THE SOUTH-WEST OF WESTERN AUSTRALIA ABORIGINAL FISH TRAP — ALBANY THE SOUTH-WEST OF WESTERN AUSTRALIA PREFACE Although Western Australia has an area comparable with that of India, ninety per cent of her population, which is little more than a million, live in the south-west corner of the State, in an area similar to that of the British Isles; and seventy per cent of the residents there live in metropolitan Perth. It is in the south-west, isolated by oceans and infertile, arid country, where most of the State’s forests are found, where most of its intensive agriculture is practised, and where most of the population find their recreation. Here the Aboriginal inhabitants first came into extensive contact with Europeans, and here man has had his greatest impact on the environment of the State. To mark the occasion of the 45th Congress of the Australian and New Zealand Association for the Advancement of Science, held in Perth during August 1973, the Council of the Royal Society of Western Australia decided to devote part of the Journal to a series of reviews concerning this southwestern corner. It was felt that the papers would be of interest to delegates attend- ing the Congress, and also to residents of the State who may wish for access to information not readily obtained from more detailed papers, which are scattered through the specialist literature. There is a further reason for believing that this is an appropriate time to review information concerning the south-west. There is a rapid increase in the rate of accumulation of knowledge about the State. Extensive exploration for minerals is in progress, and there is increasing pressure from the general public to come to terms with the environment. The number of scientists and other specialists is increasing. The Western Australian Institute of Technology has recently been established as a major tertiary institution, and in 1975, when the first students enter the new Murdoch University, the University of Western Australia will cease to be one of the world’s most isolated universities, and any lingering traces of intellectual isolation will disappear. The Society wishes to express its gratitude to the authors of the review papers; to Professor Webb (Honorary Organizing Secretary of the 45th ANZAAS Congress) for his encouragement and co-operation; and to the Government Printing Office for generous assistance in the production of the Journal. A. J. McComb, Honorary Editor, Botany Department, University of Western Australia. Journal of the Royal Society of Western Australia. Vol. 56 Parts 1 and 2. July, 1973. 1 CONTENTS Page The geology of southwestern Australia — a review. By M. H. Johnstone, D. C. Lowry and P. G. Quilty 5 Landforms and soils of southwestern Australia. By M. J. Mulcahy 16 Species diversity in the southwestern flora. By N. G. Marchant 23 Animal and plant speciation studies in Western Australia. By H. E. Paterson and S. H. James 31 Aboriginal man in southwestern Australia. By D. Merrilees, W. C. Dix, S. H. Hallam, W. H. Douglas and R. M. Berndt 44 European man in southwestern Australia. By G. C. Bolton and D. Hutchison 56 Journal of the Royal Society of Western Australia. Vol. 56 Parts 1 and 2. July, 1973. 3 1. — The geology of southwestern Australia — a review By M. H. Johnstone'. D. C. Lowry' and P. G. Quilty' Abstract The gneisses and granites which constitute the bulk of the Archaean Yilgarn Block give a surprisingly consistent age of 2.667 ± 27 m.y. However, metasedimentary belts infolded into this gneissic terrain contain boulders dated at 3.000 m.y., so the younger figure probably repre- sents the time of stabilization of the radiogenic elements of the shield. Flanking the shield are belts of Proterozoic metamorphics which have been dated from 1300 m.y. to 670 m.y. The first important Phanerozoic sedimentation consists of Early Permian glacially-derived rocks deposited in downwarps to the east and west of the main shield. The western trough continued to receive marine and lacustrine sediments throughout the Early Permian. In the southern Perth Basin, graben development began in the Late Permian with deposition of thick Upper Permian Coal Measures and coarse fluvial Triassic sandstone. In the north, the Upper Permian is represented by paralic to continental sandstone and the Lower Triassic by marine shale. In this northern area coarse sandstone marking the onset of graben tectonics does not appear until the Late Triassic. This tectonism and depositional style was renewed in the Late Jurassic to Early Neocomian after a period of comparative stability in the Middle Jurassic. The second tectonic phase also saw the develop- ment of a graben across the southern margin of Australia which again was filled with coarse detritus. Both of these graben were filled with detritus from the shield by an extensive river system whose relics are the chains of salt lakes seen today. In the Late Neocomian. spreading between India and Antarctica commenced and India moved away from Western Australia along the Wallaby-Pertli transform. Marine shelf sedi- mentation then commenced on the west coast and spread into the southern graben in the Aptian when a widespread transgression occurred in the Eucla and Ollicer Basins. In Eocene times, the spreading between An tralia and Antarctica commenced and. for the first time, warm waters from the Indian Ocean could enter the southern basins. Sedimentation in the Paleocene, Eocene and Miocene was largely car- bonate but minor terrigenous material derived from the shield was deposited in the Perth Basin in the Paleoeene-Early Eocene and near Albany in the Late Eocene. Introduction This paper is an abbreviated geological history of the southwestern portion of Australia. It high- lights those phases of geological evolution which have helped to shape the landforms, soils, and the varied environments for the development of its present day unique flora and fauna. Such a paper cannot be both all-embracing and at the same time, definitive. The later facets of the geological history of the southwestern corner of the continent which led to the isolation of this area and the development of its biological uniqueness are stressed to the detriment of the equally interesting history of the buildup of the Archaean nucleus which forms the core of the 'West Australian Petroleum Ptv Limited. G.P.O. Box Cl 580. Perth 6001. Australian continent. The latter has been well covered in Special Publication No. 3 of the Geological Society of Australia '1971.) A pioneer study of the Perth basin was made by Campbell (1910». who examined its northern part and made two major contributions in recog- nising the existence of a major fault (the Darling Fault) and also in inferring a glacial origin for the Early Permian sediments. Jutson <1934‘ produced a monumental work on Western Australian geomorphology and discussed in some detail the salt lake system. McWhae et al.. ( 1958 > produced a review of Western Australian stratigraphy and this work is still the standard reference for the Phanerozoic. Tectonic elements The Archaean Yilgarn Block (Fig. D is the major nucleus of the present Australian contin- ent. but is one of many such nuclei of the Gondwanaland supercontinent (Fig. 2AL The dominant trend of gneissic foliation and orientation of infolded metasediments in the block is north-northwest. Along the southern margin of the block, metamorphics of the Fraser Range and Albany- Esperance Blocks trend northeast-southwest and east-west respectively, almost at right angles to the grain of the abruptly truncated shield. The variation of mineral association and metamorphic grade in a westerly direction in the Albany-Esperance Block is matched exactly by similar east-west trending rocks in the vicinity of the Windmill Islands in Eastern Antarctica (Oliver, 1972). providing one of the strongest pieces of evidence for the geological fit of Antarc- tica and Australia in the reconstruction of Gondwanaland. Along the western margin of the Yilgarn Block, the Archaean Shield is separated from Proterozoic high grade metamorphic rocks (garnet granulites with a meridional trend) by the Darling Fault — a major crustal feature 1000 km long, trending north-south and having up to 15000 m of vertical movement since the Permian and with a history since at least the Proterozoic. To the north, the strike of the Proterozoic rocks becomes more northeast- southwest and they trend around the northern margin of the Yilgarn Block. Overlying the Archaean on the western margin of the block are several sequences of unmetamorphosed sediments which dip west into the present day Perth Basin (Billeranga and Moora Groups. Cardup Group L The Billeranga and Moora Groups (Fig. 1 > may be unmetamorphosed margin facies which are age equivalents of the garnet granulites in the trough farther west. Journal of the Royal Society of Western Australia. Vol. 56 Parts 1 and 2. July. 1973. 5 During the Phanerozoic, the Precambrian crystalline shield acted as a stable emergent craton and sedimentation was restricted to marginal downwarps. Along the western margin of the shield a downwarp developed early in the Palaeozoic and was reactivated in the Permo- Carboniferous. Between the Late Triassic and the Early Cretaceous (Neocomian) a deep graben developed in the centre of this downwarp to accommodate the 15 , 000 + m of mainly continen- tal sediments of the Perth Basin. Although the north-south Darling Fault forms the eastern CAINOZOIC MESOZOIC PALAEOZOIC PROTEROZOIC ARCHAEAN (METASEDS. STIPPLED) NEOCOMIAN OCEANIC CRUST EOCENE OCEANIC CRUST BATHYMETRY IN KILOMETRES PROMINENT LINEATION AGE IN 10 9 YEARS KILOMETRES AFTER TECTONIC MAP OF AUSTRALIA W7 1 Figure 1 .—Geological sketch map of southwestern Australia. Journal of the Royal Society of Western Australia. Vol. 56 Parts 1 and 2. July, 1973. 6 boundary between this graben and the shield (Jones and Pearson, 1972,), an equally promin- ent fault alignment in the graben is NNW, paralleling the grain of the Archaean Shield and that of a prominent transform fault in the Indian Ocean postulated by Falvey (1972). Along the southern margin of the shield, a graben paralleling the lineation of the Albany- Esperance Block is inferred to have developed at least as early as the Late Jurassic but possibly even contemporaneously with the earlier Triassic formation of the Perth Basin. Little is known of the early history of this graben, since no remnant of it has yet been discovered off the southern coast of Western Australia, and much of its history is inferred from the Elliston Trough and the Robe-Penola Trough in South Australia. The whole of the western portion of this graben probably now lies on the Antarctic plate. A marginal marine Eocene sequence laps the southern coast and, probably, a thin veneer of Miocene limestones occurs offshore, overlying the crystalline basement beneath the southern shelf. The eastern margin of the Yilgarn Block has never been downfaulted. Gentle epeirogenic warping formed the Eucla and Officer Basins where several relatively thin, flatlying sequences of sediments were deposited. In the latter, Ordovician, Permian, and Early Cretaceous sediments were laid down and the later Eucla Basin contains Cretaceous and Tertiary sequences. The Precambrian crystalline shield and associated sediments The dominant geological element in south- western Australia is the Archaean Yilgarn Block which forms the nucleus of the Western Australian Shield. This extends from near the south coast for 900 km to the north and has an east-west width of 700 km. Around this nucleus, belts of younger Precambrian rocks have accreted and its western margin is now marked by the deep Mesozoic graben of the Perth Basin. The eastern and southern margins of the shield have been onlapped by Cretaceous and Tertiary sediments. Apart from the dissected western margin, the Yilgarn Block has an ancient, subdued land surface, and most of the older rocks are obscured by the widespread cover of laterite and its associated soil horizons which form extensive sandplains. The shield is composed mainly of gneisses and granites, with minor infolded belts of metasediments with a general north- northwest strike. These metasediments reveal different grades of regional metamorphism. The westernmost belt — the Jimperding belt (Prider, 1944), which has undergone the deepest dissec- tion — consists of sillimanite-zone and kyanite- zone rocks. The other major belts, notably those of Southern Cross and Kalgoorlie, show degrees of metamorphic grade which lessen in an easterly direction (Fig. 1). The Jimperding and Southern Cross belts contain thin bedded, shallow water sediments whereas those of the Kalgoorlie region contain a thick eugeosynclinal sequence containing pillow basalts. The sedi- mentary and volcanic rock suites and the chemical composition and areal distribution of the various volcanic and hypabyssal rocks of the Eastern Goldfields are similar to those of present day island arcs and subduction zones. Possibly these Archaean greenstone belts repre- sent the earliest zones of thick sedimentation when the “continental” crust was little more than a basaltic differentiate from the mantle (White et al., 1971). The original crust on which these ancient sediments were laid down has not yet been posi- tively identified or dated radiometrically. The belts of metasediments are folded into the gneissic complex of the shield which probably represents a granitization of some of the earlier crustal differentiate. Alternatively, the green- stone belts became closed to the loss of radio- genic daughter elements earlier than the gneissic terrain of the catazonal basement rocks. Thus the geologically older gneisses may give younger radiometric ages (Windley and Bridgwater, 1971). The age of granitization is remarkably uniform over the Yilgarn Block, giving a Rb/Sr age of 2,667 ± 27 m.y. Granitic boulders within conglomerates in the Kalgoorlie greenstone belt have given an age of 3,000 m.y. which is con- sistent with the above theory (Compston and Arriens, 1968). It is interesting to note that the age of a prominent metasomatic event in the Kalgoorlie area (2,670 zb 30 m.y.) agrees closely with the widespread age of the gneissic parts of the shield (Arriens, 1971). A final major event in the history of the Archaean shield was the emplacement of large east-west trending basic dykes near Norseman, of which the Jimberlana Dyke is the best known (Campbell et al., 1970; and McCall and Leish- man, 1971). These, and the associated gold mineralization at Kalgoorlie, are dated at 2,400 ± 40 m.y. (Fig. 1). To the southeast of the Yilgarn Block, and striking approximately at right angles to the north-northwest trend of the main shield is a zone of augen gneisses with associated amphi- bolites and granulites which were welded onto its southern margin approximately 1,300 m.y. These rocks appear to merge into the east- west trending gneisses, granites, and metasedi- ments of the Albany-Esperance Block which are dated at 1,150 ± 40 m.y. (Compston and Arriens, 1968) and which form the entire southern boundary of the shield. Movement on the Darling Fault formed the Perth Basin — a graben with as much as 15,000 m of Late Palaeozoic and Mesozoic sediments. The Precambrian high grade metamorphics which floor this graben are much younger than the adjacent shield. To the north of Geraldton, the outcropping garnet granulites of the North- ampton Block (Fig. 1) have been dated at 1,040 ± 50 m.y. whereas similar rocks from the Leeuwin-Naturaliste Block in the southwestern corner of the State give an isochron dating of 670 ± 25 m.y. (Compston and Arriens, 1968). The age of the younger granulites is also registered in oveprinted micas and pegmatites along the western margin of the Yilgarn Block. Also along the western margin of the Yilgarn Block, two sequences of relatively unaltered sed'ments rest unconformably on the Archaean. Journal of the Royal Society of Western Australia, Vol. 56 Parts 1 and 2, July, 1973. 7 Figure 2A.— Reconstruction of the Gondwanaland continents (after several authors) showing major Precambrian cratonic elements and later Precambrian lineaments. Radiometric ages are shown in 10 9 years. Note that the promi- nent “Pan-African Event’’ of 0.55 x 10 9 years is primarily an overprint of a later tectonic event on earlier Proterozoic belts. The zones along which Gondwanaland broke in the Neocomian and in the Eocene are shown. ELLISTON(POLDA) TROUGH (LATE JURASSIC CONTINENTAL SEDIMENTS) ROBE-PENOLA TROUGH JURASSIC NEOCOMIAN CONTINENTAL SEDIMENTS) INFERNO TECTONICS OF MARGINS OF SOUTHWESTERN AUSTRALIA DURING THE LATE JURASSIC AND EARLY NEOCOMIAN 200 KILOMETRES LATE JURASSIC CONTINENTAL SEDIMENTS l J AREA OF SEDIMENTATION l 1 LATE NEOCOMIAN OCEANIC CRUST -2- BATHYMETRY IN KILOMETRES — 8— ISOPACHS( PERTH BASIN) INFERRED DRAINAGE SYSTEM Figure 2B. — Late Jurassic to Neocomian sedimentation marginal to southwestern Australia and the inland drain- age system. Journal of the Royal Society of Western Australia, Vol. 56 Parts 1 and 2, July, 1973. 8 In the vicinity of Perth, the Cardup Group can be dated as younger than the widespread peg- matite formation and dolerite intrusions of 700- 750 m.y. (and probably no younger than 500-590 m.y.) ; and 350 km north of Perth, the Billeranga Group (Fig. 1) has been tentatively dated at 1,400 m.y. (Compston and Arriens, 1968). In summary, it can be seen that the western and southern margins of the Archaean Yilgarn Block are marked by zones of Proterozoic high grade metamorphics, granites, and some un- metamorphosed sediments, the depositional and structural trends of which bear no relation to those of the Archaean nucleus. As can be demonstrated in other parts of Gondwanaland, these Proterozoic orogenic zones provide the lines of weakness along which the intitial graben formation (“rifting”) and final drifting apart occurred (Fig. 2). Older Palaeozoic In the northern Perth Basin, more than 1050 m of cross bedded, fine to coarse fluviatile sandstones of probable Ordovician to Early Silurian age crop out (Konecki et al., 1958). The Tumblagooda Sandstone may be a piedmont deposit associated with early movements on the northern portion of the Darling Fault for, although the entire sequence appears to be fluviatile or deposited in extremely shallow water, geophysical evidence indicates that the unit may be up to 3000 m thick. In the Officer Basin during the Ordovician, very extensive basalt flows covered folded Pro- terozoic sediments. Subsequently in the Ordo- vician, Devonian or Carboniferous, there was widespread deposition of two fine grained sand- stone units (Lennis Sandstone and Wanna Beds; see Lowry et al., 1972). The units are inter- preted as shallow marine sediments deposited under the influence of strong tidal currents in a sea that probably extended from the Canning Basin around the southern side of the Musgrave Block into South Australia. Permo-Carboniferous In the northern Perth Basin, the older Palaeozoic fluviatile deposits are overlain un- conformably by a sequence of poorly bedded, poorly sorted, sandy siltstones containing abund- ant boulders (usually up to 50 cm in diameter, but exceptionally up to 6 m) of a great variety of Precambrian igneous, metamorphic, and sedi- mentary rocks. The variety of provenance, variety of size, and incompatability of these boulders with their fine-grained host sediment leads to their interpretation as icerafted detritus dropped into an epeiric sea from icebergs. Although no more than 130 m can be measured in any one section, it is thought that they may attain a total thickness of 350 m. Their age is Late Carboniferous to Early Permian (Sakmar- ian). Up to 2400 m of similar sediments were deposited in the Carnarvon Basin to the north, and similar, but thinner, deposits are known down the length of the Perth Basin and in the Collie, Canning, and Officer Basins, so the glaciation was widespread in Western Australia (Fig. 3). Sediments associated with this glacia- tion are known from Eastern Australia, and the other Gondwanaland continents, notably India, Africa and Antarctica. In the northern Perth Basin, the glacial sequence is capped by 530 m of black marine shale (containing the Sakmarian goniatite Metalegoceras jacksoni Etheridge Jr.) which culminates in shellbanks rich in brachiopods, crinoids, and bryozoans. This, in turn, is capped by 330 m of fluviatile and coal swamp deposits, indicating an amelioration of the harsh, glacial climate. Three hundred metres of marine silt- stone complete the sequence (Johnstone and Willmott, 1966). Mild faulting and erosion of this sequence preceded the deposition of a Late Permian sandstone which precedes thick (300- 1000 m) Early Triassic marine shale. Analysis of the structure and stratigraphy of the sequences indicates that, whereas the Early Permian glacial and later marine siltstones were linked with the sea by a gulf which connected with the Carnarvon Basin to the east of the Northampton Precambrian Block, the seas of the Late Permian and Early Triassic came into the basin from the west of the Northampton Block. Thus the minor faulting in the Late Permian of the Dongara area (Hosemann, 1971) actually dates the initiation of a set of north -north west — south-southeast trending faults and rifts which produced the deep graben of the Perth Basin from Triassic to Neocomian times. This fault trend marks a crustal weakness which also con- trolled the inferred large transform fault which permitted India to move away from Western Australia during the Neocomian (Falvey, 1972). The lower part of the Permian sequence (including minor glacial deposits at the base) is thin in the southern part of the Perth Basin, and in the Collie and Wilga Basins which were prob- ably part of the same basin of deposition at the time. However, the accumulation of more than 2000 m of Late Permian coal measures in the southern Perth Basin suggests that rifting began in this area in the Late Permian. There is little evidence of marine conditions reaching this part of the basin during any part of the Permian. There is no evidence of Permo-Carboniferous to Triassic sediments along the south coast. In the Officer Basin, the Paterson Formation and the Wilkinson Range Beds are thin (60-100 m), flat-lying, glacially derived, boulder-bearing sandstones of Early Permian age. These lie unconformably on the older Palaeozoic and are overlain disconformably by the Early Cretaceous Bejah Beds. Triassic to Early Neocomian In the northern Perth Basin, the quiet deposi- tion of the Early Triassic marine shales and the Middle Triassic deltaic sediments in a gently subsiding trough was interrupted in the Late Triassic by intense uplift of the margins of the trough and the dumping in the rapidly subsid- ing graben of more than 2000 m of coarse grained fluvial sandstones (Jones and Pearson, 1972). In the southern Perth Basin, coarse dominantly fluviatile sandstone was deposited throughout the Triassic. Deposition continued Journal of the Royal Society of Western Australia, Vol. 56 Parts 1 and 2, July, 1973. 