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MANN LIBRARY NEw YORK STATE COLLEGES OF AGRICULTURE AND HOME ECONOMICS AT CORNELL UNIVERSITY EVERETT FRANKLIN PHILLIPS BEEKEEPING LIBRARY ae 3" ¥ , Bee ee z This book was purchased in 1940, from ilarry Joelson, Paterson, New Jersey, in 2 2 tion of books ssome~of which be: = } signature of ie" ie, 2 _ : +4 fee: Lk a es a lang sattoth owned | s book sagthie odition but evidence has been. “found that he owned this particular copy. be leffcr of bodp pet howfocuer the kings be,thep are notwith: flanding far bigaer of body,tha the hou bees, ¢ banc a boigh> fer and gadlier bead the the other Bes, yet Mhorter rings. 20 $ their king created. aniong thent,gocth not any time forth of p = 5) Bite, {nithout f p whole (warm folow him. be king flying forth of the bine at anve time, other folow bim, intuch fort sf ecbe gouetto fic tert bins, fopeth te be (en of p bing in office, and " wherfoeuer p hing fettleth him o2 refketh, there be other dees Pca? ftrig bolos. 0} caffels absut bim. about f pee alfo e p aren, 8 Theright ordering of Bees | certaine rulers, twhich wapte pon bin by a baplp anethozttte, ia _. Ffanpebappeneth, as weiteth Plinic, to breake of the kings right wing, then from the king will not the uvarme after Oe parte,as the like twas rchearied afore. wWeliocs these, the Bes ; baue a marnelous oder among them, if their king bappen fo Die,foz thenthep thal bittertyimourne for their hing Beade,auD _ for the lacke of another ,as fuch wwbichecannot beguisedand ruled without aking among them,aid of this thep be ts contts a -‘Huall mourning. .@o that fe2 the time, they carry no fade inte # they? typues, noz five not forth, but with aladdebetwatlyng and bummning, after they: ting, thep beape thicketogpther _ aborfe the deade body, and oulefle another ing iicrealeth bp little and Ipttle amongthein, thepdpeforhungec . Gbepp — king laboureth not’, but as the other five fe2the, beeinthe meane tpme as an erbooter moneth and encouragethfoye = meas cucrpe one to bys twoske, bpbisAping aboute tt the Lue. : oe. El tg ae @ What kinde of Bees are befte,and ratherto. | o> be chofen. Cap.ix. Y 2 this point,¢ for true krtowledge of thele, doth M.Varro oMpitcribe thofe és to be belk,iwhich be fmallofboop, and Diverfe and round, bpcaule thep be earneft in labour,anomake _ athiime bommy, and better endure labour,and gather their bow ny ott hilles,but the worler Wes gather their hommp ofthe gars deni floures onlpe,whiche be fometwhat long ofbodpe ,Ivkefo Wwalpes. Virgil doth efpeciallp connnend the (mall Bes,bepng fomiobat long, light.and clenlp in their bufinefle,andgliffering to goloe.Ss that the greater androunder We ; isdifcommens — fra fhozt time. 00) Qa soni diol She Wes allo endure tf they bes : the Treatife. ~ cua tee 9 the fpace of fenpeares, and beponde this age no fwarme can patle, althoughe the keepers tupplpe the pues pearelve with pong Wees, in the Meade of the olde aeade,fo2 inthe tenth pere, int a manner,of the generall death of thent,the bninerfall Kinde of the whole ppc ts thenconfumed. And therefore, that thys mape not happen thaoughe allthe Bpucs in that placé pou — mufalwapes increale pour pues with pong Wes; which oe ligentlp Wpue in the {pzingtime , 02 beginning of Sommer, when as the (wares be firk and newe thzutt forth of the bt nes, and fo mape the number of pour ives be encreafed. Ae gapne fome wpte, that inthe Countrep of Pontus, the bette Bes be white, bycaule they gpue thep2 peelde of Wonnpe tiopce ina moneth .. And Gulihelmus de couchis affirmeth the befte 1Bes to be aboute Thermodoon tn Capadocia, abpding in the Garthe , for that thele doe buplbe and make atrpple peelbeof ware, and giue alfo aboundaunce ok _ omy. ig | . Whe forefapoe Varro, affirmeth thole Ices to be in healthe,, 4obich often kepe and be in a fwarme togither,that be clenlp € can do their bufinefle and woke alike, and that quiche elight inthe fame,bepng nepther bearic 102 foule of boop , 02 appeas xing duftie,fuch alfa which be not ouerleane of body, and that out of any of their cotages no-dead bees be carricd thice,¢ forth ‘pf their Wines. Ffo2 allthelenotes do declare fuche like ibeées, to be both evilland onpzofptable.Palladiusdeclareth, that the beit Wes map be knowen bp the fulnetle oz emmpfinele of thet — ‘pellels,foo tf the Pines be full, then thole Wees doth he velk co- gmioende,if the Pines be nothing fo full fuffen, thole Bes docth } be greatly diffaloiwe. And he alfo peafleth thote 1Bes, whiche ercelleth 02 pafleth others in the lononefle sf humiming, 02 08- abound tn the great baunte of the fwaarme , not bzoughtets the ities from farre places; fo that there mape be fuchhagrement, that they be not after feared alvaye, with thenetunetis of the @teeanb place, rl rg muvee «tev Tttg ye 7 1) a in 3 wenie t 4 Mew 9 bh oe peas ’ Pat % * ** - Y ies vis it ce ale 19 Therightordering of Bees @ V Vhere the Hiues of Bees ought efpecially to be placed. Cap.x. a Rittotle willeth the Hines of Bees in the winter time tobe [Aptaced ina warme place, and in the botte feafon of Hone mer zinta calve place. Palladius Rutilius in bis firte Woks of bufeandzic teacheth that the fittel! place for bees,ts that, twhis cheisina Garden, not farre 02 rather neare to the owners boule, which by that meanes fuffereth not the windes, no2 the accelle of theeneso2bealles. - ‘ee GUbich allo nouritheth Hre&s growing on the Pozthfise sf the place,the bettcr to defend the cold apse from thent, ¢cleare fprings 02 fatre rfuer water running by.Columella willeth the Wives fo be fet open toward the fouth, far from nople,¢ haunte ofpeopleandbeaftes, neptber ina bote no2 colde place, fo2 eps ther of thefe Do moleft and barme thebes. Allo thatthebyues Hande in the bottome of a vallep,o2 tf not fo poffible, then plas cednearetothe valley, the better and eafier fo the 35es to being their fove gathered to their biues, anv inanpe cafe farre from fincking puddels ditches bung-eapes , andfuch like Gl thy finckes, which greatly annope and endamage the bees bes prig neare bande to their biues,M. Varro inziting (1 bis fecond ~ boke bts a bulwife of the countrep’, iwilleth bir alfo to fet the Hines clofe te bir houle, and onder fome Med, ethat far from f nople of formes, tubiche is mente from a grove 02 tumd, leafke fhzough the twedde o2 grouc neare bande,the fame map giue a founding nopfe, like to that whiche men commionlype name the Cccho, whiche founve i berpe deede the Wes do greatlp bate. Virgil toflleth buthie teés tobe planted and and right before their biues,like ag the Peare trée {s,the each tree, the Dake fre, many kyudes of Apple trees the birche tr’, Wolp tree, the Jay tre alfonot alloted fo2 bis godnefic, but bpeaule $fame gineth ont muche bormp,ans al other trees tohich beare ne bits fer floures. Andbe twilleth thefe plantes‘and hearbes to grow neare bande,asthe Rofemarp, the red and damatke Kole, the gabite Lillie, the Biolets, the Flouredeluce,the D2ganve, the ime the Treatife, iT Wime,the running Mime, the Daucry, locete Palozonte, the Saffron doute, which coloureth the hounp and maketh tt finel Sweete, the beare floures,the French beane floures, the Pellps lot floures,the bearbe Waulme, the white Wopple floures, the IBitonic Laures,the Wozage any Wuglote floures, and riiannps other (wie and iholefome foures, ttot bere name. iBut the Wore tree, the Paflicke tree, the Dogge 0? Gatten tre, 0} as forte {uppofe the long and bigh cheerftree thep greatly hate,fo3 hat tatting of the fonves of anye of thele, they die fozthiwpth, Maro toplleth fanding waters, to be neare to their bines, ¢ fo fallow, # final ores thzo wii into the, map appeare aboue the Water, ¢ ferue in Keede of bridges fo2 their often recourle to the, € that they mayp aptly fretch their \wingsabz0a0 on the ones, at the heate of the fon. alhe avings for hiues ought to be thré fote diftant fromthe ground, ¢ witttlp Topped about with red clay,leaft berntinte, and WDpfe crepe inta the hiues, atd (pople the bonny combes, 20 he Wives alfo anghtcto befet a little alte ber the one from the otber,leatt bp lobing t1to fhemt,pou hake ott? another by cleaning togither,and fo Bifquict the bées nerte. to,wbich feare al mamter of thaking leat the fame theo not botvne thety wweake twozkes of ware, And the motthes of the. hiues ought te ftand fomiwhat fiper than the back part,leatte. rata beating in,mightr not lightly runout agai by their entry, or hole. so remedy of tubich, forte make aconet oct thep2, hole p better to keepe of piweather €ratue, And ito manner of | Heate fo mitch harmeth thent,as doth the bittercole, ¢ fo2 this p. faces of hiues’ought to be toward the winter rifing of the fun, that the 18s may fo veceiue the warme comfort, it J Morning comming Foxth;¢ be the tiuefier,fo> calve doth caufe them ta be: fig gifh,and for that ranfe thetr holes ought to be berpnarrow, that as little colve as is poffible, nrap enter mto them,¢ fo nar. rowe mave, that the Bas within map recctue the encreafe but of ofte i5ee at otce, Jf02 by that meanescan neither the Weettl, bitterflic,wo2 great moath erfer,to anttope then, Wefiocs foz their often recourfe home, Maro tuflleth to make five 02 thre cerunitigs inte the biue,fometubat diffant afunder, Ce. if, What e Theright ordering of Bees os What things Bees ie chiefly abhorre,or aetnu a Iyhate. Cap. XJ. wise asp ack 92 ok ee f ; Cece’ Ae | ~ $i bees, ts that(named the eccbe) engcatetui 02 oe ait asen the Renate oe Lab oni dp ngaine at at Nae ; tnbich miibenty appeareth Win that kind of hecbe named ape £ inorte,that thep efpeciallp hate,bpcanfe the fameisofattrage fincke to them-2be hoonettes allo of the like forte creatt, but. Baser of kpnde,thep greatipe feare, foz that tothe Wozmets the — ony Bees ave a tpeciallfode.alfo thep bemeate to fwallows bi ‘fparro iwes,and to'ail other fall bpzdes. "Whe frogs heFoes, thep do greatly feare, which only Ipe ‘at a Waite foz them, both in Parithes, running fpaings, tyallotwe. Wwaters, ano little ditches , and the like doe the Woaves|ye it Wapte fo2 the Wes, wh che peftrope manye of thein..and the. thepe toe ‘gteatelp rroubl pen ta fall 02 ligSte inte the Wall of they? backes 2 out of. tobpebe , , thep: ‘cattnot cafplpe. iwpnde 07 ‘igette therntelies. 