m^^ Heritage 2002 List of Ecological Program Communities for Montana Prepared by: MontaDa Natural Heritage Program Montana State Library P.O. Box 201800 • 1515 East Sixth Ave • Helena, MT 59620-1800 • 406-444-3009 http://iilip.mis.state.mt.us Introduction Wliat types of natural vegetation exist across Montana's landscape'^ Where do they occiu: and why? Wliich commiinity types aie intrinsic ally rare or hmited iii distribution, and wliicli ai'e widespread? Wliich have greatly diminished in extent and may be at risk? Answers to these questions are important to guide resource management, however these answers hijige on how we define and categorize the rich ecological diversity that is among Montana's greatest natural assets. Ecologists at the Montana Natural Heritage Program systematically collect iiifoiination to help identify and miderstand the natural comnuuiities of Montana. They utilize a classification approach, developed in partnership with the network of Natmal Heritage Programs, tliatis scientifically somid, consistent and flexible. Natmal communities are assemblages of species that respond similaiiy to chmatic, soil, topographic, geological hydrologic, liistoiical and other enviromnental conditions. . Communities are identified piimaiily by unique repeating assemblages of plant species. But comnnmities aie more than the sum of their species - they also represent the myriad biological and enviromnental interactions that aie inlierently a part of each unique natiu'al system. Thus, enviromnental characteristics, ecological processes and associated fauna aie also used in cliai'acteiizing natmal commmiities. An miderlying assmnption is tliat vegetation is one of the best indicators of enviromnental characteristics. Natiual communities have great value for resource management. It is now widely agreed that managing biological resomxes on a species by species basis is impractical and inadequate, except for a relatively fimited iimnber of large mammals, birds and plants that are of particular value to people or iji special cases where particulai" species aie facing individual threats to their survival. However there are many thousands of species that make up om' native ecosystems and play a key role in tlie health of tliose systems - soil development, poUinafion, breaking down organic materials into nutrients, and as finks in the food chain. Communities are increasingly used as management units that represent certain "habitats'' — assemblages of species adapted to similar conditions and processes. Thus, aimed with knowledge about the diversity, composition distiibufion, status and ecological requirements of commmuties, managers can focus on these natiu'ally-occmiing assemblages of organisnis to maintain the health of mulritudes of species and interactions that would be impossible to manage individually. How To Read The List Rank Gl SI G2 S2I G3 S3 G4 S4 The list is organized alphabetically by scientific name. The ranks in tlie Hst are explained below. Heritage Program Ranks The inteinational network of Natural Heritage Programs employs a standardized ranking system to denote global (range-wide) and state status (Association for Biodiversity Information 2001). Once community types are identified, tliey are ranked based on theii' abundance, healtli and /or level of risk. Ranking helps managers determine which communities or habitat types may be most in need of attention, and can also help focus future surveys or studies to inform management. Ranks are assigned at the global (rangewide) level as well as for Montana. Tluough our participation in tlie network of Natural Heritage Programs, we have access to infonnation about tlie status of communities where tliey extend beyond Montana's bordeis. Definition Critically impeiiled because of exti'eme rarity and/or other factors making it highly vulnerable to extinction. Imperiled because of rarity and/or other factors making it vulnerable to extinction. Vulnerable because of rarity or restricted range and/or odier factors, even tliough it may be abundant at some of its locations. Apparently secure, though it may be quite rare in parts of its range, especially at the peiiphery. G5 S5 Demonstrably secure, diough it may be quite rare in parts of its range, especially at tlie peiiphery. GU SU Possibly imperiled, but status uncer-tain: more information needed. GA SA Native in nearby states, but in Montana believed to be accidentally introduced, delibeiately planted, or escaped from plantings. GH SH Historical, known only from records over 50 year ago; may be rediscovered. GX SX Believed to be extinct, historical records only. Combination R^nks G#G# or S#S# Indicates a range of uncertainty about the rarity of tlie species. Sub -rank T# Rank of a subspecies or variety, appended to the species' global rank of tlie full species, e.g. G4T3. Qualifiers Q Taxonomic questions or problems exist, more infonnation needed: appended to tlie global rank, e.g. G3Q. ? Denotes uncertainty or for numeiic ranks, inexactness. FEDERAL DESIGNATIONS U.S. Fish and Wildlife Service Status (U.S. Endangeied Species Act) This column indicates the status of a taxon under the federal Endangeied Species Act of 1973 (16 U.S.C.A. § 1531-1543 (Supp. 1996)). Note: The Category 2 Caiididates designation was dropped in 1996 by theUSFWS, andfomier Caiididate 2 species no longer have any formal status under ES A. Regulatoiy aspects of tlie Endangered Species Act affect plants only when tliey occur on federal lands or are affected by federal actions. LE Listed endangered (no Montana plants) LT Listed threatened P Proposed endangeied or tlireatened C Candidate with listing warranted but precluded U.S. Forest Service Status TheU. S. Forest Semce Manual (2670.22) defines the status of sensitive species on Forest Service lands. The Regional Forester (Northern Region) designates sensitive species on National Forests in Montana; tliese designations were last updated in 1999, and a full list is included on page 36. They apply only on USFS- administered lands. S sensitive species, subspecies or variety, for which the Regional Forestei^ has detennined there is a concern for population viability range-wide or in the region U.S. Bureau of Land Management Status The BLM 6840 Manual defines the status of species on Bureau of Land Management Lands. The Montana State Office of the BLM assigned these designations in 1996, and a full list is included on page 36. They apply only on BLM-administered lands. S sensitive species are proven imperiled in at least part of their ranges and documented to occui' on BLM lands. W watch species are eitlier known to be imperiled and suspected to occur on BLM lands, suspected to be impeiiled and documented on BLM lands, or needing further study for other reasons. Montana Community List 2002 Scientific Name CommoD Name Crank Srank Abies grandis /Asamm caudatum Forest Abies grandis / Athynumfilix-femina Forest Abies grandis / Calamagrostis rubescens Woodland Abiss grandis / Chntonia uniflora Forest Abies grandis / Linnaea boiealis Forest Abies grandis / Physoca)-pus malvaceus Forest Abies grandis / Senecio tnangulaiis Forest Abies grandis / Spiraea betulifoha Forest Abies grandis / Taxus brevifoha Forest Abies grandis / Xerophyllum tenax Forest Abies lasiocarpa - Acer glab rum PiV2A2a\Q\ie Chute Sluiiblaud Abies lasiocaipa - Pinus albicaulis / Vaccinium scoparmm'^ ooi\\?avd Abies lasiocaipa /Actaea lubra Forest Abies lasiocarpa / Alniis vuidis ssp. sinuata Forest Abies lasiocarpa /Arnica cordifolia Forest Abies lasiocarpa /Arnica latifolia Forest Abies lasiocarpa /Calamagrostis canadensis Forest Abies lasiocarpa /Calamagrostis mbescens Forest Abies lasiocarpa /Carex geyeri Forest Abies lasiocarpa / Clematis Columbiana N?a:. columbiana Forest Abiss lasiocarpa / Chntonia uniflora Forest Abies lasiocarpa / Galium trifloj'um Forest Abies lasiocarpa /Jumpems communis Woodland Abies lasiocarpa /Ledum glandulosum Forest Abies lasiocarpa / Linnaea borealis Fovest Abies lasiocarpa / Luzula glabrata var. hitchcockii Forest Abies lasiocarpa / Menziesia fenitginea Forest Abiss lasiocarpa / Oplopanax hoindus Forest Abies lasiocarpa / Phyllodoce empetriformis Woodland Abies