9 10 uninterrupted into the Early Jurassic when up to 2400 m of sandstone and claystone grading upwards into coal swamp deposits were laid down. The climate of the Early Jurassic was thus favourable for the development of a dense coal swamp vegetation. In the Middle Jurassic, a minor marine incursion from the northwest deposited a widespread blanket about 250 m thick of shallow water marine shale, sandstone and limestone containing ammonites, pelecypods and gastropods of Bajocian age (Arkell and Piayford, 1954). Major movements of the trough and its borderlands in the Middle to Late Jurassic caused further deposition of the coarse fluvial sediments similar to those in the Triassic. Up to 4250 m of coarse sandstones were deposited during this major development of the Perth Basin rift. In the Neocomian, the locus of intense dov.n- faulting moved westwards into the offshore Viaming Sub-basin where up to 6000 m of fluvial sand and estuarine shale and sand were deposited immediately before (and possibly dur- ing) the violent jostling of the fault blocks in the Perth Basin graben which preceded the active initiation of the transform fault which moved India away from the western coastal basins of Australia. The stage was then set for the next phase in the evolution of the west coast basins. No sediments of Triassic to Neocomian age are known from the south coast area or the Eucla Basin. However, geophysical surveys and drilling in the Elliston (or Polda) Trough and the Duntroon Basin on the eastern side of the Eucla Basin, show that graben formation commenced in this area as early as Late Jurassic (Smith and Kamerling, 1969). This graben formation continued eastward into the Robe-Penola Trough in the Late Jurassic and had reached the eastern Otway, Bass, and Gippsland Basins by the Neocomian (Griffiths, 1971). These graben were the precursors of the spreading which separated Antarctica from Australia. Thus, although there is no published evidence for rocks of this age off the southern coast of Western Australia, it is logical to assume that the graben between southwestern Australia and Antarctica had formed by Late Jurassic times, and possibly even by Middle Jurassic or earlier. N eocomian - Maestrichtian Tectonism in the Perth Basin reached a climax in the Neocomian (Jones and Pearson, 1972). The sequence of events included major subsidence of the Viaming Sub-basin (up to 6000 m) ; a period of arching and faulting caus- ing local uplift and erosion of as much as 2500 m of the recently deposited soft sediments; erup- tion of the Bunbury Basalt at the southern end of the basin, and subsidence of the continental margin causing a marine transgression. These events mark the change from continental “rifting” to “drifting”. With generation of sea floor between India and Australia the tectonic stresses were relieved, and the Darling Fault and most others ceased to move. Late subsidence within the graben was due to compaction of underlying sediments and general sagging of the continental margin. The precise mechanics of the split are still conjectural; however, it is likely that the Perth Basin is a rift controlled by an ancient crustal weakness that developed into a transform fault (Falvey, 1972). Sediments deposited later in the Neocomian and Aptian include a thick marine shale west of Perth (South Perth Shale) and shallow marine and paralic glauconitic sandstone (Leederville Sandstone) (Fig. 4). Deposition at the southern end of the main Perth Basin was continental, but it presumably extended around the west side of the Leeuwin-Naturaliste Block, where marine sediments of this age have been recovered in deep sea' cores (Burckle et cil., 1967). The present salt lake system (Jutson, 1934), a relic of ancient drainage systems, is indicated on Figure 2B and has been discussed in several papers by Bettenay and Mulcahy (see their 1972 papers for full reference list). The system seems to be a relic of the Late Jurassic-Early Cretaceous drainage, which was most active in filling the basins at that time, but which has had only a relatively minor sedi- mentational history since. Voluminous terri- genous sediments of Late Jurassic age (Perth Basin only) and Early Cretaceous (Perth and Eucla Basins) attest to well developed drainage systems to supply them. No sediments younger than Early Cretaceous seem voluminous enough to justify such a drainage system. Late Eocene sediments in Rollos Bore, Coolgardie (Balme and Churchill, 1959), show that the system is pre-Eocene. Although the present salt lake system is a relic of the most active (Late Juras- sic to Neocomian) phase, it could also mark the drainage system which supplied sand to the Early Triassic. In the Albian-Cenomanian and Senonian, thin greensands and a chalk bed were deposited north of Perth (Osborne Formation, Molecap Green- sand, Gingin Chalk, and Poison Hill Greensand; see McWhae et al., 1958). Maestrichtian sand- stone and calcilutite occur offshore in Warnbro No. 1. In the Eucla Basin, a marine transgression began in the Neocomian-Aptian (Ingram, 1968; more probably Aptian, A. Williams, vers . comm.). The beds of carbonaceous and glauconitic sand- stone and shale (Madura Formation; see Lowry, 1970) lie on a deeply dissected granite surface in the southern portion of the basin, near the edge of the continental slope. The valleys, which are as much as 500 m deep, may have formed in the Late Jurassic and Neocomian by up-arching of the flank of a graben that de- veloped along the impending Australia-Antarc- tica rupture. During the Aptian, much of the Australian continent was submerged and sea covered parts of the Canning, Officer, and Great Artesian Basins (Skwarko, 1967). In the central Eucla Basin, deposition of greensand continued, perhaps intermittently, into the Senonian. Journal of the Royal Society of Western Australia, Vol. 56 Parts 1 and 2, July, 1973. Journal of the Royal Society of Western Australia, Vol. 56 Parts 1 and 2, July, 1973. 12 Figure 4.— Major cycles of deposition around southwestern Australia after the unconformity within the Neocomian. The epeirogenic subsidence of the Eucla Basin is possibly part of a general subsidence of a newly developed southern continental margin following minor generation of sea floor between Antarctica and Australia. This interpretation is consistent with the palaeomagnetic data of Wellman et al., (1969) and Weissel and Hayes’ (1972) interpretation of sea floor magnetic anomalies. Although the latter interpretation is taken to indicate that the major motion of Aust- ralia away from Antarctica was initiated in the Eocene, stratigraphic evidence from the Eucla and Otway Basins indicates that a pronounced marine gulf extended across the southern part of the Continent during the Late Cretaceous. Thus Australia became an isolated continental mass by the uppermost Cretaceous, with only a tenuous link joining Tasmania to Antarctica across a transform fault. Late Cretaceous faunas in the Gingin area and from the offshore Perth area contain abundant Globotruncana which Bandy (1967) would take to be an indication of warm water conditions. The presence of carbonate-rich sediments also supports this view. These warm water indicators are absent from the Eucla Basin but this absence could be due to facies control or water circulation rather than purely climate. It is unlikely that warm waters from the Indian Ocean would cir- culate freely into the narrow gulf separating Australia and Antarctica until at least the Middle Eocene when the southern tip of the Tasmanian peninsula had cleared Antarctica and thus per- mitted the warm Indian Ocean waters to flow through the widening gulf into the South Pacific Ocean. However, once the warm currents could penetrate the widening gulf, warm water forms from the Indian Ocean could migrate in an easterly direction along Australia’s south coast. Hence the Eocene faunas of Australia’s south coast should show marked similarities. Rates of sedimentation and runoff had de- creased markedly by this time and the drainage system probably became very subdued. This pattern of minimal influx of terrigenous material from the defunct river systems would have con- tinued into the Tertiary. Paleocene — Early Eocene The only sediments of this age known are from the vicinity of Perth (Fig. 4) and have been documented by Quilty (in press). The maximum thickness of the Kings Park Formation near Perth is approximately 500 m of shale and sandstone with some carbonate content. The sediments can be differentiated into a northern sandy marine facies and a more southerly marine shale facies. The former may be related to the ancestral Swan River where it enters the Perth Basin near Walyunga National Park. The shale facies is likely to have been deposited by smaller streams (Canning and Helena Rivers) flowing into a deep embayment — probably an old submarine canyon eroded during the Late Cretaceous and/or Early Paleocene into Creta- ceous terrigenous sediments. The drainage at this time is very minor com- pared with the Early Cretaceous but probably it ran in the same stream channels. Very little can be said of the climate at this time as foraminiferal faunas are almost cosmo- politan. Globorotalia rex Martin, G. dolabrata Jenkins and other keeled Globorotaliae may in- dicate warm water conditions (Bandy, 1964). Middle and Late Eocene Marine sediments of Middle and Late Eocene age occur in the Eucla Basin and along the south coast between Esperance and Albany (Cockbain, 1967, 1968, Lowry, 1970, Quilty, 1969) — see Figure 4. In the Eucla Basin, both Middle and Late Eocene are present but the Plantagenet Group to the west is so far known to contain only Late Eocene faunas. The Eucla Basin sediments (Hampton Sand- stone, Wilson Bluff Limestone, Toolinna Lime- stone) consist of up to 300 m of biogenic car- bonate sediments containing the warm water bivalve Spondylus. The thin sandstone at the base suggests minor terrigenous material being supplied by the poor drainage, probably from the northwest. The Plantagenet Group consists of up to 100 m of fine sandstone, spongolite and minor lime- stone. Near Esperance, the limestone contains the large warm water foraminifer Asterocyclina and the tropical alga Neomeris (Cockbain, 1967, 1969). Thus the Middle and Late Eocene sediments attest to warm water sedimentation and also the presence of minor southerly drainage. Early and Middle Miocene Sediments of Early and Middle Miocene age occur in both the Perth and Eucla Basins (Fig. 4). In the Perth Basin, friable limestones with some dolomite and chert (Stark Bay Formation of Quilty, in press) occur offshore from Perth and attain a thickness of some 200-250 m. There is no terrigenous content. They contain abundant bryozoans and foraminifera including Lepidocyclina and keeled Globorotalia, both warm water indicators. The age of the sediments is latest Early Miocene and earliest Middle Miocene. Sedimentation in the Eucla Basin took place over a longer period, beginning before and ceas- ing after that in the Perth Basin. The age limits of the Eucla Basin Miocene are not as well established as those in the Perth Basin. The older Miocene sequence (Abrakurrie Lime- stone) seems to be Early Miocene (Longfordian of southeastern Australia) and underlies the Nullarbor Limestone and Colville Sandstone dis- conformably. The Nullarbor Limestone and Colville Sandstone are coeval and laterally equivalent. Both contain Middle Miocene warm water benthonic foraminifera which may in- dicate sediments slightly younger than the Middle Miocene of the Perth Basin. The Col- ville Sandstone occurs on the northern rim of the Eucla Basin and is probably derived from Palaeozoic sandstones by marine erosion. Journal of the Royal Society of Western Australia, Vol. 56 Parts 1 and 2, July, 1973. 13 Pliocene Pliocene marine sediments occur in small, scattered, poorly-known lenses to the north, east and south of Perth. Darragh and Kendrick (1971) reported ages based on mollusc faunas and Kendrick (pers. comm.) has since sub- stantiated a Pliocene age from Redcliffe (a Perth suburb) on the basis of the pelagic gastropod Hartungia typica typica Bronn. The knowledge of the Pliocene is so far too imperfect to make any comments on palaeoe- cology. Pleistocene — Recent A wide variety of Quaternary units is developed around the coastal margin. On the west, the sediments of the central Perth Basin have been eroded to form a coastal plain with alluvium inland and a series of dune systems, lakes, inter- dunal swamps, and relict estuaries nearer the coast (McArthur and Bettenay, 1960). The calcareous dune sands show varying degrees of lithification and leaching, according to age. The lithified dune systems and intercalated marine lenses are known as the “Coastal Limestone”. These form prominent hills along the coast and the backbone of several offshore islands and reefs. The total age range of the “Coastal Limestone” is unknown but the unit is still form- ing along the coast and probably on the seabed. The greatest known age is 100,000 ± 20,000 years for reef limestone on Rottnest Island (Teichert, 1967) . Palaeontological age control is very poor but Kendrick (pers. comm.) notes the presence of early Pleistocene marine molluscs at Jandakot. He also (Kendrick, 1960) has discussed the sig- nificance of a Late Pleistocene mollusc fauna in the “Coastal Limestone” at Peppermint Grove. Details of these various Quaternary rock and soil units are given in Dr. Seddon’s excellent review of the Swan Coastal Plain (Seddon, 1972). Similar dune systems occur along the south coast and, in the Eucla Basin, the Roe Calcaren- ite is tentatively referred to the Pleistocene. The formation is marine with a warm water fauna which may indicate an interglacial age for the unit if it is Pleistocene. Other young sediments in the Eucla Basin in- clude kankar and dune sands discussed in some detail by Lowry (1970). Lateritization Details of laterites in the southwest of Aust- ralia will be dealt with in a subsequent article in this volume, but some comments will be made here on stratigraphic evidence for the time of lateritization. In eastern arid areas the laterite is Miocene or Oligocene in age. The evidence is that the Late Eocene Eundynie Group around Norseman, the Plantagenet Group around Esper- ance and the Early Cretaceous Bejah Formation of the Officer Basin are all lateritized whereas the adjoining Middle Miocene Colville Sandstone of the Eucla Basin is not. In the extreme southwest, Pleistocene alluvium and dune sands have been lateritized and laterite appears to be forming at the present day on the coastal plain where there is a temperate climate with a strongly seasonal rainfall of 750 to 1000 mm. In coastal areas north of Perth, Late Creta- ceous sediments are lateritized but there are no datings to indicate a minimum age. However, the laterite is considerably dissected, and a Tertiary age is likely. Farther north, in the Carnarvon Basin, lateritization has affected rocks of Late Eocene and older age but not Middle Miocene and younger. Thus there was a major period of lateritization in the Oligocene and/or Miocene. Earlier periods have been assumed by other workers, but there is no geological evidence for them. Since the Middle Miocene, lateritization has occurred (presumably intermittently) only in coastal areas of the southwest that have a moderate and strongly seasonal rainfall. Crustal movements in the Cainozoic Whereas the Eocene sediments along the south coast of Western Australia accumulated in very shallow water and are now only a few metres above their level of deposition, the old beach levels associated with this cycle of sedimentation are now at about 300 m at Mt Ragged (Lowry, 1970) and the Stirling Range (H. Schumann, pers. comm.). Also, marine sediments of Eocene age now at 300 m at Lake Cowan near Norse- man, and in the Kennedy Range in the Carnar- von Basin, near the northern margin of the Yilgarn Block. Thus it appears that the whole shield area (apart from the present coastal margins) has been uplifted by approximately 300 m since the Eocene, but the relative im- portance of marginal warping and eustatic sea level changes cannot be determined. Perhaps the most perplexing structural unit near the south coast of Western Australia is the Stirling Range. This feature, which lies just south of the southern margin of the Archaean Shield, thrusts metasediments of the Albany- Esperance Block to a height of 1200 m above sea level (about 1000 m above the level of the flat shield to the north). The abruptness and straightness of the north front of the range suggest that this is a very young feature, but the presence of the Late Eocene marine bench at 300 m and the concordance of this with other Eocene levels indicates that the Stirling Range was in existence prior to the Late Eocene. Perhaps its elevation was a final adjustment of the contental margin before block faulting ceased with Eocene drift. Acknowledgements . — The authors gratefully acknow- ledge the assistance of West Australian Petroleum Pty. Ltd., In providing technical facilities for the prepara- tion of this paper, and, In particular, Mr. H. D. Jones for the drafting. Journal of the Royal Society of Western Australia, Vol. 56 Parts 1 and 2, July, 1973. 14 References Arkell, W. J. and P. E. Playford (1954). — The Bajocian ammonites of Western Australia. Philosophi- cal Transactions of the Royal Society of London series B 237 : 547-604. Arriens, P. A. (1971). — The Archaean geochronology of Australia. Special Publications of the Geolo- gical Society of Australia No. 3: 11-23. Balme, B. E. and D. M. Churchill (1959). — Tertiary sedi- ments at Coolgardie. Western Australia. Journal of the Royal Society of Western Australia 32: 37-43. Bandy, O. L. (1964). — Cenozoic planktonic foraminiferal zonation. Micropaleontology 10. 1-17. (1967). — Cretaceous planktonic foraminiferal zonation, ibid. 13: 1-31. Bettenay, E. and M. J. Mulcahy (1972). — Soil and land- scape studies in Western Australia. (2) Valley form and surface features of the South-West Drainage Division. Journal of the Geological Society of Australia 18: 359- 369. Burckle, L, H., T. Saito and M. Ewing (1967).— A Cre- taceous (Turonian) core from the Natural- iste Plateau southeast Indian Ocean. Deep Sea Research 14: 421-426. Campbell, W. D. (1910). — The Irwin River coalfield and the adjacent districts from Arrino to North- ampton. Bulletin of the Geological Survey of Western Australia No. 38. Campbell, I. H., G. J. H. McCall, and D. S. Tyrwhitt (1970). — The Jimberlana Norite. Western Australia — a smaller analogue of the Great Dyke of Rhodesia. Geological Magazine 107 ( 1 ): 1 - 12 . Cockbain, A. E. (1967). — Astcrocyclina from the Plan- tagenet Beds near Esperance, W.A. Austra- lian Journal of Science 30: 68. (1968). — The stratigraphy of the Plan- tagenet Group. Western Australia. Annual Report of the Geological Survey of Western Australia for 1967: 61. 62. (1969). — Dasycladacean algae from the Werillup Formation, Esperance. ibid. 1968; 52. 53. Compston, W. and P. A. Arriens (1968). — The Pre- cambrian geochronology of Australia. Cana- dian Journal of Earth Sciences 5: 561-583. Darragh, T. A. and G. W. Kendrick ( 1971 ) .—Zenatiopsis ultima sp. nov., terminal species of the Zenatiopsis lineage (Bivalvia: Mactridae). Proceedings of the Royal Society of Victoria 84: 87-92. Falvey, D. A. (1972). — Sea floor spreading in the Wharton Basin (Northeast Indian Ocean) and breakup of Eastern Gondwanaland. The APEA Jour- nal. 12 (2): 86-88. Griffiths, J. R. (1971). — Continental margin tectonics and the evolution of South East Australia. ibid. 11 (1) : 75-79. Hosemann, P. (1971). — The stratigraphy of the Basal Triassic Sandstone. North Perth Basin, Western Australia, ibid 11 (1): 59-63. Ingram, B. S. ( 1968).— Stratigraphical palynology of Cretaceous rocks from bores in the Eucla Basin. Western Australia. Annual Report of the Geological Survey of Western Australia for 1967: 64-67. Johnstone, M. H. and S. P. Willmott (1966). — The strati- graphy of the Permian of the northern Perth Basin, Western Australia. The APEA Journal (1966): 100-104. Jones, D. K., and G. R. 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Annual Re- port of the Geological Survey of Western Australia for 1971: 50-56. McArthur. W. M.. and E. Bettenay (I960).— The devel- opment and distribution of the soils of the Swan Coastal Plain. Western Australia. Australian Commonwealth Scientific and Industrial Research Organisation Soil Pub- lication No. 16. McCall. G. J. H., and J. Leishman (1971). — Clues to the origin of Archaean eugeosynclinal perido- tites and the nature of serpentinisation. Special Publications of the Geological Society of Australia No. 3: 281-299. McWhae. J. R. H.. P. E. Playford. A. W. Lindner. B. F. Glenister. and B. E. Balme (1958). — The stratigraphy of Western Australia. Journal of the Geological Society of Australia 4: 1-161. Mulcahy. M. J.. and E. Bettenay (1972).— Soil and landscape studies in Western Australia, ibid. 18: 349-357. Oliver. R. L. (1972). — Some aspects of Antarctic-Aus- tralian geological relationships. Proceedings of the SCAR/IUGS symposium on Antarctic Geology and solid earth geophysics. Oslo. 1970. Prider, R. T. (1944). — The geology and petrology of part of the Toodyay District. Journal arid Proceedings of the Royal Society of Western Australia 28: 83-137. Quilty. P. G. (1969). — Upper Eocene planktonic Fora- miniferida from Albany. Western Australia. Journal of the Royal Society of Western Australia 52: 41-58. press. — Cainozoic stratigraphy of the Perth Area. ibid. Seddon, G. (1972). — “Sense of Place" (Universitv of Western Australia Press: Perth). Skwarko, S. K. (1967). — Mesozoic Mollusca from Aus- tralia and New Guinea. Bulletin of the Bureau of Mineral Resources. Geology and Geophysics. Australia No. 75. Smith. R.. and P. Kamerling ( 1969).— Geological frame- work of the Great Australian Bight. The APEA Journal 9: 60-66. Teichert, C. (1967). — Age of Coastal Limestone, Western Australia. Australian Journal of Science 30: 68. 69. Weissel. J. K.. and D. E. Hayes ( 1972) .—Magnetic anomalies in the Southeast Indian Ocean. American Geophysical Union Antarctic Re- search Series. 19: 165-196. Wellman. P.. M. W. McElhinny, and I. McDougall (1969). —On the polar-wander path for Aus- tralia during the Cenozoic. Geophysical Jour- nal Royal Astronomical Society. 18: 371-395. White. A. J. R., P. Jakes, and D. M. Christie ( 1971 ) . Composition of greenstones and the hypo- thesis of sea-floor spreading in the Archaean. Special Publications of Geological Society of Australia. No. 3: 47-56. Windley, B. F.. and D. Bridgwater (1971).— The evolu- tion of Archaean low- and high-grade ter- rains. ibid. No. 3: 33-46. Journal of the Royal Society of Western Australia. Vol. 56 Parts 1 and 2. July. 1973. 15 2. — Landforms and soils of southwestern Australia By M. J. Mulcahy 1 Abstract The landforms of southwestern Australia are outlined as a basis for a description of the dis- tribution of the extremely weathered materials and superficial deposits on which the soils are formed. While soils on younger landscape ele- ments change predictably with climatic change, a major factor controlling soil distribution is the degree of erosional modification of the leached and deeply weathered profiles associated with the older landforms which are extensively preserved, both in higher rainfall areas and the arid interior. The significance of the soil patterns and their characteristics are briefly discussed. Introduction The area dealt with in this paper lies to the south of the latitude of Geraldton, and extends from the west coast eastwards to include Kal- goorlie and Esperance. It forms part of the Great Plateau of Western Australia (Jutson, 1914) consisting of a stable Archaean shield, characterized by low relief, extending over the Mesozoic rocks of the Perth basin in the north west, all flanked by narrow coastal plains of younger sediments. It is part of the landscape described by Hills (1961) an “ageless and undatable old land”. Woolnough (1927) associated the widespread deep weathering with peneplanation, and Prescott (1931) pointed out the occurrence of leached, acid, lateritic soil materials extending from the humid coastal areas to the now arid interior. Early soil maps such as that of Prescott (loc. cit .) and later Stephens (1961) influenced by the Russian school of pedologists, emphasized climatic zonation, and south-western Australia tended to be shown with soil boundaries parallel to the isohyets. Teakle’s regional soil classifica- tion, published in 1938, and subject to the same influence, left out of account the “azonal” lateritic soils, dealing mainly with the more fertile soils of the younger landscape elements. This was good sense at that time since the tech- nology necessary for agricultural development of the lateritic soils, including the use of minor elements, was only just then becoming available, and the use of soils in the higher rainfall areas as a bauxite ore was still some years away. A later compilation in the form of the Atlas of Australian Soils (Northcote et al., 1967), based on much more detailed information, indicates a strong relationship between soil distribution and drainage pattern as well as climate, while Mulcahy et al. (1972) have shown that geo- logical structure and the extent of drainage rejuvenation are also important. 