4 ag raine. ‘ gael eee happeneth fo bople oy feathe % ‘iner. rea if es 102 fea’ tabbes py fo the Bite and 8 al the a le. hin Mectur ‘sate’ CVissC ei Cy cease afi Th gohan (ah iio) svanittn Bi, is cape. aines eed sad) go Oana OF Mie otc yet ie My LOSS 03 ~ pleating, to ich as Plinie thriteth, doth greatly fear. them, ea ethe Wompe Bes, iffabethepbape ee os Je A Newey _ : - The fecondBeoke. A oa what fie ones nen’ may howe the aad ‘y a ; Bees a ‘are edifeated,and | how men may cure,» “a ee ia, SHCA. Cap xi, oh ahaiash : sper ata heigttndht HORA Eh: re redit— ealed, tf that thep Op{cattcring inthe fwarine, if te hep “not thet proper colour,tut be (as it were) ofa frange-and ci- ~ trarte colour:if thep alfo are onet leane, ifthep appeare duftie and bairy,and that out of their cottages be dead Wees carr ped Rien ete ninetot Hotes and fignes are efpiedin.the es, is then bighe time to (eke remenpe Foz them, leatte beipe (bp lofiger running) be fougtit to late. Sherfore Paladins willeth: to minifter the kernels of Pomeeranats,bzufed and mired with forte and pleafaunt Gine,and the fame polw2ed into the. chae nels 02 gutters of balfe canes, fet nere fo Pitouths of bines, 02 Honnp, with wolfe leattes ' well beaten togither,ano fo minittrea tothem, 62 the berries ofthe Saruice tre bouted,and mired vb ip Tod lacke of thete belpes, a manmapmake.a {moake otd dete Dre or Coe dunia, whiche fmoake muche delyghteth and comifagtcth them fo thatthe! fante be often bheo onto pats ; gett. : strat i be fittictnoames of the Bute Bis ifeatén, Rutilius then iudgcth it bette; to. te thes at He like bettell, with lighte bur ning init 2 att a ing, Within the beur, that tothe famelight ($ wButtersipe ‘Aitechied ib ping ab cut). map f fo. fa ben ine fo if,and be beftroped,, 7 : ‘Ariftomithus: writ iteth; that the di Difeaten Bees mare fe bec pues eb in: this matter, ift that all'the cozrupt ‘combe within the bine be taken forth, and frethe fode anewe put in of the whole, and. the bine after inaaked within. Alto be atfyameth .. that Bates sitaric fodden faith water 4 arte arty to patther, and bepngcoloe,, poured inte hatte cates o2 Cloer ftickes,iiabde hollow like gut- ferg,anb the fame {et by the mouthes of the hiucs, forthe Wes £0 Dzinke on,vothreconct the wees again, Huis iyi He | a - The right dering of Bees that epther the Dreoz mans brine fet tn like mantic (a8 abotit faive) bp the mouths of the hyues, noth alle receuer the bifealee $ers.spotuc all thefe, andfuche like multe the keeper of the Hi 25s Doe, whiche is botsafober anochatte, anofedeth not bppon fowwr¢ 02 tarte menthol alte habia ee . amp falt meates. aan srg ens siarhee YON 4} 0917s *e : Heian A What manner of teas the ase of Bees ine ought to be. aR pile 4 appt mid qve wis for that thep muiche abort all ‘anes t a and fntells,Palladius willeth the Rapes af thent to efchet - dillfgenttp al rong ard pl! hinelling fauonres,one alle that lighteth to be chatte of bop, and free from filthinelle , amo thele stot bzeathing folwzelp,o; of a inking beat, mot fmeas. aoe ting, noz Cauonring of tweat, not one befides of wicked fonpi 613,03 fuche a perfor as Fanding antong the flight of the 15 Doth not earnettlp IMote and procure thentto fy to. hie... One Kingedendeuoreth to veféd bimfelfe from theitt, ' but ra a8 a flatterer among big acquaintance,and chil dren, hath | ned toentreate, amo pleafe the Bees by a those gentle mat He alfo whiche mindeth to haue alfo ina, readinelie, the biues bnto bis bie, ia tubich be map receine forthwith the rnde. pou of the firarmes put fo2th, which tether be not diligently prefe ted, they Gpe quite atwaye at the full beate of Sumute. 35 hot thefe bines aught aptly to be piepared , sect taught ithe Ortéenth Chapiter. ; At the Do2re Wes, 02 Bees nithaut, fing, be. atic fu the Diu. and that you Wwouloe glanlp rinde thent Forth, ; do on this mariner: fir take and plucke off the lofngs afc ‘P thofe Dorre Wes, which lap o2 pat twithin the bine. and incons, " finent the Donny ies efpying the fame, will fal oppon t theas 1? Dazre Bees, any me Rall and dziue them: ARE A | 4 & ae a -_ Ay * j ey P ae a7 4 }* ine Re wv % — Thefecond Boke. yr on what fiabtil meanes,the fwarmes come forth nay ii be preferued from fying quite ays: Bene 4 wayes Cap xij. oP LLADIVS inbisferond Woke twriteth,that $ twarms of the bonny Wes Ap awape efpeciallye in the moneth of June, wut with bs the fame oftuer bappeneth in the moncth of Pap,as bathe bin noted by fundzpe,tiuerfe times, efpecially it the pong %5es be founde andharfic within the tues. heres fore the keeper mutte diligently loketo the Brucs, andatne time be ablent,cfpcciallp when the young Bes increafe and a- hound in the Pynes, fo2 tf thep benot then carcfullp loked brt- to, and fapen bp the diligence ofthe heeper,they al fly quite a- Lap. Fo2 (uch is the nature and propertic of the Bes, that as fone as the fwarms of the pong iSees, are bzed with the lings, and that thep be ftrong ¢ able to Ape away, then as difdapning the fwarms of the olve IBes, thep fecke the moze gouernment. Ffd2 that thep be fuche lining things, that delight to rule alone, not feking apde andcounfell of the elver Ias:and therefore be the netuc bings Ape forth, with the paung fwarmes following thent,twbich fo2 a dap 03 tivo before their flying atvap,rematue. heaping togither before the mouths of the bypues,¢right bnocr the Biues,fo that bp their comming forth, and heaping in fuche perder, thep properly theiwe the defire of a newe place, and be as pet contented to rematne thereabout,if fo be the keeper prouide fo2 them a place and amt apt Dive. wut if thep haue no keeper to loke diligently to thent,thett as it were by an iniurie repulfed, thep after fake a neve place. Mhat this map not happen, let then the warpe and diligent keeper, lwke circumfpertlve to the Synes in the Spring tine, aboute the eight houre ofthe dape, (when as the Quarmes are not pet flotven alway,) that he mape the diligenter marke and fe the fiping oute and conmiing fin of thepong ies, - How the reabinetfe of § ees in flying alway, isknoiun tivo ‘Wwates,as f p fir is,tohe for certaine daics bifo2e;in.a manerat 3 § fetting of the Sun,they plentifully o2 abundantly gather ova beape righte befoze the mouthe of the Wyue, like tuto hi clufters 16 Therightordering of Bees clufters of Grapes, and doe bang togither 9n beapes.one bpor en? oe ee Se ee a whole fwarnte Ape bp te the toppe and head ofthe Wine, Wet it “aftenbappeneth, that they doenot twhsly cleane oma heape to: “the beaunch of a tree,buit to the ftocke 02 body of the tree, tohpch: pissin ong fl, 3a; Niko 9 ET a pi + thofrtTreatife. ge by that meanes mufte nedcs be cutte-by a greater foreestathat: not able fo be recoucred bp this meanes, the fwarmemmite be ; quickly fwepte c off, either with the hand,o2 with a Gole wing, that thep may (6 fall togitber into the biue. Ff the fwarme hap- ‘pen to berluitred togither onthe topofa tree,fo bigh, that they - canvot be climed buto,to takethem downe., thenafter the thas hing of them into the Wiae (turned vppe) either witha pole o7 - bighforke, the biue mutt (pedily be turned down fo the earth. ind if they be not thus taker o2 recoucred; vet tf the hing that be fillin the Piue, then doth the fwarme fp in againe,tf heres mtayneth not, thetwil none of the fwarme abide inthe biue,but fipe forthwith vuto the fozmer place. GU berfoze,that thep map be moued to abide, pouinuike then {princkle the bine with was ter and bony togither,and coucr the fame within with ¢ greene Shettle,o2 rather the qrane Fenneil,oz fome tuch tweete herbe, anointed alittle with bony, andafter let atthe Cuening in ‘thelr peoper place. o2-the bine inthe: Dap time, after thereco: — — -Mering thus of the Bes, map not be firred ontil the Guening, thatthe 2Bés fe quietly refting all that night, map inthe mo2- ning leifurely go forth . 5at for thee daies togither inamay ner, mute the keeper Daply loke, whether the fwarme keepeih belotwe in (he iue,fe; if it doth, then arcthe Wes purpofed to five alwave. And tf none of al thefe remedies, map pet moue t be Bees to fap andtarry inthe bine, then be-fmoke the biue with flare and they twill after enter in and abide in the bine . wbich fo taping in the bines, fet at the Euciing in bis peoper place, ‘ere learnea farther inflrucion , that ifthe fwarme of Bes ‘cammtot be gathered and recoucred togithcr all. at one tine thet snap pot gather the fwarine at two 02 more tines fogtiher,and ‘alwaies.put eche part gathered birder the hiuc. Ff it havpeneth that powbaue gotten the hing, with a part ofthe fwarme, then Apill allthe others fone come fo bine(without further trauaile) of their otone accozde. Af the Wes allo be entred inte the hole Agweofatree, then to the bole, whiche they ole to go fivand ont . sata their proper henve,fette a prepared bine, and beneath their ‘ wees neare tothe rateans he of the hollaiw (as pou cart as ‘Dd. geile) iB —- Therightorderingof Bees gelfc)boare another bigge hole, that pe may wel par Ha fatoxe of Brimotte'tothent, whiche map focaufe allthe Bestofp — out at thele-bole into the Wiue, fet onerthe mouth of tt. ‘Forne better aenife 03 inuétion can be bad inthis matter, than by fuch a finoake made, Bf the fame hollawe tre be fo thinne,that tt 4 imap calilp befawed.afunder; then with a tyarpe fatwe lette thag Hollawwe parte be cutte afander, bothe aboue and beneath, and — after coucring tt with a cleane fhete, carrie the ivarme bonte, Which at euenitig coucr Wwith anetwe Witte fprinchled with was fer and homiy mired tagither. Jfo2 fa thep will tarrpethe wile liagliersbeing all Shaken forth of the boop of the tre |. and cous redlwith the ine. Welives the hearbe Mug worte (whichethe 25 des by'a natural hatred do abhozre) re ile ae ! only finell from pine to place. stat 4 Which ire’ thefbett and Gttelt Hest ihe Aone | "Hlouny Bees eee Vj $20Qg2 sat : es ‘ He are ge 24 fait 3 =a Au LLADIV$S twriteth, oat eK bet Wines! be thofe, whicy be mabe of the barkes and light cozke of tres, bicaule thep be neither to coloe tri the Ginter tiime,n07 tes hote ithe Some mer. And of this,thole ines whiche be wroughte: andmateof | the finall Dger o2 GAtllow tre; o2-of the Wine Kithes butt: tar gither,c2 Canes cleft tthe middes(iwhiche be of like combition to the barke) wrougbte cole tegither, and fopped clafe aboute wyth dockes and clap,tempered fogither with water ana falte, 3 map aptly feruc,ifpau will, Wut tf neither of thofe fathioned Wines like pau, then may pou make the Piues ofthe wawneof ‘abollowe tre, o2 of light Vourtes inade (quare, and fowppng “fomeiwbat afore. Lhe wortke biues be thole, which