THE FIELD MUSEUM LIBRARY 3 5711 00092 4994 (from tHefiprary of Charles Valentine Riley Entomologist 1843-1895 (presented to The Chicago Natural History Museum 8lj His widow End Hie Gonyefman ft fey THE BUTTERFLIES OF NORTH AMERICA BY WILLIAM H. EDWARDS THIRD SERIES BOSTON AND NEW YORK HOUGHTON, MIFFLIN AND COMPANY Cbe Kibcrsttoc Press, Cambrige “ When Jupiter and Juno's wedding was solemnized of old, the gods were all invited to the feast, and many noble-men besides : Amongst the rest came Crysalus a Persian prince, bravely attended, rich in golden attires, in gay robes, with a majesticall presence, but otherwise an asse. The gods seeing him come in such pompe and state, rose up to give him place, ex habitu hominem metientes ; but Jupiter perceiving what he was, a light, phantastick, idle fellow, turned him and his proud followers into butter-flies : and so they continue still (for ought I know to the contrarie) roving about in pied coats, and are called Chrysalides by the wiser sort of men : that is, golden outsides, drones, flies, & things of no worth.” Democritus Junior, The Anatomy of Melancholy. 5th ed. 1638. PREFACE. Of the fifty and one Plates in the present volume, two — Parnassius and Chionobas XIII. — were drawn on the stone by Mrs. Peart ; the rest, save one, by Mr. Edward A. Ketterer. The figures of the early stages of the species treated of are all after the original drawings by Mrs. Peart. As in the preceding Vol¬ ume, I have received aid in obtaining eggs or larvse from many correspondents, whose names are mentioned, but have been especially indebted to Mr. W. G. Wright and Mr. David Bruce, who have sent rare species, obtained at much expense, severe labor, and often real hardship. Nearly half of the Plates are devoted to the sub-family of the Satyrinse, and most of these to the genera which have naked pupae ; nearly all alpine or sub¬ arctic. Indeed, every authenticated North American species of Chionobas, ex¬ cept the Labrador and Alaska Taygete , is figured. Until these Plates appeared, no Erebia, and no Chionobas, except Semidea, either in Europe or America, was known in its preparatory stages; now the stages of twelve, and one stage of a thir¬ teenth Chionobas are figured, besides Erebia and Neominois. From the National Academy of Science an unsolicited grant of five hundred dollars was generously made towards the publication of this volume ; and two grants, in all amounting to three hundred and fifty dollars, from the Elizabeth Thompson Science Fund. It is nearly twenty-nine years since the First Part of Volume One was issued, as an experiment. What might follow no one concerned could conjecture ; certainly no one looked beyond a possible single volume. At first there was difficulty in finding an artist who could faithfully portray the butterfly on stone, and two were tried, who were far from satisfactory. With Part Two (Argynnis VI.) came in Miss Mary Peart, who has supported the work to this day. I was fortunate from the start also in securing the cooperation of two such accom- PREFACE. plished colorists as Mrs. Bowen and Mrs. Leslie, who had served their appren¬ ticeship with Audubon, — both of them now gone. “ And now we are ariued at the last In wished harbour where we meane to rest ; And make an end of this our iourney past : Here then in quiet roade I think it best We strike our sailes and stedfast Anchor cast, For now the Sunne low setteth in the West.” WILLIAM H. EDWARDS. Coalburgh, \V. Va., 1 st January, 1897. ALPHABETICAL INDEX Anthocharis Genutia . . Plate. 5 Page. 57 Chionobas Gigas . . Plate. 48 Page. 369 a Lanceolata . - 5 63 a a 49 384 ii Pima . 6 69 “ Iduna 49 381 u Rosa . . . 6 65 “ Jutta .... 42 307 Apatura Flora .... 24 175 “ Macounii 47 361 Argynnis Adiante . 17 127 “ Nigra 46 350 a Alberta 16 119 “ Norna 45 347 a Alcestis . . . 15 109 “ (Eno . . 44 333 a Aphrodite (stages of) 14 105 a a 50 395 a Astarte 16 115 u Peartiae . 51 407 a Atossa .... 17 125 “ Semidea . 46 349 a Callippe . . . — 100 “ Subhyalin a . 45 341 u Coronis . . . 13 97 u Uhleri 40 293 a Carpenterii . . 20 137 i( Varuna . 41 303 a Cybele (stages of) 20 138 u u 50 389 a Egleis .... 18 129 Coenonympha Californica . 29 219 ii Halcyone . 14 103 “ Eryngii 29 220 ii Lais .... 11 93 “ Galactinus 29 219 a Liliana 12 95 “ Haydenii . 34 251 u Nausicaa . . . 19 135 Colias Amorphas .... hr 7 71 a Nitocris . 10 91 “ Autumnalis . — 83 Chionobas Alberta . 51 403 “ Barbara .... 8 78 a Assimilis 44 334 “ Bernardino . . . hr 1 71 a Brucei 43 325 “ Chrysomelas . 9 87 ii Calais . . . 39 291 “ Eriphyle .... — 83 a Californica . 49 385 Eurydice .... 7 71 a Chryxus . . . 38 277 u Harfordii .... 8 77 a a 39 291 Debis Portlandia 25 185 a Crambis . . . 43 321 Erebia Brucei .... 36 261 a a — 329 “ Discoidalis . . . 35 255 ALPHABETICAL INDEX. Plate. Page. Plate. Page. Erebia Epipsodea . . . . 36 257 Papilio Ajax . . . . 23 “ Fasciata .... . 35 253 Papilio Americus . 3 7 “ Magdalena . . . . 34 247 a Brucei . . . . — 15 Geirocheilus Tritonia . . . 33 245 a Nitra . . . . . 1 1 Grapta Comma (stages of) . 23 167 u Pilumnus . . . 2 3 “ Interrogationis . 23 153 a Zolicaon (stages of) . 3 9 Melitaea Baroni .... . 21 145 Satyrodes Canthus . . . 26 193 “ Rubicunda . 22 149 Satyrus Alope . . . 30 229 Neominois Ridingsii . 37 267 a Charon . . . . 32 237 Neonympha Areolatus . . 28 213 u Meadii . . . . 31 231 “ Gemma . 27 205 a Pegala . . . . 30 225 “ Henshawi . 27 210 a Silvestris . . . 32 243 Note. — The Plates and Pages of the bound Volume may be numbered in pencil according to this Alphabetical Index. SYSTEMATIC INDEX Heading of Plates. Numerical Order of the Plates. Papilio I . . . 1 Papilio II. ..... . . 2 Papilio III . . . 3 Parnassius I . . . 4 Anthocharis I . . . 5 Anthocharis II . . . 6 Colias I . . . 7 Colias II . . . 8 Colias IV . . . 9 Argynnis I . . . 10 Argynnis II . . . 11 Argynnis III . . . 12 Argynnis IV. ...... . . 13 Argynnis V . . . 14 Argynnis VI . . . 15 Argynnis VII . . . 16 Argynnis VIII . . . 17 Argynnis IX . . . 18 Argynnis X . . . 19 Argynnis XI. . . . 20 Melitaea I . . . 21 Melitaea II . . . 22 Grapta I . . . 23 Apatura I . . . 24 Debis I . . . 25 Satyrodes I . . . 26 Note. — This Index will enable Numerical Heading of Plates. Order of the Plates. Neonympha 1 . 27 Neonympha II . 28 Coenonympha 1 . 29 Satyrus 1 . 30 Satyrus II . 31 Satyrus III . 32 Geirocheilus 1 . 33 Erebia 1 . 34 Erebia II . 35 Erebia III . 36 Neominois 1 . 37 Chionobas 1 . 38 Chionobas II . 39 Chionobas III . 40 Chionobas IV . 41 Chionobas V . 42 Chionobas VI . 43 Chionobas VII . 44 Chionobas VIII . 45 Chionobas IX . 46 Chionobas X . 47 Chionobas XI . 48 Chionobas XII . 49 Chionobas XIII . 50 Chionobas XIV . 51 Binder to arrange the Plates. ' ADVERTISEMENT. I have concluded to begin a third Volume of the “ Butterflies of North America,” and have made such arrangements that at least ten Plates may be expected to appear in each year. It may be found advisable to give sixty Plates instead of fifty, as in preceding Volumes, and probably three or four will contain figures of eggs exclusively, for I desire to make it clear at a glance that a natural genus is indicated quite as decidedly in the shape and ornamentation of the egg as in the imago. The drawings on stone will be made under the supervision of Mrs. Mary Peart, and the preparatory stages of the species treated will be illus¬ trated more fully, if anything, than in Vol. II. Some surprise has been expressed that Vol. II. should have been so great an advance on Vol. I. in the matter of these early stages ; but the explanation is simple. When Vol. I. was undertaken, in 18G8, nothing was known by myself or any one else, of eggs, larvae, or chrysalids, except of the more common butterflies. As an egg or larva could but rarely be traced back to a particular female, it was impossible that much knowledge could be gained of the life histories. Scarcely any advance in this respect had been made, in fact, since the time of Abbot, about 1800, and I said as much in the Advertisement which appeared with Part I. Abbot represented nothing but the mature larva and pupa. His larvas, as I have been told by Mr. Titian Peale, who knew him at Savannah, were brought in by boys, white and black, and generally what they were was made known when the butterflies came from chrysalis. But in 1870 I discovered an infallible way to obtain eggs from the female of any species of butterfly, namely, by confining her with the growing food-plant. If the eggs are mature they will be laid. The first experiment was made with Papilio Ajax, and seasonal tri-morphism established. Three described species of Papilio then and there resolved into one tri-fonned species. The same summer, the seasonal di-morphism of Grapta Interrogationis was determined ; and soon after, of Grapta Comma. And from that day to the present I have so obtained eggs at will, besides receiving others, of many species, from correspondents, got ADVERTISEMENT. in the same manner, and have reared larvae without end. In this way, many cases of polymorphism have been established, and the position of many doubtful forms settled. A light has also been thrown on the limits of variation in species. In every case, I have preserved descriptions of the several stages, and many of them have been published. Of a large proportion, also, Mrs. Peart has executed colored drawings, magnified when necessary, and my albums contain nearly one thousand figures. In 1868, Coalburgh was inaccessible from the East, except by stage-road across the Virginian Alleghanies, and the journey to Philadelphia was a matter of four days; therefore it was next to impossible to get larvae to the artist. Had that state of things continued, very few larval drawings could have been given in Vol. II. But the opening of the Chesapeake & Ohio Railroad, in 1870, changed all that. Now, every part of North America which can be reached by railway — Florida, Arizona, Southern California, and even Vancouver’s Island and British Columbia — is tributary to these Volumes. And so, in this Christmas time of' 1886, I commend Vol. III. to the good will of the friends who have made my small audience for so many years. WM. H. EDWARDS. Coalburgh, W. Va., December 25, 1886. T SINCLAIR $. SON. LI TM PM I LA NITRA . 1.2. 6, 3.4. 9 , PAPILIO I. PAPILIO NITRA, 1-4. Papilio Nitra (Ni'-tra), Edwards, Papilio, III., p. 162. 1883. The sexes alike in color and markings. Male. — Expands 3 inches. Upper side black, spotted and banded with yellow after the manner of the Asterias group ; the sub-marginal spots of primaries rounded next apex, the rest ovate, of secondaries semicircular, the one next inner margin sub-crescent ; the common discal band composed of long separated spots, the anterior ones on primaries lanceolate, the others truncated and not definite on the basal side ; an oval spot in the subcostal interspace and a crescent bar inside the arc of cell ; on secondaries the band covers about one fourth the cell ; the spot at anal angle yellow, on which is an orange ring about a round black spot ; on the extra-discal black area loose clusters of black scales entirely across the wing. Under side pale black, the markings repeated, pale ; the extra-discal area on secondaries dusted lightly with yellow scales, and above these blue scales about a rather dense nucleus of same, particularly in the median interspaces ; the anal ring deep orange-fulvous. Body black, the wing-covers yellow, the abdomen showing a slight lateral stripe from base of wing to last segment ; legs and palpi black ; the frontal hairs black, yellow at the sides; antennse and club black. (Figs. 1, 2.) Female. — Expands 3.3 inches. Spotted and banded as in the male, the upper spots of discal band sub-ovate ; the yellow paler ; under side without orange in the interspaces except the median. (Figs. 3, 4.) Nitra was described from a single pair taken by Wm. M. Courtis, M. E., in Judith Mountains, Montana, July, 1883. Mr. Courtis wrote me that he saw PAPILIO I. several other examples, but took only the two, not supposing the species to be new or rare. I ventured the conjecture that 'Nitra would be found in British America, and this hasK happened. At different times three examples have been sent me for examination by Mr. James Fletcher, two of them taken in the Rocky Mountains, at Canmore, 26th June, 1885, on the summit, in company with P. Zolicaon ; and the third, at Regina, N. W. Terr., by Mr. N. H. Cowdry. And Mr. Fletcher states that a fourth is in the Geddes collection, at the National Museum, Ottawa. PI LUMNU S , 1.2 ^ 3.4$. PAPILIO II. PAPILIO PILUMNUS, 1-4. Papilio Pilumnus , Boisduval, Spec. Gen., I, p. 340. 1838 ; Men£tri£s, Cat. Mus. Petr., II, p. 110, pi. 7, fig. 2. 1857 ; Mead, Report on Diur. Lep. of Wheeler Expedns., p. 741. 1875 ; Strecker, Lep., p. 13, pi. 2, figs. 3, 4, J. 1873. Size and general form of Daunus ; secondaries with three tails. Male. — Expands from 3.8 to 4.25 inches. Upper side either bright yellow or dark yellow, banded with black much after the pattern of Daunus , but there is one band less on primaries ; the bands, ex¬ cept the marginal, are also much heavier ; costa of primaries black, the space between the nerves mostly yellow ; a narrow band covers the bases of wings and the inner margin of secondaries, widening gradually from the median nervure, and ending squarely a little above the marginal band ; a second proceeds from costa against the middle of the cell, is broad at first, tapers very gradually on primaries, rapidly on secondaries, and ends evenly with the inner band, the two being connected by a narrow stripe ; the third lies on arc of cell, and has a more or less macular extension to the lower median nervule ; the fourth is short, and lies across the subcostal nervules to the discoidal ; hind margins bordered by a broad band as in Daunus , within which, on primaries, is a narrow stripe of yellow, divided into spots by the nervules, and near the inner edge a macular line of yellow scales ; on secondaries are five lunate submarginal yellow spots, the two posterior ones washed with red-brown ; above the angle the margin is ex¬ cised and edged with red-brown ; above this, and also in the next interspace, is a cluster of metallic blue scales, under which, in the outer interspace, are separated scales both blue and yellow ; in the second median interspace is a large loose cluster of yellow, with a few blue at top, and some individuals have small clus¬ ters of blue to the costal margin ; some also have a yellow streak or small spot in the uppermost interspace in this same line ; the exterior tail is long and narrow, the tip pointed, somewhat convex on the outer side, edged yellow on that side near tip and on all the inner side, the yellow more or less washed red- PAPILIO II. I brown ; the other tails are entirely black, rounded at end ; the lengths of the three are about as 63 ; 30 ; 22 ; fringes of primaries yellow, of secondaries same in the emarginations, the rest black. Under side yellow, the black markings repeated, paler ; the submarginal yel¬ low stripe broader, and now a continuous band ; the line of scales more definite ; the interior of the second band yellowish-black through its length ; the spots on secondaries much enlarged, all washed red-brown ; above each the ground is dusted yellow, with increasing density towards the top, and the series ends in an elongated narrow metallic blue spot, above which the clear black ground shows in a small lunation ; the yellow on disk next the marginal band in the median and subinedian interspaces washed red-brown. Body above black, a yellow stripe passing along thorax from head to insertion of wings ; beneath, thorax yellow ; abdomen yellow, with a ventral black band and lateral line; legs black ; palpi yellow; antennae and club black. (Figs. 1, 2.) Female. — Expands 4 to 4.5 inches. Like the male, the red-brown on upper side darker. (Figs. 3, 4.) Nothing is known of the early stages of this species, nor of the food plant, but probably the larvae feed on plum, cherry, and, in general, the same plants as Daunus. One or two examples of Pilumnus were brought from New Mexico by the Wheeler Expedition of 1871, as Mr. Mead relates. But what the locality was is forgotten. And the late Mr. H. K. Morrison took one male in Arizona, in 1882, on Graham Mountain, as is believed. I know of no other instance in which the species has been taken within the United States. Its home is in Mexico and Cen¬ tral America. Hearing that Professor Edward T. Owen of Madison, Wisconsin, had seen Pilumnus in Mexico and captured many examples, I wrote him for what information he could give me, and his reply was as follows : “ My experience with Papilio Pilumnus is limited to the region about Jalapa, in the state of Vera Cruz. Some years ago, I took several, mainly at the summit of a sharp hill of two or three hundred feet elevation above the surrounding country. This summit, dur¬ ing the months of February and March, was a trysting place for quite a number of species of butterflies. They seemed possessed with an instinct for mounting, and on reaching this hill would rise along its slope to the summit. Once there, they circled about till the end of the entomological day. Most species showed PAPILIO II. such fondness for the place that they might be relied on to return even if fright¬ ened off by an unsuccessful stroke of the net ; Pilumnus, however, showed more discretion, and once missed by the net, took permanent leave. While watching a beautiful male, as he flitted round the regular course which each species under such circumstances quickly adopts, it occurred to me to utilize the habit of salu¬ tation which prevails throughout the butterfly tribe. Accordingly, I took from my box a battered specimen recently caught, and pinned it through the thorax to a switch about five feet long, trimmed to the greatest possible Inconspicuous¬ ness. With this wand I danced my butterfly up and down, so as to imitate, though feebly, natural flight, and to prevent too easy discovery of its condition. With left hand thus occupied, the right grasping the handle of the net, jealously kept behind me, I watched for a moment when the new-comer’s back was turned, and took position on his beat. As he swung down upon me, the thump of my pulse apparently furnished enough appearance of vitality to my decoy ; for he started rapidly toward it, settling on it before I was ready with the net. The few seconds, however, necessary to demonstrate the sex of the decoy, enabled me to bag my prize with ease, and without injury to his perfect tails. In this way I caught seven males that day. After this, I kept a damaged specimen on hand, during the rest of my trip, and I rarely missed a butterfly of that species. Later, at Queretaro, I tried the same plan successfully with P. Daunus ; and later still, in Colorado, I caught Daunus with a Turnus decoy. I intend in future to carry pasteboard and water colors, with a view to imitating, even if clumsily, any rare species which I may find especially difficult to catch. Only males were taken in this way. The females of all these species are more easy of capture on account of their heavier flight and mental preoccupations.” I spoke of this mode of taking Papilios to Mr. David Bruce, and he told me he had used paper decoys with success. In Papilio IV. p. 100, is a description of what purports to be the mature larva and chrysalis of Pilumnus , but there is some mistake in the matter, the stages as described belonging to. the Pctlamedes group, and probably to Palamedes itself. I have seen the identical pupa which was so described, in the collection of Mr. Henry Edwards, and it is of the form and peculiar character of Troilus. Cer¬ tainly the pupa of Pilumnus would be of same character as that of Daunus . Rutulus, and Turnus. - PAPHM® O ml n AMERICUS, 1.2 cJ, 3.$. ZOLI C AON, a 99 magnified f. Larva , mature, after f^mlt.nat. size . b . Larva, young „ f> # „ btucJc van ff1 to 3rd moult..* c— e. a /y ^ T'i i c n 7 7 sJ PAPIL10 III. PAPILIO AMERICUS, 1-3. Papilio Americus, Kollar, Denkschr. Akad. Wissensclir. Wien, Math. Nat. Cl., Vol. I., p. 350. 1850 ; Stau- dinger, Exot. Sckmett. Saclalus, Lucas, Rev. Zool., 1852, p. 133, pi. 10, fig. 4. Male. — Expands about 3 inches. Upper side of primaries black, marked and spotted with yellow, of secondaries yellow in the middle area from margin to margin, black next base, and on the outer limb in a broad belt ; primaries have a sub-marginal row of eight small, equal, rounded spots and a discal of eight, separated, sub-oval, small on anterior half ; a narrow bar crosses the cell next inside the arc, and there is a patch at the base of the second sub-costal interspace. Secondaries have a sub-marginal row of small equal crescents ; in the interspaces above these are clusters of blue scales ; above the anal angle an orange ocellus with black pupil ; fringes of both wings black at the ends of the nervules, yellow in the interspaces. Under side much as above, the colors paler ; the marginal spots enlarged ; secondaries sometimes have the basal area solid black, in which case the yellow band corresponds in width to that of upper side, but sometimes the yellow ground extends to base, and is there more or less dusted with black scales ; on both wings the marginal spots and the outer parts of the discal bands are tinted, or quite cov¬ ered, with orange. Body black, the shoulders yellow ; on the abdomen two sub-dorsal rows of yel¬ low spots, and another on either side (as in the Astericis group), and more or less of a row on last segments on either side of the ventral line ; legs and palpi black, as are also the antennas and club. (Figs. 1, 2.) Female. — Expands from 3 to 3.25 inches. Closely like the male in color and markings. (Fig. 3.) The male figured was received by me from one of the Wheeler Exploring Ex- PAPILIO III. peditions, about twenty years ago, labeled “ Camp Apache.” So far as I know, the species has not been reported as within the United States since. It is much paler in color than specimens I have seen from Central America. These latter also have the basal area on under side of secondaries deep black. The female was loaned me by the American Entomological Society, and belongs to its collection. Its locality is given as “ United States of Colombia,” and it is deeper colored on upper surface than the male, but less so than the Central American examples spoken of. On the under side the yellow extends to base of secondaries, and the black dusting lies pretty thick on the basal area and down the inner margin. A female loaned me by the late Henry Edwards, and labeled, “ Mt. Bach, Bogota, 9,000 feet elevation,” is very near in the shade of yellow on both surfaces to the Arizona male. The yellow on under side of secondaries reaches the base, and it is very little dusted black. Arizona is far away from the usual habitat of the species, which lies from southern Mexico to Ecuador. Of the habits of Americus I know nothing, but as belonging to the Asterias group, it would behave much like the other members, its larvae feeding on umbelliferous plants. PAPILIO III. PAPILIO ZOLICAON, a-g. Papilio Zolicaon, Boisduval, Edwards, Butt. N. A., Yol. II., pi. 6, p. 25. 1875. Preparatory Stages. Egg. — Spherical, flattened at base, smooth; color yellow-green. (Fig. a.) Duration of this stage about ten days. Young Larva. — Length, at twelve hours from the egg, .1 inch; cylindrical, thickened from 3 to 5, tapering gradually on dorsum and sides to 13; color deep black ; on 8 a gray-white dorsal patch, which partly covers 7, sometimes much broken into spots ; high on the side, on 2, 3, 11, 12, are white points, but often in part or altogether wanting ; the surface covered quite thickly with short fine black hairs ; armed with three rows of black tubercles above the spiracles, three on either side, running from 2 to 13, one to each segment, a dorsal, sub-dorsal or upper lateral, and mid-lateral ; those of the dorsal row are very small, sub-conical, each with a single black hair or process at top (Fig. 67) ; on 2 in front and within is another similar but smaller tubercle ; those of the upper lateral row are large, conical, largest on 2 to 5 and 11 to 13, smallest on middle segments ; at the summit of each a long tapering clubbed process, and around the sides, rising from low tuberculations, are several shorter, similar processes, on 2 twelve such ; on 3 and 4 eight ; on the middle segments five and six (Fig. 66) ; those of the next row are nearly similar, but are smaller, and bear three and four processes on their sides ; on 2 to 4, in line with the spiracles, or nearly, is a demi-row, like those above ; in the same line, in front of 6 to 10, are two short hairs to each, placed vertically ; below the spiracles is another full row, ex¬ cept on 2, less pointed, rounded, each bearing two to four processes, on 2 re¬ placed by two hairs ; along base are short hairs, one to the segment on 2 to 4, three on 5 and 6, four on 7 to 12; also over each pro-leg are four ; on the shield are four long hairs on either side, directed backward ; all tubercles and processes PAPILIO III. black, except on the dorsal patch, where they are concolored ; the tentacles of 2 red ; head sub-cordate, broader than high, black ; on each lobe are ten low coni¬ cal tubercles, with tapering process ; there are also two others within the frontal triangle ; in all twenty-two, arranged in nearly regular cross rows ; one on fore¬ head, of four ; one running with the apex of the triangle, of eight ; one placed obliquely between the second and the ocelli, taking in the two on the triangle, of eight; and one behind the ocelli. (Figs, b to 65.) Duration of this stage be¬ tween three to five days, at Coalburgh, W. Ya. After first moult: length, at twelve hours, .16 inch; shape very much as be¬ fore ; color black-brown ; the saddle patch of 8 extends well down the side, and over dorsum of 7, sometimes broken into separate spots on 7 ; some examples had a single wThite spot on the sides of 10 and 11, one had three spots on 11 and one on 10 ; the fine hairs over surface as before ; the tubercles and processes much as before ; the latter more numerous (Fig. c3, sub-dorsal) ; the tubercles of the dorsal row orange at base ; the upper laterals usually black to base, but some¬ times there is a narrow ring of orange on the first and last segments ; the second laterals black ; the infrastigmatal row mostly black, if any are orange it is on the anterior and last segments ; surface of body covered with short stiff black hairs ; head very much as before, shining black ; on the sides of the triangle near apex appeared traces of the white spots developed at next stage. (Figs, c to c4.) To next moult from two to three days. After second moult : length, at twelve hours, .3 inch ; shape as before ; color black ; the patch more extended, covering the rear of 6 ; small white spots on the rear of 2 and of 3, and sides of 10, 11, 12; the fine hairs over surface as be¬ fore ; the tubercles generally as at second stage, but with a greater number of processes about the sides ; the upper laterals show a little red-orange at base ; the mid-laterals sometimes orange at base, sometimes black ; those of the lowest row broadly orange at base and nearly to tips ; head as before ; an inverted cordate white spot at the apex of the triangle. (Figs, d to d 3.) To next moult about two days. After third moult: length, at twelve hours, .54 inch; shape as before; color black-brown ; the patch is broken into irregular and separated spots, more or less yellow stained ; on the side are several white spots, one on rear of 2, two or three on 11, two on 12 ; a spot now appears over each foot and pro-leg, as well as on 5, 6, and 11, in the same line ; the fine surface hairs as before ; the tubercles nearly as before ; those of the dorsal row mere points after 5, largest on 4, a little PAPILIO III. smaller on 3, still smaller on 5 ; those of the upper lateral row black to base ; of the middle row mostly with a little red-orange at base ; in the lower row all are orange from base to tip ; head as at third stage, but a white stripe appears on the cheek. (Figs, e to e3.) As the stage progresses, the spots on 7 and 8 change to yellow, as also does the cordate spot on front face ; all other spots remain white. Duration of this stage four to five days. After fourth moult : length, at twenty-four hours, .9 inch ; banded black and light blue-green, the base greenish white ; the spots gamboge-yellow ; the tuber- culations very slight and in part wholly lost ; the dorsal row appears only on 3 to 5, and is scarcely distinguishable, sometimes wholly wanting ; the tubercles of the upper lateral row are low, broad, blunt-tipped ; of the next row are wanting except on 3 to 5, and here are small ; the lower row shows slight rounded eleva¬ tions on the anterior segments only. As the stage proceeds, the green bands on the fronts of the segments become more yellow, and the spots first deep yel¬ low, then orange. At from four to six days from the moult was fully grown. Mature Larva. — Length 1.8 inch ; breadth about .3 inch ; cylindrical, stout ; when in motion nearly even-sized from 3 to 11 ; at rest, thickened on 3 to 5, and sloping very gradually to 12 ; the surface much covered with exceed¬ ingly short fine black hairs, hardly more than points ; color green and black, in transverse bands, green on front and rear of each segment, velvet-black in mid¬ dle ; the front is yellow-green, the rear blue-green, the anterior edge of this last tinged with yellow ; the base white, and the green shades gently into the white on the side ; 13 nearly white ; the junctions of the segments pale dull black ; 2 has in front a square ridge, compressed, the top arcuate, the corners a little rounded, yellow along the top, orange at the corners and on sides; on the front are two round orange spots in line with the middle and lower row on the rest of the body ; 3 is sometimes wholly without orange spots, but sometimes there are three, more often one, on the lower row, the upper ones, if present, very small ; after 3 are three spots to the segment, nearly equal, nearly flat, the whole form¬ ing three longitudinal rows . to 12 ; these are placed on the black band, sometimes entirely within, sometimes quite to the front and open there ; along base are two black spots from 5 to 12, over the pro-legs large, oval ; the legs tipped with black ; feet black, at base of each a black patch ; 13 has a black crossbar on the front, broken into three ; another along base of the leg ; the shield black ; under side dull black ; the tuberculations are still less conspicuous than in the early part of the stage ; head obovoid, narrowing upwards, depressed at the suture ; yellow in front, whitish yellow at side ; from the suture at top a black tapering PAPILIO III. band runs to the outer end of the mandibles, another from the top passes down the side ; the frontal triangle black ; ocelli blaok, on a black patch. (Figs. f9 f 2.) From fourth moult to pupation seven to eleven days. Black Variety. — One of several larvas reared came up black at fourth moult, though previously it did not differ from its fellows ; at the junctions of some of the middle segments were narrow stripes of yellow ; the spots along base white. (Fig./3.) Chrysalis. — Length 1.2 ; breadth across mesonotum .33, across abdomen .4 inch ; greatest depth .35 inch ; shape of Machaon and Asterias groups ; the surface throughout rough, wrinkled, corrugated, and especially on all ridges and prominences ; head case produced, narrow, ending in two sub-pyramidal pro¬ cesses, a little divergent, the ridges carinated, the space between angular, the angle varying in individuals ; a low rounded tooth on either slope near the angle (some examples are as in figure gs, but others have the slope finely and irregularly toothed throughout, while the prominence next the angle is large and compound) ; mesonotum prominent, sub-pyramidal, blunt-topped, directed for¬ ward ; the process at base of wing also sub-pyramidal, in some examples the three ridges distinct and carinated, terminating in a blunt point, in others the one of the ridges in the direction of the process on head is suppressed, and in such case the summit is a carinated and curving ridge ; abdomen conical, moder¬ ately arched on the dorsal side, nearly as much on the ventral ; between the bases of the head processes are two fine tubercles, corresponding to the dorsal rows of the larva, and on either side of the abdomen is a row of small blunt ones, of the upper lateral larval row ; also on 4 is one on either side from the mid¬ lateral row, and on 6 and 7, on middle of the side, is one each of the infra- stigmatal row ; on the ventral side are six black points in longitudinal row be¬ tween the antennae and tongue cases ; and in the hind margin of wing case, close to the edge, in the spaces between the nervules, are ten more points, the ninth opposite the apex, the tenth up the costal margin ; color either brown or green ; if the former, of two shades, a pale wood color, or blackish, the ventral side of thorax darker ; a dark stripe along side from end to end ; if green, the ventral side is yellowish, the side stripe wanting ; the dorsum bright, with all tubercles and granulations yellow. (Figs, g, g 2, 49- a, Egg ; a2, micropyle. b to 1", Young Larva ; b\ head; b 5, outline of head and segment 2. c to c2, Larva at 1st moult; c4, side view of segments 7, 8 ; c6, tentacles on segment 2; c3, head. d, Larva at 2d moult. e, Larva at 3d moult. f Adult Larva, natural size. g, A second adult, enlarged ; g 2, a third, still more enlarged ; g", head ; g 4, tentacles. h, Chrysalis, in its pseudo-cocoon ; A2, outline of, h 3, side view of, last segment ; /t4, front view, show¬ ing the cremaster. i, The last segments of the male butterfly; i2, r, same, with envelope removed, exposing the peri¬ plast, i\ NEOPHASIA I. NEOPHASIA MENAPIA, Felder (no plate). Edwards, Butt. N. A., £, Vol. I., p. 27, pi. 8. 1871; 9, id., Suppl. Notes. 1872; Henry Edwards, Proc. Cal. Acad. Nat. Sci., Vol. V., p. 165. 1873; Mead, Report Wheeler Expedn., Vol. V., p. 743. 1875; Stretch, Papilio, Vol. II., p. 103. 1882; Hagen, Proc. Boston Soc. Nat. Hist., Yol. XXH., p. 134. 1882 ; Fletcher, Rep. Agric., Canada, 1895, p. 126. This butterfly, through its larvae, infests the pine woods of the Pacific Slope, and is found in small numbers as far east as the eastern or front range of the Rocky Mountains. Mr. Stretch observed the species in July, 1882, in Wash¬ ington Territory, near Spokane Falls, finding the larvae and the pupae “ on the trunks of pine-trees in immense numbers, say not less than from two to three hundred within six feet of the ground.” A few days later he discovered in another locality that the butterflies were emerging from chrysalis. “ I took probably seventy specimens in a few minutes, and over one hundred and fifty in course of the day, and it would have been easy to make the number fifteen hundred.” At Brown’s “ the air was alive with butterflies.” The area visited by the party of which Mr. Stretch was a member “ extends about twenty-five miles north and south, and in this region all the yellow pines have been nearly or totally stripped of their foliage, as well as many of the smaller species of coni- ferae.” It looked as if “ fire had scorched the tops of the trees, so brown and withered did they look,” etc. “ The butterfly, when just out of chrysalis, is one of the most beautiful of its race, and fragile in the extreme, soon losing its fresh¬ ness. Copulation takes place almost directly after emergence, often before the wings are dry. A female found in copula in the morning was imprisoned about two o’clock on a pine fascicle, and by six o’clock had laid sixteen eggs in a con¬ tinuous row. These were pale green, ovate, with a small white coronet or raised circular ridge at the top.” Mr. Stretch was assured that the butterflies seen by him were the earliest of the year, but whether there was a second brood or not he could not tell. NEOPHASIA I. Mr. W. G. Wright, in 1891, observed Menapia in northeastern California, and sent me eggs which were laid on 29th August. In the regions described by both these gentlemen there must be two annual broods. The eggs are laid on the pine leaves from a few to as high a number as thirty-two (according to Mr. Stretch). Mr. James Fletcher, in his Report, says that he encountered Menapia on or about the 21st July, 1895, in southern British Columbia, the caterpillar feeding on the foliage of Pinus ponderosa. He remarks that on Vancouver’s Island the species is equally abundant, and more injurious apparently on the Douglass Fir, Pseudotsuga Douglasii. In the Okanagan Valley these butterflies were seen in countless numbers flying around the Douglass firs. The caterpillars let them¬ selves down from the tops of tall trees by means of silken threads, some of which must have been of the length of one hundred feet or more. The chrysalids were found on the undergrowth, ferns, shrubs, etc., in large numbers. Fortunately, a parasitic ichneumon fly, Theronia fulvescens, was seen depredating on the larvae. Mr. Wright sent me many eggs of Menapia which were laid 29th August. I supposed that, as in the case of all the Pierid eggs I had made the acquaintance of, they would hatch presently; but as they did not, after some weeks had passed, I put them out-of-doors for the winter. They were brought into the house 24th of March next, and certainly were then alive. The larvae in a few days could be seen through the now transparent shells, but every one died without chipping the egg. I had better success with the eggs which Mr. Fletcher sent me, and which he wrote were laid 29th July. They were exposed to the weather, under an open shed, and hatched April 5th to 7th, 1896. I gave the larvae Scotch pine. They fed in clusters, as many as could lie close together encircling the leaf, their heads making a ring of black beads ; and others were clustering close below. They eat the fleshy part of the leaf, leaving the fibre or core. After the first moult the entire leaf was eaten. This gregarious habit holds to the last stage. Egg. — Flask-shaped, with rounded bottom ; the height to the breadth nearly as 1 to 2 ; thickest a little below the middle, the bottom very slightly flattened ; sloping evenly to the top, which is narrow, depressed ; marked by from twenty to twenty-two slight, thin, vertical ribs, run¬ ning from the top to about one sixth the distance from the bottom, and there disappearing ; around the top is a circle of porcelain-white bead-like knobs, varying in number from eight to eleven; color emerald green. (Cut a, eggs as laid on leaf; b , egg enlarged; c, knobs at top.) NEOPHASIA I. Young Larva. — Length, at one day from the egg, .12 inch ; cylindrical, the anterior segments thickened, and tapering much from 2 to 5, after which slightly to 12, then rapidly to 13, which is somewhat flattened and ends roundly ; on 2 an olive, chitinous, slightly corrugated patch, cut in two on the mid-dorsal line ; each half irregularly trapezoidal ; the anterior side longest ; on each of the halves three tubercles and hairs in triangle, two to the front, the other at the extreme rear ; on 3 and 4, on middle of each, a cross row of four tubercles and hairs, dorsal and sub-dorsal ; lower down, two lateral tubercles on 3 (as there were also on 2), but only one on 4 ; after 4 the tubercles are placed in triangles, the dorsal one near the front of the segment, the sub-dorsal near the rear, the lateral mid¬ way between the other two ; below the spiracles, a row of smaller tubercles, and finer, shorter hairs, one on 2 in line with the two laterals, one on 3 and 4 each, lower down, and in middle of the segment; this line is continued to 13, but after 4 there is a second tubercle back of the other and higher up ; over each foot one minute hair, and on 13 three such at base of the anal leg ; all the body tubercles black, conical, the hairs from them tapering, black ; around each tubercle an outer circle of olive color, slightly raised above the surface ; color of body yellow- green, with a tint of brown ; head considerably broader than 2, lathei high in proportion to its width, obovoid, with tubercles and hairs similar to those on body, seven on each lobe ; color black, shining. Mrs. Peart writes of the young larva : “ It has a larger head in proportion to the body than any Pierid I have seen ; the hairs in number and arrangement same as in Anthocharis Genutia. The tubercles, however, are smaller at base than in that species ; the hairs taper to the tip, where there is a slight broad¬ ening, making a blunt ending.5 Duration of this stage, about eight days. After first moult: length at one day, .15 inch; nearly same shape; all the body thickly covered with fine tubercles and hairs ; 13 ending in two short, blunt projections, the space between deeply incurved (this form of 13 holds to the last stage) ; color yellowish with a tint of brown ; feet black ; head honey-yellow, clouded black on the upper half. Duration of this stage, about six days. After second moult : length at eighteen hours, .26 inch ; same shape ; same tubercles and hairs ; color yellow-green ; traces appear of a white sub-dorsal stripe and basal band ; under side paler green ; feet black ; at base of each pro¬ leg a black patch ; head shaped as before, brown-green or yellow-green. Dura¬ tion of this stage, about six days. After third moult : length at one day, .4 inch ; same shape ; 13 now ends in NEOPHASIA I. two short, blunt tails, the space between a little incurved ; color yellow-green ; the basal band broad, white ; the sub-dorsal half as broad, also white ; head yellow-green. Duration of this stage five and six days. After fourth moult : length, .75 inch ; shape as before. In about seven days was fully grown. Mature Larva. — Length, one inch ; head breadth of 2 ; body cylindrical, the last segments curving to 13, which ends in two short, blunt tails, the space between incurved ; color dark green, with a narrow sub-dorsal and a broad lateral white band ; under side nearly as dark green ; feet black ; pro-legs yellow-green, a small black, chitinous, rounded spot outside each ; head obovoid, somewhat elongated, and is pushed forward below when the larva is at rest; color yellow green, sometimes a blackish patch on either lobe near vertex. From fourth moult to pupation, about eleven days. Chrysalis. — Length, .7 inch; greatest breadth, .07 ; depth, .07 inch; cylin¬ drical, slender, the head case prolonged into a straight, slender, conical spur; the eyes prominent ; mesonotum low, rounded, and carinated, followed by a slight depression ; abdomen slender, conical ; wing cases prominent and rounded down to the abdomen ; color dark green, striped white ; a dorsal narrow stripe from posterior base of mesonotum the length of the abdomen ; near it a sub-dorsal stripe, a little broader, from end to end ; a lateral twice as broad as the sub¬ dorsal from wing to end, sending a narrow spur up and along the dorsal edge of the wing case. To imago eleven days. This chrysalis more resembles that of a Colias than any other Pierid known to me, but is much more slender than Colias. All the pupae obtained were green ; but several which Mr. Stretch sent me in alcohol were brown, striped like the green ones. In his paper he saj^s that the normal color of the pupa was pale green. “ All those pupating on the needles of the young pines or shrubby plants in the underbrush were of this color, a close search failing to reveal an exception, while the larger proportion on the bark of the large trees were blackish brown. An examination of a number of these makes it probable that they are all diseased.” Mr. Stretch notices that pupae were found suspended on their threads, — that is, that pupation had taken place in midair, — the larval skin shrivelled up around the last segment of the pupa. o LANCE OL AT A . 12. A, 3.4 9. GE NUT IA . 5. A, .2T Chry salts c a, - a* Egg magnified, f - f" Larva (mature) mag. b. Larva, (young) „ d,e, ,, E)2n-d,Sr-dmU „ h* - h3 '. Chry s airs 9 h. Chrysalis rnag d aat . sixe. h // ANTHOCHARIS I. ANTHOCHARIS GENDTIA, 5. Anthocharis Genutia, Fabricius ; Edwards, But. N. A., II. , p. 83, pi. 17. 1878. Egg. — Long, narrow, thickest in middle, curving moderately towards the base, which is broad and flattened, towards summit more rapidly, so that the upper half is cone-shaped ; the top depressed, the micropyle surrounded by minute irregularly hexagonal cells ; ribbed vertically, the number of ribs about sixteen, half of which reach the summit and curve to the depression, the others ending not much short of summit, the spaces between crossed by numerous fine ridges ; color yellow-green. (Figs, a to a3.) Duration of this stage about four days. Youxg Larva. — Length .05 inch; cylindrical, tapering very gradually from 2 to 12, curving roundly on dorsum of 13, ending squarely; color greenish-yellow; running longitudinally are three rows of rounded tubercules on either side, from each of which proceeds a short straight hair, which tapers from the base, and is thickened at the end, the end usually covered by a globule of fluid (Fig. 54) ; the tubercles are concolored with body, the hairs light ; on 3 and 4 stand in cross row, sometimes with a little irregularity; after 4 to 12 in triangle, the dorsal tubercle being on the front of the segment, the sub-dorsal on the rear, and the lateral a little before the middle ; on 2 the upper two are near together on the front, and corresponding with the lateral row below is a very small one, and a hair without tubercle close to and under it ; there is also a third one behind and between the upper two equal to either in size ; on the front of 13, the three tubercles are in triangle as with the preceding segments, and at the rear is a cross row of four, the two middle ones being dorsals, the others smaller and apparently of the lateral rows ; at the extreme end, on either side a small tubercle ; along base a row of short hairs, two on 2, and from 5 to 12 ; one on 13, and on 3 and 4 one each, from a tubercle ; head a little broader than 2, sub-globose, depressed at top ; on each lobe three tubercles like those on body ANTHOCHARIS I. in triangle, so placed that the bases make a cross row of four on forehead ; a few smaller ones scattered about ; color pale brown. (Figs, b to 53.) Duration of this stage two to three days. After first moult : length .14 inch ; same shape ; color light-green, or green- yellow, glossy ; no dorsal or basal stripe ; the tubercles present, but conical with broader bases, and disposed as before, the hairs similar but shorter ; the surface is now thickly covered with little round very pale brown spots, from the centre of each a minute and very short black hair ; head much as before but broader in proportion to the height, light brown, a little greenish, tuberculated as before, but more thickly, one on the front of each lobe much larger than any other ; color green with a tint of brown. (Figs, c to c3.) Duration of this stage two days. After second moult : length .27 inch ; color yellow-green, glossy ; a yellowish mid-dorsal band begins to appear indistinctly, and a more distinct band of white along base ; the tubercles present, with same arrangement, each broader at base and flattened there, a little more brown than before, the hairs similar but still shorter ; the rounded spots much as at second stage, not so pale brown ; head as last described, but much more tuberculated, two on each lobe being now con¬ spicuous ; color pale green with two brownish discolorations on front. (Figs. cl to dz.) To next moult two days. After third moult: length .38 inch ; color dull yellow-green, glossy; a yellow dorsal band not always clear, except on anterior segments, and a whitish, or yel¬ lowish-white basal band ; the tubercles about as at next preceding stage, but darker, as are the spots ; head still more tuberculated, all being small except the two mentioned before, and a third one over the ocelli ; color of face pale green, the sides whitish, a cloudy brown patch on each lobe. (Figs, e to e4.) To next moult two days. After fourth moult : length .6 inch ; in three days was full-grown. Mature Larva. — Length .92 to .95 inch; cylindrical, slender, the head broad as 2 ; color dark yellow-green, glossy ; under side, feet and legs lighter ; a yellow mid-dorsal band from 2 to 13, a broader white band along base; upper surface furnished with six longitudinal rows of shining black tubercles, low, conical, the bases broad and flattened, each giving a short black hair or process, which tapers slightly and is thickened at end ; on 3 and 4 these tubercles are arranged in straight cross row, on 2 in cross row, but the middle one on each side is a little ANTHOCHARIS I. in advance, and an additional one behind makes a triangle with the upper pair ; from 5 to front of 13 in triangle, the dorsal tubercle being on front of the seg¬ ment, the sub-dorsal on rear, the lateral a little before the middle ; the shield on 13 is black and on it is a large dorsal tubercle on either edge of the band, with a lesser one behind, besides two minute ones across the band at the end, in all twelve black tubercles on this segment ; below shield are several white tubercles with white processes ; from 3 to 13, on the’ lower edge of the white band, is a small black tubercle to each segment ; all the cross ridges are thickly set with very fine, short black hairs, some of which, especially on the anteiioi segments, come from minute black tubercles, but most rise from a pale black loundcd spot, without tubercle ; the under side whitish, outside feet and legs yellow-gieen, above to the band less yellow, more green ; head sub-globose, broad as high, nar¬ rowing at top, and a little depressed at suture, broad at base ; color white and pale green, with a pale black patch on the forehead on either lobe, and one below, crossing the triangle ; on each upper patch is a triangle of large black tubercles and on lower one two on either side the suture ; many small white tubercles cover the face. (Figs, f to^/V) From fourth moult to pupation about live days, from laying of egg to pupation about nineteen days. Chrysalis. — Length .72 to .78 inch ; slender, the abdomen long, round, taper¬ ing to a point, the head case surmounted by a long tapering process, so that alto¬ gether the shape of the two ends is much the same ; in some examples the dorsal outline is regularly arcuated as in Fig. h / in others the mesonotum is slightly prominent, and the outline is less regular, as at W ; on ventral side the thoracic segments form a prominent sub-triangular projection, compressed laterally, and covered by the wing cases ; color generally of a pale yellow-brown, with a reddish tint, mottled with white and darker brown about mesonotum, the process at head brown ; the wing cases more or less dotted and streaked black ; on abdomen a dorsal row of black dots, two to four on a segment, varying ; and a sub-dorsal row of dots or points. (Figs, h 2, h3, much enlarged, h showing the natuial size in outline.) The chrysalis passes the winter, and the butterfly comes forth the following spring. In Volume II. 1878, I gave all the particulars I had been able to learn of this species. No one was known to have bred it, and nothing was reported of its pre¬ paratory stages, except that Mr. Boll, in Texas, had seen the female layin O ®C5G>k on Cardamine. Of late years, however, some of the Washington lepidopterists had become acquainted with the full history, and Mr. Henry F. Schonborn, of that city, kindly undertook, in 1886, to supply Mrs. Peart with eggs, larvae, and food ANTHOCHARIS I. plants, and did so, until the full set of drawings was made, sending day after day one stage or other or the plants. I myself saw none of those larvae, but received three pupae from Mrs. Peart which had formed about 22d May. From one of them came a male butterfly 7th March, 1887. The periods of the earlier stages of one example were thus: larva hatched 27th April; 1st moult 30th April; 2d, 4th May; 3d, 9th; 4th, 12th; pupated 22d ; at Philadelphia. The plant was Sisymbrium Thaliana, described in Wood as growing among rocks and in sandy fields from Vermont to Georgia, and westward to Kentucky, with a stem 4-12' high. The present year, 1888, Mr. Schonborn supplied me with eggs and plants, and I immediately found the same plant abundant close by my house. I believe, at one time or other, I had confined females Genutia upon every cruciferous plant in the neighborhood but the right one, and had never obtained an egg. This butterfly is rare here, however. The eggs are laid on the flower-stalks, and Mr. Schonborn writes that he has never found more than one egg on a plant, nor more than one larva. He says : “ I never found a larva in open fields, although the plant grows there in abundance in large patches. I always found them on isolated plants growing in places sparingly covered by large oaks, hickories, cedars, and other trees/’ The young larva feeds on the flowers and buds, and as these pass away, on the seed pods, usually beginning at the end of the long, slender pod and eating towards the stem. (kSee Fig. g.) After the plant has gone to seed, Mr. Schonborn says it utterly disappears, and the larva? never pupate on the plants, but go to the trunks of the nearest trees and there change in the cracks of the bark, or other protected places. The color of the pupa is such that on an oak it would be almost undistinguishable. I kept my larvae on growing plants set in a flower-pot and covered by a muslin bag kept upright by sticks, and one morning chanced on a larva in the act of pupating, almost done, while another was just about to begin. Both were at¬ tached by buttons of white silk and by girdles to the same stick. The second one at this time was curved from end to end, the head almost touching the stick. (See cut, 2.) Presently it straightened itself and a creeping movement passed from tail to head in a way to loosen the skin from the body, the larva convul¬ sively throwing itself against the girdle, then to the support (3). These throes soon burst the skin at top, exposing the head over which the process was bent down, flattened and small (4). When the cast reached the last segment it was thrown to the ground by a rapid twisting movement of the pupa, and afterwards the same continued for nearly a minute, accompanied by a vigorous pushing downward. This double motion fixed the hooks securely in the button, which was forced into a cup shape, so that it quite sheathed the end of the segment ANTHOCHARIS I. and afforded a firm support (7 magnified). I have not noticed this peculiarity in the shape of the button in any other species. It would be useful, considering that nearly a year must pass before the butterfly will issue. Immediately after the skin dropped the thorax was a little prominent (4) — no indication of this had been given by the larva — and it enlarged almost imperceptibly, while the dorsum remained arched. This was the attitude up to fifteen minutes. At twenty the depth of thorax was .14 inch ; the process .1 inch long, .03 wide at base, partly raised, semi-translucent (being hollow, a thin shell), not yet rounded (5) ; the abdomen and all the dorsum still retained the larval colors, even to the yellow band, every tubercle and spot having its corresponding pale black spot or point ; the wing cases and under side of head and the process dark brown. As the depth of the thorax increased the girdle was tightened, and the dorsum bent in; and when at thirty minutes the projection touched the stick the dorsum was bent in at an angle which fell a segment below the girdle. The pupa had thus as¬ sumed its final shape (6), the process meanwhile having straightened, and rounded, becoming .18 inch long and .06 broad at base. The depth of thorax was now .1 / inch. At about twenty-four hours the pupa had assumed its final colors, losing the resemblance to the larva. Fig. 1 represents the attitude of the larva for a time before pupation began. ■ ANTHOCHARIS I. ANTHOCHAKIS LANCEOLATA, 1-4. Anthocharis Lanceolata, Boisduval, Annales de la Soc. Ent. de France, 2me Ser., X. p. 284, 1852; Mead, Psyche, II. p. 183, 1878. Etlwardsii, Behr, Trans. Am. Ent. Soc., II. p. 304, 1869. Male. — Expands 1.4 to 1.8 inch. Upper side white, the apical and upper marginal nervules of primaries edged with brown scales; on the arc of cell a sub-oval or crescent black spot ; the bases of wings dusted black ; fringes white, on primaries brown at ends of nervules. Under side white, the apical area finely streaked across the interspaces with brown ; the discal spot crescent. Secondaries streaked over whole surface with graj^-brown, green-tinted, most densely on costal area, lightly over the outer third of wing ; near outer angle an oblique pure white band from costal edge to cell. Body covered with gray hairs beneath, the thorax white, abdomen yellowish ; palpi white, the front hairs brown at end; antennas whitish, club gray-black, yel¬ low at tip. (Figs. 1, 2.) Female. — Expands 1.7 to 1.9 inch. Similar to the male ; the nervules more widely edged brown, forming long ser¬ rations from the margin ; across the sub-costal interspaces a loose band of same color. (Figs. 3, 4.) Mature Larva. — “ Length 1.25 inch ; body rather elongated, tapering some¬ what posteriorly from the sixth segment; upper side apple-green, shading off laterally into pale blue, which is bounded by a distinct bright yellow line just above the spiracles ; next this line is a slightly broader one of pure white ; under side and legs apple-green, the former bluish along middle ; each segment is covered with fine black points arranged in transverse rows ’ (that is, on the cross ridges of the segments) ; u on each also are six minute black tubercles, each with fine black bristle, arranged in triangle ; head rounded, pale green, ANTHOCHARIS I. thickly dotted with black.” (Mead, Psyche, II. 183, 1878.) The tubercles with¬ out doubt are disposed in same way as in Genutia, in straight cross rows on 2-4, in triangle after. Mr. Mead was of the opinion, when the above was written, that this larva was Lanceolata. He says: “At different times during June, I found, in the Yo Semite Valley, a few caterpillars which I feel certain are those of A. Lanceolata .” He describes their chrysalids as having “ the long palpi case bent around backward into a sickle shape,” and this identifies the species. No other Californian Anthocharis has that shape of the chrysalis, and I believe the chrysalids of all except one very rare species are now known. Those bred by Mr. Mead died during the winter, he informs me. Chrysalis. — Length about one inch; slender, the abdomen tapering to a point, the head case surmounted by a long tapering process, which in all exam¬ ples observed is much recurved ; on ventral side the thoracic segments form a prominent rounded projection, compressed laterally and covered by the wing cases ; color brownish-yellow, immaculate. (Fig- *.) Lanceolata flies in the hills of Marin, Sonoma, and other Counties in north¬ ern California. Mr. 0. T. Baron found it most abundant in Shasta County. He also took examples near Summit, July 6, 1888, the elevation being 8000 feet. At Bear Valley, altitude 4000 feet, he took a female while ovipositing on Arabis perfoliata. Mr. Baron tells me that ten years ago he took this species in Men¬ docino County early in April, and in Shasta County, at elevation of only 3000 feet, at the end of June, and he believes it to be double-brooded. That is the more probable, as several other of the Pacific species of this genus are known to be double-brooded, as Hyantis , Ausonides, and JLeaJcirtii, Sara being the second brood of the latter. The late Mr. H. K. Morrison brought examples of Lanceo¬ lata from Nevada, and it has appeared in collections from Arizona, but I am unable to give the localities in either region. •*V S o AMfM©CIIAEIIg IE O ROSA. 1.2.d, 3.4. $) O LYMPIA . 5. d, P I MA . 6 .7.6, 89. 9 , ANTHOCHARIS II. ANTHOCHARIS ROSA, 1-4. Anihocliaris Rosa , Edwards, Papilio, II, p. 45. 1882. Male. — Expands 1.2 inch. Upper side of both wings pure white, the bases pale black ; costal margin of primaries sometimes immaculate, sometimes much streaked with black ; near apex a short straight black bar, turned back obliquely, another bar at the end of upper median nervule ; the apical area between these almost immaculate, a few scattered black scales only lying near costa ; on the arc a narrow black bar, bent or a little sinuous. Secondaries of thinner texture, discovering the markings of under side; fringes black at the ends of the two sub-costal nervules, otherwise white, as also o on primaries. Under side white, with a pink tint over costa of primaries and all of second¬ aries anterior to the sub-costal nervure, deepest next base ; the bar on costa repeated, much reduced, the black scales largely replaced by yellow ; the bar on hind margin suppressed, but indicated by a patch of yellow ; the upper sub-cos¬ tal nervules yellow, and at the end of each a black streak running with the edge of costa ; the discal bar much reduced, paler, and cut by the yellow arc. Secondaries have three cross bands of luteous-yellow, densely covered with black scales, with some open spaces or patches showing clearly the yellow ground ; the anterior band narrow, making a circle about base not always com¬ plete ; the second, or discal, sends a short stout branch along median to the third, and is attenuated on inner margin ; the third has a triple fork on hind margin, is very narrow in middle, and broad on inner margin ; at outei angle a wedge-shaped bar ; the nervures and branches on middle of the wing yellow. Body covered with long light-gray hairs, the abdomen gray-white, beneath, the thorax with white hairs, at the sides yellow, abdomen white, faintly tinted yel¬ low ; legs pinkish, the femora clothed with long white hairs ; palpi white, with ANTHOCHARIS II. pale gray hairs at top and sides ; antennae white above, yellowish below ; club white above, yellow below and at tip. (Figs. 1, 2.) Female. — Expands 1.4 inches. Color of male on both surfaces, and similarly marked ; between the ends of the apical bars are black scales in considerable number, suggesting a cross band, and next apex are more such scales than in male. (Figs. 3, 4.) Rosa was described from 3 £ 3 ?, sent me by the late Jacob Boll, and taken by him on one of his expeditions to the extreme west of Texas, in 1878. He informed me, in answer to inquiry, that he took several more, and all were of the same type, particularly having reference to the markings about the apices of fore wings. The species is very near to Olympia, figured in Vol. II of this work. In Rosa the apical area is immaculate in the male, except for a few loose scales next costal margin, a little distance from the apex. In the female there are somewhat more of these scales, and a nebulous connection of the two marginal bars. (In the Plate, Fig. 3, this last feature is a little too pronounced, the flecking in the insect being no heavier in this than next the apex.) The first known examples of Olympia, 1 s 1 $, were taken at Coalburgh, W. Va., April, 1871. The description soon after published in Transactions of the American Entomological Society, III, p. 266, mentions “ a large gray patch at apex, partly replaced by white,” — that is, a gray patch with one or more in¬ terior spots or patches of white. Nothing is said of a definite bar on either margin. In the insects, which are now before me, the inner edges of the gray patch are somewhat blacker than the rest, especially next the margins, but there is nothing of a definite bar. The description in Volume II was rewritten, and gives the apex as covered by a gray sub-triangular patch, “ terminating on either margin in a small spot of darker color ; ” and the figure of the male accompany¬ ing shows a pale patch filling the apical area limited on the margins by spots or clusters of scales of darker color. Since 1871, Olympia has been taken in all the States lying west of West Vir¬ ginia, to Nebraska, and in Colorado. The species seems particularly abundant at Whiting’s, Lake County, Indiana, and I have seen many from that locality. One of these is represented in Fig. 5, and all the Indiana examples which I have seen have been near to this, showing a patch of solid pale black with a small white interior patch next costa in the direction of the base. In both the descriptions of Olympia spoken of, I mentioned a single male as being in the Museum of Comparative Anatomy, at Cambridge, Mass., also from Texas, and by Mr. Boll. This was taken at Dallas, and I considered it to be the ANTHOCHARIS II. same as Olympia. I have recently asked Mr. S. H. Scudder to look at this insect and compare with the figure of Rosa. He replies : “ It is almost precisely like your Fig. 1, with the sole exception of the position of the dusky flecks at the extreme tip of the wing, those in Figs. 1 and 3 showing a little bar parallel to the one within, while these were at the very apex itself.” From which the Dallas example would seem to be Rosa. It may be that these are properly but forms of one species, Olympia the northern, Rosa the southern form. As yet not much is known about either, and of Rosa nothing but what I have given above. Doubtless they are com¬ mon in many localities, but flying at the same time with the white Pierids, they are unobserved. N ANTHOCHARIS II. ANTHOCHARIS PIMA, 6-9. AnthocTiaris Pima (pee'ma), Edwards, Canadian Entomologist, XX, p. 158. 