'Division of Land Resources Management, CSIRO, Wembley, Western Australia. Stephens (1946), in his classical paper on pedogenesis following the dissection of lateritic regions by downcutting streams rejuvenated after uplift, suggests a fairly simple picture of lateritic materials preserved on peneplain remnants and removed from the slopes below. Play ford (1954), on the other hand, pointing out that lateritic materials are frequently found at many levels in the one landscape, and assum- ing laterite formation during some single period in the past, concluded that this must therefore have been postuplift. Subsequent investigations in soil-landform relationships, on which this account is based, show that the situation is probably rather more complex than the early workers believed. It appears that laterite profiles, including both surface ferruginous horizons and underlying pallid zones (Walther, 1915), are to be found extensively in a wide range of topographic situa- tions, ranging from piedmont deposits of the Swan Coastal Plain (McArthur and Bettenay, 1960), and older alluvial terraces in well-incised valleys such as that of the Avon River (Mulcahy and Hingston, 1961), to the most extensive divides of the Great Plateau. While the laterites of some of the younger landforms, particularly those of the Swan Coastal Plain, may be re- garded as forming today in the sense of meeting the classical environmental requirements for laterite formation postulated by Prescott and Pendleton (1952), those of the older landforms clearly cannot, being either in unsuitable topo- graphic situations or in semi-arid and arid climatic conditions, or both. Further, in all but highest rainfall areas the extremely leached and weathered pallid zones now contain an appre- ciable store of soluble salts (Dimmock et al. in prep.) so that leaching conditions are clearly less effective than in the past. Physiography Figure 1 shows some of the main physiographic features of south western Australia, to which the soil pattern may be related. The Darling Scarp marks the western margin of the shield and Great Plateau, beyond which the Precambrian rocks are buried by a consider- able thickness of sediments of the Perth Basin and Swan Coastal Plain. To the south the shield slopes gently into the Southern Ocean, with a discontinuous, thin veneer of Tertiary and Recent sediments. The section (Fig. 1, ABC) shows clearly the relatively high relief and elevation of the Darling Range, regarded by King (1962) as a marginal upwarping of the shield rocks. It is separated from the gradually rising plateau levels of the interior by a belt of Journal of the Royal Society of Western Australia, Vol. 56 Parts 1 and 2, July, 1973. 16 lower country showing partial coincidence with an important zone of seismic activity, the “Yan- danooka/Cape Riche Lineament” (Everingham, 1968). A little further inland is another important, but not so obvious physiographic feature, the Meckering Line (Mulcahy, 1967), which marks a striking change in the drainage pattern. Inland of it the drainage is sparse, open and sluggish, with chains of salt lakes in the main trunk valleys. A large proportion of the west- ward-flowing lake chains joins the headwaters of the Swan-Avon system, off the mouth of which is a prominent submarine canyon on the continen- tal shelf (Von der Borch, 1968). Most of the remainder reaches the Moore and the Blackwood Rivers (Bettenay and Mulcahy, 1972). A major continental divide separates these systems from a generally eastward trending one draining to the Nullarbor Plain and Great Victoria Desert in the interior. In most years under the present cli- matic regime the system as a whole does not flow, acting as a sump in which the salts accum- ulate in the playa lakes. In exceptionally wet years, however, it becomes functional, and flow- ing water flushes out the accumulated salts into the downstream drainage lines (Fig. 1). Downstream of the Meckering Line in the west, the drainage lines form a closer network, have steeper gradients, are more sharply incised, and thus form a much more effective drainage system functional in all normal winters. Depth of incision of the streams increases progressively, with a change from shallow flat floored valleys to deep V-shaped valleys where they issue from the Darling Scarp. Thus the zone marginal to the Meckering Line, particularly in the Darling Range, is one of con- siderable relief relative to that inland of it. Nevertheless, many of the more extensive divides in the marginal zone are upland areas of low relief, with features such as lakes and swamps associated with sluggish drainage lines compar- able with those inland. Their broad, flat-floored valleys characteristically have grey sandy valley fills, and some are known to have sedimentary sequences of considerable thickness, such as the Kirup Conglomerate (Hobson and Mathe- son, 1949), or the Permian sediments of the Collie Basin (Lord, 1952). While it is tempting to regard these features collectively as dismem- bered remnants of the old drainage systems now preserved only in the interior, such an interpre- tation is undoubtedly too simple. It could not account, for example, for the Kirup Conglomer- ate which, with its smoothly rounded cobbles in a finer sandy and clayey matrix, is obviously a deposit resulting from a high energy means of transport. A conclusion must await further in- vestigations in a field of enquiry as yet virtually untouched. Laterites, superficial deposits and soils Distribution of Icitcritic materials Figure 2 illustrates the broad regional distri- bution of lateritic and other soil materials in south western Australia, based largely on North- cote ct al. ( 1967 > . The map distinguishes between the low level laterites of the Swan Coastal Plain, the “iron- stone gravels” or bauxitic laterites of the Darling Range and adjacent high rainfall areas to the south, and the extensive “sand and gravel plains” inland and to the north. All may be classed as laterites in that they have surface horizons of accumulation of iron oxides, frequently, but not invariably overlying deeply weathered kaolinized country rock, the pallid zone (Waltlier, 1915). The Darling Range laterites, together with the sandplains, are associated with Jutson’s (1914) Old Plateau and Woolnough’s (1918) Darling Peneplain, but the Section ABC of Fig. 2 shows the considerable relief of the lateritic surfaces of the Darling Range — only inland of the Meckering Line does the low relief traditionally postulated for the lateritized peneplain become apparent. In both the Darling Range and the sandplain areas the lateritic pallid zones are most widespread and deepest. They may be up to 30 metres in thickness, beneath the floors of the trunk valleys of the inland drainage systems, while they are much shallower beneath the sandplains of the divides (Bettenay et al.. 1964). Downstream of the Meckering Line deepest weathering is prob- ably associated with the older valley forms of the low relief upland divides. On the Swan Coastal Plain, west of the Darling Scarp, deep pallid zones are common on the older piedmonts, but associated ferruginous duricrusts are less frequent, except near the foot of the scarp on slightly elevated spurs corres- ponding with the Ridge Hill Shelf described by Prider (1948). It is evident (Fig. 2) that areas free or almost entirely free of lateritic materials are restricted, being confined to the deeply en- trenched valleys of the downstream sections of streams as they issue from the Darling Range, or further inland, to the entrenchment of streams associated with the Yandanooka/Cape Riche Lineament. High points above the general level, such as the Stirling Range, and a number of others too small to show because of scale, are also almost completely free of laterite. The principal remaining area of the map (Fig. 2) shown as “Dissected Laterites” is one of considerable complexity in terms of land- forms and soils. The small divides and valley side spurs tend to be capped with lateritic materials, and bounded by prominent, erosionally-active scarps or breakaways, the long pediment slopes below them being underlain by pallid zones of the truncated laterites. These features are best developed immediately west of the Meckering Line, where available relief is greatest, while rainfall is still low. less than 500 mm per an- num. Towards the coast, and in higher rain- falls, these typically arid-zone landforms are replaced by more gently inflected concavo-con- vex slopes associated with less active erosion. Only adjacent to sharply incised streams and on the steeper valley sides are fresh rock mate- rials locally exposed. ( 2)— 1 7390 Journal of the Royal Society of Western Australia, Vol. 56 Parts 1 and 2. July. 1973. 17 Superficial deposits Many of the lateritic materials mapped in Fig. 2 are detrital. Those of the high relief areas of the Darling Range often consist of fragments of ironstone, and sometimes fresh rock, recemented with skins of iron oxide (Mul- cahy, 1961). These materials may extend down- slope as colluvial sheets overlying a variety of substrates, including relatively fresh country rock (Mulcahy et al., 1972). The sandplain materials too have been shown to be colluvial deposits of local origin derived largely from the ferruginous duricrust of pre- existing laterites (Mulcahy, 1961; Brewer and Bettenay, 1973). Further, they are multiple deposits, not all of the same age; some, the most extensive, carrying undifferentiated sandy yellow earth soils, are clearly very young, while others are older, and have developed segregations of iron oxide which harden on exposure. Both forms, the undifferentiated younger deposits overlying the older, may be found capping classi- cal lateritic residuals bounded by breakaways (Mulcahy, 1964). It follows that the surfaces of such residuals cannot be uncritically accepted as any kind of time marker or datum. Colluvial and alluvial deposits derived from fresh rock outcrop are important though limited in extent. They are confined principally to the valley sides and floors, and to limited areas on the Swan Coastal Plain, where they give rise to the more fertile soils in comparison with those derived from lateritic materials. Fresh colluvial deposits are also occasionally found on upland divides where rock outcrops are exposed by the stripping of the pre-existing laterites to form the sandplain deposits downslope. Aeolian activity and dune formation are not common on the sandplain surfaces, except per- haps in the arid interior, in the east of the area considered. There is some aeolian acti- vity associated with the drainage lines. Bet- tenay (1962) has described the formation of “lake parna”, a silty, calcareous and saline deposit blown out of the salt lake chains, which may account for the extensive calcareous soils shown in Fig. 2. They may, on the other hand, be due in part to the more extensive oc- currence of basic and ultrabasic rocks in the eastern goldfields. Aeolian sands blown out of stream channels have been reported by Northcote et al. (1967) from the higher rain- fall areas. Windblown coastal beach dunes are almost continuous, particularly on the west coast, and show age sequences related to Pleisto- cene sea levels (Fairbridge, 1954; McArthur and Bettenay, 1960). Aeolianite limestone dune and beach rocks, the result of leaching of the origi- nal calcareous sands and consolidation of the lower layers by deposition of carbonates, are prominent in the coastline, offshore reefs and coastal islands (Fairbridge, 1953). Soils Only a brief outline of the nature of the soils, related to the foregoing account of the geo- morphology and superficial deposits, can be given here. A considerable amount of further information within this framework may be extracted from the published Atlas of Australian Soils (Northcote et al., 1967), with careful study of the map legend and the accompanying Memoir. Reference to areas of detailed study on which this account is based is also given where relevant. Relatively little has been published on the Darling Range soils, apart from a broad scale study by Mulcahy et al. (1972). Smith (1951a, 1951b) has published accounts of the rather similar patterns in the Donnybrook Sunkland and towards the south coast. In the latter of these, on the Frankland-Gordon river valley, he drew attention to the sequential change of valley form from the broad valleys of the inland areas to the more sharply incised forms downstream. The dominant soils are, of course, the lateritic gravels (KS-Uc4.1 and KS-Uc4.2)*, consisting of up to 5 metres or more of ironstone gravels in a yellow sandy matrix and the related lateritic podsolics (Dy3.61) with ironstone gravels in a sandy surface overlying a mottled yellow-brown clay subsoil. These materials frequently overlie a pallid zone up to 30 metres or more in thick- ness. Massive ironstone pavements are common on ridgetops and occasionally on slopes. It is worth emphasizing that, apart from more exten- sive divides, there is some considerable relief (Fig. 2), with slopes up to 8 U . In general, the gravels tend to become finer downslope, some- times grading into sandy yellow earths (Gn2.21) in the lowest positions. The mid-slope gravels are those currently being mined as bauxite. The broader valleys of the more extensive divides carry grey sands over ironstone gravels (Uc2.3) or solonetzic profiles (Dg3.81), both overlying deep pallid zones. Further downstream the sides of the more incised valleys have a range of soils including red and yellow podsolics (Dr2.21 and Dy3.21) and red and yellow earths (Gn2.14, and Gn2.21). The complex soil pattern of the zone of dissected laterites has been described by Mulcahy and Hingston (1961), and Bettenay and Hingston (1964). West of the Meckering Line the truncated laterites and limited ex- posures of fresher rock give rise to a range of solodic and podsolic soils (Dy3.82 and Dy3.81) and some red-brown earths with generally neutral reaction trends (Dr2.22). Further in- land, with longer, gentler slopes and lower rain- fall, reaction trends of the red-brown earths become alkaline (Dr.2.33). The soils of the predominantly sandplain areas and the associated broad valleys, forming the larger part of the agricultural area of Western Australia, have been described by Bettenay and Hingston (loc. cit.) for an area representative of the shield and by Churchward (1970) where they are extensively developed over the Jurassic sediments, often sandstones, *Notation in parentheses after names of great soil groups refers to the classification of Australian soils by Northcote 1971. Journal of the Royal Society of Western Australia. Vol. 56 Parts 1 and 2, July, 1973. 18 flanking the shield to the north. The sandplain soils are predominantly sandy yellow earths (Gn2.21) with some sands over ironstone gravels (Uc5.22). The limited areas of fresher rock outcrop on the valley sides, and the alluvial deposits of the valley floors carry sodic brown soils (Dr2.33) with calcareous subsoils. Both upland and valley floor are, however, underlain by lateritic pallid zones, deepest in the latter situation, where the ground water is similar in composition to sea water, though it may exceed it in the concentration of salts. Thus the relatively fresh materials of the soils of the valley floors, which are calcareous and alkaline, overlie acid and saline substrates. Bettenay et al. (1964) calculate that 90% of the salts stored in the landscape are in these valley ground waters, and only a small proportion in the rather more obvious playa lakes. The aeolian lake parnas (Bettenay, 1962) give rise to the silty, saline calcareous earths (Gel. 12 and Gel. 22) adjoining the salt lakes, usually on the eastern or south eastern < downwind > margins. The greater inland extent of these soils (Fig. 2) may be due to the greater extent of the lakes as a source area, or alternatively to a greater relative abundance of fine textured basic and ultrabasic rocks. The Swan Coastal Plain provides two import- ant age sequences of soils covering a period extending as far back as the Mindel-Riss inter- glacial (McArthur and Bettenay, I960) or per- haps beyond it. One is developed on the coalescing piedmonts near the foot of the scarp, and the other on the wind blown sands of the coastal areas. The older, and most widespread, alluvial deposits have been lateritized, but also have been extensively stripped, so that the dominant soil is a meadow podsolic (Dy5.81> consisting of a sandy surface over a poorly structured subsoil clay of low permeability developed in the lateritic pallid zone. Younger deposits, in the form of the terraces incised in these older materials, or of alluvial fans laid over them, carry a sequence of red and yellow podsolics (Dr2.81 and Dy2.21) and of undifferentiated soils on the relatively fresh youngest deposits. Thus McArthur and Bettenay (loc. cit.) were able to establish the age relationships of the soils by the frequently observed and invariable order of superposition of the deposits. The youngest beach dune systems are at the present coastline, consisting of a highly cal- careous shell sand (Ucl.l). Inland they are succeeded by slightly podsolized yellow sands and Gardner (1942; 1956) as a line extending from Shark Bay (latitude 26 S, longitude 114 W) in the north to Israelite Bay (latitude 33 S. longi- tude 124 > in the south. The crescentic area west of this boundary is approximately two hundred thousand square kilometres. Nowhere is the boundary between the South West Province and the Eremaean Province well- defined. Gardner (1942) relied upon a 175 mm winter (May to October') isohyet to substantiate his field observations on the distribution of what he considered South-Western and Eremaean species. Diels ( 1906 > used the 300 mm annual isohyet. a line slightly to the west of Gardner’s. Burbidge (I960) also accepted this line, using the 10” isohyet. These are presented in Figure 1. Floristically the South West Province is de- limited by the inland extent of many heath components such as Conostylis . Anigozanthos (Haemodoraceae) and the Restionaceae and and Epacridaceae. The eastern limits of low heaths on sand or gravel, mallee and mallee heaths and certain woodlands also delimit the South West Province. Further east are the Mulga. Salmon Gum woodlands and shrublands dominated by species of Acacia and species of Chenopodiaceae and Myoporaceae. Floristic diversity Few studies have been made on the lower plants of Western Australia. Bibby and Smith (1954) list 36 lichens for the whole state and an estimate of the numbers of Bryophytes can only be made from a few localised studies. 'Western Australian Herbarium, Department of Agricul- ture. South Perth. Smith <1962) lists the number of Bryophytes on granitic slopes in the well -watered Poron- gurup Range as 14. Willis < 1 954 > has listed some 33 mosses. 20 of which occur in the dry Goldfields region. The number of ferns and fern allies for West- ern Australia is only 49 (Smith. 1966'. Of these. 26 occur in the South West Province, most being associated with moist microhabitats on granitic monadnocks. To this list must be added five or six south-west species of Isoetes. Only 11 Gymnosperms are recorded for the province. This includes one widespread Macro- zamia . a shrubby species of Podocarpus with morphological affinities with the eastern species P. spinulosus (Dallimore and Jackson. 1966' and six species of Callitris as well as three species of the endemic Actinostrobus. Beard (1969) records at total of 3.611 Gymno- sperms and Angiosperms in the South West Province. This record was based on data, ex- tracted from species folders in the W.A. Herbarium, which were published as a ‘‘Descrip- tive Calalogue of West Australian Plants” (Beard. 1965 ». These data are limited because so much of the Western Australian flora still remains to be studied. In comparison with most parts of the world the recorded number of ferns. Gymnosperms and Angiosperms in the South West Province is relatively high, though a survey of recent literature reveals other areas which have greater numbers of species per square kilometre. These data are presented in Table 1. arranged in de- creasing species density. Species numbers have been obtained from Adamson and Salter <1950>. Allan (1961). Beadle et al. (1972). Black <1929>. Burbidge and Gray <1970). Chippendale <1971'. Curtis (1969) and Willis <1962). Table 1 The numbers of plant species in the floras of different regions Area sq. km Estimated no. of species Species per sq. km Cape Peninsula, South Africa 471 2.622 5-567 Australian Capital Territory 2 359 1,037 0-440 Sydney District 28 500 2,000 0-070 Tasmania 68 330 1,200 0-018 South West Province 220 150 3,637 0-017 Victoria 227 620 2,500 0-011 New Zealand 268 670 1,457 0-005 South Australia 984 380 2,500 0-003 Northern Territory 1 347 525 2,736 0-002 The incredible diversity of the Cape Peninsula flora is no doubt partly due to its diverse Journal of the Royal Society of Western Australia. Vol. 56 Parts 1 and 2. July. 1973. 23 Figure 1. — The South West Botanical Province as defined by Diels (1906) and Gardner (1956). physical features, which modify the climate so that various locations receive from 50 to over 200 cm annual rainfall. The higher elevations also receive summer mists, which must alleviate the summer drought to some extent. Of the species total recorded by Adamson and Salter (1950>, 846 are monocots. In comparison, Beard (1965» lists less than 700 monocots for the South West Province, a lower proportion than that of the Cape Peninsula, due to the absence of many bulbous plants in the former. In comparison to the data available on the number of species in other Australian states the South West Province compares favourably. The richness of the flora and its high degree of endemic species have been commented on by many authors. Burbidge (I960) in a detailed analysis of Australian genera listed 462 genera in 96 families in the South West province. Of this total 111 genera are restricted to the Province. Only five families are endemic. These are Cephalotaceae, (1 sp.); Eremosynaceae, (1 sp.); Emblingiaceae, (1 sp.); Ecdeiocoleaceae, (1 sp.); Anarthriaceae, (5 spp.). The last two families are morphologically and anatomically related to the Restionaceae but are regarded as separate families by Cutler and Airy Shaw (1965). Among the families which are well represented by a number of genera in the province are the Restionaceae (16 genera), Liliaceae (21), Xanthorrhoeaceae (9), Myrtaceae (26), Epacri- daceae (15), Leguminosae (31), Rutaceae (13), Journal of the Royal Society of Western Australia, Vol. 56 Parts 1 and 2. July, 1973. 