gv. ou | | | | HSÁS m viii es Wi TON D. n z 7s Jeotess EXPERIENT. FACULT. MEDIC/E IN REGIA.ACADEMIA UPSALIENSL .:Süg. PR JESIDIO " VIRI NÓR 1L I5$1MI Arpus EXPER IEN TISSEMT, (OSugR Rue: M: "TIS ARHRAT RO ME. ET| Bor. doi es Er -ORD. ÀcaAD. birrpa MoNs?EL.STockH. JUpsar.: 'Banor. "Por. er LoNDpmwN, Socu, . ! NGC: non jx Équmms. AURATI pE STELLA PoraRt. | | - 4PÜBLICO EXAMINI SUBMITIIT, ^0 AruMNUs REGIUS — — OLAVUS STICKMAN, u SMOLANDUS. duds | IN AUDITORIO: CAR. MAJORI D. Xl. MA S ANNO: '"MDCCLIV; : ; H.ASM. $c TUPSALIÁI, Exc, LM. HOjER, Reg. Acad. Tm- Nobilisimo DOMINO, — '- Ten Tres ^) r rn db SACOBORRIDER. ADLERBEETE Ld NOTARIO Summi Dicafterii Piper ; - Confultisfimo, e Vi RÓ m C "verende Prec Hoque Du. Mig. MAGNO. CIS LOU, --PASTORI in ; Afenhosga. & Kiellerydh, vigilantiffimo, - Spe&tatis[imo DOMINO, ; MAGNO Q OW AST PETERSSON, GIVI- S ME CTUM apud Stockliolm. Ju GE ORTI ORO fgroteriilung., cM ; X xS PC E * Brgdentis "mno DOMINO, CHRIST. QWAST.. Same sCIVD& -MERCA TORL apud . Holm; 5.2 | Spectatiffimo. -. y Cotingiftieti deceiitutibaiscus virisula dutidlis; PATRONIS & FAUTORIBUS,. nullo. non tempore , füfpiciendis. £F promus dau Specfinen Academicum , 217777 voro ommigeue felicitatis sg. Tuque vlrepioreti. fuam couimendationem dicatum efe «alit ; debuit, Ge3)035 - Nobliffimt: Preeclariffiml: &: Spectatiffimorum: NOMPIEA VESTRORUM - eultar 5 fereantiffr Ius, OLAVUS S. TICKMAN. A * w^ n * ^. Har t . D Lec 2 a i . Som Glen amb Bedogeaditrten etin Aporicker js: JA P OBS, o c uel .SRIWÍe fonberbare Gunft unb Omoogenbrit/ fe id» in Cte. d -&blen aecbrtem Joaufie unter Der Seitj. Dag. Sero fin- "bur meiner 2(ufftburg wab A5anbleitung.angertrauet gctoefen./ at geniefen bie &bre gepabt j bin idum fo viel imer mit grófi- -fter hrerbictídÉeit ju ecfdnten (cbulbig/ al8 id) bít(: Deco 6*t- meigtbeit in gane Dríttebalb Syabren strfpiret babe: lub teil 448b gu ber Seit termo fte f. bof Gro. &olen ein ftbr. grec Eiebbae ! "bu Per tatur: QBiffenfibaft tar / fo fdymetdyete £d) mich aucb .mit ber Deffnung; vef Dict voti votit entftrmiten Drtern gebol- -fe Srduter uar fo.bicl mebr. &m. bli gefatleri toerben j toeil "édy in bitfer meiner Academzfoben Di/putation vit(tbea uad) ib yeritineren $Sefcbaffenbeit unb natirlcben £oge tírautbeilen unb - siu brnennen mid) beribet babe. &w. Gblea belitben beámegen pitít mene &rnbi mit eben Derfriben taoegenbeit aufpineb- Amen]! mittveleber ^it befiamig metae Derfou / unter bir tit) "buf id). in Sero Jeufe fu fcbto bie Gbrt gcbabt.. betotirbiget 'Baben. — Syd brPommeatgbcn Olegenibrit [o tvobl jt&o ale hme — "mer fernerbin. meiti Danicfoared Oemtitb / a[8 tín tbergrigenb. Stercfmabf bepbed-Dcr empfangenen 2Bobltbatan / unb meitice ;Dagor (r:oulbigm Jyedadtung óffcutlio.an bei Sag ju (etit, "Syr immi tebafte Gro. olei ibep famem £cben unD beftánbi- geai 2Bobltreben qu. Sero lieben 2inpermanbten gráfefier &rubc/ Der Siotbleibenbun diffe; unb meinem. innigflen Cinguüsen. Syn rweld)earOBimfo id) mit aller dod)adtung unb S brecbicticbfeit bit &bre babe gu ftpn / Cole unb Jod)acadbteter ert. Apotheker, LN x | T ;— Sbemilibiaftee Syene, 'OLOF STICKMAN, 11 ÁX Jg cmi Bes MUCIORER: »ung Aron LE SE. »ovy 1 Ld E - i ^ - &g* P 5 E $ Aes ht d. uti, "tilf- £932 4 set od. des CRM. ^1 mon, üro fnart fagt, ordkneliga, ^ Lyckelig. derfóre den *med- lem uti famhállet, fom fà owifligen - Aürt. anWwühda- ,ungdonis $ren, atf han, uti de tilltagánde-; kan; med fitt *arbete ,- tjàna fitt Fofterland, .gagna fina medbróder i Allmanheten ; fügna fina Waünners och-det« , genom fórtjana egen..báde heder och £fórdel.* Att T; min AWan, .GH Alimanheténs- wl, 'med Edre jümnárige ' báde ui d sdotilsedh "matutens kaünning Yedan begyhüen: Wifa prof-af4 att kunna táfla. om -Meders belóningar, dAr!fá: myeket/berümeligare., fom ] ; gti fpüidáte Éren, fjelf máf fakna den würd, Modets ans med fig hafwer Y o&h ':de$ ej. allena ,; utan, ock uti, llwaxts - áfen, üfwen den amiet y Euer ,tgen ungdom$s fkjótfel "Akade' utaf en huid Fader, - , fom. uti detta Zlcaderuifka' Arbetet fyflofattiEdert: nile med dé 'pfapitige. jordehes'alfters;, :blomfters | och, ürters , nármare: künnee bara i^ ordning; ftàllánde :och, nytta fom: báde. pryder och ; gagnar jtillika, med. hwilkas | ytterligate myttos tiffámpning T. afwen E r: f$- . xefatts framdeles ; Att tjana ,Fadernes Landet, och hjeipa ! mánga nódlidande , "wifen: ock ,' med faft ojáfacktiga íkül; huru làngt [, uti AdenHe , fór, Borgerligà. famfondet fà | oumgangelige:- "wettenfkapen s Uhunnit, dà T]: icke. allenaft welat tillftàcja Eder. ;wettgirughet, att müt- ta; fin. 1yfinad. p. yvárasinhemfke blomfterfalt ; agn iüáckt den; df. wen. till.de aflágsnafte Landers. ean jordaldotet, d opu ^^ "Arbetem, di yttetligate) E Uer "den. libgfta: Fórfynens: bitride; *ech fullfóljen denna Edet.forefáts.,' f& , (att "ortgángen. och [lutet :Jblifwa like denne, f& hederlige, fom; nyttige - bórjan: Di .hoppas | gag att J; innan kort , foór..Eder móda., winnen bide den heder, 4 jwid. de hógre Lárofti llen plázar .ütdelas* SERT, árbetes ' üppmuntran och gen belàóning, fom det Er dele le Xán^ annáts an làmha dem; fom, - *'gmed f3 mycken fiif; góra fig fkickelige till des :hjetp,- Hwileket. ockE "kan bàde hugna Edet:ifjelf och £ágfia) Edre Wasner , men mft migs fom; ander? omi at aida GRACE ju fárbiifwer SE utr "às, eorgaosso Kam nárfkylde Fránde. (us uy ZACH, N. LIUNGDAHL: Pob Ses egt ;xeunte precedenti feculo, detectig | plerisque in Europa plantis ; fuirfe mum fzítigium attigiffe, Rem | Herbariam plurimis vifum füit; at ^3 vero eo ipfo tempore curioforum . induftria demum LND143 penetra- Z j.vit, quo ipfo novus orbis planta- Xon c EE rum, priori longe ainplior, Bota- . nicorum imperio fubjectus fuit... xL ^ Vafliffimi plantarum exercitus ex diffitis hifce oris in Europam allati , conftabant maxiinam partem plantis -exficcatis, quibus pre reliquis P/ukenetius famam & au« — &oritatem, nunquam morituram, fibi comparavit. J^ Qvum sero non facile-aliis, quam rudi plebeculie ' nautarum ; Indias. adire licuit, corrafe fuere plante, quie in ora maritima fefe primo intuitu fiftebant, fepe absque floribus & fru&u,. unde factum, ut imperfecta fpecimina ficca , absque fele&u collecta , Botanieorum pomoeria auxerint. uoa pros 2 | Non cuivis enim contingit adire has terras, nec o- mnibus volupe eft Jonginqvum iter fufciperes navipatio . enim inter. prócellas periculofa , tutattones.climatum, plurium annorüm commoratio inter barbaras gentes in^ | im Uu ÁÀ cauffa «v» )2( ev» eauffs fuere, quod pauci Botanici, immo pauciffimi. pul- cherrimos flores tanti emere voluerint, Eo itaque majo» ri laude & honore cumulanoi funt. Peregrinarores Bota- niei, qui ejusmodi pericula flocci habuere, quo nobis u- .beriorem reddidere rariffgimarum plantarum Indicarum no'idiam , dum easdem vivas, in folo natali, colligere, intueri & deferibere non grave duxerint; inter quos pri- mo loco nominandi: HERMANNUS, qui Caper bone fpei & Zeylonam: SLOAN E, qui Zamaicam ; BANISTER Virsiniams KZEMPFER US Japontam s PLUMIER US Galliam equinottialeng RHEEDE Malabariam ; R UM- PHIUS Amboinam; &inter recentiores, FEVILLEUS, qvi Peruviam; KALMIUS. Conadams HASSELQUIST - Peolelltnam ; OSBECK Chimams | MYLIUS Careltnam $ ADANSON Africams. LOFLLNG JAuericam auflralem, . ut reliquos taceam, adiere. 8$. IL. I RI 3 | INDIA orientalis dividitur in Indiam veterem & aquofam. . — MOD TN ir des VETUS india eft vel india INTRA GANGEM?: ludoflama , vel EX'TRA GANGEM sb orientali Ganwis - parte usque ad inare Benghalenfe: ZAracama ». Malacea Sau. Cambouta. NOTE "- rats - AQUO.A india comprehendit ceteros indie tractus . ad partem avftralem & orientalem Malacce; hec incijit a Sumatra per Javam , tofulas Moluccas & Philippinas. In extrema hac india tria funt imperia : AMBOINA, MALACCA , BANDA. Plantas hujus Indie aquofz Rumphius collegir, examinavit & exhibuit. .— RUMPHIUS (Georgius Evarhardvs) Medicine De- éer , natione Hauavenlis, M.rcator fenior. € in Amboina LI 4) 4 - Conful, &€*$9 )3( «e» Couful, Nature curioforum Plinius indicus, in-orhe eru- -dito adeo celebris eft, ut ejus hiftoriam & vitam heic e- narrare fupervacanceum foret. Hic in Amboina vixit, ut pfe teflatur, per totos quadraginta duos apnos, multa- que paffus non modo R*i familiaris 5. fed ipfius fanitatis . difcrimina. Am:fit enim hic non tantum cariflimam con- .