lasiocarpa /Rhododendron albiflonim Woodland Abies lasiocarpa / Ribes (montigenum, lacustre, inerme) Fore^ Abies lasiocarpa / Streptopus amplexifolius Forest Abies lasiocarpa / Symphoricarpos albus Forest Abies lasiocarpa / Thalictium occidentale Forest Abies lasiocarpa / Vaccinium cespitosum Forest Abies lasiocarpa / Vaccinium membranaceum Rocky Mountain Forest Abies lasiocarpa / Vaccinium scopanum Forest Abies lasiocarpa /Xejvphyllum tenax Forest Abies lasiocarpa Krummholz Shiiiblaud Grand fir / longtail wild ginger Forest Grand fir / lady fern Forest Grand fu'/pinegrassWoodlaud Grand fu' / queen's cup beadlily Forest Grand fii' / twinflower Forest Grand fu' / mallow-leaf n in ebaik Forest Grand fir / arrowleaf ragwort Forest Grand fu' / sliiny- leaf meadowsweet Forest Grand fu' / pacific yew Forest Grand fu' / beaigrass Forest Siibalpiue fu' - Rocky Mountain maple Avalanche Chute Shnibland Subalpiue fu' - wliitebai'k pine Woodlaud Subalpine fir / banebeiiy Forest Subalpine fu' / Sitka alder Forest Subalpiue fu' / ^vavy-leaf alder Forest Subalpiue fu' / broadleaf arnica Forest Subalpine fii' / bluejoint Forest Subalpiue fir / pinegrass Forest Subalpiue fu / Geyer's sedge Forest Subalpiue fu' / Columbia clematis Forest Subalpine fu' / bride's -bonnet Forest Subalpiue fir / sweet-scented bedstraw Forest Subalpiue fu / commou junipei' Woodland Subalpiue fu' / glandulai' labrador-tea Forest Subalpine fii' / twinflower Forest Subalpiue fu / smooth woodnisli Forest Subalpiue fir / fool's-hucklebeiry Forest Subalpiue fu' / devil's-club Forest Subalpiue fu /pink mountaiu -heath Woodland Subalpine fu' / cascade azalea Woodland Subalpine fu / gooseberry Forest Subalpiue fu / clasping twisted-stalk Forest Subalpiue fu / suowbeiiy Forest Subalpiue fu / western meadowrue Forest Subalpiue fir / dwarf buck lebeiiy Forest Subalpiue fir / big hucklebeny Forest Subalpiue fir / grousebeny Forest Subalpiue fir / beaigrass Forest Subalpiue fu Kiiunmholz Shnibland G4 S? G3Q S2Q G4? S2 G5 S4 G3 S2S3 G3 S? G3 S2 G2 S? G2 SI G4 S4 G5 S5 G5? S5 G4? S2 G4 S4 G5 S5 G4 S3 G5 S5 G4G5 S3 G5 S3 G3? S3? G5 S5 G4 S4 G4G5 S3 G4 S4 G5 S5 G5 S5 G5 S5 G3 S2 G4Q S? G4 S? G5 S4 G4 S3 G3 S3 G4 S3 G5 S5 G5 S5 G5 S5 G5 S5 G4 S4 Abies lasiocarpa Scree Woodland Acer glabium Ps:y?i[?aiQ\\t Chute Shnibland Acer glabmm Drainage Bottom Shnibland Acer negnndo / Pmnus virgimana Forest Agropyron cnstatum - (Pascopyrum smithii, HespeiiDstipa comata) Semi-natural Herbaceous Vegetation Agrostts stolonifera Herbaceous Vegetation Alniis incana - Betula occidentahs Shiiibland Almis incana / Calamagrostis canadensis Shnibland Alnus incana / Carex spp. Shnibland Alnus incana /Comus sencea Shnibland Alnus incana / Ecjuisetum aj-vense Shnibland Alnus incana Mesic Forbs Shrubland Alnus incana Shnibland Alnus vindis ssp. sinuata / Athynum filix- Femina Shnibland Alnus vindis s^f. sinuata Shrubland [Provisional] Alnus spp. Avalanche Chute Slmibland Amelanchier alnifolia / Pseudoroegnena spicata Shnibland Andropogon gerardii - Schizachynum scopanum Western Great Plains Herbaceous Vegetation Andropogon hallii - Calamovilfa longifoha Heiijaceous Vegetation Andropogon halhi - Carex inops ssp. heliophila Herbaceous Vegetation Artemisia a rbuscida / Festuca idahoensisT>vj?ai ^hnvh Herbaceous Vegetation Artemisia arbuscula / Pseudoroegnena spicata DwaifShnib Herbaceous Vegetation Artemisia arbuscula ssp. longiloba /Elymus lanceolatus Dwaif Shnib Herbaceous Vegetation Artemisia arbuscula ssp. longiloba /Festuca idahoensis D^varf Shnib Heibaceous Vegetation Artemisia arbuscula ssp. longiloba / Pseudoroegnena spicata Dwaif Shrub Herbaceous Vegetation Aitemisia cana /Elymus lanceolatus - Nassella viridula Shnib Herbaceous Vegetation Artemisia cana /Elyrmis trachycaulus Shrub Herbaceous Vegetation Artemisia cana /Festuca idahoensis Shnih Herbaceous Vegetation Artemisia cana / Leymus cinemus Shnibland Artemisia cana / Pascopynim srmthii Shnibland Artemisia cana /Poj^prc^^e^^/s' Shrub Herbaceous Vegetation Aitemisia cana /Stipa comata Shrub Herbaceous Vegetation Artemisia cana ssp. cana / Pascopyium smithii Shnib Herbaceous Vegetation Artemisia cana ssp. viscidula /Festuca idahoensis Shnibland Aitemisia longifoha - Calamovilfa longifoha Sparse Vegetation Aitemisia longifoha Badlands Sparse Vegetation Artemisia nova /Festuca idahoensis T>v^?xi^hn\h Herbaceous Vegetation Aitemisia nova /Pseudoroegnena spicata Dwaif Shnibland Aitemisia pedatifida - Atnplex gai'dneii Dwaif Shnibland Aitemisia pedatifida /Festuca idahoensis Dvj?ai^hiM\f Herbaceous Vegetation Artemisia pedatifida / Pseudoroegnena spicata Dwaif Shnib Hei^baceous Vegetation Subalpine fw Scree Slope Rocky Mountain maple Avalanche Chute Slmibland Rocky Mountain maple Drainage Bottom Slmibland Bos elder / chokecheny Forest Crested wlieatgr ass Semi-natural grassland Redtop Meadow Mountain alder - ^vatei' birch Slmibland Mountain alder / hluejoint Shnibland Mountain alder /sedge spp. Shnibland Mountain / red osier dogwood Shnibland Mountain alder /field horsetail Shnibland Mountain alder / Mesic Forbs Shrubland Mountain alder Shrubland Sitka alder / lady fern - slender woodreed Shnibland Sitka Alder Shrubland Alder Avalanche Chute Shrubland Saskatoon seivicebeiry / bluebunch \vheatgrass Shrubland Big bluestem - little bluestein Western Gi'eat Plains Herbaceous Vegetation Sand bluestem - prairie sandi'eed Sand Piaiiie Sand bluestem - sun sedge SandPniirie Dwarf sagebrush / Idaho fescue Shrub Herbaceous Vegetation Dwarf sagebrush /bluebunch wlieatgrass Shnib Herbaceous Vegetation Alkali sagebnish / thickspike wheatgniss Dwaif Shnib Heitaceous Vegetation Alkali sagebrush / Idalio fescue Slmib Herbaceous Vegetation Alkali sagebnish / bluebunch wheatgrass Shnib Herbaceous Vegetation Silver sage / thickspike \\dieatgrass - green needlegrass SImib Herbaceous Vegetation Silver sagebnish / slender wlieatgrass Slmib Herbaceous Vegetation Silver sagebnish /Idalio fescue Shnib Praiiie Silver sagebnish / basin ^vildiye Shnibland Silver sagebnish / \vesteni wiieatgiass Shnibland Silver sagebnish / Kentucky bluegrass Shnib Herbaceous Vegetation Silver sagebnish / needle -and-thie ad Shnib Praii'ie Silvei' sagebnish / \vesteni wiieatgiass Shnib Praiiie Silver sagebnish /Idaho fescue Slmibland Long-leaved sage - praiiie sandieed Spai'se Vegetation Longleaf wormwood Badlands Sparse Vegetation Black sagebnish / Idaho fescue Shrub Herbaceous Vegetation Black sagebnish / bluebunch wiieatgrassDwaif-shnibland Bii'dfoot sagebnish - Gardner's saltbush Shrubland Biidfoot sagebnish /Idalio fescue Shnibland Birdfoot sagebnish / bluebunch wlieatgrass Shnibland G5? S5 G5 S5 G4? S4 G3 S3 GW S? GM S5 G2G3 S? G3Q S3Q G3 S? G3Q S? G3 S? G3 S? G?Q S3 G3G4 S? G?Q S2 G5 S5 G3G4Q S2? G2? S2 G4G5 S? G3 S3 G5 S3 G5 S3 S? G3 S2 G? S? S2S3? S? G3? S3? Gl S? G4 S4 S? G3 S3 G4 S? G3 s? G3G4 S3S4 G? S3S4 G2? S1S2 G4G5 S3 G3? S2 G2? S2 G3 S3 Artemisia spinescens D\varf Shiiiblaud Aitemisia tndentata - Atnplex confeiti folia Shiiiblaiid Aftemisia tndentata / Festuca campestns Shrub Herbaceous Vegetation Artemisia tndentata / Festuca idahoensis Shmb Herbaceous Vegetation Aitemisia tndentata /Stipa comata Shnibland Aitemisia tndentata spp. tndentata / Stipa comata Shmb Heiiiaceous Vegetation Aitemisia tndentata ssp. tndentata / Festuca idahoensis Shiiiblaud Aitemisia tndentata ssp. tndentata / Ley mus cinereus Sluublaud Aitemisia tndentata ssp. tridentata / Pascopymm smithii Shnibland Aitemisia tndentata ssp. tridentata / Pseudoroegnena spicata Shrub Herbaceous Vegetation Artemisia tndentata ssp. vaseyana - Symphoncarpos oreophilus / Festuca idahoensis Shnibland Aitemisia tndentata ssp. vaseyana / Bromus carinatus Shnibland Aitemisia tndentata ssp. vaseyana /Festuca campestns Shrub Herbaceous Vegetation Aitemisia tndentata ssp. vaseyana /Festuca idahoensis - Elymus trachycaulus Shnibland Aitemisia tndentata ssp. vaseyana /Festuca idahoensis Shrub Herbaceous Vegetation Aitemisia tndentata ssp. vaseyana / Leymus cinereus Shnibland Aitemisia tridentata ssp. vaseyana / Pascopynim smithii Sluiibland Artemisia tridentata ssp. vaseyana / Poa pratensis Shmb Herbaceous Vegetation Aitemisia tridentata ssp. vaseyana /Pseudoroegnena spicata Shnibland