24 Goodeniaceae (10) and Asteraceae (30) (largely from Burbidge, 1960). At the species level, Gardner (1942) lists the families well developed in the province as Tremandraceae, Proteaceae, Leguminosae, Ruta- ceae, Rhamnaceae and Verbenaceae. An indication of the number of species in some of the larger families of the province and the percentage of the total species estimated for Australia is presented in Table 2. Data have been extracted from Burbidge (1963) and Beard (1965). Table 2 The numbers of species in selected families of plants from the South West Province and the whole of Australia Estimated total Australian species Estimated S.W. province species Percent, of Australian species in SAY. Centrolepidaceae 35 23 66 Dilleniaceae 107 63 59 Epacridaceae 499 170 34 Goodeniaceae 309 128 41 Myrtaceae 1,918 608 32 Proteaceae 1,211 408 34 ltestionaceae 82 57 70 Stylidiaceae 144 102 71 The three large families Epacridaceae, Myrta- ceae and Proteaceae, which are regarded by Good (1964) as large Australian families, have between them over 3,600 species, over one-third of the total number of species in the Australian flora estimated by Good (loc. cit.). The South West Province total of these three families is just under 1,200 species, which is one third of the total number of species of the families and one third of the species total of all families re- corded for the province. In contrast to the richness in the south-west of the families presented in Table 2 are the distribution patterns of the other large Austra- lian families listed by Good (loc. cit.). For example in the Poaceae, Gardner (1952) records only 82 species native to the Province in compari- son to 278 native Western Australian grasses. Figures for the Orchidaceae (George, 1971) reveal the same degree of paucity in the South West Province, only 128 species out of an Aust- ralian total of approximately 600. The numbers of species of Australia’s largest genera Acacia and Eucalyptus show the same pattern. Only 161 Acacia species are recorded and 79 eucalypts out of a total of very approximately 600 species for each genus. The southwestern representa- tives of the two genera respectively contribute only 27% and 13% of the Australian total. Endemism Good (1964) comments on the difficulties in comparing species richness and degrees of endemism. No attempt will be made here to present the facts using the methods outlined by Exell and Williams (vide Good loc. cit.). The high degree of endemism in the flora of southwestern Australia has been commented on by Hooker (1860), East (1912) and Gardner (1942; 1959). The number of species restricted to the South West Province has been estimated at 75% of the southwestern flora (Gardner, 1959) and as 86-87% by Beard G969). The latter paper, based on the descriptive catalogue men- tioned above (Beard, 1965), and a survey of the literature, presents figures for the number of both widespread and restricted species for the South West Province, the Eremaean Province and the Northern Province. The percentages of endemism recorded in the analysis are not clearly comprehensible, as there is some confu- sion between the use of the terms “endemic” and “solely southwestern” as well as errors in cal- culation. On the basis of figures listed by Beard, the number of species restricted to the South West Province is 2,472 and the total number of species in the province is 3,611. This means that the percentage of species restricted to the province is 68%. In comparison with this percentage of endemism Good (1964) suggests that the Cape Peninsula, South Africa, has more than 90% endemism. Malagasy is also quoted as perhaps having 85% of the species being restricted to the island. It must be remembered however that the larger an area the higher the propor- tion of endemic species. Australia for example probably has a greater proportion of endemic species than any other major geographical region. Figures for species endemism also exist for Tasmania (Curtis 1969) as 17% and for Dar- win and the Gulf region of the Northern Terri- tory, 57% (Chippendale 1971), though this lat- ter figure apparently refers only to the percent- age of endemism of that region in comparision to the Northern Territory and not the neigh- boring States. There is no doubt that the South West Prov- ince does has a high degree of endemism in comparison to other regions of comparable size. It . is also worth noting that a considerable area of the South West Province is covered by forests and woodlands which are dominated by a single or very few species of Eucalyptus. For example, prime forests of Jarrah ( Eucalyptus marginata Donn ex Sm.) cover over 17,000 sq. km yet har- bour only a few hundred associated species. The incredible richness and uniqueness of the local flora is to be found on the heaths or so called sandplains of sandy or lateritic soil which oc- cupy considerable areas, particularly in the northern and eastern parts of the province. Diels (1906) and Gardner (1942) comment on this richness at the “cusps” of the province. Diels (loc. cit.) quotes the total number of re- corded species and the percentage endemism in each of the six botanical districts he designated within the Province. Even though his total figures are low and it is not clear if he uses the term “endemism” to refer to the species restricted to the district or whole Province, the results are interesting. Endemism is quoted as 6% for the extreme south-west corner, 37% for the most Journal of the Royal Society of Western Australia, Vol. 56 Parts 1 and 2, July, 1973. 25 northerly district and 33% for the most easterly. The districts in between range from 20 to 33%. An indication of the species richness of heath areas of the province is given in Table 3, which presents recent information on the species total in three reserves. Table 3 The numbers of species in selected National Parks in southwestern Australia Area Xo. of (sij. km.) species Tutanning (32' 30'S 1 1 7°E.) 18-2 400 Stirling Range (34 S. 118°E.) 1 093 550 Fitzgerald River (32 : ' 30'S. 117°E.) 2 444 700 With more field work the figures for the species of the Stirling Range and Fitzgerald River reserve will rise. Already it has been found that 10% of the plants of the Fitzgerald River reserve are restricted to that area. Most of these local endemics are restricted to the slopes of the Barren and Eyre Ranges which rise to over 500 m. It is worth noting from the above data that the species density of Tutan- ning, the most intensively studied reserve, is 22 species per square kilometre. This figure is probably typical of many small areas of heath in the south-west, particularly along the south- ern coast on some monadnocks such as Mt. Manypeaks and Peak Charles and some moun- tain ranges such as the Stirling Range, the Barrens and Mt. Ragged. A similar situation exists in the Grampians, Victoria, with approxi- mately 750 species of angiosperms and ferns, 30 of them restricted to that location in Victoria and some of these having Western Australian affinity (Willis, 1962). Disjunctions and links with other floras. The closest relationship of the South West Province judging by the number of shared genera and species is with southeastern Australia. Beard (1969) records 491 species which occur in the south-west and in eastern Australia. Of these 211 are widespread in Western Australia while 280 are restricted in Western Australia to the South West Province and also occur in the south-east of Australia. Green (1964) mentions that several hundred species occur in the south-west and in the eastern states but not in the intervening regions of Western Australia and western South Aus- tralia. He selected 35 of these with a minimum intervening distance in their distribution of 1200 km and a maximum of 2500 km. A recent unverified collection of the species quoted with the greater disjunction, (Stylidium perpusillum Hook f.), reduces the intervening distance to 1600 km. In the same paper, Green lists 48 pairs of species, the members of which are re- garded as morphologically related and far re- moved geographically. Some of these are con- sidered by Green to be true vicariads which have been separated by unfavourable climatic conditions in the intervening region and have diverged morphologically. The explanation for some of the disjunct species listed by Green is regarded as long distance wind dispersal. To support this sug- gestion the author refers to the high proportion of minute-seeded species such as Orchidaceae, Stylidium and Levenhookia in his lists. Recent work on the Orchidaceae at the Western Aus- tralian Herbarium has revealed other species which could be added to list of southwestern and southeastern Australian species. One of these, Thelymitra mathewsii Cheeseman, occurs in a few localities at the northern tip of New Zealand (George, 1971). This is only a few degrees of latitude south of the Western Aus- tralian occurrence, and approximately 5000 km to the east. Disjunctions between southwestern and south- eastern Australian species with large propagules require an explanation involving geological and climatic history. Disjunctions within the South West Province itself, particularly between the northern and southeastern sections and between the south-west and the granitic monadnocks of the interior, can also be explained on the basis of past climatic fluctuations. This subject will be dealt with later. A floristic relationship between southern and east Africa and Western Australia is often quoted in the literature on plant geography and continental drift. This relationship has been discussed by Gardner (1942), Specht (1958), Burbidge (I960) and Good (1964). Specht loc. cit) . lists four genera which range from East Africa and Malagasy to Australia. These are Adansonia, Diplopeltis, Keraudrenia and Rulingia. These genera except Adansonia are well represented in the South West Province. The record for Diplopeltis from Malagasy has recently been refuted (George and Erdtman, 1969) though Hoogland (1949) adds the genus Hibbertia, which is very well represented in the south-west, to those genera which occur in Malagasy and Australia. Gardner (1942) and Burbidge (1960) discuss in detail the distribution of the families Centro- lepidaceae, Restionaceae and Proteaceae and their links between southwestern Australia, southern Africa and southern South America. These links are well developed only at the family level. Weimarck (1941) listed only four genera which occur in the Cape Peninsula and in the South West Province. These are Restio, Leptocarpus and Hypolaena ( Restionaceae ) and Caesia (Liliaceae). As pointed out by Burbidge (1960) there is no certainty that the respective taxa in the two regions are congeneric. Certainly very little is known at the present time of the generic limits within the local Restionaceae. The case of the distribution of the Proteaceae is frequently regarded as a keystone in phyto- geographical interpretation, rivalling the posi- tion of Nothofagus. The study of the distribu- tion of genera (Rao, 1971) reveals that none of those represented in Western Australia occur Journal of the Royal Society of Western Australia, Vol. 56 Parts 1 and 2, July, 1973. 26 outside Australia and that there is a greater relationship between Australia and South America than between South Africa and Australia. The concept of a close relationship between the flora of southern South Africa and the South West Province has arisen largely because of the incredible morphological similarity of some genera, particularly in Proteaceae and Papi- lionaceae, in the respective regions. This simi- larity, as well as the parallel floristic diversity and localised richness of the two areas, suggests not recent contact but a parallel in environ- mental history. Thus the relationships of the southwestern flora are clearly with that of eastern Australia and, in common with that region, the north- ern regions of Australia and the neighbouring islands. Through the relationship of the flora of eastern Australia to that of New Guinea, New Caledonia, New Zealand and South America, the western flora is more related to these as well, than it is to that of southern Africa and Malagasy. Discussion A considerable amount of controversy has raged over the location of the origin of the angiosperms. The most widely accepted view at present is that they arose in the area which now lies between Assam and Fiji, most prob- ably in what is now south-east Asia fails to explain the strong generic affinities between South America and Australia and the lack of them with South Africa. More recent reconstructions of the supposed southern continent by Griffiths (1972) and the paper dealing with geological history in this volume, show how it is possible for Aus- tralia to have more affinities with South America than South Africa. However it must be pointed out again that Africa is supposed to have separated from “Gondwanaland” before most modern plant families had appeared. Far more important considerations than con- tinental drift and links with other floras are those dealing with the entry of angiosperms into Australia, and for the present study, a discus- sion of the factors which have led to diversity in the South West Province. Knowledge of the Australian Angiosperm flora in the early Tertiary is considerably better than that of the earlier periods. The Eocene and Miocene are presumed to have been periods of adequate, reliable rainfall over southern Aus- tralia. This enabled the development of a so- called pan-Australian mesophytic flora which included Cinnamomum , Nothofagus . Podocar- vus . Casuarina, Banksia and perhaps Eucalyptus (Crocker & Wood, 1947; Wood, 1959). In south- western Australia sediments of Eocene origin have revealed evidence of Araucaria, Banksia. Nothofagus and Gleiclienia (McWhae et al. 1958). From this evidence it is presumed that the climate of southern Australia was warm and wet. There is no evidence of climatic conditions in the mid-north of Western Australia, though warm water marine faunas are recorded during the Tertiary for the Carnarvon basin < Brown et al., 1969). If the present climatic zones were applicable in the Miocene then it is possible that the area which is now North West Cape and the Hamersley Range experienced a Medi- terranean type climate. The Miocene period has been noted as an important one in Australian plant geography by Wood (1959). It marked the end of a long period of peneplanation. it was the beginning of earth movements in the south-east of the continent, and it was the beginning of the partial isolation of the South West Province from the rest of southern Australia. In the Miocene to the Pliocene a marine trans- gression deposited the limestones which now constitute the Nullarbor Plain. This became an edaphic barrier between the east and west though, as will be suggested later, not a com- pletely effective one. Journal of the Royal Society of Western Australia, Vol. 56 Parts 1 and 2, July, 1973. 27 Smith-White ( vide Burbidge, 1960) suggests a pre-Miocene origin for many genera in the Rutaceae and Myrtaceae. It is likely that if this is the case, the diversification and develop- ment of endemism in the South West Province commenced in this period. Perhaps the Eocene transgression, which may have extended over much of the southern part of the Western Shield marked the beginning of the diversification. At this time the higher mountains and ranges along the south coast of Western Australia would have been islands and as such would have acted as refugia. It is in refugia such as these that much evolutionary change could occur, especially during the subsequent migration and inter- mingling of these refugial floras on newly liberated soils of the Oligocene and Miocene. Another important factor contributing to the development of the flora in the Miocene was probably the development of laterite in the humid climate. Lateritization of the whole plateau commenced in the Eocene or Miocene but subsequent aridity restricted formation to the wetter south-west. The shield could have been colonised by laterite-tolerant species from the south or north-west to give a widespread flora adapted to the post-Miocene drier condi- tions. This flora was to a certain extent cut off from the eastern parts of the continent. Later weathering of the laterities on the central part of the shield would have broken the continuous flora: two large remnants of these which exist today are the northern and southern sandplains, which have numerous dis- junct species, i.e., only occurring in these regions or in isolated areas in between. The scanty evidence of the post-Miocene floras has been discussed by Burbidge (I960). It is possible that the Cinnamomum type vegetation moved northward in response to a cooling of the climate leaving behind some of the present flora which had adapted to the changed conditions. Specht and Rayson (1957) suggest that the present day sclerophyll genera developed in a warmer, wetter climate. The growth of these plants occurs at a time of great water stress in the late summer. This is interpreted as being out of phase with the present climatic condi- tions and a result of their origin in a more humid climate. It is possible that the leafy shoots which initiate and differentiate small, rigid cells in a period of stress would have an evolutionary advantage under arid conditions. A number of authors, including Wood (1959), Smith-White (1954), Burbidge (1960) and Green (1964), stress the importance of the Miocene inundation and the subsequent development of limestone and arid land to the north, as a major barrier to plant migration between the east and west. Recent surveys of the area to the north of the Nullarbor Plains have revealed a surprising number of genera and species which are normally considered as southwestern. These include Acacia leptopetala Benth., Daviesia ulicifolia Andr., Leptospermum roei Benth. and species of Micro- myrtus, Thryptomene and Logania. It is evident from the existence of pockets of southwestern flora at North West Cape (lat. 22 S, long. 114 E) and Roe Plains, especially at Twilight Cove (approx, lat. 32°S, long. 216°E) as well as others of southwestern species on granitic monadnocks as far east as Kalgoorlie, that the present day vegetation of the South West Province was of much greater extent in the past. Evidence for climatic fluctuations in the recent past (4000 to 3000 BC) have been pro- vided by Churchill (1968). Under pluvial con- ditions it can be imagined that the area north of the Nullarbor Plain could provide an effective corridor between the southwest and southeastern Australia. The importance of this corridor for birds has been presented by Ford (1971). Crocker and Wood (1947) postulated a mid- Recent period of aridity which, with subsequent amelioration of the climate causing contraction and expansion of the vegetation, had profound effect on the ecological and species complexity. During a period of severe southern Australian aridity the South West Province would have suffered greater decimation of the vegetation than the southeastern Australian region. The southeast in contrast to the west has a greater latitudinal and altitudinal variation. In the south-west three refugial areas could have been important. One of these is the Hamersley Range (approx, lat. 22 C S, long 118°W). The refugial nature of the present day Hamersley Range flora has been commented on by Burbidge (1959). If the arid period in southern Australia postulated by Crocker and Wood (l.c.) was due to a relative southwards movement of the weather zones in the mid-Recent as has been proposed by Keble (1947), Gentilli (1961) and Specht (1958), then it is likely that more of northern Australia came under the influence of monsoonal weather pat- terns. The Hamersley region could not only have provided a refugium for some southwestern species but also allowed some mixing of these with species of northern origin. Two areas of refugial nature are postulated in the south-west. One is the deeper valleys of the Darling Scarp which because of uplift of rain- bearing westerly winds would always have a higher rainfall than the neighbouring plateau and coastal plain. From these refugia the recolonization of the laterites to the east of the scarp and the coastal plain could have taken place. The remaining refugia could have been pro- vided by the monadnocks and ranges, particularly along the south coast. These were probably the most important areas because of the variety of habitats available and the relative reliability of rainfall. If the mean path of the high pressure wind systems was much lower than at present, the on-shore winds would have brought more or less reliable rains to the south coast as they do in summer today. Such refugia as the Stirling Range and Barrens could have developed a species diversity and degree of endemism similar to that of the present Cape Peninsula. The South West Province is not a centre of origin bf the Australia flora but a centre of great diversity of some of these elements and of some relict groups. Continental drift occurred too early to have a profound effect on relation- ships with southern Africa. The diversity is Journal of the Royal Society of Western Australia, Vol. 56 Parts 1 and 2. July. 1973. 28 due to the long standing stability of the western plateau with diversity beginning in the Miocene and continuing with limited migration between east and west and north and south. The whole Southwestern corner of Australia developed into a virtual island which underwent drastic climatic change which must have favoured species adapted to sandy and gravelly soils. The South West Province can be regarded as a relatively isolated area with a latitudinal spread of only 9° and a limited altitudinal variation. This “island” has always been well away from any migration routes. Eastern Australia, in contrast to the south-west, has a latitudinal range of over 35° with a wide altitudinal variation. According to Burbidge (1960) this part of Australia is also a well developed migration route parallel and related to other routes from New Guinea to New Caledonia and New Zealand. References Adamson, R. S. and Salter, T. M. (1950). — “ Flora of the Cape Peninsula” . Juta, Cape Town. Allan, H. H. (1961). — “ Flora of New Zealand”. Govern- ment Printer, Wellington. Beadle, N. C. W. (1966). — Soil phosphate and its role in molding segments of the Australian flora and vegetation, with special reference to xeromorphy and sclerophylly. Ecology 47 (6): 992-1007. Beadle, N. C. W., Evans, O. D. and Carolin, R. C. (1972). — “ Flora of the Sydney Region”. Reed, Sydney. Beard, J. S. (1965). — “ Descriptive catalogue of West Australian Plants”. Society for Growing Australian Plants, Sydney. Beard, J. S. (19o9). — Endemism in the Western Aus- tralian flora at the species level. Journal of the Royal Society of Western Australia 52 (1): 18-20. Bibby, P. and Smith G. G. (1954). — A list of Lichens of Western Australia. Journal of the Royal Society of Western Australia 39: 28. Black, J. M. (1929). — “ Flora of South Australia” . Gov- ernment Printer, Adelaide. Brown, D. A., Campbell, K. S. W. and Crook, K. A. W. (1969). — “The Geological Evolution of Aus- tralia and New Zealand”. Pergamon, Lon- don. Burbidge, N. T. (1959).— Notes on plants and plant habi- tats observed in the Abydos-Woodstock area, Pilbara district, Western Australia. C.S.I.R.O. Division of Plant Industry Technical Paper 12 . Burbidge, N. T. (I960).— The Phytogeography of the Australian region. Australian Journal of Botany 8 (2): 75-212. Burbidge, N. T. (1963). — “Dictionary of Australian Plant Genera”. Angus and Robertson, Sydney. Burbidge, N. T. and Gray, M. ( 1970) .—“Flora of the Australian Capital Territory.” A.N.U. Press, Canberra. Carey, S. W. (1958). — A tectonic approach to continental drift. Geology Department Symposium, Uni- versity of Tasmania, March 1956 pp. 117-355. Chippendale, G. M. (1971).— Check list of Northern Ter- ritory Plants, Proceedings of the Linnaean Society of New South Wales 96 (4): 207-267. Churchill, D. M. (1968).— The distribution and prehis- tory of Eucalyptus diversicolor F. Muell., E. marginata Donn ex Sm. and E. calophylla R. Br. in relation to rainfall. Australian Journal of Botany. 16: 125-151. Crocker, R. L. and Wood, J. G. (1947). — Some historical influences on the development of the South Australian vegetation communities and their bearing on concept and classification in Ecology. Transactions of the Royal Society of South Australia. 71: 91-136. Curtis, W. M. (1969). — The vegetation of Tasmania. Tas- manian Year Book 1969: 55-59. Cutler. D. F. and Airy Shaw, H. K. ( 1965) .— Anarthria- ceae and Ecdeiocoleaceae : two new Monco- tyledonous families, separated from the Restionaceae. Kew Bulletin 19: 489-499. Dallimore, W. and Jackson, A. B. (1966).— "A Hand- book of the Coniferae and Ginkgoaceae” . Arnold, London. Diels. L. ( 1906 ) . — “Die Vegetation der Erde VII Die Pflanzenwelt von West Austr alien” . Engel- mann, Leipzig. East, J. J. (1912). — The flora of Western Australia in 'Cyclopedia of Western Australia” . Hussey and Gillingham, Adelaide. Ford, J. R. 