1888. Male. — Expands 1.75 inch. Upper side of both wings yellow, the bases pale black ; primaries have the basal half of costa white, crossed by irregular black streaks ; the apex edged white on both margins, and within this is a series of five large, elongated black spots, almost confluent, filling the interspaces to second median nervule, each projecting a spur to the margin ; on the arc a broad, rectangular bar, the area between this and the spots and costal edge intense orange. Secondaries of thinner texture, discovering the markings of under surface ; fringes whitish, a few black hairs at the end of each nervule on secondaries, and many on primaries. Under side of primaries yellow, the costal margin as above, the apex white, green-tinted, the lower three black spots of upper side indicated by yellow- green, and finely dusted black, the bar repeated, the orange also, but paler and diffused over cell and second median interspace. Secondaries yellow-white, largely covered by broad patches of yellow-green, which form four irregular, connected, transverse bands between hind margin and base above median nervure ; below median to inner margin crossed b}7 stripes of similar color, unequal, mostly wedge-shaped. Body covered with long gray hairs, which are yellowish at extremity, the abdomen yellow-gray ; beneath, the thorax white, abdomen yellow-white ; the femora white, other joints buff ; palpi white, black at tip, and with black hairs at sides ; antennae imperfectly annulated white and black above, white below ; club black above, orange beneath and at tip. (Figs. 6, 7.) Female. — Expands -1.7 inch. Same yellow as male ; the apical spots larger and completely confluent, the ANTHOCHARIS II. orange narrower, paler, the bar less rectangular, broadest on sub-costal ; under side as in the male. (Figs. 8, 9.) Four examples of this species, 2 &, 2 ?, were taken early in April, 1888, by Oscar T. Baron, in Arizona, Pima County, on the barren plains between Pontano and Tucson. It is the only known American Antbocbaris in which both sexes are yellow. o a 0 T Sinclair &. Son lith PVnla EURYD ICE .VAR. BERNARDINO 1. 2 cf, 3 ? ;VAR. AMORPH^E 49. a Egg magnified, b. Larva (young) „ e .. /? tu 3r,f mou It. f. Larva , mature nat. sixe . q h „ mature vurs. 4. Chrysalis . k Food plant. COLIAS I. COLIAS EURYDICE, 1-4. Colias Eurydice (Eu-ryd'-i-ce), Boisduval, Ann. Soc. Ent. France, 1852. Edwards, But. N. A., Yol. I., pi. 16, p. 53. Form. Amorph.e, H. Edwards, Proc. Cal. Acad. Nat. Sci., 1876. What I supposed was the typical form of Eurydice was figured in Volume I. Boisduval says : “ The yellow (of Ccesonia) is replaced by a vivid orange, and the fore wings have a violet reflection.” It is impossible to represent in colors the peculiar reflection. It is also variable, some examples having scarcely any violet, others an excess, and my figure was made from one of the last. Mr. Henry Edwards called attention, in the paper above referred to, to the difference between the spring and autumn generations of this species, and regarded the former as the type. “ The butterflies of spring make their appearance in April and May ; the secondaries of the male are wholly bright orange, without any spots or marks on the margin, except some brown dots to note the termination of the nervules, while the female is immaculate. The autumn brood, however, appearing in July and August, have the secondaries of the male with a black marginal border, and the females have the margins distinctly marked with brown¬ ish patches, and rarely with a black sub-median band, composed of clouded patches, crossing the wing.” (Fig. 4.) To the autumnal form Mr. Edwards gave the name Amorph^. In same paper, mention is made of an example of Eurydice from Mendocino County, in which the “ dog’s head ” is suffused with the richest purple. From Mr. W. G. Wright, at San Bernardino, I have received many examples of the butterfly, and they are characterized by small size, and absence of any de¬ cided violet reflection. Often there is no reflection at all, and the color of the dog’s head varies from a pale to a deep or indian yellow. From the same lot of eggs I have bred the larvae to imago, and obtained these varieties. It is this small form, with yellow primaries, that I call var. Bernardino. The females have a large, deep brown or brown-black, discal spot on primaries, and often there are COLIAS I. traces of sub-marginal spots on same wings ; on the under side the sub-marginal clusters of scales on both wings are usually conspicuous. (Figs. 1-3.) The pre¬ paratory stages of Eurydice are thus described : — Egg. — Fusiform, thick in middle, tapering to a small rounded summit ; the base flat ; ribbed longitudinally, the number of ribs about eighteen, four or five of which end at nearly three quarters the distance from base to summit ; they are low, narrow, of even height and width throughout, the spaces between flat and crossed by many fine horizontal ridges ; the micropyle (Fig. a2) in centre of a rosette of five hexagons, outside of which is a ring of cells of same shape but irregular; color yellow-green. (Fig. a.) Duration of this stage about five days. Young Larva. — Length .1 inch ; cylindrical, thickest on 2 and 3, tapering slightly to 12 ; each segment several times creased, and on the ridges so made are many black points, each giving a short black hair ; scattered among these points are black tubercles, some with long black hairs, but most with white clubbed appendages (Figs, b 3, 64) ; on front of 2 is a cross row of the hairs, five on either side, running from dorsum to base ; on 3 and 4 are four each, also in front, but from 5 to 12 there are three of the white appendages on the side of each segment, a subdorsal one on the front ridge, an upper lateral on fourth ridge, a lower lateral on second ridge, or between second and third ; these form three longitudinal rows, and the subdorsal extends over 4 ; 13 has three hairs in triangle on either side, and from 4 to 12, below spiracles, are two hairs each, the front one always a little below the other ; color dull yellow-green ; feet and legs same ; head rounded, a little depressed at top ; on either side of face are seven rounded tubercles, and two in the triangle, in all sixteen, each with long de¬ pressed black hair; color of head pale yellow-brown. (Figs, b, b2.) Duration of this stage about four days. After first moult: length .14 inch; rather more tapering, the ridges thickly set with black points, each with black hair ; among these are small tubercles of same color, mostly on middle of each ridge and nearly equidistant, with longer hairs (Fig. c3) ; color yellow-green ; head nearly as before, somewhat broader in proportion across lower half ; the tubercles and hairs much more numerous than before ; color pale yellow-green. (Figs, c, c2.) As this stage proceeds a yellowish basal stripe begins to show itself. To next moult four to five days. After second moult : length .22 inch : color deep green ; the points and tuber¬ cles as in previous stage ; the basal white band distinct; just over it, on 3 and 4, on middle of the segment, a black, vitreous, round process, almost a hemisphere ; head yellow-green, more thickly beset with tubercles than before, mostly small, but twelve, scattered among the others, are of larger size. (Figs, d, d 2, ds.) To next moult three days. COLIAS I. After third moult : length .4 ; same color ; in addition to the black processes on 3 and 4 is often a similar but much smaller one on each of the succeeding segments, but they are variable in number ; the band has now an ochreous yellow discoloration at its lower edge, which deepens as the stage proceeds, becoming yolk-of-egg color; head as before. (Figs, e, e2.) To next moult three days. After fourth moult : length .6 inch ; orange now appears in the band. To maturity about three days. Mature Larva. — Length 1.1 inch; cylindrical, of nearly even thickness from 3 to 11 ; thickly covered with small black tubercles, each of which gives a very short, fine black hair; along base from 2 to 13 a narrow white band, through the lower part of which runs an orange stripe, often macular ; on 3 and 4 each, over the band, on middle of the segment, is a vitreous, hemispherical process, black, with purple reflection ; from the centre springs a very small hair, and around base is a cluster of minute black points (Fig. y2) ; these processes on 3 and 4 are constant ; often smaller processes of same character are found on part or all the succeeding segments to 9 or 10, the posterior sometimes greatly reduced ; a ring of points similar to those about the glassy processes surrounds each hair on the mature larva (as the artist has endeavored to show in the enlarged segment, Fig. e2); color dull green ; under side blue-green; feet and legs same; head round, slightly depressed at top, much covered with fine black points, each with its short black hair. (Figs./, /2,/3.) From fourth moult to pupation about six days. There is some variation in the markings at last two stages ; one larva had a narrow black band on middle of each segment, including 2 and 13 (as shown in Fig. h). Another had black beads sprinkled about as follows : on 2, one sub¬ dorsal ; on 3, three high on side ; on 4, two high on side ; on 5 and 6, one sub¬ dorsal ; on 8 and 10 each a short bar ; in this last example, as occasionally hap¬ pened with others, there were black lunate spots beneath the band, such as is commonly seen in Eurytheme and Philodice. Another larva had spots from 3 to 11, most with an oblique black dash on lower side. (Fig. g.) The larval measurements were taken at or near twelve hours from the egg and several moults. Chrysalis. — Length .8 inch; breadth across mesonotum .19; across abdomen, .2 inch ; greatest depth .28 inch ; compressed laterally ; the thorax on ventral side prominent and forming a narrow ridge ; abdomen tapering, conical ; meso¬ notum less prominent than in Eury theme or Philodice, low, rounded, with a slight carina, followed by a small excavation ; head case produced to a point, a little curved upward, with a regular slope on both dorsal and ventral sides, angular laterally ; color apple-green ; a white stripe often marks the side of abdomen. (Fig. i.) Duration of this stage nine or ten days. COLIAS I. The food plant of Enrydice is Amorpha Calif ornica. (Fig k.) I have several of these from Mr. Wright, and they are growing in my garden. I also have received eggs and larvae through the mails. The first sent reached me 2d April, 1883. The larvae began to pass first moult 4th April ; the second, 9th ; third, 12th ; fourth, 15th ; to pupate, 23d ; and the first imago appeared ten days later. Whole period from laying of egg to imago about 33 days. On 4th May, 1884, I received larvae of all ages, about seventy. The black spots over the band varied greatly. All the mature larvae had one each on 3 and 4. Of 37 examples, 23 had no other spots. One had spots from 3 to 9 ; another 3 to 10 ; but in both cases none on 5 ; four had spots from 3 to 10, five from 3 to 11, two from 3 to 12. These larvae were attacked by a fatal disease, and I lost nearly all. A black speck would appear on middle segments and soon extend over the body. So pupae that were at first apparently healthy died in same manner. Mr. Edwards, in the paper referred to, speaks of losing many chrysalids from a similar disease. I tried in vain, in 1883, to make the laivae eat white clover (which several species of Colias will eat, though they may refuse red clover), but, in 1884, I succeeded, and on this plant the larvae went to pupation. The habits, at all stages, are similar to those of Eurytheme and Philodice. When first hatched, they eat furrows in the surface of the leaf ; after first moult, they eat the leaf ; and they lie extended on the upper side along the mid-rib. When the plate in Volume I. was published, 1870, little was known of the dis¬ tribution of Eurydice. I quoted from Mr. Edwards, that the insect was rare and local; that its chief home was in Marion County, about thirty miles from San Francisco. It is now known to inhabit several counties of California from north to south. Mr. Henry Edwards writes : “ I do not know how far south the spe¬ cies may fly, but certainly not as far as San Diego, the many collections I have seen from the neighborhood of that city containing not a single specimen. It is however quite probable that it may reach nearly as far. To the north, it is taken in Mendocino County, but not in Oregon, Nevada, or British Columbia. The food plant, Amorpha Californica, grows throughout Oregon, and, I think, even as far as Vancouver’s Island, and it is somewhat odd that the range of the species should stop short, as it apparently does, about half way between San Fran¬ cisco and the Oregon line. It is most common in the counties of Napa, Sonoma, and Mendocino, and never more than fifty or sixty miles from the coast. It fre¬ quents the lower ranges rather than the mountains, and I have never seen it in any part of the Sierra Nevada. I should say that its home is limited to about 400 miles at the utmost from north to south, and about sixty miles inland from the seaboard. It must therefore be regarded as an extremely local species. The mature larva and chrysalis described by Mr. H. Edwards, in Proc. Cal. COLIAS I. Acad. Nat. Sci., June 5, 1876, were much larger than any San Bernardino exam¬ ples, the larva measuring 1.45 inch, the chrysalis .95 inch. The several stages from egg to pupa are closely like other Coliades described in these Volumes. There is no generic difference whatever observable in any of these stages between Eurydice and Philodice. So far as I am acquainted with the butterflies, there is no case where a natural genus does not show its distinctive characters in the preparatory stages, either in all of them, or part. Hence 1 have declined to accept the genus Megonostoma, created by Reakirt, in 1863, to ac¬ commodate Ccesonia and Eiwydice. There is no more natural genus than Colias, and it seems to me quite enough that the differences in the imagos, which are trifling at best, should be indicated by Groups, as I have treated them in my Cata¬ logues. • . ■ * • CD ML HAS o T Sinclair & So n.lith-PVnla a Egg l) . lsJ moult HARFORDII 1.2 3.4. ? VAR. BARBARA 5.6V 7.8.$ 9.$- magnified. d. 3 ^ moult . magnified. e. d*?7 „ f mature. . L u g Chrysalis COLIAS II. COLIAS HARFORDII, 1-9. Colias Harfordii, Henry Edwards, Proc. Cal. Acad. Nat. Sci., February 5th, 1877. (Vol. VIII.) C. Barbara , id., 9, 1. c. VII., 1877. W. II. Edwards, Papilio, IV. 2, 1884. Primaries produced apically, the hind margins slightly concave or slightly convex. 1. Form Harfordii. Male. — Expands 1.5 to 1.9 inches. Upper side lemon-yellow, often lemon-chrome, the bases of wings not at all, or very little, blackened ; the marginal borders of primaries of medium width, or narrow, black, dusted with yellow atoms, cut by the yellow nervules nearly to outer edge, of even width, extending but little way on either costal or inner margin, the inner edge more or less erose ; discal spot pale yellow in a sub-oval black ring. Secondaries have the borders varying in width like the primaries, and ending at lower median nervule ; discal spot orange, pale to deep ; fringes rose-pink, yellow at inner angles of primaries and outer angles of secondaries. Under side pale to deep yellow ; the discal spot of primaries as above ; of secondaries, small, pearl-white, in a narrow red-brown ring; at base a few pink scales; no patch at outer angle ; traces of sub-marginal spots, mere points, and not in complete series, often altogether wanting ; the surface not dusted with dark scales, but immaculate ; but some examples show a slight dusting, and some have a few scales at outer angle, suggestive of a patch. Body above black, with long gray hairs, beneath yellow, the hairs on thorax tipped with roseate ; collar same ; legs same ; palpi yellow, roseate at tip ; an¬ tennae and club brown-red above, more red below, the club tipped with ferrugi¬ nous. (Figs. 1, 2.) Female. — Same size. COLIAS II. Color delicate lemon-chrome ; the border usually narrow, and of slight texture, scarcely wider at apex than elsewhere ; but sometimes it is wider and heavier, with loose scales and points on the inner side, and advanced on costal margin about as in the male ; in all cases it crosses the wing from margin to margin. Secondaries either have no border, or there are a few black scales along outer angle, or small clusters on the anterior nervules ; discal spot either wanting, or orange, pale to deep. Under side as in the male, slightly dusted. (Figs. 3, 4.) 2. Form Barbara. Male. — Color of form Harfordii, varying like that, a little black at base ; the under side much dusted ; the sub-marginal markings varying from mere points to conspicuous spots, a small patch at outer angle ; the discal spot often large, usually in a broad ring, or double ring, and sometimes duplex. (Figs. 5, 6.) Female. — Color clear, pale, yellow (originally described as canary-yellow), the border slight, very narrow, and extending across the wing, but little wider at apex than elsewhere. Under side thickly dusted, the sub-marginal spots variable ; the patch and discal spot as in male. (Figs. 7, 8, 9.) These types run through both sexes ; that is, the Harfordii male, as originally described, is matched with a female as immaculate as itself, and the Barbara fe¬ male, as described, is matched with a male as much dusted and spotted as itself ; and between the two extremes are intergrades. (Figs. 1 and 5 show the ex¬ tremes of color in the males.) Egg. — Fusiform, thick in middle, tapering to a small rounded summit ; the base flat; ribbed longitudinally, the number of ribs being about twenty, four or five of which end at three quarters and more the distance from base to summit ; they are low, narrow, and the spaces between are flat, and crossed by many fine horizontal striae; the micropyle (Fig. a 2) is in centre of a rosette of five cells, hexagons, outside of which is a ring of cells, of same shape but irregular ; all these roundly excavated ; color yellow-green, in a short time changing to crimson, as do all Colias eggs. (Fig. a.) Duration of this stage about four days. • Young Larva. — Length .12 inch; cylindrical, a little thickest on 2 and 3; each segment several times creased, and on the cross-ridges so formed are many black points, each giving a short, black hair ; scattered among these are long, COLIAS II. white, clubbed appendages ; color brown-green ; feet and legs green ; head rounded, a little depressed at top, thinly furnished with black tubercles, each with black hair, longer than the hairs on body ; color yellow-green. Duration of this stage about four days. After first moult : length .16 inch ; the ridges thickly set with black points, each with its short, black hair ; there are also many white processes, which form five or six longitudinal rows on either side, those on dorsum and down to about mid-side, broad and thin at top, paddle-shaped, on remainder of side, and on front ridge of 2, long, tapering, club-shaped ; on 2, longest and more numerous, and directed forward ; head rounded, somewhat depressed at top, with black tuber¬ cles and many of the white clubbed processes. (Figs, b b2.) To next moult about four days. After second moult: length .28 inch ; color dark green, very much as at pre¬ vious stage ; along base a yellow-white stripe ; the white processes more numer¬ ous than before, less broad, rather club than paddle-shaped. (Figs, c c2, c3.) To next moult about three days. After third moult : length .4 inch ; color darker green ; the basal stripe wider, with a yellow stain on middle of each segment ; later a red streak appears on part or all the segments within this stripe ; the white processes now replaced by short black hairs from conical tubercles, and around base of each is a ring clus¬ ter of black specks. Head as before, lighter than body. (Figs, d d 2.) To next moult about three days. After fourth moult : length .55 inch ; color dark green ; the band white, with a macular red stripe. (Fig. e, natural size, e2, e3 magnified.) In three days from the moult the larva reaches maturity. Mature Larva. Length 1.1 inch : cylindrical, thickest from 4 to 8; on the flattened ridges of each segment are many small, black, conical tubercles, each giving a short fine hair (as d2 ; the same form of tubercle prevails through the last two stages, but they are more numerous in the final stage); on dorsum these hairs are gray, on sides and beneath, white ; color light green ; feet and legs pale green ; along base, from 2 to 13, a white band through middle of which runs a red stripe, almost filling it, the ground below the stripe stained yellow ; in one example, on segments 4 to 10 inclusive, was a small black patch to each under the band, but in all others there was no trace of this ; head sub-globular, a little depressed at top ; color green, somewhat lighter than the body, covered with black tubercles, the same size as on body, with black hairs. (Fig. /, mag¬ nified.) From fourth moult to pupation about five days. COLIAS II. CriEYSALis. — Length .75 inch; greatest breadth .18 inch, depth .2 inch ; com¬ pressed laterally, the thorax prominent ; the head case pointed, beak-like, rounded on the ventral side, less so on dorsal ; mesonotum rounded, rising to a low carina ; color yellow-green, the abdomen more yellow, and granulated with paler, and along its side a bright yellow band, through which runs a red or an orange stripe ; on ventral side, also, a row of small ferruginous spots ; head case on ventral side at extremity and for a little way down the lateral ridges bright yellow ; on middle of wing case a blackish dot, and a series of sub-marginal ones, one on each inter space. One example, instead of the ventral spots, had a reddish band across three segments. (Fig. g.) Duration of this stage nine to eleven days; of the larval stages about eighteen days ; from laying of egg to the imago about thirty- one days. C. Harfordii was described by Mr. Henry Edwards, 18/7, from seven males, no female being mentioned ; and in same paper C. Barbara was described fiom two females, the male said to be unknown. A year later, Mr. Edwards says that he is inclined to think Barbara is the female of Harfordii. In 1882 and 1883, Mr. W. G. Wright, at San Bernardino, several times took Harfordii males in copulation with Barbara females, as well as with females of their own type, and became satisfied that the two represented but one species. In July, 1883, Mr. Wright obtained eggs by confining the females over Astrag¬ alus crotalaria. As these females were afterwards sent me, I was able to iden¬ tify them all as Barbara. The first lot of eggs, ten in number, were six days in the mail, and, the heat not having been extreme, all but two had hatched on ar¬ rival, 13th. Next day came thirty-one young larvae. I fed these on white clover, red clover being refused, but many died at every stage to pupation, either from change of food or climate, so that I got but two butterflies, a female on 6th August, a male on 8th. The female is the one figured Nos. 3, 4, Harfordii type. The male was of same type. From the result of this breeding, and Mr. Wright s observations in the field, it seems to me possible that the species may be sea¬ sonally dimorphic, Barbara representing the earliest brood of the butterflies from hibernating larvae, Harfordii the later, or midsummer, but not so defi¬ nitely as is the case with many species of butterflies. I have in vain endeav¬ ored to learn more about this matter by breeding, the distance and the heat in July making it almost impossible to transmit any eggs which will hatch on middle of the journey. The larvae are pretty sure to die. Lots of eggs sent in ’84, ’85, failed to give me one larva. Mr. Wright got twenty larvae of all sizes on the food plant, as late as 24th December, 1883, but of course it would have been of no use to transmit larvae in winter, as I could not feed them. COLIAS II. As to the distribution of this species, it is common in the region about San Bernardino. Mr. Henry Edwards gives Santa Barbara and Santa Clara counties as localities ; also Kern County. Writing recently, Mr. Edwards says: “ C. Harfordii was taken by me first near San Francisco, in Contra Costa County, which is as far to the north as I have ever heard of it. Its home seems to be in the southern part of the State, or rather from Santa Clara to San Bernardino.” Mr. Edwards also says: “The descriptions of these forms were read before the Academy, February 5th, 1877, but were only published in my extra advance sheets. The Academy stopped its publications with the 7th volume, and are only now about to renew them. My paper on Colias cannot therefore be re¬ ferred to as being in the Proc. of Cal. Acad., though it will appear within a few months in Vol. 8.” The males of extreme Harfordii type come near the males of C. Interior , as will be seen by the Plate next following. This is a smaller species, — that is, no Interior are as large as the largest Harfordii, — with a much rounded apex to fore wing and a rounded hind margin. The border is wider, and extends far¬ ther along costal margin and it is deeply incurved. So that, while there is some resemblance in this sex there is more divergence. But in the females, the dif¬ ferences are emphatic. In Interior, the border is apical, as in the Pelidne sub¬ group, broad at apex, gradually narrowing on the margin, ending at some dis¬ tance above the inner angle. It is a triangular border, in fact, as distinguished from a marginal border, such as Harfordii presents, and which is characteristic of other sub-groups in the genus. One species cannot be mistaken for the other. So far as relates to the ornamentation of the under side, Barbara is nearest to the Eurytlieme sub-group. So that the species in certain points resembles spe¬ cies belonging to two distinct sub-groups, a fact suggestive of the descent of all from a more or less remote common ancestor. COLIAS III. COLIAS EURYTHEME, FORM ERIPHYLE (no plate). Colias Eury theme, form Eriphyle (E-riph'-y-le). Eriphyle, Edwards, Can. Ent., Vol. XIX., p. 218. 1887 ; id., Trans. Am. Ent. Soc., Vol. V., p. 202. 1876 ; Hayden Bulletin, Vol. IV., p. 514. 1878. Hagenii , Edw., Papilio, Vol. III., p. 160. 1883; id., Can. Ent., Vol. XIX., p. 170. 1887. Var. Autumnalis, Cockerell, West Am. Scientist, Vol. IV., p. 42. 1888. ( / Summer Form. — Male. — Expands from 1.5 to 2 inches. Upper side either canary-yellow or sulphur yellow, not unfrequently with an orange tint ; the marginal borders and discal spots as in Eury theme. Under side either pale yellow or deep yellow, marked as in Eurytheme. Female. — Expands from 1.6 to 2 inches. Upper side greenish yellow, often more or less orange-tinted ; the marginal borders as in female Eurytheme, that is, broad on primaries and enclosing a series of well-defined yellow spots ; on secondaries the border extends from the outer angle two thirds the way to inner angle, and is usually broad enough to partially enclose a series of yellow spots. Var. Autumnalis. — “ Smaller, with narrower borders and the hind wings more grayish green.” Cockerell. This form flies in the fall and also in the spring, in Colorado, and corresponds to the Ariadne form of the orange Eurytheme. In the Trans. Am. Ent. Soc. cited, Eriphyle was described from thirty indi¬ viduals of both sexes, taken at Lake Lahache, B. C., by Mr. G. R. Crotch. I con¬ sidered them near to Philodice, but differing in some important particulars, and except in color, as being close to Eurytheme. It was stated that Mr. T. L. Mead, in 1871, had brought a Colias from Colorado, like this Eriphyle except in color, the latter being canary-yellow, the others sulphur, and that examples like the Coloradan had come from Montana. COLIAS III. Later Hcigenii was described to include the Rocky Mountain form. Except in being yellow it was said to be like Eurytheme. Through Mr. H. W. Nash, of Pueblo, Colorado, I was able to obtain eggs of this yellow butterfly, laid by females in confinement, with results as follows (published in Can. Ent., Vol. XTX., p. 171) : 1. On May 11, 1884, received eggs of the first brood of butterflies of the year. From these came, between June 8th and 15th, 14 butterflies, 10 S , 4 $ ; all yellow. 2. June 7, 1884, received eggs of the second brood of the year. From these, between 6th and 9th July, 15 butterflies, all Eurytlieme (orange), 11 6 , 4 $ ; three of the females being albinos. 3. June 7, 1884, received eggs. Result 12 butterflies, 8 of them Eriphyle, 3 5 $ ; 4 Eurytlieme $ . 4. August 29 and September 3, 1884, received eggs. Result, 1st to od October, 5 Ei'iphyle , 2 <$ , 3 $ . 5. June 27th, received eggs of the orange Eurytheme. Result, 9 butterflies, 6 being Eurytheme, 3 S , 3 $ ; 3 Eriphyle, 2 6 , 1 $ • 6. May 18, 1885, received eggs of the first brood of butterflies of the year. Result, 13th to 18th June, 35 butterflies, all Eripliyle, 20 6 , 15$. These females were very large and most of them deep yellow, approaching orange. 7. July 31, 1886, received eggs of Eriphyle. Result, 28th to oOth August, 3 6 , 2 $ , all Eriphyle, of the form autumnalis. 8. May 11, 1887, received eggs of the first brood of Eriphyle or autumnalis. Result, 9th to 14th June, 22 Eriphyle, 15 6 , 7 $ . 9. June 24, 1887, received eggs of Eriphyle, of the second brood of the year. Result, July 16th to 22d, 16 butterflies, 3 6 , 13 $ , all Eriphyle. 10. July 5, 1887, received eggs of Eriphyle, of the second brood of the year. Result, July 27th to 29th, 18 butterflies, 17 being Eriphyle, 14 $ ; 3 $ ; 1 Eury¬ theme $ . I therefore bred nine broods of butterflies from eggs of Eriphyle, and one brood from eggs of Eurytheme, and the result was sometimes unmixed, all the progeny being of the same form as the mother, at other times mixed, partly yellow, partly orange. The species Eurytheme theretofore known as tri-morphic (see Plate IV. of Colias, Volume II.), became tetra-morphic, Eriphyle being the fourth form. The synonymy is as follows : — Colias Eurytheme, COLIAS III. 4. Winter form Autumnalis 5. Summer form Eripiiyle I spent the month of July and part of June and August, 1894, in Colorado, and during most of the time was at Glenwood Springs, on the Grand River, in the west. Eriphyle was not uncommon there, especially about the alfalfa fields, but I never saw an orange Eurytheme. Nor have 1 seen any of the orange forms alive. Mr. Bruce says that the orange is certainly much scarcer than it was six or seven years ago, when he first went to Colorado. “ It is seldom seen now, where formerly the yellow form was the exception.” He accounts for the change by the spread of alfalfa, this having taken the place of the indigenous food plants. The form Keewaydin was figured on Plate IV. of Colias, Volume I., 1869, and Figure 7 on that Plate represents a male Eriphyle. In the text it is stated that Mr. Henry Edwards, then living at San Francisco, had observed that the males of Keewaydin varied in color from “deep orange to lemon-yellow,” and that “ the male is constantly subject to run into this lemon-yellow variety.” This is the first notice of the yellow form by any observer. Mr. Edwards afterwards came to be of the opinion that these yellow examples of Keewaydin were not connected with the Eurytheme species, but were what he had described as C. Hcirfordii. In that he was wrong. C. Harfordii is figured in the present volume, and belongs to a different sub-group of the genus from Eurytheme. In the text of C .Philodice, in Volume II., Plate III. of Colias, there is described and figured an orange male which was taken in copulation with a yellow female, supposed to be a Philodice, in Illinois. Other instances of orange examples of one or both sexes, supposed to be Philodice, were mentioned in the same paper, or have been reported in the entomological journals. Nearly all cases of albinism in the genus Colias are confined to the female sex, and exceedingly few albino males have been reported. But a fine albino male of Philodice was sent me by Mr. H. E. Wilford, of Batavia, New York, in 1891, and was mentioned in the Canadian Entomologist for March, 1892, Vol. XXIV., p. 49. (DCDILILs^o Wo GHRYSOMELAS . 1.2 tJ, 3.4 9 , VARS o 5.6.7. 9 6.9. C0L1AS IV. COLIAS CHRYSOMELAS, 1-9. Coltas Chrysomelas (Chry-som'-e-las), Henry Edwards, Pacific Coast Lepidoptera, Feb., 1877. Male. — Expands 2 to 2.4 inches. Upper side greenish-yellow, not much obscured at base ; the marginal border of primaries very broad, black, more or less dusted with yellow scales, cut nearly to the outer edge by the yellow nervules, usually even-edged within, or slightly erose, but sometimes roughly dentated, curving roundly at the apex, but little advanced on costal margin, and on inner margin projecting a rather long spur ; discal spot small, sub-ovate, black. Secondaries also have a broad border, cut to the outer edge by the two median nervules; not dusted yellow; the discal spot usually wanting, but sometimes orange, or indicated by a slight orange tint ; fringes of both wings pink, yellow at inner angle of primaries. Under side of primaries lemon-yellow, deeper colored along costal margin, and orange-tinted over apical area, often deeply; except on inner margin and to middle of cell, thickly dusted with fine brown scales ; the discal spot repeated, a slight oval ring with yellow or sometimes pink-tinted interior; costal edge pink; submarginal patches are sometimes present in the median interspaces, a small cluster of black scales to each, but oftener there is no trace of these. Secondaries entirely orange-yellow, thickly dusted ; the discal spot pearl-white, or perhaps roseate throughout or about the edge, in a red-brown, broad ring ; at base a small patch of pink ; at outer angle a cluster of brown scales, never large, often a mere trace; some examples have submarginal patches in the median interspaces only. Body covered with greenish-yellow hairs, the collar dull pink ; under side yellow ; legs pink ; palpi yellow, pink at tip ; antennse and club brown above, elsewhere pink, except that the end of the club is ferruginous. (Figs. 1, 2.) Very rarely examples are of a deep yellow, as Fig. 5, and the mar¬ ginal borders narrow and as in Fig. 7. COLIAS IV. Female. — Expands 2.2 to 2.5 inches. Either bright yellow, or of the tint of the male, or paler, a whitish yellow ; the marginal border of primaries broad, of nearly even width except at apex, pale dusky black, completely inclosing a series of yellow patches that cross the wing ; discal spot as in the male, occasionally orange. Secondaries have the border much narrower and limited to upper half the wing ; often represented by a few scales or patches ; the discal spot either pale orange, solid, or an orange ring with pale centre. (Figs. 3, 4, 8.) Fig. 9 repre¬ sents a curious variety, in which the border of primaries takes the form of a series of long triangles, one on each nervule. So far as at present known, Chrysomelas is limited to Northern California. Nevada has been thoroughly searched for butterflies, and this species has not been taken there. The original examples from which -Mr. Edwards made his descrip¬ tions were from Napa County. Mr. James Behrens has for several seasons taken many at Shasta, Shasta County, and at Soda Springs, Siskiyou County. There is no doubt that Chrysomelas is nearly allied to C. Occidental is, Scudder, figured in Yol. I. pi. 18, described on page 57, a species found over N. W. Br. America, from Vancouver’s Island to Lake Saskatchawan, but not in the Rocky Mountains or at high elevations. The two form a distinct sub-group, cliff eiing from- any other in the character of the border of the fore wing in the female. I have thought Chrysomelas might be a southern form of Occidentalism and so put it in my Catalogue, 1884. On the other hand, Mr. Henry Edwards has been familiar with both these forms in the field, and is positive that they are distinct species. At the end of his description he says : “ I have no doubt whatever of the distinctness of this species. It is most nearly allied to C. Occidentalism Scud., the original types of which are now before me. It differs in the extreme width of the marginal band, equally broad on primaries and secondaries, and always distinctly cut by the nervules on both wings ; by its much larger size, and by the paler ground color of the female, with more pronounced marginal border. The usual absence of the discal spot of primaries is also a strongly marked character.” This was in 1877. Ten years later, June, 1887, Mr. Edwards writes me : “ I am fully of the opinion that Chrysomelas is quite distinct from Ocddentalis. There is a difference between the two that cannot be expressed m words, but any one who has taken the two forms on the wing, as I have, must he of my opinion. Chrysomelas is from the Coast Range, a different region from the home of Occi- dentalis. My first specimens of the former were from the foothills of Napa County. I afterwards got it from Mendocino County, and Mr. Behrens takes it at Shasta. These localities are part of the same range of mountains, the Coast COLIAS IV. Range. Now Occidentals is found on Vancouver’s near the sea-level, and thence across the continent at low elevations to western Canada.” I have thought it best, therefore, to give Chrysomelas as a species, for the judgment of an experienced lepidopterist, familiar with both these butterflies in life, is of weight. Whether there are two species or two forms of one species must hereafter be determined by breeding from the egg. Mr. Scudder described the female of Occidentals, Proc. Bost. Soc. Nat. Hist., IX., 109, 1862, as white, with a greenish tint, with margins like those of C. Eurytheme , Boisd. It is said that three females were under view. This de¬ scription does not cover the yellow female, an example of which is figured on the Plate in Vol. I., but applies to the albino Fig. 5, which I now believe to be Eurytheme, and quite out of place on that Plate. Hr. Hagen called attention to this some years ago, and on examination I allow that he was right. Striking out this albino, the true type of the female is represented by Figure 3. I have never seen an albino female Occidentals or of Chrysomelas. ' , ' o Ho T. Sinclair & Son.lUh. Fhila. NITOCRI S 1.2.0" 3.4.9 ARGYNNIS I. ARGYNNIS NITOCRIS, 1-4. Argynnis Nitocris (Ni-to'-cris) Edwards, $, Trans. Am. Ent. Soc., V., p. 15, 1874 ; Mead, Rep. Wheeler Expedition, V., 751, 1875. 9, Edwards, Can. Ent., XL, p. 82, 1883 ; 9 aberr. Nokomis, Strecker, Rep. Ruffner Expedition, p. 1853, 1878. Male. — Expands 3 inches. Allied to JSf okomis. Upper side bright fulvous, much obscured from base to middle of disk, except upon a portion of the cell of primaries; both wings bordered by two parallel black lines, which, on secondaries, enclose a rather bioad cleai fulvous space, on primaries a narrow space cut by the black nervules; anteiior to these lines, on primaries, a series of black lanceolate spots, the an- tei ioi ones connected and touching the inner line ; on secondaries the spots are lunular, separated, and do not touch the line; the extra-discal spots on primaries are irregular in size and shape, rather sub-quadrate and lanceolate, on second¬ aries minute ; the markings to base as in Nohouiis , heavy on primaries, light on secondaries, the cliscal band on the latter being broken into small, separate, sub- lunular spots ; fringes fulvous, on primaries black at tips of the nervules. Under side of primaries red from base to hind margin, and over whole wing except a small area near apex, where it is bright ochre-yellow ; a brown patch on middle of this area ; the black markings repeated ; the upper five sub- marginal spots enclose silver, and there are three silver spots on the patch. Secondaries deep ferruginous-brown from base to the outer edge of the second low of spots, between this and outer row a clear ochre-yellow space ; the hind mar¬ gin same color as the disk, with an obscure appearance of fulvous between the nervules; all the spots well silvered ; the seven sub-marginal are narrow segments of ciicles, and are edged broadly on anterior side by ferruginous-brown ; those of the second low are rather small, mostly rounded, the one next inner margin sub-lunate ; the third row consists of three large spots, the outer ones sub-lunate, the other rounded, and edged on posterior side by black ; all the spots of the two lows edged heavily on basal side by black; in cell a round spot, and below ARGYNNIS I. cell, an oval, both ringed with black ; a silver patch at base of cell, and another at base of sub-costal interspace ; shoulder and inner margin lightly silvered. Body above fulvous, beneath same with many black and gray hairs; legs fulvous ; palpi same, buff at the sides ; antennae fuscous above, fulvous below ; club black, the tip fulvous or ferruginous. (Figs. 1, 2.) Female. — Expands 3 to 3.25 inches. Upper side blackish-brown, darker than female Nokomis , the black markings from base to middle of disk nearly lost in the dark ground ; the light spots as in Nokomis , and of a pale yellow color, except the small sub-marginal, which are whitish ; the light spots of secondaries narrower than in most examples of Noko¬ mis, owing to the broad edging of brown upon each nervule ; they are also much dusted brown, particularly on the basal portion. Under side of primaries deeper red than in the male, the sub-apical area clearer yellow. Secondaries of a darker brown, dusted ferruginous next base, the belt of a brighter yellow, divided into spots by the broad edging of the nervules; the silver spots generally as in the male. (Figs. 5, 6.) I have not seen a male other than the one in my collection. This was taken in the White Mountains, northeast Arizona, in 1873, by Lieut. Henshaw, of the exploring expedition under Lieut. Wheeler. Several females have been taken in Arizona, Colorado, and Nevada. Probably the species will be found in abundance in some of the valleys of southwest Colo¬ rado, and south Utah. i & 4 * \ . LAIS 1.2. c/3. 4. 9 ARGYNNIS II. ARGYNNIS LAIS, 1-4. Argynnis Lais (La'-is) Edwards, Can. Ent., XV., p. 209, 1883. Male. — Expands 2 inches. Upper side bright red-fulvous, somewhat obscured at base ; both wings bor¬ dered by two parallel lines, the spaces between cut by the black nervules ; the markings as in the allied species, but all slight ; the common discal band broken into spots, which, on secondaries, are very small ; fringes yellow-white, black at ends of nervules. Under side of primaries cinnamon-red, paler next inner angle, the apical area buff ; the upper sub-marginal spots enclose silver and there are two or three silver spots on the sub-apical patch. Secondaries from base to outer side of the second row of spots dark brown mot¬ tling a yellowish ground ; the belt beyond these spots pale yellow; all the spots small and well silvered, the outer row sub-crescent, the second row mostly oval. Body above fulvous, beneath pale fulvous with many gray hairs ; legs fulvous ; palpi same, with black hairs at sides ; antennse black above, fulvous below, club black, ferruginous at tip. (Figs. 1, 2.) Female. — Expands 2.2 inches. Upper side less bright, the base more obscured ; the markings all heavier ; the marginal lines more or less confluent on primaries ; the discal band, in many examples, connected on primaries, but on secondaries as in the male. Under side as in the male. (Figs. 3, 4.) This pretty species is found in N. W. Terr., and was discovered by Captain Gamble Geddes, in 188o, at Edmonton, early in July. It was common and asso¬ ciated with Cybele. In 1884, Captain Geddes took it at Calgarry, in the foot-hills, flying with Atlantis. Also at Morley, in Kicking-horse Pass, in July and begin¬ ning of August, and at Laggan, at the summit of same Pass. ARGYNNIS II. Mr. Thomas E. Bean, writing from Laggan, 13th September, 1886, says : “ As to Lais, I can only speak of this region and McLean, 600 miles east of this. Here Lais appears not to fly at all. At McLean, it is the single common species of the larger Argynnis. It appeared quite freely along the railroad and about the sta¬ tion buildings. But its native haunts I found to be among the openings of the little groves of poplar and willow. I have the idea from the localities Captain Geddes gives that he took his specimens chiefly on the Red Deer River, and that is far to the west and north of McLean. Also he called it rare, fiom which I should consider that he was collecting away from its metropolis. I think that may be in the region about McLean.” LILIANA l:2.d? 3.4. $. ARGYNNIS III. ARGYNNIS LILIANA, 1-4. Argynnis Liliana, Henry Edwards, Proc. Cal. Acad. Nat. Sci., VI., 1876. Aberr. Baroni, W. H. Edwards, Trans. Am. Ent. Soc., IX., 3, 1881. Male. — Expands 2.2 inches. Upper side either deep red-fulvous, or pale, varying ; the black markings as in the allied species, but slight, the spots small ; the mesial band on secondaries con¬ tinuous ; the fulvous spots on same wings, both marginal and discal, often paler than the ground color ; fringes on both wings yellowish, black at the ends of the nervules. Under side of primaries yellow-buff ; the basal area, and to hind margin below median, brown, with buff in the median interspaces ; some examples, however, are red-brown at base, and the nervules are edged red ; the outer half of cell yellow-buff, the P-shaped spot as the base ; the two or three spots on the sub¬ costal brown patch and the five uppermost marginal spots well silvered, the sixth spot partially so. Secondaries brown, very little mottled with buff; the band narrow, brown- ochre ; the spots large and well silvered ; the sub-marginal triangular, those of second row, except the small ones, fourth and seventh, oval or sub-oval, narrowly edged black on basal side ; of third row, the three spots are oval, pyriform, and crescent, with intermediate dashes of silver in some examples, and a streak on inner margin, also edged black ; a round spot in cell and three at base ; shoulder and inner margin well silvered. Body above covered with red-brown hairs ; below, the thorax with hairs which are gray at base, yellow to reddish without ; abdomen buff ; legs red and buff ; palpi yellow at base, red without and at tip ; antennse pale black above, red- brown below ; club black, tip ferruginous. (Figs. 1, 2.) ARGYNNIS III. Female. — Expands 2.35 inches. Upper side pale fulvous ; the marginal spots of both wings lighter. Under side as in the male, the basal area and nervules of primaries red. (Figs. 3, 4.) Aberr. Baroni. The two marginal lines very heavy, and in place of the sub¬ marginal lunules a broad band crossing the wing ; the row of round black spots is represented by a band from costa to upper median nervule, with two round spots in the median interspaces, the two spots usually found in the next inter¬ spaces wanting; on the under side, the marginal silver spots of primaries aie changed to a solid bar, and the corresponding lunules on secondaries are changed in same manner ; so the three spots of second row next costa are confluent, mak¬ ing one great spot. This fine aberration is in the collection of B. Neumoegen, Esq. Egg. — Conoidal, truncated, depressed at summit, marked vertically by twenty- two or twenty-three ribs, which are as in the other species of the genus ; the outline of this egg is much as in Eurynome , Yol. II, pi. 23, the base being broad, the top narrow, and the height not much more than the breadth ; color yellow. (See Plate V of Argynnis, Fig. a.) I'oung Larva. — Length .08 inch ; cylindrical, marked as in the genus by tuberculous patches, with hairs the same in number, but somewhat different from some other species in the sub-dorsal rows ; there are here two hairs from each tubercle, but instead of being nearly equal in length, the anterior one is much the shorter, and inclines toward the head, while the other stands up straight, or leans a little towards the tail ; color of body light brown ; head as broad as 2, sub- globose, somewhat pilose; color black-brown. (Plate Y, Fig. b) Liliana flies in northern California and Utah. The examples taken by Mr. Henry Edwards, from which the description was made, were from Napa County. Mr. 0. T. Baron supplied collectors during- the years 1878 to 1880 from Lake County and elsewhere, and on 12th July mailed me eggs just then laid by a female confined over violet. The eggs hatched 24th July, or at about 13 days from the laying, and the larvse at once went into lethargy. Later in the season, I sent them to Maine for safe-keeping through the winter, but none survived. (By an oversight the egg and young larva were not figured on the present Plate, but will be given on Plate Y of this series of Argynnis.) T Sinclair^: Sort lith.Pkila CORONIS 1.2. <$ 3.4. ? AEGYNNIS IV. ARGYNNIS CORONIS, 1-4. Argynnis Coronis (Co-ro'-nis), Behr, “ No. 2,” Proc. Cal. Acad. Nat. Sci., II., 173, 1862; Edwards, Proc. Ent. Soc., Phil., III., 435, 1864. Juba, Boisduval, Lep. de la Cal., 60, 1869; 9 Nevadensis, Edw., But. N. A., I., pi. 33, figs. 3, 4, 1871. Primaries long, narrow, moderately arched, slightly concave on hind margin. Male. — Expands 2.15 to 2.3 inches. Upper side yellow-fulvous, but varying, many examples reddish ; hind margins bordered by two parallel lines, which enclose narrow fulvous spaces between the black nervules ; the sub-marginal lunules narrow, serrate or lunular ; the extra- discal rounded spots small ; the mesial band rather heavy on primaries, light on secondaries ; the other markings as in the allied species ; fringes luteous, black at the ends of the nervules. Under side of primaries pale buff with a red or yellow tint, varying, the base and the median nervules red-brown, often much diluted ; the sub-apical patch brown, with three silver spots, the upper four or five spots within the marginal lunules silvered. Secondaries yellow brown from base to outer edge of second row of spots, mottled in shades, the band beyond clear and of the lighter shade ; the spots large, well silvered ; the outer row sub-serrate, edged above with red ; the second row mostly sub-ovate, slightly edged above with black ; the third row so edged ; a round spot in cell, sometimes duplex, ringed black ; three spots at base in the several interspaces ; shoulder and inner margin well silvered. Body above dark fulvous, beneath, the thorax gray-fulvous, the abdomen yellowish ; legs red, yellowish on inner side ; palpi yellow, ferruginous at tip and in front ; antennas black above, ferruginous below ; club black, ferruginous at tip. Female. — Expands 2.7 to 3 inches. Same color ; the markings heavier ; the marginal lines confluent on primaries ; the sub-marginal lunules on same wings enclose paler, often nearly white spots. ARGYNNIS IV. Under side red-brown at base, the upper- outer part of cell and extra-discal area to margin yellowish ; silver as in male. Secondaries buff, mottled with ferruginous-brown, the band narrow, buff, the spots large, well silvered. This is the type of Coronis, Behr, but there is a great variation in the species in the coloration of under side. Examples from Gilroy, California, where Co - ronis seems to be abundant, are of the type form. From Mt. Shasta, the males are lighter, rather cinnamon color, the females a pale brown, or often fawn color over secondaries and apical area of primaries. Examples from Washing¬ ton Territory, taken by Mr. Morrison, are nearly like those from Shasta ; sev¬ eral from Mt. Judith, Montana, are almost same ; so a male from the North¬ west Territory, taken by Captain Gamble Geddes. A male from Nevada, taken by Morrison, has the under side decidedly yellow, the mottling pale gray, while a male from Utah, sent me by Mr. B. Neumoegen, has almost no mottling, but is nearly clear yellow over secondaries and all of primaries, except just at base, where the red is greatly diluted. The species has a very extended distribution, ranging from Kern County, Cal¬ ifornia, to Washington Territory; from Utah to Montana and the Northwest Ter¬ ritory (Belly River and Crow’s Nest). I have not seen it from southern Cali¬ fornia, below Kern County, nor from Colorado. Dr. Behr described Coronis in the paper before referred to as “ No. 2,” in a series of descriptions of the Californian Argynnides, not being then (1862) able to say whether or no the species had been described elsewhere. He says it is very similar to Callippe Boisduval, “ but differs by the upper side being colored in the usual way of the genus, and not showing the pale lunulae and spots of the disk like Callippe , which resembles in this respect more an Euptoieta than a true Argynnis ; ” and in his Latin description, he says of the under side of seconda¬ ries, 11 posticae subtus fuscae usque ad fasciam macularem intermediam partim dilutiores.” Dr. Behr, about that date, sent me a sheet of colored figures of eight of the species described by him, and by this I am able to fix the type. In the paper in Proc. Ent. Soc., Phil., 1864, referred to, I gave an abstract of Dr. Behr’s paper, and by his consent the name Coronis was applied to the “ No. 2.” Dr. Boisduval described Juba in 1869 ; and added, “ This species has so close a connection with Callippe that it may be but a local variety. The fore wings above are of a vivid fulvous in both sexes, while in the male Callippe they are of a pale blackish-fulvous. The under side does not offer notable differences. Mr. Lorquin, who has taken a number of examples of Juba, considers it a distinct species.” In Boisduval’s Latin description of Juba, he says, “ posticae subtus ARGYNNIS IV. flavescentes.” Now in his description of Callippe, he says, “ posticse subtus cinereo-fuscm. This does not agree with the color of Juba as given, nor with what Dr. Behr says of Coronis (“fusca”). But I have the type male of Juba, sent me by Dr. Boisduval, and named and marked “type” in his own hand, and this is not “ flavescens,” but the color of Behr’s type. However, as I have’ said above, the species varies from red-brown to yellow on under side. Callippe is figured in A ol. I., But. N. A., and the differences between these species are really great, though they belong to the same sub-group, which also includes Liliana and Semiramis, both figured in the present Volume. The female figured in Vol. I., Plate 33, as A. Nevadensis is Coronis of a pale- colored under-side variety. When that Plate was published, 1871, 1 followed the instructions of Mr. Henry Edwards, who had taken what he supposed to be the females of Nevadensis, at Virginia City. Later, 1878, Messrs. Mead and Mor¬ rison collected in Nevada, and brought back numbers of both Nevadensis and Coronis.' The female of the former is always green. I concluded from the evi¬ dence laid before me at that time that A. Meadii, figured in Vol. II., Plate 24, must be an extreme variation of Nevadensis, in which the green is dark and lustrous. ARGYNNIS CALLIPPE. Argynnis Callippe , Boisduval ; Edwards, But. N. A.,Vol. I, p. 77, pi. 25. Mr. W. G. Wright, at San Bernardino, says of this species : “ Its range, in this region, is from near the sea level to the altitude of 2500 feet. It is found m the low valleys, where the hills shut off the winds, and the hot sunshine makes a torrid temperature. Its season is short, only about five weeks, and I have had no evi¬ dence of a second brood. When the males first appear, about 20th May, the bottom of the valley and adjoining hillsides are green with grass, and gay with flowers ot various plants. These males are restless, alighting on the flowers but for a mo¬ ment, and seem incessantly occupied in searching for their mates. Almost always I have had to take them on the wing. The females appear about 1st June, an should be searched for among the dead twigs and branches of the small bushes which dot the hillsides, such being the spots to which they resort to lay their eo-gs. Under these bushes, a few violets have grown in early spring, and by June, their dead leaves may be seen. The violets never grow at the bottom of the valley, and the female never approaches green violets, some bunches o which are to be found, in June, at a higher elevation. Her instinct leads her to the dead plants. Among the twigs about these, and upon the rubbish at t e ground, she flutters and crawls, and having found a satisfactory place, pushes her abdomen down into the rubbish as far as possible and drops an egg. Perhaps puts another near the first, and then flies to another place. The young larvae come from the eggs in about twelve days, and must be in lethargic state till the beginning of the next season. I have never been able to find the larvae in sprint, though I have searched diligently.” . In "the region about San Bernardino, there are but three species of Argynnis, namelv, Liliana, Callippe, and Semiramis, and the last two have the same habits in disposing of their eggs. According to Dr. Behr, as stated in Volume I., Callippe is distributed throughout the State, and is the most common species about San Francisco, but it is everywhere one-brooded. In the text concerning Callippe, in Vol. I., some doubt was expressed as to what form Dr. Boisduval applied that name, his description not being definite. But I afterwards received from him the type male (the Callippe of my P a e). NEVADENSIS 1.2 9, HALCYONE 3.4 9. APHRO D I TE . a a2 Egg magruJied b — g. Larva, the early stage* » h Chrysalis . r£t V ARGYNNIS Y. ARGYNNIS NEVADENSIS, 1, 2. Argynnis Nevadensis , Edwards, (not 9), But. N. A., Vol. I, p. 93, pi. 33. 1871 ; Geddes, Can. Ent., Vol. XIX, p. 232. 1887. Female. — Expands from 2.2 to about 2.6 inches. Upper side pale yellow - fulvous, often very light; the submarginal spots paler than the ground, as are often the spots on secondaries which correspond to the second silvered row beneath. Under side of primaries as in the male, but often quite red at base and along inner margin ; the apical area and hind margin, and all of secondaries, mottled with pale olive - green on yellow ground ; the silver spots large. (Figs. 1, 2.) At the time the Plate in A olume I was published, 1871, scarcely anything ’was known of this species, beyond the fact that Mr. Henry Edwards had taken a few examples in Nevada, about Virginia City and Lake Washoe. The female figured was sent by him as belonging to the male, but was afterwards found to be of A. Coronis , which is illustrated in both sexes in the present Volume. Nevadensis proves to be a widespread species. Mr. H. K. Morrison brought gieat numbers of it from Nevada, Wyoming, and Montana ; I received ex¬ amples from the boundary line, Montana, by Dr. Coues ; also from Douglass County, Washington, and from Utah ; and Captain Gamble Geddes also reports it at Calgarry, N. W. Territory. AEGYNNIS V. ARGYNNIS HALCYONE, 3, 4. Argynnis Halcyone, Edwards, But. N. A., Yol. I, p. 83, pi. 28. 1869. Female. — Expands from 3 to 3.25 inches. Closely like the male in color and markings, as described ; but some examples are of a deep brown-red. The silver spots are large. Those of the second row round or broad oval mostly. (Figs. 3, 4.) Halcyone was described twenty years ago from two examples of the male sent me by the late B. D. Walsh, which had been taken somewhere in Colorado by Dr. Yelie. It was many years before I saw another, on Mr. Morrison’s return from a collecting trip in southern Colorado. From him I had a few specimens, mosth females. Some years ago, Mr. E. A. Dodge sent me a male taken in the same State, but with no note of locality. And in 1886, Mr. David Bruce sent a male from Golden. The species is still a very rare one in collections, but I think somewhere in the south or southwest of Colorado and the adjacent parts of Ltah and Arizona it will some day be found in abundance. ARGYNNIS V. ARGYNNIS APHRODITE, a-h. Argynnis Aphrodite, Fabricius ; Edwards, But. N. A., Yol. I, p. 71, pi. 22. 18G8; id., Can. Ent, Yol. VI, p. 121. 1874 ; Fernald, But. Maine, p. 39. 1884 ; French, But. East. U. S., p. 157. 1886 ; Scudder, But.’ N. E., p. 563, pi. 4, figs. 1, 2. 