Cornell XUníversity LIBRARY OF THE DEPARTMENT OF ENTOMOLOGY 1aew Dorh State College of Figrículture SLINGERLAND COLLECTION The date shows when this volume was taken. To renew this book copy the call No. and give to the librarian. HOME USE RULES All Books subject to Recali All borrowers must regis- . terin the library to borrow books for home use. All books must be re- turned at end of college * year for inspection and repairs. i j Limited books must be re- turned within the four week limit and not renewed. Students must return all books before leaving town. Officers should arrange for the return of books wanted during their absence from town. Volumes of periodicals and of pamphlets are held in the library as much as possible. For special pur- poses they are given out for a limited time. Borrowers should not use their library privileges for - the benefit of other persons. Books of special value and gift books, when the giver wishes it, are not allowed to circulate. Readers are asked to re- port all cases of books marked or mutilated. ^ Do not deface books by marks and writing. Fundamenta Entomologiz S NOR AN PNACPRODUCTION I oO RE * . KNOWLEDGE of INSECTS. » BEING A TRANSLATION OF THE Fundamenta Emtomologiee of LiNN US, PA ROLHE E Illuftrated with Copper Plates and. Additions, e By W. CURTIS, Arornzcany; bs d Ls 0 NB Oo Ned Á Printed for the Author; and fold by G. Pranca, Cheapfide, MDCUCLNXII, »" 12-22 A DWER 'BELSEM INT: HE piece of which the following isa tranílation, was originally written by Andrew John Bladh, a pupil of the ce- lebràted Linnzus, and after- wards publifhed in the 7th vol. of Linnzus's AMOENITATES ÁCA- DhMICA X Tt may therefore be confidered if not entirely as Lin- nzus's own, yet as having the. fanction of his approbation. It afforded me fo much plea- - *fure in the perufal, and appear- ed ío well adapted to facilitate | ! A 2 the , "ERSUEDINE MEM M 7) |, 154 AN IU4. K Y. X F 229 Qr ADIP AP i L. Soma Puer RM Aper M ERA the knowledge of infeés, that I was induced to make this traní- lation ef it public, in order that others might receive the fame en- tertainment, and this agreeable Ítudy become more general. 'The addition of the copper plates will, it is prefumed, tend to make what is contained in thefe pages better underftood ; and by that mede ftill dimid anfwer the end the tranflator had in view by this publication, EXPL4As bU ee j s ; ] e. z 24d " EXPLANATION of PLATE 1. Fig. 1, 24" 1,:4,. $4, 6, 1n plate 1. and fg. 4k 1s plate i ii. reprefent the feveral kinds of Antennze, page 38. Fig. 1. PECTINATZ, or Feather'd, as in the P/a- dene, ÁMaths. .2. PrERFoLIATJE, or Perfoliated, as in the Dermefles and Dytiftus. jJ. FISSILES, or Fiffile, divided into Laminze at the extremity; as in the S«araba, Beetles. 4. CLAvATA, or Clüb-fbaped, as in the Papilio, Butterfly. 5. MoNILIFORMES, like aNecklace o£ Beds, ^ asin the Chryfomela. 6. SETACEU, Setaceous, or Briftle-fhap'd, | as in 'many of the Phalenz. i 7. AmisrATJE, fig. 6, plate ii. furnifhed with a lateral hair, as in the Z/y, 8-9. « Caput, the Head. bxPalpi, er Féelers. . c Antennz, or Horns, d Oculi, the Eyes. e "Thorax | aM f Scutellum, or Efcutcheon, 3 . g Pectus, or Breaft. b Sternum, or B:eaft Bone. » i Abdomen, and its fegments, "e Anus. , 4 Elytra, or Shells. x i£ Membranous Wings, é Fig. 8-9. [^] . Fig. 8-9.» Pedes, or Feet, which are Natatorii, 10. o Femur, or Thigh. II. p Vibia, or Leg. " q Tarfus, or Foot. ha r Unguis, or Claw. a "The Anterior part of the Wing, b "The Pofterior part. c "The Exterior part. d 'The Interior part. e 'The Margin. f The Difk, or Middle, £g Oculus, or Eye. BXRI AW m yes ai ion C P. Ya nv tale: » Dt falipieondt Pri bec "n " Dd 3 ijui eng BOXDPILANATIIDN,of;PLATE IL. Tun 1.26 2543/45510, 77. Teprgfent the. clafies of Infe&ts, page 70. Fig. 1. CorroóPTERA, fuch as have cruftaceous Elytra, or Shells, which fhut together, and form a longitudinal future down the back of the infect, as in the Chafer. In moft infects of this clafs the Elytra . cover the Abdomen entirely ; in others but partially, as in the Earwig, &c. 'Ihe word is derived from se, a Sheath, and zlj», a Wing. —— 2$. HEMrIPTERA, have their upper wings moft commonly half cruftaceeus, and half membranaceous, not divided by a longi- tudinal future, but incumbent on each other; as in the Water-fcorpion and Grafshopper. From Z,v, half, and «iov, a Wing. 3. LzPipoPTERA, have four wings, cover'd with fine fcales in the form of powder or meal, as in the Butterfly and Moth, from zie, a Scale, and zi», a Wing. 4. NEuRoPTERA, have four membraneous tranfparent naked wings, generally re- ticulated, with veins or nerves; tail without a fting, as in the Libellula or Dragon-fly ; from xev, a. Nerve, and ar legor, a Wing. Fig. s. [ ovii (T ? x 5. HYMENOPTERA, have four membraneous . wings, tail furnifhed with a fting for various purpofes ; ; asin the Wafp and - Ichneumon, from «4», a Membrane | or Pellicle, and zii» a wing. 6. DirrERA, Two wings only, and Poifers,as in the Houfe-fly ; from vo, two, and — Shükpów, a Wing. 7. ÁPTERA, have no wings; as the Spider, &c. from à Without, and «pw, a | Wing. ; D..9- I6: 45 reprefent. con infe& in it$ oe Caterpillar, Pupa, and Perfedt ate, á AUN AN INTRODUCTION lo: T O ENTOMOLOGY. SECTION L ^73 HE pleafüre and utihty of na- tural hiftory, including its fe- vetal branches, is fo great, that 1t has engaged the attention of mankind from thé. remotéft: period of time: there is Ícarce an age but what has contributed fomewhatto its increafe, though 1n fome countries 1t has not been purfued with the like ardour, nor attended with the 5 fame ide MR 772009 (rie füccefs as in others. ^ The all wife Author of Nature hath implanted in the mind a peculiar thirft for know- ledge, which however, from the nar4 row limits of our intelleds, and the infinite variety of objets, is not poffeft | by all in the fame degree. When this principle: is rightly directed, it may juflly be called a fpur to wifdom, otherwife 1 it 15 apt to precipitate us into, doubts and uncertainties, and in at- tempting many and great things we perform nothing. "To fay nothing of other purfuits, would it not have been * more reafonable for the aritients, who devoted themíelves to the fítudy of aftrology, and the contemplation of ce- leftial bodies, at an infinite diftance, to - have invefügated the various inhabi- tants of their own planet, and been: more foliitous about things which |. were really known to exift, than about , thofe cu mt ate 4] thofe whofe exiftence was only pro- bable ? * Itis the opinion of moft 'Theologifts and Philofophers, that the two branches of natural hiftory, zoology and botany, were among the primary ftadies of our firft-parents. ' Botany, if we 'except the times of barbarifm, has every where been cultivated; but zoology 1n general has lain. almoft neglected, even to our time; that part more particularly which: relates to infects, has, for reafons we fhall prefently mention, been defpifed and ill treated. | As this fcience 1s too extenfive to be fully difplayed by any one perfon, my intention 1s to propofe it in as fhort a manner as poflible, by running through its principal heads: Infe&s exceed other terreftrial animals | in number of individuals and fpecies, and taken alltogether, conftitute alarger D 2 bulk. ——— f: 4 y bulk. Notwithftanding their «cone temptible appearance, each of them has its proper bufinefs afligned toit in —- the economy and police of nature, - whereby they frequently tranfa& the | greateft things, and though gradually . and flowly, yet by their number they effe& what would appear to exceed all expectation and belief. — Salis clo aci I'I' was formerly believed that in- Íe&s were produced by equivocal ge- neration, or from putrefaction, and that the putrified remains of other animals were changed into them ; and that in- finite mixtures and varieties might thus aníe without law or order. "This ab- furd and futile opinion, almoft univer- fally prevailed 'till the times of Harvey. and Doux. and Rhedi, who, from uncoritroverted experiments, proved that the fame laws of propagation exifted in thoíó as in other animals, and «that every Zving dhing «was produced from an egg. | Some of thofe animals are extremely minute, Ío asto be fcarce.vifible to the naked eye,as ACARI,(z41e5) l'ugIPES,Coccr, PHALXNA OCCULTELLA, (4 fpecies of motb) others again are very large, as the Mowxocurus PorvPHEMUs, CAN- CER GaMaRUus, (Joblr) and íome others of the crab kind, ScAnAz2Jvs AcT EoN, ('a fpecies of beetle) and Pna- LENA ATLAS (anotber [hecies of morb). With regard to their ftrength, con- |. fidering their fize, 1t appears prodigi- ous. Excepting aquatic infe&s, which are Zdeznia]l, moft of them are amnual, and cannot fubfift through the winter | in our cold climate; but being renewed | every fpring, they render their fpecies ' feen- Mi DA ap re Bctrtlitr ls Reg t [d | gerennial: "They multiply incredibly, vying even with the fiflies in their in- creafé. Reaumur informs us, that one female bee can yearly depofit in the hive forty thoufand eggs; the fame author alfo difcovered in one fly two thoufand young ones: their