be made of tucfes 02 earth, bycaufe thep be over hate inthe Dommer, ang over coldein the Winter. Phere be cther twa kinds of ides, as the otic made of oxic hard Cow dung, and the other of files, Mf twhiche the ore doth Celfus rightly conoemne, bpcaufethe fame is fo lightly burned,and the other he allowweth, althoughe «Be aad eel of if, bycaufe the fame, if mneede i i thefirt Treatife. ag ‘tH maderequireth, cannot cafilp be remoued and carrieaintenn otherplace: And among thefe,F (uppote qure forme of Aines ‘herein Caglande,are not altogither tobe difallotwed, although ‘thepbe inlike daunger,to be cafilp burned,as the other Diucs aboue taughte, tn that they be mabe with frawe. Wuttobe - (boiefe,foz.a greate fwarme pou cughtto baue ina readinedea gQieate hive, and for afmall twannea little Wine. Ano-the Ptueallo oughfe to be a fete anda halfc, 02 tivo fote high,and inbreadth aboue twofote andabalfe, 02 femetwbat larger. DPaning be fites dwo berp fall and narrotwe holes, fomewhat afunter,and fo little ought the mouths to be,that nepther we: tle, 5utterfite, qret oth, Wumble Bes, Cuct no2 Ponte map enter in;to fpotle the onnp combes -Some fupyole , 02 rather ‘attpzme of erperience, thatthe wes are delighted with this — clofeneffe,in that thep moze top to do thele waiks and ox fnele shad barke, than othertwife ha a Of the clenlmeffe and fweetenefle us the wed of Bees. + and howe Hiues oucht to be fenced aboute,and. " prepared within. Cap. XVI). re keeper of Bees which mindeth to handle and loke into biues, ought the dap before fo refraine the bencriall ace, not a perfon fearefull,nog comming te the biue with bnwathed -bandes, andfaces Andcne that.cughte to rcfraine tia manner framall (melling meates,poudcred meates,frycd meates, aNd -allother meats that doe finke, like ag the Leckes,the Onions, -the Garlike,and fuche like, tubiche the es greatlye abbozre, -Befides, to be then fweete of body, andcienlp i apparel, min Bing to come to their bines, fozinali clenlinede and fweetnefic the, Bes are muche delightes. Nowwe thus pocpared ¢ in areas Dinefle,open p bines fir of the 1Bé&s,about the. biij.o2 r. Bap of Aprill,being then a cleare ¢ warme day,¢ purge the bines of all -fuch filth tohich be gathered in them all the winter before, like . as Spiders webs, which oughte elpeciallp ta be wiped awape, _ bicaufe.thep corrupt the combes,not twith bands, but 6 a gofe ctning the fame ought to be bone, After that, the Wine oughte to “ Do, ve bg ; 2 , 26 Cté«T right ordering of Bees be fmbaked twith Dre or Cowe dung, for in that (as iter es0p ‘an affinitie ofthe kinve)ao the Bees greatlp oclight. helittle — fwormes alfo, tubhiche fame ame Maggots, that beebe in the combes,theoughe the blowing of the wWutterflies, and allo the Wutter-Apes ought to be killed andpurged outeof the biues FE : the combes happen tofall thooughe infection o2 copruption tm thent, then make a fmoake with the die Dung and marolwe ot -an Dre 02 Cowe mired togither, that the faucur may go ‘Dppe - tothem, whiche for that time iwillcure the iweake combes, | Airengthen the Bes, ecante the to tworke the luftier afterware, ‘And from the begining of Map, onto the lad of June, phiues ought then to be diligently loked pnto,that the pong fwarmes. five not alway. Alfo fromthe tenth of June, unto the tenth ot ‘Augull, the hiues ought to be opened now ether,€ tobe frobkes with fuch like as afore ts taught. dabiche althougbe tt be gries nous fo2 the time to es, pet the fame ts very profttable, and firengthneth them, Andfrom the beinying of the Dog dapes, _ onto theeightéeuth of September, ought the Mees to be cares fully loked onto and defended, from the violence of the Wornck Wes, which often awaite before the mouthes of the Piucs, to ‘fet bpport and cate the Bonny es Mowe the kerper tit a fapze ‘fury dipe,ougbt to clenfe the ines of al mvaner annopances as before is tanght,and diligently to fop the chinchs, 02 clefts about,fauirg the nronthes of the Hines, with Dre sung ¢ clap mired tagither. And this ought to be done, fo2 tins 02 thee Dates before the change of the Mone,the better to defend the utter fipe and others, from creeping in. be pues befioes ought fo bate tina bigge fickescleancfcrayed , andrunning a croffe from five to five,atrd (princhled rounve about Within,and fivete — _ anid pleafant twine, 02 elle the Cickes to be barde rubbed over, ~ With the grene branches of the Fennell o2 other fivete frets lintg berbs.o2 10 a little bony ¢ leanes of the Bere-tre,togither, | 82 with the branches of the herb ime louring,o: Sanerie,oz * Prlopante,o2 the hearbe Walme,and Wonnptogither. Some _ amnoint the Hicies and hing within, with the fwete’ creame _ ofthe netwe Cote milke , 92 with Loater and Wonnpe foopen togpther, a ee ones 5 Soe ery = eg eR pa a” NE Se ap” OOO a aL la ae , the Treaty Ce. scl ~ 21 - tageecam that (readout the yue, mae | Wes maye bet the, rather an, forer moucd a leer - Bilinthe IU, Mditarnidl a a bay oF ADE i Al How Bes ht may Ee ‘alas in aces prea. 1 Beeden, Gap. anon dr Rrol odie - Ospen ag? ba routneltes ot the, apie ct fo mietiieg SSeonttraine the aoe abpe ttt their biueg,ana! that thep map nat only: abe Ay Bony, but atthe rpfing of the conttellas tion (named Verg gil) tyep.mape be fed and cherifyed,. and the - fame done inthis manner. tuitheutgreate sof. As. ficfte,if pou take the number of tev figacs.,, fething them in, fire pintes of fapre coinnite.o2, fp2ing water, bute.a ppnte waited, whpch af ter fet thes one, five of the bine within,laping: many inal fickes a croie ouer 2 Lycour,that thole, map. ferue infead of bridgs, the aster fo2 them todzinke of theLicour, twithout downing inthe Came. Dihers,twpilt to {eth Honww. and ipatertogither « € the fame tobe poured into difhestct at the one fide of the. Wie, inthe. wbiche thep, will, to put fine carded ivoll, thatthe Bes mape. the better Dpincke now and then, and be not-cloped with to much Drinking oftheliconr,bp lighting. {nto tt, Otherstake figs ¢railos beating t the togitber,and; alter bepling them in the fete lpcour named Cupte;thep pours into. dithes,canevingp fame. with Daten frawes acrofle..Dthersalfo willtgtakea little iBony,putting into the fame afelue Date coanes,thatithe Bes ltabttag: onthem,mayp fo. kepe their iwitigs from wetting — in thelicour, Pow all thefe meatics map tell faffile to cheri ann fea theb bes in the Giituter, time,lacking thenfode,bepng fet Meare to the niouthes of the Wines. So that tf alonger bi ger opprefteth them,then inith the hiues fatt bp theentring é in, fet little gutters mabe of balfe canes, 02 greate elder fickes ‘cleft,into wobich poure of the fwete licours aboue taught, fo by that meanes map thep be twel recoucred and frengthned (1 _the deepe of Winter, wher their fode fapleth them. Some wil to bat frely birbes cleane dzatunie,o2 the flelhe of a Wenne fines HDD.t. Ip 2 The right ordering of Bees Ap theo Mite Hines, Ths tHeriBeed to Weene ann Cache tpdn ithe Dépe of Watiitter:€ Me fitte Teatlicrs alte thep tilt to put info'p Wine, that they may give thena warmih fo the wes {ying tt them. dnd others allo will to put the meate of roiled Chickens into thet Wides,te fede ano facke bppon, ‘and not the beanies {uithall,leatt the fauont of the bones after the meate eaten of, might annoy the bers by lying ill in the hives, inthattbeplo greatly abhoree all fowpe andttinting (auoys. Alto thefe kinds inf flefh ordered(as aboue faybe)ntap well fertie the wes inate other die Sommer, Iwher as the mol foures are then faded 6? quite Gone atvap, ere note, that inthe Spaing andSomce — tine;the be-htues ought to-be loked bnto thzice in the moneth,. fenitlp tricking the Sere, to clenfe the Yiues of almaner Hlth, ‘and to fwepe Forth the twodines. Alfo Menccrates willeth the heper of Mees, to kill the kitig blacke of cotour, whiche by bys malice Difquicteth the other bing, andcogrupteth the Bine, ie that be dicth out'alone,o2 iwith a company of p bees folowing. So bythat nieaties(as Vireil weiteth) all the battel of Bes be faped.Palladius tweitets, that the fwarmes be increafen tit the moneth of Wap,and that inthe outmott fides of thecombes be the done Bes bed, which ought tobe billed, in that thofe. do mache dilquiet the reft of the (warme, Lhe Wutterfliesalfe bo abounde, which be willeth diligently to bill,foz their greate atuiopautice to-the boriny Wes. 8) es aan bone the beginning of Pouemberonsdtthe Bpuesthert — ta be cleared of their filth,fothat althe Ginter follciningthep map nepther be remoucdno? opened.andthismapnotbe dene but {a warme fury daye , the combes mipe nof be touches Avith hands, but with the feathers of a Kifte poole wing, o2 fuck bigge foule. After: that to foppe the chinkes round about tovth Dre dung and clay finelptabouredtogtther; and fo lap frawe thicke euer the foppes of the Wines, the better to defenve the es from the colo and tempettes.. | age co ES eee ee iystbafr rh Txeatifes as ‘ee 4g ork ie ee @) Crit pained © Ateon iene Shits a es How the des eesecastie ae rs wen saainéc Gap xisies et ine gieas e272 | SSK = & Be aoe of best bugnieal 0 mee BRS perth not. through net great heate,o2 ouersmighty cal. If at anptimeby a-lodatne thats inthe feebing for fave, ides happen to be beaten dolwne , -02.nipped wwpth a fodaine roloe(ivhich feloome (ocommeth to.patle. that the Iaonnp. bag ave foBecepued, that harined with the Dpappes,thep lye grouce ipng and flatte onthe earth,as head inamanner, ; then gather the, Bas togpther,putting thei into Lome betel farithe nonce, jwhich after fet ina warm chamber.o7 arloure,¢coucr warus -pinbers, bepng, Somewhat. moze than hote, onthe Bas,twhiche gently thake With the athes, but tnfuche foztethat: por touche then not wyth pour bande. And fetting the 13cs in the {unge, MD Neareto thet bfues, Ha vio recouer,and die again bidet cotages.) -. sit 30 seni to guifiaa stad ; Mebane et} in re oh Of thebatel that Bees ERE amon dey nates py 5 int ena 2 Ge! 33 roid sages dtrekcs PVELG BHI h : Pree Wes fometines minding to-fighte, battels among theinfelues,vo fight Ipke fraugers one again the. other, efnite eagerly inthety fightoucat.an: ‘other, SE, fo.be ane byue pat efpectally.tive kings bed, op inthe fame, tubyed eep well nap be kita ue, tober ag.the bees. cluttered andheas - Ped togtiber, doe veprete inte op reprelfpas tt. were, the forme of iva bearoes hangong doiutie, _Powwtheps readineile, to,fight {8 ‘Ruolven, iwhert tn the. apze is beart.a. qreate founde and nople among, the 25ees Ipke fo the ananner of Crumpets, - Anbiles thep fiercely and cruellpfighte togither among thétels n nes » Cinthis battell they glitter, Wwith the wings, (arpenthe et with their beakes,beare forth their breattes,,. and about oi Ising they gather. ano fimarme . Bo that thep thoute tpt great @ tear Serer ‘that tbe ;them(elues, o/Gap.xx, » — ipet’ iN¥..do battilp baat out of the Iiueg s. ‘ane 96 itiperpanciuil : \ a4. . Therightordering of Bees greatnople,fiping and bathing togttber, and that inbeapes and rounde Corpaities iiipeDo? iopned togither, ano greate is the nople made among thei. Andto be (horte, in this rong and eaget battell many of thent fal headlong bawne,and that this her thenbatle- tones tothe ground. 