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Definition of the ecosystem. Aus- tralian Journal of Botany 5: 52-85. Takhtajan. A. (1969). — "Flowering Plants Origin and Dispersal" . English Edition, Oliver and Boyd, Edinburgh. Weimarck, H. < 1941 ).— Phytogeographic groups, centres and intervals within the Cape flora. Kung- lica Fysiographiska Sallskapets Handlingar 52. Willis, J. ( 1954) .—Mosses new to W.A. Victorian Natur- alist 71: 8-12. Willis, J. (1962).— Land flora of Victoria. Victorian Year Book 1962. Wood, J. W. (1959).— The phytogeography of Australia in relation to radiation of Eucalyptus, Acacia, etc.. Biography and Ecology in Aus- tralia. Monographiae Biologicae VIII- 291- 302. Journal of the Royal Society of Western Australia, Vol. 56 Parts 1 and 2, July, 1973. 30 4. — Animal and plant speciation studies in Western Australia By H. E. Paterson 1 and S. H. James- Abstract Speciation studies involving; Western Austra- lian. and especially southwestern, animals and plants are reviewed. The paper presents differ- ent approaches to the problems of integrating cytogenetics, ecology and taxonomy, and fall's into two parts. Current studies on animals in Western Aus- tralia illustrate some of the consequences of the evolutionary process of speciation. as well as some aspects of the mechanism bringing it about. Cy toevolutionary responses in ten groups in the Western Australian llora are reviewed. Cytogenetic innovations in evidence include polyploidy, apomixis. complex hybridity, ancu- ploidy, lethal systems and B chromosomes, and in general, these are interpreted as conserva- tive devices, conserving either heterozygosity, adapted gene combinations, or both. These studies support Mayr’s arguments for a discipline covering the speciation process and its consequences. Intrcduclimi Speciation studies amongst Western Austra- lian animals and plants are not extensive, but they illustrate differing points of view in a number of areas. Firstly, the application of a species definition to taxonomic practices varies between zoologists and botanists; for example, the existence of infraspecific polyploidy in plant species must often, perhaps invariably, combine genetically distinct though morphologically similar biological species into a single taxonomic species. Comparable genetic barriers in animal species would normally be taken to delimit taxonomic species. Secondly, there is a con- tinuing discussion concerning the importance of postmating isolation and its reinforcement in tlie speciation process. In this paper, the theory of allopatric speciation involving an initial attainment of premating isolation is vigorously, and profitably, applied to animal speciation studies. On the other hand, while recognizing that the theory of allopatric speciation may well be of great utility in interpreting the evolu- tionary origin of many plant species, the plant speciation studies reviewed here have been selected, and in many cases the work actually directed, with a view to seeking out situations in which alternative processes of speciation may be demonstrable. Thus, these latter studies do do not concentrate on an integration of genetically-determined ecological attributes with geohistorical circumstances, but attempt to in- vestigate situations where endophenotypic attri- butes, the attributes of which postulating isola- tion is made, are of adaptive utility at the infraspecific level. •Zoology Department, University of Western Australia. Necilands, W.A. -Botany Department. University of Western Australia. Necilands. W.A. Animal species studies by H. E. Pater; on The species concept In 1957 Ernst Mayr proposed that a Science of Species could be justified as a legitimate field of study. It was conceived as including not only the study of the process of speciation itself, but the study of many of its sequelae as well. Such a field of study would clearly be most closely related to population genetics because it is based on the genetical concept of the species, which, in turn, has the idea of a species-specific gene pool at its centre. The studies reported on here are mostly still in progress. They are diverse in approach and cover a wide range of animal species, but they all fall within the scope of Mayr s Science ol Species. Bv present- ing them together it is hoped that ' they will provide support for May r's suggestion by reveal- ing something of the breadth, interest and even utility ol such a discipline. At the outset it is necessary to outline clearly what is meant by the genetical concept ol the species, because the species in genetics does not always correspond to ffny species currently recognised in taxonomy. This usually means that insufficient time has elapsed for the necessary adjustments to be made. A gene pool can only exist in organisms which reproduce sexually, though it could be argued that it is applicable to certain prokar- yotic organisms characterised by at least one of Haldane’s "alternatives to sex" which would enable recombination to occur (Haldane. 1955; Sanderson. 1971'. In sexually reproducing organisms all reproduct ively mature members of a species can contribute to. and share in its gene pool. Furthermore, the gene pool of this species is isolated from the gene pools of other species due to the functioning of genetically determined isolating mechanisms. For these reasons the gene pool of a species is able to be distinct in genetical properties and structure from those of all other species. These ideas can be expressed in other ways. For example, the essential characteristic of an animal species is that it comprises a number of individuals each of which is able to recognise reproductively mature mating partners of the same species. This is achieved by means of a genetically -determined, co-adapted behavioural signalling system. Members of a particular species, because of this system, do not usually respond effectively to the analagous signals of members of other species under natural condi- tions. Journal of the Royal Society of Western Australia. Vol. 5(i Parts 1 and 2. July. 1973 31 The explosive diversification of forms of organisms which apparently followed the evolu- tion of eukaryotic cells in late Precambrian times cannot be attributed to the newly evolved methods of generating genetic diversity alone. Recombination will generate variation, but will not on its own lead to the radiation of forms which we observe. Radiation will, however, be initiated if recombination is restricted to occur- ring within discrete gene pools. This raises the key question how did the species as an evolu- tionary phenomenon first arise? No general answer to this question will be attempted be- cause it is very likely that species arose on several independent occasions following the in- dependent acquisition of sexual reproduction by several different eukaryotic Protista (Margulis, 1970). In the following discussion only the animal lineage will be considered. Most animals are dioecious or can be shown to have had dioecious ancestors. This suggests that the whole animal kingdom evolved from an early dioecious protistan ancestor. Because we are discussing the origin of the species as an evolu- tionary phenomenon, such an ancestral form must have lacked an isolating mechanism as such. However, being dioecious it must have had a genetically-determined mechanism which en- abled the one mating type to recognise the other. Credibly, this system could have provided the basis for the first isolating mechanism which brought the first two animal species into existence, because the principles of allopatric speciation long advocated by Mayr (1942; 1963) are as applicable to this basic system as to more advanced ones. In simple terms the mechanism behind allopatric speciation may be as follows. Once an extrinsic barrier has split the original “gene pool” into two, the genetic structure of each will begin to deviate in response to selec- tion from its distinct environment. Some of the gene substitutions brought about in this way will have a pleiotropic effect on the mate selec- tion mechanism. In this way the mechanisms of the two populations will progressively diverge to the point when the signals of members of the one population are no longer effectively recog- nised by members of the other. At this stage speciation will have been achieved. An example of a gene with pleiotropic effects of the sort invoked is yellow in Drosophila melanogaster Meigen. When compared with “wild type” flies homozygotes for this allele are more resistant to starvation (Kalmus, 1941) and the males have a modified courtship pattern (Bastock 1956). Following effective long term isolation, the mate recognition systems of the two sub-populations may, thus, also function as premating isolating mechanisms, which effectively protect the in- tegrity of their gene pools. This in turn enables the two populations to continue to diverge adaptively even though their ranges may come to overlap. Details of the speciation scheme outlined above will be disputed by some, but if it happens to be correct it will be noted to have the follow- ing implications. Species come into existence as by-products of adaptive evolution. They are not products of selection for diversity, though selection may decide whether a newly evolved species will survive for long. Diversity is not selected for as such, and it is ultimately depend- ant on factors which favour speciation. How- ever, selection does decide the specific pattern of diversity which comes into existence in a particu- lar environment at a particular time. In Western Australia the work of A. R. Main and his students on Leptodactylid frogs is the pioneer work on animal species studies. This work is still continuing and has recently been reviewed (Main, 1970), which provides an indica- tion of how young a field this is within this State. Studies on the origin of species The term “speciation studies” is often used loosely to mean almost any type of species study. Here it is used in a stricter sense to mean the study of the mechanism by which isolating mechanisms, which protect the gene pool of a species from introgression, come into existence. Earlier work (Main, Lee and Littlejohn, 1958) showed a rich frog fauna in southwestern Aust- ralia, an area almost free of geographical barriers of the kind which have proved important in initiating speciation. These authors compared the faunae of southwestern and southeastern Australia, using as particular criteria male call structure and genetic divergence as judged from the results of in vitro crosses. They concluded that during the Pleistocene three distinct pluvial periods, separated by interpluvials, had allowed the entry into Western Australia of faunal elements from the east. The arid interpluvial periods effectively led to the splitting of popula- tions into western and eastern sub-populations, thus providing the conditions for subspeciation and speciation to occur. Main (1970) has modi- fied details of the original model, suggesting that the last Pleistocene pluvial, and one of the two earlier connections, were only wet enough to allow frogs from seasonally arid environments to invade from the east. During the third pluvial, however, both wetland and semi-arid country frogs were able to penetrate westwards. This modified model accounts for why there is only one western species representing certain eastern wetland (Bassian) species, while numbers of eastern semi-arid (Eyrean) species each have three western representative species. These ideas have proved applicable to spiders of the tribe Aganippini (Main, 1962), horseflies 6 >4, is represented in present day taxa. In the section Variables, the widespread Western Australian taxa, H. floribundus (Lindl.) F. Muell. subsp. floribundas (n— 6, 12 and 24), H. caly- cinus (DC. ex Ging.) F. Muell. (n=6 and 12) and H. epacridoides (C. A. Gardn.) Melch. (n— 12) include polyploid cytotypes, while four diploid taxa have restricted distributions. This pattern is somewhat confounded, however, by the presence of the polyploid H. bilobus C. A. Gardn. (n = 12 and 24) which is of relatively restricted occurrence, and the diploid H. mono - petalus ( Schult.) Domin (n = 4) which is widespread in the eastern states. Bennet (loc. cit) also notes that pollen fertility is characteristically quite high in the widespread H. floribundus and H. calycinus, and characteris- tically rather low in the other Western Austra- lian taxa. It would seem again, that different genetic strategies are associated with different degrees of success, and detailed comparative studies on the cytogenetics of Hybanthus species may well prove rewarding. In like manner, comparative cytogenetic studies involving V erticordia, Darwinia and other membrs of the Chamaelaucoideae and members of the cytologically invariant Lepto- spermoideae may indicate a causal basis for the strikingly different cytological responses in these two tribes of the Myrtaceae. Clearly, such an approach can be extended to any group. Indeed, the Western Australian flora provides a formid- able store of materials for research into the processes of biological diversification and specia- tion. Concluding remarks Isotoma, Laxmannia and Stylidium, and prob- ably Calactasia, exhibit lethal systems which eliminate the relatively homozygous products of self-fertilization. The polyploidy in Eremophila, Cassia, Dampiera, Stylidium and Thysanotus may be interpreted as a system allowing the maintenance of high levels of hybridity within populations, though other bases for its adaptive utility are possible and even preferred. Never- theless, it would appear that natural selection has favoured systems that facilitate a pursuit of hybridity during the differentiation of these groups in the semi-arid to arid Western Aus- tralian environment. Genetic hybridity is necessary for the construction of new adapted gene arrays by recombination, and the evolution- ary success of lineages fostering hybridity may well be achieved through default of the rela- tively homozygous lineages. On the other hand, heterozygosity per se may somehow code for a more efficient, flexible and adaptive phenotype than can homozygosity. The occurrence of heterosis in interpopulational hybrids amongst Journal of the Royal Society of Western Australia, Vol. 56 Parts 1 and 2, July, 1973. 41 naturally occurring structural homozygotes in Isotoma petraea and the dependence of the extent of the heterotic effect on the breeding system of the parents suggests value in hetero- zygosity per se. In the Isotoma complex hybrids and in Laxmannia and Stylidium hybridity has been fixed by the lethal systems, and these have led to a marked differentiation between populations resulting in what here has been called a loss in coadaptation. The intrinsic bar- riers to reproduction so established between populations in Stylidium and Laxmannia may well provide the beginnings upon which specia- tion may be built. The self incompatibility system in Dampiera linearis would seem to be a much more efficient and less divisive system of excluding self ferti- lization products. So far, little work on the extent of self incompatability systems in the Western Australian flora has been done. An- other system which prevents self fertilization is dioecy, and McComb (1968, 1969) has con- cluded that the evolution of dioecy and poly- ploidy are independent responses associated with the maintenance of high levels of heterozy- gosity in Isotoma fluviatilis (R.Br.) F. Muell. in New South Wales. McComb (1966) has also analysed the frequencies of the various sex forms in the floras of the South-west Province of Western Australia and of the British Isles, and has compared these with each other and with the analysis of the South Australian flora made by Parsons (1958*. It was shown, inter alia, that the proportions of species with herma- phrodite flowers in South Australia and Western Australia are comparable to each other (88.9% and 90.0% respectively) and significantly greater than in the British Isles (80.7%). Additionally, it was demonstrated that the average number of species in the Western Australian hermaphrodite genera is 9.4 while in the British Isles hermaphrodite genera it is 2.8. The average number of species per genus for non-hermaphrodite genera shows much less disparity, 4.1 for Western Australia and 3.1 for the British Isles. Thus, the Western Australian flora has proportionately fewer sexually differ- entiated species and, among the hermaphrodites, significantly larger genera than has the British Isles. These differences may reflect the differ- ent states of development of plant systematics in the two regions, or it may reflect biologically important differences. Xhe following specula- tion is irresistible. The Western Australian flora is younger and evolutionarily more dynamic than that of the British Isles; the adaptive diversification of its components is associated with the exploitation of a variety of devices con- serving hybridity or adaptive gene arrays, or both, and some of these conservative mechanisms are more divisive than others. Divisive mech- anisms must result in the fragmentation of the gene pool, and in speciation. The resources of genetic variation available within each pro- duct p species would be relatively restricted compared with that available to the whole. As the Western Australian evolutionary dynamism dissipates, those lineages which adopted the less restrictive conservative systems may be expected to have the better chances of survival. Lineages which have adopted dioecy to maintain hybri- dity may fare much better than hermaphro- dites encumbered with lethal systems and, through natural selection, the spectrum of sex forms in this flora may eventually approach that of the British Isles. Acknowledgements. — We sincerely thank our students and colleagues who have permitted us to outline much of their unpublished information and who. through their lively and enthusiastic argument and discussion, and through their own researches, have much influenced our ideas. We are grateful for the support from grants provided by the Australian Research Grants Committee and by the University of Western Aus- tralia for research in these fields. References Anway, J. C. (1969). — The evolution and taxonomy of Calectasia cyanea R.Br. 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(1951 ). — ‘‘Handbook of the birds of Western Australia” . 2nd Edition. Lamb Publications, Perth. Shield, J. W. ( 1956) .—Population studies in the littoral et Rottnest Island. Journal of the Royal Society oj Western Australia 42: 89. Smith-White, S. ( 1959) .— Cytological evolution in the Australian flora. Cold Spring Harbour Sym- posia in Quantitative Biology 24: 273-89. Thomson, J. A. (1969). — The interpretation of puff pat- terns in polytene chromosomes. Currents in Modern Biology 2: 333-338. Wagoner, D. E. ( 1969 ) .— Presence of male determining factors found in three autosomes in the housefly, Musca domestica. Nature, London 223: 187-188. Yen, J. H. and Barr, A. R. ((1971). — New hypothesis of the cause of cytoplasmic incompatibility in Culux pipiens L. Nature, London 232: 657- 658. Journal of the Royal Society of Western Australia, Vol. 56 Parts 1 and 2. July. 1973. 43 5. — Aboriginal man in southwestern Australia By D. Merrilees 1 , W. C. Dix\ S. J. Hallam 2 3 * , W. H. Douglas' 5 and R. M. Berndt 2 Abstract Firm evidence from excavations demonstrates that Aborigines have been present in south- western Australia for about 25.000 years. How- ever. findings from excavated and non-excavated sites could appreciably extend this time-depth to show a much earlier human occupation. Many of these sites are of major scientific im- portance. Some are listed and located on an accompanying map. One criterion for classify- ing them is their original nature or use: e.g., ceremonial sites, stone arrangements, hunting devices, rock engravings, quarries, and surface scatter or artefacts. They are now subject to legislative protection. A topographical archaeolo- gical approach based on field survey with select- ive excavation, supplemented by ethno-historical evidence, provides an ecological perspective on the interaction of southwestern Aboriginal popu- lations. through time, with their environment. A special focus here is on the Perth area, parti- cularly in relation to surface artefact assem- blages. The focus then shifts to the contemporary and near-contemporary scene. Various languages and dialects were spoken in this area, but intensive alien contact led to the emergence of one, Njungar (Nyungar), as a general south- west language. Its phonological grammatical and lexico-semantic characteristics are outlined. The final paper sketches traditional south-west Aboriginal socio-cultural life at the beginning of European settlement. In the wake of that settlement came rapid depopulation and, within fifty years or so, destruction of the traditional systems. Out of this physical, psycho-social and cultural wreckage, have come the mixed Njungar people of Aboriginal descent who now seek an Aboriginal identity of their own. Introduction These five papers are devoted to a considera- tion of what can be called the south-west Aboriginal heritage. Three sorts of data are involved. 1) The archaeological approach takes as its point of departure surviving Aboriginal sites through which the past can be explored. It is building up a picture of Aboriginal settle- ment that can be related to the situation in other parts of this continent. 2) Because systematic anthropological research was un- developed during the early settlement of the south-west, reliance has had to be placed on the often incomplete and subjective evidence of the earlier recorders. It is therefore impossible, at this point in time, to obtain a deep understand- ing of traditional Aboriginal life in this area. These early sources, however, do afford valuable insights. 3) On the other hand, it has been possible to reconstruct aspects of the socio- cultural past from the often fragile memories of elderly Aborigines. And with this, is direct ’Western Australian Museum. 2Department of Anthropology, University of Western Australia. 3 Director, United Aborigines Mission Language Depart- ment, Kalgoorlie, Western Australia. anthropological research into the contemporary situation, among persons of Aboriginal descent who have more associations with the wider Australian society than they have with their Aboriginal forbears. The range of accumulating data on the south- west Aborigines, from the far-distant to the near-past and to the present-day, even though so much information is missing, adds up to something approximating an overall statement. And in summarized form, this is what is pre- sented here. Traditionally, these Aborigines be- longed to a non-circumcising area: this fact alone placed them, anthropologically speaking, in a minority position vis-a-vis other Australian Aborigines. They also possessed some unique or distinctive characteristics which separated them conceptually from the others. In the process of intensive contact, virtually all of these identi- fying aspects were eroded. Those which survive identify them simply as being of Aboriginal descent in a generalized sense and not distinc- tively as south-west Aborigines: that has been irretrievably lost. Early human occupation of southwestern Australia by D. Merrilees Sites indicating early occupation Excavation localities and other sites providing evidence of early occupation of the southwestern part of the continent are included in Figure 1. Notes on these sites are given below, with refer- ence where possible to published information, even if only brief, or an indication of studies planned or in progress. Some of these sites are mentioned below in other contexts by other authors. Occupation sites represented by surface scatters of artefacts not readily dateable are not referred to here. Hallam (1972b) gives a rela- tive chronology for such artefact assemblages in the Perth area. 5. Wilgie Mia. Aboriginal ochre mine in use from late Holocene to modern time. (I. M. Crawford, personal communication.) 