1889. Both sexes of Apiirodite tire figured in \ olume I. The preparatory stages have nevei been described or figured, with the exception of the egg, young larva and chrysalis, in But. N. E. I now give the complete history. Egg. — Conoidal, truncated and depressed at top ; in general like Ciybele, but nai rower at base, or higher in proportion to the width ; marked by about eighteen prominent, vertical, slightly wavy ribs, part of which extend from base to summit and form about the latter a serrated rim, the others ending irregu¬ larly at three fourths or more the distance from base ; the rounded spaces between the ribs crossed by nearly ec[ui-distant fine ridges ; micropyle in the centre of seven minute five-sided cells, about which are two or three rows of larger cells, irregular, but mostly five-sided. (Figs, a, a2.) Duration of this sta^e 15 to 22 days. \oung Larva. Length, at twelve hours from the egg, .06 inch ; cylindri¬ cal, somewhat stoutest in middle; color dull green, semi-translucent; marked by eight longitudinal rows of dark, sub-triangular, flat, tuberculous spots, three of which are above the spiracles on either side and one below ; these bear small tubeicles, in the upper or dorsal row two, in the next two rows one, in the lowest row four, each giving out a long, tapering, clubbed hair ; on front of 2 is a large dorsal spot, sometimes divided into two, bearing three tubercles on either side the mid-dorsal line ; on the two following segments the three spots are nearly in vertical row; on 5 to 13 those of upper row are near the fronts of the segments, of the next row to the rear, of the third row a little in front of the middle ; color yellow-green ; under side, feet and legs, more green ; head a little broader than 2, rounded, flattened frontally, a little bilobed, with many long ARGYNNIS V. hairs ; color black-brown. (Figs, b, 52.) The larva hibernates at this stage, direct from the egg. After first moult : length, at twelve hours, .14 inch; shape of Cybele ; color gray-green, mottled with olive-green and brown ; spines as in the genus, black from greenish bases, each ending in a short black spinule, and with seveial otheis abouUhe sides ; under side more green ; feet black, pro-legs brown-green ; head sub-cordate, the vertices rounded; at top of. each, to the front, a little conical process; furnished with many black hairs; color shining black-brown, (fig- c.) To next moult seven to ten days. After second moult : length, at twelve hours, .2 inch, color dark greenish- brown, mottled in shades ; the spines black, and also the bases, except that the upper row have a little yellow on the outer side, the lower row, and those of middle row on 3 and 4, a little yellow all round ; under side brown green ; head shaped as before, shining black. (Fig. d.) Duration of this stage five to eight days. After third moult : length, .36 inch ; color dark brown, the spines black; those of lower row and the anterior two of middle row, dull reddish-yellow at base, the rest of both rows very slightly tinted same ; head as at previous stage, black, with many long hairs. (Fig. e .) To next moult six or seven days. After fourth moult : length, .55 inch ; color dull black ; all spines black, the lower row dull yellow at base ; head as before, but dull black over front, reddish- yellow behind. (Fig. /.) To next moult about six days. After fifth moult : length one inch. Reached maturity in about seven days. Mature Larva. — Length, at rest, 1.6 inch, in motion, 1.9 inch; cylindrical, slenderer than Cybele , somewhat thickest in middle segments, each segment well rounded ; color blackish-brown, with a velvet black patch about base of each spine, making six longitudinal macular velvety bands ; the spines of dorsal rows on 2 no longer than others, a little turned forward ; all spines slender, beset with black bristles ; the bases of lower row dull reddish-yellow, the others black, but those on anterior segments greenish; under side dark brown; feet black, pio-legs brown ; head small, as broad as high ; sub-cordate, the front flattened, the back much rounded, the vertices sub-conic, each on its anterior side bearing a small conical process ; the face much covered with black hairs of irregular lengths ; ARGYNNIS Y. coloi of fiont dull black, of back reddish-yellow. (Fig. cj.'j In five or six days from maturity the larva suspends, and in from thirty-six to sixty hours pupates. Time from fifth moult to pupation twelve to fourteen days. Chrysalis. — Length one inch, breadth at wing cases .35, at abdomen .32 inch; greatest depth .4 inch ; cylindrical, a little compressed laterally; shape of Cyhele, rather more slender, the head case a little narrower; head case, and antennae and tongue cases, shining brown-black, the first of these a little mottled with brown-yellow ; the wing cases light yellow-brown, crossed by very many fine dark brown streaks, and with a patch of same color near shoulder, another on disk, and a large, broad patch near to and along hind margin ; abdomen gray and brown in transverse bands ; on dorsum the gray area is serrated, the points reaching the front of each segment ; on sides and beneath the brown and gray areas are about equal, the gray in rear. (Fig. h.) Duration of this stage seven¬ teen to twenty days. Another chrysalis was olive-brown, the anterior parts much covered with dark brown dashes ; the wing cases pink-tinted, and dark next hind margin, the whole finely reticulated with dark brown streaks; the anterior part of each abdominal segment black, in a cross band, the posterior edges irregular, rather erose than serrated. In the text to Argynnis Diana , Yol. II, p. 147, 1876, I gave a general account of raising larvae of Aphrodite. I have since then several times bred the species from eggs obtained at Coalburgh, W. Va., carrying the larvae through the winter in a refrigerating house. In all cases they went into lethargy direct from the egg- in 1888, 1 obtained eggs from a female confined over violet, on 23d September. These hatched 15th October, and the larvae were sent to Clifton Springs, New York, whence I received two survivors, 16th April, 1889. These were placed at once on a plant, set in flower-pot, and covered by a muslin bag. One was seen no more, but the other fed and passed its first moult 24th April; the second. 1st May ; the third on 6th, the fourth on 12th, the fifth on 18th ; suspended 30th, and pupated 2d June. The imago came forth 19th June, a female, after seventeen days in pupa. The only peculiarity I noticed in this larva was, that when about to pupate, it made for itself a tent of the leaves of the plant by weaving them loosely together, so low down that when in suspension it would nearly touch the ground. Not knowing what was going on, I pulled one leaf off and the larva fell. The same afternoon it had fixed itself under another leaf, ARGYNNIS Y. five inches above ground, and with no attempt to bring other leaves about it. There it pupated. It may be that the making of a tent for pupation is the usual habit of the species in natural state, and it may also be a habit of the genus. But in confinement I have not before observed it in any species. Usually my Argynnis larvae have suspended from the sides or top of the bag. Since the Plate of this species was given in Yol. I, 1868, much has been learned of its distribution. It is not common in the Kanawha Yalley, West Vir¬ ginia, where Cybele is abundant. I never have seen it in June, when many Cybele are flying, but every year I see a few examples in September. To the eastward of my home, some fifty miles, among the mountains, elevation 2000 feet and more, I have reason to think it is common enough, and perhaps re¬ places Cybele; for some years ago, Professor Julius E. Meyer brought several Aphrodite and no Cybele from a day’s collecting in Fayette County. Probably it is found in the mountains all the way to southern North Carolina. Mr. E. M. Aaron has taken it at Asheville, and has received it from Macon County, in same State. He has taken it, he tells me, in various parts of middle and eastern Tennessee, and knows of its having been taken in northern Alabama. How far to the westward it flies is uncertain, because it has been confounded by myself, Mr. T. L. Mead, and others, with Arg. Cipris , Edw., a nearly allied species that abounds in the Rocky Mountains from New Mexico and Arizona, through Colo¬ rado and Montana into British America ; and with another, A. Alcestis, Edw., which inhabits Illinois and beyond, to Nebraska. It therefore happens, from the confusing three species together, that the western limits of Aphrodite are as yet undetermined. In Papilio, Yol. Ill, p. 161, 1883, I gave Judith Mountains, Montana, as a locality, but I had Cipris in view. So I think it possible that Cipris was the species taken by Captain Geddes, at Edmonton, Alberta, and by Professor Dawson, at Woody Mount, Assiniboia. Aphrodite is stated by Mr. Scudder to be common in parts of Ontario, and in Quebec, along the lower St. Lawrence ; also in Nova Scotia ; but is wholly absent from the White Mountain region of New Hampshire, being replaced there by Argynnis Atlantis. ALCESTIS. 1.2. d\ 3.4. $ , a . magnified b . Larva, young „ r d. „ and 3™* moults „ e . Larva, 4th mlt nat. size . f. „ 5. „ mature. g. Chrysalis . ARGYNNIS YI. ARGYNNIS ALCESTiS, 1-4. Argynnis Alcestis, Edw., Tr. Am. Ent. Soc., V., p. 289. 1876. Id., Can. Ent., Vol. XII., p. Worthington, Can. Ent., Yol. X., p. 37. 1878. French, Butt. East. U. S., p. 158. 1886. Butt. N. E., Yol. III., p. 1802. 1889. 69. 1879. Scudder, Male. — Expands about 2.8 inches. Upper side bright fulvous, but slightly obscured at base ; hind margins bor¬ dered by two parallel lines, the spots on inner side of which, on primaries, are lunate next apex, elsewhere serrate, on secondaries lunate, small ; other mark¬ ings as in Aphrodite ; the mesial band, on both wings, broken into separated spots, which on secondaries are very small ; fringes of primaries alternately fus¬ cous and yellowish, in equal parts, of secondaries yellowish, with fuscous at the tips of the nervules. Under side of primaries bright cinnamon-red from base to margin, the apical aiea of same hue as the hind wing, varying as that varies ; the black markings repeated ; the upper five, and often the sixth, submarginal spots silvered, and two or three silver spots subapical. Secondaries of one color from base to margin, either dark chocolate-brown, as in Idalia , or deep ferruginous-brown, with no mottling on the disk, and therefore in contrast with the allied species Aphrodite and Cipris ; occasionally, in the middle of the space between the two outer rows of silver spots is a narrow strip or a streak which shows a pale subcolor, but washed by the prevailing color of the wing ; the spots well silvered ; the seven of the outer row sub-triangular, edged on basal side with darker ferruginous ; the second row has the first three and fifth and sixth nearly equal, sub-ovate, the fourth small, sub-triangular, the seventh and eighth sub-lunate, the eighth sometimes wanting, or obsolescent ; in the third row are five spots, the first sub-rotund, the second and fifth small, loner oval, the third sub-pyriform, large, divided, with a black edging on the basal side of the outer segment, the fourth rather small, lunate ; all these, as well as the spots of the second row, heavily edged with black on basal side ; in the cell are either one or two round spots, and below cell an oval, all ringed black ; a spot without black at base of cell, and another at base of subcostal interspace ; also at the origin of costal interspace is an elongated silver spot edged with black, and frequently the costal margin next base has very little or no silver ; inner margin lightly silvered. Body above red-fulvous, brown tinted ; beneath, the thorax buff with fulvous ARGYNNIS VI. hairs ; legs reddish buff ; palpi buff, fulvous in front and at tip ; antennae black, fulvous beneath ; club black tipped with ferruginous. (Figs. 1, 2.) Female. — Expands about 3 inches. Upper side darker, more red, much more obscured at base ; the marginal lines heavy and on primaries more or less confluent ; on same wings the submarginal spots are heavy and rest on the lines; all the markings and inscriptions heavy the mesial band connected ; on secondaries this band is either made of separatee spots, or the posterior half is connected, the rest separated. . Under side of primaries fiery red, the apical area as on the lnnd wing, the silver spots large; the sixth spot more or less silvered, and sometimes the sev¬ enth partly; often there is a dash of silver on the basal side of the rounded spots in the lower three interspaces, and narrow, lanceolate spots of silver are in the lower subcostal and both discoidal interspaces between the marginal and discal rows (this excess of silver is very unusual in the genus) ; secondaries, as described for the male, of either olive or dark red-brown, solid color ; the silver spots as in male in number and shape, enlarged ; the costal and inner margins more extensively silvered. (Figs, o, 4.) Egg. — Conoidal, truncated, and depressed at top ; in general like Aphrodite, but taller than broad, and taller in proportion to the width at base, the sides ess convex (comparing some of the allied species, in Alcestis the breadth is to the heio-ht as 80 to 96, in Aphrodite as 80 to 90, in Cybele as 80 to 80) ; marked by eighteen prominent, vertical, slightly wavy ribs, about half of which extend from base to summit, and form around the latter a serrated rim ; the remainder end irregularly at three fourths and upwards distance from base to summit, some¬ times squarely at one of the cross ridges, but usually curve towards and unite with the long ribs ; the rounded interspaces separated by nearly equidistant fine cross ridges ; color when first laid greenish yellow (Fig. a). Duration of this stage twenty-five to thirty days. Young Larva. — Length at twelve hours from the egg .08 inch ; cylindrical, stoutest anteriorly, tapering backward, the dorsum sloping considerably , co or brownish green, semitranslucent ; marked by eight longitudinal rows of dark, sub-triangular, flat, tuberculous spots, three of which are above the spirac es on either side, and one below ; these bear small tubercles ; in the upper, or dorsal, row two, in the next two rows one, in the lowest row four, each giving ou a lono> tapering, clubbed hair ; on front of 2 is a large blackish dorsal spot bearing three tubercles on either side of the mid-dorsal line, and below it, in line with the third row, is a small spot with two short hairs ; and near the front, against the spiracle are two points, each with very short hair ; on 3 and 4 the spots of ARGYNNIS VI. the three upper rows are in vertical line, but from 5 to 13 they are in triangle, those of the dorsal row near the fronts of the segments, the next row to the rear, the third a little in front of the middle ; at the end of 13 is a large spot, or double spot, with several hairs ; the spots of the infra-stigmatal row are placed on the middle of the segments, and still lower, in a line along the base of the legs, are single points, with a fine hair each, but two on 2 ; under side, feet and legs less brown, more green ; head a little broader than 2, rounded, slightly bi- lobed, with many hairs; color dark brown (Fig. b). Most of the larvae became lethargic direct from the egg, but about ten per cent proceeded to first moult and farther. The first moult was reached at eighteen days from hatching. After first moult: length .15 inch; shape of Aphrodite; color yellow-green, the dorsum mottled with brown, especially about the bases of the spines ; spines as in the genus, long, tapering, black, beset with short and fine black bristles, those of the second row rise from either pale yellow or greenish tubercles, all others from black ones ; head sub-cordate, the vertices rounded ; at top of each, to the front, a little conical process ; color black, the hairs black. To next moult, in the Fall, five to seven days, in the Spring, fourteen to twenty-three. After second moult : length .22 inch ; shape as before, color black-brown, the sides paler than dorsum ; the spines black ; the bases of the dorsal rows pale buff on outer side, but black on the dorsal side, those of second row black, of third buff ; the intermediate ones on 3 and 4 yellow ; head shaped as before, black (Fig. c). To next moult, in the Fall, six days, in the Spring, seven to twelve. After third moult ; length .3 inch ; color velvety black, with a tint of brown ; the outer side of bases of dorsal spines now dull yellow ; those of second row have very little yellow, and of third have yellow at base and a little way up the stem ; color of front head shining black, but the back is yellow (Fig. d). To next moult, in the Spring, eleven to fourteen days. After fourth moult : length .5 inch ; color as at last previous stage ; spines black, both dorsals and those of the second row very slightly reddish yellow at base ; those of the third row and the intermediate spines of 3 and 4 are all orange at base and nearly halfway up ; head as before, black in front, orange at back. At ten days after the moult: length .9 inch; not changed in color, the spines now deep red (Fig. e). (The length mark on the plate represents the length at the moult, not at ten days after, when the drawing was made, and should not have been present). To next and the last moult fourteen and fifteen days. ARGYNNIS VI. After fifth moult : length 1 inch ; at from fourteen to twenty days from the moult was fully grown. Mature Larva. — Length 1.4 inch at rest; greatest breadth across middle segment, .3 inch ; cylindrical, of even thickness from 5 to 11, each segment rounded ; color velvety black ; the spines disposed as in the genus, long, slender, tapering ; the dorsals on 2 directed forward, but are not longer than the others ; all are beset with many short black bristles ; those of dorsal rows are greenish brown at base, except on 3 and 4, where they are dull yellow ; those of second and third, as well as the intermediate row, are dull yellow at base and halfway up, the tops black ; under side and prolegs brown, the feet black ; head sub-cor¬ date, flattened frontally, the back rounded, the vertices conical, each at top bear¬ ing a little process or sharp tuberculation which is turned forward ; on the face, many fine, short, black hairs ; color black, the back either reddish yellow or dull yellow, individuals varying (Fig./) . From fifth moult to pupation from twenty- two to thirty-three days. The length of the several stages depends somewhat on the state of the weather. Chrysalis. — Length 1 inch, breadth across mesonotum .33 inch, across abdomen .3 ; greatest depth .36 inch ; cylindrical, somewhat compressed later¬ ally ; general shape of Aphrodite, but more slender ; head case nearly flat at top, rounded, the curve being almost equal on dorsal and ventral side, a minute sharp tuberculation at each corner, the sides incurved ; mesonotum prominent (as in the sub-group), carinated, the sides convex, followed by a deep rounded excavation ; the wing cases flaring at base, compressed in middle dorsally, ele¬ vated ventrally, curving to the abdomen ; this is conical, and shows two rows of tubercles which correspond to the dorsal tubercles of the larva, and extend to mesonotum and head case ; a row of small ones on side, and another, more or less complete, below the spiracles ; the whole surface finely corrugated ; color red-brown, irregularly mottled black, the wing cases black along the nervules, and with a black patch on disk (Fig. g). Duration of this stage about twenty days. Alcestis flies in southern Michigan, northern Indiana, and Illinois, in Iowa and Nebraska. It seems to be limited to a narrow belt of latitude, and is there¬ fore vastly more restricted in its range than the allied species Cyhele and Aphro¬ dite, with which it associates. Mr. Worthington, in the paper above cited, says it is abundant on the prairie west and north of Chicago, in July and August, but seems to be local, “ as examples taken a few miles north, in a timbered region, are almost uniformly Aphrodite .” He adds, “ I have been greatly surprised at ARGYNNIS VI. the readiness with which a strong Aphrodite upon the prairie can be distin¬ guished, while on the wing, from the surrounding Alcestis, owing mainly to a s ight difference in its manner of flight, which resembles that of Cybele .” It may be distinguished also from the western Aphrodite by its intense red color, and by the hue of its under surface. This is often olivaceous like Idalia, and unlike any other North American Argynnis, of whatever sub-group, and the color is solid on secondaries from base to margin, with no submarginal band or any mot¬ tling of yellow on the disk, such as seen in Aphrodite and Cipris ; at times the ground color is blackish ferruginous, also solid. In all the earlier stages, from ego- to chrysalis, there are distinct differences from Aphrodite. I have twice bred the larva; of Alcestis to imago, the eggs having been ob¬ tained by confining the females over violet. The first eggs were received 26th September, 1876, from Mr. Thomas E. Bean, then at Galena, Illinois. The larvfe hatched 14th October, and at once went into lethargy. 1 carried them through the winter, at Coalburgb, but with much loss, not yet having discovered the advantage of a snowbank for hibernating larva). During January, 1877, they began to feed, and by 1st February, some had passed their first moult • on 15th the second ; on 27th, the third ; on 10th March, the fourth ; 25th March, the tilth ; and pupation took place 16th April, the imago appearing 7th May. In 1877, I received another lot of eggs from Mr. Worthington, at Chicago, which began to hatch 23d September. A second lot received later hatched 1st October. All the larvae at once went into lethargy, and were kept in as cool a room as I could give them. Several were alive during January, and some were feeding ,n February, but one after the other died, and none reached the first Ill 1878, Mr. Worthington sent more eggs, and these were hatching 6th Sep¬ tember. Several of the larvae fed at once, and some were passing their first moult on 25th September. I never saw that happen with any larva; of the arger Argynnis in my possession except in this one instance. But as I have related under Cybele, m this Volume, Mr. Siewers had known a larva of that species to feed and pass its second moult, and had found one wild that was deemed to have passed its third. On 1st October, some were passing the second moult, on the ith of same month, the third moult. I was absent from home two weeks just after this, and on returning, 5th November, I found but one of these aige arvse living, and it seemed in lethargy. But ten days later it had died. w i 10 t lat, hibernated from tlle eSg> two were found to be alive on 5th lebi nary 18,9, and one passed first moult on 11th February, the other 18th. m oldest passed second moult 4th March; the third, 11th March ; the fourth, sent to Mrs P t’ l fT'’ “d PUpated 12th Ma^ The other I had sent to Mrs. Peart, and had no record of its changes. o a. a2 Egg , ALBERTA. b Larva , young m agn ifted // ARGYNNIS VII. ARGYNNIS ASTARTE, 1-4. Ajynnis Aslarte , Doubleclay and Hewitson. Mditma A start,', Doubl. and Hew., Genera of Diurnal Lepi- doptera pi. o3 fig 5. Argynnis Aslarte, id., Vol. I„ p. 181 (footnote ■). 1848. Victoria, Edwards, Canadian Entomologist, Vol. XXIII., p. 198. 1891. Male. — Expands two inches. Upper side pale fulvous; primaries a little obscured next base, secondaries largely, the dark area covering nearly half the wing ; the black markings on both wings rather heavy ; a common black marginal border, narrow on prima¬ ries, one third wider on secondaries ; a common series of small sub-marginal spots, sub-oval on primaries, crescent on secondaries, on neither wing touching the marginal border ; the rounded spots largest on primaries ; the discal angular band heavy on primaries, light on secondaries ; a bar on arc of cell of primaries, another crossing the cell a little within, a rounded elongated spot depending from sub-costal nervure, and a crescent near base ; in the sub-median interspace an angular cross-bar ; on secondaries a Y-shaped spot at the end of cell. Under side of primaries faded fulvous, brownish over the basal part of cell ; small patches of orange-ferruginous in the sub-costal interspaces ; the markings lepeated, reduced, pale ; secondaries orange-ferruginous, deepest next base; a marginal black line, within which is a heavier parallel one ; next this on each interspace a small yellowish patch, which crosses the inner line nearly or quite The footnote referred to reads: “Melitsea Aslarte , t. 23, fig. 5, is an Argynnis. I was misled by the markings of the under surface, which resemble those of the first species of the present genus (Melitma Maturna) , Ochs. On page 175 is given “No. 16, Argynnis, n. sp., Rocky Mountains, North America.” r. . S. Skinner, who has kindly looked this matter up for me, says: “ The species is figured only as to its upper side.. It is not mentioned in either the Argynnis or the Melitsea lists in the work, but in a footnote, on ffge Jqoq111 fine Pimt UnJer Melita3a> is the mention I quote above.” Mr. Elwes, Trans. Ent. Soc. Lond., LJec. 1889, says: “ Aslarte is an almost unknown species, which was discovered in some part of British Co umbra, perhaps in the Cascade Mountains, many years ago, by some of Lord Derby’s collectors. The \pe is in t ic ntish Museum.” Where this information was obtained does not appear; but Doubleday evi¬ dently knew nothing of it in 1848. ARGYNNIS VII. to the margin, and on basal side of it are a few black scales, which, in the two 01 three posterior interspaces, take crescent shape ; the round spots of upper side repeated ; close above these is a narrow transverse band of connected yellow- white crescents, not well defined, each with scattered black scales at the top ; across the disc, a broad angular band of yellow-white, with something of a mar- garitaceous sheen, edged on both sides rather heavily by black ; this band may be considered a chain of spots, as the separating nervules are black, and the one in the cell is prolonged nearly to the yellow band, and cut almost in two by the black bar on the arc of the cell; the deep orange space beyond the band dis¬ covers no spot except a small whitish triangle in the cell ; at the base, whitish patches at the tops of the interspaces, which are dusted with black, the posterior ones also edged without by black. Body red-brown above, the abdomen beneath gray-yellow ; legs red ; palpi have long red frontal hairs, among which are a few black ; antennas fuscous above, red below; club black, tip ferruginous. (Figs. 1, 2.) Female. — Expands 2.1 inches. The black markings heavier, the inner marginal line of the male has become diffuse, — a band ; color as in the male. (Figs. 3, 4.) This species was described by me, in 1891, as A. Victoria, from a single male furnished by Mr. Bean. He did not suspect that it could be Astarte of Double¬ day, which, though attributed to the Rocky Mountains by that author, was cata¬ logued by Mr. Kirby, in 1871, as belonging to Jamaica. Double day had not described Astarte, but gave a figure of the upper side only, which m the genus Aro-ynnis is not the distinguishing side. Moreover, he had taken it at first for a Melitsea. The type, however, was in the British Museum, and on sending an example of Victoria, which was furnished by Prof. Edward T. Owen, and taken by him at Laggan, in 1893, to Mr. A. G. Butler, he compared it with the type, and pronounced the two to be one species beyond a doubt. It is remarkable that the single specimen should have been taken so long ago as 1848, and how much earlier is not known ; and that no other example of the species should have been noticed till 1888. Astarte is not closely related to any other North American species of Argynnis, though it has affinities with the Charicleci sub¬ group in the discal band of the utider side of secondaries. ° Mr. Bean writes me of the localities and habits of this species as follows : — a Astarte is at present known only from the mountains on the eastern face of the Rocky Mountain central range, in the Bow Valley, on the western edge of Alberta Province, latitude 51° 25'. It occurs on two mountains near Laggan, ARGYNNIS YU. one of them three miles southwest, in the main range, the other a low smooth mountain directly north of Laggan. Upon each Astarte has two established resorts, the two highest and most definite summits. These summits, on the mountain first mentioned, are respectively at 8,500 feet and 8,000 feet. On the mountain north of Laggan the two peaks have altitudes of 8,000 and 7,600 feet. On the inferior summit of this mountain I found the species, in 1888. On either of these four high points males may be seen on most fine days in the proper season. The mountain south of Laggan proves to be the better locality. The male has the same preference for ultimate peaks so observable in the male of our local alpine Chionobas near to Subhyalina , Curtis (figured on the plate of Chionobas VIII. as Subhyalina), but it is noticeable that while the Chionobas is often content with almost any knife-edge or rock-waste on a mountain ridge, if above 7,500 feet, for Astarte nothing will answer except the tops of the peaks. A subordinate sum¬ mit, if sufficiently isolated, may attract a few, but the crown of the highest peak will be the permanent play-ground of the male, year after year. The flight of the male is exceptionally swift. He surges up over the edge of the peak in a wild lush, with vings in constant racing action, and takes a whirl or two across the plateau, rousing into transient vigor every sleepily careened Chionobas. His curiosity and nervous energy satisfied, he executes an expert half-turn in mid¬ air, and dashing off at a tangent, drops out of sight over the cliff wall, while each somnolent Chionobas settles down again upon his chosen boulder, and, with closed wings, tilted at an angle of 45 , leans sidewise, like a ship under a press of sail. Astarte seems always on the lookout for an entomologist, whose advent is carefully noted, and at any approach of such a monster nearer than about fifteen feet, its wings lise to half-mast, vibrate there a doubtful instant, and away goes the butterfly, making sure of its safety while it is safe. (This necessarily refers to the male.) “ The altitude range for this species, so far as observed, extends from 6,700 to 8,500 feet. The former figure is closely the altitude of Agnes Lake, where both sexes of Astarte occurred in 1892. At 8,500 feet, also, the female has been found, and it is at that altitude the male is most frequently seen. When I have met with either sex at elevations intermediate between these extremes, it has usually been along some stony gully or rocky ridge leading from the crest of the mountains. u The Bow Valley timber line being 7,000 feet, and that of Colorado averaging at least 11,000, shows a margin of 4,000 feet at timber line. Considering only latitude as a cause of difference, acting uniformly at all altitudes, then 8,500 feet here equals an altitude of 12,500 in Colorado. * But it is my belief that the climatic difference between the two districts increases rather abruptly at a cer- ARGYNNIS VII. tain altitude. For there is a secondary cause of difference in the vastly greater area of permanent alpine snow-fields here than in Colorado, and this cause would act much more powerfully at 8,000 feet and above than at timber line. The consequence of this would be, and I believe is, that the habitable belt does not extend so high above timber line here as in Colorado. I think it likely that 8,500 feet here would be equivalent to an altitude in Colorado of 14,000 feet.” (It would appear by this that Argynnis Helena of Colorado, which frequents the loftiest peaks, and Astarte in Alberta, live at equivalent altitudes ; so also Chio- nobas CEno , in Colorado, and C. Subhyalina , in Alberta. Mr. Biuce tells me that the habits of Helena are very much the same as Mr. Bean describes those of Astarte. W . H. E.) Mr. Bean continues : “ There seems to me little doubt that the usual home of this butterfly is among the boulder-strewn ledges on the upper slopes of the mountains, and chiefly within a few hundred feet of the summit altitude. This is indicated by the fact that the males, though not flying about the peak tops so freely at midday as during the morning hours, often become active again later in the day, and seem as abundant toward the end of the after¬ noon as in the morning. It is my impression that but few of these butterflies are matured in a season upon any one mountain, and that nearly all the males are very frequent visitors to the summits in their vicinity. The female has no apparent preference for these extreme heights. She does not devote her valu¬ able time to racing madly across windy summits for the mere nonsense of the thing. “ The male appears most freely during the last week in July, and two or three days in August. New females have been found July 24th, 31st, August 2d and 3d, also September 17th. Females much worn were taken August 2d and Sep¬ tember 17th, indicating emergence respectively about August 12th to 15th, and September 5th to 10th. My dates, including both sexes, show a term of emer¬ gence lasting from thirty to about sixty days, according to the season. “ The food plant is not known, but it is probably not violet, or the butterfly would have been noticed in those parts of the lower slopes where the yellow violet grows; and there my collecting has been through the last twro seasons. “ Examining my Astarte series, selected to illustrate the biological method of the species, I find a basis for the following statements : — “ Melanochroism does not occur. “ The figure-pattern is not differentiated for sex ; marked uniformity obtains, especially among the males. The females are usually moderately larger than the males, and a little more variable in expanse of wing. “ Non-typical tendencies in figuration appear to be somewhat rigorously sup¬ pressed. The fixed lines of pattern are maintained with approximate precision, variation being restricted to narrow limits, so that throughout the series the figure pattern is extremely formal, definite, and uniform.” ARGYNNIS VII. ARGYNNIS ALBERTA, 5-8. Argynnis Alberta, Edwards, Canadian Entomologist, Vol. XXII., p. 113. 1890. Belongs to the Cliariclea sub-gronp. Male. — Expands 1.9 inch. Upper side pale yellow-fulvous ; the markings closely as in A. Helena , but reduced, pale black; the mesial stripes on both wings interrupted, macular; the extra-discal rounded spots on primaries minute, the sub-marginal crescents want¬ ing, represented by small clusters of scales at the summits only, leaving a clear space to the margin, which is edged by an even stripe ; on secondaries the rounded spots are larger, and so are the clusters of scales; the marginal border is extended on each nervule so as to encroach on and make narrow the clear space. Under side of primaries pale red-brown, uniform throughout ; the black mark¬ ings obsolescent or altogether wanting. Secondaries brown, the extra-discal area paler, with an indefinite yellow-white stripe next above the rounded spots ; the sub-marginal lunules yellow-white and confluent ; across the disc a belt of same form as in Chariclea and Helena, pale yellow-brown, obscured in the median interspaces. (Figs. 5, 6.) Female. — Same expanse. Upper side brown, dusky, obscure, sometimes of a slaty hue rather than brown, and always with a peculiar smooth surface suggestive of grease imperfectly removed; the markings pale, diffuse ; the mesial stripe on primaries has here become a broad band, and the clusters of scales are merged in a continuous stripe ; on secondaries all the markings about the base and on the disc are obso¬ lescent ; the outer clusters of scales large and diffuse, and the margin is edged by a crenated band. Under side as in the male. (Figs. 7, 8.) ARGYNNIS VII. Egg. — Conoidal, much rounded at base, the top truncated and a little de¬ pressed ; the breadth and height almost equal, broadest at about two fifths the distance from base, the sides much arched, after the middle narrowing upwards rapidly, the top rather less than half the breadth below ; marked by about forty vertical ribs, thin, but slightly elevated, often straight, sometimes slightly sinu¬ ous, eight or ten of them ending at from one third to two thirds from base, there joining the long ribs ; the ends at top do not form a serrated rim as in many species ; between the ribs the rounded depressions are crossed by many low hori¬ zontal ridges ; the micropyle is in the centre of a rosette of flattened five-sided cells, and beyond are three or four rows of irregularly five-sided large shallow cells to the rim; color when first laid, pale yellow. (Figs, a, a2.) Duration of this stage ten days. This species discovers a greater number of ribs than any which I have ob¬ served. Freya comes next, with 36 ; Choriclea, 30 to 34 ; Helena , 32 ; while Montinus has but 25 ; Frigga, 20 to 22 ; Bellona, 21 or 22 ; Triclaris, 26 ; My rina, 15 or 16. Young Larva. — Length, .06 inch. Cylindrical, of even size from 2 to 8, then tapering on both dorsum and side very gradually to 13 ; each segment well rounded ; color yellow-brown, pale in line of the spiracles ; marked by eight longitudinal rows of dark, flattened, tuber¬ culous spots, three above and one below the spiracles on either side ; the spots sub-triangular, or oval or rounded, in the upper rows bearing two small blackish tubercles, from each of which springs a long, tapering hair, thickened at the end ; on the anterior segments these hairs are turned forward, on the middle are nearly upright, on the last are turned back ; on dorsum of 2 is a long and broad oval spot corresponding with the four uppermost rows, with four hairs along the front and one behind and between each pair of these ; the spot on this segment of the third row has two hairs, but the next two have three, and these three spots are a little below the line ; on 2, also, in front of the spiracle, are two short hairs in vertical line ; the spots below the spiracles are rounded, and, except that on 13, have four divergent hairs on each from 4 to 12, three on 3 and 4 ; along the base is a line of minute tubercles with very short hairs, on 2 and 13 two each, on the rest but one ; under side pale yellow-brown ; feet and legs color of body ; head obovoid, bilobed, dark-brown, shining, with many short hairs. (Fig. b.) The larvae went into lethargy at once from the egg, and died during the winter. This species was discovered by Mr. Thomas E. Bean, who has kindly written for me an account of its habits and localities as follows : — ARGYNNIS VII. “ Argynnis Alberta occurs on the mountains, near Laggan, with Colias Wastes, Chrysophanus Snowi, Argynnis Astarte, and the alpine Chionobas near SubhycL Una, Curtis. In 1890, I took one pair on a mountain near Hector, B. C., twro miles west of the Alberta Province line. On that mountain lives Chionobas Brucei, never yet observed at Laggan, only nine miles distant. Alberta fre¬ quents the upper slopes and slides of the mountains, at strictly alpine elevations ; the females often being found higher on the inclines than the males. When suddenly disturbed, the female is liable to rise high and convey herself tumultu¬ ously half across a mountain. Habitually, however, and unvexed, her flight is deliberate, and she alights frequently. She has a certain dignity of manner wdiich commands respect. An air of speculation marks her, denoting a mind preoccupied with problems. The male spends much of his time flying slowly and searchingly down the slides, so close to the ground that he almost seems gliding on the surface. He is less easily caught than the female, except when at flowers. Both male and female fly very low, and on alighting rest with wings spread flat on the ground, which is the approved mode among our local species of Argynnis and Parnassius. Even Astarte follows the prevailing fashion, but it is far more wary and alert than Alberta. Considering relatively these two spe¬ cies, the comparison is suggestive in view of their community of habitat and their respective relationship to other species in the genus. In habits of flight, and in topographical preferences, they are distinctly unlike. They differ greatly in regard to pictorial differentiation for sex. And it seems about a proved fact that one of these species is diverse from the other in important details of devel¬ opment, Alberta having a biennial imago, appearing in the even-digited years, while Astarte presents the imago yearly. According to my experience, Alberta is on the wing only in alternate years. I have searched its territory during six summers, 1888 to 1893 inclusive. In 1888 it was first found, and was met "next in 1890, and then in 1892; but in the intermediate seasons, 1889, 1891, 1893, none were seen.. I find no mention of any other butterfly conditioned by a simi¬ lar lapse of the imago with the exception of Chionobas Aello. The species seems to be characterized by a twice-hibernating larva, and meanwhile conditioned in its secular progress by causes which restrict its cycles of development to one unvarying periodicity. This undeviating periodic mode results in ‘ off-years ’ for the imago. As an illustration : the females of 1888 will have laid their ego-s and died, before winter. The young larvae hibernating under the ample protec¬ tion of the snow, the larvae feed during the summer of 1889, and hibernate still another winter. In the summer of 1890 they mature, and in quick succession follow chrysalis and imago. Again, during a few brief days, Alberta flowers out m its dark beauty along the alpine escarpments, and passes the time of day with ARGYNNIS VII. the commonplace every-year butterflies, and hides away her eggs shrewdly heie and there for the benefit of posterity. Thus is one cycle completed and another established. u I am reluctant to assert the strictly biennial imago as a demonstrated fact, yet its probability is greatly supported by careful observations made in 1891 and 1893, as also by the fact that I had no difficulty in finding the butterfly in 1890 and 1892. According to this view, the species has a triennial cycle of development and is subject to an astonishing fixedness of habit, by force of which an archaic periodicity is steadily and exclusively maintained, resulting in restriction of the secular progress of the species to a single stream, and thereby limiting the imago to a biennial flight. Admitting an imago strictly biennial, the restrictive perio¬ dicity seems unavoidably implied. It is difficult to understand why, in a long series of considerably variant summers, Alberta should not have been able in some favoring season to steal a march on fate by maturing a few individuals earlier than the mass, thus capturing for the imago the barren years, and start¬ ing a supplementary stream of secular progress in cycles of development begin¬ ning and ending on the odd years, as 1891, 1893, etc. «° Alberta inhabits a very limited altitude range, and this is the only fact known to me which helps to explain why the species may have remained permanently subject to such limitations as have been suggested. Species which range from the larch groves at 6,800 feet to the mountain tops at 8,000 or 8,500 feet, as most of our alpine lepidoptera do upon occasion, could not permanently maintain such inflexible routine. Sooner or later the individuals maturing near the lower levels would deliver such a species from its disability. But Alberta has not this ^ resource. Its ordinary range is between 7,400 and 7,900 feet, and it frequents most the steep slopes and slides at 7,500 feet and above, not flying far below its usual range, and manifesting no partiality for extreme altitudes. I have not noticed it below 7,200 feet, and seldom so low. “ Of the early stages the egg and first larval stage only are known. The food plant has not been ascertained ; certain indications render it somewhat piobable that this will prove to be Dryas octopetala. “ A series of Alberta consisting of thirty males and twenty-five females justi¬ fies the statement that while a majority of females are conspicuously melano- chroic, and only an occasional individual is lacking that tendency, among the males, on the contrary, melanochroism is not found. (( Should further research result in certain proof that Alberta flies only in the even years, the fact will strengthen the probability that others of the alpine butterflies likewise develop in three-year cycles. These species, however, owing to more mobile customs of growth, advance the secular progress in two periodic ARGYNNIS VII. lines, the sequence of one line of advance being alternate to that of the other ftuch a species would traverse the centuries in two processions, one bavin- a jear the start of the other, so that a cycle of development in the one procession completes its course a year in advance of the correspondent cycle in the other But the wayfaring children of Alberta apparently all travel in one caravan.” T fIr9?ean,Seo"t “eorten eggso£ Alberta, laid on Dryas octopetala in confinement, July 20 and 21, 1890. There were some other plants in the can, he wrote on which a few eggs were laid, but nearly all were on the leaves and stems of the plant first mentioned. The eggs hatched on 30th and 31st July, or after ten ays. The larvae at once went into hibernation, and died in course of the winter. Mr. Bean told me that the larvae with him were lost in the same way. C~J ARGYNNIS VIII. ARGYNNIS ATOSSA, 4-6. Argynnis Atossa, new species. Male. — Expands 2.5 inches. Upper side bright yellow-fulvous, the base very lightly dusted brown ; hind margins of both wings bordered by a single line, and that is the inner one of the two usually seen in the group, there being no trace of the outer line ; no black sub marginal spots on either wing, except on primaries, in the lower three inter¬ spaces, in each of which is a small spot representing the apex of the usual ser- ration , nor aie there the usual rounded black extra-discal spots, except on the lower four interspaces of primaries, and of these, the middle pair only are de¬ cided black ; the black subapical patch is also wanting ; the discal and cellular markings on primaries are light, and very much as in Adiante ; on secondaries the mesial band is reduced to a series of abbreviated narrow bars, widely sepa¬ rated ; the S-shaped spot at end of cell is slight ; fringes pale yellow throughout. Under side of primaries very pale fulvous at base to middle of cell, and in the P-shaped spot, and the basal part of the median interspaces ; on this area the black markings are repeated, reduced ; all the rest of the wing, in the cell and to apex and hind margin, pale yellow-buff, the markings obliterated. Secondaries wholly pale yellow-buff, the basal area to the inner side of the second row of spots scarcely darker than the rest ; all the spots faint, and with no trace of silver, their inner edges slightly dusky. Body above concolored with the basal part of the wings ; beneath, the thorax yellow-buff, the abdomen reddish-buff; legs reddish on the fronts, yellow be¬ hind ; palpi yellow, the long hairs in front red ; antennae fuscous above, ferru¬ ginous beneath; club black, ferruginous at tip (Figs. 4, 5). Female. — Expands 2.6 inches. Upper side of same hue as the male, a little paler next apex of primaries, with ARGYNNIS VIII. a gray edge to the costa and around the apex ; the hind margins bordered by a single line, as in the male, with no diffusion at the nervures ; the markings of both wings as in the male. Under side of primaries deeper fulvous about base ; otherwise as in the male (Fig. 6). Something more than twenty years ago I came into possession of a strange Argynnis, which I was told was North American, but beyond that could get no information whatever. No one knew where it came from, but it was said to be surely American. I had never seen anything like it, and believed it must be a foreign species, but kept it in my collection, hoping one day to learn moie about it. This was the male figured on the Plate. In January last (1890), Mr. H. K. Burrison, of Boston, Mass., sent me a few Argynnides for name, taken by him, in 1889, in south California and Arizona, and among them was a female exactly corresponding to the male spoken of. On asking where it came from, Mr. Burrison replied as follows; u It was taken at Tehachipe, south California. I stopped there only a few days, from July 4th to 8th, and this and anothei female were found in a little valley about four miles from town, by a small stream. I saw others, but caught only the two. If I remember rightly, the elevation was about 4,800 feet. I was in haste to reach Arizona to meet by appointment the friend with whom I traveled there, and did not have time to examine the tops of the mountains about Tehachipe, so can say nothing as to the height at which the species may be found.” I myself have seen but the pair figured, but Mr. Burrison reported to me the points of the second female, which agree with those of the one sent me, and now figured. All three examples are characterized by the peculiar yellow color on upper side, by the absence of the outer marginal line, and of the usual marginal and discal black spots. That so striking a species could have been unnoticed in a region supposed to be thoroughly explored by lepidopterists, gives reason for the belief that many species of Argvnnis yet undiscovered exist within the United States and Canada. ARGYNN1S YIII. ARGYNNIS ADIANTE, 1-3. Argynnis Adiante, Boisduval, Lep. de la Cal., p. 61. 1869. Male. — Expands from 2.3 to 2.4 inches. Upper side red-fulvous, lightly dusted with brown at base; marked and spotted \\ ith black after the usual manner of the group ; hind margins bordered by two parallel lines, resting on which, on primaries, are small serrated spots ; on secondaries the corresponding spots are lunate, and most or all fail to reach the lines ; the rounded spots very small on both wings ; the other markings as in the group, but slight, and on secondaries extremely so, the mesial band being reduced to little more than a line, often macular; fringes yellowish, fuscous at the ends of the nervules on both wings. Under side of primaries pale fulvous over basal area, and along inner margin, taking in the basal half of the cell, and half the remainder along and next the median nervure : on this part of the wing the black markings are repeated, reduced ; the rest of cell, and a space beyond cell on the subcostal and upper median interspaces yellow-buff, the apical area pale brown-buff; the marking obliterated. Secondaries have the basal area to the inner side of the second row of spots pale brown-buff, limited without by a faint brown stripe, corresponding to the mesial stripe of upper side, the hind margin bordered by same color; the rest of the wing the extra-discal area — pale yellow-buff ; the spots, which in most species are silvered, are here entirely without silver, yellow-buff in color, faintly edged with brown on the basal side. Body above and below concolored with the basal part of the wings ; legs red¬ dish ; palpi yellow, with red hairs in front ; antennae fuscous above, ferruginous below ; club black, tip ferruginous (Figs. 1, 2). Female. — Expands 2.3 to 2.6 inches. Both sides as in the male, and the markings similar ; in some examples the ARGYNNIS VIII. basal area of primaries beneath is fiery red, in others it is paler, and as in the male (Fig. 3). The male figured on our Plate is the original type of Dr. Boisduval, sent me by himself, and bearing his label as « type” Adiante. In his description of this male lie says : “ The four wings on upper side are of a vivid fulvous with the black spots disposed nearly as in the neighboring species. ... The female re¬ sembles the male. This beautiful Argynnis was taken in some numbers by M. Lorquin, on the edges of woods, in the eastern part of California.” Of late years Adiante has not been a very common species in collections, owing to its local habits, apparently. Professor J. J. Rivers writes me that “ it is found above Los Gatos in the Santa Cruz Mountains. It also occurs at several locali¬ ties in the same range, and in Santa Clara and San Mateo counties ; but it does not appear to be found farther south than about nine miles north of Santa Cruz city.” Apparently Dr. Boisduval was mistaken in the locality. Dr. Behr writes, March 15, 1890 t Adiante is found in the Santa Cruz Moun tains, near Searsville, extending to Los Gatos Creek and farther south. I do not know its southern limit. If you strike the right time, it is common near the sawmill on the upper Los Gatos Creek, and in an hour you may catch several dozens. It is very constant, and unlike many of the California Aigynnides, develops neither variations, nor aberrations, nor races. IKa E GEE IS 1.2. ” Behr, From Cal. Acad. Nat. Sci., II., p. 174, 1862. Montivaga, Edw., Syn., 1872 (not Behr). 9 Mormonia, Bois., 1. c., p. 58. Male. — Expands 1.8 to 2 inches. Upper side bright fulvous, a little obscured at base ; marked and spotted as in the allied species ; double lines along hind margins, the mesial band on second- aiies continuous and all the markings of both wings light 5 fringes of primaries alternately fulvous and black, or nearly all black, with a little fulvous in middle of each interspace, of secondaries, either wholly fulvous, or with black just at ends of nervules. # Under side of primaries yellow-buff apically, pale red at base and to hind mar¬ gin below median, or just at base, and along the median nervules, in which last case the interspaces are buff ; the black markings repeated ; the sub-marginal spots either buff altogether, or the upper four and the two on the brown sub¬ costal patch are imperfectly silvered.. Secondaries yellow-buff, the belt between the two outer rows of spots clear colored and immaculate ; the remainder of wing to base washed with diluted brown, through which the yellow ground appears more or less clearly ; the sub¬ marginal spots narrow, and sometimes well silvered ; the other spots as in the allied species, but small, never, so far as observed, perfectly silvered, but varying much in this point ; the spots of second and third rows rather heavily edged with black on the basal side. But many examples are reddish-buff on under side, and the brown on second¬ aries is darker than in the type. Body brown above, with long fulvous hairs, buff below 5 legs fulvous and buff \ palpi fulvous ; antennas black above, fulvous beneath ; club black, tip ferrugi¬ nous. (Figs. 1, 2.) ARGYNNIS IX. Female. — Expands from 1.8 to 2.1 inches. Upper side less bright than in the male ; the markings no heavier ; but ex¬ amples occur which are darker fulvous, and others which are much obscured over basal areas, and the fulvous is everywhere washed with brown ; on the under side the base of primaries is more red than in the male ; in the darker examples the disk and base of secondaries are more covered with brown or brown-ferruginous ; and the spots of both wings are silvered, but not so per¬ fectly as in many species. (Figs. 3, 4.) There is much variation, and one of the common varieties is represented by Fig. 5. In this there is no trace of silver, and the spots are clear yellow-buff, color of the ground of the wing. I have seen no female of this type. Egg. — Conoidal, truncated and depressed at top, rounded at bottom ; the breadth to the height nearly as 8 to 9 ; marked by 18 thin, elevated, vertical ribs, slightly sinuous or bent, one half of them running from base to summit, the others but about two thirds the distance, then uniting with the first ; the ends forming a serrated rim ; between the ribs the rounded depressions are crossed by many very low horizontal ridges ; color yellow. (Fig. a.) » Young Larva. — Length .06 inch, at 12 hours from egg ; cylindrical, of even size from 2 to 10, each segment a little rounded ; color greenish-white (changing in a few days to greenish-brown) ; marked by eight longitudinal rows of dark tuberculous spots, three being above the spiracles on either side, and one below ; these spots are flat, oval or sub-triangular, and bear one or two small conical tubercles, from each of which springs a long tapering hair ; under a high power these hairs are seen to be barbed, and knobbed at the ends ; on dorsum of 2 is a bar, corresponding to the four dorsal and sub-dorsal spots of other segments, and on its front are six hairs, on the rear four shorter ones ; the spots of the dorsal rows are sub-oval, each with two hairs ; of the sub-dorsal rows triangular and smaller, each with but one hair ; of the third or mid-lateral row sub-oval, on 2, 3, 4 with two hairs, on following segments but one ; the spots of the fourth, or infra-stigmatal, row are rounded, and except on 2 and 13, each of which has two, have four divergent hairs ; along base, on 3 to 6, and on 11 to 13, is a line of tubercles, one to each segment, with short hair, but on 2 in same line is a spot like those of upper rows, small, with two hairs ; the hairs of the dorsal rows on the three anterior segments are bent forward, on the middle segments are nearly upright, on the last four are turned back ; it is almost the same with the sub¬ dorsal row, but in the mid-lateral the two hairs on 2, 3, 4 are turned in opposite ways, and after 4 are bent down ; in the fourth row, the upper two on each spot ARGYNNIS IX. from 3 to 9 or 10 are quite divergent and are turned up, and the lower pair, just as divergent, are bent down ; after 10 all are turned down ; feet and legs color of body ; head obovoid, bi-lobed, dark brown, shining, much covered with short hairs. (Figs, b to 64.) After first moult: length .1 inch; color grayish, mottled and specked with black ; body furnished with six rows of spines (as is the rule in this genus, from first moult to last) ; these spring from shining black tubercles and are black, stout at base, tapering to top, and beset by many short black hairs ; head obovoid, black, with black hairs. The duration of this stage was seventeen days and up¬ wards, in February and March. After second moult: length .16 inch; the tubercles of the lower row dull orange ; color of body dark gray, mottled with black ; on either side the medio- dorsal line a gray stripe, and along base a gray band ; head as before. Duration of this stage 11 days and upwards. After third moult : length .22 inch ; scarcely different ; the spines of lower row now yellow nearly to tips. To next moult nine days. After fourth moult : length .4 inch ; the lower spines yellow as before, and the dorsals of 2 also yellow ; color of body black-brown mottled with gray-white ; the gray dorsal lines as before. To next moult 9 days. After fifth moult : length .6 inch ; in about twelve days reached maturity. Mature Larva. — Length 1.2 inch ; cylindrical, thickest in middle segments, tapering pretty evenly either way ; color gray-brown, mottled and specked ; run¬ ning with the dorsal and sub-dorsal spines is a black stripe, edged on either side by a sordid white line ; between the dorsals a yellowish band cut in middle by a black line, and specked with brown ; the spines small at base, and rather short for the size of the body, the bristles very short ; the dorsals dull white, the other rows dull yellow, and all with black tips ; the dorsals on 2 turned forward, but not longer than others of the same rows ; feet and legs pale brown ; head sub- cordate, the vertices being rounded, the front flattened ; color black on front, dull yellow behind, much covered with black hairs of irregular length. (Figs, c, c2, c3.) Chrysalis. — Length .8 inch ; shaped as in other members of the genus ; head case square, transversely rounded, a little depressed at top ; mesonotum ARGYNNIS IX. / prominent, carinated, followed by a deep excavation ; the tubercles on abdomen very small, scarcely visible ; color dark brown, mottled in shades, and with more or less yellow-brown, particularly on the abdomen, on dorsal side of which the darker shade makes a serrated border to the front of each segment ; the wing cases dark and glossy. The only chrysalis died before pupation. (Figs, d, d ".) This species was first described by Dr. H. Behr, without a name, but designated as “ No. 5 ” in his paper on the Californian Argynnides, 1862 ; and it is compared and contrasted with his u No. 4,” which later he called Montivaga. Dr. Belli says that No. 5 is much more common than the other, and u is easily recognized by the black bordering of the spots of the intermediate fasciae (the second and thiid rows), their oval, not quadrangular, shape, and the rounded (lunular) form of the marginal spots.” In 1869,. Dr. Boisduval described the species as Egleis, Dr. Behr not having meanwhile applied a name to it, but included in it, I appre¬ hend, the Montivaga , Behr, and certainly the distinct species Irene. He calls attention to this last as a variety which he had taken to be a species, but says that after having compared more than a hundred examples he finds that one runs into another in such a way that they cannot be separated. After eliminat¬ ing Montivaga and Irene , there still remains a wide amount of variation be¬ tween the forms which yet pass under the name Egleis. One of these is figured on the Plate (5). Examples from Mt. Bradley, California, are often very dark, not fulvous but brown, the females well silvered. Mormonia is not distinguish¬ able in the original description from Egleis, and in the Latin synopsis of charac¬ ters at the head of each description the same words are used for both, except that for Egleis the spots of the under side are said to be silvered or pale, whereas in Mormonia they are said to be silvered only. Dr. Boisduval sent me the male of Egleis and female of Mormonia, and there is no more difference between the two than would belong to different sexes. The species is widespread, occupying northern California, and especially Nevada. It flies also in Utah, near Salt Lake, and in northern Colorado, though it seems nowhere to be common in this last-named State. Mr. Mead took large numbers in 1878, at Summit, Nevada, and the same year Mr. Morrison also col¬ lected in Nevada. I had the opportunity of examining all the variations m both collections. Besides the Nevada examples, I have at different times received many from Mts. Bradley and Shasta, from Mr. Behrens. Mr. Mead (1878) sent me from Summit several eggs of Egleis, laid on violet by a female in confinement, and they hatched on or about the 18th August. The larvae at once went into lethargy, as is the case with all the larger Argynmd larvae of the later generation, or all larvae where there is but one annual genera- ARGYNNIS IX. tion. I kept them in a cool room till last of January, 1879, when the survivors, three in number, were brought to a warm room and placed on violet. By 5th February they were seen to be feeding. On 18th February, one passed first moult, the second moult 5th March, the third 16th, and was that day accidentally killed. The second larva passed third moult 15th April, the third larva the same moult 17th April. This last died before another moult, but the second passed fourth moult 26th April, the fifth 7th May; suspended 20th and pupated 21st May ; but died before imago. The general history is therefore similar to that of Cylele, Atlantis , and the other larger species, but unlike that of Myrina and the species of Group II. T SINCLAIR fcSON.UTM PM. LA NAUSICAA. 