(Registered at the General Post Office, Perth, for transmission by post as a Periodical.} JOURNAL OF THL ROYAL SOCIETY OF WL5TLRN AUSTRALIA, INC. Founded 1913 :: :: Incorporated 1937 voi. xxvin 1941 - 1942 The Authors of Papers are alone responsible for the statements and the opinions expressed therein. Published 22nd May, 1944, Printed for the Society by Robbbt H. MmLER, Government Printer, Perth. 1944. pr:t/rr- [ Registered at tlie General Post Office, Perth, for transmission by post as a Periodical.] JOURNAL OF THL ROYAL 50CILTY OF WESTERN AU5TRAEIA, INC. Founded 1913 ;; Incorporated 1937 Vol. XXVIII 1941 - 1942 4’he Authors of Papers are alone responsible for the statements and the opinions expressed therein. Published 22nd May, 1944. Printed for the Society by Robkiit H. Miller, Government Printer, Perth. 1944. k 119/43 11. Jour. Roy. Soc., Western Australia, Vol. XXVIII. THE ROYAL SOCIETY OF WESTERN AUSTRALIA, Ixc. OFFICERS AND COUNCIL, 1941-42. Patron : His Majesty the King. Vice-Patron : His Excellency Sir James Mitchell, K.C.M.G., Lieut. -Governor of the State of Western Australia. President : C. A. Gardner. Past President : ^ Professor A. D. Ross, M.A., D.Sc., F.R.S.E., F.R.A.S., F.I.P. Vice-Presidents : R. C. Wilson, B.Sc., B.E. E. M. Watson, B.Sc., Ph.D., D.I.C., A.I.C., F.A.C.I. Joint Hon. Secretaries : R. T. Prider, B.Sc., Ph.B., F.G S. 0. F. H. Jenkins, M.A, Hon. Treasurer : L. J. H. Teakle, B.Sc. (Agric.), Ph.D., A.A.C.I. Hon. Editor : B. L. Southern, A.A.C.I. Hon. Librarian ; Eileen A. Jenkins, M.Sc. Hon. Asst. Librarian : Dorothy Carroll, B.A. B.Sc., Ph.D., D.I.C. Council : Allison M. Baird, B.Sc. H. W. Bennetts, D.V.Sc. H. Bowley, F.A.C.I. Professor E. de C. Clarke, M.A. F. G. Forman, B.Sc. L. Glauert, B.A., F.G.S. R. J. Little. H. P. Rowledge, A.A.C.I., A.W.A.S.M. Hon. Auditors : J. Shearer, B.A., M.Sc. W. F. Cole, B.Sc. Jour. Roy. Soc. Western Australia, Vol. XXVIII. iii. CONTENTS. Volume XXVIII. Page Office Bearers ... ... ... ... ... ... ... ... ... ... ii. Annual Report ... ... ... ... ... ... ... ... ... ... iv. Treasurer’s Report ... ... ... ... ... ... ... ... ... ... vi. Proceedings — Abstract of ... ... ... ... ... ... ... ... ... vii. Index of Authors ... ... ... ... ... ... ... ... ... ... x. General Index Ixxxix. Presidential Address — The Vegetation of Western Australia by C. A. Gardner ... xi, 1. Permian Productinae and Strophalosiinae of Western Australia. By K. L. Pren- dergast ... ... ... ... ... ... ... ... ... ... 1 2. The Occurrence of the Genus Conodypus in the North-West Division, Western Australia. By Irene Crespin ... ... ... ... ... 75 3. Fibroferrite and Copiapite from Yetar Spring near Chidlows. By R. T. Prider 79 4. The Geology and Petrology of part of the Toodyay District, Western Australia. By R. T. Prider 83 5. Revision of the Embioptera of Western Australia. By Consett Davis ... ... 139 6 . Ecological Succession observed during Regeneration of Triodia pungent, R. Br. afterburning. By Nancy T. Burbidgs ... ... ... ... ... 149 7. Ecological Notes on. the Vegetation of the 80-mile Beach. By Nancy T. Burbidge 157 8 . Bryozoa from the Wandagee and Nooncanbah Series (Permian of Western Australia) — Part I. By Joan M. Crockford 165 9. A Revision of some previously described species of Bryozoa from the Upper Palaeozoic of Western Australia. By Joan M. Crockford ... ... ... 187 10. Fossil Plants from Gingin, Western Australia. By A. B. Walkom 201 11 . Marine Copepods from Western Australia (Series II.). By W. S. Fairbridge ... 209 12. A Consideration of the Insect Population associated with Cow Dung at Crawley, W.A. By G. J. Snowball ... 219 13. The Essential Oils of the Western Australian Eucalypts. By E. M. Watson ... 247 IV. Jour. Roy. Soc., Wp:stp:rn Australia, Vol. XXVIII. The Royal Society of Western Australia (Inc.). ANNUAL NEPORT OF THE COUNCIL FOR THE YEAR ENDING 30th JUNE, 1942. Ladies and Gentlemen, Your Council begs to submit the following report for the year ended 30th June, 1942. Council . — As in the past several years an Executive Committee was ap- pointed to deal with the routine business of the Society and to report quar- terly to the Council. The Council met on six occasions and the Executive Committee on six occasions during the year. Finance . — The General Fund shows a. balance of £146/1/5 and the Endowment Fund now amounte to £271. There are certain commitments to the Government Printer against the General Fund in connection with the publication of Volume 27, which has not yet been completed. Membership . — Membership remains almost the same as at the commence- ment of the year. Members elected during the year include one Correspond- ing member, eight ordinary members and two associates, while two associates have transferred to full membership. Six ordinary members have resigned during the year. We regret to record the loss by death of four of our members — Mr. W. E. Shelton, Drs. W. E. Blackall and H. J. Lotz and the Hon. John Nichol- son. All of these gentlemen took a keen personal interest in the proceed- ings of the Society. Mr. Shelton was at various times president, librarian and secretary of this Society. The Hon. John Nicholson acted for some years as a member of the Endowment Lands Committee and rendered the Society considerable assistance at the time of its incorporation. There are at present 150 members of the Society made up as follows: — Honorary meml)ers . . . . . . . . 7 Corresponding members . . . . . . 9 Life member . . . . . . . . ■ • 1 Ordinary members . . - - • • • • 98 Associate members • • • • • • • • 35 Journal . — Volume 27 is nearing completion, and a number of the papers for the succeeding volume, No, 28, are in course of publication. During the past year fourteen ))apers were ]iresented to the Society for publication in the Journal. Jour. Roy. Soc., Western Australia, Vol. XXVIII. V. Mr. Southern is relinquishing the ofhce of Editor after twelve years' service in this capacity. The Council wishes to record its appreciation of Mr. Southern's excellent work in connection with the publication of the Journal during this period. Mrs. Jenkins is undertaking the duties of editor. Library.— The Society has now entered into exchange of publications with a total of 189 institutions, of which 56 are in Australia, 16 in the United Kingdom, 23 in other parts of the British Empire, 48 in North and South America, 42 in Europe and four in Asia. Many exchange publications are coming to hand fairly regularly, but in some instances overseas institutions are holding their publications in reserve to be forwarded after the war. The Council of this Society has decided, in view of the danger of loss during transit, to hold copies of the Journal which would normally be forwarded to overseas exchanges and to forward them in more peaceful times. The Council wishes to express its thanks to Mr. A. Gibb Maitland for further donations to the Society's libraiw made during the year. C. A. GARDNER, President. REX. T. PRIDER, C. E. H. JENKINS, Joint Hon. Secretaries. THE ROYAL SOCIETY OF WESTERN AUSTRALIA, INCORPORATED. Statement of Receipts and Expenditure for the Year ended ‘ 6 t)th June. 1042. vi. Jour. Roy. Soc., Western Australia, Vol. XXVIII. ^ O lO O CC o M M O -H 50 O I r-H 50 O kft 50 C-3 50 -H :£> 4-) 3 02 £ 3 -JJ o7 ± -- tX' 3 .i. • ^ = . 02 o 4. 3 02 © o Oh 3 . 3 £f : ’5b : 3 “ o c G tt- c S o'C ■15 c-~ ® « W- ^ ^ 5 «5 2 .t; w ® si l| > > c C5 • a iiL : C ffl gfs! C i- >— < . g: < c- t \ - cc o - o _ '^O : CO E is r jc 05 ' 1h ^ )55 -J O CK O © O © © © OJ © -^ X © -t © ■M © CO I— I © CO ® *— ■ © © -M © T-H © © ; « M © © © X : r-( © G 3 '“S s a I— I 5 5 ■-t o o ^ o o '<<<1 - ■*^3 3 sJ --5 j *:> 3 a S O O S 05 4^ 4-> 3 O M cn fSs 2 i£ J? 05 3 3 : S-d 3 : ® E* M *2 05 A © £ 05 © 2^ S 3 05 O 05 S *4^ •C^'3 -2 £g 3 o X ^ 3 § £ 3 5 ® 3 cS 4- H l-H o O ;©i :© * *1—1 M a = ’2 = ° ; 3 cS ^ +5) .© 3^ '3 oS a 05 t- .2 ■ ‘4 o ^ ^ 3. I 45) 05 I 3^ JS 05 _ 02 3 . S'* 3 &5 a >> "5 3:^ O 3 o 05 .^©XO CO »n CO 50 o •-< -^ '-I — oi . rt :*3© .i*S •* Sf , X © M I 3 -n i«”:3 3'^ 3 4J ;> ?• 05 © © 3 3 H -O: © ^ ^ • ©CC O) © 3 4-1 3 © 05 e s ^ 02 9 ^ bc^-3 ^.S ^ Zip.cS .§1^ £ S3| “■■sS 45) 0 3 3 3 O C 45) 44 02 CO » 05 05 3 t 4 44 ^ 05 3 3 45) 45> 44 3 3 3 Liabilities. £ s. d. Assets. £ Subscriptions Paid in Advance .... .... 3 16 Cash at Bank — Amounts Owing — Rent .... .... .... 7 10 0 General Fund .... .... .... .... 146 Investment — Life Membership Fund .... .... .... .... 18 0 0 Medal Fund .... .... .... .... .... .... .... 4 Jour. Roy. Soc., Western Australia, Vol. XXVIII Vll, 00 eo Ti< c © (M lO © M rH eo © T-H © © © © © © © rH (NO® r-l ^ (M ■**! 03 03 ^ 03 .2P^ I .£p 1 > « 2 «« =2 Q o 5 o 03 o § ° C 03 fr- 2 .o ^ i- r. *33 (N © c o - o £ T3 © 03 CO O g| 4" a 4 § S - © H fl H ® Wo; ® ' d «e £ >> a « c3 ® S 'fl 5r '15 03 ’TS E — « © 43 43 IH X CaD CB ^ c S -S ^ © a « i Pi -d ® fl I £ •2 ^ O =! ® a 5 M ^ © St ■* 8. Africa DiastelUP 8. Afi'ica S pa f alia * (25) 8. Africa Spatallopsifi* (5) 8. Africa Petrophila (35) Austr. (W'.A.) Isopogon (30) Austr. (W.A.) Adenanthofi (20) S.W. Austr. Stirlingia (5) S.W. Austr. Synaphaea (8) S.W. Austr. Conospermutn (35) Australia FrayikUtndia (2) S.W. Austr. The Vegetation of Western Australia. xix. Subfam. (Jrevilloideae- — • Darlingia* (1) E. Austr. BucMngha^nia* (I) Ph Austr. Greinllea (180) Austr. Strangea (3) Austr. Carnarvonia'^ (1) E. Austr. Hakea (100) Austr. Orites*- (6) Ph Austr. Helicea* (40) Japan, Tndo-Malaya, E. Austr. Xylomelum (4) Austr. LamheHia (S) Austr. Roupala^ (40) South America and Ncnv Caledonia Panop sis* (8) trop. America Macadamia* (5) E. Austr. HicksbeacMa* (1) E. Austr. Kermadecia* (5) P]. Austr. and New Caledonia Ouevina* (1) Cdiile Euplassa* (8) tro]'). America Embothrium* (•>) Chilean Andes and PT Austr. Telopea* (3) K. Austr. and Tasmania Lomatia* (10) p]. Austr., Tasmania, and Chile Knightia* (3) N. Zeal, and N. Caledonia Cardwellia* (1) E. Austr. Ste7iocarpus (15) N. Caledonia and trop. Austr. Banksia (50) Austr. Dryandra (52) S.W. Australia Summary (54 genera). 21 genera endemic in Australia. 14 genera endemic in S. Africa and Madagascar. 3 genera endemic in America. 2 genera endemic in Tasmania. 2 genera endemic in New Caledonia. 1 common to S. America and N. Caledonia. 2 common to S. America and E. Australia. 2 common to New Caledonia and E. Australia. 1 common to Australia and New Zealand. J common to Japan, IndoAIalaya, and E. Austr. 1 genus endemic in Madagascar. The preceding tables are characteristic of the groups within the Ant- arctic Element. They show affinities between the three great southern land masses, with Madagascar, New Caledonia, and New Zealand as intermediate j^oints. It is interesting to find that, in general, the links between Australia and South America are usually stronger than those between Australia and South Africa. These will be referred to again under the Australian Element. Amongst the Restionaceae there is a high degree of endemism both in the Australian and South African groups, with one conjunctive genus for America and one for South Africa. The Centrolepidaceae are more strictly Antarctic, and the link here is between South America and Australia. The same holds good for the Epacridaceae and Stylidiaceae, whieli are not represented in South Africa, the former without conjunctive genera, the latter with two. Amongst the Proteaceae however, there are powerful links with South America, in the Orevilloideae, with two conjunctive genera ; while amongst the Proteeae XX. Charles Austin Gardner. the development in South Africa is even greater than in Australia, and there are again no conjunctive genera. In all cases in the Proteaceae, where a genus exists in South-Western Australia, it is more powerfully developed there than elsewhere. At the same time, there are several genera common to both Australia and South Africa, some of which will be discussed under the Palaeotropic Element, but the following are genera confined to the countries mentioned : — Chrysithrix Tetraria Wurmhaea Biilbine Caesia Podocoma Trichocline South Africa and S.W. Australia. .... South Africa and S.W. Australia. .... South Africa and S.W. Australia. .... South Africa and temperate Australia. South Africa and temperate Australia. .... Australia and America. .... S.W. Australia and S. America. These are but a few examples of the Antarctic Element, and when floral statistics have been completed for Western Australia, further additions will probably be made. Sufficient evidence has, however, been advanced to indicate the close relationships which exifet between certain southern groups. 2. THE PALAEOTROPIC ELEMENT. The Indo-Melanesian Element is expressed by those plants which are common to Australia, Indo-Malaya, and Melanesia. In Australia they are most in evidence along the Northern Australian littoral, especially in the high rainfall districts of Queensland, and extending through the rain-forest into New South Wales. The Element is also fairly well indicated in Western Australia in the Kimberley district, especially in the littoral, the riverain forest, and the monsoon woodland. The conditions governing its migration are the requirements of a megathermic flora, and, while it is most strongly represented in Western Australia in the Kimberley district, it has migrated fairly extensively along the littoral tracts. This must have taken place at a time ■when the climatic conditions were very different from those of to-day. The Element has not only strongly established itself in Kimberley, but its residuals may be found fairly well represented to-day in the De Grey River district, and the Hamersley plateau. At one time it extended as far south as the South-West, for it has not only imdoubtedly exerted an influence on the flora of the South-West, there are today certain representatives of this Ele- ment as far south as the karri forest. There can, indeed, be no other ex- planation for the occurrence of such plants as Cartonema, Dioscorea, and Clematocissus in regions between Geraldton and Perth. At the same time, such a direct line of commmiication would explain certain northern migrations of plants that are typically southern, e.g., Byhlis, certain Droserae and Jacksonia, to the tropics. Finally, if further evidence is wanted, one has but to consider the flora of the Pilbarra district — the region between the De Grey and Ash- burton rivers — ^which is today an ‘‘island” supporting the impoverished I'esiduals of the Indo-Melanesian Element under conditions which are generally imsuitable, either as lithophytes or species of the declivities. Examples such as Livistona, Astrotriclia, Owenia, and several herbaceous species, also the few endemics, such as Elachnanthera, as megathermic plants of mesophytic or hygrophytic derivation, are evidence of a former pluvial area which must have been of importance in bridging the line of communication between the north and south. The Vegetation of Western Australia. XXI. A list of the gi'oups which comprise the Indo-Melanesian Element would be beyond the scope of this treatise. It is sufficient to state that it includes the Palaeotropic Rhizophoraceae, many Leguminosae and Gramineae, Santa- laceae, Lauraceae, Menispermaceae, Ulmaceae, Moraceae, Burseraeeae, Melia- ceae, Euphorbiaceae, Anacardiaceae, Celastraceae, Sapindaceae, Rhamnaceae, Malvaceae, Tiliaceae, many of the Parietales, Myrtiflorae-Myrtoideae, the Primulales, and a host of tropical Sympetalae. While we postulate a land connection for the greater number of plants comprising the Palaeotropic Element, it must be remembered that a number have undergone an oceanic migration. Such plants as the Rhizophoraceae, Terminalia, Carapa, Thespesia, Barringtonia, and Camptostemon being ex- amples, as well as the maritime Spinifex and certain dune species. They remain principally as littoral plants. In addition to those groups or species which we regard as belonging essentially to the Palaeotropic Element, there are several groups which, while perhaps or palaeotropic origin, have become so modified, or have undergone such an extensive development, that they are no longer recognisable as typical examples. Indeed, in some instances they have assumed such importance in Australia that they have been regarded by some authors as typifying the Australian Element. I propose to consider, by way of illustration, one Order, tlie Leguminosae. In the first family of this Order is the genus Acacia, This genus, whicli is represented in the tropics of both the east and west hemispheres, com- prises over 500 species, of which 400 are indigenous to Australia. Of the six Sections, four are represented in Australia (all being in Western Aus- tralia), the remaining two being found in America, Africa, and Asia. The most primitive form of Acacia is that which possesses compound leaves. Acacia Farnesiana, which may be regarded as an archetype, inhabits the tropics of both the old and new worlds, extending from America, through Africa, Arabia, and India, into northern Australia. In Western Australia it extends as far south as the Murchison River, while in eastern Australia it occurs as far south as the interior of New South Wales. Within the high summer rainfall areas, e.g., in Kimberley, it is of fairly general distribution as a shrub of the savannahs, but south of the Fitzroy River it is confined to the alluvial soil of watercourses and depressions. The remaining species of the Section Gumniferae in Australia are all endemic and of tropical distribution as far as Western Australia is concerned. Acacia Farnesiana alone of the Bipinnatae connects the tropical species of this genus with the temperate Bipinnatae in south-w'estern Australia. Acacia pulchella, the most widespread of the latter, extends northwards to the south- ern limits of Acacia Farnesiana and southwards to the forest areas where it connects with the remainder of the species of its Section, the Pulchellae, which number twelve, and are of considerable importance in the high rainfall forest area of the south-west. Apart therefore, from a northern gi’oup consisting of the Gumniferae and the single representative of the Botryocephalae (A, pachyphloia), and a southern group in which there are 12 species of the Pul- chellae, the two being connected by the riverain A, Farnesiana, there are no other leafy Acacias in Western Australia. In eastern Australia a similar development may be noted, Acacia Farnesiana continuing the line of de- velopment into New South Wales, while a south-eastern group (Botryocephalae) extends from the north to Victoria and South Australia. XXll Charles Austin Gardner. From this original stock, a type of Acacia has originated which is characterised by the production of phyllodes, the leaf being represented by the simple flattened leaf-like axis of the compound leaf. Its ontogeny may be observed in any species of this type, and transitions between the two may be observed in Acacm insolita, a species of the eastern borders of the jarrah forest, w^hich normally possesses both leaves and phyllodes. This large grou }5 (the Phyllodineae), numbering over 400 species, is, with the exception of a few Papuan and Pacific species, confined to Australia, the Western Aus- tralian species numbering over 300. They are found wdthin every formation throughout the country, assuming remarkable diversity in form and varying from complete aphylly to large leaf-like phyllodes. Their highly developed floral economy, and the adaptation of a leaf-stalk or even a stem fimctioning as a leaf, has enabled them to withstand extreme aridity of environment, and thus they have penetrated into the arid heart of the continent, developing an epharmony which leads to complete aphylly. While this epharmonic development is in most examples progressively manifested as w'e travel from w^etter to drier areas, there are w^hat appear to be retrograde divergences in some instances. For example. Acacia alata and A. cxtcnsa, both of w'hich inhabit wet or marshy spots in the south-western forests, exhibit an apparent morphological xerophily which is misleading, for histologically Acacia alata at least, is a mesophyte. It lives only under conditions of shade and moisture wfiiich are the ideal conditions under which the leafy Acaciae find their true environment ; the phyllodineous species, on the other hand, have attained to their highest development under arid con- ditions, or at least, seasonal droTight. Australia, and particularly Western Australia, is the richest in species of Acacia of any part of the earth, but the genus cannot be considered as belonging to any but a tropical element. What is true of Acacia is ajjparently also true of the rest of the Mimosaceae and the Caesalpiniaceae. In this connection it is interesting to consider the range of Albizzta, indigenous to tropical Asia, Africa, and Australia, fhe Western Australian representatives are confined to the trojiical north with the single exception of Albizzia distachya, confined to the south-w^est. Of the Caesalpiniaceae, both Petalostyles and Labichea are endemic in Australia, and are closely related to Cassia, from which they have probably been evolved ; Petalostyles remaining megathermic, while Labichea extends from Queensland to south-wustern Australia, but without a continuous distribution between the Murchison River and the Northern Territory. Cassia, on tlie other hand, which w'e must regard as a tropical element, has migrated far to the south, but has not extended into the wet south-wust, and its real liome in Australia in the savannah and the dry interior, where, by the provision of a dense indumentum of felt or hair, it has, with practically no structural modi- fication, iDenetrated to the desert. Space does not permit me to deal at any length with the third family of the Leguminosae — the Papilionaceae, and the family is so large, and of such cosmopolitan distribution, that it is difficult to trace with any exactness its possible migrations. It is w'orth remembering, however, that every tribe of this important family is represented in America, which country appears to be the main centre of distribution for the family. The Dalbergieae, Sophoreae, Hedysareae, Swartzieae, Galegeae, and Phaseoleae are all most richly de- veloped in America, five of them being found in Asia and Australia. Of the remaining five tribes, the Vicieae, Trifoleae, and Loteae arc more cosmo- politan in distribution, but mainly of northern development, while in the The Vegetation of Western Australia. XXlll. last two — the Genisteae and Podalyrieae — there is a marked southern de- velopment. The following list gives the distribution of these two tribes : — Genisteae. Podalyrieae. South Africa 19 genera Australia .... 20 genera North Africa and 8 genera North America and 3 genera Mediterranean Siberia Australia ... 7 genera Himalayan 2 genera Warm regions 2 genera Mediterranean 1 genus Indo-Malayan 2 genera South Africa 1 genus N. Hemisphere (mesothermic) .... 1 genus South America 1 genus It is suggested that both tribes migrated southwards from the northern hemisphere, and that the Axistralian Podalyrieae, like the South African Genisteae, have formed their own centres of distribution. It will be noticed that the Podalyrieae are absent from both New Zealand and South America, and that botli have a number of localised endemics in two centres — the Genis- teae in the Cape Peninsula of South Africa, and the Podalyrieae in southern Australia. Finally there is a relationship between the flora of Madagascar and Aus- tralia that cannot be overlooked. There is, in the first ])la(5e, the remarkable distribution of the Baobab (Adansonia). This genus is restricted to the African savannahs, Madagascar, and that portion of Australia wliich lies between the Fitzroy and Victoria rivers. In the second place there are those genera which are entirely restricted to Madagascar and Australia — -and p^u'- ticularly well developed in Western Australia- and Kermidrenia (Sterculiaceae), and Diplopeltis (Sapindaceae). No attempt is made to explain this rem^irkable distribution. 3. THE AUSTRALIAN ELEMENT. Botanists and zoologists luiN'e rep(‘atedly referred to an Australian Ifli'inent. Hooker, speaking of the Australian Flora, states : “ It contains more genera and species peculiar to its own areas, and fewer j)lants belonging to other parts of the world, than any country of equal extent. About two-fifths of its genera, and upwards of seven-eights of its species aix^ entirtdy confined to Australia. On the other hand, if, disregarding the pt'culiarities of the flora, I (ionipaix' its elements with those of the floras of similarly situated larg(' areas of land, or with that of the whole globe, I find that there is so great an agree- ment b(>twoen these? that it is impossible to i*(?gard the Australian vegetation in any other light than as forming a peculiar but not tu) aberrant or anomalous botanical ])rovince of the existing Vegetal)le Kingdom ; that with only two small exceptions, the Australian families are also found in other countries ; that most of those most widely diffused in Australia are such as are also the most wid(fly distributed over the glob(‘ ; and that Australia wants no known family of general distribution. Tliat the largo families and gc^nera which, though not absolutely restricted to Australia, are then* very abundant in sp(‘cios and rarc^ elsewhere, anr('d by the coastline from Shark I3ay to Israelite Bay, and extending inland to the 175 mm. (7 in.) winter isoliyct. Within this area the autoch- thonian flora finds its highest expression in the sandy areas, either on the sand iK'aths, or in the sandy swamplands of tlie south-western littoral. W hile many of its groups are strictly endemic within the area, others are found in Eastern Australia, esj)ecially in Southern Quet'iisland and South Australia, where tluiy occur as psammophytes. They arc foum^l also in the littoral region of South Australia, whore their occurrence can be explained by littoral migra- tion, but their occurnnce in soutlu'rn Queensland and parts of New South Wales is more difficult of explanation. Tut’, Vkgetation op Western* Austijalia. XXVll. These eastern species and groups bear the same relationship to tliose of South-Western Australia that the groups in South Africa and SoutJi America bear to the Australian ingredients of the Antarctic Klement. Whether South-Western Australia w'as the cradle of the Australian Ele- ment, or whether it is here alone that it has maintained its floristic stability, is a ({uestion which has not yet been decided. Wlien we consider tlie liigh de- gree of endemism within the area, and its ec^ological stability, one is inclined to the foi-mer view, but, as Diels has pointed out, the occurrence of the \-ast epicontinental sea of Cretaceous times must hav(‘ caus('d a division of what may originally have been an ancient pan-Australian flora, and the present distri- bution of such genera as Borya, Petrophila , Jsopogon, Grevillea, and Banksia, to enumerate a few only, lends a.dehnite support for tlie tlumy of the previous existence of a pan-Australian Element. ]n any cas(‘, it is in South-Western Australia alone that the true Australian flora is today most richly developed within a climatic and geologically distinct entity, in an almost perfect state of efjuilibrium which is disturbed only by tlu' gradual process of climatic desiccation in operation everywhere. It is true that a disturbing influence has to some extent been at work since the ach-ent of settlement : agriculture, with grazing, fire, and the plough, has done much to bring about important local changes in the country’s physiognomy, but tlu* work of man, and the plants which he has brought wdth him, including those aliens which we regard as weeds, although of great importance in man’s particular economy have, in the main, proved quite ineffective as a permanent invading force when subjected to competition under natural conditions with the indigenous vegetation. III.—PHYSIOGRAPHY. Western Australia consists almost entirely of a low" plateau with an average elevation of between 1,000 and 1,500 feet. Between Point Culver and Eyre on the south coast, between the King Leopold Range and Van- sittart Bay in the Kimberley district, and in a few" other places, this plateau extends to the coast. In other places, e.cj., between Eyre and Eucia, and along the western coast betw'een the Moore and Vasse rivers, the plateau descends rather abruptly to a narrow littoral plain. In the north-west, be- tween the Murchison River and Broome, the plateau descends gradually to the coast, or the escarpment is far inland, exc^ept in the Pilbarra district, where the Hamersley massif extends almost to the coast at Vlaming Head, and again in the vicinity of Roebourne. While little is knowm of the contours in the vicinity of the Eighty-mile Beach, the Gascoyne, Ashburton, and Eortes- cue rivers in their lower courses flow* over broad alluvial flood-plains. The surface of the plateau is mostly flat or gently undulating. According to Jutson, the main plateau represents what is probably a vast uplifted pene- plain now in a state of arid erosion, bearing the residuals of a former higher plateau which has suffered very considerable erosion. There are no mountains in the sense of large folded and not much denuded systems, and the high points w"hich rise above the existing plateau are in the main either residuals of the former higher plateau erosion, or fault blocks. Tlie highest elevations are found in the Hamersley Range, w"hcre Mount Bruce attains 4,024 feet. In the Kimberley district, the King Leopold Range rises to nearly 2,000 feet. This range is the escarpment of the Hann ])lateau which extends almost everv- where to the coast to the north and west, and is boun{ted on the east by the Durack Range. It culmina,tes in Mount Hann (2,800 feet). In the south- west, the main physical features are tlie Stirling Range — a system of isolated peaks, of which Coyanarrup is the highest (3,(>40 feet) — while to the south is the Porongorup Range, and parallel with the soutli coast is a system of XXVlll. Charles Austin Gardner. isolated hills extending from Mount Manypeak through the Barren Ranges to the Eyre Range and the Russell Range near Israelite Bay. The Darling escarpment averages about 1,000 feet in height, the highest point being Mount William (1,689 feet). This escarpment extends from near the south coast as far north as the Irwin River, and possesses two subsidiary spurs, one ex- tending to the north-west from Gingin, the other, below Bunbury (known as the Roe Range) links the main escarpment with the Dunsborough- Augusta escarpment between Cape Naturaliste and Cape Leeuwin. Most of the drainage is into the sea. While a number of streams are short and originate near the margin of the plateau, others, like the Fortescue, Ashburton, and Gascoyne, are of considerable length, and originate on the plateau. The rivers of Kimberley rise in the Hann plateau ; with the ex- ception of the Fitzroy and Lennard rivers, they are perennial, at least in the plateau area, and they have, together with their tributary streams, eroded narrow valleys or canyons in the soft sandstone. They appear to be yoimg rivers, and several of the smaller tributaries have in places tunnelled through the soft rocks. Most of them rise in the comparatively high rainfall area near Mount Hann. South of the Fitzroy River, as far as the Avon, the streams are inter- mittent, and flow only in times of heavy rain. They are, in fact, merely flood channels which carry water in times of flood. They may remain as dry watercourses, containing only a few shallow pools, for several consecutive years, or, on the other hand, they may flow twice or more during the same year. They traverse low flood plains in their low'er courses, and a character- istic of the larger streams is the formation of subsidiary channels of “ billa- bongs.” The Swan River marks the commencement of those streams which are more permanent and have eroded broad valleys. They extend southwards to the Denmark and Kalgan rivers. These rivers flow as a rule throughout tlie winter months, but in the summer are much reduced, sometimes to chains of pools, or in the lower south-west, as for examples the Warren and Frankland rivers, they may be permanent. Some of them, such as the Avon, drain larger watersheds than appear to be indicated on the map as their defined courses, and it is probable that the Avon River once drained a very extensive area, since the chain of salt pans and channels which enters the river at Lake Mears, can be more or less continuously traced through Lake Brown to Lake Ballard. It is only during exceptional seasons that this system flows to the sea from above Hine’s Hill, thus accounting for tlie salt-j^an system of the upper course. Apart from those streams which find an outlet to the sea, there are a number of watercourses which very rarely carry rimning water through more than a limited portion of their channels, emptying themselves into extensive flats or clay-pans. Some of these clay-pans are termed "salt lakes.” \\ith the eva]joration of the water in these depressions substances such as salt and gypsum are deposited. Many of these so-called ‘'lakes” may be of con- siderable extent, such as Lake Moore and Lake Carnegie. They are either fpiitc isolated, or they are constellated over the interior in a manner that suggests that they once formed old river beds forming part of an ancient river system. The largest of these ancient systems is that which extends from Lake Nabberu to Goddard’s Creek near Zanthus. Its ancient course once entered the sea near Twilight Cove, and it constitutes the largest watershed in Western Australia. The physical features described are important because of their effect ujDon the flora, and upon the climate. The river systems are important be- The Vegetation op Western Australia. XXIX. cause not only do they support their cliaracteristic vegetation, but because they have been of importance in plant migrations. The salt pans provide their own halophytic associations. IV.— GEOLOGY AND SOILS. Apart from the climatic factor, the edaphic factor is the most important in j^roviding the particular requirements for individual plants, and in de- termining the characteristics of plant communities. The nature of the soil is dej:)endent upon the original rock formations which are fundamental in determining soil formation and soil characteristics. The geological fundament of Western Australia is a Precambrian com- plex, consisting mainly of metamorphic rocks and granite. The granite rocks are exposed in many parts of the territory, particularly in the south, and especially in the Darling and Porongorup Ranges, and parts of the interior of the plateau where they usually occur in the form of convex bosses or tors. Wherever the granite is exposed, or lies close to the surface, it exerts an in- fluence on the plant life, either because of the immaturity of the derived soil, or by reason of the water which it collects. Especially in the arid interior, the flora of the granite rocks stands in marked contrast to that of the sur- rounding country. Superposed on these basement rocks are many sedimentary series. Of these, the oldest is that knovm as the Nullagine. The rocks of this series are freely exposed in the Kimberley and Pilbarra districts, where they form the most prominent physical features of these areas. In the Kimberley district, on the Hann Plateau, and on the Antrim Plateau, the base of the Cambrian is composed of a series of basalt “flow's.” The occurrence of basalt in the surface soil determines a distinctive type of savannah or savannah-w'oodland in which the species of Themeda, the “ Kangaroo-grass,” is dominant, while the indicative prevailing tree is Eucalyptus Spenceriana. The “Nullagine” rocks, on the other hand, support on their derived soils a type of steppe or impoverished savannah in w'hich Triodia takes a prominent part in the physi- ognomy. The Devonian strata, typified by the Oscar and Napier Ranges, are im- portant because of the more richly varied flora w'hich they support. In the Napier Range we find Melia common, and several species not found in the neighbouring soil types. The number of endemics here is interesting. The Permian rocks of the Gascoyne-Ashburton divide appear to be im- i:»ortant in more respects than one. The area of tlieir occurrence here co- incides with that part of the Mulga-bush formation in wdiich the true Mulga (Acacia aneura) is either rare, or entirely absent, and the general physiognomy is more reminiscent of the Pindan country, a type w'hich is common along the low'er Eitzroy River, and paits of Dampier Land. The hard-pan soil, so typical of the true Mulga formation, appears to bo (juite absent from these areas. The rocks of the Kainozoic Era are associated wflth characteristic featiux's o^ the vegetation. They occm as sedimentary formations in many parts of the w'estern and southern littoral tracts, extending as far north as Vlaming Head, and on the south coast as far as Eucla. Between King George’s Sound and the Phillips River they occur in the form of siliceous sediments, and sup])ort a well-dif£erentiated flora ricli in many endemic IMyrtaceae and Proteaceae, mostly in the form of heath or low thicket formations ; finally, in a calcareous form they provide the basis for the phytogeographically distinct area of low salsolaceous shrub-steppe that characterises the Nullarbor Plain. XXX. Charlks Austin Gardner. The superficial deposit known as laterite by Western Australian geologists, is extensively developed on the Darling Plateau, and occurs in many parts of the southern interior, either capping the higher elevations in the form of a more or less continuous cuirass, or superficial accumulations of pebble-like lateritic nodules with varying amounts of clay and sand. Laterite also occurs near the northern edge of the Hann Plateau between Admiralty Gulf and the Couchman Range in Kimberley, associated there with palm woodlands and a type of sclerophyllous woodland. Laterite also provides the edaphic requirement of the jarrah forest. In the interior it is frequently associated with an impoverished sclerophyllous association in areas of low rainfall, typified by the “ Wodjii ” type of country, certain Casuarina thicket associa- tions, and sometimes with small dwarf woodlands of Callitris. The lateritic areas are usually the most deficient in grass, but surprisingly rich in Goodeniaceae. Finally, mention should be made of the sand which is so characteristic of large areas of the south-west, in the far interior, and in the littoral regions between the Gascoyne and Ashburton rivers, and again between the De Grey and Fitzroy rivers. Within the south-west, on the plateau, it is often difficult to divorce the sand from the laterite as a distinct formation, since laterite so frequently vinderlies the sand. But in any case, it is on the sand that the shrub-heaths hold undisputed sway, whether the sand be the loose detritus of the coastal ]dain, the humus sand of tlie southern littoral, or the more compact yellow or red sand of the interior. Even the sand of the desert supports psammojfiiytes with structural peculiarities, enabling them not only to thrive in a hostile environment, but sufficiently plastic to create new forms. Finally, it is in the sand that the south-west elements have made their furthest advance into the interior. V. CLIMATE. The position of Western Australia with reference to its range in latitude (almost equally tropical and extratropical), its low elevation and uniform topography, together with the fact that it lies on the western side of the con- tinent, and is, therefore, subjected to the desiccating effect of the south-easterly trade-winds, are facts of fundamental importance from the climatic standpoint. Tliese facts account for the different climatic systems, and for the great arid miarture from Mean. Year. Annual Total. D(' part lire from Mean. 1899 .... 855 — 8 1922 .... 691 — 26 1900 .... 2,803 _L ( 201 1923 .... 742 — 20 1901 ... 875 — 18 1924 .... 506 — 46 1902 .... 1,366 -L 47 1925 .... K430 -f 54 1903 .... 737 — 21 1926 .... 633 — 29 1904 .... 1,077 16 1927 .... 1.034 1 ~r 11 1905 ... 617 — 34 1928 .... 460 — 50 1906 .... 780 — 16 1929 .... 805 — 13 1907 .... 804 — 24 1930 .... 1,564 -h 68 1908 .... 1,019 + 9 1931 .... 1,374 49 1909 .... 1,334 + 43 1932 .... 654 — 29 1910 ... 192 — 79 1933 .... 1,032 11 1911 ... 676 — 27 1934 .... 1,412 + 52 1912 .... 745 — 20 1935 ... 363 — 62 1913 ... 1,396 + 50 1936 ... 271 — 71 1914 ... 790 — 15 1937 .... 804 — 14 1915 .... 1,693 -L 82 1938 .... 812 — 12 1916 .... 1,061 14 1939 .... 778 — 16 1917 .... 1,086 17 1940 .... 346 — 62 1918 .... 987 + (i 1941 ... 1,100 + IS 1919 .... 935 0 1942 .... 2,770 1 147 1920 .... 847 — 4 1921 .... 729 — 22 The Vegetation of Western Australia. XXXlll. RAINFALL FOR KATANNING, 1891-1941. (Average 1,873 points.-) Year. Annual Total. Departure from Mean. Year. Annual Total. Departure from Mean. 1891 .... 1,236 points -- 637 0/ /o 34 1917 .... 2,566 points + 693 9/ /o 37 1892 .... 1,568 — 305 16 1918 .... 2,316 + 443 24 1893 .... 1,621 — 252 13 1919 .... 1,700 — 173 9 1894 .... 1,293 — 580 31 1920 .... 1,975 102 5 1895 .... 1921 .... 2,080 + 207 11 1896 .... 1,440 — 443 24 1922 .... 1,605 • — 268 14 1897 .... 1,274 - — ■ 599 32 1923 .... 2,394 521 28 1898 .... 1,770 — . 103 6 1924 .... 1,715 — . 168 9 1899 .... 1,784 ■ — 89 5 1925 .... 1,972 99 5 1900 .... 2,133 260 14 1926 .... 2,461 588 31 1901 .... 1,649 — 224 12 1927 .... 1,776 — 97 5 1902 .... 1,429 — 444 24 1928 .... 1,862 — n 1 1903 ... 2,431 538 30 1929 ... 2,024 + 151 8 1904 .... 2,023 150 8 1930 ... 1,943 + 70 4 1905 ... 2,453 580 31 1931 .... 1,915 + 42 2 1906 .... 1,936 63 3 1932 .... 2,278 + 405 22 1907 .... 1,948 75 4 1933 .... 1,972 99 5 1908 .. 1,454 — 419 23 1934 .... 2,068 + 195 10 1909 .... 2,066 + 193 10 1935 .... 1,700 + 173 9 1910 .... 2,013 4- 140 7 1936 .... 1,525 — 348 19 1911 .... 1,610 — 263 14 1937 .... 2,215 342 19 1912 ... 1,583 — 290 15 1938 ... 1,384 — 489 26 1913 ... 2,468 -f- 595 32 1939 .... 2,718 00 Or 45 1914 .... 1,593 — 280 15 1940 .... 1,072 — 801 43 1915 .... 2,189 316 17 1941 .... 1,857 — 16 1 1916 ... 1,588 — 285 15 Mean var.— 16 •1 2. TEMPERATURE. The annual mean temperatures show little correlation witli the vegetation in general, but are of importance in limiting the megathermic elements. Tlie mean isotherm of 80° F. for January and February — the driest months in tlie soutli — closely approximates to the southern boundary of the Mulga forma- tion, but this may be little more than a coincidence. What is of more im- portance is the temperatin-e range, especially the diurnal range. While tlie coastal temperatures remain fairly equable, high diurnal variations an? ex- })erienced in the interior, especially in the arid areas ; even in the soutli-west tliey r(‘main extreme at such stations as Bridgetown and Katanning. The \ariation between the monthly maxima and the montlily minima are pro- Ijortionately high, being 45° F. at Katanning, 53° at Kellerbcn-rin, and rising to ()0° at Muiidiwindi. I’liese temperature extremes, especially the diurnal extremes, are comparable in tlie cases of Wiluna and Mundiwindi, with those of the desert of the Punjab ! A study of the monthly isotherms shows an interesting correlation between the temperature and the vegetation, ami wlien applied to the months of maximum precipitation explains satisfactorily the extent of the grassland and woodland formations. X.NXIV. ChARLKS AuyTTX (tARDNER, 3. HUMIDITY, EVAPORATION, AXD WIND. There are but 36 stations in Western Australia from which data are l>ublished concerning temperature and humidity, and these are (jviite in- adequate for tlie purpose of constructing a map. The appended tables have been compiled for reference and the forming of general conclusions, and contain all the information which has been officially published. While the 9*0 a.m. readings for re^lative humidity may be regarded as. typical for the 24:-hour period in certain coastal areas, it \\'ill be at once aj)- parent that this is not so for the inland stations ; the relative humidity tables of monthly mean percentages illustrate this point quite clearly. They exhibit the fact that in the wet forest areas, the range between morning and afternoon (9*0 a.m. and 3-0 p.m.) readings is very slight, while in the sclerophyllous. woodland formations it is high, e.tj., while at Cape Leeuwin this figure does not exceed 7 per cent., in inland localities it is as high as 24 j)(‘r cent.. Another point that has to be considered is that the 9*0 a.m. leadings taken in summer, when in the south the sun rises at 4-30 a.m., are quite a different (juantity from those taken in winter, when the sun rises at 7-0 a.m. It is- interesting to compare the relative humidity figures for Kellerberrin and Perth with those of Carnamah and Mundiwindi, all of v4iich have different climates. The table of relative liumidity for the four consecutive driest months is also instructive, and emjdiasises still more the climatic extremes, of the inland stations. Information regarding ovafjoration can be obtained from the figures given for the saturation deficit and the Meyer Ratio. There are only four official evaporimeters in Western Australia, the most inland of which is at Merredin. One at Wiluna or Mundiwindi would be of much value. The following tabl& gives the monthly evaporation in inches for the four stations - Perth. Narrogin. Chapman. Merredin. January 10-370 9-083 1 1 - 940 13-151 February 8-650 7-570 10-192 1 0 • 860 March 7-550 6-433 9-226 9-359 April 4 • 670 3-780 6-792 5-979 May 4-670 2-361 4-160 3-641 June .... 1-770 1 -609 2-629 2-289 July 1 -730 1 624 2-473 2 - 09 a August 2-360 1 -864 2-942 2-611 September .... 3-410 2-513 4-055 4 - 010 ' October 5-340 3-833 6-431 6-527 November .... 7 ■ 660 6-156 8-951 9-764 December 9-780 8-505 11 -391 12-285 Total 65-070 55-331 81-162 82-557 4. RATIO OF PRECIPITATION TO EVAPORATION. AVliile heat and moisture are the most important of the elements of the climate affecting plant life, water is of importance to the plant in tvs o ways : as soil water, and as atmospheric moisture. The relative humidity depends, upon the temperature of the air and the water vapour present ; the hotter the air, the more water vapour it can hold, and the relation of the temperature of the air to its water vapour content controls the loss of water from the aerial j)arts of the plant. Vegetation is therefore dependent upon precij^itation and evaporation. The Vegetation op Western Australia. XXXV. Tlie evaporating power of the air is expressed by what is termed the ^saturation deficit. This is the amount by which tiie partial pressure of water vapour in a given volume of air falls short of the pressure at saturation point, and is thus a direct measure of tlie eva}Dorating power of the atmosphere. Tn the appended tables, the mean annual saturation deficit values are given, •as well as figures for the four consecutive wettest months. They are useful for })urposes of comparison, and attention should be paid to the relative values for inland stations. The Meyer Ratio, which is the ratio of precipitation to the saturation stations in Western Australia from vhich data are }>nblished. The accompanying map may, however, prove of interest, although the absence of recording stations in the Fortescue district is unfortunate. What the map does show, however, is that the Meyer Ratio determines the approximate boundaries of the forest formations of the south-west, and there is a general correlation between its isoj:)leths and the boundaries of the vegetation pro- vinces. In the north, the 50 isopletli may be taken as representing the south- cun boundary of the monsoon woodland area. The Seasonal precipitation / SP VSSD/ Ratio is also given for com- Seasonal saturation deficit parison with the Meyer Ratio, with which it shows a certain correlation, but serves to emphasise still further the thermo-illuvial factor. This ratio is the seasonal equivalent of the Meyer Ratio, and as such perhaps serves as a better climatic index in areas which are characterised by a seasonal period of drought. Seasonal Precipitation /SP' The /o.r\ I Ratio is also important in indicating Seasonal Temperature types of vegetation, but is mainly of value only when considered in conjunc- tion with some other factor. Finally, amongst the climatic statistics, nn important consideration is tlie variability of the annual rainfall. In the accompanying tables this is c'xpressed as a percentage over the number of years during which records have been taken. It serves as an intlex for the drought factor, and in this respect is important when considering the climates of the Northern and Southern Provinces in contrast to the Eremea. Included in the climatic factor, atmospheric movements are of con- siderable importance. Especially in the dry interior, the value of wind as a desiccating agent determining the habit and structure of plants is very con- siderable. Any casual study of the vegetation will at once illustrate this fact. These winds are mainly of two types : tlie dry prevailing winds that dominate almost the entire interior, and the strong sea winds that mould the structure of certain coastal formations. These latter appear to exert their most powerful effects on the trees of the littoral between Oeraklton and Don- garra, and on the dune thickets of the south coast. Their influence is more fully discussed in the cha[)ter dealing with growth-forms. VI.- RELATIONSHIP8 BETWEEN THE C^LIMATE OF WESTERN AUSTRALIA. AND VEGETATION From what has already been stated it will be evident that Western Aus- tralia can conveniently be dividetl into three climatic provinces determined XXXVI. Charles Austin Gardner. by the seasonal incidence and amount of the rainfall. The thermic factor is also very important in distinguishing the northern from the southern rainfall areas, while the middle area — the Eremea— stands as a buffer between the other two. The main purpose of this thesis has been to define as clearly and as accurately as possible, the three vegetation provinces and to correlate them with the climatic provinces, for, of all the factors which determine and control the vegetation of the earth, the climatic factor is the most important, and rainfall and temperature are the most important of the climatic elements. The natural vegetation of a country, especially when unaffected by the biotic, or any other external factor, is the index of its climatic and edaphic factors. In Western Australia, where, in the virgin state each association represents an ecological climax, it is possible to learn much concerning both soil and climate from the study of the vegetation. In fact, it is possible to obtain a more or less clear picture of the climatic conditions by such a study. Further, there is a close correlation between the soil formations and the climatic types, and soil surveys in Australia are to a great extent based on the vegeta- tion. In the Introduction we discussed briefly the elements of the vegetation of Western Australia, showing that in the north, under conditions of summer rainfall and a prolonged season of drought, a type of \*egetation existed in which the Palaeotropic Element was at home. In the south-west, an area described as tlie “ triangular-crescentic area extending from Shark Bay to Israelite Bay ” came under the influence of the autochthonous element, largely made up of the Antarctic and Australian Elements. It is the region which comes under the active influence of the winter rains, with a summer period of drought. The third area, which we call the Eremean Province, is an intermediate area characterised by a capricious climate, of uncertain regularity, of extreme temperatures, and dependent upon the rainfall systems of the neighbouring provinces for what rain it receives. This area we found to be dominated by the Neo-Australian Element, which is derived from botli southern and northern sources of origin. The boundary of the South-West Province can be determined within comparatively narrow limits, allowing for certain edaphic variations, and is primarily determined by the gradual diminution of the winter rainfall, partly by teniperature, and to a great extent by the seasonal variability of the rain- fall. As we pass from the coast towards the interior we notice a cliange in the formations, from high forest, through v'oodland and heath to mulga- bush and ultimately steppe and desert. Ihit quite apart from these changes, there is a graduation in the floristic composition. As we approach the bound- ary of the South-West Province we notice that the autochthonous species become gradually more rare, first we are aware that such plants as Anigo- zanthos and Conostylis gradually disappear, and in turn the Epacridaceae cease. Gradually we find an increase in the species of Eremophila, of certain Chenopodiaceae, and in the woodland the Zygophyllaceae and Compositae become increasingly important, together with a more open formation of the woodland ground flora. The actual line of the boundary can be determined by the ephedra-like species of Eremophila, Zygophyllum, and Chenopodiaceae, while in the heath formations we find the last of the south-west elements in Boronia and Epacridaceae. These, and some other indicative elements announce that we are passing from the South-West to the Eremea. Quite apart from changes in the soil, this is brought about by the gradual diminution The Vegetatiox op Western Australia. xxxvii. in the rainfall, especially the seasonal rainfall. The following table illus- trates this diminution : — Station. Altitude. Distance E. or W. Rainfall ft. of escarpment. (points). Fremantle C 20 miles W. 3,027 Perth . . 197 10 w. 3,467 Guildford 30 5 > i w. 3,393 Mundaring 975 6 if E. 4,352 Chidlow 983 10 i! E. 3,796 Northam 494 40 ii E. 1,711 Meckering 640 60 a E. 1,526 Cunderdin 733 75 a E. 1,458 Tammin 800 85 a E. 1,378 Kellerberrin 815 100 ii E. 1,329 Doodlakine 840 110 a E. 1,235 Merredin 1,042 135 ii E. 1,292 Walgoolan 1,055 155 ii E. 1,196 Southern Cross 1,157 200 i i E. 1,052 Coolgardie 1,394 315 ii E. 1,009 Kalgoorlie 1,234 337 ii E. 951 Rawlinna 603 570 ii E. 637 Loongana 603 680 ii E. 615 A corresponding diminution occurs everj"N\’here ; to the east of Geraldton, for example, and to the north of Esperance, the diminution takes place to a greater degree over a given area, and the example quoted above is the longest transect possible with so many stations. It is this gradual diminution that •accounts everywhere for the gradual changes in the vegetation, modified only by the edaphic factor. In constructing a climatic map of Western Australia which would con- form to the main types of vegetation, it was obvious that any consideration of the annual isohyets alone would be insufficient. For amongst other con- siderations, such rainfall statistics do not take into account the useful seasonal rainfall, and give no indication of seasonal periodicity, nor do they indicate those areas which experience a pronounced drought factor in the annual climatic cycle. In other words the essential elements of temperature and rainfall periodicity are not indicated, althougli in a very general way there is some correlation between the annual rainfall figures and the principal types •of vegetation. What is required therefore is a map embodying both pluvial anstcrn forms — -Labicheay Thryptotncnc. Crypiandray Calythrix, OastTolohiumy Brachyscma. PityrodiUy Loudonia, Monotaxis, Eriosiemon, and Xanthorrhoca, etc. The same thing applic's at Comc>t Vale, where the Mulga country impinges on the heath ; here are certain localised erukmiics, including ci'rtain Myrtaceous jilants of the Tribe t^hamaelauciae, with Newcastlia and Lachnostachys. Even in the north, between the Eortescue aiul Ashburton rivers wo find Verticordia grayidis, Pileanihus, Pityrodia, Calothamnus, Comnicrsonia, Diplopeltis, Adriana, and Calythrix, while Cyaiiostegia extends to Roebuck Ikiy. These isolated areas of sand in v'hich the autochthonous flora is predominant, forming as it were outposts of the south-western flora, suggest that it is in these place's tliat the I 1 The Vegetation of Western Australia. li. old pan*Australian element is maintaining its last stand, or on the other hand, and more probably, that it is in this environment that as an unmodified in- vading element the autochthonous flora finds conditions suitable to its de- velopment. I have previously pointed out that most of the plants of the Autochthonous element are psammophytes. On the other hand, the loamy and alluvial soils of the Eremea provide the environment for the hardier species of the Palaeotropic Element. The species of Sorghum, together with many other palaeotropic grasses, Acacia Farnesiana, Clerodendron, the Cucurbitaceae, etc., have established them- selves in regions far south of the Tropic of Capricorn. For example, Acacia Farnesiana occurs as far south as the Murchison Kiver, and Ficus occurs as a lithophyte as far south as Mount Margaret. THE FORMATIONS. (a) THE SCLEROPHYLLOUS WOODLAND. The sclerophyllous woodland of the Eremea is the same in composition as that of tlie marginal areas of the South-West Province, differing only in the increased paucity of its undergrowth, and in the fioristic composition, as well as in the importance of grass, which increases as warmer temperatures are ex- perienced, while the increasing aridity results in greater numbers of Cheno- podiaceae in the open spaces. A brief description of the formation has already been given. It is sufficient to say here that the formation extends furthest in saline and loamy soils, the most inland locality being found near the sliores of Lake Darlot, where a Eucalyptus woodland of E. Duyidasi and E. Le-Soueffii occurs in saline soil with a ground covering of Chenopodiaceae, Myoporaceae, and Malvaceae, including the remarkable Plagianthus Helmsii. (b) SALSOLACBOUS SHRUB STEPPE. To the east of Israelite Bay and Balladonia, there is an extensive area known as the Nullarbor Plain, the limestone soil of which supports a vegetation averaging 50-100 cm. in height, consisting chiefly of Chenopodiaceae, Myopor- um, Eremophila, and other low shrubs which are distinctly Eremean in cliarac- ter. During wet periods a remarkable herbaceous growth cpiickly appears, to die again when the soil moisture is exhausted. I have no first hand know- ledge of the formation, but apparently it is developed extensively in South Australia. Its ephemeral herbaceous species are mainly Compositae and a few annual grasses. (c) MULGA BUSH. The mulga bush covers a greater part of Australia than any other single formation. The conditions limiting its distribution to the south are only imperfectly understood, but the line corresponds roughly to the Meyer Ratio isopleth of 25 inches, and more approximately to the 80° F. mean isotherm for January and February (the end of the dry season). There is also a certain change in the soil which may be the result of climatic factors, and a certain pluvio-thermal significance in this line, since to the south, with a slightly increased rainfall, the wet season extends from March to August, while in the mulga bush, the six consecutive wettest months are January to June. The annual rainfall falls short of 950 points. Little more can be said of the climatic control except that the mean temperature for the four wettest months is in excess of 18° C., while for the sclerophylous woodland to the south it is less than 18°. Unfortunately there are few meteorological stations within the area, and only two near the boundary, and thus our knowledge concerning the controlling climatic factors is very limited. The line of demarcation is, 11. Charles Austin Gardner, however, remarkably well defined. One crosses it at Goongarrie to the north of Kalgoorlie ; it runs exactly past Mt. Singleton, very close to Mt. Jackson, and it is intercepted again between Pindar and Wurarga, Exactly what happens to the east of Goongarrie is not definitely known, but the southern boundary reaches the coast at Shark Bay. Travelling towards the mulga bush we find that the Eucalypt/us shrubs and trees become more and more scarce, except in the sand, the species of Acacia become more prominent, and finally we enter into a region where the genus becomes dominant, the species being shrubs 3-7 metres high, with rigid glaucous phyllodes. I have already mentioned the fact that the species of the Eremea ex- hibit a marked epharmonic development. Acacia gives us a case in point. The common jam tree of the south-western savannah woodland {Acacia acuininata) has green phyllodes 7-25 cm. long and 4-7 mm. broad, in the typical form ; in loamy soils it develops as a shrub with narrower phyllodes, but still green and flat. As we a])]3roach the mulga country, this shrubby form becomes more and more common in the loamy soils, its phyllodes gradually becoming narrower with the increasing aridity, until finally, in the mulga bush it merges into Acacia Burhittii, witli terete or only slightly flattened phyllodes, and smaller flower spikes. This gradual transition may be studied anywhere between Mullewa and Meekatharra ; at the former station we have typical A. acuminata, and at Meekatharra in the loamy soil of watercourses we have typical Acacia Burkittii. A similar graduation may be seen between Eucalyptus p>yriformis and E. Kingsmillii. The same holds true for a number of plants, and this is now'here more evident than in the genus Eremophila, particularly between E. Gilesii and E. foliosissima ; but numerous examples could be given, and the above should suffice to il- lustrate the point. This epharmonic development is indeed carried out to such an extent in the Mulga country that ultimately, amongst the woody plants only two or three types of growth form and foliage remain. In general, with but few exceptions, the broad-leaved plants are either covered with a close indumentum of stellate or floccose hairs, or are heavily coated with resin. The glabrous leaved shrubs have narrow erect or pendulous leaves which all assume the same form, and the branching habit is much the same throughout. The Acacia species are of three types : Those with piimate leaves in- habiting the watercourses ; those with green pungent })hyllodes of the ‘"Curara” type with a similar habitat ; those with erect or drooping rigid glaucous phyllodes — ^the true “mulga” plants — and those with pendulous flat green phyllodes, e.g., A. quadritnargvnea. Next in importance to the species of Acacia are the species of Eremophila, wliich number about one hundred. No other genus in the province exhibits such diversity of form. The large handsome blossoms are short-lived, and in many species the calyx becomes enlarged and coloured after anthesis. While some conform in their growth form to the general plan, others are widely branched with large resinous leaves. They remain of enormous physiognomic importance within the formation, and occur mostly in the sandy or stony soils, the genus being perhaps the most typical of all Eremean genera. The distribution of Eremophila is interesting. By far the greater number of the species of this genus are found in M^estern Australia, and although some are plants of the heavier soils, by far the greater number are psam- mophytes or lithophilous. This together with the fact that the genus is fairly well represented in the littoral areas of the South- A\'est, and also on the south and western heaths, suggests that it has developed from this pro- The Yegetatiox of Western Australia. liii. vince, or at any rate from a littoral source. Their development suggests that as halophytes they have been e(juipped for the dry and saline tracts of the Ercmea. Indeed, it may be said that they are principally developed in the Eremea as psammophytes or halophytes. Together with Eremophila, the genus Cassia assumes considerable physi- ognomic importance in the Eremea, being developed most extensively in the sandy areas. The development of an indumentum of felt has enabled these plants to endure extreme aridity without any loss of leaf-surface, a fact which is curious when it is considered that the only species of the genus which has invaded the marginal areas of the South-\^’est Province, has its leaves reduced to two or three terete segments. The desert species — C. clesolata and C. SiMrtii — are examples of the plants which, endowed with a thick felted indumentum, have, without any reduction in leaf-area been not only able to exist here, but become increasingly important in the more arid regions of the north, extending into the steppe formation. Perhaps the most remarkable tree of the Mulga country, and of the Eremea generally, is the Kurrajong {Brachychiton Gregorii). This tree, which attains to a height of seven metres, has the spreading branches and dense leafy crown of Platanus^ which it somewhat resembles ; its large bright green broad leaves are partially or completely deciduous, and its trunk and roots store water which is used in periods of excessive drought, at the time when leaf-fall takes place. It is an alien aristocrat of the Eremea, cpiite unlike any other growth form, and while of undoubted palaeotropic origin, has extended as far south as temperate latitudes. It is still in evidence at Westonia, Bullabulling, and at Lake Lefroy near Widgiemooltha. The number of palaeotropic elements amongst the undergrowth of the mulga bush is surprisingly large : examples are Breweria^ which extends also into the northern parts of the South-West Province, Tecoma, Justicia, Plectronia, Pomax, Hibiscus^ Gossypium, and amongst the lianes, Marsdenia, Parana, and Pentatropis. They are found principally in the shade of the larger species, often clustered round the stems (especially Ruellia), or in stony soils. Most, if not all of the woody elements of the mulga bush, possess seeds remarkable for their longevity. The seeds of some species of Acacia, for ex- ample, may lie in the soil in a viable condition for upwards of a century — a factor of considerable importance when we consider the capricious nature of the rainfall and the periodic desiccation by drought which characterises the region. In addition, the species of Acacia, unlike those of more favoured regions, produce their blossoms shortly after rain falls. Blossoming may occur twice in the same year, or on the other hand, it may be withheld for a number of years. There is thus no regular flowering season for the species of this genus, while on the other hand, the species of Eremophila and Prostanthera, Dodonaea, etc., appear to have prolonged regular seasons. In fact, the species of Eremophila bear at least some flowers almost throughout the year. The wealth of the ephemeral flora of the mulga country is one of the most remarkable of its characteristics. The formation is typically one of widely spaced shrubs with bare exposed soil, but after suitable winter pre- cipitations the whole area is carpeted with an amazing wealth of annual herbs which cover it with colour. These consist mainly of Compositae : wide stretches of Helipterum splendidum and Cephalipterum Drummondii in the alluvial soils appear from a distance like patches of freshly fallen snow ; the sandy areas are carpeted with Cala?idrinia, Erodimi, the handsome rose-pink Velleia rosea, purple Bellida, the gold of Helipterum Battii and H, Charsleyi, liv. Charles Austin Gardner. and tlie violet and white of Calotis, Brachycome, and Erodiophyllum, while the masses of the vetch-like Swainsonas intermingled with the whole provide a herbaceous floral wealth unexcelled in any other formation. This brief pageantry continues only for a few weeks ; two months later there remain only the withered remains of stalks as evidence of this. On the other hand, the summer rains call into being an almost equal rich- ness of grasses and Trichinium, the former consisting mainly of short-lived annuals such as Aristida and Chloris, Brachiaria, Setaria and a few others, at the same time reviving the dormant stocks of the perennial species such as Eragrostis, Neurachne, Triodia, Plectrachne, and Eriachne. Stipa, the prin- cipal representative of the sclerophyllous woodland, is entirely absent, and Amphipogon does not extend far into the formation from the south. The mulga-bush formation exhibits this biannual succession to a degree not ob- served in any other formation in Western Australia. In both cases it is short-lived, without a sufficient rainfall it does not occur, and for years no annual species may appear. The true mulga (Acacia aneura) is the most common species in the mulga bush, and its range extends throughout the formation,, or practically so. It is most typically developed in those soils with a hard subsoil close to the surface ; in the lighter deeper soils it becomes scarce or entirely disappears, and its place is taken by Acacia linophylla in the area between the Minilya and Murchison districts near the coast, while farther north, between the Minilya and Fortescue Rivers, Acacia xiphophylla assumes a dominant role, but even here, in the hard-pan soils, or in clay depressions, Acacia aneura reappears, and once more becomes dominant to the east of Mount Bruce in the upper Fortescue watershed. Over very large areas of fiat or undulating country the Acacia species which dominate the formation provide a uniformity of contour and physiognomy to which the formation owes its name. The various species so closely resemble each other even when in flower, that it is often impossible to determine ac- curately the component species, unless pods and seeds are available. The species are so plastic, that it is probable that ultimate research will disclose fewer species than those already described, since the so-called species appear to merge into each other. The landscape resembles a flat or rolling sea of a dull grey-green, relieved only by the rocky eminences, and the scattered salt-lakes which glisten in the sun. The stony hills and ‘ ‘ breaka-ways ’ ’ provide some relief from this monotony, for here we find a more varied flora. Here we find the bright green masses of Dodonaea filifolia covered with crimson hop-like fruits, the green-leaved Plec- tronia, Santalu7ni Hibiscus, Eriostemon^ Grevillea extorris, an occasional Melaleuca or Tliryptomene, and the green-leaved Acacia quadrimarginea, mixed up with brilliant masses of Eremophila, and the large-spiked Trichinimn rotundifolium, •with several herbaceous species of the same genus, together with the dense Cupressus-like masses of dull green Callitris glauca. The white corky barked Trihulus platypterus, with its pale pinnate leaves and yellow star-like flowers adds a bizarre note to this strange assembly in an environment so poor in forms. (d) THE HALOPHYTIC FORMATIONS. Throughout the Eremea, salt-pans, clay-pans, and the remains of former ancient river systems are scattered. They form perhaps the most striking physiographic feature of the landscape, appearing i ntensely bright because of the reflected light of the salt crystals of their dry surfaces, because of the remarkable mirage, and lastly because of the distinctive grey vegetation which The Vegetation of Western Australia, i Iv. covers their broad margins. In this vegetation the Chenopodiaceae assume the leading role. Species of Atriplex, Bassia, and Kochia cover the ground with their lowly forms, relieved here and there by the more halophytic members of other families, which form a striking contrast in colour — the green of Hakea Preissii and Gasuarina lepidophloia, although the latter is green only by com- parison, for its branchlets are more or less glaucous. The larger shrubs are mainly species of Eremophila, such as E. pterocarpa and E. florihundai both with dense rounded crowns of light grey foliage. Only where the soil has been heaped into small rises do we find any relief from the drab colour scheme, and here we find the purple-spiked Trichinium exaltatum, stretches of pink-flowered PranJcenia, dense masses of halophytic Swainsona, with Senecio and Peplidiuniy while in the south we occasionally find dense stretches of rose-flowered Carpo- brotus. In the salt-pans of the mulga bush we find two halophytic Malvaceae — Plagianthus microphyllous and the remarkable P. Helmsii, the latter with a candelabra-like habit and densely packed clusters of leaves and flowers, looking from the distance like a Euphorbia. The hardy halophytic grasses are species of Eragrostis, especially E. falcata and E. lanipes, which intrude sparingly into the area dominated by Bassia and Atriplex. The margin of the surface salt, beyond which no plant life extends, is usually indicated by a band of the green samphires which always remain as the last rampart of the halophytic association. (e) THE TRIODIA STEPPE. Grass steppe occurs on the red sandy soils of the Eremean Province. It is most typically developed in the areas which receive a summer rainfall, but in a modified form it extends into the middle zone of the Eremea where the highest precipitations occur between March and June. It is entirely absent from the May-August rainfall zone except in a very impoverished condition near Coolgardie, to the east of Mount Holland, and near the Fraser Range, where the presence of Triodia tussocks in the sand-heath formation render it peculiar. It is, however, exactly in these marginal sand-heaths that the March rains are very important. Speaking generally, the Triodia Steppe is a formation controlled by summer precipitations and a sandy soil. It is the red sand that supplies its peculiar edaphic requirement, except in the tropical north, where it occurs in the stony soil of the Nullagine series, as for example the mountains and escarpments of the Hamersley Ranges and the Hann Plateau in Kimberley. The predominant genus is Triodia, comprising about a dozen species. This grass forms dense tussock-like masses which usually average about a metre in diameter, and may be cushion-like, dome-shaped, or conical. They are very rarely contiguous, but are separated by narrow patches of bare sand, and their growth continues peripherally, until in old plants the tussocks may be as much as four metres in diameter, ultimately tending to become annular as the centre dies out. Frequently, as a result of fire, these annular growths are interrupted, and from small nuclei, fresh tussocks are again formed, which in turn repeat the process. This is particularly true of Triodia Basedowii and T. irritans in which, in the old plants, the progressive annular development of the tussock results in some overlapping of the rings, causing a loose net- work of living culms with dead centres, or the centres may be represented by areas of bare red sand. The leaves of all species are pungent-pointed, a characteristic that renders the plants forbidding. The formation extends to the coast between Onslow and the Eighty-mile Beach, but is otherwise absent from the littoral. From the north-west coast VI. Charles Austin Gardner. it extends almost uninterruptedly through and around the Hamersley Range and dominates the northern part of the Eremean Province between the Mulga Bush formation and the savannah formations of the north. In some places it intrudes into the Mulga Bush country w'here the red sand provides the necessar^^ environment, but here it loses much of its character by reason of the presence of the mulga trees and other shrubs. In its typical form, the Triodia Steppe is either entirely devoid of trees and shrubs, or there may be a fe-w isolated trees, such as Acacia pryifolia near the north-west coast, or scattered Eucalyptus trees in the interior, or some admixture of Eremophila and Cassia. There are large areas to the north-east of Wiluna, and east of the Carnarvon Range, where, as far as the eye can see there is nothing but Triodia^ unrelieved by any shrub or tree. It is only under the more favourable conditions of higher rainfall towards the Northern Province, that trees become relatively important, and the steppe formation merges into the savannah, and other grasses compete with Triodia, e.g., Eulalia, Chrysopogon, and Eriachne. Before reaching the Fitzroy River it merges into the Pindan country, in whicli Acacia becomes predominant. Just as to the north it takes on something of the characteristics of the savannah and the Pindan, so to the south, in the Mulga formation, the in- fluence of the winter rainfall causes some local alteration to the physiognomy of the steppe by the addition of shrubs and trees, and the formation receives to some degree the addition of the ephemeral winter flora wJiich characterises the Mulga country. The steppe formation remains, however, a formation restricted to the Nullagine rocks and the red sand, and nowliere is it found away from this soil type, neither does it flourish in the absence of summer, precipitations. Tlie drier the conditions, so much more does Triodia become dominant, until it enters into the true desert. (f) THE DESERT. While, as its name would imply, the whole of the Eremea conforms with the broader deflnition of what ecologists term desert, there is an area close to the centre of Australia which complies with desert in its more limited sense. The extreme aridity of the country, the absence of any permanent surface water, the high annual mean temperature, and the extreme diurnal range, as well as the paucity of the vegetation, are all conditions characteristic of deserts in other parts of the wmrld. This tract, in Western Australia, lies betv-een the latitudes of 20° and 25°, and extends eastwards of longitude 122^^ as far as longitude 132°. For our accounts of this country we have to rely largely on the published descriptions of the few intrepid explorers who have penetrated the region. These accounts differ to some extent ; some state that there is no desert in Australia, meaning that there are no large areas of bare sand ; others speak of it in unmistakable terms. The fact that no botanical investigations ha^’e been made, renders a true conception somewhat difficult. In general, the region consists of large areas of sand ; sandstone cliffs mark the escarpments of plateaux which are either sand or gibber-plains, while there are depressions of sandy loamy soil. But it is the red sand that prevails, either in the form of undulating country, or heaped into long ridges or dunes which have in general a meridional trend, or bear in a N.N.M .