9. Coolarburloo Pool. Artefact apparently in same geological formation as remains of large extinct mar- supial and australite, though not at same site. (Merri- lees, 1968b: 15) Pleistocene? 36. Hastings Cave. (Lundelius, 1960: as ‘Drovers Cave’.) Later excavations have shown charcoal concentrations interpreted as hearths and an artefact; mid-Holocene on radiocarbon dating. (A. Baynes, personal communi- cation.) 47. Caladenia Cave. Artefacts with associated faunal remains in excavation. (R. Roe and D. Merrilees, in progress.) Holecene? 48. Rock shelter near Gingin. Artefacts and faunal remains. (Roe 1971.) Holocene? Journal of the Royal Society of Western Australia, Vol. 56 Parts 1 and 2, July, 1973. 44 Figure 1.— Sites of excavations and other sources of Information on Aboriginal occupation of the south west of Western Australia from prehistoric time to early contact with European Invaders. See texts by Merrilees. Dlx and Hal lam. The map also attempts to give a first Impression of vegetation at the time of European con- tact and of the physiographic nature of the region. The dissected remnant of the long Darling Fault scarp sharply demarcates an eastern plateau from a low lying plain to the west. In the far south west another fault system demarcates this plain from a raised coastal block. The rivers shown are (from N to S) the Murchison. Swan- Avon and Blackwood. 49. Dunstan's Quarry. Douglas. Kendrick and Mer- rilees (1966) report site as fossil carnivore den. but presence of mussel shell and subsequent recognition of limestone flake as an artefact (A 17553 In Western Australian Museum collections) suggest an archaeolo- gical component. Holocene? 49. Orchestra Shell Cave. (Hallam, 1971b.) Roof markings, with artefacts and faunal remains In excava- tion. Holocene on radiocarbon dates. 49. Murray’s Cave. (Hallam. 1971b.) Artefact and faunal remains In excavation. Holocene on radiocarbon date. 49. Yonderup Cave, Yanchep. Excavations by D. S. Davidson. unpublished. Some faunal remains in Museum collection. Holocene? 56. 65. Examples (only) of fossil lake sites In ’wheat belt’. Artefacts and faunal remains reported by Bet- tenay (1962). Pleistocene? Reconnaissance studies sub- sequently made by J. M. Bowler. 57. Frieze Cave. (Hallam. 1972b.) Excavation with artefacts, ochre. Late Holocene. 66. Cowaramup Point. Artefacts and faunal remains in well lithifled fossil soil. (C. E. Dortch, personal com- munication.) Pleistocene? 67. Mammoth Cave. (Merrilees. 1968b.) The main source of information on the Pleistocene fauna of the south-west, with many species now totally or locally extinct and some Indication of a climate differing from the present (Merrilees. 1968a). Some bones charred, and Investigation in progress of possibility that this charring results from man-made flres (M. Archer. I. M. Crawford and D. Merrilees). Radiocarbon date greater than 37.000 yr. B.P. reported (Lundellus. 1960). but there Is uncertainty concerning the specimens to which this date refers. 68. Devil's Lair. (Dortch and Merrilees. 1972; 1973.) Deep deposit of ’cave earth’ with artefacts, human teeth, and abundant faunal remains. Cave occupied at times by human beings. Self-consistent set of radio- carbon dates Indicates man present 25.000 years ago. and bottom of deposit not yet reached. Studies con- tinuing. Journal of the Royal Society of Western Australia. Vol. 56 Parts 1 and 2. July. 1973. 45 68 Strong's Cave. Human remains at shallow depth (Merrllees, 1968b). Holocene? Other caves in Cape Leeuwin - Cape Naturaliste region have yielded similar human skeletal material. 69 Coast south of Scott River. Artefacts and human skeletal and other faunal remains in blown-out dunes (Butler. 1969). Holocene? 79. 80 Guaralya and Wonbema rock holes. Balla- donia district. Artefacts associated with faunal re- mains, some of extinct species, some in well lithified deposit (Merrilees. 1968b: 14). Pleistocene? Antiquity of man in the south-west The association of artefacts with extinct animals in a well-lithified deposit at Wonbema. a similar probable association at Coolarburloo Pool, the occurrence of artefacts in a well- lithified buried soil at Cowaramup Point, arte- facts at the ‘wheat belt’ extinct lake sites, and some of the surface occurrences of artefacts mentioned by Hallam (1972b), all suggest con- siderable antiquity for the human beings con- cerned. but no firm age estimates are available. An age estimate beyond the limit of radiocarbon dating for the sample concerned from Mammoth Cave is of uncertain application to specimens recovered from the cave, and has not yet been related unequivocally to human presence. Thus the oldest human occupation of the south-w r est of the continent reliably established so far is that represented in Devil’s Lair at about 25.000 years B.P. The bottom of the Devil’s Lair deposit has not been reached and might reveal occupa- tion more than 30.000 years ago (Dortch and Merrilees, 1973). Acknowledgements. — I am grateful to Mrs. P. Kaill for preparing Figure 1. to officers of the Western Austra- lian Department of Agriculture for their advice on vegetation, and to Mrs. S. J. Hallam for criticisims of a draft of this note. Aboriginal Art: Ceremonial and other sites in southwestern Australia by W. C. Dix Registration of Aboriginal sites In 1960, the Anthropological Society of Western Australia began to prepare a list of known or reported Aboriginal sites. The Western Australian Museum undertook to maintain and expand that list, and is continuing to do so. In 1962. a Panel was formed to advise the Govern- ment on matters relating to sites. The Panel also prepared a draft of legislation which, after extensive revision, was eventually proclaimed as the Aboriginal Heritage Act in December 1972. This Act states that it is an offence to excavate, destroy, damage, conceal or in any way alter an Aboriginal site, even if it happens to be on privately owned land. As part of the effort to protect such sites, I was appointed in 1970 Registrar of Aboriginal Sites, with supporting staff, having headquarters at the Western Australian Museum. Since then, we have embarked on a programme of verifying reports and have been exploring various methods of physically protecting the sites. In many cases, Reserves and ‘Protected Areas’ centring on particular places have been established. Aboriginal sites Some of the more significant sites listed in our index are noted on the map (Figure 1), and an indication is given below of the nature of the sites. Few have been the subject of detailed published reports. Figure 1 does not show sites from which artefacts have been collected from surface scatter unless these have been published. Locations of stores for sacred ritual objects, and sites reported in confidence, are not indicated. A number of sites which have been excavated are discussed above by D. Merrilees. a Sacred or Ceremonial Sites: Sites now in disuse are located (in Figure 1) at 16. 18. 33. The only cur- rently significant site shown is the complex at Weebo, 14. Focused on a banded siltstone, now called ‘Weebo Stone', the site has attracted considerable publicity in recent years, and the location is generally well known. b Stone Arrangement (not including stone struc- tures): Authenticated arrangements are located at 4. 6. 8. 13, 15. 17. 20. 21. 27. 28. 30. 31. 32. 34, 38, 41. 43. 46. 58. 59. 63. 70, 74, 75, 76. 77. c Hunting Devices: Many sites may have had devices for hunting, and these include some stone structures, pits. etc. The purpose of some is quite obvious, and some are known through an information link with early settlers. Fish traps are located at 54, 72. 73. Large animal traps at 71, and small animal or reptile traps at 59, 75. d Rock Engravings, etc.: Very little engraving is in evidence, probably due to the lack of suitable material, bv comparison with the north-west. Some known sites are at 1. 2. 3. 10. 49. 64. 78. e Paintings: 2. 3. 4. 8. 11. 12. 19. 24. 25. 26. 40. 42. 44. 45. 60. 61. 62. 78. / Quarries: The well known ochre quarry at Wilgie Mia. 5. has an extensive archaeological deposit. Other ochre quarries are at 16. 29. 39. Significant quarries for stone are known at 7. 22. g Surjace Scatter of Artefacts: Examples include those located at 5. 8. 23. 36. 37. 50. 51. 52. 53, 55. References : Some of the sites shown on Figure 1. have been referred to. and in some cases described, in the following references: Butler (1958) Campbell (1914) Cawthorn (1963) Crawford (1963) David: on (1936) Davidson (1952) Davies (1961) Glauert (1952) Gould (1968) Gould (1969) Glover and Cockbain (1971 Hallam ( 1971a. b.) Hallam ( 1972a. b.c.) Hallam (1973) Le Soeuf (1907) McCarthy (1962) Serventy (1952) Serventy and White (1958) Uren (1940) Woodward (1914) 50. 51. 52. 53. 55 24. 25. 26 8 5. 61. 62 12. 24. 25. 26 3. 5. 11. 12. 24. 25. 26. 44. 60. 62 I. 2. 10. 13 38 33, 34 34 24. 25. 36. 48. 50. 55. 69 59. 49 57. 64. 49 51 60 II. 12. 26 57. 60. 61. 62 28 27 5 Ecology and demography in southwestern Australia by Sylvia J. Hallam Pleistocene to Present Merrilees describes above the earliest decisive evidence for Aboriginal populations in south- western Australia, as yielded mainly by excava- tions, and in particular by those in Devil’s Lair (Dortch and Merrilees, 1972; 1973). which show the wide range of activities of Pleistocene Abo- rigines in the south-west — working bone; work- Journal of the Royal Society of Western Australia, Vol. 56 Parts 1 and 2. July, 1973. 46 ing wood; using steep scrapers, adze-fashion; hafting flaked tools and bone (not only at a time similar to Gould’s early hafted material from Puntutjarpa [Gould, 19711, but also at a date twice as remote [Dortch and Merrilees, 19731) ; utilizing, quarrying and trading a variety of raw materials, including an Eocene fossi- liferous chert similar to the ‘flint’ quarried during the Pleistocene at Koonalda (and later from the cliffs along the Nullarbor coast, and traded hundreds of miles eastward ( Wright, 19711), and also to the chert from surface as- semblages throughout hundreds of miles of the west coastal plain (Glover and Cockbain, 1971). Wilgie Mia attests to later large-scale mining and trading; while Orchestra Shell Cave and Frieze Cave provide successive exemplifications and modifications of artistic, mythic and ritual traditions in which serpents, fire, and dark crevices and caves had their part. Stone arrangements and art sites further illus- trate that the links between Aboriginal groups and their terrain were mediated through the symbolic as well as the economic aspects of their lore and usages. What other evidence can con- tribute to analysis of the interacting transfor- mations of Aboriginal life and land between the Pleistocene and European contact? The role of topographic archaeology The British, and above all the Cambridge, archaeological tradition has always put stress on field survey as well as excavation, although American archaeologists have only recently realized the importance of ecological and settle- ment studies. Like Stukeley in the eighteenth century, O. G. S. Crawford (1953), Fox (1923), Phillips (1964; 1970), Hoskins (1955), Hallam (1970), Fowler (1972), etc., show a continuing concern with distributions and settlement pat- terns, with the changing reactions and cumula- tive impact of human groups to and upon changing regional landscapes — a concern, in brief, with dynamic ecological systems, in which the exploitative, technological and symbolic activities of human societies were major com- ponents. Field archaeology, or more properly ‘topographic archaeology’ (Clark, 1964), com- prises the investigation of ‘all traces of former human activity’ in the landscape. In any Aus- tralian region this would include, for example, fords, wells, water sources and their surround of much-burnt ground; yam-diggings, pit-traps, fish- weirs; tracks; belts and nodes of used and fired countryside, open parklike grazing and dense secondary regrowth; artefact-scatters indicating ephemeral stopovers of small hunting groups; the denser artefact-concentrations on camping-spots frequented occasionally, often seasonally or semi-permanently, by smaller or larger aggregates of folk over various timespans and for various purposes (fishing, fowling, taking frogs, turtles, lizards, small mammals, or hunting larger herbivores, digging various roots), leaving the debris of weapon manufacture, woodwork- ing, grinding, etc.; bare sand areas cleared in getting fuel and shelter and kept clear by con- stant usage; devegetated areas, cleared by fire. sand-blows and mobile dunes — e.g. (see Fig- ure 1) Williams Bay, 71a (Bermingham et al. 1971); Scott River, 69 (Butler, 1969); Moore River, 37 (Hallam, 1972a); as well as sites of art and ritual which patterned Aboriginal ac- tivities. Field surveys may fall into one of several possible categories (Green, 1967): (1) Extensive reconnaissance surveys in relatively little in- vestigated areas, drawing together scattered material, published and unpublished, are an essential preliminary to further investigation (e.g., the Anthropological Society of Western Australia, 1960; Crawford, 1963; the Aboriginal site list prepared by Miss Sarah Meagher of the Western Australian Museum in 1967-8, and amplified recently by the Registrar of Aboriginal sites, Mr. W. Dix). (2) Survey in conjunction with excavation may make clear the range and context of a certain type of site (c/. those around the Pleistocene lakes of N.S.W. [Bowler 1971; Bowler et al. 1972; Barbetti and Allen 19721). (3) Problem-oriented surveys concen- trate on one particular type of site over a wide area (e.g., Dix’s study of stone arrangements (see above 1; the art studies of Davidson [1952], Crawford, Bruce Wright, McCaskill, etc.). (4) Intensive surveys ‘designed to extract all possible information from each site found’ and recogniz- ing the necessity for ‘as complete a random sample as possible’ must necessarily be relatively localized, but should preferably be sufficiently extensive to include the normal range of a local group and investigate shifts in the demarcation of culture areas. Such systematic field studies have been most effectively adumbrated and pursued in the east and north of Australia (c/. McBryde, 1962; 1973, etc.; Lampert, 1971a,b; Stockton, 1970; 1972; and Dortch, 1972) but have been relatively lacking in the South-West (c/., however, Butler, 1958; Akerman, 1969; Bignell, 1971); and valuable local amateur studies are in progress of both the archaeological and the folk evidence of Aboriginal occupation and of the relationship of early European to Aboriginal settlement ( e.g . by Gardner near Northcliffe, and Mrs. Roe in the Gingin-Moore River area). Topographic studies in southwestern Australia Dr. John Glover* investigated artefact-scatters on the coastal plain in order to define the dis- tributions and proportions of a lithologically- peculiar, exotic raw material (see above), which he found to occur in exposures (e.g. in Figure 1, near 24-5, 36, 37, 48, a concentration of sites around 53-5, and 69) in dune blows mostly over- looking interdunal swamps and lakes (Glover and Cockbain, 1971). No site east of the Darling Fault has yielded more than a few flakes of this Bryozoan chert. It is most abundant, on the whole, on sites near the west of the coastal plain. This suggests a derivation for the Perth Basin material, perhaps from sources now off- shore since the rise in sea-level which ended ♦Department of Geology, University of Western Australia. Journal of the Royal Society of Western Australia, Vol. 56 Parts 1 and 2, July, 1973. 47 around 3000 BC [Churchill, 1959; I960] in caves or river channels penetrating through Pleistocene deposits into the underlying Eocene. Churchill (1959; 1968) discusses evidence that the Swan River cut a channel down to around 50 m below present mean sea-level, and was still at around — 20 m by 7000 BC. Assemblages composed almost exclusively of this fossiliferous chert are also typologically distinctive, com- prising flakes, chips, flaked pieces, and a great variety of scrapers — nosed, concave and convex, including many with a steep edge angle and adze-type utilization ( e.g . 37; Hallam 1972a). At 37, the fact that there are only two backed blades in the group of artefact scatters suggests that this assemblage, and the similar component in other coastal plain assemblages, is early (i.e. prior to the general floruit of backed-blade assemblages from around 2000 BC \cf. Gould, 1971; Hallam, 1972a,bl). European glass, sherds, clay pipes, etc., on some sites show that a few continued to be occupied from the early (‘pre-blade’) phase, through into the middle (‘backed-blade’) and late (‘post-blade’) phases, and a very few into the final brief phase after European contact. The analysis of such multi-phase occupations is aided by study of one-phase sites: for example, the early assemblages described above, or the many relatively amorphous late assemblages with a high proportion of quartz chips. Differ- ences due to date must be distinguished from those due to group size, span and frequency of occupation, or exploitative function, as indicated by extent, density of material, presence or ab- sence of grinding equipment; and from regional differences in facies between sites of the same phase. Each assemblage can thus be assigned to a phase or series of phases; and the distribu- tion of numbers and sizes of sites in relation to ecological zones can be analyzed for each phase. Changes over time indicate changes in overall population density, patterning into splitting and aggregating groups, and stress on the different resources which ethno-historical evidence shows to characterize the different zones. The Perth area project The Australian Institute of Aboriginal Studies and the University of Western Australia are supporting a survey comprising a transect from the coast eastward to beyond the Avon, centred on the Swan estuary (Hallam, 1971b; 1972a, b,c; 1973). It is too soon to presage full results, but certain trends are suggested by a pilot survey of about 120 sites clustered into about 70 groups and over 10,000 artefacts. Increasing numbers of sites per unit timespan on the coastal plain show increasing Aboriginal usage and populations. The ‘early’ coastal groupings using Eocene chert were confined to the (then wider) plain west of the Darling Scarp; later and ‘contact’ groups, on the evidence both of material distributions and of early European observers, ranged farther east into the good grazing land along the scarp foot and into the Darling Range; with intensive late usage of the resources of interdunal lakes and swamps. By contrast, the typologically early (c/. Lam- pert, 1971a, b) chopper/steep scraper assemblages of the Avon Valley and eastward (e.g. 10 sites in the Grass Valley-Quellington area, — c.55) are richer in numbers, amount of material, and variety of types, relative to later assemblages, than on the coastal plain. They differ in material (largely doloritic) and typology (with their many high-backed ‘core’ scrapers) from the coastal assemblages, though sharing steep edge and in-biting use wear; and extend west to the foot of the Darling Scarp (e.g. 48a, 50). The line of demarcation between coastal and inland-oriented groups would seem to have shifted eastward with the rise of the sea level, by about 3000-2000 BC. There are relatively fewer and sparser ‘middle’ and ‘late’ assemblages inland. I have suggested (1972b; 1973) that the less wooded inland areas offered initially more abundant grazing, supporting high animal and early human populations; that firing will have improved the openness and grazing potential of the ‘open woodland’ on the inland margin of the forest zone, and also on its coastal fringe. During the drier phase which ensued from be- fore 2000 BC (Churchill, 1968; Gould, 1971), the inland zones proved incapable of supporting as steep a rise of population as the coast, being more sensitive to aridity and possibly also to increased salinity as a result of deforestation. Dr. C. A. Parker* (personal communication) suggests that depletion of nitrogen could be another effect of burning. Burning would, how- ever, continue to develop rather than deplete the grazing resources of the better-watered alluvial piedmont zone, which Stirling was to find open and park-like in 1829; while the more varied fish, fowl, reptile, small mammal, root and water resources of the estuaries, inlets, lakes, and swamps of the coastal plain continued to support steeply increased usage and popula- tions right up to European contact. Any regional survey must take into account the archaeological and ethno-historical evidence of the symbolic (artistic-mythic-ritual) as well as the technological and economic aspects of the knowledge and skills, the cognitive lore, by which Aboriginal groups grasped and developed the potentialities of their home terrain, creating an ecological system which alien newcomers were to take over (Hallam, 1972c; 1973). Immediately following, Douglas discusses language, which was the mould for these cognitive patterns, and Professor Berndt discusses Aboriginal socio- cultural patterns in traditional terms and under European impact. The language of southwestern Australia by W. H. Douglas Introduction to the ‘ Nyungar ’ language Variant manifestations of the South-West language have been referred to in the historical ♦Department of Soil Science and Plant Nutrition, University of Western Australia. Journal of the Royal Society of Western Australia. Vol. 56 Parts 1 and 2, July. 1973. 48 records. Several of the variants are still known today by older speakers of what may be named generically ‘Nyungar*, which is also the word for ‘man’ in the language of the south-west. G. O’Grady (in O’Grady and Voegelin, 1966: especially p. 130 ff.) has listed four of these dialects as Wadjuk, Balardong, Wardandi, and Minang and indicates that the principle sources of information on these variants are Grey (1840), Moore (1842), Salvado (1850; 1886), and Bates (1914) among others (see Oates and Oates, 1970). Later investigators include O’Grady and Hale in 1958 and 1960. A description of the language as it is spoken today was prepared by Douglas in 1968. Other known variants of the language include Bibbulman, Kaniyang, Mirnong, Tjapanmay and Kwetjman, all of which names were spelt in diverse ways in the older records (see map in Figure 3). This Nyungar group (Douglas 1968: part 1) contrasted in vocabulary and grammatical structure with Watjari in the north (the boundary today being roughly marked by the Geraldton to Mt. Magnet railway line) ; with the Western Desert language to the north-east; and with Ngatju or Marlpa in the east (see von Brandenstein 1970). Descendants of the original speakers of the South-Western language number approximately 8,000 today. Many of these, however, have a very restricted knowledge of genuine Nyungar, but speak what the author has labelled ‘Neo-Nyungar’ (Douglas 1968: 8), a hybrid speech which contains vocabulary items and idiomatic constructions from the original language placed into English grammatical con- structions. The phonological dimension Orthography : Investigators in the past have used a variety of spelling devices to record this previously unwritten language. In the present description the following symbols, arranged ac- cording to point and manner of articulation, have been used: Consonants Vowels b dj d /d g i u m nj n /n rj ij i /i e o r /r w y a A stroke / preceding a letter indicates retroflexion. The consonant phonemes: There is a series of voiceless unaspirated stops occurring at the labial, dental, alveolar, cerebral and velar points of articulation. The cerebral is retroflexed. A series of nasals occurs at the same five points of articulation. There are three contrastive laterals — dental, alveolar and cerebral. The two central continuants are the alveolar, which is allophonically flapped and trilled; and the cerebral, which is retroflexed. The semi-vowels are the labio-velar /w/ and the alveolar /y/. The vowel phonemes: The language at present has a five-vowel system. There is contrast be- tween front and back with the high and mid phonemes, the front vowels being unrounded, the back rounded. The low vowel is central and open. Prosodic features: Syllable stress is predictable and non-phonemic. Primary stress occurs on the first syllable of multi-syllabic words. E.g., gudjal ‘two 5 , nindalinj ‘scorpion’. In reduplicated forms there is equal stress on the first syllable of each component stem: e.g., gudjal- gudjal ‘four’. The general syllable structure is CV or CVC (with C representing ‘consonant’ and V ‘vowel’) : e.g., 7)Ur)U/lala ‘black cockatoo’, dadj ‘meat’. V and VC may occur initially, followed by CV or CVC: e.g., aliwa ‘beware’, idjinj ‘to lay (an egg)’. There is also a CVNC syllable in which N represents a nasal which assimilates to the same point of articulation as the final consonant: e.g., t) arjg ‘mother’/‘sun’, rju/n/d ' chest body part)’. The grammatical dimension Nyungar grammatical structure is simple when compared with northern members of the Pama- Nyungan family, in which there are highly complex verbal systems. The verb does not carry tense, but has the choice of two aspects — ‘completed action’ and Uncompleted action’. Tense is indicated by the use of a series of time words, phrases or de- pendent clauses, when required. The noun and pronoun rarely take more than one suffix at a time. Transitive subject marker and direct object marker are used only to avoid ambiguity or to supply a subtle emphasis. For example: yog-il mam baminj woman-subject male hitting — ‘The woman is hitting a man.’ (Emphasis on Subject.) mam yog-inj baminj male woman-object hitting — ‘The man is hitting the woman.’ (Emphasis on Object.) yog gudjal geb ba/raninj woman two water fetching — ‘The two women are fetching water.’ (Subject apparent.) Other inflexional suffixes include the ‘locative’ -ag (as in but nag ‘on the tree/log’); ‘instrument’ -ag/-al (as in bal bu/n godjag baminj. ‘He (was) hitting the tree with an axe.’ [godj ‘axe’]). ‘Reason’ is indicated by - a (as in bal ga/rarj njuna-r). ‘He is angry because of you.’ Injun ‘you’]). Journal of the Royal Society of Western Australia, Vol. 56 Parts 1 and 2, July, 1973. 49 The basic clause level constructions are the transitive and intransitive command and state- ment type clauses and the equational (including the stative) clause type. Expansions of these clauses include the addition of vocative, time, manner, instrument, reason (cause, purpose) and indirect object or benefactive which may be manifested as single words, relator axis phrases or as dependent clauses. The lexico- semantic dimension Words: Vocabulary range in old Nyungar could have been quite extensive. Although material culture was not highly developed, knowledge of nature — especially of edible and non-edible plants, animals and fish — was rich in detail. Hunting terminology was also ex- tensive, as were the vocabularies in connection with religious culture, social organization and law. Phrase words: Body parts feature largely in certain noun phrases which have become des- criptive idioms. For example: gad wa/ra (lit. ‘head-bad’) ‘stupid’. dwa-rjg bu/d (lit. ‘ear-less’) ‘unreasonable’, ‘ignorant’. ma/da gidj (lit. ‘leg-spear’) ‘bony-legged’, ‘skinny’ ( derogatory ) . gobu/l wi/d (lit. ‘stomach-empty’) ‘hungry’. Clause words: Many metaphors, similes, idioms and other figures of speech have survived the clash with the alien language and some of them, as has been mentioned, have found their way into the English of the South-West. Among these are such expressions as: ba/da-rjinj yo-qga muginj — ‘hopping like a kangaroo’ (used in various contexts). rjjidinj gwiya/r muginj — ‘cold as a frog’ (also used in various contexts). ge/d-ge/d gu/linj (lit. ‘running swiftly’) — ‘darting here and there’, ‘purposeless’. geba rjaninj (lit. ‘water-drinking’) — now used for ‘liquor drinking’. Discourse analysis of any exhaustive nature has been impossible because of the limited amount of text-material now available, but traditional narratives which have been collected show the Nyungar ability to use all the subtleties of story-telling. Dramatic presentation, mystery and humour are not lacking; nor are cleverness of characterization and development of plot. Acknowledgement . — We acknowledge the assistance of Dr. Susan Kaldor of the Department of Anthro- pology, University of Western Australia. Aborigines of southwestern Australia: The past and the present by Ronald M. Berndt Pre-European population For information on traditional Aboriginal life in the south-west of this State, we must rely on early records which are not detailed and are anthropologically unsatisfactory. The pre- European population could have approximated 6,000 persons — if we take the boundary as a line drawn diagonally from Esperance to Mul- lewa. This boundary marks off the non-circum- cising zone (see Map on Figure 2), that is, the southwestern corner of the State. If, however, we include adjacent tribes farther inland (within the circumcising area), the population could not have been much less than 7,500. Moore (1884: 115) reported that in 1840 there were about 3,000 Aborigines in the Swan River Colony alone. Radcliffe-Brown’s (1930a) estimate of 12,500 Aborigines in the south-west at the time of first settlement is possibly too high (see Makin, 1970: Chapter 5). The southwestern people felt the full force of the disastrous impact of European settlement. Against that, their traditional life could not survive — not as a living, coherent entity. Traditional social organization The ‘true’ south-west Aborigines, then, did not practise circumcision. However, a merging of social units occurred quite early during the contact period, when members of different tribal groups were obliged to live on mixed-tribal set- tlements. The map on Figure 2 shows the posi- tioning of 13 ‘tribal’ divisions (after Tindale, 1940) south-west of the circumcision boundary. In 1967, Douglas (1968) located 11 of these; 5, and perhaps 6, of them fall within the cir- cumcisional area: see map on Figure 3. Tindale’s list depends on old sources, Douglas’s on the memory of elderly persons of Aboriginal des- cent. Douglas’s interest is in language, and these ‘tribal’ names are really labels and/or dialectal divisions which in toto can be classified today as Njungar, or Nyungar, a word meaning ‘man’ or ‘person’. The internal organization of south-west tribal units was quite diverse. According to Radcliffe- Brown (1930b: 216-19, 220-21, on the basis of Moore, 1842; Salvado, 1851 and 1886; Bates, 1914 and 1923; among others), there were four patterns for this relatively small region (see map on Figure 4). Area ‘C’ had matrilineal moieties named manitjmat and wardangmat (‘white cockatoo’ and ‘crow’), with at least four cxogamous matrilineal divisions (or clans) grouped under each moiety. Their names had ‘totemic’ associations. Moore (1842: 4) speaks of them as ‘family names’: four principal ones, ‘resolved again into many local or subdenomina- tions’, several grouped under ‘one leg’, others under another ‘leg’ and so on. However, this requires further discussion. Ritual affiliation was through the father. The pattern as des- cribed by Bates (1923) suggests local patrilineal descent group centring on totemic sites, with mythic connections and correlated with specific stretches of country. Thus, a person belonged to the moiety and totemic clan of his (or her) mother, but also to the local group of his (or her) father. Within the father’s land division, a person’s conception (or birth) totem, a par- ticular natural species, was mythically defined vis-a-vis a centre which was, in turn, the focus of ritual. Area ‘B’ had a similar social organiza- tion, except that the named moieties were patri- Journal of the Royal Society of Western Australia, Vol. 56 Parts 1 and 2, July, 1973. 50 / / lineal. Area ‘D’ had two alternating ‘endoga- mous moieties’ named birangumat and djuamat (‘kingfisher’ and ‘bee-eater’). These, however, seem to be alternating generation levels similar to the traditional Western Desert type (see R. and C. Berndt, 1964/68: 56-8). The main focus was on patrilineal local descent units. Area ‘A’ seems close to Area ‘D’, with the addition of named totemic groups (probably patri-local descent units). Generally, the south-west Aborigines were deeply attached to their country through mytho- ritual ties. As in other parts of Aboriginal Aus- tralia, the local descent group was concerned with religious matters, while the socio-economic unit (a mixed-membership group) moved over limited stretches of territory, hunting and food- collecting. Communication was kept open be- tween members of different territories or dis- tricts (subtribal or otherwise). These took structural shape in the mandjar or ‘fair’, when Aborigines met to barter a wide range of goods. People living in the Perth area exchanged com- modities with those from the Murray River on the south, and also with others from the north. Cultural background Environmental and climatic conditions in the south-west made it necessary for Abo- rigines to protect themselves against cold winters. They constructed bark-covered huts which Hammond (1933: 25) described as watertight. Also, they made buka (cloaks), such as were used in southeastern Aus- tralia: three or more kangaroo skins, specially treated, were sewn together with sinew or rush and worn with the fur side inward. Distinctive to this area were the kangaroo skin bags used by women: the goto, used generally, and the gundir, for carrying a small child. And the kadjo ‘hammer’ was a unique implement, broad and blunt at one end and sharp-edged at the other: it was affixed to a short thick stick by means of prepared tudibi, Xanthorrlioea gum. Initiation was fairly simple, and the major operation involved piercing the nasal septum. The novice was red-ochred during the rites and was given a hairstring, cloak and weapons (Bates, 1923: 236-7). Hammond (1933: 63) men- tions that, although there was no circumcision rite in this area, the name of a place near Albany meant ‘circumcision site’. He reports the Journal of the Royal Society of Western Australia. Vol. 56 Parts 1 and 2. July. 1973. 51 • Keekatharra • Cue PULI NY A *Mt. Magnet belief that this operation would have spoilt the natural erection of the penis — but a modified form of the rite, discontinued in the early 1870’s, was the removal of the tip of the foreskin, Salvado (1850) noted that the Aborigines ‘hide carefully from strangers their customs and, in particular, their beliefs’. From the evidence, it would appear that increase rites were held by local groups, and that a reasonably large body of mythology existed, some of which was ex- pressed ritually. Salvado mentioned Motogen (which he translates as god), as a creative being. He also referred to myths about the Sun and Moon, the Morning Star and the great Rainbow Snake. Moore (1842: 103) wrote of ‘a large Figure 4.— Social organizational categories, after Rad- cliffe-Brown, 1930 (map facing p. 42). A— without moieties and sections, but named patri-totemic units. B —patrilineal moieties. C.— matrilineal moieties and totemic clans, with patri-local descent units. D.— named pairs of sections or alternating generation levels. Journal of the Royal Society of Western winged serpent’ called Waugal, living in ‘deep dark waters’, who was especially inimical to females but was feared generally as being instru- mental in bringing sickness. A similar mythic snake emerged at Mt. Eliza and, crawling its way to the sea, created the Swan River. Mt. Eliza and the high ground where the State Parliament House now stands were called Ga-ra-katta, the site sacred to this snake (see Moore, 1884, and Makin, 1970). The moon (miga) was a man, the sun ( nganga ) a female. A cave at York had a circular figure cut into the rock face, with hand stencils: this was said to have been ‘visited’ by Moon (Moore, 1842: 35). Many stars, too, were mythic beings (or mythic beings had ‘turned into’ stars). Bulgut, a wife of Tdadam or Dedam, was one. Dedam had a sister (of the same name) whom he speared when she allowed his two children to stray: they were represented by stars, and so was the spear. And the star Dj ingun was a wife of Wurdytch or Wurdoitch. Julagoling, the planet Venus, was an attractive young woman who carried out sorcery. Ham- mond (1933: 64-5) gives a story of a large tree located east of Northam which was used by mythic eagles who stole human babies to feed their young: the tree was eventually burnt down in revenge. There was also quite a wide range of dances. However, their significance has not been noted by early recorders. The dtowalguorryn, for ex- ample, was common among people living in the eastern sector of this area; the yallor came from the north; the kanggarak from the south; the yuyltunmitch (direction unspecified) ; and the yenma from the north and north-east. The yenma is undoubtedly the well-known Western Desert inma, a general term for an ordinary ceremony. The yallor was performed mainly by men, only occasionally by women. They drama- tized hunting scenes and the actions of various animals, birds and reptiles, along with the feats of sorcerers. Men were elaborately decorated, wearing ornamental sticks in their hair. It is not clear whether these were cult totemic, but the dancers were ‘surrounded by groups of ad- miring spectators’. Salvado speaks of songs be- ing ‘handed down with a kind of traditional veneration’. Hammond (1933: 49-53; 63-5) refers to inter-tribal ceremonies during which betrothals were arranged. He gives a diagram showing how participants and onlookers were spatially arranged within a large circle; and he illustrates a serrated-edged bullroarer. It would appear that women had more to say in tribal matters than has generally been em- phasized. The custom of monyo, conferring the status of moyran (or ‘grandmother’) on a woman, gave her authority to arbitrate in quarrels and during armed disputes. Consistent with the interests of early observers vis-a-vis ‘savage peoples’, the material on magic and on death is more extensive. A sorcerer, for instance, was said to be possessed of boylya (power) which enabled him to fly through the sky, consume his victim’s flesh, and use quartz crystal (magic stone of the shark). He wa s able Australia. Vol. 56 Parts 1 and 2. July, 1973. 52 to raise or calm the wind, and cause rain to fall (Moore, 1842: 18-19). Salvado says that sorcery was under the guardian spirit called Cienga. The sorcerer was also a native doctor and was able to cure his patients ( walbyn , to cure by enchantment) . Beliefs surrounding death were focused on releasing the deceased’s spirit or soul (kadjin) from its physical vehicle, the body. There were various forms of earth burial: gotyt among the ‘mountain tribes’, dyuar for the ‘lowland tribes’. Usually, the corpse was buried in its cloak. A native doctor was present and listened for the sound of the spirit’s flight from the body. At that time, it informed him of the name of the person responsible for its death. A small hut of reeds or boughs was constructed over the grave, and a fire lit at its entrance to make the place more comfortable and home-like for the spirit. There it was believed to remain until its death was avenged (see also Nicolay, 1886: 8-10). Bates (1923: 238-40; 1927?) speaks of the kanya (soul of the newly dead) going first to the tabu-ed moojarr or moodurt tree (Nuytsia flori- bunda or ‘Christmas’ tree), where it rested on its way to Kurannup, the home of the Bipelmen dead located beyond the western sea: here, their old skins were discarded and they appeared ‘white’. The ancestors were spoken of as netingar, and lived on the island of souls. The first European settlers, because of their light skin pigmentation, were believed to have come from that place: they were called djanga, ‘the dead’. Dispersal and the Njungar The coming of ‘the dead’ meant death to local Aborigines. The sorry story of Aboriginal- European contact in Western Australia, especi- ally in the south-west, between 1829-1897, has been documented by Sir Paul Hasluck (1942). Hammond (1933: 67-72), too, spells out the dis- aster which befell them. At first, the settlers were afraid of the Aborigines. They drove them away, destroyed their camps, burnt their huts, made it difficult for them to obtain indigenous food, and employed them as menial workers. Aborigines were threatened, shot at, and in many cases killed. Their traditional territories were no longer their own. The ‘battle of Pinjarra’ in 1834 was simply one of the more notorious ex- amples which have become part of this State’s history (see Neville, 1936: 10-46). Through the early years of settlement, relations between Aborigines and Europeans steadily deteriorated. Shootings, assaults and theft continued. A deputation of Aboriginal leaders waited on the Lieutenant Governor of the time (Captain Irwin) in an attempt to resolve the situation — but without success. The establishment of Rottnest Island prison in 1839, the removal of children from their parents, and the increasing ‘mixed-blood’ population, all contributed to the destruction of traditional culture. In the 1850’s, ‘Ticket-of-leave men and parties of convicts in the bush mixed with the natives, supplied them with drink, and there were often hideous orgies. The dispossessed blacks had become paupers and mendicants and deterioration, already begun, proceeded apace’ (Neville, 1926: 40). The measles epidemic of the early 1880’s was another ‘killer’, and 50 years after settlement (as Hammond puts it, 1933: 70) ‘the South- West was left with scarcely a true-blooded aboriginal in it’. Traditional life had by then disappeared. By that time, too, in the early 1890’s, Aborigines from other areas were drifting increasingly into the settled areas and inter- mixing with the remaining local inhabitants. An official Western Australian handbook (Hart, 1893: 162-71) claimed that, ‘Native labour being cheap, the sheep farmer who might otherwise be unable to work his station is able to do so with profit’; but, as for Aborigines in the settled districts, ‘their numbers diminish every year’. Neville (1926: 46) underlines this point: ‘. . . here in the South-West . . . between 1829 and 1901 . . . a people estimated to number 13,000 were reduced to 1,419, of whom 45 percent were half- caste’. The result was to leave the entire south-west with primarily a part-Aboriginal population — few of them directly descended from the original local people, most of considerably mixed Aborig- inal affinity, and all possessing little or nothing of their traditional heritage. Hasluck (1939) and Neville (1948: 3-13; 1951: 274-90; 1947), among others, have provided us with surveys of local conditions. In 1948, Neville wrote (1948: 5): ‘Years ago I witnessed the passing of the last of the Bibbulmen [a tribal name which he used for the whole of the south-west] . The few full- bloods now in the south-west have come from outside this district’. It left, too, the majority of these people of Aboriginal descent living on settlement reserves, or occupying squalid camps on fringes of country towns — under the ‘supervision’ of the then Western Australian Department of Native Wel- fare. They worked spasmodically for Europeans and were, for all general purposes, culturally but not socially European-Australians. Because a tribal background was now irrelevant as far as its content and any of its details were concerned, they saw themselves as being Njungar — different from the non-Aborigines around them. The story of discrimination and prejudice in relation to these people cannot be discussed here. However, over the last few years conditions have, at long last, been changing radically: more op- portunities are now open to them. In 1967, Douglas estimated the part-Aboriginal popula- tion as 8,000 in the larger south-west region, not bounded by the non-circumcision line. In 1971, the Central Division (i.e., Perth, Moora and Kel- lerberrin) had a total population of 5,128. Of these, 58 were ‘full-bloods’ (from non-south- west areas), and 2,694 were children under 16 years (31 being ‘full-blood’). The Southern Di- vision (i.e., Narrogin, Bunbury, Gnowangerup, Albany) had a total population of 2,855. Of these, 60 were ‘full-bloods’ (from non-south- west areas), and 1,692 were children under 16 years (31 being ‘full-blood’). The best recent Journal of the Royal Society of Western Australia, Vol. 56 Parts 1 and 2, July, 1973. 53 studies of these people are by Makin (1970) and McKeich (1971). For general discussions, see Rowley (1970) and Biskup (1972). Not all the south-west people of Aboriginal descent would regard themselves as Njungar. But, Njungar or not, they are New Aborigines — people who seek a social identity of their own in contrast to other Australians. And part of what they seek relates to obtaining some know- ledge of their traditional past. 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( 1971) .—Problems of Part-Aboriginal Edu- cation with special reference to the South- West region of Western Australia. Ph.D. thesis in Anthropology, University of West- ern Australia. Merrilees, D. (1968a). — Fossil bandicoots (Marsupialia, Peramelidae) from Mammoth Cave, Western Australia, and their climatic implications, Journal of the Royal Society of Western Australia 50: 121-8. Merrilees, D. (1968b). — Man the destroyer: late Quatern- ary changes .in the Australian marsupial fauna, Journal of the Royal Society of West- ern Australia 51: 1-24. Moore, G. F. (18^2). — "A descriptive Vocabulary of the language in common use amongst the Abori- gines of Western Australia ..." Orr, London. (1884). — “Diary of Ten Years Eventful Life of an Early Settler in Western Australia ” . Walbrook, London. Neville, A. O. (1936). — Relations between Settlers and Aborigines in Western Australia, The West- ern Australian Historical Society II, part XIX: 10-46. (1947). — “Australia’s Coloured Minority”. Currawong Publishing Co., Sydney. (1948). — Contributory causes of Aboriginal depopulation in Western Australia, Mankind 4 (1) : 3-13. (1951). — The Half-Caste in Australia, Man- kind 4: (7): 274-90. Nicolay, C. G. (1886). — Notes on the Aborigines of West- ern Australia, Colonial and Indian Exhibi- tion. London: Clowes: 3-17. Nind. I. S. (1832). — Description" of the Natives of King George’s Sound (Swan River Colony) and adjoining country, Journal of the Royal Geographical Society of London I. Oates, W. J. and L. F. Oates, eds. (1970). — “A Revised Linguistic Survey of Australia” . Australian Aboriginal Studies No. 33. Australian Institute of Aboriginal Studies, Canberra. O’Grady, G. N.. C. F. and F. M. Voegelin (1966).— Languages of the World: Indo-Pacifie Fas- cicle Six. In Anthropological Linguistics 8 ( 2 ). Phillips, C. W. (1963). — "Field Archaeology. Some notes for beginners issued by the Ordnance 0 Sur- vey". 4th Ed. Her Majesty’s Stationery Office, London. Radcliff e-Brown, A. R. (1930a). — In Official Year Book of the Commonwealth of Australia , No. 23: 687- 96. Government Printer, Melbourne. (1930b). — The Social Organization of Aus- tralian Tribes, Oceania, I (1): 34-63; I (2): 206-46. Roe, R. (1971). — Trial excavation in a small cave, Gingin, The Western Australian Naturalist II: 183-4. Rowley, C. D. (1970). — “ The Destruction of Aboriginal Society. Aboriginal Policy and Practice”, Vol. 1. Australian National University Press, Canberra. Salvado, R. (1850). — “Historia del origin, padecimientos, progresos y porvenir de las Misiones Catolicas de Nueva Holanda fundadas y sostenidas” . Barcelona. (1886). — In E. M. Curr, “The Australian Race”. Vol. I: 318-21. Government Printer, Melbourne. Serventy, V. N. (1952). — Cave paintings near York and Hyden, The Western Australian Naturalist 3: 121-30. Serventy, V. N. and S. R. White (1958).