- jugem Sufanpam cum duobus liberis. fub horrendo terra motu, qui Amboinam quaffabat anno 1€74,:die 17 Febr. ftylo novo , verum etiam fub ardenti fiio, indefeffus plantas inquirens, cataractam contraxit, qua reliquis vi- ginti quinque annis , quibus dein in India vixit , cculis privatus in denfiffimis tenebris fene&tutem transigere co» actus ;usque dum circa annum 1706; natus- 69 anncs, es- fe defit. Nullus indefe(To magis ftudio atque diligentia Indie Gazophylacia nature perquifivit, cuius rei lucu- l2ntiffirpum teítimonium exftat MUSEUM AMBOINEN- aSE, quod in Conchibrorum hittoria reliquis omnibus , quas de Oft: azodermatibus prodiere, longe palmam preripuit. - JPlantas itidem Indis aquofe infinita diligentia inve- ftigavit, conquifivit, defcripfit & delineavit, cum ea. . rum, Nominibus, Locis, Ufu & Viribus, tam medicis, . quam ceconomicis ; quecunque de plantis audivit, vidit, autindagavit, indefeffus auctor. femper candide, mode- fte, nulli gravis , fcincere notavit, & in HERBARIO fuo AMBOINENSI expotuit. : NONU f S BRÜURMANNUS(Johannes) Medieise Dottor,in bor- —to Amflelodamenfi Botauices Profeffor y mature curtofo- yum Socius , Orbem Botanicum non uno documento fibt obftrictum reddidit. Hic vaftiffima quotidie per populofis- fimam urbem Ar ftelodamenfem obrutus praxi clinica; vix ullam elabifinit horulam , quin fcientiam Botanices fuis curis & laboribus fplendide locupletet, Vir amplisfi- ua À 2 | /.. mus d*p )4( S» mu$ ab interitu vindicavit & illnftravit Hevinaiiii plantas | pofthumas Zeylanicas in MUSEO ZEYLANICO, idem plantas rariffimas Capitis boue fpei nitidiffimis defcriptio- nibus & figuris cum Rei herbarie.cuftoribus: communicas [vit , in DECADIBUS PLANTARUM AFRICANA- RUM; ille etiam RUMPH!I HERBARIUM AMBOI- - NENSE, in domo focietatis Iadiz Ortentalis Amfteloda- ini per 30 annos aite puüoks biattis tineisque certans invefügavit, eruit, & futs obfervationibus & fynonymis illufiravit ac public? edidit , quod alioquin vix. aene vix quidem unquam lucem adf, pexiffet. $ Sic prodiit R UMPHIT HERBARIUM AMBOL- ANENSE comple£ens plautas s que in Amboina e$ adjaceus ribus infulis Feperutuv., Amftelodami ab anno 174 1 ad annum 1750, in /o/ro, Lotine & Belgice. Volum. VI com. Jaepoubgs In hoc opete propotuit femper laidandus rare cir« * eter mille plantas Yndicas, easque Fieurzs 966 iluftravit, nter.has plantas , tullas obfervamus Europzas fed - éXoticdr omnes, | Ex hifce plereque funt. Avboves aut. Frutices, pu: ciffimae autem Herbacee qvum in ladia non hyemes plan- - tas quotannis deflruent , uti apud nos in'Europa, ubi plu- res funt herb? quam arbores; | Arberes ha facile o.nnes funt Semperoirentes, in curi is India locis, circa iequatorem fitis, excepta Arbore vedivioa (Vol.3. t..$04.) que unica, fub finem pluviofoe rum menfium, folia dimittit, & poft menfis (patium nova regeriinat fronde quod incolis hifze, uti Eutopsis ad- fvetum, miram vic detur, arborem fine foliis vivere poffe, &yloe: intertextz funt plurimis fruticibus fcanidenti- bus, qui arbores adfcendunt, ^ & ex arbore in arborem miprant longiffimo itinere, quibus ita connectaatur füm- mitates & panicula. arborum, ut cafis caudicibus, noa í cadant L | EE JM cadanty Ste niumerofiffimi Calais funes hamofos fepe ad longitudinem nongentorum pedum e fingula fua fronde. emittunt , fylvasque fic conneéctunt, ut plane-impervis - evádant^ — NERA EL: QNM AO HPFooeput | —.' ^ Hee arborum fempervirentium concarenatio facit. atfylve neque exurk; neque diffecari queant, quo campt - ' eperisntur & Tigrides alizque fere expellantur, qu& in- ' colis fee fummam cladem inferunt, vid * GENERA quam plurima in hoc opereoccurrunt ra«., kiffima, hodie. obfcura, fimulque ampliffima , fatis ícite- "expreffa$ in^ 197 los | '* "Vol1; PALMARUM hiftoria: egregia. ^UVol»; CANARIT fpecies & Gitri varietates. —Vol.8. RHIZOPHORZE XVI & FICUS XII Species, Vol4. PANDARTI plurimi. — . & 2 Vol: s. CALAMI numerofi & DIOSCOR EZE varis. Vol6. EPIDENDRA & GLOBD/E pulcherrima, 5 Plurima in,hoc opere occurrunt digniffima & vere ftupenda eigr. - . | | DIOSCOR EZE (V. t. 122.) radix contortuplicata; fer- - penti adeo. fimilis, ut quivis fscile primo intuitu exhor- rcfceret & extimefceret ferpentem vivum; HERNANDIA (1L. t. 8y.) cujus truncus intus fnha- ^. biratur plerumque eà copia Formicarum , ut vix aliquis " arborem propius accedere, multo minus eandem obtrun- care audeat. — ^ SANI VERTI de » EPIDENDRUM. (Vl. p. 120.) cujus bulbus in ma- g$nitucinem fapi excreícic," ut Formicis commodari au» lam &. domicilium praebeat. SOPHOR A beptapbylla feu Anticholeriea (3V .22. cu jus ufus fpecificus in Cholera, Pleuritide, Colica, D yfuria. - SCITAMINA quecomprehendunt Galaugam , Zez "doertam , Zvengiberem , Zerumbet, & affines, pulchre il- - lufttata reperiuntur. (Tom, V:to), quamvis nondum fuf. ficienter explicata, - Uv FU. e*» )6é6( CX» ^ FUCUS natans (VI. p. 188.) ejusque migrationes va- ri&, ab eo tempore quo inías adire inceperint Europsi , meinoria digniffime , ut cetera taceam. — LC Cum pretiofifflnum opüs ad' oras noflras nondum. pervenerat ,.. cum. D... D. Prefes Species (uas plantarum e- didit, factum, ut hujus Synonyma, | que meoxime iliu- ftrarent plantas indie .rariffimas non potuerint affumi, roinde operam meain non. displicituram fore Botanicis . crediderim , | dum plantas Rumpbit cum. D:ni- Prefidis Herbario contuli, ut Syaomyima eruerem & connecterem, Acquiefcere debui in hoc opufculo plantis evidentiíTimis, multasque feponere,. cum: Auctor non beneficio Seculi, quo vixerat, noverat partes minuti(fimas fru&tificationis | defcribere & Gelineare,' in quo folum cedit Horti Mala- barict Auctoribus, | ATTE 1OMUST -. TAB. Lora as Ep 1. 2 3. Calappa. -. Cocos mucifera. - 4. Pinanga. . Areca Carecbu. 5.6. 7. Pinanga fylvelfris. 9. Saribus. , ; o. Licuala. idm P mE 1o. Lontárus demeflica, ^^ Boraflus flabellifer. (a). Corypha uuübraculifera. 11. Lontarus. f/yJveffrzs. 12. Lontarus a/tera, - (13. Saguerus. —— Ape 14. Sagvaflter major. ^ . QCaryota ureüs -— 15. Sagvalter minor. «S TW 16. Nypa. M x 17. Sagus (P). 3: I IE 10. Sagus fi/tarts. VRSUPUR 20.23. Olus calappoides. Cycas eireinolis, -— ! at. | 25.26 Man. . (6) E lacrymis conficitur-Saccharum, | (b) Hzc arbor eft genuina e qua Sagu efculentum conficitur tefte AuGtore, 1 PR 26. Manga Jewellien, C n 28. 20. 306. . ts 32. Xn 84- 85- 36. 2b y 39. 4&0. 41. 43. Meis 44. Mangoffana celebica. 45. a6. gez )9X| ex» Manga fylecfiriss Manga ftia: Durio. | Soccus-arb. major. Soceus arb. minor. roccus Qrauo[us. Soccus pranofus. 772 Soecus /y/vefirif. Prunum JZellatum,^: . Blimbingum reves. Ja:nbofa domeflica. jambofa mra. Jambofa.2guea: Jambofa /y/v. alba. Mangilera fndica. RU Ado H. My t. 26, Aufjelt H. M. 3- t. 32. Averrhoa Cavambola, Averrboa Bilimbi.- » Eugenia." Fugenia molaccenfis. Eugenia ra-emo[a. P -Eugenia Jambos. Jambofa /y/v.parvrfol. Blatti H. M. 3 d. 8. Jambofa ceramica. . Jambolana. Mangoftana. Anora. Anona ztuberefa, 47. Cujavus doreftica, pu 49. Cujivus agreflis, Cujavillus. | $6. 5 1. Papaja. ja 3j.56 Linfium. /yloefre, — Pong HM tg? 59. Pom, drac. bylodire. :& 57- 58. Lanfium; Cuffambiüi. Porurm draconum. - Jambolifera pedunculatat Garcinia Mangoffana foliis &« votis, heduticidi e uviftoris. Garcinia celibita elis lan- teolatis, peduncuits rréfloris. Annona retict ar. - Annona quam ofa? Pfiiiun Gvoojana peduartilis Qunifloriz. | Pfidium. Gun pedunculis. Püdium, |. ^ —— (rriflgoris. Carica Papoja. ANeli-pouli. H. M. 3. 1. 47. 4$? $o. Con- SRS5)34 gep- 60. Condondum. . —. Chtyfobalanus Trace. 61. Condondurm valaee. NOU | | 62. Cynomotium. Cynometra. cauliflora. 63. Cynomorium fylveflre, Cynometra remiflora.— - 64. Saudoricum. 4 E Kids 45^ 65. Gajanus/. . 66. Átunus, | wu aret | — 63. Vidoricum. StrychnosCanmiram H.M 1:27? 68. Catappa. - — 4Hdamáram H. M. 4. t. 3. 4. 6g. Caffuvium. --: --.« Anacardium "eccidentale. 70. Caffuvium /givefire,. | ig nid cet 71.72. Gnemon demeffica. ..Mala-Elengi H..M. 5.1. y. — (yw Gnemon fylveffris, | Mail-Kombi H.M. s. 1.1. c5. 74. MoruDga. « -- -.,03 Guilandi Merinuae, g6. Tura. (7 nir i2 Robin: erandqflorg. 5. Axepi-mera. 10v Menem trt febr t nt 78. Olus album. '. Bom Menjo H.M.g.1. $$. 29. Olus-alb. zufulare. |... - Cad Er 7 y «s Sojar. volubilis. . Plukenetia. volubr[rs, . 8o. Ertophorus 7avana.. Bombax peutandrum. -8r. Bilacus. - Cratzyva Mafmelos, - 82. Bilacus zaurinus. ^ Crateva Tlopia) — ' TTUCOMUS IL: em , 4-Nux Myrifitea.' .— Myriftica.' s. Nux Myriflica mas, Panom-palka, H. Me 4t. 8? &, Palala fecuudaa go 09 LEA | pa p 2g. Palala tertia. Agalochum. |. 1c. Agalloch. fecundariuti Y. 2. 3. Cáryophyllum,- / Caryophyllus aromatic, . Agslioch. /fpurium, « —— s Lignum mofcbattm. MERO hs dd i1. Sandalum. |. ^» Santalumvelbun.. a lo ^ .Sandalum zubr, ^ E LET TE NCRERS PIE gep o0 &ev9»: | 12. Pfeudofandal. qmbotacenf[e. Arb. mirabili. simbella, | . Lignum papuanum, : 13.Caju Galedups |^ Connarus?. ^ Cortex Oninius. m X4. Cortex earyopbylloides. Laurus Culitlaycan. T . . Sindoc. 1 y. Lauraíter amboinenfis. Laurus. 16.17. Arbor alba. . Myrtus Leucadendra, as | 18. Myrtus. amboiuenfis, |... cis feffibusurceo- :9 Pigmentaria, .- - BixaOrellaua. - latus, foliis 2o. Alliaria. ; Jauceolatis, 51. Caffia fiflula. ' Caffia fillula. Wt 21. Calffia fil. heir. Caffia, 23. lamarindus. | : : "Tamarindus Fist 24. Malum Graaatum.. 5 Punica Granatum, .- 24:2526.1,35 17. 2DA9:39)37. Citrus Aurantium.: 255 16:25 14. - Citrus Medica... "AA 36.-Malum tndicum. ..-.. Rhamnus Jujubas ^. ^37. Vidara //torea,.......... Rhamnus Napeca? 39... Lignum colubrinum, . . Stcychüos: | 39. Radix dejpare. ...' - Gmelina affarica Po 40. Radix detpar. fpuriac -.— 41. Rex amaroris. 0 | .Opbiguton ferpentinum. 42. Anifum nmoluccanum. ^x Umbellata. 43. Aniüfolium.... 5.4. Schinus Lrmonra. Saponaria. ... ! i A Ls vftul 44. Pharmacum /agueri, f&apraria. Sv sri oo s | Aj. 46. Songium...^/ 5. 3 ; Dillenia /zd/ca« - 4T. Canarium rds 48. Caparium Zepbyrinum. -. 