Aitemisia tridentata ssp. wyomingensis - Atnplex confeitifolia Shnibland Artemisia tridentata ssp. wyomingensis /Bouteloua gracilis Shnibland Aitemisia tridentata ssp. wyomingensis / Carex filifolia Shnibland Aitemisia tridentata ssp. wyomingensis / Elymus lanceolatus ssp. albicans Shnibland Aitemisia tridentata ssp. wyomingensis / Pascopynim smithii Shnib Herbaceous Vegetation Artemisia tridentata ssp. wyomingensis / Poa secunda Shnibland Aitemisia tridentata ssp. wyomingensis / Pseudoroegnena spicata Slrnib Herbaceous Vegetation Aitemisia tridentata ssp. wyomingensis / Pseudoroegnena spicata Sluiibland Artemisia tridentata ssp. vaseyana /Festuca idahoensis - Pascopynim smithii Shnibland Aitemisia tridentata ssp. vaseyana /Festuca idahoensis - Pseudoroegnena spicata Shnibland Aitemisia tridentata ssp. vaseyana /Festuca idahoensis - Stipa nchardsonii Shnibland Aitemisia tridentata ssp. vaseyana /Festuca idahoensis / Geranium viscossimum Shnibland Aitemisia tridentata ssp. vayesana /Festuca idahoensis - Stipa occidentahs Shnibland Aitemisia tnpaitita /Elymus lanceolatus Shmb Herbaceous Vegetation Aitemisia tnpaitita /Festuca campestns Shnib Herbaceous Vegetation Artemisia tripaitita /Festuca idahoensis Shmb Heibaceous Vegetation Aitemisia tnpaitita /Pseudoroegnena spicata Shmb Herbaceous Vegetation Aitemisia tnpaitita ssp. tnpaitita / Hesperostipa comata Shnib Heitaceous Vegetation Atnplex confeitifolia / Chiysothamnus nauseosus Shnibland Atnplex confeitifolia Wyoming Basins Shnibland Atriplex gardneri -Aitemisia spmei-ce^5 Dwarf Shnibland Atnplex gardneri /Aitemisia tndentata Dwarf Shnibland Atnplex gardneri / Endolepis dioica Dwaif Shnibland Bud si^ebmsh Shnibland Big sagebnish - shadscale Shnibland Mountain big sagebnish / rough fescue Shnib Herbaceous Vegetation Big sagebnish / Idaho fescue Shmb Prairie Big sagebnish / needle-and-thread Shnibland Basin big sagebrush / needle-and-thread Shmb Herbaceous Vegetation Basin big sagebnish / Idalio fescue Shnibland Basin big sagebnish / basin wildiye Shnibland Basin big sagebnish /western wlieatgrass Shnibland Basin big sagebnish / bluebunch wiieatgrass Shnibland Mountain big sagebnish -mountain snowberry /Idalio fescue Shnibland Mountain big sagebrush / California brome Shnibland Mountain big sagebnish / rough fescue Shnib Herbaceous Vegetation Mountain big sagebnish /Idaho fescue - slendei' \\1ieatgrass Shnibland Mountain big sagebrush / Idaho fescue Shnib Herbaceous Vegetation Mountain big sagebrush / basin wildiye Shmbland Mountain big sagebnish / western wheatgrass Shnibland Mountain big sagebnish / Kentucky bluegrass Shmb Herbaceous Vegetation Mountain big sagebnish /bluebunch wiieatgrass Shmbland Wyoming big sagebrush - shadscale Shmbland Wyoming big sagebrush /blue giama Shnibland Wyoming big sagebnish / thread- leaf sedge Shmbland Wyoming big sagebnish / thickspike \\4ieatgrass Shmbland Wyoming big sagebnish / western \\dieatgrass Shmbland Wyoming big sagebrush / Sandberg's bluegiass Shmbland Wyoming big sagebnish / bluebunch wdieatgrass Shnih Hei^baceous Vegetation Wyoming big sagebnish / bluebunch wiieatgrass Slimbland Mountain big sagebrush / Idalio fescue - western wiieatgiass Shmbland Mountain big sagebnish / Idaho fescue - bluebunch \\4ieatgrass Shnibland Mountain big sagebnish / Idaho fescue - Richai'dson's needlegrass Slimbland Mountain big sagebrush / Idaho fescue / geranium Shnibland Mountain big sagebrush / Idaho fescue - western needlegrass Shmbland Tliree-tip sagebnish / thickspike \\dieatgrass Shmb Herbaceous Vegetation Tlireetip sagebnish /prairie fescue Shmb Herbaceous Vegetation Threetip Sagebnish / Idaho Fescue Shmb Herbaceous Vegetation Thieetip sagebnish / bluebunch wheatgrass Shnib Herbaceous Vegetation Thieetip sagebnish / needle -an d-thie ad Shmb Herbaceous Vegetation Shadscale / common rabbitbmsh Shnibland Shadscale Wyoming Basins Shnibland Gai'dner's saltbush - bud sagebnish DwTU'f-shnibland Gardner's saltbush - big sagebnish Dwarf- shmb land Gardner's saltbush /rillscaleD^varf Shmbland G3G4 S? G4 S4 G3Q S3 G4Q S4? S4 S? G4? s? G2 SI G3? S3 G2G4 S? G4 S? G4? S? S? S? G5 S4 G4? S? G3? S3? s? G5 s? G3G5 S3 G5 S? GIQ S? G4 S4? G4 s? G4 s? G4 S3 G5'> S5? S? s? s? s? s? s? G2? S2 G3 S3? G2G3 S? Gl s? G3Q S3Q G5 S1S2 G2G3 SI G'i S3 S2? Atnplsx gardnen / Monolepis nuttalliana Dwarf Shnib land Atnplex gardnen / Oryzopsis hymenoides DwTirf Shiiiblaud Atnplex gardfien / Fa^opynim sfmthii D\varf Shrub land Atnplsx gardnen Dwarf Shiiib laud Betula glandulosa /Carex ciisickii Sluublaud Betula glandulosa /Carex lasiocaipa Shniblaiid Betula glandulosa /Carex utnculata Sluublaud Betula occidentalis - Fentaphylloides flonbunda Shnibland Betula occidentalis / CoiTius sencea Shnibland Betula occidentalis Shnibland Betula papy rife ra Forest Bromus carinatus - Biomus anomalus Heibaceous Vegetatiou Brormis ineiTnis - (Pascopynim smithii) Semi-natiual Hei^baceous Vegetation Calamagrostis canadensis Western Herbaceous Vegetation Calamagrostis montanensis Herbaceous Vegetatiou Calamagrostis pufpurascens - Carex ntpestris Heibaceous Vegetation Calamovilfa longifolia - Carex inops ssp. heliophila Herbaceous Vegetation Calamovilfa longifolia - Stipa comata Herbaceous Vegetation Carex apefta Herbaceous Vegetation Carex aquatilis - Carex utnculata Herbaceous Vegetatiou Carex aquattlis Herbaceous Vegetation Carex afferoiie^ Herbaceous Vegetation Carex buxbaumii Heibaceous Vegetation Carex elynoides - Geum rossii Herbaceous Vegetation Carex elynoides Herbaceous Vegetatiou Carex lanuginosa - Calamagrostis stncta Herbaceous Vegetation Carex lanuginosa Herbaceous Vegetation Carex lasiocaipa Heibaceous Vegetation Carex limosa Herbaceous Vegetation Carex nebrascensis Herbaceous Vegetation Carex nigncans Herbaceous Vegetatiou Carex praegracilis Heitaceous Vegetatiou Carex ntpestiis - Potentilla ovina Herbaceous Vegetation Carex saxatilis Herbaceous Vegetatiou Carex scupoidea - Geum lossii Herbaceous Vegetatiou Carex scirpoidea - Potentilla diversifolia HeiHjaceous Vegetation Carex scopulontm - Caltha leptosepala Hei^baceous Vegetatiou Carex scopulontm Herbaceous Vegetation Carex simulata Herbaceous Vegetation Carex utnculata Herbaceous Vegetatiou Carex vesicana Herbaceous Vegetation Carex spp. - Geum rossii Heibaceous Vegetation Gai'dner's saltbush / Nuttall's poveity-weed D^vai'f-shnibland Gai'dner's saltbush / Indiau ricegrass Dwaif-shnibland Gai'dner's saltbush / western \\4ieatgrassDwarf-shnibland Gardner's saltbush Dwaif-shiiibland Bog birch / Cusick's sedge Shnibland Bog birch / sleuder sedge Shnibland Bog bii'ch /beaked sedge Sluublaud Watei' birch - shrubby cinquefoil Sluublaud Water birch / red osier dogwood Shnibland Water birch Shnibland Paper Birch Forest Califonnia brome - nodding brome Heibaceous Vegetatiou Smooth brome (western wlieatgrass) Semi-natural grassland Bluejoint reedgrass Wet Meadow Plains reedgiass Herbaceous Vegetation Puiple reedgrass - curly sedge Heibaceous Vegetation Praiiie sandreed - sun sedge Pniirie Praiiie sandreed - needle-and-tlnead Prairie Columbia sedge Wet Meadow Aquatic sedge - beaked sedge Herbaceous Vegetation Aquatic sedge Wet Meadow Awned sedge wet meadow Biixbaum's sedge Wet Meadow Blackroot sedge - Ross' aveus Herbaceous Vegetatiou Blackroot sedge Herbaceous Vegetation Woolly sedge - w^estem bluejoint Herbaceous Vegetation Woolly sedge Herbaceous Vegetation Slender sedge Herbaceous Vegetation Mud sedge Herbaceous Vegetation Nebraska sedge Wet Meadow Black alpine sedge Heiijaceous Vegetation Clustered field sedge Heibaceous Vegetation Curly sedge - sheep cinquefoil Herbaceous Vegetation Russet sedge Herbaceous Vegetatiou Spike sedge - Ross' aveus Heibaceous Vegetatiou Single spike sedge - mountain meadow ciuqiiefoil Herbaceous Vegetatiou Hohn's Rocky Mountain sedge - mai'sh-marigold Herbaceous Vegetatiou Holm's Rocky Mountain sedge Herbaceous Vegetation Analogue sedge Hei^haceous Vegetation Beaked sedge Wet Meadow Inflated sedge Herbaceous Vegetatiou Sedge species - Ross' avens Heitaceous Vegetation G3? S2 G3 S3 G3 S3 G3G5 S2S3 S3 S4 G4? S4 G2Q S? G3? S? G3Q S3 G4Q S3? S? GW S? G4 S4 S2S3? S? G3 S3? G3 S3 Gl? S? G4 S? G5 S4 G3G5 S3S5 G3 S3 G4 S4 G4 S4 G3G5 S3? G3 S? G4? S4 