2° VP She kings thenilelnes inthe micane time flyiig.in the mits Bel Frotites, Boe Aght with'a fierce courage withirthemfelues; and they alfo are {ene to Hie hither and thither aimong tbicke Htapes Aad finarines ofthe Wes , (like as valiaunte’ Capps fatttes ave wont to'do in the time of a baticll) with theit guftes Fitig Witiys and beaks, beating Downe ofthe foermes, bere € dhere'anid sneche foe of thent,of bath partcs. So that ofthems Whies hut ziapig onek this eager battell, untill the‘one part HE fozced toturne the backe to the other, and five atwap iwith erpee bitiow, Wherfoze’ this doubtful batte! tn the meane'time map becealed anid quicted betivene thent ; the Wile pradiferstoplt that tie keeper of bes,00 tape anv appeafe this bedvle of the; bp the cafting of fine earth oncr the wees, twhiles they be this fighting, which(as the wife affirme) of experience doth fo2thee With pacific the great omtackes and courages'of both partes. But tf this auapleth not,thew with henry and water fodoen tor gither, o2 rapfons in like o2der,03 With any other fwete Keour dprihtisten'on thei; is their fatie appealed , tobiche noth as ff Were! with the pleafaunt twetenefle, ‘quietthe trefulnette of b ‘Wwarriours > Wnd'iopth the fame in this’ Contr cuvelic they are WMatuclotsty'appeated. Jfnepther of thele Yentediesda pet pres ‘watle, ther let the keper marke diligentlpe thote Bes whpche Ayabte itt the'frante, ano bee motte eager Capptimes, that ‘ee tieaye tal tere toiehenpedition, Ta) by Mat meses, at ‘With the other rentedies‘abouc tatighte,”ittabe the baltels ane fight of the warisursbe throughly ceated, — sana _ Polw after the Wes are thas quieted, andthe nate fete ‘Ted rounve on fome gréne Bator nbrte bande, therm matke Sobether the whole Aware” 'hangeth ‘notone Whe a ‘clus ‘Ger of grapes , “twhiche fo Tertrig Leclareth there fo becepther — ‘Que hing 02 tivo, bp gad agreement reconciled, fwhiche let alone at votbepribTreatife: ag pri fach soife,tnt they fipe bache tito their proper home. i5ut éF the (warme (hal be Dewined inte two o2 many round tlufters, _ then inogethat there be pet manve Caytapnes lefte, andthat "> thetr poe ts not ceafeszand tn thafe partes, where pou efpeciailp fe the besto cluficr mofte thicke and roundetogpther, there biligentlp fecke cut the Captapnes et arnopnt pour band bes — fore with the iupre of the bearbe Baulme ,. that tonching 02 panoling, the 16a s,thep fipe not bither and thither,after which ‘put in pour fingers gently,and feuering the Wes alnnder, feke Diligently antong them, ontil pou finde out the autho2 and pro- - turer of the battell,whiche pou oughteliketwile to kill. Vergill - Anpiteth , that the kings fometimes fly fo2th fo2.a baine dee -—— Uabt.to {port them fying in the aire,which pou mapeafily tap 2 and let, if that vou rset ofthe ee sath be be miei terwardfipe, 9 : g§ How Bees, may. be recouered aid founde as’ eaine, © Ap eH: a FI it fa Hild ti that bes are: flowwen aieeai t that cn : in double whether thep be lodged neare hande,oz farre of Palladius doth inftruce and feache manp godlp'wayes fo finde then againe. Jfirt be teacheth totakered leade, 02 red Dker ‘infufed in wafer,o2 anp ofber: colour,ffapning,and to-carry the fame topth pou ina little (hallow dithe, Ginte (uche a fpaing 02 raining twater as the honnp bees:haunte, efpecially in Pp imoneth of Apzill. And there fitting downe, awapte the commuting of the Bees to dpinke, which after thep be come, and therezinkpng, fEapne inthe micane twhiles fuchbes, with pour rufy coloured redde at the ende,as pou map Wwellretche with the fame, fitttiig pet-fil; and twatching the comming agaitte of thofe 15és mar- -ked fo d2inke, whftche tf they Mhoztlpe returne, themis it an ent Dente note and token, that their lodging and cottages be neare bande, but tf thofe bes are long before thep refurne and come . quaatte to the place; a Lape pou fuppofe and iudge thenvto Te €e. long + The right orderingof Bees Along, tarrping and fone comining againe- Bhat pot mape eafts Ly finde the piace where the 152s lodge, whether the fanie be — i, fatre ozticare ban, Pal Bente featvan the fame Iwittilysn tht re kgs pay qmanir, Fi Kehe wiileth to faked ote whole topntofa bigge cane ob Glover Licke Lopped at p one ene, and the other end left Gpensto annopnt withi with a litle Honnp, whiche lape neareto that fpring. 82 ruratitig water; that the as daplye haunte me 00 © CPUS: Cahir Ges retort fo the fairies and that certapnie be erties within thequilthroughthel fauertheref,thenfepthebole with — pour thumb, letting ore ofp Besafterward to fipe ferth, wht the aplpgently nmarke,and follow that wap it Aipeth, fort wll Mhetoe pou part ofthe wap. (o their home. and after pou can le — the fame no further,then quickipe fet forth another be, -weyele Might tit ike manner marke,and follotwe after, for. that tt mape allo theiwe parte of the wap-onte their Home. And {o Let flie the bees bp oneandone, bntil thep b2ing-pou bate the place of che fwarme. Note if the fame place bezepe inthe carthe; thers avith afimoake made epthero€n2pe flare 02 Wrimttone, trac h - SBees cuit, and wher thefivarme ts come foathe, thenring ona ‘bafon 02 fy2til panne, for beitig bp and bp feared with the fhertl . founde of the fame, the ftoarnte epther lighteth on a porig tre, 2 on the.opener bowe of x bigge tree, which fo favnde cut.cas nak 4 "a h , 3 “Mer cuertuith.a bine prepared for the nonce. Wet tfthefiarm = che placedit the bollotwe of a tre, ano Having bowes-e2inthe (ve fire gather the bonny fromthecombes,fodo tee +Sthe ware for the camforte of the light, anDothercommos Bitte befiaes. Mowe what the bonny ts,and howe the fame tar _ ken frombiues , miape be prepared to ble, thall hereafter be an faugbte. | eo. : Fickle the learned Ifidore twztieth, the hennp tobeofthe dealwe of fonte lpquite matter,and affp2meth allo thefameta ~ be founde fometines inthe leaues of the greafe Canes. Ha lwhithe tramanner doth Publius Maro agree inthis berfe, twriting, that hitherto thebeaucnlye giftes are ofthe Aereall 4 e 4 to faite gathered there on the teaues of trees. Dthers. do doubt tobetber (he Dontiy be a fwocat from beauen, 02 acertatite (pits a tle of the Larres, o2 aiupee of the aire purgingittelfe. ’3ut _ Iwbhatfoeuer fubfance the (anv is,pet is ita motte fete tubs till.and healthfull upce,as Plinic twitnelleth, which at the firte a _ gathering efit, tsagacleare water, butafterthe boplinga iwbile,and purging of it felfe,as the netwe wine (after the pels fing forth) ts wwante to do, doth bp the tiwentp dap aftercome fo aperted thickeneffe of hounp, theoughe the often repeating — 5 ane — oo ie? / en | the fir Treatife. — 33 and working of it in the bote bayes, ftp the beginning of Bap and onto themiddle of June, 4 Motwe the honnpis gathered in this imanter: fir, befoze the — -bonnpt te predicd cut of the combes, mull thofe corrupt combes ; bauing red filth,ang bauing pong ti themcif any (uch be there) ‘be pretled oute, bicanle thep botie procure an cuill tate, and With that tupce cogrept the bony. Whe combs brules togither, Nughtto be put inte acleane prefle,betng pet warme, nid new “gathered out of the pues the fame dap, whiche lette pc there, _ bntil the bony bp littie and little be run fo2ti,o2 rather fo the Nidze erpedition, preted forthe with abeauy waighte,anethe fame wobich is then come fo2th,ts berp fatre rate bonp. After that the bornp with the ware mufke be borled togiiber, as hereafter tallbe taught. + Powe wher the combes, be thus baled fegither , andthe pong Bes killed and caft forth, then mu pou make poure ba- ‘np ti this mancr.As fick tn the Manet of Sevtebcr oz Dao- ber, take p beaufer anb oloer biues, tobich are of two 02 the ‘peares olde and not bauing b2ed Cwarmes it the Deminer be- foze:and that ouer (mole and flame of fraiwe, date Gare,e2 pels — Totwe WB 2tinftone, the bine a little whiles beholden, that the 96 es may fo flie bppe to the toppe of the hiue, 62 elfefuche rez _ matning below burne their wings. “feet that,turne davone the bead of the bine on the grown, “aw foith athatpe knife cutte the crofled Mickes alunter in the ti ae plucke the forth with pour hair, for by that meanes a ate thecombes. wel baufed togither, and the Bes either billed ‘With the fall of theim,o2 elfe five away, After thts putte all the - Contbes ona beape, being gaiysyes. Gute of the bines here and there itita aprelfe, leaning forejubat on the one fide, but fome pat § camibs foto a wine batket ae ot trial willaww 02 Diicr Wickes sine anitte anid inzouadte tagither, that banged vppe “na bake place, the Wonnp mape rninte thoroughe by little an Little from it. Gfterthat the bonny bathe this ranite Ron He tito acleaite earthen patne 02 boll Handing ‘enaer ff, :" then i ye fame alter poure inte an oa potte, 07 pottes, ber i t in ay 8 ree er 34. TherightorderingofBees = See ing as petralwe bonup, bot clearer and better than the otber lis -courof the bonp. Tabich foz certaine daics tet Hand open,that the fweete licoz may theoughlp cole,and the fame inthe meat twhiles often thimme o2 purge with alpone. Powe after this, — the fine peeces 02 crummes of the combes, which pet remaine —_ fiithe bagge of wicker, 02 wine bafket, 02 prefle, putte into an ' earthen potte, panne, 02 kettle,oner a verve fofte fire,that the . fame map beate toithout bopling, and altvapes kepe poure — hande inthe vefell, to Eirre Mill aboute hither and thither the Hoity and ware, and to openalfo the ware by peece meale bie — till tbe bonny and not the ware, thall be thzoughlpe molten. WU ben the honnp theough the beate, beginneth a little to paicke — the banbde, then poure allthe tobale Dalle o3 fubfaunceinto a — frapuer, and putting thefameina peefle made fo2 theonelpe _purpote, wring it barde about, pet tt maketh no great matter, ffthat fame be not focarnetly twoinged o2 prefied out, that - none ofthe Bonny romaine pet withthe Ware, (eing that : the ony and Ware haue effects tn fome canfes alike. Pow this oonny whiche is thus runne forth, ts named the Dodden — Honny, whycbhe oughte tn like manner to be poured into care theit pots,and to Cande open fo2 certaine dapes , fhimming f Daplp with afpone, ontillit be theoughe colde.. Zhe nob 0} wozthter Bonny is that which runneth oute ia manner of the olwne acco2de, before the fecond preffing ont of the combs. And intre not of this feconde onnp with the firfte, but hepe — them diligentipe aparte , leatte by miring the firfke fo the fee conde , poumake the belte (being the firfte) the tuorfer, Aft 4 all this thus handled , the fame thiche pet remaineth in the frainer, wath diligetly with Condutt o2 faire Spring iwater, that pou map fo bane the Wulle o2 honp water, of which being fodder and dtligentlp fkinuned (as of this ‘hereafter fhalibe et taughtis the Pulle made, that ferneth to manye qod = gc. ? Ta en ae Fn ‘ thefrft Treatife. 