12.A3 4.?; ARGYNNIS X. ARGYNNIS NAUSICAA, 1-4. Argynnis Nausicaa (Nau-sic'-a-a), Edwards, Trans. Am. Ent. Soc., V., 104, 1874 ; id., Papilio, II., 6, 1882 ; Mead, Report, Wheeler Exped’n, Y., 752, 1875. Male. — Expands 2.5 inches. Upper side deep red-fulvous, the bases much obscured ; hind margins edged by two lines almost confluent ; the submarginal spots lunular, separated, the other markings as in the allied species, light; the mesial band of secondaries broken, not continuous ; fringes yellowish in the interspaces, black at the ends of the ner- vules. Under side of primaries almost wholly bright red-brown, less red next apex ; a little buff in the middle of the sub-costal interspaces ; the submarginal spots lanceolate, the lower ones black, those next apex brown, the upper six imperfectly silvered ; one or two sub-apical silver patches. Secondaries dark brown, often ferruginous, mottled with buff; the band between the two outer rows of spots narrow, much encroached on by the ground color, sometimes clear buff, sometimes more or less dusted with brown scales ; all the spots small and well silvered ; those of the submarginal row narrow, broader next outer angle, all edged above with brown or ferruginous ; those of the second row narrow, heavily edged above with black ; the third row consists of three sub- lunate spots, also edged black ; in the cell one or two often minute spots in black rings, and three patches at base ; the shoulder and inner margin silvered. Body dark fulvous, beneath, gray-brown on thorax, the abdomen buff ; legs buff ; palpi buff at sides, brown in front and at tip ; antennas fuscous above, brown below ; club back, the tip ferruginous. (Figs. 1, 2.) Female. — Same size. On the upper side the marginal lines are confluent on primaries, and the lunules are joined to them, these latter inclosing pale fulvous spots inclining to white next apex ; the spots of the mesial band small, mostly lunular. Under side of primaries deeper red, the buff spaces more extended, and covering the upper ARGYNNIS X. outer corner of the cell ; secondaries darker, more mottled, the band more re¬ stricted ; the silver spots a little larger. (Figs. 3, 4.) This species was described from 1 J 2 9 taken by Mr. Henshaw, member of Lieut. Wheeler’s Expedition, 1874, at Rocky Canon, Arizona. The late Mr. Morrison brought a few examples, all males I believe, from Arizona in 1882, but I know not the exact locality. Up to the present year, 1887, these were the only ones to be found in collections. It was reserved for Rev. George D. Hulst, of Brooklyn, New York, to make us better acquainted with the species, and I have to thank him for the examples figured on the Plate, and for the interesting ac¬ count I am able to give of locality and habits. Mr. Hulst writes: “ About the middle of last June (1887), I started on a summer vacation to California and Ari¬ zona, going first to California. On the way home I stopped at Prescott, Ariz., and thence went twelve miles south to Maple Gulch, in the mountains, at the head-waters of the Hassayampa River. I reached this place July 1st, and had eleven days’ collecting. It was in the rainy season, and, with one exception, it rained every day, more or less, while I was there. I took specimens of Aigynnis Nausicaa each day of my stay, mostly males, the first females appearing only the day before I left. « The country there is extremely broken and mountainous, with the little brooks at the head of the river running through rocky canons, up the steep sides of which the mountains rise from 1,000 to 2,000 feet. Along the beds of these biooks, where the dampness is constant, are found white-stemmed violets, the same or very nearly related to the eastern Viola Canadensis. \Yhere these were found, and never at any great distance from them, this butterfly was found ; so that, probably, the violet is its food-plant. The species was very local, only found in the bottoms of the canons, at 6,000 to 7,000 feet altitude, and within an area of not more than one by three miles. And with a single exception all that I saw were on the north side of the divide. That one was on the south, but the condi¬ tions were the same, though I did not see the violets. The butterflies were very quick on the wing, and rarely alighted. The few taken on flowers were on Asclepias tuberosa. Some were taken on the ground, sipping moisture where the bright sunlight reached the beds of the streams. Except when alighted they were very difficult to catch, as there are neither roads nor paths in that wild country ; heavily thorned shrubs were plentiful, and not a square rod of level surface was to be found.” Mr. Hulst thinks it probable that this species is to be found in central and southern Arizona, in the mountains where violets grow, but it must be local and much restricted. It is the most southern species of its genus, and its affinities are with the Aphrodite sub-group. o 4 L\L\LJL M U li Geo.S.HarrisBc Sons, Li tit Phi la CYBELE VAR.CARPENTERII, 12 c?. 3.4.9; a. L'gg, Cybele magnified b. Larva ,, (young) „ c- g. h Larva, // 1st to 5**' rdoult . i. Chrysalis . mature , ARGYNNIS X[. ARGYNNIS CYBELE, 1-4. Argynnis Cybele, Fabricius ; Edw., But. N. Am., I, p. 67, pi. 21. 1868 ; id., Can. Ent., VI, p. 121. 1874; xii, p. 141. 1880; Scudder, But. N. E., p. 589, pi. 4. 1889. Carpenterii, Edw., Tr. Am. Ent Soc Y p 204. 1876. ’’ ’ Var. Carpenterii. In Volume I, I gave what information was at that date attainable respecting the distribution and habits of Cybele. Examples of the species have since come from Montana, locality unknown, but supposed to be Helena, and from Fort Niobrara, Nebraska. These are the extreme western limits recorded. Mr. Scudder states that it has been taken, at the north, in Alberta ; at the east, at Cape Breton. His map, Plate 21, showing distribution, draws the western line through middle of Dakota, Nebraska, and Kansas ; and the southern line with the south line of Virginia and Kentucky. But I have seen examples from the collection of Mr. E. M. Aaron, which were taken at Maryville, east Tennessee. Mr. Aaron reports Cybele also from Highlands, Macon County, North Carolina, the extreme southwest of the State ; also that he has taken it in considerable numbers at Elizabeth City, at the lower end of the Dismal Swamp. The species is so far unknown in the Gulf States and Texas. Mr. Scudder says, p. 559, that in New England Cybele is scarcely larger than Aphrodite. Examples from Maine which I have seen are often very small, dark above, and the under side of hind wings is usually quite dark brown, the females especially so. Those taken in West Virginia, on the contrary, are large, with heavy black lines on upper side, and the hind wings beneath are red- brown. In Nebraska and Montana, the size is about same as at the east, but the fulvous color is brighter, more red, and the under side is very light, near to cinnamon-red, — so far as the examples seen by me show. I described Carpenterii as a distinct species, near to Cybele , and was influenced in the determination by the fact that Cybele was not known to fly within hun- ARGYNNIS XI. dreds of miles of New Mexico. The examples, two males, one female, were taken by Lieut, (now Captain) W. L. Carpenter, U. S. A., in New Mexico, above timber line. I wrote, in 1887, for further information, and Captain Carpenter replied : “ The Argynnis Carpenterii were collected on Taos Peak, about 12,000 to 13,000 feet elevation. I saw several others at same time. I had collected the preceding year, in Colorado, above timber line, without seeing it.” On reading this, I wrote Prof. F. H. Snow, who has collected butterflies extensively and during several seasons in New Mexico, Colorado, and Arizona, to ask if he had ever seen this butterfly, or Cybele, in those regions. To which he replied that he had not, but had never been on Taos Peak. I have also inquired of every person I knew of as having collected among the high peaks of Colorado, Messrs. Bruce, Snow, Mead, Nash, particularly, but no one had seen the species in that State. Just so as to Arizona. The case therefore is peculiar. A colony of a strictly northern butterfly is evidently imprisoned on the summit of a lofty mountain far to the southwest. In New England and New York, as well as in Virginia, Cybele does not fly at even moderate elevations, but in the lowlands ; on the higher ground it is replaced by Aphrodite. If this colony on Taos Peak could descend, we may be sure they would do so. That they do not shows that either the climate forbids or their food plant is wanting. Violets are common plants among the mountains of Colorado and Arizona, and both States are remarkably rich in species and individuals of Argynnis. The conditions are plainly unfavorable to the spread of Cybele to the south and southwest, and that it has not done so is the more singu¬ lar, inasmuch as the largest and handsomest examples are those found near the southern limit. Probably it cannot live or perpetuate its kind on the hot sandy soil of the extreme south, or the burning plains of Texas. We may infer that this colony in New Mexico was cut off from the main body when the climate was changing, and the species was retreating to the north, after the manner so graphically described by Messrs. Grote and Scudder in the case of Chionobas Semidea, a species which was left stranded on the summit of the White Moun¬ tains of New Hampshire. These specimens of Carpenterii in coloration as well as size most nearly re¬ semble their congeners from the extreme east of New England, and differ widely from western examples. DESCEIPTIOX OF THE PREPARATORY STAGES OF CYBELE. Egg. — Conoidal, truncated, and depressed at top, broad at base, the breadth equal to the height ; marked by about eighteen prominent, vertical, slightly wavy ribs, half of which extend from base to summit, and form around the latter a serrated rim ; the others end irregularly at two thirds to three quarters the ARGYNNIS XI. distance from base ; the broad, rounded spaces between crossed by nearly equi¬ distant low ridges ; micropyle in the middle of three rows of small rounded cells, outside of which are rings of cells of irregular sizes, mostly five-sided ; color yellow. (Figs, a , a2.) Young Larva. Length at 12 hours from egg .07 inch ; cylindrical, stoutest m middle, the last segments tapering rapidly ; color dull green, translucent ; marked by eight longitudinal rows of dark subtriangular tuberculous spots, three being abo\e the spiiacles on either side, and one below ; these spots are flat and bear small conical tubercles, those of the upper, or dorsal, row two, of the next two iovs, one, of the infrastigmatal row four, and each tubercle gives out a long tapering clubbed hair; on 2, on either side, is a large spot, corresponding to the spots of the upper two rows of other segments, and bearing three tubercles and hairs ; the dorsal spots are near the front of the segment, the subdorsal beyond the middle to the rear, the lateral a little in front of the middle, and the lowest row on the middle ; under side, feet and legs green ; head a little broader than 2, rounded, slightly bi-lobed, with a few hairs from fine tubercles; color black- brown. (Figs, b to 63.) After 1st moult: Length .13 inch; stoutest in middle; color dull green mot¬ tled with brown, the latter taking the form of macular longitudinal stripes; spines disposed as in the genus, tapering, black, rising from black tubercles, except those of the lateral row, which have yellow tubercles ; each spine ending in a short black spinule and beset by several others about the sides ; feet black, pro-legs greenish-brown ; head sub-cordate, the vertices rounded, at top of each, on the front side, a little conical black process, the front flattened, and showing many black hairs; color shining black-brown. (Fig. c.) To next moult eight to twelve days. After 2d moult : Length .24 inch ; color chocolate-brown, the lateral spines pale yellow at base and for one third up ; the upper rows have the bases more * indistinctly yellow and then mostly on the outer sides, the inner being nearly or quite black ; spines otherwise shining black, the bristles black ; head as before ; color shining black. (Fig. d.) The next moult four to nine days, according to the state of the weather. After 3d moult : Length .4 inch ; color dark velvety brown ; the spines black ; all of the laterals yellow at base and for about one third up ; the subdorsals dis¬ tinctly yellow at base on the anterior segments, the yellow gradually fading to ARGYNNIS XI. the last segments; the dorsals also distinctly yellow on anterior segments, the last wholly black ; the dorsal spines on 2 are directed forward, but are no longer than others ; head as at next previous stage, black in front, but yellow behind ; all yellow is reddish, or honey-colored. At this stage there was some variation in individuals in the color of the spines. One had all yellow at base except the dorsals on 2 and 12, which were black. (Fig. e.) To next moult five to eight days. * After 4th moult: Length .6 inch ; color velvet-black; lateials wholly blight yolk-yellow ; subdorsals same on anterior half, the remainder duller yellow ; dorsals bright yellow on anterior half, but after 6 less so, and on 9 to 12 black ; in line with the dorsal spines on segments from 3 to 11 two gray dots; head as before. Another larva had all three rows of spines largely reddish-yellow fully half¬ way up from base; the last two pairs of dorsals shading into biown. (Fig.y.) To next moult four to eight days. After 5th moult : Length 1.1 and 1.2 inch. (Fig. g-) Reached matui it} in six to eight days. Mature Larva. — Length 1.8 inch at rest, 2 inches in motion; greatest breadth at rest .35 inch ; color velvety black, under side chocolate-brown ; be¬ tween each pair of dorsal spines from 3 to 11 two gray dots transverse; the spines throughout slender, beset with short black bristles ; the bases of all spines reddish-yellow, and for about two thirds up, the rest shining black; the spines of 2 vdiolly black, a little recurved, directed forward, but no longer than other doi- sals ; the longest dorsals .14 inch; feet and pro-legs black; head small, .14 inch wide, and equally high, subcordate, the front flattened, finely tuberculated, the back much rounded, the vertices sub-conic, and each on its anterior side giving a small black conic process ; the face much covered with black hairs •of irregular length; color of front dull dark brown, of back reddish-yellow. Several larvae were as described, others showed much less y ellow on the spines ; the laterals alwrays largely yellow, the subdorsals much less so, the dorsals a little yellow at base from 3 to 6, after that less and less, changing gradually to brown, and on 11 to 13 black. In from two to three da_ys aftei matuiit\ the larvae suspended, and in about twrenty-four hours pupated. (Fig. h.) Chrysalis. — Length 1.1 inch ; breadth at wing-cases .4, of abdomen .36 inch ; cylindrical, a little compressed laterally ; head case prominent, nearly square at top, the vertices being but very slightly elevated, transversely rounded ARGYNNIS XI. to the ridge at summit, the sides bevelled; mesonotum moderately prominent, rounded, cannated ; followed by a deep rounded depression ; the wing cases with prominent conical processes at base, much elevated above surface of body, the outer edges flaring, the middle part depressed ; on the abdomen two rows of small tubercles corresponding to the dorsal spines of the larva, and which extend to the head case ; one row of minute tubercles on each side ; the whole surface finely corrugated ; color variable, being sometimes glossy dark brown, with a fine mottling of reddish-orange, not distinct, over wing cases and anterior parts • or dark brown mottled with drab, this last prevailing on the wing cases ; or dark brown mottled with lighter brown, most distinctly light at margins of wing cases, where they pass down to surface; or almost wholly dead-leaf brown, a little obscure on wing cases ; the anterior abdominal tubercles usually black in front, yellow behind, the posterior tubercles wholly black. (Fig. i.) Duration of this stage sixteen to twenty days. In the text to Argynnis Diana, page 147, Volume II, 1876, I gave a general account of raising larvae of Cybele from egg. In the Canadian Entomologist, II, p. 14o, 1880, I gave farther observations, and related that up to the preced¬ ing winter I had always lost most of the larvae of this species, as well as Diana and Aphrodite. They died off during the winter, or during the stages in spring, or in chrysalis, and I had been unable to contrive any successful mode of carrying the larvae through. But, in fall of 1879, it occurred to me that freez¬ ing them solid might be the proper thing, and I sent several larvae of Cybele to Professor Fernald, then at Orono, Maine, to be placed in his ice-house. They were in small paper pill-boxes, the unglazed sides of which afforded foothold. These were put in a flat tin box and deposited in frozen sawdust under the ice. as Professor Fernald informed me. Five months later, on 5th March, 1880, I re¬ ceived the boxes by mail. The larvm were nearly all alive, and when first’ seen, several showed some movement, though only three days from the ice. Others were lethargic some hours longer, but next day all had left the boxes and be¬ taken themselves to the plants of violet among which I had laid them. They crawled to the stems and down to the bases in the hollows, and there rested vlien not feeding. On 10th March, one was found to have passed the first moult, several days in advance of any other, and this one continued in advance to maturity, passing second moult 18th, third 27th, fourth 4th April, fifth 12th. suspended 23d, pupated 24th April, and gave a female imago 14th May. The whole period from ice to imago was seventy-three days. The other larvae passed first moult 19th March, second 29th March to 2d April, third from 4th to 6th ARGYNNIS XI. April, fourth 11th to 12th, fifth from 16th to 19th April, and the butterflies came out from 12th to 27th May. After the first moult I lost no larvae. Before that there had been some loss, mostly, I thought, from their having been brought to a warm room too soon after I received them. These imagos were all of large size, equalling any ever seen here in the field. Comparing the stages of these frozen larvae with others which in previous year I had carried through winter in a cool room : — Iced Laryje. Time from removal to 1st moult, 8 to 18 days . a “ 1st moult to 2d, 8 to 12 days . . ... 17 u a u u “ 2d “ to 3d, 4 to 9 days . . . ... 11 u u u a “ 3d “ to 4th, 5 to 8 davs . . . ... 12 u a a u “ 4th “ to 5th, 4 to 8 days . . ... 14 u (( (( u 5th “ to chrysalis, 9 to 12 days ... 12 a u a u “ chrysalis to imago, 16 to 20 days ... 24 u u (( Total period, 73 to 86 days . ... 134 u a a Brought from Cool Room. 44 days and upwards. Evidently the freezing served as a tonic, and the larvae subjected to it were in a healthy condition. Since 1880, I have been in the habit of freezing hiber¬ nating larvae of all species, and have been very successful in rearing them to imago. The early brood of Cybele appears here about the first of June. In some seasons they are quite abundant, but in others rare. For twenty years I have recorded the first appearance. The earliest date for the male has been 19th May, the latest, 17th June; the females always a few days later than the male. Soon after 1st July they are all gone. About 15th August, fresh males appear again, and then the females, and both are exceedingly plenty in September, the males dis¬ appearing about middle of the month, the females, some of them, living till frosts come in October. Eggs can always be got during September, by confining the females over violet. In one instance, 219 eggs were laid by a single female. When several are confined together, the bag and plant and earth are sprinkled with eggs. It would seem as if there must be two broods of the imago, one in June, the other in August, but two months do not give sufficient time for eggs to be laid and larvse to mature and for the pupa stage. The shortest period for the egg has been twelve days, for the larval stages and pupa seventy to eight}’. Of course, the hot weather between June and September might accelerate all stages, if eggs were laid in June. I never saw a mature egg in any female dis¬ sected in June, nor could eggs be obtained in confinement. In June, 1887, the species was plenty, and I shut up nine females on 29th ; but failed to get an egg, ARGYNNIS XI. and dissection showed no formed eggs, nothing but fatty masses. In 1874, I en¬ deavored to find out how long after the females of the fall brood appeared, mature eggs were formed. The first one was seen 16th August. On 20th, I dissected three, and in all, the eggs were soft and unformed ; on 26th, they were soft, but had form ; on 3d September, were firmer; on 17th, were fully mature, and a day or two after, many were laid. So that nearly a month seemed to be required for eggs to mature. At Coalburgh, all the larvae have gone into lethargy at once on leaving the egg. But the late Mr. C. G. Siewers, of Newport, Kentucky, a first-rate observer, with whom I corresponded about the peculiarities of Cybele, wrote me, 30th October, 1877, that two eggs gave two larvae, one of which fed up to and past second moult, and had gone to the base of the plant to hibernate. In 1881, 28th October, he wrote that he found a larva, ten days before, under rotten wood ; that it was one half inch long (which would make it past third moult). To see if it would feed, he trimmed a violet stock and laid it by the larva. On 26th, he went again to the woods and found the larva, which had eaten holes in two leaves and then hidden itself in a crevice so that only its spines protruded. It may be, therefore, that some larvae in West Virginia, from eggs fiist laid, pass three or four stages in the fall, and so begin the next year a month in advance of the main body of the species. This will account for the early butterflies. But why June females have not laid eggs is not easy to conjecture. Mr. Siewers wrote in 1876, that, on 24th June, he took a pair in copulation ; they separated in the net ; he kept the female five days, and till she died, got no eggs, and found none in the abdomen. On 25th June he caught another pair, which separated after three hours, and the result was the same. As I have said, females are often to be seen flying late in the fall, and until frosts destroy them. This is long after all males have disappeared, I believe these females to be barren, or who have not had an opportunity to mate, and so live much longer than the rest of their sex, for the females of all species of butterfly die very soon after their eggs are exhausted. I have rarely seen a larva of Cybele in natural state, but on two occasions found one hibernating at the top of the root of a violet plant which I had dug up to set in pot for my larvae. Once, in March, I found one on under side a grass leaf in a bit of sod I had taken up, and it must have spent the winter there. On 16th May, 1888, a mature larva was found on the under side of a lath which was lying on the ground. This larva died, but had it pupated, the imago would have come out about 10th June. The caterpillars feed on every kind of wild or cultivated violet or pansy, and the flowers are eaten with avidity. In moulting, the skin bursts below the head, along 2 to 4, and the three pairs of legs are extricated first, the head being bent ARGYNNIS XI. back by the tension of the skin on dorsum,. so that the legs are lifted up in the air, with much struggling to free the head and to burst the skin along dorsum. The spines lie flat and back and rise slowly as the skin slips off them, and the bristles, which are in pencil, separate slowly as they dry. At first every spine is yellow to base and the head also dull yellow, but all become dark in a few hours. The June butterflies are particularly fond of asclepias flowers, and may often be picked off by the finger, seeming besotted with the liquid they feed on, in the same way as Turnus and other Papilios. Mr. Scudder says, But. N. E. p. 561, that Cybele is single-brooded in New Eng¬ land, appearing the last of June ; that the eggs are laid about middle of August, and the insects are on the wing till middle of September, or occasionally later. B AR ONI 1 2cf .34.$ VAR.. 5 6 ?i a L'gg 6-6 + Lar\'a,(youjig J c-c3 .. f*? moult mag /lifted. d. Spine at 2nd mlt. magnified. _ e3 Mature larva,, e 3 natural sixe /: Chrysalis. MELITiEA I. MELIT.EA BARONI, 1-5. Melitoea Baroni, Henry Edwards, Papilio, I., p. 52, 1882; W. H. Edwards, Can. Ent., XI., p. 129, 1879. Male. — Expands from 1.5 to 1.8 inch. Upper side black, spotted with red and pale ochrey-yellow, mostly in common transverse rows ; the spots of the marginal row red, well separated ; of the second row yellow, often quite small on primaries, or mere lines ; of the third row, yel¬ low on primaries, red on secondaries ; the fourth is bifid on median nervure of primaries, the two branches running to costa, the outer -one partly red, partly yellow, the inner one yellow ; from median to inner margin either yellow, or yel¬ low and red, the outer half each spot being red ; on secondaries the spots of this row are yellow and large ; from outside arc of cell of primaries to base four bars, red and yellow alternately ; a yellow patch below the origin of the lower median nervule ; the basal area and costal margin much dusted yellow, the shoulder red ; secondaries have a fifth, but demi-row, from costa to median, red, some¬ times wholly wanting, and four yellow spots on basal area, two in cell, one below cell, one on costal margin ; fringes of both wings yellow, black at the ends of the nervules. Under side red, primaries dull, secondaries bright ; both wings have broad mar¬ ginal borders ; the yellow spots of second and third rows of primaries repeated, the former much enlarged ; a large yellow sub-triangular patch on the sub-costal interspaces ; the yellow spots in and below cell repeated ; secondaries have the yellow spots of second and fourth rows repeated, enlarged, forming two confluent bands, the outer one lightly edged black above and below, the other or discal always edged with black on the basal side, but not always on the marginal side ; the third row is of red spots, each wholly but lightly edged wTith yellow, except on the marginal side ; between the third and discal row is an intermediate nar¬ row stripe of red from lower branch of sub-median to upper branch of sub-costal, and this is often confluent with the yellow discal band ; but sometimes a black MELITiEA I. line partly separates them ; in some examples this red stripe is suppressed, or absorbed by the spots of the third row, and in this case there is a black edge on marginal side of the discal band ; the basal area red, the four yellow spots re¬ peated, all edged with black ; a fifth spot on costal margin ; shoulder and inner margin yellow. Body black with long gray hairs on thorax, the collar red ; beneath, thoiax buff, abdomen buff, red laterally ; legs red ; palpi red, yellow at base ; antenna? either annulated red and buff, alternately and equally, or red only ; the under side black ; club black, tip ferruginous. (Figs. 1, 2.) Female. — Expands 1.6 to 1.9 inch. Upper side black, and nearly as in the male ; or there is an excess of red, all the red spots being much enlarged. Beneath as in male. (Figs. 3, 4, 5.) Many females have scarcely any black edging to the spots of the second and third rows on secondaries, and contrast strikingly in this respect with Hubicunda and the other species of the group. (Fig. 5.) Egg. _ Conoidal, rounded at base and there marked by many shallow indenta¬ tions ; the sides ribbed vertically, the ribs about twenty in number, straight, low, the spaces between a little excavated ; the top truncated, a little depiessed ; color yellow-green. (Fig. a.) Young Larva. — Length .08 inch ; cylindrical, of nearly even thickness from 2 to 10 ; the segments rounded \ on each segment low conical tubercles, each of which gives a long tapering hair ; under a high power these hairs are seen to be thickly set with barbs ; (Fig. 64 ;) the tubercles form six longitudinal rows, on either side one dorsal, one sub-dorsal, one lateral ; on 2 the three are in straight line on the front, and on rear of same segment is another row of four, two on either side, and lying between those of front row ; on 3 the row is straight,, on the front ; on 4 the two dorsal tubercles are on front, the others a little behind, so as to form a curved row ; from 5 to 12 inclusive the two dorsals are in front, the 1st and 6th a little back, the 2d and 5th either on middle of the segment or more to the rear ; on 13 are six in front, the 2d and 5th a little back, and behind these six in two longitudinal rows to extremity ; in general the hairs of an¬ terior segments are turned a little forward, those on posterior half back ; below spiracles is a row of smaller tubercles, with shorter hairs, one each on 2, o, 4, on the rest two, on 13 three, the hairs all bent down, the hindmost one of each pair placed a little higher than the other : color of body greenish-brown ; head rounded, a little broader than high, a little depressed at suture, the vertices MELITiEA I. rounded ; color black ; on the front are small tubercles and hairs, seven on either lobe. (Figs, b, b 2, bs.) After first moult : length .15 inch; color greenish and pale brown, mottled ; body now furnished with seven rows of spines, which are present at each stage to maturity (as in all species of this genus), one row being dorsal, three lateral (two above, one below spiracles) ; these spines are long, tapering to a point, and thinly beset with long tapering black hairs, the one at extremity recurved some¬ what ; the dorsals run from 5 to 12, and are yellow ; the first laterals from 3 to 13, black; the second laterals from 3 to 13, black; (there are four spines on 13, two on front, two on rear, and the front ones may be considered to belong to the first laterals, the other to second;) the lower row from 3 to 11, black; there are also low rounded yellow tubercles, two on 2, one just above the other, below the line of the spiracles, with two short hairs ; on 3 and 4 one, in line with spiracles, with four hairs ; and along base a row, one on 2, 3, 4, 5, 11, 12, 13, with four hairs ; from 6 to 10 inclusive two with two hairs ; on dorsum of 2 are three small tubercles on either side in front, and one behind, four in all, each with one long hair turned forward ; head as at first stage, the tubercles and hairs disposed in same way, with an additional one on either lobe making eighteen. (Figs, c, c2, c3.) After second moult : length .22 inch ; color black ; all spines black, except of dorsal row, which are yellow, as before ; in shape as at second stage, but the hairs are more numerous and the one from apex is straight. (Fig. d.) After third moult : length, in hibernation and therefore contracted, .3 inch ; color as before ; the spines more thickly beset with hairs, which are more diver¬ gent, and make a dense covering. Mature Larva, probably after fifth moult. — Length 1 inch ; cylindrical ; color velvet-black, dotted on the rear of each segment with white tubercles ; spines long, tapering, thickly beset with long, tapering, divergent hairs, a straight one from summit ; the dorsal row and the row along base yellow, all others black ; under side smoky-brown ; feet black, pro-legs brown ; head sub- cordate, the vertices rounded, thickly covered with low tubercles, each of which gives a short black curved hair; color black-brown. (Figs, e, e 2, e3.) Chrysalis. — Length .65 inch ; cylindrical ; head case short, narrow, exca¬ vated at sides ; mesonotum moderately prominent, rounded, followed by a shal- MELITiEA I. low depression ; abdomen stout, furnished with several rows of sharp, conical, short tubercles (corresponding to the larval spines) ; the wing cases a 1 e flaring at base, depressed in middle ; color blue-gray, the whole surface much marked with black ; wing cases buff, more or less tinted red ; with a black pate 1 from base almost to hind margin, the nervules within it being orange, a mar¬ ginal row of serrated spots, and another submarginal ; head case and mesonotum largely black; the tubercles more or less enclosed with black; behind the or- sals are four small spots each, forming with the tubercle a triangle ; similar spots on sides. But there is much variation in extent of the black markings, (big./.) In 1876, Mr. Oscar T. Baron, then at Mendocino, California, sent me several mature (or’ nearly) larvae of the present species by mail. They were twelve days out and but one was alive on arrival. From this the drawing given on the Plate, Fig. e, was made. Several larvae had pupated, but were more or less eaten, and I suppose the single larva had kept itself alive in that way. On 16th December, 1878, 1 received from Mr. Baron, then at Navarro, abou twenty of the same larvie, in hibernation. Mr. Baron wrote that the eggs were laid June 29th, in clusters, one large and several small, the former containing sixty or more eggs, the latter from five to twenty. The larv* hatched 20th July or after 21 days. Their first care was to spin a common web, and this was occupied (of course, with additions, as needed) until the time for hibernation approached. Then some lame left the common web and spun for themselves among the wilted leaves of the food plant. Mr. Baron thought this plant was a species of Castelleia, but it was not identified. These larvm did not survive the winter. I was able to get a description of the stage after third moult, and had to depend on alcoholic specimens for the earlier stages and the egg. ... On 18th May, 1879, I received from Mr. Baron several chrysalides which 1a come from the same lot of lame, and from them obtained six butterflies, between 22d and 31st May. One of these was the red variety, female, shown by i> igs. 0, b. Not much is known of the early stages of the American species of the group of Melifeea to which Baroni belongs. It is a difficult group to separate, and this makes it the more important that the preparatory stages of the several species should be studied. . * * . , . T.SINCLAIR l SON, LITM.PMILA. RUBICUNDA. 1.2. cT , 3.4. 9, 5. VAR. (go/A/,gj magnified c-f 1st to f lh m/.t magnified „ g 5th mou/ 't ' . n at . size i . Chrysa lis . DEBIS I. DEBIS PORTLANDIA, 1-4. Debis Portlandia, Fabricius, Spec. Ins., II, p. 82, 1781 ; Boisduval and Leconte, Lepid. de 1 Araer., p. 226, pi. 58, 1833; Morris, Lepid. N. Am., p. 79, 1862; Edwards, Can. Ent., XIV, p. 84, 1882; Fernald, But. of Maine, p. 70, 1884 ; French, But. of East. U. S., p. 29, 1886. Andromacha, Hubner, Samml. Ex. Schmett., I, 1806-1816 ; Say, Amer. Ent. II, pi. 36, 1825; Morris, 1. c., p. 78, 1862. Male. — Expands from 1.9 to 2.2 inches. Upper side yellow-brown, or wood-brown, individuals varying in depth of color ; the extra-discal area paler, more yellow, variable ; on this a row of four oval or rounded blind ocelli, sometimes unequal throughout, sometimes the pos¬ terior pair very large, equal ; often the spot on lower discoidal interspace want¬ ing, or reduced to a point ; these ocelli are of a soft brown hue, and each lies within a pale yellowish ring which fades into the ground ; on primaries, owing to the transparency of the wing, the outer edge of the basal area is dark, paiticu- larly next costa, and projects in an angle, often double-toothed, on upper median nervule; a similar dark edging is sometimes to be seen on secondaries, but usu¬ ally there is nothing of this ; secondaries have also a series of five ocelli, unequal, the middle one often very small, sometimes altogether wanting ; sometimes the upper pair are very large, equal ; both wings bordered by two fine parallel dark lines ; fringes brown at the ends of the nervules, gray or whitish in the inter¬ spaces. Under side paler brown, with a slight violet reflection ; the basal areas edged without by a common dark stripe, sinuous, projecting considerably against both cells and on inner margin of primaries ; halfway between this and base a similar stripe, nearly straight, bending upwards on lower median interspace of seconda¬ ries and joining the outer stripe on sub-median nervule ; on the arc of each cell a dark stripe ; the extra-discal area of primaries lighter, of secondaries same as the basal, with a dull yellow or whitish diffuse band passing entirely round each series of ocelli ; these have now small white pupils, and each is within a definite DEBIS I. yellow ring, pale or bright ; on secondaries there is a duplex sixth ocellus next inner angle, each part very small, elongated. Body above yellow-brown, beneath yellow-white, the abdomen lightest ; legs brown-yellow, the tibiae whitish; palpi white within, with long black hairs in front ; eyes brown-black ; antennae blackish above, ringed with white, red-brown below ; club black, the tip red-brown. (Figs. 1, 2.) Female. — Expands from 2 to 2.25 inches. Very much as the male ; the ocelli varying in same manner, perhaps, however, never so small as in some males. (Figs. 3, 4.) Egg. — Semi-ovoid, a little higher than broad, the base slightly rounded and arched at the middle ; surface smooth ; color greenish-white. (Fig. a.) Dura- tion of this stage from four to six days. Young Lakva. — Length .13 inch, cylindrical; tapering slightly on both dor¬ sum and sides from 2 to 13 ; ending in two short conical tails ; color at first yel¬ low, somewhat tinted brown, after two days changing to yellow-green, more green on dorsum ; on each segment from 3 to 12, above spiracles are six cornea tubercles forming as many longitudinal rows, three on either side, a dorsal, sub- dorsal, and lateral ; on 3 and 4 they are nearly in cross line, but from 5 to 12 are in triangle, the dorsal one standing on the front ridge, the sub-dorsal on the rear, the lateral on the second ridge or a little before the middle of the segment ; from each of these a long, slender, tapering hair, the end thickened (Fig. 66) ; on 2 are three tubercles and hairs corresponding to the three rows, though not all in line with them, and behind and between the upper two an additional one, against spiracle, to the front, is a fine hair, and just over it a shorter coarser one ; (see cut ; on the Plate, figs, b and V fail to show the sub-dorsal tubercle on 2 ; on 13 are twelve tubercles, three on each side in the upper two rows, two in the lateral row, two at the ends of the tails, and two short hairs in the con cavity between the tails; below the line of spiracles is a row of short, coarse hairs, not thickened at ends, two to each segment, except on 3, 4, 13, w have but one; head at first nearly twice as broad as 2 at two days from the egg one-fourth broader only; ob-ovoid, truncated, slig y epresse suture ; on each vertex is a small sub-conical protuberance, from the top of DEBIS I. which comes a long, tapering hair; a few hairs over the front. (Figs, b to h\) Duration of this stage, six to eight days. , After first moult : length .26 inch ; the dorsum arched, on 3 and 4 depressed ; 13 ending in two long, tapering tails ; color bright green ; densely covered wit 1 low, sharp, whitish tubercles, which are disposed in longitudinal rows, one of which edges either side the dark green mid-dorsal stripe, and another lies be¬ tween this and the sub-dorsal narrow yellowish stripe, which itself is crowc e with tubercles; below this stripe there are four somewhat irregular rows and then the yellowish basal stripe ; each tubercle gives a very short white hair ; under side, feet, and pro-legs paler green, head higher than before, the sides less curved, depressed somewhat more ; on each vertex a high, conical process, which, as well as the whole face and back, is thickly covered with whitish sub-conical tubercles, each with its short white hair ; color green, the ends of the processes red. (Figs, c to c3.) Duration of this stage, seven to eight days. After second moult : length .44 inch ; shape as at second stage ; tubercu- lated in same way ; the sub-dorsal and basal stripes as before ; head same, the processes more red. (Fig. d.) To next moult about nine days, but, like all stages, the duration depends on the weather. After third moult: length .52 inch, scarcely different. (Fig. e.) To next moult, in a single instance, six days ; all other larvae hibernated at this stage. After fourth moult, in spring : length .6 inch ; shape nearly as before, the abdominal segments arched, the others level ; tails long ; color yellow-green ; a darker mid-dorsal band, a green line next above the yellow sub-dorsal stripe, and another on mid-side ; the basal stripe yellow ; head narrower at -top, the bases o the processes meeting at the suture ; color green, the ends red. (Figs../ o j ■) To last moult eleven days ; in one instance sixteen, in another twenty days, owing to cold weather. After fifth moult : length 1 inch ; in about ten days the larva was full-grown. Mature Larva. — Length, i , 1.2 inch, greatest breadth, on middle segments, .16 inch ; ? , 1.4 inch, breadth .17 inch ; cylindrical, slender, the dorsum arched, and sloping about equally either way from the middle ; 13 ending in two long, slender, tapering tails ; color yellow-green ; on mid-dorsum a dark green band, on the edge of dorsal area a narrow yellow stripe to the tail, and on upper side of it a dark green line, another such line on mid-side, and a yellow stripe along DEBTS I. base ; all the cross-ridges thickly set with fine whitish tubercles, each giving a very short fine hair ; tails red-tipped ; under side, feet, and legs pale green ; head ob-ovoid, broad on lower front, narrowing rapidly upwards, well rounded on front and sides ; on each vertex a long, tapering process, their bases meeting at the suture ; these processes, as well as the rest of the head, are rough, with large rounded equal tuberculations, each with its short, stiff white hair ; color yellow- green, the processes red, all tubercles white ; the ocelli brown, the largest green with brown rim. (Figs. From fifth moult to pupation about fifteen days. The position when suspended is shown by Fig. h. Chrysalis. _ Length .6 inch, greatest breadth across both mesonotum and abdomen .22 inch ; cylindrical, the abdomen conical ; head case short, bevelled on both sides equally to a rather broad, sharp ridge, with sharp, triangular corners, at top a -little excavated, the sides roundly excavated ; mesonotum prominent, angular, the apex rounded, followed by a shallow depression ; wing cases flar¬ ing at base, very little constricted in middle ; color delicate green, sometimes with a bluish tint ; the ventral side of abdomen paler ; the top of head and dorsal edges of wing cases cream-white ; surface smooth, glossy. (Figs, i to i3.) Duration of this stage in May, thirteen to fourteen days. Portlandia flies throughout the Atlantic States and Mississippi Valley. It is abundant in the South and West, but how far to the West it flies I am unable to say. I have received it, however, from Fort Niobrara, Nebraska. It is believed to be nowhere a common species in New York or New England, and is occa¬ sionally taken as far east as Halifax, Nova Scotia. Prof. C. H. Fernald informs me that at Orono, Maine, the late Mr. Anson Allen used to find it in some numbers through the summer on a road through a growth of spruce trees. I learn from Mr. H. H. Lyman, of Montreal, that Mr. E. C. Trenholme, of that city, has found this species tolerably common on the Western and Little Moun¬ tains, above Montreal, on one occasion having “come upon a flock of a dozen, flitting about near the ground.” Mr. Lyman writes that he has received two specimens taken at East Selkirk, Manitoba, lat. 50° 10', the most northern locality probably so far noted. In Say’s time, about 1825, Portlandia was known only as southern, and that author states that it had never been taken so far north as Pennsylvania. Very likely the species has spread to the north and east during the last sixty years, as many species of birds are known to have done. Mr. Philip H. Gosse, in his “ Canadian Naturalist,” London, 1840, p. 246, speaks of seeing a single DEBIS I. example in Canada. The same author, in “ Letters from Alabama,” London, 1859, pao>e 122, gives an interesting account of the habits of the species, unc ei the name of Hipparchia Andromacha, which I copy here. “ It is interesting from its social and gamesome habits. A particular individual will frequent the foot of a particular tree for many successive days, contrary to the roaming habit of butterflies in general. Hence he will sally out on any other passing butterfly, either of his own or of another species, and after performing sundry circumvolutions, retire to his chosen post of observation again. Occasionally 1 have seen another butterfly of the same species, after having had his amicable tussle, take likewise a stand on a neighboring spot, and after a few minutes rest, both would simultaneously rush to the conflict, like knights at a tournament, and wheel and roll about in the air as before. Then each would return to his own place with the utmost precision, and presently renew the 4 passage of arms, with the same result, for very many times in succession.” I have myself never had an opportunity of observing the habits so well described, nor can I lear o others having done so. But a butterfly restricted to forests in which was no undergrowth, like the pine forests of the South, would of necessity have the habit of restino* on trees. The late Mr. James Ridings collected butterflies in Georgia, a few years ago, and informed me on his return that Satyrus Pegala alighted on the bark of trees in the pine forests, and returned persistently to the same spot, and as he compared the habit with that of Portland ia, probably he had noticed the latter species in the same district. I know of no other of the North American Satyrinse which do this, unless it be the Chionobas of the Gig as group. The species is not a common one in the region in which I live, but every year I see a few individuals flying near the ground about the edge of the wood, or among the trees and shrubs near my house. They are also to be seen in the depth of the forest. On one occasion, in June, I visited an unopened coal seam at least a mile from any clearing, and at five hundred feet elevation above the creek, where the coal was exposed to view, owing to its being between two ledges of rock, a little sulphur-tinctured water trickled upon the base rock, and here were several Portlandia and that rare butterfly, Eudamus Cellus, m a clus¬ ter, eagerly sucking. On the way down the creek, the wheel of the wagon struck a small, decayed, moss-covered stump at the foot of the hill, and quite a flock of Portlandia , which had been resting on the stump, were flushed. 1 caught eight, four of them with one sweep of the net, all males fresh from chrysalis. Near the same place, several summers ago, Mr. Ridings took a num¬ ber of specimens. He told me that this butterfly was infallibly attracted by any excrementitious matter, and he had only to wait near a spot where such was to be found to get all the individuals he wanted. DEBIS I. Mr. Lewis Ullrich, of Tiffin, Ohio, wrote in August, 1881, that shortly before, he had taken some hundred and fifty good examples of Portlandia, and rejected many more as imperfect, in a certain piece of woods near by, and remarked that the species seemed to be confined to this particular spot, and, so far as he knew, was not to be found elsewhere in the County. Two or three years later I ap¬ plied to Mr. Ullrich for specimens, and learned that the old hunting-ground had been cleared of undergrowth and cattle turned in, to the utter destruction of these butterflies. The larvae, like all the family, eat grasses. I first obtained one egg of Portlan¬ dia by confining a female on grass under a net, August 22, 18TB, but it failed to hatch. Several other experiments were unsuccessful, until August 15,1877, when I got seven eggs. These hatched on 21st, and on 27th, the larvae began to pass the^first moult; on 3d September, the second moult, on 12th, the third, and soon after, all became lethargic, and were left in a cool room for the winter. On February 17, 1878, they were brought into a warm room, and the same day were seen to be moving. On 26th February, one passed the fourth moult, and died soon after from injuries received on the way to Philadelphia, for its portrait. Meanwhile all the rest had died. That is a sample of the bad fortune which often happens in rearing butterfly larvae, and it has not unfrequently taken me several years to get at a complete life-history of a species. On September 5, 1881, I received twelve eggs from Mr. Ullrich. These began to hatch on 8th; on 15th the larvae were passing first moult, on 23d, the second. On 8th October, one passed the third. The moults were irregular, several days intervening between the passage by the first and last larva of same stage. On 24th October, one passed the fourth, but died soon after ; the others were in lethargy by 1st November. Early in February, 1882, these larvae were brought into the house, and on 24th, were observed to be in motion ; by 1st March all were feeding. The fourth moult was passed from 16th to 23d March; on 31st, one passed the fifth, and the last passed same on 4th April. The first chrysalis formed 13th April, and this gave imago 29th. Two that passed fifth, 5th April, pupated 20th, and the butterflies came out 4th May. The hibernating larvae, therefore, pass three moults in the fall, and two in spring ; but it is probable that the number of moults of a summer brood is but four, as with some of the allied species. While the larva is at rest the head is bent under so that the horns are turned forward, and the back part is in line with dorsum, as seen in Fig. g. When a moult takes place, as the old face is cast off, the new horns are seen folded down over the face and flattened, and it is several minutes before they begin to rise and fill out, and fully ten before they are erect. These organs are not solid, but DEBIS I. hollow shells merely. I noticed one larva as it was passing the second moult, and another at the fourth, and the behavior was the same in both cases. As the tails were disengaged from the old skin, they stood apart at a right angle foi some time, and in about ten minutes began slowly to approach each other and get in line with the body. The first movement of the larva was to turn around so as to get at and devour the cast skin. In suspension the figure is very differ¬ ent from N. Gemma , but is like N. Sosybius , and nearly same as m Satyrus Alope. (Fig. h.) , I have taken Portlandia at Coalburgh, W. Va., as early as 18th May, and fresh examples in June, July, and August. There must here be at least two annual generations, possibly three. If three, the first in May, the second middle of July, the third late in August. _ This is the only species of its genus accredited to the Americas, but under the supposed synonymical name of Lethe, Marshall and De Niceville, in The Buttei flies of India,” describe thirty-four species, which they divide into four groups, principally inhabiting the Eastern Himalayas and Assam. Nothing is said ot the early stages of these species, and it remains to be seen from comparison of egg, larva, and pupa, whether either of the groups or any one of the species is really congeneric with Debis Portlandia or not. It is highly probable that they are not, and that Portlandia properly forms a genus by itself. Say describes the caterpillar briefly as “ downy and mueronate behind, — mucronate, in his glossary, meaning “terminating in a sharp point Of the chrysalis he says, “ It is angulated, bi-mucronate on the front ; which is not a correct description, as the head case is without points or processes. Boisduva and Leconte give a fair representation of the chrysalis after Abbot but the caterpillar is bad as can well be. The description in the text is drawn from the figure and not from nature, and it is said that the two points which surmount the head spring up in the form of ears (s’elevent en form d’oreilles) as indeed they do in the figure. The same authors copy from Abbot’s unpublished figures what perhaps is the Georgia type of the butterfly, large, with very large and nearly equal ocelli over both wings. Note. _ Since this paper was printed I have received a letter from Mr. L. Ullrich, before mentioned, and to whom I had written to ask if he had observed the gamesome habit described by Mr. Gosse. Mr. U1 nc is an Experienced collector of lepidoptera ; he is also Cork of Seneca County, Ohio, and was so engrossed y his official duties that he could find no time for an earlier reply. Hence this note. The lettei saj . ^ not recollect of ever seeing Portlandia flying antagonistically at other species, but to see them sitting on side of a tree or stump head downward, the wings closed over the back, was a common occurrence. The many butterflies I found in 1881 - and I took hundreds of them - were all from an area of about one acre m extent within a small piece of woods. Here was an open patch on which grew a certain kind of giass food of the caterpillars! and joining it was a half acre of open second-growth of hazel, maple, and other trees from fifteen to twenty feet high. When the sun shone clear it was usual to find a score or more of Portlandia DEBIS I. about one tree, sitting on the trunk, flying up and away a few feet, and returning to same tree, apparently playing with each other. At the same time the great body of the butterflies seemed content with resting in the full sunlight on the tops of the leaves. “ Some trees seemed to have more attraction than others. I remember a certain hickory where I could always find some of the butterflies sitting on the trunk. “ Plenty as Portlandia was there, not one did I ever find outside this acre, not even in the piece of wood in which it was enclosed, or in any other part of Seneca County.” I also have had a few lines from Mr. Behrens, in which lie asserts that the larger Cliionobas of the Pacific coast have no such habit of settling on the trunks of trees, as I had conjectured might be the case from an expression in one of his old letters. DEBIS I. EXPLANATION OF THE PLATE. Portlandia, Figs. 1, 2 $, 3, 4 ?. a Egg, magnified. b Young Larva, side view ; b 2 back, magnified. b3 head ; b 4 segment 2 ; bh last segment ; b 6 hairs, magnified. c Larva after 1st moult ; c2 head; c3 dorsal view of one of the middle segments, magnified. d Larva after 2d moult. e Larva after 3d moult. / Larva after 4th moult ; f2 head ; /3 middle segment ; /4 end of 13, magnified. g Mature Larva after 5th moult, nat. size. g 2 head of same, magnified. h Larva suspended for pupation. i i2 i3 Chrysalis. d3 a. b-f. C A.N T H U S . 1.2 6, 3.4 ? Z99 magnified. g. Larva., Larva. , young to 4th moult g -2 4 h. Chrysalis. e. e 4 6 VAR . b^rnoult m ature nat . sixe . head and segts magnified. SATYRODES I. SATYRODES CANTHUS, 1-5. „ . , . 1T , , > r ;nn ^ ipn l’Ampr d1 60. 1833. Westwood-Hewitson, Satyrodes Canthus, Boisduval and Leconte (not Linn.), 1 .,p Gen. Di. Lep., II., p. 375. 1851. Edwards, Can. Ent., XY., p. 64. 1883. Id., XVII., p. 112. 1885. ler nald, Butt. Maine, p. 70. 1884. Frencli, Butt. East. U. S., p. 232. 1886. Boisduvallii, Harris, Ins., p. 305, fig. 128. 1862. , .„Bq Eurydice, Scudder (not Linn.), Butt. N. E., I., p. 193, pi. 1, g. 1 , P • ’ =>' Male. — Expands from 1.6 to 2.2 inches. . Upper side gray-brown, the outer third of both wings light, but varying muc 1 in individuals ; the darker portion of primaries limited without by a fuscous ( 1 - fuse stripe from subcostal to second or third median nervule, bending outward on the upper median nervule at nearly a right angle ; on secondaries there aie traces more or less distinct, of a similar stripe, but narrowed ; primaries have an extra-discal, nearly straight, transverse row of small, round, fuscous spots, usually four in number, standing on the two discoidal and the median interspaces ; sometimes a fifth spot is present on the lower subcostal interspace, out of line with the rest, turned towards the base ; these spots vary in size usual y the lower two being largest and equal, the upper two a little smaller and equal ; t le fifth spot minute ; all surrounded by a narrow ring, paler than t le gioiuH co 01 , but often there is nothing of this ; sometimes the lower spot has a white centra dot: secondaries have a corresponding row of six spots, sometimes all large, at others small as the spots of primaries, either without rings or with decided rim-s of brown-yellow, the uppermost spot, which is usually the largest o series, always without ring, and the spot next angle always minute ; fringes gray- b‘ Under side yellow-brown, the outer third of each wing paler; the two areas separated by a dark brown stripe, which in some examples is ^ throughout most of its course, sometimes sinuous ; each wing has a su da ^ covering the arc of cell, and there is a common stripe crossing both cell- interspaces; the spots repeated, enlarged, each in a brown-yellow ring, u n SATYRODES I. itself is surrounded by a dark ring and a pale halo, and each has a white pupil ; the anal spot duplex, with double pupil. Body above color of wings, beneath, the thorax and abdomen yellow-white, or in the darkest winged examples, brown-yellow; legs yellow-brown above, whitish below ; palpi yellow-white with brown hairs in front ; antennae fuscous above, narrowly ringed yellow or whitish, beneath red-brown; club fuscous, the top red-brown. (Figs- 1? 