GOELDIANA Zoologia ISSN 0103-6076 Número 4 New and Reconfirmed Bird Records from the State of Maranhão, Brazil David C. Oren u >r I OOAÇÃO I Goeldiana Zoologia Número 4: 11 de setembro de 1990 no New and Reconfírmed Bird Records from the State of Maranhão, Brazíl David C. Oren' ABSTRACT - Seventy species of birds are added to the avifauna of Maranhão State, Brazil, 52 through voucher specimens and 18 through sight records. The majority of the new species are Amazonian taxa that were assumed to be limited in the east by the Belém district, but, in fact, are also distributed in the rainforests of western Maranhão. KEY WORDS: Birds, Brazil, Maranhão, Biogeography, Taxonomy. RESUMO - Acrescentamos registros de 70 espécies de aves à fauna do estado do Maranhão, Brasil, 52 através de espécimes e 18 através de registros visuais. A grande maioria das espécies aqui incluída para a avifauna maranhense pela primeira vez, foi considerada, até agora, a ter como limite no leste, o distrito de Belém, Pará, enquanto o fato é que sua distribuição inclui as matas pluviais do oeste do Maranhão. PALAVRAS-CHAVE: Aves, Brasil, Maranhão, Biogeografia, Taxonomia. Museu Paraense Emílio Goeldi - CNPq, Departamento de Zoologia, C.P. 399, 66040, Belém, Pará, Brasil. cm SciELO 0 11 12 13 14 15 16 2 Maranhão Krd Rtconis INTRODUCnON Major vegetation types in the Brazilian State of Maranhão include the eastemmost extention of the Amazonían hylea, tropical deciduous forest, vast cerrados, and secondary vegetation dominated by babassu palm {Orbignya phalerata). Little ornithological work has been done in Maranhão’s forests, the notable exceptions being Emilie and Heinrich Snethlage’s studies at Turiaçu (r40’S, 45°23’W) and Alto de Alegria (1°42’S, 45°40’W) in 1923 (E. Snethlage, 1926, H. Snethlage, 1927-28), and the large collections produced by F. Schwanda in Miritiba (2° 36’S, 43°28’W) from 1908-11 and sent to various museums around the world. The extensive collections made by Emil Kaempfer in eastern and Southern Maranhão for Mrs. Elsie Naumburg of the American Museum of Natural ‘ History (Naumburg, 1935) were made primarily in cerrado habitat and gallery forest. Helmut Sick (1979) studied the avifauna of the Rio Pindaré valley in western Maranhão in November 1977. Development pressure from colonization, road construction, lumbering, cattle ranching, and charcoal production is rapidly destroying Maranhão’s remaining rain forests and deciduous forests; at the same time they remain little known. The omithology section of the Museu Paraense Emílio Goeldi conducted field excursions to study and collect birds at ten sites in western and central Maranhão from 1983-1988. The Museu Goeldi also houses Maranhão bird collections made.by José Hidasi in 1959 and 1964 at Imperatriz (5°32’S, 47°28’W) and Estreito (6° 14’S, 47°26’W), and collections made by .Emílio Dente at scattered locales in the State in 1960 and 1972. The results of this fleld work, together with analysis of the Hidasi and Dente collections, add 70 species to the Maranhão avifauna, 52 through vouchdr specimens and 18 through sight records. Most of the species are Amazonian taxa that were presumed to be limited in the east