49. Canarium fy/vefire, — 50.5 1. Canarium odorzf erue HB quom $1; 5;. Dan: €*3» y10( E?» f1.55.Dammara sigea (6). yr mscr Stn n 54. Canárium minimum. | uu j £f. Canarium decumanuim. — $6: Dammara zelanuica. $7. Damimara alba, Daminara celebica: — $8. Camirium, es "$9. Pangium, - €0. Fruétus mufculiformiss ^oc * 61, Ampacus /arrfolis.— 75 ein (0617 Ampacus anguflifeliur. LS) 64. lanionus //forégs ^ - V. REM at 65.CGananga. ^ ^'- Uvarid. ^ — E ES 66. Canàánga Tyloeftris. ^ Uvaría 2eylanica, 67. Sampacca. ^" ^ Michelia C/ampaca. 68. Sampaeca /yleefiris,e — PO CES 69. Axbot oiolaría. - Magnolia 0 jo.lingoum. | ^" , Fterocarpus FJ. Zey! 4i» . 21. Bintengor maritimum. Calophyllum Inopbyllum. —— - 71. Bittongor /ylveflris, Calaphyllam Calabas- 41. Novella. ... HibWeus riliacens, — 74. Novella Z/tovea, ^ Hibifcus popslneus. 45. Novella sera Cordia Sebeffena. | 26. Gelála J/tered:; —.-^ Erythrina Corellodendr, 27 Gelala alba, —.— Erythrina variegata. 48. Gelala aquatica. . jQPANUBA- PREDUIEMN 49.80 Arbor exe&cans, — Dioica friandra tricocca. 81. Arbor Jocfaría. ^. Cerbera Mangbas. | 82. Lignum /ebelare — Pala HL. M t8 46 s 33. Arbor pingois.. SINON NEREA UR $4 Lactaria /a/ubris, | uc AM 86. Átf« .. (c) Canarium eft deftinCtum genus, — Cal, 5, fides, — Petola 6. Stam, $éStyl.s cylindrieus capitatus. Drupa ficca: Nucleus fubrrigonys, GERE )Hn( e» $5. Arbor regis, .. VENT. Fernandis fanora? [ed fructus . 86. Arbor vernict:, sos C alieni) 87. Arbor foxicaría. ; TOMUS La y. Ebenus, .3. Ebenus qolucca. 3* Ebenus ajba, | s 4. 5. Arbor wgra. —.— — Uvearia zeylanica? — 6. Hebenafter. . Diofpyros. — 7. Metrofideros vera, / Myrtus, | ! 8 Metrofiderzacoff/arenf.Mimutops Raul? Manila 1o Metroriüer, ambotnenf. Caffia« Ya H. M4. L2j. 1 1. Metrofideros inolucca, | 12. Metrofideros. 13. Metrofideros fpuria, Ochnà Valaiqiiza |. 14. Cofaffus.. r5. Cofaffus czrins. 16.17. Dabanus, Ta rg datus 2 s Theca H. M.4 deo |. x9. Samama. 2 NCéphalatbusn Katoe- Tfíaca 20 laum oo s ces i4 dM 3.27. "Titius Hitorea. | | ! 21.22.89icchiüs, ^ — ^^ : 23; Ulaffium. 24.Laharus. . 2 5. Neffatus, Morfalla. A6. Lignum VMOHUM. 0 4 rs 27. Corius. | | 28. Lignum rmrinum. Mimofa; | HUS 29. Carbonaria. ; | arbonaria a/rerg. — 89 pgnom vornenm. — Garcinia? Ba» 0 gnMam "gv. Mangtum /3/ve/?re.. Mangilferae 581. Folium acid. majus. x oa / 33. Folium acidum min. Lignum falus intus 84 Ulct.. - D 35. Lignum eurinum. 36. 17. Sici folia, : 38. Arupà. 5... o ea cd 59. Surenus. E | 40. 42. Machillus. .. Laurus& . 43.44. Lignuur Áevé,* —— Laurus; ; 45. Lignum /eve alterum.Laurus, —— rep M 46 Lignum equimum. Bigaonia JNZr-pougelion. H. Mo. 47.49. Arbor rubra t. Myrtüus. — . ^. .— H29. Arb.rub, relique. ":Myrtus P ripiter y F^ 49. Arb facum major. 7 5o. Caju Lape Lape. 4 1. Arbor facuin minor. £2. Perticaris ferrea, Myrtus, $3. Jambofa Jirorea«—— Eugenia. 54. Arbor HoUfj. ^ co " A E "ues. Bontalus, - Cephalanthus orientalis; —; 56. Quercus nolurcám. Quercus Meluccas $1. Cafaarina J/zorea (d) A $9. Arbor nuda. ifi 760. Pulaffarius, — j F. 61.62. Granstum Z/foretum, eom j . 63. Atünus J/forea. |. ac ext m ? 64. Lignum clavorum, Tfierou-ponna. H. M. 4. 1. 302 65.66. Arbor palorum. ..— eot ET a BAT Hs. 67. Vestitolia, Mies esr aW. OE 638. Manghum cel/imn, - Rhizophora trmorbizae— 69. Mangium minus, RhizojLora cylradrfga. |. , ym A. Ls - * PECES RU da ROME ium HE (dj Generis proptii y flngulsris arbor, Equifeti Srru&tura, LU y 90, Mangium. ^ M . 51.72. Mangium cazidelarium. Rhizophora Maus. HE 45. jc p eafeolare,.— Rhizophora cofeotaris, foe lis ovahi$ obtufis , floribus [olitaviie, fru&ibus. erbiculatis depreffts mur ORAfi fa 6 ADM album, ^. —Rhüzophora: 77: Manglum cormiculatum, Rhizophors verpculàrds fa. liis óvatis,floribus cotferti», pedunculis 3 - bifloris , fru&ibus urcuatis acuminatis. 5B. Mangium caryipbilloides. Rhizophora. 79: Mangium ferreum, Rhizophora, 8o. Arbor vev/fcolor. $ , Mengium rumtaimum. "atibogfin 82, Umbraculum maris. Rhizophora. - ' 81. Mangium fforidvm. |^ — Rhizophora. 84» Varinga Jatifolías «/ - Ficus racemofa, 0$ 5.86. Varinga vepons. Ficus punla. 87.88 Groffalaria dom/Hca.. Ficus Zidica. $9. Groflularia yer firi, Ficus. 90. Vatinga parvtfolia. ^ - Ficus. 81 92.A:bor conciliorum. Ficus relgiofa: 93. Caprificus zuboinenfis, Ficus bengbalenfite Capti'icus cbartaría. 94. Caprificus a/pera. ^ '. Ficus Teveodm H. M. ta? 95 Caprificus viridis. Ficus Peru Terec. H M.5.1412 . 96. Ficus feptíca. - Ficus Hondrr- Alou.H.M.j L9 97. Arbor c/utino/a. Cordia Myxa. 99. Bancudus: augu/fifolia. 49 Bancudus Jatfolia, — Morindacitrifolia. 300. Arbor afumrao[a. | Lr uf io:.Ganitrus. - Eleocarpus /errazg.. 36z, Gsnitrum oblongum- 103 Lignum moment aneutis | X04. Arbor redivtog, à; x 2130j. FPrudus Bob 007 | "eb Ár 43 )ai4( eR o6, Arbor Ápieulorum, NBI MAE 107. €lompanus zmajor, Sterculia P3 - 107. Clompanus Minor: a Stereulía Ra/angbar. 103. Folium mappe. - Ricinus Mappa, Johris peltatis integris, 109. Corallaría parcifelia, Adenanthera pavoninayf olits u- . trinque olabris. OEIL. Clypearia rubra, Adenanthera falcata,foftas [ub- 113. Catti-arus. . Fus Lomentofts, 114. Butonica, .-. - Eugenia," 115. Butonica zerreffrit, Eugenia acutangula, 116. Butonica Dyleefíris. Eugenia Pacem a, Olus cotappanicum. - 117. Malaparius, | 118. Vidoricum. BUM fo 119.Refliaria albas. — Bartramia? Reftiaria sgrd. —- 120. Perticaria zertia.- fcit ue E oe 121, Tanarius yror, | Ricinus Tonerius, foliis peltatis : 122. Tànarius major, vepamdis. -— 113. Atbor ovigera, Hernandia M ire foliis ovatis 124. Lanius. bafí ROMA. 125. Palacca. 126. Halecus J/torea. Croton: arematicum. 127. Halecus jerralitis Croton laceiferum ? Clypearia maritima.- | 128. Solulus arbor. 129. Arbor radulifera. Folium zntznéfuss- 130. Lignum zucofum..— 131, Dunius. | 331» Arbor cef. Aalius. A 133. Folium Dircrmum, Tinus^ 134. Gumira //roreg, — 'Tinus. . 435. Cica- | €» )i;( &»» 1315.Cicadatia (e). ^ — m -346. Caryophyllafter. . - $337. Cortex papetarius. 138. Ichthyotonos J/tored. | Ln i 39. Ichthyotonos rmontaud. : x 140. Timoniüs. — ' e bn 141.Folium urenf, —— 7. aad TOMUS IV. | ^$Leleba. — — Aruüde arbor iudica procera ver - Arendarbor eratium, —.—— tieillata.Plukmantaag. Arundarbor /piculerum. —..— 7. Arundarbor va/aría. Aründo arbor, - 1. Arundarbor a/peza; iw 9. MM e RA, 4. Arundarbor fera. — S 2$. Canná paluflrir. —— Arundo eallatoria Plu, 6. Árundo fara, | ^ — lu 4. Arupdáfirume s ES oos 8. Flos PEURUR - Hibifcus Roja ebínenfís. — Q9. Flos boravius | — Hibifcus mutabilis. - 16. Abutilon brr/utum. Sida Abutilon (8. 101. Abautilon /eve. ^: Sida Abutilon ew.. 11. Goffypium Capa. Goffyplum Perbáceusi, 33. Goflypium /atifolrum.Gofly pium arboreun, |. A4. Goflypium demoris. Hibifcus zeylanicus ? d Granum mofebatum, Hibifeus Abelhno[cb. - 16, Herba erinalium. |. « Hibifeus /urartenfis, 17. Cyprus Alcana...—. Lawfonia fprno/a., . 18. Lagondium vulgare; Vitex £rifolia.- i9 Lagondium J/toreum. Vitex. Negundo, Lignum J/engevitütif. 0 Vir 1^. Crifta pavomir, | Poinciana pulcherrima. 21. Lignum Sappati. Cefalpina Sappam MEE I 39 Àn- (c) Folium ambulans veteturm, A E )16( w*» 25. Anticholerica.- . .. Sophora leptapbylla ( f à5. Flos flavus. - Caffia. 24. Gajatus. . J£(chynomene indica, 25.Collizum chry/ofl&/um.Croton variegatum. 26. Codigum zeniofurs. Crotom | 27. Codizum [y/vef/re. . Croton varzegatums 28. Gendaruffa cu/carís. 29. Gendaruffa feminua. Jufticia najuta. -- Involucrum cufci- go. Folium bra&eatum. | Tff wde-marcam. H. M, f "di 3 1.Scutellaria prima. . 32; Scutellaria fecunda: — Aralia? 31. Scutellaria zerz;g. — Bubon. | 34. lermiralisa/ha.. — Convallaria frutico/a, foliis pe« t» ;*. L'erminalis angu ;fol. -. tiolatis fparfir lanceolatis, 46. Cauda fe/rs, le C FIcemis rans b cafe fru 37. Cauda fe/is agreffis. —.— ticofo. E 58. Flos cofrcolutus. /' Plumería a/Da, TTA 59, Flos mauilbanus. |. Ny&anthes. | 40. Ligularia. / :Euphorbia serzifojra. Ricinus aur. ^ - | 41. Ricinus ruber, Ricinus cormunis. 42. Granum rioluecum. Croton Tig/ium. A1. Folium. pelypi.. 44 Frutex zquof sat. . "Aralia cbrnenfis ? 25 ? 45. Frutex aquof. femina. 46. Flamma /ylvarum. - -. ixora | cocciuea... 47. Flamma /y/var.peregr.Pavetta indica. |. .....48. Pe- em Planta argento vix folvi poteft ob quotidianum ejus ufum & au- *xüium in periculofis quibusdam morbis y/prefertim vero fpecificum eft re- sedium in omni Cholera , & fluxu Cholerico, ad enormes vomitus fedan- : cs,'in bunc enim flnem zque ejus grana feu officula quam radices cone Ggcunt, illa vero amariffima funt, quotum tria vel quiique fupra porphy- rim cpmaqua conteruntur ac propinantur, Radixitidem cem aqua con- terittr , cujus cyathus fimul ,adfumitpr FO ORONEE etiam ad pluritidem fpuriam, "oeep 1:7 gw» ^48. Petafites amboinen/ts. ^ . 49.Petafites aore/lis. —... Clerodendron. |. so.Caryophyllaft //oreus.Ptelea vifcofa. 51. Folium priucipife. —Muffenda frondefa. 52. Folium Crocodili. — Hedyfarum umbellatum. 53. Frutex Jintearíus. —.- ; uti 34. Bugloffum Jiforeum. Lobelia Plumieri. - $5.Bugloffum Jonuginofum. T ournefortia fazidiffua 2 56. Perlarius przmuxs. | d eecte- 57. Perlarius aer. .$8. Mamanira. $9. Mamanira a/ba. ; : 60. Frutex ceramictus. t Sara 61. Cortex pi/catorum, «Celtis. - 62. Frutex carbonaríts I. Frutex carbon. afper. 63. Folium po/itoríum. | Ficus? Teregam H. M. 3.1.66. 64. Folium calcofum. PA | 65. Frutex excecatfe —.