2, var. 5.) Female. — Expands from 1.7 to 2.4 inches. In general like the male, but of paler hue ; the spots larger ; on the under side the inner rings are more yellow, and each series of spots is inclosed by a pale elongated ring; but the uppermost spot on secondaries is separated from the restand has its own set of rings. (Figs. 3, 4.) Examples from Colorado are larger than any from New England, and somewhat larger than from Michigan or Illinois. There is everywhere great variation in the color and markings of this species, but I have never seen an example, nor is there one recorded, that is without the rounded spots on upper side. Egg. — Subglobular, much flattened at base, as broad there as high ; surface slightly rough, but without definite markings even under a pretty high power ; but increasing this, there are. to be seen small shallow cells, and a resemblance to eggs of the Neonymphse; color greenish-white. (Fig. a). Duration of this stage about seven days. Young Larva. — Length .09 inch ; cylindrical ; segment 2 rounded and some¬ what prominent ; from 3 to 11 tapering very gradually, 12 and 13 abruptly, and ending in two short pointed tails ; color at first yellow-white, in a few hours changing to pale green ; the upper surface shows six longitudinal rows of low, conical, black tubercles, each of which gives a short, thick, black bristle, thick¬ ened at the end ; on 3 and 4 these are in cross line, on middle of the segment ; on 2, the tubercles of the upper rows are advanced to front, and behind and be¬ tween is an additional tubercle ; that of the lateral row is above the line and in middle of the segment, and is without bristle, and below, in front of the spiracle, is a smaller tubercle and hair, and under it a hair without tubercle ; on 4 to 12 the tubercles are in triangle, as in Neonymphas ; on 13 is a triangle at the front, two at base of tail corresponding to the upper rows, and longer than elsewhere ; at the end of the tail a still longer bristle ; along the base of the body is a row of short hairs, two on 2 and from 4 to 12, one on 3, 4, springing from tubercles and longer and tapering, one on 13 ; still another row of very short, tapering hairs SATYRODES I. over feet and legs, three on 2, one on 3 to 6 ; two on 7 to 10, one on 11, 12, one on front of 13, and three over the anal legs ; feet and pro-legs green ; head con¬ siderably broader than 2, obovoid, truncated, the top depressed, the vertices low, conical, excavated at summit, and in the cavity a small tubercle and tapering hair (Fig. b 3) ; other tubercles arranged in cross rows, the upper row of two and largest, the next of six, the next of four, and the lower row of two, those of the second and third rows next suture without hairs ; other short hairs over man¬ dibles : the surface shallowly indented : color light brown ; ocelli reddish-brown. (Figs, b, b\) At three days from the egg, length .18 inch ; color pale green, showing three whitish longitudinal lines, one near middle of dorsum, one on the verge of dor¬ sum, one on middle of side. As the first moult approaches, the body becomes broad as the head, vitreous-green, the white lines distinct. (Fig. b°.) Duration of this stage about eight days. After first moult : length .26 inch ; slender, slightly thickest in middle seg¬ ments ; the tails longer in proportion than at first stage, slender, sub-conical, pink-tinted, rough with white pointed tubercles and short bristles ; on the trans¬ verse ridges of all segments are fine, sharp, white tubercles, each with its short white hair, or process ; color at first greenish-yellow (Fig. c), later changing to pale green (Fig. c3) ; on middle of dorsum a dark green stripe free from tuber¬ cles, on either edge of this a line of white tubercles ; another line of tubercles, sub-dorsal, a third along base ; between the last two are two other fine white lines, and one such between the dorsal and sub-dorsal ; feet and legs green ; head a little broader than 2, obovoid, the sides more sloping, less rounded, than in the first stage ; on each vertex a long, tapering process or horn, tuberculated, brown-tipped, and marked in front by a reddish stripe which is extended down the side of the face to the ocelli ; surface finely tuberculated ; color of face and head yellow-green. (Fig. c2.) To next moult six to nine days. After second moult: length from .34 to .4 inch; same shape; color yellow- green ; the same tuberculated lines ; head as before, but narrower and higher, the horns longer and nearer together, striped as before, but the upper part pink ; color of face pale green. (Figs, d to d3.) To next moult fourteen to eighteen days. After third moult : length .55 inch ; shape and color, at first, as at preced¬ ing stage ; but a few hours after the moult, in nearly all the examples, the color changed to brown and buff; at twenty-four hours from the moult, length SATYRODES I. .57 inch ; on middle of dorsum a broad brown stripe, on either side of which is a band of reddish-buff, passing into greenish-buff on the outer side ; on the side another buff band, through the middle of which runs a brown line ; the basal ridge buff ; head and horns as at preceding stage (Figs, e to e 4). A few days later the buff larvae became lethargic. But one of the green larvae proceeded to fourth moult without change of color. From third to fourth moult, in the Fall, twenty-six days. After fourth moult, in Fall : length .6 inch ; color green ; but twenty-four hours after the moult had changed ; color now yellow-buff and red-brown ; the mid-dorsal stripe pale brown, the bands on either side of it greenish-yellow ; the side brown, with a dull green line running through it ; head shaped as before, the face green, stripes reddish-brown. This larva became lethargic a few days later, but died during the winter. After hibernation, in Spring : the color gradually changed from buff to green ; wholly dull green, with a darker mid-dorsal stripe ; a yellow sub-dorsal line from horn to tip of tail ; two obscure yellow side lines ; along base yellow ; tails green to tips ; head pale yellow, the stripes brown. Twenty-two days after the end of hibernation passed fourth moult. After fourth moult in Spring : length .62 inch ; color pale green, the mid-dorsal stripe dark green ; the dorsal bands yellow-white ; the two lines on side and the basal stripe same hue ; head emerald-green, the horns reddish, the stripe dark brown. (Figs./ to/3; /4 is the natural size a few days after the moult.) Dura¬ tion of this stage thirty days. After fifth moult : length one inch ; color green, striped with whitish ; in about twelve days was fully grown. Mature Larva. — Length 1.2 inch ; long, slender, segments 2 and 12 of equal diameter, the dorsum arched on middle segments, sloping evenly both ways, ending in two long tapering tails, which are roughly tuberculated ; each segment creased transversely so as to make six ridges, the front one, from 3 back, twice as broad as any other and flattened, the rest a little rounded ; whole surface covered with fine sharp tubercles, each of which gives a fine short hair; color of body green ; a darker, mid-dorsal stripe, and on each side of this a pale green dorsal band, on the outer edge a yellow-green stripe ; the side covered by a pale green band through which runs a yellow line ; along base a yellow stripe ; feet SATYRODES I. and legs pale green ; head obovoid, high, the top narrow, on each vertex a long, tapering, conical process or horn, the two meeting at base; whole surface lough with fine tubercles, each with fine, short hair; color yellow-green, the horns red ; down the front of each horn from near the top, a biown stupe, which passes alongside of face to the ocelli, tapering to a line. (Figs, g natural size, g to y4 magnified.) The length of the period from last moult to pupation I am unable to give, but it is probably about ten days. Chrysalis. — Length .62 inch; breadth across mesonotum .16, across abdo¬ men .17 inch; cylindrical, slender; the edges of wing cases prominent; head case a little produced, beveled transversely to a sharp edge, excavated veiy lit¬ tle at the sides, the top incurved, the corners sharp ; mesonotum prominent, the ■ anterior side forming almost a right angle with the dorsal side, carinated, the sides flat and sloping ; color green ; the top of head case and dorsal edges of wing cases buff, a buff mid-dorsal stripe, and on either side of this another ; also a faint lateral stripe on abdomen of same color. (Figs, h, A2, magnified.) Canthus flies in the northern States from Maine to Wisconsin, at least, and from New Jersey and northern Pennsylvania to Iowa, Nebraska, and Colorado. In the latter State it has been observed only in the northeastern part. Mr. David Bruce writes : “ It occurs near Estes Park. This region is of about 5,000 feet elevation, and is well watered by the Big Thompson and Cache la Poudre rivers, and is full of small lakes and reedy flats where many of the small waterfowl breed in numbers. In this locality Canthus flies in abundance. The Colorado examples are of large size, exceeding any eastern ones, the males reaching 2.2 inches in expanse of wing, the females 2.4 inches, but they do not differ in other respects from their congeners. Until recently, this species has not been reported in the southern States, or south of the Ohio River. But, in Psyche, Vol. V., p. 348, May, 1890, Mr. El¬ lison A. Smythe, Jr., of Columbia, South Carolina, relates as follows : “ While col¬ lecting Catocalas, in September, 1889, in a thick swTamp, in Clarendon Co., S. C., near the Santee River, I came to a spot where a ray of sunlight penetrated the thick foliage far overhead, and there, in the glow, were a great number of Debis Portlandia, having a game of i hide and seek with one another. I stood watch¬ ing their gambols for some time, until I thought that one of then numbei seemed smaller and otherwise different from the rest ; in a moment he lit close to me, and I saw to my surprise that it was something entirely different, and at the mo¬ ment I could not place it. That was enough, however, and I started to capture SATYRODES I. it. But the game was not in my own hands. At the first movement, off he went, jerking in and out among the cypress knees and live oak buttresses, for some dis¬ tance, becoming invisible when he lit. Capture on the wing seemed the only possible means of securing him, and so off I dashed, into tree trunks, splashing through water, occasionally falling flat in the mud over a concealed root ; but the last time I fell, my net was over my prize, which proved to be Canthus. After con¬ siderable beating about, I started another, whose final capture was effected after a repetition of my first chase. These were the only two seen, though I hunted the same swamp for the next day. • This capture seemed strange, for that espe¬ cial swamp has been a favorite of mine for over eight years, and has been searched thoroughly by me. It is the only instance, to my knowledge, of the oc¬ currence of the species anywhere in the southeastern States.” On reading this, I wrote Mr. C. Troxler, Senr., of Louisville, Kentucky, a col- ’ lector of experience, but the reply came that he had never known Canthus to have been taken in Kentucky. Nevertheless, from the secluded habits of the species, it may perhaps haunt many a spot in the South. In British America, the species ranges from Nova Scotia to Hudson’s Bay, and westward nearly to longitude 85°, perhaps farther. Mr. Scudder speaks of a colony far to the north, at Great Slave Lake. It is said to be not uncommon in the Adirondacks of New York, but I have never seen it in the Catskills, in the same State. Mr. Scudder tells us that, in New England, it lives in elevated, moist meadows, and “ is so restricted to them that one may sometimes find it in a spot but a few acres in extent, and search in vain beyond.” Dr. Holland writes : “I found it very abundant at Saratoga, New York, in the grassy meadows near the lake. It seemed to hide among the tall drooping tufts of marsh grass, and by beating these, I succeeded in startling forth a large number of fresh specimens, male and female.” Mr. Bruce, at Brockport, western New York, says : “ Canthus is common near here, in a genuine bog by the side of the Erie Canal. Another station in this State is near Syracuse. I never met with it on open, dry places.” Mr. James Fletcher, Ottawa, Canada, says “ It is a common species here, found in many places. I have never taken it before 28th J une, nor after August 2d, that I remember. It flies with a slow, drooping flight, very much like that of Satyrus Nephele. Notwithstanding this, however, it is very difficult to catch, being quicksighted and wary. It has, when settled, the same habit as Debis Portlandia, of facing round and watching as you approach. It always flies in wet meadows, or swamps, and nearly always over water. I got the larvm by beating beds of Scirpus eriophorum in the beginning of June. They will feed on any of the coarse Cyperacese. I have also found the larvsn on Carex bromoides. SATYRODES I. It seems to be an early feeder ; I have never found larvae feeding in a state of nature after five o’clock in the morning.” Superintendent I. N. Mitchell, of Fond du Lac, Wisconsin, writes : “ Canthus occurs here, but my knowledge of its habits is entirely from meeting it in south¬ ern Michigan. I have taken many specimens there in two neighboiing spots, in Cass County. One of these is a large meadow on the border of a lake, the meadow being covered with high grass. In some parts also thickly covered with trees and shrubs, but in others only partially with clumps of willow and shrubs, leaving open spaces of grass. It is in this last part that Cantlius is most com mon, though it flies in all parts, and among the trees. It usually starts out of the grass near a clump of willow, flies among the bushes, in and out, dodges around them, where Eurytris flies through them. Canthus is much more easily taken than the other species. The second spot referred to is a small marsh, bordered by an abrupt hill which is wooded with beech and maple. In the maish are grasses three or four feet high, willows, tamarack, sumac, and shrubs scat¬ tered about. I often started Canthus from the leaves of the beeches on the edges of the marsh, but never very far from the marsh. They usually made toward it when disturbed, and often settled near the upper ends of the grass stems, but low enough below the tops to be well hidden. They often alight on the trunks, limbs, or leaves of trees or bushes growing in the marsh, and I have started them out by throwing clods. Occasionally I took them on the stump of a recently felled maple, attracted by the sweet sap, and then in company with Graptas and Yanessans. Professor Edward T. Owen, at Madison, Wisconsin, says : “ I take Canthus in large numbers in and about our swamps. It is quite rare even a quarter of a mile from them. The tall swamp grass is its favorite haunt.” Mr. Edward A. Dodge, of Louisiana, western Missouri, writes : “ Canthus was a not uncommon insect in both Illinois and Nebraska. So far as I know from eighteen years’ experience, it was to be found only in grassy and weedy sloughs, flying weakly, close to the ground, and alighting on the grass stems.” Mr. Worthington writes from Chicago : “ Canthus is equally abundant in open dry woods, dense ridges, or swamps. About the Calumet Lakes, on the wooded ridges, in swamp land, it is abundant. It also flies in the open oak woods on the hio-h sand hills further north and east. North of the city, in the wooded lands, thirty to fifty feet above the lake, it is quite common. I remember the species distinctly as taken near and north of Milwaukee, Wisconsin, where all the land is hio-li and rolling. From its habit of visiting the prairie morning and evening, I judge it may breed there ; but a flight in the open in broad day is certain death, as they are an easy prey to the dragon-flies. SATYRODES I. Mr. Fletcher says he received an example of Ccinthus from Rev. W. A. Burman, at Griswold, Manitoba, taken “in a shady ravine.” Professor French writes : “ My observations are that this species flies in dry orass lands, and in the edge of low brushy places. I did not find it in swamps at all. But I never saw it flying except in one locality, in northern Indiana, where I was staying a few days.” I see no reason why the species should not frequent upland and dry places, or dry, open woods, as well as wet meadows, though from the testimony it is most often found near water. But in confinement, the larvae eat lawn grass, and, of course, could eat any grass in a state of nature, though they seem to have a preference for coarser sorts, and such as grow in wet places. Mr. Worthington sent me the first eggs I obtained, laid 11th to 13th July, 1879, by females tied in a bag over grass. When they reached me, on 20th, some were still unhatched. The first moult was passed 27th July, the second, 2d August, the third, 16th August ; but at each stage some larvae lagged, so that the third moult came on at various dates up to 2d September. The color of all the larvae was green till after the third moult, when the first which had passed that moult, in course of twenty-four hours after same, changed to buff and brown, and on 31st August, these were evidently beginning their hiberna¬ tion. But two, which passed third moult latest, went to fourth, one of them having changed to buff and brown, and passed that moult on 19th September, the other retaining its original color. This last passed fourth moult, 17th Sep¬ tember, and during the day after, had also changed color. I lost all the larvae of this brood. On 25th July, 1881, I again received eggs, this time from Mr. W. C. Gallagher, then at Whitings, Lake County, Indiana, and another lot on 1st August. From one cause or other, the most efficient being minute spiders in the sod, I had but three larvae left on 30th August, all past the third moult. All changed from green to buff and brown shortly after that moult. One was sent to Mrs. Peart, in Philadelphia. By 10th September, the other two were in lethargy, but it was observed that they had moved several times up to 4th December. One died during the winter, the other I brought into a warm room, 13th February, and placed in the sun. In about fifteen minutes it moved, and soon after, was feeding. When brought in, it was much smaller than when it went into lethargy ; then measuring .6 inch, now less than .4 inch. By 25th February, it had reached .5 inch, and by 2d March, its former length, .6 inch. Early m March it began to change color, and by 6th inst., had become green again. It reached .66 before the fourth moult occurred, 24th March. I sent it to Mrs. Peart, for drawing, and there it passed 5th moult, 25th April ; and continued to feed, by 7th May becoming full grown. After this, it seemed to be at rest all SATYRODES I. the time, and finally died, 2d July, before pupating. So that the egg which had been laid in middle of July produced a larva which had not pupated 2d of July the year after. The larva which was sent Mrs. Peart in the Fall behaved differently, going on to fourth moult, which it passed 17th October. This lived in lethargy through the winter, but escaped before its fifth moult. The chrysalis figured I received from Mr. Fletcher, 22d August, 1884. Mr. Fletcher writes, 4th February, 1890 : “ I generally feed and get the pupae of a dozen or so Canthus every spring. All my larvae have been green, not drab. When the larva is at rest, it lies extended along the leaf, generally beneath the blade, and also alongside the midrib, the horns of the head and tails in a line with the body, and it is very hard to detect it when at rest. My observa¬ tions are to the same effect, that when at rest, these larvae have their heads turned down and under, so that the horns are nearly in same plane with the body, after the manner of larva* of Apatura, also of Neonympha. But when feed¬ ing, "the tails are elevated. Mrs. Peart has well shown this in figure /4. When in this position, one extremity in profile is almost the same as the other, and the dorsum, being elevated in middle segments and sloping equally either way, makes the beholder uncertain at first view which is the head and which is the other extremity. The species Canthus, Portlandia , Gemma , and Areolatus, placed in three genera, have some points, in the early stages, in common, and in others a curious interrelationship. The shape of the egg is the same in all ; in Portlandia , the surface is smooth, even under a high power ; in Canthus, it is smooth, but a high power brings out reticulations similar to those of the remaining two species, which are nearly alike. The heads of the young larvae of Portlandia and Can¬ thus are ovoidal, truncated, of Areolatus, ovoidal, but approaching a circle in out¬ line, in Gemma more decidedly circular ; Canthus has on each vertex a depres¬ sion, out of the middle of which rises a low cone ; Portlandia has the cone with¬ out 'the depression ; Areolatus has an ovoid knob ; while Gemma begins with a pair of high, divergent, conical horns. At first moult, Portlandia shows a pair of widely separated, high, conical processes or horns on head; Canthus a pair much resembling, but coming near together at base ; Gemma long, tapering, divergent horns ; Areolatus has a low cone on each vertex ; and in each species the pecu¬ liar style of process runs through all the larval stages. As to the appendages on the bodies of the young larvse, Canthus, Gemma, and Areolatus are very nearly alike, in Portlandia they are everywhere longer. In maturity, Portlandia and Areolatus are rather stout, Gemma and Canthus quite slender ; and all four have long, slender, tapering tails. As to the chrysalids, Portlandia and Areolatus are very much the same shape, while Gemma and Canthus differ from them consider- SATYRODES I. ably, but less between themselves. In the imagos, Canthus is midway between Portlandia and the other two. It has the habit of alighting on trees, like Port¬ landia , and according to Mr. Fletcher, of facing about, and watching an ap¬ proaching entomologist, also like that other species, but in the others there is nothing of this. Both Portlandia and Canthus are attracted by sweet fluids, but I have never observed this in the other two. Canthus has d lifted about fiom one genus to another in the Catalogues, being of late years classed with Neo- nympha. Mr. Scudder has done well to separate it, and give it a distinct genus, which I have adopted, as it is largely based on the preparatory stages. Note. — Eurydice is not a North American butterfly, as I will show. A species of that name was published by Linnaeus, 1 / 64, and its name was changed by him, in 1767, to Canthus, Syst. Nat., 13th edition, p. 768, No. 129. “ Alis integerrimus fuscis : subtus primoribus ocellis quatuor, posticis senis. Papilio Eurydice, Hab. in Amer. Sept.” Fabricius, Syst. Ent., p. 486, No. 191, says : “ Canthus ; alis integris, supra fus¬ cis, immaculatcB. P. Eurydice, Linn., Hab. in Amer. Boieali. Alai omnes supra fuse®, immaculate,” etc. In Ent. Syst., III., p. 157, he again describes Canthus, “ omnes immaculate,” etc., in same words as before, but gives as syno¬ nym, Arganthe, Cramer, pi. 204, fig. C. D., besides Eurydice, Linn. Arganthe is a South American species, without spots on upper side. The mistake in the habitat was a common occurrence in the earlier days. The insect perhaps was received from New lrork or Philadelphia and credited accordingly. Godart follows Linnaeus and Fabricius, translating their descriptions. The dis¬ tinguishing character of Canthus, Linn, and Fab., is that the uppei side beais no spots ; it is immaculate. We first come on our Canthus in Boisduval’s Lep. Amer., where it is well fio-ured. My copy has no text to this and half a dozen other plates, and how this happened I never knew. But it is to be supposed that the text had been duly printed when the plate appeared. Dr. Harris first called attention to the fact that Canthus, Linn., was not our species. He says : “ This butterfly is figured in Dr. Boisduval’s Hist. des. Lep. de l’Amer., under the name of Canthus, Linn, and Fab., but as it does not agree with the description of Canthus, of Linn, or Fab., I have thought it entitled to a new name,” and he accordingly calls it Boisdu- vallii. I myself prefer to call it Canthus, Bois., the more, as since Boisduval’s publication, 1833, the species has usually been known, and most often treated of, by that name. However, if Eurydice, Linn., had been the same species, I would not at this late day substitute that name for Canthus. A name in use should never be changed for an obsolete name, and the neglect to observe this common- sense rule has worked a great deal of mischief. EXPLANATION OF THE PLATE. Canthus, 1, 2, 3, 4 9 , 5 var. $. a Egg. b Young Larva; b2 head; b 3 process on vertex; b5 section of side, segments 7 and 8 ; all magnified. b4 showing the tubercles and processes. c Larva at 1st moult ; c2 head ; c3 side of 7 and 8 ; all magnified. d Larva at 2d moult; d 2 head ; d3 side of 7. « Larva at 3(1 moult ; e1 head ; e dorsal view of 7 ; e< last segment; all magnified. f Larva at 4th moult; /’ head ; /» dorsal view of 7 ; all magnified; /* larva natural s.ze near the end of the stage. g Mature Larva, natural size ; / head ; _ Sub-globular, as high as broad, the base flattened ; surface under a low power smooth, but under a high one seen to be reticulated throughout in NEONYMPHA I. irregular hexagons, the sides of which have broad flanks that occupy neaily all the interior, leaving but a light point in centre of each ; color yellow-green. (Fig. a.) Duration of this stage from three to six days, according to the temperature. Young Larva. — Length .12 inch; cylindrical, a little thickest in middle, tapering very gradually to 13, which ends in two conical tails, from the end of each of which proceeds a long bristle, the space between the tails concave ; color yellowish-white ; the upper surface presents six rows of low, conical tubercles, each giving out a short process ; those on upper part club-shaped, slightly thick¬ ened at extremity ; low on either side is another row, of same thickness through¬ out; on 2, 3, 4, the upper processes are nearly in cross line ; on 4 to 12 they are differently arranged, each three being in triangle, the dorsal one lying on front of the segment, the sub-dorsal at the rear, the other a little before the middle ; on 13 there are eight, in two rows of four, the front consisting of the pair of dorsals and pair of laterals, the hinder row of the dorsals and sub-dorsals, besides a pair of sub-dorsal long bristles in the rear, and a pair of short ones in the concavity between the tails ; in the lower row, on each segment from 2 to 13, are two shorter processes, nearly in horizontal line, the hinder one always a little below the other ; on 7 to 10 each, and on 13, over the pro-legs, is a pair of very short hairs, in horizontal line; head one half broader than 2, broad as high, flattened frontally, a slight angular depression at top ; on each vertex, a coni¬ cal, divergent horn, somewhat curved forward, in three sections, each smaller at the junction than the top of the next below ; at the end a bristle, and another on the middle, on the inner side ; a few shorter ones scattered over face ; color of head and horns black-brown. In about two days from the egg the color gradually changes to pale green, and stripes appear, a white sub-dorsal, and two on mid-side. (Fig. b, 62.) Duration of this stage, six days in April, August, and October. After first moult : length .18 inch ; nearly the same shape, somewhat thicker in middle, the dorsum more arched ; the tails longer, more slender, and brown- tipped ; each segment five times creased, and on the ridges so caused a row of white tubercles, irregular, conical, each with a short white hair; color dark green, marked longitudinally by white ; on mid-dorsum a clear green stripe, and the ground on either side of it is whitish, owing to the numerous tubercles there ; on the verge of dorsal area a white stripe, another along base of body, and between these, on side, are two contiguous white lines; under side bluish-green, NEONYMPHA I. feet and legs green ; head sub-pyriform, truncated, higher and narrower in pro portion than before, the horns longer, more tapering, less divergent, slightly curved forward, about as long as the face ; the space between them not angular, but concave ; color of head and horns brown, pale on front face, and green- tinted ; from base of each horn a dark stripe passes down the side of face, and there is a second such stripe in front. (Figs, c, c2.) Duration of this stage, in August five days, in October ten, in May seven. After second moult: length .34 inch; nearly the same shape, the tails longer; color pale green, the stripes as before ; head nearly as at second stage, the horns more divergent ; color of front face deep green, the back of head dull green, the stripes and horns reddish-brown. (Figs, d, cP.) Duration of this stage, in August five days, in May eight. After third moult, in autumn : length .55 inch; same shape ; color soiled white, greenish on dorsum next head ; the dorsal stripe dark, the sub-dorsal and basal brown. At four days from the moult : length .72 inch ; color now drab on dorsum, the . median and sub-dorsal stripes darker ; sides red-brown, the two lines buff ; basal stripe yellow-buff ; under this, a broad black-brown stripe the length of body ; tails drab, reddened at tips. Mature Larva. — Length .96 inch; slender, the dorsym slightly arched; ending in two long, conical, sharp-pointed tails, which meet at base ; the whole surface finely and sharply tuberculated, most of the tubercles giving out a short white hair ; color buff and reddish-gray in bands and stripes ; a narrow gray mid-dorsal stripe, then a broad buff band to verge of dorsal area, and edged by a reddish line ; next a broad gray lateral band, with a narrow buff stripe below ; the basal stripe yellow-buff ; beneath this a partly obsolete blackish band ; tails drab, red at tips ; feet and legs brown ; head sub-pyriform, truncated, on each vertex along, conical, pointed horn, but little divergent, the space between the two at base concave ; color drab, both back and face ; horns drab behind, black- brown in front and between ; a broad black-brown stripe down the front face, and a narrow one on side from base of horn. (Figs, y, natural size, f, f , f > magnified.) In August, ten days from third moult to chrysalis. Mature Larva, in May, from eggs laid in April: color light yellow-green, the dorsal stripe darker, the sub-dorsal and lateral lines and basal stripe yellow ; tails pink-tipped ; head sordid greenish-white front and back, the stripes brown, horns red-brown. From third moult to pupation five and six days. All the larvie, ten in number, of this April and May brood were green. (Fig. e, magnified.) NEONYMPHA I. Chrysalis. - — Length .46 to .52 inch : greatest breadth, at abdomen, .14 inch ; cylindrical, abdomen conical ; head case scarcely produced beyond ineso- notum, narrow, excavated at sides, ending in two sharp, divergent projections, the depression between angular ; mesonotum prominent, carinated, angular, the summit rounded ; followed by a shallow depression ; wing cases flaring on dorsal side ; color of abdomen and dorsum from buff larva sordid yellow-buff, the wing and antennae cases and the projections all more yellow ; the surface finely streaked brown, irregularly and mostly longitudinally ; from posterior base of mesonotum to 13 a brown band ; the wing case shows an irregular, wavy, brown stripe on disk, and a stripe on costal margin ; each nervule ending in a blackish dot. (Figs, h, h, natural size, A2, magnified.) From oreen larvae green chrysalids ; blue-tinted, the dorsum and abdomen streaked with whitish; wing cases without stripe; the dorsal edges of wing cases carmine, and top of head case cream-color. Duration of this stage, in May, eight days. The attitude of this larva in suspension is peculiar. From 13 to 5, the body hangs almost straight, the dorsum incurved ; the anterior segments bent at right angle, the head turned down on 2. When at rest, in all the later stages, the larva holds the head bent under, so that the horns are nearly in the dorsal plane. (Fig. d.) Gemma is quite a common species in certain localities near Coalburgh, W. Va., but altogether wanting in others which would seem equally favorable for it. It is abundant in the grassy streets of a small village, and there are stretches of road through the woods, or near the creeks, where one is sure to find it during its season. I have never seen it on the hillsides. It has a slow, tremulous flight, near the ground, rests frequently, and returns to its haunts. There are here three annual broods : the butterflies appearing in April and May, in June and July, about 20th August and through September. The late larvse hibernate. They feed on grasses, and eggs are easily obtained by confin¬ ing the females over grass set in flower-pot. Eggs laid 21st April gave butterflies from 2d June. Eggs laid 7th August hatched 11th. The larvae were mature 3d September, and pupated 5th. On 23d August, I got sixteen eggs. Several of the larvae were placed in alcohol, but the remainder were mature, though in a lethargic condition, 20th November. I failed to carry these through the winter. Another female, 30th September, gave two eggs. From these, I raised one larva, which was lethargic and mature 24th November. This was kept in the house, and at intervals moved a little and fed ; finally pupated 4th February. As described above, the larvae of the spring brood have all been green, those of the later broods brown. NEONYMPHA I. Gemma flies in southern West Virginia, and in the same latitude to Illinois ; is common in the mountains of North Carolina and eastern Tennessee, and in the northern parts of Georgia, and Alabama. It does not seem to fly fai fiom the streams. Rev. W. J. Holland writes that it was found in great numbers at the foot of Bald Mountains, Madison County, N. C., near the French Broad River. “ The whole country here stands on end, and is a mass of piled up rocks and tilted strata. Here in the gullies and clefts Gemma abounded, in company with N. Sosybius. I never saw it in the lowlands of the State.” Mr. E. M. Aaron writes: “JV. Gemma I took in swampy woods around Mary¬ ville, east Tennessee, and at several points in western North Carolina. In fact, through all the river and creek bottoms of east Tennessee and w estern North Carolina it is moderately common. I have received it from the northern parts of South Carolina, Georgia, and Alabama. My brother took quantities of it along the river bottoms of the Gulf coast of Texas, and one specimen at Monterey, Mexico. When taken on the mountains of Tennessee, it was never at any altitude, and when far from running water was always badly worn.” NEONYMPHA I. NEONYMPHA HENSHAWI, 5-8. Neonympha Henshatoi, Edwards, Trans. Am. Ent. Soc., V.f 205, 1876. Male. — Expands 1.5 inch. - Upper side dark brown, often with a russet tint over the extra-discal areas o both wings; some examples have an ill-defined patch of russet on the median interspaces of primaries, and there is usually a russet edging to hind margin o secondaries next anal angle ; on middle of same margin two small black spots, not always present ; fringes dark gray. Under side either brown or russet, thickly dusted with yellow-white scales, more vellow beyond the discal band of secondaries; the whole surface finely streaked and dotted with red-brown ; primaries crossed by three wavy red-brown lines two of which enclose the discal band, the other lying nearly midway between the band and margin, often macular ; some examples have a demi- me crossing cell to median ; the discal lines are continued across secondaries, the outer one often projecting roundly on second sub-costal nervule ; a short sinuous line at anal angle; on middle of hind margin a large sub-oval patch, the ground of which is dark brown, sprinkled with whitish scales; wit in is, PP median and discoidal interspaces, a pair of velvet-black spots each with an inverted T-shaped patch of silver; in the interspaces towards outer angle a p of silver dashes each, and in lower median a silver serration, and a bar in sub- m 5 VAR . 9 > -a, . Egg b. Larva (young] rruig niflecL . c - f . „ A h . Chrysalis L^arva Ist to Ltf‘ m,lts . Taag . „ mature nat.svx'-e . NEONYMPHA II. NEONYMPHA AREOLATUS, 1-5. Neonympha Areolatus, Abbot and Smith, Insects of Georgia, I. pi. 13, 1797 ; Boisduval and Leconte, Lepid. de l’Amer., pi. 63, 1833; Edwards, Can. Ent., XIY. p. 163, 1882. Male. — Upper side brown, immaculate ; fringes concolored. Under side paler, with a gray tint ; hind margins edged by a common ferruginous stripe, a little before which is a second, narrower on primaries, often broader on seconda¬ ries ; on the basal areas two such stripes, not always reaching costa of primaries, nearly parallel, the outer one somewhat sinuous ; this outer stripe on secondaries unites at the angles with the second marginal one, and forms an irregular oval ring, within which, in each interspace from the upper discoidal to submedian inclusive, is a sub-oval, mostly long and narrow, dark brown spot in yellow ring, and dotted with metallic bluish points or minute clusters of scales ; there is much variation in these spots ; the upper one is small and sometimes wanting, and the lower one, or fifth, is much smaller than either of the other three. Occasionally there is a sub-oval ring on primaries also, enclosing one or two small ocelli in the middle interspaces. Body above, color of wings ; beneath, the thorax gray-yellow, abdomen gray- brown ; legs brown ; palpi buff, with dark brown hairs in front and at tips ; antennae dark above, buff below, club ferruginous. (Figs. 1, 2.) Fig. 5 repre¬ sents a variety of the male on which the bands of secondaries are diffused. Female. — Expands 1.7 inch. Both sides colored and in general banded and spotted as the male, but often the oval ring on primaries and the small spots are present. (Figs. 3, 4.) Egg. — Sub-globular, as high as broad, the base flattened; surface under a low power smooth, but under a high one seen to be reticulated in irregular shallowly excavated hexagons ; the micropyle in centre of a rosette of minute cells, five- sided ; color pale yellow-green. (Figs, a, a2.) Duration of this stage about six days. NEONYMPHA II. Young Larva. — Length .12 inch ; cylindrical, the thoracic segments equal, then tapering on dorsum and sides to 13, which ends in two short conical tails, from the end of each of which proceeds a long bristle, the space between the tails angular ; color delicate green ; the upper surface presents six rows of low, conical 'black tubercles (Fig. 64), each giving out a short black bristle or process, thickened at the end ; on 2, 3, 4, these are nearly in cross line, on 4 to 12 in triangle, the dorsal one on front of the segment, the sub-dorsal at the rear, the lateral a little before the middle; on 13 there are eight, in two rows of four on front and rear, besides the pair at ends of tails ; on 2 the cross line is to the front, and behind and between the upper pair is an additional one ; also m front ot spiracle is a small tubercle, and just below it a fine hair; along base of body is a row of fine short hairs, two on each segment from 2 to 13 ; feet and pro-legs green; head about twice as broad as 2, sub-globose, flattened frontally, a slight angular depression at top ; on each vertex a low semi-ovoid process, at the top idvino- two divergent black hairs; just below vertex is a similar smaller process, and two others in vertical line at side face, each of these with a single hair ; color black. (Figs, b to U\) Towards the end of the stage the color changes to decided green and several longitudinal stripes appear ; on either side of the green mid-dorsal one is a whitish stripe, and others on middle of side, and along base. (Figs, b, V.) Duration of this stage about eight days, but depending on the weather. After first moult: length .22 inch; slender, the dorsum slightly arched, the tails longer, tapering ; color of body green, the tails tinted red ; surface thickly covered with fine yellow tubercular points, partly arranged in longitudinal rows, ten in all, one on either side being next the mid-dorsal green stripe, one sub¬ dorsal, two on side, one along base, each point giving a fine short whitish hair ; under side, feet and legs green ; head rather ovoidal, truncated, and depressed at too • on each vertex a low compound process, made of a central cone, and others about its base, each with its bristle; surface of face rough with sharp tubercles of varying size, each with short bristle ; color of back of head and the front triangle d°eep green ; the rest of the front and the processes on vertices red- brown, with two green patches one on either side the suture ; ocelli emerald- crreen. (Figs, c, c2.) But some larvae have the head wholly green, the vertex processes reddish ; one had a brown band across forehead, the rest green; another had the front face except the triangle brown, the cheeks green. To next moult about nine days. After second moult : length .3 inch ; shape as before ; color yellow-green ; stripes as before ; head as at last previous stage, sometimes wholly green, some- NEONYMPHA II. times partly brown ; one example had one cheek brown, the other green. (Figs. d, d2.) To next moult about seven days. After third moult : length .7 inch ; color yellow-green. (Figs, e, e2.) In all examples bred by myself this was the closing stage. But Mrs. Peart carried one larva to fourth moult, the length then .96 inch. (Fig. /.) Mature Larva (whether after third or fourth moult). — Length 1.1 to 1.3 inch ; slender, the dorsum well arched, the slope either way from middle equal ; tails slender, conical, divergent ; color yellow-green ; the surface covered with fine sharp tubercles, most dense in certain longitudinal rows, one of which is on either side of the mid-dorsal dark green stripe, one sub-dorsal running from head to end of tail, two on the side, and a broad one along base ; tails reddish ; under side, feet and legs green ; head obovoidal, truncated, the top depressed angularly ; on each vertex a small conical process about the slope of which are several minute tubercles, each giving a short bristle ; surface rough with fine green tubercles among which are scattered a few white ; ocelli emerald-green. (Figs. g to <74.) The attitude in suspension is that of figure 6, quite unlike that of N. Gemma, before described. Chrysalis. — Length ■ jT f' S5 y «eE*ss“ 57 GALACTINUS 1.2 T. SINCLAIR «.«•*. LITM ^MILA !FORM CALIFORNIUS 5.6 d\ 7. 8 $i i. ERYNGII 9 9; magnified . CCENONYMPHA I. CCENONYMPHA GALACTINUS, 1-9. Ccenonympha Galactinus, Boisduval, Annales de la Soc. Ent. de France, 2d Series, X., 309, 1852; W. H Edwards, Can. Ent., XVIII., 201, 1886. . . Form California, Westwood- He witson, Gen. Diurnal Lep., 398, pi. 67, 1851. Cahformus , Boisd., 1. c. X., 309, 1852. Var. Eryngii, Henry Edwards, Pacific Coast Lepidoptera No. 24, Feb y, 1877. Form Galactinus. Male. — Expands 1.2 to 1.4 inch. Upper side sordid yellow-white, with a dusky shade over secondaries caused by the dark under surface ; immaculate ; the base more or less obscured by black scales, but some examples have nothing of this ; fringes long, color of wings. Under side gray-brown, darkest over basal half of secondaiies, the hind mar¬ gins of both wings lighter, a yellowish-gray ; the inner margin of primaries either whitish or tinted brown ; a pale ray crosses the disk beyond cell to lower median nervule, and on the basal side of this the dark scales are dense and make a sinuous or crenated edge; secondaries have a similar ray, angular, inteirupted on upper median interspace, broadest between this and costa; primaries have neai apex a small black ocellus, in pale ring, with white centre, but often there is merely a black dot, and sometimes this is wanting ; secondaries have from one to four sub¬ marginal ocelli in the median and disco-cellular interspaces, differing in indi¬ viduals as to distinctness. Body above, color of wings, beneath, the thorax is covered with long dark gray hairs; legs and palpi dark gray; antennae same above, yellowish below; club gray, tip ferruginous. (Figs. 1, 2.) Female. — Expands 1.45 inch. As in the male, the under surface rather darker ; the ocelli more pronounced, sometimes a second one in the second median interspace of primaries. (Figs. 3, 4.) Form California. CCENONYMPHA I. Both sexes are lighter colored than Gcilactinus , nearly white, there being no dark shade over upper surface, and no black at base ; beneath, the general color is yellowish, the extra-discal areas being nearly or quite free from black scales; the basal half of secondaries pale brown, slightly dusted black ; the ocelli same. (Figs. 5-8.) Var. Eryngii. This variety differs from California simply in being of a more yellowish hue on both surfaces, the basal areas on under side scarcely darker than the rest; and in the absence of ocelli, which is usually total; some examples, however, have traces of ocelli, as seen in Figure 9. — Conical, truncated, the flat top covered with a low netwoik of inegu- lar meshes, very fine about the micropyle ; the lower part well rounded, with a netted and indented surface ; the sides ribbed vertically, the ribs low, narrow, in number about forty, of which several end at from one third to four fifths the dis¬ tance from base; color yellow-green, with ferruginous specks here and there. (Fig. a, micropyle a2.) Duration of this stage about thirteen days. Young Lvrva. — Length .1 inch ; from 2 both dorsum and sides slope regularly to 13, which ends in two short, conical tails, at the end of each of which is a piocess like those on dorsum; color pale yellow-green, the under side less gieen, more yellow ; on mid-dorsum a brown line, and on either side three such, one sub¬ dorsal, one on middle, less distinct, and a third running with the spiracles; on each segment are six white processes, each process from the summit of a conical brown tubercle, forming six longitudinal rows, three on either side ; those of the dorsal rows are club-shaped, much thickened at end, of the sub-dorsal rows are more slender, of lower row, which is just above the spiracles, of equal thickness throughout ; on 2, 3, 4, the processes are nearly in cross line, but on 4 to 12, they form a triangle on each segment, the dorsal one being on the front, the sub-dorsal on the rear,°the other on second ridge ; on 2 the processes of the two upper rows are on front, and between them on the rear is a third ; in front of the spira¬ cle are two, the upper one short, and like the others of the lower row, but the second one is long and tapers like a hair; on 13 are fourteen processes, six being dorsal, three to each row, and four lateral, two to either side ; two at the ends° of the tails, and two in the hollow between the tails ; (in Fig b one process on 13 is by oversight omitted ; its place is near front of the segment in the lat¬ eral row ;) along the base is a row of very short processes, two on 2, one on 3 and CCENONYMPHA I. 4, two each from 5 to 12, one on 13; also over the pro-legs, 7 to 10, are two hairs each, but on 13 there are three, besides two clubs ; the processes of the upper rows are recurved, except on 2, where they turn forward, those of the basal row bend down and back ; feet and pro-legs yellow-green ; head broader than 2, rounded, narrowing toward the top, a little depressed ; color carnation ; over the face a few short clubbed processes, thick like the dorsals. (Figs, b to b1.) Dura¬ tion of this stage twelve to eighteen days. After first moult: length .19 inch; stouter; the dorsum less sloping, curving rapidly from 11 to end ; color yellow-green ; the mid-dorsal stripe dark green, the three side lines paler, and not very distinct, the upper one edged .on its lower side by whitish-green: the basal ridge yellowish; tails red at end ; surface co\ered thickly with low rounded tubercles, each with its short, bent, slightly clubbed white process; feet and legs green; head sub-globose, broader than 2; color dark green; the face much covered with fine white tubercles with short pro¬ cesses. (Figs, c— c3. ) Duration of this stage about seven days. After second moult: length .32 inch; scarcely differing from last previous stage ; the tubercles finer, much more numerous, rounded, the processes short, straight, and of uniform thickness. (Figs, d-d3.) To next moult ten days. After third (and last) moult: length .56 inch; shape as before; color yellow- green. But soon after the moult some of the larvae began to change color, and within four days had become red and buff. Mature Larva. — Length .84 inch ; slender, scarcely arched dorsally, of even height and width from 3 to 7 or 8, then tapering gradually to 13 ; ending in two short conical tails, which meet at base and are rough with tuberculations ; color yellow-green, striped longitudinally with yellow, there being two nanow stripes near together on mid-side, and a heavier and deeper colored basal stripe ; on mid-dorsum a dark green stripe, edged by pale green ; the tails red at tip ; under side, feet and legs bluish-green ; whole upper surface thickly covered with fine sub-conical white tubercles, each of which gives a fine short white process ; these are either tapering, or slightly clubbed, or cylindrical, the effect being to give a downy coat ; head broader than 2, sub-globose, narrowing toward top, de¬ pressed at suture ; much covered with fine tubercles and short processes. (Figs. e-e3.) Or the body was reddish with a buff tint, the stripes yellow ; the under side CCENONYMPHA I. red-brown ; head greenish-yellow, with a tint of brown over face. (Fig. /.) From third moult to pupation about twelve days. (The larval measurements were taken at from 12 to 24 hours from the egg or moult.) Chrysalis. — Length .36 inch; breadth at mesonotum .14, at abdomen .16 inch ; very much as in Satyrus Alope, the ventral side straighter, the abdomen more swollen, less tapering; cylindrical, stout, the upper end truncated, the abdomen conical ; head-case narrow, ending in a sharp cross ridge which is a little arched at top, the sides roundly excavated ; mesonotum prominent, arched, the carina rounded transversely, the sides slightly convex, followed by a shallow depression; color — from green larva — yellow-green, over dorsum and abdomen finely specked with white ; marked by nine black stripes of irregular length , of these, there is one on dorsal edge of each wing-case from base to inner angle ; a curved stripe on middle of same reaching the hind margin ; a short one on hind margin on ventral side, two parallel short ones on the antenna? cases, and a larger on ventral side between the wings ; there is also an imperfectly colored black stripe on either side of 13 (in the figures this is too black and distinct); top of head case whitish with a dash of black below on dorsal side. From buff larva ; color pinkish brown, no decided marks, but the curved wing stripes appear in a deeper shade of brown. One chrysalis from a buff larva was green, but the wing cases were buff ; and it was fully striped black. Another, also from buff larva, was pinkish at first, with three darker stripes on dorsum in addition to the nine before described, which last were faint brown; the three were, one on mid-dorsum below the excavation, and one on either side this ; in a day or two the chrysalis had changed to full green, with the nine distinct stripes as usual, but the three additional ones had disappeared.. Another was wholly green, with no stripes or traces of them. (Fig. 9.) Duration of this stage eleven and twelve days. The two forms Galactinus and California, or Californius, are of one species, as has been proven by breeding from the egg, Galactinus being the winter, the other the summer form/ And although California, Westwood-Hewitson, has the prece¬ dence of one year, yet I call the species Galactixus, because the winter form of a dimorphic species is regarded as the primary form, the only form when the species was single-brooded, and the summer form as secondary and derived from the other. On 1st May, 1885, I received thirteen eggs laid by Galactinus in confinement, from Professor J. J. Rivers, at Berkeley, California, and which had been mailed 23d April. They began to hatch 5th May. On 7th May, I received a second CCENON YMPHA I. lot of eggs from Professor Rivers. By 11th inst., all had hatched. On l 1880; Mead. Report Wheeler Exped., V ol. V., p. Mate _ Expands from 1.5 to 17 inch. . . , . upper side blackish-brown; primaries have an obscure --bmargma stnpe, two large black ocelli, placed as is usual m the group, each with ‘ nunil • these are surrounded by a russet halo, more or less diffused, the two ° meet' also the interspaces between the ocelli to the arc of cell are russet, bu of a deeper shade ; secondaries have a similar stripe, and a small ocellus in russ rLg on the lower median interspace ; fringes of both wings fuscous at the tips of the nervules, gray in the interspaces. Under side of primaries paler, the apical area gray, the russet paler, diffuse , the basal area, and the cell, much crossed by abbreviated black streaks t area is limited without by a blackish line which starts on subcostal nervure half- way between the arc of cell and the ocellus, runs obliquely back to the upp branch of median, then crosses the interspaces, curves around the lower ocellus and on to costa, parallel with the margin; next outside tins a submaigina g .y band • the ocelli repeated, the russet hue diffused over the outer part of cell. Secondaries dark brown, more or less gray next base and over the dak, beyon the belt decidedly gray, especially on the upper hal of the wing ; th whole surface streaked black; the belt limited on either side by a blackish stripe on the basal side not always distinctly ; it is narrow on costal margin projects broad double tooth opposite cell, after which is a narrow sinus ; on the basal side the course is nearly straight to median, a little sinuous, then bends at a right ancle on median, and at the origin of the lower median nervule turns obliqu y to°the submedian nervule ; the ocellus repeated ; sometimes a second one in submedian interspace. Body fuscous beneath, the abdomen gray-brown ; legs gray-brown , palpi SATYRUS II. yellow-brown, the long hairs on the front black ; antennre fuscous, annulated with whitish above, whitish below ; club black above, ferruginous below. (Figs. 1, 2.) Female. — Expands from 1.55 to 1.8 inch. Closely like the male, but the russet area is more extended. The ocelli are larger, and the encircling rings broader. (Figs. 3, 4.) Egg. — Conoidal, truncated, the summit a little rounded, depressed in middle, the sides convex, the bottom rounded ; marked by about twenty low, rounded, vertical ribs, which are slightly sinuous, and most of them consideiably curved next base ; the spaces between the ribs shallow, and crossed by many ecjui distant fine, raised threads, which are often lost in the middle part ; the micro- pyle in the centre of a flat rosette of five-sided cells, outside of which are three rows of similar cells, gradually increasing in size ; the remainder of the summit occupied by large, irregularly five and six sided cells, deeply but irregularly excavated, and having thin, sharp edges; color lemon-yellow. (Figs, a, ci2.) Similar to the egg of Alope, but with a greater number of ribs, and more convex sides. Youxg Larva. — Length .08 inch ; similar to Alope ; tapering on both dor¬ sum and sides from 2 to 13, the last three segments curving roundly on dorsum to the extremity ; this is nearly square, a little incurved, and bears a conical tubercle at either side ; on each side of the body are three rows of low, coni¬ cal tubercles, one sub-dorsal, one to the segment, on 2 to 4 placed on the middle of the segment, after 4 on the front; one high on the side and near the sub-dorsal row, except on 2 to 4, where the distance is greater, one tu¬ bercle to the segment, those on 2 to 4 in the middle, after 4 on the rear ; the third row a little above the spiracles, one to the segment, on the middle ; on 3 and 4, behind the tubercles of the third row, is a minute one in same line, bearing a very short, clubbed process ; on 2, behind and between the upper two tubercles, and also between the second and third, is an additional one, and there is a smaller tubercle in front of the spiracle ; every tubercle bears a white, appressed process, nearly of even thickness, tapering from the base but very little, ending bluntly (Fig. h 5) ; those of the upper row longest, of the second row a little shorter, of the third a little shorter than of the second ; all these processes from 2 to 4 are bent forward ; after 4, all in the upper two rows are turned back ; those of the third row to 13 are bent forward, on 13 back ; at the rear of 13 are two tubercles and processes on the side, belonging to the two lower rows, and SATYRUS II. the tubercles at extremity also have similar processes ; between these last are two smaller ones with short processes ; along the base of the body are minute tubercles, with short and line, tapering hairs, two on 2, one each on 3, 4, two on each from 5 to 13 ; and there is one still liner and shorter hair over each of the legs ; color pale pink with a red-brown mid-dorsal line and three others on each side, the lower one running with the tops of the spiracles ; under side, feet and legs, a shade paler ; head sub-globose, one half broader than 2, about as high as broad, narrowing upwards, a little depressed at suture, the front well rounded ; surface thickly and shallowly indented ; on either lobe ten fine tubercles, each with its short process, bent down ; of these, four are in cross row near the top, six are in line with the apex of the frontal triangle, six are in line a little above the top of the ocelli, and two are behind the ocelli ; color pale yellow-brown, the ocelli green. (Figs, b, b 2 to 66.) Hibernation began at once from the egg. As soon as the larvae began to feed in the spring, the color changed to green. From the awakening to first moult, in April, at Coalburgh, about twenty days. After first moult : length, at twelve hours from the moult, .18 inch ; the ante¬ rior segments thickest, the dorsum arched ; ending in two conical tails which meet at base, and are rough with tuberculations ; each segment several times creased, and on the ridges so caused are yellow tubercular points, each of which gives out a short, whitish clubbed process bent back close to the surface, except on 2, where all are bent forward ; color pale green ; a mid-dorsal darker green stripe, and two similar ones on mid-side, close together ; the basal ridge yellow ; tails red ; under side, feet and legs bluish-green ; head nearly the same shape as before, thickly covered with fine whitish tuberculations, with short hairs ; color bright green. Duration of this stage about fifteen days. After second moult : length, at twelve hours, .28 inch ; same shape ; color dark yellow-green, the tails red ; armed as before ; the mid-dorsal stripe dark green ; high on the side a line of yellow tubercles ; the basal ridge yellow ; head as before, emerald green. To next moult about fifteen days. After third moult : length, at twelve hours, .44 inch ; very closely as at last previous stage ; the upper line pale-yellow, and heavier, a narrow stripe rather ; head as before, same color. To next moult about nine days. After fourth moult : length, at twenty-four hours, .64 inch ; in about five days was full grown. SATYRUS II. Mature Larya. — Length, s, .85 inch, 9, 1 inch; cylindrical, thickest in middle, the dorsum arched and tapering evenly either way ; ending in two short conical tails, which meet at base ; color yellow-green, the surface thickly covered with fine yellowish tubercles, each of which gives a short whitish tapering process bent back (Fig. c3) ; on mid-dorsum a dark green stripe, next which the ground is rather more yellow than elsewhere ; high on the side a narrow, yellow-white stripe ; the basal ridge bright yellow; the tails red from base to tips; under side, feet and legs less yellow, more green ; head sub-globose, rounded frontally, as high as broad, broader towards the top than in the earlier stages, narrowing upward but very little, slightly depressed at the suture ; thickly covered with fine whitish tuberculations, each of which bears a very short, whitish tapering process ; color emerald green. (Figs, c natural size, 9, c2 side view, greatly enlarged, c4 head.) From fourth moult to pupation, eighteen days in May and June ; again, thirteen days in June, at Coalburgh. The attitude of the larva in suspension is that of Fig. 6, as in the genus. Ciirysalis. — Length $, .49 inch, 9,. 54 inch; breadth at mesonotum, .17 to .18 inch, at abdomen .18 to .19 inch (in several examples the breadth at both points was equal, .18 inch) ; cylindrical, the abdomen conical ; the ventral outline from top of head case to end of wing cases strongly arched, about as much so as is the dorsal below the depression ; the wing cases elevated, beveled down to the abdomen ; head case short, the top narrow, square or very little concave, the sides excavated ; mesonotum rather prominent, rounded lengthwise, carinated, the sides a little convex ; followed by a shallow depression ; cremaster long, taper¬ ing, compressed transversely, rounded at extremity, and armed with stout hooks, varying in length and in form (Figs. cP, d3) ; color throughout light yellow-green, everywhere finely granulated with dull white, the dorsal region and the abdomen in dots and minute patches ; the top of head case and the dorsal edges of wing cases cream-white. (Fig. d, a little enlarged, 9.) Duration of this stage about eleven days. Satyrus Meadii was named from Mr. Theodore L. Mead, who first introduced it to notice, in 1871. He himself says, in his Report upon the Collections of Diurnal Lepidoptera, made (by the Wheeler Expeditions) in Colorado and other Territories : “ While riding along the South Park road, this species was discov¬ ered near Bailey’s ranch, about forty-five miles from Denver, and two specimens were taken on the 26th of August. None were to be found a few miles on either side of this point, so I returned and spent a week in observing the species and noting its habits. It must be very local, since, though not at all uncommon SATYRUS II. where first met with, none were seen elsewhere during the season. It evidently first appears about the last of July, since nearly all the specimens were dilapi¬ dated, the males especially so. The species in mode of flight much resembles S. Charon, often alighting on dry bare spots in the grass and walking a few steps, then, after resting a few moments, flying off to some flower or other bare spot.” The original description was made from these somewhat dilapidated examples, and the general color was given as light brown, whereas fresh examples are very dark. Mr. Bruce has written for me the results of his observations on this species during the last few years : “ S. Meadii is quite common at Buffalo Creek, in Platte Canon, Colorado, from the middle of July until the beginning of Septem¬ ber. It is a gentle, unobtrusive species, seldom flying more than a few inches from the ground. It is extremely partial to flowers, especially the Composite. A tall species of Senecio grows abundantly by the side of the Platte that is very attractive to butterflies, and during August the bright yellow flowers of this plant are literally swarming with S. Meadii, accompanied by several species of Argyn- nis and Chrysophani. But the Meadii always outnumber them all, and they are generally so engaged with the sweets that I have frequently filled my collecting bottle with selected examples without using the net. They are fond of places where the timber has been burned, and individuals will attach themselves to a fallen charred tree, and flit leisurely around it, and backward and forward through the limbs for some minutes, then alight on the trunk and promenade with wings half extended for several minutes more. The species seems very local. I have met with it nowhere else in Colorado but in this district, which is about forty miles from Denver, and between 6,000 and 7,000 feet in altitude. It does not ascend the mountains, but keeps to the gullies and water courses where grasses and flowers abound. It has a more direct flight than S. Charon, that species continually flying in a series of circles, but Meadii goes straight from flower to flower a long distance, and will then return and repeat the performance over almost the same track. The first year I visited Colorado, I lived at Buffalo Creek from July 15th to August 15th. I saw Meadii daily, and took a large number of examples. One fine female had the bright russet on fore wings en¬ tirely replaced by white. Except in this case, I have seen very little variation in color. Eggs are easily obtained in confinement, the females laying on any sort of grass.” This species, as Mr. Bruce says, seems to be very local, and few collectors have met with it. Somewhere in Montana, Mr. H. K. Morrison took it, but the exact locality is not known. I can hear of it in Colorado, after correspond¬ ing with several persons who have collected butterflies in that State, only in the SATYRUS II. region mentioned by Mr. Bruce. Prof. F. * H. Snow writes : “ I first took the species in July, 1878, near Dome Rocks, in the South Platte Canon, about twenty- five miles from Denver; and subsequently in New Mexico, in the Water Canon, west from Socorro, August, 1881. It was represented in both these places by comparatively few individuals.” S. Meadii may be common in some parts of Arizona, but the only locality known to me is in the vicinity of Prescott. Mr. Fletcher says that it has never been reported as taken in Canada. Apparently it is a southern species, ranging from Montana perhaps into Mexico. Examples from Arizona are larger than those from Colorado. This is in contrast with Satyrus Charon, which swarms from Colorado to Alberta Terr, all through the mountains, and the most northern examples are largest. I first received eggs of Satyrus Meadii from Mr. Jacob Doll, at Prescott, Ari¬ zona, 12th August, 1881. The larvae were hatching on arrival, the package having been twelve days in the mail, and they speedily died. In 1886, Mr. Bruce sent me several eggs from Denver, laid 2d and 3d Au¬ gust. These began to hatch 17th, and the larvae at once became lethargic, and were soon sent to New York, to go into a refrigerating house. I received them again 31st March, 1887, nearly all alive, and two or three days thereafter they were observed to be feeding. On 12th April they began to pass the first moult, on 27th the second, by 6th May eight had passed that moult, on 12th May one passed the third, and on 24th the same larva passed the fourth moult. All had passed the fourth by 27th May. On June 10th the first pupation took place, on 11th and 12th others. The first imago came forth on 21st June, after eleven days in pupa. On 18th August, 1889, I again received eggs from the late William S. Foster, at Buffalo Creek, Colorado. These hatched, and the larvae went at once into hi¬ bernation, as before. On 2d April they came back from New York ; on 4th some were feeding. On 21st one passed the first moult, on 16th May the second, on 24th the third, on 1st June the fourth, on 13th June pupated, and the imago came forth June 14th, at a little less than eleven days. They were fed on Poa pratensis, Blue grass, growing in pots, and, like all the genus, were easy to rear. o CHAR O NT .1.2 6,3. 4 9 : VAR . SILiVE STRI S . 5 o . a — a2. Egg magnifier! . f-f* Larva , 4th moult to adult ■ b-h* Larva , young g- y 5 ,, ,, „ -part. S' magnified . c— e . 1st to 3rd moults >/ h-he Chrysalis , SATYRUS III. SATYEUS CHARON, 1-5. Satyrus Charon, Edwards, Trans. Am. Ent. Soc., Vol. IV., p. 69. 1872 ; id., Can. Ent., Yol. XII., p. 94. 1880. Mead, Rep. Wheeler Exped’n., Yol. V., p. 773. 