Bull. Ac. Belg. xxiii, n. sp. Caligera difficilis , n. sp., p. 258, p. iv, Beneden, Bull. Ac. Belg. xxiii . Calina brcichyura , p. 249, pi. ii, Beneden, Bull. Ac. Belg. xxiii, n. sp. Candace varicans, Naples, p. 439, Giesbrecht, Copepoden des Golfes von Neapel, n. sp. Canthocamptus yaJiiai, Algeria, p. 516, pi. vi, fig. 42, Blanchard & Richard, Mem. Soc. Zool. iv, n. sp. Chiridius, n. g. for C. poppei , n. sp., Naples, p. 224 ; Giesbrecht, Copepoden des Golfes von Neapel. Chlamys, n. g. for C. incisus, n. sp., Dakar Bay, pp. 227-231, pi. ii, figg. 1-10 ; Beneden, Bull. Ac. Belg. xxiii. Copilia ( Saphirinella ), genus monographed, with chart of geographical dis- tribution ; Dall, Zool. Jahrb. vi. Cyclops hamatus, kiewensis , brevisetosus , palustris, poggenpolii, uljanini, trouchanowi , Jcovostyschewi , n. spp. from S. W. Russia, mentioned, but apparently not described ; Sowinsky, Zapiski. Kiev, xi. C. dybowskii , n. sp., Germany, p. 163, Lande, Mem. Soc. Zool. v. Dactylopus jugurtha, n. sp., Algeria, p. 519, pi. vi, figg. 26-41, Blan- chard & Richard, Mem. Soc. Zool. iv. Diaptomus sancti-patricii , Connemara, p. 99, pi. xiv, figg. 5-7, hircus , Orkney, p. 100, pi. x, figg. 2-4, Brady, Nat. Hist. Tr. North Durham, xi ; D. schmaclceri , Lake Tahoo (China), p. 149, Poppe & Richard, Bull. Soc. Z. Fr. xvii : n. spp. Euchceta acuta, p. 262, spinosa , p. 263, Naples, Giesbrecht, Copepoden des Golfes von Neapel, n. spp. Gryropeltis ranarum , Central Africa, pp. 152-154 ; StuhlmaNN, Zool. Jahrb. vi, n. sp. Hemicalanus acutifrons, fertilis, ornatus, spiniceps , Naples, pp. 398 & 399, Giesbrecht, Copepoden des Golfes von Neapel, n. spp. ENTOMOSTRACA, Crust. 31 Herpyllobiidce , n. fam. for Rhizorhina , n. g., Ent. Med. 1892, pp. 207-231. Ilyopsyllus, syn. Abacola, jousseaumei , n. sp., p. 69 ; Richard, Bull. Soc. Z. Fr. xvii. Laophonte mohammed, Algeria, p. 526, Blanchard & Richard, Mem. Soc. Zool. iv, n. sp. Lichomolgus agilis, Firth of Forth, p. 201, pi. xv, figg. 1-14, Scott, T., Ann. FT. H. x ; L. aberelonensis, E. of Scotland, p. 149, pi. vi, figg. 1-12, Scott, T. & A., Ann. Scott. Nat. Hist. Soc. 1892 : n. spp. Mesochrci lybica , Algeria, p. 523, pi. vi, fig. 16, Blanchard & Richard, Mem. Soc. Zool. iv, n. sp. Metridia normani , Faroe Channel, p. 345, Giesbrecht, Copepoden des Golfes von Neapel, n. sp. Monstrilla gracilicauda, longiremis , Naples, p. 589, Giesbrecht, Cope- poden des Golfes von Neapel, n. spp. Mobianus , n. g., for M. gy reins, n. sp., Naples, Giesbrecht, p. 205, Copepoden des Golfes von Neapel. Nogagus angnstatus, Beneden, Bull. Ac. Belg. xxiv, n. sp. Onccea minuta and subtilis , Naples, p. 603, Giesbrecht, Copepoden des Golfes von Neapel, n. spp. Pandarus cranchii , male described and figured, p. 221, pi. i, figg. 1-4 ; Beneden, Bull. Ac. Belg. xxiii. Piipulina flores , p. 254, pi. iii, Beneden, Bull. Ac. Belg. xxiv, n. sp. Rhizorhina , n. g. (H erpyl lob i idee) for R. ampeliscee, n. sp., Denmark, pp. 231 & 232, pi. iii ; Hansen, Ent. Med. 1892. Rotania , n. g. for R.flava , n. sp., Naples ; Giesbrecht, p. 616, Copepoden des Golfes von Neapel. Sapphirina lactens , pyrosomatis, maculosa , Naples, Giesbrecht, pp. 641- 643, Copepoden des Golfes von Neapel, n. spp. Scolecithrix vittata, profunda , longipes, dentata, tenuiserrata, dubia, auro - pecten , Naples, Giesbrecht, Copepoden des Golfes von Neapel, n. spp. Synapticola , n. g. for S. teres, n. sp., on Synapta hefersteinii, pp. 31-42; Yoigt, Z. wiss. Zool. liii. Thaumaleus claparedii and reticulatus , Naples, Giesbrecht, p. 585, Copepoden des Golfes von Neapel, n. spp. Xantho calami s agilis and minor , Naples, Giesbrecht, pp. 286-292, Cope- poden des Golfes von Neapel, n. spp. CIRRIPEDIA. Lepadid^:. Alepas japonica, Japan, p. 125, Aurivillius, (Efv. Ak. Forh. 1892, n. sp. Dichelaspis cor, S. Africa, p. 124, bullula, Java, p. 125, Aurivillius, (Efv. Ak. Forh. 1892, n. spp. 32 Crust. X. CRUSTACEA. Lepas testudinata , S. Africa, p. 123, Aurivillius, (Efv. Ak. Forh. 1892, n. sp. Oxynaspis patens, W. Indies, p. 125, Aurivillius, (Efv. Ak. Forh. 1892, n. sp. Pcecilasma vagans , off Nautilus, p. 124, Aurivillius, (Efv. Ak. Forh. 1892, u. sp. Scalpellum gemma , Greenland, scorpio , China Sea, p. 126, gibberum, La Plata, p. 127, calcaratum , Pacific Ocean, p. 128, septentrionale, North Sea, p. 128, obesum , North Sea, p. 129, erosum , N. W. Atlantic, p. 129, aduncum , on a Phoxichilidium , p. 130, luridum, Baffin Bay, p. 130, gronlandicum , Greenland, prunulum , W. Indies, p. 131, galea , La Plata, p. 132, stratum , W. Indies, p. 132, Aurivillius, CEfv. Ak. Forh. 1892, n. spp. Lithoglyptime (n. fam.). Litlioglyptes , n. g., for Z. indicus1 p. 133, bicornis , p. 134, ampulla, p. 134, Javan Seas, Aurivillius, CEfv. Ak. Forh. 1892, n. spp. PANTOPODA. TITLES. Carpenter, G. H. (1) Report on the Pycnogonida collected in Torres Straits by Prof. A. C. Haddon. Sci. P. R. Dubl. Soc. vii (n.s.) pp. 552-558, pi. xxii. . (2) Supplement. Op. cit. viii, pp. 21-26, pi. ii. Gaubert, P. Autotomie chez les Pycnogonides. Bull. Soc. Z. Fr. xvii, p. 224. Ives, J. E. A new species of Pycnogonum from California. P. Ac. Philad. 1892, p. 142. Jourdain, — . Affinites Zoologiques des Pantopodes. C.R. Soc. Biol. 1892, p. 945. ^Morgan, T. H. The relationships of the Sea Spiders. Biol. Lect. Marine Biol. Lab. Woods Holl. pp. 142-167. ( Qf Zool. Anz. xv, p. 43.) Schimkewitsch, W. Sur les Pantopodes recueillis par M. le lieutenant G. Chierchia pendant le voyage de la corvette u Yettor Pisani ” en 1882-1885. Atti Soc. Rom. Mem. (4), vi, pp. 329-347 (1889). [ Vide Zool. Rec. xxv, Arachnida , p. 24.] PANTOPODA, GIGANTOSTRACA. Crust . 33 Topsent, E. Les Pycnogonides provenant des campagnes du yacht “ l'Hirondelle ” [Gulf of Gascoyn, Azores, &c.]. Bull. Soc. Z. Fr. xvi, p. 176. No new species. SYSTEMATIC. Ammothea vnlsoni , Isl. Chonas, Schimkewitsch, Atti Soc. Rom. Mem. (4) vi, p. 336, figg. 16-23, n. sp. Ascorhynchus tenuirostris , Torres Strait, p. 555, pi. xxii, figg. 7-14, Car- penter, Sci. P. R. Dubl. Soc. (n.s.) vii, n. sp. Pallenopsis fluminensis , Koroy, Abrolhos I., p. 339, figg. 29-31, Schimke- witsch, Atti Soc. Rom. Mem. (4) vi. Parapallene , n. g. for Pallene austrciliensis , Hoek, and P. haddonii , n. sp., Torres Straits ; Carpenter, p. 553, pi. xxii, figg. 1-6, Sci. P. R. Dubl. Soc. (n.s.) vii. Phoxicliilidium longicolle , Dohrn, Porto Lagunas, Schimke WITCH, p. 343, Mem. R. Line. (4) vi. Pycnogonum steamsi, California, Ives, P. Ac. Philad. 1892, pp. 142-144, pi. x, n. sp. Rhopalorhynchus clavipes , Torres Straits, Carpenter, p. 24, pi. ii, figg. 1-10, Sci. P. R. Dubl. Soc. (n.s.) viii, n. sp. Tanystylum dohrni, Abrolhos I., p. 329, figg. 1-4, calicirostris, Gulf of Panama, p. 331, figg. 5-7, chierchice , Chonos, p. 333, figg. 8-11, Sciiim- kewitscii, Atti Soc. Rom. Mem. (4) vi, n. spp. GIGANTOSTRACA. (a.) Limulus. Bernard, H. M. The Apodidce : a Morphological Study. London : Macmillan & Co., 1892. Bouvier, E. L. Observations sur l’anatomie du systeme nerveux de la Limule polypheme ( Limulus polyphemus). Bull. Soc. Philom. (8) iii, pp. 187-198. Kingsley, J. S. The Embryology of Limulus . J. Morph, vii, No. 1, pp. 35-66. pis. v & vi. Kishinouye, K. On the Development of Limulus longispina. J. Coll. Sci. Japan, v, pt. 1, pp. 53-100, 7 pis. s'Smith, H. M. Notes on the King Crab Fishery of Delaware Bay. Bull. U. S. Fish. Comm, ix, pp. 363-370. Viallanes, M. H. Etudes Histologiques et Organologiques sur les centres nerveux et les organes des sens des animaux articules. 6. Le cerveau de la Limule ( L . polyphemus). Ann, Sci. Nat. xiv, pp. 405, &c. 34 Crust. X. CRUSTACEA. (b.) Trilobites.* Cole, J. A. The Story of Olenellus. Nat. Science, i, No. 5, pp. 340, &c. Etheridge, R., & Mitchell, J. The Silurian Trilobites of New South Wales, with references to those of other parts of Australia. P. Linn. Soc. N.S.W. vi, pp. 311-320, pi. xxv. Proetus bowningensis, Mitch., p. 313, fig. 1 ; rattei, n. sp., p. 316, fig. 2 ; australis , n. sp., p. 318, fig. 3. Gurich, — . Ueber eine Cambrische Trilobiten-Fauna bei Sandomir. J. Ber. Schles. Ges., No. 69, 1891, p. 55. Matthews, E. F. Notes on Cambrian Fauna. Can. Rec. v, pp. 247-258. The following Trilobites described : — Protolenus , Matth., p. 248, para- doxoides, fig. 1 ; elegans, fig. 2 ; zoppii , fig. 3. Ellipsocephalus galeatus , n. sp., p. 249, fig. 4; articephalus , Matth., pp. 250-252, fig. 5 ; Jioffi, fig. 6. Pompecki, J. F. Bemerkungen fiber das Einrollungsversmogen der Trilobiten. JH. Ver. Wfirtt. xlviii, pp. 93-101. * No special attention has been devoted to this Section. Arachn. 1 XI. ARACHNIDA. BY E. I. Pocock. Arrangement of Record. A few changes have been made in the treatment of this section of the Zoological Record. The first part contains a complete list of the titles. The second is devoted to papers treating of the anatomy, em- bryology, physiology, habits, &c. The third part deals similarly with distribution, and the fourth with the purely systematic aspect of the sub- ject. In the latter the sequence of the orders adopted is the same as that put forward in the Ann. N. H. for Jan., 1893 ; while the families of the larger groups, such as the Arcinece and the Acari , and the genera that they contain, have been, for the sake of convenience, arranged alphabetically. For reasons already stated under the heading Crustacea , the Pantopoda and the Gigantostraca have been transferred from the Arachnida to that section of the Record which deals with the Crustacea. IY. Systematic (a.) Scorpiones , p. 14. (b.) Peclipalpi, p. 14. (C.) Aranece , p. 14. (d.) Pseudoscorpiones , p. 33. (e.) Opiliones , p. 34. (f.) Acari, p. 35. I. Titles of Papers, p. 1. II. Anatomy, Embryology, Physiology", Habits, &c., p. 11. III. Distribution, p. 13. I. TITLES OF PAPERS.* Andrews, E. A. Notes on the Fauna of Jamaica. Johns Hopk. Univ. Circ. xi. Arachnida , p. 75. Balzan, L. Voyage de M. E. Simon au Venezuela : Chernetes ( Pseudo- scorpiones). Ann. Soc. Ent. Fr. lx, pp. 497-552, pis. 9-12. * An asterisk prefixed to a quotation indicates that the Recorder has not seen the Journal or Work referred to. 1892. [VOL. XXIX.] D 10 2 Arachn . XI. AEACHNTDA. Banks, N. (1) Mimicry in Spiders. P. E. Soo. Wash, ii, No. 2, pp. 174-176. . (2) A new genus of Phalangiidce. T. c, pp. 249 & 250. • . (3) On Prodidomus rufus , Hentz. T. c. pp. 259-261. =. (4) The Spider Fauna of the Upper Lake, Cayuga Basin. P. Ac. Philad. 1892, pt. 1, pp. 11-81. . (5) Notes on the Dysderidce of the United States. Canad. Ent. xxiii, pp. 207-209. Batelli, A. Notes anatomofisiologiche sugli Ixodini. Bull. Soc. Ent. Ital. xxiii, pp. 218-235. Becker, L. Sur le Pholcus phalangioides , Fuessly, 1775. Ann. Soc. Ent. Belg. xii, pp. 539 & 540. Berlese, A. Acari, Myriopoda et Scorpiones hucusque in Italia reperta. Pts. lxi-lxx, with a special unnumbered part devoted to the Acari of the group Mesostigmata. Padova, 1892. Bernard, H. M. (1) Are the Solpugidce poisonous ? Nature, xlvi, p. 223. . (2) The Apodidce , a Morphological Study. Nature Series. London (Macmillan & Co.) : 1892. . (3) Some Observations on the Relation of the Acaridce to the Arachnida. J. L. S. xxiv, pp. 279-291, pi. xx. . (4) An endeavour to show that the tracheae of the Arthropoda arose from setiparous sacs. Zool. Jahrb. v, p. 511. Bertkau, P. (1) Ueber Sinnesorgane in den Tastern und dem ersten Beinpaare der Solpugiden. Zool. Anz. xv, p. 10. . (2) Nachtragliche Bemerkungen zu meiner Mittheilung iiber Sinnesorgane in den Tastern und dem ersten Beinpaare der Solpugiden . T. c. p. 110. . (3) Zu J. Lebedinsky “ Die Entwicklung der Coxaldriise bei Phalangium .” 1 . c. p. 177. • . (4) Ueber das Chiracanthium nutrix. SB. Yer. Rheinl. 1892, p. 102. . (5) Bau der Giftdriise einheimischer Spinnen. CB. Yer. Rheinl. 1892, pt. 1, pp. 59 & 60. Birula, — . Beitrage zur Kenntniss der anatomischer Baues der Geschlectsorgane bei den Galeodiden. Biol. Centralbl. xii, p. 687. Blanchard, R. [Remarks upon the observations of F. Heim upon the red pigment of Trombidium, cf. Heim (2).] Bull. Soc. Ent. Fr. 1892, p. 1. Bolivar, — . Sociabilidad de las arafias. Act. Soc. Esp. xxi, p. 22. TITLES OE PAPEES. Arachn. 8 ^Brandes, G-. Ueber die Argasiclce. CB. Ver. Saehr. Thiir. 1892, pp. 17-19 & 22. Buysson, H. [Une rectification ( Chorioptes doit etre substitue a Symbiotes).'] Bull. Soc. Ent. Fr. 1891, pp. clx & clxi. Camboue, B. P. (1) Araneides utiles e nuisibles. Bull. Soc. Acclim. 1887, pp. 1-10. . (2) La soie d’Araignee. Rev. Sci. Nat. Appliq. 1892, No. 6, pp. 1-8. . (3) Sur l5 utilisation de deux Araneides sericigenes de Mada- gascar. Op. cit. 1889, No. 5, pp. 1-3. Cambridge, 0. P. (1) On a new Spider from Calcutta. Ann. N. H. (6) x, p. 417, pi. xxii. A species of Ariamnes. . (2) On the British Species of False-Scorpions. P. Dorset Field Club, xiii, p. 199, &c. Cambridge, F. 0. P. (1) British Spiders. Brit. Nat. (Supp.) pts. xiv, xv, xvii, xx, & xxii. D rassus , Gnaphosa , and Clubionci. . (2) New and Obscure British Spiders. Ann. N. H. (6) x, pp. 384- 397, pis. xx & xxi. Canestrini, E. (1) Sopra due nuove specie di Fitoptus. Bull. Soc. Yen. -Trent, v, No. 2, pp. 79 & 80. . (2) Sopra due nuove specie di Fitoptus. Op. cit. xii, p. 377. . (3) Sopra due nuovi Fitoptidi. T. c. p. 379. . (4) Sopra tre nuove specie di Fitoptidi Italiani. Atti 1st. Yenet. 1, pp. 837-839 (1891-92). . (5) Sopra due nuove specie di Fitoptidi Italiani. Op. cit. li, pp. 5 & 6 (1892-93). Carlini, A. de. Artropodi di Yal Yigazzo. Bull. Soc. Ent. Ital. 1892, pt. 1 : Aranece and Opiliones $ pp. 90 & 91. Carpenter, G. H. (1) The Walk of Arthropods. Nat. Sci. i, p. 676, &c. . (2) Notes on the Development and Structure of Arachnids. Op. cit. No. 7, pp. 522-527. Catjsard, M. Sur la circulation du sang chezles jeunes Araignees. C.R. cxiv, p. 1035. ??Chyzer, C., & Kulczynski, L. Aranece Hungarise, &c. Berlin (R. Friedlander) : 1892. Chyzer, C. Ueber eine neue Spinnenfauna Ungarns. Math. Nat. Ber. Ung. x, pp. 108-118. Notes upon synonyms, &c., of certain species described in the above cited work on Hungarian Spiders, by Chyzer & Kulczynski. 4 Arachn. XI. ARACHNIDA. Costa, A. Sugli effetti del veleno della Scorpione Tunisino ( Buthus tunetanus ) nelP uomo. Rend. Acc. Nap. (2) vi, pp. 144-146. # Curtice, C, The Biology of the Cattle Tick. J. Comp. Med. Yet. Arch. 1891, pp. 313-319. Curtis, J. S. A New Jumping Spider. Zoe, iii, pp. 332-337. Damin, N. (1) 0 pauku : Uloborus walclcenaeri (Latr.). Glasnik Naravosl. Druzt. vi, pp. 220-223, pi. iv. . (2) Iz zivota pauku Argiope bruennichi (Scop.). Op. cit. vii, pts. 1-6, pp. 211-220, pi. vi (1892). Distant, W. L. Are the Solpugidce poisonous ? Nature, xlvi, p. 247. Du Roselle, — . Contributions a la Faune locale — Arachnides. Bull. Soc. L. Nord. France, x, pp. 340-343 (1890-91). Enock, F. Additional Notes and Observations on the Life-history of Atypus piceus. Tr. E. Soc. 1892, pp. 21-26. Flogel, J. H. L. Ueber das Nervensystem von Demodex folliculorum. Yerh. Ges. Nat. Arzte, lxiv, pp. 120 & 121. Fockeu, H. Etude sur quelques Galles de Syrie. Rev. Biol, iv, pp. 152— 160 & 231-234. Fox, W. H. A List of the Spiders from Indiana. P. E. Soc. Wash, ii, No. 2, p. 224. Garman, H. (1) The Origin and Development of Parasitism among the Sarcoptidce. Ins. Life, iv, pp. 182-187. . (2) American Phytoptocecidii. Psyche, vi, pp. 241-246, 1 pi. Gaubert, P. (1) Sur les muscles des membres et sur l’homologie des articles des Arachnides. Bull. Soc. Philom. (8) iv, No. 1, pp. 31-33. . (2) Sur un ganglion nerveux des pattes du Phalanginm opilio. C.R. cxv, p. 960. . (3) Sur Pautotomie chez les Araignees. Bull. Soc. Philom. (8) iv, pp. 78 & 79. . (4) Observations sur les pieces buccales des Araneides. T. c. pp. 80 & 81 . . (5) Recherches sur les organes des sens et sur les systemes tegu- mentaires, glandulaires,et musculaires des appendices des Arachnides. Ann. Sci. Nat. xiii, pp. 1-184, 4 pis. Goldi, E. A. Zur Orientierung in der Spinnenfauna Brasiliens. MT. Osterlande, v, pp. 200-248. Goyen, P. On New Zealand Aranece. Tr. N. Z. Inst, xxiv, pp. 253- 257. Green, E. E. Remarkable Weapons of Defence. Nature, xlvii, p. 199. Distastefulness of Holothyrus coccindla. 'TITLES OF PAPERS. Arachl. 5 Greve, C. Beobachtuugen an zwei lebenden Artkropoden aus Mittel- Amerika. Zool. Jahrb. vi, p. 461. On a Scorpion ( Centrums biaculeatus ). Hasselt, A. W. M. van. (1) Waarnemingen omtrent de biologie van Ccelotes atropos, Walck. Tijdschr. Ent. xxxiii, pp. xiv-xvi. . (2) Over de parasieten der Spinnen. Op. cit. xxxv, pp. xxxviii- xli. Heim, F. [Sur le pigment de la larve de Trombidium fuliginosum.'] Bull. Soc. Ent. Fr. 1892, pp. xlix-1. Howard, L. O. Hymenopterous Parasites of Spiders. P. E. Soc. Wash, ii, No. 3, pp. 290, &c. Imhof, 0. E. Die Zusammensetzung der pelagischen Fauna der Suss- wasserbecken. Biol. Centralbl. xii, pp, 171, &c. Jaworowski, A. (1) Ueber die Extremitaten, deren Drfisen und Kopf- segmentierung bei Trochosa singoriensis. Zool. Anz. xv, p. 197. 0 . (2) Homologie der Gliedmassen bei Arachniden und Insekten. Kosmos Lemberg, 1891, ii, pp. 1-15, 4 figures. Johnson, H. P. Amitosisin the Embryonal Envelopes of the Scorpion. Bull. Mus. C. Z. xxii, pp. 127-160. Jones, K. H. A few Remarks on our Commonest Spiders. Sci. Goss. 1892, pp. 73-75. Jourdain, S. Sur le mode de fixation des larves parasites hexapodes des Acariens. C.R. cxv, p. 621. Kafka, J. Die Fauna des Bohmisohen Teiche. Arch, naturw. Landesforsch. Bohmen, viii. No. 2, pp. 1-115. Uydrackmdce, pp. 107-109. Karpelles, L. Ueber einen eigeuthfimlicken Parasiten der Krontaubc. SB. z.-b. Wien, xlii, pp. 46 & 47. Karsch, F. (1) Arachniden von Ceylon und von Minikoy gesammelfc von den Herren Doctoren P. und F. Sarasin. B. E. Z. xxxvi, pt. ii> pp. 267-310, 3 pis. . (2) Ueber Cryptostemma , Guer., als einzigen recenten Auslaiifer der fossilen Arachnoideen-Ordnung der Meridogastra , Thor. Op. cit. xxxvii, pp. 25-32, pi. iv. . (3) Nachschrift zu meinem Aufsatze fiber Cryptostemma , Guer. T. c. p. 64. Kellicott, D. S. Hypoderas columbce : a Note. Ins. Life, v, pp. 77 & 78. Kennel, J. v. Dei Verwandtschaftsbeziehungen und die Abstammung der Tardigraden. SB. Ges‘. Dorp. 1891, pp. 504-512, 6 Amelin, XI. ARACHNJDA. Keyserling, E. (1) Die Spinnen Amerikas. Brasilianische Spinnen. Ntirnberg (Bauer & Raspe) : 1891. Not seen by Recorder in 1891. . (2) Die Spinnen Amerikas — Epeiridce. Ntirnberg (Bauer & Raspe) : 1892, pt. iv, No. 1. Kieffer, J. J. Des Acarocecidies de Lorraine. Feuill. Nat. xxii, pp. 97-104, 118-129, 141-147, & 162-165. Kishinouy^, K. On the Lateral Eyes of Spiders. J. Coll. Sci. Japan, y, pp. 101-103. Kcenike, E. (1) Anmerkungen zu Piersig’s Beitrag zur Hydrachniden- kunde. Zool. Anz. xv, p. 263. . (2) Zwei neue Hydrachniden-Grattungen aus dem Rhatikon. T. c. pp. 320 & 325. Kojevnikov, G-. La faune de la mer Baltique orientale et les problemes des explorations prochaines de cette faune. Congr. Internat. Zool. 1892, pt. i, pp. 132, &c. Kovalevsky, A. Sur les organes excreteurs des Arthropodes terrestres. T. c. pp. 187, &c. Aranece , p. 216 ; Scorpiones , p. 228. Kramer, P. Zur Entwicklungsgeschichte und Systematik der Suss- wassermilben. Zool. Anz. xv, p. 149. Laurie, M. On the Development of the Lung-books of Scorpio fulvipes. Zool. Anz. 1892, No. 386, pp. 101-105. Laveran, A. Acariens de l’oreille chez le lapin, paraphlegie reflexe. C.R. Soc. Biol. 1892, p. 169. Lebedinsky, J. Die Entwicklung des Coxaldrtise bei Phalangium. Zool. Anz. xv, p. 131. Lewis, R. T. (1) Notes on the process of Oviposition as observed in a species of Cattle Tick. J. R. Micr. Soc. 1892, No. 4, pp. 449-454, lpl. . (2) Note on a species of Ixodes. J. Quek. Club (2) v, pp. 10- 14, 1 pi. Marchal, P. La glande coxale du Scorpion et ses rapports morpho- logiques avec les organes excreteures des Crustaces. C.R. cxv, p. 191. [Translated in Ann. N. H. (6) x, p. 338.] Marx, Gr. (1) A contribution to the Study of the Spider Fauna of the Arctic Regions. P. E. Soc. Wash, ii, No. 2, p. 186. . (2) Notes on the Classification of the Ixodidce. T. c. p. 232. . (3) Contributions to the Knowledge of the Life-history of Arachnida. T. c. p. 252. Observations on Thelyphonus and Datames. titles of papers. Araclm. 7 [Marx, G.] (4) [Remarks upon the Distribution of Drassidce and Attidce.] T. c., No. 2, p. 251. . (5) A list of the Aranecz of the District of Columbia. T. c. p. 148. . (6) On the Morphology of the Ticks. Op. cit. ii, No. 3, pp. 271-287. Mazza, F. Contribuzione all anatomia macro- e microscopica del Peiitastomum moniliforme, Dies. Atti Univ. Genova, 1891, pp. 1-45. McCook, H. C. Drexelia, a new genus of Spiders. P. Ac. Philad. 1892, p. 127. Meaden, C. W. Bite of the Tarantula (Mygale) Spider. Trinidad Nat. Club, i, No. 5, pp. 127 & 128. Megnin, P. (1) Acariens des oreilles chez le chat, le furet, et le chien. C.R. Soc. Biol. 1892, p. 125. , (2) Un dernier mot sur la question de l’epilepsie de nos Carnas* siers domestiques. T. c. p. 142. * . (3) Les Acariens parasites. Paris (Gauthier- Yillars et fils) : 1892. ( Of. \ Zool. Anz. xvi, p. 54.) Michael, A. D. (1) On the variations in the internal anatomy of the Gammarince , especially in that of the genital organs, and in their mode of coition. Tr. L. S. v, pt. 9, pp. 281-324. . (2) Ticks. Nat. Sci. i, No. 3, pp. 200-204. Moniez, R. (1) Note sur VArrhenurus decurtator , n. sp. Rev. Biol, iv, p. 520. . (2) Memoire sur quelques Acariens et Thysanoures parasites ou commensaux des Fourmis. T. c. pp. 377-389. . (3) Contribution a l’histoire naturelle du Tyroglyphus myco- phagus , Megn. Mem. Soc. Zool. v, pt. 4, pp. 584-601. Morin, J. Studien fiber Entwicklung der Spinnen. (Printed in Russian.) Zapiski Novoross. Obsch. Estestv. 1888, pp. 1-112, 4 pis. Mosley, S. L. Yorkshire Galls. Naturalist, 1892, pp. 273-278. Nalepa, A. (1) Neue Gallmilben. SB. Ak. Wien, 1892, p. 16. . (2) Neue Gallmilben. T. c. p. 128. . (3) Neue Arten der gattfing Phytoptus, Duj., und Cecidophyes , Nal. T.c. p. 155. . (4) Neue Gallmilben. T. c. pp. 190-192. . (5) Tegonotus , ein neues Phytoptiden genus. Zool. Jahrb. vi, p. 327, 1 pi. Peckham, G. W. & E. G. Ant-like Spiders of the family Attidce. Yol. ii. of the Occasional Papers of the Nat. Hist. Soc. Wisconsin. Milwaukee : 1892, pp. 1-83, pis. i-vi. 8 Arachn. Xl. ARACHNIDA. Piersig, R. (1) Beitrag zur Hydrachnidenkunde. Zool. Auz. xv, p. 151. . (2) Beitrage zur Kenntniss der im Susswasser lebeuden Milbeu. T. c. pp. 338 & 341. . (3) Eine neue Hydrachniden-gattung aus dem sachsischen Erzgebirge. T. c. p. 408. Pocock, R. I. (1) Report upDn a small collectiou of Scorpions sent to the British Museum by Mr. Edgar Thurston, of the Government Central Museum, Madras. J. A. S. (Bombay) vii, No. 3, pp. 295- 312. — . (2) Descriptions of two new genera of Scorpions, with Notes upon some species of Palamnceus. Ann. N. H. (6) ix, pp. 38-49, pi. iii&. . (3) Description of a new Trap-door Spider from Ceylon. T. c. pp. 49-51. =. (4) Supplementary Notes on the Arachnida and Myriopoda of the Mergui Archipelago, &c. J. L. S. xxiv, pp. 316-318. . (5) Liphistius and its bearing upon the Classification of Spiders. Ann. N. H. (6) x, pp. 306-314. . (6) Arachnida and Myriopoda in W. L. Distant’s Naturalist in the Transvaal. London (R. II. Porter) : 1892, pp. 179-184. . (7) On the Arachnida collected by Dr. Anderson in Algeria and Tunisia. P. Z. S. 1892, pt. 1, pp. 24-28. Puga-Borre, F. El Lathrodectus formidabilis de Chile. Act. Soc. Sci. Chili, ii, pt. 1, pp. 3-176, & pt. 2, pp. 271-296. Purcell, F. (1) Bau der Phalangiden-augen. Yerh. deutsch. Zool. Ges. 1892, pp. 141 & 142. - — -. (2) Ueber den Bau und die Entwicklung der Phalangiden-augen, Zool. Anz. xv, p. 461. Railliet, A., & Cadiot, — . Observations et experiences sur Potoca* - riase symbiotique des Carnassiers. C.R. Soc. Biol. (9) iv, No. 5, pp. 104-108. Railliet, A. (1) Simples remarques historiques sur Potocariase des Carnivores. Op. cit. 1892, p. 126. . (2) Recherches sur la transmissibiiite de la gale du Chat et du Lapin due an Sarcoptes minor , Fiirst. Op. cit. (9) iv, No. 4, pp. 315-319. Ratz, S. von. Yon der aktiven Wanderung der Pentastomum denticu - latum. CB. Bakt. Parasit. xii, pp. 329-333. Roselle, Du. [See Du Roselle.] titles op papers* Arachn. 9 Schlechtendal, D. yon. (1) Die Gallbildungen deutscher Gefass- pflanzen. J. Ber. Yer. Zwickau, 1891 [1892], pp. 1-10. . (2) Ueber das Eierlegen der Ixodes Weibchen. T. c. pp. 11-14, Schneider, A. Melanges Arachnologiques. Pt. I. Sur l’endothelium des vaisseaux. Pt. n. Sur le poumon des Araneides, 3 pis. Pt. hi. Sur le systeme arteriel du Scorpion. Pt. IV. Systeme arteriel des Araneides. Tabl. Zool. ii, pp. 135-198. Simon, E. (1) Liste des Arachnides recueillis eii Syrie par M. le docteur Barrois. Rev. Biol, v, pp. 80-81. =. (2) [Descriptions de deux Arachnides nouveaux du Portugal.] Bull. Soc. Ent. Fr. 1892, pp. cxciv & cxcv. . (3) Liste des especes de la famille des Aviculariides qui habitent l’Amerique duJNord. Appendice. Liste des Aviculariides qui habi- tent le Mexique et l’Amerique centrale. Act. Soc. L. Bord. xliv, pp. 307-339. — (4) Descriptions d’especes et de genres nouveaux de la famille des Aviculariidce. Ann. Soc. Ent. Fr. Ixi. pp. 271-284. . (5) Arachnides des lies Philippines. T. c. pp. 35-52. . (6) Histoire naturelle des Araignees. Yol. i, pt. 1, pp. 1-254* Paris : 1892. — . (7) Arachnides d’Islande. Bull. Soc. Ent. Fr. lx, p. clxxvi. Slingerland, M. Y. The Pear-leaf Blister Mite {Phytoptus pyri ). Ins. Life, v, No. 2, pp. 104-106. Smalian, — . Argas reflexus in Aschersleben. CB. Yer. Sachs. Thill’, 1892, pp. 18, 19, 29, & 30. Spencer, W. Baldwin. The Anatomy of Pentastomum teretiusculum , Baird. Q. J. Mier. Sci. xxxiv, pp. 1-73, 9 pis. Stiles, C. W. The Histology of Boophilus. Abstract. P. E. Soc.Wash. ii, No. 3, pp. 303 & 304. Stoll, Otto. Arachnida acavidea in Biologia Centrali- Americana. Godman & Salvin, London, March, 1890 ; Jan. 1893. Diagnoses of new species, with list of the species of Acari hitherto described from Mexico and Central America. Strubell, A. Zur Entwicklungsgeschichte der Pedipalpen. Zool. Anz. xv, pp. 87 & 89. Trans, in Ann. N. H. (6) x, p. 419. Thorell, T. (1) Etude sui Ragni Malesi e Papuani. Part iy. Ann. Mus. Genov, xxxi, pp. 1-490, 1891-1892. =■ — =. (2) On some Spiders from the Andaman Islands, collected by E. W. Oates, Esq. Ann. N. H. (6) ix, pp. 226-237. 10 Arachn. XI. ARACHNIDA. [Thorell, T.] (3) Novae species Aranearum a Cel. TIi.Workman in ins. Singapore collectae. Bull. Ent. Ital. xxiv, pt. 3, pp. 211-282. Trouessart, E. Considerations generales sur la classification des Acariens, suivies d’un essai de classification nouvelle (concluded). Rev. Sci. Nat. Ouest, ii, pp. 20-54. Urquiiart, A. T. (1) Catalogue of the Described Species of New Zea- land Araneidce. Tr. N. Z. Inst, xxiv, pp. 220-230. . (2) Descriptions of New Species of Aranece. T. c. pp. 230-253. YejdoVSKY, J. F. (1) Sur la question de la segmentation de l’oeuf et la formation du blastoderme des Pseudoscorpionides. Congr. Internat. Zool. ii, No. 1, pp. 120-125. . (2) Sur un organe embryonnaire des Pseudoscorpionides. T. c. pp. 126-131. Wagner, J. Zur Entwicklungsgeschichte der Milben. Furchung des Eies, Entstehung der Keimblatter und Entwicklung der Extremitaten bei Ixodes. Zool. Anz. xv, p. 316. Wagner, F. yon. Biologische Notiz. T. c. p. 434. Tipula and Pseudoscorpion. Warburton, C. Spiders from Madeira. Ann. N. H. (6), x, pp. 216— 228, 1 pi. Weed, C. M. (1) The Ash-grey Harvest Spider. Am. Nat. xxvi, p. 32. . (2) The Striped Harvest Spider : a Study in variation. T. c. pp. 999-1008. . (3) The Cattle Tick. T. c. pp. 530 & 531. ■. (4) Harvest Spider. Notes. T. c. p. 786. -. (5) Protective Resemblance in Trombidium. T. c. p. 786. . (6) Some Florida Spiders. T. c. p. 873. Wood, F. H. Notes on Spiders. J. Northampt. Soc., No. 51, pp. 81-91. Workman, T. & M. E. Malaysian Spiders : pt. 1. Belfast (Ireland) : 1892. Coloured figures, with drawings in outline, of eyes, sexual organs, &c., accompanied by brief descriptions of structure, form of snare, habits, &c. Zograf, N. Sur l’origine et les parentes des Arthropodes, principale- ment des Arthropodes tracheates. Congr. Internat. Zool. 1892, pt. i, pp. 278, &c. ANATOMY, EMBRYOLOGY, PHYSIOLOGY, ETC. Arachll. 11 II. — ANATOMY, EMBRYOLOGY, PHYSIOLOGY, HABITS, &c. ARACHNIDA (as a whole). Notes on development and structure of Arachnida ; Carpenter. — Relationship between the Arachnida and other Arthropoda ; Bernard (2). — Relation of the Acari to other Arachnida ; Bernard (3). Muscles of the limbs and homology of the limb segments in Arachnida ; G-aubert (1). Tracheae, origin of ; Bernard (4). Organs of touch and integumentary glands of Arachnida ; Gaubert (5). SOORPIOXES. Excretory organs; Kovalevsky. — Arterial system; Schneider. Observations on a living Scorpion ; Greve. Poison of Buthus ; Costa. Amitosis in the embryonal envelopes ; Johnson. — Development of the lung-books in Scorpio fulvipes ; Laijrie. Coxal gland ; Marchal. PEDIPALPI. Habits of Thelyphonus ) Marx (3). — Development of Thelyphonus ; Strtjbell. ARANEiE. Habits; Wood. — Remarks upon common Spiders ; Jones. — Autotomy; Gaubert (3). — Sociability; Bolivar. — Habits of Atypus ; Enock : of Ulohorus and Argiope ; Damin. — On Lathrodectus formidabilis ; Puga- Borre. — On Chiracanthium ; Bertkau (4). — Biology of Ccelotes atropos ; Hasselt. — Notes on Pholcus ; Becker. Mimicry : Banks (1). — Marptusa imitating flies ; Goyen, p. 254. Parasites of Spiders ; Hasselt (2), Howard. Utilisation of Spiders’ silk ; Camboue (2 & 3). — Useful and hurtful Spiders ; Camboue (1). Classification of Aranece ; Pocock (5), Simon (6). Development of Spiders ; Morin. — Development of the lateral eyes; Kishinouye. Segmentation of the head and the form of the appendages in young Trochosa ; Jaworowski. Poison glands; Bertkau (5). — Effects of the bite of Mygale\ Meaden. 12 Ar acini. XI. ARACHNIDA» Arterial system; Schneider. — Circulation of blood in young Spiders ; Causard. Mouth parts ; G-aubert (4). — Excretory organs ; Kovalevsky.— Lung-books ; Schneider. SOLIFUG.E. Habits of Datcimes ; Marx (3). Poison glands ; Bernard (1), Distant.— Sense organs ; Bertkau (l & 2). — Generative organs ; Birula. PSEUDOSCORPIONES. Pseudoscorpion and Tipula, Habits ; Wagner, F. Embryology ; Yejdovski. OPILIONES. Coxal glands of Phalangium ; Bertkau (3), Lebedinsky. — Nervous system of the feet of Phalangium ; Gaubert (2). — Eyes of Phalangiidce ; Purcell (1 & 2). ACARI. On Ticks ; Michael (2). — Morphology of Ticks ; Marx (6). Acari in Ants’ nests ; Moniez (2). — Life-history of the Cattle-Tick ; Curtice. — Natural history of Tyroglyphus ; Moniez (3). — The mode of fixation of the hexapodous larvae of Acari ; Jourdain. — Oviposition of Ixodes ; Lewis (1), Schlechtendal (2).— Freshwater Mites ; Piersig (1, 2, 3).— On Phytoptus pyrr ; Slingerland. Distastefulness of Holothyrus ; Green. — Protective resemblances of Tromhidium ; Weed. Pigment of Tromhidium ; Heim, Blanchard. Origin of parasitism in Sarcoptidce ; G arman (1). — Parasites of Pigeons ; Karpelles, Kellicott. — Effects of Acari in ears of Mammals ; Laveran, Megnin (1 & 2), Railliet (1 & 2), Railliet & Cadiot. Classification of Acari ; Trouessart : of Ixodidce ; Marx (2). Histology of Boopilus ; Stiles. — Anatomy of Gamcisidce ; Michael (1). — Anatomy and physiology of Ixodes ; Batelli. — Nervous system of Demodex ; Flogel. Development of Ixodes , Wagner, J. : of freshwater Mites, Kramer. TARDIGRADA. Affinites of Tardigrada ; Kennel. PENTASTOMIDA. Anatomy of Pentastomum; Mazza. — Anatomy of Pentastomum teretiusculum ; Spencer. Migration of Pentastomum ; Ratz. DISTRIBUTION. Arachn . 13 III.— DISTRIBUTION. On the distribution of Atticlce and Drassidce ; Marx (4). Holarctic Region. Arctic Regions : Spiders ; Marx (1). — Iceland : Arachnida ; Simon (7). Britain.! Pseudoscorpiones ; 0. P. Cambridge (2), Aranece ; F. 0. Cambridge. — Yorkshire : Galls ; Mosley. France : Spiders ; Du Roselle. Lorraine : Phytoptus-galls ; Kieffer. Germany: Phytoptus-gaXLs ; Schlechtendal (1). Eastern Baltic : Halacari ; Kojevnikov. Hungary : Spiders ; Ciiyzer. — Bohemia : Hydrachnidci ; Kafka. Italy : Phytoptidce ; Canestrini (1-5), Aranece and Opiliones; Carlixi. Portugal : Spiders ; Simon (2). Algeria and Tunisia : Arachnida ; Pocock (7). Madeira : Spiders ; Warburton. Syria : Phytoptid-galls ; Fockeu. — Arachnida ; Simon (1). N. America : Aviculariidce ; Simon (3). — Phytoptid-galls ; Garman (2). — Opiliones ; Weed (1, 2, & 4). Columbia : Spiders ; Marx (5). Cayuga Lake : Spiders ; Banks (4). United States : Dysderidce ; Banks (5). Indiana : Spiders ; Fox. Florida : Spiders ; Weed (6). Neotropical Region. Central America and Mexico: Aviculariidce ; Simon (3): Acari, Stoll. Jamaica : Andrews. Venezuela : Pseudoscorpiones ; Balzan. Brazil : Spiders ; Goldi, Keyserling. Australian Region. New Zealand : Spiders ; Urquhart (1 & 2), and Goyen. Oriental Region. India: Scorpions; Pocock (1). — Ceylon: Arachnida ; Karsch (1). — Andaman Is. : Spiders; Thorell (2). — Mergui Archipelago ; Arachnida ; Pocock (4). — Singapore: Spiders; Thorell (3). — Malaysia: Spiders; Workman. — Malaysia and Papua : Spiders; Thorell (1). — Philippine Islands : Arachnida ; Simon (5). Ethiopian Region . Transvaal : Arachnida ; Pocock (3). 14 Arachn. XI. ARACHNIDA. IV. — SYSTEMATIC. (a.) scorpiones. Isometrus thurstoni, Madras, Sheveroy Hills, pp. 297-300, Pocock, J. A. S. B. vii, n. sp. Archisometms scaber, n. sp., Madras, with notes upon tricarinatus , Simon, and shoplandii, Oates, pp. 300-303 ; Pocock, J. A. S . B. vii. Buthus martensii , Karsch, ? syn. B. famulus, Fabr., p. 303 ; Pocock, J. A. S. B. vii. B. tadmorensis, Palmyra, p. 84, Simon, Rev. Biol, v, n. sp. Heterocharmus, n. g., p. 46, for H. cinctipes , n. sp., ? India or Ceylon, pp. 47 & 48, pi. iiiB, figg. 2 & 2b ; Pocock, Ann. N. H. (6) ix. Stenochirus, n. g., of Buthidce, p. 305, for S. sarasinorum, n. sp., Peradenia, p. 306, pi. xii, fig. 30 ; Karsch, B. E. Z. xxxvi. Hormurus Iceviceps , Pocock, Tranquebar and Sheveroy Hills, discussed ; Pocock, pp. 303 & 304, J. A. S. B. vii. Cheloctonus , n. g., for (7. jonesii, n. sp., Transvaal, pp. 44-46, pi. iiiB, fig. 1; Pocock, Ann. N. H. (6) ix. Pcdamnceus spinifer, Hempr. & Ehrb., syn. peter sii, Thorell, 1876, from Calcutta, Singapore, &c., and thorellii , n. sp., syn. bengalensis, Sim., and petersii, Thorell, 1889, from Burma, pp. 38-43 ; Pocock, Ann. N. H. (6) ix. Scorpio swammerdami, Simon, syn. S. afer , Koch, p. 304 ; fulvipes, Koch, ? syn. afer, Herbst, described, pp. 304-307 ; phipsoni, n. sp., Madras and Sheveroy Hills, pp. 307-309 ; ccesar, C. Koch, scaber, Thorell, bengalensis , C. Koch, indicus, Linn., and humilis , Simon, discussed, pp. 309-312 ; Pocock, J. A. S. B. vii. (b.) PE DIPALPI. PEDIPALPI , AMBLYPYGI. According to Simon, Ann. Soc. Ent. Fr. lxi, pp. 45-52, this suborder contains the single family Tarantulidce , which is divided into the Charontince, Phryniscince, and Tarantulince. The Charontince contain Charon , Catageus, and the new genera Charinus , based upon austra- lianus , L. Koch, and Sarax , of which bracliydactylus , Simon, is the type, p. 48. The Phryniscince contain Phryniscus and Damon, and the Tarantulince, Admetus and Tarantula , p. 51, pi. ii, figg. 9-16. Sarax, n. g., p. 43, for S. braclnydactylus, n. sp., in Cave, Luzon ; Simon, Ann. Soc. Ent. Fr. lxi. (c.) ARANE2E. Agalenid^:. Camptostichomma , n. g., p. 295, for C. manicatum , n. sp., Ceylon, p. 296, pi. xii, fig. 19 ; Karsch, B. E. Z. xxxvi. ARANEiE. Araclin . 15 Cicurina creber , p. 26, pi. i, fig. 76, placida , p. 27, fig. 77, Cayuga Lake, Banks, P. Ac. Philad, 1892, n. spp. Ccelotes longitarsus, Em., p. 24, pi. iv, fig. 73 ; Banks, P. Ac. Philad. 1892. C. fidelis , p. 24, pi. 1, fig. 72, altilis, p. 25, pi. i, fig. 74, & pi. iv, fig. 74, lineatus , p. 25, gnavus, p. 26, Cayuga Lake, Banks, P. Ac. Philad. 1892, n. spp. Cybceus giganteus , Cayuga Lake, Banks, P. Ac. Philad. 1892, p. 23, pi. 1, fig. 71, n.sp. Attim. Admestina wheeleri, Peck., p. 78, Cayuga Lake, Banks, P. Ac. Philad. 1892. Attus coronatus, Madagascar, Camboue, p. 4, Bull. Soc. Acclim. 1887 ; A. maderiana , Madeira, p. 217, pi. xiv, fig. 1, Warburton, Ann. N. H. (6) x : n. spp. Bathippus , n. g., for B. macilentus,n. sp., Sumatra, pp. 402-406; Thorell, Ann. Mus. Genov, xxxi. Bellota , n. g., p. 67, formica , Tacz., Venezuela, Peru, p. 68, pi. v, fig. 5 ; Peckham, Nat. Hist. Soc. Wisconsin, ii. Bianor leucostictus , pp. 252-256, balius, pp. 256-259, incitatusi pp. 259- 262, Sumatra, Thorell, Ann. Mus. Genov, xxxi, n. spp. Bindax , n. g. for B. chalcocephalus, Thor., p. 411 ; Thorell, Ann. Mus. Genov, xxxi. Bocus, n. g., p. 38, for B. excelsus, n. sp., Luzon, p. 39, pi. iii, fig. 4 ; Peckham, Nat. Hist. Soc. Wisconsin, ii. Bootes ephippiger, Sim., Sumatra, described, pp. 375-379; Thorell, Ann. Mus. Genov, xxxi. Chrysilla, n. g., p. 315, for C.delicatai n. sp., p. 316 ; Thorell, Ann. Mus. Genov, xxxi. C. debilis, p. 319, dorice, p. 321, Sumatra, Thorell, Ann. Mus. Genov. xxxi, n. spp. Cocalus ramipalpis, Sumatra, p. 353, Thorell, Ann. Mus. Genov, xxxi, n. sp. Carrhotus, n. g. for C. viduus, C. Koch, Java, p. 407 ; Thorell, Ann. Mus. Genov, xxxi. Dendryphantes insignis, pi. v, fig. 28, ornatus, pi. iv, fig. 29, & pi. v, fig. 29, exiguus, pi. v, fig. 30, pp. 74 & 75, Cayuga Lake, Banks, P. Ac. Philad. 1892 ; D. ceneolus , California, pp. 332-337, Curtis, Zoe, iii : n. spp. Descanso, n. g., p. 72, for D. vagus, n. sp., Santarem, p. 72, pi. v, fig. 9 ; Peckham, Nat. Hist. Soc. Wisconsin, ii. D. chapado , Brazil, p. 73, pi. vi, fig. 1, Peckham, Nat. Hist. Soc. Wiscon- sin, ii, n. sp. Dischiropus , n. g., p. 299, for D. alticinctus , n. sp., Ceylon, p. 300, pi. xii, fig. 26 ; Karsch, B. E. Z. xxxvi. 16 Amelin. XI. ARACHNIDA. Emertonius , n. g., p. 54, for E. exasperans , n. sp., Java, p. 54, pi, iv, fig. 8; Peckham, Nat. Hist. Soc. Wisconsin, ii. Epocilla , n. g., p. 309, for E. preetextata , n. sp., Java, p. 310 ; Thorell, Ann. Mus. Genov, xxxi. Erica , n. g., p. 55, for E. eugenia, n. sp., Brazil, p. 55, pi. iv, fig. 9 ; Peck- ham, Nat. Hist. Soc. Wisconsin, ii. Euophrys giebelii , Java, pp. 357-360, Thorell, Ann. Mas. Genov, xxxi, n. sp. E . pygcca , Thor., figured, pi. 6 ; Workman, Malaysian Spiders, pt. 1. Fluda , n. g., p. 57, for F. narcissa , n. sp., Brazil, p. 57, pi. iv, fig. 10 ; F.ruficeps, Tacz., Peru, p. 58, pi. iv, fig. 3; Peckham, Nat. Hist. Soc. Wisconsin, ii. Gelotia , n. g., pp. 344 & 345 ; G. frenata , Sumatra, pp. 345-348, bimaculata , Sarawak, pp. 348-351, Thorell, Ann. Mus. Genov, xxxi, n. spp. Ilasarius scylax , pp. 413-417, simonis, pp. 418-423, workmanii , pp. 423-426, coprea , pp. 431-436, sobarus , pp. 436-440, Sumatra, rZis- palans , pp. 440-443, mccoolai , pp. 443-449, Java, Thorell, Ann. Mus. Genov, xxxi ; //. arcigerus , Ceylon, p. 302, pi. xii, fig. 29, Karsch, B. E. Z. xxxvi : n. spp. Harmochirus nervosus , Sumatra, pp. 246-250, Thorell, Ann. Mus. Genov, xxxi, n. sp. ffermosa, n. g., p. 53, for i7. volatilis , n. sp., Madagascar, p. 53, pi. iv, fig. 7 ; Peckham, Nat. Hist. Soc. Wisconsin, ii. Homalattus latidens, Dol., Java, pp. 262-268 ; bufo, Dol., Sumatra, pp. 275-278, described ; Thorell, Ann. Mus. Genov, xxxi. H. mordaxj Java, pp. 268-275, nobilis , Celebes, pp. 278-282, Thorell, Ann. Mus. Genov, xxxi ; H. laminatus, Dambulla, p. 298, pi. xii, fig. 23, reductus , p. 298, fig. 24, cingidatus , p. 299, fig. 25, Ceylon, Karsch, B. E. Z. xxxvi : n. spp. Hyllus giganteus, C. Koch, icalcJcnaerii, White, Celebes, mutillarius , C. Koch, Sumatra, lacertosus , C. Koch, n. var., borneensis , Borneo, pp. 379-386 ; Thorell, Ann. Mus. Genov, xxxi. Icius formosus, p. 76, pi. v, fig. 31, mcestus, p. 77, pi. v, fig. 33, Cayuga Lake, Banks, P. Ac. Philad. 1892 ; I. discatus, Ceylon, p. 301 ; Karsch, B. E. Z. xxxvi : n. spp. Iola , n. g., p. 75, for J. cowani , Madagascar, p. 75, pi. vi, fig. 3, Peckham, Nat. Hist. Soc. Wisconsin, ii, n. sp. Janigera melanocephala , C. Koch, Sumatra, pp. 224-239 ; Thorell, Ann. Mus. Genov, xxxi. Keyserlingella , n. g., p. 69, f or K. perdita, New Grenada, p. 70, pi. v, fig. 7, cara, Guatemala, p. 71, pi. v, fig. 8, n. spp. ; Peckham, Nat. Hist. Soc. Wisconsin, ii. Leptorcliestes clirysopogon , Simon, Europe, p. 48, pi. iv, fig. 5, mutilloides , Lucas, Algiers, p. 49, berolinensis , C. Koch, Europe, p. 50; Peckham, Nat. Hist. Soc. Wisconsin, ii. ■A-BANEiE. Arachn. 17 L. georgius , Madagascar, p. 52, pi. iv, fig. 6, Peckham, Nat. Hist. Soc. Wisconsin, ii, n. sp. Mcevia vittata , C. Koch, Penang, pp. 335-338; Thorell, Ann. Mus. Genov, xxxi. M. glaucochira, Sumatra, pp. 325-328, gemmans, Sumatra, pp. 329-332, marxii , Java, pp. 332-335, cypria , Java, pp. 339-341, laticlavia , Sumatra, pp. 341-343, Thorell, Ann. Mus. Genov, xxxi, n. spp. Marpissa armifera , Albany (N. Z.), p. 248, nemoralis , Stratford, p. 250, Urquhart, Tr. N. Z. Inst, xxiv ; df. grantii , Madeira, p. 217, pi. xiv, figg. 2 & 3, Warburton, Ann. N. H. (6) x : n. spp. Marptusa nannodes, pp. 283-288, Mans, pp. 289-292, decor ata, pp. 292- 295, demissa , pp. 295-300, oppressa , pp. 300-302, Sumatra, formosis- sima , Borneo, pp. 303-306, Thorell, Ann. Mus. Genov, xxxi ; If. marina , Otago, pp. 253-255, pi. xix, fig. 1, Goyen, Tr. N. Z. Inst, xxiv : n. spp. M. rupicola , Hentz, Cayuga Lake, p. 79, pi. iv, fig. 49 ; Banks, P. Ac. Philad. 1892. Marengo , n. g., p. 66, for M. crassipes , Ceylon, p. 66, pi. v, fig. 4; Peckham, Nat. Hist. Soc. Wisconsin, ii. Martella , n. g., p. 45, for d/. pottsii , n. sp., Guatemala, p. 45, pi. iv, fig. 2; Peckham, Nat. Hist. Soc. Wisconsin, ii. M. maria , Chapoda (Brazil), p. 46, pi. iv, fig. 3, opica , Bahia, p. 47, pi. iv, fig. 4, Peckham, Nat. Hist. Soc. Wisconsin, ii, n. spp. Nicylla , n. g., p. 449, for N. sundevallii, n. sp., Sumatra, pp. 450-456 ; Thorell, Ann. Mus. Genov, xxxi. Orcevia , n. g., pp. 360 & 361, for O. keyserlmgii, pp. 361-365, eucola, pp. 365-369, Thorell, Ann. Mus. Genov, xxxi, n. spp. Paradamcetas formicina , Peckh., Guatemala, p. 74, pi. vi, fig. 2; Peck- ham, Nat. Hist. Soc. Wisconsin, ii. Phidippus minutus , Cayuga Lake, p. 74, pi. v, fig. 27, Banks, P. Ac. Philad. 1892, n. sp. Plexippus gausapatus , Sumatra, pp. 370-374, Thorell, Ann. Mus. Genov, xxxi ; P. cumulatus, Ceylon, p. 301, pi. xii, fig. 28, Karsch, B. E. Z. xxxvi ; P. sylvarus, Stratford (N. Z.), p. 252, Urquhart, Tr. N. Z. Inst, xxiv : n. spp. Polichus, n. g. for Gelotia bimaculata, if generically distinct from Gelotia frenata , p. 351 ; Thorell, Ann. Mus. Genov, xxxi. Salticus formicarius, De G., Europe, p. 16, pi. i, fig. 1, ichneumon , Simon, Zanzibar, p. 17, pi. i, fig. 7, ephippiatus , Hentz, Eastern United States, p. 18, fig. 2, plataleoides , Cambr., Ceylon, p. 33, pi. iii, fig. 1 ; Peckham, Nat. Hist. Soc. Wisconsin, ii. S. formosus, pp. 230-233, pecterosus , 'with n. var. sternodis , Sumatra, pp. 233-239, alticeps , pp. 239-242, leptognathus, Java, pp. 242-246, Thorell, Ann. Mus. Genov, xxxi ; modestus, Andaman Is., p. 235, Thorell, Ann. N. H. (6) ix ; S. centralis , Central America, p. 19, pi. i, fig. 6, armatus, Lima, p. 20, pi. vii, fig. 6, desertus, Algiers, p. 21, pi. ii, fig. 6, tristis , Simon, Arabia, p. 22, pi. iii, fig. 2, simplex , 1892 [yol. xxix.] d 11 18 Ayachn. XI. ARACHNIDA. Madagascar, p. 23, pi. i, fig. 4, augustus , Madagascar, p. 24, pi. i, fig. 5, electricus , Madagascar, p. 25, pi. i, fig. 3, gracilis , Madagascar, p. 26, pi. ii, fig. 1, robustus , Burma, p. 27, pi. ii, fig. 2, nemorensis, Burma, p. 28, pi. ii, fig. 3, dubius, p. 29, pi. ii, fig. 4, niger , p. 30, pi. ii, fig. 7, edentulus, p. 31, pi. ii, fig. 5, bellicosus, p. 32, pi. ii, fig. 11, Manilla, p rovidens, p. 34, pi. iii, fig. 3, imbellis, p. 36, pi. ii, fig. 10, spissus , p. 37, pi. ii, fig. 8, Ceylon, Peckham, Nat. Hist. Soc. "Wisconsin, ii, n. spp. Sarinda, n. g., p. 40, for S. nigra , Chapoda, Brazil, p. 40, pi. iii, fig. 5, Iceta, Bio Janeiro, p. 41, pi. iii, fig. 6, n. spp., Peckham, Nat. Hist. Soc. Wisconsin, ii. Semora , n. g., p. 68, for S. napcea, n. sp., Bio Janeiro, p. 69, pi. v, fig. 6 ; Peckham, Nat. Hist. Soc. Wisconsin, ii. Simonella americana , Peckh., Guatemala, p. 81, pi. vii, fig. 3, myrmecice- formis, Tacz., Brazil, p. 81, pi. vii, fig. 4, bicolor , n. sp., Venezuela, p. 83, pi. vii, fig. 5 ; Peckham, Nat. Hist. Soc. Wisconsin, ii. Syiuigeles dalmatensis , Keys., Europe, p. 60, Venator , Luc., Algiers, p. 61, pi. v, fig. 1, albotrimaculatus , Luc., Algiers, p. 62, scorpiona, Hentz, New York, p. 6, pi. v, fig. 1 ,picata, Hentz, United States, p. 64, pi. v, fig. 2, americana , n. sp., E. United States, p. 65, pi. v, fig. 1 ; Peck- ham, Nat. Hist. Soc. Wisconsin, ii. Synemosyna capito, pp. 215-217, debilis, pp. 218 & 219, n. spp., Java, Thorell, Ann. Mus. Genov, xxxi. S. formica, Hentz, United States, p. 77, pi. vi, fig. 4, hentzii) p. 78, pi. vii, fig. 2, lauretta , p. 79, pi. vii, fig. 1, Chapoda, n. spp.; Peckham, Nat. Hist. Soc. Wisconsin, ii. Tapinattus , n. g. for melanognathus , Luc., p. 306 ; Thorell, Ann. Mus. Genov, xxxi. Tooceus mandibularis, n. sp. ?, Java, pp. 220-224 ; Thorell, Ann. Mus. Genov, xxxi. Viciria Jiasseltii , Thor., Celebes, pp. 389-392, albo-limbata, Sim., Sumatra, terebrifera , n. sp., Sumatra, pp. 397-401 ; Thorell, Ann. Mus. Genov, xxxi. Zuniga , n. g., p. 42, for Z. magiia, Santarem, p. 43, pi. iv, fig. 1, severa , Caraccas, p. 44, pi. iii, fig. 7, n. spp., Peckham, Nat. Hist. Soc. Wisconsin, ii. Ctenidje. Acanthoctenus dimidiatus, Sumatra, pp. 142-145, Icetus , Sarawak, pp. 146— 148, Thorell, Ann. Mus. Genov, xxxi : n. spp. According to Simon, Hist. Nat. des Araignees, p. 229, this genus is the sole representative of the subfamily Acanthactenince of the family Zoropsidce. Ctenus valmdaris , Yan Hass., Sumatra, pp. 135-139, pulvinatus, n. sp., Sarawak, pp. 139-142 ; Thorell, Ann. Mus. Genov, xxxi. C. (syn. Phoneutria, Microctenus) Anabita, Isoctenus') nigriventer , Bio Grande, p. 144, pi. iv, fig. 98 ; veheme?isJ Espirito Santo, p. 145, ARANE#. Ar acini. 1 9 fig. 99, velox , Neu Freiburg, p. 147, fig. 100, brevipes, p. 148, fig. 101, minus cuius, p. 149, fig. 102, longipes, p. 150, fig. 103, tceniatuSj p. 151, fig. 104, Rio Grande, griseus, Taquara, p. 152, fig. 195, medius , Rio Grande, p. 153, fig. 106, Keyserling, Spinnen Amerikas, 1891, n. spp. According to Keyserling Ctenus is placed in the subfamily Ctenmce of the family Drassidce. Nydia, n. g., p. 130, for N. punctata, n. sp., Sumatra, p. 131 ; Thorell, Ann. Mus. Genov, xxxi. Dictynidjs (or Amaurobiid^:). Amaurobius occidentalism n. sp., Portugal, p. cxciv, Simon, Bull. Soc. Ent. Fr. 1892 ; A. jheringii , n. sp., Rio Grande, p. 154, pi. iv, fig. 107, Keyserling, Spinnen Amerikas. A. similis, Blk., and fenestralis, Strom., figured and compared, p. 389, pis. xxi, figg. 10 & 11 ; F. Cambridge, Ann. N. H. (6) x. Atelolathys , n. g. for A. varia , n. sp., Ceylon, p. 243 ; Simon, Hist. Nat, des Araignees. Auximus, n. g. for Amaurobius clentichelis} Sim., p. 239 ; Simon, Hist. Nat. des Araignees. Calleva, n. g. for C. paupercula , n. sp., Argentine, p. 239 ; Simon, Hist. Nat. des Araignees. Dictyna foxiiy Marx, p. 28, pi. i. fig. 78 ; Banks, P. Ac. Philad. 1892. D. maxima , p. 28, pi. i, fig. 79, & pi. iv, fig. 79, decorata, p. 28, pi. i, fig. 81, & pi. iv, fig. 81, dubia, p. 29, pi. i, fig. 82, Cayuga Lake, Banks, P. Ac. Philad. 1892, n. spp. D . philoteichus, McCook, is synonymous with D. civica , Luc., p. 235 ; Simon, Hist. Nat. des Araignees. Neophanes , Marx, p. 29 , pallidus, Marx, Cayuga Lake, p. 29, pi. iii, fig. 86; Banks, P. Ac. Philad. According to Simon, Hist. Nat. des Araignees, p. 243, this genus is a synonym of Scotolathys of Simon. Protadia , n. g. for Dictyna patula, Sim., p. 239 ; Simon, Hist. Nat. des Araignees. Titanceca sequerai , Portugal, p. cxcv, Simon, Bull. Soc. Ent. Fr. 1892 ; T. luteipes , Rio Grande, p. 156, pi. iv, fig. 108, Keyserling, Spinnen Amerikas : n. spp. Simon, Hist. Nat. des Araignees, p. 237, unites this genus with Amaurobius. Drassid^;. Subfam. Drassini (? all the genera). Agroeca ornata, Cayuga Lake, p. 23, pi. i, fig. 68, Banks, P. Ac. Philad. 1892, n. sp. Chiracanthium sub/lavumf Blck., syn. edentulum , L. Koch, heyserlingii , Beck., Brazil, p. 37, pi. i, fig. 15 ; Keyserling, Spinnen Amerikas. C. montanum , Neu Freiburg, p. 38, fig. 16, brevipes , Serra Yermella, p. 39, fig. 16a, Keyserling, Spinnen Amerikas, n. spp. 20 Arachn, XI. ARACHNXDA. Clubiona tibialis, Em., p. 20, pi. i, fig. 62, abbotti , Koch, p. 21, fig. 65 ; Banks, P. Ac. Philad. 1892. (7. pygmcea , p. 21, fig.. 64, lenta, p. 21, fig. 66, Cayuga Lake, Banks, P. Ac. Philad. 1892 ; C. chevronia , Canterbury (N. Z.), p. 231, viridi- coma, Mt. Cook, p. 233, Urquhart, Tr. N. Z.Inst. xxiv : n. spp. Drassus humilis , n. sp., Cayuga Lake, p. 20, pi. i, fig. 60, Banks, P. Ac. Philad. 1892 ; D, brasilianus , Rio G-rande, p. 34, pi. i, fig, 13, agelas- tus, Taquara, p. 35, fig. 14, Keyserling, Spinnen Amerikas : n. spp. Echemus pulcher, Rio Grande, p. 31, pi. i, fig. 10, major , Rio Grande, p. 32, fig. 11, medius, Fugenda Sergio Potta de Castro, p. 33, fig. 12, Keyserling, Spinnen Amerikas, n. spp. Eilica , n. g., p. 29, for E. modesta , n. sp., Blumenau, p. 30, pi. i, fig. 9 ; Keyserling, Spinnen Amerikas. Goldia, n. g., p. 45, for G. obscura, n. sp., Espirito Santo, p. 45, pi. i, fig. 20; Keyserling, Spinnen Amerikas. Gnaphosa humilis, Cayuga Lake, p. 19, pi. i, fig. 59, Banks, P. Ac. Philad. 1892 ; G. barroisi, Syria, p. 81, Simon, Rev. Biol, v : n. spp. Gytha, n. g., p. 27, for G. obscura, n. sp., Rio Grande, p. 28, pi. i, fig. 8 ; Keyserling, Spinnen Amerikas. Hypsinotus vitiosus, Rio Grande, p. 51, pi. ii, fig. 24, parvus , Serra Ver- mella, p. 52, pi. ii, fig. 25, alticeps, Espirito Santo, p. 53, fig. 26, flavipes, Rio Minas, p. 54, fig. 27, botucatensis, Sao Paulo, p. 55, fig. 28, gracilis , Rio Grande, p. 56, fig. 29, nitens, Neu Freiburg, &c., p. 57, fig. 30, Keyserling, Spinnen Amerikas. Leptodrassus seriatus, Ceylon, p. 294, pi. xi, fig. 16, Karsch, B. E. Z. xxxvi, n. sp. Micaria formicoides, Cayuga Lake, p. 14, pi. i, fig. 51, Banks, P. Ac. Philad. 1892, n. sp. 0 do pulcher, Palmeiras, p. 42, pi. i, fig. 18, similis , Corcovado, Keyser- ling, Spinnen Amerikas, n. spp. Onychocryptus, ii. g., p. 294, for 0. mutillarius, n. sp., Ceylon, p. 295, pi. xi, fig. 17 ; Karsch, B. E. Z. xxxvi. Phrurolithus minutus, p. 22, pi. i, fig. 67, palustris, p. 23, fig. 70, Cayuga Lake, Banks, P. Ac. Philad. 1892, n. spp. Prosthesima rufula, p. 17, pi. i, fig. 55, frigida, p. 17, fig. 56, immacula, p. 18, fig. 58, blanda, p. 18, fig. 57, minima, p. 19, fig. 69, Cayuga Lake, Banks, P. Ac. Philad. 1892, n. spp. Radulphius, n. g., for R. laticeps, Serra Vermella, p. 47, pi. i, fig. 21, bicolor, Neu Freiburg, p. 48, fig. 22, Keyserling, Spinnen Amerikas, n. spp. Stasina nalandica, Nalanda (Ceylon), p. 293, pi. xi, fig. 15, Karsch, B. E. Z. xxxvi, n. sp. Teminius brasilianus, Rio Grande, p. 40, pi. i, fig. 17, Keyserling, Spinnen Amerikas, n. sp. Thargalia agilis, p. 15, pi. i, fig. 52 , perpleoca, p. 15, fig. 53, fallax, p. 16, fig. 54, Cayuga Lake, Banks, P. Ac. Philad. 1892, n. spp. ARANHiE. Araclin. 21 Trachelas flavipes , Rio Grande, p. 59, pi. ii, fig. 31a, foraminosus, Rio Grande, p. 60, fig. 32, gracilis , Blumenan, p. 61, fig. 33, rugosus , Serra Vermella, &c., p. 62, fig. 34, robustus , Neu Freiburg, p. 64, fig. 35, vitiosus , Serra Vermella, p. 65, fig. 36, Keyserling, Spinnen Amerikas, n. spp. Snbfam. Anypmnini. Abuzaida , n. g., p. 132, for A. striata , n. sp., Neu Freiburg, p. 133, pi. iv, fig. 91 ; Keyserling, Spinnen Amerikas. Anyphama censoria , Serra Vermella, p. 84, pi. ii, fig. 48, procera , p. 86, fig. 49, affabilis , Brazil, p. 87, fig. 50, Zera's, Neu Freiburg, p. 88, fig. 51, pygmoza , p. 90, fig. 52, longipes, p. 91, fig. 53, virgata, p. 92, fig. 54, Brazil, cita , Palmeiras, p. 94, fig. 55, violens , Serra Vermella, p. 95, fig. 56, subrubra, Blumenau, p. 97, fig. 57, helvola , Rio Grande, p. 98, fig. 58, rubro-macidata, p. 99, fig. 59, claro-vittata , Neu Freiburg, p. 100, fig. 60, unicolor , p. 101, fig. 61, striolata, p. 102, fig. 62, robusta, p. 103, fig. 63, grisea , p. 104, fig. 64, tceniata , p. 105, fig. 65, fortis , Fazenda Calvario, p. 106, formosa, Corcovado, p. 107, fig. 67, m&e- cZZZa, Corcovado, p. 108, fig. 68, angusticeps , p. 109, fig. 69, suspiciosa , p. 110, fig. 70, glabra , p. Ill, fig. 71, Serra Vermella, p. 112, fig. 72, rubella , p. 113, fig. 73, Neu Freiburg, parvula , Serra Vermella, p. 114, fig. 74, tensipes , Neu Freiburg, p. 115, fig. 75, frenata , p. 116, fig. 7 5, punctata, p. 117, fig. 77, opertaneci , p. 118, p. 78, gentilis , p. 119, fig. 79, concolor , p. 120, fig. 80, Neu Freiburg, recentissima , Blumenau, p. 121, fig. 81, tenuipes , Serra Vermella, p. 122, fig. 82 , pellucida, Neu Freiburg, p. 122, fig. 83, variabilis, p. 123, fig. 84, diversicolor , p. 124, fig. 85, Neu Freiburg, Keyserling, Spinnen Amerikas, n. spp. Arachosia freibiirgensis, Neu Freiburg, p. 126, pi. iv, fig. 86, honesta , Rio Grande, p. 127, fig. 87, Keyserling, Spinnen Amerikas, n. spp. Aysha , n. g., for A. prospera, Rio Grande, p. 129, pi. iv, fig. 88, gracilpes, p. 130, fig. 89, fulviceps, p. 131, fig. 90, Rio Grande, Keyserling, Spinnen Amerikas, n. spp. Gayenna x-signata , p. 138, pi. iv, fig. 64, margincita , p. 139, fig. 95, fusco- tcenicita, p. 140, fig. 96, Rio Grande, Keyserling, Spinnen Amerikas, n. spp. Samuza, n. g., p. 134, for S. prcesignis, p. 135, pi. iv, fig. 22, minuta , p. 136, fig. 93, Rio Grande, Keyserling, Spinnen Amciikas, n. spp. Subfam. Corinnin^e. Castianeira (syn. Corinna ), valida , Espirito Santo, p. 68, pi. ii, fig. 37, varia , Blumenau, p. 69, fig. 38, pyriformis , Neu Freiburg, p. 70, fig. 39, obscura , Espirito Santo, p. 71, fig. 40, vittata , Blumenau, p. 73, fig. 41, maculata , Neu Freiburg, p. 74, fig. 42, brevis , Corcovado, p. 75, fig. 43, Keyserling, Spinnen Amerikas, n. spp. 22 Arachn. XI. ARACHNlbA. Tylophora onerosa , Palmeiras, p. 76, pi. ii, fig. 44, Keyserling, Spinnen Amerikas, n. sp. Subfam. Myrmeciin^e. Myrmecia vertebrata, W., and nigra , Perty, Brazil, pp. 78-80, pi. ii, figg. 45 & 46 ; Keyserling, Spinnen Amerikas. M. obscura, Rio Janeiro, p. 81, pi. ii, fig. 47, Keyserling, Spinnen Amerikas, n. sp. Dysderid.se. Nops meridionalis, n. sp., Taquara, p. 24 ; Keyserling, Spinnen Amerikas. Segestria suterii, Canterbury, p. 230, Urquhart, Tr. N. Z. Inst, xxiv, n. sp. Epeirid^; (Argiopid^i or Euetriidj:). Argiope multi- fasciata, Singapore, p. 226, Thorell, Bull. Soc. Ent. Ital. xxiv; A. plagiata, Minikoy, p. 279, pi. x, fig. 5, trivittata , Ceylon, p. 280, fig. 6, Karsch, B. E. Z. xxxvi : n. spp. Argyroepeira Jibulata, Singapore, p. 224, Thorell, Bull. Soc. Ent. Ital. xxiv, n. sp. Bunocrania ? picta, Singapore, p. 251, Thorell, Bull. Soc. Ent. Ital. xxiv, n. sp. Epeira beccarii, Thor., described and figured, with snare, pis. v & va ; Workman, Malaysian Spiders. E. anaspasta , p. 234, perpolita, p. 237, Singapore, Thorell, Bull. Soc. Ent. Ital. xxiv ; E. obtusata, Ceylon, p. 283, pi. x, fig. 7, Karsch, B. E. Z. xxxvi ; E. invisibili.s , Dunedin, p. 239, sublutia , Dunedin, p. 241, simulata, Stewart I., p. 242, ventriosa , Raglan, p. 243, lucisca, Hastwell, p. 245, Urquhart, Tr. N. Z. Inst, xxiv : n. spp. E. ( Cyclosa ) oatesii , Andaman Is., p. 228, Thorell, Ann. N. H. (6) ix ; E. confragosa , p. 239, pellax, p. 243, micula , p. 245, Singapore. E. ( Cyrtophora ) eczematica, Singapore, p. 231, Thorell, Bull. Soc. Ent. Ital. xxiv : n. spp. Drexelia, n. g., p. 127, for Epeira directai Hentz., syn. rubella , Hentz., tetragnathoides , Cambr., deludens , Marx, p. 128 ; McCook, P. Ac. Philad. 1892. Gastracantha dorice , and brevispina , figured on pis. vii & viii ; Workman, Malaysian Spiders. Meta adspersata , Ceylon, p. 284, pi. x, fig. 8 ; Karsch, B. E. Z. xxxvi, n. sp. Milonia obtusa , Singapore, p. 248, Thorell, Bull. Soc. Ent. Ital. xxiv, n. sp. ARANEAC. Arachn. 23 Nepliila transvaalicci , Pretoria, p. 180, pi. v, fig. 4, Pocock, in Distant’s Naturalist in the Transvaal, n. sp. Poltys apiculatus , Singapore, p. 228, Thorell, Bull. Soc. Ent. Ital. xxiv, n. sp. Tetragnatha pallida , Cayuga Lake, p. 51, pi. v, fig. 88, Banks, P. Ac. Philad. 1892 ; T. geniculata, Ceylon, p. 286, armata , Passelawa, p. 287 ,planata, Jaffna, p. 288, determinata , Minikoy, p. 288, foveata, Jaffna, p. 289, Karsch, B. E. Z. xxxvi : n. spp. Zilla x-notata , Cl., and atrica , C. Koch, compared and figured, p. 395, pi. xx, figg. 3 & xxi, and 8 & 9 ; F. Cambridge, Ann. N. H. (6) x. Eresidas, Filistatida: and Hypocetilidae Ectatostica, n. g. for Hypochilus davidi , Sim. ; Simon, Hist. Nat. des Araignees. Filistata garciai , Grotto de San Mateo (Philippines), p. 37, Simon, Ann. Soc. Ent. Fr. xli, n. sp. Stegodyphus sarasinorum, Peradenia, p. 275, Karsch, B. E. Z. xxxvi, n. sp. Leptonetida;. Synopsis of the genera, p. 39 ; Simon, Ann. Soc. Ent. Fr. lxi. Psiloderces, n. g., p. 40, for egerict , n. sp., Grotto of Calapnitan, p. 40, Simon, t. c. Theoclia microphthalma , n. sp., Grotto of Antipolo (Philippines), p. 40 ; Simon, Ann. Soc. Ent. Fr. lxi. Lycosida:. Dolomedes lepidus , Sumatra, pp. 149-151, Thorell, Ann. Mus. GenoY. xxxi, n. sp. Diapontia Uruguay ensis, Keys., Rio Grande, p. 257, pi. x, fig. 193 ; Keyserling, Spinnen Amerikas. Lycosa pusiola, Sumatra and Sarawak, pp. 157-161, sumatrana , Sumatra, pp. 161-166, pinangensis , Pinang, pp. 166-169, vagula , pp. 169-173, rahulaiia, pp. 173-176, ipnoclicera , pp. 176-178, Sumatra, Thorell, Ann. Mus. Genov, xxxi ; L. rava , Rio Grande, p. 264, pi. x, fig. 199, Keyserling, Spinnen Amerikas ; L. similis, pi. ii, fig. 30, rufiventris , pi. iii, fig. 35, humilis , fig. 36, crudelis, fig. 37, immaculata, pi. v, fig. 38, exitiosa, pi. 1, fig. 39, oblonga, pi. iii, fig. 40, pp. 64-68, Cayuga Lake, Banks, P. Ac. Philad. 1892 ; L. maura , Mt. Cook, p. 246, Urquhart, Tr. N. Z. Inst, xxiv : n. spp. Lycosella , n. g., pp. 178 & 179, for L. tenera, with varr. bisulcata, pp. 179- 183, minuta, pp. 183-185, n. spp., Sumatra, Thorell, Ann. Mus, Genov, xxxi. ^4 Arachn. XI. ArAC^NIDA. Passiena, n. g., p. 186, for P. spinicrus, n. sp., Pinang, pp. 186-190 ; Thorell, Ann. Mus. Genov, xxxi. Parclosa annulata , pi. i, fig. 41, venusta , fig. 42, gracilis , figg. 43 & 50, mcesta , pi. iii, fig. 44, obsoleta , fig. 45, pp. 68-71, Cayuga Lake ; Banks, P. Ac. Philad. 1892, n. spp. Pirata niontanoides , pi. i, fig. 46, agilis , fig. 47, exigua , fig. 48, pp. 71 & 72, Caynga Lake, Banks, P. Ac. Philad. 1892 ; P. velox, Rio Grande, p. 265, fig. 200, Keyserling, Spinnen Amerikas : n. spp. Tarantula fragilis , n. sp., Sumatra, pp. 154-157, Thorell, Ann. Mus. Genov, xxxi ; thorellii , Keys., syn. stemalis, Bert., Rio Grande, p. 259, pi. x, fig. 195 ; nervosa , Rio Grande, p. 260, fig. 196, venejica, Rio Grande, p. 261, fig. 197a, auricoma , Taquara, p. 262, fig. 198, n. spp., Keyserling, Spinnen Amerikas. Tetragonophthalma obscnrum , Taquara, p. 256, pi. x, fig. 192, Keyserling, Spinnen Amerikas, n. sp. Trocliosa inops , Sumatra, pp. 151-154, Thorell, Ann. Mus. Genov, xxxi ; pictipes , Rio Grande, p. 266, pi. x, fig. 201, Keyserling, Spinnen Amerikas, n. spp. (ECOBIIDA5. Omanus maculatus , n. sp., Blumenau, &c., p. 160, pi. v, fig. iii ; Keyser- ling, Spinnen Amerikas. According to Simon, Hist. Nat. des Araignees, p. 247, this genus is a synonym of (Ecobius . Oxyopid.®. Oxyopes ceylonicus , n. sp., Ceylon, p. 290, pi. xii, fig. 22, Karsch, B. E. Z. xxxvi ; O. lineatipes and gemellus , Pinang, figured by Workman, Malaysian Spiders, lineatipes , C. Koch, Sumatra, pp. 190-194 ; O . javanus , Java, pp. 195-198, longinguus, ? Indo -Malaysia, pp. 198-200, annulipes , Sumatra, pp. 200-202, providens , Sumatra, pp. 202-204, setipesj Sarawak, pp. 204-206, obtusus , Sumatra, pp. 207-209, fronto , Sumatra, pp. 209-211, latifrons , Sumatra, pp. 211-213, n. spp., Thorell, Ann. Mus. Genov, xxxvi ; O. consir ictus, Rio Grande, p. 268, pi. x, fig. 202, rubrosignatus, Rio Grande, p. 270, pi. x, fig. 203, n. spp., Keyserling, Spinnen Amerikas. PHILODROMIDiE. Philodromus signifer, pi. iii, fig. 20, gracilis , fig. 21, unicolor, fig. 22, ornatus, fig. 24, placidus , fig. 25 ; Banks, P. Ac. Philad. 1892. P. minutus, pi. v, fig. 85, minusculus, pi. ii, fig. 39, exilis, pi. ii, fig. 40, pp. 59-63, Cayuga Lake, Banks, P. Ac. Philad. 1892 ; P. meridion - alis, Rio Grande, p. 251, pi. x, fig. 190, Keyserling, Spinnen Amerikas : n. spp. aRAneJj. Arachn. 25 Thanatus iaquarce , Taquara, p. 252, pi. x, fig. 191, Keyserling, Spinnen Amerikas, n. sp. PflOLCIDJ]. Pholcus bicornutus, in Caves, Luzon, p. 41, pi. ii, figg. 3 & 4, Simon, Ann. Soc. Ent. Fr. lxi; imbecillus , Serra Vermella, p. 170, pi. v, fig. 115, cceruleus, p. 171, fig. 116, luteus , p. 171, fig. 117, togatus , p. 172, fig. 118, cyaneo-maculatus , p. 173, fig. 119, Brazil, altiventei ’, Serra Vermella, p. 175, fig. 120, cyaneo-tceniatus, Brazil, p. 176, fig. 121, Keyserling, Spinnen Amerikas : n. spp. Spermophora estebani , in Cave, Luzon, p. 42, Simon, Ann. Soc. Ent. Fr. lxi ; S. maculata, Blumenau, p. 177, pi. vi, fig. 122, unicolor , Serra Vermella, p. 178, fig. 123, bicornis , Sao Paulo, p. 179, fig. 124, Keyserling, Spinnen Amerikas : n. spp. Calapnita, n. g. for C. vermiformis, n. sp., in Cave, Luzon, p. 42 ; Simon, Ann. Soc. Ent. Fr. lxi. Palpimanid^: and Peodidomid^. Jheringia , n. g. Palpimanidce, p. 25, for J. lutea , n. sp., Rio Grande, p. 26 ; Keyserling, Spinnen Amerikas. Storena annulipes , Singapore, p. 209, Tiiorell, Bull. Soc. Ent. Ital. xxiv, n. sp. SCYTODIM. Scytodes annulata , Serra Vermella, p. 166, pi. v, fig. 113 ; Keyserling, Spinnen Amerikas, n. sp. Pandeus , n. g., p. 167, for P. cceruleus , n. sp., Blumenau, p. 168, pi. v, fig. 114 ; Keyserling, Spinnen Amerikas. Sparassim. Angceus rhombipesf Sumatra, p. 67 ; Thorell, Ann. Mus. Genov, xxxi, n. sp. Dolothymus, n. g., pp. 62 & 63, for D.pallidus, n. sp., Sumatra, pp. 64-67 ; Thorell, Ann. Mus. Genov, xxxi. Heteropocla boiei , Dol., syn. jlavimana, Simon, Sumatra, Java, pp. 15 & 16; H. thoracica, C. Koch, Padang, &c., pp. 24-26 ; Tiiorell, Ann. Mus. Genov, xxxi. H. imbecillct, Padang, pp. 16-19, leptoscelis , Sumatra, pp. 19-22, suma- trana (with n. var. montana ), pp. 26-31, signata, pp. 32-34, Sumatra, obtusa , Sarawak, pp. 34-37, Thorell, Ann. Mus. Genov, xxxi ; H. 26 Arachn. XI. ARACHN IDA. umbrata , pi. xi, fig. 11, eluta, fig. 12, p. 291, subtilis , p. 292, fig. 13, Ceylon, Karsch, B. E. Z. xxxvi : n. spp. Holconia becccirii , Sumatra, pp. 46-49, Thorell, Ann. Mus. Genov, xxxi, n. sp. Libania, n. g., pp. 49-51, for L. scabricula , n. sp., with var. sulcata , Sumatra, pp. 51-56 ; Icevis, pp. 56 & 57, annulata, pp. 58-60, armil- lata , pp. 60-62, Sumatra, Thorell, Ann. Mus. Genov, xxxi, n. spp. Palystes incanus , Sarawak, pp. 37-40, Thorell, Ann. Mus. Genov, xxxi, n. sp. Sarotes impudicus, Andaman Is., p. 233, Thorell, Ann. N. H. (6) ix; S.ferox, loc. ?, p. 40, Thorell, Ann. Mus. Genov, xxxvi : n. spp. Thelcticopis oriclialcea , Sim., Sarawak, pp. 44-46 ; Thorell, Ann. Mus. Genov, xxxvi. Urgulania , n. g., p. 11, for U. borneensis, n. sp., Sarawak, p. 12, Thorell, Ann. Mus. Genov, xxxvi. Zatapina, n. g. for Delena plumipes, Dol., p. 290 (referred to the family Clubionidce ) ; Karsch, B. E. Z. xxxvi. Stephanopidjs. Stephanop[o]idce. New family based upon Stephanopis, and allied to the Thomisidce and Sparassidce (Heteropodidce) , p. 5 ; Thorell, Ann. Mus. Genov, xxxi. Regillus , Cambr., remarks on, p. 6; R. cinerasce?is, Dol., Ajur Mantjur, pp. 6-11 ; Thorell, Ann. Mus. Genov, xxxi. THERAPHASIDiE Or AviCULARIIDiE. Acanthoscurria minor, Auss., Guyana, p. 281 ; Simon, Ann. Soc. Ent. Fr. lxi. A. maga , S. America, p. 280, musculosa , p. 281, insubtilis , Bolivia, p. 282, ferina , Amazons, p. 282, Simon, Ann. Soc. Ent. Fr. lxi, n. spp. Accola cavicola, Grotto of San Mateo, p. 35, cceca, Grotto d’ Antipolo, p. 35, Simon, Ann. Soc. Ent. Fr. lxi, n. spp. Actinoxia , n. g. for A. versicolor , n. sp., California, p. 318 ; Simon, Act. Soc. L. Bord. xliv. Agathostola, n. g. for A. strabo , n. sp., Columbia, p. 163; Simon, Hist. Nat. des Araignees. Apostichus, n. g. for A. atomarius , p. 317, n. sp. ; Simon, Act. Soc. L. Bord. xliv. A. clathratus , p. 318, California, Simon, Act. Soc. L. Bord. xliv, n. sp. Arbanitis huttonii, Cambr., Dunedin, p. 255, pi. xix, figg. 2 & 3 ; Goyen, Tr. N. Z. Inst. xxiv. Bothriocyrtum , n. g., p. 314, for Cleniza californica , Cambr., Texas, Cali- fornia, &c., p. 315, and B.fabrile , n. sp., Mexico, p.327 ; Simon, Act. Soc. L. Bord. xliv. Abanejs. Arachn. 27 Brachybothrium (syn. Nidivalvata, Atk.) robustum , Virginia, &c., p. 311, Simon, Act. Soc. L. Bord. xliv, n. sp. Brachythele longitarsis, Sim., Texas, &c., p. 319 ; Simon, Act. Soc. L. Bord. xliv. Bracliypelma , n. g. for B. emilia, White, Mexico, p. 338 ; Simon, Act. Soc. L. Bord. xliv. Chilobrachys , n. g., p. 270, for C. nitelinus , n. sp., Ceylon, p. 271, pi. x, fig. 2 ; Karsch, B. E. Z. xxxvi. Cratorrhagus , n. g. for C. cervinus , n. sp., Mexico, p. 330 ; Simon, Act. Soc. L. Bord. xliv. Crypsidromus bolivianus , Bolivia, p. 278, Simon, Ann. Soc. Ent. Fr. lxi ; C. perfidus , p. 14, funestus , p. 15, Taquara, Keyseeling, Spinnen Amerikas : n. spp. Cycloco8mici theverieti , California, p. 313, Simon, Act. Soc. L. Bord. xliv, n. sp. Cyclosternum obscurum , Mexico, p. 330, Simon, Act. Soc. L. Bord. xliv, n. sp. Cyrtauchenias zebra, Zululand, p. 272, Simon, Ann. Soc. Ent. Fr. lxi, n. sp. Cyrtosternum meridionale, Taquara, p. 6, Keyseeling, Spinnen Amerikas, n. sp. Diplothele halyi , Ceylon, p. 123, Simon, Hist. Nat. des Araignees, n. sp. Encyocrates , n. g., p. 279, for E. raffrayi , Madagascar, p. 280 ; Simon, Ann. Soc. Ent. Fr. lxi, n. sp. Ephebopus, n. g. for Mygale murinus , Walck., p. 155 ; Simon, Hist. Nat. des Araignees. Eudiplura , n. g. for Dtplura rogenhoferi, Auss., p. 179 ; Simon, Hist. Nat. des Araignees. Eurypelma steindachneri , Auss., Texas ; hentzi , Cir., syn. mordax, Auss., Texas, &c., p. 322 ; vagans , Auss., syn. duponti , Becker, Mexico, &c. ; Simon, Act. Soc. L. Bord. xliv. E. jheringii , p. 19, pi. i, fig. 4, vitiosa , p. 21, pi. i, fig. 5, Taquara, Keyseeling, Spinnen Amerikas ; E. rusticum , Arizona, p. 323, helluo , Lower California, p. 324, marxi , California, &c., lanceo- latum , Nicaragua, p. 335, caniceps, Mexico, p. 336, serratum , Mexico, pauamense , p. 337, Panama, Simon, Act. Soc. L. Bord. xliv ; E. gu-yanum , Guyana, p. 167, Simon, Hist. Nat. des Araignees : n. spp. Evagrus rubrigularis , Idaho, p. 320, Simon, Act. Soc. L. Bord. xliv, n sp. Grammostola, n. g. for Eurypelma pulchripes, Simon, Paraguay, p. 163 ; Simon, Hist. Nat. des Araignees. Hapalopus villosus , Taquara, p. 7, pi. i, fig. 2, Keyseeling, Spinnen Amerikas, n. sp. Hapalothele (Fufius) lanicia, p. 283, garleppi , p. 284, Bolivia, Simon, Ann. Soc. Ent. Fr. lxi, n. spp. Haploclastus, n. g. for if. cervinus, n. sp., S. India, p. 152 ; Simon, Hist. Nat. des Araignees. 28 AtacliiU XI. ARACHNID A. Haplopehna , n. g. for Selenocosmia dor ice, Thor., p. 151 ; Simon, Hist. Nat. des Araignees. Heligmomerus, n. g., p. 90, for H. taprobanicus, Kandy, prostans , S. India, p. 91 (in note), Simon, Hist. Nat. des Araignees, n. spp. Hojnceomma texense, Texas, p. 320, Simon, Act. Soc. L. Bord. xliv, n. sp. Homoeoplacis , n. g. for H. pentodon, Amazons, p.275, Simon, Ann. Soc. Ent. Fr. lxi, n. sp. Homostola , n. g., p. 271, for H. vulpecula, Zululand, p. 271, Simon, Ann. Soc. Ent. Fr. lxi, n. sp. Hysterocrates, n. g. for Phoneyusa greshoffi, Simon, p. 153 ; Simon, Hist. Nat. des Araignees. Idiops germaini, Rio Grande, p. 92, Simon, Hist. Nat. des Araignees, n. sp. Ischnocolus pilosus, Rio Grande, p. 9, gracilis , Monte Yerde, p. 11, rubro- pilosus , Neu Freiburg, p. 12, janeirus, Rio Janeiro, p. 13, Keyser- ling, Spinnen Amerikas, n. spp. Lampropelma , n. g., p. 151, for L. nigerrimum, In s. Sangir, p. 151, Simon, Hist. Nat. des Araignees, n. sp. Macrothele segmentata, Pinang, p. 284, Simon, Ann. Soc. Ent. Fr. lxi, n. sp. Magulla , n. g. for M. obesa, Theresopolis, p. 276, Simon, Ann. Soc. Ent. Fr. lxi, n. sp. Myrmeciophila atkinsoni, Virginia, p. 316, Simon, Act. Soc. L. Bord. xliv, n. sp. Nemesia arenicola , Corsica, p. 113, didieri, Algeria, p. 114, Simon, Hist. Nat. des Araignees, n. spp. CEcophloeus, n. g. for CE. cinctipes, n. sp., Ceylon, pp. 49-51, figured, with nest, pi. iiiA ; Pocock, Ann. N. H. (6) ix : syn. Sason robustum, Cambr. ; Simon, Hist. Nat. des Araignees. Ornithoctonus , n. g. for 0. andersoni , Mergui, pp. 317 & 318, pi. xvii, figg. 1-3, Pocock, J. L. S. xxiv, n. sp. Orphncecus, n. g. for 0. pellitus, Grotto de Calapnitan (Philippines), pp. 36 & 37, Simon, Ann. Soc. Ent. Fr. lxi, n. sp. Pachyloscelis crassipes , Rio Grande do Sul, p. 3, pi. i, fig. 1, luteipes , Rio Janeiro, p. 5, Keyserling, Spinnen Amerikas, n. spp. Paraphysa , n. g. for P. manicata, S. America, p. 166, Simon, Hist. Nat. des Araignees, n. sp. Phlogius cunicularius, Pinang, p. 279, Simon, Ann. Soc. Ent. Fr. lxi, n. sp. Phrisscecia, n. g. for P. ecuadorensis , Ecuador, p. 274, Simon, Ann. Soc. Ent. Fr. lxi, n. sp. Plcigiobothrus, n. g., p. 272, for P. semilunaris, Peradenia, p. 273, pi. x, fig. 3, Karsch, B. E. Z. xxxvi, n. sp. Planadecta, n. g. for P. lyrata , S. America, p. 168, Simon, Hist. Nat. des Araignees, n. sp. Porrhothele, n. g. for Mygale antipodicina, Walck., p. 185; Simon, Hist. Nat. des Araignees. Pselligmus , n. g. for P. infaustus, Abrolhos, p. 273, Simon, Ann. Soc. Ent. Fr. lxi, n. sp. aranej:. Arachn. 29 Rachias , n. g. for Hermacha dispar, Sim., p. 114 ; Simon, Hist. Nat. des Araignees. Rhechostica, n. g. for Homceomma texense , Simon, p. 162; Simon, Hist. Nat. des Araignees. Scalidognathus , n. g., p.269, for S. seticeps, Peradenia, p. 270, pi. x, fig. 1, Karsch, B. E. Z. xxxvi, n. sp. Scotinoscus , n. g. for Hexathele cinereo-pilosa, Sim. ; Simon, Hist. Nat. des Araignees. Sipalolasma, n. g., p. 123, for S. ellioti , Ceylon, p. 124 ; Simon, Hist. Nat. des Araignees, n. sp. Stasimopus , n. g., p. 81, for Actinopus caffrus, C. Koch, p. 81 ; Simon, Hist. Nat. des Araignees. Stenygrocercus , n. g. for Macrothele silvicola , Sim., p. 185 ; Simon, Hist. Nat. des Araignees. Sterrhochrotus , n. g. for Cteniza farghanensis , Cron., p. 97 ; Simon, Hist. Nat. des Araignees. Stichoplastus fabrei , India, p. 278, Simon, Ann. Soc. Ent. Fr. lxi, n. sp. Tapinauchenius ccerulescens , Indian Terr., p. 325, texense , Texas, p. 326, Simon, Act. Soc. L. Bord. xliv, n. spp. Thelecoris, Karsch (syn. Entomothele, Simon), zebrina , Polvon [Nicaragua], p. 329, Simon, Act. Soc. L. Bord. xliv, n. sp. Tigidia , n. g. for T. mauriciana , Mauritius, p. 274, Simon, Ann. Soc. Ent. Fr. lxi, n. sp. T mesiphantes , n. g., for T. nubilus , Bahia, p. 277, Simon, Ann. Soc. Ent. Fr. lxi, n. sp. Trechona auronitens , p. 16, pi. i, fig. 3, pantherina , p. 18, Taquara, Key- serling, Spinnen Amerikas, n. spp. Xenesthis , n. g., p. 332, for X. columbiana, Panama, p. 333, Simon, Act. Soc. L. Bord. xliv, n. sp. Theridiidte. Achcea maxima , Rio Grande, p. 198, pi. vii, fig. 142, signata, Neu Freiburg, p. 199, fig. 143, pulchra, Rio Janeiro, p. 200, fig. 144, Key^serling, Spinnen Amerikas, n. spp. Ariamnes longissimus , Neu Freiburg, &c., p. 202, pi. vii, fig. 145, Keyser- ling, Spinnen Amerikas ; A. simulans , Calcutta, p. 417, pi. xxii, Cambridge, Ann. N. H. (6) x : n. spp. Argyrodes fasciatus , Singapore, p. 212, Thorell, Bull. Soc. Ent. Ital. xxiv ; A. acuminatus, Serra Vermella, &c., p. 207, pi. vii, fig. 149, longicaudatus , Serra Vermella, p. 209, fig. 150, alticeps, Espirito Santo, p. 210, fig. 151, altus, Espirito Santo, p. 211, fig. 152, ulula- bilis, Taquara, p. 212, fig. 153, striatus, Espirito Santo, p. 213, fig. 154, Keyserling, Spinnen Amerikas, n. spp. Bathyphantes parvulus, .Westr., and gracilis , Blk., England, pp. 392 & 393, pi. xxi, figg. 6 & 7 ; F. Cambridge, Ann. N. H. (6) x. 30 Arachn. XI. ARACHNIDA. B. decorata. p. 44, pi. ii, fig. 41, argenteo-maculata, pallida, pi. v, fig. 42, unimaculata, pi. ii, fig. 65, p. 45, inornata , pi. v, fig. 66, tristis , pi. ii, fig. 45, p. 46, Cayuga Lake, Banks, P. Ac. Philad. 1892, n. spp. Ceratinella minuta, Em., pi. ii, fig. 60, & pi. iv, fig. 60, bullosa , Em., p. 32, pi. v, fig. 59, pygmea , Em., p. 32, pi. ii, fig. 57 ; Banks, P. Ac. Philad. 1892. C. similis , p. 31, pi. v, fig. 61, moesta, p. 32, pi. ii, fig. 58, & pi. v, fig. 58, placida , p. 32, pi. ii, fig. 54, formosa, p. 33, pi. ii, fig. 55, anmdipes , p. 33, pi. ii, fig. 56, Cayuga Lake, Banks, P. Ac. Philad. 1892, n. spp. Ceratinopsis frontatus , Cayuga Lake, p. 33, pi. v, fig. 63, Banks, P. Ac. Philad. 1892, n. sp. Chrysso nigrosternum , Taquara, p. 206, pi. vii, fig. 148, Keyserling, Spianen Amerikas, n. sp. Comicularia formosa , p. 34, pi. v, fig. 35, placida , p. 35, fig. 36, Cayuga Lake, Banks, P. Ac. Philad. 1892, n. spp. Diplostyla pallida , pi. ii, fig. 29, alboventris , pi. v, fig. 31, p. 43, Cayuga Lake, Banks, P. Ac. Philad. 1892, n. spp. Dipcena tamiatipes, Rio Grande, p. 224, pi. viii, fig. 165, maculata , Espirito Santo, p. 225, fig. 166, obscura, Serra Vermella, p. 226, fig. 167, Key- serling, Spinnen Amerikas, n. spp. Erigone rusticella , Rio Grande, p. 238, pi. ix, fig. 180a, nitida , Rio Grande, p. 239, fig. 181a, fucosa, p. 240, fig. 182a, rusticula , p. 240, fig. 183, vegeta , p. 241, fig. 184, Rio Grande, Keyserling, Spinnen Amerikas, n. spp. Ero goldii , Serra Yermella, p. 218, pi. viii, fig. 159, gracilis , Neu Frei- burg, p. 219, fig. 160, valida , St. Antonio, p. 220, fig. 161, lata , Neu Freiburg, p. 220, fig. 162, Keyserling, Spinnen Amerikas, n. spp. Euryopis lutea , Serra Yermella, p. 227, pi. ix, fig. 168, maculata , Miracena, • p. 227, fig. 169, Keyserling, Spinnen Amerikas, n. spp. Frontina turbidula , Espirito Santo, p. 228, pi. ix, fig. 170, armata , Serra Yermella, p. 230, fig. 171, obscura , Espirito Santo, p. 231, fig. 172, cylindrata, Sao Paulo, p. 232, fig. 173, elegans , Rio Negro, p. 233, fig. 174, clava, Serra Yermella, p. 234, fig. 175, longiceps , Serra Yermella, p. 234, fig. 176, decorata , Neu Freiburg, p.235, fig. 177, rubriceps , Rio Grande, p. 236, fig. 178, Keyserling, Spinnen Amerikas, n. spp. Grammonota venusta , Cayuga Lake, p. 34, pi. v, fig. 64, Banks, P. Ac. Philad. 1892, n.sp. Helvibis longicauda , Espirito Santo, p. 204, pi. vii, fig. 146, vionticola, Serra Yermella, p. 205, fig. 147, Keyserling, Spinnen Amerikas, n. spp. lleribertus flavomaculatus , Serra Yermella, p. 223, pi. ix, fig. 164, Key- serling, Spinnen Amerikas, n. sp. Leptyphantes ericceus , Blk., England, p. 390, pi. xx, fig. 4; F. Cambridge, Ann. N. H. (6) x. ARANE M. Arachn . 31 L.plumiger , Dorset, p. 386, pi. xx, fig, 2, F. Cambridge, Ann. N. H. (6) x, n. sp. Linyphici conferta , Hentz, pi. ii, fig. 38, p. 42, Cayuga Lake ; Banks, P. Ac. Philad. 1892. L. variabilis, pi. ii, fig. 28, Cayuga Lake, Banks, P. Ac. Pliilad. 1892, n. sp. Lopbocarenum castaneum , Em., p. 35, pi. iv, fig. 3 ; Banks, P. Ac. Philad. 1892. L. triste , p. 35, pi. iv, fig. 1, unimaculatum , p. 35, fig. 2, miniatum , fig. 4, venustum , fig. 5, parvurn , fig. 6, exiguum , fig. 7, p. 36, crenatoideum , fig. 8, formosum , fig. 10, arvense , fig. 11, p. 37, longius , p. 38, fig. 12, Cayuga Lake ; Banks, P. Ac. Philad. 1892, n. spp. Microneta latens , pi. v, fig. 46, p. 46, palnstris, pi. ii, fig, 47, luteola , pi. ii, fig. 48, flaveola , pi. v, fig. 42, complicata, pi. ii, fig. 50, p. 47, mmu- tissima, pi. ii, fig. 27, frontata , pi. v, fig. 51, giganteci, pi. ii, fig. 52, distincta , pi. ii, fig. 53, p. 48, Cayuga Lake, Banks, P. Ac. Philad. 1892, n. spp. Milione , n. g., p. 215, for i/. triacantha, n. sp., Singapore, p. 216 ; Tho- rell, Bull. Soc. Ent. Ital. xxiv. Mimetus atri-cinctus , Stratford (N. Z.), p. 234, Urquhart, Tr. N. Z. Inst, xxiv, n. sp. Theridium weberi , Singapore, p. 219, Thorell, Bull. Soc. Ent. Ital. xxiv ; T. bellulum, Neu Freiburg, p. 180, pi. vi, fig. 125, unanimum , Neu Freiburg, p. 181, fig. 126, guadripartitum , Sao Paulo, p. 182, fig. 127, subrotundum , Serra Vermella, p. 183, fig. 128, bentificum , Rio G-rande, p. 184, fig. 129, tinctorium , Rio Grande, p. 185, fig. 130, querulum, p. 186, fig. 131, obnubilum, Serra Vermella, p. 187, fig. 132, dubiosinn, Neu Freiburg, p. 187, fig. 133, nigriceps , Sao Paulo, p. 188, fig. 134, notabile, Serra Vermella, p. 189, fig. 135, triguttatum , Neu Freiburg, p. 190, fig. 136, rotundum , Neu Freiburg, p. 191, fig. 137, pallipes, Serra Vermella, p. 191, fig. 138 ,vividum, Espirito Santo, p. 192, fig. 139, bicorne , Serra Vermella, p. 193, fig. 140, passivum , Fazenla Calvario, p. 195, fig. 141, Keyserling, Spinnen Amerikas; T. argen - tatum , Hawera, p. 235, albo-cinctum , p. 236, ampliatum , p. 237, Strat- ford, Urqtjhart, Tr. N. Z. Inst, xxiv : n. spp. Tmeticus unicorn , obscurus, flaveolus , luxuosus , rusticus, kumilis , mcestus , debilis, palusti'is, clistinctus, maculatns, minutus , pi. iv, figg. 13-24, pp. 38-41, gnavus, p. 41, pi. v, fig. 44, Cayuga Lake, Banks, P. Ac. Philad. 1892 ; T. simplex , Cannock, p. 384, pi. xx, fig. 5, F. Cam- bridge, Ann. N. H. (6) x : n. spp. Totua, n. g. for T. gracilipes, Rio Grande, p. 216, pi. viii, fig. 158 ; Keyserling, Spinnen Amerikas, n. sp. TJmfila cornuta, Neu Freiburg, p. 222, pi. viii, fig. 163, Keyserling, Spinnen Amerikas, n. sp. 82 Arachn , XI. ARACHNIDA. ThOMISIDA. Camaricus formosus, Thor., figured on pi. iv, by Workman, Malaysian Spiders. Diceci zonura , Sumatra, pp. 95-98, Thorell, Ann. Mus. Genov, xxxi, n. sp. Daradius javanus , Java, pp. 78-82, perspicillatus , Sarawak, pp. 82-86, Thorell, Ann. Mus. Genov, xxxi, n. spp. PLedana perspicax, Sumatra, pp. 106-109, ocellatci, Java, pp. 109-113, Thorell, Ann. Mus. Genov, xxxi, n. spp. Microcyllus, n. g., p. 118, for M. elegans , Sumatra, pp. 119-121, nanus , Java, pp. 121 & 122, Thorell, Ann. Mus. Genov, xxxi, n. spp. Misumena foliata, p. 57, pi. iii, fig. 17, & pi. ii, fig. 37, placida , p. 58, Cayuga Lake, Banks, P. Ac. Philad. 1892 ; M. dierythra , Singapore, p. 92, Thorell, Ann. Mus. Genov, xxxi ; M. maculis-sparsa , Taquara, p. 246, pi. x, fig. 186, Keyserling, Spinnen Amerikas ; M. clarkii , Madeira, p. 219, pi. xiv, figg. 7 & 8, Warburton, Ann. N. H. (6) x : n. spp. Musceus , n. g., pp. 71 & 72, for M. politics , n. sp., Sumatra, pp. 72-75 ; Thorell, Ann. Mus. Genov, xxxi. Narcceus, n. g., p. 79, for N. picinus , n. sp., Java, pp. 100-102 ; Thorell, Ann. Mus. Genov, xxxi. Palcephatus pseudorchestes, Sumatra, p. 127, Thorell, Ann. Mus. Genov, xxxi, n. sp. Peltorhynchus , n. g., pp. 113 & 114, for P. rostratus, n. sp., Java, pp. 114— 117, Thorell, Ann. Mus. Genov, xxxi ; also figured, pi. iii, by Work- man, Malaysian Spiders. Runcinia Jcinbergii , pp. 86-89, disticta , pp. 89-91, Java, Thorell, Ann. Mus. Genov, xxxi, n. spp. Synenic^ luteovittata , Rio Grande, p. 247, pi. x, fig. 187, Keyserling, Spinnen Amerikas, n. sp. Tharpyna varica, Java, p. 102, Thorell, Ann. Mus. Genov, xxxi, n. sp. Tmarus eques , Java, pp. 75-78, Thorell, Ann. Mus. Genov, xxxi ; T. variatus , pi. x, fig. 188, clavipes , p. 280, fig. 189, Taquara, Keyserling, Spinnen Amerikas : n. spp. Xysticus distinctus , pi. iii, fig. 89, brunneus , pi. iii, fig. 4, crudelis , fig. 5, transversus , fig. 6, lentus , pi. ii, fig. 67, nervosus, pi. iii, fig. 8, & pi. iv, fig. 84, formosus , pi. iii, fig. 9, pp. 52-56, Cayuga Lake, Banks, P. Ac. Philad. 1892, n. spp. Zametopias, n. g., pp. 122 & 123, for Z. speculator , Sumatra, pp. 123-126 ; Thorell, Ann. Mus. Genov, xxxi, n. sp. Uloborida. ZEbutina , n. g. for ZE. binotata} n. sp., Brazil, p. 222, Simon, Hist. Nat. des Araignees. According to Simon, t. c., this genus is the sole representative of the subfamily ^Ebutinince of the family Uloboridce. ARANE43, PSEUDOSCORPIONES. Arachn. 33 Hyptiotes analis , n. sp., Kandy, p. 219, Simon, Hist. Nat. des Araignees. According to Simon, t. c., this genus constitutes, with Miagrammopes , the subfamily Miagrammopince of the family Uloboridce. Uloborus guadri-tuberculatus, Singapore, p. 221, Thorell, Bull. Soc. Ent. Ital. xxiv, n. sp. Zodariid.® and Zoropsidjs. Habronestes (Zodariidce) major , p. 158, pi. iv, fig. 109, minor , p. 159, fig. 110, Blumenau, Keyserling, Spinnen Amerikas, n. spp. Ececius, n. g. of Zoropsidce , for Amaurobius crassipes, L. Koch, p. 230, Simon, Hist. Nat. des Araignees. (d.) PSEUDOSCORPIONES. Balzan, Ann. Soc. Ent. Fr. lx, divides this group into two suborders : the Panctenodactyli, containing the Cheliferidce , and the Hemicteno- dactyli , for the Obisiidce and Pseudobisiidce. Cheliferid^. Atemnus nidificator , n. var. minor , San Esteban, p. 510, pallidus, Sierra Leone, p. 511, pi. ix, fig. 2, subrobustus , Caraccas, p. 512, fig. 3, Balzan, Ann. Soc. Ent. Fr. lx, n. spp. Chernes insuetus , Dover, p. 225, pi. c, fig. 17, dubius, Sherborne, p. 227, fig. 19, Cambridge, P. Dorset Field Club, xiii, n. spp. Lamprochernes macrochelatus , Tom., and argentinus , Thor., Venezuela, pp. 513 & 516, pi. ix, figg. 4 & 7 ; Balzan, Ann. Soc. Ent. Fr. lx. L. octentoctus , S. Africa, p. 514, fig. 5, intermedins , Venezuela, p. 515, fig. 6, similis , Manaos, p. 517, fig. 8, veuezuelanus, San Esteban, p. 518, fig. 9, ovatus , Caraccas, fig. 10, thorellii Sumatra, pi. x, fig. 11, p. 519, elegans, Venezuela, p. 520, fig. 12, Balzan, Ann. Soc. Ent. Fr. lx, n. spp. Trachy chernes subrudis, Venezuela, p. 521, pi. x, fig. 13, subrotundatust Venezuela, p. 522, fig. 14, floridce , Florida, p. 524, fig. 15, bicolor , Venezuela, p. 524, Caraccas, fig. 16, albomaculatus, Venezuela, p. 526, fig. 17, armiger, Pebas, p. 527, fig. 18, Balzan, Ann. Soc. Ent. Fr. lx, n. spp. Chelifer canestrinii , Balz., p. 532, fig. 22, meridianus , L. Koch, fig. 23, longichelifer , Balz., Venezuela, p. 534, fig. 26, rufus, Balz., fig. 25 ; Balzan, Ann. Soc. Ent. Fr. lx. C. pekinensis, Pekin, p.528, pi. xi, fig. 19, simoni , Sierra Leone, p.529, fig. 20, tennimanus, Nossi-be, p. 531, fig. 21, degeneratus , S. California, p. 532, fig. 24, Balzan, Ann. Soc. Ent. Fr. lx, n. spp. Garypus senegalensis , Senegal, p. 535, pi. xii, fig. 27, Balzan, Ann. Soc. Ent. Fr. lx, n. sp. Olpium crassichelatum , Balz., fig. 29, Venezuela ; Balzan, Ann. Soc. Ent. Fr. lx. O. cordimanum , Venezuela, p. 536, pi. xii, fig. 28, furculiferum} Vene- zuela, p. 537, fig. 30, Balzan, Ann. Soc. Ent. Fr. lx, n. spp. 1892. [vol. xxix.] d 12 34 Arachn. XI. AEACHNTDA. PsEUDOBISlI 'JM. N. fam., p. 539 ; Balzan, Ann. Soc. Ent. Fr, lx. PSETJDOBISIINiE. N. subfam., p. 539 ; Balzan, Ann. Soc. Ent. Fr. lx. Ideobisium , n. g., p. 539, ( Ideoroncus ) gracilis , n. sp., Venezuela, p. 540, pi. xii, fig. 31 ; Balzan, Ann. Soc. Ent. Fr. lx. Ideoblothrus , n. subg. of Ideobisium , p. 541, for I. similis, n. sp., Vene- zuela. p. 541, pi. xii, fig. 32 ; Balzan, Ann. Soc. Ent. Fr. lx. Ideobisium crassimanum , n. sp., Venezuela, p. 542, pi. xii, fig. 33, Balzan, Ann. Soc. Ent. Fr. lx. Microcreagrin^. N. snbfam. ; Balzan, Ann. Soc. Ent. Fr. lx, p. 543. Microcreagris, n. g., p. 543, for M. gigas , n. sp., China, p. 544, pi. xii, fig. 34 ; Balzan, Ann. Soc. Ent. Fr. lx. Obisiidad. CHTHONIINiE. N. subfam., p. 545 ; Balzan, Ann. Soc. Ent. Fr. lx. Chthonius joarvidentatus, Balz., p.547, fig. 36 ; Balzan, Ann. Soc. Ent. Fr. lx. C. ( Pseudochthonius , n. subg.) simoni , Caraccas, p. 546, pi. xii, fig. 35, Balzan, Ann. Soc. Ent. Fr. lx, n. sp. (e.) OPILIONES. Caddo , n. g., for C. agilis, n. sp., Long I., p. 280 ; Banks, P. E. Soc. Wash. ii. Gagrella ceylonensis} p. 308, bispinosa. Passelawa, p. 309, Karsch, B. E.Z. xxxvi, n. spp. Liobunum vittatum, Say, pp. 999-1008, pis. xxvii & xxviii ; Weed, Am. Nat. xxvi. Phalangium cinereum, Wood, pp. 32-36, pi. i, figg. 1 & 2; Weed, Am. Nat. xxvi. Pseudarthromerus, n. g., p. 308, for P. sjpurius , n. sp., Nalanda (Ceylon), p. 308 ; Karsch, B. E. Z. xxxvi. Zalmoxis sorenseni , in caves, Luzon, p. 44, Simon, Ann. Soc. Ent. Fr. lxi, n. sp. Cryptostemma , Guer., notes on, with fig. ; the genus referred to the order Meridogastra of Thorell ; Karsch, B. E. Z. xxxvii, pp. 25-32 & 64. ACARI. Arachn. 35 (f.) ACARI. BdELLIDjE. Bdella lignicola , G. Can., pt. lxii, No. 7 ; Berlese, Acari in Italia reperta. Linopodes, pt. lxi, No. 1, motatorius , L., Italy, No. 2, Berlese, Acari in Italia reperta. Norneria , pt. lxi, No. 6, gigas, R. Can., No. 7 ; Berlese, Acari in Italia reperta. Notophallus longipilis, R. Can., pt. lxi, No. 4, minor , R. Can., No. 5, Italy; Berlese, Acari in Italia reperta. Pronematus bonatii , Can., Italy, pt. lxi, No. 3 ; Berlese, Acari in Italia reperta. Eupodidte. Scyphius maniacus , Guatemala, p. 1 7, pi. vi, fig. 2, Stoll, Acari in Biol. Centr.-Amer., n. sp. Gamasid^:. Antennophorus, characterized, pt. lxx, No. 1 ; Berlese, Acari in Italia reperta. Celceno , characterized, pt. Ixix, No. 3 ; Berlese, Acari in Italia reperta. Celcenopsis uropodoides , British Honduras, p. 35, pi. xvi, fig. 4, & pi. xix, fig. 3, megisthanoides , Panama, p. 36, pi. xix, fig. 4, & pi. xx, fig. 1, Stoll, Acari in Biol. Centr.-Amer., n. spp. Cyrtolcelaps , pt. lxiv, No. 3, falciger , Can., pt. lxiii, No. 4, nemorensis , Koch, No. 5, n. var. placida , No. 6, captator , n. sp., pt. Ixviii, No. 8, spiricornis , Can. , pt. Ixviii, No. 9, cervus , Kram., No. 10 ; Berlese, Acari in Italia reperta. Dinychus , characterized, pt. lxx, No. 9 ; Berlese, Acari in Italia reperta. Epicrius , characterized, Can. & Fanz., pt. Ixix, No. 10; Berlese, Acari in Italia reperta. Gamasus , pt. Ixviii, No. 1, dentipes , Koch, No. 2, cornutus, Can., No. 3, furcatus, Can., No. 4, crassus , Kram., pt. Ixix, No. 6, coleoptratorum, L., No. 7, rubescens , Can., No. 9, attenuatus, Koch, pt. lxiii, No. 7, n. var. minor , No. 8 ; Berlese, Acari in Italia reperta. G. pusillusr pt. Ixix, No. 8 ; Berlese, Acari in Italia reperta, n. sp. Hydrogamasus, n. g., pt. Ixviii, No. 5, for H. litoralis, Can., No. 6 ; Ber- lese, Acari in Italia reperta. Iphidosoma, , n. g., pt. lxx, No. 11, for jimetarium , Can., ovatum , n. sp., pt. Ixix, No. 5 ; Berlese, Acari in Italia reperta. Lcelaps ( Iphis ) aculeifer, Can., and n. var. longior, No. 10, ostrinu-s, Koch, pt. lxvi, No. 4, halleri, Can., pt. Ixvii, No. 6, bombicolens , No. 8, lignicola , Can., pt. xx, No. 2, krameri) Can., No. 4 ; L. (s.s.) holostas- poides, Can., pt.lxx, No. 13, uncinatus , Can., No. 15, Italy ; Berlese, Acari in Italia reperta. 36 Arachn. XI. ARACHN TDA. L. ( Iphis ) miles , pt. lxiii, No. 9, semiscissus , No. 7, Italy, Berlese, Aoari in Italia reperta ; L. (s.s.) complanatus, p. 383, in nest of Formica fasca , Moniez, Rev. Biol, iv ; L. (s.s.) canestrini , pt. lxix, No. 1, myrme- cophilus, No. 2, Italy, Berlese, Acari in Italia reperta : n. spp, Leiognathus lacertinus, pt. lxx, No. 3, Berlese, Acari in Italia reperta, n. sp. Megisthanus armiger , Berlese, Mexico, p. 34, pi. xix, fig. 1 ; Stoll, Acari in Biol. Centr.-Amer. M. gigantodes) Guatemala, p. 31, pi. xviii, figg. 1 & 2, Stoll, Acari in Biol. Centr.-Amer., n. sp. Neoberlesia , n. g. for N. equitans, n. sp., pi. lxii, No. 5 ; Berlese, Acari in Italia reperta. Ophionyssus natricis, Gery., pt. lxx, No. 12 ; Berlese, Acari in Italia reperta. Podocinum, characterized, pt. lxx, No. 10 ; Berlese, Acari in Italia reperta. Pachylcelaps strigifer, Berl., pt. lxiv, No. 4, n. var. siculus, No. 5, pecti- nifer , Can., No. 6, n. var. siculus , pt. lxv, No. 10, Berlese, Acari in Italia reperta ; P. heros, n. var. mexicanus) Mexico, p. 37, pi. xix, fig. 2, Stoll, Acari in Biol. Centr.-Amer. Pcecilochirus , pt. lxx, No. 11, fucorum , De Geer, emarginatus, Koch, and spinipes, Koch, pt. lxix, No. 4; Berlese, Acari in Italia reperta. Polyaspis , characterized, pt. lxx, No. 8 ; Berlese, Acari in Italia reperta. Seiodes , pt. lxx, No. 7, lustricinus , pt. lxx, No. 5, Berlese, Acari in Italia reperta, n. sp. StylorTiinus rovennensis , Can., pt. lxx, No. 13 ; Berlese, Acari in Italia reperta. TJropoda spatulifera, n. sp., with Formica rufa , p. 383, Moniez, Rev. Biol, iv ; U. lagenai n. sp., tridentina , Can., pt. lxx, No. 14, Berlese, Acari in Italia reperta. U. echinata , p. 28, pi. xvi, fig. 2, incequipunctata, p. 29, pi. xvi, fig. 3, discus , p. 29, pi. xvii, fig. 4, Guatemala, centro-americana , Nicaragua, p. 30, pi. xvii, fig. 1, piriformis, Mexico, p. 31, fig. 3, Stoll, Acari in Biol. Centr.-Amer., n. spp. Zercon acanthurus , Can., pt. lxx, No. 6 ; Berlese, Acari in Italia reperta. Hydrachnid^:. Arrhenurus decurtator , p. 520, Moniez, Rev. Biol, iv, n. sp. Feltria , n. g., p. 323, for F. minuta , n. sp., Rhoetia, p. 323 ; Kcenike, Zool. Anz. xv. Weltina , n. g. for W. microplicus , n. sp., p. 410 ; Piersig, Zool. Anz. xv. Zschokkea , n. g., p. 320, for Z. oblonga, n. sp., Rhoetia, p. 32 ; Kcenike, Zool. Anz. xv. IxODIIDiE. The Ticks of this group are considered by Marx, P. E. Soc. Wash, ii, pp. 271-287, to rank as a suborder of Acarif for which the name Cynorhczstea is proposed. This suborder is divided into two sections : acari. Arachn . 3? Catastomcda for the Eschatoceplialidce and Argasidce, and Antistomata for the Hcemalastoi'idce , Ixodidce , and Rhipistomidce. These families, and all the genera they contain, are characterized. Amblyomma mixtum, C. Koch, Mexico, &c., p. 19, pi. xii, figg. 1 & 2 ; Stoll, Acari in Biol. Centr.-Amer. A.foreli , Guatemala, p. 21, pi. xii, fig. 3, & pi. xiv, fig. 3, crassipunctatum , Nicaragua, p. 22, pi. xiv, fig. 1, sabanerce , Guatemala, p. 23, pi. xiv, fig. 2, Stoll, Acari in Biol. Centr.-Amer., n. spp. Boophilus, n. g. for B. bovis , Biley ; Curtice, J. Comp. Med. Yet. Arch. 1891. Ixodes vespertilionis , Koch, pt. lxi, No. 9, hexagonus , Leach, No. 10, Italy; Berlese, Acari in Italia reperta. I. varani , Natal, pp. 10-14, Lewis, J. Quek. Club, v ; I. boarum , Guate- mala, p. 18, pi. xiii, fig. 1, & pi. xiv, fig. 4, Stoll, Acari in Biol. Centr.- Amer., n. spp. Nicoletiellida:. Nicoletiella neotropica , Guatemala, p. 27, pi. xvi, fig. 1, Stoll, Acari in Biol. Centr.-Amer., n. sp. Oribatida:. Belba, pt. lxiii, No. 3, peetinata , Mich., pt. xii, No. 8 ; Berlese, Acari in Italia reperta. Biscopoma , Can., pt. lxviii, No. 7 ; Berlese, Acari in Italia reperta. Hermanna , pt. lxvii, No. 10, nana , Nic., pt. lxiii, No. 1 ; Berlese, Acari in Italia reperta. Ropilophora, Koch, pt. lxvii, No. 5, magna, Nic., pt. lxvii, No. 9 ; Berlese, Acari in Italia reperta. H. retalteca , Guatemala, p. 27, pi. xv, fig. 4, Stoll, Acari in Biol. Centr.- Amer., n. sp. Oppia tibialis , Nic., pt. lxiv, No. 1, n. var. sicula ; ucorum , Koch, No. 2 ; Berlese, Acari in Italia reperta. Oribates mucronatus , Can., pt. lxii, No. 8 ; Berlese, Acari in Italia reperta. 0. centro-america?ia, Panama, Honduras, p. 24, pi. xv, fig. 1, nigrifrons, Belize and Guatemala, p. 25, pi. xv, fig. 2, Stoll, Acari in Biol. Centr.-Amer., n. spp. Zetorchestes: pt. lxiii, No. 2 ; Berlese, Acari in Italia reperta. Phytoptidac. Anthocoptes, n. g. for P. loricatus , galeatus , heteroproctus , &c., p. 16; Nalepa, SB. Ac. Wien, 1892. A. platynotus , p. 191, Nalepa, SB. Ak. Wien, 1892, n. sp. Cecidopliyes syriacus, p. 158, Fockeu, Rev. Biol, iv ; C. minor , p. 16, gemmarum , p. 128 ; Nalepa, SB. Ak. Wien, 1892 : n. spp. 88 Arachn. XI. ARACJHNIDA. Monaulax , n. g., p. 191, for M. sulcatus , n. sp., p. 192 ; Nalepa, SB. Ak. Wien, 1892. Oxypleurites , n. subg. of Tegonotus , for 0. (T7.) troues&arti, p. 330, pi. xiii, figg. 3 & 4, serratus, p. 333, pi. xiii, figg, 7-9, n. spp., and hepta- canthus , Nal., p. 335, pi. xiii, figg. 10-12 ; Nalepa, Zool. Jahrb. vi. Phyllocoptes magnirostris , parvus , p. 128, populinus , p. 16, gracilipes , co??i- pressus , gigantorhynchus, comatus , p. 191, Nalepa, SB. Ak. Wien, 1892, n. spp. Phytocoptes longifilis , p. 380, cytisicola , p. 6, Canestrini, Atti Soc. Yen.- Trent. xii ; rostratus, Syria, p. 232, fig., Fockeu, Rev. Biol, iv : n. spp. Phytoptus vitalbce, p. 79, breviceps, p. 80, Canestrini, Bull. Soc. Yen.- Trent. v ; P. xylostei, p. 377, peucedani, p. 378, sanguisorbce, p. 379, Canestrini, Atti Soc. Ven.-Trent. xii ; P. lycii , p. 837, carueli , p. 838, effusus , p. 838, Canestrini, Atti 1st. Yenet. 1; P. eryugii , p. 5, Canes- trini, op. cit. li ; P. curvatus , p. 152, fig., barroisi,p. 154, fig., ephedrce , p. 155, fig., orientalis , p. 156, fig., fusiformis , p. 231, fig., Syria, Fockeu, Rev. Biol, iv ; P. eucricotes, triradiatus , p. 128, Nalepa, SB. Ak. Wien, 1892 ; P. pilosellus , tenellus , glaber , gibbosus, alpestris, pp. 190 & 191, Nalepa, £. c.; P. cladophthirus , p. 16, Nalepa, SB. Ak. Wien, 1892 : n. spp. P.tilice, n. var. liosoma , p. 16 ; Nalepa, SB. Ak. Wien, 1892. Tegonotus , n. gen., pp. 327-329, for T. carinatus , n.sp., p. 329, pi. xiii, figg. 1 &2; Nalepa, Zool. Jahrb. vi. T. fastigatus, p. 332, pi. xiii, figg. 5-7, Nalepa, Zool. Jahrb. vi ; P. saZ/- cobius, p. 128, Nalepa, SB. Ak. Wien, 1892 : n. spp. Trimerus trinotus, p. 191, Nalepa, SB. Ak. Wien, 1892, n. sp. SaRCOPTIDJ]. Canestrinia procrusti , Berl., pt. lxv, No. 9 ; Berlese, Acari in Italia reperta. Chorioptes or Symbiotes , question of identity ; Buysson, Bull. Soc. Ent. Fr. 1891, p. clx. Megninia oscinum , Koch, pt. xlv, No. 3 ; Berlese, Acari in Italia reperta. M. pteroglossorum, Guatemala, p. 40, pi. xxi, fig. 5, Stoll, Acari in Biol. Centr.-Amer., n. sp. Proctophyllodes glandarius , Koch, pt. lxv, No. 7 ; Berlese, Acari in Italia reperta. P. sialiarum , Guatemala, p. 42, pi. xvi, figg. 3 & 4, Stoll, Acari in Biol. Centr.-Amer., n. sp. Pterocolus bifurcatus , Trouess., pt. lxv, No. 8 ; Berlese, Acari in Italia reperta. Pterolichus securiger , Rob., pt. lxv, No. 4, proctogamus , No. 5, rhebergi , Can. & Berl., No. 6 ; Berlese, Acari in Italia reperta. ACAEl. Arachii. 39 P. momotorum , Guatemala, p. 41, pi. xxi, figg. 1 & 2, Stoll, Acari in Biol. Centr.-Amer., n. sp. Pteronyssus fuscus , Nitz., pt. lxv, No. 2 ; Berlese, Acarl in Italia reperta. Trohbidiims. Cheyletiella chanayi, Berl. & Trouess., pt. lxvi, No. 3 ; Berlese, Acari in Italia reperta. Gehobia insignis , pt. lxvi, No. 1, loricata, No. 2, Berlese, Acari in Italia reperta, n. spp. Phyncholophus regaliSj Koch, pt. lxii, No. 6 ; Berlese, Acari in Italia reperta. Tyeogltphid^;. Glyciphagus peregrinus, pt. lxv, No. 1, Berlese, Acari in Italia reperta, n. sp. Tyroglyphus wasmanni , p. 397, Moniez, Rev. Biol, iv, n. sp. Myr. 1 ffl. JIYRIOPODA AHD PROTOTRACHEATA BY R. I. Pocock. MYRIOPODA. I. Titles, p. 1. III. Distribution, p. 3. II. Anatomy, Physiology, IY. Systematic, p. 3. Phylogeny, &c., p. 3. PROTOTRACHEATA, p. 6. MYRIOPODA. I. TITLES. Berlese, A. A can, Mynopoda et Scorpiones hucusque in Italia reperta Padova. Pts. Ixii, lxiv, lxvi, & lxvii. Bernard, H. M. An endeavour to show that the tracheae of the Arthropoda arose from setiparous sacs. Zool. Jahrb. v, p. 511. Broleman, H. W. Contributions a la faune Myriapodologique Medi- terraneene. Dix especes nouvelles. Ann. Soc. L. Lyon, xxix, pp. 7-40, pis. i-iii. Camus, F. Note sur la presence de Geophilus sufonarinus, &c., sur le cote de Prefaulle, Loire Inferieure. Bull. Sci. Nat. l’Ouest, Nantes, ii, No. 1, pp. Child, C. M. The Functions of the Nervous System in the Myrlopoda. Am. Nat. xxvi, pp. 1051-1055. 2 Myr. XII. MYRIOPODA AND PROTOTRACHEATA. Herbst, C. Beitrage zur Kenntniss der Chilopoden. Driisen : Coxal- organ, Gefasssystem, u. Eingeweidennervensystem, with 5 plates. Bibl. Zool. pt. ix, pp. 1-42. Kovalevsky, A. Sur les organes excreteurs des Arthropodes terrestres. Congr. Internal. Zool. pt. i, p. 187. Myriopoda , p. 205. Latzel, R. Note sur quelques Myriapodes de Tahiti. Bull. Soc. Z. Fr. xvii, No. 7, pp. 185 & 186. Pocock, R. I. (1) On the Myriopoda and Arachuda collected by Dr. Anderson in Algeria and Tunisia. P. Z. S. 1892, pt. i, pp. 24-28. ». (2) Supplementary notes on the Arachnida and Myriopoda of the Mergui Archipelago, with descriptions of some new species from Spain and Malaysia. J. L. S. xxiv, pp. 319-326. . (3) Report upon two collections of Myriopoda sent from Ceylon by Mr. E. E. Green, and from various parts of Southern India by Mr. Edgar Thurston of the Government Central Museum, Madras. J. A. S. (Bombay) vii, No. 2, pp. 131-174. . (4) Arachnida and Myriopoda in W. L. Distant’s Naturalist in the Transvaal. London (R. H. Porter) : 1892, pp. 179-184. Prenant, A. Les corps intermediates de Flemming dans les cellules seminales de la Scolopendre et de la Lithobie. C.R. Soc. Biol. (9) iv, pp. 172-176. Sinclair, F. G. A new mode of respiration in the Myriopoda. P. R. Soc., No. 303, pp. 200 & 201 ; also in Ann. N. H. (6) ix, p. 263. Verhoeff, C. (1) Yorlaufige Mittheilung fiber eine neue deutsche Chordeuma- Art. Zool. Anz. xv, p. 109. . (2) Neue Diplopoden der palaarktischen Region. T . c. pp. 377 & 390, &c. — — . (3) Ein Beitrag zur Kenntniss der gattung Chordeuma ( Diplopoda ) und einige Notizen zur deutschen Diplopoden Fauna. B. E. Z. xxxvii, pp. 7-14. -. (4) Bearbeitung der von A. F. Molier auf der Insel St. Thomas gesammelten Chilopoden und Diplopoden. T. c. pp. 192 & 193. . (5) Zur Kenntniss der Analpleurendriisen bei Scolopendriden. T. c. pp. 203-208. Zograf, N. Sur l’origine et les parentes des Arthropodes principale- ment des Arthropodes tracheates. Congr. Internat. Zool. 1892, pt. i, p. 278, &c. ANATOMY, DISTRIBUTION, SYSTEMATIC. Myr. 3 II. — ANATOMY, PHYSIOLOGY, PHYLOGENY, &c. Origin of tracheate Arthropods ; Zograf. Origin of tracheal tubes ; Bernard.— Respiration of Scutigera ; Sin- clair. Nervous system, functions of ; Child. Seminal cells of S colopendra and Lithobius ; Prenant. — Pleural glands of Scolopendridce ; Verhoeff (5). — Glands, coxal organs, &c., of Chilo- poda ; Herbst. — Excretory organs ; Kovalevsky. III.— DISTRIBUTION. Palcearctic Region. W. Europe : various localities ; Verhoeff (1-3). Italy : Berlese, Broleman. Coast of France : Camtjs. Algeria and Tunisia : Pocock (1). Ethiopian Region. St. Thomas (Gulf of Guinea) : Verhoeff (4). Transvaal : Pocock (4). Oriental and Australian Regions. India and Ceylon : Pocock (3). Mergui : Pocock (2). Malaysia (Siam, Borneo, &c.) : Pocock (2). Tahiti : Latzel. IV. — SYSTEMATIC. CHILOPOBA. SCUTIGERIDJE. Scutigera , Lam., characterized with figures of details, pt. lxvi, No. 7 ; Berlese, Myriopoda in Italia reperta. LlTHOBIIDiE. Henicops, Newp., characterized, pt. lxvi, No. 8, cceculus , Brol., Milan, No. 9 ; Berlese, Myriopoda in Italia reperta. Lithobius lapidicola , Mein., pt. lxvi, No. 10, lucifugus , L. Koch, pt. lxvii, No. 3, dentatus, C. Koch, No. 4, Italy ; Berlese, Myriopoda in Italia reperta. 4 Myr. XII. MYRIOPODA AND RROTOTRACHEATA . L. acuminatus , Lombardy, p. 7, pi. i, fig. 1, Broleman, Ann. Soc. L. Lyon, xxix ; L. scutigeroides , St. Thomas (Gulf of Guinea), p. 201, Yerhoeff, B. E. Z. xxxvii : n. spp. SCOLOPENDRIDJD. Cormocephalus pygmceus, Madras, p. 140, Pocock, J. A. S. (Bombay) vii, n. sp. Otostigma ceylonicum, splendens, and morsitans compared, p. 140 ; Pocock, J. A. S. (Bombay) vii. 0. production, Karsch, St. Thomas (Gulf of Guinea), redescribed, p. 199 ; Yerhoeff, B. E. Z. xxxvii. 0. owenii, Mergui, p. 319, Pocock, J. L. S. xxiv, n. sp. Heterostoma spinosum , paucispinosum , and triste compared, pp. 138 & 139; Pocock, J. A. S. (Bombay) vii. Geophilid^. Chcetechelyne, Mein., characterized, pt. lxvi, No. 5 ; Berlese, Myriopoda in Italia reperta. Dignathodon , Mein., characterized, pt. lxvi, No. 6 ; Berlese, Myriopoda in Italia reperta. DIPLOPODA. POLYXENIDiE. Polyxenus ceylonicus , Punduloya (Ceylon), p. 142, Pocock, J. A. S. (Bombay), vii, n. sp. GlOMERIDjE. Glomeris characterized, pt. lxvii, No. 1, marmorata , C, Koch, pt. lxii, No. 1, varieties, No. 2, hexasticha , Bi\, No. 3, var. pallidior, No. 4, multistriata, C. Koch, No. 10, aurita, C. Koch, pt. lxiv, No. 7, mar - ginata , Yill., No. 8, connexa , C. Koch, No. 9, var. tenebrosa, Latz., No. 10, from Italy ; Berlese, Myriopoda in Italia reperta. G. pusilla, No. 9, Italy, Berlese, Myriopoda in Italia reperta; G. occulto • colorata, Coimbra, p. 390, Yerhoeff, Zool. Anz. xv : n. spp. Gervaisia, Waga, characterized, with figures of details, pt. lxvii, No. 2 ; Berlese, Myriopoda in Italia reperta. Zephronia brandti , Humb., syn. Z. chitonoides and rugulosa , Butl., Ceylon, pp. 143 & 144 ; inermis, Humb., syn. corrugata and leopardina, Butl., Ceylon, pp. 144 & 145 ; heterostictica , Newp., syn. lutescens and atri- sparsa , Butl., Madras, pp. 145-147 ; Pocock, J. A. S. (Bombay), vii. DIPLOPODA. Myr. 5 POLYDESMIIX®. Folydesmus subulifer, n. sp., syn. F. complanatus , Auct. Ital., p. 10, pi. i, fig. 4; brevimanua , p. 13, fig. 3, fissilobus, p. 216, fig. 2, bigeniciilcitus, p. 20, fig. 5, n. spp., Lombardy, Broleman, Ann. Soc. L. Lyon, xxix; P. lusitanicus, Coimbra, p. 389, Yerhoeff, Zool. Anz. xv, n. sp. Brachydesmus insculptus , Algeria, p. 27, with fig., Pocock, P. Z. S. 1892, n. sp. Strongylosoma cingalense and skinneri compared, pp. 150 & 151 ; POCOCK, J. A. S. (Bombay) vii. S. set o sum, Mergui, p. 320, Pocock, J. L. S. xxiv ; S. greeni , Ceylon, p. 140, pi. ii, fig. 14, phipsoni , Calcutta, p. 151, pi. i, fig. 4, & pi. ii, fig. 13, jerdoni , Madras, p. 152, Pocock, J. A. S. (Bombay) vii ; S. lusitanicum , Portugal, p. 383, bertkaui , Coimbra, p. 389, Yerhoeff, Zool. Anz. xv : n. spp. Leptodesmus tanjoricus , Tanjore, p. 147, pi. i, fig. 3, POCOCK, J. A. S. (Bombay) vii, n. sp. Cryptodesmus ceylonicus , p. 153, pi. ii, fig. 2, greeni , p. 154, pi. ii, fig. 3, Ceylon, Pocock, J. A. S. (Bombay) vii, n. spp. Fyrgodesmus , n. g., p. 155, for P. obscurus, n. sp., Ceylon, p. 155, pi. ii, fig. 1 ; Pocock, J. A. S. (Bombay) vii. Chordeumim. Atractosoma lombardicum , p. 22, pi. ii, fig. 6, tellinense , p. 25, fig. 7, Lom- bardy, Broleman, Ann. Soc. L. Lyon, xxix, n. spp. Chordeuma germanicum , Bhineland, p. 109, Yerhoeff, Zool. Anz. xv, also p. 10, id. B. E. Z. xxxvii, n. sp. Craspedosoma dentatum , p. 28, pi. ii, fig. 8, Lombardy, Broleman, Ann. Soc. L. Lyon, xxix, n. sp. Lysiopetalid.®. Stemmiulus , Gervais, characterized, p. 156 ; Pocock, J. A. S. (Bom- bay) vii. S. ceylonicus , Ceylon, p. 157, pi. i, fig. 2, Pocock, J. A. S. (Bombay) vii, n. sp. POLYZONIDiE, Siphonophora humberti , Ceylon, p. 173, Pocock, J. A. S. (Bombay) vii, n. sp. 6 Myr. XII. HYRIOPODA AND PROTOTRACHEATA. JULID^]. Julus intermedins, p. 30, pis. ii & iii, fig. 9, cantonii, p. 36, pis. ii & iii, fig. 10, n. spp. ; descriptions and figures of varieties of J. luridus, C. Koch, and J. londinensis, Leach, pp. 38 & 39, pis. ii & iii, figg. 12 & 13 ; Broleman, Ann. Soc. L. Lyon, xxix : J. alemannicus, n. sp., Heidelberg, p. 377 ; synopsis of the males of th efallax group, p. 379; J. molleri , p. 381, frisioides , p. 383, n. spp., Coimbra ; Yerhoeff, Zool. Anz. xv. Hemipodiulus, n. subg. of Julus , for J". (/J.) Jcarschi , n. sp. (? syn. J. lusi- tanicus, Karsch), Portugal ; Yerhoeff, p. 380, Zool. Anz. xv. Spirostreptus malabaricus , G-erv., Kortallum, pp. 158 & 159, nigrolabiatus, Newp., Madras, p. 159, pi. i, fig. 7, & pi. ii, fig. 5, lanlcaensis, Humb., Ceylon, p. 165, pi. ii, fig. 6 ; Pocock, J. A. S. (Bombay) vii. S. asthenes, jerdoni, Madras, p. 161, centrums, p. 162, pi. ii, fig. 4, insculptus, Ceylon, p. 163, pi. i, fig. 8, Pocock, J. A. S. (Bombay) vii; S. bowringii, Siam, p. 321, fig. 1 , perakensis, Perak, p. 322, fig. 2 ,patricii, Batavia, fig. 3, Jiosei, p. 323, fig. 4, everettii, N. W. Borneo, p. 324, fig. 5, duli- tianus , Mt. Dulit, p. 325, fig. 6, baluensis, Mt. Kina Balu, p. 326, fig. 2, Pocock, J. L. S. xxiv; S. transvaalicus , Pretoria, p. 181, fig., Pocock, in Distant’s Naturalist in Tranvaal ; S. molleri , St. Thomas (Gulf of Guinea), p. 193, pi. v, fig. 199, Yerhoeff, B. E. Z. xxxvii : n. spp. Odontopyge pretor ice, Pretoria, p. 183, Pocock, in Distant’s Naturalist in Transvaal, n. sp. Spirobolus carnifex , Eabr., syn. ruficollis , Newp., Madras, and Ceylon, p. 166, pi. ii, fig. 9, goesii, Porath, syn. dominicce , Pocock, Madras, p. 167 ; Pocock, J. A. S. (Bombay) vii. S. thurstoni, p. 167, pi. i, fig. 9, & pi. ii, fig. 8, uroceros , p. 169, pi. ii, fig. 7, Madras, greeni, pi. i, fig. 10, longicornis, pi. ii, fig. 11, p. 170, longi- collis, p. 172, pi. ii, fig. 10, Ceylon, Pocock, J. A. S. (Bombay) vii ; S. nannodes, Tahiti, p. 186, Latzel, Bull. Soc. Ent. Fr. xvii : n. spp. PROTOTRACHEATA. Bernard, H. M. The Apodidce : a Morphological Study. Nature Series. London (Macmillan & Co.) : 1892. Section xvi of this work is set apart for the consideration of Peripatus. Dendy, A. Further observations on the eggs of Peripatus. Austr. Ass. Adv. Sci. 1892, pp. 10-14. . On the Oviparity of Peripatus leuclcartii. P. R. Soc. Viet, iv, pt. i, p. 31. PEOTOTBACHEATA. Myr. 7 [Dendy, A.] Further Notes on the Oviparity of the larger Victorian Peripatus , generally known as P. leuckartii. P. Linn. Soc. N.S.W. vii, pt. ii, pp. 267-276 ; also Ann. N. H. (6) x, p. 136. Fletcher, J. J. A Viviparous Australian Peripatus (P. leuckartii, Sanger). P. Linn. Soc. N.S.W. vii, pp. 179-196. Grabham, M., & Cockerell, T. D. A. Peripatus rediscovered in Jamaica. Nature, xlvi, p. 514. P. jamaicensis. n. sp. Pocock, P. I. Peripatus from St. Vincent. T. c. p. 100. Rediscovery of P. juliformis. XIII. INSECTA By D. Sharp. The number of titles in this Record is 1026, the number for 1891 being 974. During the year commencements have been made with two works that will, no doubt, be of much use when completed, viz., Dalla Torre’s (198) Catalogue of Hymenoptera and Kirby’s Catalogue of Moths (496). The latter work resembles its well-known predecessor, the “ Synonymic Catalogue of Butterflies,” except that it has not been thought necessary to give the synonymy of the European species in full : a decision that will, no doubt, be considered wise in view of the fact that this volume extends, even as it is, to nearly 1000 pages. Two parts of the Entomology of Grandidier’s work on Madagascar have been published. They both relate to Hymenoptera. One of them, by Forel (287), is an excellent systematic treatise on the Ants : the other is by de Satjsstjre (793) ; it treats of the rest of the Aculeate Hymenoptera , and proposes some modifications in the classification of the Fossoria. Some Terebrantia are figured on the plates, but are not alluded to in the letterpress. Considerable progress has been made with the Biologia Centrali- Americana. But to us in Britain, perhaps, the most interesting faunistic work of the year is the first volume of Hampson’s Moths (384), forming part of the valuable “ Fauna of British India,” and published under the auspices of the Secretary of State for India. This volume is well executed, and will augment the good reputation of the series of which it forms a part. All entomologists will wish that the other orders of Insects could be dealt with in due course, but we fear that material sufficient for the purposes of such a work does not yet exist in collections. The papers by Forel (293) and Wroughton (1018) on the Ants of India should be noticed, not only on account of the amount of informa- tion they give on the subject, but also as showing what an extensive field of work for entomologists exists in India. Meyrick has given us another instalment (603) of his arrangement of Lepidoptera , on the basis of wing-neuration ; and Spuler also gives us 1892. [VOL. XXIX.] E 1 2 Ins. XIII. INSECTA. (881) a study on this subject, but finds himself not quite able to agree with his predecessors in this field of enquiry. Hoffbauer has made a very interesting contribution (405) to a know- ledge of the structure of the elytra of Coleoptera : this memoir, and Riley’s study of Pronuba and Yucca (742), will, no doubt, be considered as amongst the most attractive of the papers enumerated in this Record. So much interest, too, attaches to the conclusions announced in Grassi’s summary of his observations (359) on Termitidce , that entomologists will wait for further details with some impatience. The most interesting Insects described in 1892 are probably the two Blattids discovered by Simon in caves in the Philippine Islands, and described by Bolivar (710) as forming the new genus he calls Nocticola. Henking (396) discusses a considerable variety of points in the early stages of development of the embryo, including the development in the parthogenetic eggs of some Hymenoptera ; and we also record what we fear must be the last (355) of Graber’s series of papers on the com- parative embryology of Insects. We owe thanks to Taschenberg for his apparently exhaustive treatise (915) on the history of the literature of Parthenogenesis. The Recorder regrets he can form no opinion as to Portschinsky’s remarks on the biology of Diptera (698), and on the origin of striking coloration in Lepidoptera (700), owing to their being written entirely in the Russian language. I. — TITLES.* 1. Abeille, E. de Perrin. Notices entomologiques. Rev. d’Ent. xi, pp. 62-67. [ Coleoptera.\ 2. . Deux nouvelles especes de Clerides. Bull. Soc. Ent. Fr. lxi, p. ccxxxvi. [Coleoptera.'] 3. Adelung, N. yon. Beitrage zur Kenntniss des tibialen Gehor- apparates der Locustiden. Z. wiss. Zool. liv, pp. 316-349, pis. xiv & xv. [Orthoptera. ] 4. Alpheraky, S. Lepidoptera nova a Gr. Grum-Grshimailo in Asia centrali novissime lecta. Hor. Ent. Ross, xxvi, pp. 444-459. . [See also Romanoff (779).] 5. Aldrich, J. M. New species of Plnora. Canad. Ent. xxiv, pp. 142— 146. [Diptera.~\ 6. . A new genus and species of Tabanidce. Psyche, vi, p. 236. [Diptera.'] * An asterisk prefixed to a quotation indicates that the Recorder has not seen the Journal or Work referred to. TITLES. Ins. 3 7. Allard, E. Collection d’insectes formee dans l’Indo-Chine par M. Pavie, Consul de France au Cambodge. Coleopteres. Phytophages. N. Arch. Mus. Paris (3) iii, pp. 229-234. 8. Alluaud, C. Deux nouvelles especes de Coleopteres. Bull. Soc. Ent. Fr. lxi, pp. ccxxxviii & ccxxxix. 9. Anderson, E. Notes on some Victorian Lepidoptera. Yict. Nat. ix, pp. 80-93. Some interesting remarks on habits and variation. 10. Andersson, J. Bidrag till Kannedomen om Nagelspinnarens ( Aglia tau , L.) utvecklingshistoria. Ent. Tidskr. xiii, pp. 93-96. [Lepidoptera.'] 11. Andre, E. Species des Hymenopteres. 41 Fasc. pp. 89-144, pis. iv, viii, & x . Continuation of Chrysididce , by R. du Buysson. 12. . Materiaux myrmecologiques. Rev. d’Ent. xi, pp. 45-56. [. Hymenoptera .] 13. . Voyage de M. Chaper a Borneo. Catalogue des Fourmis et description des especes nouvelles. Mem. Soc. Zool. v, pp. 46-55. [ Hymenop ter a. ] 14. Angell, Gr. W. J. Two new species of Coleoptera. Ent. News, iii, p. 84. 15. Arribalzaga, F. L. Dipterologia Argentina (Continuacidn). An. Soc. Arg. xxxiii, pp. 51-59, 111-122, 188-200, 236-254, and xxxiv, pp. 33-46, 173-192, & 241-280. 16. Ashmead, W. H. The Insect collections in the Berlin Museum, P. E. Soc. Wash, ii, pp. 205-211. 141,000 species of Hexapods. 17. . Notes on the genus Melittohia. T. c. pp. 228-232. \_Hymeno~ ptera.~\ 18. . On the discovery of the genus Eunotus in America. T. c- pp. 287 & 288. [ Hymenoptera '. ] 18a. . Notes on the genus Enicocephalus , Westwood, and description of a new species from Utah. T. c. pp. 328-333. [ Rhynchota .] 19. . Notes on the Eucharids found in the United States. T. cr pp. 354-358. [ Hymenoptera .] 20. . Discovery of the genus Cratcepus, Forster, in America, and the description of a new species. Canad. Ent. xxiv, p. 309. [Hymenoptera.] 21. . Three new Pambolids from the United States. Psyche, vi, pp. 289 & 290. [ Hymenoptera .] 4 Ins. XIII. INSECTA. 22. [Ashmead, W. H.] Two new and remarkable Ophionids. Ent, News, iii, p. 105, [Bymenoptera.] 23. Aurivillius, C. Nordens fjarilar. Handbok i Sveriges, Norges, Danmarks och Finlands Macrolepidoptera. 4to, pp. Iii & 277, 50 plates and 35 woodcuts. Stockholm, 1888-1891. He adopts three divisions for Lepidoptera, viz., Neolepidoptera, Mesolepidoptera, and Palseolepidoptera. 24. . Yerzeichniss einer vom Herrn Fritz Theorin aus Gabun und dem Gebiete des Camerunflusses heimgebrachten Schmetterlings- sammlung. n. Heterocera. Ent. Tidskr. xiii, pp. 181-200. [Lepidoptera.] 25. . Collection d’insectes formee dans l’lndo- Chine par M. Pavie, Consul de France au Cambodge. Coleopteres , Curculionines. N. Arch. Mus. Paris (3) iii, pp. 205-224. 26. . Eine neue Palsearktische Eulengattung Ent. Tidskr. xiii, p. 285. [Lepidoptera.] 27. . Leddjurens synformaga. T. c. pp. 171-180. Relates chiefly to Exner’s views on vision. 28. — — . Om slokorn-flugan ( Oscinis frit , L.) ett gif-akt till sveriges Kornodlare. T. c. pp. 209-224. [Diptera.] 29. Austatjt, L. Deux Sphingides nouveaux de l’Asie orientale. Le Nat. 1892, pp. 68 & 69. [Lepidoptera.] 30. Baker, G. T. B. Notes on Lyccena (recte Thecla) rhymnus, teng- strcemii, and pretiosa. Tr. Ent. Soc. 1892, pp. 27-31, pi. ii. [Lepidoptera.] 31. Balbi, E. Diagnosi e descrizioni di due nuove specie di Coleotteri. Riv. Ital. Sci. Nat. xii, pp. 49 & 50. 32. # . Contributione alia Fauna coleotterologica d’Europe. Cf. Wien. ent. Z. xi, p. 251. 33. Banks, N. A synopsis, catalogue, and bibliography of the Neuro- pteroid Insects of Temperate North America. Tr. Am. Ent. Soc. xix, pp. 327-373. 34. Barrett, C. G. The Lepidoptera of the British Islands. London, 8vo. Intended to include all the British Lepidoptera. Parts i-v have been at present published. 35. Bataillon, E. Sur le determinisme physiologique de la meta- morphose chez le ver-a-soie. C.R. cxv, pp. 61-64. 36. Bates, H. W. Additions to the Longicornia of Mexico and Central America, with remarks on some of the previously-recorded species. By the late Henry Walter Bates, with an Introduction by Frederick DuCane Godman. Tr. Ent. Soc. 1892, pp. 143-183, pis. v-vii. [Coleoptera.] TITLES. Ins. 5 87. [Bates, H. W.] Coleopteres du Bengale occidental. Seconde liste des Carabidce. Ann. Ent. Belg. xxxvi, pp. 230-233. 38. . Yiaggio de Leonardo Fea in Birmania e regioni vicine. xliv, List of the Carabidce. Ann. Mus. G-enov. (2) xii, pp. 267-428. [Coleoptera^ 39. — — . The Naturalist on the River Amazons : reprint of the unabridged edition with a memoir of the author by Edward Clodd. London, 8vo, 1892. 40. Bateson, W. On Variation in the Colour of Cocoons of Eriogaster lanestris and Saturnia carpini. Tr. Ent. Soc. 1892, pp. 45-52. [Lepidoptera.~] Summary in J. R. Micr. Soc. 1892, p. 469. * 41. . On Variation in the Colour of Cocoons, Pupae and Larvae : further experiments. T. c. pp. 205-214. [LepidopteraJ] 42. Bateson, W., & Brindley, H. H. On some cases of Variation in Secondary Sexual Characters, statistically examined. P. Z. S. 1892, pp. 585-594. [ Coleoptera , Orthoptera. ] 43. Baudi, F. Di una nuova specie del genere Tritoma , G-eoffr. Nat. Sicil. xi, p. 121. [ Coleoptera.] 44. Becker, A. Neue Pflanzen- und Insektenentdeckungen in der Umgegend von Sarepta, und Zusammenstellung der Raupen und Kafer die nur von einer Pflanzenart, und zwei, drei, Pflanzenarten leben, die aber zu einer Familie gehoren. Bull. Soc. Mosc. 1892, pp. 62-70. 45. Becker, Th. Eine neue Leptis aus der Schweiz. Wien. ent. Z. xi, p. 23. \_Diptera.~\ 46. Beddard, F. E, Animal Coloration : an account of the principal facts and theories relating to the colours and markings of animals. London, 8vo, 288 pp., iv pis. Includes mucb Entomology. 47. Bedel, L. Synopsis des grands Hydrophiles. Rev. d’Ent. x, pp. 306-322. [Coleoptera. ] 48. . Description de deux Coleopteres heteromeres du nord de l’Afrique, Ann. Mus. Genov. (2) x, pp. 794 & 795. 49. - — -. Synopsis des Chironitis, Onitis et Bubas de la region xnediterraneenne : extrait de la monographie des Onitides de G. van Lansberge. Abeille, xxvii, pp. 257-280. [Coleoptera. ] 50. . Revision des Scarabceus palsearctiques. T. c. pp. 281-288. [Coleoptera. ] 51. . Renseignements sur les moeurs et le developpement des Meloidce. T, c. pp. 235-250 & 304. [ Coleoptera .] 6 Ins. XIII, INSECTA. 52. Behr, H. H. Some Biological Peculiarities of the Phylloxera and a Method for utilising them for the Protection of Vineyards. Zoe, ii, pp. 305-310. 53. Belon, M. J. Viaggio di Leonardo Fea in Birmania e region! vicine. xxxviii, Lathridiidoe. Ann. Mus. Genov. (2) x, pp. 877-880. [Coleoptera.] 54. Benton, F. How Far do Bees Fly ? Ins. Life, iv, pp. 319-321. [Rymenoptera.~\ 55. Benzi, A. Contribuzione alio studio degli lmenotteri del Modenese e particolarmente delle Specie del Genere Nomada , con la descrizione d’una nuova Specie. Atti Soc. Mod. (3) xi, pp. 213-225. 56. Berg, C. Nova Hemiptera , faunarum Argentines et Uruguayensis (Continuation.) An. Soc. Arg. xxxiii, pp. 5-11, 43-50, 65-72, 97-104, 151-165, and xxxiv, pp. 82-96, & 193-205. 57. . AEolus pyroblaptus, un nuevo destructor del trigo. T. c. pp. 60-62. [Coleoptera.] 58. . Canabalismo entre insectos. Op. cit. xxxiv, pp. 236-238. Bergenstamm, J. E. v. [See Brauer & Bergenstamm (119).] 59. Berger, R. Beitrage zum Melanismus der Schmetterlinge. Soc. Ent. vi, pp. 180, &c. States that melanism is much extending amongst Lepidoptera on the Continent of Europe. 60. Bergroth, E. Ueber Lasiopsis , Er., und verwandte Gattungen. Wien. ent. Z. xi, pp. 98-100. [ Coleopteral 61. . Beitrag zur Tipuliden-¥2L\m& der Schweiz. MT. Ges. Bern. 1890, pp. 131-138. [DipteraJ] 62. . Description d’un genre nouveau de la sous-famille des Plata - spidince. Bull. Soc. Ent. Fr. Ixi, p. cclv. [ Rhynchota .] 63. . Plataspidince quatuor novae. Wien. ent. Z. xi, pp. 171-173. [Rhynchota. ] 64. . Notes on the Nearctic Aradidce. P. E. Soc. Wash, ii, pp. 332- 337, and Additional note, pp. 337 & 338. [ Rhynchota .] 65. . Aradidce novae. Rev. d’Ent. xi, pp. 259-261. [. Rhynchota .] 66. . Aradidi dell’ isola di Engano raccolti dal Dott. Elio Modig- liani. Ann. Mus. Genov. (2) xii, pp. 806 & 807. [Rhynchota. ] 67. . Aradides du Bengale boreal. Ann. Ent. Belg. xxxvi, pp. 503 & 504. [ Rhynchota .] 68. . Rhynchota aethiopica. T. c. pp. 160-162. TITLES. Ins. 7 69. [Bergroth, E.] Yiaggio di Leonardo Fea in Birmania e regioni vicine. xlvii, Commentarins secnndus de Aradidis in Burma et Tenasserim a L. Fea collectis. Ann. Mus. Genov. (2) xii, pp. 710- 717. \_Rhynchota.~\ 70. . Nouvelle espece du genre Megymenum. Ann. Ent. Belg. xxxvi, p. 504. [j Rhynchota.'] 71. . On an Indian Ant-mimicking Hemipteron. Ent. M. M. xxviii, p. 107. [ Rhynchota .] 72. . A new genus of Eusthenince. T. c. p. 158. [ Rhynchota .] 73. Bernard, H. M. An endeavour to show that the tracheae of the Arthropoda arose from setiparous sacs. Zool. Jahrb. Anat. v, pp. 511- 524. 74. Berthoumietj, V. Nouvelles especes d ’Ichneumonides. Rev. d’Ent. xi, pp. 37-44. \_Hymenoptera.] 75. Betjtenmuller, W. On the earlier stages of some species of North American Moths. Bull. Am. Mus. iv, pp. 65-70. [ Lepidoptera.] 76. . List of types of some species of Lepidoptera, described by Grote and Robinson, in the American Museum of Natural History. T. c. pp. 59-64. 77. — — . Some notes on transformations of Australian Lepidoptera , made by the late Henry Edwards, with notes and additions. T. c. pp. 71-74. 78. . Notes on the transformations of some species of Lepidoptera. By Henry Edwards and S. L. Elliot, edited with additions by. T. e. pp. 75-80. 79. Bezzi, M. Contribuzione alia fauna Ditterologica della provincia di Pavia. Parte seconda. Bull. Ent. Ital. xxiv, pp. 64-84 & 97-151. 80. . Di alcuni Ditteri raccolti nel paese dei Somali dall’ Ingegnere L. Bricchetti Robecchi. Ann. Mus. Genov. (2) xii, pp. 181-196. 81. Bidenkap, O. Undersogelser over JDiptera brachycera i Jarlsberg og Laurvigs amt Sommeren 1891. Ent. Tidskr. xiii, pp. 225-246. 82. Bignell, G. C. A new species of Cynipidce. Ent. M. M. xxviii, p. 176. [ Hymenoptera. ] 83. Bigot, J. M. F. Dipteres nouveaux ou peu connus. 37e partie. xlvi. Bombylidi. Ann. Soc. Ent. Fr. lxi, pp. 321-376. 84. . Catalogue of the Diptera of the Oriental region. Part II, J. A. S. B. lxi, pp. 135-178 ; Part m, t. c. pp. 178-236. 85. — — . Descriptions de Dipteres nouveaux. Mem. Soc. Zool. v, pp. 602-691. 86. . Description de trois nouveaux Dipteres de l’lnde. Bull. Soc. Z. Fr. 1892, pp. 210 & 211. The locality is Mahe, 8 Ins. XIII. INSECTA. 87. [Bigot, J. M. F.] Nova genera Dipterorum. Wien. ent. Z. xi, pp. 161 & 162. 88. Binet, A. Les racines du nerf alaire chez les Coleopteres. C.R. cxiv, pp. 1130-1132. Summary in J. R. Micr. Soc. 1892, p. 471. 89. . Sur la structure d’un ganglion nerveux d’Insecte. Bull. Soc. Ent. Fr. lxi, p. clxxii. . [See also Henneguy & Binet (399).] 90. Blackburn, T. Notes on Australian Coleoptera , with descriptions of new species. Part x. P. Linn. Soc. N.S.W. (2) vi, pp. 479-550. 91. . Notes on Australian Coleoptera , with descriptions of new species. Part xi. Op. cit. vii, pp. 65-152. 92. . Notes on Australian Coleoptera, with descriptions of new species. Part xn. T. c. pp. 283-300. 93. . Further Notes on Australian Coleoptera , with descriptions of new genera and species, xi. Tr. R. Soc. S. Austr. xv, pp. 20-73. 94. . Further Notes on Australian Coleoptera , with descriptions of new genera and species, xn. T. c. pp. 207-261. 95. . Scientific Results of the Elder Exploring Expedition. Coleoptera . Op . cit. xvi, pp. 16-61. 96. Blaisdell, F. E. Notes on Histeridce observed in San Diego County. Zoe, iii, pp. 337-339. [ Coleoptera .] 97. . A New Species of Coleoptera from California. Ent. News, iii, p. 51. 98. . New Coleoptera from California. T. c. pp. 241-243. 99. Blandford, W. F. H. Insects injurious to Coniferce. J. R. Horticult. Soc. xiv, pp. 1-29 (separate copy). 100. . Sugar-cane Borers in the West Indies. Kew Bull. 1892, pp. 153-178, pi. 101. Blanchard, R. Sur les CEstrides americains dont la larve vit dans la peau de l’homme. Ann. Soc. Ent. Fr. lxi, pp. 109-154. \_Diptera.~\ 102. . Note additionelle sur les CEstrides americains dont la larve vit dans la peau de l’homme. Bull. Soc. Ent. Fr. lxi, pp. ccix-ccxi. \_Diptera.~\ 103. Blatch, W. G., & Horner, A. C. Description of a New Species of Rhizophagus. Ent. M. M. xxviii, p. 303. \ColeopteraC\ 104. Blatchley, W. S. Two New Orthoptera from Indiana. Canad, Ent. xxiv, pp. 26 & 27. 105 Some Indian Acridiidce. ii. T. c. p. 28. \Orthoptera. ] TITLES. Ins. 9 106. [Blatchley, W. S.] Entomologizing in Mexico. Ent. News, iii, pp. 111-114 & 131-136. 107. Blathwayt, L. Forficula auricularia. Int. J. Micr. (3) ii, pp. 7-16, pis. i & ii. [ Orthoptera .] 108. Blatter, P. Sur l’histologie des organes annexes de l’appareil male ehez la Periplaneta orientalis. C.R. cxy, pp. 1332-1334. 109. Blochmann, F. Ueber das Yorkommen von Bakterienahnlichen G-ebilden in den Geweben und Eiern verschiedener Insekten. CB. Bakt. Parasit. xi, pp. 234-240. 110. Bolivar, J. La Langosta migratoria de Chile. Act. Soc. Chili, ii, pp. 196-199. [ Orthoptera .] . [See also Raffray & Bolivar (710).] 111. Borries, H. De Danske Lophyrus-Avtev og deres udbredelse. Ent. Med. iii, pp. 97-124, pi. ii. [ Hymenoptera .] 112. Bourgeois, J. Ly tides nouveaux on peu connus du Musee civiqne de Genes. Deuxieme memoire, deuxieme partie. Sous-tribu des Lycini (genuini). Ann. Mus. Genov. (2) xii, pp. 495-516. [Coleoptera.'j 113. . Coleopteres dn Bengale occidental. Dascillides et Malaco- dermes. Ann. Ent. Belg. xxxvi, pp. 234-238. 114. . Descriptions de trois especes nouvelles de Ly tides de Borneo. Notes Leyd. Mus. xiv, pp. 39-42. \Coleoptera.~\ — [See also Distant (210) .] 115. Brancsik, K. Beitrage zur Kenntniss Nossibe’s und dessen Fauna nach Sendungen und Mittheilungen des Herrn P. Frey. Jahresb. Yer. Trencsin. xiii, pp. 122-167. 116. Brauer, F. Uber die aus Afrika bekannt gewordenen (Estriden und insbesondere uber zwei neue von Dr. Holub aus Siidafrika mitgebrachte Larven aus dieser Gruppe. SB. Ak. Wien, ci, pp. 4-16, pi. i. [. Diptera .] Summary in J. R. Micr. Soc. 1892, p. 600. 117. . Ueber das sogenannte Stillstandstadium in der Entwick- lung der (Estriden- Larven. Yerh. z.-b. Wien, xlii, pp, 79-84, [. Diptera .] Summary in J. R. Micr. Soc. 1892, p. 358. 118. Ansichten uber die Gattung Pachystylum , Macq., und Riickblieke auf die in den Denkschriften der Kais. Akademie erschienenen “ Yorarbeiten zu einer Monographie der Muscaria , &c., von Prof. Fr. Brauer u. J. Edl. v. Bergenstamm.” SB. Ak. Wien, ci, pp. 593-607. [Diptera .] 10 Ins. XIII. INSECTA* 119. Brauer, F., & Bergenstamm, J. E. von. Die Zweifliigler des Kaiserlichen Museums zu Wien. y. Vorarbeiten zu einer Mono- graphic der Muscaria schizometopa (exclusive Anthomyidce). Pars n. Denk. Ak. Wien, lviii, pp. 305-446. 120. Brendel, E. On the Pselaphid genus Trimium. Tr. Am. Ent. Soc. xix, pp. 165-168. [ Coleoptera.] 121. . Rhexidius. Ent. News, iii, pp. 11-13. [ Coleoptera .] 122. Brenske, E. Beitrag zur Kenntniss der Giattungen Lepidiota und Leucopholis. Berl. Ent. Zeit. xxxvii, pp. 33-62. [ Coleoptera .] 123. . Die Arten der Coleopteren-Ga,ttxmg, Brahmina, Bl. T. c. pp. 79-124. 124. . Neue Arten der Coleopteren- Gattung, Holotrichia ( Lack - nosterna). T. c. pp. 159-192. 125. . Ueber einige neue Gattungen und Arten der Melolonthiden. Ent. Nachr. xviii, pp. 151-159. [Coleoptera.] Brindley, H. H. [See Bateson & Brindley (42).] 126. Brischke, C. G. A. Einige neue, oder fur Westpreussen neue, Hymenopteren und Dipteren. Schr. Ges. Danz. (n.s.) viii, pp. 19-22. 127. . Bericht uber eine Excursion ins Radaunethal bei Babenthal wahrend des Juni 1890. T. c. pp. 23-56. [Insec ta.] 128. Brisout, C. de Barneville. Description d’une Corticaria nouvelle de France. Rev. d’Ent. xi, p. 68. [Coleoptera.'] 129. Brodie, W. Canadian Galls and their Occupants. Canad. Ent. xxiv, pp. 12-14. 130. . Canadian Galls and their Occupants. Eurosta solidaginis , Fitch. T. c. pp. 137-139. 131. Bromilow, F. Butterflies of the Riviera. A short Account of the Rhopalocera of the Maritime Alps. Nice, 1892, 115 pp., 8vo, [Lepidoptera.] 132. Brongniart, C. Monographic du genre Palophus ( Ortlnopteres de la famille des Phasmiens ). N. Arch. Mus. Paris (3) iii, pp. 193-204, pis. viii & ix. 133. . Collection d’insectes formee dans l’lndo-Chine par M. Pavie, Consul de France au Cambodge, Coleopteres , Longicornes. T. c. pp. 237-254, pi. x, 134. . Monographic du genre Eumegalodon ( Orthopteres de la famille des Locustides ). T. c. pp, 277-286, pi. xii. 135. Bruner, L, Report upon Insect Depredations in Nebraska. Bull. Dep. Agric. Ent. xxvi, pp, 9-12. 136. Bruner, L., Coquillett, D. W., & Osborn, H. Reports on the Damage by destructive Locusts during the season of 1891. Bull Dep. Agric. Ent. xxvii, pp. 1-64. [Orthoptera.] TITLES, Ins. 11 137. Brunner, C. yon Wattenwyl. Notizen uber die Orthopteren- Fauna Ceylon’s. Ent. Nachr. xyiii, pp. 337-340. 138. Brunner, C. yon Wattenwyl, & Redtenbacher, J. On the Orthoptera of the Island of St. Vincent, West Indies. P. Z. S. 1892, pp. 196-220, pis. xY-xvii. With an introductory notice by D. Sharp. 139. Buchenau, F. Die “ springenden Bohnen ” aus Mexiko. Dritter Beitrag. Abh. Yer. Brem. xii, pp. 277-290. 140. Bugnion, E. Resume des recherches de M. Jules G-onin sur la Metamorphose des Lepidopteres. MT. Schw, ent. G-es. viii, pp. 403- 407. 141. Butler, A. G. On a collection of Lepidoptera from Sandakan, N. E. Borneo. P. Z. S. 1892, pp. 120-133, pi. vi. 142. . On the genus Hypocala, a group of Noctuid Moths. Ann. N. H. (6) x, pp. 17-22. [Lepidoptera.] 143. . Description of a new genus and species of African Moths. T. c. pp. 295 & 296. [ Lepidoptera .] 144. . On the Noctuid genera allied to Hypcetra of G-uenee. T. c. pp. 297-300. [ Lepidoptera .] 145. . Revision of the Noctuid genus Melipotis , Hub., with descrip- tions of two new species. T. c. pp. 315-327. [Lepidoptera.] 146. — . Description of a new Moth of the genus Anaphe , from Madagascar, with a note on the natural position of the genus. T. c. p. 398. [ Lepidoptera .] 147. Butler, A. G-., & Rothschild, W. On a new and also on a little- known species of Pseudacrcea in the collection of the Hon. Walter Rothschild, Tr. Ent. Soc. 1892, pp. 201 & 202, pi. x. [. Lepidoptera .] 148. Buysson, R. du. Sur les glandes a venin des Ichneumonides. Rev. d’Ent. xi, pp. 257 & 258, pi. i. [ Hymenoptera .] . [See also Andre (11).] 149. Buysson, R. du, & Marshall, T. A. Voyage de M. E. Simon an Venezuela. Hymenopteres. Ann. Soc. Ent. Fr. lxi. 150. Calyert, P. P. Preliminary notes on some African Odonata, Tr. Am. Ent. Soc, xix, pp. 161-164, 151. Cameron, P. Hymenoptera oriental is ; or contributions to a know • ledge of the Hymenoptera of the Indian Zoological region : Part iy, Mem. Soc. Manch. (4) v, pp. 97-137, pi. i. 152. Candeze, E. Elaterides recueillis en Birmanie en 1888, par M. L. Fea. 2e article. Ann. Mus. Genov. (2) x, pp. 771-793. [Colea* ptera .] 12 Ins . XIII. INSECTA. 153. [Candeze, E.] Elaterides recueillis par M. Modigliani dans Pile d’Engano en Mai et Juin 1891. Op. eit. xii, pp. 795-800. \Coleo- ptera.~\ 154. — — =. Viaggio di Lamberto Loria nella Papuasia orientale. vi. Elaterides recueillis par M. Loria en 1889-1891, dans la Nouvelle- Guinee meridionale et regions voisines. T. c. pp. 801-805. [ Coleo - ptera .] 155. , Deuxieme note sur les Elaterides de Chota-Nagpore. Ann. Ent. Belg. xxxvi, pp. 480-495. [ Coleoptera .] 156. . Trois Elaterides nouveaux. Notes Leyd. Mus. xiv, pp. 9 & 10. \_Coleoptera.~\ 157. Carlet, G. Sur le mode d’union des anneaux de l’abdomen (articulation en zigzag) chez les Hymenopteres. C.R. cxiv, p. 766. Summary in J. R. Micr. Soc. 1892, p. 357. 158. Carlini, A. de. Rincoti raccolti nel paese dei Somali dalP Ing. Bricchetti-Robecchi, con note su altri dell’ Africa centrale. Ann. Mus. Genov. (2) xii, pp. 527-538. 159. Carpenter, G. H. Reports on the Zoological collections made in Torres Straits by Prof. A. C. Haddon. Rhynchota from Murray island and Mabuiag. P. R. Dublin Soc. (n.s.) vii, pp. 137-146, pis. xii & xiii. 160. Carpentier, L. Observations sur les parasites du Liparis salicis , Dup. Bull. Soc. L. Nord. Fr. x, pp. 35-40. [Lepidoptera , Hymeno - ptera. ] 161. Casey, T. L. Coleopterological Notices, m. Ann. N. York Ac. vi, pp. 9-214. This is in large part devoted to a revision of the N. American Cistelidce. 162. % Coleopterological Notices, iv. T. c. pp. 359-712. This part is devoted to Rhynchopliora. 163. Champion, G. C. Note on Pentaria badia, Rosh., with description of a second species from the Pyrenees-orientales. Ent. M. M. xxviii, p. 108. [ Coleoptera .] . [See also Godman & Salvin (347).] 164. Chapman, T. A. The life-history of Lampronia capitella. Ent. M. M. xxviii, pp. 297-300. \Lepidoptera.] 165. Chatin, J. Sur l’origine et la formation du revetement chitineux chez les larves de Libellules. C.R. cxiv, pp. 1135-1138. Summary in J. R. Micr. Soc. 1892, p. 473. . Sur le processus general de la cuticularisation t^gumentaire chez les larves de Libellules. Bull. Soc. Philom. (8) iv, pp. 105 & 106. TITLES. Ins . lo 167. Chaumat, H. L’oeuvre scientifique du Dr. GL Carlet. Bull. Soc. Isere (4) i, pp. 403-451. Includes abstracts of each of his memoirs. 168. Chittenden, F. H. Notes on the Food Habits of some Species of Chrysomelidce. P. E. Soc. Wash, ii, pp. 261-267. \Coleoyterad\ 169. Chobaut, — . Un nouveau 1 Ihipidius du Mont Yentoux. Mem. Ac. Vaucluse, pp. 213-221, pi. \_Coleoptera.\ 170. Cholodkovsky, N. On the Morphology and Phylogeny of Insects. Ann. N. H. (6) x, pp. 429-451. A translation of a portion of the paper alluded to last year in Zool. Rec. Ins. Titles (145). 171. . Zur Kenntniss der mannlichen Geschlectsorgane der Dipteren. Zool. Anz. xv, pp. 178-180. Translation in Ann. N. H. (6) x, pp. 268-270. Summary in J.R.Micr. Soc. 1892, p. 471. 172. . Zur Kenntniss der Coniferen-Laiise. T. c. pp. 66-70 & 73-78. \JHiynchota.'] Summary in J. R. Micr. Soc. 1892, p. 600. 173. . Embrional’noe razvltie prussaka ( Phyllodromia germanica). Trudui St. Petersburg Est. xxii, pp. 39-223, pis. i-vi. [ Orthoptera .] Apparently an important paper, but it is entirely in Russian. 174. Chretien, P. Les chenilles de l’Artichaut. Le Nat. 1892, p. 132. [Lepidoptera.] 175. Christoph, H. Arctia turbans eine neue sibirische Art. Hor. Ent. Ross, xxvi, p. 460. ^Lepidoptera.'] 176. Cobelli, R. Quattro nuove specie di Imenotteri. Verh. z.-b, Wien, xlii, pp. 67-72. 177. Cockerell, T. D. A. The Sugar-cane Borer. Bull. Botan. dept. Jamaica, No. 30, 1892. [ Lepidoptera .] 178. . Coccidce, or Scale Insects. Op. cit. No. 36, pp 5-9. 179. . Museum Notes. J. Inst. Jamaica, i, pp. 134-137. One of the descriptions of Coccidce, is by Morgan. 180. . A Cecid bred from Coccidce. Ent. xxv, pp. 180 & 181. \Diptera.] 181. Comstock, J. H. The Descent of the Lepidoptera. An application of the theory of Natural Selection to Taxonomy. P. Am. Ass. xli, pp. 199-201. 182. Constant, A. Liste annotee des Lepidopteres envoyes a la Societe d’histoire naturelle d’Autun. Bull. Soc. Autun, v, pp, 15-83. Includes notes on food-plants and localities, chiefly of Micros. 183. Cook, A. J. Report of Apicultural Experiments in 1891. Bull. Dep. Agric. Ent. xxvi, pp. 83-92. \Hymenoptera.] 14 Ins. XIII. INSECTA. 181. Coquillett, D. W. Report on the Scale Insects of California. T. c. pp. 13-35. [ CoccidcE .] 185. . Revision of the Species of Anthrax from America North of Mexico. Tr. Am. Ent. Soc. xix, pp. 168-187. [ Diptera.~\ 186. . Revision of the Bombylid genus Epacmus (Leptochilus) . Canad. Ent. xxiv, pp. 9-11. \_Diptera.\ 187. . Notes and Descriptions of Bcmbylidce. T. c. pp. 123-126. [Diptera."] 188. . A New Genus of Diptera allied to Rhaphiomidas. T. c. p. 314. 189. -. The Dipterous parasite of Melanoplus devastator in California. Ins. Life, v, pp. 22-24. 190. . A New Dalmannia from California. Ent. News, iii, p. 150. [ Dipteral ] [See also Bruner, Coquillett, & Osborn (136).] 191. Cosmovici, L. C. Contributions a l’etude de la faune entomo- logique Roumaine. Lepidopteres. Le Nat. 1892, pp. 254-256, 264, & 280. 192. Coste, — . On Insect Colours. Nature, xlv, pp. 513-517, 541, & 542. Cf. Hopkins, t. c. p. 581 ; also Coste & Meldola, t. c. p. 605. 193. Coucke, E. Les Brachymeres de Belgique et des regions voisines. Ann. Ent. Belg. xxxvi, pp. 69-79. [ Coleoptera .] 194. Croissandeau, J. Description d’une nouvelle espece de Thorectes. Bull. Soc. Ent. Fr. lxi, p. ccxxi. \Coleoptera^\ 195. Cunningham, D. D. On the Phenomena of Fertilization in Ficus roxburghii, Wall. Ann. R. Botan. Gard. Calcutta, i, App. pp. 11-51, pis. i-v. \_Hymenoptera.~\ 196. s:>Dale, C. W. The Lepidoptera of Dorsetshire. A Catalogue of Butterflies and Moths found in the County of Dorset. Second edition. Dorchester: 76 pp. 197. Dalla Torre, K. W. Y. Hymenopterologische Notizen. Wien, ent. Z. xi, pp. 89-93. These notices consist chiefly of new names proposed for synonymical reasons. In consideration of the current publication of the author’s Catalogue of Hymenoptera , it is not necessary to give these new specific names in our pages. 198. Dalla Torre, C. G. Catalogus Hymenopterorum hucusque descriptorum systematicus et synonymicus. Yol. VI. Chrysididce ( Tubulifera ). Leipzig : 1892, 8vo, pp. viii & 118. TITLES. Ins. 15 199. Desbrochers, J. des Loges. Etude sur les Scolytus d’Europe. Frelon, i, pp. 10-17. [ Coleoptera .] 200. . Essai d’une Ee vision des Hypomeces et genres voisins. Curculionides du groupe des Tanymecides. T. c. pp. 45-51. [ Coleo - ptera .] 201. . Etudes sur les Curculionides d’Europe et des pays limitrophes. T. c. pp. 52-107. \Coleoptera.\ 202. . Diagnoses d’especes inedites du genre Apion. T. c. pp. 107 & 108. [ Coleoptera .] 203. . Description d’un Brenthide nouveau des Nouvelles-Hebrides. T. c. p. 109. [Coleoptera.] 204. . Monographic des Cassida de France, suivie d’observations sur le classement des especes de ce genre au Catalogus Coleoptcrorum Europae, Caucasi et Armeniae rossicae. T. c. pp. 1-48 (sep. pag.). See also op. cit. ii, pp. 82-87. 205. . Especes inedites de Curculionides de l’ancien monde. T. c. i, pp. 110-123 ; ii, pp. 1-12 & 88-100. [ Coleoptera .] 206. . Essai d’une revision des especes du genre ffyphantus, Curcu- lionide de la tribu des Otiorkynchides. T. c. ii, pp. 12-19. \Coleoptera. ] 207. . Eevision des Baridiides d’Europe et des Contrees limitrophes. T. c. pp. 19-69. [ Coleoptera. ] 208. . Tableaux dichotomiques des Curculionides Cossonides d’Europe et des pays limitrophes. T. c. pp. 69-82. [Cnrculionidced[ 209. . Eevision des Balaninides et des Anthonomides d’Europe et des confins de la Mediterranee, en Afrique et en Asie. T . c. pp. 101- (incomplete). \_Coleoptera.~\ 210. Distant, W. L. A Naturalist in the Transvaal. London : 1892, 8vo, pp. xvi & 277, pis. v. Pp. 187-262 are devoted to lists of Insects and descriptions of new species ; these are by the author himself and Bourgeois, Durrant, Gaiian, Gorham, Jacoby, and de Saussure. There are also many entomological observations in the narrative. 211. . A monograph of Oriental Cicadidce. Parts v-vii, pp. ix & 97-158, pis. x-xv. These parts complete the work. 212. . Contribution to a knowledge of the Eomopterous family Fulgoridce. Tr. Ent. Soc. 1892, pp. 275-286, pi. xiii. [ Bhynchota .] 213. . On some undescribed Cicadidce , with synonymical notes. Ann. N. H. (6) ix, pp. 313-327. [ Rhynchota .] 214. . On some undescribed Cicadidce , with synonymical notes. Op. cit. x, pp. 54-67. [ Rhynchota .] 16 Ins. XIII. INSECTA. 215. [Distant, W. L.] Description of a new species of the Homo- pterous family Cicadidce. T. c. p. 406. 216. . Contributions to a knowledge of the Entomology of the Transvaal. T. c. pp. 407 & 408. [ Coleoptera , Lepidoptera.] 217. . Descriptions of four new species of Scutellerince. Ent. xxv, Supp. pp. 95 & 96. [ Rhynchota.] 218. . Notes on Ethiopian Rhynchota. Ent. M. M. xxviii, pp. 187 & 188. — — . [See also Godman & Salvin (347).] 219. Dodero, A. Res ligusticae. xvi. Nota sul genere Trogaster , Sharp. Ann. Mus. Genov. (2) x, pp. 665-668. [Coleoptera.] 220. Dognin, P. Description de Lepidopteres nouveaux. Le Nat. 1892, pp. 16, &c., &c. 221. Dohrn, C. A. Belonuchus nulli-cedo. S. E. Z. liii, p. 74. [ Coleoptera .] 222. Dohrn, H. Neue und ungeniigend bekannte Phaneropteriden aus dem Malayischen Faunengebiete. T. c. pp. 63-73. \Orthoptera.] 223. Doran, E. W. The evolution of heat by Silvanus cassice. P. E. Soc. Wash, ii, pp. 325-327. [ Coleoptera .] 224. Douglas, J. W. Notes on some British and Exotic Coccidce. Ent. M. M. xxviii, p. 105, &c. ■. [See also Morgan (625).] 225. Druce, H. Descriptions of new species of E ratina from Tropical America. Ann. N. H. (6) ix, pp. 97-107. [Lepidoptera.] 226. -. Description of a new genus and some new species of Hetero- cera from Central America. T. c. pp. 275-279. [Lepidoptera.] — . [See also Godman & Sal yin (347).] 227. Druce, H. H. A List of the Lyccenidce of the South Pacific Islands, east of the Solomon group, with descriptions of several new species. P. Z. S. 1892, pp. 434-446, pi. xxvii. [Lepidoptera.] 228. Dufour, J. Note sur le Botrytis tenella et son emploi pour la destruction des Yers blancs. Bull. Soc. Yaud. xxviii, pp. 49-56. 229. Duges, A. Acanthia inodora. Naturaleza (2) ii, p. 169. [Rhyn- chota.] Durrant, J. H. [See Distant (210).] 230. Duvivier, A. Melanges entomologiques. x & xi. Diagnoses de Coleopteres nouveaux du Congo. Ann. Ent. Belg. xxxvi, pp. 56-60 & 163-167. TITLES. Ins. 1 7 231. [Duviyieb, A.] Contributions a la faune entomologique do l’Afrique centrale. n. Note sur les Coleopteres des vallees ae ritimbiri-rubri et de 1’Uelle (regions du Haut-Congo) recueillis en 1890 par MM. Joseph Duvivier et Milz. T. c. pp. 257-383. A catalogue, with descriptions of several species recently described, as well as some new. 232. .. Les Phytophages du Chota-Nagpore. 2 Note. T. c, pp. 396-449. [ Coleoptera .] 233. Duzee, E. P. van. New North- American Homoptera. — iv. Canad. Ent. xxiv, pp. 113-116. [ Rhynchota .] 234. New North- American Homoptera . — -Y. T, c . pp. 266-268. [. Rhynchota .] 235. . A revision of the N. American species of Phlepsius. Tr. Am. Ent. Soc. xix, pp. 63-82, pi. i. [Rhynchota.'} 236. . A synoptical arrangement of the genera of the N. American Jassidce , with some descriptions of new species. T, c. pp. 295-307. [Rhynchota.} 237. — The North American Jassiclce allied to Thamnotettix. Psyche, vi, pp. 305-310. [Rhynchota.} 238. Dyab, H. G-. A new Gluphisia from the Pacific coast, Ent, News, iii, p. 168. [Lepidoptera.} 239. — — . New forms of Ichthyurci, Canad. Ent. xxiv, p. 179. [Lepido- ptera.} 240. . Notes on Centra, with descriptions of new species. Psyche, vi, pp. 290-292. [Lepidoptera.} 241. Eaton, A. E. New species of Ephemeridoe from the Tenasserim Yalley. Tr. Ent. Soc. 1892, pp. 185-190. [Near opt era.} 242. — — . Notes on some native Ephemeridce in the Indian Museum, Calcutta. J. A. S. B. lx, pp. 406-413. [Neuroptera.} 243. . On two new and some other Japanese species of Ephemeridce. Ent. M. M. xxviii, pp. 302 & 303. - — . [See also Godm an & Salvin (347).] 244. Eberli, J. Bntersuchungen am Verdauungstraktus von Gryllo- talpa vulgaris. Yiert. Ges. Zurich, xxxvii, pp. 167-212. [Orthoptera.} Summary in J. R. Micr. Soc. 1892, p. 781. 245. Eckstein, K. Der Baumweissling, Aporia cratcegi , Hb. Zool. Jahrb. (Syst.) vi,pp. 230-240. [Lepidoptera.} Summary in J. R. Micr. Soc. 1892, p. 470. Edwabds, H. [See Beutenmullee (77, 78).] 246. Edwards, TT. H. The Butterflies of North America. Part xm. [Lepidoptera.} 1892. [vol, xxix.] e 2 18 Ins. XIII. IN3ECTA. 247. [Edwards, W. H.] Miscellaneous Notes on Butterflies, Larva?, &c. Canad. Ent. xxiv, pp. 49-56 & 105-111. [Lepidoptera. ] Elliot, S. [the late]. [See Beutenmuller (78).] 248. Elwes, H. J. On Butterflies collected by Mr. W. Doherty in the Naga and Karen Hills and in Perak. P. Z. S. 1892, pp. 617-661, pis. xliii & xliv. [Lepidoptera.] 249. Emery, C. Le formiche dell’ambra siciliana nel museo mineralogico dell’ Universita di Bologna. Mem. Acc. Bologn. (5) i, pp. 141-165, pis. i-iii. [Hymenoptera.] 250. . Revision critique des Fourmis de la Tunisie. Exploration scientifique de la Tunisie. Hymenopteres , pp. i, ii, & 1-21. 251. . Origines de la faune actuelle des Fourmis de l’Europe. Bull. Soc. Vaud. xxvii, pp. 258-260. [Hymenoptera .] 252. . Sopra alcune Formiche raccolte dall’ Ingegnere L. Bricchetti Robecchi nelpaese dei Somali. Ann. Mus. Genov. (2) xii, pp. 110-122. [. Hymenoptera .] 253. . Crematogaster striatulus , n. sp. Bull. Soc. Ent. Fr. lxi, p. liii. [Hymenoptera.'] 254. — - — . Diagnoses de cinq nouveaux genres de Formicides. T. c. pp. cclxxv-cclxxvii. [Hymenoptera.] 255. Eppelsiieim, E. Neue Staphylinen der osterreichisch-ungarischen Monarchic und der angrenzenden Lander. Wien. ent. Z. xi, pp. 289-297. [ColeopAera.] 256. . Zur Stapliylinen-i&umi Turkestan’s. Deutsche e. Z. 1892, pp. 321-346. [Coleoptera.] Ersciloff, N. [See Romanoff (779).] 257. Esciierjch, C. Die biologische Bedentung der u Genitalanhange ” der Tnsekten. (Ein Beitrag zur Bastardfrage.) Yerh. z.-b. Wien, xlii, pp. 225-240, pi. iv. 258. Escherich, K. Ueber die Gesetzmassigkeit im abandern der Zeichnung bei Insecten. Beitrag zur Theorie von der Entwickluug aus constitutionellen Ursachen. Deutsche e. Z. 1892, pp. 113-130, pi. i. [Coleoptera.] Deals with variation in Zonabris. 259. — — . Studien iiber die Clerulen- Gattuog Trichodes , Herbst. Wien. ent. Z. xi, pp. 226-230. [Coleoptera.] 260. Everts, E. Tabellarisch overzicht der in Nederland waargenomen Fonaciini. Tijdschr. Ent. xxxv, pp. 31-58. [Coleoptera.] 261. Fairmaire, L. Yoyage de M. E. Simon au Yenezuela. Coleopteres Heteromeres. Ann. Soc. Ent. Fr. lxi, pp. 77-98. 262. . Coleopteres d’Obock. Troisieme partie. Rev. d’Ent. xi, pp. 77-126. TITLES. Ins. 19 263. [Fairmaire, L.] Descriptions de Coleopteres des environs d’Akbes (Syria). Ann. Ent, Belg, xxxvi, pp. 144-159. 264. -. Descriptions de quelques Coleopteres Argentins. T , c. pp. 242-253. 265. . Nouveau genre de Coleoptere Ileteromere. Bull. Soc. Ent. Fr. lxi, p. vii. 266. . Nouveau genre de Cercimbycide. T. c. p. xxi. [< Coleoptera .] 267. . Descriptions de deux Coleopteres nouveaux. T.c. p. cix. 268. . Descriptions de quelques Coleopteres de Turkestan. T. c. pp. cxxi-cxxiv. 269. . Descriptions de quelques Coleopteres de Madagascar. T. e , p. clxviii. 270. . Trois Coleopteres nouveaux. T. c. p. cli. 271. . Descriptions de quelques Coleopteres nouveaux de Turkestan. T. c. p. clii. 272. *Fatjconnet, L. Faune analytique des Coleopteres de France, Autuu, 8vo, 528 pp. Cf. Rev. d’Ent. xi, p. 59. 273. Faust, J. Die Anclioniden-Cm^Q. Deutsche e. Z, 1892, pp. 17-60. [Coleoptera."] 274. — > — . Einige neue Curculioniden. T. c. pp. 60-64. [Coleoptera.] 275. -. Reise von E. Simon in Venezuela, Curculionidce. S. E. Z, liii, pp. 1-43. Coleoptera, 276. , Notizen iiber Riisselkafer. T. c. pp. 44-52. [ Coleoptera .] 277. . Fiinf neue Curculioniden von Australien. T. c. pp. 179-184. [ Coleoptera .]. 278. . Curculioniden aus dem Malayischen Archipel, T. c , pp. 184-227. [ Coleoptera .] . [See also Heyden (402).] 279. Fenk, C. Mittheilungen iiber das Auftreten des Nonnenspinners { Liparis monachd) in den Jahren 1890 und 1891 in Siiddeutschland und der Ostschweiz. Ber. St. Gall. Ges. 1890-91, pp. 289-306. \_Lepidoptera.1 280. Fernald, C. H. New North American Micro-Lepidoptera. Canad. Ent. xxiv, pp. 121, 122, & 178. 281. Ferrari, P. M. Res ligusticse . xix. Elenco dei Rincoti ligustici (Emitteri e Cicadarii) fin ora osservati. Ann. Mus. Genov. (2) xii, pp. 548-576. 282. Finot, A. Orthoptere nouveau du midi de la France. Bull. Soc. Ent. Fr. lxi, p. xxxv. 20 Ins. XIII, INSECTA. 283. Fitz-Gibbon, M. Use of the Hairs of Acronycta alni. Ent. xxv, pp. 39 & 40. [Lepidoptera.] 284. Fleischer, A. Anthaxia semilimbata , n. sp. Wien. ent. Z. xi, p. 209. [Coleoptera.] 285. Fleutiaux, E. Note sur les Physodactylini. Ann. Soc. Ent. Fr. lxi, pp. 403-412, pi. viii. [ Coleoptera .] 286. Forbes, S. A. Bacteria normal to Digestive Organs of Hemiptera . Bull. Illinois Lab. iv, pp. 1-6. 287. Forel, A. Histoire physique, naturelle et politique de Madagas- car, publiee par Alfred Grandidier. Volume xx, Histoire Naturelle des Hymenopteres. Deuxieme partie. Les Formicides. Paris, 1891, pp. v & 243, pis. i-v. 288. . Die Nester der Ameiseu. Neujahrsbl. Ges. Zurich, xcv, pp. ¥—36, pi. [ Hymenoptera .] 289. - — — . Die Ameisen fauna Bulgariens (nebst biologischen Beobach- tungen). Verh. z.-b. Wien, xlii, pp. 305-318, pi. v. [Hymenoptera.'] 290. . Notes myrmecologiques. Ann* Ent. Belg. xxxvi, pp. 38-43. [Hymenoptera.] 291. - — — . Quelques Fourmis de la faune mediterraneenne. T. c, pp. 452-457. [Hymenoptera.] 292. — — . Liste der aus Somaliland von Hrn. Prof. Dr. Conr. Keller aus der Expedition des Prinzen Ruspoli im August uud September 1891, zuriickgebrachten Ameisen. Mt. Schvv. ent. Ges. viii, pp. 349-354. [Hymenoptera.] 293. . Les Formicides de Tempire des Indes et de Ceylan. Part i. J. Bomb. Soc. vii, pp. 219-245, pi. a. [Hymenoptera.] 294. . Die Ameisen Neu-Seelands. Mt. Schw. ent. Ges. viii, pp. 331-343. [Hymenoptera.] 295. . Attini und Cryptocerini : Zwei neue Apterostigma- Arten. T. c. pp. 344-349, [ Hymenoptera .] 296. . Le male des Cardiocondyla et la 'reproduction consanguine perpetuee. Ann. Ent. Belg. xxxvi, pp. 458-461. [Hymenoptera.] 297. . Hermaphrodite de VAzteca instabilis. Bull. Soc. Vaud. xxviii, pp. 268-270, pi. xvi. [Hymenoptera.] « . [See also Keller (475).] 298. Fox, W. J. Report on the Hymenoptera collected in West Green- land. P. Ac. Philad. 1892, pp. 133-135. 299. . The North American species of CeropaJes. Tr. Am. Ent. Soc. xix, pp. 49-63. [Hymenoptera.] TITLES i Ins. 21 300. [Fox, W. J.] Monograph of the North American species of Tachytes. T. c. pp. 234-252, pi. xi. [ Hymenoptera .] 301. . The North American Pemphredonidce. T. c. pp. 307-326. [Hymenoptera.'] 302. . New North American species of Gorytes. Canad. Ent. xxiv, pp. 149-153. [ Hymenoptera .] 303. . Synopsis of the North American species of Astatus , Latr. T. c. pp. 232-235. [ Hymenoptera .] 304. . Hymenopterological notes. Ent. News, iii, pp. 9, 10, & 29. 305. . Description of Four new species of Fossorial Hymenoptera from California. T. c. pp. 170-172. 306. . Description of a new solitary Wasp. T. c. p. 197. [Hymenoptera.] 307. Frey-Gessner, E. Les Bourdons du Yalais. Bull. Soc. Murith. xiii, pp. 32-36. [Hymenoptera.] 308. . Tables analytiques pour la determination des Hymenopteres du Yalais. T. c. pp. 37-48, pis. i, ii ; and op. cit. xvi, pp. 43-112, pi. iii. 309. Frivaldszky, J. Coleoptera in expeditione D. Comitis Belse Szechenyi in China, prsecipue boreali, a Dominis G-ustavo Kreitner et Ludovico Loczy anno 1879 collecta. Pars secunda. Term, fiizetek, xv, pp. 114-125. 310. . Coleoptera duo nova ex Hungaria. T. c. pp. 132 & 133. 311. Froggatt, W. W. Notes on Australian Cynipidce, with descriptions of several new species. P. Linn. Soc. N.S.W. (2) vii, pp. 152-156. [Hymenoptera.] 312. % Catalogue of the described Hymenoptera of Australia : Part ii. T. c. pp. 205-248. 313. Fuchs, A. Hacrolepidopteren der Loreley-Gegend. Dritte Besprechung. JB. nass. Yer. xlv, pp. 83-106. 314. Fyles, T. W. Further notes on Gelechia gallcediplopappi , and description of a new species of Bracon. Canad. Ent. xxiv, pp. 34 & 35. [Hymenoptera.] 315. Gahan, C. J. Additions to the Longicornia of Mexico and Central America, with notes on some previously recorded species. Tr. E. Sjc. 1892, pp. 255-274, pi. xii. [Coleoptera.] 316. . Notes on Longicorn Coleoptera of the group Cerambycince , with descriptions of new genera and species. Ann. N. H. (6) ix, pp. 19-32. — [See also Distant (210) and Gorham & Gahan (353).] 22 Ins. XIII. INSECTA. 317. Ganglbauer, L. Ein neuer Anophthabnus aus der Herzegowina. Wien. ent. Z. xi, p. 233. [Coleoptera.] 318. — — . Ein neues Bembidium aus den Alpes maritimes. T. c. p. 314. [Coleoptera.] 319. . Zwei neue Boreaphilinen. Soc. Ent. vii, p. 17. [ Coleoptera .] 320. c*Gasperini, R. Tenthr edinidum species nova. Prilog Fauni dalmatinskik Pauka. [ Hymenoptera .] Cf. Wien. ent. Z. xi, p. 232. 321. Germain, P. Trois mois dans la vallee du Sipotuba (Province de Matto-Grosso, Bresil). Act. Soc. Chili, i, pp. 53-65. 322. — . Notes sur les Coleopteres du Chili. Renseignements et observations ; descriptions d’especes nouvelles ; rectifications ; indications de synonymic. Act. Soc. Chili, ii, pp. 241-261. — . Gerhardt, J. [See Letzner (551).] 323. Gerstaecker, A. Bestimmung der von Herrn Dr. F. Stuklmaun in Ost-Afrika gesammelten Hemiptera. JB. Ham’b. Anst. ix (2) pp. 45-58. 324. Gestrq, R. Yiaggio di Leonardo Fea in Birmania e regioni vicine. xxxiii. Sul genere Arclolamia. Ann. Mus. Genov. (2) x, pp. 221-224. [ Coleoptera .] 325. . Yiaggio di Leonardo Fea in Birmania e regioni vicine. xxix. Enumerazione delle Hispidce. T. c. pp. 225-268. [ Coleoptera .] 326. - — — . Yiaggio di Leonardo Fea in Birmania e regioni vicine. xxxiv. Materiali per lo studio del genere Ichthyurus. T. c. pp. 555-594. [ Coleoptera .] 327. . Yiaggio di Leonardo Fea in Birmania e regioni vicine. xxxvii. Enumerazione delle Cetonie. T. c. pp. 835-876, pi. ii. [Coleoptera.] 328. - — — . Yiaggio di Leonardo Fea in Birmania e regioni vicine. XL. Contribuzione alio studio degli insetti termitofili. T. c. pp. 903-907. [ Coleoptera .] 329. — — . Appendice ai materiali per lo studio del genere Ichthyurus. T. c. pp. 1022-1048. \J0olepptera.] 330. -. Appunti sul genere Omophron. T. c. pp. 961-964. [Coleoptera.] 331. — — . Yiaggio di Lamberto Loria nella Papuasia orientale. VI. Hispidce. T. c. pp. 1015-1021. [Coleoptera.] 332. — — . Nuovi materiali per lo studio degli Anophthalmus italiani, Op. cit. xii, pp. 79-85. [Coleoptera.] 333. Yiaggio di Leonardo Fea in Birmania e regioni vicine. XL VI. Cenno sui Paussidi. T. c. pp. 705-709. [Coleoptera.'] TITLES. Ins, 23 334. [Gestro, R.] Di alcuni Goleotteri raccolti nel paese dei Somali dall’ Ing. L. Brichetti Robecchi. T. c. pp. 747-790. 335. - — . Sopra due Hispidce di Engano raccolte dal Dott. Elio Modigliani. T. c. pp. 791-794. \_Coleoptera.~\ 336. Giard, A. Sur un Diptere Stratyomide ( Beris vallata ) imitant un Tenthrede (A thalia annulata Fab.) C.R. Soc. Biol, (n.s.) iv, pp. 43-45. 337. . Sur un Hemiptere Heteroptere ( Halticus minutns , Reuter) qui ravage les Arachidesen Cochin-Chine. T. c. pp. 79-82. 338. . Sur une Laboulbeniacee, parasite de Mormolyce phyllode-s. T. c. pp. 156-158. 339. Giglio-Tos, E. Parassitismo di una larva d ’Aricia in un Carabo . Ann. Ac. Agric. Torino, xxxiv (pp. 1-13, sep. copy). [Dipteral] .340. -. Sul parassitismo di una larva d Wricia in un Carabo. Boll. Mus. Tor. vii, No. 116. [. Diptera .] Supplementary Bibliographic List. 341. — - . Un nuovo genere di Sirfidi. T. c. No. 117. [Diptera.~\ 342. — — . Diagnosi di nuove specie di D Uteri. yi & vii, Sirfidi del Messico. T. c. Nos. 123 & 132. 343. - — — . Sui due generi di Sirfidi , Rhopalosyrphus ed Omegasyrphus. T. c. No. 118. [j Diptera.} 344. Gillette, C. P. Colorado Cynipidce. Ent. News, iii, pp. 246-248. [ Hymenoptera . ] 345. Goding, F. W. A synopsis of the subfamilies and genera of the Membracidce of North America. Tr. Am. Ent. Soc. xix, pp. 253- 260. [it hyncJiota.~\ 346. . Studies in North American Membracidce. Ent. News, iii. pp. 108, 200, & 201. [ Rhynchota.~\ 347. Godman, F. D., & S alvin, O. Biologia Centrali- Americana. Parts 99-105. These parts include the following entomological matter : — Coleoptera, ii (1): Trogositiclce, pi. iii. Coleopterci, iv(l): Tenebrionidce : supp. pp. 477-524, by G.C. Champion. Coleoptera , iv(2): Cantharidcc , &c., pp. 369-448, pis. xvii-xx, by G. C. Champion. Coleoptera , vi (1): supp. pp. 313-374, pis. xlii & xliii, completing the part. Phytophaga , by M. Jacoby. Coleoptera , vii : Coccinellidce , pp. 161-176, pi. ix. Lepidoptera-Heterocera , ii, pp. 25-128, pis. xliv-lii. Geometridce , by H. Druce. Diptera , iii, pp. 57-89, pis. i & ii. Syrphidce , by S. W. Williston. RhynchotarHeteroptera, pp. 353-368, by W. L. Distant. Xeuroptera , pp. 1-16, pi. i. Ephemericlce , by A. E. Eaton. 24 Ins. XIII. 1NSE0TA. 348. Gorham, H. S. On three new species of Coccinellidte from Scioa. Ann. Mus. Genov. (2) x, pp. 910 & 911. [Coleoptera.] 349. . Yiaggio di Leonardo Fea in Birmania e regioni vicine. xlviii. Cleridce. Op. cit. (2) xii, pp. 718-746. [Coleoptera.] 350. -. Descriptions of Coleoptera collected by Mr. John Whitehead on Kina Balu, Borneo. P. Z. S. 1892, pp. 83-90. 351. =. Coleoptera from Central China and the Korea. Ent. xxv, Supp. pp. 81-85. 352. . Description of a new species of Elater. T. c. pp. 304 & 305. [Coleoptera.'] * [See also Distant (210) and Godman & Salvin (347).] 353. Gorham, H. S., & Gahan, C. T. On the Coleoptera collected by Mr. W. Bonny in the Aruwimi Valley, Central Africa. P. Z. S. 1892, pp. 90-96. 354. Gould, L. J. Experiments in 1890, 1891, on the colour- relation between certain Lepldopterous larvae and their surroundings, to- gether with some other observations on Lepldopterous larvae. Tr. E. Soc. 1892, pp. 215-245, pi. xi. 355. Graber, V. Beitrage zur vergleichenden Embryologie der Insecten. Denk. Ak. Wien, lviii, pp. 803-866, pis. i-vii, 356. Graeser, L. Beitrage zur Kenntniss der Lepidopteren-F auna des Amurlandes. B. E. Z. xxxvii, pp. 209-234. 357. . Neue Lepidopteren aus Central-Asien. T. c. pp. 299-318. 358. Graffe, E. Le api dei dintorni di Trieste. Atti Mus. civico Trieste, viii, pp. 123-142. [Rymenoptera.] Includes description of a new Osmia by Sciimiedeknecht. 359. Grassi, B. Conclusioni d’una Memoria sulla societa dei Termiti. Atti Acc. Lincei, 1892, pp. 33-36. [Neuroptera.] 360. Griffini, A. Sulla variability delle apofisi metasternali nel Dytiscus marginalise L. Boll. Mus. Zool. Tor. vii, No. 115. [Coleo- ptera.] 361. — — . Sui generi Anonconotus, Cam., e Analota, Brunner. Op. cit. No. 125. [Orthoptera.] 362. Griffiths, A. B. Recherches sur les couleurs de quelques insectes. C.R. cxv, pp. 958 & 959, Summary in J. R. Micr. Soc. 1892, p. 778. 363. -. On the Blood of the Invertebrata. P. R. Soc. Edinb. xix. The Blood of Insects, pp. 123-126. 364. Grilat, R. Description d’une nouvelle espece de Ceutorrhynchus. Echange, No. 32, 1887. [Coleoptera. J TITLES. Ins. 25 365. [Grilat, R.] Description d’une nouvelle espece de Bythinus de France. Op. cit. No. 58, 1889, p. 78. [ Coleoptera .] 366. Grouvelle, A. Voyage de M. E. Simon an Venezuela. Coleo- pt'eres. Colydiicles. Ann. Soc. Ent. Fr. lxi, pp. 99-102. 367. . Voyage de M. E. Simon a Pile de Luzon, Philippines. Cucujides. T. c. pp. 285-288. [ Coleoptera .] 368. . Voyage de M. Ch. Alluaud dans le territoire d’Assinie. Nitidididce , Colydiidce , Rhysodidce. T. c. pp. 292-300. [ Coleoptera .] 369. . Viaggio di Leonardo Fea in Birmania e regioni vicine. L. Nitidulides , Cucujides , et Parnides. 2me partie. Ann. Mus. Genov. (2) xii, pp. 833-868. [ Coleoptera .] 370. . Clavicornes de Bengale. 2me Liste. Ann. Ent. Belg. xxxvi, pp. 60 & 61. [ Coleoptera .] 371. — — . Deux especes nouvelles de Coleopteres de la famille des Nitidulidce. Notes Leyd. Mus. xiv, pp. 43 & 44. 372. . Trois especes nouvelles d )Helmides des lies de la Sonde. T. c. pp. 187-189. [ Coleoptera .] 373. Guillebeau, F, Revision des Phalacrides de la Faune palearctique. Rev. d’Ent. xi, pp. 141-197. \_Coleoptera.~\ 374. — Description d’une nouvelle espece de Limnobius. T. c. p. 324. \Coleoptera.~\ 375. ■■ Descriptions de quelques nouvelles especes de Coleopteres. Echange, i, No. 6, &c. 376. -. Description de trois especes nouvelles de Coleopteres. Pp. 1-3. Published with Echange, No. 19 (1886), with separate pagination. 377. . Note sur quelques Catops nouveaux. Op. cit. 1891, p. 116. [' Coleoptera .] 378. — . Descriptions de deux Coleopteres nouveaux. Bull. Soc. Ent. Fr. lxi, pp. cxxxiii & cxxxiv. 379. — . Description de deux especes nouvelles de Coleopteres. T. c. pp. clxxxiii & clxxxiv. 380. Gumppexberg, — . Systema Geometrarum zonae temperatioris septentrionalis. Fiinfter Theil. N. Acta Ac. L.-C.\Nat. cur. lviii, pp. 223-359. \_Lepidoptera.1 Reviewed by Rebel (714). 381. Guthrie, L. G. On a Toad Killed by the Larvae of Blow-flies. Ent. M. M. xxviii, pp. 9-12. 382. Haase, E. Untersuchungen uber die Mimicry auf Grundlagen eines naturlichen Systems der Papilioniden. Bibl. Zool., Heft viii, Lief. 4-10, pp. 9-98, pis. v-xiv. 26 Ins. XIII. INSECTA. 383. Hagen, B. Beitrag zur Kenntniss der Rhopaloceren der Insel Banka. Berl. Ent. Zeit. xxxvii, pp. 139-158. [ Lepidoptera .] 381. Hampson, G. F. The Fauna of British India, including Ceylon and Burma. Published under the authority of the Secretary of State for India in Council. Edited by W. T. Branford. Moths, Yol. i. London : 1892, 8vo; xxiii & 527 pp. 385. . On Stridulation in certain Lepidoptera, and on the Distortion of the Hind Wings in the Males of certain Ommatophorinaz. P. Z. S. 1892, pp. 188 & 189. 386. Handlirsch, A. Monographie der mit Nysson und Bembex ver- wandten Grabwespen, vi. SB. Ak. Wien, ci, pp. 25-205, pis. i-iii. A monograph of the genus Stizus. 387. — . Ein neuer Sphecius aus Madagaskar. Jahresheft. Ver. Trencsin. xiii, p. 27, [ Hymenoptera .] 388. Harrington, W. II. Canadian Hymenoptera. No. 1. Canad. Ent. xxiv, pp. 98 & 99. 389. . A New Ischalia from Vancouver Island. T. c. p. 132. \_Coleoptera.~\ 390. Harvey, F. L. An American Species of Templetonia. Ent. News, iii, p. 57. [ Thysanura .] 391. . A New Smynthurus. T. c. p. 169. [ Thysanura. ] 392. Heidemann, O. Note on the Food-plants of some Capsidce from the vicinity of Washington. P. E. Soc. Wash, ii, pp. 224-227. [Rhynchota.’] 393. Heim, F. Sur le centre reflexe du saut chez la Sauterelle. Bull. Soc. Ent. Fr. lxi, p. xcviii. [Orthoptera.~\ 394. Heller, K. M. Eine neue Calandriden- art der Gattung Paratasis, Chev., aus Java. Notes Leyd. Mus. xiv, pp. 269-272. \_Coleoptera.'] 395. — pin beachtenswerther Fall von Mimicry. Ent. Nachr. xviii, pp. 183-185. A case of supposed “ aggressive mimicry.55 396. Henking, H. Untersuchungen iiber die ersten Entwicklungs- vorgange in den Eiern der Insekten. in. Specielles und Allgemeines. Z. wiss. Zool. liv, pp. 1-274, pis. i-xii. 397. . Methoden bei entwickiungsgeschichtlichen Untersuchungen an Insecteneiern. Z. wiss. Mikr. viii, pp. 156-167. 398. Henneguy, L. F. Contribution a Pembryogenie des Chalcidiens. C.R. cxiv, pp. 133-136. [. Hymenoptera .] Translated in Ann. N. H. (6) x, pp. 271 & 272. Summary, J. R. Micr. Soc. 1892, p. 357. TITLES. Ins. 27 399. Henneguy, F., & Binet, A. Contribution a l’etude micros- copique du systerae nerveux larvaire de Stratiomys longicornis , Sc. Ann. Soc. Ent. Fr. Ixi, pp. 309-316, pi. vi. [Diptera.] Summary in J. It. Micr. Soc. 1892, p. 356. 400. Henshaw, S. Report upon the Gypsy-moth in Massachusetts. Bull. Dep. Agric. Ent. xxvi, pp. 75-82. [Lepidoptera.] 401. Hering, E. Platyptilia ochrodactyla, Hb., dichrodactyla , bertrdmi , nnd borgmanni. S. E. Z. liii, pp. 269-279. 402. Heydex, L. yon. Beitrag zur Coleopteren- Fauna von Turkestan. Unter Mitwirkuug der Herren J. Faust, A. Kuwert, und J. Weise. xiv, Deutsche e. Z. 1892, pp. 99-104 ; xv, t. c. pp. 105-110. 403. Heylaerts, F. J. M. Heterocera exotica, nouvelles especes des Indes orientales neerlandaises (Suite). Ann. Soc. Ent. Belg. xxxvi. pp. 7—15 & 43-48. [Lepidoptera.'] 404. Heymoxs, — . Entwicklung der Colomsacke von Phyllodrotnia germanica. Yerh. deutsch. Zool. Ges. 1892, pp. 139-141. 405. Hoffbauer, C. Beitrage zur Kenntniss der Insektenfliigel. Z. wiss. Zool. liv, pp. 579-630, pis. xxvi & xxvii. Describes a variety of glandular structures in the interior of elytra of Coleoptera. 406. Holland, W. J. New species of Neptis from Africa. Ent. News, iii, pp. 248-250, pi. ix. \Lep\doptera7\ 407. . Descriptions of some new species of African Lepidoptera. Ann. N. H. (6) x, pp. 284-294. 408. . Descriptions of some new species of African Lepidoptera. Ent. xxv, Supp. pp. 89-95. 409. . Notes upon the transformations of some African Lepidoptera. Psyche vi, pp. 213-216, pi. v. 410. . The life-history of Spalgis s-signata, Holl. T. c. pp. 201-203, pi. iv. [Lepidoptera.'] 411. Holmgren, E. Histologiska studier ofver nagra Lepidopter-Urvers digestions kanal och en del af deras kortelarfcade Bildningar. Ent. Tidskr. xiii. pp. 129-170, pis. i-vi. 412. Hoxrath, Li. G. Iseue Lhopalocera , x. B. E. Z. xxxvi. pp. 429— 440. {Lepidoptera?^ 413. . Eine neue Notodonta. T. e. p. 445. [ Lepidoptera .] 414. Hormuzaki, C. y. Lepidopterologische Beobachtungen in der Bucovina. Ent. Nackr. xviii, pp. 305-321. 415. . Zur systematischen Begrenzung der Gattungen Satyrus , Latr. und Epinepliele, Hlibn. T. c. pp. 354-358. [ Lepidoptera .] 28 Ins. XIII. INSECTA. 416. Horn, Gr. H. Studies in Chrysomelidoi. Tr. Am. Ent. Soc. xix, pp. 1-17. [Coleoptera.] 417. — — . Notes on Amara, subg. Tricena. T. c. pp. 18 & 19. [Coleo- ptera G\ 418. . Random studies in N. American Coleoptera. T. c. pp. 40-48. 419. -. The Humolpini of Boreal America. T. c. pp. 195-234. [ Coleoptera .] 420. -. Variations of Color-markings in Coleoptera. Ent. News, iii, pp. 25-28, pi. i. 421. Horn, W. Fiinf dekaden neuer Cicindeleten. Deutsche e. Z. 1892, pp. 65-91. [Coleoptera.] 422. . Die Cicindeliden des Wiener Hof-Museums. T. c. pp. 92-98. [Coleoptera.'] 423. . Drei neue afrikanische Cicindeliden. T. c. pp. 220 & 221. [ Coleoptera. ~] 421. >. Nachtrage zur Monographie der Cicindeliden- Gattuug Collyris (Chaudoir, 1864). T. c. pp. 353-368. [ Coleoptera .] 425. . Eine neue Cicindela aus Sao Paulo. T.c. p.368. [Coleoptera.] 426. . Einige neue Cicindeliden Arten und Varietaten. T. c. pp. 369-372. [Coleoptera.] Horner, A. C. [See Blatch & Horner (103).] 427. Horvath, G-. Sur l’existence des series paralleles dans le cycle biologique des Pemphigiens . C.R. cxiv, pp. 842-844. [ Rhynchota .] Summary in J. R. Micr. Soc. 1892, p. 357. 428. ■. Hemiptera nonnulla nova Asiatica. Term, fiizetek, xv, pp. 134-137. 429. — — . Uebersicht der Hemipteren- Gattuug Campylostira, Fieb. Wien. ent. Z. xi, pp. 309-311. \_Rhynchota.~\ 430. % Nouvelle revision du genre Scolopostethus. Rev. d’Ent. xi, pp. 253-256. [ Rhynchota .] 431. . Chasses hivernales dans le midi de la France. T. c. pp. 128- 140. [ Rhyncliota .] 432. Howard, L. O. The Biology of the Hymenopterous Insects of the Family Chalcididce. P. U. S. Nat. Mus. xiv, pp. 567-588. 433. Insects of the Subfamily Encyrtince with branched antennas. Op. cit. xv, pp. 361-369, pis. xlvi & xlvii. [ Hymenoptera .] 434. . The Habits of Melittobia. P. E. Soc. Wash, ii, pp. 244-248. [Hymenoptera.] 435. . The Hymenopterous Parasites of Spiders. T. c. pp. 290- 302, pi. ii. 436. — — . A Note on the Parasites of the Coccidce. T. c. pp. 351-353. TITLES. Ins. 29 437. Hubbard, H. G. Notes on the Larva of Amphizoa. Ins. Life, v, pp. 19-22, [Coleoptera.] 438. -. Description of the Larva of Amphizoa lecontei. P. E. Soc, Wash, ii, pp. 341-346, pi. iii. [Coleoptera.] 439. . The Life-history of Xenon. Canad. Ent. xxiv, pp. 257-261 , [Coleoptera.] 440. Hudson, G-. Y. An Elementary Manual of New Zealand Ento- mology. London : 1892, 8vo, 128 pp., xx pis. 441. Hulst, G-. D. New Species of Pyralidce. Canad. Ent. xxiv, pp: 59-63. [Lepidoptera.] 442. Huth, E. Die Futterpflanzen des Seidenspinners. Helios, x, pp. 51-53. [ Lepidoptera.] 443. Jacobsohn, Gr. Beitrag zur Systematik des Geotrypini. Hor. Ent. Ross, xxvi, pp. 245-257. [Coleoptera.] 444. — — . Analytische fjbersicht der bekannten Donacia- und Platen - marts- Arten der alten Welt. T. c. pp. 412-437. [Coleoptera.] 445. — — . Conspectus specierum generis Haltica, Geoff r., ex Asia media hucusque notarum. T. c. pp. 462-467. [Coleoptera.] 446. Jacoby, M. Viaggio di Leonardo Fea in Birmania e regioni vicine. Li. Description of the New Genera and Species of the Phytophagous Coleoptera. Ann. Mus. Genov. (2) xii, pp. 869-999. 447. . Descriptions of some New Genera and Species of Phyto- phagous Coleoptera from Madagascar. P. Z. S. 1892, pp. 564-579, pi. xxxix. 448. — — . Descriptions of some New Species of Phytophagous Coleoptera , and synonymic notes. Ent. xxv, Supp., pp. 86-88. . [See also Distant (210) and Godman & Salyin (347).] 449. Jacquet, E. Recherches et remarques sur l’organisation exterieure et la classification des Coleopteres , pp. 1-31 & table. Includes an attempt to define the “series”: issued with Echange, Nos. 37-42. 450. , Tableaux analytiques pour la determination des Rhyncho - phores de la Faune francaise, pp. 1-34. This fragment — its condition as such being due to the decease of the author — was issued with Nos. 42-45 of Echange. 451. Jakowleff, B. E. Generis Lethrus , Scop., species novae vel parum cognitae. Hor. Ent. Ross, xxvi, pp. 182-199. [Coleoptera.] 452. . Die Peritrechus- Arten der russichen Fauna. T. c. pp. 228- 231. [ Rhynchota.] 453. Jakowlew, A. Diagnoses Tenthredinidarum no varum ex Rossia europaea, Sibiria, Asia media et confinium. T. c. pp. 1-62. [Hymenoptera.] 30 Ins. XIII. INSECTA. 454. J anson, 0. E. On Tceniodera quadrilineata and some allied species. Notes Leyd. Mns. xiv, pp. 55-60. \_Coleoptera.~\ 455. Jaworowski, A. Prof. Dr. Yeit Graber. Ein Nachruf. Wien, ent. Z. xi, pp. 253-262. Includes list of his writings, and a portrait, 456. Jenkinson, W. Secreting Glands in the Feet of Flies. Sci. Goss. 1892, pp. 85-87. [ Diptera .] 457. Johansen, H. Ueber die Entwicklung des Imago-auges von Vanessa. Zool. Anz. xv, pp. 353-355. Summary in J. R. Micr. Soc. 1892, p. 779. 458. Joseph, G. L ’influence de l’eclairage sur la disjonction des organes visuels, leur reduction, leur atrophie complete et leur compensation chez les animaux cavernicoles. Bull, Soc, Zool, Fi\ 1892, pp, 121-125. Several cases in Insecta are discussed. 459. Kannegieter, J. Z. Eenige opmerkingen over het Yerzamelen en conserveeren van Insecten in de Tropen. Tijdschr. Ent. xxxv, pp. 59-72. 460. Karsch, F. Insecten von Baliburg (Deutsch-Westafrika) ges- ammelt von Herrn Dr. Eugen Zintgraff. Ent. Nachr. xviii, pp. 161-183. 461. . Yorlaufige Beschreibung von drei neuen Lepidopteren von Bismarckburgim Togolande (Deutsch-Westafrika). T. c. pp. 113-117. 462. . Abantis bismarcJci eine neue Hesperiide von Bismarckburg im Togolande (Deutsch-Westafrika). T. c. p. 228. [Lepidoptera.~\ 463. . Caprona adelica eine neue Hesperiide von der deutschen Forschungs-station Bismarckburg im Togolande (Westafrika). T '. c. pp. 241-244, [ Lepidoptera .] 464. . Yorlaufige Beschreibung einer neuen Saturniide aus dem Kamerungebirge. T. c. pp. 353 & 354. \_Lepidoptera.~\ 465. . Kurze Charakteristik neuer Wanzen aus Kamerun ges- ammelt durch Herrn Dr. Paul Preuss. T . c. pp, 129-136. \Rhynchota.~] 466. . — . Ueber eine Collection durch Herrn Hans Fruhstorfer auf Java gefangener JEschniden. T. c. pp. 249-255. [Nenroptera.~\ 467. . Zwei neue chinesische Libellen aus der Familie der Kaloptery- cjiden. Berl. Ent. Zeit. xxxvi, pp. 455 & 456. [Newroptera.] 468. . Eine neue von Herrn Dr. Paul Preuss bei Buea im Kame- rungebirge entdeckte Odonate der Gattung [Macromia. Op. cit. xxxvii, p. 15. [ Neuroptera .] 469. . Fiinf neue afrikanische Mantodeen. Ent. Nachr. xviii, pp, 5-13. [ Orthoptera .] TITLES. Ins, 31 470. [Karsch, F.] Kurze Charakteristik neuer Mantodeen aus Kamerun gesammelt yon Herrn Dr. Paul Preuss. T. c. pp. 145-150, [Orihoptera.] 471. . Uebersicht der von Herrn Dr. Paul Preuss auf der Barombi- Station in Kamerun gesammelten Locustodeen. Berl. Ent. Zeit. xxxvi, pp. 317-346. [ Orthoptera.] 472. =. Yerzeicbniss der von Herrn Dr. Paul Preuss im Kamerunge- birge erbeutete Ortlxopteren. Op. cit. xxxvii, pp. 65-78. 473. Katuric, M. Osservazioni biologiche sulle Formiche. Glasnik Naravosl. Druzt. ii, pp. 105-110. [ Hymenoptera. ] 474. . Ulteriori osservazioni biologiche sulle Formiche. Op. cit. vi, pp. 14-28. [Hijmenoptera.'] 475. Keller, C. Neue Beobachtungen liber Symbiose zwischen Ameisen und Akazien. Zool. Auz. xv, pp. 137-143. [Hymenoptera.] Includes descriptions by Forel. A note by Emery, t. c. p. 237, refers to this. Summary in J. R. Micr. Soc. 18S2, p. 359. 