ftru&ure, wonderful mechanifm, and fhape, dif- play the perfe&tion of the all-wife Cre- ator; in the beauty of their colours, | they are not inferior to the fineft ani- mals and flowers, toinftancetheBvPnEs- yis ;gnita, PAviLIO, Priamus, Helena, Menelaus, and moft of the Indian but- terfiies, and thofe kind of moths called Jinee. tis therefore matter of admi- ration that the Englifh and French nobility, who are curious in this part of natural hiftory, have not conftructed hot-houfes for the Indian Lepidoptera, in which they might fubiüft during the winter, as they are undoubtedly more pleafing Wl pleafing to' the eye than any other, as appears from the penes of Clerck and Merian. pot. Higspore On socprr "AS'infe&s fürnifh but few of the neceffiries of hfe, the ignorant and uncivilized part of mankind have not ícrupled to ftigmatize the ingenious enquirers. after them with the name of fools, as thefe animals appeared to them altogether contemptible, and de- ferved to be confidered only as punifh- nmients inflicted on particular countries for the fins of its inhabitants; forgettiug in the mean time that the all-wife Creator, who formed them, created no- thing 1n vain, nothing without its ufe. But as mankind became more enlight- ened, the great wonders. of nature in ' x thefe EI BT 9d thefe- fmall. animals began to: be ob- lerved ; each fpecies was. found to be furnifhed with inftruments adapted to. keep up a proper proportion in the ceconomy of nature; happily fome clear the furface of the- earth from impure and fuperfluous, fome the air of fetid and.putrid matters, .and -othérs muddy and ftagnating waters of hetero- . geneous or filthy mixtures ; they affift in preferving a due. proportion among . vegetables, by deftroying many which are inacceflible to the larger animals. Different parts of the fame Sn of- ten afford nourifhment to. different n fects ; f íome live on the fowers, as the Carculiones ; forme on the roots ,as the Lepiura; and others on. the leaves, as the Pbalence ; and as the plants. increafe, Ío dogs. the number o£. théir refpe&üve - inhabitan nS. — Laflly, they carry off any Loo V] any fuperfluous or noxious humour fe- creted on the furface of animals or ve- getables; and their influence will pro- bably be found much greater than it is at prefent, when focieties, fimilar to thofe of Peterfburgh, Paris, London, Leipfic, Gottingen, &c. vying with each other in diícoveries relating to economy of nature, come to be efta- blifhed in the fetveral kingdoms and principal cities of Europe. 'l'o arrive | at a perfe& knowledge of this oeco- nomy, every part of the productions of nature muft be accurately inveftigated, and confequently the extenfive province of infe&s: for, notwithftanding their grat ule in. the ceconomy we have been fpeaking of, they are oftentimes extremely troublefome and deftru&ive, and with great difficulty got rid off; but if we underftood how to apply them properly, we might ufe them as | | Cm we [ x5 1] we do cats againft mice, and by attend- ing to the defign of nature, prevént much damage. 'Ihus houfe-bugs, the Pbalena Graminis, caterpillars which infeft gardens, with a thoufand others, might eafily be deftroyed by their art to fome degree of perfection, we muft become better acquainted. with the plants, &c. on which infe&s feed, with a variety of other circumftances, which pofterity perhaps will be happy in the difcovery of. Ihe great advan-- tages whicn have accrued to mankind from filk-worms and bees, have occa- fioned fo many volumes to be written on them, às would incline one to think the fubje& exhaufted ; but there is much room for farther obfervation. D. Lyonett has lately publifhed 2 vols. in quarto on one infe&, the Phalena Coffus, and yet hath fill left room for / farther p REM. "o ML mm WP 'natural ; enemies. . .'lo. bring thus x farther contemplation on the fubje&t. In the age fucceeding Swammerdam, | * the art fuffered much from the prolixi- ty of writers; the hiftory of each infe& | Was delivered in a verbofe and luxuri- | ant ftile ; this 1s to be avoided; and the neceffary particulars being afcertained, our aim in delivering them fhould be to unite brevity with perfpicuity. The defcription of thofe animals is more difficult, as they make their appearance at fo many different times, and under fuch a variety of forms; all infe&ts, except thofe of the clafs Aptera and the bed-bug, pafling through. three meta- morphofes, 1n each of which it is necef- fary we fhould know them. Wethink our knowledge very confiderable when we are acquainted. with moft of the 1n- fe&ts of a country in their F ly ftate, al- though we are ignorant of one half of their manner of life previous tó' this inu ftate ; | se d ftate; and the difficulty of acquiring. this knowledge 1s greater than the in- attentive are aware of; to inftance in the Flea, an infect we are fo well ac- quainted with, and which, like moft others, undergoes three transforma- . tions or changes before it arrives to per- ' 4 fe&ion ; .yet not one in a thoufand has. Íícen it in its caterpillar or chryfalis ftate. From a confideration. of the many wonders in this part of nature, 1n order to avoid confufion, I find it neceffary, in purfuing what I have far- ther to fay on infe&ts, to follow íome natural order of íyftematic arrange- ments, BUEDLC DSOCIV. N In ftudying any fcience, the zames made ufe of therein are firft to be learnt, without DU without which it would become life- leís, as we fhould be deprived of all intercourfe with learned men. Among former Entomologifts, there were íome who defpifed all fyftem, or at leaft the enumeration and defcription of the in- fects of particular countries; and in- fifted, that the metamorphofes of 1nfects were folely to be attended to. But certainly method conftitutes the life of Ícence; ànd we fhould in vain ftudy natural hiftory, without accurate de- Íciptions ; fuppofe, for inftance, the figures of Reaumur, in his immortal work, in which he illuftrated this fci- ence in a manner fupetior to all that went before him, to be ío obfcure and indeterminate as to convey no idea of what he meant to communicate ; of what ufe, I pray, would be his infinite difcoveries? But when the fpecific name ofany infe& is determined, and ! the PL the fynonymous names of Swammer- dam, Reaumur, De Geer, and Roefel, are annexed, thefe authors may be im- mediately confulted ; and what has been - the'work of many ages, and could ícarce be attained by much reading, inay be learned from a fingle work. In- - deed, the fame confufion which reigned in botany before íyftems were eíta- blifhed, would prevail in this fcience, unlefs a fyftem was formed. I there- fore judge it moft eligible to treat. ot d Entomology in a fcientific manner; but previous to our entering on this, 1t will be proper to lay before the young. - ftudent fuch authors as have written on this fubje&. DUEACUE " ; S EO UTIS V. Authors who havewritten profeffedly on infe&s are very few; the laft fifty ' years have produced nearly double the number of all the preceding ages ; and when they began to be treated of fyíte- matically, fcarce any branch of natural hiftory had more cultivators, or was purfued with more ardour; among others may be reckoned Linnzus, Reaumur, De Geer, Roefel, Wilkes, Admiral, Clerk, Ehret, Seba, Hárris, Poda, Scopoli, Shultzer, Geoffroy, Gronovius, and Schaeffer. | Whereas at the commencement of the laft century we had not one treatife entirely Ento- mological: but about that period this Ícience began to be cultivated; its pro- grefs however was very flow, "till íome painters, E 16 ] painters, prompted by a defire of em- bellifhing their drawings of flowers, delineated. thereon fome of the moft beautiful butterflies ; and thus it was. that Hoefnagel, Goedart, Robert, and at length Albin, were allured to a con- templation of infe&s. - Swammerdam was the firft who invefligated the inte- ror ftru&ture of infe&s; in which he. was fo amazingly dextrous, as to de- monftrate the parts in the fmalleft ani- mals with equal clearnefs as in the larger. In this the immortal Reau- mur made a farther progrefs. Lady Merian wasfo captivated with theftudy, — as to fail from Holland to Surinam, chiefly to enquire into and obferve the metamorphofes of thofe exquifitely fine Butterflies, with which that country particularly abounds, expofing herfelf with her daughter to all the dangers of a tem- Hed |j và tempeftuous ocean, a moft fingular — inftance of her zeal for this fcience ! "Ihe minutenefs of infe&ts makes it more difficult to have a proper idea of them by defcription than by drawings coloured from nature, fuch as are given us by Goedart, Albin, Roefel, Wilkes, Admiral, Merian, Clerk, Ehret, Sha- T. 