— 66. Cortex Japonartur. .. €Mimofa. 67. Capficum f/y/veflre. | Contorta. 68. Frutex ceraliformis. 69. Pharmacum papetartum. 40. Lignum aquatile. jh 21. Fragarius ruber. Melaftoma a/pera. -—- ^42. Fragarius niger. Melaftoma oczandya., 71. Blimbingum /ylveffre. | 4. Pandanus verus, (g) " 2 s, Pandanus /purrus. — 46. Pandanus humilis, — 47. Pandanus /y/vefiris, 28. Pandanus /atifolius. | 79. Pandanus mofchatus.. — ..C - $o.Pan- ——. Cg) Pandanus genus eft nondum eonftitutem Monecie, Btomees lie forte affünis, fru&y Ambrofis, — ^ ——— udi Lv 2 * eu» )ucs £6, Pandanus ceramicur. ? Folium Baggea véFHH. — 77 -— gi.Folium Bageea martt. landanus Yepenr. — 82. Paddanus fanzcularis. Pandanus carico[use lius, ios? TM &, Folium Zzgve. Bauhinia /candene. - 2. Funis oimimalir. — Securidaca ? volubifrts 3. Funis quadrifidur. ^ 4 Faba martina. Lens plajenbiereepigeneris s. Perrana rubra. : 0$$. Lobus Li/roralis. - Kaku-tall H. M 5 ge 7. Funis gnemoniformie. - b. $. Gnsmon funicularis. Tali H. M, 7. A Aat ^g. Funis vrenf. UU "Tragia frandénse - Ec.ri.Punis papius. . "Contorta.cs 12.Funis erazrum. Coutorta. : b 13.Lacca Lignum. TEASE ETE M MESS 14.Spina o4CcCavimie » d LR ASUDEE JS 1 j. Cudtanus. no , B0 *16, Limonellus. PCT d Seo TT guy D s7, Camunium. - | dp CaL SE gm S7 13. Camonium gere, Vitex2- Camunium Japenenfe.Vitex pinnata 19. Costex confolrdans. 20. Pulaffariuim. "e 3s 21, Lignum Se/olare. | Contar E 22. luba baceifera..——- Menisperrumi Corel 23 Tuba radicum, 24 Tubaf led. (2 Menifpermum Wood s elisa A5. Folium /urarum, — - Menifpermum carelimum-oatis 25. Tuba/Aiguofa. : ^ (labris, 26: Phar- qs35) x. NES 26.PharmacumemagwugPipen s. 0 200 0. 27. irum decumanum. — Piper decumauum, folize corda 28. Sirtum-arborefcens 3. Piper Midamivisatis novemner- . Piper cammuim. soARiper |^ ^ (vrsretieula- £9.Sirioides....- - giasloni d (11s. Saururus . Flospergulanus.. iu oe Cfrute[cens. fon 8o Flos Manore. ....... , Nyetanthes Sainbac.( liie plant. 3v Floscerueus. .—— Chtoria Tennatea. (Plun.t 76, .32. Abrus frutex. Glycine EUM | 33. Vifcum ainboimicum. (E DUM v s 24. Funis uncatus Jatif. LU P E $. Funis 4/26« Tanofuse : .... T3 S M LERNTE XP 2» e UTI 2LN " i. 7 AT ED ! BV Funis marenarnum.. M ela ftoma malabatbrica. es PR EA ae n, t $6. Funis comvolatus. .. .Melaftoma o(faudra. | ^ Qomplanusfunieularit — 07 m" 38.Quis quA X mumo No 0 CAU os TB 39. Sinapifter. JEN. MU UM dU 75 Amara.Htereg. . Croton; ^ — js 40. Olus crudum... .... Contorta A41-Fübis AUuIOALCHSS m uoise t v 42 Vuniszmfarius. | | Vwaria? ^ 43. Rudens:/yvaticu. n 44. Funis. felleus. 4$. Grufta.akborum. - o | - a$. Jafminum Ztoreum. .Volkameria fnevmis: 4, Rubus anoliceus re, Rubus parvifolius, "Rubus;soluccus 2« — Rubus snéluccauus. 49. Frutex qJobulorum, .X3uilandina, ...— 49.Globult majeres; . 'Guilandina. — 5o. Nuge /ylvarum. V —.. Guilandinac; .... 51, Palaijuncus Ge/appar.Calamuss "^ 52. * uger. JXOalamus.- $8. * Que. — Calamus. jM 00 QU. Colamug. iav VIL E93 )oo( [D 1 "HUP TUER Calamus; $6. -« equefiris.. Calamus. - Zalacca, |. Calamus. 58- - Draco. — Calamus. ^? VERA j9.Palmijuncus Aevís. ^ Flagellaria indica. 1 Cantharifera. /— ..— Nepenthes d/flillatoria. |. 6o Muf, ^ 7 Mufa P Tad. 61. Mufa sranofcopore funiarum. - 62. Folium zmen[ariume Folium buccinatum, | 63 Galanga major € miti. Marants! » 64. Lampurjum. Amómum PAM MT 65. Cardamomum z/ms. Amomum. Cardamonum; Bangleum. 66.Zingiber majuf. . AG Zingtber, | Zingiber minus. do 67. Curcuma. — Curcuma /zuga. 69. Zerumbed. — . Curcuma rotunda figura tenu. 69.Zerumbet claviculatum Kempferia roruuda. Soncerus. PTUS E Ae Gandaíulum. | 41. Galanga malaccenfis. Cannacorus. Canna anulo: 42. AÀlcorum. ^" ^ ^ Acorus Calamus verus. . Schenanthum anbojuic Andropogon Schenantbuss 75. Gladiolus edorarus. 44 Arundo /acchbarifera. Saccharum affricinarumts 4j. Ova LE Coix Lacrytmas Lacryma Jobi. jJ: 44. Sorgum. .. Holcus faccharatus. Oryza. . à r 7 s. Panicum. Panicum zza/eum. '. 26 Scfamum. jndicmm, — Sefamum judicum. — P4 : 77. Can "-— es) 7)5r( ex» y 77. Cannabis Zudíca. 29. Ganja fattva. agref[i1s. 79. Ramium 7407u5. Cnicus 4audicufe £0. Indicum. . "Tabacus. 9rApaffa $2. Blitum zndrcu. $5. Blitum fpinofum; -: Blitum fruzefcens 94 Amaranthus. - $5. Trongum bortenfe. $6. Trongum agrelle. Trongum abun. $7.Stramonia /zidíca. $8. Capficum indicum. &9. Mirabilis. - go. Lacca Perba. 7 9 1. Matricaria ///tez/15.. Artemifia /atifolia« 2. Bafilicum 12d:cum. Bafilicum agreffe. . 95. Ozymurm cizratutts " Mentha crifpa. Levifticum fzdícum. Carum. Semperviv, 7juf. 094. Alo€ ataericana. - 95. Planta angtís. - Oxys /utea ind. . 96. Cro:alaria, Laganfa 1. í d. " Piu Lapanfaz2; ^ ^ 05 Cannabis /atroe. 705 Corchorus egflenise | .Corchorus eAtoriuf. Urtica "veg. WU IM) Qu. . Carthamus find/ortüfe ^1. Indigofera fin&oria. Nicotiana. Bromelia como/a., Amaranthus zriffís.. Amerantbus /pigofus. Achyranthes. . 7 Celofia:.crzflata. Solanum. Me/ongena. Solanum zzdícum., — - Datura. Merel. Capficum Jrutícofum. Mirabilis: Zalappa. -Impatiens Bal/amina. Chryfanthem. z4dicut Artemifia. | Ocymum. VAM, Ocymum orariffrmum. - Ocymum renguiflorum. Unmbellata. AiQ8 oivipara. - Cotyledon Jaciniata. Crotalaria xerzu/a. | :Cleome aco[andray -— &itü yd eps que Senapi ; 07. Gallinatí Gallinaris 2. eu. * nh 98. Amica mol uo 99. Flos fiie. : e A ioc.Flos £upius. ... Flos [e | 101. Màjana rubra, 102. Melifla: Jotoria,; Marrübibrmà aÍhip. " Majorana aurea." 103. Sonchus rci Sonchus. velibilis, | 104. Herba /eriehs. 105. Tulipa jawaua. z06. AÁtum Jattvun. n 107. Arufüi Jalvepfre, ^ 108. Árum aquaticum, 109. Arum COypIIum. 1 10. Caladium aguarirs Arifzrum amborütt ^ G5TISP nÉ gn Paeltome. iftofasi ise ns. "afia Sophera:. s BLISS) Caffia Tora. | 3Polianthes: tuberofas | "Otchis fufamme. :.. 2 ' "PEntapetes phamice... z CU HA globoja. .: EK CN OH jA GN pena inda, !£heiliafonehilal !'. Conyza cbinenfiss y Qxalis- fezfiriva: ., Amaryllis zeylanicd. (ds "Arum-arborefcens 2. - Arum fazartrfoliuims Arum o9aum. ^0 Arum colacafra; so A:Nrum efcilentum Aram zrilobum. X1rI. Arifarum, efculentumi (Arum: peregrinume - Draeunculus UE "Arum divaricatunsz 3:2. lacca /üfio2. ^v 115, l'acca ADU CP " 1 14. Tacca /rterea. 5. 115. Tacca muntaug. Y16.Piper Jengum. — Sirü féliup. ^s] i17.S8iibód c 000 1:5. Sirium Jyloeffras 110, Sirium rerreffyd, Siriumifrigidams 9i 120, U bium. vu/gaere. e RÍT 3e Cd uet H Dr acontium porypey tatis infkcacomium; "m i8. Piper zlmalago: 2 Piper Jonguxt s. - A SUPEper Simibeaoo £027 Piper Malauiris. - ba uU A iih di ] ;slPiper. 1 GEAR | Diocotea pho. 121, vs wEO Hi ZA --o TS e2 ud - lbium -oemp. i n 2j tiw» ETIBUTS. diestotims '' Diofcorea: appofitifolftte . I bium ansebnan. i7 Diofeoreaveppofitfolfa.o «s. Ü 195. Ubium eznrver[arium. Diofcorea oppofi. tifulias 324. Ubium pomiferume. ' Diofcorea bulbiferaJ-. . Ubium ovale. "Diofcorea bslbifera.^ 8, » Y Yi6:Combilium. "^7" Diofcorea: eileata.) "uiu27.Ubtum quieto Diofcorea pentapb Jas. 54 og. Ubiade/yfóeflrev^.— SDiofcorea. tripla 2 hit x29. Ubium 7 add og saei zs -Atragene? 130. Datatéa. 7 ^ 005 4Convolvulus gei /?X 131. Patatta / nianhiolac z UDIN ir 131. Glans zerreffrig- O5 « iude psg CacafDulbojas ^ Dyolichus vaina pd | 155 Latus atiampnlaric 5, Dolichus teratonalobury , "egn- fà4. Do Xichusebzuenfts. ATA (nümibus membranaceo - 33 5 Lobus macberoides. - Dolichus en/, formis, ( rio; am »Phafsolus £alicus? ^J OytifüsCajano |^ - (gatos 136. Cacara PES Bolichus lignofi ans. 137. Cacara 2/bgs* o. nvpX 2 E 139. Cicara dora. - Phafeolus gerere 139: Pbafeolus minors - Phafeólus minimus. d ati Want f 149. Cadeliumz ^ iioc . Phafeolus n in | ? hafeolüs eylbidracens | 141 Cacara liforeds. * ; Dolichus DH » Phafeolus mairimuy! B gei Cacara prfofa.. M JMfigupe am lames 142. Cacara pruritus... TYolichus prurrenr; caule volubili, 143 Camolenga. ^ - toe Cucurbita Pepe legat: pibus vas 3 44. Cucurbita J-ortdHi:: Cucurbita lagenaria.tcomoófie bir- 145. Cucürbita DILGATT S. DUM: 55 flexuéfis t FL 9f 532) 146. Anguria judica: ' Cucurbita Crzrullus, Cucumis /f nenfs. $e i 387 .Petola M SUADED -Moinordicá Lf, NC GYWAUUX CY e " 14$. Petola - SEX )a:4€( &*9» 148. Petola angurua,-.. c Cucumis fatrous varietas? fructu. 149. Petola beugalenlir. -.. Cucumis acutangulus. ( flexuofo. 150. Petola /y/veflris. MOD ou os vani 151. Amara indica... Momotdica indica. 151. Amara /y/vefliris.... Momordica Balf/amina? Olus velpertilonis. M omordica frifolia; foliis Fertid« 153.Poppya,.. -— — Momordica, ——— (ris dentatis. 15j4.,Pomum amoris. ^ : Solanum Lycoperftcon. Gandola. ;. ^. BafellarWbra. 15. Olus vagum. Convolvulus Medium. -— "Flos cardinalis. . Ipomqeea Quaroclit. 156. Seruneum üquatile. V erbe(ina. . Chamebalanus japeníca. Arachis bypog ea. 157. Convolvulus lev.1aj. Convolvulus peltatus. TH 158. Convolv. /evis miter. Convolvulus. Convolv. ceruleus. : Due ^A 159, Convolvulus marinus. Convolvulus Pes capre. Convolvulus ripartuss SL UM 160. Convolvulus fetidus. Conrorta. 161. Pfeudochina zmboinenJ. Smilax China. .. 162. Ubium zummulartum. Diofcorea oillofa? 165.Funis crepitans. .. " Ciffus oirzrginea, 164.Vitis alba. — Bryonia cordrifolra, Folium eaufont f. Vitis zvifo/7a. 167. Labrufca mólucca. —.— Vitis indica. 168. Radix veficatorid. ^ Plumbago radica. 