476. Kellicott, D. S. Notes on the yEgeriidce of Central Ohio. Canad. Ent. xxiv, pp. 42-47, and II, t. c. pp. 209-212. [ Lepidoptera .] 477. — — . Notes on 2Egeriidcc of Central Ohio. Ins. Life, v, pp. 81- 85. [ Lepidoptera .] 478. Kellogg, Y. L. Some notes on the Mallophaga. Tr. Kansas Ac. xii, pp. 46-48. [Neuroptera.] 479. . Notes on Melitera dentata , Grote. Kansas quart, i, pp. 39-41, pi. viii. [ Lepidoptera .] 480. Keener, A. v. Marilaun. Pflanzenleben. Zweiter Band. Ges- chichte der Pflanzen. Leipzig, 1891, 8vo, 842 pp. Mik, in Wien. ent. Z. xi, pp. 28-30, summarizes the views of this writer on galls. 481. Kerremans, C. Catalogue synonymique des Buprestides decrits de 1758 a 1890. Mem. Soc. Ent. Belg. i, pp. 1-304. [ Coleoptera .] 482. . Yoyage de M. Ch. Alluaud dans le territoire d’Assinie. Buprestidm. Ann. Soc. Ent. Fr. lxi, pp. 301-304. [ Coleoptera .] 483. . Yoyage de M. Simon aux lies Philippines. 3e Memoire, Buprestidce. T. c. pp. 21-26. [Coleoptera.] 484. . Yiaggio di Leonardo Fea iu Birmania e regioni vicine. xlix. Buprestides. Ann. Mus. Genov. (2) xii, pp. 809-832. [Coleo- ptera.] 485. . Nouvelle espece de Buprestide recueillie dans Pile d’Engano, par Mr. le Dr. E. Modigliani. T. c. p. 1000. [Coleoptera.] 486. . iaggio di Lamberto Loria nella Papuasia orientale. vii. Buprestides. T . c. p. 1001-1006. [ Coleoptera .] 32 Ins. XIII. INSECTA. 487. [Kereemans, C.] Note sur les Chrysodemkles africaines attributes au genre Tridotcenia. Ann. Ent. Belg.xxxvi, pp. 49-55. [ Coleoptera .] 488. . Diagnoses de deux Buprestides de la region du lac Tanganyka. T. c . p. 56. [ Coleoptera. ] 489. — — . Buprestides de l’Inde. T. c. pp. 171-226. [Coleoptera.] 490. Kerry, F. Migration of Pieris brassicce observed at Harwich. Essex Nat. vii, p. 205. [Lepidoptera.] 491. YKessler, H. F. Die Ausbreitung der Reblaus Krankheit in Deutschland und deren Bekampfung, unter Beniitzung von amtlichen Schriftstucken beleuchtet. Berlin : 1892. Cf. Wien. ent. Z. xi, p. 87. 492. Kieffer, J. J. Beobachtungen iiber Gallmiicken mit Beschreibung einiger neuen Arten. Wien. ent. Z. xi, pp. 212-224, pi. i. [Dip ter a.] 493. ■ — — . Zur Kenntnissder Weidengallmiicken. Berl. Ent. Zeit. xxxvi, pp. 241-258, pi. ix. [Dipteral] 494. . Mittheilungen uber Gallmiicken. T. c. pp. 259-266. [Dip ter a. ] 495. . Die Zoocecidien Lothringens. Ent. Nachr. xviii, pp. 43-46, 59-64, & 73-80. 496. Kirby, W. F. A synonymic Catalogue of Lepidopterci Heterocera (Moths). Yolt i. Sphinges and Bombyces. London : 1892, 8vo, pp. xii & 951. 497. — — . Descriptions of three new species of Saturniidce in the col- lection of the British Museum. Ann. N. H. (6) ix, pp. 173-175, pi. ix. [Lepidoptera.] 498. . Elementary Text-book of Entomology. Second Edition. An appendix and index have been added, occupying pp. 240-281. . [See also Smith & Kirby (858).] 499. Klemensiewicz, S. Eine neue Art der Gattung Ellopia. Yerh. z.-b. Wien, xlii, SB. p. 67. [Lepidoptera.] 500. Knotek, J. Zwei neue Scolytidce aus dem Occupationsgebiete. Wien. ent. Z. xi, pp. 234 & 235. [Coleoptera.'] Translated from a paper in the Croatian language, published in an almost unknown Museum-journal. 501. Kohl, F. F. Neue Hymenopterenformen. Ann. Hof museum Wien, vii, pp. 197-234, pis. xiii-xv. 502. Kolbe, H. J. Ueber die von Hauptmann Kling und Dr. B. Biittner in Togo (Ober-Guinea) gesammelten melitophilen Lamellicornier . S. E. Z. liii, pp. 125-142. [Coleoptera.'] 503. . Ueber Elaphinis atomosparsa, Fairm. T. c. p. 143. [Coleoptera.'] TITLES. Ins. 33 504. [Kolbe, H. J.] Ueber zwei nene Cicindelen aus Afrika. S. E. Z. liii, pp. 143-145. [Coleoptera.] 505. . Ueber die Gattung Stephanorrhince und ihre Arten. T. c. pp. 145-155. [ Coleoptera ;.] 506. . Beitrage zur Kenntniss der Brenthiden. T. c. pp. 162-175. [Coleoptera.] 507. . Ueber die von Herrn Leopold Conradt in Deutsch-Ostafrika namentlich in der Gebirgslandschaft von Usambara gesammelten melitophilen Laniellicornier. SB. nat. Fr. 1892, pp. 62-75. [Coleoptera.] 508. . Ueber die melitophilen Laniellicornier von Kamernn. T. c. pp. 235-261. [Coleoptera.'] 509. . Einfiihrung in die Kenntniss der Insekten. Pts. i-x. Berlin : 8vo. Commenced in 1889 : 528 pp. had appeared at the end of 1892. 510. Konow, F. W. Analytische Uebersicht der europaischen Arten der Tenthrediniden-Q&ti\mg Schizocera , Latr. Wien. ent. Z. xi, pp. 11-22. [Hymenoptera.] 511. Korotneff, A. Histolyse und Histogenese des Muskelgewebes bei der Metamorphose der Insekten. Biol. Centralbl. xii, pp. 261-265. Summary in J. R. Micr. Soc. 1892, p. 468. 512. Kowarz, F. Die europaischen Arten der Dipteren- Gattung Lispa, Latr. Wien. ent. Z. xi, pp. 33-54. 513. Kraatz, G. Paussus cervinus , n. sp. Deutsche e. Z. 1892, p. 8. [Coleoptera.] 514. . Monographische Revision der Ruteliden- Gattung Popillia , Serville. T. c. pp. 177-192 & 225-306. [ Coleoptera .] 515. - -. Zwei neue il/acro?io^'de?2-Gattungen von Java. T. c. pp. 312— 314. [Col copter a. 1 516. . Ueber Tceniodera- Arten von Java und Malacca. T. c. pp. 315-320. [Coleoptera.'] 517. . Paussus opacus , n. sp. T. c. p. 377. [Coleoptera.] 518. . Hadrosticta , n. g., Cetonidarum. T. c. p. 378. [Coleoptera.] 519. Krassilstschik, J. Zur Anatomie der Phytophthires . Zool. Anz. xv, pp. 217-223. [Rhynchota.] Summary in J. R. Micr. Soc. 1892, p. 781. 520. Krauss, H. Dermapteren und Orthopteren aus Tunis. Wien. ent. Z. xi, pp. 143-150. 521. . Systematisches Verzeichniss der canarischen Dermapteren und Orthopteren mit Diagnosen der neuen Gattungen und Arten. Zool. Anz. xv, pp. 163-171. 1892. [vol. xxix.] e 3 <34 Ins. XIII. INSECTA. 522. Kriechbaumee, — . Blattwespen Studien. Ent. Nackr. xviii, pp. 98-101. [Hymenoptera.'] 523. •. Xylonomiden und Pim^ZicZera-Studien . T. c. pp. 211-220. 524. . OpAZoraYZera-Studien. T. c. pp. 232-235. [. Hymenoptera .] 525. * -. CryptidenStudien. T. c. pp. 340-352, 362-365, & 370-373. [ Hy menopteraJ] 526. — — . Ein neuer Psilomastax. T. c. p. 101. [Hymenoptera] 527. Krieger, R. Zwei Hymeuopteren-ZYvittQr. Z. Naturw. lxv, pp. 137-140. 528. Kulagin, N. Zur Entwicklungsgeschichte der parasitischen Haul- flugler. Zool. Anz. xv, pp. 85-87. [Hymenoptera] Summary in J. R. Micr. Soc. 1892, p. 470. 529. Kunckel, J. d’Herculais. Le Criquet pelerin (Schistocera pere- grine!) et ses changements de coloration ; role des pigments dans les phenomenes d’histolyse et d’histogenese qui accompagnent la metamorphose. C.R. cxiv, pp. 240-242. [ Orthoptera. ] Summary in J. R. Micr. Soc. 1892, p. 468. 530. . Sur les changements de coloration et sur le role des pigments dans les phenomenes d’histolyse et d’histogenese qui accompagnent les mues et la metamorphose du Criquet pelerin. Bull. Soc. Ent. Fr. Ixi, pp. xxv-xxvii. 531. . Les invasions des Acridiens, vulgo Sauterelles, en Algerie pendant l’annee 1891. C.R. Ass. Fr. Sci. xx, pt. 1, p. 241. [ Orthoptera. 532. ■ Les invasions des Acridiens en Algerie en 1891. Obser- vations biologiques et physiologiques. T. c. pt. 2, pp. 554-556. [' Orthoptera .] 533. Kunze, E. Insects attracted by Fragrance or Brilliancy of Flowers for purposes of Cross fertilization. Canad. Ent. xxiv, pp. 173-177. Kuwert, A. [See Heyden (402).] 534. Lameere, A. Nouveaux Lamiides de l’Afrique tropicale. Anil. Ent. Belg. xxxvi, pp. 506-509. [ Coleopterci .] 535. ■ — — . Note sur les Fourmis de la Belgique. T.c. pp. 61-69. [//y- menoptera.'] 536. Lampa, S. Berattelse till Landtbruksstyrelsen, 1891. Ent. Tidskr. xiii, pp. 1-38, 537. — — . Agromyza lappee, Loew. En for Sveriges fauna ny flugart. 1. c . pp. 117-120, [DipteraJ] 538. — — . Kornflugan, Chlorops pumilionis, Bierk. T. c, pp. 257-274, pi. vii. \_Diptera.~\ TITLES. Ins. 35 539. Lataste, F. Mode de preparation et d’emploi d:un ciment adapte au bouchage des flacons des collections d’objets d’histoire naturelle conserves dans Palcool. (Ciment Emzed.) Act. Soc. Chili, ii, pp. 190-195. 540. . La question du Criquet voyageur sign ale l’an dernier dans les provinces anstrales du Chili. T. c. pp. 200-209. \Orthoptera.~\ 541. Latter, O. H. The secretion of potassium hydroxide by Dicranura vinula (imago), and the emergence of the imago from the cocoon. Tr. E. Soc. 1892, pp. 287-292. [Lepidoptera.] 542. Leech, J. H. Butterflies from China, Japan, and Corea. Parts I & ii. London : 1892, 4to, pp. 1-286, pis. i-xiii. [Lepidoptera.] 543. Lefevre, E. Description of new species of South African EnmoU pidce. Tr. S. African Phil. Soc. vi, pp. 39-43. [ Coleopterci .] 544. . Description d’une nouvelle espece de Clytrides . Bull. Soc. Ent. Fr. lxi, p. xciv. \_Coleoptera.'\ 545. Leon, N. Labiaitaster bei den Hemipteren. Zool. Anz. xv, pp. 145 & 146. 546. Leprieur, C. E. La chasse aux Coleopteres. 2e edition, revue, augmentee et corrigee. Lyons : 1887, 8vo, 64 pp. Published as supplements to Echange. 547. Lesne, P. Collection d’insectes formee dans lTndo-Chine par M. Pavie, Consul de France au Cambodge. Coleopteres , Anthribines. N. Arch. Mus. Paris (3) iii, pp. 225-228. 548. . Sur un Braconide du genre Perilitus , Nees. Ann. Soc. Ent. Fr. lxi, pp. 305-308, pi. v. \_Hymenoptera.'] 549. Lethierry, L. Description d’un nouveau genre d ’Homopteres d’Europe, et note sur le Delphax lugubris. Rev. d’Ent. xi, pp. 69 & 70. [ Rhynchota .] 550. . Liste d5 Hemipteres recoltes a Mahe (Inde) par M. Em. Deschamps. Bull. Soc. Z. Fr. 1892, pp. 207-209. 551. Letzner, K. Yerzeichniss der Kafer Schlesiens. Zweite Auflage ; Fortgesetzt und vollendet von J. Gerhardt. 8vo, xxvi pp. Published as a supplement to Z. Ent. Bresl. xvii. 552. Leveille, A. Description d’un Temnoehilide nouveau. Bull. Soc. Ent. Fr. lxi, p. xcv. \Coleoptera.~\ 553. Lewis, G. Yiaggio di Leonardo Fea in Birmania e regioni vicine. xlii. H isteridce, part 2. Ann. Mus. Genov. (2) xii, pp. 16-39. \_Coleoptera.'] 554. . On some Japanese species of Paromalus. Ann. N. H. (6) ix, pp. 32-38. \_Coleoptera.~\ 555. -. On some new species of Histeridce. T. c. pp. 341-357. \_Coleoptera.'] 36 Ins, XIII. INSEOTA. 556. [Lewis, G-.] On the Japanese Cleridce. Ann. N. H. x, pp. 183— 192. \_Coleoptera.'] 557. . On Eretmotus and Epiechnus ( Histeridce ). T. c. pp. 231-236, pi. xix. [ Coleoptera. ] 558. — — . On some new species of Histeridce , and one new genus. Ent. M. M. xxviii, pp. 102-104. [Coleoptera .] 559. . On a new Onthophiliis from Mexico. T. c. p. 124. [ Coleo - ptera.~\ 560. — — . Note on Sternoccelis , and on one new species. T. c. p. 263- \_Coleoptera.~\ 561. . On a new species of Histeridce of Bengal. Ann. Ent. Belg. xxxvi, pp. 142 & 143. [ Coleoptera .] 562. Liebel, R. Die Zoocecidien (Pflanzendeformationen) der Holzgewachse Lothringens. Ent. Nachr. xviii, pp. 257-287. Arranged phytologically. 563. Linden, Grafin Maria v. Beitrage zur Biologie der Phryga - neiden. Biol. Centralbl. xii, pp. 523-527. [Neuroptera.~\ 564. Lintner, J. A. Seventh report on the Injurious and other Insects of the State of New York. Albany : 1891, pp. 201-404. From the 44th Report of the New York State Museum. 565. Lower, O. B. Descriptions of New South Australian Lepidoptera. Tr. R. Soc. S. Austr. xv, pp. 5-17. 566. -. Scientific Results of the Elder Exploring Expedition. Lepidoptera. Op. cit . xvi, pp. 10-15. 567. Lowne, T. The Anatomy, Physiology, Morphology and Develop- ment of the Blowfly. Part hi (Yol. i, pp. 215-350). Devoted chiefly to embryology and development. Completes Yol. i. 568. Lucas, T. P. On Queensland and other Australian Lepidoptera, with descriptions of new species. P. Linn. Soc. N.S.W. (2) vi, pp. 277-306. 569. -. On twenty new species of Australian Lepidoptera. Op. cit. vii, pp. 249-266. 570. Lyman, H. H. Can Insects survive freezing ? Canad. Ent. xxxiv, pp. 1-6. 671. Mabille, P. Six Lepidopteres Heteroceres d’Afrique. Bull. Soc. Ent. Fr. lxi, pp. cxxxviii & cxxxix, 572. -. Nouvelle espece du genre Zygcena. T. c. p. cl. [ Lepidoptera .] 573. Mabille & Yuillot. Novitates Lepidopterologicce. Fasc. 7-9, pis. viii-xii, pp. 49-89. 574. MacLachlan, R. Supplementary note on the Neuroptera of the Hawaiian Islands. Ann. N. H. (6) x, pp. 176-178. TITLES. Ins . 37 575. Magretti, P. Di alcune specie d 'Imenotteri raccolte dall’ lug. L. Bricchetti Robecchi nel paese dei Somali. Ann. Mus. Genov. (2) x, pp. 950-960. 576. — — . Viaggio di Leonardo Feain Birmania e regioni vicine. xliii. Imenotteri. Parte prim a. Mutillidei, Scoliidei, Tifiidei, Tinnidei, colla descrizione di parecchie nuove specie. Op. cit. xii, pp. 197-266, pi. v. 577. Mally, F. W. Report of progress in the investigation of the Cotton Boll Worm. Bull. Dept. Agric. Ent. xxvi, pp. 45-56. \_Lepidoptera.~\ 578. . An insectivorous primrose ( (Enothera speciosd). P. E. Soc. Wash, ii, pp. 288 & 289. 579. Manders, N. The Butterflies of Rawal Pindi and the Murree Hills (Punjab). Ent. M. M. xxviii, pp. 88-92 & 130-132. \Lepidoptera.~\ 580. Marchal, P. Notes sur la vie et les moeurs des Insectes. Obser- vations sur VAmmophila affinis. Arch. Z. exper. (2) x, pp. 23-36. [ Hymenoptera. ] Summary in J. R. Micr. Soc. 1892, p. 471. 581. Marl att, C. L. A study of the ovipositor in Hymenoptera . P. E. Soc. Wash, ii, pp. 201-205. 582. . Notes on the early stages of three Moths. Tr. Kansas Ac xi, pp. 110-114. \Lepidoptera.'\ 583. Marshall, T. A. On a new genus and species of Belytidoe from New Zealand. Ent. M. M. xxviii, p. 275. [. Hymenoptera .] . [See also Buysson & Marshall (149).] 584. Martel, V. Les Cecidies des environs d’Elbeuf. Bull. Soc. d’Elbeuf, 1891, pp. 79-134. Arranged according to plants on which the galls occur. 585. Martin, J. Sur la respiration des larves de Libellules. Bull. Soc Philom. (8) iv, pp. 122-124. [Neuroptera.'] 586. Martin, L. Aus meinen Tagebuche. Berl. Ent. Zeit. xxxvii, pp. 291-298. [LepidopteraJ] Jottings of a collector of Lepidoptera in Sumatra. 587. Martin, R. Les Trichopteres du departement de l’lndre. Rev. d’Ent. xi, pp. 1-23 & 76. [Neuroptei'a.] 588. • — Les Perlides du departement de l’lndre. T. c. pp. 198-201. \Neuroptera.~\ 589. . Les Psocides du departement de l’lndre. T. c. pp. 285-288. [. Neuroptera .] 38 Ins. XIII. INSECTA. 590. Maskell, W. M. Further Coccid notes ; with descriptions of new species, and remarks on Coccids from New Zealand, Australia, and elsewhere. Tr. N. Z. Inst, xxiv, pp. 1-64, pis. i-xiii. 591. . Migrations and new localities of some Coccids. Ent. M. M. xxviii, pp. 69-71. 592. ~ A new Icerya, and some other Coccids from Australia. T . c. pp. 183 & 184. 593. Matthews, A. Notes on Dr. C. Flach’s synonymic list of the European Trichopterygidce. Ann. N. H. (6) ix, pp. 442-448. [Coleo- ptera.] 594. Mayer, P. Zur Kenntniss von Coccus cacti. MT. z. Stat. Neap, x, pp. 505-518, pi. xxxii. [ Ehynchota.] 595. Meade, R. H. Speciei novse Tachinidarum descriptio. Wien. ent. Z. xi, p. 114. [Dipteral] 596. — — . Description d’un Diptere nouveau. Bull. Soc. Ent. Fr. lxi, p. cxvi. 597. . Annotated list of British Tachinidce. Ent. M. M. xxviii, pp. 17, &c., &c. [ Diptera.] 598. Medina, — . Nuevas especies de Vespidos de Espana. Act. Soc. Esp. xxi, pp. 142-144. [Hymenoptera.] 599. Meinert, F. Trgek af Insektlivet i Venezuela. Ent. Medd. iii, pp. 125-166. 600. Merrifield, F. The effects of Artificial Temperature on the Colour- ing of several species of lepidoptera , with an account of some experiments on the effect of light. Tr. E. Soc. 1892, pp. 33-44. Summary in J. R. Micr. Soc. 1892, p. 469. 601. . Double-broodedness : whether influenced by the state of the food-plant ? Ent. M. M. xxviii, p. 20. [Lepidoptera.] 602. Meunier, F. Apei^u des genres de Dolichopodidce de l’ambre suivi du Catalogue bibliographique des Dipteres fossiles de cette Resine. Ann. Soc. Ent. Fr. lxi, pp. 377-384. 603. Meyrick, E. On the classification of the Geometrina of the Euro- pean fauna. Tr. E. Soc. 1892, pp. 53-140, pi. iii. [Lepidoptera.] Reviewed by Rebel (714). 604. ' Revision of Australian Lepidoptera. v. P. Linn. Soc. N.S.W. (2) vi, pp. 581-678. 605. . On new species of Lepidoptera. Tr. N. Z. Inst, xxiv, pp. 216— 220. 606. Mik, J. Dipterologische Miscellen. xx. (1 Serie.) Wien. ent. Z. xi, pp. 55-58. Includes a table of contents of the twenty memoirs forming the series. TITLES. Ins. 39 GOT. [Mik, J.] Dipterologische Miscellen, (2 Serie.) Wien, ent, Z. xi, pp. 116, &c. G08. Zur Kenntniss der Dipteren Gattung Hilara. T. c. pp, 78-85, [Diptera.] 609. , Ueber ein neues bochalpines Dipteron aus der Familie der Dolichopodiden. T. c. pp. 279-281. 610. . Ueber zwei Cecidomyiden-Gallen aus Tirol. T. c. pp. 306- 308, pi. iii. \_Diptera .] 611. Miskix, W. H. A revision of the Australian Sphingidce, P. R. Soc. Queensl. viii, pt. iii, pp. \_Lepidoptera.~\ This and the two following are recorded from separate copies ; although taken from Yol. viii of the Queensland Society, Yol. vii does not appear to have yet reached London. 612. . Further note on Australian Sphingidce. T. c. pp, {Lepidoptera^ 613. . New species of Australian Macro- Lepidoptera. T. c. pp. 614. Moberg, J. C. Om en Hemipter fran Sveriges Undre Graptolet- skilfer. Geol. Foren. Stockholm Forh. xiv, pp. 121-124. 615. Mocsary, A. Hymenoptera in expeditione Comitis Belae Szechenyi in China et Tibet a Dom G. Kreitner et L. Loczy anno 1879 collecta. Term, fuzetek, xv, pp. 126-131. 616. Moniez, R. Memoire sur quelques Acariens et Thysanoures parasites ou commensaux des Fourmis. Rev. Biol, iv, pp. 377-391. 617. Montandon, A. Deux Hemipteres nouveaux. Rev. d’Ent. xi, pp. 73-76. 618. . Hemipteres-Heteropteres nouveaux. T. c. pp. 265-273. 619. . Hemipteres Plataspides nouveaux. T. c. pp. 273-284. 620. . Etudes sur la sous-famille des Plataspidince. T. c. pp. 294- 308. [ RJiynchota .] 621. Monti, R. Ricerche microscopiche sul sistema nervoso degli insetti. Rend. 1st. Lombardo (2) xxv, pp. 533-540 & 654. Reported in Arch. Ital. Biol, xviii, pp. 62-70. 622. Moore, F. Lepidoptera Indica. Pts. ix-xij. Yol. i is completed, and consists of xii and 317 pp. and 94 pis. 623. Descriptions of some new species of Asiatic Sata rniidce. Ann. N. H. (6) ix, pp. 448-453. [. Lepidoptera .] 624. Morawitz, F. Hymenoptera aculeata , rossica nova. Hor. Ent. Ross, xxvi, pp. 132-181. 625. Morgan, A. C. F. A new genus and species of Aleurodidce. Ent. M. M. xxviii, pp. 29-33, pi. i. [Bhynchota.'] The description is partly by Douglas. 626. . Observations on Coccidce. No. 9. T. c. pp. 12-16. 40 Ins. XIII. INSECTA. Morgan, A. C. F. [See also Cockerell (179).] 627. Mortensen, R. C. Lucilia sylvarum , Meig., als Schmarotzer an Bufo vulgaris. Zool. Anz. xv, pp. 193-195. {Diptera.] 628. Muggenbttrg, F. H. Der Riissel der Diptera pupipara. Arch. f. Nat. lviii, i, pp. 287-332, pis. xv & xvi. Summary in J. R. Micr. Soc. 1893, p. 35. 629. Muller, G-. W. Beobachtungen an im Wasser lebenden Schmetterlingsraupen. Zool. Jahrb. Syst. vi, pp. 617-630, pi. xxviii. [. Lepidoptera .] 630. Murtfeldt, M. E. Entomological notes for the season of 1891. Bull. Dep. Agric. Ent. xxvi, pp. 36-44. 631. Neren, C. H. Entomologiska Anteckningar. Ent. Tidskr. xiii, pp. 57-68. [ Hymenoptera .] 632. =. Entomologiska Sommarstudier. T. c. pp. 97-116. {Hy- menoptera.] 633. Neumoegen, B. Some beautiful new Bombycids from the West and Northwest. Canad. Ent. xxiv, pp. 225-228. {Lepidoptera .] 634. — — . Description of a new Cossid from Texas. Ent. News, iii, p. 258. [ Lepidoptera .] 635. Nevinson, B. G-. Description of three new species of the genus Phanceus. Ent. M. M. xxviii, pp. 33-35. [ Coleoptera .] 636. . Revised synonymic list of species in the genus Phanceus , Macleay. London, 1892, 8vo, 10 pp. 637. Newstead, R. On new or little known Coccidce) chiefly English. Ent. M. M. xxviii, pp. 141-147, pi. ii. 638. Niceville, L. de. On new and little known Butterflies from the Indo-Malayan region. J. Bomb. N. H. Soc. vii, pp. 322-356, pis. H, i, J. {Lepidoptera.'] 639. Nicolas, H. Les Hymenopteres et leurs parasites. Echange, 1890 & 1891, pp. 189, &c., &c. 640. . Observations entomologiques et autres faits au sommet du Mont Yentoux. C.R. Ass. Fr. Sci. xx, pt. 2, pp. 566-571. {'Hymenoptera.] Effects on Osmia of transplanting it to summit. 641. Nolan, E. J. The introduction of the Ailanthus Silkworm Moth. Ent. News, iii, pp. 193-195. {Lepidoptera.] 642. Nonfried, A. F. Neue afrikanische, central-amerikanische und ost-asiatische Melolontliiden und Puteliden. BerJ. Ent. Zeit. xxxvi, pp. 221-240. {Coleoptera.] 643. . Yerzeichniss der Rutelidce beschrieben nach der Heraus- gabe des Munchener Kataloges. T. c. pp. 347-358 & 449-454. {Coleoptera.] TITLES. Ins. 41 64 4. [Nonfried, A. F.] Weitere Beitrage zur Kaferfauna von Siid-asien und Neu-guinea. Berl. Ent. Zeit. xxxvi, pp. 359-380. [ Coleoptera .] 645. . Monographische Uebersicht der Prioniden-g attung Callipogon, Serv. Op. cit. xxxvii, pp. 17-24, pi. iii. [Coleoptera.] 646. . Yerzeichniss der seit 1871 neu beschriebenen Glaphyriden , Melolonthiden und Euchiriden. T. c. pp. 249-290. [Coleoptera,.] 647. . Yerzeichniss der um Nienghali in Siidchina gesammelten Luccinoiden , Scarabceiden , Buprestiden und Cerambyciden, nebst Beschreibung neuer Arten. Ent. Nachr. xviii, pp. 81-95. [Coleoptera.] 648. . Beitrage zur Coleopteren- fauna von Africa und Madagascar. T. c. pp. 105-111, 117-126, & 136-141. 649. Nunney, W. H. The British Perlidce or Stone-flies. Sci. Goss. 1892, p. 35, &c. 650. Oberthur, C. Etudes d’entomologie. Faunes entomologiques. Descriptions d’insectes nouveaux ou peu connus. 16me Livraison, pp. x & 9, pis. i & ii. [Lepidoptera.] 651. , Etude sur une collection de Lepidopteres formee sur la cote de Malabar et k Ceylan par M. Emile Deschamps. Mem. Soc. Zool, v, pp. 237-252. Some notes on metamorphoses. 652. Olivier, E. Lampyrides rapportes de Birmanie par M. L. Fea, avec descriptions des especes nouvelles. Ann. Mus. Genov. (2) x, pp. 595-604. [ Coleoptera .] 653. . Descriptions de deux nouvelles especes du genre Luciola . T. c. pp. 1010 & 1011. \Coleopterad\ 654. Olliff, A. S. Further remarks on the saltbush Scale ( Pulvinaria mashelli , Oil.). Agric. Gaz. N.S.W. iii, pp. 176-180. [ Coccidce - LepidopteraJ] 655. . A new Longicorn Beetle attacking Orange trees. T. c. pp. 895-897, pi. lvii. \Coleopterad\ 656. Ormerod, E. A. Report of observations of injurious insects and common farm pests, with special report on attack of Caterpillars of the Diamond-back Moth, during the year 1891, with methods of prevention and remedy. Fifteenth Report. London : 1892, 8vo, pp. vi & 170. 657. Osborn, H. Insects of the Season in Iowa. Bull. Dep. Agric. Ent. xxvi, p]f. 57-62. — — . [See also Bruner, Coquillett, & Osbor^ (136).] 659. Osten-Sacken, C. R. Second notice on the Apiocerina. Berl. Ent. Zeit. xxxvi, pp. 311-315. [. Diptera.'\ 42 Ins. XIII. INSECTA. 660. [Osten-Sacken, C. R.] Synopsis of the described genera and species of the Blepharoceridce. T. c. pp. 407-411. [Biptera.] 661. . On the Chaetotaxy of Caccoxenus indag ator, Lw. T. c. pp. 411 & 412. [Dip ter a.] 662. . Synonymy of Antocha , O.-S., and Orimargula , Mik. T. c. pp. 413-416. [Diptera.] 663. . Additions and corrections to the Catalogue of the described species of South- American Asilidce , by S. W. Williston. T. c. pp. 417-428. [Diptera.] 664. Oudemans, J. T. Het prepareeren van Rupsen. Tijdschr. Ent* xxxv, pp. 27-30, pi. ii. [Lepidoptera.] 665. Packard, A. S. On the scale-like and flattened hairs of certain Lepidopterous larvae. Ann. N. H. (6) ix, pp. 372-375. 666. . On the larva of Lagoa , a Bombycine Caterpillar with seven pairs of abdominal legs ; with notes on its metameric glandular abdominal processes. Zool. Anz. xv, pp. 229-234. [Lepidoptera.] 667. Pagenstecher, A. Ueber einige neue arten des Pyraliden genus Tetrapliana , Ragonot. Deutsche e. Z. Lep. v, pp. 1-4. [Lepidoptera.] 668. . Ueber die Familie der Siculiden. T. c. pp. 5-131. [Lepklo- ptera.~\ Summary and statistics by Seitz, S. E. Z. liii, pp. 155 & 156. 669. . Nachtrage iiber die Familie der Siculiden. T. c. pp. 443- 449. [ Lepidoptera .] 670. Patton, W. H. Notes upon Larradce. Ent. News, iii, pp. 89 & 90. [ Hymenoptera.'] 671. Pergande, T. Peculiar habit of AmmopJiila gipphu.s, Sm. P. E. Soc. Wash, ii, pp. 256-258. [ Hymenoptera .] 672. Peringuey, L. Third contribution to the South African Coleo- pterous Fauna. Tr. S. African Phil. Soc. vi, part 2, pp. 1-94. 673. — . Fourth contribution to the South African Coleopterous Fauna. Description of new Coleoptera in the South African Museum. T. c. pp. 95-134. 674. Perkins, R. C. L. Stylopized Bees. Ent. M. M. xxviii,.pp. 1-4. 675. Petersen, W. Die Entwickelung des Schmetterlings nach dem Yerlassen der Puppenhulle. Deutsche e. Z. Lep. iv, pp. 199-214. [Lepidoptera.'] 676. . Ueber die Ungleichzeitigkeit in der Erscheinung der Gesch- lechter bei Schmetterlingen. Zool. Jahrb. Syst. vi, pp. 671-679. [Lepidoptera.] TITLES. Ins. 43 677. Pic, M. Cortodera reitteri, n. sp. Echange, 1891, No. 78, p. 43. [Coleoptera.] 678. . Descriptions et corrections. Op. cit. 1892, p. 4. [Coleoptera.] 679. . Petite etude sur le 'genre Stenopterus , Steph. T. c. pp. 21-23. [Coleoptera.~\ 680. . Contributions a l’Etude des Anthicides d’Algerie. T. c. p. 102. [Coleoptera.] 681. . Conizonia leprieuri , n. sp. Bull. Soc. Ent. Fr. Ixi, p. lii, [Coleoptera.] 682. . Anthicus chobauti , n. sp. T. c. p. Ixxv. [ Coleoptera .] 683. . Delagrangeus , n. gen. T. c. pp. xciii & xciv. [ Coleoptera .] 684. . Descriptions de Coleopteres. T. c. pp. cxcvi-cxcviii. 685. . Description de deux Anthicus nouveaux. T. c. p. ccxxi. [Coleoptera.'] 686. . Diagnoses de Polyarthron nouveaux. T. c. pp. cclix & cclx. [Coleoptera.'] 687. . Descriptions de nouveaux Anthicus. T. c. pp. cclxviii-cclxxii. [Coleoptera,.'] 688. . Voyage de M. Charles Delagrange dans la Haute-Syrie. Longicornes. Ann. Soc. Eat. Fr. Ixi, pp. 413-416. [Coleoptera.] 689. . Anthicides recueillis en Algerie en avril et mai 1892. Rev. Sci. Bourb. v, pp. 212-220. [ Coleoptera .] 690. . Sur les Tomoderus, Laf. T.c. pp. 240-242. [Coleoptera.] 691. . Descriptions de Longicornes d’ Algerie. Abeille, xxvii, pp. 289 & 290. [Coleoptera.] 692. Pictet, A., & Saussure, H. de. Iconographie de quelques Sauterelles vertes. Geneva : 1892, 4to, 26 pp., 3 pis. [Orthoptera.] 693. Plateau, F. Une forme speciale de Colonies temporaires de Coccinella septempunctata. Ann. Ent. Belg. xxxvi, pp. 393-396. [Coleoptera.] 694. . Les chenilles carnassieres. Le Nat. 1892, pp. 71 & 72. [Lepuloptera.] 695. . La ressemblance profcectrice dans le regne animal. Bull. Ac. Belg. (3) xxiii, pp. 89-135. 696. Poll, J. R. H. N. van de. Contributions &laFaune Indo-Chinoise. 9e Memoire. Buprestidce. Ann. Soc. Ent. Fr. Ixi, pp. 17-26. [Coleoptera.] 697. . On new or little-known Australian Longicornia. I. Tijdschr. Ent. xxxiv, pp. 219-228, pi. xiii. [Coleoptera.] 44 Ins. Sill. INSEC TA. 698. Portschinsky, J. Biologie des mouches coprophagues et necro- phagues. Premiere partie. Hor. Ent. Ross, xxvi, pp. 63-131. [. Diptera .] Entirely in the Russian language. 699. -. Diptera europsea et asiatica nova aut minus cognita. T. c. pp. 201-227, pi. i. In the Russian language, but with Latin diagnoses. 700. . Lepidopterorum Rossiae biologia. in. Coloration marquante et taches ocellees, leur origine et leur developpement. Suite. T. c. pp. 258-411, pis. ii & iii. Entirely in Russian. 701. Postans, R. B. Butterflies. Tr. Eastbourne Soc. (n.s.) ii, pp. 259-292, pi. Interesting considerations of a popular character. 702. Poujade, G-. A. Collection d’insectes formee dans l’Indo-Chine par M. Pavie, Consul de France au Cambodge. Lepidopteres. N. Arch. Mus. (3) iii, pp. 255-276, pi. xi. 703. Poulton, E. B. Further experiments upon the colour-relation between certain Lepidopterous larvae, pupae, cocoons, and imagines and their surroundings. Tr. Ent. Soc. 1892, pp. 293-487, pis. xiv & xv. 704. Pratt, A. E. To the Snows of Tibet through China. London : 8vo. Includes information as to localities of several Chinese Lepidoptera. 705. Prochazka, J. Revision der Arten der Coleopteren-Gattmig, Hapalus , Fabr. Wien. ent. Z. xi, pp. 263-270. 706. Pungeler, R. Ueber zwei Psychiden- Arten aus Sizilien. Deutsche e. Z. Lep. v, pp. 133-140. [Lepidoptera.} 707. Puton, A. Descriptions de trois Hemipteres nouveaux. Rev. d’Ent. xi, pp. 71 & 72. 708. . Hemipteres nouveaux ou peu connus. T. c. pp. 24-36. 709. Raffray, A. Recherches Anatomiques sur le Pentaplatarthus paussoides. Coleoptere de la famille des Paussides. N. Arch. Mus. (3) iv, pp. 91-102, pi. xiii. 710. & Bolivar, I. Etude sur les Arthropodes cavernicoles de Pile de Luzon. Ann. Soc. Ent. Fr. lxi, pp. 27-34, pi. i. [ Coleoptera , Orthoptera .] 711. Ragonot, E. L. Trois especes inedites de Microlepidopteres. Bull. Soc. Ent. Fr. lxi, p. lxxxii. 712. . Diagnoses d’un genre nouveau et de deux especes nouvelles de Phycites. T. c. pp. ccxxxv & ccxxxvi. [Lepidoptera. J - — . [See also Staudinger (890).] TITLES. Ins. 45 713. Rath, 0. vom. Zur Kenntniss der Spermatogenese von Gryllo- talpa vulgaris. Arch. mikr. Anat. xl, pp. 102-132, pi. v. [Orthoptera.] Summary in J. R. Micr. Soc. 1892, p. 781. 714. Rebel, H. Zwei GeomeZnYZew-Classificationen. S. E. Z. liii, pp. 247-268. [LepidopteraJ] Meyrick’s & Gumppenberg’s. Some points in the work of the former are much objected to ; he considers it a matter for surprise that Gumppenberg’s work should be published by a great Society. 715. .. Beitrag zur M icrolepidopteren-faxma. des canarischen Archi- pels. Ann. Hofmuseum Wien, vii, pp. 241-284, pi. xvii. 716. . Beitrag zur Lepidopteren-i&xmz, Sudtirols, insbesondere der Umgebung Bozens. Yerh. z.-b. Wien, xlii, pp. 509-536. 717. Redtenbacher, J. Monographische Uebersicht der Mecopodiden. T. c. pp. 183-224, pi. iii. [Orthoptera.] -. [See also Brenner & Redtenbacher (138).] 718. Reed, E. C. Entomologia Chilena, sinonimia. Act. Soc. Chili, i, pp. 66-69. [ Lepicloptera , Dip ter a.'] 719. Revision de las Abe j as Chilenas descritas en la obra de Gay. Op. cit. ii, pp . 223-240. [HymenopteraT] 720. Regimbart, M. Enumeration des Dytiscidce et Gyrinidce recueillis par M. Leonardo Fea, dans les voyages en Birmanie et regiones voisines. Ann. Mus. Genov. (2) x, pp. 536-554. [Coleoptera.] 721. . Yiaggio di Lamberto Loria nella Papuasia orientale. iv Haliplidce , Dytiscidce , et Gyrinidce. T. c. pp. 978-997. [Coleoptera.] 722. . Description de deux Hydrocoptus ( Dytiscidce ) nouveaux. Notes Leyd. Mus. xiv, pp. 11 & 12. [ Coleoptera .] 723. -. Insectes du Bengale occidental. Hydrocanthares. Ann. Ent. Belg. xxxvi, pp. 112-121. [ Coleoptera .] 724. Reitter, E. Coleopterologische Notizen. Wien. ent. Z. xi, pp. 25, &c. 725. -. Fiinfter Beitrag zur Coleopteren- fauna des russischen Reiches. T. c. pp. 59-68. Sechster Beitrag, t. c. pp. 133-135. Siebenter Beitrag, t. c. pp. 151-154. 726. Ueber die Arten der Coleopteren-G&ttung Leptocles , Sol. T. c. pp. 93-96. 727. . Ueber eine Lasiopsis- Art aus dem Kaukasus. T. c. p. 101. [Coleoptera.] 728. -. Uebersicht der bekannten Arten der Coleopteren-Gsitixing Apotomus , 111., aus der palaarctischen Fauna. T. c. pp. 137 & 138. 729. * Uebersicht der Arten der Coleopteren-Q&tirmv Monotropus , Er. T. c. p. 142. 46 Ins. XIII. INSECTA. 730. Reuter, 0. M. Hemiptera Heteroptera fran trakterna Kring Sajanska bargskedjan. CEfv. Finska Forh. xxxiii, pp. 166-208. 731. . Voyage de M. E. Simon an Venezuela. Hemipteres-Hetero- pteres. lere partie. Cap sides. Ann. Soc. Ent. Fr. lxi, pp. 391-402. 732. — — •. A new species of Helopeltis. Eat. M. M. xxviii, p. 159 [Rhynchota.] 733. — — . Species Capsidarum et Anthocoridarum madagascarienses , descripsit. T. c. pp. 185-187. [ Rhynchota .] 734. . Podurider fran nordvestra Sibirien. CEfv. Finska Forh. xxxiii, pp. 226-229. [Thysanura.] 735. Rey, C. Remarques en passant. Echange i, No. 17, &c., &c. It is not possible to treat the names mentioned in this series of papers as representing new forms, though many of them are probably thought to do so by their author. 736. . Description d’une nouvelle espece de Curculionide. Op. cit. 1888, No. 45, p. 4. [ Coleoptera .] 737. Ribbe, C. Anleitung zum Kafersammeln in tropischen Landern. Berl. Ent. Zeit. xxxvii, pp. 125-138. 738. Richardson, N. M. On a case of apparent substitution of a wing for a leg in a Moth. P. Dorset Club, xi, pp. 61-73. [Lepidoptera.] 739. . On some of the chief peculiarities in the Lepidopterous fauna of Portland. T, c. pp. 46-63, pi. 740. . Notes on Dorset Lepidoptera in 1891. Op. cit. xiii, pp. 168- 177, pi. 741. Riley, C. V. Same interrelations of plants and insects. P. Biol. Soc. Washington, vii, pp. 81-104. 742. - — -. On certain peculiar structures of Lepidoptera. P. E. Soc. Wash, ii, pp. 305-312. 743. ■. New species of Prodoxidce. T. c. pp. 312-319. [Lepi- doptera.'] 744 __ — _ Rose Sawflies in the United States. Ins. Life, v, pp. 6-11. [Hymenoptera.] 745. . The larger Digger-wasp. Op. cit. iv, pp. 248-252. [Hymeno- ptera.] 740_ — On the larva and some peculiarities of the cocoon of Sphecius speciosus. P. E. Soc. Wash, ii, pp. 170-172. [Hymeno- ptera.] 747# A probable Microgaster parasite of Eleodes in the perfect state. T. c. p. 211. [Hymenoptera.] 748. -. Mexican Jumping Bean : the determination of the plant. T. c. pp. 178-181. [Lepidoptera.] TITLES. Ins. 47 749. [Riley, C. V.] Further note on Carpocapsa saliitans and on a new Grapholitha producing Jumping Beans. P. E. Soc. Wash, ii, pp. 213 & 214. [Lepidoptera.] 750. . Coleopterous larvae with so-called dorsal pro-legs. T. c. pp. 319-323. 751. . The first larval or post- embryonic stage of the Pea and Bean Weevils. Canad. Ent. xxiv, pp. 185 & 186. [Coleoptera.] 752. On the nomenclature and on the oviposition of the Bean Weevil. Ins. Life, v, pp. 27-33. [ Coleoptera .] 753. — — . The Ox Bot in the United States. Habits and Natural History of Hypoderma lineata. Op. cit. iv, pp. 302-317. [Diptera. ] 754. . The Pea and Bean Weevils. T. c. pp. 297-302. [Coleo- ptera.] 755. Rippox, R. H. F. leones Orniihopterorum. Pt. v. London : 1892. [ Lepidoptera .] 756. . Description of a new species of Ornithoptera , of the priamus group, in the collection of the Hon. L. Walter Rothschild. Ann. N. H. (6) x, pp. 193-196. [ Lepidoptera .] 757. Ritsema, C. The genus Helota , as represented in the Civic Museum of Natural History at Genoa, with descriptions of the new species collected in Burma by Mr. L. Fea. Ann. Mus. Genov. (2) x, pp. 885-902. [ Coleoptera .] 758. . Description of a new species of the Lucanoid genus Cyclommatus, and list of the described species. Notes Leyd. Mus. xiv, pp. 1-6. [ Coleoptera .] 759. . A new Lucanoid Beetle from Java. T. c. p. 31. [ Coleo- ptera.,] 760. A new Longicorn Beetle. T. c . p. 38. [ Coleoptera .] 761. . Cyclommatus squamosus , a new species of Lucanid from Borneo. T. c. p. 54. [ Coleoptera .] 762. - — , Prosopocoelus tar salts , a new Lucanid. T. c. p. 191. [Coleoptera.] 763. . Three new species of the Longicorn genus Pachyteria. T. c. pp. 213-220. [Coleoptera.] 764. . Two new species of the Longicorn genus Glenea. T. c. xiv, pp. 221-224. [Coleoptera.] 765. Robbe, H. Insectes du Bengale occidental. Liste d’une collection de Lepidopteres recueillis au Bengale occidental ; avec une descrip- tion d’une variete nouvelle et quelques considerations sur des especes connues. Ann. Ent. Belg. xxxvi, pp. 122-131. 766. -. Lepidopteres du Congo. Description de deux nouvelles especes et de deux nouvelles varietes. T. c. pp. 132-134. 48 Ins. XIII. 1N&ECTA. 767. Rober, J. Beitrag zur Kenntniss der Indo-australischen Lepido- jpferen-fauna. Tijdschr. Ent. xxxiv, pp. 261-334. There are plates to this memoir that appear, unfortunately, only in the next volume. 768. Robertson, C. Descriptions of new North- American Bees. Am. Nat. xxvi, pp. 267-274. [ Hymenoptera .] 769. Roder, V. v. Ueber die Dipteren-d attung Lyroneurus, Low, nebst Beschreibung einer neuen Art. Soc. Ent. vii, p. 81. 770. . Brachycercea novum genus Conopidarum. Ent. Nachr. xviii, p. 366. [ Diptera .] 771. . Drei neue Dipteren , aus der Sendung des Herrn Baron von Muller, in Melbourne, an das Konigliche Naturalien-Cabinet in Stuttgart. S. E. Z. liii, pp. 241-244. 772. Roelofs, W. Description d’une espece nouvelle du genre Eugi- thopus. Notes Leyd. Mus. xiv, p. 7. \Coleopterad[ 773. . Observations sur les especes du genre Oxyopisthen et des genres voisins. T. c. pp. 33-37. [ Coleoptera .] 774. . Description de deux nouvelles especes du genre Onycho- gymnus. T. c. pp. 49-53. \_Coleoptera.~\ 775. . Description d’un nouveau genre et d’une nouvelle espece de Curculionides de la tribu des Vlomascides. T. c. pp. 136-138. \_Coleoptera.~\ 776. . Deux nouveaux genres et deux nouvelles especes du groupe des Rhynchophorides. T. c. pp. 207-212. {Coleoptera?^ 111. Rogenhofer, A. F. Ueber die taschenformigen Hinterleibs-Anhange der weiblichen Schmetterlinge der Acrceiden. Verh. z.-b. Wien, xlii, pp. 579-581. \_Lepidoptera.1 778. . Neue Lepklopteren des k. k. naturhistorischen Hofmuseums. T. c. pp. 571-575. 779. Romanoff, N. M. Memoires sur les Lepidopteres. Tome vi. St. Petersbourg : 1892, 8vo, 770 pp., 16 pis. The contents are : — 1. Alpheraky, S. : Lepidopteres rapportes de la Chine et de la Mongolie par Gr. N. Potanine ; pp. 1-81, pis. i-iii. 2. Staudinger, 0. : Die Macrolepidopteren des Amurgebiets ; I Theil, Bkopalocera, Sphinges , Bombyces , Noctuce , pp. 83-658, pis. iv-xiv. 3. Standfuss, M. : Lepidopterologisches ; pp. 659-669, pi. xv. 4. Erschoff, N. : Yerzeichniss von Schmetterlingen aus Central-Siberien ; pp. 670-672, pi. xvi. 780. Rost, — ■. Plectes polychrous , n. sp., &c. Deutsche e. Z. 1892, pp. 401 & 402. [ Coleoptera .] 781. Rostock, M. Capnodes schilleri, eine neue deutsche Perlide. Berl. Ent. Zeit. xxxvii, pp. 1-5, pi. i. [ Eeuroptera. ] TITLES. Ins . 49 782. Rothschild, W. On a little-known species of Papilio from the Island of Lifu, Loyalty group. Tr. E. Soc. 1892, p. 141, pi. iv. [LepidopteraJ] 783. . Notes on a collection of Lepidoptera made by William Doherty in Southern Celebes, during August and September, 1891. Part i. Rhopalocera. Deutsche e. Z. Lep. v, pp. 429-442. . [See also Butler & Rothschild (147).] 784. Rubsaamen, E. H. Mittheilungen fiber Gallmficken. Yerh. z.-b. Ges. Wien, xlii, pi. ii. [Dipterad] 785. . Ueber Gallmiickenlarven. Berl. Ent. Zeit. xxxvi, pp. 381— 392, pi. xiv. [DipteraJ] 786. . Neue Gallmucken und Gallen. T. c. pp. 393-406. [Dip ter a.'] 787. . Die Gallmucken des Konigl. Museums fur Naturkunde zu Berlin. Op. cit. xxxvii, pp. 319-411, pis. vii-xviii. [Dip ter a. ~\ 788. Ruge, — . Tetracha Tiorni , n. sp. Deutsche e. Z. 1892, p. 130. [Coleoptera,.] 789. Rdhl, F. Die palasarktischen Gross-schmetterlinge und ihre Natur- geschichte. Leipzig : 8vo. To be completed in 75 parts ; the first is published. 790. . Neue europaische Dasypolien. Soc. Ent. vi, pp. 169 & 170. [LepidopterciJ] Salvin, O. [See Godman & Salvin (347).] 791. Saxgagli, G. Echinococco ed CEstrus nelTuomon. Rend. 1st. Lombardo (2) xxv, pp. 1167-1178. [Dipteral 792. Saundees, E. The Hemiptera-Keteroptera of the British Islands. London : 8vo, vi & 350 pp., 32 pis. 793. Saussure, H. de. Histoire naturelle des Hymenopteres. Eistoire physique, naturelle et politique de Madagascar, publiee par Alfred Grandidier. Yol. xx, premiere partie, pp. 177-590, pis. xxi-xxvii. Completes the part, the antecedent portion having been recorded last year. The parasitica are not described, though figured on the plates. 794; . Orthoptera Centrali- Americana. Soc. Ent. vii, pp. 121-124. 795. . Note supplementaire a la Synopsis de la tribu des Sagiens , Orthopteres de la famille des Locustides. Ann. Soc. Ent. Fr. lxi, pp. 5-16. . [See also Distant (210) and Pictet & de Saussure (692).] 796. Sawtschenko, J. Die Beziehung der Fliegen zur Yerbreitung der Cholera. CB. Bakt. Parasit. xii, pp. 893-898. 797. Schaef, — . TTeber Insektenreste aus dem Torflager von Klinge, SB. Ges. Naturf. Berl. 1892, pp. 8-11. 1892. [yol. xxix.] e 4 50 Ins. XIII. INSECTA. 798. Schaus, W., Jun. American Lepidoptera ; illustrations of new and rare species. Part i, pp. 1-24, pis. i-iii. London : 1892, 4to. 799. . Descriptions of new species of Lepidoptera Heterocera from Brazil, Mexico, and Peru. P. Z. S. 1892. Part i, pp. 272-291 ; Part ii, pp. 318-341. Many of the species are figured in the preceding (798). 800. Schlechtendal, D. YON. Ueber das Yorkommen fossilen “ Ruck- enschwimmer ” ( Notonecten ) im Braunkohlengebirge von Rott. Z. Naturw. Ixv, pp. 141-143. \_Rhynchota.'] 801. Schmidt, J. Neue Histeriden. Ent. Nachr. xviii, pp. 17-29. \_Coleoptera.~\ 802. — — . Voyage de M. Ch. Alluaud dans ie territoire d’Assinie (Afrique occidentale). Histeridce. Ann. Soc. Ent. Fr. lxi, pp. 289 291. [ Coleoptera. ~\ Sciimiedcknecht, O. [See Graffe (358).] 803. Schultess-Reciiberg, A. v. Tiphia picta spec. nov. aus Bul- garien. MT. Schw. ent. Ges. viii, p. 384. \_Hymenoptera.~\ 804. Schwarz, E. A. Entomological Club of American Association for the Advancement of Science — Annual Address of the President. Canad. Ent. xxiv, pp. 213-224. A consideration of the present position of Coleopterology in N, America. 805. . Note on Pliytobius. P. Ent. Soc. Wash, ii, p. 165. \Coleoptera .] 806. % Note on the Food-habits of some Halticids. T. c. pp. 182— 184. \Coleoptera'.\ 807. — — . Verdigris in Coleoptera. T. c. pp. 220-222. 808. — . Time of Flight in Lachno sterna. T. c. pp. 241-244. \ColeopteraI\ 809. Schwarz, O. Revision der palaarktischen Arten der Elate - riden- Gattung Melanotus, Esch. Deutsche e. Z. 1892, pp. 145-164. Coleoptera .] 810. — - — . Neue Cardiophorus- Arten. T. c. pp. 383 & 384. [ Coleoptera .] 811. -. Spheniscosomus, eine neue, bisher verkannte Elateriden- Gattung. Wien. ent. Z. xi, p. 132. [ Coleopterad\ 812. Sctidder, S. H. The songs of our Grasshoppers and Crickets. Rep. E. Soc. Ont. xxiii, pp. 62-78. \_Orihoptera.~\ 813. . New light on the formation of the abdominal pouch in Parnassius. Tr. Ent. Soc. 1892, pp. 249-253. [ Lepidoptera .] 814. — -. The Tertiary Rhynchophora in North America. P. Bost. Soc. xxv, pp. 370-386. [ Coleoptera.^ TITLES. Ins. 51 815. [Scudder, S. H.] The services of Edward Burgess to Natural Science. P. Bost. Soc. xxv, pp. 358-364. 816. — — . The Orthopteran genus Hippiscus. Psyche, vi, pp. 265-274, 285-288, 301-305, 317-320, 333-336, 347-350, & 359-363. 817. Seitz, A. Reiseskizzen, i. Singapore. S. E. Z. liii, pp. 52-61. \_Lepidoptera.~] 818. . Reiseskizzen, ii. Lantana. T. c. pp. 228-238. [Lepidoptera.] Concerns the attractiveness of Lantana bush to insects in the East. 819. . Mittheilungen uber Mimicry. Yerh. deutsch. Zool. Ges. i, 1891, pp. 49-53. \_Lepidoptera.\ 820. . Mittheilungen von einer Reise nach China und Japan. Op. cit. 1892, pp. 14-18. 821. . Eine zoologische Excursion in die Umgegend von Shanghai. JB. nass. Ver. xlv, pp. 41-48. 822. . Eine entomologische Excursion in die Umgebung von Hiogo. T. c. pp. 51-61. 823. — — . Ein Ausflug in die Umgebung von Nagasaki. Ent. Nachr. xviii, pp. 49-54. 824. Selys-Longchamps, E. de. Yiaggio di Leonardo Fea in Bir- mania e regioni vicine. xxxii. Odonates. Ann. Mus. Genov. (2) x, pp. 433-518. [Neuroptera.~\ 825. . Causeries Odonatologiques. No. 6, Les Gomplunes d’Afrique. Ann. Ent. Belg. xxxvi, pp. 86-107. [. NeuropteraJ] 826. . Apparition accidentelle de la Mantis religiosa et de quelques autres insectes en Belgique. T. c. pp. 495-503. 827. Semenow, A. De genre PseudocTirysis m. Hor. Ent. Ross, xxvi, pp. 480-491. [ Hymenoptera.~\ 828. . Revisio Hymenopterorum Musei Zoologici Academiee Cmsareae scientiarum Petropolitanee. i. Genus Cleptes , Latr. Bull. Petersb. (n.s.) ii, pp. 497-504. n. Genus Alia, Leach ; t. c. pp. 509-517. hi. Evaniidce ; op. cit. iii, pp. 9-30. 829. . Chrysididarum species novse. Bull. Petersb. (n.s.) iii, pp. 7 1-95. \_Hymenoptera.~\ 830. . Note sur la subdivision du genre Lethrus , Scop., et description de deux especes nouvelles. Hor. Eut. Ross, xxvi, pp. 232-244. [ Coleoptera.] 831. . De Brenthidarum genere novo pakearctico. T. c. pp. 438-443. [Coleoptera. ] 832. . Conspectus specierum generis Glaresis , Er. T. c. pp. 468-470. [ Coleoptera .] 52 Ins. XIII. INSECTA. 833. [Semenow, A.] Notse breves de quibusdam Melolonthides. Hor. Ent. Ross, xxvi, pp. 471-476. [ Coleoptera .] 834. . Generis Glaphyrusi Latr., species nova rossica. T. c. pp. 477-479. [i Coleoptera .] 835. Semper, G. Reisen im Archipel der Philippinen von Dr. C. Semper. Zweiter Theil. Wissenschaftliche Resultate. Fiinfter Band. Die Schmetterlinge der Philippinischen Inseln. Beitrag zur Indo-Malayischen Lepidopteren-f&xmn,. Erste Abtheilung, Die Tagf alter. Bhopalocera, part vm, pp. 271-380, pis. xlvii-xlix. This part completes the volume, which has a second title page as follows : Die Schmetterlinge der Philippinischen Inseln : Beitrag zur Indo-Malayischen Lepidopteren-i&wo&. von Georg Semper. Erster Band : Die Tagfalter. Bhopalocera. 836. Senac, H. Note sur les Pimelia des lies Canaries. Ann. Soc. Ent. Fr. lxi, pp. 103-108. [ Coleoptera .] 837. Senna, A. Contributions to the knowledge of the family Brenlhiclcc. vm. Enumeration of the species known as yet from Java. Notes Leyd. Mus. xiv, pp. 161-186. [Coleoptera.] 838. . Contribuzioni alio studio dei Brentidi. Nota ix, Bull. Ent. Ital. xxiv, pp. 26-37. Nota x, t. c. pp. 38-63. Nota xii, t. c. pp. 152-163. [ Coleoptera .] 839. -. Yiaggio di Leonarda Fea in Birmania e regioni vicine. xlv. Brentidi. Ann. Mus. Genov. (2) xii, pp. 429-494. [ Coleoptera .] 840. Sergi, G. Ricerche su alcuni organi di senso nelle antenne delle Formiche. Bull. Ent. Ital. xxiv, pp. 18-25. [Hymenoptera.] Summary in J. R. Micr. Soc. 1892, p. 780. 841. Severin, G. Les collections d’Articules du Musee royal d’histoire naturelle de Belgique. Ann. Ent. Belg. xxxvi, pp. 469-478. [ Coleoptera .] 842. Sharp, D. On some Eggs of Hemiptera. Tr. E. Soc. 1892, pp. 191-199, pis. viii & ix. 843. . Descriptions of two new Pselaphidce found by Mr. J. J. Walker in Australia and China. Ent. M. M. xxviii, pp. 240-242. [Coleoptera.] 844. — . A new species of the Staphylinid genus Trygceus. Notes Leyd. Mus. xiv, p. 61. [Coleoptera.] 845. . Entomological Pins. Ent. xxv, pp. 54-57 & 119. — —. [See also Brunner & Redtenbacher (138).] 846. Sicard, A. J. Weise : Bestimmungs-Tabellen der europaischen Coleopteren : fasc. ii, 2® edition. Traduction complete, due en grande partie a M. le Dr. A. Sicard, medecin aide-major de l*e classe, et accompagnee de diverses notes inedites, signees chacune du nom de leur auteur. Abeille, xxviii, pp. 1-80 (still incomplete). [ Coleoptera .] TITLES. Ins. 53 847. Skinner, H. A new species of Pamphila. Ent. News, in, p. 174, [Lepidoptera.] 848. — — . A new Pamphila. T. c. p. 222. [. Lepicloptera .] 849. — — >. A new species of Eudamus. Canad. Ent. xxiv, p. 164. [Lepidoptera.] 850. Skinner, H., & Mengel, L. W. Greenland Lepidoptera. P. Ac. Philad. 1892, pp. 156-159. 851. Slingerland, M. Y. The Pearl-tree Psylla. Bull. Cornell Univ. xliv, pp. 161-186. [Rhynchota.] 852. Sloane, T. G. Descriptions of two new species of Carenum from West Australia, with notes of the synonymy and distribution of some previously described species. P. Linn. Soc. N.S.W. (2) vi, pp. 427-429. [ Goleoptera .] 853. . Studies in Australian Entomology. No. v. Notes on the subfamily Broscini ( Carabidce ), with descriptions of new species. Op. cit. vii, pp. 45-64. [ Goleoptera .] 854. Slosson, A, T. A new Arctia. Ent. News, iii, p. 257. [Lepidoptera.'] 855. — — . A new Dasylophia from Florida. Canad. Ent. xxiv, p. 139. [Lepidoptera.] 856. Smirensky, A. Ueber schadliche Insekten der Umgebung von Kazan. Trudui Kazan. Univ. xxiii, No. 4, pp. 1-18. In the Russian language. 857. Smith, H. G. Descriptions of three new species of Butterflies captured by Mr. D. Cator in British North Borneo, in the Collection of Mr. Grose Smith. Ann. N. H. (6) x, pp. 426-428. [Lepidoptera.] 858. Smith, H. G., & Kirby, W. F. Rhopalocera exotica. Pts. 19-22. Yol. i was completed by Part 20. It is proposed to continue the work for several vols. 859. Smith, J. B. List of Lepidoptera of Boreal America. American Entomological Society, 1891, 8vo, 124 pp. A list of 6020 names. For corrections, &c., see Dyar, Canad. Ent. xxiv, pp. 47 & 48, and Smith, t. c. p. 103. 860. . Synonymical notes on some Heterocera in the British Museum. Canad. Ent. xxiv, pp. 133-136. [Lepidoptera.] 861. New species of Noctuidce. Ent. News, iii, pp. 250-253, pi. x. [Lepidoptera.] 862. . Note on generic characters in the Noctuidce. Ent. xxv, pp. 101-105. [Lepidoptera.] 863. . Mr. Butler’s Notes on Synonymy of North American Noc- tuidce. T. c. p. 2. [Lepidoptera.] 54 Ins. xm. insecta. 864. [Smith, J. B.] The Mouth of Copris Carolina and Notes on the Homology of the Mandible. P. Am. Ass. xl, p. 324. 865. . The Mouth Parts of Copris Carolina , with Notes on the Homologies of the Mandibles. Tr. Am. Ent. Soc. xix, pp. 83-87, pis. ii & iii. \_Coleoptera.~\ 866. . Notes on the Homology of the Hemipterous Mouth. P. Am. Ass. xl, p. 325. 867. — — . Contributions towards a Monograph of the Noctuidce of Boreal America. Revision of the genus Cucullia ; revision of the Dicopince ; revision of Xylomiges and Morrisonia. P. U. S. Nat. Mus. xv, pp. 33-86, pis. ii & iii. [ Lepidoptera .] 868. Smith, T. J. Remarks on Apis mellijica , the Hive Bee. Rep. North Staffordsh. Club, xxvi, pp. 82-91. 869. Snellen, P. C. T. Aanteekeningen over eene verzameling Lepido- ptera in October 1889, van het eiland Flores ontvangen. Tijdschr. Ent. xxxiv, pp. 229-256. 870. . Deudoryx verriculata , n. sp. T. c. pp. 257-260. 871. . Euploea perdita , Butl. var. T. c. p. 339. [Lepidoptera. 872. . Aanteekeningen over Lepidoptera schadelijk voor het suikerriet. T. c. pp. 341-356, pis. xviii & xix. The species described and figured in this memoir appear to have been previously dealt with in an inaccessible work as follows: — 873. — — in Mededeelingen van het Proefstation voor Suikerriet in West Java ; 1890, pp. 94, &c., pis. i & ii. [Lepidoptera.] 874. . Aanteekeningen over Exotische Lepidoptera. Tijdschr. Ent, xxxv, pp. 1-23, pi. i. 875. . Boekaankondiging. T. c. pp. 73-84. \_Lepidoptera.~\ A review of the second part of Saalmuller’s work on the Lepidoptera of Madagascar, and includes many synonyms and critical remarks. 876. >. Beschrijving van eenige nieuwe Javaansche dagvlinders. T. c. pp. 133-144, pis. iii & iv (incomplete). [ Lepidoptera .] 877. Snow, W. A. Notes and descriptions of Syrphidce. Kansas Quart, i, pp. 33-38, pi. vii. [Diptera.] 878. Sonthonnax, L. Description d’une Saturnie nouvelle de la Chine. Echange, 1892, p. 20. [ Lepidoptera .] 879. South, R. Notes on British Lepidoptera. Ent. xxv, pp. 29-36, 86-93, & 134-138. These notes relate to variation in several species. 830, , The Entomological Club of London. T. c. pp. 4-9. TITLES, Ins, 55 881. Spttlee, A. Zur Phylogenie und Ontogenie des Fliigelgeaders der Schmetterlinge. Z. wiss, Zool. liii, pp. 597-646, pis. xxv & xxvi. [Lepidoptera.] The neuration in the perfect insects of numerous forms, especially of Tineidce, is discussed, in addition to the phylogeny and to the condition in the pupal state. Summary in J. R. Micr, Soc. 1892, p. 469, and by Seitz, S. E. Z. liii, pp. 238-241. 882. . Zur Stammesgeschichte der Papilioniden. Zool. Jahrb, Syst. vi, pp. 465-498, pis. xxii & xxiii. [Lepidoptera,] 883. Stadelmann, H. Neue Hymenopteren der Zool. Sammlung des Kgl. Museums fur Naturkunde zu Berlin. Berl. Ent. Zeit. xxxvii, pp. 235-240. 884. Standfuss, M. Ueber die Hybridation bei den Insekten. MT. Schw. ent. Ges. viii, pp. 386-396. — -. [See also Romanoff (779).] 885. Staudingee, 0, Neue afrikanische Lycceniden. Deutsche e. Z. Lep. iv, pp. 215-223. [Lepidoptera.] 886. — — . Neue Arten und Varietaten von Lepidopteren des palaark- tischen Faunengebiets. T. c. pp. 224-339. 887^ . Neue Arten und Varietaten von palaarktischen Geometriden . Op. cit. v, pp. 141-260. [ Lepidoptera .] 888. — . Zwei neue Charaxes- Arten. T. c. pp. 260-263. [ Lepido - p>tera.] 889. - — . Ueber die Arten der Palla Dec?7^-Gruppe, T. c. pp. 264- 268. [ Lepidoptera .] 890. — . Lepidopteren aus Tunis. T. c. pp. 277-300. Includes some descriptions by Ragonot. 891. — . Lepidopteren des Kentei-Gebirges. T. c. pp. 300-393. 892. . Ornithoptera andromache , n. sp. T . c. p. 393. [ Lepidoptera .] 893. - — , Neue Papilio- Formen aus Siidamerika, T. c. pp. 427 & 428. [. Lepidoptera .] 894. — — . Einige neue Bhopaloceren aus Nord-Borneo. T. c. pp. 449- 452. [ Lepidoptera .] — [See also Romanoff (779).] 895. Stein, P. Die Anthomyiden der Fallen-Zetterstedt’schen Sammlung. Ent. Nachr. xviii, pp. 321-333. \_Diptera.'] 896. . Drei neue merkwiirdige Homcilomyia- Arten. Wien. ent. Z. xi, pp. 69-77. [ Liptera .] 897. Steinert, H. Ueber das Auftreten von Amphidasys betularius , L., ab. doubleday arius, B., in Sachsen, mit Bemerkungen iiber die Zucht des Thieres. Deutsche e. Z. Lep. v, pp. 424-427. ° [ Lepidoptera .] 56 Ins. XIII. IKSECTA. 898. Stierlin, — . Due nuovi Curculionidi di Sicilia. Nat. Sicil. xi, p. 156. [ Coleoptera .] 899. , Beschreibung einiger neuen Russelkafer. MT. Scbw. ent. Ges. viii, pp. 357-366. [Coleoptera .] 900. . Beschreibung einiger neuen europ. Russelkafer. T. c. pp. 408-412. [ Coleoptera .] 901. Stiles, C. W. On the American intermediate host of Echino- rhynchus gigas. Zool. Anz. xv, pp. 52-54. [ Coleoptera .] Lamellicorn beetles of the genus Lachno sterna. 902. Strobl, G. Die osterreichischen Arten der Gattung Hilar a, Meig. (Mit Beriicksichtigung der Arten Deutschlands und der Schweiz.) Verh. z.-b. Wien, xlii, pp. 85-182. [Diptera.'] 903. — ■ — . Interessante osterreichische Dolichopoclen . Wien. ent. Z. xi, pp. 102-107. [j Diptera."] 904. — — . Untersucbungen fiber die Gattung Spania , Meig. T. c. pp. 121-125. [. Diptera .] 905. . Zwei alpine Sapromyzen. T. c . pp. 155 & 156. [Diptera.] 906. . Zur Kenntniss und Yerbreitung der Phoriden Oesterreichs. T.c. pp. 193-204. [Diptera.] 907. Stummer-Traunfels, R. R. v. Vergleichende Untersucbungen iiber die Mundwerkzeuge der Thysanuren und Collembolen. SB. Ak. Wien, c, Abth. i, pp. 216-234, pis. i & ii. Summary in J. R. Micr. Soc. 1892, p. 781. 908. Swinhoe, C. Catalogue of Eastern and Australian Lepidoptera Heterocera in the collection of the Oxford University Museum. Part I. Sphinges and Bombyces. Oxford : viii & 324 pp., 8 pis. 909. — — . New species of Heterocera from the Kbasia Hills. Part n. Tr. E. Soc. 1892, pp. 1-20, pi. i. 910. . Mimicry in Nature. P. Croydon Club, iii, pp. 332-341. 911. Swierstra, K. N. Een bermapbrodiet van Aspilates strigillaria. Tijdschr. Ent. xxxiv, p. 338, pi. xvii, fig. 3. \Lepidoptera .] 912. Targioni-Tozzetti, A. Aonidia blanchardi , specie nuova di Cocciniglia delle palme da dattero del Sahara. Bull. Ent. Ital. xxiv, pp. 170-188. [Coccidce.] 913. . Aonidia blanchardi , nouvelle espece de Cochenille du dattier du Sahara. Mem. Soc. Zool. v, pp. 69-82. [ Cocciclce .] 914. Tarral, H. Observations sur les ootheques du Stauronotus maroc- canus. Bull. Soc. Beziers, xii, pp. 10-13. [Orthoptera.] 915. Taschenberg, O. Historische Entwickelung der Lebre von der Parthenogenesis. Abh. Ges. Haile, xvii, pp. 365-453. TITLES. Ins. 57 916. Tepper, J. G. 0. The Phaneropteridce of Australia and Polynesia. Tr. It. Soc. S. Austr. xv, pp. 77-113. [Orthoptera .] 917. . The Gryllacridce and Stenopelmatidce of Australia and Polynesia. T. c. pp. 137-178. [Orthoptera.] 918. Tetens, H. Resultate der anatomischen Untersuchung eines lateralen Zwitters von Smerinthus populi. Berl. Ent. Zeit. xxxvi, pp. 457-166, pi. xiii. [Lepidoptera.] 919. Theobald, F. Y. An account of British Flies ( Diptera .). Yol. I. London : 1892, 8vo, xix & 215 pp. Parts i-iii were recorded last year. 920. . Stylopized Bees. Ent. M. M. xxxviii, pp. 40-42. 921. Thery, A. Description de Coleopteres. Bull. Soc. Ent. Fr. lxi, p. xcvi. 922. Description d’un Coleoptere nouveau. T. c. p. cclviii. 923. Thierry-Mieg, P. Descriptions de Lepidopteres nocturnes. Le Nat. 1892, pp. 216, 217, 235, 236, & 262. 924. Thomas, F. Alpine Muckengallen. Yerh. z.-b. Wien, xlii, pp. 356- 376, pis. vi & vii. [Diptera.'] 925. Thomas, F. A. W. Beobachtungen fiber Muckengallen. Sep. from Wiss. Beilage z. Programme G-ym. G-leichense Ohrdruf. pp. 1-16. Account of Cecidomyiid galls, arranged according to plaDts. 926. ^Thomas, Fr. Die Blattflohkrankheit der Lorbeerbaume. Garten- flora, xl, Heft. 2 & 3. [Rhynchota.] Cf. Wien. ent. Z. xi, p. 87. 927. Thomson, 0. G. Opuseula entomologia. Fasciculus xvim^a. [Hymenoptera.] Relates to Braconidce , and to some Ichneumonidce allied to Anomalon . 928. Thomson, J. P. British New Guinea. London : 8vo. Pp. 222-272 are occupied by a sketch of the present state of our know- ledge of the entomology of the island. 929. Tomosvary, D. E. Golubackha muha. Glasnik naravosl. Drust. vi, pp. 187-203, pi. ii. [Diptera.] 930. Tourneux, F. Sur les modifications structural es que presentent les muscles jaunes du Dytique pendant la contraction. J. de PAnat. Phys. xxviii, pp. 573-581, pi. xxi. 931. Townsend, C. H. T. New North American Tachinidce. Ent. News, iii, pp. 80, 81, & 129-131. [Diptera.] 932. -. New Jamaica Tachinidce. T. c. p. 146. 58 Ins. XIII. INSECTA. 933. [Townsend, C. H. T.] Notes on North American TacTiinidce , sens, str., with descriptions of new genera and species. Tr. Am. Ent. Soc. xix, pp. 88-132. [ Diptera .] 934. . The North American genera of Calyptrate Muscidce. Paper n. T. c. pp. 133-144. [ Diptera .] 935. . The North American genera of Nemocerous Diptera . T . c. pp. 144-160. 936. The North American genera of Calyptrate Muscidce . Paper hi, t. c. pp. 273-278. Paper iv, t. c. pp. 279-284. Paper y, t. c. pp. 290-294. [Diptera.] 937. . Notes on North American TacTiinidce, with descriptions of new species. Paper vn, t. c. pp. 284-289. {Diptera. ] 938. . Notes on North American TacTiinidce, with descriptions of new genera and species. Canad. Ent. xxiv. Paper v, pp. 64-70 & 77-82. Paper vi, pp. 165-172. [Diptera.] 939. . A Sarcophagid parasite of Cimbex americana, T. c. p. 126, [Diptera.] 940. . A preliminary grouping of the described species of Sapro- myza of North America, with one new species. T. c. pp. 301-304. [Diptera.] 941. — — . Biologic notes on New Mexico Insects. T. c. pp. 193-200. 942. . Description of a Sarcophaga bred from Helix. Psyche, vi, p. 220. [Diptera.] 943. . An Aporia bred from Limacodes sp. T. c. p. 275. [Diptera.] 944. — -. Descriptions of IDstrid larvae taken from the Jack-rabbit and Cotton-tail. T. c. pp. 298-300. [Diptera.] 945. . Oviposition of a Homopterous Insect in Yucca. 7T. c. p. 353. [Rhynchota.] 946. . A Tachinid bred from larva of Protoparce jamaicensis, J. Inst. Jamaica, i, p. 70. [Diptera.] 947. — — . A Dexiid parasite of a Longicorn Beetle. T. c. pp. 105 & 106. [Diptera.] 948. . Insects frequenting Yucca blooms. Zoe, iii, pp. 113-115. 949. . Notes on two Mexican species of Ceroplastes , with a record of parasites reared from one. T. c. pp. 255-257. [Coccidce, Hymenoptera.] 950. Trail, J. W. H. The Gall-making Hymenoptera of Scotland (exclusive of those that live on oaks). Tr. & P. Perthsh. Soc. i, pp, 72-90. Includes a list of plants that bear Hymenopterous galls. TITLES. Ins. 59 951. Trybom, F. Mermis-l&VYQY hos Chironomus. Ent. Tidskr. xiii, pp. 81-92. [ Biptera .] 952. Tryon, H. Zoology of British New Guinea. Part ii. Hemiptera. Ann. Queensland Mus. ii, pp. 13-24. 953. . Coleoptera collected by Mr. A. CL English in the St. Joseph river district of British New Guinea, under the auspices of his Honour the Administrator. Rep. Administrator Brit. New Guinea, ii, app. v, pp. 109-112. Recorded from a separate copy, paged 1-8. 954. . Rhopalocera collected in British New Guinea during years 1889-90, under the auspices of his Honour the Administrator. T. c. pp. 112-115. Brisbane, 1890. Recorded from a separate copy, 8vo, pp. 1-7. 955. Tutt, J. W. British Noctuce and their varieties. Yol. ii. London : 1892. 956. Urech, F. Ueber einen griinen Farbstoff in den Fliigelchen (nicht iu den Schuppen) der Chrysalide von Pieris brassicce. Zool. Anz. xv, pp. 281-283. \_Lepidoptera. ] Summary in J, R. Micr. Soc. 1892, p. 778. 957. - -. Beobachtungen iiber die zeitliche Succession des Auftretens der Farbenfelder auf den Puppenfliigelchen von Pieris brassicce. T. c. pp. 284-290 & 293-299. \Lepidoptera.\ 958. . Ueber Eigenschaften der Schuppenpigmente einiger Lepidopteren- species. T. c. pp. 299-306. Summary in J. R. Micr. Soc. 1892, p. 778. 959. Vachal, J. Halicti, novae species. Bull. Soc. Ent. Fr. lxi, p. xxii. ^Hymenoptera.'] 960. . Hymenopteres recoltes au Soudan. T. c. pp. cxxxv-cxxxvii. 961. Verhoeff, C. Zur Kenntniss des biologischen Verhaltnisses zwischeu Wirth- und Parasiten-Bienenlarven. Zool. Anz. xv, pp. 41-43. \_Hymenoptera.] Summary in J. R. Micr. Soc. 1892, p. 358. 962. . Die physiologische Bedeutung des Stachelapparafes besonders der Hymenopteren- Nymphen. T. c. pp. 355-360. 963. . Neue und wenig bekannte Gesetze aus der Hymenopteren - Biologie. T. c. pp. 362-370. Relates to the numbers and positions of the sexes in their pupal cells, and to the proportions of males to females in certain species of Fossoria. Summary in J. R. Micr. Soc. 1893, p. 34. 964. . Beitrage zur Biologie der Hymenoptera. Zool. Jahrb. Syst. vi, pp. 680-754, pis. 30 & 31. Includes discussion on phylogeny of Social Hymenoptera. 60 Ins. XIII. INSECTA. 965. [Yerhoeff, C.] Weitere Untersuchungen iiber den Ausfarbungs- process. Ent. Nachr. xviii, pp. 54-58. 966. . Ueber einige neue und seltene Fossorien. T . c. pp. 65-72. [ Hymenoptera .] 967. Einige Worte zu H. Friese’s Osmm-Studien und iiber einen Baa von Osmia tridentata. T. c. pp. 225-228. [Hymenoptera.'] 968. . Ueber Kampfende nnd gesellige Bienenmannchen. T. c. pp. 244-247 . [Hymenoptera.'] 969. . Eine neue Osmia ans Dalmatien. T . c. pp. 289-291. [Hymenoptera.] 970. . Zur Entwickelung von Hemerobius subnebulosus und iiber Yerfarbung der Neuropteren. T. c. pp. 279 & 298. 971. Yerrall, G-. H. Two new English species of Homalomyia. Ent. M. M. xxviii, p. 149. [Diptera.] 972. Yerson, E. Postlarvale Neubildung von Zelldriisen beim Seiden- spinner. Zool. Anz. xv, p. 216. [Lepidoptera.] 973. . Besitzen die Bauchfiisse der Seidenraupe Haftpapillen ? T. c. pp. 279 & 281. [ Lepidoptera .] Summary in J. R. Micr. Soc. 1892, p. 780. 974. — — . Altre cellule glandulari di origine postlarvale. Bull. Ent. Ital. xxiv, pp. 3-17. Summary in J. R. Micr. Soc. 1892, p. 779. 975. Yiallanes, H. Recherches anatomiques et physiologiques sui l’oeil compose des arthropodes. Ann. Sci. Nat. (7) xiii, pp. 349-382, pis. x & xi. 976. Yillard, L. Description d’un Cerambycide nouveau du Japon. Bull. Soc. Ent. Fr. lxi, p. li. [Coleoptera. ] 977. i;'s Y onhof, O. Bienenmass, oder: die Descendenz lehre ist ein falscher Schluss ! Auszug aus einer Studie. Bremen : 1891. Cf. Ent. Nachr. xviii, p. 237. 978. Yuillot, P. Descriptions de Lepidopteres. Bull. Soc. Ent. Fr. lxi, pp. cxl & cxli. 979. — . Description d’un Lepidoptere nouveau. T. c. p. cxlviii. 980. — — . Descriptions de six Lepidopteres nouveaux. T. c. pp. cxc- cxciv. — — . [See also Mabille & Yuillot (573).] 981. Wagner, F. v. Zur biologie der wilden Bienen. Biol. Centralbl. xii, pp. 572-584. [. Hymenoptera .] Relates chiefly to Friese’s views. TITLES. Ins. 61 982. Warburg, 0. Ueber Ameisenpflanzen. Biol. Centralbl. xii, pp. 129-142. An interesting discussion on the symbiosis of plants and ants. Sum- mary in J. R. Micr. Soc. 1892, p. 358. 983. Warren, W. Descriptions of new genera and species of Pyralidce , contained in the British Museum Collection. Ann. N. H. (6) ix, pp. 172-179, 294-302, 389-397, & 429-442, continued from Yol. viii, p. 70. [Lepidoptera.'] 984. Wasmann, E. Einiges iiber springende Ameisen. Wien. ent. Z. xi, pp. 316 & 317. [ Hymenoptera .] 985. . Ein neuer Paussus vom Somaliland. MT. Schw. ent. Ges. viii, pp. 355-357. \Coleoptera.~\ 986. . Zur Biologie einiger Ameisengaste. Deutsche e. Z. 1892, pp. 347-351. [Coleoptera.'] 987. . Die internationalen Beziehungen von Lomechusa strumosa. Biol.- Centralbl. xii, pp. 584-599 & 638-669. Summary in J. R. Micr. Soc. 1892, p. 780, and 1893, p. 34. 988. Waterhouse, C. 0. Two new Buprestidce from Damma Island. Ann. N. H. (6) x, pp. 410-412. \Coleoptera.~\ 989. Weber, L. Uber die sog. Triungulinus form der Meloelarven. Ber. Yer. Cassel, 1891-92, Abh. pp. 1-5, pi. \_Coleoptera.'] 990. Webster, F. M. Report of Entomological work of the season of 1891. Bull. Dep. Agric. Ent. xxvi, pp. 63-74. 991. . Food-plants of the Lixi. P. E. Soc. Wash, ii, p. 339. [Coleoptera.] 992. Weise, J. Zwei neue Cassida- Arten. Wien. ent. Z. xi, p. 238. \Coleoptera.~] 993. . Kleine Beitrage zur Coccinelliden- Fauna Ost-Afrika’s. Deutsche e. Z. 1892, pp. 15 & 16. [Coleoptera.] 994. . Beitragzur Coleopteren- Fauna von Turkestan. T. c. pp. 131— 140. 995. - — — . Coccinelliden aus Ostsibirien. T. c. pp. 140 & 141. [ Coleo - ptera.~\. 996. . Pachygnatha, eine neuei' Chrysomelen-Qxattung. T. c. p. 352. [Coleoptera.l 997. . Chrysomeliden und Coccinelliden von der Insel Nias, nebst Bemerkungen iiber andere, meistens Siidostasiatische Arten. T. c. pp. 385-400, \Coleopterad\ 998. — . Beschreibung einiger Galeruciden. T. c. pp. 403-405. \Coleoptera~ J (52 Ins. XIII. INSECTA. 999. [Weise, J.] Chrysomelen aus dem hohen Caucasus. Deutsche e. Z. 1892, pp. 405 & 406. [ Coleoptera .] 1000. . Malthodes brevicollis, Payk. Typ einer Gattung. T. c. pp. 407-410. [Coleoptera.] 1001. . Les Coccinellides du Chota-Nagpore. Ann. Ent. Belg. xxxvi, pp. 16-30. [Coleoptera.] . [See also Heyden (402) and Sicard (846).] 1002. Werner, F. Selbstverstiimmelung bei Heuschrecken. Zool. Anz. xv, pp. 58-60. [Orthoptera.] 1003. Weymer, G. Exotische Lepidopteren. vi. Aus dem afrikanischen Faunengebiet. S. E. Z. liii, pp. 79-125. 1004. Wheeler, W. M. Concerning the “ blood-tissue” of the Insecta. Psyche, vi, pp. 216-220, 233-236, & 253-258, pi. vii. 1005. Wickham, H. F. On the early stages of three North American Coleoptera. Bull. Lab. Iowa, ii, pp. 195-201. 1006. -. Collecting in the far North. i. The Alaskan Coast. Ent. News, iii, pp. 139-144. II. The Stikine River. T. c. pp. 256 & 257. 1007. . Report on an Entomological reconnoissance of Southern Alaska and adjacent portions of British Columbia. Bull. Lab. Iowa, ii, pp. 202-233. 1008. -. Description of four Insect monstrosities. Canad. Ent. xxiv, pp. 141 & 142. [Coleoptera.] 1009. . Notes on some Myrmecophilous Coleoptera. Psyche, vi, pp. 321-323. 1010. Williston, S. W. Diptera Brasiliana. Kansas Quart, i, pp. 44-46. 1011. — . A new species of Criorhinia , and notes on synonymy. Ent. News, iii, p. 145. [Diptera.] 1012. — — . Note on the habits of Ammophila. T. c. pp. 85 & 86. [Hymenoptera.] - — . [See also Godman & Salvin (347).] 1013. Winn, A. F. The Horn Fly. Can. Rec. v, pp. 272-275. [Diptera.] First appearance in Canada. 1014. Wood, J. H. Our Rush-feeding Coleopliorce. Ent. M. M. xxviii, pp. 117-122, & 169-176. [Lepidoptera.] 1015. % Further notes on our Rush-feeding Coleophorce. T. c. pp. 282-285. [Lepidoptera.] TITLES. Ins. 63 1016. Wright, W. G. Getting Butterfly Eggs. Canad. Ent. xxiv, pp. 70-74. [Lepidoptera."] 1017. — — . Description of a new Anthocharis. T. c. p. 154. \_Lepido~ ptera.~\ 1018. Wroughton, R. C. Our Ants. Part i. J. Bomb. N. H. Soc. vii, pp. 13-60, pis. a, b. Part n. T. c. pp. 175-202, pis. c, d. [ Eymeno - ptera.~\ 1019. Wulp, F. M. Yan der. Einige uitlandische Diptera . Tijdschr. Ent. xxxiv, p. 193, pi. xii. 1020. Xambeu, — . Description de quatre Coleopieres nouveaux et particuliers a notre departement. Soc. Agricole Pyren. -orient, xxxiii, pp. 241-243. The descriptions have appeared some years since elsewhere. 1021. -. Moeurs et metamorphoses d’insectes. Ann. Soc. L. Lyon (n.s.), xxxix, pp. 135-194. \_Coleoptera.~\ 1022. . Moeurs et metamorphoses d’insectes. Soc. Agricole Pyren. - orient, xxxii, pp. 473-484. [ Coleoptera .] 1023. Moeurs et metamorphoses d’insectes. 2me Memoire. Coleopteres. Pp. 1-46. Lyon : 189?, 8vO. Published as supplement to Echange. 1024. — — . Moeurs et metamorphoses d’insectes. 3© Memoire. Buprestides. Rev. d’Eut. xi, pp. 202-252. [ Coleoptera .] 1025. Yerbury, J. W. The Butterflies of Aden and neighbourhood. J. Bomb. N. H. Soc. vii, pp. 207-218. [Lepidoptera.] 1026. Zoufal, Y. Uebersicht der mir bekannten Arten der Coleop- tere?i-Gattung, Tenebrio , L, Wien. ent. Z. xi, pp. 283-286. II.— ANATOMY, PHYSIOLOGY, BIOLOGY. 1. General, Comparative, and External. General anatomy of Phylloxera , Krassilstscitik (519).— Anatomy of Coccus cacti , and production of wax, Mayer (594).— General anatomy and histology of the Blow-fly, Lowne (567).— The structure of male appendages, Escherich (257).— Blood-tissue, various points discussed, Wheeler (1004).— Metameric glandular processes in larva of Lagoa , Packard (666).— Mouth-parts of Copris, and homology of mandibles, Smith (864, 865). Anatomy of mouth of Diptera Pupipara , Muggen- burg (628) —Comparative anatomy of trophi of Thyscinura and Collem- bola , Stummer-Tratjnfels (907).— Glands in pulvilli of Diptera , Jenkix- son (456).— Poison glands in Ichneumonidce , Buysson (148).—Tegul£e and patagia of Lepidoptera , Riley, P. E. Soc. Wash, ii, p. 310. 64 Ins. XIII. INSECTA. Mechanism of suction in Hymenoptera and other insects, Janet, p. xcvii, Gazagnaire, p. xcviii, Bull. Soc. Ent. Fr. lxi. Histology of metamorphosis of Lepidoptera , Bugnion (140). — Histology of elytra of Coleoptera, Hoffbauer (405). Physiological nature (Asphyxia) of metamorphosis in the silkworm, Bataillon (35). — Mode of development of the chitinous envelope in larvae of Libellulidai , Chatin (165). — The process of development of the epiderm in larvae of Libellulidai , Chatin (166). — Post larval formation of cellular glands in Bombyx mori , Verson (972). — Glandular epigastric cells of postlarval origin in silkworm, Verson (974). — Survival of freezing, Lyman (570). 2. Nervous System, Organs oe Sense, and Psychology. Nervous system of Pentaplatarthus, Raffray (709). — Composition of the nerve-tissue in insects, Griffiths, C.R. cxv, p. 563. — Structure of the nerve ganglia, Binet (89). — Terminations of nerves in muscles, Monti (621). — Histology of nervous system of larva of Stratiomys , Henne- guy & Binet (399). — Innervation of wings and elytra in Coleoptera , Binet (88). — Centre of reflex action of leaping in Orthoptera , Heine (393). Exner’s views of vision discussed, Aurivillius (27). — Nature of the retinal image of insects, Viallanes (975). — Development of the imaginal eye of Vanessa , Johansen (457). — Sense-organs in antennae of ants, Sergi (840). — Tibial ears of Locustidce, Adelung (3). — Cenchri in Hymeno- ptera and Lepidoptera, Riley, P. E. Soc. Wash, ii, p. 309. — Odoriferous Chalcididce , Howard, t. c. p. 215. Construction of nests of ants, Forel (288). — Habits of ants, Wroughton (1018) ; Katurio (473, 474). — Wasp concealing tile, Blackburn, P. Ent. Soc. 1892, p. xx. — Intelligence of fossorial Hymenoptera , Pergande (671). — Instinct of fossorial Hymenopteron , Ammophila , Williston (1012). — Mode of stinging by Ammophila , Marchal (580). — Instinct of Apis mellifica , Smith (868). — “Assem- bling ” males of Lepidoptera , Sykes, Ent. xxv, p. 84. Social relations of Termitidce , Grassi (359). Observations on the nature of the relations between Lomechusa and various kinds of ants, WasMann (987) . Self-mutilation of Orthoptera , Werner (1002). — Music of Orthoptera , Scudder (812). — Insect cannibalism, Berg (58). 3. Muscular System. Histolysis and histogenesis of muscle, KoroTneff (511). — Condition of muscles of Dytiscus during contraction, Tourneux (930). ANATOMY, PHYSIOLOGY, BIOLOGY. Ins. 65 4. Organs and Function of Nutrition, Circulation, and Eespiration. Composition of the blood of insects, Griffiths (363). Digestive system of a Paussid Coleopteron , Raffray (709). — Histology of alimentary canal and its glands, Holmgren (411). — Anatomy and histology of alimentary canal of Gryllotalpa , Eberli (244). — Bacteria normally present in digestive organs of Hemiptera , Forbes (286). Movements of the Malpighian tubules, Marchal, p. cclvi, Bull. Soc. Ent. Fr. lxi. Respiration of larva of yHschna, Martin (585). — Origin of tracheae from setiparous sacs, Bernard (73). — Evolution of heat by beetles, Doran (223). 5. Sexual Organs and Embryology. Reproductive organs of Pentaplatarthus, Raffray (709). — Mor- phology of ovipositor of Hymenoptera , Marlatt (581). — Histology of the annexes of the sexual organs in Periplaneta , Blatter (108). — The radiate bodies in the receptaculum seminis of Pronuba and Prodoxus , Riley (742). Graber (355) deals chiefly with the following points : — Chap, i, abdominal appendages ; H, stigmata, tracheae, Malpighian tubes, sali- vary glands, &c. ; hi, blood tissue ; iv, the ganglionic chain ; v, the genital glands ; yi, enteroderm ; vii, Keimhullen. — Early stages in insects of various orders, and in parthenogenetic eggs ; structure of micropyle in Pyrrhocoris , &c. ; comparative embryology of the early stages, Henking (396). — Embryology of viviparous Aphididce, Lemoine, p. clxiv, Bull. Soc. Ent. Fr. lxi. — Embryology and development of the blow-fly, Lowne (567). — Embryology of Phyllodromia germanica , Cholodkovsky (173) ; Heymons (404). — Embryology of Smicra clavipes , Henneguy (398).-VPreliminary communication on various points in the embryology of parasitic Hymenoptera , Kulagin\(528). — Mode of pre- paring eggs for investigation, Henking (397). Structure of male organs and spermatogenesis in Laphria (Dipteral), Cholodkovsky (171) ; translated in Ann. N. H. (6) x, pp. 268-270.— Spermatogenesis in Gryllotalpa, Rath (713). — Micropyle (?) apparatus on eggs of Hemiptera , Sharp (842). Wingless males of ants and consanguineous reproduction, Forel, p. 458, Ann. Ent. Belg. xxxvi. Parthenogenesis : history of knowledge of, Taschenberg (915) ; in Chalcididce , Howard (432). Hermaphrodites : of Hymenoptera , Halictus and Macrophya, Krieger (527); of Azteca ( Formkida ), Forel (297); of Chalicodoma muraria , Frey-Gessner, p. 372, MT. Schw. ent. Ges. viii ; of Ocneria dispar , Fernald, Canad. Ent. xxiv, p. 87 ; of Aglia tau, var. nigerrima , Ruhl, p. 36, Soc. Ent. vii ; of Aspilates strigillaris, Swierstra (911). — Anatomy 1892. [yol. xxix.] e 5 66 Ins. XIII. INSEOTA. of lateral hermaphrodite of Smerinthus populi, Tetens (918). — Papilio asterias , ind. of mixed sexes, Edwards, p. 49, Canad. Ent. xxiv. Sexual structures and hybridism, Escherich (257). — On obtaining hybrids in Lepidoptera, Standfuss (884). — Hybrid of Smerinthus ocellatus and populi , Ziegler, Berl. Ent. Zeit. xxxvi, p. xxiii ; of Zygeena trigon - ellce and transalpine i, Streckfuss, l. c. 6. General Biology and Stray Notes. Insects on the surface of snow, Ins. Life, iv, pp. 335 & 336. — Aquatic lepidopterous larvae, Muller (629).— Butterflies entering water, Edwards, Canad. Ent. xxiv, p. 16. Carnivorous caterpillars, Plateau (694). — Secretion of potassium hydroxide by Dicranura , Latter (541). — Parnassius , formation of pouch, Scudder (813), and discussion, P. E. Soc. 1892, p. xxxiii. — Mode of expansion of the wings of Lepidoptera , Petersen (675). — Dorsal pro- legs on Coleopterous larvae, Riley (750). — Mode of succession of cycles of generations in Pemphigiens, Horvath (427). — Food influencing emer- gence of Lepidoptera , Merrifield, Ent. M. M. xxviii, p. 20. — Bacterial structures in tissues and eggs, Bloctimann (108). — Jumping seeds, Buchenau (139) ; Jumping seeds, cocoons, &c., Ascherson, SB. Gres. Naturf. 1892, pp. 19 & 20. — Stridulation in Lepidoptera , Hampson (385). — Stridulation of Acherontia , Roth, Ent. Tidskr. xiii, p. 250. — On the function of the striae of Histeridce, Lewis (557). — Different times of appearance of the sexes of Lepidoptera, value of, discussed, Petersen (676). — Hours of flight of insects, Schwarz (808). Cave insects, Raffray & Bolivar (710). Variety of Papilio macareus , Niceville, J. Bomb. N. H. Soc. vii, p. 345, pi. i, fig. 1. — Albino of Colias , Edwards, p. 49, Canad. Ent. xxiv. — Pallid female varr. of species of Colias , Skinner & Mengel, P. Ac. Philad. 1892, pp. 156 & 157. — Colias edusa and helice , proportional numbers, Adye, P. E. Soc. 1892, p. xxv.—Pieris napi , Irish var., Weir, Ent. M. M. xxviii, p. 22. — Pieris rapee , melanic var., Swierstra, pi. xvii, fig. 1, p. 337, Tijdschr. Ent. xxxiv. — Var. of Euplcea perdita , Snellen (871) ; varr. of Argynnis, Arctia, and Aglia , Buren, MT. Gres. Bern. 1892, p. xiv ; var. of Argynnis paphia, Frohawk, Ent. xxv, p. 242 ; $ var., Leech, p. 240, pi. xxiii, fig. 2, Butt. China ; varieties of Vanessa antiopa, Jager, Ent. xxv, p. 43. — Char axes jasius var., Honratil, Berl. Ent. Zeit. xxxvi, p. xxiii ; Melitcea cynthia and others, variation, Ziegler, l. c. ; Zygeena spp., variation, Thurau, t. c. p. xxvi. Var. of Epinephele tithonus, Seebold, p. 467, Berl. Ent. Zeit. xxxvi ; varieties of Lepidoptera ( Epinephele janira , &c.) in Rhineland, Fuchs, JB. nass. Ver. xlv, pp. 85- 106 ; var. of Epinephele hyperanthus, Frohawk, Ent. xxv, p. 215 ; var. of Lyceena adonis , Hanbury, P. E. Soc. 1892, p. xxxiv ; of Lyceena bellargus, Austen, Ent. xxv, p. 16 ; of Polyommatus agestis , Barrett, Ent. M. M. xxviii, p. 245. — Var. in neuration of Pisola ( Hesperiidee ), Niceville, p. 351, J, Bomb. N. H. Soc. vii. Var. of Sesia formicceformis , ANATOMY, PHYSIOLOGY, BIOLOGY. Ins. 67 Frohawk, Ent. xxv, p. 216 ; of Trochilium apiforme and Zycjcena cynarce , Standfuss, pp. 368 & 369, MT. Schw. ent. G-es. viii ; of Zygcena filipen- dulce , Bird, Ent. xxv, p. 194 ; of Z. lonicerce , Bromilow, t. c. p. 194. Variation in ocelli of Satyridce and formula for expressing it, Cockerell, Canad. Ent. xxiv, p. 101. — Vanessa, urticce , variation in China, Leech, Butt. China, pp. 258-260. — Variation of Cynthia arsinoe, Bober, p. 302, Tijdschr. Ent. xxxiv. — -Variation in males of Teracolus, Yerbury, p. 216, J. Bomb. N. H. Soc. vii. — Variation of secondary male characters in Forficula and Dynastidce, statistics, Bateson & Brindley (42) ; of Noctua f estiva, Barrett, Ent. M. M. xxviii, p. 47. Euchelia jacobece, yellow var. of, Anderson, Ent. xxv, p. 216 ; of Euproctis fulviceps, P. E, Soc. 1892, p. ii. — Breeding between Arctia lubricipeda and var., Harrison, P. E. Soc. 1892, p. xxix. — Arctia caja var., Laddiman, Ent. xxv, p. 1, fig.; Anderson, t. c. p. 290. — Attempt to obtain varr. of Arctia caja by inter- breeding, Arkle, Ent. xxv, p. 57. — IAparis monacha , variation from parents from different localities, Clark, P. E. Soc. 1892, p. xxx. — Amphi - dasys betularius var. doubleday arius, breeding from, Steinert (897). Variation in colour of eggs of Biston hirtaria, Adkin, Ent. xxv, p. 129, Pearson, t. c. p. 163. — Localised variation of Callimorpha, Mason, Ent. News, iii, p. 52. — Variation and heredity in Pronuba and Prodoxus, Biley (741). — -Variation in Zonabris according to law, Escherich (258). — Seasonal variation in Satyridce , Moore, Lep. Ind. i, pp. 147, &c., &c. — Extension of melanism on the Continent of Europe, Berger (59). — Amphidasis betularia, increasing extension of var. doubleday aria, Hoffmann, Ent. M. M. xxviii, p. 48. — Phasism of Java Butterflies, Sansom, Ent. xxv, p. 43.— -Local variation, &c., in the Bucovina, Hormuzaki (414). — Variation of British Noctuce , Tutt (955); in several species of British Lepidoptera ( Noctuiclce , Geometridce), South (879).— Trimorphism of Hypocala, Butler, Ann. N. H. (6) x, p. 17. Variation in colour of Sphingid larva, Beutenmuller, Bull. Am. Mus. iv, p. 65. — Variation of Spilosoma obliqiia in Australia, Anderson, Viet. N.at. ix, p. 83. — Variation of neuration in Selidosemidce , Meyrick, pp. 124-140, Tr. E. Soc. 1892. — Polia chi , melanism, Porritt, P. E. Soc. 1892, p. ii. — Variation of Catocala nupta, Frohawk, Ent. xxv, p. 243. Melanie var. of Eupithecia castigata, Tugwell, Ent. xxv, p. 41.— Boarmia repandata , var., Hall, Ent. M. M. xxviii, p. 267. — Thamnonoma wavaria , remarkable aberration, Vries, p. 24, & Snellen, p. 25, Tijdschr. Ent. xxxv. — Many varr. of Lepidoptera noticed in Ent. Becord, iii, passim. Variation in markings of Coleoptera, Horn (420). — Variation of Cicindela fiexuosa , Beuthin, Ent. Nachr. xviii, pp. 333-335 ; in other Cicindelce , Beuthin, t. c. pp. 359—362, 376, & 377. — Variation in structure of Carabus hispanus, Beuthin, p. 211, Ent. Nachr. xviii.— Variation in structure of Dytiscus marginalis , $ , Peytoureau, Bull. Soc. Ent. Fr. Ixi, p. xlviii.— Variation in metasternal processes of Dytiscus marginalis , Griffini (360). — Variation of Gnathocera hyacinthina , Kolbe, S. E. Z. liii, pp. 129-131. — Typophorus canellus ( Eumolpini ), great colour 68 Ins. XIII. INSECTA. variation, Horn, p. 208, Tr. Am. Ent. Soc. xix. — Varieties of Coccinellidce , Weise, pp. 17-24, Ann. Ent. Belg. xxxvi. — System of nomenclature for varr. of Coccinellidce, Abeille, xxviii, p. 2. Variation in Opomyza punctella, Sintenis, p. 177, Wien. ent. Z. xi. Variation in melanic Cicadiclce , Distant, p. Ill, Mon. Orient. Cicad. Rudimentary wings of Coleoptera, Casey, Ann. N. York Ac. vi. — Absence or inferior condition of eyes in cave insects, Joseph (458). Green and brown pupae of Papilio podalirius , Bonhote, Ent. xxv, p. 44 ; of Papilio , Cockerell, Ent. xxv, p. 93, and Frohawk & Bedford, t. c. p. 120. — Coloration of pupae of Limnas , Yerbury, J. Bomb, Soc. vii, p. 209. Origin of striking colour and eye spots in Lepidoptera, Portschinsky (700). — Protective and warning coloration, &c., Beddard (46). — Develop- ment of colour in the final metamorphosis, Verhoeff (965, 970). — Composition of pigment of Lepidoptera , Griffiths (362). — Chemistry of pigment in yellow Butterflies, Hopkins, Nature, xlv, p. 197. — Action of chemical agents on scales of some Lepidoptera , Coste (192). — Order (evolutionary) of colours in Lepidoptera, Coste, Ent. xxv, p. 28. — The peculiarities of the scale-pigments in numerous Lepidoptera , Urech (958). — On the process of coloration of the pupal wings of Pieris brassicce and Vanessa , Urech (957). — A colouring matter in wings of pupa of Pieris brassicce, Urech (956). — Colour and its relation to his- tolysis and histogenesis in Orthoptera , Kunckel (529). — Changes of colour due to histolysis and histogenesis at the moults of Schistocerca , Kunckel (530) ; cf. also Brongniart, t. c. p. lix. Lepidoptera choosing protective position, Jeffreys, Ent. xxv, p. 68, Sykes, t. c. p. 69, & Biddle, t. c. p. 94. — Protection of Saturnia pavonia by its spines, Heim, Bull. Soc. Ent. Fr. lxi, p. xlviii. — Palatability of conspicuous larvae, Gould (354) ; Perkins, Ibis, 1893, pp. 103 & 104. — Protection of Acronycta alni , Fitz-Gibbon (283). — Kallima , habits of, Fowler, P. E. Soc. 1892, p. xviii. Resemblances : between various insects, seeds, &c., Nicolas, Echange, 1892, p. 143; between varr. of different Coccinellidce , Bedel, p. 36, note, Abeille, xxviii ; between ant and bug, Bergroth (71), between two bugs, id. (72); between ant and bug, Gerst^ecker, JB. Hamb. ix, p. 51 ; of portions of Phyllium to vegetable structures, Sharp, P. E. Soc. 1892, p. xiv ; between Gyrophcena and ant, Wickham (1009); between Psyllids and Coccids, Maskell, Tr. N. Z. Inst, xxiv, p. 3 ; between Cicadidae and Sphingidae, Distant, p. 119, Mon. Orient. Cicad.; of Epicopeia to Papilio , Honrath, p. xxi, Berl. Ent. Zeit. 1892 ; between beetle, Exema gibber , and excrement of caterpillar, Harrington, Ottawa Natural. 1892, p. 84 ; of beetle’s egg to bark on which it is placed, Popenoe, Tr. Kansas Ac. xii, p. 15 ; resemblance to parts of vegetables, Plateau (695); between Pompilid and Cicindelid, Saussure, p. 338, Grandidier Madagascar, xx, pt. 1 ; of Lepidopterous larvae to snakes, Hart, J. Bomb. N. H. Soc. vii, p. 105 ; resemblance between Aradidce and Pentatomidce , Bergroth (70); Zygcena and Tettigonia , ANATOMY, PHYSIOLOGY, BIOLOGY. Ins. 69 Heylaerts, p. 47, Ann. Ent. Belg. xxxvi ; Diptera and Tenthredhiidce, Giard (336). — Resemblance of parasitised mealy-bug to puparium of Diptera , Howard, P. E. Soc. Wash, ii, p. 237 ; between ants and spiders, Banks. P. E. Soc. Wash, ii, p. 174 ; grasshoppers agreeing in colour with burnt patches, Thomas, Nature, xlvi, p. 612. — The Yucca moth and bogus Yucca moth, Riley, P. Biol. Soc. Washington, vii, p. 96. Chrysalis resembling old man’s head, Holland (410). Mimicry: Seitz (819, 820), Weir, P. E. Soc., 1892, p. xxxiv, Plateau (695), Haase (382), Swinhoe (910). — Aggressive mimicry, Heller (395). — Cases of mimicry enumerated, Heller, Ent. Nachr. xviii, p. 185. — The mimicry of Volucella , Bateson, Nature, xlvi, p. 585, Poulton, xlvii, p. 28, Bateson, t. c. p. 77, Hart, p. 78, Poulton, t. c. p. 126, Romanes, t. c. p. 200. — Volucella and Vespa, Nicolas (639). Relation of colour of Lepidopterous larvee, cocoons, and pupae to sur- roundings, Poulton (703) and Gould (354). — Colour of pupae and sur- roundings, Merrifield, P. E. Soc. 1892, p. xxx. — Temperature and colour in Lepidoptera , Merrifield, P. E. Soc. 1892, p. xxiii, and Adkin, t . c. p. xxxi. Influence of temperature and light, applied in the pupal stage, on the colours of Lepidoptera , Merrifield (600). — Source of colour of cocoons of Saturnia, Eriogaster, and of pupae of Vanessa urticce , Bateson (40, 41). — Cocoons of Halias chlorana , variation in colour of, Ent. Rec. iii, p. 9. Deformities of some Coleoptera , Planet, Le Nat. 1892, pp. 50, 51. — Deformities in the abdominal segments of Tachinidce , Townsend, Ent. News, iii,- pp. 166, 167. — Supernumerary and abnormal tarsi, &c., of some Coleoptera, Wickham (1008), cf. also t. c. p. 182. — Zygcena filipendula with fifth wing in place of a leg, Richardson (738) with fig. — Telepfiorus rusticus, additional leg, Adams, P. E. Soc. 1892, pp. iv & xii. — Antenna in Carabus monilis , Pic, p. 258, Rev. d’Ent. xi. — One-eyed bees, Cook, P. Am. Ass. xl, p. 327. — Shortened wings in Agrotis ; abnormal antenna in Tragidion, Riley, P. E. Soc. Wash, ii, p. 181. Competition of £ bees, Verhoeff (968). — Darwinism, Vonhof (977). —The phylogeny and embryonic morphology of insects, Cholodkovsky (170). — Phylogeny of social Hymenoptera , Verhoeff (961) ; phylogeny of Papilionidce, Spuler (882). — Wing-neuration and phylogeny of Lepido- ptera, Spuler (881).— Homology of elytra of Coleoptera, Hoffbauer (405). Stylopized bees, Perkins (674), and Theobald (920). — Ants-nest beetles, Wasmann (986), Wickham (1005).— Galls : Brodie (129), Liebel (562), Martel (584), Mik (610). — Classification of galls, Keener (480).— Galls of Cecidomyiidce, Kieffer (493), Rubsaamen (786), Thomas (925). — Alpine Cecidomyideous galls, Thomas (924). — Galls of Lorraine, Kieffer (495). — Galls on Muhlenbergia mexicana, insects reared from, Webster, Canad. Ent. p. 243 ; of Eurosta solidaginis, Brodie (130). Plants and ants, Keller (475), Warburg (982), Insects and flowers : Insects attacking man. [See Economic.] . 70 Ins. XIII. INSECTA. III.— FAUNISTIC AND PALAEONTOLOGY. The numbers in brackets refer to “ Titles ” ; by their means it is in- tended to give a reference to every memoir containing a notice affecting the entomological fauna of each of the twelve regions here made use of. But synonymical notes and changes of systematic position are not in- cluded in these references. New species, whose locality is not known : — Coleoptera : Rhabdopholis melolonthoides , cf. Scarabceidce. Hymenoptera : Evania cribrata , cf. Hym . par. Evaniidce. Lepidoptera : Rhodoneuranotula , cf. Pyralidce , &c. Diptera : Bellardia furcata , Aty lotus erraticus , rubrinotatus, Bigot. Orthoptera : Mecopoda divergens , cf. Locustidce ; Phyllozelus genicularis , n. g. & sp., Brochopeplus reticulatus, n. g. & sp., cf. Locustidce. 1. Arctic and Antarctic. West Greenland ( Insecta ), Pox (298). Greenland ( Lepidoptera ), Skinner & Mengel (850) ; ( Diptera ), Brauer & Bergenstamm (119). 2. Insular (including New Zealand). Iceland ( Coleoptera ), Sen ac, Bull. Soc. Ent. Fr. lxi, p. xxviii. Madeira ( Diptera ), Bigot (85). Madeira and Azores ( Orthoptera ), Bolivar, Bull. Soc. Z. Fr. 1892, pp. 46-49. i Canary Is. ( Coleoptera ), Senac (836) ; ( Hynienoptera ), Forel (291), Kohl (501); (Lepidoptera), Alluaud, Bull. Soc. Ent. Fr. lxi, p. ccxxxix, Rebel (715) ; {Diptera), Brauer & Bergenstamm (119) ; ( Orthoptera ), Krauss (521). St. Helena ( Odonata ), Calvert (150). Fiji Is. ( Orthoptera ), Karsch (471, p. 343). Fiji and Pelew Is. ( Orthoptera ), Redtenbacher (717). Loyalty Group (Lepidoptera), Rothschild (782). Admiralty and Solomon Is. {Coleoptera), Faust (278). New Hebrides ( Coleoptera ), Desbrochers (203). New Ireland (Lepidoptera), Honrath (412). New Caledonia ( Rhynchota ), Distant (214), and Montandon (617). Norfolk I., New Caledonia {Rhynchota), Distant (213). Pitcairn I. ( Lepidoptera ), Warren (983). S. Pacific Is. ( Lepidoptera ), Druce (227). New Zealand and New Caledonia (Diptera), Bigot (85). New Zealand {Insecta), Hudson (440) ; Insects introduced, Ins. Life, iv, p. 339; (Coleoptera), Horn (421); PI aty soma jejunum withdrawn, FAUNISTIC AND PALEONTOLOGY. Ins. n Lewis (555) ; ( Hymenoptera ), Forel (294), Marshall (583) ; ( Lepido - litem), Meyrick (605), Warren (983) ; ( Coccidce ), Maskell (590). Hawaiian Is. ( Neuroptera ), MacLachlan (574). Galapagos ( Diptera ), Brauer & Bergexstamm (119). 3. Palearctic Region. (a.) The Region. Coleoptera. Balbi (31, 32), Desbrochers (201, 202, 204, 205, 207, 208, 209), Escherich (259), Ganglbauer (319), Guillebeau (373), Jakowleff (451), Reitter (724), Schwarz (809, 810), Stierlin (899, 900, Thery (921). Hymenoptera. Berthoumieu (74), Handlirsch (386), Jakowlew (453), Kohl (501), Semenow (828, 829). Lepidoptera. Romanoff (779), Ruhl (789), Staudinger (886, 887), id. [S. Siberia] (891), Warren (983). Diptera. Bigot (83, 85), Brauer & Bergenstamm (119), Mik (608), PORTSCHINSKY (699). Rhynchota. Puton (707, 708). (b.) Collective Europe . Hymenoptera. Andre (11), Konow (510), Thomson (927). Diptera. Kowarz (512), Rubsaamen (787). Rhynchota. Horvath (429). (c.) British Islands. Additions. Coleoptera. Blatch, novelty, Ent. M. M. xxviii, p. 160. — Champion, novelty, t. c. p. 68. — Blatch & Horner, n. sp. (103). Hymenoptera. Bignell, n. sp. (82). Lepidoptera. Barrett, novelty, Ent. M. M. xxviii, p. 244. — Wood, novelties, n. spp. (1014) ; id. n. sp. (1015). Diptera. Meade, n. sp. (595), n. sp. (596), novelty, n. sp. (597). — Yerrall, n. spp. (971). Aphaniptera. Saunders, novelty, Ent. M. M. xxviii, p. 66. Rhynchota. Saunders, novelties, Ent. M. M. xxviii. p. 8 ; novelty, id. t. c. p. 258. Coccidce. Newstead, novelties, n. spp. (637). Neuroptera. Morton, novelty, Ent. M. M. xxviii, p. 108. Local Lists. Insecta. East Sussex, Porritt, Ent. M. M. xxviii, p. 227.— Bristol (Phenological), P. Bristol Soc. vii, pp. 10 & 11— Bays water, Pascoe, Ent. M. M. xxviii, p. 230.— Withernsea, Baker & Porter, Naturalist, 1892, pp. 296 & 297. 72 Ins. XIII.' INSECTA. Coleoptera. Cornwall, Isabell, Rep. Penzance Soc. 1891-92, p. 376. — Plymouth, Keys, Ent. M. M. xxviii, p. 23. — New Forest, Chitty, Ent. M. M. xxviii, p. 24, and t. c. p. 216. — Hastings, Bennett, Ent. M. M. xxviii, p. 193. — Gomshall, Butler, Ent. M. M. xxviii, p. 268. — "Welling- ton, Elton, Ent. M. M. xxviii, p. 288. — Woking, Champion, Ent. M. M. xxviii, p. 193, and t. c. p. 243. — Gloucestershire, Shipp, t. c. p. 288. — Cardiff, Storrie, Rep. Cardiff Soc. xxiv, p. 64. — Cambridge, Fowler, Ent. M. M. xxviii, p. 215. — Withernsea, Fowler, t.c. p. 215. — Doncaster Bayford, t. c. p. 267. — Birkenhead, Ellis, Ent. xxv, p. 144. — The Ilydradephaga of Lancashire and Cheshire, W. E. Sharp, Naturalist, pp. 189, &c., &c. — Scotland, Champion, Ent. M. M. xxviii, p. 243. — Some additions to Scottish Coleoptera , with notes on species new or rare in the “ Solway ” district, Lennon & Douglas, Ann. Scot. N. H. i, pp. 107-115. — Kirkcudbright, Douglas, t.c. p.271. — Loch Awe, Chitty, Ent. M. M. xxviii, p. 216. — Elginshire and Mid Lothian, Evans, Ann. Scot. N. H. i, p. 78. — Ireland, Cuthbert, Brit. Nat. ii, p. 29 ; Johnson, Ent. M. M. xxviii, p. 213. — N. Ireland, Johnson, t. c. p. 134. — Donegal, Johnson, t. c. p. 310. — Louth, Cuthbert, Irish Nat. i, p. 158; Dublin, Browne, t. c. p. 189. — Armagh, Johnson, t. c. pp. 14, &c. Strepsiptera. Surbiton, Saunders, Ent. M. M. xxviii, p. 249 ; Bruton, Eaton, t. c. p. 250. Hymenoptera. Wotton-under-Edge, Perkins, Ent. M. M. xxviii, p. 135. — Shirley, Rothney, t. c. p. 51. — Rugby, Morice, Rep. Rugby Soc. 1891, pp. 56-60. — Norfolk, Bridgman, Tr. Norw. Soc. iv, p. 690 ; Fauna and flora of Norfolk : part xii, Phytophagous Hymeno- ptera (Sawflies), Tr. Norw. Soc. iv, pp. 523-536. — Yorkshire, Nelson, Summerfield, Roebuck, Wilson, Naturalist, 1892, p. 325. — A prelimin- ary list of the Aculeata of Lancashire and Cheshire ; Brit. Nat. ii, pp. 21- 23, &c. — Scotland, Trail (950). — Dunbar, Pow, Ann. Scot. N. H. ii, p. 79. — Perthshire, M’Gregor, Tr. Perthsh. Soc. i, pp. 65-72 & 152. Lepidoptera. The Lepidoptera of Britain, Barrett (34). — Label list of British Lepidoptera : (first part) issued as a supp, to J. Inst. Corn- wall, xi. — Notes concerning local British Butterflies, Goss, Ent. M. M. xxviii, p. 44. — Immigration of Pieris brassicce , Kerry (490). — Occur- rence of Deiopeia pulchella in England, South, Ent. xxv, pp. 153-155, 166-168, & 191. — Ocneria dispar in England, South, Ent. xxv, p. 259. — Colias edusa in England in 1892, Ent. M. M., Ent., Ent. Rec., &c., numerous notices. — Introduction of Callimorpha hera , Luff, Ent. M. M. xxviii, p. 21. — S. Devon, Brooks, Ent. M. M. xxviii, p. 280 ; Prideaux, Ent. xxv, p. 221 ; Bignell, t. c. p. 256. — Sidmouth, Wells, Ent. xxv, pp. 67 & 68. — Ilfracombe, Boyd, P. E. Soc. 1892, p. vii. — Exeter, Still, Ent. M. M. xxviii, p. 132 ; Barrett, P. E. Soc. 1892, p. xiv. — Plymouth, Briggs, Ent. xxv, pp. 45-47.— Dartmoor, Still, t. c. pp. 228-230. — Dorset, Cambridge, Ent. xxv, p. 196; Dale (196), Richardson (740). — Bloxworth, Cambridge, Ent. xxv, pp. 82-84. — Purbeck, Bankes, Ent. M. M. xxviii, pp. 48 & 49, and t. c. pp. 308 & 309. — Lepidopterous fauna of Portland, Richardson (739). — Bournemouth, Adye, P. E. Soc. 1892, FATJNISTIC AND PALAEONTOLOGY. Ins. 73 p. xxv.— New Forest and Swanage, Alderson, Ent. xxv, pp. 313-315.— Lyndhurst, Jackson, t. c. p. 219. — Freshwater, Stevens, P. E. Soc. 1892, p. xi. — Winchester, Neyinsox, Ent. xxv, p. 169. — Hastings, Bloomfield, Ent. M. M. xxviii, p. 267. — Brighton, Field, Ent. xxv, p. 318. — East Sussex, Tugwell, t. c. pp. 156-159. — Folkestone, Partridge, Ent. M. M. xxviii. p. 265.— Shorncliffe, id. t. c. p. 191.— Ashford, Yiggers, Ent. xxv, p. 289. — Tunbridge Wells, Beeching, P. E. Soc. 1892, p. xxv. — Dorking, Flood, Ent. xxv, p. 169. — Surbiton, G-oss, Ent. M. M. xxviii, p. 246. — Alton, Reid, Ent. xxv, p. 220.— Middlesex, Cockerell, t. c. pp. 115- 118, 130-134, 182-185, & 203-207.— Crouch End, James, t. c. pp. 65-67.— Tineina, &e.. at Sandridge, G-riffith, Tr. Hertf. Soc. vi, pp. 97-102.— Wellington, Ghica, Rep. Wellington Soc. xxiii, p. 49.— Marlborough, Meyrick, Rep. Marlb. Coll. Soc. xl, pp. 124, &c. — Essex, Fitch, Ess. Nat. vii, pp. 115 & 140 ; Cole & Argent, t. c. pp. 140 & 141. — Notes on the Hpidoptera of Northamptonshire, Edwards, J. Northampt. Soc. 1891, pp. 235, &e., and 1892, pp. 19-23. — Nottinghamshire, Barrett, Ent. M. M. xxviii, p. 267.— Suffolk, Rexdlesham, Ent. xxv, p. 244.— Aldeburgh, Cruttwell, Ent. M. M. xxviii, p. 253.— Norfolk, Barrett, P. E. Soc. 1892, p. xxvii ; and Tr. Norw. Soc. iv, pp. 691-701. — Ran- worth, Wheeler, Ent. M. M. xxviii, p. 203. — Staffordshire, Woodforde, Ent. xxv, p. 241. — North Staffordshire, Daltry, t. c. p. 95. — N. Stafford- shire, Daltry, Rep. N. Staffordsh. Club, 1888, p. 11 ; 1889, p. 12 ; 1890, p. 15; 1891, p. 14; 1892, p. 74. — Delamere Forest, ArKle, Ent. xxv, p. 145. — Lincoln, Carr, Ent. M. M. xxviii, pp. 130 & 131. — Halifax, Halliday, Naturalist, 1892, p. 339. — York, Hewett, Ent. xxv, pp. 170-172. — Isle of Man, Clarke, Brit, Nat. ii, p. 24, and Lioar Man, pp. 287, &c., &c. — Windermere, Moss, Ent. xxv, p. 246. — Westmoreland, Ne VINSON, t. c. p. 144. — Carlisle, Routledge, t. c. p. 169. — A list of the Macro- Lepidoptera of Balerno, Mid Lothian, Ann. Scot. N. H. i, pp. 39, &c.— Jura, Evans, t. c. p. 141. — Perth, White, t. c. p. 271. — Rannoch, Adkin, Ent. xxv, pp. 105-110. — Aberdeenshire, Reid, Brit. Nat. i, p. 66, &c, ; ii, p. 80, &c. — Lochinvar, Beveridge, Ann. Scot. N. H. i, pp. 172-177. — Armagh, Johnson, Ent. M. M. xxviii, p. 217 ; Mourne district, Watts, l. c. Diptera. South Devon, Matthews, Ent. M. M. xxviii, p. 268.— Horrabridge, Dale, t. c. p. 310. — Dijptera of Dorsetshire, Dale, Brit. Nat. i, p. 3, &c. ; ii, p. 63, &c. — Glanvilles Wootton, Dale, Ent. xxv, p. 72.— Dorset and Hants, Dale, Ent. M. M. xxviii, p. 268. — Sutton Park, Bradley, Ent. M. M. xxviii, p. 110. — Sherwood and Wyre Forests, id. t. c. p. 290. — North Uist, Dale, t. c. p. 50. Rhynehota. The Hemiptera-Heteroptera of Britain, Saunders (792). — Additions to the list of Hemiptera-Heteroptera collected in the Island of Guernsey, Luff, Ent. M. M. xxviii, p. 7. —Woking, Saunders, t. c. p. 218. — Remarks on some Hemiptera-Heteroptera taken in the neigh- bourhood of Bath, Blathwayt, P. Bath Club, vi, pp. 315-326. List of terrestrial Hemiptera-Heteroptera taken in the neighbourhood of Bath, id. t. c. pp. 432-435. — Chobham and Surbiton, Saunders, Ent. M. M. 74 Ins. XIII. INSECTA. xxviii, p. 290. — Norfolk, Edwards, Tr. Norw. Soc. iv, pp. 702-710.— Chesil Bank, Coccidce , Dale, Ent. M. M. xxviii, p. 219. Neurop)tera. Localities for Dragon-flies, Sci. Goss. 1892, pp. 17, &c., &c. — Neuroptera observed in the Channel Islands in September, 1891, McLachlan, Ent. M. M. xxviii, pp. 4-6. — A list of the Neuroptera inhabiting the Island of Guernsey, Luff, Rep. Guernsey Soc. 1891, pp. 155-160. — Guernsey, Luff, Ent. M. M. xxviii, pp. 72 & 73. — Sark, McLachlan, Ent. M. M. xxviii, p. 74. — Leatherhead, Briggs, t. c. pp. 194 & 268. — Chippenham, King, t. c. p. 246. — Penistone, Porritt, t. c. p. 311. — Ireland, Morton, t. c. pp. 110 & 301. Ortlioptera. Norfolk, Shaw, P. E. Soc. 1892, p. xxvii. (d.) North Europe and Siberia [see also (a.) and (b.)]. Insecta. Klasr, Ent. Tidskr. xiii, p. 92. Coleoptera. Sweden, Lampa, Ent. Tidskr. xiii, p. 208. — Siberia, Bergroth (60); Reitter, Wien. ent. Z. xi, pp. 187, 188. — E. Siberia, Brenske (123), Weise (995). Hymenoptera. Norway, Fortegnelse over nogle for Norges Fauna nye arter af Phytophage Hymenoptera , Kl^er, Ent. Tidskr. xiii, pp. 67-70. — Sweden, Neren (631). Lepidoptera. Scandinavia, Aurivillius (23); Saiilberg, Ent. Tidskr xiii, p. 291. — Roldal, Walker, Ent. xxv, pp. 36-39. — Christiania, Huitfeldt-Kaas, Ent. Tidskr. xiii, pp. 78-80. — Sweden, AmmitzbOll, Ent. Tidskr. xiii, p. 73. — Siberia, Christoph (175), Ragonot (712), Romanoff (779). — Amurland, Graeser, (356). — S. Siberia, Lep. see (a.). Bhynchota. Siberia, Jakowleff (452), Bergroth (65). Piptera. Norway, Bidenkap (81); Sweden, Lampa (537). — Thysanura. Siberia, Reuter (734). (e.) Central and Eastern Europe [see also (a.) and (b.)]. Insecta . Belgium, Selys (826). — Germany, Brischke (126, 127). — Rheinland, Veriioeff, Ent. Nachr. xviii, p. 3. — Galls of Lorraine, Kieffer (495). — St. Gall, Wegelin, Ber. St. Gall. Ges. 1890-91, pp. 307-335. — Trencsen, Brancsik, Jahresheft. Yer. Trencsin. xiii, pp. 43-46. — Becker, Sarepta (44). Coleoptera . Denmark, Lovendal, Ent. Medd. iii, pp. 235-240. — Netherlands, Everts (260), and Tijdschr. Ent. xxxv, p. xii. — Belgium, Borre, p. 228, Ann. Ent. Belg. xxxvi ; L. Coucke, t. c. p. 79 ; E. Coucke (193). — Materiaux pour la faune entomologique de la province du Luxem- bourg, beige. Coleopteres , Troisieme centurie. De Borre, Publ. inst. Luxemb, xxi, pp. 81-117. — Schilsky, vii, Beitrag zur Kenntniss der deutschen Kaferfauna, Deutsche e. Z. 1892, pp. 193-208. — Brunswick, Heller, Ent. Nachr. xviii, pp. 33-36. — Die Kafer von Nassau und Frankfurt. Sechster Nachtrag. JB. nass. Yer. xlv, pp. 65-82. — Gottin- gen, Rade, p. 367, Ent. Nachr. xviii. — Catalogue des Coleopteres recoltcs a Aigle et environs, Bull. Soc. Murith. xix, pp. 21-60.— Switzerland, FAUNISTIC AND PALEONTOLOGY. Ins. 75 Guillebeau, Echange, i, No. 7, p. 3. — Simplon, Bourgeois, p. ccxiv, Bull. Soc. Ent. Fr. lxi. — Brunn, Fleischer, pp. 206, 209, & 211, Wien, ent. Z. xi. — Silesia, Letzner (551).— Austria, Eppelsheim (255). — Hungary, Frivaldszky (310). — Carinthia, Reitter, p. 186, Wien. ent. Z. xi, Weise (1000). — Russia, Semenow (834). — Sarepta, Pic (677). Hymenoptera. Belgium, Lameere (535). — Germany, Krieciibaumer (523, 524), Yeriioeff (966). — Switzerland, Frey-Gessner (307, 308). — Russia, Morawitz (624). Lepidoptera. Belgium, Hippert, pp. 451 & 480, Ann. Ent. Belg. xxxvi ; Selys, t. c. p. 391. — Netherlands, Cappel, Tijdschr. Ent. xxxv, p. xv. — Loreley, Fuchs (313). — Die J lacrolepidopteren der Dresdner Gegend, Steinert, pp. 395-423, Deutsche e. Z. Lep. v. — Switzerland, Ruhl, MT. Schw. ent. Ges. viii, p. 367. — Stilfser-Joch, Ruhl (790). — Galicia, Klemensiewicz (499). — Bucovina, Hormuzaki (414).— Tyrol, Elwes, P. E. Soc. 1892, p. xxvi. — South Tyrol, Rebel (716). — Carinthia, Honrath (413). Diptera. Kieffer (492, 493, 494), Meade (596), Mik (609), Strobl (902). — Belgium, L. Coucke, Ann. Ent. Belg. xxxvi, pp. 134-139. — Hertogenwald, E. & L. Coucke, Ann. Ent. Belg. xxxvi, pp. 462-469. — Switzerland, Becker (45), Bergroth (61), Roder, Wien. ent. Z. xi, p. 170. — Germany, Liebel (562), Rubsaamen (786), Stein (896). — Austria, Strobl (903, 905, 906). — Thuringia, Roder, Ent. Nachr. xviii, p. 204. Bhynchota. Belgium, Fokker, Ann. Ent. Belg. xxxvi, p. 170; Enumeration des Hemipteres de Belgique, ii. Homoptera : Coubeaux, Ann. Ent. Belg. xxxvi, pp. 34-36, & 80-83. — Catalogus der in Neder- land voorkomende Hemiptera : Addenda et corrigenda, Fokker, pp. 357-378, Tijdschr. Ent. xxxiv. — Lorraine, Kieffer, Ent. Nach. xviii, p. 30. — Hungary, Lethierry (549). — Pressburg, Sabrausky, Yerh. Yer. Pressburg (n.s.) vii, pp. 16-24.— Duda, Schnabelkerfe Bohmens, cf. Wien. ent. Z. xi, p. 250. — St. Petersburg, Cholodkovsky (172). Neuroptera . Schwarzwald, McLachlan, Ent. M. M. xxviii, p. 79. — Germany, Rostock (781). (f.) France [see also (a.) (b.) and (g.)]. Insecta. Aude, Liste des especes de Dipteres , Hemipteres et Hymeno- pteres recueillies dans le departement et principalement aux environs de Carcassonne, Gavoy, Bull. Soc. Aude, iii, pp. 255-298 — Auvergne, Desbrochers, Frelon, i, pp. 2—10. — Ria, Xambeu, Soc. Agricole Pyren.- orient. xxxiii, pp. 229-240. Coleoptera. Abeille (1), Brisout (128), Chobaut (169), and Bull. Soc. Ent. Fr. lxi, p. ccxxiv ; Croissandeau (194), and p. cclviii, Bull. Soc. Ent. Fr. lxi; Grilat (365); Guillebeau (375, 376, 377); and Catalogue des Coleopteres du departement de PAin, Echange, No. 54, &c., &c.; Jacquet, Echange, i, No. 6, p. 3 ; Rey (736); Somme, Colin, Bull. 76 Ins. XIII. INSECT A. Soc. L. Nord. France, x, pp. 2 12-210, and Delaby, t,. c. pp. 308-314; Seine-inf., Etienne, Bull. Soc. d’EIbeuf, p. 01 ; Catalogue des CoMoptdren du Fiuisterre (completed), IIeuyi!:, Bull. Soc. Finistero, xii, pp. 81-127 : Supplement, pp. 129-132 ; Soulac, Gouin, Act. Soc. L. Bord. v, p. clxi. ITymenoptera. llymdnopteres do la Vendee, Bland, ltov. Sci. Nat. Guest, pp. 141-149. Lephloptera. CiiufoTiEN (174), CONSTANT (182), Ragonot, p. olxiii, Bull. Soc. Ent. Fr. lxi; Calvados, Dijmans, p. lxxii, Bull. Soc. Ent. Fr. Ixi. — Elbeuf , Dupont, Bull. Soc. d’Elbeuf, 1891, p. 43. — Alpcs maritimes, Bkomilow, Ent. xxv, ]>. 245. — Contribution a la faunc dea Lepidopteres du sud-ouest do la Franco : Supplement aux Catalogues do M.M Roger ot Trimoulot, et Catalogue provisoire dos Pyrales des environs de Bordeaux, Breiquet, Brown, Act. Soc. L. Bord. xlv, pp. 49-91. Rliyncliota. Horvath (431), Futon, Echango, 1890, No. 02, p. 110, and Rev. d’Ent. xi, pp. 31 & 32. — Catalogue dea Ildmiptires, (Ildtdroptdres, Ilomopttres, Psyllides ) rocuoillis dans la departement do la Loire- inferioure, Dominique, Bull. Soc. Sci. Nat. Ouest. France, 1892, pp. 81-130. — Matdriaux pour la faune des lldmipttres do l’Oiso, CaRPENTIER & Dubois, M<$m. Soc. L. N. Fr. viii, pp. 40G-440. Neuroptera. Martin (587, 588, 589). Orthoptera. Finot (282); Matdriaux pour lo Catalogue dos Ortho- pttres do la Somme, Bull. Soc. L. N. Fr. x, pp. G9-75. — Loirc-inf., Dominique, pp. 14G-148. (g.) Southern Europe and Mediterranean Basin [seo also (a.) and (b.)]. Insecta. Val Vigezzo, Carlini, Bull. Ent. Ital. xxiv, pp. 83—91 . — I. of Lampodusa, Ragusa, Nat. Sicil. xi, pp. 234-238. Coleoptera. Abeille (2), Champion (163), Lewis (557), Pic (G78, G84, G87), Zoufal (1026).— Spain, Guillebeau (378), Reitter, p. 239, Wien, ent. Z. xi. — Italy, Dodero (219), Gestro (332). — Val Posio, Ganglbaijer (318). — Corsica, Croissandeau (194), Guillebeau (379).— I. of Capri, Blum, Nachrichtsbl. deutscho Malak. Z. 1892, pp. 27_& 28. — Sicily, Baudi (43), Stierlin (898). — Syria and Cyprus, Abeille (1). — Bosnia, Pic (G90). — S. E. Europe, Reitter (729). — Herzegovina, Knotek (500), Ganglbauer (317). — Persia, Heyden, Doutscbo o. Z. 1892, p. Ill; Bedel (48). — Algeria, G eilat (3G4), Guillebeau (374), Lewis (560), Pic (G80, G81, G8G, G89, 691). — Egypt, Pic (G85). — Asia Minor, Fleischer (284), Pic (G79), Thery (922). — Syria, Fairmaire (263), Pic (683, 688). Hymenoptera. Emery (250), Foeel (291), Saussuee (793), Vaciial (959), — Spain, Medina (598). — Andalusia, Medina, Act. Soc. Esp. xxi, pp. 145-148. — Sardinia, Krieoiibaumer (526). — Italy, Benzi (55), Gobelli (176). — Trieste, Graffe (358). — Dalmatia, Gasperini (320), Veriioeff (969). — Bulgaria, Foricl (289), Schulthess-Reciiberg (803). —Algeria, Lesne (548). — Adon, Forel (290). FAUNISTJC AND PAL/EONT0L0G Y. Ins. 77 Lepidoptera. Zapater, Cataiogo de los Lepidopteros de la provincia de Teruel, Ana. Soc. Esp. xxi, pp. 103-159. — S. France, Nicholson, Ent. M. M. xxviii, p. 270. — N. Italy, Norris, Ent. xxv, pp. 239, &c. — Modena, Pozzi, Note Lepidotterologiche, Atti Soc. Mod. (3) xi, pp. 1-11. — Sardinia, Maijille (572). — Sicily, Pungeler (706). — Koumania, Joannis, Bull. Soc. Ent. Fr. lxi, pp. ccxxxix-ccxli ; Cosmovici (191). — Bucharest, Montandon, Bull. Soc. Ent. Fr. lxi, p. xlvi.— Tunis, Ragonot (711); Staudixger (890). — Aden, Butler (145) ; Yerbury (1025). Diptera. Pavia, Bezzi (79). Bhynchota. Italy, Su alcuni Emitteri Eterotteri del Modenese, Testi, Atti Soc. Mod. (3) xi, pp. 203-212. Ferrari (281). — Croatia, Horvath, Glasnik Naravosl. Druzt. vi, pp. 29-49. — Algeria, Montan- don (618).— Sahara, Coccidce , Targioni-Tozzetti (912, 913) ; Giard, Bull. Soc. Ent. Fr. lxi, p. cclxxiii. — Egypt, Pcjton, Rev. d’Ent. xi, pp. 32-34.— Syria, Puton (708). Neuroptera. Contribuzione alio studio dei Pgeudoneurotteri del Modenese, Bentivoglio, Atti Soc. Mod. (3) xi, pp. 122-124. — Novak, Terzo cenno ( Neuropt . and Orthopt.) sulla Fauna dell’ Isola Lesina in Dalmazia, Glasnik Naravosl. Druzt. vi, pp. 50-58. Orthoptera. Locusts near Florence, Bull. Eut. Ital. xxiv, pp. 164 — 1G9. — Trentino, Cobelli, Yerh.-z.-b. Wien, xlii, p. 61. — Novak, Secondo cenno sulla Fauna deli’ Isola Lesina in Dalmazia, Glasnik Naravosl. Druzt. v, pp. 119-128. — Bulgaria, Frey-Gessner, MT. Schw. ent. Ges. viii, pp. 397-403. — N. Africa, Krauss (520). — Oran, Olivier, Bull. Soc. Ent. Fr. lxi, p. xlv. (h.) Caucasus and West and Central Asia [see also (a.) and (b.)]. Coleoptera. Caucasus, Reitter (727) ; Rost (780) ; Weise (999). — W. Asia, Brenske (125) ; Fairmaire (268, 271) ; Faust (274) ; Jacobsohn (445); Prochazka (705); Reitter (725, 726, 728); Schmidt (801); Semenow (831,832, 833); Weise (992).— Turkestan, Eppelsheim (256) ; Heyden (402); Weise (994). Lepidoptera. W. Asia, Alpheraky (4). — Centr. Asia, Graeser (357). Rhynchota. W. Asia, Horvath (429). 4. Africa (Ethiopian Region). Insecta. Distant (210, 216). Rhynchota and Lepidoptera. Karsch (460). Coleoptera. Alluaud (8); Brenske (122); Desbrochers (200); Duvivier (230,231); Fairmaire (262); Gestro (329, 334); Gorham (348); Gorham & Gahan (353) ; Grouvelle (368) ; Horn (421, 423, 426) ; Kerremans (482, 487, 488) ; Kolbe (502, '504, 505, 506, 507, 508); Kraatz (514) ; Lameere (534) ; Lefevre (543) ; Lewis (558) ; Non- 78 Ins. XIII. INSECTA. fried (642, 648) ; Peringuey (672, 673); Roelofs (774, 775) ; Schmidt (801, 802) ; Senna (838) ; Wasmann (985) ; Weise (993, 997, 998). Hymenoptera. AndriS (12); Emery (252, 253); Forel (290, 292) ; Handlirsch (386) ; Keller (475) ; Kohl (501) ; Magretti (575) ; Saussure (793) ; Stadelmann (883) ; Yachal (960). Lepidoptera. Aurivillius (24) ; Butler (143) ; Butler & Roths- child (147) ; Holland (405, 407, 408) ; Honrath (412) ; Karsch (461, 462, 463, 464) ; Kirby (497) ; Mabille (571) ; Mabille & Vuillot (573) ; Pagenstecher (668) ; Robbe (766) ; Rogenhofer (778) ; Smith & Kirby (858) ; Staudinger (885, 888, 889) ; Vuillot (978, 979, 980) ; Warren (983) ; Weymer (1003). Diptera. Bezzi (80); Bigot (85); Brauer (116); Brauer & Bergenstamm (119). Rhynchota. Bergroth (62,68); Carlini (158); Distant (210, 213, 218); Gerstaecker (323); Karsch (465); Montandon (618, 619, 620); Reuter (732). Neuroptera. Calvert (150); Karsch (468); Selys (825); Karsch (469, 470, 471, 472); Pictet & Saussure (692); Redtenbacher (717). 5. Madagascar. Insecta. Nossibe, Brancsik (115). Coleoptera. Fairmaire (266, 267, 269).— Seychelles, Fairmaire (270); Horn (421); Jacoby (447); Kraatz (513, 517); Lewis (555); Nonfried (642, 648); Roelofs (774). Hymenoptera. Forel (287); Handlirsch (387); Kohl (501); Saussure (793). Lepidoptera. Butler (146); Smith & Kirby (858); Warren (983). Rhynchota. Bergroth (72); Distant (214, 218); Montandon (619); Reuter (733). Neuroptera. Selys (825); Seychelles, Calvert (150). 6. Tropical and Eastern Asia with Japan. For Aden ( Hymenoptera and Lepidoptera ) see 3 (g.). Insecta. Seitz (820) ; id ., China (821) ; id ., Japan (822, 823). Coleoptera. Allard (7) ; Aurivillius (25) ; Bates (37, 38) ; Bedel (47) ; Belon (53) ; BERGE,pp. 239-241, Ann. Ent. Belg. xxxvi ; Bour- geois (113) ; Brenske (122, 123, 125); Brongniart (133); Candeze (152, 155) ; Desbrochers (200); Duvivier (232) ; Fairmaire (267) ; Faust (276) ; Frivaldszky, China (309) ; Cestro (324, 325, 326, 327, 328, 329, 330, 333) ; Gorham (349, 351) ; Grouvelle (367, 369, 370) ; Guillebeau (378) ; Horn (421, 422, 424) ; Jacoby (446, 448) ; Janson (454) ; Kerremans (484, 489) ; Kolbe (506) ; Kraatz (514, 516) ; Lefevre (544) ; Lesne (547) ; Lewis (553, 555, 558, ‘561) ; id., Japan (554, 556) ; Nonfried (642, 644, 647) ; Olivier (652) ; Poll (696) ; FAUNISTIC AND PALAEONTOLOGY. Ins. 79 Regimbart (720, 723) ; Ritsema (757) ; Sciimidt (801) ; Schienfeldt, Ann. Ent. Belg. xxxvi, pp. 107-111 ; Senna (838, 839) ; Sharp (843) ; Villard, Japan (976) ; Weise (997, 1001). Uymenoptera. Andre (12); Cameron (151); Corel (290); Forel, Ceylon (288, "p. 17, 293) ; Handlirscii (386); Jakowlew (453); Kohl (501) ; Magretti (576) ; Mocsary, China and Tibet (615) ; Rothney, E. India ants, P. E. Soc. 1892, pp. viii-x ; Saussure (793) ; Wroughton, Ants of India (1018). Lepidoptera. Austaut, Japan (29) ; Butler, Ceylon (142) ; Elwes (248) ; Hampson, Moths of India, vol. i (384) ; Leech (542) ; Manders (579) ; Moore (622, 623) ; Niceville (638) ; Oberthur (650, 651) ; Poujade (702) ; Robbe (765) ; Romanoff, China and Mongolia (779) ; Seitz (817, 818, 820, 821); Sonthonnax (878) ; Pekin, Stau- dinger, Deutsche e. Z. Lep. iv, p. 339 ; India, Swiniioe (908, 909) ; Warren (983). Diptera. Bigot (83, 84, 85, 86, 87) ; Brauer & Bergenstamm (119). Bhynchota. Bergroth (63, 66, 67, 70, 71) ; Distant (211, 212, 213, 217) ; Horvath, Trop. Asia and Tibet (428) ; Letiiierry (550) ; Maskell, Coccidce (500) ; Montandon (617, 618, 619, 620) ; Reuter, E. Siberia and Mongolia (730). Neuroptera. Eaton (241, 242) ; id., Japan (243) ; Karsch, China (467) ; Selys (824). Orthoptera. Brunner, Ceylon (137) ; Pictet & Saussure (692). 7. Asiatic Archipelago, including Papua. Coleoptera. Bourgeois (112) ; Borneo, Bourgeois (114) ; Brenske (122, 123) ; Candeze (156) ; id., Engano (153) ; id., New Guinea (154) ; Desbrochers (200) ; Dohrn, Philippines (221) ; Fairmaire, Sumatra (265); Faust (278); G-estro (327, 329); id., Engano (335); id., New Guinea (331), and Ann. Mus. Genov. (2) x, pp. 265-268 ; Gorham, Borneo (350) ; Grouvelle (372) ; id., Philippines (367) ; id., Borneo (371); Heller, Java (394); Horn (421, 424); Jacoby, Sumatra (448) ; Janson (454) ; Kerremans, Philippines (483) ; id., Engano (485) ; id., New Guinea (486) ; Kolbe (506) ; Kraatz (514, 516) ; id., Java (515) ; Lewis (555) ; id., Borneo (558) ; Nonfried (642, 644) ; Olivier, New Guinea (653) ; Raffray, Philippines (710) ; Regimbart (721); id., Borneo (722); Ritsema (763, 764), and Notes Leyd. Mus. xiv, pp. 139, 143, & 144 ; id., Java (759, 762) ; id., Java and Nias I. (758) ; id., Borneo (761) ; id., Amboyna (760) ; Roelofs, Borneo (772) ; id., Aru Is. (776) ; Schmidt (801) ; Senna, Java (837) ; Sharp, Java (844) ; Tryon, New Guinea (953) ; Waterhouse, Damma I. (988) ; Weise (997) ; id., Celebes (998). Hymenoptera. Andre, Borneo (13); Handlirsch (386); Kohl (501); Stadelmann (883). Lepidoptera. Butler, Borneo (141); Hagen, Banka (383); Hey- laerts (403); Honrath (412); Moore (623); Niceville (638); 80 Ins . XIII. INSECTA. Pagenstecher (668); Rippon, Aru Is. (756); Rober (767); Rogenhofer, Sumatra (778); Rothschild, Celebes (783), and Rothschild, P. E. Soc. 1892, p. xv ; Semper, Philippines (835); Smith, Borneo (857); Snellen, Flores (869); id., Java (872, 876); id., Celebes (870); Staudinger, Borneo (892, 894); id., Mindoro (888); Swinhoe (908); Tryon, New Guinea (954); Warren (983). Diptera. Bigot (85); Brauer & Bergenstamm (119); Roder (771); Wulp, Java (1019). Rhynchota. Bergroth (63); id., Engano (66); Distant (212, 213); id., Borneo (211); id., Timor (215); Tryon, New Guinea (952). Nearoptera. Karsch, Java (466); Selys (824). Orthoptera. Bolivar (710) ; Dohrn (222); Pictet & Saussure (692); Redtenbacher (717). 8. Australia and Tasmania. Insecta. Tasmania, Walker, Ent. M. M. xxviii, p. 153 ; Notes from Fremantle, &c.,id. t. c. p. 55. Coleoptera. Bedel (47) ; Scymnus lophanthce said to be Australian, Ent. News, iii, p. 144, note ; Blackburn (90, 91, 92, 93, 94, 95) ; Faust (277); Lewis (555); Nonfried (644); Olliff (655); Poll (697); Roelofs (776) ; Schmidt (801) ; Sharp (843); Sloane (852, 853). Hymenoptera. Froggatt (311, 312); Handlirsch (386) ; Kohl (50.1); Rothney, P. E. Soc. 1892, p. iii ; Saussure (793). Lepidoptera. Lower (565, 566) ; Lucas (568, 569); Meyrick (604); Miskin (611, 612, 613) ; Olliff (654) ; a list of Yictorian Rhopalocera, Spry & Anderson, Yict. Nat. ix, pp. 121-123 ; Swinhoe (908). Diptera. Bigot (83, 85); Brauer & Bergenstamm (119); Roder (771). Rhynchota. Murray I. and Mabuiag, Carpenter (159) ; Distant (212, 213, 214, 217) ; Maskell (590, 592). Orthoptera. Redtenbacher (717) ; Saussure (795) ; Tepper (916, 917). 9. North America. Insecta. Godman & Salvin (347) -; Jamesburg, Ent. News, iii, p. 36. — Catalina I., Seavey, Zoe, iii, pp. 262 & 263. — New Mexico, Townsend (941). — Mississippi Bottoms, Weed, Canad. Ent. xxiv, pp. 276-279. — Alaska, Wickham (1007). — Ottawa, numerous records by Harrington and J. F. in Ottawa Natural. 1892. Insects in Cryptoporus valvatus in British Columbia, Hubbard, Canad. Ent. xxiv, pp. 250-256. Coleoptera. Angell (14); Blaisdell, San Diego, Zoe, iii, pp. 47-49, 102, 252. — Blaisdell (96, 97, 98) ; Brendel (120, 121) ; Casey (161, 162); San Francisco, Dunn, Zoe, ii, p. 310 ; N. Brunswick, Harrington, Canad. Ent. xxiv, p. 112; id. (389); Horn (416, 417, 418, 418); W. Horn (421); Schwarz (805); Wickham (1009), FAUNISTIC AND PALAEONTOLOGY. Ins. 81 id., Bull. Lab. Iowa, ii, p. 23 id., Alaska (1006); id,, Iowa, Canad. Ent. xxiv, pp. 99-101. Hymenoptera. Ashmead (17, 18, 19, 20, 21, 22); Brodie (129); Fox (298 to 306), and Ent. News, iii, p. 17 ; Fyles (314); Gillette (344); Handlirsch (386); Harrington (388); Howard (433, 435); Kohl (501); Patton (670); Robertson (768). Lepidoptera. Catalogue, Smith (859). — Dyar (238, 239, 240); Edwards (246, 247); Fernald (280); Hulst (441); Kellicott (477); Neumoegen (633, 634); Nolan (641); Pagenstecher (668); Riley (744); Skinner (847, 848, 849); Slosson (854, 855); Smith (860, 861, 863, 867); Warren (983); Wright (1017).— Ohio, Kellicott, Canad. Ent. xxiv, p. 42. — Adirondack, McKnight, Ent. News, iii, pp. 87-89. — N. Carolina, Mead, Canad. Ent. xxiv, p. 313 ; Moffat, Canad. Ent. xxiv, pp. 18 & 132. — Alaska, Wright, Ent. News, iii, p. 74.— A list of the Butterflies found at Marshall, Missouri, and vicinity, Staley, Canad. Ent. xxiv, pp. 201-204. — Colorado, Bruce, Ent. News, iii, p. 136, and Cockerell, p. 192, Canad. Ent. xxiv. — Notes on some of the Butterflies of the Yosemite Valley and adjacent region, Van Dyke, Zoe, iii, pp. 237-241. — Pennsylvania, Ehrman, Ent. News, iii, p. 168. Diptera. Aldrich (5, 6) ; Bigot (83, 85) ; Brauer & Bergenstahm (119); Coqoillett (185, 186, 187, 188, 189, 190) ; Hood, Psyche, vi pp. 283 & 284; Snow (877) ; Townsend (931, 933, 934, 935, 936, 937, 938, 939, 940, 942, 943), and Psyche, p. 220 ; Williston (1011). Rhynchota. Bergroth (64) ; Duzee (233, 234, 235, 236, 237) ; Goding (345, 346). — Fauna ottawaensis. Hemiptera , Ottawa Natural, pp. 25-32. Neuroptera. Banks, Catalogue (33) ; Canada, Moffat, Canad. Ent. xxiv, p. 11. — Odonata of Maine, Wadsworth, Ent. News, iii, p. 8, and Harvey, t. c. pp. 92 & 116. Thysanura. Harvey (390, 391). Orthoptera, Blatchley (104, 105) ; Scudder (816). 10. Central America, including Mexico. Insecta. Godman & Salvin (347). Coleoptera. Bates (36) ; Casey (162) ; Faust (273) ; Gahan (315); Horn (426) ; Kraatz (518) ; Lewis (559) ; Nevinson (635) ; Non- fried (642-645). Hymenoptera. Handlirsch (386) ; Kohl (501) ; Saussure (793). Lepidoptera. Druce (226) ; Pagenstecher (668) ; Riley (750) ; Schaus (798, 799) ; Thierry-Mieg (923). Diptera. Bigot (83, 85) ; Brauer & Bergenstahm (119) ; Gigmo- Tos (342) ; Mik (606) ; Townsend (938). Rhynchota. Bergroth (65) ; Distant (214) ; Duges (229), Orthoptera. Pictet & Saussure (692) ; Saussure (794). 1892. [vol. xxix.] E 6 82 Ins. XIII. INSECTA. 11. Antilles. Insecta. Jamaica, Cockerell (179), and J. Inst. Jamaica, i, pp, 71-74. — Grenada, Rep. Brit. Ass. 1892, pp. 353 & 354. Coleoptera. Faust (273). Hymenoptera. Jamaica, Andre (12) ; Jamaica, Fox, Ent. News, iii, p. 226 ; Cuba, Ashmead (19). Lepidoptera. Pagensteciier (668) ; St. Lucia, Schaus (798) p. 10 ; Weir, J. Inst. Jamaica, i, p. 106. — Bahamas, see N. America. Diptera. Haiti, Bigot (83, 85) ; Brauer & Bergenstamm (119). — Jamaica, Cockerell (180) ; Townsend (931, 932, 946, 947). Rhynchota. Jamaica, Johnson & Fox, Ent. News, iii, p. 59. Orthoptera. St. Vincent, Brunner & Redtenbacher (138). 12. South America. Insecta. Godman & Sal yin (347) ; Meinert (599). Coleoptera. Bedel (47) ; Berg (57) ; Desbrochers (206) ; Fair- maire (261, 264) ; Faust (273, 275, and 278, p. 203) ; Fleutiaux (285) ; Gahan (316) ; Germain, Chili (322); Grouyelle (366); Horn (421, 425); Leyeill^ (552); Neyinson (635); Ruge (788); Senna, Chili (838). Hymenoptera. Andre (12) ; Buysson & Marshall (149) ; Forel (290, 295) ; Handlirsch (386) ; Koiil (501); Saussure (793); Stadel^ MANN (883). Lepidoptera. Butler (145) ; Dognin (220) ; Druce (225) ; Kirby (497) ; Oberthur (650) ; Pagenstecher (667, 668) ; Schaus (798, 799) ; Smith & Kirby (858) ; Staudinger (893) ; Thierry-Mieg (923) ; Vuillot (980) ; Warren (983) ; Brief aus Bolivien, Garlepp, Deutsche e. Z. Lep. v, pp. 272-276. Diptera. Arribalzaga (15) ; Bigot (83, 85, 87) ; Brauer & Ber- genstamm (119); Mik (606) ; Osten-Sacken (663); Roder (769); Williston (1010) ; Wulp (1019). Rhynchota. Berg (56) ; Bergroth (65) ; Distant (213, 214) ; Douglas, Coccids (224) ; Morgan (625) ; Reuter (731). Orthoptera. Redtenbacher (717), PAL2EO-ENTOMOLOGY. \_Cf. Emery (249), Meunier (602), Moberg (614), Schaff (797), Schlechtendal (800), Scudder (814).] Coleoptera. Coleoptera in peat ; Schaff (797). Remarks on, with summary of, the N. American Tertiary Rhyncho - phorous fauna ; Scudder (814). ECONOMIC. Ins. 83 Hymenoptera. Ectatomma gracile, Sicilian amber ; Emery, p. 145, pi. i, figs. 1 & 2, Mem. Acc. Bologn. (5) i, n. sp. Ponerci ? leptocephala , Sicilian amber ; Emery, p. 146, pi. i, figs. 3 & 4, Mem. Acc. Bologn. (5) i, n. sp. Cataulacus silvestrii , p. 147, pi. i, figs. 5-7 , planiceps, p. 148, figs. 8 & 9, Sicilian amber ; Emery, Mem. Acc. Bologn. (5) i, n. sp. Hypopomyrmex , n. g., near Strumigenys , p. 148, for H. bombiccii, n. sp., p. 149, pi. i, figs. 10 & 11 ; Emery, Mem. Acc. Bologn. (5) i. Acrostigmci , n. subg. of Podomyrma, p. 149, for P. (A.) mayri , n. sp., Sicilian amber, p. 150,. pi. ii, figs. 12-16 ; Emery, Mem. Acc. Bologn. (5) i. Aeromyrma sophice, Sicilian amber ; Emery, p. 151, pi. ii, figs. 17 & 18, Mem. Acc. Bologn. (5) i, n. sp. Crematogaster precursor, Sicilian amber; Emery, p. 152, pi. ii, figs. 19- 21, Mem. Acc. Bologn. (5) i, n. sp. Leptomyrmex maravignce , Sicilian amber ; Emery, p. 152, pi. ii, fig. 22, Mem. Acc. Bologn. (5) i, n. sp. Tapinoma minutissimum, Sicilian amber : Emery, p, 153, pi. iii, figs. 24 & 25, Mem. Acc. Bologn. (5) i. Technomyrmex deletus , Sicilian amber ; Emery, p. 153, pi. iii, figs. 26- 28, Mem. Acc. Bologn. (5) i, n. sp. Plagiolepis labilis , Sicilian amber ; Emery, p. 154, pi, iii, figs. 29-32, Mem. Acc. Bologn. (5), i, n. sp. Gesomyrmex corniger, Sicilian amber ; Emery, p. 155, pi. iii, figs, 33- 35, Mem. Acc. Bologn. (5) i, n. sp. C Ecophylla sicula, Sicilian amber ; Emery, p, 156, pi, iii, figs. 36 & 37, Mem. Acq. Bologn. (5) i, n. sp. Diptera. Leptidce in amber ; Meunier, p. lxxxiii, Bull. Soc. Ent. Fr. lxi (pro- visional new genus, Palceochrysognla ). Dolichopodidce found in amber, notes on ; Meunier (602). Rhynchota. Protocimex siluricus , Silurian of Sweden ; Moberg, Geol, Foren, Stockholm Forh. xiv, p. 121, n. sp. Notonecta, note on fossil ; Schlechtendal (800). IV.—ECONOMIC. Reports: Lintner (564) ; Ormerod (656).— Report on the position of economic entomology in Europe ; Bos, Tijdschr. Eut. xxxv, pp. xlvii- lxviii : on the ravages of Xyleborus perforans in the West Indies ; Blandford (100).— Insects injurious to Conifercx in Britain ; Bland- ford (99).— Various notes on injurious insects in Rep. E. Soc. Ont. xxiii, 84 Ins . XIII. INSECTA. by Bethune, Moffat, Fletcher. — For various notes on injurious insects, see Ins. Life, iv & v, passim. — Report on economic entomologists’ work in N. America in 1891, see Bull. Dep. Agric, Ent. xxvi. Bruchus obtectus , oviposition, &c. ; Riley (752, 753, 755). — Entomo- logical Notes ” on various insects injurious in Australia ; Olliff, in Agric. Graz. N.S.W. iii, pp. 26, &c., &c. — Injurious insects in Kazan district ; Smirensky (856).— Injurious insects in Sweden in 1891 ; Lampa (536) pp. 1-38. Use of hellebore for destroying larvae ; Smith, Ent. xxv, p. 80. —Destruction of insects by fungi ; Decaux, p. 196, Le Nat. 1892. — Experiments on infecting Chinch-bugs ; Snow, Tr. Kansas Ac. xii, pp. 34 & 119, and Psyche, vi, pp. 225-233. Destruction of Melolontha in Spain ; Delacroix, Act. Soc. Esp. xxi, pp. 3-7. — Destruction of Melolontha by Botrytis , experiments ; Dufour (228). — Elaterid injurious to wheat in Argentine Rep. ; Berg (57). — Longicorn attacking orange trees in Australia ; Olliff (655). — Oncoscelis sulciventris injurious to oranges in Australia ; Olliff, p. 368, Agric. Graz. N.S.W. iii. — Carpocapsa pomonella in Australia; Agric. Gaz. N.S.W. iii, p. 504, pi. xxxiii. — Ravages of Phcedon cochlearice ; Enock, Ent. xxv, pp. 230-233. — Galeruca xanthomelcena, notes on ; Smith, Canad. Ent. xxiv, pp. 246-250. — Selandria cerasi in Australia ; Olliff, p. 27, Agric. Graz. N.S.W. iii. — Habits of Hypoderma lineata ; Riley (754). — Hylemyia nigrescensj destructive to carnations ; MacLachlan, Ent. M. M. xxviii, p. 135. — Chlorops pumilionis , metamorphoses ; Lampa (538). — Chlorops tcenioqms, Meig, ravages in Sweden ; Hedstrom, Ent. Tidskr. xiii, pp. 201- 203. — Ravages of Oscinis frit in Sweden; Aurivillius (28). — Horn-fly in Florida ; Rolfs, Bull. exp. Station Florida, xvii, pp. 12—14. — Hcema- tobia serrata in Canada; Winn (1013). — Lepuloptera injurious to sugar cane in Java ; Snellen (872, 873). — Diatrcea saceharalis in Jamaica ; Cockerell (177). — Ocneria dispar : special report of the State Board of Agriculture on the work of extermination. Boston : 1892. Cf. Canad. Ent. xxiv, p. 156. — Liparis monacha in Germany ; Fernow, pp. 172, 216, & 237, P. E. Soc. Wash. ii. — Liparis monacha in Germany and Switzer- land ; Fenk (279). — Grapholitha tedella , injurious to Abies excelsa ; Puton, p. x, Bull. Soc. Ent. Fr. lxi.— Ctenopseustis obliquana , ravages in N. Zealand ; Smith, Ent. M. M. xxviii, p. 110. — Lita solanella in America; Ins. Life, iv, p. 241. — Lithocolletis platana, injurious at Perpignan ; Xambeu, p. 244, Soc. Agricole Pyren. -orient. xxxiii. — Lampronia capit- ella , life-history ; Chapman (164). — ILalticus minutus injurious to Arachis hypogoea ; Giard (337). — Psylla pyricola, report on ; Slingerland (851): P. pyricola in N. America ; id. Ins. Life, v, p. 100-104. — Injury to Laurus nobilis by Trioza alacris ; Thomas (926). — Phylloxera , destruc- tion of in vineyards ; Behr (52). — Spread of Phylloxera in Germany, and cost of combating it; Kessler (491). — Schizoneura lanigera in Australia ; Olliff, Agric. Gaz. N.S.W. iii, p. 26. — Locusts near Florence; Bull. Ent. Ital. xxiv, pp. 164-169. — Locust in Algeria in 1891 ; Kunckel (531, 532). — Destruction of locusts in N. Africa ; Decaux, Le Nat. 1892, ECONOMIC. Ins. 85 PP- 168 & 213. — The locust in Egypt in 1891, and mode of its destruc- tion ; Agric. Gaz. N.S.W. iii, pp. 829-832. — Destructive locusts in N. America in 1891 ; Bruner, Coquillett, & Osborn (136). — Gryllus servillei injurious to trees in Australia ; Olliff, Agric. Gaz. N.S.W. iii, p. 270. Insects and Flowers : Kunze (533). — Fertilization of Ficus roxburghii by P senes ; Cunningham (19 5).—Pronuba and Yucca ; Riley (741). — Insects frequenting Yucca blooms ; Townsend (948). — An insectivorous primrose ; Mally (577). — Cnicus discolor as an insect trap ; Blatchley, p. 310, Canad. Ent. xxiv. — Bees as fertilizers ; Benton, Ins. Life, iv, p. 254.-0-Bees and flowers : constancy to various kinds of flowers ; Bulman, Sci. Goss. 1892, p. 98. Insects attacking man : CEstrides in America ; Blanchard (101, 102). — CEstrus in man ; Sangagli (791). — The bite of Leptis scolopacea ; Heim, p. c, Bull. Soc. Ent. Fr. lxi, and t. c. pp. clv-clvii. Cutaneous larvae ; Germain, p. 59, Act. Soc. Chili, i . — Diptera as carriers of infection ; Sawtsciienko (796). Collections : Collection and preservation of insects in the tropics ; Kannegieter (459). — Method of preparing Cecidomyiid larvae ; Thomas, Verh.-z.-b. Wien, xlii, p. 356. — Mode of preparing Lepido- pterous larvae, with fig. of the apparatus ; Oudemans (664). — Mode of preparing eggs for investigation ; Henking (396).— Collecting and preserving Coleoptera in the Tropics ; Ribbe, pp. 125-138, Berl. Ent. Zeit. xxxvii. — Effects of coloured glass in preventing fading of Lepidoptera. — Collections of Coleoptera ; Leprieur (546). — Occurrence of verdigris in Coleoptera ; Schwarz (807). — The use of silver pins ; Sharp, Ent. xxv, p. 54. — Cement for use in closing bottles containing alcohol; Lataste (539). — Relaxing Lepidoptera ; Cant, Ent. xxv, p. 119. — Packing specimens of insects for transportation; Canad. Ent. xxiv, pp. 117 & 118. — Notes on killing, preserving, and relaxing insects ; Fletcher, Canad. Ent. xxiv, pp. 14-16. — Bait for Lepidoptera ; Streck- fuss, Berl. Ent. Zeit. xxxvi, p. xix. Account of the Berlin Museum and the number of species it contains ; Ashmead (16). — List of types and of rare species of aquatic Coleoptera in the National Museum at Brussels ; Severin (841). — Catalogue of Coleo- pterous larvae in the collection at Copenhagen ; Meinert, Ent. Medd. iii, pp. 167-205. — Study of the types of Anthomyiidce in the Zetterstedt Collection at Lund ; Stein (895). — Albarda’s Collection of Neuroptera placed in the Leyden Museum ; Ent. News, iii, p. 259. Account of the collections of Coleoptera of H. W. Bates ; Oberthur, p. cviii, Bull. Soc. Ent. Fr. lxi. — Lists of types of Grote & Robinson’s Lepidoptera in the American Museum ; Beutenmuller (76). History of the Entomological Club of London ; South (880). 86 Ins. XTTI, TNSECTA. Y. — BIBLIOGRAPHY, NOMENCLATURE, BIOGRAPHY. 1. Bibliography. Filler & Mitterpacher : Bedel reproduces the descriptions of Coleoptera described as new in the “ Iter per Poseganam Abeille, xxvii, pp. 291-300. — Clerck’s leones, account of, by Holland, Cauad. Ent. xxiv, pp. 83-87. — Notes on the bees described in Gay’s Chili ; Reed (719). — Critical and synonymical review of Saalmuller’s work on Madagascar Lepuloptera ; Snellen (875). — Bibliography of Scandinavian Entomological literature, continued by Bergroth & Aurivillius in Ent. Tidskr. xiii. 2. Nomenclature. Rules of nomenclature adopted by the Zoological Congress at Moscow ; Zool. Anz. xv, pp, 440-443. — Query as to the mode of procedure in some cases of double employment of names; Dalla Torre, p. 92, Wien. ent. Z. xi. — Variable priority ; Beckers, p. 318, Wien. ent. Z. xi. — 11 Correct ” names ; Maskell, Tr. N. Z. Inst, xxiv, p. 9. — On the distinction of generic names ; Casey, Ann. N. York Ac. vi, pp. 10-12. — Classical emendations ; Sharp, Ent. M. M. xxviii, p. 111.— The use of capital small letters for personal specific names ; Kraatz, Deutsche e. Z. 1892, p. 380. 3. Biographical. Correspondence between Harris, Say, and Pickering (continued) ; Psyche, vi, pp. 297, 298, & 345.— Biographical notes, with portraits, have appeared in Brit. Nat. ii, of Lord Walsingham, p. 20 : S. J. Capper, t. c. p. 60 ; E. A. Ormerod, t. c. p. 82 ; J. W. Douglas, t. c. p. 128 ; G. T. Porritt, t. c. p. 172 ; D. Sharp, t. c. p. 199 ; Rev. O. P. Cambridge, t. c. p. 231 ; H. W. J. Vaughan, t. c. p. 258. Obituary Notices. Francis Archer ; Ent. M. M. xxviii, p. 112, and Ent. xxv, p. 100. — H. W. Bates : by A. R. W., Nature, xlv, p. 398 ; by E. Clodd (39); by McLaciilan, Ent. M. M. xxviii, p. 83 ; by D. S., wdth portrait, Ent. xxv, pp. 77-80. — Edward Burgess, with list and account of his writings, Scudder, P. Bost. Soc. xxv, pp. 358-364. — Hermann C. C. Burmeister : Ent. Nachr. xviii, pp. 220-222 ; Ent. M. M. xxviii, p. 221 ; Account of his funeral, An. Soc. Arg. xxxiii, pp. 145-150. — G. Carlet : Le Nat. 1892, p. 152 ; Bull. Soc. Ent. Fr. lxi, p. cxxix ; with list and abstracts of his memoirs, Chaumat (167). — F. B. Caulfield ; Canad. Ent. xxiv, p. 104. — Dr. C. A. Dohrn : Ent. M. M. xxviii, p. 164 ; by Grote, Canad. Ent. xxiv, pp. 181, 182. — Prof. Veit Graber, with portrait and list of his writings, by Jaworowski, Wien. ent. Z. xi, p. 253. — George Haggar ; Ent. M. M. xxviii, p. 112.— J. T. Harris : Ent. M. M. xxviii, p. 291. — Dr. Ernst Hof man : Wrien. ent. Z. xi, p. 120 ; Deutsche e. Z. Lep. v, pp. 459-463.— Dr. E. Killias ; MT. Schw. ent. Ges. viii, pp. 373-375.— Eugene Lemoro; Bull. Soc. Ent. Fr. lxi, p. xcii. — Sir W. Macleay ; P. Linn. Soc. N.S.W. (2) vi, pp. 707-716. — Adrien Maurissen, by Selys-Longchamps, Ann. Ent. Belg. xxxvi, p. 389. — N. G. Moe, by Schoyen, with portrait, Ent. Tidskr. xiii, p. 275.— L’Abbe Leon Provancher : Ent. M. M. xxviii, p. 247 ; by W. H. H., BIBLIOGRAPHY, NOMENCLATURE, BIOGRAPHY. Ins. 87 Canad. Enfc. xxiv, p. 130. — G. Quedenfeldt, by Kolbe, Berl. Ent. Zeit. xxxvii, pp. 241-246, portrait. — Max Quedenfeldt : Berl. Ent. Zeit. xxxvi, p. 473. — Eugene Beveliere, by Bey, Echange, 1892, p. 31 ; Bull. Soc. Ent. Fr. lxi, p. lxii.— Dr. P. Bichter ; Berl. Ent. Zeit. xxxvi, p. 472. — Max Saalmiiller, by Hoxeath, Berl. Ent. Zeit xxxvi, pp. 468-471 ; by Heyden, Deutsche e. Z. Lep. v, pp. 453-459. — Charles Smethurst, with portrait, Naturalist, 1892, p. 145. — Bruno Sperrhaken ; Deutsche e. Z. Lep. v, p. 463. — W. Thompson ; Ent. xxv, p. 328. — H. Tieffenbach ; Kraatz, Deutsche e. Z. 1892, p. 12. — H. W. J. Yaughan : Ent. M. M. xxviii, p. 291 ; Ent. xxv, p. 300 ; and Bev. A. H. Wratislaw ; Eut. xxv, p. 328. 88 In*. XIII. COLEOPTERA. VI.— SYSTEMATIC. N.B. — The reference-numbers collected under the headings of the various groups refer to “ Titles,” and are intended to give, in each case, a complete list of all memoirs containing anything of importance in connection with the group. (a.) COLEOPTERA. Glandular structures in elytra ; Hoffbauer (405). Early stages of embryology ; Henking (396). Series defined ; Jacquet (449). ClCINDELTDiE. [Cf. Blackburn (95), G. H. Horn (420), W. Horn (421 to 426), Kolbe (504), P^ringuey (672, 673), Huge (788).] List of some recent additions to the Catalogue of Cicindelidce ; Horn, Deutsche e. Z. 1892, pp. 222-224. For many suggestions as to synonymy and varietal forms in Cicindelidce , not here specially alluded to, see Horn, iii Beitrag zur Kenntniss der Cicindeleten , Deutsche e. Z. 1892, pp. 209-219. Nomenclature of varieties discussed ; Beuthin, Ent. Nachr. xviii, p. 290. Caledonica acentra , Chd., = ( 'bar ay i , Fauv.) ; Horn, p. 93, Deutsche e. Z. 1892. Cicinclela : variations in markings of N. American ; Horn, Ent. News, iii, p. 25, pi. i. Numerous synonymical remarks, pp. 95-98, C. haleea , Bates, = ( mandarina , Fleut.), p. 95, C. tenuisignata , Lee., = ( psilo - gramma , Bates), p. 97, C. interrnpta , Fab., = ( circumcincta , Cast.), p. 98 ; Horn, Deutsche e. Z. 1892. C. tenuicinctci and latisignata , notes on ; Blaisdell, Zoe, iii, pp. 47 & 48. C. discreta, n. varr. reducta , subfasciata ; Horn, p. 370, Deutsche e. Z. 1892. C. flexuosa , variation, with many new names ; Beuthin, pp. 333-335, Ent. Nachr. xviii. C. litoralis, variation, with new names ; id. pp. 359-362, 376, & 377, t. c. C. ( Cratohcerea-Odontochila ) cratohceroides , Guinea, p. 220, C. ( Odonto - chila ) hennebergorum , Njam-Njam, p. 221, Horn, Deutsche e. Z. 1892 ; C. junJceri. Njam-Njam, Kolbe, p. 144, S. E. Z. liii ; C. jucunda , S. W. Africa, Peringuey, p. 4, Tr. S. African Phil. Soc. vi, 2; C. ganglbaueri, Ceylon, Horn, p. 95, Deutsche e. Z. 1892; C. chevrolati , Yucatan, Horn, p. 371, Deutsche e. Z. 1892 ; C. CICINDELID2E. Ins. 89 staudingeri , Sao Paulo, Horn, Deutsche e. Z. 1892,- p. 368 ; C. (n. g. P) paradoxa, Ceylon, p. 75, interposita, p. 76, Philippines, guineensis, N. Guinea, affinis , Venezuela, elegantissima , p. 77, cato- ptroides , Sumatra, longipalpis, Java, p. 78, gestroi , Sumatra, labiocenea, Ceylon, p. 79, seriepunctcita , dubia, E. India, tenuilineata , Madagascar, p. 80, nivicinctoides, Malay Archipelago, incerta, Philippines, elongata , Celebes, p. 81, differens , Zanzibar, incognita , New Zealand, p. 82, novaseelandica, p. 83, New Zealand, laphyricornis , Caffraria, p. 84, securiformis, Cape of Good Hope, drakei , Mendoza, p. 85, unicolor , Argentine Mountains, despectata , Philippines, plumigera, Trichin- opolis, p. 86, (7. ( Calochroa ) ceylonensis , cyanea (Fab.), Bengal, p. 87, 0. prodotiformis , W. Africa, p. 88, Horn, Deutsche e. Z. 1892 : n. spp. Collyris : many synonymical and varietal observations on species of ; Horn, Deutsche e. Z. 1892, pp. 354-368. (7. filiformis and cribrosa are one species ; Horn, p. 92, c. (7. rugei, Mindanao, p. 354, batesi. E. India, p. 355, thoracica , hab. ?, p. 356, labiomaculata, Borneo, p. 357, angularis , p. 358, erichsoni, p. 359, Philippines, spuria , Sumatra, p. 360, speciosula , Palawan, similis, p. 331, chaudoiri , p. 362, affinis, p. 363, Philippines, tiauxi, Borneo, p. 364, Jcraatzi, Java, roeschlcei, Calcutta, p. 365, schaumi , Cornwallis, p. 366, Horn, Deutsche e. Z. 1892, n. spp. Cosmena intermedia , Caffraria, Horn, p. 68, Deutsche e. Z. 1892, n. sp. Ctenostoma hirsutum, Brazil, Horn, Deutsche e. Z. 1892, p. 66, n. sp. Derocrania schaumi , Ceylon, Horn, p. 67, Deutsche e. Z. 1892 \.D. fiavi- cornis, Ceylon, Horn, p. 92, t. c. : n. spp. Distipsidera gruti , var., = (plustchevshyi, Dok.), and D. fasciata, Motsch., = ( volitans , Macl.) ; Horn, p. 93, Deutsche e. Z. 1892. Dromica 5 -costata, Natal, Horn, p. 67, Deutsche e. Z. 1892, n. sp. Euryoda similis, Guinea, p. 70, madagascariensis , Nossi-be, p. 71, Horn, Deutsche e. Z. 1892, n. spp. Heptodonta , Hope, = ( Eurytarsa , Dok.), Horn, p. 94, Deutsche e. Z. 1892. Manticora , the species noticed ; Peringtjey, p. 3, Tr. S. African Phil. Soc. vi, 2 : the true species of ; Horn, p. 144, Deutsche e. Z. 1892. Megacephala denticollis , $ character ; Horn, p. 144, Deutsche e. Z. 1892. M. Tcruperi , W. Africa, Horn, p. 91, Deutsche e. Z. 1892 ; M. angulicollis , Victoria Nyanza, Kolbe, p. 145, S. E. Z. liii : n. spp. Megalomma schaumi , Madagascar, fulgens , Bourbon, p. 73, affine , Mada- gascar, p. 74, Horn, Deutsche e. Z. 1892, n. spp. Myrmecoptera schaumi , E. Africa, Horn, p. 220, Deutsche e. Z. 1892 ; If. erikssoni , S.W. Africa, Peringtjey, p. 5, Tr. S. African Phil. Soc. vi, 2; If. limpopoiana, junodi, S. Africa, Peringtjey, p. 95, t. c. : n. spp. Odontochila confusa , Dej., and aperta , Kl., distinctions of; Horn, p. 94, Deutsche e. Z. 1892. O. batesi , n. var. semicincta ; Horn, p. 69, Deutsche e. Z. 1892. O. chrysopyga , W. Africa ? Horn, p. 70, Deutsche e. Z. 1892, n. sp. 90 Ins. XIII. COLEOPTERA. Omus hornianus , California? Horn, p. 91, Deutsche e. Z. 1892, n. sp. Opliryodera rufo-margincita , n. var. erihssoni ; Peringuey, Tr. S. African Phil. Soc. vi, 2, p. 4. 0. richteri, W. Africa, Horn, p. 72, Deutsche e. Z. 1892, n. sp. Oxy child ; Cophognathus is a subgen. only, C. opacipennis = (0. hatesi, Horn) ; Horn, p. 143, Deutsche e. Z. 1892. O. hatesi , Sao Paulo, similis, Rio Grande do Sul, Horn, p. 89, Deutsche e. Z. 1892, n. spp. Oxygoniola , n. g., near Oxygonia , for 0. chamceleon, n. sp., Celebes, p. 71 ; Horn, Deutsche e. Z. 1892. rogonostoma pusillum, n. var. flavomaculatum ; Horn, p. 372, Deutsche e. Z. 1892. P. bispinosum, bidentatum, Madagascar, Horn, Deutsche e. Z. 1892, p. 65, n. spp. Styphloderma schaumi , Soudan, Horn, p. 369, Deutsche e. Z. 1892, n. sp. Tetracha lacifera , n. var.? erichsoni ; Horn, p. 369, Deutsche e. Z. 1892. P. sobrina not distinct from sommeri ; Horn, p. 144, Deutsche e. Z. 1892. P. njam-njamensis , Africa, thoracica , Amazons, p. 90, Horn, Deutsche e. Z. 1892 ; P. helmsi , W. Australia, Blackburn, p. 16, Tr. R. Soc. S. Austr. xvi ; P. horni, Peru, Ruge, p. 130, Deutsche e. Z. 1892 : n. spp. Tetreurytarsa, n. g., for Euryoda tetrastida ; Horn, p. 94, Deutsche e. Z. 1892. Therates labiatus , coracinus, fidvipennis) bidentatus , caligatus are one species ; Horn, p. 94, Deutsche e. Z. 1892. P. schaumi, Borneo, Horn, p. 69, Deutsche e. Z. 1892, n. sp. Thopeutica theratoides, n. var. albapicalis , T. eximia , n. var. fuhescens ; Horn, p. 74, Deutsche e. Z. 1892. P. schaumi , Celebes, Horn, Deutsche e. Z. p. 75, n. sp. Triconclyla aptera, varr. ( pedestris and chevrolati), T. cyanea var. (wallacei) ; Horn, p. 93, Deutsche e. Z. 1892. P. cyanea , n. var., pajradoxa ; Horn, p. 371, Deutsche e. Z. 1892. T. frontalis , Philippines, Horn, p. 66, Deutsche e. Z. 1892, n. sp. CARABIM], \Cf. Abeille (1), Bates (37, 38), Blackburn (90, 91, 93, 95), Duvivier (230), Fairmaire (262, 267, 269, 270), Frivaldszky (309), Gangl- BAUER (317, 318), Gestro (330, 332, 334), Horn (417, 418), Peringuey (672, 673), Reitter (724, 725, 728), Rost (780), Sloane (852, 853), Tryon (953).] A bacetus cyclodes, India, Bates, p. 232, Ann. Ent. Belg. xxxvi ; A. insolatus , illuminans, p. 359, sulculatus, foveifrons, p. 360, antepunc- tatus, p. 362, Burma, Bates, Ann. Mus. Genov. (2) xii : n. spp. Acanthogehius infuscatus , Burma, Bates, p. 389, Ann. Mus. Genov. (2) xii, n. sp. Acinopus picipes, metamorphoses ; Xambeu, p. 200, Le Nat. 1892. CARABIDiE. Ins . 91 Acupalpus tessellatus , elegantulus, S.W. Africa, PiRiNGUEY, Tr. S. African Phil. Soc. vi (2) p. 22 ; A. sinuellus , Bhamo, Bates, p. 350, Ann. Mus. Genov. (2) xii : n. spp. Agastillus , n. subg. of Pterostichus ; Reitter, p. 61, Wien. ent. Z. xi. Agonocheila fenestrata , S. Australia, Blackburn, p. 80, P. Linn. Soc. N.S.W. (2) vii, n. sp. Allocota cerata , Burma, Bates, p. 425, Ann. Mus. Genov. (2) xii, n. sp. Amara : subgg. Celia and Tricena, study of N. American forms; Horn, pp. 18-40, Tr. Am. Ent. Soc. xix. A. apricaria , metamorphoses; Xambeu, Moeurs, ii, p. 13. A. ( Tricena ) belfrcigei , Texas, Horn, p. 19, Tr. Am. Ent. Soc. xix; A. {Celia) femoralis, p. 30, robustula , p. 32, nupera, p. 33, imitatrix, p. 34, N. America, Horn, t. c. : n. spp. Amblystomus rotundiceps, vittatus , India, Bates, p. 231, Ann. Ent. Belg. xxxvi ; A. magmts , p. 333, punctatus , tetrastigma , p. 335, Burma, Bates, Ann. Mus. Genov. (2) xii : n. spp. Amblytelus brevis , sinuatus, Australia, Blackburn, p. 87, P. Linn. Soc. N.S.W. (2) vii, n. spp. Anatrichis birmanica , Rangoon, Bates, p. 325, Ann. Mus. Genov. (2) xii, n. sp. Anisoclactylus basicollis, Seychelles, Fairmaire, p. cli, Bull. Soc. Ent. Fr. lxi, n. sp. Anoplitlialmus apenuinus , fig. 3, vaccce, fig. 4, ramorinii, fig. 5, pi. iv, figured ; Gestro, Ann. Mus. Genov. (2) xii. A . launi, p. 80, pi. iv, fig. 1, bensce, p. 81, fig. 2, Italy, Gestro, t. c. ; A. antonince , Ordubad, Reitter, p. 60, Wien. ent. Z. xi : n. spp. Anoplogenius jAanicollis , p. 345, patinalis, p. 346, A. ( Hemiaulax ) denti- pennis , p. 347, Burma, Bates, Ann. Mus. Genov. (2) xii, n. spp. Anthia omoplata and limbipennis, varr. of described ; Peringuey, pp. 15 & 16, Tr. S. African Phil. Soc. vi (2). Antisphodrus leptoderus , Margelan, Reitter, p. 67, Wien. ent. Z. xi, n. sp. Apotomus : characters of the palsearctic species ; Reitter, p. 137, Wien, ent. Z. xi. A. latigenai Turkestan (but on p. 188 corrected to Algeria), Reitter, l. c. ; A. liirsutulus , Rangoon, Bates, p. 287, Ann. Mus. Genov. (2) xii : n. spp. Arenoxenus , n. g., near Loxandrusf for A. harp alo ides , n. sp., Burma ; Bates, p. 365, Ann. Mus. Genov. (2) xii. Aristolebia, n. g., near Libia , for A. quadridentata, n. sp., Burma ; Bates, p. 428, Ann. Mus. Genov. (2) xii. Bembidium subviride , Macl., = ocellatum) Blackn. ; Blackburn, p. 98, P. Linn. Soc. N.S.W. (2) vii. B. ( Pseudolimnceum ) doderoi, Yal Pesio, Ganglbauer, p. 314, Wien. ent. Z. xi ; B. {. Peryphus ) subcylindricum, Taschkent, Reitter, p. 59, Wien. ent. Z. xi ; B.xantliotelum , Rangoon, Bates, p. 287, Ann. Mus. Genov. (2) xii : n. spp. Blechrus discoidalis, Obock, Fairmaire, p. 83, Rev. d’Ent. xi, n. sp. 92 Ins. XTII. COLEOPTERA. Brachichila rugulipennis, Burma, Bates, p. 406, Ann. Mus. Genov. (2) xii, n. sp. Brachinus nobilis, Dej., = ( Pheropsophus alstoni, Per.) ; Peringuey, p. 135, Tr. S. African Phil. Soc. vi (2). B. concinnusy flavicapilluSy p. 393, eccquisitus, p. 394, evanescen-s, clarescsns , p. 395, circumtmctus, intactus, p. 396, Burma, Bates, Ann. Mus. Genov. (2) xii, n. spp. Brachyonychus Icevipennis , n. var. parumpunctatus ; Bates, p. 298, Ann. Mus. Genov. (2) xii. Broscmi : notes, taxonomic, synonymic, and critical, on Australian genera and species ; Sloane, P. Linn. Soc. N.S.W. (2) vii, pp. 45-64. Calleida sultana , p. 421, excelsa, dorice , p. 422, Burma, Bates, Ann. Mus. Genov. (2) xii, n. spp. Carabus cebennicus , n. n. for Jtispanus , auct., nec Fab. ; C. hispanus, var., = ( rutilans , auct.) ; Vuillefroy, p. 320, Ann. Soc. Ent. Fr. lxi. C. hispanuSy n. var. boudeti ; Beuthin, p. 211, Ent. Naclir. xviii. Carenum : synonymical notes on, and localities for, numerous species ; Sloane, P. Linn. Soc. N.S.W. (2) vi, pp. 429-432. C. ignotus, p. 427, habilis, p. 428, W. Australia, Sloane, P. Linn. Soc. N.S.W. (2) vi, n. spp. Casnonia albicolo?i, gracilicepSy 381, xanthe, p. 382, Burma, Bates, Ann. Mus. Genov. (2) xii, n. spp. Cata?copus mirabilisy Burma, Bates, p. 409, Ann. Mus. Genov. (2) xii, n. sp. ChlxnioctenuSy n. subg. of ChlccniuSy q. v.\ Bates, Ann. Mus. Genov. (2) xii, p. 309. Chlcenius verecundus , Natal, Peringuey, p. 103, Tr. S. African Phil. Soc. vi (2); C. rudicollis , Madagascar, Fairmaire, p. clxix, Bull Soc. Ent. Fr. lxi ; C. erikssoni, p. 18, ovampo , egregius , p. 19, fraternus, p. 20, S.W. Africa, Peringuey, Tr. S. African Phil. Soc. vi (2); C. lateripictus, p. 82, cyaneo-rufusy p. 83, Obock, Fairmaire, Bev. d’Ent. xi ; C. (Homalolachnus) feanus, p. 308, C. (Chlcenioctenus) pectinipes, p. 309, Burma, eneides, Assam, p. 310, C. bhamoensis, p. 311, annulipes, p. 312, private, p. 315, delicatus, ochroperaSy p. 316, pcecilinus, p. 317, corrosulus, p. 319, cceruleicejJS, p. 320, Burma, Bates, Ann. Mus. Genov. (2) xii : n. spp. Clivina cequalis , description amended ; Blackburn, p. 83, P. Linn. Soc. N.S.W. (2) vii. C. sagittaria, p. 275, sectifrons, p. 276, IcxvicepSy p. 277, debilis , pileolatay scissa,y p. 278, scuticepSy p. 280, occipitalis , costulipennis , p. 281, chlorizanSy p. 282, Burma, Bates, Ann. Mus. Genov. (2) xii ; C. helmsiy Australia, Blackburn, p. 22, Tr. R. Soc. S. Austr. xvi : n. spp. Coleolissus, n. subg. of Hypolithus, q.v.) Bates, p. 338, Ann. Mus. Genov. (2) xii. CARABJD.E. Ins. 93 Colpodes muleyitus , ccelitis , p. 372, janellus, p. 373, acroglyptus , castani- ventris , p. 374, punctidicollis , undulipennis , p. 375, eucuemis , ischioxanthus , p. 376, spinulifer , p. 377, Burma, Bates, Ann. Mus. Genov. (2) xii, n. spp. Coriza ? araticeps , Obock, Fairmaire, p. 84, Rev. d’Ent. xi, n. sp. Creagris binoculus , Burma, hamaticollis , Borneo, Bates, p. 390, Ann. Mus. Genov. (2) xii, n. sp. Cyclothorax eyrensis , S. Australia, Blackburn, p. 480, P. Linn. Soc. N.S.W. (2) vi, n. sp. Cymindoidea plamdata , Burma, Bates, p. 417, Ann. Mus. Genov. (2) xii, n. sp. Cypholoba amatonga , S. Africa, Peringuey, p. 102, Tr. S. African Phil. Soc. v (2), n. sp. Demetrias tiveedensis, N. S. Wales, Blackburn, p. 67, P. Linn. Soc. N.S.W. (2) vii, n. sp. Dendrocellus gestroi, Burma, Bates, p. 121, Ann. Mus. Genov. (2) xii, n. sp. Diccelus splendidus, larva and pupa described, and figured ; Wickham, p. 195, Bull. Lab. Iowa, ii. Dischissus alaticollis , Tenasserim, Bates, p. 302, Ann. Mus. Genov. (2) xii, n. sp. Dolichoctis rutdipennis) p. 412, angusticollis , p. 413, incerta , iridea , p. 414, expansicollis, p. 415, Burma, Bates, Ann. Mus. Genov. (2) xii, n. spp. Dromius yarrce , Victoria, Blackburn, p. 71, P. Linn. Soc. N.S.W. (2) vii, n. sp. Drypta siderea, p. 382, Jimbricita, p. 384, Burma, Bates, Ann. Mus. Genov. (2) xii, n. spp. Dyscliirius ameobrachialis , Burma, Bates, p. 283, Ann. Mus. Genov. (2) xii, n. sp. Dystrichothoi'ax, n. g., near Amblytelus , for D. bicolor , p. 88, sloanei , bipnnctatus, p. 89, lividus , vicinus , p. 90, n. spp., Australia, Blackburn, P. Linn. Soc. N.S.W. (2) vii. Ecnomolaus, n. g., Trigonotomini, p. 357, for E. clivinoides, n. sp., Burma, p. 358, Bates, Ann. Mus. Genov. (2) xii. j Ectroma beneficum , variation and synonymy discussed ; Blackburn, p. 73, P. Linn. Soc. N.S.W. (2) vii. E. obsoletum , N. S. Wales, id. t. c. p. 72, n. sp. Elaphrus dauricus and sibiricus, distinctions noticed ; Reitter, p. 188, Wien. ent. Z. xi. Endynomena discoidalis , Burma, Bates, p. 423, Ann. Mus. Genov. (2) xii, n. sp. Epelyx , n. g., near Amblytelus , for E. lindensis, latus, n. spp., Australia, Blackburn, p. 92, P. Linn. Soc. N.S.W. (2) vii. Epicosmus breviformis , mandarinellus, p. 299, latigenis, p. 300, brevisternis , p. 301, gracilipes , p. 302, Burma, Bates, Ann. Mus. Genov. (2) xii, n. spp. 94 Ins. XIII. COLEOPTERA, Eudromus opacus , Diego-Suarez, Fairmaire, p, cix, Bull. Soc. Ent. Fr. lxi, n. sp. Euryaptus , n. g., near Trigonotoma, for E. nigellus, Burma, p. 355, assamensis, Assam, rufipes, Andaman Is., p. 356, n. spp. ; Bates, Ann. Mus. Genov. (2) xii. Eurydera rotundata , Madagascar, Fairmaire, p. clxix, Bull. Soc. Ent. Fr. lxi, n. sp. Earyly chius victories, Australia, Sloan e, p. 52, P. Linn. Soc. N.S.W. (2) vii, n. sp. Euryscaphus sulcicollis, p. 81, chaudoiri , p. 82, Australia ; Blackburn, P. Linn. Soc. N.S.W. (2) vii, n. spp. Galerita birmanica , p. 121 ,fece, p. 122, Burma, Bates, Ann. Mus. G-enov. (2) xii, n. spp. Gigadema eremita, p. 17, mandibulare , p. 18, Australia, Blackburn, Tr. It. Soc. S. Austr. xv, n. spp. Gnathaphanus acutipennis , p. 328, exaratus , rufitactor , p. 329, Burma, Bates, Ann. Mus. Genov. (2) xii ; G. aridus, Australia, Blackburn, p. 22, Tr. R. Soc. S. Austr. xvi : n. spp. Graphipterus lugens , Chaud., — ( univittatus , Per.) ; Peringuey, p. 135, Tr. S. African Phil. Soc. vi, 2. G. grandis, p. 7, ornatus , p. 8, vicinis, deceptor , ovipennis , p. 9, agilis , p. 10, simulator , amicus , Icetus , p. 11, erikssoni, p. 12, S. W. Africa, Perin- guey, Tr. S. African Phil. Soc. vi, 2 ; G. mimus, p. 98, egregius , zam- bezianus, p. 99,fraternus, p. 100, S. Africa, Peringuey, t. c. : n. spp. Haplogaster ampliatus, Burma, Bates, p. 270, Ann. Mus. Genov. (2) xii, n. sp. Harpaliscus , n. g., near Harpalus, p. 340, for H. birmanicus, n. sp., Burma, p. 341 ; Bates, Ann. Mus. Genov. (2) xii. Harpalus ? karennius, Burma, Bates, p. 341, Ann. Mus. Genov. (2) xii, n. sp. Hemiaulax, n. subg. of Anoplogenius, q. v. ; Bates, Ann. Mus. Genov. (2) xii, p. 347. Hemichlcenius, n. g., near Chlcenius, p. 307, for H. microspilus, n. sp., Burma, p. 308, Bates, Ann. Mus. Genov. (2) xii, n. sp. Homethes angulatus , p. 68, gracilis , parvicollis, p. 69, rotundatus , p. 70, Australia, Blackburn, P. Linn. Soc. N.S.W. (2) vii, n. spp. Hoplolenus atronitens) Madagascar, Fairmaire, p. clxx, Bull. Soc. Ent. Fr. lxi, n. sp. Hydroporomorpha obockiana , Africa, Fairmaire, p. 86, Rev. d’Ent. xi, n. sp. Hypharpax australis and inornatus distinguished ; Blackburn, p. 83, P. Linn. Soc. N.S.W. (2) vii. H. obsoletus , W. Australia, id. t. c. p. 84, n. sp. Hypolithus ornatus , S. W. Africa, Peringuey, p. 21, Tr. S. African Phil. Soc. vi, 2 ; H. subtilis, II. ( Coleolissus ), lamprotus , p. 338, bicoloripes , p. 339, viridellus , eulamprus, p. 340, Burma, Bates, Ann. Mus. Genov. (2) xii, n. spp. carabipj:. Lis. 95 Hystrichopus agills , ciltecostatus, p. 97, porreclus , p. 98, S. Africa, Peringuey, Tr. S. African Phil. Soc. vi, 2, n. spp.. LacJinoderma ? biguttatum , Burma, Bates, p. 424, Ann. Mus. Genov. (2) xii, n. sp. Lebia fulvipes , France, Jacquet, p. 2, Echange, 1887, No. 35, and dis- tinctive characters, Pic, Echange, 1891, p. 136 ; L. chrysis, Tasch- kent, Reitter, p. 27, Wien. ent. Z. xi ; L. mashuana , Mashuanaland, Peringuey, p. 96, Tr. S. African Phil. Soc. vi, 2 ; L. cardoni , Bengal, Bates, p. 233, Ann. Ent. Belg. xxxvi ; L. Jcarenia , p, 426, maharani , p. 427, Burma, Bates, Ann. Mus. Genov. (2) xii : n. spp. Lecamomerus major , striatus , N. S. Wales, Blackburn, p. 479, P. Linn. Soc. N.S.W. (2) vi, n. spp. Leptorembus kolbei. Congo, Duviyier, p. 56, Ann. Ent. Belg. xxxvi, n. sp. Loxaiidrus, characters and components noticed ; Blackburn, p. 95, P. Linn. Soc. N.S.W. (2) vii. L. Icevicollis, p. 96, micans , p. 97, Australia, Blackburn, P. Linn. Soc, N.S.W. (2) vii, n. spp. Lychnus ater, Putz., = (strangulatus, Bates); Sloaxe, p. 57, P. Linn, Soc. N.S.W. (2) vii. Lymnastis pilosus , p. 296, atricapillus , p. 297, Burma, Bates, Ann. Mus, Genov. (2) xii, n. spp. Macrochilus ferry ginipes , Madagascar, Fajrmaire, p. clxviii, Bull, Soc, Ent. Fr. lxi, n. sp. Masoreus (udUphnhUus) submacidalus , Burma, Bates, p. 405, Ann. Mus. Genov. (2) xii, n. sp. Mastax rugiceps , p. 397, alveolaius , carissimns, p. 398, gestroi , p. 399, Burma, Bates, Ann. Mus. Genov. (2) xii, n. spp. Mecodema blagravii , characters of, and description ; Sloane, p. 51, P. Linn. Soc. N.S.W. (2) vii. Megalonychus birmanicus, dilaiicollis, Burma, p. 369, cyanipennis , Assam, p. 370, Bates, Ann. Mus. Genov. (2) xii, n. spp. Metabacetus , n. g., near Pediomorphus, for M. immarginatus , n. sp., Burma, Bates, p. 364, Ann. Mus. Genov. (2) xii. Metabletus subvittatus, p. 417, cymindalus, p. 418, Burma, Bates, Ann. Mus. Genov. (2) xii, n. spp. Microferonia adelaidce , referred to Anchomenini ; Blackburn, p. 95, P. Linn. Soc. N.S.W. (2) vii. Monacanthonyx , n. g., near Calathas , for M. pocillator, n. sp., Burma ; Bates, p. 367, Ann. Mus. Genov. (2) xii. Mormolyce : parasitic fungus on ; Giard (338), and Bull. Soc. Ent. Fr. lxi, p. lx. Nanochlamius, n. g., Chlamiince, p. 321, for N. fece , n. sp., Burma, p. 322 ; Bates, Ann. Mus. Genov. (2) xii. Nebria araschinica, Ordubad, Reitter, p. 66, Wien. ent. Z. xi, n. sp. Nematopeza auberti , Obock, Fairmaire, p. 84, Rev. d’Ent, x, n. sp. 90 Ins. XIII. COLEOrTEKA. Notiophilus melanophthahnus, Schlosser, characters of ; Heyden, p. 97, Wien. ent. Z. xi. Omophron : list of the described species ; G-estro, pp. 933 & 964, Aim. Mus. Genov. (2) x. O. oberthurii, Burma, Gestro, p. 962, t. c., n. sp. Onycholabis melitopus, Burma, Bates, p. 371, Ann. Mus. Genov. (2) xii, n. sp. Oodes conspicuus , Transvaal, Peringuey, p. 20, Tr. S. African Phil. Soc. vi (2) ; 0. cribristernis, peguensis , p. 323, rhodopus , p. 324, Burma, Bates, Ann. Mus. Genov. (2) xii : n. spp. Ophionsa bhamoensis , Burma, Bates, p. 380, Ann. Mus. Genov. (2) xii, n. sp. OpJio?iiscus, n. g., near Opbonus , for 0. iridulus, p. 337, cribrifrons , hypo- lithoides, p. 338, Burma, Bates, Ann. Mus. Genov. (2) xii, n. spp. Orthogonius quadricollis , p. 400, dispar , p. 401, rufiventris , p. 402, apian latus , p. 403, Burma, Bates, Ann. Mus. Genov. (2) xii, n. spp. Orthotrichus alternatus, indicus , Burma, Bates, p. 368, Ann. Mus. Genov. (2) xii, n. spp. Oxycentrus acutulus , omaseokles , Burma, Bates, p. 344, Ann. Mus. Genov. (2) xii, n. spp. Oxydrepanus birmanicus , Tenasserim, Bates, p. 283, Ann. Mus. Genov. (2) xii, n. sp. Pentagonica daimiella , Japan, Bates, p. 426, Ann. Mus. Genov. (2) xii, n. sp. Percolestus , n. g., Broscini , p. 54, for P. blacJcburni , n. sp., Victoria, p. 55, Sloane, P, Linn. Soc. N.S.W. (2) vii. Percosoma : the species tabulated ; Sloane, p. 58, P. Linn. Soc. N.S.W. (2) vii. P. concolor, Victoria, Sloane, t. c. p. 61, n. sp. Perigona nigriceps and pallipennis, distinctive characters ; Horn, p. 44, Tr. Am. Ent. Soc. xix. P. bigener , Burma, Bates, p. 379, Ann. Mus. Genov. (2) xii, n. sp. Perileptus melanopygus , Obock, Fairmaire, p. 87, Rev. d’Ent. xi, n. sp. Pheropsophus acutecostatus , Madagascar, Fairmaire, p. clxviii, Bull. Soc. Ent. Fr. Ixi ; P. nanodes, Assam, p. 391, infantulus , Burma, p. 390, Bates, Ann. Mus. Genov. (2) xii : n. spp. Philophlceus pygmceus, ornatus , Australia, Blackburn, p. 19, Tr. R. Soc. S. Austr. xvi ; P. monticola , p. 75, Sydney ensis, p. 76, laticollis , p. 77, confertus , p. 78, Australia, Blackburn, P. Linn. Soc. N.S.W. (2) vii : n. spp. Piezia albolineata , Wallengr, = ( albosignata , Per.); Peringuey, p. 135, Tr. S. African Phil. Soc. vi (2). P. ovampoensis , S.W. Africa, Peringuey, Tr. S. African Phil. Soc. vi (2), p. 13, n. sp. Pirantillus extensicollis, Burma, Bates, p. 370, Ann. Mus. Genov. (2) xii, n. sp. carabim. Ins. 97 Platy met opus longulus , p. 330, P. ? erebius , edentatus , sublcevis , p. 331, grandiceps , p. 332, amariformis, p. 333, Burma, gnathaphanoides , Assam, p. 332, Bates, Ann. Mus. G-enov. (2) xii, n. spp. Platynus reflexus , variation ; Hamilton, p. 157, Ganad. Ent. xxiv. P. myrmecodes , arizonensis , languidus, Arizona, Horn, p. 42, Tr. Am. Ent. Soc. xix, n. spp. Plectes plcitessa, Motsch., noticed, biebersteini , n. var. adelplius ; Rost, Deutsche e. Z. 1892, p. 142. P. polychrous , Caucasus, Rost, p. 401, Deutsche e. Z. 1892, n. sp. Plochionus timidus, habits ; Murtff.ldt, Canad. Ent. xxiv, p. 279. Pcecilus ornatus, New Guinea, Tryon (953), n. sp. Pogonoglo.ssus carinipennis, Burma, Bates, p. 388, Ann. Mus. Genov. (2) xii, n. sp. Polyhirma somcilica, Somaliland, Gestro, p. 751, Ann. Mus. Genov. (2) xii ; P. edax, p. 13, alstoni, p. 14, S. W. Africa. Peringuey, Tr. S. African Phil. Soc. vi (2) ; P. chaudoiri , p. 100, rutata , p. 101, S. Africa, Peringuey, t. c. : n. spp. Pristomachcerus quadristigmci, p. 303, rubellus, eucharis, p. 305, lebioides , cauliops , p. 306, Burma, Bates, Ann. Mus. Genov. (2) xii, n. spp. Promecoderus castelnaui , p. 46, ambiguus , p. 49, Australia, Sloane, P. Linn. Soc. N.S.W. (2) vii, n. spp. Pseudotaplioxenus gracilicornis, China, Friyaldszky, p.122, Term, fiizetek, xv, n. sp. Pterostichus amethystinus, brunneus , castaneus, $ characters ; brunneus = ( scutellaris , Lee.), mancus and diligendus, synonymy ; mutus, Say, = ( pulvinatuz and stenops , Haus.) ; Horn, p. 41, Tr. Am. Ent. Soc. xix. P. ( Agastillus , n. subg.) cucvjinus , Ordubad, Reitter, p. 61, Wien. ent. Z. xi, n. sp. Phembus rectificatus, p. 325, Icevigatus, colossus , p. 326, Burma, Bates, Ann. Mus. Genov. (2) xii, n. spp. Rhytisternus splendens , p. 93, cardwellensis , p. 94, Australia, Blackburn, P. Linn. Soc. N.S.W. (2) vii, n. spp. Sarothrocrepis posticalis and calma, distinction from corticalis queried ; Blackburn, p. 71, P. Linn. Soc. N.S.W. (2) vii. Sarticus obscurus , brevicornis , Australia, Blackburn, p. 23, Tr. R. Soc. S. Austr. xvi, n. spp. Scotodipnus mayeii, Alpes Maritimes, Abeille, p. 62, Rev. d’Ent. xi, n. sp. Siagona simplex , p. 6, australis, p. 7, S. W. Africa, Peringuey, Tr. S. African Phil. Soc. vi (2) ; S. subtilis, angulifrons, p. 284, angusti- pennis , p. 286, Burma, Bates, Ann. Mus. Genov. (2) xii : n. spp. Simous lampros, Burma, Bates, p. 322, Ann. Mus. Genov. (2) xii, n. sp. Simurus nitidus, p. 407, graciliceps , p. 408, Burma, Bates, Ann. Mus. Genov. (2) xii, n. spp. Stenolophns harpaloides, p. 347, rectifrons, p. 348, char is ) p. 349, Burma, Bates, Ann. Mus. Genov. (2) xii, n. spp. Stereostojna meridionalis, Transvaal, Peringuey, p. 103, Tr. S. African Phil. Soc. vi (2), n. sp. 1892. [vol. xxix.] E 7 98 Ins. XIII. COLEOPTERA. Stomonaxus dilaticollis, p. 351, inermis , p. 352, Burma, Bates, Ann. Mus. Genov. (2) xii, n. spp. Tachys vittatus , Motsch., redescribed ; Reitter, p. 67, Wien. ent. Z. xi. T. sellatus, Obock, Fairmaire, p. 87, Rev. d’Ent. xi ; T. prolixus, photinus, p. 288, euryocJes , obsolescens, haliploides , p. 289. remotiporis , p. 290, transumbratus , T. (B ary tachys) callispilotus , p. 291 ,/eanus, ocellatus , p. 292, expansicollis , p. 293, mirabilis , p. 294, nietneri •= ( ornatum , Niet.), p. 295, unitarius , p. 296, Burma, Bates, Ann. Mus. Genov. (2) xii ; T. yarrensis , Victoria, Blackburn, p. 20, Tr. R. Soc. S. Austr. xv : n. spp. Tceniolobus birmanicus , Teinzo, Bates, p. 270, Ann. Mus. Genov. (2) xii, n. sp. Taridius birmanicus, Burma, Bates, p. 416, Ann. Mus. Genov. (2) xii, n. sp. Tetragonoderus dispar , S. W. Africa, Peringuey, Tr. S. African Phil. Soc. vi (2), p. 6, n. sp. Trechus ( Anophthalmus ) speiseri, Herzegovina, Ganglbauer, p. 233, Wien. ent. Z. xi ; T. angelicce , Ordubad, Reitter, p. 60, Wien. ent. Z. xi ; T. birmanicus , p. 297, cauliops , p. 298, Burma, Bates, Ann. Mus. Genov. (2) xii; T. bcirbarce, California, Horn, p. 41, Tr. Am. Ent. Soc. xix : n. spp. Tricenogenius obockianus, Africa, Fairmaire, p. 85, Rev. d’Ent. xi, n. sp. Trichocarenum, n. g., near Eutoma, p. 20, for T. elderi, n. sp., Victoria Desert, p. 21 ; Blackburn, Tr. R. Soc. S. Austr. xvi. Trichotichnus birmanicus, Burma, Bates, p. 342, Ann. Mus. Genov. (2) xii, n. sp. Trigonognatha feana, Burma, Bates, p. 365, Ann. Mus. Genov. (2) xii, n. sp. Trigonothops longiplaga , pacifica , are probably one species ; Blackburn, p. 65, P. Linn. Soc. N.S.W. (2) vii. Trigonotoma lamprodera , igneicollis, p. 353, bhamoensis , chrysites, p. 354, Burma, iodes, Assam, p. 353, Bates, Ann. Mus. Genov. (2) xii, n. spp. Triplogenius feanus , p. 356, peguensis, p. 357, Burma, Bates, Ann. Mus. Genov. (2) xii, n. spp. Zeloticus, n. g., near Chlcenius , for Z. trislis, n. sp., S. W. Africa, Perin- guey, Tr. S. African Phil. Soc. vi, 2, p. 17, n. sp. Zuphium formosum, p. 386, prcestans, p. 387, Burma, Bates, Ann. Mus. Genov. (2) xii, n. spp. Amphizoidj:, Haliplid.e, Dytiscid^:. [Cf. Hubbard (437, 438), Regimbart (720, 721, 722, 723).] Amphizoa lecontei, imago figured, larva fig., and description; Hub- bard, Ins. Life, v, pp. 19-22 : larva described and figured ; Hubbard, P. E. Soc. Wash, ii, pp. 341-316, pi. iii. AMPHTZOIMj IIALIPLIDiE, DYTISCIDiE, GYRINIDiE. Ins. 99 Haliplus angustifrons , Bengal, Regimbart, p. 112, Ann. Ent. Belg. xxxvi ; H. signatipennis, ferruginipes , New Guinea, Regimbart, p. 979, Ann. Mus. Genov. (2) x : n. spp. Bidessus guttulatus , Burma, Regimbart, p. 542, Ann. Mus. Genov. (2) x ; B. lorice, p. 989, neoguineensis , p. 990, New Guinea, Regimbart, Ann. Mus. Genov. (2) x ; B. sever ini , p. 116, indicus, p. 117, consanguineus , antematus, p. 118, inconstans , p. 119, livens , p. 120, Bengal, Regimbart, Ann. Ent. Belg. xxxvi : n. spp. Copelcitus speciosus , n. n. for formosus , Reg. ; Regimbart, p. 991, Ann. Mus. Genov. (2) x. C. gestroi , New Guinea, Regimbart, p. 991, Ann. Mus. Genov. (2) x, n. sp. Cybister ovjas, n. var. congoancc , Duvivier, p. 272, Ann. Ent. Belg. xxxvi. C. hypomelas, New Guinea, Regimbart, p. 991, Ann. Mus. Genov. (2), x, n. sp. Dytiscus marginalise variation in coxal processes ; Griffixi, Boll. Mus. Tor. vii, No. 115. Hydaticus epipleuricus, Burma, Regimbart, p. 545, Ann. Mus. Genov. (2) x; H. suffusus, p. 992, rhantaticoides, p. 993, New Guinea, Regim- bart, Ann. Mus. Genov. (2) x : n. spp. Hydrocoptus opatrinuSe p. 11, bosschce , p. 12, Borneo, Regimbart, Notes Leyd. Mus. xiv, n. spp. Hydrovatus ping ids, Bengal, Regimbart, p. 114, Ann. Ent. Belg. xxxvi, n. sp. Hyphoporus severini , Bengal, Regimbart, p. 115, Ann. Ent. Belg. xxxvi, n. sp. Hyphydrus lyratus , n. var. foveolatus ; Regimbart, p. 986, Ann. Mus. Genov. (2) x. H. flavicanSe Bengal, Regimbart, Ann. Ent. Belg. xxxvi, p. 115 ; H. lorice , p. 985, gibbicollis , p. 986, curvipes , p. 987, New Guinea, Regimbart, Ann. Mus. Genov. (2) x : n. spp. Lctcconectes lividus , Burma, Regimbart, p. 544, Ann. Mus. Genov. (2) x, n. sp. Laccophiliis parvulus, variation noticed ; Regimbart, p. 113, Ann. Ent. Belg. xxxvi. L. birmanicus, p. 538, planitarsis , p. 539, Burma, Regimbart, Ann. Mus. Genov. (2) x ; L. univittatus , auriculatuSe New Guinea, Regimbart, p. 981, t. c. : n. spp. Macroporus piceatus. New Guinea, Regimbart, p. 984, Ann. Mus. Genov. (2) x, n. sp. Neptosternus speciosus, p. 982, bicinctus, p. 983, New Guinea, Regimbart, Ann. Mus. Genov. (2) x, n. spp. Gyeinidj:. [Cf. Regimbart (720, 721).] Dineutes neoguineensis , New Guinea, Regimbart, p. 996, Ann. Mus. Genov. (2) x, n. sp. 100 Ins. XIII. COLEOPTERA. Gyrinus smaragdmus. Burma, Regimbart, p. 547, Ann. Mus. Geuov. (2) x, n. sp. Orectochilus apicalis , p. 548, birmanicus , p. 550, cribratellus , p. 551, villosovittatus, p. 552, tomentosus , p. 553, Burma, Regimbart, t. c., n. spp. Porrhorrhynchus depressus, New Guinea, Regimbart, p. 996, t. c., n. sp. Hydrophilid^e. [Cf> Bedel (47), Fairmaire (262, 263), Guillebeau (374, 378), Kuwert (402), Peringuey (672, 673).] Berosus majusculns and externespinosusb characters of ; Blackburn, p. 207, Tr. R. Soc. S. Austr. xv. B. fuscostriatus, p. 87, immaculicollis, p. 88, Obock, Fairmaire, Rev. d’Ent. xi, n. spp. Dibolocelus , n. subg. of Stethoxus ; Bedel, p. 308, Rev. d’Ent. x. Eccoptometopus , n. g., near Ochthebius , p. 104, for B. sculpticollis, nitens , p. 105, proxhnus , p. 106. n. spp., S. Africa ; Peringuey, Tr. S. African Phil. Soc. vi (2). Helophorus punctato-sulcatus , Turkestan, Kuwert, p. 102, Deutsche e. Z. 1892, n. sp. Hydrcena capicola , p. 106, extrema , p. 107, S. Africa, Peringuey, Tr. S. African Phil. Soc. vi (2), n. spp. Ilydrobaticus lurldus and tristis are one species ; Blackburn, p. 99, P. Linn. Soc. N.S.W. (2) vii. Hydrochus capensis , Cape Colony, Peringuey, p. 104, Tr. S. African Phil. Soc. vi (2), n. sp. Hydrophilus , revision of (under the name Stethoxus) ; Bedel, Rev. d’Ent. x, pp. 306-322 : H. gansuensis, characters of ; Semenow, p. 163, Wien. ent. Z. xi. Hydrous dichromus , Syria, Fairmaire, p. 144, Ann. Ent. Belg. xxxvi, n. sp. Limnobius theryi , Algeria, Guillebeau, p. 324, Rev. d’Ent. x ; L. ( Tricholimnobius ) grouvellei , Spain, Guillebeau, p. cxxxiii, Bull. Soc. Ent. Fr. lxi : n. spp. Octhebius turJcestanicus, Alai Mts., Kuwert, p. 102, Deutsche e. Z. 1892, n. sp. Philydrus suturalis , note on ; Sharp, Ent. M. M. xxviiii, p. 111. P. maculiceps, Icevigatus , distinctive characters ; Blackburn, p. 207, Tr. R. Soc. S. Austr. xv. Spercheus interruptus , Obock, Fairmaire, p. 88, Rev. d’Ent. xi ; S. australis, S. Africa, Peringuey, p. 23, Tr. S. African Phil. Soc. vi (2); S. capicola, p. 107, algoensis , p. 108, S. Africa, Peringuey, Tr. S. African Phil. Soc. vi (2) : n. spp. Stethoxus , rufo-cinctus , Hindostan, p. 309, cavisternum , Tonkin, p. 310, indicus, Hindostan, p. 310, pedipalpus , Australia, p. 312, simulator, Guyana, p. 313, Bedel, Rev. d’Ent. x, n. spp. STAPHYLINID2E, Ins. 101 Staph ylinidjl \Gf. Blackburn (93), Dohrn (221), Eppelsheim (255, 256), Fairmaire (262), Gestro (334), Ganglbauer (319), Reitter (725), Sharp (844), Wasmann (987).] Achenium hauseri , Djizak, Eppelsheim, p. 336, Deutsche e. Z. 1892, u. sp. Amphicroum adelaidce , S. Australia, Blackburn, p. 23, Tr. R. Soc. S. Austr. xv, n. sp. Anthobium sareptanum , Epp., = ( starcki , Reit.); Reitter, p. 26, Wien, ent. Z. xi. Atemeles pubicollis, n. var . foreli ; Wasmann, p. 351, Deutsche e. Z. 1892. Atheta ( Hydrosmectct ) tenuissima, Europe, Eppelsheim, p. 292, Wien, ent. Z. xi ; A. ( Homalota ) flavida, p. 322, A. ( Metaxya ) blanda, p. 323, concolor , p. 324, A. ( Microdota ) turanica, p. 325, Turkestan, Eppelsheim, Deutsche e. Z. 1892 : n. spp. Belonuchus nullicedo , Philippines, Dohrn, p. 74, S. E. Z. liii, n. sp. Bledius simulator , p. 344, immaturus , p. 345, Turkestan, Eppelsheim, Deutsche e. Z. 1892 ; 5. lividipes , Obock, Fairmaire, p. 90, Rev. d’Ent. xi : n. spp. Boreaphilus carintJiiacus, Europe, Ganglbauer, p. 17, Soc. Ent. vii, n. sp. Conurus pubescens , n. var. decurtatus ; Eppelsheim, p. 328, Deutsche e. Z. 1892. Coproporus lateimpressus , Margelan, Eppelsheim, p. 327, Deutsche e. Z. 1892, n. sp. Dilacra fleischeri , Austria, Eppelsheim, p. 293, Wien. ent. Z. xi, n. sp. Eleusis parva, N. S. Wales, Blackburn, p. 24, Tr. R. Soc. S. Austr. xv, n. sp. Euryusa laticollis , habits ; Wasmann, p. 350, Deutsche e. Z. 1892. Falagria subcenea, Taschkent, Eppelsheim, p. 326, Deutsche e. Z. 1892, n. sp. Geodromicus) distinctions of the sexes ; Eppelsheim, p.49, Soc. Ent. vii. Geostiba apfelbecki , Bosnia, Eppelsheim, p. 289, Wien. ent. Z. xi, n. sp. Hyperomma abnorme , Victoria, Blackburn, p. 22, Tr. R. Soc. S. Austr. xv, n. sp. Lathrobium ( Lobathrium ) cognat am , Turcomania, Eppelsheim, p. 355, Deutsche e. Z. 1892, n. sp. Leptusa ( Sipalia ) bosnica , Bosnia, Eppelsheim, p. 295, Wien. ent. Z. xi, n. sp. Liogluta montivagans , Carpathians, Eppelsheim, p. 291, Wien. ent. Z. xi, n. sp . LiparocepTialus, referred to A leocharini ; Casey, p. 711, Ann. N. York Ac. vi. L. brevipennis and cordicollis , probably one species ; Hamilton, p, 157, Canad. Ent. xxiv. Lomechusa strumosa , its relations with various kinds of ants discussed ; Wasmann, Biol. Centralbl. xii, pp. 584, &c. Medon propinquus, n. var. nigrinus ; Eppelsheim, p. 337, Deutsche e. Z. 1892. 102 Ins. XIII. COLEOPTERA. Microylossa lederi , Taschkent, Eppelsheim, p. 321, Deutsche e. Z. 1892, no sp. Mycetoporus reitteri , Tatra Mts., Eppelsheim, p. 296, Wien. ent. Z. xi ; M. rubricus , Turkestan, Eppelsheim, p. 329, Deutsche e. Z. 1892 : n. spp, Myrmedonia afra, Somaliland, Gestro, p. 753, Ann. Mus. Genov. (2) xii, n. sp. Myrmoecia fussi, habits ; Wasmann, Deutsche e. Z. 1892, p. 348. Niphetodes apfelbecki , Carpathians, Ganglbauer, p. 17, Soc. Ent. vii, n. sp. Oxytelus sexualis , p. 342, subtilis, p. 343, Taschkent, Eppelsiieim, Deutsche e. Z. 1892, n. sp. Pcederus debilior , Turkestan, Eppelsheim, p. 339, Deutsche e. Z. 1892, n. sp. Philonthus variabilis , Taschkent, Eppelsheim, p. 333, Deutsche e. Z. 1892; P. flavicornis , Obock, Fairmaire, p. 89, Rev. d’Ent. xi : n. spp. Pliilorinum hopffgarteni, Siebenburgen, Eppelsheim, p, 297, Wien. ent. Z. xi, n. sp. Platysthetus depravatus , Taschkent, Eppelsheim, p. 341, Deutsche e. Z. 1892, n. sp. Protinus limbatus , metamorphoses ; Xambeu, Moeurs, ii, p. 7. Quedias crassus, p. 4, cinctus , p. 6, metamorphoses ; Xambeu, Moeurs, ii. Q. capitalis , p. 329, novus, p. 331, Turkestan, Eppelsheim, Deutsche e. Z. 1892 ; Q. pictipennis , Victoria, Blackburn, p. 21, Tr. R. Soc. S. Austr. xv : n. spp. Scimbalium grandiceps , Margelan, Reitter, p. 68, Wien. ent. Z. xi, n. sp. Scopceus similis, Taschkent, Eppelsheim, p. 337, Deutsche e. Z. 1892 ; S. aliiceps, Obock, Fairmaire, p. 89, Rev. d’Ent. xi ; S.femoralis , N. S. Wales, Blackburn, p. 22, Tr. R. Soc. S. Austr. xv : n. spp. Stenus rugifer , Cas., = ( anastomozans ), vexatus — ( insularis ), placidus = ( tamicollis ), villosus = ( jejunus ), milleporas = ( sectilifer ), difficilis = (tenuis), nanus — (i namdus ), humilis , Er., = ( mammops ), rigidus = (ageus), brumalis = {pauper cuius), gratiosus = .