-b.S.E. direction. These dunes or ridges are either quite devoid of vegetation, or are populated by sj arse Triodia and a few harsh xerophytic shrubs, while in the trough-like depressions between tlie ridges there are sparse dwarfed trees and shrubs ; on the other liand there are extensive undulating areas of bare wind- The Vegetation of Western Australia. Ivii. eroded sand, and gibber-plains on wliich there is no vegetation of a permanent kind. The only trees met with are in the dej^ressions or at the foot of the escarpments, the most common being Hakea lorea, the desert shcoak {Casuar^ ina Decaisneana), Eucalyptus gamophylla, and E. setosa, the two last-named rarely exceeding 10 or 12 feet in height. A few plants of mulga occur liere and there in the depressions, e.g.. Acacia sibirica and A. Kempeana, while in the heavier soils are a number of Chenopodiaceae, such as Kochia, Bassia^ and occasionally Atriplex. Following adequate precipitations, an ephemeral flora is born, much resembling that of the savannah and Mulga-bush country, but it disappears after completing its brief life cycle. The sand ridges are usually scantily clothed with shrubs, amongst which Crotalaria Cunninghamiiy NeiOcastlia, and Duhoisia Hopwoodii are the most common, while on the flat sandy intervening country are occasional shrubs of Hakea rhomhalis, Orevillea eriostachya and G. juncifolia, Calothamnus, Dicra- styles, Thryptomene Maisonneuvii, Dampiera, Petalostyles, Hibiscus pinonianvs, Brachysema Chamhersii, Sida and Acacia, Cassia desolata, and Micromyrtus. Tt is interesting to find here such plants as Dampiera, Brachysema, Colo- thamnus, Thryptomene, and Micro^nyrtus. They are all local endemics derived from a south-western stock, and are psammophytes equipped for a hostile environment. Crotalaria, Hibiscus, and Petolostylis are of northern origin, and their appearance may seem strange, were it not for the fact that all possess an indumentum which enables them to thrive far removed from their main centres of distribution. One should perhaps in this connection mention Gossypium Sturtii, although we do not know whether this species is a psammo- })hyte, or confined to rocky gullies. The only endemic genus of the true desert is Newcastlia, which through Hemiphora, Lachnostachys, and Dicrastyles exhibits a certain aftinity with the South-West Province, and once again illustrates the fact that it is the psammophilous elements of the south-west which have not only exceeded the boundaries of the South-West Province, but have been able to create new forms in an arid environment. As the gradual process of continental desiccation progresses, so also is the desert extending. Under the influence of the prevailing winds it is grad- ually encroaching upon its neighbouring formations, thrusting here and there into the Triodia Steppe, and while it is extending to the coast in the vicinity of the Eighty-mile Beach, another arm of the steppe is extending along the Tropic of Capricorn to the coast, in the vicinity of the Ashburton Kiver. There can be little doubt that the Hamersley district is threatened with an Eromean invasion which will, sooner or later, completely overrun it. Vlll.— EPHARMOSIS AND GROWTH FORMS. Just as the species is the unit of the systematic botanist, so is the vege- tation form” the unit of the ecologist. To quote Warming : “ Every species must be in harmony, as regards both its external and internal construction, with the natural conditions under which it lives ; and when these undergo a cliange to which it cannot adapt itself, it will be expelled by other species or exterminated. Consec^uently, one of the most weighty matters of ecological plant-geography is to gain an understanding of tlie e])harmony of sj)ecies. This may be termed the plant’s growth form in contradistinction to its systematic form.” It reveals itself specially in the habit and in the form and duration of the nutritive organs, but shows to a less extent in the reproductive organs.” Iviii. Charles Austin Gardner. A well-known result of epharmosis is the convergence of systematically removed types. Exam]des are to be found in certain plants, such as be- tween Ceriops and j^giceros, Accria ard Hclea, Acacia and Lavie^ia, Darwinia and Pintelea, Siegfriedia and Durwinia, Hihbertia and J^eiicopoyon, Hihhei'tia and Piittevaea, of wliich some species of one genus so closely resemble species of the other genus that, growing together they can only be se|:arated when in llower. The careful climatic grading of the Western Australian flora has resulted in numerous epharmonically moulded species and forms which attain to their highest de\elopment in tlie Eiemea where the ephar- monic convergence reaches a climax in which the species conforni to few general growth-form types. GROWTH FORMS. 1. TREES AND SHRUBS. Trees and shrubs make U]) the greater part of the vegetation of WVstern Australia. Their importance is, however, greater in those areas dominated by the winter rainfall- — summer drought climate than in those areas in which summer rainfall prevails. It is especially true of the Soiith-West Province where the ])re]3onderance of shrubs is overwlielmingly great when comj'ared even to trees. One of the outstanding characteristics of the forest and woodland formations of South-AVestern Australia is the paucity of the tree species growing in intimate association, with one of them assuming tlie dominant role. This is particularly true of the karri, jarrah, and tuart forests where, subject to edaphic changes, the dominant tree suffers few or no competitors. For example, the tuart forest remains essentially jDure ; the jarrah tree almost so, except where the lateritic soil changes to sand, marri (EucaJyj)tus calophylla) assiimes prominence, while clay soils give rise to trees of wandoo. Tliere is, perliaps, nothing comparable to this uniformity of the s]X‘(-ies of the Eucalyptus forests and w'oodlands if we except the coniferous forests of tlie northern liemisidiere. The savannah (temperate) M^oodlantl form- ation is more mixed in its arborescent species, and Acacia acuminata, Eu- calyptus loxophleba and E. redunca var. elota become social species. It is only in the eastern sclerophyllous woodland areas that we find any real mixture of the tree species, and although all are species of Eucalyptus, we find a considerable mixture of species. In the Eastern goldfields areas we find many such examples : the trees may very closely resemble eacli otlier, such as E. Flocktoniae, E. BroeJewayi, E. transcontinentalis, E. salmonophloia, which are very much alike both in habit, bark, and foliage, or dissimilar species may grow' in intimate association. Between AVhdgiemooltha and Norseman, for examj)le, or between Mount Holland and the Bremer Range, one frecjuently finds as many as fifteen different species growing in asso- ciation under similar edaphic conditions. In the northern Province it is fjuite otherwise, for in the monsoon wood- land we find trees of different families, of very diversified growth-forms, even deciduous and evergreen, growing together. It is jjossible to find Callitris, Eucalyptus, ami Livistona assuming ecpial importance and growing together in a woodland association. While Eucalyptus, remains dominant in the South-AA^est, Acacia assumes the dominant role over the broad area of the Eremea, and in the Northern Province, especialh' in the Kimberley district, there is no dominant genus amongst the trees if we except the basaltic savannah, w'liere Eucalyptus becomes again dominant. The Eucalpyius trees of the north how'ever, remain highly diversified in both growth form and foliage. The dense spreading Thk Vegetatiox of Westerx Alt.stkalia. lix. crown and large horizontal leaves of Eucalyptus clavigera and E. setosa^ for example, are quite unlike those of any Eucalyptus of temperate latitudes, and closely resemble Afigophora, The same may be said of the curious EucalyjHus brarhyandra with its widely spreading branches and deciduous foliage. Quite otherwise is the state of things in the South-West Province and the Eremea. Here we find amongst the species of Eucalyptus much the same leaf form, and, with the exception of Eucalyptus calopdrylla, E. ficifolia, and E. haeniaioxylon, trees with the same shape of leaves, and a light crown. In the C'omparatively wet forest areas there is development of spreading branches, but when v'e travel eastwards to the woodland formations we find, first typically exhibited by the swamp yate and the York gum, a growth form whicJi becomes the dominant form throughout the savannah wood- land, the sclerophyllous woodland, and the mulga bush. Not only is this form common to the trees, but it becomes important in the shrubs also, it is ]:erhaps most typically represented by the jam tree {Acacia acuminata), but is so consistent both in Acacm and Eucalyptus throughout the drier areas, that a description of Acacia acuminata will suffice. In this growth form, which 1 shall lefer to as the Infundibular growth form, the stem, by a system of repeated upward branching, produces a multiplicity of branches and twigs, all attaining more or less the same height, and resulting in a fiat or convex dense crown with a light covering of leaves. Seen in lateral profile it resembles a funnel with a convex apex, the branches and branchlets leaf- less except at the summit. Sometimes the crown is proportionately small compared with the height of the tree, especially in large morrel trees (A\ longicornis) in the eastern districts. Whereas in Eucalyptus tlie foliage is pendulous, in Acacia it is usually stiff and erect. Amongst the shrubs we find the same infundibular growth form in many plants, notably in Myrtaceae and Myoporaceae, e.g., Melaleuca uncinata, Ere- mophila interstans and its allies, and in Verticordia. Verticordia Brownii offers an excellent example. This plant, knovm as the “ cauliflower bush,” has its dense convex surface so closely packed with white blossoms that no inter- stices are formed, and no leaves are visible. The axillary opposite branchlets are richly developed, resulting in annually produced dense strata of leafy shoots which, viewed laterally, appear as a series of superimposed dense umbrella-like corymbs separated by longer intemodes. The flowers are densely congested in the uppermost axils, forming a compact floral mass ; the leaves subtend the pedicels, and usually persist for a second or third vear, thus providing a leafy substratum. The richness of the branching is remark- able, and the lower strata consist of the dead remains of branches, the further growth of which has been prevented by the overshadowing of the terminal canopy. The whole resembles an umbrella in which the surface is annually renewed, and each year's successive vegetative growth is plainly discernible. As an adaptation to withstand the desiccating action of dry winds, this growth form is obviously most effective, since only a minimum of the leaf^' area is subjected to the action of such winds. It is associated with an erect, or pendulous foliage, so that a great number of leaves can be carried without over- lapping. It is usually the uppermost stratum of the crown which carries leaves, and a superimposition of the leafy crown is very rare. That this habit is not due to photophily, as has been claimed, is suggested from the fact that it is most highly developed in the Eremea on the loamy soils where the j^iants are widely spaced. This growth form is 2 )rcdominant in the Eremea, where sometimes the epharmonic convergence is carried out to the extent that it is often impossible to distinguish jjlants of different families when not in blossom ; it is not developed in those j)lants wiiich possess an indumentum of lx. Charles Austin- Gardner. felt or hair, or only to a very slight extent. It reaches its epharmonic climax when complete aphylly is secured, as in Casuarina and Acacia, and the genista- like forms of Eremophila scoparia and Calycopeplus Helmsii. Occasionally in the mulga-bush we find a different growth-form adapted to withstand the action of dry winds. This is the ereot -stemmed, horizontally branched form which is typical of Acacias of the A, Grashyi and A. sihirica type. The simple stem is widely branched with horizontal branches which are again repeatedly horizontally branched to form fiat superimposed layers. The lateral outline is thus a series of horizontal planes of leafy twigs bearing short erect pine-like foliage. It employs less w’ood than the infundibular type because of the superimposition of permanent leafy strata, and it is curious that it should be so rare in trees and shrubs of the arid areas. In both this and the infundibular form, the branchlets are abbreviated, a character common to all the w^oody plants of the dry areas. Wliile the infundibular grow’th form leads ultimately to leaf-reduction or even complete aphylly in its epharmonic development, the widely branched plants of the Eremea retain their leaves in an unmodified condition. The I^inoid leaves usually arise from abbreviated axes and are thus fasciculated, while the broad-leaved plants have relatively long internodes. Such plants retain their comparatively large leaf area by the production of a protective covering of felt-like hairs, densely interlocked stellate hairs, or the provision of a viscid superficial layer of resinous material. No genus so typically affords examples of all types as does the genus Eremophila. In the section Pholidia w’e have ericoid leaves ; in Eremocosmos there is a tendency for the branchlets to assume the function of leaves, resulting almost in complete aphylly in E. Dempsteri ; in the -Sect. Eriocalyx we have flat leaves covered with felted hairs, e.g., E. leucophylla, while in Platychilus we have large leaves covered with a lacquer of resinous material, as in E. viscida and E. Fraseri, while in the Section Stenochilus all types are represented. A similar condition may be seen also in Cassia, C. Chatelainiana, C. phyllodinia and C. eremophila, C. desolata, and C. glutmosa respectively exhibiting the same forms. There is one outstanding example in the Eremea of a tree that does not conform to the general epharmonic pattern. This is the Kurrajong (Brachy- chiton Gregorii), wdiich maintains a dense bushy crown of bright green soft leaves which appear to be unaffected by climatic extremes. In this respect it stands in the Eremea as an alien whose relatives populate the monsoon wnodland, and its appearance here is certainly strange. It owes its capacity to withstand the aridity because of its water-storing trunk, and its ability to become deciduous in adverse seasons, being the only tree of its kind within tlie Eremean Province. The Proteaceae stand in striking contrast to the Myrtaceae and Mimosa- ceae in that their growdh form is never infundibular, and rarely even corymbose. Isopogon and Petrophila, for example, produce their new shoots close under the terminal inflorescence, resulting in a di- or trichotomous system, the old terminal infructescences becoming lateral, or remaining in the forks of the branches. Occasionally the growdh is sympodially developed. Banksia and ■ Dryandra also illustrate this form. In distinction to this is the remarkable further development of the stem or branch found m certain iVIyrtaceae. In Callisteyyioyi, Beaufortia, Calo- thamnus, and Regelia, for example, the inflorescence is apparently terminal, but the rhachis of the spike continues the vegetative growth w'hich is often already w^ell developed before flowering is completed, and branching usually occurs imyyiediately above the inflorescence, and is usually verticillate ; the The Vegetation of Western Australia. \xi. successive annual shoots can be ascertained by the number of the successive infructescences . The production of short lateral leafy shoots at the nodes is a characteristic growth form of several Myrtaceae, Dilleniaceae, and Proteaceae, especially in Hibbertia and Dryandra. This leads to the formation of slender elongated branches or stems densely crowded with abbreviated leafy shoots often bearing terminal flowers. It is seen to advantage in Hakea ruscifolia, in Hibbertia teretifolia^ and in some species of Dryandra. Finally, there are the chamaephytes whicli develop a marked plagio- tropism in their growth. These are mainly the plants W'hich rise but little above the soil, or are so closely pressed against it that they form dense mat- like or cushion-like growths. They are typifled by Astroloma, Dodonaea Acacia pulvhiiformis, Leschenaidtia Jormosa and L. Hibiflora, Scaevola. pulvinaris, and species of Dampiera in the wet clay or sandy-clay soils of the southern wood- lands in which Eucalyptus occidentalis is the dominant tree. On the sand- heaths of the southern littoral occur Leschenaultia, Scaevola, Eremophila and Banksia. In the clay soils of the areas between Norseman and Grasspatch many examples occur in Acacia and Eremophila, while to the north the chamae- phytes are perhaps best developed in the sandy or lateritic areas, Leschenaultia macraniha and species of Darwinia, together with Actinostrobus acuminatus being typical examples. In the case of Banksia repens, B. prostrata, and B. Goodii, the stems are usually covered by the sand, and the isolated flower- clusters in B. Goodii appear as isolated plants scattered over a diameter of three or four metres which represents the extent of the branching system. The inclusion of E^'emophila amongst the chamaephytes once more illustrates the remarkable diversity exhibited by the plants of this genus both epharmoni- cally and floristically. No other genus in \Ahstern Australia is more worthy of study from almost every point of view within the study both of ecology and systematic botany. 2. LIANES. Using the term in its widest sense, the lianes occur in almost all forma- tions in Western Australia, but their number is not large. As one would expect, they are most common in the forest and littoral thicket areas, where Clematis, Keyinedya, and Hardenbergia offer the best examples, and almost complete the total list. On the western plain we encounter in the richer soils three jjlants which are remarkable because of their restricted occurrence : Aphano- petalum, from the Chapman River, Clematocissus which extends from the Murchison River to the Hill River, and becomes leafless during the dry season, and finally Dioscorea. Their occurrence here suggests that they are migrants from the north, but their absence to the lun'th of the Murchison River is re- markable. In the Northern Province the lianes are mainly recruited from the Asclepiadaceae, Apocyriaceae , Papilionaceae, and Convolvulaceae. Marsdenia australis extends as far south as the southern confines of the mulga-bush formation, while Glycine extends much further south, associated with the granite rocks. The other important lianes are to be found amongst the Pittosporaceae, Billardiera, Marianihus, and Bollya, having an extensive distribution through the South-West Province ; Marianthus erubescens and Billardiera alone extending to the boundaries of the Eremea. Coinesperma, with two twining species, almost completes the list of southern forms which extend into the interior, although Kennedya jyrorepens is the solo Eremean form which extends as a psammophyte into the desert. Cassytha has a general distribution throughout Western Australia, but is more abundant in coastal than in inland situations. It is almost absent from tlie far interior, but common in the littoral thickets and the swamps. Xll. Charles Austin- Gardner. 3. HERBS. The perennial herbs are not richly developed in south-western Australia, except amongst the Liliaceae, Haemodoraceae, Droseraceae, Stylidiaceae, Goodeniaceae, Cyperaceae, Restionaceae, and Gramineae. They are mainly characterised by a caespitose or cushion-like habit of growth, or are provided with strong rhizomes, tubers, or bulbs, and are mainly inhabitants of the swamp formations, the granite rocks, or the savaimah woodland. The Orchid- aceae in general also conform to this general requirement. An exception to this general rule is to be found amongst the Stylidiaceae, Goodeniaceae, and more particularly amongst the autochthonous Haemodor- aceae, which latter especially are mainly psammophytes. Examples are Anigozanthos, Blancoa, Macropidia, Conostylis, and Phlebocarya. All of tliese possess strong rhizomes and have either narrow persistent sub-distichous leaves, or their leafy parts wither during the dry summer. A further character- istic is the hairy or woolly indument of their inflorescences, and sometimes of their leaves also. The bizarre colouring of Anigozanthos and Macropidia has made them famous. The Liliaceae and Droseraceae on the other hand liave hypogeal resting organs, usually corms or bulbs. While their development is fairly high in the south-west, it is relatively low when contrasted with the floras of other lands with a similar climate. It is indeed far short of what one would expect when the almost similar conditions which are experienced in the Cape Province of South Africa are considered. The most diversified habit is exhibited by Drosera, which has erect branching forms in D. gigantea, rosette-like forms in LamrolepiSy and several scandent species in Ergalenmi. The Liliaceae are both bulbous and fibrous-rooted, or some, like Stypayidra and Arnocrinum have strong rhizomes. The Cyperaceae are mostly swamp plants, and attain their greatest de- velopment in the lower south-west. A few venture into the sand heaths as hard tussocky species, but they are entirely absent from the Eremea, except as inhabitants of river banks or marshes. They are particularly well de- veloped in the swamp lands of Kimberley. The Restionaceae, unlike the Cyperaceae, are mainly psammophilous, and are equally at home in the periodically swampy areas, or on the dry sand, where they sometimes assume a position of importance. Most of them are strictly endemic in the Soiith-West Province, but a few, such as Ecdeiocolea, Lepidoholus, and Chaetanthus are more typical of the heath formations ex- tending into the Eremea. The fact that the dry sand of the interior has produced forms such as this, together with the locally endemic Hopkinsia and Harperia, illustrates once again the remarkable psammophilous preference of the autochthonous elements. In the Eremean Province the Compositae become increasingly important, and have been discussed under the cliapter dealing with the Mulga Bush. Cala7idrinia, the “ parakeelya ” of the interior, is another example of a tuberous-rooted perennial which thrives under dry conditions. The species of Calayidrinia are of wide occurrence in the Eremea, and in addition to having tubers, the leaves are succulent. Some flow^er when in leaf ; other, like C. scldstorrhiza, commence to bloom after the leaves have withered, their delicate l^lossoins defying the dry heat of early summer. The grasses are of most importance in the areas which receive summer rain. Grass predominates in most of the Kimberley and northern formations, but is also important through a wide area of the Eremea extending south The Vegetation of Western Australia. Ixiii. to Meekatharra and Sandstone, in the area which receives as a rule some rain from the storms which visit the north-west coast. They are mostly of the harsh tussocky type in the dry regions, but range from the soft-textured species of the black soil plains to the uninviting Triodia and Plectrachne. The perennial grasses are dominant in the savamiah, tlie savaimah wood- land and the steppe. The commonest genera of the tropical savannahs are Themeda. Gymhopogon, Iseilema, Astrebla, several genera of the Andro- pogoneae, including Eulalia, Chrysopogon, Bothriochloa, and Dicanthium, w'hich flourish in the red loamy soils, to the many species of the Paniceae and the soft-leaved Triodias of the lighter soils. Sorghum stipoideum, the tallest of the grasses is important in Kimberley, in the monsoon woodland, and the sandstone savannah, extending also to the Pintlan near Broome. It attains a height of four metres, and frequently possesses prop-like roots from its lower nodes. An examination of the tropical genera and species discloses the fact that a number of these are native both to equatorial Africa and southern Asia, e,g., Sehima nervosum, and a nulnber of others. The number of endemic genera is very small. The grasslands reach their maximum development on the loamy soils of tlie northern rivers — tlie “ black-soil plains ” — alhivial areas in whicli the soil is rich in humus. Such areas are to be found on the Lemnard, Fitzroy, King Edward, and Drysdale rivers, as well as the Ord River, while there is an extensive area between the Prince Regent and Glenelg rivers. Further south, in the Fortescue-De Grey district, Eragrostis, Eriachne, Enneapogon, and Aristida become more important amongst the perennial species, forming in places large areas of open grassland on the alluvial soils. These grasses either occur as scattered dwarf caespitose clumps in the dry season, where, possessed of strong rhizomes and a dense protection of crowded outer dead leaves they are able to survive sustained periods of drought, or the small stumpy base of the plant is the only evidence of life. With suitable summer rains, liowever, they develop into a dense ground covering intermixed with shorter-lived grasses and other herbs. I have not seen this country under these favourable conditions, but from the impoverished residuum seen in dry years, and the development in the depressions locally known as “ crab-holes,” there can be little doubt that under conditions of adequate seasonal rains, these areas present a picture comparable with the South African veldt. The hardiest of all the grasses is Triodia, the “ spinifex ” of the interior, which is the most important element of the steppe, and which is also at home in the desert. Triodia must be regarded essentially as a psammophyte, for it is never seen in loamy soils, where its place is taken by Eragrostis, Eriachne, or Enneapogon, Not only has it a general distribution in sand throughout the north, but it has to a great extent overcome climatic barriers, and has extended as far south as Coolgardie, Mount Holland, and the Fraser Range. It is, however, only in the stony or sandy soils of the Nullagine series tliat it is n'ally at home. Few other grasses are similarly constructed to with- stand the climatic extremes it has to endure, and it thrives under conditions too dry for most other plants. The commonest speeaes of the dry steppe, it is also an impoi’tant constituent of the mulga bush to the e^ast and north, anel its prevalence or absence to a great extern! eletermines the limits of the steppe formation. It always occurs in large scattered tussocks, and by a peripheral system of stolons or rhizomes incrc'ases its girth until it ultimately extends !xiv. Charles Austin Gardner. over a diameter of over tive metres. Fire destroys the aerial parts, and from the periphery a ring-like growtli ensues, or this may be broken up into a number of independent plants. The distribution of the grasses in Western Australia is interesting, sineo it shows that they fall mainly into tw'o thermal groups — a megathermic group of (>3 genera, representing mainly the Paniceae, Andropogoneae, and I'lra- grosteae, with a number of endemic genera, and a mesothermic group of 17 genera, represented chiefly by the Festueeae, Aveneae, and Agrosteac, with but one endemic genus, Diplo 2 :>ogon. There are few genera which are common to both areas^ — Neurach^^e extends to the north, but is more proptu'ly to be considered of southern derivation ; Triodia, Eriachne, Eragrostis, and Sporo- bolus extend far to the south, but must be considered a northern element > The Sections Arundineae, Chlorideae, Zoiseae, and Arundinelleae are ox- clusively groups requiring a warm summer rainfall, and the Andropogoneae are characteristically of this element also. In the Stipeae, Aristida is mega- thermic, while Stipa, its southern counterpart, is mesothermic. Stipa and Aristida are common only to the eastern districts, the former being mainly south-western, the latter northern. It is imj)ortant to consider also the recpiirements and the development of the grass flora in south-western Australia. The grasses here are sometimes of a very restricted habitat. For example, Tetrarrhenn and Microlaena are confined to the forests and woodlands of the highei* winter rainfall areas ; iSporobolus, togetlier with Puccinellia, Ayuphibro^nus, Deyeuxia, Poa, Era- grostis, Lep>turus, PholiurtiSy and Dichelachne show a j^reference for loamy or swampy soils, wet at least in winter ; while Dantkonia, Neurachne, A)nj)hi- pogon, Diplopogon, and Stipa favour the sandy soils, and attain their greatest development in the southern regions whei’e the summer rainfall is higher than elsewhere. For example, Danthonia is not common on the west coast further north than Cingin, while it is fairly common along the southern littoral. Festuca finds a suitable environment both on the littoral dunes and the hard loam of the interior. Apart from the shade-loving or paludal species, the grasst's of the south- west appear to fa\'our the granitic soils, and prt'dominate in the savannah woodland which separates the sclerophyllous woodland from the forest. The\* are most abundant where the summer rainfall is higher than elsewhere (ex- cluding the forest area), and under its influence we occasionally find an inter- mixing of both northern and southern types, as at Jarramongup and C.'ool- gardie. In conclusion I must express my thanks to the Divisional Meteorologist, Mr, A. G. Akeroyd, for permission to publish rainfall and other meteorological statistics, also for kindly reviewing the chapter dealing with the climate ; to Professor E. de C. Clarke for assistance in the chapter on geology and soils ; and to Mr. F, M. Bennett for compiling some of the tables which ha\-e app(‘ared in the appendix. Finally, I am indebted to Dr. Gentilli of the University of Western Australia, for permission to use his statistics dealing with annual rainfall variability. The Vegetation of Western Australia. Ixv. LITERATURE. Bentham, G. : “ Flora Aiistraliensis ” (1863-1878). Bentham and Hooker : “ Genera plantarum ” (1872-1883). Diels, L. : “ Die Pflanzenwelt von West-Australien ” (1906). Gardner, C. A. : “ The Forest Formations of Western Australia.” Australian Forestry Journal, v. vi, vii, viii, and x. Gardner, C. A. : Botanical Notes, Kimberley Division. Bull. Forests Dept. (1923). Hooker, J. D. : “ Introduction to the Flora of Tasmania ” (1859). Jutson, J. T. : “ The Physiography of Western Australia.” Bull. 95, Geological Survey of Western Australia (1934). Warming, E. : “ (Ecology of Plants ” (English translation) (1909). Ixvi. Charles ArsTiN Gardner. CLIMATIC TABLES. ) TABLE I.— MEAN MONTHLY KAINFALL, (In Points.) The figures are complete to the end of 1941. The figures in brackets represent the number of years during which records have been taken. Stations in italics are those recording temperature. The figures in heavy type represent the six consecutive wettest months. l._XORTHERX PROVINCE. Station. Years. Jan. Feb. Mar. Apl. May. June. July Aug. Sept. Oct. Nov. Dec. Total.' Port George IV. (27) 1,512 1,113 1,001 214 96 75 30 4 6 39 184 765 5,939' Mount Barnett 857 701 421 103 21 11 19 9 18 96 419 782 3.457 i Kimberley Downs 763 573 416 140 35 25 14 3 2 21 96 50 2.194 Beagle Bay 646 658 460 233 51 60 41 19 9 14 108 479 2,778 Turkey Creek .... (44) 664 672 411 94 23 30 25 9 17 75 199 495 2,714 W'yndha.m (55) 739 606 467 82 20 16 16 3 8 44 192 417 2,61(^ Derbu .... C>6) 735 556 443 142 73 52 24 9 1 6 83 406 2,530 Broom p .... (52) 648 568 393 115 61 96 20 11 5 3 56 325 2.301 Fitzroy Crossing (48) 641 512 333 65 29 37 32 5 5 20 90 341 2.110 Hall’s Crepk (51) 543 435 291 70 36 26 25 9 15 53 136 322 1,061 La Grange (51) 435 436 413 95 82 92 32 9 3 3 37 233 ] ,870 -\nna Plains .... (34) 342 252 317 117 88 70 29 10 2 4 31 185 1,447 Wollal * (32) 328 265 239 92 56 97 47 c8 4 3 11 146 1.206 ■. Marble Bar (47) 283 272 221 96 69 104 50 20 3 21 34 142 1.315' Nnllaainp (44) 307 219 218 83 66 SO 40 27 5 18 60 165 1 .291* Hamersley f • (14) 334 250 318 63 57 74 26 21 14 32 67 81 1.337; Condon + (37) 219 249 303 108 73 106 37 18 3 4 7 65 1,191 1 Port HpfUan'i .... (44) 177 221 324 105 113 126 41 39 5 7 2 33 1.193 Itoebourne (55) 202 196 293 140 100 102 57 25 7 3 7 36 1,168 Tambrey 255 357 346 113 97 129 64 35 15 8 31 112 1 .562 Millstream 270 316 288 127 92 136 69 27 12 4 31 105 1.477 Whim Creek .... (43) 195 277 430 191 98 111 58 26 10 11 19 41 1.467 Red Hill§ (27) 262 309 228 110 83 147 70 29 10 7 19 73 1 .356 Bonnv Downs (35) 237 211 189 68 76 76 32 18 6 22 61 136 1.132 Vlaming Head 123 261 208 160 108 247 49 49 5 1 4 0 1,215 Bamboo Creek 292 226 206 128 78 137 62 28 3 17 47 127 1,441 • Wollal recon for 32 years ending 1918. t Hamer.slej records for 14 years ending 1925 t Condon fl reconls for 37 year ending 1927. § Red- Hill reeords for 27 years endinc 1925. ir.—EREMEAN PROVINCE. (a) Sortherti Zone (Summer rainfall, Dec.-Ai)ril). Station. Years. Jan. Feb. Mar. Apl. May. June. July. Aug. Sept. Oct. Nov. Dec. TutaL Miindiu'indi .... (26) 142 157 204 81 66 75 25 31 16 50 45 129 1.021 Ethel (’reek .... (31) 170 185 193 87 66 78 27 11 15 20 44 96 1,001 Roy Hill .... (42) 162 204 191 90 63 63 36 25 7 17 33 110 1,001 Three Rivers .... .... (27) 125 88 178 75 114 83 36 17 8 20 37 91 872 Mardie . .. .... (54) 120 147 171 67 120 115 52 38 7 4 3 26 8<0 Winning Pool .... .... (44) 135 166 151 60 129 158 83 48 8 7 7 34 086 Wandagee 103 166 96 71 106 158 104 36 14 7 6 34 901 Peak Hill (41) 124 112 170 92 97 116 55 40 17 14 35 68 940 Wiluna .... (43) 132 105 142 135 98 84 47 37 17 26 31 84 938 Kathleen Valley .... (22) 84 64 168 71 97 60 47 46 10 28 32 78 785 Mt. Sir Samuel .... (40) 103 90 157 77 111 82 65 57 21 23 38 77 901 .Meekafbarra .... (33) 137 80 155 93 108 91 64 50 16 18 30 58 909 Nannine .... .... (47) 107 77 132 68 89 95 64 54 22 19 19 35 781 M'arburton Range * 697 182 330 92 43 54 31 7 2 61 112 118 1 , .'iSO * Figures for 1941 only. Omlow Cue Mt. Magnet Sandstone Lawlers Vouannii Doyle’s Well . Leonora Murrin Murrin Laverton Morgans Yiindramindra Kookynie Davyhurst Bulnng .... Zanthus Kanowna Kah/oorlie M'idgieinooltba Ualladonia Rawlmna Loongana Eucla .... (b) Central Zone (Summer •autumn rainfall, Mar.-Junc). (56) 85 107 170 99 147 155 77 45 4 2 4 15 (47) 95 72 102 70 100 117 00 74 28 21 26 56 (47) 94 91 106 62 104 119 05 02 36 25 29 51 (37) 103 71 119 62 108 95 74 87 23 20 37 1 1 \iT>) 91 73 124 86 92 88 63 54 •>•> 25 30 60 (27) 62 72 107 85 116 92 S6 86 27 33 58 62 104 72 184 78 94 76 50 53 16 34 45 68 (44) 81 78 122 80 93 92 61 66 26 28 44 61 (42) 84 72 137 77 100 94 50 66 24 38 59 75 (4-) 87 81 143 89 98 83 58 54 31 33 68 74 (42) 84 68 139 88 94 75 47 54 28 20 57 54 (41) 80 71 130 63 111 89 55 60 32 33 54 73 81 (40) 86 72 129 76 122 98 76 .SO 33 47 58 (45) 71 94 98 84 119 109 85 SO 34 41 49 66 (40) 67 79 98 97 127 114 103 95 40 63 52 68 (45) 48 71 92 81 109 102 78 96 40 70 62 64 55 77 139 89 107 99 59 86 45 63 79 72 (46) 63 66 107 77 113 105 80 94 43 70 58 70 (46) 57 65 109 86 112 107 83 95 45 70 56 66 (44) 60 76 118 108 124 113 80 104 59 96 86 71 (51) 48 51 99 70 99 93 72 91 68 97 76 67 (25) 27 40 43 51 78 65 58 43 68 76 58 56 42 33 58 64 32 25 57 25 58 36 58 68 (63) 55 67 87 105 123 109 93 92 74 75 66 49 910 soi 004 STO 817 ^8« 874 s32 876 m 817 860 958 930 1,012 922 973 946 951 1,U95 931 637 615 995 1 X \’ i i . Thk Vkuktatiox of Wkstkhn Austiovma. II. — ICKEMKAN I'HOVINC'E — continued. (c) Weetern Zori>'. Station. Years. Jan. Feb. Mar. A pi. May. June. July. Am;. Sept. Oct. Nov. Dee Total. Kiaacoi/ne Junction .... CM) 109 81 153 50 138 119 102 r.2 13 11 5 22 855 Hamclin Fool .... (50) 20 50 56 38 125 195 153 76 ar> 14 15 ~0 701 •CarnarriOf .... (4H) 34 03 50 49 153 248 155 80 35 18 7 0 808 Wooranu‘1 .... (43) 44 50 59 46 128 183 135 75 20 17 0 20 780 ■Shark Hay ... (48) 31 03 50 49 153 248 155 80 .35 18 7 0 808 Jloolardy ... (51) 00 77 99 53 104 145 105 08 10 0 17 31 700 Murttoo .... (53) 58 59 99 61 110 155 107 79 22 14 18 34 810 Yuln ... (21) 43 54 79 64 101 145 130 85 20 12 31 27 800 Yaliroo .... (45) 03 83 106 62 122 179 132 105 45 33 28 41 000 Latham (H) 08 50 82 166 130 206 191 140 30 31 43 20 1.181 Wuhin .... (15) 28 00 63 87 151 232 196 184 50 01 35 23 1 . 1 85 •({oodlaml' ... (20) 43 30 101 89 140 208 164 122 51 50 40 51 1,085 KuHa (0) 32 44 41 84 128 210 183 163 53 70 50 45 1,100 Mollerin ... (13) 38 43 48 85 132 204 155 164 55 82 47 42 1 ,005 Wialki ... (10) 50 04 50 80 106 160 175 182 68 77 30 47 1,100 Honnh* Kock .... 77 43 23 34 88 135 161 127 55 57 81 52 033 Majidiua (20) 50 00 81 91 133 199 189 149 99 00 40 58 1 .25 1 Hcnfubliin .... (29) 59 78 95 90 135 191 173 152 80 72 38 51 1,214 Mukinlaidin . . .... (13) 25 40 59 104 120 149 135 141 62 73 04 52 1,024 Kuminoppin . . .... (29) 43 07 97 95 130 185 174 143 81 80 30 42 1,173 Nuniiarin .. . (37) 45 05 87 82 146 185 195 149 80 70 40 47 1,200 Hurraro|)|>in .... (40) 37 53 80 91 158 182 195 151 98 80 41 45 1,223 ■\Valijoo)an . .. (24) 75 70 93 101 135 192 167 135 73 07 48 .50 1,100 Newcarnie .... (30) 43 50 95 90 134 190 183 146 02 88 38 02 1,217 AVestonia .... (20) 39 50 103 94 161 197 189 157 04 88 50 48 1,285 Hullllnch .... (30) 59 59 97 106 134 150 149 128 08 74 03 02 1,140 Sonthorn Cross .... (52) 49 57 96 82 138 136 140 116 72 05 52 40 1 ,052 Marvel Hooli .... .... (20) 52 53 127 101 139 164 175 145 85 03 00 52 1 ,255 Lake V alley .... ... (11) 104 38 137 85 169 148 169 178 100 141 02 27 1,358 Lake Kiii« .... (12) 82 28 130 08 162 156 178 160 95 147 72 05 1,347 .SaluKtn (Jains .... .... (:>0) 99 00 1 1 1 99 139 149 133 140 101 117 01 77 1.310 Oooltzardie .... (49) 59 77 95 92 120 114 86 103 50 70 04 07 1,000 Norseman .... (45) 55 71 89 96 117 114 96 111 72 02 82 72 1,007 Orasspateh .... (U>) 118 49 115 105 152 179 161 190 1 m 131 138 03 1,51 1 Kyre .... (42) 81 47 89 87 161 164 117 125 88 82 08 50 1,108 m.-~s()UTii-\vic.s’r i’Kovin('k. (a) Emtem Zone. Station. Years. Jan. Feb. Mar. Apl. May. June. July. Auk. Sept. 0(!t. Nov. Dee, 'rr)tal. Wubin .... (15) 28 00 63 87 151 232 196 184 50 <11 35 •23 1.185 flabbin .... (10) 48 04 85 07 128 195 197 210 98 108 55 22 1,307 Koorda .... (30) 5,5 53 81 75 121 184 181 141 82 70 30 40 1,125 Wyalkat^eliem .... .... (32) 03 00 87 87 167 235 227 163 100 81 30 40 1,345 Korieloekinj; .... Trayninu .... (20) 40 00 107 91 166 238 218 169 100 83 45 30 1,355 .... (31) 51 03 99 89 135 210 100 153 80 80 41 47 1,200 Kellerherrin .... (40) 34 47 03 70 166 220 219 174 108 86 43 01 1,320 Doodlukine .... (31) 30 50 00 85 137 194 192 155 85 93 48 01 1 ,235 Merredin .... (38) 40 40 02 94 154 203 213 156 104 80 44 57 1,202 liruee Hock .... (27) 51 71 104 80 167 215 215 169 99 98 40 5*2 1,373 Narembeen .... (14) 20 33 58 71 146 177 208 180 80 97 53 35 1,(00 JCondinin .... (24) 41 .50 00 01 178 203 207 171 106 102 .50 42 1,340 Myden ... (13) 53 40 01 75 167 174 205 168 82 111 80 50 1,320 Newde>;ate .... (10) 73 20 144 78 166 182 212 173 108 132 03 47 1,308 Jariamonj;up .... .... (47) 55 55 120 128 180 177 205 174 149 144 74 70 1,531 llavensthor|H! .... .... (40) 70 01 142 120 172 155 180 176 143 156 101 05 1,,580 Oll^reru|l .... (27) 7S 01 120 1 10 201 197 200 172 150 147 80 48 1,504 Mollerton 42 35 1 1 1 172 134 173 254 251 103 135 41 30 1,520 (h) Centra} Zone. Ajana .... (21) 32 37 92 78 213 321 224 176 70 40 24 27 1,220 Yuna .... (32) 40 50 95 68 190 312 263 181 00 0*2 :io 21 1,421 M'lllewa ... (40) 45 52 78 05 182 267 234 180 91 56 28 20 1.208 NauKettv .... (38) 40 20 83 80 194 317 270 199 119 08 J1 10 1,455 Canna .... (22) 52 03 138 97 174 306 242 172 80 00 40 40 1,485 Mlnuenew .... (40) 32 38 71 81 219 359 318 245 131 81 40 27 1,042 Moraw" .... (28) 00 73 113 88 172 242 225 167 01 04 57 40 1 ..202 Pereniori .... (24) 41 72 107 100 173 265 204 167 80 52 40 22 1,242 Three Spriier.s ... (3.5) 54 05 78 92 191 318 292 224 112 74 115 22 1,507 Carnamah .... (53) 45 54 82 84 206 321 279 229 125 72 40 20 i ,.580 <'oorou' . .... (30) 45 00 83 95 183 326 283 218 127 82 40 45 1,.587 HnnDne .... (20) 51 73 112 94 163 276 219 193 85 71 IMi 27 1,407 Watheron .... (20) 33 5t5 101 92 217 339 294 221 127 85 28 1,020 Dalwallinii . .. (20) 55 74 00 82 152 276 234 190 104 74 52 27 1,421 Miliny ... (11) 00 70 100 103 191 296 253 257 100 VI 40 44 1..580 Lallidu .... (20) 50 57 75 91 157 258 224 165 95 77 20 24 1,222 Kondut (0) 53 50 90 100 186 224 225 222 78 70 40 25 1,284 Wom;an Hil!« .... . .. (20) 30 50 83 78 189 289 262 208 110 80 40 48 1,470 Cadoux .... .... (12) 42 51 02 123 165 236 224 208 87 70 51 50 1,281 CalinLuri ... (12) 20 40 83 03 232 329 325 283 119 103 40 27 1,721 Dooinallinir .... (37) 40 52 70 74 166 276 248 203 106 92 28 48 1,418 Dowerln .... (38) 41 02 81 78 194 266 260 199 117 80 40 52 1,470 MnlKart .... (30) 34 05 80 87 246 337 367 273 156 107 44 42 1,844 Ixviii Charles Austin Gardner, III.— SOUTH-WEST PROVINCE— (b) Central Zone — continued. Station. Years. Jan. Feb. Mar. A pi. May. June. J Illy. Aug. Sept. Oct. Nov. Dec. Total.. Minnivale (30) 52 62 91 82 162 254 237 188 105 79 4-1 43 1.396 Sortham (61) 34 40 78 84 226 323 342 256 151 100 40 37 1,711 Meckering (44) 28 47 70 86 200 281 293 223 126 97 44 31 1..526- Cunderdin (28) 43 60 87 87 197 245 264 200 95 104 41 35 1,4.58 Tammin (30) 42 48 90 89 164 230 236 176 106 103 45 49 1 .378 Beverley (56) 33 42 68 88 230 320 325 250 157 102 49 24 1.688 Quairading (31) 43 59 89 82 198 236 282 214 117 115 4.3 40 1,518 Pingelly (51) 33 40 60 00 238 320 331 259 174 107 49 47 1,766 Corrigin (32) 47 53 95 85 204 244 264 212 129 106 64 66 1,569- Kulin (22) 57 63 106 86 233 227 237 174 121 112 62 68 1,546 Wickepin (30) 41 51 84 103 229 284 295 222 145 103 51 48 1,656 Dudinin (26) 60 45 90 80 188 265 275 203 135 123 55 37 1,556 Wagin (51) 36 53 02 125 221 300 303 240 181 126 47 41 1,765- Diimbleyung .... (32) 53 55 94 122 206 237 260 215 144 131 61 60 1,638 Kukerin (20) 67 70 108 105 205 245 253 220 158 131 79 66 1,707 Lake Grace (27) 60 52 122 97 195 211 210 178 122 112 56 52 1,476 Katanninq (50) 44 52 103 118 240 297 306 246 189 154 64 62 1,873 Broome Hill .... (51) 44 57 102 118 221 284 281 233 198 154 70 52 1,814 Nyabing (20) 56 57 06 108 222 246 262 217 152 130 73 59 1,678 Plngrup (14) 83 30 1.58 81 204 203 234 199 140 139 77 34 1,.582 . Tambellup (31) 72 63 no 126 242 263 267 221 182 157 78 66 1,847 , Gnowangerup .... (20) 68 64 106 137 207 229 222 182 156 142 71 64 1.648 i Borden (17) 68 35 115 86 156 182 190 135 127 130 69 73 1.366 ; Cranbrook (40) 57 64 106 1.34 238 289 310 256 210 179 92 63 1.998 , Hopetoun (40) 68 62 144 160 238 257 255 227 193 169 103 92 1 .968 Ksperance (5S) 70 69 115 175 326 407 401 381 271 214 104 86 2,619 : (0) Savannah WoodlamI Zone. Northampton .... (60) 23 42 55 70 261 453 415 324 184 97 35 22 1,999 Chapman (36) 28 30 70 70 233 422 388 270 152 91 37 27 1,827 Grraldton (64) 22 20 57 92 272 477 379 279 128 70 26 15 1,846 Greenough (60) 16 31 56 91 290 498 391 300 157 80 27 15 1,479 Dongarra (58) 16 36 58 84 286 463 373 273 152 77 28 16 1.395 Dandarragan .... (44) 30 41 82 87 283 422 392 336 219 140 54 48 2,134 Moora (44) 43 44 78 81 239 373 356 265 169 107 41 36 1,832 Barberton (30) 48 48 77 87 233 355 344 264 158 99 50 40 1 ,803 New Norcia .... (50) 30 41 82 87 283 422 392 336 219 140 54 48 2,134 'I’oodyay (62) 31 38 80 05 284 402 429 349 202 141 49 38 2,138 York (65) 33 46 73 86 239 331 337 280 154 104 4.') 41 1,769 Brookton (33) 43 43 71 94 249 344 355 267 162 118 48 43 1,837 Wandering (53) 35 42 03 128 330 461 475 391 283 194 68 60 2,. 560 Narrogin (50) 38 56 88 112 262 344 371 292 209 141 55 47 2.015 Williams (57) 29 43 75 122 277 384 397 329 227 143 65 48 1.387 Arthur .... (51) 32 51 00 116 248 343 344 282 201 143 51 42 1,943 Darkan (40) 32 38 71 128 301 394 442 343 241 170 58 37 2,255 .Kojonuj) (57) 48 50 05 132 277 358 358 307 236 185 84 6] 2,200 Kendenuj) (41) 67 50 123 173 303 330 381 321 282 246 108 83 2,476 Mount Barker (55) 00 89 145 208 339 386 -417 370 334 290 143 106 2,917 (d) Forest ay\d Coastal Districts. 0 ingin .... (53) 31 42 76 121 433 615 633 500 304 221 57 . 45 3,078 Chidlow (35) 46 64 85 1.56 495 735 779 636 400 258 89 53 3,796 Mundaring (36) 36 67 101 204 574 818 895 719 473 307 93 65 4,352 Kalamunda (33) 47 54 05 209 603 827 838 690 450 302 95 77 4.287 Guildford (62) 34 40 67 165 485 679 677 559 346 225 60 47 3.303 Perth (Observatory) (66) 33 40 81 171 505 709 672 571 336 219 76 54 3.467 Fremantle (67) 29 41 69 1,58 445 636 619 473 277 173 62 45 3.027 Rottnest (60) 24 30 54 141 439 641 599 443 255 151 57 38 2,881 Armadale (41) 20 35 74 147 539 738 752 586 380 234 66 44 3,624 Rockingham (44) 34 20 60 1.53 506 697 685 499 322 194 65 38 3,291 .Tarrahdale (50) 52 53 102 222 645 896 920 781 540 360 114 72 4,757 Mandurah (52) 24 36 70 164 524 762 696 536 371 224 69 44 3.529 Binjarra (63) 34 42 82 186 539 761 731 616 386 253 90 58 3,778 DwelHngup (15) 47 62 105 300 720 1,024 1.082 799 586 324 128 47 5.180 Marradong (44) 36 44 60 142 409 549 590 457 323 203 70 47 2,939 Brunswick (33) 46 64 85 181 581 810 802 625 440 290 no 50 4.084 Bunbury (65) 40 .50 03 170 512 706 673 514 348 232 94 54 3,486 j Collie (42) 57 58 06 102 522 701 755 584 460 308 114 62 3.909 Cape Naturaliste (38) 41 60 03 140 479 682 673 446 301 217 83 48 3.272 Busselton (61) 42 45 85 145 470 674 649 459 301 226 85 48 3,229 Donnybrook (41) 45 63 111 176 569 768 776 608 463 298 116 61 4,054 Greenbusbes (40) 59 70 112 195 519 681 675 588 441 319 119 77 3,855 Cape Leevu'ui .... (45) 64 77 116 218 582 715 729 541 341 283 121 79 3.866 Manjininp (26) 82 83 no 221 588 711 710 633 479 347 164 88 4.225 Pemberton (6) 160 57 177 204 699 787 810 888 493 422 219 105 5.111 Bridgetown (54) 58 50 107 170 458 591 581 514 384 291 no 74 .3.397 Bovup Brook .... (28) 50 58 87 148 366 484 491 407 283 212 88 34 2,708 Denmark .... (40) 126 135 217 323 570 673 728 646 504 429 181 140 4.672 Albany .... (65) 101 88 159 275 502 543 559 530 408 324 146 115 3.750 Kcli))se Island (52) 87 80 144 239 437 474 527 469 351 292 125 107 3.332 riTK Vegetation of Western Australia, Lxix. TABLE II.—ANNUAL AND SEASONAL RAINFALL, AND ANNUAL RAINFALL VARIATION. The rainfall is given in points (100 points to an inch) and mm. The wet season indicates the four consecutive wettest months, and the dry season the four consective driest months. The annual rainfall variation per cent, departure from the mean is given within close limits, (after GeniiUi). The column marked “ % ” indicates the proportion of the rainfall for the four wettest months as a fraction of the annual rainfall. I.—NORTHERN province. — Annual. Wet Season. Per cent. Dry Season. Ann. var. Port Oeortre IV ])oints. 5,039 mm. 1,280 Dec. -Mar. points. .... 4,391 lum. 1,115 87 July-Oct. point.s. 79 mm. 20 15-20 Vlount Barnett . .. 3,457 879 .... 2,761 701 79 June-Sept. 57 14 15-20 Kimberley Downs .... 2,500 637 .... 2,124 540 85 ,Iuly-Oct. 40 10 20-25 Beasle Bay 2,778 706 .... 2,243 570 81 83 21 25-30 Turkey Creek 2,714 690 .... 2,242 570 82 June-Sept. 81 20 20-25 yndham* 2,510 637 .... 2,229 566 85 43 11 15-20 Derby* 2,530 643 .... 2,141 544 85 •July-Oct. 43 11 25-30 Broome* 2.301 .584 .... 1,934 491 87 39 10 30-35 Fitzroy Crossina .... 2,110 536 .... 1,827 464 87 June-Sept. 62 16 20-25 Hall’s Creek* 1,961 499 .... 1,591 404 81 75 19 25-30 La Grange 1,870 475 .... 1.517 385 92 July-Oct. 47 12 30-35 Anna Plains 1,447 368 .... 1,096 264 75 45 11 30-35 Wollal 1,206 306 978 242 81 Aug.-Nov. 26 7 Marble Bar* 1,315 334 918 233 69 78 20 30-35 Nnllagine* 1,297 329 909 231 70 July-Oct. 90 23 30-35 Hamersiev .... 1,337 340 983 250 74 93 24 30-35 Condon 1,191 303 •Tan.-Apl. 879 223 75 Aug.-Nov. 32 8 35-40 Port Hedland* 1,193 303 .... 827 210 69 Sept. -Dec. 37 12 3.5-40 Roebonrne* 1,168 297 831 219 71 Aug.-Nov. 42 11 40-45 Bamboo Creek 1,420 361 947 241 67 95 24 30-35 Tamb ey 1,562 397 . .. 1,071 272 69 89 23 25-35 Mll.stream 1,477 375 .... 1,001 254 67 74 19 2.5-35 'Whim Creek 1,467 373 .... 1,093 278 74 66 17 40-50 Red Hill 1.356 344 909 231 67 65 17 45-50 Bonny Downs 1,131 287 Dec. -Mar. .... 772 196 68 Jiily-bct. 78 20 35-40 Miindiwindi* points. 1,021 mm. 2.59 11.— EREMEAN PROVINC (a) Northern Zone. I>oints. mm. Dec. -Mar. .... 632 161 E. 62 July-Oct. points, mm. 122 31 35-40 Ethel Creek 1,001 254 644 163 64 82 21 35-40 Roy Hill 1,001 2.54 667 169 67 Aug.-Nov. 82 21 35-40 Three Rivers 872 221 482 122 55 82 21 35-40 -Kathleen Valiev .... 785 199 394 101 50 116 29 3.5-40 Mardie 870 220 .Jan. -April 605 154 58 Sept. -Dec. 40 10 35-40 V inning Pool* 986 205 512 130 51 56 14 40-45 ^ laming Head 1,215 309 752 191 61 10 2 30-35 V andagee . .. 901 228 436 111 48 61 15 40-45 Peak Hill 940 239 498 126 53 Aug.-Nov. 106 27 35-40 ^\il^na* 938 238 514 131 55 111 28 35-40 Meekatliarra* 909 231 465 118 51 Sejit.-Dec. 122 31 35-40 Nannine 781 198 384 98 49 95 24 35-40 Mt. Sir Samuel 901 228 .... 427 108 47 Aug.-Nov. 139 35 35-40 Onslow* points, 910 mm. 230 (b) Central Zone. points, mm. Mar.-.June .... 571 145 63 Sept. -Dec. point.s. .... 25 mm. 6 55-60 <’ue* 851 216 389 99 46 131 33 3,5-40 Mount Magnet 804 230 391 99 43 141 36 30-35 Sandstone . .. 879 223 * > 384 98 44 no 27 25-30 Lawlers 817 208 390 99 47 Aug.-Nov. 140 36 2.5-30 ^ ouanmi 886 225 400 102 35 Sept.-Dee. 180 46 2.5-30 Doyles ^\ell 874 222 f ) 432 no 50 Aug.-Nov. 148 38 25-30 Leonora 832 211 > • 387 98 47 Sept.-Dee. 159 40 30-35 Malcolm 876 222 408 104 46 30-35 Murrin Murrin 876 222 • 1 408 104 46 Aug.-Nov. 186 47 30-35 Laverton . . 899 228 413 105 46 July-Oct, 176 45 30-35 Morgans 817 208 396 101 49 Aug.-Nov. 168 43 30-35 \ undramindra 860 218 393 100 45 188 48 30-35 Kookynie ... 958 243 425 108 44 218 30-35 Menzies* 930 236 410 102 43 Sept.-Dee. 190 48 25-30 Davyhurst 1,012 257 « 1 436 111 43 232 59 20-25 Bulong 922 234 384 98 42 Oct. -Jan. 244 62 20-25 Zanthus 973 247 s * 434 no 45 Sept. -Dec. 259 66 25-30 Kanowna ... 946 240 402 102 43 241 61 2.5-30 Kalgoorlie* 951 242 414 105 43 237 60 20-25 idgiemooltha 1,095 278 463 117 54 Nov. -Feb. 293 74 20-25 Balladonia* 931 236 .... 361 92 39 242 61 20-25 Rawlinna* L1 .... 220 56 25-30 Bencubbin .... 1,2U 308 651 165 53 Oct.-Jan. 220 56 25-30 Mukinbudin 1,024 260 545 138 53 Dec. -Mar. .... 176 45 25-30 Kuniinoppin 1,173 298 .... 632 160 54 Nov.-Feb. .... 188 48 20-25 Niingarin .... 1,209 307 ,, .... 675 171 56 11 .... 197 50 20-25- Burracoppin 1,223 311 ., .... 686 174 56 11 .... 176 45 20-25 Walgoolan .... 1,1 90 304 619 157 52 Sept. -Dec. .... 238 60 20-25 Newcamie .... 1.217 309 ,, .... 653 166 53 Nov.-Feb. .... 199 51 20-25 Westonia .... 1,285 327 ,, .... 704 179 55 11 .... 203 51 20-25 Bullfinch .... 1.141 299 „ .... 561 142 49 1 1 .... 243 62 20-25 Southern Cross* 1.052 267 530 134 50 1 1 .... 207 53 20-25 Marvel Loch 1,255 319 623 158 51 >1 .... 226 57 20-25 Lake King 1,347 342 ,, .... 654 166 48 11 .... 247 63 15-20 Lake Varley 1,358 345 664 168 49 >1 .... 231 59 1 .5-20 Salmon Gums 1,316 334 „ .... 627 159 49 )1 .... 327 83 15-20 Cftolgardie .... 1,009 256 „ .... 423 107 42 1 1 .... 267 68 ] 5-20 Norseman 1,067 271 „ .... 438 111 41 .... 280 71 20-25 Grasspatch 1,511 384 682 173 45 >1 .... 368 93 20-25 Eyre 1,168 297 „ .... 567 144 41 >1 .... 255 65 20-25 Latham Wu)>in Galibin ('adonx Wyalkatchem Korrelockinp: Trayninfj .... Kellerberrin* Doodlakine JVIerredin .... Druce Rock Narembeen Kondinin .... Hyden Newdegate Jarramongup Biintine Ongcnip in.-SOUTH-WKSTERN PROVINCE. (a) Easteryi Zone. points. mm. points. mm. Sept. -Dec. points. mm. 1,181 300 31ay-Aug. 667 169 57 .... 142 36 1,185 301 763 194 65 Oct.-Jan. .... 147 37 1,307 332 730 185 59 Nov.-Feb. .... 190 48 1,381 351 .... 833 212 60 > 1 .... 206 52 1 ,345 342 725 184 54 11 .... 208 53 1,355 344 . 781 198 56 1 < .... 193 49 1,266 321 698 177 55 .... 202 51 1,329 338 779 198 58 .... 185 47 1,235 314 678 172 55 .... 204 52 1,292 328 726 184 59 .... 187 47 1,373 349 766 195 56 13 .... 220 56 1.166 296 710 179 .63 1 1 .... 150 38 1,340 340 750 193 56 1 ' .... 192 49 1,320 335 ) 1 .... 714 181 46 >1 .... 247 63 1,398 355 733 186 52 1 1 .... 243 62 1,531 389 736 187 48 1 1 .... 254 65 1,407 357 770 196 49 Oct.-Jan. .... 192 49 1,564 397 11 .... 770 106 49 Nov.-Feb. .... 267 68 20-25- 20-25 20-25 20-25 20-25 20-25 20-25 20-25 20-25 15-20 15-20 15-20 15-20 1 5-20 1 5-20 20-25 1 5-20 (•)) points. mm. Ajana 1.336 339 May-Aug Ymia 1,421 361 Mullewa 1,308 332 »1 Canna 1,485 377 ' > Mingenew* 1,642 417 Morawa* 1,392 353 11 Pereni'ori .... 1,343 341 1 1 Three Springs 1 ,567 398 ? » (’arnaipah* ('oorow 1,580 1,567 401 398 * 1 1 ) Watheroo 1,636 415 11 Dalwallinu 1.421 361 J 3 liallidu 1,322 336 >1 Miling 1,586 403 11 Kondut 1,384 351 i> Walebing .... 2,013 511 n Wongan Hills 1,476 375 1 1 Cadoux 1,381 352 '1 Calingiri 1,731 440 Central Zone. ])oints. mm. points. mm. 20-25 933 237 70 Nov .-Feb. ... . 120 30 946 240 67 M 160 41 20-25 863 219 66 155 39 20-25 894 227 60 Oct. -Jan. ... . 207 52 20-25 1,141 290 69 Nov .-Feb. ... . 137 35 20-25 806 205 58 Oct. -Jan ... . 221 56 20-25 809 205 60 . 172 44 20-25 1 ,025 260 66 Nox -Feb. ... 106 50 20-25 1 ,035 263 65 181 46 20-25 1,010 255 65 11 . 190 48 20-25 1,071 272 65 51 . 160 41 20-25 852 216 60 Oct. -Jan. .. . 219 56 20-25 804 204 61 Nov .-Feb. .. . 180 46 20-25 996 253 63 J 1 . 214 54 20-25 857 218 62 11 • • . 183 46 20-25 1,324 336 65 11 . 188 48 15-20 948 241 64 >1 . 180 46 20-25 833 207 63 11 . 206 52 20-25 1,169 297 67 11 * • . 164 42 15-20 The Vegetatiox of Western Australia. Ixxi III.— north-western province— coniinwcrf. (b) Central Zone — continued. — Annual. Wet Season. Per cent. Dry Season. Ann. var. points. mm. points. ram. points, mm. Goooialling 1,418 360 Mav'Aiig. 893 227 63 Nov.-Feb 178 45 20-25 Dowerin 1,479 376 .... 919 233 60 204 52 20-25 Northam 1,711 435 .... 1,147 291 67 151 38 15-20' Meckering 1,526 388 .... 997 253 65 150 38 20-25- Cunderdin .... 1.458 370 .... 906 230 62 179 45 20-25 Tammin 1,378 350 806 205 58 184 47 20-25 BeverJev 1,688 429 .... 1127 286 67 148 38 15-20 Quairading 1,518 385 930 236 62 185 47 15-20 Pingelly 1,766 448 .... 1,148 292 65 169 43 1.5-20 Corrigin 1,569 398 924 235 59 230 58 15-20 Kulin 1,546 393 871 221 56 250 63 15-20 Wickepin .... 1,656 421 .... 1,020 262 62 191 49 15-20 Diidinin 1,556 395 .... 931 236 59 197 50 10-15 Wagin 1,765 448 .... 1,064 270 60 177 45 15-20 Diimbleyung 1,638 416 918 233 56 229 58 15-20 Kukerin 1,707 433 .... 933 237 54 282 72 15-20 Lake Grace 1,476 375 794 202 54 229 58 15-20 Katanning* 1,873 476 .... 1,089 277 58 222 56 15-20 Broome Hill 1,814 461 .... 1,019 259 56 223 56 15-20' Nyabing 1,678 426 947 240 56 245 62 10-15 Pingrup 1,582 402 .... 840 213 52 224 57 10-15 Tambellnp .... 1,847 469 993 252 54 279 71 10-15. Gnowangerup 1,648 418 840 213 57 267 68 15-20 Borden 1,366 337 663 168 57 245 62 15-20. Cranbrook 1,998 .507 .... 1,093 277 55 276 70 10-15 Hopetonn 1,968 500 977 248 50 325 82 10-15 Esperance* 2,619 665 .... 1,515 385 58 329 83 10-15 Northampton 1,990 505 .... 1,453 369 73 122 31 15-20' Chapman (R.S.) .... 1,827 464 .... 1,313 335 72 131 33 15-20' Geraldton* 1,846 460 ... 1,407 357 76 92 23 15-20' Greenongh .... 1,952 496 .... 1,479 376 75 89 22 20-25 Dongarra .... 1,862 473 .... 1,395 354 75 96 24 20-25 Dandarragan 2,134 542 .... 1,433 364 67 173 44 15-20' Moora 1,832 465 .... 1,233 313 67 164 41 15-20 Barberton 1,803 458 .... 1,196 304 66 186 47 15-20- New Norcia 2,134 542 .... 1,433 364 56 173 44 1 5-20 Toodvay 2,138 543 .... 1,464 372 68 156 40 15-20 York 1,760 449 .... 1,187 301 67 165 42 15-20 Brookton .... 1,837 467 .... 1,215 309 66 177 45 15-20. Wandering 2,560 650 .... 1,657 421 64 205 52 1 .5-20 Narrogin 2,015 512 .... 1,269 322 63 196 50 10-15 Williams 2,139 543 .... 1,387 254 65 185 47 15-20 Arthur 1,943 493 .... 1,217 309 62 176 45 15-20 Darkan 2,255 573 .... 1,480 276 65 165 42 15-20 Koionup 2,200 559 .... 1,300 330 59 252 64 15-20 Kendeniip 2,476 629 .... 1,335 339 54 317 81 10-15- Mount Barker 2,917 741 - .... 1,512 384 52 .... 428 109 10-15. (0) Western Zone. points, mm. points. mm. points, ram. Gingin 3,078 782 Mav-Aug. .... 2,181 554 71 Nov .-Feb 175 44 15-20 Chidlow 3.796 964 .... 2,645 672 70 252 64 15-20 Mundaring 4,352 1,105 .... 3,006 763 69 261 66 1 5-20' Kalamunda 4,287 1,080 .... 2,958 751 69 273 69 1 5-20 Guildford 3,393 862 .... 2,400 610 71 190 48 1 5-20 Perth Observatory 3,467 881 .... 2,457 624 71 203 51 15-20' Fremantle 3,027 769 .... 2,173 552 72 177 45 1 5-20 Rottnest 2,881 732 .... 2,122 539 75 158 40 1 Armadale 3,624 932 .... 2,615 664 71 . 174 44 1.5-20 Rockingham 3,291 836 .... 2,387 606 73 166 42 15-20 Jarrahdale 4,757 1,208 .... 3,242 823 68 Dec. -Mar 369 94 10-1.5 Mandurah .... 3,529 896 .... 2.518 639 69 Nov.-Feb 173 44 10-1.5 Pinjarra 3,778 959 .... 2,647 672 71 Dec. -Mar 216 55 10-15 Dwellingup 5,180 1,316 .... 3,625 921 71 261 66 10-15- Marradong 2,939 747 .... 2,005 509 68 196 49 10-1.5- Brunswick .... 4,084 1,037 .... 2,818 716 69 254 62 10-15. Bunbury .... 3,486 885 .... 2,405 611 70 237 60 10-1 5 Collie 3,909 993 .... 2,562 651 65 273 69 10-15 Cape Naturaliste .... 3,272 831 .... 2,280 579 70 242 61 10-15 Busselton 3,229 820 .... 2,252 572 69 220 56 10-15 Donnybrook 4,054 1,030 .... 2,721 691 67 280 71 10-15 Greenbushes 3,855 979 .... 2,463 626 64 318 81 10-15 Cape Leeuwin 3,866 982 .... 2,567 652 64 336 85 10-15 Manjimup .... 4,225 1,073 .... 2,642 671 63 372 95 10-15 Pemberton 5,111 1,298 .... 3,184 809 45 499 127 10-1 5 Bridgetown 3,397 863 .... 2,144 545 64 298 76 10-15 Boyup Brook 2,708 688 .... 1,748 444 64 229 58 10-15 Denmark 4,672 1,187 .... 2,617 665 47 Nov.-Feb. .. 582 148 10-15 Albany 3,750 952 .... 2,134 542 57 450 114 10-15 Eclipse Island 3,332 846 5 > .... 1,907 484 58 ” 399 101 10-15 I Ixxii. CirAHLKs Austix Gardner. TABLE III.— RELATIVE HUMIDITV. («) Readings taken at 9-0 a.m. {b) Readings taken at 3-0 p.m. The higher readings are in heavy type. (Those station.^ with less than three years records are marked t. The figures for 1941 alone are given.) •Station. Jan. l-’eb. Mar. Apl. May. .Tune. July. Aug. Sept. Oft. Nov. Dee. Mean, "Wymlham (a) 54 69 56 46 41 42 40 43 44 51 56 55 .52 (b) 54 54 40 38 37 37 35 30 43 47 50 52 15 Hall’.s Creek (n) 51 52 46 35 37 40 37 33 29 32 34 45 42 (b) 30 33 27 29 32 30 20 24 26 22 25 28 Derby (a) 70 79 66 52 47 47 47 46 47 51 56 63 55 (b) 58 50 53 42 40 40 40 38 30 43 50 54 46 liroome (a) 72 73 69 54 52 54 52 53 52 57 60 66 f)9 (b) 07 07 50 45 44 40 43 42 44 52 57 02 52 Anna Plains (a) 00 00 01 43 42 48 40 42 30 45 49 54 51 Port Hedlami . .. (a) 02 02 50 40 47 50 47 47 44 40 48 50 51 (b) 63 63 50 49 49 47 47 49 49 53 55 61 53 Marble Bar (a) 44 46 43 39 46 48 45 39 32 30 29 36 40 (b) 21 28 27 20 31 33 30 20 22 20 10 23 26 Roeboiirm* (a) 49 51 52 43 46 50 45 45 37 37 36 42 44 (b) 41 42 43 30 38 40 30 30 20 33 33 37 37 Mimdiwimli (a) 29 30 34 33 42 49 44 38 26 22 20 25 44 (b) 17 18 20 19 25 28 23 10 13 12 11 15 18 ■Onslow (a) 52 54 54 52 56 60 57 52 46 44 44 47 52 (b) 52 54 53 50 52 54 51 47 45 44 48 50 50 Winning Pool (a) 45 49 49 45 50 54 48 43 41 38 37 40 45 (b) 24 20 28 27 33 37 32 30 25 23 20 22 28 <’arnarvon (a) 00 58 57 00 66 66 62 57 55 50 57 59 (b) 61 62 61 59 00 50 57 50 59 59 60 62 60 •Oascoyne Jnnet.t (a) 34 48 36 51 60 61 59 45 46 43 40 39 55 (b) 10 21 23 32 45 40 40 20 20 30 20 20 31 Hamelin Pool .... (a) 43 46 48 52 62 69 60 64 55 49 44 43 54 (b) .30 38 40 45 54 00 50 54 47 43 30 38 46 Meekatharra (a) 31 29 58 41 50 60 61 53 40 33 31 27 41 (b) 18 10 33 27 34 41 43 35 23 20 10 17 27 Wiluna .... (a) 35 37 42 46 53 59 57 51 42 38 34 33 44 (b) 25 27 30 33 30 42 30 35 31 28 25 24 31 baverton (a) 36 37 44 47 54 61 60 52 41 37 35 34 4.) (b) 24 25 30 33 40 40 43 37 28 20 24 24 32 ■Cue (a) 36 39 43 49 59 68 67 60 49 43 37 35 49 (b) 25 20 20 34 42 40 48 42 33 20 25 24 34 Menzies .... (a) 37 39 45 52 59 66 65 57 45 41 36 36 48 (b) 23 24 20 35 42 48 45 30 30 20 23 22 32 Yalgoo (a) 40 44 51 56 66 76 77 71 58 49 42 39 56 (b) 25 28 33 37 44 54 54 47 38 31 26 24 37 Rawlitma (a) 49 52 59 59 64 70 70 63 51 48 47 48 57 (b) 23 20 35 31 35 44 40 35 20 21 21 30 Euela (a) 50 01 00 61 65 71 70 63 56 53 55 50 61 (b) 62 63 62 58 50 57 50 54 54 57 60 61 58 Balladonia (a) 54 58 64 69 74 77 77 70 60 55 53 53 64 (b) 34 30 42 40 52 58 y;> 48 40 37 35 35 43 Kalgoorlie, (a) 46 49 55 59 66 74 74 66 53 48 44 43 .56 (b) 27 30 34 30 40 52 50 44 34 31 28 27 Ol ;South(‘rn Cross . .. fa) 46 51 56 61 73 81 83 76 63 55 49 46 62 (b) 20 32 40 42 51 60 00 54 43 38 34 30 Knljaf ... (a) 37 46 47 65 60 86 87 71 61 47 42 41 57 (b) 10 24 25 40 45 04 52 47 44 26 23 36 Salmon Gumsf .... (a) 05 74 81 70 80 07 03 50 47 51 65 The Vegetation of Western Australia, Ixxiii TABLE III.— RELATIVE continued. Station. Jan. Feb. Mar. Apl. May. June. July. Aug. Sept. Oct. Nov. Dec. Moan. Kellerberrin (a) 51 54 62 65 78 83 86 80 70 58 49 48 65 (b) 30 32 38 42 54 61 62 57 47 38 32 34 44 Northam (a) 65 71 58 66 79 85 87 80 71 60 50 49 76 (b) 36 42 31 45 57 65 65 59 53 45 35 33 47 Geraldton (a) 54 56 57 58 65 70 70 68 63 58 55 55 61 (b) 60 60 60 58 58 6f) 60 59 59 59 60 60 59 Watheroo (a) 38 40 48 53 68 77 80 71 60 50 40 37 5S Perth Observatory (a) 51 53 57 62 71 76 77 72 67 61 54 51 63 (b) 44 42 45 49 58 63 63 61 58 55 49 47 53 Carnamaht fa) 33 47 45 67 62 85 81 78 67 50 46 44 59' (b) 16 20 21 39 45 66 59 53 45 33 31 24 38 Katanning (a) 55 59 65 72 81 86 87 82 76 67 58 55 70- (b) 35 37 43 50 62 69 69 65 58 52 40 37 51 Biinbury (a) 50 61 64 72 77 80 80 77 73 68 63 61 70* (b) 57 56 58 63 68 70 71 69 67 65 60 59 64 Esperance (a) 62 63 66 70 75 78 78 74 69 65 62 61 69 •495 ■677 •846 •493 (b) 1-410 1^480 1-080 •830 •570 -.380 •340 •460 •700 •020 1 • 1 60 1-420 •839 'Cue fa) •79] •716 •566 ■390 •225 •134 •133 •184 •300 •413 •610 •757 •m (b) 1-370 1-300 1-040 • 750 • 500 •320 •310 •420 •610 •790 1060 1-310 •755 Laverton . fa) •711 •6;52 •496 •383 •2;58 •160 •163 •227 • 357 •461 ■621 •709 •434 (b) 1*220 1160 •920 ■710 •440 •340 •330 •410 •640 •820 •990 1-200 •719 Alenzies fa) •648 •571 •456 •322 •206 • 1 35 •134 •185 -.303 •390 •555 •637 •379 (b) 1-170 1-110 •900 •600 ■400 -.300 •290 •390 • 580 •740 l-OlO 1-150 •675 Rawiinna (a) •38;") -.365 •280 ■2.38 •168 •113 •103 •J42 •235 •297 •376 •366 •256 (b) •920 •940 •670 ■620 •460 •340 •360 •410 • 550 •740 •900 •990 •640 'Carnarvon . fa) •45.5 •427 •435 ■397 •291 •199 •185 •1.52 •302 •359 •395 •422 •341 (b) •420 ■430 •460 ■430 •350 •320 •310 •280 •330 -.3.50 •370 •390 •363 A’algoo . fa) •677 •576 •434 •312 •174 •099 •093 •124 •215 •338 •509 •643 •349 (b) 1-270 1-210 •940 •700 •460 •290 •280 •350 •530 •690 1-010 1-220 •691 'Kalgooriie . (a) •492 •434 •332 •249 •163 •099 •095 •1.38 •237 •337 •441 •504 •293 (b) 1-080 1-020 •770 • 570 ■390 •270 •270 •340 •510 • •670 •710 1000 •608 BalladmYja . (a) •3;59 ■320 •246 •184 •122 ■085 •085 •123 •200 •269 •327 •351 ■195 (b) •820 •780 •610 ■480 -.3.30 •240 •240 •310 •430 •540 •660 •750 Southern Cross . (a) •511 •429 •332 •233 •123 •070 •060 •096 •181 •271 •404 •498 •267 (b) 1-100 l-OOO •780 •570 ■330 •210 •210 •280 •400 • 550 •800 1-020 •551 AVatheroo . fa) •588 •544 ■419 ■307 •159 •092 •080 ■120 •199 ■297 •4.58 • 560 ■319 (b) Kellerberrin •428 ■378 •275 •198 •099 •061 •051 •076 •136 •233 •369 ■428 •226 (b) 1-000 ■910 •730 • 540 •300 •210 •210 •240 •370 • 500 •790 •940 •518 Northam . fa.) fb) ■4.59 •400 ■314 ■210 -098 ■059 •049 •081 ■138 ■229 -370 •450 •238 R.speranee ■ (a) •285 ■272 •237 •183 • 1 55 • 095 •092 •114 •157 •199 •250 •281 •193 (b) •300 •300 •260 •240 •230 •190 •180 •210 •220 •230 •240 •290 •235 *fleraldton . (a) • 4.52 •434 •398 •331 •227 •166 • 1 52 •173 •225 •293 •364 •414 •302 fb) •390 •420 •420 •400 •330 •270 •260 ■270 •280 •320 • 340 •360 •330 JCatanning . (a) •324 •283 •221 •149 •080 •052 •045 •065 •099 •1.59 •255 •315 •171 (b) •770 ■720 • 550 -.390 •220 • 1 50 •140 •170 •240 •330 • 520 •690 •378 'Pertii Observatory (a) •417 •392 ■323 •244 •144 •101 •096 •120 •167 •224 •320 •398 •246 •590 -630 ■ 520 •440 •270 •2^0 •180 •190 •250 •300 •400 •510 •366 Rnnbiiry . (a) (b) •333 ■310 ■267 •170 •112 •088 •083 •098 •135 •181 •2.58 •309 •195 •420 •420 •390 ■290 •200 •160 • 1 50 • 1 50 •190 •230 •290 •390 Bwellingup - fa) (b) ■275 •261 ■187 ■120 •0;')9 •036 -027 •062 ■091 ■138 ■237 -280 ■148 'Cape Leenwin - fa) •fb) •089 •093 •077 •099 •087 •070 •081 •089 ■074 •085 •104 •090 •094 •190 •190 •180 •140 •130 •090 •090 •120 •120 •120 •170 •180 •140 Albany .... ■ (a) (b) •191 •184 ■153 •112 •099 •080 •072 •065 •098 •131 •174 •183 ■128 •250 •250 •210 •200 ■190 •150 •150 •150 •1.50 •190 •200 •240 Based on Mean 9 •0 a.m. readings for 1941-1942. '^-ascoyneJnnrtion ■680 •568 •548 ■441 •218 •159 ■152 •232 ■321 ■351 • 584 ■691 -421 Kiilja . .. ■ 503 ■428 ■284 ■197 ■169 •070 •058 ■125 •153 •280 ■413 ■501 ■412 ’Carnamah •567 ■438 ■254 ■205 •160 •062 ■073 ■088 ■154 •237 ■419 •525 ■270 Salmon Oums •361 •135 ■185 ■151 ■102 ■067 ■080 ■134 ■178 ■246 ■372 ■367 ■207 ■Collie ■267 •190 ■096 ■078 ■044 •047 ■024 ■050 ■074 ■135 ■231 ■290 ■128 Manjimup ■200 •175 •111 ■101 •075 •049 •034 ■0.54 ■072 •124 -104 ■151 ■099 Afternoon readings for Cape Leeuwin taken at 4-0 p.m. Tke Vegetation of Western Australia. Ixxv. TABLE V.— CLIMATIC ANALYSIS. The first column of figures represents the average variation from the mean annual rainfall, expressed as a percentage departure from the mean. Humidity (four columns) — The morning and afternoon readings for the four consecutive wettest, and the four con- secutive driest months respectively (i.e., months of maximum and minimum pre- cipitation). Saturation deficit — The first column gives the mean of the monthly readings for the year. The second column gives the mean of the monthly mean readings for the four consecutive wettest months. The third column gives the mean monthly readings for the four consecutive driest months {see Table II., in which these months are indicated). MR = Meyer Ratio. SP — — = the mean precipitation for the four wettest months over the mean saturation deficit SSD for the same period. Temperature — MAT is the normal mean annual temperature. MST is the normal mean temperatme for the four consecutive wettest months. SP Seasonal precipitation r xu r xx x xl 3= i- L lor the tour consecutive wettest months. MST Seasonal temperature Staton. Annual Rainfall Variation. Humidity. Sat Def. (9 a.m.). M.R, (9-0 a.m.) SP. Temp. ° C. SP. Wet S. Dry S. Annual Wet. Dry. SSD MAT. MST. MST Port George IV 17 68 49 102 26-1 30-0 37-2 Wyndham 20 58 50 42 38 •550 •444 •549 45 50 28-9 31-1 18-2 Derby 30 70 64 53 45 •492 •406 •534 51 53 27-6 30-3 18-0 Broome 32 70 64 53 45 •437 •364 •420 52 53 26-7 30-0 16-4 Hall’s Creek 29 48 32 35 28 •715 •658 -.559 27 24 25-6 29-4 13-7 Anna Plains 32 63 43 •601 •459 •491 24 24 Marble Bar 34 45 26 32 22 •690 •833 •768 19 11 27-8 33-1 6-9 Port Hedland 40 56 58 48 54 •518 •552 •606 23 15 24^4 30-6 6-8 Roeboume 43 49 40 39 33 •649 •734 •684 18 11 26-7 311 6-8 Mundiwindi 34 29 17 32 17 •634 •900 •462 16 5 22-8 29-4 5-4 Onslow 60 55 52 55 52 •486 •428 •579 19 13 24-4 24-4 5-9 Wiluna 35 40 29 41 30 •492 •659 •454 19 8 21^6 23-9 5-4 Meekatharra 35 40 24 33 20 •493 •688 •589 18 7 22-4 17-8 6-6 Cue 36 55 38 41 28 •435 •330 •520 20 12 9A • 9. 20-0 4-9 Laverton 31 51 37 47 34 •434 •326 •302 21 13 20-4 18-3 5-7 Menzies 30 55 38 39 25 •379 •280 •471 24 15 20-4 17-8 5'9 Rawlinna 29 63 36 39 23 •256 •200 •373 25 13 18-1 16-7 4-0 Carnarvon 37 63 59 56 60 •341 •225 •408 27 28 21-7 17^8 9-1 Yalgoo 28 72 50 47 30 •349 •122 •426 29 44 20-4 13-9 9-8 Kalgoorlie 22 64 43 47 30 •293 •211 •380 32 20 18^9 17-2 6-1 Southern C'ross 24 78 56 48 31 •267 •087 •460 39 61 18-0 10-0 12-5 Watheroo 74 39 •319 •113 • 537 51 95 17^7 14-2 24^0 Kellerberriii • 20 82 59 50 32 •228 •069 •408 58 113 18^0 12-2 16-2 Northam 20 83 61 59 36 •238 •072 •371 72 159 17-9 12-2 23-9 Esperance 14 76 64 62 63 •193 •114 •272 136 133 16'2 13-3 29-0 ,c I «,!/•• l^LATE III. NORMAL MEAN TEMPERATCRE. Isotherms in ° F for January. The Vegetation of Western Australia. Ixxix. Plate IV. NORMAL MEAN TEMPERATURE. Isotherms in ° F. for July. Ixxx. Charles Austin Gardner. Plate V. RAINFALL VARIABILITY. Variation in the annual rainfall expressed as a per cent, departure from the Mean. The Vegetation of Western Australia. Ixxxi. Plate VI. ilEYER RATIO. / P \ Ixxxii. Charles Austin Gardner. ■ ? Plate VTI. The Seasonal Precipitation. Seasonal saturation deficit The Vegetation of Western Australia. Ixxxiii. Plate VITT. The Seasonal temperature (Calculated in ° C. and mm.) XXXl\’. Charles Austin Gardner. Plate IX. THK THREK PKON’IXCES OF VEGETATIOX AXI) CLIMATE. 1. The Xoriheni Province . — Summer rainfall-winter drought. The four con.secutive wettest months are Deoember-Maroh or January to April, the precipitation for these four months being in excess of 175 mm. '2. The South-West Province . — AVinter rainfall-summer drought. The four consecutive wettest months are ^lay- August, the precipitation for this period being in excess of 1 75 mm. JL The Eremean Province . — Rainfall for the four consecutive wettest months being less than 175 mm. In the northern part (indicated by broken lines), the four wettest 7uonths are January- April. In the southern part (indicated by broken lines) the four wette.st months are !\Iay- August. The middle region (unhatched) has its maxi- mum pi-eilpitation between starch and June, the two wettest months being Marca and June. The \'egetation of Western Australia. N9 J2I 123 t25 l27 129 'Ciuco.ir;' Ixxxvi. Charles Austin Gardner. Plate X. THE FORMATIONS OF THE VEGETATION. ^ . Tropical solerophyllous woodland. ' 2 . Monsoon woodland, savannah woodland, and riverain forest. 8. Savannah and open savannah woodland. 4. Triodia steppe, o. Mulga Bush. (1 Salt-bush steppe. 7. Scicrophyllous woodland. 8. Sand-heath. 9. Temperate savannah woodland. 10. Solerophyllous forest (“ Jarrah forest ”). 11. Mesophytic forest {Karri forest). 12. Desert. The Vegetation of Western Australia. Ixxxvii. JOURNAL OF THE ROYAL SOCIETY OF WESTERN AUSTRALIA. Volume XXVIII. 1.— PERMIAN PEODUCTINAE AND STROPHALOSIINAE OF WESTERN AUSTRALIA. By K. L. Prendergast. Read 8th October, 1941; Published 20th April, 1943. Communicated by Professor E. de C. Clarke. CONTENTS. Page I. Introduction ... ... ... ... ... ... ... ... ... 1 II. Morphology and Bionomical Interpretation thereof ... ... ... 2 III. Trends in the Froductinae ... ... ... ... ... ... ... 8 IV. Classification ... ... ... ... ... ... ... ... ... 9 V. Description of Species ... ... ... ... ... ... ... 12 VI. Bibliography ... ... ... ... ... ... ... ... ... 57 VII. Plates ... ... ... ... ... ... ... ... ... ... 