1875. Var. Silvestris, Edwards, Proc. Acad. Nat. Sciences, Pliilad., 1861, p. 163. Male. — Expands from 1.5 to 1.9 inches. Upper side blackish brown ; hind margins edged by a black line, anterior to which is a second, usually more or less macular, often wanting ; on primaries a conspicuous black sexual dash ; a sub-apical black ocellus, without pupil, with or without a pale yellowish ring or nimbus, and variable in size in individuals ; in the second median interspace a second small ocellus, but often wanting ; on secondaries there is occasionally a small blind ocellus near the anal angle; fringes concolored with the wings, but sometimes on primaries brown is alter¬ nated with gray. Under side of primaries brown with more or less of a yellow tint, the apex mottled with dark gray ; the basal two thirds crossed by many fine, abbreviated blackish streaks ; the black marginal lines distinct, the inner one wavy or cre¬ mated ; the ocelli repeated ; the second one nearly always present, sometimes large and equal, usually the upper one large, the other small, but often this is reversed ; always surrounded by yellowish rings and having minute white pupils. Secondaries darker, mottled with gray on the extra-discal area, and sometimes on the basal ; across the disk a rather obscure band, with deep black edges, the basal side not defined next costa, deeply incised in the cell and again in the sec¬ ond median interspace ; but often the band is entirely merged in the color of the base ; the outer side is very irregular, incised on costal margin, projecting two long and broad, converging and pointed teeth opposite the cell ; but the band is often more or less lost, sometimes completely, as seen in Figure 5 (var. Silvestris ) ; the ocelli are minute, from one to six in number, with or without white pupils, and stand on cloudy black patches. SATYRUS III. Body, legs, and palpi dark brown ; antennae brown with fine cretaceous annu- lations on the upper side, altogether cretaceous beneath ; club pale fulvous. (Figs. 1, 2, var. 3.) . I Female. — Expands from 1.7 to 2 inches. Paler colored than the male, but similarly marked. (Figs. 3, 4.) Egg. _ Conoidal, truncated, the summit flattened, the sides convex, the bot¬ tom rounded ; marked by twenty-four to twenty-eight straight, sharp, vertical rido-es, which start from the edge of the base and end at the rim of the summit ; the° spaces between the ribs roundly but not deeply excavated, and crossed by many equidistant fine raised threads; the micropyle is in the centre of a flat rosette of five-sided cells, outside of which are several irregularly concentric rows of five and six-sided depressed cells, increasing in size and distinctness to the edge of the summit, and having thin, sharp edges ; color at first lemon-yellow. (Figs, a, a2.) Duration of this stage twelve days, at Coalburgh, W. Va., in August. Young Larya. — Length .08 inch; similar to S. Meadii , tapering on both dorsum and sides from 3 to 13, the last three segments curving roundly to the extremity; this is nearly square, a little incurved, and bears a conical tubercle at either side ; the tubercles on the body as in Meadii , those on 2 and lo longei than elsewhere ; each bears a white process, cylindrical, slightly tapering, and ending bluntly, appressed, 'turned forward or back as m Meadii ; color pinkish yellow, with a red-brown mid-dorsal stripe, and three others on either, side, the upper two nearer together than the second and third ; another brown line below the basal ridge ; the head as in Meadii, and the tubercles and processes the same in number and position as in that species ; but the processes do not taper, and some of them are a little thickened at the extremity. (Eigs. b to b .) T le larvoe went into hibernation at once from the egg. % After first moult : length, at twenty-four hours from the moult, .15 inch ; the anterior segments thickest, the dorsum arched posteriorly; the last segment ending in two conical tails, the space between their bases roundly excavated ; . the body covered thickly with minute tuberculations from each of which arises a white clubbed and appressed process ; these vary in length everywhere, but are longest on 2 and 13 (Figs, c2 to cG) ; turned back, except on 2, on that seg¬ ment forward ; color green ; a pale brown mid-dorsal line, two such lines on the side, near together, and a third next above the yellow basal ridge ; under side whitish green ; feet and legs pale green ; head sub-globular (closely as at first SATYRUS III. stage), a little broader than 2 ; emerald-green, the tubercular points white, the processes, like those of body, bent down. (Figs, c to cG.) Duration of this stage about eleven days. After second moult ; length, at twenty-four hours, .3 inch ; nearly the same shape as before, the dorsum more arched over the middle segments, ending as before ; the tubercles smaller, the processes reduced, irregular in length and shape, some of them cylindrical ; the tails red from base to tip ; color of body . bluish or gray green ; the mid-dorsal line deep green, edged with yellow ; the sub-dorsal line and the basal ridge yellow ; head as before, the tubercles and processes smaller. (Figs, d to dc\) Duration of this stage about eleven days. After third moult : length, at twenty hours, .4 inch ; the shape as at last pre¬ vious stage ; color yellow-green, the tails red ; the tubercles and processes as last given, but still farther reduced ; the lines or stripes as before ; head as be¬ fore, the processes smaller. (Figs, e to e4.) Duration of this stage about twelve days. After fourth moult : length, at eighteen hours,. 54 inch. (Fig. /, natural size.) In about twelve days was fully grown. (Fig. /2, midway between the moult and adult, greatly enlarged.) Mature Larva. — Length S , .94, $, 1.02 inch; greatest breadth, .16 to .18 inch ; cylindrical, thickest in the middle, tapering on dorsum and sides evenly either way ; ending in two short conical tails which meet at base at a small angle ; covered with fine white conical tuberculations, each giving a small white pro¬ cess, either tapering to a point, or cylindrical, or a little thickened at the end (the greater number tapering), and all slightly appressed ; color yellow-green over dorsum, below the sub-dorsal stripe green (but sometimes whitish green through¬ out) ; the mid-dorsal stripe dark green a little edged with yellow ; the stripe and ridge of equal width, yellow, or in the paler larvae green-yellow ; the tails pale red ; under side, feet and legs, whitish green ; head sub-globular, broadest near base, a little depressed at top ; color bright green ; more thickly covered with tubercles than at last previous stage, and these are reduced as are also the processes. (Figs. /3, f*, natural size ; g to y5, parts magnified.) From fourth moult to pupation, at Coalburgh, eighteen days. Chrysalis. — Length S , .4 to .45 inch ; breadth at mesonotum, .16 to .18; at abdomen, .2 inch ; $ , .5 to .6 inch ; breadth at mesonotum, .18 to .2 inch, at SATYRUS III. abdomen, .2 to .22 inch ; cylindrical, abdomen conical ; the ventral ontlme from top of head case to end of the wing cases not so much arched as in Meadii ; head case short, the top narrow, square or a very little incurved, the sides exca¬ vated ; mesonotum rather prominent, rounded lengthwise, carinated, the sides a little convex ; followed by a shallow depression ; cremaster long, tapering, com¬ pressed transversely, rounded at extremity, and armed with many stout hooks ; color very variable, as thus : — A : pale yellow-green throughout, the dorsal side from the head case, and all of the abdomen, thickly dotted and finely mottled with yellow-white ; three nar¬ row whitish stripes from head case to 13, one mid-dorsal, one sub-dorsal on either side; the dorsal edges 'of the wing cases also white; the ventral side from top of head case to end of wing cases granulated with white ; on the wing cases are three stripes of green, the largest being on mid-wing and reaching the hind mar¬ gin, the others short and stopping within the margin. B : altogether whitish green ; no bands on dorsal side, no stripes on wing CtlSBS. C : greenish black throughout ; finely dotted over the dorsal side and abdo¬ men with yellow-white ; the three bands as in A ; the wing cases striped with black D : black with no tinge of green ; the light stripes either yellow-white, or white with a pink tint. (Figs, h to he.) Duration of this stage ten to fourteen days. « To Mr. Theodore L. Mead is due the first notice of Satyrus Charon, in 1871. In his Wheeler Expedition Report, he says : “ This species was first met with near Twin Lakes, on the 9tli of July. It was quite abundant in the sage-brush, and on flowers at the edge of the Lake. Later in the season, it was found in both the South and Middle Parks, though not so abundantly as in the Arkansas Valley, whence the expedition also brought specimens. Altogether one hundred and thirty-one specimens were taken by me. In August, females were obtained and inclosed with grass; several eggs were laid — very similar to those of Charon flies in the Rocky Mountains from New Mexico to British America, and beyond the mountains to eastern California. I saw it at Glenwood Springs, Colorado, along Grand River, in July, 1894, but it was less common than S. Paulus , or S. Ariane. Mr. David Bruce has found it abundant m other parts of that State, and has kindly written the following notes respecting its localities and habits : “ Charon is common and generally distributed in dry grassy places, from the foothills to about 10,000 feet elevation. It flies rather briskly at a few SATYRUS III. inches above the ground, stopping a moment at almost every composite flower, and circling around every bush and herb, in a deliberate manner, as if look¬ ing for a mate, or for a suitable place in which to deposit its eggs. Late in the season, when these objects have been accomplished, I have seen the species in the narrow canons of the Platte and Clear Creek, frequenting the sunflowers in numbers, a dozen or more sometimes on the disk of one flower, associated with as many agrotid moths, and the whole party under the narcotic influence of the sweets they are imbibing, so as easily to be picked off. But though a lover of flowers, it is just as much pleased with the juices of a decaying carcass, or the fresh droppings of cattle and horses ; and it will gather in crowds on the damp sand. “ I have seen it in the South Park district from June 20th till August 28th ; at Palmer Lake, in the pleasant grassy meadows of the ‘ Divide,’ as late as Sep¬ tember 1st. These last fliers were light colored arid worn, and passed most of their time on the flowers of Sedum stenopetalum, which grows there in profusion. Earlier in the season, its favorite haunts are the grassy slopes partially covered with dwarf oaks. In such a place it is difficult to capture despite its slow flight and frequent stoppages, for it dodges under and through the scrub, and winds around in the shadows in such a way that with its obscure coloring it is soon lost to view, — although it never hides like the species of Neominois and Chionobas. It is a quiet insect in the net, and the female will lay eggs freely in confine¬ ment.” In California, Nevada, Utah, and Montana, Charon flies with the allied species, S. CEJtus , Boisduval. I received twenty eggs of Charon, August 4, 1884, from Mr. H. W. Nash, at Rosita, Colorado, laid 30th July. These began to hatch 11th August, or twelve days after the laying. Most of the larvae at once went into hibernation, but one of them ate a little and changed from pinkish yellow to green, as the larvae change in the spring after feeding. But it hibernated before the first moult. This is the only instance in which I have known a larva of the genus Satyr us to feed in the fall. All the species have gone into hibernation direct from the egg. These larvae were sent to New York, to a refrigerating house, and I received them again March 7, 1885, with very little loss. The next day some were observed feeding, and had changed color to green. (Fig. 62.) On 29th March, one larva passed the first moult, two on 31st, and so at intervals until the fifteenth and last larvae passed the moult on 15th April. Therefore the difference in time at the first moult was seventeen days. On 9th April, the first larva passed its second moult, or at eleven days from SATYRUS III. the first ; the last of ten larvae (some having died, and some having been put in alcohol) passed this moult 21st; the difference being twelve days. The first larva passed the third moult 21st April, the last of nine the same moult 7th May ; the difference being sixteen days. Number one passed its fourth moult May 3d, and pupated 21st, or at eighteen days from the moult ; the pupa gave a male imago 2d June, at twelve days. The last of nine larvae passed its fourth moult 6th J une, or thirty-four days after the first larva had reached the same point. Some of the mature larvae and pupae were preserved, so that only four butterflies were obtained from this lot. Of six pupae, two green ones and a black produced males. A whitish green one gave a female. The history of these larvae shows how it happens that butterflies fresh from chrysalis may be found for several weeks in one locality. On 2d September, 1888, I received from the late Mr. William S. Foster, at Salida, Colorado, several eggs of Charon. They began to hatch 11th, or at four¬ teen days from the laying of the eggs. The larvae hibernated as before, were sent to New York, and came back 16th April, 1889. The first one passed its first moult 25th April, or eight days after beginning to feed ; its second moult 5th May, at ten days; its third 11th May, at six days; its fourth 20th May, at nine days; suspended 31st, and pupated June 1st. From fourth moult to pupa¬ tion twelve days. The last of the larvae pupated June 8th. The first pupa gave a male imago June 15th, or after fourteen days. The last imago, a female, came out June 18th, after but ten days. In all stages the temperature hastens or retards more or less. There were seven pupae, four of them green, three black and white. It is ascertained that the sex of the imago is not indicated by the color of the pupa. Again in 1889, August 13th, eggs were received from Mr. Nash, at Pueblo. The larvae came back from New York, 2d April, 1890, but I did not follow the changes carefully. About 1st June there were three pupae, two green, one black and white. In October, 1891, I sent young larvae of Charon to Mr. Fletcher, at Ottawa, together with larvae of several other species of Satyrids. The former were almost the only ones that survived. The species has in each case proved quite hardy, the loss during the winter having been very small. These larvae, as I believe are all Satyrid larvae, are grass feeders, and they flourished on Blue-grass, Poa pratensis. In feeding, the larva stands astride the edge of the leaf, and beginning at the top eats vertically in two rapid cuts down, followed by two more, and so on to the farther side, the second segment stretched, but the feet and legs are not moved. When quite across, the larva backs down far enough to enable it to repeat the process. SATYRUS III. I have reared larvae of several species of the genus Satyrus, Alope and Nephele, Aricine, Boopis, but none have shown other than green chrysalids except Charon, and in a single instance Aricine. This individual was marked with dark clouds and stripes, but not to the extreme represented in the Plate. The var. Silvestris was described as a species from California. It is Charon bandless on under hind wing ; and this variation is not uncommon wherever the species is found. EXPLANATION OF THE PLATE. Chaiion, 1,2 $, 3, 4 9, var. Silvestris $, 5. a , Egg ; a2, micropyle. b, Young Larva just from egg ; b 2, after feeding; b3, one of the middle segments, dorsal view; b 4, head ; b 5, process of body. c, Larva at 1st moult ; c2, last segment; c3, head and second segment ; c 4 to cc, style of processes. ) 0 CHIONOBAS IV. CHIONOBAS VAKUNA, 1-7. Chionobas Varuna, Edwards, Canadian Entomologist, Vol. XIV., p. 2. 1882. Male. — Expands 1.6 to 2 inches. Upper side brown, varying from reddish to dusky, the basal half of both wings darker ; in many examples the dark area is limited without by a blackish stripe, which on secondaries corresponds to the outer border of the mesial band of under side ; throughout this wing the markings of the under side reappear ; costal edge of primaries gray-white dusted brown, apex pale fuscous, and the hind margin is bordered with same ; the ocelli small, black, one to four in number, usually blind j occasionally there is a fifth, minute, on the lower sub¬ costal interspace ; secondaries have a narrow fuscous marginal border ; the ocelli run from two to five, most often five, never large, often minute. Under side of primaries paler, over costa, apex and hind margin gray-white, dusted brown ; the cell much crossed by brown streaks ; along the hind margin, in the middle of each interspace, is a little patch of white ; the ocelli repeated, en¬ larged, sometimes all pupilled ; secondaries gray-white or yellow-white, sometimes very largely covered with brown, which is dark next base and on the mesial band, pale beyond this to margin ; or the prevailing color is white, with dark brown transverse streaks over basal area, and with a narrow space of nearly clear white against the band ; the band is often quite solid, darker along both edges, but sometimes it is broken, made up of dark streaks on a light ground ; on the inner side its general course is circular, with a rounded sinus on the posterior part of the cell ; without it is also circular, the two sides being nearly parallel, with a rounded, or sometimes angular prominence opposite the cell, and a slight incision on or a little above the sub-costal nervule ; but, in some examples, the inner edge of the band is present only for a little space on each margin ; the extra-discal area more or less streaked brown, sometimes most densely in the line of the ocelli, as seen in Fig. 6 ; along the margin little white spots or patches, as on primaries ; the ocelli almost always five, but occasionally four or three. CHIONOBAS IV. Body black-brown, beneath, the thorax black, abdomen gray-brown ; legs light brown, the femora dark ; palpi brown, the long frontal hairs mostly black ; antennae gray-white, narrowly fuscous on upper side ; club orange below and at tip, above blackish. (Figs. 1, 2; 5, 6 ; 7.) Female. — Expands from 1.8 to 2.2 inches. Closely like the male ; the ocelli on primaries from one to four, on secondaries nearly always five ; in one example under view four, in another three (Fig. 3) ; the two sexes scarcely differ in regard to the ocelli. Under side as in the male, but usually of a darker hue. (Figs. 3, 4.) Varuna flies in northern Montana and Dacota, and so far as appears, in Can¬ ada near the Boundary Line, north of those States. It is allied to Uhleri, but may be readily distinguished by its dusky coloration, the excess of ocelli in both sexes, and by the definite band on under side of hind wings. It was ori¬ ginally described from examples taken by the late H. K. Morrison, who wrote : “ This Chionobas was taken in Dacota Terr., on my way to Montana, in May (1881). It was found on the plains, elevation about 1,200 feet, and in all about 100 were taken. All the Uhleri I have taken were in mountains, never at less than 5,000 feet elevation, and from that to 11,000 feet,” etc. I had 4 S , o $ from Mr. Morrison, and have them here still, though they now^ form part of Dr. Hol¬ land’s collection. All are smaller than the average of Montana examples before me, and they are less dusky than these, though one of the females is as dark as any from Montana. For several years after 1881 nothing was heard of Varuna, till Mr. W. G. Wright, in 1890, rediscovered it in northern and cen¬ tral Montana. Mr. Wright says: “ Varuna inhabits the foothills of all the low, isolated mountains, namely, Bear Paw, High wood, Little Belt, Great Belt, Snow, Little Rocky, and Judith. I have never seen it flying west of the Missouri River, nor on any of the spurs of the chief Rocky Mountain chain. None of the mountains named reach timber line, nor have much watei, oi open glades or meadows. Varuna flies only on the lower slopes, say at 1,000 feet or so above the level land. I saw noneon the level plains. They frequent gi assy slopes, and little dells or valleys, among scattering oak and pine trees in open glades. But I never saw them in the forest, or even in shaded places, such as butterflies of the genus Satyrus prefer. They sit on bare spots among the grass, ready to fly up and follow any passing butterfly of another species, chasing it a few yards or rods, and then perhaps returning to the old place ; or, if too far away, gently settling on a new spot, but with a hesitating way, with wings upraised, ready to give a strong stroke, in case a lizard or a snake CHIONOBAS IV. should be lying in wait for it. In no case did I see one feeding on flowers. The flight of all species of Chionobas observed by me is gentle and leisurely, and for short distances, and they are easy to capture. Varuna seemed to be on the wing but about two weeks, namely, from the 10th to 27th June. I was in the region before and after these dates, but saw none of the butterflies except within the period mentioned.” Mr. Wright sent me his whole catch of Varuna for inspection, 33 6 , 5 ? . Of the males : — 1 has 5 spots on fore wing, 5 on hind wing. 1 U 5 u u cc 16 have 4 (( ic cc 5 li 4 a cc cc 4 (( 4 a cc cc 3 a 3 (C cc cc 1 has 2 u cc cc 1 u 1 spot cc cc r-H u 1 tt cc cc cc 4 “ cc cc cc 5 “ cc cc cc 4 “ cc cc cc 3 “ cc cc cc 4 “ cc cc cc 5 “ cc cc cc 5 “ cc cc cc 2 “ cc cc Of the females : — 3 have 4 spots on fore wing, 5 on hind wing. 1 has 3 “ “ “ “ 3 “ « « 1 “ 2 “ “ “ “ 5 « ic u Of four males by Mr. Morrison : — 1 has 4 “ on fore wing, 5 on hind wing. 2 have 2 spots “ “ “ 5 « “ “ 1 has 1 spot “ “ u 5 u u “ 3 $ have 4 spots “ “ “ 5 “ “ « Of five males from Canada : — 3 have 4 spots on fore wing, 5 on hind wing. 1 has 4 spot “ “ “ 4 “ “ « 1 li 1 “ “ (( u ^ U (( u Summing up : Of forty-two males, twenty-two have five and four ocelli on fore wing, five and four on hind wing ; twenty-six have five on hind wing ; twenty- eight have four or more on each wing ; while but four have only a single spot on fore wing, and these have three to five on hind wing. This is in strong con¬ trast to Uhleri. JUTTA . 1.2 magnified . magnified. /- — f*Larvct, mature young to 3nl moult . g~g 3 Chrysalis. a -.a * Egg t>—e Larva (D3II H (0) S3T CD MJkm CHIONOBAS Y. CHIONOBAS JUTTA, 1-6. Chionobas Jutta , Hiibner, Samml. Eur. Schmett., Yol. I. p. 25, figs. 614, 615. 1806-1819 ; Moschler, Wien. Ent. Monatschr. , Vol. IV. p. 342. 1860 ; Scudder, Proc. Ent.. Soc. Phil., Yol. V. p. 3. 1865 ; id., Butt. N. England, Vol. I., p. 149. 1890 ; Fernald, Butt. Maine, p. 75. 1884. Balder , Boisduval, leones Hist. Lep., p. 189, pi. 39, figs. 1-3. 1832. Male. — Expands about 2.2 inches. Upper side yellow-brown, the marginal borders, especially on secondaries, darker ; primaries have a broad dark brown sexual band, a small part of which lies within the cell, the remainder across the median interspaces ; on the extra- discal area are two or three black ocelli, if two, placed on the upper discoidal and lower median interspaces ; these are small, usually blind ; if a third is present it is on the upper median, minute ; all these stand on diffuse brownish yellow rings ; sometimes but one ocellus is present, the upper one of the series, and the position of the others is indicated by yellow patches ; secondaries have a single small ocellus on the lower median interspace, and there is often (not always) a small yellowish spot on of the interspaces above the ocellus to the outer angle, next the marginal border ; fringes white, less pure next inner angle of primaries. Under side of primaries paler brown, with a yellowish tint over the extra- discal area ; the costa crossed by fine, alternate streaks of dark brown and yel¬ low-gray ; the apical area gray, with abbreviated transverse brown streaks ; the ocelli repeated, usually enlarged and pupiled ; secondaries sordid gray-white, more or less streaked writh blackish brown, finely and transversely ; in some examples there is an absence of the mesial band, as shown in Fig. 6, but gen¬ erally this is distinct ; sometimes the outer limb is lighter, more gray, than the basal area, especially just outside the band ; the band is broad, bends at a right angle on the median nervure, and is narrowly bordered on both sides by black, while within it is streaked like the rest of the wing, though usually the darker shade prevails ; the outer edge is twice and deeply crenated next costa, then projects considerably and sharply on the upper discoidal interspace, to be fol- CHIONOBAS V. lowed by a shallow angular incision, and then runs to the inner margin in a straight course, slightly crenated in each interspace; the inner border has a slight angular incision on the costal interspace, followed by a rounded promi¬ nence on the nervure, and a deep angular sinus in the cell, then irregularly wavy to margin ; the edges on the posterior half of the band are nearly parallel, and this part is broad, while the anterior half is comparatively narrow, and very irregular ; the ocellus often wanting ; in some examples there is a row of yellow points in line with the ocellus and to the outer angle. (Fig. 6.) Body above dark brown, beneath, the thorax black, abdomen sometimes black, sometimes dull gray -yellow ; legs dark brown, the under side yellow-brown ; palpi furnished with long black hairs ; antennas fuscous above, finely annulated whitish, red-brown below ; club red-brown above, testaceous below. (Figs. 1, 2, 6.) Female. — Expands about 2.25 inches. Upper side colored as the male ; the ocelli usually three in number, large, with white pupils, or small and unpupiled, sometimes round, but generally ovate, and the middle one is smallest ; sometimes there are one or two more, minute, on the lower sub-costal and lower median interspaces ; each larger ocellus is surrounded by a yellow, sometimes red-brown, nimbus, and these are often diffuse and con¬ fluent, thus forming a broad band, as seen in Fig. 5. Secondaries have a large or small ocellus, pupiled or blind, and sometimes one or two additional minute ones; in one example from Quebec there is a second pupiled ocellus on the upper median interspace ; sometimes the sub-marginal yellow or fulvous area is much extended, and takes the form of large cuneiform spots, but other examples show nothing: of this, the light color being limited to a nimbus about the ocellus. Under side as in the male, varying in the same manner; the larger proportion of the examples under view have the band distinct, but others show very little of it. (Figs. 3, 4, 5.) Egg. — In general as in C, Cliryxus, somewhat narrower in proportion to the height, the breadth to height being nearly as 1 to 1.15; the base flattened, rounded ; broadest at about one fourth the distance from base, narrowing up¬ wards very gradually till near the top, the sides not much arched, the top flat¬ tened ; marked by vertical ribs varying in number from sixteen to twenty-one ; in part these are quite straight, in part a little sinuous, occasionally one branch¬ ing either at top or bottom ; narrow at the summits and rounded, the slopes nearly flat, each slope with many irregular horizontal narrow excavations with intervening little ridges ; the micropyle is in the centre of a rosette of five-sided cells, outside of which are three or four rows of similar cells, gradually enlarging ; CHIONOBAS V. beyond these to the ends of the ribs the flattened space presents shallow cells of irregular sizes, sometimes confluent, oftener separated (Fig. a2); in some exam¬ ples this flat area is much restricted, the ends of the ribs coming nearer the ro¬ sette ; these ends are depressed and send short spurs toward each other, so that the interspaces make low, cushion-like welts ; color yellow-white (Fig. a). Du¬ ration of this stage from ten to sixteen days. Young Larva. — Length, at twenty-four hours from the egg, .11 inch ; shape of Chryxus and Uhleri; the tubercles and processes the same in number, posi¬ tion, and shape as in those species (Fig. b3, process from 3 to middle of 13) / color gray-white with a pink tinge ; the stripes as in the allied species named, yellow- brown, the mid-dorsal one rather heavy, illy defined, the sub-dorsal a line, the lateral bioad, clearly defined ; a pale brown line runs with the spiracles, and another underlies the dull white basal ridge ; under side, feet and legs yellow- green (Figs, b, b2) ; head as in the other species, and tuberculated in same way ; color yellow-green with a tint of brown (Fig. 64). Duration of this stage twelve to fifteen days. After first moult : length, at twenty-four hours, .23 inch ; nearly the same shape as before, and as in the species mentioned ; the tubercles and processes as in those species, the latter being short, upright, clubbed, and bent ; color vari¬ able, some individuals being light gray-green, others wholly light green, others still green-yellow ; through the light ground run exceedingly fine and abbrevi¬ ated longitudinal streaks of red-brown; the dorsal stripe of the general hue, edged on either side by a whitish line ; the sub-dorsal line red-brown ; the lateral band dark on both edges, and either vinous or dark brown within, but greenish on the anterior segments ; a brown line runs with the spiracles, and another lies under the pale yellow or buff basal ridge ; under side, feet and legs green- yellow (Figs, c, c2) ; head as in the other species, indented in same way, with similar tubercles and processes, and nebulous dusky vertical stripes ; color pale green-yellow, sometimes with a brown tint (Fig. c3). Duration of this stage twelve to fourteen days. After second moult : length, at twenty-four hours, .34 inch ; shape as in the second stage ; color very much the same, but the brown streaks are more decided ; the lateral band as before ; the sub-dorsal, spiracular, and sub-basal lines red- brown ; the ridge buff ; under side yellow-green (Figs, d, d2) ; head as before (Fig. d 3). To next moult six days, in the fall. CHIONOBAS V. After third moult : length, at twenty-four hours, .5 inch ; shape as before ; color greenish buff ; on mid-dorsum traces of a blackish band now appear, con¬ sisting of dark patches at the junctions of the segments ; the brown streaks take the form of rather indistinct continuous lines ; the sub-dorsal stripe blackish, and below it, on the light area, a brown line ; the lateral band as before, more de¬ cidedly black on the edges ; the processes nearly as in the last two preceding stages, rather more slender, the top less clubbed ; head as before (Figs, e to e4). To fourth and last moult twelve days in the fall, sixteen in spring. After fourth moult: length, at twenty-four hours, .65 inch ; shape as before; color brown-buff; the mid-dorsal stripe broken by definite black spots at the junctions of the segments; the lateral band black on its upper edge; the basal ridge yellowish. One larva differed from all others observed, in that on the dorsal area of 4 to 7 appeared three longitudinal rows of pale black rectangular spots, arranged in checker. In about twelve days from the moult the larvae were full-grown. Mature Larva. — Length, 1.1 inch; shape of Chryxus and Uhleri, stout, obese, thickest in the middle, the dorsum much arched, sloping rapidly from 4 to the head, ending in two short, sub-conical tails ; surface thickly covered with short, stiff, tapering red-brown hairs or processes, from sharp, conical tubercles (Fig./3); color greenish buff in shades, the sides more green than dorsum; striped longitudinally as in the allied species mentioned ; the mid-dorsal stripe pale green, broken by sub-rectangular blackish spots at the junctions of the seg¬ ments, which spots are incised deeply at either end ; the lateral band broad, running from 2 to end of tail, pale green, the upper edge blackened ; basal ridge yellowish ; under side, feet and legs greenish buff ; head sub-globose, well- rounded frontally ; the surface thickly covered with shallow indentations, be¬ tween some of which are very small tubercles, bearing hairs, or processes like those on the body ; across the top six dark stripes, as in the allied species men¬ tioned (and probably present throughout the genus). (Fig./ slightly, /2 greatly enlarged). In several cases the adult larvae have hibernated, and in the spring, without feeding, have pupated ; in other cases the hibernation has taken place in first larval stage, and after both first and second moults. But no pupa has been reached in the same season in which the egg was laid. Chrysalis. — Length, .6 inch ; breadth at mesonotum .18 inch, at abdomen .2 inch ; the ventral outline arched, the dorsal, from the thoracic depression to the end, very much so ; head case closely as in Chryxus , truncated, dome-shaped CHIONOBAS V. at top ; mesonotum nearly as in Chryxus, more rounded longitudinally, and less angular than in Uhleri , without carina, rounded transversely, followed by a slight depression ; the wing cases but little elevated ; beveled down to the ab¬ domen on the margin ; abdomen conical, tumid ; the cremaster consists of a two- coned ridge (Fig. g ,3 the tip of the cone g% naked, there being neither hooks nor ristles ; surface smooth, but on the wing cases are very fine granulations • color yellow-green, the wing cases more green, less yellow ; the abdomen dotted with brown points, sub-ventral and lateral, in longitudinal rows, and dorsal, extending from the extremity to the mesonotum (Fig. g). Duration of this stage, accord" mg to Mr. Fyles, about thirty days. Jutta inhabits the boreal regions of both hemispheres. In North America it ranges from the eastern coast of Labrador to and beyond the Rocky Mountains possibly to the Pacific. According to authorities quoted by Mr. Scudder it oc curs even in Greenland, and on the main land as far to the north as lat. 58° west of Hudson’s Bay. I formerly received examples from Godbout, Province ot Quebec, on the lower St. Lawrence. Mr. Fletcher has taken it at Nepigon Mr. Bean at Laggan, Alberta Terr., Captain Geddes at Emerald Lake, near Lag- gan, and Mr. Burrison at Ottertail, twenty-four miles west of Laggan, so far the most western locality noticed. The most southern localities recorded are Ottawa, Quebec, and Bangor, Maine. Following Mr. Scudder: “ In Europe it was long supposed to be confined to points north of lat. 61°, in Norway, Sweden, Lapland, and Finland, but has latterly been found in isolated spots about Stockholm St Petersburg, and in the neighborhood of Riga, lat. 56° 30'. In Asia, it apparently occurs throughout the whole breadth of Siberia, as it is found on the northern banks of the Amur River.” As will be seen, the habits of this butterfly in Europe and America, as re¬ corded by several observers, are different in some important respects. The only person, so far as I know, who has, up to the present time, reared Jutta from egg to imago, is the Rev. Thomas W. Fyles, of South Quebec, Prov¬ ince of Quebec ; and he relates his experience, first, in the Seventeenth Annual Report of the Entomological Society of Ontario, 1887, p. 10 ; later, in the Cana¬ dian Entomologist, XX. p. 131, 1888, and XXI. p. 12, 1889. He visited the Gomm swamp, near Quebec, on 31st May, and in its inner recesses, after wading through deep sphagnum moss and water, doubting whether he “ might not sink bodily out of sight in the treacherous bog,” noticed at a distance a growth of young bushes which seemed to indicate a drier spot. With great difficulty he reached that, and found it to be a ridge thrown up for drainage purposes. CHIONOBAS V. “ Suddenly a fluttering brown object arose before me, made a short flight, and then settled down a few yards away. I noticed the mottling of the under wings, brought down my net, and captured my first specimen of Jutta. Soon a second specimen arose, but a king-bird, Tyrannus Carolinensis, gave chase to the but¬ terfly, and, after much doubling and twisting, caught it. It was long before another specimen rewarded my search, but at length a third did make its ap¬ pearance, and I had the good fortune to secure it. Mr. Fyles made another expedition to the swamp, June 12th, and captured two or three females. On the first trip, he says he noticed what grasses grew in the swamp. “ I found several all rooted in the sphagnum. I took home roots of every kind, and potted them in sphagnum. I placed the pots containing these in a box, and filled up the interstices to the level of the rims of the pots, with sphagnum. I then made an arched lattice over it, and covered this with a piece of netting.” The females captured, as related, he placed in this cage. “ On 17th, I found a number of eggs, not laid on the blades of grass, but scattered over the netting. When the larvaD appeared, by means of a camel’ s-hair brush I placed a few of them on each plant ; but I soon found that they congregated on the sedge (Carex oligosperma, see Plate). This, then, I concluded, was their favorite food plant. I kept the cage on the seat of an open window, and when¬ ever it rained removed the covering of the box and let the larvae have the bene¬ fit of the shower. In dry times, I occasionally sprinkled them at sunset with soft water.” In August, he noticed that they were seriously decreasing in number ; discov¬ ered a wounded larva, and on thoroughly examining the sphagnum, pulling it in pieces, found 11 several very well-grown specimens of the Myriapod, Lethobius Americanus ” (said by Packard to feed on insects and earthworms). “ On the ap¬ proach of winter the care of the larvae became perplexing, the more so as I was about to leave for England. I at length resolved to place the case near a win¬ dow in an outer passage leading to a dairy. I left the larvae abundantly supplied with sedge growing in well-soaked sphagnum. On my return in February, only six of the larvae remained. They were torpid, but fresh and plump. A mild day came, and one of them revived, but the mild day was followed by a bitter night, and the adventurous larva perished. When the others began to revive, I removed the cage into a room where the temperature could be better regulated. Of the remaining larvae, one afterwards died, four went to chrysalis. The chrysa¬ lids were naked, unattached, and lay on or partly below the surface of the sphag¬ num. One of them I sent to Mr. Edwards, and one I preserved as a specimen. The other two produced butterflies 31st May and 1st June.” The chrysalis sent me is the one represented on the Plate. CHIONOBAS V. In Can. Ent., Mr. Fjdes gives the period of the several stages thus : eggs laid 17th June, hatched 1st July, 14 days; first moult, 6th July, 5 days; second moult, 30th July, 24 days; third moult, 14th August, 15 days; fourth moult, 1st September, 17 days; pupation, 21st April; emergence of the two imagos, 31st May and 1st June, or at 30 and 31 days. Therefore, from laying the egg to the fourth moult was 75 days; the egg stage 14 days; the larval, to fourth moult, 61 days ; the pupal about 30 days. Mr. Fyles, on his return, supposed that a fifth moult had taken place during his absence. He recently has written me : “ I noticed changes in color which led me to suppose the larvae had again moulted, but increased knowledge of the Satyrinae has shown me that this could not have been the case.” The recital in Can. Ent. XX. ends with these words : “ The perfect insect appears in this locality from May 31st to June 15th.” The conditions under which these larvae were bred seem therefore to have been natural, and the but¬ terflies apparently came forth in the very days they would have, had they grown in the swamp. And it is to be inferred that the earliest Jutla butterflies come from larvae which hibernate full grown. It is remarkable that all the larvae that survived the earlier stages reached the adult stage the same season in which the eggs were laid. Mr. Fyles continues : “ You may wish to know something of the habits of Jutta in its native haunts. I have never found this insect before the 31st of May, nor after the 15th of June. Through the first week in June, it may be met with at its best, but even then one seldom sees the slightly hoary appear¬ ance which is found in the bred specimens, the down which gives this appearance is so soon lost. Jutta delights in sheltered nooks on the margin of the swamp. I know several such, in which, during the season, I am very sure to meet with it. I find it resting on the surface, usually on sedge, or on Vaccinium, not on trees. I have never seen it settle on the swamp spruces that surround the marsh, nor even upon the Kalmia and other shrubs. It is with us (I say 4 with us,’ for Holmgren speaks of Jutta congregating around, and settling on, trees) decidedly a ground insect. It may easily be taken, if approached warily, and under cover of a bush, but when it takes to flight it is in vain to follow it. It is very pugna¬ cious, and is sure to rise and give chase for a few moments to a passing butterfly. I have often watched the flight of a stray Vanessa or Grapta, knowing that Jutta would rise and betray its position to me.” I inquired of Mr. Fyles as to his visits to the swamp later than 15th June, and whether he could say that there was no late flight of Jutta to correspond with the difference in the age of the larvae at hibernation. He replied : “ The late Mr. George J. Bowles informed me of this locality for Jutta, and said that the CHIONOBAS V. species was on the wing from 1st to 15th June. He gave me directions and a rough map which enabled me to find the spot. It is a sphagnum swamp many acres in extent, such as is commonly called by the French Canadians a ‘ savane.’ It is surrounded for a considerable distance by a thick growth of swamp laurel (Kalmia), Labrador tea, black spruce, tamarack, etc., and the whole district is popularly known as ‘ the Gomin.’ I have for some years past visited this swamp regularly two or three times a week, in favorable weather, from the beginning of May to the beginning of October (the whole season with us), and the earliest appearance of Jutta which I have witnessed was on the 31st May. I have never seen it on the wing after the loth of June. I have looked most carefully, year after year, for a second flight, but have never seen a sign of it.” On page 155, Butt. N. E., Mr. Scudder asks: “ Where, in a morass mostly under water, can the half-grown larvae find a suitable place to hibernate, and where, in the still higher waters of spring, can the caterpillar securely pupate ? ” To this Mr. Fyles replies : “ The sphagnum rises with the water and is never submerged.” I will now give my own experience with the larvae of Jutta. In 1886, I re¬ ceived ten eggs from Mr. Bean, at Laggan, laid 29th and 30th June. The larvae hatched on lltli and 12th July, and at once went into hibernation. In August, they were sent to Clifton Springs, N. Y., to go into the refrigerating house there, but came back dead the following spring. In 1889, I received four lots of eggs from Mr. Bean, between 26th June and 2d July, laid from 20th to 25th June. The oldest ones hatched 1st July, the youngest, 7th July. On 14th, the first larvae began to pass their first moult; on 20th August, one passed its second ; and 8th August, this larva died while trying to pass its third moult. All the other larvae hibernated after the first moult, and died during the winter. In 1890, I again received eggs from Laggan, laid 1st July. They hatched 11th ; on 26th, the larvae began to pass the first moult. On 23d October, there were living five larvae, all in hibernation after the second moult. Mr. Bean wrote me, 15th October, that he had more than forty larvae from the same lot of eggs, all then past the second moult and about to hibernate. Therefore, larvae from Laggan, in different broods, have hibernated direct from egg. after the first moult, and after the second. In 1888, I received five eggs from Mr. Fletcher, at Ottawa, laid 3d July. The female was caught fully two weeks later than Mr. Fyles has ever seen Jutta at the Gomin, and probably came from a larva which had hibernated in second or third stage. The eggs hatched 19th and 20th July. On 4th August, one larva passed its first moult, on 15th, its second. I had sent one to Mrs. Peart, at CHIONOBAS V. Philadelphia, where it passed its second moult, 25th August, and was returned to me. Both were asleep in September, and were sent to Clifton Springs. One of the two came back alive, 16th April, 1889. On 20th, was feeding ; on 10th May, passed the third moult; on 26th May, the fourth moult. A few days later it had changed color, from yellow-buff to pale yellow-green. It became full grown by 10th June, and by 13th showed signs of approaching pupation. It was on a sod of blue grass, Poa pratensis, set in a large flower-pot, and around the plant was sphagnum moss. The larva would disappear in the moss for hours, then for hours be wholly or partly in view. I saw it last on 18th June, and as it did not come out I supposed it had gone down to pupate. On 23d, I searched the moss and then the earth, and found no trace of the larva ; but did find a newly-made pupa of a noctuid, and concluded, inasmuch as a noc- tuid larva had been caught in the act of devouring an adult larva of Erebia Magdalena, that the Jutta had gone in the same way. From the day that this larva began to feed in the spring to its third moult was 20 days ; from third moult to fourth, 16 days; from fourth moult to maturity, 15 days; total from first feeding to maturity, 51 days. Had pupation occurred by 20th June, the imago might have been expected to appear 25 or 30 days later, or about middle of July. In 1891, Mr. Fyles sent me forty-three eggs, which were received 18th June. They began to hatch 22d. Four larvas passed the first moult, 18th July, but another passed the second on the same day, and another had passed its second on 16th. This last one, A, passed the third moult, 22d July. On that day one larva passed its first moult. Larva A passed the fourth moult, 2d August. By 1st September, it had ceased feeding and changed from buff to green, had become very stout and smooth, the creases on the segments were quite obliterated, and there was every appearance of speedy pupation. The sod was surrounded by wet sphagnum, and on this or in the grass the larva would lie motionless for two or three days at a time, and then, when I confidently looked for a pupa, I would find the larva had moved, or perhaps climbed up the netting. Finally I sent it north to be subjected to a cool, even temperature, but it died during the winter. The periods of larva A were thus: from egg to first moult, 15 days; from first moult to second, 11 days; from second to third, 6 days; from third to fourth, 11 days ; from fourth to maturity, about 25 days. These changes, up to fourth moult, had been rapid, only 43 days intervening between hatching and the fourth moult. At the time larva A had reached its full growth, another, B, which Mrs. Peart had, was equally advanced ; changed color, and was obese and smooth. This larva behaved just as A had done, did not pupate, and finally died 20th Decern- CHIONOB AS V. her. It had been supplied with moss, and during the last weeks seemed to be favorably hibernating. Another larva, C, died 5th August, while trying to cast its skin for the fourth moult. A fourth, D, got through that moult, but being unable to get rid of the old face, its jaws became deformed, so that after I had got the face off, the larva could not feed, and died. Thus four of this lot of larvae passed fourth moult. A few others hibernated after only one moult, and were mailed to Mr. Fletcher. When Mr. Fyles sent the eggs to me he overlooked a single one, and from it obtained a larva which proceeded to its second moult and then hibernated, and he wrote me, 23d February, 1892, that it was then alive and healthy looking. If any of these small larvae run their full course, it seems certain that their butterflies should show themselves at least a month later than 15th June; and I do not understand why there is not a second flight. While these Quebec larvae were feeding I had in hand a brood hatched from a lot of twenty-five eggs sent me by Professor Braun, at Bangor. The eggs were laid from 7th to 9th June ; began to hatch 18th. One larva, E, passed first moult, 1st July, and by 9th, four more had passed the same moult. On 14th July, E passed its second, on 20 th, the third, on 2d August, the fourth. On 1st September, E looked like A from Quebec, had changed color in same way, and was obese and smooth. On 21st September, had lain motionless nearly three days, and I felt sure now of a pupa. But I was disappointed, and this larva also was sent north, and died there. Another larva, F, passed the first moult, 3d July; the second, 15th; the third, 23d ; the fourth, 4th August, and soon after died. So it is that I have never obtained a pupa of Jutta, though several larvae were reared to maturity. Larva A was but thirty-five days from hatching to fourth moult ; B was thirty- seven days ; and in both cases there was plenty of time for pupation, and the emergence of the imago the same season, before cold weather set in. Professor Braun wrote me, December 14, 1891, that of a large number of Jutta eggs which he sent out, the preceding season (besides those sent me), so far as he could learn, all the larvae died before or shortly after the first moult. But that he carried one hundred and twenty larvae to the bog, and put them on sedge which had been planted in pots, set in a box, and bedded in the sphagnum. He visited them weekly, and gave new plants when necessary. “ About half of them died when quite young ; about fifty passed the first moult, and thirty-six the third, and were rolled up for hibernation at my last visit to the place, 24th September. I intend to take off the cover of leaves and moss as soon as the snow goes, that is, about the time the young plants begin to leaf. My other experiment at home was not successful. Of about fifty young larvae I only succeeded in getting three to the second moult, and one of them to the third ; but all three lingered and died.” O CHIONOBAS V. . 0n Ma^ 2d’ 1892> he wrote again : « About a week ago, I was at the bog, and investigated the larvae. The spring is very late here, and the plants are but just coming out. I found the larvae curled up among the moss. Some have died, but I counted fifty-eight live ones. They have eaten all the small sprouts of sedge which were inside the box, and even of the moss. It seems to me that this is the only way of rearing these larvae successfully.” I wrote Mr. Braun also to ask if he was certain there was no second flight of Jutta’ and his answer was : “ Since 1882, I have taken Jutta every season.^ It is found in the Stillwater bog only, about five miles from Bangor. The road to Stillwater goes through the bog, which is about one half mile long and one quar¬ ter mile wide, and is surrounded by spruce mixed with birch and juniper. The insect flies in numbers only on the left side of the road leading to Stillwater, for the reason, no doubt, that the food plant of the larva is found only on that side. The bog is covered with a luxuriant growth of long, soft brown moss, through which, among a variety of shrubs and plants, sprouts up the Juncus articulata, which is the food plant of Jutta. In 1884, the first week in May, while looking- for the earlier Geometridae, I found a full-grown larva which I then supposed to be a noctuid, but which I now know to have been of Jutta , on a blade of this plant. I have never found any larvae since, in spite of diligent search, and I conclude that they feed only at night, and hide in the moss by day. I can say with certainty that this insect has only one brood or one flight here. The but¬ terfly appears in small numbers in the last week of May. All are males, no fe¬ males being seen until about five days after the first male makes its appearance. The first week in June, I have found both sexes, and sometimes pairs in copula¬ tion have risen from the moss at my approach. At the end of the second week m June, they gradually disappear. I have never taken a fresh specimen later than 10th June. A very few worn ones linger to the third week, when they all suddenly are gone. I visit the bog several times during the collecting season, from 1st May to 1st October, in search of Geometridse and Noctuidm, but Jutta I do not find. If there were a second brood or second flight I should certainly see it, even though there were very few individuals. In no other part of the State, so far as I can find out, does Jutta exist, and when the Stillwater bog is drained, as it will be in a few years, this butterfly will become extinct in Maine. Jutta has a low, jerky flight, and alights suddenly when pursued, vanishing under the eyes of the collector. It drops into the moss, and it is useless to search for it ; but, if let alone, it will soon rise again and come back to the place from which it started. This is the only time to catch it, for it is not to be caught by running after it. The flight of the female is not so quick as that of the male. On my trips in former years, this butterfly was not so shy as it is now. Of late years CHIONOBAS V. they have been persistently hunted by myself and a few of my young students, and have learned to take more care of themselves. Jutta is not common by any means. I think the entire flight of any one year will not exceed two hundred individuals, about one quarter of which we take. The last two seasons I have tried a different plan of capture. On tying a battered live female to a plant, the Labrador tea, two or three males will very soon appear, and can easily be taken. We only preserve good specimens, releasing unhurt all that are worn. To get eggs, I Pot one ^ie ^ooc^ P^ants> cover if with a neL an(i introduce one or more females. I keep these alive by feeding with molasses, a few drops of which are sprinkled on the net, and to this the insects come regularly. Each fresh female will lay from seventy-five to one hundred eggs in course of a week, which is as long as she will live in such confinement. Dissection has shown that rarely are all the eggs laid. “ As regards the females resting high in trees, as you tell me Menetries and Holmgren state, it seems to me like a fable. In ten years’ collecting I never saw one on bush or tree. They fly still lower than the males. I believe I have once or twice seen a male alight on the trunk of a little juniper-tree, about three feet from the ground, after I had stirred it up several times from the moss and persistently pursued it. I ought to know the movements of this butterfly, having had years of experience in studying its habits. I have taken with the net about three hundred specimens. As Mr. Fyles says, ‘ it is a ground insect,’ and of that there can be no doubt whatever.” Mr. Scudder accompanied Professor Braun to the swamp, in 1890, and writes me : “ The only Jutta I saw settled right at my feet, and my net was over it in an instant. It was much as if it came at my bidding.” Mr. Fletcher took a single example of Jutta , a female, in his garden, at Ot¬ tawa, and another at Nepigon. This latter “ was flying past very quickly. I struck at it, and it almost immediately dropped to the ground and I threw my net over it.” As to the other ; u it flew over a fence into the garden, and after flying backwards and forwards three or four times, like a Grapta, which, strange to say, I took it for at first, it settled on the leaves of some low beans. I ap¬ proached it quietly, and then it flew off to the ground, and lay over so that the wings were almost horizontal with the ground, and thus I caught it by putting a glass bowl over it, for I had no net. “ There is a small bog within half a mile of this garden, but I never could find the butterfly there. Within ten miles there is another very large bog, and the railway runs through it, the trains stopping at a station within two hundred yards of where I took this specimen. Is it possible it might have flown into a passing train ? ” CHIONOBAS V. Captain Gamble Geddes, at Toronto, writes that the single specimen of Jutta taken by him, 1884, near Emerald Lake, Alberta Terr., elevation about 6,000 feet, was in a dried-up swamp through which the trail he was following ran.' It was a female, and the time was the first week in August, the appearance of the species being delayed according to the elevation. Mr. Burnson says of the single Jutta which he took at Ottertail, elevation 3,700 feet, the date 1st July : “ On my way from Banff to Glacier, I found, on reaching Ottertail, that the train would have to be held some little time while the bridge over the Wapta, or Kicking Horse River, was being repaired. I whiled away the moments, never daring to get far away, by netting what butterflies I could. The road ran near the river and through a bog, and on the edge of this, either on a low plant or directly on the moss, I took this Jutta” All records of the habits of this species therefore agree in this, that it is only to be found in bogs or morasses, and Mr. Scudder thinks it is confined “ even to very limited stations within them. Holmgren calls particular attention to this, stating that it is found on the rocky islands, near Stockholm, only where sphag¬ num abounds, and that a quarter of a mile therefrom in a marshy area of about fifty acres, he has searched in vain for it.” M. Menetrids, Enum. Acad. St. Pe¬ tersburg, p. 107, says: “ Mr. Bremer has taken a great many examples of Jutta in a marsh about twenty-five versts north of our capital.” On p. 108: “ This butterfly is found at the end of May in marshes, often inundated, where grow here and there small and stunted pines ; it is upon the trunks of these that the insect rests, its color so resembling the bark that it is difficult to discover it. It is necessary to shake or beat the branches to cause it to fly.” Mr. Scudder quotes Holmgren : “ When it alights, it is generally upon the tree trunks, and, in the pairing season, the female usually rests high up in the tree, and ifffis in this search after the females that the males fly around and up the trees. M. Menetries got this at second-hand, but the account is supported by Holmgren from his own observation, and it indicates a curious difference in habit from that of the American Jutta. As to this habit of hiding in and rest¬ ing on tiees, farther observations are much to be desired. Note. — As I am revising the proofs of this paper, I am able to add the follow¬ ing particulars: Professor Braun writes, May 19th, “ I visited the bog on 14th, and found that about one half the larvge looked as if they would pupate in a few days. I changed them to another spot where the plant was abundant, and have no doubt that by the middle of next week most will have pupated.” On 29th : “ I was at the bog Saturday, 21st, and found five chrysalids of Jutta. Seventeen larvas had fixed themselves for pupation among the grass stems and next the net ; the rest were still feeding. One of the five pupm gave a male CHIONOBAS V. butterfly this morning, and the others will do likewise by to-morrow. These pup£e were quite soft when I found them, and must have formed on 20th, which would make seven days for the length of the pupa stage.” On 30th: “ I was at the bog last Saturday, 28th, and found to my dismay that somebody had destroyed my poor Jutta. The frame and covering were broken and torn, and trampled into the moss. All the larvae were gone, but I found fifteen that had been killed, apparently in the act of pupating, and six crushed pupae. This is the end of the work which had given me so much de¬ light. Some boys have done this.” The last sentence explains the situation. Just so the arboreal ancestors of these boys behaved among the primeval birds’ nests. I have also a letter from Mr. Fletcher, of June 30th: “ I went to the peat bog, twelve miles from Ottawa, on 23d, to search for Jutta. I had the good for¬ tune to disturb one example, which I secured. This confirms the fact that my' specimen, taken July 1st, 1888 (as herein related), was bred near here, and not brought in moss to the gardeners, as Mr. Fyles has suggested.” EXPLANATION OF THE PLATE. Jutta, 1, 2 & (from South Quebec), 3, 4 J , bred, from same loc., 5, 9 > from Bangor, 6 var. £ i Quebec. a Egg ; a2 micropyle. b b2 Young Larva ; b3 process on 3 to middle of 13 ; b 4 head. c Larva at 1st moult ; c2 dorsum of segments 7 and 8 ; c3 bead. d Larva at 2d moult ; d2 dorsum of 7 and 8 ; d3 bead. e Larva at 3d moult ; e2 dorsum of 7 and 8 ; e3 form and proportions of processes from 3 to 13 ; e4 head. / Adult Larva, after 4th moult, a little enlarged ; f3 process of dorsum ; / 4 head. f 2 Adult, after change of color. g Chrysalis, much enlarged ; g3 ventral view of cremaster, g2 side, view of one o£ the cones of the cremaster. The plant is Carex oligosperma. msosj ©ibj^So CRAMB IS: 1.2 rf. 3.4$. B RU C E I ; 5 6 o, BRUCEI magnified f-fs Larva, mature, b~& Larva, young to 3rd moult „ g-g 3 Chrysalis, . 7 8$. magnified // CHIONOBAS VI. CHIONOBAS CRAMBIS, 1-4. Chionobas Crambis, Freyer, Neuere Beitrage zur Schmetterlingskunde, Vol. V. p. 99, pi. 440, figs. 3, 4. 1845; Butler, Cat. Diurn. Lepid., Satyridse, p. 163. 1868 ; Staudinger, Cat., p. 27. 1871. Also, Moschler, Wein. Entom. Monats. 1863. Oeno and Also, Scudder, Proc. Ent. Soc. Phil., Vol. V. p. 113. 1865 ; Kirby, Cat., p. 70. 