'Ihe principal authors who bave treated. of infe&s fyftematically, are Linnzus, De Geer, Poda, .Scopoli, Shultzer, Geoffroy, Gronovius, and Shaeffer. "The exotic or extra Euro- pean infe&s have never been profeí- íedly written on, neverthelefs a great number of them are figured in the fol- Jowing works : Clerkii Icones infe&torum rariorum, Meriane Ynfe&ta Surinamenfia. D Jirown 18 1 Broswn's E * N atural Hiftory oP Jamaica. Catefley's Natural Hiftory of Carolina, Sloane's Natural Hiftory of Jamaáica. Edwards Natural Eua of Birds, 2 vols. — * Gleanings of Natural Hit | dory. 3 e The beft authors d hayew WI itten on ones on filk-worms and bees, are L7 s Albin, and Clerk de Araneis, Rbedi de Pediculis, * 'Tl'o thefe authors may be added the lilufira- zons of Natural Hiffory, lately publifhed in two volumes quarto, by our countryman D. Drury: this work may indeed be confidered as written profeffedly on this fubject, and contains a greater number of exotic infects, than any other work of the kind. 'Thofe authors to which an aftefifta | is ictblel are added by the tranflator. And the obferva- tions he has made on the works of others, are psinted in italie letters, Pig 1 Pediculis, and. RAuphius de Cancriis Indicis. : A catalogue of the principal authors that have written on infects, with fome obíervations on their works : ! MovrrkT. Iníe&orum five mini- morum animalium theatrum, London 1634, folio. 'Ihis work was begun by Edward Wotton, in the year 1550, continued by Conrad Gefner, enriched by Thomas Penny, aud finifhed by Mouftiet; it 1s embellifhed with wooden cuts. Vere is a franflation of it into Englifh, by Edward Tobfell, 1658. . ArLDRovAND. Ulyfüs Aldrovandi animalia infe&a. Bonon. 1602,et 1638, folo; written in a loofe manner, wooden cuts; it alío contains the in- fe&ts of Moufiet. JosxsTox. fohannis Johnftoni Hüftor. Natural de infe&is. Frankf. | D'z. 1653, [ 25 ] 16:3, folio. A plagiary from Aldro^ vand, with copper plates engraved by himfelf. HorzrrNAGEL. Jacobi Hocffnagel Icones infe&orum, 1630, in quarto. GozpAnT. Johannis Goedartii meta- morphofes infe&orum. Mediol. 1662, o&avo. 'This is written in the Dutch language, and the cuts are coloured. q here is alfo an edition of 1t in Frencb, and likexvife in Latin, by M. Liffer, vut great additions. Hooxsr. Roberti Hooke Microgra- phia. London, 1665, folio, tab. 38. rd Ruxpr. Francifái Rhedi experi- menta. Florent. 1668, quarto. Anima- lia viva in vivis Florent. 1684, 12mo. BrANcanD. Stephani Blancardi thea- trum infe&orum (Schouburgh van de Rupen) Amft. 1668, o&avo. . SWAMMERDAM. Johannis Swam- merdamii hiftoria infe&torum generalis, Ultraj. dec P] Ultraj. 1669, quarto. Biblia Naturz Lugd. Batav. 1737, 2 vols. folio. LisrER. Martini Lifteri hiftor. ani- mal. Anglie. Londoni 1678, quarto. This work treats principally of the Englifh fpiders, and by way of appen- dix explains fome plates publifhed at the end of his edition of Goedart. MrnrAN. Marie Sybille Merian Erucarum Ortus. Nornimberg 1678, quarto, with cuts coloured, and not coloured. Moft of the Lepidopterz here defcribed are delineated in their caterpillar and chryfalis ftate. On her return. from Surinam, this lady pub- lifhed her fplendid work, the Infe&a Surinamenfia, which isfeldom to be met with coloured. LEgwENHoEx. Antonii Lewenhoeki Anatomia. ^ Londini 1687, quarto. Epiftolze Delph. 1619, quarto. Microt- copical. | PETIVER. [2 ] PETIVER. Jacobi Peteveri Mufeum, London 1695, 8vo. without cuts. Gas zophylacium 1702, folio, a great num- ber of cuts, and many of exotic infects. Rav. Johaunis Rai hiftoria infec- torum. Londini 1720, quarto. This work was publifhed after the author's deceafe, and 1s particularly valuable for the excellent defcriptions. of infects which it contains. FniscH. Johannis Leonardi Frifch defcriptiones infe&orum (Befchreibung von infectenin T'eufchland)Berol. 1720, quarto, 13 parts, 38 plates, with many figures. — It 15 written in the German SIS and 1s. 8 work of great merit. à] ALBIN. Eleazar Albin. hiftoria in- Ícctorum Angliz, London 1 720, quarto. 'TIhis work contains 100 plates co- loured. 23: ] v RDAER "nd Araneorum, Lon- | don, quarto, table 49. BnaapLEy. Works of nature by Richárd Bradley. Loüidon 1721, quarto. REAUMUR. Ren. Ant. Reaumereé hiftoire des infectes. Paris 1 734» quar- to, 5 Vols. with. cóppet plates. LixSuEUS. ^ Carol. Linrii Equit. fyftema nature. Lugd. Batav. r736, folio. Holm. 1767, octavo, with the fynonymous names 'of other authors Fauna Suécica. Holm. 1761, o&avo, editio 2da. Mufeum Regina. Holm. 1764. octavo, with. defcriptions. RorsEr. Aug. Johan. Roefel In- fecten Beluftigung. Norimb. 1746. 4 vols. plates beautifully coloured. J WiLEKEs. .'lhe Enghíh Butterflies, by Benjamin Wilkes, 4to. 125 plates finely coloured. Ds Ed Dr GzEen. Caroli de Geer Hiftoire des Infectes. Holmia 1752. 2 vols. a 4to. with neat plates. | ADMIRAL. Jacob Admiral Waar- mingen. Amfterdam, folio. CrERK. Caroli Clerki Icones In- fe&orum rariorum. Holm. 1759. 4to. Part I. 16 plates, 61 figures. Part the iecond. Holm. 1764. 4to. 17 plates, 55 figures. 'The cuts in this work are elegantly coloured. | EnnET. Icones Plantarum. Lond. folio. Infects interfperfed. RE PopaA. Nicol. Podze Infe&ta Grze- cenfia. Grac. 1761. 8vo. 2 vol. "This contains the infects of Greece, arranged according to the fyftem of Linnzeus. ScoPOLI. Joh. Anth. Scopoli En- . tomologia Carniolica. Wienn. 36 3 Svo. An enumeration and defeription of the infe&s of Carniola, after the Lin- nzan fyftem. — 7a excellent book. SULT- [25 Jj SuLTZER. T. H. Sultzer Kenzeiken der Iníc&en. Zurich 1761, quarto, 24 plates in the Linnzeàn manner. GnowoviUs. Laur. 'Fheod. Grono- vii, Zoophylacn fafciculus fecundus. Leid. 1764,fol. four plates. — After the Linnzan fyftem, with fynonyma and defcriptions; it contains 6oo fpecies, many of which are foreign. SEBA. * Albert. Sebe —'Thefaurus " Nbre, vol. 4. 4Amdbo E765. folios tab. 100. | * GEOFFROY. TNI abregée des. 1níetics qui. fe trouvent aux environs de Paris, 2:tom. 4to.. Paris 1762. SCHAEFFER. Joh. Chrift. Schaeffer Icones Infe&orum. Ratifb. 1767, 4to. 100 plates coloured. — * Pinedabtrpuis Ento-. mologix, quarto, plates coloured. J Hannis. The Aurelian, or a Natural Hiftory of Enuglífh Infe&s, namely [o | Moth [579 Moths and Butterflies, by Mofes pm | Lond. folio, cuts coloured, Lond. 1766. * BuuxgxicH. M. Th. Brunnichi Entomologia fiftens Infe&orum tabulas Íyítematicas, cum introductione et ico« nibus. Háaffnize 1764. A kind of introduction to the ftudy of infe&s, re- markable for its elegance and concifc- " nefs, with an explanatory plate. P * Lecur. Novz Infe&orum Spe- €ies, quas differtationis academica loco, . prefide Johanne Leche, propofuit Ifaa- cus Uddman. Aboz 1753, 4to. cum figuris. * Dnaunv. Illuftrations of Natural — Hiftory, by D. Drury, Englifh and P Brench,l vol. a4fo. landon 17715 'The firft volume contains a great nuni- ber of exotic infe&ts, excellently drawn, coloured, and defcribed, moft of which are not figured by any other author; the fecond volume, which will foon make [4 an. J. make its appearance, confifts entirely of non-deícripts, executed in the fame mafterly manner. - | * SEPP. Befchouwing der Wonde- ren Gods in de minftgeachtte Schep- zelen of Nederlandíche Infecten, Ato. 1762, by Chriftian Sepp. Amfterdam. This work, which is now publifhing . in numbers in Holland, contains a great number of the more raré moths and but- terflies of that country, but which are found in many other parts of. Europe. : Each infect is delineated in its egg, ca- terpillr, chryfíalis, and fy ftate, and. executed in a manner which reflects the greateft honour on the artift; we are at a lofs which moft to extol, the accu- racy of the drawing, the delicacy of the engraving, or the foftnefs and juftnefs . ofthe colouring; the whole is finifhed ina manner exquifitely beautiful, great- ly fuperior to the paintings even of Roc- fel or Merian, | Ea * Fon- [s o] * FonsrER. Nova Infectorum Spe- cies, centüria prima, Octavo, 17709. London. A íyftematic defcription of an hundred fpecies of infe&ts found in Great Britain, and elfewhere, not in- ferted in the 12th edition of Linnus's Syftema Natura. | Sopa coe ' As infects are endowed with the va- rious powers of creeping, flying, and fwimming, there isícarce any place, however remote and obfcure, in which they are not to be found. "The great confufion which appeared to the an- tients to arife from their number, made them never dream of reducing them to any fyftem. Swammerdam, that in- defatigable enquirer into nature, ob- ferved that their metamorphofes were divided [. m] divided by nature intó feveral ftàtes or orders. - Their external appearance: alío | carried with it fome mark of diftinc-. tion, fo that entoprologifts called all. thofe o£ the Coleoptera: claís, Scarabaer | (beetles;) thofe of tie Lepidoptera; Papi- | Hhones; and thofe of the: Gymnoptera | clafs that had two wings only, Mufcze | (fles;) thofe of the fame clafs that liad | four wings, were called Apes (bees). No farther progrefs «vas made in the fyftemiatic part of this fcience till the time of Linnzeus. He was the firff that undertook to determine the Ge nera, and affign them their proper chà- | raders in the. Syflema. Nature, and thus reduced this fcience to a fyftematic form. "This fyftem, in fübfequent edi2 tions, was confiderably enriched and amended by him, infomuch that the fcience of. infe&s now fhines forth in -áts fullluftre, | He it was who firft in2 ' fütuted | EN fütuted natural Orders, and reduced thefn into Genera by expreffive names ; determined an infinite number of