( hirsutus ), morio, Grav., = {haplus and indistinctus , Cas.), umbratilis = ( fraternus ), pollens = (patens), reconditus = (propinguus) , callosus — (varipes), punctatus = (dilutus and obsoletus ), hubbardi = [simiolus), lucid us = (leviceps, politulus) ; Casey, Ann. N. York Ac. vi, p. 711. $. posticalis, Taschkent, Eppelsheim, Deutsche e. Z. 1892, p. 340, n. sp. Tachinus laticollis, larva described; Rey, p. clxxxii, Bull. Soc. Ent. Fr. lxi. Tachyporus niticlulus, n. var. cm# ; Eppelsheim, p. 328, Deutsche e. Z. 1892. Trygceus javanicus, Java, Sharp, p. 61, Notes Leyd. Mus. xiv, n. sp. Xantliolinus ochripennis, Turkestan, Eppelsheim, p. 334, Deutsche e. Z. 1892, n. sp. fSELAPHIM, SCYDM.ENIM, PAUSSIM. Ins. 103 PSELAPHID-E. [Cf Bren del (120, 121), Dodero (219), Grilat (365), Guillebeau (376, 379), Pic (687), Raffray (710), Sharp (843), Xambeu (1021),] Dimorphic males noticed ; Reitter, p. 26, Wien. ent. Z. xi. Batrisus adnexus, oculatus , habits ; Wasmann, Deutsche e. Z. 1892, p. 350. Bibloporus pini , p. clxxxiii, ultimus , p. clxxxiv, Corsica, Guillebeau, Bull. Soc. Ent. Fr. lxi, n. spp. Bythinus carinula, Lyons, Rey, Echange, No. 42, 1888, p. 4, n. sp. (other doubtful n. spp. or varr. mentioned with names, l. c .) ; B. ravouxi , France, Grilat, Echange, No. 58, 1889, p. 78 (but cf. t. c. p. 84) ; B. croissandeaui , Algeria, Pic, p. cclxxii, Bull. Soc. Ent. Fr. lxi : n. spp. Chennium bitub erculatum , larva described ; Xambeu, p. 135, Ann. Soc. L, Lyon, xxxix. Eudranes , n. g. ( Tyrini ), p. 241, for E. carinatus , n. sp., N. W. Australia, p. 242 ; Sharp, Ent. M. M. xxviii. Eulasinus , n. g. (Tyrini), for E. wcdkeri , n. sp., Chusan ; Sharp, p. 240, Ent. M. M. xxviii. Bhexidius trogasteroides, p. 12, intermedium, p. 13, N. America, Brendel, Ent. News, iii, n. spp. Trimium durum , costcde, p. 166, gracile , Iciticolle, majus, p. 167, N. America, Brendel, Tr. Am. Ent. Soc. xix, n. spp. Trogaster dorice, Busalla, Dodero, p. 666, Ann. Mus. Genov. (2) x, n. sp. Tychus striola, France, Guillebeau, p. 1, Supp. to Echange, No. 19, 1886. SCYDM Cephennium majus, Reitt.., and laticolle, Aube, distinctive characters of ; Reitter, p. 137, Wien. ent. Z. xi. Neuraphes panormitomus, Sicily, Raousa, p. 80, Nat. Sicil. xi, n. sp. Paussid^e. [Cf. Blackburn (93), Gestro (333), Kraatz (513, 517), Peringuey (673), Raffray (709), Wasmann (985), Xambeu (1021).] Arthropterus foveipennis, S. Australia, p. 24, occidentalis , W. Australia, p. 25, Blackburn, Tr. R. Soc. S. Austr. xv, n. spp. Pentaplatarthrus paussoides , anatomy, structure of detonating organs ; Raffray, N. Arch. Mus. (3) iv, pp. 91-100, pi. xiii. Paussus favieri, larva described; Xambeu, p. 137, Ann. Soc. L. Lyon, xxxix. P. cervinus , Madagascar, Kraatz, Deutsche e. Z. 1892, p. 8 ; P. opacus, Madagascar, Kraatz, t. c. p. 377 ; P. spinicola , Somaliland, Was- mann, p. 355, MT. Schw. ent. Ges. viii ; P. fallax, Transvaal, Peringuey, p. 108, Tr. S. African Phil. Soc. vi, 2 : n. spp. Protopaussus, n. g., p. 706, for P. fece, n. sp., Burma, p. 707 ; Gestro, Ann. Mus. Genov. (2) xii. 104 Ins. XIII. COLEOPTERA. Silphim. [Cf. Blackburn (93), Fairmaire (263), G-uillebeau (375, 377), Horn (418), Peringuey (673), Xambeu (1021).] Pinodytini and Lyrosomini , distinctive characters ; Horn, p. 44, Tr. Am. Ent. Soc. xix. Anemadus strigosus , habits ; Wasmann, Deutsche e. Z. 1892, p. 350. Calyptomerus capensis, S. Africa, Peringuey, p. 109, Tr. S. African Phil. Soc. vi, 2, n. sp. Catops fuscipes , Men., characters noticed; Reltter, p. 240, Wien, ent. Z. xi. C. hervei , France, Guillebeau, p. 116, Echange, 1891, n. sp. Catopsimorphus pilosus, larva ; Xambeu, p. 151, Ann. Soc. L. Lyon, xxxix. Choleva major , Syria, Fairmaire, p. 144, Ann. Ent. Belg. xxxvi, n. sp. Colon melbournense , Victoria, Blackburn, p. 25, Tr. R. Soc. S. Austr. xv, n. sp. Ilydnobius fulvescens, Marseilles, Guillebeau, Echange, i, Xo. 6, p. 2, n. sp. Necrophorus fossor , p. 147, humator , p. 150, metamorphoses ; Xambeu, Ann. Soc. L. Lyon, xxxix. Pinodytes hamiltoni, pusio , X. America, Horn, p. 45, Tr. Am. Ent. Soc. xix, n. spp. Ptomaphagus nigriclavis, France, Guillebeau, p. 116, Echange, 1891 (but 1892, p. 4, this is said to be sericeus , Panz.), n. sp. Silpha sinuata) p. 139, carinata , p. 142, metamorphoses ; Xambeu, Ann. Soc. L. Lyon, 1892. Trichopterygidj;. Critical notice of Flach’s synopsis and synonymy of European Trichop- terygidce ; Matthews, Ann. X. H. (6) ix, pp. 442-448. Bceocera palumboiy Sicily, Ragusa, p. 255, Xat. Sicil. xi, n. sp. Histerid^:. \Cf. Blackburn (93), Blaisdell (96), Horn (418), Lewis (553, 554, 555, 557, 558, 559, 560, 561), Schmidt (801, 802), Wickham (1009) ] Abrceus mikado , Japan, Lewis, p. 356, Ann.X. H. (6) ix ; A. stigmaticu.s} Perak, Schmidt, p. 29, Ent. Xachr. xviii : n. spp. Acritus shogunus, Japan, tasmanice, Tasmania, Lewis, p. 357, Ann. X. H. (6) ix, n. spp. Apobletes foliaceus and migneauxi , synonymical note ; Schmidt, p. 290, Ann. Soc. Ent. Fr. lxi. A. nigritulus, Madagascar, Lewis, Ann. X. H. (6) ix, p. 342 ; A. anceps , Perak, Schmidt, p. 19, Ent. Xachr. xviii ; A. nirvana , Burma, Lewis, p. 20, Ann. Mus. Genov. (2) xii : n. spp. Carcinops karenensis, Burma, Lewis, p. 31, Ann. Mus. Genov. (2) xii • C. suavis, Sumatra, Schmidt, p. 27, Ent. Xachr. xviii : n. spp. HISTEEIM. Ins. 105 Cylistix asiatica , Perak, p. 343, orientalis , Siam, Lewis, Arm, N. H. (6) ix, n. spp. Dendrophilus californicus , California, Horn, p. 46, Tr. Am. Ent. Soc. xix, n. sp. Eblisia cavipyga , Burma, Lewis, Eut. M. M. xxviii, p. 102 ; E. monticola , Burma, Lewis, p. 19, Ann. Mus. Genov. (2) xii : n. spp. Epiechnus : characters of ; Lewis, Ann. N. H. (6) x, p. 23, pi. xix, figs. 8-10. E. taprobance , Ceylon, p. 355, birmanus , Burma, p. 356, Lewis, Ann. N. H. (6) ix, n. spp. Epierus nemoralis, Assam, Lewis, p. 347, Ann. 1ST. H. (6) ix; E. amandus , p. 25, monticola , p. 26, Java, Schmidt, Ent. Nachr. xviii : n. spp. Eretmotus : habits of, and notes on specific characters ; Lewis, Ann. 27. H. (6) x, pp. 233-236, pi. xix, figs. 1-7. E. leprieuri , Mars., = (< approximans , Fairm.) ; Lewis, p. 350, Ann. N. H. (6) ix. E. corpulentus, cirtensis , p. 233, habylicei p. 234, bedell p. 235, Lewis, op, cit. (6) x, n. spp. Hetcerius hornii , Wyoming, Wickham, Psyche, vi, p. 322, n. sp. Hister tropicola , Guinea, p. 23, punctipennis , Sierra Leone, oblongulust Turkestan, p. 24, Schmidt, Ent. Nachr. xviii ; H, robusticollis , Natal, p. 104, Lewis, Ent. M.iM. xxviii; H. pransus , p.24, gentilis, p. 25, stenocephalus , p. 26, sinuaticollis, p. 27 ,fragosus, p. 28, dentipes , p. 29, ixion, p. 30, striatipennis, p. 31, Burma, Lewis, Ann. Mus. Genov. (2) xii ; H. rugistrius , Bengal, famulus , Sumatra, Lewis, p. 346, Ann. N. H. (6) ix : n. spp. Hololepta dilatata, H. (Lioderma') pinguis, Gaboon, Schmidt, p. 17, Ent. Nachr. xviii ; H. fece , Burma, Lewis, p. 17, Ann. Mus. Genov. (2) xii ; H. pervalida, California, Blaisdell, p. 337, Zoe, iii : n. spp. Iclister gestroi, Burma, Lewis, p. 18, Ann. Mus. Genov. (2) xii, n. sp. Liopygus famelicus, Burma, Lewis, p. 21, Ann. Mus. Genov. (2) xii, n. sp. Noiodoma solstitiale , Perak, p. 348, rufulum, Borneo, p. 349, Lewis, Ann. N. H. (6) ix, n. spp. Onthophilus tubercidatus, p. 353, sculptilis , p. 354, Burma, Lewis, Ann. N. H. (6) ix ; O. julii , Mexico, Lewis, p. 124, Ent. M. M. xxviii : n. spp. Pachycrcerus ritsemce, Mars., = (P. violaceipennis , Lew.) : Lewis, p. 345, Ann. N. H. (6) ix. Paratropus sever ini, Bengal, Lewis, p. 142, Ann. Ent. Belg. xxxvi, n. sp. Paromalus complanatus , Panz., = ( Platysoma theryanum, Reitt.) ; Reit- ter, p. 188, Wien. ent. Z. xi. P. mendicus , viaticus , p. 33, fujisanus , p. 34, vernalis , tardipes, p. 35, omineus, p. 36, montivagus , p. 37, Japan, Lewis, Ann. N. H. (6) ix ; P. indicus , p. 32, vermiculatus. brevipes, p. 33, submetallicus. p. 34, Burma, Lewis, Ann. Mus. Genov. (2) xii ; P. luclovici , N. S. Wales, Blackburn, p. 26, Tr. R. Soc. S. Austr. xv : n. spp. Platylister , n. g., type Platysoma ovatum , Er.; Lewis, Ent. M. M. xxviii, p. 103. 106 Ins. XIII. COLEOPTERA. Platysoma solivagum, Burma, Lewis, p. 21, Ana. Mus. Genov. (2) xii ; P. jejunum , Perak, Lewis, ' p. 343, Ann. N. H. (6) ix ; P. striatisternum, Borneo, Lewis, p. 103, Ent. M. M. xxviii ; P. distinctum , Java, p. 19, sincerum, Perak, p. 20, biimpressum , Queens- land, p. 21, semilineatum , robustum , Australia, p. 22, Schmidt, Ent. Nachr. xviii : n. spp. Plcesius bisinuatus , Aru Is., Schimdt, p. 18, Ent. Nachr. xviii, n. sp. Psiloscelis limatulus, Assam, Lewis, p. 345, Ann. N. H. (6) ix, n. sp. Sternoccelis : structure of claws described ; Lewis, p. 263, Ent. M. M. xxviii. >8. viaticus , Algeria, id. 1. c., n. sp. Teretrius ivalkeri, Tasmania, Lewis, p. 353, Ann. N. H. (6) ix, n. sp. Teretriosoma rajah , Burma, Lewis, p. 37, Ann. Mus. Genov. ,(2) xii, n.sp. Triballus onustus , Zanzibar, opimus , Borneo, Lewis, p. 350, Ann. N. H. (6) ix ; T. cyclonotus, orphanus , Burma, Lewis, p. 35, Ann. Mus. Genov. (2) xii : n. spp. Trypeticus crassus, Perak, Schmidt, p. 28, Ent. Nachr. xviii ; T. nemorivagus, Burma, p. 351, prcedaceus, Perak, p. 352, Lewis, Ann. N. H. (6) ix : n. spp. Xestipygefryij Burma, Lewis, Ann. N. H. (6) ix, n. sp. PHALACRIDiE. [Cf. Blackburn (93), Guillebeau (373, 378), Peringuey (673).] Revision of the palsearctic species with fresh classification ; Guillebeau, Rev. d’Ent. xi, p. 141. Eustilbns sharpi, Syria, Guillebeau, p. 191, Rev. d’Ent. xi, n. sp. Grouvelleus , n. g., for G. prosternalis , n. sp., Saigon, Guillebeau, p. cxxxiv, Bull. Soc. Ent. Fr. Ixi. Helectrus} n. g., for H. brisouti, Jordan, n. sp., Guillebeau, p. 187, Rev. d’Ent. xi. Litochrus sydneyensis , N. S. Wales, Blackburn, p. 26, Tr. R. Soc. S. Austr. xv ; L. promontorii, Cape Colony, Peringuey, p. 110, Tr. S. African Phil. Soc. vi, 2 : n. spp. Litochroides, n. g., for L. sharpi , Djedda, p. 187, sinuaticollis , Ismailia, p. 181, n. spp.; Guillebeau, Rev. d’Ent. xi. Micromerus, n. g., for Litochrus Jcoltzei, Flach, Guillebeau, p. 189, Rev. d’Ent. xi. Olibrus clesbrochersi , p. 171, selvei , p. 177, bedeli , p. 180, bonnaireii reyii p. 181, viennensis, p. 182, biplagiatus, camptoides , gentilis, p. 184, abeillei , p. 185, Palsearctic region, Guillebeau, Rev. d’Ent. xi ; O. consanguineus , Cape Colony, Peringuey, Tr. S. African Phil. Soc. vi (2) : n. spp. Phalacrus substriatus , metamorphoses ; Guillebeau, p. 194, Rev. d’Ent. xi. P. confusus , p. 153 (and Echange, 1892, p. 20), grouvellei , insularis, p. 156, mayeti , championi , p. 158, Europe, Guillebeau, Rev. d’Ent. xi, n. spp. NITIDULID.E. Ins. 107 Pryacoderus, n. g., for P. lemoroi, n. sp., Biskra, Guillebeau, p. 187, Rev. d’Ent. xi. Tolyphus sedilloti , Tunis, Guillebeau, p. 163, Rev, d’Ent. xi, n. sps Nitidulid^e. [Cf. Abeille (1), Blackburn (93), Blatch & Horner (103)* Fairmaire (262), Grouvelle (368, 369, 370, 371), Guillebeau (375, 376), Peringuey (673), Reitter (725).] Ampbicrossus opacus, Bengal, Grouyelle, p. 60, Ann. Ent. Belg. xxxvi, n. sp. Amphotis marginata , habits ; Wasmann, p. 347, Deutsche e. Z. 1892. Aporozoum, n. g., for Coxelus sylvaticus , Phil. ; Germain, p. 250, Act. Soc. Chili, ii. Brachypeplus ater, W. Africa, Grouvelle, p. 292, Ann. Soc. Ent. Fr. Ixi ; B. birmanicus , p. 834, few , p. 835, Burma, Grouvelle, Ann. Mus. Genov. (2) xii : n. spp. Brachypterus obtusus, Marseilles ; Guillebeau, p. 2, Supp. to Echange, No. 19, 1886 ; B. opacus, p. 66, drums , p. 67, Syria, Abeille, Rev. d’Ent. xi : n. spp. Carpophilus ( Urophorus ) bicolor , heros, p. 836, C. (Ecnomorphus) murrayi , p. 837, Burma, Grouvelle, Ann. Mus. Genov. (2) xii ; C. bosschw, Borneo, Grouvelle, Notes Leyd. Mus. xiv, p. 43 : n. spp. Cryptarcha alluaudi , W. Africa, Grouvelle, p. 293, Ann. Soc. Ent. Fr. xii ; G. bicolor, nigropunctata,p. 854, few, p. 855, Burma, Grouvelle, Ann. Mus. Genov. (2) xii : n. spp. Cyllodes quadrinotatus undulatus, p. 845, dubius nigropunctatus, p. 846, limbatus, wnescens , p. 847, humeralis, p. 848, Burma, Grouvelle, Ann. Mus. Genov. (2) xii : n. spp. Decamerus and Diontolobus, Sol., belong to Nitidulidw, not to Dermestidw ; Germain, p. 250, Act. Soc. Chili, ii. Epurwa birmanica, consobrina, p. 840, reticulata , p. 841, Burma, Grou- velle, Ann. Mus. Genov. (2) xii, n. spp. Eugoniopus reitteri , Burma, Grouvelle, p. 852, Ann. Mus. Genov. (2) xii, n. sp. Idwthina cincta, note on ; Blackburn, p. 29, Tr. R. Soc. S. Austr. xv. Ischwna few, Burma, Grouvelle, p. 842, Ann. Mus. Genov. (2) xii, n. sp. Librodor egregius , Burma, Grouvelle, p. 856, Ann. Mus. Genov. (2) xii, n. sp. Lobostoma, n. g., near Epurwa , p. 90, for L. picea , n. sp , Obock, p. 91 ; Fairmaire, Rev. d’Ent. xi. Meligethes ( Acanthogeih.es ) reyi, France, Guillebeau, Echange, i, No. 7, p. 2, n. sp. Mimema tabulw , S. Africa, Peringuey, p. Ill, Tr. S. African Phil. Soc, vi, 2, n. sp. ] 08 Ins. XIII. COLEOPTERA. Neopallodes dentat-us , p. 849, vicinus , p. 850, Burma, Grouvelle, Ann. Mus. Genov. (2) xii, n. spp. Notobrachypterus, n. g., near Brachyp terns, p. 26, for N. australis , creber, p. 27, bifoveatus , nitidiusculus, p. 28, liliputanus, p. 29, n. spp., Aus- tralia \ Blackburn, Tr. R. Soc. S. Austr. xv. Pallodes birmanicus, fece, Burma, Grouvelle, p. 851, Ann. Mus. Genov. (2) xii, n. spp. Farametopia bosschce, Borneo, Grouvelle, p. 44, Notes Leyd. Mus. xiv, n. sp. Physorhina reitteri , Burma, Grouvelle, p. 843, Ann. Mus. Genov. (2) xii, n. sp. Platamartus, n. g., near Cercus , for P. jakoleivi, n. sp., Siberia ; Reitter, p. 151, Wien. ent. Z. xi. Pocadites dubitabilis, Burma, Grouvelle, p. 843, Ann. Mus. Genov. (2) xii, n. sp. Pocadius testaceus, Bengal, Grouvelle, p. 60, Ann. Ent. Belg. xxxvi, n. sp. Bdiizophagus oblongicollis , England, Blatcu & Horner, Ent. M. M. xxviii, p. 303, n. sp. Tetrisus epurceoides , Burma, Grouvelle, p. 839, Ann. Mus. Genov. (2) xii, n. sp. Tricanus punctatissimus , p. 852, striatopunctatus , p. 853, Burma, Grou- velle, Ann. Mus. Genov. (2) xii, n. spp. Trogositid^:. [Cf. Leveille (552), Xambeu (1021).] Alindria sedilloti, = ( sikorai , Kuw.) ; Leveill^, p. cviii, Bull. Soc. Ent. Fr. lxi. Leptonyxa fairmairei , Rio de Janeiro, Leveille, p. xcv, Bull. Soc. Ent. Fr. lxi, n. sp. Nemosoma siculum , Sicily, Ragusa, p. 193, Nat. Sicil. xi, n. sp. Trogosita mauritanica , metamorphoses ; Xambeu, p. 153, Ann. Soc. L. Lyon, xxxix. CoLYDIIDiE. [Cf. Blackburn (93), Fairmaire (263), Grouvelle (366, 368), Perin- guey (673).] Bothrideres capicola, p. Ill, distinctus, scutatus , p. 112, S. Africa, Perin- GUEY, Tr. S. African Phil. Soc. vi (2), n. spp. Corticus syriacus , Akbes, Fairmaire, p. 144, Ann. Ent. Belg. xxxvi, n. sp. Ditoma opaca , elongata , W. Africa, Grouvelle, p. 296, Ann. Soc. Ent. Fr. lxi, n. spp. Mychocerus simonis , Venezuela, Grouvelle, p. 102, Ann. Soc. Ent. Fr. lxi, n. sp. Orthocerus f unicornis , Bed., cf. Acotulus in Tenebrionidce. CUCUJID2E AND KHYS30DID.E, CRYPTOPHAGIDJ]. Ins. 109 Paryphus erichsoni , p. 99, serratus , crassus , p. 103, ohesus , p. 101, Vene- zuela, Grouvelle, Ann. Soc. Ent. Fr. lxi, n. spp. Sparcictus : Endophlceus flexuosus referred to this ; Germain, p. 252, Act. Soc. Chili, ii. Tristaria labralis , Victoria, Blackburn, p. 30, Tr. R. Soc. S. Austr. xv, n. sp. Cucujid.e and Rhyssodid^:. [Cf. Blackburn (93), Grouvelle (367, 368, 369).] Catogenus fece , Burma, Grouvelle, p. 857, Ann. Mus. Genov. (2) xii, n. sp. Cerylon alluaudi , p. 297, inftnium , striolatum , p. 298, W. Africa, Grou- velle, Ann. Soc. Ent. Fr. lxi, n. spp. Cryptcimorpha mcicleayi , N. S. Wales, Blackburn, p. 31, Tr. R. Soc. S. Austr. xv, n. sp. Hyliotci fece , p.858 ,fallax, p. 859, Burma, Grouvelle, Ann. Mus. Genov. (2) xii, n. spp. Lcemophlceus ausiralasice , Victoria, Blackburn, p. 30, Tr. R. Soc. S. Austr. xv ; L. rugifrons , manclibularis , p. 860, spinosus , p. 861, Burma, Grouvelle, Ann. Mus. Genov. (2) xii : n. spp. Myrabolia lindensis, S. Australia, p. 31 , parva, N. S. Wales, p. 32, Black- burn, Tr. R. Soc. S. Austr. xv, n. spp. Psammcecus simonis, Philippines, Grouvelle, p. 287, Ann. Soc. Ent. Fr. lxi, n. sp. Silvanojjsis, n. g., for S. simonis , Philippines, p. 286, raffrayi , Singapore, p. 287, n. spp. ; Grouvelle, Ann. Soc. Ent. Fr. lxi. Silvcinus longicornis , Philippines, Grouvelle, p. 285, Ann. Soc. Ent. Fr. lxi ; S. birmanicus , fece , Burma, Grouvelle, p. 863, Ann. Mus. Genov. (2) xii : n. spp. Rhysodes africanus, W. Africa, Grouvelle, p. 299, Ann. Soc. Ent. Fr. lxi, n. sp. Cryptophagidj:. [Cf. Blackburn (93), Guillebeau (375), Peringuey (673), Thomson (927).] Atomaria godarti , Marseilles, Guillebeau, Echange, i, No. 6, p. 3 ; A. eucalypti , N. S. Wales, Blackburn, Tr. R. Soc. S. Austr. xv, n. sp. Ccenoscelis grandis, Sweden, Thomson, Opusc. ent. xvi, p. 1773, n. sp. Cryptophagus plagiatus , S. Africa, Peringuey, p. 113, Tr. S. African Phil. Soc. vi (2) ; C. gibbipennis , Victoria, Blackburn, p. 32, Tr. R. Soc. S. Austr. xv : n. spp. Emphylus americamis , habits ; Schwarz, P. E. Soc. Wash, ii, p. 227. 110 Ins. XIII. COLEOPTERA. Lathridiid^ Mycetophagidje. [Cf. Baudi (43), Belon (53), Brisout (128), Reitter (725).] Colovocera oculata , Burma, Gestro, p. 878, Ann. Mus. Genov. (2) x, n. sp. Corticaria normanna, Calvados, Brisout, p. 68, Rev. d’Ent. xi ; C. per- pulchra, Taschkent, Reitter, p. 134, Wien. ent. Z. xi : n. spp. Melanophthalma birmana, Burma, Gestro, p. 879, Ann. Mus. Genov. (2) x, n. sp. Monotonia punctata, Sicily, Ragusa, p. 201, Nat. Sicil. xi, n. sp. Tritoma siculce , Sicily, Baudi, p. 121, Nat. Sicil. xi, n. sp. Dermestuxe, BYRRH1DA5. [Cf. Blackburn (93, 94), Coucke (193), Frivaldszky (309), Guille- beau (376), Tryon (953).] Characters of the Dermestidce and Byrrhiclce of Belgium ; Coucke, pp. 69-79, Ann. Ent. Belg. xxxvi. Anthrenus pimpinellcu , n. var. latefasciatus ; Reitter, p. 134, Wien, ent. Z. x. Attagenus pantherinus, parasitic on Anthophora ; Buysson, p. cclvii, Bull. Soc. Ent. Fr. lxi. A. gobicola , China, Frivaldszky, p. 122, Term, fiizetek, xv, n. sp. Trogoderma fvoggatti , N. S. Wales, Blackburn, p. 34, Tr. R. Soc. S. Austr. xv ; T. reitteri , S. Australia, Blackburn, p. 208, t. c. : n. spp. Dendropinis calva , vestita , New Guinea, Tryon (953), n. spp. Limnichus variegatus , Frejus, Guillebeau, p. 3, Supp. to Echange, No. 19, 1886, u. sp Pedilophonis ceneus , F., = ( ' subparallelus , Motsch.); Reitter, p. 188, Wien. ent. Z. xi.' Parnid^, Heterocerid^. [Cf. Angell (14), Germain (322), Grouvelle (369, 372), Peringuey (673).] Dryops opacus , cenescens , Burma, Grouvelle, p. 865, Ann. Mus. Genov. (2) xii, n. spp. Elmis columbiensis , British Columbia, Angell, p. 84, Ent. News, iii ; E. anthracinus , trivialis , p. 245, scissicollis , p. 246, nyctelioides, p. 247, Chili, Germain, Act. Soc. Chili, ii : n. spp. Macronychus minusculus , Sumatra, Grouvelle, p. 187, Notes Leyd. Mus. xiv, n. sp. Potamophilus fece, longipes, Burma, Grouvelle, p. 864, Ann. Mus. Genov. (2) xii, n. spp. Sostea birmanica , Tenasserim, Grouvelle, p, 866, Ann. Mus. Genov. (2) xii, n. sp. Slenelmis testacea, birmanica, Burma, Gestro, p. 867, Ann. Mus. Genov. (2) xii ; S. bosschce, Borneo, sulcata , Sumatra, iGrouvelle, p. 188, Notes Leyd. Mus. xiv : n. spp. LtJCANIDiE AND PASSALXDJC, SCAEAB^ID^. LlS. Ill Strina promontorii , S. Africa, Peringuey, p. 113, Tr. S. African Phil. Soc. vi (2), n. sp. Heterocerus capensis , meridionalis , S. Africa, Peringuey, p. 114, Tr. S. , African Phil. Soc. vi (2), n. spp. Lucanid.e and Passalidje. [Cf. Fairmaire (263), Nonfried (644, 648), Ritsema (758, 759, 761 762), Tryon (953).] List of Lucanidce found in Java, Sumatra, and Nias, Ritsema, pp. 139-144, Notes Leyd. Mus. xiv. Cyclommatus , list of the described species ; Ritsema, Notes Leyd. Mus. xiv, pp. 3-6. C. frey-gessneri, Java, Ritsema, p. 1, t. c.; C. squamosus , Borneo, Ritsema, p. 45, t. c. : n. spp. Dorcus parallelus , costatus , brevis , synonymic note with figg. ; Horn, Ent. News, 1892, p. 73, pi. iii. Hexarthrius cotesi , E. India, Nonfried, p. 365, Berl. Ent. Zeit. xxxvi, n. sp. Lucanus cervus , variation in $ mandibles ; Bateson & Brindley, P. Z. S. 1892, p. 593. Nigidias oberndorferi , Nossibe, Nonfried, p. 118, Ent. Nachr. xviii, n. sp. Phalacrognathus maelleri , habitat, Skuse, p. 20, P. Linn. Soc. N.S.W. (2) vii. Platycerus delagrangei, Syria, Fairmaire, p. 145, Ann. Ent, Belg. xxxvi, n. sp. Prosopoccelus serricornis , n. var. brunneus , Nonfried, p. 119, Ent. Nachr. xviii, &c. P. pasteuri , Java, Ritsema, p. 31, Notes Leyd. Mus. xi ; P. tarsalis, Java, Ritsema, t. c. p. 191 : n. spp. Mastochilus subobliqiius , New Guinea, Tryon (953), n. sp. ScARABJillDiE. [Cf. Bateson & Brindley (42), Bedel (49, 50), Bergroth (60), Blackburn (90, 91, 92, 93, 94, 95), Brexske (122, 123, 124, 125), Casey (161), Croissandeau (194), Distant (210), Duvivier (230), Fairmaire (262, 263, 264, 268), Friyaldszky (309), Gestro (328), Jacobsohn (443), Jakowleff (451), Kraatz (514), Nevinson (635, 636), Nonfried (642, 643, 644, 646, 647, 648), Peringuey (672), Reitter (725, 727, 729), Schwarz (808), Semenow (830, 832, 833, 834), Smith (864, 865), Stiles (901), Xambeu (1021) ; also Cetoniini, p. 119.] Hours of flight of Scarabceidce ; Schwarz (808). Coprini. Ammoecius elevatus) metamorphoses ; Xambeu, p. 165, Ann. Soc. L. Lyon, xxxix. 112 Ins. XIII. COLEOPTERA. Aphodius fossor, p. 157, alpinus , p. 158, clepressus , p. 162, metamorphoses ; Xambeu, Ann. Soc. L. Lyon, xxxix. A. granarius , p. 1, depressus, p. 16, metamorphoses ; Xambeu, Mceurs, ii. A. bidentulus , gibbifrons , Obock, Fairmaire, p. 92, Rev. d’Ent. xi ; A. yorhensis , S. Australia, Blackburn, p. 209, Tr. R. Soc. S. Austr. xv; A. frenchi, lindensis , S. Australia, Blackburn, p. 35, t. c. : n. spp. Atcenius mendax, Victoria, torridus , S. Australia, Blackburn, p.36, Tr. R. Soc. S. Austr. xv, n. spp. Ateuchetus, n. subg. of Scarabceus ; Bedel, p. 283, Abeille, xxvii. A thy reus chalybeatus, Argentine Rep., Fairmaire, p. 242, Ann. Ent. Belg. xxxvi, n. sp. Autolethrus , n. subg. of Lethrus : Semenow, Hor. Eat. Ross, xxvi, p. 236. Bolboceras serripes , Fairm., $ described ; Gestro, p. 756, Ann. Mas. Genov. (2) xii. B. gagarinei , Turkestan, Fairmaire, p. cxxii, Bull. Soc. Ent. Fr. lxi ; B. gaujani, Obock, Fairmaire, p. 95, Rev. d’Ent. xi ; B. batesi, Transvaal, Distant, p. 191, pi. i, fig. 5, Naturalist Transvaal : n. spp. Gatharsius insignis , cephalotes , S. W. Africa, Peringuey, p. 27, Tr. S. African Phil. Soc. vi, 2, n. spp. Chcetopisthes termiticola , Burma, Gestro, p. 904, Ann. Mus. Genov. (2) x, n. sp. Copris Carolina , anatomy of mouth and homology of mandibles ; Smith, pp. 83-87, pis. ii & iii, Tr. Am. Ent. Soc. xix. Geotrupini : notes on Jacobsohn’s classification ; Reitter, pp. 272-278, Wien, ent Z. xi. Geotrupes : revision of the genera allied to, or subgenera of ; Jacob- sohn, Hor. Ent. Ross, xxvi, pp. 245-257. G. vernalis , variation ; Fauvel, p. 57, Rev. d’Ent. xi. Glaresis oxiana, W. Turkestan, Semenow, p. 470, Hor. Ent. Ross, xxxvi, n. sp. Ilybosorus incultus , S. W. Africa, Peringuey, p. 31, Tr. S. African Phil. Soc. vi, 2, n. sp. Lethrotrypes , n. subg. of Thorectes ; Jacobsqhn, p. 257, Hor. Ent. Ross. xxvi. Lethrulus, n. subg. of Lethrus , Semenow, p. 235, Hor. Ent. Ross. xxvi. Lethrus , n. subg., see Autolethrus , Lethrulus , Scelolethrus. L. cenescens , p. cxxi, bradytus, mediocris, p. cxxii, Turkestan, Fairmaire, Bull. Soc. Ent. Fr. lxi ; L. mandibularis , p. 182, forcipatus , p. 187, Asia Minor, spirdmanus, Askhabad, p. 190, Jakowleff, Hor. Ent. Ross, xxvi ; L. ( Heteroplistodus ) jalcoioleici, Kirghisia, p. 238, L. ( Autolethrus ) Icoshanstschikowi, Transcaspian region, p. 240, Semenow, Hor. Ent. Ross, xxvi : n. spp. Mendidius feculentus, Obock, Fairmaire, p. 93, Rev. d’Ent. xi, n. sp. Mesotrypes, n. subg. of Thorectes ; Jacobsohn, p. 256, Hor. Ent. Ross. xxvi. SCARABJEIDjE. Ins. 113 Neoctodon , d, n. for Octodon , Lansb. ; Bedel, p. 282, Abeille, xxvii. Onitis : synopsis of the Mediterranean species of Chironitis, Onitis, and Babas ; Bedel, pp. 250-280, Abeille, xxvii. 0. susjpectus, amabilis, p. 29, bovinus , exiguus , p. 30, S. W. Africa, Perin- gdey, Tr. S. African Phil. Soc. vi, 2 ; 0. intermedium , China, Friyaldszky, p. 122, Term, fuzetek, xv : n. spp. Onthophagus furciceps, Mars., characters of ; Heyden, p. 112, Wien, ent. Z. xi. 0. crocatus , Muls., = ( imitator , Beit.) ; Peitter, p. 26, Wien. ent. Z. xi. 0. ater, n. var., granulipennis, Friyaldszky, p. 123, Term, fuzetek, xv. 0. adelaidce, Hope, = ( hostilis , Har.) ; Black- burn, p. 283, P. Linn. Soc. N.S.W. (2) vii. O. trispinus , Margelan, Reitter, p. 63, Wien. ent. Z. xi ; 0. sulcicollis , Margelan, Reitter, p. 135, t. c. ; 0. quadriarmatus , Obock, Fair- maire, p. 91, Rev. d’Ent. xi ; 0. geelongensis, Victoria, Blackburn, p. 34, Tr. R. Soc. S. Austr. xv ; 0. bluckwoodensis, henleyensis , S. Australia, p. 208, nitidior , N. S. Wales, p. 209, Blackburn, t. c. ; 0. murchisoni, Australia, Blackburn, p. 25, op. cit. xvi : n. spp. Oxysternon macleayi , Amazons, pteroderum, Brazil, Neyinson, Ent. M. M, xxviii, p. 34, n. spp. Phanceus : synonymic list of the species ; Neyinson (636). P. flohri , Mexico, Neyinson, Ent. M. M. xxviii, p. 33, n. sp. Proctammodes, n. n. for Proctophanes , Har. ( nec Proctophana , Lac.) ; Blackburn, p. 37, Tr. R. Soc. S. Austr. xv. Psammobius plicatulus, Obock, Fairmaire, p. 95, Rev. d’Ent. xi, n. sp. Physsemus asperocostatus, Icesifrons , Obock, Fairmaire, p. 94, Rev. d’Ent. xi, n. spp. Scarabceus plausibilis , S. Africa, Peringuey, p. 25, Tr. S. African Phil. Soc. vi (2), n. sp. Scelolethrus , n. subg. of Le.thrus ; Semenoty, p. 236, Hor. Ent. Ross. xxvi. Silotrupes epistomalis , note on ; Croissandeau, p. lviii, Bull. Soc. Ent. Fr. lxi. Thorectes cheroni , Corsica, Croissandeau, p. ccxxi, Bull. Soc. Ent, Fr. lxi, n. sp. Trox scaber, metamorphoses ; Xambeu, p. 168, Ann. Soc. L. Lyon, xxxix. T. elder i, tatei, S. Australia, p. 37, eremita, Centr. Australia, quadridens, S. Australia, p. 38, euclensis , W. Australia, augustce , S. Australia, p. 39, velutinus, N. Queensland, p. 40, Blackburn, Tr. R. Soc. S. Austr. xv, n. spp. Glajphyrini and Melolonthini. Catalogue of Glaphyrides, Systellopkles) Melolonthides , and Euchirides, described since the Munich Catalogue ; Nonfried, Berl. Ent. Zeit. xxxvii, pp. 249-290. Classification of Rhizotrogides and Melolonthides ; Brenske, pp. 33-38, Berl. Ent. Zeit. xxxvii. Ancylonycha holosericea, Redt., referred to Hilyotrogns ; Brenske, p. 154, Ent. Nachr. xviii. 1892. [yol. xxix.] e 8 114 Ins. XIII. COLEOPTERA. A , cochinchina (sio), Cochin China, Nonfried, p. 360, Berl, Ent. Zeit. xxxvi, n. sp. Anoxia pilosa, Ft, = (cinerea, Motsch.) ; Semenow, p. 476, Hor. Ent. Ross. xxvi. Brahmina : revision of the genus, referring to it various species placed in other genera, and merging in it Rhizocolax , Mots., and Cryphceo- bius, Kraatz ; Brenske, Berl. Ent. Zeit. xxxvii, pp. 79-124. B. rubretra , Fald., and allied species, notes on ; Kraatz, Deutsche e. Z, 1892, p. 309. B. conspersa , sibirica, note on ; Brenske, p. 412, t. c. B. bengalensis, Bengal, Nonfried, p. 229, Berl. Ent. Zeit. xxxvi : B. donckieri , Darjeeling, p. 86, castanipes , sibirica , E. Siberia, p. 89, turkestanica, Turkestan, p. 94, phytaloides , Saigon, p. 98, sctosa , Dar- jeeling, p. 99, cotesi, Sikkim, p. 100, chinensis, China, p. 101, abscessa, Saigon, p. 102, siamensis, Malacca, p. 103, microphylla , tavoyensis, fiahellata , E. India, p. 104, sumatrensis , Sumatra, obscura , Khasia Hills, p. 105, cribripennis , Sumatra, p. 106, rugulosa , Borneo, p. 107, heydeni , Korea, cardoni , p. 108, thoracica , p. 109, E. India, striata , China, p. 112, himalayica , sikkimensis, E. India, p. 113, buruensis , Buroo Is., p. 114, Brenske, Berl. Ent. Zeit. xxxvii : u. spp. Byrrhomojpha, n. g., near Beteronyx , p. 109, for J5. verres , p. 110, ponde- rosa , p. Ill, n. spp., Australia ; Blackburn, P. Linn. Soc. N.S.W. (2) yii. Ceraspis elegans, imitatrix , Honduras, Nonfried, p. 224, Berl. Ent. Zeit. xxxvi, n. spp. Cheiragra macleayi , Victoria, Blackburn, p. 482, P. Linn. Soc. N.S.W. (2) vi, n. sp. Colpochila campestris, W. Australia, Blackburn, p. 103, P. Linn. Soc. N.S.W. (2) vii, n. sp. Cryphceobius : validity and characters of the genus ; Kraatz, Deutsche e. Z. 1892, pp. 307-311. Cyphonotus oryctoides , Transcaspian region, Semenow, p. 474, Hor. Ent. Ross, xxvi, n. sp. Dejeania brenskei , Siam, Nonfried, p. 226, Berl. Ent. Zeit. xxxvi, n. sp. Diphucephala elegans , Victoria, Blackburn, p. 481, P. Linn. Soc. N.S.W. (2) vi ; D. spreta , W. Australia, Blackburn, p. 99, P. Linn. Soc. N.S.W. (2) vii : n. spp. Enipecta cambouei , Madagascar, Nonfried, p. 107, Ent. Nachr. xviii, n. sp. Encya nigra , Madagascar, Nonfried, p. 227, Berl. Ent. Zeit. xxxvi, n. sp. Eupegylis, n. g., Schizony chicles, for E. confusa , n. sp., Congo, Duvivier, p. 56, Ann. Ent. Belg. xxxvi. Frencliella , n. g., near Colpochila, for F. lubrica , n. sp., Victoria, Blackburn, p. 104, P. Linn. Soc. N.S.W. (2) vii. Glaphyrus sogdianus, Zerafschan, Semenow, p. 477, Hor. Ent. Ross, xxvi, n. sp. Haplopsis viridis , Australia, Blackburn, p. 109, P. Linn. Soc. N.S.W. (2) vii, n. sp. SCARAB^lIM, Ins. 115 Heptophylla , Motsch., characters amended ; Brenske, p, 155, Ent, Nachr. xviii. Ileteronjjx balcliensis , p. 485, terrena , p. 486, incognitos, alpicola, p. 487, tridens , p. 489, consanguineus, p. 490, proditor , p. 492, Australia, Blackburn, P. Linn. Soc. N.S.W. (2) vi ; H. merus, arcanns, p. 106, proteiivus , p. 107, Queensland, Blackburn, P. Linn. Soc. N.S.W. (2) vii ; H. rhinoceros, p. 284, marcidus, p. 285, Australia, Blackburn, t. c.; H. severus, alienus, p. 29, fervidus , p. 30, decor us, fraserensis, p. 31, cribriceps , p. 32, siccus, helmsi , p. 33, furvus, p. 34, Australia, Blackburn, Tr. R. Soc. S. Austr. xvi : n, spp. Holotrichia bicolor ea, Heyd., referred to Hilyotrogus , Brenske, p. 154, Ent. Nachr. xviii. H. farinosa , E. India, Nonfried, p. 228, Berl. Ent. Zeit. xxxvi ; H. glabriclypeata , E. India, cochinchince , Cochin China, p. 161, obscura , Sikkim, p. 162, lata, Hong Kong, richteri, Borneo, p. 163, sea brifrons, Ceylon, p. 164, behrensi, Sumatra, fiachi, Manilla, p. 165, staudingeri, Sikkim, p. 166, frontalis, cavifrons, p. 167, sericata, p. 168, sikkimensis, p. 169, biehli,~Ei. India, javana, Java, p. 170, nitida , p. 171, aurosericea , p. 172, E. India, foveolata, Borneo, p. 173, scrobiculata, Sikkim, p. 174, bombycina, Tenasserim, p. 175, iridipennis , nigricollis , E. India, p. 177, singhalensis, Ceylon, p. 178, karschi , E. India, p. 179, parva , Ceylon, sharpi , Borneo, p. 180, longicarinata , kallies, p. 181, standfussi, Sumatra, p. 182, maxillata, Java, p. 183, anthracina, p. 184, cotesi, plagiata, p. 185, E. India, setosa (Walk.), Ceylon, p. 186, bipunctata , Java, burmeisteri , p. 187, philippinea , p. 188, Philippines, inducta (Walk.), Ceylon, p. 189, pygidialis , Sumatra, glabrifrons, Khasia Hills, p. 190, atkinsoni , S, India, p. 191, Brenske, Berl. Ent. Zeit. xxxvii : n. spp. Homaloplia ruricola, metamorphoses ; Xambeu, Moeurs, ii, p. 30. H , diabolica , Reitt., = ( ursina , Fairm.); Brenske, p. 170, Ann. Ent. Belg. xxxvi. H. ursina, mutilata, Syria, Fairmaire, p, 147, Ann. Ent. Belg, xxxvi, n. spp. Hoplia fasciculata, p. 108, cornuta, p. 109, Madagascar, Nonfried, Ent. Nachr. xviii ; H. siningensis , China, Friyaldszky, p. 123, Term, flizetek, xv : n. spp. Isonychus prasinus, Honduras, Nonfried, ip. 223, Berl. Ent. Zeit. xxxvi, n. sp. Lachnosterna as intermediate host of a parasite affecting Swine ; Stiles (901). L. senegalensis, Africa, Nonfried, p. 106, Ent. Nachr. xviii, n. sp. Lachnota bedeli, Siberia, Bergroth, p. 98, Wien. ent. Z. xi. Lasiopsis , Er., and allied genera, composition of ; Bergroth, p. 98, Wien, ent. Z. xi. L. bergrothi, Caucasus, Reltter, p. 101, Wien. ent. Z. xi, n. sp. Lepidiola pauper, Sumatra, p. 40, siamensis, Siam, p. 41, nonfriedi, Hong Kong, p. 42, crenaticollis , E. India, p. 43, richteri , Himalaya, p. 44, 116 Ins. XIII. COLEOPTERA. L. ( Eucirrus ) elegans , Borneo, p. 45, L. sus, Malay Penins., hirsuta, China, p. 46, ornata , Sumatra, p. 47, africana , Senegal, p. 48, reuleauxi, New Guinea, p. 49, guedenfeldti , Aduma, labrata, Ternate, p. 50, oberndorferi , Sumatra, p. 51, Brenske, Berl. Ent. Zeit. xxxvii, n. spp. Leucopholis rufa , p. 52, pangiena , p. 53, celebensis, Celebes, sumatrensis, Sumatra, p. 54, nigra, Borneo, p. 55, lateralis , Malacca, p. 56, staudingeri, Borneo, p. 57, crassa, Assam, elongata , E. India ?, p. 58, tristis , Malacca, p. 59, Brenske, Berl. Ent. Zeit. xxxvii, n. spp. Liogenys opacicollis , bidentulus , Argentine Rep., Fairmaire, p. 243, Ann. Ent. Belg. xxxvi, n. spp. Liparetrus spretus , p. 482, alpicola, p. 483, Australia, Blackburn, P. Linn. Soc. N.S.W. (2) vi ; L. maurus, p. 99, lugens, p. 100, adelaidce, p. 101, Australia, Blackburn, P. Linn. Soc. N.S.W. (2) vii : n. spp. Liparochrus rufus, Australia, Blackburn, p. 25, Tr. R. Soc. S. Austr. xv, n. sp. Mcechidius tibialis, N. S. Wales, Blackburn, Tr. R. Soc. S. Austr xv, n. sp. Melichrus , n. g., Rhizotrogides , for M. Jcolbei, n. sp., Darjeeling ; Brenske, p. 156, Ent. Nachr. xviii. Melolontha : ravages and numbers of M. vulgaris and Tiippocastani in Sweden ; Lampa (536). M. hippocastani, n. var. baicalica ; Reitter, p. 152, Wien. ent. Z. xi. M. siamensis, Siam ; Nonfried, p. 230, Berl. Ent. Zeit. xxxvi, n. sp. Metabolus flavescens , Turkestan, Brenske, p. 153, Ent. Nachr. xviii, n. sp. Monotropus starcki , Charkow, Reitter, p. 142, Wien. ent. Z. xi, n. sp. Ocnodus lugubris , W. Australia, Blackburn, p. 105, P. Linn. Soc. N.S.W. (2) vii ; 0. spinicollis, p. 27, fallax , ferrugineus , p. 28, Australia, Blackburn, Tr. R. Soc. S. Austr. xvi : n. spp. Octoplasia, n. g. for Lachnosterna lineata and princeps , Shp. ; Brenske, p. 152, Ent. Nachr. xviii. Polyphylla diffracta, New Mexico, Casey, p. 18, Ann. N. York Ac. vi, n. sp. Pseudoheteronyx , n. g., near Heteronyx , for P. helceoides, n. sp., Queensland ; Blackburn, p. Ill, P. Linn. Soc. N.S.W. (2) vii. Pseudopholis , n. g., near Leucopholis , p. 57, for P. squamulosa, n. sp., Congo, p. 58 ; Duvivier, Ann. Ent. Belg. xxxvi. Pseudotrochalus brenskei, Zambesi, Nonfried, p. 106, Ent. Nachr. xviii, n. sp. Rhabdopholis melolonthoides , hab. ?, Brenske, p. 157, Ent. Nachr. xviii, n. sp. Rhizocolax senescens , = ( Rhizotrogus potanini , Sem.) ; Semenow, p. 473, Hor. Ent. Ross. xxvi. Rhizotrogus cicatricosus, metamorphoses ; Xambeu, p. 173, Ann. Soc. L. Lyon, xxxix. R. altaicus, — ( Monotropus suwortzewi , Sem.) ; Semenow, p. 472, Hor. Ent. Ross. xxvi. SCARAB2EIDJE. Ins. 1 1 7 Rhoptea soror , massoni, N. S. Wales; Blackburn, P. Linn, Soc. N.S.W. (2) vii, p. 112, n. spp. Schizonycha august if or mis, Obock, aspericollis , Abyssinia, Fairmaire, p. 96, Rev. d’Ent. xi ; S. cur tula , S. W. Africa, Peringuey, Tr. S. African Phil. Soc. vi, 2 : n. spp. Sciton , n. g., near Anodontonyx , p. 101, for S. ruber , n. sp., S. Australia, p. 102 ; Blackburn, P. Linn. Soc. N.S.W. (2) vii. Serica carneola , p. 34, deceptor, obesa , lucidula, p. 35, S. W. Africa, Peringuey, Tr. S. African Phil. Soc. v, 2 ; S. subglobosa, Centr. Africa, Nonfried, p. 105, Ent. Nachr. xviii ; S. picea , Siam, Nonfried, p. 359, Berl. Ent. Zeit. xxxvi ; S. iridescens , Borneo, p. 221, siamensis , Siam, p. 222, Nonfried, Berl. Ent. Zeit. xxxvi : n. spp. Symmachia , n. g., near Brahmina , for chinensis, n. sp., China ; Brenske, p. 151, Ent. Nachr. xviii. Tanyproctus rugulosus , Syria, Fairmaire, p. 148, Ann. Ent. Belg. xxxvi, n. sp. Thyce blaisdelli , pp. 19 & 214, squamosa, p. 20, California, Casey, Ann. N. York Ac. vi, n. spp. Tricholepis grandis, Cast., =. ( Leucopholis manillce , Redt.) ; Brenske, p. 61, Berl. Ent. Zeit. xxxvii. Triodonta flavimana , Burm., = ( difformipes , Fair.) ; Brenske, p. 170, Ann. Ent. Belg. xxxvi. T. modesta , S. W. Africa, Peringuey, Tr. S. African Phil. Soc. vi, 2, p. 36 ; T. difformipes, dispar, Syria, Fairmaire, p. 146, Ann. Ent. Belg. xxxvi : n. spp. Trochalus modestus, p. 32, mcerens , plagiger, rufovittatus , p. 33, mcestus , plagiatus, p. 34, S. W. Africa, Peringuey, Tr. S. African Phil. Soc. vi, 2, n. spp. Rutetini. List of Rutelidce described since the Munich Catalogue ; Nonfried (643). Adoretus parviceps, Obock, Fairmaire, p. 93, Rev. d’Ent. xi ; A. sykorce, Madagascar, kahlei, Zambesi, p. 110, fascicularis, Abyssinia, p. 117, Nonfried, Ent. Nachr. xviii ; A. flavovittatus, Siam, p.362, castaneus , Borneo, p. 363, griseosetosus, Siam, p. 364, Nonfried, Berl. Ent. Zeit. xxxvi : n. spp. Anomala obscuripes, Obock, Fairmaire, p. 97, Rev. d’Ent. xi ; A. win- drathi, Siam, Nonfried, Berl. Ent. Zeit. xxxvi, p. 361 ; A. viridicos- tata, p. 86, hirsutula, p. 87, nigripes, p. 88, S. China, Nonfried, Ent. Nachr. xviii ; A. australasice , Queensland, Blackburn, p. 113, P. Linn. Soc. N.S.W. (2) vii; A. ( Eacldora ) nigra , p. 234, A. fruhstorferi , p. 235, Java, inscripta, Siam, p. 236, pyropyga , Vene- zuela, p. 237, Nonfried, Berl. Ent. Zeit. xxxvi : n. spp. Anoplognathus brevicollis , p. 493, macleayi, p. 495, Australia, Blackburn, P. Linn. Soc. N.S.W. (2) vi, n. spp. Areoda magnifica, Brazil, Nonfried, p. 238, Berl. Ent. Zeit. xxxvi, n. sp. 118 ins. XIII. coleopierA. Epectinaspis hondurce , Honduras, Nonfried, p. 232, Bari. Eut. Zeit. xxxvi, n. sp. Euchlora hey deni , China, Frivaldszky, p. 124, Term, fuzetek, xv, n. sp. Gnatholabis dorsalis , p. 299, niclcerli , p. 301, Trop. Africa, Kraatz, Deutsche e. Z. 1892, n. spp. Hadropopillia, n. g., for Popillia splendida , Guer. ; Kraatz, p. 289, Deutsche e. Z. 1892. Heteroplia siamensis, Siam, Nonfried, p. 362, Berl. Ent. Zeit. xxxvi, n. sp. Ischnopopillia , n. g., p. 292, for a part of Popillia and I. moorei, p. 294, erythroptera , p. 295, n. spp., E. India ; Kraatz, Deutsche e. Z. 1892. Leucothyreus purpureo-sericeus , Ecuador, Nonfried, p. 239, Berl. Ent. Zeit. xxxvi, n. sp. Malaia ? semperi , Philippines, Kraatz, p. 178, Deutsche e. Z. 1892 (re- ferred below to Pseudomalaia , n. g.), n. sp. Parastasia bigibbosa , Siam, Nonfried, p. 238, Berl. Ent. Zeit. xxxvi, n. sp. Phyllopertha latitarsis , p. 232, sericeomicans , p. 233, Honduras, Nonfried, Berl. Ent. Zeit. xxxvi, n. spp. Poecilosticta, n. g., p. 290, for P. princeps , n. sp., Ceylon, p. 291 ; Kraatz, Deutsche e. Z. 1892. Popillia : revision of ; Kraatz, Deutsche e. Z. 1892, pp. 177, &c. P. jlavotceniata, Cameroons, Nonfried, p. 118, Ent. Nachr. xviii ; P. oberthuri , Zanzibar, p. 184, candezei , Fernando-Po, p. 185, welwichi, Angola, p. 187, erythropus, Sierra Leone, p. 191, smaragdina , p. 228, cuprpes, Icevicollis, p.229, soror, p. 230, bitacta , p. 233, W. Africa, strigilata, E. Africa, p. 235 , signifera, p.237, ojiaca, p. 238, W. Africa, perrottetii , p. 244, S. India, semiamea , Kiu-Kiang, p. 251, simoni, Hong Kong, p. 252, viridula , Thibet, p. 255, siraminipennis, p. 258, snbquadrata, p. 259, a?iomaloides, p. 260, C -maculata, p. 261, China, fece , p. 269, testaceipennis , p. 270 , Jlavofasciata, p. 271, Burma, opaci- collis, p. 272, nottrotti, p. 273, Icevicollis , p. 275, pilicollis , p. 278, E. India, andamanica , p. 279, Andaman Is., sumatrertsis , Sumatra, p. 282, variabilis , p. 283, picticollis , p. 284, depressiuscula, p. 286, depressa , p. 287, Philippines, Kraatz, Deutsche e. Z. 1892 : n. spp. Pseudomalaia, n. g., for Popillia pilif era, Burm., tag ala, Hell., and Malaia semperi (Kr., supra) ; Kraatz, p. 296, Deutsche e. Z. 1892. Phinyptia dollei, plana, and Amphimallon rostratum , queried as synonyms ; Fairmaire, p. 97, Rev. d’Ent. xi. R. testacea, E. India, Nonfried, p. 230, Berl. Ent. Zeit. xxxvi, n. sp. Singhala schaiblei , S. China, Nonfried, p. 89, Ent. Nachr. xviii, n. sp. Spilopopillia , n. g., for Popillia sexguttaia , Fairm. ; Kraatz, p. 181, Deutsche e. Z. 1892. SCARABiEIDiE. Ins. 119 Dynastini. Aneurystypus collar is , W. Australia3 Blackburn, p. 286, P. Linn. Soc. N.S.W. (2) vii, n. sp. Corynophyllus metallicola , N. S. Wales, Blackburn, p. 286, P. Linn. Soc. N.S.W. (2) vii, n. sp. Cyclocephala occipitalis , Argentine Rep., Falrmaire, p. 244, Ann. Ent. Belg. xxxvi, n. sp. Dichodontus renkeni , Borneo, Nonfried, p. 365, Berl. Ent. Zeit. xxxvi, n. sp. Ligyrus bidentulus, distinct us , Argentine Rep., Fairmaire, p. 244, Ann. Ent. Belg. xxxvi, n. spp. Oryctamorphus : notes on the species ; Germain, p. 260, Act. Soc. Chili, ii. Phyllognathus fortipes, Obock ; Fairmaire, p. 88, Rev. d’Ent, xi, n. sp. Pseucloryctes tectus , Australia, Blackburn, p. 211, Tr. R. Soc. S. Austr. xv, n. sp. Xylotrupes gideon , statistics of variation of horns of male ; Bateson & Brindley, P. Z. S. 1892, p. 589. Cetoniini. \Cf. Blackburn (91), Gestro (327), Janson (454), Kolbe (502, 503, 505, 507, 508), Kraatz (515, 516, 518), Nonfried (644, 647, 648), Peringuey (672, 673), Xambeu (1021).] Agenius elegans , Cape Colony, Peringuey, p. 115, Tr. S. African Phil. Soc. vi (2), n. sp. Anaspilus , n. g., near Cymophorus, p. 140, for A.rufiventris, n. sp., Guinea, p. 141 ; Kolbe, S. E. Z. liii. Anelaphinis, n. g., for Cetonia dominula, Har. ; Kolbe, p. 136, S. E. Z. liii. Aphanestlies, n. g., near Chordodera , p.248, for A. pseudincoides, n. sp., Cameroons, p, 249 ; Kolbe, SB. nat. Fr. 1892. Cetonia ( Pachioda ) kustai , Centr. Africa, Nonfried, p. 122, Ent. Nachr. xviii ; C. montana , Himalaya, Nonfried, p. 371, Berl. Ent. Zeit. xxxvi ; C. riiodoclendri, p. 847, pi. ii, fig. 9, oatesii , p. 848, cariana , p. 849, Burma, Gestro, Ann. Mus. Genov. (2) x : n. spp. Ccenochilus leoninus , S. W. Africa, Peringuey^, p. 39, Tr. S. African Phil. Soc. vi (2) ; C. ( Xenogenius ) conradti , E. Africa, Kolbe, p. 71, SB. nat. Fr. 1892 : n. spp. Conradtia, n. g., near Diplognatha , p. 69, for C. principalis , n. sp., E. Africa, p. 70 ; Kolbe, SB. nat. Fr. 1892. Corynotrichius , n. g., Trichiidcs , p. 259, for C. bicolor , n. sp., Cameroons, p. 260 ; Kolbe, SB. nat. Fr. 1892. Cymophorus monticola , E. Africa, Kolbe, p. 71, SB. nat. Fr. 1892 ; C. toganus , p. 139, flavonotatus, p. 140, Guinea, Kolbe, S. E. Z. liii : n. spp. Digenethle ccelata, Gestro, = ( ramulosipennis , Thoms.) ; Gestro, p. 855, Ann. Mus. Genov. (2) x. 120 Ins. XIII. COLEOPTERA. Dijphrontis monticola, Cameroons, Kolbe, SB. nat. Fr. 1892, p. 257, n. sp. Diploa , n. g., near Xiphoscelis , for D. probes, n. sp., E. Africa ; Kolbe, p. 65, SB. nat. Fr. 1892. DiplognatJia montana , E. Africa, Kolbe, p. 68, SB. nat. Fr. 1892 ; D. preussi, Cameroons, Kolbe, p. 256, t. c. : n. spp. Dolichostethus , n. g., for Elaphinis atomosparsa , Fairm. ; Kolbe, p. 143, S. E. Z. liii. Epistalagma cornuta , n. sp., for an insect which is probably the $ of E. multiimpressa, Fairm., Kraatz, Deutsche e. Z. 1892, p. 377, figured, pi. iv, fig. 4. Eucosma breviceps, Cameroons, Kolbe, p. 253, SB. nat. Fr. 1892 ; E. flavoguttata, Guinea, Kolbe, p. 132, S. E. Z. liii : n. spp. Eudicella smithi , var. trilineata , Quedf., = ( thomsoni , Ancey, and hac- quardi , Oberth.) ; Kolbe, p. 63, SB. nat. Fr. 1892. Eucloxazus , n. g., Trichikles , p. 72, for E. conradti , n. sp., E. Africa, p. 73 ; Kolbe, SB. nat. Fr. 1892. EupcicJuioda, n. g., for Pachnoda inscripta ; Kolbe, p. 253, SB. nat. Fr. 1892. EutelestheSj n. g., near Plcesiorrhina , for E. lateralis , n. sp., Cameroons ; Kolbe, SB. nat. Fr. 1892, p. 252. Gnathocera hyacinthina , Kr., = ( schlutteri , Nonf., infra), G. villosa , Jans., = ( cincta , Kr.) ; Kraatz, p. 172, Deutsche e. Z. 1892. G. hyacinthina , Jans., = (1 hyacinthina , Kr.) ; Kraatz, t. c. p. 415. G. augustata, p. 128, favovirens , p. 129, Guinea, Kolbe, S. E. Z. liii ; 6?. schlutteri , Centr. Africa, Nonfried, p. 121, Ent. Nachr. xviii : n. spp. Gnorimus : table of characters of the palsearctic species ; Zoufal, pp. 241 & 242, Wien. ent. Z. xi. G. variabilis, var. hey deni discussed ; Beckers, p. 315, Wien. ent. Z. xi : larva described ; Fowler, Ent. M. M. xxviii, p. 242. Hadrosticta, n. g., near Argyripa, for H. viridiflua , n. sp., Central America; Kraatz, p. 378, Deutsche e. Z. 1892. Heterorrhina euryrrhina , p. 838, pi. ii, figs. 1 & 2, leonardi , p. 840, figs. 3 & 4, Burma, Gestro, Ann. Mus. Genov. (2) x, n. spp. Jothochilus, n. g., Anoplochilince , p. 136, for J. . undulatus , n. sp., Guinea p. 137; Kolbe, S. E. Z. liii. Leucocelis parallelocollis, lunicollis , p. 66, annulipes , polysticta, p. 67, E. Africa, Kolbe, SB. nat. Fr. 1892, n. spp. Liotrichius , n. g., Trichiides , p. 73, for L. ano?nala} n. sp., E. Africa, p. 74; Kolbe, SB. nat. Fr. 1892. Lomaptera jamesi, n. varr. lixi, p. 366, nobilitata) p. 368 ; Nonfried, Berl. Ent. Zeit. xxxvi. Macrelaphinis Jcraatzi , Kolbe, note on ; Kraatz, p. 415, Deutsche e. Z. 1892. M. buttneri, Guinea, hraatzi , Ashanti, Kolbe, S. E. Z. liii, p. 134, n. spp. Macroma superba, figured, pi. ii, fig. 11 ; Gestro, Ann Mus. Genov. (2) x. SCARABiEIDiE. Ins. 121 M. camerunica , W. Africa, Kolbe, p. 258, SB. nat. Fr. 1892 ; M. excla- mationis, hlingi , Guinea, Kolbe, p. 138, S. E. Z. liii ; M. insignis , Burma, Gestro, p. 852, Ann. Mus. Genov. (2) x ; M. feistmanteli , S. China, Nonfried, p. 90, Ent. Nachr. xviii : n. spp. Macronota : this name must replace Gymnetis ; Kraatz, Deutsche e. Z. 1892, p. 375. M. pulchella , Burma, Gestro, p. 844, Ann. Mus. Genov. (2) x, n. sp. Mausoleopsis argentata , Comores Is., Nonfried, p. 124, Ent, Nachr. xviii, n. sp. Mecinonotci , n. n. for a part of Macronota , auct. ; Kraatz, p. 375, Deutsche e. Z. 1892. Metallesthes subpilosa , Queensland, Nonfried, Berl. Ent. Zeit. xxxvi, n. sp. Microvalgus yilgarneusis , W. Australia, Blackburn, p. 115, P. Linn. Soc. N.S.W. (2) vii, n. sp. Mystroceros : this genus is established on an individual manufactured from two genera ; Kraatz, p. 373, Deutsche e. Z. 1892. Oreoderus planicollis, p. 862, humilis , p. 863, humeralis, p. 864, ivaterJiousei, p. 865, rufuliis, p. 867, brevipennis , p. 868, maculipennis , p. 869, Burma, bomeensis, Sarawak, p. 875, Gestro, Ann. Mus. Genov. (2) x, n. spp. Oxythyrea stictica, metamorphoses; Xambeu, p. 178, Ann. Soc. L. Lyon, xxxix. Pachnoda stelilini , n. var .fuUginosa ; Nonfried, p. 123, Ent. Nachr. xviii. P. vossi , Cameroons, Kolbe, p. 254, SB. nat. Fr. 1892, n. sp. Penthima , n. g., Macronotidarum , p. 313, for P. nigerrlma , n. sp., Java p. 314, Kraatz, Deutsche e. Z. 1892. Pilinurgus leveillei , E. India, Nonfried, p. 372, Berl. Ent. Zeit. xxxvi, n. sp. Pices iorrhina triplagiata , E. Africa, Kolbe, p. 64, SB. nat. Fr. 1892, n. sp. Pleuronota , n. g., Macronotidarum , for P. octomaculata , n. sp., Java, Kraatz, p. 312, Deutsche e. Z. 1892. Polystalactica sansibarica, E. Africa, Kolbe, p. 75, SB. nat. Fr. 1892 ; P. stipatrix , p. 132, contempta , p. 133, Guinea, Kolbe, S. E. Z. liii : n. spp. Pygora lenoc. (sic) n. var. brzowskii , Nonfried, p. 120, Ent. Nachr. xviii. Rhomborrhina flammea , n. var. cariana, Gestro, p. 837, Ann. Mus. Genov. (2) x. Schizorrhina (Diaphonia) suturata , Thursday Is., Queensland, Nonfried, p. 370, Berl. Ent. Zeit. xxxvi, n. sp. Somalibia , Lansb. = ( Dolichostethus , Kolbe); Kraatz, p. 415, Deutsche e. Z. 1892. Stenovcdgus, n. g., near Microvalgus , p. 141, for S. carinulatus , n. sp., Guinea, Kolbe, p. 142, S, E. Z. liii. Steplianocrates n. g., near Compsocephalus, for S. preussi , n. sp., Cameroons, Kolbe, p, 240, SB. Nat. Fr. 1892. Stephanorrhinaj species tabulated, pp. 145, 147, S. guttata , n. varr. hybrida , geminata, Kolbe, pp. 148 & 149, S. E. Z. liii. 122 Ins. XIII. COLEOPTERA. S. temeraria , p. 150, Cameroons, Jiaroldi, Angola, p. 153, Kolbe, S. E. Z. liii, n. spp. Tceniodera, v arr. of 4 -Uneata, rafflesianci , biplagiata , antiqua, and picta, Guer., $ described ; Kraatz, Deutsche e. Z. 1892, pp. 316-320. T. quadrilineata, Hope and allies, synonymy ; J ANSON, pp. 55-57, Notes Leyd. Mus. xiv. T. rugosicollis , p. 315, Malacca, quad ristri gala , Darjeeling, p. 316, pi. iv, fig. 9, borneensis , Borneo, p. 317, Kraatz, Deutsche e. Z. 1892 ; T. goryi , Java, p. 58, virgata , E. India, p. 59, Janson, Notes Leyd. Mus. xiv : n. spp. Taurrhina longiceps, Guinea, Kolbe, p. 126, S. E. Z. liii, n. sp. Tephraea beinlingi , Zambesi, Nonfried, p. 124, Ent. Nachr. xviii, n. sp. Tmesorrhina iris , n. var. camerunica ; Nonfried, p. 120, Ent. Nachr. xviii. T. alpestris , p. 249, barombina , p. 250, Cameroons, Kolbe, SB. nat. Fr. 1892, n. spp. Trichius fasciatus, n. var. albohirtus ; It fitter, p. 152, Wien. ent. Z. xi. T. jansonii, Burma, Gestro, p. 854, pi. ii, fig. 12, Ann. Mus. Genov. (2) x, n. sp. Trigonophorus foveiceps, figured, pi. ii, figs. 7, 8, Ann. Mus. Genov. (2) x. T.fece, Burma, Gestro, p. 841, pi. ii, fig. 5, Ann. Mus. Genov. (2) x, n. sp. Valgus longulus , p. 855, stictopygus , p. 857, luctuosus, p. 858, tristis , p. 859, trisinuatus , p. 860, dorice, p. 870, cristatus , p. 871, Sarawak, beccarii, Celebes, p. 873, sumatranus, p. 874, Sumatra, Gestro, Ann. Mus. Genov. (2) x ; V. thibetanus , Thibet, Nonfried, p. 372, Berl. Ent. Zeit. xxxvi : n. spp. Xenogenius , n. subg. of Ccenochilus, q.v.; Kolbe, SB. Nat. Fr. 1892, p. 71. Bqprestidj;. [Cf. Blackburn (90, 92, 93, 94, 95), Fairmaire (262, 271), Fleischer (284), Germain (322), Kerremans (481 to 489), Nonfried (644, 647, 648), Peringuey (672, 673), Poll (696), Tiiery (921), Water- house (988), Xambeu (1021, 1024).] Synonymic catalogue of the family, including 4200 species; Kerremans, Mem. Soc. Ent. Belg. i. Reproduction of descriptions of the early stages, with notes on habits, &c. ; Xambeu, Rev. d’Ent. xi, pp. 202-252. Acmcuodero reflexangula , despecta, distinctions of ; Reitter, p. 188, Wien, ent. Z. xi. A. bella , p. 126, dives , p. 136, E. Africa, Nonfried, Ent. Nachr. xviii ; A. smaragdina, Centr. Africa, Kerremans, p. 56, Ann. Ent. Belg. xxxvi ; A. suaveola , p. A2,fallax} p. 43, S. W. Africa, Peringuey, Tr. S. African Phil. Soc. vi, 2 ; A. zambeziana, Limpopo, Peringuey, p. 120, t. c. ; A. interruptdj Bengal, Kerremans, p. 175, Ann. Ent. Belg. xxxvi : n. spp. EUPRESTHLE. Ins. 123 ^Bdisterna namaqua, p. 115, livida, p. 116, modesta, Umbata, p. 117, S. Africa, Peringuey, Tr. S. African Phil. Soc. vi, 2, n. spp. Agrilus sinuatus , p. 9, roscidus , p. 17, metamorphoses; Xambeu, Moenrs, ii. A. cavifrons , Obock, Fairmaire, p. ICO, Rev. d’Ent. xi ; A. niveo- guttatus , p. 210, birmanicus , p. 211, l-afertei , p. 212, decoloratus , p. 213, villosostriatus , with var. carmineus, p. 214, imbellis , inops, p. 215, daricus, p. 216, mixtus , p. 217, ineptus , neelgheriensis , p. 218, E. India, Kerremans, Ann. Ent. Belg. xxxvi ; A.ostrinus , p. 819, agnatus, p. 820, modicus , p. 821, albopictus, p. 822, dianthus , nubilus, p. 823, inamcenus, p. 824, livens, p. 825, Burma, Kerremans, Ann. Mus. Genov. (2) xii ; A. violaceus , cyaneomicans, S. China, Nonfried, p. 91, Ent. Xachr. xviii ; A.striatocollis, Philippines, Kerremans, p. 24, Ann. Soc. Ent. Fr. lxi ; A. terrceregince, Queensland, Blackburn, p. 220, Tr. R. Soc. S. Anstr. xv : n. spp. Amorphosomus pectoralis, E. India, Kerremans, p. 210, Ann. Ent. Belg. xxxvi ; A. spathatum, Burma, Kerremans, p. 818, Ann. Mus. Genov. (2) xii : n. spp. Ancylochira salomonii, Th., synonymy of ; Heyden, p. Ill, Deutsche e. Z. 1892. Anthaxia hypomehena , metamorphoses ; Xambeu, p. 190, Ann. Soc. L. Lyon, xxxix. A. morio , Herbst., = (similis, Saund.) ; ReittEr, p. 136, Wien. ent. Z. xi. A. semilimbata , Amasia, Fleischer, p. 209, Wien. ent. Z. xi ; A. obock- iana , Africa, Fairmaire, p. 99, Rev. d’Ent. xi ; A. capitata , morosa, India, Kerremans, p. 173, Ann. Ent. Belg. xxxvi : n. spp. Aplianisticus metallescens, E. India, Kerremans, p. 219, Ann. Ent. Belg. xxxvi ; A. cephalicus, Burma, Kerremans, p.826, Ann. Mus. Genov. (2) xii ; A. perraudierei , Cochin China, Poll, p. 19, Ann. Soc. Ent. Fr. lxi ; A. cupricornis, Xew Guinea, Kerremans, p. 1004, Ann. Mus. Genov. (2) xii : n. spp. Astrceus simplex, S. Australia, Blackburn, p. 211, Tr. R. Soc. S. Austr. xv, n. sp. Belionota sphenopteroklcs , S, W. Africa, Peringuey, Tr. S. African Phil. Soc. vi, 2, p. 43; B. igniCollis , Anam, Nonfried, p. 374, Berl. Ent. Zeit. xxxvi : n. spp. Bubastes vagans , S. Australia, Blackburn, p. 213, Tr. R. Soc. S. Austr. xv, n. sp. Bubastodes, n. g., near Bubastes , for B. sulcicollis, n. sp., S. Australia, Blackburn, p. 212, Tr. R. Soc. S. Austr. xv. Buprestis impressicollis , India, Kerremans, p. 172, Ann. Ent. Belg. xxxvi, n. sp. Capnodis tenebrionis, metamorphoses ; Xambeu, p. 183, Ann. Soc. L. Lyon, xxxix. Catoxantha bicolor, n. var. cyanura, Kerremans, p. 171, Ann. Ent. Belg. xxxvi. 124 Ins. XIII. COLEOPrERA. Chalcogenict viriditarsis, W. Africa, Nonfried, p. 125, Ent. Nachr. xviii, n. sp. Chalcoplior a patricia, p. 118, confusa , p. 119, S. Africa, Peringuey, Tr. S. African Phil. Soc. vi (2), n. spp. Chalcotcenia gigantea , New Guinea, Nonfried, p. 374, Berl. Ent. Zeit. xxxvi ; C. cupreosuturata , Abyssinia, Fairmaire, p. 101, Rev. d’Ent. xi : n. spp. Chrysobothrys nana, Turkestan, Fairmaire, p. clii, Bull. Soc. Ent. Fr. lxi ; C. carinata, p. 197, quadraticollis , p. 198, violacea , p. 199, E. India, Kerremans, Ann. Ent. Belg. xxxvi : n. spp. Chrysochroa limbata , Borneo, Nonfried, p. 373, Berl. Ent. Zeit. xxxvi, n. sp. Chrysodema navicularis, p. 21, violacea , p. 22, hebes , p. 23, Philippines, Kerremans, Ann. Soc. Ent. Fr. lxi, n. spp. Corcebus rubi , metamorphoses ; Xambeu, Moeurs, ii, p. 15. C. dorsalis , cceruleus , p. 200, cyaneopictus, p. 201, chloropictus , modestas , p. 202, fulg idle eps, smaragdineus , p. 203, E. India, Kerremans, Ann. Ent. Belg. xxxvi ; C.fece, p. 811, fossulatus, p. 812, gestroi , p. 813, Burma, Kerremans, Ann. Mus. Genov. (2) xii : n. spp. Cryptodactylus cyaneoniger , p. 207, scutellaris, cuprascens , p. 209, E. India, Kerremans, Ann. Ent. Belg. xxxvi, n. spp. Carls discoidalis, W. Australia, Blackburn, p. 214, Tr. R. Soc. S. Austr. xv, n. sp. Cylindromorphus orientalis, Manilla, Kerremans, p. 26, Ann. Soc. Ent. Fr. lxi, n. sp. Cyphogctstra plicata , Philippines, Kerremans, p, 23, Ann. Soc. Ent. Fr. lxi ; C. abdominalis , Damma I., Waterhouse, p. 412, Ann. N. H. (6) x : n. spp. Cyria Widens, Australia, Blackburn, p. 41, Tr. R. Soc. S. Austr. xv, n. sp. Discoderes quadricornis , Abyssinia, Fairmaire, p. 100, Rev. d’Ent. xi, n. sp. Endelus corccboides, p. 219, aureocupreus, p. 220, E. India, Kerremans, Ann. Ent. Belg. xxxvi ; E. curtus , Tenasserim, Kerremans, p. 826, Ann. Mus. Genov. (2) xii : n. spp. Galbella globosa , Bengal, Kerremans, p. 226, Ann. Ent. Belg. xxxvi, n. sp. Hypostigmodera , n. g., near Stigmodera, for H. variegata , n. sp., Queens- land ; Blackburn, p. 215, Tr. R. Soc. S. Austr. xv. Iridotcenia cingulata , Zanzibar, Kerremans, p. 51, Ann. Ent. Belg. xxxvi, n. sp. Julodis abeillei , Taurus, Thery, p. cclviii, Bull. Soc. Ent. Fr. lxi ; J. cyphodera, Turkestan, Fairmaire, p. clii, Bull. Soc. Ent. Fr. lxi : n. spp. Melibceus loevipennis , violaceicollis, W. Africa, Kerremans, p. 302, Ann. Soc. Ent. Fr. lxi ; 31 indicolus, p. 204, chrysomelinus, aurarius, p. 205, E. India, Kerremans, Ann. Ent. Belg. xxxvi ; 31 delauneyi, Hue, BUPRESTIM. Ins. 125 Poll, p. 19, Add. Soc. Ent. Fr. lxi ; M. transversus , p. 814, saundersi = ( cupricollis , Saund.), veuustns , p. 815, magnificus , p. 816, Burma, Kerremans, Ann. Mus. Genov. (2) xii : n. spp. Melobasis ccerulea, Engano, Kerremans, p. 1000, Ann. Mus. Genov. (2) xii ; M. incerta , ignicauda, New Guinea, Kerremans, p. 1002, Ann. Mus. Genov. (2) xii ; M. monticola, p. 496, beltanensis , p. 499, Australia, Blackburn, P. Linn. Soc. N.S.W. (2) vi ; M. subcyanea , S. Australia, Blackburn, p. 288, op. cit. (2) vii ; M. derby ensis, N. W. Australia, Blackburn, p. 44, Tr. R. Soc. S. Austr. xv ; M. elder/, Fraser River, Blackburn, p. 35, op, cit. xvi : n. spp. Neocuris : generic characters ; Blackburn, p. 42, Tr. R. Soc. S. Austr. xv. N. dilata ti colli s, p. 42, nigricans , p. 43, N. S. Wales, Blackburn, Tr. R. Soc. S. Austr. xvii, n. spp. Neobubastes , n. g., near Bubastes , for N. aureocincta , n. sp., Centr. Australia ; Blackburn, p. 213, Tr. R. Soc. S. Austr. xv. Paracupta ccelestis, New Guinea, Kerremans, p. 1001, Ann. Mus. Genov. (2) xii, n. sp. Paratcenia , n. g., p. 52, for P. inornata , aspera , p. 54, orbicularis , simplici- collis, p. 55, n. spp., W. Africa, and including Chrysodema chryso- chlora, Pall., and opaca , Lansb. ; Kerremans, Ann. Ent. Belg. xxxvi. Ph/lanthaxia latifrons , India, Kerremans, p. 173, Ann. Ent. Belg. xxxvi ; P. splendida , Saigon, Poll, Ann. Soc. Ent. Fr. lxi, p. 17 : n. spp. Pcecilonota (Lampra) f estiva, metamorphoses ; Xambeu, p. 188, Ann. Soc. L. Lyon, xxxix. P. magnifica , Bengal, Kerremans, p. 171, Ann. Ent. Belg. xxxvi, n. sp. Polycesta curta, Bengal, Kerremans, p. 174, Ann. Ent. Belg. xxxvi : P. paulseni, Chili, Germain, p. 243, Act. Soc. Chili, ii : n. spp. Pseudochrysodema (?) walker i, Damma I., Waterhouse, p. 411, Ann. N. H. (6) x, n. sp. Psiloptera stormsi , Centr. Africa, Kerremans, p. 56, Ann. Ent. Belg. xxxvi; P. hilaris , S.W. Africa, Peringuey, Tr. S. African Phil. Soc. vi (2), p. 41 : n. spp. Sambus gibbicollis , p. 206, melanoderus , nigritus , p. 207, E. India, Kerre- mans, Ann. Ent. Belg. xxxvi ; S. coloratus , p. 816, femoralis, p. 817, Burma, Kerremans, Ann. Mus. Genov. (2) xii ; S. lorice, New Guinea, Kerremans, p. 1003, Ann. Mus. Genov. (2) xii : n. spp. Sphenoptera potanini, Jak., = ( procera , Reit.) ; Reitter, p. 136, Wien, ent. Z. xi. S. latescutata, Turkestan, Fairmaire, p. cliii, Bull. Soc. Ent. Fr. lxi ; S. leonensis , W. Africa, p. 137, nervosa , Centr. Africa, p. 138, howa, Madagascar, p. 139, Nonfried, Ent. Nachr. xviii ; S. curta, p. 180, ini- pressa, p. 182, inocua, p. 187, depressa , konbirensis, p. 188, crebrepunctata, p. 189 , fulgidiceps, p. 190, auricollis, p. 191, deducta , p. 192, gossypii, p. 195, E. India, Kerremans, Ann. Ent. Belg. xxxvi : n. spp. Sternocera orissa, n. var. modesta , Peringuey, p. 40, Tr. S. African Phil. Soc. vi (2), n. sp. 126 Ins. XIII. COLEOPTERA. Stigmoclera minuta , Queensland, p. 44, septemmaculata, S. Australia, p. 45, sJeusei , N. S. Wales, hostilis, W. Australia, p. 46, sternalis, S. Australia, p. 47, macleayi , Queensland, equina, S. Australia, p. 48, quadrinotata, Victoria, p. 49, dispar , p. 50, canaliculata , Queensland, arborifera, Australia, p. 51, marcida , W. Australia, p. 52, Carpentaria b, Queens- land, ornata , p. 53, longula , p. 54, Victoria, Blackburn, Tr. R. Soc. S. Austr. xv ; S. cara , p. 216, insignis , filiformis , p. 217, capucina , regia, p. 218, ignea, p. 219, Australia, Blackburn, £. c. ; elderi, Victoria Desert, Blackburn, p. 36, op. cit. xvi : n, spp. Strigoptera frenchi, p. 500, australis , marmorata, p. 501, Australia, Black- burn, P.Linn. Soc. N.S.W. (2) vi, n. spp. Trcichys fleutiauxi , Hue, Poll, p. 19, Ann. Soc. Ent. Fr. lxi ; T. cenescens, p. 221, subviolacea , p. 222 ,flaviceps, obliqua, p. 223, trcinsversa, bicari- nata, p. 224, stigmatica , Integra , p. 225, Kerremans, Ann. Ent. Belg. xxxvi ; T. penicillata , p. 827, virescens , lyra, p. 828, nigra , p. 829, vexator, rudis, p. 830, polita, p. 831, Burma, Kerremans, Ann. Mus. Genov. (2) xii ; T. rugata , New Guinea, Kerremans, p. 1005, t.-c. ; T. viridula , rufescens, Philippines, Kerremans, p. 25, Ann. Soc. Ent. Fr. lxi : n. spp. THROSCiDiE, Monommidji, Eucnemiixe. [Cf. Blackburn (90, 93), Rost (780).] Aspathines ovatus, habits ; Schwarz, P. E. Soc. Wash, ii, p. 241. Drapetes sulcatus, Caucasus, Rost, Deutsche e. Z. 1892, p. 402, n. sp. Dromceolus interioris, S. Australia, Blackburn, p. 502, P. Linn. Soc. N.S.W. (2) vi, n. sp. Dyscolocerus Tieros, N. S. Wales, Blackburn, p. 56, Tr. R. Soc. S. Austr, xv, n. sp. Elate rim. [Cf. Angell (14), Berg (57), Blackburn (90, 92, 93), Candeze (152 to 156), Casey (161), Fairmaire (262, 270), Fleutiaux (285), Frivaldszky (309), Gorham (352), Peringuey (672), Reitter (725), Schwarz (809, 810, 811).] Aclelocera carinensis, vicina, Burma, Candeze, p. 772, Ann. Mus. Genov. (2) x; A. cognata , Engano, Candeze, p. 796, op. cit. xii : n. spp. Adiaphorus modestus, Bengal, Candeze, p, 488, Ann. Ent. Belg. xxxvi, n. sp. AEolus queejislandicus, N. Queensland, Blackburn, p. 296, P. Linn. Soc. N.S.W. (2) vii ; AE . pyroblaptus, Argentine Rep., Berg, p. 61, An. Soc. Arg. xxxiii : n. spp. Agonischius humilis, p. 493, limbatus , p. 494, E. India, Candeze, Ann. Ent. Belg. xxxvi ; A. Icetus, p. 787, diver sus, conjugatus, p. 788, simplex , 789, Burma, Candeze, Ann. Mus. Genov. (2) x : n. spp. ELATERID3C. Ins. 127 Agrypnus fallacipsus, divergsns, Obock, Fairmaire, p. 101, Rev. d’Ent. xi : A. labeculatus , Engano, Candeze, p. 795. Ann. Mus. Genov. (2) xii : n. spp. Alaus mahenus , Seychelles, Fairmaire, p. cli, Bull. Soc. Ent. Fr. Ixi ; A. modiglianii, Engano, Candeze, p. 797, Ann. Mus. Genov. (2) xii ; A. lorice, New Guinea, Candeze, p. 802, t. c. : u. spp. Anchastus bengalensis, India, Candeze, p. 490, Ann. Ent. Belg. xxxvi ; A. insulsus, New Guinea, Candeze, p. 804, Ann. Mus. Genov. (2) xii : n. spp. Aptopus birmanicus , Burma, Candeze, p. 781,- Ann. Mus. Genov. (2) x, n. sp. Athous olbiensis, = ( chamboveti ); Buysson, p. xxiv, Bull. Soc. Ent. Fr. Ixi. A. proximus and spectabilis , Hampe, are one species ; Kraatz, p. 176, Deutsche e. Z. 1892. A. sanguinicollis , Japan, Frivaldszky, p. 124, Term, fiizetek, xv, n. sp. CampsOsternus pasteuri , Nias Is., Candeze, Notes Leyd. Mus. xiv, p. 9, n. sp. Cardiophorus rufipes , n. var. pensions ; Schwarz, p. 384, Deutsche e. Z. 1892. C. anctlis , Asia Minor, pellitus , Turkestan, Schwarz, Deutsche e. Z. 1892 ; C. jnacer, Bengal, Candeze, p.493, Ann. Ent. Belg. xxxvi; G. ssmincilis , Burma, Candeze, p. 778, Ann. Mus. Genov. (2) x ; C. victoriensis , eucalypti , Australia, Blackburn, P. Linn. Soc. N.S.W. (2) vi, p. : n. spp. Cardiotarsus antennalis , Burma, Candeze, p. 780, Ann. Mus. Genov. (2) x, n. sp. Chalcolepidius apacheanus , Arizona, Casey, Ann. N. York Ac. vi, p. 16, n. sp. Corymbites virens , n. var. stramineus ; Candeze, p. 228, Ann. Ent. Belg. xxxvi. C. carioinus, umbricola , lobatus) characters of ; Hamilton, p. 296, Canad. Ent. xxiv. C. infirmus , Siberia, Reitter, p. 152, Wien. ent. Z. xi ; C. vjeidtii, British Columbia, Angell, p. 84, Ent. News, iii : n. spp. Cryptohypnus sericeus , p. 490, pictus , p. 491, E. India, Candeze, Ann. Ent. Belg. xxxvi, n. spp. DactylophysuSi n. g., p. 408, for D. niendax , n. sp., Brazil, p. 410, and including Heterocrepidius tibialis , Cand. ; Fleutiaux, Ann. Soc. Ent. Fr. Ixi. Diploconus rufulus, p. 781, nutritus , ornatus, serricornis , p. 782, Burma, Candeze, Ahn. Mus. Genov. (2) x ; D. enganensis, Engano, Can- deze, p. 799, op. cit. xii : n. spp. Elater miniatas (— pomoncx , auct., nee Steph.), England, Gorham, Ent. xxv, p. 304; E. wentworthensis, N. S. Wales, Blackburn, p. 297, P. Linn. Soc. N.S.W. (2) vii : n. spp. Glypheus alpinus , Victoria, Blackburn, p. 290, P. Linn. Soc. N.S.W. (2) vii, n. sp. 128 Ins. XIII. COLEOPTERA. Glyphochilus montanus, N. S. Wales, Blackburn, p. 290, P. Linn. Soc. N.S.W. (2) vii, n. sp. Glyphonyx suturalis, Bengal, Candeze, p. 494, Ann. Ent. Belg. xxxvi ; G. correctus, Burma, Candeze, p. 789, Ann. Mus. Genov. (2) x : n. spp. Hemirrhaphes ruficollis, Bengal, Candeze, p. 491, Ann. Ent. Belg. xxxvi, n. sp. Heterodeves canu-s , Bengal, Candeze, p. 489, Ann. Ent. Belg. xxxvi, n. sp. Lacon senilis , S. W. Africa, Peringuey, Tr. S. African Phil. Soc. vi (2) p. 44 ; L. tabularius , Bengal, Candeze, p. 483, Ann. Ent. Belg. xxxvi ; L. collisus , p. 772, gypsatus , p. 773, hilaris , subcostatus , p. 774, Burma, Candeze, Ann. Mus. Genov. (2) x ; L. indutissimus , Engano, Candeze, p. 797, op. cit. xii ; L. pupillus , New Guinea, Candeze, p. 802, t. c. ; L. briglitensis , p. 503, murrayensis, lindensis, p. 504, adelaidce , p. 505, duplex , p. 506, eucalypti , p. 507, anclersoni, p. 508, Australia, Blackburn, P. Linn. Soc. N.S.W. (2) vi ; L. mansuetus , p. 288, sgualescens, yilgarnensis , p. 289, Australia, Blackburn, op. cit. vii : n. spp. Ludius clavus , Burma, Candeze, p. 786, Ann. Mus. Genov. (2) x, n. sp. Megapenthes aspernendus , Bengal, Candeze, p. 489, Ann. Ent. Belg. xxxvi; M. litteratus, Java, remotus, Celebes, Candeze, p. 10, Notes Leyd. Mus. xi ; M. musivatus, Engano, Candeze, p. 798, Ann. Mus. Genov. (2) xii ; M. brunniventris , New Guinea, Candeze, p. 804, t. c. : n. spp. Melanotus : revision of the palsearctic species ; Schwarz, pp. 145-164, pi. ii, Deutsche e. Z. 1892. M. hraatzi , Greece, p. 155, humilis, Alai Mts., p. 156, fragilis , Turkestan, p. 160, brunnicornis, China, p. 164 ; Schwarz, Deutsche e.Z. 1892 ; M. repletus , p. 783, comatus , conicus , p. 784, Burma, Candeze, Ann. Mus. Genov. (2) x ; M. hericius, Engano, Candeze, p. 800, op. cit. xii : n. spp. Melanoxanthus anticus, Bengal, Candeze, p. 490, Ann. Ent. Belg. xxxvi ; M. virgatus , p. 777, punctual , p. 778, Burma, Candeze, Ann. Mus. Genov. (2) x ; M. palliatus, sexguttcitus, Engano, Candeze, p. 799, t. c. : n. spp. Meristhus indecorus , Bengal, Candeze, p. 485, Ann. Ent. Belg. xxxvi, n. sp. Monocrepidius mitigatus, Engano, Candeze, p. 798, Ann. Mus. Genov. (2) xii ; M. disjunctus, New Guinea, Candeze, p. 803, t. c. ; M. ruficollis , p. mjrontalis, p. 510, alpicola, p. 511, macleayi, p. 512, ouensensis, baldiensis, p. 514, Australia, Blackburn, P. Linn. Soc. N.S.W. (2) vi ; M. ingens , p. 291, terrceregince , p. 292, picticollis , narrabrensis , p. 293, mentitor , p. 294, ollijfi , p. 295, Australia, Blackburn, op. cit. vii : n. spp. Otocrypius , n. g., forming a new group Otocryptites, p. 486, for 0. cardoni , n. sp., Bengal ; Candeze, Ann. Ent. Belg. xxxvi. ELATERIDJEj DASCILLIDJ], MALACODERMATA. Ills. 129 Pantolamprus ovampo , S.W. Africa, Peringuey, Tr. S, African Phil. Soc. vi (2) p. 45, n. sp. Penia plagiata , Burma, Candeze, p. 786, Ann. Mus. Genov. (2) x, n. sp. V ericas discedens , Bengal, Candeze, p. 485, Ann. Ent. Belg. xxxvi, n. sp. Physodactylus foveatostriatus, p. 406, oberthuri, niger , p. 407, brasiliensis, p. 408, Brazil, Fleutiatjx, Ann. Soc. Ent. Fr. lxi, n. spp. Silesis inflectus, p. 494, nigriceps, p. 495, Bengal, Candeze, Ann. Ent. Belg. xxxvi, n. spp. Singhalenus gibbus, Bengal, Candeze, p.487, Ann. Ent. Belg. xxxvi, n.sp. Spheniscosomus , n. g., for a part of Melanotus ; Schwarz, p. 132, Wien, ent. Z. xi. Teslasena, n. g., Physodactylini, for Anelastes femoralis, Luc. ; Fleutiaux, p. 410, Ann. Soc. Ent. Fr. lxi. Dascillidae \_Cf. Blackburn (90, 92), Bourgeois (113),] Dascillus calvescens, rufovillosus , Bengal, Bourgeois, p, 234, Ann. Ent. Belg. xxxvi, n. spp. Helodes princeps , p. 517, cinctus, olliffi, p. 518, montivagans, p. 519, II. (Cyphon?) pictus, ovensensis, f rater, p. 520, cidelaidce, spilotus, p. 521, lindensis, p. 522, Australia, Blackburn, P. Linn. Soc. N.S.W. (2) vi; H. (Cyphon) fenestratus, N. S. Wales, Blackburn, op. cit. vii : n. spp. Mcicrohelodes , n. g., for M. lucidus , crcissus , p. 298, intricatus, gravis , p. 299, n. spp., Australia, and including Helodes princeps ( supra ) ; Blackburn, P. Linn. Soc. N.S.W. (2) vii. Sclerocyphon , n. g., p. 522, for S. maculatus , n. sp., Victoria, p. 523 ; Blackburn, P. Linn. Soc. N.S.W. (2) vi. Scirtes Tielmsi, Victoria, Blackburn, p. 524, P. Linn. Soc, N.S.W. (2) vi, n. sp. Malacodermata. [Cf. Blackburn (90, 94, 95), Bourgeois (112, 113, 114, 210), Gestro (326, 329, 334), Gorham (210, 350), Olivier (652, 653), Peringuey (672), Weise (1000).] List of Lycidcc of Borneo ; Bourgeois, p. 42, Notes Leyd. Mus. xiv. Calochromus : the structure of max. palpi differs sexually : Blackburn, p. 528, P. Linn. Soc. N.S.W. (2) vi. Chaidiognathus marginatus, eggs and oviposition ; Biley, p. 186, Canad. Ent. xxiv. Cladophorus ( Odontocerus ) flabellifer , p. 496, sellatus , beccarii , p. 498, quadraticollis , pectinatus , p. 500, dorsalis, p. 501, New Guinea, dia- bolicus, Amboyna, belzebuth, p. 502, stygius, infernalis, p. 503, acheron- ticus, p. 504, pallidulus, parallelus, p. 505, rubentipes , p. 506, mandibu - laris , p. 507, ornaticollis , p. 508, tibialis , rufithorax , p. 509, dimidiatusi p. 510, septemareolatus , p. 511, papuensis, p. 512, acutangulus, obsoletus, p. 513, New Guinea, Bourgeois, Ann. Mus. Genov. (2) xii, n. spp. 1892. [yol. xxix.] e 9 130 Ins . XIII. COLEOPTERA, Dasytes squirensis , helm-si , Australia, Blackburn, p. 38, Tr. R. Soc. S. Austr. xvi, n. spp. Diaphanes mendax, p. 597, plagiator , p. 598, Burma, Olivier, Ann. Mus. Genov. (2) x ; D. apicalis , Borneo, Gorham, p. 89, pi. iv, fig. 8, P. Z. S. 1892 : n. spp. Ditua nigricornis, p. 514, altemata, flaviceps, p. 515, New Guinea, Bourgeois, Ann. Mus. Genov. (2) xii, n. spp. Ellychnia calif ornica , pupa noticed ; Wickham, p. 201, Bull. Lab. Iowa, ii. Hapalochrus opule?itus, S. W. Africa, Peringuey, Tr. S. African Phil. Soc. vi (2), p. 46, n. sp. Hedybius amcenus, Transvaal, Gorham in Distant, Naturalist Transvaal, p. 197, pi. i, fig. 2, n. sp Heteromastix anticus, p. 221, dilataticollis, p. 222, N. S. Wales, Blackburn, Tr. R. Soc. S. Austr. xv, n. spp. Ichthyurus urospilus , p. 561, luctnosus, p. 562, fece, p. 564, longicauda , p. 566, nigromaculatus, p. 569, montanus, p. 571, nigriceps, p. 573, agilis, p. 574, spinicrus , p. 576, pallidus, p. 578, vittatus, p. 579, laniger , p. 581, propomacrus , p. 583, ritsemce , p. 588, crassicauda, p. 589, laticauda, p. 590, Burma, Gestro, Ann. Mus. Genov. (2) x ; I. bourgeoisii, China, p. 1023, mouhoti, p. 1025, hirundo, p. 1026, obscurus , p. 1028, Siam, vandepollii , China, p. 1029, wallacei , Singapore, p. 1031, bomeensis, p. 1032, Borneo, insularis, p. 1033, curvicauda , p. 1035, pachygaster, p. 1036, Singapore, macrurus, Cochin China, p. 1037, davidii , Kiang-Si, p. 1038, oberthurii , Burma, p. 1039, malayanus, Java, p. 1041, melanospilus, Sylhet, p. 1042, lucassenii, Borneo, p. 1043, beccarii, Sumatra, p. 1045, abnormis , Darjeeling, p. 1046, afer , Niger, p. 1047, Gestro, t. c. : n. spp. Idgia flavibuccis , Bengal, Bourgeois, p. 237. Ann. Ent. Belg. xxxvi, n. sp. Lams femoralis, eyrensis, p. 531, pretios us, p. 532, Australia, Blackburn, P. Linn. Soc. N.S.W. (2) vii, n. spp. Lamprophorus morator , Burma, Olivier, p. 596, Ann. Mus. Genov. (2) x, n. sp. Lampyris bicarinata, Muls., note on ; Olivier, Bull. Soc. Ent. Fr. lxi, p. xlv. Luciola cemula , p. 601, seriata, p. 602, cegrota , p. 603, abscondita, p. 604, Burma, Olivier, Ann. Mus. Genov. (2) x : L. cribellata , p. 1010, pupilla, 1011, New Guinea, Olivier, t. c., n. spp. Lycus distantly Transvaal, Bourgeois in Distant, Naturalist Transvaal, p. 196, pi. i, fig. 3, n. sp. MalachiuSy internal structure of apices of elytra ; Hofebauer (405). M. inornatuSy metamorphoses ; Xambeu, Moeurs, ii, p. 44, and Le Nat. 1892, p. 157. Maltharchus , n. g. for Malthodes brevicollis and allies ; Weise, p. 408, Deutsche e. Z. 1892. Malthodes: characters of the French species with figures; Bourgeois, Faune gallo-rhenane, pp. 173-208. MALACODERMATA, CLERID2E. Ins. 131 11. caudatus , Carinthia, Weise, p. 410, Deutsche e. Z. 1892, n. sp. Metriorhynchus gigas, p. 524, semicostcdus , p. 525, monticola, occidentalism p. 526, Icetus, p. 527, Australia, Blackburn, P. Linn. Soc. N.S.W. (2) vi, n. spp. Phengodes laticollis, $ noticed ; Riley & Ulke, P. E. Soc. Wash, ii, p. 227. Plateros ? cribripennis , Bengal, Bourgeois, p. 236, Ann. Ent. Belg. xxxvi, n. sp. Pyroccelia lampyroides, p. 598, microceras , cribripennis, p. 599, feai, p. 600, Burma, Olivier, Ann. Mus. Genov. (2) x ; P. collaris , Borneo, Gorham, p. 89, pi. iv, fig. 7, P. Z. S. 1892 : n. spp. Rhagonycha nigripes , metamorphoses ; Xambeu, p. 28, Mceurs, ii. Selasia robecchii, Somaliland, Gestro, p. 759, Ann. Mus. Genov. (2) xii, n. sp. Selenurus variegatus , p. 220, sydneyanus , p. 221, X. S. Wales, Blackburn, Tr. R. Soc. N.S.W. xv, n. spp. Silis australis , S. Australia, Blackburn, p. 530, P. Linn. Soc. N.S.W. (2) vi, n. sp. TelepTiorus victor iensis, p. 528, galeatus, fusicomis , p. 529, Australia, Blackburn, P. Linn. Soc. N.S.W. (2) vi, n. spp. Trichalus hypocrita, p. 40, flavidus, p. 41, Borneo, Bourgeois, Notes Leyd. Mus. xiv, n. spp. Vesta aurantiaca , figured, pi. iv, fig. 9, noticed, p. 89, Gorham, P. Z. S. 1892. Xylobanus reticulatus, figured, pi. iv, fig. 6, P. Z. S. 1892. X. ritsemce , Borneo, Bourgeois, p. 39, Notes Leyd. Mus. xiv, n. sp. Cleeim. \Cf. Abeille (2), Blackburn (94), Duvivier (231), Escherich (259), Fairmaire (262, 263), Gestro (331), Qorham (349), Lewis (556).] Callimerus elegans, p. 720, suavzs , p. 722, fece, p. 723, gracilis , faustus, p. 724, festivus, p. 725, pretiosus, pallidus, p. 727, latesignatus, p. 728, Burma, Gorham, Ann. Mus. Genov. (2) xii, n. spp. Cladiscus obeliscus , Japan, Lewis, p. 185, Ann. N. H. (6) x, n. sp. Denops plagiatus, Obock, Fairmaire, p. 102, Rev. d’Ent. xi, n. sp. Isoclerus , n. g., near Thaneroclerus , for I. pictus, n. sp., Japan ; Lewis, Ann. N. H. (6) x, p. 191. Lemidia pictipes, simidans, p. 222, munda, soror, pulchella, p. 223, angus - tula , leoparda, p. 224, Australia, Blackburn, Tr. R. Soc. S. Austr. xv, n. spp. Lyctosoma, n. g., near Thaneroclerus , for L. parallelum, n. sp., Japan • Lewis, p. 192, Ann. N. H. (6) x. Neoclerus, n. g., near Thaneroclerus, for N. ornatulus, n. sp., Japan ; Lewis, p. 190, Ann. N. H. (6) x. Neohyclnus , n. g., near Hydnocera, p. 742, for N. despectus , n. sp., Burma, p. 743 ; Gorham, Ann. Mus. Genov. (2) xii. 132 Ins. XIII. COLEOPTERA. Nodepus, n. g,, Tillides, p. 719, for N. conicicollis, n. sp., Burma, p. 720 ; Gorham, Ann. Mus. Genov. (2) xii. Ommadius parviceps, p. 741, tricinctus, p. 742, Burma, Gorham, Ann. Mus. Genov. (2) xii ; 0. nigromaculatus, Japan, Lewis, p. 187, Ann. N. H. (6) x : n, spp. Opetiopalpus harenicuss Burma, Gorham, p. 746, Ann. Mus. Genov. (2) xii, n. sp. Opilo foveicollis, Algeria, Abeille, p. ccxxxvi, Bull. Soc. Ent. Fr. lxi ; 0. minis, Somaliland, Gestro, p. 761, Ann. Mus. Genov. (2) xii ; 0. hypocaustus , Burma, Gorham, p. 730, t. c. ; 0. longipilis , Obock, Fairmaire, p. 105, Rev. d’Ent. xi ; 0. carinatus, niponicus , Japan, Lewis, p. 186, Ann. N. H. (6) x : n. spp. Orthopleura funebris, Syria, Fairmaire, p. 148, Ann. Ent. Belg.xxxvi, n. sp. Orthrius fees, p. 736, tarsalis, p. 737, Burma, Gorham, Ann. Mus. Genov. (2) xii, n. spp. Pelonium lividum, p. 744, discrepens , p. 745, Burma, Gorham, Ann. Mus. Genov. (2) xii, n. spp. Phlceocopus mediozonatus , Obock, Fairmaire, p. 103, Rev. d’Ent. xi, n. sp. Pseudachlamys, n. g., p. 297, for P. penicillatus , n. sp., Congo, p. 298 ; Duvivier, Ann. Ent. Belg. xxxvi. Spinoza , n. g., near Cymatodera, p. 184, for S. ccerulea, n. sp., p. 185, Japan ; Lewis, Ann. N. H. (6) x. Stigmatium obocTcianum , Africa, Fairmaire, p. 103, Rev. d’Ent. xi ; S. birmanicum , Burma, Gorham, p. 740, Ann. Mus. Genov. (2) xii : n. spp. Tenerus biplagiatus, Obock, Fairmaire, p. 101, Rev. d’Ent. xi; T. cyaneus, maculicollis , higonius, Japan, Lewis, p. 189, Ann. N. H. (6) x : n, spp. Thanasimus nigricollis, albomaculatus , Japan, Lewis, p. 187, Ann. N. H. (6) x, n. spp. Thaneroclerus quinquemaculatus, Burma, Gorham, p. 738, Ann. Mus. Genov. (2) xii ; T. aino, Japan, Lewis, p. 190, Ann. N. H. (6) x : n. spp. Tillicera cleroides, p. 731, bibalteata , p. 732, Burma, Gorham, Ann. Mus. Genov. (2) xii : n. spp. Tillus notatus , Kl., = (leivisii, Kies.) ; Lewis, p. 185, Ann. N. H. (6) x. T. pectinicornis, Syria, Abeille, p. ccxxxvi, Bull. Soc. Ent. Fr. lxi ; T. birmanicus, Bhamo, Gorham, p. 729, Ann. Mus. Genov. (2) xii : n. spp. Trichodes sipylus and allies, synonymy; Escherich, p. 244, Wien, ent. Z. xi ; T. syriacus and allies, synonymy ; Escherich, p. 124, Soc. Ent. vii. T. suspectus, Syria, p. 226, pulcherrimus , Persia, p. 227, maximus, con- junctus , Syria, p. 229, heydeni, Caucasus, p. 230, Escherich, Wien, ent. Z. xi, n. spp. XenortTirius, n. g., p. 733, for X. mouhoti , p. 734, subfasciatus , balteatus, p. 735, n. spp., Burma ; Gorham, Ann. Mus. Genov. (2) xii. BOS TRYCHIM TEN EB RIONIM. Ins . 133 Bosteychidje, Ptinidj], Cioid^:. \Cf. Casey (161), Blackburn (95), Fairmaire (262, 264), Frivaldszky (309), Germain (322), Xambeu (1023).] Notes on the Anobiidce of Chili ; Germain, pp. 254-259, Act. Soc. Chili, ii. Apate rufo-coronata, Obock, Fairmaire, p. 104, Rev. d’Ent. xi, n. sp. Bostrichus sulcicollis , structural peculiarities and generic position dis- cussed ; Germain, p. 259, Act. Soc. Chili, ii. Calymmoclerus, recharacterised ; Germain, p. 258, Act. Soc. Chili, ii. Diplocotes niger , Poll, and Diphobia familiaris, Olliff, are one species ; Blackburn, p. 300, P. Linn. Soc. N.S.W. (2) vii. Dyside-s platensis , Argentine Hep., Fairmaire, p. 245, Ann. Ent. Belg. xxxvi, n. sp. Lyctus Carolines , p. 13, californicus, p. 14, curtulus , p. 15, N. America, Casey, Ann. N. York Ac. vi, n. spp. Ocelliger, Phil., = ( Eurhopalus , Sol.) ; Germain, p. 254, Act. Soc. Chili, ii. Pachotelus fuscus, Sol., = ( Anobium hcemorrhoidale, Phil.) ; Germain, p. 256, Act. Soc. Chili, ii. Ptinus sexpunctatus, metamorphoses ; Xambeu, p. 36, Mceurs, ii, and Nicolas, Echange, 1892, p. 143, pi. P. brunneus , metamorphoses ; Xambeu, Moeurs, ii, p. 42. P. senilis , Obock, Fairmaire, p. 105, Rev. d’Ent. xi, n. sp. Sitodrepa panicea , habits ; Roth, Ent. Tidskr. xiii, p. 254. Trogoxylon merged in Lyctus ; Casey, p. 12, Ann. N. York Ac. vi. Xyletinus ( Galypterus ) chinensis , China, Frivaldszky, p. 124, Term, fiizetek, xv, n. sp. Xylopertha pustulata, metamorphoses; Xambeu, p. 66, Le Nat. 1892. X. vidua , note on ; Blackburn, p. 39, Tr. R. Soc. S. Austr. xvi. X. hexacantha , Argentine Rep., Fairmaire, p. 245, Ann. Ent. Belg. xxxvi, n. sp. TENEBKIONIDiE. [Cf. Alluaud (8), Blackburn (90, 94, 95), Blaisdell (98), Casey (161, 162), Champion (347), Distant (210), Duvivier (230), Fairmaire (261, 262, 263, 264, 265, 267), Gestro (334), Heyden (402), Peringuey (672, 673), Reitter (725, 726), Senac (836), Zoufal (1026).] Notes on habits of Tenebrionidce of San Diego ; Blaisdell, Zoe, iii, pp. 102-108. Abantis, n. gen. near Clitobius , p. 109, for A. cetiescens, n. sp., Obock, p. 110 ; Fairmaire, Rev. d’Ent. xi. Acotulus (sub Orthocerus ) f unicornis^ Bed., = ( oraniensis , Reit.): Reitter, p. 26, Wien. ent. Z. xi. Acropteron magnicolle , Venezuela, Fairmaire, p. 90, Ann. Soc. Ent. Fr. lxi, n. sp. 1 34 Ins. XIII. COLEOrTERA. Adelium parallelum, Germ., referred to fSeirotrana ; Blackburn, p. 540, P. Linn. Soc. N.S.W. (2) vi. A. simplex , Australia, Blackburn, p. 44, Tr. R. Soc. S. Austr. xvi ; A. pustulosum , p. 534, victories , p. 535, inconspicuum) alpicola , p. 536, tropicum , p. 537, lindense , angulatum , p. 538, (equate , p. 539, Australia, Blackburn, P. Linn. Soc. N.S.W. (2) vi : n. spp. Adesmia leucosticta , p. 765, nobilis , p. 766, Somaliland, Gestro, Ann. Mus. Genov. (2) xii ; A. ( Onymachris ) agilis , S. Africa, Peringuey, Tr. S. African Phil. Soc. vi (2), p. 120 : n, spp. Alcpphus macilentus , Arizona, Casey, p. 61, Ann. N. York Ac. vi, n. sp. Amarygmus natalensis , S. W. Africa, Peringuey, Tr. S. African Phil. Soc. vi (2), p. 59, n. sp. Ambiqatus, n. g., near Melanophorus , for A. rufonitens, p. 246, stricticollis , bembidioides, p. 247, n. spp., Argentine Rep.; Fairmaire, Ann. Ent. Belg. xxxvi. Amiantus undosus , Transvaal, Distant, Naturalist Transvaal, p. 199, pi. i, fig. 1, n. sp. Ancedus posticalis, Ye nezuela, Fairmaire, p. 89, Ann. Soc. Ent. Fr. lxi, n. sp. Anepsiu-s montanus, Colorado, Casey, p. 55, Ann. N. York Ac. vi, n. sp. Arceoschizus mexicanus , Tepetlapa, Champion, p. 491, pi. xxii, fig. 3, Biol. Centr. Am. Col. iv (1), n. sp. Argoporis rufipes , = ( nitida , Casey); Champion, p. 518, Biol. Centr. Am. Col. iv (1). A. unicalcarata, tridentata , p. 519, Icevicollis, p. 520, Mexico, Champion, t. c ., n. spp. Arthrodeis byrrhiformis , Obock, Fairmaire, p. 106, Rev. d’Ent. xi ; A. plicatus , Somaliland, Gestro, p. 764, Ann. Mus. Genov. (2) xii : n. spp. Aryenis minor , Argentine Rep., Fairmaire, p. 251, Ann. Ent. Belg. xxxvi, n. sp. Asida : note on the Central American allies or subgenera, p. 491, A. sordida , = ( rugosissima , interrupta), clathrata , = ( funesta ), p. 492, fallax, — ( favosa , similata ), p. 496, A. collaris , n. n. for marginicollis, Champ., nec Rosenh., p. 499 ; Champion, Biol. Centr. Am. Col. iv (1). Asida geminata , p. 492, pi. xxii, fig. 8, intricata, p. 493, fig. 9, spinimanus , fig. 11, p. 494, tenebrosa , fig. 12, fasciculata , fig. 21, * p. 49 5, flohri, fig. 10, p. 496, moricoides, fig. 14, segregata, p. 497, foeda, fig. 16, tarda , fig. 17, p. 498, furcata, fig. 15, p. 499, latissima, fig. 18, horrida, fig. 13, p. 500, unicostata , fig. 19, p. 501, ingeeis, fig. 20, p.503, Mexico, Champion, t. c., n. spp. Astrotus undatus , pi. xxii, fig. 25, erosus , p. 504, nosodermoides, p. 505, fig. 22, Mexico, Champion, Biol. Centr. Am. Col. iv (1), n. spp. Azarelius, n. g., near Gonocnemis, for A. sculpticollis, n. sp., Sumatra; Fairmaire, p. vii, Bull. Soc. Ent. Fr. lxi. TBNEBR10NID2E. Ins. 135 Blapstinus coronadensis , California, Blaisdell, p. 242, Ent. Xews, iii ; B. opatrinoides , pseudoceneus , p. 81, piliferus , infimus , p. 82, Venezuela, Fairmaire, Ann. Soc. Ent. Fr. lxi : n. spp. Blepegenes nitidus , Queensland, Blackburn, p. 533, P. Linn. Soc. X.S.W. (2) vi, n. sp. Branchus opatroides , Mexico, Champion, p. 507, pi. xxii, fig. 24, Biol. Centr. Am. Col. iv (1), n. sp. Calymnus longedcntatus, Venezuela, Fairmaire, p. 83, Ann. Soc. Ent. Fr. lxi, n. sp. Capnisa cribratella, Turkestan, Fairmaire, p. cliii, Bull. Soc. Ent. Fr. lxi, n. sp. Carchares, Pasc., = ( Podoces , Per.) ; Peringuey, p. 135, Tr. S. African Phil. Soc. vi, 2. Cardigenius dens eg remains, Argentine Rep., Fairmaire, p. 246, Ann. Ent. Belg. xxxvi, n. sp. Cardiothorax ceripennis , N. S. Wales, Blackburn, p. 226, Tr. R. Soc. S. Austr. xv, n. sp. Catamerus fairmaire i, Tabora, Alluaud, p. cxxxix, Bull. Soc. Ent. Fr. lxi ; C. transvaalensis, S. Africa, Peringuey, p. 125, Tr. S. African Phil. Soc. vi, 2 : n. spp. Cataphronetis soror, Obock, Fairmaire, p. 110, Rev. d’Ent. xi, n. sp. Centrioptera spiculosa , Mexico, Champion, p. 508, Biol. Centr. Am. Col. iv (1), n. sp. Centronopus bimacidatus , Mexico, Champion, p. 521, pi. xxiii, fig. 1, Biol. Centr. Am. Col. iv(l), n. sp. Chalcopterus eremita , p. 44, meyrichi , p. 45, W. Australia, Blackburn, Tr. R. Soc. S. Austr. xvi, n. spp. Chartopteryx victoriensis, Australia, Blackburn, p. 226, Tr. R. Soc. S. Austr. xv, n. sp. Choaspes simonis , Venezuela, Fairmaire, p. 80, Ann. Soc. Ent. Fr. lxi, n. sp. Cibdelis Icevigata , California, Casey, p. 60, Ann. N. York Ac. vi, n. sp. Clitobius Icevipennis , Obock, strong ylo ides, Zambesi, Fairmaire, p. Ill, Rev. d’Ent. xi, n. spp. Colpotus magnicollis, Syria, Fairmaire, p. 148, Ann. Ent. Belg. xxxvi, n. sp. Conibiosoma laciniata , Arizona, Casey, p. 64, Ann. N. York Ac. vi, n. sp. Cryptoglossa granulifera , Mexico, Champion, p. 508, Biol. Centr. Am. Col. iv (1), n. sp. Cyclosattus, n. g., for Eusattus websteri (n. sp. infra) ; Casey, p. 710, Ann. X. York Ac. vi . Cyrtosoma oblongulum , impress ipenne, Venezuela, Fairmaire, p. 89, Ann. Soc. Ent. Fr. lxi, n. spp. Dcedrosis victorice, Australia, Blackburn, p. 533, P. Linn. Soc. N.S.W. (2) vi ; D. monticola, X. S. Wales, Blackburn, p. 227, Tr. R, Soc, S, Austr. xv : n. spp. 136 Ins. 2I1X. COLEOPTERA. Diastolinus brevicollis , p. 80, impressicollis, p. 81, Venezuela, Fairmaire, Ann. Soc. Ent. Fr. lxi, n. spp. Dichtrethus angustipennis, S. W. Africa, Peringuey, Tr. S. African Phil. Soc. vi (2), p. 52, n. sp. Elceodes eschscholtzi, — (wichhami) ; Champion, p. 511, Biol. Centr. Am. Col. iv (1). Eleodes interrupta , California, Blaisdell, Ent. News, iii, p. 241 ; E. rileyi , p. 57, nitidus , Arizona, comjjositus, Texas, p. 58, Casey, Ann. N. York Ac. vi ; E. macrura , p. 511, polita, segregata , p. 513, olida , p. 516, peropaca , tessellata , p. 517, Mexico, Champion, Biol. Centr. Am. Col. iv (1) : n. spp. Emmencistus held , = ( rotundicollis and inter medius), p. 480, alatas , = (salvini), p. 482 ; Champion, Biol. Centr. Am. Col. iv (1). E. mexicanus , subapterus, p. 481, seriatus , constrictus , p. 482, stolidus, p. 483, igualensis , p. 484, Mexico, Champion, Biol. Centr. Am. Col. iv (1), n. spp. Emyon scabrosus, S. W. Africa, Peringuey, p. 58, Tr. S. African Phil. Soc. vi (2), n. sp. Eyedrops levigcita, variegata , S. W. Africa, Peringuey, Tr. S. African Phil. Soc. vi (2), p. 55, n. spp. Epitragodes julichi , Texas, Casey, p. 55, Ann. N. York Ac. vi, n. sp. Epitragus : tabulation of the N. American species ; Casey, p. 53, Ann. N. York. Ac. vi. E. canus, figured and noticed, p. 487, pi. xxii, fig. 5, E. rorulentus, — ( scutatus ), p. 486; Champion, Biol. Centr. Am. Col. iv (1). E. cristatus, p. 485, Mexico, pi. xxii, fig. 4, rnatanensis , Honduras, p. 488, Champion, Biol. Centr. Am. Col. iv (1); E. vestitus, Arizona, Casey, p. 53, Ann. N. York Ac. vi ; E. parumpunctatus, p. 78, angustiforniis , p. 79, Venezuela, Fairmaire, Ann. Soc. Ent. Fr. lxi ; E. ceneus , rufocastaneus , p. 247, nitidicollis, crctssiis, p. 248, nanus , Argentine Rep., minudssimus , p. 249, Brazil, Fairmaire, Ann. Ent. Belg. xxxvi : n. spp. Eulabis laticornis , California, Casey, p. 59, Ann. N. York Ac. vi, n. sp. Eusattus websteri , Colorado, Casey, p. 56, Ann. N. York Ac. vi ; E. venosus , p. 509, sculptus, mexicanus , obliteratus, p. 510, Mexico, Champion, Biol. Centr. Am. Col. iv (1) : n. spp. Glyptotus yucatanusi Mexico, Champion, p. 524, Biol. Centr. Am. Col. iv (1), n. sp. Haporema, n. g., ? near Misolampidius , for H. decipiens, n. sp., Obock ; Fairmaire, p. 109, Rev. d’Ent. xi. Hedyphanes Tcoltzei , Turkestan, Heyden, p. 108, Deutsche e. Z. 1892 n. sp. Ilelceus aridus , p. 41, debilis, lubricus , p. 42, ingens , p. 43, Centr. Australia, Blackburn, Tr. R. Soc. S. Austr, xvi, n. spp. Helopinus costatus , == ( elegans , Baudi, and misolampoides, Lac.) ; Fair- maire, p. 112, Rev. d’Ent. xi. Ilelops cerberus , metamorphoses ; Xambeu, Moeurs, ii, p. 11. TE&EBRION IDiE . Ins. 137 H. hlaisdelli , p. 66, disci pula , p. 67, California, cylindriformis , New Mexico, p. 68, Casey, Ann. N. York Ac. vi, n. spp. Ilimatismus pavesii, Somaliland, Gestro, p. 769, Ann. Mus. Genov. (2) xii, n. sp. Ilisticea , n. g., near Anemia , p. 107, for II. bidentula , n. sp., Obock, p. 108 ; Fairmaire, Rev. d’Ent. xi. Uopatrum elderi , p. 39, longicorne) p. 40, Australia, Blackburn, Tr. R. Soc. S. Austr. xvi, n. spp. Hoplonyx distinctus, Congo, Duviyier, p. 163, Ann. Ent. Belg. xxxvi ; H. ingratus , S. W. Africa, Peringuey, p. 59, Tr. S. African Phil. Soc. vi (2); H. vicinus , Transvaal, Peringuey, t. c. : n. spp. Hyperops plicicollis , S. W. Africa, Peringuey, Tr. S. African Phil. Soc. vi (2), p. 50, n. sp. Idiobates , n. g. for Tenebrio castaneus , Knoch ; Casey, p. 62, Ann. N. York Ac. vi. Idricus paci/icus, S. Africa, Peringuey, p. 122, Tr. S. African Phil. Soc. vi (2), n. sp. Isicerdes vicinusj Central America, Champion, p. 524, Biol. Centr. Am. Col. iv (1), n. sp. Isostira raucipennis , Queensland, Blackburn, p. 225, Tr. R. Soc. S. Austr. xv, n. sp. Lasiostola costuligera , Margelan, Heyden, p. 107, Deutsche e. Z. 1892, n. sp. Leptodes, characters and synonymy ; Reitter, pp. 93-96, Wien. ent. Z. xi. L. semenowi , Araxes Valley, Reitter, p. 66, Wien. ent. Z. xi ; L. Tieydeni , Turkestan, Reitter, t. c. p. 95 : n. spp. Licinoma pallipes, Australia, Blackburn, p. 542, P. Linn. Soc. N.S.W. (2) vi, n. sp. Lyphia striolata, Obock, Fairmaire, p. Ill, Rev. d’Ent. xi, n. sp. Mcsabates spissicornis, p. 479, incequalis, p. 480, Mexico, Champion, Biol. Centr. Am. Col. iv (1), n. spp. Mesostenopa auberti, Obock, Fairmaire, p. 107, Rev. d’Ent. xi, n. sp. Micrantereus Icevior , Obock, Fairmaire, p. 114, Rev. d’Ent. xi, n. sp. Mitys politus, = ( Icevis ); Champion, p. 520, Biol. Centr. Am. Col. iv (1). Nosoderma incequale, Say, = ( morbillosum , Sol.); Champion, p. 490, Biol. Centr. Am. Col. iv (1). Nuptis laticollis, Panama, Champion, p. 523, Biol. Centr. Am. Col. iv (1), n. sp. Odontopezus aspev , Usagara, Alluaud, p. ccxxxviii, Bull. Soc. Ent. Fr. lxi, n. sp. CEatus similis} Central America, Champion, p. 523, Biol. Centr. Am. Col. iv (1), n. sp. Ologlyptus liebes , Mexico. Champion, p. 506, pi. xxii, fig. 23, Biol. Centr. Am. Col. iv (1), n. sp. Opatroides curtulus , Syria, Fairmaire, p. 149, Ann. Ent. Belg. xxxvi, n. sp. 338 Ins. Sill. COLEOPTERA. Oxycara breviuscula, Obock, Fairmaire, p. 107, Rev. d’Ent. xi, n. sp. Palembus , n. g. near Oplocephala for P. ocularis , n. sp., Florida ; Casey, p. 65, Ann. N, York Ac. vi. Paranemia , n. g., Trachyscelidarum , for P. schroderii n. sp., Turkestan ; Heyden, p. 103, Deutsche e. Z. 1892. Phymatodes denticollis, Caracas, p. 86, clavicornis , Buenos Aires, p. 87, Fairmaire, Ann. Soc. Ent. Fr. lxi, n. spp. Pimelia, characters and synonymy of the species of the Canaries ; Senac, pp. 103-108, Ann. Soc. Ent. Fr. lxi. P. thomsoni, redescribed ; Senac, p. lxxiii, Bull. Soc. Ent. Fr. lxi. P. alluaudi , Canary Is., Senac, p. 107, Ann. Soc. Ent. Fr. lxi, n. sp. Pimeliopsis, n. g. Epiphy sides , for P. granulata , n. sp., Mexico, p. 477, pi. xxii, fig. 1 ; Champion, Biol. Cenfcr. Am. Col. iv (1). Platydema contraction, Venezuela, Fairmaire, p. 84, Ann. Soc. Ent. Fr. lxi ; P. basicorne, Argentine Rep., Fairmaire, p. 250, Ann. Ent. Belg. xxxvi : n. spp. Platyphanes creber, Queensland, Blackburn, p. 225, Tr. R. Soc. S. Austr. xv, n. sp. Pcecilesthus vagelineatus, Venezuela, Fairmaire, p. 91, Ann. Soc. Ent. Fr. lxi, n. sp. Pogonobasis hirsuta, S. W. Africa, Peringuey, p. 51, Tr. S. African Phil. Soc. vi (2), n. sp. Praogena tristis , S. W. Africa, Peringuey, Tr. S. African Phil. Soc. vi (2), n. sp. Psammodes pachysoma , p. 52, errans , p. 53, S. W. Africa, Peringuey, Tr. S. African Phil. Soc. vi (2), n. spp. Pyres (sub Centronopus ) speciosus, Pasc., — ( metallicus , Champ.); Champion, p. 521, Biol. Centr. Am. Col. iv (1). RTiicnodus , n. g. near Chcetyllus , for P. asper , p. 87, simonis, parcegranatus, striatopunctatus , p. 88, n. spp., Venezuela ; Fairmaire, Ann. Soc. Ent . Fr. lxi. Rhytidonota absurcla, Somaliland, Gestro, p. 768, Ann. Mus. Genov. (2) xii, n. sp. Rues , n. g. for Helops ovipennis , Casey ; Casey, p. 66, Ann. N. York Ac. vi. Saragus tricarinatus , Australia, Blackburn, p. 43, Tr. R. Soc. S. Austr. xvi, n. sp. Scleron amplicolle, Obock, Fairmaire, p. 108, Rev. d’Ent. xi, n. sp. Seirotrana simplex, p. 540, monticola , p. 541, dispar , p. 542, Australia, Blackburn, P. Linn. Soc. N.S.W. (2) vi ; S. major , N. S. Wales, Blackburn, p. 228, Tr. R. Soc. S. Austr. xv : n. spp. Sepidiopsis , n. g., near Sepidium , p. 771, for S. cornigera, p. 772, villosa , p. 773, n. spp., Somaliland ; Gestro, Ann. Mus. Genov. (2) xii. Sepidium ovampoense , S. W. Africa, Peringuey, p. 55, Tr. S. African Phil. Soc. vi (2); S. zambezianum, S. Africa, Peringuey, p. 123, t. c. : n. spp. Sepidostenus , = ( Sepidiacis ); Gestro, p. 775, Aim. Mus. Geuov. (2) xii. TENEBRI0N1M. Ins. 189 Solenomerus velox , S. W. Africa, Pertnguey, p. 58, Tr. S. African Phil. Soc. vi (2), n. sp. Stenocara albovillosa , S. W. Africa, Peringuey, Tr. S. African Phil. Soc. vi (2), p. 49; S. intermedia , S. Africa, Peringuey, p. 121, t. c. : n. spp, Stibia maritime , California, Casey, p. 52, Ann. N. York Ac. vi, n. sp. Strongylium variolosum , Congo, Duyiyier, p. 164, Ann. Ent. Belg. xxxvi ; S. cyaneum , S. W. Africa, Peringuey, Tr. S. African Phil. Soc. vi (2); S. picicorne, Venezuela, Fairmaire, p. 92, Ann. Soc. Ent. Fr. lxi ; S. platense, Argentine Rep., Fairmaire, p. 251, Ann. Ent. Belg. xxxvi : n. spp. Tactoderus subopacus, Obock, Fairmaire, p. 112, Rev. d’Ent. xi, n. sp. Tcenophthalmus costifer, Turkestan, Heyden, p. 108, Deutsche e-. Z. 1892, n. sp. Talanus parallelus, p. 92, crenulatus , p. 93, Venezuela, Fairmaire, Ann. Soc. Ent. Fr. lxi, n. spp. Tenebrio angustus , N. Persia, syriacus , Syria, Zoufal, p. 284, Wien. ent. Z. xi, n. spp. Tenesis , n. g., near Amenophis , for T. femoratus, n. sp., Congo, Duviyier, p. 163, Ann. Ent. Belg. xxxvi. Trachynotus batesi , = ( scrobiculatus , Per.), gracilipes , = ( attenuatus , Per.); Peringuey, p. 135, Tr. S. African Phil. Soc. vi (2). T. distinctus, S. W. Africa, Peringuey, Tr. S. African Phil. Soc. vi (2), p. 54 ; T. lightfooti, S. Africa, Peringuey, p. 122, t. c. : n. spp. Trigonopus laticollis , S. W. Africa, Peringuey, Tr. S. African Phil, Soc. vi (2), p. 57 ; T. armaticeps, Damaraland, Peringuey, p. 123, t. c. : n. spp. Trimytis obovata, pi. xxii, fig. 2, flohri , Mexico, Champion, p. 478, Biol. Centr. Am. Col. iv (1), n. spp. Vlosonia ceratodera , Venezuela, Fairmaire, p. 85, Ann. Soc. Ent. Fr. lxi ; U. parvicornis, Argentine Rep., Fairmaire, p. 250, Ann. Ent. Belg. xxxvi : n. spp. Ulus latus , California, Blaisdell, p. 243, Ent. News, iii, n. sp. Usagaria australis , S. Africa, Peringuey, Tr. S. African Phil. Soc. vi (2), p. 56, n. sp. Zicelas , n. g., near Gonocnemis , for Z. insolitus , n. sp.-, Hue ; Fairmaire p. cx, Bull. Soc. Ent. Fr. lxi. Zopherus venosus is distinct from lcevicollisi jourdani , Sail., = ( mexicanus , Sol., nec Gray), p. 488, elegans , pi. xxii, fig. 7, nodulosus , fig. 6, figured ; Champion, Biol. Centr. Am. Col. iv (1). Zophobas morio , variation noticed ; Champion, p. 522, Biol. Centr. Am. Col. iv (1). Zophosis acuticosta, n. var. pinardi ; Thery, p. clxxxi, Bull. Soc. Ent. Fr. lxi. Z. ogadenica , Somaliland, G-estro, p. 762, Ann. Mus. Genov. (2) xii ; Z. amplicollis , Obock, Fairmaire, p. 106, Rev. d’Ent. xi ; Z. rugatipennis , dorsata, p. 47, hypocrita , nana, p. 48, S. W. Africa, Peringuey, Tr. S. African Phil. Soc. vi (2) : n. spp. 140 Ins. XIII. COLEOPTERA. ClSTELIDTE. [Cf. Bedel (48), Casey (161), Fairmaire (261, 262, 263), Reitter (725).] Revision of the N. American genera and species ; Casey, pp. 69-169, Ann. N. York Ac. vi. Allecula seriatopora, Argentine Rep., Fairmaire, p. 251, Ann. Ent. Belg. xxxvi, n. sp. Andrimus, n. g., p. 155, for a part of Cteniopus , and for A. brunneus, p. 157, concolor , p. 158, nigrescens , convergens , p. 159, n. spp., N. America ; Casey, Ann. N. York Ac. vi. Apellatus palpalis, $ = (; masters £, Macl.) ; Blackburn, p. 115, P. Linn. Soc. N.S.W. (2) vii. Cistela forticornis , flavida , Syria, Fairmaire, p. 150, Ann. Ent. Belg. xxxvi ; C. ocularis , Obock, Fairmaire, p. 115, Rev. d’Ent. xi : n. spp. Cteniopus impressicollis , C. ? crassus, Syria, Fairmaire, p. 152, Ann. Ent. Belg. xxxvi, n. spp. Dietopsis acuminata , Venezuela, Fairmaire, p. 94, Ann. Soc. Ent. Fr. Ixi, n. sp. Eryx asiatica , Syria, Fairmaire, p. 151, Ann. Ent. Belg. xxxvi, n. sp. Gonodera delagrangei , p. 150, atronitens , p. 151, Syria, Fairmaire, Ann. Ent. Belg. xxxvi, n. spp. Hymenorus infuscatus , picipennis , p. 90, melsheimeri, p. 92, obesus, p. 93, difficiles , p. 94, perforatus , curticollis , p. 95, discrepans, p. 98, apache- anus, p. 99, exiguusf p. 100, helvinus , porosicornis , p. 101, intermedium , p. 102, prolixus , p. 103, discretus , p. 105, convexus , p. 106, dissensus, seriatus , p. 109, testaceus , p. 110, rotundicollis, p. Ill, inquilinus , fuscicornis , p. 112, nitidipennis, p. 113, incequalis, p. 114, tenellus, sobrinus , p. 115, floridanus , p. 116, fusculus, p. 117, macer, p. 118, indutus , p. 119, gemellus , p. 121, uniseriatus , p. 122, N. America, Casey, Ann. N. York Ac. vi, n. spp. Isomira iowensis, discolor , p. 145, tenebrosa , p. 146, luscitiosa , p. 148, moH- ticola, p. 150, oblongula , p. 151, texana , p. 153, N. America, Casey, Ann. N. York Ac. vi, n. spp. Lobopoda subcuneata , p. 79, oculatifrons , p. 81, Texas, Casey, Ann. N. York Ac. vi ; L. pilosula , Venezuela, Fairmaire, p. 93, Ann. Soc. Ent. Fr. Ixi : n. spp. Mycetochara megalops , p. 129, gilvipes, p. 131, nigerrima , p. 132, Zcwy/- pennis, pacifica, p. 139, procera, p. 140, nevadensis , crassulipes, p. 142, N. America, Casey, Ann. N. York Ac. vi, n. spp. OmopJilus lepturoides , metamorphoses ; Xambeu, Moeurs, ii, p. 33. 0. ( Heliotaurus ) brisouti , Algeria, p. 794, donee, Tunis, p. 795, Bedel, Ann. Mus. Genov. (2) x ; 0. densepnnctatus, cribricollis, foveicollis, Syria, Fairmaire, p. 153, Ann. Ent. Belg. xxxvi ; 0. willbergi, Margelan, Reitter, p. 136, Wien. ent. Z. xi : n. spp. MELANDRYIM — ANTHICIDiE. Ins. 141 Teclinus , n. g., p. 153, for T. angustus , Georgia, n. sp., p. 154, Casey, Ann. N. York Ac. vi. Xystropus californicus , = (Prostenus fulgidus, Makl.) ; Casey, p. 74, Ann. N. York Ac. vi. X. fascicularis , p. 94, albovittatus , gossypiatus , p. 95, Venezuela, Fair- maire, Ann. Soc. Ent. Fr. lxi, n. spp. Melandryims, Lagriim. [Of. Fairmaire (261), Guillebeau (Echange, 1887-88), Peringuey (672, 673), Xambeu (1023).] Abdera triguttata , metamorphoses ; Xambeu, Moeurs, ii, p. 19. Eutrapela concolor, n. n. for unicolor , Per. ; Peringuey, p. 134, Tr. S. African Phil. Soc. vi (2). Hysterarthron collaref Thoms., referred to Lagriiclce ; Ritsema, p. 54, Notes Leyd. Mus. xiv. Lagria corrugata , Zambesi, Peringuey, Tr. S. African Phil. Soc. vi (2), p. 61, n. sp. Orchesia australis) reyi , p. 3, Echange, 1887, No. 31, subimpressa, France, No. 32, p. 4, Corsica , Corsica, p. 13, abeillei, Marseilles, p. 14, No. 40, 1888, Guillebeau, n. spp. Statira simonis, p. 95, variicollis , p. 96, Venezuela, Fairmaire, Ann. Soc. Ent. Fr. lxi, n. spp. PEDILIDJ:, XYLORHILTDiE. I Cf . Fairmaire (261), Harrington (389), Pic (678).] Bactrocerus cribripennis, Venezuela, Fairmaire, p. 97, Ann. Soc. Ent. Fr. lxi, n. sp. IscTialia vancouverensis, N. America, Harrington, p. 132, Canad. Ent. xxiv, n. sp. Macratria comosella , Venezuela, Fairmaire, p. 97, Ann. Soc. Ent. Fr. lxi, n. sp. Scraptia trotommoides, Syria, Pic, Echange, 1892, p, 4, n. sp. Xylopliilus brevicornis , Perris, habitat and characters ; Champion, Ent. M. M. xxviii, p. 68. X.-Euglenes ( Anidorus , M.) testciceipes , Algeria, Plc, p. 139, Echange, 1892, n. sp. ? Anthicida:. [Cf. Fairmaire (261, 262), Horn (418), Pic (678, 680, 682, 684, 685, 687, 689, 690), Reitter (725).] Antkicus : synonymical notes, with A. brevipilis, n. n. for pilosus, Pic, marseuli , n. n. for scoticus, Mars., and reyi, n. n. for puber ulus, Rey ; Pic, pp. ccxi & ccxii, Bull. Soc. Ent. Fr. lxi. 142 Ins. XIII. COLEOPTERA. A. delagrangei , Syria, pilosus, deslogesi, Algeria, Pic, p. 43, Echange, 1892; A. henoni , Algeria, Pic, p. 103, t. c. ; A. rubricollis , Marocco, Pic, t. c. p. 139 (? n. sp.) ; A. roberti , p. 213, lestaceipes , p. 214, Algeria, Pic, Rev. Sci. Bourb. v ; A. chobciuti , Algeria, Pic, p. lxxv, Bull. Soc. Ent. Fr. lxi ; A . bedcli , carthaginiensis , Algeria, p. cxcvii, bleusei , Spain, p. cxcviii, Pic, £. c. ; A. demaisoni , lepaumi , Egypt, Pic, p. ccxxi, £. c. ; A. Tcraatzi , Syria, p. cclxviii, nitidior, Turkestan, p. cclxix, sicilice , Sicily, angulifer , Syria, p. cclxx, croissandeaui , Corsica, p. cclxxi, Pic, £. c. : n. spp. Formicomus pegasus, Transcaspian Region, Reitter, p. 63, Wien. ent. Z. xi ; F7. strigicollis , spinicrus, Obock, Fairmaire, p. 116, Rev. d’Ent. xi : n. spp. Leptaleus truncatulus , Obock, Fairmaire, p. 116, Rev. d’Ent. xi, n. sp. Notoxus jacqueti, Wallachia, Pic, p. 4, Echange, 1892 ; W. schwarzi , Utah, Horn, p. 47, Tr. Am. Ent. Soc. xix : n. spp. Tomoderus bosnicus , Bosnia, Pic, p. 241, Rev. Sci. Bourb. v, n. sp. MORDELLID^b RhIPIDOPHOBIDJE, STYLOFID2E. [C/1. Blackburn (95), Champion (163), Chobaut (169), Fairmaire (261, 264), Horn (418).] Conalia baudii , habits noticed ; Fleischer, p. 209, Wien. ent. Z. xi. Mor della exilis, varr.? described, Blackburn, p. 46, Tr. R. Soc. S. Austr. xvi. Mordellistena floridensis, larva and larval habits ; Riley, P. E. Soc. Wash, ii, p. 321, figs. M. nigricans , habits ; Brodie, p. 139, Canad. Ent. xxiv. M. tenuis , Venezuela, Fairmaire, p. 98, Ann. Soc. Ent. Fr. lxi, n. sp. Pentaria oberthuri, Pyrenees or., Champion, p. 109, Ent. M. M. xxviii, n. sp. Myodites : note on N. American ; Horn, p. 48, Tr. Am. Ent. Soc. xix. Rhipidius abeillei , Mt. Ventoux, Chobaut, Mem. Ac. Vaucluse, xi, p. 219, pi., n. sp. Rhipiphorus basicollis , Caracas, Fairmaire, p. 98, Ann. Soc. Ent. Fr. lxi ; R. argentinus, Argentine Rep., Fairmaire, p. 252, Ann. Ent. Belg. xxxvi : n. spp. Stylopidce : localities and dates of British ; Dale, Ent. M. M. xxviii, p. 50. Elenchus tenuicornis , parasitic on Homopteron ( Liburnia ), Saunders, Ent. M. M. xxxviii, pp. 249 & 297, fig. ; details of structure of the male, Eaton, t. c. p. 250, woodcut. Xenos sp. : life-history ; Hubbard, pp. 257-261, Canad. Ent. xxiv. C ANTHARIDiE . [Of. Bedel (51), Blackburn (94, 95), Casey (161), Champion (347), Escherich (258), Fairmaire (263, 264, 271), Friyaldszky (309), Perinouey (672, 673), Prochazka (705), Reitter (725), Weber (989).] CANTHAR1M. Ins. 143 List of what is known as to habits and early stages of European Meloidce ; Bedel (51). Calospasta mirabilis , figured, Biol. Centr. Am. Col. iv (2) pi. xviii, fig. 12. C. sulcifrons , Mexico, id. t. c. p. 394, pi. xviii, fig. 14, n. sp. Cantharis : Champion, Biol. Centr. Am. Col. iv (2), notices and figures the following — C. cardinalis , pi. xx, fig. 12, p. 438, erythrothorax, fig. 13, p. 439, quadrimaculuta , fig. 14, p. 440, corallifera, fig. 17, p. 441, sanguined, fig. 19, p.442, bipuncticollis , p. 443, fig. 21, variabilis, p. 447, proteus , figs. 22 & 23, p. 448. C. ( Lytta ) optata, S. W. Africa, Peringuey, p. 65, Tr. S. African Phil. Soc. vi (2) ; C. intricata, p. 441, pi. xx, fig. 18, erebea, p. 442, fig. 20, subviolacea, p. 445, scitula , fig. 25, signaticollis, fig. 24, p. 446, michoa- cance, p. 447, Mexico, Champion, Biol. Centr. Am. Col. iv (2) : n. spp, Cephaloon : notes on the variation of the species ; Heyden, pp. 165-169, Deutsche e. Z. 1892. Cysteodemus wizlizeni , figured ; Biol, Centr. Am. Col. iv (2), pi. xvii, fig. 10. Epicauta : the following species are noticed, with much synonymy and many figures, in Biol. Centr. Am. Col. iv (2), by Champion : E. cur - vicornis, pi. xviii, fig. 25, basimacula , pi. xix, fig. 1, p. 406, rujipedes, fig. 2, p. 407, rufipennis , fig. 4, p. 408, terminata, fig. 5, p. 409, funesta, fig. 6, punctum, fig. 7, p. 410, maculata , p. 413, ocellata , fig. 9, pardalis, fig. 10, vitticollis , fig. 11, p. 414, grammica, fig. 12, p. 415, niveolineata, figs. 14 & 15, albolineata , fig. 16, p. 416, carmelita , fig. 17, p. 417, cinctipennis, fig. 18, croceicincta, fig. 19, p. 420, cinerea, p. 421, stigmata , p. 422, neglecta , p.423, pi. xix, fig. 21, obesa, p. 424. E. griseo-nigra, n. var. riojana ; Fairmaire, p. 252, Ann. Ent. Belg. xxx vi. E. desgodinsi, Tibet, Frivaldszky, p. 115, Term, fiizetek, xv ; E. levettei, Colorado, duplicata , Arizona, p. 172, Casey", Ann. N. York Ac. vi ; E. atripilis , p. 410, cinereiventris , p. 411, pi. xix, fig. 8, evanescens, unicalcarata , p. 412, unilineata, fig. 13, p. 415, atricolor , p. 419, tripartita , p. 421, fig. 20, auricomans, p. 424, fig. 22, leucocoma, p. 425, fig. 23, candidata, emarginata , fig. 24, p. 426, singularis, fig. 25, comp)ressicollis , fig. 26, p. 427, Champion, Biol. Centr. Am. Col. iv (2) : n. spp. Eupompha jissiceps, figured, Biol. Centr. Am. Col. iv (2), pi. xviii, fig. 13. Gnathium minimum , figured, Biol. Centr. Am. Col. iv (2), pi. xvii, fig. 17. Gnathospasta : Cantharis labialis referred to this ; Champion, p. 403, Biol. Centr. Am. Col. iv (2). Halosimus araxis , Araxes Yalley, Reitter, p. 63, Wien. ent. Z. xi, n. sp. Hapalus and Stenoria , revision of the palsearctic species ; Prochazka, pp. 263-270, Wien. ent. Z. xi. H. bincevus, reitteri , Turkestan, Prochazka, Wien. ent. Z. xi, p. 270, n. spp. Henous mexicanus, figured and noticed; Champion, Biol. Centr. Am. Col. iv (2) p. 369, pi. xvii, fig. 6. 144 Ins . XIII. COLEOPTERA. Hoplozonitis , n. g\, p. 228, for 27. mem, n. sp., Queensland, p. 229 ; Black- burn, Tr. K. Soc. S. Austr. xv. Horia auriculata, N. and Centr. America, Champion, p. 372, pi. xvii, figs. 9-97, Biol. Centr. Am. Col. iv (2) n. sp. Lydus pilicollis, vulneratus, p. 155, impressicollis, p. 156, Syria, Fairmair Ann. Ent. Belg. xxxvi, n. spp. Lytta mcesta , n. n. for lugubris , Per., designata, n. n. for albolineata, Per. ; Peringuey, p. 135, Tr. S. African Phil. Soc. vi (2). L. carneola, p. 125, amcena, p. 126, S. Africa, Peringuey, Tr. S. African Phil. Soc. vi (2), n. spp. Macrobasis fumosa , p. 395, pi. xviii, fig. 15, purpurea , p. 397, fig. 17, diver sicornis, p. 399, fig. 19, beckeri , p. 400, fig. 20, ocbrea , p. 401, fig. 23, segmentata , fig. 22, noticed and figured ; Champion, Biol. Centr. Am. Col. iv (2). M. distorta , p. 396, pi. xviii, fig. 16, disparilis , p. 398, fig. 18, tenuicornis , p. 400, fig. 21, megacephala , p. 401, fig. 24, Centr. America, Champion, Biol. Centr. Am. Col. iv (2) : n. spp. Megetra caucellata and var. described and figured ; Champion, p. 370, pi. xvii, fig. 8. Meloe : notes on young larva ; Weber, Ber. Yer. Cassel, 1891, 1892, Abh. pp. 1-5, pi. M. meridianus , S. W. Africa, Peringuey, p. 62, Tr. S. African Phil. Soc. vi (2), n. sp. Mylabris tenuepicta, posticata , Syria, Fairmaire, p. 154, Ann. Ent. Belg. xxxvi ; M. hilaris , p. 63, M. ( Ceroctis ) blanda, aliena, p. 64, S. W. Africa, Peringuey, Tr. S. African Phil. Soc. vi (2) : n. spp. Negalius, n. g., near Phodaga , for N. marmoratus, n. sp., Texas ; Casey, p. 175, Ann. N. York Ac. vi. Nemognatha cceruleipennis, varr. figured and noticed, p. 374, pi. xvii, figs. 7, &c., tarasca , Dug., figured, fig. 4, redescribed, p. 378, zonitoides, fig. 15, flava , fig. 16, figured ; Champion, Biol. Centr. Am. Col. iv (2). N. brevicmis, pi. xvii, fig. 11, foveifrons, fig. 12, p. 376, nigripes , ephip - piata, fig. 13, p. 377, Mexico, Champion, Biol. Centr. Am. Col. iv (2) : n. spp. Pyrota terminata , p. 429, pi. xx, fig. 1, punctata , fig. 2, mylabrina , fig. 3, p. 430, postica , fig. 5, p. 431, tenuicostalis , p. 432, fig. 6, diver gata , fig. 7, clecorata, fig. 8, p. 433, nobilis , fig. 10, quaclrinervata , fig. 11, p. 436, noticed and figured ; Champion, Biol. Centr. Am. Col. iv (2). P. rugulipennis , p. 431, pi. xx, fig. 4, hirticollis , fig. 9, mariarum , p. 435, Mexico, Champion, Biol. Centr. Am. Col. iv (2) ; P. punctata , p. 173, concinna , p. 174, Texas, Casey, Ann. N. York Ac. vi : n. spp. Tetraonyx sexguttatus , variation noticed, p.388, figured, pi. xviii, figs. 1-6, batesi , fig. 7, bipartitus , fig. 8, sallcei, fig. 9, maculatus , fig. 10 , frontalis, fig. 11, figured ; Biol. Centr. Am. Col. iv (2). cedeheridj:, curculionid^:. Ins. 145 Zonalris : regularity in variation of ; Escherich, Deutsche e. Z. 1892, pp. 113-130, pi. i. Z. beckeri , note on; Becker, p. 69, Bull. Mosc. 1892. Z. chinensis , parvula , China, Frivaldszky, p. 114, Term, fiizetek, xv, n. spp. Zonitis analis, Ab., thoracica , Cast., cibeillei, Bed., noticed, ruficollis , dis- tinctive, and £ characters, p. 174, and of allies, p. 176 ; Eschericii, Wien. ent. Z. xi. Z. posticalis, n. n. for apicalis , Per. ; Peringuey, p. 135, Tr. S. African Phil. Soc. vi (2). Z. flohri , fig. 18, nigro- maculata, fig. 23, fulva , fig. 24, figured, pi. xvii ; Biol. Centr. Am. Col. iv (2). Z. thoracica , habits ; Yachal, p. xxiii, Bull. Soc. Ent. Fr. lxi. Z. gracilenta , p. 156, cceruleiceps , p. 157, Syria, Fairmaire, Ann. Ent. Belg. xxxvi ; Z. quadricollis, p. cliii, scutellaris, sinuatipennis , p. cliv, Turkestan, Fairmaire, Bull. Soc. Ent. Fr. lxi ; Z. pulchella , proxima , S. Africa, Peringtjey, Tr. S. African Phil. Soc. vi (2) ; Z. lielmsi , Australia, Blackburn, Tr. R. Soc. S. Austr. xvi ; Z. dun- niana , perforata , Texas, Casey, p. 170, Ann. N. York Ac. vi ; Z. tenebrosa , p. 383, pi. xvii, fig. 19, sanguinicollis, p. 384, figs. 20 & 21 , lateritia , p. 385, fig. 22, megalops , p. 386, fig. 26, Centr. America, Champion, Biol. Centr. Am. Col. iv (2) : n. spp. CEdemeriice. \Cf. Abeille (1), Fairmaire (263, 264), Gestro (334).] Ananca pallida, Somaliland, Gestro, p. 777, Ann. Mus. Genov. (2) xii ; A. sellata, luridimembris , Argentine Rep., Fairmaire, p. 253, Ann. Ent. Belg. xxxvi : n. spp. Asclera partitipennis, Syria, Fairmaire, p. 158, Ann. Ent. Belg. xxxvi, n. sp. Chrysanthia oralis , p. 158, clialcochroa , p. 159, Syria, Fairmaire, Aun. Ent. Belg. xxxvi, n. sp. (Edemera basipes , Cyprus, p. 63, lutescens, Syria, p. 64, Abeille, Rev. d’Ent. xi : OE. apicipennis , Syria, Fairmaire, p. 157, Ann. Ent. Belg. xxxvi : n. spp. Mycetochares grandicollis, longior, Syria, Fairmaire, p. 149, Ann. Ent. Belg. xxxvi, n. spp. Nacerdes melanurci, distribution of ; Champion, Ent. INI. M. xxviii, p. 23. Stenaxis parallela, Syria, Fairmaire, p. 158, Ann. Ent. Belg. xxxvi, n. sp. Xanthochroa foveata, Syria, Fairmaire, p. 157, Ann. Ent. Belg. xxxvi n. sp. ClJRCULIONIDiE. [Cf. Aurivillius (25), Becker (44), Blackburn (91, 93, 94, 95), Casey (161, 162), Desbrochers (200, 201, 202, 205-209), Duyivier (230, 231), Fairmaire (262, 270), Faust (272-278, 402), Frivaldszky (309, 310), Gestro (334), Grilat (364), Guillebeau (375), 1892. [vol. xxix.] e 10 146 Ins. XIII. COLEOPTERA. Heller (394), Pkringuey (672, 673), Reitter (725), Rey (736), Roelofs (772-776), Rost (780), Schwarz (805), Scudder (814), Stierlin (898, 899, 900), Tryon (953), Webster (991).] Summary of and remarks on N. American Tertiary Rhynchophora, ; Scudder (814). For many synonymical remarks on Palsearctic Gurculionidce see Desbrochers, Frelon, i, pp. 20-32. Abrachius, n. g., near Rhynchophorus, p. 210, for A. insularis , n. sp., Aru Is., p. 211 ; Roelofs, Notes Leyd. Mus. xiv. Acamptus echinus , New York, Casey, p. 445, Ann. N. York Ac. vi, n. sp. Acalles edoughensis , suhglobatus , p. 97, 7-costatus, p. 98, long ns , p. 99, Algeria, Desbrochers, Frelon, ii ; A.profusns , Texas, Casey, d. 446, Ann. N. York Ac. vi : n. spp. Acallestes : characters ; Faust, p. 39, S. E. Z. liii. Agnesiotis blanclci , Australia, Faust, p. 180, S. E. Z. liii, n. sp. Alaocyba : systematic position is in Erirhinini, Casey, p. 709, Ann. N. York Ac. vi. Alcides angulus, hypocritus , &c., synonymical note ; Aurivillius, p. 218, N. Arch. Mus. Paris (3) iii. A. eruditus, p. 312, josephus , p. 314, Congo, Duviyier, Ann. Ent. Belg. xxxvi ; A. affaber , p. 218, clathratus, p. 219, Laos, decemvittatus, Cambodia, p. 220, Aurivillius, N. Arch. Mus. Paris (3) iii ; A. richteri, pervicax, p. 207, reductus , N. Guinea, sellatus, p. 208, patruelis, p. 209, Sumatra, Faust, S. E. Z. liii : n. spp. Allomimus politus , Texas, Casey, p. 692, Ann. N. York Ac. vi, n. sp. Alophus , = ( Seidlitzia , Desb.); Faust, p. 51, S. E. Z. liii. Aly codes dubius, Dietz, referred to Dorytomus ; Casey, p. 363, Ann. N. York Ac. vi. Ambates nobilis, p. 40, bipartitus , buqueti , p. 41, Venezuela, Faust, S. E. Z. liii, n. spp. Ampeloglypter longipennis, N. America, Casey, p. 549, Ann. N. York Ac. vi, n. sp. Anchonince , new group of Molytides , defined, p. 19, genera tabulated, pp. 19 & 20, species revised, pp. 21-60 ; Faust, Deutsche e. Z. 1892. Anchonus panamensis, Panama, pudens , Guadeloupe, p. 43, laticollis , Venezuela, p. 44, fraterculus , p. 45, murcidus , Costa Rica, fraudu- lentus , Mexico, p. 46, intricatus , Panama, brevis , Venezuela, p. 47, mirus , Guatemala, p. 48, kirschi , Colombia, pedestris , Mexico, p. 49, tardus , Fonteboa, p. 50, moruluSj femoralis, Venezuela, p. 51, confinis , Honduras, junix, p. 52, affaber , p. 53, Colombia, conjidens, Venezuela, p. 54, Faust, Deutsche e. Z. 1892 : n. spp. Anepjhilus, n. g , Anchonince , p. 34, for A. simoni, p. 56, longulus, Yene- zuela, guadulpianus, Guadeloupe, p. 57, claviger , Venezuela, p. 58, n. spp., Faust, Deutsche e. Z. 1892. CURCULIONIDJE. Ins. 147 Antkononius : characters of the European species ; Desbrochers, Frelon, ii, pp. 10G, &c. A. ulmi, peclicularius , synonymy ; Desbro- chers, Echange, 1891, No. 76, p. 31. A. musculus and signatus , characters noticed ; Hamilton, Canad. Ent. xxiv, p. 41. A. curtulus , Mediterranean Region, Desbrochers, p. 112, Frelon, ii, n. sp. Anypotactus : systematic position is in Sitonince ; Faust, p. 21, S. E. Z, liii. A. sulcicollis , Venezuela, Faust, p. 21, S. E. Z. liii, n. sp. Apion semirufum , Lyons, Rey, Echange, 1888, No. 45, p. 4 ; A.fallacio - sum, Algeria, turkestanicum , p. 107, reitteri , soricinum , p. 108, Turkestan, Desbrochers, Frelon, i ; A . terrce-regince, Queensland, Blackburn, p. 151, P. Linn. Soc. N.S.W. (2) vii : n. spp. ApirQcalus cornutus, n. var. ebrius ; Faust, p. 189, S. E. Z. liii. Apoderus cardlnalis , n. n. for miniatus , Per. ; Perixguey, p. 135, Tr. S. African Phi]. Soc. vi (2). A. balteatus , Transvaal, Perixguey, p. 129, Tr. S. African Phil. Soc. vi (2), n. sp Apotrepus , n. g., Cossonini , near CciulojAiilus, for A. densicollis, n. sp., Arizona ; Casey, p. 695, Ann. N. York Ac. vi. Araclmopus fossulatus, stigmatus , p. 223, fenestratus , p. 224, New Guinea, Faust, S. E. Z. liii, n. spp. Aterpus raucus, abruptus , Australia, Blackburn, p. 132, P. Linn. Soc. N.S.W. (2) vii, n. spp. Attactagenus cordicollis, Portugal, p. 75, Desbrochers, Frelon, i, n. sp. Attelabus ( Lamprolabns ) bihastatus , Yunnan, Frivaldszky, p. 117, Term, fiizetek, xv, n. sp. Auletobius glciber , tibialis , Venezuela, Faust, p. 43, S. E. Z. liii, n. spp. Aulobaris dux, Nebraska, Casey, p. 546, Ann. N. York Ac. vi. Bagous frit , longitarsis , &c., synonymy and characters ; Fowler, Ent. M. M. xviii, p. 82. Balaninus : characters of the European species ; Desbrochers, Frelon, ii, pp. 102-105. B. nivosus, p. 20b,pluto, p. 206, New Guinea, Faust, S. E. Z. liii, n. spp. Barini : the N. American genera tabulated and their classification dis- cussed ; Casey, pp. 460-469, Ann. N. York Ac. vi. Baridius : revision of the European ; Desbrochers, Frelon, ii, pp. 19-69. B. phlomidis , Sarepta, Becker, p. 70, Bull. Mosc. 1892 (? n. sp.) ; B. abeillei, Syria, p. 44, litigiosus, Sarepta, p. 45, insularis, Corsica, p. 48, triplagiatus, p. 49, stricticollis, p. 54, Syria, edoughensis, p. 55, covin- thins (Fairm.), p. 57, Algeria, siciliensis , Sicily, p. 59, mecinoides , Tunis, p. 62, demaisoni , Egypt, p. 64, Desbrochers, Frelon, ii : n. spp. Barilepton famelicum, p. 677, falciger , p. 678, N. America, Casey, Ann. N. York Ac. vi, n. spp. Barinus suff usus, p. 670, diffciiis , p. 671, curticollis , p. 673, N. America, Casey, Ann. N. York Ac. vi, n. spp. 148 Ins. XIII. COLEOPTERA. Baris rectirostris, Alexander Mts., Faust, p. 63, Deutsche e. Z. 1892 ; B. striolala , p. 222, strigosa , p. 223, Cambodia, Aurivillius, N. Arch. Mus. Paris (3) iii ; B. ingens, p. 476, arizonica, p. 478, hispidula , gravida , p. 479, callida , p. 481, lubrica , p. 482, soluta, p. 484 ,florkl- ensis, p. 485, vespertina, p. 486, oblongula, p. 487, dilatata, p. 488, cuneipennis , p. 489, aprica , dolosa, p. 490, zuniana , p. 491, opacula , porosicollis , p. 492, punctiventris, p. 493, brunneipes , p. 495, deformis, p. i9Q,futilis, p. 497, inconspicua , p. 498, subsimilis, socialis, p. 499, aperta, p. 500, abrupta, tenuestriata , p. 501, discipula , p. 503, scintil- lans, p. 504, ceneomicans , hyperion , p. 505, vitreola , p. 506, ancilla, splendens, p. 507, exigua, p. 508, N. America, Casey, Ann. N. York Ac. vi : n. spp. Barynotus scutatus, Finland, Desbrochers, p. 99, Frelon, i,'n. sp. Barypeithes longicornis , Abchasia, Stierlin, p. 410, MT. Schw. ent. Ges. viii, n. sp. Blosyrus obliquatus , Congo, Duvivier, p. 164, Ann. Ent. Belg. xxxvi, n. sp. BracJiycerus incommodus, adustus , p. 72, viduatus, p. 73, S. W. Africa, Peringuey, Tr. S. African Phil. Soc. vi (2), n. spp. Brachyderes rosti , Caucasus, Stierlin, p. 411, MT. Schw. ent. Ges. viii, n. sp. Brachyomus histrio, bicostatus , p. 14, sallei , p. 15, Venezuela, Faust, S. E. Z. liii, n. spp. Brachysomus ornatus , Bohemia, Stierlin, p. 366, MT. Schw. ent. Ges. viii, n. spp. Buttikoferia , n. g., Ulomascides , p. 136, for i?. liberiensis, n. sp., W. Africa, p. 137, Roelofs, Notes Leyd. Mus. xiv. By discus paviei, Laos, Aurivillius, p. 207, N. Arch. Mus. Paris (3) iii, n. sp. Cactophagus subnitens, Arizona, Casey, p. 685, Ann. N. York Ac. vi, n. sp. Calandra rugicollis , Florida, Casey, p. 687, Ann. N. York Ac. vi, n. sp. Ccilandrinus insignis , p. 619, obsoletus , p. 620, N. America, Casey, Ann. N. York Ac. vi, n. spp. Camptorhinus cineritius, Obock, Fairmaire, p. 118, Rev. d5Ent. xi, n. sp. Canistes , n. g., near Acalles, for C. schusteri, n. sp., Missouri; Casey, p. 447, Ann. N. York Ac. vi. Canoixus nigroclavatus) Siam, Aurivillius, p. 214, N. Arch. Mus. Paris (3) iii, n. sp. Carphonotus , n. g., Cossonini, for C. testaceus, n. sp., Minnesota ; Casey, p. 694, Ann. N. York Ac. vi. Ccitamonus robustus, Kolbe, referred to Heterostylus , Faust ; Faust, p. 47, S. E. Z. liii. Catapastus, n. g., Bar ini , p4 664, for C. diffusus, n. sp., N. America, p. 665, and Zygobaris conspersus, Lee. _ - jJ Cataponus , n. g., p. 48, for C. curtulus, Senegal, C. { Qrypnus ) indicus , p. 49, bengalensis, p. 50, E. India, n. spp. ; Desbrochers, Frelon, i. cuRCULioNmas. Ins. 149 Centrinites , n. g., near Centrinus , p. 615, for C. strigicollis, n. sp., X. America, p. 616 ; Casey, Ann. X. York Ac. vi. Centrinogyna, n. g., p. 620, for Centrinus strigata , Lee., and C. procera , n. sp., California, p. 622 ; Casey, Ann. X. York Ac. vi. Centrinapus, , n.g., near Centrinus, p. 601, for C.helvinus , alternatus , n. spp., X. America, p. 602, Casey, Ann. X. York Ac. vi. Centrinus tortuosus, p. 580, albotectus, p. 582, grisescens, p. 583, finitimus , hospes , p. 585, clarescens , p. 586, exulans , p. 588, acuminatus , p. 590, globifer , p. 591, nubecula , clientulus , p. 594, denticornis , p. 597, safe- brosusj p. 598, pinguescens , p. 599, pulverulentus , p. 600, X. America, Casey, Ann. X. York Ac. vi, n. spp. Centyres sinuatus , Victoria, Blackburn, p. 129, P. Linn. Soc. N.S.'W. (2) vii, n. sp. Cestophorus , n. g., AncTionince, p. 23, for (7. idoneus , Colombia, p. 23, simoni , guerini, mendosus , granulicollis , necessarius , p. 24, Venezuela, tribulus, infidus , p. 25, Colombia : n. spp., and pp. 39-42 ; Faust, Deutsche e. Z. 1892. Ceutorrhynchus balsamince , Berne, G-uillebeau, Echange i, Xo. 7, p. 3 ; C. conformis , Algeria, Drilat, Echange, 1887, Xo. 32, p. 1 : n. spp. Chcerorrhinus squalidus, metamorphoses, Xambeu, p. 38, Moeurs, ii. Chalcocybebus richteri , Xew Guinea, Faust, p. 205, S. E. Z. liii, n. sp. Chaleponotus , n. g., near Chalcodermus, for (7. elusus, n. sp., Indiana ; Casey, p. 444, Ann. X. York Ac. vi. Cherrus inconspicuus, p. 53, longulus , maurulus , p. 54, Australia, Blackburn, Tr. B,. Soc. S. Austr. xvi : n. spp. Chiloneus ottomanus, Turkey, Desbrochers, p. 113, Frelon, i, n. sp. Chirozetus elaphus, Sumatra, Faust, p. 221, S. E. Z. liii, n. sp. Cimbus ovampoensis) S. W. Africa, Peringuey, p. 67, Tr. S. African Phil. Soc. vi (2), n. sp. Clonus albopunctatus, Laos, Aurivillius, p. 218, X. Arch. Mus. Paris (3) iii, n. sp. Cleonidius , n. subg. of Cleonus , p. 186, including the following n. spp. from X. America, grandirostris , p. 186, bicarinatus , lecontei , lobigerinus , p. 187, Jcirbyi, = (vittatus, Lee.), circumductus , subcylindricus , graniferusyp. 188 ; Casey, Ann. X. York Ac. vi. Cleonus perlatus and allies, synonymy ; Desbrochers, pp. 18-20, Frelon, i. (7. ( Bothynoderes ) dissimilis , S. W. Africa, Peringuey, p. 75, Tr. S. African Phil. Soc. vi (2), n. sp. Cneorhinus of Europe and allies, revision of ; Desbrochers, Frelon, i, pp. 52, &c. Colobocles turbatus , Xew Guinea, Faust, p. 210, S. E. Z. liii, n. sp. Compsus virginalis , biimpressus , p. 9, simoni , p. 10, crcesus , p. 11, spectabilis, p. 12, gemmeus, p. 13, Venezuela, Faust, S. E. Z. liii, n. spp. Conoproctus : distinctions of sexes in ; Casey, p. 540, Ann. N. York Ac. vi. 150 Ins . XIII. COLEOPTEEA, Conorhynchus dissimilatus, Men., = ( pistor , Chev.); Faust, p. 50, S. E. Z. liii. Conotrachelus compositus , p. 439, carinifer , p. 440, integer, duplex , p. 441, rotundus , p. 442, N. America, Casey, Ann. N. York Ac. vi, n. spp. Corig etus humilis, Somaliland, G-estro, p. 783, Ann. Mus. Genov. (2) xii ; C.paviei, Siam, p. 210, lineatus , Laos, p. 211, Auriyillius, N. Arch. Mus. Paris (3) iii ; C. discolor, neglectus , Sumatra, p. 190, albovarius, p. 191, Borneo, Faust, S. E, Z. liii ; n. spp. Cossonides : table of the European genera ; Desbrociiers, Frelon, ii, pp. 72-82. Cotaster referred to Hylobiides ; Desbrochers, p. 70, Frelon, ii. Cratopus aurostriatus , Seychelles, Fairmaire, p. cli, Bull. Soc. Ent. Fr. Ixi, n. sp. Ctenolobus, n. g., near Lacordaireus, for C. squamiger, n. sp., Marocco; Desbrochers, Frelon, i (c/. Faust, S. E. Z. liii, p. 52). Cubicorhynchus mussoni , N. S. Wales ; Blackburn, p. 124, P. Linn. Soc. N.S.W (2) vii. Cyclomaurus moraguesi , p. 117, boghciriensis , p. 118, Algeria, vaulogeri , p. 119, Tunis, Desbrochers, Frelon, i, n. spp. Cyclomias , n. g. (no affinities given, probably Otiorhynchides ) for C. mylacoides , n. sp., Asia Minor ; Desbrochers, Frelon, i, p. 120. Cylindromus , n. g., Cypbicer inarum, for C. plumbeus, n. sp., Cambodia ; Auriyillius, p. 213, N. Arch. Mus. Paris (3) iii. Cylloderusjosephus , Congo, Duyiyier, p. 58, Ann. Ent. Belg. xxxvi, n. sp. Cylloproctus, n. g., Sitoninarum , p. 22, for C. murinus, Venezuela, modesties , Colombia, p. 23 , pyriformis, vehernens, p. 24, simoni , p. 25, Venezuela, n. spp. ; Faust, S. E. Z. liii. CypTiicerus erinaceus , Sumatra, p. 191, prcecanus, New Guinea, p. 192, Faust, S. E. Z. liii ; C. ? nigrofasciatus, Laos ; Auriyillius, p. 214, N. Arch. Mus. Paris (3) iii : n. spp. Dereodus cylindricollis , p. 781, elongatus , p. 782, Somaliland, Gestro, Ann. Mus. Genov. (2) xii, n. spp. Dermatodes albarius , Engano, p. 185, succinctus , aptus, Sumatra, p. 186, Faust, S. E. Z. liii, n. spp. Desmidophorus fasciatus, Laos, Aurivillius, p. 221, N. Arch. Mus. Paris (3) iii ; D. dohrni, Sumatra, p. 211 , preetor, Almahera, p. 212, Faust, S. E. Z. liii : n. spp. Desmoglyptus , n. g. ( Barini ), for Ampeloglypter crenatus , Lee.; Casey, p. 550, Ann. N. York Ac. vi. Desmoris, Lee., merged in Smicronyx ; Casey, p. 382, Ann. N. York Ac. vi. Dialeptopus approximatus , W. Australia, Blackburn, p. 124, P. Linn. Soc. N.S.W. (2) vii, n. sp. Biapborusl n. g , Cypliinarum , for D. morosus , n. sp., Venezuela ; Faust, p. 7, S. E.Z. liii. Diastropbilus , n. g., Hyperinarum , p. 31, for D. astutus, n. sp., Venezuela, p. 32, Faust, S. E. Z. liii. CURCULIONIM. Ins . 151 Dinocleus, n. n. for Centrocleonus , Lee. Chev., p. 176, with D.jaco - bums, p. 179, denticollis , p. 180, farcins , p. 181, saginatus, p. 182, albovestitus , p. 183, wickhami , p. 181, densus , p. 185, n. spp., N. America ; Casey, Ann. N. York Ac. vi. Dioptrophorus, n. g., Anchonince, p. 35, for D. sharpi , Guatemala, p. 58, simplex, Mexico, fahreei, Guatemala, p. 59, n. spp. ; Faust, Deutsche e. Z. 1892. Dorytomus incequalis, p. 361, brevisetosus , p. 365, ampins , parvicollis, p. 367, hystricula , filiolus , p. 370, nubeculinus , p. 371, cuneatulus , alaskanus , p. 374, marginatus, indiff evens, p. 375, vagenotatus, p. 376, fusciceps, p. 377, marmoreus , p. 381, N. America, Casey, Ann. N. York Ac. vi, n. spp. Dyscerus , n. g., for D. virgatus, Sumatra, p. 198, cruciatus , Java, p. 199, linnet, Sumatra, p. 200, n. spp. ; Faust, S. E. Z. liii. Dyschcenium, position is ErirJiinides ; Blackburn, p. 56, Tr. R. Soc. S. Austr. xv. Dysostines glaber , p. 127, advena , p. 128, Victoria, Blackburn, P. Linn. Soc. N.S.W. (2) vii, n. spp. Edmundia sericea, Somaliland, Gestro, p. 780, Ann. Mus. Genov. (2) xii, n. sp. EllescJius angustatus, Dietz, referred to Eorytomus ; Casey, p. 363, Ann. Y. York Ac. vi. Ellimenistes ostentatus, S. W. Africa, Peringuey, p. 70, Tr. S. African Phil. Soc. vi (2), n. sp. Elytrodon baudii , Sicily, Stierlin, p. 363, MT. Schw. ent. Ges. viii ; E. baudii, Sicily, Stierlin, p. 156, Nat. Sicil. xi ; E. impressifrons , p. 115, carinifrons, p. 116, Algeria, Desbrochers, Frelon, i : n. spp. Emplesis monticola, p. 142, ocellata, p. 143, Victoria, Blackburn, P. Linn. Soc. N.S.W. (2) vii, n. spp. Enicoderus , n. g., near Siderodactylus, for E. thoracicus, n. sp., Namaqua- land ; Peringuey, p. 127, Tr. S. African Phil. Soc. vi. Epistroplms cristidatus, Venezuela, Faust, p. 32, S. E. Z. liii, n. sp. Eremnini : notes on Australian; Blackburn, p. 229, Tr. R. Soc. S. Austr. xv. Eremotes hey deni, Turkestan, Faust, p. 104, Deutsche e. Z. 1892, n. sp. Eristus, n. g. (aberrant Erirhinidce) , p. 148, for E. setosus, bicolor , n. spp., Victoria, p. 149, Blackburn, P. Linn. Soc. N.S.W. (2) vii. Esmelina australis, N. S. Wales, Blackburn, p. 123, P. Linn. Soc. N.S.W, (2) vii, n. sp. Essolithna seriata, Australia, Blackburn, p. 50, Tr. R. Soc. S. Austr. xvi, n. sp. Eugithopus nobilis , Borneo, Roelofs, p. 7, Notes Leyd. Mus. xiv, n. sp. Eugnamptus bifenestratus, apicalis, Venezuela, Faust, S. E. Z. liii, p. 42, n. spp. Eunyssobia, n. n. for Euchcetes, Lee., with discussion of characters ; Casey, p. 679, Ann. N. York Ac. vi. Eupholus compositus , New Guinea, Faust, p. 188, S. E. Z. liii, n. sp. 152 Ins. XIII. COLEOPTERA, Evas everardensis , Australia, Blackburn, p. 47, Tr. R. Soc. S. Austr. xvi, n. sp. Exophthahnidci , n. g., Cyphinarum , p. 187, for E. glauca, n. sp., Admiralty and Solomon Is., p. 188 ; Faust, S. E. Z. liii. Foucartia Jcaramcini, Dalmatia, Stierlin, p. 364, MT. Schw. ent. Ges. viii; F. conicicoliis , Ordubad, Reitter, p. 153, Wien. ent. Z. xi : n. spp. Geosomus , n. g., Pantopeinarum , for G. macleayi, n. sp., Gawler ; Faust, p. 179, S. E. Z. liii. Gerynassa affinis, p. 144, minor , p. 145, Victoria, Blackburn, P. Linn. Soc. N.S.W. (2) vii, n. spp. Glyptoibaris , n. g. ( Barini ), for Onychobaris rugicollis, Lee. ; Casey, p. 520, Ann. N. York Ac. vi. Gonipterus rufus , Victoria, Blackburn, p. 130, P. Linn. Soc. N.S.W. (2) vii, n. sp. Grypnus , n. snbg. of Catapcnus (< q.v .) ; Desbrochers, p. 49, Frelon, i. Gymnetron nigritarse , p. 93, hircinum, p. 95, canescens , p. 96, Algeria, furcatum , p. 94, p. 95, hirsutum , p. 96, Syria, Desbrochers, Frelon, ii, n. spp. Hadromerus scabricollis , Venezuela, Faust, p. 1, S. E. Z. liii, n. sp. Haplorhynchus valdani , Roel., = ( Cyrtopisthen nibicundnm, Auriv.) ; Roelofs, p. 36, Notes Leyd. Mus. xiv. Heilipus ? mediator , Venezuela, Faust, p. 38, S. E. Z. liii, n. sp. Hesperobaris, n. g., Barini , p. 559, for //. suavis, n. sp., Texas, p. 560 ; Casey, Ann. N. York Ac. vi. Himatium nigritulum , Florida, Casey, p. 691, Ann. N. York. Ac. vi, n. sp. Hipporrhinus ovampoensis , S. W. Africa, Peringuey, p. 75, Tr. S. African Phil. Soc. vi (2), n. sp. Hylobiini : tabulation of genera ; Faust, pp. 201-204, S. E. Z. liii. Hyphantus maculifer , p. 16, distinguendus , p. 17, uncinatus , dehiscens, p. 18, Brazil, Desbrochers, Frelon, ii, n. spp. Uypomeces atomarius , Java, p. 47, laniger , Malay Arch., p. 48, Des- brochers, Frelon, i, n. spp. Hypsonotus umbilicatus) Venezuela, Faust, p. 28, S. E. Z. liii, n. sp. Idiostethus , n. g. Barini , p. 649, for J. ellipsoideus , dispersus , p. 652, n. spp., N. America, Qamptorlninus tubulatus , Say, and Zygobaris subcalvus, Lee. ; Casey, Ann. N. York Ac. vi. IpJithimorJiinns, n. g., near Rhynchophorns, p. 207, for /. australasice , n. sp., Queensland, p. 208; Roelofs, Notes Leyd. Mus. xiv. Ithyporus nigrosignatus , Congo, Duvivier, p. 316, Ann. Ent. Belg. xxxvi, n. sp. Larinas numidicus , p. 89, villosicollis, p. 91, Algeria, villosiventris , Sicily, p. 90, distinguendus , Syria, p. 92, Desbrochers, Frelon, ii; L. bre- viusculus, Asia Minor, Desbrochers, p. 12, 2. c. : n. spp. Leprosomus sulcicollis , p. 21, schonherri , contractus , vicarius , p. 22, Colom- bia, Faust, Deutsche e. Z. 1892, n. spp. Leptopsini : value of generic characters discussed ; Blackburn, p. 49, Tr. R. Soc. S. Austr. xvi. CURCULI0N1DJF], Ins. 153 Leptops biordinatus , p. 55, mucus, p. 56, gravis , p. 57, areolatus , plani- collis, p. 58, inter ioris , p. 59, contrarius , sulcicollis, p. 60, Australia, Blackburn, Tr. B. Soc. S. Austr. xvi, n. spp. Leptostylus, n. g., near Megalostylus , for Cyphus juvencus, 01., and L. sutu- ralis, n. sp., Venezuela, Faust, p. 8, S. E. Z. liii. Leucodrusus marice, characters of ; Faust, p. 45, S. E. Z. liii. Linonotus, n. g., for Centrinus distinctus , Boh. ; Casey, p. 603, Ann. N, York Ac. vi. Limnobaris bracata , p. 627, limbi/er, blandita , p. 628, tabida , p. 629, deplanata , p. 630, denudata , p. 632, planiuscula , p. 633, oblita , p. 634, seclusa, p. 635, ebena, p. 638, puteifer , p. 639, concurrens , p. 640, /ra- tercula, seminitens , p. 642, nitidissima , p. 644, N. America, Casey, Ann. N. York Ac. vi, n. spp. LiopMceus paulinoi, Portugal, Desbrochers, p. 88, Frelon, i, n. sp. Lixus : table of the food-plants of N. American : Webster, p. 340, P. E. Soc. Wash. ii. L. fascicularis , deflorcdus, slurmi, synonymical note, p. 44; turkestamis, acicularis , cinerascens , noticed, p. 46, Faust, S. E. Z. liii. ii. fecundus, p. 61, imitator , p. 62, Alexander Mts., christophi , Caucasus, p. 63, Faust, Deutsche e. Z. 1892 ; ii. albopictus , farinifer , Araxes Valley, Reitter, p. 64, Wien. ent. Z. xi ; ii. itimbirensis , Congo, Duyivier, p. 164, Ann. Ent. Belg. xxxvi ; L. amplexus, p. 199, oregonus, p. 200, eximius, tenellus , p. 201, pygmceus , p. 203, so?-or, laramiensis, p. 204, sobrinus , p. 205, semivittatus , p. 207, julichi , p. 208, luculentus , p. 209, nitidulus , p. 210, obesulus, p. 211, sexualis , p. 212, N. America, Casey, Ann. N. York Ac. vi : n. spp. Lobotrachelus , = ( Ccelosternus , Motsch.) ; Faust, p. 47, S. E. Z. liii. Madarellus, n. g., for Rhynchcenus undidatus , Say ; Casey, p. 540, Ann. N. York Ac. vi. Madarus , composition of, and sexual distinctions in ; Casey, p. 540, Ann. N. York Ac. vi. Mandalotus , Er., = ( Dysostines , Pasc.) ; Blackburn, p. 229, Tr. R. Soc. S. Austr. xv. Mechistocerus , Fauv., = ( Berosiris , Pasc.) ; Faust, p. 46, S.E.Z. liii. d/. pascoei, Sumatra, Faust, p. 213, S. E. Z. liii, n. sp. Mecysmoderes , = ( Coeliosomus , Motsch.) ; Faust, p. 47, S. E. Z. liii. Jii rhomboidalis , Cambodia, Auriyillius, p. 221, N. Arch. Mus. Paris (3) iii, n. sp. Medicasta lugubris , Victoria, Blackburn, p. 131, P. Linn. Soc. N.S.W. (2) vii, n. sp. Moira baudii , Rome, Stierlin, p. 362, MT. Schw. ent. Ges. viii ; !f. plana, Algeria, sicula, Sicily, p. 4, subconiceps, Algeria, p. 5, tunicensis, Tunis, p. 6, Desbrochers, Frelon, ii : n. spp. Menetypus opalescens , kirschi, p. 2, modestus, p. 3, robustus , p. 4, Venezuela, Faust, S. E. Z. liii, n. spp. Meriphus humeralis, N. S. Wales, Blackburn, p. 146, P. Linn. Soc. N.S.W. (2) vii, n. sp. 154 Ins, XIII. COLEOPTERA. Metacinops calabrus , Sicily, Stierlin, p. 361, MT. Schw. ent. Ges. viii, n. sp. Metallites dcimryi, Sardinia, Desbrochers, p. 2, Frelon, ii, n. sp. Metopotoma , n, g., Cossonini , near Gononotus, p. 689, for M. repens , n. sp., California, p. 690 ; Casey, Ann. N. York Ac. vi. Microbaris , n. g., Bar ini, p. 560, for M. galvestonica, n. sp., Texas, p. 561 ; Casey, Ann. N. York Ac. vi. Micromastus, Lee., characters amended ; Casey, p. 446, Ann. N. York Ac. vi. Minyops bertolinii , Rome, Stierlin, p. 364, MT. Schw. ent. Ges. viii, n. sp. Mitophoras globosus, p. 778, humerosus, p. 779, Somaliland, Gestro, Ann. Mns. Genov. (2) xii, n. sp. Myllocerus benignus , Askhabad, Faust, p. 60, Deutsche e. Z. 1892 ; M. debilis , sparsutus , Obock, Fairmaire, p. 117, Rev. d’Ent. xi : n. spp. Myosdta munda , crucigera , Australia, Blackburn, P. Linn. Soc. N.S.W. (2) vii, n. spp. Nauphceus simius, Philippines, Faust, p. 222, S. E. Z. liii, n. sp. Nemosinus , n. g., near Styphloderes , for Anchonus angulicollis, Suff. ; Faust, p. 18, Deutsche e. Z. 1892. Neotocerus , n. g., near Sophrorhinus , for N. fausti, n. sp., Congo ; Duvi- vier, Ann. Ent. Belg. xxxvi, p. 165. Nicentriis , n. g., p. 608, for some species of Centrinus and N. ingenuus , p. 610, scitidus , p, 611, effetus , contractus, p. 613, n. spp., N. America; Casey, Ann. N. York Ac. vi. Notaris dalmatina , Dalmatia, Stierlin, p. 365, MT. Schw. ent. Ges. viii, n. sp. Nyssonotus, n. g., Cossonini, for N. seriatus, n. sp., Texas ; Casey, p. 701, Ann. N. York Ac. vi. Oligolochus, n. g., for Zygobaris ? convexus, Lee. ; Casey, p. 648, Ann. N. York Ac. vi. Omoionotus : generic characters ; Faust, p. 29, S. E. Z. liii. O.jeJceli, p. 29, lacordairei , p. 30, Venezuela, Faust, S. E. Z. liii, n. spp. Omotemnus rhinoceros , $ noticed ; Aurivillius, p. 223, N. Arch. Mus. Paris (3) iii. Onychobaris corrosa , depressa , p. 525, millepora , p. 526, austera , p. 527, insicliosa , p. 528, arguta , p. 529, audax , stictica, p. 530, mystica, p. 531, egena , p. 532, ambiguci, pauperclla , p. 533, remota , p. 535, molesta, p. 536, illex, p. 537, diluta , p. 538 , porcata, p. 539, N. America, Casey, Ann. N. York Ac. vi, n. spp. Onychogymnus ursulus, Madagascar, p. 50, 0.? ocellatus, Gaboon, p. 51, Roelofs, Notes Leyd. Mus. xiv, n. spp. Oomorphidius, n. g., Barini, for Microcholus era.sus and Icevicollis , Lee. ; Casey, p. 659, Ann. N. York. Ac. vi. Oopterinus , n. g., for Otidocephalus perforatus , Horn ; Casey, p. 438, Ann. N. York Ac. vi. Opetiopteryx , n. g., Amyctsrince , p. 125, for 0. frigida , n. sp., Victoria; p. 126, Blackburn, P. Linn. Soc. N.S.W. (2) vii. CURCULIOKIM. Ins. 3 55 Orchestes fagi, metamorphoses ; Pissot, p. 91, Le Nat. 1892. Orthorhinus albosparsus , New Guinea, Faust, p. 204, S. E. Z. liii ; 0. bicolor , Victoria, Blackburn, p. 139, P. Linn. Soc. N.S.W. (2) vii : n. spp. Orthoris cyiindrifer , Arizona, Casey, p. 571, Ann. N. York Ac. vi, n. sp. Olidocephalus nivosus, p. 429, insignis, estriatus , p. 430, egregius, p. 431, fioridanus , p. 433, speculator , p. 434, ruficornis , p. 435, cavirostris , p. 437, N. America, Casey, Ann. N. York Ac. vi, n. spp. Otiorrhynchus proreus belongs to subg. Arammichus ; Reitter, p. 26, Wien. ent. Z. xi. 0. valachice, distinctive characters ; Frivaldszky, __p»132, Term, fiizetek, xv. 0. clilatipes, France, Guillebeau, Echange, i, No. 8, p. 2 ; 0. nevad- ensisy Spain, p. 357, latifrons , Abruzzi, p. 358, 0. ( Toumieria ) brevipenniSy Greece, thoracicus , Pennine Alps, p. 359, Stierlin, MT. Schw. ent. Ges. viii ; 0. kelecsenyii , Hungary, Frivaldszky, p. 132, Term, fiizetek, xv ; 0. abchasicus , Caucasus, Rost, p. 402, Deutsche e. Z. 1892; 0. ( Toumieria ) hystericus} Alexander Mts., Faust, p. Gl, Deutsche e. Z. 1892 ; 0. caroli , gracilicornis , p. 408. 0. ( Toumieria ) subparallelus , p. 409, Caucasus, bugnioni , Tunis, p. 410, Stierlin, MT. Schw. ent. Ges. viii : n. spp. Oxyopisthen vittatum, and linea-alba, Thoms., noticed, referred to Ichthyopisthen , p. 34, also clavatum, Roel., = (rufo-clav@0Um, Auriv.), p. 35 ; Roelofs, Notes Leyd. Mus. xiv. Pachyrliynclius rubro-verrucatus , N. Guinea, Tryon (953), n. sp. Pachytychius simillimus, Lalla-Marghnia, siiuyrnensis, Smyrna, letourneuxi , Ramleh, abeillei, Jerusalem, siculus, Sicily, Desbrochers, p. 30, Frelon, i, n. spp. Pagiophloeus , n. g., PTylobiinorum, p. 195, type A clee? pacca, Fab., with P.javanicus , p. 196, p. 197, n. spp., Java ; Faust, S. E. Z. liii. Pandeleteius angustirostris , Venezuela, Faust, p. 5, S. E. Z. liii, n. sp. PantorhyteSy n. g., PachyrJiynchinarum , for Pachyrhynchus chrysomelaSy Montr., and P. batesiy n. sp., New Guinea ; Faust, p. 193 S. E. Z. liii. Parameleus, n. g., Hylobiinorum, p. 33, for P. stevensi , p. 34, insignatus, neglectuSy p. 35, n. spp., Venezuela ; Faust, S. E. Z. liii. ParaphilernuSy n. g., for Philernus bilunulatus, Db.: Desbrochers, p. 71, Frelon, ii. ParaplinthuSy n. g., for Plinthus carinatus} Boh.; Faust, p. 49 S. E. Z. liii. Parascytopus baudii, Calabria, Stierlin, p. 361, MT. Schw. ent. Ges. viii, n. sp. Paratasis viridkenea, Java, Heller, p. 269, Notes Leyd. Mus. xiv, n. sp. Pelororhinus proximus, p. 134, crassus, p. 135, Australia, Blackburn, P. Linn. Soc. N.S.W. (2) vii, n. spp. Pentarthrinus, n. g., Cossonini, p. 698, for Amaurorhinus nitens , Horn, and P. parvicollis, p. 699, piceuSy atrolucenSy p. 700, n. spp., N. America ; Casey, Ann. N. York Ac. vi. 156 Ins. XIII. COLEOPTERA. Pephricus umbrcitus , W. Australia, p. 231, squalidus , S. Australia, p. 232, Blackburn, Tr. R. Soc. S. Austr. xv, n. spp. Peritelus lostice , Sardinia, Desbrochers, Frelon, ii, p. 88 ; P. vitalei, Sicily, Desbrochers, p. 7, t. c. : n. spp. Phacepholis albaria, Yenezuela, Faust, p. 6, S. E. Z. liii, n. sp. Phcenoderus, n. g., near Siderodactylus , for P. distinctus , n. sp., S. W. Africa ; Peringuey, Tr. S. African Phil. Soc. vi (2), p. 69. Phyllobius brevis , Gyll., = ( emgei , Stierl.) ; Reitter, p. 239, Wien. ent. Z. xi. P. siculus , Sicily, Stierlin, p. 360, MT. Schw. ent. Ges. viii ; P. siculus , Sicily, Baudi, p. 156, Nat. Sicil. xi; P. delagrangei (no locality), Desbrochers, p. 3, Frelon, ii : n. spp. Phyrdenus bulletins, Arizona, Casey, p. 458, Ann. N. York Ac. vi, n. sp. Phytobius griseomicans , N. America, Schwarz, p. 165, P. E. Soc. Wash, ii, n. sp. Phytoscap>Tius , = (. Rhypochromus , Motsch.); Faust, p. 47, S. E. Z. liii. P. inter stitialis, p. 215, P. ? setosus, p. 216, Laos, Aurivillius, N. Arch. Mus. Paris (3) iii; P. leporinus, Sumatra, Faust, p. 193, S. E. Z. liii : n. spp. Piazomias limbatellus , p. 66, sumptuosus, p. 67, S. W. Africa, Peringuey, Tr. S. African Phil. Soc. vi (2); P. desgodinsi , p. 115, Tibet, fausti , p. 116, trapezicollis, p. 117, China, Frivaldszky, Term, fiizetek, xv : n. spp. Platyopisthen, n. g., for Stenophida (sub. Oxyopislhen ) suturale, Roel. ; Roelofs, p. 134. Notes Leyd. Mus. xiv. Plesiobaris , n. g., p. 509, for P.signatipes, p. 510, cemula, p. 512, disjuncta , p. 513, n. spp., N. America, and including Baridius T-signum,, Boh., and Pseudobaris albilatus , Lee. ; Casey, Ann. N. York Ac. vi. Polydrusus pulchellus , Dalmatia, Stierlin, p. 363, MT. Schw. ent. Ges. viii; P. delagrangei , Asia Minor, Desbrochers, p. 1, Frelon, ii : n. spp. Polymicrus, n. g., Hylobiinorum, for P. tessellatns , p. 36, tuitus, p. 37, n. spp., Yenezuela ; Faust, S. E. Z. liii. Polyphrades tumidulus, p. 51, rugulosus , p. 52, Australia, Blackburn, Tr. R. Soc. S. Austr. xvi, n.spp. Promecops luteus , p. 25, jucundus , p. 26, olivieri, p. 27, stimulans, p. 28, Yenezuela, Faust, S. E. Z. liii, n. spp. Promecotarsus, n. g., near Smicronyx, p. 408, for P. maritimus , p. 409, densus, fumatus, p. 410, n. spp., N. America : Casey, Ann. N. York Ac. vi. Proxyrodes, n. g. ( Otiorhynchini , near Proxyrns ), for P. maculatzis, n. sp., Australia ; Blackburn, p. 48, Tr. R. Soc. S. Austr. xvi. Prypnus (?) squamosus , N. S. Wales, Blackburn, p. 115, P. Linn. Soc. N.S.W. (2) vii, n. sp. Pseudaclees , n. g., for Hylobius fasciatus, Pasc. ; Faust, S. E. Z. liii, p. 50. CURCULIONIDiE. Ins. 157 Pseudanchonus, n. g., Heilipinarum, for P. cequatorius , n. sp., Ecuador ; Faust, p. 203, S. E. Z. liii. Pseudobaris luctuosa , Florida, discreta , Texas, p. 554, fausta , Arizona, p. 555, lugubris , p. 557, ccela.ta , p. 559, New Mexico, Casey, Ann. N. York Ac. vi, n. spp. Pseudobarynotus, n. g., for laticeps , Desb. ; Desbrochers, p. 102, Frelon, i (c/. Faust, S. E. Z. liii, p. 52). Pseudocholus bivittatus , p. 224, lacordairei, p. 225, New Guinea, viridi- micans , Amboina, p. 226, Faust, S. E. Z. liii, n. spp. Pseudopentarthrum robustum , simplex , N. America, Casey, Ann. N. York Ac. vi, n. spp. Psomus, n. g., Zygopini , near Acopfas, for P. politics , n. sp., Indiana ; Casey, p. 458, Ann. N. York Ac. vi. Ptochus interruptus , Ephesus, p. 122, vagepictus, Peloponnesus, p. 123, Desbrochers, Frelon, i, n. spp. Pycnobaris , n. g., p. 514, for Pam pruinosa , Lee., and P. squamotecta , Texas, n. sp., p. 515 ; Casey, Ann. N. York Ac. vi. Raymondia referred to Erirhinides ; Desbrochers, p. 70, Frelon, ii. Rhadinomerus, n. g., for Mechistocerus (? Berosiris) mastersi , Pasc. ; Faust, p. 46, S. E. Z. liii. P. vigilans , p. 215, moestus , solidus, p. 216, simplex , p. 217, Sumatra, Faust, S. E. Z. liii, n. spp. Rhamphocolus, n. g., near Rhyncolus, p. 702, for P. tenuis, n. sp., Texas, p. 703 ; Casey, Ann. N. York Ac. vi. Rhinaria tibialis, p. 136, debilis, p. 138, Victoria, Blackburn, P. Linn. Soc. N.S.W. (2) vii, n. spp. Rhinochenus stigma , metamorphoses ; Decaux, p. 202, Le Nat. 1892. Rhinochrosis, n. g., near Mylacus, p. 121, for P. subglobatus, n. sp., Tan- gier, p. 122, Desbrochers, Frelon, i. Rhynchites interpunctatus, Steph., distinguished from alliarice ; Thomson, p. 1773, Opusc. ent. xvi. P. seminiger , characters of ; Reitter, p. 186, Wien. ent. Z. xi. Rhyncholus syriacus , Syria, p. 80, dalmatinus, Dalmatia, p. 81, Des- brochers, Frelon, ii ; P. pollens, p. 703, spretus , dilatatus , p. 704, relictus , p. 705, nirnius, p. 706, discors, p. 707, N. America, Casey, Ann. N. York Ac. vi : n. spp. Rhyparonotus, n. g., Anchonince, p. 33, for P. mendax, p. 54, jekeli , p. 55, Venezuela, n. spp. ; Faust, Deutsche e. Z. 1892. Rhytirhinus confusus, Greece, p. 8, carthagenensis , Spain, p. 9, varipes , p. 10, monstruosus , p. 11, Algeria, Desbrochers, Frelon, ii, n. spp. Ryssematus ovalis, Texas, Casey, p. 443, Ann. N. York Ac. vi, n. sp. Schizonotus , n. g., Erirhinini, p. 708, for S. ccecus, n. sp., California, p. 709 ; Casey, Ann. N. York Ac. vi. Sciaphilns subnudns , Greece, Desbrochers, p. 114, Frelon, i, n. sp. Seidlitzia , n. g., for Liophlceus maroccanus, Fairm. ; Desrochers, p. 93, Frelon, i (cf. Alophus, supra). 153 Ins. XIII. COLEOPTEKA. Sepiomys , n. g., Cyphicer inarum, p. 211, type Episomus parallels, Chev., with S. frontalis, Cambodia, p. 212, tuberculatus, Battambang, p. 213 ; Aurivillius, N. Arch. Mus. Paris (3) iii. Sideroclactylus elegans, egregius ( simplicipes , olim.), p. 68, opalinus , p. 69, S. W. Africa ; Peringuey, Tr. S. African Phil. Soc. vi (2). Simophorus , n. g., Phyllobiinarum , for S. pustulosus , n. sp., Venezuela ; Faust, S. E. Z. liii, p. 19. Sipcdus aurivilli , Congo, Duvivier, p. 166, Ann. Ent. Belg. xxxvi, n. sp. Smicronyx lineolatus, p. 385, quadrifer , p. 388, profusus, p. 389, intricatus , p. 390, imbricaius , p. 391, silaceus, p. 392, spurcus, p. 393, sparsus , p. 394, pleuratis i p. 395, connivens, p. 398, ftducialis , p. 399, congestus, p. 401, sagittatus , p. 402, sculpticollis, instabilis , p. 403, apionides , perpusillus , p. 405, defricans, p. 406, gibbirostris , squalidus , p. 407, N. America, Casey, Ann. N. York Ac. yi, n. spp. Sophronopterus , n. g., near Mechistocerus. fov S. humeralis , n. sp., Sumatra; Faust, p. 214, S. E. Z. liii. Sphenocorynus scutellcitus , Sumatra, Faust, p. 227, S. E. Z. liii, n. sp. Sphenophorus cinerascens , Motsch., referred to Trochorhopalus ; Faust, p. 50, S. E. Z. liii. Stenancylus , n. g., Cossonini, near Rhyncolus , for $. colomboi , n. sp., Florida ; Casey, p. 694, Ann. N. York Ac. vi. Stenophida (sub Oxyopisthen ) suturale , Roe!., == ( trilineata , Auriv.) ; Roelofs, p. 36, Notes Leyd. Mus. xiv. Stethobaris incompta , p. 655, congermana , egregia , p. 657, N. America, Casey, Ann. N. York Ac. vi, n. spp. Stictobaris , n. g. (. Barini ), p. 516, for 5. pimalis , p. 517, subacuto , p. 518, n. spp., N. America, and OnycJiobaris cribrata , Lee. ; Casey, Ann. N. York Ac. vi. Stigmatotrachelus placidus, S. W. Africa, Peringuey, Tr. S. African Phil. Soc. vi (2) p. 70, n. sp. Strophomorphus uniformis , Syria, Desbrochers, p. 117, Frelon, i, n. sp. Styphlus ursus , Greece, Desbrochers, p. 89, Frelon, ii, n. sp. Sympiezomias basalis, p. 207, Siam, setosus, Laos, p. 208, Aurivillius, N. Arch. Mus. Paris (3) iii, n. spp. Synthlibonotus : systematic position discussed, Faust, p. 17, S. E. Z. liii. & nifipes, p. 17, scapha , mucj'onotus, p. 18, Venezuela, Faust, S. E. Z. liii, n. spp. Tanymecus and allies, characters tabulated ; Faust, S. E. Z. liii, p. 51. T. ( Esamus ) piliscapus, Cambodia, Aurivillius, p. 208, N. Arch. Mus. Paris (3) iii, n. sp. Temnoschoita eruditus , basipennis , Congo, Duvivier, Ann. Ent. Belg. xxxvi, n. spp. Tenlegia, Pasc., characters and position ; Faust, p. 181, S. E. Z. liii. T. basalts, p. 181, ingrata, p. 182, sana , p. 183, Australia, Faust, S. E. Z. liii, n. spp. Thylacites subvittatus, Spain, p. 110, cretaceus, p. Ill, subahenus, p. 112, Algeria, Desbrochers, Frelon, i, n. spp. CURCULIOKID.E, CERAMBYC IDM. Ins. 159 Thysanocnemis graphica , p. 425, squamiger, horridula , p. 426, X. America, Casey, Ann. X. York Ac. vi, n. spp. Tiimis, n. g., near Siclerodactylus , for T. simplex , p. 128, planieeps, p. 129, n. spp., S. Africa ; Peringuey, Tr. S. African Phil. Soc. vi (2). Titinia and Idaspora discussed ; Blackburn, p. 117, P.Linn. Soc. X.S.W. (2) vii. T. brevicollis, p. 118, Iceta, T. (. Idaspora F) eremita , p. 119, bicolor, p. 120, Australia, Blackburn, P. Linn. Soc. X.S.W. (2) vii, n. spp. Trachyphlceus scabriculus and laticollis are the sexes of one species ; Guillebeau, p. cclv, Bull. Soc. Ent. Fr. lxi. Tragopus fossulatus, Celebes, brevis, p. 218, sulcifrons, p. 219, Java, Faust, S. E. Z. liii, n. spp. Trepobaris , n. g., for T. elongata, n. sp., Texas ; Casey, p. 519, Ann. X. York Ac. vi. Trichobaris insolita , p. 565, compacta, p. 566, cylindrica, p. 567, Casey, Ann. X. York Ac. vi, n. spp. Trigonosomus , n. g., near Rhinochenus, for T. draco , n. sp., Xew Guinea ; Faust, p. 220, S. E. Z. liii. TrochorJiopalus sumatranus , Sumatra, Faust, p. 227, S. E. Z. liii, n. sp. Tychias longierus, p. 99, parallelogrammus, p. 100, Algeria, Desbrochees? Frelon, ii; T. soltaui , p. 416, lamellosus, p. 418, prolixus, p. 419, variegatus , p. 420, simplex , sibinoides, p. 421, mica , p. 422, subfasciatus, p. 423, liispidus, p. 424, X. America, Casey, Ann. X. York Ac. vi : n. spp. Tyloderma angusiula , p. 451, contusa , p. 452, rufescens, p. 454, subpubescens, p. 455, X. America, Casey, Ann. X. York Ac. vi, n. spp. Xanthochelus miscellaneus, Lower India, Faust, S. E. Z. liii, p. 48, n. sp. Yuccaborus sharpi, p. 688, Mexico, grossus, Texas, p. 689, Casey, Ann. X. York Ac. vi, n. spp. Zygops snffusus , Texas, Casey, p. 459, Ann. N. York Ac. vi. Cerambycid^:. [Cf. Balbi (31), Bates (36), Blackburn (90, 93, 94), Brongniart (133), Casey (161), Distant (210, 216), Duyivier (230, 231), Fairmaire (262, 266, 268, 269), Frivaldszky (309, 310), Gahan (315, 316), Gestro (324, 334), Lameere (534), Xonfried (644, 645, 647, 648), Olltff (655), Peringuey (672, 673), Pic (677, 678, 679, 681, 683, 686, 688, 691), Poll (697), Reitter (725), Ritsema (760, 763, 764), Thery (921), Yillard (976).] Acanthocleres nigritarsis, White, = ( sylvanus , Bates) ; Gahan, p. 264, Tr. E. Soc. 1892. A. piper atus, p. 262, pi. xii, fig. 4, signatus, p.263, fig. 3, Mexico, Gahan, Tr. E. Soc. 1892. n. spp. Acmceops : synonymy of the X. American species; Casey, p. 38, Ann. X. York Ac. vi. A. variipes , California, Casey, p. 38, Ann. X. York Ac. vi, n. sp. 160 Ins. XIII. COLEOPTEiiA. Acyphoderes cribricollis, Mexico, Bates, p. 160, pi. vi, fig. 6, Tr. E. Soc. 1892, n. sp. AElara severer. , Congo, Duvivier, p. 360, Ann. Ent. Belg. xxxvi, n. sp. Agada , n. g., near Callidium , Fairmaire, p. clxxi, for A. clavicornis, n. sp., Madagascar ; Fairmaire, Bull. Soc. Ent. Fr. lxi. Alphitopola robecchii, Somaliland, Gestro, p. 786, Ann. Mus. Genov. (2) xii ; A. lameerei, Gaboon, Duvivier, p. 351, Ann. Ent. Belg. xxxvi : n. spp. Anatinomma , n. g., near the Piezocirides, p. 150, for A. alveolatu.ni , n. sp., Mexico, p. 151, pi. v, fig. 8 ; Bates, Tr. E. Soc. 1892. Ancylocera rubella , Mexico, Bates, p. 170, pi. vii, fig. 8, Tr. E. Soc. 1892, n. sp. Aneflus cylindricollis, p. 147, pi. v, fig. 1, A. ? fulvipennis , fig. 2, p. 148, Mexico, Bates, Tr. E. Soc. 1892, n. spp. Anisopodus brevis , Mexico, Gahan, p. 266, pi. xii, fig. 12, Tr. E. Soc. 1892, n. sp. Anthophilax subvittata, Colorado, Casey, p. 37, Ann. N. York Ac. vi, n. sp. AnybostetJm quedenfeldti , Congo, Duvivier, Ann. Ent. Belg. xxxvi, p. 59, n. sp. Aphneope quadrimaculata , Queensland, Poll, p. 220, pi. xiii, fig. 2, Tijdschr. Ent. xxxiv, n. sp. Apilocera breviformis, pi. vi, fig. 15, yucateca , fig. 16, Mexico, Bates, p. 165, Tr. E. Soc. 1892, n. spp. Aposites lanaticollis , S. Australia, p. 61, niger, W. Australia, p. 62, Black- burn, Tr. R. Soc. S. Austr. xv, n. spp. Arctolamiafasciata, Burma, Gestro, p. 222, Ann. Mus. Genov. (2) x, n. sp. Aristobia pulcherrima, S. China, Nonfried, p. 94, Ent. Nachr. xviii, n. sp. Asemum striatum , minute structure of elytra ; Hoffbauer (405). A. glabrellum, Mexico, Bates, Tr. E. Soc. 1892, p. 146, pi. v, fig. 6, n. sp. Athetesis convergens , Mexico, Bates, p. 171, pi. vii, fig. 10, Tr. E. Soc. 1892, n. sp. Axestoleus , n. g., near Batyle , p. 180, for Batyle meridionalis, Bates, and Axestoleus quinquepmictatusi n. sp., Mexico, pi. vii, fig. 16, p. 181 ; Bates, Tr. E. Soc. 1892. Batyle Icevicollis , Mexico, Bates, p. 181, pi. vii, fig. 15, Tr. E. Soc. 1892, n. sp. Bebius variegatus , Victoria, Blackburn, p. 64, Tr. R. Soc. S. Austr. xv, n. sp. Bethelium tricolor , S. Australia, p. 56, mundum , N. S. Wales, p. 57, Black- burn, Tr. R. Soc. S. Austr. xv, n. spp. Brachyta bifasciata , n. var. caucasica ; Rost, Ent. Nachr. xviii, p. 81. Callichroma splendidum , notes on ; Hamilton, p. 38, Canad. Ent. xxiv. Callimus akbesianus , Syria, Pic, p. 416, Ann. Soc. Ent. Fr. lxi, n. sp. Callipogon : monograph of; Nonfried, pp. 17-24, pi. iii, Berl. Ent. Zeit. xxxvii. C. hauseri, p. 20, friedlaenderi , p. 22, Honduras, Nonfried, Berl. Ent. Zeit. xxxvii, n. spp. CERAMBYCIDJC. Ins. 161 Camira : was made from a composite insect, and the name should be deleted ; Ritsema, p. 54, Notes Leyd. Mus. xiv. Centrodera nevadica, male noticed ; Casey, p. 36, Ann. N. York Ac. vi. Cerambyx : characters of the European species; Belon, pp. 70 & 71, Echange, 1892. C. lucasi, Siam, Brongniart, p. 238, pi. x, fig. 4, N. Arch. Mus. Paris (3) iii, n. sp. Cerosterna ocellata , Siam, Nonfried, p. 379, Berl. Ent. Zeit. xxxvi, n. sp. Championa badeni , Mexico, Bates, p. 170, Tr. E. Soe. 1892, n. sp. Ckarisia , new name to replace Charis , Newm. ; Champion, p. 161, Tr. E. Soc. 1892. Charisia nigerrima , Mexico, Bates, p. 160, pi. vi, fig. 8, Tr. E. Soc. 1892, n. sp. Chreostes cinerascens , S. W. Africa, Perixguey, p. 80, Tr. S. African Phil. Soc. vi (2), n. sp. Chrotoma , n. g., near Hesperophanes , for C. dunniana n. sp., Texas ; Casey, p. 27, Ann. N. York Ac. vi. Chrysoprasis guerrerensis, Mexico, Bates, p. 167, pi. vii, fig. 3, Tr. E. Soc. 1892, n. sp. Cirrhicera conspicua, pi. xii, fig. 13, basalis , fig. 5, Mexico, Gahan, p. 269, Tr. E. Soc. 1892, n. spp. Closteromerus amabilis , S. W. Africa, Peringuey, p. 78, Tr. S. African Phil. Soc. vi (2), n. sp. Clytanthus hololeucus, Mexico, Bates, p. 163, Tr. E. Soc. 1892, n. sp. Clytus bifarius, Heyd., = ( reitteri , Thery) ; Heyden, p. cxxxi, Bull. Soc. Ent. Fr. lxi. C. ciliciensis, Chev., = ( bifarius , Heyd.); Pic, p. cxlvii, Bull. Soc. Ent. Fr. lxi. C. arietis, metamorphoses ; Xambeu, Moeurs, ii, p. 23. C. ( Sphegestes ) reitteri , Syria, mayeti, Siberia, Thery, p. xcvi, Bull. Soc. Ent. Fr. lxi ; C. (Xylotrechus) villinni , Japan, Yillard, p. li, Bull. Soc. Ent. Fr. lxi : n. spp. Conizonia leprieuri , Algeria, Pic, p. Iii, Bull. Soc. Ent. Fr. lxi, n. sp. Coptops hypocrita , Gaboon, Lameere, p. 506, Ann. Ent. Belg. xxxvi, n. sp. Cordylomera annulicornis, Obock, Fairmaire, p. 122, Rev. d’Ent. xi, n. sp. Cortodera umbripennis , $ described; Reitter, p. 239, Wien. ent. Z. xi. C. reitteri , Sarepta, Pic, p. 43, Echange, 1891, n. sp. Cosmisoma nudicorne, Panama, Bates, p. 166, pi. vii, fig. 2, Tr. E. Soc. 1892, n. sp. Criodion fulvopilosum, Brazil, p. 23, antennatum , Venezuela, p. 24, dejeani , Brazil, tuberculatum , Peru, p. 25, testaceum , p. 26, quadrimaculatum , sommeri , p. 27, Brazil, Gahan, Ann. N. H. (6) ix : n. spp. Crioprosopus gaumeri , Mexico, Bates, p. 172, Tr. E. Soc. 1892, n. sp. Crossidius longipennis} New Mexico, p. 31, crassipes , Washington, p. 32, nitidicollis, Arizona, p. 33, Casey, Ann. N. York Ac. vi; C. militaris , p. 177, pi. vii, fig. 14, cegrotus , p. 178, Mexico, Bates, Tr. E. Soc. 1892 : n. spp. 1892. [vol. xxix.] e 11 162 Ins. XIII. COLEOPTERA. Crossotus sublineatus, Somaliland, Gfstro, p. 788, Ann Mus. Genov. (2) xii ; G. klugii , Transvaal, Distant, Naturalist Transvaal, p. 203, pi. i, fig. 8 : n. spp. Cyclocranium , n. g. (Ametrocejdialince), p. 219, for C. swierstrce) n. sp., Victoria, pi. xiii, fig. 1, p. 230 ; Poll, Tijdschr. Ent. xxxiv. Cyrtognathus siamensis , Siam, Nonfried, p. 375, Berl. Ent. Zeit. xxxvi, n. sp. Dalterus, n. g., Anauxesides, p. 125, for D. auberti, n. sp., Obock, p. 126; Fairmaire, Rev. d’Ent. xi. Daramus, n. g., near Tetropium , for D. serricornis , n. sp., Obock ; Fair- maire, p. 121, Rev. d’Ent. xi. Delagrangeus, n. g., near Deilus, p. xciii, for D. angustissimus, n. sp., Syria, p. xciv ; Pic, Bull. Soc. Ent. Fr. lxi. Deliathis diluta, Mexico, Gahan, p. 257, pi. xii, fig. 11, Tr. E. Soc. 1892, n. sp. Deltaspis rufostigma, p. 173, fulva, p. 174, tuber cidicollis, p. 175, Mexico, Bates, Tr. E. Soc. 1892, n. spp. Derobrachus smithi, Mexico, Bates, Tr. E. Soc. 1892, p. 144, n. sp. Dichostates molossus , Congo, Duvivier, p. 359, Ann. Ent. Belg. xxxvi, n. sp. Dichostethes nebulosus , Obock ; Fairmaire, p. 124, Rev. d’Ent. xi. Didymocantha novica} Victoria, Blackburn, p. 233, Tr. R. Soc. S. Austr. xv, n. sp. Distenia lineatopora and hoegei, variation noticed ; Bates, pp. 156 & 157, Tr. E. Soc. 1892. D. trifasciata , Mexico, Bates, p. 157, pi. vi, fig. 1, Tr. E. Soc. 1892, n. sp. J)orcadio7i equestre , variation described and figured ; Kraatz, p. 173, pi. iii, figs. 3-22, Deutsche e. Z. 1892. D. uhagoni , n. var. panteli ; Thery, p. xcvi, Bull. Soc. Ent. Fr. lxi. D. cervce , Hungary, Frivaldszky, p. 133, Term, fiizetek, xv, n. sp. Eburia baroni, p. 148, pi. v, fig. 3, porulosa , fig. 5, p. 149, Mexico ; Bates, Tr. E. Soc. 1892, d. spp. Ectosticta ornata, Victoria, Blackburn, p. 66, Tr. R. Soc. S. Austr. xv, n. sp. Ecyrus and CEbaceres : notes on the composition of ; Gahan, p. 259, Tr. E. Soc. 1892. E. arcuatus, Mexico, Gahan, p. 259, Tr. E. Soc. 1892, n. sp. Elaphidion arizonense , p. 28, levettei, p. 29, Arizona, Casey, Ann. N. York Ac. vi, n. spp. Elytroleptus scabricollis, Mexico, Bates, p. 172, pi. vii, fig. 7, Tr. E. Soc. 1892, n. sp. Entomosterna prolixa , Mexico, Bates, p. 180, Tr. E. Soc. 1892, n. sp. Ergates spiculatus and neomexicanus , distinctions of; Casey, p. 20, Ann. N. York Ac. vi. Euclea nodicornis , Amboyna, Ritsema, p. 38, Notes Leyd. Mus. xi, n. sp. CERAMBYCIDjE. Ins. 163 Euclerces cribripennis , Mexico, Bates, p. 165, pi. vi, fig. 14, Tr. E. Soc. 1892, n. sp. Eupogonius tomentosus , habits ; Hamilton, p. 39, Canad. Ent. xxiv. Euryptera unicolor, pi. vi, fig. 3, Mexico, planicoxis, Panama, fig. 5, Bates, p. 159, Tr. E. Soc. 1892, n. spp. Exocentrus ruficollis , Congo, Lameere, p. 508, Ann. Ent. Belg. xxxvi, n. sp. Gasponia, n. g., near Gnathcenia, for G. gaurani , n. sp., Obock ; Fair- maire, p. 123, Rev. d’Ent. xi. Gaurotes multiguttatus , Mexico, Bates, p. 158, pi. vi, fig. 2, Tr. E. Soc. 1892, n. sp. Glenea florensis , p. 221, Flores, oberthuri, p. 222, Java, Ritsema, Notes Leyd. Mns. xiv, n. spp. Gnatholea (sub Hesperophanes ) liturifer , Wlk., = ( denticollis and pici- cornis), Fairm. ; Fairmaire, p. 120, Rev. d’Ent. xi. Gnomidolon denticorne , Panama, Bates, p. 155, Tr. E. Soc. 1892, n. sp. Gracilia pygmcea, habits ; Verhoeff, p. 298, Ent. Nachr. xviii. Grammoptera auricollis, n. var. lucidipes ; Pic, p. 290, Abeille, xxvii. G. angustata, Algeria, Pic, p. 289, Abeille, xxvii, n. sp. Hammaticherus consobrinus, Cayenne, p. 19, lacordairei, Buenos Aires, p. 20, punctulatus, p. 21, lasiocerus , Brazil, murinus, Corrientes, luridipennis , French Guiana, p. 22, Gahan, Ann. N. H. (6) ix, n. spp. Hecyrida lutulenta , Somaliland, Gestro, p. 789, Ann. Mus. Genov. (2) xii, n. sp. Herpetophygas fasciatus, S. Africa, Peringuey, p. 79, Tr. S. African Phil. Soc. vi (2). Hexoplon smithi, pi. v, fig. 12, p. 154, sylvarum, fig. 14, p. 155, Mexico, Bates, Tr. E. Soc. 1892, n. spp. Hippopsis imitans , Congo, Duvivier, p. 364, Ann. Ent. Belg. xxxvi, n. sp. Homceophlceus , n. g , near Onychocerus , for H. licheneus , n. sp., Mexico, pi. xii, fig. 6 ; Gahan, p. 261, Tr. E. Soc. 1892. Bylotrupes litigiosus , N. America, Casey, p. 25, Ann. N. York Ac. vi, n. sp. Hyperplatys calif ornica, Sta. Cruz, Casey, p. 51, Ann. N. York Ac. vi, n. sp. Hysterarthron belongs to Lagriidce, ; Ritsema, p. 54, Notes Leyd. Mus. xiv. Ibidion ruatanum, Honduras, pi. v, fig. 15, p. 155, griseolum , fig. 13, gaumeri , fig. 16, p. 156, Mexico, Bates, Tr. E. Soc. 1892, n. spp. Ipochus subnitidus, pubescens , California, Casey, p. 45, Ann. N. York Ac. vi, n. spp. Ischnocnemis cyaneus, Bates, p. 178, Tr. E. Soc. 1892, n. sp. Ispaterus , n. g., near Exocentrus, p. 122, for I. longipilis , n. sp., Obock, p. 123 ; Fairmaire, Rev. d’Ent. xi. Lasiogaster, n. g., Monodesmince , p. 255, for L. costipennis , n. sp., British Honduras, p. 256 ; Gahan, Tr. E. Soc. 1892. 164 Ins. XIII. COLEOPTERA. Leiopus bedeli , Algeria, Ptc, p. 289, Abeille, xxvii • L. setipes , mimeticus , Texas, Casey, p. 48, Ann. N. York Ac. vi ; L. batesi , Mexico, Gahan, p. 265, pi. xii, fig. 9, Tr. E. Soc. 1892 : n. spp. Leontium binotatum, Siam, Brongniart, p. 245, pi. x, fig. 9, N. Arch. Mus. Paris (3) iii, n. sp. Leptostylus arciferus, Mexico, Gahan, p. 265, pi. xii, fig. 8, Tr. E. Soc. 1892, n. sp. Leptura attenuata, v. brunnescens, Caucasus, Balbi, Riv. Ital. Sci. Nat. xii, p. 49, n. sp. (sic) ; L. serpentina, p. 41, haldemani, p. 42, lacustris, p. 43, N. America, Casey, Ann. N. York Ac. vi : n. spp. Litopus sutural is, S. Africa, P^ringuey, p. 131, Tr. S. African Phil. Soc. vi (2), n. sp. Lycidola levipennis , Panama, Gahan, p. 272, pi. xii, fig. 1, Tr. E. Soc. 1892, n. sp. Lygesis ? ornata , Queensland, Blackburn, p. 63, Tr. R. Soc. S. Austr. xv, n. sp. Macrotoma tenuelimbata, Madagascar, Nonfried, p. 139, Ent. Nachr. xviii; M. alteni , Siam, p. 376, difforrnis, E. India, p. 377, Nonfried, Berl. Ent. Zeit. xxxvi : n. spp. Malacoscylus humilis , n. varr. grisescens, fulvescens, pi. xii, fig. 16 ; Gahan, p. 271, Tr. E. Soc. 1892. M. bivittatus, Mexico, Gahan, Tr. E. Soc. 1892, p. 272, pi. xii, fig. 15, n. sp. Mallonia granulata, Transvaal, Distant, p. 407, Ann. N. H. (6) x, n. sp. Maulia, n. g. of doubtful position, ? near Phalota, p. 65, for M. picti - cornis , n. sp., Victoria, p. 66 ; Blackburn, Tr. R. Soc. S. Austr. xv. Mecas marmorata , Mexico, Gahan, p. 268, pi. xii, fig. 7, Tr. E. Soc. 1892, n. sp. Mesolita inermis , p. 226, pi. xiii, fig. 8, pascoei, p. 227, fig. 6, Queensland, Poll, Tijdschr. Ent. xxxiv, n. spp. Metaleptus cornis, Mexico, Bates, p. 175, pi. vii, fig. 9, Tr. E. Soc. 1892, n. sp. Microtragus quadrimaculatus , Queensland, Blackburn, p. 235, Tr. R. Soc. S. Austr. xv, n. sp. Monocladum, n. subg. of Polyarlhron ; Pic, p. cclx, Bull. Soc. Ent. Fr. lxi. Monohammus : the Siberian species noticed ; Reitter, p. 187, Wien, ent. Z. xi. M. severini , S. China, Nonfried, p. 94, Ent. Nachr. xviii ; M.frenchi , S. Australia, Blackburn, P. Linn. Soc. N.S.W. (2) vi, p.543; M. obtusus, California, Casey, p. 47, Ann. N. York Ac. vi : n. spp. Moneilema ( Collapteryx ) spinicollis , Arizona, Casey, p. 45, Ann. N. York Ac. vi, n. sp. Mylothris bimaculatus , Siam, Brongniart, p. 252, N. Arch. Mus. Paris (3) iii, n. sp. Mystacophorus recharacterised ; Duvivier, p. 368, Ann. Ent. Belg. XXXVL CEEAMBYCIDiE. ItlS . 165 Necydalis major and panzeri , distinctive characters ; Chobaut, Echange, No. 61, 1890, p. 100. Nemophas malachiticus , Sumatra, Nonfried, Berl. Ent. Zeit. xxxvi, n. sp. Neoclytus smithi , Mexico, Bates, p. 164, pi. vi; fig. 9, Tr. E. Soc. 1892, n. sp. Neodorcadion flachneri , n. var., merJcli , Pic, p. cxcvi, Bull. Soc. Ent. Fr. lxi. Nitocris gigantea, Zambesi, Nonfried, p. 140, Ent. Nachr. xviii, n. sp. Nyoma, n. g., Acanthocinidarum , p. 366, for N. parallela, n. sp., Congo, p. 367 ; Duvivier, Ann. Ent. Belg. xxxvi. Nyphasia maculata, Saigon, Brongniart, p. 240, pi. x, fig. 3, N. Arch. Mus Paris (3) iii, n. sp. Oberea schaumii , peculiar larva described and figured ; Riley, p. 323, P. E. Soc. Wash. ii. Ochresthes nigritus , pi. vi, fig. 10, clerinus , fig. 13, p. 162, obscuricornis , tulensis, fig. 12, p. 163, Mexico, Bates, Tr. E. Soc. 1892 : n. spp. Ochyra nana , N. S. Wales, Poll, p. 225, pi. xiii, fig. 7, Tijdschr. Eat. xxxiv, n. sp. Odontocera yucateca , Mexico, Bates, p. 159, pi. vi, fig. 7, Tr. E. Soc. 1892, n. sp. Olenecamptus macari , Trop. Africa, Lame ere, p. 507, Ann. Ent. Belg. xxxvi, n. sp. Ophistornis xanthotelus , Mexico, Bates, p. 158, pi. vi, fig. 4, Tr. E. Soc. 1892, n. sp. Opsidota guttata, S. Australia, Blackburn, Tr. R. Soc. S. Austr. xv, n. sp. Oreodera affinis, Guatemala, Gahan, p. 262, pi. xii, fig. 14, Tr. E. Soc. 1892, n. sp. Pachylocerus sulcatus, Siam, Brongniart, p. 240, pi. x, fig. 4, N. Arch. Mus. Paris (3) iii, n. sp. Pachymerola, n. g., near Coremia for P. vitticollis , n. sp., Mexico, pi. vi, fig. 11 ; Bates, Tr. E. Soc. 1892, p. 161. P achy ter ia pasteuri, p. 213, lugubris, p. 215, Nias Is., borneoensis , Sarawak, p. 218 ; Ritsema, Notes Leyd. Mus. xiv. Paroeme gahani , Transvaal, Distant, Naturalist Transvaal, p. 202, pi. i, fig. 7, n. sp. Pary satis nigritarsis , Thoms., = ( jlavescens , Bates); Gahan, p. 258, Tr. E. Soc. 1892. P. perplexa, Mexico, Gahan, p. 258, Tr. E. Soc. 1892, n. sp. Pavieia, n. g., near Crioprosopus , p. 241, for P. superba , n. sp., Siam, p. 243, pi. x, fig. 6 ; Brongniart, N. Arch. Mus. Paris. (3) iii. Phcca unicolor , Mexico, Gahan, p. 267, Tr. E. Soc. 1892, n. sp. Phryneta nupera , Limpopo Riv., Peringuey, p. 133, Tr. S. African Phil. Soc. vi (2), n. sp. Phyllocnema speciosa, S. W. Africa, Peringuey, p. 78, Tr. S. African Phil. Soc. vi (2); P.pretiosa, Limpopo Riv., Peringuey, p. 130, t. c. : n. spp. 166 his. XIII. COLEOPTERA. Phymatodes obliquus , California, Casey, p. 26, Ann. N. York Ac. vi, n. sp. Phytcecia ( Coptosia ) trilinea ; Pic, p. cxii, Bull. Soc. Ent. Fr. lxi ; P. pici, Araxes Valley, Reitter, p. 64, Wien. ent. Z. xi, n. spp. Plocederus incertus , Somaliland, Gestro, p. 784, Ann. Mus. Genov. (2) xii, n. sp. Poecilomcillus, n. g., Elaphidiince, for P. palpalis , n. sp., Mexico, pi. v, fig. 6 ; Bates, p. 151, Tr. E. Soc. 1892. Polyarthron unipectinatum , White, sexes described and figured ; Heyden, p. 169, pi. iii, figs. 1 & 2, Deutsche e. Z. 1892. P. desvauxi, p. cclix, moissoni, p. cclx, Algeria, Pic, Bull. Soc. Ent. Fr. lxi, n. spp. Praonetha lichenea , Congo, Duvivier, p. 363, Ann. Ent. Belg. xxxvi, n. sp. Prionus ruficornis , nadari, Turkestan, Fairmaire, p. cxxiii, Bull. Soc. Ent. Fr. lxi ; P. debilis , N. America, Casey, p. 21, Ann. N. York Ac. vi : n. spp. Promeces crassicornis, Somaliland, Gestro, p. 785, Ann. Mus. Genov. (2) xii, n. sp. Proteinidium, n. g., near Axestinus, p. 149, for P. brevicorne , n. sp., Mexico, p. 150, pi. v, fig. 4 ; Bates, Tr. E. Soc. 1892. Psenocerus supernotalus and tristis , variation of ; Hamilton, p. 160, Canad. Ent. xxiv. P. tristis , New Mexico, Casey, p. 46, Ann. N. York Ac. vi, n. sp. Psyrassa sthenias , punctulata, cribellata , pi. v, fig. 9, p. 152, pilosella, fig. 11, nigricornis , fig. 10, nigrocenea , p. 153, Mexico, Bates, Tr. E. Soc. 1892, n. spp. Purpuricenus fasciatus, Siam, Brongniart, p. 241, pi. x, fig. 5, N. Arch. Mus. Paris (3) iii, n. sp. Rhopalophora longipes and meeskei , note on ; Hamilton, p. 159, Canad. Ent. xxiv. R. meeskei , New Mexico, Casey, p. 30, Ann. N. York Ac. vi ; R. eximia , Mexico, Bates, p. 166, pi. vii, fig. 1, Tr. E. Soc. 1892 : n. spp. Rhytidodera siamica, Siam, Non fried, p. 378, Berl. Ent. Zeit. xxxvi, n. sp. Rosalia lameerei, Siam, Brongniart, p. 243, pi. x, figs. 7 & 8, N. Arch. Mus. Paris (3) iii. Saperda phoca, habits ; Delagrange, Bull. Soc. Ent. Fr. lxi, p. ccxxii. Sisyrium : note on characters, p. 58, and table of species, p . 61 ; Black- burn, Tr. R. Soc. S. Austr. xv. S. fraternum , p. 58, ventrale , p. 59, sparsum , S. Australia, Icevigatum, W. Australia, p. 60, Blackburn, Tr. R. Soc. S. Austr. xv, n. spp. Spalacopsis texana, Texas, Casey, p. 51, Ann. N. York Ac. vi ; S. similis, fusca , Mexico, Gahan, p. 260, Tr. E. Soc. 1892 : n. spp. Sphallenum, literatum , p. 28, spadiceum, p. 29, Brazil, Gahan, Ann. N. H. (6) ix, n. spp. Sphenothecus rubens , Arizona, Casey, p. 34, Ann. N. York Ac. vi ; S. quadrivittatus, cribricollis , cribellatus , Mexico, Bates, p. 179, Tr. E. Soc. 1892 : n. spp. CERAMBYCI1LE. Ins. 167 Spondylis sinensis , S. China, Nonfried, p. 92, Ent. Nadir, xviii, n. sp. Stenaspis pilosella, Mexico, Bates, p. 173, pi. vii, fig. 11, Tr. E. Soc. 1892, n. sp. Stenopterus kraatzi , Smyrna, Pic, p. 22, Echange, 1892, n. sp. Stenosphenus longicollis, Texas, Casey, p. 34, Ann. N. York Ac. vi ; S. sublcevicollis , p. 168, sexlineatus, pi. vii, fig. 5, gaumeri , comus , vitticollis , fig. 6, p. 169, Mexico, Bates, Tr. E. Soc. 1892 : n. spp. Sternoplistes schaiblei, S. China, Nonfried, p. 92, Ent. Nachr. xviii, n. sp. Strangulia : sexual distinctions ; Casey, p. 39, Ann. N. York Ac. vi. S. montana, New Mexico, Casey, Ann. N. York Ac. vi, p. 40, n. sp. Stratioceros princeps, figured and noticed ; Brongniart, p. 248, pi. x, fig. 10, N. Arch. Mus. Paris (3) iii. Strongylaspis lobulifer , Mexico, Bates, p. 145, Tr. E. Soc. 1892, n. sp. Sympleurotis armatus , Mexico, Gahan, p. 266, pi. xii, fig. 10, Tr. E. Soc. 1892, n. sp. Taurotagus auberti, Obock, Fairmaire, p. 118, Rev. d’Ent. xi, n. sp. Teispes frenchi , Queensland, Blackburn, p. 234, Tr. R. Soc. S. Austr. xv, n. sp. Tetropium luridum , minute structure of elytra ; Hoffbauer (405). T. parallelum, p. 23, schwarzianum, parvulum , p. 24, N. America, Casey, Ann. N. York Ac. vi ; T. guatemalanum, Tepan, Bates, p. 147, Tr. E. Soc. 1892 : n. spp. Thesalia, n. g., for Acmceops lisa, Leng ; Casey, p. 36, Ann. N. York Ac. vi. Tibetobia , n. g., near Monochammus, p. 118, for T. szechenyiana , n. sp., Tibet ; Erivaldszky, Term, fiizetek, xv. Tilloclytus conradti , Guatemala, Bates, p. 164, Tr. E. Soc. 1892, n. sp. Toxotus lateralis , California, Casey, p. 37, Ann. N. York Ac. vi. n. sp. Trachystola armata , S. China, Nonfried, p. 93, Ent. Nachr. xviii, n. sp. Tragidion fulvipenne, oviposition ; Popenoe, Tr. Kansas Ac. xii, p. 15. Tragocephala carbonaria , Trop. Africa, Lameere, p. 507, Ann. Ent. Belg. xxxvi ; T. timida, Congo, Duvivier, p. 167, Ann. Ent. Belg. xxxvi ; T. sidphurata, Transvaal, Distant, Naturalist Transvaal, p. 202, pi. i, fig. 9 : n. spp. Tragosoma depsarium and harrisii are one species ; Hamilton, p. 296, Canad. Ent. xxiv. T. nigripenne, Mexico, Bates, p. 146, Tr. E. Soc. 1892, n. sp. Triacetelus , n. g., near Metaleptus , for T. sericatus , n. sp., Mexico ; Bates, p. 176, Tr. E. Soc. 1892. Trichoxys cinereolus , Mexico, Bates, p. 162, Tr. E. Soc. 1892, n. sp. Trichromia, n. g., near Anthribola , for T. oberthuri , n. sp., Madagascar ; Fairmaire, Bull. Soc. Ent. Fr. lxi, p. xxi. Tritomicrus , n. g., near Hoplosia for * T. marmoreus , n. sp., Obock ; Fairmaire, Rev. d’Ent. xi, p. 125. Tryphocharia mitchelli , note on, Blackburn, p. 56, Tr. R. Soc. S. Austr, xv ; T. frenchi, N. S. Wales, Blackburn, p. 233, t. c. : n. spp. 168 Ins. XIII. COLEOPTERA. Tylosis puncticollis , var., = ( angusticollis , Bates); Bates, p. 177, Tr. E. Soc. 1892. T. dimidiata, Mexico, Bates, Tr. E. Soc. 1892, pi. vii, fig. 13, n. sp. Typhocesis fioccosa, Poll, figured ; Poll, pi. xiii, fig. 10, Tijdschr. Ent.xxxiv. Uracanthus cryptophagus , Australia, Olliff, p. 896, pi. lvii, Agric. Gaz. N.S.W. iii, n. sp. Valerius, n. g., near Lepturges , p. 49, for V. inornatus , n. sp,, Texas, p. 50 ; Casey, Ann. N. York Ac. vi. Volumnia transversalis , Trop. Africa, Lameere, p. 508, Ann. Ent. Belg. xxxvi, n. sp. Xestia denticornis, p. 29, longipennis , globulicollis , p, 31, Brazil, Gahan, Ann. N. H. (6) ix : n. spp. Xoanodera pascoei , Siam, Brongniart, p. 239, N. Arch. Mus. Paris (3) iii, n. sp. Xylotrechus insignis, sexual distinctions, Casey, p. 35, Ann. N. York Ac. vi, n. sp. Xystrocera parvicollis , Obock, Fairmaire, p. 120, Rev. d’Ent. xi ; X. Iceta , S. W. Africa, Peringuey, p. 77, Tr. S. African Phil. Soc. vi (2) : n. spp. Zalates pulchra, Transvaal, Peringuey, p. 132, Tr. S. African Phil. Soc. vi (2), n. sp. Zamium rusticum , S. W. Africa, Peringuey, p. 77, Tr. S. African Phil. Soc. vi (2), n. sp. Zatrephus nebulosus, Saigon, Brongniart, p. 240, pi. x, fig. 2, N. Arch. Mus. Paris (3) iii, n. sp. Zenochloris barbicauda, Mexico, Bates, p. 168, pi. vii, fig. 4, Tr. E. Soc. 1892, n. sp. Zoedia v-album , figured, pi. xiii, fig. 3 ; Z. divisa, Pasc., = ( elegans , Waterh.), p. 222, Poll, Tidjschr. Ent. xxxiv. Z. longipes, p. 222, p. 13, fig. 4, gracilipes} p. 223, fig. 5, Australia, tenuis , p. 224, fig. 6, Poll, Tijdschr. Ent. xxxiv, n. spp. SCOLYTID-ZE, [Cf. Blandford (100), Desbrochers (199), Knotek (500), Xambeu (1022).] Hylesinus henscheli, Herzegovina, Knotek, p. 234, Wien. ent. Z. xi, n. sp. Hypoborus ficus, metamorphoses ; Xambeu, Soc. Agricole Pyren.-orient. xxxii, p. 473. Phloeotribus olece , metamorphoses ; Xambeu, Soc. Agricole Pyren. -orient, xxxii, pp. 477-484. Pityophthorus annectens and consimilis, note on ; Schwarz, p. 167, P. E. Soc. Wash. ii. Scolytus : table of characters of the European ; Desbrochers, Frelon, i, pp. 10-17. 