62 I. INTRODUCTION. The correlation of beds in geographically distant localities has often been based on the comparison of published lists of fossils. At many times in the history of Australian Geology these comparisons have been made with- out a re-examination of the specimens concerned : “Creatures borrowed and again conveyed From book to book — the shadows of a shade.” The first specimens from Western Australia were described in 1883, and at that time one specific name covered a multitude of forms which have now been subdivided into several species. It is thus obvious that if the corre- lations are to have any value, drastic revision of the naming of many specimens is necessary. This paper, containing complete descriptions of the Permian Productinae and Strophalosiinae of Western Australia is a small contribution towards that revision. The present time is opportune for this revision as the work of the geologists of the Freney Kimberley Oil Co. and of Oil Search, Ltd., has increased enormously our knowledge of the geology of the Permian and has made available collections of fossils. I offer my thanks to Dr. Arthur Wade of the Freney Kimberley Oil Co. and to Mr. H. Fletcher of the Australian Museum, Sydney, for the loan of the specimens collected. For the loan of specimens used in the preparation of this paper the author thanks, as well as those already mentioned, Dr. H. M. Muir- Wood of the British Museum, Professor E. de C. Clarke of the University of Western Australia, Mr. A. G. Brighton of the Sedgwick Museum, Cambridge, Mr. L. Glauert of the Western Australian Museum and Mr. F. G. Forman of the Geological Survey of Western Australia. From Dr. Muir-Wood, Mr. Brighton, Professor Clarke and Professor Wanner of Bonn I have received K. L. Pre>?derGx\st. much helpful advice. The text-figures have been drawn by Dr. D. H. Rayner and the photographs prepared by Mr. A. Barlow of the Sedgwick Museum and Mr. H, Smith of the University of Western Australia. The author gratefully acknowledges her indebtedness to these persons and to many others, too numerous to name, who have given her assistance. The -work has been done while the author held a Hackett Studentship of the University of Western Australia and an 1851 Overseas Scholarship. She records here her thanks to the authorities concerned in these awards. The publication of this paper has been made possible by a grant from the Hackett Studentship Fund of the University of Western Australia. The following abbreviations are used in the text : — B.M., British Museum (Natural History). Aus. Mus., Australian Museum. W.A. Mus., Western Australian Museum. U.W.A., Department of Geology, University of Western Australia. G.S.W.A., Geological Survey of Western Australia. The terminology as used throughout this paper is as defined by Muir-Wood (1928). All measurements of specimens are given in millimetres and the sign -f- after a number indicates measurement along a broken specimen. XL MORPHOLOGY AND BIONOMICAL INTERPRETATION THEREOF. External Features. The general form of the shells of the Productinae and Strophalosiinae is concavo-convex dorso-ventrally. There are, however, some exceptions. Within the group Productus sensu lato .the concavity of the brachial valve varies from strongly concave as in Krotovia to almost flat as in Waagenoconcha. The pedicle valve is always convex and usually strongly so. The curvature, as seen in longitudinal profile, may vary but little over the whole profile or may change abruptly. In the latter case the shell is called geniculate when the curvature has increased and fringed or flanged when it has decreased. Fredericks has suggested a classification of the Productids- based on the types of visceral cavity produced by the differences in curvature of the two valves. He distinguishes three types. A. Productus typici a. Pedicle valve with regular cimvature.. Brachial valve flat or gently concave. Visceral cavity deep.. e.g. Waagenoconcha imperfecta Prendergast. B. Productus typici Pedicle valve with regular curvature. Brachial valve concave, following the curve of the pedicle- valve. Visceral cavity thin. e.g. Krotovia spimdosa (Sowerby). C. Productus prohoscidei. Pedicle valve regularly curved or geniculate. Brachial valve geniculate. Development of trail characteristic of the group, e.g. Productus productus (Martin). Permian Productinae and Strophalosiinae of W.A. 3 The terms suggested by Fredericks serve as useful names for the de- scription of visceral cavities, but it is doubtful if they can be used as the diagnostic feature by which to distinguish separate genera. The character of the visceral cavity may or may not be a reflection of important anatomical differences. It is, however, of little importance in modern lamellibranchs as Pecten, for example, has one valve (usually the left) flat, while the right valve may vary from slightly convex to rotund. There is here, within the one genus, a great variation in the size of the visceral cavity. The example chosen may not be strictly analogous, however, and where in a large number of specimens the visceral cavity is of the same type, this, in combination with other features, could certainly be used as a feature of diagnostic im- portance. In Aulosteges the shell has the same form as in Productus s.l. Where, however, the area of the pedicle valve is high and reclined, this valve tends to become flattened and the brachial valve is slightly convex, the form approaching to the condition seen in the Orthotetince. Among the species of Strophalosia the form of the shell does not vary beyond the limits already described for Productus s.l. In Etheridgina the pedicle valve is often flat- tened by attachment of the whole valve. The area of attachment in Strophalosia and Aulosteges raises the ques- tion of the position of the shell during life. In Productus s.l. the shell lay on the larger pedicle valve with the brachial valve approximately parallel to the substratum and the plane of symmetry vertical. The growth of a trail allowed the animal to obtain its water supply from a level higher than that ■of the body. Possibly the shell sank by its weight into the substratum and water taken into the body through the trail was cleaner and contained a richer food supply. The trail would also serve as a protection to the animal in providing only a narrow opening at some distance from the vital organs and separated from them by a right-angled bend. In StrojAialosia the point of attachment is at the apex of the umbo. It is not known for what period of its life the animal was attached, but it seems unlikely, when the small size ■of the cicatrix is compared with the size of the shell, that this condition of growth prevailed throughout life. However, whatever the length of this period the shell must have gTown upwards from the point of attachment at the umbo. In many Strophalosias, owing to the geniculated or bevelled chai’acter of the interior of the brachial valve the shell develops a small trail. Presumably, when the shell became too heavy to maintain itself in the vertical position it fell on to its heavier pedicle valve, the trail then serving as in Productus. An irregular deformation of the umbo, presumably due to attachment, is sometimes seen in Aulosteges; the same explanation may be offered in this genus. The ornamentation of the Productince and Strophalosiince is essentially spinose. Spines are developed most frequently on the pedicle valve and rarely on the brachial valve which, where the pedicle valve is spinose, de- vebps pits corresponding in position to the spines of the pedicle valve. The spines may be of one or different sizes, they may be erect, oblique or adherent while their position on the shell may vary from genus to genus. They may be scattered irregularly or show a definite arrangement such as a row along the cardinal margin or separating the ears from the body of the shell. They may occur in concentric or radial rows or show a regular quincuncial arrange- ment over the whole shell surface. The capacity to develop spines is probably 4 K. L. PRENDERGAST. inherent in the animal, while the degree of their development will depend upon external environmental conditions. Given the condition necessary for spine development, that is, a plentiful supply of CaCO.i, any species will probably develop spines in the same position in all its members. The inclina- tion of the spines to the body surface will depend upon the hardness of the sea-floor, arising at a high angle where the substratum is soft and being ad- herent where it is hard. In modern lamellibranchs the temperature of the water has a marked effect on the thickness of the shell, the Arctic forms having a thick shell and the warm water forms of the same species a shell thin almost to fragility. The difference between the Irwin forms, thin with short spines of small bore and those from Mt. Marmion, thick-shelled with heavy spines, of Tceniothcerus suhquadratus (Morris) is possibly due to the difference in temperature of the sea at the two localities. Both valves may be ornamented by ruga? and costff. The rugae are formed at the growing edge of the shell and are thus in inverse positions in the two valves. Costae are longitudinal folds perpendicular to the rugae. Where both are present, the surface is reticulated as seen in the Dictyoclostus group ; at the points of contact of the two series of folds an enlarged node may be produced, sometimes giving rise to a spine. Wrinkles are more in- definite than rugae, they may cross the visceral disc or be confined to the ears. The lamellae seen in Strophalosia and Aidosteges are quite distinct from both rugae and wrinkles. They are not folds but are the edges of the shell as it was laid down in successive layers. The distinctness of these layers one from another indicates that secretion of shell substance was not continuous but intermittent and seasonal, a period of secretion being followed by a resting phase. The control is a physical one but the response of the various genera is dependent on the sensitivity of the animal itself and is, therefore, a bio- logical factor. In the structure of the cardinal margin these shells show a wide diversity of form. In the Productus s.l. group a cardinal area is not ordinarily de- veloped. In Dictyoclostus callytharrensis n.sp. however, and in some Indian forms, e.g. Dictyoclostus indicus (Waagen) a narro-w concave “area” named by Schuchert and Cooper a ginglymus is often seen on the pedicle valve. It is to be noted that the ginglymus is only seen when the brachial valve has been displaced. This ginglymus is a groove along the cardinal margin of the pedicle valve into w’hich fits the narrow margin of the brachial valve hence greatly increasing the efficiency of the articulation of the valves. In the genus Produetorthis Schuchert and Cooper postulate that the ginglymus has arisen from the degeneration of the area. This explanation cannot hold for Dictyo- clostuSf as the early forms of the genus possess neither an area nor a gin- glymus. Whether the ginglymus can, conversely, develop into an area, present information does not allow us to state. It seems unlikely that development would take this course unless teeth are present to take over the function of the ginglymus as an aid to articulation. Both Aulosteges and Strophalosia possess a true area though its form is very different in the two genera. In Aulosteges it is linear in the earlier species, but rapidly develops among the later species to a high plane triangle produced ventrally and thus carrying the umbo of the pedicle valve away from the brachial valve. In Strophalosia the area is much smaller, remains linear throughout the genus and is produced over the hinge-line so that the umbo of the pedicle valve approaches the brachial valve. A narrower area is present in the brachial vah^e of Strophalosia. Permian Productinae and Strophalosiinae of W.A. .) The area in both these genera possesses a distinct pseudo-deltidium and in Strophalosia a pseudo-chilidinm in the brachial valve. The terms pseudo- deltidium and pseudo-ehilidium have not the significance usually given them in the description of embryonic brachiopods. The division of the area into two lateral parts by the pseudo-deltidium is undoubtedly due to the inter- ruption of the deposit of CaCOg along the cardinal margin by the projecting ridges, the pseudo-deltidium being that part of the shell filling the space between these ridges. At the places of formation of the ridges there is excess CaCOg deposit and this projects slightly above and below the level of the area, as Frederick's ‘^delthyrial ridges” above and where the downward projecting ridges are more pronounced they take on the function of and are, teeth. In Strophalosia the angle of divergence of the sides of the pseudo- deltidium gives some indication of the angle of divergence of the roots of the teeth though not necessarily of the teeth themselves as these may extend laterally from their roots. That portion of the hinge-area, called, in the brachial valve, the pseudo-ehilidium is the posterior root of the cardinal process. The narrow grooves limiting its extent are the internal edges of the sockets. In A.ulosteges, which has no brachial area, the posterior root of the cardinal process is produced beyond the hinge-line as a flat triangular plate, in the plane of the brachial valve, which partly fills the delthyriuin. The pseudo-deltidium of Auhsteges may bear spines. Internal Features. Brachial Valve. — However the external appearance of the brachial valve may vary on the inside it always has a flat visceral disc with possibly down- turned margins. A medium septum arising at the base of the cardinal process divides the shell into two halves. The septum varies in length from one-half to two-thirds of the length of the visceral disc. Muscle Impressions. — The adductor muscle impressions lie posterior to the middle of the valve on either side of the median septum. They are den- dritic in Aulosteges and Productus s.l. but non-dendritic in Strophalosia. The presence of dendritic muscle impressions in Aulosteges and Productus s.l. is a reflection of the poorly developed articular apparatus in these two genera. Since the brachial valve is pivoted loosely on the cardinal process it is capable of movement not only in a plane perpendicular to the surface of the valve but also from side to side. This lateral skewing movement would cause a differential movement within the muscle itself, the fibres nearer the centre being less extended than the excentric fibres. A divided muscle would, therefore, be mechanically superior. In examining a dendritic muscle it will be noted that the bunches of fibres have an approximately radial arrange- ment with the radii on the inside much shorter than those towards the lateral margin. As the central muscles have a shorter pull this arrangment is what would be expected. In Strophalosia the muscle scars are non-dendritic but, except in Wgndham.ia, are divided into posterior and anterior parts. The anterior adductor is elongated in the longitudinal axis of the shell and lies very close to the median septum while the posterior jiortion is elongated laterally, lies above and close to the anterior adductor, but extends beyond it. The brachial impressions arise at the lateral terminations of the posterior adductor im- pressions. c K. L. Prendergast. Brachial Impressions. — The brachial impressions are similar throughout the group. In Strophalosia^ as already noted, they arise at the lateral extremities of the posterior adductors and continue to the lateral margin at an angle to the hinge-line varying from 4r)°-0°. They then run parallel or neaz’ly so to the lateral and anterior margins to a point about one-third of the width of the shell from the lateral margins when they curve through a right angle towards the hinge-line. This line is followed until the impressions are opposite the end of the median septum where they have another right angle bend to meet at the anterior end of the median septum. In Productus s.L and Aulosteges the brachial impressions arise at the anterior end of the dendritic impressions and continue to the lateral border in a course parallel to the hinge-line. When almost at the lateral margin they curve in a wide arc and return to the base of the median se])tuni, again running parallel to the hinge-line. In many specimens the returning arm is but faintly seen or may be totally obscured. The interpretations of the brachial impressions have been numerous. They are now described as the attachments of the brachial arms which ])rojected ventrally from them. Muir-Wood (1928, p. 20) has cited some evidence in favour of this view from the minute structure of the impressions. The upward medial bend, where the impressions recede from the anterior margin would correspond, then, to the pallial sinus of the Lamellibranchs, being the region of water intake. The water would bo ejected from the apices of the cones and this current would thus have no effect on the basal attachments. The development of a fold in the brachial valve with the corresponding sinus in the pedicle valve would serve further to localise the ingoing and outgoing currents. Cardinal Process. — In the description of the species the term ^Trifid’’ has been used to describe the cardinal process. To avoid misapprehension that term is here defined as referring to a cardinal process which is bilobed in ventral aspect and trilobed in dorsal aspect or which is a modification of this type. The dorsal and ventral aspects are the views of the cardinal ])rocess as seen from the brachial and pedicle valves respectively. To expand this definition the cardinal process of Aulosteges wangenheimi (Vern.) may be considered (refer to Fig. 5, p. 34). In this species the cardinal process is perpendicular to the plane of the brachial valve and is supported by two lateral ridges arising from the cardinal ridge. These ridges, which are separated medially by a deep sulcus, give rise to two convex masses, the lobes of the ventral aspect, separated by a depression. The dorsal aspect shows the structure of the process clearly. It has the form of a double-S. The median convexity of this double-S is the central lobe, and the end arms the lateral lobes of the dorsal aspect while the two concavities are the lobes of the ventral aspect. The whole process has the form of an open and indented cone with its apex at the hinge-line. The growth-lines of the structure may be followed round the dorsal face and are ])arallel to the base of the cone. AH the cardinal processes examined were modifications of this type. Thus in Aulosteges haracoodensis Eth. fil. the process is not in such an advanced stage of development. The dorsal aspect shows the process elon- gated with the lobes becoming distinct some distance from the hinge-line. The ridges of the ventral aspect have remained as ridges and are not enlarged into the convexities seen in Aulosteges wangenheimi (Vern.). They are indented posteriorly having a quadrilobed termination. Permian Productinae and Strophalosiinae of W.A. 7 The variations within Productus s.l. are numerous. In the semiretieulate group as Muir-Wood (1928, p. 18) says; — Cardinal Process of Aulosteges barncoodensis Eth. fil. (X3). *‘The cardinal process projects beyond the margin of the brachial valve and is divided by a median furrow into two parts which are smooth and rounded ; these are continued dorsally as to two curved laminae, separated from the median septum by deep sulci. The dorsal view of the process show's it to be trilobate and transversely striated.” This condition can be readily understood by reference to Fionre 2 (p. 15) showing the cardinal process of Dictyoclostus callythorrensis n.sp. In this species as in all Dictyoclostids the whole cardinal process is flattened and widened and the lateral lobes have been rotated through nearly 90° until, instead of being parallel to the central lobe, they lie at right angles to it and parallel to the hinge-line. In Taeniothaerus, Linoproductus and Waagenoconcha the modification has taken quite a different form, as in these genera the tendency has been for the process to elongate and for the lateral lobes to be distinct and separated from the central lobe (see Taeniothaerus subquadratus (Morris), Figure 3, p. 28). The median depression of the ventral aspect is distinct and continues to the apex of the process but the posterior part of the process is now trifid even in its ventral aspect. In Taeniothaerus the process is still compact, but in Linoproductus (e.g. Linoproductus cora (d’Orb.) Kozlowski, P- 14) the lateral lobes have splayed out and the process appears; winged. In Waagenoconcha (e.g. Waagenoconcha humholdti (Waagen), Kozlowski, fig. 9, p. 15) the dissection of the lobes is continued further towards the hinge-line than in the other g'enera. In the aged specimens Kozlowski found that the median lobe sometimes divided giving what has been described as a quadrilobed cardinal process. The shells so far considered have had the median septum separated from the cardinal process by a sulcus of varying depth. In the Strophalosias, on the other hand, the median septum arises Avithin the cardinal process. The septum swells out betAveen the sockets and completely fills the median depression betAveen the ventral lobes. This sAvelling is showm in Strophalosia Umberleyensis n.sp. (Fig. 8, p. 48) in Avhich a part of the depression may be seen posterior to it. This outgrowth of the median septum would give additional support to the socket plates. The median septum in Strophalosia etheridgei n.sp. (Fig. 7, p. 44) is not unduly swollen, but has, nevertheless, 8 K. L. Prendergast. completely obliterated the median depression. On its dorsal face, also, the process of this species is much reduced, faint depressions marking the posi- tions of the dorsal concavities. Where the median depression is present in the ventral aspect, as in Anlosteges and Prodnetus s.l. the depth of this depression is regulated to some extent by the inclination of the cardinal process to the plane of the brachial valve. Where the process is erect the depression is shallow but where it becomes sharply bent over, as in Anlosteges ivangenheimi, the sulcus is very deep. Marginal Eidgesy etc. — Marginal ridges are sometimes developed in species of this group, for example, Strophalosia kimberlegensis. These ridges are always low and not prominent. In some species of Aidosteges a pro- nounced ridge may be developed along the hinge-line, as in Anlosteges wangenheimi (see Fig. 4, p. 33). This ridge is placed anterior to the hinge- line. Pedicle valve . — The muscle impressions of the pedicle valve are of the same general form although they vary throughout the group. The adductors, dendritic in Atilosteges and Prodnetus s.l., non-dendritic in Strophalosia, are median and separated by a groove or a small ridge. The diductors are large, flabellate and longitudinally striate. In some species of Strophalosia the ears of the pedicle valve are thickened so that when the shell is closed the ears fit closely one upon the other. This thickening is seen as a flat ledge on the inside of the valve and projects slightly over the visceral cavity. For a description of the microscopic structure of the shell reference should be made to Muir-Wood (1928, p. 29) and Dunbar and Condra (1932, p. 179). TIL TRENDS IN THE PRODFCTINAE. Although sufficient data are not yet available for the recognition cf lineages, nevertheless some indication of possible trends can be given, based on the fauna of other areas, and these ideas can be applied to the Australian forms. The table below shows the distribution and characters of the species of Anlosteges from the Permian of the Glass Mountains, Texas (King, 1930). — Wolfcamp. Hess. Leonard. Word, Delaw’are Mtn, White Limestone of Guadalupe. A. wolfcampensis A. rnedlicottianus lb, 2b, 3b lb, 2b, 3b lb, 2b, 3b lb, 2b, 3b lb, 2b, 3b A. ynagnicostatus A. triagonalis A. subcostatus A. beedei A. guadalupensis A. tuherculatus lb, 2b, 3a la, 2b, 3a lb, 2b, 3a la, 2b, 3a la, 2a, 3b la, 2a, 3a lb, 2b, 3a la, 2b, 3a la, 2a, 3a la, 2a, 3a la, 2a, 3a Where 1. radial costae ; b, present, a, absent. 2. concentric wrinkles ; b, present, a, absent. 3. area ; b, low and linear, a, higher and triangular. Permian Productinae and Strophalosiinae of W.A. 9 As may be seen from the table the shells change from a lirate, concen- trically wrinkled form with a low linear area to an unwrinkled form with a high triangular area ornamented only by spines and growth lines. In India, the evidence of a parallel evolution of Aulosteges is not sa clear, but is indicated. Aulosteges medlicottianus occurs in the lowest fossili- ferous beds, the Amb, of the Salt Range, while Aulosteges (Strophalosiina)i tibeticuSj which has the same characters as Aulosteges magnicostatus (con- centric wrinkles with radial costae anteriorly) is found in the Middle Pro- ductus limestone. Aulosteges dalhousii from the Upper Productus Limestone has the same characteristics as Aulosteges guadalupensis. Among the Australian form a similar parallel can be traced. A series of forms appears connecting Aulosteges haracoodensis with T aeniothaerus sub quadrat us. The latter species has no concentric wrinkles, a low linear area and the spine bases on the anterior part of the shell sometimes elon- gated as radial ridges. Aulosteges haracoodensis is ornamented by spines and growth lines only, and has a higher triangular area. Both these end forms occur in the Fossil Clift Beds, Irwin River, although in the North-West Basin Aidosteges haracoodensis does not appear until much higher in the sequence. Judged by the rate of change of the American forms T aeniothaerus suhquadratus would appear in the equivalent of the Hess beds and Aulosteges haracoodensis not until the Word. The evolution of the forms may, how- ever, have taken place at different rates in the two areas. A second shred of evidence of the general stage of development of the Western Australian fauna is provided by the Dictyoclostus group. In that genus there is a marked tendency for the area of reticulate ornament to decrease as the species become younger. Thus in Dictyoclostus semireticidatus from the Lower Carboniferous of the British Isles the reticulation may be found over the whole shell though not as clearly marked anteriorly. In the Permian species, however, the reticulation is confined to the posterior part of the shell. D. spiralis, indicus, vishnu, aratus and stihcostatus is an ascend- ing stratigraphical series from the Salt Range (Waagen 1884) and shows a gradual decrease in the area of reticulation of the species in the order named. The Western Australian shells, Dictyoclostus callytharrensis, have the reticulation covering but a small area of the valve and possess a ginglymus while the ears are separate from the flanks. All these features are seen only among the younger members of the genus. IV. CLASSIFICATION. Family PRODUCTIDAE Gray, 1840. In his original description of the family. Gray included the genera Productus, Strophalosia, Chonetes, Leptaena, Orthis, Strophomena and Calceola. King (1846, p. 94) restricted the family to those shells “distin- guished by the form of the ovarian spaces and the presence of spines, and excluded the genera Strophomena, Orthis, Leptaena, Chonetes and Calceola, Gray (1848, p. 438) was opposed to this restriction and enlarged the family to its original content. Gray^s opinion, however, was not widely accepted, and King's diagnosis became the diagnosis of the family. 10 K. L. PRENDERGAST. It was accepted thus by Waagen (1884, p. 611) who said: — “the most striking- character is the existence of reniform prominent ridges on the inside of the dorsal valve, a character which in this strong and distinct development, is entirely restricted to the Productidae.^' Waagen subdivided the forms so characterised into two sub-families, Chonetinae and Productinae. The Chonetinae were characterised by the presence of teeth and a car- dinal area in the pedicle valve and of non-dendi’itic muscle impressions. This sub-family included the genera Chonetes^ Strophalosia^ Chonetella and Daviesiella, Most of these forms are free. The Productinae were defined as Productids in which the pedicle valve is without cardinal teeth and the adductor muscle impressions are dendritic. Some of the forms are fastened by the entire pedicle valve or by spines. Waagen placed the genera Aulosteges, Productella, Productus and Margini- fera in this sub-family. Schuchert (1913, p. 389) changed the emphasis in King's diagnosis and defined the Productidae as “Strophomenacea with hollow anchoring spines." Schuchert also altered the content of the sub-families by using the means of attachment of the shell as the main diagnostic feature. Thus the Chonetinae became “Productids with a few anchoring spines restricted to the ventral cardinal margin," and the Productinae “Productids with the anchoring spines more or less abundant over the entire ventral and sometimes also over the dorsal valve," while he founded a new sub-family the Strophalosiinae to include “Productids anchored to foreign objects by spines or by most of the ventral shell.” Such a division of the Productidae is purely arbitrary and while it groups together forms superficially alike, makes no allowance for a similarity of external form due to growth under similar environmental conditions. The sub-familv Strophalosiinae^ for example, includes the genera Chonopecttis^ Strophalosia, Aulosteges and Etheridgina. Strophalosia King, the type genus of the sub-family is an attached form, being cemented by the umbo of the pedicle valve and/or by spines. It has a welf-developed area on each valve, non-dendritic muscle impressions .-and strong teeth. Etheridgina possesses an area only on the pedicle valve, teeth may be developed and the shell is cemented directly by part or the whole of^the pedicle valve and by spines. The muscle impressions are as in Strophalosia. The genus Chonopectus Hall and Clarke is represented by a single species Chonopectus fisheri Norwood and Pratten from the English River beds of the Kinderhookian (equivalent to K beds. Lower Carboniferous) of Burlington, Iowa, U.S.A. This species is essentially a small Chonetes with a distinctive ornamentation and attached at some period during its life history. It is a restricted form, both geologically and geographically. Permian Productinae and Strophalosiinae of W.A. 11 Aulosteges Hclmersen is distinct from Strophalosia in the possession of dendritic muscle impressions. The pedicle valve carries an area, usually high, while that of the brachial valve is small or absent. The articulation is weak, the pedicle valve being without teeth. It is obvious, then, that within his sub-family Strophalosiinae Schuchert has included forms very different in structure. Its attached habit seems an insufficient reason for the separation of Chonopectus from those forms, the Chonetinaej to which it is closely related, and Schmidt's placement of it (1929, p. 21) in that sub-family must be regarded as the more correct. Aulosteges^ both in the possession of dendritic muscle impressions and in the pattern of the brachial impressions, approaches more closely to the Productinae than to Strophalosia and its replacement in the Strophalosiinae would seem a more natural position. It is admitted, however, that little is known of the derivation of Aulosteges and Strophalosia, Licharew (1934 (a), p. 509) has, on the ground of insufficient evidence for their separation, abolished the sub-families and included all the genera in Prodiictidae. He reverts to King's diagnosis and defines the family as ^‘Shells free, attached by spines or cemented directly. Dorsal valve flat or concave. Cardinal margin straight. The whole surface or only the shoulders of the ventral valve bedecked with hollow spines. Cardinal process prominent. Dorsal valve with reniform brachial impressions." To Productus sensu lato, Chonetes sensu lato, Strophalosia^ Productellay Aulosteges and Etheridgina he adds Teguliferina and Scacchinella. Dunbar and Condra (1932, pp. 189, 191) and Diener (1927, pp. 30 and 31) also in- cluded these genera in the Producitidae. Scacchinella Gemmellaro and Teguliferina Schellwien are the genera intermediate in character betiveen Aulosteges and Productus respectively and the Richthofeniidae. These genera, however, possess characters which would ally them to the Richthofeniidae rather than to the Productidae. Scacchinella and Aulosteges possess in common the high produced area (higher and more produced in Scacchinella) and the method of attachment by the tip of the area. Scacchinella is quite distinct, though, in the possession of a well- developed median septum in the pedicle valve and in the character of the cardinal process with its supporting rods. In these characters it approaches Richthofenia, Teguliferina in which the productoid characters are still recognisable, resembles closely the Richthof eyiiidae in its mode of growth and in the operculiform character of the brachial valve. It seems reasonable tO' assume that the peculiar characters of Richthofenia are in part a result of its mode of growth and therefore that Scacchinella and Teguliferina^ as the possible forerunners of a group so distinctive as the Richthofeniidae, should be included in that family. A different method of approach to this subject of the classification of the Productidae has been used by Sutton (1938), with astounding results. As he points out, the shape of the visceral cavity as a diagnostic feature has been given prominence in Productid literature although no author has attempted a classification based upon that feature. Sutton has. He divides the Mississippian Productidae into two sub-families, the ProductelUnae and the Productinae. The ProductelUnae have a thin visceral cavity of the type described by Fredericks as Productus typici and include the genera 12 K. L. Prendergast. Leptalosia, Strophalosia^ Productella, Gigantella and Productma Sutton. The remaining Productid genera of the Mississippian rocks are grouped as the Productinae and possess in common a ‘darge and medium to deep visceral cavity — Frederick’s Productus typici cc P This cannot be regarded as a biological or palaeontological classification; it is as Sutton (p. 538) says, ^‘a classification by which different forms may be recognised,” in other words, a key, and a key only for the Mississippian Productidae. Sutton supports this ‘^classification” by reference to one now being worked out by Stoyanow, who is using as a diagnostic feature the character of the cardinal process, whether trifid or bifid. Examination of the Australian Productids shows that all have essentially the same type of cardinal process, but Stoyanow will doubtless define his terms more accur- ately when his paper is published. In the classitication which follows the author has tried to group closely related forms together, and finds that in so doing he has reverted largely to AYaagen’s original diagnoses of the sub-families while following Licharew in the definition of the Productidae. Family Productidae Gray 1840. Synopsis of the contents of the British l\rusemn. 42nd Edition, p. 151. Shells free, a+tached hy spines or cemented directly by pedicle valve. Cardinal margin straight. Surface ornamentation of spines over whole or part of shell. Brachial valve with reniform brachial impressions and median septum. Cardinal process prominent. Sub-family 1. CltonefiTiae Waagen 1884. Salt Range Fossils, I. Productus- Limostone Fossils: TV (fasc. 3) Brachiopoda, Pal. Ind. Ser. XIII, p. 612. Productids with large spines only along cardinal margin of pedicle valve. Cardinal area and teeth in })edicle valve. Muscle impressions non-dendritic. Genera. Chonctea sensu lato. Chonopectus. Daviesiella. Sub-family 2. Productinae Waagen 1884, op. cit., pp. 612, 613. Productids with dentritic muscle impressions and without teeth. Hollow spines present over whole or part of shell. Genera. Productus sensu lato. Productella. Aidosteges. Sub-family 3. Slrophalodinae Schuchert 1913, in Zittel K., Textbook of Palaeontology edited by C. R. Eastman, 2nd edition p. 391. Productids attached by spines and by part or whole of the pedicle valve. Ornamentation usually spinose. Muscle impressions non-dentritic. Pedicle valve with cardinal area and teeth. ( Jenus. Strophalosia. Heteralosia. V. DESCKIPTION OF SPECIES. DICTYOCLOSTUS Muir-Wood emend. 1930. Muir-Wood, A7in. Mag. Nat. Hist. (10) Y p. 103. GeU'C-type. — Original designation. Ano^nites semireticulatus Martin (in part). Petrifacta Derl)iensia, Wigan 1909, p. 7, pi. xxxii, figs. 1, 2; pi. xxxiii, fig. 4. Diagnosis . — Shell elongate or quadrate in outline, hinge wide; ginglymus may be present. Pedicle valve convex or geniculate ; visceral disc with semi- reticulate ornamentation; trail costatc, costae may bear spines both on trail Permian Productinae and Strophalosiinae op W.A. 13 and visceral disc; rows of spines on ears and cardinal slopes; diaphragm absent. Brachial valve concave or geniculate; marginal ridges prominent, extending along hinge. Hinge teeth and sockets not developed. Range, — Carboniferous and Permian. Remarks. — The diagnosis has been emended to include semireticulate productids with a ginglymus (see p. 9). The Western Australian, Timor and Indian species Avhich would normally be placed in this genus are sometimes found to have a ginglymus though agreeing in other particulars with species of this genus. Where the margin is interrupted by the cardinal process, the ginglymus is notched to give the “delthyrium,” into which the cardinal process fits, as previously suggested by Dunbar and Condra (p. 18). Below this notch and on each side, thickened ridges which gradually die out laterally, articulate with the transverse ridges of the brachial valve. As would be expected, the ginglymus is not seen if the two valves fit tightly, but is on1v exposed when the brachial valve is slightly displaced. This was proved in a specimen (S.M. No. 3604) of Dictyoclostus indicus (Waagen) from the Salt Range; it possessed both valves, and was without an area, but showed an internal groove in that position when the brachial valve was removed. The ginglymus has been noted in one other genus. Productortlns ot‘ Schuchert and Cooper (1932, p. 83). In Vroductorniis, Schuchert and Cooper believe that the ginglymus has arisen from the reduction of the area. In Productids it seems more likely that the area arose from the ginglymus. The Permian species of Dictyoclostus, as far as can be seen from a study of the literature, differ from the Lower Carboniferous species in the restric- tion of the reticulation to the posterior part of the shell, the separation of the ears from the flanks and the possession of an articulating ^^area.’’ The larger Western Australian members of the genus Dictyoclostus are undoubtedly closely related, probably in the same way as the spiralis- subcostatus grou]> of the Salt Range, and it is only lack of sufficient material which prevents the apjn’eciation of their relationships. Dictyoclostus callytl: arrensls sp. nov. PI. i, figs. 1-7, PI. ii, fig. 1. 1903. — Troductns semireticulatus Martin, Etheridge, jun., p. 18, pi. ii. figs. 3-0. 1907. — Produci-us semireticulatiis Martin, Etheridge, jun., p. 29. 1910. — Producius semireticulatus Martin, Glauert, p. 87. 1924. — Prodnetus .^emireticulaius Martin, Chapman, p. 36, sx)ecimens Nos. 2746, 2748. 1931.- — Productv.‘^ semireticulaf-us Martin, Hosking, pjn 8, 22. Types. Ryntypes. — G.S.W.A. 1/4967 (b), i/j mile west of Callytharra Spring, Woora- mel River District ; Callytharra Limestone. Paratypes. — G.S.W.A. 1/4967 (a), same locality and horizon. Other specimens. — IT. W.A. 12400, Fossil Cliff, Irwin River; Fossil Cliff horizon. G.S.W.A. 1/4668, south bank of Wooraniel River, mile above Callytharra Spring; Callytharra Limestone. G.S.W.A. 1/4654. Aus. Mus. F 36507, 36508, Barragooda Pool, Arthur River, North-West Division. Callytharra Stage. Aus. Mus. F 36237, Jimba Jimha Station, left bank of Gascoyne River, near Winnemia, North-West Division. Byro Stage. Aus. Mus. F 38147, 1% miles west of Williambury-Middalya Gate, Middalya Station. Callytharra Stage. 14 K. L. Prendergast. Diagnosis . — Shell large^ semicircular in outline, greatest width at hinge- line; ears large and reflexed, offset from flanks, flanks convex to steep. Pedicle valve sinuate, regularly curved through 270°. Visceral disc occupying about half curvilinear length of valve, rugae and costae regular and equally prominent on visceral disc, costae becoming irregular on trail, two or more coalescing to form irregular folds; rugae absent on trail. Small spines, quincuncially arranged, arising at intersection of costae and rugae, with larger spines, more widely spaced, on rest of shell. Row of spines between ears and flank and row along cardinal margin. Brachial valve geniculate; ornamentation as in pedicle valve. The size of the specimens is shown by the table : — Syntypes. Paratypes. Largest spec., Irwin R. — 12400. Length of hinge-line 59 59 58 44 + 49 + Height 37 38 33+ 33 + 46 + Curvilinear length 70 71 50 50 95 Shells too crushed to allow measurement of thickness. Description of the syntgpes . — Shell semicircular in outline with the hinge the greatest width of the shell. The pedicle valve is curved through an angle of 270°. The transverse curve of the valve is a high arch with almost vertical sides and a shallow median depression. A shallow sinus arises at about the middle of the visceral disc and continues forward^ becoming shallower and Anally disappear- ing on the trail thus leaving the margin of the valve entire. The ears are large and reflexed; each is separated from the body of the shell by a sulcus, and this is flanked by a fold bearing a roAV of spines (3-4). A second row of spines runs parallel to the hinge-line and close to it. The semireticulation is marked on the visceral disc, covering 35 mm. along the curvilinear length, the costae and rugae being equally prominent. The costae cannot be traced to the tip of the umbo, where they have been probably I'emoved by weather- ing, but traces of them can be seen on the ears. They increase in number on the visceral disc botJi by division and by intercalation ; no increase takes place on the trail and the costae lose their height, remaining scarcely elevated. The rugae are closely spaced near the umbo, becoming farther apart posteriorly. The spines on the visceral disc are small and oblique and arranged in approximate quincunx, each spine arising from a node at the intersection of a ruga and a costa. Spines do not arise from all the nodes. As the spines are regularly spaced and the number of costae increases an- teriorly, there is some irregularity, but every fourth to sixth ruga bears spines, these being separated by eight or more costae. The larger spines on the trail also tend to quincuncial ari’angement. Below each on the trail is a fold which replaces the two or more costae above each spine, this folding being independent of the costae, though two or more are absorbed on each fold. Permian Productinae and Strophalosiinae of W.A. 15 The brachial valve is strongly geniculate. The ornamentation differs from that of the pedicle valve only in the absence of spines. The pits, which replace the spines on this valve, are not placed opposite them, but appear anteriorly. This is particularly noticeable in the row of pits on the sulcus separating the ears. No trace of a cardinal area has been observed on this valve. The interior of the valve is not seen on the syntypes. Description of the paratypes — Internal features, — The paratypes show the gingiymus more clearly than either of the syntypes. It is divided by a wide triangular notch. The cardinal process of the brachial valve projects but a little above the level of the hinge as a truncated triangular ridge. Internally the muscles of the pedicle valve are those characteristic of the genus, longitudinally striated diductors enclosing dendritic adductors, the place of insertion of the muscle much thickened. Variation within the species. — The topotypes of this species show marked variation in the depth of the sulcus between the visceral disc and the ears. When the sulcus is shallow and not pronounced the rugae extend on to the ears so that these are semireticulate. This ex,tension of the semireticulation has an effect on the size of the auricular spines, since where the rugae are present the spines are small and similar to those of the visceral disc, these replacing the larger spines seen in specimens with a deep sulcus. Recognising this as a variation within the species it is then possible to include the two forms distinguished by Hosking (1933, p. 46) in the one species. A second variable feature of the specimens is the extent of the semi- retieulation along the curvilinear length of the shell. Although owing to the crushing of many of the specimens it is difficult to determine the original shapes, it would seem that rugae are not developed after there is a change in the direction of growth, even where this does not amount to a geniculation. This relation between the shape of the shell and the ornamentation probably Figure 2. Cardinal process of D. callytharrensis sp. nov. (x6). 16 K. L. Prendergast, exists throughout the semiretieulate group. Dictyoclostus semireticulatus (Martin), for example, has semiretieulate ornamentation throughput its growth, and no change takes place in the curvature. The Irwin River specimens show the same range of variation as those from the type locality. Comparison with other species. — The specimens of this species have little in common with Productus (Dictyoclostus) semireticulatus Martin s. str. to which species they have been previously assigned. They ditfer in having the brachial valve geniculate, the rugae restricted to the visceral disc, the arrangement of the spines on the visceral disc and the division of the ears from the flanks. Briefly the only characteristic common to both species is the presence of semiretieulate ornamentation. The species has much in common with Upper Carboniferous and Permian forms of India and China. It probably occurs in Timor (Basleo) as Broili’s figures and specimens (1916 pi. cxvi figs. 14-16) show the same characteris- tics as the Australian species and Broili gives a reference to Etheridge (1903) in his synonymy. Of the Chinese specimens P. taiyuanfuensis Grabau as figured by Chao (1927 p. 30 pi. i fig. 10; pi. ii figs. 1-12; pi. viii fig. 16) from the Taiyuan Series is very close to 1). callytkarreivsis. The costation of the Chinese shells is much coarser (the costae vary from 0.5 to 1.3 mm. in width as compared with 0.3 to 0.5 mm.), the larger spines are more numerous and more closely spaced, particularly the I’ow along the inner edge of the ears where each spine touches its neighbour. Z>. callytharrensis is undoubtedly related to the P. sj^iralis-subcostatus group from the Salt Range. Freeh first suggested that the forms P. spiralis and P. indicus were possibly the younger and older specimens of the same species, and Broili supported this. More lately Cowper Reed (1931 p. 2) has suggested that the whole group, P. spiralis, indicus, vishnu, aratus and subcostatus are probably all members of one species group. The neax’est form of this group to P. callytharrensis is P. indicus, but the Western Australian specimens may be distinguished from that species by the tendency in the Indian species for the costae to converge towards, and disappear in, the sinus. Also the spiral arrangement of the costae on the ears cannot be seen in the Australian specimens. The costation is much coarser in P. indicus (7 costae in 10 mm., 10 mm. from the umbo). Dictyoclostus callytharrensis var. wadei va.r. nov. PI. II., figs. 2-4. Bolotype. — U.W.A. 20453, fernigiiious limestone, two miles east 10° south of Mount Nicholson, Kimberley Division; Nooneanbah Series. Topotypes. — U.W.A. , A.58, A. 59, A.65, same locality and horizon. Diagnosis. — Shell as in Dictyoclostus callytharrensis but -with approxi- mately hexagonal outline and arched umbonal region. Ears reflexed but not offset from flanks. Pedicle valve sinuate, with semireticulation on almost one-third of curvilinear length of valve, costae irregular, prominent and enlarged on trail, converging towards sinus. Brachial valve unknown. Description. — The holotype of this variety is a weathered and decor- ticated specimen. It is 63.7 mm. wide at the hinge-line and 54.5 mm. long. The semiretieulate ornament of the visceral disc is badly worn, but probably occupied about 34 mm. along the curvilinear length. The ears, though refiexed, are continuous with the anterior margin of the valve. The trail is ornamented Permian Productinae and Strophalosiinae of W.A. IT by large costae, variable in width, bearing large spine bases; these show no regular arrangement. The costae tend to approach and disappear in the sinus. Two large spines are on the ears and three on the flanks just above the angle separating the ears. There is no enlarged rib or hollow on which they are placed. The umbo is rounded and barely overhangs the hinge-line. The ginglymus, if present, is obscured by matrix. Variation within the species. — Owing to the paucity of specimens (5) it is impossible to determine the limits of variation. Comparison with other species. — This variety differs from D. callythar- rensis in the shape of the ears (here continuous with the anterior margin but in D. callytharrensis distinct and joining the lateral margin about halfway down the flanks), the greater convexity of the flanks and the invariable appearance of a well-marked sinus in the pedicle valve. The folds, too, in this species are enlarged costae and not formed, as in D. callytharrensiSj by two or more costae coalescing. In all these particulars they approach P. indictis AVaagen, but continually differ in the much finer ornamentation. It is possible that this form should constitute a distinct species, but in the absence of any definite knowledge of their stratigraphical relations to D. callytharrensis I have preferred to designate them as a variety. They are obviously closely related to I), callytharrensis mihi. Dictyoclostus gratiosus (AVaagen). PI. ii, figs. 5-7. 1884. — Producius gratiosus AVaagen, p. 691, pi. Ixxii, figs. 3*7. 1893. — Prodiictus gratiosus AVaagen, Rothpletz, p. 76, pi, x, fig. 15. Idld.—Productus gratiosus AA^aagen, Broili, p. 12, pi. cxvi, figs. 4, 5, 7-13. 1927. — Prodiictus gratiosus AA^aagen, Chao, p. 44, pi. iv, figs. 6-10. 1928. — Producius gratiosus AVaagen, Hamlet, pp. 19, 20. 21aterial. — Aus. Mus. F 37567 — Vi mile east of shale outcrop, Minilya River, North-AVest Division, Wandagee Stage. F 37568 — 14 mile west of shale outcrop, same locality and horizon. F 37569-37571 — Bank of Minilya River, same locality and horizon. Diagnosis . — Shell small to moderate in size, outline hexagonal. Pedicle valve inflated, geniculate; brachial valve concave. Greatest width at hinge- line, ears small and pointed. Pedicle valve with flat visceral disc, shell geniculate. Ornamentation reticulate on visceral disc, costate on trail. Strong sinus. Small erect spines scattered on trail and alar extremities. Costae converging towards sinus. Brachial valve concave with median fold. Ears excavated, smooth or lightly costate. Convergence of costae toAvards fold. Valve with reticulate ornamentation on posterior part of shell. Internal characters not knoAvn. Description. Dimensions. Length of hinge-line 27-8 18-0-h 16-6 + 25-0 14‘5-h Height Curvilinear length of pedicle 17-7 13-7 16*1 15-8 11*7 + valve 30*9 21-0 32*3 31*8 21-0 18 K. L. Prendergast. The shells are small to moderate in size as may be seen from the table of dimensions. They have an irregularly hexagonal outline when viewed from the pedicle side, with the hinge-line the greatest width of the shell. The pedicle valve has a fiattish visceral disc which, following the geni- culation of the shell, passes into a regularly curved trail. Transversely the shell arch is high, indented medially by a strong median sinus and falling gradually to the lateral margins in a slightly convex slope. The umbo is small, pointed and slightly overhanging the hinge-line. The ears are small and pointed, they have a convex profile in longitudinal section. The orna- mentation is reticulate on the visceral disc, the reticulation sometimes irregular due to the enlarged rugae on some specimens. The rugae do not develop anterior to the geniculation, the trail carrying costae and scattered spine bases. The latter are rarely numerous, not more than 4 or 5 being present. The co.stae converge slightly towards the sinus giving a very distinct and characteristic appearance to the shell. The brachial valve is trapezoidal in outline, the long straight hinge-line and the anterior margin being the parallel sides. It is regularly concave with a median fold which expands towards the anterior margin. The ears are excavated to fit tightly with those of the pedicle valve. The ornamenta- tion is reticulate over the jDOSterior third of the shell, the rugae then develop irregularly and the ornamentation of the rest of the shell may be described as costate. The costae radiate from the umbo, those in the central part of the shell converging towards and finally coalescing on the median fold. The internal features of this s]iecies are not shown by any of the Western Australian specimens. Comparison with other species . — This species is distinct from other Western Australian scmireticulate productids in its small size. The converg- ence of the costae towards the sinus in the pedicle valve and the fold in the brachial valve serve to distinguish it from other small members of the semi- reticulate group. In the Western Australian specimens the convergence of the costae is not so marked as in some of the Indian and Timor forms. Examination of the Timor specimens shows, however, that there is a large range of variation in the extent of the convergence. Remarks . — As the internal features of this species are not known the generic placement is insecure. In external appearance the shells are similar to Marginifera Waagen, and knowledge of the internal structures is neces- sary before it can be said that they do not belong to that genus. Dictyoclostus spiralis (Waagen). PI. ii, figs 8, 9. 1S84-. — Pivdvctus spiralis Waagen, p. 681, pi. Ixvii, fig, 6; pi. Ixviii, fig. 3; pi. Ixix, figs. 1 1 2, 3. 1916. — Prodnetus spiralis Waagen, Rroili, p. 11, pi. cxvii, figs. 1-5. 1927. — Pradiictus spiralis Waagen, Piener, p. 26. 1928. — Productus spiralis Waagen, Hamlet, p. 16. Material. — Axis. Miis. F 36513, 36514, 36515, W'yndliam Gap, North-West Division, Western Australia. Callytharra stage. Diagnosis . — Shell large, regularly curved through 270°. Hinge-line equal to greatest width. Ears large and reflexed. Pedicle valve highly inflated with arched umbonal region, sides parallel and .steep. Ornamentation reticulate on Permian Productinae and Strophalosiinae of W.A. 19 posterior third of shell, eostate on anterior two-thirds, no development of folds on trail. Slight convergence of costae in sinus. Ornamentation on ears partly reticulate, partly costate, costae showing spiral arrangements. Row of spines along hinge-line and along line of separation of ears and flanks. Brachial valve flatly concave with strong geniculation. Ornamentation reticulate on visceral disc, costate on trail. Ears deeply excavated, smooth or with concentric wrinkles only. No spines. Cardinal process short, trifld. Well developed adductor muscle impressions. Muscle and brachial impressions of typical productid pattern. Description. — Only pedicle valves are known from Western Australia. These have the following dimensions : — Description. 1. 2. 3. Length of hinge-line 88*2 63-0-f Height 45*6 58-1 48-9 Curvilinear length 134-0 112-0 99-4 The shell is large, as shown by the table, and curved in a regular spiral, there being no pronounced change in the rate of curvature throughout the period of shell growth. The umbo, though incurved, is blunt and scarcely overhanging the hinge-line. The hinge-line is straight and long, and forms the maximum breadth of the shell, about one quarter of this width being occupied by the ears alone. These are prominent features of the shell, they are strongly reflexed with a triangular outline. Their surface makes an obtuse angle with that of the flanks. A median sinus arises near the umbo and becomes deeper towards the anterior margin. The ornamentation is reticulate on the posterior third of the shell, the rugae and costae being equally developed, thus giving an even pattern. On the trail the costae become more irregular, this irregularity being due to a change in disposition of the costae above and below the large spines which develop sporadically in this part of the shell. No grouping of the costae into fasciculi is seen in this species. A row of strong spines occurs along the hinge-line and along the flanks at the line of separation of the ears. The ornamentation of the ears is one of the characteristic features of the species. No new costae arise along the hinge-line after the shell ornamenta- tion has ceased to be reticulate and those already formed become more widely separated as the shell grows and, following the curvature of the valve, show a spiral arrangement when viewed from the side. Comparison with other species. — The spiral ornamentation of the ears is a distinctive character of this species, and differentiates it quite clearly from Dictyoclostus caUytharrensis. The visceral cavity is much shalloww in the latter species, not showdng the arching in the umbonal region which is seen both in D. spiralis and in D. callytharrensis var. wadei. In both D. callytharrensis and its variation the costae on the trail are grouped into fasciculi, a condition not seen in D. spiralis. For the distinction of D. spiralis from the Indian members of the spiralis-suhcostatus reference should be made to Waagen (1884). 20 K. L. PREXDERGAST. LINOPRODUCTUS Chao. 1927. — Chao, Falaeoni. sinica, ser. B, V, fasc. 2, p. 128. 1928. — Chao, ibid, fasc. 3., p. 63. 1931. — Paeckehuann, pp. 75, 206. Genotype. — Productus cora d'Orbigny, 1842, Vov. Amer, Merid., vol. 3, Pal., p. 55, pi. V, figs. 8-10. Diagnosis. — Thin-shelled Productids with convex pedicle valve; brachial valve flat or concave in visceral portion, sometimes geniculated anteriorly. Hinge-line equal to or less than the greatest width. Both valves without -cardinal area. Pedicle valve evenly convex or sinuate. Surface ornamentation of fine radiating striae and indistinct concentric wrinkles; wrinkles more marked on the brachial valve. Scattered spines on striae present or absent. Pedicle valve with marginal ridges weak and muscles not strongly impressed. Median septum in brachial valve. No brachial cones. Bemarlx'S. — Chao has divided Linoproductids with wavy undulations and pustulose spines into two groups, one characterised by P- cancriniformis (Tschernyschew), and the other by P. villiersi d^Orbigny. These groups are separated by the character of the brachial valve, regularly concave in P. villiersi and geniculate in P. cancriniformis. Linoproductus cora (d’Orbigny). 1842. — Product'us corn d’Orbiguy, p. 55, pi. v, figs. 8, 10. 1911. — Producius cora d ’Orbigny, Diener, p. 19, pi. iii, figs. 3-13. 1914.“ProdHcf«.S‘ cora d ’Orbigny, Kozlowski, p. 48, pi. iv, fig. 19 ; pi. v, fig. 5; pi. vi, figs. 1-10; text-fig. 8. 1916. — Productus cora d’Orbigny, Broili, p. 19, pi. cxv (1), figs. 14-15; pi. cxvi (2), figs. 1-3. 1927. — Productus cora d’Orbiguy, Chao, p. 132, pi. xiii, figs. 17-18; pi. xiv, figs. 1-4. 1927. — Productus cora d’Orbigny, Diener, p. 24. For complete synonymy see Broili (1916) and Diener (1911). Diagnosis. — Linoproductids of variable size, transversely oval to elon- gated oval in shape, hinge-line equal to gi'catest width of shell. Pedicle valve swollen, evenly convex in longitudinal profile, medially rounded or with broad sinus ; tendency to spread and flatten in fan-like form anteriorly; flanks sloping steeply from visceral portion. Shell arched over hinge-line, umbo incurved, slightly overhanging the hinge-line. Ears flat, their surface perpendicular to flanks of valve. Ornamentation of fine raised and rounded striae, subparallel or flexuous and irreg^ular; increasing in num- ber by intercalation of new striae between those pre-existing. Concentric folds on ears, not crossing visceral disc. Row of spines along hinge margin, spines present or absent on rest of valve. Description. — Productus cora was first described by d’Orbigny from South America, but the incompleteness of his description led to confusion in the interpretation of the si^ecies for many years. The examination of a large number of topotypes by Ivozlowski in 1914 showed that there was a large variation Avithin the species, and his description is here summarised. It varied in shape from transversely to longitudinally oval; the pedicle valve might be very SAVollcn in the median region or only moderately so ; the umbo was sometimes, but hot always, strongly incurved; the pedicle valve Avas PERillAN PrODUCTINAE AND StROPHALOSHNAE OF W.A. 21 .sometimes impressed by a median sinus, sometimes regularly curved trans- versely; the striae varied in hexuosity and in the number of spines borne on the body of the valve. Each of these varied independently of the others, except possibly that the flexuosity of the striae was correlated with ihe presence of spines, one or more uniting, a spine arising at the point of union .and the striae then disassociating. Interiorly the dendriiic adductor impressions of the pedicle valve are elongated and parallel to the median line while the diductor impressions are .short, broad and longitudinally striated, arising at the loAver edge of the adductors. The brachial valve has a raised median septum, adductors dendritic on each side of the septum, reniform impressions running laterally from the base of the adductors, following the lateral and antero-lateral margins, then returning to the point of origin. Cardinal process trilobed, median lobs raised above the two laterals. Marginal ridges arising at the base of the cardinal process and continuing along the hinge to the ears. A hollow separating the ears from the visceral disc, runs obliquely from the base of the cardinal process. Remarks, — Diener in 1911, after examining a collection of Linoproductid shells from the Fusulina Limestone of Kehsi Mansani suggested that P. coru d’Orbigny should be enlarged to include those forms previously assigned to the species P. neffedlevi Verneuil, P, corriigatus McCoy, P. prattenianus Norwood and Pratten and P. Uneatus Waagen. In this collection were forms which, Avhile they could not be separated from the type specimens of these .species, formed a continuous series with the specimens of undoubted P. cora. Diener’s conclusions that P. cora included a wide variety of forms has since .been strengthened by Kozlowski's work on the topotypes of P. cora. Koz- lowski regards P. prattenianus and P. Uneatus as members of the ‘^cora'^ species group. He adds, too, P. ovaius Hall, but thinks that there is a 'detinite, if unimportant, distinction between P. cora and 1\ corragaPus in that in the latter species the spines arise on any striae at its confluence with several others whereas in P. cora it is usual for the same stria to bear several s})ines at different places along its lengtli. These two authors have each had access to a large lutmber of specimens and have, each independently of the other, found that P. cora is a very variable species and includes in itself P. Uneatus, P. prattenianus, P. neffedievi and P. ovatus. The conclusion of such men, working with good material must be accepted, and even while these groups may be distinguished by varietal names, it must be rememl)ered that they all belong to the one species ■group — Prodnctiis cora d’Orbigny. Australian Bistrihution. — This species has been previously recorded and figured from Tillighary, N.S.W., by de Koninck. The specimens were, how- ever, burnt in 1882. Other references to this species in Australian literatiu’e (Etheridge jun. 1872, P]theridge and Jack 1892, and Etheridge and Dun 1909) are not included in the synonymy of the species as in all the specimens figured the concentric markings are strong on the pedicle valve, a condition not showui in any of KozloAvski’s or Diener ’s figures. These S]iecimens* have not been (examined, and consequently no ojiinion is expressed on the validity of the identifications. Productus cora has been recorded from Western Australia by Chapman :and Glauert (1910, p. 87), It was recorded from the Kimberley District by 90 K. L. Prendergast. Chapman in 1924 (p. 36), but the specimen has since been re-examined by Miss Hosking, and re-identified as Streptorhynchus luiluigui (Hosking 1932^ p. 45). Linoproductus cora var. foordi (Eth. hi). I’l. iii, figs. 3-5. 1890 . — Froducius temiisiriatus de Verneuil, Foord, p. 151, pi. vii, figs. 4, 4a.. 1903. — P. te7iuisfriatus de Verneuil, var.. foordi Etheridge, jun., p. 19, pi. i,, figs. 3-4; pi. iii, fig. 22. 1907. — P. tenuistriatus var. foordi Etheridge, jun., p. 30, pi. ix, figs. 4-6. 1910. — P. tenuistriatus var. foordi Eth. fiL, Glauert, p. 87. 1931. — P. tenuistriatus var. foordi Eth. fil., Hosking, pp. 8, 22. Specimens. — G.S.W.A. 1/4683, south bank of Wooramel River below Cally- tharra Spring, Callytharra Limestone. G.S.W.A. 5708b., Fossil Cliff, Irwin River. Aus. Mus. F 36247, 36251-36255 (inch), Gascoyne River, near Winnemia^ North-West Division. Byro Stage. Aus. Mus. F 9027, Wyndham River, North-West Division. Byro Stage Aus. Mus. F 36287, Gascoyne River, North-West Division. Byro Stage. U.W.A. 10822, Fossil Cliff, Irwin River. Fossil Cliff horizon. Diagnosis . — Linoproductids with elongate oval outline, hinge-line equal to gi’eatest -width of shell. Pedicle valve without median sinus. Visceral region very swollen, arch- ing over hinge-line, umbo slightly overhanging hinge-line. Ears small and hat. Valve regularly curved in longitudinal prohle. Striae hne, irregular,, increasing by intercalation along a definite zone. Concentric wrinkles weak,, not crossing visceral disc. Groups of spines at cardinal angles and one row at low angle to hinge-line. Brachial valve concave, ornamentation as in P. cora d’Orbigny. Description . — The pedicle valve has an elongated oval outline in the larger specimens. It is gibbous in the visceral region falling rapidly at the sides to small, flat ears, and truncated posteriorly by a small umbo over- hanging the hinge-line. Anteriorly there is a decrease in the curvature so that the shell is elongated rather than globular. A row of spines along the- hinge, at about 10° to the cardinal margin terminates in a group of from 4-6 spines on each ear. No spines occur on the rest of the shell. The longi- tudinal striae are fine (20-40 measured over a breadth of 20 mm. at a dis- tance of 10 mm. from the umbo), and vary in irregularity. On some speci- mens they may run almost parallel for the length of the shell, but more usually two or more unite and re-divide later, having an irregular course. The striae increase by intercalation and this takes place in most specimens,, at about the same stage of growth. The amount of increase, too, varies, one or two striae being intercalated between a pair of primaries. Folds on the- ears are not seen on the majority of specimens and where they are present never cross the visceral part of the shell. The brachial valve is concave, the ornamentation as in the pedicle valve,, but crossed by concentric wrinkles. The valve is devoid of spines. Permian Productinae and Strophalosiinae of W.A. 23 The sizes of the specimens (pedicle valves) are shown by the following table : — 1 . 2. 3. 4. 5. 6. Height 29-1-f 22-8-h 31-0 + 23-7 + 23-04- 14-1 Maximum width 29-4 + 25- 1-h 27-0-f 27-04- 24-0 + 13-3 Length of hinge- line 22-9 + 20'2-y 19-84- 25-0 18-6 + 13-3 Curvilinear length 50-0-1- 39-3-h 56-0 + 41-14- 35-5-f 21-8 No specimens examined have both valves in position, it is thus impossible to estimate the thickness of the shell. The width of the hinge-line as shown by these figures is less than the maximum width of the shell. The ears in these specimens are very fragile .and readily break off; the only complete specimen is a small one (No. 6). The internal structures are as described for the species P. cora^ the muscles being inserted in definite fossae. Comparison with other forms. — These specimens have been referred for many years to Prodiictus temiistriatus Verneuil, although distinguished as a variety. Etheridge (1903) separated them as a variety giving as his reasons the much coarser and more irregular ornamentation (in P. temiistriatus there are 50-60 striae in 20 mm. at a distance of 20 mm. from the umbo). They differ from that species, too, in the width of the hinge-line, the arching of the i)edicle valve and the regular anterior elongation, P. tenuistriatus being irregularly produced anteriorly. Etheridge has already said that this form belonged to the ^^cora’^ group (1907, p. 30). Specimens from Timor (Broili 1916, pi. cxv., figs. 15-16; pi. cxvi., figs. 1-3) probably belong to this variety ‘Oi P. eora. This variety is not distinct from P. cora d’Orbigny. It is a variety within that species as can be seen by a comparison of KozlowskPs figures (pi. vi., figs. 7a, b) and figures accompanying this paper, but a variety which has become stabilised in this area. The limits of variation are narrower than in those from South America. The shell shape is constant as is the convexity ■of the pedicle vaNe, it is not sinuated and does not carry spines on the main part of the shell. The varietal name is retained for these specimens until the complete range of Productus cora d’Orbigny is seen in this country. Linoproductus cancriniformis (Tschernyschew). 1889. — P. cancriniformis Tschernyschew, p. 373, p]. vii, figs. 32, 33. 1897. — P. cancriniformis Tsehern. Diener, vol. 1, Pt. Ill, p. 25, pi. vi, figs, fia-b, 7a-d. 1897. — P. cancriniformis Tsehern. Diener, vol. 1, Pt. TV, p. 31, pi. 1, figs. 1907. — ^‘P, nndatus^^ Def ranee, Eth. fil., p. 30. 1916.- — P. cancriniformis Tsehern., Broili, p. 13, pi. cxvi, fig. 6. 1918. — ‘^P. hellns’^ Eth. fil., p. 254, pi. xxxix, fig. 4-5; pi. xl, fig. 6. 1928. — L. cancriniformis (Tsehern.), Chao, p. 65, pi. v, figs. 8-9. 1934. — L. cancriniformis (Tsehern.), Prendergast, p. 14, pi. ii, figs. 7-12. 1936. — L. ca7ieriniformis (Tsehern.), Douglas, p. 30, pi. iv, fig. 3. 24 K. L. Prexdergast. MatericK — Aus. Miis. F 38453-38457, 9069, Minilya Biver, North-West Division. Wandagee Stage. Aus. Mus. P 37580, Vi mile west of shale outcrop. Northern bank. Same- locality and horizon. Aus. Mils. F 37576, % mile cast of shale outcrop. Northern bank. Same locality and horizon. Aus. Mus. F 16729, 10749, Irwin River District Fossil Cliff horizon. Aus. Mus. F 37565, ^4 mile east of fault, south bank of Minilya River, North-West Division. Wandagee Stage. Diagnosis . — Linoproductids with non-sinuate pedicle valve, hinge-line' equal to greatest width of shell, umbo overhanging hinge-line; ears distinct but not prominent. Shell ornamentation of fine striae, becoming swollen at regular intervals to give anteriorly directed spines, quincuneially arranged. Row of spines along cardinal margin. Visceral disc crossed by concentric wrinkles; size and extent of wrinkles variable. Brachial valve flat over visceral disc becoming strongly geniculated' anteriorly. Short median septum. Ornamentation as on pedicle valve. Internal features not known. Description . — For description and discussion of this species see Prender- gast, 1934, p. 14. Linoproductus cancriniformis var. lyoni var. nov. PI. iii, figs. 1-2. Jfolofypc-. — Aus. Mus. F 36530, 10 chiis. north-west of Giiarrca Pool near- Winning Statin, North-West Division. Lyons Stage. Topotypes. — Aus. Mus. P 36533, 36535, 36537, 36538, 36540. Same locality and horizon. Diagnosis . — Shell medium to large, semi-circular outline. Pedicle valve evenly convex, not swollen, without median sinus. Hinge-line straight, equals, greatest width of shell. Umbo strong, not incurved, not overhanging hinge- line. Ears large, fiat, not clearly differentiated from body of shell. Orna- mentation as in Linoproductus caneriniformis Tschern. Brachial valve and internal structures of pedicle valve not known. Description. Dimensions. 36530. 36531. 36532. Length of hinge-line 43-7 34-5 22*7 Height 32-6 28-0 21-5 Curvilinear length of pedicle valve 41-0 25*8 34-2 The pedicle valve has a semi-circular outline with the greatest Avidth at the hinge-line. The longitudinal profile of the shell is a regular cuiwe be- coming geniculate near the front; transversely the curve is regular, without any median flattening. The ears are large Avith alar angles right angles, they are not distinct from the body of the shell. The shell surface is covered Avith fine radial striae (10-13 in 10 mm. measured at a distance of 20 mm. from the umbo) bearing swollen elongated spine-bases arranged in; Permian Productinae and Strophalosiinae of W.A. 2d seudo-delticl!uiu, triangular or parallel-sided, divides the area. In some specimens, for instance Aulosteyes ivangenheimi (Verneuil), small s])ines are present on the pseudo- deltidium. These are not seen in all other species, but their occasional oc- currence suggests that their absence is secondary, due to removal. The umbo is sharp and pointed, and usually erect. AVhere, howevei’, the umbo has been deformed by attachment, it may be twisted to one side or produced across the area {see, for example, Aulosteges haracoodensis Eth. til., 1914, pi. iv, fig. 13). The surface of the valve is ornamented by spines, erect and/or adherent, and may be concentrically wrinkled on the visceral disc. Radial lirae are seen in some of the species, e.g., A. ivolfcampensis King and A. medlicottianus Waagen, while stronger radial markings ornament the trail in A. tibeticus Diener. Permian Produotinae and Strophalosiinae of W.A. 33 The brachial valve of the genotype A. wangenlieimi (Verneuil) is slightly convex over the visceral disc, becoming concave with geniculated margins. This valve has an operculiform character throughout this genus, serving as a fiattish or slightly concave lid for the visceral cavity. The ornamentation is as in the pedicle valve. A description of the internal features of a brachial valve of A. wange^i- heimi (B.M. BB 32-79) will illustrate the characteristic features of the valve. The cardinal process is large and trilobate, it is inserted perpendicular to the hinge-line so that it extends horizontally, not vertically as in the Pro- ductids. The roots of the cardinal process extend posteriorly, and some part of them now lies behind the hinge-line. This is protected externally by a triangular extension of the brachial valve which fills the delthyrium of the pedicle valve. This structure of the cardinal process is characteristic of the genus. At its base the cardinal process is continued into two thickened ridges which run parallel to the hinge-line, leaving, posterior to them, a rectangular platform of which the surface of the valve forms the back and the thickened ridge the floor. The development of these ridges varies within the one species even under the same environmental conditions; one of the specimens exam- ined (B.M. BB 3278) had them enormously thickened (see Figure 4), while in another they were but feebly developed with little laterial expansion. In the thickened specimen two ridges, directed towards the centre of the shell, arise at the base of the cardinal process and unite in the middle line to con- tinue forward as the median septum. These two ridges and the lobes of the cardinal process form the edges of a diamond-shaped depression which separates the cardinal process from the median septum. With less-developed ridges the anterior sides of the depression become obscured. Figure 4. Interior of Bracliial Valve of Aulosteges wangenheimi (Verneuil). Permian. Mt. Grebeni, near Orenburg, Russia. B.M. BB 3279 (X3). 34 K. L. Prexdergast. The dendritic muscde impressions are situated in sub-triangular depres- sions on each side of the median septum. At the base of each, the brachial impression arises, runs parallel to the hinge-line almost to the lateral margin,, then turns anteriorly to form an open loop. On no specimen have the im- pressions continued to the median septum. In the area circumscribed by the brachial impressions the inner shell surface is smooth and shiny, elsewhere it is finely iDitted. Figure 5. Cardinal Process of Aulosteges wangenheimi (Verneuil). Permian. Mt. Grebeni, near Orenburg, Russia. B.M. BB 3278. (a) vertical, (b) lateral (c) horizontal (X3). Coynimrison with other genera. — The genus Aulosteges is distinct from members of the Strophalosiinae in the possession of a high reclined area, poor articulation, a cardinal process orientated perpendicular to the commis- sural plane of the valves, the triangular extension of the cardinal margin of the brachial valve and the dendritic adductor impressions in the brachial valve. The high area of Aulosteges and the horizontal inclination of the cardinal process serve as distinguishing features from the Productus spinosi group. In view of the prevailing opinion of Russian palaeontologists that Aulosteges is a synonym of StropJialosia^ the differences between the two genera will be considered more fully. Netschajew (1911, p. 144) states that, the only significant feature distinguishing the two is the presence of deltidial spines in Aulosteges. Such a statement completely ignores the differences in the internal structure of the brachial valve. It must be admitted, however, that the internal features of the Russian species Strophalosia horrescens^ S. fragilis and 8 . gigas are very similar to those of Aulosteges. The muscle impressions are dendritic, the cardinal process inclined towards the horizontal and the pattern of the brachial impressions productoid. It is here that the error lies, for those species mentioned above do not belong to the genus Strophalosia^ they are Aulosteges, Licharew (1937, p. 128), while stressing the synonymity of Aulosteges and Strophalosia, recognised that the Russian “ Strophaloskd^ did not come within the accepted conception of that genus. He compromised by suggesting Permian Productinae and Stropralosiinae of W.A. 35 that the S. horrescens group should be distinguished as Aulosteges, a sub- genus of Stroplialosia. But why a sub-genus? Strophalosia is distinguished by non-dendritic muscle impressions, a smallish cardinal process, a perclined area of moderate height in the pedicle valve and well-developed dentition. "What features, therefore, have Aulosteges and Strophalosia in common that would induce us to consider one as a sub-division of the other? The posses- sion of a concavo-convex shell with an area on the pedicle valve and usually a spinose ornamentation is surely insufficient evidence for this grouping when so many points of difference are considered. Fredericks has a more positive reason for distinguishing between the two genera. He says (1931, p. 209) rhat both genera are characterised by the presence of an apical apparatus representing a reduced spondylium. The apical plates have become delthyrial ridges and the secondary septum a median ridge. These elements, Fredericks says, retain their connection at the apex of the umbo. He publishes no diagrams in support of this hypothesis, which rests, therefore, solely on his interpretation of these struc- tures — structures which would be preserved in only those specimens where no deformation of the umbo had occurred. The presence of such a structure would not do more than suggest a similar origin for both genera, a view which has not been disputed, and if other points of difference are present, would not preclude the maintenance of each as a separate genus. Subge7iera. — Two subgenera of Aulosteges have been proposed: Wyatkina Fredericks. Strophalosiina Licharew. These subgenera agree with Aulosteges in essentials, but differ in minor details. Wyatkina Fredericks (1931, p. 210 footnote) with subgenoholotype Aulosteges gigas Netschajew includes : — “Stropralosia-\\ke forms^ yet with primitive apical apparatus devoid of delthyrial ridges and euseptoid. Ornamentation consisting of thin spines. Muscle impressions of the ventral valve and structure of the dorsal valve as in Strophalosia.” (The Strophalosia of this paragraph refers to the Russian forms, i.e., Aulosteges.) Licharew suggests (1937, p. 128) that the delthyrial ridg'es are probably only x^resent when the deposition of shell substance has been excessive and these ridges would be the outward manifestation of teeth. This explanation seems quite plausible. As few Aulosteges possess either teeth or delthyrial ridges, Fredericks’s subgenus would include nearly all the members of the genus. Farther observations are necessary before any conclusion can be accepted with certainty. Strophalosiina Licharew (1935, p. 369) with subgenoholotvpe Aulosteges tibeticus Diener is distinguished from other members of Aulosteges by its geniculate ])ediele valve and peculiar ornamentation. Anterior to the genieu- latioii the surface of the shell is covered with radial i>li("ations w'hile on the visceral disc the plications are replaced by irregular concentric wrinkles and radially arranged pustules. Tliese subgenera, Wyatkina and Strophalosiina are closely related. Indeed, from a study of the literature they seem identical, since according to Hamlet, A. tibeticus = A. medlicottianus, while Renz says that A. gigas “ K. L. Prendergast. 3() A. medlic\ottianus\ therefore, since those things which are equal to the same thing are equal to one another: — A. tibeticus == A. giga-^, therefore Wyatkina — Strophalosiina. If the ])remises are true Strophalosiina is a synonym of Wyatkina. The author has not been able to see the original description and figures of A. gigas, so cannot discuss its affinities with A. tiheticus. The diagnostic feature of .^1. tiheticus is the ornamentation, and later writers on A. gigas do not describe that shell as radially plicate. Until further information is available, Stroplialosuna and Wyatkina are accepted as subgenera of Aulosteges. Aulosteges spinosus Hosking. PI. iv, figs. 7-10. 1981 . — Aulosteges spi}ws-us Hosking, p. 17, pi. iii., figs. 7a-d, 1938 . — Aulosteges spi7iosus Hosking, p. 37. Material. — Aus. Mus. F 38444, 37710, Wandagee Station, Minilya River,. North-West Division. Wandagee Stage. Diagnosis. — Shell small to medium in size, subquadrangular, wider than long. Surface of both valves with small perforated tubercles bearing small spines. Pedicle valve convex, not swollen, faint median sinus. Umbo high, not overturned, Area broad, slightly concave and recurved to cardinal margin^ j^seudo-deltidium narrow, highly arched. Brachial valve flat, triangular extension of cardinal margin large. Internal features unknown. Description. — For complete description of this species reference should be made to Hosking (1981, p. 17 et seq.). Two rather dissimilar sj)ecies from the North-West Division are here referred to this species. Dimensions. Length Type : 18-8 38444. 45*1 -f 37710. 20 Breadth .... 19-7 + 43-0 -f 22 Length of hinge-line 14-5 21-3 + 15 Thickness — 7-4 F 38444 is a com])Iete specimen with both valves. The umbo is distorted by a cicatrix of attachment and twisted slightly to the left. The area is high and very worn so that no growth lines or transverse striations are prescr\'ed. It has the same recurving to the cardinal margin as noted by Hosking in the description of the holotype. The pseudo-deltidium is narrow and parallel- sided; it has twisted, with the twisting of the umbo, to the left. An indenta- tion of the valve, as the beginnings of a median sinus, occurs near the anterior margin. The ornamentation of the pedicle valve is of fine forward- projecting spine bases. Permian Productinae and Strophalosiinae of W.A. 37 The brachial valve is fiat and is without an upturned margin. The median septum crosses two-thirds of the length of the shell. The surface of the valve is roughened by weathering, but numerous pits indicate the former presence of spines. A much larger specimen, F 37710, is a pedicle valve with a high undis- torted area. The valve has the same recurved margin and ornamentation as seen in the type. The median sinus is well-developed anteriorly, but is faint on the visceral portion of the shell. The area is wnde and longitudinally striate; the pseudo-deltidium is narrow, parallel-sided and bears nodular perforated tubercles; it is short, continuing for only half the width of the area so that a large open space occu])ies the centre of the cardinal margin (filled, when the brachial valve is in position, by the triangular extension of the cardinal margin). This specimen differs from the type in size and in the possession of deltidial spines. Although no intermediate forms are known it is im])ossible to separate the specimen on those grounds alone. The deltidial spines are rarely present in species of Aulosteges and their absence may be due to removal by weathering rather than to a difference in development. Bey^iar'ks . — The distinctive feature of this species is the sharp recurving of the area, a feature not seen in other species of the genus. The a]^pearanee of a larger shell with the same characteristics as those described for Aulosteges spinosus nullifies the suggestion of Hosking (1931^ p. 19) that this species was possibly only the young form of Aulosteges ingens Hosking, STROPHALOSIA King 1844. 1844. — King, Ayu). Mag. Nat. Hist., XIV, p. 318. Gniotiipe. — OrihU-' cxcavata Geinitz, Ueber einigc Petrefacte des Zeclisteins iiiul Miiscdielkalk's. .V. Jh. Min. Geol. Falllont. 