fpe- cies in the Fauna Suecica, and Mu- fcum Reginz, colle&ted with incredi- blepainsthefynonymoüus namesof the va- iious authors who had written on them; and laftly added their defcriptions, and the places in. which they were to be found. So that the fyftem of this il- luftrious author will lead any perfon, without the affiftance ofa mafter for the moft part, eafily to aícertain the name ofany infe& he may meet with. Before | histimefcarce morethan 200infects were | known; whereas, in tbe laft edition of - hisfyftem, he has determined the names | of nearly 3000 diftin& fpecies. Ahe. | Syftematic Naturalifts, in the more Southern parts of Europe, excited by his example, have diligently invefti- gated the iníects of their refpe&tive countries, , | 1" ' | E A cóuntries, fo that we are become pret- ty well acquainted with the greateft part of the European infe&s in their perfe& or fly ftate. From the infe&s colected in the Southern parts. of France (more than 3oo of which were fent to our Prefident, by the moft no- ble Soubry, 'Treafurer of France, re- fiding at Lyons) the number of fpecies was confiderably increafed. | A cabinet full of the iníe&s of Barbary was alío fent him from the accomplifhed Bran- der, Conful at Algiers; and a very con- fiderable number from Carolina, in America, was received from the very ingenious Garden, which greatly in- creafed the number of Ar&üc or. Nor- thern infe&s. Our knowlege of the 'Tropical or Indian infe&ts, as they are called, 1s very limited. The larger fort of the Lepidoptera, preferved 1n the cabinets of the curious, and thofe col- - Je&ted | 583.1]. lected at Surinam by Rolander, and | fent to the cabinet of De Geer, being the principal of what we are acquainted with. 'TIhe Antarctic infects we were totally unacquainted with, excepting thofe ten which Petiver delineated in | his Gazophylacium, till the illuftrious -ulbagh, Governor of the Cape of Good. Hope, íent.a fine collection of. them to our learned Prefident. Should the Indian and Antarctic: infects ever come to be pretty generally known, they will doubtlefs vie with plants in number, though. they will probably uever attain to the number which Muf- chenbrock apprehended in his Ora- tion, SUE x ar. cV. '" Whoever is defirous of attaining à Íyftematic knowledge of infe&s, ought primarily to be folicitous about acquir- ing the terms made ufe of in the fcience, that fo he may be able rightly to deno- minate every part of an infe&. "This thea; asthefirft rudimentsof the fcience, ^we Ííhall begin with. 'The ftudent is fürft to know what an. infe& 1s, left he miftake hippocampi, and other amphi- bious animals, for them, as was former- ly done, or confound them with.the vermes, which Linnzeusfirft difünguifh- | ed from infects, and which differ as ef- fentially from them as the clafs mam- malia do- from birds. Every infe& 1s furnifhed with a head, antennze, and feet, of all which the vermes are defüitute. - Allinfe&s have fix or more feet ; they ; PT refpire p oeog refpire through pores placed on the fides of their bodies, and which are termed Ípiracula ; their fkin is externally. hard, and ferves them inftead of bones, of "which they have internally none. From this definition, the. acus marina is evi- dently noinfe&. Butthe antenne placed on the fore part of the head, confti- tute the principal diftin&ion. Thefe are jointed and moveable in every part, in which they differ from the horns of Other animals; they are organs con- veying fome kind of feníe; but we have no miore idea what this kind of (enfe is, thán a man has, who, without eyes, at- tempts to determine the particular ac- tion of the rays of light on the retina. of. the eye, or to explain the changes which from thence take place in the human mind. 'T'hat they are the organs 1 of fome kind of fenfe, 1s apparent from their perpetually moving them forward; | SEM Lar jd. yet the hard cruft with which they are inyefted, and their fhortnefs 1n flies and other infects, would induce one to be- lieve them not to be the organs oftouch: that they are tubular, and filled with air, and fome kind of humour, appears from theantennz of butterflies immerfed in water. 'TIo come now to the terms of the art. A knowledge of the external parts of the body 1s firít to be eftablifh- ed, which, after the method of anato- mifts, we divide into head, trunk, ab- 4domen, and extremities. Sp CU WX. VIE , Caput, tbe bead. — 'This part in infects is without brain. "The difference be- tween the brain and fpinal marrow con- fifts in the former being a medullary ' part organized. We do not deny the E exiftence IE exiftence of a medullary thread in the. heads of infe&s, but we never could dif- cover it to be organized; hence the hippobofca equina, or horfe fy, will live, run, nay even copulate, after be- ing deprivedof its head ; to fay nothing - of many others which are capable of liv- ing along while in the fame fituation. As they are not furnifhed with ears, we apprehend them incapable of hearing ; as we can no more conceive that fenfe to exift without ears, than vifion with- out eyes. "TIhey are neverthelefs fuí- ceptible of any fhrill or loud noife, as wellas fifhes, but in a manner different from thatof hearing. | We are alío du- bious if they have the fenfe of fmell, no. organ being found in them adapted to that purpoíe; they neverthelefs per- ceive agrecable and fetid cfiluvia, but in a manner wholly unknown to us. Many infe&ts have no tongue, nor make any [22] any found with their mouth ; but for. . this purpofe, fore ufe their feet, others their wings, and others, fome elaftic inftrument with which they are na- turally furnifhed. | Moft infe&s have twoeyes, but the gyrinus has four, the i Ícorpion fix, the fpider eight, and the Ícolopendra three. "They have no eye- brows, but the external tunic of their eyes is hard and tranfparent like a watch-glafs; their eyes have no exter- nal motion, unlefs it be in the crab. 'They confift for the moft part of one lensonly; butin thofe of the butterfly, dipterz, and many of the beetles, they are more numerous. Pugett difcover- ed17,325 lenfes in the cornea of a but- terfly, and Lewenhoek, 800 in a fly. Vote uS late 1. a. 'Ihefe are in genéral two (unlefs 4 are allowed to íome kind of crabs) and placed on the fore- (M o8 11 : fore-part of the head ; they are pecu- liar to infe&s, and are plainly difüin- guifhable from. the tentacule of the vermes in being cruftaceous ; and from the palpi of infects, which are more numerous, placed near the mouth, and are fometimes wanting. As the anten- nz are of great moment in diftinguifh-- ing the various kinds of infects, we ' fhall enumerate and explain the feveral different forms of them. Sciaces, are thofe which grow gra- dually taper towards the extremity, as in plate 1. fig. 6. | Filformes, fuch as are of the fame thicknefs throughout. Moniliformes, are ihform, like the preceding, but confift of a feries of round knobs, like a necklace of beads, as in plate 1. fig. 5. Clavate, [ 39 ] Clavatee, fuch as gradually increafe in fize toward the extremity, as in plate 1. fig. 4. | Capitate, are clavate, but have the extremity fomewhat round. Fiffles, àte cabitate, but have the ca- pitulum, orknob, divided longitudinally. into 3 or 4 parts, orlaminz, asin the Ícarabiei, plate 1. fig. 3. Perfoliate, are alfo capitatee, but have the capitulum horizontally divided, as in the dermeftes, plate 1. fig. 2. Pedlinatze, fo called from their fimi- litude to a comb, though they more properly refemble a feather, as in the moths and elateres. "Ihis is moft ob- vious in the male, plate 1. fig. 1. Ariflate, fuch as have a lateral hair, which is either naked or furhifhed with leffer hairs, as in the fly, plate 2. Tiv. 6. DBrewores, [ 49 ] ? Breviores, thofe which are fhorter than the body. Longiores, thofe which are longer than the body. - | Mediocres, thofe which are E the fame length with the body ; all three of which varities are diftinguifhable in the cerambyces. Y Palpi, or feclers, fo firft named by | Linnzus, refemble filiform, articula- ted, moveable antennz. "They are moft commonly. four in number, fíome- times fix; they are fufficiently diftin- guifhed from antennz, in being naked, fhort, and always placed at the mouth, fce plate 1; fag 6... | Os, the Mouth, isgenerally placed in the anteriot part of the head, ex- tending fomewhat downwards. In íome infeCts, it is placed under the breaft, as in the chermes, coccus, can- cer, (crab) and curculio. Roftrum, Fa - Roftrum, or Probofcis, is the mouth drawn out to a rgid point: in many of. | the hemiptera elafs it is bent down- ward toward the breaft and belly, as in the cicada, nepa, notonecta, cimex, (bug) aphis, and remarkably ío in Íome curculiones. Maxillz, the Jaws, are two in num- ber, fometimes four, and at other times more ; they are placed. horizon- tally ; the inner. edge of them in fome infects is ferrated, or furnifhed with httle teeth. | Lingua, the Tongue, in fome iníects 1s taper and fpiral, as in the butterfly ; in others 1t 15 flefhy, refembling a pro- bofcis; and tubular, as in the fly. Labium Superius, the upper Lip, this is fituated above the