1871. Male. — Expands 1.8 to 2 inches. Wings somewhat translucent ; upper side dark brown ; costa of primaries a little streaked with gray-white ; on the upper discoidal interspace a small black ocellus, not always present ; on each subcostal interspace a yellow point ; fringes yellowish, pale fuscous at the ends of the nervules. Under side of primaries nearly of the same color as above, the costal margin and apex dusted brown ; the ocellus, if present, pupilled with white. Secondaries variable ; one example under view has the area from base to outer side of the mesial band dark brown (the inner edge of the band undefined), everywhere slightly mottled with gray-white, but the dark color greatly pre¬ dominates ; the space beyond the band sordid gray-white, finely streaked with brown, rather more densely next the margin : another example (Fig. 2) has the band boldly defined on a gray ground that without makes a belt nearly half as broad as the band ; beyond to margin light brown, streaked with dark brown ; on the other side of the band the clear gray space is narrow, but gray a little streaked occupies part of the costal interspace ; the rest of the basal area brown ; the edges of the band are dark, the interior gray and brown ; the inner edge shows an angular incision in the costal interspace, followed by a slight promi¬ nence on the sub-costal nervure, and by a sinus between this and the sub¬ median, nearly square at the bottom ; the exterior edge projects a little on costa, after which is an angular incision to the discoidal nervule, then an arch, doubly crenated, to the lower branch of median, from which to the margin, in one ex¬ ample, the course is straight, in the other, with a double even crenation in the lower median interspace. CHIONOBAS VI. Body black above and below ; the femora black, tibiae red-brown on upper side, gray underneath ; palpi black ; antennae fuscous above with a little cretaceous at the joints, and the same hue along the under side ; club red-brown above, tipped black, cretaceous below. (Figs. 1, 2.) Female. — Expands 2 to 2.25 inches. Wings opaque ; upper side darker than the male ; costa of primaries rather gray than brown, dusted and streaked with black-brown ; the ocelli vary ; one example has a single black point on a yellow spot on the lower median in¬ terspace, and a small yellow spot on each interspace above, making a row of six spots (Fig. 3) ; another has a similar black spot, on the under side pupilled with white, but the yellow spots are wanting ; a third has two rather large equal black ocelli, the upper one on the upper discoidal interspace, and both are pupilled beneath. Secondaries, in all the examples, have a complete extra-discal row of five yellow spots (repeated in white beneath), and the hind margin is edged by a series of blackish serrations, either obscure or well-defined ; in all the examples the band on under side is defined on both edges, and is about one fourth broader than in the male. (Figs. 3, 4.) From 2 S , 3 $ , from Labrador, sent me as Crambis by the late H. B. Moschler, who made a specialty of Labrador insects. I know nothing whatever of the present species beyond the fact that it is credited to Labrador, and, according to Moschler, flies in July and August. In my Catalogue of Diurnal Lepidoptera of America north of Mexico, 1884, I gave as localities for Crambis , Labrador, boreal America, Alaska, Colorado, and New Mexico. But what was then supposed to be Crambis in the Rocky Mountains is Bracei. Crambis is a larger species than Brucei , of a different color, trans¬ parent in a less degree, and only in the male, and is conspicuously marked by ocelli, and common rows of yellow points ; while Brucei is equally transparent in both sexes, and is without ocelli or points. I have been unable to see Freyer’s book, and know of but one copy in the United States, and that is inaccessible. But Mr. Butler, Cat. p. 163, pronounces his figures “not good.” Mdschler gives Crambis as a synonym of Also , Boisduval. I have in my possession Dr. Holland’s copy of Boisduval’ s leones, in which are figured and described both C. Also and C. Oeno. I have no doubt whatever that Oeno is Semidea, Say. The figure agrees as closely as is possible with Semidea insects from Labrador and the White Mountains of New Hampshire (but copies of the leones vary in respect to the figures of Oeno , and some of them are very badly colored). As to Also , it is more like Brucei than Crambis in coloration and appearance of upper surface, and the CHIONOBAS VI. text says that the author thinks it is the same species as Eritiosa , Harris, from the White Mountains, a mistake for Semidea, Say. It does look more like Semi- dea than Crambis. But on the under side it is not like either of the species named. Moreover, Boisduval says his drawing and description were made from a Siberian example. I think, therefore, Also may be dismissed as no American species. Mr. Mbschler sent me these insects labelled “ Crambis ,” after the date of his paper referred to, and probably he had seen reason for changing his mind about the identity of Crambis with Also. Note. — As I was writing the description of Crambis above given, having occasion to examine closely the insects, I discovered, adhering to a leg of one of the females, a good eggshell, compressed, but not flattened so as to injure the side ribs. Mrs. Peart will be able to make a figure of this egg, which shall be given on a subsequent Plate. That egg, with the insect, has been in my cabinet more than twenty years, unnoticed, of course. . ' CHIONOBAS VI. CHIONOBAS BRUCEI. Chionobas Brucei, Edwards, Canadian Entomologist, Vol. XXIII. p. 154. 1891. Male. — Expands 1.8 to 1.95 inches. Wings semi-transparent ; upper side uniform gray-brown ; costa of prima¬ ries sordid white, streaked transversely with dark brown, the light color much predominating ; fringes of both wings yellow-white, fuscous at the tips of the nervules. Under side of primaries nearly of same color as above, a shade lighter ; sometimes the whole wing is flecked with brown scales, but often the area behind the cell is immaculate y: in all cases the cell is so flecked, in varying degree, and the apical area is both specked and streaked brown on a dull gray-white ground ; the costal margin much as above, but the dark streaks are heavier. In no example viewed is there an ocellus on either wing, or a trace of one. Secondaries gray-white, sometimes with a tint of yellow over disk and to margin ; next base nearly black, with whitish scales sparsely scattered through this ; on the basal side of the band is a strip of nearly- clear ground, but little dusted brown ; beyond the band a broader area of clear color, similarly dusted, and gradually the dusting increases, and fine streaks come in, reaching a maxi¬ mum near the margin, where the dark color takes the form of loose patches in the interspaces ; the band is prominent, both edges black, the interior more or less densely covered with black scales and streaks on the whitish ground ; the inner edge shows a narrow crenation on or just below the costal nervure, followed by a rounded prominence on sub-costal, and by an angular sinus between sub¬ costal and sub-median, square at the bottom, or sometimes erose ; the exterior edge projects a sharp tooth on costa, which is followed by an angular sinus reach¬ ing to the discoidal nervule, then a slight arch to lower median interspace, and arching again to inner margin ; but sometimes the curved part is crenated to margin. Body blackish above, black below, with some gray hairs near and at the ex- CHIONOBAS VI. tremity ; the femora black, tibiae red-brown on npper side, gray-white underneath ; palpi black ; antennae fuscous above, alternated with cretaceous, which last covers the under side on lower half, the upper half red-brown ; club cretaceous above, red-brown below, a little darkened at tip. (Figs. 5, 6.) Female. — Expands 1.8 to 2 inches. Transparent as the male ; closely like the male on both sides, and in the color areas of the under side of secondaries. (Figs. 7, 8.) I have had ten examples of both sexes under view in drawing up the foregoing description, and none of them show an ocellus on either wing. I applied to Mr. Bruce to examine his collection as to this point, and he writes that, of ninety-three examples present, none show an ocellus. Apparently the absence of ocelli is a feature characteristic of this species, in contradistinction to both Crambis and Semidea. Egg. — Sub-conic, the breadth to height nearly as 1 to 1.15, the base flattened, rounded ; broadest at about one third from base, narrowing upward considera¬ bly, the sides much arched ; marked by about twenty vertical ribs, very nearly straight, occasionally one branching either at bottom or top ; these are narrow at the summits and rounded, and the depressions are shallow and rounded, the slopes excavated much as in Jutta , but are not so decided in the shape and char¬ acter of the spurs ; the top flattened ; the micropyle is in the centre of a rosette of five-sided cells, outside of which are three or four rows of similar, less regular, larger cells ; beyond these is a confused mass of flattened ridges, broken up, lying in every direction, and not a continuation of the ribs ; color dull white. (Figs. a, a2.) Duration of this stage about eleven days. This egg resembles that of Semidea at all points more closely than any of the species observed. Young Larva. — Length, at twenty-four hours from the egg, .08 inch ; shape of Chryxus , Jutta, Semidea ; segments 2 to 4 nearly equal, arched dorsally, then tapering regularly on dorsum and sides to 11 and more rapidly to 13, which ends in two short and stubby projections, — scarcely to be called tails, — which are separated by an angular sinus at base (closely as in Semidea) ; the tubercles are brown, the processes from them white, and both are the same in number, position, and shape as in the other species named, and indeed in all the species of the genus observed (Fig. 65, process on dorsum from 3 to 13) ; color pale greenish white ; a dorsal stripe and sub-dorsal line of pale brown, and a lateral band of same hue ; under side dull white ; feet and legs translucent, whitish ; head broader than 2, sub-globose, broadest below, depressed slightly at the suture; surface covered with shallow indentations ; a few tubercles like those on the body CHIONOBAS VI. are present. (Figs, b to b5.) The number and position of the head tubercles is the same as shown by the cut accompanying the text of Chryxus. At about ten days from the egg the color becomes greenish gray, and the stripes are more distinct, the lateral one broader and darker. Duration of this stage fifteen to eighteen days. After first moult: length, at twenty-four hours, .15 inch; nearly the same shape as before, the anterior segments arched in the same way ; the projections at extremity very short, blunt ; surface thickly covered with fine conical tuber- cles, each bearing a short, cylindrical, and bent process (Fig. c3) ; color of body pale buff ; the mid-dorsal stripe gray with illy-defined dark spots at the junctions o the segments, the ends of these spots more or less incised ; the sub-dorsal me red-brown ; the lateral band pale black on the posterior half, greenish gray anteriorly, dusted black, edged below by a whitish line; the basal ridge yellow- white ; under side greenish buff ; feet and legs translucent, white, but there is a break in the middle stripe on either side (a feature observed in no species except . errydea) > head closely as before, pale green-yellow, with six vertical stripes as in the genus, pale brown. (Figs, c to c3.) Fig. c* shows the usual attitude of the laiva at rest, during the earlier stages. To next moult, thirteen to seventeen days. After second moult : length, at twenty hours, .26 inch ; shape as in the second stage ; processes same ; color buff ; the mid-dorsal stripe gray-green, with brown not well-defined, spots at the junctions, as before, edged on either side by a whitish line ; the belt between this and the red-brown sub-dorsal line is gray- green, streaked finely and longitudinally with red-brown ; the belt below the sub-dorsal line light buff, bisected by a fine brown line ; the lateral band pale black, darker posteriorly, edged below by a whitish line, and that by a brown one ; another brown line on upper, and one on under, side of the yellow-white basal ridge ; head as before. (Figs, d to d\) To next moult, thirteen to twenty days. J After third moult : length, at twelve hours, .35 inch ; shape as before ; the processes as at last previous stage; color buff; the dorsal area obscured by blackish, abbreviated longitudinal streaks ; the mid-dorsal stripe gray-green, the spots at the junctions as before, but darker ; the sub-dorsal line obsolete ;’ the middle of the buff belt next below streaked with brown ; the lateral band nearly as before ; the basal ridge yellow-buff ; head as before. (Figs, e to e3.) To next moult, seven to ten days. CHIONOBAS VI. After fourth moult : length, at twenty hours, .5 inch ; the processes consider¬ ably longer in proportion than in the previous stages. (Fig./3.) In about eight days was full-grown. Mature Larva. — Length, .9 inch ; stout, indeed obese, thick in the middle, tapering rapidly from 5 to head, and from 9 or 10 to 13, ending in two short, blunt projections ; surface thickly covered with fine conical tubercles of irregular sizes, each bearing a cylindrical, slender, bent process ; color buff, in shades ; the mid-dorsal stripe gray-green, with a rectangular spot, incised sharply at either end, at the junctions, edged on either side by a whitish line ; the dorsal area gray-buff, obscured by blackish longitudinal streaks, which are confluent on the lower edge at the junctions ; the buff area below this is cut in the middle by two brown lines ; the lateral band broad, deep black, paler on the anterior seg¬ ments, edged below by a light buff line ; the spiracular band dark gray ; basal rido-e light buff, with a gray stripe beneath it ; under side, feet and legs gray- buff ; head small, scarcely broader than 2, sub-globose, broadest below, narrowing towards the top, slightly depressed at the suture ; the surface thickly covered with shallow indentations, between some of which are small tubercles with pro¬ cesses like those on the body ; color greenish yellow, with a brown tint ; across the top six dark brown stripes, as in the allied species, but the middle one on either side is broken. (Figs. / to/5.) No larva bred by me reached pupation ; but Mr. Bruce sent a dead pupa, from which Mrs. Peart was able to make the outline figure given. Chrysalis. — Length, .5 inch ; breadth at mesonotum .2, at abdomen .22 inch; cylindrical, stout, the ventral side arched ; the dorsal, from the thoracic depression posteriorly, much more so ; head case truncated, closely as in Semidea and Ulderi , less than in Juttci , dome-shaped at top ; mesonotum without carina, rounded every way ; the depression slight ; abdomen sub-conical ; wing cases bevelled down to the abdomen on the margin ; cremaster naked, without hooks or bristles, the ridges V-shaped, converging but not attingent, elevated, com¬ pressed. (Figs, g to /.) The cremaster resembles that of Semidea rather than any of the allied species so far observed. C. Brucei inhabits certain lofty peaks of Colorado, and Mr. Bean reports find¬ ing it at Laggan, Alberta Territory. He says, Dec. 29, 1890 : u I have only found it as yet on one mountain, and scarcely any are to be had there. Prob¬ ably, therefore, the species lives in Montana, though I have not heard of an example being taken in that State. Mr. David Bruce has kindly written an CHIONOBAS VI. account of its habits, times of flight, and localities, as observed by himself, as follows : “ C. Brucei is found on most of the mountains around South Park, at between 12,000 and 13,000 feet elevation, but I have never seen it in such numbers anywhere as on Mts. Bullion and Hayden, which are twin mountains, and may be called one locality. South Park proper is on the south of these mountains, and is a succession of grassy valleys, surrounded by a broken range of varying altitude. Every mountain and peak, as well as every gulch and creek, has a name, not all found on the maps, but well known to the miners and cattle¬ men. For convenience, I call it all the South Park District. I first took this species on the opposite side of the valley from Bullion, two or three worn ex¬ amples, in the month of August. But I have never found it at the same place since, and I think these were blown across the valley. I have never seen Brucei at a lower altitude than 12,000 feet. It does not fly to the tops of the rocky peaks, like C. Semidea , nor does it frequent the same localities anywhere as that species, but is confined to grassy depressions on the sides of the mountains. It is of a gentle flight and playful habit, and may be seen in companies of a dozen or moie, circling around and pursuing each other, or hovering about a tuft of grass, where probably a newly emerged female is drying her Avings. If ap¬ proached suddenly, it is apt to be alarmed, and will make a wild, dashing flight foi a shoit distance, and then dive into the herbage, where it will elude search by holding itself perfectly still ; or it may make a succession of short, leaping flights, and is then very difficult to capture. When caught, it will lie in the net as if dead ; but this trick is practiced by all the species of Chionobas and Hip- parchia that I have had experience with. On the eastern side of Bullion Moun¬ tain Brucei is very abundant, though local. The entire slope of the mountain is well coveied with grass and wild flowers, but from the peculiar position of the surrounding peaks the greater part of this mountain meadow lies in shadow until the afternoon; but one central spot, about an acre in area, feels the uninterrupted rays of the sun all the day. On this favored place C. Brucei and Pyrgus Cen- taui ice absolutely swarm. By standing still I have frequently taken scores in a few minutes. Sunshine is a necessity with the Brucei. The thinnest cloud will stop their flight, but the moment the sun is out again they are up and busy. The air at this altitude cools rapidly Avhen the sun’s rays are absent, and a few minutes’ cloudiness is sufficient to chill the collector. If the insect is on the wing when the cloud covers the sun, it drops at once into the grass. The moun¬ tain storms, that often occur without a minute’s warning, are thus instinctively guarded against. “My recorded captures are from June 10th to August 20th, but I have not taken fiom one of these dates to the other in any one year. In some years the CHIONOBAS VI. ground is covered with snow to the middle of June, and again, by August 12th, I have known sharp frosts and driving snow to cut off everything ; but it gener¬ ally rains about this time of the month, followed by a few weeks of fine weather. In 1889, frost and snow occurred in August, and everything was apparently killed, yet through September, when the weather was fair, plenty of butterflies were to be found, many of which had doubtless emerged before the cold snap, but had not paired then. But by 20th August, generally, the Brucei are old and so worn as to be almost unrecognizable, and will sit in a listless way on the flowers as if waiting for death. These late individuals are always females, and I have never seen a male later than July. As the snow lies on the very spot on Bullion where this species occurs until late in May, in the most favorable seasons, it is evident that the larvae, or part of them, must mature the first year. I found a pupa of Briicei, 22d July, 1889, while I was searching at the roots of Sedum for the larvae of Parnassius Smintheus. It was buried in the light soil near the surface ; was apparently alive and about to disclose the imago, as the markings of the wings were plainly to be seen through the transparent skin. But the imago died in the pupa, and in this condition was sent to Mr. Edwards. I have examined several hundreds of Briicei (I have certainly taken as many as three hundred), and never found any variation in color or markings worth mentioning. “ There are few or no birds on these high stations to destroy the larvae or catch the butterflies, but mice, ground squirrels, spiders, and predaceous beetles are legion. Parasitic diptera and ichneumon flies are as numerous as on the lower levels ; a large gray Asilus, too, is ever present like an evil spirit, capturing Brucei without the least effort. It is therefore surprising that so frail a butterfly should hold its own so persistently.” A few examples of Brucei have been taken the present year (1892) near Pike’s Peak, and one near Gray’s Peak, both localities having an elevation above 13,000 feet. Mr. Bruce, then at Hall Valley, Colorado, sent me eggs of C. Brucei, which were received on 14th, 18th, and 21st July, 1890. The first lot began to hatch on 18th ; on 3d August, three larvae passed the first moult ; on 16th, one passed the second, another on 19th ; on 29th August, one, A, passed the third moult, and another, B, the same moult, in Philadelphia. On 8th September, A passed the fourth moult, and B had done likewise on 6th ; on 15th September, a third larva, C, also passed the fourth. A and C, at Coalburgh, were feeding as late as 8th October, but had become very stout, and were evidently full-grown. A few days later they seemed torpid, but on 18th October, A died. A month later there remained C, adult, and two which had passed the third moult, all in hibernation. B was reported as also hibernating, but soon after died. I left the larvse out of CHIONOBAS VI. doors, on a shaded porch, and up to the middle of February they seemed to be healthy, but shortly after all died. The largest one had been attacked by a fungoid growth on one side, at the spiracles. So I failed to get a pupa. Many of the hatched larvae died when quite young, or disappeared unaccountably. But the five that passed the third and fourth moults proceeded as satisfactorily as any Satyrid larvae from the lowlands could have done. One nearest allied species, Semidea , on the other hand, is exceedingly difficult to rear, indeed almost im¬ possible. The food, Poa pratensis, agreed with my larvae. The advanced ones became excessively stout, and segment 2 was so large, and rose above the head so high and abruptly, that it seemed as if the pupa must have taken form within, and would shortly appear. In 1891, I again received eggs from Mr. Bruce, at the same place, and they began to hatch 28th July. On 13th August, two larvae passed the first moult, others soon after ; on 29th, two died in trying to pass the second moult ; a third passed second, in Philadelphia, 5th September, and presently died. All the other larvae stopped at first moult, and were sent to Canada to hibernate in a snowbank, but died before I received them in the spring. These attempts seemed to show that larvae hatched in the early part of the summer may reach the adult stage the same season, if the weather conditions are favorable, but that those hatched some weeks later will pass only the earlier moults. Others may probably hibernate direct from the egg. The first would pupate as soon as the melting of the snow had uncovered them, which would be late in May, and from these would come the butterflies of middle June. The larvae which have hibernated after third, second, first moults, or from the egg, reach lma^o in successive detachments up to the middle of July, or some¬ what later. In this way the appearance of the species on the wing for so long a period as seventy days, as testified by Mr. Bruce, is accounted for. EXPLANATION OF THE PLATE. Ckambis, 1, 2 6, 3, 4 9. Brucei, 5, 6, 6, 7, 8, 9. a Egg ; a1 micropyle. b, b2 Young Larva ; b8, b 4 last segments ; 65 process on 2 to 13 ; b 6 head. c, c2 Larva at 1st moult, ; c8 process; c4 attitude during the younger stages ; cB head. d Larva at 2d moult ; d 2 segments 7 and 8 ; ds head. e Larva at 3d moult ; e2 segments 7 and 8 ; e8 head. f Adult Larva, a little enlarged ; / 2 greatly enlarged ; f 8 segments 7 and 8 ; f* process ; / 6 head. g Chrysalis, enlarged ; g 2 side view of last segments ; g8 front view of the cremaster. *. - . • r * . . - ■ * ASSIMILIS: 7 9 8 d intermediate ■ CRAMBIS; a a? Egg CHIONOBAS VII. CHIONOBAS (ENO, 1-8. Chionobas (Eno, Boisduval, leones, Yol. I. p. 195, pi. 39, figs. 4 to 6. 1832. Yar. Assimilis , Butler, Cat. of Satyridse, p. 163, pi. 2, fig. 10. 1868. Wings somewhat translucent, as in C. Semidea. Male. — Expands from 1.8 to 2.1 inches. Upper side from livid-brown to yellow-brown ; costa of primaries yellow-white, streaked brown and black ; occasionally there is a small blind ocellus on the upper discoidal interspace ; secondaries disclose more or less distinctly the mark¬ ings of the under surface ; fringes of both wings yellow-white, fuscous or brown at the tips of the nervules. Under side of primaries paler ; in some examples the larger part of the wing is sprinkled with dark scales, in others is densely covered by fine, abbreviated, transverse brown streaks, most so in the cell ; the apical area more or less gray. Secondaries yellow-gray, mottled and streaked with dark brown, pretty equally distributed from base to margin ; but sometimes the basal area has the ground gray-white, and outside the band is a narrow space of same color ; the band well defined on its outer edge, which in the main is arched, but sometimes made angu¬ lar by the prominence of the serration on upper median interspace, the anterior half in narrow serrations, sometimes sharp, sometimes rounded, the posterior half crenated ; the inner edge most often not clearly defined, and the mottling of the basal area is continued through the band ; but when this edge is distinct, the course from costal margin to about one third across the cell is straight, then is incurved, or makes a sinus in the cell and submedian interspace, and crenated or erose to inner margin ; midway between the band and hind margin is a row of whitish points, one on each interspace. Body fuscous above, black below ; the upper half of the femora black, the rest and the tibiae yellowr-brown ; palpi yellow-white with the frontal hairs black ; CHIONOBAS VII. antennee fuscous above, paler below, and ringed with cretaceous ; club cretaceous below, red-brown above. (Figs. 1, 2, 6.) Female. — Expands from 2 to 2.1 inches. Like the male, but usually more yellow ; the ocellus on primaries present, and sometimes there are three small whitish spots on the lower interspaces, in line ; on secondaries a small blind ocellus sometimes appears in the lower median inter¬ space, the under side of primaries sometimes much streaked at apex and over the basal two thirds of the wing, with an obscure mesial band, the outer side of which is irregularly crenated, and throws a sharp projection along upper branch of median. (Figs. 3, 4, 5.) Yar. Assimilis. — The band is wanting, or there is scarcely more than a sug¬ gestion of it. (Figs. 7, 8.) (Eno flies in Labrador, at least along the coast ; also at Fort Chimo, Davis Straits, in Ungava. Two examples were taken by Mr. Ludwig Kumlein, Natu¬ ralist of the Howgate Polar Expedition, 1877-78, at Quickstep Harbor, Gulf of Cumberland, lat. 66° ; and were mentioned by me in Bulletin 15 of the U. S. National Museum as Semidea, Say. Mr. Butler gives Repulse Bay, which is of about the same latitude, but several degrees to the west, as a locality. The species is also found in Colorado, inhabiting the tops of the loftiest peaks. It has been taken in New Mexico, though I do not know the locality, as is evidenced by a pair formerly received by me from one of the exploring expeditions. I am not informed that Eno has been taken to the northward of Colorado. In that State and in Labrador the variety Assimilis accompanies the parent form. About twenty years ago, a collection of butterflies made by Lieutenant \V. L. Carpenter, U. S. A., in Colorado, was sent me, and among them were two pairs of (Eno which had been caught in copulation. They had been killed and put in envelopes without separation, and in this condition I found them. These are before me as I write. Both males are dark ; in one the band is distinct on both edges, in the other the outer edge is defined, the inner lost. One female is dark, the other very yellow, and in this last the band is wanting ; that is, it is the variety Assimilis. In the dark example the band is faint throughout. I sent Mr. Butler an example similar to the one shown on the Plate, figure 7, and another like 8, and he replied that both were Assimilis. An excellent uncolored figure of this form is given in the Cat. Satyr., and the description reads : “ Under side color of Eno, but the band is less distinct.” Mr. Bruce has kindly furnished me with notes on the localities in Colorado CHIONOBAS VII. inhabited by CEno, and its way of life : “ The tops of the Front Range of the Rocky Mountains are generally irregular plains sloping towards the west. On these comparatively little snow lies, as they are swept by the violent west winds which blow throughout the winter and spring months. Owing to this the snow accumulates in immense rolls and wreaths just on the extreme verge of the eastern side of the mountain, and extends downward in vast fields. These accumulations melt slowly, but by the middle of June, in ordinary seasons, the upper levels are nearly free, except in depressions and on rocky declivities. On the very rim of these mountains, as the snow recedes, a bare space of gravelly earth, or decom¬ posed granite, occurs, the result of constant attrition by the elements; and it is this narrow belt, entirely clear of vegetation, on the upper side of the snow fields which still clothe the mountain side, that CEno frequents. There it can be found from the middle of June until the end of August, or during a period of fully six weeks. Though during August the snow all disappears except in deep chasms, the butterfly holds to its favorite haunt, occasionally straying a few hundred feet downward where the character of the surface accords with that of the belt. It is a strong-winged and vigorous species, shy and wary. By watch¬ ing where it alights and approaching with caution, however, it may easily be covered by the net ; but when on the Tying it is useless, indeed impossible, for the collector to follow it. It sweeps over the mountain edge and across the snow with a bold dash, and takes a long excursion, but generally returns in a short time and alights as suddenly as it started. I took several fine examples on a warm and still July morning this year (1893) by sitting quietly on a rock in one of the favorite haunts. The butterflies played around me and apparently fought for a position, — a jutting point on the edge of the snow. On this they would walk a few inches in their jerky manner, stop a few seconds and begin an almost imperceptible gliding, then stand quiet a moment, and walk again,— about which time a rival would appear, and the usual skirmish in the air would ensue ; and I generally improved the occasion by catching both of them. Like the ’allied species, it lies flat on closed wings, especially if the wind is blowing. About mid¬ day they take short flights on the plateau, the females apparently for the pur¬ pose of depositing their eggs, and the males to feed on the flowers, preferring spots where the rocks crop up through the scanty vegetation. For shelter during storms they return to the mountain verge. I once took quite a cluster of them in a crevice under a huge overhanging rock where I had taken refuge during a furious hailstorm. I have found this species at all elevations above 12,000 feet in Park and Summit counties. It is found, as I have said, at the highest points attainable and is common ; yet from its frequenting such inaccessible localities, collectors have not often captured it. CHIONOBAS VII. “ CEno, on its belt, seems to be on the constant watch for intruders, and will even chase the rufous humming-bird, which is common in the same region. Erebia Magdalena , Melitceas Anicia and Falla, Pieris Occidentalis, Colias Meadii, Vanessa Calif ornica and Chrysophanus Snowi, all inhabit the higher slopes and levels, and CEno 1 is on the alert for every individual of them that crosses its domain. This habit is observed in the whole genus Chionobas, but appears to be more developed in CEno, which is a bolder and stronger species than some of its congeners. C. Brucei is far more quiet ; a little playful dancing in the air is occasionally indulged in by half a dozen at once, but they take no such flights as CEno does. As Brucei lives on the grassy places on the slopes and plateaus, the habitats of the two species sometimes overlap, and they may be found in com¬ pany. I have now and then seen C. Chryxus with CEno, though as a rule this species lives at a lower altitude.” Chionobas CEno was described by Dr. Boisduval, sixty years ago. He says of the under side of the hind wings : “ Marbled with black and white, crossed in the middle by a blackish band which is crenated on its posterior edge and is sometimes entirely lost in the marbling of the base.” That agrees with the species as it is known to-day from Labrador and Colorado. The figure agrees with the description in Dr. Holland’s copy of the leones, which he has kindly loaned me for examination, except that the outer edge of the band represents an aberration in which the crenations are flattened except the three on the disk, and the upper two of these are serrated rather than crenated. This is a pecul¬ iarity sometimes seen in other species of the genus, even in quite a different group, as in C. Californica. But all copies of the leones have not the plates so well colored as the one before me, for one was sent me which had unintelligible black lines disposed over the region of the band so as to destroy that feature. Therefore it is safest to follow the description, which is drawn with Dr. Boisduval’s usual felicity.1 2 He speaks of having under view several examples, and goes on : 1 In the text of C. Brucei (Chion. VI.), Mr. Bruce says of that species : “ It does not fly to the tops of the rocky peaks like C. Semidea .” This should have read “ like C. CEno," which was the species Mr. Bruce had in mind. 2 I copy the description from the leones : — “ Ses ailes sont d’une texture mince et assez delicate. Le fond de leur couleur est en dessus d’un gris-bru- natre-livide mele de jaunatre. Les superieures sont presque transparentes pres de l’extremite, qui est un peu plus jaunatre que le reste de la surface, avec la pointe apicale et le bord marginal charges de quelques petits atomes noiratres. “Les ailes inferieures sont k-peu-pres du meme ton que les superieures, et leur transparence est telle, que Ton voit a travers tout le dessin du dessous. Leur extremite est un peu plus claire, avec quelques atomes noiratres condenses vers le bord marginal. “Le dessous des ailes superieures est un peu plus jaunatre que le dessus, avec le sommet et le bord de la cote grisatres et piques de brunatre. “ Le dessous des ailes inferieures est varie et marbre de noiratre et de blanchatre, traverse au milieu par CHIONOBAS VII. “ It is very rare in collections ; is found in Russian Lapland. I have also a female which I received from M. Eschscholtz as coming from Siberia. M. Som¬ mer has sent me two others which do not sensibly differ from the type, and which were taken in Labrador.” In view of the language of the leones, it is singular that no two later authors have agreed as to what CEno was. It has usually been confounded with Semidea, Say, and Crambis, Freyer. With these is mixed up Also, Bois., described in the leones next to CEno. The late Mr. H. B. Moschler, in a paper on the genus Chionobas, 1863, gave the series thus : — 1. Also, Bois. = Crambis, Freyer. 2. CEno, Bois. He says nothing of Semidea, but in later years sent me Labrador examples of CEno with the labels “ Semidea ,” and therefore must have changed from his first view. Mr. S. H. Scudder, Proc. Ent. Soc., Phil., Vol. V., 1865, says: — 1. CEno, Bois. = Also, Bois. = Crambis, Doubleday’s Gena. 2. Semidea , Say = Also, Bois. In the Butt. N. England, 1889, Mr. Scudder does not mention CEno, but gives Semidea, with Also, in part, as a synonym. Mr. A. G. Butler, Cat. Satyr., 1868, says of the sub-group: — 1. Crambis, Freyer. 2. CEno, Bois. = Also, Bois. 3. Assimilis, Butler. 4. Semidea, Say. 5. Subhyalina, Curtis. Mr. W. T. Kirby, Cat., 1871, says : — une bande noiratre, crenelee sur son cote posterieur, qui quelquefois se perd presque completement dans les marbrures du fond. L'extremite offre pres du bord quelques petits groupes d’atomes noiratres un peu plus serres, et formant une raie maculaire peu prononcee. “ La frange est blanche, entrecoupee de noiratre. Le corps est brunatre. Les antennes sont d’un jaune- testace pale, avec la base d’un gris brunatre. “Les superieures (de la femelle) sont plus arrondies, et leur sommet offre souvent un tres petit mil a peine visible. “ Les dessous de ses ailes superieures est plus jaunatre, plus fortement saupoudre d’atomes noiratres ; le sommet et la cote sont plus blanchatres ; la cellule discoidale parait traversee par deux legeres trainees d’atomes noiratres, formant comme deux raies tres peu distinctes. Au-dela de la cellule, on voit une autre trainee noiratre, coudee en angle aigu comme dans les especes, et tres peu marquee. “ Les dessous des ailes inferieures offre a-peu-pres le meme dessin que dans le male ; mais il est un peu plus varie de blanchatre, et la bande transverse est mieux dessin^e.” CHIONOBAS VII. 1. CEno , Bois. ; var. a. Also, Bois. ; var. b. Crambis, Freyer. 2. Semidea, Say = Also, Bois. (but this last is plainly a mistake for Bootes, as the reference shows). Dr. 0. Staudinger, Cat. 1871, says : — 1. Crambis, Freyer. 3. Semidea, Say = CEno, Bois. =Also, Bois. In my Synopsis of N. Am. Butterflies, in Vol. I., 1872, I followed Kirby, as the latest authority, having myself but a very slight acquaintance with some of these forms, and none at all with others. At that date no collection in America had all of them, and very few individuals of any, even of Semidea. It was not till Mr. Bruce explored the peaks of Colorado that it became possible to understand what CEno was, and the limitation of Brucei made clear the position of Crarnbis. In my Catalogue, 1877, I gave : — 1. Semidea, Say =CEno , Bois. = Also, Bois. 2. Crambis, Freyer = Assimilis, Butler. 3. Subhyalina, Curtis; and the same in the Revised Cat. of 1884. To-day, 1893, I give the series : — 1. Crambis, Freyer. 2. Brucei, Edw. 3. CEno, Bois.; var. Assimilis, Butler. 4. Semidea, Say. 5. Subhyalina, Curtis. This is very nearly as Mr. Butler gave it, as stated above. As to C. Also, I reject it altogether as American. The description of the under side hind wing says : “ It is brownish beyond the middle, with some gray¬ ish atoms and small marbling of same color near the outer border. The posterior third is of a whitish gray which has something of violet, with streaks, atoms, and little undulations of blackish. The band is present as in the other species, but the inner side is lost in the basal color.” I suppose by “the other species ” the author meant either CEno, next preceding, which has a crenated band, or CEno and Balder (the second preceding and which has a dentated band, as the de¬ scription says). The whole description of Also is too general to differentiate any species, and the figure is evidently poorly drawn and poorly colored and gives no help. The band on the outer side is irregularly wavy, totally unlike either of the species spoken of, and the inner edge for half its course is indicated by a CHIONOBAS VII. heavy incurving black line, whereas it should be “ totalement fondue avec la couleur de la base.” I have never seen an insect like that figure, and the de¬ scription is valueless. Boisduval says he described from a single male which came to him from Siberia, and adds: “I have received from Mr. John Leconte, under the name Eritosa, Harris [a mistake for Semidea, Say], an example taken in the White Mountains of New Hampshire, which seems to me to belong to this species.” That is all ! He has seen a single example of Semidea from America, which “me parait appartenir a cette espece,” just described from a single ex¬ ample from Siberia. It is only now, after the lapse of more than half a century, that the species of this sub-group can be distinguished and limited, and to accept the conjecture of even Dr. Boisduval, great naturalist though he was, as if it were a scientific and final determination, based on the inspection of one Semidea and one insect from Siberia, is out of the question. Whether Also is to-day anywhere received as a species I am not informed, but, in 1871, Dr. Staudinger, Cat., doubted whether there was such a Siberian species. CRAMBIS. Egg. — Nearly as in C. Brucei, but the sides less arched, and the top nearly as in C. Jutta ; subconic, the base flattened and rounded; broadest at about one third from base, narrowing upward considerably, the sides moderately arched ; marked by twenty-two vertical ribs, very nearly straight, occasionally one branching either at bottom or top ; these are narrow at the summits and rounded, and the depressions are shallow and rounded ; the slopes with many irregular horizontal excavations, with little intervening ridges (closely as in Brucei) ; the top flat¬ tened ; the micropyle is in the centre of a rosette of six-sided cells, outside of which are three or four rows of similar, less regular, larger cells ; beyond these to the ends of the ribs the flattened space presents shallow rounded cells of irregular sizes, but in general the smallest are next the micropyle ; these are much as in Jutta , but they are more numerous, and often run together ; color dull white. (Fig. a.) The egg here described was found attached to the leg of a female Crambis , from Labrador, as stated on a previous page in a note under the head of that species. EXPLANATION OF THE PLATE. CEno, 1, 2, $, from Colorado ; 3, 4, 9 ; same loc. 5 9 > from Labrador ; 6 $, same loc. "Var. Assisiilis, 7 9 ; 8 $, intermediate; both from Colorado. - • /•• * % t NORMA- 6 6,7 8 9 CHIONOBAS YIII. CHIONOBAS SUBHYALINA, 1-5. Chionobas Subhyalina, Curtis, in Appendix to Ross’s Narrative N. W. Passage, p. 68. 1835 ; Edwards, Cana¬ dian Entomologist, Vol. XXV., p. 137. 1893 ; Beanii, Elwes, Trans. Ent. Soc. Lond., p. 476. 1893. Male. — Expands from 2 to 2.1 inches. Shape of C. Brucei and C. Uhleri, and fully as transparent as the former ; primaries narrow, produced apically and pointed, the hind margin sloping inward more than in Semidea or CEno. Upper side pale gray-black; primaries some¬ times have a faint sexual stripe, oftener no trace of it; one example under view shows two light sub-apical points, transverse, pupils of incomplete ocelli; costal edge whitish, freckled next base with black ; fringes of both wings yellowish white, dusky at the ends of the nervules. Under side of primaries paler, the costal and apex gray-white, or yellowish white, streaked and mottled with brown ; in some examples the rest of the wing is free from markings (as shown in Fig. 1) ; but in others the extra-discal area and the costal half of the cell are covered with transverse, abbreviated streaks of brown, more or less distinct (as shown in Fig. 4). Secondaries vary much, some showing a distinct though faint mesial band (Fig. 2), others almost none at all (Fig. 3), with intermediate grades; sometimes there is no more than a suggestion of the band in cloudy patches on either mar¬ gin ; where the band is complete, the edges are darkened and definite, the outer one crenated from the elbow on upper branch of median to costa, and wavy or erose from elbow to inner margin ; on the inner edge there is a prominent pro¬ jection on the sub-costal nervure, either angular or rounded, followed by a nearly rectangular sinus in the cell ; the whole wing is covered with whitish or luteous scales, intermingled with which are brown ones more or less grouped into fine, abbreviated streaks, especially over the basal area and along the inner margin ; sometimes there is a narrow space of nearly clear white just outside the band ; on the edge of hind margin a pale dot in the middle of each interspace, and often - . . • CHIONOBAS VIII. an obscure series of diffused yellow-white patches halfway between the band and margin. (Fig. 3.) Body black ; the femora black ; tarsi brown, with red spines ; palpi black ; antennas pale black above, ringed beneath with cretaceous; club black. (Fi^s 1, 2, 3.) Female. — Expands from 2 to 2.2 inches. All the wings broader than in the male, the apex of primaries more rounded, the inward slope of hind margin less and the arch of same margin greater. Up¬ per side as in the male ; the yellowish patches on disk of secondaries beneath reappear above, obscure, diffused, in some examples ; under side of primaries as in the male, but the brown streaks are more conspicuous and more extended ; in one of three examples under view there is a straight, extra-discal row of four small, oblong, whitish spots in the discoidal and median interspaces, and a corre¬ sponding row of four whitish spots on secondaries, which are more distinct, irreg¬ ular, and unequal ; in all three the band is faint, and on the inner side is more or less lost in the dark hue of the basal area. (Figs. 4, 5.) The description by Curtis is as follows : — “ Subhyalina. Wings semi-transparent, fuscous, costa freckled with black and white, two small black spots towards the apex with white pupils, most distinct on the under side. “ Expansion one inch, eleven lines. “ Male black, antennaa ochreous, the club elongated ; wings semi-transparent, pale fuscous, nervures ochreous, costa black, freckled with white ; two indistinct white dots towards the apex with blackish ocelli, cilia whitish, spotted with black; under side of superior wings similar to the upper, but the ocellated spots are distinct, and the surface, excepting the disk, is mottled with ochre and pale black, lightest at the apex ; inferior wings spotted and mottled with black and dirty white, forming a waved and curved pale line beyond the middle, with three or four whitish dots beyond it. “ A single male was preserved, and probably was taken with the last species (H. Rossii), of which, at first sight, I thought it had been only an old and faded specimen, but on examination it proved to be in good condition.” This description was published in 1835, and the insect was taken in 1830. It remained in the collection of Mr. Curtis, and after his death, together with his other Arctic specimens of butterflies and moths, was purchased by Mr. Henry Doubleday, and presented by him to his friend M. Guenee. After the death of M. Guenee, his entire entomological collection passed to Mr. Charles Oberthur. Mr. Elwes claims to have had before him the original Subhyalina, the type, loaned CHIONOBAS VIII. him by Mr. Oberthur, and from this single example determines Subliyalina to be synonymous with two species which are quite distinct from each other, namely, C. Crambis and C. CEno, besides Assimilis, which he speaks of as a species, though as I have hereinbefore shown, it is but an unbanded form of CEno. Now, I refuse to believe that the insect in M. Oberthur’s collection is the type in¬ sect of Curtis, and in proof thereof offer in evidence Curtis’s name and descrip¬ tion. He described a nearly transparent insect, using the strongest word the language affords to express that peculiarity in selecting the name “ hyaline,” which means crystalline, like glass, transparent. “ Subhyaline ” means almost transparent, and the wings of the insect should permit the label on the pin to be distinctly seen through them, as is the case with C. Brucei. He says it is black, and to express the shade of black, uses the word “ fuscous,” — “ pale fuscous.” This word is applied both to blackish brown and to gray-black ; but his use of the word “ black,” unqualified, in the beginning of the description, fixes the color he intended to signify. He also says that it had an old (which implies worn) and faded appearance, but that nevertheless, “ on examination, it proved to be in good condition ; ” that is, the normal appearance of the insect was as one old, or worn, and faded. Now Crambis is a red-brown (the red decided), and the wings are semi-opaque. It is not hyaline in the least degree, but exactly the reverse. CEno , with Assimilis, is not transparent at all, but a little translucent. Trans¬ parent and translucent mean very different states. As to color, CEno is a livid brown, or a yellow-brown, individuals varying. It is not black of any shade, and therefore not fuscous, as Curtis uses that term. Boisduval, in describing CEno in the leones, says it is of a “ gris-brunatre-livide mele de jaunatre.” The plates of CEno in Part 14, and of Crambis in Part 13, show the coloration of these widely different species. They are both so antagonistic to the description of Curtis that the claim that one or both are his species really does not deserve serious consideration. When an alleged type does not agree with the descrip¬ tion, and especially if it is antagonistic, reliance is to be placed on the description alone. That is the rule in entomology. It is manifest that the type of Curtis, during the fifty years since it left the Curtis collection, must have been de¬ stroyed, and the label has been attached to another insect, near, or pretty near, the original, so far as the owner of the collection could remember. M. Guenee was not a student of butterflies, but of moths, — the Heterocera in general. Mr. Curtis may not have labeled this type insect, or Doubleday may have done it, and incorrectly. M. Guenee may have lost the insect, and then attached the label to another, as near to it as he could remember. Whatever it was, in pass¬ ing through four hands in the years since 1835, the type Subliyalina must have been lost or destroyed. Type specimens were not valued half a century ago as CHIONOBAS VIII. they are to-day. Insects in cabinets have a hundred enemies, and the chances are largely against the survival of any particular specimen for so long a time. Museum pests, mould, careless handling, or other accident, do their work. Loss •of types in entomological collections is a frequent occurrence, and loud com¬ plaints have come from the Museum of the treatment which such collections as the Linnman, and that of Stephens, have been subjected to in this particular. Three years after the Stephens collection came to the Museum, Mr. J. F. Daw¬ son, Ent. Ann., 1858, wrote: “Suppose the Stephens collection, instead of com¬ ing to us direct from the hands of its compiler and owner three years ago, had become antiquated, like the Linnsean ; or suppose the question of the types to he discussed some sixty or seventy years hence , with no more definite knowledge to assist the inquirer than the Stephensian types and the Stephensian descriptions would supply, might it not be argued that the types , in the instances under dis¬ cussion, must he ignored, as they never were intended to represent the true Loppa pulicaria, Steph., because they are antagonistic to the descriptions ? ” Mr. McLach- lan, Trans. Ent. Soc. Lond., 1871, p. 443, says: “Before the Linnaean collection was placed in its present quarters, it was so maltreated by additions, destructions, and misplacement of labels, as to render it a matter of regret that it exists at all. Any evidence it now furnishes is only trustworthy when confirmed by the descriptions.” Mr. Elwes, having found the label of Curtis attached to an example of either Cramhis, or CEno , or Assimilis, proceeded to rename the Laggan species, to which I had recently applied the name Suhhyalina , Curtis, as Beanii. The description of Curtis applies well to this Laggan form. It is remarkably transparent, it is pale fuscous, and it has the peculiar old and faded appearance called for, to a greater degree than any other member of the genus as yet known to live on this continent. In the lesser details given by Curtis, the description fits well. And I hold that this form is the real Suhhyalina of Curtis. The locality or date of capture of Suhhyalina by the Ross Expedition is not given, nor is the locality of H. Bossii, though the capture of the latter is set down as having occurred on 18th and 20th July, 1830, and 14th July, 1831. Apparently these butterflies were taken at about long. 75° and lat. 70°, in the region named Boothia Felix by Captain Ross. From that day to a recent date nothing more was heard of Suhhyalina, We owe its rediscovery to Mr. Thomas E. Bean, at Laggan, Alberta, Canada, and he has kindly furnished me notes as follows : — “ Suhhyalina is known in this district as occurring on one alpine summit, at Hector, B. C., two miles west of the Alberta line, and on two such summits near Laggan ; one of these in the central range, three miles south of the Bow River, CHIONOBAS VIII. the other on an isolated mountain, three miles north of the river. The relative position of these ascertained localities, the constancy of the occurrence of the butterfly, year by year, and the degree of its abundance are sufficient indica¬ tions that it is of general occurrence on the alpine summits of Bow Valley. • Its observed range of altitude extends from 7,300 feet, for occasional stragglers (timber line, at Laggan, being 7,000 feet), to 8,500 feet,1 the latter height regardless of the food plant, as the males habitually frequent rock-wastes at the points and ridges of the peaks. The females seldom reach such localities, but chiefly inhabit sedgy slopes in a belt of altitude between 7,500 and 7,800 feet. The larva is not known beyond the first stage. The butterfly appears chiefly during the last half of July ; the earliest captives being on July 7th (in 1888, an early season), both sexes. In 1892, a late season, five males were taken August 4th.” Mr. Bean wrote me February 18th, 1891 : “ I can say now, that my lot (of Subhyalina) are all one form, differing chiefly in degree of definition of the band beneath the hind wing.” Mr. Bean was satisfied, in 1889, that “ this mountain-top Chionobas,” as he calls it in letter of 20th April, was neither Semidea nor any of the allied eastern species, and says : “ It is a subhyaline edi¬ tion of Jutta, of a primitive pattern, totally devoid of fulvous areas or fulvous suffusion ; the entire under side of secondaries marbled gray and black, the cen¬ tral dark band obscure in most, but defined in a few. I could not obtain fertile eggs of it last summer, though I made great efforts. It is a big task to go after these mountain insects ; the labor is something tremendous. The right method would be to go up into the mountain for a time and live there. In that way something might be accomplished worth the effort; a thorough mountain-top campaign would be the thing.” Shortly after, Mr. Bean became satisfied that this species was the Subhyalina of Curtis and as such sent it abroad. 1 8,500 feet at Laggan is equivalent to 12,500 feet in Colorado, at which C. (Eno flies. Both Subhyalina and (Eno are summit species, inhabiting the loftiest peaks in their districts. CHIONOBAS VIII. CHIONOBAS NORNA, 6-8. Chionobas Noma , Thunberg, Diss. Ent. Nov. Ins. Suec., Part II., p. 36, pi. 5, fig. 11. 1791; Esper, Eur. Schmett., pi. 108, fig. 4. Boisduval, leones, p. 185, pi. 36, figs. 4-6. 1832; Edwards. Can. Ent., Vol. XVIII., p. 16. 1886. Male (from Finland). — Expands 2.2 inches. Upper side dusky brown, somewhat translucent ; on primaries a blackish sex¬ ual dash ; two small black, blind ocelli, each with a pale, restricted nimbus, in the upper discoidal and second median interspaces, and in each of the two inter¬ vening interspaces a pale patch ; on secondaries a series of yellowish diffused patches corresponding to the definite spots of under surface ; fringes of both wings luteous, dusky at the ends of the nervules. Under side of primaries paler ; the costal edge sprinkled with gray and black, the hind margin and apex mottled gray, and on costa above the ocellus a gray patch ; the ocelli repeated, and pupilled white. Secondaries brown, mottled with gray-white along the basal edge of the band, and from the band to base along the costal margin, also for a narrow space outside the band, and again along the hind margin ; the rest of the extra-discal area brown on a gray ground ; the series of spots is sordid white, except the one in second median interspace, which is pure white ; the band dark brown, scarcely at all dusted gray, narrow next costal margin and for two interspaces, then abruptly expands on the outer side to nearly twice the first width, and so continues to inner margin ; the outer edge in its general course is arched, with rounded crenations in the interspaces ; the inner edge has a small prominence on the cell next sub-costal followed by a rounded sinus on median, thence wavy to the margin. (Fig. 6.) Out of several exam¬ ples of this species from Finland and Lapland, sent me for examination by Dr. Holland, I find the Finland males come nearest the Alaska females in my collec¬ tion, and thinking it probable that males of this type will hereafter be taken at Nushagak I have given the figure on the Plate. CHIONOBAS VIII. 4 Female (from Alaska). — Expands 2.2 inches. Upper side dusky brown, with a common extra-discal broad yellowish band ; on this, on primaries, are three black, white pupilled ocelli, and two minute black spots, one in the loWer discoidal, the other in the sub-median interspace ; on - secondaries a small pupilled ocellus in the lower median interspace, and a second, smaller but still pupilled, in the interspace preceding; fringes yellow-white, dusky at the ends of the nervules. Under side of primaries much streaked with dark brown, even upon the yellow band ; the three ocelli repeated. Secondaries mottled with pale black and gray- white, darker next base ; the extra-discal spots yellowish ; the mesial band black a little dusted with yellow-white, in general as described in the male, but the outer edge is serrate, followed by an incision on lower discoidal interspace, then crenated to the margin; the basal side as in the male. (Figs. 7, 8.) In 1885, I received three females of Noma from Nushagak, one of which was sent to Dr. Staudinger, as mentioned in my paper in the Canadian Entomologist ; the other two remain in my collection, or rather form part of that of Dr. Holland, as all of this collection has passed over to him. These are the only examples of the species known to me to have been taken on this continent. In Europe, Noma flies in Scandinavia ; Boisduval says, in the high mountains. Mr. Elwes says, “It is found all over Scandinavia, as far south as Jemtland, where I have taken it in open marshy forests;” and speaks of it as having been taken in Siberia, in the Altai Mountains, Revision of CEneis, p. 469, 1893. I find nothing recorded of its habits of flight, or respecting its early stages. SIBIIKDMOIBAS tic • % . ^*P*amfh» SEMIDEA. 1.2 6, 3.4 $, 7 from Hudson Strait ; 8 var. Nigka ^ > White Mountains, N. H. a Egg ; a2 micropyle. b, b 2 Young Larva ; b3, last segments ; b 6 process on body; bG head. c, c2 Larva at 1st moult ; c3 head. d2 Adult Larva, green variety, a little enlarged ; d greatly enlarged. d* Same, red variety, a little enlarged; d3 greatly enlarged ; d5 last segment ; d6 process on body ; dd head. e, e2 Chrysalis, enlarged ; e3 front view of end of last segment and cremaster ; e4 side view of same. dBUKDEJOIBA.© MACOUNII. a^99 . magnified e . Larva, young to 3rd moult „ 1.2 6 , 3.4 ^ f. Larva , f 2 „ mature . nat. size. magnified CHIONOBAS X. CHIONOBAS MACOUNII, 1-4. Chionobas Macounii, Edwards, $, Can. Ent., Yol. XYII, p. 74. 1885 ; Fletcher, 19 Ann. Rep. Ent. Soc. Ontario, 1888, p. 85 ; id., Insect Life, Yol. II, p. 45. 89 ; Scudder, $ , $>, Butt. N. England, Vol. II, p. 1775. 