1842, p. 578 Taf. x hgs. 12, 13. Diagnosis. — Small to medium-sized shells. Concave to platy-convex dorso- ventrally with Avell-developed areas on both valves. Umbo distorted by cica- trix of attachment. Ornamentation essentially lamellar, lamellae usually interrupted by spines on pedicle valve; spines rarely present on brachial valve. Pedicle valve with teeth litting into sockets of bachial valve. Brachial valve Avith median septum, non-dendritic muscular impressions and pro- nounced brachial impressions. Trifid cardinal process well-developed. Description. — The members of the genus Strophalosia are never large shells; they vary in shape from longitudinally to transversely oval, with the hinge-line equal to or slightly less than the greatest Avidth of the shell. The pedicle valve is usually evenly convex, rarely geniculate. The brachial valve is, however, usually geniculate, being flat or concave in the visceral portion AA’ith upturned lateral and antenlor margins. Both valves possess a distinct area, that of the pedicle \'alve being the larger. There is no ojmn delthyrium, a pseudo-deltidium being ahvays present. Strophalosia' has been described as a spinose Productid with an area. This description is, hoAvever, a little restricted, as all species of Strophalosia^ for example Strophalosia kimberlcgemis mihi, do not possess sjunes. The characteristic of the ornamentation is rather its lamellar structure. The lamellae are usually distinct, their outer surfaces and edges forming the ex- ternal shell surface. This distinctness of the lamellae indicates that in the 38 K. L. Pren'dergast. members of the genus shell formation was limited, probably by physical conditions, to certain times of the year, the periods of shell deposition being separated by intervals of (puescence during which no shell was deposited. That this response to physical conditions is a generic characteristic rather than due to abnormal physical conditions may be inferred from a study of forms living under the same physical conditions in which the lamellar struc- ture is not seen. Spines are often present; these may be recumbent or erect, many oi' few; they may be of two series or uniform in size, and are usually present on the pedicle valve, though but rarely found on the brachial valve. Internally, the structures of the brachial valve are characteristic of the genus, and the changes within the genus are largely reflected in the structure of this valve. A median septum is always present, varying in length from one-third to two-thirds of the length of the visceral portion of the valve. It separates the non-dendritic adductor muscle impressions which vary in posi- tion but shoAv no relation in their variation to the length of the median septum. The adductor impressions are usually divided into anterior and pos- terior adductors, but sometimes (e.g. Bramtonia) no such division is seen. The brachial impressions arise at the side of the adductor muscle scars and vary in position with the jmsition of the muscles. Where the muscles are medial or lower in the valve, that is, towards the anterior margin, the brachial impressions run almost parallel to the hinge-line and curve abruptly to the median septum, the condition seen in the Productus group. Where the adductors are situated higher in the valve the brachial impressions are found near the cardinal and lateral margins and approximately parallel to them. Figure 6. Internal Features of Brachial Valves — to illustrate the alteration in position of the Brachial Ini])ressions. (a) Productus latirostratus, (b) Strophalosia lamellosa var. humbletonensis, (c) Str. jukesi, (d) Str. kimberleyensis. (a), (b) and (c) after Davidson (Xli 2 )- The cardinal process, while it varies in minor details, retains throughout the genus, its typical trifid character. The process is always a compact one, the three parts being on the same horizontal level, in contrast with some Productids, e.g., Taeniothaeruf^ snbquadratus, where the central lobe is raised above the lateral lobes. The structures at the base of the process vary; this variation will be discussed later (p. 30). In the ]')edicle valve the adductor impressions are non-dendritic, central and varying in their position in the valve as do those of the brachial valve. The diductor impressions surround those of the adductor muscles and are longitudinally striate. In life the shells of this genus were probably orientated with the heavier pedicle valve resting on the substratum, the curvature of this valve and the upturned margins of the bracliial valve keeping the open edges of the shell above the level of disturbed water. The umbonal cicatrix shows that the Permian Producttnae and Strophalosiinae of W.A. 39 shell was attached at some period, but it is not known for what length of its life the shell maintained this position. If the shell was fixed only by cemen- tation the period of attachment was probably short as no specimens are known with the shell in this position nor are they usually broken across the umbonal region as one might expect. If, however, a process of the mantle aided cementation during life the shell would fall after the death of its in- habitant. There are no indications to show that such a process or processes existed, and one must conclude, in the absence of evidence to the contrary, that the Strophalosias were attached only during the earlier stages of growth. Remarks. — The large variation within the genus StrophaJosia is un- doubtedly due to the rate of adaptation in the different species to the seden- tary mode of life. In StropJialosia lamellosa var. linmbletonensis the shell shows a clear re- semblance to Productus in the arrangement of the musculature and brachial impressions. The adductor muscle impressions are central and the brachial impressions have a distinctly Productid aspect (see fig. 6, p. 38). If a form such as this assumed a sedentary mode of life with the point of attachment beneath the umbo, it is obvious that the structure is mechanic- ally unsound, as the muscles in -working, will be pulling against the point of attachment. To overcome this instability the muscles would tend to move backwards in the shell until they came to rest over the scar of attachment. This posteriorly directed movement of the muscles would push all those struc- tures posterior to them backwards, and these would thus tend to atrophy or be replaced by the originally more anterior elements. The backward move- ment of the muscles necessarily causes an alteration in the position of the brachial impressions, as already seen (see p. 38). In StropJialosia species with anteriorly placed muscle impressions, two oblique ridges arise, one on each side of the median septum, beneath the umbo and continue antero-laterally at an angle of about 45° to the hinge-line. As the muscles move posteriorly these ridges become displaced and gradually become the horizontal cardinal ridges as seen in Str. Jcimberleyensis mihi. They also impinge on the hinge-line so that the base of the cardinal process has different appearances according to the stage of movement of the muscles. Licharew (193*, p. 12 * ) states that the extreme condition of this move- ment is that shown by the Russian specimens in which the ridges have been pushed beyond the hinge-line, taking with them the sockets. The species to which Licharew refers, Str, fragilis and Str. horrescens, have dentritic ir.uscle impressions and must be placed as members of the genus Aulosteges. More- over, examination of the cardinal process of Str. horrescens shows that it has the typical trilobate structures and is not bifid, as might be expected if its mode of formation was as stated by Licharew. The backward movement of the ridges does change the form of the base of the cardinal process, but I have seen no specimen in which they replace it. The poor condition of the specimens of Str. clarkei figured by Etheridge (1880) led Licliarew to think that this series of changes took place within that species. Str. clarkei does represent an advanced stage, in that the muscle impressions are high and the ridges have come to assume a iiosition almost parallel to the hinge-line but the cardinal process has not been affected and the dental sockets are” deep. Comparison with other genera. — Strophalosia may be distinguished from both Aidosteges and Productus sensu lato by many features. In general, 40 K. L. PRENDERGAST. Strophalosia has a well-developed area on each valve, Aulosteges on the pedicle valve only, while ProducMis is without a true cardinal area. This distinction does not, of course, hold for all the Produetiis subgenera, in some of which, a cardinal area is developed. The non-dendritic adductor muscle impressions serve, however, to distinguish Stroi)}ialoMa from both Aulosteges and Productus as in tliese genera the adductors are alwaj^s dendritic. The posterior movement of the muscles and consequent change in pattern of the brachial impressions is also a typical Strophalosoid feature. Suhg(*ner a.— In recent years there has been much work done on tlie species of this genus, and it has now been subdivided into five subgejiera : — ETHERIDGINA Oehlert (— LEPTALOSIA Dunbar & Condra) STROPHALOSIINA Licbarew STROPHALOSIELLA Lii-harew WYNDHAMIA Booker HETERALOSIA King and with Aulosteges as a possible sixth or alternatively as a synonym. The relation of Aulosteges and Strophalosia has already been discussed (p. 34). Etheridglna includes those Strophalosias in which the shell is attached throughout the life of the animal, both by embracing spines and directly by the pedicle valve. A small cardinal area and teeth are sometimes, though not always present. Leptalosia, to include those forms possessing an area and teeth, cemented directly by the pedicle valve, was founded by Dunbar and Condra in 1932. Examination of the type specimens of Etheridgina com- plectens (Eth. til.), the genotype of Etheridgiue shows, however, that some of these specimens possess the hinge structures thought to be typical of Leptalosia. Leptalosia becomes, therefore, a synonym of Etheridgina. This question is more fully discussed under Etheridgina. The genotype of Strophalosiina Licharew is Aulosteges tihetius Diener. This species undoubtedly belongs to Aulosteges and is, under this system of classification, regarded as a subgenus of Aulosteges, Strophalosiella Licharew with genotype Strophulosiella coraeformis Licharew is a very doubtful genus. The specimen figured and described by Licharew is a plicate form (“a Strophalosia with Linoproductid ornamenta- tion^') with well-developed areas on both valves. In the absence of any knowledge of the internal structure it seems impossible to assign this speci- men to the genus Strophalosia. Until this knowledge is available it would seem better to maintain it as an independent genus of unknown affinities. Wyndhaonia was founded by Booker in 1929 for the reception of a group of Strophalosoid forms with adductor muscles undift'erentiated into anterior and posterior elements and without evidence of a period of attachment. The position of the muscle scars (]daced posteriorly in the valve) would indicate that the species of this subgenus (TE. vallda Booker and IE. dalwoodensis Booker) had attached ancestors, and had retained some of the ancestral characteristics, although they themselves had ceased to be attached. The assumption of these distinctive features, undifi'erentiated adductor muscle scars and absence of a cicatrix, is sufficient to characterise the subgenus. The type species of the subgenus is Wyndhamia dalwoodensis Booker from Per- mian beds of Branxton, New South Wales. In the same j)aper (1929, p. 30) Booker also proposed a new subgenus Bran.rtonia of Productus. The author has not been able to see the specimens of the genotype, Branxtonia typica Booker, but from Booker^s own figures and similar specimens from Western Australia, suspects that the specimens 41 Permian Productinae and Stropiialosiinae of W.A. are Strophalusias. Tliey show the same strueture and arran^'ement of the musele scars in the brachial valve, and the impression of dental callosities may be seen on the casts. The s])ecimens do not show an ar(‘a, but until specimens with some shell preserved are seen it is impossible to say that its absence is not due to tlnckening' of the hin^'e-line behind the area. If no area is present then Bi'iui.rionia must be rei>‘arded as an altaclu'd form or of a line of attached ProcUudids with conse((uent muscle niov(*ment as in Strophalosia. IJetf^ralosia Kin<>' (IIKIS, ]). 27H) with genatyi)C IT. slocoitu Kino; is dis- tinguished from Stropitalosia s.s. by the possession of a non-spinose brachial valve. It seems doubtful whether a division of the Strophalosias based on the ornamentation of one or the other \'alve is of great advantage, and although of the s})ecies here described S. etheridgei and gerardi (?) would be ])laced in Ileteralosia 1 have left them in Strophalotiia s.l. If King’s division is accepted, a new genus, without spines on either valve, must be proposed to include S. clarkei and kimherleyensis. Strophalosia cf. Strophalosia beecheri K’owley. IM. Vj tigs, l-.'i. isn.‘h — Sh'o; lialo.s'ia brrchfvl Kowley, ]). 308, ])1. 14, tigs. 18-19. \\H)S~~Stro/)haliosi(i hcrclieri Kowley, ]>. 70, pi. 17, tigs. 24-25. 1914. — Sirophalosia hccchcri KoAvley, Weller, ii. 140, pi. xix, tigs. 37-38- Material. — U.W.A. 20449, one s})ecimeU" -conjoined valve; Waltliarrie Pools, Wooramel River District; Callytliarra Liinestoii(‘. Ddtgnosiy . — Shell small, almost circular in outline, hinge-line slightly less than greatest width of shell. Surface oiiianumtation of ei'(!ct s[)ines of approximate (luim-umual arrangement and tine growth lin(‘s. Pedi(*Ie vahe convex, asymnudric without sinus though flaitened medially and sloping stt'eply anteriorly aiul latei'ally. Cicatrix large, placed on one side of umbo. Area as long as hinge-line, Hat and trianguhu’. Pseudo- deltidium triangular. Ttadh short and diverging. Brachial valve concav(g area distinct, almost as large as that of [)edi(de valve, pseudo-cliilidium larg(' and triangular. internal features not known. Descriptio}! : Dimensions of Bpeeimen, Height l*2.r> Maximum breadth .. .. 12.(i Length of hinge-line . . . . 8.8 Specimen too crushed to give accurate measurcmient of thickness. The pedicle \-alv(‘ of this specimen is asymnudric du(‘ to the largo cicatrix of attachment on on(> side of the umbo. It is evenly swollen in tin* middle wiih the sides and the front sloping steeply giving it a somewiiat s(iuashed appearance. The ears are small and tint with (d)tuse cnrdinal angles. The specimen is iinl'ortunately badly weathered so that the ornamentation is ol)scured. Slender erect si)ines with ai)proximate (piincuncial arrangement are the obvious feature of the ornamentation, rhe concentric shell laminae ed pseudo-chilidium. Comparison n'itJf other species. — This specimen resembles Strophalosia heecheri Rowley (Weller 1914, p. 146, pi. xix, flgs. 37-38). Weller, in his description of this species, quotes its asymmetric character as a diagnostic feature. From his flgure 37 it Avould appear that in that species, as in this specimen, the asymmetry is probably due to the cicatrix on one side. It is, however, a broader form than the present species and Weller says broader than long: but as he, too, had only one specimen, the variation within the species is not known. Bemarhs. — This specimen has been compared to Strophalosia heecheri^ but not identifled finally as a member of that species since further specimens are required, both from America and Western Australia, before any definite identification is possible. More specimens, too, may establish the present specimen as a member of one of the variable Western Australian species. Strophalosia clarkei (Etheridge). PL V, fig. 4. l^'i'I.—Productus clarl-ei Etheridge, p. 334, pi. xvii, figs, 2, 2a, 2b; pi. xviii figs. 4, 4a. 1 , ^ , i , 1877. — ProduePns clarl-ci Etheridge, de Koninck, p. 203, pi. x fio-. 5 * -.q xi fig. 3. X , 1 , ^ , i . , 1878. — ProducUis eJarhei (Etheridge), Etheridge, jun., p. 51. 1880. — Strophalosia rJarl'ci (Etheridge), Etheridge, inn., p. 289, pi. ix, figs. 18-21; pi. X, figs 22-28; pi. xi, figs. 29-31; pi. xii, figs. 32, 33. 1892. — Strophalosia clarhei (Etheridge), Etheridge & Jack, p. 258 pi. xiii, figs. 12-17; pi. XIV, fig. 19. ’ Iloloti/pe, helonged to Daiiitree Collection. Present, location of type specimen not known. Other Material. — B.Al. B 5885, Capertree, N.S.W. (figured by Etheridge 1880). Ans. Mus. F 36234, 36235, .liniba Jiniba. near Mooka Springs, North- West Pivision. Gascoyne series. Diagnosis. — Shell transversely oval to subquadrate, hinge-line less than greatest shell width. Pedicle valve inflated, without median sinus. Brachial valve fiat to concave. Ornamentation of silky laminae on both valves. Interior of pedicle valve with thin median ridge sti.arating dendritic adductor muscle impressions. Diductors large, fiabellate and longitudinally striate. Teeth large. Brachial valve with strong cardinal process continued into long median septum. Dental sockets large and oblique. Adductors high in valve. Brachial impressions .strong, folloAving edge of valve; valve geniculate with marginal rim perpendicular to visceral disc. Line of three depressions (adductor scars, depression below muscle scars and ends of brachial impressions) on each side of median se]>tum. Permian Productinae and Stropiialosiixae of W.A. 43 Description. — Little can be added to the descriptions of this species in Etheridge (1880) and Etheridge and Jack (1892). The two specimens from Jimba Jimba are brachial valves whose external features are obscured by matrix. The internal features are as described by Etheridge. The charac- teristic structures of the valve are the line of three depressions (those of the adductor impressions, depression below the muscles and ends of brachial impressions) on each side of the median septum and the groove and marginal ridge on the outside of the brachial impressions. Inside the brachial impressions the shell is raised and prominent. C omparison with other specjes. — The differences between this species and Strophalosia himberleyensis mihi will be found under the heading of the latter species. Etheridge (1880, jn 290) suggested that Strophalosia gerardi King and Strophalosia clarhei (Etheridge) were possibly one and the same species. The absence of any I’eliably identified specimens of Str. gerardi showing the internal characters led him to postpone a final decision in the matter. The situation of Str. gerardi is still the same, but these species may be distin- guished by their external characteristics. Strophalosia gerardi has a relatively much shorter hinge-line, and its external ornamentation of obli(iue adherent s])ines on coarse concentric lamellae distinguishes it from the smoothly silky surface of Str. clarhei. Etheridge (1872) described the ornamentation of Str. clarhei as “covered with fine, vertical, wavy lines, projecting from which are numerous slender spines.” This ornamentation 1 have not seen, weathering having removed apparently both the vertical lines and the spines. However, the descrijition would certainly not fit the coarse adherent spines of Str. gerardi. Strophalosia etheridgei n. sp. PI. V., figs. 5-12. Sifnti/pcs, — O.S.W.A. 1/.T242 (a), creek, mile Avest of Callytharra Springs, Wooramd Piver. Callytliarra Limestone. Topol ypos. — G.S.’W.A. 1/5242 (b), same locality and horizon. OIhrr Mafcrial~V.\Y.A., 20267,’ Possil Cliff, Tnvin River. Pos.sil Cliff hori- zon. TT.W.A., 20247, Fossil Ridge, TrAvin River Pistrict. Fossil Cliff horizon. Alls. Allis. F 3SI6.3. 3S464, 38448, Wandagee Station, Alinilya River, North-West DiA’isioii. Wandagee stage. Diagnosis . — Shell small, thin, transversely-oval to almost circular in out- line. Hinge-line less than greatest Avidth. Pedicle valve flattish, evenly convex, non-sinuate, area relatively Avide wilh nari’OAv but not prominent ])seudo-deltidinm. Ornamentation of adher- ent spines interrupting .silky laminated surface structure. Umbo not promi- nent, area of aftachment small. Teeth small and diverging. ALiscle scars deltoid in outline, non-dendritic, almost under umbo. Brachial valve flat in visceral region Avitb upturned margins. Ornamen- lation of silky laminae and concentric Avrinkles. When Aveathered, valve pitted anteriorly. Cardinal iirocess inclined, continued into short median septum. Sockets prominent, inclined at high angle. Afuscle inpwessions rounded, at base of cardinal process. 44 K. L. Prexdergast. Description . — The small size of this species is shown by the table of dimensions : — — Maximum width. Length hinge-line. Height. Synlypes : 1. Conjoined valves 8*0 4-6 6-5 2. Pedicle valve 8*5 5* 7 7-0 3. Brachial valve .... 6-7 5-0 5*4 4. Conjoined valves 9-0 0-2 8-0 Irwin River Specimeyis : 1. Fossil Ridge 10-8 6-8 8-5^ 7*1 ^ 4-2 7-1 J Brachial 2. Fossil Cliff 10-4 4 5-0 9-4 j Valves 8-9 + 5-3 8-4 15-9 11-0 15-4 Pedicle \"alve The i)ediele valve is small, thin-shelled and moderately inflated; it diminishes in convexity gradually towards the lateral and anterior margins, somewhat suddenly towards the cardinal margin. The area is small, narrow and triangular, its lengtli less than that of the hinge-line. The shell sub- stance is lamellar and has a silky texture, the laminae interrupted by the spines, which closely adhere to the surface of the shell. A few erect spines are present on the ears. The muscle scars are situated high up in the valve and have a deltoid outline, the delta divided medially l)y a groove into the two triangular areas. They are non-dendritic. Cardinal Process of Stroplialosia etlieridgei in sp. (XH). The brachial valve is flat in the visceral region with geniculated margin and has a silky laminated and imbricated surface. The hinge-line is short and the cardinal angles are obtusely rounded. The area is distinct, triangular with the umbonal angle flattened; the pseudo-chilidium is triangular and wide with two deep, narrow sockets, inclined to the median septum at its base. The cardinal process is narrow near the hinge-line, but swells out to a Permian Productinae and Strophalosiinae of W.A. 45 bulbous top. This is, however, usually worn down so that the process appears to continue posteriorly at an even width. The semi-circular visceral portion ■of the brachial valve is interrupted by the short median septum, which is .swollen between the rounded muscle impressions. The valve is hollowed out l)elow the sockets and in a direction parallel to the hinge-line, a ridge sei>arat- ing this hollow from the cardinal margin. Compariso7i with other species. — The small size of these specimens dis- tinguishes them from any species of Strophalosia so far described from West- ern Australia. They were labelled by Miss Hosking in the Geological Survey ■Collection, as being young specimens of a new species. The geniculated margin of the brachial valve indicates, however, that they are probably in the adult or nearing the adult condition unless they are the young forms of a Prohoscidella-V[kQ Strophalosia. In the absence of any shells which might be assigned to such subgenus I have described them as adult forms. Many features of these shells are also common to Strophalosia clarkei Eth. til. and Strophalosia gerardi King, although they cannot be regarded as closely related to either of those species. The brachial valve particularly, with its silky lamellar structure, short hinge-line and rounded alar angles, resembles S. clarkei. The pedicle valve, however, would distinguish them at once from that species in its ornamentation showing a marked resemblance to S. gerardi; from young members of this species they would be distinguished by the shape and convexity of the pedicle valve. Strophalosia gerardi King. PI. V, fig?. 13, 16, 17. 1846. — Strophalosia grrardi King, p. 93 footnote. , 1847. — Strophalosia gerardi King, de Koninck, p. 137. ISoO. — Strophalosia gerardi King, p. 96, pi. xix, figs. 6-7. 1857. — Strophalosia gerardi King, Davidson, Introduction, pi. viii, fig. 211. 1880. — Sirophaloeiia gerardi King, Etheridge, jun., p. 294, pi. xii, figs. 34-37; ■pi. xiii, fig. 38. 1884. — Strophalosia gerardi King, Etheridge, jun., p. 87. 1892. — Strophalosia gerardi King, Etheridge & -Tack, p. 260, pi. xiii, fig. 18; pi. xiv, fig. 18; pi. xl, figs. 7-8. 1932 . — StrophalosUi gerardi King, Eeed, p. 20, pi. i, fig. 7. Maferial.^ — Rolofype. Univ. Coll. Galway, I.F.8., Xo. E.C.D. 267. Diagnosis. — Shell outline transversely oval. Pedicle valve convex, non- sinuate; brachial valve concave following outline of pedicle valve. Ornamen- tation of concentric lamellae and adherent tapering sjjines. Area on both valves with pseudo-deltidiiim and pseudo-chilidium. Length of hinge-line less than maximum width of shell. Pedicle valve swollen, with greatest convexity in visceral region, non- geniculate. Cardinal angles obtuse, ears small. Bi'achial valve concave, greatest concavity near umbo, shell sloping thence gradually to all margins. Internal features unknown. Description of specimen. — Univ. Coll. Galway, E.C.D. Xo. 267. Viewed from the brachial side the shell is a regular oval in outline, the transverse axis passing postero-anteriorly. From the pedicle side it has rather a triangular aspect. K. L. Prexdergast. 4() The pedicle valve is flatly convex, the maximum convexity behind the umbo, thence flattening gradually to the anterior and lateral margins and steeply to the cardinal margin. The area is short, equal in length to half the maximum width of the shell ; it is relatively high with a very narrow, ahnost straight-sided pseudo-deltidium. The area of attachment is large, and has the appearance of callus over the shell surface. The ornamentation of the pedicle valve is essentially spinose, the spines adherent, Avith an irregular quincuncial arrangement. The structure of the shell surface is lamellar though the lamellae are largely obscured. The brachial valve is concave. It slopes steeply from the umbo to the middle of the shell, thence folloAving the curve of the pedicle valve. The shell structure is lamellar, but the valve is Aveathered, and no spine bases are seen, the ornamentation consisting of the truncated lamellae and irregularly spaced nodules. The area of the brachial vah’e is narroAV but distinct. Internal features not shoAvn. Dimensions. Height .. .. 30.4 Maximum breadth . . . . 38 Thickness .. .. 10.8 Etheridge says (1880, p. 296) that he finds “what appears to be the bases of insertion of spines’’ on the brachial A’al\'e of King’s type specimen. It is difficult to come to a decision on this point from a study of the type speci- men alone as, although there are holloAA^s and small prominences on the lamellae, it seems almost impossible to decide that these prominences are or Avere spine bases. They shoAV no concentric structure and no sign of aperture. It is noticeable, hoAA'ever, that Avhere the spine bases are Avorn down on the l)edicle Auilve, they, too, show no structure. On his figures of the Queensland specimens, too, Etheridge figures no specimen Avith spines on the brachial valve. Strophalosia sp. cf. Str. gerardi King. PI. V, fig. 14, 15. Maicrial. — F.W.A., 12399. One pedicle valve. Fossil Cliff, Irwin RKer. Fossil Cliff horizon. Description . — The shell is convex, non-geniculate, Avith the greatest con- vexity in the visceral region l)ehind the cardinal margin. From this area of maximum convexity the surface slopes gradually to the anterior and pos- terior margins, but more steeply laterally. A large cicatrix covers the uml)onal region. The ai'ea is concave Avith a Avell-marked pseudo-deltidium, at the base of Avhich arise strong diverging teeth. The length of the area is about half the maximum l)readth of the shell. Dimensions. Maximum Avidth 31.7 Length of hinge-line . 15.3 Height 27.0 Length of pedicle A-alve . 38.9 The shell surface is lamellar Avith strong olfiique spines arranged in irregular concentric roAA’S. Posteriorly ami on the cardinal slopes the spines are small and adherent; they become larger toAvards the anterior margin. Permian Productinae and Strophalosiinae of W.A. 47 Internally the adductor impressions are seen high up in the valve; they <^l•e separated medially by a narrow groove. Longitudinal striations mark the shell at the side of the adductor impressions and are probably the im- pressions of the diductor muscles. Comparison ivith other species. — This specimen has been referred to Strophalosia gerardi rather than identified with it. The general outline of the Irwin River shell is much broader than any specimen of Sir. gerardi, and the spines are more widely spaced and less oblique than in that species. This .specimen is possibly a local variant of Str. gerardi^ but in the absence of intermediate forms cannot be satisfactorily united with it. Strophalosia jukesi Eth. fil. P1..V, figs. 18-20. f8S0. — Strophalosia jukesi Etli. fil., p. 307, pi. xiii, figs. 39-43. 1888. — Strophalosia jukesi Eth. fil., Jolmstoii, pi. xiv, fig, 7. Si/ntypes. — R.M. 96874, 96931. New South Wales. Exact locality and hori- zon unknown. Figured by Etheridge 1880, pi. xiii, figs 39-43. Other Material. — Commonwealth Palaeontologists^ Coll. P. 14. Talbot’s <7011-11, Woorainel River District. U.W.A., 20264. same locality and horizon. U.W.A., 20266, same locality and liorizon. Diagnosis. — Shell elongate-oval in outline, hinge-line less than maximum shell width. Ornamentation of spines and concentric lamellae on both valves. Pedicle valve evenly convex with flattening towards anterior margin and steo]) slope to cardinal margin. Area wide and distinct, pseudo-deltidium triangular. Ears small. Cardinal angles obtuse. Muscles high in valve, adductors central and compact, diductors tlabeliate and longitudinally striate. Brachial valve concave, greatest concavity in front of umbo. Area distinct, half as wide as area of ]:)edicle valve. Adductor muscle impressions divided into anterior and posterior sections. Cardinal process large, trifid, continuing into strong median septum. Description. — A number of ferruginous casts have been referred to this species, as they agree in all particulars with Tasmanian specimens. For a <-:omplete descri])tion of the species see Prendergast (Proc, Rog. Soc. Tas- mania).* Strophalosia kimberleyensis n. sp. PI. vi, figs. 1-5. 1890. — Strophalosia cJarkei Etheridge, Foord, p. 103, pi. v, fig. 7-8, text-fig. 6. 1903. — Strophalosia sp. ind, Etheridge, .inu., p. 20, pi. i. figs. 10-12. llolotype. — F.W.A. 20452 north of Hill C, south side of Grant Range, Kim- berley Division. F])])cr Ferruginous Series. Paratypes. — T'.W.A. 20460, same localitv and horizon. ir.W.A. 2045.5, Nooncanbah Homestead, Kimberley Division. Nooneanbah Series. Topotype.s.—V.\\\A. R 127. Other Material.— P>.M. B 4590, 4591, south-east of Mt. Abbott, on Fitzvoy River, Kimberley Division. Horizon unknown. (Figured by Foord 1890). W.A. Mus. F 166 (47441, Cookilya Pool, Wandagee Station. Minilva River. Wandagee stage. (Figured by Etheridge, 1903). W.A. Mus. a 12, south-east of Mt. Abbott, Fitzroy River, Kimberley Division. Horizon unknown. Aus. AIus. F 37523-37529; IMinilya River. Wandagee stage. Aus. Mus. F 36221-36225, Jimba Jiml)a Station, Gaseoyiie River. Byro stage. U.W.A. 13. 51. Nooncanbah Home- stead, Kimberley Division. Nooncanbah series. Diagnosis. — Shell sub(]uadrate to ovate in outline, pedicle valve inflated to bemisi)herieal. braehial valve evenly concave, liinge line almost greatest width of shell. 48 K. L. Prexdergast. Pedicle valve with lamellar concentric ornamentation ; cardinal area elongate triangular with small triangular pseudo-deltidium. Internally Avith strong teeth, valve thickened postero-laterally with strong ridges bounding visceral portion laterally. Adductor muscles non-dendritic, narrow, on each side of median line; diductors longitudinally striate arising in front of adductors and extending from near middle line to lateral margin. Muscles set in distinct fossae. Brachial valve with ornamentation as in pedicle valve. Valve thickened anteriorly, regularly concave exteriorly but geniculate interiorly. Cardinal process trifid, strong, Avith sockets ax base; sockets separated by diagonal ridges from depressed muscular area. Posterior adductors elongate laterally, anterior adductors elongate antero-j^osteriorly. Brachial impressions arising from lateral edges of posterior adductors, following lateral and antero-lateral margins then turning backAvards toAvards median septum. Septum continuing about two-thirds length of valve. Cincture separating visceral disc from trail. Description of Holctifpe. — The holotype is an almost complete specimen Avith both A’alves in position. The pedicle A^alve is unfortunately weathered so that the external shell layers are absent. The valve is thick and of lamellar structure. The area is long and triangular, its Avidth equal to one-fifth of its length; it has a narroAAq closed, triangular delthyrium. The brachial valve is regularly concave and is ornamented by concentric lamellae, the edges of the lamellae forming the shell surface. It has a narroAv area disposed almost at right angles to that of the pedicle valAT. Description of Daratypes . — The paratypes are Iaa^o specimens, one a pedicle valve, the other a brachial valve, selected to shoAv the internal features of the species. In the pedicle valve (20400) the teeth are strong and du'erging from the hinge-line; laterally they are joined to a projecting ridge separating the ears from the visceral caA’ity. The shell is thickened in the region of the ears, the ridge continuing as a platform to the lateral margin, its continuity being broken up by a narroAv groove behind the ridge. This groove serves as a socket, a ridge on the brachial valve fitting into it. The muscle marks are distinct, the adductors elongate on each side of the middle line, arising almost under the teeth. The diductors are large, longitudinally striate, and anterior to the adductors they are separated by a rounded prominence in the middle line. Figure 8. Cardinal Process of Strophalosia kimberleyensis n. sp. (X3). Permian Productinae and Strophalosiinae of W.A. 49 The interior of the brachial valve (20455) is geniculate, due to thickening of the lamellae in this region, a narrow groove (cincture) separating the visceral disc from the trail. In the visceral part the valve is almost divided by the median septum which continues forward for two-thirds of the length of the visceral disc; it is continued posteriorly as a trilobate cardinal process, at the base of which are deep sockets. The adductor muscles are below the sockets and set in a depression which gradually decreases anteriorly (this depression is bounded posteriorly by a ridge parallel to the hinge-line). The anterior adductors are elongate postero-anteriorly. The posterior adductors are elongate laterally and from their lateral extremities arise the brachial impressions. These continue the line of the ridge below the sockets until they almost reach the lateral border, they then follow the lateral and antero- lateral margins of the visceral disc and turn upwards parallel to the median septum. They cannot be traced in this specimen beyond the level of the end of the median septum. Dimensions of Shells. Height. Curvi- linear length of pedicle valve. Length of hinge- line. Max. width. Thick- ness. Holotype 28-2 56-0 22-0 27*8 10*8 Paratypes — 20460 19-2 + 31-0-h 23-7 30*0 20455 24-3 24-5 29*3 Brachial Valves 29-3 29-4 35*7 25-0 25*24- 28*1 Combined Valves 24-9 43-0 23*9 28*5 14*5 29-0 46-0 25*9 28*8 14*4 25*0 42*0 24-5 28*7 9*8 As may be seen from these figures, the height and width of the valve are the same in full-grown specimens, but as the maximum width is situated in the posterior half of the shell, younger specimens are wider than long. The pedicle valve varies in shape from quadrangular to almost semi- circular and in convexity from weakly convex to hemispherical. As the shell becomes more strongly curved with age, the convexity is an indication of the age. There is, too, a difference in shape of some of the brachial valves due to the varying amount of thickening anteriorly; thus the value may be regularly concave or slightly geniculate. Owing to decortication of the shell surface, it is impossible to describe the tiue ornamentation of the shells. The lamellae are distinct on both valves and some specimens of the brachial valve show that these are crossea Dy very fine radial striae. A iew only of these are seen, but they are continuous from one lamella to the next. One pedicle valve has, also, a small patch of radial ornamentation preserved. It is ]>ossible, therefore, that, were the shell surface preserved, the shell could be described as radially striate; alterna- ;50 K. L. Prendergast. tively the radial markings may be the result of weathering. No pits^ such as would indicate the presence of spines, have been observed and it would seem, therefore, that this species is non-spinous. The variation within the species is also reflected in the internal structure of the brachial valve. The median septum may be equal in length to half or increase up to two-thirds of the length of the visceral disc. The brachial impressions may follow closely the lateral margin or be placed some distance from it. Bemar'ks . — The most peculiar characteristic of this species is the nature of the visceral cavity, the thickened region of the ears and the ridge projecting into the cavity. This may be seen externally, when the brachial valve becomes squashed in, showing the shape of the cavity. Comparison n'ith other species. — I regret that I have been unable to trace the type of S. clarkei (Eth.), which belonged to the Daintree Collection. Externally this species resembles S. clarkei^ though it differs in many respects, as Etheridge (1903, p. 21) has already pointed out. With more and better specimens many of these distinctions cannot now be maintained, but this species, S. kimherleifensis is distinct in the depressed umbonal region, rela- tively longer hinge-line and concave rather than flat brachial valve. Internally, it occupies a ])osition intermediate between S. clarkei and S. jukesi. In S. clarkei the median septum is as long as the visceral disc and the bracliial impressions are transversely elongated; in S. jukesi the septum is short and the brachial iinjiressions narrow. Thus in S. kimherlei/ensis with short median septum and wide brachial impressions we see a species with characters of both the other species. Externally the species is distinct from S. jukesi and -8. gerardi in the absence of spines. Strophalosia multispinifera n. sp. PI. vi, figs. 6-8, Holofype. — U.W.A. 204.58. Scarp two miles east of Cliristmas Creek Home- stead, Kimberley Pivision. Nooneanhah Series. Topoiypes. — P.W.A, B 74. Same locality and horizon. Other Material. — I^.W.A. 20456, Hill 0., south of road, Grant Pange, Kim- berley Division. Nooneanhah Series. Biagnosis . — Pedicle valve large, swollen, transversely oval in outline, hinge-line less than greatest width of shell. Ornamentation of fine oblique spines with regular quincuncial arrange- ment; group of spines on each ear. Valve Avith elongate area, triangular delthyrium. Cicatrix small. Teeth large. Brachial valve unknown. Description. — The pedicle Amlve is evenly convex Avith a slight median depression, not sufliciemly marked to be termed a sinus. It is 45 mm. high, Avith maximum Avidth of 49.6 mm., AA'hile the hinge-line is 34.8 mm. long. The surface of the vah’e is marked by closely spaced sjnne bases arranged in irreg’ular quincunx; it is ]Arobable that these ga\’e rise to small forward projecting spines, but no si>ines are preserved on the body of the shell. The spines have a density of 6 in 10 mm. measured transversely at a distance of 20 mm. from the umbo. The spines become more closely packed on the ears to give a compact group at each end of the hinge-line. They are closer together and more h’regular anteriorly. The area is short, its Avidth approxi- mately half its length; it is longitudinally striated and interrupted by a Permian Productinae and Steophalosiinae of W.A. 51 pseiido-deltidium which is not raised above the general surface of the area. Only one tooih has been seen ; this is large and rounded with the concavity towards the lateral border. The umbo is not prominent, having been absorbed by the cicatrix of attachment; this is small and usually almost perpendicular to the surface of the area. The brachial valve is unknowm. Reynarks. — Within this species there is a large variation in shape, many of ihe shells becoming elongated. It is noticeable that in this species, as in many Strophalosias (e.g., S. kunherleifetisis mihi) the shells appear very narrow’ in the hinge region when seen as an internal cast. This is due to the very close fitting ears which leave almost no space between those of the two valves when these are in contact. Comparisoyi with other species. — This species is characterised by the regularity of the spines over the body of the shells, the spine groups on the ears, the small regular point of attachment and the absence of lamellar structure. It approaches nearest to 8. tenuispina Waagen from w’hich it may be distinguished by the much coarser spinosity of that species and the larger size of S. ynultispinifera. STROPHALOSIA sp. A. PI. vi, fig. 10-12. Material, — I'.W.A., 20448 Fossil Cliff, Iiwin Kiver District. Fossil Cliff horizon. Diagnosis: — Shell longitudinally oval in outline, evenly curved both transversely and longitudinally. Hinge-line less than greatest wndth of shell. Ornamentation of lamellae wnth fine adherent spines concentrically arranged. Pedicle valve sw’ollen, non-geniculate, sides sloping steeply. Area narrow, triangular. Small divergent teeth. Brachial valve unknowm. Description. — A single jmdiele valve from the Iiwvin River District show’s distinctive characters. Dimensions. Height 11.9 Maximum width . . 11.6 Length of hinge-line 6.8 Length of jTedicle valve 18.6 The valve is swmllen w’ith the hinge-line less than the greatest w’idtli of the shell : the shell is w’idest near the anterior margin. The umbo is completely obliterated by a large scar of attachment, it has become incurved so that the area now’ faces antero-dorsallv. The spines are regularly arranged in concemtric row’s and are all of equal size, there being no sign of a secondary series of siunes as occurs in so many of the Indian forms. The rows are widely separated and between them are the silky laminations of the shell structure. The area is well-develoned w’ith a wdde delthvrium: the teeth a*-^ lar^re and diverging. The muscle impressions are high in the valve. The adductors are central, separated bv a median ridge and enclosed on the outside by the diductors, which are flabellate and ]moduced anteriorly. 5:2 K. L. PRENDERGAST. The distinctive characters are the widely spaced concentric rows of spines combined with ihe elongated shape of the shell. Comparison xvith other species . — This shell appears most similar to ■Strophalosia rarispina Waagen (1884, p. 645) but the pedicle valve of that :species has a slight median sinus and the spines are in two series. Strophalosia tenuispina Waagen. PI. vi, fig. 9. 1884 . — Strophalosia tcjuiispiiia IVaagen, p. 654, pi. Ixiv, figs. 2-7. Material.— V.'W. A. 20451. One pedicle valve. Fossil Cliff, Irwin River. Fossil Cliff horizon. Diagnosis . — Shell circular to oval in outline, hinge-line equal to maxi- mum width, pedicle valve but slightly inflated, dorsal valve concave. Surface ornamentation finely lamellose with sparsely distributed oblique spines. Pedicle valve non-sinuate, area high, with Hat, narrow linear pseudo-delti- dium. S 2 uall scai' of attachment. Brachial valve with small linear area, surface ornamentation not known. Descrigytion . — This species is known by a single specimen of a pedicle valve fi'om the Irwin River. Dimensions of Valve. Height . . . . . . 17.81 Afaximum width . . . . 21.81 The specimen is rather weathered, but shows the fine spines; these are represented now only as rather Avorn bases; the spines are all tangential to the shell surface and some of them adpressed. They are arranged more or less ill concentric roivs, each row separated from the previous one and that folloAving by lamellae. On the lateral margins larger spines are develojied, and these show a curious marking, almost a facet developed on the ventral surface of each spine. Whether this is the effect of weathering it is im- possible to say. The spines, apart from their concentric arrangement, also shoAv a roughly (luincuncial arrangement. The area of this species is vei’v distinctive among Strophalosias, being flat and in the jilane of the commissure of the valves. It is interrupted by a very narroAV, parallel-sided pseudo-deltidium. Cowgyarison with other species. — For comparison of this species ivith Strophalosia etheridgei mihi, see account of that species. ETHERIDGINA Oehlert. 1887. — Oehlert, in Fischer’s Manuel de Couchylogie, p. 1278. Genotype. — rrodncfiis complectcns Fth. fil., 1876, On an adherent Form of Produdf-'us and a small Spiriforina from Scotland. Quart. J. geol. Soc. Lord., p. 454, pis. xxiv, XXV. Diagnosis. — Shell small, concavo-convex, dorso-ventrally, Avith semi-oval marginal contour; generally as broad as long; hinge-line less than greatest Avidth of shell. Shell attached to foreign bodies by embracing spines or by cementation of ])edicle A'ah'e. Surface ornamentation of concentric undulat- ing Avrinkles. Area primarily present, Avith dental sockets and teeth. Muscle scars non-dendritie. Permian Productinae and Strophalosiinae of W.A. 53 Description. — This genus was tirst described from the Carboniferous of .Scotland and is now also known from the American Carboniferous and the Permian of Australia. The shells are always small and vary in their mode of attachment with the nature of the foreign body which acts as host. Thus, in the Scottish Carboniferous forms, where they occur more usually on crinoids, the spines along the hinge-line are greatly elongated and embrace the stem which may grow over and completely enclose the brachiopod. In the American forms (and in the Australian) on the other hand, which attach themselves to a flat surface, the shell is cemented directly by the whole of the pedicle valve — the spines along the hinge-line being produced parallel to the .surface and adhering thereto. The area, in those forms in which it has been observed, is narrow and extends along the total length of the hinge-line. In the pedicle valve teeth may be present or as is more usual in the Scottish forms they are represented only by vestigial or rudimentary small lumps. Discussion. — In his original descri 2 :>tion of this genus Oehlert quotes the date as 1877 ; this was probably an error for 1887. In founding the genus, Oehlert referred it to ProductuSj it having, he thought, in common with that genus, the absence of area and of teeth and the j^edicle valve not distorted by cementation. The definition of the sub-family StrophaJosiinae by Schuchert (1913) as productids anchored by spines or by most part of the iicdicle valve, allowed Etheridgina, like Chonopectiis, to be included in the subfamily with- out inferring any relationship to Stroplialosia or indeed, any similarity other than that of habitat. Greger (1920, p. 535) referred a number of small adnate American species, formerly included in Stropiudosia, to this sub-genus hut acce])ted it as a sub-genus of Prodnc-tus. Careful examination of the type specimens of the genotype of this sub-genus shows, however, that ii should be referred to Stroplialosia rather than to Productus. Several of the co-types (Royal Scottish Museum, Nos. 5074-5083) show a small though rela- tively well-develo])ed area and teeth have also been seen on one specimen. Also the adductor scars of the brachial valve are non-dendritic. These features clearly distinguish it from Productus and show its relationshijt to Stroplialosia-. Etheridgina is, therefore, ])laced here as a sub-genus of Stroplialosia. In 1932 another productid sub-genus — Leptalosia — was ])ro|)osed by Dunbar and Condra (1932, 2 >p. 189, 190, 2(i0) to include adnate rroduclids attach(‘d by the wliole of the ])cdicle valve. The members of this sub-genus had an area and hinge teeth in the ]K'dicle valve of the older S 2 )ecies (the sub-genus ranged from Ujiper Devonian to CarI)oniferous) and a distinctive small jn'oductelliform cardinal ])rocess. The genoty]m is Etheridgina scintilla (Beecher) ((]uot(*d by them as Stroplialosia scintilla although this Species had been referred to Etheridgina by Greger in 1920). The sub-genus, according to its authors, differs from Etheridgina in ijossessing a cardinal area and in the foian of its cardinal ])rocess the resemblance of the two genera bdng liomoeomorphic and the result of a similar habit of growth. It is worth considering these diffei-ences further. As has been already mentioned, the type sy^ecies of Etheridgina does ptossess an area. Dunl)ar and Condra (o]>. cit., o. 2fi0) describe the 2 >roduetellifoj’m cardinal prnce-:^ :as ^‘very small and bifid, composed of two narrow posteriorly facing and 54 K. L. Prexdergast. closely adpressed muscular apophyses supported in front by a pair of very short diverging ridges separated by a depression.” This clear definition is. somewhat marred, hoAvever, by their statement (p. 192) that “as now con- ceived the genus {Productella) is undoubtedly a “Dump-box” for primitive Productoids and includes the ancestral radicles of several later genera.'^ Which of these radicles, then, have they selected to typify the genus*? In view of Kozlowski’s Avork (1914) on the cardinal processes of Froduetus species this is a serious omission, as he has shown quite conclusively that not only does the cardinal process vary from species to species within a genus, but also Avith age among the members of any one species. On the other hand,. Dunbar and Condra may consider that all the species of Froductella, Avitli its present “dump box” composition, have a primitive type of cardinal process AA’hich therefore may be taken as characterising the genus; in other Avords, that Devonian Productoids of AAfiiichever “ancestral radicle” have the same type of cardinal process. And, significant in this issue, the only members of Leptalosia aaIioso cardinal i>rocesses are mentioned in the descrip- tion of the species are L. truncata and L. radicans, Devonian forms. It is just possible then that Dunbar and Condra have generalised about the Carboniferous forms from Avork on Devonian species. We do not knoAV AA’hether the cardinal jArocesses of the American Carboniferous Leptalosias are of the same primith^e pattern and cannot, therefore, yet separate them from the Scottish Carboniferous sub-genus Etlieridgina. One other ]Aoint AAliich might be produced in support of the separate existence of Leptalosia is the ])resence of teeth in the species of this genus, Oehlert having defined Etlieridgina as “Avithout cardinal teeth.” The mistake in this case is Oehlert^s, one of the co-types of E. complectens having at least the rudiments (or A’estiges) of teeth, a condition also found among the Carboniferous forms' of Lejjtalosia. In the face of this evidence I cannot regard Leptalosia as other than a synonym of Etlieridgina, Etheridgina muirwoodae n. sp. PI. vi, figs. 14, 1 5. 1914. — Si1ro])}ialosia ,«p. Dth. fib. p. 34, pi. v, figs. 16-18. 1918 . — ‘ ^ Strophalos'ia complecfc .s” ’ Eth. fib, p. 253, pb xl, figs. 11, 12. Syntypes. — Aus. Miis. F 16699, three specimens; Iaa'O are pedicle valves^ one sliOAA's two conjoined A'ah'es, figured by Etheridge as Strophalosia coynplect€7is (pb 40, fig. 12). Balmaningarra, Mt. iMarmion, Kimberley Dufision. Horizon not knoAvn. Topotype. — Aus. Mus. F 16812, one pedicle valve, figured by Etheridge as Strop]iaJos:ia complrcl ens (pb 40, fig. 11). Balmaningarra, Mt. Marmion. Kim- lAorley Division. Horizon unknoAvn. Other Material. — G.S.W.A. 10930, Mt. Marmion, Kimberley DiAusion. Hori- zon not knoAvn. (bS.W.A. 10929, north of Barrabiddy, Xortli-West Division. Hori- zon not knoAvn. Aus. Mus. F 3'S49S, 38499, Wandagee Station, Minilya KiA’er, Xorth-Wc.st Division. Wandagee stage. Diagnosis. — Shell small, transA'ersely oval to subquadrangular in outline,, adherent by body of pedicle valve and radiating marginal sjAines. Hinge- line less than greatest Avidth of shell, Avirh rounded alar angles. Pedicle A’alve Avith upturned lateral and anterior margins, visceral region adherent, flat. Hinge area Avide and fiat, psendo-deltidium large and tri- angular, teeth strong, divergent. Strong, long, adherent spines arising from caiMinal margin. Muscle impressions raised. Permian Productinae and Strophalosiinae of W.A. oo Brachial valve concave, lamellar tending* to nodular structure. Area and pseudo-chilidium relatively larg-e. Cardinal process inclined almost to horizontal; muscle impressions small at base of cardinal process. Description . — The pedicle valve is firmly affixed to the underlying shell in most cases and hence the ornamentation is not known. In one specimen (Aus. Mus. P 38498) the shell is geniculate and the trail is ornamented by hne concentric lamellae and stout oblique spines. The area is wide and flat, in length half the width of the valve and with a width one-flfth of the length. The area is marked by longitudinal striations, interrupted medially by a triangular deitidium. The cardinal margin bears very long, slender spines which are cemented to the host. These have a length much greater than the length of the shell, one spine extending 1.3 cm. from the margin. The spines occur in a matted group on the ears becoming more sparse towards the umbo ; they arise perpendicular to the cardinal margin. The teeth are strong, hollowed posteriorly to give a semi-ovoid cavity, and diverging. The muscle impressions take a tetrahedral form, one apex of the tetrahedron towards the umbo and beneath the area. The muscular apophyses are slightly concave, they appear smooth and divided into a greater and a lesser part by a narrow ridge parallel to and near their anterior margins. The edge separating them is a thickened ridge simulating a median septum. The anterior face of the tetrahedron is narrow, and has ■curved side edges, due to the concavity of the apophyses. Any other mark- ings on the inside of the shell have been obliterated. The brachial valve has the shiny lamellar structure characteristic of so many Stroplialosias. Superimposed on these lamellae are concentric ■wrinkles extending over the entire surface of the valve. The wrinkles are irregular in intensity giving a general impression of a nobbly rather than a lamellai structure. It is possible, although no evidence of their presence can be seen on this specimen, that spines were developed over part of the visceral disc. Marginal spines were present as shown by the numerous pustules. The brachial valve is swollen below the umbo into a strongly convex semi- spherical region which, undergoing rapid change of curvature, becomes flat and so continuing across the visceral disc upturns marginally. The area of the valve has a width about half that of the pedicle area : the chilidium is triangular. If the valves are held in such a position that their height is \ertical, the areas of both valves are in one horizontal plane. Figure 9. Cardinal Process of Etheridgina muirwoodae n. sp. (Xfi). The cardinal process is relatively large and is inclined almost at right angles to the area of the valves. It shows a characteristic trifld structure when viewed ijosteriorly, although the lateral arms adhere closely to the central K. L. Prendergast. pillar. On each side of it are deep sockets each of which is bounded by a curved plate arising from the side of the cardinal process and making an angle with it of about 45°. A very short median septum is present, separat- jiig the muscle scars which lie close to the base of the cardinal process. These muscle impressions are not dendritic, nor do they show any division into anterior and posterior adductors. The brachial impressions are not pre- served. Pitting is seen over some parts of the internal surface. The dimensions of the shells are shown by the following table: — Co-types. Conjoined valves. Pedicle valves. Height 0*75 1-03 + MO 0-58-f Maximum width 0-87 1-28 + 1-41 0-92 Length of hinge-line 0-48 0-95 0-95 0-76 Variation within the species . — As may be expected in a closely adherent species the members of this species vary widely according to the nature of the host. The jiedicle valve may be fiat to highly convex (e.g. 10930) ; its area, though usually horizontal, may be highly inclined. It seems, too, that when the pedicle valve is closely adherent, it tends to assume the ornament- ation of its host; thus, in O.S.W.A. 10930 B, where the host is a Orachial valve of Spirifer marcoui the pedicle valves exposed are corrugated to fit in between the striae. This feature is accentuated by tveathering. Comparison u'ith other species . — It is with some trepidation that I have distinguish(‘d these specimens from other species of the genus, ])ai-ticularly as they had ah’eady been referred to E. complectens (Eth. fil.) by the author of that species. Their characters, however, are so distinct, that I have been forced to separate them. The specimens are larger and thicker-shelled forms- than E. complectens \ they possess relatively large and well-developed car- dinal areas, strong teeth and characteristic muscular iinjiression, in all these characters being distinct from E. complectens. The mode of attachment can- not be regarded as an important difference since, had the shells chosen a crinoid as host, it seems probable that the spines would encircle 1he stem, and we have as yet an insufficient number of specimens to say that they cannot or do not choose cilnoid hosts. The species heading of these specimens in Etheridge’s description (1918, p. 253) is Strophalosia complectens. but elsewhere in the text and in tlf explanation of figures he gives S. complectens. I have assumed therefore that the title name was due to a typographical error. It is possible that this species is really’ the adherent form of Strophalosia etheridgei mihi. The structure of the brachial valves of the two species are remarkably similar, the variations seen, such as the higher position of the- muscle impressions and the more inclined cardinal proces-i in E. mii>rwooda ■ being probably modilications due to the assumption of a fixed habit. The external a})pearances of the two species differ only in the presence of spines- in E. muirwoodae and this too may be due to the reason noted abo-\'c. Permian Productinae and Strophalosiinae of W.A. 0 / VII. BIBLIOGRAPHY. Booker, F. : 1929: Preliminary Note on new subgenera of Froductus aind Strophalosia from the Branxton District. Jow. Boy. Roc. N.S.W., XLIII, pp. 24-32, pis. 1 to 3. 1930: A Review of some of the Permo-Carboniferous Productidae of N.S.W. with a tentative reclassification. Jo-ur. Boy. Soo. N.S.W;, XLIY, pp. C5-76. Broili, F., 1916: Die permischen Brachiopoden von Timor. 104 pp., 13 pis.. Lief VII, pt. XII in Wanner, J., Palaontologie von Timor, Stuttgari:. 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G., 1936: Geology of the North-West Basin, Western Australia,, with particular reference to the Stratigraphy of the Permo-Carboniferous. Jour. Roy. 8oc. N.S.M’., LXX, pp. 100-174. Reed, F. R. Cowper: 1931 : New Fossils from the Productus Limestone of the Salt Range, with, notes on other species. Palaeont. indica, N.S. XVII, ii + 56 p.p., 8 Ills. 1932: New Fossils from the Agglomeratic Slate of Kashmir. Palaeo-nt, Indica, N.S. XX, Mem, 1, ii + 79 jip., 13 pis. Renz, C., 1912: N^euere Fortschritte in der Geologie und Palaeontologie Griechen- lands mit einen Anhang iiber neue iiidisehe Dyas-Arten. Z. dtsck. geol. Gcs.,. Bd. 64, Heft 4, pp. 530-630, pis. xiv-xvii. Rothpletz, A., 1892: Die Perm-, Trias-, und Jura-Formationen auf Timor und Rotti im indischen Archipel. Pakieoniographica, Bd. 39, pp. 57-106, pis., ix-xiv, 5 text-figs. Rowley, R. R., 1908: The Geology of the Pike Country. Missouri Bur. Geol. Min., VIII, 2nd series, pp. xiv + 122, 20 pis. Sarytcheva, T. G., 1937: Lower Carboniferous Product! of the Moscow Basin (Genera Striatifera, Linoproductus and Cancrinella). Ti'av. I7ist. paleozool. Acad. Sci. U.R.S.S., Tome VI, livr. 1, 123 pp., 7 pis., 21 text-figs, (with English Summary) . Schellwien, E., 1900: Die Fauna der Trogkofelschichten, I. Brachiopoda; Abh. geol. Reiclis-Anst., Jt'ien, Bd. XVI, pp. 1- 122, 15 pis. Schmidt, H., 1929: Tierische Leitfossilien des Karbon. 107 pji., 23 pis., 20 text-figs. Lief. 6 of Gurich., G., Leitfossilien. Berlin. Permian Productinae and Strophalosiinae of W.A, 61 Schuchert, C., 1913: Braehiopoda, |-)p. 355-420, text-figs. 526-(536, in Zittel, K., Textbook of Palaeontology, 2nd Edition. 8cliiicliert, C., and Cooper, G. A., 1932: Brachiopod Genera of the suborders Ortlioidea and Pcntameroidea. Mem. Peabody Mus. Harvard, No. IV, xii ~1- 270 pp., 29 pis. Schubert, C., and LeVene, C., 1929: Bracliiopoda, 140 pp., Pars. 42 of Pom- peckj, J. P., Fossilium Catalogus, Berlin. Sowerby, James, 1812: The Mineral Conchology of Great Britain. I, pp. 234 + 10, pis. 1-cii. London. Stefanov, D. L., 1934: The Brachiopoda of the Bryozoan Limestones of the Kolwa River Region (Northern Urals), pt. 1, Strophamenacea. Trans. Oil- Geol. Inst., Ser. A, fase. 3. Sutton, A. H., 1938: Taxonomy of Mississip^Dian Productidae. J. Palaeont.,- XTI, pp. 537-569, pis. LXII-LXVI. Thomas, I., 1914: The British Carboniferous Producti, I. Genera Pustula and Overtonia. Mem. Geo. Sttrv. V.K., Pal. I, pp. 197-366, pis. xvii-xx, 13 text- figs. Tschernyschew, T. H.: 1889: Beschreibung des Central-Urals and des West-Abhanges. Allgemeino geologische Karte von Russland, Blatt 139. Mem. Com. Geol. St.- Petersb., Ill, No. 4, pp. viii + 393, 7 pis. (German Summary.) 1902: Die Oberearbonischeu Brachiopoden des Urals und des Timan. Lief. 1. Text, viii + 749 pp., 85 text-figs. Russian and German. Lief 2. Atlas, 63 pis. Waagen, W., 1884: Salt Range Fossils, Vol. 1, Productus Limestone Fossils, pt. 4, fase 3, Brachiopoda. Palaeont, indica, Ser XIII, pp. 611-728, pis Iviii-lxxxi, 8 text-figs. Wade, A., 1937 : The Geological Succession in the West Kimberley District of Western Australia. Pep. Ansi. Ass. Adv. Sei., XXIII, pp. 93-96. Weller, S., 1914: Mississippian Brachiopoda. Monogr. Geol. Surv. 111., 1, 508 pp., 83 pis. text-figs. Whiteliouse, F. W., 1926: Notes on Upper Palaeozoic Marine Horizons in Eastern and Western Australia. Pep. Aust. Ass. Adv. Sci., xviii, 1926, pp.. 281-283. 132 K. L. Prexdergast. PLATE I. Dictyoclostus callytharrensis n, sp. Pig. 1. Brachial valve. Syiitype. G.S.W.A. 1/4967 (b). (x §). Fig. 2. Pedicle valve (x 1^), to show ornamentation. G.S.W.A. 1/4654. Fig. 3, Pedicle valve. Syntype. G.S.W.A. 1/4967 (b). (x §). Pig. 4. Lateral view of Pedicle valve. U.W\A. 12400. (x §). Fig. 5. Brachial valve (x 11), showing hinge-line and gingliinus. G.S.W.A. 1/4654. Fig. 6. Hinge-line (x IJ), to show ginglimus. Paratype. G.S.W.A. 1/4967 (a). Fig. Pedicle valve. U.W.A. 12400. (x s). Permian Productinae and Stropiialoshxae ok W.A. 63 PLATE I. K. L. Fkexdkrgast. ()4 PLATK II. Ki^'. 1. Dictyoclostus callytharrensis ii. sp. Pedicle vahe (x P';). (i.S.W.A. 1/49(17 (a). I'dRs. Dictycclostus callytharrensis vur. wadei. n. vai'. Ilolotvpe, \o. 2045M. {x n). Ilhi^e-line and iinibonal roiLiion. 3. Lateral view of liolotype. 4. I'ediele valve of lioIoty])e. Pi^s. ~)-7, Dictyoclostus gratiosus (Waagen). Aus. AIiis. P. 37o(il 5. Pedicle valve. (). Lateral view. 7. Brachial valve. Pigs. S-9. Dictyoclostus spiralis (Waageii). Aus. Mas. P. 3(i->14. (x S. Pedicle valve. 9. 1/ateral view. Paratype ILW.A. (X H). n). Permian Peoductinae and Strophalosiinae of W.A. G5 I’LATE II. K. L. PRHXDEKOAST. ()() IM.ATP HI. Ki^'s. 1--. Linoproductus cancrinifonnis vnv. lyoni n. \ar. Ilolotvpe. Aiis. Mils. F. 3G530. (x n). 1. Lateral view. 2. and brachial valves. Fiy,s. 3-5. Linoproductus cora var. foordi (Mtli. fil.). O.S.W.A. 570Sb. (x i). 3. Pedicle valve. 4. Brachial valve. 5. Lateral view. Fig. (). Waage.noconcha vagans Reed. Brachial valve. ThW.A. 20451). (x ji). Figs. 7-1). Waagenoconcha imperfecta Ibendergast. 7. Pedicle valve. P.W.A., 20454. (x ii). S. Brachial valve. ILW.A., 20454. (x ?i). 1). Tbnbonal region of ]te. Taeniothaerus subquadratus (Morris). 1. Braeliial vahCj exterior. XT.W.A. 12396. 2. Brachial valve, interior. IT.W.A. 21247. 3. Interior of pedicle valve. P.W.A. 4786. 4. Pedicle valve, exterior. U.W.A. 20447. ■■). Lateral view. U.W.A. 20447. 6. Hiiige-linc of crushed s]>ecinien. IhW.A. P. 21. Figs. 7-10. Anlosteges spinosus Ilosking. 7. Pedicle valve. Ans. Alns. F. 37710. *S. Lateral view showing recurved area. Aus. IMiis. F. 9. Brachial valve. Aus. Mu,s. F. 3S444. 10. Ih'dicle valve. Aus. Mus. F. 3S444. Figs. 11-13. Krotovia spinulosa (-1. Howerby). Aus. Mus. 38446. 11. Lateral view. 12. Jhnlicle valve. 13. Brachial valve. All tigures reduced to H nat. size. Permian Productinae and Stropiialosiinae of W.A. G9 PLATE IV. 70 K. L. Prexdergast. Pl.ATK \'. Pif^s. 1:J. Stroplialosia sp. cf. Strophalosia 'beeclieri (liowU-v). I'.W.A., 1^04-Ii). (x n). 1. Hvaeliial valve. 2. Pedicle valve. 3. Lateral view. 4. Strophalosia clarkei ( Pthei idge). Interior of hracliial valve. Aiis. Mils. F. 3(i23o. (x Figs. 0-12. Strophalosia etheridgei n. sp. 5 . Brachial valve in limestone. X^.W.A., 20247(a). (x H). 6. Pedicle valve (x ]}■). Syntyjie- G.SAV.A. 1/5242 (a). 7. Interior of ])edicle valve (x 1’,). Svntvpe. G.S.W.A. 1/5242 (a). S. Lateral view (x 1,'). Syiityjie. G.S.W.A. 1/5242 (a). 0. Brachial valve (x I/.)- Hyntype. O.SAV.A. 1/5242 (a). 10. Interior of brachial vah'e (x 1\). Rvntvpe. G.SAV.A. 1/5242 (a). 11. Hiacliial vahe in limestone (x H). IWV.A., 20247 (c). 12. Pedicle valve (x ii). F.W.A., 20257. Fig. i;}. Strophalosia gerardi King. llolotype. Fniv. (V»ll. (Jalway, I.K.S. A^o, F.r.D. 207. Brachial valve and hinge-line, (x rs)- Figs. 14-15. Strophalosia sp. cf. Strophalosia gerardi King, (x q)* F.W.A. 12399. 14. Pedicle valve. 15. Hinge-line of pedicle valve. Figs. 10-17. Strophalosia gerardi King. Holotyjie. (x ii). 10. Lateral view. 17. Pedicle valve. Figs. lS-20. Strophalosia Jukesi Fth. fil. LS. Fxterual cast of brachial valve. {:> ^ a 19. Internal cast of brachial valve, (x a. 20. Internal cast of pedicle valve, (x a. U.W.A., 20200. F.'W.A. 20204. F.W.A. 20204. Permian I^roduotinae and Rtrophalosttnae of W.A. 71 PLATE V. K. L. Prkxdergast. Figs. 1 Figs. 0 r’ig. !) Figs, i Fig. 1 Figs. 1 PLATE VI. -■). Stroplialosia kimtierleyensis n. sp. 1. Brachial valve. Holotypc. P.W.A.^ 20452. 2. Pedicle valve. Ilolotype. 0. Lateral view. Ilolotype. 4. Interior of ))racliial valve. Paratypc. U.W.A., 20455. 5. Interior of pedicle valve. Para type. U.W.A., 20400. -S. Stroplialosia multispiiiifera n. si>. nolotyi).e. P.W.A., 20458. 0. Lateral view. 7. lliiige-line. 8. I^edicle valve. . Stroplialosia tenuispina Waagen. Pedicle val\'e. TJ.W.A., 20451. 0-12. Stroplialosia s]). A. U.W.A., 20448. 10. Interior of pedicle valve, n. T^edicle valve. 12. Lateral view. ;i. Etheridgina complectens (Eth. fil.). Syntype. Poyal Scottish Museiiin No. 5080. 4-15. Etheridgina muirwoodae n. sp. Syntypes. Aiis. AIus. F. 10690. 14. interior of pedicle valve and exterior of brachial valve. 15. Interior of pedicle valve. All figures reduced to n nat. size. Pp:Ri[IAN PRODUCTIXAE AXD StROPHALOSIIXAE OF W.A. By Autlioi-ity; ROHicirr U. MiLr.KU, Government Printer, Perth. The Occtjbkence or the Genus Conoclypus in the North-West 75 Division, W.A. 2.— THE OCCURRENCE OF THE GENUS CONOCLYPUS IN THE NORTH-WEST DIVISION, WESTERN AUSTRALIA. By Irene Crespin, B.A., Commonwealth Palaeontologist.. Read 9th September, 1941 ; Published 21st May, 1943^ Communicated by Professor E, de C. Clarke. In 1939, Mr. E. A. Rndd, M.Sc., when associated with Oil Search, Ltd., of Sydney, collected three specimens of a large echinoid from the east flank Cape Range, Exmoiith Gulf Station, North-west Australia, whilst further examples were recently discovered in the same region by geologists attached to Caltex (Australia) Oil Development Pty., Ltd. All specimens have kindly been made available for examination. The tests are embedded in a pink to ochreous limestone containing species of Lepidocyclinae characteristic of the Middle Miocene in the Indo-Pacific. The form has been determined as Cono- clypus, a rare genus only previously recorded from the Eocene in areas outside Australia. The occurrence of Conoclypus, according to Morley Davies (1935) is “ widespread in the Cretaceous, but unknown in Cainozoic of America or Australia.” It is recorded from the Eocene of India, Egypt, Madagascar, Mozambique, and Persia, as well as from countries in southern Europe. “ Its geological range thus follows the large Nummulites and like them, it never reached America and is apparently extinct after Middle Eocene.” All specimens are in the Commonwealth ‘Palaeontological Collection ^ Canberra, Australia. The photographs of the types were taken by Dr. F. W. Clements, Australian Institute of Anatomy, Canberra. DESCRIPTION OF SPECIES. Plate I., figs 1—3. Class ECHINOIDEA Brown. Order HOLECTYPOIDA. Family ECHINONEIDAE. Genus CONOCLYPUS Agassiz. Conoclypus westraliensis sp. nov. Holotype . — Although a specimen has been selected as a holotype, the species cannot be fully described without referring to characters which are better illustrated in further specimens. Test moderately large, almost circular in outline, broadest beliind apical system above periproct ; moderately convex to subconical on aboral surface,, with a flat adoral face. Entire test covered with small tubercules sunken in rounded scrobicules. Apical system slightly praecentral or forward. Ambulacral and interambulacral plates only visible in worn specimens. Genital plate distinct with four genital pores. The two pore fields, which outline the five petals, are petaloid in shape. The pore fields, wliich are com- posed of pore pairs of the dot and dash type, in wLich one pore becomes slit- 76 Irene Crespin. like, are wide, extending from apex to ambitus, and converging towards apex and peristome. Peristome on adoral surface, central and pentagonal, with five interambulacral bourrelets, representing the rounded blunt projections from each ambulacrum adjacent to the peristome, and five ambulacral phyllodes, representing the ambiilacral pores. The phyllodes indicate tlie petaloid arrangement developed on the aboral surface, and are distinct on one specimen. The five bourrelets and five phyllodes form the floscelle. The periproct is on adoral surface at posterior end of test in the fifth interambulacral area close to ambitus. Dhne'nsio7is. — Height — Holotype, 49 mm. ; Paratype, 41*5 mm. ; Plesio- types, (1) 41 mm., (2) 41*5 mm. Diameter of adoral surface from periproct to 3rd ambulacral— Holotype, 74 mm. ; Paratype, 70*5 mm. ; Plesiotypes, (1) 61 mm., (2) 66 mm. Occurrence. — Holotype, Gorge east flank of Cape range, west of Exmouth Gulf Outcamp, North-west Division, Western Australia, coll. E. A. Rudd. (Com. Pal. Coll. No. 184). Paratype, same locality as holotype. (Com. Pal. Coll. No. 185). Plesiotypes, Open gorge, north of Mt. King, Cape range, coll. E. A. Rudd ; 4-7 miles from mouth of Badjirrajirra Creek, Exmouth Gulf, coll. Caltex (Australia) Oil Development Pty., Ltd. (Com. Pal. Coll. Nos. 186, 187). Ohservatioyis.—Morlej Davies states that “ the genus is remarkable in having jaws of a Holectypoid, tlie Cassidulinoifl floscelle and Clypeastroid petals.” The genus is typically represented in C. westralicnsis, the four specimens availal:)le for examination being uniform in shape but varying in height and diameter. Tate, in 1893, describetl from the Tertiary beds at Table Capo, Tasmania, an ecliinoid under the name of Conoclypens rostratus. The specimen, which is in the Tate Museum, Geology Department, University of Adelaide, has beoai re-examined, and belongs to the genus Echino layy^jnis. At the time wlien Tate describcnl his form, the beds at Table Cape were con- sidered Eocene in age, but they are now referretl to the Miocene, being most probably Middle Miocene. Tlie limestone in which C. westraliensis is found, contains a foraminiferal assemblage typical of the Middle Miocene in the Indo-Pacific region and includes such forms as C ycloclypcus posteidae Tan and Lepidocycliyia (Tryhliolepidina) ynartini (Schlumberger). There is, there- fore, little doubt that the genus ranges to a much liigher horizon in the Tertiary in the Tndo-Pacific region than previously considered. REFERENCES. Agassiz, L., and Desor, E., 1847. Catalogue raisonne des families, genres, et des especes de la classe des echinides. Ann,. Sci. Nat. (3), Zool. 8, p. 167. Davies, Morley A., 1934-1935. Tertiary Faunas. Vol. X.. II. Tate, R.. 1893. Unrecorded Genera of the Older Tertiary Fauna. Journ. Hoy. Soc. N.S.W 27, pp. 167-197. Wright, T., 1857. A Monograph on the Britisli Fossil Eehinoderinata from the Oolitic Formations. Part III. Pal. Soc. London, 9. DESCRIPTION OF PLATE. All figures f natural size. Figs. 1-3. Conoclypus westraliensis sp. nov., Cape Range, Exmouth Gulf Station, North west Division, Western Australia. ,, 1. Side view of Holotype, showing typical Conoclypus shape and characteristi surface ornamentation. „ 2. Adoral surface of paratype, showing peristome, periproct, 5 interambulacr^ bourrelets and 5 ambulacral phyllodes, „ 3. Aboral surface of holotype, showing 4 genital pores and slightly praecentral apical system. . a The Occurrence of the Genus Conoclypus in the North-West 77 Division, W.A. "v -- mm mm tK'V ih. S^N:. .’ ' K"'-. 'Xm : •: r\ J . v> • c Fibrofebrite and Copiapite from Yetar Spring, near Chidlows. 79 3 .— fibroferrite and copiapite from yetar SPRING, NEAR CHIDLOWS. By Rex T. Prtder, Ph.D., B.Sc., F.G.S. Read 14th October, 1941 : Published 21st May, 1943. Yetar Spring (Lat. 31° oG*o^ S., Long. 11G° 21-4' E.) is situated in the upper reaches of the Helena River some 51 miles S.S.E. from the junction of the main hTortham and York roads {see W.A. Govt. Litho. 2 /80). My attention was drawn to this locality by Mr. L. Burgess of Fauldings, Ltd., Perth, who collected encrusting material from the mound built up by this spring. This material, which Mr. Burgess gave to me for determination, proved to consist largely of a mixture of fibroferrite, copiapite, and melanter- ite. As this occurrence of fibroferrite was the first record of this mineral for Western Australia the locality was visited by Professor Clarke and myself in April of this year, and a closer examination of the occurrence was made. THE MOUND SPRING. The spring, situated on flat ground, several hundred yards south of the Helena, has built up a mound 1|- chains in diameter and about 15 feet high (fig. 1). The mound consists of a black peaty earth which is a greyish colour when dried. This material, on ignition, yields a greyish diatomaceous earth consisting entirely of diatom remains and delicate rods of amorphous silica. The latter are broken and do not show any pointed ends or a central canal and are therefore not sponge spicules — they may be silicified plant fibres. A partial analysis of this diatomaceous earth (dried at 100°C.) gave ; — 0/ /o Loss on Ignition” ... 21-85 f^iCb 69-71 FcoOs 3-46 Rest ... 4-98 100-00 Anal. : R. T. Prider. According to tlie owners of this property, the mound from which the spring issues has gradually increased in size, apparently by growth from below, during the forty years that it has been known, so that several enclosing fences have been destroyed. About LJ- chains wnst of the main spring there is another small spring and the ground surface over an area of about ten scpiare yards is slightly uplifted. The water from the spring is rich in solids (determined at 0'3077 parts per cent.) and qualitative tests indicate that chlorides are the dominant constituents with minor amounts of sulphates. The metallic ions present are mainly alkalies with lesser amounts of magnesium. No iron is present in the water, although in the channel through which the spring water runs over the surface of the mound there is a copious precipitate of flocculent iron oxide. The sample collected by Mr. Burgess formed an encrustation on the peaty diatomite in the vicinity of the channel draining the water from the top of the 80 Rex T. Prider. mound. It consisted of a mixture of white fibroferrite (predominant), yellow copiapite, and colourless melanterite. None of this material remained at the time of my visit in April, 1941 (possibly having been dissolved by rain, as these minerals are all w’atcr-soluble) and the only ferric sulphate minerals seen w'ere from encrustations on the surface of small heaps of spoil from shallow holes which had been dug on the surface of the mound — such material con- sisted largely of copiapite and melanterite with no libroferrite. Several samples were taken from the encrustations: ( 1 ) of moist yellow material, and ( 2 ) of dry earthy yellow material. Figure 1. General view of the niouiul at Yetar Spring. The figure on right gives tlie scale. The f(‘rric sulphate minerals are : — • A. Fibroferrite . — Present only in the sample collected by Mr. Burgess. It was identified optically and the determination checked by qualitative chemical tests. The properties of this mineral are : — White in colour in the mass and soluble in cold water, the resultant solution giving positive reactions for Fe"' and SO 3 only. Yields water and then SO 2 in the closed tube. Under the microscope it is seen to be in tiny colourless acicular forms with Z [| length, y = 1*600 + *002 and oc = 1 • 553 + * 002. These refractive indices are somewhat higher than those given by Larsen and Bennan (1934, p. 103) for fibroferrite, viz., y ~ 1*575 and oc 1*533. None of the Yetar Spring fibroferrite could be obtained free from copiapite and no quantitative analysis has been made. The small lumps of white fibroferrite (about J inch diametei’) when broken are seen to contain a central core of copiapite. B. Mekmterite was identified optically from the samples collected by both Mr. Burgess and myself. My samples consisted entirely of copiapite and melanterite. In the damp material (sample 1) melanterite was more abundant than in the dry sample (No. 2) which consisted predominantly of copiapite with lesser amounts of melanterite. An estimation of ferrous iron m the moist material after drying in a desiccator over calcium chloride gave FeO Fibroferrite and Copiapite from Yetar Spring, near Chidlows. 81 7 • 38 per cent, (as compared with FeO 4 * 50 per cent, in the naturally dry sample No. 2 — see Table 1 below). The melanterite occurs as colourless weakly bi- refringent granules with refractive index 1 • 48. C. Copiapite is the most abundant constituent of the naturally dried material (sample 2). It is earthy yellow material, soluble in cold water, yield- ing a brown acid solution. Under the microscope it is seen to be in micro- scopic yellow non pleochroic plates with high birefringence and y = 1-578. An analysis was made of the copiapite-rich sample (No. 2) and the result is shown in Table 1. Table 1. Analysis of Copiapite-rir.h Material {Sample 2). Analysis on material dried in desiccator over calcium chloride for seven days. Insol. (1) ... • /o 0*88 Mol. prop. Melanterite. Copiapite. No. of Metal Atoms on basis of 6 S. FeO 4-50 •063 ■063 , . • Fe/J, ... 21 -39 -134 •134 3-78 AI 0 O 3 Nil , • • Cab Tr. MgO 1*27 ■032 ■032 0-45 K 2 O 0-25 -002 •002 0-06 Na.^O 2-17 ■035 •035 0-99 SO, 39-17 •490 ■063 •427 6-00 Hob( 2 ) ... 30-37 1-687 -441 1*246 35-10 Of Tr. ... . • . • • . . . . 100-00 Anal. • R. T. Prider. (^) Insoluble in cold water. (^) By difference. A separate determination on another sample gave “ loss on ig- nition ” 65*82 per cent. On the assumption that all of the FeO is in the form of melanterite the residue (copiapite) has the formula (Na 2 , Mg)o. 97 (OH)i. 94 . - 00 - 16-58 H 2 O, which agrees fairly clo.scly with the formula X( 0 H) 2 .Fe"' 4 (S 04 )g. n H 2 O suggested by Peacock (see Berry, 1939, p. 182). Following the nomen- clature proposed by Berry (1939) this mineral would be a soda-magnesio- copiapite. THE ORIGIN OF THE MOUND AND THE ASSOCIATED FERRIC SULPHATE MINERALS. The mound surrounding the spring has apparently grown by addition of material from below. It ajopears most probable that the ferric sulphate minerals have been derived from a mass of pyritic material lying below the surface. The surroimding country (although outcrops are scarce in the imnu'diate vicinity of the spring) is made up of Pre-Cambrian granitic rocks which would not be expected to contain any appreciable amount of pyrite — nevertheless pyritic masses are known to occur in the Darling Range granite, for example, at the Canning Dam quarry I have observed a well developed vein, several feet wide, of crushed granite heavily mineralised with pyrite. Again there may be a dolerite dyke carrying pyrites below the mound spring. Material 250' Quartzite Upper Granite gneiss (with rare basic igneous and 500' meta-sedimentary xenoliths) 1900' Quartzite 110' Hornblende schist 40' Quartzite 570' Sillimanite schist 100' Quartzite 375' Lowei’ Granite gneiss (characterised by the j)resence of basic igneous and sedimentary xenoliths) 5,400' Quartzite 050' Hornblende schist 35' Lower .... Quartzite Unknown These rocks form the Jimperding series and are intruded in succession by the following - 1. Coarse non-foliated microcline granite. 