8. carpini , habits, Decaux, p. ccxli, Bull. Soc. Ent. Fr. lxi. S. aceris, Herzegovina, Knotek, p. 235, pi. ii, Wien. ent. Z. xi, n. sp. Xyleborus perforans, in the West Indies ; Blandford (100). BRENTHID.E. Ins. 1 69 Brenthim. [Cf. Desbrochers (203), Kolbe (506), Semenow (831), Senna (837, 838, 839).] List of additions to, and notes on the Catalogue of, Brenthidaz ; Senna, pp. 38-63. Observations on the dimorphic form of male rostrum ; Senna, pp 30-37, Bull. Eut. Ital. xxiv. Agriorrhynchus quadrituberculatus , Burma, Senna, p. 470, Ann. Mus. Genov. (2) xii, n. sp. Autarcus , n. g., for Ceocephalus laticollis , Perroud ; Senna, p. 59, Bull. Ent. Ital. xxiv. Basenius, n. g., for B. laticornis , E. Africa, n. sp. ; Kolbe, p. 170, S. E. Z. liii. Callipareius , n. g., near Cyphagogus , p. 444, for C. fece, n. sp., Burma, p. 445 ; Senna, Ann. Mus. Genov. (2) xii. Carcinopisthius, n. g., for C. fruhstorferi, Java, p. 174 , felschei, Burma, p. 175, n. spp. ; Kolbe, S. E. Z. liii. Cediocera tristis, Java, Senna, p. 183, Notes Leyd. Mus. xiv, n. sp. Cerobates sexsulcatus, variation, pp. 449, 450, canaliculatus , n. var., cari- nensis, p. 450 ; Senna, Ann. Mus. Genov. (2) xii. Coptorhynchus francoisi , New Hebrides, Desbrochers, p. 109, Frelon, i, n. sp. Cordus peguanus, Burma, Senna, p. 463, Ann. Mus. Genov. (2) xii, n. sp. Cormopus , n. g., p. 166, for G. penicil lifer , n. sp., Cameroons, p. 167 ; Kolbe, S. E. Z. liii. Diurus ominosus , Burma, Senna, p. 492, Ann. Mus. Genov. (2) xii, n. sp. Epicoinoneus , n. g., Belophorince , p. 476, for E. femoralis, n. sp., Burma, p. 478 ; Senna, Ann. Mus. Genov. (2) xii. Eremoxenus , n. g., p. 438, for E. chan , n. sp., Transcaspian Region, p. 440, Semenow, Hor. Ent. Ross. xxvi. Hopliterrhynchus , n. g., near Ectocemus , p. 26, for H. emmce, n. sp., Malasia, p. 27 ; Senna, Bull. Ent. Ital. xxiv. Hoplopisthius , n. g., Trachelizince, p. 451, for H. trichemerus , n. sp., Burma, p. 452 ; Senna, Ann. Mus. Genov. (2) xii. H. javanus, Java, p. 173, celebensis , Celebes, p. 174, Kolbe, S. E. Z. liii, n. spp. Hyperephanus , n. g., near Jonthocerus, p. 153, for E. (sic) hirsutus , n. sp., Chili, p. 155 ; Senna, Bull. Ent. Ital. xxiv. Ithystenus, = ( Coptorhynchus , Desb.) ; Senna, p. 152, Bull. Ent, Ital. xxiv. Microsebus , n. g., p. 168, for M.pusio , E. Africa, adelphus, Ceylon, n. spp., p. 169 ; Kolbe, S. E. Z. liii. Miolispa javanica, p. 167, metallica , p. 169, nupta , p. 171, conformis , p. 175, Java, Senna, Notes Leyd. Mus. xiv, n. spp. Prophthalmus versicolor , Burma, Senna, p. 466, Ann. Mus. Genov. (2) xii, n. sp. 170 In s. XIII. COLEOPTERA. Oncodemerus, n. g., Taphroderini , p. 157, for 0. costipennis, n.sp., Gaboon, p. 160 ; Senna, Bull. Ent. Ital. xxiv. Orychodes degener , Burma, Senna, p. 474, Ann. Mus. Genov. (2) xii ; 0. piliferus, Java, Senna, Notes Leyd. Mus. xiv, p. 177 : n. spp. Schizotrachelus intermedins y p. 481, carinensis, p. 483, consanguineus, bir- manicus, p. 485, sculptiventris , p. 488, carinirostris, p. 489, Burma, Senna, Ann. Mus. Genov. (2) xii, n. spp. Sebasius : note on the components of ; Kolbe, p. 171, S. E. Z. liii. Trachelizus brevitibia , p. 454, bhamoensis , p. 456, ghecuanus , p. 457, rufomaculatus , p. 460, politus , p. 462, Burma, Senna, Ann. Mus. Genov. (2) xii ; T. insularis , p. 163, modestus , mcestus, p. 165, Java, Senna, Notes Leyd. Mus. xiv : n. spp. Usambius , n. g., p. 167, for U. conradti , n. sp., E. Africa, p. 168 ; Kolbe, S. E. Z. liii. Zemioses pubens, p. 439, Icetus, p. 441, Burma, Senna, Ann. Mus. Genov. (2) xii, n. spp. AnTHRIBIDJI. [Of. Duvivier (230), Fairmaire (269), Lesne (547).] Cenchromorphus , n. g., Corrhecerides, for C. barbicornis , n. sp., Madagascar, Fairmaire, p. clxx, Bull. Soc. Ent. Fr. lxi, n. sp. Eugigas harmandi, Cochin China, Lesne, p. 227, N. Arch. Mus. Paris, (3) iii, n. sp. Litocerus paviei, Siam, Lesne, p. 226, N. Arch. Mus. Paris (3) iii, n. sp. Phlceotragus prasinus , Congo, Duvivier, p. 59, Ann. Ent. Belg. xxxvi, n. sp. Vitalis, n. g., near Platyrhinus, for V. rubricollis, n. sp., Madagascar ; Fairmaire, Bull. Soc. Ent. Fr. lxi, p. clxxi. Bruchidj:. [Cf. Heyden (402), Riley (751, 752, 754).] Bruclius : temporary feet in early larvae ; Riley, pp. 185 & 186, Canad. Ent. xxiv. B. fcibce and pisi, metamorphoses ; Riley & Howard, Ins. Life, iv, pp. 297-302. B. obsoletus , Say, note on ; Hamilton, p. 162, Canad. Ent. xxiv. B. obtectus , Say, nomenclature and habits ; Riley, Ins. Life, v, pp. 27-33, and note on, with synonymy; Riley, p. 291, Canad. Ent. xxiv. B. alb oscutellat us, habits ; Hamil- ton, Ent. News, iii, p. 253. B. ruthenicus , Sarepta, Becker, p. 69, Bull. Mosc. 1892, n. sp. ? Mylabris ( Bruchus ) orchesioides , Margelan, Heyden, p. 109, Deutsche e. Z. 1892, n. sp. Chrysomelidjs. [Cf. Balbi (31), Blackburn (90, 93, 94), Chittenden (168), Desbro- chers (204), Duvivier (230, 232), Everts (260), Fairmaire (262), Frivaldszky (309), Gahan (210), Gestro (325, 331, 335), Gorham CHRYSOMELIDiE. Ins. 171 (350), Gorham & Gahan (353), Guillebeau (375), Horn (416, 418, 419), Jacobsohn (444, 445), Jacoby (210, 347, 446, 447, 448), Lefevre (543, 544), Peringuey (672, 673), Reitter (725), Schwarz (806), Weise (992, 994, 996, 997, 998, 999).] Food-habits of some N. American Chrysomelidce ; Chittenden (168). Food-plants of various N. American Halticids ; Schwarz, pp. 182-184, P. E. Soc. Wash. ii. Halticidce : protest against generic names used by Seidlitz in Fauna transsylvanica ; Weise, p. 414, Deutsche e. Z. 1892. Abirus antennatus , Burma, Jacoby, p. 912, Ann. Mus. Genov. (2) xii, n. sp. Achcenops facialis , Transvaal, Jacoby in Distant, Naturalist Transvaal, p. 204, pi. i, fig. 4, n. sp. Acrocrypta discoidalis, Ann am, Allard, p. 233, N. Arch. Mus. Paris (3) iii, n. sp. AElianus , n. g., near Malacosoma , for AE. scutellatus, n. sp., Madagascar, pi. xxxix, fig. 9 ; Jacoby, p. 577, P. Z. S. 1892. AEnidea? pretorice, Transvaal, Gahan in Distant, Naturalist Transvaal, p. 209, pi. i, fig. 10 ; HI. crassipalpis , Burma, Jacoby, p. 986, Ann. Mus. Genov. (2) xii : n. spp. AEthonea , Baly, is same as Bonesia ; Gahan, p. 92, P. Z. S. 1892. A gelastica ? Jlava, Burma, Jacoby, p. 967, Ann. Mus. Genov. (2) xii; A. viridis , Mexico, Jacoby, p. 334, Biol. Centr. Am. Col. vi (1 supp.) : n. spp. Allochrorna teapense , pi. xliii, fig. 2, flohri , fig. 5, Mexico, Jacoby, p. 319, Biol. Centr. Am. Col. vi (1 supp.), n. spp. Allomorpha, n. g., Halticidce , for A. sericea , n. sp., Burma ; Jacoby, Ann. Mus. Genov. (2) xii. A mphimela cyanea , Bengal, Duvivier, p. 420, Ann. Ent. Belg. xxxvi, n. sp. Anisodera nasuellii , Burma, Gestro, p. 233, Ann. Mus. Genov. (2) x, n. sp. Anthipha pubescens, p. 971, inornata, p. 972, antennata , fece, p. 973, Icevi- collis , p. 974, Jacoby, Ann. Mus. Genov. (2) xii; A. blanchardi, Indo-China, Allard, p. 234, N. Arch. Mus. Paris (3) iii : n. spp. Anthiphula, n. g., between Galerucince and Halticince , provisionally placed near . Anthipha , for A. semifulva, n. sp., Burma ; Jacoby, p. 991, Ann. Mus. Genov. (2) xii. Antsianaka viridis , elegantula , pi. xxxix, fig. 10, Madagascar, Jacoby, p. 576, P. Z. S. 1892, n. spp. Aoria nigrita :, p. 904, fulvifrons, p. 905, seinicostata, p. 906, Burma, Jacoby, Ann. Mus. Genov. (2) xii : n. spp. Aphthona atrovwens, var. described ; Weise, Deutsche e. Z. 1892, p. 411. A. nigrila.bris , Bengal, Duvivier, p. 426, Ann. Ent. Belg. xxxvi : A. birmanica, Pegu, Jacoby, p. 920, Ann. Mus. Genov. (2) xii : n. spp. Arcastes sanguinea , Perak, Jacoby, p. 88, Ent. xxv, Supp., d. sp. 172 Ins. XIII. COLEOPTERA. Argopistes bistripunctata, Bengal, Duvivier, p. 425, Ann. Ent. Belg. xxxvi ; A. nigromarginatus , Burma, Jacoby, p. 931, Ann. Mus. Genov. (2) xii : n. spp. Argopistoides , n. g., p. 931, for A. septempunctata, n. sp., Burma, p. 932 ; Jacoby, Ann. Mus. Genov. (2) xii. Arispoda pulcher, N. Guinea, Tryon (953), n. sp. Asphcera madagascariensis, brevicornis, Madagascar, Jacoby, p. 573, P. Z. S. 1892, n. spp. Aspidispa albertisii, p. 265, nigritarsis , p.266, New Guinea, Gestro, Ann. Mus. Genov. (2) x, n. spp. Aspidolopha thoracica, p. 879, costata , p. 881, ccerulea , p. 882, Burma, Jacoby, Ann. Mus. Genov. (2) xii, n. spp. Aspidomorpha aruwimiensis, Centr. Africa, Gahan & Gorham, p. 94, P. Z. S. 1892, n. sp. Atysa ? albofasciata , Burma, Jacoby, p. 977, Ann. Mus. Genov. (2) xii, n. sp. Aulacophora, auct., divided into genera (two presumably new, cf. Pachy- palpa , Orthaulaca ) ; Weise, p. 392, Deutsche e. Z. 1892. A. melanocephala , p. 941, intermedia , semifusca, p. 942, gestroi, p. 943, bhamoensis , p. 944, Burma, Jacoby, Ann. Mus. Genov. (2) xii, n. spp. Aulacoscelis purpurea , Arizona, Horn, p. 46, Tr. Am. Ent. Soc. xix, n. sp. Blepharida singularis, Mexico, Jacoby, p. 347, pi. xliii, fig. 23, Biol. Centr. Am. Col. vi (1 supp.), n. sp. Bonesia serricornis, var. described ; Gahan, p. 92, P. Z. S. 1892. Bufonida pallida, p. 159, piceo-limbata, p. 960, Burma, Jacoby, Ann. Mus. Genov. (2) xii ; B. rubroviridis , intermedia , New Guinea, Tryon (953) : n. spp. Cacoscelis cceruleipennis, Mexico, Jacoby, p. 346, Biol. Centr. Am. Col. vi (1 supp.), n. sp. Callispa arcana , Bengal, Duvivier, p. 446, Ann. Ent. Belg. xxxvi, n. sp. Candezea longicornis , marginipennis , p. 979, apicalis, p. 980, ornata, p. 981, Burma, Jacoby, Ann. Mus. Genov. (2) xii, n. spp. Cassena, n. g., near Nisotra, for C. celebensis , p. 389, ribbei, p. 390, n. spp., Celebes, Weise, Deutsche e. Z. 1892. Cassida : monograph of the French species ; Desbrochers, Frelon, i, Supp., & ii. pp. 82-87. C. thoracica, p. 19, sanguinosa, p. 20, France, corrosa , oranensis, Algeria, p. 39, cerata, Syria, p. 40, salsolce , Russia, p. 43, nitulula, Algeria, p. 44, Desbrochers, Frelon, i, Supp. ; C. reitteri , Caucasus, Weise, p. 238, Wien. ent. Z. xi ; C. bonnyana , p. 94, strigosa , fuscopunctata , p. 95, Centr. Africa, Gorham, P. Z. S. 1892 ; C. ( Odontionycha ) indi- cola, Bengal, Duvivier, p. 448, Ann. Ent. Belg. xxxvi : n. spp. Cassidula turcmenica , Turcomania, Weise, p. 238, Wien. ent. Z. xi, n. sp. Cerania , subg. (u.?) of Orthaulaca ; Weise, p. 396, Deutsche e. Z. 1892. Ceratia cattigarensis, Shanghai, p. 397, tricolora, Sumatra, funeata, Celebes, p. 398, Weise, Deutsche e. Z. 1892, n. spp. CHRYSOMELID.il. Ins. 173 Cerophysa fulvicollis , p. 947, monstrosa , p. 948, Burma, Jacoby, Ann. Mus. G-enov. (2) xii : n. spp. Cerotrus nigromarginatus , Burma, Jacoby, p. 940, Ann. Mus. Genov. (2) xii, n. sp. Chcetocnema nagpurensis , E. India, Dtjvivier, p. 422, Ann. Ent. Belg. xxx vi ; C. birmanica , duvivieri , Burma, Jacoby, p. 939, Ann. Mus. Genov. (2) xii; C. smithi, fulvilabris, inter stitialis , p. 313, liorni , balyi , costatipennis, p. 314, Mexico, Jacoby, Biol. Centr. Am. Col. vi (1 supp.) : n. spp. Charcea ? alboplagiata, Burma, Jacoby, Ann. Mus. Genov. (2) xii, p 975, n. sp. Chlamys feoe, Burma, Jacoby, p. 887, Ann. Mus. Genov. (2) xii, n. sp. Chceridiona fece , Burma, Gestro, p. 239, Ann. Mus. Genov. (2) x, n. sp. Chrysochus pretiosus, metamorphoses ; Xambeu, Le Nat. 1892, p. 117. Chrysolampra varicolor , p. 893, minuta, p. 894, Burma, J acoby, Ann. Mus. Genov. (2) xii : n. spp. Chryomela : minute structure of elytra ; Hoffbauer (405). C. ccerulans, n. var. olivaceonigra ; Fleischer, p. 141, Wien. ent. Z. xi ; C. songorica , oedeagus of ; Weise, p. 139, Deutsche e. Z. 1892. C. abchasica , p. 405, rosti, fuscicornis, p. 406, Caucasus, Weise, Deutsche e. Z. 1892 ; C. sogdinrum , p. 138, cyrtonoides, p. 139 (this altered to cyrtonastes , p. 413, t. c.), Turkestan, Weise, t. c. ; G. corrugata , S. W. Africa, Peringuey, p. 87, Tr. S. African Phil. Soc. vi (2) : n. spp. Cladocera spectabilis, p. 87, simplex , p. 88, S. W. Africa, Peringuey, Tr. S. African Phil. Soc. vi (2) : n. spp. Cleoporus lefevrei , Bengal, Duviyier, p. 414, Ann. Ent. Belg. xxxvi ; C. birmanicus , p. 914, plagiatus , p. 915, Burma, Jacoby, Ann. Mus. Genov. (2) xii : n. spp. Cleorina jacobyi, Bengal, Duvivier, p. 415, Ann. Ent. Belg. xxxvi, n. sp. Cneorane braeti , Bengal, Duviyier, p. 435, Ann. Ent. Belg. xxxvi ; C. subcenea, p. 945, oriental is, p. 946, fece , p. 947, Burma, Jacoby, Ann. Mus. Genov. (2) xii : n. spp. Ccenobius birmanicus , Burma, Jacoby, p. 889, Ann. Mus. Genov. (2) xii, n. sp. Colaspoicles sublcevicollis, p. 417, bengalensis, p. 418, E. India, Duvivier, Ann. Ent. Belg. xxxvi ; C. violaceipennis, opacicollis, p. 229, viridimicans, p. 230, N. America, Horn, Tr. Am. Ent. Soc. xix : n. spp. Colasposoma aruwimiense , Centr. Africa, Gahan, p. 91, P. Z. S. 1892 ; C. parvidum, Transvaal, Lefevre, p. 42, Tr. S. African Phil. Soc. vi (2) : n. spp. Copa, subg. (n. ?) of Orthaulaca , with 0. ( C .) hunowi , n. sp. ?, E. Africa, Weise, Deutsche e. Z. 1892, pp. 397, 398. Coptocyda catenata , Boh., note on ; Weise, p. 352, Deutsche e. Z. 1892. Coraia apicicornis , Mexico, Jacoby, p. 324, pi. xliii, fig. 6, Biol. Centr. Am, Col. vi (l supp.), n. sp. 174 Ins. XIII. COLEOPTERA. Corynodes bonny i , Centr. Africa, Gahan, p. 91, P. Z. S. 1892 ; C. insignia, Zambezi, Lefevre, p. 43, Tr. S. African Phil. Soc. vi ; C. dilaticollis , p. 916, birmanicus , p. 917, Burma, Jacoby, Ann. Mns. Genov. (2) xii : n. spp. Coscinoptera seminuda , Arizona, Horn, p. 13, Tr. Am. Ent. Soc. xix, n. sp. Crepidodera orientalis, obscurofasciata, Burma, Jacoby, p. 933, Ann. Mus. Genov. (2) xii, n. spp. Crioceris koltzei , Turkestan, Weise, p. 131, Deutsche e. Z. 1892 ; C. liti- giosa, S. W. Africa, Peringuey, Tr. S. African Phil. Soc. vi (2) p. 82 ; C. humeralis , Burma, Jacoby, p. 874, Ann. Mus. Genov. (2) xii ; C. aterrima , Mexico, Jacoby, p. 342, Biol. Centr. Am. Col. vi (1 supp.) : n. spp. Cryptocephalus sanguinolentus , Scop., invalidity of the species ; Weise, p. 414, Deutsche e. Z. 1892. C. duvivieri , p. 134, placidus , p. 135, personatus , p. 136, negligens , p. 137, Turkestan, Weise, Deutsche e. Z. 1892 ; C. scutellatus , dohrni, pi. xxxix, fig. 1, Madagascar, Jacoby, p. 566, P. Z. S. 1892 ; C. emphractus, p. 84, strenuus , p. 85, S. Africa, Peringuey, Tr. S. African Phil. Soc. vi (2) ; C. nagpurensis, p. 400, suavis , p. 401, laterimaculatus , p. 403, fraternus , p. 404, Bengal, Duyivier, Ann. Ent. Belg. xxxvi ; C. nigriceps , semimarginatus , Indo-China, Allard, p. 232, N. Arch. Mus. Paris (3) iii; C. angulatofasciatus , gestroi, p. 890, fece, p. 891 , flavicinctus, p. 892, Burma, Jacoby, Ann. Mus. Genov. (2) xii : n. spp. Cynorta violacea , p. 970, subcenea, p. 971, Burma, Jacoby, Ann. Mus. Genov. (2) xii, n. spp. Cyphotarsis , n. g., near Scelida, for C. niger , n. sp., Mexico, Jacoby, p.339, Biol. Centr. Am. Col. vi (1 supp.). Demotina semifasciata, Burma, Jacoby, p. 906, Ann. Mus. Genov. (2) xii, n. sp. Derectis, Clark, = ( Antipha , Baly) ; Jacoby, Ent. xxv, p. 162. Derocrepis pubipennis , Araxes Yalley, Reitter, p. 154, Wien. ent. Z. xi, n. sp. Diabrotica smithi, peregrina, pi. xliii, fig. 12, p. 330, guerreroensis, fig. 13, blattoides, p. 331 , quatuor-decimpunctata, fig. 14, semiopaca , ribbei , p. 332, D.? antennata , fig. 15, p. 333, Centr. America, Jacoby, Biol. Centr. Am. Col. vi (1 supp.), n. spp. Diacantha lugubris, opulenta, S.W. Africa, Peringuey, Tr. S. African Phil. Soc. vi (2) ; D. balteata , Transvaal, Peringuey, p. 133, t. c. : n. spp. Diapromorpha ccerulea , p. 877, melanocephala , gigantea , p. 878, Burma, Jacoby, Ann. Mus. Genov. (2) xii, n. spp. Diorycius castaneus , Burma, Jacoby, p. 888, Ann. Mus. Genov. (2) xii, n. sp. Diphaulacosoma, n. g., Halticinoe , for D. Icevipenne , n. sp., Madagascar, Jacoby, p. 574, pi. xxxix, fig. 8, P. Z. S. 1892. Donaciini : tabulation of the Netherlands species ; Everts, Tijdschr. Ent. xxxv, pp. 31-58. CHRYS0MELID2E. Ins. 175 Donacia and Plateumaris : characters of the groups and species of the Old World; Jacobson, pp. 412-437, Hor. Ent. Ross. xxvi. B. sericea : abnormal coloration in ; Paulcke, Deutsche e. Z. 1892, p. 416. D. australasice, Queensland, Blackburn, p. 235, Tr. R. Soc. S. Austr. xv, n. sp. Doryida and D. mouhoti , redefined ; Jacoby, pp. 989 & 990, Ann. Mus. Genov. (2) xii. Bownesia grandis, p. 241, elegans , p. 242, longipennis, p. 243, Burma, Gestro, Ann. Mus. Genov. (2) x, n. spp. Echtrusia, n. g., near Eurysthenes , for E. rhomboidea , n. sp., Cape Town ; Lefevre, p. 41, Tr. S. African Phil. Soc. vi. Enneamera birmanica , limbatipennis, Burma, Jacoby, p. 935, Ann. Mus. Genov. (2) xii, n. spp. Erystus podagroides , Ceram, p. 390, villicus, Bangkei, p. 391, Weise, Deutsche e. Z. 1892, n. spp. Eulychius nigritarsis , Madagascar, Jacoby, p. 567, P. Z. S. 1892, n. sp. Eumelepta, n. g., near Ergana , for E. biplagiata , n. sp., Burma, Jacoby, p. 988, Ann. Mus. Genov. (2) xii. Eumolpmi, of N. America, revised and tabulated ; Horn, Tr. Am. Ent. Soc. xix, pp. 195-234. Eurispa lorice , New Guinea, Gestro, p. 1016, Ann. Mus. Genov. (2) x ; E. nigripes, S. Australia, simplex , Victoria, fraterna , S. Australia, Blackburn, p. 68, Tr. R. Soc. S. Austr. xv, n. spp. Eurydemus metallicus, Madagascar, Jacoby, p. 570, P. Z. S. 1892 ; E. depressus, Zambezi, Lefevre, p. 42, Tr. S. African Phil. Soc. vi : n. spp. Euryope notabilis , S. W. Africa, Peringuey, p. 86, Tr. S. African Phil. Soc. vi (2), n. sp. Euryscopa pusilla , Texas, p. 16, subtilis , California, p. 17, Horn, Tr, Am. Ent. Soc. xix, n. spp. Eustetha varians , Indo- China, Allard, p. 233, N. Arch. Mus. Paris (3) iii, n. sp. Fidia cana, Texas, Horn, p. 199, Tr. Am. Ent. Soc. xvi, n. sp. Galeruca , Geoff., = ( Adimonia , Laich.) ; Weise, p. 414, Deutsche e. Z. 1892. G. xanthomelcena , habits, &c. ; Smith, Canad. Ent. xxiv, pp. 246-250 : habits and life-history ; Riley, pp. 282 & 286, Canad. Ent. xxiv. Galerucella albopilosa , Burma, Jacoby, p. 969, Ann. Mus. Genov. (2) xii ; G. celebensis, Celebes, Weise, p. 404, Deutsche e. Z. 1892 ; £. amabilis, Mexico, pi. xliii, fig. 11, terminalis , Panama, Jacoby, p.327, Biol. Centr. Am. Col. vi (1 supp.) : n. spp. Galerusoma, n. g., near Mimastra, for G. apicicorne , n. sp., Madagascar ; Jacoby, p. 578, P. Z. S. 1892. Gonophora parvula, p. 237, rugicollis , p. 238, Burma, Gestro, Ann. Mus. Genov. (2) x : G. modiglianii, Engano, Gestro, p. 793, op. cit. xii : n. spp. 176 Ins. XIII. COLEOPTERA. Gymmdrophthalma, 11 -notata, p. 132, pvnetatissima, viridiceps , p. 133, Turkestan, Weise, Deutsche e. Z. 1892 ; G. laticollis , Bengal, Duvivier, p. 399, Ann. Ent. Belg. xxxvi ; G. mandarina, China, Lefevre, p. xciv, Bull. Soc. Ent. Fr. lxi ; G. pictipennis, p. 883, decemnotata , octomaculata, p. 884, birmanica , p. 885, Burma, Jacoby, Ann. Mus. Genov. (2) xii : n. spp. Haltica semenoivi , p. 462, weisei, — ( [Iceviuscula , Weise), balassogloi , p. 463, Central Asia, Jacobsohn, Hor. Ent. Ross, xxvi, n. spp. Haplosonyx rufipennis , Pedong, Duvivier, p. 439, Ann. Ent. Belg. xxxvi ; Id. orientalis, p. 962, ornata, p. 963, inornatusy varipes , p. 964, Burma, Jacoby, Ann. Mus. Genov. (2) xii : n. spp. Hemyloticus , n. g., Typophorince, p. 571, for H. geniculatus, n. sp., Mada- gascar, p. 572, pi. xxxix, fig. 6 ; Jacoby, P. Z. S. 1892. Hetercispis viridis , Burma, Jacoby, p. 86, Ent. xxv, Supp. ; H. parvula, nitida , p. 909, bhamoensis , p. 910, Burma, Jacoby, Ann. Mus. Genov. (2) xii : n. spp. Hispidce of Burma, with many notes ; Gestro, Ann. Mus. Genov. (2) x, pp. 225-268. Hispa elegantula , Bengal, Duvivier, p. 447, Ann. Ent. Belg. xxxvi ; H. megacantha , p. 249, cariana, p. 251, maculata, p. 252, brevicuspis , p. 253, discicollis , p. 254, dorice , p. 256, monticola , p. 257, minuta , p. 259, par once,, p. 260, xanthospila , p. 261, platyprioides , p. 262, multi- fida , p. 263, Gestro, Ann. Mus. Genov. (2) x ; H. rubus , New Guinea, Gestro, p. 1019, Ann. Mus. Genov. (2) x : n. spp. Homopkceta simulans, pi. xlii, figs. 24 & 25, violacea , Mexico, Jacoby, p. 316, Biol. Centr. Am. Col. vi ( 1 supp.), n. spp. Hoplacerus, n. g., near Diphaulaca , for H. tibialis , n. sp., Mexico, pi. xliii, fig. 21, Jacoby, p. 344, Biol. Centr. Am. Col. vi (1 supp.). Hylaspoides, n. g., near Hylaspes, p. 443, for H. magnijica, n. sp., Sikkim, p. 444 ; Duvivier, Ann. Ent. Belg. xxxvi. Hyperacantha flavonigra , var. described ; Gahan, p. 92, P. Z. S. 1892. Hyperaxis distincta , Bengal, Duvivier, p. 411, Ann. Ent. Belg. xxxvi, n. sp. Hyphcenia submetallica, Burma, Jacoby, p. 985, Ann. Mus. Genov. (2) xii, n. sp. Hyphasis signata , Bengal, Duvivier, p. 429, Ann. Ent. Belg. xxxvi ; H. distincta , p. 936, intermedia , inornata , p. 937, balyi , p. 938, Jacoby, Ann. Mus. Genov. (2) xii : n. spp. Hypolampsis inornata , Mexico, Jacoby, p. 323, Biol. Centr. Am. Col. vi (1 supp.), n. sp. Icongius nigromaculatus , Madagascar, Jacoby, p. 569, pi. xxxix, fig. 5, P. Z. S. 1892, n. sp. Konbirella, n. g., Galerucince , for K. cardoni, n. sp., Bengal ; Duvivier, p. 438, Ann. Ent. Belg. xxxvi. Labidostomis glycyrrhizce , note on ; Becker, p. 70, Bull. Mosc. 1892. L. urticaruniy China, Frivaldszky, p. 119, Term, fuzetek, xv, n. sp. CHKYSOMELIDiE. Ins. 177 Lactica bipustulata , Burma, Jacoby, p. 919, Ann. Mus. Genov. (2) xii ; L. vittatipennis, p. 345, pi. xliii, fig. 22, hidalgoensis , LA varicornis, fig. 24, p. 346, Mexico, Jacoby, Biol. Centr. Am. Col. vi (1 supp.) : n. spp. Lema melanopa, habits ; Verhoeff, p. 298, Ent. Nachr. xviii ; L. sayi , habits ; Richardson, p. 240, P. E. Soc. Wash. ii. L. rugicollis , madagascariensis , Madagascar, Jacoby, p. 565, P. Z. S. 1892 ; L.pulchella , S. W. Africa, Peringuey, p. 82, Tr. S. African Phil. Soc. vi (2) ; L. mashuana, S. Africa, Peringuey, p. 133, t. c. ; L . robusta , p. 869, mandibularis , p. 870, dimidiatipennis , p. 871, obscuri - tar sis, birmanica , p. 872 , fece, palonensis, p. 873, Burma, Jacoby, Ann, Mus. Genov. (2) xii; L. centr omacidata, Nias I., Weise, p. 386, Deutsche e. Z. 1892 ; L. smithi, fulvipes , p. 341, quinquelineata , sponsa, p. 342, Mexico, Jacoby, Biol. Centr. Am. Col. vi (1 supp.) : n. spp. Lina : minute structure of elytra ; Hoffbauer (405). Longitarsus rangoonensis , p. 920, birmanicus , p. 921, Burma, Jacoby, Ann. Mus. Genov. (2) xii, n. spp. Luperodes braeti , Bengal, Duvivier, p. 437, Ann. Ent. Belg. xxxvi ; L. impressipennis , p. 950, subrug osus, tar sails, p. 951, pygidialis, p. 952, Burma, Jacoby, Ann. Mus. Genov. (2) xii ; L. salvini , Guatemala, Jacoby, p. 336, Biol. Centr. Am. Col. vi (1 supp.) : n. spp. Luperomorpha viitata, p. 427, nigripennis , albofasciata , p. 428, Bengal, Duvivier, Ann. Ent. Belg. xxxvi : n. spp. Luperus tenuelimbatus, Obock, Fairmaire, p. 126, Rev. d’Ent. xi ; L. constricticollis , Burma, Jacoby, p; 949, Ann. Mus. Genov. (2) xii : n. spp. Macetes peringueyi , S. Africa, Lefevre, p. 41, Tr. S. African Phil. Soc. vi, n. sp. Macrima abdominalis , varietal note ; Jacoby, p. 88, Ent. xxv (Supp.). Malacorhinus cobanensis, pi. xliii, fig. 18, exclamationis, fig. 19, Central America, Jacoby, p. 336, Biol. Centr. Am. Col. vi (1 supp.), n. spp. Malacosoma sikorce , aterrimum, p. 575, flavicorne, p. 576, pi. xxxix, fig. 12, Madagascar, Jacoby, P. Z. S. 1892 ; M. nigricolle , Burma, Jacoby, Ann. Mus. Genov. (2) xii : n. spp. Malaxia pallipes , Burma, Jacoby, p. 969, Ann. Mus. Genov. (2) xii, n. sp. Mandarella, n. g., Agelasticites, p. 433, for M. nagpurensis, n. sp., Bengal, p. 434 ; Duvivier, Ann. Ent. Belg. xxxvi. Mastostethus angustovittatus, Mexico, Jacoby, p. 343, Biol. Cent. Am. Col. vi (1 supp.), n. sp. Megalognatha bohemanni, = (Cneorane foveicollis, Jac.), M. elegans, ~ ( Apophylia elegantula, Jac.); Jacoby, Ent. xxv, p. 162. Megalopus basalis , Mexico, Jacoby, p. 344, Biol. Centr. Am. Col. vi (1 supp.), n. sp. Megalostomis : characters of, N. American ; Horn, p. 11, Tr. Am. Ent. Soc. xix. 1892. [VOL. XXIX.] E 12 178 Ins. XIII. COLEOPTERA. Megamerus mandibularis, N. W. Australia, Blackburn, p. 67, Tr. R. Soc. S. Austr. xv, n. sp. Melasoma populi, n. var .,janacelci ; Reitter, p. 240, Wien. ent. Z. xi. Melitonoma decorata , S. W. Africa, Peringuey, p. 84, Tr. S. African Phil. Soc. vi (2), n. sp. Menippus ceneipennis , Celebes, Weise, p. 404, Deutsche e. Z. 1892, n. sp. Menius distantly Transvaal, Jacoby in Distant, Naturalist Transvaal, p. 205, pi. i, fig. 6, n. sp. Merista cardoni , E. India, Duvivier, p. 440, Ann. Ent. Belg. xxxvi, n. sp. Mesodera brevicollis , Mexico, Jacoby, p. 347, Biol. Centr. Am. Col. vi (1 supp.), n. sp. Metachroma ceneicolle , p. 211, longulum, p. 212, aterrimum, p. 214, termi- nate, p. 21 5, parallelum, p. 217, N. America, Horn, Tr. Am. Ent. Soc. xix, n. spp. Metacoryna Icevipennis , Guatemala, pretiosa, Mexico, pi. xliii, fig. 20, Jacoby, p. 338, Biol. Centr. Am. Col. vi (1 supp.), n. sp. Metacycla rugipennis , Mexico, Jacoby, p. 337, Biol. Centr. Am. Col. vi (1 supp.), n. sp. Metaxyonycha circumcincta , N. America, Horn, p. 228, Tr. Am. Ent. Soc. xvi, n. sp. Mimastra longicornis, p. 944, hirsuta, p. 945, Burma, Jacoby, Ann. Mus. Genov. (2) xii, n. spp. Mimastroides , n. g., Galerucince , p. 577, for M. madagascariensis , n. sp., Madagascar, pl.xxxix, fig. 11, p. 578 ; Jacoby, P. Z. S. 1892. Monolepta marginata , p. 981, birmanensis, p. 982, alboplagiata, gestroi , p. 983, fece , p. 984, Burma, Jacoby, Ann. Mus. Genov. (2) xii ; M. benallce , froggatti , Victoria, Blackburn, p. 549, P. Linn. Soc. N. S.W. (2) vi ; M. morosa , Mexico, Jacoby, p. 340, Biol. Centr. Am. Col. vi (1 supp.) : n. spp. Monoplatus puncticollis, Mexico, Jacoby, p. 320, Biol. Centr. Am. Col. vi (1 supp.), n. sp. Mouhotina birmanica, Burma, Jacoby, p. 913, Ann. Mus. Genov. (2) xii, n. sp. Neobrotica pallida, ruatancey pi. xliii, fig. 17, Mexico, Jacoby, p.335, Biol. Centr. Am. Col. vi (1 supp.), n. spp. Neolepta ruficollis, Burma, Jacoby, p. 992, Ann. Mus. Genov. (2) xii, n. sp. Nestinus longicornis , Mexico, Jacoby, p. 324, Biol. Centr. Am. Col. vi (1 supp.), n. sp. Nirina , n. g., near Pachytoma , for N. jacobyi , n. sp., E. Africa ; Weise, p. 403, Deutsche e. Z. 1892. Nisotra nigritarsis , Jclugii, Madagascar, Jacoby, p. 572, P. Z. S. 1892 ; N. papuensis , New Guinea, Tryon (953) : n. spp. Nodina tar sails , Bengal, Duvivier, p. 409, Ann. Ent. Belg. xxxvi ; N. par- vula, p. 902, robusta, p. 903, birmanica , p. 904, Burma, Jacoby, Ann. Mus. Genov. (2) xii : n. spp. CHRYS0MELID2E. Ins. 179 Nodonota clypealis , N. America, Horn, p. 232, Tr. Am. Ent. Soc. xix, n. sp. Nodostoma variabile, p. 406, angulicolle, p. 408, Bengal, Duvivier, Ann. Ent. Belg xxxvi ; N. helium , p. 895, bhamoense, p. 89 6, semicoeruleum, fece , p. 897, hirmanicum , p. 898, capitatum, himaculicolle , p. 899, denti- colle , p. 900, violaceofasciatum, p. 901, semipur pureum, p. 902, Burma, Jacoby, Ann. Mus. G-enov. (2) xii ; N. indicum, Burma, multi - costata , p. 86, apicipes, p. 87, Sumatra, Jacoby, Ent. xxv (Supp.) : n. spp. Nonarthra variahilis , varr. described ; Duyiyier, p. 423, Ann. Ent. Belg. xxxvi. N. albofasciata, Duviyier, p. 424, Ann. Ent. Belg. xxxvi, n. sp. Ochralea rufobasalis , p. 977, pallida , p. 978, Burma, Jacoby, Ann. Mus. Genov. (2) xii, n. spp. Odontionopa discolor , Cape Town, Lefevre, p. 39, Tr. S. African Phil. Soc. vi, n. sp. (Edionychis clypeata , Madagascar, Jacoby, p. 574, P. Z. S. 1892 ; (E . cly- peata , p. 317, haroldi, durangoensis , p. 318, pavonina , p. 319, pi. xliii, fig. 1, Mexico, Jacoby, Biol. Centr. Am. Col. vi (1 supp.) : n. spp. Oides basalis, flavolimbatus, New Guinea, Tryon (953), n. spp. Omotyphus suturalis, pi. xliii, fig. 3, p. 322, carinatus , fig. 4, p. 323, Mexico, Jacoby, Biol. Centr. Am. Col. vi (1 supp.), n. spp. Ootheca modesta, Transvaal, Gahan in Distant, Naturalist Transvaal, p. 206, pi. i, fig. 11, n. sp. Ophrcea opaca , Mexico, Jacoby, p. 327, Biol. Centr. Am. Col. vi (1 supp.), n. sp. Orsodacna atra , variation and synonyms ; Horn, p. 6, Tr. Am. Ent. Soc. xix : variation, Hamilton, p. 160, Canad. Ent. xxiv. Orihaulaca , n. g. (with 5 subgg.), type, Galeruca similis, 01. ; Weise, p. 393, Deutsche e. Z. 1892. Oxycephala longipennis, New Guinea, Gestro, p. 1017, Ann. Mus. Genov. (2) x, n. sp. Pachnephoptrus , n. g., near Pachnephorus, for P. weisei , n. sp., Ordubad ; Reitter, p. 153, Wien. ent. Z. xi. Pachnephorus plagiatus, Burma, Jacoby, p. 913, Ann. Mus. Genov. (2) xii, n. sp. Pachybrachys nigropunctatus, glycyrrhizce , distinctive characters ; Weise, p. 413, Deutsche e. Z. 1892. P . lecontei , n. n. for brevicollis, Jac., nec Lee. ; Jacoby, p. 348, Biol. Centr. Am. Col. vi (1 supp.). Pachygnatha, n. g., for Orina dolens , Kr. ; Weise, p. 352, Deutsche e. Z. 1892. Pachypalpa , n. g., for Galeruca luteicornis , Fab. ; Weise, p. 392, Deutsche e. Z. 1892. Pachytoma dives , Karsch, = ( Mesodonta submetallica, Jac.) ; Jacoby, Ent. xxv, p. 162. P. obscura , Centr. Africa, Gahan, p. 93, P. Z. S. 1892, n. sp. Pallena chapuisi} Cape Town, Lefevre, p. 41, Tr. S. African Phil. Soc. vi, n. sp. 180 Ins. XIII. COLEOPTERA. Parathrylea , n. g., Arsipodites , p. 420, for P. apicipennis , n. sp., Bengal, p. 421, Duyivier, Ann. Ent. Belg. xxxvi. Paria merged in Typophorus ; Horn, p. 207, Tr. Am. Ent. Soc. xix. Paridea approximata, p. 430, livida, p. 432, Duvivier, Ann. Ent. Belg. xxxvi ; P. bifurcata, ruficollis, p. 953, cornuta , p. 954, nigripennis , p. 955, foveipennis, p. 956, unifasciata, p. 957, Burma, Jacoby, Ann. Mus. Genov. (2) xii : n. spp. Paropsides pardalis , nigropunctatus, Burma, Jacoby, p. 918, Ann. Mus. Genov. (2) xii, n. spp. Paropsis yilgarnensis , p. 545, latipes , p. 546, regularis , p. 547, Australia, Blackburn, P. Linn. Soc. N.S.W. (2) vi ; P.rufopicta, W. Australia, Blackburn, p. 237, Tr. R. Soc. S. Austr. xv : n. spp. Pausiris strigicollis , Cape Colony, Lefevre, p. 41, Tr. S. African Phil. Soc. vi, n. sp. Pheloticus brunneus , p. 567, pi. xxxix, fig. 2, P. ? ameicollts , fig. 4, bifasci- atus , fig. 3, p. 568, Madagascar, Jacoby, P. Z. S. 1892, n. spp. Phyllotreta dentifera , S. France, Guillebeau, Echange, i, No. 7 ; P. chotanica, Bengal, Duvivier, p. 426, Ann. Ent. Belg. xxxvi : n. spp. Physimerus elongatulus , p. 321, jlavopilosus, p. 322, Mexico, Jacoby, Biol. Centr. Am. Col. vi (1 supp.), n. spp. Phytodecta linneana , Schrank, synonymical note ; Weise, p. 414, Deutsche e. Z. 1892. Piasus , n. g., near Lactica, for P.fulvus , n. sp., Mexico, pi. xliii, fig. 25; Jacoby, p. 345, Biol. Centr. Am. Col. vi (1 supp.). Pilemostoma , n. subg. of Cassida ; Desbrochers, p. 14, Supp., Frelon, i. Platypria acanthion, p. 245, ericulus , p. 247, Burma, Gestro, Ann. Mus. Genov. (2) x, n. spp. Platyxantha africana , Congo, Duvivier, p. 167, Ann. Ent. Belg. xxxvi ; P. indica, Bengal, Duvivier, p. 445, Ann. Ent. Belg. xxxvi : n. spp. Plectroscelis olliffi, N. S. Wales, Blackburn, p. 548, P. Linn. Soc. N.S.W. (2) vi, n. sp. Podagrica decolorata, Congo, Duvivier, p. 60, Ann. Ent. Belg. xxxvi, n. sp. Pcecilomorpha binotata, S. W. Africa, Peringuey, Tr. S. African Phil. Soc. vi (2), p. 83, n. sp. Prionispa pulchra , Borneo, Gorham, p. 84, pi. iv, fig. 2, P. Z. S. 1892, n. sp. Pseudocassida , n. subg. of Cassida , Desbrochers, p. 15 (Supp.) Frelon, i. Pseud ocolaspis hottentota, variegata , brachiata, p. 39, gracilipes, viridana, p. 40, S. Africa, Lefevre, Tr. S. African Phil. Soc. vi ; P. bengalensis, India, Duvivier, p. 412, Ann. Ent. Belg. xxxvi : n. spp. Pseudocrania, n. g., near Monolepta, for P. latifrons, n. sp., QuaDgo ; Weise, p. 400, Deutsche e. Z. 1892. Pseudodiabrotica, n. g., near Microbrotica, for P. metallica, n. sp., Mexico, pi. xliii, fig. 16; Jacoby, p. 334, Biol. Centr. Am. Col. vi (1 supp.). CHRYS0MELIDJ3. Ins. 181 Pseudoides , n. g., Agelastince , for P. bivittata, n. sp., Burma ; Jacoby, p. 966, Ann. Mus. Genov. (2) xii. P seudopiomera , n. g., Leprotince , p. 907, for P. pallidicornis , n. sp., Burma, p. 908 ; Jacoby, Ann. Mus. Genov. (2) xii. Pteleon pubescens , Mexico, Jacoby, p. 337, Biol. Centr. Am. Col. vi (1 supp.), n. sp. Rhaphidopalpa bengalensis, Calcutta, aruensis , N. Guinea, cerarnensis , Borneo, &c., niasensis , Sumatra, p. 394, chinensis, Shanghai, p. 395, Weise, Deutsche e. Z. 1892, n. spp. Rhembastus dimidiaticornis , p. 569, antennatas , p. 570, Madagascar, Jacoby, P. Z. S. 1892, n. spp. Rhinotmetus modestus , p. 320, minutus , p. 321, Mexico, Jacoby, Biol. Centr. Am. Col. vi (1 supp.), n. spp. Rhyparida striaticollis , Madagascar, Jacoby, p. 571, pi. xxxix, fig. 7, P. Z. S. 1892 ; P. aterrima , Burma, Jacoby, p. 911, Ann. Mus. Genov. (2) xii ; R. mastersi, Queensland, Blackburn, p. 236, Tr. R. Soc. S. Austr. xv : n. spp. Rupilia rugulosa , Queensland, Blackburn, p. 238, Tr. R. Soc. S. Austr. xv, n. spp. Rybakowia , n. g., near Haltica , p. 465, for R. pyriformis, — ( globicollis , Ryb.), n. sp., Amdo, p. 466 ; Jacobsohn, Hor. Ent. Ross. xxvi. Sastra fulvicornis , Burma, Jacoby, p. 958, Ann. Mus. Genov. (2) xii, n. sp. Sastroides crassipalpis , referred to Sastra ; Jacoby, p. 958, Ann. Mus. Genov. (2) xii. S.parvula , Burma, Jacoby, p. 959, Ann. Mus. Genov. (2) xii, n. sp. Saxinis politula , speculifera , California, Horn, p. 10, Tr. Am. Ent. Soc. xix, n. spp. Scelidopsis (?) violacea , Mexico, Jacoby, p. 339, Biol. Centr. Am. Col. vi, (1 supp.), n. sp. Sebaethe quadrimaculata, elongata , p. 922, immaculata , p. 923, S. ? recticolliSj p. 924, Burma, Jacoby, Ann. Mus. Genov. (2) xii, n. spp. Sermyloides dilaticornis, Sumatra, Jacoby, p. 88, Ent. xxv (Supp.), n. sp. Solenia abdominalis , p. 986, integricollis , p. 987, Burma, Jacoby, Ann. Mus. Genov. (2) xii, n. spp. Sphenoraia imitans , Burma, Jacoby, p. 961, Ann. Mus. Genov. (2) xii, n. sp. Sphcerartkra, subg. (n. ?) of Orthaulaca ; Weise, p. 396, Deutsche e. Z. 1892. Sphceroderma antennata , p. 925, nigrita , p. 926, birmanica , acutangula , p. 927, varipennis , p. 928, discicollis, terminate , p. 929, pallidicornis , p. 930, Burma, Jacoby, Ann. Mus. Genov. (2) xii, n. spp. Sphcerometopa intermedia , Burma, Jacoby, p. 925, Ann. Mus. Genov. (2) xii, n. sp. Spilocephalus viridipennis , var. described and figured ; Gahan in Distant, Naturalist Transvaal, p. 207, pi. i, fig. 12. S. distant i, Transvaal, Gahan in Distant, Naturalist Transvaal, p. 208, n. sp. 182 Ins. XIII. COLEOPTEKAo Spilopyra ollijji, , N. S. Wales, Blackburn, p. 544, P. Linn. Soc. N.S.W. (2) vi, n. sp. Sternoplatys piceus, Fab., = (pascoei, Baly) ; Duvivier, p. 374, Ann. Ent. Belg. xxxvi. Stethomela caudata , Queensland, Blackburn, p. 237, Tr. R. Soc. S. Austr. xv, n. sp. Syagrus rufo-brunneus, rugiceps , Zambezi, Lefevre, p. 43, Tr. S. African Phil. Soc. vi, n. spp. Syneta : characters and synonymy of the N. American species ; Horn, pp. 1-5, Tr. Am. Ent. Soc. xix. Temnaspis flavicornis , p. 875, nigroplagiata , p. 876, Burma, Jacoby, Ann. Mus. Genov. (2) xii; T. squalidusy Indo-China, Allard, p. 232, N. Arch. Mus. Paris (3) iii : n. spp. Theopea nigricollis , Borneo, Jacoby, p. 87, Ent. xxv (Supp.), n. sp. Timarcha arragonica , Spain, Balbi, Riv. Ital. Sci. Nat. xii, p. 50, n. sp. Trichostola capensis , S. Africa, Lefevre, p. 42, Tr. S. African Phil. Soc. vi, n. sp. Trichotheca basifemorata , Bengal, Duvivier, p. 410, Ann. Ent. Belg. xxxvi, n. sp. Trirrhabda vicina, p. 324, hogei , pi. xliii, fig. 8, sublcevicollis , fig. 7, p. 325, semiviridis, fig. 9, rugosa , fig. 10, guatemalensis, p. 326, Central America, Jacoby, Biol. Centr. Am. Col. vi (1 supp.), n. spp. Tymnes violaceus , Pennsylvania, Horn, p. 222, Tr. Am. Ent. Soc. xix, n. sp. Wallacea inornata , Engano, Gestro, p. 792, Ann. Mus. Genov. (2) xii, n. sp. Zeugophora : characters of N. American ; Horn, p. 7, Tr. Am. Ent. Soc. xix. Erotylhle. [Cf. Gorham (350), Reitter (725), Ritsema (757).] Asmonax, n. g., near Encaustes , for A. whiteheadi , n. sp., Borneo, pi. iv, fig. 5 ; Gorham, p. 85, P. Z. S. 1892. Helota fece, p. 886, serratipennis , p. 890, rotundata, p. 891, gestroi , p. 893, immaculata , p. 895, difficilis, p. 896, dohertyi, p. 898, notata, p. 900, dubia , p. 901, Burma, Ritsema, Ann. Mus. Genov. (2) x, n. spp. Triplax ( Platychna ) ancilis, Araxes Valley, p. 133, swanetica, Caucasus, p. 134, Reitter, Wien. ent. Z. xi, n. spp. Endomychid^. [Cf. Gahan (210), Gorham (350)] Amphisternus armatus , Borneo, Gorham, p. 86, pi. iv, fig. 3, P. Z. S. 1892, n. sp. Ancylopus fuscipennis, Transvaal, Gahan in Distant, Naturalist Trans- vaal, p. 210, pi. iv, fig. 10, n. sp.. C0CCINELLID2E. Ins. 183 Epipocus cinctus , metamorphoses ; Wickham, Bull. Lab. Iowa, ii, p. 198, pi. i. Eumorphus costatus , $ described ; Gorham, p. 87, P. Z. S. 1892. E. tumescens , p. 86, pi. iv, fig. 4, lucidus , p. 87, fig. 1, Borneo, Gorham, P. Z. S. 1892, n. spp. OOCCINELLID^]. [' Cf ’ Blackburn (93, 94), Blaisdell (97), Frivaldszky (309), Gorham (347, 348, 351), Sicard (846), Weise (402, 993, 995, 997, 1001).] Habit of congregating of Coccinellidce , discussion ; P. E. Soc. Wash, ii, pp. 169 & 170. Weise’s “ Bestimmungs-Tabellen ” of European Coccinellidce , translated into French, with notes by Sicard & Bedel ; Sicard, Abeille, xxviii, pp. 1-80. Adonia weisei, China, Frivaldszky, p. 120, Term, fuzetek, xv, n. sp. Bucolinus , n. g., near Bucolus, for B. longicornis, n. sp., Victoria; Black- burn, p. 252, Tr. R. Soc. S. Austr. xv. Bucolus convexus , New S. Wales, Blackburn, p. 72, Tr. R. Soc. S. Austr. xv, n. sp. Chilocorides : characters of the group noticed ; Gorham, p. 174, Biol. Centr. Am. Col. vii. Chilocorus bipustulatus and renipustulatus , destroying Coccidce ; Bedel, p. 2, Abeille, xxviii. C. chalybeatus , Kiu-Kiang, Gorham, Ent. xxv (Supp.), p. 84 ; C. flavidus, Queensland, Blackburn, p. 239, Tr. R. Soc. S. Austr. xv : n. spp. Chnootriba antinorii , Scioa, Gorham, p. 911, Ann. Mus. Genov. (2) x, n. sp. Clanis soror , Bengal, Weise, p. 25, Ann. Ent. Belg. xxxvi, n. sp. Cleis lynx , figured, pi. ix, fig. 19 ; Gorham, Biol. Centr. Am. Col. vii. Coccinella 12-maculata, n. var., jakolewi ; Weise, p. 140, Deutsche e. Z. 1892. C. septempunctata, temporary colonies of ; Plateau, p. 393, Ann. Ent. Belg. xxxvi. Ccelophora unicolor , great variation and synonymy ; Weise, pp. 20-24, Ann. Ent. Belg. xxxvi. C. mastersi , p. 238, guttata , p. 239, Queensland, Blackburn, Tr. R. Soc. S. Austr. xv, n. spp. Cycloneda sallcei , pi. ix, fig. 21, retrospiciens , pi. x, fig. 2, figured, rubida , variation and synonymy noticed, p. 171, abdominalis , varr. figured, pi. ix, figs. 22-24, gilardini, figured, pi. ix, fig. 25; Gorham, Biol. Centr. Am. Col. vii. C. electra , Guatemala, Gorham, p. 173, pi. x, fig. 3, Biol. Centr. Am. Col. vii., n. sp. CycloscymnuSy n. g., Bucolites , for C. minutus , n. sp., New S. Wales ; Blackburn, p. 251, Tr. R. Soc. S. Austr. xv. Egleis hingi , Macl., = ( varicolor , Muls.) ; Blackburn, p. 238, Tr. R. Soc. S. Austr. xv. 184 Ins. XIII. COLEOPTEKA. Epilachna scioensis, p. 910, cegrota, p. 911, Scioa, Gorham, Arm Mus. Genov. (2) x ; E. fairmairei , China, Frivaldszky, p. 121, Term, fiizetek, xv; E. insignis , Kiu-Kiang, Gorham, Ent. xxv (Supp.), p. 84 : n. spp. Erithionyx , n. g., for Rhizobius lanosus , Blackburn, p. 259, Tr. R. Soc. S< Austr. xv. Gymnoscymnus, n. g., p. 241, for G. quadrimaculatus, n. sp., Australia, p. 242 ; Blackburn, Tr. R. Soc. S. Austr. xv. Halyzia oblong o guttata, minute structure of elytra ; Hoffbauer (405). H. emaciata, pi. ix, figs. 12 & 13, epistictica, figs. 14 & 15, p. 164, cham- pioni, pi. x, fig. 1, p. 165, Panama, Gorham, Biol. Centr. Am. Col. vii, n. spp. Harmonia impustulata, larva and pupa ; Planet, Le Nat. 1892, p. 178. Hyperaspis salaamensis, E. Africa, Weise, Deutsche e. Z. 1892, p. 15, n. sp. Hypocyrema , n. g., near Cyrema , p. 250, for H. pauxillum , n. sp., Aus- tralia, p. 251 ; Blackburn, Tr. R. Soc. S. Austr. xv. Leis axyridis, n. var., duodecimsignata ; Frivaldszky, p. 121, Term, fiizetek, xv. Lioadalia lenticula , Kiu-Kiang, Gorham, Ent. xxv (Supp.), p. 82, n. sp. Lipernes subviridis, New S. Wales, Blackburn, p. 72, Tr. R. Soc. S. Austr. xv, n. sp. Megilla maculata , habits; Riley, P. E. Soc. Wash, ii, p. 168. Midas pygmceus, Australia, Blackburn, p. 261, Tr. R. Soc. S. Austr. xv, n. sp. Neda bicolor, Queensland, Blackburn, p. 238, Tr. R. Soc. S. Austr. xv, n. sp. Neocalvia areolata, Panama ; Gorham, p. 169, pi. ix, fig. 20, Biol. Centr. Am. Col. vii. Neohalyzia perroudi , figured ; Gorham, pi. ix, fig. 11, Biol. Centr. Am. Col. vii. Orcus cceruleus , figured ; Gorham, pi. x, fig. 4, Biol. Centr. Am. Col. vii. 0. chalybeus , early stages, Ins. Life, v, p. 42. O. punctulatus, splendens , p. 240, ovalis , obscurus, p. 241, Australia, Blackburn, Tr. R. Soc. S. Austr. xv, n. spp. Ortalia discoidea, E. India, Weise, p. 27, Ann. Ent. Belg. xxxvi, n. sp. Oryssomus : Clypeaster variegatus , Phil., referred to this ; Germain, p. 261, Act. Soc. Chili, ii. Platynaspis , = ( Microrrhymbas , Gerst.); Weise, p. 413, Deutsche e. Z. 1892. P. abdominalis , n. n. for rufipennis, Weise ; Weise, l.c. Psyllobora conjluens, fig. 18, luciuosa, fig. 16, roei, fig. 17, figured, pi. ix, noticed, pp. 165, 168 ; Gorham, Biol. Centr. Am. Col. vii. Ptychanatis axyridis , variation ; Gorham, Ent. xxv (Supp.), p. 82. Rhizobius fug ax, dorsalis , p. 70, coccus , lanosus, pulcher, p. 71, Australia, Blackburn, Tr. R. Soc. S. Austr. xv ; R. nigronotatus, ornatipennis , p. 253, speculifer , toowoombce, p. 254, satelles, aurantii , p. 255, •fasciculatus, apicalis cceruleus, p. 256, plebeius , p. 257, Australia, Blackburn, t. c . : n. spp. C0CCINELLID.3S. Ins. 185 Rodolia : characters of ; Weise, p. 25, Ann. Ent. Belg. xxxvi. R. breviuscula , E. India, pumila , Hong-Kong, Weise, p. 26, Ann. Ent. Belg., n. spp. Scymnodes koebeli , New S. Wales, Blackburn, Tr. R. Soc. S. Austr. xv, p. 69, n. sp. Scymnomorpha , n. g., near Pullus , for S. duplopunctulata , n. sp., Victoria; Blackburn, Tr. R. Soc. S. Austr. xv. Scymnus koebeli , variation ; Blackburn, p. 242, Tr. R. Soc. S. Austr. xv. S. ( Nephus ) jakolewi, Irkutsk, Weise, p. 141, Deutsche e. Z. 1892 ; S. (Nephus) severini , p. 27, ( Pullus ) dorsualis , p. 28, E. India, Weise, p. 28, Ann. Ent. Belg. xxxvi ; 8. Sydney ensis, australasice} p. 243, jocosus , cucullifer , p. 244, victoriensis , subelongatulus , p. 245, sublatus, pretiosus , inaffectatus , p. 246, whittonensis, S. (n. g. ?) queenslandicuSf p. 247, &. vagans, p. 248, Australia, Blackburn, Tr. R. Soc. S. Austr. xv : n. spp. & lophanthce, California, Blaisdell, Ent. News, iii, p. 51. Semichnoodes, n. g., near Bucolus , p. 15, for 8. kunowi, n. sp., E. Africa, p. 16 ; Weise, Deutsche e. Z. 1892. Semiadalia Jieydeni, Margelan, Weise, p. 110, Deutsche e. Z. 1892, n. sp. Sercmgium maculigerum , Queensland, hirtuosum , New S. Wales, Blackburn, p. 73, Tr. R. Soc. S. Austr. xv, n. spp. Sumnius, n. g., near Rhizobius for N. renardi , p. 29, cardoni , p. 30, n. spp., E. India ; Weise, Ann. Ent. Belg. xxxvi. Trichorcus, n. g., near Orcws, for T. cinctus , n. sp., New S. Wales, Blackburn, Tr. R. Soc. S. Austr. xv, p. 73. Verania cardoni , E. India, Weise, p. 19, Ann. Ent. Belg. xxxvi, n. sp. Corylophidj:. Clypeaster variegatus , Phil., referred to Oryssomus in Coccinellidce ; Germain, p. 261, Act. Soc. Chili, ii. 186 Ins. (b.) HYMENOPTERA. Structure of ovipositor ; Marlatt (581). Retardation of appearance of Hymenoptera after transportation to summit of Mont Yentoux ; Nicolas, p. 567, CR. Ass. Fr. Sci. xx, pt. 2. Early stages of embryology ; Henking (396). Mode of union of abdominal segments ; Carlet (157). Characters for the determination of the families of Hymenoptera ; Frey-Gessner, Bull. Soc. Murith. xiii, pp. 37-48, pis. i, ii. ACULEATA. [Cf. Andre (12, 13), Benton (54), Benzi (55), Brancsik (115), Buysson & Marshall (149), Cameron (151), Cobelli (176), Dalla Torre (197), Emery (249-254), Forel (287-297, 475), Fox (298-306), Frey-Gessner (307, 308), Graffe (358), Handlirsch (386, 387), Katuric (473, 474), Keller (475), Kohl (501), Krieger (527), Magretti (575, 576), Marchal (580), Medina (598), Mocsary (615), Morawitz (624), Neren (631), Nicolas (639), Pergande (671), Perkins (674), Reed (719), Riley (745), Robertson (768), Saussure (210, 793), Schultiiess-Rechberg (803), Sergi (840), Stadelmann (883), Theobald (920), Vachal (959, 960), Yerhoeff (961, 962, 963, 964, 966, 967, 968, 969), Wagner (981), Wasmann (984, 986, 987), Williston (1012), Wroughton (1018).] The use of the asperities on pupse ; Yerhoeff (962). Position of the sexes in pupal cells ; relative numbers of the sexes, and time of their appearance ; Yerhoeff (963, 964). Catalogue of Australian Aeuleata , pt. ii : Froggatt (312). In Saussure ’s great work recorded below, by an unfortunate oversight, the novelties are not indicated in a sufficiently definite manner: the letter “ n ’’ being all that is used, and apparently indicating species or genera described by the author, either in this work or previously. The Recorder begs to point out this in palliation of any errors he may have fallen into. APIDiE. Mode of secretion of wax ; Mayer, MT. z. Stat. Neap, x, pp. 509, &c„ pi. xxxii, figs. 4, 4a. Revision of the bees described in Gray's Chili ; Reed (719). Anclrena mandibularis , Illinois, Robertson, p. 272, Am. Nat. xxvi, n. sp. apidj:. Ins. 187 Anthidium manicatum , habits ; Yerhoeff, Zool. Jahrb. Syst. vi, p. 710. A. buyssoni (Perez), Caracas, Buysson, p. 55, Ann. Soc. Ent. Fr. lxi, n. sp. Anthophora parietina , personata , pilipes , nests and habits, Yerhoeff, Zool. Jahrb. Syst. vi, pp. 699-703; A. pilipes , habits of $, Yerhoeff, Ent. Nachr. xviii, p. 244. A. loczyi. Tibet, Mocsary, p. 130, Term, fiizetek, xv, n. sp. Apis mellijica : workers feeding drones ; Cook, Bull. Dep. Agric. Ent. xxvi, p. 89. Koschewnikofl: on male organs, translated in Ann. N. H. (6) ix, p. 185. Distance it flies, Benton, Ins. Life, iv, p. 319. Bombus , the species of the Yalais, with note on economy ; Frey-Gessner, Bull. Soc. Murith. xiii, pp. 32-36. B. silantjeivi, p. 132, suworzewi , p. 135, Russia ; Morawitz, Hor. Ent. Ross, xxvi, n. spp. Calliopsis parvus, Illinois, Robertson, p. 273, Am. Nat. xxvi, n. sp. Camptopoeum altaicum , Russia, Morawitz, p. 142. Hor. Ent. Ross, xxvi, n. sp. Ceratina ccerulea , habits ; Yerhoeff, Zool. Jahrb. Syst. vi, p. 736. C. nitidula , Transcaspian region, Morawitz, p. 141, Hor. Ent. Ross. xxvi, n. sp. Chalicodoma muraria, parasites ; Carpentier, Bull. Soc. L. Nord France, x, p. 328. Chelostoma florisomme, habits ; Alfken, p. 209, Ent. Nachr. xviii. Ccelioxys dentigera , China, Mocsary, p. 131, Term, fiizetek, xv. n. sp. Colletes and Prosopis to form one family called Colletidce ; Yerhoeff, p. 734, Zool. Jahrb. Syst. vi. Epeolus productus and rufipes , distinctions of $ ; Saunders, Ent. M. M. xxviii, p. 161. E. pusillus, $ described ; Fox, Ent. News, iii, p. 29. Exomalopsis negleetus , Caracas, Buysson, p. 55, Ann. Soc. Ent. Fr. lxi, n. sp. Halictus cylindricus, hermaphrodite ; Krieger, pp. 137-140, Z. Naturw. lxv. H. sexcinctus, habits ; Yerhoeff, pp. 711-717, Zool. Jahrb. Syst. vi. H. sphecodimorphus , Spain, Oran, angustifrons , Algeria, Yachal, p. xxii, Bull. Soc. Ent. Fr. lxi ; H. denticollis , E. Siberia, p. 145, dmitrijewi , p. 146, Russia, monstrificus , E. Siberia, p. 147, Jakowlew, Hor. Ent. Ross, xxvi ; H. luridipes , gibber , p. cxxxvi, magrettii , p. cxxxvii, Soudan, Yachal, Bull. Soc. Ent. Fr. lxi ; H. reticulatus, Florida, hartii, Illinois, p. 268, floridanus , Florida, pruinosus , p. 269, cepJialicus , obscurus, p. 270, Illinois, ashmeadii , Florida, illinoensis , p. 271, anomalus , Illinois, apophensis , longiceps , Florida, p. 272, Robertson, Am. Nat. xxvi ; H. clavatus , Venezuela, Buysson, p. 55, Ann. Soc. Ent. Fr. lxi : n. spp. Heriades copetica , Transcaspian Region, Morawitz, p. 149, Hor. Ent. Ross, xxvi, n. sp. Megachile : nests of N. American species noticed ; Packard, Psyche, vi, p. 340. M. dufourii, nest ; Andre, Echange, i, No. 7, p. 1. 188 Ins. XIII. HYMENOPTERA. M. rhinoceros, China, Mocsary, p. 131, Term, fuzetek, xv, n. sp. Melissodes palustris, Illinois, Robertson, p. 273, Am. Nat. xxvi, n. sp. Meliturga pictipes , spinosa, Russia, Morawitz, Hor. Ent. Ross, xxvi, n. spp. Nomada baldiniana , Italy, Benzi, Atti Soc. Mod. (3) xi, p. 220, n. sp. Osmia emarginata , habits, architecture ; Verhoeff, Zool. Jahrb. Syst. vi, p. 703. A. leucomelcena, habits ; Verhoeff, t. c. p. 736 : account of the mode in which its larva is devoured by Stelis minuta ; Verhoeff, p. 41, Zool. Anz. xv. 0. tridentata , nidification and habits ; Ver- hoeff, Ent. Nachr. xviii, pp. 225-227. 0. simillinia, pacifica, nests noticed ; Packard, Psyche, vi, p. 340. O. {Acanthosmia) graffei , Trieste, Schmiedeknecht, p. 137, Atti Mus. Trieste, viii ; 0. friesei , Dalmatia, Verhoeff, p. 289, Ent. Nachr. xviii ; 0. globicola, Cape Good Hope, Stadelmann, p. 235, pi. vi, fig. 3, Berl. Ent. Zeit. xxxvii : n. spp. Panurginus herzi , E. Siberia, Morawitz, p. 144, Hor. Ent. Ross, xxvi, n. sp. Prosopis annulatus , habits of Verhoeff, p. 247, Ent. Nachr. xviii ; P. brevicornis, habits discussed ; Verhoeff, p. 732, Zool. Jahrb. Syst. vi. P. magrettii , Soudan, Vachal, p. cxxxv, Bull. Soc. Ent. Fr. lxi, n. sp. Rliophites mandibularis, p. 138, dispar , p. 139, Russia, Morawitz, Hor. Ent. Ross, xxvi, n. spp. Sphecodes : Sabulicola is a subg. S. cirsii, characters ; Verhoeff, p. 63, Berl. Ent. Zeit. xxxvii. Stelis cognata, Araxes Valley, Kohl, p. 230, Ann. Hofmuseum Wien, vii, n. sp. Tetralomia pygialisi Venezuela, Buysson, p. 54, Ann. Soc. Ent. Fr. lxi, n. sp. Tngona apiformis , ochrotrichus,Ye nezuela, Buysson, p. 54, Ann. Soc. Ent. Fr. lxi, n. spp. Xylocopa virginica , hibernation of $, egg noticed; Howard, p. 331, P. E. Soc. Wash. ii. X. gribodoi, Somaliland, Magretti, p. 959, Ann. Mus. Genov. (2) x, n. sp. VESPIDiE (DlPLOPTERA) . Eumenes fraterna , habits ; Southwick, Ins. Life, v, p. 107. E. kohli, Nossibe, Brancsik, p. 159, Jahresh. Ver. Trencsin. xiii, n. sp. Hoplopus spinipes, habits ; Verhoeff, p. 710, Zool. Jahrb. Syst. vi. H. Icevipes, habits ; id. t. c. p. 739. Odynerus murarius , habits ; Alfken, p. 210, Ent. Nachr. xviii: meta- morphoses ; King, Sci. Goss. 1892, pp. 196-198, woodcuts. O. spinipes, metamorphoses and parasites ; Carpentier, Bull. Soc. L. Nord. France, x, p. 326. O. pauli , Cadiz, Medina, p. 142, Act. Soc. Esp. xxi ; 0. aldrichi, N. America, Fox, p. 197, Ent. News, iii : n. spp. RYMENOPTERA FOSSORIA. Ins. 189 Pollutes gcillicus , color differences in sexes ; Medina, Act. Soc. Esp. xxi’ p. 177. P. puncticollis, E. Siberia, Morawitz, p. 150, Hor. Ent. Ross, xxvi, n. sp. Pterocheilus hispanicus , Ciudad-Real, Medina, p. 144, Act. Soc. Esp. xxi ; P. bezzii , Pavia, Cobelli, p. 67, Verb. z.-b. Wien, xlii : n. spp. Zethus slossonce, Florida, Fox, p. 29, Ent. News, iii, n. sp. Hymenoptera Fossoria. (Sphegim:, Crabronim, Mutillidj:, Etc.) Systematic arrangement and classification of the Heterogyna , consisting of Scoliens , Thynniens , Brady nobceniens, Mutilliens , Fedtschenkiens, Sapygiens ; Saussure in G-randidier, Madagascar Hym. Ac. xx, pt. 1, pp. 176, &c. Many of the species described by Saussure last year in MT. Schw. ent. Ges. viii, are now figured and described more fully in Grandidier, Madagascar, xx, pt. 1. General observations on the dwellers in Rubus stems ; Verhoeff, Zool. Jahrb. Syst. vi, pp. 746-751. Agenia tceniata , p. 347, pi. xxiv, fig. 8, melcena, p. 348, pi. xxv, fig. 11, nitidula , p. 349, pi. xxii, fig. 10, Madagascar, Saussure in Grandi- dier, Madagascar, xx, pt. 1, n. spp. Ammophila affinis , account of its instinct and mode of stinging ; Mar- chal, Arch. Z. exper. (2), pp. 23-36. A. yarrowi , habits ; Willis- ton, Ent. News, iii, p. 85. A. gryphus, habits ; Pergande, P. E. Soc. Wash, ii, p. 256. A. imerince, Madagascar, Saussure, p. 435, Grandidier, Madagascar, xx, pt. 1, n. sp. Ampulex nigroccei'ulea , Transvaal, Saussure, p. 212, pi. iv, fig. 6, in Distant, Naturalist Transvaal, n. sp. Aporus compressus, p. 309, pi. xxiv, fig. 1, prismaticus , p. 311, fig. 2, Madagascar, Saussure in Grandidier Madagascar, xx, pt. 1, n. spp. A status : synopsis of the N. American species ; Fox, p. 232, Canad. Ent. xxiv. A. pygidialis, N. America, Fox, Canad. Ent. p. 234 ; A.glaber, Rio grande do Sul, Kohl, p. 230, Ann. Hofmuseum Wien, vii ; A. blandus, Madagascar, Saussure, p. 519, pi. xxvii, fig. 4, Grandidier, Mada- gascar, xx, pt. 1 : n. spp. Bembex fischeroides , Somaliland, Magretti, p. 958, Ann. Mus. Genov. (2) x ; B. hova , Madagascar, Saussure, p. 457, Grandidier, Madagascar, xx, pt. 1 : n. spp. Bothy nostethus, Pisonitus , Silaon , are one ; Patton, p. 90, Ent. News, iii. Bradynobcenus , to form a distinct group ; Saussure, p. 250, Grandidier, Madagascar, xx, pt. 1. Callosila, n. subg. of Cosila , p. 232, with C. jtamcornis , ininuta , inornata , n. spp., S. Australia, p. 233, Saussure in Grandidier, Madagascar, xx, pt. 1. 190 Ins . XIII. HYMENOPTERA. Cerceris sibirica, E. Siberia, Morawitz, p. 159, Hor. Ent. Ross, xxvi ; C. carnaria , p. 545, pi. xxvii, fig. 13, spirans , fig. 12, p. 553, Madagascar, Saussure in Grandidier, Madagascar, xx, pt. 1 : n. spp. Ceropales : revision of the N. American species ; Fox, Tr. Am. Ent. Soc. xix, pp. 49-63. C. stretchii , p. 52, cressoni, p. 58, N. America, Fox, Tr. Am. Ent. Soc. xix, n. spp. Chevrieria unicolor , habits ; Verhoeff, Zool. Jahrb. Syst. vi, p. 730. Chlorampulex , n. g., p. 443, near Ampulex, for A. sibirica and compressa, Fab., with G. striolata , n. sp., Zanzibar, p. 446, Saussure in Grandi- dier, Madagascar, xx, pt. 1. Chlorion forficula , Madagascar, p. 422, Saussure in Grandidier, Mada- gascar, xx, pt. 1, n. sp. Cosila jheringi, S. Brazil, Saussure in Grandidier, Madagascar, xx, pt. 1, p. 234, n. sp. Crabronidce , Pemphredonidce , Trypoxylidce , to form three distinct families, characters given ; Verhoeff, p. 728, Zool. Jahrb. Syst. vi. Crabro capitosus and spp. in Sambucus twigs, habits noticed ; Verhoeff, Zool. Jahrb. Syst. vi, pp. 717-724. C. ( Clytochrysus ) longipalpis , Heidelberg, Verhoeff, p. 70, Ent. Nachr. xviii ; C. femoralis, p. 161, biguttatus, p. 163, E. Siberia, j arose hewsJcyi, p. 164, altaicus, p. 165, Russia, jalcolewi, E. Siberia, p. 170, flavicollis , Transcaspian, p. 172, ruthenicus, p. 174, flag ellarius, p. 175, Russia, martjanowi , E. Siberia, p. 178, Morawitz, Hor. Ent. Ross, xxvi ; C. chrysites , Sikkim? p. 197, C. ( Gcelocrabro ) styrius , Admont, p. 198, amurensis , Amurland, p. 199, C. ( Crossocerus ) acanthophorus, Switzer- land, p. 201, G. circumscriptus, Bahia, p. 201, G. ( Lindenius ) algira , Algeria, p. 202, columbianus , British Columbia, p. 203, Kohl, Ann. Hofmuseum Wien, vii ; C. nitidiventris , New Jersey, p. 9, excavatus , Florida, p. 10, Fox, Ent. News, iii : n. spp. Ctenagenia, n. subg. of Agenia, for Heteronyx madecassa , Priocnemis viduus and A. vespifonnis ; Saussure, p. 343, in Grandidier, Mada- gascar, xx, pt. 1. Cyphononyx muelleri, Africa, p. 402, Saussure in Grandidier, Madagascar, xx, pt. 1 ; C. antennata , Transvaal, Saussure, p. 217, pi. v, fig. 2, in Distant, Naturalist Transvaal : n. spp. Dasyproctus crudelis, pi. xxvi, fig. 5, scevus , p. 579, ferox , p. 580, immanis , Madagascar, immitis , S. Africa, p. 581, indicus, Calcutta, p. 583, Saussure in Grandidier, Madagascar, xx, pt. 1, n. spp. Piodontus hyalipennis , Caucasus, Kohl, p. 204, Ann. Hofmuseum Wien, vii ; D. occidentalism rugosus, p. 315, flavitarsisf gillettei , p. 31 Q,nigritus, p. 317, N. America, Fox, Tr. Am. Ent. Soc. xix : n. spp. Discolia prcecana , pi. iv, fig. 11, preestabilis, fig. 9, Transvaal, Saussure, p. 222, in Distant, Naturalist Transvaal, n. spp. Dolichurus secundus, p. 450, pi. xxvi, fig. 1, tertius , p. 452, Madagascar, Saussure in Grandidier, Madagascar, xx, pt. 1, n. spp. HYMENOPTERA FOSSORIA. Ins. 191 Elis barbata , S. Africa, p. 217, pilosella, Madagascar, p. 220, hisurta , Ceylon, p. 221, grandidieri, Madagascar, p. 222, Saussure in Grandi- dier, Madagascar, xx, pt. 1 ; E. reticulata, Poona, p. 109, E. (Trielis) orientalis , Ceylon, p. 112, Cameron, Mem. Soc. Manch. (4) v : n. spp. Fedtschenkiens : characters and affinities ; Saussure, p. 301, in Grandi- dier, Madagascar, xx, pt. 1. Gorytes cribratus, Transcaspian Region, Morawitz, p. 157, Hor. Ent. Ross, xxvi ; G. albosignatus, mirandus , p. 152, rufocinctus , p. 153, Fox, Canad. Ent. xxiv : n. spp. Harpactes histrio , Madagascar, Saussure, p. 530, in Grandidier, Mada- gascar, xx, pt. 1, n. sp. Heliocausus , n. g., near Tachysphex , p. 210, for H. fairmairei , n.sp., Chili, p. 211 ; Kohl, Ann. Hofmuseum Wien, vii. Hemimeria, n. g. ( Scoliidce ), for M. semirufa, Guer., and H. savignyi , n. sp., Egypt ; Saussure, p. 249, in Grandidier, Madagascar, xx, pt. 1. Hemipogonius, n. subg. of Pogonius, for Priocnemis venustipennis , Saus., figured, pis. ix & x, fig. 28 ; Saussure, p. 334, in Grandidier, Hymenoptera , xx, pt. 1. Hemisalius , n. subg. of Salius, q. v. ; Saussure, infra. Heteronyx madecassus , = ( Agenia marginipennis ) ; Saussure, p. 387, in Grandidier, Madagascar, xx, pt. 1. Homonotus hirundo , Madagascar, Saussure, p. 331, pi. xxiv, fig. 4, in Grandidier, Madagascar, xx, pt. 1 ; H. coerulans, p. 213, pi. v, fig. 1, pedestris , p. 214, fig. 6, Transvaal, Saussure in Distant, Naturalist Transvaal : n. spp. Isodontia leonina , Madagascar, Saussure in Grandidier, Madagascar, xx, pt. 1, p. 431, pi. xix, fig. 6, n. sp. Larra divisa , Pttn., is $ of cethiops , Cresson ; Patton, p. 90, Ent. News, iii. L. carbonaria, p. 491, variipes , p. 493, pi. xxvii, fig. 1, heydenii , p. 494, pis. x & xii, fig. 18, Madagascar, Saussure in Grandidier, Madagascar, xx, pt. 1 ; L. angustifrons, Java ,saussurei, Madagascar, Kohl, p. 219, Ann. Hofmuseum Wien, vii : n. spp. Larrada similis , p. 127, sinensis , p. 128, China, Mocsary, Term, fiizetek, xv, n. sp. Larraxena dux , ^Ethiopian Region, Kohl, p. 220, Ann. Hofmuseum Wien, vii, n. sp. Larropsis , n. g., type Larrada tenuicornis, Smith ; Patton, p. 90, Ent. News, iii. Liacos fulvo-picta , E. India, Cameron, p. 98, Mem. Soc. Manch. (4) v, n. sp. Liris : table of characters of the species ; Kohl, pp. 227-229, Ann. Hof- museum Wien, vii. L. pedestris , Madagascar, Saussure, p. 517, in Grandidier, Madagascar, xx, pt. 1 ; L. gibbosa, Arabia, p. 222, mordax, Borneo, p. 223, anthracina , p. 224, sagax, morio , p. 225, Sikkim ?, Kohl, Ann. Hofmuseum Wien, vii ; L. coxalis, Florida, Patton, p. 90, Ent. News, iii : n. spp. 192 Ins. XIII. HYMENOPTERA. LyrocJa subita , Say, generic position queried ; Patton, p. 90, Ent. News’ iii, and Fox, p. 138, t. c. Mellinus arvensis : statement as to habits corrected ; Verhoeff, p. 696, Zool. Jahrb. Syst. vi. Meria : table of characters of the ? , p. 248 ; Saussure in Grandidier, Madagascar, xx, pt. 1. M. hottentota , S. Africa, Saussure in Grandidier, Madagascar, xx, pt. 1, p. 249, n. sp. Mesa , n. g. ?, for a part of Plesia , with the following n. spp. : — Jietero- gamia , Mozambique, atopogamia , Zanzibar, peringueyi , pi. vi, fig. 17, hottentotta, S. Africa; Saussure, pp. 244 & 245, in Grandidier, Mada- gascar, xx, pt. 1 . M. diapherogamia , Transvaal, Saussure, p. 225, pi. iv, fig. 8, in Distant, Naturalist Transvaal, n. sp. Mesocrabro , n. subg., for a division of the subg. Solenius ; Veriioeff, p. 70, Ent. Nachr. xviii. Methoca orientalis , n. n. for orientalis , Smith (ex parte) ; Magretti, Ann. Mus. Genov. (2) xii. M. rufa, Mexico, Saussure in Grandidier, Madagascar, xx, pt. 1, n. sp. Microcrabro , n. subg. of Crabro , p. 574, for M. micromegas, n. sp., Mada- gascar, p. 575, pi. xxvi, fig. 6 ; Saussure in Grandidier, Mada- gascar, xx, pt. 1. Mimesa picicornis , Irkutsk, Morawitz, p. 155, Hor. Ent. Ross, xxvi, n. sp. Miscophus handlirschii , Algeria, Kohl, p. 214, Ann. Hof museum Wien, vii, n. sp. Mutilla reprcesentans , $ described, p. 205, dimidiata , $ , p. 206 ; Magretti, Ann. Mus. Genov. (2) xii. M. erythrocepha.la , a parasite of Crabro rubicola ; Borries, p. 247, Ent. Tidskr. xiii. M. somalica , p. 951, robecchii , p. 952, gestroi , cuneatiformis , p. 953, deckeni , p. 954, dorice , teleki , p. 955, rufo-guttata , p. 956, conjunctoides, p. 957, Somaliland, Magretti, Ann. Mus. Genov. (2) x ; M. albistyhi , Transvaal, Saussure, p. 225, pi. iv, fig. 7, in Distant, Naturalist Transvaal ; M. sikorce , p. 291, divorta , p. 296, Madagascar, Saussure, in Grandidier, Madagascar, xx, pt. 1 ; M.freyi , Nossibe, Brancsik, p. 160, pi. vii, fig. 7, Jahresh. Ver. Trencsin, xiii ; M. kauthellce, p. 124, taprobance, p. 125, trimaculata, p. 126, wroughtoni, pulchri- ventris, p. 127, metallica , p. 128, poonaensis, p. 129, veda, pulchriceps, p. 130, erythrocera , p. 131, bhudda, p. 132, serratula , insularis , p. 133, kauarce , constancece , p. 134, yerburghi , p. 135, pulclnerina , p. 136, E. India, Cameron, Mem. Soc. Manch. (4) v; if. ruficrus , p. 205, tridungulata , p. 209, /eee, p. 210, ninnii , p. 211, pectinospinata, pulchrinella, p. 212, tenasserimica, conjungenda , p. 214, laminella, p. 215, kirbyi , p. 216, kohli , p. 217, maximince , p. 218, dissimilanda , p. 219, pilosella , p. 220, emergenda , p. 222 r subanalis, p. 223, emery/, p. 225, handhrschi, stephani , p. 227, josephi, p. 228, gribodoi , tornatorei, schlettereri, p. 229, cariana, p. 231, exiloides, p. 232, HYMEN OPTERA FOSSORIA. Ins. 193 circumscribenda , p. 233, M. ( Dasylabris ) sejugokles , p. 234, Burma, Magretti, Ann. Mus. Genov. (2) xii ; M. Stephana , cincta , signata , lamellifera, Venezuela, Buysson, p. 58, Ann. Soc. Ent. Fr. lxi : n. spp. Mygnimia muelleri , regina , W. Africa, Saussure, p. 412, in Grandidier, Madagascar, xx, pt. 1 ; M. belzebuth , p. 218, pi. v, fig. 8, depressa , p. 219, distanti , p. 220, fig. 7, fallax, p. 221, fig. 5, Transvaal, Saussure, in Distant, Naturalist Transvaal : n. spp. Myzine clavata, Transvaal, Saussure, p. 242, pi. xxii, fig. 7 ; M. nitida , Poona, Cameron, p. 114, pi. iv, fig. 2, Mem. Soc. Manch. (4) v : n. spp. Notogonia sculpturata, Egypt, Kohl, p. 221, Ann. Hofmuseum Wien, vii ; N. alaris , p. 503, pi. xxvi, fig. 2, dyscheira , p. 510, rufipes, p. 511, pi. xxvi, fig. 3, reticulata , p. 512, Madagascar, Saussure, in Grandidier, Madagascar, xx, pt. 1 : n. spp. Nysson curtulus , Turkestan, Morawitz, p. 156, Hor. Ent. Ross, xxvi, n. sp. Oxybelus rufopictus , minutissimus, Transcaspian Region, Morawitz, p. 180, Hor. Ent. Ross, xxvi ; 0. cristatus pi. xxvii, fig. 5, p. 559, sub- cristatus, p. 561, Madagascar, pinnatus, p. 562, pi. xxvii, figs. 6 & 7, angustus , fig. 8, peringueyi, fig. 9, p. 563, S. Africa, Saussure, in Grandidier, Madagascar, xx, pt. 1 ; 0. ( Oxybeloides ) odontophorus, p. 205, modestus , p. 206, Araxes Valley, obscurus, Corfu, p. 207, columbianus, British Columbia, p. 208, O. latifrons , Araxes Valley, p. 209, Kohl, Ann. Hofmuseum Wien, vii : n. spp. Passalcecus relativus , distinctus, p. 319, dispar , p. 320, N. America, Fox, Tr. Am. Ent. Soc. xix, n. spp. Pemphredonidcb : revision of the N. American species ; Fox, pp. 307-326, Tr. Am. Ent. Soc. xix. Pemphredon angularis, rileyi , p. 310, confertim , p. 311, bipartior , tenax , p. 313, N. America, Fox, Tr. Am. Ent. Soc. xix, n. spp. Philanthus triangulum , oviposition ; Verhoeff, Zool. Jahrb. Syst. vi, p. 696. P. immitis , Madagascar, Saussure, p. 537, pi. xxiii, fig. 24, in Grandidier, Madagascar, xx, pt. 1, n. sp. Planiceps planatus, California, Fox, p. 171, Ent. News, iii, n. sp. Plesia, tabulation of the females ; Saussure, p. 243, in Grandidier, Madagascar, xx, pt. 1. P. argentina, New World, Saussure, p. 243, in Grandidier, Madagascar, xx, pt. 1 ; P. mandalensis , Burma, Magretti, p. 257, Ann. Mus. Genov. (2) xii : n. spp. Pogonius macilentus , Madagascar, Saussure, p. 334, pi. xxiv, fig. 5, in Grandidier, Madagascar, xx, pt. 1, n. sp. Polemistus, n. g., Pemphredoniens , p. 565, for P. macilentus , Madagascar, p. 567, pi. xxvii, fig. 11, pusillus1 Mexico, p. 567, n. spp., Saussure, in Grandidier, Madagascar, xx, pt. 1. Pompiliens : characters and definition, with table of genera ; Saussure, pp. 303-308, in Grandidier, Madagascar, xx, pt. 1. 1892. [vol. XXIX.] e 13 194 Ins. XIII. HYMENOPTERA. Pompilus nigerrimus , n. var. kohli, p. 71, P. speciosus , characters of, P. ( Planiceps ) latreillei , = (Apo?’ws lugubris, Verh.), p. 72; Verhoeff, Ent. Nachr. xviii. Priocnemis ( Salius ) vitripennis, p. 65, P. fuscopennis, p. 6Q,fallaXj relictus , p. 69, Germany, Verhoeff, Ent. Nachr. xviii ; P. liirsutus , Trans- vaal, Satjssure, p. 216, pi. v, fig. 3, in Distant, Naturalist Transvaal ; P. muelleri , W. Africa, p. 372^ deplanatus , p. 376, pis. viii & x, fig. 22, sikorce , p. 386, pi. xxv, fig. 13, Madagascar, Satjssure in Grandidier, Madagascar, xx, pt, 1 : n. spp. Psen dilectus , Madagascar, Saussure, p. 571, pi. xxvi, fig. 7, in Grandidier, Madagascar, xx, pt. 1, n. sp. Pseudagenia blaisdelli , California, Fox, p. 171, Ent. News, iii, n. sp. Rhopalum clavipes, habits ; Verhoeff, Zool. Jahrb. Syst. vi, pp. 724 & 731. Salius spectabilis , p. 151, scarlatinosus , p. 153, Russia, Morawitz, Hor. Ent. Ross, xxvi ; S. ( Hemisalius ) albistylus , p. 315, pi. xxv, fig. 9, &. ( Schistosalius ) atristylus, p. 318, pi. xxiv, fig. 3, Madagascar, /S. cyaniventris , Zanzibar, p. 322, bidens , Madagascar, p. 328, pi. xxiii, fig. 25, Saussure in Grandidier, Madagascar, xx, pt. 1 : n. spp. Schistonyx gryps , pi. xxv, fig. 15. albiculus , fig. 14, Madagascar, Saussure, p. 393, in Grandidier, Madagascar, xx, pt. 1, n. spp. Schistosalius , n. subg. of Salius , g.v. supra, Saussure. Scolia bengalensis, Poona, Cameron, p. 104, Mem. Soc. Manch. (4) v ; S. bhamoensis, p. 239, burmanica , p. 242, Jcirbyi, p. 244, Burma, Mag- retti, Ann. Mus. Genov. (2) xii : n. spp. Solierella spinolce, p. 212, chilensis , p. 213, Chili, Kohl, Ann. Hofmuseum Wien, vii, n. spp. Sphcerophthalma anthracina , California, Fox, p. 172, Ent. News, iii ; S. simoni, p. 56, uncifera, fraterna, crocata, p. 57, Venezuela, Buysson, Ann. Soc. Ent. Fr. lxi, n. spp. Sphecius speciosus, habits ; Riley, Ins. Life, iv, pp. 248-252, figg. : larva and cocoon, peculiarities ; Riley, p. 170, P. E. Soc. Wash. ii. S. freyi, Madagascar, Handlirsch, p. 27, pi. vii, fig. 5, Jahresh. Ver. Trencsin, xiii, n. sp. Sphex malagassus, Saussure, p. 427, pi. xviii, fig. 38, in Grandidier, Madagascar, xx, pt. 1 ; S. ( Priononyx ) ferrugineus, California, Fox, p. 170, Ent. News, iii : n. spp. Stenagenia , n. g. ( Pompilides ), p. 338, for S. pedunculata , p. 339, pi. xxiv, fig. 6, consobrina , p. 341, fig. 7, n. spp., Madagascar; Saussure in Grandidier, Madagascar, xx, pt. 1. Stigmus inordinatus , p. 322, fulvipes , p. 324, N. America, Fox, Tr. Am. Ent. Soc. xix ; S. temporalis , Guatemala, Kohl, p. 204, Ann. Hof- museum Wien, vii : n. spp. Stizolarra chichimeca , Mexico, histrio, Zanzibar, p. 466, Saussure in Grandidier, Madagascar, xx, pt. 1, n. spp. HYMENOPTERA FOSSORIA. Ins. 195 Stizus : monograph ; Handlirsch, SB. Ak. Wien, ci, pp. 25-205, pis. i-iii. S. magrettii , Oriental Region, p. 43, socius, Amboyna, p. 44, proximus , Oriental Region, p. 45, pusillus, Indo-Malay, semperi, Philippines, p. 46, insularis , Celebes, p. 47, facialis , Aru, versicolor , Oriental Region, p. 48 , javanus, Java, p. 50, egens , p. 51, anfipodum, p. 52, signatus, p. 53, Australia, anihracinus , New Guinea, p. 54, excisus, Brazil, p. 59, bolivari , Amazons, p. 60, nanus , Georgia, consobrinus, Rio Grande do Sul, p. 61, mexicanus, p. 66, guttulatus, p. 67, Mexico, xantbochrous , Texas, p. 69, Icotschyi, E. Africa, p. 71, discolor , Algeria, p. 78, hoplites , Catfraria, p. 84, mayri , p. 85, gazagnairei , p. 86, Algeria, gynandromorphus, Syria, p. 89, inermis, Fiji, p. 91, gracilicornis, Caucasus, p. 93, clavicornis , Catfraria, p. 95, calopteryx , E. India, p. 110, pcecilopterus, Africa, p. Ill, chryssorrhoeus, hab. ?, p. 122, gracilipes, Caucasus, p. 131, melanurus , Senegal, p. 132, . 277, synchroma, p. 278, Flores, Rober, Tijdschr. Ent. xxxiv (figg. in xxxv) : n. spp. Tachyris adelpba , Alor, p. 281, paula , Wetter, p. 282 (with fig. in xxxv), Rober, Tijdschr. Ent. xxxiv, n. spp. Terias mandarinula , E. Africa, Holland, Ent. xxv (Supp.) p. 91, n. sp. Thestias reinward.tii, figured, pi. xv, fig. 2, noticed, p. 249 ; Snellen, Tijdschr. Ent. xxxiv. T. jlavipennis , $ figured ; Swierstra, pi. 16 : described ; Snellen, p. 335, t. c. Danatd^. Anosia plexippus, note on early larva ; Scudder, Psyche, vi, p. 250. Chlorochropsis , n. g., for C. dohertyi , n. sp., Celebes, pi. iv, fig. 3 ; Roths- child, p. 430, Deutsche e. Z. Lep. v. Elsa, n. g., near Danais, for E. morgeni , n. sp., Cameroons ; Honrath, p. 436, pi. xv, fig. 5, Berl. Ent. Zeit. xxxvi. ACRJCIDiE AND HELICONlIDiE, NYMPHALUXEr Ins. 215 Euplcea schreiberi, Butl., = (maasseni, Weym.) ; Weymer, p. 119, S. E. Z. liii. E. alcathce, p. 1, doubleday i, durrsteini, = ( mesocala ), p. 2, synonymy ; Snellen, Tijdschr. Ent. xxxv. E. perdita , n. var., svnerstrce ; Snellen, p. 339, pi. xvii, fig. 4, Tijdschr. Ent. xxxiv. E. callithoe , $ described ; Tryon (954). E. hansemanni , $ described and figured, p. 442, pi. xv, fig. 6, callithoe , $ described, p. 443 ; Honrath, Berl. Ent. Zeit. xxxvi. E. corinna , figured ; Scott, Austral. Lep. ii, pi. xvi. E. harrisii and allies, great vari- ability ; Niceville, p. 247, Tr. E. Soc. 1892. E. kuhni , Flores, p. 294 (fig. in vol. xxxv), oropina , Wetter, p. 296, sobrina , Goram, neptis, Flores, p. 297, nepos , Goram, p. 298 (fig. in xxxv), jacobseni, Wetter, p. 299 (fig. in xxxv), compta , Timor Laut, p. 300 (fig. in xxxv), Bober, Tijdschr. Ent. xxxiv. n. spp. E. ( Calliplcea ) parvior , N. Guinea ; Tryon (954). Glinama euctemon , $ = ( configurata , Feld.); Rothschild, p. 432, Deutsche e. Z. Lep. v. Nasuma celebensisj Celebes, Staudinger, p. 431, pi. iv, fig. 4, Deutsche e. Z. Lep. v. n. sp. Acr^idj: and Heliconiid^;. Acrcea ( Telchinia ) anemosa , buettneri, abdominal pouch of § figured ; Rogenbofer, pp. 574, 575, & 579-581, Verh. z.-b. Wien, xlii. A. vesperalis , figs. 1 & 2, crystallina , figs. 3 & 4, bomba , figs. 5 & 6, nelsoni , figs. 9 & 10, figured ; Smith & Kirby, Rhop. ex. Nym- phalidaz, Acrceince , A crcea, pi. iii. A. cerasa , iturina, igola, andromba, $ $ , mombasce , figured, Smith & Kirby, £. c., Nymphalidce , Acrceince , Amm, iv. A. dohertyi , $ described and figured ; Rothschild, p. 435, Deutsche e. Z. Lep. v. A. ornbria , p. 82, albomaculata , p. 83, E. Africa, adrasta, W. Africa, p. 85, Weymer, S. E. Z. liii ; A. balina, W. Africa, Karsch, p. 170, Ent. Nachr. xviii ; A. ( Telchinia ) welwitschii, Angola, Rogenhofer, p. 573, Yerh. z.-b. Wien, xlii ; A. pharsaloides, minima , abbottii, E. Africa, Holland, Ent. xxv (Supp.) p. 89 ; A. marmoratay Madagascar, Smith & Kirby, Rhop. ex. Nymphalidce , Acrceince , Acrtcu, p. 9, pi. iii : n. spp. Heliconius rubellius , figs. 1 & 2, Columbia, amandus, fig. 3, p. 1, phyllidis , fig. 4, p. 2, anacreon, fig. 5, p. 3, Smith & Kirby, Rhop. ex. Nymphalidce , Heliconince , Heliconius , i, n. spp. Nymphalidce. Abrota pratti, figured ; Leech, pi. xiv, figs. 7 & 8, Butt. China. Ageronia : sound-apparatus described ; Hampson, P. Z. S. 1892, p. 190. Amnosia martini , Sumatra, Honrath, p. 439, Berl. Ent. Zeit. xxxvi, n. sp. 216 Ins. XIII. LEP1D0PTEKA. Apatura : Chinese species figured, and varr. described ; Leech, pp. 153-164, pis. xv & xvi, Butt. China. A. fasciola, subccerulea , fulva , Leech, figured ; Smith & Kirby, Rhop. ex. Nymphalidoe , Nymplialince , Apatura , i. Apatura laverna , China, Leech, p. 164, pi. xv, fig. 6, Butt. China, n. sp. Araschnia : Chinese species figured, varr. described ; Leech, pp. 268-275, pi. xxvi, Butt. China. A . doris , China, Leech, p. 272, pi. xxvi, figs. 4 & 5, Butt. China, n. sp. Argynnis : Chinese species figured, and varr. described ; Leech, pp. 222-244, pis. xxii-xxiv, Butt. China. A. zenobia , figured; Oberthur, p. 7, pi. i, fig. 1, Etudes d’Ent. xvi. A. lathonioides, = {anna, Blanchd.); Reed, p. 68, Act. Soc. Chili, i. A. pales, n. var. killiasi ; Ruhl, Soc. Ent. vii, p. 113. A. pandora , n. var. dacica ; Hormuzaki, Ent. Nachr. xviii, p. 1. A. paphia, n. var. nigricans, Cosmo vici, p. 256, Le Nat. 1892. A. epithore, early stages ; Edwards, p. 108, Canad. Ent. xxiv. A, paphia, colour of larva and surroundings ; Poulton, Tr. E. Soc. 1892, p. 437. Oviposition in species of, Skinner, p. 128, Canad. Ent. xxiv. A. rosea, Roumania, Cosmovici, p.256, Le Nat. 1892; A. penelope , Amurland, Staudinger, p. 195, Romanoff Mem. vi, and p. 339, Deutsche e. Z. Lep. iv ; A. ornatissima , China, Leech, p. 234, pi. xxii, figs. 1 & 2, Butt. China ; A. oweni , Mt. Shasta, p. 105, Cor- nelia, Colorado, p. 106, Edwards, Canad. Ent. xxiv : n. spp. Atella sinha , specific validity ; Snellen, p. 5, Tijdschr. Ent. xxxv. Athyma : Chinese species figured, varr. described ; Leech, pp. 167-176, pis. xvi & xvii, Butt. China. A . recurva, W. China, Leech, p. 176, pi. xvii, fig. 9, Butt. China ; A. umbra , Borneo, Staudinger, p. 452, Deutsche e. Z. Lep. v : n. spp. Catuna duodecimpunctata, note on ; Snellen, p. 4, Tijdschr. Ent. xxxv. Charaxes agoba, Dist., = {homerus, Stdgr.), porthos, Smith, = {midas, Stdgr.) ; Staudinger, p. 223, Deutsche e. Z. Lep. iv. C. nichetes , Smith, = ( ogovensis , Holl., = hamatus, Dew.), C. hildebrandti, Dew., = ( talagugce , Holl.) ; Weymer, p. 120, S. E. Z. liii. C. rothschildi, n. n. for ganymedes, Leech, nec Westw., p. 128, figured, pi. xiv, fig. 3 ; Leech, Butt. China. C. pelias , n. var. tanganika ; Robbe, p. 132, Ann. Ent. Belg. xxxvi. C. nitebis, figured, pi. vi, fig. 3, C. mars , n. var. dohertyi, p. 437, pi. vi, fig. 2, Deutsche e. Z. Lep. v. C. lactetinctus , W, Africa, Karsch, p. 113, Ent. Nachr. xviii ; C. odysseus, W. Africa, p. 260, georgius , Mindoro, p. 262, Staudinger, Deutsche e. Z. Lep. v. ; n. spp. Cirrochroa niassica, Nias I., Honrath, p, 437, Berl. Ent, Zeit. xxxvi, n. sp, Crenis umbrina , W. Africa, Karsch, p. 114, Ent. Nachr. xviii ; C. garega, W. Africa, Karsch, p. 173, t, c. : n, spp. Cymothoe blassi, E. Africa, Weymer, p. 90, S. E. Z. liii, n. sp. Doleschallia pftili, New Ireland, Honrath, p. 438, pi. xv, fig. 7, Berl. Ent. Zeit. xxxvi, n. sp. NYMPHALJD2E. Ins. 217 Euphcedra edwardsii , Hoeven, = ( pralinas , Dbl.), inanum , Butl., ;= ( [vespasia , Moesch.) ; Weymek, p. 120, S. E. Z. liii. E. Judith , Sierra Leone, Weyjier, p. 88, S. E. Z. liii, n. sp. Euptoieta hortensia , Blanch., =( Argynnis valdiviana, Phil.) ; Reed, p. 68, Act. Soc. Chili, i. Eurytela velleda, figured, pi. x, fig. 1 ; Mabille & Yuillot, Nov. Lep. Euthalia : Chinese species figured and varr. described ; Leech, pp. 135- 140, pi. xxi, Butt. China. E. pyrrha , China, Leech, p. 137, pi. xxi, fig. 4, Butt. China, n. sp. Godcirtia : generic characters and components ; Snellen, p. 8, Tijdschr. Ent. xxxv. Grapta gigantea , figured, pi. xxv, fig. 6, c-alhum , varr. described ; Leech, pp. 263-265, Butt. China. Harma ccenis , migration of, larva and chrysalis figured ; Holland, Psyche, vi, pi. v, figs. 4 & 5, p. 215. Harmilla , n. g., near Cymothoe , for H. elegans , n. sp., Cameroons ; Aurivillius, p. 200, Ent. Tidskr. xiii. Hestina mena , variation ; Leech, p. 143, Butt China. Hypolimnas angustolimhata , E. Africa, Weymer, p. 87, S. E. Z. liii, n. sp. Junonia touhilimasa , Tanganyika, Yuillot, p. cxlviii, Bull. Soc. Ent. Fr. lxi, n. sp. Kallima spiridion , Tcnyuetti, figured; Smith & Kirby, Rhop. ex. Nympha- lidce , Kallima , i. Limenitis : Chinese species figured, varr. described, pp. 178-188, pis. xvi & xvii ; Leech, Butt. China. L. sibylla, n. var. stenotamia ; Honrath, p. 440, Berl. Ent. Zeit. xxxvi. L. albomaculata, figured and described ; Oberthur, p. 7, pi. ii, fig. 15, Etudes d’Ent. xvi. L. weidemeyerii , early stages ; Edwards, p. 107, Canad. Ent. xxiv. L. doerriesi , Amurlaud, Staudinger, p. 173, pi. xiv, fig. 1, Romanoff Mem. vi ; L. hageni , Sumatra, Staudinger, p. 452, Deutsche e. Z. Lep. v : n. spp. Melitcea : Chinese species figured ; Leech, pi. xxiv, Butt. China. M. maculata , Brem., generic position ; Snellen, p. 6, Tijdschr. Ent. xxxv. M. anicia , larva going over two years ; Edwards, p. 53, Canad. Eut. xxiv. M. chalcedony oviposition ; Kunze, p. 190, Canad. Ent. xxiv. M. bellona , W. China, Leech, p. 219, pi. xxiv, figs. 1-5, Butt. China, n. sp. Neptis : Chinese species figured, varr. described ; Leech, pp. 190-207, pis. xviii & xix, Butt. China. N. biafra , n. var. continuata ; Holland, Ent. Hews, iii, p. 249. Neptis nicobule , metanirai mixophyes, Ogowe Yalley, Holland, Ent. News, iii, p. 249, pi. ix ; N. thestias, W. China, Leech, p. 196, pi. xviii, fig. 3, Butt. China; N. patalina, Philippine Is., Semper, p.347, Reisen Philipp, ii, v ; N.florensis, Flores, Snellen, p. 238, Tijdschr. Ent. xxxiv : n. spp. Nymphalis freyi, Nossibe, Brancsik, p. 161, pi. vii, fig. 8, Jahresh. Yer. Trencsin, xiii, n. sp. 218 Ins. XIII. LEP1D0PTE RA. Palla lichas , Dbl., p. 93, falcata, Butl., p. 94, $s described ; Weymer, S. E. Z. liii. P. publius, Sierra Leone, Staudinger, p. 267, Deutsche e. Z. Lep. v ; P. rectifascia, W. Africa, Weymer, p. 91, S. E. Z. liii : n. spp. Phyciodes gorgone, Hub., = ( ismeria , Boisd., and carlota, Beak.) ; Wey- mer, p. 119, S. E. Z. liii. Pi'ecis serena , Sierra Leone, Weymer, p. 86, S. E. Z. liii, n. sp. Prothoe calydonia , = ( belisama , Crowley); Weymer, p. 120, S. E. Z. liii. Pseudacrcea uhelda , Mab., figured ; Mabille & Yuillot, pi. x, fig. 2, Nov. Lep. P.poggei , $ described and figured ; Butler & Roths- child, p. 202, pi. x, fig. 2, Tr. E. Soc. 1892. P. warburgi, Cameroons, Aurivillius, Eot. Tidskr. xiii, p. 200 ; P. clarkii , Congo River, Butler, p. 201, pi. x, fig. 1, Tr. E. Soc. 1892 : n. spp. Pseudargynnis , n. g., for Catuna duodeeinipunctata, auct. ; Karsch, p. 173, Ent. Nachr. xviii. Pyrameis cardui , life-history ; Dyar, Canad. Ent. xxiv, p. 6. P. itea , phylogenetic note ; Smith, p. 27, Ent. xxv. Rahinda sandaka , Borneo, Butler, p. 120, P. Z. S. 1892, n. sp. tStibochiona persephone, Borneo, Staudinger, p. 451, Deutsche e. Z. Lep. v, n. sp. Symbrenthia lucina, hippoclus, distinctive characters ; Semper, p. 342, Reisen Philipp, ii, v. Terinos novce-guinsensis , New G-uinea ; Tryon (954), n. sp. Thaleropis trigona , W. Africa, Holland, Ann. N. H. (6) x, p. 284, n. sp. Timelcea nana, W. China, Leech, p. 246, pi. xxiii, fig. 8, Butt. China, n. sp. Vanessa fenestra , Leech, referred to Dilipa , = ( Apatura chrysus , Oberth.), p. 165, figured, pi. xiv, fig. 2 ; Leech, Butt. China. V. urticce, variation in China ; Leech, p. 258, pi. xxv, fig. 1, Butt. China : variation produced by exposure of pupae to different temperatures ; Merrifield, p. 36, Tr. E. Soc. 1892. V. urticce and io, colour of pupa and surroundings ; Poulton, pp. 391-402, polychloros and atalanta , pp. 432-437. V. urticce , gilded appearance of pupae dis- cussed ; Bateson, p. 210-214. Vanessula: characters and position discussed, V. milca, fig., p. 171, V. (sub Liptena) milca, Hew., = ( buchneri , Dew.), p. 172 ; Karsch, Ent. Nachr. xviii. MoRPHIDvE. Clerome cerope , figured, pi. i, fig. 4 ; Leech, Butt. China. Discophora dis , Sumatra, &c., Niceville, p. 325, pi. h, fig. 3, J. Bomb. N. H. Soc. vii, n. sp. Enispe lunatus, figured ; Leech, Butt. China, pi. i, figs. 1 & 2. Morpho sulkowskyi , n. var. psyche ; Staudinger, Deutsche e. Z. Lep. iv, p. 197. Stichophthalma howqua , var. figured, pi. i, fig. 3 ; Leech, Butt. China. S. neumogeni, W. China, Leech, p. 114, pi. i, fig. 5, Butt. China, n. sp. SATYRIDiE. Ins . 219 SAlYRIDJi. Moore continues his descriptions and figures of E. Indian Satyridce in Lep. Ind. i, pp. 177-310, pis. lxv-xciv. Acrophthalmia thalia , figured ; Leech, pi. x, fig. 1, Butt. China. A. misarte, Philippines, Semper, p. 327, Reisen Philipp, ii, v, n. sp. Amecera majuscula, W. China, Leech, Butt. China, p. 67, pi. xii, fig. 6, n. sp. Archondesa , n. g., type, Lethe lanaris , Butl. ; Moore, p. 270, Lep. Ind. i. Bicyclus ephorus , W. Africa, Weymer, p. 79, S. E. Z. liii, n. sp. Blanaida pulahoides, Naga Hills, Moore, p. 304, pi. 94, fig. 2, Lep. Ind. i, n. sp. Callarge , n. g. for Zetliera sagitta, Leech, which is figured, pi. xii, fig. 1 ; Leech, p. 57, Butt. China. Callerehia phyllis, albipuncta, orixa, figured ; Leech, pis. ix & xii, Butt. China. Calysisme perseoides, Burma, p. 179, pis. lx, fig. 2, & lxi, fig. 1, nicobarica , Nicobar Is., intermedia , p. 187, subdita , p. 194, pi. lxv, figs. 1, a-h, E. India, rama , pi. 57, fig. 3, Ceylon, andamana, pi. 66, fig. 1, Andaman Is., p. 196, Moore, Lep. Ind. i, n. spp. Catargynnis, n. n. for Pseudomaniola (infra); Rober, p. 284, Exot. Schmett. Theil ii. Chionobas chryxus, Calais , figured, Chionobas ii, jutta , Chionobas v, crambis , brucci , Chionobas vi ; Edwards, Butt. N. Am. (3). Choranesa, n. g., type Lethe trimacula , Leech ; Moore, p. 270, Lep. Ind. i. Ccelites adamsoni , p. 229, pi. 75, fig. 1, binghami, p. 230, fig. 3, E. India, Moore, Lep. Ind. iii, n. spp. Ccenonympha pamphilus, n. var. bi-pupillata ; Cosmoyici, p. 264, Le Nat. 1892. Debis (sub Satyrus) hyrania, Roll., = (goalpara, Moore), p. 3, samio , Dbl., = (manthara, Feld.), p. 4 ; Snellen, Tijdschr. Ent. xxxv. Bionana , n. g., type Lethe margaritce , Elw. ; Moore, p. 271, Lep. Ind. i. Epinephele monarchus, Bl., = ( valdivice , Feld.); Reed, p. 68, Act. Soc. Chili, i. E. tithonus , n. var. mincki ; Seebold, p. 467, Berl. Ent. Zeit. xxxvi. E.janira , var. cinerascens ; Fuchs, JB. nass. Yer. xlv, p. 85. E. cinerea , erebiformis, Roumania, Cosmoyici, p.264, LeNat. 1892, n. spp. Erebia : Chinese species figured, varr. described, Leech, pi. ix, pp. 97-101, Butt. China. E. medusa , n. var. procopiani ; Hormuzaki, Ent. Nachr. xviii, p. 2. E. sofa, Streck., = ( ethela , Edw.); Strecker, Ent. News, iii, p. 255. E. melas, metamorphoses; Dognin, p. 211, Le Nat. 1892. E. nigra, Roumania, Cosmoyici, p. 264, Le Nat. 1892, n. sp. Hcirima, n. g., type Neope callipteris, Butl.; Moore, p. 299, Lep. Ind. i. Idiomorphus vala , larva described ; Holland, Psyche, vi, p. 214. Kerrata, n. g., for Lethe tristigmata, Elw. ; Moore, p. 285, Lep. Ind. i. 220 Ins. XIII. LEPIDOPTERA. Kirrodesa, n. g., type Debts sicelis , Hew.; Moore, p. 237, Lep. Ind. i. Lethe : Chinese species figured, and varr. described ; Leech, pp. 18-40, pis. iii-vi, Butt. China. L. proximo, , W. China, Leech, p. 32, pi. vi, fig. 8, Butt. China, n. sp. Mandarinia , n. g., for Mycalesis regalis , Leech ; Leech, Butt. China, p. 9. Melanargia leda , Leech, = ( Arge yunana, Oberth.) ; Leech, p. 60, Butt. China. M. titea , n. var. titania ; Standfuss, p. 659, pi. xv, fig. 1, Romanoff Mem, vi. M. grumi, Kurdistan, Standfuss, p. 661, pi. xv, fig. 2, Romanoff Mem. vi, n. sp. Mycalesis : Chinese species figured andn. varr. described; Leech, pp. 10- 15, pi. ii, Butt. China. M. dinon , Hew., = ( Messaras ophthalmicus , Westw.) ; Weymer, p. 119, S. E. Z. liii. M. anisops , W. Africa, Karsch, p. 176, Ent. Nachr. xviii ; M. unica , Moupin, Leech, Butt. Chiua, p. 15, pi. ii, fig. 9 ; M. kina , Borneo, Staudinger, p. 451, Deutsche e. Z. Lep. v ; M. ( Calysisme ) pernotata , N. Guinea, Tryon (954) : n. spp. Nemetis, n. g. (for Lethe group, 1 pt., Niceville) ; Moore, p. 237, Lep. Ind. i. Neomcenas servilia , Wllgr., = (Satyr us decorata, Butl.) ; Reed, p. 68, Act. Soc. Chili, i. Neope : Chinese species figured, pis. vii & viii, varr. described, pp. 48 & 54 ; Leech, Butt. China. Neorina patria, Leech, figured, pi. xii, fig. 2 ; Leech, Butt. China. N. westiDoodii , p. 226, pi. lxxiv, fig. 2, E. India, Moore, Lep. Ind. i, n. sp. Neosatyrus ambiorix, Wllgr., == ( minimus , Butl.), violaceus , Butl., = ( ochreivittatus , Butl.) ; Reed, p. 68, Act. Soc. Chili, i. Ninguta , n. g., type Pronophila schrenkii, Men.; Moore, p. 310, Lep. Ind. i. Pararge prceusta, catena , deidamia, figured, pis. xi & xii ; Leech, Butt. China. P. megcera , var. mediolugens ; Fuchs, p. 87, JB. nass. Yer. xlv. Patala, n. g. (type Zophoessa yama , Moore), p. 305, with P. yamoides , n. sp., N. India, p. 307, pi. xciv, fig. 4 ; Moore, Lep. Ind. i. Pegada , n. g., for Mycalesis oculatissima , Pouj. ; Moore, pp. 224, Lep. Ind. i. Placilla, n. g. (type Lethe christophi , Leech) ; Moore, p. 253, Lep. Ind. i. P seudomaniola , n. g., p. 222 (replaced by Caiargynnis , p. 284), for part of Dcedalma , Hew. ; Rober, Exot. Schmett., Theil ii. Ptychandra mindorana (Stdgr.), Philippines, Semper, p. 329, Reisen Philipp, ii, v, n. sp. Putlia , n. n. for Charma , Doh. (preocc.) ; Moore, p. 287, Lep. Ind. i. Ragadia critolaus , Burma, Niceville, p. 322, J. Bomb. N. H. Soc. vii, pi. h, fig. 1 ; R. melita , Borneo, Staudinger, p. 450, Deutsche e. Z. Lep. v : n. spp. Rangbia, n. g. (for Lethe group, 1 pt., Niceville), p. 232, with R. peguana, n. sp., Burma, p. 235 ; Moore, Lep. Ind. i. ELYMNIIDJS AND ERYCINIDJ^ LYCiENIDiE. Ins. 221 Samantu bethami , p. 205, pi. lxviii, fig. 4, davisoni , p. 2C6, fig. 3, E. India, Moore, Lep. Ind. i, n. spp. Sdtyrus autonoe , dipas, n. varr. described and figured : Leech, pp. 69 & 70, pis. xi & xiii, Butt. China. S. autonoe , var. extrema , figured, pi. i, fig. 1, Romanoff Mem. vi. S. bischoffi,Y2iVV. described ; Staudinger, p. 237, Deutsche e. Z. Lep. iv. S.favonius, Malatia, Staudinger, p. 239, pi. iii, fig. 1, Deutsche e. Z. Lep. iv, n. sp. Sinchula , n. g. (for Lethe group, 3 pt., Niceville) ; Moore, p. 275, Lep. Ind. i. Trophonina , n. g., for Lymanopoda acrceida , Butl. ; Rober, p. 222, Exot. Schmett., Theil ii (omission from 1889 Record). Ypthinia : Chinese species figured, and varr. described; Leech, pp. 81-91, pis. ix & x, Butt. China. Y. baldus , figured ; Snellen, pi. xv, fig. 1, p. 236, Tijdschr. Ent. xxxiv. Y. aryillosa, p. 133, nigricans, p. 135, Java, Snellen, Tijdschr. Ent. xxxv ; Y. fiorensis , Flores, Snellen, p. 235, pi. xiv, fig. 3, Tijdschr. Ent. xxxiv ; Y. celebensis , Celebes, Rothschild, p. 433, pi. v, figs. 3 & 4, Deutsche e. Z. Lep. v ; Y. subarctous , New Guinea, Tryon (954) : n. spp. Zophoessa helle , procne , argentata , dora , figured ; Leech, pi. vii, Butt. China. Z. gammiei , p. 294, pi. xci, fig. 3, elwesi, p. 298, pi. xcii, fig. 3, Bhutau ; Moore, Lep. Ind. i, n. spp. Elymniid^; and Erycjnid^l Drepanula , n. g., for Lemonias calous , Stdgr. ; Rober, p. 246, Exot. Schmett., Theil ii (omitted in Zool. Rec. of last year). Dyctis esacoides , Perak, Niceville, p. 323, pi. h, fig. 2, J. Bomb. N. H* Soc. vii, n. sp. Elymnias borneensis, Borneo, Smith, p. 428, Ann. N. H. (6) x, n. sp. Lycjinid^:. Lyccenidce of the South Pacific Is., with numerous synonymical and critical remarks ; Druce, P. Z. S. 1892, pp. 434-446, pi. xxvii. Acesina zephyreita , fig. 8, ariel, fig. 9, figured ; Elwes, pi. xliv, P. Z. S. 1892, Allotinus panor mis, Karen Hills, Elwes, p. 619, P. Z. S. 1892, n. sp. Aphnceus vulcatius, n. var. maximus, p. 637, pi. xliii, fig. 5, sani, var. ?, p. 638, fig. 6 : Elwes, P. Z. S. 1892. Argyrocheila, n. g., for A . undifera , n. sp., W. Africa ; Staudinger, p. 215, Deutsche e. Z. Lep. iv : figured ; Smith & Kirby, Rhop. ex. ii, African Lyccenidce , pi. xviii, figs. 11 & 12. Arhopala ace , p. 329, pi. h, fig. 13, acestes , p. 330. fig. 14, Perak, area, Celebes, p. 331, fig. 15, asia , Malay Penins., fig. 16, ceeta , Burma, fig. 17, p. 333, Niceville, J. Bomb. N. H. Soc. vii, n. spp. 222 Ins . XIII. LEPIDOPTERA. Aslauga marginalia , figured ; Smith & Ktrby, Rhop. ex. ii, African Lyccenidce , pi. xix, figs. 15 & 16. Camena carmentalis , Khasi Hills, Niceville, p. 335, pi. H, fig. 10, J. Bomb. N. H. Soc. vii ; C. icetoides . p. 636, pi. xliv, fig. 3, cleoboides , p. 637, figs. 4 & 5, Karen Hills, Elwes, P. Z. S. 1892 : n. spp. Catapcecilma subochrea , Karen Hills, Elwes, p. 640, pi. xliv, fig. 10, P. Z. S. 1892. Chrysophanus abbottii , E. Africa, Holland, Ent. xxv (Supp.), p. 90, n. sp. Curetis stigmata (Moore), Rober, p. 318, Tijdschr. Ent. xxxiv, n. sp. Cyaniris ceyx , Java, Niceville, p. 328, pi. h, figs. 6 & 7, J. Bomb. N. H. Soc. vii, n. sp. Deudorix ccerulea , Druce, = ( obscurata , Trim.), the species referred to Rapala ; Druce, Ent. M. M. xxviii, p. 65. D. gcetulia, Khasi Hills, Niceville, p. 338, pi. h, fig. 12, J. Bomb. N. H. Soc. vii ; D. verriculata , Celebes, Snellen, p. 257, pi. xv, fig. 3, Tijdschr. Ent. xxxiv ; D. mathewi, New Hebrides, Druce, p. 446, P. Z. S. 1892, pi. xxvii, fig 9 : n. spp. Drupadia ccesarea, Weym., = ( Sithon ravindra , var. niasica , Stdgr.) ; Weymer, p. 121, S. E. Z. liii. Lurbania gerda , figured ; Smith & Kirby, Rhop. ex. i, African Lyccenidce , pi. xvi, figs. 9 & 10. D. cornucopice , W. Africa, Holland, p. 286, Ann. N. H. (6) x, n. sp. Eupsychellus, n. g., near Plebelus , for dionysius , Boisd. ; Rober, p. 316, Tijdschr. Ent. xxxiv, and p. 273, Exot. Schmett., Theil ii. Epitola doleta , henleyi , goodii , barombiensis , catuna , figured ; Smith & Kirby, Rhop. ex. i, African Lyccenidce , pi. xvii. E. ciconia , Sierra Leone, Smith & Kirby, Rhop. ex. i, African Lyccenidce, pi. xvii, p. 58, n. sp. Hewitsonia kirbyi , Dew., = ( preussi , Stdgr.) ; Staudinger, p. 223, Deutsche e. Z. Lep. iv. Hypochlorosis , n. g., for Sithon antipha , Hew. ; Rober, p. 267, Exot. Schmett., Theil ii. Hypolyccena rava , W. Africa, Holland, p. 286, Ann. N. H. (6) x, n. sp. Iolaus julianus , Staud., and alcibiades , Don., noticed, I.julius , Staud., = (lekanion, Druce) ; Druce, p. 185, Ent. M. M. xxviii. J amides pulcherrima, pi. xxvii, fig. 16, carissima , fig. 17, figured ; Druce, P. Z.S.1892. X kava, pi. xxvii, fig. 15, walkeri, figs. 13 & 14, South Pacific Is., Druce, p. 443, P. Z. S. 1892, n. spp. Kopelatus virgata , Druce, = ( Hypolyccena gracilis , Stdgr.) ; Staudinger, p. 223, Deutsche e. Z. Lep., and Druce, p. 66, Ent. M. M. xxviii. Lachnocnema reutlmgeri , Benita, Holland, p. 286, Ann. N. H. (6) x, n. sp. Lceosopis roboris , n. var. lusitanica ; Staudinger, p. 232, Deutsche e. Z. Lep. iv. Larinopoda sylpha , opaca , figured ; Smith & Kirby, Rhop. ex., African Lyccenidce , pi. xvi. L. lara , sylphida, lybia, campinus, figured ; Smith & Kirby. Rhop. ex. ii. African Lyccenidce , xviii LYCJSNID2E. Ins. 223 L. sylphida , lybia , p. 217, lara, p. 218, W. Africa, Staudinger, Deutsche e. Z. Lep. iv, n. spp. Liptena mnestra , Moschl., = ( Teriomina dispar , Kirby) ; Druce, Ent. M. M. xxviii, p. 65. L. rubrica , Druce, = ( Pseuderesia zoraida , Smith & Kirby) ; Druce, t. c. Lyccena rhymnus , tengstrcemii, pretiosa, referred to Thecla , their £ charac- ters fully described and figured ; Baker, pp. 27-31, pi. ii, Tr. E. Soc. 1892. L. avion, var. unicolor ; Hormuzaki, Ent. Nachr. xviii, p. 1. L. amanda , n. var. lydia ; Krulikowsky, Ent. Nachr. xviii, p. 97. L. avion , n. var. ruhli ; Krulikowsky, Soc. Ent. vii, p. 1. L. dolus , damon and rippertii , note on ; Oberthur, p. ix, Bull. Soc. Ent. Fr. lxi. L. lucifera , note on, with figure ; Staudinger, p. 316, pi. iii, fig. 1, Deutsche e. Z. Lep. v. L. comyntas , metamorphoses ; Beuten- mltller, p. 76, Bull. Am. Mus. iv. L. lygdamas, larva noticed, Edwards, p. 109, Canad. Ent. xxiv. L. icarus, number of yearly generations in E. Russia; Krulikowsky, p. 370, Ent. Nachr. xviii. L. dama, Malatia, p. 234, triphysina , Kashgar, p. 235, pi. iii, fig. 2, Staudinger, Deutsche e. Z. Lep. iv ; L. storm si, Tanganyka, Robbe, p. 132, Ann. Ent. Belg. xxxvi ; L. perpulchra. E. Africa, Holland, Ent. xxv (Supp.), p. 90 ; L. saturata , p. 137, deliana, p. 139, datarica , p. 140, glauca, p. 142, quadriplaga , p. 143, Java, Snellen, Tijdschr. Ent. xxxv : n. spp. Nacaduba vitiensis, pi. xxvii, figs. 3 & 4, jlorinda, fig. 12, figured ; Druce, P. Z. S. 1892. N. aberrans , E. Pegu, Elwes, p. 626, pi. xliv, fig. 6, P. Z. S. 1892 ; N. samoensis, p. 437, pi. xxvii, figs. 5 & 6, Samoa Is., novcehebridensis, figs. 7 & 8, p. 438, mallicollo, fig. 18, p. 439, New Hebrides, nebulosa, Australasia, figs. 10 & 11, p. 440, Druce, P. Z. S. 1892 : n. spp. Narathura pryeri, Borneo, Butler, p. 121, P. Z. S. 1892, n. sp. Papua , n. g., for P. lucifer , Rober; Rober, p. 273, Exot. Schmett., Theil ii. Pentila subundularis , figured ; Smith & Kirby, Rhop. ex. ii, African Lyccenidce, xviii. P. umbra, W. Africa, Holland, p. 285, Ann. N. II. (6) x ; P. subundularis, W. Africa, Staudinger, p. 215, Deutsche e. Z. Lep. iv : n. spp. Philiris, n. g., for Plebeius ilias, Feld., Rober, p. 317, Tijdschr. Ent. xxxiv, and p. 273, Exot. Schmett., Theil ii. Pilodeudorix barbatus, Druce, = ( Hypolyccena nobilis, Stdgr.) ; Stau- dinger, p. 223, Deutsche e. Z. Lep., and Druce, Ent. M. M. xxviii, p. 66. Pithecops bassaris, Ke Is., Niceville, p. 327, pi. h, figs. 4 & 5, J. Bomb. N. H. Soc. vii, n. sp. Plebeius cyaniris , p. 315, P. ( Theclinesthes ) ereniicola, p. 316, Flores, Rober, Tijdschr. Ent. xxxiv (figg. in xxxv), n. spp. Polyomniatus agestis, var. noticed ; Barrett, Ent. M. M. xxviii, p. 245. P. dispar , var. rutilus, taken in England ; Baker, p. xxx, P. E. Soc. 1892. 224 Ins. XIII. LEPIDOPTERA. P. cupreus , Roumania, Cosmovici, p. 255, Le Nat. 1892, n. sp. Pseudaletis agrippma, Druce, = ( tricolor , Staud.) ; Druce, Ent. M. M. xxviii, p. 65. P. nigi'a, W. Africa, Holland, p. 286, Ann. N. H. (6) x, n. sp. Pseuderesia tullia, W. Africa, Staudinger, p. 221, Deutsche e. Z. Lep. iv, n. sp. Bapala (sub Deudorix ) diyllus , Hew., = ( Hypolyccena debilis , Staud.) ; Druce, p, 185, Ent. M. M. xxviii. It. abnormis, p. 642, pi. xliv, fig, 2, hypargyria , p. 643, fig. 7, sub- guttata , fig. 1, p. 644, Karen Hills, Elwes, P. Z. S. 1892, n. spp. Spalgis lemolea, Druce, = ( latimarginata , Sharpe, and s-signata, Holland) ; Druce, Ent. M. M. xxviii, p. 66. S. s-signata , habits of larva, pecu- liar chrysalis resembling old man’s head ; Holland, Psyche, vi, p. 201, pi. iv. Suasa suessa, Perak, Niceville, p. 337, pi. H, figs. 8 & 9, J. Bomb. N. H. Soc. vii, n. sp. Tajuria thyia , Khasi Hills, Niceville, p. 336, pi. h, fig. 11, J. Bomb. N. H. Soc. vii, n. sp. Teriomima delicatula , figs. 5 & 6, decipiens, figs. 7 & 8, serena , figs. 11 & 12, figured ; Smith & Kirby, Rhop. ex. i, African Lyccenidce, pi. xvi. T . adelgunda, adelgitha , modesta , Cordelia , alberta , figured ; Smith & Kirby, op. cit. ii, pi. xix. T. adelgunda , p. 219, alberta , p. 220, W. Africa, Staudinger, Deutsche e. Z. Lep. iv, n. spp. Theda rumanice, Roumania, Cosmovici, p. 255, Le Nat. 1892 ; T. leechii , Khasi Hills, Niceville, p. 335, J. Bomb. N. H. Soc. vii : n. spp. Theclinesthes , n. subg. of Plebeius , q.v. ; Rober, p. 316, Tijdschr. Ent. xxxiv. Thestor romanovi , n. var. maculifera , Staudinger, p. 233, Deutsche e. Z. Lep. iv. Tingra lunaris, Sierra Leone, Weymer, p. 95, S. E. S. liii, n. sp. Zizera labradus , pi. xxvii, fig. 1, lulu , = ( conjungens , Luc.), fig. 2, figured ; Druce, P. Z. S. 1892. Hesperud^. Many of the Philippine Is. species described by Mabille are referred to other genera by Semper, in Reisen Philipp, ii, v, pp. 287-319. Notes on N. American Hesperiidce (genera) ; Aaron, pp. 119 & 120, Canad. Ent. xxiv. Abaratha syricthus , var. figured ; Elwes, p. 656, pi. xliii, fig. 2, P. Z. S. 1892. A bantis bismarcki , W. Africa, Karsch, p. 228, Ent. Nachr. xviii, n. sp. Astictopterus ladana , fig. 4, sindu, fig. 3, figured, pi. xliii ; Elwes, P. Z. S. 1892. Calpodes ethius , life-history ; Cockerell, Ent. News, iii, p. 78. HESPERIIDJE. Ins. 225 Capila jayadeva and Pisola zennara , correction as to characters and sexes of ; Niceville, p. 347, J. Bomb. N. H. Soc. vii. Caprona adelica , W. Africa, Karsch, p. 242, Ent. Nachr. xviii, n. sp. Carterocephalus palcemon , life-history ; Frohawk, Ent. xxv, pp. 225-228 & 254-256. Carystus duris , Mab., referred to Lotongus and figured ; Semper, p. 289, pi. xlix, fig. 7, Reisen Philipp, ii, v. Crossiura, n. g., near Capita , p. 350, for C. pennicillatum, n. sp., Khasi Hills, p. 351, pi. j, figs. 1 & 2, Niceville, J. Bomb. N. H. Soc. vii, Cyclopides romi, Congo ; Robbe, p. 133, Ann. Ent. Belg. xxxvi, n. sp. Erionota alexandra , Philippine Is., Semper, Reisen Philipp, ii, v, p. 312, n. sp. Eudamus coyote , Texas, Skinner, p. 164, Canad. Ent. xxiv, n. sp. Halpe fusca, E. India, Elwes, p. 653, pi. xliii, fig. 1, P. Z. S. 1892, n. sp. Hesperia gemma , Plotz., = ( Pamphila ravola , Godm. & Salv.); Weymer, p. 122, S. E. Z. liii. H. lineolaf early stages described ; Hawes, Ent. xxv, pp. 177-180. H. mucorea , zintgraffi , W. Africa, Karsch, p. 178, Ent. Nachr. xviii, n. spp. Ismene fergusonii , S. India, Niceville, p. 345, pi. J, fig. 6, J. Bomb. N. H. Soc. vii ; I. antigone , Flores, Rober, p. 320, Tijdschr. Ent. xxxiv (fig. in xxxv), n. spp. Lotongus parthenope , Weymer, sexes figured, $ described ; Niceville, p. 354, pi. j, figs. 4 & 5, J. Bomb. N. H. Soc. vii. Osmodes lux , W. Africa, Holland, p. 291, Ann. N. H. (6) x, n. sp. Oxypalpus annulifer , W. Africa, Holland, Ann. N. H. (6) x, p. 293, n. sp. Padraona procles, Ke Is., Niceville, p. 353, pi. J, figs. 7 & 8, J. Bomb. N. H. Soc. vii, n. sp. Pamphila dim.ila , $ figured ; Niceville, pi. j, fig. 9, J. Bomb. N. H. Soc. vii. P. manitoba, variation ; Lyman, Canad. Ent. xxiv, p. 57. P. errans , N. America, Skinner, p. 174, Ent. News, iii (metamorphoses Dy'ar, t. c., p. 175); P. Carolina , N. America, Skinner, p. 222, t. c. : n. spp. Pardaleodes oedipus, Cr., n. var. diluta ; Robbe, p. 134, Ann. Ent. Belg. xxxvi. P. xanthopeplus , p. 289, astrape , xanthioides, p. 290, W. Africa, Holland, Ann. N. H. (6) x, n. spp. Plastingia viburnia (Stdgr.), cuneiformis , pi. xlix, fig. 11, Philippines, Semper, p. 314, Reisen Philipp, ii, v, n. spp. Procampta , n. g., for P. rara , n. sp., W. Africa ; Holland, p. 294, Ann. N. H. (6) x. Sarangesa1 Moore, = ( Erites , Hyda , and Sape , Mab.) ; Holland, p. 288, Ann. N. H. (6) x. S. motozioides, W. Africa, Holland, p. 288, Ann. N. H. (6) x, n. sp. Satarupa corona (Stdgr.), Philippines, Semper, p. 306, Reisen Philipp, ii, v, n. sp. Suastus albinus , pi. xlix, fig. 8, p. 299, migreus , fig. 9, p. 300, Philippines, Semper, Reisen Philipp, ii, v, n. spp. 1892. [vol. xxix.] e 15 226 Ins. XIII. LEPIDOPTERA. Tagiades princeps (Stdgr.), Philippines, Semper, p. 307, pi. xlix, fig. 5, Reisen Philipp, ii, v, n. spp. Tapena igna , Philippines, Semper, p. 316, Reisen Philipp, ii, v, n. sp. Teniorhinus watsoni , Gaboon, Holland, p. 292, Ann. N. H. (6) x, n. sp. Tricosemeia , n. g., for T. subolivescens,n. sp., W. Africa, Holland, p.294, Ann. N. H. (6) x. HETEROCERA. Catalogue of Lepidoptera Heterocera ; vol. i, Sphinges , Bombyces ; Kirby (496). The classification, phylogeny, neuration, &c., of Heterocera discussed ; Hampson, Moths of India, i, pp. 1-12. 707 species of Amurland Heterocera of the groups Sphinges , Bombyces , Noctuce , catalogued and discussed seriatim ; Staudinger in Romanoff Mem. vi, pp. 219-658. Notes on many species, with named varieties, of Heterocera from South Siberia ; Staudinger, Deutsche e. Z. Lep. v, pp. 342-393. Brief notes on some of the early stages of numerous Australian Hetero- cera, by the late Henry Edwards ; Beutenmuller, Bull. Am. Mus. iv, pp. 71-74. List of 12 genera established by Philippi, and of the genera of which they are synonyms ; Reed, pp. 68 & 69, Act. Soc. Chili, i. Experiments as to colour variation in Lepidopterous larvae, and pupae, and in cocoons ; Bateson (40, 41), Gould (354), Poulton (703). Walker’s types and their labelling noticed ; Grote, p. 189, Canad. Ent. xxiv. Sphingidjc. [Cf. Aurivillius (24), Austaut (29), Cosmovici (191), Graeser (357), Karsch (460,461), Lucas (568), Miskin (611, 612), Staudinger (779), Swinhoe (908).] Revision of the Australian Sphingidce ; Miskin (611, 612). Synonymy of the species described by Lucas in “Queenslander,” see Miskin at end of “ Further note” (612). Brief note on phylogeny; Grote, p. 17, Canad. Ent. xxiv. Abrisa, n. n. for Mierolophia , Feld. ; Kirby, p. 641, Cat. Lep. Het. i. A cantho sphinx, n. g. for Ambulyx gussfeldtii , Dew., with n. var. gigas ; Aurivillius, Ent. Tidskr. xiii, pp. 181 & 182. Acherontia atropos , stridulation of ; Roth, p. 250, Ent. Tidskr. xiii. Acosmeryx mixtura , figured, pi. i, fig. 7 ; Swinhoe, Cat. Lep. Oxford. Ambulyx wildei , Queensland, Miskin, P. R. Soc. Queensl. viii, pt. 3, p. ? n. sp. Anceryx fasciata, larva described ; Cockerell, Ent. xxiv, p. 19. Chcerocampa rosetta , p. 16, insularis , p. 18, Ceram, amara , Mysol, p. 21, pi. i, fig. 9, Swinhoe, Cat. Lep. Oxford; G. cleopatra , cloacina , tryoni , pallida , Queensland, Miskin, P. R. Soc. Queensl. viii, pt. 3, pp. (15- 18, sep. copy) : n. spp. SPHINGHLE, ^GERIIDJC. Ins . 227 Deilephila japonica, var. ? suifuna , figured, pi. iv, fig. 2, described, p. 228 ; Staudinger, Romanoff Mem. vi. D. proximo,, Japan, Austaut, p. 69, Le Nat. 1892 ; D. euphorbioides, Japan, Swinhoe, p. 22, Cat. Lep. Oxford : n. spp. Dolbina exacta , Amurland, Staudinger, p. 222, pi. iv, fig. 1, Romanoff Mem. vi, n. sp. Gargantua, n. n. for Lintneria , Butl. ; Kirby, p. 692, Cat. Lep. Het. i. Hemaris rubra , N. India, Hampson, Moths of India, i, p. 120; H.janus , Queensland, Miskin, P. R. Soc. Queensl. viii, pt. 3, p. ? : n. spp. Kentochrysalis (sub Sphinx ) streckeri , Stgr., = ( davidis , 0 berth.) ; Staudinger, p. 220, Romanoff Mem. vi. Lophura hyas, figured, pi. i, fig. 2, Romanoff Mem. vi. Macrosila severina, Cape York, Miskin, P. R. Soc. Queensl. viii, pt. 3, p.? n. sp. Macroglossa nigra , Roumania, Cosmovici, p. 280, Le Nat. 1892 ; M. semifasciata, Pegu, Hampson, Moths of India, i, p. 115 ; M. limata, Java, pi. i, fig. 1, p. 4, kanita , fig. 2, Sumatra, labrosa , Bouru, p. 5, inusitata , Dorey, p. 6, Swinhoe, Cat. Lep. Oxford : n. spp. Nephele pachyderma, W. Africa, Karsch, p. 180, Ent. Nachr. xviii, n. sp. Ocyton radiata, W. Africa, Karsch, p. 116, Ent. Nachr. xviii, n. sp. P achylia ficus, notes on larva ; Cockerell, Ent. News, iii, p. 4. Panacra variolosa , figured, pi. i, fig. 4 ; Swinhoe, Cat. Lep. Oxford. P. turneri, Lucas, redescribed ; Miskin, P. R. Soc. Queensl. viii, pt. 3, p.? P.frena, Silhet, pi. i, fig. 5, p. 48, mira, Cape York, p. 13, pi. i, fig. 6, Swinhoe, Cat. Lep. Oxford, n. spp. Protoparce ccestri , Blanch., = ( Sphinx eurylochus , Phil.); Reed, p. 68, Act. Soc. Chili, i. P. minimus , Queensland, Miskin, P. R. Soc. Queensl. viii, pt. 3, p.?, n. sp. Pseudosphinx grisea, p. 104, eoncolor, p. 106, India, Hampson, Moths of India, i, n. spp. Pterogon kuldjaensis, Centr. Asia, Graeser, p. 299, Berl. Ent. Zeit. xxxvii, n. sp. Smerinthus populi, anatomy of hermaphrodite ; Tetens (918). S. tilice and populi, note on markings of larvae ; Gould, pp. 236-243, Tr. Ent. Soc. 1892. S. heynei, Japan, Austaut, p. 68, Le Nat. 1892, n. sp. Sphinx eremophilce, redescribed ; Lucas, p. 277, P. Linn. Soc. N.S.W. (2) vi. S. marmorata , Queensland, Lucas, P. Linn. Soc. N.S.W. (2) vi, p. 278, n. sp. iEGERUD.®. [ Cf. : Druce (226), Hampson (384), Kellicott (476, 477), Miskin (613), Staudinger (886), Swinhoe (908).] 228 Ins. XIII. LEPIDOPTERA. Aclixoa , n. g. for A. auricollum , n. sp., Tenasserim ; Hampson, p. 198, Moths of India, i. JEgeria corni, habits and characters, Kellicott, p. 210, Canad. Ent. xxiv, and metamorphoses, Ins. Life, v, p. 83 ; IE. gallivora, notes on ; Kellicott, Canad. Ent. xxiv, p. 44. jE. pensilis, Sarawak, Swinhoe, p. 36, Cat. Lep. Oxford ; IE. rubri- stigma, Kellicott, p. 211, Canad. Ent. xxiv, and Ins. Life, v, p. 84 ; jE. armasata, mardia , Mexico, Deuce, Ann. N. H. (6) ix, p. 275 : n. spp. Albuna modesta , Ohio, Kellicott, p. 46, Canad. Ent. xxiv, n. sp. Anthrenoptera , n. g., p. 35, for Sphecia contracta , Wlk., figured, pi. ii, fig. 1 1 ; Swinhoe, Cat. Lep. Oxford. Aschistophleps , n. g. for A. lampropoda , p. 200, melissoides, p. 201, n. spp., India ; Hampson, Moths of India, i. Ceratocorema, n. g. for C. poster istatum, n. sp., India ; Hampson, Moths of India, i, p. 200. Ichneumenoptera, n. g. for I. auripes , p. 194, flavicincta , xanthosoma, flavipalpus , ignifera , p. 195, n. spp., E. India ; Hampson, Moths of India, i. Macrotar sipus, n. g. for M. albipunctus , n. sp., Burma ; Hampson, p. 194, Moths of India, i. Melittia ceto, notes on ; Smith, p. 129, Canad. Ent. xxiv. M. grandis , Sikkim, Hampson, Moths of India, i, p. 203 ; M. humerosa, N. China, Swinhoe, p. 38, Cat. Lep. Oxford ; M. chalybescens , Queensland, Miskin, P. R. Soc. Queensl. viii, pt. 3, p.? ; M. becJceri, Mexico, Druce, p. 276, Ann. N. H. (6) ix : n. spp. Sciapteron fervidum , varr. described ; Staudinger, p. 241, Deutsche e. Z. Lep. iv. S. splendidum , Taurus, p. 242, S. ? di.spar , p. 243, Biskra, Staudinger, Deutsche e. Z. Lep. iv ; S. flam mans, p. 191, cceruleimicans, p. 192, metallicum, cupreivitta, tenuimarginatum, p. 193, E. India, Hampson, Moths of India, i : n. spp. Sesia proximata , Amasia, p. 244. regula, Mardin, p. 246, Staudinger, Deutsche e. Z. Lep. iv ; S. quinquecincta, unicincta , p. 196, xanthosticta, p. 197, E. India, Hampson, Moths of India, i : n. spp. Sphecodoptera , n. g., p. 189, type repanda , Wlk., and wi-th S. flavicollis , n. sp., Kashmir, p. 190 ; Hampson, Moths of India, i. Trichocerota , n. g. for T. ruficincta , Pegu ; Hampson, p. 199, Moths of India, i. Trilochana ignicauda, Burma, Hampson, Moths of India, i, p. 191, n. sp. Trochilium apiforme, n. var. caflischii ; Standfuss, p. 369, MT. Schw. Ent. Ges. viii. T. ommaticeforme, ignicolle , India, Hampson, Moths of India, i, p. 189 ; T. cupreifascia , Queensland, Miskin, P. R. Soc. Queensl. viii, pt. 3, p. ? : n. spp. castnjidj:, bombyces. Ins. 229 Castniim. [Cf. Lower (566), Swinhoe (908).] Synemon collecta , p. 151, pi. vii, fig. 16, adelaida , fig. 10, p. 154, Australia, Swinhoe, Cat. Lep. Oxford ; S. pyrrhoptera , Australia, Lower, p. 18, Tr. R. Soc. S. Austr. xvi : n. spp. Bombyces.* [Cf. Alpheraky (779), Auriyillius (24), Butler (141, 148), Carpen- tier (160), Christoph (175), Distant (210, 216), Dognin (220), Druce (226), Dyar (238, 239, 240), Fenk (279), Graeser (356, 357), Heylaerts (403), Holland (408, 409), Honrath (413), Karsch (460, 464), Kirby (497), Lower (565, 566), Lucas (568, 569), Mabille (571, 572), Mabille & Ycillot (573), Moore (623), Neumoegen (633, 634), Oberthur (650), Packard (665, 666), Poujade (702), Pungeler (706), Rober (767), Schaqs (798, 799), Slosson (854, 855), Sontiionnax (878), Standfuss (779), Stau- dinger (779, 886, 890, 891), Swinhoe (908), Vuillot (978, 980), Weymer (1003).] The following new or revived names of families are recognized in the first volume of Hampson’s Moths of India, viz., Brahmceidce, Euptero- tidce, Syntomididce , Arbelidce , Pterothysanidce. Kirby, in his catalogue, makes use of the names Cyllopodidce, Cymbidce , and Pinaridce , to represent families of Bombyces. Achelura , n. n. for Chelura , Hope ; Kirby, p. 56, Cat. Lep. Het. i. Aclytia petra, Peru, p. 276, hecale , p. 277, Brazil, Schaus, P. Z. S. 1892 (figured, Schaus, American Lep. pi. i), n. spp. Adelocephala invalida , Brazil, Schaus, p. 289, P. Z. S. 1891 (figured, Schaus, pi. iii, American Lep.) ; A. Columbia , Columbia, Schaus, p. 21, pi. iii, fig. 13, American Lep. : n. spp. Adlullia lunifera , pi. vi, fig. 3, innotata , fig. 1, xanthomela , fig. 8, divisa , fig. 14, figured ; Swinhoe, Cat. Lep. Oxford. A. bollora, Borneo, Swinhoe, p. 186, pi. vi, fig. 2, Cat. Lep. Oxford, n. sp. AEgocera and Hecatesia , stridulation in ; Hampson, pp. 188 & 189, P. Z. S. 1892. AE. triphcenoides, synonymical note ; Weymer, p. 124, S. E. Z. liii. AE. confluens, Zanzibar, Weymer, p. 100, S. E. Z. liii, n. sp. AEmilia , n. n. for Ameles, Walk. ; Kirby, p. 218, Cat. Lep. Het. i. Agarea minuta , Brazil, Schaus, p. 288, P. Z. S. 1892, n. sp. Agaristidce , definition of; Auriyillius, Ent. Tidskr. xiii, p. 183. * Owing to increasing divergence of opinion as to the limits and positions of the families hitherto placed between the Sphingid and the Noctuid Moths, and to the large number of new genera that have been established of late years, we are com- pelled to unite the groups under the comprehensive term Bombyces. 230 Ins. XIII. LEPIDOPTERA. Agarista albamedia, simplex , p. 301, tropica , p. 302, cceruleotincta, p. 303, Queensland, Lucas, P. Linn. Soc. N.S.W. (2) vi, n. spp. Aglia tau , life-history ; Andersson, Ent. Tidskr. xiii, pp. 93-96. Agnidra carnea , Borneo, Butler, p. 125, pi. vi, fig. 3, P. Z. S. 1892, n. sp. Agonis lutensis , Ternate, Swinhoe, p. 136, Cat. Lep. Oxford, n. sp. Albara reversaria , figured, pi. vii, fig. 9 ; Swinhoe, Cat. Lep. Oxford. Allodonta ? leucodera , Amurland, Staudinger, p. 357, Romanoff Mem. vi, n. sp. Aloa gangara, pi. iv, fig. 2, corsima , fig. 1, Swinhoe, p. 171, Cat. Lep. Oxford, n. spp. Alophog aster, n. g., Thaudince , for A. rubribasis , Naga Hills, n. sp., Hamp- SON, p. 287, Moths of India, i. Alpenus trifasciata , E. Africa, Holland, Ent. xxv (Supp.), p. 92, n. sp. Alypia crescens , Wlk., = (grotei, Bdv.) ; Smith, p. 133, Canad. Ent. xxiv. Amaxia hebe , p. 278, pyga> p. 279, Brazil, Schaus, P. Z. S. 1892 (figured, Schaus, American Lep. pi. i) : n. spp. Ameles byblis , Brazil, Schaus, p.279, P. Z. S. 1892 (figured, Schaus, American Lep. pi. ii, fig. 2), n. sp. Amerila nivaria , p. 10 5, phcedra, p. 106, E. Africa, Weymer, S. E. Z. liii, n. spp. Ammalo thrailkilli , Mexico, Schaus, p. 280, P. Z. S. 1892, n. sp. Amy dona sericea , Peru, Schaus, p. 324, P. Z. S. 1892, n. sp. Anaphe : characters and position noticed ; Butler, p. 398, Ann. N. H. (6) x. A. carteri , Walsingh., = ( parva , Aur ) ; Aurivillius, p. 195, Ent. Tidskr. xiii. A . aurea , Madagascar, Butler, p. 398, Ann. N. H. (6) x, n. sp. Anaxidia, n. g., Limacodidce , for A. lactea , n. sp., W. Australia ; Swinhoe, p. 231, Cat. Lep. Oxford. Anisota stigma , metamorphoses; Marlatt, pp. Ill & 112, Tr. Kansas Ac. xi, figs. A. stigma , p. 65, senatoria, p. 66, metamorphoses ; Beutenmuller, Bull. Am. Mus. iv. Antarctia rubra, var., = (walsinghami , Butl.) ; Smith, p. 135, Canad. Ent. xxiv. Anthercea anthina , Cameroons, Karsch, p. 353, Ent. Nachr. xviii ; A. hnyvetti , Sikkim, Hampson, Moths of India, i, p. 19; A. pulchra, fasciata , p. 448, olivescens , ochripicta , p. 449, Bombay, versicolor , Bengal, hartii , N. China, p. 450, borneensis, p. 451, ridlyi, p. 452, Borneo, surakarta, Java, p. 453, Moore, Ann. N. H. (6) ix ; A. alephostra , Waigiou, Swinhoe, p. 252, Cat. Lep. Oxford ; A. loranthi, Queensland, Lucas, p. 292, P. Linn. Soc. N.S.W. (2) vi : n. spp. Antipha biplagata , Java, Heylaerts, p. 10, Ann. Ent. Belg. xxxvi, n. sp. Aon , n. g., Cossidce , for A. noctuiformis, n. sp., Texas ; Neumoegen, Ent. News, iii, p. 258. Arceocera , n. g., Zygcenidce , for A. cyanescens, posthyalina, n. spp., India ; Hampson, Moths of India, i, p. 244. Arceogyia, n. g., Limacodidce , p. 394, for A. spatulata, castanea , n. spp., India, p. 395 ; Hampson, Moths of India, i. BOMBYCES. Ins. 231 Archylus mexicana , Jalapa, p. 288, vesta , Brazil, p. 289, Schaus, P. Z. S. 1892, n. spp. Arctia fortunata and glauea , notes on, with figg. ; Staudinger. pp. 250 & 251, pi. iii, figs. 3 & 5, Deutsche e. Z. Lep. iv. A. mongolica , figured, ph i, fig. 6, Romanoff Mem. vi. A. nais ; rhoda and ochreata , Butl., and radians , Wlk., are probably varr. of this: A. phyllira , = ( dodgei , Butl.) ; Smith, pp. 134 & 135, Canad. Ent. xxiv. A . caja , var. ; Laddiman, Ent. xxv, p. 1. A.flava , n. var. campestris ; G-raeser, p. 213, Berl. Ent. Zeit. xxxvii. A. turbans , Irkutsk, Christoph, p. 460, Hor. Ent. Ross, xxvi ; A. minea, N. America, Slosson, p. 257, Ent. News, iii : n. spp. Ardices garida, , Australia, Swinhoe, p. 179, Cat. Lep. Oxford, n. sp. Ardonea metallica, Peru, Schaus, p. 284, P. Z. S. 1892 (figured, pi. ii, fig. 8 ; Schaus, American Lep.), n. sp. Areas spar sails , conflictalis, rudis , Wlk., figured ; Swinhoe, pi. iv, figg. 4-6, Cat. Lep. Oxford. Argina pulchra , Philippines, Swinhoe, p. 117, pi. iii, fig. 5, Cat. Lep. Oxford, n. sp. Arguda rectilinea , Burma, Hampson, p. 414, Moths of India, i, n. sp. Argyroeides magon , Brazil, Schaus, p. 276, P. Z. S. 1892, n. sp. Aroa atrella, p. 439, aur antifascia, p. 440, India, Hampson, Moths of India, i ; A. exoleta, Queensland, Swinhoe, p. 197, pi. vi, fig. 18, Cat. Lep. Oxford, n. spp. Arotros , n. g., Bombycidce, p. 325, for A. striata , n. sp., Brazil, p. 326 ; Schaus, P. Z. S. 1892. Artace anula, meridionalis , Brazil, Schaus, p. 319, P. Z. S. 1892, n. spp. Artaxa chrysophcea, n. var. iobrota ; Lucas, p. 251, P. Linn. Soc. N.S.W. (2) vii. A. signiplaga , figured ; Swinhoe, pi. vi, fig. 9, Cat. Lep. Oxford. A. charmetanti , figured ; Mabille & Vuillot, pi. xi, fig. 2, Nov. Lep. Artaxa albinotata, p. 9, bicolor , p. 10, Sumatra, Heylaerts, Ann. Ent. Belg. xxxvi ; A. singapura , Singapore, p. 189, pi. vi, fig. 19, enun- ciativa , Philippines, p. 190, Swinhoe, Cat. Lep. Oxford ; A. lucifuga , Brisbane, Lucas, p. 250, P. Linn. Soc. N.S.W. (2) vii : n. spp. Artona sieversi , Mongolia, Alpheraky, p. 5, pi. i, fig. 4, Romanoff Mem. vi, n. sp. Asterocopus nodosus , Tasmania, Swinhoe, p. 299, pi. viii, fig. 13, Cat. Lep. Oxford, n. sp. Asura ? bisecta , Queensland, Lucas, P. Linn. Soc. N.S.W. (2) vi, p. 279, n. sp. Atasca, n. g. for pt. of Nyctemera, p. 139, A. simplex and quadri- plaga, Wlk., figured, pi. v, figs. 13 & 9 ; Swinhoe, Cat. Lep. Oxford. Atossa palcearctica, Stdgr., systematic position ; Snellen, p. 11, Tijdschr. Ent. xxxv. Attacus atlas and allies, synonymy ; Kirby, Ent. xxv, pp. 186-188. 232 Ins . XIII. LEPIDOPTERA. Autojneris macareis , rubicunda , Brazil, nopaltzin, Mexico, p. 290, tam- philus, Brazil, p. 291, Schaus, P. Z. S. 1892 {A. macareis , rubicunda , figured, pi. iii, Schaus, American Lep.) ; A. quadridentata , Brazil, Kirby, p. 175, pi. xi, fig. 3, Ann. N. H. (6) x : n. spp. Automolidince, = (Hexaneuridce, Wallengr.), composition of ; Aurivillius, p. 189, Ent. Tidskr. xiii. Automolis elissa , Brazil, Schaus, p. 277, P. Z. S. 1892 (figured and referred to Euplesia , Schaus, p. 7, pi. i, fig. 21, American Lep.), n. sp. Azygophleps , n. g., Cossidce, type scalaris , Fab. ; Hampson, p. 309, Moths of India, i. Balacra elegans, p. 190, pulehra , B. ? croceipes , p. 200, Cameroons, Aurivillius, Ent. Tidskr. xiii, n. spp. Barsine hypoprepoides , fig. 22, placens, fig. 15, figured, pi. iii , Swinhoe, Cat. Lep. Oxford. B. lucibilis, Borneo, pi. iii, fig. 6, p. 107, intrita, Ceram, fig. 23, p. 108, Swinhoe, Cat. Lep. Oxford, n. spp. Bliaretta flammans, Manipur, Hampson, p. 416, Moths of India, i, n. sp. Bijugis sp., larva and female noticed ; Pungeler, p. 139, Deutsche e. Z, Lep. v. Birthama obliqua, Wlk., figured, pi. viii, fig. 9 ; Swinhoe, Cat. Lep. Oxford. B. bilineata , Philippines, Swinhoe, p. 240, Cat. Lep. Oxford, n. sp. Bizone dubensJcii , China, Alpheraky, p. 11, pi. i, fig. 5, Romanoff Mem. vi, n. sp. Blera causia , p. 332, bianca, apella , sida , Brazil, p. 333, Schaus, P. Z. S. 1892, n. spp. Bombyx trifolii, n. var. bathseba ; Staudinger, p. 260, Deutsche e. Z. Lep. iv. B. quercus and callunce, effects of temperature in producing variation ; Merrifield, p. 38, Tr. E. Soc. 1892. B. mori, existence of clinging papillse in abdominal legs of larva ; Verson, Zool. Anz. xv, p. 279 : embryology ; Henking (396) : food-plants ; Huth (442). B. salomonis , Beyrout, Staudinger, p. 259, Deutsche e. Z. Lep. iv ; B. rueckbeili , Central Asia, G-raeser, p. 301, Berl. Ent. Zeit. xxxvii ; B. ( Lebeda ) rotundata , Java, Heylaerts, Ann. Ent. Belg. xxxvi, p. 8 : n. spp. Borocera madagascariensis, notes on; Sikora, p. 179, Soc. Ent. vi. B. esteban , Loja, Dognin, p. 33, Le Nat. 1892, n. sp. Brachartona catoxantha, Tenasserim, Hampson, p. 233, Moths of India, i, n. sp. Bremeria , n. g., near Rhaphidognatha , for B. manza, n. sp., China, pi. i, fig. 3 ; Alpheraky, p. 7, Romanoff Mem. vi. Brycea peruviana, Peru, Schaus, p. 284, P. Z. S. 1892 (figured, pi. ii, fig. 16, Schaus, American Lep.), n. sp. Buncea mitforcli , Sierra Leone, Kirby, p. 173, pi. xi, fig. 1, Ann, N. H. (6)' x, n. sp. BOMBYCES. Ins. 233 Caligula castanea, Japan, Swinhoe, p. 249, Cat. Lep. Oxford, n. sp. Callartona, n. g.. Zygcenidce , typ e purpurascens, Hmpn. ; Hampson, p. 233, Moths of India, i. Calligenia pilcheri, Rockhampton, Lucas, P. Linn. Soc. N.S.W. (2) vi, p. 279, n. sp. Callimorpha suffusa , metamorphoses; Marlatt, p. 113, figg., Tr. Kansas Ac. xi. C. lecontei , localisation of variation ; Mason, Ent. News, iii, p. 52. Callitomis multifasciata , India, Hampson, Moths of India, i, p. 225, n. sp. Callizygcena auricincta , Nilgiri Hills, Swinhoe, p. 62, Cat. Lep. Oxford, n. sp. Calybia , n. n. for Phryne , Grote ; Kirby, p. 446, Cat. Lep. Het. i. Camptochilus , n. g., Drepanulidce, type reticulatum , Moore ; Hampson, p. 351 , Moths of India, i. Caprima gelida , fig. 3, C. mutilata , Wlk. (sub Soritia), fig. 15, figured, pi. ii ; Swinhoe, Cat. Lep. Oxford. Cardies celer, Brazil, Schaus, p. 282, P. Z. S. 1892, n. sp. Cascera inconcisa, Mysol, Swinhoe, p. 299, pi. vii, fig. 6, Cat. Lep. Oxford, n. sp. Ceratonema, n. g., Limacodidce , p. 393, type retractation, Wlk., with C. albifusum, fasciatum, n. spp., India, p. 394 ; Hampson, Moths of India, i. Cerura : list of the N. American species ; Dyar, Psyche, vi, p. 290 : mode of emergence from cocoon ; Chapman, Ent. xxv, pp. 302-304. C. meridionalis , Texas, Dyar, Psyche, vi, p. 291, n. sp. Chalcocelis, n. g., Limacodidce , type fumifera , Swinh. ; Hampson, p. 392, Moths of India, i. Chalcosia fragilis, Wlk., figured, pi. ii, fig. 7 ; Swinhoe, Cat. Lep. Oxford. C. griseifusa , Pegu, Hampson, p. 264, Moths of India, i ; C. paviei , Laos, Poujade, p. 268, pi. xi, fig. 5, N. Arch. Mus. Paris (3) iii ; C. indistincta , Borneo, Swinhoe, p. 74, Cat. Lap. Oxford : n. spp. Chaliince, n. subfam. of Psychidce ; Hampson, Moths of India, i, p. 300. ChalioideSj n. g., p. 227, for C. vitrea, n. sp., Ceylon, p. 228 ; Swinhoe, Cat. Lep. Oxford. Charagia pomalis, Queensland, pi. viii, fig. 3, dulcis, Swan River, Swinhoe, p. 288, Cat. Lep. Oxford, n. spp. Charidea inachia, Brazil, Schaus, p. 277, P. Z. S. 1892 (figured and referred to Cyanopepla , Schaus, American Lep. i, p. 6, pi. i, fig. 19), n. sp. Chelonia mirifica , Ta-Tsien-Lou, Oberthur, p. 8, pi. i, fig. 7, Etudes d’Ent. xvi, n. sp. Chenuala , n. g., Liparidce , for C. rufa , n. sp., Queensland ; Swinhoe, p. 212, Cat. Lep. Oxford. Chondrostega pastrana, n. var . palcestrana \ Staudinger, p. 257, Deutsche e. Z. Lep. iv. C. fasciana , Jerusalem, Staudinger, Deutsche e. Z. Lep. iv, p. 258, n. sp. 234 Ins. XIII. LEPIDOPTERA. Chrysartona , n. g., Zygcenidce, for Procris strata, Wlk. ; Swinhoe, p. 57, Cat. Lep. Oxford. C. refulgens, Burma, Hampson, p. 232, Moths of India, i, n. sp. Chrysopsyche mirifica , cocoon figured ; Holland, pi. v, fig. 6, noticed, p. 216, Psyche, vi. Cispia flavipes, Sikkim, Hampson, p. 493, Moths of India, i, n. sp. Cisthene petrovna , Brazil, Schaus, p. 283, P. Z. S. 1892 (figured, pi. ii, fig. 4, Schaus, American Lep.), n. sp. Citheronia vogleri, = ( Eacles leona , Druce), figured, pi. iii, fig. 2 ; Schaus, American Lep. Clelea plumbeola, Burma, Hampson, p. 240, Moths of India, i, n. sp. Clisiocampa constricta , var. = ( strigosa , Stretch) ; Dyar, p. 326, Psyche, vi. C. erosa, metamorphoses ; Dyar, t. c. p. 364. Cochliotheca : habits, systematic position ; Pungeler, Deutsche e. Z. Lep. v, p. 133. Codiosonia , n. n. for Kodiosoma, Stretch ; Kirby, p. 244, Cat. Lep. Het. i. Ccdodasys tonac, p. 330, pegasis , p. 331, Brazil, Schaus, P. Z. S. 1892, n. spp. Collita leucanioides , Wlk. (sub Lithosia ), figured, pi. iii, fig. 17 ; Swinhoe, Cat. Lep. Oxford. Comacla simplex , Wlk., = (murina, Wlk., and Vanessodes clarus, G. & R.); Smith, p. 134, Canad. Ent. xxiv. Contheyla melanosticta , India, Hampson, p. 385, Moths of India, i, n. sp. Corcura torta , fig. 10, discalis , fig. 12, figured ; Swinhoe, pi. iii, Cat. Lep. Oxford. C. mysolica , Mysol, Swinhoe, p. 119, pi. iii, fig. 18, Cat. Lep. Oxford, n. sp. Corma maculata , Burma, Hampson, p. 268, Moths of India, i, n. sp. Cosmosoma harpalyce , Petropolis, Schaus, p. 275, P. Z. S. 1892 (figured, Schaus, American Lep. pi. i, fig. 11), n. sp. Cossa vagivitta , Wlk. (sub Lithosia ), figured, pi. iii, fig. 14 ; Swinhoe, Cat. Lep. Oxford. Cossidce and Hepialidce , wing-neuration discussed ; Henking, Z. wiss. Zool. liii, pp. 635-639. Cossula notodontoides , prazclara , Brazil, Schaus, p. 328, P. Z. S. 1892, n. spp. Cossulinus , n. n. for Cossulus , Stdgr. ; Kirby, p. 860, Cat. Lep. Het. i. Cossus ussuriensis , E. Siberia, Graeser, p. 213, Berl. Ent. Zeit. xxxvii ; C. nigromaculatus, p. 305, parvipunctus, pallidalce , p. 306, India, Hampson, Moths of India, i ; C. chloratus, Borneo, Swinhoe, p. 284, pi. viii, fig. 8, Cat. Lep. Oxford ; C. parilis, horrifer , Brazil, Schaus, p. 327, P. Z. S. 1892 : n. spp. Costria abnoba , Brazil ; Schaus, p. 327, P. Z. S. 1892, n. sp. Cosuma marginata , E. Africa, Holland, Ent. xxv (Supp.), p. 93, n. sp. Cothocida nigrifera, Wlk., referred to Crocota ; Smith, p. 134, Canad. Ent. xxiv. Crambidia pallida, egg and young larva ; Dyar, Ent. News, iii, p. 245. BOMBYCES. Ins. 235 Crambomorpha auraria , Loja, Dognin, p. 169, Le Nat. 1892, n. sp. Crinocraspeda , n. g., Lasiocampidce , type ' torrida, Moore; Hampson, p. 420, Moths of India, i. Crocomela, n. n. for Darna , Wlk. ; Kirby, p. 405, Cat. Lep. Het. i. Grothcema decorata , Transvaal, Distant, p. 237, pi. ii, fig. 6, Naturalist Transvaal, n. sp. Ctenucha azteca , Mexico, Schaus, p. 278, P. Z. S. 1892, n. sp. Cyclosia ficta, Wlk., referred to Milleria , p. 70, and figured, pi. ii, fig. 4 ; Swinhoe, Cat. Lep. Oxford. C. chuna , Menado, p. 68, enodis , Sumatra, pi. ii, fig. 2, chartacea, Manilla, fig. 3, p. 69, Swinhoe, Cat. Lep. Oxford, n. spp. Cyllopodidce , n. n. for a part of the family Chrysaugidce ; Kirby, Cat. Lep. Het. i, p. 398. Cyllopoda ( Flavinia ) dubia , darna , janeira , quicha , chibcha , Schaus, figured ; Schaus, American Lep. pi. ii. Cyphanta chortochlora, Himalaya, Hampson, Moths of India, p. 175, n. sp. Dactyloi'hyncha, n. g., Liparidce, type pallida , Hmpson. ; Hampson, p. 470, Moths of India, i. Dalcera tijucana , Brazil, Schaus, p. 322, P. Z. S. 1892, n. sp. Dalaca prytanes , p. 329, mummea , o?’e«.s, Brazil, £erm, Mexico, p. 330, Schaus, P. Z. S. 1892, n. spp. Damata microsticta, E. India, Swinhoe, p. 302, Cat. Lep. Oxford ; D. nigrosticta , E. India, Hampson, Moths of India, i, p. 157, n. spp. Damias angustifasciata , Ke Is., Bober, p. 324, Tijdschr. Ent. xxxiv (fig. in xxxv), n. sp. Danima banksice , larva noticed ; Ash, Ent. M. M. xxviii, p. 232, woodcut. Daraloj complens, p. 209, uniformis , minuta , p. 210, Australia ; Swinhoe, Cat. Lep. Oxford ; D. ochroptera , Centr. Australia, Lower, p. 14, Tr. B. Soc. S. Austr. xvi ; D. expansa , magnifica, p. 286, asciscens , p. 287, linearis , p. 289, succinea , scortea, p. 290, rubriscripta) rosea , p. 291, Australia, Lucas, P. Linn. Soc. N.S.W. (2) vi : n. spp. Darna metaleuca , Wlk. (sub Artaxa), pi. vii, fig. 14, basalis, Wlk. (sub Susica ), pi. viii, fig. 11, figured ; Swinhoe, Cat. Lep. Oxford. D. inca, Peru, Schaus, p. 286, P. Z. S. 1892 (figured, Schaus, American Lep. pi. ii, fig. 10), n. sp. Dasychira chloroptera, India, Hampson, p. 450, Moths of India, i ; D. tristis , Sumatra, p. 12, D. ( Mardara ) preangerensis, Java, p. 13, Heylaerts, Ann. Ent. Belg. xxxvi : n. spp. Dasylophia puntagorda) Florida, Slosson, p. 139, Canad. Ent. xxiv, n. sp. Datana major, metamorphoses ; Beutenmuller, p. 76, Bull. Am. Mus. iv. Demas coryli , habits noticed ; Still, Ent. M. M. xxviii, p. 148. Dendrophleps, n. g., Liparidce , for D. semihyalina, n. sp., Khasi Hills ; Hampson, p. 491, Moths of India, i. Diabasis nilgirensis , n. n. for Bijugis sikkimensis , Heyl. ; Hampson, p. 303, Moths of India, i. 236 Ins . XIII. LEPIDOPTERA. Dicranura vinula , escape from cocoon by means of potassium hydroxide : Latter, Tr. E. Soc. 1892, p. 287. Digama burmana, Myingan, Hampson, p. 505, Moths of India, i, n. sp. Dirphia aculea , Brazil, Vuillot, p. cxci, Bull. Soc. Ent. Fr. lxi, n. sp. Bixoa, n. g., Thyrididce , type albatalis , Swinh. ; Hampson, p. 355, Moths of India, i. Dolecta juturna, macrochir , invenusta , Brazil, Schaus, p. 328, P. Z. S. 1892, n. spp. Dolgoma nebulosa , Wlk. (sub Lithosia ), figured, pi. iv, fig. 18; Swinhoe, Cat. Lep. Oxford. Dreata pomona, E. Africa, Weymer, p. 113, S. E. Z. liii, n. sp. Drepana curvaria , Wlk. (sub Canuchci), pi. vii, fig. 1, micacea, Wlk., fig. 17, figured ; Swinhoe, Cat. Lep. Oxford. B. grisearia , pi. iv, fig. 7, muscula, pi. xii, fig. 7, Amurland, Staudinger, p. 335, Romanoff Mem. vi ; B. rufofasciata , p. 334, ochreipennia , innotata , fasciata, p. 335, perhamata , p. 336, orplinina , p. 337, excisa , p. 338, pulcherrima , p 339, xanthoptera , p. 341, fulva , p. 342, India, Hampson, Moths of India, i : n. spp. Drucea, n. n. for pt. of Mastigocera ; Kirby, p. 130, Cat. Lep. Het. i. Drymcea , Butl. : characters and systematic position discussed ; Snellen, pp. 20-23, Tijdschr. Ent. xxxv. Buga rana , Goram, Swinhoe, p. 96, pi. iii, fig. 3, Cat. Lep. Oxford, n. sp. Buomitus Jcilimanjarensis , E. Africa, Holland, Ent. xxv (Supp.) p. 94 ; B. fuscipars , Sikhim, Hampson, p. 309, Moths of India, i : n. spp. Dycladia catherina , rogenhoferi , epimetheus, p. 275, broteas, p. 276, Brazil, Schaus, P. Z. S. 1892 (figured, Schaus, American Lep. pi. i), n. spp. Bysodia albifurca , Sikkim, Hampson, p. 369, Moths of India, i, n. sp. Earias chlorophyllaria , Mardin, Staudinger, p. 249, Deutsche e. Z. Lep. iv, n. sp. Echedorus argentina , Brazil, Schaus, p. 321, P. Z. S. 1892, n. sp. Ecpantlieria pellucida, Brazil, Schaus, p. 282, P. Z. S. 1892 (figured, Schaus, American Lep. pi. iii, figs. 11 & 12), n. sp. Ectrocta, n. g., Bombycidee , for E. diaphana , n. sp., Burma ; Hampson, Moths of India, i, p. 33. Eligma duplicata , Trop. Africa ; Aurivillius, Ent. Tidskr. xiii, p. 190. Ellida (sub Edema) transversata , Wlk., = ( gelida , Grt.) ; Smith, p. 135, Canad. Ent. xxiv. Encaumaptera, n. g., Arbelidce, p. 315, for E. stigmata , n. sp., Nilgiris, p. 316, Hampson, Moths of India, i. Endagria fuscula , Tunis, Staudinger, p. 283, pi. iii, fig. 10, Deutsche e. Z. Lep. v ; E. cossoides , Centr. Asia, Graeser, p. 300, Berl. Ent. Zeit. xxxvii, n. sp. Ephemeroidea, n. g., Zygcenidce , for E. ariel, flavocincta , n. spp., Burma, Hampson, p. 242, Moths of India, i. Epimydia, n. g. for E. dialampa) n. sp., Siberia, pi. iii, fig. 2 ; Staudinger, p. 346, Deutsche e. Z. Lep. v. BOMBYCES. Ins. 237 Eremocossus, n. g., Cossidce, typ Qfcedus, Swinh. ; Hampson, p. 313, Moths of India, i. Eressa politula, India, p. 52, detola , olinda , Australia, p. 53, Swinhoe, Cat. Lep. Oxford, n. spp. Eriogaster lanestris, variation in colour of cocoons discussed ; Bateson (40,41). Eriphioides, n. n. for Eriphia , Feld. ; Kirby, p. 159, Cat. Lep. Het. i. Eterusia submar ginalis, Cambodia, Swinhoe, p. 81, Cat. Lep. Oxford, n. sp. Etobesa tizoc , Peru, Schaus, p. 339, P. Z. S. 1892, n. sp. Eucereon ladas, Brazil, Schatjs, p. 278, P. Z. S. 1892 (figured, Schaus, American Lep. pi. i, fig. 26) ; E. clementsi, St. Lucia, Schaus, p. 10, pi. i, fig. 25, t. c. : n. spp. Eudelia venusta , Wlk., = ( Bornbyx aristotelice , rufescens , Phil.) ; Reed, p. 68, Act. Soc. Chili, i. Eudoxyla bosschce , Borneo, Heylaerts, p. 45, Ann. Ent. Belg. xxxvi, n. sp. Eudryas grata , var., = (stce. johannis, Wlk.), note on; Smith, p. 134, Canad. Ent. xxiv. E. stce. johannis , note on ; Grote, p. 236, Canad. Ent. xxiv. E. ? liturata , Cameroons, Aurivillius, Ent. Tidskr. xiii, p. 187, n. sp. Eudule venata, Peru, aurata , Brazil, Schaus, p.284, P. Z. S. 1892 (figured, Schaus, pi. ii, American Lep.), n. spp. Eulimacodes moschleri , Mexico, Schaus, p. 324, P. Z. S. 1892, n. sp. Eumeta javanica, Java, vjallacei , Borneo, Swinhoe, p. 226, Cat. Lep. Oxford, n. spp. Euproctis fulviceps, variation ; Meyrick, p ii, P. E. Soc. 1892. E. negrita , p. 471, arenacea, p. 476, antiphates, p. 478, flavimaculata, p. 480, albopunctata , nigripennis, p. 481, India, Hampson, Moths of India, i ; E. ( Chcerotricha ) sabulosa , p. 8, cinerea, p. 10, Java, Heylaerts, Ann. Ent. Belg. xxxvi : n spp. Eupyra psittacus , consors, aurata , p. 273, bacehans, p. 274, Peru, Schaus, P. Z. S. 1892 (figured, Schaus, American Lep. i), n. spp. Euschema : vide Geometridce. Eusemia communis , fasciatrix , communicans, vetula , variation noticed, E. hesperioides, pi. v, fig. 3, saturata , fig. 1, figured ; Swinhoe, p. 160, Cat. Lep. Oxford. E. opheltes, $ figured ; Poujade, pi. xi, figs. 4 & 4a, N. Arch. Mus. Paris (3) iii. E. xanthopyga, fig. 1, mozambica, fig. 2, longipennis, fig. 3, deficiens , fig. 4, pi. viii, novemmaculata , pi. ix, fig. 1, nigridorsa , fig. 2, eoa, pi. xi, fig. 1, figured ; Mabille & VuiL- lot, Nov. Lep. E. vilthoroides , figured ; Oberthur, pi. i, fig. 4} p. 8, Etudes d’Ent. xvi. E. millionata, Philippines, pi. v, fig. 2, p. 162, doreana , Dorey, fig. 4, p. 164, Swinhoe, Cat. Lep. Oxford, n. spp. Eutane brevis , Borneo, Swinhoe, p. 126, pi. iii, fig. 13, Cat. Lep. Oxford, n. sp. Felder ia, n. n. for Acreagris , Feld. ; Kirby, p. 163, Cat. Lep. Het. i. 238 Ins. XIII. LEPIDOPTERA. Flavinia dubia , darna, janeira , Brazil, quicha , p. 286, chibcha, p. 287, Peru, Schaus, P. Z. S. 1892 (c/. Cyllopoda ), n. spp. Galethalea peruviana , Peru, Schaus, p. 277, P. Z. S. 1892 (figured, Schaus, pi. i, fig. 22, American Lep.), n. sp. Gangamela aymara, Peru, Schaus, p. 285, P. Z. S. 1892 (figured, Schaus, American Lep. pi. ii, fig. 9), n. sp. Gangarides vardena , Borneo, Swinhoe, p. 270, pi. vii, fig. 3, Cat. Lep. Oxford, n. sp. Gardinia, n. n. for Chrysoeale , Butl. ; Kirby, p. 286, Cat. Lep. Het. i. Gargetta nagaensis , p. 135, curvaria , albimacula , p. 136, India, Hampson, Moths of India, i, n. spp. Gartha dalsa , Brazil, Schaus, American Lep. i, pi. i, fig. 15, n. sp. Gastropacha quercifolia , scale-like hairs ; Packard, Ann. N. H. (6) ix, p. 373. G. gabunica, W. Africa, Aurivillius, p. 199, Ent. Tidskr. xiii, n. sp. Givira tecmessa, philomela , Brazil, Schaus, p. 329, P. Z. S. 1892, n. spp. Glaucopis iridea, Sierra Leone, Mabille, p. cxxxviii, Bull. Soc. Ent. Fr. lxi, n. sp. Gluphisia trilineata , full-grown larva ; Beutenmuller, p. 67, Bull. Am. Mus. iv. G. quinquelinea , Oregon, Dyar, p 168, Eat. News, iii, n. sp. Goe , n. g., Zygcenidce, for G. diaphana, n. sp., Burma : Hampson, p. 242, Moths of India, i. Gonimbrasia rubricostalis , Sierra Leone, Kirby, p. 174, pi. xi, fig. 2, Ann. N. H. (6) ix, n. sp. Gonometa sjostedti , Cameroons, Aurivillius, p. 199, Ent. Tidskr. xiii, n. sp. Gorgopis abbottii , E. Africa, Holland, Ent. xxv (Supp.), p. 94, n. sp. Gurna , n. g. for Dysauxes indica , Moore ; Swinhoe, p. 123, Cat. Lep. Oxford. Gymnelia serra , Brazil, Schaus, p. 274, P. Z. S. 1892 (figured, Schaus, American Lep. pi. i, fig. 10), n. sp. Gynanisa isis, Westw., ? described ; Kirby, Ent. xxv, p. 267. Balias chlorana, variation in colour of cocoons; Tutt, Ent. Rec. iii, p. 9. Halisidota , notes on species of ; Dyar, Canad. Ent. pp. 304-306. B. alni and agassizii , larvae noticed ; Dyar, Psyche, vi, p. 323. B. sanguivenosa , Vancouver I., Neumoegen, p. 228, Canad. Ent. xxiv ; B. oruba , Brazil, Schaus, p. 280, P. Z. S. 1892 : n. spp. Ballicarnia , n. n. for Polymona, Wlk. ; Kirby, p. 822, Cat. Lep. Het. i. Baloplia, n. g., Drepanulidce , for Nelcynda orciferaria , Wlk. ; Snellen, p. 14, the insect figured, pi. i, fig. 1, Tijdschr. Ent. xxxv. Banisa subnotata , figured, pi. viii, fig. 16 ; Swinhoe, Cat. Lep. Oxford. Hapigia xolotl, Mexico, p. 339, aceipiter , phocus , p. 340, Brazil, Schaus, P. Z. S. 1892, n. spp. Harpyia ? tenuis , Brazil, Schaus, p. 336, P. Z. S. 1892, n. sp. BOMBYCES. Ins. 239 Harrisina janeira , dantasi, eminens , Brazil, Schaus, p. 272, P. Z. S. 1892 (figured, pi. i, figs. 1 & 2, Schaus, American Lep. i) : n. spp. Hectomanes fusca , crocea , Australia, Lucas, p. 283, P. Linn. Soc. N.S.W. (2) vi ; H. pteromela , S. Australia, Lower, p. 5, Tr. R. Soc. S. Austr. xv : n. spp. Heliura venata , Butl., = (celia, Schaus), figured, pi. i, fig. 20 ; Schaus, American Lep. Hepialiscus , n. g., Hepialidce, type nepalensis, Wlk. ; Hampson, p. 317, Moths of India, i. Hepialus ( Charagia ) blacJcbumii , S. Australia, Lower, p. 5, Tr. R. Soc. S. Austr. xv ; H. daphnandrce , hilaris , Australia ; Lucas, p. 284, P. Linn. Soc. N.S.W. (2) vi ; H. kenioe , E. Africa, Holland, Ent. xxv (Supp.), p. 94 : n. spp. Heteroccimpa Iceca , p. 333, hertha, limosa , virgea, Brazil, p. 334, epona , Peru, atrax, perilleus, Brazil, p. 335, Schaus, P. Z. S. 1892, n. spp. Heteropan = ( Birtina , Wlk.) lyccenoides , Wlk., figured, pi. ii, fig. 12 ; Swinhoe, Cat. Lep. Oxford. H.flavimacula , Burma, Hampson, p. 256, Moths of India, i, n. sp. Heterusia luteoradiata, Costa Rica, Thierry-Mieg, p. 236, Le Nat. 1892, n. sp. Heylaertsia , n. subg. of Psyche for griseata, fusca , nudilineata , Hmpsn. ; Hampson, p. 298, Moths of India, i. Hildala, n. g., Limacodidce, p. 231, for H.miniacea, uniformis , n. spp., Port Essington, p. 232 ; Swinhoe, Cat. Lep. Oxford. Histia albimacula, Burma, Hampson, p. 280, Moths of India, i, n. sp. Hydrias bochica, Peru, theresa , braganza, lacrimosa , p. 320, sordida, p. 321, Brazil, Schaus, P. Z. S. 1892 ; H. victorio, Loja, pompilns (sic), Palandra, Dognin, p. 131, Le Nat. 1892 : n. spp. Hydrusa chroma , Australia, p. 50, basirufa , Cambodia, p. 51, Swinhoe, Cat. Lep. Oxford ; H. recedens , Queensland, Lucas, p. 281, P. Linn. Soc. N.S.W. (2) vi : n. spp. Hygrochroa limosa , Brazil. Schaus, p. 325, P. Z. S. 1892, n. sp. Hylesia muscula , Brazil, Vuillot, p. cxcii, Bull. Soc. Ent. Fr. lxi, n. sp. Hyparpax venus , Colorado, Neumoegen, p. 226, Canad. Eut. xxiv, n. sp. Hypatia , n. n. for Hysia , Wlk. ; Kirby, p. 147, Cat. Lep. Het. i. Hyperceschra nigribasis , Sikkim, Hampson, p. 165, Moths of India, i, n. sp. Hypolamprus , n. g., Thyrididce , p. 364, type striatalis, Swinhoe, and including H. obscuralis, atrostriatus , n. spp., India, p. 365 ; Hampson, Moths of India, i. Hypoprepia miniata , egg and young larva ; Blaisdell, p. 246, Ent. News, iii. Hypsa perimele, Weym., characters and position noticed, p. 88, isthmia , Wlk., figured, pi. iii, fig. 2 ; Swinhoe, Cat. Lep. Oxford. Hypsa nicobarica, Nicobar Is., malisa, Halmaheira, p. 87, ghara, Ke I., p. 89, albiformis , Borneo, p. 90, ochrealis , Goram, avacta, Batchian, p. 92, Swinhoe, Cat. Lep. Oxford, n. spp. 240 Ins. XIII. LEPIDOPTERA. Icthyosoma cassiope, Brazil, Schaus, p. 341, P. Z. S. 1892, n. sp. Ichy thy ura bifiria , early stages ; Dyar, Ent. News, iii, p. 5. I. van , larval stages ; Beutenmuller, p. 67, Bull. Am. Mus. iv ; I. alho- sigma , n. var. specifica ; Dyar, Canad. Ent. xxiv, p. 180. 1. multnoma, Oregon, Dyar, Canad. Ent. xxiv, p. 179 ; I. costicomma , India, Hampson, Moths of India, i, p. 173 : Nilgiri Hills, Swinhoe, p. 301, Cat. Lep. Oxford : n. spp. Idalus ortus , Brazil, Schaus, p. 279, P. Z. S. 1892 (figured, Schaus, American Lep., pi. ii, fig. 1), n. sp. Idonauton , n. g. for Limacodes apicalis , Wlk. ; Swinhoe, p. 238, Cat. Lep. Oxford. Isa textula , notes on ; Morton, Ent. News, iii, p. 1 . Isanthrene gaza , Peru, Schaus, p. 274, P. Z. S. 1892 (figured, pi. i, fig. 9, American Lep. i), n. sp. Jana gahunica , W. Africa, Aurivillius, p. 195, Ent. Tidskr. xiii, n. sp. Janassa cerigoides , figured ; Swinhoe, pi. vii, fig. 5, Cat. Lep. Oxford. Katha apicalis , Wlk. (sub Lithosia ), figured, pi. iv, fig. 9 ; Swinhoe, Cat. Lep. Oxford. Kosala rufa , Naga Hills, Hampson, p. 419, Moths of India, i, n. sp. Lidia prolata, India, Swinhoe, p. 195, Cat. Lep. Oxford ; L. heterogyna , Kashmir, Hampson, p. 443, Moths of India, i : n. spp. Laganda picaria , Wlk., figured, pi. vii, fig. 2, Swinhoe, Cat. Lep. Oxford. Lagoa to be the type of a new family, Lagoidce ; Packard, Psyche, vi, p. 281 : on the seven pairs of abdominal legs and metameric glandular processes of larva ; Packard, Zool. Anz. xv, pp. 229-234. Lang sdorfia poly bia, Brazil, Schaus, p. 329, P. Z. S. 1892, n. sp. Lasiocampa diechnianni , figured, pi. iv, fig. 5 ; Romanoff Mem. vi. L. Iccta, Wlk., figured, pi. v, fig. 1, larva noticed, p. 315 ; Stau- DINGER, t . C. L ( Chrysopoloma ) theorini, G-aboon, Aurivillius, p. 198, Ent. Tidskr. xiii ; L. salammbo , Delagoa Bay, Vuillot, p. cxc, Bull. Soc. Ent. Fr. Ixi : n. spp. Lebeda doeri , Brazil, Schaus, p. 319, P. Z. S. 1892, n. sp. Leptosoma mundipicta , figured, pi. v, fig. 14 ; Swinhoe, Cat. Lep. Oxford. L. sonticum , Philippines, p. 142, absurdum, Salawatti, acceptum , Celebes, pi. v, fig. 5, kala , Ke I., fig. 8, p. 143, confusum , kondekum , Java, proprium , Manilla, fig. 12, p. 144, cegrotum , New S. Wales, fig. 15, p. 145, galbanum , Philippines, p. 146, Swinhoe, Cat. Lep. Oxford, n. spp. Leptothrix , n. g., Zygccnidce: for L. tettigonioides, n. sp., Sumatra; Hey- laerts, p. 47, Ann. Ent. Belg. xxxvi. Leucodrepana, n. g., Lrepannlidce, for L. idceoides , nivea , obliquilinea , n. spp., Sikkim, Hampson, p. 333, Moths of India, i. Leucoma salicis, embryology ; Henking, Z. wiss. Zool. liv, p. 166. BOMBYCES. Ins. 24 1 L . tavetensis , E. Africa, Holland, Ent. xxv (Supp.), p. 93; L. thyridophora , India, Hampson, p. 488, Moths of India, i ; L. lobipermis , Dorey, Swinhoe, p. 203, Cat. Lep. Oxford : n. spp. Liparis monacha , habits of larva, &c. ; Fenk (279). L. salicis , destruction by parasites ; Carpentier, Bull. Soc. L. Nord France, x, p. 35. L. preussi , W. Africa, Mabille & Yuillot, Nov. Lep. p. 57, pi. ix^ fig. 5 (referred by Kirby in Cat. Lep. Het. to Phcegorista in Nyctemericlce ), n. sp. Liparopsis , n. g., Notodontidce , for L. postalbida, n. sp., Naga Hills ; Hampson, Moths of India, i, p. 154. Lirimiris mechanica , Loja, Dognin, p. 169, Le Nat. 1892, n. sp. Litkosia (sub Tinea') entella , Cr., = ( Gnophria ceramensis , Voll.); Weymer, S. E. Z. liii, p. 122. L. caniola , var. eomplanoides ; Fuchs, JB. nass. Yer. xlv, p. 88. L. tosola , sexmaculata , figured, pi. ix, figs. 2 A 3, Mabille & Yuillot, Nov. Lep. L. pusa, Loja, Dognin, p. 185, Le Nat. 1892, n. sp. Lobeza favilla, Loja, Dognin, p. 33, Le Nat. 1892, n. sp. Lcepa dogninia , China, Sonthonnax, Echange, 1892, p. 20, n. sp. Lomera albifrons, Australia, Swinhoe, p. 225, Cat. Lep. Oxford, n. sp. Lonomia carnica, Brazil, Schaus, p. 318, P. Z. S. 1892, n. sp. Lophopteryx atrofusa , Sikkim, Hampson, p. 166, Moths of India, i, n. sp. Lophosoma , n. g. for Syntomis cuprea and quadricolor , Wlk. ; Swinhoe, p. 58, Cat. Lep. Oxford. Lyces mcera , Brazil, Schaus, p. 285, P. Z. S. 1892 (figured, pi. ii, fig. 17, Schaus, American Lep.), n. sp. Lyclene vagilinea, figured, pi. iv, fig. 11 ; Swinhoe, Cat. Lep. Oxford. L. ruenca , Sula, Swinhoe, p. 101, pi. iv, fig. 15, Cat. Lep. Oxford, n. sp. Lymantria manicata} Cameroons, Aueiyillitjs, p. 193, Ent. Tidskr. xiii, n. sp. Macrocrambus, n. n. for Crambomorpha , Feld. ; Kirby, p. 337, Cat. Lep. Het. i. MacrompJialia dedecora , Feist., = ( ancilla , Phil.), rubrogrisea , Phil., = ( rustica , Phil.) ; Reed, p. 68, Act. Soc. Chili, i. Macronola , n. n. for Cyana , Wlk. ; Kirby, p. 299, Cat. Lep. Het. i. Macroplectra , n. g., Limacodidce , type minutissima , Swinh. ; Hampson, p. 376, Moths of India, i. Mardara albostriata , Manipur, Hampson, p. 455, Moths of India, i, n. sp. Marthula nora, pleione, Brazil, Schaus, p. 341, P. Z. S. 1892, n. spp. Marsypophora dissimilipennis , Loja, Dognin, Le Nat. 1892, p. 123, n. sp. Massaga delicia , Butl., $ described ; Aurivillius, p. 186, Ent. Tidskr. xiii. Maxia , n. n. for Yhryganopteryx , Saalm. ; Kirby, p. 206, Cat. Lep. Het. i. Meg acer amis , n. g., Notodontidce , for M. lamprolepis , n. sp., Sikkim ; Hampson, p. 167, Moths of India, i. Megalopyge radiata, acca , Brazil, Schaus, p. 322, P. Z. S. 1892, n. spp. 1892. [vol. xxix.] e 16 242 Ins. XIII. LEPIDOPTERA. Mehla , n. g., Cossidce, for Degia deficiens , Wlk. ; Swinhoe, p. 283, Cat. Lep. Oxford. Melanchroia braganza , pahneira, Brazil, Schaus, p. 288, P. Z. S. 1892 (figured and referred to Leucopsamis, Schaus, p. 8, pi. ii, figs. 24 & 26, American Lep.), n. spp. Melanothrix lev cotrig ona, Burma, Hampson, Moths of India, i, p. 44, n. sp. Melia, n. g., near Ptilophora, for M. danbyi , n. sp., British Columbia ; Neumoegen, p. 225, Canad. Ent. xxiv. Mennis sceata, cytherea , Peru, una, Brazil, Schaus, p. 287, P. Z. S. 1892 (figured, Schaus, American Lep. pi. ii), n. spp. Metagarista mcenas, synonymical note ; Weymer, p. 125, S. E. Z. liii. M. triphcenoides and mcenas , synonymy ; Aurivillius, Ent. Tidskr. xiii, p. 184. M. aziyade, Sierra Leone, Vuillot, p. cxl, Bull. Soc. Ent. Fr. lxi, n. sp. Metanastria obliquifascia , Darjiling, p. 263, lucifuga , Singapore, p. 264, pi. vi, fig. 5, Swinhoe, Cat. Lep. Oxford, n. spp. Metarctia inconspicua, Trop. Africa, Holland, Ent. xxv (Supp.), p. 93, n. sp. Metaschalis, n. g., Notodontidce , type disrupta , Moore ; Hampson, Moths of India, i, p. 158. Metosamia , n. g., Satumiidce, p. 276, for M. godmani , n. sp., Mexico, p. 277, Druce, Ann. N. H. (6) ix. Metriophyla lena , Peru, Schaus, p. 277, P. Z. S. 1892 (figured, pi. i, fig. 24, Schaus, American Lep.), n. sp. Mila, n. g., Agaristidce, for Hypsa concinnula, Mab. ; Aurivillius, Ent. Tidskr. xiii, p. 187. Milleria cyanivena , Burma, Hampson, p. 263, Moths of India, i, n. sp. Mimeusemia tara, Borneo, Swinhoe, p. 167, pi. vi, fig. 11, Cat. Lep. Oxford, n. sp. Monotropia , n. n. for Licnoptera, Meyr. ; Kirby, p. 307, Cat. Lep. Het. i. Mydrothauma, n. g., near Eupyra , p. 121, for M. ada , n. sp., Borneo, p. 122, pi. vi, fig. 1, Butler, P. Z. S. 1892, n. sp. Necerasa , n. n., to replace Necera , H.-Sch. ; Staudinger, p. 299, Romanoff Mem. vi. Naclia syntomida , Mardin, Staudinger, p. 248, Deutsche e. Z. Lep. iv ; N. ? erythrog aster, Freetown, Mabille, p. cxxxix, Bull. Soc. Ent. Fr. lxi ; N. ditcha, p. cxl, msila, p. cxli, Sierra Leone, Vuillot, t. c. : n. spp. Nadata oregonensis, number of larval stages discussed ; Dyar, Psyche, vi, p. 337. Narosa velutina , figured ; Swinhoe, pi. vii, fig. 8, Cat. Lep. Oxford. Nelo lippa, p. 287, caullama, p. 288, Peru, Schaus, P. Z. S. 1892 (figured, Schaus, American Lep. pi. ii, fig. 18) ; N. solimara, Colombia, Thierry-Mieg, p. 262, Le Nat. 1892 : n. spp. Nemeta : characters and affinities ; Snellen, p. 9, Tijdschr. Ent, xxxv. Neochera butleri, Assam, p. 84, zaria, Manilla, p. 85, Swinhoe, Cat. Lep. Oxford, n. spp. BOMBYCES. Ins. 243 Neomiresa copac , Peru, Schaus, p. 324, P. Z. S. 1892, n. sp. Nerice bidentata, early stages ; Soule, Psyche, vi, p.276 : metamorphoses ; Marlatt, Tr. Kansas Ac. xi, p. 110, figs. N. ? leechi, Amurland, Staudinger, p. 348, pi. v, fig. 2, Romanoff Mem. vi; N. upina , China, Alpheraky, p. 17, pi. i, fig. 7, t. c.; N. disjuncta , Loja, Dognin, p. 85, Le Nat. 1892 : n. spp. Nesace, n. n. for part of Euchromia , Walk.; Kirby, p. 112, Cat. Lep. Het. i. Neurosymploca agria , Transvaal, Distant, p. 236, pi. ii, fig. 9, Naturalist Transvaal, n. sp. Nei cmania, n. g., Liparidcc , for Teara guenei , Newm. ; Swinhoe, p. 199, Cat. Lep. Oxford. Nishada fasciculosa figured, pi. iv, fig. 16; Swinhoe, Cat. Lep. Oxford. Nola fumo-sa, Butl. = ( strigulosa , Stgr.) ; Staudinger, p. 256, Romanoff Mem. vi. N. minuscula , larva ; Dyar, Psyche, vi, p. 248. N. candidalis , Amurland, Staudinger, p. 258, Romanoff Mem. vi ; N. lactaria , Amurland, Graeser, p. 211, Berl. Ent. Zeit. xxxvii ; N. quadrimaculata, p. 43, ranhasseltii , p. 44, Java, Heylaerts, Ann. Ent. Belg. xxxvi : n. spp. Nossa , n. n. for Atossa , Moore ; Kirby, p. 56, Cat. Lep. Het. i. Notodonta strecJcfussi , Carinthia, Honrath, p. 445, Berl. Ent. Zeit. xxxvi ; N . vittata , Anti-Taurus, Staudinger, p. 262, Deutsche e. Z. Lep. iv ; N. graeseri , p. 351, pi. v, fig. 3, aliena, fig. 4, p. 352, oberthuri , fig. 5, p. 354, Amurland, Staudinger, Romanoff Mem. vi ; N. P argenteo-maculata , Cameroons, Aurivillius, p. 196, Ent. Tidskr. xiii ; N. rufa , Naga Hills, Hampson, Moths of India, i, p. 163 ; N. descherei , British Columbia, Neumoegen, p. 227, Canad. Ent. xxiv : n. spp. Nudaria murina , varr. described ; Staudinger, p. 249, Deutsche e. Z. Lep. iv. Nuinenes silettl , neuration outlined ; Swinhoe, p. 206, Cat. Lep. Oxford. Nyctemera arnica , metamorphoses ; White, p. 68, Viet, Nat. ix. N. secundiana , Queensland, Lucas, p. 280, P. Linn. Soc. N.S.W. (2) vi, n. sp. Nyssia vetusta, pi. viii, fig. 15, cruda , fig. 12, figured and referred to Thosea , p. 237 ; Swinhoe, Cat. Lep. Oxford. Nyssia sulla , Brazil, Schaus, p. 324, P. Z. S. 1892, n. sp. Oberthueria, n. n. for Euphraor, Oberth. ; Kirby, p. 720, Cat. Lep. Het. i. Oberthuria , n. g. for Euphranor cceca , Oberth. ; Staudinger, p. 337, Romanoff Mem. vi. Ocinara albiceps , Wlk. (sub Naprepa ), figured, pi. vii, fig. 7 ; Swinhoe, Cat. Lep. Oxford. Ocneria lapidicola , varr. described ; Staudinger, p. 337, Deutsche e. Z. Lep. iv. O. destituta, Taurus, Staudinger, p. 256, Deutsche e. Z. Lep. iv, n. sp. Ocnerogyia , n. g., Liparidce, for 0. amanda , n. sp., Taurus ; Staudinger, p. 254, Deutsche e. Z. Lep. iv. 244 Ins. XIII. LEPIDOPTERA. Odonestis inobtrusa , Wlk., figured; Swinhoe, pi. vi, fig. 15, Cat. Lep. Oxford. 0. directa , Japan, p. 261, pi. vi, fig. 4, Swinhoe, Cat. Lep. Oxford ; 0. castanea , p. 426, isocyma , p. 427, E. India, Hampson, Moths of India, i : n. spp. (Edema matheis, Brazil, tlotzin , Mexico, Schaus, p. 332, P. Z. S. 1892, n. spp. (Edemasia salicis, = ( Dryocampa riversii , Behr.) ; Dyar, Psyche, vi, p. 222. (E. terrena, maxtla , Mexico, guarana, p. 331, inca, Peru, p. 332, Schaus, P. Z. S. 1892 : n. spp. (Edonia, n. g. for Pseudopsyche, Edw. ; Kirby, p. 524, Cat. Lep. Het. i. Oiketicus abbotii , prolongation of larval life ; Slosson, Ent. News, v, p. 49. Olceclosteria maya, Mexico, mutusca , Brazil, Schaus, p. 326, P. Z. S. 1892, n. spp. Olene basinigra , Sumatra, Heylaerts, p. 11, Ann. Ent. Belg. xxxvi, n. sp. Opharus lugubris , morosus , Brazil, Schaus, p. 282, P. Z. S. 1892, n. spp. Oreta obliquilinea, p. 349, griseotincta, p. 350, India, Hampson, Moths of India, i ; 0. singapura, Singapore, Swinhoe, p. 243, pi. vii, fig. 15, Cat. Lep. Oxford : n. spp. Orgyia cana , metamorphoses ; Dyar, Psyche, vi, p. 203. 0. leucostigma , metamorphoses ; Dyar, t. c., p. 324. Ormiscodes eumedicloides , Amazons, aurora, Bogota, Vuillot, p. cxciii, Bull. Soc. Ent. Fr. lxi ; 0. opis, Brazil, Schaus, p. 318, P. Z. S. 1892 : n. spp. Orna , n. n. for Euctema , Feld. ; Kirby, p. 81, Cat. Lep. Het. i. Orthocraspeda, n. g., Limacodidce , type trima, Moore ; Hampson, p. 393, Moths of India, i. Orthorene arpi, janeira, Brazil, Schaus, p. 289, P. Z. S. 1892 (figured, pi. iii, Schaus, American Lep.), n. spp. Othria meridionalis , Brazil, Schaus, p. 272, P. Z. S. 1892, n. sp. Oxyplax, n. g., Limacodidce, type ochracea , Moore ; Hampson, p. 376, Moths of India, i. Pachyma , n. g., near Pachypasa, p. 115, for P. trapezina, n sp., Cameroons, p. 116 ; Weymer, S. E. Z. liii. Pachypasa richelmanni , E. Africa, Weymer, S. E. Z. liii, p. 113, n. sp. Paidina obtusa , var. sutschana , described ; Staudinger, p. 260, Romanoff Mem. vi. Palpifer , n. g., Hepialidce, type sexnotatus , Moore ; Hampson, p. 316, Moths of India, i. Parasa argentilinea, p. 389, albipuncta , p. 390, dentata, p. 391, India, Hampson, Moths of India, i ; P. minima, Mexico, Schaus, p. 322, P. Z. S. 1892 : n. spp. Pelobrochis , n. g., near Nudaria, for Scceodorci rava , Luc. ; Lucas, p. 250, P. Linn. Soc. N.S.W. (2) vii. BOMBYCES. Ins. 245 Pericopis cubana , H. Sch., = (Phaloe gaumeri, Druce) ; Weymer, p. 122, S. E. Z. liii. P. montezurna , Mexico, Sciiaus, p.283, P. Z. S. 1892, n. sp. Peronetis naringa, Philippines, pi. iii, fig. 16, p. 99, Swinhoe, Cat. Lep. Oxford, n. sp. Perophora corcovada , p. 326, acuta , p. 327, Brazil, Schaus, P. Z. S. 1892, n. spp. Phacusa cyanocera, Burma, Hampson, p. 241, Moths of India, i ; P. variata , Dorey, Swinhoe, p. 58, Cat. Lep. Oxford : n. spp. Phcegoptera schafferi , Brazil, p. 280, proba , Mexico, notata , granifera. ursina , Brazil, p. 281, Schaus, P. Z. S. 1892 ( notata , ursina , granifera , figured, Schaus, American Lep. pi. iii), n. spp. Phalacra excisa, Sikkim, Hampson, p. 345, Moths of India, i, n. sp. Phalcenoides butleri , pi. v, fig. 6, macleayi , fig. 11, p. 157, Australia, Swinhoe, Cat. Lep. Oxford, n. spp. Phassus punctimargo, viridis , India, Swinhoe, p. 291, Cat. Lep. Oxford ; P. punctimargo , p. 319, auratus , viridis , p. 321, India, Hampson, Moths of India, i ; P. marcius , Mexico, Druce, p. 273, Ann-. N. H. (6) ix ; P. absyrtus , Brazil, Schacjs, p. 330, P. Z. S. 1892 : n. spp. Phaudafuscalisj Assam, Swinhoe, p. 60, Cat. Lep. Oxford, n. sp. Pheosia portlandia, early stages; Dyar, Psyche, vi, p. 351. P. excurvata, Sikkim, Hampson, Moths of India, i, p. 161 ; P.grisea, India, Swinhoe, p. 298, Cat. Lep. Oxford : n. spp. Philagria , n. n. for ^ Ponistis , Hb. ; Kirby, p. 336, Cat. Lep. Het. i. Philcenia , n. n. for Pharmacis , Moschl. ; Kirby-, p. 885, Cat. Lep. Het. i. Philudoria , n. n. for Odonestis , Steph. ; Kirby, p. 820, Cat. Lep. Het. i. Phlebohecta , n. g., Chalcosiidce , type fuscescens, Moore ; Hamtson, p. 251, Moths of India, i. Phragmatcecia gkmmata , Java, Swinhoe, p. 285, pi. viii, fig. 14, Cat. Lep. Oxford, n. sp. Phragmatobia lymphasea , Loja, Dognin, p. 16, Le Nat. 1892, n. sp. Phya psamathei Brazil, Schaus, p. 339, P. Z. S. 1892, n. sp. Piarosoma , n. g., Zygcenidce , for P. albicinctum , n. sp., Burma ; Hampson, p. 243, Moths of India, i. Pielus albofasciatus , Swan River, Swinhoe, p. 289, Cat. Lep. Oxford, n. sp. Pinconia coa, Mexico, Schaus, p. 322, P. Z. S. 1892, n. sp. Pintia insularis, Singapore, Swinhoe, p. 76, Cat. Lep. Oxford, n. sp. Pirga, n. g. for P. mirabilis , Auriv. ; Aurivillius, p. 193, Ent. Tidskr. xiii : figured ; op. cit. xii, pi. ii, fig. 2. Pisara opalina, fig. 14, acontioides, fig. 19, lucidalis, fig. 12, figured, pi. iv ; Swinhoe, Cat. Lep. Oxford. Platyzygcena, n. g., for Soritia ? moelleri , Elw. ; Swinhoe, p. 57, Cat. Lep. Oxford. Pcecilocampa simplex , Australia, Swinhoe, p. 267, Cat. Lep. Oxford, n. sp. Polythysana albescens , Phil., = ( cinerescens , Phil.) ; Reed, p. 68, Act. Soc. Chili, i. 246 Ins. XIII. LEPIDOPTERA. Pompelon subcyanea , Singapore, p. 71, rotundata, Java, p. 72, Swinhoe, Cat. Lep. Oxford, n. spp. Porina Jcershawi , Australia, Lucas, p. 282, P. Linn. Soc. N.S.W. (2) vi, n. sp. Porthesia melania, Asia Minor, Staudinger, p. 255, Deutsche e. Z. Lep. iv ; P. isabellina, Atjeh, Heylaerts, p. 9, Ann. Ent. Belg. xxxvi ; P. aurantiaca , Sikkim, Hampson, p. 485, Moths of India, i : n. spp. Preptos, n. g., Lasiocampidce, p. 318, for P. oropus , n. sp., Mexico, p. 319; Schaus, P. Z. S. 1892. Pseudanthercea , n. g., Saturniidce , p. 109, for P. daphne , n. sp., Gold Coast, p. 110 ; Weymer, S. E. Z. liii. Pseudantiora , n. n. for Antiora, Moschl. ; Kirby, p. 566, Cat. Lep. Het. i. Pseudaphelia, n. n. for Aphelia, Westw. ; Kirby, p. 771, Cat. Lep. Het. i. Pseudasbolia , n. n. for Asbolia, Moschl. ; Kirby, p. 877, Cat. Lep. Het. i. Pseuderchia, n. n. for Erchia , Wlk. ; Kirby, p. 410, Cat. Lep. Het. i. Pseudhypsa, n. n. for Aganais, Boisd. pt. ; Kirby, p. 384, Cat. Lep. Het. i. Pseudojana , n. g., Eupterotidce, type ineandeseens , Wlk. ; Hampson, Moths of India, i, p. 48. Pseudomya pellucida, p. 274, tijuca , Brazil, musca, p. 275, Mexico, Schaus, P. Z. S. 1892 (figured, Schaus, American Lep. pi. i), n. spp. Pseudopsyche dembowshii , notes on ; Staudinger, p. 294, Bomanoff Mem. vi. Psilura rubripunctata , E. Africa, Weymer, p. 108, S. E. Z. liii, n. sp. Psychidce : wing-neuration discussed ; Spuler, Z. wiss. Zool. liii, p. 639. Psyche ( Eurycyttarus ) nigra , p. 299, decemvena , p. 300, India, Hampson, Moths of India, i, n. spp. Pterostoma palpina , n. var. gigantina ; Staudinger, p. 363, Bomanoff Mem. vi. Pydna eupatagia , p. 141, nigropuncta , nigrofasciata, p. 142, India, Hamp- son, Moths of India, i ; P. calyptis , Dorey, Swinhoe, p. 297, Cat. Lep. Oxford : n. spp. Pygcera curtula , n. var. canescens ; Graeser, p. 303, Berl. Ent, Zeit. xxxvii. P. troglodyta , figured, pi. v, fig. 7, Bomanoff Mem. vi. P. sieversi , Amurland, Staudinger, p. 370, pi. v, figg. 6 a, b> Bomanoff Mem. vi ; P. moderata , Central Asia, Graeser, p. 303, Berl. Ent. Zeit. xxxvii : n. spp. Pygetera , n. n. for Cataphractes , Feld. ; Kirby, p. 446, Cat. Lep. Het. i. Pyrosis idiota , $ $ figured, pi. iv, figg. 6, a, b, Bomanoff Mem. vi. Rachia striata , Sikkim, Hampson, p. 132, Moths of India, i, n. sp. Ramesa fuscipennis, Burma, Hampson, Moths of India, i, p. 143, n. sp. Rezia , n. n. for Lagaria, Walk. ; Kirby, p. 149, Cat. Lep. Het. i. Rhodareas , n. g., for part of Areas ; Kirby, p. 254, Cat. Lep. Het. i. Rhodoneura obliqualis , p. 355, multipunctata , p. 356, hypargyra , p. 357, glaphyralis , p. 359, bipuncta , p. 360, cuprealis, p. 361, oligosticha , subcostalis , ferrofusa, , uniformis , p. 362, brazteata , rufareta , p. 363, hypoxantha , tristis, munda, p, 364, India, Hampson, Moths of India, i: (c/. also Pyraliclce, &c., p. 277), n. spp. BOMBYCES. Ins. 247 Rhuda endymion , Brazil, Schaus, p. 340, P. Z. S. 1892, n. sp. Rifargia cloelia , Brazil, p. 338, gelduba , Mexico, p. 339, Schaus, P. Z. S. 1892, n. spp. Rosema excavata, luna , Brazil, lappa , p. 337, incita, Peru, languida , unda, Brazil, p. 338, Schaus, P. Z. S. 1892, n. spp. Sangatissa pretorice , Transvaal, Distant, p. 408, Ann. N. H. (6) x, n. sp. Sapinella, n. n. for Eutheca , Grote ; Kirby, p. 524, Cat. Lep. Het. i. Sarmalia alba, Philippines, Swinhoe, p. 275, Cat. Lep. Oxford, n. sp. Sarothroceras rhomboidea, Cameroons, Weymer, p. 104, S. E. Z. liii, n. sp. Sarrothripa reveyana , larva ; Dyar, Psyche, vi, p. 259. Saturniidce , notes on various ; Kirby, Ent. xxv, pp. 267-269. Saturnia pavonia , nature, and use of its spines ; Heim, p. xlviii, Bull. Soc. Ent. Fr. lxi. S. arnobia, peculiar chrysalis ; Holland, Psyche, vi, p. 213, pi. v. S. carpini, variation in colour of cocoons discussed ; Bateson (40, 41). Scaptius juno , Brazil, Schaus, p. 279, P. Z. S. 1892 (figured, Schaus, American Lep. pi. ii, fig. 3), n. sp. Scea Solaris , Peru, Schaus, p. 285, P. Z. S. 1892 (figured, Schaus, pi. ii, fig. 14, American Lep.), n. sp. Scepsis nigricollum , Loja, Dognin, p. 123, Le Nat. 1892, n. sp. Sckizura conspecta, egg and young larva; Dyar, Psyche, vi, p. 325. Sebastea , n. n. for Grotea , Moore ; Kirby, p. 383, Cat. Lep. Het. i. Selca cuneifera , Wlk. (sub Melia), figured, pi. iv, fig. 22 ; Swinhoe, Cat. Lep. Oxford. S. obscura, Queensland, Swinhoe, p. 133, Cat. Lep. Oxford, n. sp. Semyra straminea , Mexico, Schaus, p. 324, P. Z. S. 1892, n. sp. Sermyla morta, Brazil, Schaus, p. 282, P. Z. S. 1892, n. sp. Sesapa divisa , figured, pi. iv, fig. 21 ; Swinhoe, Cat. Lep. Oxford. Siglophora , n. g., near Ghandica, p. 123, for S. bella, n. sp., Borneo, p. 124, pi. vi, fig. 2 ; Butler, P. Z. S. 1892. Sitina albicans , W. Australia, Swinhoe, p. 268, pi. vi, fig. 10, Cat. Lep. Oxford, n. sp. Somabrachys , n. n. for Brachysoma, Aust. ; Kirby, p. 930, Cat. Lep. Het. i. Somatrichia, n. n. for Trichosoma , Ramb. ; Kirby, p. 274, Cat. Lep. Het i. Soritia bipartita , Wlk., figured, pi. ii, fig. 9 ; Swinhoe, Cat. Lep. Oxford. S. viridivena, nigribasalis, Hampson, p. 253, Moths of India, i, n. spp. Sozuza stevensii , E. Africa, Holland, Ent. xxv (Supp.), p. 91, n. sp. Spatalia albonotata, Wlk. (sub Allata ), pi. viii, fig. 2, punctifera , Wlk. (sub Caschara), fig. 4, lativitta , Wlk. (sub Xylina ), fig. 1, figured ; Swinhoe, Cat. Lep. Oxford. S. albifasciata, Nilgiris, Hampson, Moths of India, i, p. 170, n. sp. Spilarctia abbotti, E. Africa, Holland, Ent. xxv (Supp.), p. 92, n. sp. Spilosoma urticce, n. var. quadripunctata ; Cosmovici, p. 280, Le Nat. 1892 ; S. urticce , var . paucipuncta ; Fuchs, p. 89, JB. nass. Yer. xlv. S taur opus fag i, habits noticed ; Holland, Ent. M. M. xxviii, p. 206. 248 Ins. XIII. LEPIDOPTERA. 8. pallidifascia, p. 151. alhivertex , orbifer, p. 152, India, Hampson, Moths of India, i, n. spp. Stenophylloides, n. g., Lasiocampidce , type sikkima , Moore ; Hampson, p. 429, Moths of India, i. Stibolepis atomaria, E. Africa, Holland, Ent. xxv (Supp.), p. 93, n. sp. Stichobasisy n. n. for Diabasis, Heyl. ; Kirby, p. 519, Cat. Lep. Het. i. Strigoides fuscus, p. 280, decoratus , p. 281, Australia, Swinhoe, Cat. Lep. Oxford, n. spp. Susica congruciy Wlk., referred to Natada , p. 233, figured, pi. viii, fig. 6 ; Swinhoe, Cat. Lep. Oxford. Sychesia hartmanni, janeira, Brazil, Schaus, p. 280, P. Z. S. 1892 (figured, Schaus, American Lep. pi. iii), n. spp. Symmerista dentata, p. 335, tethys, procne, myconos7 p.336, Brazil, Schaus, P. Z. S. 1892, n. spp. Syntomis gracilis , n. var. lugens ; Bober, p. 325, Tijdschr. Ent. xxxiv. S. caspia and annetta are varr. of maracandina ; Alpheraky, p. 4, Romanoff Mem. vi. S. longipennis, Wlk., figured, pi. ii, fig. 13, 8. annosa , Wlk., figured and referred to Hydrusa , p. 51, pi. ii, fig. 17 ; SwInhoe, Cat. Lep. Oxford. S. sintenisiy Kurdistan, Standfuss, p. 664, pi. xv, fig. 3, Romanoff Mem. vi ;• S. rubicunda, pterophorina, Natal, Mabille, p. cxxxix, Bull. Soc. Ent. Er. lxi ; S. unifascia , p. 212, ftavifrons, quadri/asciaf p. 215, chlorocera, luteifascia, p. 218, eressoides, p. 220, nigra, serrata , p. 221, ochreipunctay p. 222, erythrosorna, p. 223, India, Hampson, Moths of India, i ; S. cymatilis, Philippines, p. 40, insueta , E. India, pi. ii, fig. 16, p. 41, aurofasciata, New Guinea, pi. ii, fig. 19, p. 43, frustu- lenta , Lizard I., p. 44, deflocca , Philippines, p. 45, ypleta , Waigiou, formicina , New Guinea, p. 47, exapta , Flores, fata , Borneo, p. 48, Swinhoe, Cat. Lep. Oxford ; 8. trifenestra , Letti, Rober, p. 324, Tijdschr. Ent. xxxiv (fig. in xxxv) : n. spp. Syntomoides, n. g„ p. 209, type imaon, Cram., and including S. microchilus, n. sp., Tenasserim, p. 212 ; Hampson, Moths of India, i. Syntrichura doeri, Brazil, Schaus, p. 276, P. Z. S. 1892 (figured, pi. i, fig. 16, American Lep.), n. sp. Syssphinx basirei , Brazil, Schaus, p. 289, P. Z. S. 1892 (figured, Schaus, American Lep. pi. iii, fig. 5), n. sp. Tamphana , n. g., Bombyciidce, for T. marmorea , n. sp., Brazil ; Schaus, p. 325, P. Z. S. 1892. Tantura , n. n. for P enthetria, Edw. ; Kirby, p. 86, Cat. Lep. Het. i. Tarchan minois , Brazil, Schaus, p. 325, P. Z. S. 1892, n. sp. Tasema longipennis , p. 236, nigra , p, 237, Burma, Hampson, Moths of India, i, n. spp. Teara erebodes, Centr. Australia, Lower, p. 14, Tr. R. Soc. S. Austr. xvi ; T. togata, fimbriata , Queensland, Lucas, p. 285, P. Linn. Soc. N.S.W. (2) vi : n. spp. Telea aureliaf Mexico, Druce, p. 278, Ann. N. H. (6) ix, n. sp. Teracotona clara. E. Africa, Holland, Ent. xxv (Supp.), p. 92, n. sp. BOMBYCES. Ins. 249 Termessa xanthomelas , S. Australia, Lower, p. 6, Tr. R. Soc. S. Austr. xv, n. sp. Tetraphleps, n. g., type brevilinea, Wlk. ; Hampson, p. 383, Moths of India, i. Teucer , n. n. Telioneura, Feld. ; Kirby, p. 165, Cat. Lep. Het. i. Teulisna plagiata , pi. iii, fig. 11, chiloides, pi. iv, fig. 10, figured ; Swin- hoe, Cat. Lep. Oxford. Theages vestalis , Peru, Schaus, p. 278, P. Z. S. 1892 (figured, Schaes, American Lep. pi. i, fig. 23) ; T. nubilosa , mamona , Loja, Dognin, Le Nat. 1892, p. 144 : n. spp. Thyrassia inconcinna , Lizard I., Swinhoe, p. 55, Cat. Lep. Oxford, n. sp. Ticera , n. g., Lcisiocampidce, for T. castanea , n. sp., Philippines ; Swinhoe, p. 269, Cat. Lep. Oxford. Ticilia argentilinea , figured, pi. vii, fig. 13, Cat. Lep. Oxford. Titya fumida. p. 321, argentata , p. 322, Brazil, Schaus, P. Z. S. 1892, n. spp. Trabala cicur , brum alls, Brazil, drucei , cebrenis , Mexico, Schaus, p. 323, P. Z. S. 1892, n. spp. Trabaloides , n. n. for Protogenes , Saalm. ; Kirby, p. 818, Cat. Lep. Het. i. Trichceta, n. g., for Syntomis tenei/ormis, Wlk. ; Swinhoe, p. 52, Cat. Lep. Oxford. Trichomelia celenna , Brazil, Schaus, p. 283, P. Z. S. 1892 (figured, Schaus, American Lep. pi. ii, fig. 5), n. sp. Trichura cyanea , Brazil, Schaus, p. 276, P. Z. S. 1892, n. sp. Triplophleps , n. g., type inferma, Swinh. ; Hampson, p. 393, Moths of India, i. Tristania , n. n. for Zonosoma, Butl. ; Kirby, p. 423, Cat. Lep. Het. i. Tropcea mandschurica, Ussuri, Staudinger. p. 331, Romanoff Mem. vi, n. sp. Trypanophora flavalis, Burma ; Hampson, p. 250, Moths of India, i, n. sp. Urocoma baliolalis, N. S. Wales, Swinhoe, p. 215, pi. vi, fig. 7, Cat. Lep. Oxford, n. sp. Uropyia meticulodina , larva figured, pi. iv, fig. 8, noticed, p. 344, Stau- dinger, Romanoff Mem. vi. Vipsania frigida, Mexico, Schaus, p. 323, P. Z. S. 1892, n. sp. Vlrbia varians , p. 284, parva , p. 285, Peru, Schaus, P. Z. S. 1892 (figured, Schaus, American Lep. pi. ii), n. spp. Xanthospilopteryx abacata , p. 181, lomata, p. 182, W. Africa, Karsch, Ent. Nachr. xviii ; X. athene , p. 101, minerva , p. 103, E. Africa, Weymer, S. E. Z. liii : n. spp. Zatrephes bissriata , Plotz, systematic position queried; Auriyillius, p. 196, Ent. Tidskr. xiii. Zebeeba, n. n. for Nycteola , H.-S. ; Kirby, p. 279, Cat. Lep. Het. i. Zeuzera pyrina , as N. American ; Smith, p. 136, Canad. Ent. xxiv : habits in N. America ; Pike, Ins. Life, iv, p. 317. Z. ? regia , Taurus, Staudinger, p. 253, pi. iii, fig. 6, Deutsche e. Z. Lep. ; Z. congerensi Australia, Swinhoe, p. 282, pi. viii, fig. 5, Cat. Lep. Oxford ; Z.ramosa, Brazil, Schaus, p. 329, P. Z. S. 1892 : n. spp. 250 Ins. XIII. LEPIDOPTERA. Zonosoma : cf. Tristania , p. 249, and Geometridce , p. 273. Zutulba, n. n. for Anteris, Wallengr. ; Kirby, p. 80, Cat. Lep. Het. i. Zygoma niphona , Butl., = ( christophi , Stgr.) ; Staudinger, p. 251, Romanoff Mem. vi. Z. cynarce , n. var. turatii ; Standfuss, p. 368, MT. Schw. ent. G-es. viii. Z. rhadamanthus , n. var. roederi ; Stau- dinger, p. 247, Deutsche e. Z. Lep. iv. Z. sardoa , Sardinia, Mabille, p. cl, Bull. Soc. Eat. Fr. lxi ; Z. octo, Transvaal, holoxanthina , Kitui, Mabille, p. cxxxviii, Bull. Soc. Ent. Fr. lxi ; Z. erythroso/na , E. India, Hampson, p. 231, Moths of India, i : n. spp. Zygcenopsis , n. g. for Z. fuscimarginalis, Dorey, p. 61, flavibasis , Ke I., p. 62, n. spp. ; Swinhoe, Cat. Lep. Oxford. CYMATOPHORID2E. [Cf. Hampson (384), Staudinger (779).] Gaurena aurofasciata, p. 181, fuscescens, lichenea , p. 182, India, Hampson, Moths of India, i, n. spp. Habrosyne argenteipunctata , Sikkim, Hampson, Moths of Iudia, i, p. 179, n. sp. Kerala : generic characters ; Staudinger, p. 381, Romanoff Mem. vi. Nemacerota, n. g., type cinerea , Warren ; Hampson, p. 185, Moths of India, i. Polyploca anguligera , p. 183, albibasis , p. 184, India, Hampson, Moths of India, i, n. spp. Toxoides , n. g., p. 185, for T. longipennis , n.sp., Sikkim, p. 186, Hampson, Moths of India, i. Noctuidj:. [Cf. Alpheraky (4, 779), Aurivillius (23, 26), Butler (141, 142, 144, 145), Distant (216), Dognin (220), Graeser (356, 357), Holland (408), Lucas (568, 569), Mally (577), Olliff (654), Poujade (702), Ruhl (790), Skinner & Mengel (850), Smith (861, 862, 863, 867), Standfuss (779), Staudinger (779, 886, 890, 891), Tutt (955).] Criticism of Butler’s synonymy of N. American Noctuidce ; Smith, Ent. xxv, p. 2. Note on the points available for generic characters ; Smith, Ent. xxv, pp. 101-105. Number of subdivisions ; Grote, Canad. Ent. xxiv, p. 17. Tutt has published the second vol. of his work on the variation of British Noctuidce. Acantholipes (sub Hydrelia) circumdata , Wlk., = ( Docela vetustalis , Wlk.) ; Butler, Ent. xxv, p. 141. Acherdoa ferraria , Wlk., = (Varina ornata , Neum.) ; Smith, p. 135, Canad. Ent. xxiv. noctuidjj. Ins. 251 Acontia clelecta , full-grown larva ; Beutenmuller, p. 68, Bull. Am. Mus. iv. A. gratiosa , Wallengr., = ( luteola , Saalm.) ; Snellen, p. 77, Tijdschr. Ent. xxxv. AEdia, Hb., = ( Anophia , Gn.); Butler, p. 213, Ent. xxv. Acronycta : structural details of larvae and pupae of British species, con- tinued by Chapman, in Ent. Bee. iii, pp. 1, &c., pis. iv & vi. A. dac- tylina, full-grown larva ; Beutenmuller, p. 77, Bull. Am. Mus. iv. A. alni, use of hairs ; Fitz-Gibbon, Ent. xxv, p. 39. A. terrigena , Amurland, Graeser, p. 214, Berl. Ent. Zeit. xxxvii, n. sp. Agrophila sulphur alls, = ( Erastria pardalina , Wlk.) ; Butler, p. 91, Ent. xxv. Agrotis sepulcralis , pi. ii, fig. 2, degeniata , var. aucta , fig. 3, pcecila, fig. 4, characteristica , pi. i, fig. 9, figured ; Bomanofi! Mem. vi. A. /estiva, n. var. thulei , glareosa, n. var. edda , depuncta, p. 266, renigera, p. 268, varr. described ; Staudinger, Deutsche e. Z. Lep. iv. A. pach- noboides, pi. vi, fig, 3, militaris , fig. 5, nigricostata, fig. 6, prcecurrens , fig. 7, figured ; Staudinger, Bomanofi: Mem. vi. A. suecica , Sweden, Auriyillius, Nordens Fjarilar, pp. 113 & 121 ; A. amoena, Amasia, p. 267, hadjina , Taurus, p. 270, mollis , Margelan, p. 271, Staudinger, Deutsche e. Z. Lep. iv; A. honesta, p. 354, pi. iii, fig. 3, albivenata, fig. 4, p. 359, prcecipua , fig. 5, p. 360, trifurcula, l fig. 6, p. 362, Siberia, Staudinger, op. cit. v ; A. vidua, p. 409, pi. vii, fig. 3, umbra , p. 411, Amurland, Staudinger, Bomanofi Mem. vi ; A. nigrita, p. 217, cicatricosa, p. 218, coturnicola, p. 219, lapidosa, p. 220, E. Siberia, Graeser, Berl. Ent. Zeit. xxxvii ; A. dulcis, Centr. Asia, Alpheraky, Hor. Ent. Boss, xxvi, p. 444 : n . spp. Ala pretiosa , Central Asia, Alpheraky, p. 454, Hor. Ent. Boss, xxvi, n. sp. Alamis subcinerea , Snell., = ( albangula , Saalm.) ; Snellen, p. 79, Tijdschr. Ent. xxxv. Allotria a, mica, Hb., = ( lineella , Gr.) ; Butler, p. 214, Ent. xxv. Ammoconia vetula , var. mediorhenana ; Fuchs, p. 91, JB. nass. Yer. xlv. Amyna selenampha, Gn., == (jparadoxa , Saalm.) ; Snellen, p. 75, Tijdschr. Ent. xxxv. Anarta besta , Greenland, Skinner, P. Ac. Philad. 1892, p. 158, n. sp. Anartomorpha, n. g., near Anarta , for A. potanini, n. sp. (Chiua ?), pi. ii, fig. 8 ; Alpheraky, p. 39, Bomanofi Mem. vi. Anchocelis litura, food-plant ; Jeffrey, Ent. M. M. xxviii, p. 47. Anophia leucomelas, L., = ( discistriga and trispilosa, Saalm.) ; Snellen, p. 80, Tijdschr. Ent. xxxv. Antha, n. g., near Chloantha, for A. pretiosa, n. sp., Amurland, pi. vii, fig. 6 ; Staudinger, p. 448, Bomanofi Mem. vi. Anthophila : note on use of the name ; Snellen, p. 78, Tijdschr. Ent. xxxv. Apamea dumerilii , varr. described ; Staudinger, p. 284, Deutsche e. Z. Lep. iv. 252 Ins. XIII. LEPIDOrTERA. Aplectoides caliginea , figured, pi. vi, fig. 9, Romanoff Mem. vi. Aporophyla haasi, Spain, Staudinger, p. 280, Deutsche e. Z. Lep. iv, n. sp. Argiva and Patiilci , peculiarity of neuration and glandular organs; Hampson, P. Z. S. 1892, p. 193. Arzama : the name is more recent than Bellura , Wlk. ; Smith, p. 135, Canad. Ent. xxiv. Audea: Phoberia catocala, Feld., referred to, p. 214, A. bipunctata , Wlk., ( P.fatua , Feld.), p. 213 ; Butler, Ent. xxv. Aventhia, n. g., p. 605 (? same as Aventiola ), for A. costimacula , pi. xiv, fig. 4, p. 604, solitaria , fig. 5, p. 605, n. spp., Amurland ; Staudinger, Romanoff Mem. vi. Aventiola , n. g., near Aventia , for A. maculifera , n. sp., Amurland, pi. xiv, fig. 3 ; Staudinger, p. 602, Romanoff Mem. vi. Bagada (sub Acontia) plumbata, Butl., = (Marimatha freda, Sw.), B. spicea, Gn. = ( Acontia firina , Sw.) ; Butler, p. 90, Ent. xxv. Bellura gortynoides, Wlk., = ( Arzama densa ) ; Smith, p. 135, Canad. Ent. xxiv. Berresa , Wlk., = ( Ptercetlnolix ) ; Butler, p. 11, Ent. xxv. Boletobia cognata , Amurland, Staudinger, p. 606, Romanoff Mem. vi, n. sp. Brada curvilinea , Amurland ; Staudinger, p. 553, pi. ix, fig. 12, Romanoff Mem. v. Bryophila tabora , Aintab, p. 264, paulina , Jerusalem, p. 265, Staudinger, Deutsche e. Z. Lep. iv ; B. roderi, Kurdistan, Standfuss, p. 665, pi. xv, fig. 4, Romanoff Mem. vi ; B. glaucula , p. 394, pi. v, fig. 8, albonotata) fig. 9, p. 396, B. ? ( Bryomoia ) melachlora , fig. 10, p. 397, Amurland, Staudinger, t. c. ; B. confucii , p. 19, pi. i, fig. 8, chloromixta , p. 21, pi. ii, fig. 1, China, Alpheraky, t. c. : n. spp. Bryophilina , n. g., near Bryophila , fori?, blandula, n. sp., Amurland, pi. v, fig. 11 ; Staudinger, p. 398, Romanoff Mem. vi. Galliodes pretiosissima, E. Africa, Holland, Ent. xxv (Supp.), p. 94, n. sp. Calocampa brucei , Colorado, Smith, p. 252, Ent. News, iii, n. sp. Calymnia, Hb., = ( Blyptron , Saalm.) ; Snellen, p. 76, Tijdschr. Ent. xxxv. C. picta , pi. x, fig. 2, moderata , fig. 1, figured, Romanoff Mem. vi. Capnodes trifasciata , Moore, = ( alboguttata, Heyd.) ; Snellen, Tijdschr. Ent. xxxv, p. 82. Caradrina vicina , varr. described ; Staudinger, p. 294, Deutsche e. Z. Lep. iv. C.funesta , fig. 10, maurella , fig. 9, illustrata , fig. 11, figured, pi. viii, Romanoff Mem. vi. C. ( Amphidrina ) agrotina , Amasia, p. 293, pi. iii, fig. 11, Staudinger, Deutsche e. Z. Lep. iv, n. sp. Catocala : synonymic notes ; Butler, Ent. xxv( pp. 283-285 : synonymy of some N. American ; Hulst, p. 74, Canad. Ent. xxiv, and French, p. 19, t. c. C. lineella and alabamce, sj nonymical note ; Grote, p. 155, Canad, Ent. xxiv. C. deuteronympha , pi. xii, fig. 2, agitatrix, fig. 3, NOCTUIDJE. Ins. 253 serenities, pi. xi, fig. 6, dcerriesi, fig. 8, greyi, fig. 7, strecheri , fig. 9, figured, Romanoff Mem. vi. C. elocata , n. var. locata ; Staudinger, p. 327, Deutsche e. Z. Lep. iv. G. illecta, preparatory stages ; French, p. 307, Canad. Ent. xxiv. C. stretchii, early stages; French, p. 229, t. c. C. electa , sponsa , colour variation of larvae ; Poulton, Tr. E. Soc. 1892, p. 300. C. nupta and fraxini, variation in colour of larvae; Gould, pp. 219-234, Tr. E. Soc. 1892. C. remissa , p. 328, pi. iv, fig. 10, contemnenda , p. 329, fig. 11, cestimabilis, p. 330, fig. 12, Turkestan, Staudinger, Deutsche e. Z. Lep. iv ; C. het-cera, p. 592, pi. xii, fig. 4, eminens , fig. 5, p. 594, Amurland, Stau- dinger, Romanoff Mem. vi : n. spp. Chamyris cerintha , full-grown larva ; Beutenmuller, p. 78, Bull. Am. Mus. iv. Chara , n. g., near Thalpochares , for C. albosignata , pi. xiv, fig. 2, p. 559, bimaculata , p. 561, n. spp., Amurland ; Staudinger, Romanoff Mem. vi. Chariclea erubescens , Amurland, Graeser, p. 229, Berl. Ent. Zeit. xxxvii ; G. hetiemanni , Amurland, Staudinger, p. 552, Romanoff Mem. vi ; C. sanguinata , Brisbane, Lucas, p. 254, P. Linn. Soc. N.S.W. (2) vii : n. spp. Charidea v-brunneum, Gn., = ( Appana rosacea, Saalm.) ; Snellen, p. 76, Tijdschr. Ent. xxxv. Chobata tiiscalis , Wlk., = ( Erastria concludens, Wlk.) ; Butler, p. 65, Ent. xxv. Cirrcedia xerampelina , varr. described ; Staudinger, p. 299, Deutsche e. Z. Lep. iv. Clavipalpula, n. g. for Tceniocampa aurarke , Oberth. ; Staudinger, p. 499, Romanoff Mem. vi. Cleophana pauli, Jerusalem, Staudinger, p. 306, Deutsche e. Z. Lep. iv, n. sp. Cocytodes modesta and polygrapha , synonymy ; Butler, Ent. xxv, p. 212. Copipanolis borealis, fasciata , N. America, Smith, p. 62, P. U. S. Nat. Mus. xv, n. spp. Cosmia trapczoides , figured, pi. ix, fig. 7, Romanoff Mem. vi. C. regina , Amasia, Staudinger, p. 297, Deutsche e. Z. Lep. iv, n. sp. Cucullia maculosa , figured, pi. x, fig. 4, Romanoff Mem. vi. C. cyrtana , figured ; Mabille & Yuillot, pi. xi, fig. 3, Nov. Lep. Mono- graph of the N. American species ; Smith, P. U. S. Nat. Mus. xv, pp. 33-52, pi. ii. C. similaris , obscurior, p. 41, dorsalis , p. 47, bistriga, p. 48, Cinderella, p. 49, N. America, Smith, P. U. S. Nat. Mus. xv ; C. umbristriga , Central Asia, Alpheraky, p. 452, Hor. Ent. Ross, xxvi ; C. sublutea, p. 312, hemidiaphana , p. 313, Central Asia, Graeser, Berl. Ent. Zeit. xxxvii; C. distingnenda, Siberia, Staudinger, p. 368, pi. iii, fig. 7, Deutsche e. Z. Lep. v : n. spp. Curvatula , n. g., near Aventia, for G. pallicostata, n. sp., Amurland, pi. xii, fig. 6 ; Staudinger, p. 601, Romanoff Mem. vi. 254 Ins. XIII. LEPIDOPTERA. Dasygaster hollandice , Gn., = ( leucanioides , Gn., and Graphiphora facilis, Wlk.), D. epundoides , Gn., = (punctivena , Wlk.) ; Butler, p. 10, Ent. xxv. Dasypolia templi, n. var. cqflischli ; Ruhl, p. 170, Soc. Ent. vi. D. ferdinandi , Stilfser Joch, Ruhl, Soc. Ent. vi, p. 169 ; D. pagoda, gerbillus , Central Asia, Alpheraky, p. 452, Hor. Ent. Ross, xxvi ; D. ? fani , Amurland, Staudinger, p. 522, pi. ix, fig. 10, Romanoff Mem. vi : n. spp. Deva , Polychrysia , and Plusia , note on the confusion as to these genera ; their members mentioned ; Butler, pp. 407 & 408, Ann. N. H. (6) ix. Dianthcecia filigrama, n. var. melanochroa ; Staudinger, p. 273, Deutsche e. Z. Lep. iv. D. musculina , Malatia, Staudinger, p. 272, Deutsche e. Z. Lep iv ; D. deliciosa , lurida, Central Asia, Alpheraky, p. 446, Hor. Ent. Ross, xxvi : n. spp. Dicopis : revision of the N. American ; Smith, P. U. S. Nat. Mus. xv, pp. 53 & 68. D. viridescens , Wlk., = ( muralis , Grt.) : Psaphidia resumens , Wlk., is the same ; Smith, p. 135, Canad. Ent. xxiv. Drasteria erichto, note on ; Slingerland, Ent. News, iii, p. 63. Dryobota contermina , Central Asia, Graeser, p. 308, Berl. Ent. Zeit* xxxvii ; D. ? amurensis, Ussuri, Staudinger, p. 432, pi. vii, fig. 5, Romanoff Mem. vi : n. spp. Dyschorista (sub Cerastis) prodeuns, Wlk., = ( Tceniocampa puerilis , Grote); Butler, p. 10, Ent. xxv. D. contecta , Central Asia, Graeser, p. 310, Berl. Ent. Zeit. xxxvii, n. sp. Eccopteroma , n. g., for Calymnia falcata , Graeser ; Staudinger, p. 506, Romanoff Mem. vi. Eicomorpha ? argillacea , Amdo, Alpheraky, p. 445, Hor. Ent. Ross, xxvi, n. sp. Eliochrcea chrysochlora , Wlk., = ( Amphipyra laportei , Feld.) ; Butler, Ent. xxv, pp. 285 & 286. Epimecia subtilis , pi. xi, fig. 4, quadrivirgula, fig. 5, figured ; Mabille & Vuillot, Nov. Lep. Episema lederi , varr. described; Staudinger, pp. 274-276, Deutsche e. Z. Lep. iv. Epunda muscosa , Amasia, Staudinger, p. 281, Deutsche e. Z. Lep. iv, n. sp. Erastria wisJcotti , pi. xi, fig. 4, numisma, fig. 3, distinguenda, fig. 4, figured, Romanoff Mem. vi. E. staudingeri , Kurdistan, Standfuss, p. 667, pi . xv, fig. 7, Romanoff Mem. vi, n. sp. Erebus odorata , = ( marquesii , Phil.) ; Reed, p. 68, Act. Soc. Chili, i. Eriopus verms, figured, pi. viii, fig. 6, Romanoff Mem. vi. Erygia, apicalis , numerous synonyms of ; Butler, Ent. xxv, p. 213. Erythrophaia, n. g. for Chariclea ? eudoxia , n. sp., Kashgar, pi. iv, fig. 9 ; Staudinger, p. 316, Deutsche e. Z. Lep. iv. NOCTUIDJ!. Ins. 255 Eublemma (sub Micro ) hemirhoda, Wlk., = ( Anthophila roseifascia^Nk.)