jaws, asin the fcarabzeus and gryllus. G Stemmata, E d j Stemmata, or Crown, are three Ímooth hemifpheric dots, placed gene- . rally on the top of the head, as in moft of the hymenoptera, and others; the - name was firft introduced by Linnzeus. ** Cpruncusy; the "Trunk; 315: 288 part which comprehends the breaft or thorix; itis fituated between the head and abdomen, and has the legs infert- ed intó ^16;- thàr "1s parts may be dif. tin&ly determined ; it is divided into dhorax, Scutellum, and Stermum. Thorax, the 'T'horax; (plate rz. UN oU the back part of the breaft; it is very various in its fhape; and is cálled Dea- Lgius, when. its fides arc armed witlt points ; S5aofus, when its back is fut- nifhed with them, as in the cerambyx ; * and Marginatus, having lts margin la- terally dilated, asin the fiipha and caf- fida. & " | Scutellum, Pug. ] Scutellum, or Efcutcheon, (plate t. d.) is the pofterior part of the thorax ; it is frequently triangular, and appears to be divided from the thorax by an in- terveningfuture, asin moft of thecoleop- tera. Sternum, the Sternum, is fituated on the inferior part of the thorax ; it is pointed behind in the elateres, and bi- fid in fome of the dytüfci. Abdomen, the Abdomen, (plate 1. e.) is in moft infects diftin& from the fharag s ut is the pofterior part. of the body of the infe&, andis compofed of a number of annular fegments, which ferve occafionally to lengthen or. fhor- Mis 1t, and to contain the organs of chylifa&ion, GC. Spiracula, are httle holes or pores, ode fingly on each fide of every íeg« G a2 Inent D as] rhent of. the abdomen ; through theíe | the infe& breathes ; and if oi] be ap- plied fo as to ftop them up, it proves fatal to moft of them. Tergum, the Back, is thefuperior part of the abdomen. Venter, the Belly, is the inferior part. domen, perforated for the evacuation of theexcrement. "This part alfo frequent- ly contains the organs of generation. . **** Artus, the limbs, are the va- rious inftruments of motion, Pedes, the legs, are generally fixe there is an exception to thisy however, in the clafs Aptera, many of which have eight, as Acari (Mites) Phalan- gii ; moft of the Aranei, (Spiders) Scor- piones Anus, is the pofterior part of'the ab- — iIggbsu e cp-—-l o [3s 1 piones, (Scorpions) and Cancri (Crabs.) The Oniícus has 14, and the Juli and Scolopendiri ftill more. "The firft joint of the leg, which is generally thickeft, is called Femur (plate 1. f.) the fecond, which ls ge- . nerally of the fame fize throughout, qibia, (g.) the third, which. is join- ted, is difünguifhed by the name of T arfus (5.) ; and thelaft, which in moft infe&s is double, by that of Uz- guis (1.), "The legs of infects, in ge- neral, are námed from the various mo- £r tions they produce-:--- Curforr, from that of running, which 'are the moft numerous; Sz//atorz, from that of leaping; ANa/atorü, from that ofíwimming, &c. n Zr ^"fn the Saltatori/, the thighs are re- markably large, by which means they are able to leap to a. coufiderable dif. tance, as in the Gryllus, (Grafshopper) &c. In thofe of the Natatorz, the feet are fat, and edged with hairs) which anfwer the purpofe of oars in affifing them to fwim, as in the Dytifcus. Mutici, ate fuch feet as have no clàws. | Chele, or Claws, are the fore-feet "Peu towards theirextremities, each which i 1s furnifhed with. two leffer rur which a& like a thumb and fin- ger, as in the Crab. Ale, W Wings, thefe are the inflru- ments which enable them to fly ; they arc membranous, and undivided, ex- cept in the inftance of the Phalenz Aluciz, in which they are in. part di- vided : eT I» ed vided. Moft infects have four ; the Dip- tera-clafs, and the Coccus, however, have two only. 3 wis teer wing 1s divided into its yore» and zzfer;r Ídrfaces; its amferior part (fee. explanation of. plate 1.) in a but- terfly, 1s that towards the anterior mar- gin, or next to the head ; its offerior part, that. towards the Anus; its ex/e- .fiür part, that towards the outer edge ; and the Zm£erior, that next the Abdo- inen. "They are called $Zcatifes, when they. .are folded at the time the infe&&is at reft, as in the wap ; oppohite tg theía arethe f/ame, which are incapable o£ : being folded. | Ereche, íuch as have their fuperior fürfaces brought in contact when the infect is at reft, as in the Ephemera, Libellula Puella, and Virgo, and Pa- piliones, (butterflies.) Patentes, (um y - Patentes, which remain horizontaf- ly extended when the infe& is at reft, as in ze Phalznz Geometrze, and moft. of the Libellülz. lucumbentes, fuch as cover horizon- tally the fuperior pait of the abdomen. when the infe& 1s at reft. JN Deflexe, are Incumbéntes, but not. horizontally, the outer edges declining: toward the fides. Reverfe, are Deflexae, with this ad- dition, that the edge of the inferior wings proje&ts from under the anterior part of the fuperior ones. DeAMatze, m which the edge 1s fc rated, or fcolloped. Caudate, in which one or more pro- jections in the hinder win 298 are extend- €d into proceffes. UO gs; 2 Reticulatee, when the veffels o£ the wibgs put on the appearance of net- oWork, - t C : g [ 49 ] Work, as in the Hemerobius Perla; the two anterior wings generally be^ come /aferior, and the pofterior ones mferior, in Moths, when their wiugs are clofed ; but the anterior wings are called 5r/mary, and the inferior ones fe-. condary, in butterflies, as they cannot with propriety be called inferior when the wings are erect, Colores, the Colours, thefe are fclf- apparent ; but according to their fcverál Íhapes, they take the different names of Puntke, Dots 5 Macule, Spots; Fafcze, Bandi; which frequently run acrofs, and Íometimes furround the edge of the wings. Sirigze, Streaks, are very flender, Faífcim ; and L/zec, Lines, which are longitudinally extended. H Ocellus, H uod : Ocellus, 1s a round: pot; containing E leffer fpot. of à different colour in ts center. Ap qup | Stigmata, another tero lately intro- iud by Linnzus, fignifies the fpot, or anaftamofis, in the middle of the "wing near the anterior margin; 1 I1É 1s "confpicuous j in moít of the Hymenop- "fera and Neuroptera, a and even in the Coleoptera. "Ihe fingle or deuble kid- Amcy-fhaped fpot, fituated in the fame ;pait of the anterior wings, and fre- "quently occurring in the Phalenz Pa- ganz, is diflinguifhed liketuie pat the iname of Sz/gma. 1 - -Elyira, (in. the. fingular ad Elytron) the Upper Wings, which are of a hard fubftance, in ome degree re- Íembling leather, and which in moft infe&s are of a very hard texture, but in, others Hexible,.are called Blytza.s their fuperior furface is generally con- VeX, FT 598 )] vex, theirinferior one concave. When the infe& flies they are extended, and: Íhut when itrefts, clofing together, and forming a longitudinalíuture down the : middle of the back, asin the Coleoptera. 22V02 ^y .:. They are of various fhapes. . ZMbbreviata, when fhorter than the. Abdomen. bx: 1 4 Truucata, when JMOEN pes dá Ab- domer, and.terminating 1 ina tranfverfe- lin& «d m Faflsdaóp) uien f equal, « Or. rgreater. length than the Wa dE and termi- nating in a tranfverfe hne. -r Serata, when the exterior margin towards. the apex 1s notched or fersated,. as in fome of the Bupreftes. m a Spinofa, when their furface i is. Goyer-. ed with fharp points, or prickles. Yi eta Scabra, when their furface is fo un- eveir as tó'grate againft the fin ger? € y EN à ^ H p oMiata, [ 52 Striatz, when marked with flender longitudinal furrows. JB - Percata, when with elevated longi- tudinal fulci, or ridges. Sulcata, when thefe ridges are can- cave, ; | Hemelytra, when the fuperior wings | are of a middle fubftance betwixt lea- ther and membrane; either totally fo, as in the Grylli; or partially fo, as in the Cimices, Nepz, and Notonectze. "Thefe are commonly eds by the name Hemiptera. ; Halteres, Poifers, (a term alfo in. troduced by Lipnzus) sre little heads placed on a ftalk or peduncle, moft fre- quently under a little arched. fcale. "They are found only in the clafs Dipte- ra, and appear to be nothing more than the rudiments of the hinder wings. Cauda, the tail, in moft infe&ts is, Srmplex, EI | Simplex, fimple, capable of being ex: tended, and again drawn back at plea- fure; in the Crab and Scorpion, how- €ver it 1S, KElongata,elongated, orlengthenedput. Setacea, briftle-fhaped, or taper, asin the Raphidia. —— Trifeta, confifüng of three briftles, as in the Ephemera. ToS: Furcata, being forked, as in tle Po- dura. Forcibata, refembling a pair of for- ceps, as in the Forficula. Feliofa, refembling a leaf, as in the Blatta, Grylli, and fome fpecies of . £»ne. Tel/fera, luch. as are armed with a .. dart or fting,as in the Scorpion and Pa- norpa. AÁculeu$, an. inftrument with which they wound, and at the fame time in- fuil j É se ftfl à poifon; with fuch the Bee, Wafp, P onm &c.are furnifhed. 