G2 S2 G4 S4 G4 S3 G3G4 S3S4 G4 S4 G3 S3 G4 S4 G3? S2 G4 S3 G5 S4 G4 S3 G5 S5 G4Q S4 G4Q S4Q Ca^sLope meftensiana / Carex p^^^^so^; j DwTirf Shiiiblaud Cercocai'pus ledifolius / Festuca idahoensis ''^oodXmid Cercocaipus ledifohus / Pseudoj'oegnena spicata Shnibland Chrysothamnus naiiseosus / Pseudoroegnena spicata Shrubland Chrysothamnus viscidiflonis / Stipa comata Shnib Herbaceous Vegetation Cornus sencea / Galium triflonim Shiublaud Cornus sericea Shniblaiid [Piovisional] Crataegus douglasii Shmblaiid Crataegus succulenta Shnibland [Provisional] Dasiphora fiuticosa ssp. Jloribunda /Carex spp. Shnibland Dasiphora fiuticosa ssp. fioribunda / Juncus balticus Shnib Herbaceous Vegetation Deschampsia cespitosa - Caltha leptosepala Heiijaceous Vegetation Deschampsia cespitosa - Carex spp. Heibaceous Vegetation Deschampsia cespitosa - Potentilla diversifolia Herbaceous Vegetation Deschampsia cespitosa Herbaceous Vegetation Distichhs spicata - Hordeumjubatum - Puccinellia nuttalhana -Suaeda Cc^/ceo/z/orm^s- Herbaceous Vegetation Distichhs spicata Heibaceous Vegetation Dryas integrifolia - Carex spp. Dwai'f Shiiib Herbaceous Vegetation Dryas octopetala - Carex ntpestns Dwaif Shnib Herbaceous Vegetation Dryas octopetala - Carex spp. Dwaif Shnib Herbaceous Vegetation Dryas octopetala - Polygonum vivipanun Dwai€ Shnib Herbaceous Vegetation Dulichium ainfidinaceum Seasonally Flooded Herbaceous Vegetation Elaeagnus commutata / Pascopymm smithii Shnibland Elaeagmts commutata Shnibland Eleochans palustris Herbaceous Vegetation Eleocharis quinqneflora Herbaceous Vegetation Eleochans }X)stellata Heibaceous Vegetation Elymus elymoides Herbaceous Vegetation Elymus lanceolatiis - (Koelena macrantha) Herbaceous Vegetation Elymus lanceolatus - Elymus trachycaulus Herbaceous Vegetation Elymus lanceolatus - Hespeiostipa comata Noithem Great Plains Herbaceous Vegetation Elymus lanceolatus - Koelena macrantha Heibaceous Vegetation Elymus lanceolatus - Phacelia hastata Heiiiaceous Vegetation Elymus lanceolatus- Nassella vindula Herbaceous Vegetation Elymus trachycaulus - Distichilis stricta Herbaceous Vegetation Elymus trachycaulus - Nassella vindula Herbaceous Vegetation Equisetumfluviatile Heiijaceous Vegetation Enogonum pauciflonim - Gutierrezia sarothrae Badlands Sparse Vegetation Euphorbia esula Herbaceous Vegetation Festuca campestns - Festuca idahoensis - Stipa nchardsomi Herbaceous Vegetation Festuca campestns - Festuca idahoensis Heibaceous Vegetation Western moss heatlier / Payson's sedge D^vaif- shnibland Curl -leaf mountain maliogany / Idaho fescue Woodland Curl -leaf mountain maliogany / bluebunch wheatgrass Shnibland Common rabbitbnish / bluebunch ^viieatgiass Shnibland Green rabbitbnish / needle-and-thread Shnib Herbaceous Vegetation Red osier dogwood / sweet-scented bedsti'aw Shnibland Red osier dogwood Shnibland Black hawthorn Shnibland Succulent hawtlioni Shnibland Shiubby cinqiiefoil / sedge spp. Shnibland Shiubby cinqiiefoil / Baltic nish Shnib Herbaceous Vegetation Tufted haiigrass - marsh-maiigold Wet Meadow^ Tufted haii'grass / sedge Meado^v Tufted haii'grass - mountain meadow cinqiiefoil Herbaceous Vegetation Tufted hairgrass Meadow Saltgrass - foxtail bailey - Niittall's alkali grass - seablite Herbaceous Vegetation Inland saltgrass Saline Praiiie White mountain-avens - sedge spp. Dwaif-shnib Herbaceous Vegetation Eight-petal mountain-avens - curly sedge Dwarf shnib Herbaceous Vegetation Eight-petal Mountain-avens - sedge spp. Dwarf-shnib Heibaceous Vegetation Eight -petal mountain-avens - seipent-grass Dwaii'-shiiib Herbaceous Vegetation Threeway sedge Seasonally Flooded Herbaceous Vegetation American silverbeiry / western vdieatgrass Shnibland Silverbeny Shnibland Creeping spikenish Wet Meadow Few-flower spikenish Herbaceous Vegetation Beaked spikenish Heibaceous Vegetation Bottlebnish squiixeltail Heibaceous Vegetation Thickspike wheatgrass - (praiiie junegrass) Herbaceous Vegetation Thickspike wheatgrass - slender \\4ieatgrass Heibaceous Vegetation Thickspike wheatgrass - needle -an d-thie ad Noitheni Great Plains Herbaceous Vegetation Thickspike wheatgrass - piairie junegrass Heibaceous Vegetation Thickspike wheatgrass - silveileaf phacelia Herbaceous Vegetation Thickspike wlieatgrass - green needlegrass Heiiiaceous Vegetation Slender wiieatgrass - saltgrass Herbaceous Vegetation Slender wiieatgrass - green needlegiass Herbaceous Vegetation Water horsetail Marsh Wild buckwheat- snakeweed Badlands Sparse Vegetation Leafy spurge Heiijaceous Vegetation Rough fescue - Idalio fescue - Richaidson's needlegiass Herbaceous Vegetation Rough fescue - Idaho fescue Mixedgrass Praiiie G3? S3 G3 S2 G4Q S4 G3Q S3Q S? G3? S? G4Q S3 G2Q S2 G3G4Q S3S4 G3? S3 S? G4 S3 G4Q S4Q G5 S2 G4 S4 G2G3 S? G5 S4 G3Q S3 G4 S3 G3? S3? Gi'T S2 G'i S2 G3? S2 G2Q S2? G5 S5 G4 S3 SI S? s? S2S3? S3? G? S2S3? G2 S2 S3S4? S? S1S3? S4 G4G5 S? GW s? s? G3 S3 Festuca campestiis - Pseudoroegnena spicata Herbaceous Vegetation Festuca campestns Herbaceous Vegetation Festuca idahoensis - Carex fihjblia Herbaceous Vegetation Festuca idahoensis - Carex inops ssp. hehophila Heibaceous Vegetation Festuca idahoensis - Carex obtusata Herbaceous Vegetation Festuca idahoensis - Carex scupoidea Herbaceous Vegetation Festuca idahoensis - Danthoma intermedia Heitaceous Vegetation Festuca idahoensis - Deschampsia cespitosa Herbaceous Vegetation Festuca idahoensis - Elymus trachycauhis Hei^haceous Vegetation Festuca idahoensis - Festuca kingii Heibaceous Vegetation Festuca idahoensis - Pascopyrum smithii Herbaceous Vegetation Festuca idahoensis - Potentilla divei'sijbha Heiijaceous Vegetation Festuca idahoensis - Pseudoroegnena spicata Herbaceous Vegetation Festuca idahoensis - Stipa richardsonii Herbaceous Vegetation Festuca idahoensis Herbaceous Vegetation Festuca kingii - Oxytropis campestris Herbaceous Vegetation Festuca kingii Herbaceous Vegetation Fraxinus pennsylvamca - Ulmus americana / Pntnus viigimana Woodland Fraxinus pennsylvamca /Fmnus vuginiana Forest Geum j'ossii - Minuaitia obtusdoba Heibaceous Vegetation Glycena borealis Herbaceous Vegetation Glycerrhiza lepidota Herbaceous Vegetation Heracleum maj:imum - Rudbeckia occidentahs Herbaceous Vegetation Hesperostipa cujtiseta - (Elymus lanceolatus) Heiiiaceous Vegetation Hesperostipa ciuiiseta - Elymus lanceolatus Heibaceous Vegetation Hordeumjubatum Herbaceous Vegetation Juncus balticus - Carex praegracilis Herbaceous Vegetation Juncus balticus Herbaceous Vegetation Juncus dnimfnondii - Antennana lanata Herbaceous Vegetation Juncus parryi - Erige/vn ursinus Herbaceous Vegetation Junipeiiis honzontalis / Calamovilfa longifolia Dwaif Shmbland Junipeiiis hoiizontalis / Carex mops ssp. hehophila Dwaif Shmbland Junipeiiis honzontalis / Elymus lanceolatus D\varf Shmbland Junipeiiis horizontalis /Elymus trachycauhis D\vai:f Shmbland Junipems horizontalis /Juncus balticus Dwaif Shmbland Junipeiiis horizontalis / Schizachyrium scopanum Dvvarf- shmbland Junipeiiis horizontalis / Stipa cuitiseta - (Elymus lanceolatus) Dwai€ Shmbland Junipeiiis osteosperma /Aitermsia tndentata Woodland Junipeiiis osteosperma / Cercocaipus ledifolms Woodland Junipeiiis osteosperma /Pseudoroegnena spicata Woodland Junipeiiis scopuloium /Aitemisia nova Woodland Junipeiiis scopuloium /Aitemisia tndentata Woodland Altia fescue - bluebunch wlieatgrass Mixedgiass Prairie Rough fescue Herbaceous Vegetation Idaho fescue - thread -leaf sedge Meadow Idaho fescue - sun sedge Mixedgrass Praiiie Idaho fescue - blunt sedge Herbaceous Vegetation Idalio fescue - single-spike sedge Meadow Lodgepole pine / timber oatgrass Forest Idalio fescue - tufted haii^rass Meadow Idalio fescue - slender wlieatgrass Mixedgiass Prairie Idalio fescue - spike fescue Herbaceous Vegetation Idaho fescue - \vestem wiieatgiass Mixedgrass Praiiie Idalio fescue - mountain meadow cinquefoil Herbaceous Vegetation Idaho fescue - bluebunch wlieatgiass Mixedgrass Idalio fescue - Richardson's needlegrass Herbaceous Vegetation Idalio fescue Herbaceous Vegetation Spike fescue - cold mountain crazyweed Herbaceous Vegetation Spike fescue Herbaceous Vegetation Green ash - American elm Woody Draw Green ash / chokecheiiy Forest Ross' avens - alpine stitchwoit Herbaceous Vegetation Northern mannagrass Wet Meadow Ameiica licorice Herbaceous Vegetation Cow-pai'snip - western coneflower Heiijaceous Vegetation Western porcupine grass - (thickspike wlieatgrass) Herbaceous Vegetation Western porcupine grass - tliickspike \viieatgiass Herbaceous Vegetation Foxtail bai'ley Meadow Baltic rush - clustered field sedge Herbaceous Vegetation Baltic rush Wet Meadow Dmmmond's msli - woolly pussytoes Heiijaceous Vegetation Pairy's msh - Bear River fleabane Herbaceous Vegetation Creeping juniper / praiiie reedgrass Dwarf Shmbland Creeping junipei' / sun sedge Dwaii"- shmbland Creeping juniper / thickspike wheatgrass Dwarf Shmbland Creeping juniper / slender \\4ieatgrass Dwaif Shmbland Creeping juniper /baltic msh Dwaif Shmbland Creeping juniper / little bluestem Dwarf-shrub land Creeping juniper / porcupine-grass (thickspike wheatgrass) Dwarf Shmbland Utali juniper / basin big sagebmsh Woodland Utali Junipei' / curl -le af mountain -mail og any Woodland Utah juniper / bluebunch \\4ieatgrass Woodland Rocky Mountain juniper / black sagebmsh Woodland Rocky Mountain juniper / big sagebmsh Woodland G4 S4 G3Q S3Q G3 S3 G3 S3 G3Q S? G2Q S2Q G3? S? G3G4 S3 G4 S3S4 G2? S? G4 S4 G3 S3 G4 S4 G3 S3 G3Q S? G3? S2 G3Q S? G2G3 SIQ G3? S2S3 G3? S3 G4 S3 S? G4 S? S2S3? G? S2S3? G4 S4 S? G5 S5 G3? S2 G2? S2? S2? G4 S4 S3? S2S3? S2S3? G4 S4 S3? G^'T S3 G3? S3? G4 S2 G2? S2 G3Q S2? Jumpeiiis scopulorum / Cercocaipus ledifohus Woodlaud Jumpeiiis scopuloiitm / Cercocaipus montanus Woodland Jumpeiiis scopulontm / Cornus sencea Woodland Jumpeius scoptdoj-um /Elymus lanceolatus Woodland Jumpeius scopidontm / Oiyzopsis micrantha Woodland JiimpeiiLS scopulontm / Pseudoroegnena :^picata Woodlaud Kalrma fracrophylla / Carex scop^/o/TimDwTuf Shmbland Kraschenmmtavia lanata/ Phlox spp. Dwarf Shmb land Kraschenmnitavia lanata /Stipa comata Dwaif Shnibland Larix lyallii - Abie^ lasiocarpa Forest Larix lyallii / Luzida glabrata var. hitchcochi Woodland Larix lyallii Woodland Larix occidentalis Forest [Piovisional] Leyrmis cinereus - Puccinelha nuttalliana Heibaceous Vegetation Leyrmi^ cinereus - Pascopymm smithii Herbaceous Vegetation Leyrmis cinereus Herbaceous Vegetation Muhlenbergia cuspidata - Bontelona gracilis Herbaceous Vegetation Nuphar lutea ssp. polysepala Herbaceous Vegetation Oiyzopsis hymenoides - Psoralidium lanceolatiim Herbaceous Vegetation Pamcum virgatum - Muhlenbergia richardsoms - (Schizachynum scopanum) Heibaceous Vegetation Panicum virgatum Heibaceous Vegetation [Provisional] Pascopyntm smithii - (Carex duriuscula} Herbaceous Vegetation Pascopyntm s/mthii - Bouteloiia gracilis - Carex fdifoha Herbaceous Vegetation Pascopyntm srmthii -^o?;^e/o?;(3 graci/is Northern Plains Heiijaceous Vegetation Pascopynmi srmthii - Disttchlis spicata Herbaceous Vegetation Pascopyntm smithii -Eleochans spp. Herbaceous Vegetation Pascopymm smithii - Hesperostipa comata Northern Plains Heiijaceous Vegetation Pascopymm smithii - Nassella vindula Heibaceous Vegetation Pascopyntm smithii - Poa secunda Herbaceous Vegetation Pascopyntm s/mthii -Hordeum jubatum Herbaceous Vegetation Pascopyntm srmthii Heibaceous Vegetation [Provisional] Pentaphylloides floribunda /Carex utriculatra Shnibland Pentaphylloides flonbunda / Deschampsia cespitosa Shnibland Pentaphylloides floribunda / Festuca campestns Shnib Herbaceous Vegetation Pentaphylloides floribunda /Festuca idahoensis Shnib Herbaceous Vegetation Pentaphylloides floribunda / Potentilla ovina Shnibland Pentaphylloides floribunda /Stipa cnitiseta Shnibland Phalans anmdinacea Western Herbaceous Vegetation Phleum alpinum - Carex microptera Herbaceous Vegetation Phragrmtes australis Tempeiate Herbaceous Vegetation Phyllodoce err/pet rifonnis / Antennaria lanata D waif Shnibland Picea (engelmannii Xglauca, engelmannii) /Carex disperma Forest Rocky Mountain Juniper / curl -le af mountain -mail og any Woodland Rocky Mountain juniper / mountain maliogany Woodland Rocky Mountain junipei'/ red osier dogwood Woodland Rocky Mountain juniper / thickspike wlieatgrass Woodland Rocky Mountain juniper / little-seed ricegrass Woodland Rocky Mountain juniper / bluebunch wlieatgiass Woodland Alpine laurel / Hohn's Rocky Mountain sedge Dwarf- shmb land Winter fat / plilox Dwarf-sluiib Praiiie Winter fat / needle -an d-tlue ad D^varf-sliiub Prairie Siibalpine larcli - subalpine fir Forest Subalpine larch / grousebeiiy / smooth woodnisli Woodland Subalpine larch Woodland Western laich Forest Basin wildiye - Nuttall's alkaligrass Herbaceous Vegetation Basin wild lye /\vesteni wlieatgiassTallgrass Prairie Basin wild lye Tallgrass Herbaceous Vegetation Sideoat graina - blue graina Herbaceous Vegetation Yellow pondlily Herbaceous Vegetation Indian ricegiass - lemon scurf-pea Mixedgrass Prairie Switchgrass - mat muly Herbaceous Vegetation Switchgrass - (western \\4ieatgrass} Herbaceous Vegetation Western wlieatgrass - (nairo^v-leaved sedge) Herbaceous Vegetation Western \viieatgrass - blue grama - threadleaf sedge Herbaceous Vegetation Western wlieatgrass - blue grama Noitliem Plains Herbaceous Vegetation Western wlieatgrass - saltgrass Saline Praiiie Western wlieatgrass - spikemsh spp. Mixedgrass Praiiie Western \^eatgiass - needle -an d-tliie ad Nortlieni Plains Herbaceous Vegetation Western wlieatgrass - gieen needlegrass Mixedgrass Western wlieatgrass - sandberg's bhiegrass Herbaceous Vegetation Western wlieatgrass - foxtail bailey Saline Praiiie Western wiieatgrass Mixedgrass Praiiie Sliiubby cinqiiefoil / beaked sedge Shnibland Sliiubby cinqiiefoil / tufted haii^rass Slimb Praiiie Shrubby cinqiiefoil / prairie fescue Shmb Herbaceous Vegetation Shrubby cinqiiefoil / Idaho fescue SImib Heibaceous Vegetation Sliiubby cinqiiefoil / sheep cinqiiefoil Shnibland Sluubby cinqiiefoil / western porcupine grass Shnibland Reed canaiy-giass Wet Meado^v Mountain timothy - small-wing sedge Herbaceous Vegetation Western reed Mai'sli Pink mountain-heatli / woolly piissytoes DwTirf-shnibland Engelmann's spiuce / softleaf sedge Forest G3? S3? G2 S? G4 S4 S? G3G4 S3 G4 S4 G3G4 S3 G3Q S3Q G3 S3 G4 S4 G2G3 S? G3Q S3 G4Q S4 S? G3Q S3? G2G3Q S2 S2S3? G5 S? G3Q S? S? G2Q S2Q S3? G4 S4 S5? G4 S? Gl s? S4? G3G4 S4 S2S3? G4 S? G3G5Q S4 S? G4 S4 G4 S3 G4 S2S3 S? S? G5 S4 G2Q S? G5 S2 G3? S3 G2Q S2? Picea (engelmannii Xglauca, engelmannii) / Clintoma umflora Forest Picea (engelmannii X glauca, engelmannii) /Equisetumai-vense Forest Picea (engelmannii Xglauca, engelmannii) / Galium triflontm Forest Picea (engelmannii Xglauca, engelmannii) /Junipents communis Forest Picea (engelmannii Xglauca, engelmannii) / Lysichiton americanus Forest Picea (engelmannii Xglauca, engelmannii) / Maianthemum ^ellatum Forest Picea (engelmannii Xglauca, engelmannii) /Senecio streptanthifoliu^ Forest Picea (engelmannii Xglauca, engelmannii) / Vaccimum cespitosum Forest Picea engelmannii / Calamagrostis canadensis Forest Picea engelmannii /Caltha leptosepala Foiest Picea engelmannii / Carex disperma Forest Picea engelmannii / Cornus sericea Woodland Picea engelmannii /Equisetum ai'vense Forest Picea engelmannii / Galium tnflofum Forest Picea engehnanmi /Hypnum revolutum Forest Picea engelmannii / Linnaea borealis Forest Picea engelmannii / Physocaipus malvaceus Forest Picea engelmannii / Vaccimum scopanum Forest Pinus albicaulis - Abies lasiocarpa Woodland [Provisional] Pinus albicaulis / Carex geyen Woodland Pimis albicaulis / Carex rossii Forest Pinus albicaulis / Festuca idahoensis'^ oo6\?a\d Pinus albicaulis /Junipems communis Woodland Pinus albicaulis / Vaccinium scoparmm Forest Pinus albicaulis Woodlaud [Provisional] Pinus contoita / Arctostaphylos uva-ursi Forest Pinus contoita /Arnica cordifolia Forest Pinus contoita / Calamagrostis mbescens Forest Pinus contoita / Carex geyen Forest Pinus contoita / Carex I'ossii Forest Pinus contoita / Ceanothus velutinus Forest Pinus contoita /Juniperus communis Woodland Pinus contoita / Linnaea borealis Forest Pinus contoita / Purshia tridentata Woodland Pinus contoita / Shepherdia canadensis Forest Pinus contoita / Spiraea betulijblia Forest Pinus contoita / Vaccimum cespitosum Forest Pinus contoita / Vaccimum membranaceum Rocky Mountain Forest