by the Belém, Pará district, but, in fact, extend into western Maranhão. The Gurupi River, therefore, seems to be of less importance as a bio- geographical barrier than previously assumed, given the large number of Amazonian species with distributions that extend beyond it in the east. The areas studied are in the western and central districts of the State. Major rivers that drain the region include the Rios Tocantins, Gurupi, Pindaré, Grajaú and Mearim. Vegetation cover is high Amazonian rain forest in the west grading to deciduous forest in the center of the State. Six sites were in high rain forest habitat: Pedra Chata (2°12’S, 46^0’W) on the right bank of the Rio Gurupi, approximately 125 km south of the river’s mouth; Fazenda Santa Bárbara (3‘7rS, 46í’52’W), some 140 km south of Pedra Chata, also on the Gurupi’s right bank; Bom Jesus da GoeUSana Zooto^ número 4, 1990 3 Mata, ako called "Macaca" (2°22’S, 45°57’W), in a planned colonizationarea between the Rios Maracaçumé and Paruá; Aldeia Urutawi-Rendá, also called "Zé Gurupi" (3°14’S, 45°54’W), an Urubu-Ka’apor Indian village situated on a small stream between the Rios Turiaçu and Paruá in the Alto Turiaçu Indian Reserve; Fazenda Cobrás (4°30’S, 47°28’W), located on the right bank of the Rio Itinga, a Southern tributary of the Rio Gurupi; and Buriticupu {4°34’S, 46®11’W) an upland site (300 m alt) in a wooded tract owned by the Brazilian mining company CVRD south of the Rio Pindaré. Three sites were in districts dominated by tropical deciduous forest: Fazenda do Sr. Adoan (6°07’S, 46?’ 09’W) located near the Trans-Maranhão highway in the Municipality of Grajaú; Serra da Conceição (5°28’S, 46?’58’W) in the Municipality of Amarante; and Fazenda Leão (5°16’S, 44°39’W) in the Municipality of Tun-tun. A single site was in secondary babassu palm forest: Fazenda São Francisco (3°57’S, 44°49’W) in the Municipality of Lago Verde. Heinrich Snethlage (1927-28) reported extensively on his traveis in Maranhão and elsewhere in northeastem Brazil. The collection of birds he made during his journey is deposited in the Field Museum of Natural History in Chicago and was studied in detail by Charles E. Hellmayr (1929). Snethlage cited six species of birds in his writings that are listed below, but he had no voucher specimens for Hellmayr to confírm and his locality data were so ambiguous that recent authors have ignored these recor^. It is a pleasure to be able to confírm Snethlage’s information regarding these species here. Specimens with numbers preceded by MPEG (Museu Paraense Emílio Goeldi) refer to skins, while MPEG-A refers to anatomical specimens preserved in 70% alcohol. Common English names are those of Meyer de Schauensee (1970). Names of collectors abbreviated below are David C. Oren (DCO), João Alberto de Queiroz (JAQ), José Hidasi (JH), José Maria Rosa (JMR), Manoel Santa Brlgida (MSB), and Rosemiro de Souza Pereira (RSP). SPECIMEN RECORDS CRAY TINAMOU Tinamus too tao Temminck 1 unsexcd, MPEG 38709, Aldeia Urutawi-Rendá, 4 Oct 1986, col. DCO, MSB and RSP. This specimen consista of loose feathers that were plucked from a Cray Tinamou hunted and used as food by Urubu-Ka’apor Indiana. cm SciELO 0 11 