169. Pes equinus. Hydrocotyle afiatícds Empetrum acete[um. . Begonia. 170. Serratula amare. Scutellaria 7zdrca, Crufta. ole. ' Ruellia agaripoda.. 371. Cucumis mürinus. ET. «s 372. Corona aríadmes. — Contorta. 17 4. Suffuela e/culenta« — Contortae 174. Olus. crepitaus.. Contorta. | ^» 175. Nummularia zzajor, — Cettterta 176. —— 146. Nummularia grzor. — Contortd. 05 o0 175. Puflula arborum 3. .— Mirabilis plantasfolics amplexi Peponafter. - |. «caulibuse fulcimentis 177. Radix pucorenija, Aviftolochia 25díca. (adna[cen- 178. Oculus affaci. . Ciffus | (uibur. "Olus crepiraus 44$... €ontorta, | /wT79.Funis foacce. ^ ^ Contorta. 150. Olus fanguis. Difcorea fattva. 181. Adpendix arborum. — Pothos Jarrfolius, foliis ovatis, 182. Adpendix precellanica. Vothos, petiolo laztoribus, . Adpendix ere&a. | | 195. Adpendix cufeuaria. "Adpendix Jaciniata- p 194. Adpendix duplofofío. Pothos feandess petiolis foliorum Cuffuta. |... . Caflytha Aformie. (latitudiac. — TOMUS VI. 3. Cyperus rotundus. Cyperus. — 2. Cyperus longus. | 3. Cyperus dulci. — | | Gramen capitatum. Scirpus gfomeratus, — 4. Gramen vaccizum. Cynofurus egypriur. — Gramen repeti. : Gramen /upplex. $. Gramen actculatuim. . Hippogroftis ambornica, 6, Gramen avQguenr. . Calamagroilis, —. ^ 4. Gramen polytrichbum, (b) Gtramen ecarinofum., «c -Phenix montand, $. Carex ambotutca. M j | Lithofpermum zmborn.Coix Laeryma job.atitea V."7. . .— Arundinella. - "Commelina. | | | 1o. Crà- [2] Eriocavlon fetaceum, ^ Saccharum fpicatum. GAP )26( 8*5 — to, Crategomum ambeíz, Spermacoce, — 05 Yr. Auris canta, ^ ^ Achyranthes Joppaeea: 12. Herba memoriz. Achyranthes a[pera. TAS He 15. Prunella po?tenfrr. "nao 14. Senecio ab. [yloefiris, — 15. Olus fquillarum. - Goriphieni Jeff lis. Agrimonia moluted. —Pidens bipimmata. .46. Majorana fütida, ^^ AlepecuvoVeronica FI. Zeyl. 4r. 37. Herba imévorisalba;! Phyllanthus Niruri. à Herba mroris rubra. Phy lanthus Urinarid, ib 3 $. Ecliptica. | Verbefind. à Silagurium angu/l;fol. Sida fpinofa.- 19. Silagurium vueare, Sida aluifolia, 20. Ürtica mortta. ^. .-'Vrapia Mercurialis. | Urtica decinana. —— Urtica iuterrupta. 21. Herba viriZernum. ; — Juffiea fuffruticoJa. 21, Folium ziz&oru. . Juffiea purpurea. ——. 23. Efula e/culeuta. ^ Euphorbia Airta.. 24 Halicacabus zndicuf. | Cardiofperrm. Halicacabum. 1;:.Laàppago Laciuieta., Urena finuata. 26. Halicacabus smgor. ^ Phyfalis pubefcent, Halicaéabus baccifer . Solanum /igruit. 27. Palmifilix, 28. Filix aquatica.- 29 Filix e/culeutae Filix amboinica. 30. Lonchitis auboin. 32. Diyopteris zriplex. — Ophtogloflum Jeanden. 35 Adiantum volubile, — Ophtogloffum flexaojum. 34. Capillus veneri», Adianturm. 3;. Filix /lorida.. ^ . Ofinunda. ^86. SNO indicum, Polypodium quercifoliam. 3^ Phyllitis DURTUNS - Scolo- €*9 j327;( 5t» Scolopendria.- Oghiogloffám peridulum, folris 3$ Filix caluinarit. —— linearibus lougif/emis fubindroifiss 89. Mufcus fruticefcent. Lycopodium plumofum? 40. Cingalum zerre. —— Lycopodtum canalreulatum: Barba faturmi. | - — Lycopodium cernuum. Mufcus capilloris. Renealmia z/neórdef. qr Equifetum aiiboiu. — Lycopodium PA/egmaria, —— Folium petroleum. 0 | 4^ Angrecum fcriptum. Epidendrum,: : - 4544 Angrecum album... Epidendrum amabile Angrecum rubrum, | .Epidendrum.: ' Angraecum quintum... Epidendrum. 45; Angrecum flavum, , Epidendrum. 46. Angrecum furoupt | Epidendruim, 47. Ànprzcum caninum, Epidendrum; 43. Angrecum gervofum, Epidendrum. - 49. Angrecum fexatile.. Epidendrum, Angrecum purpureum.Epidendrum, $0. Angrecum purpur. Epidendrum. | * Angrecum zerrefire. $1. Herba /upplex. — 53 Involücrum, Y y2. Flos zriplicatuf. —..- Orchis, 54 Orchis major 3... Orchis /frateumatica. Orchis minor 2. Orchis cubitalis. 55. Nidus germinamns e Formicis tnonfirofus bulbus. $8.Macuerus - . Urticay.-— ! $3. Lomba, - Piper pelatum, : 5. 60. Globba Jonga. (£D) ru. 61. Globba crz/pa. : Globba uviforiif. Globba ar*is. | -. 62.65. Globba /y/vellris, | vide Merian-[urinam. " MAN à MU HE | 64. Het» Q) Globbe genus fingulare, Monandris ttilocplaribug affinis, ev» )?8( 64. Herba fpivafis. —— Tyne 465. Abc daria, ^ ^ — Verbefina /Acnella. T 66. Phafeolus ziontamus, Hedyfarum gangeticull 67. Amoeena me/!g. .— affa procumbens 2 Pilofella a/b0/8. . 1 Mo 'Terebinthina, 63. Menthaflrum aber. —— za. ü Ophiogloffum fmp/ex O phiogloffum pricatums - Ophiogloff /aciniatum Ofmunda Zeylantca. 60. Radix roxicarig. ^ | Crinum afraticum. 40. Cepa /ylvefiris. Pancratium MNarbonenfes Lilium zavanjcum. ^ Pancratium Zeylagicum. 7:1, Aquifolium £udrcutit, AAcanthus zlicrfofius. 72. Crithmum zndzcum, 'Portulaca PortvJlacafirum. 73. Nymphaa major. — Nympheea Nelumbo. ——— 43- Y mphaa mimor, ^ Menyanthes :/díea. 74. Millefolium aquat, — Acroftiehum /iliquojnu, Plantago aquatica. . Piftia Srrartozes. — - 75. Olus paluflre.... ."Pontederia. — 46, Sargafluin pelagium, Fucus natans. — TO FROM SUBJECT: 5010-108 OPTIONAL. FORM NO. 10 MAY 1962 EDITION GSA FPMR (41 CFR) 101-11.6 UNITED STATES GOVERNMENT Memorandum File with library copy of Stickmann'S DATE: ]19 Sept 1974 "Herbarium Amboinense" (1754) D. Nicolson MA. Acceptance of Rumphian Names At my request Dr. Robert Brooks reviewed the translation of "... acquiescere...plantis evidentissimis, multasque seponere..... iv DHiS simply means "to accept the most obvious plants and to set aside many." This really does not mean much and a reconsideration of the entire paragraph leads Dr. Brooks to believe that what Stickmann is saying is: 1. This is a little work (opusculum), i.e., limited. 2. I have matched as many Rumphian plates with names of plants in the Linnaean Herbarium as possible. 3. Many plants which are well described by Rumphius could not be matched. Because this is only a limited work no Linnaean names have been given to these and they (the Rumphian names) have been neither accepted nor rejected but simply set aside for future study. In short, the entire paragraph may be understood as saying: "Rumphius' "Herbarium Amboinense" arrived after editing of the Species Plantarum and could not be incorporated. I thought it useful to compare the Rumphian plants with the Herbarium of Linnaeus to connect the names. I give the obvious matches, I felt compelled to leave many Rumphian names without Linnaean equivalents, not because of Rumphius (who is second only to Rheede in describing plants in the finest detail), but because this is only a little work." Buy U.S. $avings Bonds Regularly on tbe Payroll Savings Plan eel i eeu 3.5'.7 Im UN S EMES muc nian Arrest E. n TP TE dn dL October 10, 1975 Dr. Werner Greuter Conservatoire et Jardin botaniques ; postale GIr-1211 Geneve 21, Switzerland | 5 Re: Alopecuro-veronica L. (Amoen. Acad. . Dear Werner: : 7 143. 1759). It is apparent that your comment on p. 468 (Committee proceedings) was influential in the Committee's final opinion that Alopecuro-veronica is invalid. Most taxonomists will be glad to refer to the publication —— , án Taxon that this worthless name was still-born. I hope, however, you — will be willing to consider my remarks (see enclosed copy of my letter - to T McVaugh of 3 February 1973. | —- You will note that the ''5 singulares" are not so much an addition to the thesis "Herbarium Anboinense'" as they are the left-over elements Linnaeus could not put in his systematic arrangement entitled "Flora Amboinensis." They are elements for which he could not count stamens . . (Monandris or not) or pistils (Monogymia or not). You should aiso note that the entire "Flora Amboinensis'" is a Sup- plement to the thesis "Herbarium Auboinense." The fact that the name 4 was not accepted (still in italics) in the thesis portion is not as significant as the fact that rid are pres (in Roman type) in the - "Flora Auboinensis. " I would appreciate your fecnisideretlnn of valid publication in this publication, not so much for Alopecuro-veronica, as for Casuarina . and Canarium. These considerations affect 1.N.G. and people interested in stabilization of names, With best regards, Dan H. Nicolson Curator. Department of Botany ud si otaay d fray , VINA TR EET I Sg os ers — - (]moen. Acad. 4: 137-143. 1759) and its App mdp . The committee report emphasizes that rx constitute revis Linnaeus! mec E Planer E 1, p. pd the Palmae n the February 3, 1975 Dr. Rogers McVaugh University of Michisan Herbarium University of Michigan . Ann Arbor, Michigan 48 48104 Dear Rogers: It was with sone dismay I read that the Committee for a okecar hyta had voted not to reject Alopecure-veronica L., Amoen. Acad, 4 145. 1759 in favor of Po Ostemon Desf. (1915) and lla Blume (1826). This problen cone to uy attention in connect with 3 2, the Flora of Hassan District ct Qsore, India). Bakhuisen et al, (Taxon 19: 821. 1970) made an excellent pro- posal but convinced only one member of the committee that the unfor- tunste name, Al -veronica, was validly published. Bakhuisen did not mention, -- your committee perhaps did not recognize, what I consider to be the special significance of the Flora Auboinensis dx (l.c. pl. 1 italics in the right hand column of MM Chsaís cert Jabelosh fis se) cs colusmn of main thesis, Herbarium Amboinen are contrasted with the accepted generic names (in Homan t Ronan type in right hand column of the main thesis). 