Pinus contoita / Vaccimum scoparmm Forest Pinus contoita / Xerophyllum tenax Forest Pinus contoita Scree Woodland Pinus flexilis / Cercocarpus ledifoliusV^ ood\2a\^ EugeLnaini's spiiice / queen's ciip beadlily Forest Eugelinann spnice / common horsetail Forest Spiiice / sweet-scented bedstraw Forest Eugelinann spruce / common juniper Forest Eugelmaim spnice / yellow skunk cabbage Forest Eugelinann spnice / false Solomon's-seal Forest Eugelmaim spnice / cleft-leaf groundsel Forest Eugelmaim spnice / dwaifhucklebeny Forest Eugelmaim spnice / bluejoint Forest Eugelmaim spnice / inaish-maiigold Forest Eugelinann spnice / softleaf sedge Forest Eugelinann spnice / red-osier dogwood Woodland Eugelmaim spnice / field hoi'setail Forest Eugelmaim spnice / sweet-scented bedstiaw Forest Eugelmaim spnice / revolute hypnum Moss Forest Eugelmaim spnice / twinflower Forest Eugelmaim spnice /mallow-leaf ninebai'k Forest Eugelmaim spnice /grousebeny Forest Whitebai'k pine - siibalpiue fu^ Woodlaud Whitebai'k pine / Geyer's sedge Woodland Whitebai'kpine /Ross' sedge Forest Whitebai'k pine / Idaho fescue Woodlaud Whitebai'k pine / commou juniper Woodlaud Whitebai'k pine / grousebeny Forest Whitebaik piue Woodland Lodgepole pine / kinikiuuick Forest Lodgepole pine / heait-leaf arnica Forest Lodgepole pine / pinegrass Forest Lodgepole pine / Geyer's sedge Forest Lodgepole pine / Ross' sedge Forest Lodgepole pine / tobacco-bmsh Forest Lodgepole pine / common juniper Woodland Lodgepole pine / heait -leaf arnica Forest Lodgepole piue / bitterbnisli Woodland Lodgepole pine / russet biiffaloberry Forest Lodgepole piue / biichleaf spiiaea Forest Lodgepole pine / dwai'f hiicklebeiry Forest Lodgepole pine / big hucklebeny Rocky Mountain Forest Lodgepole pine / grousebeny Forest Lodgepole pine / beaigrass Forest Lodgepole pine Scree Woodland Limber pine / curl- leaf moiiutaiu maliogany Woodland G4 S4 G4 S4 G4 S4 G2Q S2 G2 S2 G4? S3 G4 S4 G4 S4 G4 S4 G3? S? G2 s? G3 S3 G4 S2 G4 S? G3 S? G4 S4 G3 S3 G3G5 S? G5? S5 G2G3 SI Gi'T S? G4 S4 G4? S? G4 S3 G5? S5 G5 S? G4? S3? G5 S5 G4? S? G5 s? G4 S3 G5 S3 G5 S5 G3 S3 G3G4 S? G3G4 s? G5 S5 G3G4 S? G5 S5 G5 S4 G5? S5Q G4 S3 Pinus flexilis / Fe^^tuca Cj^wpejfns Woodlaud Pinus flexilis / Fe^uca idahoensis'^ ootMdAiA Pinus flsxilis / Festuca kingii Woodland Pinus flsxilis /Jumpems communis Woodlaud Pinusflexilis /Jumpenis osteosperma Woodlaud Pinusflexilis /Jumpenis scopulo]-um Woodland Pinusflexilis / Pseudoroegneria spicata Woodland Pinusflexihs Scree Woodlaud Pinus monticola /Clmtoma umflora Forest Pinus ponderosa - Jumpenis scopulomm / Carex mops ssp. hehophda Woodlaud Pinus ponderosa / (Andropogon gerardii, Schizachynum scopanum) Woodlaud Pinus ponderosa /Amelanchier almfoha Woodland Pinus ponderosa / Arctostaphylos uva-ursi Woodland Pinus ponderosa / Ca rex gey en Woodlaud Pinus ponderosa / Carex inops ssp. hehophda Woodlaud Pinus ponderosa / Co mus sericea Woodland Pinus ponderosa /Crataegus douglasii Woodlaud Pinus ponderosa / Festuca campestris Woodland Pinus ponderosa /Festuca idahoensis Woodlaud Pinus ponderosa /Jumpenis comnmms Woodlaud Pinus ponderosa /Jumpenis horizontalis Woodland Pinus ponderosa /Jumpenis scopulomm Woodland Pinus ponderosa /Mahonia repens Forest Pinus ponderosa / Physocarpus malvaceus Forest Pinus ponderosa / Pninus VI iginiana Forest Pinus ponderosa /Pseudoroegneria spicata Woodland Pinus ponderosa / Purshia tridentata /Festuca idahoensis Woodlaud Pinus ponderosa /Purshia tridentata / Pseudoroegnena spicata Woodland Pinus ponderosa /Purshia tridentata Woodland Pinus ponderosa /Quercus macrocarpa Woodland Pinus ponderosa /Schizachynum scoparium Woodland Pinus ponderosa / Symphoiicarpos albus Forest Pinus ponderosa / Symphoiicarpos occidentahs Forest Pinus ponderosa Scree Woodlaud Poa juncifoha Herbaceous Vegetation Poa pahistns Herbaceous Vegetation Poa pratensis - (Pascopyrum smithii) Semi-natnral Herbaceous Vegetation Poi2pra^e?j5"ij Herbaceous Vegetation Poa secunda - Koelena macrantha Herbaceous Vegetation Polygonum amphibium Herbaceous Vegetation [Provisioual] Popuhis angustifolia Mesic Grain in o id Forest Popuhis angustifolia / Cornus sericea Woodland Limber pine / rough fescue Woodland Limber pine / Idalio fescue Woodland Limber pine / spike fescue Woodland Limber pine / common juniper Woodland Limber pine /Utali juniper Woodland Limber piue /Rocky Mountain juniper Woodland Limber pine / bluebuncli \\4ieatgrass Woodland Limberpine Scree Slope Western vAiite pine / queen's cup beadlily Forest Pouderosa pine - Rocky Mountain juniper / sim sedge Woodlaud Pouderosa pine /big bluestem Woodland Ponderosa pine / servicebeiry Woodland Ponderosa pine /Kiuikimiick Woodland Ponderosa pine /elk sedge Forest Ponderosa pine / sim sedge Woodland Ponderosa pine /red osier dogwood Wetland Woodlaud Pouderosa pine / black hawthorn Woodland Pouderosa pine / rough fescue Forest Ponderosapine /Idalio fescue Woodlaud Ponderosa pine / common juniper Woodlaud Ponderosa pine / cieeping juniper Woodland Ponderosa pine / Rocky Mountain juniper Woodland Ponderosapine /Oregon giape Forest Ponderosapine /mallow-leaf ninebaik Forest Ponderosa pine / cliokecherry Forest Ponderosapine /bluebunch wiieatgiass Woodland Ponderosa pine / bitterbnish / Idalio fescue Woodlaud Ponderosa pine / bitterbnish / bluebunch \\iieatgrass Woodland Ponderosapine /bitterbnish Woodland Ponderosa pine / bur oak Woodlaud Ponderosa pine / little bluestem Woodland Ponderosa pine / snowbeny Forest Ponderosa pine / western snowbeny Forest Ponderosapine Scree Woodland Sandberg's bluegrass Herbaceous Vegetation Fowl bluegrass Mixedgrass Praiiie Kentucky bluegrass (western \\4ieatgrass} Semi-natural grassland Kentucky bluegiass Semi-natural Seasonally Flooded Herbaceous Vegetation Sandberg's bluegrass - praiiie junegrass Herbaceous Vegetation Watei' smaitweed Wetland Narrowleaf Cottonwood /Mesic Graminoid Forest Narrowleaf Cottonwood /red osier do awood Forest G3 S3 G5 S5 G3 S3 G5 S4 G3 S3 G3 S3 G4? S4 G3Q S3 GIQ S? S3? G2Q S2 G2 S2 G4 S3 G3G4 S? G3G4 S3S4 G3 S3 Gl S? G3G4 S3 G4 S4 G4? S3 G3? S3 G4 S4 G3Q S3 G2 S2 G3 S4 G4 S4 G3 SI G3 S? G3G5 S3 Gi S? G3G4 S2? G4? S4 G3 S3 G4 S4Q G4? S? GW S4 GW S? GW SW S2S3? G5 S? SW G4 S3 Populus angu^folia /Rhus trdobata Woodland Populus angustifolia / Symphoricarpos occidentahs Forest Populus angustifolia Recent Alluvial Bar Forest Populus balsarmfera ssp. trichocarpa / Betula papytifera Forest Populus balsarmfera ssp. trichocarpa /Comus sericea Forest Populus balsarmfera ssp. trichocarpa / Symphoricarpos albus Forest Populus balsarmfera ssp. trichocarpa / Recent Alluvial Bar Forest Populus balsarmfera ssp. trie hocarpa / Symphoricarpos occidentahs Forest Populus balsarmfera ssp. trichocarpa Mesic graminoid Forest Populus deltoides - Fraxinus pennsylvanica Forest [Provisional] Populus deltoides / Cofnu^ sencea Forest Populus deltoides / Symphoncarpos occidentalisW oodlmid Populus deltoides Mesic giaininoids Forest Populus deltoides recent Alluvial Bai' Forest Populus tremuloides - Populus balsamifera ssp.tiichocaipa / Osmorhiza occidentahs Forest Populus tremuloides /Amelanchier almfolia Forest Populus tremuloides /Bromus cannatus Forest Populus tremuloides / Calamagrostis canadensis Forest Populus tremuloides / Calamagrostis mbescens Forest Populus tremuloides / Carex geyeri Forest Populus tremuloides / Comus seiicea Forest Populus tremuloides / Heracleum sphondylium Forest Populus tremuloides /Jumpents communis Forest Populus tremuloides /Mahonia repens Forest Populus tremuloides / Osmorhiza occidentalis Forest Populus tremuloides / Physocarpus mal\aceus - Amelanchier almfolia Scree Woodlaud Populus tremuloides / Poa pratensis Forest Populus tremuloides / Pninus vuginiana Forest Populus tremuloides /Symphoricarpos albus Forest Populus tremuloides / Sympltoncarpos oreophilus Forest Populus tremuloides / Thalicti-umfendleri Forest Populus tremuloides Tall Forbs Forest Potamogeton pectinatus - Myriophyllum spicatum Herbaceous Vegetation Potamogeton pectinatus - Ruppia marititna Herbaceous Vegetation Potamogeton pectinatus - Zannichellia palustns Herbaceous Vegetation Potamogeton nchardsonii - Mynophyllum spicatum Herbaceous Vegetation Planus