2. Pegmatites, garnet aplites, and garnet muscovite granites. 3. Quartz dolerites. 4. Serpentinised ultrabasic sills and dykes. The age relation of the quartz dolerite series and ultrabasics is not at present known. Large scale faulting in the metamorphic rocks has been noted in several places, the most notable being in the part of the area situated about one and a-half miles east from Nardi Trig Station where a faulted block of the meta- morphics is found. This block has suffered a displacement of approximately one and a-half miles along the fault plane (see E.~W. section through datum on Plate I.). The lithology and structure of the area are reflected in the topography. The metasedimentary areas are all rough country, whereas the granite gneiss and granite areas are comparatively smooth. The main stream, the Avon River, as will be seen from the geological map (Plate T.) follows the structure very closely, and its main tributary (the Jimperding Brook) behaves in a similai’ fashion in the upper part of the series. The distribution of the later quartz dolerite dykes is interesting in con- nection with the structure of the area. A glance at the geological map shows that they trend generally in a N.N.W.-S.S.E. direction. There are some exceptions to this, but the greater number of dykes have this trend. They have apparently come up along lines of weakness approximately parallel to the tectonic ‘‘ strike " (or tectonic axis). III. PETROLOGY. A . — The Jimperdinq Series. Tlie metasedimentary members of this series, \dz., the (juartzites and mica schists will be described first and the igneous members (plagioclase amphibolites and granite gneisses) later. (1) The Quartzit-s. These are mostly coarse grained alnmst pure ([uartz rocks occurring in well defined bands. In the field they have a well bedded, flaggy appearance and are much iointed. Geology and Petrology of Part of Toodyay District, W.A. 89 On all the bedding surfaces a well marked lineation (figure 2), due to elongation of mica flakes, is visible. This lineation is often accompanied by a corrugation of the surfaces of the Cjuartzite flags. Unfortunately the sig- nificance of this lineation as pointed out by Phillips (1937, p. 591) was not appreciated at the time when the original field survey (made j^rior to 1936) was being carried out, but certain significant localities within the area have since been re-examined and the direction and pitch of these lineations noted. The light that these observations have thrown on the geological structure will be given in a later section. Pig. 2. Quartzite outcrop in Gorge Creek, near Key Parni, Toodyay, show- ing well marked h-lineations. The clinometer indicates the strike and rocks dip towards the observer in the direction of the arrow. The hammer handle lies in the direction of the b-lineations which pitch to the left-hand side of the outcrop. The well-marked joint- ing of the quartzites is a noticeable feature. (Eeproduced from ^‘Junior Geology by E. de C. Clarke and L. P. Hanrahan, by kind permission of "the University of Western Australia Textbooks Board.) The structure in all tlie specimens examined microscopically, is similar, viz., coarsely granoblastic consisting almost entirely of irregular interlocking grains of cpiartz. All signs of clastic structure have been completely obliterated by recrystallisation. In all the rocks examined there is slight undulatory ex- tinction, but no other signs of crushing in the cpiartz. A pale greenish chrome muscovite is the most common constituent other than rpiartz, and is present in all the specimens examined. Occasionally narrow seams up to 2 inches thick of this mica are interbedded with the quartzites. Felspar (mainly microcline with a little oligoclase) is a common constituent, but rarely exceeds 5 per cent of the rock. Minor minerals present in varying amount, are mag- netite, apatite, rounded pink zircons, biotite, and rutile. These heavy ” minerals are occasionally concentrated into bands (figure 4B). In the earlier examination of these rocks from the Jimperding Area, it was thought possible to distinguish the various quartzite bands by means of the mmor constituents (Prider 1933, p. 7). Extension of the survey and an examination of a greater number of the lower quartzites has indicated that. 90 Rex T. Pkider. while possible to distinguish between the upj)ermost horizon and the bands in the lower part of the series, these low er members could not l^e distinguished from one another. In this paper, therefore, the cpiartzites will be considered in two main groups — (u) The u]jper (piartzit(' (Xo, 5 fpiartzite of the earlie?' paper). (6) The lower quartzite horizons. (u) The Upper Quartzite is characttalsed by the mode of occurrence of ehrome muscovite and almost complete absen(*e of felspar. These rocks are all even, coarse-grained types, consisting almost wholly of (juartz, in which the average grain size is of the order of 3 mm. diameter, although much coarser vaiieties are often encountered. The remarkable evemaess and coarse- ness of grain indicate the high degree of metamorphism to which these rocks liave been subjected (Harker, 1932, ]>. 97). A. Micaceous quartzite. Section ])erpendiculnr to bedding. Shows the coai’Se granoblastic structure and parallel oriented )‘ods of chrome-inuscovitc. B. Micaceous quartzite. Wection ])aranel to bedding showing tendency of idioblastic mica to be elongated in a common direc- tion ■ direction of lineation seen in hand specimen.) Under the microscope' the irregular interlocking cjuartz grains frecpiently exhibit a marked elongation in sections cut normal to the bedding. Undulose extinction often accompanied by incipient cracking is a common feature. Minute dusty inclusions, many of w’hich are gas-liquid inclusions, are alw'ays present and appear to be arranged in lines normal to the direction of elongation of the grains (figure 3A), These appear to be directions of tension joints (“ ac joints”) as described by Fairbairn (1937, p. 89), although this cannot be verified until fabric analyses of these rocks are made. The presence of abundant chrome muscovite inclusions in the quartz grains is the most remarkable feature of the upper quartzites. These are all arranged in parallel orientation as .shown in figures 3 (A) and (B). In Geology and Petrology of Part of Toodyay District, W.A. 01 sections normal to the bedding the mica appears in innumerable minute paralh'l rods. Sections parallel to the bedding (figure 3B) show tliat the minute mica flakes are all euhedral and the marked lineation noticed in thi' hand specimi'n becomes evident under the microscope in the elongation of tlu^se flakes in a common direction. The mica, in hand specimen, is a pale bluish-grein colour, but under the microscope it appears colourless, except in thicker sections, when it has a bright light greenish colour with pleochroism - X pale bluish ; Y Z pale yellow-green ; absorption X ^ Y Z. ^ Dti06 ; ( -)2V 31°~33° ; Dispersion distinct r > A determination of the Cr .>03 content of mica isolated from a narrow band (2 inches wide) of chrome mica in ojk' of the Lower Quartzites gave — 0-22 p(T cent. This is considerably lower than the CT. 2 O 3 of tlu‘ normal clirome muscov'ites cjuoted by Do('lt('r (1917, p. 42S). Of the six analys(‘s (|uot(‘d, the lowest, ^ is 0-S7 p(T cent, and it goes as high as 3*95 per cent in the original fuchsite from Zillerthal. Hutton (1940, p. 330H) has di'scribi'd a chromic musco\'it(' (H)iitaining 0-27 ])('r c('nt Gr .203 and has not(‘d liow a v(‘ry small chromic contcait is sufli('i(‘nt to )>ro(luce a bright gr(H 3 i colour in a thick flake of the miiK'ral. Partridge (1937, p. 457) has recently describt'd a similar mica from Maslii- shimala, Transvaal. It (‘arries 0-S5 p(‘r cint C'ro 03 and Partridge considc'rs that chrome muscoviti' is a bi'tter name for this mim'ral than fuchsite as it was })r(“viously termed. In its o])tics : Pleochroism X blue, yellowish p-eim, Z bright gret'ii (bluish), )3 = 1-590, (-) 2V 35° : it agrei's ciosi'ly with the mica in th(' Toodyay (juartzites. The (-hrome muscovite, ai^cording to Partridges occurs (juite commonly in the <{uartzit(>s of tin* Swaziland Systean in South Africa and it is tlu're'fore similar in occurrence' to the' e-hrome'-muscovite in the Toenlyay e|iiartzite*.s. The' source of the chromium, whie-li is so wiel(*ly disse'ininate'el througii these ejuartzite^s, is unknown -no chrome-be'aring detritals ha\e' be'cn nott'el in those rocks anel ne) ultrabasic re^cks (e)the'r than se'\ e‘ral small beielies youngea* than the (juartzite's) are known in the area. Partrielge' (1937, ]). 459) has noteel the' [ire'sence of traces of chromium in minerals e-onnecte'el with, and ceintaineel in, the granites e>f North-Last Trans\'aal, anel alse> that the oce-ur- reaiea's of chrome-musceivite are' conne'e'te'el with the' granite inti’usions anel are> founel einly in close proximity tei the' gi-anite'- -he cone-luele's, the'refore, that the e‘hrome-musce)vite is gene'tie*ally relateel to the granite'. An intere'sting assoe*iation of teiurmaline' with the e-hronu' muscovite was note'el in the' ejuartzite\s in the Gorge at Kew Farm -hea-o a fe*w platy crystals e)f tourmaline u]i to 2 cm. long, coateel with the' gre'e'nish mica, we're founel eai the be'deling surface's of the Cjuartzite's. The* teiurmaline is a sliglitly chromi- fe'rous pale breiwnish schorl with e ~ 1 • (559 + -002, o> = 1*(515 + *002, con- taining 0-35 pe'r cent (V. 2 O 3 . This oe-curreau'e seems tei support tlie possi- bility that the^ chromium was elea*ive'el from the granitie- gneiss intrusions (or freim its pe'gmatitic de'rivative >8 whie*h are ])artie*ularly nume'rous in the Gorge' Orea'k loe^ality at Ke'y Farm, whea-e the' gre'e'n niusce)\'ite is also more' abunelant than elsewlu*re). (b) The Lower Quartzites.- -Them' are' six distine-t banels in the' lower part of the series. They are inte'rle'ave'el with sillimanite schist, hornbk'iiele schist (plagioe-lase amphibolite), anel thicker granite gne*iss banels. 92 Rex T. Prider. They are mostly coarse grained types (average grain size 3 mm. or more) and have the same granoblastic structures as noted above, the main differences to the Upper Quartzite being the almost constant presence of felspar in the Lower Quartzites and its absence in the Upper Quartzite and the fact that tlie chrome muscovite in the Lower Quartzites is generally set between the quartz grains while in the Upper Quartzite it occurs as inclusions in the cpiartz. Most hand specimens are very coarse sugary rocks with bedding planes sparsely coated with pale greenish chrome-muscovite. White turbid felspar is a common constituent, but is never present in amounts exceeding five per cent. It is usually a microcline, but rare gi*ains of oligoclase and orthoclase are present. The felspar grains are much smaller than the quartz, reaching a maximum of about 0 * 5 mm. diameter — ^they are usually somewhat rounded, slightly turbid inclusions in the quartz, but the larger grains show a tendency to idiomorphism (figure 4A). Pig. 4. A. Pelsj>athic quartzite, showing coarse granoblastic structure and tendency of larger microclines to assert their crystalline form. B. ‘‘Heavy mineral’^ band in lower quartzite. Minor detrital minerals occur sparsely in these lower quartzites — the most common species are rounded grains of zircon, magnetite and rutile. Pyrite in rounded grains with a thick rim of limonite is found occasionally— there can be little doubt, in view of the rounding of the grains, that the pyrite is an autochthonous constituent of the rock. The segregation of these ‘‘ heavy ” minerals into bands (figure 4B) has been previously noted. (c) The Origin of the Quartzites . — The (piartzites, then, are rocks of simple composition consisting almost entirely of quartz (95 per cent + ). There can be little doubt that they were originally remarkably pure sands which have been completely recrystallised in the sillimanite zone. The coarse granoblastic structures, which have completely obliterated any sign of original clastic structures, testify to the high grade of metamorphism to wliich tliey have been subjected. In the absence of any foreign material, the only change in these rocks is the complete recrystallisation of the quartz. Hall and du Toit (1923. p. 77) in describing the very coarse quartzites at the base of the Bushveld Oeology and Pp:trolo(jy of Part of Toodyay District, W.A. 93 Fabric diagrams of tlic .Jimpordiiig quartzites (botli rocks cut normal to the b-luieations; . A. Showing rare type of ‘^Trener orientation’’ (Fairbairn, 1937, p. 70) — a marked elongated maximum coinciding with the “c” fabric axis. Dotted line is plane of foliation. Section per- pendicular to marked lineation on bedding plane, (.’oiitours 7, 5, 4, 3, 2, 1. B. Sliowing normal ^^ac” girdle with two prominent maxima, equally disposed to the ^‘ab” plane. Dotted line is plane of foliation. Section normal to dij). No lineation a])parent in liandspecinien. Contours 7, 0, 5, 4, 3, 2, 1. 94 Rex T. Prider. Complex near Pretoria, are of the opinion that the original purity of the sedi- ment IS essential for the formation of ^-ery coarse grained types of quartzites. The purity of the very coarse quartzites described above supports this theory. That these rocks were deformed in an almost plastic state is seen in the minor drag folding which they exhibit ^'ocks from these dragfolded areas show no more cataclasis than in the less disturbed parts. It IS impossible to recognise any chronological succession in the quartzites as practically all sedimentary features have been obscured by recrystallisation. (d) The Fabric of the quartzites and its relation to the geological structure . — Fabric analyses have been made of several qiiartzites, but in the absence of a set of geographically oriented specimens, no conclusions can be drawn from these analyses. They are quoted here to show that the quartzites have a well-marked girdle fabric (he., are S-tectonites) and also because one of these rocks (figure 5A) exhibits a rare type of orientation (type “ b ” of quartz orientation, hairbairn, 193/, p. 70) — the optic axes are concentrated in a direction normal to the bedding planes {%.€., a prominent maximum lies in the direction of the “ c ” fabric axis). This maximum is somewhat elongated and spreads out into the typical girdle. The other analysis (figure 5B) is a more normal type. In it there is a well developed ac ” girdle with two prominent maxima, equally arranged on both sides of the “ ab ” plane. This is a common type of fabric noted by Phillips (1937) in the Moine Schists of Scotland. The analyses made, although insufficient to warrant any conclusions, serve to indicate that a fabric study of these rocks would probably yield much infoimation regarding the tectonics of this region. One feature brought out is that the b fabric axis in the tw'o analysed specimens coincides with the lineations on the bedding surfaces (see figure 2). Although no further fabric analyses have been made, as no universal stage ecpiipment is available in Western Australia (the analyses of the two unoriented specimens described above -were made in the laboratory of the Department of Mineralogy and Petrology at Cambridge under the direction of Dr. F. 0. Phillips), a re-examina- tion has been made of certain parts of the area with a view' to determining the direction and jjitch of these b ” lineations which, on the evidence of the two fabric analyses described above, are coincident with the “ b ” fabric axis (ne., the tectonic “ strike ” or tectonic axis, sec Phillips, 1937, p. 587). These readings are indicated in figure 1, and show that there has been considerable cross folding on the main N.W. trending structure on axes trending N.N.E. Although this structural study of the Jimperding quartzites is far from complete, sufficient has been done to indicate the desirability of continuing the work when universal stage equipment is available. (2) The Calc-Silicate Rocks. A rather interesting group of lime silicate rocks occurs in narrow kuiticular seams at a constant horizon in the lower quartzites. The rocks lie just below the hornblende schist band and are of rather sporadic occurrence. They are characterised by the presence of grossularite, diopside, pale green amphibole, epidote, and sphene. The first sign of the presence in the quartzite of lime-magnesia impurities is seen in the development of a pale greenish actinolite along with a little epidote in some felspathic quartzites (e.g., specimen 1250*). Such rocks are * Numbers are the catalogue numbers in the collection of the Department of Geology, University of Western Australia. Geology and Petkology of Part of Toodyay District, W.A. 95 coarse granoblastic structured types in which the amphibole occurs in pale greenish prisms with irregular terminations, either included in the quartz or set between cjuartz grains. It all has the same orientation and thus tends to give a banded appearance to the rock. Rarely, grossularite is noticed as a constituent of the felspathic quartzites (specimen 1248). Irregular shaped epidote granules and small lozenge shaped idioblasts of sphene are also in- cluded in the quartz. In these rocks the (Ca, Mg) silicates are only present as accessories. A. Quartz-diopside-epidote-grossularite rock (1249), showing grossularite aggregates, with associated sphene, epidote and diopside. The clear areas are quartz xenoblasts. B. Hornblende-diopside quartzite (15405) witli grossularite (at top) and carbonate (centre and bottom). An increase in the dolomitic impiirity in the original sediment leads to the tion is Y>Z>X and Z/\c = 19°, indicating that it is blue-gret'ii hoj'nblende rather than actinolite. Geology and Petrology of Part of Toodyay District, W.A. 97 Grossularite is present in small amount only, in irregular shaped, isotropic, yellow granules, always closely associated with the diopside. There is no epidote in 15405, but it occurs in similar rocks and possesses similar characters o that in specimen 1249 above. 15405 is the only rock in which any carbonate has been noted. It occurs in small xenoblastic forms, always with concave boundaries towards the other constituents. It is most abundantly developed in the vicinity of diopside and hornblende (figure 6B). The complete absence of twinning suggests that it is dolomite rather than calcite. There can be no doubt that 15405 and related rocks are meta-dolomitic sandstones. Failure of the carbonate to react completely with the silica appears to indicate lack of sufficient aluminous and ferruginous impurities in the original sediment. The co-existence of quartz, grossularite, and calcite (or dolomite) indicates that these rocks have been developed by regional metamorphism under high pressure, for, if thermal metamorphism were responsible, then it would be expected that the remaining carbonate would liave reacted with silica to give wollastonite. The rocks described above are representative of the sparsely distributed calcareous seams in the original sandstones. They undoubtedly represent T'('gionally metamorphosed impure dolomitic sandstones with a varying car- bonate content. Kaolinic and ferruginous impurities have led to the forma- tion of epidote and grossularite and a certain amount of iron has entered into the dolomite-quartz reaction producing diopside. In rare instances an insufficiency of impurities has inhibited the dolomite-quartz reaction. The grossularite in these rocks appears to have developed under conditions of regional metamorjDhism in the sillimanite zone. Tilley (1937, p. 372) has undant andalusite. Another thinner band near the bottom of the series is characterised by sillimanite. Throughout the whole area the mica schists m-(' considerably weathered, making examination o fthem somewliat difficult. The lower jnica schist can be ti’aced from the south-east corner of the ai-ea alniost to the western side. It is interbedded witli (piartzites and is <‘\'erywhere c.ontorted by small dragfolds consequent upon its having been t()ld(^l between the two more competent quartzite beds. In the central part of tlie area and in the immediate vicinity of the townsite of Toodyay, it is considerably thickened by folding and it has l)oen impossible in this <'rumpled portion to map all the minor folds. 98 Rex T. Prider. The following types are developed amongst the mica schists : — (a) Sillimrmite Schists . — These are mainly two-mica schists with narrow psammitic bands. Slight variations have been noted and they are illustrated by the following descriptions of typical members : (i) Quartz-biotite-sillimanite schists (e.g., spec. No. 15638). The‘s<^ are finely schistose structured rocks consisting of bands composed almost entirely of fine acicular sillimanite, alternating with quartz- biotite bands which represent more ferruginous and psammitic layers in the original sediment. The fibrolite bands are occasion- ally distorted by a later growth of sillimanite in stout cross fractured prisms arranged at about 45° to the schistosity (figure 7A), in- dicating that a later thermal metamorphism was imposed on the earlier regional metamorphism which had developed the fibrolite. Muscovite (rare) also has a tendency to be arrang(‘d with its cleavages at about 45° to the schistosity. Fig. 7. A. Sillimanite schist — bands of fibrolite with a little biotite, alternating with quartz-biotite bands. A later growth of silli- manite developed at about 45® to the banding. Note ])sammitic quartz-biotite bands. B. Sillimanite-biotite-plagioclase granulite. No tendency to orientation of any constituents. The clear areas arc fine granu- lar plagioclase. The fibrolite appears to be developing from biotite, the iron released in this change being represented by elongated grains of magnetit(' which occur most abundantly in the fibrolite layei’s. (ii) Sillimanite-biotite-plagioclase granulite (c.g., spec. 15078). Such I'ocks as these show’ the very interesting association of sillimanite with zoned plagioclase and myrmekite. In hand specimen the rock is tine-grained, greyish in colour ’with an irregular banded structure — fissile biotite bands alternating with granular quartz fels])ar bands. Under the microscope the structure is fine, even- gi’ained granoblastic w’ith lenticular areas rich in sillimanite and biotite with schistose structure. The approximate mineralogicaj (]1eology and Petrology of Part of Toodyay District, W.A. 99 composition is quartz 10 per cent, oligoclase 35 per cent, silli- manite 20 per cent, biotite 30 per cent, muscovite 5 per cent, and accessory magnetite and zircon, but in certain bands the sillimanite content rises to 70 per cent or more of the rock which thus becomes a valuable sillimanite ore. In the psammitic bands both c(uartz and oligoclase are xenoblastic. I’he felspar is invariably zoned, the zoning being reverse gradational in character from Abg An^ centre to Ab 3 An^^ periphery ; twinning is seen in the central parts but the outer zone is generally un- twinned. The outer zones of the plagioclase grains also carry numerous vermicular inclusions of (juartz, forming a myrmekite- like structure. The development of this structure in the absence of microcline is interesting — it appears to be due to the growth of the plagioclase around crushed (juartz spindles. The sillimanite is in two generations (1) as fine acicular clusters, (2) stout cross fractured rods, the arrangfunont of which is unusual (figure 7B). In any section they appear to be arranged in bundles, some' lying in the plane of the slice, others arrangcnl normal to or at an angle with it. The biotite is a deep rc^ddish-brown lepidomelane in im‘gular shaped flakes with but little tendemey to parallel orientation. In addition to inclusions of sillimanite there are numerous minute zircon inclusions, surrounded by pleochroic haloes. Muscovite is in larger plates (Imm.) carrying poikiloblastic in- clusions of (juartz and oligoclase. It is pc'netrah'd by sillimanite rods but is idioblastic towards the biotite. Magnetite and zircon are the only accessories. (iii) Cordierite-sillimanite schists {e.g., specimen 15683). This sj)('cimen is the only metasediment of this area in which the preseiKfe of cordion'ite has been noted. Ther(‘ is no sign of schistosity in the rock, either in hand specimen or in the field occuirix'nce. Con- stituents noted microscopically were quartz, biotite, muscovite, sillimanite', and pinite (after cordierite). The sillimanite is found as small tufts of needles closely associated with a deep rc'ddish- lirown biotite and radiating out into the neighbouring ejuartz. This variety is abundant and appears to be developing at the ('x])('nse of the biotite. Sillimanite occurs in a second g('neration, in stout('r rods haphazardly includc'd in a pale brownish practically isotropic pinite (after cordierite) ; in section these jiinitic areas mc^asure up to 0-5 mm. diameter. There is no definite oric'nta- tion in the micas. Plagioclase is absent. The ajiproximate mineralogical composition is -biotite 35 p('r cent, sillimanite 25 p('r cent, (juartz 25 p(T ccnit, pinite U) jier ceiit, muscovite five p(T (^ent, and ac(^('SSory zircon and magnetite. (6) (kirnvt-hiotite-plagloclase schist.- occunence of garnet in the mica schists has only been noted in one place (15 cliains >S., 122 chains \V. from datum). H('r«i the garnets are found in a very sandy schistose rock, which, under the microscope, is seen to consist largely of zoned plagioclase. The rock is medium grain('d, schistose and granular in structure, with porphyroblasts of pink garnet up to 3 mm. diameter. The greater part of the rock consists of an ecjuigranular completely recrystallised aggi*egate of jilagioclase, cjuartz, and biotite with an imperfect schistose structure due to tJie subparallel alignment 100 Rex T. Prider. of biotites. The scliistosity is interrupted by the idioblastic garnets which, during their growth, have pushed the biotite flakes aside. Tlie crystalloblastic order is garnet, biotite, plagioclase, and quartz. The biotite is a strongly pleochroic variety with X pale yellow, Y = Z <.lecp brown, and refractive indices, y = 1-G38 and a = 1*591. Zircon in- clusions whth pleochroic haloes are abundant. The plagioclase is an albite about AbgAn^ and shows slight normal gradational zoning. The centres of some of the crystals are sliglitly turbid wutli sericite-epidote alteration products. -r 8 Feet o O o o o o o O O o O O O O O o o d 0 - ^ e o 5 O o Mica schist Quartz-mica schist Garnet-mica schist Cummingtonite schist Garnet-mica schist with cummingtonite hands (§” -wide) Mica Schist Fig. 8. Sketch section of small w^aterfall at the head of Gorge Creek (15 chains S., 122 chains W., from datum), showdng the relation of cummingtonite schists to the mica schists. From the same outcrop as tlie garnet schist comes : — (c) Gedrite-cummingtonite-plagioclase schist . — A typical specimen (19947) is a pale greenish-grey, fine grained bandcnl rock- — light greyisli to white' bands to J in. tliick alternating witli gr('enish-grey bands up to \ in. tliick. Under tlie microscope there is a well-marked schistose structure and the minerals noteil w'orc gedrite, cummingtonite, plagioclase, and c[uartz. The amplhboles occur in well-shaped prisms (often w'itli ])oikiloblastie inclusions of plagioclase) uj) to 1 • 5 mm. in length. Tliey all he witli their longer axes in the plane of scliistosity, but appear to be of random arrangement in these planes since basal and longitudinal sections are present in aj^proxi- matciy eipial numbers in all sections cut at right angles to the scliistosity. Both are jiale clove-brown, not noticeably pleochroic varieties and are dis- (Ieology and Petrology of Part of Toodyay District, W.A. 101 t ingui.shable only by the inclined extinction (Z/\c = 17°) of the oiimmingtonito as (compared with the straight extinction (Z = c) of the gedrite. The former oft(‘ji shows lamellar twinning. The optics of the latter : — Pale clove-brown, non-pleochroic, X = a, Y = b, Z -- c, (-) 2V large, y — DOOV, ^8 = 1*659, a = 1*653, indicate the aluminous variety, gedrite. 'Fhe light-coloured bands are composed of cummingtonite (with gedrite) - plagioclase -|- ({uartz, while the darker-coloured bands are much richer in cummingtonite and contain little or no ({uartz, and in some still darker bands gre(‘n hornblende becomes an important constituent. vS])ecimens transitional in character between (6) and (c) are present in the same outcrop (see figim^ 8), and in these specimens narrow dark bands of garnet-biotite-plagioclase schist (often containing prisms of g('drite) alternate with light-coloured cummingtonite plagioclase^ rock. A noti(teable feature is that the ampliibole in the biotitic bands appears to b(‘ all gedrite, whereas this mineral is subordinate to cummingtonite in the lighter-coloured layers. All the above types («)» (^)» (c) found in the lower band of mica schist. They have been derived from argillaceous sediments of variable composition ; plagioclase becomes evident in the slightly calcareous bands. The various associations of sillimanite, biotite, (juartz, plagioclas(‘, and cordierite noted above are all well known. The g(^drite-cummingtonite- biotite-oIigoclas(^ association is much rarcT. Amongst the best known com- parable rocks are - (!) The gedrito-plagioclasites of the Kragero region, Norway, described by Brogger (1935, ])p. 213-325). Although generally massiv(', schistose types have been described from this district. Thcvse rocks ar(' (jonsidered to be derived from basic igneous ro(*ks in a similar fashion to the gedrite (and anthophyllite)-cordiorite rocks. (2) 'Phe ])lagioclase-gedrite gneisses of the Nesodden Peninsula n(‘ar Oslo, described by Brock (1926, p. 180) in which the association “ (juartz, plagioclase, biotit(', garnet, gedrite agrees very closely with that (>bserv(*d in the Toodyay rock. Brock considers that these rocks have b(‘cn derived from leptites by addition of FeO and MgO. (3) 'Phe garnet plagioclase amphibolites of Isopiia, Kalvola, Finland, (l(‘S(Tibed by Fskola (1936, p. 475). P^skola in this pa]K‘r d('scribes a paragenesis of gedi’ite and antho])hyllite, an association similai* to that noted in the Toodyay schist, and he considers that the g(‘drite-cinnmingtonite-garnet amphibolite of Isopaii has becui formed by metasomatic replacement of basaltic agglomcTates. 'Pile gedrite-cummingtonitc’-biotite-plagioclase schist from Toodyay, from its int('rlamination with sillimanite schists and tlu' rhythmics banding obs(‘rved in the specimens appears to be a metascHlimentary rock, deri\’('d probably from a tliin bedded sediment such as an ini]')ure dolomitic shal(‘. {(1) Andahjsite schists. -These are confined to the uppermost })elitic band which outcrops in the S.W. portion of the ar(‘a. The rocks of this band are (juartz-muscovdte schists with a variable biotit(‘ cont(ait. All the outcro])s are highly weatla'red, the rocks aj)pearing as yellow and reddish iron-stained schists. Simpson (1936, p. 11) has noted the occurrence of sillimanite (fibro- lite) in these andalusite schists but it appears to be very rare, as I have noted the presence of sillimanite in one specimen only. 102 Rex T. Prider. The aiidaliisites sliow a constant variation in size and number tliroughout tlie band as shown in figure 9. At the bottom of the band the andalusites are very abundant — they project from the weathered surfaces forming 40 per cent or more of the exposed surface. The crystals vary in size up to 6 x 2 x 2 cms. The prism (110) is always well developed but the terminal faces are very poorly developed. Traversing the band towards the south the andalusites become much smaller and less abiindant and finally disappear, the rock then being a much weathered reddish muscovite schist which outcrops right up to the granite boundary. K A^/? 7Z//? L ScfIL £ 1 1 1000 F'ecf Pig. 9. Cross section of upi:)cr mica schists showing distribution of nndnlusitc. The andalusites in the lower part of the band, as described and figured l)v Simpson (1928, p. 50), all show some alteration to muscovite : — (1) On the periphery, to a coat of small muscovite plates. (2) Within the crystals there is usually an irregulai- alteration to fine fibrous sericite. Most of the andalusites are clouded with carbon dust inclusions and show the typical chiastolite cross. In addi- tion, we Tiiay note' a peculiar feature shown by many of these andalusites : the arms and cleavages of the chiastolite cross are curved but tiie optic ori^nitation remains constant throughout the wliole crystal. This feature is similar to that shown by some staurolite and garnet crystals (Harker, 1932, p. 221) due to rota- tion during their growth. Tlie groundmass of these rocks is a ijuartz-biotite-muscovite schist. The biotite is completely wt'athered. It is interleaved with coarse platy musco- \-ite. Quartz is abundant in sTualler irregular shaped grains. Plongated lenticles of sericite are common. Tliis material is similar to tliat developing in tlie larger andalusites and it appears to result from the shearing out of smaller andalusites in the bas(' of the rock. In one specimen this sericitic^ matei’ial is present in lenticular areas with iri-egular inclusions of quartz. The micas are deflected arountl these knots in a similar manner to the deflei'titm around larger andalusite porphyroblasts. Geology and Petrology of Part of 'J'oodyay District, W.A. 103 Tlie only other constituent is rare, w^elhshaped brow'iiish tourmaline. 3n one specimen a few stout rods of sillimanite, arranged parallel to the folia- tion were noted, but this is the only sillimanite present in my specimens. Proceetling in a southerly dirc'ction towards the granite, the andalusites become smaller and eventually disappear. Specimens from this part are similar to the groundmass of the andalusite schist but have a greater abundance of the lino fibrous sericitic bands and knots, lirownisli tourmaline is present, l)ut rare. This type of rock persists right up to the granite contact which cuts the schists off abruptly to the south. In a series of specimens collected throughout this band there was no apparent variation in the tourmaline content. The absence of any concentration of this constituent in the schists near the contact seems to negative the possibility that it was introduced from the granite. At the same time its constancy of character indicates a common source for all the tourmaline. Its origin is therefore somewhat doubtful, as it may be developed from constituents introduced from the intrusive granite, 07' it may be original detrital toui-maline wliich has been recrystallised. In considering the origin of the andalusite we naturally look first to the intrusive granite as the source of heat. The granite is intrusive because : — (1) It ti*ansgresses the bedding of the mica schists. (2) Several patches of schists up to 20 cliains long x 8 chains wide liave been noted wliich are surrounded by granite. (3) It shows no foliation like the granitic rocks in the Jimperding S('ri(‘s. Tliere has been no apparent thermal alteration of the (country I’ocks. As shown above, the andalusite^ is abs('nt in the vicinity of the contact and, therefore, the genesis of the andalusite could only be attributed to thermal alteration by the granite if there were an increase in the pcilitic constituents of th(? original st'diment as it becomes more distant from the granite. Althougli no chemical analyses are available, microscopical examination shows that tlie composition is faiily constant throughout the band, and this rules out the granite as the agent which formed the andalusite. The granite' on its outer mai’gin has sufferc'd no chilling and is just as <*oai'se-grain(‘d as it is at a distances of a (juarter or half-mile from the contact. '^Phis suggc'sts that the intrusion of the granite took place at some depth, into se'diments which were themselves in a somewhat heated condition. The ])ossibility of a faulted junction between the granite and schist must, however, not l>e ov'erlooked. The distribution of the andalusites indicates an accession of heat from lu'low. There are sevei-al inti’usive masses, below the andalusite' scliist (figure 9), which may have su])pli(‘d the lu'at lU'cessary foi' the dc'velopment of andal- usite :• • (1) Th(* Uppc'r Gi'anitic giu'iss. (2) An ultrabasic sill now rejresentc'd by a monomineralic actinolite schist. (3) Doleritc dykes. Theses could not have* (‘ffectc'd tlu> devoloj)m('nt of andalusite as they ai’c post granite in age. wlic'i’c'as the develop- ment of andalusite was pre-gi’anite. Latc'r retrogi'c'ssive clianges in the andalusite (i.c., replacc'ment by musco- vite and sericit(') are ])robably due to pneumatolytic altc'i’ation by va])oui's from th(‘ intrusive granite to the south, in a similar manne]’ to the alteration of sillimanite'- to muscovite noted by Simpson at Clackline (Simpson, 193(). 104 Rex T. Prider. p. 13). In addition there has been a considerable amount of sheai-ing aft(a- the formation of andalusite, which in specimen 10743 is cracked and slieared out into lenticles consisting mainly of sericite but carrying relicts of andalusite. (4) Hornblende schists (plagioclase amphibolites). There are several different modes of occurrence of these rocks ; — (1) as well defined bands (average thickness 40 feet), interbedded with quartzites. All have been completely recrystallised and variable grain features, which may indicate the original nature of the mass (Cooke, etc., 1931, p. 49) have been obscured. These bands never transgress the bedding of the associated sediments,, and they appear, in view of the great area ovt'r wliich they retain their constancy of character and liorizon, to l)e basaltic flows which have been folded along with the associated sediments. (2) as irregular shaped inclusions, usually of small areal extent, in the upper granitic gneiss. These are considered to be xenolithie bodies. (3) coarser-grained xenoliths in tlie lower granitic gneiss. These are often veined with granitic material. The two latter occurrences will be considered later in a section dealing with the xenoliths in the gneiss. The schistose plagioclase amifliibolites interl)edded witli the metasedi- mentary rocks are remarkably constant in character, consisting mainly of blue-green hornblende and ac'id plagioclase, with minor amounts of e})idote, (juartz, microcline, magnetite, s])hene and apatite. The only variants of this type are diopside-plagioclase amphibolites of rather rare occurrence. 15437 is a typical example of the normal liornblende schist. It is a medium grained schistose rock consisting predominantly of hornblende. Epidote is an abundant constituent, and in hand specimen is seen to occur in pale yellow-green seams running ])arallel to the schistosity. Under the microscope the rock has a well defined schistose structure, the hornblende occurring in irregular shaped prisms (average 0-5-mm. long), in parallel alignment. Other constituents are plagioclase, microcline, epidote, (piartz, and sphene. The hornblende j^risms often carry small ])oikiloblastic inclusions of ([uartz and felspar. The liornblende is a common blue-green variety with X yellow to yellow-green ; Y olive to brownish-green ; Z bluisli-green, and absorption X Z Y, ^ ^ 1-072 and Z/\c = 20°. The epidote is the pale yellow highly birefringent pistachite, usually confined to narrow bands parallel to the foliation. In the vicinity of epidote the hornblende is represented by a pale greenish bleached variety. Along joint cracks which are not coated with e]jidote tlie liornblende is also bleached — such joints traverse the hornblende crystals without dislocating them and are only evidenced by the jiresence of a narrow seam of more fibrous bleached hornblende which has the same optical orientation as the crystal traversed. There has clearly been some transport of material along these microsco[iical fractures, as seen by the occurrence of the same jiale amphibole along the joint plane . where it traverses ([uartz and felspar grains. Two varieties of felspar are present, both xenoblastic an Norms. Q Or Ab An di iiy mg il ap py 1 . 2 . 3. 4. 53-61 50-20 49-05 49-13 10-77 15-00 15-03 13-13 2-21 3-83 3-16 3-65 9-02 8-93 9-08 8-95 6-92 6-04 6-96 7-64 10-04 10-65 10-47 11-84 2-12 1-90 1-70 1-72 1-54 0-07 0-95 0-16 1-62 1-62 1-43 1-72 0-17 0-07 0-25 0-04 1-05 1-06 1-07 1-27 0-17 0-12 0-08 0-14 0-35 0-16 0-09 0-15 n.d. n.d. 0-13 0-45 99-59 99-65 99-45 99-99 5-10 6-18 1-98 3-48 8-90 0-56 5-56 1-11 17-82 16-24 14-15 14-15 15-57 31-97 30-58 27-52 27-30 16-41 16-68 24-88 17-52 19-18 21-58 18-33 3-25 5-57 4-64 5-34 1-98 2-13 2-13 2-43 0-34 0-34 0-34 0-34 — — 0-13 0-45 1. Schistose plagioclase amphibolite (15437), interbedded with quartzite, Toodyay, W.A. 2. Schistose plagioclase amphibolite (1241), xenolith in Upper granite gneiss, Toodyay, W^. A. 3. Coarse granular quartz-plagioclase amphibolite (15441), xenolith in Lower granite gneiss, Toodyay, ^^^A. 4. Quartz dolerite (15424), dyke in metamorphic rocks, Toodyay, W.A. All analyses by R. T. Prider. Amongst the rocks forming this band there is, as j)reviously noted, but little variation. Microcline may be absent and ([uartz may be more abundant than in the tyj>e rock. Iron ore rimmed with spliene, indicating its origin from ilmenite, is a common feature, although in the rock described above the usual (‘entral ore inclusion in the S])hene is absent. T'he most unusual variant of the plagioclase amphibolites is a type in whicli diopside finds considerable development. 15440 is typical— it appears in hand sjjecimen to be a normal hornblende schist with narrow bands and lenticles (never more than 2 mm. wide) of light greenish diopside. Kkx T. Pridkr. I OH Under tlie microscope the constituents are hornblende, diopside, and jdagioclase with accessory (juartz, apatite, and sphene. The hornblende and diopside are concentrated into alternate bands (figure lOB) and appear to have crystallised independently. The hornblende has a much stronger absorption than that described above — it has X yellow-green ; ’N' brownish- green ; Z deep bluish-gi’een : and absorption X Z ^ Y ; ^ ^ ^ I ■(>74 ; and Z/\c — IH°. The diopside is in irregular cf|ui(limensional grains to 0-5 mm. diameter. They have no alor coloured at junction with diopside), slightly turbid plagiocdase, quartz. B. Fine banded variety interbedded with (]uartzite. Constituents: hornblende in well defined bands, diopside (dotted), plagioclase. approximately 30 per cent — it appears in two generations (1) a very turbid indeterminable variety clouded with secondary fine granular zoisite — this variety is more or less confined to the hornblendic bands ; (2) a clear fresh ]‘)lagioclase associated with the diopside bands. Fine lamellar twinning is occasionally develo])cd and the small extinction (2° - 3°) in sections X 010 indicates an oligoclase. Slight normal gradational zoning is notic'cable in some grains. Sphene and rare apatite are the only accessories. Iron ores are absent. Another specimen belonging to this group has an *' augen ” structure — the augen are of diopside aggregates set in a plagioclase amphibolite ground in which the felspar is heavily saussuritised. A specimen taken from the iipper contact of the hornblende schist with the quartzite at a point 132 chains E. and 229 chains S. of datum, shows a Geology and Petrology of Part of Toodyay District, W.A. 107 gi'adation from normal plagioclase ami^hibolite. tlirougli epidosito to a diop- side-]>lagiocla.se rock in which grossularite is ])rescnt in small amount- — this latter type is developed right at the contact. The j)lagioclase amphibolite portion of the specimen is the normal type in which the felspar is very turbid with fine granular e])idote. Following this is a narrow band (} incli) consisting [predominantly of yellow epidote (pista<‘hite) with a minor amount of pale greenish hornblende and quartz — the hornblende then decreases in amount leaving an almost ])ure epidote band (] incli) in which lozc^nge shaped sphenes are a notable constituent. In tlie outer part of this band grossularite is occasionally seen. Jkwond this, the rock consists of epidote, slightly turbid plagioclase (Abc)Anj) and (juartz, tlie two latter occurring in micrographic intergrowth. On the outer limit of the specimen, the rock consists of diopside and saussuritised plagio- clase with a little grossularite, sphene, and ([uartz. Were it not so clearly related to the [plagioclase amphibolite, siu'h a rock could conceivably have resulted from the metamor[)hism of an im[pure argillaceous limestone. The develo[)ment of grossularite in this rock is interesting, as it lias developed from the epidotic alteration of the original felspar. The main features which elucidate the origin of these schistose [plagioclase nmplubolites are : — (1) They occur interbedded with metasediments and never transgress the bedding. (2) They are constant in character throughout the area. Rarely, more calcic diopside layers alternate regularly with layers of the normal amphibolite. A similar feature to this is seen in the Landewednack hornblende schists of tlie Lizard, Cornwall (Flett and Hill, 1912, [). -M>). (8) The refractive index — l-(>73) of tl le hornblende is indicative of hornblendes from e]pidiorites in the sillimanite zone (Wiseman, 1934, [p. 394). (4) In their chemical com[Position they are normal igneous rocks, such as would result from the crystallisation of a (] uartz dolerite magma. i'lu'se [plagioclase am[Phibolites a|>[pear, therefore, to be m.etabasic igneous rocks, v'hich formed either a sill or flow in the metasediments [prior to tlie fprogenic [period, and have been folded along with the metasediments. In view of the complete recrystallisation’, no evidence is available as to whether thes(‘ were originally flows or sills. (5) The (hrmtfe Onetsses and iJte associated xenoliths. A^. d(‘s(;rib(-d above, tlien^ are two bands of light coloured gmnitic gneiss lace contemporaneously with the flowage. That the gneisses are of igneous origin cannot l>e doubted in the evidence presented by mimerous xenolithic bodies of variable composition— some metasediments, others metabasic igneous. These will be described presently. In places at the bottom of the Upper (hieiss (notably in Poison Creek), the gneiss is discordant to the bedding in the (piartzite and small offshoots traverse the bedding of the ({uartzite. We will consider firstly the Uppei' Gi’anitic Gneiss and its associated xenoliths. (a) The Tapper Granitic Gneiss. The niaiji characteristics may be summarised thus : — (1) Augen gneissic structure is characteristic throughout. (2) Ptygmatic folding is occasionally developed. (3) With the exception of occasional small basic xenoliths, narrow lenticles of plagioclase amphibolite and irregular small biotite granulite xenoliths, the composition is fairly constant throughout. (4) Microcline is the dominant felspar. (5) Myrmekitic structures are developed in most types. (6) Biotite is im-ariably chloritised and contains sagenitic rutile in- clusions. (7) Narrow veins of pegmatite and aplite are numerous. (8) Garnet and the ^•a^ious aluminium silicates characteristic of meta- sediments are completely absent. The main type of the Upper Gneiss is a microcline granite gneiss, but other minor types are occasionally noticed. The varieties of Upper Gneiss- are : — (i) Biotiteanicrucline granite gneiss. — These are medium-grained rocks vlth augen gneissic structure. The augen are of microcline up to 1 cm. X O’O cm., in an even-grained ground of cpiartz, felspar, and biotite, the latter in sub-parallel alignment. The cpiartz is in elongated ellipsoidal grains (5 mm. x 3 mm. x 1 mm.) showing greatest elongation parallel to the strike and lesser parallel to the dip. Under the microscope the minerals observed were quartz, micro- cline, oligoclase, and biotite vith accessory magnetite, apatite, muscovite, zircon, epidote, rutile, and myrmekite. Microcline is most abundant, occurring in xenoblastic plate‘S, usually, but not always showing peripheral granulation (Plate III, C). This Geology and Petrology of Part of Toodyay District, W.A. 109 granular microcline aggregate is comparatively coarse-grained and seems to be a protoclastic, rather than a cataclastic structure — this is supported by the absence of any cataclasis or marked strain in the associated quartz. Tlie microcline may carry small inclusions of quartz and plagioclase, and in the latter instance mynnekitic intergrowths of quartz with the plagioclase are usually present. Pig. 11. Fabric diagram of Upper granite gneiss. Plot of poles of optic axes of 200 quartz grains, showing the complete absence of any orientation in the quartz. The Cjuartz is in irregular shaped unstrained grains forming a con- stituent of the microcline mosaic and, as alloti’iomorphs, elongated parallel to the gneissic banding (Plate IT, A and B, and Plato III, D), in which case it often includes parallel aligned biotite flakes. The (juartz shows slight undulatory extinction but has not suffered any granulation and has been either : — (1) of post t(*ctonic crystallisation : or (2) original cruslied gj’ains, eoTnphdely recrystallised into elong- ated xenoblastic forms. A fabric analysis was made of a fine even-grained granitic gneiss, showing this marked elongation of unstrained ijuartz grains, but after the measurement of 200 grains no apparent concentration of the o])tic axes in any direction was noticeable (figure 11). Similai' results wert‘ obtained from se\-eral othei* granite gneiss(>s wliich wei'(‘ analysed. It is interesting to coinpaie this result with those obtained for several of the (juartzites (figure 5. A and B), which show sucli a well- marked fabric. It would be expected that the gneiss would possess a fabric similar to the (piartzites. The complete absence of any girdle in the diagram for the gneiss indicates that the quartz is of post tectonic crystallisation. This is verified by the observation, in somf' j*ocks, ofgj'aimlar jnicrocline mosaics included in the quartz. 110 Hex T. Piuder. Plagioclase (10 to 15 per cent) is gonorally a slightly turbid and poorly twinnod oligo-albite (AboAn^) which is partly replaced by myrmekite when in contact witli microcline — it is never zoned, and is invariably replacc'd in part by tine fibrous soricit(‘. Biotite which, on the averages, forms 10 per cent of tliese rocks is of two types — (1) A strongly pleochroic greenisli brown variety with minute sagenitic rutile inclusions. The flakes are well formed parallel to 001, but have ragged terminations. It is partially replaced by green chlorite, especially along the cleav'age, leading to an intergrowth of these two minerals. (2) A bright greenisli completely chloritised biotite, usually developed in (‘ontact with microcline and intergrown with epidote. The biotites. often occur in small clustered aggregates- An the more crusht'd varieties they occur in well defined bands, curving around the lenticular granulated microcline aggregates. Apatite is the most abundant accessory in stout idiomorpliic prisms. Minor accessories are small zircons (with weakly pleochroic haloes) included in biotite, scattered grains of magnetite and epidote. Specimen No, 1213, an even-grained type, has been analysed as typical of these granite gneisses, and the analysis appears in Table 2, Column 1. It is a typical granite, and the appearance of a little corundum in the norm is due to tlie slight secondary alteration of the felspars. TJiere is insufficient excess alumina to suggest the possibility of a sedimentary origin for tliese gneisses, (Bastin, 1909, p. 401.) TABLE 2. Granite Gneisses from the Toodyay Area. 1. 2. SiOo • . • • . . 71-85 63-28 TiO, 0-25 0-83 AhO, 15 • 00 14-56 0-55 3-13 FeO ... ... 1-20 5-10 MnO Tr. 0-09 MgO ... 0-42 I -70 CaO 1-52 3-51 NaoO 3-67 3-66 K^O 4-45 2-58 HA)+ 0-54 0-52 H,0- 0-02 0-15 0-11 0-45 99-58 99-56 Norms. Q 29-52 20-40 Or . • « » • • 26-13 15-57 Ab • • • . ♦ . 30-92 30-92 An ... ... 6-67 15-01 C 1 -73 0-20 hy 2-58 9-74 mg 0-70 4-41 il ... ... 0-30 1-52 ap ... 0-34 1-01 1. Biotite-inicrocliiie granite gneiss (Spec. 1213), Toodyay, W.A. Analyst, K. T. Pridcr. 2. Biotite-oligoclase granite sneiss (Spec. 15389), Toodyay, W.A. Analyst. R. T. Prider. Geology and Petrology of Part of Toodyay District, W.A. Ill (ii) Microcline-granite gneiss.— -The mica is much less abundant than in type (i). These rocks are rare and occur in narrow seams. They consist essentially of microcline, quartz, plagioclase, and accessory biotite, and, therefore, probably represent an originally aplitic phase of the granite. The microcline is slightly micro- pc^rthitic, and the less abundant plagioclase is a clear, finely- twinned oligoclase (AbggAn^g). Such mica as is present is the same greenish-brown partially chloritised variety as described above. (iii) Biotite-oligoclase-granite gneAss . — In this type, which is of rare oc- currence, there is a much greater development of brownish biotite than in (i) above. The main felspar is oligoclase, and microcline is present to the extent of less than 10 per cent. The approxi- mate mineralogical composition of a typical specimen (9577) is — Quartz 20 volume Oligoclase (Ab 4 An|) 65 % Microcline .... 5 o/ 0 Biotite 10 0/ 0 Accessory rutile, zircon, and apatite. The oligoclase is in subhedral crystals averaging 2 mm. diameter, with oscillatory normal zoning and average composition Ab 4 Ani. Occasional plates of microcline are present and, when in contact with oligoclase, myrme- kite is developed. The biotite is a brownish, non-chloritised variety, but still carries the characteristic sagenitic rutile inclusions. (6) XenoUths in the Uppe?‘ Granitic Gneiss. (i) Schistose plagioclase amphibolites .- — These are found in narrow irregular bands, varying from small stringers, several inches wide, which taper out quickly, to well-defined bands up to one chain wide which usually run parallel to the foliation of the gneiss. The occurrence in them of acid veinlets suggests that they are inclusions, rather than sheet-like intrusions, in the gneiss, and they often show a minute crumpling which accords with the view that they are xenolithic, rather than post gneiss intrusions, as there have been no major tectonic movements since the final consolidation of the granite gneiss. There is little variation in these rocks and they are almost identical, both mineralogically and chemically, with the plagioclase amphibolites, already described, which occur interleaved with the meta-sediments. The main points of difference may be summarised : — (1) Xenoliths in the gneiss have hornblende with a much stronger pleochroism : — X yellow-green ; Y deep olive green ; Z deep bluish-green ; and absorption Y Z X. (2) The plagioclase is more saussuritised and less abundant in the xenoliths. (3) Microline is 'absent from the xenoliths and quartz more abundant. (4) Magnetite, rimmed with sphene, spread out into trains parallel to the schistosity, is more abundant in the xenoliths. A specimen of contorted hornblende schist (No. 1241) from a xenolith in the granite gneiss was analysed and the result is seen in Table 1, Column 2. The main points of difference from the previously described hornblende schists lie in the lower Si02 and corresponding higher alumina in the xenolith. The 1]2 Rex T. Prider. alkalies, especially potash, are also slighter lower. These features indicate the close resemblance of the two rocks and also indicate that there has been no addition of material to the xenoliths from the granite gneiss. (ii) Hornhlendic schlieren . — These small lenses in the upper gneiss were ■only noted in one place (40 chains N., 527 chains W. from datum). They are irregular shaped len tides up to 12 inches wide, which are elongated parallel to the foliation of the enclosing gneiss. That these schlieren are older than the intrusive granite gneiss is shown by the narrow granitic veinlets penetrating them, and also by the fact that small fragments of the xenolithic material are found in the enclosing gneiss. The central }3ortion of these inclusions is made up largely of a dark green, bladed hornblende, in crystals up to 0-5 cm. long, with occasional larger plates of a pale greenish pyroxene. Small white angular patches and veinlets of felsjDathic material are present. Near the edge of the xenoliths the rock becomes lighter in colour, hornblende becomes rarer, a pale greenish pyroxene taking its ]>lace. The enclosing gneiss is a fine granulitic microcline granite gneiss. Under the microscope the fine microcline gneiss is seen to have pale gi*eenish liornblende derived from the hornblendic xenolith, as its ferromag- nesian. Approaching the contact the most noticeable features are (1) the increase in the hornblende content, (2) entrance of idioblastic sphene and colourless pyroxene, (3) decrease of microcline and corresponding increase of oligoclase. The felspars at the actual contact are considerably epidotised. The xenolith itself is made up mainly of pyroxene, hornblende, and introdiiced quartz-oligoclase veinlets. The outer zone of the xenolith is rich in pyroxene (in large plates up to 4 or 5 mm. diameter), which under the microscope are seen to be fringed with pale greenish hornblende. The pyroxene in thin section is colourless, with 110 cleavages well developed and a marked parting ]>arallel to 100 and less j^erfect parting on 010. The properties Z a c = 42° ; y = 1-705 ; « = 1*676 ; y - a = •029 ; biaxial (+), and very weak dispersion, point to a diopsidic pyroxene with 20 per cent, of the hedenbergite molecule. The amphibole which is clearly developing from the ])yroxene is a pale greenish, somewhat fibrous va^-iety, with an irregular coloration in the same crystal. Pleochroism is X yellow-green ; Y olive green ; Z bluish-green ; and absorption Xeen squeezcnl together by movements in the semi-cTystallised magma. The microstructurcs recall in many ways the round grained ” gneisses of Glen Doll, Forfarshire (Ilarktir, 1932, p. 298). Aj>atite is a very abundant ac.cessory, in small stout [jrisms, closely associated with the biotite ricli bands. These biotite-oligoclase granite gneisses a])])ear to be tlie result of the crystallisation of the residuum squeezed off! from the (uxrlier formed microcline, tlms containing a (H^ncentrate of biotite, oligoclase, and apatite. (e) XenoUlhs in the Lower Granite Gneiss. Numerous oval areas of foreign enclosures varying from several yards in diameter, to elongated masses up to 10 (diains in kmgth have been noted in the i^owor Gneiss. They are most abundant in the eastern part of the area (Plate 1). Most are poorly exposed and, witli several excej)tions, the contacts with the enclosing gneiss are obscured by soil. The mai>j)ing, hoW“ ever, indicates that they are lenticular bodies completely surrounded by granite gneiss. Tlie amphibolite enclosures are frequently traversed by quartz-felspar veins coming from the granite gneiss, thus establishing their pre-gneiss age. The longer axes and foliation of the entdosures strike jjaralle) to the banding in the surrounding gneiss. There is considerable variety amongst these xenoliths and the main ty[)es will be considered separately as follows : — (i) Kulysitic rocks.- Thono rocks are scarce in this area, but their occur- rciico is of interest since they boar similarities to rocks occurring as bands in the Bolgart greenstones to the ny xcmoliths are greenisli “ hornblenditos.” '^wo rocks were collect(;d from this locality and in view of their somewhat dif£(H’cnt cliara(T(T they will be described so])arately. Jianded (luartz- magnetite- hyper sthene rock (8'pec. No. 1 5451 ). This is a heavy, (^oarsedy- banded typ(j made u[j of bands (3 mm. wide) of silky lustr(‘d lamellar hyi)ersthene, alternating with darker magnetite bands fi'om 1 to 2 mm. wide. The rock is (^onsi(lerably weatliertid and iron stained, and its feeble magnetic (diaracter indicatt^s that th(i magnetite lias gone largely to fine granular martite. Th(j hypiTstliene is usually found with its longitudinal (d(;avago at about 45° to the banding. It has a poikiloblastic structure, enclosing botli (piartz and magnetite, and the original bedding has been preserved in the wide bands of magnetite and the thin |)arallel bands of fine granular ore which traverse 116 Rex T. Prider. the hypersthene (figure 13B). The hyperstheiie show>s a fine lamellar structure, (’leavage is poorly developed, but there is a good j^arting on 010. Although l>rownish (due to slight weathering), the weak j)leochroism is still visible. Its characters— X a ; Y = b ; Z = c ; (-)2V 83° ; y 1 -765 ; (* •--- 1 -74-5 — indicate an iron rich hypersthene with apjjroximately 85 |.er cent of the orthoferrosilite molecule (Henry, 1935, p. 223). (‘omparing the above data with those given by Henry (p. 223) for tlie iron rich hypersthenes, it will be seen that this hypersthene agrees almost exactly with the data given for the hypersthene in the eulysite from Mansjo, Sweden, which lias (-) 2\’ =- 83° ; y == 1-769 ; a 1-751. This is the most iron rich tyjie described ])y Henry (containing 44-93 per cent FeO). Pig. 13. Banded eulysitie rocks. A. (^uart/v-lienuitite-grunorite rock (No. 17452). B. (,)uart/i iimguetlte-liypersthene rock, showing original bed- ding preserved in the parallel trains of small magnetite grains included in hypersthene. The hy])ersthene is altering along its edges and along irregular cracks to a fine fibrous ferro-nntho- ])hyllite. The hypersthene is altering to a more fibrous, highly birefringent am] hi- liole, both around its edges and along irregular clacks. Some of the hyper- sthenes are eompletely replac'ed by tliis material. The optics of this ami'hibole are Z ^ c ; (-) 2V large ; y 1 -687, and it is therefore a ferro-anthojibyllite with apjiroxirnately 60 per cent FeSi 03 . Quartz and magnetite are the only other constituents with the exception of rare apatite. Both are closely associated and there is no sign of reaction betw'een them. The magnetite is in liands up to 2 mm. wide and in trains of small grains (parallel to the bedding) included in hypersthene. In ]daces. tongues of magnetite connect successive bands ol iron ore. The almost non-magnetic character of the rock indicates that the magnetite lurs gone to fine granular martite, and this is confirmed by the cherry red streak of tlie dark bands. On the outer portion of tlie rock the reddisli lu'matite can be seen replacing the magnetite, and the change throughout the rock is ascribed to oxidation due to weathering. A very different occurreuee of hematite is seen in the other specimen from this xenolith which is doserihod bc'low. Geology and Petrology of Part of Toodyay District, W.A. 117 The mineralogical composition (by volume) of the hyperstheiie rock is approximately — Hypersthene .... .... .... 60 % Ferro-anthophyllite Martite (after magnetite) Quartz Apatite 15 % 15 - -20 5 % Accessory. Banded quaTtz-hematite-grunerite rock (15452). This specimen is from the same locality as (a) above — the field relations lietween the two types are obscure. It is a finely banded, even-granular rock, and consists of alternating dark coloured bands of recrystallised hematite and pale greenish ([uartz- amphibole bands varying in thickness from 0-5 to 1-0 mm. The sj^ecimen is non-magnetic — this, together with the deep red streak confirms tlie de- termination of the silvery grey, metallic mineral as hematite. Under the miscroscope the structure is even-grained granoblastic gneissic, the hematite 0''*f‘urring in recrystallised grains and aggregates showing a marked segregation into bands (figure 13A) — quartz is often included in these aggregates and shows no signs of reaction- with the liematite. The amphibole and (piartz form a granoblastic aggregate, the latter often occurring as poikiloblastic inclusions in the former. The amphiboles have a random orientation in the rock, although in ])articular bands they tend to show the same orientation througliout. This a-mpliibole is a })ale greenisli weakly pleochroic variety- in irregular shaped prisms with lamellar structure. Tlie ]:>rism faces are fairly well developed, but the terminations, whether in contact with (piartz or iron ore, are irregular. It has good 1 10 cleavage and commonly shows multiple twinning on 100. The oj^tics are a -= 1 -635 ; y ^ 1 -660 ; y - a ^ *025 ; Z Ac — 15° ; (-)2V near 90. Opt. ax. pi. || 010. The refractive indices indicate a cummingtonite with 42 per cent FeSi03, but the negative optical cliaracter suggests admixture of the actino- lite molecule. Richarz (1927, p. 700) has described a similar amphibole from the Lake Superior District. It has Zac = 15° ; y = 1-680 • /3 = 1 • 668 ; a = 1 • 665 ; y - a *025 ; (-)2V near 90° and com- position : — AI2O3 5-3% Fe^Oa 00 0 0 FeO 22-4% CaO •> ■ gC/ - ^ 0 MgO a • 4 c/ thus differing from grunerite in its high FegO^ and Al^Og (nntent. In its optics it closely resembles the Toodyay mineral whicli is probably an alum- inous type of grunerite with admixture of actinolite molecules. The origin of the banded- eulysitic types. The [ireservation of well marked banding in these rocks is indicative of their origin from sedimentary, bedded iron ores. In their appreciable MgO content, and, in the case of type (b), the possible presence of CaO, the original rocks would appear to liave been impure banded siliceous ankerite rocks rather than greenalites. In the hypersthene- 118 Rex T. Prider. quartz-magnetite rocks, the original carbonate must have been largely siderite with but small admixture of magnesite. The metamorphism has been effected under thermal, rather than regional conditions, as evidenced by the complete lack of orientation in the amphiboles and orthopyroxenes formed dining this period. In the case of the quartz-hematite-grunerite rock {&), it would appear that limonite was a constituent of the original quartz-carbonate sediment, and has, by re-crystallisation given rise to well crystallised hematite without any reaction with the quartz. Si02 has reacted only with the (Fe, Mg) carbonates to give rise to the grunerite. Such a quartz-limonite-iron car- bonate rock is known amongst modern bog iron deposits (Van Bemmelen, 1900, p. 319). The presence of considerable MgO and possibly CaO, and the variable proportions of quartz, iron ore, and amphibole (or hypersthene) throughout the rock seems to indicate that greenalite cherts were not the sediments from wliich the eulysitic rocks were derived, and while the sedimentary origin is clear, there is some doubt regarding the original character of the sediment, but it appears most probably to have been a banded limonite-iron carbonate rock. (ii) Calc-silicate rocks . — Xenoliths of this type have only been noted in one place (114 chains X., 113 chains E. from datum). The rocks form a well defined band in the coarse porphyritic gneiss, rimning parallel to the strike of the enclosing rocks. The lime silicate rocks occur in bands and lenticles running through a band of white vein-like quartz. The rock is similar to specimen 1249 (described earlier), differing only in the relative proportions of diopside and grossularite, and in being more siliceous. It has the following approximate mineralogical composition (Vol. %) Quartz 50 per cent, diopside 18 per cent, epidote 5 per cent, grossu- larite 25 per cent, amphibole and sjihene 2 per cent. Isotropic grossularite is the only idioblastic mineral, and it encloses diopside and occasionally quartz. Diopside, which is not enclosed by grossularite, is altering to a fine fibrous colourless amphibole. These rocks undoubtedly have the same origin as the lenticles of lime silicate rocks in the lower quartzites. They represent xenoliths of the Jimperding metasediments which have been caught up in the intrusive porphyritic microcline granite. (iii) Co7'dierite-anthophyllite rocks and related types , — -These rocks are found in a large xenolith in the granite gneiss at a position 236 chains E., 177 chains S. from datum. The occurrence is more or less circular in shape and about 5 chains in diameter. It consists largely of anthophyllite-hyper- sthene-pleonaste rocks, but several other types, viz., cordierite-anthophyllite and biotite-clinochlore-anthophyllite rocks are found here. These rocks have been fully described elsewhere (Prider, 1940), but the cliemical analyses are repeated here in Table 3. The conclusion re- garding the origin of these anthophyllite-hypersthene-spinel rocks is that they \\'erc‘ derived from a hypersthenite magma contaminated by aluminous material. The cordierite-anthophyllite assemblages were developed from the spinel hypersthenites during the period of intrusion of the granite gneiss, by the addition of silica from the granite magma. Geology and Petrology of Part of Toodyay District, W.A. 119 TABLE 3. Analyses of cordierite-anthophylUte rocks and related types from Toodyay, W.A. {quoted from Prider, 1940, p, 377). 1 . 2 . 3. 4. SiO., 30-91 30-83 33-20 49-73 21-36 20-47 19-75 12-70 FegOg /19-971 9-23 3-36 4-56 FeO \ / 11-28 13-23 12-27 MgO 23-57 16-10 21-57 16 -.59 CaO Tr. Tr. Nil Tr. NagO Nil 0-36 0-24 0-40 K^O Nil 5-18 0-22 0-54 HgO+ ... 2-58 4-87 8-43 2-77 H^O- ... 0-90 0-42 0-10 0-12 TiOa 1-66 0-70 0-06 0-21 P 2 O 5 Tr. nd. nd. Tr. MnO 0-16 0-07 0-14 Nil Cr^Oa ... 0-17 Nil Nil Nil 101-28 99-51 100-30 99-89 1. Olivine-spinel-anthophyllite-hypersthene rock, Toodyay, W.A. 2. Biotite-clinochlore-magnetite-corundum rock, Toodyay, W.A. 3. Corundum-spinel-anthophyllite-cordierite-clinochlore rock, Toodyay, W.A. 4. Biotite-cordierite-anthophyllite rock, Toodyay, W.A. (iv) The Amphibolite Xenoliths. — Amphibolites, varying from almost pure hornblende rocks to quartz-plagioclase amphibolites in which the felsic minerals are in excess of hornblende, are the most abundant xenolithic types in the lower gneisses. They are found in lenticular masses, measuring up to 10 chains long x 3 chains wide, and in thinner bands which may be traced for greater distances. The elongation and lamination in the amphibo- lites are parallel to the strike of the enclosing gneiss. The occasional pre- sence of narrow sill-like veinlets from the granite gneiss at the edges of the amphibolite masses indicates the intrusive character of the gneiss. There has, in some instances, been a considerable hybridisation of the granite gneiss, which has been changed from its normal character into a more basic hornblende granite gneiss. These amphibolites comprise a number of types which are illustrated by the following description of typical members : — Quartz-plagioclase amphibolites. These vary from medium-grained dark coloured rocks with a visible lamination (15438) . to types with a more granular structure in which no lamination is visible (e.g., 15444). The former are darker and more granular than the hornblende schists described earlier in this paper. The non-foliated granular type of amphibolite is the most common, and No. 15444 will be described as typical of this group. In hand-specimen it is a dark coloured granular rock with only a slight trace of parallelism of the hornblende which is the dominant constituent. It is a dark green variety in well shaped prisms 1 mm. in length, the interspaces between these prisms being occupied by light coloured fine granular felsic material. Under the microscope the structure is granoblastic, and the rock is made up of brown-green hornblende (65 per cent), saussuritised plagioclase (15 per cent), clear oligoclase-andesine (10 per cent), cpiartz (10 per cent), with 120 Rex T. Prider. accessory epidote, magnetite, and sphene. The amphibole is idioblastic (figure 14A), in prismatic forms up to 2 mm. in length, usually clustered together, these groups being separated by finer granoblastic tpiartz-plagioclase aggregates. Some of the hornblende has a poikiloblastic structure carrying rounded inclusions of cpiartz, magnetite, and, more rarely, plagioclase. It is a much deeper coloured variety than that developed in the hornblende schists inter- bedded with the quartzites, and has pleochroism : — X yellow-green ; Y dark olive gret‘ii ; Z deeji bluish green ; and absorption X < Y Z, ^ = 1-675. Roth (piartz and plagioclase are xenoblastic. Two varieties of the latter are present in ajqH’oximately ecpial amoLint (1) a completely saussuritised variety, and (2) a clear rarely twinned variety often showing slight zoning. It is an oligoclase-andesine near Ab 7 Au 3 . Fig. U. Amphibolite xenoliths in the Lower Granite Gneiss. A. Medium grained amphibolite (15444). Con- stituents are: hornblende, turbid plagioclase, quartz, magnetite with rims of sphene. B. Coarser amphibolite (15441), showing poikiloblastic in- clusions of quartz and magnetite in hornblende. C'. ‘ ‘ lIornl)lendite ’ ' — Hare jioikiloblastic inclusions of quartz in the hornblende. Magnetite is the most abundant accessory and is invariably rimmed with splume indicating its origin from ilmenite. Epidote and apatite are rarer af*cessories. In coarser grained varieties (e.g., 15441), the felspar is completely re- placed by a fine granular sericite-opidote aggregate, and the larger, more abundant hornblende plates show' a well developed poikiloblastic structure (figure 14R) with inclusions of quartz and magnetite, the latter often with a narrow rim of yellow’ highly birefringent epidote. Hornblendites.'' With a decrcas(‘ of the quartz-felspar content the C|uartz-plagioclase amphibolites pass into almost pure hornblende rocks in wliich the only other constituent is an occasional small grain of quartz. 15436 is an example — ill hand speudmen it is made up of a granular aggregate of hornblende (figure 14C), noticeably lighter in colour than in the above types. Under the Geology and Petrology of Part of Toodyay District, W.A. 121 microscope many of the hornblende prisms carry small rounded poikiloblastic inclusions of clear quartz. Rare felspar is evidenced by the occurrence of small patches of fine granular epidote. Pyroxene-plagioclase amphibolites. Tliese rocks are similar to the (piartz-plagioclase amphibolites with the addition of a pale greenish diopside. They are like many of the hornblendic rocks of the Lewisian of Scotland. No. 15445 is typical (figure lOA). Tt is coarse, even-grained, granoblastic, Avith no tendency to gneissic structure. The constituents are hornblende {(iO j)er cent), diopside (25 per cent) and oligoclase (15 per cent), with a'-C(‘SSory tpiartz and apatite. The hornblende, in plates to 3 mm. diameter, sometimes moulded arormd iiiopside, is a. brownish-green variety similar to that in the quartz-plagioclase amphibolite. Tt is noticeably paler in colour at its junction with the diopside. Poikiloblastic quartz inclusions are common. The pyroxene is a pale greenish diopside with Zac = 38°. It has a curious mottled appearance due to small platy inclusions of pale green horn- l)lende, which appear to be developing at the expense of the diopside. The fels])ar is an oligoclase (Ab^An^) with fine albite twinning, occurring in subhedral to anhedral grains which are, in plac'es, associated with horn- blende in a sub-ophitic fashion. Apatite, in euhedra averaging 0*2 mm, is the most abundant accessory. Quartz is very rare. Chemical Composition of the Amphibolites. ypecimen 15441 (described above) was analysed as representative of the most widespread type. The analysis appears in Table 1, column 3. The similarity to the schistose plagioclase amphibolites 1 and 2 is at once evident. The igneous character of these rocks has been noted on an earlier l^age and need not be considered further here. Except for its slightly higher alumina and low lime and magnesia, this amphibolite analysis agrees verv <'losely with that of the later dolerites (Table 1, col. 4). from this area. The am])hibolites, then, appear to be derived from basic igneous rocks a])proximating to dolerites or quartz dolerites in composition. Tilley (1921, pp. 98-116), Avho has described a number of amphibolite enclosures in the granite gneisses of the Southern Eyi-e Peninsula, South Australia, which are, in many ways, similar to those found at Toodyay, has outlined (pp. 108-109) the chemistry of the conversion of pyroxene to amphibole and little would be gaiiK'd by repeating this here. Wliere the hornblende becomes more abundant in these xenoliths its crj'stals beconn^ larger and apparently more aluminous at the expense of the I>lagioclase. Quartz persists, as a by-product of the amphibolitisation, even in the almost pure hornblendic types. The pyroxene-plagioclase amphibolite xenoliths appear to repres(mt completely recrystallised older basic rocks, such as occur in sill-like bodies of pre-tectonic age, interbedded with the Jimperding metasediments. The grain of these rocks has become coarser as a result of the recrystallisation of tlie amjdiibole. Basic xenoliths are often of fine grain (Joplin, 1935, p. 233) ascribed in part to the disruption of highly poikilitic crystals of hornblende. In the Toodyay gneisses the amphibolites have not suffered any such breaking up of the hornblende. 122 Rex T. Prider. (/) Hybridisation of the granite g^ieiss. There is a considerable development of quartz-oligoclase-hornblende gneisses in the Lower Gneiss as a result of hybridisation of the granite by basic inclusions. These types are well developed 80 chains N., 300 chains of datum, where the lower gneiss is seen to transgress the bedding of the hornblende schists and metasediments. The gneisses are of variable com- position averaging : — Hornblende Oligoclase Quartz Chloritised biotite 30 to 35 per cent (by volume). 45 to 50 per cent. 15 per cent. 5 to 10 per cent. Microcline is rare and the accessories are : magnetite, sphene, epidote, and ^patite. The plagioclase is usually much saussuritised but when determinable s an oligoclase (Ab^An^). The hornblende is a slightly deeper coloured variety han in the associated schists, and the biotite is the characteristic greenish Pig. 15. Granite gneiss — amphibolite hybrids. A. 15640. Showing clotted aggregates of hornblende (often with poikiloblastie structure). The other constituents are turbid plagioclase and clear quartz. B. 15397. Hornblende granite gneiss. Constituents are deeply coloured hornblende, somewhat fibrous pale greenish ainphibole, oligoclase, quartz, idioblastic sphene (with central ore inclusions) and apatite. chloritised variety, with sagenitic rutile inclusions. The hornblendes are often clustered together (fig. 15A) and may have a poikiloblastie structure. In specimen 10420, lenticular remnants of schistose plagioclase amphibolite are present in a hornblende-granite gneiss. A hornblende-granite gneiss (15397) from the vicinity of a coarse amphi- bolite enclosure has been analysed (Table 4, No. 2) and will be described in some detail. It is an even granular rock -with a gneissic structure and it contains several sill-like quartz-felspar layers. Geology and Petrology or Part or Toodyay District, W.A. 123 Under the microscope the constituents observed were : blue-green horn- blende (20 per cent), oligoclase (55 per cent), quartz (20 per cent) with diopside, sphene, magnetite, apatite, and microcline as accessories. The struc- ture is granoblastic with no tendency to parallel alignment of the constituents. Hornblende, usually idioblastic, occurring in small lenticular clots is, in places, altered to a paler greenish fibrous amphibole. Xenoblastic oligoclase (AbgyAuig), in slightly turbid grains averaging 1 mm. diameter, is the only felspar — it occurs in granoblastic aggregates with quartz and is frequently elongated slightly, parallel to the banding. The absence of microcline is un- usual, but is explained by the fact that the microcline in the granite gneiss has crystallised early, forming large phenocrysts, and that specimen 15397 is the result of the reaction between the residuum and the basic xenoliths. Apatite, magnetite, and sphene aj-e all abundant accessories ; the sphene is usually idioblastic and carries central inclusions of magnetite (fig. 15B). The analysis of this rock, together with that of the microcline granite gneiss and coarse plagioclase amphibolite appears in Table 4. It is clearly inter- mediate between the other two t3q>es. The main discrepancy is in the alkalis, but this, as noted above, is due to the removal of the microcline phenocrysts from the magma prior to its reaction with the amphibolite. TABLE 4. Aymh/sis of Hornblende Granite Gneiss {Col. 2) compared with Coarse Plagioclase Amphibolite (1) and Microcline Granite Gneiss (2). SiOo TiO; AI2O3 Fe,03 FeO MgO CaO NagO K2O H3O+ H^O- MnO P2O5 FeSa 1. 