2133 y ota the Sex. The fame. ffo rence.of fex exifts in infects a5. in other animals, and they even appear more difpofed to increafe their fpecies. than other animals; many of them, when become perfect, Íccming to be created. for no other purpofe but to propagate their fpecies. — "Thus the filk- Worm. when it arrives, ,at; its perfe, Or. Moth- 3 flate, is incapable of eating, and can. hardly fly :- It endeavours Mie to pro- | pagate its fpecies ; ; after which the male. immediately dies, and the female, as, Ípon as fhe has depofited her eggs. ,in many infedls, the male. and fe. "ai are with difficulty diftinguifhed ; and in fome they differ fo widely, that dà unflilful perfon might eafily take . thé male, and female, .of the fame in- Hf^i. fec IT 255 1 fc& for different fpecies; as forinftanee, inthe Phalzna Humuli, Piniaria, Ruf- fula; each fex of which differs in. co- lour. This unlkenefs 1s fll more ap- parent in fome infe&s, in which the male has wings, and the female none, as in the Coccus, Lampyris, Phalzna Antiqua, .Brumata, Lichenella. And ds tnaft infcóis-remaim a long while in copulation, as we may fee in the "js pula, and Silk-worm ; the winged males fly with the winglefs females, and carry them about from one place to another, as in the Phalena Antiqua. It is, however, no certain rule, that when one infe& of the fame fpecies is found to have wings, and the other to be without, the former muft neceffarily be the male, and the latter the female. "The Aphides, for infiance; are an ex- ception ; and befides thefe, individuals of. both fexes, and of the fame fpecies, are a -- [ «$6 1] ! L) . . , - are found without wings, as the Caras. bi Majores, "Tenebriones, Meloes, CI- mices. 'The Gryllus Pedeftris 1s like- wife deftitute of wings, and might have paffed foraGryllus in its pupa ftate, had it not been feen in copulation ; for it 15 well known that no infe& can propa- gate its fpecies, till it arrives at its laft or perfect ftate. ** Pleraque infe&orum genitalia fua ** intra anum habent abícondita, et pe- ** nes Ífolitarios, fed nonnulla penem ** habent. bi&ádum: Cancri autem et ** Aranei geminos, quemadmodum non- ** pulla amphibia, et quod mirandum .'*in loco alieno, ut Cancer, fub bafi ** caudae. Zfraneus mas palpos habet ** clavatos, qui penes funt, juxta os ** utrinque unkeum,. quz clavae fexunx ** gec fpeciem diftinguunt ; et Foemina ** vulvas fuas habet. in abdomine juxta **. pectus s SS MEL. LEE fee uut eR M pw] * pe&us; heic vero fi unquam vere ** dixeris : res plena timoris amor, fie-- ** nim procus in aufpicato acceflerit, foe- ** mina ipfum devorat, quod etiam fit, ** fi non ftatim fe retraxerit. — Libellu- **]a foemina genitale fuum fub apice m *€ gerit cauda, et mas fub pectore, adeo | ** ut cum mas collum foemina forcipe -— . ** caudae arripit, illa caudam fuam pece ** tori ejus adplicet, ficque peculiari ra- ** tione connexa volitent,"- Befides thefe of the male and female, a third fex exifts in forme inífects, which we call Nezuzer :. As thefe have not the difünguifhing parts of either fex, they . may be confidered as eunuchs or infer- tile. | We know of no inftance of this kind .. jn any other clafs of animals, norin ve- .» getables, except in the claís Syngene- E fiz, and in the Opulus. This kind of | I fex [5597 fex is only found among thofe infects which form themfelves into focieties, as Bees, Wafps, and Ants; and here thefe kind of eunuchs are real flaves, ason them lies the whole bufinefs of - the ceconomy, while thofe of the other fex are idle, only employing themfelves in the increafe of the family. | Each fa- mily of bees have one female only (cal- led the queen) many males, andan al- moft innumerable quantity of Neuters. Of thofe, the Neuters (whofe antennae have eleven joints) do the working part; they extract and colle& honey and wax, build up the cells, keep watch, and do a variety of otherthings. "The males, whofe antennz-confift of 15 joints, do; they ferve the female once, and that at the expence of their lives ; they may be confidered in the light of a fct of Parafites, or Cecifbei ; butas foon as uam dcsudM eee Er o eil T E iE NE ás their bufinefs of impregnation is over, they are expelled by their fervants the. neuters, who now Íhake off the yoke, but yet pay all due refpe& to their com- mon mother the queen. "The íame. ceconomy nearly takes place in Wafps, where the young females, which are impregnatedin theautumn,hive through the winter, and in the fpring propagate their fpecies ; but the queen, together with all the males, perifh in the win- ter. Among ants, the neuters form a hill in the fhape of. a cone, that the water may run off it, and place thofe which are in the pupa ftate, on that fide of M which is leaft expofed to the heat of the fun. At a confiderable diftance from thefe are found the. babitations of the males, and females, to whom the moft I obedience is yielded by the neu- I2 fes It óm ] ters, till a new off-fpring fucceeds, and then they oblige them to quit their ha« bitations. But thofe ants which live entirely under ground, provide better for themfelvesin this refpe&t; for alit-. tle before their nuptials, they quit their habitation of their own accord, and af- ter fwarming in the manner of bees, they copulate in the air; and each re- tiring to fome new habitation, founds a new family. No hermaphrodites have as yet been difcovered among infe&s. 'Ihere is fomething very fingular, however, in .the propagation of the Aphides. A fe- male Aphis once impregnated, can pro- duce young, which will continue to produce others without any freífh im- pregnation, even to the 5th progeny ; afterwards a new uipregnatian rauft take place. The MOURUTR Lc e ei M (T em ] "Phe male infe&ts, like male Hawks; are always fmaller than the females. In the propagation of their fpecies they are remarkably careful, fo that it is with the greateft difficulty that flies are kept from depofiting their eggs on frefh meat ; the cabbage Butterfly from laying them on cabbage, -and other in- fe&ts from depofiting them in the feve- ral places peculiar to each. — "The Scara- .baeus Pilularius and Carnifex, are de- ferving of our attention, as they afford a mutualafliftance to each other; for when the female has laid her eggs in a little ball of dung, the males, with their feet, which are axiform, affift the female to roll it to fome fuitable place, as Arifto- . tle and Phny formerly, and. Loefling has lately obferved. It is very wonderful to obferve, that in the Coccus and Onifcus, the fe- male has no fooner brought forth. her young; [ 68 T young, than fhe is devoured by it ; and that the Sphex fhould be able fo readily to kill the caterpillar of a Moth, then bury it in:the earth, and there depo- fited hereggs in it. Nor can wewith- out admiration behold the fame Ípecies- of Aphis, which was viviparous in the. fuümmer, become oviparous in the au- tumn. "n Almoftinnumerable examples might be brought of the fingulatities in the eggs of infe&ts; we fhall, however, only mentionthofe of theHemerobius,which are depofited on a footftalk ; thofe óf the Phalzena Neuftria, which are placed regularly in a ring round the branch of Íome tree, and the compound eggs of the Blatta. - Metamarpbofis. "There are no infects, except thofe of the Aptera clafs, but what are continually undergoing Ííome transformation. TTE transformation. 'T'his renders the fcience much more extenfive, but at the fame time 1s greatly conducive to finding out thenatural orders. Iníeéts change firft from the (Ovum) egg into the (Larva) Caterpillar or Maggot, then into the (Pupa) or Chryfalis, and laftly into the (Imago)Flyor Perfectftate. [See plate2.] . During each of thofe changes, their ap- pearance differs as. much as night and day. '[heinfe&, as foon asit came out of the egg, was by former entomologifts called Eruca ; but as this 1s fynonymous with the botanic name Sifymbrium, it was changed by Linnzus, for the term Larva, a name expreffive of the infe&'s being in this ftate, as it were, mafked, having its true appearance — concealed. Under this maf& or fkin the intire infe&, fuch as it afterwards | , appears p 6x 1 appears when perfe&t, lies concealed, inveloped only in its tender wings, and putting on a foft and pulpy appearance ; infomuch that Swammerdam was able to demonftrate the Butterfly with its wings to exift in a Caterpillar, though 3t bore but a faint refemblance to its fu- ture perfe&ion. 'The infe&, therefore, in this ftate, undergoes no other alte- ration but the change of its fkin.