— Stone arrange- ments at Canna, Western Australia, The Western Australian Naturalist 6: 85-92. Stockton, E. D. (1970). — An archaeological survey of the Blue Mountains, Mankind 7: 295-301. — (1972). — A central coast survey, Australian Institute of Aboriginal Studies Newsletter 3 (5): 20-4. Tindale, N. B. (1940). — Distribution of Australian Abori- ginal Tribes: a field Survey, Transactions of the Royal Society of South Australia 64 (1): 140-231, with fplding map. Uren, M. (1940). — “Sailormen’s Ghosts”, Robertson and Mullens, Melbourne. Woodward, H. P. (1914). — A geological reconnaissance of a portion of the Murchison goldfield, Geological Survey of Western Australia Bulletin 57. Wright, B. J. (1968). — “Rock Art of the Pilbara Region, North-west Australia” . Occasional Papers in Aboriginal Studies No. 11. Australian Insti- tute of Aboriginal Studies, Canberra. (1969). — Aboriginal occupation sites in the Murchison River Gorge. Mimeographed re- port to the Australian Institute of Abori- ginal Studies. Wright, R. V. S. (1971). — “Archaeology of the Gallus Site, ‘ Koonalda Cave”. Australian Aboriginal Studies No. 26. Australian Institute of Abo- riginal Studies, Canberra. Journal of the Royal Society of Western Australia, Vol. 56 Parts 1 and 2, July, 1973. 55 6. — European man in southwestern Australia by G. C. Bolton 1 and D. Hutchison 2 Abstract European man's impact on the south-west of Western Australia may be treated in three periods : (1) 1829-1850, the period of initial impact. This was characterized by the carrying over of British and European preconceptions in the appraisal of an unfamiliar terrain. Want of labour, capital, and colonial experience led to the simplest forms of adaptation of building and agrarian techniques in the new environ- ment. (2) 1850-1890, a period of greater prosperity and population growth. The task was envisaged as “subduing" nature and imposing where possible British models of building, landscaping, and agricultural adaptation. Lack of means still led to what could later be considered conserva- tive and exploitative forms of land use. (3) 1890-1973, initiated by a period of mineral discovery stimulating economic takeoff. This period is marked by increasing urbanization and metropolitan influence on the hinterland, and recently by the uneven growth of a greater official and public recognition of the need for policies of conservation and regeneration. Introduction Historians, economists, creative writers, biolo- gists, naturalists, and agricultural scientists have each contributed to our understanding of the impact of western man on the environment of Western Australia. Unfortunately each discip- line has tended to work on its own, sometimes apparently ignorant of advances made in other fields, almost always without the full advantages of an interdisciplinary approach. Of the three standard histories of Western Australia, Kim- berly (1897), Battye <1924), and Crowley (I960), Battye shows the least, and Crowley the most appreciation of the environmental and economic factors influencing the spread and character of settlement. All wrote before the rise of the current concern with ecology, and none shows the subtle environmental awareness of a recent work such as W. K. Hancock, The Monaro (1972). Consequently an essay in synthesis can attempt little more than to record the various contributions made by contemporary observers and later scholars, and to suggest an immediate and obvious need for future research. The era of European contact may be divided into a period of pioneering, 1829-50, when the first appreciations and assessments of the ter- rain took place; a period of consolidation, 1850- 90, following the stimulus of convict transporta- tion and the spread and diversification of rural activity; and the modern period, since 1890, when growth reflected the multiplier effect of the gold-rushes. 'Murdoch University, Western Australia. 2 Western Australian Museum, Francis Street, Perth. 1829-50: Pioneering There are as yet no authoritative surveys of the historical demography of Western Australia, although a major project is shortly to be in- itiated by Professor R. T. Appleyard, under whose supervision current work is in progress at the Department of Economic History at the University of Western Australia. Statham is engaged on a study of the first twenty years of settlement, as a result of which it may be pos- sible to test Kimberly’s assertion fop. cit., p. 39) that ‘Substantially, Western Australia had for its pioneers more highly educated men of good society than perhaps any other British dependency’. “Musters” or census returns were compiled regularly, from which it would appear that although over 4,000 settlers were attracted to the Swan River Colony by the too-optimistic estimates of Captain Stirling and others, only 1,132 remained in 1830 and 2,311 in 1840. Num- bers improved to 5,886 in 1850, in which year convict transportation, rejected by other Aus- tralian colonies, was introduced as a stimulus to Western Australia’s economy (Gertzel, 1949). Until then, it may be doubted if the white inhabitants of the south-west significantly out- numbered the Aborigines. The spread of settlement was spasmodic and uneven. The first comers in 1829 sought land which was accessible to sea or river transport and which, so far as possible, met English criteria for desirable farming country. Along the Swan River above Guildford a number of estates still flourishing as vineyards were estab- lished before 1840. Much of the coastal sand- plain was either alienated to absentees or un- suitable because of what was discovered much later to be deficiency in trace elements. The colony was too isolated and under-populated to generate economic growth (Staples, 1961). The pressure for land led to the early exploration and settlement of the Avon Valley during the 1830s and the Victoria Plains during the 1840s < Deacon, 1947; Erickson, 1971). Itinerant shep- herds shifted their flocks frequently, following feed and surface water. Meanwhile Albany on King George’s Sound, since December 1826 the site of a convict garrison, became after 1831 another nucleus for free settlement. The Bun- bury and Vasse districts, sparsely settled from 1830, received some stimulus from the ill-fated ‘Wakefieldian’ settlement at Australind in 1840- 42 (Shann, 1926; Staples, 1948). Geraldton, founded in 1848, became the base for the occu- pation of the Champion Bay district (Kelly, 1958). These four centres of settlement — Ger- aldton, Fremantle/Perth, Bunbury, and Albany — were linked by a coastal shipping service Journal of the Royal Society of Western Australia, Vol. 56 Parts 1 and 2, July, 1973. 56 whose shipwrecks were frequent. Land trans- port was inhibited by the tracts of dense timber and scrub, or of sandy soil, which separated each nucleus of settlement. Shortages of capital, labour, and time made for a modest architecture. An authoritative sur- vey is in progess for the early colonial period by Dr John White, Department of Architecture, University of Western Australia. Cameron (1968) following Irwin (1835) notes that a num- oer of the 1829 settlers brought out prefabricated timber houses, which warped in the heat and excessively wet season of 1830. Most early houses were of wattle-and-daub — basketwork plastered with clay — or “ramjam”, a mixture of sand and clay rammed into consistency and bolted at intervals. More substantial buildings were later constructed of locally-made brick or (in the Fremantle area) of limestone. Jarrah and sheoak shingles gradually replaced thatch as a roofing material (Bunbury, 1930). Verandahs were not common inland, but were a feature of Perth and Fremantle houses (Ogle, 1839). Most public buildings retained a modified Georgian idiom until the 1850s, sometimes with unfortunate effects, as with the heavy Grecian portico of the first Anglican Church, more often with a simple elegance, such as the Old Court House of 1836, or the Chapel of the Children of Mary of 1846 (Oldham, 1961). The cities of Perth and Australind were both laid out on the formal, rectangular pattern preferred by early 19th century town planners (cf. Adelaide, Mel- bourne). Bold (1939) regretted that opportunity was not taken to lay out the city around the contours of the many swamps and lakes then existing north of the Swan, but Roe, the first Surveyor-General, seems to have considered that the uneven and dissected terrain presented suf- ficient difficulties without embarking on town- planning experiments (J. B. Roe, 1927). This raises the question of how the first settlers perceived their environment. Their first expectations were shaped by European experi- ence. Cameron (1970) points out that as a naval man Stirling judged the potential of the Swan River in terms of trade, strategy, and anchorage: He found difficulty in translating what he had seen into meaningful terms, and had resorted to compari- sons of the Swan River with Virginia and the Plains of Lombardy. Both these comparisons no doubt raised entirely different ideas in the minds of his readers than he intended. Their frame of reference was some- what different from his. As the hinterland was penerated some settlers viewed the new environment with nostalgia for the past, others with an appreciation of its differences. Following Dale’s expedition of 1830 to the Avon Valley, Clarkson and Hardey named the district “Yorkshire” from a fancied resem- blance to their native county (Deacon, 1947). On the contrary James Henty, on a separate expedition about the same time, saw the Aus- tralian bush as sui generis: The grandeur of the scene among the valleys sur- rounded by increasingly tall white gums and the solemn silence prevailing in the bush, totally unaccompanied by any signs of civilization, imparts ideas that it is impossible to reflect on without awe and reverence and which those who have not experienced it can scarcely appreciate (Bassett, 1954). This sort of reaction was none too common. Most observers, even after a dozen years of settle- ment, still used the English landscape as a standard of comparison, while some such as Wollaston (1948) needed time to realize that appreciation of the Western Australian bush required the newcomer to divest himself of pre- conceptions. He found the trees stunted and sombre, and most praised those Australian trees such as the peppermint which reminded him of European foliage. Some, however, such as Georgiana Molloy, were captivated by the Western Australian wildflowers: It is to be regretted that the flowers of this country are so uncommon in England, as were they imitated in that beautiful work of art, artificial flowers, they would create a great rage. They are so well calculated from their size for that work, also the brilliancy of colour could well be imitated in the manufacture of porcelain and china . . . (A. Hasluck, 1955) Because there was no assured water supply and little labour, even the most nostalgic settlers could not hope to recreate an English landscape in Western Australia. An article in the Perth Gazette (9 March 1833) listed fruit-trees and bushes introduced and already “flourishing”. Most were Mediterranean or tropical: grape vines, two varieties of fig, peach, almond, several varieties of apple, pear, strawberries, aloes, several varieties of plum, four varieties of olive, mulberry, pineapple, plantain, sugar-cane, flax- lily and Cape gooseberries. Alfred Stone, builder of the first cottage in St. George’s Terrace, planted a geometric layout of olives and vines behind his house and a selection of “natives” in front, including Nuytsia floribunda and vari- ous “mahogany” trees (Oldham, 1961). The Benedictines at Subiaco also planted olives. It is known that Norfolk Island pines and Moreton Bay fig were planted in Perth at this period, and the cypress was probably introduced before 1860. In a recent Flinders University honours thesis Moon has appraised the attitudes to the rural environment of South Australian colonists. It is probable that a similar detailed study of the attitudes of Western Australian colonists would lead to the same general conclusions. . . . . (the grasres and the trees) . . . were mostly utilized in their natural state, little attempt being made to improve, or conserve their value as a resource . . . the trees were generally tried, found wanting, and consequently cleared away as much as possible. The early nineteenth century Englishman, reacting against the immediate horrors of in- dustrialization, created the myth of a rural Eden which was certainly far from the reality of the pre-industrialized rural life. The early colonists would have found the strange Australian en- vironment difficult enough to appreciate even if their attitudes had not been partly shaped by such a myth. Their attitude, as Moon has shown for the South Australians, was too often one which later generations would see as ex- ploitative. It is an attitude which still persists amongst many'. In any case, with so much virgin bush around them, the early settlers would not have seen any need for reserves. The Journal of the Royal Society of Western Australia, Vol. 56 Parts 1 and 2, July, 1973. 57 first reserves were set up under the Land Regu- lations of 1872 and 1887, though they lacked legislative security (Australian Academy of Science, 1962). There can be little doubt that the Aborigines also exploited the environment beforehand and Merrilees <1968) and Hallam (1971) have dis- cussed the significant effect of the use of fire by them. Hancock (1972) also discusses similar studies of the effect of fire in south-eastern Australia. However, there seems to have been too little research on the comparative effects of naturally-occurring fires, Aboriginal fires and the fires of the European settlers. Hallam draws attention to the relative infrequency of fire due to lightning strike. However, the Western Aus- tralian flora displays many adaptations to fire and these adaptations may have required a longer time span than that now suggested for Aboriginal occupation. Further research may reveal that this time span was in fact sufficient for man-made fire to be effective. Some of these adaptations may have evolved in response to increasing aridity, and it may be impossible to separate the effect of fire and climate. Gardner <1957) argues for the primacy of fire as a factor and suggests greater frequency of “natural fires” caused by lightning strike, but on more subjective evidence. Man’s use of fire may have affected prin- cipally the distribution of species, both of plants and animals. It would be interesting to know in more detail the different results of the vary- ing practices of the European and the Aborigine. It is possible that the European use of fire has been more destructive, because of the altered pattern and greater frequency of burning, set- tlement in fixed locations, and because of the more intense pressure of a greater population. Hatch (1959) and Wallace (1966) have discussed the effect of post-settlement fires in the jarrah forests, while Gardner (1957) examined the effect of fire on the whole flora. It is hoped that current research by forestry scientists will greatly improve our appreciation of the role of fire in environmental management. It may be too late, however, to study in detail the relative effects of Aboriginal and European practices. Fire is only one of the factors that changed significantly when the Europeans arrived. It appears that the grazing habits of sheep, for example, very quickly altered the distribution of native grasses. There appear to be fewer local contemporary observations than Hancock could draw on for his Monaro study. Cattle and goats have, in their own ways, been destructive of the environment, particularly in a region where fresh-water sources are relatively thinly distri- buted. Introduced animals have to concentrate near these sources, whereas the native animals have adapted to be independent, or less depend- ent, on direct water supplies. Popularly the introduction of the fox and the rabbit have been recognized as environmental tragedies. However, except for a colony of rab- bits on Carnac Island (Moore, 1931) neither was introduced into Western Australia before the 20th century. Because of sentiment there has been far less popular recognition of the great impact of the cat and the dog on marsupial fauna. The descendants of European dogs “gone bush” were also probably more often responsible than dingoes for attacks on sheep. At the same time native species of animals and birds were assumed, sometimes quite falsely, to be vermin, and this led to unwarranted destruction. Introduced pathogens are part of the total impact on the environment, although in the earlier years of the colony the long ocean voyage may have been an effective quarantine against the introduction of plant and animal disease. It has nevertheless been speculated, for example that ‘jarrah die-back disease’ may have been introduced with plants brought by the colonists . The "silvertails” congre- gated in Peppermint Grove. West Perth, and subsequently Dalkeith Nedlands. suburbs com- manding access to Melville Water, King’s Park, and similar amenities, while the sandy eastern suburbs, further removed from the ocean and the sea breezes, and in general somewhat flatter than the region between Perth and Fremantle, became predominantly low-cost working-class residential areas. The provision of suburban railways was totally neglected, except where existing main lines were used to provide a local service; however during the 1890s light lines were built from Midland to serve the orchards and the timber-leases of the Darling Range, and this was a great stimulus to picknicking. The beaches, an alternative source of recreation, were only developed in the Cottesloe-Leighton area served by the suburban railways, until after the First World War the acceptance of mixed bathing and the growing supply of motor-cars and buses facilitated the opening of City Beach, Scarborough, and North Beach. More than anything else, the provision of an adequate piped water supply transformed the Perth environment. Seddon (1970 and 19721 has shown how nearly all suburban householders eradicated the local flora when they built houses, and instead used their hoses to cultivate trim lawns flanked by beds of largely imported annuals, rose-bushes, frangipani, hibiscus, and other non-natives. Even King’s Park, so often extolled as "a thousand acres of natural bush near the heart of the city” remained in that condition only because the trustees, such as Sir John Forrest, lacked the financial means to redeem such a large area from "the drab monotony of the Australian bush” (private com- munication from Dr P. R. Wycherlyi*; and in any case it soon ceased to be a sample of the pristine flora of the coastal sandplain. It was not until well into the post-World War II period that public taste, perhaps in response to occas- ional summer water shortages, came to favour the encouragement of native trees and bushes in the suburban environment: just as it was not until then that variants on the conventional red- brick and tile were sometimes voluntarily chosen as acceptable building materials. One notice- able side-effect of Perth’s domestic architecture was its influence on the planning of country farm-houses. With return of prosperity after the Second World War farmers who could afford to rebuild their homesteads forsook the old vernacular architecture, with its overtones of makeshift, and built houses in the bush undis- tinguishable from the ordinary suburban bunga- low. Rapid post-war metropolitan growth provoked a concern for environmental planning. Al- though Perth had been under a Town Planning Act since 1928 some factors affecting living conditions were little understood. Few foresaw that the establishment of an industrial complex at Kwinana after 1952 might affect the atmos- phere of suburbs dependent on the south-west- erly sea breeze for summer relief. Transport policy, despite the integration of bus services under the Metropolitan Transport Trust in 1958, failed to solve two major problems. These were the increasing use of private cars and the de- liberate concentration during the 1960s and early 1970s of the administrative headquarters of almost the entire business and financial world, together with most State and federal govern- ment offices, along one over-crowde d mile of * King's Park and Botanic Garden, Perth. Journal of the Royal Society of Western Australia. Vol. 56 Parts 1 and 2. July, 1973 62 high-rise blocks around Saint George’s Terrace. A closely controlled policy of land zoning checked inordinate suburban sprawl, but only at the cost of high land prices. Differentiation between the status of suburbs continued to grow, the highest value being placed on those com- manding views and access to the river or the sea. Conscious nevertheless that by most world standards Western Australia was a favoured environment, the community took remedial action. At the official level the destruction of some native fauna was mitigated by the Game Acts of 1874, 1892, 1900 and 1912, and the Land Act of 1898 specifically provided for the creation of reserves for the protection of indigenous fauna and flora: but these early initiatives were not adequately followed up. At the voluntary level some studies of the effect of man on the environ- ment came to be made by such societies as the Royal Society of Western Australia and the Naturalists Club, which although founded as early as 1914 and 1924 respectively, came to shift the focus of their interests in the postwar period (Australian Academy of Science, 1962). In 1959 a concern for the State’s early buildings led, none too soon, to the foundation of the National Trust, which carried out useful work in classifying those deserving of preservation. In the same year the State Government took a new initiative by setting up the Swan River Conser- vation Board, an authority with overriding pow- ers to control the problem of river pollution which had first been noted as far back as 1870. In 1970 the State’s legislators agreed to create a Department of Environmental Protection, and in 1971 went further with an Act creating two statutory authorities, the Environmental Pro- tection Authority and Council, with power to report on the implications of proposed new industrial and commercial developments. Con- troversy was aroused in 1972 when the Authority reported against a proposal to site the Pacminex alumina refinery in the upper Swan, but as alternatives proved to be available, it was hard to argue that the community lost through a concern with environmental factors. The problems remained formidable. Western Australia — or at least its south-west — consisted of a hinterland increasingly seen as a “big man’s” agricultural frontier in which closer settlement, if it came at all. would result only from the chances of mining development or from the deliberately subsidized transplantation of selected industries. The inhabitants of its main centre of population would continue overwhelm- ingly to seek work and recreation on a narrow coastal sand-plain with a delicate ecology; yet on this basis most experts forecast a population of one million by 1990, and the Lord Mayor of Perth (on evidence as yet unpublished) consid- ered the optimum population to be between 2 and 2.5 million. It would not be easy to recon- cile the demands of economic growth with a retention of the quality of life which made Perth, despite its isolation, a fine city to live in. References Ackland, R. B. (1962).— The history of Wongan Hills. Journal of the Historical Society of Western Australia. 6 (1) : 60. Albertus, Mother M. (1966).— The Irwin story. Early Days. 6 (5) : 7. Australian Academy of Science (1962). — “National Parks and Nature Reserves in Western Australia: by the Western Australian Subcommittee ... on National Parks”. Bassett, M. (1954). — “ The Hentys: A Colonial Tapestry”. Melbourne. Battye, J. S. (1924). — ‘‘Western Australia: A History”. Oxford. Bennetts, H. S. (1928). — Carrion poisoning of sheep (botulism). Australian Veterinary Journal. 4: 105. Bennetts. H. S. and Chapman, F. E. (1937). — Copper deficiency in sheep in Western Australia. Australian Veterinary Journal. 13: 19. Bennetts, H. S.. Underwood. E. J. and Shier, F. L. 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