2. 3. 49-05 64-16 71-85 1-07 0-74 0-25 15-03 15-12 15-00 3-16 1-95 0-55 9-08 2-90 1-20 6-96 2-13 0-42 10-47 6-63 1-52 1-70 4-48 3-67 0-95 0-20 4-45 1-43 0-67 0-54 0-25 0-04 0-02 0-09 0-18 trace 0-08 0-32 0-11 0-13 0-15 nd. Total 99-45 99-67 99-58 1. Coarse amphibolite xenolith (refer Table 1, No. 3), Toodyay. 2. Hornblende granite gneiss (No. 15397), Toodyay. Analyst, R. T. Prider. 3. Biotite-microcline granite gneiss (Table 2, No. 1). Much more work, both field and laboratory, is required before any definite statement can be made regarding the origin of these acid hornblende bearing gneisses. So far as examined, however, they appear to represent a hybridisa- tion of the intrusive granite gneiss. (g) Summary of the conclusions regarding the origin of the Lower Granite Gneiss and the associated xenoliths. The gneiss is essentially the same as the upper band but has not suffered such granulation — it is essentially a porphyritic granite, with flow orientation of the microcline phenocrysts. A less abundant biotite-oligoclase gneiss is con- sidered to represent a more sodic phase of the main mass, which crystallised from residuum squeezed out from the earlier phenocrystal microcline. Late stage veins of garnet-aplite and pegmatite are developed from this magma. 124 Rkx T. Prider. Xonoliths of various types are described : — (1) Eulysitic types developed from banded iron ores, probably sideritic and other carbonate types. (2) Grossularite-diopside-qiiartz rocks derived from impure argillaceous limestones. (3) C’ordierite-anthophyllite rocks and relate*d types deri\'ed from ultrabasic igneous rocks. (4) Amphibolites, resulting froTU the reconstitution of basic igneous 1 ‘ocks. \^.~ --The Younger Igneous Intruslves. (1) The Granites. The later non-foliated granites are confined to the south-west part of the area when* tliey are intrusive into the series described above. The gran- ites are cut by later pegmatites, aplites, and cpiartz veins, which often pene- trate the nearby metasediments and which are considered to be the source of the auriferous deposits found in the mica schists close to the granite. The granites are always medium to coarse even-grained, remaining coarse- grained right to their contact with the metamorj^hic rocks, indicating that intrusion took place at some depth into already heated sediments. There is no sign of the porphyritic and foliated structures seen in the older granites occurring as bands in the Jimperding Series. The later granitic intrusions are represented by thrf'e phases, which may may be described briefly as follows : — (u) The )iormal granites are coars(* textured rocks consisting of (piartz, slightly perthitie microcline, sericitised oligoclase (Ab 4 Aii 2 , often with zonal alteration), abundant myrmekite, irregular chloritised biotite flakes with intergrowths of epidote, and accessory apatite and sphene. In their mint'ralogical composition these rocks are \'ery similar to the older granite gneisses described above. (6) Garnet-nniscovite granites are even, fine to medium grained, allo- triomorphic granular structured rocks made up of quartz, slightly perthitie microcline, oligoclase and muscovite, with accessory pink garnet {altered along irregular cracks to greenish biotite) and a little brownish biotit(\ These represent a hypabyssal phase of the granite and occur as dykes in the metamorphies close to the main granite mass. (c) Pegntatites, garnet aplites, and later quartz veins represent the final phase of the granite intrusion. They are found in dykes and \eins in botli the granite and adjacent metamorphies. The peg- matites are coars(* grained microcline and muscovite bearing types, in which the presence of molybdenite, columbite, and beryl have been noted- — the two latter by Simpson (personal communication). The garnet aplites are the tine grained equivalent of the garnet- museovite granit(*s. The prevailing texture is fine equigranular granitic, and the constituents are quartz, microcline, and oligo- clase with accessory biotite (rare) and small pink gai'uets. The aplites often form a part of the pegmatite veins. WJiite quartz veins, representing the final ultra-acid ])hast* of the granite, are fairly numerous in the metamorphies close to the granite. A flat di]3ping f[uartz vein in a roof pendant of mica schist in the granite has been proved to be auriferous, a test parcel (50 tons) of this ore mined several years ago yielding 15dwt. gold per ton. Geology and Petrology of Part of Toodyay District, W.A. 125 {2) The Greenstones. (a) Quarts, dolerites.- -The^se are the latest intrusives into the Jimperding .Sei'ies. They occur as dykes up to five chains wide, most of which trend a little \V. of N., although there are several large dykes with an E.-W. trend. The geological map (Plate I.) shows the distribution of these dykes. They all belong to the same period of intrusion and no examples of one dyke being cut by another were found. This period of intrusion was much later than the last orogenic movements in this region and the doleritic rocks show no alteration other than those of deuteric character. They are variable in grain from line basaltic to coarse gabbroidal, and ■r)phitic texture is characteristic except where obscured by extensive uralitisa- lion of the pyroxene in the more acidic types. Pig. 16 . Quartz dolerifes A. Quarts rare. Both pyroxene and plagiodase are un- altered. The ophitic texture is well marked. The i)vroxene cleavages are slightly curved and incipient fracturing is notice- able. A little primary brown green hornblende is seen in upper right in the vicinity of the end pbase fpiaitz. The iron ore is ihnenite. B. End phase of the (juartz 41), also a sill in ((uartzite, consists largely of a felted mass of tremolitt' ])i-isms with a ground of flaky antigorite dusted with mag- netite' inclusions. A similar type is found just Ixdow the andalusite schist in the S.W . pai't of tlie area and this may be the intrusive which has led to tlu' formation of andalusite. If so, the retrogressive clianges in the andalusite, induced by the intrusion of the normal granite fixes these ultrabasic sills as pre-granite in age. (ii) iSerjicntiites.- -These rocks are found in a narrow dyke Cchaiu wide and the only a\ ailable specimen is from a ]>oiut 2S chains N., 132 chains K., of datum. It is a fine, even, dark greenish rock with a conchoidal fracture. Numerous minute silvery chlorite flakes are visible in hand specimen. Under the micro- scope it is seen to be made np of a very tine-grained aggregate of fiak>' anti- gorite - 1*57) with occasional relict prisms of tremolite and a later develojx ment of chlorite flakes with magnetite inclusions coating the well-marked,, crumpled 001 cleavages. The chlorite is a very pale greenish variety and has y — 1-595 ; « 1-589; y - a = -000: and Z 1 001. This mineral, therefore, is a slightly aluminous iron-bearing antigorite. The rock is a normal serpentiii'/ as shown by the following analysis ot Specimen No. 15425. SiCb ... TiO^ AI.O3 FcO ... .\liiO CaO ... NaoO K2O ... H,0-b B,0- MnO f.o. 40-33 0-28 2-75 5-43 5-48 33-39 I -29 Ad Nil JO- 16 0-10 0- 14 Ad 0-10 Analyst : K. T. Pridcr. 99-45 (iKOUKJY AND Petrology of Part of Toodyay District, W.A. 12!^ IV. DCONOMIO DKOLOGY. Gold and tlie refractory minerals andaliisite and sillimanite are the only minerals of economic importance which have been noted in this area. (1) The gold deposits occur in the vicinity of Yinnire>se'nt in progre'ss. {h) Aadalvsife . — This minen-al is elevelope'd in the uppe'rmost band of mie-a scliist in the south-we'ste'rn corner of the are'a. Tliere eloes not a])])e'ar, in the area ma})])e'el, to be' any natural concentration of this mine'ral, suflicie'nt to constitute* an economic proposition. Howe've'r, in the westerly exte'nsie)ii e)f the anelalusite' mica scliists, a mile or so west of the eelge* of the mappe-d are'a, in the* lu'adwaters of Mortigup Brook, considerable deposits of white* wc'athere'el anelalusite schist witli abundant anelalusite are expose'el. Tlieso eleposits ai'c be'ing e'xple>ite*d at the^ preseait tinier by a loe-al company. V. SUMMARY AND (’0NCLUS10N8. A e-onfe)rmable^ se'ries e>f metamorphic re>cks lias bex'n describeel. It inclueles both sexlimemtary anel igneous type-s. The former incluele inte'rbe'elde'd sillimanite*- anel anetalusite-mica schists, extre'inely ]iure' ejuartzite's, and eice^asiemal e-ale^are'oeis sanelstone's, now re'pre'sentevl by e^alc-silie'ate* reie'ks. All these rocks lie within the sillimanite zeme*. Rare biotite'-pIagie>e*lase seJiists have* be'em noteel, in erne instance etarrying a e*onside'rable amount of ge'elrite and cummingtemite. This biotite-ge'elrite-cummingtonite-plagioe-lase' schist is consiele're'el te> n'sult probably from the re'gional me'tamorjihism eif a somewhat eleilomitic clayey se'elimemt. Interbe'eleled with the se'elime'nts there are* basic, igneeius roe^ks now iepre>se'nttHl by schistose plagioclase amphibe>lite*s, which have be'e'u derivt'd by re-gional me'tameirphism, uneU'r sillimanite' zone conditions, from tholeiitie: roerks which may have be'e'ii eiriginally sills e>r flows. Thc'y are oleUr tlian thei iirst granite intrusiem anel have bee'n folde'd along with the associateel sedimeaits. Wide'i- bands of granite* gne'iss have^ re'sulte'd from tlie intrusion of granitic magma into the' above rocks. The pe'rioel of intrusion coincided with tlu; ore)ge*nic jicriod, wlu'n the pre-existing rocks wore a!te*re>el te> their pre'se'iit state. The granite*, a porphyritic microe*line type, was intrude'el unde'r stre'ss anel ]ire'sents a fhixiemal structure, which in the uppe'r, more narrow banel is 130 Rex T. Prider. emphasised by the sliglit slieariiig out of the microcline phenocrysts into inicrocline augen. Earth movements had practically ceased by the time that the granite had finally consolidated. Late stage aplites and pegmatites were associated with this period of intrusion. This intrusive granite has picked up fragments of the older rocks, comprising : — (1) Plagioclase amphibolites and related types, derived from basic igneous rocks of doleritic composition. (2) Altered ultrabasic igneous rocks, now represented by anthophyllite- hypersthene and anthophyllite-cordierite rocks. (3) Metasediments in the form of banded eulysites (derived from banded iron ores) and biotite granulites (derived from psammitic sediments). Tliere is no evidence of any tectonic movements of later age than the granite gneiss intrusion. Later these rocks were intruded by a granitic magma of similar composi- tion to the earlier orthogneisses, together with its end stage products (aplites, pegmatites, and quartz veins). This granite has not effected any meta- morphism of the older rocks other than the retrogressive alteration of pre- existing andaliisite, by vapours advancing ahead of the intrusive mass. The intrusion of this later granite is considered to have taken place at considerable ei Oslo.” Norsk. Oeol. 'Tidskr.y Bd. IX., Hft. 2, pp. 81-219., Brogger, W. C., 1935. “The South Norwegian Hyperites and their Metamorphism.” Norsk. Vidensk. Sk'r., 1934, No. 1, pp. 1-421. (3arke, E. de C., 1930. “ The Pre-Cambrian Succession in some parts of Western Australia ” Rept. Aust. Assoc. Adv. Sc. for 1930, pp. 155-192. (Y»oke, H. C., James, W. F., and Mawdsley, J. B., 1931. “ The Geology and Ore Deposits of the Rouyn-Harricanaw Region, Quebec.” G.S, Canada, Mem. No. 166. Doelter, C., 1917. “ Handbuch der Mineralchemie.” Bd. II., 2 Hfte., Dresden & Leipzig. Kskpla, P., 1936. “ A paragenesis of Gedrite and Cummingtonite from Isopaa in Kalvola, Finland.” Bull. Comm. Geol, de Finlande., No. 115, pp. 475-487. Fairbairn, H. W., 1937. “ Structural Petrology.” Queen’s University, Kingston, Ontario. Feldtman, F. R., 1919. “The Clay Deposits at Bolgart.” G.S. West. Aust. Ann. Prog. Rept. for 1919. Flett, J. S., and Hill, J. B., 1912. “ The Geology of the Lizard and Meneage.” Mem. G.S. Eng., explan, sheet 359. I'orman, F. G., 1935. “ Lode mining at Yinniding Creek, Toodyay District.” Ann. Rept. G.S. West. Aust. for 1934, p. 12. Forman, F. G., 1937. “ A Contribution to our Knowledge of the Pre-Cambrian Succession in some parts of Western Australia.” Journ. Roy. Soc. West. Aust., Vol. XXIII., pp. xvii.-xxvii. Goldschmidt, V. M., 1911. “Die Kontaktme.tamor})hose im Kristianiageheit.” Vidensk. Skr., 1911, No. 1. Hall, A. L., and du Toit, A. L., 1923. “ On the Section across the Floor of the Bushveld Complex at the Hartebeestpoort Dam, West of Pretoria.” Trans. Geol. Soc. South Af- rica, Vol. XXVI., pp. 69-96. Marker, A., 1932. “ Metamorphism.” London. Henry, N. F. M., 1935. “ Some data on the iron-rich hypersthenes.” Min. Mag., Vol. XXIV., pp. 221-226. Holmes, A., and Harwood, H. F., 1928. “ The Age and Composition of the Whin Sill and the related dykes of the north of England.” Min. Mag., Vol. XXL, pp. 493-542. Hutton, C. 0., 1940. “ Optical Properties and Chemical Composition of Two Micas from Westland, South Island, New Zealand.” N.Z. Jour. Sc. Techn., Vol. XXL, pp. 330B- 331B. Joplin, G. A., 1935. “ A note on the Origin of Basic Xenoliths in Plutonic Rocks, with special reference to their Grain-size.” Qeol. Mag., Vol. LXXIL, pp. 227-234. Matheson, R. S., 1938. “ Report on the Clackline Firebrick Clay Pits (South-West Di\ i- sion).” Ann. Rept. G.S. West. Aust. for 1937, p. 13. Miles, K. R., 1938. “ The Geology and Physiography of the Lower Chittering Area.” Jour. Roy. Soc. West. Aust., Vol. XXIV., pp. 13^1. Partridge, F. C., 1937. “ Note on the Green Micas of North-Eastern Transvaal.” Trans. Geol. Soc. South Africa, Vol. XXXIX., pp. 457-460. Peach, B. N., and Home, J., 1907. “ The Geological Structure of the North-West High- lands of Scotland.” Mem. G.S. Gr. Britain. Phillips, F. C., 1930. “ An Association of Anthophyllite and Enstatite.” Geol. Mag., Vol. LXVIL, pp. 513-516. Phillips, F. C., 1937. “ A Fabric Study of some Moine Schists and Associated Rocks.” Q.J.G.S., Vol. xciii., pp. 581-620. Geology and Petrology of Part op Toodyay District, W.A. 133 Prider, R. T., 1934. “The Geology and Physiography of the Jimperding Area.” Journ. Roy. Soc. West. Amt., Vol. XX., pp. 1-16. Prider, R. T., 1940. “ Cordierite-anthophyllite rocks associated with spinel-hypersthenites from Toodyay, Western Australia.*’ Qeol. Mag., LXXVIL, pp. 364-382. Prider, R. T., 1941. “The Contact between the Granitic Rocks and the Cardup Series at Armadale.” Joum. Roy. Soc. West. Aust., Vol. XXVII., pp. 27-55. Read, H. H., 1936. “ The Stratigraphical Order of the Dalradian Rocks of the Banffshire Coast.” Geol. Mag., Vol. LXXIII., pp. 468-476. Richarz, S., 1927. “ Gnmerite rocks of the Lake Superior Region and their Origin.” Journ. Geol., Vol. XXXV., pp. 690-707. Sederholm, J. J., 1916. “ On Synantectic Minerals and related phenomena.” Bull. Comm. Qeol. de Finlande, No. 48. Simpson, E. S., 1926. “ Contributions to the Mineralogy of Western Australia, Ser. I.” Journ. Roy. Soc. West. Aust., Vol. XII., pp. 57-66. Simpson, E. S., 1928. “ Contributions to the Mineralogy of Western Australia, Ser. III.” Journ. Roy. Soc. West. Aust., Vol. XIV., pp. 45-46. Simpson, E. S., 1931. “ Contributions to the Mineralogy of Western Australia, Ser. VI.” Journ. Roy. Soc. West. Aust., Vol. XVII., pp. 137-149. Simpson, E. S., 1936. “ Contributions to the Mineralogy of Western Australia, Ser. IX.” Joum. Roy. Soc. West. Aust., Vol. XXII., pp. 1-18. Simpson, E. S., 1937. “ Contributions to the Mineralogy of Western Australia, Ser. X.” Journ. Roy. Soc. West. Aust., Vol. XXllI., pp. 17-35. Tilley, C. E., 1921. “The Granite Gneisses of the Southern Eyre Peninsula (South Aus- tralia), and their Associated Amphibolites.” Q.J.G.S., Vol. xxvU., pp. 75-134. Tilley, C. E., 1927. “ Vesuvianite and Grossularite as products of regional metamorphism.” Qeol. Mag., Vol. LXIV., pp. 372-376. Tilley, C. E., 1936. “ Eulysites and related rock types from Loch Duich, Ross-shire.” Min. Mag., Vol. XXIV., pp. 331-342. Van Bemelen, J. M., 1900. “ Uber das Vorkommen, die Zusammensetzung und die Bildung von Eisenanhaufungen in und unter Mooren.” Zeits. Anorg. Chem., Bd. XXII., pp. 313-379. Winchell, A. N., 1933. “ Elements of Optical Mineralogy, Part II.” New York. Wiseman, J. D. H., 1934. “ The Central and South-West Highlands Epidiorites : a study in Progressive Metamorphism.” Q.J.G.S., Vol. XC., pp. 354^17. Woolnough, W. G., 1930. “ The Influence of Climate and Topography in the Formation and Distribution of Products of Weathering.” Geol. Mag., Vol. LXVII., pp. 123-132. 134 Kkx T. Pridek. Plate n. Microcline granite gneiss. A. Crushed microcline mosaic with sill-like quartz of crystallisation. Nicols crossed. X 20. B. Later quartz veinlet cutting microcline phenocrvst. X 25. post cataclasi.s Nicols crossed. Geology and Petrology of Part of I’oodyay District, W.A. 135 Plate II, 136 Rex T. Pkider, IMate I LI. Mierocline granite gneiss. C. Small porpliyroclast of microelinej with granulated periphery, crossed. X 25. R. Finely granulated mierocline granite gneiss. Elongated uncrushed grains abundant. Nicols crossed. X 25. Nicois quartz Gkology and Petrology of Part of Toodyay District, W.A. 13? Plate in. JOURNAL ROYAL SOCIETY OF WESTERN AUSTRALIA V0L.28, 1941-2. PAPER 4. PLATE I /OOr/. MARDIE. PERDING Geological Map Toodyay Area LEGEND HORNBLENDE-SCHISTC QUARTZITE C UPPER GNEISS □ LOWER GNEISS El BASIC LENSES E> -E ROADS LATERITE EZI DOLERITE EH GRANITE EH MICA-SCHIST EH TRIG STATIONS A RAILWAY S ’ . noondeening SECTIONS E-W Section E~W Section datum datum A \ “V TX — — t \ V \ « f l>i I Hevisiox of T!ik FhrBlOPTERA OF \Ve'=^tfrx At:rtraija. 130 5._rEVISION op the embioptera of western AUSTRALIA. By Consett Davis, M,Sc. Loeturer in Biology, New England University College, Armidale, N.S.W. Read: 9th December, 1941. Published: loth March, 1944. Communicato'd by L. Glauert. INTRODUCTION. The Order Embioptera is well represented in Western Australia, somewhat sporadic collecting having to le. The media (M) arises separately near the radial sector ; it is rarely forked, usually simple, and often only weakly developed. The first cubital (Cui) has a strong main axis and an anterior branch (Ciq^), usually weak, but forked once or several times in some exotic genera ; there is no second cubital. One small anal vein is present. Cross-veins may be frequent, but their number and position shows individual variation, and they are of no taxonomic significance. k 40/43 140 (’ONSKTT I)AVrS, The tarsi of all lepjs are tlireo-st'Kinented. Tlie first sejgment of the fore tarsi is gn^atly inflated, housing tlie spinning-glands, which discharge by hollow setae on the plantar surface, 'fhe seconil l(*gs are wiakly developed. The liind femora are always greatly swollen, housing the (mlargcd depressor tibiai! muscles by whose contra(;tion the irisiud is able to dart backwards very rapidly. The first two segments of the hind tarsus have their plantar surfaces variously beset with vesicles and stiff setae, these being important systematic characters. The male terminalia, the most important taxonomic criteria, are best understood by reference to the lar\'al form, with which the adult female agrees essentially except in the yiresence of a transverse genital aperture on the posterior part of the eiglith alxlominal stisnite. In tlie larva, tlie ninth abdominal tergite is transverse, the tenth subtriangular. The ninth abdominal sternitt; is subcpiatlrate, th(i tenth divid('d by a median longitudinal cleft to t-wo triangular hemisternites. Bidwei'n thf'se and the bases of tlie cerci are subannular sclerites refern'd to as cercus-basipodites. These are very probably paraprocts, although American workers (e.*/., Snodgrass, 1035, Fig. 140F) refer to the structures heri' intin-preted as hemisternites of the tenth segTnent as paraproeds. Only a study of the late* embryological stages can finally decide this point, which is, however, unimportant in the internal classification of the Order. The cerci are two-s(igmented, each segment smooth and subcylindrical, the basal one thicker. In all species except Clothoda nohilis (Gerst.) (Amazon region), the tenth abdominal tergite of the male becomes cleft at the last eedysis, although fre- quently not to the base, so that two more or less di.stinct hemitergites are formed ; these are furnished with cojnilatory processes. The right cercus is usually little modified at the last eedysis, but the first segment of the left cercus is often greatly changixl, usually b(‘c.oming clavate and often dev{‘loj)ing echinulation on the inner surface. The second segmcxit may remain unclianged or, as in some Australian and Nortli American genera, may be partly or wholly resorb(.‘d into the first to form a comyjound structun'. The ninth alxlominal sternite sends out a distal process, whicli can inde(‘d be detected during the two previous instars in an incipient condition. Tliis process may possibly be equivalent to fu.s('d gonocoxites, so that the whole structure may be regarded as a hypandrium. Dor.sal to this jjrocess is the male genital aperture, usually situated among ill-defined membraneous .structures. The right hemisternito of the tenth abdominal segment, and the right cercus- basipodite, usually in part degenerate, sometimes remaining as small .sclerites unimportant functionally and taxonomically. llie left hemisternite and cercus- basipodite may r(;main di.stinct in the adult and develop processes, but more frecpiently they appear to form a composite structure, often with one or mor(' proces.ses, and usually referred to simply as the left cercus-ba,sipodite. The male terminalia are in some species probably the most cojnplex in the Class Insecta, the processes of the hemitergites, hypandrium, cerci, and left cercus-basipodite all a,ssisting in holding the unspecialised ftunale terminalia during copulation. Members of the Order feed prcxlorninantly on dead vegetable matter, more particulai-ly bark and fallen k'aves. Branching cylindrical tunnels of silk are .spun among the food material by means of the tarsal glands, and in these the insects live, being gregarious and subsocial, the female guarding the eggs and young larvae in an enlargement of the gallery. Most of the Western Australian records represent winged males, taken either at light or swarming under weather conditions .such as induce this phenomenon in Termites. Searcli Kevisiox of the E-Mbiofteka of Western Australia. 141 for the actual colonies may reveal wingless forms of the adult male in species where at present the winged form alone is known, or even new species entirely v^ingless in all stages, such as in the Eastern Australian genus Metoligotoma. SYSTEMATIC^. Family OLIGOTOMIDAE Enderlein 1909. Zool. Anz., 35, p. 190. Type genus, Oligotoma Westwood, 1837, Trans. Linn. Soc. London, Zool., 17, p. 373. In addition to the type genus, whose diagnosis is given below, this family includes only the genus Haploembia Verhoeff (Shores of Mediterranean and Black Seas), which differs from Oligotoma in having the males always, instead of exceptionally, wingless, and in the presence in both sexes of a medial bladder or vesicle on the plantar surface of the first segment of the hind tarsus. Genus OLIGOTOMA "Westwood 1837. Loc. cit. (as subgenus of Embia Latreille, 1829). Raised to generic rank, Bur- meister, 1839, Handbuch der Entomologie, Bd, 2, p, 770. Males winged (more rarely, winged and wingless forms occur within the same species), R4+5, M, and Cui„ simple and subobsolescent (each represented by little more than a median row of macrotrichia in a broad band of pigment, Plate ] , Fig. 1) ; tenth abdominal tergite partly divided to hemitergites, the cleft not extending forward to the ninth tergite ; right hemitergite with outer margin produced back as a slender sclerotized lobe, basally overlying an inner mem- braneous flap, the latter sclerotized only medially, this sclerotization con- tinuous with that of the outer process. Left hemitergite with a prominent process, sometimes complex. First segment of left cercus subcylindrical to clavate but never echinulate ; second segment, and both segments of right cercus, elongate-subcylindrical and distinct. Structures at the base of the left cercus, conventionally referred to as the left cercus-basipodite, often complex, and probably always including elements of the left half of the tenth sternite of the larva. Both sexes with plantar surface of first segment of hind tarsus carrying only the terminal l)ladder, remainder of surface carrying many stiff setae (Plate L, fig. 2). The genus is indigenous in the warmer parts of Asia, throughout Australia, in the islands between Asia and Australia, and islands in the Indian Ocean. It is now tropicopolitan, spread by man. Oligotoma glauerti Tillyard, 1923 (Plate I., figs. 5-7). Journ. Froc. Boy. Soc. West Aust., 9, 1, p. 64. Re-described from type series, Davis, 1936, p. 242, Plate I., figs. 6, 13, 20, 27, and 34. Length 9.5-10.0 mm. ; head 1.4-1. 5 mm,, x 1.1 mm. ; forewing 8.2 mm,, X 2.2 mm. ; hindwing 7.5 mm., x 2.2 mm. Colour mid-brown, eyes black, wings with veins or their traces bordered by pale-brown bands. Head rounded behind ; eyes subreniform ; antennae with up to 21 segments, maximum total length 7.5 mm. ; mandibles (Plate I., fig. 7) slender, left with three thin inwardly-directed teetli terminally and subterminally, right with two ; inner margin of loft mandible with a median dorsi-ventrally flattened cutting edge. Thorax, including wings and legs, normal for the genus. Terminalia (Plato I., fig 5) with outer process of right hemitergite ending in two closely- approximated subacute teeth ; process of left hemitergite (Plate I., fig. 6) ending in an anchor-shaped hooklot. First segment of left cercus irregularly 142 Co’ssETv Davis. inelanized, distally cur\'cd inwards to a tapered obtuse beak. Ninth abdominal sternite tapered, distally smoothly truncate, margin minut(‘h' echinulate distally and on the right. Left cercus-basipodite obtuse, curved upwards and inwards and slightly sjiathulate. Terminalia otherwise as throughout the genus. ? unknown. Locality : Miily Milly Station, Murchison Ki\'er, 2b v 22, coll. L. Glauert {holotype W.A. Museum ; paratype (J, ^Macleay ^luseum, Sydney Uni- versity). Oligotoma tillyardi Davis. 1936 (Plate 1., tigs. 8-10). Proc. Linn, Soc, A’. S'. IT., 61 , 5-6, p. 241, Figs. 5, 12, 19, 26, 33. Length 7. 4-9. 7 mm. ; head 1.3-1. 5 mm., x 1.0-1. 2 mm. ; forevving 7. 5-8. 5 mm., x 1.9-2. 0 mm. ; hindwing 6. 1-7. 2 mm., x 1.9-2. 0 mm, Colour yellowish-brown, eyes and wings as in 0. glauerti. Head as in O. glauerti, antennae with up to 19 segments, maximum total length 4.6 mm. Dentition of mandibles (Plate I., tig. 10) resembling O. glauerti. Thorax including wings and legs normal for the genus. Terminalia (Plate I., fig. 8) with posterior process of right hemitergite as in O. glauerti ; process of left hemitergite (Plate I., fig. 9) forcipate, right-hand lobe heavily sclerotized, curved to the left and acute terminally, left-hand lobe more dorsal in position, flat, less heavily sclerotized, obtuse, curved downwards and to the right terminally and ex- cavate on the concave inner side. First segment of left cercus terminalh' incurved to form a spatludate process. Ninth abdominal sternite tapered, rather sharply truncate, emarginate latero-distally on the left, margin echinu- late distally aiul on right as in preceding species. Left cercus-basipodite slender, tapered, sub-obtuse distally, fixed to left-hand margin of ninth sternite by membrane. Terminalia otherwise as throughout genus. 9 unknown. Localises: Morgan’s, near Mt. Margaret, x,33 (holotype Macleay Museum ; paratype W.A. Museum, etc.) ; Belele Station, Murchison (4 ; Annean Station, near Nannine, Murchison (1 ^J). (Last two, new records.) Oligotoma approximans Davis, 1938 (Plate I., figs. 1-2, 11-13). Proc. Linn. Soc. N.S.W., 63, 3-4, p. 252, Figs. 116-119. 6.3-6.9 mm. ; head 1.0-1. 1 mm., x 0.9 mm. ; forewing 5.8-7. 2 mm., X 1. 5-1. 7 mm. ; hindwing 4. 8-5. 9 mm., x 1.4-1. 7 mm. Colour dark brown, eyes and wings as in 0. glauerti. Head as in O. glauerti \ antennae with up to 18 segments, maximum total length 3.5 mm. ; mandibles (Plate I., fig. 13) of same general form as in preceding species, somewhat stouter. Thorax includmg wings (Plate I., fig. 1) and legs (Plate I., fig. 2, hind tarsus) normal for the genus. Terminalia (Plato I., fig. 11) with outer process of right hermitergite sleiider, tapered, obtuse, and slightly outcurved terminally ; process of left hermitergite (Plate I., fig. 12) basally sinuous, tlistally slenderly tapered, with a fiat subtriangular spine arising half-way along the left-hand margin and diretded to the left. First segment of left cercus with a small blunt inner lobe about one-third of length from extremity, inner margin basad to lobe concave. Ninth abdominal sternite tapered posteriorly, distally obliquely truncate and slightly emarginate, conca\dty filled by a projecting membrane. Left cercus-basipodite as in O. tillyardi, Terminalia otherwise as throughout the genus. 9 luakiiown. Kkxisiox of the Embiopteija of Western Austraeia, 14 Locality: Ereinantle, 20~23/v/35, coli. K. K. Norris (liolotype and paratypo (J, Macleay Musouin). Note, — The three foro^going species ar(‘ [)robal)ly tlie most ljighly*specialis(>d in tlie genus, agreeing well with the concept tluit greater structural cliang<‘ is to be expected in those descendants which have migrated furthest frojn the ancestral region. They may later bo separated as two distinct sul)g(m(T’a, one containing O. (ikiuerti, the second tlu* otlu'r two species. Oligotoma gurneyi spinulosa l)a\'is. 193(i (Plato b, fi^s. U Iti). Op. cit., p. 239, Fig. 3. ^ Jjcngth 8. 7-13. S mm. ; head 1.7-2. 3 mm,, x 1.4 2.0 mm. ; fort'wing 7.0-10.0 mm., x 1.6--2.5mm. ; hindwing 0.0-9. 0 mm., x 1.7-2. 5 mm. Colour as in O. glauerti or somewhat darker. Head as in preceding species, eyes prominent ; antennae with up to 20 segments, maximum total length 4.2 mm. ; mandibles (Plate I., fig. 10) essentially as in the ])receding species except for the presence of a marked excavation in the ])roximal half of the inner margin. Thorax including wings and legs normal for the genus. Terminalia (Plate I., fig. 14) with outer process of right hemitergite terminating in two a]>j>roxi- mated subacute teeth, the outer one slightly incurv(xl ; process of left hemi- tergitc (Plate I., fig. 15) slender, sinuous, with a slender acute terminal spine directed forward and to the left. First segment of left cercus with a blunt subterminal inward projection, the inner margin basad to this sliglitly and smoothly concave. (This structure is distorted in tlu^ slid(5 mount of the holotype, Plate I., fig. 14 ; for natural structure see Davis, 1936, Fig. 3, LCi.) Ninth abdominal sternite tapered posteriorly and terminally smoothly I’ounded, right-hand margin sinuous. Left cercus-basipodite intimately fused to the left-hand margin of the ninth sternite, subterminally ])roduced to the left as a sharp spine. Terminalia otherwise as throughout the genus. 9 See belowx Localities: Morgan’s, near Mt. Margaret, x/33 (holotype Macleay Museum ; paratype W.A. Museum, etc.) ; Lake Violet, East Murchison District, x /27 (1 c^) ; Geraldton (1 cj) ; and the following new records : Belele Station, Murchison (3 ; Annean Station, near Nannine, Murchison (8 in association with 1 of 0. tillyaxdi, and a female, length 14 mm., colour dark red-brown, and therefore j^robably referable to 0. gurmeyi spimdosa but larviform and with no apparent specific characters). Oligotoma gurneyi Frogg. 1904, subsp. ? A single male from Lalla Rookh Station, North-West Australia (W.A. Museum ; cf. Davis, 1940, p. 159, Figs. 5-6) is intermediate between O, gurneyi spinulosa, and subspecies occupying a more' easterly and northerly range (O. gurneyi suhclavata Davis 1936, op. cit., p. 240, Fig. 4 : North Australia ; and O. gurneyi centralis Davis 193(>, op. cit., p. 237, Fig. 2 : Central Australia), A male from Hermannsburg, Central Australia (Davis, 1940a, p. 157, Fig. 7) is barely distinguishable fi’om the Lalla Rookh example, so that this series may have a wide range, and deserve subspc^cific nomenclature. The first segment of the left cercus is only barely clavate, as in O. gw'ueyi s'ubclavata ; the left cercus-basipodite is blunt and more or less \ipcurved, suggestive of 0. gurneyi centralis. The processes of the hemitergites, however, agree most closely with 0. gurneyi spinulosa. Further specimens are required, especially (1) from localities between the range of O. gurneyi spmtdosa (supra) and the localities Lalla Rookh and 144 CoNSKTT Davis. Herinannsbiirg ; and (2) from between tliese latter localities and the type regions of O. gurneyi snhclavata and O. gurneyi centralis respectively. Until some extra records arc obtained, it seems premature to name the Lalla Rookh example subspecifically. Family NOTOLIGOTOMIDAE Davis 1940b. Ann. Ent. Soc. America, 33, 4, p. 681. Type genus, Notoligotoma Davis 1936, op. cit., p. 244. Other genera included in this family are Metoligotoma Davis (Eastern Australia), Ptilocerernbia Fried. (Java and Sumatra), Ernbonycha Navas (Indo-China), and the fossil Burmitembia Ckll. (Burmese Amber. ? Miocene). The family is thus Indo-Malayan in distribution ; the feature common to all its members is the reduction of the second segment of the left cercus in the adult male, and its fusion, to a greater or a less degree, with the first segment. In all genera where the character has been studied, there is a medial bladder on the plantar surface of the hind tarsus : this is common to both sexes and all stages. Geims NOTOLIGOTOMA Davis 1936. Loc. cit. Genotype, OUgotoma hardyi Friederichs 1914, Rec. W.A. Museum, 1. 3, p. 241. Australian Notoligotomidae, males winged, or with winged and wingless forms in the same species ; M, and Cu;ia simple, the first two well- developed ; cross-veins relatively frequent ; tenth abdominal tergite com- pletely divided to hemiteigites, separated basally by a trapezoidal median sclerite. Right hemitergite with a postero-median process and an inner process, stout and echinulate, curving forward from the anterior end of its inner margin. Inner margin of left hemitergite produced back to a long thin subacute process. First segment of left cercus clavate and echinulate, second less than twice as long as its average thickness, firmly set on the outer and distal part of the first segment and not movably articulated thereto. Left cercus-basipodite fused to left-hand margin of hypandrium, terminally pro- duced to a subobtuse process. Both sexes with two bladders on plantar surface of first segment of hind tarsus, one medial, the other terminal. (The medial bladder possibly indicates the position of the end of one segment, the basal segment thus being formed of two segments of an ancestral condition closely fused ; this view is supported by the fact that the medial bladder is present in all those genera which on other characters are regarded as primitive.) Notologotoma hardyi (Friederichs, 1914) Davis, 1936 (Plate I., figs. 3-4, 17-19). Op. cit., p. 245. OUgotoma hardyi Friederichs, 1914, 1 c. ^Length 8.8-11.0 mm. ; head 1.5-1. 8 mm., x 1.3-1.5mm. ; forewing 7.9-10.9 mm., x 1.9-2. 8 mm. ; liindwing 6. 4-9. 6 mm., x 1.8-2. 7 mm. Colour rather pale brown, eyes and wings as in OUgotoma. Head, with eyes prominent, })Osterior margin slightly incised laterally ; antennae with up to 19 segments, maximum total length 4.3 mm. ; mandibles (Plate I., fig. 19) with dentition as in OUgotoma. outer margin sinuous. Thorax including wings (Plate I., fig. 3) and legs (Plate I., fig. 4, hind tarsus) normal for the genus. Terminalia (Plate I., fig. 17) witlx right hemitergite produced inwards and backwards to a tapered process, weakly bifid terminally ; imier process hooked, weakly nodulose. Process of left hemitergite (Plate 1., fig. 18) narrowest at origin, then slightly expanded, terminally tapered and subacute. Imier margin of Kevistox op the K^ibiopteka of Westehk Australia 145 first segment of left cercus irregular and cchinulate ; second segment short, subconical, firmly fused to first segment. Ninth abdominal sternite with a slender hea^dly-sclerotized finger-like process dir(?cted upwards ; left ('.ercais- basipodite with a similar process directed back^^■ards and to the left. Ter- minalia otherwise as throughout the gemis. ? See Davis, 1936, p. 246. Localities : Near Perth, coll. G. H. Hardy (Friederichs’ types, no longer extant) ; Caversham, near Perth, vi/15, coll. C. Kerruish W.A. Museum, Macleay Museum, etc. ; infra) ; Midland, near Perth, vi /36 and vii/38 (cJcJ) ; Cottesloe, 25/v/40 (4 ; new record). In addition to these localities in AVest(?rn Australia, the species is known from near Nyngan, N.S.W., and from near Townsville and Rockhampton, Q. (Davis, 1936, p. 246, and 1940a, p, 158). Note . — It is clear that Friederichs’ types have been lost. A male (slide mount ; Macleay Miiseum) has accordingly been designated neotype. The locality, Caversham, is as close to the original type locality as can be de- termined ; the specimen agrees with Friederichs’ description in all respects. KEY TO THE SPECIES OF WESTERN AUSTRALIAN EMBIOPTERA. (Characters arc for the adult male ; tlie tarsal features apply to both sexes and all stages.) 1 . R.j +5 and M well-defined ; first segment of hind tarsus with a medial bladder on the plantar surface ; first segment of left cercus echinulate, second segment of length less than twice average breadth, not distinctly articulated with first Nofolkfotorm hardy i (Fried). R4+5 and M subobsolescent ; medial l)ladder of first segment of hind tarsus absent ; first segment of left cercus not echinulate ; second segment with length at least three times maximum breadth, and clearly and movably articulated with first segment 2 2. Process of left hemitergite with a terminal hook ... ... ... ... ... 3 Process of left hemitergite with a lateral process ... ... ... ... ... 5 3. Terminal hook of process of left hemitergite projecting to both sides from point of attachment ; margin of ninth abdominal sternite minutely echinulate near right- hand distal angle Oligoioma glauerti Tillyard. Terminal hook of process of left hemitergite projecting only to the left from its point of attachment ; ninth abdominal sternite smooth ... ... ... ... ... 4 4. First segment of left cercus clavate ; left cercus-basipodite spinescent Oligotoma gur7ieyi spinulosa Davis. First segment of left cercus subcylindrical ; left cercus-basipodite blunt Oligotoma gurneyi Frogg., subsp. ? 5. Lateral lobe of process of left hemitergite blunt, spathulate ; outer process of right hemitergite terminally bidentate ; first segment of left cercus very markedly incurved terminally ... ... ... ••• Oligotoma tillyardi Davis. Lateral lobe of process of left hemitergite a sharp, fiat spine ; outer process of right hemitergite terminally tapered, obtuse ; first segment of left cercus only slightly incurved ... ... ... ... ... ... Oligotoma approximans Davis. jVoie. — The exotic species Oligotoma saandersii Westwood (native of the Indian Region) and O. humbertiana (Sauss.) Davis (native of Ceylon) may later be found to occur in North- West Australia. The terminalia of each (cf. e.g., Davis, 1939, Figs. 3, 5) are very distinc- tive ; the former has a curved spine arising subterminally from the left-hand margin of the ninth abdominal sternite, and curving under this and upwards on the right ; the latter has a prominent tooth on the outer margin of the outer process of the right hemitergite, this tooth being situated well forward of the termination of the main process. 14 () CoNSETT Davis. REFERENCES. IJiirmcister. A., 1S39: Kandbnc-h der Entomologic, Bfl. 2. Berlin. Davis. — 1930: Studies in Australian Embioptera 1. Proc. Linn. Hoc. A\.S', B'., 61, 5-0. I93S : Studies in Australian Embioptera, Til. Ibid., 63, 3-4. 1939: Taxonomic Notes on the Order Embioptera, I. Ibid.. 64, 1-2. 1940a : Studies in Australian Embioptera, IV. Ibid., 65, 1-2. 1940b : Family Classification of the Order Embioptera. Ann. fJnt. Hoc. America, 33, 4. Enderlein, G., 1909 : Die Klassifikation der Embiiden, nebst morphologisehen und physio- logischen Bemerkungen, besonder.s iiber das Spinnen dcrselben. Zool. Anz., 35." Friederichs, Iv., 1914 : A New Species of Embiid from Western Australia. Records W.A. Mnsemn, 1, 3. Froggatt, W. W., 1904 : Notes on Neuroptera and Descriptions of New Species. Proc. Linn. Hoc. A^./SMT., 29. Snodgrass, R. E., 1935 ; Priiunples of Insect Morphology. McGraw Hill. Tillyard. R. J., 1923 : The Embioptera or Web-spinners of Western Australia. Journ. Proc. Roy. Hoc. West. Aust., 9, 1. Westwood, J. O., 1837 : C3iaract‘'rs of Rmbia a genus allied to the White Ants. Trans. Linn. Hoc. London, Zoot., 17. EXPLANATION OF PLATE I. Figs. 1-2., Oligotoma approximans Davis, holotype 1, right fore and hindwing, X 9. 2, hind tarsus viewed laterally, x 38. Figs. 3-4., Notoligotoma hardyi (Fried.), neotype ^ : 3. right forewing, x 0. 4, hind tarsus viewed laterally, x 38. Figs. 5-7., Oligotoma glanerti Till., paratype ^ : 5, terminalia from above, x 9. 6, proc-ess of left hemitergite of tenth abdominal segment, from above, x 38. 7. mandibles from above, x 60. Figs. 8-10., Oligotoma tillyardi Davis, holotype Corresponding structures and magnifications to Figs. 5-7. Figs. 11-13., Oligotoma approximans Davis, holotype : Corresponding structures and magnifications to Figs. 5-7. Figs. 14-16., Oligotoma gurneyi spiniilo. . . . 1 . t . i ■•• • -j >. f . :S'. C ! Ecological Succession Obseiived Duking IIegeneraTioN OF Triodia Pungens K.Br. After Burning. 140 6.— ECOLOGICAL SUCCESSION OBSERVED DURING REGENERATION OF TRIODIA PUNGENS R.Br. AFTER BURNING. By Nancy T. Burbidge, B.Sc- (Hons.). Head 10th March, 1942 : Published Oth December, 1943. Certain investigations, into the sheep carrying capacity of the spinifex country of the north-west of Western Australia, are being carried out by ofhcers of the Institute of Agriculture of the University of Western Aus- tralia, at Warralong Station, about sixty miles east-south-east of Port Hed- land. The name spinifex is used locally for various species of Triodia R.Br. In the course of a taxonomic study of this genus the writer visited the country between Port Hedland and Marble Bar during the months May, June and July, 1941. Some weeks were spent at Warralong. An area of 400 acres, on this property, is being used for certain feeding experiments. The spinifex cover has been removed by burning and the plots therefore provide an ex- cellent ai*ea for a study of regeneration. Two quadrats (20 x 20 links) were mapped in the experimental area and two (50 x 50 links) in adjacent country which provided examples of more advanced regrowth. The climate is semi-arid with high summer temperatures. Rain may fall at any time between December and March. The fails may be spread over some months or there may be heavy storms (willy-willies) when the average for the year may be exceeded during a twenty-four hour period. The yearly aggregates are, however, not notably variable and the climate may be de- scribed as one in which dry summers are common, but prolonged droughts rare. In 1941 a dry summer w’as followed, in early March, by a violent storm which caused record floods in many of the rivers. The Warralong experimental plots are situated on the granitic plain to the south of the De Grey River. Except for an occasional ridge of stony hills due to intrusive rocks the general landscape is flat or very gently un- dulating. The soil is a light sandy loam, reddish in colour (Teakle, 1938). The vegetation has been described as semi-desert savannah (Teakle l.c.). Spinifex {Triodia spp.) is the dominant genus. T. pungens R.Br. is the most important species and is frequently the only perennial grass present. Small trees and shrubs are present; their relative density varies and appeai^s to be dependent on some soil factor which is, as yet, unrecognised. T. pungens is the only species of the genus with real pastoral value. It is a coarse, tussock-forming, resinous grass very variable in its growth habit. At the Warralong plots the general form is a pyramidal tussock varying in size up to two metres in diameter and about the same in height. The use of fire to improve pasture is, of course, practised in many parts of the world. Old fibrous and unpalatable material is bm*nt and young re- growth is more easily reached b}^ the grazing animal. In burning spinifex it has been assumed, and indeed widely claimed, that the fire burns the tussock back to a central butt from Avhich young shoots develop. While this is ad- mittedly true in some places, the writer’s observations showed that it is by no means ahvays so. Over a wide area fire causes the complete destruction of the plants and regeneration takes place by means of seedling establisii- ment. k 41/43 150 NaNX’Y T. Bl’RBTDfiK. Observations showed that along the coastal zone, from Port Hedland to the northern end of the 80-Mile Beach, burning left the tussocks with a viable butt Avhose regrowth Avas aA^ailable to the grazing animal Avithin a feAV months. HoAvever, through the inland country along the Be Grey, ShaAV and Coongan Rivers up to Marble Bar the tussocks are completely destroyed and it is at least a year before regroAA'th is available to the sheep. Under such conditions the risk of soil erosion is great. Fortunately the Triodia tussocks are fairly AA’idely spaced (Fig. 4) and it is difficult to keep a running fire going. Thus only small patches from tAvo or three tussocks up to about an acre are burnt in each place. The spacing of the ground cover has probably played an important role in protecting the vegetation from the consequences of biotic activities during the seventy years of pas- toral occupation. The general custom is to burn during the mustering period in April and June when the men, riding the paddocks, drop lighted matches at ran- dom. Sporadic burning is carried out at any time during the year. It is evident that, if the tussocks are completely destroyed in May or June, the ground Avill lie bare until the following January or March Avhen the summer rains bring about seedling germination. It aA'US hoped that a study of the progTess of regeneration might shoAv w^hether any undesirable changes are likely to occur as a result of the burning process. That the vegetation may be altered Avill be shoAvn in the discussion on succession. The alteration is a result of a combination of factors of AAhich fire is one. Figure 1. Ecological 8ucckssion Obslrvkd During Regeneration OK TrIODJA PUN(iKXS H.Bk. AfTKH HURXIN(i. lol QUADRATS. Eig'ures 1 and 2 (20 \ 20 links ==4x4 metres), represent the pri- mary stage in regeneration. The Triodia seedling's are associated with numerous annual species. The areas mapped were on the Warraldng ex- perimental }>lots and the original co\'er was burnt oft' in December, 1940. Rain fell in March (.willy-willy) and in April -and May (light falls). The quadrats were ma])pGd in June. It is evident that germination took place at more than one stage. The seedlings varied from 2-6 cm. in height. The sandy loam had a scanty cover of drift sand, formerly associated with tussocks. This drift sand was disturbed by the March floods. It is probable that many seeds, imbedded in the sand, were washed away. Whether this had much effect on the relative abundance of the various annual species cannot be ascertained from one season's observations. The sand drifts do, however, explain the grouping of seedlings which is evident on the maps. In Figure 3 (50 x 50 links = 10 x 10 metres) the patch of ground re- liresented was about a hundred yards from the experimental plots. The quadrat was surveyed in June. At this stage of regrowth there was fierce competition between the Triodia tussocks and ephemeral growth Avas meagre. In one corner an adult tussock had survived. Across another there is a patch of primary regroAA’th Avhich suggests that it Avas burnt in the previous season. 152 Nancy T. Burbidge It was at least two and possibly three years since the plants on the ]-est of the (]uadrat had germinated. They were about 30-40 cm. high. In Fig-ure 4 (50 x 50 links = 10 x 10 metres) the adult tussock stage is represented. TriodUi pungens had estal)lished a closed community and ephemeral growth was negligible. The quadrat was surveyed on ground about two hundred yards from the experimental plots. All ephemeral growth Avas dead Avhen the mapping was done in June. Observations suggest that it was at least live years since this patch of ground had been burnt and probably much longer. The ])lants were about 70-100 cm. high. Country surrounding the (piadrat carried occasional plants of blood- wood {Eucalyptus dichromophloia) , kangi {Acacia pyrijoha) and geina ( Carissa lanceolata ) . HECIFNEEATION. The germination of Triodia seeds is rapid after rain has suliieiently moistened the soil. The process seems to be i elated to soil moisture and not to any particular period of the year. However only those ]dants which germinate early in the year form a root system extensive enough to support it during the drought conditions of the ensuing summer months. Ecological Succession Observed During Regenerations OK Tkioota Pungexs K.Br. Akti:k P>urxix(;. 153 The Trioclia seedlings are soon followed by small annuals such as Mol- higo mollnginh, Euphorbia australis, Portulava oleracea, Bulbostylis bar- hata, Eriachne pulchella, Aristida arcnaria, Sporobolus australasicus, Era- grostis Dielsii and Ichnanthns australiensis. Amongst perennials which are present at this stage the most important is Cassia notabilis. This species is an indicator of recent burning (within two or three years). As the plants are destroyed by tei’mites they do not appear in older patches of spinifex. Tt is possible that fire improves the germination rate of this species. Other perennials which occur as occasional plants are Solanum diversifolium, Sida platycalyx, Corchoriis elachoearpus, Hybanthus enneaspermns, Eragrostis eriopoda, Eriachne obtusa^ Chrysopogon pallidus and Neurachne Clementii. The areas chosen for the first two quadrats represented good regenera- tion. Other ground nearby varied from heavier regrowth to none at all. Regrowth appeared to be related to the water content of the soil Areas burnt before or shortly after the March hoods carried good regrowth. Those burnt later showed fewer and fewer seedlings as burning continued through the months. Those burnt in May showed no regrowth at all. There was no rain during June or July. Apart from regeneration on burnt areas, regrowth was also to be seen on claypans wherever sand di'ifts formed. As a result, these bare areas 154 NaXOV T. BURIUlKiE usiuiUy had an irregular formation due to patelu'S of regi’owth, in various stages of regeneration, here and there on their surface. During the summer months following the lirst period of seedling de- velopment soil moisture continues to play a leading part and presumably becomes a severely limiting factor. Those seedlings whose roots have not penetrated more than the top layers of soil soon die. It is a feature of young Tviodiu seedlings that they have the most feeble attachment to the soil. It is not unusual to see a tussock 10 or 15 cm. high and about the same in diameter with only a single root holding it to the soil. The ephemeral growth dies otf very early, the ma,]ority having finished seeding by September which marks the commencement of the hot weather. The perennials, including T. pungens, pass into a practically dormant state. In the second season the young tussocks compete not only Avith each other, but also Avith another crop of annuals resulting from the summer rains. These include Polanisia icosand)'(x ^ Avistida arcwuriu, D act plot aenium radnlans, Mollugo 7nolluginis, Indigofera viscosa and other species present during the first season. By the third season the competition between the tussocks has become the dominant feature and annuals pluy a minor role. (Dig. d). As the tussocks become older many die out. Others coalesce to form compound- groups. Owing to the formation of adventitious roots at many nodes, both on the ground and throughout tiie dump of culms, the plants after the first year, become attached to the soil at many points Avithin their circumference. The plants mapped in Digs. 5 and 4 all exhibited one or both of these traits. ECOLOGICAL SUCCESSION. The areas denuded of plant cover as a lesult of burning represent ‘^secondary” bare areas, ecologically speaking, as opposed to ‘^primary” bare areas such as those left by landslips or earthquakes. In this case it is not essential that plants immigrate from other areas to form a neAV population since the soil may already contain the elements necessary for regeneration. This is so in the spinifex country since regrowth comes from seeds in the soil. The regenerative sere may be divided into the following stages: (i) primary stage Avith annuals and Tnodia seedlings in open competition. This coA'ers the period from germination until the rains of the folloAving summer; (ii) secondary stage lasting more than one season, during Avhich period the Triodia seedlings assume a dominant role and eliminate the annuals fi’om the association; (iii) adult tussock stage Avhere the Triodia plants have formed a closed community in Avhich there is very little or no ephemeral growth; (iv) climax association AAdiere small trees and shrubs (which are present in a young state in (ii) and (hi)) such as Eucalyptus dichromopliloia, Acacia pyrifoUa, Afalaya lieyniglauca, Bolichandrone lietero- f)hylla, Hakea lorea (as examples of the former) ; and Carissa lanceolata, CassiU' venustUy Cassia oUgopliylla and Acacia trauslucciis (as examples of the latter) ; are associated AAuth adult tussocks. The effect of man and his grazing animals on the association appears, so far, to have been very slight in comparison Avith the effect on native vegeta- tion in other parts of the State. Nevertheless there are places, both on Ecological iSuccKssioN Observed During KegeneraTton OF Tkiodia Puxgens H.Br. After Burning, 15o Warrajong- and on adjoining- ]>i’o|)crli(‘s, whore major changes in the vege- tation can he recognised. The Triodia on these -areas has l)een destroyed aiifl re])laeed with an Erafjvosfi.'^ eripoda-douunixni association. This dis- turbance of tile normal se(]uence is not- merely a retrogressive change in the succession and it seems best to define it as a di'iclim(f r. That the disclimax is a “permanent” change is indicated l)y the fact that in one place the coarse Avoolly bases so chai’acteristic of Eracjrosii-^ eripoda averaged 20 cm. in diameter. A<'cording to report this ret)i'('sented more than fifteen v(‘ars of growth. The basic causes of the change seem to lx* burning followerimary cause in all cases could not be proved. In this Kraprostis association seedlings of Triodia puugevi^ were absent and it is doubtful if they could establish them- selves against the ti(‘rce competition. That the country formerly ('arried Triodia pnngem^ is known from rcj^ort and from the e.xistence of isolated tussocks of this sp(‘cies among the Krarp-ostis; plants. Other jdants ])resent, both ephemeral and perennial, were the same as those in a normal Triodia p H nge n .9- a sso c i a t i o n . In one ai'i'a, on the adjoining propei’ty of Kginbah, there were indica- tions that the Eragrostifi cf/;;ode-association was being removed in its turn by the grazing animal. The result was a growth of annuals in which MoUugo mollaginis, Aristida aremtria, A. Inpjroiactrira and Polaniria icosandra were the most ini])ortant species. This repi'esents a retui’ii to the condition seen in the early stages of the sere on a bai’e area. SUMMARY. Burning of Triodia pangens results in either the destruction of the tussock with regeneration from seedlings or a viable butt remains whiidi spi’outs again almost immediately. In the coastal region, l)etween Port lledland and the northern end of the 80-Mile Beach, a viable butt is left, but inland along the Shaw, Coongan, and I)e Grey Rivers the tussocks are usually destroyed. Quadrats showing stages in i-egeneration after burning are figured and discussed. These were mai)[)ed in or u(*ar the experimental plots at Warra- long Station. A s(‘re is delined. The climax is one in which small trc(‘s and shrubs are associated with the dominant Triodia pnnfjavs. Ephemeral gi’owth is scanty in the mature stage. A permanent change in tin* vegetation, diu' to tire and the grazing animals, is des{'rib(*d. ACKNtnV LE I )G MENTS. The work desci'ibeil in this ])aj)er was mad(‘ j^ossible by the granting of the use of certain facilities by Professor G. A. (hxrrie and Mi*. A. M. Stewart of the Institute of Agricultui'e, University of Western Australia. The author also wishes to ex]>ress hex- ap])reciation of the hospitality of Mr. and Mrs. Eraxd<. Ilardie of Warralong Station, also for assistanct' in the Held from Mi’. Frank i\rel\ille of the Institute of Agriculture, Nanc\' T. Burbiik k. 156 REFERENCE. 1938j Teakle, L. J. H. : A. Regional Classification of the Soils of West- ern Australia. Jour. Roy. Soc., W.A., Vol. 24, 1937-38. KEY TO SYMBOLS USED IN FIGURES. Trioclia pungens seedling . . 0 „ „ tussock o Sporobolus australasieus . A Eriachne pulchella a Ichuanthus australiensis 0 Eragrostis eriopoda Bulbostylis barbata Mollugo molluginis .. K Portulaea oleracea .. /a Polanisia icosaiulra c ( 'assia iiotabilis M Cliaiitlius Dampieri (3 Euphorbia australis SI Goodenia pT yj •• X Miscellaneous .. '9 » Ecological Notes on the Vegetation of 80-Mile Beach. 157 7._EC0L0(IICAL NOTES ON THE VEGETATION 80 -MTLE BEAC^H. OF Hy Xancv T. BuRHiiKiK, I>.S(*. (Hons.). Read lOlh March, 1941 : Published 2olh February, 1944. The area with which this pai)er is conceiaied is the portion ol the coast oT Western Australia lietween (^ape I\eraudr(“n, where the Xo. 1 Rabbit Proof Fence reaches the coast and Ca])e Mississey, which marks the northern boundary of Anna Plains Station, and is the first break in the coastline of the i)each. The ecolo,i»ical notes were obtained during a series of eollectiiig trips through the area during July, 1941. They cover the country to a depth of from ten to fifteen miles. On an accomi)anying map the junction between the two main soil types is marked, since it is also tlie junction between the main ecological /ones. The country north of Anna Plains has not been s(‘(*n by tlu' author. The vegetation ol the i>ortion of i^ardoo, south of the Rabbit Proof Fence, is complicated by creeks inland and by niangTO\(' swani})s on the coast. Fcologically it is a transition region hdween the HO- .Mile Beach and the country along the l)e (ii’cy River, Avhich is d(‘alt with elsewhere. The, climatic conditions are semi-arid. The annual iirecijdlation vari(‘s b(4ween twelve and foinleen inches for the area. Most of the rain tails dur- ing the period December to March and , owing to the porous nature of the soil the water soon disai>pears. Permanent water holes, excej)t for a few small native soaks, are absent. There is a marked winter drought. PllVSrOGRAPlIV AND BOILS. The b('ach faces north-west or north-north-west in a long slow curve. It is without important features throughout its length. At Wooroo Creek there is a sharp l)ut small indentation which includes a small mangrove s.wamp. Elsewhere the beach is unbroken. Wooroo (’reek extends inland for about a mile. Behind the beach are series of sandhills varying from one to three miles in depth. The first row of the series are of normal dune ty])e, both with and without vegetation. The sand here is very like that (>f the beach. Inland are sandhills carrying a different form of vegetation. The soil of these contains more organic matei-ial and is a light grey in colour compared to the creamy white beach sand. Some of the ridges have outcrops of a sandy limestone which, from the nature of its shell content, is of very recent character. Through the section included in Pardoo, Wallal, and Xalgi the sandhills dominate the coastal ]dain. Intermixed with them, howevei', are wide Hats with a light grey loam soil. Through the Xalgi area these gradually increase in relative importance until in Anna Plains, where the coastal ]>lain widens tmt, the loam flats are the main feature of the landscape. The junction between the coastal ]Aain and the si>inifex pindan is marked on the ma]). It is a A-ery abrupt chang(‘ from the grey soils of the plain into the i*ed desert sand. fhe vf'getation also changes abi’U]Al\ and the transitional phase occupies only a few yards. The st)inifex idndan <'ountry is undulating or more or less Hat with, in some places, long narrow sandhills running more or less ])arallel with each other and a varying distance apart. The only rock seen outcropping Avas a dark red ferruginous sandstone. Through Pardoo and Wallal the outcro))s form small hills but on Anna Plains they result in piles of stones a few feet above the surface. 158 Ni^NCY T, BuRBIDGPi. Across Nalgi and the southern section of Anna Plains is a curious tall shrub zone. The zone varies from under a mile to several miles in depth. The zone has two features worthy of comment. Firstly, just south of the Nalgi boundary is an area with numerous “blowholes'^ from a few inches to several feet in diameter. The depth of these is unknown. From surface indications the limestone here appeal’s to be different in nature from that of the coastal sandhills. Secondly, through the blowhole country there are a. few short drainage channels. Apart from these the whole area dealt with in this paper is entirely lacking in defined water courses. Small ])atches of this shndiland occur in some jdaces on Wallal but there is not a continuous zone as there is further north. There is no other outcrop of blowhole limestone. Other features of interest on the coastal jdain are occasional red sand ridges. The soil appears to be intermediate in character between the pindan sand and the coastal type. The former has possibly been left there as a result of wind action. Ea.st or south-east winds are of almost daily occurrence over many months of the year. Such ridges are usually near the junction of the pindan and the plain. In some cases the ridges have outcrops of the coastal sandy limestone. p]COLOGY. As has already been said the area may be divided into two main zones, i.e., the coastal plain and the spinifex pindan. However, the whole region belongs in the great ecological region Avhich .stretches from the Ashburton River to the Fitzroy River. This area is nearly all spinifex country, i.e., species of Triodia R.Br. dominate the landscape. Along the SO-Mile Beach there are just the two phases of the ecological type to discuss. Triodia jningens R.Br. is the dominant species and often th(‘ only grass present. Various other arasses are important in different sections but thev will be Ecological Notes on the Vegetation of 80-Mile Beach. 159 discussed under their I'espective headings. The trees present are stunted and often contorted in ai>pearance. Among the shrubs various species of the Malvaceae are conspicuous. The Leguminoseae, particularly in the ])indaip provide a number of shrubs and small trees. These latter are mostly spe(*ies of Acacia. The following spectra gi\e a picture for the area and foi’ the two zones. It will be seen that tho’e is a large number of annual species. This is rather misleading since the (luantity of each of these is small and some species were only obsei’ved once, i.e., at the time of collecting. iVnother feature is that nearly all s[>ecies are confined to one or other of the zones. No. of Species. M. N. Ch. 11. Th. E. Whole Area . . 192 15 28 9 S 37 1 Coastal Plain 65 11 12 17 9 49 — Spinifex Pindan 181 16 34 5 8.5 34 1 A. Coastal Plain. (a) Coastal Sandhills — (i) Beach dunes. (ii) Triodia sandhills. (b) Loam Flats — (i) Grass plains. (ii) Samphire fiats and claypans. (c) Cadgibut Shrubland. (a) Coastal Sandhills. (i) The beach sandhills are of the normal sand dune type, similar to those seen elsewhere along the west coast of Western Australia. Those with plant growth have a covering of Spinifex longifolms. Other plants include Ipomaea hiloha, Euphorbia mgrtoides, and PtUotus villosiflorus. This asso- ciation, which is often almost pure Spinifex, seldom occupies more than the hrst row of the^ series of sandhills along the coast. (ii) Included under this heading are all the other sandhills of the coastal area. They include .stationary sandhills of dune origin as well as those whose inner core of limestone is api>arent in outcrops. As has been said above these sandhills are the main feature of the ]dain throughout Pardoo, Wallal and Nalgi. The vegetation is dominated by tlu' coastal form of Triodia pungent^ which has long wiry leaves and a dense tussock habit. Near the coast there is a reed like grass, Panicnm sp., mixed with the Triodia. This is less appareiit further inland. There are* also patches of Acacia salicina forming small thickets in the hollows between the sandhills. On the ridges, where red .sand has been deposited, various plants are present which, normally, are restricted to the spinifex-pindan country. These include Baahinia C unninghamil, Acacia holosericea, Acacia transluccns and the form of Triodia pungens which is found in the desert. This last has shorter leaves and long trailing culms which are more resinous than those of the coastal form. The general picture of the coastal plain is that of undulating sandhills with a covering of coarse tussock grasses and with small Acacia thickets in .some of the hollows. Xancy T. "Burbidge. 1 60 1. Coastal Plain slio^ving tlie sharp junction ‘with the Cadgibiit ISiirubland, A'aigi. (I>) Loam Flats. (i) The grass plains are relati\ely uiiiin])ortant until the Anna Plains couiitvy is i‘eaeh(Hl. Flsewhere only odd patches occur between the sandhills. Also over a good deal of the area the native grasses have been replaced by the introduc(‘(l speci(‘s Ceyiclirun clJiaris (Huffel (trass). i\Iost of the indcs concerning tin* native grass(‘s wcu'e maresent isolated [)atches of tlu* Cadgibut shrubland facies which forms a definite phase in the transitional zone betAveen the coastal plain \egetation and that of the si)inifex pindan. This border type appears not only where the Junction is betAveen loam and red sand but also Avhoi’e it is between grev and red sand. (ii) Samphire flats and clayj>ans occur in the sand hill country as well as on the grass flats. The soil is grey loam. Since there is no pi'oper drainage system the loam flats are the only places AA'here one Avould expect Avater to lie after I’ain. Tracks through these Hats have a sinister reputation for their mud during the Avet season. It seems likely that the soil here has a slightly higher concentration of mineral salts. If this is so it explains the zonation which can be observed. There are three zones. In the outer one Sporoholus virgin'eus (Salt Grass form) is dominant and there may be colonies of Triantliemii turgidi folia. Other }>lants Avhich have been collected in this zone include Tricliinium exaltatnm and Scaevola spinescens. In the next zone Trianthema turgidifolia has beconu' dominant. !Mixed Avith it are Bassia astrocarpa and Atrijdejc elacliopliylla. In some i)laces either of; these zones may carry small thickets of Acaoia hivenosa or Acacia salicina^ but othei’Avise trees and shrubs are completely lacking on the samphire flats. Trianthe7na turgidifolia is locally known as yelloAv samphire. The third zone sees Trianthema turgidifolia replaced by Artlirocnemim Bentlumiii (Red or Black Samphire). This species gradually thins out until the bare ground of the centre is reached. A good example of samphire Hat is seen at Wooroo Creek between the sandhills. Tlu‘ portion near the creek, Avhich has a border of mangroves, is Hooded at certain times of the year Avhen there are exceptionally high tides. Over this portion Trianlhc'iva is replaced by Arthrocnenium Benthamii. (c) Cadgibut Shrul)land. This s(‘ction represents a peetdiar deA'elopment of the coastal plain. Various sp('cies of Melaleuca are abundant and dominat<* the vegetation. This is in sti’iking contrast to the almost treeless plain. The soil is gi'ey loam as on tin* flats. The s])ecies of Mrhdeucff present are M. leucadendrou . M. also})liila and M. ]asi(cuinifex i>indan. In tlu^ southern section of Anna Plains if turns (*astAvai*ds and is lost in the desert. On Wallal isolated patches of similar lain, gre)und water is commonly too salt for stock while in the spinifex country the* Avater though deeper down is, in most cases, classed as “good stock water.’’ I>. S })inij'e.v PimUni. The name “spinifex” is used locally for all species of Triodia; “pindan” is a native word Avhich is used for the desert country by the ])astoralists. This zone* can be* subdivid(*d as folloAVs - ( a ) Ti'ansitiona! ])has(' (])) Triodia ])hase. ( c) VJccfrachnc ])ha^e. (a) The transitional phase is particularly clear along the Anna Plains fi'ontage. It commences Avith a line of MeJaienca trees on the edge of the treeless grey loam plain. The ground flora, includes small annuals such as Sporobolus aiistralasicus and Kragro^stis Dielsil Avith occasional bushes of Trianthema tnrgidifolia. AVhere the loam changes to the red sand the liora also changes and Eragro:^tis eriopoda, Crotalaria Cnnninghamii, and Po- lavisia icosandra re])lace the above mentioned species. This phase gives Avay to a dense zone of Melaleuca lasiandra and Acacia transluceyis, Avhieh are both .^'hrubs about three to five feet high, Avith occasional clumps of Triodia pnujjens and Eragrostis eriopoda. After this the cadgibuts disappear and the area can no longer be classed as transitional. There aia* certain variations of the transitional phase. In some places there is a band of Acacia salidna in others the Acacia trauslucens band is missing. The change-over is narroAv and the transitional phase may only be ten or 15 yards in depth. In other places it extends up to 50 but this is not often. (b) and (c) The spinifex ])indan has tA\'o definite phases. In the first the pindan form of Triodia p)(ngeni^ is associated Avith a stunted form of Bauhinia CunnhigJanuii. In the second Triodia is rej)laced }>y a similar grass Plectrachne Schiri:ii and Bauhinia is replaced by small trees such as DoUchandrone heieroph ffUa and Eacadgptus zggophglla. The first of those phases is the nearer to the coast. Its inland boundary is not very definite and the phase varies in depth. The Plectrachne coun- tiy apparently runs out into the desert proper. It extended inland as far as flu* authoi* trav(*ll(*d, i.t*., to a distance* of fifteen miles from the coast at WTdlal. According to re]>ort it extends along tlu^ Rabbit Proof Fence at h^t as far as the 121 degree* meridian. Ecological Notes on the Vegetation of 80-Mile Beach. 103 n. Spinifex piiidan sliowiiig the assoeiatiou of slmibs and tussock grasses. Acacia liolosericea, A. tiunida t in the case ot Acacia i ranslnccn^^ which grows about two to three feet high, an^ all small ti'(‘es. They commonly rmiu thickets in which only one species is rejn'esented. The commoner species ai'(^ .1. hunida, A. l/(dosci'icca , -1. trachijcaypa, A. paclitjcarjai, A. corntcea, .1. >uipycss(j ami .!. stipnlifjeva. In marked contrast to the coastal }>laiu arc the number ot shrubs which are as^-ociated with the ])erennial tussock grasses. Thev include tlu' follow- ing’: Ahattlo)/, l\alcoUti, .1. nidir/iin, Sidtt Icpida. ci. sj)inosa. Cahffhri.r m- tcrstans^ Jlalgania Ulforalis, Piatclca annnoch.aris, .Id/v'ui/e tomr}it(}sa , Ct/ario- ■^tcgia Bunvgana , and Npw'.((Stlia- cJadoiricha. Larger forms are Luns/u gla- tinosa, C. Sturtn var., Clerodendron tomentosum, Gardenia Paaioni and Da- hoif^ia ITopwoodii and Htglohasimn fipathnlatum. Members of the Ib'oteaccae are not numerically important. They include (h-erlUca pgramidalis, G. re- fract((, (r, agrifoUa, IlaJica ma^croearpa and /Vraormm f(dcat<(. There art‘ many slender shrubs belonging to tlu‘ Leguminoseae. Kucalypts ar<‘ not well represented. Tn most ])laces they are cum[)letely lacking fiami the Triodia jihase while in tin* Plecti'achne country they gradually a})pear mor(‘ often as one goes farther inland. They either form small mallei' (lumps or (kv('lop into small tri'cs from ten to tifteen feet high. The s] ;*resent in the association as a minor constitiu'iit. Other grasses present are Amphij)ogon strictu^, (lirgt^opogon paUida;<^ Cyrnhopogon bombt/cina^^, Digitaria Brownei, Digitaria ctenantha. Panicinn ci/mhiformCj I chnanthns aiistraliensis, Setaria s}irgensj . I ristida arenari<(, 104 Nancy T. Burbidge. Knneapogon palUdiis, Eriaclnie pulchella aiul Sorg}iuyn phnnosnm. None of these grasses is an important constituent. The further one ]ienetrates into the desert the more numeioiis become the long sand ridges. These, presumably, are similar to those described by AVarburtoji (1875) and Carnegie (18f)S) in the country to the east. Gene- ral observations suggested that the Avavla thickets grew between the ridges or in open country while small plants of Banhinia Cunningliamii and small trees such as Oicenia reticulata and Hakea ntacrocarpa grew on the ridges. SrMMAKV, An attempt has been made to describe the vegetation of the coastal strip between Cape Keraudreri and Cape ^lississey. It has been shown that there are two well defined ecological zones which are associated with cer- tain soil differences. On the coastal plain the. bioti(‘ factor has been responsible for the intro- duction of Cenchrus ciliari.^ (Buifel Grass) especially on loamy soils. In the desert country no introduced plant has as yet succeeded in establishing it- self but where the normal tussock grasses are lost they are replaced by the native species Kragrosti.9 rriopoda. ACKNOWLEDGMENTS. The author wishes to express her tlianks for assistance given by the following; 'Mv. S. Mullins of Anna Plains Station, Mr. Spry of Nalgi Station, Mr. Laev of Wallal Downs Station and Mr. Welch of Pardoo Station. Without the co-operation of these the work could not have beo!) carried out. REFERENCES. Carnegie, D. W.: Spinifex and Sand 1898. Warburton, P. E.: Journey Across the Western Interior of .Australia : Bbyozoa from the Wandagee and Xooncanbah Semes 105 (Pebmian) of Westebn Australia. 8.—BRY0Z0A FROM THE WANDAGEE AND NOON- CANBAir SERIES (PERMIAN) OF WESTERN AUSTRALIA. Part One. By Joan Ceockford^ iVLSc. Read 14th April, 1942: Publish('d 24th March, 1944. Communicated by Professor K. de C. Clarke. ('.ONTEX^rs. Summary Introduction Description of Species : — Family Fenestrellinidae Bassler. Genus Fenestrellina d’Orbigny. Fenestrellina horologia (Bretnall) Fenestrellina disjecta sp. nov. ... Fenestrellina ruidacarinata sp. nov. Fenestrellina valentis sp. nov. ... Fenestrellina columnaris sp. nov. Fenestrellina lennardi sp. nov. ... Fenestrellina cacuminatis sp. nov. Genus Minilya gen. nov. Minilya duplaris sp. nov. Minilya princeps sp. nov. Genus Polypora McCoy. Polypora fovea sp. nov. ... Polypora reiificis sp. nov. Polyjiora woodsi (Etheridge) Polypora muUiporifera sp. nov. Polypora sp. nov. indet. Acknowledgments Bibliography l^ige. 1()5 1()7 U)8 169 169 170 171 171 173 174 177) 176 177 177 178 I7i) 179 SUMMARY. Fourteen species of Fenestrellinidae (Fenestrellina and Polypora), of which twelve are described as new, and one neAV genus allied to Fenestrellina, are described from the Wandagee Series of the North-West Basin and the N'ooncanbah Series of the Kimberley District (Permian) of Western Aus- tralia. INTRODUCTION. Bryozoa from the Permian and Carboniferous of Western Australia wore first recorded by Hudleston in 1883, when he described Evactinopora dendroidea Hudleston and E, crucialis Hudleston, and recorded Fenestellae, Fenestella plehia McCoy, Protoretipora (sic) (FenesteUa) ampla Lonsdale var., and Stenopora tasmaniensis Lonsdale from the ^'Carboniferous’^ North of the Gascoyne River. Fenestella ("probably F. ampPP^) was recorded by Foord (1890) from the Irwin River; Ilinde, in 1890, recorded Ilexayonella dendroidea (Hudleston), and described Polypora australis Hinde and Bhoni- hopora tenuis Hinde from the "Carboniferous” of the Gascoyne River Dis- trict. k 43/4 4- Joan M. Crockfokd. 16 () H. Etlu'ridgo jnr. recorded Stenopora an) described L/fropora (?) crkosoidcs Pltheridge ms.^ Fenestella horologia Bretnall, E. affhtensa Bretnall, S nicorctepora ( ?) meridianus Etheridge ms., Actomocladia ambrosoides Bretnall, Strcblotrt/jia ■marmionensis Etheridge ms., S. etheridgei Bretnall, Jthombopora niamillata Bretnall, It. multigranulata Bretnall, and Coscininm (?) anstralc Bretnall, and recorded ^thombopora tennis Hinde, from the Penno-Carboniferous of the Gascoyne and Kimberley Districts. Miss L. Hosking (1931) recorded Aetomodadia anib‘*'osoides, Coschmim (?) sp., Fenestella afflncnsa, F. horo- logia, Rhombopora mamillata, R. muUigrannlata , St reblotr/rpa marinionensis, and Snlcoretepora meridianus from the Wooramel River District. Etheridge (1907 a) described some Permo-Carbonifei'ous bryozoa from the Port Keats Bore, tliirty miles north of Fossil Head, Victoria River estuary. Northern Territory, and discussed their relationships to AVesterii Australian forms. Gibb Maitland (1909), Raggatt (1930), and C'oiidit, Raggatt, and Rudd (1930), have published lists of fossils, including Inwozoa, from the Permo- Carbt>niferous of the North-West District, and Blatchfoi-d (1927) and AVade (1937) from the Permo-Carboniferous of the Kimberley District. The stratigraphical position of the Wandagee Series has been discussed by Condit (1935), Condit, Raggatt, and Rudd (1930), Raggatt (1930), and Teichert (1939, 1940, 1941); and the position of the Nooncanbah Series by Wade (1937) and Teichert (1940, 1941). ■ The In’vozoa descrilied here are from the W^aiidagee Series of tlu' North- West Basin, and from the Nooncanbah Series of the Kimberley District. Fourteen species are recorded, and of these seven are known only from the Nooncanbah Series, and two only from the AVandagee Series. The distri- bution of the species is given iii Table I, and a comjmrison of their measure- ments in Table TI. Discussion of the age and affinities of the bryozoan fauna of the AATii]- dagee and Nooncanbah Series is left until a later papei’. DESCRIPTION OF SPECIES. [^liylmn BKYOZOA Klirenberg’. (bass (lYMNOLAEMATA Allman. Order CR VPTOSTOMATA A'ine. Family FENESTRELLINIDAE Bassler. Genus FENESTRELLINA* d ’Orbigny. Fenestrellina d’Orbigny, 1849, Revue et Magasin de Zoologie, 2 e Ser.,. Tome I, p. 501. Homonym: — Fenestella. Lonsdale, 1839, preoccupied for a pelecyp(xL Fenestella Bolten, 1798. * An application for suspension of the Rules of Zoological Nomenclature for the generic name FeneiifeUa Lonsdale. 