12 13 14 15 16 4 Maranhão Bàd Recorda WHITE-TOROATED TINAMOU Tinamua guttatus Pclzeln 1 female, MPEG 22417, Imperatriz, 5 Aug 1964, prep. R. Benício. VARIEGATED TINAMOU CryptureUws variegatus (Gmelin) 1 unsexed, MPEG-A 6917, Aldeia Urutawi-Rendá, 3 Oct 1986, col. DCO, MSB and RSP. RAZOR-BILLED CURASSOW Mitu mitu tuberosa (Spix) 1 male, MPEG 38563, Aldeia Urutawi-Rendá, 5 Oct 1986, col. DCO, MSB and RSP. SnethIage (1927-28)and Sick (1979) were the first to note the presence of the Razor-billed Curassow in Maranháo, the latter mentioning tfaat the species U sympatric with Crax faaciolata pinima in the region of the Rio Pindaré. MARBLED WOOD-QUAIL Odmtophoms gujanensis gujanensis (Gmelin) 1 female, MPEG 38422, Fazenda Cobrás, 25 Aug 1986, col. MSB, JMR and RSP. 1 female, MPEG 38564, Aldeia Urutawi-Rendá, 4 Oct 1986, col. DCO, MSB and RSP. DARK-WINGED TRUMPETER Psophia viridis obscura Pelzeln 1 unsexed, MPEG 37338, Buriticupu, 9 Sep 1985, col. DCO, MSB and RSP. This specimen consists of a single dorsal feather, unambiguousiy assignable to this race. PAINTED PARAKEET Pyrrhura picta microtera Todd 1 female, MPEG 15584, Estreito, 17 May 1959, col. JH. LITTEE CUCKOO Piaya minuta (Vlcillot) 1 female, MPEG 34938, Bom Jesus da Mata, 28 Aug 1983, col. DCO, MSB and JMR. 1 female, MPEG 38569, Aldeia Urutawi-Rendá, 30 Sep 1986, col. DCO. MSB and RSP. LONG-TAILED HERMIT Phaethomis superciliosus muelleri Hellmayr t male, 1 unsexed, MPEG 34946-47, Bom Jesus da Mata, 26/27 Jul4983, col. DCO, MSB and JMR. 2 males, 1 unsexed, MPEG 36883-85, Fazenda Santa Bárbara, 3/5/7 Nov 1984, col. DCO, MSB and RSP. 1 male, 1 unsexed, MPEG 37405-06, Buriticupu, 3 Sep/25 Aug 1985, col DCO, MSB & RSP 3 males, 1 female, 1 unsexed, MPEG 38436-40,Fazenda Cobrás, 25/22/19/19/29 Aug 1986, col. MSB, JMR and RSP. 2 males, 1 female, MPEG 38572-74, Aldeia Urutawi-Rendá, 28/28/30 Sep 1986, col. DCO, MSB and RSP. Goddima Zooto^ número 4, 1990 BLACK-THROATED TROOON Trogon rufia amtaomcus Todd' 1 femate, MPEG 36893, Fazenda Santa Bárbara, 6. Nov 1984 coL DCO, MSB and RSP. COLLARED PUFFBIRD Bucco capensis Linnacu» 1 male, MPEG 38443, Fazenda Cobrá», 24 Aug 1986, col. MSB, JMR and RSP. 1 female, MPEG 38586, Aldeia Unitawi-Rendá, 1 Oct 1986, col. DCO, MSB and RSP. STRIOLATED PUFFBIRD Nystalus strioUuus torridtu Bond & Meyer de Schauensee 1 female, MPEG 15804, Imperatriz, 7 Jun 1959, col. JH. RUFOUS-NECKED PUpFBIRD Malacopüla rufa brunnescens Zimmer 1 female, MPEG 36894, Fazenda Santa Bárbara, 14 Nov 1984, col. DCO, MSB and RSP. WHITE-FRONTED NUNBIRDMomwa morphoeus morphoeus (Hahn & Kuester) 1 male, 1 female, MPEG 38432-33, Fazenda Cobrás, 23/29 Aug 1986, col. MSB, JMR and RSP. 1 male, 1 female, MPEG 38588-89, Aldeia Urutawi-Rendá, 7/3 Oct 1986, col. DCO, MSB and RSP. WAVED WOODPECKER Celaa undattu muldfasciatus (Natterer & Malhcrbe) 1 female, MPEG 34773, Pedra Chata, 25 May 1983, col. DCO, MSB and JAQ. This specimen is much darker than any other in the Museu Goeidi collections. On examining material of this race in the American Museum of Natural Histoty, howcver, it became clear that the darker plumage fallk within the range of individual variation and is not of taxonomic significance. YELl.OW-TUFTED