-, Butler, Ent. xxv, p. 189. Eumestla (sub Thalpochares) patula, Mor., = (Tarache patruelis, Gr., and Anthophila flammicincta, Wlk ) ; Butler, p. 189, Ent. xxv. Euplexia grceseri , Amurland, Staudinger, p. 462, Romanoff Mem. vi, n. sp. Eurhipia bowTceri, Feld., = ( Eutelia exquisita, Saalm.) ; Snellen, p. 78, Tijdschr. Ent. xxxv. E. adoratrix, Staudinger, p. 308, Deutsche e. Z. Lep. iv, n. sp. Euromoia , n. g. of doubtful position, fori?, mixta , n. sp., Amurland, pi. xii, fig. 10 ; Staudinger, p. 632, Romanoff Mem. vi. Eutolype bombyciformis , Ohio, Smith, p. 59, P. U. S. Nat. Mus. xv, n. sp. Fodina ostorius, figured ; Scott, Austral. Lep. ii, pi. xviii. F. gloriosa , Queensland, Lucas, p. 304, P. Linn. Soc. N.S.W. (2) vi, n. sp. Friiva (sub Xanthodes ) parvula , Wlk., = ( georgica , Gr.) ; Butler, p. 91, Ent. xxv. Gonitis editrix, Gn., = ( fractifera and cosmioides , Wlk.), G. sabulifera , Gn., = ( involuta , var., G-., and basalis, Wlk., Tiridata colligata, Wlk., and G. propinqua, Butl.); Butler, p. 11, Ent. xxv. G. fulvida , Gn., complex synonymy ; Butler, t. c., p. 12. Grammesia bifasciata , figured, pi. viii, fig. 8, Romanoff Mem. vi. Grammodes exccMens, p. 257, pidcherrima , p. 258, divaricata, p. 259, pollens, p. 260, Brisbane; Lucas, P. Linn. Soc. N.S.W. (2) vii, n. spp. Graphiphora lichenodes , E. Siberia, G-raeser, p. 216, Berl. Ent. Zeit. xxxvii, n. sp. Grumia , n. g., near Heliothis for G. flora, n. sp., Amdo ; Alpheraky, p. 453, Hor. Ent. Ross. xxvi. Hadena monoglypba, n. var. ? polyglypba ; Staudinger, p. 286, Deutsche e. Z. Lep. iv. H. fraudulenta , pi. viii, fig. 5, dorriesi, fig. 4, figured ; Romanoff Mem. vi. H. subaquila, p. 224, radicosa, p. 225, E. Siberia, Graeser, Berl. Ent. Zeit. xxxvii, n. spp. Hadjina , n. g. ( Segetia ) for H. lutosa , n. sp., Asia Minor ; Staudinger, p. 286, Deutsche e. Z. Lep. iv. Hamodes simplicia , W. Africa, Weymer, p. 116, S. E. Z. liii, n. sp. Heliocheilus foveolatus, ^figured, pi. x, fig. 3, Romanoff Mem. vi. Heliophobus scillce , $ noticed ; Chretien, Le Nat. 1892, p. 7. H. hirsutus, Asia Minor, p. 277. H. ? discrepans, Jerusalem, p. 278, Staudinger, Deutsche e. Z. Lep. iv ; H. grumi , anachoretoidesi Central Asia, Alpheraky, p. 447, Hor. Ent. Ross, xxvi : n. spp. Heliothis armigera, notes on ; Mally, Bull. Dep. Agric. Ent. xxvi, pp. 45-56. Hepatica , n. g. of doubtful position, for H. anceps , n. sp., Amurland, pi. xii, fig. 1 1 ; Staudinger, p. 634, Romanoff Mem. vi. Hercema , n. g. for Pachnobia mandschurica, Graes. ; Staudinger, p. 501 , Romanoff Mem. vi. 256 Ins. XIII. LEPIDOPTERA. Hiptelia lorezi , note on ; Lorez, p. 370, MT. Scliw. ent. Ges. viii. Holocryptis , n. g., Plusiides, p. 256, for H. phasianura , n. sp., Brisbane, p. 257 ; Lucas, P. Linn. Soc. N.S.W. (2) vii. Hydrilla ? ornata , Margelan, Staudinger, p. 296, Deutsche e. Z. Lep. iv, n. sp. Hydrcecia burhhana , Amdo, Alpheraky, p. 450, Hor. Ent. Ross, xxvi ; H. medialis , senilis , unimoda, Colorado, Smith, p. 257, Ent. News, iii : n. spp. Hypcetra : characters and composition of, and allies ; Butler, Ann. N. H. (6) x, pp. 297-300. Hypocala : revision of the genus ; Butler, Ann. N. H. (6) x, pp. 17-21. H. deflorate r, figured, pi. xii, fig. 1, Romanoff Mem. vi. H. moorei , clarissima , Ceylon, Butler, Ann. N. H. (6) x, p. 21, n. spp. Hypsophila grumi , Central Asia, Alpheraky, p. 454, Hor. Ent. Ross, xxvi ; H . daishi , China, Alpheraky, p. 43, pi. ii, fig. 9, Romanoff Mem. vi : n. spp. Isochlora albivitta, grumi, Central Asia, Alpheraky, p.448, Hor. Ent. Ross, xxvi, n. spp. Janthinea divalis , Malatia, Staudinger, p. 312, Deutsche e. Z. Lep. iv, n. sp. Kuldscha oberthuri , Amdo, Alpheraky, p. 458, Hor. Ent. Ross, xxvi, n. sp. Lasionycta , n. g. for Phlogophora slcreelingia, H. Sch. ; Aurivillius, p. 285, Ent. Tidskr. xiii. Leocyma cilia , pi. x, fig. 10, borussica, fig. 11, figured, Romanoff Mem. vi. Leucania impuncta , Amurland, Staudinger, p. 475, Romanoff Mem. vi, n. sp. Leucanitis : note on structure of legs of ; Alpheraky, p. 47, Romanoff Mem. vi ; L. hedemanni , Stgr., figured, pi. xi, fig. 5, t. c. L. scolopax , Central Asia, Alpheraky, p. 454, Hor. Ent. Ross, xxvi, n. sp. Leucocosmia ceres, = ( Caradrina euthusa, Hamp.) ; Butler, p. 10, Ent. xxv. Lithacodia bellicula, Hb., = ( Hydrelia semichalcea , Wlk.) ; Butler, p. 65, Ent. xxv. Lithocampa ramulosa, figure ; Romanoff Mem. vi, pi. x, fig. 3. Lithophasia , n. g. {Lithocampa), for L. venosula, n. sp., Beyrout, pi. iv, fig. 3 ; Staudinger, p. 305, Deutsche e. Z. Lep. iv. Luperina ditata , Brisbane, Lucas, p. 254, P. Linn. Soc. N.S.W. (2) vii ; L. ? malitiosa, Centr. Asia, Alpheraky, p. 448, Hor. Ent. Ross, xxvi : n. spp. Mamestra : synonymical notes on Smith’s revision ; Grote, pp. 187-189, Canad. Ent. xxiv. M.legitima , larval stages ; Beutenmuller, p. 77, Bull. Am. Mus. iv. M. adjuncta , pi. vi, fig. 8, mortua , pi. viii, fig. 1, declinans, fig. 2, incommoela, fig. 3, figured ; Staudinger, Romanoff Mem. vi. NOCTUID^E. Ins . 257 M. suavls , Amurland, Staudinger, p. 428, pi. vii, fig. 4, Romanoff Mem. vi ; M. tancrei , p. 305, longicornis , p. 306, Central Asia, Graeser, Berl. Ent. Zeit. xxxvii ; M. satanella, p. 445, texturata , p. 446, Centr, Asia, Alpheraky, Hor. Ent. Ross, xxvi ; M. fuscolutea, Colorado, Smith, p. 250, Ent. News, iff : n. spp. Melipotis : revision of ; Butler, Ann. N. H. (6) x, pp. 315-327. M walkeri, Callao, p. 325, yerburyi , Aden, p. 327, Butler, Ann. N. H. (6) x, n. spp. Mesotrosta ? incerta , Amurland, Staudinger, p. 572, Romanoff Mem. vi, n. sp. Metalopha , n. g. for M. plusina, N. Persia, p. 313, pi. iv, fig. 8, gloriosa , Syria, p. 314, fig. 7, n. spp. ; Staudinger, Deutsche e. Z. Lep. iv. Metecia cornifrons, figured, pi. i, fig. 2 : described, pp. 15-17 ; Snellen, Tijdschr. Ent. xxxv. Metopoceras ? beata, Taurus, Staudinger, p. 274, Deutsche e. Z. Lep. iv, n. sp. Metoponia pallida , p. 323, gratiosa , p. 325, nubila. p. 326, Asia Minor, Staudinger, Deutsche e. Z. Lep. iv, n. spp. Micra rosita , Gn., = ( derogata , Wlk.) ; Butler, p. 141, Ent. xxv. Miselia oxyacanthce , varr. described ; Staudinger, p. 283, Deutsche e. Z. Lep. iv. M. sabulosa , E. Siberia, Graeser, p. 222, Berl. Ent. Zeit. xxxvii, n. sp. Moma virens , Butl., figured, pi. vii, fig. 1 ; Romanoff Mem. vi. Monostola , n. g., near Gortyna , for M. asiatica , n. sp., Ganssu, pi. ii, fig. 7; Alpheraky, p. 37, Romanoff Mem. vi. Morrisonia : the N. American species revised ; Smith, pp. 78-86, P. U. S. Nat. Mus. xv. Mythinina pectinata , Central Asia, Alpheraky, p. 450, Hor. Ent. Ross, xxvi, n. sp. Nipista (sub Diastema ) tigris , Gn., = ( lineata , Wlk.) ; Butler, p. 11, Ent. xxv. Noctua variicollis, figured ; Mabille & Vuillot, pi. xi, fig. 6, Nov. Lep. N. flavotincta , N. America, Smith, p. 252, Emt. News, iii, n. sp. Nonagria phragmiticola, pi. ix, fig. 2, p. 469, impudica , fig. 3, p. 470, Amur- land, Staudinger, Romanoff Mem. vi, n. spp. Ogovia , n. g., Eypopyrides , for O. tavetensis , n. sp., E. Africa ; Holland, Ent. xxv (Supp.), p. 95. Omorphina , n. g., near Heliaca , for O. aurantiaca, n. sp., Amdo, Alphe- raky, p. 452, Hor. Ent. Ross. xxvi. Oncocnemis nigrocaput , p. 250, extranea , p. 251, N. America, Smith, Ent. News, iff, n. spp. Ophideres princeps , Gn., is not pnnceps , Boisd., and should be called Halastus intricatus ; Butler, p. 375, Ann. N. H. (6) ix. Ophiodes parcemacula , Queensland, Lucas, p. 304, P. Linn. Soc. N.S.W. (2) vi, n. sp. Ophisma pretoria, Transvaal, Distant, p. 239, pi. ii, fig. 7, Naturalist Transvaal, n. sp. 1892. [YOL. XXIX.] E 17 258 Ins. XIII. LEP1D0PTERA. Ophiusa my ops, frontina , senex , figured ; Scott, Austral. Lep. ii, pi. xviii. Orcesia hartmanni , Moschl., = ( cuprea , Saalm.) ; Snellen, p. 79, Tijdschi. Ent. xxxv. Orrhodia acutula , Jerusalem, Staudinger, p. 302, Deutsche e. Z. Lep. iv ; 0. ciliata , Amurland, Staudinger, p. 516, Romanoff Mem. vi : n. spp. Orthosia kmdermanni, n. var., pauli ; Staudinger, p. 301, Deutsche e. Z. Lep. iv. 0. (sub Apamea ) reciproca , Wlk., = ( breviuscula , Wlk.) ; Butler, p. 10, Ent. xxv. O. scabra , Jerusalem, Staudinger, p. 299, Deutsche e. Z. Lep. iv, n. sp. Ozarba punctigera, Wlk., = (Qrammodes excavata, Wlk.) ; Butler, p. 141, Ent. xxv. Pachetra leucophcea , notes on rearing ; Jeffrey, Ent. M. M. xxviii, p. 45. Pachydasys, n. g., Callopistriidce , p. 125, for Eutelia consentanea , Wlk., pi. vi, fig. 5 ; Butler, P. Z. S. 1892. Palindia : synonymy of species of ; Butler, Ent. xxv, pp. 189-191. Panopoda carneicosta and rufimargo , larval stages ; Beutenmuller, pp. 68 & 69, Bull. Am. Mus. iv. Panthauma, n. g., near Panthea , for P. egregia , n. sp., Amurland, pi. vii, fig. 2 ; Staudinger, p. 404, Romanoff Mem. vi. Paragona , n. g., for Acidalia multisignata, Chr., figured, pi. xii, fig. 9 ; Staudinger, p. 557, Romanoff Mem. vi. Perigea conducta , = ( Caradrina consocia, Wlk.) ; Butler, p. 11, Ent. xxv. P. xanthioides , larval stages ; Beutenmuller, p. 69, Bull. Am. Mus. iv. PJialacra, n. g., for Perigea gemella , Leech ; Staudinger, p. 568, Romanoff Mem. vi. Phoebophilus ? lenis , Jerusalem, Staudinger, p. 279, Deutsche e. Z. Lep. iv, n. sp. Platydasys , n. g., Callopistriidce , for P.pryeri , n. sp., Borneo, pi. vi, fig. 6; Butler, p. 126, P. Z. S. 1892. Pleroma apposita, N. America, Smith, p. 252, Ent. News, iii, n. sp. Plotheia : notes on its species ; Butler, Ent. xxv, p. 285. Plusia gammoides , Bl., = ( chilensis , Butl.); Reed, p. 68, Act. Soc. Chili, i. P. oxygramma, Hb., note on ; Snellen, Tijdschr. Ent. xxxv, p. 18. P. emichi , n. var. paulina ; Staudinger, p. 310, Deutsche e. Z. Lep. iv. P. emichi , n. var. dorsijlava ; Standfuss, p. 666, pi. xv, fig. 6, Romanoff Mem. vi. P. gamma , var. of larva ; Porritt, Ent. M. M. xxviii, p. 255. P. moneta, habits ; Fallou, p. clxv, Bull. Soc. Ent. Fr. lxi. P. aurata, pi. x, fig. 6, splendida, fig. 8, aclscripta, fig. 7, figured, Romanoff Mem. vi. P. augusta , Aintab, p. 309, maria, Jerusalem, p. 311, Staudinger, Deutsche e. Z. Lep. iv ; P. inconspicua, Central Asia, Oraeser, p. 315, Berl. Ent. Zeit. xxxvii ; P. agnata, Amurland, Staudinger, p. 547, Romanoff Mem. vi : n. spp. Plusilla , n. g., near Telesilla, for P. rosalia, n. sp., Amurland, pi. ix, fig. 11; Staudinger, p. 533, Romanoff Mem. vi. noctuidj:. Ins. 259 Pcecilogramma , n. g., near Gnamptocera , for P. picatum, n. sp., Borneo, pi. vi, fig. 4 ; Butler, p. 126. P. Z. S. 1892. Polia rebecca , Jerusalem, Staudinger, p.282, Deutsche e. Z. Lep. iv ; P. mirafloresa , Loja, Dognin, p. 185, Le Nat. 1892 : n. spp. Prcestiloia, n. g. for P. armeniaca , n. sp , Amasia ; Staudinger, p. 288, Deutsche e. Z. Lep. iv. Premusia intrahens, Wlk., = ( Anophia smaragdaria, Wlk., and Dysedia zibellina , Feld.) ; Butler, Ent. xxv, p. 213. Prionoptera serraoides , Loja, Dognin, p. 85, Le Nat. 1892, n. sp. Pseudathyrma , n. g. for part of Hypontra ; Butler, p. 299, Ann. N. H. (6) x. Pseudokadena armata , figured, pi. ii, fig. 6, description amended, p. 35 ; Alpheraky, Romanoff Mem. vi. P. pugnax, Central Asia, Alpheraky, p. 449, Hor. Ent. Ross, xxvi, n. sp. Pseudomicra , n. g. for Anthophila marginalis and semipurpurea , Wlk. ; Butler, p. 91, Ent. xxv. Raddea , n. g., near J fesogona, for R. digna1 n. sp., Amdo ; Alpheraky, p. 450, Hor. Ent. Ross. xxvi. Rancora , n. g., for R. strigata , n. sp., N. America ; Smith, p. 253, Ent. News, iii. Rusidrina , n. g., near Caradrina , for R. rasdolnia, n. sp., Amurland, pi. vii, fig. 9 ; Staudinger, p. 491, Romanoff Mem. vi. Segetia albopinta, Amurland, G-raeser, p. 226, Berl. Ent. Zeit. xxxvii ; S. ? mandarina, Amurland, Staudinger, p. 482, pi. ix, fig. 4, Romanoff Mem. vi : n. spp. Sidemia, n. g., near Trigonophora , for S. snelleni, n. sp., Amurland, pi. vii, fig. 8 ; Staudinger, p. 459, Romanoff Mem. vi. Sonagara scitaria , Wlk., = ( Timandra cancellata , Wlk.) ; Staudinger, p. 636, Romanoff Mem. vi. Sphragifera , n. g., ? near Leocyma , p.555, for Anthcecia sigillata,~MeTi . ; Staudinger, Romanoff Mem. vi. Spinipalpa , n. g., near Agrotis , p. 444, for S. maculata , n. sp., Amdo, p. 445 ; Alpheraky, Hor. Ent. Ross. xxvi. Stilbia anomala, varr. described ; Staudinger, p. 289, Deutsche e. Z. Lep. iv. Stilbina, n. g., for S. hypcenides, n. sp., Beyrout, pi. iii, fig. 12 ; Stau- dinger, Deutsche e. Z. Lep. iv. Tceniocampa lata, pi. ix, fig. 5, p. 496, stenoptera, p. 497, fig. 6, Amur- land, Staudinger, Romanoff Mem. vi, n. spp. Tapinostola? (Ccenagria) nana, Amurland, Staudinger, p. 473, Romanoff Mem. vi, n. sp. Tarar.he, synonymy of various species ; Butler, Ent. xxv, pp. 61-63. Thalpochares'. notes on the composition of the genus and the species belonging to allied forms of Eublemmidce ; Butler, Ent. xxv, pp. 91- 93. T. albida , varr. described; Staudinger, p. 317, Deutsche e. Z. Lep. iv. T. bella , figured, pi. xi, fig. 1 ; Staudinger, Romanoff Mem. vi. 260 Ins. XIII. LEPIDOPTERA. T. suppuncta , p. 319, suppura , p. 320, substrigula , p. 321, straminea, p. 322, Asia Minor, Staudinger, Deutsche e. Z. Lep. iv ; T. subvenata , Tunis, Staudinger, p. 288, op. cit. v ; T. pulmnarice , Australia, Olliff, p. 179, Agric. Gaz. N.S.W. iii : n, spp. Toxocampa emaculata, E. Siberia, Graeser, p. 231, Berl. Ent. Zeit. xxxvii, n. sp. Trachea similis, Amurland ; Staudinger, p. 456, pi. ix, fig. 1, Romanoff Mem. iv, n. sp. Trigonophora grumi , Central Asia, Alpheraky, p. 449, Hor. Ent. Ross, xxvi, n. sp. TJlochlcena superba , Central Asia, Alpheraky, p. 447, Hor. Ent. Ross, xxvi, n. sp. Valeria ? sauberi , E. Siberia, Graeser, p. 223, Berl. Ent. Zeit. xxxvii, n. sp. Varnia fenestrata , Laos, Poujade, p. 270, pi. xi, fig. 6, N. Arch. Mus. Paris (3) iii, n. sp. Virgo , n. g. for Nonagria amcena , Stgr., figured, pi. viii, fig. 7 ; Staudinger, p. 467, Romanoff Mem. vi. Xanthia divergens , Butl., figured, pi. ix, fig. 8, Romanoff Mem. vi. Xylina ledereri , Rhodus, Staudinger, p. 304, Deutsche e. Z. Lep. iv ; X. brachyptera , Amurland, Staudinger, p. 520, pi. ix, fig. 9, Romanoff Mem. vi : n. spp. Xylomiges : the N. American species revised ; Smith, pp. 65-78, pi. iii, P. U. S. Nat. Mus. xii. X. peritalis, p. 69, ochracea, p. 75, N. America; Smith, P. U. S. Nat. Mus. xv, n. spp. Xylomoia , n. g., near Chloantha , for X. separata , n. sp., Amurland, pi. xii, fig. 8 ; Staudinger, p. 451, Romanoff Mem. viii. Zalissa, Wlk , referred to Agaristidce, = ( Seudyra , Stretch.) ; Bu4ler, Ent. xxv, p. 214. Deltoididas. [Cf. Alpheraky (779), Butler (143), Distant (216), Lucas (569), Poujade (702), Staudinger (779, 886).] Bocana Jlavopunctalis , Laos, Poujade, p. 275, pi. xi, fig. 10, N. Arch. Mus. Paris (3) iii, n. sp. Bomolocha rhombalis, figured, pi. ii, fig. 10, Romanoff Mem. vi. B. bipartita, Amurland, Staudinger, p. 625, pi. xiv, fig. 12, Romanoff Mem. vi, n. sp. Epizeuxis cethiops, Transvaal, Distant, p. 239, pi. ii, fig. 2, Naturalist Transvaal, n. sp. Gyncephila, n. g., near Hypenodes, for G. maculifera, n. sp., Amurland, pi. xiv, fig. 13 ; Staudinger, p. 629, Romanoff Mem. vi. Helia curvipalpalis, Butl., = ( quadra , Graes.) ; Staudinger, p. 608, Romanoff Mem. vi. Herminia semicircular is, Brisbane, Lucas, p. 260, P. Linn. Soc. N.S.W. (2) vii, n. sp. DE LTOI DID-E, GEOMETRIDiE. Ins. 261 Hollandia , n. g., p. 295, for H. sigillata, n. sp., W. Africa, p. 296 ; Butler, Ann. N. H. (6) x. Hypena conspersalis, figured, pi. xiii, fig. 10, Romanoff Mem. vi ; U. ravalis , varr. described ; Staudinger, p. 334, Deutsche e. Z. Lep. iv. II. mardinalis , Asia Minor, Staudinger, p. 336, Deutsche e. Z. Lep. iv, n. sp. Nodaria amurensis , figured, pi. xiii, fig. 1, Romanoff Mem. vi. Parigrapta ?narmorata, pi. xiii, fig. 5, incisa, fig. 6, flavomacula , fig. 7, suaveola , fig. 8, costcemacula , fig. 9, figured, Romanoff Mem. vi. Pangrapta gviseola , Amurland, Staudinger, p. 620, pi. xiv, fig. 11, Romanoff Mem. vi, n. sp. Pechipogcm ? gramlis , China, Alpheraky, p. 49, pi. ii, fig. 11, Romanoff Mem. vi, n. sp. Rivula unctalis , Amurland, Staudinger, p. 631, Romanoff Mem. vi, n. sp. Zanclognatha fumosa , pi. xiii, fig. 2, robiginosa , fig. 3, bistrigata , fig. 4, figured, Romanoff Mem. vi. Z. cristulali-s , p. 610, pi. xiv, fig. 7, violacealis , fig. 6, p. 612, umbrosalis , fig. 8, p. 613, ? helialis, fig. 9, p. 615, obliqua, fig. 10, p. 616, Amurland, Staudinger, Romanoff Mem. vi, n. spp. Geometric. [Cf. Alpheraky (4, 779), Butler (141), Distant (216), Dognin (220), Druce (225, 347), Fuchs (313), Graeser (356, 357), Gumppenberg (380), Heylaerts (403), Holland (408), Klemensiewicz (499), Lower (565), Lucas (568, 569), Meyrick (603, 604, 605), Poujade (702), Rober (767), Skinner & Mengel (850), Standfuss (779), Staudinger, (886, 887, 890, 891), Steinert (897), Swinhoe (909), Thierry- Mieg (923), Weymer (1003).] Classification of the Geometrince of Europe ; they are divided into six families and 117 genera, of which the characters are given ; Meyrick, Tr. E. Soc. 1892, pp. 53-140. The classifications of Meyrick and Gumppenberg discussed and criticised, many remarks on generic nomenclature ; Rebel, S. E. Z. liii, pp. 247-268. Colour variation in larvae ; Poulton (703). Abraxas khasiana , Khasia Hills, Swinhoe, p. 17, Tr. E. Soc. 1892 ; A. sub- hyalinata , Flores, Rober, p. 333, Tijdschr. Ent. xxxiv (fig. in xxxv) : n. spp. Achlora gaujoniaria , Ecuador, Dognin, p. 186, Le Nat. 1892, n. sp. Acidalia lumenaria, Hb., = ( Zanclopteryx zincaria, Gn.) ; Snellen, p. 20, Tijdschr. Ent. xxxv. A. privata, fig. 23, calidata , fig. 24, figured, pi. lii, Biol. Centr. Am. Heter. ii. A. pallidata , larva described ; Habich, p. 161, S. E. Z liii. A. luridata, metamorphoses ; Rebel, p. 518, Yerh. z.-b. Wien, xiii. 262 Ins. XIII. LEPIDOPTERA. A. bicertaria , Tunis, Staudinger, p. 290, Deutsche e. Z. Lep. v ; A. sub - ochraria , Central Asia, p. 144, fasciata , Syria, p. 145, striolata, Bey- rout, p. 146, pi. ii, fig. 5, incisaria , fig. 6, p. 147, Spain, nocturna , p. 148, sartkaria , p. 149, tristriata , p. 150, effieminata, p. 151, Central Asia, completa , Algeria, p. 152, lutulentaria , Spain, p. 153, grisescens, p. 155, annubiata , p. 156, Central Asia, Staudinger, Deutsche e. Z. Lep. v ; A. latelineoda , Central Asia, Graeser, p. 316, Berl. Ent. Zeit. xxxvii ; A.? obrimo. pi. lii, fig. 13, A. cavana , fig. 14, p. 117, owca, fig. 15, celenna , fig. 16, A. ? enona , fig. 17, A. carna , fig. 18, p. 118, nursica, fig. 19, olmia, fig. 20, p. 119, cazeca , fig. 21, eateries , fig. 22, p. 120, A. ? numitoria , fig. 25, earmenta , fig. 26, p. 121, A. ? ocrisia , fig. 27, A. nycteis, fig. 28, odrussa} fig. 29, p. 122, Central America, Druce, Biol. Centr. Am. Heter. ii ; A. minuscula, nigroapicata , Chiriqui, virescens, Colombia, rubricolor , rubellula , nubicolor , Cayenne, Thierry-Mieg, p. 235, Le Nat. 1892 : n. spp. Acropteris luteopictata , Laos, Poujade, p. 274, pi. xi, fig. 9, N. Arch. Mus. Paris (3) iii, n. sp. Acrotomiamuta , pi. xlv, figs. 15 & 1 Q,polla, figg. 17 & 18, A ? mucia, figg. 19 & 20, p. 48, A. minucia , figg. 21 & 22, A.? 5o2a, fig. 23, ima, fig. 24, p. 49, Central America ; Druce, Biol. Centr. Am. Heter. ii, n. spp. Agathia codina , pi. i, fig. 3, p. 7, gemma , p. 8, Khasia Hills, Swinhoe, Tr. E. Soc. 1892 ; A. iodioides , distributa, Queensland, Lucas, p. 296, P. Linn. Soc. N.S.W. (2) vi : n. spp. Amelora , n. g., Selidosemidce , p. 646, for A.goniota, p. 647, demistis) p. 648, amblopa , p. 649, catacris , p. 650, arotrcea, p. 651, n. spp., Australia ; Meyrick, P. Linn. Soc. N.S.W. (2) vi. Amphidasys betularia , variation in colour of larva ; Bateson, p. 213, Tr. E. Soc. 1892. A. superans, Butl., referred to Boarmia ; Graeser, p. 232, Berl. Ent. Zeit. xxxvii. A. arnobia , figured, pi. xlviii, fig. 4, Biol. Centr. Am. Heter. ii. Amphidasis matharma , Central America, Druce, p. 71, pi. xlviii, figg. 5 & 6, Biol. Centr. Am. Heter. ii, n. sp. Anaitis mundata , Beyrout, p. 216, submundulata , Taurus, p. 217, mus - culata) Asia Minor, pi. ii, fig. 19, p. 218, Staudinger, Deutsche e. Z. Lep. v, n. spp. Anaplodes pistaciaria, figured, pi. xlix, fig. 20, Biol. Centr. Am. Heter. ii. Anhibernia, n. g. for Hybernia (A.) orientalis, n. sp., Syria ; Staudinger, p. 170, Deutsche e. Z. Lep. v. A. burcetica , Siberia, Staudinger, p.376, pi. iii, fig. 8, Deutsche e. Z. Lep. v, n. sp. Anisodes lichenaria , intermixtaria , Khasia Hills, Swinhoe, p. 8, Tr. E. Soc. 1892 ; A. melitia , pi. Ii, fig. 3, caletra , fig. 4, carbina, fig. 5, Central America, Druce, p. 104, Biol. Centr. Am. Heter. ii; A. melano- chrysus , Loja, Dognin, p. 237, LeNat. 1892 : n. spp. Anteia canescens , Rockhampton, Lucas, p. 300, P. Linn. Soc. N.S.W. (2) vi, n. sp. GEOMETRIDiE. IliS. 263 Anthyria , n. g., p. 2, type Hyria grataria , WIk., with A. n. sp., Khasia Hills, p. 3, pi. i, fig. 7 ; Swinhoe, Tr. E. Soc. 1892. Anticypella, n. g. for gigantaria , Stgr. ; Meyrick, p. 108, Tr. E. Soc. 1892. Aphrogeneia , n. subg. of Acidalia ; Gdmppenberg, p.257, N. Acta Ac. L.-C. Nat. cur. lviii. Apicia medusa , pi. xliv, fig. 20, atilla, fig. 21, mesada , fig. 22, melenda , figg. 23 & 24, p. 39, aurana, fig. 25, micca , fig. 26, atia , fig. 27, mera, figg. 28 & 29, p. 40, aurelia , p. 41, pi. xlv, fig. 1, megania , p. 42, fig. 2, Central America, Druce, Biol. Centr. Am. Heter. ii, n. spp. Aporoctena , n. g., Selidosemidce , for A. scierodes , n. sp., Queensland ; Meyrick, p. 622, P. Linn. Soc. N.S.W. (2) vi. Artemidora, n. g. for maracandaria, Ersch. ; Meyrick, p. 112, Tr. E. Soc. 1892. Artiora , n. g. for evony maria, Schiff. ; Meyrick, p. 114, Tr. E. Soc. 1892. Asellodes laternaria , figured, pi. li, fig. 8, Biol. Centr. Am. Heter. ii. Aspilates curvaria, Evers., figured, pi. iii, fig. 5, $ described, p. 70 ; Alph£- raky, Romanoff Mem. vi. A. revocaria , Beyrout, Staudinger, p. 203, pi. ii, fig. 16, Deutsche e. Z. Lep. v, n. sp. Asthena prasina, Khasia Hills, Swinhoe, p. 13, pi. i, fig. 10, Tr. E. Soc. 1892 ; A. pellucida , Brisbane, Lucas, p. 253, P. Linn. Soc. N.S.W. (2) vii; A. carnana , Mexico, pi. Iii, figg. 10 & 11, neclas , Guatemala, p. 12, Druce, p. 115, Biol. Centr. Am. Heter. ii : n. spp. Astrapephora , n. g., near Ortholitha , for A. romanovi , n. sp., Amdo, Alpheraky, p. 457, Hor. Ent. Ross. xxvi. Atomophora , n. g., near Lithostege , p. 65, for A. falsaria, n. sp., Ganssu, Alpheraky, p. 66, Romanoff Mem. vi. Azelina terrenaria , Loja, Dognin, p. 106, Le Nat. 1892 ; A. attagena , bar - barata , fortunata , Ecuador, Dognin, p. 186, Le Nat. 1892 ; A. contorta , Peru, Thierry-Mieg, p. 217, Le Nat. 1892 ; A. asterodia , pi. xlvii, figg. 8 & 9, astapa, figg. 10 & 11, p. 62, melissa , fig. 12, metella , fig. 13, aurunca , fig. 14, p. 63, micca, figg. 15 & 16, rumina , figg. 17 & 18, p. 64, Central America, Druce, Biol. Centr. Am. Heter. ii : n. spp. Bessophora , n. g., = ( Ptychoptera , Christoph.) ; Meyrick, p. 63, Tr. E. Soc. 1892. Biston hirtarius , n. var. hanoviensis ; Heymons, p. 446, pi. xv, fig. 9, Berl. Ent. Zeit. xxxvi. Boarmia repandata , n. var. nobilis ; Alpheraky, p. 61, Romanoff Mem. vi. B. exustaria, Siberia, Staudinger, p. 378, pi. iii, fig. 9, Deutsche e. Z. Lep. v ; B . nobilitana, p. 173, variolaria , p. 174, subrepandata , p. 175, Central Asia, Staudinger, Deutsche e. Z. Lep. v ; B. conjungens , Amdo, Alpheraky, p. 456, Hor. Ent. Ross, xxvi ; B. rybakovn , Ganssu, Alpheraky, p. 61, pi. iii, fig. 4, Romanoff Mem. vi; B. 264 Ins. XIII. LEPIDOPTEEA. leucopterata, Laos, Poujade, p. 273, pi. xi, fig. 7, N. Arch. Mus. Paris (3) iii ; B. noctiluca, pi. xlviii, fig. 7, B. ? cabira, fig. 8, p. 73, B. nephalia , fig. 10, p. 75, brotes, fig. 11, nepia , fig. 12, p. 76, Druce, Biol. Centr. Am. Heter. ii : n. spp. Boletobia robiginosa , p. 332, pi. iv, fig. 13, detersa , p. 333, fig. 14, Asia Minor, Staudinger, Deutsche e. Z. Lep. iv, n. spp. Bonatea , n. g., Boarmince, for Oxydia duciata, Maassen, figured, pi. xlix, figg. 6 & 7 ; Druce, p. 82, Biol. Centr. Am. Heter. ii. Bronchelia subroraria , p. xlix, fig. 1, conjugaria , fig. 4, detexta , fig. 3, figured, Biol. Centr. Am. Heter. ii. B. nasica , Mexico, Druce, p. 81, pi. xlix, fig. 4, Biol. Centr. Am. Heter. ii, n. sp. Bryoptera pruna, Loja, Dognin, p. 59, Le Nat. 1892 ; B. (?) candara , Panama, Druce, p. 80, pi. xlviii, fig. 26, Biol. Centr. Am. Heter. ii : n. spp. Byssodes appropviata , figured, pi. 1, fig. 25, Biol. Centr. Am. Heter. ii. . B. miletia , fig. 27, ncevia , fig. 26, p. 99, nazada, fig. 28, p. 100, Central America, Druce, Biol. Centr. Am. Heter. ii, n. spp. Caberodes axona , pi. xlvi, fig. 6, messene , fig. 7, Mexico, Druce, p. 53, Biol. Centr. Am. Heter. ii, n. spp. Calothysanis amaturaria , preparatory stages ; Kellicott, Canad. Ent. xxiv, p. 242. Cambogia obada , pi. Iii, figg. 1 & 2, numida, fig. 3, p. 112, occla , fig. 4, odatis , fig. 5, numeria , fig. 6, p. 113, nucula , fig. 7, cedon , fig. 8, (7. ? necula , fig. 9, p. 114, Central America, Druce, Biol. Centr. Am. Heter. ii, n. spp. Carphoxera ptelearia , further notes on ; Riley, Ins. Life, v, p. 40. Chlenias melanoxysta , p. 633, zoncea , p. 665, Australia, Meyrick, P. Linn. Soc. N.S.W. (2) vi, n. spp. Chcerodes clemitaria , full-grown larva; Beutenmuller, p. 79, Bull. Am. Mus. iv. Chrysoctenis, n. g., for filacearia, H.-S. ; Meyrick, p. 86, Tr. E. Soc. 1892. Cidaria minorata , larva described; Habich, S. E. Z. liii, p. 160. C. tetrica , figured, pi. iii, fig. 11, Romanoff Mem. vi. C. inconsiderata , Amasia, p. 226, apiciata , p. 227, fidonaria , p. 229, alexan- draria , p. 230, inter positaria , p. 231, prcepositaria, p. 233, postpositaria , p. 234, Central Asia, ignorata , Caucasus, p. 235, desperata , p. 236, antelataria , p. 237, pi. ii, fig. 21, Central Asia, numidiata , Algeria, fig. 22, p. 239, viduata , Central Asia, p. 241, sintenisi, Asia Minor, p. 242, mcerens , p. 245, rogata , p. 248, rejectaria , p. 249, Central Asia, Staudinger, Deutsche e. Z. Lep. v ; C. semenovi, p. 458, excentricata , with var. virginea, p. 459, Amdo, Alpheraky, Hor. Ent. Ross, xxvi ; (7. tima, Peru, Thierry-Mieg, p. 217, Le Nat. 1892 ; C. cinereolimit- ata, Colombia, Thierry-Mieg, p. 235, t. c.; C. apiciflava , alboscripta, Loja, Dognin, p. 274, Le Nat. 1892 : n. spp. Cimelia vciulogeri , Tunis, Staudinger, p. 291, pi. iii, fig. 11, Deutsche e. Z. Lep. v, n. sp. GEOMETRIC®. Ins. 265 Cimicodes portentosa, Peru, Thierry-Mieg, p. 235, Le Nat. 1892. n. sp. Cleora godmani, Mexico, Druce, p. 72, pi. xlviii, fig. 9, Biol. Centr. Am. Heter. ii, n. sp. Cleta? minuta, Central America, Druce, p. Ill, pi. li, fig. 30, Biol. Centr. Am. Heter. ii, n. sp. Cnidia , n. subg. of Acidalia ; Gumppenberg, p. 223, N. Acta Ac. L.-C. Nat. cur. lviii. Comibcena venezuelata , figs. 14 & 15, invasata, fig. 18, pi. xlix, figured, Biol. Centr. Am. Heter. ii. G. belisania, p. 87, pi. xlix, figg. 16 & 17, callicula , fig. 19, p. 88, Panama, Druce, Biol. Centr. Am. Heter. ii ; C. ecuadorata , Zamora, Dognin, p. 186, Le Nat. 1892 ; C. lafayaria , Loja, Dognin, p. 206, t. c. : n. spp. Conoxara, n. g., Selidosemidce, for C castanea, n. sp., Tasmania ; Meyrick, p. 660, P. Linn. Soc. N.S.W. (2) vi. Coricia bicincta, Loja, Dognin, Le Nat. 1892, p. 144, n. sp. Cratoptera arvina , p. 34, pi. xliv, fig. 10, mena, fig. 11, atina , figs. 12 & 13, p. 35, Central America, Druce, Biol. Centr. Am. Heter. ii, n. spp. Criomacha, n. g. for Chlenias belidearia , Feld. ; Meyrick, p. 659, P. Linn. Soc. N.S.W. (2) vi. Crocallis ? edaxaria , Loja, Dognin, Le Nat. 1892, p. 123, n. sp. j Dasydia tarpeia , Colombia, Thierry-Mieg, p. 236, Le Nat. 1892, n. sp. Dasypteroma, n. g., near Hibernia , for D. thaumasia , n. sp., Spain, pi. ii, fig. 10 ; Staudinger, p. 168, Deutsche e. Z. Lep. v. Deilinia eccentritis , Australia, p. 635, cenias, Tasmania, lithodora, p. 637, cremnias, p. 638, ochthadia, p. 639, Australia, Meyrick, P. Linn. Soc. N.S.W. (2) vi, n. spp. Descoreba rosalinda , Brazil, Thierry-Mieg, p. 236, Le Nat. 1892, n. sp. Diastictis margaritis , Queensland, Meyrick, p.588, P. Linn. Soc. N.S.W. (2) vi, n. sp. Dichromodes ptilomacra , S. Australia, Lower, p. 8, Tr. R. Soc. S. Austr. xv ; D. petrina , New Zealand, Meyrick, p. 216, Tr. N. Z. Inst.xxiv : n. spp. Discalma , n. g., for Tephrina normata, Wlk. ; Meyrick, p. 590, P. LinD. Soc. N.S.W. (2) vi. Dory odes acutaria , full-grown larva ; Beutenmuller, p. 78, Bull. Am. Mus. iv. Drepanodes Valeria , Peru, Thierry-Mieg, p. 217, Le Nat. 1892 ; D. moneta, pi. xliv, fig. 2, astanda, fig. 3, p. 30, asina, fig. 4, D. ? melina , fig. 5, p. 31, Central America, Druce, Biol. Centr. Am. Heter. ii : n. spp. Drymoptila, n. g., Selidosemidce , for D. temenitis , n. sp., Australia ; Mey- rick, P. Linn. Soc. N.S.W. (2) vi, p. 670. Ectropis pristis , p. 626, argalea, isombra, p. 627, Australia, Meyrick, P. Linn. Soc. N.S.W. (2) vi, n. spp. Egea temeraria , Central Asia, Staudinger, p. 196, Deutsche e. Z. Lep. vi, n. sp. 266 Ins. XIII. LEPIDOPTEKA. Eilopia cinereostrigaria , Galicia, Klemensiewicz, p. 67, SB. z.-b. Wien, xlii, n. sp. Ennomos bitias, Panama, Druce, p. 69, pi. xlviii, figs. 1 & 2, Biol. Centr. Am. Heter. ii, n. sp. Eois subtectata , figured, pi. li, figg. 18 & 19, Biol. Centr. Am. Heter. ii. E . ascantia, pi. li, fig. 20, batea , fig. 21, camma, fig. 22, p. 109, nundina , figg. 23 & 24, ops , figg. 25 & 26, cassandra, fig. 27, E. ? ceno , fig. 28, p. 110, catana, fig. 29, p. Ill, Central America, Druce, Biol. Centr. Am. Heter. ii, n. spp. Ephoria , n. g. for arenosa , Butl. ; Meyrick, p. 109, Tr. E. Soc, 1892. Ephyra megista , p. 101, pi. li, fig. 1, citrina , p. 102, fig. 2, Central America, Druce, Biol. Centr. Am. Heter. ii, n. spp. Epicompsa , n. g., Selidosemidce , for E. xantfiocrossa, n. sp., S. Australia ; Meyrick, P. Linn. Soc. N.S.W. (2) vi. Epifidonia fractistriga, Ganssu, Alpheraky, p. 65, pi. iii, fig. 7, Romanoff Mem. vi, n. sp. Epione ? polydora, Peru, Thierry-Mieg, p. 235, Le Nat. 1892 ; E. (?) asteria , p. 43, pi. xlv, figg. 3 & 4, megamede, p. 44, figg. 5 & 6, Druce, Biol. Centr. Am. Heter. ii : n. spp. Erateina semiluctuata , Colombia, Thierry-Mieg, p. 236, Le Nat. 1892 ; E. tibicina, Loja, Dognin, p. 238, Le Nat. 1892 ; E. artemisia p. 97, mecyra , rlnesa , p. 98, medama , aroma, p. 99, hewitsomi, artemis , p. 100, buchleyi , arocha , p. 101, meduthina , bossora , p. 102, N. W. South America, capua , St. Catharina, masura , media , p. 103, peloria, wheeleri , p. 104, artabates, faventia, p. 105, whitelyi, necysia , p. 106, hermcea , tryphosa , p. 107, N. W. South America, Druce, Ann. N. H. (6) ix : n. spp. Eremia coelestinaria, Central Asia, Alpheraky, p. 456, Hor. Ent. Ross, xxvi, n. sp. Ergavia bogotaria, figured, pi. xlviii, fig. 20, Biol. Centr. Am. Heter. ii. E. calvina, figg. 21 & 22, caletra , fig. 23, assecoma , figg. 24 & 25, Mexico, Druce, p. 79, pi. xlviii, Biol. Centr. Am. Heter. ii, n. spp. Erosiidce, systematic position discussed ; Heylaerts, p. 15, Ann. Ent. Belg. xxxvi. Erosia incisaria , figured, pi. liii, figg. 3 & 4, Biol. Centr. Am. Heter. ii. E. ( Dirades ) tridentata , p. 14, bidentata , p. 15, Java, Heylaerts, Ann. Ent. Belg. xxxvi ; E. opigena, pi. liii, figg. 1 & 2, p. 126, omana, fig. 5, cassera, figg. 6 & 7, E. ? carilla, fig. 8, E. ocalea , fig. 9, p. 127, ora , fig. 10, p. 128, Druce, Biol. Centr. Am. Heter. ii : n. spp. Erosina meropia, Costa Rica, Druce, p. 55, pi. xlvi, fig. 10, Biol. Centr. Am. Heter. ii, n. sp. Erythrolophus , n. g., Ephyrides, p. 10, for E. fascicorpus, n. sp., Khasia Hills, p. 11 ; Swinhoe, Tr. E. Soc. 1892. Eubolia ? flavescens , Ordoss, Alpheraky, p. 68, pi. iii, fig. 6, Romanoff Mem. vi, n. sp. Eucosmia montivagata , larva ; Pungeler, S. E. Z. liii, p. 75. GEOMETRIC. Ins. 267 Eumera , n. g., near Eugonia for E. regina , n. sp., Amasia, pi. ii, fig. 8 ; Staudinger, p. 162, Deutsche e. Z. Lep. v. Evpithecia innotata and fraxinata, note on ; Habich, p. 159, S. E. Z. liii, E. castigata, note on melanic var. of ; Tugwell, Ent. xxv, p. 41. E. extensaria, larval habits ; Porritt, Ent. M. M. xxviii, p. 122. E. horticolaria , Rhineland, Fuchs, JB. nass. Yer. xlv, p. 102 ; E. accurata , Central Asia, p. 251, irritaria , Armenia, p. 253, albidulata, Caucasus, p. 254, kuldschaensis , p. 255, cequata , p. 256, marginata , p. 257, Central Asia, subfenestrata, Trans-Caucasus, p. 259, Staudinger, Deutsche e. Z. Lep. v ; E. Jilicata, p. 1, rigida , p. 2, pi. 1, fig. 6, Khasia Hills, Swinhoe, Tr. E. Soc. 1892 : n. spp. Eusarca jacularia, n. var., minor ; Alpheraky, p. 71, Romanoff Mem. vi. E. acidaria , p. 204, dispar , p. 205, Central Asia, Staudinger, Deutsche e. Z. Lep. v, n. spp. Euschema ares , characters and synonymy ; Weymer, p. 122, S. E. Z. liii. Fergana, n. g., near Chemerina , for F. oreophila, n. sp., Alai Mts., pi. ii, fig. 9 ; Staudinger, p. 166, Deutsche e. Z. Lep. v. Fidonia cretacea , Central Asia, Staudinger, p. 197, Deutsche e. Z. Lep. v ; F. opulenta , Peru, Thierry-Mieg, p. 216, Le Nat. 1892 ; F. incandescens , Chili, Thierry-Mieg, p. 236, t. c. : n. spp. Geometra iridaria , figured, pi. xlix, fig. 5, Biol. Centr. Am. Heter. ii. G. muscipunctata, Loja, Dognin, p. 186, Le Nat. 1892 ; G. carbina, pi. xlix, fig. 8, aturia , fig. 9, Mexico, Druce, p. 84, Biol. Centr. Am. Heter. ii : n. spp. Glaucopteryx immaculata, Greenland, Skinner, p. 159, P. Ac. Phil. 1892, n. sp. Gnopharmia , n. g., p. 181, for Gnophos colchidaria , Led., with G. rubraria , Syria, pi. ii, fig. 12, p. 184, maculifera , Samarcand, fig. 13, p. 187 ; Staudinger, Deutsche e. Z. Lep. v. Gnophos vastaria , Central Asia, p. 189, dubitaria , Persia, p. 192, Stau- dinger, Deutsche e. Z. Lep. v, n. spp. Gonanticlea, n. g., p. 3, for G. aversa , n. sp., Khasia Hills, p. 4 ; Swinhoe, Tr. E. Soc. 1892. Gonodela kilimanjarensis , rhabdophoru , E. Africa, Holland, Ent. xxv (Supp.), p. 95, n. spp. Gynopteryx fundaria, multiple synonymy ; Druce, p. 36, Biol. Centr. Am. Heter. ii. G. asopia , pi. xliv, fig. 14, mynes, fig. 15, megasa , fig. 16, minoa , fig. 17, p. 37, asteria , figg. 18 & 19, p. 38, Central America, Biol. Centr. Am. Heter. ii, n. spp. Halia berytaria , Beyrout, Staudinger, p. 200, Deutsche e. Z. Lep. v, n. sp. Halthia nigripars , Khasia Hills, Swinhoe, p. 16, pi. i, fig. 1, Tr. E. Soc. 1892 ; H. aurantiaca, Ganssu, Alpheraky, p. 56, pi. iii, fig. 2, Romanoff Mem. vi : n. spp. Eemithea id(za) Khasia Hills, Swinhoe, p. 6, Tr. E. Soc. 1892, n. sp. 268 Ins. XIII. LEPIDOPTERA. j Kerhita tenebrica, Loja, Dognin, p. 185, Le Nat. 1892 ; H. ? nedusia , Panama, Drtjce, p. 25, pi. xliv, fig. 1, Biol. Centr. Am. Heter. ii ; H. ? capucina , Peru, Thierry- Mieg, p. 217, Le Nat. 1892 : n. spp. Himera nestor , Guatemala, Druce, p. 70, pi. xlviii, fig. 3, Biol. Centr. Am. Heter. ii, n. sp. Hydriomena gypsoniela , S. Australia, Lower, p. 11, Tr. R. Soc. S. Austr. xv, n. sp. Hygrochroma viola , Colombia, Thierry-Mieg, p. 237, Le Nat. 1892 ; H. nondina , pi. xlvi, figg. 24-26, bubona , figg. 27 & 28, p. 58, ccesia, pi. xlvii, figg. 1 & 2, nemora, figg 4-7, p. 59, Central America, Druce, Biol. Centr. Am. Heter. ii : n. spp. Hyperythra rufo-fasciata , Laos, Poujade, p. 274, pi. xi, fig. 8, N. Arch. Mus. Paris (3) iii, n. sp. Hypochroma aurantiacea , p. 297, diffundens , p. 298, AustraUa, Lucas, P. Linn. Soc. N.S.W. (2) vi ; H. eugramma , S. Australia, Lower, p. 14, Tr. R. Soc. S. Austr. xv : n. spp. Idcma hannpsoni , p. 14, albivertex, p. 15, Khasia Hills, Swinhoe, Tr. E. Soc. 1892, n. spp. Iodis implicata , barnardce , p. 293, crenulata , p. 294, multitincta , militarise p. 295, Australia, Lucas, P. Linn. Soc. N.S.W. (2) vi ; I. commoda, nitida , Lucas, p. 252, op. cit. vii ; I. ipomopsis, S. Australia, Lower, p. 14, Tr. R. Soc. S. Austr. xv : n. spp. Kyrtolitha, n. g. for Ortholitha ( K .) obstinata , n. sp., Central Asia, pi. ii, fig. 18 ; Staudinger, p. 213, Deutsche e. Z. Lep. v. Lasiogma , n. g., = (Trichopleura, Stgr.) ; Meyrick, p. 70, Tr. E. Soc. 1892. Leucula avitta , pi. xlvi, fig. 3, megaaira , fig. 5, Druce, p. 52, Biol. Centr. Am. Heter. ii, n. spp. Limeria , n. g. near Egea, for L. macraria , n. sp., Sarepta, pi. ii, fig. 14 ; Staudinger, p. 195, Deutsche e. Z. Lep. v. Lithostege witzenmanni, Kurdistan, Standegss, p. 668, pi. xv, fig. 8, Romanoff Mem. vi, n. sp. Lobophora rosula, Loja, Dognin, p. 274, Le Nat. 1892 ; L. ebriola , L. ? parecida, Loja, Dognin, p. 295, t. c. : n. spp. Lomographa spodina , p. 633, isocyma , p. 634, Australia, Meyrick, P. Linn. Soc. N.S.W. (2) vi, n. spp. Longula, n. g., near Acidalia , for L. extraordinaria, n. sp., Beyrout, pi. ii, fig. 7 ; Staudinger, p. 157, Deutsche e. Z. Lep. v. Lycauges donovani , Traansvaal, Distant, p. 240, pi. ii, fig. 4, Naturalist Transvaal, n. sp. Lycimna cajanuma , Loja, Dognin, p. 185, Le Nat. 1892, n. sp. Macaria sufflata , Gn., = ( arata , Saalm.) ; Snellen, p. 83, Tijdschr. Ent. xxxv. M. normata , anomalata, Amdo, Alpheraky, p.455, Hor. Ent. Ross, xxvi; M. drepanata , Flores, goramatae Goram, Rojber, p. 331, Tijdschr. Ent. xxxiv (figg. in xxxv) : n. spp. Maxesia P undifasciata , Borneo, Butler, p. 132, pi. vi, fig. 10, P. Z. S. 1892, n. sp. GEOMETRIM. Ins . 269 Mecoceras aulis , Mexico, Druce, p. 95, pi. 1, fig. 15, Biol. Centr. Am. Heter. ii, n. sp. Megalochlora , n. g., near JEuchloris ; Meyrick, p. 95, Tr. E. Soc. 1892. Megametop on, n. g., Boarmiidce , for M. piperatum, n. sp., Ganssu, pi. iii, fig. 3 ; Alpheraky, p. 58, Romanoff Mem. vi. Metanema cabiria, p. 67, pi. xlvii, figg. 20 & 21, bonadea , figg. 22 & 23, neon , figg. 24 & 25, brea , fig. 26, p. 68, Central America, Druce, Biol. Centr. Am. Heter. ii, n. spp. Metrocampa glaucias , Australia, Meyrick, p. 644, P. Linn. Soc. N.S.W. (2) vi, n. sp. Micronia : systematic position ; Snellen, p. 19, Tijdschr. Ent. xxxv. M. archills , Obert., referred to Pseudomicronia , and figured, pi. iii, fig. 1 ; Alpheraky, p. 53, Romanoff Mem. vi. M. simpliciata , Goram, Rober, p. 331, Tijdschr. Ent. xxxiv (fig. in xxxv), n. sp. Mictodoca , n. g., Selidosemidce , for M. toxeuta) n.sp., Australia ; Meyrick, p. 661, P. Linn. Soc. N.S.W. (2) vi. Mnesampela , n. g., with M. comarcha , p. 656, lencea , p. 657, n spp., Aus- tralia, and including Idiodes privata, Gn., and Chlenias fucata , Feld.; Meyrick, P. Linn. Soc. N.S.W. (2) vi. Mnesampela privata, metamorphoses ; Lidgett, Yict. Nat. ix, p. 67. Mochlotona , n. g., Selidosemidce , p. 672, for M . phasmatias, n. sp., Australia, p. 673 ; Meyrick, P. Linn. Soc. N.S.W. (2) vi. Monoctenia iximia , calladelpha, S. Australia, Lower, p. 7, Tr. R. Soc. S. Austr. xv, n. spp. Myckonia ? bityla, pi. xlvii, fig. 27, noela , fig. 28, Central America, Druce, p. 69, Biol. Centr. Am. Heter. ii, n. spp. Myinodesi n. g., for interpunctaria , H.-S. ; Meyrick, p. 82, Tr. E. Soc. 1892. Mysticoptera, n. g., for sexalisata , Hb. ; Meyrick, p. 62, Tr. E. Soc. 1892. Nelo, see Bombyces, p. 242. Nemoria pretiosaria, n. var. gigantaria ; Staudinger, p. 143, Deutsche e. Z. Lep. v. N. iris , figured, pi. xlix, fig. 10, Biol. Centr. Am. Heter. ii. N. mollissima , N.? vitiosaria, Ecuador, Dognin, p. 186, Le Nat. 1892 ; N, assa, Costa Rica, Druce, p. 85, pi. xlix, figg. 11 & 12, Biol. Centr. Am. Heter. ii : n. spp. Neolythria, n. g., near Lythria, p. 71, for N. abraxaria , n. sp., China, p. 72, pi. iii, fig. 8 ; Alpheraky, Romanoff Mem. vi. Neoteristis , n. g., Selidosemidce , for N. paraphanes , n. sp., Tasmania ; Meyrick, p. 672, P. Linn. Soc. N.S.W. (2) vi. Neurophana amatonga , E. Africa, Yuillot, p. cxciv, Bull. Soc. Ent. Fr. lxi, n. sp. Nipteria impunctata , panacea , valens, panopea , Peru, Thierry-Mieg, p. 217, Le Nat. 1892 ; N. semigrisea , minor , erigone, Peru, tapponia , Brazil, Thierry-Mieg, p. 236, t. c. ; N. viatrix , Thierry-Mieg, p. 262, t. c. ; N. cethiopissa, sororcula , tironaria , pellucenta , costi- stigmata , secturata , dividua, Loja, Dognin, p. 238, £. c. : n. spp. 270 Ins. XIII. LEPIDOPTERA. Nychiodes lividaria, varr. described ; Staudinger, p. 171, Deutsche e. Z. Lep. v. Odontopera muscularia , Central Asia, Staudinger, p. 164, Deutsche e. Z. Lep. y ; 0. bubula , Mexico, Druce, p. 67, p. xlvii, fig. 19, Biol. Centr. Am. Heter. ii : n. spp. (E.'iospila, n. g., p. 5, Thalera flavifusata , Wlk., with CE . lyra , n. sp., Khasia Hills, p. 6 ; Swinhoe, Tr. E. Soc. 1892. Omphax ncenia , Mexico, Drtjce, p. 86, pi. xlix, fig. 13, Biol. Centr. Am. Heter. ii, n. sp. Onychora , n. g. for agaritharia , Dard. ; Meyrick, p. 123, Tr. E. Soc. 1892. Ophthalmophora melee , pi. 1, figg. 16 & 17, alba , fig. 21, p. 96, asopi.s , figg. 19&20, aspledon , fig. 22, p. 97, mnlpadia , fig. 24, p. 98, Central America, Druce, Biol. Centr. Am. Heter. ii, n. spp. Ortholitha appropinquaria, p. 208, integraria , p. 209, supproximaria, p. 210, Central Asia, subvicinaria , Caucasus, p. 211, perplexaria, Trans- Caucasus, pi. ii, fig. 17, p. 212, Staudinger, Deutsche e. Z. Lep. v, n. spp. Oulobophora , n. g. for Lobophora ( 0 .) macedonica , n. sp., Macedonia, pi. ii, fig. 19, Staudinger, p. 219, Deutsche e. Z. Lep. v. Oxydia gastropachata , figured, pi. xliii, fig. 10, Biol. Centr. Am. Heter. ii. O. dognini, Peru, Thierry-Mieg, Le Nat. 1892, p. 216 ; O. aromata , Mexico, p. 27, pi. xliii, fig. 11, masthala , Panama, fig. 9, meclona, Guatemala, figg. 15 & 16, artaxaf Centr. America, figg. 12-14, p. 28, angustaf Panama, figg. 17 & 18, p. 29, Druce, Biol. Centr. Am. Heter. ii : n. spp. Palceoctenis, n. g., = ( Heteropsis , Gn.) ; Meyrick, p. 68, Tr. E. Soc. 1892. Panagra fixseni, Amdo, Alpheraky, p. 456, Hor. Ent. Ross, xxvi, n. sp. Paraleea , n. g., Selidosemidce , for P. promacha, n. sp., W. Australia ; Mey- rick, p. 671, P. Linn. Soc. N.S.W. (2) vi. Pelagia , n. subg. of Acidalia , Gumppenberg, p. 236, N. Acta Ac. L.-C. Nat. cur. lviii. Pellonia tabidaria, Z., and sieversi , Chr., distinctive characters ; Chris- toph, S. E. Z. liii, p. 245. P. adauctata , Margelan, Staudinger, p. 160, Deutsche e. Z. Lep. v ; P. grumaria , Amdo, Alpheraky, p. 454, Hor. Ent. Ross, xxvi : n. spp. Perigramma religiosai P. ? theodora, Peru, Thierry-Mieg, p. 236, Le Nat. 1892, n. sp. Perixera pulverulenta, Khasia Hills, Swinhoe, Tr. E. Soc. 1892, p. 9, pi. i, fig. 8, n. sp. Phasiane boarmiata , Amurland, Graeser, p. 232, Berl. Ent. Zeit. xxxvii ; P. tancrearia, Kuldja, Staudinger, p. 201, Deutsche e. Z. Lep. v : n. spp. Phorodesma smaragdaria , varr. described ; Staudinger, p. 141, Deutsche e. Z. Lep. v. GEOMETRIM. Ins. 271 P. smaragdularia , Margelan, Staudinger, p. 142, Deutsche e. Z. Lep. v, n. sp. Photoscotosia, Warr., is same as Trichopleura, Stgr. ; T. amplicata , pi. iii, fig. 10, T. undulosa , fig. 9, figured ; Alpheraky in Romanoff Mem. vi. Phthorarcha, n. g. for primigena, Stgr. ; Meyrick, p. 80, Tr. E. Soc. 1892. Phylelis prasonaria , Khasia Hills, Swinhoe, p. 12, Tr. E. Soc. 1892, n. sp. Phyllia triangularia , Blanch., = ( cinerescens , Butl.) ; Reed, p. 68, Act. Soc. Chili, i. Planolocha, n. g., Selidosemidce , p. 645, for P. autoptis, n. sp., Australia, p. 646 : Meyrick, P. Linn. Soc. N.S.W. (2) vi. Polla avellana , Peru, Thierry-Mieg, p. 235, Le Nat. 1892, n. sp. Polynesia , n. g., p. 4, type Pomasia sunandeva , Wlk., with P. truncapex, n. sp., Khasia Hills, p. 5 ; Swinhoe, Tr. E. Soc. 1892. Polythrena croceitincta , Loja, Dognin, p. 107, Le Nat. 1892, n. sp. Proboloptera , n. g., Selidosemidce , for P. embolias , n, sp., Australia; Mey- rick, p. 641, P. Linn. Soc. N.S.W. (2) vi. Pseudotagma , n. g., near Chemerina , for Eusarca inter punctaria, H.-Sch. ; Statjdinger, p. 168, Deutsche e. Z. Lep. v. Psilosticha, n. g., for Tephrosia mactaria, Gn. ; Meyrick, p. 624, P. Linn. Soc. N.S.W. (2) vi. Pyrinia arxata , p. 33, pi. xliv, figg. 6 & 7, megara , p. 34, figg. 8& 9, Panama, Druce, Biol. Centr. Am. Heter. ii, n. spp. Racheospila roseilinearia, pellucidaria, Ecuador, Dognin, p. 206, Le Nat. 1892 ; R. arycauda, pi. xlix, fig. 21, athena , fig. 22, p. 89, calliope, pi. 1, figg. 1 & 2, mustela , fig. 3, capys, fig. 4, astrcea , fig. 5, p. 90, atrapes , fig. 6, p. 91, busa , fig. 8, R. ? batina , figg. 9 & 10, asmura , fig. 11, p. 92, Central America, Druce, Biol. Centr. Am. Heter. ii : n. spp. Rhodometra, n. g., for the Sterrha of other authors than Hubner ; Mey- rick, p. 75, Tr. E. Soc. 1892. Rhoptria, n. subg. of Boarmia ; Gumppenberg, p. 299, N. Acta Ac. L.-C. Nat. cur. lviii. Rhyparia hamiltonia, Khasia Hills, Swinhoe, p. 17, pi. i, fig. 5, Tr. E. Soc. 1892, n. sp. Rumia cratcegata, variation in colour of larvae ; Gould, Tr. E. Soc. 1892, p. 216. Rumina luteolata , n. var. emaculata ; Graeser, p. 317, Berl. Ent. Zeit. xxx vii. Sabulodes miliaria , Loja, Dognin, Le Nat. 1892, p. 170 ; S. lojanata, sticta, franciscata, xylinochroma, Dognin, p. 185, t. c. ; S. ornatissima, Peru, Thierry-Mieg, p. 262, t. c. : n. spp. Scardamia chrysolina , Australia, Meyrick, p. 640, P. Linn. Soc. N.S.W. (2) vi, n. sp. Scioglyptis , n. g., Selidosemidce , for S. lithinopxi , p. 593, hemeropa , p. 594, n. spp., Australia ; Meyrick, P. Linn. Soc. N.S.W. (2) vi. 272 Ins. XIII. LEPIDOPTERA. Scodiomima , n. g. for Scodiona (S.) crocallciria, n. sp., Central Asia, pi. ii, fig. 15 ; Staudinger, p. 202, Deutsche e. Z. Lep. v. Scordylia valbum, Peru, Thierry-Mieg, p. 216, Le Nat. 1892, n. sp. Scotosia senescens , N. Persia, p. 223, neglectata , Central Asia, p. 225, Staudinger, Deutsche e. Z. Lep. v ; S. confirmata , Loja, Dognin, p. 59, Le Nat. 1892 : n. spp. Selenia illunaria and lunaria , colour influenced by temperature in pupal stage ; Merrifield, Tr. E. Soc. 1892, p. 34. S. monima , pi. xlvi, figg. 11 & 12, asteria, fig. 13, myrina, fig. 14, banasa , figg. 15 & 16, p. 56, nabdalsa , fig. 21, narccea, figg. 17 & 18, belisama, figg. 19 & 20, azamora, figg. 22 & 23, p. 57, Mexico and Guatemala, Druce, Biol. Centr. Am. Heter. ii, n. spp. Selidosemidce, tabulation of the Australian genera of ; Meyrick, pp. 582-585, P. Linn. Soc. N.S.W. (2) vi. Selidosema aristarcha , N. Zealand, Meyrick, Tr. N. Z. Inst, xxiv ; S. cheleuta , p. 598, amphiclinay p. 599, eremias , tJiermea , p. 600, capnota , p. 605, leptodesma , p. 606, leucoplecta, p. 607, agorcea , p. 608, aganopa , p. 610, adelphodes, p. 611, zascia, p. 613, argoplaca , p. 615, Australia, Meyrick, P. Linn. Soc. N.S.W. (2) vi, n. spp. Sicya aurunca , pi. xlv, fig. 7, mesapia , fig. 8, bala , fig. 9, neda , figg. 10 & 11, p. 46, myron , figg. 12 & 13, & ? ascolia , fig. 14, p 47, Central America, Druce, Biol. Centr. Am. Heter. ii, n. spp. Spargania longipalpata, Peru, Thierry-Mieg, p. 262, Le Nat. 1892, n. sp. Stathmorrhopa, n. g. for Chlenias beggaria , Gn. ; Meyrick, p. 660, P. Linn. Soc. N.S.W. (2) vi. Stegania crina , Khasia Hills, Swinhoe, p. 14, pi. i, fig. 14, Tr. E. Soc. 1892, n. sp. Sterrha virgenpamba , Loja, Dognin, p. 237, Le Nat. 1892, n. sp. Stibaroma , n. g., Selidosemidce , for S. melanotoxa, n. sp., Australia ; Meyrick, p. 669, P. Linn. Soc. N.S.W. (2) vi. Stibaroma trigramma , S. Australia, Lower, p. 9, Tr. R. Soc. S. Austr. xv, n. sp. Stigma isthmensis , Panama, Thierry-Mieg, p. 236, Le Nat, 1892, n. sp. Streptopteron , n. g. ( Ephyrides ), p. 9, for S. posticamplum, n. sp., Khasia Hills, p. 10, pi. i, fig. 12 ; Swinhoe, Tr. E. Soc. 1892. Strophidia falcifera, E. Africa, Weymer, p. 118, S. E. Z. liii, n. sp. Syllexis extendata, chartularia , Loja, Dognin, p. 144, Le Nat. 1892, n. sp. Synchlora ? nortia , Mexico, Druce, p. 93, pi. 1, fig. 12, Biol. Cent. Am. Heter. ii, n. sp. Synegiodes, n. g., type Anisodes dijfasaria , Moore, with S. diffusifascia , p. 11, pi. i, fig. 9, histrionaria , p. 12, n. spp., Khasia Hills ; Swinhoe, Tr. E. Soc. 1892. Syngonorthus) n. g., Urapterygidce, for S. subpunctatus , n. sp., Borneo, pi. vi, fig 9 ; Butler, p. 130, P. Z. S. 1892. Tachyphyle ? neis, Central America, Druce, p. 93, pi. 1, figs. 13 & 14, Biol. Centr. Am. Heter. ii, n. spp. GEOMETRIES, PYRALIDS. Ins. 273 Teph ronia oranaria , Algeria, p. 179, castilliaria , Spain, p. 180, pi. ii, fig. 11, Staudinger, Deutsche e. Z. Lep. v, n. spp. Tephrosia bostar , p. 76, pi. xlviii, fig. 13, bura , fig. 14, T. ? azenia , fig. 15, balsa, fig. 16, p. 77, T. mureena, figg. 17 & 18, axica, fig. 19, p. 78, Central America, Druce, Biol. Centr. Am. Heter. ii, n. spp. Terpnomicta lala , Khasia Hills, Swinhoe, p. 13, Tr. E. Soc. 1892, n. sp. Tetrads azonax , pi. xlvi, fig. 8, belides , fig. 9, Central America, Druce, p. 54, Biol. Centr. Am . Heter. ii, n. spp. Thalassodes Uliana , Khasia Hills, Swinhoe, p. 7, pi. i, fig. 2, Tr. E. Soc. 1892, n. sp. Thalera acte , Khasia Hills, Swinhoe, p. 6, pi. i, fig. 13, Tr. E. Soc. 1892 ; I7, spumosaria , eximia , Peru, Dognin, p. 237, Le Nat. 1892 : n. spp. Thamnonoma zoavaria, aberration ; Vries & Snellen, Tijdschr. Ent. xxxv, pp. 24 & 25. Therma axion , pi. xlv, figg. 25 & 26, betala , fig. 27, niunda , fig. 28, p. 50, bada, pi. xlvi, figg. 1 & 2, T. ? nomia , fig. 4, p. 51, Central America, Druce, Biol. Centr. Am. Heter. ii, n. spp. Tosaura , n. g., p. 15, type Metabraxas faleipennis, Moore, with T. picaria, n. sp., Khasia Hills, p. 16, pL i, fig. 16 ; Swinhoe, Tr. E. Soc. 1892. Trichoclada opsinaria , Khasia Hills, Swinhoe, p. 15, Tr. E. Soc. 1892, n. sp. Trichopleura leechi , Amdo, Alpheraky, p. 458, Hor. Ent. Ross, xxvi, n. sp. Triphosia ravulata , Central Asia, Staudinger, p. 221, Deutsche e. Z. Lep. v, n. sp. Trygodes musivaria , figured, pi. Ii, figg. 6 & 7, Biol. Centr. Am. Heter. ii. T. niobe, pi. Ii, figg. 9 & 10, merta , fig. 11, p. 106, ategua , fig. 12, melia , fig. 13, callas, fig. 14, carbania, fig. 15, p. 107, T. ? auxesia , figg. 16 & 17, p. 108, Central America, Druce, Biol. Centr. Am. Heter. ii, n. spp. Urapteryx hilar is, Peru, Thierry-Mieg, p. 217, Le Nat. 1892, n. sp. Xanthorhoe paradelpha, p. 11, hyperythra, p. 12, xanthospila , p. 13, S. Australia, Lower, Tr. R. Soc. S. Austr. xv, n. spp. Xenomusa metallica , Brisbane, Lucas, p. 299, P. Linn. Soc. N.S.W. (2) vi, n. sp. Zamacra , n. g. for flabellaria , Heeg. ; Meyrick, p. 121, Tr. E. Soc. 1892. Zonosoma albilineata, Central Asia, Staudinger, p. 159, Deutsche e. Z. Lep. v ; Z. alodia , Loja, Dognin, p. 16, Le Nat. 1892 : n. spp. Pyralim (including Crambim, Phycitim, Siculodim). \_Cf. Cockerell (177), Distant (216), Fernald (280), Hulst (441), Kellogg (479), Lucas (568, 569), Muller (629), Pagexstecher (667, 668, 669), Ragonot (712), Rebel (715), Rober (767), Snellen (872, 873), Staudinger (890, 891), Swinhoe (909), Warren (983).] Acharana rudis, Japan, minor alls, Accra, maledicta , Pitcairn I., p. 435, descripta , S. Paolo, simplex, Bombay, olivescens, Ecuador, indistincta , Japan, p. 436, elongalis, Formosa, fuscescens, Japan, p. 437, Warren, Anu. N. H. (6) ix, n. spp. 1892. [vol. xxix.] e 18 274 [ns. XIII. LEPIDOPTERA. Acrobasis cirroferella , Texas, Hulst, p. 60, Canad. Ent. xxiv, n. sp. Actenioicles , n. g., type Nepliopteryx creperalis , Swinhoe ; Warren, p. 173, Ann. N. H. (6) ix. Adeloides , n. g., type Hoterodes cinereahs, Moore ; Warren, p 299, Ann. N. H. (6) ix. Aglaops , n. g., type Mecyna furnacalis, Gn.; Warren, p. 298, Ann. N. H. (6) ix. Agrammia cervinalis , lutealis , S. Paolo, Warren, p. 439, Ann. N. H. (6) ix, n. spp. Anomostictis , n. n. (to replace Diastictis , Hb. Yerz., p. 355), with A. ccecalis , n. sp., California ; Warren, p. 434, Ann. N. H. (6) ix. Anthocrypta , n. g. for Ebulea subinquinalis, Gn. ; Warren, p. 296, Ann. N. H. (6) ix. Aphomia ? pronvitella , Canary Is., Rebel, p. 262, Ann. Hof museum Wien, vii, n. sp. Aphytoeeros nigrolinealis, Goya, p. 390, longipalpis , Transvaal, p. 391, Warren, Ann. N. H. (6) ix, n. spp. Aplographe , n. g., type Scopida bisignata , But! , with A. fulvcilis, Cape Good Hope, umbrosalis , N. China, n. spp. ; Warren, p. 301, Ann. N. H. (6) ix. Aporodes obscura , Sarepta, versicolor , Washington Terr. ; Warren, p. 175, Ann. N. H. (6) ix, n. spp. Archernis pubescens, E. Asia, Warren, p. 300. Ann. N. H. (6) ix, n. sp. Autocosmia, n. g., near Gosrnocreon , p. 432, for A. continue,, n. sp., N.W. America, Warren, p. 433, Ann. N. H. (6) ix. Bceotarcha cunealis,P ort Darwin, Warren, p. 396, Ann. N. H. (6)ix, n. sp. Blepharucha , n. g., type Phalcena zaide, Stoll. ; Warren, p. 177, Ann. N. H. (6) ix. Botys commellalis , early stages ; Chretien, Bull. Soc. Ent. Fr. Ixi, p. ccxii. B. graeseri, Siberia, Staudinger, p.384, pl.iii, fig. 24, Deutsche e. Z. Lep. v ; B. catasemalis, Ke I., Rober, p. 333, Tijdschr. Ent. xxxiv (fig. in xxxv) : n. spp. Bradyrrhoa ochrospilella, Canary Is., Rebel, p. 258, pi. xvii, fig. 13, Ann. Hof museum Wien, vii, n. sp. Camptomastix , n. g., typ e Botys pacalis, Leech; Warren, p.439, Ann. N. H. (6) ix. Cataclysta lemnce , respiration of larva ; Muller, Zool. Jahrb. Syst. vi, p. 623 : Cataclysta spp. ? subaquatic oviposition ; Muller, t. c. p. 625. C. hapilista , Khasia Hills, Swinhoe, p. 20, pi. i, fig. 11, Tr. E. Soc. 1892, n. sp. Cephis, n. g., Crambince, p. 295, for C. galleriellus, n. sp., Tunis, p. 296, pi. iii, fig. 12 ; Ragonot, Deutsche e. Z. Lep. v. Chilo infuscatellus, Java, Snellen, p. 347, Tijdschr. Ent. xxxiv, n. sp. Chipeta, n. g., near Tampa , for C. perlepidella , n. sp., Florida ; Hijlst, p. 62, Canad. Ent. xxiv. PY B AL IM. Ins, 275 Choristostigma , n. g.. type Botys plumbosignata, Fern., with C. elegantalis, n. sp., California ; Warren, Ann. N. H. (6) ix. Cirrochrista margarita , S. Paolo, Warren, p. 430, Ann. N. H. (6) ix, n. sp. Cnephidia , n. g., near Selagia , for C. Jcenteriella , n. sp. , Siberia ; Ragonot, p. ccxxxv, Bull. Soc. Ent. Fr. lxi. Conog ethes nub if era , Brisbane, Lucas, p. 264, P. Linn. Soc. N.S.W. (2) vii, n. sp. Coptobasis ridopalis, Khasia Hills, Swinhoe, p. 18, Tr. E. Soc. 1892, n. sp. Cornifrons pulveralis , N. America, Warren, p. 435, Ann. N. H. (6) ix, n. sp. Cosmocreon , n. g., type B. albiceralis , Grote ; Warren, p. 433, Ann. N. H. (6) ix. Crambus atlanticus, n. var. canariensis ; Rebel, p. 254, pi. xvii, figg. 11 & 12, Ann. Hofmuseum Wien, vii. Cremnophila , n. g., near Adelosemia, for C. auranticiliella , n. sp., Siberia; Ragonot, p. ccxxxvi, Bull. Soc. Ent. Fr. lxi. Cybolomia extorris , N. America, Warren, p. 395, Ann. N. H. (6) ix, n. sp. Diacme , n. g., type Samea phyllisalis , Wlk. ; Warren, p. 389, Ann. N. H. (6) ix. Diatrcea saccharalis , notes on in Jamaica, with metamorphoses; Cock- erell (177). D . striatalis, Java, Snellen, p. 349, pi. xix, figs. 1-4, Tijdschr. Ent. xxxiv, n. sp. Dichotis, n. g., type Botys teneralis , Led. ; Warren, p. 392, Ann. N. H. (6) ix. Didymostoma, n. g., type Botys euphranoralis , Wlk. ; Warren, p. 392, Ann. N. H. (6) ix. Dioryctria nivaliensis (Rag. i. 1.), Canary Is., Rebel, p. 256, pi. xvii, fig. 10, Ann. Hofniuseum Wien, vii, n. sp. Diviana nymphceella , Florida, Hulst, p. 62, Canad. Ent. xxiv, n. sp. Durdara ovifera, Borneo, Butler, p. 129, pi. vi, fig. 7, P. Z. S. 1892, n. sp. Bbulea fumipennis , p. 392, B. ? straminea , California, pulverulenta, Dharmsala, p. 393, Warren, Ann. N. H. (6) ix, n. spp. Ematheudes tunesiella, Tunis, Ragonot, p. 298, Deutsche e. Z. Lep. v, n. sp. Endotricha rogenhofen , Canary Is., Rebel, p. 249, pi. xvii, fig. 1, Ann. Hofmuseum Wien, vii ; E. crobulus , p. 305, dispergens, p. 306, Queensland, Lucas, P. Linn. Soc. N.S.W. (2) vi : n. spp. EnnycJiia intrudens , New Zealand, Warren, p. 175, Ann. N. H. (6) ix, n. sp. Ephestia sericaria, Scott, queried as identical with Icuhniella ; Ragonot, p. cclxxiv, Bull. Soc. Ent. Fr. lxi. Euclasta warreni , Transvaal, Distant, Naturalist Transvaal, p. 241, pi. ii, fig. 5, n. sp. Euctenospila , n. g., near Blepharucha, for E. castalis , n. sp., Abyssinia ; Warren, Ann. N. H. (6) ix. 276 Ins. XIII. LEPIDOPTERA. Euergestis consimilis (no locality), Warren, p. 433, Ann. N. H. (6) ix, n. sp. Euzopherci concolorella , Tunis, Ragonot, p. 297, Deutsche e. Z. Lep. v, n. sp. Glauconoe , n. g., type Botys deductalis , Wlk., with G. subjlavalis, Madagascar, fuscescens , Sumatra, n. spp. ; Warren, pp. 296 & 297, Ann. N. H. (6) ix. Glyphodes prothymalis, Khasia Hills, Swinhoe, p. 19, pi. i, fig. 15, Tr. E. Soc. 1892, n. sp. Hemiscopis cinerea , Japan, expavsa, Dharmsala, Warren, p. 396, Ann. N. H. (6) ix, n. spp. Homceosoma canariella , Canary Is., Rebel, p. 260, Ann. Hofmuseum Wien, vii ; H. delineata , Brisbane, Lucas, p. 266, P. Linn. Soc. N.S.W. (2) vii : n. spp. Hyaloplagia , n. g., type Hydrocampa pulchralis, Moore ; Warren, p. 432, Ann. N. H. (6) ix. Hyalorista , n. g., type Bhndaria tceniolalis , Gn., with H. imitans , n. sp., S. Paolo ; Warren, Ann. N. H. (6) ix, p. 299. Hydrocampa nymphceata , structure of larva, skin, breathing, habits, &c , discussed ; Muller, Zool. Jahrb. Syst. vi, pp. 617-622. Hypotomorphci , n. g., near Ancylolomia , p. 252, for _7T. lancerotella, n. sp., Canary Is., p. 253, pi. xvii, figs. 4 & 5 ; Rebel, Ann. Hof- museum Wien, vii. Lipographis subosseella, Bahamas, Hulst, p. 62, Canad. Ent. xxiv, n. sp. Loxocreon , n. g., type Salbia continuatalis, Wllng. ; Warren, p. 432, Ann. N. H. (6) ix. Loxostege baccatalis, Texas, Hulst, p. 63, Canad. Ent. xxiv, n. sp. Melitera dentata , metamorphoses ; Kellogg, Kansas Quart, i, p. 39, pi. viii. Mesographe junctalis, Japan, Warren, p. 434, Ann. N. H. (6) ix, n. sp. Mesothyris , n. g., type Botys aluensis , Butl. ; Warren, p. 300, Ann. N. H. (6) ix. Metasia excavatalis , Tunis, Ragonot, p. 294, pi. iii, fig. 14, Deutsche e. Z. Lep. v, n. sp. Micractis , n. g., type Botys nubilalls, Hb., with M. sanguinealis, n. sp., Japan ; Warren, p. 294, Ann. N. H. (6) ix. Mimoschinia, n. g., type Botys thalialis, Wlk. ; Warren, p. 174, Ann. N. H. (6) ix. Mimudea , n. g., p. 440, for M. olivalis , subrosea , S. Paolo, fiavinotata , Rio Janeiro, n. spp., p 441 ; Warren, Ann. N. H. (6) ix. Monocona , n. g., near Tegostoma , p. 173, for M. rubralis , n. sp., California ; Warren, Ann. N. H. (6) ix. Myelois flaveotincta , Brisbane, Lucas, p. 265, P. Liun. Soc. N.S.W. (2) vii ; M. fructetella , elegantella , p. 59, texanella , leucophoeella , p. 60, N. America, Hulst, Canad. Ent. xxiv : n. spp. Nascia citrinalis , Dharmsala, Warren, p. 302, Ann. N. H. (6) ix, n. sp. Niphograpta , n. g., type Epichronistis albignttcilis,'Wa.r. ; Warren, p. 399, Ann. N. H. (6) ix. PYRALIDJ]. Ins. 277 Noctuelia flavifimbrialis , California, Warren, p. 174, Ann. N. H. (6) ix, n. sp. Notarcha exculta , Brisbane, Lucas, p. 262, P. Linn. Soc. N.S.W. (2) vii, n. sp. Notaspis, n. g., type Botys tranquillalis, Led. ; Warren, p. 297, Ann. N. H. (6) ix. Nymphula sinuosa, Brisbane, Lucas, p. 261, P. Linn. Soc. N.S.W. (2) vii, n. sp. Ocala , n. g., near Dohchorrinia, for 0. dryadella , n. sp., Florida ; Hulst, p. 61, Canad. Ent. xxiv. (Edematophora cacaalis , Brisbane, Lucas, p. 306, P. Linn. Soc. N.S.W. (2) vi, n. sp. Opsibotys latipennis , ocellalis , Japan, Warren, p. 295, Ann. N. H. (6) ix, n. spp. Pachynoa limitata , Borneo, Warren, p. 395, Ann. N. H. (6) ix, n.sp. Pachyzancla dissimilis , Accra, Warren, p. 442, Ann. N. H. (6) ix, n. sp. Paralipsa decorella , N. America, Hulst, p. 63, Canad. Ent. xxiv, n. sp. Paraponyx, sp. (Brazil), respiration of larva ; Muller, Zool. Jahrb. Syst. vi, p. 625. Pessocosma suffusalis , G-oya, Warren, Ann. N. H. (6) ix, p. 390, n.sp. Pharambara sphoraria , Khasia Hills, Swinhoe, p. 18, pi. i, fig. 17, Tr. E. Soc. 1892 ; P. vinosa , Borneo, Butler, p. 130, pi. vi, fig. 8, P. Z. S. 1892 : n. spp. Phlyctcenia ferruginealis , paolinalis , arenacea , Rio de Janeiro, Warren, p. 431, Ann. N. H. (6) ix, n. spp. Pindicitora jlavifrons , Accra, Warren, p. 172, Atm. N. H. (6) ix, n. sp. Prionopaltis , n. g., p. 437, for P. sericea , Dharmsala, consocia , P. ? suffusalis , Japan, p. 438, n. spp. ; Warren, Ann. N. H. (6) ix. Prionophora tcrquesauria , Brisbane, Lucas, p. 255, P. Linn. Soc. N.S.W. (2) vii, n. sp. Prodasycnemis , n. g., type Botys inornata , Butl. ; Warren, p. 301, Ann. N. H. (6) ix. Pygospila tyres , n. var., cuprealis ; Swinhoe, p. 19, pi. i, fig. 4, Tr. E. Soc. 1892. Pyrausta dorsipunctalis , Canary Is., Rebel, p. 245, Ann. Hof museum Wien, vii ; P. straminea , violacea , Queensland, Lucas, p. 263, P. Linn. Soc. N.S.W. (2) vii ; P. coccinea, California, Warren, p. 176, Ann. N. H. (6) ix ; P. magdalena , Florida, Fernald, p. 122, Canad. Ent. xxiv ; P. nigralis , Florida, Fernald, p. 178, t. c. : n. spp. Ramila angustifimbrialis , Burma, Warren, p. 430, Ann. N. H. (6) ix, n. sp. Rhectocraspeda, n. g., type Botys periusalis, Wlk. ; Warren, p. 439, Ann. N. H. (6) ix. Rhodoneura notula , hab. ?, R. ? tessellatula, Philippines, Pagenstecher, p. 58, Deutsche e. Z. Lep. v (for other n. spp. of Rhodoneura see Bombyces , p. 246) : n. spp. Salebria levigatella, purpurella , N. America, Hulst, p. 61, Canad. Ent. xxiv, n. spp. 278 Ins . XIII. LEPIDOPTERA. Scirjjojihaga Intacta , Java, Snellen, p. 343, pi. xviii, figs. 1-4, Tijdschr. Ent. xxxiv, n. sp. Semniomima n. g. for Hypocrita fiaviceps, Burm. ; Warren, p. 172, Ann. N. H. (6) ix. Sericophora guttata , figured, Romanoff Mem. vi, pi. xiv, fig. 14. Sericoplaga n. g., near Opsibotys , p. 295, for S. externalis , n. sp., Texas, p. 296 ; Warren, Ann. N. H. (6) ix. Sicul[od]idce : monographic revision of the group ; Pagenstecher, Deutsche e. Z. Lep. v, pp. 5-131, and Supplement to the revision, id . t. Co pp. 443-449. Stculodes (?) ignotalis, Bonerate, ROber, p. 329, Tijdschr. Ent. xxxiv (fig. in xxxv) ; S. pulchelloides , Peru, p. 64, pi. i, fig. 4, paullula, Chiriqui, p. 65, violalis , Ecuador, arcuata , Chiriqui, p. 69, apicialis , Peru, p. 70, furcatula , Cameroons, p. 71, pi. i, fig. 6, erythrinalis , Brazil, pi. i, fig. 17, squamigera , p. 72, catenula, p. 73, Natal, anastomosalis , Chiriqui, albipunctula, Peru, p. 76, tristriata , Monte- video, p. 77, laevigata, p. 78, ferruginea , p. 79, 8. ( Zeuzerodes ) leuconotula, p. 80, pi. i, fig. 15, fumatilis , p. 81, Chiriqui, cervinalis , p. 82, selenioides , p. 83, pi. i, fig. 14, Peru, maculata , p. 91, straminula , p. 92, pater cula, p. 94, Brazil, fratercula , California, p. 95, mirabilis , Peru, p. 96, pi. i, fig. 10, denticulata, Chiriqui, p. 98, pl.i, fig. 12, politula , Philippines, p. 101, rotundula , Amazons, p. 107, pi. i, fig. 7, polychloralis , Chiriqui, p. 108, nigropunctula , Natal, p. 109, quadri- punctula, Sumatra, p. 110, flavula, Gaboon, p. Ill, guttula , Amazons, pi. i, fig. 11, p. 112, rosacea , Malacca, p. 119, pi. i, fig. 3, corticinay Borneo, p. 121, triangularis , Philippines, p. 122, globulifera , p. 123, Pagenstecher, Deutsche e. Z. Lep. v : n. spp. Spilodes bicoloralis , Bagdad, Warren, p. 178, Ann. N. H. (6) ix, n. sp. Stenochora, n. g., type Rhodaria lancinalis , Gn. ; Warren, p. 298, Ann. N. H. (6) ix. Stenomeles , n. g., type Bo/ys agavealis, Wlk. ; Warren, p. 437, Ann. N. H. (6) ix. Striglina radiata, Portorico, p. 41, sordida , Borneo, p. 47, Pagenstecher, Deutsche e. Z. Lep. v, n. spp. Syllythria ? rubrivena , Madagascar, p. 176, subnicalis , California, p. 177, Warren, Ann. N. H. (6) ix, n. spp. Tanaophysa , n. g. for T. adornatalis , n. sp., S. Paolo ; Warren, p. 389, Ann. N. H. (6) ix. Terastiodes, n. g., type Terastia ochracealis, Wlk. ; Warren, p. 298, Ann. N. H. (6) ix. Tetraphana alipes , Amazons, p. 3, lilacina , Bolivia, p. 4, pi. i, fig. 2 (but p. 131 said to be Euclea fenestrata, Men.) ; Pagenstecher, Deutsche e. Z. Lep. v, n. spp. Tholeria stigmosalis, S. Paolo, Warren, p. 429, Ann. N. H. (6) ix, n. sp. Trichauchenia , n. g., type Euclita dharmsalcei Butl. ; Warren, p. 173, Ann. N. H. (6) ix. Ins. 279 PYRALlDiE, TORTRICIDJL Trischistognatha, n. g., type Spilodes palindialis, Gn. ; Warren, p.429, Ann. N. H. (6) ix. Tritcea protealis, Callao, ferruginea, Coquimbo, Warren, p. 179, Ann. N. H. (6) ix, n. spp. TJdea sabulosalis , Coqnimbo, p. 393, indistinctalis , N. America, inhospitalis , California, nigripunctata , Callao, p. 394, Warren, Ann. N. H. (6) ix, n. spp. Varnia aurea , Chiriqui, p. 32, pi. i, fig. 13, incudigera , p. 33, ypsiloides , p. 35, Java, Pagenstecher, Deutsche e. Z. Lep. v, n. spp. Zophodia bella, Massachusetts, Hulst, p. 61, Canad. Ent. xxiv, n. sp. Zeuzerodes, n. subg. of Siculodes , g.u. ; Pagenstecher, p. 80, Deutsche e. Z. Lep. v. Tortricim. [Cf. Chretien (174), Constant (182), Fernald (280), Meyrick (605), Rebel (715), Riley (748, 749), Snellen (872), Staudinger (891).] Bactra lanceolana , = ( Chiloides straminea , Butl.) ; Meyrick, p. 217, Tr. N. Z. Inst. xxiv. Cacoecia semiferana , egg-clusters noticed ; Gillette, Canad. Ent. xxiv, p. 36. C. rosana and parallela, full-grown larvse ; Beutenmuller, p. 80, Bull. Am. Mus. iv. C. magnoliana , New York, Fernald, p. 121, Canad. Ent. xxiv, n. sp. Carpocapsa saltitans , determination of the plant ; Riley, P. E. Soc. Wash, ii, pp. 178 & 213. Ditula woodiana , habits ; Wood, Ent. M. M. xxviii, p. 225. Doloploca burcetica , Siberia, Staudinger, p. 388, Deutsche e. Z. Lep. v, n. sp. Eupcecilia geyeriana and larva figured ; Richardson, P. Dorset Club, xiii, pi. Grapholitha carduana , n. var. subvittana ; Staudinger, p. 299, Deutsche e. Z. Lep. v. G. kenteana , Siberia, Staudinger, p. 390, Deutsche e. Z. Lep. v ; G. schistaceana , Java, Snellen, p. 353, pi. xix, figs. 5-7, Tijdschr. Ent. xxxiv ; G. sebastiance, N. Mexico, Riley, p. 214, P. E. Soc. Wash, ii : n. spp. Noteraula , n. g. ( Grapholithidce ), for Chiloides straminea , Meyr., nee Butler ; Meyrick, p. 217, Tr. N. Z. Inst. xxiv. Pandemis simonyi , Canary Is., Rebel, p. 263, pi. xvii, figs. 8 & 9, Ann. Hofmuseum Wien, vii, n. sp. Penthina oblongana, n. var. adelana ; Rebel, p, 526, Yerh. z.-b. Wien, xlii. Pyrgotis plinthoglypta , New Zealand, Meyrick, p. 218, Tr. N. Z. Inst, xxiv, n. sp. Sciaphila cinareana, Carcassonne, Chretien, Le Nat. 1892, p. 132, n. sp. Steganoptycha lindana, Ontario, Fernald, p. 178, Canad. Ent. xxiv, n. sp. 280 Ins. XIII. LEPIDOPTERA. Teras ferrugana, metamorphoses, Chretien, p. 240, Le Nat. 1892, n. sp. T. comandrana , N. America, Fernald, p. 121, Canad. Eat. xxiv ; T. angusana, N. America, Fernald, p. 178, t. c. : n. spp. Tineiile. \_Cf. Chapman (164), Constant (182), Durrant (210), Erschoff (779), Fernald (280), Lower (565), Meyrick (605), Ragonot (711), Rebel (715, 716), Riley (741, 742, 743), Staudinger (891), Wood (1014, 1015).] Wing-neuration discussed ; Spuler, Z. wiss. Zool. liii, pp. 626-635. Tineid larva mining leaves of Populus fremonti described ; Townsend, Zoe, iii, pp. 234-236. Adela infantella , figure, pi. xvi, fig. 3, Romanoff Mem. vi. A. viridella , oviposition of ; Chapman, Ent. M. M. xxviii, p. 42. Blastobasis mamorosellci , Woll., characters discussed ; Rebel, p. 276, pi. xvii, fig. 6, Ann. Hof museum Wien, vii. Bucculatrix canadensi sella, metamorphoses ; Packard, Ins. Life, v, p. 14, fig. Butalis sagittatella , figure, pi. xvi, fig. 12, Romanoff Mem. vi. Cerostoma falculella , figure, pi. xvi, fig. 4, Romanoff Mem. vi. C. affinitella , Siberia, Staudinger, p. 392, Deutsche e. Z. Lep. v, n. sp. Choreutis Solaris , figure, Romanoff Mem. vi, pi. xvi, fig. 1. Coleophora lativittella , figure, pi. xvi, fig. 11, Romanoff Mem. vi. C. sylvatieella, p. 118, glaucicolella , p. 172, England, Wood, Ent. M. M. xxviii; C. agrammella , England, Wood, t. c. p. 283; C. confluella, Canary Is., Rebel, p. 278, pi. xvii, fig. 15, Ann. Hofmuseum Wien, vii : n. spp. Cryptophaga blachburnii , ochroleuca, S. Australia, Lower, p. 15, Tr. R. Soc. S. Austr. xv, n. spp. Depressaria multiplicella, pi. xvi, fig. 5, anticella , fig. 6, figured, Romanoff Mem. vi. D. doronicella , metamorphoses; Constant, Bull. Soc. Autun, iv, pp. 277-283. D. conciliatella, Canary Is., Rebel, p. 272, pi. xvii, fig. 14, Ann. Hof- museum Wien, vii, n. sp. Erechthias erebistis , New Zealand, Meyrick, p. 220, Tr. N. Z. Inst, xxiv, n. sp. Etiella zinclcenella , Tr., = ( Madagascar iensis , Saalm., and chry sopor ella, Meyr.) ; Snellen, p. 84, Tijdschr. Ent. xxxv. Gelechia anthyllidella, — ( sparsiciliella , Barrett) ; Barrett, Ent. M. M. xxviii, p. 80. G. gallcediplopappi, larva noticed ; Fyles, p. 34, Canad. Ent. xxiv. G. cinctipunctella, pi. xvi, fig. 7, G. ( Lita ) mela - notephrella , fig. 8, G. ( Teleia ) trijugella , fig. 9, figured, Romanoff Mem. vi. Glyphipteryx magnatella, figure, pi. xvi, fig. 10, Romanoff Mem. vi. Hyponomeuta gigas, Canary Is. ; Rebel, p. 271, pi. xvii, fig. 17, Ann. Hofmuseum Wien, vii, n. sp. TINETM. Ins . 28-1 Lampronia capitella. life-history ; Chapman, Ent. M. M. xxviii, p. 297. Lichenaula selenophora , S. Australia, Lower, p. 16, Tr. It. Soc. S. Austr. xv, n. sp. Lita solanella , metamorphoses figured, Ins. Life, iv, p. 239. Nemophora dorsiguttella, figure, pi. xvi, fig. 2, Romanoff Mem. vi. Palparici leucosta, S. Australia, Lower, p. 10, Tr. R. Soc. S. Austr. xv, n. sp. Phylomictis monockroma , S. Australia, Lower, p. 17, Tr. R. Soc. S. Austr. xv, n. sp. Prodoxus : variation, habits, &c. ; Riley, P. Biol. Soc. Washington, vii, pp. 96-99. P. pulverulentus , p. 315, y-inversus , p. 316, reticulatus , p. 317, colora- densis, p. 318, sordidus , p. 319, N. America, Riley, P. E. Soc. Wash, ii, n. spp. Pronuba, and fertilisation of Yucca ; Riley, P. Biol. Soc. Washington, vii, pp. 81, &c., woodcuts. P. (and Prodoxus ), some anatomical pecu- liarities; Riley, P. E. Soc.Wash. ii, pp. 305-311: maxillary tentacles ; Smith, P. Am. Ass. xli, p. 198 : problematical larva : Townsend, Zoe, iii, p. 115. Pronuba synthetica , Mojave Desert, Riley, P. E. Soc. Wash, ii, p. 312, metamorphoses, with figg. : n. sp. Psecadia libyella , Tunis, Ragonot, p. lxxxii, Bull. Soc. Ent. Fr. lxi, n.sp. Ptocheuusa multistrigeLla , Tunis, Ragonot, p. lxxxii, Bull. Soc. Ent. Fr. lxi, n. sp. Sematocera, n. g., near Lasioctena, p. 242, for S. fuliginipuneta , n. sp., Transvaal, p. 243, pi. iv, fig. 4 ; Durrant in Distant, Naturalist Transvaal. Semiocosma caustopa, paraneura, New Zealand, Mey’rick, p. 219, Tr. N. Z. Inst, xxiv, n. spp. Setomorpha discipunctella, Canary Is., Rebel, p. 267, pi. xvii, fig. 16, Ann. Hofmuseum Wien, vii, n. sp. Staintonia fulgens, figured, pi. xvi, fig. 13, generic positiou queried, p. 671, Romanoff Mem. vi. Suiammerdamia apicella, larva described ; Elisha, Ent. M. M. xxviii, p. 257. Tinea merdella , n. var. ? immaculatella , Rebel, p. 269, Ann. Hofmuseum Wien, vii, n. sp. ; T. propulsatella, Tyrol, Rebel, p. 527, Yerh. z.-b. Wien, xlii ; T. bipartitella , Tunis, Ragonot, p. lxxxii, Bull. Soc. Ent. Fr. lxi : n. spp. Tineola alutella , Canary Is., Rebel, p. 270, pi. xvii, fig. 3, Ann. Hof- museum Wien, vii, n. spp. Tineomima, n. g. for Tineola ? (T.) henteella , n. sp., Siberia ; Staudinger, p. 391, Deutsche e. Z. Lep. v. Trachypepla Jiieropisy New Zealand, Meyrick, p. 218, Tr. N. Z. Inst, xxiv, n. sp. Xylorycta leucophanes, S. Australia, Lower, p. 17, Tr. R. Soc. S. Austr. xv, n. sp. 282 Ins. XIII. LEPIDOPTERA. Agdistidje, Pterophoridac [0/. Hering (401), Mabille & Vuillot (573), Staudinger (890).] Aciptilia tuneta , Tunis, Staudinger, p. 300, Deutsche e. Z. Lep. v, n. sp. Atomopteryx doeri , figured ; Mabille & Vuillot, pi. xii, fig. 1, Nov. Lep. Gilbertia eques, figured ; Mabille & Vuillot, Nov. Lep. pi. xii, fig. 6. Mimceseoptilus pinarodactylus, figure, pi. xvi, fig. 15, Romanoff Mem. vi. Ochyrotica fasciatct, figured; Mabille & Vuillot, pi. xii, fig. 2, Nov. Lep. Platyptilia terminalis , figure, pi. xvi, fig. 14, Romanoff Mem. vi ; P. ochrodactyla , dichrodactyla, bertrami , borgmanni , compilation of opinions as to distinctions of ; Hering, pp. 269-277, S. E. Z. liii. Sochchora donatella , figured ; Mabille & Vuillot, pi. xii, fig. 5, Nov. Lep. Steganodactyla concursa, pi. xii, fig. 3, connexiva, fig. 4, figured ; Mabille & Vuillot, Nov. Lep. Uroloba fuscicostata , figured ; Mabille & Vuillot, Nov. Lep. pi. xii, fig. 8. Utuca ochracealis , figured ; Mabille & Vuillot, Nov. Lep. pi. xii, fig. 7. Ins. 283 (d.) dipteba. [C/. Aldrich (5, 6), Arribalzaga (15), Becker (45), Bergroth (61), Bezzi (79, 80), Bidenkap (81), Bigot (83-87), Blanchard (101, 102), Brauer (116, 117, 118), Brauer & Bergenstamm (119), Cholodkovsky (171), Cockerell (180), Coquillett (185-190), Giglio-Tos (339-343), Guthrie (381), Henneguy & Binet (399), Hudson (440), Jenkinson (456), Kieffer (492-495), Kowarz (512), Lampa (537, 538), Liebel (562), Meade (595, 596, 597), Meunier (602), Mik (606-610), Mortensen (627), Muggenburg (628), Osten-Sacken (659-663), Portschinsky (698, 699), Riley (753), Reed (718), Roder (769, 770, 771), Rubsaamen (784-787), Sangagli (791), Sawtschenko (796), Snow (877), Stein (895, 896), Strobl (902-906), Theobald (919), Thomas (924, 925), Tomosvary (929), Townsend (931-944, 946, 947), Trybom (951), Verrall (971), Webster (990), Williston (347, 1010, 1011), Wulp (1019).] Table of the N. American genera of Nemocerous Diptera ; Townsend, Tr. Am. Ent. Soc. xix, pp. 144-160. Catalogue of Diptera of the Oriental Region ; Bigot (84). A new spinning Hilara, cf. H. aeronetha , infra. Cecidomyiidj:. Structure and mode of preparation of larvae ; Thomas, pp. 356-358, Verh. z.-b. Wien, xlii. General notes on the structure of larvae of Cecidomyiidce ; Rubsaamen, Berl. Ent. Zeit. xxxvi, pp. 381-391, pi. xiv. New Cecidomyiid galls ; Rubsaamen, pp. 403-406, Berl. Ent. Zeit. xxxvi. Account of various Cecidomyiid galls ; Thomas (925). Mode of preparing for collections, classification ; Rubsaamen, Berl. Ent. Zeit. xxxvii, pp. 319-341 : Amended descriptions of many species ; id. t. c. pp. 341-404. Asphondylia , notes on the characters and species, Kieffer, pp. 220-222, Wien. ent. Z. xi ; A. sarothamni , Lw., and bitensis , Ki elf., noticed, Mik, p. 184, Wien. ent. Z. xi ; A. cytisi , sarothamni , genistce , notes on, Rubsaamen, pp. 59-61, Verh. z.-b. Wien. xlii. Asynapta citrina, description amplified ; Kieffer, p. 264, Berl. Ent. Zeit. xxxvi. 284 Ins. XIII. DJPTEEA. Cecidomyia rosaria , descriptive note, p. 246, salicina, Schrank, synonymy, p, 247, sciliciperda , Duf., descriptive note, p. 249, Kieffer, Berl. Ent. Zeit. xxxvi ; C. vicice gall, noticed and figured, Mik, p. 306, Wien. ent. Z. xi, pi. iii, figg. 1-3 : sp. ? gall on Thalictrum, p. 307, fig. 4. C. praticola , Bitsch, Kieffer, p. 216, Wien. ent. Z. xi ; G. clavifex, p. 241, pulvini, p. 244, Jcarscki , p. 251, medullaris , p. 253, dubia, p. 255, Bitsch, Kieffer, Berl. Ent. Zeit. xxxvi ; C. saxifrages , Bitsch, Kieffer, p. 262, t. c.\ C. dulcamaras , p. 397, kleini , p. 398, symphyti, p. 399, tetensi, p. 400, gemmae , p. 401, Germany, Rubsaamen, t. c. : n. spp. Choristoneura , n. g., for obtusa , Lw. ; Rubsaamen, p. 342, Berl. Ent. Zeit. xxxvii. Clinorrhyncha , characters noticed ; Kieffer, p. 223, Wien. ent. Z. xi. Colomyia , n. g. near Epidosis, for C. clavata, n. sp., Bitsch, Kieffer, p. 259, Berl. Ent. Zeit. xxxvi. Cystiphora , n. g. for a part of Cecidomyia , p. 213, including C. pilosellce, n. sp., Bitsch, p. 213, Kieffer, Wien ent. Z. xi. Dichelomyia , n. g. for a part of Cecidomyia ; Rubsaamen, p. 346, Berl. Ent. Zeit. xxxvii. Diplosis tritici, ravages in Sweden ; Lampa (536). D. loewii , p. 49, rosiperda , p. 54, Weidenau, rhamni, Germany, p. 57, Rubsaamen, Verh. z.-b. Wien, xlii ; D. vorax, p. 393, necans, p. 394, pastinacas , p. 395, solani, p. 396, Germany, RObsaamen, Berl. Ent. Zeit. xxxvi ; D. coccidarum , Jamaica, Cockerell, Ent. xxv, p. 181 : n. spp. Hormomyia hartigi , Lorraine, Liebel, p. 285, Ent. Nachf. xviii ; H. rosen- haueri , p. 394, brunnea , p. 396, Europe, Rubsaamen, Berl. Ent. Zeit. xxxvii : n. spp. Lasioptera carojihila, $ and larva described ; Kieffer, Wien. ent. Z. xi. Hacrolabis) n. g. for a part of Cecidomyia , p. 214, including M. marteli , n. sp., Elbeuf, p. 215 ; Kieffer, Wien. ent. Z. xi. Monarthropalpus , n. g. for flavus , Schrank ; Rubsaamen, p. 381, Berl. Ent. Zeit. xxxvii. Rhopalomyia , n. g. for species previously referred to Cecidomyia or Hor- momyia ; Rubsaamen, pp. 370 & 375, Berl. Ent. Zeit. xxxvii. Schizomyia, n. sp., larva noticed, p. 220, pi. i, fig. 8 ; S. (sub Epulosie) nigripes , Lw., larva described, Kieffer, Wien. ent. Z. xi. Mycetophilid^ SiMULiiDAb Bibionidj], Blepharocerlml Blepharoceridce : synopsis of the described genera and species ; Osten- Sacken, Berl. Ent. Zeit. xxxvi, pp. 407-411. Bolitophila luminosa , noticed, metamorphoses figured ; Hudson, Manual, p. 49, frontispiece. Coelosia fusca, Pavia, Bezzi, Bull. Ent. Xtal. xxiv, p. 68, n. sp. MYCETOPHILIDtE STRATIOMYIJD^]. Ins. 285 ~Mycetophila antarctica , New Zealand, Hudson, Manual, p. 46, pi. iv, fig. 5, n. sp. Simulia columbacensis, metamorphoses ; Tomosvary, Glasnik Naravosl. Druzt. yi, p. 187, &c., pi. ii. Plecia concolor , New Grenada, Wulp, p. 197, Tijdschr. Ent. xxxiv, n. sp. CULICID.E, CHIRONOMIDiE. Ceratopogon antipodum, New Zealand, Hudson, Manual, p. 45, pi. iv, fig. 4, n. sp. Chironomus : Mermis larva in larva of ; Trybom, Ent. Tidskr. xiii, pp. 81-92. C. zealandicus, New Zealand, Hudson, Manual, p. 43, pi. iv, fig. 2, n. sp. Corethra antarctica , New Zealand, Hudson, Manual, p. 43, pi. iv, fig. 3, n. sp. TlPULl DA£. Adelphomyia , n. g. near Limnophila , for A. helvetica, n. sp., Switzerland ; Bergroth, p. 134, MT. Ges. Bern. 1890. Dicranota brevitarsis , p. 135, brevicornis , longitarsis , p. 136, Switzerland, Bergroth, MT. Ges. Bern. 1890, n. spp. Gnophomyia iripudians) Switzerland, Bergroth, p. 131, MT. Ges. Bern. 1890, n. sp. Limnophila denticulata , Switzerland, Bergroth, p. 132, MT. Ges. Bern. 1890, n. sp. Orimargula , Mik, is the same as Antocha , O.-S., the species discussed ; Osten Sacken, pp. 313 [in error for 41 3]— 416, Berl. Ent. Zeit. xxxvi. Pachyrhina immaculata , Java, Wulp, p. 196, Tijdschr. Ent. xxxiv, n. sp. Rhypholophus egenus , Switzerland, Bergroth, p. 131, MT. Ges. Bern. 1890, n. sp. Tipula bicornis : habits, oviposition, Webster, Bull. Dep. Agric. Ent. xxvi, pp. 66-70 ; T. dispar and pagana , distinctions of, Dale, Ent. M. M. xxviii, p. 310. T. saginata , Switzerland, Bergroth, p. 137, MT. Ges. Bern. 1890 ; T. ornaticornis , New Grenada, Wulp, p. 195, pi. xii, fig. 1, Tijdschr. Ent. xxxiv ; T. fumipennis, New Zealand, Hudson, Manual, p. 48, pi. v, fig. 2 : n. spp. Xylophagid^i and Stratiomyiim. Beris vallata, mimics Atlialia ; Giard, p. 43, CR. Soc. Biol, (n.s.) iv. Dialysis disparilis , spurs of tibia ; Bergroth, p. 162, Wien. eut. Z. xi. Platyna hastata , characters of ; Roder, p. 271, Wien. ent. Z. xi. Stratiomys longicornis , histology of nervous system of larva ; Henneguy & Binet, Ann. Soc. Ent. Fr. lxi, pp. 309-316, pi. vi. 286 Ins . XIII. DIPTERA. Tabanim. Atylotus letourneuxi , Batna, p. 643, camaronensis , Madeira, cereolus , E. Africa, p. 644, niveipalpis , ruficeps , p. 645, namaquinus , p. 646, zonlouensis, S. Africa, cdazinus, Caucasus, p. 647, polyzonatus , p. 648, canipalpis , Persia, macer , albocostatus , p. 649, conicus, p. 650, melan~ opygatus, leucopogon , p. 651, angustus , oxyceratus , p. 652, assamensis , birnianicus , p. 653 , pagodinus. monilifer , p. 654, monotceniatus, p. 655, nephodes, leucocnematus, p. 656, jo'idus, flaviventris , p. 657, E. India, fuscicauda, Ceylon, pallidepectoratus , Saigon, p. 658, bitub erculatus , China ?, p. 659, tenessensis , acutus , N. America, obesus, p. 660, erythrceus, p. 661, fuscicrura , Mexico, picticornis, Haiti, p. 662, wra- punctatus , S. America, rubescens, Uruguay, p. 663, eutceniatus , tectus, p. 664, Brazil, pulverulentus , Cayenne, anrisquammatus, Brazil, p. 665, indecisus, p. 666, simplex , Amazons, polytcenia , Buenos Ayres, p. 667, erythrocephalus, Panama, andamanicus , Andaman Is., p. 668, cinerascens , lacrymans, p. 669, abbreviatus, Java, albonotatus , New Caledonia, p. 670, A. ? picticornis, p. 671, sonnerati , alfourensis, p. 672, New Guinea, laglaisei, Waigiou, avidus , rufinotatus. p. 673, hyperythreus , p. 674, sanguinarius, claripennis, p. 675, erraticus , rubrinotatus , hab. ? p. 676, Bigot, Mem. Soc. Zool.lv, n. spp. Bellardia sinica, , China, p. 629, annamita , Saigon, rubribarbis, S. America, p. 630, furcata, hab. ?, p. 631, Bigot, Mem. Soc. Zool. v, n. spp. Bolbodimyia, n. g. for B. bicolor , n. sp., Yenezuela, Bigot, p. 162, Wien, ent. Z. xi; see also Roder, £. c. p. 237. Chrysops iranensis , Persia, cinctus , Philippines, p. 602, atricornis, p. 603, nigriventris , p. 604, coloradensis , p. 605, N. America, oculatus , Brazil, p. 606, trimaculatus , Senegal, p. 607, Bigot, Mem. Soc. Zool. v, n. spp. Corizoneura annulata , S. Europe ?, p. 612, albifrons , p. 613, brachyr- rhyncha, Cape Good Hope, nigricornis, Australia, p. 614, ruficornis , velutina , p. 615, California, leucopicta , New Caledonia, trichncera , p. 616, rubiginosa , (7. ? angusta, p. 617, Australia, Bigot, Mem. Soc. Zool. v, n. spp. Dasybasis tristis , Chili, Bigot, p. 621, Mem. Soc. Zool. v, n. sp. Biachlorus barbatus , Piedmont, p. 622, maroccanus , Marocco, notatus , California, p. 623, D. ? hcematopotides , N. America, p. 624, D. melas , Sydney, p. 625, Bigot, Mem. Soc. Zool. v, n. spp. Diatomineura californica , California, p. 618, hirtipalpis, Chili, earned , p. 619, D. ? gagantina , p. 620, Australia, Bigot, Mem. Soc. Zool. v, n. spp. Dichcelacera pachypalpus , Mexico, p. 631, japonica , Japan, satanica, p. 632, castanea, albopicta , p. 633, marmorata , p. 634, Brazil, peruviana , p. 635, Peru, Bigot, Mem. Soc. Zool. v, n. spp. Erephosis vertebrata, Australia, Bigot, p. 618, Mem. Soc. Zool. v, n. sp. Goniops , n. g., p. 236, for G. hippoboscoides , n. sp., Dakota, p. 237, Aldrich, Psyche, vi. TABANIDJE, NEMESTRINIDJ], BOMBYLIIDJ\ Ins. 287 Hcematopota : the species tabulated last year now described ; Bigot, pp. 626-629, Mem. Soc. Zool. v. Mesomyia ? maoriorum , New Zealand, Bigot, p. 621, Mem. Soc. Zool. v, n. sp. Mycteromyia nigrifacies , India, p. 607, ensata , elegans , Cape Good Hope, p. 608, nitens, p. 609, penicillata , Brazil, cinerascens , Chili, p. 610, albipectus , p. 611, erythronotata , p. 612, Brazil, Bigot, Mem. Soc. Zool. v, n. spp. Pangonia bricchettii , Somaliland, Bezzi, p. 181, Ann. Mus. Genov. (2) xii; P. bahiana , Brazil, Bigot, p. 612, Mem. Soc. Zool. v : n. spp. Selasoma tibialis , note on ; Roder, p. 287, Wien. ent. Z. xi. Silvius bicolor , Marocco, Bigot, p. 625, Mem. Soc. Zool. v, n. sp. Stibasoma pachycephalum , Mexico, bicolor , Brazil, Bigot, p. 636, Mem. Soc. Zool. vi, n. spp. Tabanus swiridowi , figured, pi. i, fig. 2, Hor. Ent. Ross. xxvi. T. lama , Mongolia, Portschinsky, p. 201, Hor. Ent. Ross, xxvi ; T. yulensis, New Guinea, Roder, p. 244, S. E. Z. liii ; T. oritensis , Caucasus, p. 677 , glaber, India, yokoamensis , Japan, p. 678, nitidulus , rufocallosus, Java, p. 679, leonum , Sierra Leone, p. 680, fuscipalpis, tetropsis , p. 681, N. America, sexvittatus , Mexico, p. 682, atricornis , S. America, pruinosus , Mexico, p. 683, villosulus , California, discifer , Amazons, p. 684, venosus , p. 685, callicera , albidocinctus , p. 686, macroceratus , Brazil, erythrceus , La Plata, p. 687, lunulatus , p. 688, Australia, lifuensis, Lifu Is., indistinctus , p. 689, raffreyi (sic), p. 690, New Guinea, Bigot, Mem. Soc. Zool. v : n. spp. Therioplectes cethereus, Europe ?, trichocerus, p. 637, fezianus , p. 638, Marocco, batnensis , calopis, p. 639, Batna, leucophorus, p. 640, macu- lifer, hirtulus, p. 641, N. America, limbatus, Buenos Ayres, T. ? meZa- norhinus, N. America, p. 642, Bigot, Mem. Soc. Zool. v, n. spp. rufopilosus , Chili, Bigot, p. 620, Mem. Soc. Zool. v, n. sp. Nemestrinid2E and Bombyliidj:. Classification of Bombyliidce , with table of genera ; Bigot, pp. 321-342, Ann. Soc. Ent. Fr. lxi. Acreotrichus inappendiculatus , Australia, Bigot, p. 366, Ann. Soc. Ent. Fr. lxi, n. sp. Amictus auripilus, N. America, p. 372, cinerascens, Chili, p. 373, Bigot, Ann. Soc. Ent. Fr. lxi, n. spp. Anthrax : revision of the N. American species, with notes, synonymy, and tables ; Coqtiillett, Tr. Am. Ent. Soc. xix, pp. 168-187. A. tangerinus, Marocco, p. 353, aurocinctus . Senegal, fissus, N. America, p. 354, eurhinatus, Mexico, ruficollis , Venezuela, p. 355, bifenestratus , California, unicinctus , p. 356, bipenicillatus, obscuripes, p. 357, melano- gaster, pallipes, micromelas , p. 358, Chili, Bigot, Ann. Soc. Ent. Fr. lxi ; A. nitidofasciatus , Central Asia, Portschinsky, p. 208, pi. i, fig. 5, Hor. Ent. Ross, xxvi ; A. muscaria, p. 178, pretiosa, vacans, 288 Ins . XIII. DIPTERA. p. 179, cinefacta, p. 180, inculta , terrena , squamigera , p. 181, gemella , hircina, tellur is, p. 182, vulpina , crocina , p. 183, tantilla,variata,, vasta, p. 184, lacunaris , fenestraioid.es, p. 185, sabulosa , p. 186, arenosa , p. 187, N. America, Coqtjillett, Tr. Am. Ent. Soc. xix : n. spp. Apiomidas , n. g. near Rhaphiomidas , for A. trochilus, n. sp., California ; Coquillett, p. 314, Canad. Ent. xxiv. Argyromceba appendiculata, Pondichery, varicolor , p. 347, melanopogon , albosparsa , N. America, p. 348, aterrima, no locality, acroleuca , China ?, crinita , p. 349, plurinota, p. 350, Chili, Bigot, Ann. Soc. Ent. Fr. lxi, n. spp. Bombylius nigropenicillatus , Asia Minor, fulvipes, albosparsus , Pondichery, p. 362, albopenicillatus , Mexico, laticeps , p. 363, cinereus , California, ochraceus , Monte Video, australianus , p. 364, rubriventris , p. 365, Sydney, Bigot, Ann. Soc. Ent. Fr. lxi, n. spp. Comptosia fulvipes, Australia, Bigot, p. 359, Aun. Soc. Ent. Fr. lxi ; C. virida , New Zealand, Hudson, Manual, p. 55, pi. vi, fig. 3 : n. spp. Conophorus mauritanicus , p. 360, Algeria, melanoceratus, California, p. 361, Bigot, Ann. Soc. Ent. Fr. lxi, n. sp. Dischistus cycnus , leucophys , Cape Good Hope, p. 368, melanurus , Natal, fuscipes , N. America, p. 369, Bigot, Ann. Soc. Ent. Fr. lxi, n. spp. Eclimus venosus, Europe ?, Bigot, p. 371, Ann. Soc. Ent. Fr. lxi, n. sp. Epacmus rufolimbatus, California, Bigot, p. 359, Ann. Soc. Ent. Fr. lxi ; jE. concinnus , pellucidus , fumosus , California, Lyman, pp. 10 & 11, Canad. Ent. xxiv : n. spp. Eurycarenus ? pachyceratus, Cape Good Hope, Bigot, Ann. Soc. Eut. Fr. p. 371, n. sp. Exoprosopa : characters of some N. American ; Coquillett, p. 123, Canad. Ent. xxiv. AJ. herzi , Korea, Portschinsky, p. 207, pi. i, fig. 4, Hor. Ent. Ross, xxvi; i£. vitrea, Pondichery, melanura, N. America, p. 344, pallens, Cali- fornia, p. 345, bipartita , Colombia, latelimbata , Australia, p. 346, Bioot, Ann. Soc. Ent. Fr. lxi ; AJ. grata, California, Coquillett, p. 124, Canad. Ent. xxiv : n. spp. Heron cothurnatus, Tasmania, dicroma, Cape Good Hope ?, Bigot, Ann. Soc. Ent. Fr. lxi ; G. fasciola, p. 125, capax, p. 126, California, Coquillett, Canad. Ent. xxiv : n. spp. Glossista costata, Amazons, multicolor, Chili, p. 352, lipposa , Sydney, p. 353, Bigot, Ann. Soc. Ent. Fr. lxi, n. spp. Ilemipenthes castanipes, p. 350, latelimbatu s, p. 351, N. America, Bigot, Ann. Soc. Ent. Fr. lxi, n. spp. Heterostylum pallipes, Haiti, Bigot, p. 361, Ann. Soc. Ent. Fr. lxi, n. sp. Hyperalonia flavosparsa , Brazil, argenticincta, Australia, Bigot, p. 3^3, Ann. Soc. Ent. Fr. lxi, n. spp. Nemestrina bombiformis , Caucasus, Portschinsky, p. 203, pi. i, fig. 3, Hor. Ent. Ross, xxvi, n. sp. Phthiria tristis, pallipes , Chili, Bigot, p. 367, Ann. Soc. Ent. Fr. lxi, n. spp. ASI1JM EMPIDiE. Ins. 289 Sparnopolius Umbatus, Australia, Bigot, p. 370, Ann. Soc. Ent. Fr. lxi, n. sp. Spogostylum ? inappendiculatum , Chili, description, Bigot, p. 351, Ann. Soc. Ent. Fr. lxi, ? n. sp. Systcechus eupogonatus, E. India, p. 365, eulabiaius, Tasmania, p. 366, Bigot, Ann. Soe. Ent. Fr. Ixi, n. spp. Systropus calopus, Chili, Bigot, p. 373, Ann. Soc. Ent. Fr. lxi, n. sp. Thevenetimya melanopogon , N. America, Bigot, p. 370, Ann. Soc. Ent. Fr. lxi, n. sp. Usia gagathea , Algeria, Bigot, p. 374, Ann. Soc. Ent. Fr. lxi, n. sp. Asilidjs. Additions and corrections to Williston’s Catalogue of S. American ; Osten-Sacken, Berl. Ent. Zeit. xxxvi, pp. 417-428. Apiocerina , aberrant group of Asilidce diseussed and defined ; Osten- Sacken, Berl. Ent. Zeit. xxxvi, pp. 311-315. Apogon dufourii , Perr., synonymical note ; Roder, p. 248, Ent. Nachr. xviii. Brachyrrhopala victories, Australia, Roder, p. 241, S. E. Z. liii, n. sp. Chrysopogon mulleri, Victoria, Roder, p. 243, S. E. Z. liii, n. sp. Lophonotus dubius, Somaliland, Bezzi, p. 187, Ann. Mus. Genov. (2) xii, n. sp. Mochtherus striatus , Java, Wulp, p. 198, pi. xii, figg. 3-6, Tijdschr. Ent. xxxiv, n. sp. Philodicus pavesii, Somaliland, Bezzi, p. 185, Ann. Mus. Genov. (2) xii, n. sp. Promachus leucotrichodes , p. 210, tristis , p. 211, Mahe, Bigot, Bull. Soc. Z. Fr. 1892, n. spp. Saropogon luctuosum,n.\2iV. ticinense ; Bezzi, p. 107, Bull. Ent. Ital. xxiv. LEPTIDvE, TffEREYID^b EmPID.E. Chamcedipsia. diagnosis corrected ; Mik, p. 55, Wien. ent. Z. xi. Hilar a, monographic revision of the Central European species ; Strobl, Verh. z -b. Wien, xlii, pp. 85-182. H. aeronetha, p. 81, novakii , p. 83, S.E. Europe, Mik, Wien. ent. Z. xi ; H. pseudochorica, p. 109, lasiochira , p. 110, hystrix, p. 112, bivittata, p. 113, qudrifaria , pectinipes , p. 116, andermattensis (subsp of longe- vittata ), simplicipesy p. 119, tyrolensis , p. 121, suleitarsis , p. 123, diversipes , p. 125, dimidiata , p. 128, angustifrons , p. 133, braueri , p. 135, argyro.soma, p. 136, lacteipennis , p. 137, hirta, p. 141, beckeri , p. 143, carinthiaca, p. 144, tiefii , p. 150, pseudosartrix , p. 152, cinereomicans , p. 156, mikii , p. 158, discolor , p. 165, piiosopectinata, p. 169, Central Europe, Strobl, Yerh. z.-b. Wien, xlii : n. spp. Leptis, attacking man ; Leprevost & Gazagnaire, pp. civ & clvi, Bull. Soc. Ent. Fr. lxi. 1892. [vol. xxix.] e 19 290 Ins . XIII. D1PTERA. L. subpilosa, Switzerland, Becker, p. 23, Wien. ent. Z. xi, n. sp. Ptiolina , Schin. ncc Zett., to be replaced by iSymphoromyia, Frauenf. ; Strobl, p. 123, Wien. ent. Z. xi. Spania : notes on the genus and its species ; Ptiolina , Zett., merged in it ; Strobl, pp. 121-125, Wien. ent. Z. xi. Steleocheta meridionalis, n. n. for stiriensis , Beck.; Becker, p. 126, Wien, ent. Z. xi. Dolichopodidje. Aehalcus scutellaris , Java, Wulp, p. 202, Tijdschr. Ent. xxxiv, n. sp. Bathy cranium, n. g. for Dolichopus bicolor ellus , Zett. ; Strobl, p. 102, Wien. ent. Z. xi. Campsicnemus thalhammeri, Austria, Strobl, p. 106, Wien. ent. Z. xi, n. sp. Chrysotus nigricilius , Loew., referred to Melanostolus ; Strobl, p. 105, Wien. ent. Z. xi. Coracocephalus, n. g. near Eucoryphus , p. 279, for G. stroblii, n. sp., Alps of Steiermark, p. 281 ; Mik, Wien. ent. Z. xi. Dolichopus bicingulatus , Zett., referred to Gymnopternus , and characterized; Strobl, p. 103, Wien. ent. Z. xi. Lyroneurus chalybceus, Ecuador, Roder, p. 81, Soc. Ent. vii, n. sp. Psilopus fenestratus, p. 200, pi. xii, fig. 6, bifilum , p. 201, setosus, p. 202, Java, Wulp, Tijdschr. Ent. xxxiv, n. spp. Sphyrotarsus hygrophilus, characters amended ; Becker, p. 126, Wien, ent. Z. xi. Thrypticus divisus, £ described ; Strobl, p. 105, Wien. ent. Z. xi. Syrphiile. Synonymical and critical notes on the Syrphidce of Biol. Centr. Am. Dipt. Argentinomyia grandis, Argentine Rep., Arribalzaga, p. 255, An. Soc. Arg. xxxiv, n. sp. Asemosyrphus olivaceus, griseus, impurus, Mexico, Giglio-Tos, p. 6, Boll. Mus. Zool. Tor. vii, No. 123, n. spp. Baccha clavata, synonyms of ; Williston, p. 145, Ent. News, iii. B.spatulata, Mexico, Giglio-Tos, p. 4, Boll. Mus. Zool. Tor. vii, No. 132, u. sp. Brachyopa cynops, Colorado, Snow, Kansas Quart, i, p. 37, pi. vii, fig. 2, n. sp. Callicera montensis , Colorado, Snow, Kansas Quart, i, p. 34, pi. vii, fig. 4, n. sp. Camerania , n. g. for Temnocera megacephala, Loew. ; Giglio-Tos, Boll. Mus. Zool. Tor. vii, No. 117. Ccria verralli , Panama, p. 75, meadei , pi. ii, fig. 12, schnablei, p. 76, berg- rothi, p. 77, Mexico, Williston, Biol. Centr. Am. Dipt. iii. Ceriogaster auriraudata , Mexico, Williston, p. 73, pi. ii, fig. 10, Biol. Centr. Am. Dipt, iii, n. sp. SYRPHIM. Ins. 291 Chilosia aurotecta, Mexico, Giglio-Tos, p. 4, Bj11.Mus.Zoo1. Tor. vii, No. 132, n. sp. Chrysotoxum derivatam , variation ; Snow, Kansas Quart, i, p. 34. Copestylum parvum , simile , Mexico, Giglio-Tos, p. 2, Boll. Mus. Zool. Tor. vii, No. 123, n. spp. Crioprora arctophiloides , Mexico, Giglio-Tos, p. 7, Boll. Mus. Zool. Tor. vii, No. 123, n. sp. Criorhinia coquilletti , California, Williston, p. 145, Ent. News, iii, n. sp. Eristalis alpinus , n. var. caucasicus ; Portsciiixsky, p. 209, pi. i, fig 6, Hor. Ent. Ross. xxvi. E. vinetorum , albifrons, scutellai'is, complex synonymy ; Williston, p. 146, Ent. News, iii. E. bombusoides , p. 4, trilimbatus , praclarus , clarissimus , sallei, p. 5, triangularis , p. 6, Mexico, Giglio-Tos, Boll. Mus. Zool. Tor. vii, No. 123 ; i?. sumickrasti, atropos , Mexico, Giglio-Tos, p. 1, t. c. No. 132 ; E. persa, p. 58, czrce, p. 59, pi. ii, fig. 3, trigonus, p. 61, fig. 4, cemulus, pi. ii, fig. 5, minutalis , fig. 6, p. 64, Central America, Wil- liston, Biol. Centr. Am. Dipt, iii : n. spp. Helophilus mexicanus , variation noticed, and synonymy; Williston, p. 68, Biol. Centr. Am. Dipt, iii. Lycastrirhyncha nitens , Big., redescribed ; Williston, p. 66, Biol. Centr. Am. Dipt. iii. Mallota ? championi, p. 69, margarita, pi. ii, fig. 7, smithi , fig. 8, p. 70, Mexico, Williston, Biol. Centr. Am. Dipt, iii, n. spp. Megametopon , Giglio-Tos, = ( Ophromyia , Will.) ; Williston, p. 79, Biol. Gentr. Am. Dipt. iii. Melanostoma stegnum , Say, = ( tigrina , O. Sack.) ; Williston, p. 145, Ent. News, iii. M. elegans , p. 2, bellum , p. 3, Mexico, Giglio-Tos, Boll. Mus. Zool. Tor. vii, No. 132, n. spp. Mesogramma rombicum , diver sum 1 ciliatum, p. 3, comma , p. 4, Mexico, Giglio-Tos, BolL Mus. Zool. Tor. vii, No. 132, n. spp. Mesograpta willistonii , Argentine Rep., Arribalzaga, An. Soc. Arg. xxxiii, p. 54, n, sp. Microdon : oviposition in ants’ nest ; Yerhoeff, p. 13, Ent. Nachr. xviii. M. megalogaster , Colorado, Snow, Kansas Quart, i, p. 34, pi. vii, fig. 1 ; M. aquilinus , Mexico, Giglio-Tos, BolL Mus. Zool. Tor. vii, No. 123, p. 2 : n. spp. Milesia pulchra , Guatemala, Williston, p. 74, pi. ii, fig. 11, Biol. Centr. Am. Dipt, iii, n. sp. Mixogaster dimidiata , Mexico, Giglio-Tos, Boll. Mus. Zool. Tor. No. 123, p. 1, n. sp. Nausigaster bonariensis, S. America, Arribalzaga, p. 254, An. Soc. Arg. xxxiv, n. sp. Ocyptamus trigonus , Wied., = ( Baccha torva , Wiliist.) ; Williston, p. 146, Ent. News, iii. Omegasyrphus, distinctions from Microdon ; Giglio-Tos, Boll. Mus. Zool. Tor. No. 118. 292 Ins. XIII. DIPTERA. Phalacromyia albitarsis, Argentine Rep., Arribalzaga, p. 244, An. Soc Arg. xxxiv, n. sp. Platynochcetus niger , Mexico, Giglio-Tos, Boll. Mns. Zool. Tor. vii, No. 123, p. 6, n. sp. Promilesia , n. g., Eristalini , p. 241, for P. nectdrinoides, n. sp., Argentine Rep. p. 243, Arribalzaga, An. Soc. Arg. xxxiii. Fsilota , habits and systematic position ; Mik, p. 183, "Wien. ent. Z. xi. Rkopalosyrphus , = ( Holmbergia , Arribalz.) ; Giglio-Tos, Boll. Mus. Zool. Tor. vii, No. 118. Salpingo gaster nova, Mexico, Giglio-Tos, p. 7, Boll. Mus. Zool. Tor. vii, No. 123, n. sp. Sphcerophoria syrphica , Mexico, Giglio-Tos, p. 2, Boll. Mus. Zool. Tor. vii, No. 132, n. sp. Syrphns pauxillus, $ described ; Snow, Kansas Quart, i, p. 37. S. rufieauda, Colorado, Snow, Kansas Quart, i, p. 36, pi. vii, fig. 3 ; S. lautus , saussurii , Mexico, Giglio-Tos, p. 2, Boll. Mus. Zool. Tor. vii, No. 132 ; S. patagonus, p. 115, walkeri , p. 117, Patagonia, Arri- balzaga, An. Soc. Arg. xxxiii : n. spp. Temnocera spinithorax, Argentine Rep., Berg, p. 190, An. Soc. Arg. xxxiii, n. sp. Tropidia insularis, Parana, Arribalzaga, p. 238, An. Soc. Arg. xxxiii, n. sp. Ubristes chrysopyga , Mexico, Giglio-Tos, Boll. Mus. Zool. Tor. No. 123, p. 1, n. sp. Volucella pailens , Wied., = ( sexpunctata , Loew.) ; Williston, p. 146, Ent. News, iii. V. omochroma, furens, craverii, p. 2 ,flavissima, minima , dichroica, trigona, hyaloptera, hirsuta , p. 3, hispida, volucris, hystrix , brevis , obesoides , p. 4, Mexico, Giglio-Tos, Boll. Mus. Zool. Tor. vii, No. 123 ; V. tes- tacea, Curacoa, Wulp, p. 203, Tijdschr. Ent. xxxiv ; V. ambrosettii, p. 179, obscuripennis, p. 180, missionera , picturata, p. 184, Argentine Rep., Berg, An. Soc. Arg. xxxiv : n. spp. Xiphopheromyia, n. g., Bigot, for X. glossata, n. sp., E. India, Bigot, p. 161, Wien. ent. Z. xi. Xylota angustiventri8 , Lw., = ( elongata , Willist.) ; Williston, p. 146, Ent. News, iii. X. rufipes, pauxilla, pi, ii, fig. 9, p. 71, hr achy g aster, stenogaster , p. 72, Mexico, Williston, Biol. Centr. Am. Dipt, iii, n. spp. (E STRIDE. Historical, critical, and descriptive review of the larvae of CEstrides that are known to attack man in America; Blanchard, Ann. Soc. Ent. Fr. lxi, pp. 109-154, and Bull. Soc. Ent. Fr. Ixi, p. ccix. Cephenomyia and Hypoderma : note on the unknown stage in the larval history ; Brauer, pp. 79-84, Verh. z.-b. Wien, xlii. (ESTRIDiE — MUSCID.E CALYPTRATJ?. Ins. 293 Cuterebra, larva from Lepus artemisia ? described ; Townsend, Pysche, vi, p. 299. Dermatobia sp. from Lepus callotis described ; Townsend, Psyche, vi, p. 299. Dermatcestrus, n. g., with strepsicerontis, n. sp. from Strepsiceros capensis , S. Africa ; Brauer, p. 12, pi. i, fig. 1, SB. Ak. Wien, ci. Gastrophilus nasalis : habits ; Townsend, p. 227, Ent. News, iii. Hypoderma lineata : habits and larva described ; Riley, Ins. Life, iv, pp. 302-317. CEstrus attacking man, Sangagli (791) ; CE. ovis attacking Capra hircus, Blanchard, p. ccxlvi, Bull. Soc. Ent. Fr. lxi. (E. perplexus, New Zealand, Hudson, Manual, p. 63, pi. vii, fig. 12, n. sp. Strobilcestrus, n. g., with S. antilophius, n. sp , from Antelopes in Trans- vaal ; Brauer, p. 10, pi. i, fig. 2, SB. Ak. Wien, ci. Tachincestrus semenowi , note on ; Portschinsky, p. 209, Hor. Ent. Ross, xxvi. CONOPID^, PlPUNCULID^, PLATYPEZID.E. Brachycercea, n. g., for Conops brevicornis, Loew. ; Roder, p. 366, Ent. Nachr. xviii. Callomyia bella , Mexico, Williston, p. 89, Biol. CeDtr. Am. Dipt, iii, n. sp. Conops carbonarius , nigrifacies , ochreiceps , Bigot, redescribed and referred to Physocephala ; Williston, pp. 82 & 83, Biol. Centr. Am. Dipt. iii. C. ornatus , Mahe, Bigot, p. 211, Bull. Soc. Z. Fr. 1892 ; C. magnus , p. 43, grandisf rufus, augustifrons , p. 44, nobilis , inornatus , p. 45, ornatus , parvus , p. 46, Chapada, Brazil, Williston, Kansas Quart, i ; C. ocel- latus , Mexico, Giglio-Tos, Boll. Mus. Zool. Tor. vii, No. 132 ; C. discalis , anthreas , sequax, Mexico, Williston, Biol. Centr. Am. Dipt, iii : n. spp. Dalmannia vitiosa, California, Coquillett, p. 150, Ent. News, iii, n. sp. Physocephala sororcula, xanthops , Mexico, Williston, p. 83, Biol. Centr. Am. Dipt, iii ; P. maxima , Mexico, Giglio-Tos, p. 5, Boll. Mus. Zool. Tor. vii, No. 132 : n. spp. Pipunculus elegantulus, fiavitarsis, xanthopodus , p. 87, aculeatus, flavicornis, p. 88, Mexico, Williston, Biol. Centr. Am. Dipt, iii, n. spp. Stylog aster : notes on and characters of the species; Roder, p. 286, Wien. ent. Z. xi. Zodion auricuudatum , Mexico, Williston, p. 85, pi. ii, fig. 14, Biol. Centr. Am. Dipt, iii, n. sp. Muscim calyptrade. Biology of coprophagous and necrophagous Diptera (in Russian) ; Port CHiNSKY, Hor. Ent. Ross, xxvi, pp. 63-131. Table of the genera of N. American Calyptrate J fusckhe ; Townsend pp. 133-144, Tr. Am. Ent. Soc. xix. 294 Ins . XIII. DIPTEKA. Brauer & Bergenstamm, Denk. Ak. Wien, lviii, pp. 305-446, have re- vised their work, published two years ago, on Muscaria schizometopa, making a large number of alterations and additions : these latter we give on pp. 298-301, in the order followed by the authors; the taxonomical and synonymical changes involved by this memoir must be sought in the pages of the work itself. It concludes with two very useful lists of the whole of the genera and groups, and of the species, 1520 in number, examined. Acyglosa diver sa, Rond., = ( Anthomyia corvina , Loew.) ; Roder, Ent. Nachr. xviii, p. 366. Anisia vanderwulpi, Jamaica, Townsend, p. 81, Ent. News, iii, n. sp. Anthomyiidce : study of the Anthomyiid types in the Fallen-Zetterstedt collection at Lund, Stein, Ent. Nachr. xviii, pp. 321-333 ; Synopsis of the N. American genera, Townsend, pp. 290-293, Tr. Am. Ent. Soc. xix. Aricia parasitic in Carabus ; Gigljo-Tos (339, 340). Aphria angustifrons, England, Meade, p. 114, Wien. ent. Z. xi, n. sp. Aporia limacodis , New York, Townsend, Psyche, vi, p. 275, n. sp. Atropharista , n. g. Hystriciince , for A. jurinoides, n. sp., Dakota ; Towns- end, p. 92, Tr. Am. Ent. Soc. xix. Atrotophopalpus , n. g., Phytoince , p. 130, for A. angnsticornis , n. sp., Florida, p. 131 ; Townsend, Ent. News, iii. Blepharipeza exul , New Hampshire, Townsend, p. 64, Canad. Ent. xxiv ; B. rufescens, Maryland, Townsend, p. 90, Tr. Am. Ent. Soc. xix ; B. nigrisquamis , Jamaica, Townsend, p. 80, Ent. News, iii : n. spp. Brachyccelia , n. g., for Scopolia ocypterina , Zett. ; Meade, p. 260, Ent. M. M. xxviii. Brachycoma smerinthi, England, Meade, Ent. M. M. xxviii, p. 75 ; B. chihuahuaensis , Mexico, Townsend, p. 165, Canad. Ent. xxiv : n. spp. Calliphora sp. larvae killing toads ; Guthrie, Ent. M. M. xxviii, p. 9. Chcetoglossa, n. g., Phytoince , p. 125, for G. picticornis, violce , nigripalpis, n. spp., Florida, p. 126; Townsend, Tr. Am. Ent. Soc. xix. Clista americana, Illinois, Townsend, p. 78, Canad. Ent. xxiv, n. sp. Clistomorpha , n. g. ( Phytoince ), p. 79, for C. hyalomoides , n. sp., N. York ; Townsend, p. 80, Canad. Ent. xxiv. Ccenosia brachialis , Rond., = ( Caricea strob.lii, Mik) ; Mik, p. 186, Wien, ent. Z. xi. C. submaculata, p. 208, f err uginea, p. 209, Java; Wulp, Tijdschr. Ent. xxxiv, n. spp. Coronimyia, n. g., Phytoince, p. 128, for C. geniculata , n. sp., Illinois, p. 129 ; Townsend, Tr. Am. Ent. Soc. xix. Crossocosmia : affinities of, and validity of name ; Mik, p. 116, Wien, ent. Z. xi. Dceochceta, n. g., Tachinince, p. 97, for D. harveyi, n. sp., Maine, p. 98; Townsend, Tr. Am. Ent. Soc. xix. Desvoidia n. g. ( Tachiniclce ), near Metopia, for I). fusca, n. sp., England ; Meade, p. 179, Ent. M. M. xxviii. MU SCI DM CALYFTRATJC. Ins. 295 Dexiidce : synoptic table of the N. American genera ; Townsend, pp. 273-284, Tr. Am. Ent. Soc. xix. Duponchelia , R. Desv., = ( Parasetigena , Br. & Berg.) ; Mik, p. 117, Wien. ent. Z. xi. Echinomyia daJcotensis, N. America, Townsend, p. 94, Tr. Am. Ent. Soc. xix, n. sp. Emphanopteryx, n. g., Th ryptoceratince, p. 120, for E. eumyothyroides , n. sp , New York, p. 121 ; Townsend, Tr. Am. Ent. Soc. xix. Euceromyia, n. g., p. 115, near Eceselia, for E. robertsoni , n. sp., Illinois, p. 116 ; Townsend, Tr. Am. Ent. Soc. xix. Eucnephalia , n. g., Phoroceratince, p. 166, for E. gonoicles. n. sp., New Mexico, p. 167 ; Townsend, Canad. Ent. xxiv. Eulasiona , n. g., Thryptoceratince, p. 119, for E. comstochi , n. sp., New York, p. 120 ; Townsend, Tr. Am. Ent. Soc. xix. Eumacronychia , n. g., Tachinince , p. 98, for E. decens , n. sp., N. America, p. 99 ; Townsend, Tr. Am. Ent. Soc. xix. Eumyothyria , n. g., Phytoince , p. 121, for E. illinoiensis,n. sp., N. America, p. 122 ; Townsend, Tr. Am. Ent. Soc. xix. Euphorocera , n. g., Phoroceratince, for E. tachinomoides , n. sp., New Mexico ; Townsend, p. 112, Tr. Am. Ent. Soc. xix. Euscopolia, n. g., Phytoince , p. 123, for E. daJcotensis , n. sp., N. America, p. 124 ; Townsend, Tr. Am. Ent. Soc. xix. Euthyprosopa, n. g., Tachinince , p. 106, for E. petiolata , n. sp., New Mexico, p. 107 ; Townsend, Tr. Am. Ent. Soc. xix. Exorista endryce , p. 287, platysamice , datance , p. 288, N. America, Townsend, Tr. Am. Ent. Soc. xix, n. spp. Ginglymia , n. g., Thryptoceratince , p. 118, for G. acrirostris , n. sp.r Michigan, p. 119 ; Townsend, Tr. Am. Ent. Soc. xix. Glaucophana , Br. & Berg., queried as identical with Necera, Rond.; Mik, p. 185, Wien. ent. Z. xl. Gonia sagax , Iowa, Townsend, p. 65, Canad. Ent. xxiv, n. sp. Gymnoprosopa , n. g., Tachinince, p. 108, for G. polita, argentifrons , clari- frons, n. spp., N. America, p. 109 ; Townsend, Tr. Am. Ent. Soc. xix. Helocera : note on its presumed identity with Stauferia. H. delecta , Meig., = ( S . diaphana, Br. & Berg.) ; Mik, p. 55, Wien. ent. Z. xi, also Brauer & Bergenstamm, t. c. p. 108, and Mik, t. c. pp. 110-113. Homalomyia corrina, Wales, Icowarzi , England, Verrall, p. 149, Ent. M. M. xxviii ; H. hirticeps . p. 70, barbata, p. 73, latipalpis , p. 75, Centr. Europe, Stein, Wien. ent. Z xi : n. spp. Hyadesimyia clausa, referred to Tachinidce , and H. sarcophagoides to the genus Zelleria ; Bigot, p. 54, Wien. ent. Z. xi. Hylemyia coronata, $ described ; Bidenkap, Ent. Tidskr. xiii, p. 244. Hyphantrophaga, n. g. for Meigenia hyphantrice, Towns.; Townsend, p. 247, Psyche, vi. Hystricia aldriclii, Dakota: Townsend, p. 91, Tr. Am. Ent. Soc. xix, n. sp. 296 Ins. XIII. DIPTERA. Idia fasciata , destroying locusts in Algeria ; Brongniart, Le Nat. 189*2, p. 140. Lachnomma , n, g., p. 108, Tachinince , for L. magnicornis , n. sp., New Mexico, p. 104 ; Townsend, Tr. Am. Ent. Soc. xix. Leptoda elegansT Java, Wuep, P- 207, pi. xii, figg. 11 & 12, Tijdschr. Ent. xxxiv, n. sp. Leucostoma neomexicana, New Mexico, Townsend, p. 169, Canad. Ent. xxiv, n. sp. Limnophora zetterstedti , Norway, Bidenkap, p. 245, Ent. Tidskr. xiii,, n. sp. Lispa7 monograph of the European species ^ Kowarz, Wien. ent. Z. xi, pp. 33-54. L. leucomelcence , Sarepta, camdicans, iEgina, p. 36, ccmvex-iuscula, Sicily, p. 48, Kowarz, Wien, ent. Z. xi, n. spp. Loewia glohosa , Florida, Townsend, p. 129, Ent. News, iii ; L. rujicornnv nigrifrons , N. America, Townsend, Canad. Ent. xxiv, p. 77 : n„ spp. Lucilia sylvarum attacking toads ; Mortensen, Zooh Anz. xv, p. 193. Lyperosia minuta, Somaliland ; Bezzi, p. 192, Ann. Mus. Genov. (2) xii, n. sp. Macquartia johns.oni , N. America, Totvnsend, p, 81, Canad. Ent. xxiv, n. sp. MacropalpuSj n. g. for Exorista villica , Zett. ; Meunier, Bull. Soc, Ent. Fr. lxi, p. ccviii. Masicera tenthredinidarum , p. 285, sphingivora , eufitchice , p. 286, datanarumr p. 287, N. America, Townsend, Tr. Am. Ent. Soc. xix ; M. proto - parcis, Jamaica, Townsend, p. 70, J. Inst. Jamaica, i : n. spp. Masistylum , n. g., Pyrrhosiides , for Pachystylum arcuatum , Mik ; Brauer, p. 595, SB. Ak. Wien, ci. Medoria and Morinia , note on ; Roder, p. 374, Ent. Nachr. xviii. Megaprosopus michiganensis> N. America ; Townsend, p. Ill, Tr. Am. Ent. Soc. xix, Meigenia wehsteri , referred to Prospherysa , Wulp ; Townsend, p. 259, Pysche, vi. Metopia luggeri , Minnesota, Townsend, p. 69, Canad. Ent. xxiv, n. sp. Microtachina, n. g. for Tachina nympharum and erucarum, Rond. : Mik, p. 116, Wien. ent. Z. xi. Miltogramma decisa , Florida, Townsend, p. 81, Ent. News, iii ; M . kan- sensis, Kansas, Townsend, p. 68, Canad. Ent. xxiv : n. spp. Musca corvina , n. var., somalorum ; Bezzi, p. 190, Ann. Mus. Genov. (2) xii. M. vomitoria , embryology ; Henking, Z. wiss. Zool. liv, p. 171. Aluscopteryx, n. g., Phytoince , p. 170, for M. chcetosula, n. sp., Chihuahua, p. 171 ; Townsend, Canad. Ent. xxiv. Myothyria vanderwulpi , Florida, Townsend, p. 131, Ent. News, iii, n. sp. Neotractocera, n. g , Tachinince , p. 105, for N. anomala, n. sp., New Mexico, p. 106 ; Townsend, Tr. Am. Ent. Soc. xix. Olenochceta, n. g., Phoi'oceratince, p. 114, for 0. kansensis , n. sp , N. America ; Townsend, p. 115, Tr. Am. Ent. Soc. xix. muscim: calyptra'le. Ins. 297 Pachyophthalmus floridensis , Florida, Townsend, Ent. News, iii, p. 80, n. sp. Pachystylum and Pseudoj^achystylum^nd their species discussed, Braler, pp. 593-607, SB. Ak. Wien, ci ; Pachystylum, note on the characters and composition of, and on Brauer’s views thereon, Mik, pp. 245- 248, Wien. ent. Z. xi ; P. arcuatum , systematic position, Mik, p. 182, t. c . Phorhia seneciella, Centr. Europe ; Meade, p. cxvi, Bull. Soc. Ent. Fr. lxi. Phorocera lophyri, Canada, Townsend, p. 289, Tr. Am. Ent. Soc. xix, n. sp. Phytn senilis , New York, Townsend, p. 81, Canad. Ent. xxiv ; P. nigri- cornis , New Mexico, Townsend, p. 170, t. c. : n. spp. Phytomyptera unicolor , abdominal macrochaetae ; Mik, p. 182, Wien. ent. Z. xi. Plagia aurifrons , Pennsylvania, Townsend, p. 67, Canad. Ent. xxiv, n. sp. Plagiprospherysa, n. g. near Phorocera , for P. valida , p. 113, New Mexico, floridensis , Florida, p. 114, n. spp.; Townsend, Tr. Am. Ent. Soc. xix. Polidea americana, Michigan, Townsend, p. 82, Canad. Ent. xxiv, n. sp. Pseud atractocera, n. g., Tachinince , p. 107, for P. neomexicana, n. sp., New Mexico ; Townsend, Tr. Am. Ent. Soc. xix. Pseud ogonia ruficauda , Dakota, Townsend, p. 66, Canad. Ent. xxiv, n. sp. Pseudohystricia exilis, Jamaica, Townsend, p. 146, Ent. News, iii, n. sp. Pseudomyothyria , n. g., Phytoince, p. 131, for P. indecisa, n. sp., Illinois, p. 132 ; Townsend, Tr. Am. Ent. Soc. xix. Rhinophora valida , p. 167, mexicana , p. 168, New Mexico, Townsend, Canad. Ent. xxiv, n. spp. Sarcoclista, n. g., Phytoince , p. 122, for <8. dakotensis, n. sp., N. America, p. 123 ; Townsend, Tr. Am. Ent. Soc. xix. Sarcodexia , n. g., Dexiidce , p. 105, for S. sternoclontis , n. sp., Jamaica, p. 106 : Townsend, J. Inst. Jamaica, i. Sarcomacronychia , n. g., Tachinince, p. 100, for 8. unica, n. sp., New Mexico, p. 101 ; Townsend, Tr. Am. Ent. Soc. xix. S. sarcophagoides. New Mexico, Townsend, p. 165, Canad. Ent. xxiv, n. sp. Sarcophagidce : synopsis of the N. American genera ; Townsend, pp. 279-283, Tr. Am. Ent. Soc. xix. Sarcophaga cimbicis , Dakota, Townsend, p. 126, Canad. Ent. xxiv : S. helicis , Ohio, Townsend, Psyche, vi, p. 220 ; S. opifera, N. America (destroying Melanoplus devastator ), Coquillett, Ins Life, v, p. 22, n. spp. Sarcotachinella, n. g., Tachinince , p. 110, for S. intermedia , n. sp., Illinois, p. Ill ; Townsend, Tr. Am. Ent. Soc. xix. Saundersia rubicunda , New Grenada, Wulp, p. 206, Tijdschr. Ent. xxxiv, n. sp. 298 Ins. XIII. DIPTERA. Siphoclytia , n. g., Thryptoceratince , p. 116, for 8. robertsoni , n. sp., Florida, p. 117 ; Townsend, Tr. Am. Ent. Soc. xix. Sipliophyto , n. g., Phytoince, p. 127, for 8. floridensis, neomexicanus , n. spp., N. America, p. 128 ; Townsend, Tr. Am. Ent. Soc. xix. Synamphoneura africana , Somaliland, Bezzi, p. 190, Ann. Mus. Genov. (2) xii, n. sp. Tachina : application of the name and synonymy ; Brauer, pp. 602- 606, SB. Ak. Wien, ci. T. orgyice , p. 284, tenthredinivora , p. 285, N. America, Townsend, Tr. Am. Ent. Soc. xix, n. spp. Tachinomyia, n. g., Tachinince, for T. robusta , Michigan, p. 96, floridensis , Florida, p. 97, n. spp. ; Townsend, Tr. Am. Ent. Soc. xix. 7 'achinophyto, n. g., Phytoince , p. 130, for T. floridensis , n. sp., Florida, p. 131 ; Townsend, Tr. Am. Ent. Soc. xix. Thryptocera americana, Washington, Townsend, p. 69, Canad. Ent. xxiv, n. sp. Trixa gillettei, Colorado, Townsend, p. 68, Canad. Ent. xxiv, n. sp. Trixoclista, n. g., Tachinince, p. 102, for T. clistincta, n. sp., Illinois, p. 103 ; Townsend, Tr. Am. Ent. Soc. xix. Tryphera americana , p. 78, polidoides, p. 79, N. America ; Townsend, Canad. Ent. xxiv, n. spp. Vanderwulpia sequens , New Mexico, Townsend, p. 172, Canad. Ent. xxiv, n. sp. The following are the new forms described by Brauer & Bergenstamm in Denk. Ak. Wien, lviii, as mentioned on p. 294. Macromeigenia, n. g. for Chrysoprocta, Wd. ; Brauer & Bergenstamm, p. 311, Denk. Ak. Wien, lviii. Cryptomeigenia , n. g. for C. seti/acies, n. sp., Brazil, p. 311. Pseudoviviania , n. g., p. 311, for P. platypoda, n. sp., Venezuela, p. 312. Masiphya , n. g. for M. brasiliana , n. sp., Ypanema, p. 313. Alsopsyche , n. g. for A. nemoralis, n. sp., Venezuela, p. 313. Conogaster , n. g. for Viviania nubilis, Rond, p. 314. Megalochceta brachystoma, Austria, p. 317, n. sp. Chcetomyia , n. g. for Exorista crassiseta , Rond, p. 317. Dexodes machairopsis, eggeri , auripilus, Europe, p. 316, n. spp. Parexorista raiblensis, tultschensis, intermedia , setosa , antennata , acrochceta, p. 318, clavellaricE , magnicornis, p. 320, brevifrons, p. 321, gnava, dubia, blepharipoda , p. 322, grossa, trifasciata , irregularis , p. 323 latifrons, p. 324, Europe, n. spp. Alsomyia , n. g. for A. gymnodiscus, n. sp., Austria, p. 328. Paratryphera , n. g. for P. handlirschii , n. sp., Tyrol, p. 328. Catachceta , n. g. for C. depressarice , n. sp., Austria, p. 329. Blepharidopsis , n. g. for B. nemea , Meig., p. 329. Bactromyia , n. g. for Masicera scutelligera , Stein, p. 329. Pexomyia , n. g. for Rceselia aberrans , Egg., p. 329. Ceromasia rudpes , wulpii , Europe, p. 330, n. spp. MUSCIDJE C AL Y P T R ATJ5. Ins. 279 Leptoiachina , n. g. for Geromasia gratiosa , Stein., p. 330. Thelymyia , n. g. for T . low'd , n. sp., Bohemia, p. 330. Myxexorista , n. g. for M. pexops, flavipalpis, roseance , n. spp., Europe, and others, p. 332. Achcetoneura , n. g. for A. hesperus , n. sp., N. America, and others from Mexico, p. 334. Tachinoptera, n. g. for T. ec/geri, n. sp., Sicily, p. 336. Chcetogcedia , n. g. for part of Prospherysa , Wulp, pp. 336. Gcediopsis, n. subg. of Chcetogcedia, for G. mexicana, n. sp., Mexico, p. 336. Parahypochceta, n. g. for P. heteroneura, n. sp , N. America, p. 337. Paralispe , n. g. for P. brasiliana, n. sp., Brazil, p. 337. Paradoria, n. g for P. nigra , n. sp., Venezuela, p. 339. Neomintho , n. g. for macilenta, Wd., &c , p. 339r Paraseiigena , n. g., p. 339 (no species). Chcetoprocta , n. g., p. 341, for (7. tarsalis , n. sp., Venezuela, p. 342. Ctenophorocera, n. g., pp. 339 & 342, for (7. blepharipus , n. sp., Cape or Brazil ?, p. 42. Xylotachina , n. g., p. 342, for A. ligniperdce , n. sp., Europe, p. 343. Argyrophylax , n. g., p. 343, for A. gain, pelmatoprocta , Europe, idonea , Cape G-ood Hope, n. spp., p. 344, and others. Sisyropa augusta , Austria, p. 345, ingens , Prachatitz, cinerea , Rockhamp- ton, rufiventris , p. 346, prosopina, leptotrichopa , p. 347, Brazil, n. spp. Bolomyia, n. g. for Mystacella violacea , Wulp, p. 347. Catagonia, n. g. for Exorista nemestrina , Egg., p. 348. Anagonia , n. g. for A. spylosioides , n. sp., Tasmania, p. 348. Thysanomyia, n. g. for Brachycoma fimbriata , Wulp, p. 340. Mesochceta , n. g. for Didyma connexa , Wulp, p. 341. Paramesochceta, n. g. for Mystacella fuscicostalis, Wulp, p. 341. Masipoda, n. g. for M. geminata. n. sp , Brazil, p. 341. A namastax , n. g. for Blepharipeza goniceformis , Mcq., p. 349. Paragcedia, n. g. for P. hedemanni , n. sp., Mexico, p. 350. Ptilotachina , n. g. for Tachina civilis , Rond., p. 350. Podotachina , n. g. for P. americana and vibrissata , n. spp., New York, p. 350. Tetragrapha, n. g. for T. tessellata , n. sp., Cuba, p. 351. Hypotacliina , n. g. for H. disparata, n. sp., Brazil, p. 352. Pseudogermaria, n. g. for P. georgicef n. sp., N. America, p. 352. Cnephaliodes, n. g. for C. perversus, n. sp., Russia, p. 353. Cnephalia bisetosa, n. n. for (7. bucephala , Schin. pars, p. 353. Paraplagia , n. g. for part of Playia , p. 354. Goniocera , n. g. for G. schistacea, n. sp., Europe, p. 354. Glaucophana , n. g. for G. amasice , n. sp., Asia Minor, p. 354. Paranecera , n. g. for P. longicornis , n. sp., Askold I., p. 355. Microphana , n. g. for M. minuta, n. sp., Central Europe, p. 355. Nemorilloides , n. g., p. 355, for V. fiaviuentris , n. sp., Cape of Good Hope, p. 356. Petinops , n. g. for P. schnablii , n. sp., Poland, p. 356. 300 Ins. XIII. DIPTERA. Phorichceta handlirschii, Tyrol, p. 356, n. sp. Henithrixion , n. g. for H. cestriforme, n. sp., Colorado, p. 357. Paratrixa, n. g. for P. polonica , n. sp., Poland, p. 357. Metopodia , n. g. for Miltogramma grisea and intricata , Meig., p. 359. Parasarcophila , n. g. for Sarcophila rufipes , Schin., p. 359. 4.ra5a, R. D., to be used in place of Eametopia , Br. Berg., mannii, bifasciata, p. 359, stelviana , E. Europe, fulva , Bordeaux, p. 360, n. spp. Erythronychia , n. g. for Demotions australensis , S., p. 360. Arrenopus, n. g. for 4. americanus, n. sp., Georgia, p. 361. Selenomyia , n. g. for $. brevicornis (Phil.), n. sp., Chili, p. 361. Nemorcta tropidobothra , Java, p. 361, n. sp. Myiophasia, n. g. for d/. cercea, Wd., p. 362. Thorarites , n. g. for Musca abdominalis , Wd., p. 363. Myxodexia , n. n. for ( Tropidomyia , Br. Berg.), p. 363. Myiomima brasiliana , Brazil, p. 364, n. sp. Gymnodexia, n.g. for Sirostoma trianguliferum , Zett., and G. steinii, n. sp., Hungary, p. 364. Prorhynchops, n. g. for P. bilimehi , n. sp., Mexico, p. 364. Styloneuria , n. g. for 8. manni, n. sp., Ragusa, p. 365. Sarothromyidj n. g. for Sarcophila femoralis , S., p. 365. Tephromyia , n. g. for Sarcophaga grisea , Mg., p. 366. Paramorinia , n. g. for P.cincta , n. sp., Tyrol, p. 367. Leucomyia , n. g. for Sarcophila alba, Schin., p. 368. Ptilozeuxia brachycera , n. n. for (P. brevicornis , Egg.), p. 368. Erythrandra, n. g. for E. picipes, n. sp., N. America, p. 368. Oxytachina , n. g. for Heteronychia vittata , Wd., p. 369. Mochlosoma simony i , Canary Is., n. sp., p. 370. Prosenoides , n. g. for Prosenapapilio , S., p. 370. Dexiophana , n. g. for P rospherysa cemulans , Wulp, p. 374. Gymnostylia ornata , Venezuela, p. 374, n. sp. Eufischeria , n. g. for E. ceylanica, n. sp., Ceylon, p. 374. Ptilodegeeria, n. g. for Hypostena obumbrata , Wulp, p. 375. Prosheliomyia , n. g. for P. nietneri , n. sp., Ceylon, p. 375. Minthodexia , n. g. for M. gravipes , flavicornis , n. spp., Venezuela, p. 376. Zosteromyia , n. g. for Myobia cingulata , Mcq., p. 376. Pseudodexia , n. g. for Dexia eques , Wd., p. 378. P^eudodtnera, n. g. for nigripes, Wd. (n. sp. ?), p. 378. Pachygraphia , n. g. for Dexia fervens , and virgata, Wd., p. 379. Lepidodexia, n. g. for L. tetraptera , n. sp., Venezuela, p. 379. Emporomyia, n. g. for P. kaufmanni , n. sp., Austria, p. 380. Rhinornacquartia , n. g. for P. chcetophora, n. sp., Brazil, p. 381. Paradidyma , n. g. for Didyma validinervis , Wulp, p. 382. Paratachina , n. g. for P. ingens , Wd., ? n. sp., p. 382. Tachinomima, n. g. for Tachina expetens , Wd., p. 383. Chcetophthalmus , n, g. for Micropalpus brevigaster and bicolor , Mcq., p. 383. MUSCID.E CALYPTRA’i\E AND M. ACALYPTRATJ?. I, is. 301 Paragymnomma , n. g. for P. hystrix and diaphana , n. spp., Brazil, p. 384. Plagiomima , n g. for P. disparata , n. sp., Mexico, p. 384. Sesiophaga , n. g. for J lyobia glirina, Rdi., p. 384. Micromyobia , n. g. for Myobia montana , Schin., p. 385. ChcetodemoticuSj n. g. for Demoticus chilensis , Schin., p. 385. Aneogmeiia , n. g. for A.fischeri , n. sp., Agra, p. 385. Peteina stylatci, Greenland, n. sp., p. 387. Stylogynmomyia , n. g. for Gymnosomci nitens, Mg., p. 387. Mormonomyia, n. g. for laniventris, Wd., ? n. sp., p. 388. Epineura, n. g. for Phasia helva and tceniata , Wd., p. 388. Eliozeta americana , Georgia, n. sp., p. 388. Paramp>hibolia, n. g. for Rutilia assimilis , Mcq., p. 389. Microcerella steindachneri , Galapagos Is., n. sp., p. 389. Thelychceta , n. g. for J1. chnlybea , n. sp., Borneo, p. 390. Arrhinidia, n. g. for Rhynchomyia aberrant , Sch., p. 390. Phasiophana , n. g. for Mu-sca obsoleta , Wd., p. 390. Pararicia , n g. for a part of Gyrtoneura , p. 391. Neocalliphora , n. g. for Call, dasyophthalma , Mcq., and ochracea, S., p. 391. Paralucilia , n. g. for Calliph. fulvipes , Blanch., p. 391. Zonochroa, n. g. for Ockromyia euzona , Low, p. 391. Auclieromyia , n. g. for Ochromyia luteola , Fbr., p. 391, Brauer & Bergenstamm, Denk. Ak. Wien, lviii. Muscjd^: acaiyttrat^. Agromyza lappce , metamorphoses ; Lampa, Ent. Tidskr. xiii, pp. 1 17— 120. Cacoxenus hidagator, characters of : Mik, p. 182, Wien. ent. Z. xi ; chsetotaxy ; Osten-Sacken, Berl. Ent. Zeit. xxxvi. p. 311. Chlorops pumilionis, life-history ; Lampa, Ent. Tidskr. xiii, p. 257, pi. vii. Ccelopa (Equatorialis , Somaliland, Bezzi, p. 194, Ann. Mus. Genov. (2) xii, n. sp. Drosophila lacteo- guttata, W. Bussia, Portschixsky, p. 226, pi. i, fig. 20, Hor. Ent. Ross.xxvi ; D. nigropunctata , Java, Wulp, p. 216, Tijdschr. Ent. xxxiv : n. spp. Ephydra dorsopunctata, Wied., referred to Notiplnla ; Wulp, p. 215, Tijdschr. Ent. xxxiv. Eurosta solidaginis : galls and parasites noticed ; Brodie, p. 137, Canad. Ent. xxiv. Homoneura , n. g., Sapromyzarum. p. 213, for H. picea, n. sp., Java, p. 214 ; Wulp, Tijdschr. Ent. xxxiv. Hypenidium grcecum : note on, with fig. of wing ; Portschinsky, p. 215, pi. i, fig. 13, Hor. Ent. Ross. xxvi. H. sibiricum, Amurland, Portschinsky, p. 216, pi. i, fig. 14, Hor. Ent. Ross, xxvi, n. sp Lagarosia , n. g., Ortalinarum , p. 210, for L. lacteata, p. 211, striatella , p. 213, n. spp., Java ; Wulp, Tijdschr. Ent. xxxiv. 302 Ins. XIII. DIPTERA. Lamprophthalma , n. g., near Loxocera , p. 225, for L. metal lira, n. sp., Persia, p. 226, pi. i, fig. 7 ; Portschinsky, Hor. Ent. Ross. xxvi. Macrotrypeta, n. g., p. 223, for M. ortalidina , n. sp., Siberia, p. 224, pi. i, fig. 11 ; Portschinsky, Hor. Ent. Ross. xxvi. Myennis sibirica, Siberia, Portschinsky, p. 213, pi. i, fig. 10, Hor. Ent. Ross, xxvi, n. sp. Neottiophilum : characters and systematic position discussed ; Roder, p. 204, Ent. Nachr. xviii. Opomyza punctella , Fall. : variation and characters noticed ; Sintenis, p. 177, Wien. ent. Z. xi. Paralimna javana, Java, Wulp, p. 215, pi. xii, fig. 17, Tijdschr. Ent. xxxiv, n. sp. Platyparea ? terebratula , E. Siberia, Portschinsky, p. 216, pi. i, fig. 9, Hor. Ent. Ross, xxvi, n. sp. Ptilona amurensis , E. Siberia, Portschinsky, p. 214, pi. i, fig. 12, Hor. Ent. Ross, xxvi, n. sp. Pyrgota mierocera , Amur, Portschinsky, p. 212, pi. i, fig. 8, Hor. Ent. Ross, xxvi, n. sp. Sapromyza : characters of the N. American ; Townsend, pp. 301-303, Canad. Ent. xxiv. S. ocellaris, New Mexico, Townsend, p. 303, Canad. Eut. xxiv ; S. mikii , p. 155, styriaea , p. 156, Austrian Alps, Strobl, Wien. ent. Z. xi : n. spp. Spilographa armifrons, p. 221, pi. i, figs. 16 & 17, bijmnctata, p. 222, fig. 15, E. Siberia, Portschinsky, Hor. Ent. Ross, xxvi, n. spp. Tephritis tatarica, Turkestan, p. 218, pi. i, fig. 19, angulato fasciata, Persia, p. 220, fig. 18, Portschinsky, Hor. Ent. Ross. xxvi. Timia testacea, Central Asia, Portschinsky, p. 211, Hor. Ent. Ross, xvi, n. sp. PHORIDiE. Phora : remarks on characters, habits, and variation of the Austrian species ; Strobl, pp. 193-204, Wien. ent. Z. xi. Phora crassicosta , p. 194, erythronota, p. 195, spinosissima, p. 196, pseudo- concinna , p. 199, nitidifron.s, p. 200, xanthozona, p. 203, Austria, Strobl, Wien. ent. Z. xi ; P. cimbicis, p. 143, setacea , p. 144, luggeri, p. 145, minuta , p. 146, Dakota, Aldrich, Canad. Ent. xxiv ; P. omnioora , New Zealand, Hudson, Manual, p. 62, pi. vii, fig. 15 : n. spp. Pupipara. The mouth parts of various Pupipara , including Braula and Nycteidbia, described ; Muggenburg, Arch. f. Nat. lviii, i, pp. 287-332, pis. xv & xvi. Trichobius dugesii , note on ; Townsend, p. 177, Ent. News, iii. Ins. 303 (e.) rhynchota. HEMIPTERA-HETEROPTERA. [Cf. Ashmead (18a), Berg (56), Bergroth (62-72), Carlini (158), Carpenter (159), Distant (210, 217, 218, 347), Duges (229), Ferrari (281), Forbes (286), Gerstaecker (323), Heidemann (392), Horvath (428-431), Hudson (440), Jakowleff (452), Karsch (460, 465), Leon (545), Moberg (614), Montandon (617— 620), Puton (707, 708), Reuter (730-733), Schlechtendal (800), Sharp (842), Tryon (952).] Homologies of the Hemipterous mouth, Smith (866) ; and Homology of the trophi, Leon (545). Silurian fossil Hemipterous insect, Moberg (614). Bergroth, Rev. d’Ent. xi, pp. 262-264, records many synonyms in view of the promised general Catalogue of Uemiptera ; these it appears unnecessary for us to give in detail. Hemidiptera haeclceli , Leon, note on ; Bergroth, p. 169, Wien, ent Z. xi. Pentatomim. Alcimocoris potanini , China, Horvath, p. 134, Term fiizetek, xv, n. sp. Antestia guttifera , E. Africa, Gerstaecker, p. 46, JB. Hamb. Anst. ix ; A. transvaalia , Transvaal, Distant, p. 251, pi. iii, fig. 6, Naturalist Transvaal : n. spp. Aphanopneuma stall , Africa, = ( biloba , Sign., Stal) ; Montandon, p. 297, Rev. d’Eut. xi, n. sp. Apotomogonius , n. g., Plataspidince, p. 301, for A. exornatus, n. sp., Centr. Africa, p. 302 ; Montandon, Rev. d’Ent. xi. Arma prasina, New Guinea, Tryon, p. 15, Ann. Queensland Mus. ii, n.sp. Asopus figuratus , var. described and figured ; Distant, p. 248, pi. iii, fig. 1, Naturalist Transvaal. A. glaucolimbata , New Guinea, Tryon, p. 15, Ann. Queensland Mus. ii, n. sp. Aspongopus balinus , W. Africa, Karsch, p. 166, Ent. Nachr. xviii, n. sp. Basicryptus eloiigatus, Transvaal, antennatus, E. Africa, Distant, p. 239, Ent. M. M. xxviii, n. spp. Brachyplatys flavosparsus, Borneo, Bergroth, p. 171, Wien. ent. Z. xi ; B. simplex, pusilla, N. Guinea, Tryon, p. 13, Ann. Queensland Mus. ii : n. spp. 304 Ins. XIII. RHYNCHOTA. C mtharodes nubilosns , Congo, Montandon, p. 299, Rev. d’Ent. xi, n. sp. Carpocoris alienus , E. Siberia, Reuter, p. 176, CEfv. Finska. Forh. xxxiii, n. sp. Caura mperba , W. Africa, Karsch, p. 164, Ent. Nachr. xviii, n. sp. Cermatulus pulcher, New Guinea, Tryon, p. 15, Ann. Queensland Mus. ii, n. sp. Chrysocoris nicobarensis, Nicobar Is., Distant, Ent. xxv (Supp.), p. 96, n. sp. Coptosomci atenes, W. Africa, Karsch, p. 129, Ent. Nachr. xviii. C. sculpturatum , Madagascar, p. 278, nebalosum , p. 279, confusum, p. 280, E. Africa, parvipictum , p. 281, sordidulumi p. 283, China, lethierryi, E. India, p. 284, Montandon, Rev. d’Ent. xi. C. respersum , Java, p. 171, mundum, p. 172, lascivum , p. 173, China, Bergroth, Wien. ent. Z. xi : n. spp. Derula delagrangei, Syria, Puton, p. 25, Rev. d’Ent. xi, n. sp. JDictyotus transversus , Murray I., Carpenter, p. 138, pi. xii, fig. 1, P. R. Dublin Soc. (n s.) vii, n. sp. Dolycoris rutherfordi , Old Calabar, Distant, p. 187, Ent. M. M. xxviii, n. sp. Edessa herrichi , p. 45 1 rugiventris, p. 48, Argentine Rep., Berg, An. Soc. Arg. xxxiii, n. spp. Ennius monteironis , Delagoa Bay, Distant, p. 188, Ent. M. M. xxviii, n. sp. Eysarcoris megaspiloides , New Guinea, Tryon, p. 17, Ann. Queensland Mus. ii, n. sp. Gonocerus juniperi, n. var., obtusangulus, Puton, p. 26, Rev. d’Ent. xi. Halyomorpha bimaculata , Sierre Leone, Bergroth, p. 160, Ann. Ent. Belg. xxxvi. II. capitata , p.249, pi. iii, fig. 3,' pretoriaz, p 250, fig. 4, Transvaal, Distant, Naturalist Transvaal : n. spp. Handhirschiella, n. g., Plataspidinoe , p. 294, for H. aznea, p. 295, emarginata , p. 296, n. spp., Africa ; Montandon, Rev. d’Ent. xi. Holcostethus distantly S. Africa, Bergroth, p. 160, Ann. Ent. Belg. xxxvi. H. obscuratus , Transvaal, Distant, p. 249, pi. iii, fig. 2, Naturalist Transvaal : n. spp. Hymenomaga , n. g., near Tropicorypha , for T. formosa, Dist., Karsch, p. 130, Ent. Nachr. xviii. Isoplatys, n. g., Plataspidince , for I flavonotatus , n. sp., Gaboon ; Montandon, p. 303, Rev. d’Ent. xi. Lyramorpha maculifer , New Guinea, Tryon, p. 19, Ann. Queensland Mus. ii, n. sp. Megymenum severini, Bengal, Bergroth, p. 504, Ann. Ent. Belg. xxxvi, n. sp. Menida quadrimaculata , Mongolia, Horvath, p. 134, Term, fuzetek, xv, n. sp. Nezara abnormis, Buenos Aires, p. 7, vicina , p. 8, fucosa, p. 9, Argentine Rep., Berg, An. Soc. Arg. xxxiii, n. spp. Odontotarsus horvathi , N. Africa, Puton, p. 24, Rev. d’Ent. xi, n. sp. PENTATOMlDiE, COREID^]. Ins. 305 Orthoschizops plagosa, S. Africa, Distant, p. 238, Ent. M. M. xxviii, n. sp. Patanocnema, n. g., near Aspongopus, for P. ovata , n. sp., W. Africa ; Karsch, p. 130, Ent. Nachr. xviii. Pelioderma , n. g. Plataspidince , for P. cethiops , n. sp., W. Africa, Bergroth, p. cclv, Bull. Soc. Ent. Fr. lxi. Pentatoma (Cappcea) pretoria, E. Africa, Gerstaecker, JB. Hamb. Anst. ix, p. 46 ; P. submarginalis, p. 16, maculifer , prasina , p. 17, New Guinea, Tryon, Ann. Queensland Mus. ii : n. spp. Peromatus sulcifer, Argentine Rep., Berg, p. 43, An. Soc. Arg. xxxiii, n. sp. Philia area, Australia, Distant, Ent. xxv (Supp.), p. 96, n. sp. Phimodera mongolica , E. Siberia, Reuter, p. 173, GEfv. Finska Forh. xxxiv, n. sp. Piezosternum subulatum , egg figured ; Sharp, pi. viii, fig. 9, Tr. E. Soc. 1892. Plataspis gambeyi , Gaboon, p. 273, plagifera, Guinea, p. 275, guttulata , Gaboon, p. 276, conspersa , Madagascar, p. 277, Montandon, Rev. d’Ent. xi, n. spp. Platytatus , n. g. ( Eusthenince ), p. 158, for P. ambiguus , n. sp., Madagascar, p. 159 ; Bergroth, Ent. M. M. xxviii. Pododus striatus, S. Africa, Distant, p. 238, Ent. M. M. xxviii, n. sp. Pcecilochroma balteata, E. India, Distant, Eut. xxv (Supp.), p. 96, n. sp. Ponsila severing Centr. Africa, Montandon, p. 304, Rev. d’Ent. xi, n. sp. Schizops icterka , E. Africa, Gerstaecker, p. 47, JB. Hamb. Anst. ix, n. sp. Sehirus biguttatus, n. var. tibialis ; Puton, p. 25, Rev. d’Ent. xi : n. var. concolor ; Nickerl, p. 62, S. E. Z. liii. SepTiela morosa , E. Africa, Gerstaecker, p. 45, JB. Hamb. Anst. ix, n. sp. Solenosthedium madagascariensis, Madagascar, Distant, p. 187, Ent. M. M. xxviii, n. sp. Spudceus variabilis , New Guinea, Tryon, p. 18, Ann. Queensland Mus. ii, n. sp. Tesseratoma hornimani and allies, characters noticed ; Distant, p. 188, Ent. M. M. xxviii. Tiarocoris luminatus , Malacca, Montandon, p. 307, Rev. d’Ent. xi, n. sp. JJhlunga , n. g. ( Pentatomince ), for U. typica , n. sp., Natal ; Distant, p. 237, Ent. M. M. xxviii. Vaterna patula, Transvaal, Distant, p. 250, pi. iii, fig. 5, Naturalist Transvaal, n. sp. COREIDJE. Acanthocephala granulosa , Dali., = ( luctuosa , Stal) ; Distant, p. 359, Biol. Centr. Am. Rhynch. Heter. Anasa montivaga , p. 366, pi. xxxiii, fig. 19, delibata , fig. 17, decretoria , fig. 16, versicolor , fig. 18, p. 367, Centr. America, Distant, Biol. Centr. Am. Rhynch. Heter. ; A. limbata, p. 97, declivicollis , p. 153, Argentine Rep., Berg, An. Soc. Arg. xxxiii : d. spp. 1892. [vol. xsix.] e 20 306 Ins. XIII. RHYNCHOTA. Archimerus chiriquinus , Panama, Distant, p. 355, pi. xxxiii, fig. 4, Biol. Centr. Am. Rhynch. Heter., n. sp. Athaumastus subfoveolatus, Argentine Rep., Berg, p. 66, An. Soc. Arg. xxxiii, n. sp. Bardistus serrulatus , figured, pi. xxxiii, fig. 7, Biol. Centr. Am. Rhynch. Heter. B. formidabilis. Panama, Distant, p. 357, pi. xxxiii, fig. 9, Biol. Centr. Am. Rhynch. Heter., n. sp. Capaneus chontalensis , Nicaragua, pi. xxxiii, fig. 3, humerosus , fig. 5, Mexico, Distant, p. 354, Biol. Centr. Am. Rhynch. Heter., n. spp. Catorhintha sinuatipennis , Buenos Aires, Berg, p. 152, An. Soc. Arg. xxxiii, n. sp. Cebrenis rubro-conspersa , Argentine Rep., Berg, An. Soc. Arg. xxxiii, p. 99, n. sp. Chariestems robustus , Mexico, pi. xxxiii, fig. 12 . cuspidatus, Panama, fig 14, Distant, p. 364, Biol. Centr. Am. Rhynch. Heter., n. spp. Diactor bogotanus , figured, pi. xxxiii, fig. 8, Biol. Centr. Am. Rhynch. Heter. Dulichius , Sfcal, = ( Formicoris , Kirb.) ; Bergroth, p. 225, Wien. ent. Z. xi. D. wroughtoni , E. India, Bergroth, p. 107, Ent. M. M. xxviii [ D . (sub Formicoris ) inflatus , Kirby, = ( wroughtoni ), Bergroth, t. c. p. 126], n. sp. Elasmocnema , n. g., near Mictis , for E. limpidipennis , n. sp., W. Africa ; Karsch, p. 131, Ent. Nachr. xviii. Homceocerus vicarians, Cameroons, Karsch, p, 132, Ent. Nachr. xviii, n. sp. Hormambogaster , n. g,, near Dalader , for H. expansus, n. sp., W. Africa ; Karsch, p. 131, Ent. Nachr. xviii. Hypselonotus bitrianguliger , Argentine Rep., Berg., p. 101, An. Soc. Arg. xxxiii, n. sp. Laminiceps quadrisignata , Central America, Distant, p. 360, pi. xxxiii, fig. 11, Biol. Centr. Am. Rhynch. Heter., n. sp. Leptoglossus de?itatus, p. 68, impressicollis, p. 69, concaviusculus , p. 70, Argentine Rep., Berg, An. Soc. Arg. xxxiii, n. spp. Melucha quinquelineata , figured, pi. xxxiii, fig. 2, Biol. Centr. Am. Rhynch. Heter. M. bicolor , Guatemala, Distant, p. 353, pi. xxxiii, fig. 1. Biol. Centr. Am. Rhynch. Heter., n. sp. Mictis Iccta, E. Africa, Gerstaecker, p. 48, JB. Hamb. Anst. ix, n. sp. Myrmus calcaratus, E. Siberia, Reuter, p. 181, (Efv. Finska Forh. xxxiii, n. sp. Narnia inornata , Mexico, Distant, p. 361, pi. xxxiii, fig. 10, Biol. Centr. Am. Rhynch. Heter., n. sp. Ojedana , n. g., near Archimerus , p. 355, for 0. loricata , n. sp., Panama, p, 356, p. xxxiii, fig. 6, Distant, Biol. Centr. Am. Rhynch. Heter. C0REID2E, LYGMlBMj PYRRHO CORIM!. Ins. 307 Ovengua , n. g. ( Baladeraria ), for 0. aperta , n. sp., Old Calabar : Distant, Ent. M. M. xxviii, p. 285. Plmachtus falcatus, Transvaal, Distant, p. 251, pi. iii, fig. 8, Naturalist Transvaal, n. sp. Prismatocerus ( Philonus ) hcematocerus , E. Africa, Gerstaecker, p. 48, .JB. Hamb. Anst. ix, n. sp. Rhopalus ( Stictopleurus ) nysioides , p. 178, R. (. PEschynteles ) robustus , p. 179, E. Siberia, Reuter, (Efv. Finska Forh. xxxiii, n. spp. Savins diagonalis , Corrientes, Berg, p. 102, An. Soc. Arg. xxxiii, n. sp. Sethenira Uruguay ensis, S. America, Berg, p. 71, An. Soc. Arg. xxxiii, n. sp. Spartocera gigantea , Costa Rica, Distant, p. 363, pi. xxxiii, fig. 13, Biol. Centr. Am. Rhynch. Heter., n. sp. Vilga mexicana, Omilteme, Distant, p. 368, pi. xxxiii, fig. 20, Biol. Centr. Am. Rhynch. Heter., n. sp. Zicca castanea , Argentine Rep., Berg, p. 98, An. Soc. Arg. xxxiii, n. sp. Lyg^eidj:, Pyrrhocoridji:. Antilochus violaceus , Somaliland, Carlini, p. 532, Ann. Mus. Genov. (2) xii, n. sp. Beosus hoplites , E. Africa, Gerstaecker, p. 49, JB. Hamb. Anst. ix, n. sp. Cenceus ? exsanguis , Zanzibar, Gerstaecker, p. 50, JB. Hamb. Anst. ix, n. sp. Dysdercus festivus , E. Africa, Gerstaecker, p. 50, JB. Hamb. Anst. ix ; D. melanoderes (Germ.), Cameroons, Karsch, p. 133, Ent. Nachr. xviii : n. spp. Geocoris putonianus , n. n. for G. piceus infra ; Bergroth, Rev. d’Ent. xi, p. 264. G. Tienoni , Cairo, Puton. p. 26, Rev. d’Ent. xi ; G. (Piocoris) piceus, Tur- kestan, Puton, p. 72, t. c. : n. spp. Henestaris irroratus , S. France, Horvath, p. 136, Rev. d’Ent. xi, n. sp. Ischnodemus atricolor , Uruguay, Berg, p. 158, An. Soc. Arg. xxxiii, n. sp. Ischnopeza pallipes , Biskra, Puton, p. 27, Rev. d’Ent. xi ; I . flavogrisea , Somaliland, Carlini, p. 530, Ann. Mus. Genov. (2) xii : n. spp. Lamprodema rufipes , E. Siberia, Reuter, p. 182, CEfv. Finska Forh. xxxiii, n. sp. Lygceus ( Melanocoryphus ) hey deni, Turkestan, Puton, p. 71, Rev. d’Ent. xi ; L. planitice , pi. iii, fig. 7, desertus, fig. 9, p. 252, campestris, p. 253, fig. 10, Transvaal, Distant, Naturalist Transvaal : n. spp. Myrmoplasta, n. g., Pyrrhocorides , for M. mira , n. sp., E. Africa, Gerstaecker, p. 51, JB. Hamb. Anst. ix. Nysius novitius, Transvaal, Distant, p. 254, pi. iii, fig. 11, Naturalist Transvaal ; N. gibbifer, p. 155, ellipticus , p. 156, Arg. Rep., Berg, An. Soc. Arg. xxxiii : n. spp. 308 Ins. XIII. RHYNCHOTA. CEdanccila (sub Pamera ) dorsalis , Say, = ( dorsilinea , Am. & Serv.) ; Berg, p. 160, An. Soc. Arg. xxxiii. Oncopeltus bueanus, Cameroons, Karsch, p. 132, Ent. Nachr. xviii, n. sp. Pamera pro cerula, p. 162, sororcula , p. 163, Buenos Aires, Berg, An. Soc. Arg. xxxiii, n. spp. Peritrechus : characters of the Russian species ; Jakowleff, p. 228, Hor. Ent. Ross. xxvi. P. insignis , Derbent, Jakowleff, p. 231, Hor. Ent. Ross, xxvi, n. sp. Phygadicus australis , Murray 1., Carpenter, p. 140, pi. xii, fig. 2, P. R. Dublin Soc. (n.s.) vii, n. sp. Pyrrhopeplus carduelis, n. var. posthumus , Horvath, p. 135, Term, fuzetek, xv. Rhyparochromus puncticollis , n. var. nigripes , Horvath, p. 138, Rev. d’Ent. xi. Scolopostethus : characters of the palaearctic species, and synonymical list ; Horvath, pp. 253-256, Rev. d’Ent. xi. S. pafruelis, S. France, Horvath, p. 138, Rev. d’Ent. xi, n. sp. Sericocoris , n. g., p. 132 ( Pyrrhocorides ), for S. acromelanthes, n. sp., Came- roons, p. 133, Karsch, Ent. Nachr. xviii. Transvaalia , n. g., for T. lugens , n. sp., Transvaal, pi. iii, fig. 12 ; Distant, p. 253, Naturalist Transvaal. T. flavescens, Pretoria, Distant, Ent. M. M. xxviii, p. 285. Tingitidj:. Campylostira : revision of species with characters and varr. described ; Horvath, pp. 309-313, Wien. ent. Z. xi. C. bosnica , p. 309, Bosnia, eximia , Turkestan, p. 311, Horvath, Wien, ent. Z. xi, n. spp. Cyclotynaspis, n. g., Cantacaderaria, for C. acalyptoides, n. sp., Singapore ; Montandon, Rev. d’Ent. xi, p. 265. Dictyonota {Elina) henschi , Budapest, Puton, p. 72, Rev. d’Ent. xi, n. sp. Eurycera glabricornis, Mozambique, Montandon, p. 267, Rev. d’Ent. xi, n. sp. Leptostyla carmelana, Uruguay, Berg, p. 200, An. Soc. Arg. xxxiv, n. sp. Aradim. Aneurus indicus, Burma, Bergroth, p. 717, Ann. Mus. Genov. (2) xii, n. sp. Aradus similis , var., = {centriguttatiis), p. 332, list of the N. American Aradidce, pp. 335 & 336 ; Bergroth, P. E. Soc. Wash. ii. A. mirabilis , Burma, Bergroth, p. 710, Ann. Mus. Genov. (2) xii ; A. duzeei , Ontario, p. 333, concinnus, California, p. 337, Bergroth, P. E. Soc. Wash, ii : n. spp. Artabanus excelsus, with stridulating area, described; Bergroth, p. 806, Ann. Mus. Genov. (2) xii. AKADID.23j HYD ROME IRID2E 3 REDTJYIID.E. Ins. 309 A. excelsus, setulosus , p. 713, sexspinosus , p. 714, Burma, Bergroth, Ann. Mus. Genov. (2) xii, n. spp. Brachyrrhynchus verruciger , Amurland, Bergroth, p. 231, Rev. d’Ent. xi ; B. undulatus, Bengal, Bergroth, p. 504, Ann. Ent. Belg. xxxvi ; B. tenericornis , Burma, Bergroth, p. 716, Ann. Mus. Genov. (2) xii : n. spp. Caruentus gestroi, Burma, Bergroth, p. 712, Ann. Mus. Genov. (2) xii, n. sp. Lobocara , n. g. for L. oblonga, Argentine Rep., p. 259, ovata, Mexico, p. 260, n. spp. ; Bergroth, Rev. d’Ent. xi. Neuroctenus debilicornis, Gaboon, Montandon, p. 268, Rev. d’Ent. xi, n. sp. Pictinus asiaticus, Burma, Bergroth, p. 716, Ann. Mus. Genov. (2) xii ; P. modiglianii , pusio , Engano, Bergroth, p. 807, t. c. : n. spp. Hydro metridje. Gerris ( Tenagogonus ) hypohuca , E. Africa, Gerstaecker, p. 55, JB. Hamb. Anst. ix, n. sp. Halobates regalis , Mabuiag, Carpenter, p. 144, pi. xiii, figg. 1-8, P. R. Dublin Soc. (n.s.) vii, n. sp. Hermatobates , n. g., p. 142, for H. haddonii , n. sp., Mabuiag, p. 143, pi. xii, figg. 4-8 ; Carpenter, P. R. Dublin Soc. (n.s.) vii. Limnometra lineata , Mabuiag, Carpenter, p. 141, pi. xii, fig. 3, P. R. Dublin Soc. (n.s.) vii, n. sp. Tenagogonus , subg. (n. ?) of Gerris ; Gerstaecker, p. 56, JB. Hamb. Anst. ix. Reduviid^:. Eggs of a Reduniid described and figured with micropyle (?) apparatus ; Sharp, Tr. E. Soc. 1892, p. 191, pis. viii & ix. Acanthaspis armata , Somaliland, Carlini, p. 535, Ann. Mus. Genov. (2) xii, n. sp. Cleptria bicolor, S. Africa, Bergroth, p. 162, Ann. Ent. Belg. xxxvi, n. sp. Coranus longiceps , S. Africa, Bergroth, p. 161, Ann. Ent. Belg. xxxvi ; C. hammarstroemii , Mongolia, Reuter, p. 184, (Efv Finska Forh. xxxiii ; C. loczyi , Calcutta, Horyath, p. 135, Term, fiizetek. xv : n. spp. Ectrichodia problematica, E. Africa, Gerstaecker, p. 54, JB. Hamb. Anst. ix, n. sp. Ectrychotes jakowleffi, China, Horvath, p. 136, Term, fiizetek. xv, n. sp. Endochus africanus, W. Africa, Bergroth, p. 161, Ann. Ent. Belg. xxxvi, n. sp. Enicocephalus : note on, and on Hymenodectes , Uhl. ; Ashmead, p. 329, P. E. Soc. Wash. ii. 310 Ins . XIII. EHYNCHOTA. Formicoris, Kirby, is the same as Dulichius ; Bergroth, Eut. M. M. xxviii, p. 126. HenicocephaluSy = ( Dicephalus , Kirb.) ; Bergroth, p. 225, Wien. ent. Z. xi. Holotrichius henoni, Suez, Puton, p. 27, Rev. d’Ent. xi, n. sp. Ischnobcena preussi, W. Africa, Karsch, p. 136, Ent. Nadir, xviii, n. sp. Laphyctes ? brachialis, E. Africa, Gerstaecker, p. 52, JB. Hamb. Anst. ix, n. sp. Leptodema , n. g, for L. hirtum , p. 533, acanthocephalum , p. 534, n. spp., Trop. Africa ; Carlini, Ann. Mus. Genov. (2) xii. Oncocephalus insignis , E. Africa, Gerstaecker, p. 55, JB. Hamb. Anst. ix ; 0. vaulogeri , Algeria, Montandon, p. 272, Rev. d’Ent. xi : n. spp. Marcenaspis, n. g. Ectrichodiides , for M. typhlops , n. sp., Cameroons ; Karsch, p. 134, Ent. Nachr. xviii. Miomerocerus , n. g. Ectrichodiides , for M. scopaceus , n. sp., Cameroons ; Karsch, p. 135, Ent. Nachr. xviii. Nagusta junodi, Mozambique, Montandon, p. 269, Rev. d’Ent. xi, n. sp. Phonoctonus principalis, E. Africa, Gerstaecker, p. 52, JB. Hamb. Anst. xi, n. sp. Pirates brachypterus , p. 54, morosus , collaris , p. 55, E. Africa, Ger- staecker, JB. Hamb. Anst. ix ; P. conspurcatus , Transvaal, Distant, p. 255, pi. ii, fig. 10, Naturalist Transvaal : n. spp. Ploiaria melanacantha, Carcassonne, Horvath, p. 139, Rev. d’Ent. xi, n. sp. Polymazus , n. g., p. 52, for P. singularis, n. sp., E. Africa, p. 53 ; Ger- staecker, JB. Hamb. Anst. ix. Paphidosoma echinatum , E. Africa, Gerstaecker, p. 54, JB. Hamb. Anst. ix, n. sp. Reduvius polystictus , E. Africa, Gerstaecker, p. 53, JB. Hamb. Anst. ix ; R. notabilipeSf Obock, Montandon, p. 271, Rev. d’Ent. xi ; R. pulvisculatus , pi. ii, fig. 3, sertus, fig. 8, p. 254, capitalis, p. 255, fig. 1, Transvaal, Distant, Naturalist Transvaal : n. spp. Rhochmogaster, n. g. Ectrichodiides , for R. dimerus , n. sp ., Cameroons ; Karsch, p. 135, Ent. Nachr. xviii. Santosia semistriata, Cameroons, Karsch, p. 135, Ent. Nachr. xviii, n. sp. Sastrapada novceguinensis , Fergusson I., Tryon, p. 23, Ann. Queensland Mus. ii, n. sp. Sphedanolesthes fenestriculatus , W. Africa, Karsch, p. 134, Ent. Nachr. xviii, n. sp. Vadimon bergrothi , Mozambique, Montandon, p. 270, Rev. d’Ent. xi, n. sp. Saldid^ ClMICID^!. Acanthia : notes on the species of, in N. America ; Osborn, p. 262, Canad. Ent. xxiv. A. inodoraj Mexico, Duges, p. 169, pi. viii, n. sp. SALDID/E — CAPSIDS . Ins. 311 Anthocoris carinulatus , Madagascar, Reuter, p. 186, Ent. M. M. xxviii, n. sp. Xylocoris humeralis, Sign., referred to Lasiochilus, and redescribed ; Reuter, p. 186, Ent. M. M. xxviii. Capsids. Food-plants of Capsidce, near Washington ; Heidemann (392). Antias lucidus , Argentine Rep., Berg, p. 95, An. Soc. Arg. xxxiii, n. sp. Arsinotus , n. g. ( Bryocoraria ), for A. albipes, n. sp., Buenos Aires ; Berg, p. 198, An. Soc. Arg. xxxiv. Brachycoleus steini , n. var. thoracicus ; Puton, p. 29, Rev. d’Ent. xi. Calocoris humeralis , p. 89, lineolatus , p. 90, Argentine Rep., Berg, An. Soc. Arg. xxxiv, n. spp. Camponotidea saundersi, macropterous form ; Puton, p. 28, Rev. d’Ent. xi. Capsus delagrangei , Syria, Puton, p. 29, Rev. d’Ent. xi, n. sp. Chrysodasia, n. g. near Lygus , p. 400, for C. strigifrons , n. sp., Venezuela, p. 401 ; Reuter, Ann. Soc. Ent. Fr. lxi. Cyrtocapsus femoralis, Venezuela, Reuter, p. 394, Ann. Soc. Ent. Fr. lxi, n. sp. Dolichomiris tibialis , Venezuela, Reuter, p. 392, Ann. Soc. Ent. Fr. lxi, n. sp. Eccritotarsus luculentus , p. 195, nigriclavus, p. 196, Argentine Rep., Berg, An. Soc. Arg. xxxiv, n. spp. Fulvius simoni , Venezuela, Reuter, p. 391, Ann. Soc. Ent. Fr. lxi, n. sp. Halticus minutus , injurious in Cochin-China ; Giard (337). Helopeltis bergrothii , Gaboon, Reuter, p. 159, Ent. M. M. xxviii, n. sp. Ischnias , n. g. ( Capsana ), p. 193, for I. saltensis, n. sp., Argentine Rep., p. 194 ; Berg, An. Soc. Arg. xxxiv. Linocerocoris, n. g. near Eucerocoris , for L. cariniventris , n. sp., Cameroons, Karsch, p. 133, Ent. Nachr. xviii. Lopus flavomarginatus , n. var., luctuosus ; Puton, p. 29, Rev. d’Ent. xi. Lygus ceruginosus, p. 92, phaleratus , p. 93, Argentine Rep., Berg, An. Soc. Arg. xxxiv, n. spp. Mecomma madagascariensis, Madagascar, Reuter, p. 185, Ent. M. M. xxviii, n. sp. Oncognathus binotatus , habits ; Howard, Ins. Life, v, pp. 90-92, figg. Orinonotus, n. subg., vide Physetonotus infra. Orthotylus ochrotrichus , = ( propinquus , Reut.) ; Saunders, Ent. M. M. xxviii, p. 125. Perissobasis, n. g., P erissobasaria (nov. divisio), p. 397, for P. aurora, n. sp., Venezuela, p. 398, Reuter, Ann. Soc. Ent. Fr. lxi. Physetonotus , n. g., with n. subg. Orinonotus, and with P. (0.) simoni, n. sp., Venezuela ; Reuter, p. 395, Ann. Soc. Ent. Fr. lxi. Phytocoris riparum , N. Italy, Ferrari, Ann. Mus. Genov. (2) xii ; P. bergrothi , p. 398, tripunctatus, p. 399, Venezuela, Reuter, Ann. Soc. Ent. Fr. lxi : n. spp. 312 Ins . XIII. RHYNCHOTA. Pceciloscytus rubricuneus , Argentine Rep., Berg, p. 94, An. Soc. Arg. xxxiv, n. sp. Pristoneura , n. g., Bryocoraria, for P. picea, n. sp., Venezuela ; Reuter, Ann. Soc. Ent. Fr. lxi, p. 396. Resthenia ( Callichila ) occipitalis , p. 83, i2. (i£.) hirtula, p. 84, dissociata , p. 87, Argentine Rep., Berg, An. Soc. Arg. xxxiv, n. spp. Schizonotns , n. g., Cyllocoraria , p. 401, for & dromedarius , n. sp., Caracas, p. 402 ; Reuter, Ann. Soc. Ent. Fr. lxi. Stenodema lateralis , E. Siberia, Reuter, p. 187, (Efv. Finska Forh. xxxiii, n. sp. HYDROCORIS.ZE. Aphelochirus sinensis , Ho-Chan, Montandon, p. 73, Rev. d’Ent. xi, n. sp. Corixa zealandica , New Zealand, Hudson, Manual, p. 120, pi. xx, fig. 5, n. sp. Enithares compacta , E. Africa, Gerstaecker, p. 57, JB. Hamb. Anst. ix ; E. bergrothi, New Caledonia, Montandon, p. 75, Rev. d’Ent. xi : n. spp. Laccotrephes ellipticus, E. Africa, Gerstaecker, p. 56, JB. Hamb. Anst. ix, n. sp. Mononyx asiaticus , China, Horvath, p. 136, Term, fiizetek, xv, n. sp. Notonecta : fossil noticed ; Schlechtendal (800). Ranatra : characters of the Palsearctic species ; Bergroth, p. 127, Rev. d’Ent. xi. R. nodiceps , E. Africa, Gerstaecker, p. 57, JB. Hamb. Anst. ix, n. sp. HEIIPTERA-H0M0PTERA, [Cf. Carlini (158), Distant (210-215), Duzee (233-237), Ferrari (281), Gerstaecker (323), Goding (345, 346), Horvath (428), Hudson (440), Lethierry (549, 550), Puton (707, 708), Slinger- land (851), Townsend (945), and Coccidce, p. 317.] ClCADIM. Beeturia bicolorata, N. Guinea, Distant, p. 316, Ann. N. H. (6) ix, n. sp. Callipsaltria bicolorata , S. Africa, Distant, p. 318, Ann. N. H. (6) ix, n. sp. Carineta tracta , p. 320, centralis , Ecuador, matura , Venezuela, p. 321, Dis- tant, Ann. N. H. (6) ix, n. spp. Cicada viridis, Fab., = ( D . mixta, Kirby) ; Distant, p. 325, Ann. N. H. (6) ix. C. flammata , Japan, Distant, p. 99, pi. xiii, fig. 15, Mon. Or. Cicad. ; C. extrema , Swan River, p. 56, madagascariensis , Madagascar, p. 57, Distant, Ann. N. H. (6) x ; C. timorensis, Timor, Distant, p. 406, Ann. N. H. (6) x ; C. iolanthe , New Zealand, Hudson, Manual, p. 119, pi. xx, fig. 3 : n. spp. CICADIDiE. Ins. 313 Cosmopsaltria fece , p. 101, ficulnea, p. 102, Burma, Distant, Mon. Or. Cicad., n. spp. Dorachosa , n. g., p. 63, near Tibicen , for D. explicata , n. sp., Panama, p. 64 ; Distant, Ann. N. H. (6) x. Dundubia mixta , note on ; Kirby, p. 304, Wien. ent. Z. xi. Fidicina mulleri , Brazil. Distant, p. 319, Ann. N. H. (6) ix ; F. amazona , Ega, bogotana , Bogota, p. 58, rubricata, Brazil, p. 59, Distant, Ann. N. H. (6) x : n. spp. Gceana and its species, characters of, with figures of numerous species ; Distant, pp. 104-108, Mon. Or. Cicad. Graptotettix thoracica, Burma, Distant, p. 315, Ann. N. H. (6) ix, n. sp. Huechys : the species described, and most of them figured ; Distant, pp. 111-116, Mon. Or. Cicad. H. fusca, p. 114, pi. iii, fig. 7, lutulenta , p. 115, pi. xiv, fig. 1, dohertyi , p. 116, fig. 2, Borneo, Distant, Mon. Or. Cicad., n. spp. Kanakia , n. g., near Malagasia , for X. typica , n. sp., New Caledonia ; Distant, p. 62, Ann. N. H. (6) x. Lembeja , n. n., to replace Perissoneura ; Distant, p. 103, Mon. Or. Cicad. Leptopsaltria japonica, Japan, Horvath, p. 136, Term, fiizetek, xv ; L. morrisi, E. India, Distant, p. 101, Mon. Or. Cicad., n. spp. Masupha , n. g., near Cicadatra , for M. ampliata , p. 317, delicata , p. 318, n. spp., S. Africa ; Distant, Ann. N. H. (6) ix. Melampsalta : synonymy of New Zealand species, nervosa, Wlk., = (i cassiope , Huds.) ; Distant, pp. 326 & 327, Ann. N. H. (6) ix. M. nervosa , Walk., = ( mangu , White) ; Distant, p. 67, Ann. N. H. (6) x. M. excequata , Naga Hills, Distant, p. 144, pi. xv, fig. 11, Mon. Or. Cicad ; M. labeculata , Australia, Distant, p. 66, Ann. N. H. (6) x ; M. convicta, Norfolk I., rosacea , New Caledonia, p. 322, abdominalis , extrema , p. 323, Australia, rotundata , S. Africa, p. 324, Distant, op. cit. ix : n. spp. Mogannia : the species described and figured ; Distant, Mon. Or. Cicad. pp. 119-122. M. effecta , E. India, Distant, Ann. N. H. (6) ix, p. 316, n. sp. Platypleura testacea, Somaliland, Carlini, p. 537, Ann. Mus. Genov. (2) xii, n. sp. Pcecilopsaltria trimeni , p. 313 , peringueyi, p. 314, S. Africa, Distant, Ann. N. H. (6) ix, n. spp. Pomponia ransonneti) Dist., = (< greeni , Kirby) ; Distant, p. 325, Ann. N. H. (6) ix. P . japonensis , Japan, Distant, p. 102, Mon. Or. Cicad., n. sp. Psaltoda flavescens, Australia, Distant, p. 55, Ann. N. H. (6) x, n. sp. Psilotympana infuscata, S. Africa, Distant, p. 319, Ann. N. H. (6) ix, n. sp. Talainga bingliami , figured ; Distant, pi. xiii, fig. 4, Mon. Or. Cicad. Terpnosia , n. g., near Pomponia , T. psecas , Wlk., = ( P . elegans, Kirby) ; Distant, p. 325, Ann. N. H. (6) ix. 314 Ins. XIII. EHYNCHOTA. T. pryeri , p. 139, pi, xv, fig. 5, Japan, andersoni , p. 141, pi. ix, fig. 13, China, Distant, Mon. Or. Cicad., n. spp. Tettigades parva, Argentine Rep., Berg, p. 65, Ann. N. H. (6) x, n. sp. Thopha sessiliba , Australia, Distant, p. 314, Ann. N. H. (6) ix, n. sp. Tibicen primitiva , Wlk., = ( hcematina , Stal), monilifera , Wlk., = ( macu - linervis, Stal) ; Distant, p. 325, Ann. N. H. (6) ix. T. nubifurca , Wlk., = ( apiccilis , Kirby) ; Distant, p. 325, t.c. T. putoni, n. n. for lacteipennis, Puton ; Distant, p. 67, op. cit. x. T. ( Quintilia ) wealei , S. Africa, Distant, p. 316, Ann. N. H. (6) ix ; T. egce , Amazons, p. 64, pumilus , New Caledonia, p. 65, Distant, op. cit. x : n. spp. Tympanoterpes sodalis , Wlk., = (Fid. vultur, Wlk.) ; Distant, p. 67, Ann. N. H. (6) x. T. colombice , Bogota, p. 60, bergi , Argentine Rep. p. 61, Distant, Ann. N. H. (6) x, n. spp. Fulgorim. Birdantis pallescens, Batchian, Distant, p. 276, Tr. E. Soc. 1892, n. sp. Copsyrna ochracea , Perak, Distant, p. 286, Tr. E. Soc. 1892, n. sp. Cenestra ligata, Perak, pi. xiii, fig. 3, copulanda , Java, Distant, p. 285, Tr. E. Soc. 1892, n. spp. Cynthila viridimaculata, Perak, Distant, p. 275, Tr. E. Soc. 1892, n. sp. Dardus albomaculatus , p. 282, obscurus, p. 283, Australia, Distant, Tr. E. Soc. 1892, n. spp. Delphax lugubris , $ noticed ; Lethierry, p. 70, Rev. d’Ent. xi. Desudaba maculata , Australia, Distant, p. 277, Tr. E. Soc. 1892, n. sp. Bichoptera nubila , p. 277, hampsoni, E. India, nasuta , Celebes, p. 278, Dis- tant, Tr. E. Soc. 1892, n. spp. Dictyophora unicolor , n. var. vittata, Puton, p. 30, Rev. d’Ent. xi. B./uminervis, E. India, Lethierry, p. 208, Bull. Soc. Z. Fr. 1892 ; D. prceferrata , bifasciata , insignis , Peak Downs, Australia, Distant, p. 279, Tr. E. Soc. 1892 : n. spp. Eriphyle ? par adoxa, E. Africa, Gerstaecker, p. 58, JB. Hamb. Anst. ix, n. sp. Eurybrachys apicata , India, Distant, p. 281, Tr. E. Soc. 1892, n. sp. Flata radiata , Borneo, labeculata , Celebes, p. 284, F. ( Colobesthes ?) semanga , Malay Penins., p. 285, pi. xiii, fig. 6, Distant, Tr. E. Soc. 1892, n. spp. Kandiana , n. g., near Messena, for K. lewisi , n. sp., Ceylon, pi. xiii, fig. 2, Distant, p. 280, Tr. E. Soc. 1892. Loxocephala castanea , E. India, Distant, p. 281, Tr. E. Soc. 1892, n. sp. Messena radiata , E. India, Distant, p. 280, pi. xiii, fig. 1, Tr. E. Soc. 1892, n. sp. Mycterodus orthocephalus , $ described ; Ferrari, p. 568, Ann. Mus. Genov. (2) xii. (Ecleus decens , oviposition in Yucca ; Townsend, Psyche, vi, p. 353. FULG0R1DJC, CERCOPIDiE, MEMBRACID^, JASSIM. Ins. 315 Oliarus angusticeps, Japan, Horvath, p. 137, Term, fiizetek. xv, n. sp. Platybrachys signata, p. 281, insignis, Australia, cerata, Australia and Samoa, p. 282, Distant, Tr. E. Soc. 1892, n. spp. Phromnia parmata , Philippines, p. 283, montivaga, Borneo, p. 284, pi. xiii, fig. 5, Distant, Tr. E. Soc. 1892, n. spp. Bicania (Pochazia) flavocostata, Borneo, Distant, p.283, Tr. E. Soc. 1892, n. sp. Scamandra diana, Sangir, Distant, p. 276, pi. xiii, fig. 4, Tr. E. Soc. 1892, n. sp. Cercopim. Isthmia (?) elegantula , E. Africa, Gerstaecker, p. 57, JB. Hamb. Anst. ix, n. sp. Phymatostetha deschampsi, E. India, Lethierry, p. 208, Bull. Soc. Z. Fr. 1892, n. sp. Membraciixe. Synopsis of the N. American genera ; Goding, Tr. Am. Ent. Soc. xix, pp. 253-260. Centrodontus , n. g., Centrotince , for Gargara atlas , Goding, n. sp., infra ; Goding, Ent. News, iii, p. 201. Gargara atlas , California, Goding, p. 110, Ent. News, iii, n. sp. Heliria scalaris, Colorado, Goding, p. 200, Ent. News, iii, n. sp. Platycotis minax , California, Goding, p. 109, Ent. News, iii, n. sp. Potnia asodalis , California, Goding, p. 110, Ent. News, iii, n. sp. Pubilia bicinctura, Colorado, Goding, p. 200, Ent. News, iii, n. sp. Stictocephala gillettei , Colorado, Goding, Ent. News, iii, pp. 108 & 200, n. sp. Stictopelta nova , California, p. 110, marmorata, New Mexico, p. 201, Goding, Ent. News, iii, n. spp. Telamona rileyii California, Goding, p. 108, Ent. News, iii, n. sp. Jassim. Tabulation of the N. American genera ; Duzee, pp. 295-300, Tr. Am. Ent. Soc. xix. Acinopterus , n. g., near Athysanus , p. 307, for A. acuminatus , n. sp., N. America, p. 308, Duzee, Psyche, vi. Agallia sanguinolenta, oviposition and larvae noticed; Osborn, Canad. Ent. xxiv, p. 35. Athysanus comma , bicolor , p. 114, obtusus (altered to obtutus , p. 156), p. 115, N. America, Duzee, Canad. Ent. xxiv, n. spp. Chlorotettix, n. g., near Thamnotettix , type Bythoscopus unicolor , Fitch, p. 306, with C. viridius , p. 309, galbanatus , p. 310, n. spp., N. America; Duzee, Psyche, vi. 316 Ins. XIII. RHYNCHOTA. Deltocephalus ecchelii, Tyrol, Ferrari, p. 574, Ann. Mns. Genov. (2) xii; D. flavocostatus , Mississippi, Duzee, p. 116, Canad. Ent. xxiv ; D. simplex , osborni , p. 304, cinerosus , signatifrons, p. 305, weedi , p. 306, IS". America, Duzee, Tr. Am. Ent. Soc. xix : n. spp. Eupteryx zelleri , n. var. hipposideros, Horvath, p. 140, Rev. d’Ent. xi, n. sp. Eutettix, n. g , type Thamnotettix lurida , Duzee ; Duzee, Psyche, vi, p. 307. E. pictus, p. 301, marmoratus , p. 302, N. America, Duzee, Tr. Am. Ent. Soc. xix, n. spp. Gnathodus impictus , abdominalis , New Jersey, Duzee, p. 113, Canad. Ent. xxiv, n. spp. Goniagnathus elongatus , E. India, Lethierry, p. 209, Bull. Soc. Z. Fr. 1892, n. sp. Henschia, n. g., near Aconura , for H. seticauda , n. sp., Hungary ; Lethi- erry, Rev. d’Ent. xi, p. 69. Macropsis indica, Mahe, Lethierry, p. 209, Bull. Soc. Z. Fr. 1892, n. sp. Phlepsius latifrons, p. 66, uhleri , p. 67, cinereus, p. 68, pallidus , p. 69, fuscipennis , p. 70, truncatas , p. 72, incisus , p. 73, punctiscriptus , p. 75, apertus , humidus, p. 76, nebulosus , p. 77, spatulatus, p. 78, ovatas, p. 79, superbus , p. 81, Duzee, Tr. Am. Ent. Soc. xix, n. spp. Tettigonia mitrata, E. Africa, Gerstae’cker, p. 58, JB. Hamb. Anst. ix, n. sp. Thamnotettix ghilianii , Turin, Ferrari, p. 573, Ann. Mus. Genov. (2) xii ; T. brevissimus , E. India, Lethierry, p. 209, Bull. Soc. Z. Fr. 1892 ; T. inornata , New York, Duzee, p. 303, Tr. Am. Ent. Soc. xix ; T. smithi, longiseta, p. 266, gillettii , p. 267, montanus, p. 268, N. America, Duzee, Canad. Ent. xxiv : n. spp. Ulopa canadensis , Canada, Duzee, p. 301, Tr. Am. Ent. Soc. xix, n. sp, PsYLLIM. Bactericera maritima , S. France, Horvath, p. 140, Rev. d’Ent. xi, n. sp. Diaphorina cegyptiaca , Cairo, Puton, p. 30, Rev. d’Ent. xi, n. sp. Psylla pyricola, habits and structure ; Slingerland (851). Trioza alacris , ravages on Laurus nobilis ; Thomas (926). Aphidim. Pemphigiens : two forms of biological cycles in this group ; Horvath (427). Lachnus pini and pineti , males described, pini, n. var. cembrce , p. 74 ; Cholodkovsky, Zool. Anz. xv, p. 67 L. farinosus, St. Petersburg, Cholodkovsky, Zool. Anz. xv, p. 74, n. sp. Phylloxera vastatrix : abstract of life-history ; Teich, KB. Yer. Riga, xxxiv, pp. 36—38 : habits ; Behr, Zoe, ii, pp. 305-310 : sucking- apparatus, &c. ; Krassilstschik (519). APHIDIDiE, COCCIM, ALEURODID^. Ins. 317 Siphonophora cucurbitce , habits ; Webster, p. 311, Canad. Ent. xxiv. S. Mice , mode of deposition of eggs ; Howard, p. 249, P. E. Soc. Wash. ii. Toxoptem graminum , notes on ; Webster, Ins. Life, iv, pp. 245-248. CoCCIDiEj Aleurodim. [Cf. Cockerell (178, 179), Coquillett (184), Douglas (224, 625), Maskell (590, 591, 592), Mayer (594), Morgan (179, 625, 626), Newstead (637), Targioni-Tozzetti (912, 913), Townsend (949).] Mode of preparing and mounting Coccidce ; Maskell, Tr. N. Z. Inst, xxiv, pp. 3-5. General information about Coccitlce : their enemies, &c. ; Cockerell (178). For localities of a large number of species of Coccidce , see Maskell, Ent. M. M. xxviii, pp. 69-71. Coccidce of California ; Coquillett, Bull. Dep. Agric. Ent. xxvi, pp. 13-36. Note on the “spinnerets5’ of Diaspidince ; Maskell, Tr. N. Z. Inst, xxiv, pp. 5 & 6. ■ A cantho coccidce and Dactylopidce , generic and group distinctions dis- cussed ; Maskell, p. 30, pi. iv, figg. 11-17, Tr. N. Z. Inst. xxiv. Aleurodicus , n. g. for A. anonce , n. sp., Demerara, and Aleurodes cocois , Curt. ; Douglas & Morgan, Ent. M. M. xxviii, p. 32, pi. i. Aonidia blanchardi , Sahara, on date-palm, Targioni, p. 69, Mem. Soc. Zool., and Bull. Ent. Ital. xxiv, pp. 170-188, with developmental history : n. sp. Aspicliotus aurantii , synonymical note ; Maskell, Tr. N. Z. Inst, xxiv, p. 12. A. sitbruhescens, p. 9, pi. i, figg. 1 & 2, fodiens , figg. 3 & 4, bossiece , figg. 5 & 6, p. 10, rossi , p. 11, figg. 7-9, Australia, Maskell, Tr. N. Z. Inst, xxiv, n. spp. Brachyscelidce : notes on the group ; Maskell, p. 53, Tr. N. Z. Inst, xxiv. - Carteria melaleucce , p. 54, pi. xii, figg. 1-10, acacice, p. 56, figg. 11-15, Australia, Maskell, Tr. N. Z. Inst, xxiv, n. spp. Ceroplastes : spp. from Mexico and their parasites noticed ; Townsend, Zoe, iii, pp. 255-257. Chionaspis : note on species of ; Morgan, Ent. M. M. xxviii, pp. 14-16. C. eugenicB, p. 14, pi. i, figg. 10-12, nitida , p. 15, figg. 13 & 14, Australia, Maskell, Tr. N. Z. Inst, xxiv, n. spp. Coccus cacti : observations on anatomy of, and production of wax ; Mayer (594). Cielostoma compression., New Zealand, p. 45, pi. xi, figg. 1—8, immane , p. 49, pi. xi, figg. 9-12, Australia, Maskell, Tr. N. Z. Inst, xxiv, n. spp. 318 Ins. XIII. EHYNCHOTA. Ctenochiton elceocarpi, $ , p. 17, depressim * small form, p. 19, described ; Maskell, Tr. N. Z. Inst. xxiv. C. dacrydii, N. Zealand ; Maskell, p. 18, pi. ii, figg. 1-4, Tr. N. Z. Inst, xxiv, n. sp. Cylindrococcus, n. g. (position doubtful), p. 41, for C. casuarince , p. 41, pi. ix, spiniferus , p. 43, pi. x, figg. 1-7, sp. ?, p. 44, fig. 8, n. spp. ; Australia, Maskell, Tr. N. Z. Inst. xxiv. Dactylopius albizzice , p. 31, pi. vi, figg. 3-10, hibbertice, p. 32, figg. 11-14, acacice, p. 33, figg. 15 & 16, Australia, iceryoides, New Zealand, p. 33, pi. vii, figg. 1-5, globosus , p. 34, figg. 6-8, eucalypti , p. 35, figg. 9-13, Australia, graminis , S. Africa, p. 36, pi. x, figg. 9-12, Maskell, Tr. N. Z. Inst, xxiv, n. spp. Diaspis lanatus , Jamaica, Morgan, p. 136, J. Inst. Jamaica, i, n. sp. - Eriococcus hoherice , apterous $ noticed and figured, p. 26, pi. iv, figg. 9 & 10, Maskell, Tr. N. Z. Inst, xxiv ; E. fraxini , referred to Ripersia , Newstead, p. 147, Ent. M. M. xxviii. E. phyllocladi, New Zealand, p. 25, pi. iv, figg. 1-4, confusus, Australia, p. 26, figg. 5-8, fagicorticis , N. Zealand, pi. v, figg. 1-5, eucalypti , p. 27, figg. 6-14, tepperi , Australia, figg. 15-17, p. 29, Maskell, Tr. N. Z. Inst, xxiv, n. spp. Fiorinia acacice, Australia, Maskell, p. 16, pi. i, figg. 15-17, Tr. N. Z. Inst, xxiv, n. sp. Frenchia , n. g. ( Brachyscelidce ), p. 56, for F. casuarince, n. sp., Australia, p. 57, pi. xiii, Maskell, Tr. N. Z. Inst. xxiv. Gossyparia mannifera and manna in Algeria ; Giard, p. cclxxiii, Bull. Soc. Ent. Fr. lxi. leery a hoebelei , Australia, Maskell, Ent. M. M. xxviii, p. 184, n. sp. Inglisia inconspicua, New Zealand, Maskell, p. 19, pi. ii, figg. 5-7, Tr. N. Z. Inst, xxiv, n. sp. Lecanium caprece , descriptive note ; Douglas, Ent. M. M. xxviii, p. 278. L. rubi , $ described ; Douglas, p. 105, t. c. L. minimum , assimile, England, Newstead, p. 141, Ent. M. M. xxviii ; L. baccatum , Australia, Maskell, p. 20, pi. ii, figg. 8-16, Tr. N. Z. Inst, xxiv ; L. begonice , Demerara, Douglas, p. 209, pi. iii, fig. 4, Ent. M. M. xxviii : n. spp. Leucaspis pini , note on scales of ; Morgan, Ent. M. M. xxviii, p. 13. Monophlebus crawfordi , notes on ; Maskell, p. 51, Tr. N. Z. Inst, xxiv. Pinnaspis, n. g. or subg. of Mytilaspis, for part of Mytilaspis ; Cockerell, J. Inst. Jamaica, i, p. 136. Planchonia styplielice , Australia, Maskell, p. 24, pi. iii, figg. 10-18, Tr. N. Z Inst, xxiv, n. sp. Poliaspls exocarpi , Australia, Maskell, p. 17, Tr. N. Z. Inst, xxiv, n. sp. Prosopophora , n. g. for P. dendrobii , n. sp., Demerara ; Douglas, p. 207, pi. iii, fig. 1, Ent. M. M. xxviii. Pseudococcus socius, England ( Pulvinaria ribesice, Doug., $ is the $ of this), Newstead, Ent. M. M. xxviii, p. M4, n. sp. COCCIDJE, ALEURODIM. Ins. 319 Pseudoparlatoria , n. g. or subg. of Aspidiotus, for P. ostreata , n. sp., Jamaica ; Cockerell, p. 136, J. Inst. Jamaica, i. Pulvinaria maslcelli, life history ; Oliff, p. 176, pi. xi, Agric. Graz. N.S.W. P. persicce, England, Newstead, p. 142, Ent. M. M. xxviii, n. sp. Rhizococcus grandis , Australia, Maskell, p. 29, pi. vi, figg. 1 & 2, Tr. N. Z. Inst, xxiv, n. sp. Ripersia tomlinii, habits noticed ; Dale, Ent. M. M. xxviii, p. 219. R. formicicola , habitat in certain ants-nests ; Smith, Ent. M. M. xxviii, p. 307. R. pulveraria , England, p. 145, tomlinii , Guernsey, p. 146, Newstead, Ent. M. M. xxviii ; R. rumicis, p. 37, pi. viii, figg. 1-3, formicicola , p. 38, pi. viii, figg. 4-7, New Zealand, Maskell, Tr. N. Z. Inst, xxiv : n. spp. Signoretia luzulce, $ described ; Newstead, p. 142, Ent. M. M. xxviii. S, atriplicis , Australia, Maskell, p. 23, pi. iii, figg. 1-9, Tr. N. Z. Inst. xxiv, n. sp. -Sphcerococcusj n. g. undefined, for S. casuarince, pi. viii, figg. 8-20, n. sp., Australia ; Maskell, p. 39, Tr. N. Z. Inst. xxiv. Uhleria fiorinice, synonymy and habitats ; Morgan, Ent. M. M. xxviii, p. 12. 320 Ins. (F.) netjbopteba. Tabulation of the suborders and genera of N. American Neuropteroid insects, and Catalogue of the species ; Banks, Tr. Am. Ent. Soc. xix, pp. 327-373. Trichoptera. [Cf. Linden (563), Martin (585).] List of Trichoptera of the Department of the Indre, with notes on habits and dates ; Martin, Rev. d:Ent. x, pp. 1-23 & 76. On the earliest stages of a Phryganeid larva ; Linden, Biol. Centralbl. xii, pp. 523-527. Heteroplectron : systematic position queried ; Banks, p. 373, Tr. Am. Ent. Soc. xix. Hydroptila maclachlani , $ characters ; Morton, Ent. M. M. xxviii, p. 108. Pkilopotamus montanus, var. chrysopterus, variation in neuration ; MacLachlan, Ent. M. M. xxviii, p. 182. Planipennia. [Cf. Banks (33), MacLachlan (574), Verhoeff (970) ] Bittacus tipularius , habits ; Martin, Rev. Sci. Bourb. v, pp. 46-52. Chrysopa ramburi , habits and localities ; MacLachlan, Ent. M. M. xxviii, p. 50. Clirysopa oculata , = ( illepida , fulvibucca , chi , ypsilon , mississippiensis ) ; Banks, p. 373, Tr. Am. Ent. Soc. xix. Formicaleo wilsoni , Hawaiian Is., MacLachlan, p. 178, Ann. N. H. (6) x, n. sp. Hemerobius subnebulosus , development of colour in pupa ; Yerhoeff, p. 297, Ent. Nachr. xviii. Nothochrysa calif ornica , N. America, Banks, p. 373, Tr. Am. Eut. Soc. xix, n. sp. Thysanura and Collembola (Aptera). [Cf. Harvey (390, 391), Reuter (734), Stummer-Traunfels (907).] The trophi of Japyx , Campodea , Collembola , Machilides , and Lepismides , discussed and figured ; Stttmmer-Traunfels, SB. Ak. Wien, c, Abth. i, pp. 216-235, pis. i & ii. Note on some Thysanura observed in connection with ants’-nests ; Moniez (616). THYSANURA EPHEMERIDJ3. Ins. 321 Isotoma grandiceps, Siberia, Reuter, p. 229, CEfv. Finska Forh. xxxiii, n. sp. Sminthurus virulls , n. var. tripunctatus, Reuter, p. 227, CEfv. Finska Forh. xxxiii, p. 227. S. sex-maculatus , Maine, Harvey, p. 169, Ent. News, iii, n. sp. Templetonia americana , Maine, Harvey, Ent. News, iii, p. 57, n. sp. Tomocerus vulgaris , n. var. sibiricus ; Reuter, p. 228, CEfv. Finska Forh. xxxiii. Mallophaga, Termitidj], Psocidj:. [Cf G-rassi (359), Hudson (440), Kellogg (478), Martin (589).] Mallophaga : notes on classification, and characters of genera ; Kellogg, Tr. Kansas Ac. xii, pp. 46-48. Habits and social relations of Termitidce in Sicily ; G-rassi (359). Psocides of Pludre, with notes on habits ; Martin, pp. 285-288, Rev. a;Ent. xi. Psocus zealandicus , New Zealand, Hudson, Manual, p. 107, pi. xvi, fig. 2, n. sp. Perlim. [Cf. Martin (588), Nunney (649), Rostock (781).] List of Perlidoe of l’lndre, with notes on habits ; Martin, Rev. d’Ent. xi, p. 198. Notes on and brief characters of British Perlidce ; Nunney, Soi. G-oss. 1892, pp. 35, &c. Capnodes, n. g, for C. schilleri, n. sp., Dresden ; Rostock, p. 1, pi., Berl. Ent. Zeit. xxxvii. Ephemerid^:. [Cf. Eaton, 241, 242, 243, 347).] Baetis salvini) $ imago described ; Eaton, p. 13, Biol. Centr. Am. Neuropt. Bleptus fasciatus , subimago described ; Eaton, p. 303, Ent. M. M. xxviii. Callibmtis montanus , 5 subimago described ; Eaton, p. 15, Biol. Centr. Am. Neuropt. Choroterpes exiguus, Tenasserim Yalley, Eaton, p. 189, Tr. E. Soc. 1892; C. inornata, Mexico, pi. i, fig. 5, nervosa , fig. 6, Gfuatemala, Eaton, p. 6, Biol. Centr. Am. Neuropt. : n. spp. Dipteromimus tipuliforniis , subimago noticed ; Eaton, p. 302, Ent. M. M. xxviii. Euthyplocia hecuba , figured, pi. i, fig. 3, $ imago described, p. 3 ; Eaton, Biol. Centr. Am. Neuropt. E. sikorai , species of large size ; Yayssiere, CR. Ass. Sci. Fr. xx, pt. 1, p. 243. Ephemera strigata , Japan, Eaton, p. 302, Ent. M. M. xxviii; E. remensa , p. 410, consors , p. 412, E. India, Eaton, J. A. S. B lx ; E. pulcher- rima , Tenasserim Yalley, Eaton, p. 185, Tr. E. Soc. 1892 : n. spp. 1892. [vol. xxix.] e 2L 322 Lis. XIII. NEDROPTERA. Hagenulus monstratus , Tenasserim Valley, Eaton, p. 189, Tr. E. Soc. 1892, n. sp. Hexagenia mexicana, $ imago figured and described ; Eaton, p. 5, pi. i, fig. 4, Biol. Centr. Am. Neuropt. Homceoneuria salvinicey figured, pi. i, fig. 2 ; Eaton, Biol. Centr. Am. Neuropt. Lachlania lucida, figured, Biol. Centr. Am. Neuropt. pi. i, fig. 1. Leptohyphes brevissimus, Guatemala, Eaton, p. 12, pi. i, fig. 9, Biol. Centr. Am. Neuropt., n. sp. Palingenia robustai p. 407, minor , p. 408, E. India, Eaton, J. A. S. B. lx, n. spp. Potamanthus formosus, Tenasserim Valley, Eaton, p. 186, Tr. E. Soc. 1892, n. sp. Rhoenanthus amabilis, Tenasserim Valley, Eaton, p. 188, Tr. E. Soc. 1892, n. sp. Siphlurus binotatus , Japan, Eaton, p. 302, Ent. M. M. xxviii, n. sp. Thraulus mexicanus , $ imago, lepidus , $ $ described ; Eaton, p. 8, Biol. Centr. Am. Neuropt. T. primanus , Mexico, pi. i, fig. 7, versicolor , Costa Rica and Panama, valens , Panama, kilaris , Mexico, p. 8, Eaton, Biol. Centr. Am. Neuropt. : n. spp. Tricorythus explicatus , Mexico, Eaton, p. 11, pi. i, fig. 8, Biol. Centr. Am. Neuropt., n. sp. Odonata. [Cf. Calvert (150), Chatin (165, 166), Karsch (466, 467, 468), Martin (585), Selys (824, 825).] Odonata of Burma, with many notes ; Selys, Ann. Mus. Genov. (2) x, pp. 433 518. Revision of the African Gomphines ; Selys, pp. 86-107, Ann. Ent. Belg. xxxvi. Nature of respiration of larva of ^ Eschna ; Martin, Bull. Soc. Philom. (8) iv, p. 122. Epipkarynx and Hypopharynx in Odonata ; Smith, p. 326, P. Am. Ass. xl. Aciagrion , n. subg. for part of Pseudagrion , p. 509, with A. pallidum , n. sp., Burma, p. 512 ; Selys, Ann. Mus. Genov. (2) x. AEschna rileyi , Kilimanjaro, Calvert, p. 164, Tr. Am. Ent. Soc. xix, n. sp. Amphiceschna, Selys: composition and characters ; Karsch, p. 251, Ent. Nachr. xviii. Amphithemis, n. subg., p, 454, near Lyriothemis, for A. curvistyla, p. 455, vacillans , p. 457, n. spp., Burma ; Selys, Ann. Mus. Genov. (2) x. Anax papuensis : characters ; Karsch, p. 250, Ent. Nachr. xviii. Anisopleura furcata , Burma, Selys, p. 488, Ann. Mus. Genov. (2) x, n. sp. ODONATA. Ins. 323 Argiolestes melanothorax , Burma, Selys, p. 500, Ann. Mus. Genov. (2) x, n. sp. Brachydiplax gestroi , Burma, Selyts, p. 451, Ann. Mus. Genov. (2) x, n. sp. Calicnemis chromothorax , p. 502, erythronielas , p. 505, Burma, Selys, Ann. Mus. Genov. (2) x, n. spp. Crenigomphus , n. g. for part of Onychogomphus , p. 97, with (7. denticu- latus, n. sp., Shoa ; Selys, Ann. Ent. Belg. xxxvi. Deielia fasciata , Kirby : habitat and systematic position discussed ; MacLachlan, Ann. N. H. (6) x, p. 177. Diplax dilatata , St. Helena, Calvert, p. 161, Tr. Am. Ent. Soc. xix, n. sp. Disparoneura abbotti, Kilimanjaro, Calvert, p. 164, Tr. Am. Ent. Soc. xix, n. sp. Echo incarnata , China, Karsch, p. 455, Berl. Ent. Zeit. xxxvi, n. sp. Gynacantha bayaderci, Burma, Gestro, p. 483, Ann. Mus. Genov. (2) x ; G. limbalis , p. 252, musa , p. 254, Java, Karsch, Ent. Nachr. xviii : n. spp. Idionyx yolanda , optata , males described ; Selys, pp. 470-473, Ann. Mus. Genov. (2) x. Isomma , n. g. (Legion, Lindenia ), p. 104, for I. hieroglyphicum , n. sp. ; Nossibe, p. 105 ; Selys, Ann. Ent. Belg. xxxvi. Lepthemis blackburni : systematic position discussed ; MacLachlan, Ann. N. H. (6) x, p. 177. Leptogomphus nietneri , description of $ ; Selys, p. 474, Ann. Mus. Genov. (2) x. L. ? maculivertex, Burma, Selyts, p. 478, Ann. Mus. Genov. (2) x, n. sp. Lestes nodalis , p. 496, umbrina, p. 497, L. ? bilineata , p. 498, Burma, Selys, Ann. Mus. Genov. (2) x, n. spp. Libella testacea , n. race, chrysis , Selys, p. 462, Ann. Mus. Genov. (2) x. Macromia paula , Cameroons, Karsch, p. 15, Berl. Ent. Zeit. xxxvii, n. sp. Matrona kricheldorffi , China, Karsch, p. 456, Berl. Ent. Zeit. xxxvi, n. sp. Megalagrion blackburni , variation in Lanai ; MacLachlan, Ann. N. H. (6) x, p. 178. Mnais andersoni , description of sexes ; Selys, pp. 485 & 486, Ann. Mus. Genov. (2) x. Onychogomphus cequistylus, p. 88, fritilarius , p. 89, obliteratus, p. 92, Madagascar, Selys, Ann. Ent. Belg. xxxvi, n. spp. Orogomphus speciosus , Burma, Selys, p. 481, Ann. Mus. Genov. (2) x, n. sp. Orthetrum truncatum, abbotti , Kilimanjaro, Calvert, p. 162, Tr. Am. Ent. Soc. xix, n. spp. Platygomphus fees , Burma, Selys, p. 479, Ann. Mus. Genov. (2) x, n. sp. Pseudagrion azureum, Burma, Selys, p. 513, Ann. Mus. Genov. (2) x, n. sp. 324 Ins. XIII. NEUROPTERA. Rhinocypha iridea , Burma, Selys, p. 492, Ann. Mus. Genov. (2) x, n. sp. Rhyothemis marcia and variegata are the sexes of one species, phyllis , distinguished therefrom ; Selys, pp. 440-444, Ann. Mus. Genov. (2) x. R. aterrima , Borneo, Selys, p. 445, Ann. Mus. Genov. (2)x, n. sp. Thore concinna, MacLachlan, = (Sapko pulchella, Kirb.) ; MacLachlan, p. 456, Berl. Ent. Zeit. xxxvi. Trithemis aurora , intermedia }yerburii, synonymy discussed ; Selys, p. 465, Ann. Mus. Genov. (2) x. T. limbata , Burma, p. 463, liturata , Celebes, p. 464, dryas , Burma, p. 465, Selys, Ann. Mus. Genov. (2) x, n. spp. Urothemis brevipennis, $ described ; Selys, p. 469, Ann. Mus. Genov. Ins. 325 (g-.) orthoptera. [Cf. Adelung (3), Bateson & Brindley (42), Blatchley (104, 105), Blathwayt (107), Bolivar (110, 710), Brongniart (132, 134), Brener (135), Bruner, Coquillett, & Osborn (136), Brunner (137), Brunner & Redtenbacher (138), Cholodkovsky (173), Distant (210), Dohrn (222), Eberli (244), Finot (282), G-riffini (361), Heymons (404), Karsch (469-472), Krauss (520, 521), Kunckel (529-532), Lataste (540), Pictet & Saussure (692), Rath (713), Redtenbacher (717), Saussure (210, 794, 795), Scudder (812, 816), Selys (826), Tepper (916, 917), Werner (1002).] Notes on the Orthoptera of Ceylon ; Brunner, pp. 337-339, Ent. Nachr. xviii. Self-mutilation of carnivorous Orthoptera ; Werner (1002). Hemimerus talpoides , systematic position queried ; Sharp, Ent. M. M. xxviii, p. 212. Forficulid.