16 B) ¢ Which Honny is accompted beft. Cap,xxv. ike ig Countries doe ercell in the perfece qwdnele of Wonny,like as the famous Attica of Greece, which for the “ercellencie of the Bonny ts badde tn great reputation throughs put the wold, Hybla alfo ¢ Hy metus being!billes of the fame Countrie, which the beceiaers applic to Wonny, that the fame mape beth be named Hymetus and Hybleus Wonny, Creta, Cyprus ano Afirica,as in gwonefle thep are notable o2 worthy, fo the abundant o2 marvellous plentic of the ionny is there commended. Alfo the nelonefle of Bonny ts libelotfe commens ded, as the auntientneffe of wines, but the Spring and Doms — mer Honny,efpecially tf the velfell o2bine fanve ina ballep o2 bottome, and doeth excell inthe waight ofhande. Wut the bonnp gathered of bitter bearbes is counted biprofitable , as the fame Bonny which the wees gather in the country of Pons tus, tobere the Wes onelp gather their bonnpofthe WHoume> —Wwode. Lhe white in all Countries ts better cftcemed than the blacke, but the befe bonny is that whiche is berp cleare, of a golden colour, of a mote pleafaunt and fwete tatte, cleauyng fomeiubat to the fingers inthe handlpng, and but little fiftes “Ning 02 waring bardtogither. Anodthat the bonny inthe pou- ting forth, doth Kraightwayp breake bere and there, and fquirs feth o2 fprinckleth (fodainelp as it were) fundte doppes as _ b2oad. tobich being on thys wife, Plinte teacheth to be the tric ail and lure tote of a gwd and profitable honny. Ze Ofthe yenomous Honie , and ofthe wonderfull Ho- nye of Creta. Cap. XXV]. ® fo much forceth to onverftande and know, tuba matter af fabe p fame is,twith the which p Bes doliuc,as p poy , Ween bony alfo,that map be gathered by them, tebetber it be e- eeenennns' F032 the Wouny of Heracleain the Coury Fy, trep y wk : ; : Ue hy 36 Therightorderingof Bees = f Pontus, bath bin fo2 cerfaine peares , berp dangerous, i relly thraugbe a cevtaine bearbe growing tobite, whicbe : alfe beveth thetr cattell by eating theref, named of thedtwels ; ievg tere, Acgellothron. 25ut bp thele notes ts that bonnpe } founde cut and tricd te be vertguious, as firlle, that the fame is not thickeat all,the colour byighter oz maze glifteriig, and hath a fkrorig faucur, moving fozthwith often Mnefing, andis _ alfe waightter, Alfo fuch perions, as tafe fomewbat there- of, Doc couet to lie 02 fallhatttly onthe earth, febing fo2 colees | niefie,and be allona fweate,fo that in fodaine daungers,mufte — fome (perop helpce-o2 remedies beminifired , likeas theoloe — Soule of the belt bheny, and herb Grace, s2 other like confent> ~ gug,be often miniftren to (ucbe perfons. Chere ts allo another King of veuontets houp,in the bezser of tye countrp of Potus, that io2 p miadnefie which itengendereth,is names of the peo pie Neono menon:the fame bonp is {uppotes to be gatheren a the floure Rhododendros, tbiche groweth plentie there inth Wwoddes,Plinic tuaiteth af a maruellous honny to be i Creta fe2 that 1 Carina being a bt of that Countrep , be affirmet abhonny fa be qathrred, whiche the fies wil not touch, and faps potcd alfe to be a Gngular Derny,foa (he compolition of euer wiebicine, hie i a Wy € Of the UE worthinefle of Honny. et ap.XXVij. nde iter tt Stalp prepare and make their Inedicines lwp +V- che thep purpole to heepe long, twith bop, fo that honn p2efcrueth enerp thing from puttifving, which pou tusulabau in fafety,ana to continue fo2 a teal, though o{s clammineffe, And of this, auntient mendio enbalme bevpes of the deade, tobich they would baue preferued, andto continue found iotths ‘out Corupting many peres, with bonp onlp,ano the fante they. alfo fineared within the fombes o2 fepulchzes of the deade. the longer keeping of bodpes, Whe felfe fame waiteth t learned Papinnus af body of Alexander, which twas like & a x ei othe fafl Treatife. oe : embaulited with Pony. anid not bulike to this wotteth Phinic; inthe rij, babe, ans rrity. Chapter of bis Bifozies of fundope ‘Bead bedves alfo embaulimed w bony. Wbichan another place allo of bis Diffories iwriteth by Claudius Cxfar that brought amiontter out of Egipt into bis countrep,whiche was allo evn baulines with bonny, Ahanzus alfo witetb,ihatbedies {ube ied to fickenefles, mape both be kept free fronvichnefes, and from cogrupting along time, though the often (mearing and annopnting of Wonnp ouer all the bodice, As the like waters report, that the Bile of Corfica 562 SoH bo, tobiche line wt fimte, on She Macrobians bein a sroelet in Affiicke, named alta : Meerein, boe line along time,as certaine autheuts iw2ife, bys sauie With the meate of bonny, whycbe is plentic with them, thep Daply be fed,and ble continually, Some affirme that De- mocritus which recreates bp Bonny, with the onlp breath and fausur of the Wonnye made vote, lined (as thep tite) tntoa hundzed nine peares .. Ariftoxenusitweiteth, that the table of Pythagoras was baply furnifgen. with only breave and honity, and vet liucd bute p fourefcoze and ten peres ofthe pbilofepher Heraclides .. he Warne alfa is'founse to auaple againtt furs fettes and of this accompten amonatl the medicines" putting aiwape daunkennee . Andot this tts nc maruct that fucge , thooughlys fhilfullin Pbhificke , when anve be overtloped 02 - filled with Wine, 30 countell firfle to emptic their fomackes by vomityng, and after againtt the force af the fume evapo, ratiig of the remmaunt of the Uline petremapning, thep atue to thes Donny {preade onbseade, agit were bp patting backe the. eutlh that it mape fo vemtente and putie chip ite grate Hae : ¢ ah th profitable the vfe of Honnyisin medi iain _ cines. ape sande af ‘Arte the tubite. onpe ts ta be tied in noting geoicines; Jovut the pealotve in beating medicines:alis the nature and ees EAE poopectic * e ; ' om £8 {herightordering of Bees propertie of horny, is toclenfe and open, and fo erpel hangs. hereforeit is profitably applpedin Mlihp vleers, being boys ct ied and annayuted bpon, St clofeth alfo lwfe and gaprig tlethe. ‘ through bis wholencfle. Alfo with Liquid Ainme ¢ bouny fobs * ben togither, ate Ring wormes , andcomeso2 fwoeliing of the 1 feete bealed,bp annopnting therewith. Againt toe bucertaine : . foundings and nopfe cf the cares,and grieucus pattts of then, | the hony grounded with that falte digged out of the earth, and a Dropped wWarme inte the eares:the feite fante btlleth both nits : aud ipce,by only annointing the heave theriwith. dito the bonp ; purgeth the eves dimme of fight, bealeth the ftwellings, andor — ther defanites and ariefes of the iawwes, thefweliings anders — nels bnier the iavwes,neare to the theote, after the preparing — fo ble,the fame be gargelled inthe theoate,and the mouth tar {hed therewith. Whe honie eaten cauleth bayne,belpeth prough (being cleane fkimmed before) and the bpte of a Snake 02 Ads der. Dhe honp alfo helpeth tyole which hauc d2unke butwares the tupce of blacke Poppic, fo that againtke the fame eutll and i Daunger thep dzinke rofed honnp warme. Alfo the fame dounke helpeth the malice and oaunger of ulheomeseatcn, arothe — byte of amadoe dagge, o2 othcrivife melting in the mouth, afe — ter the forme of an EclegmaBet all the fortes of rawwe Bonny — be twindie aud (well the bopie, mouinga rumbling ozncplein — the bellp,procucing § cough, eafilp couerted into cuil humogs, © Topping the lfuer and the nult through the clammineile , and ¥; burtfuilto chollericke bodies, tf fo be the bonny befo2e (as Di- — — ofcorides writeth)be not theoughlp fhinimed and clenfea as the Came oughtts be. he horny alfa bopled soth better nourifhe — than therawe,pet lefle mouing the belly to folubleticiic, andfo the fale. And the bonny of it felfe , 02 mired twith others, hel — peth the foze in the lungs,and all other difeafes of thelungs. 2Cbe bonny ts rightly mintfred to fuch as haue the impoftume — in the lungs ana the plurefie.dnd the bony in which dead Bas are,is applped to the bentemous bonny. Lhe hony dunke with Aine helpeth the cozruptids which are engendzed of the mec fithes.But to colde ane mopike bodies the honnp ts moze p | fitable the firft Treatife. 39 fitable,therfozc dctie fitte fo2 olde perfonsjas Galen affirnicth. And to perfons being twentie peares of age, and of an buicme ptrate botencile,o2 others bote of qualttic, the hunny to them is buriefull, bycaule tt is fone conuerted into choller tntbem. Democritus turs ona tine afked by tobat meanes men might — both continue in perfite bealth,and liue onto bery old pearcs,to which he thus anftocred: flo be men annoimt their bodics outs Warde with Ople,and apply their bodies tniwarde with bonny. Further honuyp profiteth twweake perfons, being applved as the MHulle woater,of tobich thal after be taught inthe nert chapter. - Moverfons cold of nature, the honie map aptly be minifred tx bote both, but tobste perfons miniftred in toarme brothe, the - honie fs not rightly given.2ohe horny mired with Camphora, ¢€lping tolettle thee dapes before, with the which annointing «the face, doth fpecdilp clenfe the fpots tn the face:tie felé farie Doth the honie, mired with the qall of an Dre.Whe pure white ‘ honie clenfeth the breatt,foftneth Impottumes, being as well Without,as within the bodic.Che honp alfo mundifpeth, ope, ‘neth the foppiigs of the Liver ano Dplte, helpeth dopfie bo- dies,and Trengthneth weake members . Whe Aromaticke : homp much avapieth in fundete difeales,betng thus prepared, as the pure redde Role leaues finelp clipped, and after bopled ‘tM pure tobite bonnie, being often anddiligentlye (kynuned. » SFo2 fuch aionnve doeth comforte and mundifve, diffolucth -“Entheclenfing the clammp tweillings , digetteth the fleunta- ticke and grofle bumo2s , and dunke alfa with colbe water, it bindeth the bellesbats aniniteeD wean warm luater it loteth the belie, ni Of 40 T heright poeoning of Bees {| Ofthe drink of fHonny which clas wit the eMull a water,or fisreete water of the Romaines. . 