- The Larvz are, for the moft part, larger than the infe& when perfect, and are very voracious. The Caterpillar of the cabbage Butterfly eats double what it would feem to require from its fize ; but its growth 1s not adequate to its vo- racity. Pupa. The infe& in this ftate was formerly called Chryfalis, or Aurella ; . but as the appearance of gilding is con- fined to a few Butterflies only, the term of Pupa has been adopted in its ftead, dd becaufe alc e T TS [ 6» ] becaufe the Lepidoptera, efpecially, re- femble an infant in Ífwaddling clothes ; and in this ftate all, except thofe of the Hemiptera clafs, take no nourifh- ment, dra" | | Imago, 1s the third ftate, "This name is given by Linnzus to. this third change, in which the infe& appears in its: proper fhape and colours ; and as it undergoes no more transformations it 1g called perfe&t. In this ftate it flies, is capable of propagating its fpecies, and receives true antennz ; which before, in moft iníeCbs, were ícarce apparent. As the fhape of the Pupa is different, in different claffes of infects, it affumes different names ; thus it is called, Coarélata, when it is round, and as it were turned, without the leaft re- femblance of the ftru&ure of the infect, as in the Diptera. K ^— Obtecia , i 66 ] OBeBa, wheni it confifts as it were of two parts, one of which furrounds the head and thorax, and the other the ab- .domen. : APT Incompleta ; in tc they have wing$ - and feet, but are not capable of moving them, as in moft of the Hymenops tera. id | | Semicompleta ; thefe walk or run, but have only the rudiments is wings. Completa, in which they immediate- i ly obtain the perfect form of the infc&t, : without undergoing any more change, asin thofe of the Aptera clafs, except only the Flea. The Bed Bug alfo belongs to this ; cláfs. | The Spider undergoes frequent trans- formations, though only in the colour of its fin. 'l'he cruftaceous infects, as Grabi, Lobfers, &c. yearly caft their. fhells, oe ret, MEETS Om PNE vane ERE ete cue AERE [ dy : fhelis, as their growth would otherwife. be impeded. - "The Scolopendri, when young, have difie feet: than when they are full grown. . Allinfe&s, as foon as they undergo the third change, are arrived at their full growth ; nor do we find any diffe- rence in the fize of the fame fpecies of ini in the fame countries, unlefs, du- ring its caterpillar ftate, it ' has not had a fufficiency of proper food. Swammerdam divided infe&s, in re- Ípe& of their transformations, into four clafíes ; "Phe Pirf contained either fuch as fpring from an Egg, as the OC'Ufbarous s or fuch as are perfec at their firft pro- duction, called vioibarous, as the Bug, and thofe of the Aptera clafs.- 'The Second confifted of. fuch infects as are furnifhed with fix feet, but have aX 2 | their [ e» J their wirigs for a certain time conceal- led under a cruftaceous fkin or covering, which covering being caftoff, they be- come compleatly winged. SMRY 15- the Gryllus. "The Third clafs voci eqet fuch as pafs through three feveral ftages,and which, upon turning to the Chryfalis ftate, evi- dently caft off a coat or fkin. In this clafs were two divifions: the firft com- prehended fuch as in the Chryfalis ftate have vifible feet and wings, which were called Nympbe, as Bees; the fecond fuch as in the fame ftate have their feet and wings covered or invifible. 'Thefe were Ípecially termed. Chryfalides, as Dutterflies. "The Fourth clafs contained thofe in- fc&ts, which in changing to their Chry- falis or Nyropha ftate, do not caft their outer coat. or fkin; but their. bodies íhrink ing HM e Ls omn DEC NE fhuünking from it; it furrounds. them. like an Ege-fhell, andis detached. from. the infe& itfelf, while it continues in. this ftate, till at,length it burfts, and: excludes it.completely winged. Such is the cafe with many Flies. .. The claffes of Fal/faerus, axe taken from the plants, waters, earths, ani- mals, and the other habitations of. in- £o — :Reaumur' s. fyftera of the Caterpillars of FUSE Y 1S founded on the fitua- ch! are UAE into "t circolo Or oval rings under the body; paying a regard at the fame to the fix anterior horny and pofterior membranous feet. Be I. EX. THAVING obferved the nature of infe&s in their feveral ftates, it re- mains that we confider them fyfte- matically. j| 76 J mátically. A judicious claffification of them gives life and fpirit to the Ícience,. and makes each infect as it were declare. its own name. For this part we are- entirely indebted to Linnzus, who firft reduced them into certain genera, by giving them diftin& characters. 'The claffes of infe&s are feven: 1. Coleoptera, have cruftaceous Ely- tra, which join together, and form as it were a longitudinal future down the back of the infe&t. (See explanation of plate 2.) | | | | 2. Hemipiera, have moft commonly their upper wings cruftaceous at the bafe, or of a middle fubftance between Elytra, which are of à Ccoriaceous, and Íoft wings, which are of a membra- nous texture. 'The upper wings do not meet byany longitudinal future, and the mouth | Ds) mouth is either fituated in the breaft, or inclining to it. - | 3- Lepidoptera, have four farinaceous wings, which are covered with very fine Ícales laid over one another. In the mouth is contained a fpiral tongue, or at leaft the rudiments of one. 4. ANeuroptera, have four membrana- €eous tranfparent wings (not farinace- ous.) 'Ihey are with difficulty diftin- guifhed from the Hymenoptera by de-. Ícrption ; but having been once feen, they areeafily known. | T'he tail, there- fore, in thefe infeQs, being without füng, we make ufe of it the more ea- fily to diftinguifh this order. S. Hymenoptera. "Thefe, befides hav- ing four membranaceous wings, have their tail armed. with a füng ; which, however, is not always made ufe of to : infül poifon, but frequently to pierce the NJ. the bark and leaves of trees, and the bodies of other animals; in which it depofits its eggs, as im the Cynüps, "Tenthredo, Ichneumon, &c. 6. Diptera. 'This order is eafily diftin- guifhed from the others, the infects of it having two wings, inftead of four; but principally by their Halteres or Poifers,- a diftin&ion which excludes the male | Coccus from this order. »? dptera, is difüinguifhed E pig. 8O wings at'all. SEC'T. TX THESE clafles are again fubdivided | into different orders z 'Ihe Coleoptera, are diftinguifhed ac- cording to the fhape of their antennze, which are either filiformes, clavatee, or [eacee. 'The AN a The Hemibiera axe. divided iuto two orders; xít. thofe whofe mouth 1s fur- nifhed with jaws, or, ad. formed of a - beak, which 1s either refle&ted under the mouth, or placed in the breaft. 'The Lepidoptera, according to the fhape of their antennae. "The Néewuroptera, according to the moouth's having no tceth, having many jaws, having two teeth, or being form- ed into a beak. — idis Hymenoptera, according to the fing being either venomous, or harmlefs. Diftera, into thofe which have beaks, and thofe which have none. itera, according to the number of their feet. 'To infert here pis charatlers of allthe different genera which may be found in Linnzus's Syft. Nat. would be unnecef- fary. It will be fufficient to enumerate Íome new genera mentioned by the moft IL modern W 4 d modern fyftematic writers, that by be- ing acquainted with the fubtil diftinc- tions on which they are built, the ftu- dent may avoid running into confufion. It is, among the moderns only that ge- nera of this kind are to be met with, and new names given them. . 'To re- move this difficulty, we fhall firft enu- merate the names of thofe authorswhich are fvynonimouswith thofe of Linnzeus. New genera of authors fynonimous with thefe of Linnzeus. Liunneuss Names. lNames of otber | ZIutbors. Lucanus Platyceros. Hifter | ttelabus Byrrhus | ZIntbrenus Ciflela Mylabris. | Laria Scop. Attelabus Clerus Bupha c Pelis Bruchus Mylaéris Ptinus ERO RI. o SES b. 291 Ptinus . Byrrbus i Chryfomela DURAM, s Hifpa Crioferis .Cantharis Cicindela Buprefüs | Cucujus Carabus — Bupreffis Myrmeleon ^ FPormicaleo | Sirex | Uroceros New Genera of Authors. Copris. Scarabzus abfque fcutello Boffricius. .Dermefutes capecinus Czflela. Byrrhus Pilula Rbinomancer. Attelabus roftro pro- . du&o fere Curculionis Authbribus. Silpha Brucbus. Ptinus Fur ob fpinas thoracis Melolontba. : Chryfomela cylindrica Áltica. faltatoria Diaperis. Pyrocbora. | Cantharis delepborus. | Cantharis Aste L2 Canibaris. Fungorum (| 76 1 CanibarisS. Meloe Alata Cerocoma. | Meloe Shafferi ANotaxis. Meloé Monoceros Prionus. Cerambyx thoracis margine denticulato Srenocoris. Leptura thorace fpinofa — Hwdrophilus. | Dytifcus antennis clava- tis Mylabris. Necydalis minor ZAcridium. — .Grylus Muticus Locufla. — — Tettigonia Tettigonia. Cicada Corixa. | Notonecta. Naucoceris. Nepa | Perla. Hemerobius cauda bifeta Libelluloides. | Myrmeleon antennis ca-- pitatis : Crabro. "Tenthredo antennis clavatis Pteropborus. Phalzena Alucita Bibi. 'Tipula thorace fpinofo Stomoxoides. Afilus bucca inflata Strationymus. Mufca io M en. JNemotelus. A 9m ] j iNefmotelis, | Mufca Volucella. Mufea. 'Thefe genera appear to us to bein a great meafure like thofe which were in- troduced into botany by the followers of Rivinus. Paying too little, regard to nature, they difunited natural genera, on account. of the moft trifling diftinc- tions. . 'his made their continuance in the fcience of very fhort duration ; our bufinefs here is not to fuppofe, but to examine, what nature will allow of, and what fhe will not. Knowledge of this kind, built on opinion only, will not ftand. We are therefore to look. into the fcience with great áccuracy ; and the Larva of the infe&, its manner of changing, and other things of moment, are to beknown, before we prefume to form a new genus, as men of experience will readily admit.: Daily experience in botany teaches us that none are more apt to [ 38 ] to form new genera, dela who are the leaft qualified for it.. Coining of new names, dd changing. of one old one for another, : has been the fource. of the greateft confufion. 