mrginiana Shrubland Pseudoroegnena spicata - Bouteloua cuitipendula Herbaceous Vegetation Pseudoroegneria spicata - Bouteloua gracilis Herbaceous Vegetation Pseudoroegnena spicata - Carex filifolia Herbaceous Vegetation Pseudoroegneria spicata - Eriogonum brevicaule Spai'se Vegetation Pseudoroegneria spicata - Hesperostpa comata Herbaceous Vegetation Narrowleaf Cottonwood / skunk -bush sumac Woodland Narrowleaf cottonwood / western snowbeny Forest Narrowleaf Cottonwood Recent Alluvial Bar Forest Black cottonwood / paper birch Forest Black cottonwood / red osier dogwood Forest Black cottonwood / common snowbeny Forest Black cottonwood Recent Alluvial Bai' Forest Black cottonwood / western snowbeiry Forest Black cottonwood / Mesic Graminoid Forest Plains cottonwood - green ash Forest Plains cottonwood / red osier dogwood Forest Plains cottonwood /western snowbeny Woodland Plains cottonwood / Mesic Graminoid Forest Plains cottonwood Recent Alluvial Bai' Forest Quaking aspen - black cottonwood / western sweet-cicely Forest Quaking Aspen / Saskatoon Sei^vicebeny Forest Quaking aspen / California brome Forest Quaking aspen / bluejoint Forest Quaking aspen / pinegrass Forest Quaking aspen / elk sedge Forest Quaking aspen / red osier dogwood Forest Quaking aspen / eltiot Forest Quaking aspen / common juniper Forest Quaking aspen / Oregon grape Forest Quaking aspen / western sweet -cicely Forest Quaking aspen /mallow-leaf ninebark - saskatoon servicebeny Scree Woodland Quaking aspen / Kentucky bliiegiass Forest Quaking aspen / chokecheny Forest Quaking Aspen / common Snowbeny Forest Quaking Aspen / mountain snowbeiry Forest Quaking aspen / Fendler's meadowiiie Forest Quaking aspen / Tall Forbs Forest Sago pondweed -water-milfoil Submerged Wetland Sago pondweed - beaked ditch-grass Heitaceous Vegetation Sago pondweed - homed pondweed Submerged Wetland C lasp ingle af pondweed - water-milfoil Herbaceous Vegetation Chokecheny - (Anieiican plum) Shnibland Bluebunch wiieatgiass - sideoats grama Mixedgrass Bluebunch wiieatgrass -blue grama Mixedgrass Praiiie Bluebunch wiieatgrass - thread-leaved sedge Mixed Praiiie Bluebunch wiieatgiass - shoit-stem wild biickwiieat Spai'se Vegetation Bluebunch wiieatgiass - needle-and-tlnead Mixedgrass G3 S? S? S? G?Q s? G3? S3? G2? S4 S3 s? SW G2G3 S2Q G2G3 S2S3 G2G3 S2S3 SW S3 G2Q S2Q G4 S3 G5 S? G3 S2 G^'T S4 G4 S? G4 S3 G4Q S2? G4 S? G3 S3 G'i S3? G4Q S4Q S? G3?Q S?Q Gil S3? G5 S3 G5 S? G5 S3 G3G4 SIQ G2? S2Q G3G4 SIQ G2Q S2Q G4Q S4 G3 S3 G4 S3 G4 S4 G^'! S2 G4 S3 Pseudofoegnena spicata - Oryzopsis hymenoides Herbaceous Vegetation Pseudoroegnena spicata - Pascopyium smithii (Elymus lanceolatus) Herbaceous Vegetation Pseudoroegneria spicata - Pa^opyj-um ^mithii Heibaceous Vegetation Pseudoroegnena spicata - Poa ^^ecitnda - Stipa comata Heibaceous Vegetation Pseudoroegnena spicata - Poa secnnda Herbaceous Vegetation Pseudoroegnena spicata - Cushion plant Herbaceous Vegetation Pseudot^mga menziesii - Pinus flexilis / Festuca kingii Woodland Pseudotsuga menziesii / Amelanchier almfalia Forest Pseudotsuga menziesii / Arctostaphylos uva-ursi Forest Pseudotmga menziesii /Arnica corcli folia Forest Pseudotsuga menziesii / Calamagrostis mbescen^ Forest Pseudotsuga menziesii / Carex geyeii Forest Pseudotsuga menziesii / Cercocaipus ledifolius Woodland Pseudotsuga menziesii / Comus canadensis Forest Pseudotsuga menziesii / Comus^ seiicea Woodland Pseudotsuga menziesii / Festitca campestns Woodland Pseudotsuga menziesii / Festuca idahoensis Woodland Pseudotsuga menziesii /Juniperu:s communism Forest Pseudotsuga menziesii /Jumpeni^s osteo^sperma Forest Pseudotsuga menziesii / Junipems scopuloiiim Woodland Pseudotsuga menziesii / Linnaea borealis¥ove%X Pseudotsuga menziesii /Mahoma repens¥ov^%X Pseudotsuga menziesii / Oryzopsis micrantha Woodland Pseudotsuga menziesii / Physocarpus malvaceus Forest Pseudotsuga menziesii / Physoca/pus monogynus Forest Pseudotsuga menziesii /Pseudoroegnena spicata Woodland Pseudotsuga menziesii / Purshia tridentata Woodland Pseudotsuga menziesii / Schizachynum scopanum Woodland Pseudotsuga menziesii /Spiraea betulifolia Forest Pseudotsuga menziesii / Symphoncaipos albus Forest Pseudotsuga menziesii / Symphoiicaipos occidentalis Forest Pseudotsuga menziesii / Symphonca/pos oreophdus Forest Pseudotsuga menziesii / Vaccinium cespitosum Forest Pseudotsuga menziesii / Vaccinium membranaceum Forest Pseudotsuga menziesii / Viola adunca var. adunca Forest Pseudotsuga menziesii Scree Woodland Puccinellia nuttalhana Herbaceous Vegetation Purshia tndentata / Festuca campestns Slinib Herbaceous Vegetation Purshia tndentata /Festuca idahoensis Slimb Herbaceous Vegetation Purshia tndentata /Pseudoroegnena spicata Slinib Herbaceous Vegetation Rhamnus alnijblia Shrubland Rhus tnlobata /Calamovdfa longifolia Shnib Herbaceous Vegetation Bluebunch ^viieatgiass - Indian ricegrass Mixedgrass Bluebunch wlieatgrass - western \\4ieatgi'ass Herbaceous Vegetation Bluebunch wlieatgrass - western \\4ieatgrass Mixedgrass Bluebunch wlieatgrass - Sandberg's bluegrass - needle-and-thread Herbaceous Vegetation Bluebunch wlieatgrass - Sandberg's bluegrass Mixedgrass Bluebunch \vlieatgrass - cushion plant Herbaceous Vegetation Douglas fu' - limber pine / spike fescue Woodland Douglas fu' / sei'vicebeny Forest Douglas fu/kinikiimick Forest Douglas fir / heart-leaf arnica Forest Douglas fir /pinegrass Forest Douglas fii' / elk sedge Forest Douglas fu' / curl-leaf mountain mahogany Woodland Douglas fir / Canadian bunchbeny Forest Douglas fu/red osier dogwood Woodland Douglas fu/ rough fescue Woodland Douglas fii'/Idalio fescue Woodland Douglas fir / common juniper Forest Douglas fu/Utah juniper Forest Douglas fu/ Rocky Mountain juniper Woodland Douglas fir / twinflowei' Forest Douglas fir / Oregon griqje Forest Douglas fu' / little-seed ricegrass Woodland Douglas fii' / mallow-leaf ninebaik Forest Douglas fu/ mountain ninebaik Forest Douglas fu'/bluebunchwiieatgrass Woodland Douglas fu'/bitterhnish Woodland Douglas fu' / little bluestem Woodland Douglas fu'/bii'clileaf spiraea Forest Douglas fu' / snowbeiry Forest Douglas fu/ western Snowbeny Forest Douglas fu/ mountain snowbeiry Forest Douglas fu' / dwarf hucklebeny Forest Douglas fu'/big hucklebeny Forest Douglas fu/ Canada violet Forest Douglas fu' Scree Slope Nuttall's alkali grass Hei^baceous Vegetation Bitterbnish / prairie fescue Slinib Herbaceous Vegetation Bitterbnish / Idaho fescue SImib Herbaceous Vegetation Bitterbnish / bluebunch uiieatgiass Shmb Herbaceous Vegetation Alderleaf bucktlioni Shnibland Skunk-brush sumac / praiiie sandreed Shiiib Praiiie G3G4 S? S4 G4 S4 S? G4? S4? G3? S3 G4Q S4Q G2 S2 G4 S4 G4 S4 G5 S5 G4? S4 G4? S? G3 S3 G4 S3 G4 S4 G4 S4 G4 S4 G2? S2? G3 S3 G4 S4 G5 S3 G2Q S2 G5 S5 G4 S1S2 G4 S4 G3Q S3Q GIQ SI? G5 S4 G5 S5 G3? S3? G5 S3 G5 S5 G5? S5 G3 S3 G5 S4 G3? S? G2? S2? G3G5 S3 G3 S2 G3 S5 G3Q S3Q Rhus trilobata / Carex fihfoUa Shrub Herbaceous Vegetation Rhus tnlobata /Elymus lanceolatns - Nassella vindnla Shiiib Herbaceous Vegetation Rhus tnlobata / Fsstuca idahoensis Shrub Herbaceous Vegetation Rhus tnlobata / Pseudoroegnena spicata Shnih Herbaceous Vegetation Rhus tnlobata / Schizachynum scopanum Shrub Herbaceous Vegetation Rosa woodsii Shnibland Salicorma nibra Herbaceous Vegetation Salix amygdaloides Woodland Salix arctica /Polygonum ijzsfo/toziiej Dwarf Shnibland Salix bebbiana Shiublaud Salix boothii / Calamagrostis canadensis Shnibland Salix boothii /Carex utnculata Shnibland Salix boothii Mesic Graininoids Shnibland Salix brachycarpa / Carex aquatilis Slirubland Salix Candida /Carex lasiocaipa Shiublaud Salix Candida /Carex utnculata Shnibland Salix dntmmondiana / Calamagrostis canadensis Shiiibland Salix dntmmondiana /Carex utnculata Shmbland Salix dntmmondiana Mesic Forbs Shnibland Salix dntmmondiana Shnibland Salix exigua Barren Shnibland Salix exigiia Mesic Giaininoids Shiublaud Salix exigiia Teinporaiily Flooded Shnibland Salix geyenana / Calamagiostis canadensis Shnibland Salix geyenana /Carex aquatilis Shnibland Salix geyenana /Carex utriculata Shnibland Salix geyenana / Deschampsia cespitosa Shnibland Salix geyenana Mesic Graininoids Shnibland Salix glauca Shnibland