1m eee Cap xxix. Sigs: $9 the ange ¢ of Pollio the sReiitaMe inne ver Empecour,we may enidently learn, that the walle ai arian bea. sete snes in praia ey lee bodte. ! Fe . nefies, to Nia te be thus aumnfivetens that ysl fy a9 Saater ata and ase mo Dple without the ek , De € elem Veen as the Drinke made with wine e ilape , without water, and bony, they aptly name Ocnomel. Pow the ‘Mulle water opunke,doeth cale the palage of winde o2 beeath, foftneth the belly,aud the long time af oldenefie changeth itin to the hinve of Wline, motte agreeable and paofpting the machebut the faite contrary tothe Spnotwes , pet it re reth. the appetite loft, ‘and isa pefence! again the dange "f nainke of Wenbaue,tfit be miniteced with Affes milte.. Sb Buiuketrucly(Acgineta {orpting therof)is thus mapderlet e times fo muchetoater be migeo binto pour Bonnve Breet ‘wubocite bopte 02 feeth folong ; dhtill no moze fonte arp be themes of; then tabing tt from the fp2e , prefert poure ble. MButthe fame Pale Accincta affpameth, | Mulle profpteth wothing in inauiaer the collericke' > Bpra ty fate itt thems is lightly conuerted inte challer, | ge Ofthe drinke Oenomel, whichis made ofpurewyne: bs Mg | and Hony. Capone vm) : GR Ocnomel, tohich is a twete tvitte made with We ‘Aegineta teacheth the fame, not only fo2 the prefern of belth, but ali to exgel the toamet of nae, theoug Oe a the firft Feit ifew ye eee mot wh piletaine, dzinke,as p whiche gineth,not ontelp, frength pf bon p and courage, but the long race of peates. Alto it erpel> ~ dets anoloe griefe. of the Reines, being often ogunke with ‘Parcelp fedes. Mut the belle Ocnomell is that which is made - of olde andtarte wine,and the befte purificd bony, fe the fame Doth lefle fwell. She fame allo Harmeth arunke after meates, but befoze taken, docth procure anappettte, Diofcorides tea, cheth that maner of making the. Ocnomell in this oder : firtk he willeth to take one gallon and a quarte of Wine, and mire ing it with bale a gatlon,and a pinte of the befke honyp, to pres pare the fame ozderip. Wut fome prepare 92 make the drinke _ fperdilier to dfe after this manner,as the bonp thep bople with Wine; and after poure foozth the fame into otber beffeltes. oh OF the fingular water of Hony ¢ Sotten by order of “lift ation. C ap ee j. “De ony. of Bes mete to difkillation, ought efpectally to he white, of colgure, which before the Bittiliing inufte be Fast with pure atid white and tell iwafheo fande, but not date fwanp cafe, after that , putte the fame either into a common | Role Himbecke of inne, fetting a bearte fine clofe bpponit, — that it map touch the Bony irthe ifiitling , 02 elle into a bo- Dpot @latte, fette into a potte of fine fiftedafhes o2 fande,ma- big atthe ‘firtea fofte fire bnder it, butt the firlt water bee conte, wbiche is isbite, and after the pelo water appearcth, fhen pat onder ancther receiuer, fetting afive the white, and fo long. DIEM Hutiltthe ccdde beginmeth to Thetwe : at the appea- tauuce, of tobiche, put Onder another recetuer, letting that ree maine pet ho moze foil! corte. bib red water being the bp afte ‘wef! ting the batre with a epunge, and Diving tbe fame ts the hote Sune Alfa it caufeth fapre and long baire, anv faveth te eading: of baire : befines. (this thitde water) ; mi h clente t efoule co ruption and matter being in filthpe : a mete anbudloe bleers >, tf the be twathjed ttpice a Dape Op. “toptty 42 The vight ordering of Bees “gpith the fame.canting aife netne Heth to grote tntbote places, — ae upaply wathe then with the fapd water, 02 other wile tip ~“Linnen clouts in if,laping tiem aptly on the fo2e$. | be lelfee | ‘fame bealcth places gricuouflp burned, without appearaunes: ef anye fcarre afterwarde, bp often applying ipnnen cloutes ‘popped init. And the feconde wafer being ofa golden coloure ‘Bipped into the epes, daeth trot onely belpe fwollen and bleared eves, but the pine and wwebbe in them, bythe daplp quid oftett --proppina'of the fame into the epes.Wbutas touching the white ants fittke water, there ( no worthy matter mentioned in thys bout,(etting the fame after inta bote bozfe bung with a (quar fone on the bead, ¢ coucring it overt With p harte dang fo3 14 . Daves, after which time,take the boapfozth, fetting it into a foyna‘e of fine fitten athes, well a finger bocbth o7 moze aboug: bony, veefuppofing on pour part, little peeces of flint fo eg beput into § honp,e then vittilled with a foft fire into a rece Well lutedat the mouth, fo2 doubt of the apse baeathing fo COE H fame beginneth to dittil,then deatw fozth part of the fire » (onlette pou can otberwwile gouerne pour fie by the belp of the ~ foonace) tohiche comming forthe tobite,let fo long sitll, bntill: there appeare pealow bzoppes like ta gold. pon the fa this, (et onder anotherrecepuer, beeping diligently this water bp tt felfe,and increafing the fire, let that long ditt, w _— tilleertaintabite fm aakes appeare,running Mnto the receittg _ that {penilp take awap, patting to another recetuer, | fo long Diftill,ontil no moze will DJoppe forth and ths of a rubfe colour in rednette,fo that if a tomar often the heares of bp2 bead with thistbirde water, fetting then bote Sounne, both fo opie and iwettethem againe, wearing fp? the. e firft Treati a ae 443 efpreabe the sani pon, fo2 the{pecdier aeving of them, twhithe _ fo-epdering,docth ust onelp caufe the bearcs to grow long ano berp fap2e, but opeth them in time fo pealowe as gold. File to -—s eiuerfe other bfes,doth this red water (cruc,as afore ts ta ugbe “tin the ther, Chapter. he tohite water (which commeth firite) sg bp wailing; the.face ; saberlpe with if,poeth caule it tobecome -Cleare and fapze, and, beepeth the fkinne from’ lokmg olde 07 & dong time,as the fame bath ben erperienced often by the two thy dames of Rome,Naples,and Venice, And the pealaty Iyke Golde being the fecona water,doth efpeciallp ferne to this vie, ', thati€ anp perfon bappeneth to be infected with the plague 82 — Pelktlence, then to take ttwo. ounces of this peatoto water of Aloes Gpaticke,of revde Mprre,and of the ea fatfron, ofeach _ fea graines,and a leafe of the bett goloe, all which grinde into. . ~ fine potider,ntiring the fame with this water: after that gine it » bpcaufe it ferueth iva manner bnto all qriefes. Reymond Capeth alt the heaving of batre, either onthe Head op bear, the firft Treatife.. fad Al bp annotnting the places with this Dple . Belives thele,it ts miraculous in the procuring of bine, being mightily topped, and belpeth alfa itches and paine in the lopnes , bpdzinking | the like quantitic of the Dple aboue taughte inwbite wine, Now the making and datwtig of this ople, ts. on this wile: firffe fake a boop of glafe, named a Reto2t , which fronglpe lute aboute with clay and flocks, diligently tempered togither With falte’ water after the boop is thusfenced and thozoughe Brie,putte in a pounde 02 moze of pure netwe tware, fo that the faide ware fillet not aboue haife poure boop, and to euerpe pounte of Glare,poure tn foure ounces, of the pouder of redte bziche, finelp bzufed, whiche after fet into an earthen potte, file _ Ung it rounde absute with fine fifted afbes o2 fande. After this, fet the potte with the bodpe init, ona foonace, making a {cfte fire. atthe firfle bnbderit, and after encreafing a little moze pout fire, diftil them fo long, vntill all youre Dple be come, iwbiche after. awhile iypll congeale tnthe receinuer: but it maz keth na greatemattersaltbough the ople fo doe , fo2 tt isne- uerthel fle in bis perfection: Iycaufe that if pou thoulve vi . Tillit fo often over, Dntillit will congeale 02 Ciffen no moze | futbe receiuer, then thall you mabe it auer botte, andfo quicke fn the mouth, that it is not poMible by anyemeanes to d2Inke ftdowne . Wut being once ditilled, peu mape cither give — itin ‘@iine to drinke,o2 annoint with the Dyle on any place of the bodye where pou will, whiche will alwapes doe gon, and burte inno manner. And in confiveration of thefe aboue taught, pou mape cuts = dently learne and perceinue,that this mpzaculous Dyle oughte to be hanre: a nate veneration of the connnot fozte. Hh. =: yt ~ Ae T he righ ehhh Bees : a sc Ch bit C2 pa OMns a | Another ee pee da Oyle of. Wake sane “noble, and doth marueloufly helpithe cold Goute, Be, ce = Ker Gar deg: atti asa a ‘the/Scnatickejthe {welling of the legs, and: iy iat other aitiefes proceeding of ofa colde bagi 08, i “eaule. 7 cm NCGS on AB. ‘eg sinode-eta Awaie of siicé rietne wits fo mucbeas pou ape subich pat z we itito a panne ouer the fire fo nielte,and being inolten,haue by'pon in areadinee aviother panne weil glafen | ‘aiid’ cleane Within, Aled with verie gad and perfere wine , Into twhiche poure petite molten wate, letting it foake and doinke in Well, and toate often ft the faide wine. After this take the ware forth; melting it againe ouer the fire, and molten, wate t the : faine againe iu the bee wine, fo that everictime melting th Ware, pure if into frefhe new wire, walhing and foaking My the fame tiligently,after weittging tt berp-wetipith the bands | And vied on this wite; both melrana wathe agairie in the beucfaide manner, andthis allo do for eighte times ‘togith hen let the fame forth, being a cleare feafon and ape, all ‘nighte thoougbe, after which put the tvare into a Retorret it) alittle of Mumia,and ople of Y pericon g2 Saint Johns ive anda little alee Dpleiand although without ‘thefe it ma €0 ‘gopet ntired with thele it ‘wo? beth farve 6 bigstte than bf bfed Hh ay otwve to retovrae to the faymer matter, tht a) ace fet in fine Gifted iene and a ci ire nae ter Gan and Sore, twbiche full haat appear ver ,tight maructlous tole. Ans the Dyle Belly, thus fully : -Bratone, wogketh miraculenfipe tall oifeafes lwbich a ofa cole canie, like as we haus abaue taught, Py BS “ae tie (tig Treatife. ie 4B. 2 ¢ The coricliffon to the Seder, af Wederpals (gentle Readeryl ‘sail hi cruftefullye fatiffied thy de- aved as inanye things a as are needefull to be knowen.A nd - Leommitte this my little Béoke to thy gentle indgement : if thou mayfte recciuez any profite « or Commoditie thereby, Ifhal begladde. ofit,and if not, yet fauourably letit palle froin thee ae to others, whole knowledge and expertenceis lefle thas thine herein,chat they may gather fuche things as SOHNE ITG BONES them are ftrange, ‘thoughe to thee a % Mt hee 2 eB tb “wellinowi Bef: salad thus Bs i+ é ik OT Pe ent T SIPHE TE ALL 3 * brieflye T committe S021) se) aitene >. 