®. Dermaptera or Dermoptera , orthography discussed ; Krauss & Mik, pp. 164-169, Wien. ent. Z. xi. Forjicula auricularia, oviposition, reluctance for flight ; Blathwayt, Int. J. Micr. (3) ii, pp. 7-16, pis. i & ii : variation in $ forceps ; Bateson & Brindley, P. Z. S. 1892, p. 586. Blattid^:. Anaptycha, n. g., Ectobiidce, for A. bipunctulata,n. sp., St. Vincent, pi. xv, fig. 1 ; Brunner, P. Z. S. 1892, p. 202. Deropeltis bueana , Cameroons, Karsch, p. 65, Berl. Ent. Zeit. xxxvii, n. sp. Epilampra brevis , St. Vincent, Brunner, p. 203, pi. xv, fig. 3, P. Z. S. 1892, n. sp. Holocampsa simonyi, Tenerife, Krauss, p. 165, Zool. Anz. xv, n. sp. Homalopteryx laminata , St. Vincent, Brunner, p. 204, pi. xv, fig. 4, P. Z. S. 1892, n. sp. Loboptera fortunata, Canaries, Krauss, p. 165, Zool. Anz. xv, n. sp. Nocticola, n. g., p. 29, for N. simoni, caeca , n. spp., found in caves in the Philippines, pp. 32 & 33, pi. i ; Bolivar, Ann. Soc. Ent. Fr. lxi. 326 Ins. XIII. ORTHOPl'ERA. Parasphceria nigra , St. Vincent, Brunner, p. 206, pi. xv, fig. 7, P. Z. S. 1892, n. sp. Periplaneta truncata, Canaries, &c., &c., Krauss, p. 165, Zool. Anz. xv, n. sp. Phyllodromia germanica, embryology ; Cholodkoysky (173). Pseudophyllodromia semivitrea , St. Vincent, Brunner, p. 203, pl.xv, fig. 2, P. Z. S. 1892, n. sp. Bhyparobia , n. g. for Panchlora maderce ; Krauss, p. 165, Zool. Anz. xv. Stylopyga antillarum , St. Vincent, Brunner, p. 204, pi. xv, fig. 5, P. Z. S. 1892, n. sp. MANTIDiE. Achlcena , n. g. ( Mantides ), p. 149, for A.crypsichroma, n. sp., Cameroons, p. 150 ; Karsch, Ent. Nachr. xviii. Amorphoscelis annulipes, Cameroons, Karsch, p. 145, Ent. Nachr. xviii, n. sp. Chlidonoptera, n. g., Harpagides, for G. vexillum, n. sp., Cameroons ; Karsch, p. 68, Berl. Ent. Zeit. xxxvii, and p. 150, Ent. Nachr. xviii. Dactylopteryx , n. g. (ins group), p. 8, for D. flexuosa , n. sp., Gaboon, p. 10 ; Karsch, Ent. Nachr. xviii. Hierodula bioculata, egg-case figured ; Krauss, p. 146, Wien. ent. Z. xi. Hypsicorypha , n. g., near Idolomorpha , for H. julice, n. sp., Tenerife ; Krauss, p. 166, Zool. Anz. xv. Leptocola tenuissima , Cameroons, Karsch, p. 146, Ent. Nachr. xviii ; L. seriepunctata , p. 10, lignea , p. 12, W. Africa, Karsch, t. c. : n. spp. Litaneutria , n. g.for L. ocularis (n. sp., Mexico, not described); Saussure, p. 124, Soc. Ent. vii. Melliera , n. g. for M. atopogamia , n. sp., Mexico ; Saussure, p. 123, Soc. Ent. vii. Miomantis armicollis , Cameroons, Karsch, p. 66, Berl. Ent. Zeit. xxvii, and Ent. Nachr. xviii, p. 148 ; M. preussi, p. 148, gracilis , p. 149, Cameroons, Karsch, t. c. : n. spp. Mio?iyx, n. g., Thespiens ; Saussure, p. 122, Soc. Ent. vii. Parastagmatoptera lobipes, St. Vincent, Redtenbacher, p. 206, pi. xv, fig. 8, P. Z. S. 1892, n. sp. Phitrus, n. g., near Danuria, for P. lobulipes, n. sp., Cameroons ; Karsch, p. 149, Ent. Nachr. xviii. Phyllomantis , n. g., p. 124, for P. laurifolia, Panama, not described ; Saussure, p. 124, Soc. Ent. vii. Polyspilota laticollis,Jlavipennis, truncatipennis , Cameroons, Karsch, Ent. Nachr. xviii, p. 147, n. spp. Rhombodera scutata , W. Africa, Karsch, p. 6, Ent. Nachr. xviii, n. sp. Stenopyga, n. g. ( Euchomena , Gerst. nec Sauss.) for S. extera :, n. sp., Cameroons, Karsch, p. 146, Ent. Nachr. xviii. Tenodera limbalicollis, W. Africa, Karsch, p. 7, Ent. Nachr. xviii, n. sp. Thrinaconyx , n. g., Thespiens ; Saussure, p. 122, Soc. Ent. vii. phasmatidj:, gryllid^ locustidas. Ins. 327 Pbasmatid.®. Lepiynia Tccenigi , Tunis, Krauss, p. 147, Wien. ent. Z. xi, n. sp. Palopkus : monograph of ; Brongniart, N. Arch. Mus. Paris (3) iii, pp. 1 93-204, pis. viii & ix. Fhanocles curvipes, St. Vincent, Redtenbacher, p. 207, pi. xv, fig. 9, P. Z. S. 1892, n. sp. GrRYLLIM. Apithes mcneilli, Indiana, Blatchley, p. 27, Canad. Ent. xxiv, n. sp. Ectatoderus antillarum , St. Vincent, Redtenbacher, p. 218, pi. xvii, fig. 16, P. Z. S. 1892, n. sp. Endacustes dispar , St. Vincent, Redtenbacher, p. 219, pi. xvii, fig. 18, P. Z. S. 1892, n. sp. Gryllodes rufipes , St. Vincent, Redtenbacher, p. 217, pi. xvii, fig. 15, P. Z. S. 1892, n. sp. Gryllotalpa vulgaris , anatomy and histology of alimentary canal ; Eberli (244) : phosphorescent ; Ludwing, CB. Bakt. Parasit. ix, p. 561. G. borealis , notes on; Fletcher, Canad. Ent. xxiv, p. 23, and Doran, t. c. p. 147, life-history, id., t. c., p. 270. Gryllus guanchicus , Tenerife, Krauss, p. 1 71, Zool. Anz. xv, n. sp. Larandus marmoratus , St. Vincent, Redtenbacher, p. 218, pi. xvii, fig. 18, P. Z. S. 1892, n. sp. (Ecanthus niveus and allies distinguished ; Hart, Ent. News, iii, pp. 33 & 34. Phceophyllacris phalangium, Cameroons, Karsch, p. 78, Berl. Ent. Zeit. xxxvii, n. sp. Locustim. Minute anatomy of tihial ears of Locustidce ; Adelung (3). Monographic revision of Mecopodides ; Redtenbacher, pp. 183-224, pi. iii, Verh. z.-b. Wien, xlii. Synopsis of generic characters of Pseudophyllides ; Pictet & Saussure, Icon. Saut. vertes. Acanthoprion, n. g., Pseudophyllides , p. 12, for A. aztecum, n. sp., Mexico, p. 26, pi. iii, fig. 21 ; Pictet & Saussure, Icon. Saut. vertes. Acilacris : systematic position ; Karsch, p. 327, Berl. Ent. Zeit. xxxvi. Alectoria superba , Brun., = (Hector ia pontoni, Tep.) ; Tepper, p. 87, Tr. R. Soc. S. Austr. xv. A metrosomus, n. g. near Ametrus , p. 169, for A. helmsi , n. sp., Centr. Australia, p. 170 ; Tepper, Tr. R. Soc. S. Austr. xv. Amytta mutillata, $ described ; Karsch, p. 328, Berl. Ent. Zeit. xxxvi. Anepitacta, systematic position ; Karsch, p. 327, Berl. Ent. Zeit. xxxvi. Anoedopoda, n. g., Mecopodides , p. 333, for A. erosa , n. sp., Cameroons, p. 334, Karsch, Berl. Ent. Zeit. xxxvi ; $ figured, op. cit. xxxvii, p. 77. 828 Ins. XIII. ORTHOrTERA. Anonconotus , Cam , = ( Analota , Bran.) ; Griffini, p. 2, Boll. Mus. Zool. Tor. vii, No. 125. Aprion oculatum , Ceylon, maculifolia , Sumatra, pi. iii, fig. 19, Pictet & Saussure, p. 21, Icon. Saut. vertes, n. spp. Apteronomus , n. g. near Apotrechus , for A bordaensis , n. sp , Kangaroo I.; Tepper, p. 168, Tr. R. Soc. S. Austr. xv. Apteroscirtus , n. g., Mecopodides, for A. denudatus, n. sp., Cameroons ; Karsch, p. 330, Berl. Ent. Zeit. xxxvi. Ariagona , n. g., Decticince , for A. margaritce , n. sp., Tenerife ; Krauss, p. 170, Zool. Anz. xv. Arota rosaura , noticed and figured ; Karscii, p. 316, Berl. Ent. Zeit. xxxvi. Bliastes superbus , p. 211, pi. xvi, fig. 12, striolatus, p. 212, fig. 13, St. Vin- cent, Redtenbacher, P. Z. S. 1892, n. spp. Brochopeplus , n. g., Pseudophy Hides, p. 12, for B. reticulatus, n. sp., hab. ?, p. 25, pi. iii, fig. 20, Pictet & Saussure, Icon. Saut. vertes. Cmdicia, longipennioides , p. 89, halmaturina , p. 91, hirsuta , p. 93, roseo- pennis , p. 94, Australia, Tepper, Tr. R. Soc. S. Austr. xv, n. spp. Calliphona , n. g. near Locusta , p. 169, for (7. konigi , n. sp., Tenerife, p. 170 ; Krauss, Zool. Anz. xv. Characta , n. g., Mecopodides, for (7. bituber culata, n. sp., Borneo, pi. iii, fig. 9 ; Redtenbacher, p. 207, Verh. z.-b. Wien, xlii. Chloracris , n. g., p. 10, for C. prasina , India, pi. iii, fig. 14, brullei , Java, n. spp., p. 22 ; Pictet & Saussure, Icon. Saut. vertes. Chlorotribonia , n. g., Pseudophyllides , p. 7, for C. acutipennis , n. sp., Java, p. 16, pi. ii, fig. 9 ; Pictet & Saussure, Icon. Saut. vertes. Clonia wohlbergi , habits ; Distant, p. 83 , Naturalist Transvaal. Condylodera tricondy loides, Westw — {Trochalodera violascens, Brunner); Dohrn, p. 64, S. E. Z. liii. Corycus intermedius, W. Africa, Redtenbacher, p. 221, pi. iii, fig. 12 Verh. z.-b. Wien, xlii, n. sp. Cyrtaspis scutata and variopicta, characters and synonymy ; Bolivar, Rev. d’Ent. xi, pp. 289-293. Cyrtophyllus crepitans, St. Vincent, Redtenbacher, p. 213, pi. xvii, fig. 14, P. Z. S. 1892, n. sp. Dasyphleps, n. g. for Locusta novce-guinece ; Karsch, p. 343, Berl. Ent. Zeit. xxxvi. Diaphlebus, n. g. for D. brevimarginatus, n. sp., Fiji Is.; Karsch, p 343, Berl. Ent. Zeit. xxxvi. D. bivittatus , p. 193, marmoratus, p. 194, pi. iii, fig. 2, Redtenbacher, Verh. z.-b. Wien, xlii, n. spp. Dicranopsyra, n. g., Phaneropterides, for D. multicolor , n. sp.. Borneo ; Dohrn, S. E. Z. liii, p. 71. Dictyota indivisa , Adelaide, p. 98, elderi , W. Australia, p. 99, Tepper, Tr. R. Soc. S. Austr. xv, n. spp. Eloeoptera , n. g., Mecopodides, p. 195, for E. nitida , lineata, pi. iii, fig. 3, n. spp., Fiji Is.,p. 196 ; Redtenbacher, Verh. z.-b. Wien, xlii. LOCUSTJDjE. Ins. 329 Encentra , n.g., Mecopodides, for E. longipes, n. sp., Medellin, pi. iii, fig. 7. Redtenbacher, p. 204, Verh. z.-b. WieD, xlii. Eonius , n. g. near Neanius, for E. tigrinus , p. 163, atrifrons , p. 164, fumatus , p. 165, n. spp., S. Australia ; Tepper, Tr. R. Soc. S. Austr. xv. Ephippithyta quadrigesimaguttata, S. Australia, Tepper, p. 84, Tr. R. Soc. S. Austr. xv, n. sp. Ephippithytoidea , n. g., Phaner opt er ides, for E. sparsa , n. sp., S. Australia; Tepper, p. 85, Tr. R. Soc. S. Austr. xv. EucorypTia mutica , Cameroons, Karsch, p. 327, Berl. Ent. Zeit. xxxvi ; E. adicra, Cameroons, Karsch, p. 75, op. cit. xxxvii, n. spp. Eumegalodon, n. n. for Megalodon, Brulle nec Sowerby, p. 277 ; the species described and figured, pp. 279-285, pi. xii ; a new tribe, Eumegalonidce , proposed, p. 285 ; Brongniart, N. Arch. Mus. Paris (3) iii. Goetia, n. g. ( Psyres ) for G. galbana, n. sp., Cameroons ; Karsch, pp. 322 & 323, Berl. Ent. Zeit. xxxvi. Gravenreuthia , n. g., Phaneropterides, p. 73, for G. saturata , n. sp., Came- roons, p. 74 ; Karsch, Berl. Ent. Zeit. xxxvii. Gryllacridce of Australia ; Tepper, pp. 139-170, Tr. R. Soc. S. Austr. xv. Gryllacris eximia , p. 339, genufusca , p. 340, nigriceps , p. 341, Cameroons, Karsch, Berl. Ent. Zeit. xxxvi ; G. atrogeniculata , Centr. Australia, p. 144, morinoriceps , p. 145, longicornis , p. 146, ferrotestcicea, p. 147, S. Australia, lutescens, Centr. Australia, p. 148, subdebilis , p. 151, incerta , p. 154, paulula , molineusiana , p. 155, S. Australia, Tepper, Tr. R. Soc. S. Austr. xv : n. spp. Hemisaga, note on the genus, with corrections of errors ; Sausstjre, pp. 12-14, Ann. Soc. Ent. Fr. Ixi. H. prcedatoria, pp. 63 & 258, Transvaal, Distant, Naturalist Transvaal, n. sp. Ityocephala , n. g., Mecopodides , p. 219, for I.falcata , n. sp., Fiji Is., pi. iii, fig. 11, p. 220 ; Redtenbacher, Yerh. z.-b. Wien, xlii. Leproscirtus , n. g., Mecopodides , p. 328, for Mecopoda granulosa , Karsch; Karsch, Berl. Ent. Zeit. xxxvi. Leptodera ornatipennis , characters of ; Dohrn, p. 66, S. E. Z. liii. Macroscirtus brevipennis , Sierra Leone, Redtenbacher, p. 218, Yerh. z.-b. Wien, xlii, n. sp. Matceus casamancce , Guinea, Pictet & Sausstjre, p. 23, pi. iii, fig. 13, Icon. Saut. vertes, n. sp. Mecopodides : tabulation of certain genera of ; Karsch, Berl. Ent. Zeit. xxxvi, pp. 341-346. Mecopoda dilatata, Borneo, p. 213, divergens , hab. ?, Redtenbacher, p. 213, Yerh. z.-b. Wien, xlii, n. spp. Microprion , n. g., Pseudophy Hides, p. 17, for M. philipp inensis, Philippines, elliptifolia , Java, pi. ii, fig. 11, p. 18, ; Pictet & Saussure, Icon. Saut. vertes. 1892. [vol. xxix.] e 22 330 Ius. XIII. ORTHOPTERA. Microsaga, Sauss., referred to Conocephaliens', Saussure, p. 15, Ann. Soc. Ent. Fr. lxi. Mioacris, n. g., Pseudophy Hides, p. 7, for M. javana, n. sp., Java, p. 16 ; Pictet & Saussure, Icon. Sant, vertes. Miosaga, n. g., Sagiens, p. 10, for M. orthoxipha , n. sp., New Holland, p. 11 ; Saussure, Ann. Soc. Ent. Fr. lxi. Mirollia carinata , $ characters ; Dohrn, p. 66, S. E. Z. liii. Onomarcus latipennis , p. 15, mandarinus, p. 16, China, Pictet & Saussure, Icon. Sant, vertes, pi. i, figg. 6 & 7, n. spp. Orchelimum gracilis is not Xiphidium fasciatum ; Bruner, p. 264, Ent. News, iii. Orophila, n. g. (isolated), p. 168, for 0. nubigena, n. sp., Tenerife, p. 169 ; Krauss, Zool. Anz. xv. Pachypodagrus , n. g., Stenopelmatidce, p. 176, for P. magareyi , crassipes, n. spp., S. Australia, p. 177 ; Tepper, Tr. R. Soc. S. Austr. xv. Paragryllacris pallidolinea , p. 159, insignis , p. 161, deserta, p. 162, S. Australia, Tepper, Tr. R. Soc. S. Austr. xv, n. spp. Penthoplophora, n. g., Stenopelmatidce, p. 175, for S. driffieldi , n. sp , Australia ; Tepper, p. 176, Tr. R. Soc. S. Austr. xv. Phaneropteridce of Australia ; Tepper, pp. 77-113, Tr. R. Soc. S. Austr. xv. Phaula trichopusj Deh., = ( chlorotica , Brunner) ; Dohrn, p. 69, S. E. Z. liii. Phi aurocentrum mecopodoides , Cameroons, Karsch, p. 321, Berl. Ent. Zeit. xxxvi, n. sp. Phricta, n. g., p. 191 ( Mecopodides ), for P. spinosa , n. sp., Queensland, p. 192, pi. iii, fig. 1 ; Redtenbacher, Verh. z.-b. Wien, xlii. Phyllomimus truncatifolia, Moluccas, Pictet & Saussure, p. 19, pi. ii, fig. 10, Icon. Saut. vertes, n. sp. Phyllotribonia, n. g., Pseudophy Hides, p. 10, for P. verruculosa , n. sp., Centr. Africa, p. 23, pi. iii, fig. 17 ; Pictet & Saussure, Icon. Saut. vertes. Phyllozelus, n. g. for P. genicularis , n. sp., hab. ?, pi. iii, fig. 16, Pictet & Saussure, p. 24, Icon. Saut. vertes. Plangiopsis foraminata , Cameroons, Karsch, p. 324, Berl. Ent. Zeit. xxxvi, n. sp. Platycleis azami, S. France, Finot, Bull. Soc. Ent. Fr. lxi, p. xxxv, n. sp. Pcecilopsyra , n. g. for Phaneroptera octoseriata, Deh.; Dohrn, p. 69, S. E. Z. liii. Polichne ferruginea, S. Australia, Tepper, p. 100, Tr. R. Soc. S. Austr. xv, n. sp. Preussia lobatipes , $ described ; Karsch, p. 326, Berl. Ent. Zeit. xxxvi. Pyrgophylax emarginatus , Borneo, Dohrn, p. 68, S. E. Z. liii, n. sp. Rhammatopoda, n. g., Mecopodides , for R. opilionoides , n. sp., Peru, pi. iii, fig. 6 ; Redtenbacher, p. 203, Verh. z.-b. Wien, xlii. Sagiens : synopsis of genera ; Saussure, pp. 5-16, Ann. Soc. Ent. Fr. lxi. LOCUSTIDjE, ACRIDIIM. Ins. 331 Scutotribonia , n. g., Pseudophy Hides, p. 11, for S. humberticma, n. sp., Ceylon, pi. iii, fig. 18, p. 24 ; Pictet & Saussure, Icon. Saut.vertes. Segestes punctipes, fuscus, Philippines, unicolor , Pelewls., p. 199 ,decoratus. New Guinea, p. 200, pi. iii, fig. 4, Redtenbacher, Yerh. z.-b. Wien, xlii, n. spp. Stenopelmatidce , synopsis of Australian and Polynesian ; Tepper, pp 170-178, Tr. R. Soc. S. Austr. xv. Sthenaropoda , n, g., Mecopodides, p. 331, for S. preussiana , n. sp., Came- roons, p. 332 ; Karsch, Berl. Ent. Zeit. xxxvi. Sympcestria longipes , Java, Dohrn, S. E. Z. liii, p. 73, n. sp. Tceniomena sororoides , p. 106, S. Australia, fraserensis , W. Australia, p. 108, minor , S. Australia, p. 109, Tepper, Tr. R. Soc. S. Austr. xv, n. spp. Terpandrus horridus , redescription and synonymy ; Saussure, Ann. Soc. Ent. Fr. lxi, pp. 7 & 8. Trachyzulpha , n. g. near Zulpha , p. 67, for T. fruhstorferi, n. sp., Java, p. 68 ; Dohrn, S. E. Z. liii. Tympanoptera, n. g. , p. 19, for T. grioleti, Moluccas, pi. iii, fig. 15, oceanica , Fiji Is., pi. ii, fig. 12, p. 20 ; Pictet & Saussure, Icon. Saut. vertes. Xiphidium scudderi , Indiana, Blatchley, Canad. Ent. xxiv, p. 26, n. sp. ACRIDlIDiE. Acridiid ovipositing in Rubus stems ; Yerhoeff, p. 298, Ent. Nach. xviii. Arminda , n. g. near Platyphyma, for A. brunneri , n. sp., Tenerife ; Krauss, p. 168, Zool. Anz. xv. Caletes , n. g., p. 209, for C. apterus , n. sp., St. Yincent, p. 210, pi. xvi, fig. 11 ; Redtenbacher, P. Z. S. 1892. Caloptenus vulcanius , Canary Is., Krauss, p. 167, Zool. Anz. xv, n. sp. Chrotogonus meridionalis , Transvaal, Saussure, p. 262, pi. iv, fig. 5, in Distant, Naturalist Transvaal, n. sp. Eremobia claveli, n. var., Iceviuscula ; Krauss, p. 149, Wien. ent. Z. xi. Gemeneta, n. g., Acridiides , p. 71, for G. terrea, n. sp., Cameroons, p. 72 ; Karsch, Berl. Ent. Zeit. xxxvii. Hippiscus pantherinus , p. 285, haldemami , p. 286, compactus , p. 288, variegatus , suturalis , p. 301, H. ( Sticthippus ) californicus , p. 317, mar- moratus , p. 318, H. ( xanthippus ) conspicuus , p. 319, eremitus , p. 320, maculatus , p. 333, tigrinus , p. 334, affrictus, p. 336, altivolus, p. 347, cupidus , p. 348, pumilus, p. 349, albulus, p. 350, latefasciatus , obscurus , p. 359, griseus, aurilegulus, p. 362, stigmosus , p. 363, N. America, Scudder, Psyche, vi, n. spp. Melanoplus griseus, $ described ; Blatchley, p. 30, Canad. Ent. xxiv. Leptysma marginicollis, habits ; Blatchley, p. 28, Canad. Ent. xxiv. CEdipoda canariensis , Tenerife, Krauss, p. 167, Zool. Anz. xv, n. sp. Pamphagus foreli, $ described ; Krauss, p. 149, Wien. ent. Z. xi. 332 Ins. XIII. ORTHOPTERA. Petasia spumans , var. ater ; Distant, p. 259, pi. iv, fig. 3, Naturalist Transvaal. Pezotettix Jioo-sieri , Indiana; Blatchley, p. 31, Canad. Ent. xxiv, n. sp. Pygoxtolus inuncatus , Cameroons, Karsch, p. 72, Berl. Ent. Zeit. xxxvii, n. sp. Schintocerca peregrina : Criquet pelerin, Sauterelle de la Bible : oviposition, Kunckel, C.R. Ass. Fr. Sci. xx, pt. 1, p. 241, and pt. 2, p. 554 ; correction as to egg-cases, Lucas, p. lxxxi, Bull. Soc. Ent. Fr. lxi ; note on the changes of colour that accompany its moults, Kunckel, p. xxv, Bull. Soc. Ent. Fr. lxi, and Brongniart, t. c. p. lix ; S. ameri- ccina , the migratory locust of Chili, Bolivar, Act. Soc. Chili, ii, pp. 196-199 : but it is not this species, Lataste, t. c. pp. 200-209. Staurojiotus maroccanus, structure of Ootheca ; Tarral, Bull. Soc. Beziers, xii, p. 10. Stenobothrus simonyi, Canary Is., Krauss, p. 166, Zool. Anz. xv, n. sp. Sticthip>pus , n. subg. of Hippiscus , Scudder, Psyche, vi, p. 317. Tettix quadnundulatus , St. Vincent, Redtenbacher, p. 208, pi. xvi, fig. 10, P. Z. S. 1892, n. sp. Thalpomena picteti, Tenerife, Krauss, p. 167, Zool. Anz. xv, n. sp. Xiphocera distantly pi. iv, fig. 1, picta, fig. 2, Saussure, p. 261, in Distant. Naturalist Transvaal, n. spp. Ech. 1 XIV. ECHINODERMATA.* BY F. A. Bather. I.— TITLES. Barthels, P. [See Ludwig & Barthels (32).] 1. Bather, F. A. Suggested Terms in Crinoid Morphology. Ann. N. H. (6) ix, pp. 51-66. [Om.] 2. . British Fossil Crinoids. Yl. Botryocrinus quinquelobus , n. sp., Wenlock Limestone ; and note on B. pinnulatus. T. c. pp. 189-194, pi. xi. [GVm.] 3. . British Fossil Crinoids. vn. Mastigocrinus loreus, n. g. & sp., Wenlock Limestone, Dudley. T. c. pp. 194-202, pis. xi & xii. [■ Crin .] 4. . British Fossil Crinoids. vni. Cyathocrinus : C. acinotubus , Ang., and C. vallatus , n. sp., Wenlock Limestone. T. c. pp. 202- 226, pi. xiii. [CWn.] 5. . The Fossil Crinoidea in the British Museum. (An attempt to put into practice modern ideas of Museum arrangement.) Ann. Bep. Museums’ Assoc, for 1891, pp. 78-110. [Om.] . [See also Blake (13), Noetling (38), Woods (55).] * While Mr. Bather’s Record was still incomplete he was compelled to take a voyage, of some months duration, for the benefit of his sight. He has not returned in time to finish his work, the completion of which must therefore be given in the next volume of our Record, in combination with the literature of 1893. — Editor Z. R. 1892. [VOL. XXIX.] F 1 2 Ech. XIV. ECHTNODERMATA. 6. Beachler, C. S. Rocks of the Niagara age in Indiana. Am. Geol. ix, pp. 408 & 409. [Grin.] 7. . Keokuk Group of the Mississippi Valley. Op. cit. x, pp. 88- 96. [Crin.] 8. Bell, F. J. On the Echinoderms collected by the Ss. 11 Fingal ” in 1890, and by the Ss. “Harlequin” in 1891, off the West Coast of Ireland. Sci. P. R. Dubl. Soc. (n.s.) vii, pp. 520-529, pis. xxiii-xxv. [Hoi., Grin ., Ast., Oph ., Ech.'] 9. . A contribution to the classification of Ophiuroids , with descriptions of some new and little-known forms. P. Z. S. 1892, pp. 175-183, pis. xi & xii. [Oph.] 10. . Description of a new species of Antedon from Mauritius. Ann. N. H. (6) ix, pp. 427 & 428, pi. xviii. [Grin.] 11. Bigot, A. [Remarks on Cidaris cenomanensis, Cott.] Bull. Soc. L. Norm. (4) v, pp. 54 & 55. [Ech.] 12. Bizet, P. Considerations Geologiques and Paleontologiques sur les terrains des Environs de Belleme et de Mamers. Bull. Soc. Geol. Norm, xiii, pp. 95-132 (Havre, 1890). [Ech.] Distribution of Echinoids in J urassic. 13. Blake, J. F. Annals of British Geology, 1891, pp. 224-231. [Gives abstracts of the following papers in Record for 1891 : Gregory (3) and (8), Roberts, Sladen (2), Carpenter (1), Bather (1) and (2).] 14. Boehm, G. Ueber eine Anomalie im Kelche von Millericrinus mespiliformis. Z. geol. Ges. xliii, pp. 741-743. [Crin.] Carpenter, P. H. [See under Blake, J. F. (13).] 15. Cole, A. H. Palaeaster eucharis , Hall. Bull. Geol. Soc. Am. iii, pp. 512-514, pi. xv. [As£.] 16. Cunningham, J. T. The Preservation of Marine Animals for Zoological purposes. Ess. Nat. vi, p. 124. 17. Darton, N. H. Fossils in the “ Archaean ” rocks of Central Pied- mont, Virginia. Am. J. Sci. xliv, pp. 50-52. [Grin.] 18. Dyche, D. T. D. [Termination of the column of certain Crinoids.] Am. Geol. x, p. 130. [Crin.] 19. Eck, H. Abnormer Kelchbau bei Encrinus gracilis. Z. geol. Ges. xliv, pp. 138 & 139. [Grin.] 20. Etheridge, R. (fil.). A Monograph of the Carboniferous and Permo-Carboniferous Invertebrata of New South Wales. Part ii. Echinodermata , Annelida, and Crustacea. Mem. Geol. Surv. N.S.W. Palseont, No. 5, pp. i-x, & 65-133, pis. xii-xxii. [Ech., Ast., Crin., Blast.] TITLES. Ech. O •Faber, C. [See Miller & Faber (34).] 21. Field, G-. W. The Larva of Asterias vulgaris. Q. J. Micr. Sei. (n.s.) xxxiv, pp. 105-128, pis. xiii-xv. [As£. and General.] 22. Gregory, J. W. The Relations of the American and European Echinoid Faunas. Bull. Geol. Soc. Am. iii, pp. 101-108. [Ech.] 23. . Archceopncustes abruptus, a new genus and species of Echinoid from the Oceanic Series in Barbados. Q. J. Geol. Soc. xlviii, pp. 163-169. [Ech.] 24. . Further additions to Australian Fossil Echinoidea. Geol. Mag. (n.s.), (iii), ix, pp. 433-437, pi. xii. [Ech.] . [See also Blake, J. F. (13), & Woods (55).] Guettard, J. E. [See Letacq (29).] Harrison, J. B. [See Jukes-Browne & Harrison (26).] 25. Hartlaub, C. Ueber die Arten und den Skelettbau von Culcita. Notes Leyd. Mus. xiv, pp. 65-118, pis. i & ii. [As£.] 26. Jukes-Browne, A. J., & Harrison, J. B. The Geology of Barbados. Part n. The Oceanic Deposits. Q. J. Geol. Soc. xlviii, pp. 170-226. [Ech.] 27. Keyes, C. R. The Principal Mississippian Section. Bull. Geol. Soc. Am. iii, pp. 283-300, pi. ix. [Grin.] Koken, E. [See Wohrmann & Koken (54).] 28. Lent, C. Die Fauna der Renggerithone von Kandern. MT. badischen Geol. Landesanst. ii, Heft 3, pp. 623-639. [ Crin ., Ast.] 29. Letacq, A. L. Notice sur les Travaux Scientifiques de Guettard aux environs d’ Alenin et de Laigle (Orne). Bull. Soc. L. Norm. (4) v, pp. 67-85. [Om.] On p. 75 is a note “ Sur les Encrines et les Pierres etoilees recuellies a Alen9on,” described by J. E. Guettard. 30. Loven, S. Echinologica. Bih. Sv. Ak. Handl. xviii (4), No. 1, pp. 1-74, pis. i-xii. [Ech.] 31. Ludwig, H. Ueber die Radchen der Synaptiden. Z. wiss. Zool. liv, pp. 350-364. [Hoi] 32. Ludwig, H., & Barthels, P. Beitrage zur Anatomie des Holo- thurien. T. c. pp. 631-654, pi. xxviii. [Hoi.] 33. Macbride, E. W. The Development of the Genital Organs, Ovoid Gland, Axial and Aboral Sinuses in Amphiura squamata ; together with some remarks on Ludwig’s Hsemal System in this Ophiurid. Q. J. Micr. Sci. (n.s.) xxxiv, pp. 129-153, pis. xvi-xviii. [Oph.] 4 Ech. XIV. ECHINODERMATA. 34. Miller, S. A., & Faber, C. Some new Species and new Structural parts of Fossils. J. Cincinn. Soc. xv, pp. 79-81, pi. i. [Cyst.'] Critical note in Am. Geol. x, pp. 316 & 317, Nov. 35. Mills, J. E. Stratigraphy and Succession of the Rocks of the Sierra Nevada of California. Bull. Geol. Soc. Am. iii, pp. 413-444, pi. xiii. [ Crin ., stems in Lower Mesozoic.] 36. Minchin, E. A. Notes on the Cuvierian Organs of Holothuria nigra. Ann. N. H. (6) x, pp. 273-284, pi. xvii. [Hoi] Newton, E. T. [See Sharman & Newton (46).] 37. Nickles, R. Recherches Geologiques sur les Terrains Secondaires et Tertiaires de la Province d’ Alicante et du Sud de la Province de Valence. Ann. Hebert, i, pp. 1-219, pis. i-x. Pp. 202-204, and pis. viii & ix (parts) refer to Echinoderms. 38. Noetling, F. Field Notes from the Shan Hills. [See Record for 1891.] Critical note by F. A. B.; Geol. Mag. (n.s.) ix, p. 521. [Cyst.] 39. G^hlert, D. P. Description de deux Crinoi'des nouveaux du Devonien de la Manche. Bull. Soc. Geol. (3) xix, pp. 834-853, pi. xviii. [Crin.] 40. Ramsay, E. P. Catalogue of Echinoclermata in the Australian Museum. Part i. 2nd Ed. Sydney : 1891, 8vo, vii & 60 pp., 4 pis. 41. Reed, F. R. C. Woodwardian Museum Notes. Geol. Mag. (n.s.), (iii), ix, pp. 548 & 549. [Crin.] 42. Rigaux, E. Notice geologique sur le Bas Boulonnais. Mem. Soc. Acad. Boulogne, xiv, p. 108, pis. i & ii. [Ech., Ast ., Oph ., Crin., localities and horizons ; especially Jurassic.] Roberts, T. [See Blake, J. F. (13).] 43. Rotiipletz, A. Die Perm-, Trias-, und Jura-Formation auf Timor und Rotti im indischen Archipel. Palseontogr. xxxix, pp. 57-106, pis. ix-xiv. [Crin., Ech.] 44. Seeliger, O. Die Embryonal-entwicklung der Comatula ( Antedon rosacea). Zool. Anz. xv, pp. 391-393. [Crin.] 45. . The Embryonic Development of Comatula ( Antedon rosacea ). Ann. N. H. (6) x, pp. 481-483, Dec. [ Crin.] A translation of the preceding. 46. Sharman, G., & Newton, E. T. On a New Form of Agelacrinites CLepidodiscus niilleri , n. sp.) from the Lower Carboniferous Lime- stone of Cumberland. Q. J. Geol. Soc. xlviii, pp. 150-152, pi. ii. [Cyst.] Sladen, W. P. [See Blake, J. F. (13).] TITLES, BIOLOGY. Ech. 5 Springer, F. [See Wachsmuth & Springer (50).] 47. Stolley, E. Die Kreide Schleswig-Holsteins. MT. Min. Inst. Kiel, i, pp. 191-309, pis. vii-x. [Ech., Crin.~\ 48. Ulrich, A. Palaeozoische Yersteinerungen ans Bolivien. Beitr. z. Geol. u. Paleont. v. Sudamerika, i, pp. 5-116, pis. i-v. Stuttgart. [Crin., columnals only.] 49. Wachsmuth, C. [A Letter on Pentacrinus stems in Jurassic (?) Limestones of California ; see Mills, J. E. (35), p. 428.] 50. Wachsmuth, C., & Springer, F. Description of Two new Genera and Eight Species of Camerate Crinoids from the Niagara Group. Am. Geol. x, pp. 135-144. [Crin.~\ 51. Wagner, R. Ueber einige Yersteinerungen des unteren Muschel- kalks von Jena. Z. geol. Ges. xliii, pp. 879-901, pi. xlix. [Crin.'\t 52. Whiteaves, J. F. The Fossils of the Devonian Rocks of the islands, shores, or immediate vicinity of Lakes Manitoba and Winne- peg. Geol. Surv. Canada. Contrib. to Canadian Palaeont. i, pt. iv, pp. 255-359, pis. xxxiii-xlvi. [Advance sheets to p. 318 and pi. xi, Sept. ; the rest Dec.] [ Crin ., p. 276, fragments of Ctenocrinus sp.] 53. Williamson, W. C. Exhibit and Remarks on Astropecten orion , Kellaways Rock, Pickering, Yorkshire. P. Geol. Soc. 1892, pp. 184 & 185. [ Ast .] 54. Wohrmann, S. von, & Koken, E. Die Fauna der Raibler Schichten vom Schlernplateau. Z. geol. Ges. xliv, pp. 167-223, pis. vi-xvi. [Crin., p. 170, columnals of Encrinus cassianus.'] 55. Woods, H. Catalogue of the Type Fossils in the Woodwardian Museum, Cambridge. WTith preface by T. McK. Hughes. Cam- bridge : 1891 (publ. Jan., 1892), 8vo, xvi & 180 pp. [Ech., pp. xvi & 30-34 ; Ast., pp. 35 & 36, revised by J. W. Gregory ; Oph., pp. 36 & 37 ; Crin., pp. xvi & 37-42 ; Cyst., pp. 42 & 43, revised by F. A.. Bather ; Blast., pp. 43 & 44 ; Hoi, p. xvi.] II.— BIOLOGY. (a.) Anatomy. Echinodennata : general account ; Bather, (5) p. 84. Holothurioidea : Cuvierian organs of Holothuria and Muelleria ; Luo- wig & Barthels (32) : of Holothuria nigra ; Minchin (36). — The wheel- spicules (“Radchen”) of Synaptidce ; Ludwig (31). Echinoidea : Interambulacra of Archceocidaris selwyni, and possible new genus ; Etheridge (20). — The buccal membrane, its origin and history ; the auricles, their structure and development, pp. 36 et seq. ; the dental apparatus, its structure and development, pp. 40 et seq. ; Muscles of dental 6 Ech. XIV. ECHINODERMATA. apparatus, p. 42 ; Loven (30). — Corona of the Cidaridce ; Loven (30) p. 18. Asteroidea : General structure and homologies of skeleton in Culcita ; Hartlaub, (25) p. 99. — Ambulacra of Palceaster , new subgenus Monas- ter ; Etheridge (20). — Detailed description of oral surface of Palceaster eucharis ; Cole (15). Ophiuroidea : Large calycinal plates of young Pectinura , described and figured, p. 176 ; arm-ossicles of Ophioteresis elegans , and of Ophiuroids generally as basis of classification, pp. 176-178; radial shields of Ophio- maza obscura, p. 182 ; Bell (9). — Ovoid gland, p. 134 ; Haemal system, p. 140 ; genital organs (p. 142) of Amphiura squamata ; Macbride, (33). Crinoidea : New terms suggested : “Super- radials ” and “ Infer-radials” for halves of transversely bisected radials ; “ Primibrachs, Secundibrachs, &c.,” for series of non-pinnulate arm-ossicles, or brachials ; tf Monosti- chals, Distichals, Tetrastichals, &c.,” for the same when pinnulate ; corresponding names for intercalated and interradial plates, by prefix “ Inter “ Deltoids,” for certain tegminal plates ; “ Cirrals,” “ Radicals,” and “Imperforate articulation”; Bather (1). — Arms of Tribrachio- criniLS ; Etheridge, (20) p. 87. — Axial folds of cup-plates as connected with dorsal nervous system, p. 840 ; radiate ridging of cup-plates dis- tinguished from axial folds (g.v.), p. 841 ; interradial plates of cup, their morphological importance, p. 842 ; arms, their palaeontological development, p. 846 ; stem of Diamenocrinus compared with that of PLerpetrocrinus and others, p. 848 ; stem angles and cirri, Wachsmuth’s Law of Orientation discussed, p. 849 ; base, dicyclic and monocyclic types, p. 852; Oehlert (39). — Tegmen of Encrinus wagneri carefully described and compared with those of recent forms, p. 879 ; regeneration of arms in Encrinus wagneri , p. 887 ; arms of Encrinus aculeatus , p. 890; Wagner (51). — Tegmen, orals of Idiocrinus ventricosus ; Wachsmuth & Springer, (50) p. 138. — Structure of dorsal cup in Hypocrinus ; Roth- pletz, (43) p. 75. — Roots of Glyptocrinus and Heterocrinus ; Dyche (18).— Arms of Cyathocrinus, the branching (p. 218), the axial canal (p. 223), the covering- plates (p. 224) ; anal tube of Cyathocrinus , p. 224 ; tegmen of Cyathocrinus , p. 225 ; Bather (4). — Anal tube, detailed description of structure in Mastigocrinus , p. 198 ; stem, alternate arrangement of pentameres in Mastigocrinus , p. 200 ; Bather (3). — Arms, peculiarities of branching, p. 193 ; anal tube, articulation of plates, p. 194, and (3) p. 199 ; Bather (2). — Abnormal structure of dorsal cup in Millericrinus mespiliformis ; Boehm (14). — Abnormal structure of dorsal cup in Encrinus gracilis ; Eck (19). — Abnormal dorsal cup, 4-rayed, Platycrinus pileatus ; Reed (41). — Abnormal struc- ture of dorsal cup in Hypocrinus pyriformis ; Rothpletz, (43) p. 75. — Nervous system, dorsal ; Oehlert, (39) p. 840. Cystidea : Under-side and internal framework of Agelacrinus pileus ? ; Miller & Faber, (34) p. 85. BIOLOGY, DISTRIBUTION. Ech. 7 (b.) Physiology. Water-pore and madreporic plate, their functions ; Field, (21) p. 120. — Enlarged Crinoid stems; Etheridge, (20) p. 117. — Ejection of Cuvierian organs in Holothuria ; Min chin (36). (c.) General. Relation of Crinoid faunas to environment in N. American Palaeozoic rocks ; Keyes, (27) pp. 291-293. Variation in species-characters, colour, calcification, &c. ; Bell, (8) pp. 520, 521, 523, 527, & 528. Echinoderm larva, ancestral or coenogenetic ?; Field, (21) p. 118. Ancestral Eehinoderm ; Field, (21) p. 121. Radial symmetry secondarily acquired ; Field, (21) p. 121. Phylogeny of Synaq>tidce, based on wheel-spicules ; Ludwig, (31) p. 363. (d.) Development. General Echinoderm embryology : Gonads derived from peritoneal cells, as in other Coelomata ; Macbride, (33) p. 149. Corona of Cidaridce and of Ecliinoidea Ectobranchiata , its gradual growth ; descriptions of the young of Abatus, Goniocidaris , Echinus , Strongylocentrotus ; provisional sucking-feet in larval Echinoids , pp. 4, 5, & 12 ; intestine of larval Echinoids , pp. 4 & 7 ; skeleton system of larval Echinoids ; Loyen (30). Asterias vulgaris : Oogenesis, p. 106 ; spermatogenesis, p. 107 ; cleavage of ovum, p. 107 ; mesenchyme formation, pp. 108 & 116 ; bipinnaria of, p. 108 ; enteroccel formation, pp. 109 & 115 ; waterpores in larva of, p. 110; ciliated bands in larva of, p. 112 ; Field (21). Embryonic development of genital organs, ovoid gland, axial and aboral sinuses in Amphiura squamata ; Macbride (33). Growth of Cyathocrinus ; Bather, (4) p. 223. Early stages of Antedon ; abnormal bigastric embryo of Antedon ; development of nervous system in Antedon ; Seeliger (44). III.— DISTRIBUTION. A.— GEOGRAPHICAL. British area, W. Coast of Ireland : Synapta, Psolus, Thyone , Holothuria , Antedon , A strop ec ten, Psilaster, Luidia, Porania , Aster ina, Cribrella, Sti- chasteri Asterias, Ophiura, Amphiura , Ophiocoma , Ophiothrix, Ophiobyrsa , Cidaris, Phormosoma, Asthenosoma, Echinus , Spatangus ; Bell (8). British area, S. W. Ireland : Ophiobyrsa hystricis ; Bell (9). 8 Ech. XIV. ECHINODERMATA. Distribution of European and American Echinoid faunas ; Gregory (22). Indian Ocean and Archipelago : species of Culcita ; Hartlaub, (25) p. 75. — Indian Ocean, Seychelles : Ophioteresis elegans ; Bell (9). — Mauritius : Antedon emendatrix ; Bell (10). N. W. Australia, Bassett-Smith bank : Ophiomaza obscura ; Bell (9). Pacific Ocean : species of Culcita ; Hartlaub, (25) p. 75. General distribution of the genus Culcita ; Hartlaub, (25) p. 75. B.— GEOLOGICAL. Tertiary : of Australia, Laganum decagonale, Schizaster , Macropneustes decipiens ; Gregory (24). Pliocene : Echinoid faunas of Europe and America ; Gregory, (22) p. 107. — Pliocene?: Barbados, Cystechinus crassus ; Jukes-Browne & Harrison, (26) p. 194. — Tertiary (Miocene or Pliocene), top of Oceanic series, Barbados, Archceopneustes abruptus ; Gregory, (23). Miocene : Echinoid faunas of Europe and America ; Gregory, (22) p. 105. Oligocene : Echinoid faunas of Europe and America ; Gregory, (22) p. 101. Eocene : Echinoid faunas of Europe and America ; Gregory, (22) p. 104. — Mid. Eocene, Spain : Arachnopleurus 1'eticulatus, D. & SI. ; Nickles (37). — Mid. Murravian, Australia, Cassidulus florescens and other Echinoids ; Gregory (24). Cretaceous : Echinoid faunas of Europe and America ; Gregory, (22) p. 103. — Maestrichian of Almaceres : Isopneustes lieberti , n. sp. ; Nickles (37). — (Senonian) Schleswig Holstein : Micraster glyphus, M. haasi, M. gottschei , M . schrcederi , M. gibbus , Echinocorys vulgaris , Offaster pilulay 0. corculum, Cardiaster lehmanni , Stegaster faclci , Echinoconus vulgaris , Pentacrinus carinatus , P. bicoronatus, Austinocrinus zitteli, A. rothpletzi, A. meyni , Bourgueticrinus , Antedon ; doubtful, Asteroidea ; Stolley (41). — (Cenomanien), Rouen : Cidaris cenomanensis ; Bigot (11). Jurassic: — (Kellaways Rock), Yorkshire, Astropecten orion ; William- son (53). — Normandy : distribution of Echinoids ; Bizet (12). — (Reng- gerithone), Baden : Balanocrinus pentagonalis and Goniaster impressus ; Lent (28). — (Oberer weisser Jura), Sontheim a. d. Brenz, Millericrinus mespiliformis ; Boehm (14). — (Bathonian) p. 42, (Oxfordian) p. 51, (Corallian) p. 59, various Echinoids and Crinoids ; (Astartian and Kim- meridgian), Echinoids , Asteroids , Crinoids , and an Ophiurella, pp. 63-81 ; (Portlandian), various Echinoids , p. 85 ; (Bas-Boulonnais) : Rigaux (42). — Sierra Nevada, California : Pentacrinus stems ; Mills, (35) p. 428. Trias : (Lower Muschelkalk), Jena, Encrinus wagner i and E. aculeatus ; Wagner (51). — (Chorzower Beds), Gogolin, Upper Silesia, E. gracilis ; Eck (19). — (Dolomite, above Raibler Beds), Schlern, E.cassianus ; Wcehr- mann & Koken (54). Permian- Jurassic : Echinoid faunas of Europe and America ; Gre- gory, (22) p. 103.; Ech. 9 DISTRIBUTION, SYSTEMATIC. Permian : Timor, Hypocrinus mulleri , H. (?) pyriformis ; Timor and Rotti, columnals of Platycrinidos and other Crinoids ; Echinoid spine ; Rothpletz (43). Carboniferous: Echinoid faunas of Europe and America ; Gregory, (22) p. 102. Permo-Carboniferous : Australia, N.S.W., Archceocidciris , Palceaster , Poteriocrinus , Tribrachiocrinus , Phialocrinus ; Etheridge (20). Carboniferous : Australia, N.S.W., Actinocrinus, Periechocrinus , Platy- crinus , Symbathocrinus ; Etheridge (20). — (Osage Limestone), Missis- sippi Basin : change in Crinoid faunas ; Keyes, (27) p. 291. — (Keokuk), Mississippi Valley : numerous Crinoids recorded, with remarks on their palaeontological development ; Beachler, (7) pp. 94-96. — (Lower), Cum- berland and Northumberland : Lepidodiscus milleri ; Sharman & New- ton (46). Devonian : ( Stringocephalus beds), Manitoba, Ctenocrinus ; Whiteaves (52). — (Hamilton Shales), Hamilton, N.Y. : Palceaster eucharis ; Cole (15). — Low^er Dev. la Manche, France : Ctenocrinus and Diamenocrinus ; Oehlert (39). — Bolivia : undeterminable fragments of Crinoids : Ulrich, (43) p. 83. Ordovician : Burmah : Echinosphaera ; Noetling (38). — Central Piedmont, Virginia : Crinoid remains apparently of Trenton age, and sup- posed to be allied to Schizocrinus, Heterocrinus, and Poteriocrinus ; Darton. — (Hudson R. gr.), Cincinnati : Cyclocystoicles and Agelacrinus ; Miller & Faber (34). Silurian : (Niagara), Indiana : Holocystites affinis ; Miller & Faber (34).— Indiana : Idiocrinus elongatus , I. ventricosus , Hyptiocrinus typus , Callicrinus beachleri. Melocrinus oblongus, M. parvus ; Tennessee, Euca- lyptocrinus lindahli , Melocrinus roemeri ; Kentucky, Melocrinus oblongus , Wachsmuth & Springer (50). — (Niagara), Indiana : Pisocrinus , Zopho- crinus, Stephanocrinus , Caryocrinus , Holocystites ; Beachler (6). — (Wenlock), Dudley, England: Botryocrinus quinquelobus , Bather (2); Mastigocrinus loreus , Bather (3); Cyathocrinus acinotubus and C. val- latus , Bather (4). IV. — SYSTEMATIC. 1. HOLOTHURIOIDEA. A + prefixed indicates that the reference or the paragraph following is palaeonto- logical. Acanthotrochus : wheel-spicules ; Ludwig, Z. wiss. Zool. liv, p. 358. Bohadschia marmorata , Minchin, Ann. N. H. (6) x, p. 275. Chiridota , wheel-spicules of, p.352; C. Icevis , Fabr., rotifer a, Pourt., pur- purea, Less., contorta, Ludw., p. 357 ; C. pisanii , Ludw., p. 352 ; C. rufescens, Br., variabilis , Semp., amboinensis , Ludw., liberata , Sluit., p. 354 ; Ludwig, Z. wiss. Zool. liv. t Chirodota convexa , Whidb., C. ? gracillima , Whidb. ; Woods, Cat. Typ. Foss. p. xvi. 10 Ech. XIV. ECHINODERMATA. Holothuria catanensis, impatiens , p. 275, tubulosa, sanctori , p. 281, nigra , p. 273 ; Minchin, Ann. N. H. (6) x. H. nigra , auct., intestinalis, A. & R., tremula, Gunn. ; Bell, Sci. P. R. Dubl. Soc. (n.s.) vii, p. 522. H.poli, Delle Chiaje, forslcali, Delle Chiaje, catanensis , Grube (sub forshali ), lamperti , Ludw., lagoena, Haacke, Idunzingeri, Lampert, pervicax, Sel., marenzelleri, Ludw., marmorata , Jaeg., fusco-cinerea , Jaeg. ; H. hoelliheri, Semp., noticed : Ludwig & Barthels, Z. wiss. Zool. liv, p. 632. Muelleria- mauritiana, Quoy. & Gaim., noticed; Ludwig & Barthels, Z. wiss. Zool. liv, p. 632. Myriotrochus , wheel-spicules of, i)/. rinlci , Steenstrup ; Ludwig, Z. wiss. Zool. liv, p. 359. Oligotrochus vitreus , wheel-spicules ; Ludwig, Z. wiss. Zool. liv, p. 359. Psolas sp., juv. ; Bell, Sci. P. R. Dubl. Soc. (n.s.) vii, p. 521. Syuapta digitata, Mont. ; Bell, Sci. P. R. Dubl. Soc. (n.s.) vii, p. 521. Thyone raphanus, Dtib. & Kor. ; Bell, Sci. P. R. Dubl. Soc. (n.s.) vii, p. 522. Trochoderma , wheel-spicules ; Ludwig, Z.wiss. Zool. liv, p. 358. Trochodota venusta , Semon, p. 355, studeri , Theel, p. 358, wheel-spicules ; Ludwig, Z. wiss. Zool. liv. 2. ECHINOIDEA. +An Echinoid spine : Radiolus radiatus-tubulatus , Permian, Timor, described and figured ; Rothpletz, Palseontogr. xxxix, p. 74. Abatus cavernosus, Phil. ; Loven, Bih. Sv. Ak. Hand!, xviii (4), No. 1, p. 4. t Acrosalenia decorata, Haime, Corallian Boulonnais, p. 59, Astartian Boulonnais, p. 63, Kimmeridgian Boulonnais, p. 69, A. spinosa, Ag., lycetti) Wright, pustulata, Forbes, p. 42, hemicidaroides , Wright, legayi , R., pulchella , Cott., porifera , Cott., marioni, Cott., lamarchi , Phill., bradfordiensis , Phill., wastensis , R., lowei , Wright, Bathonian Boulonnais, p. 43, konigi , Desm., Portlandian Boulonnais, pp. 80 & 81 : Rigaux. A. rarispina , McCoy ; see Hemicidaris minor ; A. sp. ; Woods, Cat. Type Foss. p. 30. -\Agassizia ; Gregory, Bull. Geol. Soc. Am. iii, pp. 105-107. f Anorthopygus orbicularis , Cotteau ; Loven, Bih. Sv. Ak. Handl. xviii, (4) No. 1, p. 51. Arachnoid es placenta^ Linn., p. 63, zelandice , Gray, p. 65 ; Loven, Bih. Sv. Ak. Handl. xviii, (4) No. 1. f Arachnopleurus reticulatus, Duncan & Sladen, Mid. Eocene, Spain ; Nickles, Ann. Hebert, i, p. 204, pi. viii, figg. 8 & 9. j -Arbacia inflata , McCoy, see Cottaldia species, f Archceocidaris urei , Fleming ; Woods, Cat. Type Foss. p. 30. •\A. ? selwyni , n. sp., Permo-Carboniferous, New South Wales ; Etheridge, Pal. Mem. N.S.W. v, p. 67. ECHINOIDEA. Ech. 11 f Archceopneustes, n. g. (type, Palceopneustes hystrix , A. Ag.), with A. abruptus , n. sp., Upper Tertiary, Barbados ; Gregory, Q. J. Geol. Soc. xlviii, p. 163. f Archceopneustes ; Gregory, Bull. Geol. Soc. Am. iii, p. 107. Aspidodiadema antillarum , A. Ag. ; Loyen, Bih. Sv. Ak. Handl. xviii (4), No. 1, p. 32. ' \ Asterostoma cubense, Cotteau, referred to Archceopneustes, and jimenoi , Cotteau, referred to Palceopneustes ; Gregory, Q. J. Geol. Soc. xlviii, p. 167. Astkenosoma hystrix, Wyv. Th., variation in colour and calcification, A. fenestratum , regarded as syn. ; Bell, Sci. P. R. Dubl. Soc. (n.s.) vii, p. 526. A. varium, Grube ; Loyen, Bih. Sv. Ak. Handl. xviii (4), No. 1, pp. 26, 45, 52. j \ Australanthus, Bittn., adopted as a subgenus of CassiJulus , by Gre- gory, Geol. Mag. (n.s.) Dec. iii, ix, p. 436. ■\Breynella : in Eocene of North America ; Gregory, Bull. Geol. Soc. Am. iii, p. 104. f Cardiaster suborbicularis, see Holaster. • \Cardiaster lehmanni, n. sp., Senonian, Schleswig-Holstein ; Stolley, MT. Min. Inst. Kiel, i, p. 267. ■j - Cassiclulus florescens , n. sp., Upper Eocene ; Gregory, Geol. Mag. (n.s.) Dec. iii, ix, p. 435. Centrostephanus coronatus , A. Ag. ; Loyen, Bih. Sv. Ak. Handl. xviii (4), No. 1, p. 32. Cidaris papillata, Leske ; Bell, Sci. P. R. Dubl. Soc. (n.s.) vii, p. 526, and Loyen, Bih. Sv. Ak. Handl. xviii (4), No. 1, pp. 19 & 52 : C. tliouarsi , Ag. ; Loven, t. c. p. 21. *|* ; Cidaris : in Eocene of N. America ; Gregory, Bull. Geol. Soc. Am. iii, p. 104. C. blumenbachi , Miinsfc., florigemma, Phill., houllefortensis , Cott., Oxfordian, Boulonnais, p. 52, C. species, Bathonian, Boulonnais, p. 42, C. coronata , Goldf., Astartian, Boulonnais, p. 67, C. florigemma , Phill., p. 73, beaugrandi , Cott., p. 75, Kimmeridgian, Boulonnais, C. legayi , R. S., p. 81, florigemma , Phill., p. 85, Portlandian, Boulon- nais, C. florigemma , Phill., Corallian, Boulonnais, p. 59 ; Rigaux (42). C. gaultina, Forbes, p. 30, sedgicicki, Seeley, C. species, p. 31 ; Woods, Cat. Type Foss. C. melitensis , Wright ; Gregory, Bull. Geol. Soc. Am. iii, p. 105. C. cenomanensis, Cott. ; Bigot, Bull. Soc. L. Norm. (4) v, p. 54. Clypeastridce : dental system ; Loyen, Bih. Sv. Ak. Handl. xviii (4), No. 1, p. 55. Clypeaster reticulatus, Linn. ; Loyen, Bih. Sv. Ak. Handl. xviii (4), No. 1, p. 55. •fClypeus alius, McCoy, excentricus, McCoy (sub C. sinuatus ), sinuatus , Leske ; Woods, Cat. Type Foss. p. 31. C. plotii, Klein, milleri , Wright, Bathonian, Boulonnais ; Rigaux, p. 42. f Collyrites bicovdata, Des., Oxfordian, Boulonnais; Rigaux, p. 51. C. ovalis, Leske; Woods, Cat. Type Foss. p. 31. 12 Ech. XIV. ECHINODERMATA. f Cottalclia species ; Woods, Cat. Type Foss. p. 31. f ; Cyphosoma supracorallinum , Cott., Astartian, Boulonnais, p. 65, C. s upracora Uinum, Cott., Kimmeridgian, Boulonnais, pp. 72 & 73, C. legayi , Rig., Portlandian, Boulonnais, p. 81 ; Rigaux. C. impressa , Seeley, see Echinocyphus. -fCystechinus crassus , Greg.; Jukes-Browne & Harrison, Q. J. Geol. Soc. xlviii, p. 194, and Gregory, Bull. Geol. Soc. Am. iii, p. 107. Diadema saxatile, Linn. ; Loven, Bih. Sv. Ak. Handl. xviii (4), No. 1, pp. 31, 36, 51. *J* ; Diademafungoideum,&m\ intertuber culatum, Seeley, see Pseudodiadema. D. ( Tetragramma ?) scriptum , Seeley, see Diplopodia. ■\ Diplopodia pentagona, McCoy, scriptum [sib], Seeley ; Woods, Cat. Type Foss. p. 31. f ; Discoidea cylindrica Ag. ; Loven, Bih. Sv. Ak. Handl. xviii (4), No. 1, pp. 47, 52. D. mcirginalis , McCoy, see Holectypus hcmisphceri- cus. D. minima , Desor; Woods, Cat. Type Foss. p. 31. f Dysaster symmetricus, McCoy, see Collyrites ovalis. f ; Echinanthus , = Breynella ; Gregory, Bull. Geol. Soc. Am. iii, p. 104. E. quinquefaria , Say, discussed ; Gregory, t. c. p. 105. E. recticulatus, Linn. ; Gregory, t. c. p. 107. f ; Echinarachnius : in Eocene of N. America ; Gregory, Bull. Geol. Soc. Am. iii, p. 104. E. excentricus : Gregory, t. c. p. 107. Echinarachnius parma , Lamk. ; Loven, Bih. Sv. Ak. Handl. xviii (4), No. 1, p. 66. j* ; Echinobrissus griesbachi, Wright, clunicularis, Des., goldfussi , Des., amplus , Des., elcnigatus, d’Orb., woodivardi, Wright, quadratics , Wright, Bathonian, Boulonnais, p. 42 : E. scutatus , Lam., Coral) ian, Boulonnais, p. 59 : E . scutatus , Lam., Astartian, Boulonnais, p. 65 : E. perroni , Cott., Kimmeridgian, Boulonnais, p. 72 : E. haimei , Wright, Bolonian, Boulonnais, p. 78 : E. rigauxi , Cott., p. 81, brodiei , Wright, Portlandian, Boulonnais, p. 85 ; Rigaux (42). Echinocidaris nigra, Mol. ; Loven, Bih. Sv. Ak. Handl. xviii (4), No. 1, p. 33. f ; Echinoconus vulgaris , d’Orb. ; Stolley, MT. Min. Inst. Kiel, i, p. 269. E. subrotundus, Mantell ; Woods, Cat. Type Foss. p. xvi. f Echinocorys vulgaris , Breyn., (= E. scutatus ) ; Stolley, MT. Min. Inst. Kiel, i, p. 264. Echinocyamus angulosus , Leske ; Loven, Bih. Sv. Ak. Handl. xviii (4), No. 1, p. 69. f Echinocyphus impressus, Seeley ; Woods, Cat. Type Foss. p. 32. Echinometra mathcei , Blainv., p. 33, lucunter, Linn., pp. 43, 44, 51, 52, 55 ; Loven, Bih. Sv. Ak. Handl. xviii (4), No. 1. Echinus acutus , Lamk., esculentus , Linn., elegans, Dub. & Kor., p. 528, microstoma , Wyv. Th., p. 529 ; Bell, Sci. P. R. Dubl. Soc. (n.s.) vii. E. parvituberculatus, Blainv. ; Loven, Bih. Sv. Ak. Handl. xviii (4), No. 1, p. 11. E. miliaris , Leske, p. 161, esculentus , Linn., pp. 33, 51, angulosus , Leske, p. 33 ; Loven, Bih. Sv. Ak. Handl. xviii (4), No. 1. ECHINOIDEA. Ech. 13 f ; E. diademata , McCoy, see Stomechinus germinans. E. petallatus, McCoy, see S. gyratus. \Enallaster columbianus , Lea, Jcarsteni , de Lor. ; Gregory, Bull. Geol. Soc. Am. iii, p. 103. Encode emarginata , Leske ; Loven, Bih. Sv. Ak. Handl. xviii (4), No. 1, p. 65. f Eocidaris, abandoned ; Gregory, Bull. Geol. Soc. Am. iii, p. 102. ■\Eupatagus decipiens , Tate ; see Macropneustes. *j* Euspatangus , in Eocene of N. America ; Gregory, Bull. Geol. Soc. Am. iii, p. 104. f Galerites albogalerus , Leske ; Loven, Bih. Sv. Ak. Handl. xviii (4), No. 1, p. 49. j* Galeropygus agarici/ormis, Forbes; Woods, Cat. Type Foss. p. 32. *j* Goniophorus lunatus , A g., var. minutus , Seeley ; Woods, Cat. Type Foss. p. 32. t Glypticus hieroglyphicus, Ag., Corallian, Boulonnais ; Rigaux (42), p. 59. Goniocidaris canaliculata, A. A g. ; Loven, Bih. Sv. Ak, Handl. xviii (4), No. 1, p. 5. *f Hardouinia, adopted as subgenus of Breynella , by Gregory, Geol. Mag. (n.s.) iii, ix, p. 436. f Hemiaster mccoyi , Seeley ; Woods, Cat. Type Foss. p. 32. f ; Hemicidaris conjluens , McCoy ; see Acrosalenia sp. H. minor , Ag. ; Woods, Cat. Type Foss. p. 32. H. luciensis, d’Orb., legayi, R., lan- grunensis , Cott., Bathonian, Boulonnais, p. 42, intermedia , Forbes, Oxfordian, Boulonnais, p. 52, intermedia , Forbes, Corallian, Boulon- nais, p. 59, hoffmanni , Ag., p. 65, agassizi , Rom., intermedia , Forbes, Astartian, Boulonnais, p. 67, intermedia , Forbes, p. 72, davidsoni, Wright, p. 75, Kimmeridgian, Boulonnais, purbecJcensis , Forbes, Bolonian, Boulonnais, p. 78, davidsoni , brillensis, morinicum , R. S., Portlandian, Boulonnais, pp. 80 & 81 ; Rigaux (42). -\Hemipedina tuberculosa , Wright, Oxfordian, Boulonnais, p. 52, boucJiardi , Wright, Portlandian, Boulonnais, p. 81 ; Rigaux. *}■ ; Holaster simplex , Shumard, = H. Zcm's, Luc. ; Gregory, Bull. Geol. Soc. Am. iii, p. 104. H. suborbicularis , Brong. ; Woods, Cat. Type Foss. p. 32. f ; Eolectypus dej)ressus, Des., Bathonian, Boulonnais, p. 42, depressus, Phill., Oxfordian, Boulonnais, p. 51, corallinus , d’Orb., Astartian, Boulonnais, pp. 63 & 65, corallinus , d’Orb., Corallian, Boulonnais, p. 59 ; Rigaux. H. depressus , Leske ; Loven, Bih. Sv. Ak. Handl. xviii (4), No. 1, p. 51. H. planatus , Roem. ; Gregory, Bull. Geol. Soc. Am. iii, p. 104. H. hemisphcericus, Ag.; Woods, Cat. Type Foss. p. 32. -flsopneustes heberti, Maestrichian of Almaceres, Nickles, Ann. Hebert, i, p. 202, pi. ix, figg. 12 & 13, n. sp. *j -Laganum decagonale , Lesson, n. var. rictum , Tertiary, W. Australia ; Gregory, Geol. Mag. (n.s.), Dec. iii, ix, p. 433. L. decagonale , Blainv.; Loven, Bih. Sv. Ak. Handl. xviii (4), No. 1, p. 68. 14 Ech. XIV. ECHTNODERMATA. Lytechinus semituberculaius , Yal. ; Loven, Bih. Sv. Ak. Hand!, xviii (4), No. 1, p. 33. f Macropneustes clecipiens , Tate, olim Eupaiagus ; Gregory, Geol. Mag. (n.s.), Dec. iii, ix, p. 436. f Mellita sex/oris ; Gregory, Bull. Geol. Soc. Am. iii, p. 107. + ; Micraster glyphus , Cotteau, p. 255, gibbus, Lam., p. 260 ; Stolley, MT. Min. Inst. Kiel, i. ■f M. liaasi, p. 257, gottschei, p. 258, schrcederi , Senonian, Schleswig-Hol- stein, Stolley, MT. Min. Inst. Kiel, i, p. 259, n. spp. f Monostychia, in Eocene of N. America ; Gregory, Bull. Geol. Soc. Am. iii, p. 104. f Mortonia rogersi , Desor, synonymy discussed ; Gregory, Bull. Geol. Soc. Am. iii, p. 105. f ; Nucleolites cequalis, McCoy, clunicularis , Phill., and pyramidalis , McCoy, planulatus , McCoy ; Woods, Cat. Type Foss. p. 32. \ Of aster pilula , Lam., corculum , Goldf. ; Stolley, MT. Min. Inst. Kiel, i, p. 265. f Palceechinus gigas , McCoy, p. 32, intermedins, Keeping, sphcericus , McCoy, p. 33 ; Woods, Cat. Type Foss, f ; Pelanechinus : Loven, Bih. Sv. Ak. Handl. xviii (4), No. 1, p. 30. P. corallinus , Wright ; Woods, Cat. Type Foss. p. 33. f Pedina leg ay i , Cott , Bathonian, Bonlonnais, p. 42, sublevis, Ag , Coral- lian, Boulonnais, p. 59 ; Bigaux. f Peltastes wrighti, Desor, p. xvi, hieroglyphica, Keeping, wiltshirei, Seeley, wrighti , Desor, p. 33 ; Woods, Cat. Type Foss, f ; Periarchus , accepted ; Gregory, Bull. Geol. Soc. Am. iii, p. 105 ; P. altus , Conrad ; Gregory, i. c. p. 105. \Perischodomas biserialis , McCoy; Woods, Cat. Type Foss. p. 33. Phormosoma placenta, Wyv.-Th. ; Bell, Sci. P. It. Dubl. Soc. (n.s.), vii, p. 526. Pileus hemisphcericus , Desor ; Loven, Bih. Sv. Ak. Handl. xviii (4), No. 1, p. 51. f Plesiospatangidce, revised; Gregory, Q. J. Geol. Soc. xlviii, p. 165. f Polycyphus norniannus , Des., Bathonian, Boulonnais, p. 42 ; Bigaux. f Pseudaslerostoma jimenoi , see Asterostoma jimenoi. \ Pseudocidaris quenstedti, Cott., Oxfordian, Boulonnais, p. 52, thurmanni , Et., Corallian, Boulonnais, p. 59 ; Bigaux. f; Pseudodiadema depressum , Ag., snbcomplanatum , Des., Bathonian, Bou- lonnais, p. 42, superbum , Des., pellati, Cott .,princeps, Des., aroviense, Des., bipunctatum, Des., Oxfordian, Boulonnais, p. 52, florescens , Ag.,- hemisphcericum , Ag., Corallian, Boulonnais, p. 59, mamillatum, Bom., p. 63, planissimum , Astartian, Boulonnais, p. 67, mamillatum , Bom., Kimmeridgian, Boulonnais, p. 75, planissimum , Bolonian, Boulon- nais, p. 78, sauvagei , Pig., baccatum , B. S., p. 81, thirrice , Etall., Port- landian, Boulonnais, p. 85 ; Bigaux. P. barretti , S. P. Woodw., carteri , S. P. Woodw., fungoideum , Seeley, p. 33, inter tuberculatum, Seel ey,inversum, Seeley, p. 34 ; Woods, Cat. Type Foss. ECHINOIDEA. Ech, 15 f ; Pygaster laganoides , Ag., trigeri , Cott., Bathonian, Boulonnais, p. 42 umbrella , Astartian, Boulonnais, p. 66, macrocyphus , Wright, Kim- meridgian, Boulonnais, p. 75, gresslyi , Des., Corallian, Boulonnais, p. 59; Rigaux (42). P. semisulcatus, Phill. ; Loyen, Bih. Sv. Ak. Handl. xviii (4), No. 1, p. 51. P. brevifrons, McCoy, see P. semisul- catus. P. semisulcatus , Phill. ; Woods, Cat. Type Foss. p. 34. P. sublcevis , McCoy, see Gtaleropygus agariciformis. f Pygurus michelini , Cott., Bathonian, Boulonnais, p. 42, blumenbachi, Ag., Corallian, Boulonnais, p. 59, Kimmeridgian, Boulonnais, pp. 70 & 72, and Astartian, Boulonnais, pp. 63 & 65 ,jarensis, Marc., Astartian, Boulonnais, pp. 66 & 67, Kimmeridgian, Boulonnais, p. 75; Rigaux (42). f ; Rhabdocidaris orbignyana, Des., boloniensis, Wright, Astartian, Boulon- nais, p. 67, Kimmeridgian, Boulonnais, pp. 69 & 72 ; Rigaux. R. thur- manni , de Lor., var. regens , Whidb. ; Woods, Cat. Type Foss. p. 34. f Rhoechinus irregularis , Keep.; Woods, Cat. Type Foss. p. 34. *f* Rhynchopygus guadaloupensis, Mich., = R. caribbcearum ; Gregory, Bull. Geol. Soc. Am. iii, p. 105. Salenia patter soni, Al. Ag.; Loyen, Bih. Sv. Ak. Handl. xviii (4), No. 1, p. 34. *|* ; Salenia hieroglyphica , Keep., and S. ( Hyposalenia ) wiltshirei , Seeley, see Peltastes ; S. woodwardi , Seeley ; Woods, Cat. Type Foss. p. 34. * \Sarsella) in Eocene of N. America ; Gregory, Bull. Geol. Soc. Am. iii, p. 104. f Sckizaster parhinsoni , Defrance, scillce , Desmoul. ; Gregory, Bull. Geol. Soc. Am. iii, pp. 105 & 107. S. cuneatus , Greg. ; Woods, Cat. Type Foss. p. xvi. S., sp., W. Australia ; Gregory, Geol. Mag. (n.s.) Dec. iii, ix, p. 436. f ; Scutella striatula, Rem. (pars) = Echinarachnius excentricus ; S. rogersi, Morton, discussed ; Gregory, Bull. Geol. Soc. Am. iii, pp. 105 & 107. S. quinquefaria , Say ; see Echinanthus. ■\Sismondia marginalis and plana , Conrad, = Mo?iostycTiia ; Gregory, Bull. Geol. Soc. Am. iii, p. 105. Spatangus purpureus, O. F. Mull., raschi , Loven ; Bell, Sci. P. R. Dubl. Soc. (n.s.) vii, p. 529. f Spatangus columbianus , Lea ; see Enallaster. •fStegaster facJci , n. sp., Senonian, Schleswig Holstein ; Stolley, MT. Min. Inst. Kiel, i, p. 268. -j* ; Stomechinus serratus, Des., Bathonian, Boulonnais, p. 42, S. gyratus , Des., Oxfordian, Boulonnais, p. 52, S. gyratus, Ag., Corallian, Boulon- nais, p. 59 (and Woods, Cat. Type Foss. p. 34), S. perlatus, Ag., p. 63, Astartian, Boulonnais, S. perlatus , Des., Astartian, Boulonnais, p. 67, and Kimmeridgian, Boulonnais, p. 73 ; Rigaux. +£. germinans, Phill. ; Woods, Cat. Type Foss. p. 34. Strongylocentrotus droebachiensis, O. F. Mull. ; Bell, Sci. P. R. Dubl. Soc. (n.s.) vii, p. 523, and Loyen, Bih. Sv. Ak. Handl. xviii (4), No. 1, pp. 13 & 15. 16 Ech. XIV. ECHINODERMATA. ■f Temnechinus ; Gregory, Bull. Geol. Soc. Am. iii, p. 108. Tripneustes gratilla , Linn., p. 33, esculentus , Leske, p. 38 ; Loven, Bih. Sv. Ak. Handl. xviii (4), No. 1. 3. ASTEROIDEA. Asterina gibbosa , Penn. ; Bell, Sci. P. R. Dubl. Soc. (n.s.) vii, p. 525. Asteria-s rubens , Linn., murrayi , Bell ; Bell, Sci. P. R. Dubl. Soc. (n.s.) vii, p. 525. A. vulgaris : embryology ; Field, Q. J, Micr. Sci. (n.s.) xxxiv, p. 105. Astropecten spbenoplax, W. Coast of Ireland ; Bell, Sci. P. R. Dubl. Soc. (n.s.) vii, p. 522, n. sp. Astropecten irregularis , Penn. ; Bell, Sci. P. R. Dubl. Soc. (n.s.) vii, p. 522. •j* ; Astropecten orion , Forbes ; Williamson, Proc. Geol. Soc. 1892, p. 184. A. lorioli , and martis, Wright, A. suprajurensis , Sauv., Bolonian, Bonlonnais, p. 78 ; Rigaux. A. scarburgensis, Wright, A. hastingice , Forbes, p. 35, rectus, McCoy ; Woods, Cat. Type Foss, p. 35. Cribrella sanguinolenta , 0. F. Mull.; Bell, Sci. P. R. Dubl. Soc. (n.s.) vii, p. 525. Culcita veneris , Perr., pp. 73 & 96, coriacea , M. T., pp. 74 & 90, novce- guinece, M. T., pp. 74 & 77, grex , M. T., pp. 74 & 87, acutispinosa , Bell, pp. 74 & 95, arenosa, Perr., pp. 74 & 92, pentangular is, Gray, p. 74, 0. schmi deliana, Retz., pp. 75 & 97 ; Hartlaub, Notes Leyd. Mus. xiv. C. discoidea, Lam. ; see C. sckmideliana. C. pulverulenta , Perr. ; see C. novce-guinece. Culcita plana ; Hartlaub, Notes Leyd. Mus. xiv, pp. 74 & 84, Samoa, Yiti, New Guinea, Phillipines, Amboina, Mauritius, n. sp. ■f Goniaster cassiope, Kimmeridgian, Boulonnais, p. 72 ; Rigaux. G. im- presses, Quenst. ; Lent (28). G. ( Goniodiscus ) rectilineus, McCoy ; see Fentagonaster. Luidia sarsi , Dub. & Kor., ciliaris, Phil. ; Bell, Sci. P. R. Dubl. Soc. (n.s.) vii, p. 525. f Monaster, n. subg. of Palceaster ; Etheridge, Pal. Mem. N.S.W. v, p. 70. •f Palceaster {Monaster) stutchburii and P. {Monaster') giganteus , Permo- Carboniferous, New S. Wales ; Etheridge, Pal. Mem. N.S.W. v, pp. 73 & 74, n. spp. f Palceaster ( Monaster ) clarhei, De Kon., Permo-Carboniferous, New S. Wales ; Etheridge, Pal. Mem. N.S.W. v, p. 71. P. eucharis, Hall, oral surface ; Cole, Bull. Geol. Soc. Am. iii, p. 512. P. hirudo, ruthveni , Forbes, sguamatus , Salter ; Woods, Cat. Type Foss, p. 35. ■f Palceasterina pj'imceva, Forbes, ramseyensis, Hicks; Woods, Cat. Type Foss. p. 35. ■j* Fentagonaster rectilineus, McCoy ; Woods, Cat. Type Foss. p. 36. j 'Plumaster ophiuroides, Wright ; Woods, Cat. Type Foss. p. 36. ASTEROIDEA, OPHIUROIDEA. Fdl. 17 Porania pulvillus , 0. F. Mull. ; Bell, Sci. P. R. Dubl. Soc. (n.s.) vii, p. 525. Psilaster andromeda , M. & T. ; Bell, Sci. P. R. Dubl. Soc. (n.s.) vii, p. 524. Randasia spinulosa , Gray, see Culcita coriacea ; R. granulata , Gray, see C. pentangularis. R. luzonica , Gray, = Culcita , sp. ; Hartlatjb, Notes Leyd. Mus. xiv, p. 77. Stichaster roseus, O. F. Mull. ; Bell, Sci. P. R. Dubl. Soc. (n.s.) vii, p. 525. f Uraster carinatus, Wright ; Woods, Cat. Type Foss. p. 36. U. hirudo, ruthveni , Forbes, see Palceaster ; U. primeevus , Forbes, see Palce- asterina. 4. OPHIUROIDE A . New classification of Ophiuroids , based on articulation of arm -ossicles, into Streptophiurce , Astrophiurce , ZygophiurcB , and arrangement of genera under these groups according to characters of minor import- ance ; Bell, P. Z. S. 1892. Amphiura sguamata, M. T. ; Macbride, Q. J. Micr. Sci. (n.s.) xxxiv, p. 129 (embryology and anatomy). A. filiformis, O.F. Mull. : Bell, Sci. P. R. Dubl. Soc. (n.s.) vii, p. 526. Astrophiurcc , new ordinal name ; Bell, P. Z. S. 1892, p. 180. f Eucladia, H. Woodw., removed from Ophiuroidea ; Bell, t. c. p. 182. f Ony chaster, M. & W., position discussed ; Bell, t. c. p. 182. Ophiobyrsa hystricis , Lym. ; Bell, P. Z. S. 1892, p. 183, and Sci. P. R. Dubl. Soc. (n.s.) vii, p. 526. Ophiocoma nigra , 0. F. Mull. ; Bell, Sci. P. R. Dubl. Soc. (n.s.) vii, p. 526. ■\Ophioderma carinata , Wright ; Woods, Cat. Type Foss. p. 36. ,*j -Ophiolepis lechenbyi , Wright ; Woods, Cat. Type Foss. p. 36. Ophiomaza obscura, Ljung. ; Bell, P. Z. S. 1892, p.- 182. Ophioteresis , n. g. for 0. elegans, n. sp., Seychelles ; Bell, P. Z. S. 1892, p. 179. Ophiothrix fragilis , Linn., and leutheni , Wyv.-Thom. ; Bell, Sci. P. R. Dubl. Soc. (n.s.) vii, p. 526. Ophiura ciliaris , Linn., and albida, Forbes ; Bell, Sci. P. R. Dubl. Soc. (n.s.) vii, p. 525. -j- Ophiura salteri, Forbes ; see Protaster. ■f -Protaster, Forbes, referred to Streptophiurce ; Bell, P. Z. S. 1892, p. 182; P. petri, Salter, salteri , Forbes, p. 36, sedgwicki , Forbes, p. 37 ; Woods, Cat. Type Foss. Streptophiurce, new ordinal name ; Bell, P. Z. S. 1892, p. 179. j -Tceniaster, Bill., referred to Streptophiurce ; Bell, t. c. p. 182. ZygophiurcB, new ordinal name ; Bell, t. c. p. 180. 1892. [vol. xxix.] F 2 18 Ecli. XIY. ECHINODERMATA. 5. CRINOIDEA. Introduction to anatomy, with special reference to Fossils ; Bather, (5) p. 87. f ; Actinocrinus, ind. sp., Carboniferous, New S. Wales ; Etheridge, Pal. Mem. N.S.W. v, p. 77. A.pulcher , McCoy (? Periechocrinus); Woods, Cat. Type Foss. p. 37. f Actinometra loveni, wurtembergice , P. H. Carp. : Woods, Cat. Type Foss, p. 37. f Amphoracrinus atlas , olla, McCoy ; Woods, Cat. Type Foss. p. 37. Antedon bifida ,< Penn. ; Bell, Sci. P. R. Dubl. Soc. (n.s.), vii, p. 522. A. rosacea, embryology ; Seeliger (44). Antedon emendatrix , Mauritius, Bell, Ann. N. H. (6) ix, p. 427, n. sp. f ; Antedon sp. ; Stolley, MT. Min. Inst. Kiel, i, p. 255. A. aspera , Quenst., costata , G-oldf., depressa, P. II. Carp., scrobiculata , Goldf. ; Woods, Cat. Type Foss. p. 37. f ; Apiocrinus elegans , Defr., Bathonian, Boulonnais, p. 43, A. roissyanus , d’Orb., Corallian, Boulonnais, p. 59; Rigaux. A. exutus, McCoy ; Woods, Cat. Type Foss. p. 38. •j* Archceocrinus, Oehlert, Bull. Soc. Geol. (3) xix, p. 840. ■f Austinocrinus zitteli (columnals only), p. 251, rothpletzi (columnals only), p. 252, meyni (columnals only), Senonian, Schleswig-Holstein, Stol- ley, MT. Min. Inst. Kiel, i, p. 254, n. spp. fB alanocrinus pentagonalis , Goldf. ; Lent, p. 624. ■\ Botryocrinus pinnulatus, Bather, additional description ; Bather, Ann. N. H. (6) ix, p. 192. B. decadactylus (Salter, MS.), Bather; Woods, Cat. Type Foss. p. 38. •\B. quinquelobus , Wenlock Limestone, Dudley, Bather, Ann. N. H. (6) ix, p. 189, n. sp. ■fBourgueticrinus cylindricus, milleri, politicus, McQoy ; Woods, Cat. Type Foss. p. 38. B. ellipticus, B . sp., Mill. ; Stolley, MT. Min. Inst. Kiel, i, p. 254. *j ' Calceocrinus abdominalis, fletcheri, gradatus , Salter, serialis (Austin MS. sp.) ; Woods, Cat. Type Foss. p. 38, f Callicrinus beachleri, n. sp., Silurian, Indiana, Wachsmuth & Springer, Am. Geol. x, p. 140. j ' Caryocrinus ornatus, Say ; Beachler, Am. Geol. ix, p. 408. •j ' Cheirocrinus abdominalis, fletcheri, gradatus , serialis , Salter: see Calceo- crinus. ■fCromyocrinus nuciformis , McCoy ; Woods, Cat. Type Foss. p. 38. f; Ctenocrinus sp., Devonian, la Manche ; (Ehlert, Bull. Soc. Geol. (3) xix, p. 835. C. sp., Mid. Devon., Manitoba ; Whiteayes, Contr. Canad. Pal. i, p. 276. j ' Cupressocrinus calyx , McCoy ; see Hydreionocrinus ; C. impressus , McCoy ; see H. mccoyanus. t; Cyathocrinus, discussed and re-diagnosed ; Bather, Ann. N. H. (6) ix, p. 202: American and Gotland species; Bather, t. c. p. 213. CllINOIDEA. Ech. 19 C. distortus , Phill. ; see C. planus. C. ? Carboniferous, New S. Wales ; Etheridge, Pal. Mem. N.S.W. v, p. 81. C. quinquangularis, Phill., referred to Botryocrinus quinquelobus ; Bather, Ann. N. H. (6) ix, p. 189. C. arboreus , Salter, nom. nud., referred to Mastigo- crinus loreus ; Bather, t. c. p. 196. C. acinotubus , Ang. ; Bather, t. c. p. 213, and Woods, Cat. Type Foss. p. 39. C. arboreus , scoparius , C. sp. 11, and C. spp., Salter ; Woods, Cat. Type Foss. pp. xvi & 39. C. decadactylus, Salter ; see Botryocrinus. C. monile ; see C. acino- tubus ; C. nodulosus , Salter, = Taxocrinus sp. ; Woods, Cat. Type Foss. p. 39. C. quindecimalis , Salter ; see Botryocrinus decadactylus. C. squamiferus, Salter, = Gissocrinus ; Woods, Cat. Type Foss. p. 39. C. vallatus, Wenlock Limestone, Dudley ; Bather, Ann. N. H. (6) ix, p. 221. G. planus, Miller, determined ; Bather, t.c. p. 202. C. alutaceus (pars), Ang., monile , Salter, nom. nud., mimus, Salter, nom. nud., nodulosus , Salter, nom. nud. ; see C. acinotubus. ■ \ Cyclocrinus variolarius , Seeley ; Woods, Cat. Type Foss. p. 39. f Daclocrinus kunischi, W. & Sp. ; Eck, Z. geol. Ges. xliv, p. 138. j* Diamenocrinus, n. g., p. 836, for D. jouani , n. sp., Devonian, la Manche, p. 837 ; CEhlert, Bull. Soc. Geol. (3) xix. f Dendrocrinus ? canibrensis, Hicks ; Woods, Cat. Type Foss. p. 40. •j* Dimerocrinus uniformis , Salter ; D. multiplex , Salter, = Encrinus specio- sus , Ang. ; Woods, Cat. Type Foss. p. 40. f ; Encrinus wagneri , Ben., p. 879, aculeatus , Mey., p. 890 ; Wagner, Z. geol. Ges. xliii. E. cassianus , Laube ; Woehrmann & Koken, op. cit. xliv, p. 170. j E. gracilis ; see Dadocrinus kunischi. ■fEucalyptocrinus lindahliy n. sp., Silurian, Tennessee, Wachsmuth & Springer, Am. Geol. x, p. 139. j 'Extracrinus fossilis , Blumenbach, dichotomus , McCoy; Woods, Cat. Type Foss. p. 40. j*; Gissocrinus, British species ; Bather, Ann. N. H. (6) ix, p. 207. G. goniodactylus, Phillips; Woods, Cat. Type Foss. p. 40. •\ Glyptasteridce, CEhlert, Bull. Soc. Geol. (3) xix, pp. 839, et seq. *{•; Glyptocrinus neali , dyeri , baeri ; Dyche, Am. Geol. x, p. 130. G. basalis , McCoy ; G. sp. 1, Salter ; Woods, Cat. Type Foss. p. 40. •f ; Herpetocrinus ; CEhlert, Bull. Soc. Geol. (3) xix, pp. 848 & 849. H. fietcheri , Salter ; Woods, Cat. Type Foss. p. 40. •j* ; Heterocrinus subcrassus, simplex ; Dyche, Am. Geol. x, p. 130. H. ? sp., Ordovician, Piedmont, Virginia ; Darton, Am. J. Sci. xliv, p. 52. \ Hexacrinidcje ; CEhlert, Bull. Soc. Geol. (3) xix, pp. 841, et seq. ■\Hycheionocrinus calyx , McCoy, mccoyanus , De Kon.& Le Hon.; Woods, Cat. Type Foss. p. 40. •j - Hypocnnus mulleri , Beyr. ; Rothpletz, Palaeontogr. xxxix, p. 74. -fH. (?) pyriformis, Permian, Timor, Rothpletz, Palseontogr. xxxix, p. 75, n.sp. •f Hyptiocrinus, n. g., for H. typus , n. sp., Silurian, Indiana, Wachsmuth & Springer, Am. Geol. x, p. 138. ■\ Ichthyocrinus bacchus , mccoyanus , Salter ; Woods, Cat. Type Foss. p. 41. 20 Ech. XIV. EC El INODE RMATA. f Idiocrinus, n. g., p. 135, for I. elongatus , p. 136, /. ventricosus, p. 137, n. spp., Silurian, Indiana ; Wachsmuth & Springer, Am. Geol. x. *j - Koninckocrinus agassizi, Seeley ; see Torynocrinus canon. K. rugosus, d’Orb.; see Cyclocrinus variolarius. f Mariacrinus fiabellatus , Salter ; see Melocrinus. ■ f Mastigocrinus , n. g., p. 195, for M. loreus, n. sp., p. 196, Wenlock Lime- stone, Dudley ; Bather, Ann. N. H. (6) ix. f Melocrinus fiabellatus, Salter ; Woods, Cat. Type Foss. p. 41. flf. roemeri, Silurian, Tennessee, p. 142, oblongus, Silurian, Indiana and Kentucky, p. 143, parvus, Silurian, Indiana, p. 144, Wachsmuth & Springer, Am. Geol. x, n. spp. f ; Millericrinus mespiliformis , Schloth., abnormality ; Boehm, Z. geol. Ges. xliii, p. 741. M. pratti, Gray ; Woods, Cat. Type Foss. p. 41. M. horridus , d’Orb., Oxfordian, Boulonnais ; Rigaux, p. 52. f My elo dactylics ; CEhlert, Bull. Soc. Geol. (3) xix, pp. 848 & 849 : see also Ilerpetocrinus. f Ottawacrinus compared with Mastigocrinus ; Bather, Ann. N. H. (6) ix, p. 201. f Palceocrinus, discussed; Bather, Ann. N. H. (6) ix, p. 207. f Pentacrinites briar eus, Miller ; see Extracrinus fossilis, McCoy. f Pentacrinus pentagonalis , Goldf., normanianus , Lor., cotteani, Lor., Oxfordian, Boulonnais, p. 52, P. amblyscalaris , Tkurm., Corallian, Boulonnais, p. 59, P. rupellensis , Lor., Astartian, Boulonnais, p. 67 ; Rigaux (42). P. carinatus, Roem., bicoronatus , Hag. ; Stolley, MT. Min. Inst. Kiel, i, p. 249. P. sp., columnals in Jurassic, California ; Mills, Bull. Geol. Soc. Am. iii, p. 428. P. goldf ussi, McCoy ; Woods, Cat. Type Foss. p. 41. P. dichotomies ; see Extracrinus. ' \Phialocrinus re-defined, p. 98, JconincJci, de Kon., p. 107 ; Etheridge, Pal. Mem. N.S.W. v. fPhialocrinus princeps, p. 110, P. ? nodosus , p. 112, stephensi, p. 113, Permo-Carboniferous, New S. Wales, Etheridge, Pal. Mem. N. S.W. v., n. spp. •fPeriechocrinus indicator , Carboniferous, New S. Wales, Etheridge, Pal. Mem. N.S.W. v, p. 78, n. sp. f ; P., sp. ind., Carboniferous, New S. Wales; Etheridge, Pal. Mem. N.S.W. v, p. 79, P. limonium , Salter ; Woods, Cat. Type Foss. p. 41. ■ \ Picteticrinus nicoleti , Des., Bathonian, Boulonnais, p. 43, beaugrandi , Lor., Portlandian, Boulonnais, p. 81 ; Rigaux. f Pisocrinus gemmiformis, S. A. Mill., globosus , Ringueb. ; Beachler, Am. Geol. ix, p. 408. ■fPlatycrinidce, and other Grinoids, 11 Entrochi regulares et irregulares,” columnals from Permian, Timor, described and figured ; Rothpletz, Palseontogr. xxxix, p. 72. ■j* ; Platy crinus pileatas, Goldf., abnormal ; Reed, Geol. Mag. (iii) ix, p. 548. P. diadema, megastylus , McCoy, P. ? pecten , Salter, P. CKINOIDEA. Ech. 21 vesiculosus , McCoy; Woods, Cat. Type Foss. p. 41. P. sp., Carboni- ferous, New S. Wales ; Etheridge, Pal. Mem. N.S.W. v, p. 131. f ; Poteriocrinus ?, Carboniferous, New S. Wales ; Etheridge, Pal. Mem. N.S.W. v, p. 81. P. cressimanus , McCoy ; Woods, Cat. Type Foss. p. 42. P. ? sp., Ordovician, Piedmont, Virginia ; Darton, Am. J. Sci. xliv, p. 52. P. excavatus , McCoy ; see Hydreionocrinus mccoyanus . P. nuciformis, McCoy ; see Cromyocrinus. P. longi- dactylus ; see Scaphiocrinus. f Reteocrinidcc ; (Ehlert, Bull. Soc. Geol. (3) xix, pp. 839, et seq. f Raphanocrinus ; (Ehlert, Bull. Soc. Geol. (3) xix, p. 840. f Rhodocrinidcc ; (Ehlert, Bull. Soc. Geol. (3) xix, p. 839. f Scaphiocrinus longidactylus, Austin ; Bather, Ann. N. H. (6) ix, p. 203. •j* Schizocrinus, ? sp., Ordovician, Piedmont, Virginia ; Darton, Am. J. Sci. xliv, p. 52. f Solanocrinus beaugrandi, Lor., Kimmeridgian, Boulonnais ; Rigaux, p. 69. Sphcerocrinus discussed ; Bather, Ann . N. H. (6) ix, p. 207. t Stephanocrinus osgoodensis , S. A. Mill. ; Beachler, Am. Geol. ix, p. 408. *j* Symbaihocrinus, Carboniferous, New S. Wales ; Etheridge, Pal. Mem. N.S.W. v, p. 81. f ; Taxocrinus ?ianus, Salter, ? orbignii , McCoy, tuberculatus, Miller, ? granulatus , Salter ; Woods, Cat. Type Foss. p. 42. T. longidac- tylus ; see Scaphiocrinus. T. marmoratus , Salter ; see T. tuber- culatus. f ; Torynocrinus canon , Seeley; Woods, Cat. Type Foss. p. 43. T. vario- larius , Seeley ; see Cyclocrinus. t Thenar ocrinus, referred to the Dendrocrinites ; Bather, Ann. N. H. (6) ix, p. 202. ’ \Tribrachiocrinus re-described, p. 82 ; T. clarhei , McCoy, p. 90 ; T. corru - gatus, Ratte, p. 95 ; Etheridge, Pal. Mem. N.S.W. v. f Tribrachiocrinus ornatus , p. 94, granulatus , p. 97, Permo-Carboniferous, New S. Wales, Etheridge, Pal. Mem. N.S.W. v, n. spp. t Zophocrinus howardi, S. A. Mill. ; Beachler, Am. Geol. ix, p. 408. 6. CYSTIDEA. f Agelacrinus pileus ?, Hall ; Miller & Faber, J. Cincinn. Soc. xv, p. 85. f Atelecystis forbesi , De Kon. ; Woods, Cat. Type Foss. p. 42. -j 'Caryocystites davisi, McCoy; see Echinosphccra. Cyclocystoides cincinnatiensisf Ordovician, Cincinnati, Miller & Faber, J. Cincinn. Soc. xv, p. 84, n. sp. -j- Cl, sp , Miller & Faber, J. Cincinn. Soc. xv, p. 85. -j* ; Echinosphcera davisi , McCoy; Woods, Cat. Type Foss. p. 43. E. kingi: undescribed species ; Noetling (38). 22 Ech. XIV. ECHINODERMATA. f Helocystites affinis , n. sp., Silurian, Indiana, Miller & Faber, J. Cincinu. Soc. xy, p. 87. [Tlie name of the genus should be Megacystis ; see Carpenter (1), Record for 1891.] ' \Lepadocrinus bifasciatus , quadrifasciatus , Pearce ; Woods, Cat. Type Foss. p. 43. -j ' Lepidodiscus miller i, Sharman & Newton, Q. J. Geol. Soc. xlviii,p. 150, n. sp. ■ \Vrotocystis meneviensis, Hicks ; Woods, Cat. Type Foss. p. 43. f Prunocystis fletcKeri , Forbes ; Woods, Cat. Type Foss. p. 43. ■f P seudocrinites bifasciatus , quadr fascia tus, Pearce ; see Lepadocrinus. 7. BLASTOIDEA. "fCodonaster trilobatus ( Codaster , McCoy), trilobatus , var. acutus , McCoy ; Woods, Cat. Type Foss. p. 43. *}* ; Granatocrinus campanulatus , McCoy; Woods, Cat. Type Foss, p. 44. G. wachsmuthi, nom. nud. ; Etheridge, Pal. Mem. N.S.W. v, p. 119. f Mesoblastus ? australis , nom. nud. ; Etheridge, Pal. Mem. N.S.W. v, p. 119. f Pentremites campanulatus , McCoy ; see Granatocrinus. •f Triccelocrinus ? carpenteri , nom. nud.; Etheridge, Pal. Mem. N.S.W. v, p. 119. Verm. 1 XV. VERMES. BY Florence Buchanan, B.Sc. Arrangement of Record. A common List of Titles is given, pp. 1-30, and three papers quoted which refer to Vermes in general. The Record is then broken up into the following groups, each group being again subdivided into a Biological, a Faunistic, and a Systematic part : — I. — Hehichordata, including Balanoglossus, Cephalodiscus, Rhabdopleura, pp. 30, 31. II. — Annelida, including G-ephyrea, Ch^etopoda, and Hirudinea, pp. 31-52. III. — Platyhelminthes, including Cestoda, Trematoda, Nemertinea, and Turbellaria, pp. 53-72. IV. — Nematoda, Acanthocephala, and Ch^etognatha, pp. 73-82. V— Rotifera, pp. 82-88. VI. — Mesozoa, p. 88. TITLES* Anderson, H. H., & Shephard, J. Notes on Victorian Rotifers. P. R. Soc. Viet, (n.s.) iv, pp. 69-80, pis. xii & xiii. Abstr. in J. R. Micr. Soc. 1893, p. 48. Andrews, E. A. (1) Notes on the Fauna of Jamaica. Johns Hopk. Univ. Circ. xi, pp. 72-75, Vermes , p. 75. Very brief, not giving the names of species. . (2) Bifurcated Annelids. Am. Nat. xxvi, pp. 725-733, pi. xxi. . (2) On the Eyes of Polychaatous Annelids. J. Morph, vii, No. 2, pp. 169-222, pis. ix-xi. * An asterisk prefixed to a quotation indicates that the Recorder has not seen the Journal or Work referred to. 2 Verm. xv. VERMES. Apathy, S. (1) Kritische Bemerkungen liber das Frenzel’sche Meso- zoon Salinella. Biol. Centralbl. xii, pp. 108-123. Transl. in Ann. N. H. ix, pp. 465-482. . (2) Contractile und leitende Primitivfibrillen. MT. z. Stat. Neap, x, pp. 355-375, pis. xxv & xxvi, 1 woodcut. Studies in Leeches. Appellof, A. Om Bergensfjordenes faunistiske prseg. Bergens Mus. Aarsber. 1891 (2) pp. 4-14. Apstein, C. Callizona angelina (Kbg.), Apstein. Festschr. zum 70 ten Geburtstage Rudolf Leuckarts. Leipsig (Engelmann) : 1892, pp. 44-47, pi. v. ° Atkinson, C. F. Note on a Nematode Leaf-Disease. Ins. Life, iv (1891), p. 31. Baldwin Spencer. [See Spencer, W. B.] Beddard, F. E. (1) Note upon the Encystment of AElosoma. Ann. N. H. (6) ix, pp. 12-19, 2 woodcuts. . (2) The Earthworms of the Vienna Museum. T. c. pp. 113-134, pi. vii. Schmarda’s specimens properly described and most of them renamed. . (3) On a new genus of Oligochceta , comprising five new species provisionally belonging to the Family Ocnerodrilidce. Op. cit. (6) x, pp. 74-97, pis. vi & vii. . (4) Preliminary notice of a new Branchiate Oligochaet. Nature, xlv, pp. 109 & 110. . (5) A new Branchiate Oligochaet ( Brancliiura sowerbyi). Q. J. Micr. Sci. xxxiii, pp. 325-341, pi. xix. . (6) Researches into the Embryology of the Oligochaets. No. 1. 0" certain points in the development of Acanthodrilus multiporus. T. c. pp. 497-540, pis. xxx & xxxi. Abstr. in J. R. Micr. Soc. 1892, p. 611. . (7) Two new Genera and some new Species of Earthworms. Q. J. Micr. Sci. xxxiv, pp. 243-278. . (8) On the Earthworms collected in Algeria and Tunisia by Dr. Anderson. P. Z. S. 1892, pp. 28-37. -. (9) On some Species of the Genus Perichceta (s. str.). T. c. pp. 153-172, pis. ix & x. . (10) On some aquatic Oligochastous Worms. T. c. pp. 349-360, 2 woodcuts. . (11) On some Perichaetidae from Japan. Zool. Jahrb. Abth. f. Syst. vi, pp. 755-766, pi. xxxii. TITLES. Venn. 3 Bell, F. J. Remarks upon the habitat of Bipalium Tcewense. P. Z. S. 1892, p. 258. Benham, W. B. (1) Descriptions of three new Species of Earthworms. T. c. pp. 136-152, pis. vii & viii. . (2) Notes on two Acanthodriloid Earthworms from New Zealand. Q. J. Micr. Sci. xxxiii, pp. 289-312, pis. xv & xvi. . (3) A new English G-enus of Aquatic Oligochceta ( Sparganogjhilus ) belonging to the family Rhinodrilidce. Op. cit. xxxiv, pp. 155-179, pis. xix & xx. Abstr. in J. R. Micr. Soc. 1893, p. 39. . (4) An Earthworm from Ecuador ( Rhinodrilus ecuadoriensis , n. sp.). Ann. N. H. (6) ix, pp. 237-246, pi. x. . (5) Note on the occurrence of a freshwater Nemertine in England. Nature, xlvi, p. 611. A species of Tetrastemma. . (6) British Earthworms. Op. cit. xlvii, p. 102. Supporting Hurst, criticising Friend (4). Beraneck, — . L’embryogenie de l’oeil des Alciopides. Arch. Sci. Nat. xxviii, pp. 554 & 555. °Beranger-Ferand, — . (1) Sur l’augmentation de frequence du Taenia en France depuis un demi-siecle. Bull, de l’Acad. de med. (3) xxvii, p. 112, and in Sem. Medic, 1892, No. 5. . (2) Distribution geographique des Tsenias de Phomme. Bull, de l’Acad. de med. pp. 282-304. ° . (3) De la ladrerie chez Phomme. Ann. Hyg. publ. 1892, pp. 481-517. Bergendal, D. (1) Nagra anmarkninger om Sveriges Triklader. CEfv. Ak. Forh. 1892, pp. 539-557. . (2) Kurzer Bericht uber eine in Sommer 1890 unternommene zoologische Reise nach Nord G-ronland. Bih. Sv. Ak. Handl. xvii, Afd. iv, No. 1. Given more fully as, . (3) Beitrage zur Fauna Gronlands. Act. Lund. 1891-2 (n.s.), iii (iv), 180 pp. I. Zur Rotatorien Fauna Gronlands, pp. 11-180. c‘ . (4) Gasteroschiza tricantha, Eine neue Gattung und Familie der Raderthiere. Bih. Sv. Ak. Forh. xvii. Also given under the title of “ Ehrenberg’s Euchlanis Lynceus wieder gefunden,” in Act. Lund. 1891-2 (n.s.), iii (v), 2 pp. . (5) Om TJteriporus vulgaris och betydelsen af Uterus hos Trikladerna. Forh. Sk. Naturf. xiv, p. 494, and °Sv. Ak. Handl. 1892, 1st part. . (6) Om Land Planariers Anatomi. Sv. Ak. Handl. 1892. . (7) Studien liber Turbellarien. i. Ueber die Vermehrung durch Quertheilung des Bipalium Jcewense, Moseley. T. c. 4 Verm. XV. VERMES. [Bergendal, D.] (8) Einiges iiber den Uterus der Tricladen. Festschr. z. 70 ten Geburtstage R. Leuckarts. Leipsig : 1892, pp. 310-318, pi. xxxii. Bergh, R. S. Kurze Bemerkungen iiber Herrn Apathy und die Hiru- dineen Embryologie. Zool. Anz. xv, pp. 57 & 58. Bilfinger, L. Ein Beitrag zur Rotatorienfauna Wiirttembergs. JH. Yer. Wiirtt. xlviii, pp. 107-124. Billet, A. [See Giard & Billet.] Blanchard, R. (1) Description de la Glossiphonia tesselata , 0. F. M. Mem. Soc. Zool. v, pp. 56-58, 2 woodcuts. — — . (2) Presence de la Glossiphonia tesselata au Chili ; description complementaire de cette Hirudinee. Act. Soc. Chili, ii, pp. 177-187, 2 woodcuts. . (3) Courtes notices sur les Hirudinees. Bull. Soc. Z. Fr. xvii. ii. Sur la Typhlobdella Jcovdtsi , Diesing, pp. 35-39, 4 woodcuts. From examination of type specimen, conclude = Haemopis sanguisuga. hi. Description de la Nephelis atomaria, Carena, pp. 165-172,5 woodcuts. IV. Description de la Glossiphonia marginata, O.F.M.,pp. 173-178, 2 woodcuts, v. Description de la Glossiphonia sexoculata, Bergm., pp. 178-182, 2 woodcuts, vi. Sur le Branchellio punctatum , Baird, pp. 222 & 223. . (4) Description de la Xerobdella lecomtei, v. Frauenf. Mem. Soc. Zool. v, pp. 539-553, 9 woodcuts. — — . (5) Notices sur les parasites de l’homme, l®re ser. ; De l’existence et de la predominance ancienne du Tania saginata dans l’Europe occidentale. Mem. Soc. Biol. (9) iv, pp. 243-258. = . (6) Sur la presence de la Trocheta subviridis en Ligurie, et description de cette Hirudinee. Atti Soc. Ligust. iii, pp. 407-435, 8 woodcuts. Bles, E. J. Notes on the Plankton observed at Plymouth during June, July, August, and September, 1892. J. Mar. Biol. Ass. (n.s.) ii, pp. 340-343. Blochmann, F. (1) Ueber Sommer’s sogenannte “ plasmatische Langs- gef asse ” bei Tania saginata , Goze, und Tania solium, L. CB. Bakt. Parasit, xii, pp. 373-379, 3 woodcuts. , . (2) Ueber die Enwickelung von Cercarseum aus Helix hortensis zum geschlechtsreifen Distomum. T. c. pp. 649-652. The Distomum is D. caudatum (alimentary canal of Erinaceus ). . (3) Ueber die Anatomie und die verwandtschaf tlichen Bezie- hungen der Brachiopoden. Arch. Yer. Mecklenb. xlvi, 1892, pp. 37-50. Relationship to Phoronis emphasized. TITLES. Verm. 5 Bolsjus, R P. H. (1) Surles organes cilies des Hirudinees. Ann. Soc. Brux. xy, C.R. p. 44. (2) Anatomie des organes segmentaires des Hirudinees d’eau douce, d’apres les recherches cytologiques. Op. cit. xvi, Mem. pp. 1-70, pis. i & ii. Bos, J. Ritzema. (1) Thierische Schadlinge und Niitzlinge fur Ackerbau, Yiehzucht, Wald- und Garten-bau ; Lebensformen, Yor- kommen, Einfluss und die Massregeln zu Yertilgung und Schutz. Berlin (Parcy) : 1891, xvi -J- 876 pp., 477 figg. Reviewed J. R. Agric. Soc. iii, pp. 415-420. 200 pages devoted to Thread- and Eel-worms, Tape-worms, and Flukes ; good index, and well arranged. . (2) AphelencJms olesistus, n. sp., een Nematode, schadelijk aan Begonia’s en Yarens. Maandbl. Natuurw , 17th year, pp. 101-112, pi. vii. . (3) L’anguillule de la Tige ( Tylenchus devastrix , Kuhn) et les maladies des plantes dues a ce Nematode. Arch. Mus. Teyl. (2) iii, pp. 545-588. Boutan, L. Yoyage dans la Mer Rouge. Rev. Biol. iv. Three Polychaets and 1 Nemertine mentioned, but not identified, on p. 222. Boyeei, — . Ueber die Entstehung des Gegensatzes zwischen den Gesch- lechtszellen und den somatischen Zellen bei Ascaris megalocephala nebst Bemerkungen zur Entwickelungsgeschichte der Nematoden. SB. Ges. Morph, viii, pp. 114-125, 5 figg. Braxdes, G. (1) Zum feineren Bau der Trematoden. Z. wiss. Zool. liii, pp. 558-577, pi. xxii; also in Ber. Ges. Halle, 1891 (2), pp. 59-84, Abstr. in J. R. Micr. Soc. 1892, p. 372. Criticised by Braun (3). . (2) Revision der Monostomiden. CB. Bakt. Parasit. xii, pp, 504-511. Braun, M. (1) Ueber Distomum folium , Olf. Op. cit. xi, pp. 461-463, . (2) Ueber Eurycaelum sluiteri, Br. T. c. pp. 727-729. . (3) Ueber einige wenig bekannte resp. neue Trematoden. Yerh, Deutsch. zool. Ges. 2te Jahresversamml. 1892, pp. 44-52. . (4) Bronn’s Klassen und Ordnungen des Thier-reichs. Bd. rv. Wurmer. Continuation, parts 18-27, pp. 562-816, pis. xviii-xxxi, containing the Trematodes, Digenea. . (5) Yerzeichniss von Eingeweidewiirmern a us Mecklenburg. Arch. Yer. Mecklenb. xlv, 1891 (2), pp. 97-117. Brunotte, C. Deux stations nouvelles du Phreoryctes menkeanus , Hfmst. Rev. Biol, v, pp, 120-122. 6 Verm . XV. VERMES. Bryce, D. (1) On the Macrotrachelous Caliclinidce. J. Quek. Club (2) y, pp. 15-23, 1 pi. 4 new species. . (2) On some Moss-dwelling Cathypnadce , with descriptions of five new species. Sci. Gross. 1892, pp. 271-275, 11 figg. Buchanan, F. Report on Occupation of the British Association Table in the M. B. A. Laboratory at Plymouth. Rep. Brit. Ass. Edinburgh, 1892, pp. 356-360. Burger, 0. (1) Die Enden des excretorischen Apparates bei den Nemer- tinen. Z. wiss. Zool. liii, pp. 322-333, pi. xvi. . (2) Zur Kenntnis der Nemertinen des Golfes von Neapel. Vor- laufige Mittheilung. Nachr. Ges. Getting. 1892, pp. 137-178. Butschli, 0. Ueber den feineren Bau der contractilen Substanz der Muskelzellen von Ascaris nebst Bemerkungen fiber die Muskelzellen einiger anderer Wfirmer. Festschr. z. 70 ten Geburtstage R. Leuckarts. Leipsig : 1892, pp. 328-336, pi. xxxiv. Cadiot, — . [See Railliet & Cadiot.] Cahier, — . Note sur les CEufs et l’Embryon du Bilharzia hoematola. C.R. Soc. Biol. pp. 570-576, 4 figg. Calandruccio, S. Descrizione degli embrioni e delle larve della Filaria recondita, Grassi. Atti Acc. Gioen. (4) v, pp. 1-15, 17 woodcuts. Calman, W. T. On certain new and rare Rotifers from Forfarshire. Ann. Scot. N. H. 1892, pp. 240-245, pi. viii. Camerano, L. (1) Ricerche intorno al parassitismo ed alio svilluppo del Gordius pustulosus , Baird. Atti Acc. Tor. xxvii, pp. 598-607, 1 pi., and Boll. Mus. Zool. Tor. vii, No. 124, 5 pp. . (2) Intorno ad una species di Gordius ( G . ceneus, Villot) raccolta dal Sig. G. B. Anselmo in Venezuela, e intorno alle specie di questo genere fin ad ora discritte dell’ America meridionale. Ann. Mus. Genov. (2) x, pp. 123-127, 1 fig. . (3) Viaggio di L. Fea in Birmania e regioni vicine, xxvii. Gordii. T. c. pp. 128-131, 2 figg. . (4) Descrizione di una nuova specie del genere Gordius di Palmeira (Parana) raccolta dal Dott. G. Franco Grillo. T. c. pp. 965 & 966. . (5) Descrizione di una nuova specie del genere Gordius raccolta nell’ isola Engano dall Dott. E. Modigliani. Op. cit. xii, pp. 539-541. Camus, F. Note sur la presence de Geophilus submarinus , Gr., et de quelques autres animaux marins sur la cote de Prefaille pres Pornie (Loire Infe-). Bull. Soc. Sci. Nat. Ouest France, ii, 1892. Syllis arnica and Thalasserna neptuni mentioned, pp. 33 & 34. TITLES. Verm. 7 *Caparini, U. Nuove osservazione per servare all5 istoria di alcuni parassiti. Com. 2a. Giorn. Fisiol. Patol. Pisa. Anno 23 (1891), pp. 271-279. 1. Tricocefali nel fegato di una bovina. 2. Cesticerchi embrionali attraversante il fegato di un majale. Carsten, B. Trichinosis in the Netherlands. Trans, of 7th Internat. Congr. of Hyg. and Demogr., London, 1891 (2) sect, iii, pp. 56 & 57. ~Cathe, J. T. De breede lintworm ( Bothriocejphalus latus) in Nederland inheemsch. Geneesk. corn*. 1891, No. 45. Cerfontaine, P. Contribution a l5 etude du systeme nerveux central du Lombric terrestre. Bull. Ac. Belg. (3) xxii, pp. 742-752, 2 pis. Charles, R. H. A contribution on the life-history of the male Filaria medinensis, founded on the examination of specimens removed from the abdominal cavity of Man. Sci. Mem. vii, pp. 51-56, 1 pi. Chatin, J. (1) Contribution a l’etude des Elements epidermiques chez les Nematodes. C.R. Soc. Biol, iv, pp. 135 & 136. ° . (2) L’Anguillule Vie la Betterave ( Heterodera schachtii). Bull. No. 5, 1891, of Rep. to Fr. Min. of Agric., 50 pp., 9 pis. Chichkoff, G. D. Recherches sur les Dendrocoeles d’eau douce (Triclades). Arch. Biol, xii, pp. 435-568, pis. xv-xx. Cholodkowsky, N. Contributions a la Theorie du mesoderme et de la metamerie. Congr. Internat. Zool., 2nd Session, Moscow, 1892, pp. 58-65. Divides the Metazoa , according to method of formation of or absence of coelom, into Enteroccela (including amongst “ Vermes,55 the Chaetognatha and Enteropneusta), Genitocoela (including the Annelides), Accela (includ- ing the Platyhelminthes and the Mesozoa). Chhn, C. Die Dissogonie. Festschr. z. 70 ten Geburtstage R. Leuckarts. Leipsig : 1892. In a footnote, pp. 100 & 101, it is suggested that this process (repro- duction at discontinuous periods in different stages of its development) may occur in Nereids. * Coats, J. A specimen of the prismatic variety of Tcenia saginata. Glasg. Med. Journ. 1891, pp. 103-107. Collin, A. (1) Ueber die Regenwurmer der Umgegend von Berlin. SB. nat. Fr. 1892, pp. 115 & 116. . (2) Kleine Mittheilungen iiber Wiirmer ( Bipalium and Clepsine). T. c. p. 164. . (3) Gephyreen gesammelt von Herrn Oberstabsarzt Dr. Sander auf der Reise S.M.S. " Prinz Adalbert.’5 Arch. f. Nat. lviii, pp. 177-182, pi. xi. 8 Verm. XV. VERMES. Collin, G. Sur la frequence relative des diverses especes de Tuenia. Bull. Ac. Med. xxvii, p. 176. Colloradi, G. La Bilharzia hcematobia dell’ uomo ed i fenomeni morbosi cajionate da essa. Giorn. internaz. Sci. Med. Napoli, xiii (1891), pp. 851-864. Condorelli-Francaviglia, M. (1) Sopra una rara anomalia della Tcenia solium. Boll. Soc. Rom. Stud. Zool. i, pp. 81-35, 1 woodcut. . (2) Sopra una nuova specie di Filaria ( F . apapillocephala). T. c. pp. 168-179. . (3) SulP identita specifica dell’ Echinorhynchus globocaudatus , Zeder, e dell’ Echinorhynchus tuba , Rudolphi. T. c . pp. 224-232. . (4) A proposito di un grave caso di epistassi prodotta da puntura dell’ Hirudo sanguisuga. Bergmann. T. c. pp. 233-241. . (5) Contributo alio studio della Tcenia litterata. Lo Spallanzani, (2) xx (1891), pp, 384-393, 1 pi. ^Consalvi, G. (1) Sopra una malattia nuova per le regioni meridionali d’ltalia denominata Ancbilostomiasi. 2nd Ed. Lanciano, tip. Carabba : 1891, 16mo, 10 pp, . . (2) L’anchilostomiasi nelle province meridionali del continente italiano, Risposta alia littera del Dr. F. Folio. T. c. 6 pp. Estr., Riv. Ital, Terap. Igiene, July (1891). Cori, C. J, Ueber Anomalien der Segmentierung bei Anneliden und deren Bedeutung fur die Theorie der Metamerie. Z. wiss. Zool. liv, pp. 569-578, pi. xxv. Cosmovici, L. C. (1) Quelques remarques sur les Rotiferes. Le Nat. xiii, 1891, pp. 65 & 92. Distribution according to nature of water. . (2) Rotiferes Organisation et Faune de la Roumanie. Op. cit. xiv, 1892, pp. 44, 45, 58, 59, 70, 71, & 83. . (3) Ce qu’il faut entendre par “ systeme aquifere, organes segmen- fcaires, organes excreteurs, nephridies,” Congr. Internat. Zool. ii, Moscow, pp. 16-40. Review of the different terms used in different groups of animals, chiefly Vermes. [See Kennel, J. v. (2).] Crety, C. (1) Intorno la struttura delle ventosee di alcuneorgani tattili nei Distomi. Atti [Rend.] Acc, Rom. (5) i, pp. 21-26, 2 woodcuts. Translated into French in Arch. Ital. Biol, xviii, pp. 380-384. . (2) Intorno al nucleo vitellino dei Trematodi, Atti [Rend.] Acc. Rom. (5) i, pp. 92-97, Cuenot, L. Commensaux et Parasites des Echinodermes. Rev. Biol, v, Platyhelminthes, Rotifers, and Polychaets, pp. 8-16, pi. i. Cunningham, J. T. The Preservation of Marine Animals for Zoologi- cal purposes. Ess. Nat, vi \Vermes], pp, 124 & 125, TITLES. Verm. 9 Curtice, C. Parasites of Domestic Animals, J. Comp. Med. Yet. Arch. 1892, pp. 223-226. Dad ay, E. v. (1) Die geographische Yerbreitung der im Meere lebenden Rotatorien. Math. Nat. Ber. Ung. ix (1891), pp. 55-66. Abstract and criticism in J. R. Micr. Soc. 1892, p. 488. . (2) Revision der Asplanchna Arten und deren ungarlandischen Reprasentanten. Math, Nat. Ber, Ung. ix (1891), pp. 69-89, pis. ii & iii. Abstract and criticism in J. R. Micr. Soc. 1892, p. 794. Daday, Jeno. A mesosegi tavak mikroskopos faunaja (Microscopic Fauna of the Fields). Math. term. Ertes, x, pp, 132-136. Dalla-Torre, K. W. y. Zoologisehe Mittheilungen : Stephanoceros eichhornii , Ehrb., in Lanser Moor. Ber. Naturw. med. Yer, Innsbruck, 1891, p. viii. Demateis, — . Das Austreten der Ascariden bei Fieberbewegungen, CB, Bakt. Parasit. xi, pp. 653-660. Dendy, A. (1) On the Australian Land Nemertine ( Geonemertes austra = liensis , n, sp.). P. R. Soc, Yict. iv, pp. 85-122, pis. vii-x. . (2) Description of some Land Planarians from Queensland. T.c, pp, 123-129, pi. xi. . (3) Description of some Land Planarians from Tasmania. Rep, Australasian Ass. Advancement of Sci. 1892, Section D 6. Abstr. in J. R. Micr. Soc, 1893, p. 45, Despeignes — . [See Lortet & Despeignes.] Deupser, — > Zur Entwickelungsgeschichte der Filaria papillosa. Yor= laufige Mittheilung. Zool. Anz. xv, pp. 129-131. Abstr. in CR, Bakt. Parasit. xi, p. 771, and in J. R. Micr. Soc. 1892, p. 371. ~Dewitz, J. Die Eingeweidewiirmer der Haussaugethiere, Leipsig (Parcy) : 1892, 8vo, 180 pp., 141 figg. Diamare, Y. Di un nuovo cestode del Gen. DipyUdium, Lt. Boll. Soc, Nat. Napoli (1) vi, 1892, pp. 46-48. Ehlers, E. (1) Die Gehororgane der Arenicolen. Z. wiss. Zool. liii (Suppl.), pp. 217-285, pis, xi-xiv. Abstr. in J. R, Micr. Soc. 1892, p. 480. . (2) Zur Kenntnis von Arenicola marina, L. Nachr. Ges. Gotting. 1892, pp. 413-418. Deals with the young stages, ^Epstein, A, Ueber die Uebertragung des menschlichen Spulwurms (Ascaris lumbrieoides). Eine Klinisch experimented Untersuchung, JB. Kinderheilk, und Phys, Erziehung, xxxiii, 1892, p. 287. Fauvel, A. Lafaune du Chan-toung. Rev. Quest. Sci. 1892, p. 492. Filippi, C. de. Note preliminare sul sistema riproduttore della Tceniq, botrioceplitis . Boll. Soc. Rom. Stud. Zool. i (1892), pp. 75—79, pi. i. 10 Verm . XV. VERMES. Fischer, W. Uebersicht der von Herrn Dr. F. Stublmann auf Sansi- bar und an der gegeniiberliegenden Festlandes gesammelten Gephy- reen. JB. Hamb. ix, pp. 79-89, 1 pi. Floericke, G. Yorlaufige Mittheilung fiber einige anscheinend neue Naidomorphen. Zool. Anz. xv, pp. 468-470. Forel, F. A. Ascaris inflexa trouve dans un oeuf de poule. Bull. Soc. Yand. xxviii, p. xxiv. Only this statement. Fowler, G. H. The Morphology of Rhabdopleura normani , Alim. Festschr. z. 70 ten, Geburtstage B. Leuckarts, pp. 293-297, pi. xxx ; and Abstract in P. R. Soc. lii, pp. 132-134, 3 figg. Fowler, — . A curious Parasite. Ent. xxv (1892), p. 247. Found in Epinephele tithonus ; shown on p. 291 to be a Gordius. Francaviglia. [See Condorelli-Francaviglia.] -Francis, M. Liver Flukes. Bull. Texas Agric. St. xviii (1891), 9 pp., 6 figg. -. [See also Stiles (7).] FRANgois, P. [See Joubin & FRANgois.] Fream, W. Trap-plants for Eelworms. J. R. Agric. Soc. (3) iii, pt. 1, pp. 173-176. Frenzel, J. The Mesozoon Salinella. Ann. N. H. ix, pp. 79-84 & 109- 111. Translations from German papers. [See Zool. Rec., 1891, Vermes, p. 10, Frenzel, 1 & 2.] Friend, H. (1) British Annelids. With especial reference to the Earthworms of Essex. Ess. Nat. v & vi (1891-92). 1. Introduction, Habits, Preserving, &c. Yol. v, pp. 193-196. 2. Division into 3 genera. Terms for description. T. c. pp. 237-241. 3. Allurus tetraedrus , Eisen. Yol. vi, pp. 30-33. 4. Genus Lumbricus , with 4 species. T. c. pp. 60-65. 5. Genus Allolobophora , group Lumbricoidea. T. c. pp. 107-111. 6. Genus Allolobophora , group Mucida. T. c. pp. 169-174. 7. Genus Allolobophora , group Dendrobcxna. T. c. pp. 185-190, 4 figg. . (2) Studies of British Tree- and Earthworms. J. L. S. Zool. xxiv, pp. 292-315. ■ (3) A rare British Earthworm. Nature, xlv, p. 365. L. eiseni, Lev. . (4) New British Earthworms. Op. cit. xlvi, p. 621, 3 figg. Criticised by Hurst & Benham (6). . (5) The Earthworms of Kent. Field Club, iii, pp. 24-27. . (6) The Earthworms of Northhants. T. c. pp. 83-85, 100-103. . (7) The Earthworms of Middlesex. Sci. Goss. pp. 193-196. TITLES. Verm. 11 [Friend, H.] (8) On Hybridity among Worms. Field Club, iii, pp. 147-151, and Naturalist, pp. 301-304. • . (9) A new British Worm. Field Club, iii, pp. 167-169, and Sci. Goss. 1892, pp. 242 & 243. A llurus tetragonurus. (10) Worm-hunting in Sussex. Sci. Goss. pp. 122-124. * ■. (11) New Yorkshire Earthworms; with an amended list of North British species. Naturalist, 1892, pp. 87-90. . (12) A new Yorkshire Earthworm. T. c. pp. 247-249. . (13) On a new species of Earthworm. P. R. Irish Ac. ii, pp. 402-410, 9 figg. He calls it AHolobophora hibernica , but in P.S. refers it to Rosa’s A. cantabrica , found at Genoa. . (14) Curiosities of Worm Life. Sci. Goss. 1892, pp. 108 & 109, 7 figg., and p. 161, 2 figg. °Frii.s, S. Om forekomsten af trichiner i Danmark. Tidskr. f. Sundhpfl. ii, p. 152. Fritsch, A., & Yavra, Y. Yorlaufige Bericht liber die Fauna des Enter Pocernitzer und Gattei’schlager Teiches. Zool. Anz. xv, p. 27. Fusset, — . Permanencia en la Estacion de Santander. An. Soc. Esp. xxi [ Vermes ], Actas, pp. 172 & 175. 2 Platyhelminthes, 6 Polychsets, 1 Phascolosoma Garstang, W. (1) On some new or rare marine animals recently discovered on the Coast of Devonshire. Rep. Tr. Devon. Ass. xxiv, “ Vermes ,” pp. 381-383. . (2) Marine Invertebrata of Plymouth. J. Mar. Biol. Ass. ii, No. 4, Annelids, p. 335. Gexersich, A. Majtalyog esete. Feregpetek az epikoben. (A case of Liver abscess. Eggs of Ascaris in gall stone). Evkon. Erd. Muz. xvii, pp. 21-29. Translated into German, pp. 220-225. Gexersich, G. Adatok a majtalyog koroktanahoz (Contribution to the aetiology of Liver abscess). T. e. pp. 8-20. German, pp. 213-219. Giard, A. Sur la distribution geographique du Photodnlus phosphor eus, Duges, et la taxonomie des Lumbriciens. C.R. Soc. Biol, iii, 1891, p. 252. Giard, A., & Billet, A. Sur quelques Trematodes parasites des bceufs du Tonkin (Note preliminaire). Op. cit. iv, pp. 613-616. Giles, G. M. J. (1) Some observations on the Life History of Scleroslomum tetraccmthum,'Diesing, and on Schleratomiasis in equine animals ; in connection with a so-called outbreak of “ Surra ” at Shillong. Sci. Mem. vii, pp. 1-25, 3 pis. 1892, [VOL. XXIX.] F 3 12 Verm, XV. VERMES. [Giles, G. M. J.] (2) On a new Sclerostome from the large intestine of Mules. (P.S. to (1).) Sci. Mem. vii, pp. 25-31, 1 pi. . (3) On Nodular Disease of the intestine of Sheep. T. c, pp. 31-45, 1 pi. . (4) A description of two new Nematodes found in Sheep. T . c . pp. 45-51, 1 pi. Goodrich, E. S. Note on a new Oligochaet (Vermiculus pllosus). Zool, Anz. xv, pp. 474-476, 2 figg. °Graefe, A. Extraktion zweier Cysticercen aus einem Auge. Monatsbl. f. Augenheilk., xxx, p. 297. Graff, L. v. (1) Ueber pelagische Polycladen. Z. wiss. Zool. lv, pp. 189-219, pis. vii-x. Abstr. (without figures) in Yerh. deutsch. Zool. Ges. 2 ter Jhrg, 1892, pp. 117-121 ; also Abstr. in J. It. Micr. Soc. 1893, pp. 190 & 191. . (2) Othelosoma symondsii , Gray. Zool. Anz. xv, pp. 7-9. . (3) Ueber Haplodiscus piliger, Weldon. T. c. pp. 6 & 7. . (4) Sur uue planaire de la mer des Sargasses ( Stylochoplana sargassicola, Mertens). Bull. Soc. Z. Fr. xvii, pp. 146 & 147. Grassi, G., & Rovelli, G. Ricerche embriologiche sui Cestodi. Atti Acc. Gioen. (4) iv, (lxviii), Mem. ii, 108 pp., 4 pis. Greenwood, M. On retractile cilia in the intestiue of Lumbricus terrestris. J. Physiol, xiii, pp. 239-259, pi. ix. ^Griffiths, A. B. (1) The physiology of the Invertebrate, . London : Reeve & Co., 8vo, xvi -f* 477 pp. Circulation of Lumbricus dealt with. . (2) On the blood of the Invertebrate. P. R. Soc. Edinb. xix, Annelids, pp. 119-123. •. (3) L’hermerythrine, pigment respiratoire contenu dans le sang de certains Yers. C.R. cxv, pp. 669 & 670. Guerne, J. de. (1) Sur la dissemination des Hirudinees par les Palmipedes. C.R. Soc*. Biol, iv, pp. 92-95 ; also in Ann. N. H. x, pp. 117-120. . (2) L’histoire des Nemertiens d’eau douce. Leur distribution geographique et leur origine. C.R. Soc. Biol, iv, pp. 360-364 ; also in Ann. N. H. x, pp. 197-200. Answer to du Plessis (1). Guerne, J. de, & Richard, J. Sur la faune de l’eau douce l’lslande. C.R. cxiv, pp. 310-313 ; Bull. Soc. Z. Fr. xvii, pp. 78-89 ; Ann. N. H. x, No. 58. 2 Rotifers mentioned. TITLES. Verm. 13 Hallez, P. (1) Une loi embryogenique des Rhabcloccelides et des Trlclades. C.R, cxiv, pp. 1033-1035. Abstr. in J. R. Micr. Soc, 1892, p. 484. (2) Sur l’origine vraisemblablement teratologique de deux especes de Triclcides. C.R. cxiv, pp. 1125-1128. Abstr. in J. R. Micr. Soc. 1892, p. 485. . (3) Catalogue des Turbellaries ( Rhabcloccelides , Trlclades , et Polyclacles) du Nord de la France et de la cote Boulonnaise recolt^s jusqu’a ce jour. Rev. Biol, iv & v [continuation from ii], 12 figg. Supplement to list of Rhabdoccels ; classification of Trlclades and their affinities with the Alloiococls ; Laws of Morphogeny of the Turbellarians, iv, pp. 301-326. Trlclades : — Tribe Maricola, iv, pp. 338-350. Tribe Paludicola, pp. 425-456. Tribe Terri cola, v, pp. 92-107. . (4) Classification des Trlclades (Note preliminaire). Bull. Soc. Z, Fr. xvii, pp. 106-109. Abstr. in J. R. Micr. Soc. 1893, p. 45. Hamann, O. (1) Zur Entstehung des Exkretionsorganes, der Seiten- linien und der Leibeshohle der Nematoden. CB. Bakt. Parasit. xi, p. 501-503. Abstr. in J. R. Micr. Soc. 1892, p. 482. . (2) Die Nemathelminthen. i. Monographie der Acanthocephalen. Jen. Z. Nat. xxv (1891), 119 pp. See Kaiser (1). ■ , (3) Das System der Acanthocephalen. Zool. Auz. xv, pp. 195-197. cHassall, A., & Stiles, C. W. Strongylus rubldus , a new species of Nematode parasitic in Pigs. J. Comp. Med. Yet. Arch. Apr. 1892, 3 PP., 3 figg. Haswell, W. A. (1) Observations on the Chlorhcemiclce, with special reference to certain Australian Forms. P. Linn. Soc. N.S.W. vi (1891), pp. 329-356, pis. xxvi-xxviii. Abstr. in J. R. Micr. Soc. 1892, p. 611. ■ (2) On the Excretory System of Temnocephala. Zool. Anz. xv, pp. 149-151. Abstr, in J. R. Micr. Soc. 1892, p. 486. • % (3) On the Systematic Position and Relationships of the Temnoce- phalece. Abh. Ges. Halle, xvii, pp. 455-460. — . (4) Jottings from the Biological Laboratory of Sydney University, P. Linn. Soc. N.S.W. vii. No. 17. Three Zoological Novelties, pp. 340-342 : — i. The occurrence of a second species of Phoronis in Port Jackson. ii. An Alioiocoele Turbellarian inhabiting the underground waters of Canterbury, N.Z. in. A new genus of Temnocephalece (= Actlnodactylus). A detailed description of this genus in (5) the Macleay Me- morial Volume is promised. 14 Verm. XV. VERMES. *'[Haswell, W. A.] (5) A Monograph of the Temnocephalece. Macleay Memorial Yol. of P. Linn. Soc. N.S.W., pt. 1, 1892. Hatschek, B. System der Anneliden, ein vorlaufige Bericht. Lotos, xiii, “ 1893” (1892), pp. 123-126. Henking, H. Darstellung des Darmkanals von Hirudo. Festschr. z. 70 ten Geburtstage R. Leuckarts. Leipsig: 1892, pp. 319-327, pi. xxxiii. Herring, E. Zur Kenntniss der Alciopiden von Messina. SB. Ak. Wien, pp. 713-768, 6 pis. Hesse, R. Leber das Nervensystem von Ascaris megalocephala. Z. wiss. Zool. liv, pp. 548-568, pis. xxiii & xxiv. Abstr. in J. R. Micr. Soc. 1892, p. 792. *Hillier, E. A Guinea Worm in the Tongue. Ind. Med. Rec. 1892, p. 79. Hilliger, J. C. Weitere Mittheilung uber leuchtende Wiirmer und Larven. Helios, 9 ter Jhrg. (1892), p. [84]. Hood, J. (1) Floscularia qncidrilobata , n. sp. Int. J. Micr. (3) ii, pp. 26-28, pis. iii & iv. . (2) Floscularia gosseii : a new Rotifer. T. c. pp. 73-78, pis. vi & vii. Hornell, J. (1) Report on the Polychastous Annelids of the L. M. B. C. District. Fauna of Liverpool Bay, Rep. iii (1892), pp. 126-171, pis. xiii-xv. . . (2) A Strange Commensalism — Sponge and Annelid. Nature, xlvii, p. 78. Leucodore coeca , Oerst., in Microciona plumosa. Horst, R. Earthworms from the Malay Archipelago. Zool. Ergebn. einer Reise in ‘Niederlandisch Ost-Indien (Ed., Max Weber), iii (?) (1892), pp. 28-77, pis. ii-iv. Abstr. in J. R. Micr. Soc. 1893, p. 38. *Huber, J. C. (1) Bibliographic der klinischen Helminthologie. Heft 3 &4. Die Darmcestoden der Menschen. Munchen (Lehmann) : 1892, 8vo, pp. 65-150. — ■ — . (2) Ein Fall von Echinococcus multilocularis der Gallenblase. Deutsch. Arch. Klin. Med. xlviii, p. 432. Hubreciit, A. A. W. The Nephridiopores in the Earthworm. Tijdschr. Nederl. Dierk. Yer. iii, pp. 226-234, pi. xii. C;Huet, — . Une nouvelle Cercarie (C. pectinata) chez Donax anatinum. J. Anat. Phys. norm. path, xxvii, p. 162. Hurst, C. H. On a “ Supposed New Species of Earthworm,” and on Nomenclature of Earthworms. Nature, xlvii, p. 31. Criticism of Friend (4). TITLES. Verm. 15 Imhof, 0. E. (1) Beitrag zur Eenntnis der Lebensverhaltnisso der Rotatorien. Ueber marine, brackische, und euryhyaline Rotatorien. Biol. Centralbl. xii, pp. 560-566. . (2) Ueber die Lebensverhiiltnisse zugefrorener Seen. MT. Aargau. nat. Ges. vi. 3 Rotifers (gen. Anuraea ) mentioned, p. 56. • . (3) Beitrage zur Fauna der Schweiz ; Thierwelt der stehende Gewasser. Die Rotatorien. T. c. pp. 93-110. . (4) Die zusammensetzung der pelagischen Fauna der Susswas- serbecken. Biol. Centralbl. xii, Rotifers, pp. 176-178 & 203. Jagerskiolld, L. A. Zwei der Euchlanis lynceus , Ehrenberg, verwaudte neue Rotatorien. Zool. Anz. xv, pp. 447-449, 2 figg. Jammes, L. (1) Contributions a l’etude de la couche sous-cuticulaire des Nematodes et particulierement du genre Ascaris. Ann. Sci. Nat. 59® annee (7) Zool. xiii, pp. 321-342, pi. ix. . Les premieres phases du developpement de certains vers nema- todes. C.R. cxiv, pp. 1555-1557. Critical Abstr. in J. R. Micr. Soc. 1892, p. 613. °Janson, J. L., & Tokishige, H. Filar ia immitis und andere bei Hunden in Japan vorkommende Parasiten. MT. Ges. Ostasien’s, v, pp. 349-360, 2 pis. Joubin, L. Quelques indications sur la recherche et la preparation des Nemertes. Act. Soc. Chili, ii, pp. 268-270. Joubin, L., & Francois, P. Note sur quelques Nemertes de Nomea. Rev. Biol, iv, pp. 161-172, pi. vi. 4 new species. Jourdain, E. (1) Etude sur les epitheliums sensitifs de quelques vers anneles. Ann. Sci. Nat. (7) xiii, pp. 227-258. Abstr. in J, R. Micr. Soc. 1892, p. 788. . (2) Les Corps jaunes des Echinodermes et des Gephyriens inermes. C.R. Ass. Fr. Sci. Marseilles, 1891 (2), pt. i, p. 240 ; pt. ii, pp. 537 & 538. . (3) De la valeur du mot endothelium en anatomie a propos des cellules a cils vibra tiles de la cavite general e des Sipunculiens. Ann. Fac. Sci. Marseille, ii (1892), pp. 43-48, 2 figg. Also in C.R. Soc. Biol, iv, pp. 27-30, where criticised by Malassez, p. 31. Jourdain, M. S. Sur i’embryogenie des Sagitta. C.R. cxiv, pp. 28 & 29. Also in Ann. N. H. ix, pp. 415 & 416. Kafka, J. Untersuchungen fiber die Fauna der Gewasser Bohmens. ii. Die Fauua der Bohmischen Teiche. Arch, naturw. Landesforsch. Bohmen, viii (2) pp. 1-115. Rotifers, p. 112 ; Turbellarians, Leeches, Chsetopods, p. 113. 1 6 Verm . XV. VERMES. Kaiser, J. (1) Die Acanthocephalen und ihre Entwickelung. Bibl. Zool. Heft vii, 1891-93. An important monograph on the family. In an appendix some re- marks are made on Hamann’s Monograph [see Hamann (2)]. The two authors appear to differ in some important points. . (2) Die Nephridien der Acanthocephalen. CB. Bakt. Parasit. xi, pp. 44-49. Abstr. in J. R. Micr. Soc. 1892, p. 371. Kallstenius, E. Eine neue Art der Oligochaetengattung Ampliichcetci , Tauber. Biol. Foren. iv, pp. 42-55, 5 figg. Kellicott, — . Rotifer Notes. Am. Micr. J. xiii, p. 12. Kennel, y. J. (1) Die Insel Trinidad : Ueber die Ableitung der Vertebratenangen von den Augen der Anneliden [see Zool. Rec. 1891, Kennel (1)]. SB. Ges. Dorp, ix (3) 1891 (2). . (2) Reponses a Questions proposes par M. le Prof. L. Cosmovici. 2. Fondement naturel d’un systeme du type de vers. 3. Uniformite de la terminologie des organes secretaires (? excreteures). Congr. Internat. Zool., Sess. 2, Moscow, pp. 71-73. Keswal, — . A Tubicolar Annelide. J. Bomb. N. H. Soc. vii (1892), pp. 114 & 115. Short and imperfect description, asking for identification. Kieffer, J. J. Ueber eine in Gallmucken parasitisch lebende Anguillula . Berl. Ent. Zeit. xxxvi, p. 26, 1 fig. Living in large numbers in the larva of Asyncipta citrina, a Cecidomyid fly. ^Kinyoun, J. J. 'Echinococcus hominis of the kidneys, liver, and bladder. Ann. Rep. Mar. Hosp. Serv. 1891, pp. 147-149. -Klaphake, J. Futterungsversuche mit amerikanischen Trichinen. Z. f. Fleisch u. Milch Hyg. 1892, pp. 152 & 153. KnIpovIcha, H. Otchet ob ekskursii na Solovetzki biologhicheskuyu stantziyu lyetom 1890 ghohda. (Report on a Biological Excursion to Solovetzki.) Trudui St. Petersburg Est. xxii, 1 (1891). Nemertines , p. 25 ; Poly chcets, pp. 25-27 ; Priapulus , pp. 24 & 40 ; Balanoglossus , pp. 24, 35, & 40. (In Russian.) Koehler, — . Les conditions d’existence des organismes pelagiques. Rev. gen. Sci. 3e annee, pp. 76-86, figg. Kojevnikov, G. LaFaune de la mer Baltique orientale et les problemes des explorations prochaines de cette faune. Congr. Internat. Zool., Sess. 2, Moscow, 1892 (3). Vermes , pp. 141-145. Kraemer, A. (1) Ueber den innern Bau der Taenien der Siisswasser- fische (Vorlaufige Mittheilung). Zool. Anz. xv, pp. 14-18. [See (2).] — . (2) Beitrage zur Anatomie und Histologie der Cestoden der Siiss- wasserfische. Z. wiss. Zool. liii, pp. 647-722, pis. xxvii & xxviii. Abstr. in J. R. Micr. Soc. 1892, p. 373. TITLES. Verm . 17 Kulagin, N. Ueber einige in europaischen Russland und in Siberien yorkommende Arten von Regenwiirmern. Mel. biol. xiii, 1 (1891), pp. 87-96. Labbe, A. Note sur un nouveau parasite du sang ( Trypanomonas clanelevslcyi ). Bull. Soc. Z. Fr. xvi (1891), pp. 229-231. Blood of Leeches used as cultivating medium for this and other Protozoa. Lacaze-Duthiers, H. de. Sur la faune de Banyuls-sur-Mer (Labora* toire Arago). Arch. Z. exper. (2) x, N. & R., p. xiv. Lang, A. Ueber die Cercaria von Amphistomum subclavatum. Ber. Ges. Freiburg, vi, pp. 81-89. Langerhans, — . Ueber regressive Yeranderung der Trichinen in ibrer Kapseln. Virchow’s Arch, cxxx, p. 205. Lebrun, H. Les centrosomes dans l’oeuf de YAscaris megalocephala. Anat. Anz. vii, pp. 627 & 628. Lenhossek, M. v. (1) Ursprung, Verlauf und Endigung der sensibelen Nervenfasern bei Lumbricus. Arch. mikr. Anat. xxxix, pp. 102-136, pi. v. . (2) Die intraepidermalen Blutgefiisse in der Haut des Regen- wurmes. Verb. Ges. Basel, x, pp. 84-91. Leuckart, R. (1) Ueber den grossen americanischen Leberegel. CB. Bakt. Parasit. xi, pp. 797-799. — — . (2) Ueber die Speicheldrtisen der Hirudineen. Ber. Sachs. Ges. vi (1892), pp. 556-558. Levander, K. M. (1) Eine neue Pedalion- Art. Zool. Anz. xv, pp. 402-401. . (2) Mikrofaunistiska anteckningar. Med. Soc. Fenn. xvii (1890-92), pp. 129-143. Lewis, — -. List of Rotifers found in ponds near Ealing. Rep. Ealing Micr. N. H. Soc. xv, p. xiv. ^Liebe, K. Th. Zur Naturgeschichte der Rohrdommel. Ornith. Monatschr. d. Deutsch. Ver. Schutz. Yogelwelt. xvii, No. 12 [p. 323 show Leeches and Earthworms swallowed whole, alive]. Lindenfeld & Pietruszynski. [See Nusbaum (2).] Linstow, von. (1) Ueber Filaria bancrofti , Cobbold. CB. Bakt. Parasit. xii, pp. 88-92, 6 figg. . . (2) Beobachtungen an Vogeltanien. T. c. pp. 501-504, 3 figg. . . (3) Beobachtungen an Helminthenlarven. Arch. mikr. Anat. xxxix, pp. 325-342, pi. xv. . . (4) Helminthen von Sud-Georgien. Nach der Ausbeute der Deutschen Expedition von 1882-83. JB. Hamb. Anst. ix, pp. 59-77, 3 pis. 1 8 Verm. XV. VERMES, [L ix stow, von.] (5) Ueber Mermis nigrescens, Duj. Arch. mikr. Anat. xl, pp. 498-511, pis. xxviii & xxix. Linton, E. (1) Notes on Avian Entozoa. P. U. S. Nat. Mus. xv (1892), pp. 87-113, pis. iv-viii. Unfavourably reviewed and summarized by Stiles in CB. Bakt. Parasit. xiii (1893), p. 497, and in Am. Nat xxvi, pp. 1038-1040. . (2) Notice of Trematode Parasites in the Cray-fish. Am. Nat. xxvi, p. 69. - — -. (3) Notes on a Nematode Parasite from the Chipping Sparrow (Spizilla socialis). T. c. pp. 705-707, 5 figg. . (4) Notes on the Entozoa of Marine Fishes, with descriptions of New Species. Pt. in. Acanthocephala. Rep. U. S. Pish. Comm, pt. xvi, 1888 (1892), pp. 523-542, pis. liii-lx. — — . (5) On the anatomy of TTiysanocephalum crispum, Linton, a Parasite of the Tiger Shark. T. c. pp. 543-556, pis. lxi-lxvii. ^Lonnberg, E. (1) Distomum goliath , v. Ben. Verb. Biol. Ver. Stock- holm, iii (1891), 14 pp., 1 pi. — — , (2) Einige Experimente, Cestoden kunstlich lebend zu erhalten. CB. Bakt. Parasit. xi, pp. 89-92. ■ . (3) Ueber das Yorkommen des breiten Bandwurmes in Schweden. T. c. pp. 189-192. Looss, A. (1) Ueber Amphistomum subclavatum , Rud., und seine Ent- wickelung. Festschr. z. 70 ten Geburtstage R. Leuckarts. Leipsig (1892), pp. 147-169, pis. xix & xx. . (2) Schmarotzerthum in der Thierwelt. Zool. Yortrage hrsg. v. W. Marshall. Leipsig (R. Freese) : 1892, 8vo, Heft 9 & 10, 180 pp. Lord, J. E. Notes on the genus Distyla, Class Rotiferci. Sci. Goss. 1892, pp. 15 & 16. Lortet & Despeignes. Yers de terre et Tuberculose. C.R. cxv, p. 66, and Sem. Medic. 1892, No. 5. Loz, J. Les Yers de terre agents de fertilisation du sol. Rev. Sci. Nat. appl. 38e ann. (1891), p. 45. Lucet, A. [See Raillet, A., & Lucet, A.] Lutz, A. Zur Lebensgeschichte des Distoma hepaticum. CB. Bakt. Parasit. xi, pp. 783-796, 1 fig. McIntosh, W. C. Notes from St. Andrews Marine Laboratory, No. xiii, Ann. N. H. x [Vermes], pp. 103-107, pi. viii, figg. 1-4. MagalhaES, P. S. de. (1) Notes d:helminthologie Bresilienne. Bull. Soc. Z. Fr. xvii. 1. Taenia cuneata , v. Linst., pp. 145 & 146. 2. Heterakis hrasiliensis , n. sp., of the domestic fowl, pp. 219-221, 1 fig. TITLES. Verm. 1 9 [Magaliiaes, P. S. de.] (2) Die Filaria bankrofti, Cobbold, und die Filarict immitis, Leidy. CB. Bakt. Parasit. xii, pp. 511-514, 4 figg. Maiek, B. L. Beitrage zur Kenntnis des Hirudineen Anges. Zool. Jabrb. Abth. f. Anat. y, pp. 552-580, pi. xxxvii. Man, J. G. de. Ueber eine neue in Gallen einer Meeresalge lebende Art der Gattung Tylenchus, Bast. Festschr. z. 70 ten Geburtstage R. Leuckarts. Leipsig (Engelmann) : 1892, pp. 121-126, pi. xvi. °Maxgold. — . Ueber den multilocularen Echinococcus und seine Tanie. Berl. klin. lYochensckr. 1892, Nos. 2 & 3. Abstr. in CB. Bakt. Parasit. xi, p. 738, and J. R. Micr. Soc. 1892, p. 619. Manson, P. The Geographical Distribution, Pathological Relations, and Life History of Filaria sanguinis hominis diurna , and of F. sang, horn, perstans in connection with preventive medicine. Trans, of the 7th Intern. Congr. Hyg. Demog. London, 1891 (2) sect, i, pp. 79-97, 3 figg. Marcialis, E. Saggio di un Catalogo metodico dei principali e piu comuni animali invertebrati della Sardegna. Boll. Soc. Rom. Stud. Zool. i, pp. 246-282 ; Vermes , pp. 249-251. Marenzeller, E. v. (1) Die Polychaten der Bremer Expedition nach Ostspitzbergen im Jahre 1889. Zool. Jahrb. Abth. Syst. vi, Heft 2, pp. 397-434, pi. xix. . (2). Sur une Polyno'ide pelagique ( Xectochceta grimaldii , n. g. & sp.) recueillie par l’Hirondelle en 1888. Bull. Soc. Z. Fr. xvii, pp. 183-185. Mark, E. L. Polgchcerus caudaius , n. g. & sp. of Turbellarians. ( Accela , fam. Aphanostoinida). Festschr. z. Geburtstage R. Leuckarts. Leipsig : 1892, pp. 298-309, pi. xxxi. °MaS3ALOXGO, C. Sul elmintocecidio ( Tylenchus invalis ) dell’ Edelweiss. N. Giorn. Bot. Ital. Firenzi. xxiii, 2 (1891), p. 375. Matzdorff, C. (1) Ursprung des leuchtenden Regenwmrmes ( Photo - drilus phospTioreus'). Helios, ix (1891), p. [58], — — (2) Ueber schmarotzende Protozoen. Op. cit. x (1892), pp. 11 & 12. Rhabdostyla arenicolce on the branchiae of Arenicola. — — . (3) Commensalisten und Parasiten von Echinodermen. T. c. p. 91. Nematode, Rotifer, Platyhelminths, and a Polychset. °Meter, S. D. van. The Filaria immitis. Intern, med. Mag. 1892, i, pp. 1060-1064. Michaelson, W. (1) Terricolen der Berliner Zoologischen Sammlung (ii). Arch. f. Nat. lviii (ii), pp. 209-261, pi. xiii, and 5 woodcuts. = — (2) Die Lumbriciden Mecklenburgs. Arch. Yer. Mecklenb. xliv, 1890 (1), pp. 48-54. 20 Verm. XV. VERMES. [Michaelson, W.J (3) Beschreibung der von Herrn Dr. Fr. Stuhlmann am Victoria Nyanza gesammelten Terricolen. JB. Hamb. Anst. ix, (2), 1891 (92), pp. 29-42, 1 pi. . (4) Polychaeten von Ceylon. T. c. pp. 91-113, 1 pi. Moniez, R. (1) Notes sur les Helmintbes (continued). Rev. Biol. iv. xi. La GymnorhyncJius reptans et sa migration, pp. 150 & 151. xii. Sur un Tetrarhynque nouveau provenant des campagnes de THiron- delle ( Dibothriorhynchus monticellii ), p. 279. Monticelli, F. S. (1) Ricerche sulla spermatogenesi nei Trematodi. Month. Int. J. Anat. Hist, ix, pp. 112-118 & 121-149, pis. viii & ix. . (2) Sul nucleo vitellino delle uova dei Trematodi. Boll. Soc. Nat. Napoli (1) vi, pp. 5-8 (Estr.). . (3) Studii sui Trematodi endoparassiti. Sul genere Notocotyle. T. c. pp. 26-46, pi. i. ■ . (4) Studii sui Trematodi endoparassiti. Dei Monostomum del Box Salpa. Atti Acc. Tor. xxvii, pp. 514-534. ■ . (5) Studii sui Trematodi endoparassiti. Dei Monostomum cym- bium , Diesing, Contribuzione alio studio dei Monostomidce. Mem. Acc. Tor. 2e ser. xlii, pp. 683-727, 1 pi. . (6) Cotylogaster michcielis , n. g. & sp. Festschr. z. lOten Geburtstage R. Leuckarts. Leipsig (Engelmann): 1892, pp. 168-214, pis. xxi & xxii. . (7) Nota intorno a due forme di Cestodi. Boll. Mus. Zool. Tor. vii, No. 127, 9 pp., 1 pi. . (8) Sulla cosidetta subcuticola dei Cestodi. Rend. Acc. Nap. (2) vi, anno xxxi, pp. 158-166. . (9) Appunti sui Cestodaria. Atti Acc. Napoli (2) v, No. 6, pp. 67-78, 4 figg. . (10) Sul genere Bothrimonus, Duvernoy, e propcste per una classi- ficazione dei Cestodi. Monit. Zool. Ital. iii, pp. 100-108. Morgan, T. H. (1) Balanoglossus and Tornarici of New England. Zool. Anz. xv, pp. 456 & 457. • . (2) Growth and Metamorphosis of Tornarici. J. Morph, v, pp. 407-450, pis. xxiv-xxviii. . (3) Spiral Modification of Metamerisation. Op. cit. vii, pp. 245- 251, 3 figg. Moussu, — . [See Railliet & Moussu.] cMudd, H. H. Echinococcus multilocularis of the brain. Am. J. Med. Sci. 1892, pp. 412-422. Muller, F. Die Begattung der Clepsinen. Zool. Jahrb. Abth. f. Syst. vi, p. 338. Correction of a statement by Whitman. TITLES. Verm. 21 Nabias, B. de, & Sabrazes, J. (1) Sur les Embryons de filaire du sang de l’homme. Sem. Medic. 1892, p. 212 ; CB. Bakt. Parasit. xii, p. 171. . (2) Sur les Embryons de la Filaire du sang chez l’homme. C.R. Soc. Biol, iv, pp. 455-461, 1 fig. Neumann, — •. A Treatise on the Parasites and Parasitic Diseases of the Domesticated Animals. English Translation (and Annotation) by G. Flemming, C.B. London (Balliere, Tindall, & Cox) : 1892, xxiii + 800 pp., 365 figg. ; Review J. Agric. Soc. (3) iii, pp. 397-403. Niel, E. Quelques mots sur les Anguilles. Bull. Soc. Rouen (3) xxvii (1891), pp. 73-75. Nusbaum, J. (1) Poglady na stosunki genetyczne pomiedzy Thankow- cami i Pierwotniakami z. powodu odkrycia Salinelli (Frenzel). Kosmos, Lemberg, xvii (1892), pp. 233-264, 11 figg. Discussion of relationship between Meta- and Protozoa , as affected by the discovery of Salinella. Review of all the theories previously advanced. (In Polish.) . (2) Zur Kenntnis der Wurmfauna und Crustaceenfauna Polens. Biol. Centralbl. xii, pp. 54-57. i. Zur Fauna der Hirudineen ; II. der Rhabdocoelen (11 species) ; in. der Lumbriciden (10 species). Abstract from two papers by H. Lindenfeld & J. Pietruszynski (in Polish) in the Pamietnik Fizyograficzny, Warsaw: ix (1889), 12 pp., 1 pi. (Leeches) ; x (1890), 42 pp., 1 coloured pi. & 13 woodcuts. Further details promised by the authors in the same journal. ^Ostertag, — . Yermogen Darmtrichinen und wandernde Trichineu auf einen neuen Wirt iiberzugehen ? Z. f . Fleisch- u. Milchhyg. 1892-93, pp. 45-50. Ott, H. N. A Study of Stenostoma leucops. O. Schm. J. Morph, vii, pp. 263-304, pis. xiv-xvii. Preliminary account in Zool. Anz. xv, pp. 7-9. Parker, T. J. Exhibition of Branchellion (? n. sp.), occurring abund- antly on Rciia nasuta, and of a Dujardinia from Port Chalmers. Tr. N. Z. Inst, xxiv (Proceedings), p. 714. ParoNA, C. (1) Elmintolcgia italiana (Continuation). Boll, scient. xiii, pp. 124-128, xiv, pp. 92-96, 125-127. Bibliography. -. (2) Di una nuova specie di Echinorliynchus (E. nouellce) parassita di una Chirottero di Porto-Rico. Ann. Mus. Genov. (2) x, pp. 396- 398, 4 figg. PaRONa, C., & Perugia, A, (1) Contribuzione per una monografia del genere Microcotyle. T. c. Res Ligusticse, xiv, pp. 173-220, pis. iii-v. — — . (2) Note sopra Trematodi ectoparassiti. Op. cit. (2) xii, Res ' Ligusticae, xvii, pp. 86—102, pis. ii & iii. 22 Verm. XV. VERMES. Parsons, F. A. Notes on Two Rotifers found in Epping Forest. J. Quek. Club, iv, pp. 378-380, pi. xxv, and Am. Micr. J. xiii, pp. 277 & 278. Periaslavzeff, S. Dopolneniya k Faunye Chernaglio morya. Trudui Kharkoff Univ. xxv (1891), pp. 235-274, pis. vii & viii. A Supplement to tlie Fauna of the Black Sea. Deals chiefly with Polychsets. (In Russian.) Perroncito, E. Maladies infectieuses des Animaux qui peuvent 6tre transmises & l’Homme, et reciproquement. Trans, of the 7th Internat. Congr. Hyg. Demogr. London, 1891 (2), Sectn. iii, pp. 189-192. Tcenia meclio canellata and Anhjlostomci cluodenalis (larvae). Perugia, A. [See Parona & Perugia.] Pietruszynski, J. [See Nusbaum (2).] Plessis, G-. du. (1) Sur les Nemertiens du lac de Geneve. Zool. Anz. xv, pp. 64-66. Criticized by Vaillant and by de Guerne (2). -. (2) Note sur Tetrastemma lacustrisj espece nouvelle de Nemertien d’eau douce. Bull. Soc. Yaud. (3) xxviii, pp. 43-48, pi. iv. Pouchet, G. Sur la faune pelagique du Dyrefjord (Islande). C.R. cxiv, pp. 191-193. Preston, W. N. Mounting Trichinae. Am. Micr. J. xiii, p. 197. Prouiio, H. Sur deux Myzostomes parasites de YAniedon phalangium (Muller). C.R. cxv, pp. 864-849. *Puky, A. Twenty cases of Echinococcus. (In Hungarian.) Magj^ar orvosiarch. 1892, Nos. 3 & 4. Railijet, A. (1) Les parasites transmissibles des Animaux a l’Homme, envisages specialement an point de vue de la Prophylaxie. Trans, of the 7th Internat. Congr. Hyg. Demogr., Sectn. iii, pp. 57-87. — — . (2) Notices parasitologiques. Bull. Soc. Z. Fr. xvii, pp. 110-117 i. Cysticercus pisiformis & six ventouses, p. 110. ii. Teniade de coloration ardoissee recueilli chez un Lapin de Garonne (Anojplocephala cuniculi , Bl.), p. 111. iii. Sur des Teniades echaucres du Chien ( Dipylidium canirium ), p. 112. iv. Dipylidium caninum dans les glandes anales du Chien, p. 113. v. Cysticercus tenuicollis chez un chevreau de quatre a six semaines, p. 114. vi. Cysticercus tenuicollis chez YOryx heisa, p. 115. vn. Taenia tenuirostris, Rud., chez l’Oie domestique ; remarques sur la classification des Cestodes parasites des Oiseaux, p. 115. viii. Trichocephale de l’intestin du Furet, p. 116. TITLES. Verm. 23 [Railliet, A.] (3) Observations sur Pembryon du Gynecophorus hcematobius , Bilharz. T. c . pp. 161-164. . (4). Observations sur la Resistance vitale des embryons de quelques Nematodes. C.R. Soc. Biol.iv, pp. 703 & 704. — — . (5) Sur un Taenia du Pigeon domestique representant une espece nouvelle ( T . delafondi). T. c. pp. 49-53. , (6). Un cas tres ancien de Tcenia ( Hymenolepis ) diminuta cbez l'homme. T. c. pp. 894-896. # — (7) Sur la frequence de la Strongylose gastro-intestinale des leporides. Rec. Med. Yet. 1892, No. 8, p. 195-199. Railliet, A., & Cadiot, — . (1) Essaie de transmission du Strongylus vaaarum du Chien au Chien ; resultats negatives. C.R. Soc. Biol, iv, pp. 702 & 703. . (2) Strongylose du coeur et du poumon chez un Chien. T. c. pp. 482-486. Railliet, A , & Lucet, A. (1) Sur le Davainea proglottina, Davaine. Bull. Soc. Z. Fr. xvii, pp. 105 & 106. . (2) Observations et experiences sur quelques helminthes du genre HeteroMs , Duj. T. c. pp. 117-120. Railliet, A., & Moussu, — . La Filaire des boutons hemorrhagiques observees chez Pane. Decouverte du male. C.R. Soc. Biol, iv, pp. 545-550. Randolph, H. (1) Ein Beitrag zur Kenntniss der Tubificiden. Jen. Z. Nat. xxvii, pp. 463-476, pis. xvii-xix, and Viert. Ges. Zurich, SI ter Jhrg. pp. 145-147. . (2) The Regeneration of the Tail in Lumbriculus. J. Morph. vii, pp. 317-344, pis. xix-xxii. Repiachoff, W. O Ghastrulyatzii u Pozvonochn’ikh Zhivota’ikh s zamyechaniyaml otnostel’no ghomologhil zarod’ishev’ikh plastov u Metazoa. Zapiski Novoross. Obsch. Estest. xvii (1), pp. 113-137. On the Gastrulation of Vertebrates , with remarks on the homology of the Germinal layers in the Metazoa. The development of Nereis , Lopadorhynchus , and Clepsine introduced and compared. (In Russian.) Retzius, G. Biologische Untersuchungen. Neue Folge, iii. Stockholm : 1892, 4to, 68 pp. i. Das Nervensystem der Lumbriciden, pp. 1-15, pis. i-vi. Richard, J. Sur la presence d’un Cysticercoi'de chez un calanide d’eau douce. Bull. Soc. Z. Fr. xvii, pp. 17 & 18. Riches, T. H. A new British Nemertine {Garinella polymorpha ). J. Mar. Biol. Ass. (n.s.) ii, pp. 284 & 285. Riehm, G. Ueber die excretorischen Kanale von Schistocephalus dimorphus. Z. Naturw. lxv, pp. 132-136, pi. ii. 24 Verm. xv. VERMES. Ritter, E. (1) Balanoglossus as one of the generalised types in Zoology. Zoe, iii, pp. 187-199 (Errata, p. 282), pi. xxii. ■ (2) Notes on an abnormal Polygordius Larva. Am. Nat. xxvi, pp. 1047-1050, 3 figg. Ritzema-Bos, J. [See Bos, J. Ritzema.] ’::;Riva, A. Sopra una casa di anguillulosi intestinale. Lo Sperimentale Firenzi, xlvi, pp. 40-69. Roiide, E. (1) Muskel und Nerv. Zool. Beitr. iii. i. Ascaris , pp. 69-106. [See also SB. Ak. Berlin, 1892, pp. 515-526.] it. Mermis und Amphioxus , pp. 161-182, pis. xxiii-xxv. [See also SB. Ak. Berlin, 1892, pp. 659-664.] ill. Gordius , pp. 183-192, pis. xxv & xxvi. [See also SB. Ak. Berlin, 1892, pp. 665-667. “ Giebt es Holomyaria ?’’] Rosa, D. (1) Die exotische Terricolen des k. k. naturhistoriscben Hof museums. Ann. Hof museum. Wien, vi (1891), pp. 379-406, pis. xiii & xiv. Results given in Italian in Boll. Mus. Zool. Tor. vii, No. 114 (1892). . (2) Yiaggio di L. Fea in Birmania e regione vicine. xxvi Perichetidi, Seconda Parta. Ann. Mus. G-enov. (2) x, pp. 107-122, pi. i. . (3) I Lombrichi raccolti nell’ isola di Engano dall Dott. E. Modigliani. Op. cit. (2) xii, pp. 542-548. . (4) Kynotas michaelsenii, n. sp. (Contributio alia morfologia del Geoscolicidce). Boll. Mus. Zool. Tor. vii, No. 119. . (5) Descrizione dell’ Allolobophora festae nuova specie di Lumbri- cide. T. c. No. 122. . (6) Descrizione dell’ Allolobophora smaragdina nuova specie di Lumbricide. T. e. No. 123. - — . (7) Megascolex templetoniamis , n. sp. T. c. No. 131. Preliminary diagnosis. Rosseter, T. B. On a new Cysticercus and a new Tape Worm. J. Quek. Club, iv, pp. 361-366, pis. xxii & xxiii (= Ecliinocotyle rosse- teri, n. g. & sp., Blanch.). Rousselet, C. (1) On the best methods of examining Rotifers under the Microscope. Tr. Middlesex Soc. pp. 23-30, 3 figg. . (2) On Notops minor , n. sp. J. Quek. Club (2) iv, pp. 359 & 360, pi. xxiv. . (3) On Two new Rotifers. T. c. pp. 367-370, pi. xxiv; [and Am. Micr. J. xiii, pp. 273-277.] . (4) On the Sense of Vision in Rotifers. T. c. pp. 371-373, 376 & 377. Rovelli, G-. [See Grassi G., & Rovelli, G.] TITLES. Verm. 25 Saint Joseph, — . Sur la croissance asymetrique chez les Annelides polychetes. C.R. cxv, pp. 887-890. Saint Re my, G. (1) Synopsis des Trematodes Monogeneses (Con- tinuation and Conclusion). Rev. Biol, iv , pp. 136-145, 184-191, 224-230, & 253-261. • . (2) Materiaux pour l’anatoraie des Monocotylides. Op. cit. v, pp. 46-52, 2 figg. . (3) Contribution a l’etude de l’appareil genital chez les Tristo- miens. Arch. Biol, xii, pp. 1-56, pis. i & ii, and 3 woodcuts. . (4) Liste des Trematodes monogeneses recueillis a Roscoff. C.R. Ass. Fr. Sci. 1891 (2), pt. ii, pp. 571-574. • . (5) Les Idees actuelles sur le developpement et les relations des Cestodes et des Trematodes. Rev. Gen. Sci., 3e annee, pp. 183-188, 10 figg. Sangalli, G. Echinococco ed CEstrus nell’ uomo. Rend. 1st. Lombardo, xxv, pp. 1167 & 1168. ^Schulten, M. W., & Homen, E. A. Fall af Echinococcus i backenet och bukhalen. Finska Lakar. Forh. xxxii, p. 358. Sekera, E, Einige Bemerkungen fiber das Wassergef ass-system der Mesostomiden. Zool. Anz. xv, pp. 387 & 388. Criticism of Voigt (2). Selti, E. Sulle tenie dell’ Hyrax dello Scioa. Genova tip. Ciminago : 1891, 8vo, 12 pp., 1 pi. Estr., Atti Soc. Ligust. ii, 2, 1891. ^Seyfert, R. Beitrage zur Operation des intralocularen Cysticercns. Inaug. Dissert. Univ. Heidelberg. Leipsig : 1892, 8vo, 1 fasc. Shipley, A. E. On Onchncsoma steenstruppii. Q. J. Micr. Sci. xxxiv, pp. 233-250, pi. ix. Simmons, W. J. The Human Blood Worm ( Filarici sanguinis hominis). Sci. Goss. 1892, pp. 11-14, 18 figg. SkImkevIch, V. Otchet o zaghranichsi poyezdkye 1891 ghoda. Trudui St. Petersburg Est. xxii, 2 (1891), pp. 113-124, 4 figg. (Report on Foreign Travels in the year 1891.) 3 species of Balanoglossus. Nerve-cord of Balanoglossus compared with that of Amphioxus. ^Slaughter, R. M. Filaria sanguinis hominis. The Discovery and Prevalence of the Disease in the U. S. A. : report of two new cases. Practise, 1891, pp. 329-335. Sonsino, P. (1) The Principal and most Efficacious Means of Preventing the Spread of Entozoal Affections in Man. Trans, of the 7th Internal. Congr. Hyg. Demog. London: 1891 (2), Sect, i, pp. 332-345. Gives distribution of various Entozoa , according to countries and organs of the body. Synopsis of exotic Entozoa in Man, with a table of their geographical distribution. 26 Verm. xv. VEJRMES. [Sonsino, P.] (2) Dei Distomi dello “ Zamenis viridoflavus, Lacep.”, e di una fase del ciclo vitale di uno di essi. Atti Soc. Tosc. viii, P.-v. pp. 91-95. * — — . (3) Tre casi di malattia da Rabdonema intestinale o Rabdonemiasi. Estr. Supp, Riv. gen. ital. Clinica Med. 1892. . (4) Studi sui parassiti di molluschi di acqua dolce nei distomi di Cairo in Egitto. Festschr. z. 70£e?iGeburtstageR. Leuckarts. Leipsig (Engelmann) : 1892, pp. 134-147, pi. xviii. Spencer, W. Baldwin. (1) Land Planarians from Lord Howe Island. Part i. Description of Species. Tr. R. Soc. Yict. ii, 2, 1891 (1892), pp. 42-51, pis. v & vi. . (2) A Trip to Queensland in Search of Cercitodus. Yict, Nat. ix, pp. 16-31 ; Nature, xlvi, p. 308. Land Planarians and Oligochsets recorded. . (3) Preliminary Description of Yictorian Earthworms. Part i. The Genera Cryptoclrilus and Megascolides. P. R. Soc. Yict. (n.s.) iv, pp. 130-156, pis. xiv-xix. SpenGtEL, — -. Abnormitaten des Geschlechtsapparats von Distomum hepaticum. Yerh. deutsek. Zool. Ges. 2fce Jahresversamml. 1892, pp. 146 & 147. Stadelmann, H. ITeber den anatomischen Bau des Strongylus convolutus, Ostertag, nebst einige Bemerkungen zu seiner Biologie. Arch. f. Nat. Iviii, pp. 149-176, pi. x. Stiles, C. W. (1) Myzomimus scutatus (Muller), Stiles. J. Comp. Med. Yet. Arch. 1892, pp. 65-67, 1 fig. (Prelimiuary.) Subsequent paper on the same animal, with full anatomical details, in Festschr. z. 70 ter Geburtstage R. Leuckarts. Leipsig (Englemann) : pp. 126-134, 1 pi. — — -. (2) Filaridce in body cavity of Horse and Cattle. J. Comp. Med. Yet. Arch. 1892, pp. 143-146, 1 fig. (3) List of Animal Parasites of Cattle. T. c. pp. 346-350. — — . (4) Two cases of Echinococcus midtilocularis in Cattle. T. c. p. 350. . (5) On the presence of Strongylus ostertagi in America. T. c. pp. 147 & 148. . (6) Distoma magnum , Bassi. T. c. pp. 464-466. . (7) A word in regard to Dr. Francis’ Distomum texanicum. Am. Yet. Rev. 1892, pp. 732 & 733. Shows that it is D. americanum , Hassall. . (8) Notes sur les Parasites : (13) Tcenia giardi (Riv.), Moniez ; (14) Tcenia ( Moniezia ) expansa , Rad.; Moniezia (T.) pianissimo, n. sp. Bull. Soc. Z. Fr. xvii, pp. 157-159, and C.R. Soc. Biol, iv, pp. 664-666. Full anatomy in Bull. Bur. Anim. Industry promised. TITLES, Ve r m . 27 [Stiles, C. W.] (9) On the adult Cestodes of Cattle and Sheep (Abstr.). P. Am. Ass. 41st Meeting. Rochester : 1892, Discusses relations of T. giardi to Blanchard’s new genus Moniezia. Full paper in Rep. U. S. Dep. Agric. promised. . (10) Criticism of Linton [see Zool. Rec. 1891, Linton (1), (2), (3)]. Am. Nat. xxvi, pp. 65-68. . (11) A method of Killing Nematodes for Microtome Sections. T. c. p. 972. [See also Hassall & Stiles.] Stoll, — . Zur Zoogeographie der landbewohnenden Wirbelthieren. Viert. Ges. Zurich, xxxvii, pp. 233-274. Oligochaets and Nematodes, pp. 248-250. Land Planarians, pp. 253 & 254. Leeches, pp. 254-256. Stossich, M. (1) I Distomi nei Mammiferi. Lavoro monografico. Trieste : 1892, 8vo, 42 pp. Gives list of 61 species, with various hosts. List of 83 Mammals, with Distomidce known to be parasitic in each. Clear and terse. — — . (2) I Distomi degli uceelli. Lavoro monografico. Boll. Soc. Adr. xiii, pp. 143-196. Also with a reciprocal index. — — . (3) Nuova serie di elminti veneti raccolti dal Dr. P. Alessandro conte Ninni. Glasnik naravosl. Druzt. vi (1891), pp. 216-219, pi. iii. . (4) Osservationi elmintologiche. Op. cit. vii (1892), pp. 64-73, pis. i & ii. Strassen, 0. zur. JBradynem rigidum , v. Sieb. Z. wiss. Zool. liv, pp. 653-747, pis. xxix-xxxiii. Strodtmann, S. Die Systematik der Chaetognathen und die geogmph- ischen Yerbreitung der einzelnen Arten im nordatlantischen Ocean. Arch. f. Nat. lviii, pp. 333-377. pis. xvii & xviii. Abstr. in J. R. Micr. Soc. 1892, p. 792. StrOse, A. Ueber den feineren Bau von Strongylus micrurus. Deutsche Z. Thiermed. xviii, pp. 233-260, 3 pis. Stuart, J. Search for Balanoglossus and Ampluoxus at Marine Labo- ratory, Port Henderson. J. Inst. Jamaica, i, 2 (1892), pp. 44 & 45. New species of Balanoglossus found, Thompson, J. C. New Rotifer. Tr. Liverp. Biol. Soc. vi (1892), pp. 77-82. Thompson, P. G. (1) Moss-haunting Rotifers, with descriptions of two new species. Sci. Goss. 1892, pp. 56-61, 8 figg. • (9) Notes on the parasitic tendency of Rotifers of the genus Proales, with an account of a new species. T. c. pp. 219-221, 1 fig, Tokishige, H. [See J anson & Tokishige.] 1892. [vol. xxix.] f 4 28 Verm . XV. VERMES. Tkybom, F. MermisY&rver hos Chironomus. Ent. Tidskr. xiii, pp. 81-92. Tullberg, T. Ueber Conservierung von Evertebraten in ausge- dehntem Zustande. Biol. Foren. iv, pp. 4-9. Results given (in French) in Arch. Z. exper. (2) x, N. & R. p. xi. Tuttle, A. H. An interesting case of parasitism (preliminary). P. Am. Ass. 41st Meeting, Rochester, 1892, p. 201. A nematode parasitic in the venom organ of the common Rattlesnake. Turner, C. H. Notes upon Cladocera, Copepoda, Ostracoda , and Rotifera , of Cincinnati, with description of new species. Bull. Denison Univ. vi, 2, pp. 57-74, pis. i & ii. Rotifers, pp. 57-66, 1 pi. Ude, H. Ein neues Enchytrceiden-Genus. Zool. Anz. xv, pp. 344 & -345. Vaillant, L. Remarques sur les Nemertiens d’eau douce. T. c. pp. 125 & 126. Criticism of Plessis, G. du. (1). Vi.VRA, V. [See Fritsch, A., & Vavra, V.] Vayssiere, A. (1) Etudes sur le Temnocephala, parasite de YAstacoides madagascariensis. Ann. Fac. Marseille, ii, pp. 77-99, pi. i. Abstr. in C.R. cxv, pp. 64 & 65. A new species. Vejdowsky, Fr. (1) Ueber die Encystierung von JElosoma und der Regenwiirmer. Zool. Anz. xv, pp. 171-175. . (2) Zur Entwickelungsgeschichte des Nephridial-Apparates von Megascolides australis. Arch. mikr. Anat. xl, pp. 552-562, pi. xxxii. Vetter, B. Ueber Rotatorien. SB. G-es. Isis, 1892, p. 4. Relation of Rotifers to Trochosphere larva doubted ; no reasons given. ^Yierordt, — . Ueber das Yorkommen des cystosen Echinococcus in Wiirtemburg. Med. Corresp. Bl. Wiirt. 1891, p. 137. Villeneuve, — . La Bilharziose in Tunisie. C.R. Ass. Fr. Sci. Marseilles, 1891 (2), pt. i, p. 244, pt. ii, p. 556. Villot, A. (1) Encore un mot sur la classification des Cestiques. Zool. Anz. xv, pp. 210-212. Maintaining his classification, as opposed to Grassi and Rovelli. . (2) Gordiens de Sumatra. Description de deux especes nouvelles. Zool. Ergebnisse einer Reise in Niederlandisch Ostindien, Bd. ii, Heft, 2, pp. 136-138. Vogt, C. Sur le parasitisme transitoire d’une Turbellariee triclade ( Gunda sp.). C.R. Ass. Fr. Sci. 1891 (2), pt. i, pp. 239-240. Voigt, W. (1) Die Fortpflanzung von Planaria alpina (Dana). Zool. Anz. xv, pp. 238-241. TITLES. Verm, 29 [Voigt, TV.] (2) Das Wassergefasssystem von Mescstoma truncatum, 0. Sch. Zool. Anz. xv, pp. 247 & 248. Abstr. J. R. Micr. Soc. 1892, p. 616. — — . (3) Karten zur Verbreitung der Planaria alpina und gonocephala ; Polycelis cornuta, SB. niederrhein. Ges. (Naturw. Sekt.) 1892, p. 104. In Siebengebirge, Feldberg, Altkonig in Taunus. Voxcken, — . Erapoisonnement par retention de toxines intestinales dft a la presence de vers intestinaux. Arch. Med. Beige (1892) ii, pp. 8-12. Wagner, Fr. v. General observations on Fission and Gemmation in the Animal Kingdom. Ann. N. H. x, pp. 23-54. Transln. from paper in Zool. Jahrb. Abth. f. Anat. iv (1890). [See Zool. Rec. 1890.] Walter, E. Ueber einige Monostomen aus dem Darme einer Schild- krote. Zool. Anz. xv, pp. 448-450. Abstr. in J. R. Micr. Soc. 1892, p. 616. Wandollech, B. Zur Embryonalentwickelung des Strongylus paradoxus. Arch. f. Nat. lviii, i, pp. 123-148, pi. ix. Ward, H. B. On Nectonemci agile , Verrill. Bull. Mus. C. Z. xxiii, No. 3, pp. 135-188, 8 pis. Wassilieff, E. Turbellaria rhabdocoela okrestnostei Varshavui. Tradui obsch. estest. Varsovie (Protok Otyeleniya biologhii) iii (1891-2), pp. 12-16. Watson, A. T. The protective device of an Annelid. Nature, xlvi, p. 7. [See Zool. Rec. 1891, Watson, A. T., Vermes , p. 25.] Identification of sp. Sabella saxicava. Wawrzik, F. Ueber das Stutzgewebe des Nervensystems der Chceto- poden. Zool. Beitr. iii, pp. 107-128, pis. xiv-xix. Western, G. Two male Rotifers hitherto undescribed. J. Quek. Club, iv, pp. 374 & 375, pi. xxv (part of), and Am. Micr. J. xiii, pp. 278 & 279. Whitmann, C. O. The Metamerism of Clepsine. Festschr. z. 70 ten Geburtstage R. Leuckarts. Leipsig (Engelmann) : 1892, pp. 385- 395, pis. xxxix & xl. Wierzejski, A. (1) Zur Kenntnis der Asplanchna- Arten. Zool. Anz. xv, pp. 345-349, 2 figg. . (2) Crustaces et Rotiferes d’eau douce recueillis en Argentine. Bull. Ac. Cracovie, 1892, p. 185. ~. (3) Rotatoria (wrolki) Galicyi, Resume. T. c. p. 402. From a book with the same title, and with 3 plates. . (4) Atrochns tentaculatus n. g. & sp., ein Raderthier ohne Raderorgan. Z. wiss. Zool. Iv, pp. 696-712, pi. xxxii. 30 Verm. XV. VERMES. WiLLA.cn, — . A Nematode parasitic in nodules in colon of Mcicacus cynomolgus . Arch. wiss. prakt. Thierheilk. 1891, pp. 340-346. Wilson, E. B. The Cell Lineage of Nereis. A contribution to the cytogeny of the Annelid body. J. Morph, vi, pp. 361-480, pis. xiii- xx, and 9 woodcuts. Woodward, M. F. Description of an Abnormal Earthworm possessing seven pairs of ovaries. P. Z. S. 1892, pp. 184-187, pi. xiii. Zacharias, O. Das Yorkommen von Distomencysten betreffend. CB. Bakt. Parasit. xii, pp. 752 & 753. Zelinka, C. Das suboesophageale Ganglion von Rotifern. Yerh. deutsch. Zool. Ges. 2te Jahresversamml, 1891 (Exhibition of). Zograf, N. (1) Les Cestodes offrent-ils des tissus ectodermiques ? Arch. Z. exper. (2) x, pp. 331-343, pi. xiii. . (2) Note sur l’origine et les parentes des Arthropodes, principale- ment des Arthropodes tracheates. Congr. Internat. Zool., Moscow, 1892, pp. 278-296, 6 figg. Relationship to Annelids dealt with. Zsciiokke, F. (1) Zur Lebensgeschichte des EchinorliyncJius proteus , Westrumb. Yerh. Ges. Basel, x, pp. 73-83. . (2) Seltene Parasiten des Menschen. CB. Bakt. Parasit. xii, pp. 497-500. . (3) Parasiten der Siisswasserfische. In : Die Tier und Pflanzen- welt des Siisswassers. v. O. Zacharias. Bd. ii. Leipsig (J. J. Weber): 1892. Zykoff, W. Zur Turbellarienfauna der Umgegend von Moskow. Zool. Anz. xv, pp. 445-447. YERMES IN GENERAL. Theory of mesoderm formation and metamerism ; Cholodkowsky. — Discussion of Vermes, and especially of the different names given to the Nephridia in the different groups : Cosmovici (3) and v. Kennel (2). I. — HEMIGHOBDATA. [ Balanoglossus , Gephalo discus, Rhabdopleura.'] A.— BIOLOGICAL. JBcdanoglossus, as one of the generalised types in Zoology ; Ritter (1). Morphology of Rhabdopleura, showing its relations to the Hemichor- data ; Fowler, G. H. Comparison of nerve-cord of Balanoglossus with that of Amphioxus ; SkImkevKjh. Method of obtaining larvae of Balanoglossus (improvement on Bateson’s); Morgan (2). HEHICHORDATAj ANNELIDA. Verm . 31 B.— FAUNISTIC. Solovetzki : B. merejJcowsJcii ; KnIpovicha. United States : Balanoglossus JcowalewsJcii in both Wood’s Holl and Newport ; Tornaria of New England, ? = that of B. Jcrohnii, Bourne, of the Mediterranean ; Morgan (1). Jamaica : a new species of Balanoglossus , Andrews (1), Stuart. Nightingale I. : Rhabdopleura normanni , Alim. ; Fowler, G. H. 0.— SYSTEMATIC. Balanoglossus claviger and minutus , figured ; SkimkevIch. B. Jcrohnii : its Tornaria in New England ? Morgan. B. JcowalewsJcii in New England; Morgan (1). B. merejJcowsJcii compared with Amphioxus \ SkimkevIch ; — from Solovetzki ; KnIpovIcha, pp. 24, 35, & 40. B., n. sp. (or n. spp.), from Jamaica ; Andrews (1), Stuart. Rhabdopleura normanni , Alim. : morphology of ; Fowler, G. H. II.— ANNELIDA. [Including GepJiyrea , Chcetopoda, and Hirudinea.'] A.— BIOLOGICAL. 1. General. On the relation of Arthropods ( Tracheata ) to Annelids ; Zograf (2) [see also p. 54 of Record, under PlatyJielminthes : Excretory system ; Riehm]. Anatomy and histology of Branchiura sowerbyi, a new Branchiate Oligochast ; Beddard (5) : of Onchnesoma steenstrupi ; Shipley : of SparganopJiilus tamesis , n. g. & sp., of aquatic OligocJiceta ; Benham (3) : of Australian Chlorhaemidce ; Haswell (1) : of Alciopidai of Messina ; Hering : of two Acanthodriloid Earthworms from New Zealand ; Ben- iiam (2) : of the Tubificidw ; Randolph. Anatomy of AmpJiicJiceia sannio, n. g. & sp. of OligocJicet; Kalls- tenius : of Victorian Earthworms ; Spencer (3) : of Russian and Siberian Earthworms ; Kulagin. 2. Epidermis. Goodrich describes an Oligochcet, with a dense covering of fine hairs or bristles all over. Lenhossek (2) shows by Golgi’s methods that the blood vessels penetrate right into the epidermis of the Earthworm, not exclusively in the chitellar region. Lenhossek (1) describes the termi- nations of sensory nerves in the Earthworms. Jourdain (1) describes them in Polychsets. 32 Verm. XV. VERMES. 3. Muscular System. Absence of spindle muscle, and presence of only one retractor muscle in a Sipunculid ; Shipley. What was formerly taken for jaw muscles in the Hirudinea ( Gnatho - bdellidce) shown to be ducts of salivary glands ; Leuckart (2). 4. Digestive System. Alimentary canal of Hirudo fully described and figured ; Henking. Leuckart (2) describes fully the salivary glands of the Hirudinea with jaws, in which alone they are present. The duct of each gland (and of these there are about a hundred in Hirudo , a dozen in Aulastoma ) divides, on reaching the root of the tooth, into two halves, which then meet again to open by a short narrow duct in the tooth to the exterior. He con- cludes that in Aulastoma the juice secreted must have some other function than that of preventing coagulation. He shows that besides the salivary glands there are other glands — maxillary glands and unicel- lular glands — histologically, chemically, and optically distinct from them, but also opening into the mouth. Blanchard (6) proposes the name “ pseudognaths ” for the jaws of Nephelids, to distinguish them from those of other Gnathobdellidce. The cells lining the intestine of Lumbricus and their action are de- scribed very fully by Greenwood. Around and almost covering in the gland-cell , whose secretion serves for the digestion of the food, are other cells ciliated towards the lumen of the intestine, and serving for the absorption of food. Whilst fat is being digested, however, the cilia disappear, and a striated border to the cell appears in their place- The ciliated cells are more evident in the walls of the typhlosole than of the intestine proper. In a new genus of Oligochset, allied to Chcetogaster , it is shown that the lumen of , the anterior part of the alimentary canal of the asexually- produced bud, is formed by the fusion of two secondary lateral lumina, on either side of the old alimentary canal ; Kallstenius. 5. Coelom. Jourdain (3) shows that the coelom is lined by a ciliated epithelium in Sipunculids, and refers to instances of the same thing in other animals, vertebrate and invertebrate, concluding therefrom that the word ‘‘endothelium,” in anatomy, should be done away with. He is criticized by Malassez. 6. Connective Tissue. Yellow bodies in the connective tissue elements of Sipunculids shown by Jourdain (2), to be due to granules of a glycogenous matter, serving as reserve food material. ANNELIDA. Verm. 83 7. Circulatory System. Circulation of Lumbricus ; Griffiths (1); and Lenhossek (2), where it is shown that blood vessels penetrate right into the epidermis. Chemical constitution of the blood in Gephyreans, Chaetopods, and Leeches ; Griffiths (2). Hermerythrine, a new iron-containing respi- ratory pigment in the blood of Sipunculids ; Griffiths (3). Vascular system of Cklorhaemidce ; Haswell (1). Absence of vascular system in a Sipunculid ; Shipley. 8. Respiratory System. Shipley maintains that the intestine is the chief respiratory organ in the unarmed Gephyreans. and that the vascular system serves merely to extend the tentacles. Beddard (4, 5) describes a new Oligochset with about fifty pairs of branchise, one pair per segment, at its hinder end. These are simple processes, situated on the middle dorsal and ventral line, not ciliated ; the coelom extends into them, and blood vessels lie just beneath the epidermis on each side of each, breaking up into capillaries in the integu- ment. 9. Excretory System. Development of nephridia in Megascolides ; Vejdowsky (2) : in Acan- thodrilus multiporus , Beddard (6). In Megascolides functional nephro- stomes appear never to be developed at all except in the posterior segments, where the meganephridia afterwards appear ; anteriorly the rudiments of them soon disappear and micronephridia are developed straight away, with intercellular efferent ducts, and not at first connected by longitudinal ducts. In Acanthodrilus all the nephridia in the youngest embryos have functional nephrostomes, which all become rudimentary later except for those in segments xi-xiv ; they are formed as meganephridia ; secondary openings to the exterior are formed later, when the micronephric con- dition is assumed ; the second pair, and then one or two other pairs, become connected with the first to form the “ mucous gland ” opening into the stomodaeum ; the anal nephridia are formed late, and open into the mesenteron, not into the proctodaeum; the gonaducts are developed from the nephridial funnels and a small portion of the succeeding tube. Kallstenius shows that in a new genus of fresh -water Oligochaet the nephridia are fused with the ventral vessel throughout their course. Bolsius (2) describes the nephridia of fresh-water Leeches, showing that in Nephelis , Clepsine, and Hemiclepsis , there are to each nephridium three distinct unicellular canals, each arising from a separate group of branching intracellular tubules, and uniting with one another only just before opening to the exterior. In Hirudo medzcinalis he proves the existence of multicellular glands opening into the intracellular canals. He gives a review of the work hitherto done on the nephridia of Leeches. 34 Verm. xy. VERMES. He also shows (1) that the so-called ciliated 11 funnels have no connec- tion with the nephridia. Only a single nephridium in a Sipunculid ; Shipley. Excretory organ of Copping evict (n. g. of Chlorhcemidce) ; Haswell (1). Individual variation in the position of the nephridiopores in Earth- worms ; Hu brecht — the conclusion being arrived at that the mega- nephric arrangement of nephridia is probably the more primitive : in Leeches ; Blanchard (6) and (3, hi). 10. Nervous System. Several very important papers on the Nervous System of Annelids and Nematodes [see Nematode part of Record] throw light on the histology of nervous systems in general, v. Lenhossek (1) and Retzius agree that in Lumbricus the sensory nerve-cells do not lie in the nerve-cord nor in special ganglia, but in the epidermis ; from them fibres go to the nerve- cord dividing thereinto an ascending and a descending branch, which run on the sameside of thebodyas the nerve enters— through the length of three ganglia according to v. Lenhossek, not quite as far as the next ganglion according to Retzius — and so end in the ££ Punktsubstanz,” not uniting with ganglion cells. Retzius shows, further, that the motor nerve-cells lie in the ganglia of the ventral cord and send processes which branch into the “ Punktsubstanz ” as well as nerves to the periphery, which there branch to the muscles ; these nerves sometimes arise from ganglion cells of the same side, sometimes from those of the opposite side of the body, so that there is a certain amount of decussation ; in each ganglion there is one multipolar cell of unknown function. Cerfontaine maintains the nervous nature of the giant-fibres in Lumbricus ; they are, however, very special nerve fibres resulting from the union of the prolongations of several axis cylinders coming from distinct cells ; they give off branches in each ganglion, which connect them either with other elements of the nerve-cord, or with the periphery ; the median giant-fibre develops from in front backwards, and the lateral ones from behind forwards, the currents in them are, therefore, going in opposite directions ; their function, he concludes, is to connect lengthwise the different parts of the nervous system, and to allow for the simultaneous muscular contraction in the whole extent of the bodju Apathy (2), working at Leeches, regards each nerve as a bundle of primitive fibrils surrounding some central proto- plasm ; these fibrils are supposed to carry the nerve impulse. He is criticized by Rohde (1, i). Wawrzik discusses the supporting structures of the Nervous System in Chaetopods. 11. Sense Organs. Jourdain (1) describes sensory nerve-terminations in several Poly- chaets, situated generally on the appendages, but sometimes on the body- ANNELIDA. Venn. 35 ■wall where there are no appendages, consisting sometimes of cells of the Vertebrate olfactory type, sometimes ciliated, and sometimes much like the ordinary epithelial cells. Eyes: The derivation of the Vertebrate from the Annelid eye; v. Kennel (1). A Sipunculid, with pigment spots or eyes ; Shipley. Eyes of Polychceta ; Andrews (3) : the structure of the adult eyes of 26 species is described and, for most of them, figured ; the development of the eye is given in 5 species ; it is found that each eye is a pigmented cup, formed of one layer of retina cells all essentially alike, and consisting each of a peripheral body containing pigment and a central clear rod ; some of the cells are much attenuated ; the lens is continuous with the cuticle, sometimes also with the retinal cells, and is either secreted by the retinal cells, or formed from the fused central ends of them ; the connection with the epidermis persists (except in the Alciopidce , where there the develop- ment of the eye is exceptional), the eye being formed not as an invagina- tion, but by the elongation and pigmentation of a few epidermis cells, whose central ends become the rods by the withdrawal of the pigment to the opposite end. Beraneck describes the development of the eye in the Alciopidce , showing that it is built on quite a different plan to the Arthropod eye. The eyes of certain of the Chlorhaemidce are described by Haswell (1) : in one genus they are on special processes of the pro- stomium in the bases of which are optic ganglia which are outgrowths of the brain. Maier describes the minute structure of the eyes in the Eiru- clinea , showing that in Eirudo and Aulastomum , wfiile the main branch of the nerve enters the eye posteriorly, there is also a small one entering it anteriorly and ventrally ; while in Nephelis , Clepsine, and Piscicolci there is only the one branch entering the eye in front. Blanchard (6) mentions asymmetry of the eyes as occurring often in Nephelis , but seldom in Eirudo. Auditory Organs : Ehlers (1) describes very fully the structure of the so-called “auditory organ” in the different species of Arenicola : in A . claparedii there is only an open groove, with no otoliths or neuroepi- thelium ; in A. marina the otocyst, though deep-lying, is still connected with the exterior by a narrow canal, and contains foreign particles ; in A. grubei and A. antillensis the sacs are quite closed and the otoliths are intrinsic formations ; in no species are there hairs or rods to the cells forming the sac, and the author suggests that they more probably serve as organs of equilibration than as auditory organs ; he shows that they have nothing to do with the “ Nackenorgane,” nor do they correspond to the setal sacs of the parapodia ; they may, however, represent modified cirri. Embryonic sense organs : Beddard (6) describes in Acanthodrilus an unpaired sense organ in the young embryo, consisting of a few large cells on one side of the stomodaeal aperture ; in the advanced embryo he also finds peculiar cells in the epidermis, which he thinks form a sense organ . 36 Verm . XV. VERMES. 12. Genital System. Beddard (6) shows that there are originally 4 pairs of gonads with their ducts developed in Acantkodrilus in segments x-xiii ; and that the one in the 12th segment afterwards degenerates. Woodward describes an abnormal Allolobophora with 7 pairs of ovaries. Blanchard (4) describes a Leech with two pores on the female segment (xi), one between the 32nd and 33rd, the other between the 35th and 36th annuli ; of these, sometimes the one, sometimes the other, is the larger ; their significance is not shown. Rosa (1) describes an Earthworm ( Paradrilus rosae , Mich.) in which the spermathecee are in communication with the intestine, as well as with the exterior, as in the Enchytrceidce. Goodrich describes a Tubificid, in which the spermathecre open by a median pore in the 10th segment, and in which the sperm-ducts also open by a median atrium. 13. Reproduction. Fertilization of Clepsine : Muller. Hybridism in Earthworms ; Benham (2), Friend (8), Beddard (11). Asexual reproduction in Amphichceta , n. g. of Oligochset, Kallstenius. Encystment : [see under “ Habits,” &c], Chun suggests that the process to which he gives the name of Dissogony, the ripening of one individual in two different stages of its development, may take place in Nereis. Prouho discusses the different kinds of individuals, with regard to sex, in the Mediterranean Mysostomas , showing that in one species ( M.alatum ) the sexes are distinct in the young, the males being much smaller than the females, but that then the males develop ovaries, thus becoming hermaphrodite. 14. Development. The recent researches into the germ-layers of Annelids ( Nereis , Lopa- dorhynchus , and Clepsine ), as affecting the interpretation of the germ- layers of Vertebrates ; Repiaciioff. The development of Nereis is very fully and carefully worked out by Wilson, the whole history of each cell of the segmentation sphere being given ; it is shown that, owing to the large size of the left posterior macromere, the cells of the segmentation sphere have a spiral instead of radial arrangement ; bilateral symmetry is only assumed later, after the formation of the mesoblast ; the question of bilateral symmetry in the cleavage of other eggs is discussed, and it is concluded that in all cases it results from the anticipation of the bilateral symmetry of the adult ; in an appendix the author mentions several other Polychaets which he has examined, in which he also found spiral seg- mentation of the ovum, continuing even to a later period. Development of Arenicola ; Ehlers (2) : The young of A. marina is pelagic though not found at the surface ; its body consists of 2 regions, the one comprising prostomium, buccal segment, and 20 succeeding double segments, the other numerous, narrow and non-setigerous segments; there ANNELIDA. Verm. 37 are no branchige. Points in development of Acanthodrilus ; Beddard (6). Comment on Apathy’s description of the development of Hirudinea [see Zool. Rec. 1891, Vermes , Apathy (2)] ; Bergh : provisional larval muscles of Gnathobdellidce , and larval skin drawn attention to ; teloblasts said to have been not clearly interpreted by Apathy. 15. Metamerism and Variations therein; also other Variations. Whitman contributes an important paper on the metamerism of Leeches. He concludes that the head consists merely of a certain number of true metameres (1-6), and these have the same ganglia as the other metameres, only somewhat displaced ; also that the typical number of annuli per segment is 3, so that when fewer or more are found either suppression or division of one or more annulus must have taken place. The trunk is formed by two germ bands, which are at first dorsal, but grow round the yolk mass to meet in the mid-ventral line from in front backwards, and segmentation then begins on the ventral surface ; seg- mentation of the head begins in front of the bands and on the dorsal surface only, after the segmentation of the germ-bands on the ventral surface but before their segmentation on the dorsal surface. The metameric sense organs and their nerve supply are very fully described and figured. Variation in normal type of segmentation for Trocheta , owing to fusion of annuli ; Blanchard (6). Variation in number of annuli in speci- mens of Glossiphonia, from same locality ; Blanchard (3, iv). Spiral Metamerism : both Cori and Morgan (3) have independently shown in Chaetopods the frequency with which, in certain genera, normal circular segmentation is replaced by spiral segmentation for a greater or less number of segments. Saint Joseph also shows that a great deal of asymmetry prevails in the Sabellidce , and it would seem that his cases may also be treated as cases of spiral segmentation. Blanchard (6) mentions the occurrence of the same thing in Leeches. Other cases of asymmetry : in male genital pore of Oligochaets ; Friend, (14) p. 108, Collin, A. (1) : in Clitellum ; Beddard (11) : in eyes of Leeches ; Blanchard (3, v) and (6). Bifurcation : recorded instances in Chaetopods collected ; Andrews (2). Tail double, the two halves meeting at the posterior extremity, and sepa- rated from one another anteriorly, in an Oligochaet ; Friend, (14) pp. 108 & 109. Head double, the one half, consisting of two segments and prostomium only, moving like a feeler to the other ; Friend, (14) p. 161. Symmetrical variations in position of nephridial and genital pores in Leeches ; Blanchard (3, iii) and (6). Variations in number : an AllolobopTiora with seven pairs of ovaries though with only the usual one pair of oviducts ; Woodward. An abnormal larva of Polygordius ; Bitter (2). A larva is described 38 Verm . xv. VERMES. which behaves very much in the way of a Phoronis larva, a bud being given off behind the head, into which the alimentary canal extends, opening to the exterior at its extremity, for a certain length of time. How the original axis becomes the adult axis, and the bud disappears, was not observed, though it is assumed that this happens. An albino Perichceta monilicystis ; Michaels en (1). 16. Synonymy, Classification, &c. Synonymy of certain Polychaets, including several of Schmarda’s species ; Miciiaelsen (4) : of some northern forms ; v. Marenzeller (1) . Schmarda’s species of Oligochaets renamed on examination of the type specimens ; Beddard (2). Classification of Annelids ; Hatschek. Yalue of colours and markings of Leeches in forming new varieties ; Nusbaum (2). [See also Systematic part of Becord.] 17. Habits, Properties, and Stray Notes. Temporary encystment of JElosoma ; Beddard (1), Yejdowsky (1). Yejdowsky compares with this the formation of special burrows by cer- tain Lumbricidce, and ascribes both sets of phenomena to the rest required after a period of asexual reproductive activity. An Annelid ( Leucodora coeca) living in a sponge ( Microcionct ) ; Hornell (2). Annelid with tube coiled like the frond of a fern [Zool. Bee. 1891, Vermes, p. 25], shown to be Sabella saxicciva ; Watson. Polychaets parasitic on Echinoderms ; Matzdorf (3), and Cuenot. Myzostomas parasitic on or in Antedon plmlangium ; Prouho. Horse Leech in nasal mucous membrane of man; Condorelli (4). Leeches and Earthworms swallowed alive by the Bittern ; Liebe. Clepsine tssselatci in posterior nares of Swan ; Collin, A. (2) . The blood of Leeches as a medium for the cultivation of Haema - tozoa ; Labbe. Earthworms as fertilizers of the soil ; Loz : as the carriers of the tubercle bacillus ; Lortet & Despeignes. A protozoon ( Rhabdostyla arenicolce) parasitic on the branchiae of Arenicolci marina ; Matzdorf (2). On the conditions of existence of pelagic organisms, including Polychaets and Sagitta ; Koehler. Phosphorescence in Earth- worms ; Hilliger, Giard. The dissemination of Leeches by Palmi- peds ; Guerne (1) and Blanchard (2). 18. Methods. For nephridia of Leeches ; Bolsius (2). For eyes of Leeches ; Maier, p. 559. For preserving Oligochaets and Leeches, paralysing with magnesium chloride and killing with chromic acid recommended ; Tullberg. For preserving Leeches and Polychaets; Cunningham. For rearing Polychoet larvae ; Bles. ANNELIDA. Verm. 39 B.-FAUNISTIC. Land and Freshwater Forms. Note on distribution of Oligochsets and Leeches in general ; Stoll. a. P alee arctic Region. British Isles : British Tree- and Earthworms, 6 species of Allolobo- phora , 5 of Lumbricus recognized ; Friend (2). New British Earth- worms and summary of old ones, 21 species recognized ; Friend (4) : criticized by Hurst & Benham (6) : Lumbricus eiseni in England ; Friend (3). Earthworms of Yorkshire and North Britain ; Friend (11, 12) : of Northamptonshire ; Friend (6) : of Essex ; Friend (1) : of Middlesex ; Friend (7) : of Sussex; Friend (10) : of Kent; Friend (5). A new species of Earthworm from Bangor ; Friend (9) : from Ireland ; Friend (13). Sparganophilus , n. g. of Oligochcet in the Thames ; Ben- ham (3). Vermiculus , n. g. of Oligochcet , brackish water, Weymouth ; Goodrich. Western Europe : distribution of Photoclrilus phosphoreus in ; Matz- dorf (1) and Giard. Trochceta subviridis confined to Western Europe : Blanchard (6). France : Depts. Vosges and Meurthe as two new stations for Phreoryctes menJceanus , Hffmst. ; Brunotte. Germany. — Mecklenburg Earthworms; Michaelsen (2). Earthworms in the neighbourhood of Berlin (3 species Lumbricus , 8 Allolobopliora , 1 Criodrilus, 1 Albums) ; Collin, A. (1). Altenar: new genus of Enchy- treeidee found under moss, Bryoclrilus ehlersi ; Ude. Saxony : Nephelis atomaria , var. meyeri , n. var. ; Blanchard (3, hi). Austria. — Bohemia : Leeches and Chafiopods ; Kafka, Fritsch & Vavra. S. Austria : Xerobdella lecomtei in the mountainous regions of ; Blanchard (4) . Poland: Leeches and Earthworms of ; Nusbaum (2). The colours of the Leeches are shown to vary constantly with the locality, and several new varieties are described. Finnland : 2 Oligochsets ; Levander (2). Russia and Siberia : Earthworms of ; Kulagin. China. — Shan-tong : no Earthworms ever seen there ; Fauvel. Amoy : Perichceta aspergillum , Perrier; Rosa (1). Foo-chow : P. sinensis, n. sp., Beddard (9). Japan: 4 species of Perichcetidce of which 3 new; Beddard (11). Another new species of Perichceta and P. siebolclii ; Rosa (1). 3 new species of Perichceta and 1 new species of Moniligaster ; Michaelsen (1). Liguria : Trochceta subviridis recorded in ; Blanchard (6). Sardinia : 1 Leech ( Hcemopis vorax) and 2 Oligochsets ; Marcialis : Microscolex modestus ; Rosa (1). Sicily : Hormogasta redii ; Rosa (5). Algeria and Tunis : Microscolex algeriensis , n. sp., and Allolobophora 40 Verm . xv. VERMES. complanatus ; Beddard (8). Tunis: Allolobophora festce, n. sp., Rosa (5). Tripoli and Egypt : Allolobophora trapezoides, Duges ; Rosa (5). Madeira : Microscolex poulto?ii,n. sp., Beddard (8), Azores : Perichceta indica ; Michaelsen (1). b. Ethiopian Region. W. Africa : 4 new species of a new genus, Gordiodrilus, of the family Ocnerodrilidce ; Beddard (3). Togo Land : 5 new species of Benhamia , 1 of Eudrilus ; Michaelsen (1). Valley of Niger: made fertile by Siphonogaster ; Loz. Fernando Po : Paradrilus rosae , Mich.; Rosa (1). Central Africa. — Near Victoria Nyanza : 1 new species of Benhamia , 2 of Pygmceodrilus} 2 of Siphonogaster ; Michaelsen (2). S. Africa. — Cape Colony : Microchceta belli , n. sp., Benham (1) ; M. rappii , Bed., Rosa (1) ; Allolobophora trapezoides , Rosa (1). Natal : Microchceta papillata, n. sp., Benham (1). Madagascar : Kynotus michaelsenii, n. sp., Rosa (4) ; K. heller i , n. sp., Michaelsen (1). Mauritius : Perichceta mauritiana, n. sp., Beddard (9). Mahe Island: Perichceta pentacystis, n. sp., Rosa (1). c. Oriental Region . Ceylon : Megascolex templetonianus , n. sp., Rosa (7) ; Typhosus laevis , Rosa, Rosa (1); Perichceta taprobance , n. sp., Beddard (9). Burmah and neighbouring Region : List of Oligochsets, including 4 new species of Perichceta , 1 of Perionyx , of which descriptions are given ; Rosa (2). Bangkok : Perionyx excavatus\ Rosa (1). Malacca : a species of Urochceta ; Rosa (1). Singapore : Perichceta morrisi (?) notes on ; Beddard (9). Megascolex armatus , Bed. ; Rosa (1). Nicobar : Lumbricus rubellus} Hftm., and Allolobophora foetida, Say. ; Rosa (1). Penang : Perichceta morrisi , n. sp., Beddard (9). Sumatra : Desmog aster , Horst ; Perichceta longa , n. sp., Michaelsen (1). Engano : absence of Perionyx excavatus and Megascolex armatus , and presence of Perichcetidce much like the Indian ones show Indian character of fauna ; 3 new species and 1 new subspecies of Perichceta , and 1 species of Urochceta (U. corethrura , Mull.) described; Rosa (3). Banka : Perichceta martensi , n. sp., Michaelsen (1). Java and Borneo : Perichceta racemosa , n. sp., Rosa (1). Java : P. operculata , n. sp., Rosa (1) ; P. uclehemi , Gr., Michaelsen (1). Borneo : P. mandhorensis and Megascolex pictus, n. spp., Michaelsen (1). Malay Archipelago generally : 2 1 species of Earthworms, amongst which are 8 new species, and 2 new genera ( Glyphidrilus and Anncidrilus, belong- ing to the fam. Geoscolecidce ), gen. Benhamia , recorded here for the first time ; Horst. ANNELIDA. Verm. 41 Philippine Islands. — Luzon : Perichceta pulchra , n. sp., Pleinogaster jagori, n. g. & sp. ; Samar, Megascolex iris and margaritaceus , n. spp., Pleino- gaster samariensis , n. g. & sp., Michaelsen (l). Cebu : Perichceta philippina , n. sp., Rosa (1). d. Australian Region. New Guinea : Perichceta neoguinensis , n. sp., Michaelsen (1). Aru Island : Microchaeta benhami , n. sp., Rosa (1). Australia : Hcemadipsa in, as well as in Old World ; Stoll. Queens- land : Perichceta gympiana , n. sp., and Cryptodrilus purpureus ; Spencer (2). N. S. Wales : Sydney, Didymogaster sylvaticus ; Rosa (1). Victoria : Earthworms of ; Spencer (3), comprising 11 new species of Cryptodrilus (5 from Gippsland), 10 new species and 1 new variety of Megascolides (2 of them and the variety from Gippsland), and 2 known species of Megascolides. New Zealand : Neodrilus monocystis, Bed., and Plagiochceta punctata , n. g. & sp. ; Benham (2). Tahiti : Perichceta grubei and novarce , n. spp. (for P. taitensis)} Rosa (1). Marquesas: Perichceta albidaf n. sp., Michaelsen (1). Hawaii Peri- chceta hawayana , n. sp., and Allolobophora subrubicunda , Eisen; Rosa (1). e. Neotropical Region. Argentine Republic : Microscolex dubius ; Rosa (1). Chili : Glossiphonia tesselata , and discussion as to how it got there ; Blanchard (2). Acanthrodrilus platurus, n. sp., Michaelsen (1). Chiloe Island: Acanthodrilus pictus ?, Mich.; Rosa (1). A. platurus , n. sp., Michaelsen (1). Valparaiso: “large phosphorescent Earth- worm ” ; Hilliger. Bolivia : Upper reaches (salt) of Pilcomayo R., Kerria halophila, n. g. & sp. of fam. Cryptodrilidce ; Beddard (10). Brazil : Geoscolex maximus ; Rosa (1). Tylconus grandis , n. g. & sp., Pontodrilus arence, F. Mull. ; Michaelsen (1). S. Brazil : Cylicobdella ; Stoll. Venezuela : Eudrilus 7'oseus, n. sp., Benhamia bolavi , Mich., A?iteusf 3 n. spp. ; Michaelsen (1). Ecuador : on Cayambe, at height of 14,000 feet, Rhinodrilus ecuador - ensis) n. sp. ; Benham (4). Guatemala : Cylicobdella ; Stoll. Ciudad Durango : Benhamia mexicana, n. sp., Rosa (1). Dominica : Gordiodrilus dominicensis, n. g. & sp., Beddard (3). Barbados : Perichceta barbadensis, n. sp., Beddard (9). Jamaica : peculiar Earthworm on trees at Moneague ; Andrews (1). f. Nearctic Region . Bermuda : Perichceta bermuclensis , n. sp., Beddard (9). Queen Charlotte’s Island : Plutellus perrieri , n. sp., Benham (1). 