Vol. 15 No. 2 Long Island Botanical Society The Quarterly Newsletter Spring 2005 The Two Taxa of the Eastern North American Lady Fern, Athyrium filix-femina Carol L. Kelloff, Ph.D. Athyrium filix-femina (L.) Roth is a wide-ranging complex of divergent, homoploid (2 n = 80) taxa that evolved new species either in geographic isolation from an ancestor, or while geographically contiguous along an environmental gradient. These differences in the com- plex have been variously divided and treated at different ranks (species, subspecies, or variety) by different au- thors. There are at least three taxa that occur in North America. Butters (1917) and Wherry (1961) treated them as distinct species: the western A. filix-femina, the northeastern A. angustum (Willd.) Presl., and the south- eastern A. asplenioides (Michx.) A. Eaton, although Wherry noted that they “intergrade to such an extent as to defy any simple classification.” Lellinger (1985) treated these taxa as subspecies of a single globally dis- tributed species, i.e., western A. filix-femina ssp. cyclosorum (Rupr.) C. Chr., northern A. filix-femina ssp. angustum (Willd.) Clausen and the southern A. filix-femina ssp. as- plenioides (Michx.) Hulten. Kato (1993) treated these taxa at varietal rank, recognizing four North American varieties: in the west, northern A. filix-femina var. cyc- losorum Ruprecht, a more southerly A. filix-femina var. calif ornicum Butters, and in the east, northern A. filix- femina var. angustum (Willd.) G. Lawson and the southern A. filix-femina var. asplenioides (Michx.) Farwell. These differences in classification are not based on strongly divergent viewpoints among authors nor on definitive data separating the taxa, but rather represent the best judgment in a group noted for its high degree of variability (Schneller and Schmid, 1982). In order to understand the nature of the taxa composing the A. filix-femina complex, in general, and those plants found on Long Island, New York, we shall examine the distinctness of the two taxa that overlay in eastern North America, A. filix-femina ssp. angustum and A. filix-femina ssp. asplenioides (referred to henceforth as A. angustum and A. asplenioides, respectively). Characters differentiating these two taxa (Butters, 1917; Lellinger, Fig. 1. Surface sculpturing (perispore) of the spores of Athyrium angustum (left) and A. asplenioides (right). 1985; Kato, 1993) include rhizome habit, leaf shape, and notable color and surface features of the spores (see Ta- ble I). A study by Kelloff et al., 2002, evaluated the degree to which these taxa are distinct by examining the fine features of the spore surface and a survey of the allozyme variation. The spores for both taxa are monolete (Fig. 1) with a single scar (shaped like a kidney bean). With the unaided eye or under a dissecting mi- croscope the spores of A. angustum appear brownish- yellow (with an exception of one population in Pennsyl- vania where they appear dark brown), whereas the spores of A. asplenioides are brown to almost black. Un- der the light microscope the spores of both taxa appear yellowish, with the exception of the occasional A. asplen- ioides spore that displays a dark reticulation overlaying the surface of the spore. Although the surface details are obscure when viewed under a light microscope, the (Continued on page 11) Long Island Botanical Society Vol. 15 No. 2 Page 10 Long Island Botanical Society Founded: 1986 Incorporated: 1989 The Long Island Botanical Society is dedicated to the promotion of field bot- any and a greater understanding of the plants that grow wild on Long Island, New York. Visit the Society’s Web site www.libotanical.org Executive Board President Eric Lamont Vice President Skip Blanchard Treasurer Carol Johnston Recording Secretary Barbara Conolly Corresponding Secretary John Potente Committee Chairpersons Local Flora Steven Clemants Field Trips Jenny Ulsheimer Skip Blanchard Programs Rich Kelly Membership Lois Lindberg Conservation Andrew Greller Education Mary Laura Lamont Thomas Stock Hospitality Jane Blanchard Zu Proly Dorothy Titus Newsletter Editor Margaret Conover Newsletter Layout & Design William Krol Webmaster Donald House webmaster@libotanical.org Society News Welcome to new member Maureen Cullinane, and to new Life mem- bers, Mary Maran and Wei Fang. It’s time to renew your membership for 2005. Please send your dues today. See the back page details. ♦ The Society is tentatively planning a seven-day trip to Newfoundland with Karl Anderson in 2006. So far, about 10 people have indicated interest. For