1839, has been submitted to the International Commis- sion on Zoological Nomenclature (G. E. Condra and M. K. Elias. Journal of Paleonfoloov,. Vol. 15, No. 4, pp. 565-566). I5ry()zoa from thk Wandaoek and XooNCANiiAH Series (Permian) ov Western Australia. TABU*: I.--l)iSTKIBrnoX OF SFKCIFS DFSCKi I5FD. Wandagey Series. Nooiicanl-ah S^^rie.s. Other Localities. (’alceolispongia Stage. Linoproductus Stage. 1. 2. 3. 4. 5. (). ! 1 7. ! s. 1 !). ' 1 10, 1 11. 12 . j i.'i. FenestreUina horo^ofjia (Hretnall) + 4 . 4- -F “F Gascoyne River Distri R. ; Kampong Apn to Baslcf* Beds), Springsure District. :*t : Callytharra Stage. W'ooramel a, Bitauni, Noil Boewan (Bitaoeni Timor : \'aucouvor Island, and Queensland. . FenestreUina disjerta sp. nov. + + -F FenestreUina ruidacarinata s]). nov. 4- + B. FenestreUina valentis sp. nov. t 4* -F FenestreUina columnaris sp. nov. i_ + -f FenestreUina lennardi sp. nov. ... 4-A. Feneshrllina cacuminatis sp. nov. Minih/a dnjduris sp. nov. 1 A. Gascoyne River Di.strict : Wooramel River DLstrict : (?) Middle Prodiift.is Limestone. Salt Range, and v8pringsure Di.strict, Queensland. Minilya pri/icrpM sp. nov. Folypora fovea sp. nov. ... + Folypora retifiei.f sp. nov. 4- Folypora v:oodsi (Etheridge) + Stony Ck, Branxton. Mulbring, Jkdford. Clladulla (Branx- ton Stage, Cpper Marine Series), N.S.W. ; l>c!ow Sonoma Kd. C'rossing. Coral Gk. Bovvx*n R„ Queens- land ; Marlborough. 'L'asmania : Callytharra Stage, Wooramel lU : liitaoeni Beds, 'fimor, and Springsure District. Queenslanil. Folypora multiporifera sp. nov. ... 4- 4- I Folypora sp. nov. indet. ... -F 1. Lower saiKiy i)urt of the Calceolispongia Stage, South side of Minilya River, 1| to 14 miles Kast-North-Knst from Curdamuart. Fenesirellina columnaris sp. nov. \ mile West of Coolkilya Pool. .Minilya River R> o:i:M)-:js 14-15 0-44-0-5 0*22-0-3 o 37 3 Hiiih, thick, hlunt, 0-33-0*4 mm. apart. Fenesirellina lennardi sp. nov. South side of .Mt. Marmion 22 o- 2 i- 0 :i 2 :n 0- 17-0-25 about 01 2 31 1 Small, not well shown. Fenesirellina caeuminalis sp. nov. S miles North of .Ml. .Vnde?‘- son HoiU(‘st2 0-63 about 0-12 42 3 Small, sharp. 0-24 -0-29 mm. apart . Minib/a dnplari'i sp. nov. (>! miles North i^f .Mr. .Aiuf r- .s - 33 2 Small, in two rows, o 13-0- 17 mm. a|Mirt. Minibja prinreps sp. nov. S miles North of .Mt. .Vndn- son II«)me.'"t('ad 17 0 - n-o - 18 KMO-5 0-57 0-62 0-32-0-36 2 28 3 Sir.all, in two rows, 0- 13 0-21 mm. apart. Pobfpora forea sp. nov. ... H miles North of Mt. .Vnd'^r- son IlomesK'nd S-12 0 - l.")-0-7 6-6 ■ o 1- 15-1 -36 0- 17-0-29 4-5 31 4-5 Sn ail, irregularly «leveIo|x*d. Polypora retijiris sp. nov. mile West of C’oolkilya Pool, .Minilya River 1.7-17 . „ 0- IS-0-.77 L-. 9 0-67-0-S 0-41-0-6 3 33 4 Large, irregularly j)laml. Polypora iroodsi (Ethcrid>r<*) S miles Nortli of .Mt. An7 Inf HudibnUform or llabelUdo Fenestrellinidae, with tiro rows of alter- natiuf) zooecia on the branches^ ewcejd before bifurcation, when the ninid)er of rows is increased; rows of zooecia separated bp a mcdiam carina, jdain or more fre(pientlp noth a single row of nodes {aca)ifho]/orcs) ; dissepiments not cellalif crons ; internal stractnre and rererse snrfarr as for the f.) Fenestella horologia Bi’olnall, 19-(5, dosc-riptioiis of somo Woshaai Austra- lian Fossil Poiyzoa, W.A. (leol. Sarr. HnU. SS, p. lo, pi. 1, tig. ti. [non] Fenestella horologia Bri'fnall, ilosking, 1991, Fossils froni tho \V(Kn‘a- inel Distriot, W.A., Jonr. Hop. Sor., ll’..!., A”ol. XVII., p. 19, pi. 1\., fig. 9. Fenestella parvinsenia Basslor, 1929, Ponnian l^>ryozoa of Tinioi', Pa! lontolo- gle ro}i Timor, Liof. XVI., XXVllL, p. 7(i, pi. (’(WLl (IT), tigs. 8-19. Fenestella parrinsenia Basslor, Martin, 19,92, Do Paloontolouio an vStrati- graphio van XcMlorlandsoh Oost-lndio, Bryozoa, p. 991. Fenestella parvinsenia Basslor, Fritz, 1992, Ponnian Bryt)Z(»a from Vaiu-om'or Island, Trails. Hop. Soe., ('anada, Ser. 9, Vol. 2t), S('ct. I\’., p. 9t). Fenestrellina parrinsenia (Basslor), Flias, 1997, Slratigraphii- Siguitioanoo of Sonio Lato Paloozoio Foin'strato Bryozoans, Jonr. Paleontologp, Vol. 11. No. 4, p. 914. Fonosti'(dlina irith (wo zoeeeia to a fenest rale ; earina Ion'; nodes sharp, relativelp high, abont two to a fenest rale ; fenesl rales honr-glass shaped. Horizon and looality: Xoonoanhah Sorios; Ko(*vi(‘'s \V('ll, (dght miles north of Mt. Andorson Ilonu'stoad, Kimborloy Distriot (('oil. A. Wado). The form of tlio oolony is not shown; thoro aro f)-om 1(> to IS I'onostrnlos vortioally, and from 20 to 22 branohos horizontally, in 10 mm. Tho branohos aro straight, from 0-29 to 0*98 mm. in widtli, and show a slight, i-atlu'r roundod oarina, with sharp, ivlativoly high nod(‘s in a singlo row, at intor- vals of from 0 29 to 0-91 mm.; tho bases of those nodes are slightly elon- gated i)arallol to tho length of tho bram-hos. In tho older parts of tlu* colony supporting rootlets may bo developed from tho oollulitorous suriaoo, and tho thioknosH of the bi-anolios (normally about 0-9 mm.) may bo gi-oatly inoroasod by extra deposits of oaloium oarbonato: the nodes boeonu' very muoh thickened, and may appear bifid or tritid near tho top, and tho aper- tures b(M'onio closed. The sides of tho ])ranohos, on which tho apertures aro placed, aro slightly (lattenod, but tho apertures project into tho fonostrnlos; they aro circular, from 0-1 to 0-19 mm. in diameter, amt where they are w('ll preserved show about eight fine radially directed ribs; tlu'se, however, were v(*ry easily iemo\'ed bv weathering; the peristomes ar<‘ distinct, and ai ‘0 best developed on th(‘ side towards the Uaiestrules. 1 wertim's into th(* fenestruh's gi\es tlu-m tlndr characterislit-, hour-glass shape; a less regular arrangement may be develoi>ed lor a it'w lenestrnles. The distance between the centres of successive aiu'rtures is from 9-21 to 0 9.4 mm. (avt'rage 9-27 mm.}, but is generally betwe(‘ii 9-27) and * TliivS species is beiiij; revised, in r st'i.nraio paper, from the type mtitorial in the collection of the Western Anstruliun Geological Survey, with which the specimens here described have been compared. 1(J8 JOAX ^I. CROCKFOm). 0-3 mm.; about thiry-seven apertures occur in 10 imn. The fenestrules are from 0-29 to 0-52 nmi. in length and from 0-17 to 0-4 mm. in width; the width of the dissejiiments is from 0-1 to 0-29 mm., but is generally less than 0-2 mm., and the length of one fenestrule and one dissepiment is from 0-49 to 0-65 mm. (average 0-57 mm.). The dissepiments, when' they are well-preserved, may show two or more fine transverse ridges, and the whole of the celluliferous surface is covered by very tine tubercles. On the reverse surface both branches and dissepiments are evenly rounded, and the dissepiments may be as thick as the branches; the outermost layer is finely granular, and the backs of the branches may be ornamented by fine nodes, thoug’h these are not always developed over the whole of the reverse surface, and are easily worn away. The inner layers of the reverse surface show fine longitudinal striae. Bifurcation occurs usually at distant intervals, though it may be frecjuent; increase to the three rows of zooecia occiu’s im- mediatelv before branehing:. Remarks: Fenesfr€lli}ia horologia was described by Bretnall from the Gascoyne River District; it occurs as low in the Permo-Carboniferous as the Callytharra Stage; and occurs also in Queensland (Consuelo Ck., two miles above Cattle Creek, S]'»ringsure District; Reid, 1930, p. 157, locality 9). It appears to be the same as Fenesirellina parvinscula (Bassler), which occurs in Timor in both the Bitaoeni and Basleo beds. F. parvinscula has also been recorded from the Permian of Vancouver Island. Fenestrellina disjecta sp. nov. Plate 1, Fig. 2; Text-figure 1 F. Holotvpe: Specimen 2793a, University of Western Australia Collection. (Coll. IT. W. B. Talbot.) Horizon and locality: Xooncanbah Series; fiV'g Xorth of ]Mt. Anderson. Fenestrellina with four to five zooecia to a fenestrule ; slight carina; verg high nodeSj one occurring in the length of each fenestrule. and usually placed opposite the junction of a branch and. a dissepiment. The form of the colony is not shown ; there are 12 branches horizontally, and 10 fenestrules vertically, in 10 mm. The branches are straight, from 0-33 to 0-4 mm. in width, and shoAV a slight median carina, bounded by a depression on each side. Very high nodes, Avith their bases elongated parallel to the length of the branches, occur at inteiwals of from 0-98 to 1-17 mm., and are generally jdaced opposite the junction of a dissepiment Avith a branch; in well preserved specimens the height of these nodes is up to 0-25 mm., but they usually appear very much smaller. The apertures are circular, 0 08 mm. in diameter, and are surrounded by distinct peristomes. Four, less often fiA'e, apertures occur in the length of one fenestrule and one dissepiment; the distance betAveen the centres of successive apertures is from 0-21 to 0-28 mm. (average 0*25 mm.') and about forty apertoes occur in 10 mm. The fenestrules are oA'al, from 0-7 to 0-94 mm. in length, and from 0-29 to 0-54 mm. in Avidth; the dissepiments arc from 0-14 to 0-24 mm. in AAudth, and the length of one fenestride and one dissepiment is from 0-89 to 1-lfi mm. On the celhdiferous suiTace the dissepiments are slightly rounded and shoAv four or five fine ti*ansA*erse ridges and grooA'es. On the reverse surface both branches and dissepiments shoAV numerous fine longi- tudinal striations AAliere they are slightly weathered. The dissepiments are distinctly thinner than the branches. At their junction Avith the dissepiments Hhvozoa krom the VV'am)A(;kk and Xooncanraii Skrirs ( Pkrmian) of Western Austraei a. the branches show fairly large, rather indistinct tubercles on the reverse surface. The lateral margins of each branch are angular. Bifurcation may occur at intervals of about T mm., but is usually much less freqiumt; increase to thi’('e rows ofc‘ zooecia occui's immediately before branching. Bemarks: This s]>ecies is distinguished from described species of similar size by its large, widely spaced nodes. Fenestrellina ruidacarinata sp. nov. Plate 2. Figs. 1, 2. llolotype: Sj)ecinien 2707a, ruiv(u*sitv of Western Australia Collection. (Coll. IT. W. B. Talbot). .Horizon and locality: Nooncaubah Series; !) ni. Fj-N-E. from Trig. Stn. Cr2, St. George’s Itange. Fenestrellina with three to four zooecia to a fenestrule; carina low^ nodes rounded^ contkjxious, five to six in the length of each fenestrule. The form of the colony is not shown; there ai‘e K> branches horizontally, and 10 to lO o fenestrules vtu'tically, in 10 miu. Tlu‘ branches are sti*aight, and are rather rounded on the c('lluliferous surl‘a('e; the apertures are ])laced on the sloping sides of the bi’anches, but do not i)roject into the fenestrules; the width of the branches is from 0-23 to 0.38 mm. The carina is almost obsolete, and is com])letely covered I)y the nodes, Avhicli are low, rounded, and contiguous, and which vary in diameter, though they do not vary in height, except as a result of weathering, which may remove all traces of the divisions between adjacent nodes and leave only a slight ridge along the centr(‘ of the ]>ranch. Five to six nodes occur in the length of each f(mes~ trule; the distance between the centres of successive nodes is from 0 1 3 to 0-22 mm. The apertures are circular, 0-11 mm. in diameter, and are sur- rounded l)y distinct, but only slightly raised, ])eristomes; three apertures occur in the length of each fenestrule, and an (>xtra one may occur opimsite the dissepiment; the distance between the centres of successive a)KU’tures is from 0-24 to 0-3 mm., and about thirty-(‘ight Jipertures occur in 10 mm. The fenestrules are oval, j’rom 0-(i to Own mm. in length, and from 0-24 to 0-35 mm. in width, and tin* dissepiments av(' from 0-21 to 0-27 mm. in width. On the celluliferous surface each disse])iment shows one or two strong transverse furrows. The reverse surface is not shown. Bifurcation occurs at intervals of more than 5 mm.; increase to three rows of zooecia occurs within one fenestrule before branching. Kemarks: The numerous low, contiguous nodes distinguish this form from any describ(*d Permian specie's. Fenesirellina inaequalis (Ulrich), from the U])per Coal Measures of Illinois, is similar in a])pearanc(* ; it is, how- ever, a large'r s])ecies, wdth rather more zooecia to a fenestrule, and shows smaller and much more* numerous nodes. Fenestrellina valentis sj). nov. Plat(* 1. Fig. 4. Holoty[)e: Specinu'u 2703c, Uui\(*rsity ol‘ (Coll. H. *W. B. Talbot). Horizon and localitv: Xhauicanbah Sei’ies Western Australia Collection. ()V 2 m. North of !Mt. Ander- son, 170 JOAX M. Crockford. Feiiestrelliuil with three to four zooecia to a feuestrulej very broad bra'nches ; rounded carina with small nodes. There are 10 branches horizontally, and 10 fenestrules vertically, in 10 imii. The branches are very broad, from 0-03 to 0-75 mm. in width, and show a median, rounded, relatively low carina, with rather small, rounded nodes, placed from 0-24 to 0-4 mm. apart. The apertures are circular, 0 13 mm. in diameter, and are placed on the tlattened sides of the branches; no peristomes are shown. From three to four apertures occur in the length of one fenestrule and one dissepiment; th(‘ distance between the centres of successive ai)ertures is from 0-29 to 0-35 mm., and about 33 apertures occur in 10 mm. The fenestrules are oval, from 0-52 to 0-68 mm. in length, and from 0-3(i to 0-44 mm. in width; the width of the dissepiments is from 0-4 to 0-48 mm. A cast of the reverse surface shows that both branches and dissepiments are evenly rounded, and that they are of the same thickness (about 0-4 mm.). On tlu‘ c(41uliferous surface the dissepi- ments show numerous tine transverse striae Avhen they are very slightly weathered. Kemarks: The broad, tlattened branches and dissepiments distinguish this form from associated species. Fenestrellina columnaris sp. nov. Plate 2, Fig. 3; Text-figure 1 F, G. Holotype; S[>ecimen 20949, I’niversity of Western Australia Collection. (Coll. C. Teichert and H. Coley.) Horizon and locality: Lower half of the Calceolis))ongia Stage of the Wandagee Series; Syncline on Minilya H., mile West of Coolkilya Pool. Fenestrellina with three zooeeda to a fenestrule; carina slight, nodes large ayid very high. The colony Avas probably infundibuliform ; the holotype is a large, very much folded expansion. There are 10 l)ranches horizontally, and from 14 to 15 fenestrules vertically, in 10 mm. The branches are straight, from 0-33 to 0-38 mm. i!i Avidth, and shoAv a slight median carina, Avhich bears a single roAv of high nodes, placed from 0-33 to 0-4 mm. ainirt. These nodes are slightly elojigated along th(‘ carina at their bases, but above this they are rounded in cross section, and terminate bluntly; their height is up to 0-17 mm., and their diameter at the top may be as much as 0-2 mm., though it is generally less. The apertures are circular, 0-13 mm. in diameter, and are placed on the sloping sides of the branches, but do not project into the fenestrules; }>eristomes are not developed. Three apertures occur in the length of each fenestrule, and one of these may be placed opposite the end of a dis.sepiment ; the distance between the centres of successive apertures is from 0-25 to 0-29 mm., and about thirty-seven apertures occur in 10 mm. Bifurcation of the l)ranches may occur Avithin 5 mm. ; increase to three i‘ows of zooecia occurs immediately before branching. The fenestrules are oval, from 0-44 to 0-5 mm. in length, and about 0-25 mm. in Avidth ; the Avidth of the dissepinu'iits is from 0-22 to 0-3 mm. On the reverse surface both branches and dissepiments are evenly rounded, although after .slight Aveather- ing they appear angular; the dissepiments are as thick as the branches — about 0-75 mm.; the outermost layer of the revers(‘ surface is finely granular. Rootlets, which are often forked, and are up to about 8 mm. in length, may ])e developed from the reverse surface. Bryozoa from the Wand AGEE and Nooncanbah Series 171 (Permian) of Western Australia. Remarks: From Fenestrellina horologia (Bretnall) this species is distinguished by its larger size, by having more zooecia to a fenestrules, and by its large nodes. Fenestrellina jjulchrador salts (Bassler) is a larger s])eeies, and does not show large nodes. Fenestrellina lennardi sp. nov. (Text figure lA.) Holotvpo: Specimen 20f)48a, University of Western Australia Uollection. (Coll C. Teichert.) Horizon and locality: Highest beds of the Nooncanbah Series; South side of Mt. Marmion, Kimberley District. Fenestrellina with one aperture to a fenestrule; carina slight; nodes small. The form of the colony is not shown; there, are about 31 fenestrules vertically, and about 22 branches horizontally, in 10 mm. The branches are straight and flattened, and show a slight, rounded, rather wavy carina; small nodes are developed, but are not well shown. The branches are relatively very broad, being from 0-24 to 0-32 nmi. in width; the zooecial apertures are circular, 0-1 mm. in diameter, and are suiTounded l>y slight jieristomes; they are usually very regularly placed, one occuring opposite the end of each dissepiment. The distance between the centres of successive apertures is from 0-29 to 0-38 mm., and about 31 occur in 10 mm. The fenestrules are oval, from 0 17 to 0-25 mm. in length, and generally about 0.21 mm. in width; the width of the dissepiments is about 01 mm. The reverse surface is not shown. Bifurcation occurs at relatively distant inter- vals, and increase to three rovs of zooecia occurs just before branching. Remarks: The small size of this species, and the arrangemenf of the zooecial apertures, separate it from associated s])ecies. Fenestrellina cacuminatis s]>. nov. (Text figure IB.) Holotype: Specimen 20944a, I'niversity of AVestern Australia Collection. (Coll. A. Wade.) Horizon and localitj' : Nooncanbah Series : Keevie’s Well, 8 miles North of Mt. Anderson Homestead. Fenestrellina with three zooecia to a fenestrule; carina slight; nodes small, sharp, evenly spaced. The form of the colony is not shown ; there are 14 fenestrules vertically, and 22 branches horizontally, in 10 mm. The branches are straight, about 0-25 mm. in width, and the carina is formed principally by the junction of the sloping sides of the branches; the nodes are small and sharp, but not high, and are placed from 0-24 to 0*29 mm. apart. ,'The apertures are circular, 0 08 mm. in diametei', and are ])Iaced on the sloj)ing sides of the branches; slight peristomes are developed, and where they an' well-i)reserved the apertures project slightly into the fenestrules. The distance Ix'tween the centres of successive apertures is from 0-22 to 0-27 mm., and about 42 occur in 10 mm.; there are three apertures to a fenestrule — one of these may be placed opposite the end of a dissepiment. The fenestrules are oval, from 0-52 to 0-03 mm. in length, and from 0-17 to 0-25 mm. in width; the dissepiments are about 0-12 mm. wide. On the obv^erse surface the dissepi- ments when slightly worn, show a few transverse grooves. The reverse surface is not shown. Remarks: This species is distinguished from Fenestrellina pulchradorsalis (Bassler) by its narrower branches and dissepiments, and smaller size. F. affluensa (Bretnall) is a larger species. 172 JOAX Crockford. Genus MINILYA gen. nov. Fenestrellinae in which the branches show two rows of alternating zooeckiy one on each side of a slight median carina; nodes small, in two rows on the carina^ placed so that one node is lateral to each zooecial aperture; zooecia sub-triangular ; structure of the reverse surface as in Fenestrellina. Range : Upper Pennsylvanian to Permian. Genotype: Minihja duplaris sp. nov. A. Fenestrellina lennardi sp. nov.: Celluliferous surface of the holotype (No. 20948a, Univ. of Western Australia), x 10. B. Fenestrellina cacuminatis sp. nov. : Celluliferous surface of the holotype (No. 20944a, Univ. of Western Australia), x 10. C. Minilya duplaris sp. nov.: Portion of a thin section of a specimen from the Calceolispongia Stage of tlie Wandagee Series (Specimen in the University of Western Australia Collection), showing the double row of nodes and the arrangement of the zooecial apertures; the section has cut just above the level of the dissepiments, x 10. D. Minilya duplaris sp. nov. : A thin section of the same specimen, showing the shape of the zooecia, and, on the left hand side, some of the tubercles charac- teristic of the reverse surface of this species, x 10. E. Fenestrellina disjecta sp. nov. : Lateral view* of part of one branch of a topotype (Specimen 2793b, University of Western Australia Collection), x 10. F. G. Fenestrellina columnaris sp. nov.: Lateral views of two branches of the holotype, x 10. {Camera lucida diagrams.) Species belonging to this late Palaeozoic group have been de- scribed from the Upper Pennsylvanian of Texas and Kansas, and from the Permian of India, Timor, Kansas, Texas, Nebraska, and Eastern and Western Australia. A list of the measurements of some of the species BkYOZOA from THK WaNDAGKE and N()(JN'CANBAH (Pkrmian) of Westfhn Austuadia. 17 :^ belonging here has been given by Elias (1937, p. 324). The following are amongst the species included in this group : — Fenestella geminanoda Moore (Upper Uennsylvaiiian to LoAver Permian). Fenestella bispimdata Moore (Upper Pennsylvanian). Fenestella hinodata Condra (Upper Pennsylvanian). Fenestella conradi var, compactilis Condra (Upper Pennsylvanian to Lower Permian). Fenestella kukaensis Bassler (Permian). Fenestrellina hitnherculata Crockford (Permian). Fenestella perelegans Meek, Waagen and Pichl (not Fenestella perelegans Meek), (Permian). ^Fenestella jabiensis Waagen and Pichl (Permian). Minilya duplaris sp. nov. (Permian). Minilya princeps sp. nov. (Permian). Minilya duplaris sp. nov. Plate I, hgs. 5, 7 ; Text-figure 1 C, D. Fenestella^ horologia Bretnall, ITosking, 1931, Joar. Roy. Soc. W.A.^ Vol. XVII, p. 13, pL IV, fig. 3. ' [non] Fenestella horologia Bretnall, 1926, IV.A. Geol. Surv. Bull, 88, p. 15, pi. I, fig. (1. [cf.] Fenestella perelegans Meek, Waagen and Pichl, 1883, Pal. Indica, Ser. XIII, Vol. I, p. 777, pi. LXXXVII, figs. 1-3. [non] Fenestella perelegans Meek, 1871, in Ileyden’s Final lU'port on N('- braska, p. 153, p\. VII, 6g. 3. Holotype: Specimen 2793d, University of Westeni Australia Collection. (Coll. H. W. B. Talbot). Iloiizon and locality: Xooncanbali Seri(‘.<, miles North of Mt. Anderson. Minilya with two zooecia to a fenestrule; carina slight; nodes sharp,, relatively high, in two roies on the C((rina; reverse surface tuberculate. The form of the ('olony is not shown: there are from 16 to 19 branchi's horizontally, and from 14 to 17 fenestrnles A'ertically, in 16 mm. The branches are sti’aight, fi'om 0-33 to 0-41 mm. in width, and show a slight median carina, which may be produced upwards in a very thin, zig-zag' ridge betAveen the node>, Avhich are in tAA'o rows and ‘cWo. alternating; the nodes, where they are \vell pres(‘rved, are sharp and relatively high, and each node is placed lateral to an aperture; adjacent nodes are from 0-l!l to 0*17 mm. apart. The a])ertur(*s are circular, al)out 613 mm. in diameter; very thin ])eristomes are developed, but these are usually broken away. Tin* apertures are placed on the steeply sloping sid('s of the brances, and pro- ject into the fenestrules; the distance betAveen the centres of successive apertures is from 0-27 to 6-35 mm. (average 0-3 mm.), and about 33 occur in 10 mm. There are two a])ertures in the length of one fene- * Til 1915 Frederiks (pp. 47-48) described a new sub-genus of Fenestella, Fenestepora, with three species, Fenestepora jabiensis (Waagen and Pichl), Fenestepora foraminosa (Eichwald), and Fenestepora retiformis (Schlotheim) . The species considered by Frederiks to be identical with Fenestella jabiensis Waagen and Pichl is a different species : Fenes- tepora is considered to be a distinct genus, and Fenestepora jaln^nsis Frederiks [not Waagen and Pichl] has been chosen as genotype by Bassler (1935). Fenestepora Frederiks is distinguished from Fene.streUina d’Orbigny by the presence- of a row' of small cellules (as distinct from nodes) on the carina of each branch. 174 Joan M. CiiOCKFOKo. show five or six so thiek as the emisepta are de~ 1 I); tliev show strule and one diss(*pinu>nt, and these are j»-enerally regularly plaeed, with one op])osite the end of each (!isse])iinent, and one at the centre of each fenestrule, hut one S])eciinen shows slight irregularities in the placing of the apertures. The feneslndes are hourglass-shai>ed or oval, and are from 0-4 to 0-hl mm. in length and from 0 14 to 0-25 mm. in width ; the dissepi- ments are from 0-11 to 0-J mn'i. in width, and the length of one fenestrule and one dissepiment is from 0-51 to O-Td mni. The reverse surface is not shown in specimens from tin* type locality, hut si)ecimens from the highest beds ol the Nooncanhah seu'ies at Ml. IMarmion, and from tlie Calceolis])ongia Stage of the Wandagee Sen-ies on tlu‘ Minilya Kivei- show that the reverse surface of the hranclies is ornamenttHl hy \ery numerous, large, irregularly t>laced tuhercles; the inner layers of the r(‘vei*se surface line longitudinal striae'. Tlu' dissepiments are not (piiti hranclies. Sections show that hoth superior and inferioi' veloped; the shape of tlu' zooecia is shown in Text-tigun a greater resemblance to those described by Nikiforova (lOJJ, ]>. 13) for the FenestreUi^m dov.aiea grout) thosi' of other forms. The tubercles of the reverse surface show in sections as rounded areas of lighter colour. Bifuri'ation generally occurs at infreijuent intervals, but may occur within 3 mm.; increase' to Ihrei' rows ol zoot'cia occurs imnu'diately before branch- ing. K(*marks: 1 his species is probably the form described by Miss Ilosking (1031) fj'om tin' M ooramel Rivei' Disti'ict as Fenestella horologia Bretnall, but it differs from F. horologia in Inning a double, instead of a single, row of nodes. It occurs in the Sjiringsure District, Queensland (Consuelo Ck., two miles abo)e Cattle Ck.: Heid, 1930, p. 157, locality 9). Fenestella <‘onmdi var. compactdis (’ondra, fi’om the Upper Pennsylvanian and Lower Pei’inian of Kansas and Nebraska, is dift'erentiated by having less regularly arranged ai>ertures and smaller nodes, which may not always be placed in {\yo rossessed only a single row of nodes on the t'arina. Minilya princeps sj). nov. Idate 1. Pig. 1. Holotyju*: S])ecim(*n 20945, I'niversity of Western Australia Collection. (Coll. A. Wade.) Horizon and locality: Nooucanbali Series; Keevie’s AVell, 8 miles north of Mt. Anderson Homestead. Minilya idth three zooeeda to a fenestrnle ; carina almost obsolete; nodes small, in tico rows on the carina. The form of the colony is not shoAvn ; there are from 10 to 10-5 fenestrules vertically, and 17 branches horizontally, in 10 mm. The branches 175 Bryozoa from the Wandagee and Nooncanbah Series (Permian) of Western Australia. aiT straight, and are rounded on 0-41 to 0-48 iniu. in width. The the eelluliferous surface; they are from Carina is broadly rounded and is ])oorly defined, and shows two rows of rather small nodes, which regularly alternate; each nod(‘ is placed lateral to a zooecial aperture; the distance between adjacent nodes is from 0 13 to 0-21 uim. The apertures are circular, 0-13 mm. in diameter, and are ]>laced on the sloping sides of the branches: they may ])roj(*ct very slightly into the fenestrules ; the i^eristomes are very ])oorly defined. There are usually two ai>ertures in the length of each fenestrule, with an extra oiu* opposite each dissepiment; the distance between the centres of successiv(‘ a])('i'tu]‘es is al)out 0-35 mm., and twenty-eight apertures occur in 10 mm. The fenestrules are oval, fi‘om 0-57 to 0-02 mm. in length, and about 0-2 mm. in width; the . Avidth of the dissepiments is from 0-32 to 0-3G mm. On tlu^ eelluliferous surface the dissepiments are rounded, and are ('overed by a thick, finely granular deposit; they are not dejn’essed very much below the surface of the branches. On the reverse surface the branches and disse])iments are of the same thickness; both are evenly rounded; the outermost layer is finely granular. Bifurcation occurs at infre(|uent inteiA'als, and increase to three roAvs of zooeeia occurs immediately before branching. Remarks: This species differs from Fenestella jahipusi^ Waagen and l^ichl, from the Middle and Opper Productus Limestone of the 8’alt Ranges, in having fewer zooeeia to a fenestrule, and a less well defined keel, and in having the dissepinumts on the eelluliferous surface nearly level with the branches; and from Fenestella hinodata Condra in having feAA'er fenestrules in 10 mm., and much more widely spaced zooeeia. Minilya duvlaris s}). nov. is a finer form, and shows fewer zooeeia to a fenestrule. Geinis POLYPOEA McCoy. Polypora McCoy, 1845, Synopsis of the Carboniferous Limestone Fossils of Ireland, p. 207. Genoty]K‘ : Polypora dendroides McCoy, 1845. Jnfnndibuliform or flahellate Fenestrellinidae , ivith the zooeeia arranged in three or more rows on the hranclies, except just after bifurcation, ivhen ftnly two rows may he ]>resent ; nodes (acanthopores) usually present, hut carina not usually developed ; dissepiments not eelluliferous ; internal structure and reverse surface as in Fenestrellina. Polypora fovea sp. nov. IMate 3. Figs. 1, 3. Holotvpe; Sp(‘cimen 20047, Fniversitv of Western Australia Collection tColk A. Wade.) llorizoii and locality: Xooncanbah Series; Keevie’s Well, 8 miles north of lUt. Anderson Homestead. Polypora with four to five rows of zooeeia, and four to fire zooeeia to a fenestrule : nod.es small, infrequently developed ; branches and dissepiments narrow. There are 8 to 12 branches horizontally, and 0 to 6.5 fenestrules verti- cally, in 10 mm. The branches are straight and are relatively very narrow, being from about 0-45 mm. in Avidth where there are four, to as much as 0-7 mm. Avhere there are five, roAvs of zooeeia; they usually show four to five rows of zooeeia, with three — less often tAvo — for one or tAvo fenestrules aft(*r, and five to six just before, branching. The apertures are sub-circular, 17() JOAX M. Ckockfokd. 0-11 by 0 06 mm. in diameter, and are surrounded by well-developed peristomes; they may be closed by a calcareous plate, frequently showing a small central perforation; the whole of the celluliferous surface shows strong ridges and grooves around and between the ai:>ertures. There are five, less often four, apertures to a fenestrule, the distance between the centres of successive apertures being from 0-25 to 0-35 mm.; about thirty-one apertures occur in 10 mm. Small nodes are irregularly developed. The fenestrules are sub-rectangular, from 1-15 to 1-36 mm. in length, and from 0-3 to 0-95 mm. in width; the dissepiments, which expand only slightly at their junction with the branches, are from 0-17 to 0-29 mm. in width. On the celluliferous surface the dissepiments are evenly rounded, and each shows four or five strong transverse ridges and grooves. On the reverse surface both brancht and dissepiments are rather sharply rounded; the branches are rather thicker than the dissepiments, and show numeroxis fine longitudinal striae w^hen they are very slightly Avorn ; a roAV of fine tubercles may occur across the back of a branch at its junction Avith a dissepiment, but these are not ahvays develope'd. The dissei)iments shoAv fine transverse ridges and grooves. Bifur- cation of the branches occurs at intetwals of 5 mm. or more. Remarks: Pohjpova virga Laseroii, AA'hich occurs in the Upper Marine Series in New South Wales, is a larger form, with usually three rows of zooecia. Polypora retificis sp. nov. Plate 2. Fig. 4. llolotype : Specimen 20951, L niA'ersity of estern Australia Collection.- (Coll C. Teichert and H. Coley). Horizon and locality: Calceolispongia Stage of the Wandagee Series; Syncline on iNIinilya Ri\'er, half mile AA est of Coolkilya Pool. Polypora with three roivs of zooecia, and four zooecia to a fenestmle; nodes veri/ large, Imt infrequentlg developed. Tlie form of the colony is not shoAvn; there are 0 fenestrules vertically,, and 15 to 17 branches horizonttdly, in 10 mm. The branches are straight or slightly [lexuous on the obverse surface, and normally sIioav three roAVs of zooecial apertures, Avith four just before, and tAvo for about two fenes- trules after, branching; there is a slight carina where only tAvo rows ot apertures occur. Large nodes about 0-22 mm. in diameter are iriegularh and infrequently developed, generally in the mid-line of the branch. There are four apertures in the length of one fenestrule and one dissepiment, either one or two of these being placed opposite the end of the disse})iment ; the distmice between the centres of successive apertures is from 0-24 to 0-.-.S min., and about thirty-three apertures occur in 10 mm. The apertures are circular, about 0-11 mm. in diameter, and show thin peristomes; over a large part of the surface the apertures have been enlarged, and the peri- stomes remov(’d, by Aveathering. The apertures may encroach on the end:^ of the dissepiments, but extra cells do not normally occur; in one place two branches each shoAving tAVo rows of zooecia coalesce tor a short distance after their separate bifurcations. The fenestrules are oval on the cellu- liferous surface, and are from 0-67 to 0-8 mm. long, and from 0-33 to 0 5 mm. Avide: the Avidth of the dissepiments is from 0-41 to 0-6 nnn., and the length of one fenesti’ule and one dissepiment is from 1*16 to 1-38 mm. On the reverse surface both branches and dissejiiments are rounded, and the fenestrules appear round or OA'al; the dissepiments are generally slighth Bryozoa from the Wandagee and Nooncanbah Series (Permian) of Western Australia. 177 thinner than the branches j the outermost layer of the reverse surface is finely granuiarj but when it is weathered fine concentric striae are shown. On the celluliferous surface the branches are from 0*48 to 0-57 mm. in width where there are three^ from 0-3 to 0-38 mm. where there are two, and about 0-85 mm. where there are. four, rows of zooecia. Bifurcation may occur within 5 mm. Remarks: Pohjpora tcoodsi (Etheridge) is differentiated by its far more numerous, and much smaller, nodes. Polypora woodsi (Etheridge). Plate 3, fig. 2. Frotoretepora cimpla var. ivoodsi Etheridge, 1892, Geology and Palaeon- tology of Queensland and New Guinea, p. 222, pi. 8, fig. J2. Frotoretepora ampla Lonsdale, de Koninck, 1878, Mem. Soc. Hoi), dcs Sciences de Liege, Ser. 2, Tome YIT, p. 42, t. 8, hgs. 5 a - c. [non] Fene Stella ampla Lonsdale, 1844, in DarAvin, Geological Observations on Volcanic Islands, p. I(i3. Polypora iumula Laseron, 1918, Jour. Hoy. Soc. X.S.W.^ Vo\. LII, p. 191, pi. VII, tig. 3, pi. IX. Polypora tripliseriata Bassler, 1929, Palaontologie von Timor, Lief XVI, XXVIIL Permian Hrvozoa of Timor, p. 79, pi. CCXLll (18), figs. 14-16. Polypora looodsi Etheridge (Crockford), 1941, Jour. Hoy. Soc. N.S.W., p. 41-1, pi. X^’III, fig. 1, p\. XIX, tig. 1. St)eeimens of this s])ecies occur in the material from three of the locali- ties in the Kimberley District; the characters shown agree with those of the neotype. Kemarks: In Now South Wales this species is abundant in the Eene- stella Shales (Branxton Stage of the Tapper Marine Series) in the Hunter Kivcn* District, and in the riladulla Mudstones (probably about the same horizon in the Upper Marine Series) of the South Coast; it F not knoAvn from any other horizon in Ncav South Wales. In Tasmania it occurs at Marlborough, and in the Grange Stage near Hobart; it has l)een recorded by Etheridge from Queensland, and occurs in the Springsure District (Con- suelo Ck., two miles above Cattle Ck. ; Reid, 1930, p. 157, locality 9). It occurs also in the Callytharra Stage of the Wooramel R. District. Polypora tripliseriata occurs in the Bitaoeni Beds at Kampong Apna in Timor. Polypora multiporifera sp. nov. Plate 3, fig. 4. Holotype: E. ;18441, Australian Museum (’ollection (Coll. 11. Cok'v). Horizon and locality; Calceolispongia Stage jf the Wandagee Series, Syncline on Minilya Hiver. lialf mile AVest of Coolkilya Pool. Polypora with five to six rows of zooecia, and from six to fourteen zooecia to a fenestrulc ; branches slightly convex; fenestrules long, irregular in length, aiul rather luirrow ; nodes small, fairlg abundant. Tiiei‘e are i'rom 1-5 to 2-5 fenestndes vertically, and al)Out tiv(' branches horizontally, in 10 mm.; t!ie branches are straight, and are rathei’ rounded on lh(' celluliferous surface, so that the lateral roAvs of a]>erture'^ may open towaials the fenestrulc's ; they are from about 0 -7 to 0-9 mm. Avide Avhere there* are* four, from 0-97 to 1-1 mm. Avhe*re* thei'e are five, and about 11. 178 Joan .M. Ckockfohd. inni. where thev(* are rows of zooeeia ; the width increases rather raiddly before branching', which occurs at relatively short intervals. Small nodes were appaiamtly rather abundant, though they arc; now frequently weathered away; generally not more than two occur adjacent to each zooecial apertuia . The whole of the celluliferous surface is hnely tuberculate; the dissepiments >how numerous tine transverse striae where they are slightly worn. There are usually Hve to six I'ows of zooecial ai)crtures, with from six to seven before, and from three to tour after, branching; tin* apertures ai*e cii’culai*. about 0.16 mm. in diamet(‘r; no peristomes are shown: the distance betweeii the centres of successive ai)ertures is i'rom 0-J8 to 0-40 mm., and about twenty-two apertures occur in 10 mm. with from six t<> fourteen o])posite each fenestrule. The fenestrules are fi'om 2 \ to o (i mm. in length, and from 0*65 to 11 mm. in width; the dissepiimaits, whi(-h are not celluli- ferous, are from 0-46 to 0-6 mm. in width. The re\'erse surface is mtt shown. The cells are short and are rhomboidal in shape; they are from 0 J2 to 0-38 mm. in length, and are about 0-24 mm. iii w’idth at their widest part; the extremities of successive cells in the same row are not in contaart; the dis- sepiments, which ex})and considerably at their junction Avith the branches, are from 1-2 to 1-6 mm. in Avidth ; they are not celluliferous. The i-cA erse surface is not shoAvn. Remarks: This species most closely resembles Polifjiora yigantea M aagen and Pichl, from the Middle Productus Limestone of the Salt Range, but is. distinguished by its narrower fenestrules and broader dissepiments, and by its much more frequent bifurcations. Bryozoa from the Wandagee and Nooncanbah 8erip:s (Permian) of Western Australia. 179 ACKNOWLEDCijVIKNTS. 1 wish to thank Dr. C. Teidiert and Dr. A. Wade for the information whieh they ha\ e given me regarding the localities and horizons of the speci- mens described^ and Dr. 1. A. Brown for her help in the preparation of this paper. The majority of the specimens were lent to me by the Department of Geology at tin' I’niversity of Western Australia, but some specimens lent by the Australian Museum have also l)een used. Three species are recorded from (Queensland with the permission of Shell ((Qld.) Development Pty., Ltd. This work has l)een carried out during the tenui-e of a Scholarshi[) at the rniversity of Sydney. ScieiU'e Kes(‘ar(ii BIBLBKJKAPHV. 1. Bassle]', H. S., 1929: The Perniiaii Bryozoa of Timor, FaliiontoJogic von Timor, Lief. XVI. , XXA'IIL; Stuttgart, la. Bassler, IL S., 19.15: T'os.silium (’atalogus, 1.: Aiiimalia, pars 67; Bryozoa; (iravenhage. 2. Blatchforfl, T., 1927: The Geology of Bortioiis of the Kimberley llegion, with S[>ecial Reference to Fitzi-oy Basin, and the Possibilities of Mineral Oil, W.A. GeoL Survey, Bull. 91. 3. Bretnall, R. AV., 1926: Palaeontological Contributions to the Geology of \V(Mtern Australia, Series A"I1., No. XIIL: Bes('riptions of some AVesteru Australian Fossil Polyzoa, IF../. Geol. Surrey, Bull. 88. 4. ('hapman, P., 1904: On a Collection of Ppper Palaeozoic and Mesozoic Fossils fiom AVest Australia and (Queensland, in the National Museum, Melbourne: Fossils from the (’arbo-I^ermian of Queensland and AVest Australia, Boy. Soc. Victoria, Proc., N.S., Xo\. XVI., Pt. II., pp. 313-33-5. 5. C-ondit, I). Dale, 1935: Oil Possibilities in the North-AVest District, Western Australia, Econ. Geol., AMI. XXX., ]>p. S60-878. 0. Condit, D. Dale, Raggatt, 11. G., and Rudd, K. A., 1936: Geology of the North-AAMst Basin, AAT'stern Australia, Bull. American Association of Petroleum Geologists, A^ol. 20, No. 8, }>p. 1028-1070. 7. Condra, G. F., 1902: New Bryozoa from the Coal Measures of Nebraska, A7nerican Geologist, A’ol. XXX., ]i)i. 337-358. 7a. Crockford, .loan M., 1941: Permian Bryozoa of Eastern Australia, Part I.: A Revision of Some Previously-named species of Fenestrelliiiidae { Fenestellidae') , Jour. Boy Soe. N.S.W., Ah)l. LXXIAk, Pt. IV. , pp. 397-418. 8. Flias, M. K., 1937: Stratigrai»hic Signilicance of Some Ijate Paleozoic Fenestrate Bryozoaiis, Jovr. Paleontology, \o\. 11. , No. 4, pp. 306-334. 9. Etheridge, R., jur., 1889: Remarks on Fossils of Permo-Carboniferous Age, from North-AVestern Australia, in the Alacleay Museum, Proc. Linnean Society of A^..S'.JF., Ser. 1 L, A'ol. iv., ]>t. 2, pp. 199-214. 10. Etheridge, R., jnr., 1903: Palaeontological Contributions to the Geology of AVestern Australia; L: Descriptions of Carboniferous Fossils from the Gascoyne District, AVestern Australia, IT. A. GeoJ. Survey, Bull. 10. 11. Etheridge, R., jnr., 1907: Palaeontological ('Contributions to the Geology of AA^estern Australia; IL: Descriptions of Carboniferous Fossils from the Irwin River, fV.A. Geol. Survey, Bull. 27, pt. 1A\ 12. Etheridge, R., jnr., 19(D a: Official Contributions to the Palaeontology of Routli Australia, No. 19— Fossils of Port Keats Bore, Thirty Miles North of Fossil Head, Treachery Bav, Supplement to Parliamentary Paper 55 of 1906. 13. Etheridge, R., jnr., 191-): Palaeontological Contril)utions to the Geology of AAMstern Australia, Series A^., No. X, AAMstern Australian Carboniferous Fossils, chielly from Mt. Alarmion, Lennard River, West Kimberley, W.A. Geol. S^irvey, Bull. 58. 14. Foord, A. H., 1890: Notes o7i the Palaeontology of AVestern Australia, Geol. Mag., N.S., Dec. III., A"ol. A'll., pp. 145-155. 15. Frederiks, G. N., 1915: La Faune Paleozoif|ue Superieure des Environs de la vide Krasnooufimsk, Memoircs due Comite Gcologique \Petrograd\, Nouvelle Serie, Livraison 109. 16. Fritz, Madeleine, 1932: Permian Bryozoa from ATmeouver Island, Boy. Soc. Ca^iada, Transactions, Third Series, A'ol. XXAM., Section lA'., pp. 93-110. ISO JOAX ^1. CUOCKFOHI). 17. Hill, Dorothy, 1936: The Permian Corals of Western Australia, Jour. Hoy. Soc. W.A.j Vol. XXIII., pp. 43-62, 18. Hinde, G. J., 1890: Kotes on the Palaeontology of Western Australia, Corals and Polyzoa, Geol. Mag., N.S., Dec. III., Vol. VII., pp. 194-204. 19. Hosking, Lucy F. V., 1931: Fossils from the Wooramel District, Western Australia, Jour. Hoy. Soc. W.A., Vol. XVII., pp. 7-52. 20. Hudleston, W. H., 1883: Notes on a Collection of Fossils and Eock Specimens from West Australia, North of the Gascoyne River, Q.J.G.S., Vol. XXXIX., pp. 582-595. 21. Maitland, A. Gibb, 1909: Geological Investigations in the Gascoyne, Ash- burton, and West Pilbara Goldfields, IV. A. Geol. Survey, Bull. 33. 21a. Martin, R., 1931: De Palaeontologie en Stratigraphic van Nederlandsch Oost-Indie, Brvozoa, Leidischc, Geologische Mededeelingen, Deel V., pp. 390-395. 22. Nikiforova, A. I., 1933: Middle Carboniferous Brvozoa of the Donetz Basin, Trans. Vnited Geological and Prospecting Service of the U.S.S.E.. Fascicle 237. 23. Raggatt, H. G., 1936: The Geology of the North-West Basin, Western Australia, -with Particular Reference to the Stratigraphy of the Permo- Carboniferous, Jour. Hoy. Soc. K.S.IV., Vol. LXX., pp. 100-174. 24. Raggatt, H. G., and Fletcher, H. 0., 1937; A Contribution to the Permian- Upper Carboniferous Problem, and an analysis of the Fauna of the Fpper Palaeozoic (Permian) of the X’orth-West Basin, Western Aus- tralia, Austr. Museum Hecords, Vol. XX., No. 2, pp. 150-184. 24a. Reid, d. II., 1930; Geology of the Springsure District, Qucey^sland Govt. Mining Jour., \'ol. XXXI. (April'), pp. 149-157. 25. Teicliert, C., 1939; Recent Research Work in the Permian of Western Australia, Austr. Jour. Soivnee, Vol. IT., No. 1, pp. 5-7. 26. Teicliert, C., 1940: Helicoprion in the Permian of Western Australia, Jour. Paleontology, Vol. 14, No. 2, pp. 140-149. 27. Teicliert, C., 1941: Upper Palaeozoic of Western Australia; Correlation and Palaeogeographv, Bull. Atner. Assoc. Petroleum Geologists, Vol. 25, N'o. 3, pp. 371-415. 28. Wade, A., 1937: The Geological Succession in the West Kimberley District of We.stern Australia, Austr. Assoc. Adv. Science, Heport, Vof. XXIII., pp. 93-96. 29. Wade, A., 1938: Geological Map of Part of the West Kimberley Division. Western Australia, Preiiared on behalf of the Freney Kimberley Oil Co.; Canberra. PLATE I. Figure I. Minilya princeps sp. nov.: Part of the celluliferous surface of the holotype, showing the two rows of zooecial apertures, and the double row of weathered nodes along the centre of the branch (No. 20945, Univ. of Western Australia), x 10. Figure 2. Fenestrellina disjecta sp. nov.: Part of the celluliferous surface of the holotype (No. 2793a, Univ. of Western Australia), x 10. Figure 3. Fenestrellina horologia Bretnall: Part of the celluliferous surface of a specimen from the Nooncanbah Series at Keevie’s Well, 8 miles north of Mt, Anderson Home.stead (N’o. 20942, University of Western Australia), x 10. Figure 4. Fenestrellina valotlis sp. nov.: Part of the celluliferous surface of tlie holotype (No. 2793c, Univ. of Western Australia), x 10, Figure 5. Minilya duplaris sp. nov.: Part of the celluliferous surface of the holotyjie (No. 2793d, Univ. of Western Australia), x 10. Figure 6, Fenestrellina horologia (Bretnall) : Part of figure 3 enlarged to x 20, to show the single row of high nodes, and the apertures, which are stellate where they are best presein'ed. Figure 7. Minilya duplaris sp. nov.: Part of figure 5 enlarged to x 20, to show the arrangement of the apertures and the double row of nodes. Bryozoa from the Wandagee and Xooncanbah Series (Permian) of Western Axjstralia. 181 PLATE I. 182 JOAX 'M. Crockfokd. PLATE II. Figure 1, 2. FenesirelJina ruidacarinaia sp. nov. : Part of the celluliferous sur- face of the holotype (Xo. 2757Uj Fniv. of Western Australia), x 10 and x 20. Figure 3- FenestreUina columnaris sp. nov.: Part of the celluliferous surface of the holotype (No. 20949, Univ. of Western Australia), x 10. Figure 4. Polypora retificis sp. nov.: Part of the celluliferous surface of the holotype (Xo. 20951, Univ. of Western Australia), x 10. Figure 5. Polypora sp. nov.: Cast of the celluliferous surface (Xo. 20952a, University of Western Australia — colony on the lower half of the specimen), natural size. Bkyozoa from the Wandaoee and Nooncanbah Series (Permian) of Western Australia. 183 PLATE II. 18 i JoAN' M. CliOCKI-OItlJ. PLATE TII. Figure 1. rojypora fovea sp. nov. : Purt of the celluliferous surface of the holotype (No. 20947, Pniv. of Western Australia), x 10. Figure 2. Polypora ^vo<}(]si (Ktheridge): Part of the i-elluliferous surface of a speciineu from the Nooncanbali Series at Keevie's Well. 8 miles north of Mt. Anderson Homestead (No. 20943, University of Western Australia), x 10, Figure 3. Polypora fovea sp. nov.: I^’act of the celluliferous surface of a topo- type (No. 20940, LTniversity of Western Australia), x 10. Figure 4. Polypora multiporifcra s\). nov.: Part of the celluliferous surface of the holotype (No. F. 38441, Australian Museum), x 10. (Photographs by II. G. Gooch.) 15ry()zoa from the Wandagee and Nooncanbah Series 185 (Permian) of Western Austrama. PLATK III. A REVISIOJJ OF SOME PREVIOUSLY DESCRIBED SpECIES OF JBrYOZOA FROM THE Upper Palaeozoic of Western Australia. 187 9.— A REVISION OF SOME PREVIOUSLY DESCRIBED SPECIES OF BPvYOZOA FROM THE UPPER PALAEOZOIC OP WESTERN AUSTRALIA. By Joan M. Crockford, M.Sc. Bead 14th April, .1942: Published 24th March, 1944. Communicated by Professor E. de C. Clarke. CONTENTS. Page. Introduction ... ... ... ... ... ... ... ... ... ... 187 Description of Species : — Genus Fenestrellina d’Orbigny. Fenestrellina affiuensa (Bretnall) ... ... ... ... ... ... ... 188 FenesireUina horologia (Bretnall) ... ... ... ... ... ... ... 189 Genus lAjropora Hall. Lyro'pora erhosoides (Etheridge) ... ... ... ... ... ... ... 191 Genus Ramipora Toula. Ramipora amhrosoifhs (Bretnall) ... ... ... ... ... ... ... 193 Acknowledgments ... ... ... ... ... ... ... ... ... ... 195 Bibliography ... ... ... ... ... ... ... ... ... ... 195 INTRODUCTION. Four species of Bryozoa, Lyropora (?) erkosoides Etheridge, Fenestella affluensa Bretnall, Fenestella horologia Bretnall, and Aetomocladia amhrosoides Bretnall, are hei’o revised from the type material in the Western Australian Geological Survey Collection. In the original descriptions of these species the number of the holotype of eacli species is quoted, but in labelling the specimens the same number was used for all the specimens referred to the species, and in some cases the original labels are now missing ; lectotypes are therefore chosen from the syntypes of the species revised, and the speci- mens liave been recatalogued. DESCRIPTION OF SPECIES. Phylum BRYOZOA Ehrenberg. Class GYMNOLAEMATA Allman. Order CRYPTOSTOMATA Vino. Faiuily FENESTRELLINIDAE Bassler. Genus FENESTRELLINA* d’Orbigny. Feyiestrellina d'Orbigny, 1849, Revue ct Magasin de Zoologie, 2e Sdr., Tome I., p. 501. Homonym • Fenestella Lonsdale, 1839, preoccupied foj- a peleeypod, FenesteUa Bolton, 1798. Genotype : Fenestella crassa McCoy, 1845. * An application for saspension of the Rules of Zoological Nomenclature for the generic name Fenestella Lonsdale 1839 has been submitted to the International Commission on Zoological Nomenclature by G. E. Condra and M. K. Elias {Journal of Paleontology, Vol. 15, no. 4, pp. 565-56H). k 44/44 188 Joan M, Crockforb, M.Sc. Infundibuliform or flabellate Fenestrellinidae, with two rows of alternating zooecia on the branches, except before bifurcation, when the number of rows is increased ; rows of zooecia separated by a median carinn, plain or more fre- quently with a single row of nodes {acantho pores) ; dissephnents not cellnliferous; internal structure and reverse surface as for the family. Fenestrellina affluensa (Bretnall). (Plate I., fig. 6.) Fenestella affluensa Bretnall, 1926, W.A. Geol. Survey, Bull. 88, p. 16, pi. I., fig. 8. Fenestella affluensa Bretnall, Hosking, 1931, Jour. Roy. Soc. W.A., Vol. XVII., p. 12. Lectotype : Specimen 2 /2405E, Western Australian Geological Survey Collection ; on specimen figured by Bretnall, 1926, pi. III. Horizon and locality ; Between the top of the Lyons Series and the top of the Byro Series, Gascoyne River District, W.A. Fenestrellina with three to four zooecia to a fenestride ; carina slight, rounded ; nodes large. The form of the colony is not shown ; the lectotype is about Do cm. long and D1 cm. wide. There are from 12 to 14 branches horizontally, and 8 fenestrules vertically, in 10 mm. ; the branches are straight, normally from about 0'4 to 0*53 mm. in width, but rather narrower — about 0*35 mm. — where they are slightly weathered ; on the celluliferous surface the carina is poorly developed, being represented only by a I’ounded area free from ceils along the centre of each branch, sej)arating the two rows of alternating cell apertures. Nodes are wdl developed, but are only shown where the surface is best preserved ; they arc very large and blunt, and are slightly elongated parallel to the length of the branch ; theii’ width at the top is up to 0*33 mm., and the distance between the centres of successive nodes is from 0*68 to 0*86 mm. The apertures are normally circidar, about 0*14 mm., in diameter, but they may be much enlarged by weathering ; they do not generally project into the fenestrules. Thin, raised peristomes are shown where the sui-face is well-preserved. The distance between the centres of successive apertures is from 0*29 to 0*37 mm., and about thirty occair in 10 mm. The fenestrules are oval — the dissepiments expand considerably at their junction with the branches — and are from 0*85 to 1*2 mm. in length and from 0*3 to 0*5 mm. wide ; the width of the dissepiments is from 0*25 to 0*36 mm. Bifurcation occurs at rather distant intervals, and increase to three rows of zooecia occiirs just before branching. The thickness of the branches is about 0*65 mm. In specimens from the same locality, but not sjmtypes, the reverse surface shows a number of fine longitudinal striae where it is slightly weathered ; the dissepiments are very nearly as thick as the branches, and both are evenly rounded. Remarks : There are three specimens labelled “ 17 ” (the number given by Bretnall as that of the holotype) in the collection ; of these the largest and best preserved is here chosen as the lectotype, and the measurements given in the above description were taken on it ; there is a second, very small specimen on the same piece of shale, and a third, very much weathered speci- men on a piece of limestone from the Callytharra Stage at Fossil Hill, Wyndham River. Both of these show fenestrules slightly longer than the average shown A EEVISION OF SOME PREVIOUSLY DESCRIBED SpECIES OF BrYOZOA 189 FROM THE Upper Palaeozoic of Western Australia. by the lectotype, though they fall within the range of variation of it ; they are weathered so that the nodes are not visible, but appear to be conspecific with the lectotype. Fcnestrellina affiue)isa is distinguished from associated species by its thick branches, and large, well spaced nodes. Fenestrellina horologia (Bretnall). (Plate T., fig. .] ; Plate II., fig. A.) Fe-nesfella horologia Bretnall, 1926, W.A. Geol. Surv&y, Bull. 88, p. 15, pi. I., fig. 6. [non] Feyiestella horologia Bretnall, Hosking, 1931, Joui\ Roy. Soc, W.A., Vol. XVII., p. 13, pi. IV., fig. 3. Fenestrellina horologia (Bretnall), Crockford, 1944, Jour. Roy, Soc. W.A., Vol. XXVIII., p. 167, pi. I., figs. 3, 6. Fenestella parviuscula Bassler, 1929, Paldontologie von Timor, Lief. XVI., XXVIII., p. 76, pi. 17 (CCXLI.), figs. 8-13. Fenestella parviuscula Bassler, Martin, 1931, Ue Palaeontologie en Stratigraphie van Nederlandsch Oost-Indie, Bryozoa, p. 391. Fenestella parviuscula Bassler, Fritz, 1932, Roy. Soc. Canada, Trans- actions, Third Series, Vol. XXVI., Sect. IV., p. 99. Fenestrellina parviuscula (Bassler), Elias, 1937, Jour. Paleontology. Vol. 11, No. 4, p. 314. Neotype (? Lectotype); Specimen 2/2405C, Western Australian Geo- logical Survey Collection ; on specimen figured by Bretnall, 1926, pi. III. Horizon and locality : Between the top of the Lyons Series and the top of the Byro Series, Gascoyne River District, W.A. Fenestrellina with two zooecia to a fenestrule ; cariyia low ; nodes sharp, relatively high, about two to a fenestrule ; fenesfrules hoyir-glass shaped. The foi’m of the colony is not shown ; there are about 18 branches hori- zontally, and from 16 to 18 fenestmles vertically, in 10 mm. The branches arc straight, from 0-31 to 0*37 mm. in w'idth, and show two rows of regularly alternating zooecial apertures, separated by a slight median carina. Bifurca- tion occurs at rather distant intervals, and increase to three rows of zooecia occurs just before branching. The apertures are circular, from 0*08 to O-l mm. in diameter, and are placed on the slightly sloping sides of the branches ; the peristomes are not well shown. The apertures are generally very regularly placed, with one opposite the centre of each fenestrule and one at the end of each dissepiment ; the former project into the fenestrules — though the apertures open upwards and not into the fenestrules — and give them their characteristic hour-glass shape. The distance between the centres of succes- sive apertures is from 0*24 to 0*3 mm., and about thirty-seven occur in 10 mm. The nodes are small and sharp, and arc placed in a single row on the carina ; they are from 0*24 to 0-3 mm. apart. The fenestrules are from 0*32 to 0-51 mm. in length, and from 0*22 to 0-33 mm. — generally about 0*25 mm.— in width ; the dissepiments are from 0-11 to 0* ] 7 mm. in -width. The reverse surface is not shown. 190 Joan M. Crockford, M.Sc. Remarks : Fenestrellina horologia w’as described by Bretnall from material from the Gascoyne River District ; tlie holotype was given as “ Geological Survey of Western Australia (specimen 16).” Miss Hosking (1931, p. 13) stated that “ the holotype of F. horologia (specimen 16 on 10930) is not to b(‘ found in the Geological Survey Collection” but (footnote) ‘'A crumpled fragment of a Fencstella zoarium is labelled Holotype, but the distinguishing number and the greater part of the zoarium have been broken off.” Speci- mens which she identifiecl as Fenestella horologia from the Wooramel River District showed a double row of nodes on the carina ; she states that the specimen in the Geological Survey Collection was much the same as these, but was “* too crumpled for accurate comparison,” and does not say whether a single or a double row of nodes was sho^Mi. There is at present no specimen in this collection labelled ” 16,” and no specimen labelled “ Holotype.” The labels of many of the specimens have been wholly or partially destroyed, and there are two eonspecific frag- ments of Fenestrellma, whose labels have been almost entirely removed, on a specimen of calcareous shale from the Gascoyne River District, figured by Bretnall on Plate III. (this specimen shows several more labels now than at the time is was photographed). Both of these show a slight carina between the two rows of apertures, and over the best preserved parts of the zoaria this carina shows a single row of small, high nodes ; both show \-ery well the hour-glass shape of the fenestrules described by Bretnall ; it seems probable that these were the specimens used for the original description, and one of them is here chosen as the neotype (? lectotype). A single specimen of a second species showing only two zooecia to each fenestrule is present on the same piece of shale ; this specimen shows, very indistinctly, two rows of small nodes on the carina, and is probably the species identified as Fenestella horologia from the Wooramel River, described in a separate paper as Minilya duplaris gen. et sp. nov. (Crockford, 1944, p. 173) ; this, the only specimen of this species present in the collection, is very poorly preserved ; it does not show any projection of the zooecial apertures into the fenestrules, and the hour-glass shape of the fenestrules is not shown at all in this specimen, though it is shown in specimens from other localities ; it is not possible that Bretnall’s description could refer to this specimen. Fenestrellina horologia appears to be the same as Fenestrellina -parviuscida (13assler), from the Bitaoeni and Basleo Beds of Timor ; in the original de- scription of F. parvniscula the width of the branches is given as “ about 0-2 mm.”, but the branches of the specimens figured appear to be about 0*3 mm. wide, as in the specimens from Western Australia. Elias (1937) has tlealt ^vith the relationships of this and similar species. F. parviuscida has been recordc'd from the Permian of Vancouver Island, llie fenestrate part of Lyropora erkosoides (Etheridge) is very similar in size, but is differentiated by its more widely spaced nodes. Fenestrellina pectinis (Moore), which has been recorded by Chapman from the Callytharra Stage at Callytharra Springs, is similar iu appearance, but is a smaller species with more closely sjiac^ed nodes. Genus LYROPORA Hiili. Lyropora Hall, 1857, Proc. Amer. Assoc. Adv. Sci., Vol. X., p. 179. Lyropora Hall, Ulrich, 1890, Geol. Surv. Illinois, VIII., pt. II., Sect. IV., pp. 396, 580. Lyropora Hall, Nickles, and Bassler, 1900, U.S. Geol. Surv., Bidl. 173, pp. 39. 309. A REVISION OF SOME PREVIOUSLY DESCRIBED SpECIES OF BRYOZOA 191 FROM THE Upper Palaeozoic of Western Australia. Lyropora Hall, McNair, 1937, Michigan University Museum of Paleojitol- ogy Contributions, Vol. V., No. 9, p. 114. Genotvpe (selected bv Ulrich, 1890) : L'tiropora subquadravs (Hall), 1857 (L. lyra (Hall), 1857). Synonyms : — Dictyoretmon Whitfield, 1904. Lyroporella Simpson, 1895. Lyroporina Simpson, 1897. Zoariuni fenestrate ; colony flahellif or m, with the sides near the base strongly thickened to form the lateral supports ; brayiches with two or more rows of zooecia, dissepimemts without zooecia ; reverse swface and internal structure as in Fenos- trellina. Lyropora erkosoides (Etheridge). (Plate I., fig. 2 ; plate II., fig. B.) Lyropora (^) erkosoides Etheridge, in Bretnall, 1920, W.A. Geol. Survey, Bull, 88, p. 11, pi. II., figs. 1, 4. Lectotype : Specimen 2 /2404, Western Australian Geological Survey Collection; figured by Bretnall, 1926, pi. II., fig. 1. Horizon and locality ; Callytharra Stage (?), Well A 20, Daiirie Creek, Gascoyne River District, Western Australia. Lyropora with two rows of zooecia, and two zooecia to a fenestride ; carina slight . nodes sharp, high, evenly spaced. The zoarium is flabellate ; the base is small and pedunculate, and the sides of the colony above the base are strongly thickened, and form the lateral supports characteristic of the genus. These lateral supports diverge at an angle of about 70°, and the zoarium is celluliferous on the convex surface ; the holotype reaches a height of 4 cm. above the base, and a width, at the top, of about 4 cm. There are about 22 branches horizontally, and 18 fenes- trules vertically, in 10 mm, The branches are straight, and are usually from 0*22 to 0*29 mm. in width, but they become much broader towards the sup- ports, and before bifurcation. There are two rows of zooecial apertures, separated by a very slight median carina on which there is a single row of high nodes, rather elongated along the carina at their bases. The nodes are placed from 0*3 to 0*37 mm. apart. The apertures are circular, about 0*09 mm. in diametei' ; slight peristomes arc shown — these are best developed on the side towards the fenestrules. There are two apertures to a fenestrule, and over part of the specimen these are arranged so that one is opposite the end of each dissepiment, and one at the centre of each fenestrule, giving the fenestrules an hour-glass shape ; over most of the specimen, however, the arrangement is not regular, and the fenestrules are oval in shape. The dis- tance between the centres of successive apertures is from 0-24 to 0-32 mm., and about thirty-seven occur in 10 mm. The fenestrules are from 0-35 to 0-46 mm. in length, and from 0*17 to 0-29 mm. — generally about 0*2 mm. — in width ; the width of the dissepiments is from 0-13 to 0-21 mm. On the reverse surface both branches and dissepiments are evenly roimded, and they are of about the same thickness — their thickness varies, however, with the distance from the lateral supports. The outer layer of the reverse surface is finely granular ; within this a few fine longitudinal striae are shown. Bi- furcation occurs at very distant intervals, and increase to three rows of zooecia occurs just before branching. 192 Joan M. Crockford, M.Sc. Remarks : There are two specimens labelled “ 13 " (the number given by Rretnall for the holotype of this species) in the material described by Bretnal!. The above description is of the figured specimen, here chosen as lectotype. A second speciimm, from the Callytharra Stage at Fossil Hill, Wyndham River, does not appear to belong to the same species as tlie lectotype, from which it differs in the shape of the lateral supports ; only a \’ery small portion of the fenestrate part of the /,oarium is preserved, along the sides of the lateral supports, and tiiis is decidedly finer than the fenestrate part of the lectot;v 7 :)e. Ktheridge referred this species teiitatively to the genus Lyropora Hall, but, as the celluliferous surface of the specimen was not exposed, considered it possible that the species might belong to one of the genera proposed by Simpson for forms diflering from the type of Lyropora in the number of rows of zooecia normally present on the branches. The type of Lyropora, Lyropora fiiibquadrans (Hall) (L. lyra (Hall)), selected by Ulricli in 1890, shows from four to five rows of zooecia on the branches ; Lyroporidra Simpson, 1897, is a synonym of Lyropora, since it possesses the same genotype. Lyroporella Simpson, 1895, was proposed for forms with two rows of zooecia, the genotype being Lyropora quincuncialis (Hall) ; Nickles and Bassler (1900, p. 310), who considered that the only character of generic importance is the development of lateral supports, and McNair (1937, p. 1 14) consider Lyroporella a synonym of Lyropora. (family SULCORETEPORIDAF Bassler. Gsnus RAMIPORA Toiila. Ramipora Toula, 1875, Neues Jahrbuch fur Mineralogie, 1875, p. 230, pi. X., figs. 1, la. Ramipora Toula, Shulga-Nesterenko, 1933, United Geological and Pros- pecting Service of the U.S.S.R., Trudi, Fasc. 259, pp. 32, 54. Genotype : Ramipora hochstettej'i Toula, 1875. Synonym : — Aetomocladia Bretnall, 1920. Genotype: Aetomoedadia a)}ibrosoides Bretnall, 1920. Zoarium pinnate, ivith the lateral branches joined by a third- set of branches, which may themselves join to foryyt a further set of branches ; branches bifoliate, dividing in a plane at right angles to the mesial lamina ; mesial lamina running from the centre of the obverse (poriferous) surface to the centre of the re-verse (non- poriferous) surface, and projecting slightly above these surfaces so that both are carinate ; zooecia sub-tubular, without hemisepta, arranged in more or less regidar rows on each side of the carina of the poriferous surface, but not separated intern- ally by vertical plates ; lunaria absent or poorly developed. ; diaphragms extremely rare ; acanthopores and mesopo7'es absent ; vesicular tissue well-developed in- ternally, interapertural spaces solid at the surface. Ramipora differs from Goniocladia Ftheridge in the form of the colony, which is reticulate in Goniocladia. Sulcoretepora d’Orbigny (Cystodictya Ulrich) differs in its mode of branching (in the plane of the mesial lamina instead of at right angles to it), and in the form of the zoarium, and internally in the presence of vertical double plates between the rows of cells. A REVISION or SOME Previously Described Species of Bryozoa 193 FROM THE Upper Palaeozoic of Western Australia. I^retnall (1926, p. 31) (lf;scrib('(l Aeiomocladia as a new genus “related to Finnatopora Vines” the genotype b(‘ing Aetom,ocladia ambrosoides Bretnall, from tlie Gascoyne River Distri(^t, W.A., and Fossil Hill, Wyndhain River, W.A. Bretnall did not study tlu^ inbTnal structure of tlu^ g(‘noty[)e, and it has therefore been considered a member of the AcanthocladiidatL The internal structure, as is shown under the description of the species given below, is the same as that described by Bassler and Moore for species of Gonio- (iladia, and by Shulga-Nesterenko for Goniocladia and Ramipora, and indicates that Aetomocladia is a member of the Sulcoreteporidae allied to these genera ; the form of the colony separates Aetomocladia from Goniocladia., and indicates identity with Ramipora (sens. str.). Ramipora ambrosoides nh''tnall). (Plate I., figs. 3-5 ; plate, IT., figs. C-F.) Aetomocladia, ambrosoides Ihvtnall, 1926, W.A. Geol. H'urvey, Bull. 88, p. 21, pi. I., fig. 4. Aetomocladia ambrosoides Bretnall, Hosking, 1931, dour. Roy. Foe. W.A.y Vol. XVII. , p. 12, pi, IV., figs. 5-6. Aetomocladia a'tubrosoides Bretnall, Chapman, in Baggatt, Jour. Roif. Hoc. 7V..S.W., Vol. LXX., pp. 106, 128, 148, Aetomocladia a')uhrosoid,es Bretnall, Raggatt and Fletcher, 1937, Australian Museum Records, Vol. XX., No. 2, p. 173. Acanthocladia acuticostata Bassler, 1929, Paldontoloyie von Thnor, Lief. XVI., XXVIll., p. 85, pi. 20 (CCXLIV.), fig. 13. Lectotype : Specimen 2 /2405B, Western Australian Geologi(^al Sur\-(‘y Collection; on specimen figuixul by lh’(‘tnall, 1926, ])1. 111. Horizon and locality : Bedween th(> top of the Lyons Series and the top of the Byro Series, Gascoyne Riv('r District, W.A. Fine Ramipora, with from three to jive rows e)f zooecial apertures on each side of the inesial lamina. Since the lectotype does not show the form of the colony very well, para- types from the same locality, and from tlie ('allytharra Stage at Fossil Hill, W^mdham Rivei-, and a number of specimens from the type locality of the ('allytharra Stage in the Wooramel River District, and from the Nooncanbah Series in the Kimb(U‘l(‘y District have been used for this description ; the measiiD'inents given, liowever, were taken only on the lectotyp(^ and otlior specimens on the same piece of shale. The bas(' of the zoarium is not shown on any of the specimens ; the zoarium is pinnate ; the branches are bifoliate, and division of the branches takes place in a piano at right angles to the mesial lamina. Lateral (scicondary) branches are given off from the main stem, and thc'inselves give off tertiary branches which usually j^ass straight from one secondary bi-anch to another, but which rarely pass outwards obliquely and join to form a further set of branches. Subsidiai-y branches appear generally to originate at th(‘ same level on opposite sides of a branch, but actually one is nearly always given off very slightly before the otlier, as is shown by the junction of tlie mesial laminae of the lateral branches with that of the original branch ; very rarely the lateral branches on opposite sides are more widely separated. The dis- tance between the origins of two suc(;essive pairs of latei-al branches is from l94 Joan M. Crockford, M.Sc. 2 ■ 5 to 5-5 mm. in these specimens, and the angle at which the lateral branches are given off is from 50° to 77° — in specimens from the Nooncanbah Series this angle is up to 90°. The main stems are usually slightly broader and thicker than the lateral branches, their width being from 1 • 1 to 1-5 mm., and their thickness about 1 • 5 mm. ; the width of the secondary branches is from 0*8 to 1*4 mm., and the tertiary branches are slightly narrower. The branches are bifoliate, with a mesial lamina whicli runs from the centre of the reverse to the centre of the poriferous surface, and forms a slight ridge along the centre of each surface, so that both are carinate ; the porifer- ous surface, however, is sharply convex, with the sides sloping steeply out- wards, while the reverse surface is rather rounded. On each side of the carina on the poriferous surface there are three or four, less oft cm five, rows of zooecial apertures ; the arrangement of the apertures, however, is not always regular. The apertures are raised above the surface by the development of high peri- stomes, particularly on the lower side of the aperture ; from sections it appears that no lunaria are developed ; the peristomes are very (juickly removed by weathering. When the apertures are arranged in definite rows the amount of alternation between the apertures of adjacent rows is very variable, and often very slight. The apertures are circular, or pyriform where they are weathered, and are from 0- 14 to 0- 18 mm. in diameter ; they are rather irregularly spaced on all the branches, and tlie distance between tlio ctmtres of successive apcudures in the same row is from 0-38 to 0*76 mm. (average 0-50 mm.), and about eighteen apertures occur in 10mm. No acanthopores are developed; the surface between the apertures is solid. The reverse (non-poriferous) surface is finely granular. Internally the zooecia are sub-tubular, and the length of individual zooecia is about 1 mm. Diaphragms appear to have been very rarely developed near the proximal ends of the zooecia. The median tubules of the mesial lamina are well-showm, and vesicular tissue is well-developed, particularly near the reverse surface, and at the origin of subsidiary branches. Remarks : In the original description of the species the genotype ” is given as “ specimen 12,'’ but there are seven specimens labelled 12 ” in the collection ; these belong to three species, but one specimen, belonging to the species to whicli the original description most closely applies, is labelled Genotype,” and is hero chosen as the lectotype of the spe'cies. Of described species of Ramvpora, the genotyjie, R. hochstetteri Toula, and a specimen recorded by Reed (1925, p. 107, pL X., figs. 9, 9a), as R. cf. hoch- stetteri from India, most closely resemble this species ; they differ, however, in tlieir broader branches and larger measurements. Ramipora uralica Stucken- berg, from the Upper C’arboniferous of the Urals, appears to have had lateral branches placed about the same distance apart, but the branches are much broader. The type specimen of Acanthocladia acuticostaia Bassler, from the Basleo beds of Timor, appears to be a specimen of this species. A specimen described as Ramipora sp. by Etheridge (1907, p, 14) from the Port Keats Bore appears to have differed from this species in the form of the zoarium and in the much closer spacing of its lateral branches. A KEVISION OF SOME PREVIOUSLY DESCRIBED SPECIES OF BbYOZOA 195 FROM THE Upper Palaeozoic of Western Australia. ACKNOWLEDGMENTS. I wish to thank the Government Geologist of Western Australia for tlu' loan of specimens from the Western Australian Geological Survey Collection and Miss Crespin for specimens from the Commonwealth Palaeontological Collection ; and Dr. I, A. Ihuvn for the help which she has given me with the preparation of this paper. This work has been carried out during the tenure of a Science Research Scholarship at the University of Sydney. BIBLIOGRAPHY. 1. Bassler, R. S., 1929 : The Permian Bryozoa of Timor, Paldoniologie von Tiuiov, X\’l. Lieferung, XXVIII. 2. Bretnall, R. W., 1926 : Palaeontological Contributions to the Geology of \\’est('rn Australia, Series VII., No. XIII., Descriptions of some Western Australian Fossil Polyzoa, W.A. Geol. Survey, Bull. 88. .3. Crockford, Joan M., 1944 : Bryozoa from the Wandagee and Nooncanbah Seri(‘s (Permian) of Western Australia, Part I., Jour. Roy. Soc. W.A., Vo\. XVIIh, p]>. 165-185. 4. Elias, M. K., 1937 : Stratigraphic Significance of Some Late Paleozoic Fenestrate Bryozoans, Jour. Paleontology, Vol. 11, No. 4, pp. 306-334. 5. Etheridge, R., jnr., 1873 : Description of Carinella, a New Genus of Carboniterous Polyzoa, Qeol. Mag., Vol. X., pp. 433-434. 6. Etheridge, R., Jnr., 1876 : Carboniferous and Post-Tertiary Polvzoa, Oeol. N. S., Dec. II., Vol. III., pp. 522-523. 7. Etheridge, R., jnr., 1907 : Official Contributions to the Palaeontology of South Aus- tralia, No. 19. — Fossils of the Port Keats Bore, Thirty Miles North of Fossil Head, Treachery Bay, Supplement to Parliamentary Paper No. 55 of 1906. 8. F]’itz, Madeleine A., 1932 : Permian Bryozoa from Vancouver Island, Roy. Soc. Canada, Transactions, Third Series, Vol. XXVI., Sect. IV., pp. 93-110. 9. Hall, J., 1857 ; Observations on the Genus Archimedes or Fenestella, Proc. Amcr. Assoc. Adv. Sci., Vol. X., pp. 176-180. 10. Hosking, Lucy F. V., 1931 : Fossils from the Wooraiiiel District, IVestern Australia. Jour. Roy. Soc. W.A., Vol. XVII., pp. 7-52. 11. Lonsdale, W., 1839 : In Murchison, Silurian System : John Murray, London. 1S39. 12. McCoy, F., 1845 ; Synopsis of the (’arboniferous Limestone Fossils of Ireland : Tni- versity Press, Dublin, 1845. 13. Martin, R., 1931 : De Palaeontologie en Stratigraphic van Ncdeiiandsch Oost-Indie, Bryozoa, Leidsche Geologische Mededeelingen, Deel \^, pp. 390-395. 14. Moore, R. C., 1929 : A Bryozoan Faunule from the Upper Graham Formation, Penn- sylvanian, of North-Central Texas, Jour. Palaeontology, Vol. 3, No. 1, pp. 1-27. 15. Nickles, J. S., and Bassler, R. S., 1900 : A Synopsis of American Fossil Bryozoa, including Bibliography and Synonomy, U.S. Geol. Surrey, Bull. 173. 16. Orbigny, A. d’, 1849 : Sur Quelques Genres Nouveaux de Mollusques Bryozoaires, Revue et Magasin de Zoologie, 2e Series, Tome I., pp. 499-504. 17. Raggatt, H., 1936 : The Geology of the North-West Basin, Western Australia, with Special Reference to the Stratigraphv of the Permo-Carboniferous, Jour. Roy. Soc. N.S.W., Vol. LXX., pp. 100-176. 18. Raggatt, H., and Fletcher, H. ()., 1937 : A Contribution to the Permian-Upper Car- boniferous Problem, and an analysis of the Fauna of the Upper Palaeozoic (Permian) of the North-West Basin, 'W^estern Australia, Records of the Ausfraliayi Museum, Vol. XX., No. 2. 19. Reed, F. R. Cowper, 1925 : Pepper Carboniferous Fossils from Chitral and the Pamirs, Pal. Indica, N. S., Vol. \T., Memoir No. 4. 20. Shulga-Nesterenko, M. J., 1933 : Bryozoa from the Coal-bearing and Subjacent Stories of Pechora Land : Goniocladia Etheridge and Ramipora Toula, Carboniferous and Permian Representatives of the Family Cystodictyonidae, Transactions of the United Geological and Prospecting Service of the U.S.S.R., Fasc. 259. 21. Simpson, G. B., 1895: A Discussion of the Different Genera of the Fenestellidae, Thirteenth Annual Report of the State Geologist [of New York] for the year 1893, Albany, 1894 [1895], pp. (>87-787. [Forty-seventh Annual Report of the New York State Museimi of Natural Jlistory, Albany, 1894 [1895], pp. 8S1-921J. 190 JoAjsr M. Crockford, M.Sc. 2'2. yimpson, G. B., 1897 : A Handbook of the Genera of the North American Palaeozoic Bryozoa : with an introduction on the structure of living species, Fourteenth Annual Report of the State Geologist [of New York] for the year 1894, Albany, 1895 [1897], pp. 407-608. [Forty-eighth Annual Report of the New York State Museutn of Natural History, Albany, 1895 [1897], pp. 407-608]. 2'2. Stuckenberg, A., 1895 : Korallen und Bryozoen der Steinkohlenablagerungen des Tral und des Timan. Mem. du Comite Geologique [Russia], Vol. X., No. 3. 