Salix lucida ssp, caudata Shnibland Salix lutea /Calamagrostis canadensis Shnibland Salix lutea / Carex utnculata Shnibland Salix lutea / Rosa woodsii Shnibland Salix planifolia / Calamagrostis canadensis Shnibland Salix planifolia /Carex aquatilis Shnibland Salix planifolia /Carex nebrascensis Shiiibland Salix planifolia /Carex scopulonim Shnibland Salix planifolia /Carex scopulonim Shnibland Salix planifolia /Carex utnculata Shnibland Salix reticulata / Caltha leptosepala D waif Shnibland Salix wolfii / Carex aquatilis Shnibland Skunk-bush sumac /thread-leaved sedge Shnib Prairie Skunk-bush sumac / thickspike wiieatgiass - green needlegrass Shnib Herbaceous Vegetation Skunk-bush sumac / Idaho fescue Shnib Herbaceous Vegetation Skunk-bush sumac / bluebunch vdieatgrass Shnib Praiiie Skunk -bush sumac / little bluestem Shiub Praiiie Wood's rose Shnibland Red Saltwort Herbaceous Vegetation P e ach -le af will ow Woo dlan d Ai'ctic willow / American bistort DwTU'f- shnibland Bebb's Willow Shnibland Booth's willow /bluejoint Shnibland Bootli's willow/ beaked sedge Shnibland Booth's \villo\v / Mesic Giraminoid Shnibland Short -fillit willow / aquatic sedge Shnibland Hoaiy willow / slendei^ sedge Shnibland Hoary willow / beaked sedge Shnibland Dnimmond's willow /bluejoint Shnibland Dnimmond's willow / beaked sedge Shnibland Dnimmond's willow / Mesic Forbs Shnibland Dnimmond willow Shnibland Coyote willow /Banen Shnibland Sandbai' willow /Mesic Graininoid Shnibland Sandbai' willow Shnibland Geyer willow / bluejoint Shnibland Geyer's willow/aqiiatic sedge Shnibland Geyer willow / beaked sedge Shnibland Geyer willow / tufted haiigrass Shnibland Geyer's willow / Mesic Graminoid Shnibland Gray- leaf willow Shnibland Shining willow Shnibland Yellow willow / bluejoint Shnibland Yellow willow / beaked sedge Shnibland Yellow willow / Woods' rose Shnibland Planeleaf willo^v / bluejoint Shnibland Planeleaf willow / aquatic sedge Shnibland P Ian e le af willo^v / Nebraska sedge Shnibland Planeleaf \villow / Hohn's Rocky Mountain sedge Shnibland Planeleaf willo^v / Hohn's Rocky Mountain sedge Shnibland Planeleaf willo^v / beaked sedge Shnibland Snow willow / niarsh-maiigold D waif -shrub land Wolfwillow/ aquatic sedge Shnibland G3 S3 S2S3? G2? S2? G4 S4 G3 S3 G5 S5 G2G3 S2? G3 S3 G2G3Q S2S3 G3? S3? G3G4Q SR G4 S4 G3? S? G2G3 s? s? G3 S3 G3 s? G4 S4 G4 S? G3Q S3 G5 S5 G5 S5 G5 S5 G5 S4 G3 S? G5 S5 G4 S3 G3 S? Gi? S2 G3Q S3 G3? S3? G4 S4 G3 S? G4 S? G5 S3 S? G4 s? s? G3 s? G3 S2 G4 S3 Salix wolfii / Deschampsia cespitosa Shrublaiid Sandstone Great Plains xenc butte - Bluff ^pxrse Vegetation Sarcobatus vermiculatus / Aitemisia tndentata Shiiiblaud Sarcobatus veiTnicidatii:^ /Atnplex gardnen Shrubland Sarcobatiis vermicidatus / Distichhs spicata Shniblaiid Sarcobatus vermicidatus / Leymus cinerens Shiiiblaud Sarcobatus vermiculatiis / Pascopyrum smithii Shrub Herbaceous Vegetation Sarcobatus veimiculatus / Pseudoroegnena spicata Shmblaiid Schizachynum scopanum - Bouteloua (ciuiipendula, gracdis) / Carex filifoha Herbaceous Vegetation Schtzachynum scopanum - Carex inops ssp. hehophUa Herbaceous Vegetation Schizachynum scopanum - Muhlenbefgia cuspidata Herbaceous Vegetation Scirpus acutus Herbaceous Vegetation Scirpus mantimus Herbaceous Vegetation Scirpus pungens Herbaceous Vegetatiou Scirpu:^ tabernaemontani Temperate Herbaceous Vegetation Scolochloa festucacea Herbaceous Vegetatiou Senecio tnangulans Hei^baceous Vegetatiou Shepherdia argentea Shnibland Sdene aca^^/zj Herbaceous Vegetation Sparganium angnstifohum Herbaceous Vegetation Spaitina gracilis Herbaceous Vegetation Spaitina pectinata - Calamagrostis stricta - Carex spp. Herbaceous Vegetation Spaitina pectinata - Carex spp. Heibaceous Vegetatiou Spaitina pectinata - Scirpus pungens ^tihd,Qto\\%W ^goXsAion Spaitina pectinata western Herbaceous Vegetation Spiraea douglasii Shrubland Sporobolus airoides Heiijaceous Vegetatiou Sporobolus airoides Northern Plains Heitaceous Vegetation Sporobolus cryptandnis Shnib Herbaceous Vegetatiou Stipa comata - Bouteloua gracdis - Carex filifoha Heibaceous Vegetation Stipa comata - Bouteloua gracilis - Pascopynim smithii Herbaceous Vegetation Stipa comata - Carex filifoha Heibaceous Vegetatiou Stipa comata - Carex inops ssp. hehophila Heiliaceous Vegetation Stipa comata - Muhlenbergia cuspidata Herbaceous Vegetation Stipa comata - Psoralidium lanceolatum Heibaceous Vegetatiou Stipa comata - Psoralidium tenuifiorum Herbaceous Vegetation Symphoncarpo:^ occidentahs Shrubland [Provisional] Tamanx spp. Temporaiily Flooded Shnibland [Provisional] Thuja plicata / Aralia nudicauhs Fovg^ Thuja plicata / Asanim caudatum Forest Thuja plicata / Athynumfdixfemina Forest Thuja plicata / Clintonia umflora Forest Wolf willow / tufted haiigrass Shiiiblaud Great Plains Xeric Sandstone Butte Greasewood / big sagebnish Shnibland Greasewood / Gardiner saltbush Shnibland Black greasewood / saltgrass Shnibland Greasewood / basin wildiye Shrubland Giieasewood / western wheatgrass -{thickspike wiieatgrass) Shnib Prairie Greasewood / bluebunch wiieatgrass Shiiiblaud Noithem Great Plains little bluesteni Pniirie Little bluestem - sun sedge bunchgniss Praiiie Little bluestem - plains muhly Herbaceous Vegetation Buliiish Mai'sh Alkali buliiish Marsh Bulnish Wet Meado^v Softstem bulrush Temperate Herbaceous Vegetation Sprangletop Herbaceous Vegetation Anowleaf nigwoit Herbaceous Vegetation Buffalobeny Shnibland Cushion pink Herbaceous Vegetation Greenfhiit bur-reed Herbaceous Vegetation Alkali cordgrass Herbaceous Vegetation Praiiie cordgrass - western bluejoint - sedge spp. Herbaceous Vegetation Praiiie cordgrass - Sedge Wet Meadow Praiiie cordgrass - biihiish Wet Meadow Praiiie cordgrass Western Herbaceous Vegetation Douglas' spiraea Shnibland Alkali sacaton South eni Plains grassland Alkali sacaton Northern Plains Hei^iaceous Vegetation Sand dropseed Shnib Piaiiie Needle-aud-thread - blue graina Mixedgiass Prairie Needle-aud-thiead - blue graina - western wheatgrass Herbaceous Vegetation Needle-aud-thread - thieadleaf sedge Heiiiaceous Vegetation Needle-aud-thread - sim sedge Mixedgrass Praiiie needle-and-thread - plains muly Herbaceous Vegetation Needle-aud-thread - lemon sciiifpeaHeitaceous Vegetation Needle-and-thread - smokebush Herbaceous Vegetation Western snowbeny Shnibland Tamarisk spp. Temporaiily Flooded Shnibland Western red cedai' / wild saisiqjaiilla Forest Western red cedai' / longtail wild ginger Forest Western red cedai' / lady fern Forest Western red cedar / queen's cup beadlilyForest G3 S3 G? S? G4 S4 G4? S3 G4 S2 G3 S2S3 G4 S4 G3 S3 G3G4 S? Gi S3 G3? S2 G5 S5 G4 S4 G3G4 S3 G5 S3 G4G5 S? G^'T S3? G3G4 S3? G^'T S5 G4 S? GU S? G3? S? G^'^ S3 G3? S3 G3? S3? G5 S4 G3Q S2 G? S2 G2 S2 G5 S? s? G4 S4 G4 S4 S? s? s? G4G5 S4S5 GW SW G2 S? G5 SI G3G4 S3 G4 S4 Thuja plicata / Gymnocajpium dryoptens Forest Thuja phcata /Oplopanax horndus Forest Tnglochin mantimum Herbaceous Vegetation Tsuga heterophylla /Asafiim caudatum Forest Tsuga heterophylla /Chntoma umflora Forest Tsuga heterophylla / Gymnocaipium diyoptens Forest Tsuga meitensiana /Chntoma umflora Forest Tsuga mertensiana / Luzula glabrata var. hitchcochi Forest Tsuga mertensiana / Menziesia femiginea Forest Tsuga meitensiana / Xerophyllum tenax Forest Typha latifolia Western Herbaceous Vegetation Yucca glauca / Calanvovilfa longifoha Shiiib Herbaceous Vegetation Yucca glauca / Pseudoroegneria spicata Sluiib Herbaceous Vegetation Alpiue Fellfield (Diy) Alpine Fellfield (Moist) Western red cedar / western oakfem Forest Western red cedai' - (western hemlock) / devil's-club Forest Seaside airow-grass Herbaceous Vegetation Western hemlock / longtail wild ginger Forest Western hemlock / queen's cup beadlily Forest Western hemlock / western oakfem Forest Mountain hemlock / queen's cup beadlily Forest Mountain hemlock / smooth woodnish Forest Mountain hemlock / fool's -huckleberry Forest Mountain hemlock / beargrass Forest Broad- leaved cattail Mai'sh Yucca / praii'ie sandi'eed Sluiib Prairie Yucca / bluebunch wlieatgrass Sluiib Praiiie Alpme Fellfield (Diy) Alpine Fellfield (Moist) G3 S3 G3 S3 GU S? G4 S2 G4 S3 GJG4 S2 G3 S3 G5 S2 G4 S3 G4 S4 G5 S5 G4 S4 G4Q S4Q S? S?