more information, contact Eric Lamont. ♦ LIBS members are continuing the efforts to build and preserve Long Island’s population of American chestnut trees. Eric Powers has started two seedlings in Caleb Smith State Park, with seeds provided by Lenny Lampel at the Seatuck Environmental Association. Another specimen in the park was discovered to be healthy and near reproductive maturity. ♦ Steve Clemants has been working on a field guide to the wildflowers of the northeast with Carol Grade of the New York Botanical Garden. It will be available for purchase in about a year. ♦ Betty Lotowycz and Barbara Conolly have recently published a book titled, Illustrated Field Guide to Shrubs and Woody Vines of Fong Island. See the review on page 17. To purchase the book write to: Waterline Books, P.O. Box 331, Hardwick, MA 01037, or order online: waterlinebooks@aol.com. The purchase price is $20 (which includes $2 shipping & handling). ♦ Conservation Committee Chair Andy Greller has been heavily involved in the fight to save the Grace Forest in the Village of North Hills (see his letter to Governor Pataki in the Winter 2005 issue of the LIBS newsletter). On March 20, 2005, Newsday ran a two-page article on the controversy titled, “Tangled debate on thicket of trees: Naturalists cherish 18-acre site near LIE, but North Hills mayor says plot is village’s ‘most unkempt area.’ ” The article featured statements and photos of Andy, and of Liz Remsen, associate director of the North Shore Land Alliance. Back in 1978, Andy documented the existence of this rare community in a paper published in the Botanical Gazette. Now, although the Village of North Hills had promised to preserve this land “in perpetuity,” apparently there’s been a change of heart, and, unless Andy is successful, the forest will give way to yet another development. This is a concern for all LIBS mem- bers. To get involved, contact Andy. ♦ The Local Flora Committee announced that it has compiled a several- hundred-page preliminary draft of an atlas of vascular plants of Long Is- land. The next phase of their work will include reviewing and revising for publication. ♦ There will be a BioBlitz at the Science Museum of Long Island in Plan- dome on May 20 to 21, 2005. This is a celebration of biodiversity, with sci- entists and citizens conducting a 24-hour biological survey of their site. For more information go to www.smli.org/bioblitz.html ♦ The Friends of Hempstead Plains resumes volunteer community work- days and Friday lunch walks, beginning in April. For more information call the Friends of Hempstead Plains. Long Island Botanical Society Vol. 15 No. 2 Page 1 1 (Continued from page 9) difference between the two taxa is visible in their out- line. The spores of A. angustum appear smooth com- pared to the uneven surface of A. asplenioides. Under the scanning electron microscope (SEM) the perispore, the outer surface of the spores, is markedly different. The perispore of A. angustum is papillose with its surface completely covered with wartlike projections with some thin “flaking.” The spore surface of A. asplenioides is mgose with a network of reticulating “walls” in the per- ispore. The genetic composition of these two taxa was examined with allozyme electrophoresis. Allozymes are allelic variants of enzymes encoded by structural genes. The amino acids that make up the enzyme proteins (Continued on page 12) TABLE I. Comparison of morphological features of the two eastern North American taxa in the Athyrium filix-femina complex. Compiled from taxon descriptions in Butters (1917), Lellinger (1985), and Kato (1993). Character angustum asplenioides Rhizome orientation erect or ascending, more condensed ascending to creeping, more ex- tended Scales: linear lanceolate, 8—10 X 1.5-2 mm, brown to dark brown lanceolate, 3-9 X 2-3 mm, bronze to light brown or brown Stipe length relative to lamina up to half the lamina length equaling lamina length Lamina shape elliptic or rhombic narrowly deltoid lanceolate, ovate-lanceolate to lanceolate Frond base gradually tapered to an acute to ob- tuse base slightly reduced and truncate at base Frond apex acute to acuminate acute, acuminate, or more-or-less caudate Widest portion of lamina near or just below middle second pinna pair Pinna attachment short-stalked or sessile usually stalked Pinna shape oblong-lanceolate, usually widest at middle and not parallel-sided oblong-lanceolate to lanceolate, nearly parallel-sided Pinna apex acute to acuminate acute Sterile v. fertile frond tending toward dimorphism, the seg- ments of fertile