WOODPECKER Melanapes cruentatus cruentatus (Boddaert) 1 male, 1 female, MPEG 15946-47, Imperatriz, 1 Jun 1959, col. JH. 2 males, 1 female, MPEG 34953-55, Bom Jesus da Mata, 27/27/28 Jul 1984, col. DCO, MSB and jMR. 1 inale, MPEG 37667, Fazenda do Sr. Adoan, 26 Jan 1986, col. MSB, JAQ and RSP. 1 male, MPEG 37849, Serra da Conceiçáo, 13 Apr 1986, col. MSB, JMR and RSP. 1 female, MPEG 38427, Fazenda Cobrás, 29 Aug 1986, col. MSB, JMR and RSP. The single female ftom Fazenda Cobrás is of the ”rubrifrorts" motph, while all other specimens are typical cruentatus (sec Short, 1982). 6 Maranhão Bird Records WHITE-CHINNED WOODCREEPER Dmdrocincla merula badia Zimmer 1 female, MPEG 34958, Bom Jesus da Mata, 25 Jul 1983, col. OCO, MSB and JMR. 2 males, 2 femalès, MPEG 36901-04, Fazenda Santa Bárbara, 11/1/lA Nov 1984, col. DCO, MSB and RSP. 3 males, 1 female, MPEG 38459-62, Fazenda Cobrás, 27/24/20A9 Aug 1986, col. MSB, JMR and RSP. LONG-TAILED WOODCREEPER DeconycHura longicauda zimmeri Pinto 1 female, MPEG 37353, Buriticupu, 1 Scp 1985, col. DCO, MSB and RSP. 1 male, MPEG 38453, Fazenda Cobrás, 29 Aug 1986, col. MSB, JMR and RSP. 1 female, MPEG 38602, Aldeia Urutówi-Rendá, 7 Oct 1986, col. DCO, MSB and RSP. SPOT-THROATED WOODCREEPER Deconychura stictolaema stictolaema (Pelzeln) 1 male, MPEG 34959, Bom Jesus da Mata, 27 Jul 1983, col. DCO, MSB and JMR. 1 male, 1 female, MPEG 36905-06, Fazenda Santa Bárbara, 4/5 Nov 1984, col. DCO, MSB and RSP. 2 males, 1 female, MPEG 38603-05, Aldeia Urutawi-Rendá, 2/3 Oct/30 Sep 1986, col. DCO, MSB and RSP. CINNAMON-RUMPED FOLIAGE-GLEANER PMlydorpyrrhodes (Cabanis) 1 male, MPEG 38613, Aldeia Urutawi-Rendá, 4 Oct 1986, col. DCO, MSB and RSP. OLIVE-BACKED FOLlAGE-GLEANER/lutomo/uj infuscatus paraensis Hartert 1 male, 1 female, MPEG 36907-08, Fazenda Santa Bárbara, 7/2 Nov 1984, col. DCO, MSB and RSP. 1 female, MPEG 38469, Fázerida Cobrás, 29 Aug 1986, col. MSB, JMR and RSP. 1 male, 1 female, MPEG 38609-10, Aldeia Urutawi-Rendá, 7/5 Oct 1986, col. DCO, MSB and RSP. SHORT-BILLED LEAFSCRAPER Sc/erwiw rufigularis rufif^ularis Pelzeln J 1 male, MPEG 34964, Bom Jesus da Mata, 22 Jul 1983, col. DCO, MSB, JMR. 1 male, 1 female, MPEG 38614-15, Aldeia Urutawi-Rendá, 4/1 Oct 1986, col. DCO, MSB and RSP. BLACK-TAILED LEAFSCRAPER Scierums caudacutus pallidus Zimmer 1 female, MPEG 37419, Buriticupu, 4 Sep 1985, col. DCO, MSB and RSP. GLOSSY ANTSHRIKE Sakesphorus luctuosus luctuosus (Lichtenstein) 1 female, MPEG 15775, Imperatriz, 8 Jun 1959, coi. JH. ScíELOiIq 2 3 5 6 11 12 13 14 15 16 L cm 8 Maranhão Krd Records BAND-TAILED MANAKIN Pipra fasciicauda scarlatina Hellmayr 1 male, MPEG 18001, Imperatriz, 22 Jul 1960, col. E. Dente. 2 males,' 4 females, 1 ímm. male, MPEG 37896-902, Serra da Conceição, 9A5/22/22/17/17A5 Apr 1986, col. MSB, JMR and RSP. DWARF TYRANT-MANAKIN Tyranneiues stobmanni (Hellmayr) 1 male, 2 unsexed, MPEG 38667 and MPEG-A 6939-40, Aldeia Urutawi-Rendá, 6/4/5 Oct 1986, col. DCO, MSB and RSP. CINEREOUS MOURNER Eon/ocera hypopyrrha (Vieillot) 1 female, MPEG 38671, Aldeia Urutawi-Rendá, 7 Oct 1986, col. DCO, MSB and RSP. , EULER’S FLYCATCHER Lathroiriccus (Empidonax) euleri bolivianus (Allen) 1 female, MPEG 34920, Bom Jesus