1 agree. However, the entries ia the Appendix are in Roman type (accepted by Linnaeus) and whst appears in the right hand column of the wein thesis. Each of these revised entries must bo reviewed to determine if other requirements for valid publication are satisfied. Bofore doing this, it should be noted that the title, Appon ? was erroneously inserted before Palmae, instead of sfter it. | ET The generic names Soccus, Durio, and dM | ahtsugh clearly accepte à u$, sre not validiy published under Article u ince there are no generic descrippions nor refer- — ence te Prec dierum to the genera in that rank. r s. 7, n Moe xxEMC T WM t. ^ mero in AS VLpmm s 179. -- UO ^g Qr ETT. nM lalá p je RV ri- rn HE TRE x E : ) P E " : PF "- M a ert T v a teg ! 3 L i P E Tw - ; h E E ) x " AM am 4 "t 3 ) £g pec i e r - x 2. The diaieln names Lens and istica , although clearly accepted not only here, but in the text of the original thesis (p. 18 and p. 8) and in the second edition (p. 128 and p. 120), are also not validated under Article 41 since there are no generic descrip- tions nor references to previous descriptions of genera in that rank. $. I agree with Dr. Fosberg (personal communication) that a case can be made for regarding Ar Pseudo-sandalum and istica as validated under Article 42 by Linnaeus! citation of the an illus- trations. These genera are deu and new, and the species on which they are based are nomenclaturally new, i.e., not previously validly published. However, discussion of this question is beyond the purpose of this letter. 4, Canarium (sphalmste Cansrius vel Cenarium), clearly accepted (p. 143], is validated by the description in the footnote at the p oehdiia of p. 121. The binomial, C. indicum, is also validated by the same description under Article 42. 6a eje Set" Casuarina, clearly accepted here . 143), is validated by the description in the footnote at the bo6tom of p. 125. The binomial, C. eq ubt (sphaimate C. ifolia), is also validated by the Same de intion under Article qqsiietum Alopecu o -veronica , Clearly accepted here (p. 143) is validated by t | Oo Fl. Zeyl., which is expanded on p. 154 to Fl. yl. 411, a reference to uS description of genus 411, : AUTS trie veronica € on à p. 193 of Linnaeus' Flora ies (1747), It is true and ic type, but he does [9: 821. 1970) pointed out, the ref to s piam. description in Fl. Zeylanica validates & spheric name accepted by Linnaeus, : just as Pteroca renti phus Tas d, Reap | Buneric escription o genus 41 on p. 1 eus! Eli danica (1747). — ! S Veficdack F1. ien. AU. 417 to. * 1 urge you and the Committee to reconsider your present In nendation and to menda ecomnend Penteration of hyila (1826) and | Pogostemon cna» against A Alopecuro-v EEUU Sincerely yours, Dan H. Nicolson Curator siyce it: appears in Romen type. generic -Ienheiro efi 20 975 (Off .q bus $ST .q) -qioesb breneg on exs era! e»dis Ib. vin 100$ n sremeg 1o enoijgbroenb es5o 5 Jadi (robreolsasmen. lemen) g Lou .XAbilgv xIatioverq 300 149.1 aet vILemsIogemcm e2oqxug mit acted ES droifaecp zlii 1o noisenoaibo à i e net E oz - x Tas I ) hls: Las eb erstse s odi vd befehllsy si RR | .Iginonid edT WEB US feb fieret rnH Sold ors eradw OPE LL Commentary on the names in Stickman's Herbarium Amboinense by F. R. Fosberg The dissertations of the students of Linnaeus are mostly known to - ^ botanists through the republication, often somewhat revised, in Linnaeus' Series Amoenitates AÁcademiciae. The originals appeared, usually singly at the Tice they were defended by the students, and, as is true of EUR present day graduate degree theses, their publication was rather obscure. They were regarded by Linnaeus as subject to revision and doubtiess 3s superceded by the revisions and more formal publication in the Amoenitates. Their authorship, and especially that of the new names. that first appeared in them, has been the subject of much argument and is even now not a matter of complete agreement. According to Dr. William T. Stearn (personal conversation, 1970) they must be ascribed to Linnaeus mseit, as they were largely written by him and assigned to the students to be defended publicly for the degree to which they aspired. Merriil also adopted this view in his Interpretation of Rumphius Herbarium Amboinense,. p. 335, 1917.-— I have some TeservECions about this but will defer to those who are far more accomplished Linnaean scholars than I am, and will, until shown otherwise, continue to ascribe these names to Linnaeus. The names under consideration here are certain generic names, binomials, and trinomials, that were published effectively by Rumphius prior to 1753 in his 6 volumes of the Herbarium Amboinense, 1741-1750, and which were repubiished in 1754 in Olaf Stickman's dissertation on Rumphius Herbarium Amboinense. .This is a very small booklet that lists fo selection of Rumphius'! generic names, binomials and trinonials ;indi- cating, where possible, their equivalents in Linnaeus' own system, or, ailing that, in a few cases, equivalents in the Éostus Malabaricus of Rheede or in other works. Por a considerable number of them, no equiva- lent d, and my presumption is. that Linnaeus was oca aM the Rusphian names and the illustrations and descriptions that accompanied them in their original place of publication, the Herbarium Amboinense. in the introduction to the dissertation Linnaeus (or Stickman).gave lavish prfabe to the botanical acumen of the old Dutchman. It must be remembered that the date 1753 did not then have the Special significance it does now, nor did the concepts of valid WEE tion and legitimate or illegitimate names exist, at least in their modern sense. Linnaeus did not look on pre-1753 names as invalid and he only rejected names when he selected or coined what he regarded as more appro- priate ones or when he placed them in synonymy. r. We must examine the Rumphian names listed in Stickman's dissertation both in the light of the customs of the times, especially those of Linnaeus, and of the International Code of Botanical dou CE uL edition, 1972). We cannot assume that Linnaeus was rejecting these names, except as, in many cases, he equated them with his own names or those of Pheede- He was merely giving his ideas of what (hitey were in the already recorded botanical knowledge of his time. Of course, 5 accepted. y preference, Such names as appeared in his own compendium, the Species Plantarum (ed. 1, 1753) and also some 22 binomials that he had not yet published, For some 270 others he had no choice, at that time, but to accept Rumphius' ^mames and the information they conveyed, (the plates with accompanying text). There is no hint in his lengthy introduction that he rejected them, and certainly it is stretching one's credulity to assume that they were only mentioned incidentally. For what purpose? It would seem, rather, that these were selected for publication because Linnaeus con- sidered that they represented real, recognizable plants, even though he had no personal knowledge of them. I have no suggestion at this time as to why he listed some and ignored others. Possibly a critical examination of Rumphius' texts might reveal a reasom. These names, with the exception of a few to which there are short footnotes, are only accompanied by the numbers of the plates to which they refer, iod sheed in six lists under their respective ids numbers. They Eva been almost universally regarded as nomina nuda (Merrill (by inference) 1917, pp. 51-34; Bullock, 1959 p. ). To do this was to isenore two significant facts. One is that by virtue of being listed g g Herbarium Amboinense, the entire subject of the disserta- pcr ime SUN [lf icem LE, A FTU E un T bid V rp "uu -- tion, they were accompanied by reference to 8 previously and effectively A published descriptions and illustrations. Two, if this form of general reference is deemed insufficient, the plate numbers accompany them, which constitute precise and definite references, These satisfy, in every respect, the requirement for valid publication by such .reference (Seattle Code Art, 32). i cannot accept arguments based on Linnaeus' supposed intention or lack of intention to publish these names, Hé did effectively and validly publish them. They are new names in the Code sense, being post starting- Merrill, in his monumental Interpretation of Rumphius' Herbarium ÀÁmboinense (1917), though he presumably regarded these names as nomina nuda, accepted the references to their earlier effective publication through the plate numbers as establishing the Rumphian plates and text as the types of such of these names as came into use later, ihe one further objection to these names that remains to be dealt with is that they are sometimes said to have been published in a work. quee. Lr that did not consistently follow the Linnean binomial system of botanical nomenclature. This can undoubtedly be said of pud cue] "ees work, including the post-1755 Auctuarium, but not of Index Universalis. However, examination of the names selected for inclusion in the Stickman dissertation shows that with few exceptions they fall into three categories: (1) monomial generic names, (2) binomials, and (3) trinomials corresponding to Linnaeus' varieties except that the Greek letters are lacking. aod on the trinomials occur B RAE mu sisting of the same binomial with a different adjectival varietal epithet in each member of the pair. There seems no essential difference here from " * linnaeus' normal practice, except deference to Rumphius in omitting the Greek letters. Disregarding the names in the lists for which Linnaeus designated his own already published equivalents, thus Aeg CN E the Rumphisn names ep synonymy, there are 270 names to be d ciderodt in Stickman's list, These do not include the 24A. for which the Linnaean equivalents had not yet been published. These latter constitute a vena. SI EENC; difficult group, as the two alternative names are both published here | | for the first time post-e1755. We must, I think, assume that the Linnaean names are those accepted by the author, and therefore the others are rele- gated to synonymy. Of the 270 unassigned names a part must be rejected as the generic names correspond to terms currently used in morphology (Art 20), such as Arbor, Lignum Q Radix, etc." These number ; leaving names still to be considered. Of these some are identical with already published generic names, such as Saponaria and Capraria. These a ouibably to be regarded as later homonyms, HEN they » be shown to be based on the same types as the Linnaean names. The other minomials are generic in form and there is no apparent reason for not regarding them as validly published generic names. Of the remaining, Some binomials, e.g., Arundo farcta, belong to genera appearing in Linnaeus Genera Plantarum ed. 5, regarded as published in 1755, hence are vaiidly published names. Of the remaining names, are mono- typic. Thus, their descriptions are to be regarded as generic-specific in the sense of Art. 42, making them also validly published generic and SEN MES A^ specific names. The remaining names, except for the Canarium species, which genus has an uncontestable description in a footnote on p. 10, mI queo eU e | | arte invalid as more than—gme-species £g assigned to one genus, thus refer- A fing in case of each generic name to more than one previously effectively published description or illustration. Thus, generic names and binomials are first validly published in 1754 in Stickman's dissertation. da attempt to check the earliest valid publication of Casuarina and its type species, usually ealled Casuarina equisetifolia, Casuarina has variously been ssse--ed to Linnaeus (1759), Adanson (1763), and the Forsters (1775). I had accepted Linnaeus, Amoenitates Academiciae 4:125, 143, 1759, as the place of publication, basing this on the reference to a previously and effectively published plate and description by Rumphius, e : Herb. Amb. £: t.57, 173p. Safford, however, (Contr. U.S. Nat. Herb. 9: 2*0, 1905) refers to Stickman's Herb. Amb. 1754, with no further comment. The nomenclature in Safford's work was done by W. F. Wight, whose opinions are to be respected, though he worked under a different Code than that in Li irat sese Ag 2 * de LL a UP v n NDA v A "n - Eoi pr ji T Ld NT TA M Very fortunately a copy of the very rare Stickman's dissertation jedes in the Smithsonian library, so it was possible to check the refer- ence by Wight. On page 12 is listed "57 Casaarina litorea' with no linmeen equrvalent. . Since the reference is to the Rumphian Casuarina and since Linnaeus corrected the spelling to Casuarina in the Jenitates AIEALILS. 1759, the spelling with aa may be regarded as a typographic or orthographic error subject to correction. There is in the dissertation no mention of any other specific epithet than litorea, which is taken directly from Rumphius. .Ín the Amoenitates, in the revised version of the dissertation, under the title of Herbarium CUPS. on page |5.5 , the name appears as Casusarina litorea. However, appended to the Herbarium Amboinense is what is titled Flora Amboinensis, which is an arrangement of many of the species from tke dissertation according to Linnaeus sexual system. An appendix (D. 145) to this contains a short list called "Singulares." These were obviously piants that did not fit easily into the system, They are: des Soccus | 1-30-34 | : Durio 1-29 $ Canarius. 2-47-54 Casuarina equisefolia [sic] 5-57 ——— Canarium indicum 2-47-56 i Mei 3 4 6 Lens phaseoloides 5-4 : MEUM UD EE EU. 4. c Alopecuro-veronica F. Zeyl.- 6-16 cede eem s E M qure ———ÓM RN Myristica . uec V nm CN : Pseudo-sandalum 2-12 : ME | r Ihe spelling of the epithet equisefolia may be regarded as an ortho- 5 graphic error and, as such, has been universally corrected to equisetifolia. I raus MeuieMeA E AUS naa, - Oo ct he best of my knowledge Linneaus did not again refer to this plant, certainly not in Systema ed. 10 (1759)«or Species Plantarum eds. 2 and 5. The genus Casuarina appeared next in Adanson's Familles des Plantes, 1765. Casuarina equisetifolia appeared next in the Forsters' Characteres : ESET de: | We now must, in my opinion, accept the following: Casuarina L., Diss. Stickman 12, M54 [o Core s a] s dues Diosa e ; 4 f: . Casuarina litorea L., A12, 1754, . Rough translation of last paragraph of Stickman's . Introduction. Since the valuable work had not come to our shores 3 at the time when Linnaeus editted his Species Plant. hac it came about that the names of Rumphius, which for " the most part illustrated the rarest plants of the Indies, could not be incorporated... consequently *a I believed that my work would not be ddspleasing to botanists if I were to compare the plants of XkE Rumphius with the herbarium of Iinnaeus in order to extract and connect the names. I felt the need in this little work to acquiesce (pass over 7?) sn the most obvious plants and to set aside many since the author (Rumphius) deppite the century in which he lived knew how to describe &nd delinéate the most minute parts of frukbtifications, in which he ypilàs only to the author of Hortus Malabricus. Informal translation by R. A. Brooks l7 Huly 197 The eritical part is the translation of "AcquiescereX .... plantis evidentissimis, multasque seponere...." To accept the most ebvious plants (species?) and À set &side many. Mesrtnmg accepting Linnaean names for obvious matches and nothing for others. Or To aecept the Rumphian names for what were obviously plants (but nnnaemable) and &ssigning Linnaean names to the others. | EIE ER EN FR a. e t o Meeting of Nieolson,& Fosberg & Stafleu on Stickman. November 22, 19Th. Issue was mXexmH joined over the definition of the word "new" in Art. 36 "and in Art. l2. SGStafleu would define it as "newly described" and Fosberg and Nicolson interpreted it as "nomencl&urally new," i.e., not previously validly named. EXAMPLE: Myristica is interpreted as a new X4xEX genus based on à new species by Fosberg & Nicolson under ARt. h2 represented by Nux Mysistica Rheede, Herb. Amb. ?: pl. à since nothing was previously validly named and all elements are nomenclaturally new. Stafleu would say that Rhhede's $886he$s not new EXKEE £z from Eug Linnaeus's point because it was already described and illustrated, Stafleu's position would be clarified if "new species" in Art. À2 were changed to "newly described species." ENW Also if "new taxon" in Art. 36 were | ehanged to read "taxon." The first change would agree with all examples quoted under At. ho. The second change would make kXkm Art. 36 concord with Art. 32, the general article, and make Art. 36 pertain only to when Latin description was required. AU ge" TP NC aM Los auf lu tri oa. og a ent Les t, I Metro Il Eod PA ir , 2 SX See Qe Fy0 Ced... 3 peo 27 / [I t E] V | P. e Lec | , qf "p po Ji ^ Tes CN PHAT RT NEA / , N h fef 4 UE - P me. a , Py m £- £. " gna H diria y JA. Aul eos [ol £s , /ÁA der CE va fPhe[a 12. al rol. unes der. Cle C hasta IST IP tnn 4j : ^ -— zy 7 AN d ' jj Wwe * duo pedt 2/5]f£a3 Fd $; vh ul WPsFUe hv y Apo Pda ivy. c Mail, ^J. L VF /j p. ] 4 / , P. * j Pr» )/ 4 n : P^ nb PF 2d Eu ^et. d | aya & PA À AU J^ AT Ae. d; y " p Jj ; " f 3 Ay b aS CE apum la- 4 i p ] ü H m kF É $J P T RN WoMgwci ATO M Lex | VALIDITY OF NEW GENERIC NAMES USED BY LINNAEUS IN STICKMAN'S HERBARIUM AMBOINENSE COUUESTUCLOTUTDOT UE UT T Uo POE MILI NGEEEE COXGNCERUEE CO XP CUM EDD NM COSS GU NOME ON CON DN CE END NCMO ANDA CER Ce UCUP CIN MNA ÉL ONE CUN D. H. Nicolson July . 1974 ——— 4 Review of the first edition (1754) indicates that asd Vefoceuns Mw Myristica is first validly published here. The genera cited in footnotes (Canarium, Casuarina, Pandanus and Giobba) were not accepted and, for that reason, are not validly published. In the Appendix to the second edition (1759), the following genera are accepted and validly published: Durio, Casuarina, Canarium, Alo ers Meu and Pseudo-sandalum. Pseudo-sandalum L. (1759) has priority over Osmoxylon Miq. (1865) which should be considered for Ere ere erret temm ETT y guns ERE REPRE RR BREED EE EE . Dandy (Regn. Veg. 51: 15. 