fronds narrower and more acute than those of the sterile fronds not tending toward dimorphism Pinnules of fertile fronds narrowly lanceolate and acute oblong or linear-oblong and ob- tuse Indusium length tending to be shorter than in aspleni- oides , up to 1.1 mm tending to be longer than in angus- tum , up to 1 .3 mm Indusium margin a irregularly dentate, and/ or ciliate with eglandular hairs ciliate with glandular or nonglan- dular hairs as long as indusial width Sporangial stalks bearing glandular hairs or less often secondary sporangia consistently bearing glandular hairs Spore color yellowish brownish-yellow to dark-brown or black Spore surface sparsely papillate wrinkled or reticulated exospore, sometimes nigrescent Mean spore dimensions 38.6 X 24.7 m 36.0 X 25.5 m a Descriptions of the indusium margin in the two taxa are inconsistent in the literature. The table entry is a tentative consensus. Long Island Botanical Society Vol. 15 No. 2 Page 12 (Continued from page 11) have a net electric charge. If, through mutation, an amino acid has been replaced, the charge of that protein may have been altered. These subtle changes in an en- zyme (referred to as isozymes) can be detected by gel electrophoresis and staining. Most enzymes have two or more “loci,” or bands, that appear on the stained gel. These banding patterns can be compared between indi- viduals and between populations and are a useful tool in determining many population genetic issues and where there is a question on the relationship between closely related species. Leaf samples from 1 1 to 72 individuals were col- lected for both A. angustum (five sites) and A. asplenioides (five sites) from locations from Canada to North Caro- lina. The tissue was analyzed electrophoretically and the banding patterns scored for each of the 11 enzyme sys- tems studied. Isozyme banding patterns were readily interpreted as allelic variation for single gene loci from the leaf extracts. Seventeen loci in 11 enzymes systems were assayed. One locus was invariant across all 10 populations. The other 16 loci were variable in at least one population. There was a strong tendency for all populations to share the more common alleles and some of the less frequent ones as well. The four most polymorphic loci had similar allele frequencies within populations of A. angustum and A. asplenioides, respec- tively, but were strikingly different between the two taxa. Although the two eastern Athyrium populations shared some common alleles the differences in fre- quency between the taxa ac- counted for most of the diver- gence among populations. The result was two principal clusters each comprising the populations of one taxon. Hybridization in ferns gen- erally results when two conspeci- fic taxa overlap in range and share the same habitat. In most cases, the result is a hybrid fern that pro- duces abortive (nonreproductive) spores. The taxa of the Athyrium filix-femina complex overlap in both its eastern and western range. On the eastern half of North America A. angustum and A. asplenioides overlap in a thin band (Fig. 2). On the northern- most extent of the A. asplenioides range a sample was collected from Shirley, NJ (Fig. 3) that turned out not only to be a hybrid popula- tions but one in which the spores Fig. 2. Overlapping ranges of the northern Athyrium angustum and the southern Athyrium asplenioides. were successfully germinated (unpublished data). The sculpturing of the perispore had the characteristics of both A. angustum and A. asplenioides. And the range of variation from A. angustumAkz spores to A. asplenioides- type spores could be found within an individual plant, suggesting that there could be some backcrossing hap- pening in the population. Although none of the 13 plants sampled at the site possessed only A. angustum- type spores, under the SEM, unique and variable mor- phologies suggested an influence from A. angustum. Al- though it was once thought that most individuals of both A. angustum and A. asplenioides produced both kinds of spores (Liew, 1971), it was entirely inconsistent with our observations. The allozymes from this New Jersey locality also indicated hybridization between the northern, A. angustum , and southern, A. aspleni- oides, populations. Allozyme fre- quency trends for this population of A. asplenioides were characteristically A. angustum for two alleles and that of A. asplenioides of Pond Drain, in the mountains of Virginia (1300 m). Moreover, five of the six Shirley, NJ, individuals hypothesized to be first- generation hybrids on the basis of