6h gheeto' God! 4 30 nn fata ant ay ott fing? sting agen ad) fai goad % + —" eee: mse nent 3 3 * AU Sra etki wet 9n8h mtd ols rte) adtRio fas 3 bebe q Certaine Husbandly Coniecture son { Ob Dearth and Plentie for euers The firlt Chapter. ree MD firft confider and ike. that uae hv _ is a Dape befoze the dap prelente, an ih September, Daober, and — 7 | Andlobe howe the weather hal beat the. gounnes oneanee into the figne of eo, as at the Day of theentrance the dape bes fore , and the dave after, andfuche commonlpe fhall be inthe mmoneths of December, Januaric, and Februarte, for ifthe — tuinde thall then blowe cute of the Pozth,o2 Catke , and thofe. dates d2te,then (hall followe a berpe colde feafon in ‘thofet | Amoneths : but tf the windeblowe out ofthe South o2 Wie “and that it raineth in thofe thee dapes, then ple to followe it thofe thee moneths. And tf the weather in thefe thoee daies Hal be neither wholp die, noz iybolp moifte,then thal sae an. wutedfatke Winter. _ j Andlike asthe weather Mall he atthe Sunnes entrawnce. info the figne Libga, as-at the dae of the entraunce, the nape before, and thebape after,{uthe foo, the moze: ‘parte. hall bethe | Spring,ag inthe monethof@Marche.Apriland Dap, = . ndloke howe the tecather thal be at the Sunnes entrance 4 into the figne Aquarius, at the Daye of the entraunce, the Bape — befoze, and the Daye after, (fuche fo2 fhe moze parte) thall the - weather be inthe moncths of June, Julp,and qugueE, ; And manpe auntient men affp2me, that like as the wea ther thall be tobiles the Sunne ts running bp the figne Lib and Onto the.20. degree of Sco2pio, which time is fri the dape — named (the Craltation of the crofe)bnto the dap of al Saints, fuch fo the moze parte thall the peare following be , se fo ntding that fozefaide time into tivclue Lippi and that four _ the firft Treat ife, 45. baies doe auntwere to cche moneth, ofthe whichefouredapes, that eache one of the foure, docth declare theconditian of the quarter follotwing,and beginning alfo to recks sen | roucmber as | the fir moneth of the yeare. i - Aud the generall Hanes ofdcarth and plentie after # minds of the auncient hufband inenbe thele, asthe ouermuch coloes — nelle D2ping, the onermuch mopfure foftning, the ouermuche- heate queatlp burning, and the ouermuch dpinefle putrifping ~ and woking intodutt, F02 when anp of thele qualitirs thall erceede in the proper _ time, but efpeciallp in that time, which to the come and fruites donot agree, then tall dearth and Acarcitie Beth of ; frutetes andcooncenfue. + As for erample, when the moneth of gparch Halle guer niovt and wet, lubich rather ought fo be d2ie,and that the — Moncth of April thal be dpie , wobich then sught to be mopf, both after pronounce the penturte of the fruites of the earth. ‘Ana if that part alfa of fommer thalbe weat, in which the ; copnedoth then fall onto tipeneffe’, that rather ought to be pole, Doth after fiqnifie tyericaroite both of conte and other A fruites of the earth. . ) Andthelike map be faive of the other conttitutions swhich | mbonthe elemental! qualities foal be in futha conditionas pobehagre, then doe thep promite both froitfulnente “a _ plentifuluetfe. | Audif inthe Spring be fiqnes: of colve arb bouabt, ati that - firtheiende of the fpzing neare the full moore’be froftes , then | fyall follow terp fmall peelde of the frnitesiof the earthy; ha ttle winethatperefalloming, And if the (pring be dzic, then'fewe thaltehe fiuittes of on trees be, pit gad, and the Icarciticof come thal be that peare. i AnviktheSping fall be colbe, i paca pe of. nt Carthe fhallbetateripe, | adi theSpingand Bemiiiée Fyatl be once wette, 102 mis - fie,02 colde, with: cloudie weather for ntanpe dates: ‘togither, Whiles.all the treeehaue 7 theivblomems, and the-fictoes CHIT b.if. oe their - 46... 42 usbandly Comeétures tyeie foures, and begitne to thed de their floure, then fhall fo! law thefcarcitte of fruites of the earth mthat peare ;02 elfe a 4 werie greate rot of tyzitt, and nhany fickueffes tn that peare, i Ana ifthe fammer be dzice thamenftomabip , ther fpalfola law the ([cavcitie of cozne, vet the Sommer Fruttes Mall that. peare be found, tbe tilbes Sen bles: and mot tharpe 6 Seleucia {hallraine that peare. 9 5% | And if the Sonuner thal be notte than PD Pi. je {hal follote many fichnefles 02 difeates, yet great sarge the So suner traitesthatpeare, eb Aan ifthe Sommer thal be colver than cntomiallye, (hail follow a bealthfull pere but the. Feuites of the earth thab inte ripe that peate. 5695 seg Ana bere further: note of the foxins, that ifi in the fame fes : fon af the (priitg,, there thal be a moze plentie of all doures gin fruits toward than cutomably, doth after fignific a fears — citie of copne that vere,unlete the beate of fomuter doth other: a wife refozine thefame.- . 5: _ Aud the wife and auncient pufbanoinen have obfeniensial a fwhen the winter thal fend doiwne fozcof raine on the earth; fo that the fame erceede notoz beto much, and that the March following be dele , and fhe Ap2ill wetfe by often” _ fhoures , and that the fame part alfo of Sommer bee det 4 Iuhich the come falleth toripenetle , them doth, the fauna mife aplentifull peare. And tohenthat part of the Haruett Hal be fatre and Drie3t a tobich the wheat is Cowen, and the parte of fommer itt: which comncfalieth twripeneffe (hal befaire and ore , the {pring fo meanelp iuarme , doth then not-onlp poomte,fntet but plentifall peareof core, . <0. hed i ga a And nowwe the aruet mopter, than cattomably Doth pur - seiie the Draves, ann caufeth.a fail peloe of, wines that pene a Pg fcarcitic of other fruites. = ie 2 i18 if in the latter part of Baruch tt be moptter,thansathe : ae following thal entue the {carciticofcorne..: pe me ate at ifthe saat bts Bile in the fir eachathni i Sy ofthe weather. he peare following fyat ARte,and thae finial graine nawied Bub. and fuch'pke, beocare. | Anoitthe paruck be hoterthan cuomably , theri u) all fole ‘ote a difeatea peare and that dangerus, - ¢ § Andifthe garnet be colocethan cuftomably, thei Myatt. follow the loffe of the eligi fruttes ee un a ve and. tat offbem.. * Andtbe Tintey caloe ano Drie: sig of all bufeatiomer con! mended, buterireeme colee; docth ther flea the trees, efpect: alipthole whichtopina warine aire , as the” Pomegranade gi tree, the Dltue tree, athe Aemnman ee, the Fi lage tree, the th y tre, anpiuch like. oo 2° And ifthe anil in the ei Grotniitte of coloutette , the a Doth tt fignifte barine bothonto the Cline avid Dline tre ,the fs, bes tre, and the pelloio Quince tree. | Andif the ainter be bote and moptt ; thett the fariie poth pronounce an serge et spa AnD ion to tccoes and - os frnites of theearth: : . nod the ercefle: piebsties ahbinittedtperateire of any af the - foure quarters, is eutll anddaungerous to the fcuitcs of the garth. | =, .* And the plentie of frowe falling in the Due feafom of the - peare,both batten theearth, (andifthe othersdo belpe) then «- pothitfignifiethe plentie of cogne and aie abies be the Se eatth. ’ Ano ifanp walheth the handes with inthe, tt Doth then / maasthient fedte,in that the {nowe ts ingendered: ofa et fomewwhat d2feandeartbhly .. And the {rotwe nourifheth thevee other beatts in that the e fhotw is ihigendered of themopl aire, intobich lite confifteth. Ano the tnotve .increafeth the come and other growing , thirtas on earth,in that bp bis colonefic it fo doth fut p poure s ofthe earth, thatthe beate with the whiche the fcedes of the ‘garth be cherithed, cannot then breath forth. oo) into the -faoto sheateth” ano cheritheth the earth, be the thicke vcoucring:of . tt; \and deferdeth the arene ar i tes ; er 43 T he right ordering of Bees other fades fowen, fromthe thatpe and vehement colbe ten f tbe Ape, Alay OTS i : and the Crowe map be keptall the peare Diver the earth,co- | : _nered With Crawe, and profitable it isto mire twith the wine ‘ “in bote formes, a0! neceffarte alfo to bahstiie apoe about ce perfois, it Ana the pnppofitabte falling. of the bealne , tani ‘ fogaes: (efpecially whenall crefcent thinges poe bud fo2th,and | fhewethep2 floure) as inthe Moneth of Apzilland Pap, as — well on the trees, come and qraffe, which beaftes then feoing — | onbe greatlp harmed, theough the dea fallen and all other 7 thinges alfo much barimed by the fame, as bath bene cea % ferned by the ancient and wifehufbanomen. > . And the ouermuch falling of raine, frottes 02 batle, efpes , ciallp inthe (ping time, andinthe winter time, whit the - coane is pet as gralle ; ‘the ercefle of raine alfo veth ‘then theear £ ten the (carcitie of bittailes to enfuethat peare. ORG : And the great plentie ofbeanes , after the opinion of the coimnton bufvandinen,: theonghtbe inuch raine fallen,dothfaze fhelve the {carcitie.of coone , and efpectally of tobeate that 9 peare. ; And alike fungement map be gtueri of the Dke and Bob ¢ Iv tree, which ifthep beare plentifullp,then a feuttfull pearefole a loweth , and contrarituife bearing bat felv, thena deare years, : of co2ne to enfue. : And the great plentie of Grafhoppers, twormes and fate iE ferpillers appearing in their proper time more than cuftomas 4 bly, doe nat only declare harme to. vinesand (eves (ower, but fo all fruites that peare.: - 4 _. And the great ttoreof wintes ; nat only caute tte frutes { but fcarcitie of come to enfue that peare, 4 Andafiinelle inamanner throughout the peare , doth De [ Carealikelphone of the plagueto enfuethoztipatter. And the auncient Hipocrates weiteth,that when in the Sony j Mer the Porth winde long continuetb,andin the Waruclk, the “tg tuinide with More then nf caine, itooetyatter theeke ten of the W eather, 4 9) os “agit Winter the beabache,boarfenetic of noice, fhe tou gabe, confumptions 02 impofumes to cnfue, And