da Mata, 27 Jul 1983, col. DCO, MSB and JMR. 1 unsexed, MPEG 37727, Fazenda do Sr. Adoan, 25 Jan 1986, col. MSB, JAQ and RSP. WHITE-CRESTED SP ADEBILL Platyrinchus platyrhynchos amazonicus Berlepseh 2 males, 1 female, MPEG 34915-17, Bom Jesus da Mata, 22/26/23 Jul 1983, col. DCO, MSB and JMR. 3 males, MPEG 36976-78, Fazenda Santa Bárbara, 3/5A4 Nov 1984, col. DCO, MSB and RSP. 1 male, MPEG 38.551, Fazenda Cobfás, 28 Aug 1986, col. MSB, JMR and RSP. 1 female, MPEG 38679, Aldeia Urutawi-Rendá, 28 Sep 1986, col. DCO, MSB and RSP. BLACK-CHESTED TYRANT PofcUotriccus andrei (Berlepseh & Hartert) 1 female, MPEG 34823, Pedra Chata, 22 May 1983, col. DCO, MSB and JAQ. Direct comparisons made between Venezuelan specimens housed at the American Museum of Natural Histoiy and a series from south of the Amazon indicate that the species is monotypic. YELLOW TYRANNULET Phylloscartes ftaveolus flaveolus (Lichtenstein) 1 female, MPEG 15663, Imperatriz, 6 Jun 1959, col. JH. 1 male, MPEG 37616; Fazenda Leáo, 8 Dec 1985, col. MSB, RSP and JMR. 3 males, MPEG 37887-89, Serra da Conceição, 10/9/9 Apr 1986, col. MSB, JMR and RSP. LARGE ELAENIA Elaenia spectabiUs spfctabilis Pelzeln 2 males, 1 female, MPEG 15634-35/38, Imperatriz, 9/8/9 Jun 1959, col. JH. GoeUiaia Zootof^ número 4, 1990 9 GREENISH ELAENIA viridicauí viridicata (Vieillot) 1 male, MPEG 34908, Bom Jesus da Mata, 28 Jul 1983, col. DCO, MSB and JMR. 1 male, MPEG 37612, Fazenda Lcfio, 9 Dec 1985, col. MSB, RSP and JMR. McCONNELL’SFLYCATCHERAfíonect«maccowie/fi amazonus (Todd) 1 female, MPEG 34909, Bom Jesus da Mata, 26 Jul 1983, col. DCO, MSB and JMR. 1 female, MPEG 36973, Fazenda Santa Bárbara, 30 Oct 1984, col. DCO, MSB and RSP. 1 male, 2 females, MPEG 38685-87, Aldeia Urutawi-Rendá, 7/7 Oct/29 Sep 1986, col. DCO, MSB and RSP. BLACK-COLLARED SWALLOW Amcora melanoleuca (Wied) 1 male, MPEG 15571, Estreito, 17 May 1959, col. JH. NIGHTINGALE WRENM/crocercu/uíma/jmamí mwginatus (Sclater) 1 male, MPEG 36987, Fazenda Santa Bárbara, 4 Nov 1984, col. DCO, MSB and RSP. 1 male, MPEG 38555, Fazenda Cobrás, 26 Aug 1986, col. MSB, JMR and RSP. 1 male, MPEG 38689, Aldeia Urutawi-Rendá, 7 Oct 1986, col. DCO, MSB and RSP. MASKED GNATCATCHERFo//opn7fl dumicola berlepschi Hellmayr 1 male, MPEG 15856, Imperatriz, 4 Jun 1959, col. JH. TAWNY-CROWNED GREENLET//yto/>/ii/uí ochraceiceps rubrifrons Sclatér & Sahin 1 female, MPEG 34990, Bom Jesus da Mata, 25 Jul 1983, col. DCO, MSB and JMR. 2 males, 1 female, MPEG 36984-86, Fazenda Santa Bárbara, 6/3/3 Nov 1984, col. DCO, MSB and RSP. FULVOUS-CRESTED TANAGER Tachyphonus surinamus insiffiis Hellmayr 2 males, 4 females, MPEG 38692-97, Aldeia Urutówi-Rendá, 5/3/3/4/5 Oct/28 Sep 1986, col. DCO, MSB and RSP. WHITE-SHOULDEREDTANAGERrflc/«yp/iom«/ucmíMUj/«ctu-COT:itiG A Phoenicircuscamifex A magnifícent adult male of this species fed on the fruits of assai palm (Euterpe òleracea) at Pedra Chata on 20 May 1983. Feathers much used by Urubu-Ka’apor Indians in their highly developed feather art (Ribeiro and Ribeiro, 1957). THREE-STRIPED FLYCATCHER Conopias oivirgata A single individual sang while perched on a utility wire along the Santa Inés-Pindaré road (3°38’S, 45°21’W) on 27 Mar 1985. RED-RUMPED