spore morphology shared A. angustum and A. asplenioides marker alleles for at least three of the four most divergent loci. No other individuals in the entire data set possessed this genotype com- bination. FlG. 3. Photo of Athryium asplenioides in Shirley, New Jersey. (Continued on page 13) Long Island Botanical Society Vol. 15 No. 2 Page 13 (Continued from page 12) Both Long Island and Staten Island, NY, fall within the narrow band of overlap between the exten- sive ranges of the two eastern taxa of Athyrium. Most authors of New York flora have lumped these taxa un- der Athyrium filix-femina (Gleason, 1962; Buegler & Pari- sio, 1981; Mitchell, 1984; and Magee and Ahles, 1999). Others have just record the two taxa for New York without any indication of locality (Flora of North Amer- ica Editorial Committee, 1993; Gray, 1950). Records at the U.S. National Herbarium (U.S.), Washington, DC have specimens of Athyrium angustum that have been col- lected in three of the counties of Long Island — Suffolk: Greenport, Orient Point, Shelter Island; Nassau: Law- rence; and Queens: Hollis; and in Staten Island, Rich- mond County (Fig. 4). My survey of the Athyrium taxa of Long Island and Staten Island is far from complete; gathering historical data from herbaria that have speci- mens from this area is only the beginning. More field work is needed to determine: (i) if A, asplenioides is also found on the islands, (ii) how wide spread or rare it is, and (iii) if these two taxa of the eastern Athyrium can be found in the same habitat. Although the spore mor- phology of A. angustum and A. asplenioides is distinct enough to separate the two taxa, it is not very helpful in the field. The best field characters for these ferns are the shape of the frond, the length of the stipe, and the habit of the rhizome. The frond of A. angustum tends to be elliptic with the longest pinnae near the middle and tapering to the base; the stipe is half the length of the frond or less, and the rhizome is more erect with the frond bases condensed at the tip. In A. asplenioides the frond is more deltoid and wider at the base, the stipe equals the length of the frond and the rhizome is long, creeping, and less dense at the apex. I have also seen the rhizome of A, asplenioides with dichotomous branch- ing. The red coloration of the stipe is seen in both taxa as scattered individuals in some populations and is not a useful characteristic for differentiating the taxa. I do not have good field characters for the hybrids yet. But if both taxa of Athyrium are found in the same locality, the chances are good that hybrids are among them. The Athyrium filix-femina complex, distributed across four continents and comprising as many as four North American taxa with overlapping ranges, provides an especially suitable context for exploring patterns and processes of divergent evolution and its taxonomic con- sequences in ferns. The two eastern North American taxa, A. angustum and A. asplenioides , have long been per- ceived as close relatives separable by distinctive charac- ters that are consistent within the vast northern and southern areas they respectively occupy, but that inter- grade and recombine to form a hybrid zone in their relatively narrow region of overlap. The spore and Fig. 4. Range map of Althyrium angustum , on Long Island, New York. isozyme data indicate substantial divergence between A. angustum and A. asplenioides , suggesting that they merit distinction as the rank of subspecies or species. Addi- tional study of populations in their region of overlap is required to determine the nature and extent of hybridi- zation. Literature Cited Buegler, R. and S. Parisio. 1981. A Comparative Flora of Staten Island: Including the 1879 and 1930 Floras by Arthur Hollick and Nathaniel Lord Brit- ton. Staten Island Institute of Arts and Sciences. Staten Island, NY. BUTTERS, F. K. 1917. Taxonomic and geographic stud- ies in North American ferns. I. The genus Athyrium and the North American ferns allied to Athyrium filix-femina. Rhodora 19:169—207. Flora of North America Editorial Committee. 1993. Flora of North America. Oxford University Press, NY. Yol. 2. GLEASON, H. A. 1962. Plants of the Vicinity of New York. New York Botanical Garden, NY. GRAY, A. 1950. Gray’s Manual of Botany. American Book Co., New York. KATO, M. 1993. Athyrium , pp. 255—258. In FNA Edito- rial Committee [eds.], Flora of North America, Vol. 2. Pteridophytes and gymnosperms. Oxford Uni- versity Press, NY. KELLOFF, C. L., J. E. SKOG, L. AdAMKEWICZ, and C. R. WERTH. 