42 Venn. xv. VERMES. Marine Forms. a. Arctic Ocean. Off East Spitzbergen : Polychaets collected by Bremen Expedition, 58 species, with notes on anatomical details of many of them, and with lists of synonyms ; v. Marenzeller (1). White Sea. — Solovetzki : Polychaets (pp. 25-27), A. priapulus (pp. 24 & 40) ; KnipovIcha. b. N. Atlantic Ocean . Norway. — N. W. Coast : Onchnesoma steenstrupiii n. sp., Shipley. Bergenfjord : Polychaets and Gephyreans ; Appellof. Baltic Sea. — E. Baltic : 8 species of Polychaets, 2 Gephyreans ; Kojevnikov. North Sea. — St. Andrew’s Bay : Clymene ebiensis ; McIntosh. Irish Sea. — Liverpool Bay : 88 species of Polychaets, of which 1 new, 3 others new to Britain, 2 new varieties ; correction of: a previous list from the same locality by another author ; separation of species according to their vertical range into littoral, deep water, and indefinite forms, and a table of the geographical and bathymetrical range of the local Poly- chaets ; Hornell (1). English Channel. — Off the Coast of Devonshire : Staurocephalus rubrovittatus, D'mophilus tamiatus ; Garstang (1) : Protodriliis leucTcartii at Plymouth ; Bles : Polychaets of Plymouth, 63 species, of which 5 new, 2 ? forming new genera, 7 other species new to Britain ; Buchanan. Channel Islands : Sabella saxicava ; Watson. Banyuls-sur-Mer : Eunice gigantea , 3 metres long, recorded ; Lacaze-Duthiers. Bay of Biscay. — Coast of Loire Infe. : 1 Polychaet and 1 armed Gephy- reau ; Camus. Santander : 6 species Polychaets and 1 Phascolosoma ; Fusset. Mediterranean. — Sardinia : 5 species Polychaets, 2 Gephyreans ; Mar- cialis. Messina : anatomy of 7 new species of Alciopidce ; Hering. Black Sea : 17 species of Polychaets, 1 new genus and 6 new species ; Periaslavzeff. Caribbean Sea. — Jamaica : Sipunculids rare ; Polychaets, no pelagic forms, Amphinomidce and Sabellidoe common, but Eunicidce not ; Andrews (1). c. Indian Ocean . Zanzibar: 8 species of Gephyreans (3 new ones of Thalassema ); Fischer. 1 species Phymosomci ; Collin, A. (3). Red Sea : 3 Polychaets ; Boutan. Ceylon : 14 species of Polychaets, including 1 new genus and 4 new species ; Michaelsen (4). Indian Coast : a tubicolor annelid ; Keswell. ANNELIDA, GEPHYEEA. Verm. 43 d. S. Pacific Ocean . The Australian species of Branchellion ; Blanchard (3, Vi). Torres Straits.— Darnley Isl. : Coppingeria longisetosa , n. g. & sp. of Chlorhcemidce ; Harwell (1). 05 Sydney : a second species of Phoronis (? = P . psammophila, found at Messina), and remarks on other species ; Haswell (4, i) : two new species of Stglaroides ; Haswell (1). New Zealand : new species of Branchellion occurring on Raia nasuta ; Dujardinea , from Port Chalmers ; Parker. S. America. — 05 Callao : 2 Sipunculids, 1 n. sp. ; Collin, A. (3). C.— SYSTEMATIC. General. Hatschek proposes, in a preliminary paper, a new classification of Annelids, dividing them into the 4 Subclasses : — 1. Archiannelida , including the Pohjgordudcc and Dinophilidce. 2. Chcetopoda , including the Protochceta ( Saccocirridce ), Pchj - chceta, and Oligochceia. 3. Hirudinea. 4. Echiurida. With 2 supplementary groups : (5) the Sipunculacea , and (6) the . Chceiognatha. He gives a further classification of the two first sub- classes, deriving all Chsetopods (and hence the Hirudinea ) from the Archiannelida , through the Protochceta and Spionidce. He gives separate tables of the relations between some of the di5erent families of Errant Polychsets. 1. GEPHYEEA (including Phoronis). a. Phoronis. Blochmann (3) discusses the affinities of the Brachiopoda , concluding that they are most nearly related to Phoronis. Phoronis australis , living in wall of tube of Cerianthus, and P. psammophila ? in Port Jackson ; Haswell (4, i). b, Unarmed Gephyreans. Aspidosiphon cumingi , from Zanzibar, remarks on ; Fischer. Cleosiphon aspergillum , from Zanzibar, remarks on ; Fischer. Bendrostomum peruviatium, n. sp., Callao, Collin, A. (3), anatomy. Onchnesoma steenstrupiiy n. sp., N. W. Coast of Norway, Shitley, anatomy and histology. An Onchnesoma in the Bergenfjord; Appellof. 1892. [vol. xxix.] e 5 44 Verm. XV. VERMES. Phascolosoma Catherines , Fr. Mull., Callao, and P. sanderi , n.sp., locality ?, Collin, A. (3), descriptions. Phymosoma granulation, from Zanzibar, description ; Collin, A. (3). P. scolops , from Zanzibar, description ; Fischer. Priapulus caudatus, from Solovetzki ; KnIpovIcha. Sipunculus indicus, Zanzibar, internal anatomy ; Fischer : conclusions arrived at differ from those of Sluiter [see Zool.Rec. 1891, Vermes, p. 22]. S. camanensis , also from Zanzibar, description; Fischer. Blood of Sipunculus ; Griffiths (2) : yellow bodies ; Jourdain (2): coelomic epithelium ; Jourdain (3). c. Armed Gephyreans. Bonellia viridis, from Sardinia ; Marcialis. Thalassema kokotoniense, stuhlinanni, and l&ptodermon, n. spp., Zanzibar, Fischer, anatomy. T . neptuni , in Bay of Biscay ; Camus. 2. CHAETOPODA. a. PoLYCHiETA (including Dinophtlus and Protodrilus). [See above under “ General.”] Hatschek divides the Polychceta into the two main groups, Cirri/era (including suborders Spiomorpha, A mphinomorpha, and Rapacia with the Myzostomidce as an appendix) and Acirra (including suborders Prilomorpha, with Sternaspidce and Ctenodrilidai as appendices, Terebellomorpha, and Serpulimorpha). He expresses in different trees some of the relations between the different families of Rapacia : — Spionidce. Ancestral Rapacea. Glyceridce NepthycJce. Eunicidce. Nereipoda ( Protolycoris ). Aphroditidce. Stephanidce,. Ilesioniclce. Nereidce. Syllidce. Phyllodocidce ( Phylloclocince ). A Iciopince. Hydrophanince. Tomopterince. CH.LTOPODA. Verm. 45 A gl auricles fulfil a, from Ceylon; Miciiaelsen (41. Alciopidce , of Messina, full anatomy, histology, and synonomy of 7 species ; Herixg. Ampharete grubei , recorded as British ; Horxell (1). Anaitis: remarks on the genus and on the species, A. linecita , Clp., from which A. metadata , n. sp., is distinguished, although both were included by Claparede under the same name ; Periaslavzeff. A. wahlbergi , remarks on genus and species; v. Marexzeller (1), p. 405. Aphrodite obtecta , recorded as British ; Buchaxax. Blood of Aphrodite ; Griffiths (2). Apomatus globifer, described and figured ; v. Marexzeller (1), p. 430. Arenicola marina , development ; Eulers (2), Horxell (1). Auditory organ of different species of Arenicola ; Ehlers (1). A Protozoon parasitic on the branchiae of A. marina ; Matzdorf (2). Blood of Arenicola ; Griffiths (2). Aricia norwegica , remarks on previous descriptions ; Appellof. Autolytus alexandri , recorded as British ; Horxell (1), = A. verrilli , n. sp., for the ( Stephanosyllis ornata) of Terrill, described and figured ; v. Marexzeller (1), pp. 416-420. A. prismaticus , and A. sp. ? ( ? only), from Spitzbergen, descriptions ; v. Marexzeller (1), pp. 420 & 422. A. rnbovittatm , Clp., Black Sea, remarks oa : Periaslavzeff. Brad a inhabilis, Spitzbergen, description and figure : v. Marexzeller (1), P-427. Callizona : detailed description and classification of the genus and its five species, with special anatomy, histology, and figures of C. angel ina, n. sp. ; Apsteix. Capitella multioculata , n. sp., with 6 pairs of eyes, from Black Sea ; Periaslavzeff. Chaetopterus tubes containing Crystallogobius ; Appellof. Cirratulus cirratus, recorded from Spitzbergen ; v. Marexzeller (1). C. viridis, with remarks on the genus, and description and figures of the species ; Periaslavzeff. Clymene ebiensis, new description of species ; McIxtosii. Coppingeria n. g. of Chlorhcemidoe with C. longisetosa , n. sp., from Australia, description, anatomy, and figures ; Hasavell (1). Dasychone herdmani, n. sp., Britain ; Horxell (1). Binophilas tamiatus , recorded on Devonshire Coast ; Garstaxg (1). Drieschia, n. g. of Polynoidce. with D. pelagicai n. sp., pelagic, from Ceylon ; Michaelsen (4), pp. 96-99, description and figures. Dujardinia : from Port Chalmers ; Parker. Euchone papillosa, recorded from Spitzbergen ; v. Marexzeller (1). Eulalia vellifera, recorded from Black Sea ; Periaslavzeff. Eunice gigantca, recorded from the English Channel ; Lacaze-Duthiers. Eusyllis blomstrandi , description and figure ; v. Marexzeller (1) p. 411. Exogone naidina, with “lateral buds”' on Coast of Devonshire ; Buchaxax. 46 Verm . XV. VERMES. Qlycera laccadivce, Schm., Ceylon, description and figure ; Michaelsen (4). G. tesselata , G-r., from Black Sea ; Periaslavzeff. Blood of Glycera ; Griffiths (2). Paplobrojichus : on Coast of Devonshire ; Buchanan. Hermadion : species parasitic on Echinoderms ; Matzdorf (3) & Cuenot. Iphione spinosa, Ivbg., from Ceylon, remarks on ; Michaelsen (4), p. 95. Lepidonotus acantholepis , Gv., from Ceylon, remarks on ; Michaelsen (4), p. 95. Leucodore coeca , Oerst., living in the Sponge Microciona ; Hornell (2). Loimia variegata , young specimen (?), from Ceylon ; Michaelsen (4), p. 109. Magalia , n. sp., and Mysta , n. sp., on Devonshire Coast ; Buchanan. Magelona : larvae found on Devonshire Coast; Buchanan, Bles. Nectochceta , n. g. of Polynoidce , with N. grimaldii , n. sp., dredged by the 11 Hirondelle,” pelagic, and with extremely long ventral setae ; v. Marenzeller (2). Nematonereis occulata, Schm., from Black Sea ; Periaslavzeff. Nephthys longicornis , n. sp., with remarks on the genus ; Periaslavzeff. Nereis longicirra , Schm., Ceylon, described and figured ; Michaelsen (4), pp. 92-102. Blood of Nereis ; Griffiths (2). Dissogony in Nereis ? ; Chun. Cell-lineage of Nereis ; Wilson. Nerilla antennata , found again, and on British Coasts; Buchanan. Ophelina acuminata , from Spitzbergen, description ; v. Marenzeller (1). Ophryotrocha , n. sp., or an allied n. g., Coast of Devonshire ; Buchanan. Pectinaria auricoma and belgica) distinguished from one another ; Hornell (1). Phenacia exilis1 Gr., Ceylon ; Michaelsen (4). Phyllodoce corniculata} Black Sea ; Periaslavzeff. P. macrolepidota , Schm., Ceylon ; Michaelsen (4). Pista, n. sp., or (?) an allied n. g. ; Buchanan. Polydora cornata, Black Sea ; Periaslavzeff. Polyophthalmus longisetosus and collaris, n. spp., Ceylon ; Michaelsen (1). Polynoe haliceti, var. hycence, n. var., Liverpool Bay ; Hornell (1). P. ( Lagisca ) extenuata, recorded as British ; Hornell (1). Potamilla neglecta , recorded from Spitzbergen ; v. Marenzeller (1). Protodrilus leucJcartii, Hatschek, on Devonshire Coast ; Bles. Pterccirrus ceylonicus , n. sp., (? = Phyllod. ( Eulalia ) macroceros, Gr.), Ceylon, described and figured ; Michaelsen (4). Sabella and Serpula , blood of ; Griffiths (2). Sabella pavoina, var. bicoronata, n. var., Liverpool Bay; Hornell (1). S. saxicava , protective device in ; Watson. Sabellaria bicornis ( Hermella bicornis, Schm.) ; Michaelsen (4). Sabellides, n. sp., Devonshire Coast; Buchanan. Samytha , n. sp., or an allied n. g., Buchanan. Scalibregma longisetosum , from Spitzbergen ; v. Marenzeller (1). Scolecolepis : species described and figured, from Spitzbergen ; v. Maren- zeller (1). CH^TOPODA. Verm. 47 Spio meczniJcowianus, Clp., (= S. decoratus , Bobr.) and S. ornatus , n. sp., from the Black Sea ; Periaslavzeff. “ Spiochoetopter us typicus ”, of Liverpool Bay, shown to be really Chceto- pterus insignis ; Hornell (1). Staurocephalus chiaji , Clp., rudolphi , D. Ch., and hyalinus , n. sp., with remarks on the genus and figure of the new species ; Periaslavzeff. /S. rubrovittatus, on Devonshire Coast ; Garstang. Stylaroides iris, n. sp., Ceylon ; Michaelsen (4), p. 108, description and figure. S. cinctus and horstii , n. spp., Australia, description, anatomy, and figure, Haswell (1). S. longisetosus , recorded from Spitzbergen; v. Marenzeller (1). Terebella : Blood of ; Griffiths (2). Trypanosyllis striata , n. sp., Black Sea, described and figured, P^rias- lavzeff. Typosyllis oerstedti , Spitzbergen, described and figured ; v. Maren- zeller (1). Xenosyllides , n. g., with X. violacea , n. sp., Black Sea, with stiff hairs on each ring of the annulate tentacles and cirri ; Periaslavzeff. b. Oligocha£TA (including Myzostoma), Hatschek [see above under “ General ”] would place the Ctenodrilidcr , including JElosoma , with the Polychaets. [Their usual position is retained in this Record.] Schmarda’s species of Earthworms re- named ; Beddard (2). Rosa (1) proposes to divide the order Terricolce into the following families : — 1. Moniligastridce. 2. Lumbricidce. 3. Geoscolicidce. I- Cryptodrilince. 4. Megciscolicidce , with subfams. n- Eudrilince. in. Acanthodrilince. IV. Perichcetinaz. Giard does not consider the mega- or plecto-nephric condition of the nephridia as important in classification. He expresses the relation- ships between the different members of the Lumbricomorpha in the following table Geoscjlicidce I Moniligaster Beodrilus Typhosus Perionyx Terichfxtidce Eudrilidce ( Pontodrilus ) Eudvilus Crypto Irilus Lumbricidce Acanthodrilus Diplocardia Hormogaster Rhinodnlidce l ! 1 I Lumbricomorpha minora. Acanthodrilus schmardce , n. sp., Beddard* (2). A . picfus ?, Mich., from Chiloe, Rosa (1). A. multiporus, development ; Beddard (8). A . 4 8 Venn. XV. VERilES. spegazzini, Rosa, referred to new genus Kerria ; Beddard (10). A. 2)laturus, n. sp., Chili, Michaelsen, (1) p. 226. AElosoma, encystment of ; Beddard (1) and Vejdowsky (1). AE. niveum serve to connect the genus with the Nuidomorpha ; Beddard (10). Allolobophora festcc, n. sp., near Tunis, description and affinities : discus- sion of other species ; Rosa (5). A. smarcigdina , n. sp., description, Rosa (6). A. complanata , in Tunisia, Beddard (8) ; 8 species from neighbourhood of Berlin, Collin, A. (1) ; 3 exotic species, Rosa (1) A. feetida , spiral segmentation in ; Morgan : Gerstfeldt’s 11 L. brevi- spinus ” identified with it; Kulagin. A. cantabrica , n. sp. (Rosa) =: l(A. hibernica , n. sp.,” Friend, Ireland and Genoa ; Friend (13). “ A . cambrica , n. sp.,” Friend (4), shown by Hurst & Benham to be a variety of A. chlorotica, Sav. A. sub rubicund a, bocJcii,profuga, and a new species of A. lactea , in Yorkshire ; Friend (11) and (12). 6 species referred to genus Dendrobama ; Friend (2). Diagnosis of and classification of genus Allolobophora ; Friend (1). A. turgida , Eisen : 2 varieties in Poland, and 4 other species ; Nusbaum (2). A llurus tetragonurus, n. sp., Bangor, Friend (9). A. tetraedrus , near Berlin, Collin, A. (1) ; in Britain, Friend (1) ; in Poland, Nus- baum (2). Amphichceta , n. g., a primitive form of the family Chcctogastridcc , with A. sannio , n. sp. ; Kallstenius. Annadrilus, n. g., of family Geoscolecidce, with A. quadrangulus, n. sp., anatomy ; Horst. Anteus hetcrostichon for Schmarda’s “ Hypogccon heterostichon ,” and discus- sion of genus; Beddard (2). A. brunneus (p. 217), appuni (p. 218), callichcbtus (p. 220), n. spp., Venezuela, and papillifer (p. 214), n. sp., Brazil, Michaelsen (1). Benhamia : annae, florcsiana, and malayana , n. spp. in Malay Archipelago ; Horst. B. mexicana , n. sp., Mexico, Rosa (1). B. bolavi, Mich., in Venezuela, Michaelsen, (1) p. 225. B. itolicnsis , n. sp., by Victoria Nyanza, Michaelsen (2). B. buttneri (p. 259), gracilis (p. 258), inermis (p. 209), pallida (p. 258), iogoensis (p. 260), n. spp., W. Africa, Michaelsen (1). Branchiura, n. g. of branchiate Oligochset, with B. soicerbyi , n. sp. ; Bed- dard (4) and (5), anatomy and histology. Bi'yodrilus, n. g. of Enchytrccidcc , with B. ehlersi, n. sp., found at Altenar; Ude. Cciccaria, n. g. of Naidomorpha) intermediate between Stylaria and Fris- tina , with C. brevirostris , vara, and silcsiaca, n. spp. ; Floericke. Clitellio : genus distinct from Limnodrilus ; Beddard (10). Criodrilus lacuum , near Berlin; Collin, A. (1). Cryptodrilus insularis , n. sp., Arti Is., Rosa (1). C. dubius, french i, gipp>s- landicus , intermedius, lucasi , macedonensis, minor , narrensis , tavjilensis , victorice , willsiensis, n. spp,, from Victoria, Spencer (3), C. purpureus, in Queensland, Spencer (2). CH/ETOPODA. Verm. 49 Dendrobama rubkla , Sav., a new variety of, occurring in Russia and Siberia, with a list of the 7 species found there ; Kulagin. Tabular view of 6 British species ; Friend (2). D. boeckii , in Poland ; Nusbaum (2). Dero : a species with 6 pairs contractile “lateral hearts” in segments vi-xi ; Beddard (10). Desmogaster , in Sumatra, Horst. Diachceta littoralis, n. sp., proposed by Beddard, (2) pp. 128-130, for part of Schmarda’s Pontoscolex arenicola. Embolocephalus , n. g. for Scenuris velutina , Gr., and Et plicatus) n. sp. ; anatomy and histology of both species ; Randolph. Eudrilus buttneri , n. sp. (p. 256), W. Africa, E. roseus , n. sp. (p. 224), Venezuela, Miciiaelsen (1). Geoscolex maximus , for Schmarda’s Lumbricus paucisetis ; Beddard, (2) pp. 119-121. G. maximus , from Brazil, Rosa (1). Glyphidrilu* , n. g. of Geoscolecidce , with Or. iceberi, n. sp., Malay Archipe* lago ; Horst. Gordiodrilus, n. g., provisionally belonging to the family Ocnerodrilidce , with G. ditheca , elegans, robustus , and tenuis , n. spp., from West Africa, and G. dominicensis , n. sp., from I. of Dominica ; Beddard (3). ( Hypogceon hcterostichon, Schm.) = lieterostichon , (iA orthostichon , Schm.) = Megascolides orthostichon ; Beddard (2). Kerria , n. g., intermediate between the Acanthodrilidce and the Ocnero - drilidce , with A", halophila , n. sp., found in very salt water in the upper reaches of the Pilcomayo R. ; Beddard (10). Kynotus michaelsenii , n. sp., Madagascar, and remarks on the family Geoscolecidce ; Rosa (4). Criticism of the genus, leading to the con- clusion that it is closely allied to the genus Microchceta ; Benham (1). A". JcJleri , n. sp., Madagascar, Michaelsen, (1) p. 254. Lin.nodrilus , distinguished from genus Clitellio ; Beddard (10). Lumbricus : digestion, Greenwood : circulation, Griffiths (1) : blood, Griffiths (2) : intra-epidermal blood vessels, Lenhossek (2) : individual variation in position of nephridio pores, Hubrecht : spiral metamerism, Cori : nervous system, Retzius, Cerfontaine : origin, course, and termination of the sensory nerve-fibres, Len- hossek (1). (A. fluviventris, Leuck.), referred to L. puter, Hoffm. ; (A. triannularis , Gr.) to L.rubellus , HofEm. ; (A. brevispinus , Gerstf.) to Allolobophora fcetida : Kulagin. (A. rubescens ), n. sp., England, Friend (2), shown by Hurst, and confirmed by Beniiam (2), to be A. festivus , Sav. ; (A. terrestris ), Friend (2), shown by Hurst to be A. herculeus , Sav. Hurst gives reasons for discarding the name A. terrestris altogether. A. cisewi, as a rare British species ; Friend (3). 3 species of Lumbricus near Berlin ; Collin, A. (1). 2 varieties of A. rubellus in Poland, and 2 other species ; Nusbaum (2)- Megascolex templetonianus , n. sp., Ceylon, Rosa (7). Schmarda’s “ Peri- chccta cingulata ” and “ P. brachycycla ” referred to genus Megascolex , 50 Verm. xv. VERMES. and his il P. leucocycla ;} shown to be M. cocruleus , Bourne ; Beddard (2). M. iris (p. 244), margaritaccus (p. 245), n. spp., Samar, pictus , n. sp. (p. 246), Borneo; Michaelsen (1). Megascolides australis , development of nephridia in ; Vejdowsky (2). M. attenuates, cameroni , hulmei, incertus, insignia , manni (with varia- bilis , n. var.), obscures, rosees, sinosus, victoriensis, n. spp., Victoria, Spencer (3). M. orthostichon , for “ Hypogceon ortho stichon,” Schmarda ; Beddard (2). Microchceta belli, Cape Colony, and M. papillata, Natal, n. spp., anatomy; Benham (1). M. belli is shown to connect Michaelsen’s genus Kerria with Microchceta. M. benhami, n. sp., locality unknown, Rosa, (1) p. 382. il/. rappii, anatomy, Rosa (1). Microscolex algieriensis (pp. 29-32), Algiers, and poultoni, Madeira, n. spp.: anatomy, with discussion of the 2 species ; Beddard (8). Moniligaster japonicus, n. sp., Japan, Michaelsen, (1) p. 232. Myzostoma pulvinar and alatem, v. Graff, parasitic on Antedon phalan * gium, amendments to v. Graff’s description and discussion of the sexes ; Prouho. Nais greefi, n. sp., intermediate between N. elinguis and N. barbata ; Floericke. N. parasitica in Vivipara unicolor in Egypt ; Sonsino(4). Neodrilus monocystis, Bed., extended description of ; Benham (2). Ophiclonais reclcii, n. sp., Floericke. Paraclrilus roscie, anatomy, Rosa, (1) p. 393. Perichccta sumatrana, Horst, P. dyeri, sinensis, bermudensis , taprobance , morrisi, barbadensis, hesperidum , mauritiana, n. spp., Beddard (9), and discussion of external and internal characters which are import- ant in determining species ; P. carinensis , boernei , campanulata, peguana, n. spp., from Burmah, Rosa (2) ; P. rohulco , n. sp., and 3 other new species from Japan, Beddard (11), all with no setse on clitellar segments, and atria rudimentary. P. aeliana, fasciata , and enganensis, n. spp., with new subspecies P. enganensis tetra , Engano, description and anatomy ; Rosa (3). P. dubia (Sumatra), and P. minima (Java), n. spp., Horst. P. hawayana (Hawaii), phillip- ina (Cebu), operculata (Java), racemosa (Java and Borneo), penta- cystis (Mahe), ijimce, Japan, n. spp., and P. grubei and P. novarce, n. spp., Tahiti, to replace P. taitensis, which is now destroyed. P. pulchra, n. sp. (p. 233), Luzon, hilgendorfi, n. sp. (p. 235), Japan, albida , n. sp. (p. 237), Marquesas, longa , n. sp. (p. 239), Sumatra, udelcemi, Gr. (p. 240), Java, mandhorensis , n. sp. (p. 241), Borneo, martensi , n. sp. (p. 242), Banka, direr gens, n. sp. (p. 243), Japan, and P. neoguinensis , n. sp. (p. 229), New Guinea; P. monilicystis, n. sp. (from a hothouse in Botanical Gardens, Berlin), P. pallida , (p. 227), Brazil, n. sp., Michaelsen (1). Michaelsen (1) further shows (p. 212) that his P. heterochceta from the Azores is only a synonym of the widely-spread P. indica. P. gympiana, n. sp., Queens- land, Spencer (2). Beddard (2) shows that of Schmarda’s Peri- chceta , only one (P. viridis) really belongs to that genus ; of the CMTOPODA, HlfttTDlNEA. Verm . 51 others, P. leucocycla , P. cingulata , and P. brachycycla, belong to the genus Megascolex ; he makes a new species, P. vitiensis , for one of Schmarda’s specimens labelled, “ JJypogcson sp., aff. H. orthostichon .” Perionyx excavatus , E. Perrier ; Rosa (1) and (2). P. arboricola , n. sp., Burmah; Rosa (2) : P. violaceus , n. sp., Java, Sumatra ; Horst. Photodrilus phosphoreus, geographical distribution and position of ; Giard and Matzdorf (l). Phreoryctes menkeanus , two new localities in the N. E. of France ; Brunotte. Plagiochceta , n. g. of Acanthodrilidce with P. punctata , n. sp. ; BenhaM (2), anatomy and histology. Pleionogaster , n. g. of Pcrichcetidce, with P.jagori and samariensis , n. spp., Phillipine Is., Michaelsen, (1) pp. 247-249. Plutellus perrier i, n. sp., Qu. Charlotte’s I., Benham (1). Pristina long iseta, notes on ; Beddard (10) : he concludes that Pristina and Naidonina are no longer to be regarded as distinct species. Pontodrilus arenae , Fr. Mull., Brazil ; Michaelsen, (1) p. 222. Pontoscolex arenicola , Schm. ; Beddard (2) retains this name for some of Schmarda’s specimens, referring the others to the genus Diachccta , proposing for them D. littoralis , n. sp. Pygmceodrilus buJcobensis and affinis , n. spp., near Victoria Nyanza, Michaelsen (2). Rhinodrilus ecuadorensis, n. sp., from Ecuador at a height of 14,000 feet, Benham (4). SipJionogaster fertilizing the valley of the Niger; Loz. & emini and stuhlmanni , n. spp., and discussion of genus ; Michaelsen (2). Scenuris velutina , referred to new genus EmbolocepJialns ; Randolph. Sparga?iophilus, n. g. of aquatic Oligochset belonging to the family RTiinodrilidtc , with S. tamesis, n. sp., Goring on Thames : anatomy and histology, and discussion of how conveyed to the above locality ; Benham (3). TyJcomts , n. g., allied to Anteus , with T. grandis, n. sp., Brazil, Michael- sen, (1) p. 212. Urochceta corethrura , at Engano ; Rosa (3). U. sp. ?, at Malacca ; Rosa (1). Abolition of genus ; Beddard, (2) p. 126. Vermiculus , n. g. of aquatic Oligochset, with a dense covering of fine hairs or bristles, median atrium of sperm-ducts, and median spermathecal pores. V. pilosus , n. sp., Weymouth Coast ; Goodrich. 3. HIHUDINEA. Blanchard (4) would divide the Hirudinids into the Hirudinina or fresh-water forms (including Hirudo , Hcemopis, Limnatis , Hirudi- naria , Macrobdella and Whitmania ) and the H^emadipsina or terres- trial forms (including Hcemadipsa , Moquina and Xerobdella). He discusses (6) the relations between the Nephelids, Nephelis , Dina, and Trocheta. 52 Verm. xv. VERMES. Aulastoma : a palaearctic genus; Stoll: minute structure of eyes ; Maier : salivary glauds ; Leuckart (2). A. gulo , in Poland, G new varieties : maculatct, sinuata , grubei, tceniata , litliuanica , umbrina ; Nusbaum (2). Branchellion punctatum, Baird, and distinction of the 2 other Australian species ; Blanchard (3, vi). A specimen described by Macdonald (Tr. L. S. (2) i, 187G, p. 209), from Myliobates , is referred to this species. B. rajce, ? n. sp., occurring abundantly on Raja nasnta , off New Zealand ; Parker. Clepsine : a universal genus, Stoll : minute structure of eyes, Maier : salivary glands, Leuckart (2) : nephridia, Bolsius (2). C. tesselata , var. marmorata , n. var., Poland, Nusbaum (2) : in the posterior nares of Cygnus atratus, and in beak of Halicetus alblcella , Collin, A. (2). C. hollensis , n. sp., and its metamerism, Whitman. C. polonica, n. sp., Poland, Nusbaum (2). Cylicobdella : confined to tropical new world (S. Brazil and Guatemala) ; Stoll. Glossiphonia, splitting up of genus foretold ; Blanchard (3, iv). G . bioeculata and catenigcra , geographical distribution : G . marginata, description and distribution ; Blanchard (3, iv). G. sexoculata , description, Blanchard (3, v), G. tessclata , description, synonomy, Ac., Blanchard (1) : in Chili, and its mode of transport thence, with additions to the description of the species, Blanchard (2). Hccmopis : blood ; Griffiths (2). II. sanguisuga , for Diesing’s Typhlobdella ; Blanchard (3, ii). Hirado : minute structure of eyes, Maier : alimentary canal, Henking : salivary glands, Leuckart (2) : blood, Griffiths (2). II. sangui- suga in the nasal mucous membrane of man ; Condorelli (4).- II. medicinalis, 3 varieties in Poland, and 2 intermediate forms between them ; Nusbaum (2). Nephridia, Bolsius (2). Nephelis : minute structure of eyes ; Maier. N. atomaria , Carena, and meyeri , n. var. of it, description, notes on N. occulata, Bergm., and short description of N. gallica and N. tergestina , n. spp., Blanchard (3, in'. N. octocculata , in Poland, and its varieties there, according to locality; Nusbaum (2): 2 new varieties, and 4 new sub. varieties. N. vulgaris , nephridia ; Bolsius (2). Piscicola : minute structure of eyes, Maier : salivary glands, Leuck- art (2). T roclie ta subviridis , in Liguria, description and geographical distri- bution ; Blanchard (G), and relation of genus to other Nephelids. Typhlobdella kovdtsi, Diesiug, shown to be only a Haemopis sanguisuga from examination of type specimen ; Blanchard (3, in). Xerobdella lecomtei , description ; Blanchard (4). It is shown to be a Hirudinid and not a Nephelid, nearest allied to Hcemadipsa , especially to H. japonica , Whitman. Only 4 pairs of eyes to this, the only species known ; 2 orifices in female somite, and an infundibuli- form pore on 95th ring, with no homologue in other Leeches. PLAT Y H ELM 1 NTH ES. Verm. 53 111.— FLAT Y EEL MIN 1 TIES. A.— BIOLOGICAL. 1. General. The 4th vol. of Bronn’s “ Klassen und Ordnungen des Thier-reichs,” continued in 1892 by Max Braun (4), gives a very full and up to date account of the digenetic Trematodes. Bibliography of Platyhelmiuthes ; Paroxa (1). Parasitism ; Looss (2). Anatomy and histology of Cestodes of freshwater Fish ; Kraemer (2) : these are distinguished from those of -warm-blooded Vertebrates by the absence of the rostellum, this being often replaced by a 5th small sucker at the front end of the scolex : excretory and reproductive systems also dis- tinctive. Anatomy and histology of Pelagic Polyclads, v. Graff (1) ; of Triclads, Chichkoff, Hallez (3). Monograph of genus Microcotyle (11 species recognized); Parona & Perugia (1). Anatomy of genus Notocotyle (only 2 species, N. alveatum, Mehlis, and N.verrucosum , Frohl., recognized) ; Monticelli (3). Anatomy and histology of the Monocoty- lides, Saint Remy (2) ; of Cotylogaster michaelis, n. g. & sp., Monticelli (6); of Monostoma, Monticelli (4) and (5); of Thysanocephalum , Linton (5) ; of Stenostoma leucops , Ott ; of Slychoplana sargassicola , v. Graff (4) ; of Temnocephala madagascaricns , n. sp., with 12 cephalic digitations, and enumeration and discussion of other species, Vayssiere (1) ; of Actinodactylus , n. g. & sp., with 12 tentacles along the lateral margin of the body radiating from it, with ventral suckers as in Temnocephala , and with no eyes, Haswell (4, hi) ; of Geonemertes australiensis , n. sp., Dendy (1) ; of Polychcems caudaius (n. g. & sp. of Acoelous Turbel- larian, fam. Aphanostomidce), Mark. Anatomy of Cotyloplana , n. g. of Land Planarian, with suckers on ventral surface close to anterior extremity; Spencer (1). On a freshwater Alloiocoel Planarian, found in two deep wells 100 miles apart, with no pigment and no eyes; Haswell (4, ii). Anatomy and development of Amphistomum sub- davatuni ; Looss (1). Account of freshwater Nemertines ; Vaillant, and de Guerne (2). 2. Epidermis. Zograf (l) and Monticelli (8) both show that there is a true, though much modified, ectoderm present iu the adult Cestode, which produces the cuticular layer. Zograf shows, further, that this is the remnant of the ectoderm of the 6-hooked embryo which is not thrown off, but only vacuolised when the ciliated envelope is'shed. Brandes (1) maintains that there is no true ectoderm in adult Trematodes, except perhaps in Temnocephala ; and that the cuticle is formed by an outer glandular layer of parenchyme cells, which he terms “ Ectoparenchyme.” Braun (3) 54 Verm. XV. VERMES. criticizes this statement, and shows that, in one Monostomum at least, the so-called “cuticle” is itself a metamorphosed ectoderm. Haswel'l (5) shows that the ectoderm is ciliated even in the adult of certain species of Temnocephala. Large, oval, refractive concretions are described in the ectoderm of a freshwater Nemertine by du Plessis [see also Vaillant and de Guerne (2)]. Ectoderm of Triclades ; Chichkoff. 3. Muscular System. Insertion of muscles of parenchyme in Monostomum proteus, Braudes ; Walter. 4. Alimentary Canal. Protoplasmic processes of the alimentary epithelium, by which food is taken in, in Stenostoma ; Ott. Anterior median branch of alimentary canal over the brain absent in 2 species of Planocera ; V. Graff (1). Multiplicity of pharynx in a Triclad ( Phagocyta ) ; anastomosis of the two recurrent branches of the alimentary canal in Dendrocceliim ; Hallez (2). 5. Circulatory System. Hsemoglobin in the body liquid of a Turbellarian ( Syndesmis echi - norum), CufiNOT. Yascular system only a specialized part of the excre- tory system in Geonemertes ; Dendy (1). Distinct from the excretory system in JEnopla ; Burger (1). G. Excretory System. Kraemer showsthatin the Cestodes of Freshwater Fish, thelongitudinal vessels of the excretory system all open into a terminal vesicle in the last joint, and by its means open to the exterior posteriorly ; anteriorly they communicate with the exterior by means of fine canaliculi, which branch off from a capillary vascular plexus, and lie in the neck and youngest segments. Riehm shows that in the Cestode Schistocephalus dimorphus there is a pair of apertures to the excretory system in each segment ; the whole system branches all over the body, and is continuous from segment to segment ; he compares the arrangement to that of the tracheae and stigmata of Insects. Walter describes a new organ lying round the excretory pore, and opening into the end part of the efferent duct, just in front of the pore, in the genus Monostomum. Haswell (2) shows that the excretory system of Temnocephala is intracellular, lying in a few very long and sometimes branching cells ; connected with each main duct there is a much-branching system of canaliculi, containing a number of ciliated flames in the substance of the perforated cell which forms the PLATYHELMINTHES. Verm. 55 thick protoplasmic walls of a contractile terminal sac on each side ; each sac opens to the exterior anteriorly and dorsally by pores in the same position as in many other Trematodes. Dendy (1) shows that the excretory system of his new Land Nemertine, Geonemertes australiensis , is also intracellular, and that the tubules end in flame cells : he did not suc- ceed in finding apertures to the exterior. Burger (1) shows that in the Enopla the epithelium lining the excretory canals is ciliated, and that the canals end iu hollow blind swellings, also one cell layered, with a flame of cilia projecting into the lumen ; the vascular system, though close to the excretory system, is not in communication with it. Yoigt (2) shows that in Mesostomum truncatum the efferent excretory ducts, instead of opening into the pharynx, open independently on the ventral surface ; he would therefore make this species into a new genus. Sekera, however, shows that in other species of Mesostomum, e. g ., II. rostratum , the excretory pores are also independent of the pharynx. He also shows that the genus Bothrioplana has excretory organs of the Mesostomid type. 7. Organs of Uncertain Function and not in connection WITH OTHER SYSTEMS. Sommer’s “ Plasmatic vessels,” rediscovered and described in Tcenia saginata and T. solium ; Blochmann (1). Curious bodies in the anterior part of the segments of T. expansa = “ interproglottidal 55 glands ; Stiles (8). [See also under “ Excretory System ; ” Walter.] Unicellular glands of Temnocephala ducts shown to branch in the pro- toplasm ; Haswell (2). 8. Nervous System and Sense Organs. Complete decentralisation of nervous system in Planocera grubei, n. sp., and approach to it in P. simrothi , n. sp. ; v. Graff (1). Nervous system of Distomas ; Crety : suckers shown to be especially well supplied with nerves, and therefore probably to serve as tactile organs. Eyes shown to multiply by division in a Land Nemertine ; Dendy (1). 9. Genital System. Yitelline nuclei are shown to exist in the ova of Distomum richardii by Monticelli (2), and by Crety (2). Monticelli also finds them in D. veliporum ; he concludes that they are produced by the cytoplasm, and probably serve as a centre for the formation of yolk, having no intimate connection with the nucleus, and playing no part in the process of ferti- lization. Crety compares them to the diffuse granules in the ova of D. megastomum ; he regards them as formed endogenously within the cell, and afterwards fusing with its protoplasm ; he compares them with the similar structures in the ova of other animals. Spermatogenesis in Trematodes is dealt with by Monticelli (1). 56 Verm. XV. VERMES. Saint Remy (3) describes the genital apparatus of the Tristomichc (including under that head the Tristomidaz proper, the Monocotylidce, and the Udonellidce ). He suggests that the canal of Laurer of the Bigenia may be homologized with the vitello-intestinal canal of the Polystomidce ; the vagina, with which it is usually homologized, is in Tristomids deve- loped as a female copulatory organ, either single or paired, but probably originally paired. Braun (3) describes a genital atrium in an Ampliis - tomum, and suggests that the large sac present in the genus Gastrothylax is an enlargement of such an atrium, and serves as a brood-pouch. [Abnormalities in the genital apparatus of Dhtomum liepaticum , see under “ Variations. ’] The female genital apparatus of Amplulina and Caryophylleus is ex- plained by Monticelli (9). Kraemer (1) and (2) shows that in the Taeniae of freshwater fishes the female genital aperture is in front of the male ; on the female duct are a number of loops, serving as receptaculae seminales ; the position and form of the yolk-glands is different to what it is in Taenias of warm-blooded Vertebrates. Filippi describes the formation of the ovigerous capsule in T. botrioplitis ; the eggs appear to be fertilised in the ovary in this species, as there is no uterus or seminal vesicle ; he thinks it probable th it the proglottids are self- fertilised. Diamare describes the genital apparatus of TJipyUdium. v. Graff (1) confirms Lang’s view as to the origin of the gonads from the intestinal epithelium in pelagic Polyclads ; he also shows that the uterus is formed from the ectoderm in one species at least ; that the accessory vesicle of the $ genital duct is a seminal vesicle ; that there is a female as well as a male copulatory arrangement in two species ; that the relative positions of oviduct and shell-gland are different to what they are in non-pelagic Polyclads. The uterus of the Triclads is dealt with fully by Bergendal (8) and (5). 10. Hepeoduction, Development, and Life-History. Reproduction by transverse fission is described in Bipalium Jcewense by Bergendal (7). Voigt (1) questions the viviparity of Planar ia alpha , maintained by Zschokke. Development of Cestodes and Trematodes compared ; Saint Remy (5). Grassi & Rovelli discuss fully the embryology and life-history of the Cestodes, comparing them with one another and with other Platyhel- minthes ; they find that the cysticercoid in Tcenia elliptica has a simple and direct development ; 1 species, T. nana s. murina , has no inter- mediate host, and thinks that all Taenias originally had but one host. The cysticerci of 8 species of Tcenia are dealt with by v. Linstow (3). Railliet & Lucet (1) point out that Davahea proglottha must have some other intermediate host than Limax : Giard & Billet that Dintc- mum liepaticum must have some other host than Limnceus truncatulus, in Tonkin : Magalhaes that Tcenia cuneata must have some other inter- mediate host than Allolobophora fcetida in Brazil. Moniez (1, xi) rLATHYHELMINTHES. Verm. 57 describes a curious larval appendage, over a metre in length, apparently forming a network in the tissue of its host when protruded, in Gymno - rhynchus reptans ; he compares it to an appendage found on several Cestodes of the type of T. serrata. The cercaria of Amphistomum subclavatum is dealt with by Looss (1), and Lang. Looss deals with the whole development, showing how the redia is directly derived from a single organ of the embryo, and the cercaria in the same way from the redia ; he regards the development as a metamorphosis, no paedogenesis coming in, and the germinal epithelium of the adult being formed from the elements not used in the development of organs of the embryo, and producing not only the genital organs of the redia and cercaria, but also, in an intermediate stage, an epithelial lining for the body cavity. Lang shows that the cercaria, escaping from Planorbis contortus , becomes first encysted on the skin of the young frog, and that only when this skin is shed and eaten by the frog does the animal reach its final habitat and development continue. The embryo of Gynecophorus hamatobius is dealt with by Railliet (3), and by Caijier; of Gyrodactylus elegans and 5 species of Distoma , by von Linstow (3). The development of Distomum caudatum , by Blochmaxn (2) ; a cyst phase of development in D. baraldii, n. sp., by Soxsixo (2). Life- history of Distomum hepaticum\ Lutz : it is shown that Limnceus pereger (== L. calmensis) may be an intermediate host. Hallez (1) shows that all the Turbellaria diploblastica (Rhabdocoels and Triclads) have a provisional terminal larval pharynx with no sheath ; and that the position of the adult pharynx is determined, after the flatten- ing of the larva on its oral surface, by the relative amount of growth of an anterior and a posterior hemisphere; where the pharynx is posterior (e.y., Triclads and Monotus fuscus ) in the adult, stages are gone through in which it is first anterior and then median ; the flattening of the body accompanies the backward movement of the pharynx, i.e., the greater amount of movement of the cephalic as compared with the caudal hemi- sphere. 11. Variations. Condorellt (1) gives examples of different kinds of anomalies in Cestodes, referring especially to a Tania solium in which the hooks were absent and replaced by twelve large papillae resembling those of some Nematodes. Railliet (2, i) describes a specimen of Cysticercus pisi- formis with as many as six suckers. Railliet & Lucet (1) mention the variation in number of segments in Davamea proglottina. Railliet (2, m) records instances of fenestration of segments in Dipylidium cani - num. Walter mentions variations in the development of J lonostomum reticulare from the embryo. Asymmetry of organs is mentioned by Stiles (8) in Tania giardi. Spengel describes one specimen of Distomum liepaticum with no male genital organs, and another with the anterior half of the right vitellarium absent and the duct on the left side only. 58 Verm. XV. VERMES. 12. Classification, &c. Classification of Cestodes, G-rassi & Rovelli,Villot (1), Monticelli (LO). Monticelli (4) proposes the name “ Cestodaria,” for the simple un jointed monogenetic Cestodes, Qyrocotyle , Amphilina , Caryophylleus , and Archigetes, Current ideas on the relations between Cestodes and Trematodes ; Saint Remy (5). Railliet (2, vn) proposes a classi- fication for Bird Tsenias, dividing them into 4 genera. Stiles (9) dis- cusses Blanchard’s genus Moniezia. Monticelli (6) proposes a new classification of: Trematodes, and dis- cusses the family Aspidobothridce. The affinities and arrangement of the Monostomidce is discussed by Monticelli (5), (4), and (3) ; and by Brandes (2). Brandes would exclude the genus Didymczoon from the family ; he refers several so-called species of Monostomum to other genera. The position of Temnocephala is dealt with by Haswell (3), and by Vayssiere (1). TheNemertines of the Gulf of Naples are classified, and a genealogical tree is given to show their relationships, by Burger (2). A new classification of Turbellarians is proposed by Hallez (3), and a further one of the Triclads, (3) and (4). He discusses (3) the affinities of the Triclads with the Alloiocoels and the laws of morphogeny of the Turbellarians generally. Bergendal (1) classifies and discusses the affinities of the Swedish Triclads. v. Graff shows that Weldon’s Hap - lodiscus piliger is an acoelous Turbellarian. [For further details, see Systematic part of Record.] 13. Distribution of Parasites according to their Hosts. a. General. Distribution of Cestodes and Trematodes, according to various hosts, Stossich (4) ; Trematodes and Cestodes of Mecklenburg and their hosts, Braun (5). b. Man. Tcenia diminuta, Cysticcrcus cellullosce , Distomum lanccolatum ; Zschokke (2). Echinococcus ; Sangalli, Schulten, & Homen (in liver and mesentery), Kinyoun (in kidneys, liver, and bladder) ; multi- locular form in bladder, Huber (2) : in brain, Mudd : in liver, Mangold. Cysticercus , living in lens of eye ; Graefe. Synopsis of exotic Entozoa of Man ; Sonsino (1). Bibliography of human Cestodes ; Huber (1). Parasites from Man to Animals, and vice versa ; Railliet (1). c. Other Mammals. Monograph of Distomids in Mammals; Stossich (1). In Domestic Animals ; Neumann, Dewitz, Curtice. In Cattle and Sheep, Tsenias; Stiles (3), Echinococcus multilocularis ; Stiles (4). In anal PLATYHELMINTHES. Verm. 59 gland of Dog, Bipy lidium caninum ; Railliet (2, iv). In Cat, Bipy- lidiuni trinchesi, n. sp., D I am are. In Kid and Antelope, Cysticercus tenuicollis ' Railliet (2, v & vi). In Hyrax , a Ta3nia ; Setti. In Stenorhynchus ( Ogmorhinns ) leptonyx , Bothriocephalus quadratics, n. sp., v. Linstow (4). In Rabbit, Anoplocephala caniculi ; Railliet (2, v & vi). In Dolphin, Tcenia forsteri (— Prosthecocotyle , n. g.) ; Monticelli (7). In Seal (Cystophora) Bothriocephalus tectus,n. sp., Linstow (4). In Balcenoptera , Bistomum goliath ; LOnnberg (1). In Hedgehog, D, caudatum and Trichosoma exiguum ; Blochmann (2). cl. Birds. Monograph of Distomids in Birds ; Stossich (2). Tsenias of Birds, notes on ; Linton (1), v. Linstow (2) : classification of ; Railliet (2, vii). Revision of Monostomids parasitic in Gr alii dee and Palmipeds ; Monticelli (5) : of Notocotyle in ditto ; Monticelli (3). In Duck, Echinocotyle rosseteri , n. g. & sp., with 10 hooks and armed suckers, Rossetek. In Fowl, Bavainect proglottina ; Railliet & Lucet (1). In Pigeon, Tcenia delafondi ; Railliet (5). e. Snakes. Distomum subflaviim and baraldii , n. spp., in Zamenis viridijlavus ; Sonsino (2). /. Fish. Parasites of Freshwater Fish ; Zschokke (3). Anatomy and histology of Tcenia} of Freshwater Fish ; Kraem.er. Fish in which genus Microcotyle found ; Parona & Perugia (1). Lamna corumhica with a n. g. & sp. of Cestode, Ceratobothrium xanthocephalum ; Monti- celli (5). Scorpcena porcus with Bothriocephalus caudatus ; Marcialis. Coregonus murcena with cysts of a Bistomum in wall of heart ; Zacharias. Box salpa with 2 species of Monostomum , of which one new ; Monticelli (5). Trematodes ectoparasitic on different fish ; Parona & Perugli (2). Monogenetic Trematodes of Roscoff, and the fish on which they are found ; Saint Re my (4). Transitory parasitism of a Triclad Turbellarian on(the larva of a fish ; Vogt. g. Molluscs. Cercarice in (chiefly) G-asteropods of Egyptian wells ; Sonsino (4). A new Cercaria in Limnceus truncatidus , v. Linstow (3) : in Bonax anatinum (C. pectinata), Huet. Helix liortensis , the intermediate host for Distomum caudatum ; Blochmann (2). Limnceus pereger (= L. cal- mensis ), an intermediate host for D. hepaticum ; Lutz. Lutz also gives interesting details with regard to the effect of the parasites on the snails, the mortality of the latter, &c. 1892. [yol. xxix.] f 6 60 Verm, xv. VERMES. h. Crustaceans. Ia Crayfish, a Distomum (? D. nodulosum ) ; Linton (2). In Astacoides , a n. sp. of Temnocephala ; Yayssiere (1). In branchial cavity of a land Crayfish, Adinodactylus , n. g. of Temnocephalece ; Haswell (4). In Cyclop>s brevicaudatus and crassicornis , the cysticerci of Tania setigera of the Goose and T. brachycephala of Machetes, respectively ; v. Linstow (2). In a Freshwater Calanid ( Eury femora lacinulata) a Cysticercoid resembling the one found by Mrazek in Cyclops agilis (Zool. Rec. 1891, Vermes , p. 19) ; Richard. In Cypris cinerea, the Cysticercus, with 10 hooks and armed suckers, of Echinocotyle rosseteri , n. g. & sp. : Rosseter. i. Echinoderms. On Synapta , cysts of Cercaria of Distomum leptosomum. In Ophiurids, Cercaria capriciosa , n. sp. ? ; Matzdoef (3), CuIsnot. On Echinus, Syndesmis echinorum : Cuenot. j. Plants. Cestodes and Trematodes in ; Bos (1). 14. Stray Medical Notes. Infectious diseases of animals which can be transmitted to Man, and vice versa ; Perroncito ( Tcenia mediocanellaia chiefly dealt with in this respect) ; also Railliet (1). Study of T. lilterata ; Condorelli (5). Prismatic variety of T. saginata ; Coats. Increase of Tcenias in France during the last half century ; B:6ranger-Ferand (1). Relative frequence of different species of Tcenia ; Collin, G. Bothriocephalus latus in Holland ; Cathe. Cysticercus in eye and its removal ; Graefe, Seyfert. Morbid phenomena caused by Bilharzia hcematobia ; Colloridi. Retention of toxines in intestine, and consequent poisoning, by intestinal worms ; Yoncken. Cases of Echinococcus', Puky. Tcenia disease in Man ; B^ranger-Ferand (3). [See also under 13, b. Man.] 15. Methods, &c. Experiments for keeping Cestodes alive ; Lonnberg (2). Methods of preparing Cestodes for histological work ; Linton (5), Grassi & Rovelli : of injecting excretory system in Cestodes ; Riehm. Dendy (1) recommends the use of chloroform vapour before immersion in spirit for fixing Land Nemertines. Chichkoff suggests a new fixing reagent for Turbellarians, similar to Lang’s, but with different proportions of the constituents, and with nitric acid added ; he finds that he can fix speci- mens, well extended, in this way. Joubin recommends quick plunging into boiling water for killing Nemertines ; Ttjllberg, paralyzing with MgCl2 and killing with chromic acid, for Nemertines and Planarians ; see also Cunningham. PL ATYHE LMINTHE S . Verm. 61 B.— FAUNISTIC. 1. Parasitic Forms. Geographical distribution of exotic Entozoa of Man ; Sonsino : of Tsenias of Man; Be range r-Ferand (2). a. Palceardic Region. Sweden: distribution of Botliriocephalus latus iu ; LOxnberg (3). West Europe : distribution of Tcenia saginata in ; Blanchard (5). Large American Distomum in Europe ; Lecckart (1). France : decrease of T. solium and increase of T. mediocanellata during the last half century, Beraxger-Ferand (1). Bois de Boulogne : Cysticercoid in a Freshwater Calanid ; Richard. Roscoff : Monogenetic Trematodes ; Saint Remy (4), including 1 new species on the Sole. Mecklenburg : Parasitic Worms, 6 genera and species of monogenetic Trematodes, 6 genera and 31 species of digenetic Trematodes, 9 genera and 30 species of Cestodes ; Braun (5). S. Germany, Switzerland, and Austria : Restriction of multilocular Echinococcus to; Mangold: in Wiirtemberg ; Yierordt. Sardinia : T. solium , T. ccenurus , and Botliriocephalus cuigustatus ; Marcialis. Tunis : Bilharzia iu ; Cahier, Yilleneuye. Egypt : parasites of freshwater Molluscs : Sonsino (4). b. Ethiopian Region . Madagascar : Temnocephala maclagascariensis, n. sp., in an Astacoide3 ; geographical distribution of genus discussed ; Yayssi^RE. c. Oriental Region. Tonkin : Trematode parasites of oxen, Homalogaster poirieri, n. sp., Distomum ccelomaticnm, n. sp., and D. hepaticum , whose intermediate host there is unknown ; Giard & Billet. d. Australian Region. Gippsland : Actinodactylus , a new genus of Temnocephalidce ; Haswell (4, hi). Distribution of genus Temnocephala ; Yayssiere. e. Neotropical Region. South Georgia : Botliriocephalus quadratics and tectus, n. spp., and a species of Tcenia ; v. Linstow (4). Brazil : Tcenia cuneata : intermediate host in this region unknown ; Magalhaes. 62 Verm . xx. VERMES. f. Near die Region. Texas : ( Distomum texanicum), n. sp., Francis, shown to = F. ameri- canum , Hassal, wh. ? — D. magnum , Bassi ; Stiles (6). Distribution of large American Distomum ; Leuckart. 2. Free-living Land and Freshwater Forms. Geographical distribution of Land Planarians ; Stoll. a. Palceardic Region . Geographical distribution of Freshwater Nemertines ; Guerne (2). Rhynchodesmus in Europe ; Stoll. England : Freshwater Nemertine (in the Cherwell) ; Benham (5). S. Germany : distribution of Flanaria alpina . and gonocephala ; Voigt (3). Bohemia : Freshwater Turbellarians ; Kafka, Fritsch & Vavra. Poland : 11 species of Rhabdocoels ; Nusbaum (2) : 7 of the same and 6 more species of Rhabdocoels ; Wassilieff : 1 species of Vortex , new. Russia : 7 species of Turbellarians near Moscow not found there before;. Zykoff : only one Dendrocoel (a Polycelis ) there. Solovetzki : Nemer- tines ; KnIpovIcha, p. 25. Finland : a Rhabdocoel ; Levander (2). Sweden : Triclads enumerated, and several species discussed, including Polypostia similis , n. g. & sp. ; Bergendal (1). Spain : 2 Turbellarians from Santander ; Fusset. E. Asia: Bipalium ; Stoll. b. Ethiopian Region. Madagascar : Bipalium ; Stoll. Temnocephala [see above, under “ Parasitic Forms”]. c. Oriental Region . Ceylon : llhynchoclesmus ; Stoll. d. Australian Region. Distribution of Geonemertes australiensis, n. sp. ; Dendy (1). Queensland : Geoplana regina , n. sp., G. ccerulea, Bipalium hewense ; Spencer (2), Dendy (2). Dendy also records 2 other species of Geoplana and 1 of Rhynchodesmus. S. Australia : Geoplana fletcheri, and a new variety of it, v&v.adelaidensis, from Adelaide ; Dendy (3). Tasmania : 4 species of Geoplana, not known to occur there before, one of which new ; Dendy (3). New Zealand : in the underground waters near Canterbury, an alloi- ocoel Turbellarian. PLATYHELMINTHES. Verm . 63 Lord Howe Island : Geoplana absent, and in its place a new genus of Land Planarians, Cotyloplana, with new species, ichiteleggi and punctata ; 6 new species of Rhynchodesmus ; Spencer (1). Fiji Isles, Friendly Isles, and Samoa : as original habitat of Bipalium kewense ; Bell. e. Neotropical Region . S. America : Bipalium kewense ; Collin, A. (2). Chili, Brazil, Guatemala : Polyclaclus ; Brazil : Geoplana ; Stoll. Jamaica : Freshwater Planarians and Nemertines, 1 Land Planarian ; Andrews (1). f. Near die Region, Rhynchodesmus in N. America ; Stoll. 3. Marine Forms. Geographical distribution of Pelagic Polyclads; v. Graff (1)4 E. Baltic: 17 Turbellarians, 8 Nemertines recorded from, and the prob- lems for farther exploration of the fauna dealt with ; Kojevnikov. English Channel : Carinella polymorpha and Cerebratulus aurantiacus on the Coast of Devonshire ; Garstang (1). Mediterranean : Nemertines of Gulf of Naples, Burger (2), 65 species of which 28 are new ; 1 new genus, Hubrechtia. Atlantic : Planocera simrothi (between I. of Ascension and Equator) and P. grubei , n. spp. ; v. Graff (l). Sargossa Sea : Stylchoplana sar • gossicola ; v. Graff (4) and (1). S. Indian Ocean : Planocera grubei , n. sp. ; v. Graff (1). Pacific Ocean. — Off New’ Guinea : Stylchoplana sargossicola ; v. Graff (4) and (1) : Planctoplana challenger /, n. g. & sp. ; v. Graff (1). Off Noumea : Eupolia brockii , Cerebratulus caleclonicus , bicornis} anas , n. spp., Eunemertes francisca, n. sp. ; Joubin & Francois. C.— SYSTEMATIC. 1. CESTODA. Affinities with other Platyhelminths discussed by Grassi & Rovelli, who also discuss affinities of Cestodes amongst themselves, criticizing Villot’s classification of the cystic forms into Cysticerci , Cysticer- coidea , and Pseudocystici. Villot maintains his classification. Monticelli (10) proposes the following classification: — Order Cestoda. I. Subord. Atomiosoma. Fam. 1. Diplocotylidce , Montic. Fam. 2. Tricuspidaridce , Montic. 64 Verm. XV. VERM ElS. II. Subord. Tomiosoma. Tr. A. Airypanorhyncha. Monossichionia — Fam. 3. Cyathobothridce , Montic. {Fam. 4. Pseudobothridce, Montic. Fam. 5. Dibothridce, Dies. ( Fam. 6. Tetrabothridce , Dies. (Fam. 7. Tetracotylidcv, Dies. Dissichionia- Tetrassichionia— Tr. p. Prypanorhyncha Fam. 8. Tetrarhynchidce. Monticelli (9) proposes name Cestodaria for the genera Gyrocotyle , Amphilina , Caryophyllceus , and Archigetes , intermediate between Trematodes and Cestodes. Adult Forms. Amphilina referred to suborder Cestodaria , and A. lignolidea , anatomy ; Monticelli (9). Anoplocephala cuniculi : bronze coloured specimen in rabbit ; Railliet (2, ii). Archigetes referred to suborder Cestodaria ; Monticelli (9). Botlirimonus , Duv., synonymy of ; Monticelli (10). Bothriocephalus latus : in Sweden, Lonnberg : in Holland, Catiie. B. angustatus in Scorpcena porous , in Sardinia ; Marcialis. B. quad - ratus in Stenorhynchus leptonyx , and B. tectus in Cystophora probis- cidea , n, spp., S. Georgia ; v. LinStow (4). (R. longicollis ) Molin., = Bothriotcenia , n. g. ; Railliet (2, vn). Bothriotcenia , n. g. for (Bothriocephalus longicollis') ; Railliet (2, vn). Caryophyllceus referred to suborder Cestodaria , and C. anatomy ; Monticelli (9). Ceratobothrium, n. g., with C. xanthocephalum , n. sp. ; Monticelli (V). JDavainea proglottina : some other intermediate host than Limax , and variations according to locality ; Railliet & Lucet (1). Dibothriorhynchus monticellii , n. sp. ; Moniez (1, xn). Dicranotcenia , n. g. for Bird Tasnias ; Railliet (2, vn). Dipylidium caninum , with fenestrated segments; Railliet (2, hi): in the anal glands of the dog ; Railliet (2, iv). D . trinchesii , n. sp., from cat ; Diamare. Drepanidotamia, n. g. for Bird Tsenias ; Railliet (2, vii). Echinococcus hominis : Kinyonn, Sangalli, Sciialt^n & Hamen, Puky : multilocular variety, Mudd, Mangold, Yierordt, Huber (2). Mangold thinks it has a different cysticercus to the unilocular one. Echinocotyle, n. g., with E. rosseteri , n. sp. in duck, cysticercus in Cypris cinerea ; Rosseter. Epision, n. g., with E. plicatus, n. sp., Lintox (1); but identified with Tcenia malleus , Stiles (10). CESTODA. Verm. 65 Gymnorhynchus reptans , carious long larval appendage in, and its migra- tion ; Moniez (1, xi). Gyrocotyle referred to suborder Cestodciria ; Monticelli (9). Moniezia : genus discussed and its different species defined ; Stiles (9). M. expansa : notes on anatomy, and distinction of species from others •with which it is often confused ; Stiles (8). M. pianissimo., n. sp., Stiles (8). Prosthecocotyle, n. g. for Tcenia forsteri ; Monticelli (7). Schistocephalus dimorphus : excretory canals shown to have a pair of apertures in each segment ; Riehh. Tcenia botrioplitis, Gonads ; Filippi. T. solium : specimen with hooks replaced by 12 large papillae ; Condorelli (1). T. saginata : its occurrence and prevalence in W. Europe in olden times ; Blanchard (5) : prismatic variety of ; Coats : Sommer’s plasmatic vessel in ; Blochmann. T. medio canellata, as transmitted between man and animals ; Peroncito. T. of Hyrax ; Setti. T. litterata, anatomy ; Condorelli (5). T. filicollis and T. torulosa , anatomy ; Kraemer(I). T. serpentulus and its hosts ; Stossich (4). T. setigera (of Anser ), Gysticercus found in Cyclops brevicaudatus ; T. brachycephala (of Machetes ), cysticercus found in S. crassicornis ; v. Linstow (2). T. malleus : notes on anatomy ; v. Linstow (2) : identification of Lin- ton’s genus ( Epision ) with it ; Stiles (10). T. cuneata , in Brazil, with some other intermediate host than Allolobophora fcetida ; Magalhaes (1). T. tenuirostris found in goose ; Railliet (2, vii). T. compressa , macrocantha , n. spp., in birds ; Linton (1). T. dela- fondi , n. sp., in pigeon ; Railliet (5). T. vallei, , n. sp. ; Stossich (4). T. sp.pfrom a water-bird; v. Linstow (4). T. imbutiformis referred to genus Mesocestoides , Vaill. ; Railliet (2, vii). T. expansa referred to genus Moniezia ; Stiles (9). T. giardi, its relations to genus Moniezia ; Stiles (9) : notes on its anatomy ; Stiles (8). T. lanceolata, Blochm., made type of a new genus Drepcinidotcenia ; T. coronula of a new genus Dicranotcenia, Railliet (2, vii) ; T. forsteri of a new genus Prosthecocotyle , Mon- ticelli (7). T. ( Hymenolepis ) diminuta , very ancient case in man ; Railliet (6) : notes on anatomy ; Zschokke (2). Thysanocephalum crispum , anatomy ; Linton (5). Cystic Forms . Cysticercus acanihorhynchce , bifurcce, hamanni, integrce , tenuirostris , notes on, and C. lacertce , n. sp. ; v. Linstow (3). C. pisiformis, specimen with 6 suckers ; Railliet (2, i). (7. tenuicollis, in a 4-6 weeks’ old kid ; Railliet (2, v) : in the antelope ; Railliet (2, vi). C. cellu- losce under the skin of a middle-aged man ; Zschokke (2). C. in liver of hog; Caprini (1, ii) : alive in lens of eye; Graefe. Cysticercoid sp. ? in a Freshwater Calanidj Eurytemora lacinulata ; Richard. 66 Venn . XY. VERMES. 2. TREMATODA. Monograph of Distomidce in Mammals ; Stossicii (1) gives list of 61 species, with their various hosts, and of 83 Mammals, with Distomids known to occur in each. Monograph of Distomidce in Birds ; Stossicii (2) : carried out on same plan, 64 species. Histology of Trematodes ; Brandes (1). Anatomy and histology, &c., of Digenetic Trematodes ; Braun (4). Synopsis of Monogenetic Trematodes ; Saint Remy (1). Monticelli (6) proposes the following classification of Trematodes Subord. I. Eterocotylea. Fam. 1. Temnocephalidce. Fam. 2. Tristomidce. Fam. 3. Monocotyliclce. Fam. 4. Polystomiclce. Fam. 5. Gyrodactylidce. Subord. II. Aspidocotylea. Fam. 6. Aspidobothridce. Suborder III. Malacocotylea. Fam. 7. Holostomidce. Fam. 8. Amphistomidce. Fam. 9. Distomidce. Fam. 10. Didymozoonidce. Fam. 11. Monostomidce . He gives a revision of the family Aspidobothrid.ee , which he would have include the genera Aspidogaster, Aspidocotyle , Platyaspis , Macraspis, and his new genus Cotylogaster. Haswell (5) in the Macleay Memorial volume of the Linn. Soc. N.S.W., gives a monograph of the family Temnocephalidce. In the Abh. Ges. Halle (3) he discusses the position of the family, concluding that, although he considers it to belong to the Trematodes, he could not find fault with anyone classing it as an aberrant family of Rhab- docoels. Brandes (2) criticizes Monticelli’s classification as far as it affects the Monostomidce. He shows that the following species said to belong to the genus Monostomum really belong to other genera : — M. liguloi- deum is an Amphiline ; J\I. squamata and M. spirale belong to the genus Distomum ; M. echinostomuni is a synonym for D. planicola, and M. hystrix for D. endolabrum ; M. cochlear if orme is a Gasterosto - mum ; M. cornu h9 is uncertain about. There are then left 24 species belonging to the genus Monostomum, which he enumerates and groups. Actinodactylus , n. g. of Temnocephalece ; Haswell (4, m) & (5). Amphistomum subclavatum , anatomy and development, Looss : descrip- tion of its cercaria found in Planorbis contortus , Lang. A. conicum, histology ; Brandes (1). A. bothriophoron , n. sp., anatomy, Braun (3). A. scleroporum, in intestine of Chelonia viriclis ; Walter. TREMATODA. Verm. 67 Bilhar.ua hcematobia, in Tunis, Villenetjye, Cahier : eggs and embryo, Cahier, Railliet (3) : morbid phenomena caused by it in man, Colloridi. Calceostoma elegans and inerme , figured and described ; Parona & Perugia (2). Cotylogaster , n. g. with C. michaelis, n. sp., anatomy ; Monticelli (6). Dactylocotyl? taschenbergli , figured and described ; Parona & Peru- gia (2). Distomum cauclatum , development from cercaria, which found in kidney of Helix hortensis ; Blochmann. D. echinatum and endolobium, notes on ; Y. Linstow (3). Distomum, parasitic in Planocera pellucidci and simrothi ; v. Graff (1). D. folium , anatomy, Braun (1) and (3) : he finds it more normal than Zschokke does. D. goliath , v. Ben., from Baleenoptera rostrata, description ; Lonnberg. D. hepaticiim, specimen with genital apparatus abnormal, Spengel : life-history, Lutz : shown to have some other host than Limnceus truncatulus in Tonkin ; Giard & Billet. D. lancsolatum , in an Arab, in Alexandria ; Zschokke (2). D. leptosomum , cercaria encysted on Holothurians ; Cuenot, Matzdorf. D. magnum , Bassi, Stiles (6) : Fasciola carnosa , Hassall, identified with it, Leuckart. D. nodu- losum, parasitic in Cray-fish ; Linton (2). D. megastomurn and richardii , anatomy of suckers described ; Crety (1). D. richardii , Vitelline nucleus in ova, Crety (2), Monticelli (2). D. veliporum , Vitelline nucleus in ova ; Monticelli (2). D. species ?, Cysts found in walls of heart of Coregonus muraena ; Zacharias. D. baraldii , n. sp. from Zamehis viridifiavus , and a stage in its development, description ; Sonsino (2). D. capriciosa , n. sp. ?, (cercaria only), found in gonads and viscera of Ophiurids ; Cuenot, Matzdorf. D. codomaticum , n. sp., in Chinese oxen ; Giard & Billet. D. flexum , n. sp., Linton (1). D. pulicis and sialidis , n. spp., v. Linstow (3). D. subflavum , n. sp., from Zamenis viridiflavum ; Sonsino (2). (D. texanicum ), n. sp., Francis, = D. americanum , Hassall, Stiles (7), which very probably = D. magnum , Bassi. (D. verrucosum ), n. sp., Linton (1) : but name already taken, Stiles (10). Dibothrium exile, n. sp., Linton (1). Euryccelum sluiteri, Brock : suggestion that belong to genus Apoblema ; Braun (2) and (3). Fasciola carnosa , Hassall, shown to = Distomum magnum , Bassi; Leuckart, Stiles (7). Gyrodactylus elegans , notes on ; v. Linstow (3). Holostomum variabile , description and fig. ; Linton (1). Homalogaster poiriei, n. sp., in Chinese oxen ; Giard & Billet. Microbothrium {Pseudocotyle) apiculatum, anatomy and histology; Saint Remy (2) and (3). Microcotyle : monograph of genus, with list of fishes on which the various species are parasitic, anatomy of 11 species ; Parona & Perugia (1). M. salpce , n. sp., in Salpa ; Parona & Perugia (1). 68 Venn . xv. VERMES. Monostomurn : revision of all the species parasitic in Grallids and Pal- mipeds; these are reduced to 3 i—Jlavum, mutabile , and sarcidonicola ; Monticelli (5). M. capitellatum , in Box Salpa, notes on ; Monti- CELLi (4). (J/ . cymbiuni) = M.flavum, its anatomy and affinities; Monticelli (5). M. mutabile , Zed., epidermal layer; Braun (3). M. spinosissimun , St., and stossichianum , n. sp., in Box Salpa, notes on ; Monticelli (4). J\r. trigonocephalum , reticulare, and proteus , in intestine of Chelone viridis , and points in anatomy ; Walter. (xlf. ovaturn ), Molin., and ( attenuatum ), Bud., = Notocotyle verru- cosum ; Monticelli (3). Jf. alveatum , Mehlis ? = young of W. rer- rucosum ; Monticelli (3). Notocotyle : historical sketch, anatomy and systematic, of the genus ; Monticelli (3) : two species ( N . verrucosum and N. alveatum ) recognized. Odobothrium pollachii and chrysophrii on fish at Roscoif ; Saint Remy (4). Octocotyle leptogaster and thunnince , figured and described ; Parona & Perugia (2). 0. scombri , discussion of name ; Parona & Perugia (2). Oncbocotyle appendiculata and prenanti on fish at Roscoff ; Saint Remy (4). Phyllonella soleae, gonads, Saint Remy (3) : note on, Parona & Perugia (2). PlagiopeUis duplicata , figured and described ; Parona & Perugia (2). Pseudocotyle squatince, notes on ; Parona & Perugia (2). Temnocephalece : monograph of family, Haswell (5) : position and relationships, Haswell (3) : discussion of genus Temnocephala, geographical distribution of species, and habits, Vayssiere : excre- tory system, Haswell (2). 1. madagascariensis , n. sp., parasitic on Astacoides madagascariensis , anatomy and histology, Vayssiere : three other new species, Haswell (5) [See also Actinodactylus, n. g. of TemnocephalecB ; Haswell (4, in) and (5).] Tetraonchus van benedenii, additional description and note on habitat ; Parona & Perugia (2). Tristomum molce and interruptum) note on occurrence ; Parona & Perugia (2). Udonella pollachii, note on occurrence ; Parona & Perugia (2) & Saint Remy (4). 77. n. sp. on Solea vulgaris ; Saint Remy (4). Cercarias. Cercaria Limnceo, truncatulus , n. sp., v. LinsTOW (3). C. pcctinata , n. sp., from Donax anatinum (its final host probably being a sea bird), anatomy ; Huet. C. vivax , ? n. sp., found in Cleopatra bulminoides ; C. obscura, ? n. sp., found in Limncea natalensis ; C. pleurolophocerca , n. sp., found in Melania tubercolata and Cleopatra bulminoides (tail with transparent, bilateral, expanded membrane, supported by pro* XEMERTINEA. Verm. 69 cesses resembling setae, probably the cercaria of an Amphistomum ); C. capsularia , n. sp., in Cleopatra bulminoides ; C.pigmentata , of Amphis- tomum sp. ? ; C. ( ? agilis, of Filippi), of Distomum recurvatum , v. L., in Physa alexandrina and others; C. distomatosa, sp. ?, in Cleopatra bulminoides ; (7. microcotyle , Fil., C. costata and fusicauda, La Yal. St. G-., with the different Molluscs in which they are found : Sonsixo (4). 3. NEMERTINEA. Burger (2) proposes the following classification for the Mediterranean forms : — Order a. Proton emertini. Genus 1. Carinina , with 1 species. Genus 2. Carinella , with 10 species, of which 4 are new. Genus 3. Hubrechtia (n. g.), with 1 species. Order b. Mesonemertini. Genus 4. Cephalothrix , with 5 species, of which 3 are new. Genus 5. Carinoma , with 1 species. Order c. Metanemertini [= Enopla of M. Schulze. (To be dealt with in a second part of the paper.)] Order d. Heteronemertini. Suborder a. Amicrur^:. Genus 6. Eupolia} with 4 species. Genus 7. Valencinia, with 2 species, of which 1 is new. Genus 8. Lineus , with 14 species, of which 9 are new. Genus 9. Borlasia, with 2 species, of which 1 is new. Suborder b. Micrur.e. Genus 10. Micrura , with 6 species. Genus 11. Cerebratulus, with 18 species, of which 10 are new. Genus 12. Langia , with 1 species. The relationships are expressed in a genealogical tree. History of Freshwater Nemertines, their geographical distribution, and their origin ; Guerne (2). Notes on Freshwater Nemertines ; Yaillant. Nemertines of Noumea; Joubin & Francois: of the Baltic (8 spp.) ; Kojevnikov : of Solovetzki ; KnIpoyIcha. (Balanocephalus pellucida), v. Kennel, = Eupolia pellucida , v. Ken. ; Burger (2). Borlesia immaculata , n. sp., Gulf of Naples, Burger (2). Carinella poly morph a, on the English Coast ; Riches, Garstang (1). C. albida , minuta , jiothus, rubicunda , n. spp., Gulf of Naples, Burger (2.). ( C . annulata ), Mclnt., = C. macintoshi , n. sp. ; Burger (2). Cephalothrix bipunctata, fragilis, hymenceus, n. spp.. Gulf of Naples, Burger (2). 70 Venn . xv. VERMES. Cerebratulus acutus , cerugatus , anguiUula , aureolas , Candida , ferruginous, fuscoides, lividus, notabilis , simulans, ventrosulcatus , n. spp., Gulf of Naples, Burger (2). C. anas, bicornis, caledonicus, n. spp., Noumea, J oubin & Francois. C. aurantiacus , Gi\, on Devonshire Coast ; Garstang (1). fC. dohrnii ), Hubr., = Lineus dohrnii ; ( C . geniculatus), Qfg-, = L. geniculatus ; ((7. grubei ), Hubr., = L. grubei ; (C. delle chiaje ), Hubr., = Micrura delle chiaje ; (C. tristis), Hubr., = Micrura tristis ; Burger (2). (7. aurostriatus , Burg., in Noumea : notes on ; J OUBIN & FRANgOIS. Eunemertes francisca, n. sp., Noumea, Joubin & Francois. Eupolia brockii , Biirg., in Noumea : notes on ; Joubin & Francois. Geonemertes australiensis , n. sp., Australia, Dendy (1). Hubrechtia , n. g. for H. desiderata , v. Ken. ; Burger (2). Lineus coccinus, gelbus, kennelii , lobianki, molochinus , nigricans , parvulus , rufocaudatus , versicolor , n. spp., Gulf of Naples, Burger (2). (Folia geniculatus ), d. Ch. ( Cerebral . genic., Qfg.), = Lineus geniculatus ; Burger (2). Tetrastemma aquarum dulcium (?), in England ; Benham. T. lacustris, in Lake of Geneva ; du Plessis. Valencinia blanca , n. sp., Gulf of Naples, Burger (2). 4. TURBELLARIA. Hallez (4) and (3) would get rid of the Order Dendroccela altogether, and divide the Turbellarians into the following 2 groups : — 1. Eiploblastica, including the Ehabdocoelida of Graff, and the Triclada of Lang. 2. Triploblastica , including the Polyclada of Lang. He gives in (1) an embryonic law determining the position of the pharynx in the adult for all his “ Eiploblastica f finding that it de- pends on the relative amount of growth of the cephalic and caudal hemispheres of the larva. He discusses previous classifications, gives laws of Morphogeny of the Turbellarians, and a further classification of the Triclads, while discussing their affinities with the Alloiocoels in (3). In (4) and in (3), the Triclads are divided into 3 tribes, which, with the families included in each, are seen in the following table Order Triclada. Tribe 1. Maricola. Fam. i. Otoplanida. Fam. ii. Procerodida. Fam. iii. Bdellurida. Tribe 2. Paludicola. Fam. iv. Planar ida. Fam. v. Anocelida. Fam. vi. Dendrocoelida . TURBELLARIA. Verm . 71 Tribe 3. Terricola. Fam. vii. Limacopsida. Fam. viii. Geoplanidci. Fam. ix. Polycladida, Bergendal (1) would divide the Swedish Triclads into 2 families : a. UteriporidcB ; b. Planar iadce (including the subfamilies Planariea ’, Polycelidce, and Gundadce). Anatomy and histology of Triclads ; Chichkoff. Abnormalities in Triclads; Hallez (2). Uterus of Triclads; Bergendal (6). Temporary parasitism of a Triclad ; Vogt. Terrestrial Triclads from Queensland ; Dendy (2) and Spencer (1) : from Tasmania; Dendy (3) : from Lord Howe I. ; Spencer (1). The Pelagic Polyclads are dealt with very fully by Y. Graff (1). Lang's 9 species are reduced to 3, and 2 new ones are added. The anatomy and geographical distribution of the group is fully discussed. Spanish Turbellarians (2 species), Fusset : Bohemian, Fritscii & Vayra (2 + 9 species), Kafka. Turbellarians of the Baltic (17 species), Kojeynikof : of Moscow (8 species), Zykoff : of Warsaw (11 species of Rhabdocoels), Nusbaum; (13 species of Rhabdocoels, of which only 7 the same as in Nusbaum’ s list), Wassilieff, with notes (in Russian) on the various species. Bipalium hewense shown probably to have come originally from the Fiji Is. ; Bell : its presence in Queensland ; Spencer (2), Dendy (2) : in Asia and Madagascar ; Stoll : its multiplication by transverse fission ; Bergendal (5). Castrada radiata, and ? a n. sp., near Warsaw, Nusbaum. Cotyloplanci) n. g., of Land Planarians, with C. whiteleggi and C. punctata, n. spp., Lord Howe I.; Spencer (1). Dendroccelum lacteum and punctatum , affinities discussed ; Bergen- dal (1). D. nausicace : fusion of branches of the alimentary canal : Hallez (2). Derostoma elongation , Gr., and typhlops , Vejd., near Warsaw, notes on ; Wassilieff. Geoplana in Brazil and Tasmania ; Stoll. G. ccerulea and G. regina, n. spp., Queensland, Dendy (2), and Spencer (2). 4 species in Tasmania, 1 in Adelaide, together with a new variety, G. fletcheri , var. adelaidensis. Gunda sp. ?, temporarily encysted in the skin of a young muraenid fish; Vogt. G. ulvce, remarks on ; Bergendal (1). Gyrator hermaphroditus, Ehrb., near Warsaw ; Nusbaum : remarks on synonymy ; Wassilieff. ( Haplodiscns piliger ), Weld., = a species of Convoluta ; v. Graff (3). Macrostojnum hystrix , near Warsaw ; Nusbaum : notes on ; Wassilieff. Mesostomum , nephridial system; Voigt (2), Sekera. M. production , near Warsaw, Nusbaum ; M. personatum, viridatum , near Warsaw, Nusbaum, Wassilieff (synonymy discussed). Idicrostomum linear near Warsaw ; Nusbaum : notes on, Wassilieff. 72 Verm. XV. VERMES. Opisthomum pallidum , notes on ; Wassilieff. Olisthanella, name proposed for n. g. (for Mesostomam truncatum ) ; VoiGKf (2), but see Sekera. Othelosoma symondsii , anatomy ; v. Graff (2). Phagocyta , multiple pharynx ; Hallez (2). Planaria lactea , montana , polychroa , n. spp., Middle Europe, anatomy and histology ; Chichkoff. P. alpina , reproduction ; Voigt (1). P. alpina and gonocephala, distribution ; Voigt (3). P. lugubris , polychroa, torva, notes on; Bergendal (1). (P. sargossicola ), Martens, = Stylochoplana sargossicola ; v. Graff (4). Planctoplana , n. g. for P. challengeri , n. sp., New Guinea ; v. Graff (1), figured and described. Planocera pellucidct; Mertens, P, grubei, Atlantic and Indian Oceans, simrothi , between the I. of Ascension and the Equator, n, spp. ; v. Graff (1). Poly cells cornuta, distribution ; Voigt (3), P. cornuta , nigra, and tenuis, synonymy discussed ; Bergendal (1). Polycliaerus , n. g. of Acoelous Turbellarians, with P. caudatus, n. sp., Mark, Polycladus : distribution of genus in Chili, Brazil, and Guatemala ; Stoll. Polypostia , n. g. for P. similis, n. sp., Sweden ; Bergendal (1) (not described). Rhynchodesmus dubius , fasciatus, fletcheri, grandis, later olineatus , medio- lineatus , n. spp., Lord Howe I.; Spencer (1). Distribution of genus (Europe, N. America, Ceylon); Stoll : in Queensland, Dendy (2), Stenostoma leucops , anatomy ; Ott : occurrence in Warsaw, Nusbaum, W ASSILIEFF. Rtylochoplana sargossicola, v. Graff, Sargossa Sea and N. Coast of New Guinea, description ; v. Graff (4). Distribution, nervous system, Gonads ; v. Graff (1). Syndesmis echinorum on Echinus ; Cue not. Uteriporus vulgaris , Bergendal (5), (6), and (1). Vortex pictus, sexdentatus , truncatus , and n. sp. (figured), near Warsaw ; Wassilieff. V. millportianus, common near Warsaw ; Nusbaum. An Alloiocoel Turbellarian, to which no name is given, found in the under- ground waters of Canterbury, New Zealand, is briefly described by IIaswell (4, ii). NEMATODA — CH&TOGNATHA . Venn. 73 IY.— NEMATODA, ACANTHOCEPHLA, and CH2ETQ GNA TEA . A —BIOLOGICAL. 1. General. Monograph of the Acanthocephala ; Hamann (2), Kaiser (1). Kaiser criticizes some points in Hamann’s monograph in an appendix. General account and classification of the CJicetognatha ; Strodtmann. Anatomy and histology of Bradynema rigidum ; Strassen : of Myzomimus scutatus ; Stiles (1) : of Mermis nigrescens ; v. Lixstow (5) : of Strongylus crurus ; Strose : of S. convoluta ; Stadelmann : of Tylen - cJiusfucicola, n. sp. ; De Max : of Filaria apipillocephala , n. sp. ; Cox- dorelli (2): of F. bancrofti ; v. Lixstow (1): of Nectonema agile \ Ward, pp. 143-177. 2. Epidermis. Jammes (1) shows that there is at first a well-developed continuous layer of ectoderm cells ; that then a number of these take on a protective function and become the “ cuticle,” while the rest persist in the “ granular layer ” of the adult, especially in the so-called “ nerve regions” : the more parasitic the Nematode is, the more ectoderm is converted into cuticle, and the less persists as “granular layer.” Chatin also shows that there is originally a cellular ectoderm, at least in Heterodera. Coxdorelli (2) describes a new species of Filaria, in which the cuticle is annulate, though the rings are not complete at the sides. Ward describes the double row of lightly attached, immovable bristles, along the dorsal and ventral Hues of Nectonema agile , Cuticle of Bradynema ; Strassen. 3. Muscular System. Histology of muscle cells of Ascaris and other Nematodes ; Butschli, Rohde (1, i) : of Mermis , comparing them with those of Amphioxus ; Rohde (1, n). In Gordius , Rohde (1, hi) finds the different stages in the development of the muscle-cells (coelomyarian and holomyarian type) persistent in the adult G. tolosanus ; in G . prelii there are only muscle- cells of the coelomyarian type, but these are open towards the sub-cuticle, and not towards the coelom, as in Ascaris. • 4. Digestive System. Rudimentary condition of alimentary canal and absence of functional anus in Nectonema ; Ward : in Bradynema ; Strassen. (Esophagus of Ascaris ectodermal, not entodermal ; Boveri. Formation of stomodeum and proctodeum from the mesoderm in Bradynema ; Strassen. 74 Venn, XV. VERMES. 5. Coelom. Development in Nematodes ; Hamann (1), Jammes (2). It is shown that there is no splanchnic mesoblast ever developed, and therefore that the “ coelom ” of Nematodes is not properly homologous with that of other animals. Development in Sagitta , see under “ 11. Development.” 6. Vascular System. A new species of Echinorhynchus ( E . hamanni) with lemniscae con- sisting of four plates, two on each side, each bent in the middle, and the one lying inside the other ; wall-less blood-vessels both in them and in the cutis ; v. Linstow (4). 7. Excretory System. Hamann (1) maintains that in Nematodes the excretory vessels are mesodermal in origin, and that even in the adult they lie in the connective tissue of the lateral ridges, and not in the lateral ridges themselves. Kaiser (2) has discovered numerous flame-cells in the two disc-shaped bodies, near the genital aperture of Echinorhynchus gigas ; each flame is composed of a number of parallel thin cilia in constant undulation, and they together form an excretory organ in connection with the three vascular spaces which lie in the walls of the uterine bell, passing from the coelom into the uterus. 8. Lateral Lines. Their ectodermal origin ; Wandolleck : and consequent distinction from the excretory vessels ; Hamann (1). Condorelli (2) describes a new species of Filaria with a ringed body and segmented lateral line. 9. Nervous System and Sense Organs. Of Ascaris megalocephala , several new points, Hesse ; two kinds of sensory organs in the lips described. Of Nectonema agile , Ward, the brain is placed ventrally, but above it there are four large conical cells, sending processes down to it, which are probably ganglion cells. Hamann (2) maintains that the cephalic ganglion of Echinorhychus is endodermal. Kaiser (1) does not agree with him (pt. 2), and criticizes him (Appendix). Development of the whole of the nervous system, like the granular layer, from a single tissue of neuroepithelial elements in Ascaris ; Jammes (1). Histology of nerve in Nematodes, a criticism of Apathy [see Annelid part of Record], and maintaining that there is nolhing in nerves corres- ponding to the contractile fibrils of a muscle-cell, though in both kinds of cells there is spongioplasm ; Rohde (1, i). Nerve of Mermis compare with that of Amjphioxus ; Rohde (1, ii). Nerve of Gordins ; Rohde nun)- NE MATODA-— CH2ET0GNATHA, Perm. 75 10. Genital System. On the origin of the germ cells, as distinguished from the somatic cells, in Ascaris megalocephala ; Boyeri : part of the ectoderm, as well as meso- and endoderm, shown to arise from one of the two first segmen- tation spheres, and from this the two archigonad cells are developed. Centrosomes in egg of A. megalociphala shown to be present at the very- beginning of the development of the egg, before the expulsion of the polar body : Lebrun. 11. Development and Life-History. Segmentation and gastrulation in Strongylus ; Wandolleck. Accord- ing to Jammes (2), there is no true gastrula stage in Oxyurus , but a solid planula of ectoderm and mesendoderm, the endoderm remaining solid even after its separation from the mesoderm. Gastrula stage in Echinorhynchus ; Hamann (2) & Kaiser (1) take different views. Formation of coelom in Sagitta shown not to be enterocoelic, as hitherto supposed, but schizocoelic, the pouches of the archenteron only becoming part of the alimentary canal of the adult ; Jourdain, M. S. Formation of “coelom” in Nematodes; Hamann (1), Jammes (2), [see under “ Coelom ”] : according to both the body cavity arises as a split between mesoderm and endoderm, there being no splanchnic mesoblast. Wandolleck shows the formation of the mesoblast in Strongylus from two pole cells of the endoderm posteriorly. Mesoblast formed from the ectoderm, and give rise to almost all the organs in Bradynema rigidum ; Strassen. Wandolleck shows how the different organs are formed from the three germinal layers in Strongylus ; the nervous system is developed from the ectoderm, the large posterior mesoderm cells persist and form the gonads. In Oxyurus , Jammes (2), the gonads are formed in the middle of the body, the only part where the mesoderm is more than one-cell layered. According to Boveri, in Ascaris the gonads are formed from cells which were originally part of the ectoderm. In Sagitta they are shown to arise from the mesoblast by Jourdain, M. S. Development of Bradynema rigidum , Strassen : of Heterahis , Railliet & Lucet (2) : of Echinorhynchus , Kaiser (1). Life-history of Filaria papillosa, Deupser : of F. recondita , Calan- druccio : of Sclerostomum tetracanthum , Giles (1) : of Strongylus convolutus, Stadelmann : of Mermis nigrescens, v. Linstow (5) : of Gordius pustulosus, Camerano (1) : of Echinorhynchus proteus, Zschokke [see under “ Distribution according to hosts”]. Discovery of male : of Filaria medinensis (living inside the female), Charles : of the Filaria of the “ boutons hemorrhagiques of the ass, Railliet & Moussu : of Gordius pustulosus, Camerano (1). Discovery of female of Nectonema agile ; Ward. 1892. [vol. xxix.] f 7 76 Verm . XV. VERMES. Descriptions of embryos of Filaria sanguinis hominis , Nabias & Sabraz^s : of embryos and larvae of F. reconclita , Calandruccio. Paedogenesis in an Fchinorhynchus , Hamann (2) : criticized, Kaiser (1) . Paedogenesis and protandric hermaphroditism, without heterogony, in Bradynema rigidum ; Strassen. 12. Variations. Stiles (1) shows that the individual variation amongst parasitic Nematodes is so great that were it not for the complete series of con- necting links, the extremes might be regarded as distinct species. 16. Classification. Jourdain, M. S., proposes to class the Chcetognatha with the Ascidians and Amphioxus as a group, the “ Protovertebrata.’5 Strodtmann proposes a classification for the group Chjetognatha in itself, recognizing three genera : Sagitta , Krohnia , and Spadella ; he enumerates the character- istics of value in classification, and gives tables for distinguishing the species. A classification of the Acanthocepiiala, recognizing three families, is given by Hamann (3), [see Systematic part of Record]. The systematic position and relationship of Nectonema agile is discussed by Ward, pp. 182-188, and it is concluded that the genus is most nearly allied to the Gordiidce, since it has most of the characteristics which separate this family from the rest of the Nematodes. 14. Distribution according to Hosts. a. General . Distribution of several Nematodes, and of Echinorhynchus , according to hosts, Stossich (4) : of Mecklenburg species (35 Nematodes, and 13 species of Fchinorhynchus') , Braun (5). b. Mammals . Schlerostomids of equine animals, Giles (1) : one new species ( S . robustum ) in mules, Giles (2). Filaria in ass, Railliet & Moussu : in body cavity of horse and cattle, Stiles (2). F.papillosa , in serous cavity of horse and ox ; Deupser. Trichocephalus , in liver of an ox ; Caparini. Filaria in heart and lungs of Chinese horses and dogs ; Fauvel. Strongylus of heart and lungs of dog ; Railliet & Cadiot (2) . F. immitis and others in Japanese dogs ; Janson & Tokishige. Unsuccessful attempts to transmit Strongylus vasorum from one dog to another ; Railliet & Cadiot (1). CFsophago stoma columbianum , Curtice, Strongylus colubriformis , and Spiroptera verrucosum , n. spp., in Indian sheep ; Giles (3) and (4). Ascarids in liver of pigs ; Ortmann. Strongylus rubidus in stomachs of American pigs, and its effects ; NEMATODA — CHJSTOGNATHA. Verm . 77 Hassall & Stiles. Frequency of Strongylus in rabbits ; Railliet (7). Trichocephalus ( $ only) in intestine of ferret, resembling the T. de p ressiusculus of the dog. Echinorhynchus bullosus , n. sp., in CystopTiora proboscidea ; v. Linstow (4). E. novellce , n. sp., in bat ; Parona (2). E. hamanni , n. sp., in Stenorhynchus ( Ogmorhinus ) leptonyx ; v. Linstow (4). c. Birds, Filaria serrata , n. sp., in Circus cyaneus hudsonensis , Echinorhynchus rectus , n. sp., in. Larus, sp. ? ; Linton (1). Trichosoma rubrum, n. sp., in Spizilla socialis ; Linton (3). Sclerostomum apiostomum , in Macacus cynomolgus ; Willach. Heterahis monticelliana , n. sp., in frmZa ; Stossich (4). H. perspicillum, in Numida meleagris , H.papillosa, in three other birds ; Railliet & Lucet (2). In domestic fowl, H. brasiliensis , n. sp. ; Magalhaes (1, n). In fowl’s egg, ^.sccms inflexa ; Forel, t?. Reptiles. In the venom organ of the common rattlesnake, a viviparous species of Nematode; Tuttle. Oxyurus longicollis, Schm.. in Testudo nemo - rcilis, development ; Jammes (2). e. Fish . Ten species of Echinorhynchus , and the fish they inhabit, including E. thecatus and E. attenuatus , n. spp. (in Roccus americanus and Accipenser brevirostris respectively) ; Linton (4). Hosts of E. proteus , Zschokke, intermediate hosts shown, one to be a fish, the other a Gammarus, when there are two, though either of these apparently will serve alone. /. Arthropods . Filaria recondita in Pulex of dog, its intermediate host shown to be either the Pidex of dog or man, or Rhipocephalus siculus of dog ; Callandruccio. Gordius pustulosus occurring abundantly in Blaps mucronaia , also found in Sphodrus leucophthalmus , Harpalus ceneus , several species of Amara, several kinds of spiders, and in Oniscus murarius : only one host shown to be necessary, as the development of the egg to past the larval stage goes on in damp earth ; Camerano (1). Gordius dorice, n. sp., in an Acanthodis ; Camerano (3). A Gordius in Epinephele tithonus ; Fowler. Nectonema agile, ? with a Crustacean as intermediate host ; "Ward. Gammarus ? as intermediate host of Echinorhynchus proteus ; Zschokke. Liparis steineni with E. sp. ?, and Notothenia corriceps with E. megarhynchus, n. sp. ; v. Linstow (4). An Anguillula in larva of Asynapta citrina ; Kieffer. A Mermis larva in Chironomus ; Trybom. Bradynema rigidum in Aphodius functarius ; Strassen. 78 Verm. xv. vermes. g . Echinoderms . Syndesmis echinorum on Echinus ; Matzdorf (3). h. Plants. Eelworms which attack plants, and how to destroy them; Bos (1), 50 pp. Plants attacked by different species of Tylenchus and by Hetero- dera schachtii ; Chatin (2) : also the means of protecting them ; Fream. Diseases in different plants caused by Tylenchus devastatnx ; Bos (3). Occurrence of T. devastatrix in the interior of the perithecia of a Sphaeriaceous plant ; Niel. In Edelweiss, T. invalis ; Massalongo. Leaf disease caused by an Aphelenchus ; Atkinson. Begonias attacked by a new species of Aphelenchus ; Bos (2). A Nematode ( Tylenchus fucicola , n, sp.) occurring in a Fucus ; De Man. 15. Medical Notes. Pathological relations of Filaria sanguinis hominis diurna and F. s. h. pierstans, in Tropical Africa, and prevention; Manson : F. perstans shown to be the probable cause of sleeping-sickness, mature form not yet seen or described ; mature form of F. diurna probably = F. loa of eye of negro, with the mangrove fly for its intermediate host. Discovery and preva- lence of the disease caused by F. s. h. in the U. S. A. ; Slaughter. Seven species of Nematodes and two of Echinorhynchus, and the diseases caused by them in man and animals ; Railliet (1). Ankylostomosis in man and animals ; Peroncito : in man in S. Italy ; Consalvi (1) and (2) : a case in man ; Riva. Rhabdonemiasis in man, three cases ; Sonsino (3). Trichinosis in Netherlands ; Carsten. On the frequency of strongylosis in rabbits ; Railliet (7). Schleratomiasis in equine animals, and connection with disease known as “Surra” in India; Giles (1). Ascaris lumbricoides shown to be capable of direct transmission in man without the intervention of an intermediate host ; Epstein. Experi- ments in feeding with American trichinae ; Klaphake. Power of obtaining new hosts in Trichinae ; Ostertag. Guinea-worm in tongue ; Hillier. Escape of Ascarids in fever ; Demateis. Ascaris and its eggs as cause of liver abscess ; Genersich, G. & A. 16. Properties and Habits. Vitality of embryos of Filaria sanguinis hominis ; Nabias & Sabrazes: of Uncinaria, Trichocephalus, and Strongylus ; Railliet (4). Variability of power of resisting dessication in different species of Strongylus ; Railliet & Cadiot (2) : inability to resist dessication in a Filaria ; Railliet & Moussu. Regressive changes of Trichinae in their cap- sules, calcification, and fatty degeneration ; Langerhans. Habits of Nectonema agile ; Ward, pp. 139 & 140. ftEMATODA- — CH2ETOGNATHA. Verm . 7§ 17. Methods. For killing Nematodes for sections : corrosive sublimate + 70 °/e alcohol + a few drops of 5 °/0 acetic acid, added while rolling the Nema- tode between two slides, recommended; Stiles (11) : for mounting Trichince ; Preston : for staining and preparing embryos of Nematodes ; Nabias & Sabrazes, Callandruccio,i Wandollek, and Strassen, p. 701 : for histology of the adult ; Strose, Jammes : for histology of Nectonema ; Ward, pp. 136 & 137 : of the Acanthocephala ; Kaiser (1): for preserving Sagitta ; Cunningham. B.— FAUNISTIC. 1. Parasitic Forms. [ Gordius is placed with the non -parasitic forms.] General remarks on distribution of Land Nematodes ; Stoll. Geographical distribution of Filaria sanguinis hominis ; MANSON : its absence in China ; Fauvel. Geographical distribution of Tylenchus devastcitrix ; Bos (3). Denmark : Trichina , Friis. Mecklenburg : 16 genera and 35 species of Nematodes, 13 species of Echinorhynchus ; Braun (5). S. Italy : AnJcylo stoma ; Consalvi. Venice: other Nematodes; Stossich (3). Trieste : new species of HeteraJcis ; Stossich (4). Japan : Filaria immitis and other parasites of dog ; Janson. China : a Filaria fatal in horses and dogs, Ascaris lumbricoides in man; Fauvel. India: Nematodes of sheep and horses ; Giles (1), (2), (3), and (4). Porto Rico : Echinorhynchus novella , n. sp., Parona. Brazil : HeteraJcis brasiliensis , n. sp., in fowl ; Magalhaes. S. Georgia: Ascaris osculata (which hitherto only found in Arctic regions), two other A.scarids, 3 new species and 1 sp. ? of Echinorhynchus ; v. Linstow (4). 2. Non-parasitic Forms. N. Atlantic Ocean: geographical distribution of Chatognatha ; Strodt- mann. Devonshire Coast : Spadella cephaloptera ; Garstang(I). Bergen: Enoplida ; Appelof. Bohemia : pond Nematode ; Fritsch & Vavra. Sardinia : Gordius villoti , aquaticus , tolosanus , scn-di pustulosus\ MarcIALIS. Burma : Gordius doria , n. [sp., and G . villoti , rosa, and spharurus ; Camerano (3). Sumatra : G. weber i and G. swnatrensis, n. spp., Villot (2). Engano : G. modigliani , n. sp., Camerano (5). S. America.— Venezuela: G. aneus, Camerano (2). Parana (Palmeira): G. qjciranensis, n. sp., Camerano (4). S. Georgia : Leptosomatum antarcticum, n. sp., L. sp. ? ( $ only), Mon - hystera sp. ? ( $ only or immature), Oncholaimus sp. ( $ only), Euchro - madora sp. ? (immature only) ; v. Linstow (4). 80 Verm, XV. VERMES. C.— SYSTEMATIC. 1. NEMATODA, including MERMITHID2E and GORDIIDJE. Angiostomum macrostomum , notes on larva ; v. Linstow (3). Anguillula parasitic in larva of a Cecidomyiicl fly ; Kieffer. Aphelenchus as cause of a leaf disease ; Atkinson. A. olesistus, n. sp., causing disease in Begonias ; Bos (2) . Ascaris : subcuticular layer; Jammes (1) : muscle and nerve ; Rohde (1, i) : muscle, Bittschli : nervous system, Hesse : origin of Gonads, Boveri : Centrosomes, Lebrun. A. ensicaudata , scombrorum , hosts; Stossich (4). A. scombrorum , n. sp., Stossich (4). A. ptero- stichi , n. sp., larva, v. Linstow (3). A. osculata , Rud., and 2 other species in S. Georgia ; v. Linstow (4). A. injiexa , specimen in hen’s egg ; Forel. A. lumbricoides in man, in China ; Fauvel. Bradynema rigidum , v. Sieb., anatomy, histology, &c. ; Strassen. Dispharagus aduncus, hosts; Stossich (4). Z). spiralis at Venice, notes on; Stossich (3). Euchromadora sp.? (immature) from S. Georgia ; v. Linstow (4). Filaria sanguinis hominis , perstans and diurna ; Manson, Simmons, Slaughter : description of embryos ; Nabias & Sabrazes (1) and (2): absence in China; Fauvel. F. bancrofti ; v. Linstow (1) : distinguished from F. immitis ; Megalhaes (2). F. immitis , V. Meter : in dogs of Japan, Janson. Discovery of male of F. medin- ensis ; Charles : of another Filaria (in the ass) ; Railliet & Moussu. F. papillosa , life-history ; Deupser. F. recondita and F. immitis (?), description of embryo and larva ; Calandruccio. F. cervina and F. equina, fresh diagnoses ; Stiles (2). F. apapilloce- phala , n. sp., Condorelli (2). F. ephemeridarum and gammari, n. spp., v. Linstow (3). F. serrata, n. sp., from intestine of Circus cyaneus hudsonius ; Linton (1). F. ninni, n. sp., Stossich (3). ( F . rigidum ), v. Sieb., = Brady nema rigidum , n. g. ; Strassen. Gordius , muscles and their development in 2 species ; Rohde (1, hi). A Gordius parasitic in Epinephele tithonus ( $ ) ; Fowler. G. pustulosus, parasitism and development ; Camerano (1). G. tolosanusj Duj., larva; v. Linstow (3). G. weberi (intermediate between Gordius , s. str., and Chordodes ) and G. sumatrensis (belonging to Chordodes group), n. spp., Sumatra, Villot (2). G. modigliani (belonging to Chordodes group), n. sp., Engano, Camerano (5). G. paranensis, n. sp., Palmeira, Camerano (4). G. dorice , n. sp., in an Acanthodis, Burma; Camerano (3). G. ceneus, Yillot, from Venezuela, and other S. American species, anatomy ; Camerano (2). Heterakis : remarks on the genus ; Railliet & Lucet (2) and Magalhaes (1, ii). H. perspicillum, in small intestine of Numida meleagris ; H. papillosa in three other birds ; Railliet & Lucet (2). H. brasiliensis, n. sp., in domestic fowl ; Magalhaes (1, ii) ; H. mon- ticelliana, n. sp., in intestine of Otis tarda ; Stossich (4). Heterodera schachtii , chiefly in its relation to economics; Chatin, Fream. NE MATO DA — A C AN T HO C E PH ALA . Verm. 81 Hystrichis tricolor, in Venice, notes on ; Stossich (3). Leptosomatum antarcticum , n. sp., and a sp. ? ( $ only) from S. Georgia ; y. Linstow (4). Mermis : muscle and nerve compared with that in Amphioxus ; Rohde ( 1 , ii). M.nigrescens , anatomy, histology, and life-history ; Y. Linstow (5). M. albicans , larvee in Chironomus ; Trybom. M. crassa , v. L., M. gammari , and M. sialidis, n. spp., larvas ; v. Linstow (3). Monhystera, sp. ? ( 5 or immature), from S. Georgia ; v. Linstow (4). Myzomimus scutatus, detailed anatomy, with mention of individual varia- tions ; Stiles (1). Nectonema agile, detailed anatomy, pp. 143-177; discussion on anatomy, pp. 177-182 ; its relations to Gordias, pp. 182-188; its taxonomy, pp. 137-139 ; Ward, Bull. Mus. C. Z. xxiii. Ncmatodum gamasi, n. sp., larva ; v. Linstow (3). (Esophagostoma columbianum, described and shown to be cause of nodular disease of intestine of Indian sheep ; Giles (3). Oncholaimus, sp. ? { $ only), from S. Georgia ; v. Linstow (4). Oxyurns longicollis, early stages in development ; Jammes (2). Rhabdonema , disease caused by ; Sonsino (3). Sclerostomum tetracanthum, life-history ; Giles (1). S. robustuni , n. sp,, in mules, and remarks on the other species in equine animals ; Giles (2). S. apiostomum, parasitic in nodules of colon of Macacus cynomolgus ; Willach. Spiroptera verrucosa , n. sp., in Indian sheep ; Giles (4). Strongylus convolutus, anatomy and life-history ; Stadelmann. 8. micrurus, histology; Strose. S. paradoxus, embryonic development; Wandolleck. >S. rubidus, in stomach of pigs ; Hassell & Stiles. S. vasorum, and other species, in dog; Railliet & Cadiot (1) and (2). S. colubriformis, n. sp., in sheep ; Giles (4). S. curticii, n. sp., name proposed for Curtice’s S. ventricosus, to distinguish it from Rudolph’s ; Giles (4). Syndesmis echinorum, parasitic on Echinus ; Matzdorf (3). Trichocephalus in the intestine of a ferret, $ only found, resembling T. depressiuscidus of dog ; Railliet (2, vm). T. in liver of an ox ; Caparini (1, 1). Trichosoma rubrum , n. sp., in thoracic cavity of the Chipping Sparrow ; Linton (3). T. bombinatoris, n. sp., larva ; v. Linstow (3). T. verrucosum , n. sp., Giles (4), afterwards referred to Spiroptera. Tylenchus devastatrix, and its ravages on plants ; Fream, Bos (3) : its occurrence in a Sphseriaceous plant ; Kiel. T. invalis of Edelweiss ; Massalongo. T.fucicola, n. sp., parasitic on Fucus ; De Man. 2. ACANTHOCEPHALA. Monograph of group ; Hamann (2), Kaiser (1) : Nephridia ; Kaiser (2). Hamann (3) distinguishes 3 families, viz. : — 1. Echinorhynchidce, g. Eghinorhynchus, for E. proteus, Jiaeruca, polymorphic. 82 Verm. xv. VERMES. 2. Glgantorhynchida ?, g. Gigantorhynchus , for G. echinodiscus. tceniorides , spira, and ? j£7. gigas. 3. Neorhynchidce , g. NeorJiynchus, for JV. claviceps, N. agllis , and others. Echinorhynchus proteus , development and life-history ; Zschokke (1). .£7. feres, anatomy and distribution according to hosts ; Stossich (4). .£7. lanceolatus, from Yenice, notes on ; Stossich (3). -£7. morphus and E. proteus , larvse ; v. Linstow (3). E. polymorphic and E. Jilicollis distinguished ; Braun (5). E. novelloe , n. sp., from a S. American bat ; Parona (2). E. hamanni, remarkable n. sp. (from Stenorhynchus leptonyx)) with anterior part of body apparently serving as a sucker. E. bullosus (from Cytophora probiseoidea), E. megarhynchus (from Notothenia corniceps ), n. spp., and E. sp. ? (from Liparis steineni ), all from S. Georgia ; v. Linstow (4). E. rectus , n. sp., from a lark ; Linton (1). E. thecatus in Roccus americanus, and attenuates in Accipenser brevirostris , n. spp. ; Linton, (4) pp. 528 & 529, with remarks on the following other species in fish. E. acus, p. 525, E. pristiSf p. 530, var. tenuicornis, p. 531, E. incrassatus , agilis, serrani, scigittifer, carcharice. proteus , pp. 532-537. (£7. globocaudatus), Zeder, = E. tuba , Rud. ; Condorelli (3). 3. CH^GTOGNATHA. Systematic and general monograph, with 2 tables for determining the species; Strodtmann. 3 genera are distinguished, viz.: — Sagitta, with 11 spp. ; Krolinia , with 2 ; and Spadella , with 7. Development of Sagitta , Jourdain, M. S., leading to the suggestion that, with Amphioxus and Ascidians, Sagitta would form a group, which may be called the “ Protovertebrata.” Spadella cephaloptera , on Devonshire Coast ; Garstang (1). Y. — ROTIFEJRA (including Gastrotriclia). A.— BIOLOGICAL. 1. General. BergeNdal (3) gives an important monograph on the Rotifers of Greenland, dealing fairly fully with the anatomy of 82 species, belonging to 42 genera, found there. Although the number of species is large, the number of individuals is comparatively small. The chief characteristic of the fauna is the rarity of the Rhizota , except for Floscularia , and of the Tubicolaria , which are groups with an otherwise almost universal distribution. Wierzejski (3) gives a general account of the Rotifers of Galicia, dealing with their anatomy, development, &c., with the collecting of RotIfera. Verm. 83 them, and their taxonomy. Cosmovici (2) gives the anatomy of the Roumanian Rotifers, comparing them with those of Galicia. Anatomy and histology of Atrochus tentaculatus , n. g. & sp. of Rotifer, without a wheel-organ ; Wierzejski (4). Description of a new species of Pedcilion (P . fennicum) , from Finland, with no glandular posterior haired papillae ; Levander. Anatomy and histology of Gasiroschiza ti'iccintha, n. g., and type of a new family, of Rotifers, including the Euchlanis lynceus of Ehrenberg ; Bergendal (4) : of Anapas oralis, n. g. & sp., belonging to the same family, with carapace like Gasiroschiza , but with no foot ; Bergendal (4). 2. Nervous System and Sense Organs. Exhibition of suboesophageal ganglion ; Zelinka. Sense of vision ; Rousselet (4), where it is shown, by experiment, that Rotifers appear to see well even close objects. 3. Reproduction, &c. Remarks on the males and winter eggs of Rotifers ; Bergendal, (3) Act. Lund, iii, pp. 130-149. The male of Notops clavulatus and of Tri- phylus lacustris found ; WESTERN. 4. Classification, &c. Vetter doubts (though no reasons are given) the relationship between Rotifers and the Trochosphere larva. Daday revises the species of Asplanchna , with special reference to the Hungarian forms, concluding that the “reserve jaws,” not being part of the real jaw apparatus, are of no importance in classification, but that the external form of both sexes, the shape of the real jaws, the external form of the ovary, and the shell of the winter eggs are of classificatory importance. His species are, how- ever, criticized by Wierzejski (2). 5. Habits, &c. Occasional parasitism of a species of Proales on Daphnia ; Thompson, P. G. (2). Commensalism of 2 new species, one of Callidina and one of Pterodina, on Asellus ; Parsons. Discopus synaptce, Zel., as an Echino- derm parasite ; Cuenot, Matzdorf (3). Moss-haunting Rotifers, 2 new species of Macrotrachela ; Thompson, P. G. (1). Methods. Of collecting ; Wierzejski (3) : of examining under the mioroscope ; Rousselet (1). 84 Verm . xv. vermes B.— FAUNISTIC. Distribution of Rotifers according to saltness of water ; Cosmovici (1), & Daday, E. (1). Daday concludes that there are only 28 purely marine species, 32 both marine and lacustrine, 6 also in inland salt lakes ; he does not deal with the purely freshwater forms ; and he is not altogether accurate in the forms whose distribution he does deal with. Imhof (1) also deals with the distribution of the same kind of Rotifers, and concludes that of the marine and brackish forms, 9 species occur in the Baltic, 25 in the North Sea (23 not yet observed elsewhere), 1 in the Irish Sea, 7 in the Mediterranean ; he records 40 species of Euryhyaline forms, i.e. : forms which inhabit both sea- and fresh- water. Imhof (4) gives a summary of the pelagic fresh- water Rotifers, concluding that there are 29 species, and 1 variety of them ; in speaking of the life of frozen seas, Imhof (2) mentions 3 species of Rotifers, all belonging to the genus Anuraea. Bergendal (3) gives a detailed account of the Rotifer fauna of Greenland, comparing it (pp. 150-163) with that of other regions. Levander (2) enumerates the Rotifers of the South of Finland, mostly fresh-water ones, but 18 salt-water species occur off Esbo. Arctoqceal Region. a. Arctic Zone . Greenland : 82 species and 42 genera, including 3 new genera, 2 new subgenera, each with 1 new species, and 18 other new species ; freshwater chiefly, but a few marine ; Bergendal (3). Iceland : Pelagic Rotifer of Dyrefjord ( Synchccta pectinata ) ; Pouchet. Freshwater Rotifers, 2 species (mentioned only) ; de Guerne & Richard. b. Palcearctic Zone . Baltic Sea : 9 species, both marine and brackish ; Imhof (1). E. Baltic : 40 species ; Kojevnikov. Circum-Baltic Region. — Finland: a new species of Pedalion ; Levander (1). Other Rotifers ; Levander (2). Bornholm (?) — “ Ronne- Molla” — and Stockholm; 2 (or ? 3) species of the new genus Gastroschiza , of which one is probably Ehrenberg’s Euchlanis lynceus , and of which the other would probably serve as type of another new genus, Anapas ; Bergendal (4) & Jagerskiold. Norwegian. — Bukkenfjord : a new species of Anuraea; Thomp- son, J. C. North Sea : 25 species, of which 23 not found elsewhere ; Imhof (1). Scotland. — Forfarshire: a new species of Notops, and 2 rare species, one of Copeus, and the other Triarthra ; Calman. A few miles north of Dundee : 2 new species of Floscularia ; Hood (1) & (2). ROTIFERA. Verm. 85 England. — Essex : new species of Macrotrochela ; Thompson, P. G. (1). Chingford : $ of Triphylus lacustris ; Western. Leytonstone : new species of Proales on Daphnia ; Thompson, P. G. (2). Epping Forest : new species of Notops , Rousselet (2) : 2 new species, Parsons. 3 new species of Macrotrachelous Calidinidce ; Bryce (1). Keston : 2 new species, Rousselet (3). Surrey, Richmond Park : $ of Notops clavulatus ; Western. Middlesex : List of Rotifers in ponds near Ealing ; Lewis. Sussex : new species of Macrotrachela ; Thompson, P. G. (1). Isle of Wight : 3 new species ; Bryce (1). Central Europe. — Switzerland : list of Rotifers ; Imhof (3). Tyrol : Stephanoceros eichornii ; Dalla-Torre. Wiirttemberg : Rotifer fauna, 117 species ; Bilfinger. Bohemia : 4 pelagic pond forms, 2 semipelagic, and 10 littoral ; Kafka. Unter-Pocernitz : pond with 9 Rotifers. Gatterschlag : pond with 13 Rotifers and a GasterotricJia. Hungary : 13 species belonging to the genera A splanchna, Brachionus , and Triarthra ; Daday, J. Hungarian representatives of genus Asplanchna , 9 species ; Dad ay, E. (2). Galicia : 2 new genera, each with 1 new species, and 6 other new species; Wierzejski (3). Roumania : 23 species and 15 genera, 3 species new ; Cosmovici (2). Mediterranean : 7 species ; Imhof (1). Black Sea: Synchceta baltica , Ehr. ; Periaslavzeff. c. Near die Zone . United States. — L. Michigan : Rotifer elongatus ; Kellicott. Cincin* nati : Rotifer fauna, including 6 new species ; Turner. Neotropical Region. Argentine : Freshwater Rotifers ; Wierzejski (2). Ethiopian and Oriental Regions. [None.] Australian Region. Victoria : Rotifer fauna — 6 species of Floscularia , of which 1 new ; 11 species of the Melicertids , of which 2 (? 3) new, and 1 new variety ; 4 Philadissids ; 2 Asplanchnids ; 3 Synchaetids ; 2 Triarthrids ; 4 Noto- mastids ; 1 Rattulid ; 1 Dinocharid ; 2 Salpinids ; 1 Euchlanis ; 3 Cathy- pnids, of which 2 new ; 1 Colurid , which new ; 2 Pterodinids , of which 1 new ; 3 Brachionids ; 2 Anuraeids. C. — SYSTEMATIC. Actinurus neptunus , Ehr,, Roumania, anatomy ; Cosmovici (2). Anapas ovalis , n. g. & sp., Scandinavia ; Bergendal (4). 86 Verm. XV. VERMES. Anuraea cruciformis , n. sp., Bukkenfjord, Thompson, J. C. ; 3 species in frozen seas, Imhof (2) ; A. sp. ? in ponds of Iceland, de Guerne & Richard. A. cochlearis, var. carinata : notes on distribution ; Levander, (2) p. 142. Arthroglena, n. subg. of Diglena , with A. Iut7ceni, n. sp., Greenland ; Bergendal (3). Asplanchna : 9 Hungarian species recognized and described, synonymy of each given, and also a table for determining the species ; Daday, E. (2) . Daday, J., also mentions some Hungarian forms. A. herriclcii , Guerne, description ; Daday (2), Wierzejski (2). A.girocli , Guerne, description ; Wierzejski (2) : and, under the name of {A. syrinx ), Daday (2). A. helvetica in Iceland, de Guerne & Richard, shown to = ( A . Jcraemeri), Guerne, which = A. priodonta , which described; Wierzejski (2) and Daday (2). A. sieboldii in Hun- gary ; Daday (2) : broken up into A. ebbesborni and A. brightwelli , by Wierzejski (2), both of which also described by Daday (2). (A. imhofi), Guerne, belong to either A. ebbesborni or A. brightwelli ; Wierzejski (2), and Daday (2). A. triophthalma , Dad., amphora , Huds., and intermedia , Huds., recoguized by Daday (2) as Hungarian species, but said not to be good species by Wierzejski (2), A. cin- cinnatus , n. sp., Turner. Atrochus , n. g., with A. tentaculatus , n. sp., Galicia, Wierzejski (3) : anatomy and histology ; Wierzejski (4). Bipalpus , n. g., with B. vesiculosus , n. sp., "and including as another species the Euchlanis lynceus , Ehr. ; Wierzejski (3). In a note (3) he shows that they = Gasteroschiza fiexilis and G. faveolata , J agerskiold, respectively. Brachionus : Hungarian species ; Daday, J. B. n. sp. ? (or = B. amphi- ceros , Ehrb., which is a variety of B. pala ), Roumania ; Cosmovici (2). B. tuberculatus, n. sp., Cincinnati ; Turner. Callidina : Macrotrachelous forms ( i.e.} those which when fully extended, have the post anal-portion decidedly shorter than the pre-intestinal), 21 species recognized, of which 19 British, 4 new species, C. plicata (Epping Forest and I. of Wight), lata (I. of Wight and Folkestone), spinosa (I. of Wight), and aspersa (Epping Forest), fully described ; Bryce (1). C. laevis , C. tentaculala , n. spp., and G. sp. ?, N. Green- land ; Bergendal (3). C. magna-calcarata , n. sp., commensal on Asellus , Epping Forest ; Parsons. Cathypna , n. sp. (allied to C. luna), Victoria ; Anderson & Shephard. C. leontina , n. sp., Cincinnati, Turner. Cailopus similis, n. sp., Galicia, described and figured; Wierzejski (3). Conochilus unicornis , n. sp., Keston, RousseleT (3). Copeus ehrenbergi , Gosse, in Forfarshire ; Calman. Diglena ? natans, n. sp., Greenland, Bergendal, (3) pp. 94 & 107. Dinocharis intermedia , n. sp., Greenland, Bergendal, (3) pp. 94 & 107. Diops, n. g., of Notommatidce, with D. marina , n. sp., Greenland ; Ber- gendal, (3) p. 94. EOTIFEEA. Verm . 87 Discopus synaptce, Zel., as an Echinoderm parasite ; Matzdorf (3), Cuenot. Distemma dubia , n. sp , Greenland, Bergendal, (3) p. 100. Distyla : notes on genus ; Lord. D. clara, agilis, inermis, n. spp., British, Bryce (2). D. icthyoura , n.. sp., Victoria, Anderson & Shephard. Euchlanis parva , n. sp., Keston, Rousselet (3). E. elegans , n. sp., Galicia, description and figure ; Wierzejski (3). ( E . lynceus ), Ehrb., belong to Gasteroschiza, n. g., Bergendal (4), followed by Jagers- kiold : belong to Bipalpus , n. g. ; Wierzejski : Bergendal found it at Ronne-M511a, Jagerskiold, near Stockholm, and Wierzejski in Galicia, all independently, and at about the same time. Floscularia gossii, n. sp., Stormont Loch, Blairgowrie, occurring on Chara fcetida ; Hood (1). F. quadrilobata , n. sp., from a pond also a few miles N. of Dundee, attached to Ranunculus and Nitella ; Hood (2). E. evansonii , n. sp., Victoria, Anderson & Shephard. F. uniloba , n. sp., Galicia, Wierzejski (3). Gastroschiza , n. g. for G. triacantha, n. sp., Ronne Molla, which allied to or ? = ( Euchlanis lynceus ), Ehrb. ; Bergendal (4). G. faveolata, n. sp., near Stockholm, and G. triacantha , Berg. ; Jagerskiold. G. fiexilis , n. sp., near Stockholm, Jagerskiold, =?Anapas ovalis, n. g. & sp., Bergendal (4). [See also under Bipalpus. ] Gastrotricha, in Bohemia ; Fritsch & Vayra. Eypopus , n. g. of Notammatidce, with H. ritenbenlci , n. sp., Greenland; Bergendal, (3) p. 45. Lacinularia reticulata , n. sp., Victoria ; Anderson & Shephard. Limnias , sp. ?, allied to L. granulosus , Victoria; Anderson & Shephard. Macrotracliela multispinosa and papillosa , n. spp. from moss ; Thomp- son, P. G. (1). Mastigocerea capucina , n. sp., Galicia, Wierzejski (3) and (4). Metopidia affinis , n. sp., Greenland, Bergendal, (3) p. 122. Al. elliptica and dentata) n. spp., Cincinnati, Turner. M. ovalis , n. sp., Victoria, Anderson & Shephard. Afilcrocodides , n. g., with M. dubius , n. sp., Greenland, Bergendal, (3) p. 34. Monostyla guennerstedti , n. sp., Greenland, Bergendal, (3) p. 118. M. truncata, n. sp., Cincinnati, Turner. JLT. tentaculata , n. sp., Rou- mania, Cosmoyici (2). 3f. bifur ca and galeata , n. spp., British, Bryce (2). “ Notholca’’ ambigua , n. sp., Greenland, Bergendal, (3) p. 123. Notolca eguispinata) n. sp., Roumania, Cosmoyici (2). Notommata tarda , gronlandica , celer, distincta , longipes , n. spp., Greenland, Bergendal, (3) pp. 55-66. Notops clavidatus , £ found in Richmond Park ; Western. W. minor, n. sp., Epping Forest ; Rousselet (2). N. pygmceus, n. sp., Forfar- shire, Calman. Notostemma, n. subg. of Notommata. with N. mahrocephala , affinis , bicari- nata , n. spp., Greenland ; Bergendal, (3) pp. 69-71. CEcistes serpentina , Roumania, anatomy ; Cosmoyici (2). (E . ivilsoni , 88 Verm. xv. VERMES. n. sp., and a n. var. of CE . intermedins, Victoria ; Anderson & Shephard. Pedalion , a new species, P. fennieum , from Helsingfors, $ only found, differing from P. mirum chiefly in that there are no glandular pos- terior hair-bearing papillae, and that the lateral processes lie more ventrally and the nephridia are coiled in them ; Levander (1). Philodina roseola , Ehrb., Roumania ; Cosmovici (2). Pleurotrocha marina , n. sp., Greenland, Bergendal, (3) p. 50. Proales : observations on the quasi-parasitic habits of the genus, and description of a new species from Essex, P. daphnicola ; Thompson, P. G. (2). Pterodina caeca, n. sp., living commensally in Asellus, Epping Forest ; Parsons. P. emarginata , n. sp., Galicia, description and figure; Wierzejski (3). P. trilobata, n. sp., Victoria, Anderson & Shephard. Rotifer elongatus in L. Michigan ; Kellicott. Stephanops gronlandicus , n. sp., Greenland, Bergendal, (3) p. 111. S. bifur cus, Bolton ?, Galicia, description and figures ; Wierzejski (3). Syncbceta sty lata , n. sp., Galicia, description and figure ; Wierzejski (3). S. baltica, Ehrb., in the Black Sea; Periaslavzeff. S. pectinata , Ehrb., as a predominant pelagic form of Dyrefjord, Iceland, and observations on it ; Pouchet. Taphrocampa levinseni, n. sp., Greenland, Bergendal, (3) p. 48. Triarthra, Hungarian species ; Dad ay (7). T. terminalis , Plate, in For- farshire ; Calman. Triphylus lacusiris , $ found at Chingford ; Western. VI .—MESOZOA. Frenzel’s papers of last year on Salinella , translated into English in Ann. N. H. Nusbaum (1) gives a summary of the different theories with regard to the derivation of the Meta - from the Protozoa , and deals especially with Salinella as a connecting link. Apathy also concludes that the gap between the Meta- and Protozoa , between Trichoplax and Volvox , is satis- factorily filled by Salinella. Ccel. 1 XYI. CCELENTERATA. BY Sydney J. Hickson, M.A., D.Sc. I. — LIST OF PAPERS .* 1. Alcock, A. A case of Commensalism between a Gymnoblastic Hydro- medusoid ( Stylactis minoi , n. sp.) and a Scorpaenoid Fish ( Minous inermis ). Ann. N. H. x, pp. 207-214, 1 cut. 2. Axgelis, G. de. Introduzione alio studio degli Antozoi fossili. Riv. Ital. Sci. Nat. xii, pp. 129-132, 141 & 142. 3. Anon. The Australian Barrier Reef. Notice of Mr. Saville Kent’s book on “ The Great Barrier Reef of Australia, 1893,” with two photo- mezzotypes. Nat. Sci. 1892, pp. 646 & 647. 4. Antipa, G. Die Lucernariden der Bremer Expedition nach Ost- spitzbergen im Jahre 1889. Zool. Jahrb. vi, pp. 377-390, 2 pis. Abstr. in J. R. Micr. Soc. 1892 (v), p. 623. 5. . Ueber das Yorkommen von rudimentaren “ Principalten- takeln ” bei Lucernariden. T. c. pp. 392 & 393. 6. AppellOff, A. Zur Kenntniss der Edwardsien. Bergens Mus. Aarsber. 1891, No. 6, 32 pp., 3 pis. 7. Bigelow, K. P. On a new species of Cassiopea (xamachana) from Jamaica. Zool. Anz. xv, No. 393, pp. 212-214. Abstr. in J. R. Micr. Soc. 1892 (iv), p. 490. 8. . On the development of the marginal Sense Organs of a Rhizostomatous Medusa ( Cassiopea xamachana). Johns Hopk. Univ. Circ. xi, No. 97, pp. 84 & 85. Abstr. in J. R. Micr. Soc. 1892 (iv), pp. 490 & 491. 9. . On Reproduction by Budding in the Biscomedusce. Johns Hopk. Univ. Circ. xi, No. 97, pp. 71 & 72. Abstr. in J. R. Micr. Soc. 1892 (iv), p. 491. * An asterisk prefixed to a quotation indicates that the Recorder has not seen the Journal or Work referred to. 2 God. XVI. CCELEN TEEATA. 10. Brook, G. Preliminary description of (40) new species of Madre - pora in the Collection of the British Museum. Ann. N. H. x, pp. 451-465. Abstr. in J. R. Micr. Soc. 1893 (iii), p. 336. 11. Brunchorst, J. Die BiologischeMeeresstation in Bergen. Bergens Mus. Aarsber. 1890, No. 5. 12. Carlgren, 0. Beitrag zur Kenntniss der Edwardsien. CEfv. Ak. Forh. 1892, pp. 451-461, 6 figg. Abstr. in J. R. Micr. Soc. 1893 (ii), p. 195. 13. Cerfontaine, P. Sur Torganisation et le developpement des differentes formes des Anthozoaires. Bull. Ac. Belg. xxii, pp. 128- 148, 1 pi. 14. Chun, C. Die Dissogonie, eine neue Form der geschlechtlichen Zeugung. Leuckart’s Festschr. pp. 77-108, 5 pis, 3 figg. in text. 15. Claus, C. Ueber die Entwickeluug des Scyphostoma von Coty - lorhiza , Aurelia , und Chrysaora , sowie fiber die systematise]! e Stellung der Scyphomedusen. Arb. z. Inst. Wien, x, 1, pp. 1-70, 3 pis. Also published separately by Holder, Vienna, 1892. 16. Cunningham, J. T. On a species of Siphonophore observed at Ply- mouth. J. Mar. Biol. Ass. ii, 1892, pp. 212-215, 2 figg. Abstr. in J. R. Micr. Soc. 1892 (iv), p.491. 17. Driesch, H. Kritische Erorterungen neuerer Beitrage zur theore- tischen Morphologie. ii. Zur Heteromorphose der Hydroidpolypen. Biol. Centralbl. xii, pp. 545-556, 3 figg. Abstr. in J. R. Micr. Soc. 1892 (vi), p. 799. 18. Gerd, W. Zur Frage fiber die Keimblatterbildung bei den Hydro- medusen. Zool. Anz. xv, No. 399, pp. 312-316, 5 figg. Abstr. in J. R. Micr. Soc. 1892 (vi), p. 800. 19. Gcette, A. Ueber die Entwickelung von Pelagia noctiluca. SB. Ak. Berlin, 1892, Heft vii, pp. 413-421. 20. Gregorio, M. A. de. Intorno a taluni Celenterati mediterranei viventi. Nat. Sicil. xii (3), pp. 74 & 75. 21. Gregory, J. W. The Exploration of Coral Reefs by Borings. Nat. Sci. i, No. 1, pp. 50-52. 22. Grieg, J. A. Oversigt over Norges Pennatulider. Bergens Mus. Aarsber. 1891, No. 1, 24 pp., 1 pi. 23. Gurley, R. R. The Geological Age of the Graptolite Shales of Arkansas, and New Species of Graptolites. Ann. Rep. Geol. Survey Arkansas, iii (1890), pp. 401-404 & 416-418, 1 pi. 24. Hacker, V. Die Furchung des Eies von Aequorea forslcalea. Arch, mikr. Anat. xl, pp. 243-263, 2 pis. & 5 figg. in text. Abstr. in J. R. Micr. Soc. 1892 (vi), p. 799. LIST OF PAPERS. Ccel. 3 25. Haddon, A. C. The newly-hatched larva of Eujihyllia. Sci. P. R. Dublin Soc. vii, pp. 127-136, 1 pi. & 1 fig. in text. Abstr. in J. R. Micr. Soc. 1893 (i), pp. 53 & 54. 2o. Hartlaub, C. Zur Kenntniss der Anthomedusen. Nachr. Ges. Gotting. 1892 (1), pp. 17-23, 3 figg. in text. 27. Hickson, S. J. Preliminary notes of observations on the anatomy and habits of Alcyonium. P. Cambr. Phil. Soc. 1892 (vii), pt. 6, pp. 305-308. Nature, xlv, No. 1167, p. 455. 28. . Notes on a small collection of Hydrocorallince. Sci. P. R. Dublin Soc. vii, pp. 496-510, 3 pis. Abstr. in J. R. Micr. Soc 1892 (vi), pp. 799-800. 29. • Note 011 female gonophores of Errina labiata. Zool. Anz. xv, No. 394, pp. 237 & 238. Abstr. in J. R. Micr. Soc. 1892 fv), p. 623. V h 30. . Abstract of a paper entitled, “ A Revision of the Genera of the Alcyonaria stolonifera .” P. Z. S. 1892, pp. 594-596. 31. James, J. H. Manual of the Palaeontology of the Cincinnati group: Coslenterata. J. Cincinn. Soc. 1892 (xiv), pp. 149-163, 1 fig. 32. Kirkpatrick, R. Reports on the Zoological collections made in Tories Straits by Professor A. C. Haddon. Hydroida and Polyzoa. Sci. P. R. Dubl. Soc. vi, pt. x, pp. 603-626, 4 pis. 33. Koch, G. von. Kleinere Mittheilungen fiber Anthozoen. 7. Uber Kolonien von Bebryce mollis , Phil., welche Cornulariden ahnlich sind. 8. Aggregierte Kolonien von Balanophyllia verrucaria , Aut. Morph. JB. xviii, 2 hffc., pp. 373-376, and 376-382, with 11 figg.’ Abstr. in. J. R. Micr. Soc. 1892, pt. 3, p. 377. 34. . Kleinere Mittheilungen fiber Korallen. 9. Beobachtung des Wachsens von Clavularia ochracea. Morph. JB. xviii, pp. 605-608, 1 fig. Abstr. in J. R. Micr. Soc. 1892 (vi), p. 799. 35. Lang, Alb. Ueber die Knospung bei Hydra und eiuigen Hydro- polypen. Mit einem Vorwort von A. Weismann. Z. wiss. Zool. liv, pp. 365-385, 1 pi. Abstr. in J. R. Micr. Soc. 1892 (Vi) on 801 & 802. 36. Maas, O. Ueber Bau und Entwicklung der Cuninenknospen. Zobl. Jahrb. v, pp. 271-300, 2 pis. Abstr. in J. R. Micr. Soc. 1893 (i), pp. 54 & bo. 37. Nagel, W. Der Geschmackssinn der Actinien. Zool. Anz. xv, pp. 334-338. Abstr. in J. R. Micr. Soc. 1893 (i), p. 54. 38. Ortmann, A. Ueber KorallrifEe an der ostafricanischen Kfiste. Zool. Anz. xv, No. 381, pp. 18-20. Translated in Ann. N. H. ix^ pp. 339 & 340 ; copied in Naturwiss. Rundschau, vii, No. 15, p. 196 Abstr. in J. R. Micr. Soc. 1892 (iv), p. 490. 1892. [vol. XXIX.] F g 4 Gael. XVI. CCELENTERATA. 39. [Ortmann, A.] Die Korallriffe von Dar-es-Salaam und Umgegend. Zool. Jahrb. vi, pp. 631-670, 1 map. Abstr. in J. R. Micr. Soc. 1893 (ii), p. 194 & 195. 40. . Bericht liber die wissenschaftlichen Leistungen in der Natur- geschichte der Anthozoen wahrend des Jahres 1888. Arch. f. Nat. lv, Bd. 2, Hft, 3, pp. 167-179. 41. Rehberg, H. Neue nnd wenig bekannte Korallen. Abb. Yer. Hamb. xii, pp. 1-50, 4 pis., and separately published by Frieder- ichsen, Hamburg. 42. Samassa, P. Zur Histologie der Ctenophoren. Arch. mikr. Anat. xl, pp. 157-243, 5 pis. Abstr. in J. R. Micr. Soc. 1892 (vi). pp. 797— 799. 43. Sluitek, C. P. Eine geschichtiiche Berichtigung. Die Korallen- theorie von Eschscholtz. Zool. Anz. xv, pp. 326 & 327. Abstr. in J. R. Micr. Soc. 1893 (i), p. 54. 44. Studer, T. Sur un cas de reproduction par fissiparite chez un Alcyonaire (Schizophytum echinatnm). Act. Soc. Helv. lxxiv, p. 54. 45. Yanhoffen, E. Jahresbericht fur 1888 iiber die Coelenteraten mit Ausschluss der Spongien und Anthozoen. Arch. f. Nat. lv, Bd. ii, Hft. 5, pp. 135-166. 46. . Die Akalephen der Plankton Expedition. Ergeb. Plankton Exped. 28 pp., 4 pis., and 1 map. We ism ann, A. [See Lang, A.] 47. Willem, V. La digestion chez les Actinies. Zool. Anz. xvi, pp. 10-12. Yanderhaeghen, Gand : 1892, 8vo. Extract from Bull. Soc. de Medec. Gand, 1892, pp. 295-305. Abstr. in J. R. Micr. Soc. 1893 (ii), p. 195. 48. Zoja, R. Die vitale Methylenblaufarbung bei Hydra. Zool. Anz. xv, No. 394, pp. 241 & 242. 49. . Intorno ad alcune particolarita di Struttura dell’ Hydra. Rend. 1st. Lombardo, xxv, pp. 700-712, 1 pi. II. — MORPHOLOGY. HYDROZOA. Lang (35) describes the histology of the young buds of Hydra, Euden drium , and Plumularia, and maintains that the ectoderm, and the ectoderm only, contributes to their formation. When a bud is about to be formed, the ectoderm of the parent thickens in a certain restricted portion of the body, by a process of rapid division by fission of the ectoderm cells. After a time some of these ectoderm cells wander through the mesogloea into the endoderm, and these cells eventually form the endoderm of the MORPHOLOGY. Coel. 5 bud. The mesogloea of the parent in the area of the ectoderm thickening then breaks down, and is subsequently replaced by the formation of a new mesogloea by the young bud. Zoja (48) by the use of, comparatively speaking, strong solutions of methyl blue, has been able to clearly demonstrate the ectodermic nervous system of Hydra , confirming, in general details, the results arrived at by Schneider. He was able to prove the existence, in the ectoderm, of nerve nodules, from which numerous fibres spring, of nerve cords formed by the junction of several nerve fibres, and complicated networks of fine fibrils and rigid fibrils leading from this nervous system to the nematocysts. These points are illustrated by a coloured plate in the Rendiconti (49). Maas (36) describes a stock of Cunina buds which he obtained from the enteric cavity of Geryonm. The axis of the stock is not a simple tube, but possesses numerous irregular ramifications. The author is of opinion that a planula is produced sexually, and this settles down in the tissue of the Geryonia , and forms a stock which produces Medusce by budding, in fact that there is a simple alternation of generations. Driesch (17) gives an account of the different modes of growth in two forms of Sertularella. His investigations, he maintains, prove that there is in the hydroid colony no such substance as idioplasm. A polyp may give rise to another polyp, or a stolon to another stolon or a shoot, according to the physical or mechanical conditions that may be influenc- ing it during its growth. Gerd (18) states that at an early stage in the development of the egg of Bougainvillea , there is a distinct segmentation cavity formed, but that this is soon obliterated by the growth, in a centripetal direction, of the cells of the coeloblastula. These cells increase in number by tangential division, and some of them wander into the cavity of the embryo. This process of migration ends in the formation of a solid morula (pseudo- morula), and at the time when this is formed the outlines of the cells are very difficult to determine. The mesogloea is formed subsequently, and then the “ pseudo-morula ” changes into a solid planula. Hickson (28) gives an account of a small collection of Hydrocorallince collected by Professor Haddon in Torres Straits. The collection con- sisted of several specimens, both dried and in spirit, of Millcpora murrayi , JDistichopora violacea , and a small specimen in spirit of Stylaster gracilis. An account is given of the anatomy of Stylaster gracilis , and there is a short discussion of the relations of the genus Stylaster to Allopora. Several specimens of Bistichopora were examined, and it was found that those of a yellow or orange colour were sterile, those of a purplish brown colour bore male gonangia, and those of a violet colour bore female gonangia. These facts seem to indicate either that the Distichoporas change colour at different stages in their growth, or that the colour is correlated with their sexual condition. In any case, it seems probable that many of the species that have been established on colour characters will have to be abandoned when their anatomy has been examined. Hickson (29) states that the wall of the female gonangium of Hrrina 6 Coel. XVI. C CEL ENTE RATA. labiata consists of two layers, one of ectoderm and one of endoderm, as in other Stylasterids previously described, Hacker (24) gives a description of the early stages of the develop- ment of AEquorea forshcilea. The early stages are extremely regular, the nuclear divisions, up to the sixty-fourth stage, being simultaneous. SCYPHOZOA. Claus (15) gives an account of some new observations on the develop- ment of certain Scyphozoa , and discusses, very fully, the systematic position of this group. He found that the 16-armed larva of Cotylorhiza remained unchanged in the Zoological Institution at Vienna and at Trieste all the winter and spring. The first changes that occurred began in July, when buds were formed, not on the crown, but on the body- wall of the larva. Stabilisation began in August, and is limited to the formation of one ephyra at a time. In the early Scyphostoma stage, the mesoglcea is a clear liquid lamella, composed of a substance very similar to the contents of the endoderm cells. It must be considered to be derived from these cells. This is in striking contrast to the origin of themesogloea in Alcyo- naria, where it is derived, according to Kowalewsky and Marion, from the ectoderm. The inner layer of cells of the proboscis is endodermal. This confirms the views of McMurrich, and controverts those of Goette. Claus states that Goette is also wrong in his account of the develop- ment of the septal funnels. There is no cavity in the septal muscle, and the funnels do not become the sub-genital pits. As a general conclusion from these researches, Claus maintains that the S cyphomedusce cannot be included in the group of the Anthozoa. The correct classification is — Ccelentcratci Anthozoa Folypomedum Hydrozoa Scyphozoa Gcette (19) finds that, although there is no true Scyphostoma in the development of Pelagia , the general features of the development of this form are very similar to those of Aurelia and Cotylorhiza. The main points of difference are in the absence, in Pelagiaf of larval tentacles and septal muscles. While the ’whole inner structure and the course of radiation are the same as in other Medusce , the rhythm of the formation of the enteric pouches and septa is somewhat different, and follows the following course 2 radials of the principal plane, endodermic. 2 „ transverse „ ectodermic. 4 adradials by division of the 2nd ectodermic pouches. 4 „ ,, 1st endodermic „ 4 „ ,, last ectodermic ,, In all, 6 endodermic and 10 ectodermic pouches. Morphology. Ocet. 1 Bigelow (9) states that, whereas the budding that takes place on any other part of the Scyphostoma than the crown in Aurelia , Cyancea, and Cotylorhiza is a mere incident in the life-history of the individual, in Cassiopea xamachana the process of budding from the Scyphostoma is au important, if not the chief factor in the perpetuation of the species. Bigelow (8) states that Goette is wrong in asserting that the rhopalia are formed as evaginations from the under surface of the marginal part of the umbrella independently of the larval tentacles. In Cassiopea xamachana, at any rate, they are formed as' modifications of one series of larval ten- tacles. Otoliths are formed at the base, and the distal portion of the tentacle is absorbed. Antipa (4) found in an example of a very young Craterolophus , between the adradial arms, and therefore in the perradii and interradii, a small true tentacle. This is of importance, he considers, as it proves that the Lucernaridce are derived from a form which possessed 8 (4 per- and 4 inter-radial) tentacles. ANTHOZOA. Appelloff (6) finds that there is a well-developed nervous system in the ectoderm of the capitulum of Edwardsia , but there is no ectodermal musculature. As in Carlgren’s tribe Protanthece , there are no mesenterial stomata and no acontia. All these and other points show great affinities between Edwardsia and the Protanthece. Cerfontaine (13) discusses the arrangement of the tentacles in Cerianthus membranaceus. Fresh tentacles are constantly being formed. The author also says that if pieces are cut off a polype of Astroicles calycularis , polypes arise which never produce a skeleton, but grow never- theless and reproduce by gemmation. Nagel (37) made a series of experiments, proving the existence of a Sense of taste in the tentacles of several species of sea anemones. A piece of the flesh of a sardine was greedily seized by the tentacles and swallowed, a piece of blotting paper of the same shape was not touched ; a piece of sardine flesh which had been washed in water for some time Was seized, but not very energetically, but a piece of blotting paper which had been soaked in the sardine extract was seized as eagerly as the flesh itself. Willem (47) made some experiments on the digestion of sea ane- mones by feeding them with carminated albumen and the liver of the mussel. He finds that the absorption takes place by the whole of the endoderm and .the endoderm only. No grains of carmine or liver globules were ever found in the cells of the mesenterial filaments. Haddon (25) describes some young larvae of Euphyllia , T5 mm. long. They rested on their aboral surface on the side of the vessel. They had eight complete mesenteries and two incomplete ones, these being the sulco-sulcar laterals. According to Bourne, the adult Euphyllia is radially symmetrical. This larva is obviously bilaterally symmetrical. 8 Goet XV i. CCELENT^RATA. Hickson (27) gives some preliminary notes on the minute anatomy of Alcyonium digitatum. There is no evidence for the existence of a lumen in all the cords of endoderm cells found in the mesogloea between the coelentera. A nervous system, in the form of a delicate network of fibrils and cells, penetrates the mesogloea. The author also gives an account of the mode of retraction of the polyps, and of a series of experiments he made at Plymouth, proving the tidal rhythm of expansion and contraction of the polyps in the living state. Yon Koch (33) describes some colonies of Bebryce mollis , which form true stolons, like those of the Stolonifera. These stolons, moreover, secrete basally (from the ectoderm) a horny lamella. The author also describes aggregated colonies of Balanophyllia verrucaria , which cannot easily be distinguished from those formed in the ordinary way by budding. Yon Koch (34) states that a piece of the stolon of Clcivularia ochracea is constant in growth for twenty days, increasing in length about 05 mm. per diem, and forming a new polype every sixth day. Studer (44) calls attention to a case of reproduction by fission occurring in an Alcyonarian ( Schizophytum echinatum ). CTENOPHORA. Samassa (42) writes an elaborate and fully illustrated paper on the histology of the Ctenophora. He was unable to find any definite nervous system, but he regards the polar bodies, the polar fields, and meridian bands as forerunners of a nervous system, and capable of performing all its physiological functions. He concludes with some remarks in favour of Lang’s view that the Turbellaria are derived from the Ctenophora . Chun (14) has an interesting paper on some of the more recent results of his work on the life-history of Ctenophora. He defines “ Dissogony ” as the condition in which a single individual becomes sexually mature in two different forms, between which is interposed a stage in which degene* ration of the sexual products occur. The particular case discussed is that of Bolina hydatiua, which brings forth a sexually mature Cydippe form, followed by a stage in which the gonads disappear before the adult characters make their appearance* Dissogony is obviously a form of Paedogenesis, but differs from it in the interposition of a nomsexual stage between the larval and adult form. The author has also a chapter on the mechanics of the development of the Ctenophora. SYMBIOSIS. Alcock (1) describes a remarkable case of commensalism between the Scorpaenoid fish, Minons inermis, and the Gymnoblastic hydroid, Stylactis minoi , n. sp. The Stylactis is never found without the Minous , nor the Minous without the Stylactis. The association of these two forms holds good over a wide area of the Indian Seas. The Stylactis is usually found Morphology, fatjntstic. Gee L 9 on tbe throat and around the gill opening of the fish, and it seems to afford it additional resemblance to the encrusted rocks among which it lives. CORAL REEFS. The most important contributions to our knowledge of Coral Reefs during the year 1892, are those of Ortmann (38). This author states that the reefs of the East African coast, from the coast opposite Zanzibar as far south as Mikiudani, are all fringing reefs. There are no true atolls nor barrier reefs. The coast all along the line has been undergoing gradual elevation, as is proved by numerous remains of old reefs above the sea level. He found that many corals, such as Porites, Goniastrcea, Cedoria , and Tubipora , are able to survive exposure to the sun and air at low tides for hours together. Some corals, such as Psammocora , Montipora , and Lophoseris , are capable of thriving on a loose gravelly bottom, held together by sea-grass. In his account of the corals of Dar-es-Salaam, the same author (39 shows that of the 44 species, 12 are widely distributed in the Indo-Pacific region, 23 are Indian species, 2 of which go as far as China, 5 are purely Pacific, and 2 are new. Sluiter (43) points out that the views as to the origin of coral reefs usually attributed to Chamisso, are really those of Eschscholtz. Gregory (21) gives a short account of some of the more recent results obtained by making borings on coral reefs. The editor of Natural Science (3) gives a short account of Saville Kent’s book on the Australian Barrier Reef (1893), illustrated by two excellent photomezzotints of the reef. III.— FAUNISTIC. Brunchorst (11) gives a list of all the Ccdenlerata known to occur in the neighbourhood of Bergen. Kirkpatrick (32) gives an account of the Hijdroklea collected by Professor Haddon in Torres Straits, and a list of all the known species from that district. Tubularities , 4 species ; Camp anular ince , 5 species ; SertularincB , 11 species ; and Plumularince, 12 species. Hickson (28) gives an account of the Hydvocorallince collected by Professor Haddon in Torres Straits. 3 species. Antipa (4) describes the Lucernaridce collected in the region of East Spitzbergen. 3 species. Vanhoffen (46) gives an account of the Akalephaz collected by the Plankton Expedition. 9 species, and an account of the distribution of the Cathammata. Ortmann (39) gives a list of the corals found upon the reefs in the neighbourhood of Dar^es^Salaam. 10 Coel. XVI. (XELENTERATA. Grieg (22) gives figures of Cladiscus loveni and Funiculina quadratic gularis, and a list of all the Pennatulids found on the coast of Norway. Rehberg (41) gives, on pp. 30-35, a very useful list of the names of the species of Madrepora- occurring in different parts of the world. IV.— NEW GENERA AND SPECIES. HYDROZOA. Gymnoblastea. Kirkpatrick (32) describes the following new species : — Coryne v. Syncoryne cylindrical p. 605, growing on Cellepora granulosa) Albany Passage, 8 faths. Cladocoryne haddoni, p. 605, growing on Idia pristis, Murray I., 15 to 20 faths. Fudendrium infundibuliforme , p. 606, 20 miles N.N.W. of Warrior I., 5£ faths. Stylactis minoi, Alcock (1), p. 212, commensal with the fish Minous inermis in the Indian Seas. Anthomedus^. Turris ccea, Hartlaub (26), p. 19, Mediterranean. Hartlaub (26) pro- tests against Yanhoffen’s views in joining Pandaea and Tiara. The gonads of the two genera are not alike. Calyptoblastea. Diphasia scalariformis , Kirkpatrick (32), p. 609, growing on Aglao- phenia iiuxleyi , 20 miles N.N.W. of Warrior I., 5£ faths. Hydrocorallim* Millepora tenelld , Ortmann (39), p. 668, Dar-es^-Salaam. RHABDOPHORA. Dicranograptus arliansasensis) Gurley (23), p. 416, Dicellograptus zo tie, Arkansas. D. nicholsoni, var. parvangulus (n. var.), id. loc. cit. p. 417. Diplograptus trifidus , id. p. 417. Several localities in Arkansas associated with the Dicellograptus fauna. Dictyonema obovatum, id. p. 418, Dicellograptus zone, Arkansas. NEW GENERA AND SPECIES. Gael 11 SIPEONOPHOFA. Muggiaid atlantica , Cunningham (16), Plymouth. The author remarks that this species may be identical with Haeckel’s Muggicea pyra- midalis. SCYPHOZOA. Vanhoffen (46) disapproves of the division of the Scyphozoa into Octane • ralia and Tetrameralia . He divides the Cathammata (of Claus) into two divisions : — Cor onata\PeriPhyllidce- ( Ephyropsidce. The same author (46) describes the following new species Nausithoe clausi , p. 14, Carolines. Nauphanta vettoris pisani, p. 15, Carolines. Lucernosa , n. g., which differs from Lucernaria in the more complicated structure of its gonads. It includes four species : L. bathyphila =2= Lucernaria bathyphila (Haeckel), and the following three which are new, L. waltheri, p. 379, L. Jculcenth'ali, p. 386, L. liaeclceli , p. 388, all from E. Spitzbergen, 10-35 faths., Antipa (4). Cassiopea xamachana , Bigelow (7), Jamaica. ANTHOZOA. ZOANTHARIA . Madreporaria perforata. Brook (10) adds the followuDg new species of the genus Madrepord :-=• M. ambigua , p. 451, Northumberland I. il /. arcuaia , p. 452, Samoa. M. armata (= M. spicifera, Dana), M. assimilis (= M. appressa , Quelch), M. australis , p. 453, Darnley I. and Wreck Bay, Gt. Barrier Reef. M. bceodactyla (= M. seriata , Briiggemann), M. bifaria , Java. M. botryodes (= M. gonagra and M. hainiei , Briigge- mann), p. 454. M. brevicollis , Rodriguez, &c. M. bullata , Port Denison. M. calamaria (= M. plantaginea and M. acervata, Briigge- mann), p. 455. M. clavigera, loc. ?. M. cophodactyla, loc. ?. M. coronata , p. 456, Gt. Barrier Reef. M. decipiens , Gt. Barrier Reef. Af. elseyiy N. Australia and Gt. Barrier Reef. M. exilis} p. 457, Arafura Sea, 10 faths., &c. M. fruticosa , loc. ?. Af. gemmifera (= Af. seriata , Quelch). A/, grandis, Gt. Barrier Reef. A/, guppyi , 12 Gad. XV f. CCELENTERATA. p. 458, Solomon Is. Jf. irregularis (= Jf. alces , Bruggemann), Rodriguez and Macclesfield Bank, 7 or 8 faths. Jf. kenti, Thurs- day I. and Gt. Barrier Reef. Jf. latistella , p. 459, Port Denison. Jf. loripes, Gt. Barrier Reef. Jf. nigra (= Jf. ehrenbergii , B. Smith). 31. oligocyatlms , p. 460, Mauritius. Jf orbicularis , Ceylon. 31. pcitula , Port Denison. 31. pectinata. Thursday I. 31. rayneri , p. 461, Fiji. 31. recumbens , Gt. Barrier Reef. 31. reticulata , Arafura Sea, &c. 31. sarmentosa) p. 462, Gt. Barrier Reef. 31. spectabilis , loc. ?. 31. squamosa , p. 463, Gt. Barrier Reef. 31. syringodes , Gt. Barrier Reef, Samoa, &c. 31. tenella , p. 464, Macclesfield Bank, 31 & 37 faths. 31. tizardi (= 31. nasuta , B. Smith), Jl/. violacea , p. 465, Fiji, &c. Ortmann (39) describes 31adrepora cylindrus and Jf. Tiorizontalis , p. 658, Dar-es-Salaam. Rehberg (41) adds the following species Dendrophyllia japonica, p. 28, Japan. Ccenopsammia rarniculosa, p. 29, Japan. 31adrepora incrustans) p. 35, Tonga Tabu. 31. repens , p. 36, Madagascar. Jf. mexicana , p. 38, Mexico. Jf. dichotoma , p. 39, Pelew. Jf. philip- pinensis , p. 40, Philippines. 31. elliptica , p. 41, Luzon. Jf . rudis, p. 41, Ceylon. 31. papillosa , p. 42, Tahiti. Jf. pelewensis , p. 42, Pelew. Turbinaria mcirmorea, p. 43, Ponape. T. crispa , p. 44, Tonga. Jftacropora sqtinosa, p. 46, Pelew. PORITDLZE. Porites capricornis , p. 46, Pelew. P. profundus , p. 48, Madagascar. P. reticulum ; Ortmann (39), Dar-es-Salaam. Madreporaria imperforata. Turbinolidji. Rehberg (41) describes Heterocyathus pulchellus , p. 8, West Coast of Aus- tralia. H \ oblongatus, p. 9, South China Sea, 16 faths. OctJLINIDiE. Amphihelia adminlcularis , p. 10, Japan* 31adracis axillaris , p. 10, Fiji, 80 faths. ASTRiEIM. Pterogyra simplex , p. 14, New Ireland* 31ussa crassidentatci , p. 16, Pelew Is. Sympliyllia subtilis, p. 16, Fiji. Ulophyllia stuhlmanni , p. 17, Zanzibar, if, maxima , p. 18, Duke of York I. NEW GENERA AND SPECIES. Gael 13 Tridacophyllia elongata p. 18, Pelew. Cceloria elegans , p. 20, N.E. Coast of Australia. C. deltoides, p. 20, E. Coast of Australia. C. australiensis , p. 21, N. E. Coast of Australia. Hydnophora columellata , p. 21, Yap. H. hlunzingeri , p. 22, Samoa. Clavarina composite , p. 22, Pelew. JEchinopora pellucida, p. 23, Pelew. Astrceosmilia , n. g., allied to DasyphylUa , but differing from it principally in the long, laterally-connected calyces and the absence of “ Col- leretts.” A. connate, p. 664, Dar-es-Salaam ; Ortmann (39). LoPHOSEEID.E. Folioseris , n. g., p. 26 : this genus stands close to Pavonia , from which it differs in the arrangement of the calyces, which do not stand in rows. On the other hand, it shows affinities with the genus Mycedium ; RehbePvG (41). F. crisp a (= Agaricia crispa , Ehrenberg). F. papyrcicea (== Pavonia papyracea , Dana). - Sjjong . 1 XVII. SPONGI/E. BY R. Hanitsch, Ph.D. I.— LIST OF PUBLICATIONS * 1. Anonymous. [Note on Sponge Deposits discovered near Island of Pantelleria.] Nature, xlvi, p. 474. 2. Appelloff, A. Om Bergensfjordenes faunistike praeg. Bergens Mus. Aarsber. 1891, pp. 1-14. Sponges, pp. 11, 12, & 14. 3. Bidder, G-. Note on the Excretion in Sponges. P. R. Soc. 1;, No. 313, pp. 474-484, 5 woodcuts. 4. . On the flask-shaped Endodermand Spougoblasts in one of the Keratosa [Cacospongia, sp.]. Op. cit. lii, No. 315, pp. 134-139, 3 woodcuts. 5. Braun, M. Nachtrage und Berichtigungen zum Zoologischen Theil von “ Die landeskundliche Literatur iiber die Grossherzogthiimer Mecklenburg,” &c. Arch. Yer. Mecklenb. xlv, pp. 87-95. Spongice , p. 93. 6. Buck, E. Einiges iiber den Bodenseeschwamm. Deutsche Fischerei- Zeitung, xv, pp. 366 & 367. 7. Chworostansky, C. Ueber die Zone des Kustenstriches der Solowezki-Inseln. Zool. Anz. xv (1892), pp. 214 & 215. 2 Sponges, Suberites glasenapii , Mer., and Halisarca Fr.-schulzei , Mer. 8. Corti, B.' Foraminiferi e Diatomee fossili del pliocene di Castene- dolo. Rend. 1st. Lombardo (2) xxv, pp. 991-1012, 1 pi. 1 Sponge, Spongolithis acicularis , Ehrenb., mentioned, p. 1011. * An asterisk prefixed to a quotation indicates that the Recorder has not seen the Journal or Work referred to. 2 Spong, xvir. SPONGIJC. 9. Delage, Y. Embryogenie des eponges ; developpement postlarvaire des eponges silicenses et fibreuses marines et d’eau douce. Arch. Z. exper. (2) x, No. 3, pp. 345-498, 8 pis. Abstract in Bibliographic Anatomique, i, No. 1, pp. 13 & 14. 10. Dendy, A. The Discovery of the true Nature of the so-called family Teichonidce. Zool. Anz. xv (1892), pp. 245 & 246. Dendy claims the priority over R. v. Lendenfeld of having proposed to abolish the family Teichonidce. 11. . Synopsis of the Australian Calcarea Heteroccela, with a pro- posed classification of the group, and descriptions of some new genera and species. P. R. Soc. Yict. (n.s.) v, pp. 69-116. 4 new genera ; 17 new species ; 1 new variety. 12. . Preliminary account of Synute pulchella , a new genus and species of Calcareous Sponges. Op. cit. iv, pp. 1-6. 1 new genus ; 1 new species. 13. . On a new species of Leuco-solenia from the neighbourhood of Port Phillip Heads. Op. cit. v, pp. 178-180. 1 new species. 14. Doderlein, L. [Description of Petrostoma schulzei , n. g., n. sp. of Calcarea, representing a new order Lithones.] Yerh. deutsch. Zool. Gres, ii (1892) pp. 143-145. 15. Dreyee, F. Ziele und Wege biologischer Forschung, beleuchtet an der Hand einer Gertistbildungsmechanik. Jena (Gi. Fischer) : 1892, 8vo, xii & 103 pp., 6 pis. 16. . Die Principien der Gerustbildung bei Rhizopoden, Spongien und Echinodermen (Fortsetzung). Jen. Z. Nat. xxvi (n.f. xix), pp. 297-468, 10 pis. Etheridge, R. [See Jack & Etheridge (29).] 17. Famintzin, A. Beitrag zur Symbiose von Algen und Thieren. Mem. Ac. Petersb. (7) xxxviii, 16 pp. 18. Garstang, W. Notes on the Marine Invertebrate Fauna of Plymouth for 1892. J. Mar. Biol. Ass. (n.s.) ii, No. 4, pp. 333-343. 1 Sponge, Leucosolenia lacunosa , Bwk. 19. Geinitz, H. B. Die Yersteiner ungen des Herzogthums Sachsen- Altenburg. MT. Osterlande (n.f.) v, pp. 161-199. Spongice , p. 191. 20. Griffiths, A. B. The Physiology 'of the Invertebrata. London (L. Reeve & Co.) : 1892, 8vo, xvi & 477 pp., 81 woodcuts. Sponges : pp. 30-32, 79-82, 184, 209, 349, 378. 21. Hanitsch, R. Foraminifer or Sponge ? Nature, xlvii, No. 1216, p. 365. LIST OF PUBLICATIONS. SpOUg. 3 22. [Hanitsch, R] Foraminifer or Sponge ? Nature, xlvii, No. 1219, p. 439. On Neusina agasaizi , Goes, a supposed Foraminifer. 23. Hartog, M. M. Some Problems of Reproduction : a Comparative Study of Gametogeny and Protoplasmic Senescence and Rejuve- nescence. Q. J. Micr, Sci, xxxiii, pt. 1, pp. 1-79. Sponges, pp. 48 & 49. 24. Herdman, W. A. Fifth Annual Report of the Liverpool Marine Biological Station now on Puffin Island. Proc. Liverpool Biol. Soc, vi, pp. 10-39. Sponges, pp. 26 & 28. 25. . Notes on the Collections made during the Cruise of S.Y. “Argo” up the West Coast of Norway, in July, 1891. T. c. pp. 70-93, 2 pis. Sponges, pp. 88 & 89. 26. IIinde, G. J. On Palceosaccu-s dawsoni , Hinde, a new genus and species of Hexactinellid Sponge from the Quebec group (Ordovician) at Little Metis, Quebec, Canada. Geol. Mag. (3) x, No. 344, pp. 56-58, 1 pi. 1 new genus and species. 27. Hinde, G. J., & Holmes, W. M. On the Sponge-remains in the Lower Tertiary Strata near Oamaru, Otago, New Zealand. J. L. S. xxiv, No. 151, pp. 177-262, 9 pis. 1 new genus, 15 new species, several undetermined. Holmes, W. M. [See Hinde & Holmes (27).] 28. Hornell, J. A Strange Commensalism — Sponge and Annelid. Nature, xlvii, No. 1204, p. 78. Microciona plumosa and Leucodora cceca. 29. Jack, R. L., & Etheridge, R., Jun. The Geology and Palaeonto- logy of Queensland and New Guinea. Brisbane (Beal) and London (Dulau & Co.): 1892, xxx & 768 pp., 68 pis., 1 map. Sponges, pp. 199 & 436-439 ; 1 new species. 30. Kafka, J. TJntersuchungen fiber die Fauna der Gewasser Bohmens, ii. Die Fauna der bohmischen Teiche. Arch, naturw. Landesforsch. Bohmen, viii, p. 113. Spongillidce. 31. Kellicott, D. S. The Mills Collection of Freshwater Sponges. Bull. Buff. Nat. Club, v, pp. 99-104. 32. Kojeynikov, G. La faune de la mer Baltique orientale et les problemes des explorations prochaines de cette faune. Congres internat. de Zoologie, ii, No. 1, p. 140. 4 Spong. XYII. SPONGIiE. 33. Korschelt, E., & Weltner, W. Die Lebensverhaltnisse der Dreissensia polymorpha. Naturw. Wochenschrift, vii, pp. 391-393. Spongillidce , p. 393. 34. Lameere, A. Prolegomenes de Zoogenie. Bull. Sci. Fr. Belg. xxiii (1891), pp. 399-411. Systematic position of Sponges, &c. 35. Lendenfeld, R. yon. Siliceous Spicules of Geodia. J. R. Micr. Soc. 1892, p. 50. Abstract of paper, Ueber die Kieselnadeln von Geodia ; Zool. Anz. xiv (1891), pp. 407-409. \VideZo6\. Rec. 1891.] 36. . Bemerkung iiber die Homodermidce. Zool. Anz. xv (1892), p. 109. 37. . Ueber Minchin’s Angaben betreffs der Histologie der Kalk- schwamme. T. c. pp. 277-279. 38. . Berichtigung. T. c. p. 370. Reply to Dendy’s article, “ The Discovery 'of the true Nature of the so-called family TeicJionidce,'} t. c. p. 245. Author states that he arrived at his conclusions independently of Dendy. 39. . Note on Mr. Minchin’s paper on Ascetta. Ann. N. H. (6) ix, p. 337. 40. . Note on Dr. Hiude’s Tertiary Sponge-spicules. Op. cit. x, p. 268. 41. . Bemerkungen iiber die neuerlich von Dendy beschriebenen Kalkschwamme. Biol. Centralbl. xii, pp. 58-60. 42. . Die Spongien der Adria. ir. Mittheilung. Die Hexaceratina. Z. wiss. Zool. liv, hft. 3, pp. 275-315, 1 pi. 43. Maas, O. Die Metamorphose von Esperia lorenzi , O. S., nebst Beobachtungen an anderen Schwammlarven. MT. z. Stat. Neap, x, hft. 3, pp. 408-440, 2 pis. 44. . Die Auffassung des Spongienkorpers und einige neuere Arbeiten iiber Schwamme. Biol. Centralbl. xii, Nos. 18 & 19, pp. 568-572. Translated in Ann. N. H. (6) x, pp. 399-405 : The Interpretation of the Sponge Organism, and some recent works on Sponges. Abstract in J. R. Micr. Soc. 1892, p. 803. 45. . [Demonstration of Larvae of Siliceous Sponges.] Yerh. Deutsch. Zool. Ges. ii, p. 142. 46. Marshall, W. Spongiologische Beitrage. Festschrift zur 70. Wiederkehr des Geburtstages von Rud. Leuckart. Leipzig (C. F. Winter): 1892, imp. 4to, 36 pp., 8 pp. explanation, 8 pis. 2 new genera, 2 new species. 47. Matthew, G. F. List of the Fossils found in the Cambrian Rocks in and near St. John. Bull. Nat. Hist. Soc. New Brunswick, x, pp. xi-xxiii. Sponges, p. xv. LIST OF PUBLICATIONS. Spong. 5 43. Minch in, E. A. Dr. von Lendenfeld on the Central Cavity in Euplectella. Ann. N. H. (6) ix, pp, 408 & 409. 49. . Some points in the Histology of Leucosolenia ( Ascetta ) clath - rus, 0. S. Zool. Anz. xv (1892), pp. 180-184, 3 woodcuts. 50. . Dr. von Lendenfeld als Kritiker. T. c. pp. 415-417. 51. •. Note on a Sieve-like Membrane across the Oscula of a Species of Leucosolenia , with some observations on- the Histology of the Sponge. Q. J. Micr. Sci. xxxiii, pt. 2, pp. 251-272, 2 pis. Abstract in J. R. Micr. Soc. 1892, ii, pp. 218 & 219. 52. . The Oscula and Anatomy of Leucosolenia clathrus, O. S, Q. J. Micr. Sci. xxxiii, pt. 4, pp. 477-495, 1 pi. 53. . Structure of Calcareous Sponges. [Abstract of Minchin’s recent papers.] Am. Nat. xxvi, p. 863. 54. Munroe, K. Sponge and Spongers of the Florida Reef. Scribner’s Magazine, Nov. 1892, pp. G39-649, 6 woodcuts. Popular account of Sponge-fishing. 55. Nobre, A. Estudos de Zootomia. Fasc. 2. Porto (Typographia Occidental) : 1892, pp. 49-84, 3 pis. Halichondria carunculaf B. ; Cacospongia scalaris, O. S., and Hyalo- nema lusitanica are described and figured, apparently for practical class purposes. 56. Norman, A. M. Museum Normanianum; or. a Catalogue of the Invertebrata of Europe, and the Arctic and North Atlantic Oceans. vii & viii : Spongozoa and Rhizopocla. Durham : 1892, 21 pp. Spongozoa, pp. 5-14. 57. Ogilvie, M. M. Contributions to the Geology of the Weugen and St. Cassian Strata in Southern Tyrol. Q. J. Geol. Soc. xlix, pt. 1, pp. 1-78, 14 woodcuts, 5 maps. 22 species of Sponges, including 1 new genus and 1 new species. 58. Pearcey, F. G. Foraminifer or Sponge? Nature, xlvii, No. 1217, p. 390. On Neusina agassizi, Goes, a supposed Foraminifer. 59. Pocta, P. Ueber Spongien aus der oberen Kreide Frankreichs in dem mineralogischen Museum in Dresden. Mit Vorwort von Dr. II. B. Geinitz. MT. min. geol. Mus. Dresden, xi. Cassel (Th. Fischer) : 1892, 4to, 26 pp., 4 pis. 11 new species, 1 new variety. 60. Rauff, H. Ueber den Bau des Stiitzskeletes bei den Anomo- cladinen und Tetracladinen. SB. niederrhein. Ges. xlviii (1891), pp. 33-37. 61. . Ueber eine eigen thiimliche Gruppe fossiler Kalkschwamme ( Polysteganince ). T. c. pp. 45-50. 1892. [yol. xxix.] f 9 6 Spong. XVII. SP0NGI2E. 62. Thomson, J. A. The Study of Animal Life. London ( J ohn Murray) : 1892, 8 vo, xii & 375 pp., 71 woodcuts. Spongice , p. 188, 63. . Outlines of Zoology, London (Young J. Pentland) : 1892, 8vo, xvi & 641 pp., 32 pis. Spongice , pp. 114-120. 64. Topsent, E. Study of Clionidce. J. R. Micr. Soc. 1892, pt. 3, p. 378. Abstract of Deuxieme contribution a 1’etude des Clionides. Arch. Z. exper. (2) ix (1891), No. 4, pp. 523-554, 1 pi. \Vide Zool. Rec. 1891.] 65. . Notes histologiques au sujet de Leucosolenia coriacca (Mont.), Bwk. Bull. Soc. Z. Fr. xvii (1892), pp. 125-129, 1 woodcut. 66. . Sur une Eponge du Lac de Tiberiade, Potamoleph barrois? , n.sp. Rev. Biol, v, No. 3, pp. 85-92, 1 pi. 67. . Contribution a 1’etude des Spongiaires de l’Atlantique Nord. Resultats des Campagnes scientifiques accomplies sur son yacht par Albert I., Prince souverain de Monaco, publies sous sa direction, avec le concours du Baron Jul. de Guerne. Fasc. ii. Monaco : 1892, gr. 4to, 165 pp., 11 pis , 2 maps gr. fol. 167 species obtained, 1 new family, 3 new subfamilies, 8 new genera, 58 new species. 68. Vosmaer, G, C. J. On the Canal System of the Homoccelci , and on the morphological value of the terms osculum and pore in Sponges. Tijdschr. Nederl. Dierk. Ver. (2) iii, afl. 3 & 4, pp. 235-242. 69. Weltner, W. Bericht liber die Leistungen in der Spongiologie fur die Jahre 1885-87. Arch. f. Nat. liv, pp. 176, 227 & 228. 70. . Die Tier- und Pflanzenwelt des Siisswassers. Referat liber das gleichnamige Werk von 0. Zacharias. Naturwissenschaftliche Wochenschrift, 1892, pp. 445 & 446. 71. . Das Vorkommen von Cordylophora lacustris, Alim, bei Berlin, SB. nat. Fr. 1892, No. 6, pp. 76-80. Freshwater Sponges, p. 80. 72. . Bemerkungen liber den Bau und die Entwicklung der Gemmulae der Spongilliden. Biol. Centralbl. xiii, Nos. 4 & 5, pp. 119-126. 73. . Metallausgiisse des Canalsystemes eines Siisswasserschwammes. SB. nat. Fr. 1893, No. 1, pp. 5 & 6, 1 woodcut 74. . Ueber die Autorenbezeichnung von Spongilla erinaceus. T. c. pp. 7-13. One new species. 75. . Spongillenstudien. Arch. f. Nat. 1893, pp. 209-244. Gives the complete literature on Spongillidce. . [See also Korsciielt & Weltner (33).] LIST OF PUBLICATIONS. Spong. 7 76. Wierzejski, A. Ueber das Yorkommen von Carterius stepanovii , Petr, und Heteromeyenia repens , Potts, in Galizien. Biol. Centralbl. xii, No. 5, pp. 142-145. Abstract in J. R. Micr. Soc. 1892, pt. 3, p. 378. 77. Wilson, H. Y. Development of Sponges. J. R. Micr. Soc. 1892, p. 217. Non-sexual Reproduction in Sponges. Am. Nat. xxvi, pp. 626-628. Abstracts of the paper, by the same author, in J. Morph, v, pp. 511-519. [Vide Zool. Rec. 1891.] 78. Zacharias, 0. Die biologische Station zu Plon. Zool. Anz. xv (1892), pp. 36-39, 1 woodcut. The author recommends the station for the study of Freshwater Sponges, which are found there in enormous quantities. 79. Zykoff, W. Die Entwicklung der Gemmulse der Ephydatia jluviatilis, Auct. (Vorlaufige Mittheilung). Zool. Anz. xv (1892), pp. 95 & 96. 80. . Die Entwicklung der Gemmula3 bei Ephydatia jiuviatilis, Auct. Bull. Mosc. 1892, pp. 1-16, 2 pis. Abstract in J. R. Micr. Soc. 1892, pt. 3, p. 378, and (in Russian language) in Rev. Sci. Nat. St. Petersb. ii, No. 9, pp. 342-344. 81. . Entwicklungsgeschichte von Ephydatia m tiller i, Lieberk., aus den Gemmulee. . Eine biologisch-embryologische Skizze. Biol. Centralbl. xii, Nos. 23 & 24, pp. 713-716. 82. ° . [Distribution of the Spongillidce in European Russia. Journal Zool. Departm. & Zool. Museum, Moscow, ii, pp. 27-29.] [Russian P] . II. — ANATOMY, EMBRYOLOGY, PHYSIOLOGY, BIOLOGY. (a.) Anatomy, Histology, Morphology, and Phylogeny. Bidder (3) describes some observations which he thinks prove that the 11 Metschnikoff ” cells and glandular ectoderm cells of Ascetta have an excretory function. After the Sponge had been left in a solution of indigo-carmine, in sea water, the granules normally present in those cells became replaced by dark-blue granules. From theMetschuikoff cells (which extend throughout the whole thickuess of the Sponge) the granules are probably discharged, both into the gastral cavity and on to the ecto- dermal surface. A completely different set of granules is found in the basal portion of many Sponges (basal spherules of the endoderm) — they are possibly stores of nutritive matter. This basal portion (plinth) may break off, and then it is used as food by wandering cells (generative elements). The life-history of the collar-cells, and of the Metschnikoff cells is now given. The author suggests, as a working hypothesis, that 8 Spong. XVII. SPONGI/E. the granules in the ectoderm and in the Metschnikoff cells of Ascetta are a nitrogenous excretion, common to the protoplasm in all Sponges, greatly varying in their degree of solubility. In some Sponges ( Halisarca ) this excretion forms a slimy covering, in others a horny cuticle, and finally, in Horny Sponges, it has been retained within their bodies until it forms a spongin skeleton. Bidder (4) is able to show that the ectoderm cells of the Horny Sponges are of the same form and character as those of the Homoccela, viz., of T shape, forming roughly hexagonal areas on the surface, to the centre of which the flask-shaped cell-bodies are attached. The nucleus lies at the base of the pendant cell-body. The spongoblasts are con- tinuous with the ectoderm, and are of the same character. The fibre is nothing more than the concentrated cuticle of a large number of such cells, poured out around an intrusive foreign object. This causes the hexagonal markings of the horny fibre. Bidder finally criticizes Minchin’s paper on the histology of Ascetta clathrus , and thinks that author’s theory of a contractile ectoderm not well tenable. Bendy (11), who last year published the Calcar ea Homocoela , as a first instalment of his proposed Monograph of the Australian Sponges, has unfortunately been prevented, by the reduction of the Government Grant to the Royal Society of Victoria, from continuing his Monograph as intended, and gives now merely a synopsis of the Calcar ea Heteroccela. (For a proposed new classification of that group, see -Systematic part of this Record.) Bendy (12) gives a preliminary account of Si/nute pidchella , a new genus and species of Calcareous Sponges. The Sponge is remarkable from the fact that it consists of a colony of Sycon individuals, com- pletely fused together into a single mass, invested in a common cortex. Boderlein (14) describes a most remarkable Calcareous Sponge ( Petro - stoma schulzei , n. g. & sp.), representing a new order ( Lithones ), from the Sagami Bay, Japan. There are two layers of spicules in this Sponge — an outer loose one, composed of triacts and tetracts, and an inner layer which, in the young condition, consists of somewhat irregular tetracts. These latter tetracts soon fuse together, and form a continu- ous network, similar to that of the Lithistidce. The author emphasizes the fact that this Sponge is different to the fossil Pharetronce , in which the spicules are held together by a foreign substance. It is to be re- gretted that no illustrations are given of this curious form. Hinde & Holmes (27) describe the Sponge-remains in the Lower Tertiary strata near Oamaru, Otago, Hew Zealand. The material con- sisted exclusively of detached spicules. This was the case not only with Monaxonid and Tetractinellid Sponges, but also with Lithistid, and, still more strange, with Hexactinellid Sponges. yon Lendenfeld (42) gives a detailed description of the Hexaceratina of the Adriatic, viz., Halisarca dujardini, Aplysilla rosea , A. sulfur ea , Darwinella aurea. As in former papers, he divides the Silicea into two subclasses : Triaxonia (with large sack- or pocket-like, simple or branched ANATOMY, EMBRYOLOGY, PHYSIOLOGY, ETC. SpoiUJ. 9 chambers), and Tetraxonia (with small, spherical or oval simple cham- bers). The Triaxonia comprise two groups : the Hexactinellida (with siliceous skeleton), and the Hexaceratina (with horny or no skeleton). The Hexaceratina consist of three families : (1 ) Darivinellid.ee, with horny fibres and horny spicules ; (2) Aplysillidce , with horny fibres only ; (3) Halisarcidce , without skeleton. This last family is possibly not a natural one, its two genera — Halisarca and Bajulus — are perhaps of different origin. Maas (44) discusses the question as to whether the three layers, of which adult Sponges are generally considered to consist, are derived from three or two germinal layers. Recent researches — histological (Topsent, Minchin), and embryological (Schulze) — point towards two germinal layers. The author’s observations on the development of Esperia confirm such a theory. There are two layers in the larva of Esperia. The one is made of slender flagellated cells, and covers the anterior and lateral portions of the larva ; the other is much more bulky, forms the central and posterior mass, and, even at this stage, contains spicules. "Whilst the former of the two layers gives rise only to the endoderm, the latter forms all other tissues of the Sponge. It consists of two kinds of cells in the larval stage. The one kind has a granular proto- plasm, and forms, later on, the amoeboid wandering cells ; the other kind of cells has a homogeneous protoplasm, their nuclei show an intranuclear network ; these cells form the “ectoderm” and the “ cellules contrac- tiles ” of Topsent ; and, last of all, the glandular cells, which secrete the spongin. Thus we have two germinal layers, which may be called “ Ectomesoderm ” and “ Endoderm.” Marshall (46) describes a new form of spicules from Foliolina lenden- feldii , n. sp., called Gomphostyles, from their nail-like shape. The head of the spicule is flattened out at right angles to its axis. The axis is twisted. Minchin (49) describes the ectoderm of Leucosolenia clathrus as con- sisting, in the expanded state, of flattened, non-ciliated cells. The cells, when contracting, assume a mushroom form, the nucleus remaining in proximity to the limiting membrane. The pores originate in certain ectoderm cells, which grow inwards until they join the endoderm cells, thus forming a complete connection between ectoderm and endoderm. These cells then become perforated. The fully-formed pore, there- fore, lies in one single cell. Mesoderm and endoderm are also dis- cussed. Minchin (51) describes a sieve-like membrane across the oscula of Leucosolenia (probably L. coriacea ), which consists of two layers of cells separated by a small amount of jelly. The outer layer of cells is con- tinuous with the ectoderm, the inner with the endoderm. The sieve-like membrane is probably formed by a breaking through of the gastral cavity to the exterior. The author was not able to see distinct ectoderm cells, and thinks that in the fully-formed Sponge they may degenerate into a cuticle-like structure. In the mesoderm he noticed irregular granular XVIJ. SPONGI^. 10 ISpong. cells, which he considers identical with Topsent’s (C cellules digestives.” [Compare Topsent’s critical remarks.] Minchin (52) has discovered large and distinct oscula in Leucosolenia clathrus , which was formerly supposed to be lipostomous. The oscula may be closed by means of a sphincter, the contractile cells of which are ecto- dermal. Therefore Haeckel’s four varieties of the Sponge correspond merely to different states of contraction of the same form. The appear- ance of a many-layered endoderm is caused by contraction of the Sponge. Rauff (60) discusses the Polysteganince , a curious group of fossil Calcarea. He states that they do not essentially differ from recent forms ; that the so-called Pharetronic fibre is a secondary product, caused by fossilization ; and that the spicules of these Sponges were originally not held together by spongin, or by any other cementing substance. Rauff (61) speaking of the skeleton of the Anomocladina , opposes the views of Zittel, Sollas, and Hinde, and maintains that the regular tetraxon is the original type of the anomocladinous spicule. Topsent (65) criticizes Minchin’s paper (Note on a Sieve-like Mem- brane, &c.), and is surprised that Minchin thinks the ectoderm cells degenerate into a kind of cuticle, as he himself never experienced any difficulty in demonstrating their outlines by using nitrate of silver. Topsent adds that he agrees with Dendy and Minchin in doubting Lendenfeld’s statement that all Calcarea are covered by ciliated epithe- lium. Topsent further says that Minchin iu his remarks on the mesoderm, has confused two kinds of elements, the spherical and the granular. According to Topsent, it is the spherical cells which have the function of nutritive reservoirs. [N.B. Minchin was well aware, as he states, that his observations on the ectoderm and mesoderm were not complete.] Topsent (67) contributes an important memoir to our knowledge of the Sponges of the North Atlantic, one of the Results of the Scientific Expeditions of Albert I., Prince of Monaco. The volume is got up in princely style. Its chief value lies in Systematic and Geographical Distribution. On p. 8 Topsent gives a summary of the histology of Sponges. The ectoderm consists of one kind of cells only (pinnacocytes, Sollas), which are flat, contractile, non-ciliated (with a few exceptions, as Oscarellct lobalaris, Placina monolopha. &c., which are ciliated). The endoderm appears in two forms : in contractile cells (similar to ectoderm cells), and in choanocytes. The muscular elements, or myocytes, are possibly also derived from endoderm. Finally, the mesoderm consists of two kinds of cells : (1) Granular cells, of variable shape, amoeboid, and colourless when young, pigmented when full-grown, corresponding to Sollas’s inocytes and sarcencvtes, called by Topsent “ pigmented digestive cells.’’ They have also reproductive function. (2) Non-granular, spherical, clear cells, corresponding to Sollas’s chondrencytes, collencytes, and cystencytes. Generally large in Tetractinellida. Normally they store up reserve- ANATOMY^ EMBRYOLOGY; PHYSIOLOGY; ETC. $2)011 g. It materials (thesocytes). Finally, as they serve also as connective elements, they correspond, perhaps, in part to Sollas’s inocytes. The pigment of Sponges may be in the granular mesoderm cells, or in the flagellated cells. Sollas’s chromatocytes, therefore, do not correspond to a special kind of cells. The sesthocytes have probably the function suggested by Sollas. Yosmaer (68) has a paper on the canal system of Homocoela, and the morphological value of the terms osculum and pore. According to him, the main excurrent tubes of Leucosolenia stipitata , L. tripodifera , of a Sycon, and of Hexactinellida , are homologous, and are the simplest modifications of the original Olynthus-sack without diverticula. The central cavity of these Sponges he calls cloaca, and its aperture osculum. Procts are the openings of canals or lacanse into the cloaca. Proctions are the numerous small openings in Sponges like Cydonium gigas , where the excurrent canals are covered by a sieve-like membrane. Stomions are the apertures in the dermal membrane of Cydonium. A group of stomions corresponds to one stoma. b. Embryology and Asexual Development. Delage (9), who last year gave a short preliminary account of the development of Spongilla fluviatilis now gives a detailed description of that species, and also of Esperella sordida , and Aplysilla sulfurea. Last year’s paper was received with grave doubts by Minchin (Zoological Record 1891) and Maas (see this Record, p. 12), and now Spongologists will probably not be more ready than before to accept an account which, as Delage himself says, is “sans analogue dans les autres classes du regne animal.” The larvae of the above Sponges are almost entirely opaque, and therefore Delage’s accounts of the extraordinary movements of the amoeboid cells, &c., were based upon sections only. But, although his plates seem faithful, still their interpretation needs confirmation by other workers. In the meantime, Maas’s account of the development of Esperella recommends itself far more by its simplicity. Delage distinguishes four kinds of elements in the larva of Spongilla fluviatilis : (1) ciliated, (2) epidermal, (3) amoeboid, (4) intermediate cells. The ciliated cells cover the larva anteriorly and laterally. The epidermal cells are large, and form a discontinuous layer beneath the ciliated cells. [N.B. The author calls these cells “epidermal’’ throughout the text, but “ ectodermal ” in the explanation of plates.] The amoeboid cells are very large, and constitute the chief mass of the body. Some of them are specialized to form the spicules. Finally, the intermediate cells stand between the epidermal and amoeboid cells. The ciliated cells soon loose their cilia, become irregular in shape, separate from each other, and sink beneath the epidermal cells. The epidermal cells now come to lie along the surface and soon form a continuous epidermis. Then the amoeboid cells become active, throw out their pseudopodia and capture the former ciliated cells, each being able to incorporate several of them 12 8 'pong. xvii. spongi M. After that, the amoeboid cells retract their pseudopodia and assume a nearly spherical shape, having a large nucleus in their centre, and around it about twenty small nuclei, derived from the captured cells. These are Delage’s “ groupes polynuclees.” Goette and Maas regarded those small nuclei as yolk-granules. After a pause the “ groupes polynuclees ” become active once more, throw out pseudopodia, move somewhat away from each other, still being connected together by their pseudopodia, and thus form an irregular mesh- work. Finally, they approach each other and arrange themselves in circles, leaving a small cavity in their midst. Now the cilated cells separate from the “groupes polynuclees,” and arrange themselves so as ro form the lining to those cavities. In this way the flagellated chambers are formed. After that, the formation of pores, oscula, &c., is described. The development of Esperella sordida and Aplysilla sulfurea agrees in its chief features with that of Spongilla. Maas (43) describes the metamorphosis of Esperia lorenzi, 0. S. He begins his account at the stage when the larva is ready to leave the parent Sponge. It is then seen to be covered anteriorly and laterally by an exceedingly narrow columnar ciliated epithelium. Its posterior pole is not ciliated, and there can be made out, only on the closest examination, a flat epithelium continuous with the former. The nuclei of the ciliated cells are larger than the average diameter of the cells. Accordingly they cause a bulging out, and, in order to find sufficient space, arrange themselves in different levels, thus causing an appearance of several layers of nuclei. The internal mass of the larva [N.B. Maas avoids speaking of germinal layers.] consists of two kinds of cells. The one kind is usually round, with a coarse granular protoplasm, and a clear spherical nucleus. The other is of a spindle-shaped or amoeboid form, has a homogeneous protoplasm, and an oblong nucleus with delicate intranuclear network. The arrange- ment of the spicules is very instructive : it apparently serves a double purpose, (1) to utilise all space as much as possible, (2) to balance the body equally when swimming. The megascleres lie in a dense bundle in the axis of the larva. Around the posterior end of that bundle, the rosettes are equally distributed, and, around its anterior end, the toxa. The larval period is only of short duration (from six to twenty-four hours), after which the larva settles down with its anterior pole, and becomes somewhat flattened. Also here, as in the larva, we find two kinds of tissue : small cells with small nuclei, apparently derived from the ciliated cells, but now lying ventrally and internally ; and larger cells, derived from the inner mass of the larva, lying now dorsally and externally. The young Sponge, opaque at first, shows after the first day, here and there, lighter spaces, which, in sections, are seen to be subdermal cavities, ciliated chambers, and exhalant canals, in process of development. In regard to the development of the subdermal cavities, Maas agrees with Delage, and partially with Wilson, but not so in regard to the ciliated chambers. The cells with granular contents [groupes polynuclees, Delage] have nothing to do with the formation of the chambers. Independently of those cells, the small cells, formerly the ciliated cells of the larva, group aud arrange ANATOMY, EMBRYOLOGY, PHYSIOLOGY, ETC. SpOlig. 13 themselves so as to form the chambers. Some of them also form the exhalant canals. The two layers of tissue already mentioned, become the ectosome and choanosome of the adult Sponge. The last few pages of the paper are devoted to the further development of the Sponge, including skeleton, tissues, and oscula. Weltner (72) has some notes on the structure and development of the gemmules of Spongillidce. The li Anlage ” of the gemmule, and all later stages up to the time when the inner cuticle begins to be formed, consist of naked, amoeboid, uninuclear cells. In the fully-developed gemmule, the cells of the inner mass are surrounded by a thin membrane, and show no longer an amoeboid movement. Generally, these cells are of two sizes, small uninuclear and large binuclear. Before the contents of the gemmule prepare themselves to leave the capsule, its cells become again amoeboid, and then they possess one, two, three, or four nuclei. Weltner says that Zykoff was not able to see any nuclei in the cells of the gem- mules, because he stained whole pieces of Sponge instead of the sectionized gemmules, and the staining fluid is never able to penetrate the capsule. Nor did he examine the gemmules in the living condition. Little is known as to how the “ Anlage ” of the gemmule is formed. There are four possibilities : (1) Either it is formed from a single cell, which has the morphological value of an ovum : in this case the gemmule would be a morula ; (2) or it is derived from several precisely similar mesodermal cells ; (3) or from several heterogeneous cells of the mes-derm ; (4) or, finally, the gemmule is formed from the cells of (two or three) germinal layers. In this case the gemmule would be a bud. Zykoff (80), after a review of the literature on the subject, gives an account of his own researches on the formation of the gemmules in Ephydatia fluviatilis. Between the ordinary amoeboid cells of the paren- chym he noticed cells containing boat-shaped, shining granules. The granules are possibly a modification of albumen, and serve as reserve- stores, and the cells, containing the same, may be called yolk-cells. The first appearance of these cells is to be regarded as the first moment in the development of the gemmule. They, together with similar cells, which, however, have no yolk-granules, begin to show a creeping movement, and at the same time they increase in number. This increase is possibly not caused by division, but by other cells being attracted to the same centre. Contrary to Goette’s statements, neither the canals nor the chambers take auy part in the formation of the gemmules. Soon a division of the gem- mule into two layers may be noticed : (1) a central mass, consisting of yolk-cells, and a few amoeboid cells from the mesenchym ; (2) a peripheral layer, consisting of several concentric rows of yolkless cells of the mesen- chym, which pass over into the mesenchym of the Sponge. These peri- pheral cells gradually assume a club-shaped form, the thicker end of the cell lying outwards — and arrange themselves in a single layer. One part of the gemmule remains free from these cells : the hilus. The club- shaped cells are disc-like, flattened out on their inner ends, and there they begin to secrete a chitinous cuticle. The amphidiscs are formed outside 14 Spong. xvir. spong Le. the club-shaped cells, and only afterwards, possibly by amoeboid ceils, pushed between the same, and assume a radial arrangement. Finally, the club-shaped cells leave their position, creep on the outside of the amphi- discs, and form there the second chitinous cuticle. The gemmule is now fully formed. The club-shaped cells are gradually absorbed. Zykoff was unable to see the central mass of the gemmule as consisting of polygonal cells (Yejdovsky), or to see nuclei in them (Korschelt & Heider). On the contrary, it appeared like a compact, shining, granular substance, without outlines of cells or nuclei. The nuclei are hidden by the yolk. [See Weltner, who differs greatly regarding this latter point.] Zykoff (81) studied the development of Ephydatia mulleri , from gem- mules which had been lying dry for about two years. Rather novel is the mechanical explanation which he gives of the formation of oscula. The young Ephydatia swims upon the surface of the water, its flat side being directed upwards, its convex side downwards. Any water taken up by it collects near the centre of the convex surface, pulls down the ectoderm, and finally breaks through it. The chambers are developed from certain cells of the parenchym cells, which divide and form a compact mass of small cells. A cavity appears in this mass, the cells arrange themselves in a layer, and as the chamber thus formed always lies in the neighbourhood of canals, and goes on increasing in size for some time, it is probable that the connection between chamber and canal is formed by a breaking through. (c) Physiology and Biology. For the physiology of Sponges, see Griffiths (20) pp. 30-32 & 79-82, 184, 209, 349, & 378. Hornell (28) describes a case of commensalism of Microciona plumosa and an Annelid ( Leucodora coeca'). Bidder (3) on excretion in Sponges, see Anatomical, p. 7. III.— DISTRIBUTION. (a.) Faunistic. Atlantic, especially Bay of Biscay, Newfoundland, and the Azores ; Topsent (67). Portugal : Nobre (55). Great Britain: Plymouth ; Garstang (18) : Puffin I. (North Wales) • Herdman (24). Norway : West Coast ; Herdman (25) : Fjord of Bergen ; Appelloff (•2). Russia : Solowezki Is. (White Sea) ; Chworostansky (17) : Spong'd - lidce of Russia ; Zykoff (82). DISTRIBUTION, SYSTEMATIC AND CLASSIFICATION. Spong. 15 Germany : Lakes near Plon, in Holstein, Spongillidce ; Zacharias (78): Spongillidce in the neighbourhood of Berlin ; Weltner (71). Galizia : Lubien, Carterius stepanovii, Petr., and Heteromeyenia repens Potts. The latter species, of which, however, the gemmulge only were found, was previously not taken outside North America. Wierzejski (76). Adriatic : Hexaceratina ; Lendenfeld (42). Palestine : Lake Tiberias, Potamolepis bcirroisi, n. sp. ; Topsent (66). Japan : Sagami Bay, 100 faths., Petrostoma schulzei , n. g. & sp., repre- senting a new order ( Litkones ) of Calcarea ; Doderlejn (14). Australia : Calcarea Heteroccela ; Dendy (11). (b.) Geological. Cambrian : St. John, New Brunswick ; Matthew (47). Ordovician : Palceosaccus dawsoni , n. g. & sp. (Hexactinellid), from Little Metis, Quebec, Canada ; Hixde (26). Trias : Saxe-Altenburg : G-eixitz : St. Cassian, Strata of Southern Tyrol ; Ogilvie (57). Cretaceous (Upper) : fromMeaulne in the departement Maine-et-Loire, France. Lithistidce only, no Hexactinellid a. The absence of the latter can be accounted for by the fact that, amongst recent Siliceous Sponges also, the Lithistidce live in a different depth (up to 350 faths.) from the Hexactinellid a (up to 600 faths.). Pocta (59). Tertiary : Lower Tertiary Strata, near Oamaru, Otago, New Zealand. Monaxonida , 70 species ; Tetractinellida , 22 species ; Lithisticla , 7 species ; Hexactinellida, 11 species. Many of these Sponges have their nearest existing allies living in the Indian Ocean and in the Australian Seas ; but amongst others the genus Guitar r a, Carter, has hitherto only been found in the Gulf of Mexico and the North Atlantic. Remarkable is the pre- ponderance of Monaxonida, as generally the proportions have been reversed. In the Oamaru deposit, the delicate spicules of Monaxonida have been preserved equally as well as the larger spicules of the other groups. “ The absence of these Sponge-spicules in the older rocks, is rather due to their having perished in the fossilization, than that they did not co- exist with those other groups whose remains have been in part preserved/' Hixde & Holmes (27). IV. — SYSTEMATIC AND GLASSIFICATION. 1. CALCAREA. VON Lendenfeld (41) discusses the Calcarea Homoccela described by Dendy (Monograph of the Victorian Sponges, Part i), and substitutes his own nomenclature, viz. : — Grantia. labyrinthica remains in Grantia , Lendenfeld ; while Leucosolenia asconoides , canata, dubia, stolonifer , and ventricosa are referred to Ascanclra ; lucasi, pelliculata, pulcher - rima, stipitata, and tripodiferci to Ascetta ; wilsoni to Leucopsis ; depressa and protogenes doubtfully to Leucopsis or Ascetta. 16 Spong. XVII. SPONGLE. Dendy (11) gires the following classification of the Heterocoeta Order Heteroccela. Family 1. Leucascidce. Genus. Leucascus , n. g. Family 2. Sycettidce. Genera. Sycettci (Haeckel, emend.) ; Sycon (Risso, emend.) . Sycantha , v. Lend. Family 3. Grantidce. Genera. Grantia (Fleming, emend.) ; Grantiopsis , n. subg. ; Ute (Schmidt, emend.) ; subg. Synute , Dendy ; TJtella , n. g. ; Anamixilla (Polejaeff, emend.) ; Sycyssa , Haeckel ; Leucandra (Haeckel, emend.) ; Lelapia (Gray, emend.) ; Leucyssa, Haeckel. Family 4. Heteropidce . Genera. Grantessci (v. Lend., emend.) ; Heteropia (Carter, emend.) ; Vosmcieropsis , n. g. Family 5. Amphoriscidce. Genera. Heteropegma (Polejaeff:, emend.) ; Amphoriscus (Haeckel, emend.) ; Syculmis (Haeckel, emend.) ; Leucilla (Haeckel, emend.). Grantia vosmaeri, Port Jackson, Dendy, P. R. Soc.Vict. (n.s.), v, p. 88, n.sp. Grantiopsis , n. g., p. 73, for G. cylindrical n. sp., Port Phillip, p. 90 ; Dendy, P. R. Soc. Viet, (n.s.), v. Grantessa hispkla , Port Phillip, Dendy, P. R. Soc. Viet, (n.s.), v, p. 106, n. sp. Leucandra carteri , p. 103, gladiator , p. 101, phillipensis, p. 100, uteoides, p. 178, Port Phillip, Dendy, P. R. Soc. Viet, (n.s.), v, n. spp. Leucascus , n. g., p. 72, for L. simplex , p. 77, clavatus, p. 78, n. spp., Port Phillip, Dendy, P. R. Soc. Viet, (n.s.), v. Lithones , new order ; Doderlein, pp. 143-145. For the reception of the single form, Petrostoma schulzei. Petrostoma , n. g , for P. schulzei, n. sp., 100 faths., Sagami Bay, Japan; Doderlein, Verb. Deutsch. Zool. Ges. ii, pp. 143-145. Sycon carteri , St. Vincent’s Gulf, p. 79, minutuni , Port Jackson, p. 80, ensiferum, p. 81, boomerang , p. 82, Port Phillip, giganteum , St.Vincent’s Gulf, p. 84, Dendy, P. R. Soc. Viet, (n.s.) v, n. spp. S. gelatinosum , var. whiteleggii , p. 84, Port Jackson, Dendy, P. R. Soc. Viet, (n.s.) y, n. var. Synute , n. g. for S. pulchella, n. sp., p. 2, Port Phillip ; Dendy, P. R. Soc. Viet, (n.s.) iv. Ute spiculosa , p. 92, spenceri , p. 91, Port Jackson, Dendy, P. R. Soc. Viet, (n.s.) iv, n. spp. Utella , n. g., Dendy, P. R. Soc. Viet.' (n.s.) iv, p. 74. Type, Sycandra hystrix , Haeckel. Vosnasropsis, n. g., p. 76, for V. depressa , p. 110, wilsoni , p. Ill, n. spp., Port Phillip ; Dendy, P. R. Soc. Viet, (n.s.) iv. HEXACTIN ELLIDAj TETEACT1NELLIDA. SjOOlig. 17 2. HEXACTINELLIDA. Chonelasmx schulzsi , Topsent, (67) p. 33, pi. iii, fig. 3, & pi. vii, fig. 3, Atlantic; lat. 33° 23' 30" N., long. 33° 23' W., depth 1557 metres, n. sp. Hertwigiidce, n. fam., Topsent, (67) p. 25, established for the reception of Hertwigia falcifera , 0. S., and Trachycaulus gurlittii , F. E. Schulze. Rhabdodictyum delicatam, 0. S., comes close to it. Hexactinella grlmaldii , Topsent, (67) p. 34, pi. ii, figg. 1 & 2, & pi. vii, fig. 1, Atlantic, lat. 38° 33' 21" N., long. 30° 28' 54" W. (between Pico and San Jorge), depth 1300 metres, n. sp. \Palceosaccus , n.g., p.56, for P. dawsoni, n. sp., Shales of the Quebec G-roup, p. 57, pi. iv ; Hinde. Periphragella lusitanica, Topsent, (67) p. 31, pi. vi, fig. 4, & pi. vii, fig. 2, Atlantic, lat. 39° 22' 48" N., long. 33° 45' 30" W., depth 1384 metres, n. sp. t Purisiphonia clarJcei, Bowerb., shown to be a Lyssakine Hexactinellid ; Jack & Etheridge, (29) pp. 436-439, pi. xix. 3. TETRACTINELLIDA (with CHONDROSID^J, PLAKINIDH3, HALISARCA, and OSCARELLA). Astrella tuberosci , Topsent, (67) p. 44, pi. ii, fig. 4, & pi. viii, fig. 4, Atlantic, lat. 39° 1' 40" N., long. 30° 15' 40" W., depth 454 metres, n. sp. fAsti'ocladici fratectosa , n. sp., Pocta, MT. min. geol. Mus. Dresden, xi, p. 19, pi. ii, figg. 4 & 5, Upper Cretaceous, Meaulne, France. Caltliropella simplex , Sollas, var. durissima, n. var. ; Topsent, (67) p. 43, pi. v, fig. 14, and pi. viii, fig. 9, Atlantic, lat. 39° i' 40" N., long. 30° 15' 40" W., depth 454 metres. Chamcella sollasi,n. sp., Topsent, (67) p. 40, pi. ii, fig. 3, & pi. viii, fig. 6, Atlantic, lat. 43° 57' N., long. 9° 27' W., depth 300 metres ; lat. 38° 22' N., long. 30° 34' 39" W., depth 736 metres ; and lat. 39° 1' 40" N., long. 30° 15' 40" W., depth 454 metres. fCkenendopora batillacea , p. 7, pi. ii, figg. 1-3, conferta, p. 8, pi. iv, figg. 17-20, radicata , p. 10, pi. i, figg. 13-16, & pi. ii, fig. 16, C. ? scutula , p. 9, pi. iii, figg. 12-14, Upper Cretaceous, Meaulne, France, Pocta, MT. min. geol. Mus. Dresden, xi, n. spp. Discodermia ramifera, n. sp., Topsent, (67) p. 50, pi. vi, fig. 10, & pi. viii, fig. 1, Atlantic, lat. 38° 23' 30" N., long. 30° 20' 20" N., depth 318 metres. fDitricenella , n. g. for D. oamaruensis , n. sp., Lower Tertiary, New Zealand, Hinde & Holmes, J. L. S. xxiv, p. 232, pi. xii, figg. 34 & 35. Erylus nummulifer , n. sp., Topsent, (67) p. 47, pi. iii, fig. 14, & pi. viii, fig. 5, Atlantic, lat. 38° 22' N., 30° 34' 39" W., depth 736 metres, and lat. 38° 23' 30" N., long. 30° 20' 20" W., depth 318 metres. XVII. SPONGI^E. 18 Sjpong. Ilalisarca dujardini , redescribed, pp. 292-296, pi. xiii, figg. 25-27, H. dujardini, var. incrustans , n. var., II. dujardini , var. massa, n. var., p. 293, Triest ; Lendenfeld, Z. wiss. Zool. liv. t ? Isoraphinia gibbosa , n. sp., Pocta, MT. min. geol. Mus. Dresden, xi, p. 11, pi. iii, fig. 1 : pi. iv, figg. 4 & 5, Upper Cretaceous, Meaulne, France. iJerea clavata, pi. iv, figg. 10-13, J. ? caulis, pi. iii, figg. 8 & 9, p. 17, Upper Cretaceous, Meaulne, France ; Pocta, t. c. : n. spp. fJereica permira , n. sp., Pocta, t. c. p. 10, pi. ii, figg. 9-13, Upper Cretaceous, Meaulne, France. Pachastrella debilis, n. sp., Topsent, (67) p. 42, pi. iii, fig. 8, and pi. viii, fig. 8, Atlantic, lat. 38° 22' N., long. 30° 34' 39" W., depth 736 metres, and lat. 38° 23' 30" N., long. 30° 20' 20" W., depth 318 metres. t Plalcina australis , n. sp., Hinde & Holmes, J. L. S. xxiv, p. 230, pi. xii, fig. 20, Lower Tertiary, Oamaru, Otago, New Zealand, t Polyjerea indistincta , n. sp., Pocta, MT. min. geol. Mus. Dresden, xi, p. 18, pi. iv, figg. 2 & 3, Upper Cretaceous, Meaulne, France. iSphonia piriformis , var. acuta , n. var. ; Pocta, t. c. p. 13, pi. iv, figg. 7-9, Upper Cretaceous, Meaulne, France, t Spongodiscus tuber , n. sp., Pocta, t. c. p. 21, pi. i, figg. 2-4, Upper Cretaceous, Meaulne, France. Tetilla trmicata, n. sp., Topsent, (67) p. 36, pi. viii, fig. 7, Atlantic, lat. 43° 40' N., long. 8° 55' W., Coast of Asturia, 134 metres, t Triptolemus australis , n. sp., Hinde & Holmes, J. L. S. xxiv, p. 232, pi. xiii, fig. 34, Lower Tertiary, near Oamaru, Otago, New Zealand, t Vetulina oamaruensis, n. sp., Hinde & Holmes, t. c. p. 240, pi. xiii, figg. 31-33, Lower Tertiary, near Oamaru, Otago, New Zealand. 4. MONAXONIDA (+ Tethyadce). Topsent, (67) pp. 63-65, proposes the following classification of the Monaxonida (chiefly after Ridley and Dendy), in which, however, the Spongillidce have been left out altogether. Order Monaxonida, Ridley & Dendy. 1. Suborder Halichondrina, Yosmaer. Family 1. Homorrhaphidce. Ridley & Dendy. Subfamily 1. Chalinince, Ridley & Dendy. Subfamily 2. 1 lenierince, Ridley & Dendy. Family 2. Heterorrhaphidce , Ridley & Dendy. Subfamily 1. Phlceodictyince , Carter. Subfamily 2. Trachyince , n. s. f . Genus Trachya , Carter. MONAXONIDA. Spong . 19 Subfamily 3. Gelliince , Ridley & Dendy. Subfamily 4. Tedaniince , Ridley & Dendy. Subfamily 5. Desmacellince , Ridley & Dendy. Genera Desmcicella , Schmidt, Biemma , Gray. Subfamily 6. Hamaeanthince , Gray. Genus Hamacantha , Gray. Family 3. Desmacidonidce , Vosmaer. Subfamily 1. Esperellince, Ridley & Dendy. Genera : Esperella , Yosmaer ; Fsperiopsis , Carter ; Clado- rhiza , M. Sars ; Axoniderma , Ridley & Dendy ; Chondro - cladia , W. Thomson ; Desmacidon, Bowerbank ; Joyeuxia , n. g. ; Phelloderma , Ridley & Dendy ; Sideroderma , Ridley & Dendy ; Histoderma , Carter ; Dendoryx, Gray ; Forcepia , Carter ; Melonanchora , Carter ; Yvesia , n. g. , Iotrochata, Ridley ; Ampliilectus , Yosmaer, &c. Subfamily 2. Ectyonince, Ridley & Dendy. Genera: Myxilla, Schmidt; Pytheas, n. g. ; Clathria , Schmidt ; Rliaplihlophlus , Ehlers ; Pliimohcilichondria , Carter ; Stylostichon, n. g. ; Alicrociona, Bowerbank ; Hymeraphia, Bowerbank ; Rhabderemia , n. g. ; Plocamia , Schmidt ; Suberotelites , Schmidt ; Spanioplon , n. g. ; .d-carmfs, Gray ; Echinoclathria , Carter ; Agelas , Duchas- saing & Michelotti ; Echinodictyum, Ridley. Family 4. Axinellidce , Ridley & Dendy. 2. Suborder Spixthakophora, Sollas (emend). 1. Section Aciculida , n. s. Family 1. Epcillacidce , new family. Genera : Epallax , Sollas ; Scolopes , Sollas ; Borypleres , Sollas. Family 2. Stylocordylidce, new family. Genus Stylocordyla, W. Thomson. Family 3. Tethyidce , Gray. 2. Section Clavulida , n. s. Family 1. Spirastrellidce, Ridley & Dendy. Genera : Spirastrella , Schmidt ; Latrunculia , du Bocage ; Hymedesmia , Bowerbank. Family 2. Suberitidce , Yosmaer. Subfamily 1. Suberitince , n. s. Genera : Suberites , Nardo ; IFe&ereZfo, Yosmaer ; Poterlon Schlegel ; Osculina , Schmidt, &c. Subfamily 2. Polymastinrc , n. s. Genera : Polymastia , Bowerbank ; Ridleya, Dendy ; Quasil- lina , Norman ; Tentorium , Yosmaer ; Trichostemmay M. Sars ; Halicnemia , Bowerbank ; Tethyspira , Topsent. Family 3. Clionidce , Gray. Genera : Cliona , Grant ; Thoosa, Hancock ; Alectona , Carter. 20 Sjpong. XVII. SPONGIii. Apatospongia , n. g. (Suberitidce?), for A.fallax, n. sp., Australian Waters, Marshall, Leuckart Festschr., p. 16, pi. viii, figg. 1-5. Artemisina transiens, u. sp., Topsent, (67) p. 94, pi. iv, fig. 8, pi. ix, figg. 7 & 8, Atlantic, lat. 43° 44' 50" N., long. 8° 12* W., depth 135 metres. Axinella fiustra , n. sp., Topsent, (67) p. 122, pi. ii, fig. 5, & pi. xi, fig. 18, Atlantic, lat. 43° 40' N., long. 8° 55' W., depth 134 metres, and lat. 38° 23' 30" N., long. 30° 20' 20" W., depth 318 metres. Biemma grimaldii , p. 81, pi. iv, figg. 1-4, & pi. ix, fig. 14, Atlantic, lat. 38° 23' 45" N., long. 30° 51' 30" W., depth 927 metres ; B. dautzen- bergi , p. 83, pi. iii, fig. 5, & pi. ix, fig. 16, Atlantic, lat. 39° 22' 48" N., long. 33° 45' 30" W., depth 1384 metres, Topsent (67) : n. spp. Qladocroce , n. g. (Lamelliform Renierince), for C. fibrosa , n. sp., p. 72, pi. iii, figg. 1 & 2, Atlantic, lat. 38° 33' 21" N., long. 30° 28' 54" W. (between Pico and San Jorge, Azores), depth 1300 metres ; Top- sent (67). t Cladorhiza haasti, n. sp., Hinde & Holmes, J. L. S. xxiv, p. 210, pi. x, fig. 35, Lower Tertiary, Oamaru, Otago, New Zealand. Dendoryx , Gray. Topsent, (’67) p. 97, proposes the following definition : “ Esperellince generally without a definite shape ; megascleres of the ectosome usually diactine (tylote, strongylote, or tornote), rarely monactine, normally smooth ; megascleres of the skeleton invariably spined styli.” The genus Bencloryx thus defined includes the genera Dendoryx , Gray, Alebion, Iophon , Hastatus, several species of Myxilla , &c. As types of the genus may be regarded : D. incrustans, Gray. D. luciensis , certa , and pectinata, Topsent. D. certa , p. 99, pi. x, figg. 7 & 8, Atlantic, lat. 43° 40' N., long. 8° 55' W., depth 134 metres ; pectinata , p. 100, pi. x, fig. 6, Atlantic, lat. 38° 48' 30" N., long. 30° 19' W., depth 861 metres ; Topsent (67) : n. spp. JDesmacella aberrans , n. sp., Topsent, (67) p. 85, pi. ii, fig. 7, & pi. ix? fig. 10, Atlantic, lat. 43° 44' 50" N., long. 8° 12' W., depth 135 metres, and lat. 43° 40' N., long. 8° 55' W., depth 134 metres. D or y pieces incrustans , n. sp., Topsent, (67) p. 126, pi. ix, fig. 21, Straits of Pico-Fayal (Azores), depth 130 metres. Esperiopsis columnata , p. 90, pi. v, fig. 5, & pi. x, fig. 5, Atlantic, lat. 46° 4' 40" N., long. 49° 2' 30" W., depth 1267 metres ; polymorpha, p. 90, pi. vi, figg. 1-3, & pi. x, figg. 1-3, Atlantic, lat. 38° 23' 45' N., long. 30° 51' 30" W., depth 927 metres, and lat. 38° 22' N., long. 30° 34' 39" W., depth 736 metres ; praedita, p. 92, pi. x, fig. 4, Atlantic, lat. 38° 22' N., long. 30° 34' 39" W., depth 736 metres ; Topsent (67) : n. spp. Foliolina lendenfeldii, n. sp., Marshall, Leuckart Festschr. p. 2, pi. i, & pi. vii, figg. 1— 7c, locality unknown. Forcepia versatilis, n. sp., Topsent, (67) p. 100, pi. vi, fig. 5, & pi. x, fig. 9, Atlantic, lat. 46° 4' 40" N., long. 49° 2' 30" W., depth 1267 metres. Gelliodes cavicornis, p. 78, pi. iii, figg. 4 & 9, & pi. ix, fig. 12 , fay alensis, MONAXONIDA. SjQOng. 2 L p. 78, pi. iii, fig. 13, & pi. ix, fig. 11, Straits between Pico and Fayal (Azores), depth 130 metres, Topsent (67), n. spp. Qellius macrosigma, n. sp., Topsent, (67) p. 77, pi. ix, fig. 13, Atlantic, lat. 38° 22' N., 30° 34' 39" W., depth 736 metres. iGuitarra carteri , pi. xi, figg. 1-3, intermedia , figg. 4-7, p. 213, Lower Tertiary, near Oamaru, Otago, New Zealand, Hinde & Holmes, J.L. S. xxiv, n. spp. Halichondria pachastrelloides, p. 66, pi. ix, fig. 3, Atlantic, lat. 38° 22' N., long. 30° 34' 39" W., depth 736 metres, leuconoides , p. 67, pi. v, fig. 4, Atlantic, lat. 38° 23' 30" N., long. 30° 20' 20" W., 318 metres, Top- sent (67), n. spp. Hamacantha johnsoni, Bow., var. complanata , n. var., pi. ii, fig. 9, johnsoni, Bow., var. inelegans,n.va,Y., pi. i, fig. 4, Atlantic, lat. 43° 44' 50" N., long. 8° 12' W., depth 135 metres ; lat. 38° 26' 25" N., long. 30° 59' 10" W., depth 800 metres, and lat. 38° 22' N., long. 30° 34' 39" W., depth 736 metres ; Topsent, (67) p. 86. Hymeraphia tuberosocapitata , p. 113, pi. xi, fig. 6, Atlantic, lat. 38° 22 N., long. 30° 34' 39" W., depth 736 metres, minima, p. 114, figg. 2 & 3, Atlantic, lat. 38° 23' 30" N., long. 30° 20' 20" W., depth 318 metres, geniculata , p. 115, pi. 1, fig. 13, & pi. xi, figg. 4 & 5, Atlantic, lat. 38° 23' 30" N., long. 30° 20' 20" W., depth 318 metres, Topsent, (67) n. spp. t Iophon hybridus , n. sp., Hinde & Holmes, J. L. S. xxiv, p. 212, pi. x, fig. 44, Lower Tertiary, Oamaru, New Zealand. t Joyeuxia, n. g., p. 93, for J. viridis, n. sp., p. 94, pi. ii, fig. 8, & pi. x, fig. 19, Atlantic, lat. 38° 22' N., long. 30° 34' 39" W., depth 736 metres, and lat. 39° 1' 40" N., long. 30° 15' 40" W., depth 454 metres ; Top- sent (67). t Lasiocladia ? hindei, n. sp., Etheridge, (29) p. 199, pi. xli, figg. 1 & 2. Latruncnlia bianmdata, p. 127, Atlantic, lat. 388 22'N., long. 30° 34' 39" W., 736 metres ; insignis, p. 128, pi. viii, fig. 11, Atlantic, lat. 38° 22' N., long. 30° 34' 39" W., depth 736 metres ; Topsent, (67), n. spp. fL. oamaruensis, p. 218, pi. xi, fig. 34, obiusa , p. 220, fig. 32, Lower Tertiary, Oamaru, New Zealand, Hinde & Holmes, J. L. S. xxiv, n. spp. t Melonanchora morlandi, n. sp., Hinde & Holmes, J. L. S. xxiv, p. 200, pi. ix, fig. 38, Lower Tertiary, Oamaru, New Zealand. Myxilla pecqueryi, n. sp., Topsent, (67) p. 110, pi. x, fig. 8, Atlantic, lat. 39° 22' 48" N., long. 33° 45' 30" W., depth 1384 metres. Petrosia friahilis , n. sp., Topsent, (67) p. 69, pi. vi, fig. 8, & pi. ix, fig. 4, Atlantic, lat. 43° 40' N., long. 8° 55' W., depth 134 metres ; lat 43° 57' N., long. 9° 27' W., depth 300 metres ; lat. 38° 23' 45" N., long. 30° 51' 30" W., depth 927 metres, Straits between Pico and Fayal (Azores), depth 130 metres. PlumohalicTiondria, Carter. Topsent, (67) p. Ill, proposes to break up this genus into two genera, according to whether the ascending fibres are made up of smooth diactine spicules or of spined monactine spicules. The former species are included under the genus Plumo- 1892. [VOL. XXIX.] F 10 XVII. SP0NGI2E. 22 Spoke/ ; halichondria , the latter constitute the new genus Stylosticlion (see below). The genus Plumolialichondria is accordingly defined Ectyonince , the main skeleton of which consists of plumose ascending fibres. The spicules of the true main skeleton are smooth diactines. Type, Plumohalicliondria mammillata , Carter. Polymastince , n. subfam. Suberitidce ; q.v. Topsent (67). Potamolepis barroisi , n. sp., Topsent, Rev. Biol, v, pp. 85-92, 1 pi., Lake Tiberia, depth 8 metres. \P seudohalicJxondria deformis , p. 214, pi. xi, figg. 8 & 9, oamaruensis , p. 215, figg. 12 & 13, Lower Tertiary, Oamaru, New Zealand, Hinde & Holmes, J. L. S. xxiv, n. spp. Pytheas, n. g. for P. ater , n. sp., p. 110, pi. i, fig. 1, & pi. xi, fig. 1, Atlantic, lat. 38° 22' N., long. 30° 34' 39" W., depth 736 metres, and including Hymedesmia inflatus , Bow. ; Topsent (67). Raspailia ( Syringella ) humilis , p. 123, pi. v, fig. 11, & pi. xi, fig. 20, Atlantic, lat. 38° 23' 30" N., long. 30° 20' 20" W., depth 318 metres, falcifera , p. 124, pi. vi, fig. 6, & pi. xi, fig. 19, Atlantic, lat. 38° 33' 21" N.. long. 30° 28' 54" W. (between Pico and San Jorge), depth 1300 metres, Topsent, (67), n. spp. Beniera filholi , n. sp., Topsent, (67) p. 70, pi. iv, fig. 7, & pi. ix, fig. 6, Atlantic, lat. 43° 40' N., long. 8° 55' W., depth 134 metres. Bhabderemia , n. g., p. 115, fori?, guernei, n. sp., p. 116, pl.xi, fig. 7, Atlantic, lat. 38° 22' N., long. 30° 34' 39" W., depth 736 metres, including also Microciona pusilla and intexta , Carter ; Topsent (67). Rhizochalina elongata , n. sp., Topsent, (67) p. 75, pi. iv, figg. 5 & 6, & pi. ix, fig. 1, Atlantic, lat. 38° 23' 30" N., long. 30° 20' 20" W., depth 318 metres. Spanioplon , n. g., p. 116, for S. fertile , n. sp., p. 117, pi. xi, fig. 11, Atlantic, lat. 38° 22' N., long. 30° 34' 39" W., depth 736 metres, Top- sent (67). Spheciospongia, n. g. for Spheciospongia ( Alcyonium ) vesparum , Lamarck, (Suberitidce), Marshall, Leuckart Festschr. p. 32. Spirastrella aculeata , n. sp., Topsent, (67) p. 127, pi. viii, fig. 10, Atlantic, lat. 38° 22' N., long. 30° 34' 39" W., depth 736 metres. Suberitidce, redefined by Topsent, (67) p. 59 : Clavulida without micros- cleres derived from an aster. Two subfamilies : (a) Suberitmce : Suberitidce , without radiating structure, including the genera Suberites, Weberella, Poterion , Osculina , &c. ; (b) Polymastince : Suberitidce , the skeleton of which normally assumes a radiating structure, including the genera Polymastia , Quasillina, Tentorium , Trichostemma, Halicnemia , Tetliyspira . Suberites capillitium, n. sp., Topsent, (67) p. 130, pi. ii, fig. 10, & pi. ix, figg. 19 & 20, Atlantic, lat. 46° 4' 40" N., long. 49® 2' 30" W., depth 1267 metres. Suberotelides demonstrans , n. sp., Topsent, (67) p. 118, pi. iv, fig. 9, & pi. xi, figg. 15-17, Atlantic, lat. 38° 22' N., long. 30° 34' 39" W., depth 736 metres. MONAXONIDA. S'pong, 23 Stylmos, n. g., (= Desmclcidonidce), p. 135, for Desmacidon pannosus, Bwk., incognitus , B , Uhaphiodesma simplicissimum , B., Isodictya uni - for mis , B., Desmacidon columella , B., and including jullieni, n. sp., Fayal, p. 137, pi. i, fig. 12, & pi. vii, figg. 11 & 12 ; Topsent (67). Stylostichon, n. g., p. Ill, for Spongia plumosum, Mont. ; Myxilla fron- dosum , R. & D. ; Plumohalichondria microcionides , Carter, and dendyi, n. sp., p. 112, pi. ii, fig. 6, pi. xi, figg. 9 & 10, Atlantic, lat. 38° 23' 30" N., long. 30° 20' 20" W., depth 318 metres, Topsent (67). Tedania conuligera , n. sp., Topsent, (67) p. 79, pi. i, fig. 16, Atlantic, lat. 46° 50' 6" N., long. 50° IT 45" W., depth 155 metres. t Thoosa hancocld , n. sp., Hinde & Holmes, J. L. S. xxiv, p. 222, pi. xi, fig. 41, Lower Tertiary, Oamaru, New Zealand. Trachyince, n. subfam. (not defined) of the Heterorrhaphidce, for Trachya, Carter ; Topsent, (67) p. 62. Trachya hystrix , n. sp., Topsent, (67) p. 75, pi. i. figg. 8, 9, 10, & pi. xi, figg. 12, 13, 14, Atlantic, lat. 39° V 40" N.,’ long. 30° 15' 40" W., depth 454 metres, and lat. 38° 23' 30" N., long. 30° 20' 20" W., depth 318 metres. Tragosia hirondellei , n. sp., Topsent, (67) p. 120, pi. vi, fig. 7, & pi. ix, fig. 5, Atlantic, lat. 43° 40' N., long 8Q 55" W., depth 134 metres. Trinacophora ? spissa , n. sp., Topsent, (67) p. 124, pi. vi, fig. 12, & pl.ix, fig. 9, Atlantic, lat. 38° 23' 30" N., long. 30Q 20' 20" W., depth 318 metres. Trochospongilla horrida , n. sp., Weltner, SB. nat. Fr. 1893, p. 12. Synonym for Non Spongilla erinaceus , Ehrenberg, Spongilla erinaceus) Lieberkiihn, &c. Yvesia , n. g., p. 102, for 16 species, 8 of which are old, viz., Cribrella elegans, hospitalis, papillosa , O. S., Grayella cyathophora , Carter, Halichondria albula , Bwk., Sclerilla dura, arctica, Hansen, and 8 new, viz., Y. pedunculata , pi. v, fig. 6, & pi. x, fig. 17, Atlantic, lat. 43°. 57' N., long. 9° 27' W., depth 300 metres, guernei , pi. iii, fig. 7 & pi. x, fig. 16, p. 105, Atlantic, lat. 43° 40' N., long. 8Q 55' W., depth 134 metres, Atlantic, lat. 46° 4' 40" N., long. 49° 2' 30" W., depth 1267 metres, fallax , p. 106, pi. vi, fig. 13, & pi. x, fig. 14, Straits of Pico-Fayal (Azores), depth 130 metres, hanseni , p. 106, pi. vi, fig. 9a, & pi. x, fig. 13, Atlantic, lat. 39° 1 40" N., long. 30° 15' 40" W., depth 454 metres, richardi , p. 107, pi. x, fig. 15, Atlantic, lat. 38° 22' N., long. 30° 34' 39" W., depth 736 metres, ridleyi , pi. x, fig. 12, Atlantic, lat. 38° 22' N., long.30° 34' 39" W., depth 736 metres, pertusa , pi. iv, fig. 10, & pi. x, fig. 18, p. 107, Atlantic, lat. 39° 1' 40" N., long. 30° 15' 40" W., depth 454 metres, linguifera , p. 108, pi. x, figg. 10 & 11, Atlantic, lat. 38° 22' N., long. 30° 34' 39" W., depth 736 metres, Topsent (67). 24 Spong. xYii. sponge. 5. KERATOSA. Aphjsilla rosea , pp. 290 & 291, sulfurea , pp. 284-290, pi. xiii, figg. 1-15, Triest and Lesina, redescribed ; Lendenfelo, Z. wiss. Zool. liv. Darwinella aurea, redescribed ; Lendenfeld, t. c. pp. 278-283, pi. xiii, figg. 16-24, Lesina. INCERTiE SEDIS. iStellispongia , St. Cassian, Tyrol, Ogilvie, p. 48, Q. J. Geol. Soc. xlix, n. sp. (sic.) iSpongia, n. g. ( sic .), Ogilvie, l. c. No description or illustration is given of these two Sponges. Trot. 1 XVIII. PROTOZOA. BY B. Hanitsch, Ph.D. I. — LIST OF PUBLICATIONS.* 1. Anonymous. Die neuesten Fortschritte auf dem G-ebiete der Peridineen-Forschung. Naturwissenschaftliche VVochenschrift, vii, No. 18, pp. 173-179. 2. Apathy, S. Kritische Bemerkungen uber das Frenzelsche Meso- zoon Salinella. Eine biologiscbe Skizze. Biol. Centralbl. xii, pp. 108-123. Abstract in Ann. N. H. (6) vi, p. 465. 3. Appelloff, A. Om Bergensfjordenes faunistike prseg. Bergens Mus. Aarsber. 1891. Foraminifera , p. 5. 4. Apstein, C. Ueber das Plankton des Sfisswassers. Schr. Nat. Yer. Schleswig, ix, 2, pp. 313-316. Protozoa , p. 316. 5. Balbiani, E. G-. Nouvelles recberches experimentales sur la merotomie des Infusoires cilies. Ann. Alicrograph. 1892, 79 pp., 3 pis. Abstracts in J. R. Micr. Soc. 1892, pp. 803-805, and in Bibliographic Anatomique, i, No. 1, p. 15. 6. Bakrois, C. Sur la presence de fossiles dans le terrain azoi'que de Bretagne. C.R. cxv, No. 6, pp. 326-328. Fossil Radiolaria . 7. Bassett-Smith, P. W. On the Deep-sea Deposits of the Eastern Archipelago. J. R. Micr. Soc. 1892, p. 443. * An asterisk prefixed to a quotation indicates that the Recorder has not seen the Journal or Work referred to. 2 Prot. XVIII. PROTOZOA. 8. Bertram, — . Beitrage zur Kcnntniss der Sarcosporidien nebst einera Auhange iiber parasitische Schlauche in der Leibeshohle von Botatorien. Zool. Jahrb. v, hft. 3 & 4, pp. 581-604, 3 pis. Abstract in J. B. Micr. Soc. 1893, p. 56. 1 new species. 9. Biedermann, B. Ueber die Structur der Tintinnen-Gehause. Kiel (Lipsius & Tischer) : 1892, 4to, 38 pp., 3 pis. 10. Blanc, H. Protistes dragues au fond du lac Leman appartenant au genre Difflugia. Compt. rend. trav. 74 sess. Soc. Helv. Sc. Nat. pp. 55 & 56. 11. . Etude sur les Protistes du fond du Leman. Arch. Sci. Nat. xxvii, No. 4, p. 472. 12. . Les Difflugies de la faune profonde du Lac Leman. Extrait du Becueil inaugural de l’Uriiversite de Lausanne. Lausanne (Yiret- Genton): 1892, 4to, 11pp., 1 pi. Abstract in Bibliographie Anato- mique, i, No. 1, p. 16. 1 new species. 13. Bles, E. J. Notes on the Plankton observed at Plymouth during June, July, August, and September, 1892. J. Mar. Biol. Ass. (n.s.) ii, No. 4, pp. 340-343. Dinoflag ellata , pp. 341 & 343. 14. Borgert, A. Yorbericht iiber einige Phaeodarien- (Tripyleen) Familien der Plankton-Expedition. Ergebnisse der Plankton Expedition, I. A., pp. 176-184, 1 pi. 5 new species. 15. Brandt, K. Ueber Anpassungserscheinungen und Art der Yer- breitung von Hochseethieren. In Beisebeschreibung d. Plankton- Expedition, pp. 338-370, 1 map. Hydrostatic apparatus of Protozoa , pp. 341-344. 16. Braun, M. Nachtrage und Berichtigungen zum zoologischen Theil von “ Die landeskundliche Literatur iiber die Grossherzogthiimer Mecklenburg,” &c. Arch. Yer. Mecklenb. xlv, pp. 87-95. Protozoa , pp. 93-95. 17. Butschli, 0. Untersuchungen iiber mikroskopische Schaume und das Protoplasma. Yerh. deutsch. Zool. G-es. 1891, pp. 14-20. Abstract in J. B. Micr. Soc. 1892, pp. 17 & 18. 18. Carter, F. B. Radiolaria : their Life-history and their Classifi- cation. Am, Micr. J. xiii, pp. 63 & 64, 111-113, 143-145, 177-180, 216-219. 19. Certes, A. Sur la vitalite des germes des organismes microscopiques des eaux douces et salees. C.B. cxiv (1892), pp. 425-428. Abstract in J. B. Micr. Soc. 1892, p. 379. LIST OF PUBLICATIONS. Prot. 3 20. Chapman, F. The Foraminifera of the G-ault of Folkestone, n. J. R. Micr. Soc. 1892, pp, 319-830, 2 pis. 6 new species, 1 new variety. 21. . The Foraminifera of the Gault of Folkestone, hi. J. R. Micr. Soc. 1892, pp. 749-758, 2 pis. 1 new species, 1 new variety. 22. — — . Some new forms of Hyaline Foraminifera from the Gault. Geol. Mag. (n.s.) (3) ix, pp. 52-54, 1 pi. 1 new genus, 1 new species, 1 new variety. 23. Chaster, G. W. Foraminifera of Southport. Report of the Southport Society of Natural Science, i (1890-91), pp. 54-72, 1 pi. Abstract in J. R. Micr. Soc. 1892, p. 379. 10 new species. 24. Condorelli, M., & Fiore, C. de. Un caso di psorospermosi in un Coccothraustes vulgaris. Boll. Soc. Rom. Studi. Zool. i, pp. 68-74. 25. Cooke, J. H. The Marls and Clays of the Maltese Islands. Q. J. Geol. Soc. xlix, pt. 1, pp. 117-128, 4 woodcuts. 31 species of Foraminifera , none new. 26. Corti, B. Foraminiferi e Radiolari fossili delle sabbie gialle plioceniche della collina fra Spiechio e Limite sulla sponda destra dell’ Arno. Boll. Scient. xiv, Nos. 2 & 3, pp. 61-70, 1 pi. 2 new species, 2 new varieties. 27. . Foraminiferi e Diatomee fossili del pliocene di Castenedolo. Rend. 1st. Lombardo (2) xxiv, fasc. 15 & 16, pp. 991-1012, 1 pi. 28. Cuenot, L. Protozoaires commensaux et parasites des Echino- dermes (Note preliminaire). Rev. Biol, iii (1891), pp. 285-300, pi. v. Abstract in J. R. Micr. Soc. 1892, p. 54. 4 new species. 29. . Commensaux et Parasites des Echinodermes (DeuxiemeNote). Rev. Biol, v, pt. 1 (Oct. 1892), pp. 1-23, 1 pi. Sporozoa, pp. 1-6 ; Ciliata, pp. 6-8. 30. Dangeard, P. A. La nutrition animate des Peridiniens. Le Botaniste (Dangeard), iii (1892), pp. 7-25, 1 pi. 31. . Note sur un Cryptomonas marin. T. c. p. 32, 1 fig. Abstract in J. R. Micr. Soc. 1892, p. 380. 1 new species. 32. Danilewsky, — . Contribution a l’etude de la microbiose malarique. Annales Inst. Pasteur, 1891, p. 578. Abstracts in CB. Bakt. Parasit. xi (1892), pp. 513-515, and in J. R. Micr. Soc. 1892, pp. 626 & 627. 33. Dawson, J. W. Carpenter on Eozoon. Nature, xlv, p. 461. 34. . On Eozoon. T. c. p. 606. 4 Prot. XVIII. PROTOZOA. 35. Dervieux, E. Studio dei Foraminiferi pliocenici di Villarvernia. Atti Acc. Tor. xxvii, pp. 376-379. 36. Dock, G-. Studies in the etiology of malarial infection and of the haematozoon of Laveran. Medical News, July 19th, 1890. Abstracts in CB. Bakt. Parasit. x (1891), p. 254, and in J. E. Micr. Soc. 1892, p. 53. 37. Doderlein, L. [Land-Foraminiferen von Japan.] Yerh. deutsch. Zool. Ges. ii (1892), pp. 145 & 146. 1 new genus and species. 38. Dreyer, F. Ziele und Wege biologischer Forschung, beleuchtet an der Hand einer Geriistbildungsmechanik. Jena (G. Fischer) : 1892, 8vo, xii & 103 pp., 6 pis, 39. . Die Principien der Geriistbildung bei Bhizopoden, Spongien, und Echinodermen. (Fortsetzung.) Jen. Z. Nat. xxvi (n. f. xix), pp. 297-468, 10 pis. Abstract in J. E. Micr. Soc. 1892, p. 767. 40. Entz, G. Die elastischen und contraction Elemente der Yorti- cellinen. Math. Nat. Ber. Ung. x, hft. 1, pp. 1-48, 3 pis. 41. Faggioli, F. De Taction deletere du sang sur les Protistes. Arch. Ital. Biol, xvi, fasc. 2 & 3, pp. 276-285. 42. Foa, P. Ueber die Krebsparasiten. CB. Bakt. Parasit. xii (1892), pp. 185-192, 2 pis. Abstract in J. E. Micr. Soc. 1892, pp. 807 & 808. 43. Fornasini, C. Secondo Contributo alia conoscenza della microfauna terziaria italiana. Mem. Acc. Bologn. (5) i, (1890), pp. 109-115, 1 pi. 44. . Terzo Contributo alia conoscenza della microfauna terziaria italiana. Op. cit. ii, pp. 213-221, 1 pi. On Pliocene forms of Nodosaria obliqua. 45. Fox, H., & Teall, J. J. H. On a Eadiolarian Chert from Mullion Island. Q. J. Geol. Soc. xlix, pp. 211-218, 1 pi., 1 map. [Part iv of same paper Hinde, G. J., Note on the Radiolaria in the Mullion Island Chert, pp. 215-218, 1 pi.] 10 species of Radiolaria , partly undetermined, none described as new. 46. '"'Francaviglia, M. C., & Fiore, C. de. [. Psorospermium avium in Coccothraustes vulgaris .] Boll. Soc. Eom. Stud. Zool. i (1892), pp. 68- 74, 1 fig. Abstract in J. E. Micr. Soc. 1892, p. 495. 47. Frenzel, J. A new form of Trichonymphidce. J. E. Micr. Soc. 1892, pp. 52 & 53. Abstract of paper in Arch. mikr. Anat. xxxviii, pp. 301-316. [See Zool. Eec. 1891.] 48. . Eemarkable Argentine Protozoa. J. E. Micr. Soc. 1892, pp. 219 & 220. Abstract of paper in Z. wiss. Zool. liii, pp. 334-360, 1 pi. [See Zool. Eec. 1891.] . A multicellular Infusorian-like Animal. Ann. N. H. (6) vi, pp. 109-111. Abstract of paper in Arch. f. Nat. lviii, pp. 66-96, 1 pi. [See Zool. Eec. 1891.] 49. LIST OF PUBLICATIONS. Prot. 5 50. [Fr^nzel, J.] Das Mesozoon Salinella. Biol. Centralbl. xi, pp. 577-581. Translated in Ann. N. H. (6) vi, pp. 79-84. 51. -. Ueber einige argentinische Gregarinen. Ein Beitrag zur Organisation nnd Physiologie der Gregarinen iiberhaupt. Jen. Z. Nat. xxvii (1892), pp. 233-386, 1 pi. Abstract in J. R. Micr. Soc. 1892, p. 805. 5 new species. 52. . Untersuchungen iiber die mikroskopische Fauna Argentiniens. i. Theil : Die Protozoen. i. & n. Abtheilung : Die Rhizopoden und Helioamoeben. Bibl. Zool. xii (1892), pp. 1-82, 6 pis. Abstract in J. R. Micr. Soc. 1892, pp. 624 & 625. 12 new genera, 24 new species. 53. Fritsch, A., & Yavra, Y. Yorlaufiger Bericht iiber die Fauna des Unter- Pocernitzer und Gatterschlager Teiches. Zool. Anz. xv (1892), pp. 26-30. 29 Protozoa obtained ; 5 undetermined, none new. 54. Geinitz, E. xiii. Beitrag zur Geologie Mecklenburgs. Weitere Aufschliisse der Flotzformationen. Arch. Yer. Mecklenb. xlvi, pp. 59-97, 3 pis. Foraminifera, pp. 68 & 69. 55. Geinitz, H. B. Die Yersteinerungen des Herzogthums Sachsen- Altenburg. MT. Osterlande (n.f.) v, pp. 161-199. Bhizopoda , pp. 179 & 180. 56. Goes, A. On a Peculiar Type of Arenaceous Foraminifer from the American Tropical Pacific : Neusina agassizi. Bull. Mus. C. Z. xxiii, No. 5, pp. 195-197, 1 pi. Abstract in J. R. Micr. Soc. 1893, No. 2, p. 199. 57. Goroschankin, J. Beitrage zur Kenntniss der Morphologie und Systematik der Chlamydomonaden. Bull. Mosc. 1891, pp. 101-142, 3 pis. Abstract in J. R. Micr. Soc. 1892, p. 54. 3 new species. 58. *Grassi, B., & Feletti, R. Contribuzione alia studio dei parassiti malarici. 5 1. e. a. (1892), 4to, 80 pp., 1 pi. [From Zool. Anz. 1892.] 59. Grassi, B. Conclusioni d’una Memoria sulla societa dei Termiti. Atti Acc. Pontif. Lincei (5) i, (1892), pp. 33-36. Abstract in J. R. Micr. Soc. 1892, p. 472. Parasitic Protozoa in Termites. 3 new genera, 5 new species. 60. Greeff, R. Terricolous Amcebce. J. R. Micr. Soc. 1892, p. 51. Abstract of paper in MT. Ges. Marb., Feb. 1891. [See Zool. Rec. 1891.] 61. . Organization of A mcebce. J. R. Micr. Soc. 1892, p. 51. Abstract of paper in Biol. Centralbl. xi, p. 599. [See Zool. Rec. 1891.] 6 Prot. XVIII. PROTOZOA. 62. [Greeff, R.] Trichosphcerium sieboldii , Schn. Zool. Anz. xv (1892), pp. 60-64. Abstract in J. R. Micr. Soc. 1892, pp. 220 & 221. 63. % Ueber Amoeben. hi. Mittheilung. SB. Ges. Marb. 1892, pp. 22-43, and Biol. Centralbl. xii, pp. 373-384. Abstract in J. R. Micr. Soc. 1892, p. 625. 64. Gregory, J. W. The Tudor Specimen of Eozoon. Nature, xlv, pp. 486 & 487. 65. Griffiths, A. B. The Physiology of the Invertebrata. London (L. Reeve & Co.): 1892, 8vo, 477 + xvi pp., 81 woodcuts. Protozoa , pp. 23-30, 79, 119, 120, 183, 184, 208, 246-248, 295, 296, 346- 348, 375-377, & 404-408. 66. Gruber, A. Eine Mittheilung uber Kernvermehrung und Schwar- merbildung bei Stisswasser-Rhizopoden. Ber. Ges. Freiburg, vi, pp. 114^118, 1 pi. 67. . Einzellige Zwerge. In Festschrift zum 70. Geburtstage R. Leuckart’s, pp. 74-76, 2 woodcuts. Abnormally small specimens of Stentor cceruleus and S. polymorphic. 68. Guerne, J. de, & Richard, J. Sur la faune des eaux douces de ITslande. C.R. pp. 310-313. Abstract in Ann. N. H. (6) x, p. 340. I Protozoon : Ceratium longicorne, Perty. 69. Hanitsch, R. Foraminifer or Sponge? Nature, xlvii, No. 1216, p. 365. 70. . Foraminifer or Sponge? Op. cit. No. 1219, p. 439. On Neusina agassizi, Goes, a supposed Foraminifer. 71. °Hehir, P. [Hsematozoon of Malaria.] J. R. Micr. Soc. 1892, p. 380. Abstract of “ Separate copy, sent by author, no date, no place of publication, 4to, 27 & ii pp., 9 pis.’5 72. ° . [New Cholera Microbe.] Indian Medical Gazette (Special Supplement) April, 1892, 7 pp., 11 pis. Abstract in J. R. Micr. Soc. 1892, p. 495. 73. Henneguy, F., & Thelohan, P. Sur un Sporozoaire parasite des muscles des Crustaces decapodes. C.R. cxiv (1892), pp. 1552-1555. Abstract in Ann. N. H. (6) x, pp. 342-344, and in J. R. Micr. Soc. 1892, p. 626. 74. Herdman, W. A. Notes on the Collections made during the Cruise of S.Y. “Argo,” up the West Coast of Norway, in July, 1891. P. Liverp. Biol. Soc. vi, pp. 70-93, 2 pis. Foraminifera , pp. 86-88. 75. Hinde, G. J. Note on a Radiolarian Rock from Fanny Bay, Port Darwin, Australia. Q. J. Geol. Soc. xlix, pp. 221-226, 1 pi. II new species. LIST OF PUBLICATIONS. Prot. 7 76. Horne, J. On the Contact Metamorphism of the Badiolarian Chert in the Lower Silurian Rocks along the margin of the Loch Doon Granite. Rep. Brit. Ass. 1892, p. 712. 77. Hosiers, A. Beitrage zur Kenntniss der Foraminiferen-Fauna des Miocans. Yerh. Yer. Rheinl. xlix, pt. i, pp. 148-197, 2 pis. Many undetermined, none described as new. 78. Imhof, O. E. Notizie sulla Fauna pelagica della laguna di Yenezia. Neptunia, i, Ho. 1. i. Gennaio : 1891, pp. 1-4. Several Protozoa. 1 new species. 79. Jakowlew, W. Oplsanie nyeskokklkh vldov myelovdkh. Forami- nifer. Description de quelques especes des Foraminiferes cretaces. Trav. Soc. Univ. Kharkow, xxiv, pp. 341-361, 3 pis. 1 new genus, 2 new species. 80. Jensen, P. Ueber den Geotropismus niederer Organismen. Arch, ges. Phys. liii, hft. 9 & 10, pp. 428-480, 13 woodcuts. SI. . Methode der Beobachtung und Vivisection von Infusorien in Gelatinelosung. Biol. Centralbl. xii, Nos. 18 & 19, pp. 556-560. 82. Klebs, G. Flagellatenstudien. Theil i. Z. wiss. Zool. lv, hft. .2, pp. 265-351, 4 pis. Theil ii. t. c. hft. 3, pp. 353-445, 2 pis. Abstract in J. R. Micr. Soc. 1893, No. 2, pp. 196 & 197. 8 new families, 9 new genera, 42 new species. 83. Korotneff, A. Myxosporidium bryozoides. Z. wiss. Zool. liii, pp. 591-596, 1 pi. Abstract in J. R. Micr. Soc. 1892, p. 379. 84. Kruse, W. Der gegenwartige Stand unserer Kenntnisse von den parasitaren Protozoen. Hyg. Rundschau, 1892, pp. 357-380 & 453- 485. 85. Lameere, A. Prolegomenes de Zoogenie. Bull. Sci. Fr. Belg. xxiii (1891), pp. 399-411. Systematic position of Protozoa, &c. 86. Lauterborn, R. Ueber Periodizitat im Auftreten und in der Fortpflanzung einiger pelagischen Organismen des Rheines und seiner Altwasser. Zeitschrift fur Fischerei, &c., i (1893), No. 2, pp. 81-95, 4 woodcuts, and in Yerh. Yer. Heidelb. (n.f.), v, hft. 1, pp. 1-15. 87. Laveran, A. Du paludisme et son hematozoaire. Paris (G. Mas- son) : 1891, 8vo, 300 pp. Abstract in CB. Bakt. Parasit. xi (1892), pp. 510-512, and in J. R. Micr. Soc. 1892, p. 626. 88. Leger, L. Recherches sur les Gregarines. Rev. Sci. xlix, pp. 660 & 661. 89. Leyander, K. M. Notiz iiber die Tafelung der Schalenmembran des Glenodinium cinctum, Ehbg. Zool. Anz. xv (1892), pp. 405-408, 4 woodcuts. Abstract in J. R. Micr. Soc. 1893, No. 2, p. 197. 8 Frot. XVIII. PROTOZOA. 90. [Levander, K. M.] Verzeichniss der wahrend des Sommers 1891 bei Rostock beobachteten Protozoen. Arch. Yer. Mecklenb. xlvi, pp. 113-118. 103 (old) species. Some new ones will be described in a future paper. 91. Linton, E. Notice of the Occurrence of Protozoon Parasites (Psorosperms) on Cyprinoid Fishes in Ohio. Bull. U. S. Fish. Comm, ix, pp. 359-361, 1 pi. 92. Longhi, P. Protisti delle acque dolci di Genova e dintorni. Atti Soc. Ligust. iii, pp. 137-161. 93. Lord, J. E. Rossendale Rhizopods. No. 8, Sci. Goss., Febr. 1892, pp. 28 & 29, 2 woodcuts. No. 9, Sci. Goss., June, 1892, pp. 129 & 130. 94. Malagoli, M. Foraminiferi miocenici di Paullo nell’ Appennino Modenese. Atti Soc. Mod. (3) x, pp. 79-92. 14 species ; none new. 95. . Foraminiferi pliocenici di Castellarquato e Lugagnano nella Provincia di Piacenza. Boll. Soc. geol. Ital. xi, fasc. 1, pp. 81-103. 96. Marey, E. J. Le mouvement des etres microscopiques analyse par la Chronophotographie. C.R. cxiv, pp. 989 & 990. Abstract in Rev. Sci. xlix, pp. 633 & 631. 97. Mariani, E. La fauna a foraminiferi delle marne che affiorano da alcuni tufi vulcanici di Viterbo. Boll. Soc. geol. Ital. x (1891), pp. 169-178, 1 pi. 98. Matthew, G. F. List of the Fossils found in the Cambrian Rocks in and near St. John. Bull. Nat. Hist. Soc. Brunswick, x, pp. xi- xxiii. Protozoa , p. xv. 99. Metschnikoff, E. Note au sujet du memoire de M. Soudakewitch. Annales Inst. Pasteur, 1892, p. 158. Abstracts in CB. Bakt. Parasit. p. 39, and in J. R. Micr. Soc. 1892, pp. 627 & 628. On parasites in Cancer. 100. Minchin, E. A. Observations on the Gregarines of Holothurians. Q. J. Micr. Sci. xxxiv, pt. 3, pp. 279-310, 2 pis. 1 new species. 101. Mingazzini, P. Classification of Sporozoa. J. R. Micr. Soc. 1892, p. 54. Abstract from paper in Atti Acc. Rom. (4) vii, pp. 136-141. [See Zool. Rec. 1891.] 102. . New Monocystid Gregarines. J. R. Micr. Soc. 1892, p. 53. Abstract from paper in Atti Acc. Rom. (4) vii, pp. 229-235. [See Zool. Rec. 1891.] . * Ciclo evolutivo della Benedenia octopiana. Atti Acc. Rom. (5) i, pp. 218-222. 103. LIST OF PUBLICATIONS. Trot, 9 104. [Mingazzini, P.] Classificazione dei Coccidi e delle Gregariue. Atti Acc. Pontif. Lincei (5) i, pp. 68-75. Abstract in J. R. Micr. Soc. 1892, p. 380. 105. . Contribute) alia conoscenza dei Coccidi. Atti Acc. Pontif. Lincei (5) i, pp. 175-181. Abstract in J. R. Micr. Soc. 1892, p. 495. 106. . Nuove specie di Sporozoi. Atti Acc. Pontif. Lincei (5) i, pp. 396-402, 4 figg. Abstract in J. R. Micr. Soc. 1892, p. 806. 2 new genera ; 2 new species. 107. Mitter, J. Beitrag zur Kenntniss des Balantidium coli im mensch- lichen Darmkanale. Inaugural Dissertation. Kiel : 1891. Abstracts in CB. Bakt. Parasit. xii (1892), p. Ill, and in J. R. Micr. Soc. 1892, p. 625. 108. Mrazek, A. O tak zvane Monocystis tenax , Stein. SB. Bohm. Ges. 1892, pp. 67-76, 2 woodcuts. No resume in German. The author endeavours to prove that the species belongs to the Flagellata. 109. Murray, J., & Irvine, R. On Silica and Siliceous Remains of Organisms in Modern Seas. P. R. Soc. Edinb. xviii, pp. 229-250. 110. Noll, F. C. Die Ernahrungsweise des Trichosplicerium sieboldii , Schn. Zool. Anz. xv (1892), pp. 209 & 210. Abstract in J. R. Micr. Soc. 1892, p. 805. 111. Norman, A. M. Museum Normanianum ; or, a Catalogue of the InVertebrata of Europe, and the Arctic and North Atlantic Oceans, vn & vm : Spongozoa and Rhizopoda. Durham : 1892, 8vo, 21 pp. Rhizopoda , pp. 14-21. 112. Osborn, H. L. The Protozoa— a Phylum of the Animal Kingdom considered biologically. Am. Micr. J. xiii, No. 10, pp. 233-243, 1 pi. 113. Peach, B. N. On a widespread Radiolarian Chert of Arenig Age from the Southern Uplands of Scotland. Rep. Brit. Ass. 1892, pp. 711 & 712. 114. Pearcey, F. G. Foraminifer or Sponge ? Nature, xlvii, No. 1217, p. 390. On Neusina agassizi , Goes, a supposed Foraminifer. 115. Perner, J. Predbezuf Kriticky Seznam Foraminifer z Brezen- skych Yrstev. Resume, Kritisches Yerzeichniss der Foraminiferen aus den Priesener Schichten der bohmischen Kreideformation. SB. Bohm. Ges. 1892, pp. 34-53. 1 new species. 116. . Ueber die Foraminiferen des bohmischen Cenomans. ( Resume des bohmischen Textes.) Palaeontographica Bohemias, i, pp. 49-65, 10 pis. 28 new species. 10 Prof. XVIII. PROTOZOA. 117. Pfeiffer, R. Beitrage zur Protozoen-Forscliung. 1. Heft. Die Coccidien-Krankheit der Kaninchen. Berlin (A. Hirschwald) : 1892, 8vo, 24 pp., 12 pis. 118. . Yergleichende Untersnchnngen iiber Schwarmsporen und Dauersporen bei den Coccidieninfektionen und bei Intermittens. Fortschritte d. Medicin, 1890, pp. 939-951. Abstracts in CB. Bakt. Parasit. xii (1892), pp. 109 & 110, and in J. R. Micr. Soc. 1892, pp. 806 & 807. 119. . Ueber einige neue Formen von Miescherschen Schlaucheu rait Mikro-, Myxo-, und Sarkosporidieninhalt. Yirchow’s Archiv. cxxii, pp. 552-573, 1 pi. Abstracts in CB. Bakt. Parasit. xii (1892), pp. 110 & 111, and in J. R. Micr. Soc. 1892, p. 807. 120. . Die Protozoen als Krankheitserreger sowie der Zellen- und Zellkernparasitismus derselben bei nicht bakteriellen Infections- krankheiten des Menschen. 2 Aufl. Jena (G-. Fischer) : 1891, Lex. 8 vo, vi & 216 pp., 91 woodcuts. Abstracts in CB. Bakt. Parasit. xii (1892), pp. 168-171, and in J. R. Micr. Soc. 1892, p. 808. 121. P odw yssozki, W., & Sawtschenko, J. Ueber Parasitismus bei Carcinomen nebst Beschreibung einiger in den Carcinomge- schwiilsten schmarotzenden Sporozoen. CB. Bakt. Parasit. xii (1892), pp. 493-500, 532-538, & 559-563. 2 pis. Abstract in J. R. Micr. Soc. 1892, p. 629. 122. Pollard, E. C. A New Sporozoon in Amphioxus. Q. J. Micr Sci. xxxiv, pt. 3, pp. 311-316, 1 pi. Species not named. 123. Potjchet, G. Cinquieme contribution a l’histoire des Peridiniens ; Peridinium pseudonoctiluca , Pouchet. J. de PAnat. Pkys. 1892, pp. 143-150, 1 pi, 124. ^Railliet, A. [On Myoxsporidia.~\ Bull. Soc. Aquic. de France, xv (1890), pp. 192-198. 125. Railliet, A., & Lucet, A. Note sur quelques especes de Coccidies encore peu etudiees. Bull. Soc. Z. Fr. xvi, pp. 246-250. 2 new species. 126. Rhumbler, L. Eisenkiesablagerungen im verwesenden Weich- korper von Foraminiferen, die sogenannten Keimkugeln Max Schultze’s u. A. Yorlaufige Mittheilung. Nachr. Ges. Gutting. 1892, No. 12, pp. 419-428. 127. Robertson, D. List of Foraminifera dredged in Portree Bay, Island of Skye. P. N. H. Soc. Glasg. (n.s.) iii, pt. 3 (1889-92), pp. 239-242. None new. List of publications. Prot. 11 128. Rosenberg, — . Ein Befund von Psorospermien (Sarcosporidien) im Herzmuskel des Menschen. Zeitschr. f. Hygiene, xi, No. 3. Abstracts in CB. Bakt. Parasit. xi (1892), p. 739, and in J. R. Micr. Soc. 1892, pp. 628 & 629. 1 new species. 129. Rust, J. Beitrage zur Kenntniss der fossilen Radiolarien aus Gesteinen der Trias und der palseozoischen Schichten. Palasontogr. xxxviii, pp. 107-200, 25 pis. 3 new genera ; 244 new species. 130. Ruffer, M. A., & Walker, J. H. On some Parasitic Protozoa found in Cancerous Tumours. J. Path. Bact. i, No. 2 (Oct. 1892), pp. 198-215, 3 pis. 131. Sawtschenko, G. Weitere TJntersuchungen liber schmarotzende Sporozoen in den Krebsgeschwiilsten. CB. Bakt. Parasit. xii (1892), pp. 17-28, 1 pi. Abstract in J. R. Micr. Soc. 1892, p. 628. 132. Schacko, G. Foraminiferen und Ostracoden aus der Kreide von Moltzow. Arch. Yer. Mecklenb. xlv (1891), pp. 155-160, 1 pi. 4 new species of Foraminifera. 133. Schewiakoff, W. Ueber die geographische Verbreitung der Suss- wasser-Protozoen. Verh. Yer. Heidelb. (n.f.) iv, hft. 5, pp. 544-567. 17 new genera ; 36 new species. 134. Schilling, A. J. Die Siisswasser-Peridineen. Inaugural-Disser- tation. Marburg (R. Friedrich): 1891, 8vo, 81 pp., 3 pis. 8 new species. [The Recorder for last year, although he mentions this paper, was unable to see it, and to enumerate the new species.] 135. ■. Untersuchungen iiber die thierische Lebensweise einiger Peridineen. Ber. Deutsch. Bot. Ges. ix (1891), pp. 199-208, 1 pi. Abstract in J. R. Micr. Soc. 1892, p. 52. 1 new species. 136. Schlumberger, C. Note sur le Ramulina grimaldii . Mem. Soc. Zool. iv, pp. 509-511, 1 pi. 1 new species. 137. . Revision des Biloculines des grands fonds. Mem. Soc. Zool. iv, pp. 542-579, 4 pis., 46 woodcuts. 8 new species. 138. — — . Note preliminaire sur les Foraminiferes dragues par S. A. le Prince Albert de Monaco. Mem. Soc. Zool. v, pp. 207-212, 1 pi., 5 woodcuts. 2 new species. 139. Schuberg, A. Bemerkungen zu den ‘ Untersuchungen ’ des Herrn Dr. Angelo Fiorentini iiber die Protozoen des Wiederkauermagens CB. Bakt. Parasit. xi, pp. 280-283. 12 Prot. XVIII. PROTOZOA. 140. [Schuberg, A.] Ueber einige Organisationsverhaltnisse der In- fusorien des Wiederkauermagens. SB. Ges. Wiirzb. 1891, pp. 123— 137. Abstract in J. R. Micr. Soc. 1892, p. 494. 141. . Ueber Coccidien des Mausedarms. SB. Ges. Wiirzb. 1892, pp. 65-72. 142. Schutt, F. Ueber Organisationsverhaltnisse des Plasmaleibes der Peridineen. SB. Ak. Berlin, 1892, pp. 377-384, 1 pi., and in MT. Ak. Berlin, 1892, pp. 165-171, 1 pi. Abstract in J. R. Micr. Soc. 1892, p. 805. 143. Severi, A. Gregarinosi polmonale in infante nato-morto. Boll. R. Accad. Medic. Genova, vii (1892), fasc. 2, 8 pp. Abstracts in La Riforma Medica, 1892, No. 80, and in CB. Bakt. Parasit. xii (1892), p. 262, and in J. R. Micr. Soc. 1892, p. 806. 144. Simmons, W. J. Some Stalked Actinophyrans. Sci. Goss. 1892, pp. 124-127, 9 figg. Abstract in J. R. Micr. Soc. 1892, p. 494. 145. Smiley, C. W. A beautiful Bhizopod. Am. Micr. J. xiii, pp. 51- 54, 8 woodcuts. 146. Solger, B. Parasitic Protozoa. J. R. Micr. Soc. 1892, p. 53. Abstract of paper in MT. Yorpomm. xxii (1890), pp. 99-102. [See Zool Rec. 1891.] 1 new genus ; 1 new species. 147. Sollas, W. J. Supposed Radiolarian Remains from the Slate of Howth. [Title only.] Rep. Brit. Ass. 1892, p. 723. 148. . Supposed Radiolarian Remains from the Culdaff Limestone. [Title only.] Ibid. 149. Soudakewitsch, — . Recherches sur le parasitisme intracellulaire et intranucleaire chez Phomme. Ann. Inst. Pasteur, 1892, p. 145, 3 pis. Abstracts in CB. Bakt. Parasit. xii (1892), p. 39, and in J. R. Micr. Soc. 1892, p. 627. 150. Tellini, A. Istruzioni per la raccolta, preparazione e conserva- zione dei Foraminiferi viventi e fossili. Riv. Ital. Sci. Nat. xii (1892), No. 1, pp. 4-7. 151. Thelohan, P. Note sur la Glugea microspora. C.R. Soc. Biol. (9) iv (1892), 3 pp. 152. . Sur quelques nouvelles Coccidies parasites des poissons. J. de l’Anat. Phys. 1892, pp. 152-171, 1 pi. Abstracts in C.R. cxiv, pp. 136-138, C.R. Soc. Biol. (9) iv (1892), Am. Nat. xxvi, p. 958, Ann. N. H. (6) x, pp. 115-117, and J. R. Micr. Soc. 1892, p. 380. 2 new species. 153. . Myxosporidies de la vesicule biliaire des Poissons. Especes nouvelles. C.R. cxv, No. 22, pp. 961-964, and No. 24, pp. 1091- 1094. Abstract in J. R. Micr. Soc. 1893, No. 2, pp. 198 & 199. 1 new genus ; 5 new species. LIST OF PUBLICATIONS. Prot, 13 154. [Thelohan, P.] Sur les Myxosporidies. C.R. Soc. Philom. Paris, xx, Aout, 1892, pp. 2 & 3. 155. Thomas, B. Notes oh Amceba and Infusoria, i. Th e>Amceba. Sci. Goss. March, 1892, pp. 52 & 53, 1 woodcut, ii. Flagellate Infusoria. Op. cit. April, 1892, pp. 81 & 82, 1 woodcut, May, 1892, pp. 99-103, 4 woodcuts, June, 1892, pp. 135-138, 5 woodcuts, July, 1892, pp. 147-149, 3 woodcuts, August, 1892, pp. 172-176, 5 woodcuts, October 1892, pp. 231-233, 4 woodcuts. 156. Topsent, E. Sur un nouveau Rhizopode marin ( Pontomyxa faiva, n. g. & sp.). C.R. cxiv, pp. 774 & 775. Abstracts in Rev. Sci. xlix, p. 475, and in J. R. Micr. Soc. 1892, pp. 379 & 380. 157. Vejdoysky, F. Sur une Thuricola d’eau douce. Congres Internal. Zool. Sess. ii, No. 1, pp. 52-57. Abstract in J. R. Micr. Soc. 1893, No. 2, p. 190. 1 new species. 158. . Sur la Monodontophyra , nouvelle espece d’Opalinide. Congres Internat. Zool. Sess. ii, No. 1, pp. 24-31. 1 new species. 159. Yerbeek, R. D. M. Yorloopig bericht over nummulieten, orbitoiden en alveolinen van Java, en over den ouderdom der gesteenten waarin zij optreden. Nat. Tijdschr. Nederl. Ind. Ii, pp. 101-138, 1 pi. 1 new species. 160. Yerworn, M. Die pbysiologiscbe Bedeutung des Zellkerns. Arch, ges. Pbys. Ii, pp. 1-118, pis. i-vi. 161. Yine, G. R. Notes on Polyzoa found at Cleethorpes. In 1875, 1879, and 1882. Naturalist, 1892, pp. 5-11. 1 Foraminifer mentioned ( Planorbidina lobatula). 162. Weltner, W. Ueber Myxosporidiensporen in den Eiern von Esox lucius. SB. nat. Fr. 1892, No. 4, pp. 28-36, 16 woodcuts. 163. Zacharias, O. Yorlaufiger Bericht iiber die Thatigkeit der Biologischen Station zu Plon. Zool. Anz. xv (1892), pp. 457-460. 2 new species, several undetermined. 164. . Ueber eine Ichtliyophtlurius- Art aus den Aquarien der Biologischen Station zu Plon. In Festschrift zum 70. Geburtstage R. Leuckart’s, pp. 289-292, 1 pi. 1 new species. 165. Zopf, W. Beitriige zur Physiologie und Morph ologie niederer Organismen. l. Heft. Leipzig (A. Felix): 1892, 8vo, pp. iv &. 97, 3 pis. 1892. [yol. xxix.] f 11 14 Prot. XVIII. PROTOZOA. IT. — ANATOMY, BIOLOGY. 1. GENERAL MORPHOLOGY. Butschli (17) gives an account of the various opinions regarding the structure of protoplasm, and states his own views on the subject. Dreyer (39) discusses the tetraxial type of the skeleton in the Poly- cystina (also in Sponges and in Echinodermata ), and offers mechanical explanations. Entz (40) gives a detailed account of the elastic and contractile elements of the Vorticellince , especially of the large forms, Epistylis umbellaria, L., and Zootliamnium arbuscula , Eh. Covering the ectoplasm there is a delicate membrane (pellicula) which has a double function : (1) it serves as attachment for the contractile elements ; and (2), being elastic, it acts as antagonist to the same. The contractile elements con- sist of two systems, an outer and an inner one, each again being made up of two layers. Thus there are altogether four layers of myonems : an outer circular, an outer longitudinal, an inner circular, and an inner longi- tudinal. These layers are now described in their most minute details. The paper is illustrated by a series of very high-power drawings. Frenzel (47-52) gives elaborate papers on Argentine Protozoa , espe- cially on Rhizopoda, Helioamcebce, and Sporozoa. Greeff (63) describes a thin, very flexible, resistent, and perhaps chitinous membrane, which encloses the body of Amoeba fluida , and is interrupted by an opening through which the pseudopodial appendix (“ Zottenanhang ”) projects. Gruber (67) describes abnormally small specimens of Stentor cceruleus and S. polymorphus . The former had only a single nuclear joint. Klebs (82) describes the peripheral portion of the Flagellata. The “periblast” is the outermost plasmic layer, and is always present. Outside this there is a secondary envelope (“Hiille”), which may be absent. Levander (89) describes the cuticular shell of Glenodinium cinctum , Ehrenb., as being composed of a number of polygonal plates, as in Peri- diniam (tabulatum). Rust (129) makes important contributions to our knowledge of fossil Radiolaria , with exhaustive illustrations. Schlumberger (137) has studied the Deep Sea Biloculines, chiefly by means of median sections, and describes a kind of dimorphism (using this term in a sense slightly different from its customary meaning). In each species may be distinguished two forms, a and B. In the form B the first chamber (microsphere) is extremely small, and is succeeded by numerous small chambers. The form A begins at once with a large chamber (megasphere). Schutt (142) has studied the structure of Peridinidce. He distinguishes two concentric layers of plasma : an outer layer (which consists again of two layers, one hyaline and the other granular), and an inner mass, which AN ATOM Yj BIOLOGY. Prof. 15 is not granular, and contains nucleus, sap-chambers, and various vacuoles. Schilling (134) has a paper on the structure of the freshwater Peridinidce. 2. REPRODUCTION. Greeff (63) asserts that he has never noticed reproduction by means of binary fission, either in Amoeba fluida or in any other Amoebae. He describes phenomena which remind one of the formation of spores. Gruber (66) describes the formation of spores in Arcella vulgaris and Lecythium hyalinum. Klebs (82) says that in studying the Flagellata (from which he excludes the Volvocina ), he never has seen a sexual process of reproduction. All reproduce asexually and by longitudinal fission (except Oxyrrhis marina , which divides transversely). Still, he thinks it possible that forms along the border line, allied to Ciliata or Volvocina , may yet be discovered which reproduce sexually. Schuberg (140) has studied the reproduction of Dasytricha rumi - nantium , and of other Ciliata , living in the rumen and reticulum of Puminantia. Schuberg (141) describes the formation of spores of Coccidia in the stomach of a mouse. Schilling (134) discusses the reproduction of the Peridinidce. The rule is vegetative reproduction, and doubtful are the accounts of copu- lation and conjugation. 3. PHYSIOLOGY. Balbiani (5) has been experimenting on the artificial division of Ciliata. In merozoites which contain the whole, or part, of a nucleus, the regeneration is rapid and complete. Brandt (15) describes the hydrostatic apparatus of some Protozoa. Certes (19) describes his experiments on the vitality of germs of microscopic organisms. Cultivation of freshwater sediments yields by far more life ( Protozoa and a few Metazoa ) than that of marine sediments. Dangeard (30) discusses the animal-like nutrition of some Peri- dinidce. Frexzel (51) gives an account of the chemistry of Gregarinida. He distinguishes the following substances : Protoelastin, Alveolin, Paral- veolin, neutral fats, Albuminoids, Pro’tocollagen, Paraglycogen, Pyxinin, Antienzym, Morulin, Paramorulin, Nuclein, Nuclear Sap, Cell Sap. Greeff (63) gives an account of the movement and nutrition of Amceba. Griffiths (65) treats of Protozoa in the following pages : 23-30, 79, 119-123, 183, 184, 208, 246-248, 295, 296, 346-348, 375-377, & 404-408. Jensen (80) speaks of the Geotropism of Protozoa. Lauterborn (86) gives some interesting sketches on the periodicity 1 6 Trot. XVIII. PROTOZOA. in the appearance and reproduction of pelagic organisms in the Rhine and its “ Altwasser.” Besides Algce, Rotatoria , Crustacea , Mollusca , he treats of Dinobryon , Ceratium hirundinella , and other Protozoa. Noll (110) gives an account of his observations of Trichosphcerium sieboldii feeding on Diatoms along the glass walls of his aquarium, and reproducing rapidly. Rhumbler (126) shows that the so-called u Budspores” (“Keimkugeln”) of Foraminifera are foreign bodies. They may be (1) either Diatoms ( Cocconeis ?), or (2) granules of excretory matter (?), or (3) products of decomposition of the animal. He has studied especially this third class of bodies. They are of a black colour, show sometimes a distinctly crys- talline structure, and consist of iron-pyrite. This agrees with the state- ments of geologists ( e.g ., Justus Roth) that a great part of the iron- pyrites are of organic origin. Schilling (135) discusses the animal-like nutrition of some Peridinidtc. Yerworn (160) treats of the physiological significance of the nucleus, especially of that of Protozoa. Protozoa and Human Pathology : Sporozoa (or other Protozoa ?) can be demonstrated in numerous cases of Cancer. See papers by Foa, Metschnikoff, Pfeiffer (120), Podwyssozki, Ruffer & Walker, Sawtschenko, and Soudakewitsch. For Malaria and Hcematozoa , see Danilewsky, Dock, Grassi & Feletti, Hehir, and Laveran. For various other diseases, in their connections with Protozoa , see papers by Kruse, Mitter, Pfeiffer, Rosenberg, and Severe HI.— DISTRIBUTION. a. FAUNISTIC. Argentinia. — Rhizopoda , Heliamcebce , Gregarinkla ; Frenzel. Atlantic. — Borgert treats of the geographical distribution of the Phceodaria , collected during the Plankton-Expedition. Richest were the Irminger Sea and the Labrador current ; exceedingly poor the Sar- gossa Sea, probably on account of its very high temperature. Still poorer were the Florida, and the East- and West- Greenland current. Foraminifera : Schlumberger. Iceland. — Freshwater Protozoa ; Guerne & Richard. Great Britain. — I. of Skye: Foraminifera ; Robertson. — Southport: Foraminifera ; Chaster. — Cleethorpes : 1 Foraminifer ; Vine. — Ply- mouth : Dinoflag ellata ; Bles. — Plymouth : Sporozoa ; Minchin. Norway. — West Coast : Foraminifera ; Herdman. — Bergen : Forami- nifera ; Appelloff. France. — Banyuls : Rhizopoda ; Topsent. Germany. — Holstein : Freshwater Protozoa ; Zacharias. — Levander (90) gives a list of freshwater Protozoa collected near Rostock, in Meck- lenberg, viz.. 12 Rhizopoda , 4 Ileliozoa , 45 Flag ellata } 4 Di noflag ellata, 38 Ciliaia. DISTRIBUTION. Proi. 17 Belgium. — Ostend : Marine Amoebae ; Greeff. Bohemia.— Protozoa ; Fritsch & Vavra. Switzerland. — Basle : Flagellata ; Klebs : Dinofiagcllata ; Schilling. — Lake of Geneva : Difflugia and Protozoa generally ; Blanc. Italy. — Genoa : Freshwater Protozoa ; Longhi. — Sporozoa, Mingazzini. — Lagoons of Venice : Protozoa , Imhof. India. — Calcutta : Clathrulina elegans and Hedriocystis pellucida ; Simmons : C. elegans was first found in St. Petersburgh, afterwards in Central and Western Europe, and in North America. Malay Archipelago. — Freshwater Protozoa ; Schewiakoff. Japan. — Sand Foraminifera ; Doderlein. Eastern Archipelago. — Deep-sea deposits ; Bassett-Smith. Australia. — Freshwater Protozoa ; Schewiakoff. New Zealand. — Freshwater Protozoa ; Schewiakoff. Sandwich Islands. — Freshwater Protozoa ; Schewiakoff. b. GEOLOGICAL. Bust examined all rocks from the Trias and Palaeozoic strata, which were accessible to him, for Radiolaria. The Limestones of Palaeozoic strata and Trias contained only exceedingly few Radiolaria , and these in a condition not suitable for identification. Exceedingly rich were numerous siliceous limestones, siliceous schists, hornstones, jasper, adinole, and wetzschiefer. The skeletons, too, were here in splendid condition. Laurentian or Precambrian. — Bretagne : Radiolaria allied to the Mono splicer idee. The oldest organic remains of France and probably of the world. Barrois. Cambriau. — St. John, New Brunswick : Species of Monadites and Radiolarites ; Matthew. Ordovician (?). — Mullion I. (off Lizard Peninsula, Cornwall) : Radio- larian Chert ; Fox & Teall. Silurian. — Cabrieres, Languedoc, France : Radiolaria, Rust. — Scot- land : Radiolaria , Peach. Devonian. — Scheebenholz, Hartz Mountains, and South Ural : Radio- laria, Rust. Carboniferous. — Hartz Mountains, Biikk Mountains in Hungary, and Sicily : Radiolaria , Rust. Permian. — Nowgorod : Radiolaria, Rust. Trias. — Astura, Felso Eors in Bakony and Rothelstein, near Aussee, in Tyrol : Radiolaria, Rust. — Saxe-Altenburg : RJiizopoda, H. B. Geinitz. Cretaceous. — Gault of Folkestone: Foraminifera, Chapman. — Moltzow in Mecklenburg : Foraminifera, Schacko. — Priesen, Kamajk, near Caslau, and Gangberg, near Kuttenberg, Bohemia : Foraminifera, Perner. — Russia : Foraminifera, Jakowlew. 18 Prot. XVIII. PROTOZOA. Eocene. — Java: Foraminifera, Verbeek. Oligocene (Upper). — Maliss, in Mecklenburg: Foraminifera, E. Geinitz. Miocene. — Java, Sumatra, and Nias : Foraminifera , Verbeek. — Kuning Miihle, near Dingden, Germany : Foraminifera , Hosius. — Apennines, near Modena : Foraminifera , Malagoli. — (Miocene ?) Radiolarian Rock, from Fanny Bay, Port Darwin, Australia ; Hinde. Pliocene. — Near River Arno, Italy : Foraminifera and Padiolana , Corti. — Castellarquato and Lugagno, near Piacenza : Foraminifera , Malagoli. — Italy : Foraminifera , Forrosini. — Villarvernia, Italy : Fora- minifera, Dervieux. — Volcanic tuf of Viterbo, Italy : Foraminifera , Mariani. IV. — SYSTEMATIC. A. — GYMNOMYXA. Class 3.— LOBOSA. Amoeba fiuida , Gruber, pp. 24-41, crystalligera , pp. 41-43, Ostende, redescribed by Greeff, SB. Ges. Marb. 1892. A. Hercules, p. 24, pi. iii, figg. 10, 11, & 17, pellucida, p. 29, pi. i, figg. 3 & 6, Argentinia, Frenzel, Bibl. Zool. xii, n. spp. Difflugia lemani , Lake Leman ; Blanc (12), p. 5, pi. ii, figg. 13-15, n. sp. Guttulidium, n. g. with G. tinctum, & sp., Argentinia ; Frenzel, Bibl. Zool. xii, p. 1, pi. iii, figg. 7 & 8. Limulina, n. g. with L. unica, & sp., Argentinia ; Frenzel, Bibl. Zool. xii, p. 41, pi. iii, fig. 9. Mastigarnceba schulzei, Argentinia ; Frenzel, Bibl. Zool. xii, p. 49, pi. v, figg. 1-14. Mastigella, n. g. with M. polymastix, & sp., Argentinia ; Frenzel, Bibl. Zool. xii, p. 38, pi. ii, fig. 3. A lastigina, n. g. with M. chlamys, p. 42, pi. iv, figg. 3-7 , paramylon, p. 47, pi. ii, fig. 7, n. spp., Argentinia, Frenzel, Bibl. Zool. xii. Micromastix , n. g. with M . januarii, & sp., Argentinia ; Frenzel, Bibl. Zool. xii, p. 37, pi. ii, fig. 8. Pontomyxa , n. g. with P. flava , & sp. Banyuls, France, on Microcosmus sabatieri ; Topsent, C.R. cxiv, p. 774. Saccamoeba , n. g. with S. punctata, p. 2, pi. iii, figg. 5 & 6, lucens, p. 7, pi. i, fig. 11, magna , p. 8, pi. iii, fig. 19, cubica , p. 13, pi. iv, figg. 12 & 13, morula , p. 14, pi. i, fig. 10, renacuajo, p. 16, pi. i, figg. 7 & 8, cirrifera , p. 11, pi. ii, fig. 6, n. spp., Argentinia, Frenzel, Bibl. Zool. xii. Tricholimax, n. g. with T. hylae, & sp., Argentinia ; Frenzel, Bibl. Zool. xii, p. 35, pi. iii, figg. 2-4. SYSTEMATIC : HELIOZOA, RETICULARlA. Prot. 19 Class 5 . — HELIOZO A. ActinopJirys alveolata , Sydney, Schewiakoff, Yerh. Yer. Heidelb. (n.s. iv, p. 549, n. sp. Astrodisculus araneiformis , Melbourne, Schewiakoff, Yerh. Yer. Heidelb. (n.s.) iv, p. 549, n. sp. Elceorhanis arenosa , Argentinia, Frenzel, Bibl. Zool. xii, p. 72 , pi. vi, fig. 12, n. sp. Estrella , n. g. with E. aureola, p. 74, pi. vi, fig. 16, socialis, p. 75, pi. vi, figg. 5 & 7, n. spp., Argentinia, Frenzel, Bibl. Zool. xii. Heliosphczrium , n. g. with H. aster , p. 76, pi. vi, figg. 10 & 11, and pi. x, fig. 4, polyedricum , p. 79, pi. vi, figg. 6, 9, & 17, and pi. x, fig. 5, n. spp., Argentinia, Frenzel, Bibl. Zool. xii. Litho splicer ella , n. g. with L. compacta , & sp., Argentinia, Frenzel, Bibl. Zool. xii, p. 73, pi. vi, figg. 13 & 15. Monobia solitaria , Sandwich Is., Oahu, Schewiakoff, Yerh. Yer. Heidelb. (n.s.) iv, p. 548, n. sp. Nuclearella , n. g. with N. variahilis , & sp., Argentinia, Frenzel, Bibl. Zool. xii, p. 63, pi. i, figg. 1 & 2, pi. ii, figg. 1, 2, & 10, and pi. iv, fig. 16. Nuclearia polypodia, Malay Archipelago, Bali, Schewiakoff, Yerh. Yer. Heidelb. (n.s.) iv, p. 548, n. sp. Nuclearina , n. g. with N. leuclcarti , & sp., Argentinia, Frenzel, Bibl. Zool. xii, p. 59, pi. vi, figg. 4, 8, & 18. Class 6.— RETICULARlA. Amphicoryne parasitica , Schlumberger, Mem. Soc. Zool. v, p. 211, pi. vii, figg. 10-12, Azores, depth 130 metres, n. sp. Biloculina sarsi , p. 553, pi. ix, figg. 55-59, woodcuts 10-12, North Sea, 2000 faths. ; labiata. p. 556, pi. ix, figg. 60-62, woodcuts 13 & 14, Mediterranean, 555 metres ; bradyi, p. 557, pi. x, figg. 63-71, wood- cuts 15-19, Atlantic, Bay of Biscay, 1850 metres ; vespei'tilio , p. 561, pi. x, figg. 74-76, woodcuts 20-22, Bay of Biscay, 1850 metres; fischeri , p. 563, pi. xi, figg. 77 & 78, woodcuts 23-25, Bay of Biscay, 1850 metres ; milne-edwardsi , p. 567, pi. xi, figg. 79 & 80, woodcuts 29 & 30 ; pisum , p. 569, pi. xi, figg. 81-83, woodcut 31, Mediterra- nean ; anomala , p. 569, pi. xi, figg. 84-86, and pi. xii, fig. 101, woodcuts 32-34, Mediterranean, 555 metres ; Schlumberger, Mem. Soc. Zool. iv : n. spp. *| ‘Bolivinopsis, n. g. and B. capitata , Cretaceous, Russia; Jakowlew, Trav. Soc. Univ. Karkow, xxiv, p. 349, n. sp. ’fBulimina brevicona, p. 54, pi. iv, figg. 1 a, 6, injlata, p. 55, pi. iii, figg* 4 a, b , c , conoidea , p. 55, pi. iii, figg. 5 a, b, depressa , p. 55, pi. iii, figg* 3 a, b, Cenoman, Kamajk, Bohemia, Perner, Palaeontographica Bohemiae, i : n. spp. fB. presli , Reuss, var. sabulosa, n. var. ; Chapman, J. R. Micr. Soc. 1892, p. 755, pi. xii, fig. 5, Gault of Folkestone. 20 Prot. XVITt. PROTOZOA. Clavulina obscum , Shore mud of Southport, Chaster, Rep. Southport Soc. i, p. 58, pi. i, fig. 4, n. sp. Discorbina minutissima, Shore mud o£ Southport, Chaster, Rep. South- port Soc. i, p. 65, pi. i, fig. 15, n. sp. f Frondicularia fritschi , p. 58, pi. vii, figg. 1 a , 5, c, Cenoman, Kamajk, Bohemia, corouata , p. 58, pi. vii, figg. 2 a, b , Cenoman, G-angberg, Bohemia, linen, p. 59, pi. vii, figg. 3 a, b , parallela , pi. 59, pi. vii, figg. 5 a , 5, Kamajk, obsoleta, p. 59, pi. vii, figg. 6 a , 5, conica, p. 59, pi. vii, figg. 7 a, 5, bohemica, p. 60, pi. vii, fig. 4, quadrigona, p. 60, pi. vii, figg. 8 a, b, incertci (n. sp. ?), p. 60, pi. vii, figg. 10 a, 5, gracilis , p. 60, pi. viii, fig. 9, lanceolata , p. 60, pi. vii, figg. 12 a, b, foliacea , p. 61, pi. vii, figg. 13 a , 5, acutangula, p. 61, pi. vii, fig. 11, Kamajk, Perner, Palseontographica Bohemige, i : n. spp. j ’ Gaudryina dispansa, Gault of Folkestone, Chapman, J. R. Micr. Soe. 1892, p. 753, pi. xi, figg. 10 a, b, n. sp. Haplophragmium elegans, n. sp., p. 322, pi. v, fig. 10, II. latidorsatum, Born, var. papillosa, n. var., p. 323, pi. v, fig. 13, Gault of Folke- stone ; Chapman, J. R. Micr. Soc. 1892. *j* PLaplostiche oligostegia , Perner, Palseontographica Bohemige, i, p. 53, pi. ii, figg. 13 & 14, Cenoman, Gangberg, Bohemia ; H. sherboniiana, Gault of Folkestone, Chapman, J. R. Micr. Soc. 1892, p. 325, pi. vi, figg. 6-8 : n. spp. Lagena millettii, p. 61, pi. i, fig. 10, falcata , p. 63, pi. i, fig. 7, depressa , p. 62, pi. i, fig. 5, protea, p. 62, pi. i, fig. 14, Shore mud, Southport, Chaster, Rep. Southport Soc. i, n. spp. Lingulina herdmani , Shore mud, Southport, Chaster, Rep. Southport Soc. i, p. 63, pi. i, fig. 9, n. sp. fLituola cylindrica , p. 52, pi. ii, figg. 7-12, Cenoman, Kamajk, Bohemia, globigerinoides, p. 52, pi. ii, figg. 15-17, Perner, Palseontographica Bohemise, i, n. spp. f Miliolina maggii , Pliocene, River Arno, Corti, p. 66, fig. la, Boll, scient. xiv, n. sp. f Nodosaria longispina, Cretaceous, Russia, Jakowlew, Trav. Soc. Univ. Kharkow, p. 343 ; N. mayeri , Cretaceous, Bohemia, Perner, SB. Bohm. Ges. 1892, p. 43 ; cryptostegia, p. 56, pi. vi, fig. 2, Cenoman, Kamajk, Bohemia, clavata, p. 56, fig. 4, subnodosa, p. 57, fig. 5, pseudaffinis , p. 57, figg. 6 a, b , bohemica , p. 57, figg. 7-9, divergens , p. 57, fig. 11, Kamajk, Perner, Paleeontographica Bohemise : n. spp. f Nummulites jcivanus , Java, Verbeek, Nat. Tijdschr. Nederl. Ind. Ii, p. 105, pi. i, figg. 1-3, n. sp. f Polymorphina orbignii, Zbor. sp., cervicornis, n. var., Gault of Folke- stone ; Chapman, Geol. Mag. (n.s.) (3) ix, p. 54, pi. ii, figg. 5 & 6. P sammonyx, n. g. with P. vulcanicvs , & sp., Sagami Bay, Japan, 100-200 faths. ; Doderlein, Yerh. deutsch. Zool. Ges. ii, p. 145. Palvinulina nitidula , Shore mud, Southport, Chaster, Rep. Southport Soc. i, p. 66, pi. i, fig. 17, n. sp. RETICULARIA, RADIOLARIA. Prot. 21 Ramulina grimaldii , Fossg de Fayal, between Fayal and Pico (Azores), 130 metres, Schlumberger, Mem. Soc. Zool. iv, p. 509, pi. v, n. sp. t Reophcix lageniformis , p. 319, pi. v, figg. 1 a, b, folJcestoniensis , p. 321, pi. v, figg. 6 a, b , cylindracea , p. 321, pi. v, figg. 7 a, b , G-ault of Folkestone, Chapman, J. R. Micr. Soc. 1892, n. spp. Rheophax scotti , Shore mud, Southport, Chaster, Rep. Southport Soc. i, p. 57, pi. i, fig. 1, n. sp. ■fRotalia evoluta, Pliocene, River Arno, Corti, Boll, scient. xiv, p. 67, figg. 2 a, n. sp. fSpirillina minima , p. 159, pi. i, fig. 4, trochiformis, p. 159, pi. i, fig. 3, Cretaceous, Helle Miihle near Moltzow, Mecklenburg ; Schacko, Arch. Yer. Mecklenb. xlv. 'fSjjiroculina, n. sp., Schacko, Arch. Yer. Mecklenb. xlv, p. 158, pi. i, fig. 1, Cretaceous, Helle Miihle near Moltzow, Mecklenburg. Textularia fusiformis, Shore mud, Southport, Chaster, Rep. Southport Soc. i, p. 58, pi. i, fig. 3, n. sp. J\T. brevicona, p. 54, pi. ix, fig. 12 , parallela, p. 54, pi. ix, fig. 13, Cenomau, Kamajk, Bohemia, Perner, SB. Bohm. G-es. 1892, n. spp. Trichosphcerium sieboldii , Schn., belongs, according to Greeff, Zool. Anz. xv, (1892) pp. 62-64, to the monothalamous Foraminifera. Triloculina aspergillum , Azores, Schlumberger, Mem. Soc. Zool. v, p. 207, pi. viii, figg. 8 & 9, 1 woodcut, n. sp. ■j* Trochammina concava , Gault of Folkestone, Chapman, J. R. Micr. Soc. 1892, p. 327, pi. vi, figg. 14 a, b ; T. serpuloides, Cretaceous, Helle Miihle near Moltzow, Mecklenburg, Schacko, Arch. Yer. Mecklenb. xlv, p. 159, pi. 1, fig. 5 : n. spp. ■fVitriwebbinci, n. g. with V. sollasi, & sp., Gault of Folkestone ; Chap- man, Geol. Mag. (3) ix, p. 53, pi. ii, figg. 1-3. Class 7.— RADIOLARIA. f A canto splicer a entactinia , p. 147, pi. xiii, fig. 1, Carboniferous, Hartz Mountains, A. macracantha , Silurian, Cabrieres, p. 147, pi. xiii, fig. 2, Rust, Palseontogr. xxxviii, n. spp. f Acrosphwra herzynica , Devonian, Schsebenholz, p. 140, pi. ix, fig. 3, A. glitzii , Carboniferous, Hartz Mountains, p. 140, pi. ix, fig. 2, Rust, Palaeontogr. xxxviii, n. spp. ~\ Actinomma schcebenholzianum, Carboniferous, Hartz Mountains, Rust, Palaeontogr. xxxviii, p. 148, pi. xiv, fig. 5, n. sp. *j* Amphibrachium incequale, p. 170, pi. xxiii, fig. 10, A. bacillum, p. 169, pi. xxiii, fig. 9, A. pulchellum , p. 169, pi. xxiii, fig. 8, Devonian, South Ural, A. devoniense, Carboniferous, South Ural, p. 169, pi. xx, fig. 8, A. desecatum, Carboniferous, Sicily, p. 169, pl.xx, fig. 9, Rust, Palaeontogr. xxxviii ; fA. crcissum , pi. v, fig. 9, truncalum , fig. 10, fragile , fig. 11, p. 223, Fanny Bay, Port Darwin, Hinde, Q. J. Geol. Soc. xlix : n. spp. *j* Amphymenium aliening pi. xxiv, fig. 2, A.Tcrautii , fig. 1, Devonian, Schae- benholz, Rust, Palaeontogr. xxxviii, p. 170, n. spp 22 Prot, XVTIl. PROTOZOA. f Archidiscus lens, Carboniferous, Hartz Mountains, Rust, Palaeontogr. xxxviii, p. 166, pi. xxii, fig. 5, n. sp. ■ \Axellipsis longitudinalis, Carboniferous, Sicily, Rust, Palaeontogr. xxxviii, p. 152, pi. xvi, fig. 6, n. sp. Cannosphcera geometrica, Atlantic, Borgert, Ergeb. Plankt. Exp. p. 182, pi. vi, fig. 6, n. sp. -j \ Carposphcera infracrinata , pi. vii, fig. 3, C. jejuna, fig. 1, C. macvactinea , fig. 4, C. magnet, fig. 2, p. 136, Carboniferous, Hartz Mountains, C. pygmcea, p. 135, pi. vi, fig. 13, Carboniferous, Hartz Mountains and Sicityj Rust, Palaeontogr. xxxviii, n. spp. •) ' Cargo splicer a groddecldi, Devonian, Schaebenholz, Rust, Palaeontogr. xxxviii, p. 139, pi. ix, fig. 1, n. sp. f Cecngphalium infundibulum, Carboniferous, Sicily, p. 184, pi. xxvii, fig. 10, Q. oligoporum, Permian, Nowgorod, p. 183, fig. 9, Rust, Palaeontogr. xxxviii, n. spp. f Cenellipsis diversipora, Silurian, Cabrieres, p. 151, pi. xv, fig. 5, C. cepce - formis, Devonian, Schaebenholz, p. 152, pi. xvi, fig. 1, C. pusilla, Trias,- Rothelstein, pi. xvi, fig. 5, C. areolata, pi. xv, fig. 10, C. citrus , fig. 8, p. 151, Devonian, South Ural, C. multiplex, Carboniferous, Biikk Mountains, pi. xvi, fig. 3, G. reticulosa, Carboniferous, Hartz Moun- tains, fig. 2, C. cypridina, pi. xv, fig. 9, p. 152, C. rectipora , fig. 6, G. curvcitoporata , fig. 7, Devonian, South Ural, C. perovalis, Carboni- ferous, Hartz Mountains, pi. xvi, fig. 4, p. 151, Rust, Palaeontogr. xxxviii, n. spp. j 'Genodiscus intermedius, pi. xix, fig. 10, C. nummularis, fig. 9, p. 162, Car- boniferous, Hartz Mountains, C. primordialis, Silurian, Cabrieres, p. 161, fig. 8, Rust, Palaeontogr. xxxviii, n. spp. ■j* Cenosphcera asturana, Trias, Astura, pi. vi, fig. 7, C. baJconyana, Trias, Felso Eors, Bakony, fig. 4, G. carbonica, fig. 2, C. ingens , fig. 8, Car- boniferous, Hartz Mountains, C. castanea, Devonian, Schaebenholz, Hartz Mountains, fig. 5, G. uralensis, fig. 3, C. rossica , fig. 9, p. 134, C. apiaria, fig. 6, p. 135, Devonian, South Ural, C. macropora, fig. 1, p. 1.34, Silurian, Cabrieres, Rust, Palaeontogr. xxxviii, n. spp. Challengeron rottenburgi, pi. vi, fig. 1, neptuni , p. 180, figg. 2 & 3, Irminger Sea, Atlantic, Borgert, Ergeb. Plankt. Exp., n. spp. f Gornutanna cornu-vaccinum, Trias, Rothelstein, pi. xxvi, fig. 11, C. dilatata , fig. 12, C. macropora, fig. 13, Carboniferous, Sicily, Rust, Palaeontogr. xxxviii, p. 180, n. spp. f Cromyodruppa prunulina , Carboniferous, Sicily, Rust, Palaeontogr. xxxviii, p. 157, pi. xviii, fig. 5, n. sp. f Cromyomma grandcevum, Silurian, Cabrieres, Rust, Palaeontogr. xxxviii, p. 149, pi. xiv, fig. 7, n. sp. *| ' Cromyosphcera alternans , Carboniferous, Sicily, pi. viii, fig. 7, G. distans, Devonian, SouthUral, fig. 6, C. eminens , fig. 8, p. 139, G .frequens, fig. 2, C. radiata, Carboniferous, Hartz Mountains, fig. 5, C. petschorce, Carboniferous, Ural, pi. viii, fig, 3, C. prisca, Silurian, Cabrieres, fig. 4, p. 138, Rust, Palaeontogr. xxxviii, n. spp. 1 RADIOLARlA. Prot. 23 f Crucidiscus precursor , Silurian, Cabrieres, Rust, Palseontogr. xxxviii, p. 163, pi. xx, fig. 6, n. sp. ■\Cyphanta piscis, p. 160, pi. xix, fig. 5, C. quiniseriata, p. 161, fig. 6, Devonian, South Ural, Rust, Palseontogr. xxxviii, n. spp. f Cyrtocalpis serieporata, pi. xxvi, fig. 16, C. obtusa, fig. 15, Devonian, South Ural, C. prima , fig. 14, Carboniferous, Hartz Mountains, Rust, Palseontogr. xxxviii, p. 180, n. spp. ■\ Dictyocephalus ventricosus , Carboniferous, Sicily, Rust, Palseontogr. xxxviii, p. 182, pi. xxvii, fig. 5, n. sp. j ‘ Dictyomitra magnified, pi. xxix, fig. 1, D. micropora , pi. xxviii, fig. 11 & pi. xxix, fig. 2, p. 188, Carboniferous, Sicily, D. pumilio, Devo- nian, Schsebenholz, pi. xxviii, fig. 10, p. 187, D. sasinana, Siliceous Limestone, Astura, p. 188, pi. xxix, fig. 4, Rust, Palseontogr. xxxviii; D. australis , pi. v, fig. 14, triangularis, pi. v, fig. 15, Fanny Bay, Port Darwin, Hinde, p. 224, Q. J. Geol. Soc. xlix : n. spp. f Dictyophimus dubius, Carboniferous, Sicily, Rust, Palseontogr. xxxviii, p. 181, pi. xxvii, fig. 3, n. sp. f Dizonium laeve , Carboniferous, Sicily, Rust, Palseontogr. xxxviii, p. 174, pi. xxv, fig. 8, n. sp. f Druppatractus clictyococcus, Carboniferous, Hartz Mountains, Rust, Palseontogr. xxxviii, p. 158, pi. xviii, fig. 9, n. sp. f Druppula amygclalina , Carboniferous, Petschora, p. 155, pi. xvii, fig. 7, D . angustiporata , pi. xviii, fig. 1, D. cornus, fig. 2, p. 156, Carbonifer- ous, Biikk Mountains, D. anclreana , pi. xvii, fig. 5, p. 155, D. berberis, fig. 11, D. crucifera , fig. 10, p. 156, D. endechinata , fig. 9, p. 155, D. fixata , Carboniferous, Sicily, fig. 12, p. 156, D. pomatia , Trias, Astura, fig. 6, D. cembra, Devonian, South Ural, fig. 8, p. 155, D. silurica , Silurian, Langenstriegis, fig. 4, p. 154, Rust, Palseontogr. xxxviii, n. spp. j* Dystympanium carbonicum , Carboniferous, Sicily, Rust, Palseontogr. xxxviii, p. 177, pi. xi, fig. 9, n. sp. j* Echinomma oligacantfium , Carboniferous, Sicily, Rust, Palseontogr. xxxviii, p. 149, pi. xiv, fig. 6, n. sp. •f* Ellipsidium aculeatum, p. 152, pi. xvi, fig. 7, E. spinosum, p. 153, pi. xvii, fig. 1, Carboniferous, Hartz Mountains, Rust, Palseontogr. xxxviii, n. spp. *| 'Ellip so stylus obliquus, Carboniferous, Sicily, ROst, Palseontogr. xxxviii* p. 153, pi. xvi, fig. 11, n. sp. ’fEllpsoxiphus hystrix, Carboniferous, Hartz Mountains, pi. xvi, fig. 10, E. procerus , Carboniferous, Lerbach, fig. 9, Rust, Palseontogr. xxxviii, p. 153, n. sp. Euphysetta lucani , Atlantic, Bokgert, Ergeb. Plankt. Exp., p. 182, pi. vi, fig. 8, n. sp. f Halicalyptra aculeata, Carboniferous, Petschora, Rust, Palseontogr. xxxviii, p. 179, pi. xxvi, fig. 7, n. sp. f Halicapsa megapora, Carboniferous, Sicily, Rust, Palseontogr. xxxviii, p. 181, pi, xxvii, fig. 2, n. sp. 24 Prot. XVIII. PROTOZOA. j* Haliommct speciosum , Carboniferous, Sicily, pi. xiv, fig. 2, H. stigmo » jjhorum, Carboniferous, Hartz Mountains, pi. xiii, fig. 4, Rust, p. 148, Palseontogr. xxxviii, n. spp. \ Heliodiscus acucinctus, Silurian, Cabrieres, pi. xxii, fig. 1, H. saturnalis , Carboniferous, Hartz Mountains, fig. 2, Rust, p. 165, Palseontogr. xxxviii, n. spp. *}* Heliosoma mojsisovicsi , Carboniferous, Hartz Mountains, pi. xiv, fig. 4, IT. roemeri , Silurian, Cabrieres, fig. 3, Rust, p. 184, Palseontogr. xxxviii, n. spp. t Heliosphcera bardanum , pi. xiii, fig. 3, H. kjrulfi , pi. xiv, fig. 1, p. 147, Carboniferous, Hartz Mountains, Rust, Palseontogr. xxxviii, n. spp. f Hexalastrum infans , Carboniferous, Biikk Mountains, Rust, Palseontogr. xxxviii, p. 172, pi. xxiv, fig. 9, n. sp. ■f Hexalonche palceozoica , Devonian, Schsebenholz, pi. xii, fig. 7, IP. valida, Carboniferous, Sicily, fig. 6, p. 146, Rust, Palseontogr. xxxviii, n. spp. f Liosphcera devoniensis , Devonian, South Ural, pi. vii, fig. 5, L. mera, Silurian, Cabrieres, fig. 6, p. 136, Rust, Palseontogr. xxxviii, n. spp. ■j 'Lithapium siluricum , Silurian, Cabrieres, Rust, Palseontogr. xxxviii, p. 154, pi. xvii, fig. 3, n. sp. j* Lithatractus brevispinus, pi. xviii, fig. 7, L. perfomtus, p. 158, pi. xviii, fig. 8, Carboniferous, Sicily, L. mejeri , Carboniferous, Hartz Moun- tains, fig. 6, p. 157, Rust, Palseontogr. xxxviii, n. spp. ■\Lithelius diffi, tills, Carboniferous, Hartz Mountains, Rust, Palseontogr. xxxviii, p. 175, pi. xxvi, figg. 1 & 2, n. sp. -j* Llthocampe lossenii , pi. xxix, fig. 6, L. tschernytschewil, fig. 8, p. 189, L. Orenburg ensis, fig. 5, p. 188, Devonian, South Ural, L. obliqua, Siliceous Limestone, Rothelstein, p. 190, fig. 7, L. pyrcimis , fig. 11, L. splicer ocephalica, fig. 9, L. stenostomci, p. 189, fig. 10, Carboniferous, Sicily, L. tutata , Carboniferous, Biikk Mountains, p. 190, fig. 12, Rust, Palseontogr. xxxviii ; L. fusiformis , Port Darwin, IIinde, Q. J. Geol. Soc. xlix, p. 225, pi. v, fig. 16, : n. spp. j 'Lithocyclia macrococcus , Devonian, Schsebenholz, pi. xxii, fig. 4, L. ulrichi , Carboniferous, Hartz Mountains, pi. xxii, fig. 3, p. 166, Rust, Palseontogr. xxxviii; L. exilis, Fanny Bay, Port Darwin, Hinde, Q. J. Geol. Soc. xlix, p. 223, pi. v, fig. 8, : n. spp. j* Lithomespilus blpolaris , Carboniferous, Hartz Mountains, p. 154, pi. xvi, fig. 12, L. hexaccinthus, Silurian, Langenstriegis, fig. 8, p. 153, L. steinvorthi, Devonian, Schsebenholz, p. 154, pi. xvii, fig. 2, Rust, Palseontogr. xxxviii, n. spp. f Lithomitra forficula , Siliceous Limestone, Rothelstein, Rust, Palseontogr. xxxviii, p. 188, pi. xxix, fig. 3, n. sp. f Lithostrobus wendlandl , Carboniferous, Sicily, Rust, Palseontogr. xxxviii. p. 187, pi. xxviii, fig. 9, n. sp. *j* Odontosphcera echinocactus, Silurian, Cabrieres, Rust, Palseontogr. xxxviii, p. 140, pi. ix, fig. 4, n. sp. f Pentalastrum primitivum , Carboniferous, Biikk Mountains, Rust, Palseontogr. xxxviii, p. 172, pi. xxiv, fig. 8, n. sp. RADIOLARIA. Prot. 25 ■fPeripanartus deficient, Devonian, South Ural, Rust, Palaeontogr. xxxviii, p. 161, pi. xix, fig. 7, n. sp. *| ' Phcenoscenium exeentricum , Carboniferous, Hartz Mountains, Rust, Palaeontogr. xxxviii, p. 179, pi. xxvi, figg. 8-10, n. sp. •j -Phorticium macropylium , Silurian, Langenstriegis, Rust, Palaeontogr. xxxviii, p. 175, pi. xxvi, figg. 4 & 5, n. sp. j ' Porodiscus cabrierensis , Silurian, Cabrieres, pi. xxiii, fig. 3, P. intricatus , p. 168, fig. 5, P. rossicus , pi. xxii, fig. 6, p. 168, Devonian, South Ural, P. paronce , pi. xxiii, fig. 2, P. parvulus, pi. xxii, fig. 7, p. 167, P. subspiralis, p. 168, pi. xxiii, fig. 4, Muschelkalk, Felso Eors, P. triassicus , Muschelkalk, Rothelstein, p. 167, fig. 1, Rust, Palaeontogr. xxxviii, n. spp. jPrismatium paradictyum , Carboniferous, Sicily, Rust, Palaeontogr. xxxviii, p. 178, pi. x, fig. 10, n. sp. f Prunulum armeniacum , Devonian, Schaebenholz, pi. xviii, fig. 4, P. mur- rayi, Carboniferous, Hartz Mountains, fig. 3, p. 157, Rust, Palaeontogr. xxxviii, n. spp. f Pterocanium tenuecostatum , Carboniferous, Sicily, Rust, Palaeontogr. xxxviii, p. 183, pi. xxvii, fig. 8, n. sp. f Rhizoplegma betulinum, Carboniferous, Sicily, Rust, Palaeontogr. xxxviii, p. 150, pi. xv, fig. 2, n. sp. ■\Rhodosphcera crucifera, Carboniferous, Hartz Mountains, pi. vii, fig. 11, R. idonea, fig. 9, p. 137, R.pulchra , p. 138, pi. viii, fig. 1, Carboniferous, Sicily, R. devoniensis, Devonian Schaebenholz, p. 137, pi. vii, fig. 10, Rust, Palaeontogr. xxxviii, n. spp. ■\Rhopalastrum carbonicum , Carboniferous, Hartz Mountains, p. 170, pi. xxiv. fig. 3, R. giganteum, fig. 6, R. isselii , fig. 5, R. siculum, fig. 4, p. 171, Carboniferous, Sicily, Rust, Palaeontogr. xxxviii, n. spp. f Rbopalodictyum astrictum , Devonian, Schaebenholz, Rust, Palaeontogr. xxxviii, p. 171, pi. xxv, fig. 7, n. sp. fSethocapsa obstipa, Devonian, South Ural, p. 182, pi. xxvii, fig. 6, S. occlusiva, Muschelkalk, Felso Eors, p. 183, fig. 7, Rust, Palaeontogr. xxxviii, n. spp. ■fSethocyrtis excisa, Carboniferous, Hartz Mountains, Rust, Palaeontogr. xxxviii, p. 182, pi. xxvii, fig. 4, n. sp. t Sethostaurus exsculptus , Silurian, Cabrieres, Rust, Palaeontogr. xxxviii, p. 165, pi. xxi, fig. 7, n. sp. f Sphcer opyle, n. g., Dreyer, p. 140, with f S. dreyeri, p. 141, pi. ix, fig. 6, S. Iccvis, p. 140, fig. 5, Devonian, South Ural, S. entostoma, fig. 9, S. eurystoma , fig. 8, Carboniferous, Sicily, S. multangular is, Carboni- ferous, Hartz Mountains, fig. 7, p. 141, Rust, Palaeontogr. xxxviii, n. spp. f Spirocapsa, n. g. for *j*S. singularis , n. sp., Carboniferous, Sicily ; Rust, Palaeontogr. xxxviii, p. 192, pi. xxx, fig. 13. *j 'Spironium hceckelii, Carboniferous, Hartz Mountains, Rust, Palaeontogr. xxxviii, p. 175, pi. xxvi, fig. 3, n. sp. 26 Prot. XVIif. PROTOZOA. f Spongatractus coccostylus , Silurian, Cabrieres, pi. xix, fig. 8, S. pleuro - sigma, Carboniferous, Sicily, pi. xix, fig. 4, p. 160, ROst, Palseontogr. xxxviii, n. spp. f Spongocyrtis euroaictyum, Carboniferous, Hartz Mountains, Rust, Palseontogr. xxxviii, p. 181, pi. xxvii, fig. 1, n. sp. t Spongodictyon triquetrum , Devonian, South Ural, Rust, Palseontogr. xxxviii, p. 140, pi. viii, fig. 10, n. sp. f Spongodiscus herzynicus , Devonian, Schsebenholz, Rust, p. 172, pi. xxv, fig. 2, Palseontogr. xxxviii ; S. expansus , Port Darwin, Hinde, p. 224, pi. v, fig. 6, Q. J. Greol. Soc. xlix : n. spp. Spongodruppa ovnithopus, p. 160, pi. xix, fig. 3, S. triradiata , fig. 2, p. 159, Carboniferous, Hartz Mountains, Rust, Palseontogr. xxxviii, n. spp. f Spongolena symmetrica , Port Darwin, Hinde, Q. J. Geol. Soc. xlix, p. 224, pi. v, fig. 12, n. sp. f Spongophacus hantkenii, Muschelkalk, Felso Eors, Rust, Palseontogr. xxxviii, p. 172, pi. xxv, fig. 3, n. sp. f Spongopila juniperina, Carboniferous, Sicily, Rust, Palseontogr. xxxviii, p. 149, pi. xv, fig. 1, n. sp. f Spongoprunum holodictyosum, Carboniferous, Hartz Mountains, pi. xix, fig. 1, S. trispinosum, Carboniferous, Sicily, pi. xviii, fig. 13, p. 159, Rust, Palseontogr. xxxviii, n. sp. f Spongosphcera induta , Devonian, South Ural, Rust, Palseontogr. xxxviii, p. 150, pi. xv, figg. 3 & 4, n. sp. t Spongotripus concentricus , Carboniferous, Hartz Mountains, Rust, Palseontogr. xxxviii, p. 173, pi. xxv, fig. 4, n. sp. f Spongotrochus elongatus, Carboniferous, Sicily, Rust, Palseontogr. xxxviii, p. 173, pi. xxv, fig. 6, n. sp. ' \Spongurus lacunosus, Devonian, Schsebenholz, pi. xviii, fig. 12, S.plantce- formis, fig. 11, p. 159, S. variabilis, fig. 10, p. 158, Carboniferous, Sicily, Rust, Palseontogr. xxxviii, n. sp. f Stauracontium inaequale, Carboniferous, Sicily, pi. xii, fig. 4, S. incom- jpiletum, fig. 3, S. xiphophorum , fig. 5, Carboniferous, Hartz Mountains, Rust, p. 145, Palseontogr. xxxviii, n. spp. f Stauralastrum aculeatum, Carboniferous, Sicily, Rust, Palseontogr. xxxviii, p. 171, pi. xxiv, fig. 7, n. sp. f Staurolonche hantkenii , Trias, Felso Eors, pi. xi, fig. 6, S. macracantha , fig. 5, insignis, pi. xii, fig. 1, Carboniferous, Sicily, spinigera, Carboni- ferous, Hartz Mountains, pi. xi, fig. 4, p. 144, S. micvopora , Silurian, Cabrieres, p. 143, fig. 3, Rust, Palseontogr. xxxviii, n. spp. f Staurolonchidium coheni, Carboniferous, Hartz Mountains, Rust, Palseon- togr. xxxviii, p. 144, pi. xii, fig. 2, n. sp. ■\Staurosphcera fragilis, pi. x, fig. 4, S. quadrangular is, fig. 5, Silurian, Cabrieres, setispina, Carboniferous, Petschora, fig. 6, Rust, p. 143, Palseontogr. xxxviii, n. spp. ■\Stauro stylus tenuispinus. Carboniferous, Hartz Mountains, pi. xi, fig. 2, xiphophorus , Carboniferous, Petschora, fig. 1, Rust, p. 143, Palseon- togr. xxxviii, n. spp. RADIOLARIA. Prot 27 • fStichocapsa i anguillula , pi. xxx, fig. 11, elpenor , p. 192, fig. 10, & tcenia, pi. xxx, fig. 12, p. 192, Devonian, South Ural, 5. fo'ceps, fig. 7, & citri- formis , fig. 8, >8. ellipsoides, fig. 6, & gravida , fig. \,pupa, fig. 9, Carboni- ferous, Sicily, iS. buklciana, Carboniferous, Bukk Mountains, fig. 5* p. 191, Rust, Paleeontogr. xxxviii ; S.pinguis , pi. v, fig. 17, S. chrysalis, pi. v, fig. 18, p. 225, Port Darwin, Hinde, Q. J. Geol. Soc. xlix : n. spp. •\Stichopera aculeata, Carboniferous, Sicily, Rust, Paleeontogr. xxxviii, p. 186, pi. xxviii, fig. 7, n. sp. f Stigmosphcera mira , pi. vi, fig. 11, S. rothpletzii , fig. 10, S. suspecta, fig. 12, Carboniferous, Hartz Mountains, Rust, Palaeontogr. xxxviii, p. 135, n. spp. f Stigmosphcerostylus, n. g. for S. notabilis , n. sp., Carboniferous, Hartz Mountains, Rust, Palaeontogr. xxxviii, p. 142, pi. x, fig. 2. f Stilodicty a polaris, p. 169, pi. xxv, fig. 1, S. zittelii , p. 168, pi. xxiii, figg. 6 & 7, Devonian, Schaebenholz, Rust, Paleeontogr. xxxviii, n. spp. *|* Sty Iodise us dictyosus, Carboniferous, Hartz Mountains, Rust, Paleeontogr. xxxviii, p. 162, pi. xx, fig. 1, n. sp. f Stylo spheer a acuta , Carboniferous, Hartz Mountains, Rust, Palaeontogr. xxxviii, p. 142, pi. x, fig. 3, n. sp. f Stylotrochus dolfussi, Carboniferous, Sicily, Rust, Paleeontogr. xxxviii> p. 173, pi. xxv, fig. 5, n. sp. *J m Tetrapy Ionium ovatum , Carboniferous, Sicily, Rust, Palaeontogr. xxxviii, p. 174, pi. xxv, fig. 9, n. sp. ■\ Thecosphcera sexactis , Carboniferous, Hartz Mountains, pi. vii, fig. 8, P. sicula, Carboniferous, Sicily, fig. 7, Rust, p. 137, Paleeontogr. xxxviii, n. spp. f Theocampe bulbosa, Carboniferous, Sicily, Rust, Palaeontogr. xxxviii, p. 185, pi. xxvii, fig. 12, n. sp. ■fTheocyrtis apis, Muschelkalk, Astura, Rust, Palaeontogr. xxxviii, p. 184, pi. xxvii, fig. 11, n. sp. f Theodiscus brachyacanthus, pi. xx, fig. 2, T . convexus , fig. 3, Carbonifer- ous, Hartz Mountains, T. gig as, fig. 4, T. planus, fig. 5, Silurian, Cabrieres, Rust, p. 163, Palaeontogr. xxxviii, u. spp. ■\Theosyringium prcecox, Carboniferous, Sicily, Rust, Palaeontogr. xxxviii, p. 184, pi. xxviii, fig. 1, n. sp. ■\ Tricolocapsa abdominalis, pi. xxviii, fig. 4, T. thoracica, fig. 3, p. 186, Carboniferous, Sicily, T. anceps , fig. 6, T. grandeeva, fig. 5, p. 185, Carboniferous, Hartz Mountains, Rust, Paleeontogr. xxxviii, n. spp. f Tripilidium dissociatum, Carboniferous, Hartz Mountains, Rust, Paleeontogr. xxxviii, p. 178, pi. xxvi, fig. 6, n. sp. f Trissocircus primeevus, Carboniferous, Sicily, pi. xi, fig. 7, T. quadratics, Devonian, South Ural, pi. x, fig. 9, p. 177, Rust, Palaeontogr. xxxviii, n. spp. f Trochodiscus convexus , p. 164, pi. xx, fig. 7, T. longispinus, pi. xxi, fig. 4, p. 165, T. nicholsoni , fig. 3, T. proavus , fig. 1, T. serrula, fig. 2, Car- boniferous, Hartz Mountains, T. recurvispinus, Devonian, Schaeben- 28 Prot. XVIII. PROTOZOA. holz, fig. 5, T. diver sisp inns, Silurian, Cabrieres, fig. 6, p. 164, Rust, Palaeontogr. xxxviii, n. spp. Tuscarora nationalise Irminger Sea, Atlantic, 600 metres, Borgert, Ergeb. Plankt. Exp. p. 182, pi. vi, fig. 7, n. sp. t Xipliosplicera macrostyla , Devonian, Hartz Mountains, Rust, Palaeontogr. xxxviii, p. 141, pi. ix, fig. 10, n. sp. f Xiphostylus ardea , Carboniferous, Hartz Mountains, pi. x, fig. 1, X. asper, Silurian, Cabrieres, pi. ix, fig. 11, p. 142, Rust, Palaeontogr. xxxviii, n. spp. f Zonocliscus dentatus , Silurian, Cabrieres, pi. xix, fig. 11, Z. macrozona , Carboniferous, Hartz Mountains, fig. 12, Rust, p. 162, Palaeontogr. xxxviii, n. spp. j* Zygocircus prisons , Carboniferous, Hartz Mountains, pi. x, fig. 8, Z. simplicissimus, Carboniferous, Sicily, fig. 7, Rust, p. 176, Palaeontogr. xxxviii, n. spp. •fZygosterhanus quadrupes , Carboniferous, Sicily, Rust, Palaeontogr. xxxviii, p. 177, pi. xi, fig. 8, n. spp. B.—OOUTIGATA. Class 1.— SPOROZOA. For a revised classification of the group, see Mingazzini (104). Blanchardia, n. g. with B. cypricola , n. sp., parasitic in Cypris Candida ; Solger, p. 99, MT. Vorpomm. xxii. Ceratomyxa agilis , pp. 962 & 963, in Trygon vulgarise Concarneau, appen - diculata , pp. 963 & 964, in Lophius piscatorius, Roscoff, arcuata, p. 1091, in Motella tricirratae Thelohan, C.R. cxv, n. spp. Coccidium cruciatum, p. 136, in the liver of Caranx trachurns, Concarneau, minutum , p. 137, in liver, spleen, and kidney of Tench, Thelohan, J. de l’Anat. Phys. 1892 ; C. tenellum , in intestinal epithelium of Fowl, truncatum, p. 249, in kidney of Fowl, Railliet & Lucet, p. 248, Bull. Soc. Z. Fr. xvi : n. spp. Cretya neapolitana , in the pyloric appendages of Sphyrcena vulgarise Mingazzini, p. 400, fig. 2, Atti Acc. Pontif. Lincei (5), 1, n. sp. Gonobia colubri, in vas deferens and testis of Zamenis viridiflavus , Mingazzini, p. 396, fig. 1, Atti Acc. Pontif. Lincei (5), 1, n. sp. Gregarina salirce , p. 234, pi. viii, figg. 1-15, in intestine of Statira unicolor, Bl., bergi, p. 286, pi. viii, figg. 16-19, in intestine of Corynetes ruficollis, panchlorce, p. 299, pi. viii, fig. 20, in intestine of Panchlora exoleata, blaberce, p. 300, pi. viii, figg. 21-33, in intestine of Blabera claraziana, Cordoba, Argentinia, Frenzel, Jen. Z. Nat. xxvii ; G. irregularis , Minchin, p. 291, pi. xxvii, Q. J. Micr. Sci. xxxiv, in bloodvessels of Holothuria nigra , at Plymouth : n. spp. Myxidium incurvatum ; Thelohan, C.R. cxv, p. 1093, in Motella, tricirrata. SPOROZOA, FLAGELLATA. Prot . 29 Pyxinia crystalligera , in intestine of Dermestes vulpinus , Fabr., and peruvianus, Cateln., Cordoba, Argentinia, Frenzel, p. 314, p]. viii, figg. 34-50, Jen. Z. Nat. xxvii, n. spp. Sarcocystis ho minis, Rosenberg, in human heart muscle, S. platydactili , Bertram, Zool. Jahrb. v, p.584, pi. xxxviii, figg. 2-4, in muscle fibres of Platydactylus facetanus , Aid., 5. P. manritanicus , L., from Menorca, n. spp. Sphceromyxa, n. g. with 5. halhianii , n. sp., Thelohan, C.R. cxy, p. 1093, in Motellci tricirratci. Class 2.— FLAGELLATA. Klebs, Z. wiss. Zool. lv, p. 278, gives the following definition of the group : Flagellata are lower organisms which possess a usually sharply defined uninuclear protoplasmic body, the periplast of which is either a simple cortical layer, or a differentiated plasmic membrane. They are in motion for the greatest part of their life, or at least they always remain capable of such. They all have a specially formed anterior end bearing one or more flagella, and one or more pulsating vacuoles. Reproduction takes place by simple longitudinal fission mostly during the flagellate state, sometimes when at rest. All are able to form resting cysts for a shorter or longer period. He proposes the following classification : — 1. Protqm ASTIG INA. Families : Rhizomastigina, Monadina, Bilccecida , Craspenionadina , Spongomonadina , Amphimonadina, Bodonina. 2. Polymastigina. Families: Trimastigina, Tetramitina, Distomata. 3. Euglenoidina. Families : Euglenida , Astasiida , Peranemida. 4. Chloromonadixa. 5. Chromomonadina. Families : Chrysomonadinci , Cryptomonadina. Anisonema var labile , p. 385, pi. xvii, figg. 5 a , b, striatum , p. 386, figg. 14 a, b, ovale, p. 386, figg. 6 b , c, Basle, Klebs, Z. wiss. Zool. lv, n. spp. Astasiida , n. fam., Klebs, p. 356, Z. wiss. Zool. lv. Astasiodes lagenula , Malay Archipelago, Bali, Schewiakoff, p. 551, Yerh, Yer. Heidelb. (n.s.) iv, n. sp. Bodo minimus , p. 310, pi. xiii, figg. 7 a-d, edax, p. 312, figg. 8 a-c, enter , p. 313, figg. 6 a-c, mutabilis, p. 317, pi. xiv, figg. 2 a-c, repens, p. 317, figg. 1 a-c , Basle, Klebs, Z. wiss. Zool. lv, n. spp. Chlamydomonas de-baryana, near Moscow, p. 106, pi. i, figg. 9-12, huteinilcowi , p. 117, pi. ii, figg. 9-13, reticulata , p. 124, pi. iii, figg. 1-9, Lichoborv and Butyrki, Russia, Goroschankix, Bull. Mosc. 1891, n. spp. Chloromonadina , n. fam., Klebs, p. 391, Z. wiss. Zool. lv. Chromomonadina, n. fam., Klebs, p. 394, Z. wiss. Zool. lv. Chromulina batalini, Sydney, p. 550, Schewiakoff, Yerh. Ver. Heidelb. 92. [vol. xxix.] p 12 30 Prof . XVIII. PROTOZOA. (n.s.) iv ; C. verrucosa , Basle, Klebs, p. 408, pi. xviii, fig. Grf, Z. wiss. Zool. lv : n. spp. Chrysamceoa , n. g\, with C. radians , n. sp., Basle, Klebs, p. 407, pi. xviii, figg. 1 a-c, Z, wiss. Zool. lv. Chrysococcus, n. g., with (7. rufescens, u. sp., Basle, Klebs, p. 413, pi. xviii, figg. 7 a-f, Z. wiss. Zool. lv. Qiliophrys australis , Sydney, Schewiakoff, p. 549, Verh. Yer. Heidelb. (n.s.) iv, o. sp. Cryptomonas marina , Luc-sur-Mer, Dangeard, Le Botaniste, iii, p. 32, pi. ii, fig. 20, n. sp. JDimorpha ovata} p. 300, pi. xiii, figg. 3 a-c, radiata , p. 301, figg. 2 a-g, alternans , p. 303, figg. 9 a-h , Basle, Klebs, Z. wiss. -Zool. lv, n. spp. Dinobryon undulatum , Basle, Klebs, p. 414, pi. xviii, figg. 10 a, 6, Z. wiss. Zool. lv, n. sp. Distomata , n. fam., Klebs^ p. 329, Z. wiss. Zool. lv. Entosiphon obliquiim , Basle, Klebs, p. 390, pi. xvii, figg. 15 a-c, Z. wiss. Zool. lv, n. sp. Euglena elongata, Ohinemutu, New Zealand, Schewiakoff, p. 550, Yerh. Yer. Heidelb. (n.s.) iv, n. sp. Euglenopsis , n. g., with E. vorax , n. sp., Basle, Klebs, p. 367, pi. xvii, figg, 2 a-d, Z. wiss. Zool. lv. Heteronema spirale , Basle, Klebs, p. 373, pi. xvii, fig. 12, Z. wiss. Zool. lv, n. sp. Hexamitus crassus, ’pi. xv, figg. 9 a, 5, fusiformis , pi. xvi, figg. 1 a-c, p. 339, pusillus , pi. xv, figg. 6 a, b, fissus, figg. 8 a , 5, p. 338, Basle, Klebs, Z. wiss. Zool. lv, n. spp. Holomastigotes, n. g., with H. elongatum, n. sp,, parasitic in Termes luci- fugus ; Grassi, p. 36, Atti Acc. Pontif. Lincei (5) i. t Taenia, n. g., with J. annectens, n. sp., parasitic in Calotermes flavicollis’, Grassi, p. 36, Atti Acc. Pontif. Lincei (5) i. Marsupiogaster , n. g., with M. striata , n. sp., Oahu, Schewiakoff, p. 551, Yerh. Yer. Heidelb. (n.s.) iv. Mastigamceba butscTilii, p. 298, pi. xiv, figg. 23 a, b, invertens, p. 297, pi. xiii, figg. 1 a-c, Basle, Klebs, Z. wiss. Zool. lv, n.spp. Mastigosphcera , n. g., with M. gobii, Tarawera, New Zealand, Schewia- koff, p. 552, Yerh. Yer. Heidelb. (n.s.) iv. Maupasia, n. g., with M. paradoxa, n. sp., Hawaii, Kilauea, 4000 feet, Schewiakoff, p. 552, Yerh. Yer. Heidelb. (n.s.) iv. Microjcenia, n. g., with M. hexamitoides, n. sp., parasitic in Termes luci - ficgus, Grassi, p. 36, Atti Acc. Pontif. Lincei (5) i. Monas obliqua, New Zealand, Taupo Lake, Schewiakoff, p. 550, Yerh. Yer. Heidelb. (n.s.) iv, n. sp. Monocercomonas termitis , parasitic in Termes lucifugus and Calotermes flavicollis , Grassi, p. 36, Atti Acc. Pontif. Lincei (5) i, n.sp. Ocliromonas mutabilis, pi. xviii, figg. 2 & 3 a, b, crenata, pi. xviii, figg. 4 a-e, p. 411, Basle, Klebs, Z. wiss. Zool. lv, n. spp. FLAGELLATA, DINOFLAGELLATA, CILIATA. Pvot. 31 Oikomonas excavata, Sydney, Schewiakoff, p. 549, Yerh. Yer. Heidelb. (n.s.) iv, n. sp. Peranemida , n. fain., Klebs, p. 362, Z. wiss. Zool. Iv. Petalomonas ssxlobata . Basle, Klebs, p. 383, pi. xiv, figg. 19, a, 5, Z. wiss. Zool. Iv, n. sp. Phyllomitus amylophagus, Basle, Klebs, p. 321, pi. xiv, figg. 6ci-e, Z. wiss. Zool. Iv, n. sp. Phyllomonas, n. g., with P. contort'd , n. sp., Basle, Klebs, p. 305, pi. xiii, figg. 11 a-d , Z. wiss. Zool. Iv. Pyrsonympha flagellata , parasitic in Termes lucifugus , Grassi, p. 36, Atti Acc. Pontif. Lincei (5) i, n. sp. Rhynchomonas , n. g., with R. nasuia , Stokes, n. sp., Basle, p. 320, pl. xiv, figg. 7 a-d ; Klebs, Z. wiss. Zool. Iv. Spironema , n. g., with S. multiciUatum , n. sp., Basle ; Klebs, p. 350, pl. xvi. figg. 9 a- c, Z. wiss. Zool. Iv. Stephanoon , n. g., with S. ashenasii, Melbourne, Schewiakoff, Yerh.Yer. Heidelb. (n. s.) iv. Streplomonas , n. g., p. 307, with S. cor data , Perty., n. sp., Basle, p. 307, pl. xiii, figg. 10 n, 5 ; Klebs, Z. wiss. Zool. Iv. Thylalcomonas , n. g., with T. compressa , n. sp., Sydney, Schewiakoff, p. 550, Yerh. Yer. Heidelb. (n.s.) iv. Trepomonas rotans , p. 319, pl. xvi, figg. 4 n-c, steinii, p. 349, figg. 5 Basle, Klebs, Z. wiss. Zool. Iv, n. spp. Trigonomonas , n. g., with T. compressa, n. sp., Basle, Klebs, p. 330, pl. xv, figg. 5 a-g , Z. wiss. Zool. Iv. Urophagus, n. g., with U. rostratus, Stein, n. sp., Basle, p. 341, Klebs, Z. wiss. Zool. Iv. Xanthodiscus , n. g., with X vacillans , n. sp., Gippsland, Victoria, Schewiakoff, p. 551, Yerh. Yer. Heidelb. (n.s.) iv. Class 3.— DINOFLAGELLATA. Glenodinium uliginosum , Brennet, in Baden, p. 64, pl. iii, fig. 16, lectum , Baden, p. 65, pl. iii, fig. 17, cornifax , p. 66, pl. iii, fig. 18, Schilling (134) ; 6r. edax , Basle, pp. 206 & 207, pl. x, figg. 23 & 24, Schilling, Ber. Deutsch. Bot. Ges. ix : n. spp. Gymnodinium palustre, p. 58, pl. iii, fig. 11, carinatum , p. 59, fig. 12, para- doxum , p. 59, fig. 13, hyalinum , p. 60, fig. 14, pusillum, p. 60, fig. 15, Schilling (134), n. spp. Class 5. — CILIATA. Astylozoon pyriforme , New Zealand, Schewiakoff, p. 561, Yerh. Yer. Heidelb. (n.s.) iv, n. sp. BalanUophorus elongatus , Gray’s Peak (8700 feet) in Colorado, p. 558, bursar ia , Bali I., p. 558, Schewiakoff, Yerh. Yer. Heidelb. (n.s), iv, n. spp. Blepliarostoma , n. g., with B. glaucoma , n. sp., Sydney ; Schewiakoff, p. 554, Yerh. Yer. Heidelb. (n.s.) iv. 32 Prot. XVIII. PROTOZOA. Codonella radix , Lagoons of Venice, Imhof, p. 4, Neptuuia, i, n. sp. Cr another idium, n. g., with C. tceniatum , n. sp., New Zealand, Schewia- koff, p. 554, Verh. Ver. Heidelb. (n.s.), iv. Dichilum, n. g., with D. cuneiforme, n. sp., Sydney, Schewiakoff, p. 556, Verh. Ver, Heidelb. (n.s ), iv. Glaucoma setosa, p. 554, reniformis , p. 555, Sydney, colpidium , New Zea- land, p. 555, Schewiakoff, Verh. Ver. Heidelb. (n.s.), iv, n. spp. Holophrya simplex , Oahu and Hawaii, Schewiakoff, p. 553, Verh. Ver. Heidelb. (n.s.) iv, n. sp. Ichthyophthirius cryptostomus, Plon, Holstein, Zacharias, (164) p. 289, pi. i, n. sp. Meseres , n. g., cordiformis , M. stentor , n. spp., New Zealand, Schewia- koff, Verh. Ver. Heidelb. (n.s.) iv. Monochilum , n. g., with M. frontaium, n. sp., Oahu, Schewiakoff, p. 557, Verh. Ver. Heidelb. (n.s.) iv. Plagiocampa , n. g., with P. mutabile, n. sp., Sydney, Schewiakoff, p. 557, Verh. Ver. Heidelb. (n.s.) iv. Rhabdostyla arenaria, from Synapta adhcerens , Roscoff, Cuenot, Rev. Biol, iii, p. 290, pi. v, fig. 2, n. sp.1 Stegochilum, n. g., with S.fusi/orme, n. sp., Taupo Lake, N. Z., Schewia- koff, p. 556, Verh. Ver. Heidelb. (n.s.) iv. Strobilidium , n. g., with S. adhcerens , n. sp., New Zealand, Schewiakoff, d. 559, Verh. Ver. Heidelb. (n.s.) iv. Tetrastyla , n. g., with T. oblonga, n. sp., New Zealand, Schewiakoff, p. 561, Verh. Ver. Heidelb. (n.s.) iv. Thylakidium, n. g., with T. truncatum , n. sp., Sydney, Schewiakoff, p. 559, Verh. Ver. Heidelb. (n.s.) iv. Trichodina synaptce, p.289, pi. v, fig. 1, antedonis, p. 290, fig. 2, both from Synapta adhcerens, Roscoff, Cuenot, Rev. Biol, iii, n. spp. TJronema ovale , Sydney, Schewiakoff, p. 556, Verh. Ver. Heidelb. (n.s.) iv, n. sp. Urotricha furcata, Oahu, p. 553, globosa, New Zealand, p. 553, Schewia- koff, Verh. Ver. Heidelb. (n.s.) iv, n. spp. Vorticella amphiurce, fig. 4, from Amphiura squamata, Naples, Cuenot, p. 292, pi. v, Rev. Biol, iii, n. sp. InCERTjE Sedis. Limnophrya elegans , Zacharias, Zool. Anz. xv, p. 459, n. sp. [? also n. g.] not described. Neusina, n. g., with N. agassizi, n. sp., from the American Tropical Pacific; G6es, Bull. Mus. C. Z.xxiii, p. 195. He supposes it to be an arenaceous Foraminifer ; but as the description and illustration of this form are almost identical with those given by Haeckel for Stanno- phyllum zonarium , one of his deep-sea Keratosa , we have to await further research, before assigning to this species a definite place in the system. INDEX TO NAMES NEW OR NOT PREVIOUSLY RECORDED GENERA AND SUBGENERA MENTIONED IN VOLUME XXIX, INCLUDING NEW NAMES FOR GENERA PREVIOUSLY ESTABLISHED.* Abantis, Fairmaire, Ins. 133 Ablabophis, Boulenger , Rept. 28 Abrachius, Roelofs , Ins. 146 Abrisa, Kirby , Ins. 226 Abuzaida, Keyserling, Arachn. 21 Acanthogobio, Herzenstein, Pisces 27 Acanthomyrmex, Emery, Ins. 196 Acanthoprion, Pictet and Saussure , Ins. 327 Acanthosphinx, Aurivillius , Ins. 226 Achsetoneura, Brauer and Bergen- stamm, Ins. 299 Achelura, Kirby, Ins. 229 Achleena, Karsch , Ins. 326 Achrysis, Semenoio , Ins. 201 Aciagrion, Selys, Ins. 322 Acinopterus, Duzee, Ins. 315 Acrocoelum, Cossmann, Moll. 76 Acrophylictis, Cossmann , Moll. 78 Acrostigma, Emery , Ins. 83 Acrotreraa, Cossmann , Moll. 69 Actenioides, Warren, Ins. 274 Actinodactylus, Haswell, Vermes 66 Actinoxia, Simon, Arachn. 26 Adeloides, Warren, Ins. 274 Adelphomyia, Bergroth, Ins. 285 Adixoa, Hampson, Ins. 228 Admetula, Cossmann, Moll. 72 ^Ebutina, Simon, Arachn. 32 yElianus, Jacoby , Ins. 171 2Emilia, Kirby, Ins. 229 Aeromyrma, Forel, Ins. 196 Aeronautes, Hartert, Aves 44 Aeschrodomus, Pilsbry , Moll. 63 Agada, Fairmaire, Ins. 160 Agastillus, Reitter, Ins. 91 Agathostola, Simon, Arachn. 26 Aglaops, Warren , Ins. 274 Ahlia, Jordan and Davis , Pisces 31 Aigialosaurus, Gorjanovic - Kr am- ber ger, Rept. 25 Ailuravus, Riitimeyer, Maram. 31 Aleurodicus, Douglas and Morgan , Ins. 317 Allomorpha, Jacoby, Ins. 171 Alophogaster, Hampson , Ins. 230 Alsomy ia, Brauer and Bergenstamm , Ins. 298 * The total number of names in this Index is 1520, distributed as follows : — Mammalia, 31; Aves, 37; R eptilia and Batrachia, 44; Pisces, 34; Tunicata, 3 Mollusca, 145; Brachiopoda, 27; Bryozoa, 2; Crustacea, 37; Arachnida, 120; Myriopoda, 2 ; Insecta, 916 ; Echinodermata, 7 ; Vermes , 42 ; Ccelenterata, 3 ; Spongice, 19 ; Protozoa, 51. The corresponding total last year was 1399, and ten years ago, in 1882, 1015. 2 INDEX TO NEW GENERA AND SUBGENERA. Alsopsyche, Brauer and Bergen- stamm , Ins. 298 Amalocichla, Be Vis, Aves 59 Amaurocichla, Sharpe , Aves 59 Ambigatus, Fair m air e, Ins. 134 Amelora, Meyrick , Ins. 262 Ametrosomus, Tepper , Ins. 327 Ammospermophilus, M e r r i am, Mamm. 34 Amphichseta, Kallstenius , Yermes 48 Amphilochoiaes, Sars, Crust. 25 Amphithemis, Selys , Ins. 322 Amplogladius, Cossmann, Moll. 75 Auagonia, Brauer and Bergen- stamm , Ins. 299 Anamastax, Brauer and Bergen- stamm , Ins. 299 Anapas, Bergendal, Yermes 85 Anaptycha, Brunner , Ins. 325 Anartomorpha, Alpheraky, Ins. 251 Anaspilus, Kolbe , Ins. 119 Anatinomma, Bates, Ins. 160 Anaxidia, Swinhoe, Ins. 230 Andrimus, Casey, Ins. 140 Anelaphinis, Kolbe , Ins. 119 Anelasma, Cossmann , Moll. 67 Aneogmena, Brauer and Bergen- stamm, Ins. 301 Anephilus, Faust , Ins. 146 Aneuretus, Emery, Ins. 196 Aneuryctiilus, Cossmann, Moll. 75 Angularia, Woehrmann and Koken, Moll. 76 Anhibernia, Staudinger, Ius. 262 Annadrilus, Horst, Yermes 48 Anodonthyla, Muller , Kept. 38 Anoedopoda, Karsch , Ins. 327 Anomolocaris, Whiteaves, Crust. 29 Anomostictis, Warren, Ins. 274 Antha, Staudinger , Ins. 251 Anthiphula, Jacoby , Ins. 171 Anthocoptes, Nalepa, Arachn. 37 Anthocrypta, Warren, Ins. 274 Anthrenoptera, Swinhoe, Ins. 228 Anthyria, Swinhoe, Ius. 263 Anticypella, Meyrick , Ins. 263 Aon, Neumoegen, Ins. 230 Apatospongia, Marshall, Spong. 20 Apkanesthes, Kolbe, Ins. 119 Aphanolimnas, Sharpe, Aves 30 Aphrogeneia, Gumppenberg , Ins. 263 Apiomidas, Coguillett , Ins. 288 Apiotoma, Cossmann , Moll. 71 Aplographe, Warren, Ins. 274 Aporoctena, Meyrick, Ins. 263 Aporozoum, Germain, Ius. 107 Apostichus, Simon , Arach. 26 Apotomogonius, Montandon, Ins. 303 Apotrepus, Casey, Ins. 147 Apteronomus, Tepper, Ius. 328 Apteroscirtus, Karsch, Ins. 328 Arasocera, Hampson , Ins. 230 Araeogyia, Hampson, Ins. 230 Archaeopneustes, Gregory, Ecb. 11 Archaaotrogon, Milne - Edwards, Aves 46 Archondesa, Moore, Ins. 219 Arenoxenus, Bates, Ins. 91 Argopistoides, Jacoby , Ins. 172 Argyrocheila, Staudinger , Ins. 221 Argyrocottus, Herzenstein, Pisces 22 Argyropbylax, Brauer and Bergen- stamm, Ins. 299 Ariagona, Krauss , Ius. 328 Arietellus, Giesbrecht , Crust. 30 Aristolebia, Bates , Ins. 91 Arminda, Krauss , Ins. 331 Arotros, Schaus, Ins. 231 Arrenopus, Brauer and Bergen- stamm, Ins. 300 Arrhinidia, Brauer and Bergen- stamm , Ins. 301 Arsinotus, Berg , Ins. 311 Artemidora, Meyrick, Ins. 263 Arthroglena, Bergendal , Yermes 86 Artiora, Meyrick, Ins. 263 Artobius, Winge, Mamm. 27 Aschistopbleps, Hampson , Ius. 228 Asmonax, Gorham , Ins. 182 Aspatha, Sharpe, Aves 43 Astraeosmilia, Ortmann, Coel. 13 Astralites, Whiteaves, Moll. 88 Astrapephora, Alpheraky, Ins. 263 Atasca, Swinhoe , Ins. 231 Atelolathys, Simon, Arachn. 19 Ateuchetus, Bedel, Ins. 112 Atomophora, Alpheraky , Ins. 263 Atrochus, Wierzejski, Yermes 86 Atropharista, Townsend , Ius. 294 Atrotophopalpus, Townsend, Ins. 294 Aucheromyia, Brauer and Bergen- stamm, Ins. 301 Antarcus, Senna, Ins. 169 Autocosmia, Warren, Ins. 274 Autolethrus, Semenow, Ins. 112 Auximus, Simon, Arachn. 19 Aventina, Staudinger , Ins. 252 Aventiola, Staudinger, Ins. 252 Avocettina, Jordan and Bavis , Pisces 31 Avus, Ortmann, Crust. 22 INDEX TO NEW GENERA AND SUBGENERA. 3 Axestoleus, Bates , Ins. 160 Aysha, Keyserling , Arachn. 21 Azarelius, Fairmaire , Ins. 134 Azygophleps, Hampson , Ins. 232 Bactromyia, Brauer and Bergen- stamm , Ins. 298 Bactrotheca, Novak , Moll. 70 Baglivia, Brusina, Moll. 78 Barroisella, Hall and Clarice , Brach. 5 Basenius, Kolbe , Ins. 169 Bathippus, For el, Arachn. 15 Bathycrauium, Strobl , Ins. 290 Bathymedon, /Sars, Crust. 26 Batodon, Marsh , Mamm. 53 Bellota, Peckham, Arachn. 15 Benthobia, DaZZ, Moll. 72 Benthonella, DaZZ, Moll. 78 Bessophora, Meyrick , Ins. 263 Bifidoscala, Cossmann , Moll. 83 Billingsella, Hall and Clarice , Brach. 6 Bindax, Thor ell, Arachn. 15 Bipalpus, Wierzejski , Yermes 86 Blanchardia, Solqer , Prot. 28 Blaptocampus, Thomson , Ins. 202 Blenniophidium, Boulenger , Pisces 23 Blepharidopsis, Brauer and Bergen- stamm, Ins. 298 Blepharostoma, Schewiakoff ', Prot. 31 Blepharucha, TFarren, Ins. 274 Bocus, Peckham. , Arachn. 15 Bolbodimyia, Bigot , Ins. 286 Bolivinopsis, Jakowlew , Prot. 19 Bolomyia, Brauer and Bergen- slamm, Ins. 299 Bonatea, Druce , Ins. 264 Boophilus, Curtice , Arachn. 37 Borophagus, Cope, Mamm. 29 Bothriocyrtum, Simon , Arachn. 26 Bothriotaenia, Railliet , Yermes 64 Brachyeeraea, Udder, Ins. 293 Brachychalcinus, Boulenger , Pisces 28 Brachycoelia, Meade , Ins. 294 Brachymylus, TYooAioarcZ, Pisces’35 Brachypelma, Simon, Arachn. 27 Bramus, Pomel, Mamm. 35 Branchiura, Beddard, Yermes 48 Bremeria, Alpheralcy, Ins. 232 Brochopeplus, Pictet and Saussure , Ins. 328 Bryodrilus, ZAZe, Yermes 48 Bryophilina, Staudinger , Ins. 252 Bubastodes, Blackburn, Ins. 123 Bucolinus, Blackburn, Ins. 183 Bulimactseon, Cossmann , Moll. 69 Buttikoferia, Roelofs , Ins. 148 Byrrhomorpha, Blackburn, Ins. 114 Caddo, Banks, Arachn. 34 Csecaria, Floericke, Yermes 48 Calapnita, Simon, Arachn. 25 Caletes, Redtenbacher, Ins. 331 Callarge, Leech , Ins. 219 Callartona, Hampson , Ins. 233 Calieya, Simon , Arachn. 19 Callipareius, Senna , Ins. 169 Calliphona, Krauss, Ins. 328 Callosila, Saussure, Ins. 189 Callotaria, Palmer, Mamm. 30 Calocerinus, Howard, Ins. 206 Calybia, Kirby , Ins. 233 Camerania, Giglio-Tos, Ins. 290 Camptochilus, Hampson , Ins. 233 Camptomastix, Warren, Ins. 274 Camptostichomma, Karsch , Arachn 14 Canimartes, Cope, Mamm. 30 Canistes, Casey, Ins. 148 Capnodes, Rostock , Ins. 321 Carcinodon, Scott, Mamm. 32 Carcinopisthius, Kolbe, Ins. 169 Carphonotus, Casey, Ins. 148 Carrhotus, Thorell, Arachn. 15 Cassena, Weise, Ins. 172 Catachseta, Brauer and Bergen- stamm, Ins. 298 Catagonia, Brauer and Bergen - stamm, Ins. 299 Catapaguroides, Edwards and Bouvier, Crust. 21 Catapastus, Casey, Ins. 148 Cataponus, Desbrochers, Ins. 148 Catargynnis, Bober, Ins. 219 Cenchromorphus, Fairmaire, Ins. no Centrinites, Casey, Ins. 149 Centrinogyna, Ca-sey, Ins. 149 Centrinopus, Casey, Ins. 149 Centrodontus, Coding, Ins. 315 Cephis, Ragonot , Ins. 274 Cerania, Weise, Ins. 172 Ceratobothrium, Monticelli , Yermes 64 Ceratoconcha, Gorjanovic • Kr am- ber ger, Moll. 91 Ceratocorema, Hampson, Ins. 228 Ceratonema, Hampson, Ins. 233 Ceratotheca, Novak, Moll. 70 Cestophorus, Faust, Ins. 149 Chsetodemoticus, Brauer and Ber* genstamm , Ins. 301 4 INDEX TO NEW GENERA AND SUBGENERA. Chaetogasdia, Brauer and Bergen- stamm , Ins. 299 Chaetoglossa, Townsend , Ins, 294 Chaetomyia, Brauer and Bergen- stamm, Ins. 298 Chaetophthalmus, Brauer and Ber- genstamm , Ins. 300 Chaetoprocta, Brauer and Bergen- stamm , Ins. 299 Chalcinopelecus, Holmberg, Pisces 29 Chalcocelis, Hampson, Ins. 233 Chaleponotus, Casey, Ins. 149 Chalioides, Hampson, Ins. 233 Chamops, Marsh , Rept. 23 Chaperina, Mocquard , Rept. 38 Chara, Staudinger, Ins. 253 Characta, Redtenbacher, Ins. 328 Charisia, Champion , Ins. 161 Cheloctonus, Pocock , Arachn. 14 Chenuala, Swinhoe , Ins. 233 Chevallieria, Cossmann, Moll. 78 Chilobrachys, Karsch , Arachn. 27 Chipeta, Hulst, Ins. 274 Chiridius, Giesbrecht, Crust. 30 Chirostylus, Ortmann, Crust. 20 Chlaenioctenus, Bates , Ins. 92 Chlamys, Beneden, Crust. 30 Chlidonoptera, Karsch, Ins. 326 Chloracris, Pictet and Saussure, Ins. 328 Chlorampulex, Saussure , Ins. 190 Chlorochropsis, Rothschild , Ins. 214 Chlorotettix, Duzee , Ins. 315 Chlorotribonia, Pictet and Saussure, Ins. 328 Chonopectus, Hall and Clarke, Brach. 6 Chonostrophia, Hall and Clarke , Brach. 6 Choranesa, Moore, Ins. 219 Choristoneura, Rubsaamen, Ins. 284 Choristostigma, Warren, Ins. 275 Christiania, Hall and Clarke, Brach. 6 Chrotoma, Casey, Ins. 161 Chrysamoeba, Klebs , Prot. 30 Chrysartona, Swinhoe, Ins. 234 Chrysilla, Thorell, Arachn. 15 Chrysococcus, Klebs, Prot. 30 Chrysoctenis, Meyrick , Ins. 264 Chrysodasia, Reuter , Ins. 311 Cirsochilus, Cossmann, Moll. 85 Cirsope, Cossmann, Moll. 77 Cladocroce, Topsent, Spong. 20 Claenodon, Scott, Mamm. 31 Claudia, Hartert, Aves 44 Clavipalpula, Staudinger, Ins. 253 Cleionychia, Ulrich, Moll. 94 Cleonidius, Casey, Ins. 149 Clistomorpha, Townsend , Ins. 294 Cnephaliodes, Brauer and Bergen- stamrn, Ins. 299 Cnephidia, Ragonot , Ins. 275 Cnidia, Gumppenberg , Ins. 265 Codiosoma, Kirby, Ins. 234 Coleolissus, Bates, Ins. 92 Colomyia, Kieffer, Ins. 284 Columbellisipho, Cossmann , Moll. 7 3 Columbia, Eigenmann, Pisces 30 Coniophis, Marsh, Rept. 30 Conogaster, Brauer and Bergen- stamm , Ins. 298 Conosara, Meyrick, Ins. 265 Conradtia, Kolbe, Ins. 119 Copa, Weise, Ins. 173 Cophixalus, Bcettger, Rept. 38 Coppingeria, Haste ell, Yermes 45 Coptochetus, Cossmann, Moll. 73 Coracocephalus, Mik, Ins. 290 Cormopus, Kolbe, Ins. 169 Cornucaprina, F utter er, Moll. 91 Coronimyia, Townsend, Ins. 294 Corynotrichius, Kolbe , Ins. 119 Cosmocreon, Warren, Ins. 275 Cosmodesmus, Haase, Ins. 211 Cossulinus, Kirby, Ins. 234 Cotylogaster, Monticelli, Verme3 67 Cotyloplana, Spencer , Yermes 71 Cranotheridium, Schewiakoff, Prot. 32 Cratorrhagus, Simon, Arachn. 27 Crecoides, Shufeldt, Aves 30 CL'emnophila, Ragonot, Ins. 275 Crenigomphus, Selys, Ins. 323 Crenilabium, Cossmann, Moll. 69 Crinocraspeda, Hampson , Ins. 235 Criomacha, Meyrick , Ins. 265 Crocomela, Kirby, Ins. 235 Crommium, Cossmann, Moll. 82 Crossiura, Niceville, Ins. 225 Cryptomeigenia, Brauer and Ber- genstamm , Ins. 298 Cryptopone, Emery, Ins. 198 Ctenagenia, Saussure, Ins. 190 Ctenolobus, Besbr ocher s, Ins. 150 Ctenophorocera, Brauer and Ber- genstamm, Ins. 299 Curvatula, Staudinger, Ins. 253 Cyanoplax, Pilsbry, Moll. 88 Cyclocranium, Poll, Ins. 162 Cyclodostomia, Sacco, Moll. 83 Cyclomias, D esbr ocher s, Ins. 150 Cyclopteroides, Gar man , Pisces 22 Cyclosattus, Casey, Ins. 135 Cycloscymnus, Blackburn, Ins. 183 INDEX TO NEW GENERA AND SUBGENERA. D Cyclotynaspis, Montandon, Ins. 308 Cylindrococcus, Maskell , Ins. 318 Cylindromus, Aurivillius , Ins. 150 Cylloproctus, Faust , Ins. 150 Cyniscella, Cossmann , Moll. 85 Cyphotarsis, Jacoby , Ins. 174 Cystiphora, Kiefer, Ins. 284 Dactylophysus, Fleutiaux , Ins. 127 Dactylopteryx, Karsch, Ins. 328 Dactylorhyncha, Hampson , Ins. 235 Daeochaeta, Townsend, Ins. 294 Dalium, Dali, Moll. 82 Dalmanella, Hall and Clarke, Brach. 6 Dalterus, Fairmaire, Ins. 162 Daramus, Fairmaire , Ins. 162 Dasyphleps, Karsch, Ins. 328 Dasypteroma, Stand inger, Ins. 265 Delagrangeus, Pic , Ins. 162 Deltopecten, Jack and Etheridge, Moll. 94 Dendrophleps, Hampson, Ins. 235 Dermatoestrus. Brauer, Ins. 293 Descanso, Peckham, Arachn. 15 Desmoglyptus, Casey , Ins. 150 Desvoidia, Meade, Ins. 294 Dexiophana, Brauer and Bergen- stamm, Ins. 300 Diacme, Warren, Ins. 275 Diaglyptus, Pilsbry , Moll. 63 Dialytostoma, Cossmann, Moll. 82 Diamenocrinus, Oehlert, Ech. 19 Diaphlebus, Karsch , Ins. 328 Diaphorapteryx, Forbes, Aves 30 Diaphorus, Faust, Ins. 150 Diastrophilus, Faust , Ins. 150 Dibolocelus, Bedel , Ins. 100 Dichelomyia, Riibsaamen , Ins. 284 Dichilum, Schewiakoff , Prot. 32 Dichotis, Warren, Ins. 275 Dicloniscus, Cope, Rept. 24 Dicranopsyra, Dohrn, Ins. 328 Dicrauotaenia, Railliet , Vermes 64 Didymostoma, Warren, Ins. 275 Dillwynella, Dali, Moll. 85 Dimeropus, Cope, Rept. 24 Dimorphomyrmex, Andre, Ins. 198 Dinarella, Bittner, Brach. 8 Diuoclens, Casey, Ins. 151 Dinorthis, Hall and Clarke, Brach. 6 Dionaua, Moore, Ins. 219 Diops, Bergendal, Vermes 86 Dioptrophorus, Faust , Ins. 151 Diphaulacosoma, Jacoby, Ins. 174 Diploa, Kolbe, Ins. 120 Diptychus, Cossmann, Moll. 83 Discalma, Meyrick, Ins. 265 Dischiropus, Karsch, Arachn. 15 Discinopsis, Hall and Clarke, Brach. 5 Distantella, Saussure, Ins. 202 Ditrisenella, Hinde and Holmes , Spong. 17 Dixoa, Hampson , Ins. 236 Dolichostethus, Kolbe, Ins. 120 Doliodus, Traquair, Pisces 37 Dolothymus, Thorell , Arachn. 25 Dorachosa, Distant , Ins. 313 Drepanido taenia, Railliet , Vermes 64 Drepanula, Rober, Ins. 221 Drexelia, McCook , Arachn. 22 Drieschia, Michaelsen , Vermes 45 Dromicodryas, Boulenger , Rept. 27 Drucea, Kirby, Ins. 236 Drymoptila, Meyrick, Ins. 265 Dynamopterus, Milne - Edwards, Ayes 46 Dyscerus, Faust , Ins. 151 Dystrichothorax, Blackburn, Ins. 93 Eccopteroma, Staudinger, Ins. 254 Eccoptometopus, Peringuey, Ins. 100 Echinoc.otyle, Rosseter, Vermes 64 Echnomoiaus, Bates , Ins. 93 Echtrusia, Lefevre, Ins. 175 Ectatostica, Simon, Arachn. 23 Ectinochilus, Cossmann, Moll. 75 Ectophylla, Allen , Mamm. 27 Ectorisma, Tate, Moll. 90 Ectrocta, Hampson, Ins. 236 Eilica, Keyserling, Arachn. 20 Elaeoptera, Redtenbacher, Ins. 328 Elaphrocnemus, Milne - Edwards , Aves 29 Elasmocnema, Karsch, Ins. 306 Elginia, Newton, Rept. 35 Ellipsodon, Scott, Mamm. 31 Elsa, Honrath , Ins. 214 E mbolocephalus, Rando Iph , V ermes 49 Emertonius, Peckham, Arachn. 16 Emphanopteryx, Townsend, Ins. 295 Emporomyia, Brauer and Bergen- stamm, Ins. 300 Encaumaptera, Hampson, Ins. 236 Encentra, Redtenbacher, Ins. 329 Encyocrates, Simon, Arachn. 27 Endopachychilus, Cossmann, Moll. 73 0 INDEX TO NEW GENERA AND SUBGENERA. Euicoderus, Peringuey , Ins. 151 Entomella, Cossmann , Moll. 87 Entomope, Cossmann , Moll. 77 Eonius, Tepper , Ins. 329 Eopleurotoma, Cossmann , Moll. 71 Epalxis, Cossmann , Moil. 71 Epelyx, Blackburn , Ins. 93 Ephebopus, Simon , Arachn. 27 Ephemeroidea, llampson , Ins. 236 Epkippithytoidea, Tepper , Ins. 329 Ephoria, Meyrick, Ins. 266 Epichriacus, /Sco^, Mamm. 31 Epicoinoneus, Senna , Ins. 169 Epicompsa, Meyrick , Ins. 266 Epimydia, Staudinger , Ius. 236 Epineura, j Brazier and Bergenstamm , Ins. 301 Epision, Stiles, Yermes 64 Epocilla, Thorell , Arachn. 16 Epoecus, Emery , Ins. 198 Eremocossus, Hampson . Ins. 237 Eremoxenus, Semenow, Ins. 169 Erica, Peckham , Arachn. 16 Erimacrus, Benedict, Crust. 17 Eriphioides, Kirby , Ins. 237 Eristus, Blackburn , Ins. 151 Erithionyx, Blackburn , Ins. 184 Erythrandra, Brauer and Bergen- stamm, Ins. 300 Erythrolophus, Swinhoe , Ins. 266 Erythronvchia, Brauer and Bergen- stamm, Ins. 300 Erythrophaia, Staudinger , Ins. 254 Estrella, Frenzel , Prot. 19 Eucasta, Dali , Moll. 85 Euceromyia, Townsend , Ins. 295 Eucirrichthys, Perugia, Pisces 28 Eucnephalia, Townsend, Ins. 295 Euctenospila, TParren, Ins. 275 Eudiplura, Simon, Arachn. 27 Eudoxazus, Kolbe, Ins. 120 Eudranes, Sharp, Ins. 103 Eufischeria, Brauer and Bergen- stamm, Ins. 300 Euglenopsis, Klebs, Prot. 30 Eulasinus, Sharp, Ins. 103 Eulasiona, Townsend, Ins. 295 Eumacronychia, Townsend, Ins. 295 Eumegalodon, Brongniart , Ins. 329 Eumelepta, Jacoby, Ins. 175 Eumera, Staudinger, Ins. 267 Eumyothyria, Townsend , Ins. 295 Eunotosaurus, Seeley , Kept. 34 Eunyssobia, Casey, Ins. 151 Eupachnoda, Kolbe, Ins. 120 Eupegylis, Duvivier, Ins. 114 Euphorocera, Townsend, Ins. 295 Euponera, Forel, Ins. 198 Euposaurus, Lortet, Pept. 24 Eupsychellus, Rober , Ins. 222 Eurhinospiza, Oustalet , Aves 53 Euromoia, Staudinger, Ins. 255 Euryaptus, Bates, Ins. 94 Euryetisus, Gavino, Crust. 17 Euscopolia, Townsend, Ins. 295 Eusphinctus, Emery, Ins. 198 Eutelesthes, Kolbe, Ins. 120 Eutettix, Duzee, Ins. 316 Euthyprosopa, Townsend , Ins. 295 Eversmanella, Jakowlew , Ius. 208 Exechestoma, Cossmann, Moll. 75 Exophthalmida, Faust, Ins. 152 Fanchonia, Werner, Rept. 38 Felderia, Kirby, Ins. 237 Feltria, Kcenike, Arachn. 36 Fergana, Staudinger , Ins. 267 Filholornis, Mi Ine- Edwards, Aves 29 Fluda, Peckham , Arachn. 16 Fohlia, Lohmann, Tun. 7 Folioseris, Iiehberg, Coel. 13 Forelius, Emery, Ins. 198 Frenchella, Blackburn, Ins. 114 Frenchia, Maslcell, Ins. 318 Furcillus, Cope, Kept. 24 Grsediopsis, Brauer and Bergen- stamm, Ins. 299 G alerusom a., Jacoby, Ins. 175 G-ardinia, Kirby, Ins. 238 Gargantua, Kirby, Ins. 227 Gasponia, Fairmaire, Ins. 163 Gastroschiza, Bergendal, Yermes 87 Gavialinum, Lortet, Rept. 32 Geikia, Newton , Rept. 35 Gelotia, Thorell, Arachn. 16 Gemeneta, Karsch , Ins. 331 Geosesarma, De Man, Crust. 18 Geosomus , Faust, Ins. 152 Geothauma, Crosse, Moll. 81 Geranopterus, Milne-Edwards , Aves 41 Ginglymia, Townsend, Ins. 295 Gitanopsis, Sars, Crust. 25 Glauconoe, Warren, Ins. 276 Glaucophana, Brauer and Bergen- stamm, Ins. 299 Glyphidrilus, Horst , Yermes 49 Glyptobaris. Casey, Ins. 152 Glyptostyla, Dali , Moll. 73 Gnopharmia, Staudinger, Ins. 267 Goe, Hampson , Ins. 238 Goetia, Karsch, Ins. 329 Goldia, Keyserling, Arachn. 20 INDEX TO NEW GENERA AND SUBGENERA. 7 Gonanticlea, Swinhoe, Ins. 267 Goniocera, Brauer and Bergen- stamm , Ins. 299 Gonionotophis, Boulenger, Rept. 28 Goniops, Aldrich , Ins. 286 Goraiichthys, Jordan and Davis, Pisces 31 Gordiodrilus, Beddard, Vermes 49 Gordonia, Newton , Rept. 35 Gorgonichthys, Claypole, Pisces 31 Grammostola, Simon, Arachn. 27 Grandipatula, Cossmann, Moll. 62 Grantiopsis, Dendy , Spong. 16 Granulolabium, Cossmann, Moll. 75 Gravenreuthia, Karsch, Ins. 329 Grouvelleus, Guillebeau, Ins. 106 Grumia, Alpheralcy , Ins. 255 Grypnus, Desbrochers, Ins. 152 Gurna, Swinhoe, Ins. 238 Guttulidium, Frenzel , Prot. 18 Gymnodexia, Brauer and Bergen- stamm, Ins. 300 Gymnodiptychus, Herzenstein, Pisces 27 Gymnolaemus, Ogilvie-Grant, Aves 42 Gymnoprosopa, Townsend , Ins. 295 Gymnoscymnus, Blackburn , Ins. 184 Gynaephila, Staudinger, Ins. 260 Gytha, Keyserling, Arachn. 20 Hadjina, Staudinger, Ins. 255 Hadropopillia, Kraatz, Ins. 118 Hadrosticta, Kraatz , Ins. 120 Hallicarnia, Kirby , Ins. 238 Hallina, Winchell and Schachert, Brach. 8 Haloplia, Snellen, Ins. 238 Handhirschiella, Montandon , Ins. 304 Haploclastus, Simon, Arachn. 27 Haplopelma, Simon, Arachn. 28 Haploscincus, Cope, Rept. 24 Haporema, Fairmaire , Ins. 136 Harima, Moore, Ins. 219 Harmilla, AurivilUus, Ins. 217 Harpaliscus, Bates, Ins. 94 Hedleya, Cox, Moll. 81 Helectrus, Guillebeau , Ins. 106 Helenoconcha, Pilsbry, Moll. 63 Heligmomerus, Simon, Arachn. 28 Heliocausus, Kohl , Ins. 191 Heliosphagrium, Frenzel, Prot. 19 Hemiaulax, Bates, Ins. 94 Hemichlsenins, Bates, Ins. 94 Hemiconus, Cossmann , Moll. 71 Hemimeria, Saussure , Ins. 191 Hemipimpla, Saussure, Ins. 202 Hemipleurotoma, Cossmann , Moll. 71 Hemipodiulns, Verhoeff, Myr. 6 Bemipogonius, Saussure, Ins. 191 Hemisalius, Saussure, Ins. 191 Hemithrixion, Brauer and Bergen- stamm, Ins. 300 Hemyloticus, Jacoby, Ins. 176 Henschia, Lethierry , Ins. 316 Hepatica, Staudinger, Ins. 255 Hephthocara, Alcock, Pisces 23 Hepialiscus, Hampson, Ins. 239 Heraema, Staudinger , Ins. 255 Herbertella, Hall and Clarke, Brach. 6 Hermatobates, Carpenter, Ins. 309 Hermosa, Beckham, Arachn. 16 Hesperarion, Simroth, Moll. 59 Hesperobaris, Casey, Ins. 152 Heterosecium, Hincks, Bry. 4 Heterocharmus, Pocock, Arachn. 14 Hcterorthis, Hall and Clarke, Brach. 6 Heylaertsia, Hampson, Ins. 239 Hildala, Swinhoe, Ins. 239 Histiaea, Fairmaire , Ins. 137 Hollandia, Butler, Ins. 261 Holocryptis, Lucas , Ins. 256 Hologyra, Woehrmann and Koken , Moll. 84 Holomastigotes, Grassi, Prot. 30 Homasopbloeus, Gahan, Ins. 163 Homalochilus, Cossmann, Moll. 86 Homoeoplacis, Simon, Arachn. 28 Homonenra, Wulp, Ins. 301 Homostola, Simon, Arachn. 28 Hoplacerus , Jacoby, lus. 176 Hopliterrhynchus, Senna, Ins. 169 Hoplopisthius, Senna, Ins. 169 Hoplozonitis, Blackburn , Ins. 144 Hordeulima, Sacco, Moll. 83 Hormambogaster, Karsch, Ins. 306 Hubreehtia, Burger, Vermes 70 Hyaloplagia, Warren, Ins. 276 Hyalorista, Warren, Ins. 276 Hydrogamasns, Berlese, Arachn. 35 Hylaspoides, Duvivier, Ins. 176 Hymenomaga, Karsch , Ins. 304 Hypatia, Kirby, Ins. 239 Hyperephanus, Senna, Ins. 169 Hyperlophus, Douglas - Ogilby, Pisces 30 Hyphantospiza, Reichenow, Ayes 53 8 INDEX TO NEW GENERA AND SUBGENERA. Hyphantrophaga, Townsend , Ins. 295 Hypochlorosis, Rober , Ins. 222 Hypocyrema, Blackburn , Ins. 184 Hypolamprus, H amp son , Ins. 239 Hypopomyrmex, Emery , Ins. 83 Hypopus, Bergendal , Vermes 87 Hypostigmodera, Blackburn , Ins. 124 Hypotachina, Brauer and Bergen- stamm , Ins. 299 Hypotomorpha, Rebel, Ins. 276 Hypsicorypha, Krauss , Ins. 326 Hypsi pleura, Woehrmann and Ko- Icen, Moll. 76 Hypsobia, Heude , Moll. 79 Hyptiocrinus, Wachsmuth and Springer, Ech. 19 Hyracops, Marsh, , Mamm. 39 Hysterocrates, Simon, Arachn. 28 Ichneumenoptera, Sampson , Ins* 228 Ichniotherium, Pohlig, Rept. 41 Ideobisium, Balzan, Arachn. 34 Ideoblothrus, Balzan, Arachn. 34 Idiobates, Casey, Ins. 137 Idiocrinus, Wachsmuth and Springer, Ech. 20. Idiopholis, Boulenger , Rept. 29 Idiostethus, Casey, Ins. 152 Idonauton, Swinhoe , Ins. 240 Ilyophis, Jordan and Davis, Pisces 31 Iuiopsis, Lydekker , Mamm. 50 Iola, Peckham , Arachn. 16 Iphidosoma, Berlese, Arachn. 35 Iphthimorhinus, Uoelofs , Ins. 152 Ischnias, Berg, Ins. 311 Ischnocryptus, Kriechbaumer, Ins. 203 Ischnopopillia, Kraatz, Ins. 118 Isoclerus, Lewis , Ins. 131 Isomma, Selys, Ins. 323 Isoplatys, Montanclon, Ins. 304 Ispaterus, Fairmaire, Ins. 163 , Ityocephala, Redtenbacher, Ins. 329 Jsenia, Grass'/ , Prot. 30 Jermakia, Jakowlevj, Ins. 209 Jheringia, Keyserling , Arachn. 25 Jothochilus, Kolbe, Ins. 120 Joyeuxia, Topsent , Spong. 21 Kanakia, Distant , Ins. 313 Kandiana, Distant, Ins. 314 Katosira, Woehrmann and Koken. Moll. 76 Kayserella, Hall and Clarke , Brach. 6 Kerrata, Moore, Ins. 219 Kerria, Beddard, Vermes 49 Keyserlingella, Peckham , Arachn. 16 Kirrodesa, Moore , Ins. 220 Kittlitzia, Hartlaub, Ayes 30 Konbirella, Duvivier , Ins. 176 Kyrtolitha, Staudinger, Ins. 268 Lachnomma, Townsend, Ins. 296 Lfevidentalium, Cossmann, Moll. 89 Lagarosia, Wulp, Ins. 301 Lampropelma, Simon, Arachn. 28 Lamprophthalma,Porisc/inz.?%,Ins. 302 Larradomorpha, Stadelmann, Ins. 206 Larropsis, Patton , Ins. 191 Lasiogaster, Gahan, Ins. 163 Lasiogma, Meyriclc, Ins. 268 Lasionycta, Aurivillius, Ins. 256 Latirulus, Cossmann , Moll. 73 Lembeja, Distant , Ins. 313 Lepidodexia, Brauer and Bergen- stamm, Ins. 300 Lepidopterus, Pohlig, Pisces 32 Lepidozona, Pilsbry, Moll. 89 Leproscirtus, Karsch, Ins. 329 Leptella, Hall and Clarke, Brach. 6 Leptodema, Carlini, Ins. 310 Leptorrhamphus, Ambrosetti, Rept. 32 Leptostylus, Faust, Ins. 153 Leptotachina, Brauer and, Bergen- stamm , Ins. 299 Leptothrix, Heylaerts, Ins. 240 Lethrotrypes, Jacobsohn, Ins. 112 Lethrnlus, Semenow , Ins. 112 Leucascus, Dendy, Spong. 16 Leucocythere, Kaufman, Crust. 30 Leucodrepana, Hampson, Ins. 240 Leucomyia, Brauer and Bergen- stamm , Ins. 300 Libania, Thorell, Arachn. 26 Libytherium, Pomel , Mamm. 44 Limeria, Staudinger, Ins. 268 Limnophrya, Zacharias , Prot. 32 Limulina, Frenzel, Prot. 18 Lindstroemella, Hall and Clarke , Brach. 5 Linocerocoris, Karsch, Ins. 311 Linonotus, Casey , Ins. 153 Liotrichius, Kolbe, Ins. 120 INDEX TO NEW GENERA AND SUBGENERA. 9 Liparops, Garmon , Pisces 22 Liparopsis, Hampson, Ids. 241 Litaneutria, Saussure , Ins. 326 Lithoglyptes, Aurivillius , Crust. 32 Lithophasia, Staudinger, Ins. 256 Lithosphaerella, Frenzel, Prot. 19 Litochroides, Guillebeau , Ins. 106 Lobantale, Cossmann, Moll. 89 Lobocara, Bergroth, Ins. 309 Lobostoma, Fairmaire, Ins. 107 Locbetica, Kriechbaurner, Ins. 203 Longula, Staudinger, Ins. 268 Lophosoma, Swinhoe, Ins. 241 Loxocreon, Warren, Ins. 276 Loxoptyxis, Cossmann, Moll. 83 Lucernosa, Antipa, Coel. 11 Lycognathophis, Boulenger, Kept. 28 Lycosella, Thorell, Arachn. 23 Lyctosoma, Lewis, Ins. 131 Maccoyella, Jack and Etheridge , Moll. 94 Macrocrambus, Kirby, Ins. 241 Macrodostomia, Sacco, Moll. 83 Macrohelodes, Blackburn , Ins. 129 Macrolabis, Kieffer, Ins. 284 Macromeigenia, Brauer and Ber- genstamm, Ins. 298 Macromplialina, Cossmann, Moll. 82 Macronola, Kirby , Ins. 241 Macropalpus, Meunier , Ins. 296 Macropisthodon, Boulenger, Kept. 27 Macroplectra, Hampson , Ins. 241 Macropophis, Boulenger, Rept. 27 Macrotarsipus, Hampson, Ins. 228 Macrotrypeta, Portschinsky , Ins. 302 Madarellus, Casey , Ins. 153 Magulla, Simon, Arachn. 28 Maizania, Bourguignat, Moll. 81 Maltharchus, Weise, Ins. 130 Mandarella, Buvivier, Ins. 177 Mandarinia, Leech, Ins. 220 Marsenaspis, Karsch , Ins. 310 Marconia, Bourguignat , Moll. 57 Marengo, Peckham, Arachn. 17 Margineulima, Cossmann, Moll. 83 Marsupiogaster, Schewiakoff, Prot. 30 Martella , Peckham, Arachn. 17 Masiphya, Brauer and Bergen- stamm, Ins. 298 Masipoda, Brauer and Bergenstamm , Ins. 299 Masistylum, Brauer, Ins. 296 Mastigella, Frenzel, Prot. 18 Mastigina, Frenzel, Prot. 18 Mastigocrinus, Bather , Ech. 20 Mastigosphasra, Schevfiakoff, Prot. 30 Masupha, Distant, Ins. 313 Maulia, Blackburn, Ins. 164 Maupasia, Schewiakoff, Prot. 30 Maxia, Kirby , Ins. 241 Mecinonota, Kraatz , Ins. 121 Medoriopsis, Cossmann, Moll. 77 Megaceramis, Hampson, Ins. 241 Megalochlora, Meyrick, Ins. 269 Megametopon, Alpheraky , Ins. 269 Megatyloma, Cossmann , Moll. 87 Mekla, Swinhoe, Ins. 242 Melia, Neumoegen, Ins. 242 Melichrus, Brenske, Ins. 116 Mellevillia, Cossmann, Moll. 75 Melliera, Saussure, Ins. 326 Merismopteria, Jack and Etheridge , Moll. 94 Mesa, Saussure , Ins. 192 Mesarmadillo, Dollfuss, Crust. 28 Meseres, Schewiakoff, Prot. 32 Mesocetus, Moreno, Mamm. 51 Mesochaeta, Brauer and Bergen- stamm, Ins. 299 Mesocrabro, Verhoeff, Ins. 192 Mesomycterus, Cope, Kept. 24 Mesopteryx, Hutton, Ayes 25 Mesothyris, Warren, Ins. 276 Mesotrypes, Jacobsohn, Ins. 112 Metabacetus, Bates, Ins. 95 Metalopha, Staudinger, Ins. 257 Metapteryx, De Vis, Aves 25 Metaschalis, Hampson, Ins. 242 Metopella, Sars, Crust. 27 Metopodia, Brauer and Bergen- stamm, Ins. 300 Metopotoma, Casey , Ins. 154 Metosamia, Druce, Ins. 242 Micractis, Warren, Ins. 276 Microbaris, Casey, Ins. 154 Microclaenodon, Scott, Mamm. 31 Microcrabro, Saussure, Ins. 192 Microcreagris, Balzan, Arachn. 34 Microcyllus, Thorell , Arachn. 32 JMicroj aenia, Crassi, Prot. 30 Micromastix, Frenzel, Prot. 18 Micromerus, Guillebeau, Ins. 106 Micromphalina, Cossmann, Moll. 82 Micromyobia, Brauer and Bergen- stamm, Ins. 301 Microphana, Brauer and Bergen- stamm, Ins. 299 10 INDEX TO NEW GENERA AND SUBGENERA. Microprion, Pictet and Saussure, Ins. 329 Microsebus, Kolbs , Ins. 169 Microtachina, Mih, Ins. 296 Mictodoca, Meyrich , Ins. 269 Mikrocodides, Bergenda l, Vermes 87 Mila, Aurivillius , Ins. 242 Milione, Thorell , Araehn. 31 Mimastroides, Jacoby. Tn^. 178 Mimoschinia, IFhrrew, Ins. 276 Mimudea, Warren, Ins. 276 Minthodexia, Brauer and Bergen- stamm, Ins. 300 Mioacris,PiefeZ and Saussure , Ins.830 Miomerocerus, Karsch , Ins. 310 Mionyx, Saussure , Ins. 326 Miosaga, Saussure , Ins. 330 Mnesampela, Meyrich , Ins. 269 Mobianns, Giesbrecht , Crust. 31 Mocklotona, Meyrich , Ins. 269 Monacanthonyx, Bates, Ins. 95 Monartbropalpus, Biibsaamen , Ins. 284 Monaster, Etheridge , Ecb. 16 Monaulax, Nalepa , Araehn. 38 Monochilum, Scheiviahoff , Prot. 32 Monocirsus, Cossmann , Moll. 75 Monocladum, Pic, Ins. 164 Monocona, Warren, Ins. 276 Monoculopsis, Sars, Crust. 26 Monophyaspis, Cope , Kept. 24 Monostola, Alpherahy , Ins. 257 Monotropia, Kirby , Ins. 242 Mormonomyia, Brauer and Bergen - stamm , Ins. 301 Musseus, Thorell , Araehn. 32 Muscopteryx, Townsend , Ins. 296 Mydrothauma, Butler , Ins. 242 Myinodcs, Meyrich , Ins. 269 Myiophasia, Brauer and Bergen- stamm , Ins. 300 Myrmoplasta, Gerstaecher , Ins. 307 Mysticoptera, Meyrich , Ins. 269 Myxexorista, Brauer and Bergen- stamm, Ins. 299 Myxodexia, Brauer and Bergen - stamm , Ins. 300 Nanochhenius, Bates, Ins. 95 Narcaeus, Thorell , Araehn. 32 Neaerasa, Staudinger , Ins. 242 Necrasfcur, He TVs, Aves 38 Nectochaeta, Marenzeller , Vermes 46 Negalius, Casey , Ins. 144 Kemacerota, Hcimpson , Ins. 250 Nematopagurus, Edwards and Bon - vier, Crust. 22 Nemetis, Moore, Ins. 220 Nemorilloides, Brauer and Bergen - stamm , Ins. 299 Nemosinus, Faust , Ins. 154 Neobagrus, Bellotti , Pisces 25 Neoberlesia, Berlese , Araehn. 36 Neobubastes, Blachburn , Ins. 125 Neocalliphora, Brauer and Bergen- stamm, Ins. 301 Neocardia, Sowerby , Moll. 92 Neoclerus, Lewis , Ins. 131 Neoctodon, Bedel, Ins. 113 Neohydnus, Gorliam , Ins. 131 Neolesbia, Salvin , Aves 45 Neolythria, Alpheradcy, Ins. 269 Neomintho, Brauer and Bergen- stamm, Ins. 299 Neoteristis, Meyrich , Ins. 269 Neotocerus, Duvivier , Ins. 154 Neotractocera, Townsend , Ins. 296 Neritaria, Woehrmctnn and Kohen, Moll. 82 Nesace, Kirby , Ins. 243 Neusina, Goes, Prot. 32 Newmania, Swinhoe , Ins. 243 Nicentrus, Casey, Ins. 154 Nicy 11a, Thorell, Araehn. 17 Ninguta, Moore , Ins. 220 Niphograpta, TFhrmz, Ins. 276 Nirina, Weise , Ins. 178 Nocticola, Bolivar , Ins. 325 Nodepus, Gorham , Ins. 132 Norrisella, Cossmann , Moll. 86 Nossa, Kirby , Ins. 243 Notaspis, IFhrrcn, Ins. 277 Noteraula, Meyrich, Ins. 279 Notobrachypterus, Blachburn, Ins. 108 Notocetus, Moreno, Mamm. 51 Notostemma, Bergenclal, Vermes 87 Nuclearella, Frenzel, Prot. 19 Nucleariua, Frenzel, Prot. 19 Nydia, Thorell, Araehn. 19 Nyoma, Duvivier, Ins. 165 Nyssonotus, Casey, Ins. 154 Oberthueria, Kirby, Ins. 243 Oberthuria, Staudinger, Ins. 243 Ocala, Hulst, Ins. 277 Ocnerogyia, Staudinger, Ins. 243 Octocella, Helm, Bry. 4 Octoplasia, Brenshe, Ins. 116 CEcophloeus, Simon , Araehn. 28 CEdonia, Kirby , Ins. 244 (Ehlerteila, iZa /Z and Clarke, Brach. 6 (Enospila, Swinhoe, Ins. 270 Ogovia, Holland, Ins. 257 Ojedana, Distant, Ins. 306 INDEX TO NEW GENERA AND SUBGENERA. 11 Olenochaeta, Townsend, Ins. 296 Oligodon, AmalizJcy , Moll. 93 Oligolochus, Casey , Ins. 154 Olisthanella, Voigt , Vermes 72 Ollochirus, Cope , Rept. 24 Omorphina, Alpheraky , Ins. 257 Oncodermus, Senna , Ins. 170 Oncopus, Cope , Rept. 24 Onyckocryptus, Karsch, Arachn. 20 Onyehora, Meyrick , Ins. 270 Oomorphidius, Casey , Ins. 154 Oopterinus, Casey , Ins. 154 Opetiopteryx, Blackburn, Ins. 154 Ophioteresis, Bell, Ech. 17 Opkoniscus, Bates , Ins. 96 Orcevia, Thorell, Arachn. 17 Orinonotus, Reuter , Ins. 311 Orna, Kirby, Ins. 244 Ornithoctonus, Pocock, Arachn. 28 Orophila, Krauss, Ins. 330 Orpknoecus, Simon, Arachn. 28 Orthaulaca, Weise, Ins. 179 Orthidium, Hall and Clarke, Brach. 7 Orthochilus, Cossmann, Moll. 75 Orthocnemus, Milne-Ed wards, Aves 30 Orthocraspeda, Hampson , Ins. 244 Ortholophus, Oglivie - Grant , Aves 42 Orthoptychus, Futterer , Moll. 91 Orthotheca, Novak , Moll. 70 Orthotichia,7I«/Zc& Clarke , Brach. 7 Otaulax, Cossmann , Moll. 86 Otocryptus, Candeze , Ins. 128 Otomyrmex, For el, Ins. 199 Oulobophora, Staudinger , Ins. 270 Ovengua, Distant., Ins. 307 Ovulactaeon, Dali , Moll. 69 Oxyacrum, Cossmann, Moll. 71 Oxygoniola, Horn , Ins. 90 Oxyplax, Hampson, Ins. 244 Oxypleurites, Nalepci, Arachn. 38 Oxyrhabdium, Boulenger, Rept. 28 Oxysdonsaurus,AwZ>rose£h',Rept. 32 Oxytachina, Brauer and Bergen- stamm , Ins. 300 Pachnephoptrus, Reitter , Ins. 179 Pacbydasys, Butler, Ins. 258 Pachygnatka, Weise, Ins. 179 Pacbygraphia, Brauer and Bergen- stamm, Ins. 300 Pachyma, Weymer, Ins. 244 Pachymerola, Bates, Ins. 165 Pachymylus, Woodward, Pisces 35 Pachypalpa, Weise, Ins. 1 79 Pachypodagrus, Tep>per, Ins. 330 Pagiophloeus, Faust, Ins. 155 Palaeocasuarius, Forbes, Aves 25 Palaeochrysopila, Meunier, Ins. 83 Palaeocorax, Forbes, Aves 49 Palaeoctenis, Meyrick, Ins. 270 Palseomutela, Amalizky , Moll. 93 Palaeonarica, Kittl, Moll. 85 Palseopelagus, De Vis, Aves 34 Palaeosaccus, Hinde, Spong. 17 Palaeotetrix, Shufelclt, Aves 27 Palembus, Casey, Ins. 138 Palpifer, Hampson, Ins. 244 Pandeus, Keyserling, Arachn. 25 Panthauma, Staudinger, Ins. 258 Pantorhytes, Faust, Ins. 155 Papua, Rober, Ins. 223 Paradidyma, Brauer and Bergen - stamm, Ins. 300 Paradoria, Brauer and Bergenstamm, Ins. 299 Paradoxodon, Scott, Mamm. 32 Paragsedia, Brauer and Bergenstamm, Ins. 299 Paragona, Staudinger, Ins. 258 Paragymnomma, Brauer and Ber- genstamm, Ins. 301 Parahypochacta, Brauer and Bergen- stamm, Ins. 299 Paralasa, Meyrick, Ins. 270 Paralispe, Brauer and Bergenstamm, Ins. 299 Paralucilia, Brauer and Bergen- stamm, Ins. 301 Paraineleus, Faust, Ins. 155 Paramesochaeta, Brauer and Bergen- stamm, Ins. 299 Paramorinia, Brauer and Bergen- stamm, Ins. 3C0 Paramphibolia, Brauer and Bergen- stamm, Ins. 301 Paramythia, De Vis, Aves 50 Paraneasra, Brauer and Bergen- stamm, Ins. 299 Paranemia, Heyden, Ins. 138 Parapallene, Carpenter, Crust. 33 Paraphilernus, Desbrochers, Ins. 155 Paraphysa, Simon, Arachn. 28 Paraplagia, Brauer and Bergen- stamm, Ins. 299 Paraplinthus, Faust, Ins. 155 Pararicia, Brauer and Bergenstamm, Ins. 301 Pararistias, Robertson, Crust. 25 Parasarcophila, Brauer and Bergen- stamm, Ins. 300 Parasetigena, Brauer and Bergen- stamm, Ins. 299 Paratachina, Brauer and Bergen- stamm, Ins. 300 12 INDEX TO NEW GENERA AND SUBGENERA. Paratsenia, Kerremans, Ins. 125 Parathrylea, Duvivier, Ins. 180 Paratrixa, Brauer and Berg enstamm. Ins. 300 Paratryphera, Brauer and Bergen- stamm , Ins. 298 Pardaliscoides, Stebbing, Crust. 27 Paroediceros, Scirs, Crust. 26 Parthanosaurus, Skuphis. Bept. 34 Passiena, Thor ell , Arachn. 24 Patala, Moore , Ins. 220 Patanocnema, Karsch , Ins. 305 Patulopsis, Suter, Moll. 62 Pavieia, Brongniart , Ins. 165 Pegada, Moore , Ins. 220 Pelagia, Gumppenberg , Ins. 270 Pelecostoma, Reibisch , Moll. 63 Pelioderma, Bergroth , Ins. 305 Pelobrochis, Lucas , Ins. 244 Peltorhynchus, Thorell , Arachn. 32 Peltura, Perugia , Pisces 26 Pentacnemus, Howard , Ins. 207 Pentacodon, Scott, Mamm. 31 Pentarthrinus, Casey , Ins. 155 Penthima, Kraatz , Ins. 121 Penthoplophora, Tepper , Ins. 330 Percolestus, Sloane, Ins. 96 Periaulax, Cossmann , Moll. 86 Periculodes, Crust. 26 Perissobasis, Reuter , Ins. 311 Peristichia, Dali , Moll. 84 Perrierella, Chevreux and Bouvier , Crust. 25 Petinops, Brauer and Bergenstcnnm , Ins. 299 Petrostoma, Dbderlein , Spong. 16 Pexomyia, Brauer and Bergen- stamm , Ins. 298 Phaenodeius, Peringuey , Ins. 156 Phalacra, Staudinger , Ins. 258 Pharcidella, Dali , Moll. 84 Pharmacophagus, Haase , Ins. 213 Phasiophana, Brauer and Bergen- stamm , Ins. 301 Philsenia, Kirby , Ins. 245 Philagria, Kirby , Ins. 245 Philiris, Rober, Ins. 223 Philudoria, Kirby , Ins. 245 Phitrus, Karsch , Ins. 326 Phlebohecta, Hampson , Ins. 245 Phorculus, Cossmann , Moll. 86 Phricta, Redtenbacher, Ins. 330 Phrissoecia, Simon , Arachn. 28 Phthorarcha, Meyrich , Ins. 271 Phyllomantis, Saussure, Ins. 326 Phyllomonas, Klebs, Prot. 31 Phyllotribouia, Pictet and Saussure , Ins. 330 Phyllozelus, Pictet and Saussure, Ins. 330 Physetonotus, Reuter , Ins. 311 Piarosoma, Hampson, Ins. 245 Piasus, Jacoby , Ins. 180 Pilemostoma, Desbr ocher s , Ins. 180 Pimeliopsis, Champion, Ins. 138 Pinnaspis, Cockerell, Ins. 318 Pirga, Aurivillius, Ins. 245 Placetron, Schalfeef, Crust. 22 Placilla, Moore, Ins. 220 Plsesiomys, Hall and Clarke, Bracb .7 Plagiobothrus, Karsch, Arachn. 28 Plagiocampa, SchewiahojJ , Prot. 32 Plagiochseta, Benharn, Yermes 51 Plagiomima, Brauer and Bergen- stcimm, Ins. 301 Plagiopholis, Boulenger , Bept. 27 Plagiprospherysa, Townsend, Ins. 297 Planadecta, Simon , Arachn. 28 Planctoplana, Graff , Vermes 72 Planolocha, Meyrick , Ins. 271 Platamartus, Reitter, Ins. 108 Platychilina, Woehrmann and Koken , Moll. 85 Platydasys, Butler, Ins. 258 Platy lister, Lewis , Ins. 105 Platyopisthen, Roelofs, Ins. 156 Platytatus, Bergroth, Ins. 305 Platyzygseua, Swinhoe, Ins. 245 Plecteulota, Moellendorff Mol!. 60 Plectorthis, Hall and Clarke , Brach. 7 Pleionogaster, Michaelsen, Yermes 15 Plesiobaris, Casey, Ins. 156 Plesiocerithium, Cosswinnw, Moll. 72 Plethocardia, Ulrich, Mol!. 92 Pleurobranchillus, Bergh, Moll. 70 Pleuronota, Kraatz, Ins. 121 Plusilla, Staudinger, Ins. 258 Podohuenia, Gavino, Crust. 17 Podotachina, Brauer and Bergen- stamm , Ins. 299 Poecilogramma, Butler , Ins. 259 Poecilomallus, Bates, Ins. 166 Poecilop^yra, Dohrn , Ins. 330 Pcecilosticta, Kraatz, Ins. 118 Polemistus, Saussure , Ins. 193 Polichus, Thorell , Arachn. 17 Polychserus, Mark , Yermes 72 Polycirsus, Cossmann, Moll. 79 Polymazns, Gerstaecker , Ins. 310 Polymicrus, Faust , Ins. 156 Polynesia, Swinhoe , Ins. 271 Polypostia, Bergendal, Yermes 72 Polysyncraton, Nott, Tun. 6 Polytoechia, Hall & Clarke , Brach. 7 INDEX TO NEW GENERA AND SUBGENEEA. 13 Pontomyxa, Topsent, Prot. 18 Pontosaurus, Gorjanovic - Kram- berger , Kept. 25 Porphyriornis, Allen , Aves 31 Porrhothele, Simon , Arachn. 28 Porzanula, Frohawk , Aves 30 Potamanax, Pilsbry, Moll. 77 Prsestilbia, Staudinger, Ins. 259 Preptos, Schaus , Ins. 246 Prionopaltys, IParrew, Ins. 277 Prisma, Simrotk , Moll. 66 Pristoneura, Reuter , Ins. 312 Proalligator, Ambrosetti , Kept. 32 Proboloptera, Meyrick, Ins. 271 Procampta, Holland , Ins. 225 Proctammodes, Blackburn , Ins. 113 Procyclotus, Fischer , Moll. 81 Prodasycnemis, Warren, Ins. 277 Progenetta, Deperet , Mamm. 29 Prolasius, Forel , Ins. 200 Promeco tarsus, Casey , Ins. 156 Promilesia, Arribalzaga, Ins. 292 Propodinema, Ambrosetti, Kept. 23 Prorhynchops, Brauer and Bergen - stamm , Ins. 300 Prosenoides, Brauer and Bergen- stamm, Ins. 300 Prosheliomyia, Brauer and Bergen- stamm, Ins. 300 Prosopophora, Douglas , Ins. 318 Prosthecocotyle, Monticelli , Vermes 65 Prosthenodon, Cossmann, Moll. 77 Protadia, Simon, Arachn. 19 Proteinidium, Bates, Ins. 166 Protochriacus, Scott , Mamm. 31 ?Protocimex, Moberg, Ins. 83 Protodus, Woodward , Pisces 37 Protogonodon, Scott , Mamm. 32 Protopaussus, Gestro , Ins. 103 Protorthis,Z/«£/«.W Clarke, Brach. 7 Provipera, Kinkelin , Kept. 30 Proxyrodes, Blackburn , Ins. 156 Psalidopus, Wood - Mason and Alcock , Crust. 24 Psammonyx, Boderlein, Prot. 20 Pselligmus, Simon, Arachn. 28 Pseudachlamys, Duvivier, Ins. 132 Pseudaclees, Faust, Ins. 156 Pseudaccenites, Kriechbaumer, Ins. 204 Pseudanchonus, Faust , Ins. 157 Pseudantheraea, Weymer , Ins. 246 Pseudantiora, Kirby, Ins. 246 Pseudaphelia, Kirby , Ins. 246 Pseudargynnis, Karsch, Ins. 218 Pseudarthromerus, Karsch , Arachn. 34 1892. [yol. xxix.] Pseudasbolia, Kirby , Ins. 246 Pseudathyrma, Butler, Ins. 259 Pseudatractocera, Townsend, Ins. 297 Pseudavicula, Jack and Etheridge, Moll. 94 Pseuderchia, Kirby, Ins. 246 Pseudhypsa, Kirby, Ins. 246 Pseudobarynotus, Desbrochers, Ins. 157 Pseudocassida, Desbrochers , Ins. 180 Pseudochthonius, Balzan , Arachn. 34 Pseudocrania, Weise, Ins. 180 Pseudodexia, Brauer and Bergen - stamm, Ins. 300 Pseudodiabrotica, Jacoby, Ins. 180 Pseudodiloma, Cossmann, Moll. 86 Pseudodinera, Brauer and Bergen- stamm, Ins. 300 Pseudofossarus, Woehrmann and Koken, Moll. 78 Pseudogermaria, Brauer and Ber- genstamm, Ins. 299 Pseudoglessula, Bcettger, Moll. 66 Pseudoheteronyx, Blackburn , Ins. 116 Pseudoides, Jacoby, Ins. 181 Pseudojana, Hampson, Ins. 246 Pseudolatirus, Cossmann, Moll. 73 Pseudomalaia, Kraatz , Ins. 118 Pseudomaniola, Robei\ Ins. 223 Pseudomicra, Butler, Ins. 259 Pseudomyothyria, Townsend, Ins. 297 Pseudoparlatoria, Cockerell, Ins. 319 Pseudopholis, Duvivier, Ins. 116 Pseudopiomera, Jacoby , Ins. 181 Pseudorhynchocyon,_F77Ao£, Mamm. 27 Pseudoscalites, Kittl, Moll. 75 Pseudoscopelus, Liltken, Pisces 23 Pseudotagma, Staudinger , Ins. 271 Pseudoviviania, Brauer and Bergen- stamm, Ins. 298 Psiloderces, Simon , Arachn. 23 Psilosticha, Meyrick, Ins. 271 Psomus, Casey, Ins. 157 Pterygotheca, Novak , Moll. 70 Ptilodegeeria, Brauer and Bergen- stamm , Ins. 300 Ptilolasmus, Ogilvie- Grant, Aves 42 Ptilotachina, Brauer and Bergen- stamm, Ins. 299 Ptiloxena, Chapman, Aves 51 Ptycheulimella, Sacco, Moll. 84 Puer, Ortmann , Crust. 22 Pungtungia, Herzenstein, Pisces 27 F 13 14 INDEX TO NEW GENERA AND SUBGENEEA. Pustularia, I Voehrmann and Koken, Moll. 77 Putlia, Moore . Ins. 220 Pycnobaris, Casey , Ins. 157 Pygetera, Kirby , Ins. 246 Pyracoderns, Guillebeau , Ins. 107 Pyrgodesmus, Pocock , Myr. 5 Pyrgolampros, Sacco, Moll. 84 Pytheas, Topsent , Spong. 22 Quassiremus, Jordan and Davis, Pisces 31 Rabula, Jordan and Davis, Pisces 31 Rachias, Simon, Arachn. 29 Raddea, Alpheraky , Ins. 259 ' Radulphius, Keyserling, Arachn. 20 Radsiella, Pilsbry, Moll. 89 Raecius, Simon, Arachn. 33 Rafinesquina, Hall and Clarke, Brach. 7 Rancora, Smith , Ins. 259 Rangbia, Moore , Ins. 220 Rezia, Kirby, Ins. 246 Rhabderemia, Topsent, Spong. 22 Rhabdops, Boulenger, Rept. 27 Rhadinomerus, Faust, Ins. 157 Rhammatopoda, Redtenbacher, Ins. 330 Rhamphocoius, Casey , Ins. 157 Rhechosticha, Simon, Arachn. 29 Rhectocraspeda, Warren , Ins. 277 Rhicnodus, Fairmaire, Ins. 138 Rhinochrosis, Desbrochers, Ins. 157 Rhinomacquartia, Brauer and Ber- genstamm, Ins. 300 Rhinoscopelus, Liltken, Pisces 26 Rhizorhina, Hansen , Crust. 31 Rhochinogaster, Karsch , Ins. 310 Rhodacanthis, Rothschild, Aves 52 Rhodareas, Kirby, Ins. 246 Rhodometra, Meyrick, Ins. 271 Rhopalomyia, Rubsaamen, Ins. 284 Rhoptria, Gumppenberg, Ins. 271 Rhynchomonas, Klebs, Prot. 31 Rhyparobia, Kraiiss, Ins. 326 Rhyparonotus, Faust, Ins. 157 Rivularia, Heude, Moll. 79 Roemerella, Hall and Clarke , Brach. 6 Rotania, Giesbrecht, Crust. 34 Rues, Casey, Ins. 138 Rusidrina, Standing er , Ins. 259' Rybakowia, Jacobsohn, Ins. 181 Saccamoeba, Frenzel, Prot. 18 Sagdellina, Cossmanny Moll. 62 Samuza, Keyserling, Arachn. 21 Sapinella, Kirby , Ins. 247 Sarax, Simon, Arachn. 14 Sarcoclista, Townsend, Inst 297 Sarcodexia, Townsend, Ins. 297 Sarcodidemnoides, Oka and Willey , Tun. 6 Sarcomacronychia, Townsend, Ins. 297 Sarcotachinella, Townsend, Ins. 297 Sarinda, Peckham, Arachn. 18 Sarothromyia, Brauer and Bergen- stamm, Ins. 300 Saurorhynchus, Reis, Pisces 33 Scalidognathus, Karsch, Arachn. 29 Scelolethrus, Semenov) , Ins. 113 Schiosia, Boehm , Molt. 91 Schistomysis, Norman, Crust. 24 Schistosalius, Saussure, Ins. 194 Schizonotus, Casey, Ins. 157 Schizonotus, Reuter, Ins. 312 Scioglyptis, Meyrick, Ins. 271 Sciton, Blackburn, Ins. 117 Sclerocyphon, Blackburn, Ins. 129 Scodiomima, Standing er, Ins. 272 Scotinoecus, Simon, Arachn. 29 Scutotribonia, Pictet and Saussure , Ins. 331 Scymnomorpha,BZac&&?*?’n, Ins. 185 Seytalichthys, Jordan and Davisy Pisces 31 Sebastea, Kirby , Ins. 247 Seidlitzia, Desbrochers, Ins. 157 Selenomyia, Brauer and Bergen - stamm, Ins. 300 Sematocera, Durrani, Ins. 281 Semiactseon, Cossmann, Moll. 69 Semiauricula, Cossmann, Moll. 67 Semichnoodes, Weise, Ins. 185 Semiterebellum, Cossmann , Moll. 7& Semivertagus, Cossmann , Moll. 75 Semniomima, Warren, Ins. 278 Semora, Peckham, Arachn. 18 Senex, Ortmann, Crust. 22 Sepidiopsis, Gestro, Ins. 138 Sepiomus, Aurivillius, Ins. 158 Sericocoris, Karsch, Ins. 308 Sericoplaga, Warren, Ins. 278 Sesiophaga, Brauer and Bergen - stamm , Ins. 301 Sidemia, Staudinger, Ins. 259 Sigaretopsis, Cossmann, Moll. 82 Siglophora, Butler, Ins. 247 Silvanopsis, Grouvelle Ins. 109; Simophorus, Faust, Ins. 158 Simoponer For el t Ins. 20G Sinchula, Moore, Ins. 221 Sipalolasma, Simon, Arachn. 29 Siphoclytia, Townsend, Ins. 298 INDEX TO NEW GENERA AND SUBGENERA. 15 Siphophyto, Townsend , Ins. 298 Somabrachys, Kirby, Ins. 247 Somatrichia, Kirby , Ins. 247 Sophronopterus, Faust , Ins. 158 Spanioplon, Topsent, Spong. 22 Sparganophilus, Benho.m, Yermes 51 Sphaerarthra, Weise , Ins. 181 -Sphaerococcus, Maskell, Ins. 319 Sphaeromyxa, Thelohan , Prot. 29 Sphaeropyle, Rust , Prot. 25 Spheciospongia,Mars^a^, Spong. 22 Sphecodoptera, Hampson , Ins. 228 Spheniscosomus, Kraatz, Ins. 129 Sphragifera, Staudinger , Ins. 259 Spica, Sacco, Moll. 84 Spilopopillia, Kraatz , Ins. 118 Spinipalpa, Alpheraky , Ins. 259 Spinoza, Lewis, Ins. 132 Spintharina, Semenow, Ins. 201 Spirocapsa, Rust , Prot. 25 Spironema, Klebs, Prot. 31 Spirulirostrina, Canavari, Moll. 54 Spongia, Ogilvie , Spong. 24 Stasimopus, Simon , Arachn. 29 Stathmorrhopa, Meyrick, Ins. 272 Stegochilum, Schewiakoff, Prot. 32 Stenagenia, Saussure, Ins. 194 Stenancylus, Casey, Ins. 158 Stenochirus, Karsch , Arachn. 14 Stenochora, Warren, Ins. 278 Stenomeles, Warren , Ins. 278 Stenophylloides, Hampson , Ins. 248 Stenopyga, Karsch , Ins. 326 Steno valgus, Kolbe , Ins. 121 Stenygrocercus, Simon, Arachn. 29 Stephanocrates, Kolbe, Ins. 121 Stephanoon, Schewiakoff, Prot. 31 Sterrhochrotus, Simon, Arachn. 29 Sthenaropoda, Karsch , Ins. 331 Stibaroma, Meyrick , Ins. 272 Stichobasis, Kirby, Ins. 248 Sticthippus, "Scudder, Ins. 332 Stictobaris, Casey, Ins. 158 Stigmosphaerostvlus, Rust, Prot. 27 Stilbina, Staudinger, Ins. 259 Streptomonas, Klebs, Prot. 31 Streptopteron, Sivinhoe, Ins. 272 Strioturbonilla, Sacco , Moll. 84 Strobilidium, Schewiakoff, Prot. 32 Strobilcestrus, Brauer , Ins. 293 Stylinos, Topsent, Spong. 23 Stylogymnomyia, Brauer and Rer- genstamm> Ins. 301 Styloneuria, Brauer and Bergen- stamm, Ins. 300 Stylostichon, Topsent, Spong. 23 Sulcosubularia, Sacco, Moll. 84 Sulcoturbonilla, Sacco, Moll. 84 Sumnius, Weise , Ins. 185 Suteria, Pilsbry, Moll. 60 Sveltella, Cossmann, Moll. 72 Symmachia, Brenske, Ins. 117 Synapticola, Voigt, Crust. 31 Synarmadillo, Dollfuss, Crust. 28 Synchelidium, Sars, Crust. 26 Synegiodes, Swinhoe , Ins. 272 Syngonorthus, Butler, Ins. 272 Syntomoides, Hampson , Ins. 248 Synute, Bendy, Spong. 16 Systenope, Cossmann, Moll. 72 Tachinomima, Brauer and Bergen - stamm , Ins. 300 Tachinomyia, Townsend, Ins. 298 Tachinophyto, Townsend, Ins. 298 Tachinoptera, Brauer and Bergen -- stamm, Ins. 298 Tachyornis, Milne- Edwards, Aves 44 Tactoderus, Fuirmaire, Ins. 139 and errata Tamphana, Schaus , Ins. 248 Tanaophysa, Warren, Ins. 278 Tantura, Kirby, Ins. 248 Tanyzonus, Marshall, Ins. 207 Tapinattus, Thorell, Arachn. 18 Tapinopus, Milne-Edwards, Aves 35 Tectariopsis, Cossmann, Moll. 86 Tedinus, Casey, Ins. 141 Tegonotus, Nalepai Arachn. 38 Telacodon, Marsh, Mamm. 53 Tenagogonus, Cerstaecker, Ins. 309 Tenesis, Duvivier , Ins. 139 Tephromyia, Brauer and Bergen- stamm, Ins. 300 Terastiodes, Warren, Ins. 278 Terpnosia, Distant, Ins. 313 Tesiasena , Fleutiaux, Ins. 129 Tetracladia, Howard, Ins. 207 Tetracleenodon, Scott , Mamm. 31 Tetragrapha, Brauer and Bergen- stamm , Ins, 299 Tetralepis, Bcettger, Rept. 28 Tetraphleps, Hampson, Ins. 249 Tetrastyla, Schewiakoff, Prot. 32 Tetreurytarsa, Horn, Ins. 90 Teucer, Kirby, Ins. 249 Thalassohelix, Pilsbry , Moll. 60 Theclinesthes, Raber, Ins. 224 Thecocyrtella, Bittnerr Brach, 7 Thelychaeta, Brauer and Bergen- stamm, Ins. 301 Thelymyia, Brauer and Bergen- stamin, Ins. 299 Thesalia, Casey, Ins. 167 16 INDEX TO NEW GENERA AND SUBGENERA. Thlaaodon, Cope, Mamm, 54 Thoracites, Brauer and Bergen- stamm, Ins. 300 Thrinaconyx, Saussure , Ins. 326 Thylakidium, Schewiakoff, Prot. 32 Th.y\akomon&s, Schewiakoff, Prot.3 1 Thysanomyia, Brauer and Bergen - stamm , Ins. 299 Tiaporus, Cope , Rept. 23 Tiarella, Cossmann , Moll. 75 Tibetobia, Frivaldszky , Ins. 167 Ticera, Swinhoe , Ins. 249 Tigidia, Simon , Arachn. 29 Timus, Peringuey , Ins. 159 Tineomima, Staudinger , Ins. 281 Tmesiphantes, Simon , Arachn. 29 Tolypaspis, Schmidt, Pisces 35 Tomasina , Hall and Clarke , Brach.6 Tortisipho, Cossmann , Moll. 73 Tosaura, Swinhoe , Ins 273 Totua, Key ser ling, Arachn. 31 Toxoides, H amp son, Ins. 250 Trabaloides, Kirby, Ins. 249 Trachyschoenium,(7oas7?2am2,Moll.75 Trachyzulpha, Dohrn , Ins. 331 Transvaalia, Distant, Ins. 308 Trematobolus, Matthew, Brach. 6 Trepobaris, Casey, Ins. 159 Tretospira, Woehrmannand Koken, Moll. 78 Triacetelus, Bates, Ins. 167 Trichseta, Swinhoe, Ins. 249 Trichauchenia, Warren, Ins. 278 Trichocarennm, Blackburn, Ins. 98 Trichocerota, Hampson, Ins. 228 Tricholimax, Frenzel, Prot. 18 Trichorcus, Blackburn, Ins. 185 Trichromia, Fairmaire, Ins. 167 Tricosemeia, Holland, Ins. 226 Tridentulus, Cope, Rept. 24 Trigonomonas, Klebs, Prot. 31 Trigonosomus, Faust, Ins. 159 Trilophomys, Deperet , Mamm. 35 Triplophleps, Hampson, Ins. 249 Trirhinopholis, Boulenger, Rept. 28 Trischistognatha, Warren, Ins. 279 Tristania, Kirby, Ins. 249 Tritomicrus, Fairmaire, Ins. 167 Trixoclista, Townsend, Ins. 298 Trophonina, Bober , Ins. 221 Turritodostomia, Sacco, Moll. 84 Tykonus, Micliaelsen, Yermes 51 Tylochilus, Cossmann, Moll. 76 Tylopteryx, Hutton, Aves 25 Tympanoptera, Pictet and Saussure , Ins. 331 Typhlotriton, Stejneger , Rept. 40 Uhlunga, Distant, Ins. 305 Undularia, Woehrmann and Koken , Moll. 77 Urgnlania, Thor ell, Arachn. 26 Urophagus, Klebs, Prot. 31 Usambius, Kolbe , Ins. 170 Utella, Dendy , Spong. 16 Valenns, Casey, Ins. 168 Venefica, JorJa/i and Davis, Pisces 31 Yermiculus, Goodrich, Yermes 51 Yirgo, Staudinger, Ins. 260 Yiridonia, Rothschild , Aves 54 Yitalis, Fairmaire , Ins. 170 Yitrinoides, Simroth, Moll. 58 Yitriwebbina, Chapman , Prot. 21 Yosmaeropsis, Dendy, Spong. 16 Wateletia, Cossmann, Moll. 75 Weltina, Piersig, Arachn. 36 Xanthodiscus, Schewiakoff, Prot. 31 Xenesthis, Simon, Arachn. 29 Xenogenius, Kolbe, Ins. 122 Xenomys, Merriam, Mamm. 35 Xenomystax, Jordan and Davis Pisces 31 Xenorthrius, Gorham, Ins. 132 Xenosyllides, Periaslavzeff, Yermes 47 Xerospermophilus, Merriam, Mamm . 33 Xiphopheromyia, Bigot, Ins. 292 Xylomoia, Staudinger, Ins. 260 Xylotachina, Brauer and Bergen- stamm, Ins. 299 Yvesia, Topsent, Spong. 23 Zamacra, Meyrick, Ins. 273 Zametopias, Thor ell, Arachn. 32 Zatapina, Karsch, Arachn. 26 Zebeeba, Kirby, Ins. 249 Zeloticus, Peringuey, Ins. 98 Zeuzerodes, Pagenstecher, Ins. 279 Ziaelas, Fairmaire, Ins. 139 Zonochroa, Brauer and Bergen- stamm , Ins. 301 Zosteromyia, Brauer and Bergen- stamm, Ins. 300 Zschokkea, Kcenike, Arachn. 36 Zuniga, Peckham, Arachn. 18 Zutulba, Kirby, Ins. 250 Zygsenopsis, Swinhoe, Ins. 250 Zygopleura, Woehrmann and Koken. Moll. 77 END OE THE TWENTY-NINTH VOLUME. LIST OF THE PUBLICATIONS OF THE ZOOLOGICAL SOCIETY OF LONDON. The scientific publications of the Zoological Society of London are of two kinds — “ Proceedings/” published in an octavo form, and “ Transactions, ” in quarto. According to the present arrangements, the “ Proceedings " contain not only notices of all business transacted at the scien- tific meetings, but also all the papers read at such meetings and recommended to be published in the “Proceedings" by the Committee of Publication. A large number of coloured plates and engravings are attached to each annual volume of the “ Proceedings," to illustrate the new or otherwise remark- able species of animals described in them. Amongst such illustrations, figures of the new or rare species acquired in a living state for the Society's Gardens are often given. The “ Proceedings " for each year are issued in four parts, on the first of the months of June, August, October, and April, the part published in April completing the volume for the preceding year. The “Transactions" contain such of the more important communications made to the scientific meetings of the Society as, on account of the nature of the plates required to illustrate them, are better adapted for publication in the quarto form. They are issued at irregular intervals. Fellows and Corresponding Members, upon payment of a Subscription of One Guinea before the day of the Anni- versary Meeting in each year, are entitled to receive all the Society's Publications for the year. They are likewise entitled to purchase the Publications of the Society at 25 per cent, less than the price charged for them to the Public. A further reduction of 25 per cent, is made upon purchases of Publications issued prior to 1871, if they exceed the value of five pounds. The following is a complete list of the publications of the Society already issued. They may be obtained at the Society's Office (3 Hanover Square, W.), at Messrs. Longmans', the Society's publishers (Paternoster Fow, E.C.), or through any bookseller. [August, 1893.] 2 TRANSACTIONS OF THE ZOOLOGICAL SOCIETY OF LONDON. 4to. 12 vols. and 7 Parts. Price to Price to the Fellows. Public. £ s. d. £ s. d. Vol. I., containing 59 Plates . ... (1833-35) .... 3 13 6 .... 4 18 0* n, „ 71 yy . .. (1835-41) .... 4 0 0 .... 5 6 6* hi., „ 63 yy ... (1842-49) .... 3 8 3 .... 4 11 0* iv., „ 77 yy . .. (1851-62) .... 6 2 0 .... 8 2 6 ?? V., „ 67 yy ... (1862-66) .... 5 4 3 .... 6 ]9 0 jj VI, „ 92 yy ... (1866-69) .... 11 5 0 .... 15 0 0 5? VII, „ 73 yy . .. (1869-72) .... 10 4 0 .... 13 12 0 )) VIII, „ 82 yy ... (1872-74) .... 9 8 3 .... 12 11 0 V IX, „ 99 yy ... (1875-77) .... 12 1 6 .... 16 2 0 X, „ 95 yy ... (1877-79) .... 10 0 3 .... 13 7 0 Index, Vols. I.-X. ... (1833-79) .... 0 7 6 .... 0 10 0 Vol. XI, containing 97 Plates. . (1880-85) . . . . 9 12 0 .... 12 16 0 ,? XII, „ 65 „ .. (1886-90) .... 5 8 0 .... 7 4 0 )? XIII, Pt. 1 yy 6 „ .. (Jan. 1891).... 0 15 9 .... ] 1 0 V „ Pt. 2 yy 6 „ .. (Apr. 1891).... 0 15 9 .... 1 1 0 yj „ Pt. 3 yy 6 yy .. (Oct, 1891).... 0 18 0 .... 1 4 0 yy „ Pt. 4 yy 1 yy .. (Apr. 1892).... 0 4 6 .... 0 6 0 yy „ Pt. 5 yy 9 „ .. (Feb. 1893) ... . 0 11 3 .... 0 15 0 yy » Pt. 6 yy 4 „ . . (June 1893) . . 0 9 0 .... 0 12 0 yy „ Pt.7 yy 6 „ . . (Aug. 1893) . . 0 9 0 .... 0 12 0 PROCEEDINGS OF THE COMMITTEE OP SCIENCE AND CORRESPONDENCE OP THE ZOOLOGICAL SOCIETY OP LONDON. 8vO. 2 vols. Price to Price to the Fellows. Public. Part I. 1830-31. 1 vol. 8vo 4 s. 6d 6s. f „ II. 1832. „ 4s. 6<7. .... 6s. PROCEEDINGS OF THE ZOOLOGICAL SOCIETY OF LONDON. 8vo. 15 vols. and Index. Price to Price to the (First Series.) Price to Price to the Part Fellows. t I. 1833. 1 vol. 8vo. 4s. 6<7. , Public, . . 6s.f Part IX. 1841. Fellows. 1 vol. 8vo. 4s. 6(7. Public. .. 6s.f II. 1834. yy 4s. 6d. , . . 6s. yy X. 1842. yy 4s. 6d. .. 6s. III. 1835. yy 4s. Qd. , . . 6s. yy XI. 1843. yy 4s. 6d. .. 6s. t IV. 1836. V 4s. 6d. . , . 6s. yy XII. 1844. yy 4s. 6d. . . 6s. V. 1837. yy 4s. 6d. , .. 6s. yy XIII. 1845. yy 4s. 6(7. . . 6s. VI. 1838. yy 4s. 6<7. , , . 6s. yy XIV. 1846. yy 4s. 6(7. . . 6s.f VII. 1839. yy 4s. 6d. . . . 6s.f yy XV. 1847. yy 4s. 6(7. .. 6s.f VIII. 1840. yy 4s. 6d. . . 6s.f Index 1830-1847. yy 4s. 6(7. . . 6s. 8vo, 13 vols. and Index. (Second Series.) Part Letterpress only. With Plates coloured. Price to Price to the Price to Price to the Fellows. Public. Fellows. Public. £ s. d. £ s. (7. XVI. 1848. 1 vol.'8vo. 4s. 6(7. . . 6s .. 1 0 8 .. 1 7 6f XVII. 1849. yy 4s. 6(7. . . 6s ..10 8 .. 1 7 6+ XVIII. 1850. yy 4s. 6(7. . . 6s ..18 6 .. 1 18 Of XIX. 1851. yy 4s. 6(7. . . 6s . . 0 15 9 .. 1 1 Of XX. 1852. yy 4s. 6<7. . . 6s . . 0 15 9 .. 1 1 Of XXL 1853. yy 4s. 6 d. . . 6s . . 0 18 0 .. 1 4 Of XXII. 1854. yy 4s. 6(7. . . 6s . . 0 19 6 . . 1 6 Of XXIII. 1855. yy 4s. 6 d. . . 6s . . 18 6 . . 1 18 Of XXIV. 1856. yy 4s. 6<7. . . 6s .. 1 0 8 .. 1 7 6f XXV. 1857. yy 4s. 6(7. . . 6s ... 1 o 8 .. 1 7 6f XXVI. 1858. yy 4s. 6(7. . . 6s . . 1 11 6 . . 2 2 .Of XXVII. 1859. yy 4s. 6d. . , 6s . . 1 11 6 .. 2 2 Of XXVIII. 1860. yy 4s. 6d. 6s . . 1 11 6 . . 2 2 Of x 1848-1860. yy 4s. 6(7. .. 6s. * No perfect copies in stock. t Out of print. 3 PROCEEDINGS OF THE SCIENTIFIC MEETINGS OF THE ZOOLOGICAL SOCIETY OF LONDON. 8vo. 30vols. and 3 Indices, Letterpress only. With Plates Price to Price to the Priee to Fellows. Public. Fellows. 1861 . . 4s. Qd. . . . . 6s . . 9s. 1862 . . 4s. Qd. . , . .. 6s .. 9s. 1863 . . 4s. Qd. . . . . 6s .. 9s. 1864 . . 4s. Qd. . . , . . 6s.* .... . . 9s. 1865 . . 4s. Qd, . , . . . 6s .. 9s. 1866 . . 4s. Qd. . . , . . 6s* .. 9s. 1867 .. 9s. 1868 1869 1870 .. 9s. Index, 1861-1870 • ••••«■•• • . . 4s. Qd, 1871 .. 9s. 1872 .. 9s. 1873 1874 .. 9s. 1875 1876 1877 .. 9s. 1878 .. 9s. 1879 .. 9s. 1880 .. 9s. Index, 1871-1880 . . 4s. Qd. 1881 .. 9s. 1882 .. 9s. 1883 .. 9s. 1884 .. 9s. 1885 .. 9s. 1886 .. 9s. 1887 .. 9s. 1888 .. 9s. 1889 .. 9s. 1890 .. 9s. Index, 1881-1890 . . 4s. Qd. * Iso perfect copies in stock. uncoloured. With Plates coloured. Price to the Price to Price to the Public, Fellows. Public. .. 12s . . 33s. 9 d. .... 45s. .. 12s . . 33 s. Qd. .... 45s. .. 12s . . 33s. Qd. .... 45s. .. 12s.f. . . . . . 33 s. Qd. .... 45s. . . 12s . . 33s. Qd. .... 45s. .. 12s.f. . . . . . 33 s. Qd. .. 12s.*.... . . 33s. Qd. .... 45s. .. 12s . . 33 s. Qd. .... 45s. . . 12s . . 33 s. Qd. .... 45s. .. 12s . . 33 s. Qd. .... 45s. 6s. .. 12s.*.... . . 33 s. 9c?. .... 45s. .. 12s.*.... . . 33s. Qd, .... 45s.t .. 12s . . 33s. 9