1889. Male. — Expands about 2.6 inches. In this species the sexual band on the fore-wing is wanting. Upper side brown-orange, but varying, some examples being as light colored as C. Californica female, while in others the orange is obscured, brown, and even dusky ; the nervures and branches brown, sometimes dark and conspicuous ; hind margins edged by a blackish border of nearly even width throughout, but sometimes widest on primaries ; costa of primaries dark brown ; in some exam¬ ples there is a trace of a brown band from the costal border along the outer end of the cell, prolonged a little on the upper median nervure ; on secondaries the costal margin is edged with brown, and a little before the outer angle, and corresponding to the outer border of the mesial band of under side, is a black patch of loose scales ; primaries show two black ocelli, one on the upper dis- coidal interspace, large, white-pupilled ; the other small, usually blind, sometimes pupilled, on the second median interspace ; an example under view has two additional small black ocelli, one in the interspace above each of the others ; secondaries have a small ocellus, either blind or pupilled, on second median in¬ terspace; fringes alternately yellow- white and brown-black. Under side of primaries paler, in the light examples inclining to yellowish, es¬ pecially beyond the cell ; in the darker ones there is a wash of brown over yel¬ low, and the cell is much streaked transversely with darker brown ; costal edge gray-white streaked black ; the apex gray ; hind margin with a brown border, wavy on the inner side, the outer edge black ; the ocelli repeated. Secondaries gray-white over costal margin and to middle of cell, yellowish else¬ where, densely irrorated and finely and transversely streaked with light and CH10N0BAS X. dark brown, most so next base and along the hind margin; the mesial band broad anteriorly, narrowed to about one half on the posterior part, edged on both sides by black, the interior streaked as on the basal area ; in the examples viewed there are two styles of exterior outline, as represented in figures 2 and 4 ; one showing a sharp projection at the elbow, before which the course is sinu¬ ous, after the bend crenated on second median interspace, then erose to margin; in the other there is no elbow, but an arch, 'Somewhat flattened, from the first branch of sub-costal to lower branch of median ; in all, the basal edge of the band lies in a double curve, largely convex on the sub-costal nervure, deeply concave on the median, thence to inner margin wavy ; the ocellus repeated, but reduced ; in line with it across the wing a pale yellow point on each interspace. Body blackish brown above, beneath, the thorax black, abdomen dark gray- brown ; the femora black, tibise and tarsi reddish yellow ; palpi with many long black hairs ; antennae red-brown ; club yellow-brown, the tip ferruginous. (Figs. 1, 2.) Female. — Expands from 2.5 to 2.7 inches. Upper side as in the male, vary¬ ing from light to dusky brown. Beneath as in the male, but some examples have a broad mesial band on primaries entirely crossing, dark on both edges, the portion which covers the cell broad, with a spur along the upper median ner- vule. Mr. Fletcher says : “ The females are found to vary very much. Most of them are darker than the males, with larger ocelli, and the nervures almost always clearly marked out with black ; some, however, are of the beautiful golden brown of C. Calif ornica .” Figure 3 represents the latter description. It had been intended to give one of the darkest females, but the space would not admit of it. It may be done on a later Plate. In this extreme variety there is a sug¬ gestion of Chryxus, or rather of Calais. Egg. — Sub-conic, the base flattened, though somewhat rounded, the top rounded, broadest at about two fifths the distance from the base, narrowing above slightly, the sides moderately arched ; marked by from seventeen to twenty-one vertical ribs (examples varying) much like those of Chryxus, some¬ what sinuous, a few branching at top or bottom ; these ribs are narrow at their summits and rounded, the slopes a little convex, each with many fine and irregular excavations, with little intervening ridges ; the micropyle is in the cen¬ tre of a rosette of shallow six-sided cells, the boundaries of* which are raised like threads ; outside of these are three or four rows of larger and irregular cells, three to six-sided, and beyond, a network of low ridges radiating from central rounded knobs, much as in Ulileri ; in some examples viewed the knobs were CHIONOBAS X. wanting, but the radiating threads were present to a greater or less degree, the cells sometimes running quite to the ends of the ribs (the figure represents this last-mentioned structure) ; color gray-white. (Figs, a, cP.) Duration of this stage about twenty days. Young Larva. — Length, at six hours from the egg, .13 inch; shaped as in the genus, thickest anteriorly, tapering from 2 to 8 slightly and regularly on both dorsum and sides, after 8 rapidly on dorsum, arching to 13, which ends in two short, sub-conical tails not quite meeting at base ; the tubercles and pro¬ cesses the same in number, position, and shape as in Chryxus and the other spe¬ cies observed (Fig. 64, process from 3 to middle of 13) ; color at first pinkish white, blue-gray on dorsum and over the anterior segments ; two days from the egg gray-green, the lines red-brown ; the basal ridge bull, and beneath it an¬ other brown line ; under side, feet and legs greenish yellow ; head as in the other species of the genus, tuberculated in same way ; color at first greenish yellow, later dull yellow. (Figs, h to ¥.) To next moult, at Coalburgh, twelve days. Mr. Fletcher gives the length of this stage, at Ottawa, as twenty-one days, Mr. Scudder, at Cambridge, twenty-three days. After first moult : length, at twelve hours, .2 inch ; nearly the same shape as before ; the tubercles and processes as in Chryxus , the processes short, clubbed, and bent ; color yellow-buff with a tint of green ; the dorsal stripe and sub-dor¬ sal line, as well as the line under the basal ridge, pale brown ; the lateral band red-brown on a green ground which shows on the anterior segments, dark along the upper edge ; the buff of the dorsal area much streaked longitudinally and finely by red-brown ; a pale green band runs with the spiracles ; basal ridge yellowish ; under side, feet and legs greenish yellow ; head as in the genus, sub-globose, indented, tuberculated, and with processes like those on the body ; the dusky vertical stripes as usual ; color greenish yellow. (Figs, c to c3.) Du¬ ration of this stage in the only larva which reached the second moult the same season, at Coalburgh, twenty-two days (1890). In 1888, all the larvae, six in number, went into hibernation after the first moult ; so all larvae have behaved at Ottawa. After second moult: length at twelve hours, .35 inch; shape as at the last previous stage ; the processes and stripes same, except that the lateral stripe or band discovers more green ; color of body nearly as before, but more yellow, less green; head as before. (Figs, d to dd.) Duration of this stage at Ottawa, in spring, fifty-nine days. CHIONOBAS X. After third moult : length .5 inch ; scarcely differing from last previous stage. (Figs, e to e3.) Duration of the stage, at Ottawa, twenty-three days. After fourth moult : length, .63 inch ; in about twenty days was full-grown. Mature Larva. — Length, 1.15 inch; obese, thick in the middle, tapering about equally to either end (2 of the same diameter as 12), and ending in two short sub-conical tails, which meet at base ; surface thickly covered with fine, sub-conical tubercles of somewhat irregular size, each bearing a short spine or tapering process ; general color brown-buff, striped and banded longitudinally as in the genus ; the inid-dorsal stripe pale black ; the lateral band black, more or less disclosing a green under-color, especially on anterior half ; the spiracu- lar band greenish buff ; the ridge clear buff ; under side, feet and legs gray- green ; head small, as in the genus, sub-globose, broadest below, narrowing very little towards the top, slightly depressed at the suture ; the surface thickly covered with shallow indentations, with many tubercles and processes like those on the body ; across the top six dark stripes, as in the other species of the genus. (Figs./, natural size,/2,, greatly enlarged,/3, process with its tubercle,/4, head.) All larvae observed have died before pupation. Macounii was originally described from twelve males taken by Professor John Macoun u at Nepigon, on the Canadian Pacific Railway, at the northern extrem¬ ity of Lake Superior. In the last week of June, 1885, the same collector took a male and two females at a far distant locality, Morley, in the district of Alberta, lying at the eastern base of the Rocky Mountains. Up to the present time these are the only known stations for this handsome species, which, in some respects, is the most remarkable of the whole genus. In size and general appearance it approaches nearest to C. Californica, but the sexual bar, such a conspicuous fea¬ ture in the males of Chionobas, is entirely wanting in Macounii .” (Fletcher, in Insect Life.) Mr. Fletcher and Mr. Scudder are the only persons beside Professor Macoun known to me who have taken this butterfly, and I shall give the substance of Mr. Fletcher’s account, from his paper in the 19th Report of the Entomological Society of Ontario. “ Our trip was made in the beginning of July, 1888, and was from Ottawa to Nepigon and back. Starting from the hotel at Nepigon near the railway and going down to the Hudson Bay post is a tract of low wood¬ land, and beyond this are fields and meadows. Turning westward, along the track, high rocks and banks soon come down to the railway on the right ; but to the left are low woods with open grassy glades which at once tempt the ento- CHIONOBAS X. mologist. Nor will he be disappointed, for this is the now celebrated 4 Macoun’s glade, the home of Chionobas Macounii, and many other little beauties. Upon July 5th we reached Nepigon, at 12.20 p. m., and by 1 o’clock had unpacked the necessary apparatus, disposed of dinner, and were ready to start. We had picked up half a dozen empty tomato cans, and having removed the two ends, covered one of them with a piece of netting kept in place by an elastic band. After passing a deep gully a few hundred yards along the track, we turned in by a bridle path towards Macoun’s glade. Insects of all descriptions were in the greatest profusion. In no place, except perhaps Vancouver’s Island, have I seen such enormous numbers of specimens. As we stepped into the pathway, I was carefully pointing out to my companion that we were now in the exact spot where the original Macounii was taken, when he rushed by me and sprang out into the bushes, exclaiming, ‘ Look out ! there is one — here it is! ’ and the first specimen was secured. A minute later I had another. I had been at Nepigon once before, at exactly the right season, and again a month later, but had not seen a specimen, and had begun to think that there might be some mistake about the locality. It was all right now, though, and as we were to stay a week we felt confident of getting eggs. We took four more males that day. The most important part of an afternoon’s work was settling a spot for our cages. In the glade was a great profusion of flowers and grasses, a few spruces, cedars, and pines, mixed with poplars, aspens, and birches — all which were dotted about in a waving sea of grasses. On the 6 tn we started at once to the glade with the set purpose of getting fhmales, and were successful. As we stepped into the glade, there sailed away from our feet a light brown butterfly with black stripes, so much the size, ap¬ pearance, and graceful flight of Limenitis Disippus as almost to have escaped our notice. Something about it, however, seemed different, and a few steps and a twist of the wrist captured our first specimen of the female Macounii. During the day we secured altogether nine females, and tied them in three cages over clumps of grass, Avena striata. When we left we carried away with us upwards of 250 eggs, which we afterwards distributed to every one we knew of who would take the trouble to rear the larvas.” These collectors by no means con¬ fined their attention to Macounii , but during the week captured many other rare species, and obtained eggs of nine or ten of them. Mr. Fletcher has kindly written for this paper a few lines on the habits of Macounii “ It has a free and graceful flight, not unlike that of Limenitis Di¬ sippus, which the males when on the wing closely resemble. The females are of a more golden yellow, and can be told at a glance. When disturbed, it flies off CHIONOBAS X. rapidly for a long distance, after the manner of the Argynnids Atlantis and Aphrodite. When closely chased it will sometimes fly over the bushes or high over the trees. It is decidedly a wood butterfly. There are two localities at Nepigon where it occurs. The first of these is a clearing surrounded by trees and bushes, and it is almost invariably among the bushes that the butterfly ap¬ pears. When undisturbed, or on dull days, it flies slowly with the usual drop¬ ping Satyrid flight, and frequently alights upon the leaves or upon the lichen- covered trunks or boughs of the trees. When the wings are closed and the upper ones are dropped between the hind ones so as to hide the conspicuous ocelli, the resemblance to the lichens is so complete that it is almost impossible to detect the insects. They are, however, very wary and difficult to catch when so resting, and although seeming to appreciate the protection they derive from their coloration and this habit of resting on trees, are quick to sail away at the slightest movement. When at rest on leaves they can be easily taken by a quick stroke from beneath. “ The other locality is in open spaces along a path which runs through a peat-bog, thickly wooded with high bushes, willows, spiked maples, etc. Al¬ though there are high rocks near at hand, this butterfly seldom leaves the pro¬ tection of the bushes. It is, on the whole, an extremely local insect, rare, rather hard to catch, fragile, and short-lived, the season where it flies lasting only about ten days or a fortnight.” Mr. Scudder says, Butt. N. E. p. 1777 : “ The butterfly has a very different flight from that of some species of the genus, and belongs properly to a distinct section from Semidea, and one to which Jutta also belongs ; its movements are swift, and notwithstanding their Satyrid character, are not altogether unlike those of Basilarchia Archipjms (Limenitis Disipjpus), which on the wing it much resembles.” Mr. Scudder has recently written me that his last study of this genus brings him to regard Macounii as nearest Chryxus, not Jutta. Although Messrs. Fletcher and Scudder distributed 250 eggs of Macounii, as related, no one except Mr. Fletcher succeeded in rearing larvae from them to maturity, and then only one individual. Nearly all the larvae died in the first stage. From eggs obtained by Mr. Fletcher on another visit to Nepigon, in 1890, he got two adult larvae the next year, but these as well as the adult of 1889 died before pupation. I received about forty of the first lot of eggs on July 23d. They began to hatch the next day. On emerging, the larva nibbles the top of the egg in a circle of the diameter of its head, but leaves a narrow space which serves for a hinge as the flap is raised ; it works itself out slowly CHIONOBAS X. and with apparent difficulty, and the flap falls back to its place. The larvae were put on blue grass, Poa pratensis, and for three or four days seemed to feed well. On 30th, a small red ant was discovered eating one of them, and on investigat¬ ing, at least a score of the larvae were missing. On August 5th, one larva passed the first moult, the rest partly disappeared, so that on August 27th there re¬ mained but six, one only having moulted. I sent them to Clifton Springs, New York, to go into the refrigerating house there, but in April, 1889, all were dead. On 28th July, 1890, I received six more eggs from Mr. Fletcher, and they hatched 31st. On August 7th, there was but one larva, and it passed its first moult on 16th ; was sent to Mrs. Peart, and passed its second moult while with her, and I received it again in hibernation in November. It was left on a shaded porch, under a net ; was observed to be active on a mild day, last of February, 1891, and fed. It died late in April, not having reached the third moult. Mr. Fletcher, in Insect Life, gives his experience : “ The eggs hatched in three weeks, and notwithstanding the larva) ate readily of all the grasses and sedges offered them, there was great mortality among them. They hatched July 27, 1888, passed first moult August 17th, grew very little, and hibernated after first moult. They were left out of doors upon a living plant of Carex pedunculata, and rested exposed upon the leaves, where they finished feeding without any protection and without spinning any web. During February, 1889, much snow fell, and they were covered by four feet of it until the middle of March. When the spring opened three larvae revived, but only one would feed; this passed its second moult April 15th, the third June 13th, the fourth July 6th. As with many other grass feeders, this caterpillar furnishes a good instance of protective mimicry. It is extremely sluggish in its habits, generally feeding very early in the morning, and then resting for several hours, head downward, at the base of the tuft of sedge, where the color, shape, and longitu¬ dinal stripes give an exact resemblance to the dead leaves and scales always found at the base of these plants. The distinct dorsal and lateral stripes divide the body into widths equal to the leaves, and the faint sub-dorsal and stigmatal lines indicate the midribs, whilst many small black dots around these lines not a little resemble the minute parasitic fungi which so often discolor the leaves of grasses.” In the last of July, 1889, Mr. Fletcher carried this larva, then adult, to Wash¬ ington, where Miss Sullivan, of the Entomological section of the Agricultural Department, made a drawing of it which appeared in Insect Life. Mr. Fletcher wrote me from Washington: “ My Macounii larva is full grown, and although still feeding I daily expect pupation.” From Ottawa, August 5th : “ The larva CHIONOBAS X. is a puzzle to me. It eats a little, but is just the same as it was when I went away.” August 23d : “ This larva gets smaller and lighter in color daily.” Sep¬ tember 10th: “ It is evidently in hibernation ; has ceased feeding, is pallid and much contracted, but healthy looking, and holds on to its sedge bravely.” Oc¬ tober 25th: “Is in hibernation and in good condition.” April 11th: “My Macounii is still frozen in.” June 11th: “ It died this spring; was perfectly sound on the snow going, but two days after the snow melted away from it, and while I was away from home, the mercury suddenly dropped very low, and the larva began to discolor, and soon was dead.” I have given these particulars, as they show that this larva hibernated twice, and that its existence, had it pupated the second spring, would have filled two years. In 1890, Mr. Fletcher succeeded in getting two larvae through the winter, and they reached the adult stage July, 1891. He sent one of them to Mrs. Peart, who made colored drawings of it, from which the figures on our Plate are taken. This larva was returned in September, and both from their appearance were ex¬ pected to pupate within the month. They however went again into lethargy. On March 7th, 1892, Mr. Fletcher wfote : “All the larvae are dead. My two- year old Macounii that went into winter quarters in good condition dead like the rest ! ” In another letter : “I am sure that both Macounii and Jutta, at Ne- pigon, require two years between egg and imago. Eggs are never laid there till the first week in July ; they hatch in about seventeen days, and only have time to pass their first moult that season. Spring does not come on and snow leave the woods before June 1st. The larvae must therefore be ready to pupate at once on the melting of the snow, or they would not have time for the pupae to give butterflies that year.” EXPLANATION OF THE PLATE. Macounii, 1, 2, $ ; 3, 4, 9. a Egg ; a2 micropyle. b, b2 Young Larva ; b8 last segments ; b 4 process on body ; bb head. c, c2 Larva at first moult ; c3 head. d, d'2 Larva at 2d moult ; d3 head. e, e2 Larva at 3d moult ; e8 head. / Adult Larva, natural size ; f2 same, enlarged ; f8 process or spine on body ; f 4 head. GIGAS. 1.2 6,3 .4 5 ; VAR . 5 6. a n 3 Fgg magnified . c-c ,J ' Larva, /f* moult magnified b- b3 Larva , t/oung d-d3 •/ m/ i / CHIONOBAS XL CHIONOBAS GIGAS, 1-5. Chionobas Gigas, Butler, Catalogue of the Satyridm in the British Museum, 161, pi. 2. 1868; Edwards, Butt. N. A., Vol. II, pi. 43, 44, p. 279. V, 1874; 5, 1875. Nevadensis , Felder, Reise Novara, Lepid., Ill, p. 89, pi. 69. 1868 (on title-page, 1867, but antedated one year). Egg. — Sub-conic, the breadth to the height nearly as five to six ; the base flattened, somewhat rounded, the top rounded ; broadest in middle, narrowing upward gradually ; marked by eighteen or nineteen ribs like those of Macounii, somewhat sinuous, a few branching at bottom, or else an abbreviated rib is placed between two long ones ; narrow at summit, and rounded, the slopes flat, each with many fine and irregular excavations, the bases not quite meeting, the angles at the depressions and elevations nearly or quite equal, right angles ; the micropyle is in the centre of a rosette of shallow six-sided cells, the boundaries of which are raised like threads ; outside of these are two or three rows of similar irregular cells, gradually enlarging ; beyond to the end of the ribs the flattened space is covered pretty thickly with shallow cells of irregular sizes, usually separated, but sometimes confluent; color gray-white. (Figs, a, a2.) Duration of this stage from fifteen to eighteen days. Young Larva. — Length, at twenty-four hours from the egg, .15 inch; shaped as in Macounii , and the genus ; thickest anteriorly, tapering from 2 to 8 slightly, after 8 rapidly, the dorsum arching to 13, which ends in two short, sub-conical tails nearly or quite meeting at base ; the tubercles and processes the same in number, position, and' shape, as in Macounii ; color at first pale reddish gray, the last segments more red, after a few days whitish green ; the lines red-brown, the mid-dorsal and sub-dorsal slight, the lateral heavy, rather a stripe than line ; the basal ridge lighter than the ground color, and under it a thread of brown ; under side, feet and legs greenish yellow with a brown tint ; head as in Macounii , CIIIONOBAS XI. broader than 2, sub-globose, the front well rounded, broadest belowT, narrowing upward, depressed at the suture ; surface covered with shallow indentations, and showing a few tubercles, each with its short clubbed and bent white process, dis¬ posed as in the genus; color greenish yellow, brown-tinted. (Figs, b to 63.) Du¬ ration of this stage about eleven days. After first moult: length, at twenty-four , hours, .22 inch; nearly the same shape as at the first stage ; the tubercles and processes as in Macounii, Chryxus , and the genus ; color yellow-buff ; the mid-dorsal stripe green, with red-brown edges, and bordered on either side by a narrow strip of yellow-buff, after which the ground is greenish buff to the narrow brown sub-dorsal stripe ; the area next below is yellow-buff, cut through the middle by a fine brown line ; the broad lateral band vinous-red, the edges black; then a narrow strip of yellow-buff, and the greenish brown spiracular band ; basal ridge yellowish, and under it a line of red-brown ; under side, feet and legs, whitish green ; head broader than 2, same shape as before, indented and tuberculated as in the other species, with six vertical stripes as in the genus ; color yellow, brown-tinted. (Figs, c to c3.) Most of the larvae treated have hibernated between first and second moult, two only having; reached the second moult before hibernation. Duration of the stage in these cases fifteen and twenty-eight days, respectively. After second moult : length, at twenty hours, .33 inch ; shape as in second stage, the tubercles and processes same ; color yellow-buff ; the stripes as before, but the lateral is less black and on the lower and anterior part is green ; head as before. (Figs, d to d3.) All larvae, whether hibernating after first or second moult, have died before spring. The larvae have proved as difficult to rear as those of Macounii . The female Gigas figured and described in Volume II was one of three not fresh examples which had been taken by the late Mr. G. R. Crotch, near Victoria, Vancouver’s Island ; the male was copied from a drawing made at the British Museum, from Mr. Butler’s type insect. At that date, 1874, these three females and the single male were the only examples of the species known to me in col¬ lections. I had therefore never seen a male Gigas. Of late years, many of both sexes have been taken by Messrs. Wright, Danby, Green, and others, and I have at present under view forty-eight examples, most of them sent by Mr. Wright; several fine ones by Mr. Green. The Museum male is of the yellow-brown variety, an extreme instance of which, in coloring, is shown on the Plate, Figure 5. It is a very rare variety, and of all the specimens before me there are but pgfOMI OVPV1 - m ■' dm n • - ip w CHIONOBAS XI. two, both males. One female is nearly as-pale, but lias a decidedly red tint. The greater number of the forty-eight are brown rather than red, but a few are quite as red as any Ccdvf arnica. On the under side, which is the most important for specific characters in this group, there are two distinct types : the melanic, shown on the present Plate, and the yellow-white, more or less lightly flushed with brown, as seen in the female in Volume IT. None of either sex under view have so pronounced a mesial band as that represented in the Museum male. In this species the whole hind wing is heavily and thickly streaked with black or black- brown ; the outer limb is dark almost or quite to the band ; and the edges of the band are heavy stripes, black in the darker examples, nearly as dark in the paler. The width of these edges is usually about one tenth inch, and there is no instance under view of a delicate outline, a simple black line, such as is common in Idana and Californica. In most cases the basal edge of the band is indefinite, lost in the heavy streaks of the basal area. There is more or less white along the whole costal margin, but streaked like the rest of the wing. In a few cases all of the wing is mottled with white, except the outer limb. It is characteristic of the species that the band is broadly edged with black, and that the streaks over the whole wing are both heavy and multitudinous. The exterior edge of the band is roundly crenated, often quite evenly, witji no prominences opposite the cell to break the general curve ; but in some cases the two cremations in the median interspaces project somewhat, as shown in the figure in Volume II. Iduna, in contrast to the other species, almost always has the male yellow- brown, often pale, as if faded in the sun. But as this pale hue is found in perfect examples, it must be natural. The under-side figures of this species given in Volume II are good. I have forty-nine examples before me, embracing twenty- eight recently sent by Mr. Wright, the choice specimens of his collection. Not one of the lot is so red as in the figure of the male in Volume II, and four fifths are not red at all. The hind wings beneath are all hoary — whitish. Where any black is present, it is in the border of the hind margin, usually rather dusky than black. In almost one third the examples there is no melanism at all. The whole wing is finely striated, as in the two under-side figures in Volume II, but often much less than in the figure 4 $ , in which case there are large areas of immacu¬ late white. The interior of the band is of the ground color of the wing, and the edges are but slightly darkened, often being mere threads of black, never heavier than a diffused line, and then only next the costa. In all but three the basal outline of the band is distinct throughout. The exterior side is in the form of a bent bow, the ends (at the two margins) turned back, and often there is not a crenation from end to end (as will be shown in the next Plate) ; but at times CHIONOBAS XI. the middle of the bow is crenated evenly ; and occasionally the two crenations in the median interspaces are squarely truncated. Looking at these Iduna alongside the forty-eight Gigas, in no instance could an example of one species be taken for the other. They are as well marked and as distinct as are any two closely allied species of the genus, — CEJno and Semidea, for example. Californica, in contrast with Gigas and Iduna, is decidedly red. I have never seen a pale or a yellow brown one. Professor E. T. Owen sent me one hundred and thirty-nine examples, taken by himself, at Fort Klamath, Oregon, 1892, and kindly presented me thirty of them, 20 <3 , 10 $ , selected with a view to embrace all the noticeable variations. These are before me, together with six others taken by Mr. James Behrens, in Siskiyou County, California. The figures in Volume II are excellent, and I cannot suggest an improvement. The finely striated surfaces of the hind wings, almost always free from melanism on the hind margins, and flushed with red-brown from these margins through the mesial bands, are well shown. This last feature is peculiar to Californica (though it is shared by Macounii), and is usual. In these three species there are three distinct types, and they keep separate, though some of the variations of one run in the direction of the others. But some do not. If, as we may suppose, the three species, together with Macounii, are descended from the same parent species, the present state of things would seem to be what might have been expected, namely, that while distinct types have evolved, there are variations that are more or less intermediate, and varia¬ tions that are in the contrary direction. With regard to the ocelli on the wings of the three westernmost species, there is no difference to note. On the fore wings of the males I find one to three, on the hind wings none or one ; of the females, two to four on the fore wings, none, one, and two on the hind wings. In Volume II, I spoke of Chionobas JVevadensis, Felder, as if it might be a fourth species, because the colored figures of the plate in the Reise Novara, Lep., which I had seen at the Peabody Library, Baltimore, looked as if intended to represent neither of the other three. They are badly colored, however. I have recently seen a plain plate, at the Academy, Philadelphia, and am now satisfied that Nevadensis and Gigas are but names of the same insect. That also was Mrs. Peart’s opinion, who examined the Plate with me. Apparently Felder’s name has the priority, as the Catalogues credit JVevadensis to 1867, but Gigas to 1868. Mr. Butler informs me, however, that when his Catalogue of Satyridaa issued, in which the description and figure of Gigas were published, February, 1868, Felder’s Part III, which contained JVevadensis, had not yet CHIONOBAS XI. been published. When it did appear, some Plates were antedated one, and some two years, that of Nevadensis among the rest. The name Gig as, therefore, can¬ not be disturbed. I have bred the three species from the egg, two of them, Iduna and Califor- nicci, to adult larval stage, but failed to get pupse, and Gigas to second moult. There was much difference in the duration of the several stages of the larvae of the two first named, and in the behavior of the larvae of all three. Gigas was bred twice ; in one case, the larvae hibernating after their first moult ; in the other, two larvae reached second moult, and hibernated, the remainder hibernat¬ ing after first moult. Iduna was bred twice, in two successive years, some of each lot of larvae reaching maturity the same season in which the eggs were laid. In one brood, the length of the larval period from hatching to maturity was seventy-six days, in the other, eighty-eight days; the remainder of the larvae hibernating after second moult. Whereas, with Calif ornica, bred once, one larva reached maturity in fifty-two days from the egg, and another in fifty-six days, other larvae hibernating after second moult. The several stages of the two spoken of as in advance of the others passed with surprising swiftness for Chio- nobas. The larvae of these three species and also Macounii, comprising the group, are built and marked on the same plan, and are very like each other through all the stages observed. All are brown or gray in longitudinal bands, alternated with bands of black ; and with such a style of marking and coloration there is little room for individual variation. Gigas, so far as is yet known, is confined to Vancouver’s Island. It has been taken on Mt. Findlayson and Mt. Austin; at Cobble. Hill, Koksilah, and South Saarnich. Also as far to the north as Mt. Prevost, sixty miles from Victoria. Mr. Charles de Blois Green, C. E., says: UI took Gigas all the way from Vic¬ toria to Mt. Prevost, and should say that it is found over the whole southern part of the island.” Of the habits of Gigas, Mr. William H. Danby, of Victoria, writes : “ The males are very alert when at rest, easily alarmed, and of an inquisitive disposition. This last was demonstrated by the alacrity with which they would chase Papilio Eurymedon, whenever that insect approached, — say at about fifteen feet. A Gigas would rise and make a dash at the stranger, driving it away at once. This habit I turned to account, using the Papilios as decoys, and by their aid finding Gigas, which always returned to the spot it started from. Thus I obtained more examples than I otherwise could have, because on the under side Gigas so closely resembles the black mosses on or among which it rests, that until it is Hushed it is CIIIONOBAS XI. difficult to perceive. The flight of the male, when undisturbed, is in undulations made with little effort, and it closely resembles that of Satyrus Ariane, but is more swift. The females fly with an easy and regular movement, and they are neither so quick nor so shy as the males, and consequently are more easily captured.” Mr. Green wrote in 1892: “ I came across Gigas many times, last year, in different situations. I have never seen them doing anything else than sunning themselves, and when so engaged, they are not easily taken with the net. They prefer to alight on rocks, but at the same time, I have observed that if there is a dead tree lying across the rocks, they will make use of it ; also, that if disturbed they disappear, but will in time return to the same spot. The only standing trees which I have seen them resting on are small dead ones.” On July 10, 1893, Mr. Green wrote : “ I send you six perfect Gigas, which I was fortunate enough to obtain yesterday. I took three females and eight males, four of the last just out of chrysalis. The males fly high up the mountain, and aro there to sun themselves on the bare rocks. If struck at and missed, they o # dart down the mountain into the timber. When alighted they fold their wings back to back, so that nothing but the under surface is to be seen.” Mr. W. G. Wright made two trips to Vancouver’s Island, in pursuit of Gigas. On the first, 1891, he was very successful ; but the second, 1892, was nearly fruitless, owing to bad weather and limited time, he being on his way to Sitka. Mr. Wright has collected Iduna in three seasons, 1892, 1893, 1894, in the red¬ wood region of northeast California ; and he has taken Chionobas Calif ornica in east Washington, and on Mt. Hood, Oregon ; also in northern California. He is the only living collector who has taken the three species, and knows by personal observation their respective habits. His first letter was from Victoria, June 30, 1891: “I have just come from Mt. Findlayson, and mail you to-day about two dozen eggs of Gigas. I got fifty- one of the butterflies, of which only two were females.” Two days later, he sent fifteen more eggs, laid in Victoria by the female he had brought in on the second day, and wrote : “ Gigas flies to the very top of a bald, rocky knob, Mt. Findlay¬ son, the highest peak in this part of the island, elevation, I understand, about 4000 feet. The knob is almost solid rock, and it is covered in part with lichens and mosses, brown and black with age and exposure. But large areas are of clean rock, wind-swept, and similar in color to the mosses. Upon the rock this butterfly rests, with closed wings, and it is wholly invisible when quiet. So far as I saw, the males spend nearly all their time on the rocks. I never saw one on a flower, or alighted on anything but rock. Other butterflies also fly about and over the peaks, Papilios Zolicaon and Eurymedon , Argynnis Bremnerii, etc. CHIONOBAS XI. The Gigas take delight in rising up to chase any passing fly, follow it a little way, and then return to their own spots. If started up by myself, and not alarmed, they flew circling about for a few moments, and then alighted, fre¬ quently at my feet. I found them, therefore, easy to take on the wing, and when alighting. By one or two o’clock the chill sea air begins to be felt, as it comes in from the Strait de Fuca, and at once not a Gigas is to be seen. In the two days I spent on the mountain, none were taken after 1.30 p. m. The female that laid the eggs I found upon the highest peak, fluttering gently along the base of a big rock, and ovipositing, either as she flew or alighting a moment for the purpose. After capturing her, I sought a suitable place, sheltered, and bagged her over or in a little clump of bunch grass, parting the grass and put¬ ting the bag in the opening. So I left her over the night. The next day, the second butterfly taken proved to be a female, but I had killed it before I made the discovery of sex, because it had dropped among some stones and was rescued with difficulty. This female was taken at the base of the peak, some 300 to 400 feet below the highest point. The knob is so small that it is inca¬ pable of accommodating any large number of these butterflies, and on the second day, but one was taken after 11.30 a. m. — I had got them all. At 1.30 p. m. that day, I first observed the eggs, which were adhering to the sides of the bag. “ The approach to Mt. Findlayson from the railway station is through a dense forest, and over rough mountain side, say for three miles, one of which is along a cattle-path, if you can find it (I could not), and the rest through thicket. Arriving at the base of the knob, one wonders how he can ascend it. But there are little shelves that zigzag this way and that, and the ascent is less difficult than it seemed likely to be.” In a letter of 1892, Mr. Wright says: “ Vancouver is cold, wet, dominated by high and raw winds, so much so that the fir-trees extend their branches only on the landward side, while toward the sea they are stunted and unable to grow. On the island and along the coast the rainfall is immense, but the Cascade Range stops it all, and the plains to the east of the range are consequently arid, as the rain-bearing winds are always from the ocean. Now, precipitation in itself does not count so much, but the consequences, in vegetation and aridity, are great, so that in crossing from the west over the Cascade Range is like going from a cool, damp spring into dry summer, and each region has its separate fauna and flora. It seemed to me, from what I saw of Vancouver and Sitka, that the climate of the former was considerably the colder and bleaker of the two. There, in the sub-arctic forest, Gigas lives, chiefly on rocky bare knobs, above the surrounding timber, and outside the shelter of it. That was my experience. As related, the CIIIONOBAS XI. only ovipositing I observed took place upon the highest and bleakest point, at the immediate base of the rocky knob. There was a total absence of either sex at much lower elevation, or in the meadows which lie lower down, though I hunted through these and took other species of butterflies. “ On the other hand, Chionobas Idunci inhabits the slopes of evergreen red¬ wood forest, not the tops of the hills, whether bare or tree-clad, nor the grassy openings. This is the redwood district of northeastern California, on the Pacific coast. Idunci simulated Limenitis in habits and flight, differing decidedly from both Gig as and Calif ornica. It sails along with wings extended horizontally, as does Limenitis, and in a way not usual with Satyrids. It never alights on the ground, like Gigcts, though the male does sometimes alight on dead leaves for warmth, when it is growing cool in the afternoon ; but its usual place of alight¬ ing is on a green twig of tree or on a shrub. Its ' flight has the darting move¬ ment characteristic of the Californian species of Limenitis, and entirely unlike the movement of Gigcis. The male likes best to take his position on the extreme point of a green twig that reaches out horizontally, and there, with wings wide oj^en,flat, like Limenitis and Grapta, to sun himself. In such case he will not permit one to approach nearer than about twenty feet before taking flight. He must usually be taken on the wing. Now, neither Gigas nor Californica rest with wings open, so far as my observation goes. Gigas is much easier to capture than Idunci, because it is most of the time at rest, and returns to the same spot after a chase with another butterfly, while Iduna must be taken on the wing. “ In contrast to the other two species, Californica lives in a semi-desert coun¬ try, both as to land and air, the hot, arid regions of east Oregon and Washington, and of northeast California, where the temperature is half-tropical. Gigas is semi-arctic, living amid the cold, dark fir forest ; Iduna is temperate, living in the mild, dark redwood forest ; Californica is semi-tropical, living in open, dry, warm glades, in the ‘ bush-land,’ on the border between the forest and the open plains. Gigas alights on bare rocks ; Iduna on green twigs ; Californica on dead or dry grass. I never saw this last-named species alight on trees or limbs, but on the ground in grassy places, exactly after the habit of C. Varuna, as I saw it in east Montana. “ As to the climate of Iduna, it is cpol and damp all the year, with but little snow or ice ; heavy and continued rains all the winter, and both early and late. The hibernating larvae must be soaked for four months or more. This butterfly lives and breeds directly in the evergreen forest, the redwood slope, not in the sunny, grassy openings. I have been at all these places, and I know the differ¬ ence in climate. To an eastern man these differences may seem apochryphal, because no such state of thing's is found on the Atlantic coast. But thev are CIIIONOBAS XI. real. The Coast Range of mountains, from British Columbia to Mexico, marks a positive line of climate, from moist and wet on the western side, to hot and dry on the eastern ; and the fauna and flora change to correspond. Gigas lives in the latitude of Newfoundland ; Iduna in that of Baltimore ; while Calif or nica ranges from the latitude of Winnipeg to that of Philadelphia. The corner of Washington bordering on the Strait de Fuca is a grand pile of rough mountains, culminating in Mt. Olympus, some 8000 feet high ; this whole corner of the State, bordering on the sound, the strait, and the ocean, having an area nearly as large as Massachusetts. It is almost wholly unknown, unexplored, and unin¬ habited. It resembles Vancouver in climate, but apparently differs in geological formation, being less like a solid rock, and having soil and sand beaches. On the forestry maps of the U. S. Department of Agriculture, this region and Vancouver are represented as covered by the Sitka spruce. I see no climatic reason why Gig as should not be found in that corner of Washington. All this region is of very raw, rough climate, with high winds and chilling fogs. The Strait de Fuca, forming a gap between the mountain ranges, opens a pathway for the cold sea winds. Calif ornica could not live on Vancouver’s Island, any more than Argyn- nis Diana , of West Virginia, could live in the Chionobas Semidea district of New Hampshire. When climate offers no obstacle, Iduna does not go north to meet Gigas. The temperate belt of the western slope extends from San Francisco, on the coast, widening to the northward, till in southern Oregon it reaches from the sea to the Cascade Mountains, some two hundred miles, and in north Washington is reduced to a narrow strip between those mountains and the Sitka spruce region, and so to the Canada line and beyond. In California, on the coast, this belt includes the Redwood District, but in Oregon and Washington it is charac¬ terized by the Douglass spruce. There would seem no climatic obstacle to pre¬ vent Iduna from going north in that belt even to the latitude of Victoria, the habitat of Gigas. Gigas is not known south of the strait, though it may yet be found in the peninsula. It certainly does not come down the coast below the Sitka spruce region. Nor has Iduna been seen beyond to the north, or outside of to the east, the Redwood slopes of California. And thus there is left unoccu¬ pied by any species of Chionobas, a district of eight degrees of latitude broad, from 40° to 48°, or of five hundred and sixty miles. In proof that this district is really unoccupied, I will cite the names of experienced collectors, who, to my knowledge, have traversed it in various directions and at various times, some of them several times, stopping off where the country seemed particularly favorable for their object : Messrs. Crotch, Morrison, Koebele, Dunn, Owen, and myself. And not one of them has seen a Chionobas in west Oregon or west Washington. There certainly is indication of specific difference between these forms in their CIIIONOBAS XL widely separated localities of strongly contrasted climates, as well as in their habits and manner of flight ; and all this is in line with the differences in the coloration of the butterflies themselves, and what you tell me of the behavior of the larvae. “ Californica, on the other hand, as I have before said, inhabits the open, grassy glades of oak and pine (the grass all dead and dry when this butterfly appears) next east of the Cascade Range. Mr. Koebele took examples of it at Cle-elum, Kittitass County, Washington. This town is in the scattered pine region, at the base of the range, where only scanty crops of barley and oats are raised without irrigation. “ Californica has been taken in large numbers by Professor Owen and Mr. Cunningham, at Lake Klamath, in southwest Oregon. At that locality immense lava beds and salt marshes abound. The lake is a ‘ sink,’ but a live one ; that is, it receives more water than it can evaporate, and the surplus flows away by Klamath River. There are dozens of smaller sinks that are 6 dead,’ real dead seas ; the water so salt and alkaline as to be poisonous. They never run off any water, but the depth varies according to the season’s rains. The water is all the time becoming more salt, and these lake-beds will in time become ‘ dry lakes,’ or mud flats, in dry seasons. So far as I know, Californica there inhabits the side hills and benches where the grass is already dried up for the summer, because the spring rains are exhausted, and there are no summer rains. Two specimens of Californica brought me this last season (1894) from the Sierras east of Red Bluff, in northern California, and the most southern locality in which this species has been seen, were taken near a green meadow, but yet up on the dry slope above it where the grass was dead (on 29th June), elevation 4500 feet. Here also were scattered pine-trees.” Professor Owen, in 1892, spent several weeks at Fort Klamath, and brought away some three hundred examples of Californica, nearly one half of which were in my possession for examination, as before related. Mr. Owen wrote me that he found these butterflies “on low ground, among scattered pine-trees, which rarely furnish dense shade ; elevation about 4000 feet. They alight on dead and dry standing trees, logs, dry twigs, and dead leaves, also pine cones. They are low fliers, and I should compare their flight rather with Argynnis than Limenitis.” Mr. Cunningham lives near Fort Klamath, and for several years has been a collector of butterflies. He writes : “ Californica frequents open glades, among scattering pines, with more or less vegetation under foot. It is also to be seen in more thickly timbered localities where there is a dense growth of ‘ buck brush,’ a name applied to a thicket of semi-thorny shrub. It is fond of a dry hollow, or CHIONOJBAS XL ‘ gulch.' I have never seen it on the ground, or on rocks, or moss, but I have several times seen it on dry logs and dry twigs. On one occasion I saw a pair in coition on the trunk of a green fir, but with that exception I never saw this butterfly alighted on a green tree. I have seen the female on a shrub, the ‘ cha¬ parral,’ a dry bush something like ‘ sage brush,’ with few and small leaves. “ Its flight is not tremulous, or wavering, like some of the Satyrids, but there are three or four rapid strokes, and then with wings closed over the back, it sails straight ahead ; then another movement of the wings, and another sail. Often the female will dodge into a bush when struck at, and no amount of shoving will dislodge her. The males are almost always in motion, apparently watching for the appearance of the females, and really I have rarely seen them at rest.” The most northern locality at which Calif ornica has been taken is Enderby, east of the Cascade Range, in the latitude of Mt. Prevost, on Vancouver’s Island, by Mr. Green, who was at the time engaged on the construction of the railway to Vernon (through Enderby) from the Canadian Pacific Railway. Mr. Green tells me that that district is very hot in summer,1 u the altitude where I took the two females which were sent you is from 1300 to 2000 feet ; the country timbered, with grassy and rocky openings.” These females, sent by Mr. Green, were unmistakably Calif ornica, their under surfaces flushed with red-brown, as shown in the Plate of Volume II. There is no doubt that the three species, Gig as, Californica, and Iduna, more especially the first two, are badly mixed up in many collections. It has come to my knowledge that one of the American accumulators of butterflies, who has distributed his specimens by sale or exchange far and wide over both continents, sent out what he called Gigas, u received from Oregon,” and which was not, and could not have been, anything but Californica, for no other member of the group lives in Oregon. On the Plate to follow, Chionobas XII, phases of Iduna and Californica will be figured, and the stages of both (except puprn) fully illustrated. 1 Mr. James Fletcher, who was visiting Mr. Green, wrote me July 28, 1895, that this region is “in the hot, dry, desert part of British Columbia.” EXPLANATION OF THE PLATE. Gigas, 1, 2$, 3, 4 9 j 5 var. $. a, Egg ; or, mieropyle. b, b-, Young Larva ; b:\ head. c , Larva at 1st moult ; c-, section of dorsum, segments 7, 8 ; c3, head. d, Larva at 2d moult ; d'2, segments 7,8; d3, head. IDUNA 6 6 1.2.3 4 var . 6 5 . a -a* Egg b-f Larva / Stages. CALIFORNICA 6 var. 6: g-g* L'gg k-k Larva/ Stages GIGAS 7 var. 9. CHIONOBAS XII. CHIONOBAS IDDNA, 1-5. Chionoibas Iduna, Edwards, Butt. N. A., Vol. II., pi. 43, p. 275. Egg. — Sub-conic, shaped as in Gigas ; marked by from twenty to twenty- two ribs, the summits and slopes of which are as in Gigas ; the micropyle is in the centre of a rosette of shallow six-sided cells, the boundaries of which are raised like threads ; outside of these are two or three rows of similar irregular cells, gradually enlarging ; beyond to the end of the ribs a network of low knobs, with numerous little ridges radiating from each ; these ridges are very short — not prolonged across the interspaces, and are less distinct than in some other species; color gray-white. (Figs, a, a?.) Duration of this stage sixteen days in June and July, 1892 ; fourteen days in July, 1893. Young Larva. — Length, at twenty-four hours from the egg, .14 inch ; shape as in Gigas and Macounii ; 13 ending in two short sub-conical tails, which meet at base ; the body processes the same in number, position and form as in the species named ; color at first pinkish gray, in less than one day green-gray, the stripes red-brown, the mid-dorsal and sub-dorsal narrow and equal, the lateral narrower than in Gigas , greenish anteriorly, elsewhere reddish ; the basal ridge yellow-white, and beneath it a red-brown thread ; feet and legs gray-white, trans¬ lucent ; head considerably broader than 2, the front well rounded, broadest below, narrowing upwards, depressed at the suture ; surface covered with shallow inden¬ tations, and showing a few tubercles, each with its short, clubbed, and bent white process ; color greenish yellow, with a tint of brown. (Figs, b, b2.) Duration of this stage sixteen days in 1892, thirteen in 1893. After first moult : length at one day, .25 inch ; shape of the species named, the tubercles and processes same ; color light buff ; the mid-dorsal stripe green, with thin lines of brown at the edges ; the dorsal area (or band) next the stripe CHIONOBAS XII. buff shading into pale green without, and all of it finely streaked longitudinally with brown ; the sub-dorsal stripe brown, the area below this buff ; the lateral stripe green anteriorly, on both sides thinly edged by vinous-red, the posterior half wholly of this last hue ; the spiracular band greenish, and both over and under it a fine brown line ; under side, feet and legs greenish white; head same shape as at first stage ; color pale green-yellow, the six vertical stripes as in the genus, pale brown, not distinct. (Figs, c, c2, c3.) Duration of this stage nine to seventeen days in 1892 ; twenty-six days in 1893. Part of the larvas hibernated soon after first moult. After second moult: length, at one day, .34 inch; shape as in second stage, the tubercles and processes similar ; color light yellow-buff ; the stripes as before, except that the lateral is edged on both sides by black ; the dorsal area more dis¬ tinctly streaked brown ; head as before, the vertical stripes still not distinct. (Figs, d, d\ dz.) To next stage eleven to fifteen days in 1892 ; fourteen to seven¬ teen, in 1893. Some larvae hibernated soon after the second moult. After third moult: length, at twenty hours, .54 inch ; same shape ; color buff; the mid-dorsal stripe black, green within ; the streaks on the dorsal area much darker ; the sub-dorsal stripe lost ; the lateral with heavy black edges, green within, vinous posteriorly ; head as before, the vertical stripes more distinct. (Figs, e, e2, e3.) To fourth and last moult fifteen to twenty days. After fourth moult: length, at one day, .6 inch. (Fig./.) In fifteen to nine¬ teen days was full-grown. Mature Larva. — Length 1.1 to 1.3 inch; shape of Gigas and Macounii, thick in the middle, tapering about equally either wTay, and ending in two short sub-conical tails, which meet at base ; surface thickly covered with fine tubercles (as in the other species), each bearing a short, tapering process ; color brownish buff, striped and banded longitudinally, as in the genus ; the mid-dorsal stripe black ; next this the dorsal area, or band, is whitish shading into buff without, and streaked longitudinally and finely with black and dark brown ; the sub-dorsal stripe slight, indicated by a line or two of black interrupted streaks ; the area outside this pale buff, with a brown thread running through the middle ; the lateral stripe or band black over the posterior two thirds, buff streaked black on the anterior segments ; the spiracular band greenish buff ; the basal ridge yellow- white, as are the feet and legs ; head small, and, as in the genus, sub-globose, broadest below, narrowing a little upward, slightly depressed at the suture ; the CHIONOBAS XII. surface thickly covered with shallow indentations, with many tubercles and pro¬ cesses like those on the body ; across the top six vertical stripes, as in the genus, the indentations within these black. (Fig./2, greatly enlarged; /3, dorsal view of segments 7 and 8 ; /4, head.) The larvae died without pupating. I received from Mr. W. G. Wright thirty-three eggs of Iduna, laid 18th to 21st June, 1892, at Mendocino, California. The larvae began to hatch 5th July, and by 8th I had seventeen. Part of the eggs had been sent to Mrs. Peart, who wrote, 12th July : “ I see no difference between the young larvae of Iduna and those of Gigas, except that the former do not seem so bright in color ; the stripes of Gigas were as bright as those of Macounii — very red.” Ten of my larvae lived to pass their first moult on 21st July and subsequent days. The first one passed its second moult on 29th July, others at intervals to 9th August. Shortly after, the number was reduced to six. The missing larvae simply dis¬ appeared ; I supposed they went to ground, or into the sod, for hibernation, but on searching could discover none. They are so very small and of such dull color that they might easily be overlooked. The first larva passed its third moult 9th August, the second one on 14th. No other reached that moult. Two were found dead, and the rest may have gone to ground. The second larva spoken of died before fourth moult, but the first reached that moult 4th September, but not without assistance in getting rid of its old skin. It had been constricted so long that the mandibles were deformed, and consequently the larva died from starvation. Mrs. Peart had brought one larva to fourth moult 24th August, and it continued to feed well and grew rapidly. On 26th August, it was .96 inch long ; on 5th September, 1.3 inch, obese and evidently full-grown. But by acci¬ dent it fell to the floor and was mortally hurt. Twelve eggs were received from Mr. Wright, mailed from Mendocino, 25th June, 1893. These began to hatch 9th July, and eleven larvae were obtained. The first one passed its first moult 22d July, and by 1st August nine larvae had got through that moult. But three passed the second moult, and one of these was soon found to be in lethargy, and was sent to Clifton Springs, New York, to go into the refrigerating house there. One reached third moult 3d September, the fourth, 23d September. This larva was resting on its sod on 28th, in the morning, but at 2 p. m. was not to be seen or found, though I searched both earth and sod for it. By all which it will appear that these larvae are grown in con¬ finement with much tribulation. Mrs. Peart had been more successful, and had reared a larva which passed third moult 22d August, the fourth, 11th September. By 29th September, this had reached a length of 1.32 inch, and being mature and sleepy was sent to Clifton Springs. The two larvae came back to me in the following March, apparently healthy, but both died during April. CHIONOBAS XII. So it happens that a pupa has never been seen in this group of Chionobas. In Iduna, Calif omica , and Macounii one or more larvae have reached the adult stage, but refused to go farther. I have given them sand, friable earth, moss, and sod, hoping that in one or the other pupation might take place. But the larvae have usually lingered for days or weeks, eating nothing, moving about a little, only to die as larvae at last. As was said under Chionobas XI, Iduna , in contrast to the allied species, almost always has the male pale yellow-brown, and Figure 1 gives a good representa¬ tion of this hue. So also Figures 2, 3, 4, well show the peculiar hoary, thinly- streaked surface of the under side of hind wing, and the usual style of outline of the band. Figure 5 is taken from the only melanic Iduna observed. Figure 7 is the likeness of a prettily marked Gig as female. CHIONOBAS XII. CHIONOBAS CALIFOENICA, 6. Cliionobas Cali/ornica, Boisduval ; Edwards, Butt. N. A., Vol. II., pi. 44, p. 281. Egg. — Sub-conic, shaped as in Iduna and Gigas, but larger ; marked by twenty-two or twenty-three ribs, somewhat sinuous, occasionally branching either near the top or bottom ; narrow at summit, rounded, the slopes flat, the spurs between the fine excavations more separated than in the other species, and stand¬ ing at all angles to the rib ; the micropyle is in the centre of a rosette of shallow six-sided cells, the boundaries of which are thread-like ; outside of these are two or three rows of similar irregular cells, gradually enlarging ; beyond to the end of the ribs are two and three rows of little welts or cushions, with fine ridges radi¬ ating from each ; these ridges sometimes cross the spaces between the welts, but most often do not ; the arrangement is distinctly more star-like than in the other species named ; color gray-white. (Figs, g, g 2.) Duration of this stage thirteen days, in July. Ioung Larva. — Length, at one day, .16 inch ; shape as in Iduna and Gigas ; 13 ending in two short sub-conical tails, which meet at base ; the processes same in number, position, and form as in the other species ; color, just from the egg, pink, with a gray shade over dorsum, in a few hours greenish gray over the whole dorsal area, the last segments vinous tinted ; the mid and sub-dorsal stripes narrow, equal, red-brown ; the lateral broad as in Gigas , vinous, green ante¬ riorly ; the spiracular band gray-green ; the basal ridge yellow-white ; under side, feet and legs gray-green, translucent ; head as in the other species ; color brownish yellow. (Figs, h, hr, h 3.) Duration of this stage six to eighteen days. After first moult : length, at one day, .26 inch ; shape of the other species named ; the tubercles and processes same ; color yellow-buff, the stripes and bands as in the genus ; the mid-dorsal stripe gray edged with vinous ; next this CHIONOBAS XII. the ground is pale buff shading into darker buff, the whole area finely streaked longitudinally with pale brown ; the sub-dorsal stripe a mere line, vinous, the ground below it pale buff, cut through the middle by a thread of brown ; the lateral stripe vinous, gray-green within anteriorly ; basal ridge yellow-white ; under side, feet and legs pale buff ; head same shape as before, indented and tuberculated as in the species named ; color pale yellow-brown ; the vertical stripes as in Iduna, but heavier because of the blackness of the indentations within them. (Figs, i, i2, is.) Duration of this stage ten to twenty-one days. The larvae whose stages were prolonged went into lethargy soon after second moult. After second moult : length, at twenty hours, .35 ; shape as at second stage, the tubercles and processes same ; color yellow-buff ; the mid-dorsal stripe pale black, green through the middle ; the dorsal area buff clouded brown, and streaked with darker brown ; the sub-dorsal line vinous, the ground below it red¬ dish buff, cut in the middle by a brown line ; the lateral stripe, or band, black with a vinous tint, edged buff below ; the spiracular band gray-green, edged on both sides by red-brown ; the ridge pale buff, as are the under side, feet and legs; head as at second stage, with similar stripes (not figured). Duration of this stage ten days. After third moult : length, at one day, .6 inch ; same shape ; color yellow- buff ; the mid-dorsal stripe black, cut by green at the middle of each segment; the dorsal area yellow-brown, streaked with darker brown ; the sub-dorsal line vinous, the area under it buff, cut as before by a brown thread ; the lateral band broad, vinous-black ; the spiracular band gray-green, thinly edged with brown ; head as before. (Figs .j,f, segments 7 and 8 ; f, head.) To next stage nine days. After fourth moult: length .68 inch ; in twelve days was full-grown. Mature Larva. — Length 1.18 inch, greatest breadth .16; shape of the group, thick in middle, tapering about equally either way, and ending in two short sub-conical tails, which meet at base ; surface thickly covered with fine sub-conical tubercles of irregular sizes, each bearing a short tapering process ; color brown-buff, striped and banded longitudinally as in the genus ; the mid¬ dorsal stripe black ; the dorsal band next the stripe whitish shading outwardly into brown, and throughout finely streaked longitudinally with darker brown and black ; the sub-dorsal stripe scarcely more than a macular black line ; below, the CHIONOBAS XII. ground is buff with black specks running through the middle ; the lateral band deep black, a little mottled buff anteriorly ; the spiracular band green-buff ; the ridge yellow-white ; under side, feet and legs brown-buff ; head small, and, as in the other species, sub-globose, broadest below, narrowing a little towards top, depressed slightly at the suture ; the surface thickly covered with shallow inden¬ tations, with many tubercles and processes like those on the body ; across the top six vertical stripes, as in Iduna and the genus, the indentations within these black. (Figs, k, natural size ; k 2, greatly enlarged ; k3, head.) The larvae died without pupating. I received, 6th July, 1890, twenty eggs of Californica from Mr. Albert Koe- bele, then at Spokane Falls, Washington. These began to hatch on 13th, and by the 16th there were fourteen larvae. On 30th July, three passed the first moult ; others passed this moult at intervals up to 9th August. On 21st August, one passed second moult. All but two of the larvae went into hibernation im¬ mediately after the second moult. One of the two passed the third moult Sep¬ tember 2d, and fourth moult September 16th. The other I had sent Professor Riley at Washington, and it w’as returned to me after its fourth moult. Both these larvae were torpid by 30th September, and were kept out of doors, shaded from the sun. On 5th February, 1891, I brought all the larvae into the house. There were two alive, past second moult, and the two adults, the latter lying half buried in the sand that covered the earth of the flower-pot. They all looked healthy, and were put out of doors again, and so remained till 9th April. For some time previous to that date the weather had been cool, with several falls of snow, but suddenly a change to warm had come. I found the smaller larvse and one of the adults dead, the other was of good color, and I hoped to see it pupate in a few days. Day by day it moved a little, and once was found on the sod, but by April 25th was dead. EXPLANATION OF THE PLATE. 1. Iduna, 1, 2, 3, 4 $ ; 5 var. $. a, Egg ; a2, micropyle. b, Young Larva ; b2, head. c, Larva at 1st moult ; c2 section of dorsum, segments 7 and 8; c8, head. d, Larva at 2d moult ; d 2, section, 7 and 8 ; d8, head. e, Larva at 3d moult ; e2, section, 7 and 8 ; e3, head. /, Larva at 4th moult. /2, Adult Larva, greatly enlarged ; /3, segments 7 and 8; /*, head. 2. Californica 6, var. $. g, Egg ; g 2, micropyle. h, Young Larva; h2, segments 12, 13; h8, head. i, Larva at 1st moult ; i2, segments 7, 8 ; v'8, head. J > Larva at third moult; segments 7, 8, side view ; j 2 same, dorsal view ; j8, head. k. Adult Larva, natural size ; k 2, same enlarged ; k8, head. 3. Gigas 7, var. * (DIE I VARUNA . !■$ L'y