2002. Differentiation of Eastern North American Athyrium filix-femina taxa: Evidence from allozymes and spores. Am. FernJ. 92(3):185-213. Lellinger, D. B. 1985. A Field Manual of the Ferns and Fern-allies of the United States and Canada. Smithsonian Institution Press, Washington, DC. LlEW, F. S. 1971. Studies on North American Athyrium (L.) Roth. Ph.D. dissertation, Columbia University, New York, NY. (Continued on page 14) Long Island Botanical Society Vol. 15 No. 2 Page 14 Magee, D. W. and H. E. Ahles. 1999. Flora of the Northeast : A Manual of the Vascular Flora of New England and Adjacent New York. University of Massachusetts Press, Amherst, MA. Mitchell, R. S. 1984. Atlas of New York State Ferns. Contributions to a Flora of New York State, Check- list H. Bulletin No. 456: 1-28. Schneller, J. J. and B. W. SCHMID. 1982. Investiga- tions on the intraspecific variability in Athyrium jilix-femina (L.) Roth. Bull, de Musee Nat. d’Hist. Natur., Paris. 4e ser., section B Adansonia nos. 3— 4:215-228. WHERRY, E. T. 1961. The Fern Guide. Northeastern and Midland Central States and Adjacent Canada. Doubleday and Co., Garden City, NY. Carol E. Kelloff, Ph.D. can be reached at the Smithsonian Insti- tution, Department of Botany, MRC 166, P.0. Box 37012, Washington, DC. War on Weeds: Breaking News Marilyn Jordan The Nature Conservancy Several new invasive plant species have been dis- covered on Long Island in the last year or two, and oth- ers are on our doorstep (see Table I). Help from Long Island Botanical Society members in locating new inva- sive plant occurrences is invaluable, both by reporting findings on your own and by assisting with “weed map- ping sweeps” in conservation areas. See below for con- tact information. Aquatic: Water chestnut chestnut ( Trapa natans) and hy- drilla hydrilla (Hydrilla verticillata). We are espe- cially worried about the possibility of water chestnut or hydrilla becoming established in a Long Island pond or stream. The discovery by Scott Kishbauagh (NYSDEC Division of Water, Albany) of one water chestnut plant in Mill Pond County Park in Wantagh last summer was alarming. He pulled it out, but it could return. Hydrilla isn’t here yet, but it is critical to catch this horror early. Floating water willow ( Ludwigia peploides ). This new invader, first noticed in 2003 by NYSDEC and TNC, is now abundant in the Peconic River upstream from the Forge Pond dam. Vegetative specimens look like the common native Decodon verticillatus (water wil- low). The DEC plans control efforts. Water hyacinth ( Eichhornia crasssipes). Reported by Tim Green in a pond at Brookhaven National Labo- ratory. If this population reappears in 2005 it will be de- stroyed (and warnings broadcast) — as should be done if any plants reappear in Scudder's Pond, Sea Cliff (reported by Zu Proly last year). Reed canary grass {Ph a laris arundinacea). A “stealth invader” we have found on the banks of the Peconic and Carmans Rivers; it resembles Phragmites but is smaller. Terrestrial: Narrowleaf bittercress ( Cardamine impatiens). Last year Skip Blanchard and Rich Kelly reported the first known infestations on Long Island in Oyster Bay Cove, Planting Fields Arboretum, Caleb Smith State Park, Caumsett State Park, Sweetbriar Nature Center in Smithtown, and a private garden. Control efforts were stymied by unavailability of park and TNC staff. We hope to do better in 2005. Contact Stacey Goldyn (see below) to assist in control efforts. Mile-a-minute vine ( Polygonum perfoliatuni). Nearly 100 person-hours were spent pulling this weed at six or more sites last year. Just when we thought we were gaining, Andy Senesac (Cornell Co-op Extension) reported a “mother of all M.A.M. infestations” at Ori- ent that is overgrowing Phragmites. Giant hogweed (Hcraclcurn mantegazzianum). Control efforts at Muttontown Preserve continue, but no control of plants on adjacent property have been done by landowner. Rugosa rose ( Rosa rugosa ). Although not new to Long Island, we would like to know more about the in- vasive potential of Rosa rugosa. Do you know of escapes into natural areas, or can you document plantings that have remained contained for many years? Kudzu ( Pueraria montana ). How often does kudzu set seed on Long Island? We have anecdotal reports, but no documentation (pressed specimens or photo- graphs). Control of this species will remain a low prior- ity unless its potential to regularly set seed on Long Is- land is documented. (Continued on page 16) Long Island Botanical Society Vol. 15 No. 2 Page 15 TABLE I. Long Island Early Detection — Rapid Response List. Long