24. Toula, F., 1875 : Permo-Carbon- Fossilien von der Westkuste von Spitzbergen, Leon- hard und Bronn's Neues Jahrbuch fur Mineralogie, 1875, pp. 225-264, 25. Ulrich, E. ()., 1890 : Palaeozoic Bryozoa, Geological and Natural History Survey of Illinois, VIIT., Pt. II., Sect. IV. 26. Whitfield, R. P., 1904 : Notice of a New Genus and Species of Carboniferous Bryozoa, Bull. American Miiseum of Natural History, Vol. XX., p. 469. PLATE I. Figure 1. Fenestrellina horologia (Bretnall) : Celluliferous surface of the* neo- type (? lectotype), x 10. Figure 2. Lyropora crkosoides (Etheridge) : Lectotype, natural size. Figure 3. Ramipora amhrosoides (Bretnall) : Reverse surface (Specimen 118, Commonwealth Palaeontological Collection) from the Callytliarra Stage, west of Callytliarra Springs, Wooramel River), x 5. Figure 4. Ramipora amhrosoides (Bretnall) : Celluliferous surface of the lecto- type, X .1. Figure 5. Ramipora amhrosoides (Bretnall): Celluliferous surface (Specimen 2793 e, University of Western Australia Collection, from the Nooncanbali Series 6V1* miles north of Mt. Anderson, West Kimberley District), x 5. Figure 6. Fenestrellina affiiiensa (Bretnall): Celluliferous surface of the lecto- type, X U). (Photographs by H. G. Gooch.) A REVISION OF SOME PREVIOUSLY DESCRIBED 8pF]C 1KS OF JiRYOZOA 197 FROM THE Upper Palaeozoic of Western Austrat.ia. 198 Joan M. Crockford, M.Sc. PLATE II. Figure A. FnicsfreJUna horologia (Rretnall) : Celluliferoas surface of a topotype, X 20. Figure B. Lyropora elcos-oides (Etheridge) : A thin section of the part of the lectotype, x 20. (Slide (5277, Western Australian Geological Survey Collec- tion.) Figure C. iRa}nipom amhrosoides (Bretnall) : Longitudinal seetioiij cut loose to the reverse surface (Slide 2793g, University of Western Australia Collection, from a specimen from the Nooncanbah Series" tiVo miles north of Mt. Anderson, AVest Kimberley District), x 20, Figure D. Famipora amhroffoides (Bretnall): Longitudinal section of a topotype,' cut rather closer to the obverse surface than C. (Slide 6278, Western Australian Geological Survey Collection), x 20. Figure E, F. Famipora amhrosoides (Bretnall): A^ertical sections (Slides 2793 e, f. University of Western Australia Collection, from specimens from the Nooncanbah Series 6b', miles north of Mt. Anderson, West Kimberlev District), X 20. {Camera liccida diagrams.) A REVISIOK OF SOME PREVIOUSLY DESCRIBED SpECIES OF BrYOZOA 199 FROM THE Upper Palaeozoic of Western Australia. t'ossiL Plants from Ginoin, W.A. 20 1 ](). P08SIL PLANTS FROM GINGIN, W.A. l^Y A. H. Walkom, D.Sc. O'Ih' Australian Musoimi, Sydnoy.* (Platf's i.-n.) K(‘a described was forwardt'd to nn^ by Pioh'ssor K. de ('. (Jarke in 1037. Jt is n‘gr(‘tteport to Piofessor (Jarke’s statement, in a lettc'r, that he had “fairly good (‘videnee that the chalk and gr(H*nsand lie on an erod<‘d surfact* of th«^ plant bi*ds.*‘ 'fh(‘ s])(‘ch‘S idi'iititied ari' : - Isoetites elegans, sp. uo\'. Clado'phlehis australis (Morris). 77/ ?’a nfvld ia fa Ibragarensls Will ko m . 'l'acnio})ti'ris spaUdata Mcdcdland. /dilophylluni jx’ctcH (.Philli])s). Hlatocladus plana { Fi'istnmntel). TIkw suggest a Jurassic age for tii(‘ beds in whicli they occur, and show clos(‘St similai'ities with th<‘ .Jurassic flora of th(^ Talbragar HimIs in N(‘w South VVal<‘s. Perhaps tlu> most interesting fi'ature is the presem^i* of numei‘oiis sj)eci- UK'iis T-eferi'c'd to Isoetites. Fossil repres(‘ntatives of this group ai’t^ few in number, and noiu‘ a})])ear to liave b('(‘n described from rocks of Jurassic agi*. so the sp<‘cies I. elegans inaA' b(‘ the earliest sp(‘cies yt‘t known, as w(*ll as bt'ing the first fossil s]K‘cies known fi’om Australia. genus Jsoetes has a wide rang(‘ at tlu^ pn‘S<‘nt day b\d only six s]>ecies ap])t‘ar to be re(U)?’ded from Australia (thr<‘<‘ from Tasmania, and one iwh from Qu('(‘nsla-nd. South Aus- tralia, and \\7'st(‘i'n Australia). Professor (Marke has sugg('st(‘d that tlu'se ]>lant-b(‘aring IkhIs at (lingin may b(‘ tlu' (continuation of ])lant beds at Hullsbrook, some 30 inih^s north of Perth. In 1031 1 examiiu‘d for him a collection of fragmentai-y jdant remains from tlu“ Hullsbrook IhmIs and determiiu‘d tin* following .sjk*cu‘s -CVodo- phlebis austmUs. ‘t rhyllopteris sj ThinnJeUlia sp., Taeniopteris elongata^ Nllsso}\ia sp., and Klatocladus cf. platut. This small {collection was not v(‘ry satisfactory foi‘ (Udi'i’inination of the age of the b('ds and at the time I suggest(‘d that possibly a Ja)W(m- Cndaceous age was indicated. As a whok* the Hulls- brook colU’ction do('s not show (^los(‘ aihnitu^s with that from Oingin, and may ro|)r(\s(‘nt a sonu'what Jiighei’ hori/.on. * Publishi'd by permission of the Trustei's of t he Austi-aiian Mus(Mim. 202 A. B. Walkom, D.Sc. LYCOPODIALES. Isoetites elegans, sp. nov. (Plate I.) Leaves numeroxis, long (up to 12 cm. or more), straight or slightly curved, about 3-4 mm, wide at base, tapering to apex, with very fine parallel striations. Sporangia usually 1*5-2 cm. long, by 7-8 mm. Megaspores spherical, about 0*5 mm. in diameter, smooth, with equatorial ridge, and tri-radiate marking on one hemisphere, 40-55 megaspores in a sporangium. In the specimen figured (Plate I., fig. 1) there are some 30 leaves visible ; in addition the bases of a number of other leaves can be observed on the vertical edge of the specimen, so the total number of leaves is greater than 36. The leaves are all simple and there is no indication of dividing as occurs in Baiera and allied genera. The tapering of the leaf is very gradual — from 3 4mm. wide at base to 1 mm. wide at a distance of 12 cm. from the base. The sporangia vary little in shape, but they may b(^ reser\-eressions on a fine-grained, h'rruginous mica- ct'ous sandstotie, and are not likely to furnish any details of cuticnlar structuiv. It therefore sedans only possibk' to reft'r them to P. pecten (s('C S(‘war kroyeri in a mimber of other points : the spines on the proximal segments of the first antenna ; the outer spine of the second exopod segments of the third legs ; and the length of the inner spine on the second segment of the female fifth leg relative to that segment. On comparison with some drawings made by Dr. A. G. Nicholls, tliis species appears to be identical also with a Centropagid found by him in 1939 at Crawley Bay in the Swan River. Crawley Bay is well up in the Swan Inlet, and the salinity would be very low in winter : tliis form is therefore either originally or secondarily estuarine. Dakin and Colefax give no details as to where their specimens were found, b\it all or most of their collecting was done in the open sea. Since therefore, this variety is constant from New South Wales to Fremantle, in the open sea and under estuarine con- ditions, it seems best to give it specific rank. It may be most easily I’ecognised by the female abdomen and the form of the chela of the male fifth leg. Order HARPACTICOTDA. Family TISBIDAE Sars. 1904. Genus MACHAIROPUS Brady, 1883. Lang (1936) has revised this genus. Since tlien two new species have been described ; M. antarcticus (Lang, 1936b) and M. intermedins (Nicholls, 1941). Machairopus cockburni sp. nov. Occurrence. — 8 females (3 ovigerous) and 10 immature specimens, in a horizontal haul at 10 m. depth ; 22-7-41. Female . — Length, 0 • 94- 1-15 mm. First antennae 9-segmented, tapering gradually, the proportional lengths of the segments being 1 8 ; 24 ; 32 : IS : 4 : 4 : 3 : 10 ; 14. Exopod of the second antennae 4-segmented ; the endopod bearing 9 terminal setae, 4 of w'hicli are geniculate. Second basal segment of the mandible bears a single, long, thick, plumose seta ; endopod and exopod typical. Exopod of maxilla bears 2 long plumose setae ; the endopod with 3 stiff serrate setae ; inner lobe I with 8 setae, and inner lobes II and III each with 2 setae. First maxilliped with an inner marginal lobe bearing 2 stout and 1 fine plumose setae, and a slender distal lobe bearing 2 setae. Second maxilliped with 1 stout claw^ apically and 3 finer setae. Proportional lengths of the segments of the endopod of the first leg 10 : 6 : 3, each segment with a plumose inner marginal seta ; outer marginal spine of the second segment of the exopod in the middle of the margin, and the inner marginal bulge pronounced. Seta formula : — Endopod. Exopod. p2 1. 2. 230 1. 1. 223 p3 1. 2. 330 1. 1. 323 p4 1. 2. 230 1. 1. 323 Marine Copepods from Western Australia, Series II. 211 Distal segment of the fiftli leg with almost parallel margins, ami more than twice as long as wide ; it bears 3 terminal setae, the middle one longer tlian the other 2 ; 2 external lateral setae, each shorter than the terminals, the proximal being within the distal half of the segment. Proijortional lengths of the abdominal segments and caudal rami 73 : 37 : 28 : 1 1 : 1 7. Genital segment deeply clett ; caudal rami divergent, sliizhtly wider at the base than long : the outer marginal seta barely within the distal half ; 4 terminal and 1 small dorsal setae. M ale . — Un known . This species most nearly resembles M. hippohjtes (Kroyer, 1863),. a northern cold-water species (Greenland and Norway), and M. australis (Scott, 1912), a southern cold-water species (South Orkneys and South Georgia). It differs from M. hippoltifes in (a) the relative lengths of the segments of the first antennae, (b) the setae of the second basal segment of the mandible, (c) the setae of the inner lobe of the first maxilliped, (d) the relative lengths of the 2 proximal segments of the emlopod of the first legs, (e) the setation of the swimming legs and, (f) the shape and setation of the fifth legs. In addition to the points (a), (b), and (e) above, it difiers from M. australis mostly in the presence of a distal lobe on the first maxilliped, the shay.ie of the fifth legs, and the length of the caudal rami to the anal segment (in M. austrahs “ about as long as the last abdominal segment,” Scott). It may be recognised by tlie almost parallel margins of the fifth legs, the proportions of the endopod segments of the first legs, and the single largo seta on the second basal joint of the mandible. REFERENCES. Dakin, W. J., and Colefax, A. N. Plankton of the Coastal Waters off New South Wales, Pt. I. 1940. Karawiew, W. “ Contributions to the Copepod fauna of the Black Sea ” (title translated from Russian). Zapinski Kiev Obskch., XIV. 1895. Lang, K. “ Uber die Gattungen Psamathe Philippi, 1840 und Machairo()us Brady, 1883, etc.” Zool. Anz. Bd. 114 Heft 1/2. 1936a. Lang, K. Swedish Antarc. Exped., 1901-1903, iii, 3. 1936b. Mori, T. “ New Copepods from the southern waters of Jajjan.” Dobuis. Zusshi Tokyo, 44. 1932. Nicholls, A. G. “ Littoral Copepoda from South Australia (1) Harpacticoida.” Hec, of the S. Aust. Mus. Vol. VI., No. 4. 1941. Scott T “ On the Entomostraca of the Scottish National Antarctic Expedition.” Tran-'-. Hoy. So'. E(Un., XLVIIL (3). 1912. 212 W. S. Fairbridge. PLATE I. Fig. 1 — Gentropages australieyisis. Fig. 2 . — Gentropages australiensis. Fig. 3 . — Gentropages australiensis. Fig. 4 , — Gentropages australiensis. Fig, 5 .' — Gentropages australie.nsis. Fig. 6 . — Gentropages australiensis. ? Fifth leg. ? Abdomen (ventral). cJ' Abdomen (dorsal). C? Fiftli legs. $ Abdomen (seen from left side), ? Abdomen (dorsal). Marine CorKPODS from Western Australia, Series IF. 213 PLATK I. 214 W. S. Fairbridge. PLATE II. Fig. 7.- —Centropages australiensis. Fig. 8.- —Centropages australiensis. Fig. 9.- —Centropages australiensis. Fig. 10.- —M a ch air opus cockhurni . Fig. 11.- —Machairopus cockhurni. Fig. 12.- — Machairopus cockhurni. C? Right antenna I. C? Fourth legs. C? Third legs (first and second Exopod Segments). $ Fifth leg. 5 Abdomen (ventral). 5 Fourth leg. Marine Coperods prom Western Australia, Series II. 215 PLATE IT. 216 W. S. Fairbridge. PLATE Fig- Fig. Fig. Fig. Fig- Fig. 13. — Machairopus 1 4 . — Mach air opus 1 5 . — M ach air opus 1 6. — Machairopus 17. — Machairopus 1 8. — Machairopus cockburni. cockburni. cockburni. cockburni. cockburni. cockburni. $ ? ? ? ? ? III. Antenna I. Antenna II. Mandible. Maxilla. Maxilliped II. Maxilliped I. Marine Copepods from Western Australia, Series II. 217 PLATE III. A Consideration of the Insect Population Associated wiTPi Cow Dung at Crawley, W.A. 219 12.— A CONSIDERATION OF THE INSECT POPULATION ASSOCIATED WITH COW DUNG AT CRAWLEY, W.A. BY G. J. Snowball, B.Sc. (Hons.)* Read 9th June, 1942 ; Published 28th March, 1944. 1. INTRODUCTION. The research w^ork described in this paper is an attempt to indicate the main insects which form the population of cow dung at Crawley and to assign them to their proper place in the ecology of that substance. Most of the work was performed at the Biology Department, Crawley, during the periods February to November, 1940, and February, 1941, to February, 1942. Two cows supplied most of the dung utilised, but supporting observations at May- lands and Spearwood showed that this restricted amount of material indicated correctly the qualitative nature of the population, a conclusion borne out by the study of insects in tlie dung dropped by a herd of fifteen cow's grazing in the grounds of the University. The writer also had tlie opportunity of examining cow dung from Armadale, and in August, 1941, was able to pay a visit to Katanning to make a rapid comparative sur\-ey of the cow dung pojoulation. Katanning (latitude 33° 38^ S., longitude 117° 35^ F.) has a climate of the continental type, characterised by a considerable \-ariation between maximum and minimum temperatures. Perth (latitude 31° 52' W, longitude 110° 3' F.) has a Mediterranean climate with less difference between the ex- tremes of temperature. The rainfall at Katanning, although annually amount- ing to only about half that at Pei'th, is much more evenlv distributed through- out the year, rainfall at Perth being essentially of the winter type. Table 1 . The mean daily maximum and minimum temperatures, the mean daily relative humidity, and the mean annual rainfall at Katanning and Perth, Western Australia, for 34 years prior to 1932 (based on figures from the Weather Bureau, Perth) :■ — PERTH. katanning Maximum ° C. 22-89 21-94 Minimum ° C. 12-89 9-11 Humidity 03 70 Rainfall (inches) 34-7 18-7 2. MFTHODS, No accurate t[uantitative work was attempted in tins general approach to the problem. The insects found in various cow dungs were submitted to experts for identitication where possible and obsc'r\ations made on their habits. Portions of cow dung containing immature stages were brought into tlie laboratory for study of jihases of the life histories of the insects con- cerned. 3. SUCCFSSION. A large numlier of insect species are associated with faecal matter, cs])ecially with that of mammals, which is usually of sufficient ({uantity to form an ecological habitat of some duration. *In 1941 tlie writer was the recipient of a Ilackett Scholarship, and in 194 ^ of a Hackett Studentshij>, for which his grateful thanks are due to the University of W.a" 220 G. J. Snowball. In an imstable environment of a restricted nature, of which cow dung is an example, two main factors operate to influence the type of population present at any particular time. Firstly, the external climatic conditions change the nature of the environment, thus making it less suitable for the species which occupies it first. Secondly, the animals themselves, principally by interspecific competition, to a lesser extent by altering the physical and chemical nature of their environment, tend to bring about an alteration in the type of population. Ultimately a stage is reached at which a primary species is displaced by one more adapted to the changed conditions. The process continues until the environment is destroyed. This termination of the succession by destruction of the environment, which is characteristic of the animal ecology, serves to balance, in the broad cycle of energy of nature, the synthetic tendencies of plant successions in which a stable association is finally attained (Chapman, 1931). The phenomenon of succession has received most attention from plant ecologists. The most clear cut examples of succession in animal ecology are found in certain restricted environments. The work of Graham (1925) on the succession of animals in a felled tree trunk may be cited here. He con- cluded that there was a definite succession of organisms as the chemical and physical characters of the wood changed during the process of decay and dis- integration. Fuller (1934) found this statement to be equally true of the population of a carcass. In the case of cow dung, the succession is not clear cut and only detailed study would reveal the causes of some apparent anomalies. The nature of the succession will be discussed after the insects concerned have been dealt with. 4. THE CHANGES IN COW DUNG AFTER DROPPING. The initial nature of a cow dung varies considerably with the diet of the animal. The dung of a grass-fed cow differs from that of one fed on dried feed in its green colour, soft texture, and the subsequent course of its dis- integration. The process of decay can be arbitrarily divided into five stages, of which the first three differ markedly from the last two. A characteristic insect population occupies the first three stages and a different one succeeds it in the last two. Certain distinctions can in many cases be dravn between the populations of Stages 1, 2, and 3, but equally often they are almost identical. Following is the typical course of changes in dvmg from a grass-fed cow : — ■ Stage. When dropped, the dung is green or more rarely tan in colour, semiliquid, and with a noticeable odour. Cow dung is characteristically a cold ” dvmg and liigh temperatures due to fermentation are unusual, especially in isolated cakes, although the temperature of the dung during the day may be high owing to exposure to the sun (Davidson, 1937). The slight degree of fer- mentation undoubtedly influences the insect population since certain insects, e.g., tlie house fly, are specifically attracted to fermentable materials either by high temperatures or products of such decomposition. The first obvious change in the cow dung is the formation of a thin blackish skin over the exposed surface of the soft mass. By evaporation of moisture, this skin ultimately becomes a thick, firm crust pierced by many cracks which expose the softer interior. The superficial skin is the result of an oxidation process dependent on free access of atmospheric oxygen, since it does not form on artificially covered cakes or those which for any reason are kept exceedingly moist. A COXSIDEKATIOX OF THE INSECT POPULATION ASSOCIATED WITH Cow Dung at Crawley^ W.A. 221 2nd Stage. The colour changes from tan or green to a light brown shade. The whole cake becomes firmer as a result of evaporation of moisture. The odour is still noticeable even when the surface remains unbroken. 3rd Stage. The dung becomes blacker and firmer in texture. The fibres of the* undigested food can be distinguished, because evaporation of moisture has concentrated the suspension of which they form the discontinuous phase. The odour is usually not noticeable unless the surface of the dung is disturbed. 4:th Stage. Evaporation of moisture has proceeded to the extent that undigested food fibres interlock to form a matrix firm enough for the whole cake to be held by the edge without breaking. The internal colour is a dull rusty brown. The surface layers of the dung are completely dry and of a bleached brown or even white colour due to the precipitation of salts. ^th Stage. The entire dung becomes of the same nature as the upper portions of a fourth stage dung. It is firm, bleached brown, in some cases almost white,, dry, hard, and noticeably light for its volume. In the later part of this stage no insects except casual shelterers are present. A number of variations from the above cycle are possible. All parts of a dung cake do not necessarily pass through the same stage at the same time. For instance, dungs which have the upper layers in the fourth, and lower portions in the second or third stage, are common. Further, the changes' in colour, texture, and moisture do not always proceed at the same rate.- Dungs sometimes preserve the initial green colour although in other respects- they could be classed as in the fourth stage. Such peculiarities are due to- some unusual feature in the history of the cake, such as freedom from invasion, by insects or conditions which artificially preserve the moisture content. An important departure from the cycle outlined above is the omission, of either the second or the third stage. The colour of a dung may pass straight from green to black, i.e., direct from first to third, or from light brown to dark brown, i.e., from second to fourth. In such cases, the population of the- omitted stage is found in the early part of the third or late jmrt of the second according to whether the second or third has been rt'duced. In the field, large numbers of dungs disintegrate before they reach the fifth stage, an occurrence very frec|uent during tlie height of the summer.. The time taken to pass through the \-arious stages of decomposition* varies greatly with climatic conditions, so that, exceiit witliin wide limits,, the absolute age of the dung has little significance. High temperatures' speed up the process of disintegration by accelerating the cliemical and physi- cal processes within the dung and by stimulating the contained insects. Rain has the reverse effect, and the stages of a dung ex 2 iosed to rain may be indefin- itely prolonged. -222 G. J. Snowball., The following table indicates a few variations in absolute time of stage iduridae Unidentified sjiecies Orthoptera F : Tettisoniidae Unidentified si)ecimens F : Gryllotaliddae Cj liiniracheta s\). ilemiptera F : Pentatomidae Unidentified sj)ecimens F : (’occidae Unidentified specimens Coleoptera F : Uarahidae Promecodcrus albanyensis, Cast. y : Hydropliilidae * Uei’cyon haemorrlioidalis. Fai). * Cercyon nicriceps, Marsh. V Parac'ymus sp. F ; Sta])hylinidae Ureophilus erythrocejfiialus, Fab. * Ury])tobiiim elegans, Blkb. * Le)itacinus socius, Fauv. Philonthus sp. Oxytclus spp. F ; Silphidae V Ciioieva sp. F : Tiichopterygidae V E))optia sp. ? Philagai’ica sj). F : Histeridae Saprimis incisiis, Er. Saprimi.*< s])p. Hi.ster walkcri, Lea. Piatysoma ? nmltistriatum, Lea. 1*' : Nitidulidae Uarpo])hiliis hemii)teriis, Linn. ? Brachyjjeplus sp. F : Colydiidae Pabula dentata. Blkb. F : Ptinidae ? Ptinus sp. * Breeding in cow dung. A COXSIDERATIOX OF THE lX.SECT POPULATiOX ASSOCIATED 'WITH Cow Dhxg at Crawley^ W.A. 22‘3 ¥ : Scarabaeidae * Aphodius lividus. Oliv. Aphodius insignior, Blkb. Aphodius granarius, Linn. Aphodius ambiguus, Boh. Aphodius sp. * Proctophanes sculptus, Hope. Ataenius ? integricollis, Lea. Onthophagus ferox, Har. F : Anfrhicidae Anthicus hesperi, King. F : Tenebrionidae Gonocephalum arenarium, Fab. Adelium scytailicum, Base. Diptera F ; Psychodidae * ‘ Psychoda spp. F : Sciaridae * Sciara spp * ? Zygoneura sp. F : Scatopsidae ? llhegmoclema sp. F : Mycetophilidae ? Mycetophila sp. F : Tipulidae Eriopterinae * Unidentified species F : Stratiomyidae Xeoexaireta spinigera, Wied. F : Dolichopodidae ? A.syndetus sp. F : Phoridae ? Chaetocnemistoptera sp. F : Sepsidae * Sepsis plebeia, de Meij. * Australosepsis fulvescens, Mall. * Australosepsis fulvescens var. atratula, Mall. F : Borboridae * I,eptocera spp. F : Drosophilidae * ? Cladochaeta s]). F : Otitidae * Chrysomyza aenea, Fab. Pogonortalis barbifera, Macq. F : Calliphoridae Calliphorinae Calliphora (Neopolienia) australis, Boisd. Calliphora (Proeckon) nociva. Hardy. Lucilia cuprina, Wied. Sarcophaglnae * Sarcopiiaga (Para.sarcophaga> depressa, Desvoidy F : Miiscidae Muscinae * Musca vetustissima, Walker. * Musca domestica, Linn. Anthomyiinae * Hylemyia deceptiva, Mall, or near * Hylemyia sp. Fanniinae * V Fannia sp. Phaoniinae * Helina hypopleiiralis, Mall, or near * Helina coerulescens, Stein. * Helina regina, Mai. or near * Rhynchomydaea (Hardyia) carinata, Stein or near * Muscina stabulans, Meig. Lepidoptera F : Oecoi)horidae * Unidentified spec’es Hymenoptera F : Alvsiidae 1 unidentified species F : Figitidae 1 unidentified species F3 : Formicidae Unidentified species 6. RELATIONS OF INSECTS TO THEIR ENVIRONMENT AND TO> EACH OTHER. These may be outlined as follows ; — ). Those which do not live in the cake itself but use it as food, blowflies. Coprine beetles. 2. Predators on duns: insects with no closer reiationsh’p to the dnng- Tho.se iisiially remain on the outside of the cake, cxy., Dolichopo- (lids, Creophiius erythrocephalus^ and ants. 3. Those which live in or on the dung, but subsist on the fungal growths which it supports. Probably the minute Collembola frequent- ing dung have this habit, although their small size renders the elucidation of this point very difficult. 4. Insects, the larval stages of which live in and feed upon dung while the adults have other feeding habits, e.g., some Sarco- phagids and probably Neoexaireta spinigera. 5. Insects which are predatory themselves or have predatory larvae- and of which the whole life history is passed within the dung, e.g., Oxgtelus, Leptanmis, Cryptobium, Saprinus, and Platysoma. Reared from cow dung. 224 G. J. Snowball. 6. Insects which use the dung as a shelter, e.g., Pentatomida, Dermap- tera, and Tenebrionids, the association of which with the rest of the cow dung population is only of the most casual nature. Ants are in this class but they are also predatory. 7. The true dung insects, which are coprophagous and pass through their entire life history in the dung, e.g., the Aphodii. Owing to a doubt concerning the food of the larvae of the Cercyons, it is not known whether they can be classed here. 8. Parasites of dung-living larvae, e.q., Aiysiids and Figitids. 7. NOTES ON THE INSECTS ASSOCIATED WITH COW DUNG AT CRAWLEY. Order l—COLLEMBOLA. Myriads of minute blue insects belonging to the Hypogastruridae occur in and on dung during the winter, June to August. Large numbers occur in any stage of the dung providing it has remained fairly moist. The wdiole life history can apparently be passed through in cow dung. Eggs are fairly common in the dung, most noticeably so in June. Some brought into the laboratory in June, 1941, hatched in twelve days, but the insects were not raised to maturity. At times, parts of first and second stage -dungs in the field are almost wdiite with the exuviae of these tiny insects. Order 2— DERMAPTERA. Unidentified specimens of Labiduroid Dermaptera are occasionally -shelterers under cow dungs in the field. The association with the dung appears .to be nothing more than casual. Order 3— ORTHOPTERA. Tettigoniid nymphs are sometimes found sheltering under old cow dung, •while a Cylindracheta species found at Crawdey is apparently capable of a truly coprophagous habit, since two specimens lived for some weeks on a diet .of pure COW’ dung. Order 4— HEMIPTERA. At Katanning in August, 1941, a number of Pentatomids w’ere collected in crevices of very old fifth stage dungs wLich they used as a shelter only. The same is true of Coccid nymphs found under old dungs at Spearw’ood, Western Australia, in April, 1941. Order 5— COLEOPTERA. F. 1. CARABIDAE. Promecoderus albanyensis, Cast. Specimens of this wingless beetle occur under cow’ dung at Crawley. It is presumably predaceous but its timidity has so far prevented observation of its habits. The larvae of unidentified Carabs are also common under, and more rarely in, dung cakes. One was kept alive during August and September, 1941, on a diet of Sepsid i . 1 Sciarid larvae, but died before pupating. F. 2. HYDROPHILIDAE. The genus Cercyon contains both aquatic and terrestrial species, many of the latter being inhabitants of dung, Stephens (1839) having described A Consideration op the Insect Population Associated WITH Cow Dung at Crawley^ W.A. 225 42 species with this habit. Sphaeridium, a coprophagous genus wliich I iiave not seen recorded from Australia, is associated with Cercyon in both England and Prance, especially in cow dung (Lacordaire, 1854), and in Ceylon and Japan aquatic species of both occur (Sharp, 1884, 1890). Cercyon haemorrhoidalis. Fab. This introduced species is represented at both Crawley and Katanning by two easily separated varieties. One is most numerous between November and June (PI. 1, Fig. 1), the other between Juno and November, both being present all the year round. The species occurs also in carrion, decaying grass, and horse manure. With the Aphodiines, Staphylinids, and Histerids, they arrive at the dung soon after dropping, tlie odour being apparently the attracting stimulus. At first they congregate on the under surface or in the natural cracks of the dung. From these vantage points the work of penetration begins. The adults are coprophagous, and tunnelled out dung is eaten, since no waste is found outside infested cakes. The area of penetration is peripheral at first, then the insects concentrate on the upper surface. Many dungs are found with an almost unaltered' core, though the superficial layers are completely penetrated underneath the firm outer crust which is pierced by numerous holes. Under favourable conditions of fine days anti high temperatures cakes may be riddled into a bran-like mass in a single day. Whore heavy rain has fallen or low temperatures prevail, the process of penetration may bo greatly slowed down, and may not even occur to any extent at all. The specimens of Cercyon haonorrhoidalis run into dark places only when a dung is disturbed, and are otherwis(> tolerant of light. The beetles leave the dung after a varying period, which is generally from four to fourteen days. It may be mucli longer and fluctuates con- siderably from cake to cake under identical external conditions. During this period, which is one of tro])liic activity, eggs are deposited, since larvae begin to appear in the third stage dung. I have not been able to isolate tlie eggs of the species in spite of the larvat> being fairly plentiful. Numbers of females caged with dung in tlie laboratory died without oviposition, yet dissection showed their ovaiies contained numerous oocytes. Exactly what the legless mandibulate larva (PI. l,Fig. 2) feeds on is a problem. The gut contains a translucent reddish-brown lk|uid full of oil globules which cannot certainly be recognised as a derivative of cow dung. Development occupies approximately 10 to 14 days in pure cow dung. Pupation generally occurs in the dung itself in a small cavity excavated by the propupa near to the outer surface. Wluu'o the dung lias remained very moist, pupation may occur in the sand below the dung. No cocoon of any sort is formed. The jiuj^ae are of the usual exarate coleopterous type and, like many other white or yi'llow immature stages of insects, is negatively phototropic. The pupal period was observi'd to range from three days in April (18° C.) to II days in .September (18-9° C'.). The life cycle from egg to adult took less than 29 days at temperatures from 13*9° C. to 10-1° C. in September anti October, 1941. 220 G. J. Snowball. There is an indefinite number of pjonerations per year, as larvae and pupae occiu- in numbers at Crawley for most of the year except for a marked pause in June and July, when only occasional ones are found. Owing to the com- paratively short diiration of stages suitable to Cercyon larvae, a second genera- tion never develo])s in any one dung cake. Cercyon nigriceps, Marsh. This small species is associated with C. haemorrhoidalis at Crawley and Katanning, though always in small numbers. Its life history and habits are similar to those of its larger relation. ? Paracymus, sp. A number of small beetles taken in cow dung at Crawley in April, 1941, probably belong to this genus. Their rarity indicates that they are of little importance in the dung community. F. 3. STAPHYLINIDAE. Creophilus erythrocephalus. Fab. On warm days at most times of tlie year specimens of this beetle gather on fresh dung cakes to catch Sepsids and llorborids attracted to it. Usually they remain on the outside of the cake, but may retreat into cracks if dis- turbed, or oven hollow out cavities on its lower surface. According to Fuller (1934) they attack immature stages of sheep blowflies breeding in carrion, without appearing in sufficient numbers to have much effect on the maggot population of a carcass. This is also true of the dung cake, as rarely more than six specimens will be found on the one pad, which means that only a small percentage of the myriads of flies whicli foregather are destroyed. C, erythrocephalus rarely remains after tlie decline in number of flies consequent on the formation of a superficial crust on the cake. Because of this it is not known whether it will attack dung-inhabiting larvae. Philonthus, sp. An unidentified species of tliis genus is occasionally found in small numbers, usually in second or third stage cow dung. It is more numerous in decaying grass. Fuller (1934) states that P. Folitus, Linn, eats eggs and young larval blowflies in carrion. The genus is common in England, where four species are recorded by Stephens (1939), mostly in dung, and it is repre- sented in New Zealand (Broun, 1880). Leptacinus socius, Fauv, This species, which is presumably predaceous on small Dipterous larvae, is present in numbers less than the Cercyons throughout the year in cow dung of all stages, mainly in the first and third. It was not seen at Katanning in August, 1941. Although Staphylinid eggs and larvae arc common in fourth stage dung, attempts to obtain adults failed. The larvae of Leptacinus socius may leave the dung to pupate because in September, 1941, pupae were found in the sand under an 81 day old dung kept in the laboratory since dropping. Dung from Armadale collected in March, 1941, contained a pupa (PI, 1, Fig. 3) of this beetle actually in the dung itself. The pupal period under laboratory conditions was found to be in the region of 26 days at an average temperature of 13-9° C. in September, 1941. A Consideration op the Insect Population Associated WITH Cow Dung at Crawley^ W.A. 227 Cryptobium elegans, BJkb. This species is associated with L. socius^ but nothing of its life history is known. The genus is represented by 20 species in England, 19 of which live in dung and similar material (Stephens, 1839). Oxytelus, sp. Several unidentified species are numerous in cow dung, sometimes greatly exceeding Leptacinus and Cryptobium in numbers. They are among the first to colonise freshly dropped dung, especially if it has been scattered in a number of shallow pieces. They also occur in numbers in carrion. In northern Australia they may play a part in reducing the incidence of the Buffalo Fly (Lyperosia exigua, de Meij) by competing with its larvae in cow dung (Mackerass, 1932). The only immature stage seen was a single exarate piipa in September, 1941, in the sand under dung, three months old, kept in the laboratory since dropping. F. 4. SILPHIDAE. Only two specimens, probably belonging to Choleva sp., were collected from third stage cow dung at Crawley in March, 1941, and hence the family is unimportant in the succession. Two species of Choleva occur in carrion (Fuller, 1934). F. 5. TRICHOPTERYGIDAE. At Crawley, species near Epoptia and Philagarica in cow dung in all stages, especially in the fourth if it is not too dry. Their habits are not kno\vn. The family is best represented in the tropics, occurring in rubbish, leaves,, under bark or in rotten wood (Lefroy, 1923). F. 6 . HISTERIDAE. Members of this family are present in cow dung at Crawley between October and May, although they are found in carrion and decaying grass at other seasons of the year. SAPRINUS. Two species of this genus occur in cow dung of which only one, S. incisus Er., has been identified. Both exhibit a preference for fresh cow dung and tolerate excess moisture better than do the Hydrophilids. They never remain in the dung beyond the third stage, which is the one containing the majority of their prey, larvae of Sepsids, Drosophilids, and probably Borborids. Small quantities of dung are also eaten. Three larvae were found in fourth stage dung brought from Armadale to St. George’s Col- lege in March, 1941. One of those subsequently pupated ; the adult emerging after three wrecks at an average temperature of 18° C. The genus Saprinus, like other insects in decaying materials, is widespread. Species of it occur in England (Stephens, 1839), New' Zealand (Broun, 1880), and in carrion at Canberra (Fuller, 1934). PLATYSOMA. One specimen of P. ? nmltistriatmv , Lea, w'as collected in second stage cow dung on 4th March, 1941. Stephens (1839) describes three species in England all under bark. 228 G. J. Snowball. HIST R. H. walkeri, Lew,, is the largest of the dung-frequenting beetles at Crawley. It is most numerous from October to April. It is frequently found in quiescent state in the moist sand below a cake and is not often found inside. In this it differs from coenosus, which in Haiti is such an efficient predator on Muscoid maggots in fresh moist dung that Myers (1938) has recommended its intro- duction into Australia as a possible control of the Buffalo Fly. The local species is also predatory on maggots. It probably takes up its ■characteristic position in order to catch maggots which come to pupate on the lower surface of the cake. Unlike Saprinus, it may occur with fourth stage dung. Hister is represented in England and New Zealand. F. 7. NITIDULIDAE. One specimen of Carpophilus heniipterus^ Linn., which in California is an important pest of fresh and dried figs (Simmons, Reed, McGregor, 1931), was collected from second stage dung in September, 1940. If duo to anything but chance, its presence indicates a considerable departure from the usual habits of the species. In April, 1940, two specimens of ? Brachypeplus sp. were also found in dung of the same stage. F. 8. COLYDIIDAE. Three specimens of Pahula dentata BIkb. were obtained from cow dung in April, 1941, The members of the family are generally found in leaf mould, decaying w^ood or under bark (Tillyard, 1926). F. 9. PTINIDAE. In May, 1941, a single specimen of ? Ptinus sp. was found in a dry, bleached fifth-stage pad. Its presence, if not merely forti itor.s, adds yet another food material to the remarkable list given for the family by Esdaile (1927)— farina- ceous matter, drugs, books, tobacco, spices, pepper, and w^ood. F. 10. SCARABAEIDAE. APHODIUS. Aphodius lividus Oliv. This species has a w’orld-wdde distribution (Schmidt, 1922). With Ataenius stercorator it is abundant in Puerto Rico, wfiiere the two eat so much of the fresh cow dung that the larvae of the Horn Fly (Lyperosia irritans) can scarcely live. (Observations quoted by Myers, 1938). Myers, liowever, states that in Haiti these beetles have little effect on the population density of tlie Horn Fly. A. lividus occurs in large numbers at Uvalde, Texas, U.S.A., wffiere 1,113 specimens have been collected from a single dropping (Lindquist, 1935). Though not yet finalised, sampling counts at Crawfiey indicate that greater numbers per cake are not unusual here. Stephens (1839) includes it in his list of fifty-seven English species of Aphodius, nearly all of which occur in dung. Boucomont (1929) reports its presence in dung in China. At Crawdey it forms a prominent part of the population of both horse and cow' dung and is present at Katanning. At Crawley it appears at and enters the dung shortly after dropping, leaving again at some time in the third stage. All feeding stages are coprophagous. A Consideration of the Insect Population Associated WITH Cow Dung at Crawley, W.A. 229 The actual information on the life history of A. lividus is slight and much of it must be conjectured. This is due to the slow growth of the larvae and the difficulty of handling them imder laboratory conditions. Eggs and larvae of Scarabs are numerous in cow dung at Crawley, but strangely enough most of them are those of Proctophanes sculptus Hope, the adults of w’hich are much fewer in number than those of A. lividits. Scarab eggs are common in fourth stage dung from February to August. Eggs have been kept in the laboratory up to 11 days before liatching. This represents less than the minimum egg period since none were actually col- lected immediately after laying. Altho\igh Scarab larvae are adapted to the firm, rusty-brown dung of the fourth stage, they sometimes occur in the moister, ■fresher dung of the third. The life history period from the egg to the emergence of the adult was foimd to be as short as 45 days during March (average temperature 20*6° C.) and April (18*6° C.), 1941. Three larvae which pupated in April emerged in May after pupal periods of fourteen to sixteen days. It seems that under cer- tain circumstances the period of development from the egg to the adult can be considerably shorter than that of A. tasmaniae, which is approximately one year (Swan. 1934). Lindquist (1935) estimated the life history period of A. lividus to be 25 to 45 days at Uvalde, U.S.A. under laboratory conditions. Pupation usually occurs in the sand below the dung., the pupa (PI. 1, Fig. 4) being unprotected by any cocoon structure. It is probable that the species breeds in other media besides cow dung, •since the larvae seen were very few compared with the large number of adults. Aphodius insignior, Blkb, Blackburn (1904) erected this species from specimens taken near the Swan River, and Schmidt (1922) only gives Western Australia as its area of distribu- tion. No representatives were found at Katanning in August, 1941. At Crawley they show a remarkable seasonal distribution. Up till June, 4, 1941, no speci- mens had been collected since August, 1940. On that date one specimen was discovered in a second stage cow dung. On 16th June, following rain, myriads appeared, swarming in fresh dung near tlie Biology Department. They prac- tically excluded all other beetles and burrow'ed even into the most liquid cakes. The large numbers were maintained until the end of July when a decline set in. By 30th August they liad again disappeared. This appearance in large numbers suggests that A. insignior has a life history similar to 'that of A. tasmaniae j which has an annual emergence of adults over a short period of the year. As no immature stages of A. insignior have so far been found, this must remain conjectural for the present. The species exhibits a marked preference for fresli, greenish dung on which it feeds freely. The beetles are exceedingly tolerant of moist conditions, which gives them a considerable advantage over other insects in colonising cakes. When inside the dung or on it they habitually associate in pairs. Hanging on to the prothorax of the female with its forelegs, the male is carried round on her back and requires considerable persuasion to dismount. This habit is no doubt a prelude to mating, though actual copulation has not been observed . A. insignior rarely remains on the dung beyond the second stage. 230 G. J. Snowball. Aphodius granarius, Linn. This world-wide species is present botli at Crawley and Katanning in horse and cow dung. Its small numbers preclude its being of much importance in the succession. Aphodius ambiguus, Bohexn. Also kno^\^l as A.frenchi Blkb, this species is widely distributed in Africa and Australia (Lea, 1923). Its importance in the dung community v^aries greatly at Crawley and Katanning. At Crawley, specimens are most numerous in the period May to August, the total range being from mid-April to October. Their numbers are always far short of those of A . lividus or G. haemorrlioidalis* Tliey aj^pear beneath the fresh dung, where they remain until the majority of the other dung-invading beetles have left. By this time the dung has usually attained the fourth stage. The beetles then commence to migrate inside. This well marked succession of the species to the others is a feature of the winter cycle in dung. In many cases they remain c^uiescent on the lower surface without entering the dung. While they have never been seen feedings the gut contents indicate that dung forms the staple food. At Crawley they also frequent rotting bark, carrion, and decaying grass. At Katanning in August, 1941, a different state of affairs was seen. In- stead of being in the minority, they far exceeded all the other dung-frequenting beetles in number. As at Crawley, they tended to remain on the low^er surface of cakes of all stages though numbers had penetrated even into fresh dung. Nothing is known of the life history of A. awbiguus in spite of the presence of numerous females vith well-developed oocytes in their ovaries. Possibly some of the Scarab larvae found in the cow dung belong to this species. Proctophanes sculptus, Hope. This bulky beetle occurs all the year round at Crawley, becoming most numerous in the period May to August. Its position in the succession is difficult to estimate as it frequently occurs associated with A. ambiguus but also singly in very fresh and more rarely in dry fifth stage dung. Both larvae and adults are coprophagous. Owing to the length of the life history and the fierce competition offered by Sciarid larvae under laboratory conditions, the information on it has been collected only from a few cases. Seven specimens were reared from the egg during the period June to November, 1941, and the length of the period from hatching to emergence of the adult ranged from 97 to 157 days. The eggs, which are scattered singly in fourth stage dung, hatch about 12 days after laying. The pupal period is approximately three weeks, the pupae being found in the sand under the dung. The lar\'al period is thus shorter than that of Aphodius tasmaniae (Swan, 1934), which takes from April to De- cember. The larvae Proctophanes may remain in a quiescent non-feeding state for as long as 48 days prior to pupation. Ataenius ? inTegricollis, Lea. In August, 1940, three specimens were collected in cow dung at Crawley,, the species having been described from Queensland (Lea, 1923B). Specimens of an unidentified species of Ataenius, two at Crawley in December, 1941, and one at Dog Swamp, Tuart Hill in January, 1942, were taken from cow dung. According to Blackburn (1904) tlie Australian species of Ataenius are probably numerous. Considerably more of them came to his notice than all the described A Consideration of the Insect Population Associated ■WITH Cow DunCi at Crawley^ W.A. 231 Apliodii of Australia at the time of writing: his papei’. In view of this state- ment and the association of species of Ataenius with Aphodius Uvidus in other parts of the world (Myers, 1938 ; Lindquist, 1935), the i)aucity of Ataenii at Crawley is surprising. None were found at Katanning in August, 1941. Sub. Family COPRINAE. Although they play no part in the succession in cow dung, Chprine dung beetles are of inten^st because of their habits, whicli have made them the subject of study from the earliest times. The ancient Egyptians regarded the manipulations of circular dung pellets by ScarahaeMS sacer as a symbol of the revolution of the planets, and its periodic appearance and disap])carance as a sign of eternal life. Tlie Coprinao utilise dung as food for themselves and their larvae without actually living in it. This interesting grouj) is not as well represented in Australia as elsewhere and the species in general are smaller (Lea, 1923A). The chief Western Australian genus is Onthophagus, which contains 10 English species found in dung (Stephens, 1839), while Lea (1923A) lists 102 Australian, of which two, O. nitidor Blkb. and O. australis Guer., fre(]uent carrion at Canberra (Fuller, 1 934). One specimen only has been found at Crawley, but 0. ferox has been taken at Belmont and Clanunont, while in the country it occurs at Katanning and at Capel. Onthophagus ferox digs vertical shafts in close proximity to or under cakes of dung. At about a depth of four inches the direction changes to the hori- zontal, the resulting passage being about three inches long. In the blind end of this the store of dung is placed. Fresh pig, sheep, cow or horse dung is used and stored in the form of scraps, not moulded into pellets. The excavator of the tunnel is usually found at the bottom of the vertical shaft during the day, the digging apparently being performed at night. There was no indication that the beetles work in pairs as is the case with Copris lunaris (Wheeler, 1922). The presence of Onthophagus is indicated by piles of turned-up earth round the edges of dung cakes. F. 11. ANTHICIDAE. In March, 1941, two specimens oi AnthicMS hesperi. King, were collected from cow dung at Crawley. This maintains the relationship between carrion and dung insects, since A . hoejeri, Kerg. is a carrion insect at Canbt^rra (Fuller, 1934). F. 12. TENEBRIONIDAE. Gonocephahim arenarium, Fab. and Adelium scytallicum. Base., are ])resent at Crawley as shelterers under old, drk'd liftli stag(i cow dungs. Order ti^DIPTERA. F. I. PSYCHODIDAE. These tiny moth-like flies are commonly associated with decaying veg(‘tablo matter, dung or water. Some species of Psychoda breed in drain i)ipes, the larvae being able to survive hot water and soap (Curran, 1934). The family is widespread. Pertcoma has been bi'c'd from horse and cow dung in Denmark (Thomsen & Hammer, 1930), Psychoda 'minuta from cow dung at Washington (Howard, 1912). Two species of Psychoda frefjuent carrion at Canlx'rra (Fuller, 1934). The economic imjDortance in Australia is negligible apart from occasional nuisance caused by large numbers getting into exposed food material. 232 G. J. Snowball. At Crawley there appeared to be two species of Psychoda, a common grey one and a rarer wliite. From May to October the larvae, pupae, and adults of grey species occur on and in soft, moist, first to third stage cakes, especially those in the shade. Botli larvae (PL 1. Fig, 5) and pupae have respiratory siphons which are apparently responsible for the high moistiire toleration. At the time of pupation the larvae come to the surface. The cracks of a cake may bo packed tight vith the naked pupae. The total time of life history from egg to emergence of adult was 6|- days in September, 1941 (average temperature, 13*9° C.). Tlie Psychodidae breed in fresher dung than the Sciaridae and con- sequently precede them in the succession. In the same stage dung as Psycho- did lar^-ae and pupdC, Sepsid and Drosophilid larva occur, followed later by Cercyon larvae. F. 2. SCIARIDAE. # Though small flies belonging to Sciara sp. infest dung in the laboratory, they are not numerous in the field. The genus Sciara is world-wide, having been recorded from Korth and South America, Africa, Southern Asia, and Kew Zealand (Skuse, 1889). Tonnoir (1929) estimated the number of de- scribed species of Sciara and those in collections in Australia, at 63. They can breed in a wide range of organic materials. Fuller (1934). records them from carrion. The author has bred them from rotting bark and decaying tea leaves. Almost any vegetable detritus which is moist and not exposed to intensities of light or strong air currents seems to suffice. The comparative rarity of these conditions at Crawley^ accounts for the small numbers of Sciara sp. in the field. They breed in late fourth stage dungs- more or less sheltered and practically devoid of other insects. The larvae (PI, 1, Fig. 6) feed on dung which they comminute into a. black powder only held together by moisture. This habit and their large numbers render them a great obstacle to the successful rearing of Scarab, larvae in the laboratory. There are intlications that they^ vill even attack and consume Scarab pupae. Pupation occurs in the dung v ithout formation of a pupal cell or cocoon. The pupa has no respiratory processes, thougli these do occur in some species- of Sciara ((.'sten Sacken, 1862). The j^uipal period \aries froii' two to five days. Copulation takes place at an early stage, sometimes before the wings of the participants are properly iinfolde Chapman (1931) divides animal successions into passive and active according to the part played by the animals concerned. Though less so than that in carrion, the succession in cow dung is of the active type since the insects do affect their environment. Volume for volume cow dung supports a smaller poj3ulation tlian carrion. This is due to the less powerful odour which is the primary attracting stimulus, the less nutritious nature of the dung itself , and in the case of flies the comparatively short time during which it is a suitable medium for oviposition owing to the early formation of a more or less impervious crust. All these factors result in a less well-defined succes- sion tlian occurs in carrion. As has been indicated previously, there is a correlation between the type of insect in carrion and that in dung, many species being common to both habitats. Nevertheless, each substance has its own characteristic insects physiologically adapted to it with only a casual association with the other. Jllowflies visit cow dung but their life history is bound up with carrion. In the same way, Cercyons are sometimes found on carrion yet they are character- istic cow dung insects. Both in carrion and cow dung are insects which either have a wide dis- tribution themselves, e.gr., Aphodius lividus, Cercyon haemorrhoidalis, or have closely allied species in other parts of the world, e.g.. Sepsis plebeia This is to be expected, as neither carrion nor faecal matter is subject to geo- graphical variation. 10. THE ECONOMIC IMPORTANCE OF INSECTS FOUND IN COW DUNG. The primary sheep blowflies Callipliora australis Boisd, C. nociva Hardy, and Lucilia cuprina Wied., have only a casual association with various species of Sarcophaga, are secondary sheep blowflies, and some of these breed in cow dung, though the importance of this material to the flies as a breeding sub- stance is not known. Musca domestica Linn, prefers other breeding nidi, and no evidence has been seen that Stomoxys calcitrans Linn., which occurs in numbers in Perth, ever frequents dung at Crawley. Research in various parts of the world has showm that cow dung is among the least favoured of the breeding media of this fly. Musca vetustissima Walker is a common pest in Perth on man and cattle. Cow dung is an important source of the fly here, especially that dropped in swampy situations. Rhynchoniydaea carmata Stein and the species of Helina associated with cow dung at Crawley are not domestic insects, nor have they, as far as is known, any habits rendering them objectionable to man. Muscina stabidans Fallen is not abundant at Crawley. In any event, cow dung is only one of a large number of breeding materials utilised by this fly. In South Australia and Tasmania, two Aphodiines, which normally feed on dung, have come under notice because their lavae have been found damag- ing pastures and lawns (Swan, 1934 ; Evans, 1941). These are Aphodius howittiy Hope, and A. tasynaniae^ Hope, neither of which has been collected at Crawley. No complaints have been received by the Department of Agri- culture against any local species in this connection. When L. J. Newman, in 1929, succeeded in rearing Lyperosia exigua de Mcij., the Buffalo fly on cow dung under midwinter conditions in Perth, with- out the application of artificial heat, it was feared that this pest might be introduced in the dairying regions in the southern part of the State. Pre- cautions against this possibility in the form of sprajdng cattle before they left North-West jiorts were introduced (Tcoj^, 1931). The fly has not been reported in the South-West, nor has any sign of it been seen at Crawley. A Consii)p:ratiox of tup: Insect Population Associated WITH Cow Dung at Crawley, W.A. 243 The typical dung insects — Sepsids, Hydroplhlids, Aphodiines, etc., all ])lay their part as scavengers in getting I’id of wast(‘ material, but the actual evaluation of the economic importance of tliis ])art is practically impossible. AC^KNOWLEDGMENTS. The writer wishes to express his indebtedness and gratitude to the follow- ing, while absolving them from any responsibility regarding statements of opinion by the writer : — Professor O. E. Nicholls for general lielp and guid- ance ; Dr, A. J. Nicholson for suggesting the nature of the problem studied ; Mr. K. C. McKeown and officials of the Australian Museum, Sydney, for the identification of the Coleoptera ; Mr. G. H. Hardy for the identification of most of the Diptera ; Mr. J, H. Perkins for the identification of Sepsidae and Borboridae ; tlie Officers of tlie Entomological Ih'anch of the W.A. De- partment of Agriculture for their co-operation ; Dr. G. A. Currie and Mr. K. R. Norris for advice on various aspects of the problem. REEERENCPiS. Austen, E. E. (1928). — The House Fly, 3rd. ed., Brit. Mus. Bcon., Series No. lA. (Reference not seen, quoted by Thomsen & Hammer, 1936). Blackburn, Rev. T. (1904). — Proc. Roy. Soc. Vic., Vol. XVII. (New Series), Part 1, Sept., 1904. Boucomont, A. (1929). — Linguan Science Journal, Vol. 7, June, 1929. “ A List of the Coprophagous Coleoptera of China.” Broun, T. (1880). — Manual of N.Z. Coleoptera, Parts 1-7, 1880-1893 {Colonial Museum and Geol. Survey Dept.). Parts 1-4 [N.Z. Institute, Parts 5-7). Chapman, R. N. (1931). — Animal Ficology (McGraw Hill). Cleland, J. B. (1913). — “ Insects and their relationships to disease in Man in Australia.” Trans. Aust. Med. Congress (Sydney, 1911), 9, 1913, pp. 548-570 (Reference not seen, quoted, by Johnston & Bancroft, 1920). C.S.I.R. (1933). — Pamphlet 37 and N.S.W. Dept, of Ag. Sc. Bulletin No. 40, “ The Sheep Blowfly Problem in Australia.” Report No. 1 by Joint Blowfly Committee. Curran, G. H. (1934). — The Families and Genera of North American Diptera. Davidson, J. (1937). — Austr. Jour. Exp. Bio. and Med. Sci., Vol. 15, The Temperature- Developmental Curve of L. exigua in relation to its probable distribution in Australia. Esdaile, P. (1927). — Economic Biology for Students of Social Science. Part 1 — Harmful and Useful Animals. Evans, J. W. (1941). — Tas. Jotirn. of Agric., Feb., 1941 ; De])t. of Agric., Vol. XII. (New Series), No. 1. Fuller, M. E. (1934). — C.S.I.R. Bulletin No. 82, “The Insect Inhabitants of Carrion, A Study in Animal Ecology.” Graham, S. A. (1925). — The Felled Tree Trunk as an Ecological Unit. Ecology 16 : 347 (Reference not seen, quoted by Fuller, 1934). Hardy, G. H. (1938). — Proc. Roy. Soc. QM., Vol. L., “ Notes on Australian Muscoidea IV.” Howard, L. O. (1912). — The House Fly, Disease Carrier. Imms, A. D. (1938). — A General Textbook of Entomology. Johnston & Bancroft (1919). — Proc. Roy. Soc. Qld., Vol. XXXI, 1919 (20), pp. 181-203, “ Life History of Musca australis and M. vetustissima. Johnston & Bancroft (1920). — Proc. Roy. Soc. Qld., Vol. XXXIl., 1920. The Life History Habronema in relation to M. domestica and native species in Queensland. Lacordaire, T. (1854). — Histoire Naturelle, Genera des Coleopteres. Tome Premier. Lea, A. M. (1923A). — Reeds. S. Aus. Museum, Vol. 11, No. 3, 1923. Australian Dung Beetles of Sub. F. (-oprides (four plates). Lea, A. M. (1923B). — Proc. Roy. Soc. Pic., Vol. XXVI. (New Series), Part 1, Sept., 1904. Lefroy, M. (1923). — Manual of Entomology. Lindquist, A. (1935). — Circular 351, U.S. Dept, of Agric. “ Notes on Coprophagous beetles and methods of rearing them.” Mackerass, I. M. (1932). — C.S.I.R. Journ., 1932, Vol. 5, No. 4. “ A note on the occurrence of Hydrotea australis in N. Aus.” Malloch, j. R. (1925A). — Proc. Linn. Soc. N.S.W. , Vol. 50, Part IV. “ Notes on Australian. Diptera, Part VII.” Malloch, J. R. (1925B). — Proc. Linn. Soc. APiSMF., Vol. 50, Part II. “ Notes on Australian Diptera, Part VI.” 244 G. J. Snowball. Malloch, J. R. (1925C).~P/-or. Linn. Hoc. .V..S'jr., Vol. 50. Part 2. “ Notes on Australian Diptera, Part V.” Myers, J. G. {1938}.— Jowr«. C.H.I.R., Feb., 1938. “ Report on Natural Enemies of the Horn Fly (Lyperosia irritans) in Haiti.’' Muirhead Thomson, R. 0. (1937).— Para, sMor/y, Vol. XXIX., No. 3. “Observations on the Biology and Larvae of the Anthomyidae.” Osten Sacken. C. R. (1862).— Pror. Fnt. Hoc. Pliiladelphia, 1862. “ Characters of the Larvae of the Mycetophilidae.” Patton & Cragg (1913). — Textbook of ^Medical Entomology. Schmidt, Adolf (1922).— Has Tierreich, Coleoptera, Aphodiinae. Sharp, H. (1884). — Trans. Ent. Hoc. London, 1884. “The 'Water Beetles of Japan ” pp. 439-464. “ Revision of Hydrophilidae of N.Z.,” pp. 465-480. Sharp, H. (1890). Trans. Ent. Hoc. Lond., 1890. “On some aquatic Coleoptera of Japan” Simmons, P., Reed, W. H., McGregor, E. A. {\m\).—U.H. Dept, o fAqric. Circ. 157, April 1931. ■■ Fig Insects in C'alifornia.” Skuse, F. A. A. (1889).— Pror. Linn. Hoc. N.H.W., Vol. 3. “ Hiptera of Aus., Part 2— Sciari- dae.” Spry, W^, and Shuckard, •\\\ (1840).— The British Coleoptera Delineated. Stephens, J. F. (1839). — A Manual of British Coleoptera. Swan D. C. (1934).— Jowtk. of Agric. of H. Aus., Vol. 37, 1149-1156. “ A Scarab Beetle (Aphodius tasmaniae Hope) destructive to ])astures in S.E. of S. Australia.” Thomsen & Hammer (1936). — Bull. Ent. Research, XX\TI. “ The breeding media of some common flies.” Tillyard, R. J. (1926).— The Insects of Australia and N.Z. Toop, C. R. (1933).— Measures for the Prevention of Spread of the Buffalo Fly. Journ. Dept. Ague. W .A., Dec., 1931, Xo\. 8 (2nd Series), No. 4. Dvarov, B. P. (1928). — Locusts and Grasshoppers. Warburton, C. (1909). — Cambridge Natural History, Vol. IV. Crustacea and Arachnids. Wheeler, W. M. (1922). — Social Life of Insects. Wheeler, W. M. (1926). — Ants. Williston, S. M. (1908). — Manual of North American Diptera. EXPLANATION OF PLATE 1. Fig. 1. — Cercyon liaemorrhoidalis Fab. Variety 1. Ventral view of Adult. Fig. 2. — Cercyon haemorrhoidalis Fab. Dorsal view of Mature Larva. Fig. 3. — Lepiacinus socius Fauv. Lateral view of Pupa. Fig. 4. — Aphodius lividus Oliv. Ventral view of Pupa. Fig. 5.. — Psychoda sp. ^’^entral view of Larva. Fig. 6. — Hciara sp. Partially dorsal view of Larva. Fig. 7. — ? RJiegmoclema sp. Lateral view of Larva. Fig. 8. — ? Rhegmoclema sp. Lateral view of Pupa extracted from skin of last larval instar. Fig. 9. — Sepsis plebeia, de Meij. Kgg. Fig. 10. — Sepsis plebeia, de Meij. Lateral view of terminal segments of Larva. Fig. 11. — Chrysomyza aenea Fab. Lateral view of anterior region of nearly mature Maggot. Fig. 12. — Rhynchomydaea (Hardyia) carinata Stein or near. Posterior spiracles of second Larva. A CONSIDERATIOX OF THE INSECT POPULATION ASSOCIATED AviTH Cow Dung at Crawley, W.A. 245 4 The Essp:ntial Oils of the Westehn Australian Eucalvpts. 247 13.— THE ESSENTIAL OILS OF THE WESTERN AUSTRALIAN EUCALYPTS. Part VII. THE OIL OF EUCALYPTUS EBYTHRONEMA, TURCZ. Bv E. M. Watson, Ph. D. Read 9th June, 1942 ; published 28th March, 1944. EiicoJyptus crythronerna Turez. has been recorded as occurring along the Eastern Railway from Tammin to Southern Cross. North of Tammin, it is known at Wyalkatchem and Cow'cowing and, farther west and north-west, at Wongan Hills and Ballidu. It also occurs soutli of the railway, and the material used in this investigation was collected some 10 miles south-east of Merredin. It is a small tree, 12 to 18 feet high, or a malice with a bulbous stock and several erect stems. It grows in clay soil, usually associated -with E. saliihris and E. salmonophloia^ either in the malleo association fringing the woodland or in the woodland. The leaves are lanceolate, narrow^ lanceolate,, or falcate in shape, and are from tw'O inches to four inches long. The colour is a. dark and usually lustrous green, the venation of the cineole type and the- submarginal vein is removed from the edge. The lamina is copiously dotted, with oil glands. The bark is covered wdth a fine white talc-like powder which easily rubs off, leaving, in the older parts, a pinkish bark. Because of this; white powder on the stem and branches, it is commonly called the ‘‘ white mallee.” The wood is dark brown in colour, is very hard and susceptible to- termite attack, which, how'ever, is confined to the heart wood. The material used was collected by Mr. G. E. Brockw-ay of the ForestS' Department, towards the end of August, 1941. It was obtained from mallees on Avon Location 20751, about 10 miles south-east of Merredin, and its identity was confirmed by Mr. C. A. Gardner, Government Botanist. The air-dried terminal branches were steam distilled, the oil coming' over very rapidly. It w^as pale yellow in colour and had an irritating odour the yield a\’craged from 2*5 to 2-6 per cent, by weight. The physical con- stants of the oil are those of a typical cineole oil, and its solubility in alcohol shows a low proportion of terpenes. The crude oil itself contains over 70 per cent, of cineole. whilst the rectified oil contains 80 per cent, of cineole. Free acids and esters are present in only small amount, but alcohols, the greater- part of which is geraniol, make up more than 13 per cent, of the oil. Both, low' and high boiling aldeliydes are present, but in no great quantity. The rectified oil, boiling between 164° and 185°, is a very high grade- medicinal oil. It makes up over 80 per cent, of the oil, contains, as already stated, 80 per cent, of cineole, and (‘omplies wdth all the requirements of the British Pharmacopoeia for eucalyptus oil. It is colourless and has a very pleasant, non-irritating, camphoraceous odour. Although clearing for farming has probably removed appreciable quantities of this eucalypt, its commercial exploitation should still be possible.. Cultivation shoukl also be economically sound on account of the good yield of high grade oil obtainable from it. 248 E. M. Watson. EXPERIMENTAL. The oil distilled completely in three hours and the undried oil had the following pljysical properties at 20° (.!. : — Specific gravity, 0-923 ; refractive index, 1-406: specific rotation, -0-22°. Tt ^cas soluble in two volumes of 70 per cent, alcohol. Its acid A-aluc was 0-6 : its saponification values Avere : — Cold, 1-9 ; hot, 3-2, corresponding respectively to 0-07 per cent, of geran^ 1 acetate and 1 ■ 1 per cent, of total esters calculated as 012 ^ 20 ^ 2 - saponifi- cation values of the acetylat.ed oil \Aere : — Cold, 43-8 ; hot, 52-5, correspond- ing respectiA^ely to l]-r> per ceTit. of alcohols calciilated as geraniol and 13-5 per cent, of total alcohols calculated as CioHigO. The aldehyde content of the oil A\as 0-12 millimole per giam of oil, ec|iuA'alent to 1-8 ])er cent, of aldehydes calciilated as CJ 0 H 14 O. Tlio cineole content of the dried oil was 70-9 per cent. The usual colour reaetious for aromadendrene Avere obtained but the oil gave no reactions for ])inene or pliellandrene. The oil Avas redistilled and tlie follow ing fractions Avere separated : — Fraction. Boiling Amount Specific Re tract iA’e Specific Range. per cent. GraA’ity. Index. Rotation. 1 tqi to 160° 2-8 0-897 1-442 714-1° 2 16C°— 167° 11-75 0-901 1-462 + 16-1° 3 167°—-169° 11 -25 0-912 1-461 + 6-5° 4 169°— 176° 57-4 0-920 1-461 1-2° The folloAAing residue was further fractions separated fi’actionated under reduced pressure and til 5 80°— 90° /27 mmy. 2-2 0-959 1-480 —23-8° 6 90°— 110°/26mms. 6-0 0-967 1-494 —36-2° 7 110°— 120°/25 mms. 1-7 0-965 1-496 —19-7° As the initial boiling commenced, the formation of A\ hite insoluble material w^as noted and from the final residue 2-3 per cent, of AA'hite amorphous solid AA^as separated by addition of ether, folloAAed by filtration. Fraction 1 contained some Avater which was separated. This contained both aldehydes and free acids, the latter including butyric, probably A^aleric, and either or both formic and acetic acids. From this aqueous portion a small quantity of colourless crystals se]iarated. These crystals are neutral, soluble in alcohol, may be recrystallised from Avater, give no colour Avith ferric chloride, and melt at 145°. From the oily part of this fraction no re- actions for pineno were obtained. I'raction 2 contained 59-3 per cent, of cineole, A\ as colourless and pleasant- smelling, and bad cold and hot saponification A'alucs of 5-9 and 8-2 rcspect- iA^eJy. Fraction 3 was similar and contained 76-5 pei’ cent, of cineole, Avhilst Fraction 4 contained no less than 88-8 per cent, of cineole. The saponifica- tion values of these two fractions were respectively 2-2 and 2-9 (cold) and 3- 1 and 3-6 (liot). No crystalline nitrosito aars obtained from Fractions 2, 3, and 4. I’raction 5 was colourless and contained the greater part of tlie esters, haAnng cold and hot saponification A’alues of 56-6 and 63-9 respectively, corresponding to 20-8 and 22*4 per cent, of esters, calculated as Ci 2 R 20 ^ 2 - This fraction, as well as fractions 6 and 7, contained a small amount of aldehyde. Fractions 6 and 7 had cold saponification valaes of 19- 1 and 15-8 respect- ively and hot saponification values of 22-5 and 20-3. The Essential Oils of the Western Australian Eucalypts. 249 Fraction 7 (wliicli was pale yellow in colour) and the final residue both .gave a purple colouration with ferric chloride. Distillation of 150 grams of the oil gave 123 grams (82 per cent.) of oil, distilling between 164° and 185°. This oil contained 80 per cent, of cineole and had the following physical properties at 20° ; — Specific gravity, 0*918 ; refractive index, 1*461; specific rotation, -!-2*76°. It was soluble in two volumes of 70 per cent, alcohol. The requirements of the British Pharma- copoeia for eucalyptus oil are : — Cineole, not less than 70 per cent. ; specific gravity (15*5°/15*5°), 0*910 to 0*930; refractive index (20°), 1*458 to 1 *470 ; optical rotation, — 5° to +5° ; soluble in five volumes of 70 per cent, alcohol. The oil gave no reaction for phellandi'ene and, when tested for aldehydes by the Pharmacopoeial method, required 0*65 ml. of 0*5N alcoholic caustic alkali (B.P. fi.gure, not more than 2 ml.). The author is indebted to Mr. G. E. Brockway for the collection, and to Mr. C. A. Gardner for the identification of the material. Perth Technical College. General Index Ixxxix. GENERAL INDEX. Amphibolites, of Toodyay district Amphibolites, analyses Andalusite, Toodyay district Arthur River Aulosteges Aulosteges baracoodensis Aulosteges medlicottiarms Aulosteges spinosus ... Aulosteges tibeticus ... Aulosteges wangenheimi Aulosteges wolfcampensis Avonia Page ... 104, 111, 119 105 101, 129 13 11, 12, 32, 39, 40 7, 29, 32 ... 32, 35, 30 30 32, 35 S. 32, 33, 34 32 30 Ballythanna Hill Balmaningarra Barrabiddy Barragooda Pool Booker, F. Branxtonia Branxtonia typica Broili. F. 38, 40, i'o, 17, "l8, 20, 23, mom, r. ... ... ... ••• ••• ••• ••• ^ *•» ’ Bryozoa from the Upper Palaeozoic of Western Australia. A Revision of some pre- viously described species of Bryozoa from the Wandagee and Nooncanbah Series (Permian) of Western Australia Bullsbrook, fossil plants from 27 54 54 13 40 41 40 20 187 105 201 Calceola Calc-silicate rocks, of Toodyay district Callytharra Springs ... Cancrinella Capertree, N.S.W. Centropages australiensis, sp. nov. Chao, V. T Chapman, F. ... Chidlows Chonetella Chonetes Chonetinae Chonopectus ... {'hristmas Creek Homestead Chrome-muscovite, in Toodyay (piartzites Cladophlebis australis Climate of Western Australia Clothoda nobilis Cockburn Sound, Pelagic copejmds from Condra, G. F. Coniopteris hymenophylloides (^onoclypiis in North-West Australia Conoclypus westraliensis, .sp. nov. Coolkilya Pool (’ooper, G. A. (bpepods, Marine from Western Australia Copiapite Cordierite anthophyllite rocks C'ow Dung, Insect po]>ulation associated with at (,-rawley Crawley, Insect population associated with cow dung at 9 94, 118 1,3, 21, 30, 43 32 42 209 ... 10, 17, 20, 23, 25 13, 21, 22. 25 79 10 ... 9. 12 12 10. 11, 12, 53 50 91 201, 203 XXX. 140 209 8. 11. 40, 53 203 75 75 27, 47 4, 13 209 79 118 219 219 xe. General Index. Cretaceous, Lower, plants ... Gummingtonite, in schist, Toodyay district Page 201 100 Davidson, T Daviesella Diciyoclostuft ... Dictyoclostus callytharrensis, sp. nov. Dictyoclostus callytharrensis var. wadei Dictyoclostus gratiosus Dictyoclostus indicus Dictyoclostus semireiiculatus Dictyoclostus spiralis Diener, C. Dolerite, quartz of Toodyay district Dolerite, quartz, analysis ... Douglas, J. A. Dun, W. S Dunbar, C. 0. Dung, Insects associated with cow ... ... 30, 31, 45 10 , 12 9, 12 4, 13, 19 16, 19 17 4 29 18 11, 18, 20, 21, 23 125 127 23 21. 27 8, 11, 40, 53 219 Echinoidea Eighty-mile beach. Ecological notes on the vegetation of Elatocladus Elatocladus pla-na Embioptera of Western Australia, Revision of Eragrostis epipoda Etheridge, jr. R 13, 21, 22, 23, 27, 32, 39, 40, 42, 43, Etheridgina Etheridgina muirwoodae, sp. nov. Essential Oils of the Western Australian Eucalypts. Part \’TI. Eiwalyptus erythronema, oil of Eulvsites, rocks related to 5, 46 47, 75 157 201 204 139 155 54, 56 40. 52 54 ... 247 ... 247 113, 115 10, Fenestrellina affiuensa Fenestrellina cacuminatis, sp. nov. Fenestrellina columnaris, sp. nov. Fenestrellina disjecta, sp. nov Fenestrellina horologia Fenestrellina lennardi, sp. nov Fenestrellina ruidacarinata, sp. nov. Fenestrellina valentis, sp. nov Fibroferrite and Copiapite from Yetai' Spring. Foord, A. H. Fossil Cliff Fredericks. G. near C lidlows 9,' 13, 2 188 171 170 168 167, 189 171 169 169 79 22,47 27, 43. 46, 51, 52 2, 5, 29. 35 Gascoyne River Gedrite, in schist. Toodyay district (rigantella Gingin. fossil plants from ... Girty, H Glass Mts., Texas Glauert, L. Gnarrea Pool Gneiies, granitic, analyses ... Gneiss, granitic, of Toodyay district Gold, in Toodyay ilistrict ... (b’anite, and related rocks of Toodyay district Gray, J. E. ... Greger. I). K. Grossularite, Toodyay Grill lerite. Toodyay ... 22 !!! 100 12 201-7 32 8 13, 21. 22, 27 24 no. 123 107. 114 129 124 9 53 95 117 Oenkral Index xo\. Hamlet, B. ... Helmersen, G. Heteralosia Heteralosia slocomi ... Hill, C Hornblende schist, Toodyay district Hornblende schist, analyses Hosking, L. V. Page 17, 18 32 12, 40, 41 41 47. 50 104, 111 105 13. 15, 22, 27, 30. 36. 37 Insect popnlation associated with Cow Hung at Crawley, W.A., a consideration of ... Isoetes ... Isoetes Boryana Isoetes Engelmanni ... Isoetites Isoetites Chaffatl Isoetites elegans, sp. Isoetites horridus Isoetites serratus 219 201 202 202 201 202 202 202 202 Jack, L. K. ... .Hmba Jimba Station Jimperding Series, at Toodyay, petrology of Jurassic plants from Gingin 21, 27, 42. 43 ... 13, 42, 47 88 201-7 King, R. E. ... King, W Koninck, L. de Kozlowski, K. Krotovia Krotovia micracaniha Krotovia senticosa Krotovia spimdosa 8 9, 37, 45 ... 21, 42 20, 23. 54 29 30 30 30 Lepidocyclina ... Leptalosia Le Vene, C. ... Eichaiew, B. ... Linoprgductus ... Linoproductus cancriniformis lAnoprod'octus cancriniformis var. lyovi Linoprod'octns cor a ... Linoproductus cora var. foordi Eniluigiii Lyropora erkosoidcs ... 76 12. 40, 53. 54 29 11, 12, 34, 35, 39 7, 20 23 24 20 22 25 191 Machairopus cockburni, sp. nov Marginifera ... Marine Copepods from Western Anstialia, Series 11. ... Martin, W Metoligotoma ... Middalya Station Minilya, gen. nov Minilya duplaris, s]). nov Minilya princeps, sp. nov Minilya River Morris, .1. Mount Abbott Mount Cedric Mount Dromedary Mount Hardman Mount Marmion 17, 24. 3 4 27 210 18 209 13 141 13 172 173 174 47. 54 27 47 26 27 25 54 XCll. General Index. Mount Nicholson Mount Wellington Muir-Wood, H. 0, 7, 8, Page 16 27 12, 31 Netschajew, A. Nilssonia Nooncanbali ... Nooncanbah Series (Permian) of Western Am North-West Basin Notoligotoma ... Notoligotoma hardy i ... Notoligotomidae Oehlei't, D. P. Oil of Eucalyptus erythronema Oligotoma Oligotoma approximans Oligotoma glauerti Oligotoma gurney i Oligotoma gurneye spinulosa Oligotoma tillyardi Oligotomatidae Orbigny, A. d' Orthis ... Orthotetinae ... 34 201 47 l alia. Bi vozoa from the Wandagee and 165 ... ‘ 9 144 144 144 52, 53. 54 ... 247 141 142 141 ... 143 143 142 ... 141 20 9 3 Paeckelmann, W. Pecten ... Pelagic Copepods from Cockburn Sound Phyllopteris Polypora fovea, sp. nov Polypora multiporifera, sp. nov Polypora relificis, sp. nov Polypora, sp. nov. indet. ... Polypora ^voodsi Prendergast, K. L. ... Proboscidella ... Productella Productellinae Productina Productinae ... Productorthis ... Productus complertems Prod actus cora Productus corrugatus... Productus latirostrus ... Productus line.aius Productus neffedieri ... Productus ocatus Productus prafteniauus Productus semireticulatus {fee also Dictyoclostus Protembia Ptilophyllum pectcu ... Pusiula 1 . 2 24,2 ,26,2 20, 30 3 209 201 175 177 17 178 177 28, 47 45 12. 54 11 12 9, 12 13 52 20 21 38 21 21 21 21 13. 16 139 204 29 Quartzite Pre (’a7nbrian. of Toodyay district 88 Kaggatt, H.G. Ramipora ambrosoides Reed, F. R. C. Refractories, sillimanite and andalusite R ichthofen i idae Rothpletz, A. 29 193 16. 26. 45 129 n . 17. 26 General Index. xciil. l^owley. Pv. P. Page 41 Salt Kango. India Scacchinella Schist, various mica, Toodyay district ... Schmidt, H. ... Schuchert, C. Serpentire. Toodyay dif-tri(t Serpentine, analysis ... Silliinanite. ocHirrence in Toodyay district Soils of Western Australia Sowerby, .1. ... SireptorhynchU’'< luiiuigvi Sphenopterid fossils ... Strophalo.'iiO' ... Sfrophalosia rf. beecho.ri Strophaloma clarkei ... Strophalo-'sia comphctevs Strophalosia etheridgei, ip. nf>v Sirophalosia frayiUs ... StrophaloMa (ferardi ... Strophalosia cf. (jerardl Strophalosia (jujas Strophalosia horrescens Strophalosia juke.si ... Strophalosia kimberleyensis, s]>. nov. Strophalosia lamellosa var. hvwblefov(/Ksi.s Strophalosia multispinifera, sp. nov. Strophalosia rarispimi Strophalosia fenuispiva Strophalosia sp. A. ... Sirophalsiella Slrophalosiitia Strophalosiinae SfrophoviP-va ... Sutton, A. H. S])inifex j)indan Spirifer marvoni 7 12 , .. 9. 1(* 11 07 n 4. 10. 13. 29 128 128 08, 129 .. xxix. 30 22 .. 203 32, 37 41 41, 42, 45, 50 56 7. 41, 43, 52 .. 24, 39 , 45, 47 46 34 .. 34, 39 38, 47, 50 18, 41, 47, 50 38, 30 50 52 51, 52 51 40 35. 36, 40 9, 12, 53 9 ... 1 I, 12 162 56 41, 4; Taeniopleris elongata Taeniopteris carruthersi Taeniopieris spatvlata, Taeniothaerus Taeniothaerus snbqvadratvs ... ... ... ... ... ... 4, 7, 27 Talbot’s Cairn Tayuan series Teguliferina ... Thinnfeldia Thinnfeldia tabragare'nsis Thomas, .1. Tillighary, N.S.W Tillyardewbia Timor ... Toodyay, geology and petrology of disti’ict of ... Triodia pungens, Ecological succession observed during regeneration after burning Triodia pungens^ Effect of burning on Triodia ptingens, regeneration of ... Tschernyschew, T. H. . 201 . 203 . 203 27 28, 38 47 16 II . 201 . 203 31 21 139 . 16, 26 83 149, 154 149 . 152 23 Cpper I^alaeozoic Hryozoa from Western Austi'alia ... ... ... ... ... ]H 7 Vegetation of Western Australia, Tlie xl. XCl V. ( Ienkrat. {ndk>^. Waagen, L. ... \y aagenoconclia \y aagenoconcha imperfecta ... Waagenoconcha vagans Waltharrie Pool Wandagee and Nooncanbah ISeries Wandagee Station Weller, S. Western Australia, The \"egetatioi Whitehonse. F. W. ... \yinnemia Permian) of of AVes1 ern Australia Page 10, 12, 17, 18. 10. 2.'), 26, r>2 2o 26 41 Bryozoa from 165 31, 36, 43. 47. 54 42 xl. Winning Station Wyatkiiia AVyndham Ga]) Wyndhamia 24 35. 36 18 5. 40 Yetar Spring ... 70 liy Authority: Uobkrt H. .\iiu.kh. (loveriinient Printer. Hertli. *- y'.-' yj%- i-. mm 1 y