ifatter a dDpie Sonuner (as weite the auntient pitt tions) the Porth winde docth long continue inthe Barucke, then the bodies of women, and fuche difeafed with a invite ficknefle, Doe then in that feafenthe rather recouer health, ta that the dzinelle of the feafons: and Wwintes is contraric to the ercefle,and to the tottennette of the humozs, bp lwhiche the ficks neflés were cauled, © Andit the Winter hall be bote and moifte, and the Spring + -colde and dete, then doth the lame theeatenficknefleto men in ~ "the Sommer, and that women with childe hall have Dntimes lp birthes of alight occafion.. Gnd Hypocrates wwriteth,that toben in the Tinter be lon - ‘ger Portherly winkes, and in the Spring longer Southerive Wwindes,and that rapnie ano wette in the Sommer following, ‘then doeth folloive Aques, andthe difeafes of the etes, And when aftera colde Winter , and that South winds aud rapnie in the Spring, and that the Sommer be bete.thert inthe Warueft following doc agues enfue, paines alle of the — bowels thoroughe the greate {couring of the bodice, and ficks Nefles, with the twbiche olde men, difeafeo perfons, and childzé be then sto2e pained, : And tubhen the Southwefk twinde doth long blotve aboute ; the end of Paruck, thé thole perfors difealen with a long ficke et DO hortlpafterdie, —j Anda further knowlege of dearth and plentie of bicualles, ano of ficknefle may bebadonthis wile. _. ” -Fivtke inthe end of Haruetl,cutte open tiva.o2 thee Dke apples, loking whether there be in thé either Flyes,Wioms, 7 ri Spiders, Fo02 ifintheDke apple befounde Woes , 02 Manots, ther they fignifie (after the opinion of auncient bufbandmen) -bothe dearth and fearcitieintbatpeare.. — © And tf the Dee apple cut oper be founde like to flies, it doth alter theeaten battel to en{ue in that about the Kratulcdge of this, there. is to be.conftoes Feo and rigted, in what fi Gigne He Bone whallthenbe, at the fire appearatice of the dogge dace. aboue the. Garth in our Realnic af Cnglano. which gerierallp to be réckened is about the feaucnib day of July... And nolwe tf the Panic -runne then in the fiqne. Aries : at the fir appearance of. the.» dog favre, it doth after declare the eath of Cattell and much, raine. Sa that fmall péelde of cone pet pleittie of Dple thal be that peare. _ ANE the Pone rare than tn the figne Taurus, at the fit appearance. ofthe dog fkarre, then dath it} fignifie muuch raine, “fogacsa anv miffes that ga! barme much f ‘that peare. and iéthe Pone runnethen inthe figne Gemini, at the fit ‘appearance off the baggeftarre,tt t doth after praimife® the pleutic of copne.and wine andall other fruites of the earth, a . pet difeafcd peare “andto. be doubtedthat a ising tal then dpe, and that Seip be moned,that peare. ; _ Aud if the Dane van the inthe figne Cancer at the ell ay > peararice of the d dacte shoo, theearth,t} noth after thread fen nbn 0 siaaneallly of cae aT inpe nee lL, ttt. hey car re. ba fs co Ne 4 ws ofcopne, andthe plentie of fuch fipes with the long bin _legges, that burne copie by the touching of it, and pet lite _ Aine, with the plague to enine iithatpeare, 54 Husbandly Coniectures " Ano if the Pane cunne then tithe figne Leoat the fice y fight of the Dogge farre, it aftcr peomticth tye plentie both ~ pf ivines and. Dple,and the gad cheape of cozne and other pics tuals that peare . And pet to berfeared the commotions ofthe common people, andflaughter of the fame to cific with an - erthquake, and land floudes tobappeninthatveare... = And if the Bonerunne thenin the figne Tlirgo, at the firtt 4 appearance of the dogge far, it after fignifiety the plentic of ey Mowers , and the greate ftoze of fruitcs ofthe earth ,anbd the | 4 cheapeneffe alfo of cattell. And pet to be feared, that women — fhal be delivered before their time tthatpeare. = , And tf the Pone runne then inthe figne Libya, at the fire i appearance of the Doggze flarre, it after beclarcth the firring bp of a kifig, and a commotion of the consmon people’, And . pet the plentic of fruites of the tres,although there be a likes 4 lybon of the (carcitie of cozne and ople inthat peare, 4 Aad if the Mone runne then im the figne Scorpio , at the . firtt appearance of the dogge Marre, tt after declareth the cont motion of picts, the beftruction of 1Bees,and an infectine a i fo enfue that peare. And tf the Mone rane then inthe figne Sagitarius,at the . fire fight of the Bogge Marre abone the earth, it after Gouin, i eth arapnic peare, pet fruitefull, and the plentie of co2ne, and: top atnong mett. And pet is to be feaced the death of tatteil ot the multitude of foules tn that peare, . 4 Aud ifithe Mone rune, then in the figue Capricaye ey hus at the irl appearance of the dogge far aboue the cart .: a itafter detlareth the commotion of fculdicurs, and greate ffo2¢ of raine, and pet the. plentie of corne, wines and > Dele.any i: al other thinges amd cheape in that peare. é , a Ano if the Mone run then inthe figne Aquarius , at § appearance of the dog far abotte the earth,it after Brith amott likelpbad , the death ofa king b7 Prince , the fc | TERE: a Ofthe Weather. 55 an. if, the 9) one runite then in the figue pilces, at the fir appearaunce of the Dogge farre aboue the earth, tt after oeclas reth much raine,and the death of byzdes, Luv pet doth it pros —omilea fufficient fo2¢,¢ laudable plentifulneffe,both of Wincs, Dole, and cone, but ange perfous oat be difcaied in that a ian pr aase inftruétions,tight neeeiiare for huf- : bandmen to know. font iilj. | of sid firk tthe hoone of the Ranume(nere bis care)be bozed, the fame doeth fame bis fiercenefie, And if his right cent: four be truicd op before be goeth to couer the Ewe, then pocth be beget an Cwwelambe., And if the left be thus (raitetruden peat and the cighte hanging downe, then docth be begette abe ambe. Gnd if in the time of the South wind blowing,the Ram doth then couer the Cive,he doth after beget a he tainde. | Anotf when the Mosth wind bloweth the Ramrdoth then co» . Merthe Ciwe,dath after beget a be lainbe. And of what colour alfa the vaines thal be bnder the tonqueof the Ciwe , luche Hal thecolour of the fkinne of the lanibe be,fo2 tf he bath blacts baittes bnder the tong, then the Lambe fhall be blacke of fkin, ard if tobite Baines buder the tong then tall the bane a Wwhite lambe : and if of ciucrfe colours, then the Lambe thal be of at uerfe colours on the (Rit. And that anticnt Ffaac waiteth, that | Rams tr their pong yeares be of leer mopiinvre and clanimp2 Ris neffe,than be the fucking lambs, and this is, thoough thetr age and qualttie then ruling. gener | better bloud than the fucking lambes. Awd this ts bere fpoken of fuch Rammes as be gelded, iit oe that theie moviture ay hoteneffe ts thet temperate. a “And the wetbers oucr old are to be refuted in eating,in that. ce thep be then cold and d2ic twithout mopiture, and thep fmallpe ye gal 3 and bardly bilge. peee ; | i de wes - And therefore the fethe of pong weathers be better,and ft + 56 Husbandly Coniettures Alto becfe and other Aethe of beattes being glee, be euill fo” i eate,thzough the coloencfle and d2pnefle,and though the lacke ~ of fhe mopiture and hotnelle. And when the olde Rams inibete — finte to couer the Ciwe, be foner moued thereto,than the pong — -Mammes, tf doeth then fiqnifie a god and profitable feafonta _ enfue inthat peare, anda gd feafon and profperaus alfofoy fhepe. Wutif inthe poper tinte tocouer the Cwe, the pong Rammes be foncr prouoked thereto than the olde Rants, the Docth followe the greate rotteo2 murrepne of (hepe intha peare. a Te Alfo Ctwes by deinking of twater concetuc the foner ty Lambe and ofthis the hepebeardes give them falte tc Iwherbp the moze drinking of water, they map fo concel potig,and thep are alfo bp that meanes preferucn the bealthf ler. § Andin the Paruelk alfo fome theapheardes give them — vate Oourdes feafoned with falt to encreafe their milke,fo2 that meattes doth the milke moze plentifullp tue forth of the ius ic feates,and the Ciwes do loner conceiue.Alfo in Sommer ts colde ozthcrlp water godfortbent, and inthe Paruek the warine Southerly tuater gwd fo2 them. a ed Alo to let thepe fede in the enbde of the dap, ts grea commended ; atid if thep allo Mirve but little abzode,the fame thought verp profitable, inthat the muche tourneping, andlas _bouring of them hither and thither,voth fo caufe thé to become leane. Allo the thilfal thepebeards knowe, twhiche hepe will Well endure the (harp winter,ane which not,t that bponfome of the Qepes backes(as thep atfirme) Ile mae be founde,and bpanotherfomne none at al.o that bp this map belearned, that fuch Shéepe which be weake, aman can harpelp plucke off fhe -Ffe from their backes. Andfurther learne,that thate thep: — Anbiche bane long taples,mape harbdlier abine the tharpe col | iyinter, than thole hauitig bzoave taples : and the (yeepe a ag Gf baive (Oo in like fote)bardlicr endure the bitter tui And befines thefe,the thunder greatly harmeth (hepe, efpes \ dally ange Cie being with pong bappeneth to petting a ok ae fae ae : oft the weather. ea SE thet int ft forthat thet n with ,doeth of the feavefuil at tbe th ci ut pen before the fitte. ano Aealbialicetnate tofauethat bitinelp taftingofLambes at fuch tie tbe failfall {heepeheardes haue fotuo:out, that p only dzining of manp Cwes togither, is a fare fafegard to the ‘fo auoyee this occafion: Mbefides, éf pow totll remoue the rot of eepe,that thep Die no moze, therttabethe belly of a Kam, and “feet the fame in wine and tater togither, which after mire we - Ywater, and give the fame generallpe to all the thepe to dzinke, - fo by: that meanes tall thep againe be recoucred of their dif= pia ‘ ey wale arne, that theflethe of therpe,and other foure | fe ; pt ini soi, AE niCtertoee ag Lambes : -andbyp the forme allo thep. are ie eum fanestbetn large of boop, ft bef iors haue much and foft tual, and both thickee Beare,efpecially.outhe nape,and about the necke, andthe haite.on the belly, ano both the bealtty ¢ fichnetle of thepe he knowen af fo be anpopeneth their epes,and findeth the nes Witt into | beveddeand: fitall:which bndoubtedly vecla- - reth themto be. found.and.gad:but if tholevaines {hal appeare wwhite,o2 rende, ¥ at itbertthote: i berg Difeated - Se Bri eins doduaog Cicd ad Migs¢. <> ~ Qnd iter theepego luttity and bolvely by the Snapentt isa” ) vay : bey be found;but fadly and banging - + Bota the beane.th nt be they difeated.