Island Early Detection — Rapid Response List 3 Number of Occurrences b Shrubs Lonicera maackii Amur honeysuckle >4? Vitex rotundifolia Beach vitex/ roundleaf chastetree 0 Herbaceous Plants Butomus umbellatus Flowering-rush 0 Cardamine impatiens Narrowleaf bittercress (6) Cirsium palustre Marsh thistle 0 Dioscorea oppositifolia Chinese yam 0 Froelichia gracilis Slender snake-cotton >4? Glaucium flavum Yellow hornpoppy >4? Heracleum mantagazzianum Giant hogweed (3) Humulus japonicus Japanese hops + Impatiens gladulifera Ornamental jewelweed 0 Lepidium latifolium Perennial pepperweed 2 Polygonum perfoliatum Mile-a-minute vine (-4) Senecio jacobaea Tansy ragwort/Stinking Willie 0 Graminoid Plants Arthraxon hispidus Hairy jointgrass 0 Carex kobomugi Japanese sedge 0 Glyceria maxima Reed mannagrass 0 Microstegium vimineum Japanese stilt grass (-4) Aquatic Plants Cabomba caroliniana Fanwort >4 Callitriche stagnalis Pond water-starwort 3 Egeria densa Brazilian water-weed >4? Eichhornia crassipes (naturalized) Water hyacinth 1 or 2? Glossostigma diandrum Mudmat 0 Hydrilla verticillata Hydrilla 0 Hydrocharis morsus-ranae Common frogbit (2) Ludwigia peploides Floating primrose-willow (1 or 2?) Myriophyllum aquaticum Parrotfeather >4? Myriophyllum heterophyllum Two-leaf water-milfoil 3? Myriophyllum spicatum Eurasian water-milfoil (i?) Najas minor Brittle waternymph 0 Nymphoides peltata Yellow floating heart >4? Pistia stratiotes (naturalized) Water lettuce 0 Potamogeton crispus Curly pondweed (>4) Salvinia molesta complex (naturalized) Giant Salvinia; kariba-weed 0 Trapa natans Water chestnut (1?) c a Long Island Weed Management Area data in parentheses. Other data from: Weldy, Troy, Richard Mitchell, and Robert Ingalls. 2002. New York Flora Atlas (http:/ / nyflora.org/ atlas/ atlas.htm). New York Flora Assoc., New York State Museum, Albany, New York. b Brooklyn, Queens, Nassau, and Suffolk Counties. c One plant found and removed, Mill Pond County Park, Wantagh. Long Island Botanical Society Vol. 15 No. 2 Page 16 (Continued from page 14) Pale and black swallow- wort ( Cynanchum rossi- cum — Vincetoxicum rossicum) and ( Cynanchum louiseae = Vincetoxicum nignmi). Both species of this vining milkweed are well established on Long Island. Though eradication seems impossible, suppression and containment can keep them from spreading. Distinguishing species is difficult, but both are equally invasive. For information go to http:/ /www. swallow-wort.com/ OTHER NEWS: The Invasive Plant Council of New York (IPC NYS) hired Margaret Wilkinson in January 2005 to establish and populate a NYS database of invasive plants, which will include the information in the Long Island Weed Management Area (LIWMA) database. She is co- supervised by Bill Jacobs and Kathy Schwager (The Na- ture Conservancy on Long Island). What You Can Do: LIBS members, if you find any plant species listed in Table I, or any other non-native plant species you have never before seen on Long Island, please report it to Kathy Schwager or Marilyn Jordan at The Nature Con- servancy. We will add your information to the data- bases of the LIWMA and IPC NYS, and organize ap- propriate control efforts. If you want to help with scheduled “weed mapping sweeps” contact Stacey Goldyn. To keep informed on breaking news about weeds, join the LIWMA Yahoo group at http://groups.yahoo. com/group /LIWMA/. After joining, you will be sent occasional notices about newly posted information on the group site. Spreading It Around: A Tale of Lunacy Ray Welch One wants to be an apostie of virtue, but some- times, as Ovid said, “ video meliora proboque, deteriora se- quorP Since we are all Latin-adept botanists, there’s no need to translate. Oh, all right: “I see the better way and approve it, but I follow the worse way.” All I can plead is my youth at the time (I was 32 — just a child really). My sin? Encouraging the establishment of more populations of an alien plant species, but in a way more common than most of us realize — and there are more of us who are wrongdoers than we might think — but with me it was blatant. In mitigation, I will say that there are plenty of naturalized local populations of this species on Long Island already. I’ve seen them along the edge of the Long Island Expressway in Queens, be- hind a strip mall in Ronkonkoma. The plant? The win- ter-annual, Lunaria annua , Honesty. Honestly! How did I commit the sin? By planting Lunaria in my garden. Lunaria annua , originally a native of southeast Europe, is while growing (anywhere) a rather untidy- looking monocarpic member