1967) notes that this work is "A list of jilants figured in Rumphius's Herb. Amb. (1741-50) with the equivalent Linnaean botanical names (where available) given in the right hand v VE the Linnaean generic names being printed in Roman type." Thus, it would appear that there is no doubt that the names appearing in the right hand column in Roman type were accepted by Linnaeus. Dandy states that the only new generic name validiy published is Pterocarpus (p. 10). , 2 8. ud c noy - . EA z z . . "Honcretersctothe previous description in Linnaeus' Flora Zeylanica. It must be noted that, even had Linnaeus * * 4 ^ $5 zi - h not inserted the reference to Flora Zeylanica, the accepted , . Will Hhvf, di ^ 2. name Pterocarpus would be validated by reference to the P Rumphian plate 70 in vol. 2 called Lingonum by Rumphius. Another generic name validly published by Linnaeus is Myristica (p. 8) which is listed in the right hand (Linnaean) column in Roman type and is validated by reference to Nux Myristica Rumphius, plate 4 of vol. 2. Myristica d (1754) replaces the conserved Myristica Gronov. (1755). The latter fads should be deleted from the list of Nomina Conservanda since its conservation serves no purpose. The generic name Lens (p. 18) is validly published, as is the binomial Lens phaseoloides, by reference to Faba "marina Rumphius, plate 4 of vol. 5. M However, this use of Lens, published in May, 1754, is antedated by Lens Miller (Jan. 1754). There are four generic names which might be considered as accepted by Linnaeus, although they do not appear in the right hand column: Canarium, Casuarina (misspelled as Casaarina), Pandanus and Globba. Each of these is the subject of a footnote. Article 34 requires that a name be accepted by an author in order to be validly published. Had these generic names appeared in the right hand column in Roman type, like Pterocarpus, nOIITWu cp ul Lens, there would be no doubt that they were accepted by Linnaeus. Because they do not appear in. the right hand column, I do not consider that Linnaeus accepted these generic names, rather the footnotes only represent incidental comments by " HELM 12* fe -— | la. Pf Lis], the author who does not intend to introduee a new name (Art? 34,5 Note 2). The first footnote (p. 10) refer$ to Dammara nigra Rumphius, which is surrounded by Rumphian taxa called Canarium, and says, Canarium est distinctum genus. Eni 2-Li10ds. Detala Stamh. 5. Stylus cylindricus capitatus. Drupa sicca: Nucleus subtrigonuj. This may be reosdvas 'Ossnacrum iss d wuisptanet genus: vUGdlyx 2-f105 pevabscó.-wStumens- 5. €-Stylbecylamdricalcapitate. -Drupe dry: stone subtrigonous." Linnaeus is only commenting that this is a distinct genus, not establishing a new genus. Ihe second generic footnote (p. 12) refers to Casuarina litorea Rumphius and says, Generis propril, singularis arbor, Equiseti structura. This may be read as "Singular tree of its own genus with the structure of Equisetum." Linnaeus is cu only making C ons not establishing a new genus. The third footnote (p. 17) refers to Pandanus verus Rumphius, which is followed by a number of taxa called Pandanus by Rumphius, and says, Pandanus genus est nondum constitutum Monoeciae, Bromeliae forte affinis, fructu Ambrosiae. This may be read, essentially as did St. John Draxon 12: 202. 1965), "The genus Pandanus is not yet established, of the Monoeciae, strongly similar to Bromelia with the VUES er. Ambrosia." Again Linnaeus is only making some observations, not recognizing a genus novum. -4- The fourth generic footnote (p. 27) refers to Globba longa Rumphius which is followed by other Rumphian taxa of Globba and says, Globbae genus singulare, Monandris tri- locularibus affinis. This may be read as "The singular genus of Globba is similar to the Monandriae with three locules." This is observation, not a new genus. Dandy (p. 15) states that "the Rumphian names mentioned in these footnotes cannot be regarded as generic in the absence of any indication that Linnaeus regarded them as such." Linnaeus refers to each one of these as "genus" and that is clear evidence that he regarded them as of the rank of genus. However, I do not consider that Linnaeus accepted any of these footnoted genera as new, only as "distinct," "of its own genus; "not yet established," or "singular." Had Linnaeus accepted them they would hàve appeared in the right hand column in Roman type. It is interesting to trace these incidentally mentioned generic names to their point of valid publication. Two of them were validated by Linnaeus in 1759, one was validated by Linnaeus in 1771, and the other was first validly published by another author. Pandanus L.f. (1781) was proposed for conservation against Keura Forssk. (1775) by Airy-Shaw (Taxon 11: 223. l9t2dewscae Lohn Daexonm^l2: 20i. 1963) argued for Pandanus Stickman (1754). The Committee for Conservation of Generic Names (Taxon 13: 181. 1964) were of the opinion that Pandanus was first validly published by Parkinson in 1773. -5- Pops was accepted by Linnaeus (1771) in a different sense than used in Stickman's thesis. Canarium and Casuarina are validly published by AkcZzvat adl. Linnaeus in the ERE NR Stickman's thesis in the ($4) E Academicae. This second edition of Stickman's ^ thesis reproduces what appeared in the first edition but with three major iE. ug coin 7 of Rumphius (published in 1755), i1s—ad4d4ed, a systematic listing in Linnaean sequence (titled 'Flora Amboinensis") 41s—-added, and an appendix is—edded at the end. It is the Appendix that is of greatest interest (p. 143). The Appendix appears to be made up of two parts, Palmae and Singulares. I believe that the word "Appendix" was Poronsoduls Mulcofiod before Palmae instead of after it. If one looks at the Species lantarum of Linnaeus, the Paimae follow the Crvptogamia qb Mat o (od. s pa T8759 Din any case, it is the Singularbs d that are of great interest: ; Rumph. vol. Plates Soccus lae 50-34 Er Durio | T 6d Canarius 2 47-54 Casuarina equisetifolia egféha $ 57 Canarium indicum . 2 47-56 Lens phaseoloides s 5 4 Alopecuro-veronica F1. Zeyl. 6 16 * Myristica Der 4-9 Pseudo-sandalum or TE EIN LA s a A n ^3 wu I believe that these entries in the Appendix constitute Roman type-face entries in the right hand column of the main text, 1.e., these are accepted by Linnaeus. Each must be reviewed to determine if all other requirements for valid publication have been met. The generic name Soccus is not validly publishe d ubl forle VL. under Article 41 because there is geltker a diagnosis nor, ' EET" Sif Jeccuse Dant ^2 "^r. £e. Mec EUN a single previously effectively published es TP T AP d^». SP UA M. In short, Soccus is not monotypic and reference to multiple plates and descriptions cannot validate the name. The generic name Durio is validly published under Article 42. The reference to volume 2, plate 59 of Rumphius constitutes validation of a pu ue genus With (i255) an unnamed species. This valid publication antedates Durio Adanson (1763). Canarius is an erroneous spelling of Canarium, as can Lina 48 124 L) be seen by the spellings used by Rumphius and in the text Ui ect aldah 4) Ba ntt (osi) IR INL LL enrSsE-deceptit by Linnaeus ,the foot- 6a p.i i24 note description can validate the name. Another spelling error appears in the footnote, Cenarium. Eurthezx—oa-n ^ A E eos cce eodtebfteecie eb deti Unsuarina'equisetitolis 5. '"eguisefolis" 3s validily published here under Article Ckssa the cited Rumphian Dd. ce rg wol. 5 acting asthe descriptio generico- peceifica. «Bullock (Kew Bull. 14: 40. 1960) took the t» p.123 position that the footnote,"is scarcely acceptable as a generic description." Rather than argue the pro and con Fi be er UBVSUI a E! D KW vA Arn ERROR x «ho UN TM M t -7- of determining the '"acceptability" of the footnote as a generic description we may take the Rumphian reference since the genus as treated by Linnaeus is monotypic and not previously validly named. Thus, Casuarina L. (1759) antedates casusrine Adanson (1763). pns revise / Lens phaseoloides was already validly peniqo hes, as Mice saldo pointed out above. V hal gite Alopecuro-veronica is validly published here by reference to the Rumphian plate 16 of volume 6, if not l. pietecc llaaepl ev "Uto p. 411 of Flora Zeylanica, which is- cited in the text. It 2 2. be noted that Alopecuro-veronica appeared in the cext fm italic print, not Roman, hence was not accepted until it appeared in the Appendix. There is a proposal (Taxon 19: 820. 1970) to reject the name Alopecuro- voronmdcca L. [17593 4n-tavor ot. both Dysophylla Bi. (1826) and Pogostemon Desf. (1815). Apparently the Quum eU ee for Conservation of Generic Names has not voted on this worthy ! Tes yl Me Algeeero-etti itn. usce e va tl rt pod | uS, Tr yl Pell, e thori proposal. A nteeesi e au lu Sressed A. wr lau Ü be DUW. 245 Pseudo-sandalum is validly published by reference to Pseudosandalum amboinense Rumphius of plate 12 in volume Zw g Accorduingesto: Merrill (1917, p. 406) this. taxon is identified as Osmoxylon umbelliferum (Lam.) Merrill. It is unfortunate that Pseudo-sandalum L. (1759) antedates Osmoxylon Miquel (1865). Osmoxylon, although a small genus, probably shofid be conserved, to—avoid confuston-of -Rseudo-sandalum with Pseudosantelum Mill. (sCaesalpinia). el * L ijr ende P NL os A UNO woes fU