CACIQUE Cacicus haemorrhous Common at Aldeia Unitawi-Rendá, where easily observed in forest and edge. YELLOW-BROWED SPARROW/lmmoíirflmuj aurifrons Common in flelds at Fazenda Santa Bárbara- in Nov 1984 and at Aldeia Urutawi-Rendá in Oct 1986. ACKNOWLEDGEMENTS The field work for this report was supported by the John D. and Catherine T. MacArthur Foundation, the World Wildlife Fund-US, the Brazilian Institute for Forestry Development (IBDF), and the Companhia Vale do Rio Doce (CVRD). Dr. Fernando C. Novaes of the Museu Goeldi provided fundamental endorsement and uhflagging encouragement for the realization of the ornithologicalresearch in the forests of Maranhão. Srs. Manoel Santa -Brígida, Rosemiro de Souza Pereira, José Maria da Rosa Silva and João Alberto de Queiroz provided expert assistance in the fleld. GoeUúna Zoolog^ númao 4, 1990 13 REFERENCES DELACOUR, J. & AMADON, D. 1973. Cwassows and related birds. New York, American Museum of Natural History. HELLMAYR, C. E. 1929. A contribution to the omithology of Northeastem Brazil. FieldMus. Nat Hist, ZooL Ser. 12(18): 235-309. MEYER DE SCHAUENSEE, R. WIQ.A guide to the birds of South America. Wynnewoood, Pennsylvania, Livingston. NAUMBERG, E. M. 1935. Gazctteer and maps showing stations visitcd by Emil Kacmpfer in eastem Brazil and Paraguay. BulL Amer. Mus. Nat Hist. 68(6): 449-469. NOVAES, F. C. 1978. Sobre algumas aves pouco conhecidas da Amazônia brasileira, II. BoL Mus. Para. Emilio Goeldi, rts. Zool. 90: 1-15. PINTO, O. M. de 0. 1978.Nt>vo catálogo das aves do Brasil, Primeira Parte. Sâo Paulo, Gráfica da Revista dos Tribunais. RIBEIRO, D. & RIBEIRO, B. G. 1957. Arte plumária dos índios Kífapor. Rio de Janeiro, Gráfica Seikel. SHORT, L. L. 1982. Woodpeckers of the World. Greenville, DL: Delaware Museum of Natural Histoiy. SICK, H. 1979. Notes on some Brazilian birds. BulL Brit Om. Cl. 99: 115-120. SNETHLAGE, E. 1926. Resumos de trabalhos executados na Europa, de 1924 a 1925, em museus de história natural, principalmente no Museum für Naturkundé de Berlim. BoL Mus. Nac. R J. 2: 35-70. SNETHLAGE, H. 1927-28. Meine Reise durch Nordostbrasilien. /. f Om. 75: 453-484; 76: 503-581; 76: 668-738. cm SciELO 10 11 12 13 14 15 16 €í u «NV > vtmim i>ií^SlSSÍmJlÍ^^ I \ I ftl 3 >OuSi ou . *** *****.^ •p«í«i iad^ {mia of mí psu* ! 30 iíSl. f Mtfewr» ttit:.fi ú4« .CT?i a .MOOAM/ * X ^yjooKna Ar.. »’ MTBD tACí«jU8 Cg»irJrj Hâ(?«<«'*oiár .yxu«ÍH IrailaM V> owswfví <àrt* M>W adM «wtdWhaitio .lhH foe-tc: :m)íj .-si ioos; ^ »vs rüiw(>^ .INrMèKHMidf i»ii iaOWt^Ji:à«t, FtfAiUiidk) C. Ne*.aw!* Musos 2^ «íSIrWWBidilfí^ fcf tí»e cíf the ortjUfi<*íf>0,aír'— »; ;L ú- iívi bntis <>f Maraalr^t « «ti .WÍtU^ÍSíWf tt íP ifr lív :»«Me» :CT .«O \ A 4eitÍMadMab«aM «mb amA widM « TS»' H 30A.IMTaitt jCT-M» 4 ir;isc-ro( MUSEU PARAENSE EMÍLIO GCELEX Campus de Pesquisa — Av. Pehmetral. Guamá. Caixa Psstal: 399. Telex: (091) 1419. Telefones: Iorque, (091) 224-9233. Campus, (091) 228-2341 e 228-2162. 66.040. Belém, Pará, Brasil. Publicado pelo Departamento de 2toologia do Museu Paraense Emílio Goeldi - CNPq, com apoio de: The John D. and Catherine T. MacArthur Foundation & World Wildlife Fund - US WWF SciELO 0 11 12 13 14 15 16