of the Brassicaceae. Glea- son and Cronquist describe it accurately enough, as “sparsely hairy,” with leaves, “coarsely dentate,” and the plant can grow up to a meter tall, although none of mine ever seem to. The loose racemes of rather large flowers (for a mustard) are usually pinkish-magenta, and while Vunaria en masse lends some color to a garden, it is in no sense a prize flower to have. Its major attrac- tion is, unlike most garden plants, revealed during the plant’s senescence, when it has matured bizarre fruits — large (up to 5 cm across) oval, very flat, and semi- transparent within which the seeds (also large and flat) are seen in silhouette and cannot hide, hence “Honesty.” When the seeds are finally shed, the whit- ish, parchmentlike septum of the silique remains and the entire dead, but attractive, plant can be gathered and put in dried arrangements. My grandmother had grown Honesty in her own garden in northern New York, and I was fascinated, around age 10, by these fruits that ech- oed its other common names, Money Plant and Silver Dollar Plant. I also remember seeing vases of the dried plant at neighbors’ houses. It intrigued me. In the mid-1970s, I was walking with a friend in Port Jefferson, and saw the plant in fruit along the side- walk at a fenced yard, and took — all right, stole (another sin) — a few siliques with their seeds. I took them home, and being at the time interested in gardening, an interest more faint these days, scattered a few seeds and forgot about them. They took, and with no real care from me, flowered and set seed. I’ve done nothing to encourage them in my yard since, but I still have them nearly 30 years later — they sprout here and there: along the edge of fences, by shrubs, behind (and on) the com- post heap — anywhere the mower does not reach, and I am not a demon for mowing. For a while it seemed (Continued on page 17) Long Island Botanical Society Vol. 15 No. 2 Page 17 ( Continued from page 16) that they throve on an apparent biyearly cycle, but lately each year my small yard seems about as abundantly populated in its neglected corners and edges with the plants as the previous year. Perhaps 10 to 15 years ago, still unenlightened about the problem of alien species, I took a few seeds and dropped them at the edge of a small woodland near my office at Suffolk Community College. Casual obser- vation over the next year or so saw nothing, but then I spotted an unthrifty, but flowering plant or two, one of them 50 meters or so from where I had put the original seeds down. Since then, I’ve seen a handful more come up in yet other places not far away. This year, however, in the time between the snowfall of January and that of Presidents’ Day, when the ground was snow-free, in an area cleared of brush by the grounds crew in the last couple of years, I saw that many square meters were dotted over with dozens of healthy young plants. It took 30 years, but now I’m responsible for two more naturalized and thriving populations of an alien species. I feel that my sin is more venial than mortal. As Gleason and Cronquist say, “Occasionally escaped from cult,” which betokens relative nonaggressiveness — plus, it is easy to control mechanically. I find I can pull it up with no effort at all and it never resprouts from the root — since the root is not there anymore. Also, it does not seem to spread that easily. For example, I’ve never seen any in my neighbors’ yards, neighbors who are more diligent yard maintainers. They must think it a weed and remove it before it flowers. In my own yard I mostly leave it alone to brighten April and May, as I like to have a flower I don’t have to tend, one that satisfies my urge for work- free gardening. Too bad that its un- subtle magenta is not high of my list of favorite colors, but I take what I get. I recendy found and gathered seeds of a white- flowered population I’m debating scat- tering... BOOK REVIEW Illustrated Field Guide to Shrubs and Woody Wines of Fong Island. G. E. Lotowycz and B. H. Conolly. 