'Thus, in Quies d) Fiddes eit Cicindela ánd Carabu; to thé fame. genus, Buprefis has been adopted for the generic name; butas that genus had long ago received à very different applicátion, it was changed for that of Cucujus. 3 | Again, that the afficinal Cautharides might be ranged among the Ceram- byces, the. Cantbarides oM been , fe-, moved. from the. genus of Meloé (to. which they naturally belong) and re- ferred to the genus of Cremdela ; ob- tuning thus a new name, aid Ío of many others. | 33b xuss soldato mention no more, how needlefs and rafh was it to Íeparate the Zeridium and Locufla from the ge- nus b Umm nus of Gryllus, the Crabro from. the Tentbredines, / and the. did from. the Peel bd | de Dd Xi. 'T H E trivial names placed under their refpective genera wili occafion. little or' ^no 'controverfy ; - they are current like money, and of the fame utility as the proper names of men, Pe- - ter or Paul, &c. Infects living on ve- getables fhould receive their names from the particularplánts on which they moft- - ly feed, as they are preferable to all others. "DI'hus the names of the Pa-- lena mor: ,:&c. are excellent; and when: ' we are able to give fuch to infe&s, the: old.ones are to be difcarded. But we are to be cautious of not being too hafty in our judgment in this refpect, as in- ífe&s, when they cannot get their fa- | vourite w- [ 8e ] vouürite food, will often eat other plants. 'Thus theSilk-worm, for want of mul- berry leaves, will eat thofe of lettuce, though it will not thrive fo well on them. «v Many. other inftances of the inven- tion of trivial names will be met with in the Syftema Nature, particularly among the Butterflies and Moths. To prevent confufion from the great num- ber of fpecies which conftitute the ge-. nus of PLaLena, they are dif&ibuted into fe&ions, and diftinguifhed by the terms of Bembyces, INociue, Geome- ire, Toritrices, Pyralides, Tine, and "lucia. —'The Beméyces : and. . Noc-. Jig, which areífo much'alike, that the females of the Bombyces are with great difficulty diftinguifhed from the Noc- //£, are named promiícuoufly. AI eR "Hr A]l thofe of the Geometra have their names terminating in 7/2 and afa, ac- cording as their antennze are fetaceous or fechinated. The Tortrices in aria ; the Pyralides in Z/$; the Tinez in ea; and the Alucite 1n Da£iy/a ; ío that it 1s evident from the termination itfelf to what fection the infect is to be refer- red. ' It were to be wifhed that fimilar in- fütutions could be formed throughout the whole fcience, as here the name it- Íclf ferves to diftinguifh the infect. Butterflies are divived into fe&tions, | bythe names of Equites, Heliconu, Da- nal, Nymphales, and Plebe. In fuch a multitude of Butterflies, the greateft part of which are foreign and extra-european, and to whofe food and manner of life we are utter ftrangers, it was impoffible to give fignificant tri- M. vial Do 823] vial names. Linnzus, therefore, by way of fimile, has taken the names of the Equites from the Trojan hiftory. 'Lhefe confift, asit were, of two troops. or bodies; of which one contains the fable, and, as it were, mourning No- bles, having red or bloody fpots at the bafis of their wings. 'Thefe receive names from the Trojan Nobles; and as Priam was King of Troy, the moft Íplendid among theíe bear his name. 'Ihe other body, orhamented with a variety of gay colours, are diftinguifhed by the names of the Grecian Heroes ; and as in both armies there were Kings, as well as officers of an inferior rank, | thofe elegant butterflies, whofe hinder wings reíembled tails, were diftin- guifhed by fome royal name. Thus when Paris is mentioned (knowing from hiftory that he was a'T'rojan, and of ALT NER Ríos i $4 1 of royal blood) I find him among thofe of the firft fe&ion ; that is, thofe ofa fable colour, fpotted in the breaft with redj ahd having their hinder wings re- Íembling tails. When Agamemnon 1s named, I:emember him to. be a noble Greck, and find him among thofe no- bles which have variegatedandfwallow- talledwings. But when Nereus is fpo- ken of, I readily know him to belong to the laft fe&ion, with wings having no tails. "The fecond clafs, which contains the Heliconii, derive their names from the Muíes, as Urania. 'I'he names of the fons and daughters of Danaus are be- ftowed on the third fection. And 2 thefe fpecies are fubdivided into two other fections, viz. the white and par- ti-coloured,the metaphor 1s fo condu&- , ed, that the white ones preferve the M 2 name& L[ 8; ] names of the daughters of Danaus, and the parti-coloured ones thofe of the fons of Egyptus; Íío that it 1s evident from the name itífelf. to what fe&ion the but- terfly is to be referred. . 'The names of the fourth fectionij Nymphales, are taken from various nymphs of antiquity ; and thofe of thé fifth fe&ion, Plebeii, are feleéted from different men amongthe ancients,whofe names are worthy of remembrance ; fo that by this means a knowledge of the ancients may be interfperfed, and this agreeable ícience be made. doubly plea- ing. Thofe, therefore, who fhall find new Lepidoptera, and give them new names, will do well to follow this method, un- leís it be apparent what food the infed chiefly fubfifts on. Color, T 951] ^ Col. 'The Colour, which fo free quently occurs in other parts of natu- ral hiftory, but more efpecially in this, «anmot be deícribed by words fuffi- ciently expreffive, but muft be learn- ed from ocular infpe&ion only. | On this fubje& we willingly refer the rea- der to the Entomologia Carniolica d$ Scópoli; he very ingenioufly informs us what mixtures are neceffary to pro- duce all the-varieties of Colour. 'The gréat diverfity in the male and female infe&s of this clafs, and more particularly in thofe of the Hymenop- tera, occafions great difficulties. . It is probable that wheh we become better acquainted with them, we íhall find * *the number of fpecies to be confidera- bly lefs, efpecially of "'enthredines and Ichneumons. | 'The menfuration of infects feems to anerit fome attention, and various au- " € thors "Wross T thors have accordingly meafured the length and bréadth of them by lines. An infe& that is become perfect, after the firft expanfion of its wings, eon- tinues always! of the fame fize. We are neverthelefs liable to many decep- tions from it ; for if the infect in itsLar- Xa ítate fhould have been deprived of proper nourifhment, it will be lefs wvhen perfect than others of the fame fpecies. it happens, likewife, that the íame Species of infects varies greatly in fize in different countries. "Thus the Silpha Vefpillo in America is twice as large as Durs. . To conclude, we would earnefily recommend to thofe gentlemen whofe fummer refidence is in the country, a farther invefligation of the metamor- phofes of infe&s. "Dhey would derive much entertainment and rational plea- fure fromdevoting their leifure moments - " E ad : qo o RE - : 10.8254 to the bringing up the Larvz of infefts, and attentively obferving their various transformations, their economy in pro- curing food, their dexterity in prepa- ring habitations, and every other thing theyare engaged in. By this means many infects, and their wonderful properties, which have remained in obícurity from the beginningoftime, would be brought to light, more efpecially if thefe gen- tlemen would themíelves defcribe or communicate their difcoveries to fore academy of íciences. Thus would they at one and the fame time enrich the Ícence of natural hiftory, and traní- mit their names to pofterity with ho- nour. E UE NE - INDEX ad GLOSSARYi — Alidsmen, and its divifions, 44. JIntennz, peculiar to infedts, 33. definition of them, 34- their fuppofed ufe, 35. diftinguifhed from the Palpi, 38. their feveral forms, 38. — Afptera, the 7th clafs of infects; 72. Biennial, continuing for two years, 5. Caput, the Head, and its divifions, 35« Coleoptera, the firft clafs of infects, 70. Cslour of infects, 85. Diptera, the fixth clafs of infecls. Entomology, the fcience of infe&s in general from ' ÉyrouaL, infects, and 2óyo;, à : difcourfe, Elytra, what, 50. ! - their various fhapes, 51, 52. Gymnoptera, fuch infects as are deftitute of Elytra. Hahterss, or Poifers, peculiar to the clafs Diptera, COR - Jmago, a name given to infects when M I their laft or peliect ftate, 65. - Infecfs, a definition of them, 33. Lepidoptera, the third clafs of infects, 71. Lingua, the tongue, 4r. Limbs of infects, their divifion, 45. " - Larva, a name given to infects when hatch'd from the egg, 63. AMstamarpbofis, the changing of infe&ts from. one ftate to another, 11, 62. - AMaxillz, the Jaws, 41. i Name "8s20f:e 1 b (^ Names of Infects, 79. | " e Qs, or Mouth, 40. ^: Qvum,.or Egg, 68. Orders of infects, 72. A Palpi, what, 40. Püpa, Linnzus's name for the Chryfalis, 64, Petlinated, Feathered. Ww Roffrum, or Probofcis, £r. : Y Siernum, ox Breaft Bone, 45. ges ; * Stemmata, or Crown, 42. " s Spiracula, or Bregthing- Holes; 43- : Scutellum, or Efcutcheon, i33 P Sexes of infeCts, 54. * sien im Therax, the upper part of the Btealt. i42, i Y ail, and its various kinds. E a IVing, its divifion, 47. OE called plicatilie, &c. according to its- hape, 47- " T . y 3, * & E * * *w" Li ' i . *