2004. xxii + 202 pages. Waterline Books; Hardwick, MA. $18.00 paperback. ISBN: 0976427508. Those of us who spend time in the field under- stand too well how the travails of urban ecology are re- flected in our flora. We meet an ever-increasing num- ber of new acquaintances and we search longer and far- ther for old friends. Yet most field guides don’t mirror this reality, with litde attention paid to exotics or the loss of native species. This issue is redressed to some Lunaria annua, or Honesty Photo by Ray Welch When I said many of us are “wrongdoers,” I meant that any one of us who gardens and who plants any non-native species, even one thought safe, is poten- tially adding another name to the list of troublesome alien invaders. While rough statistics say that of every 100 introductions only 10 naturalize, and only one be- comes a “problem,” there is no sure way to tell who the potential pest will be, or what the changed conditions are or what a new habitat might be that would let a for- merly benign introduced species turn upon us. Caution should be our ever-present watchword. I feel I have expiated my botanical sin by this confession.. .but may the person responsible for intro- ducing Celastrus orbiculatus burn in Hell! Sorry, that just slipped out. degree in the Illustrated Field Guide to Shrubs and Woody Vines of Fong Island. This book focuses on the woody plants that most field guides gloss over. An unexpected but wel- come inclusion is the subshrubs, mostly of the Erica- ceae, such as Chimaphila and Pyrola. The text also re- flects the changing nature of our natural areas through its listing of species’ frequencies and inclusion of natu- ralized exotics. All of this is filtered through the geo- graphic scope of Long Island. The book is simple to use. Plants are organized according to their branching patterns (opposite or alter- (Continued on page 18) Long Island Botanical Society Vol. 15 No. 2 Page 18 (Continued from page 17) nate), leaf shape (simple or compound), and leaf mar- gins (entire, toothed, or lobed). Identification is then determined through the use of the key. Over 190 spe- cies are discussed, arranged alphabetically by species. Full treatments are given to 130 entries, with traits de- scribed through words and drawings. In addition, com- mon native taxa are preceded with an overview of the family (for example, Ericaceae, Caprifoliaceae) or genus (e.g., Cornus, Rhus). Each entry begins with the plant’s common name and Latin binomial, naming authority, family, and nativity to the U.S. (The “alien” designation should have been applied to all species not native to Long Is- land). Further information includes: origin of name; description of leaf, flower, fruit, bud, leaf scar, bark, and twig; habitat and frequency, including locations in each relevant county. To aid in assessing these characteris- tics, the inclusion of a metric and English rule inside the cover flaps is useful. Additional sections include a pic- torial overview of plant characteristics, a taxonomic list of plant families, a glossary, and park locations. The choice of illustrations is well thought out. All featured species’ entries include stems with leaves and flowers and/or fruit. Many more have enlarged renderings of buds and leaf scars. All drawings were created by tracing herbarium specimen. For some spe- cies, this is more than adequate, where the pictures re- veal fine, three-dimensional details. Unfortunately, a good number fall short of this. These drawings are mere outlines created with too wide a pen. In a few cases, as with Hudsonia species, it is impossible to dis- cern any botanical details. Another drawback is that “Long Island” is not clearly defined. In general it may refer to the area out- side New York City’s political purview. It can also mean the whole island, with the inclusion of Queens and Kings (Brooklyn) Counties. While a casual flip through the book would lead one to believe that the lat- ter is the case, Brooklyn is never mentioned, not even for common coastal species such as groundsel tree and northern bayberry, and Queens is represented by only two parks (Alley Pond and Cunningham). Several natu- ral areas are excluded or woefully under-represented (for example, Gateway National Recreation Area). And listings are inconsistent; oriental bittersweet and porce- lainberry most definitely exist in Queens. This over- sight makes the western half of the island seem sadly depauperate, as if botanists elsewhere have all the fun. Overall, this volume nicely fills a niche for the New York Metropolitan area. It will be a welcome addi- tion to my backpack this season. Marielle Anzelone Plant Ecologist NYC Parks, Natural Resources Group Field Trips Saturday, April 23, 2005, 9 a.m. Pelham Bay Park, Bronx , New York Trip Leader: David Kiinstler Visit Hunter Island for a rare, towering old-growth oak-tulip tree forest and its spring ephemerals: wood anemone ( Anemone quinquefolid ), lousewort ( Pedicularis canadensis ), alumroot ( Heuchera americana ), N.Y. endan- gered carrion- flower ( Smilax herhacea var. pulverulenta ), and N.Y. rare wild pink ( Silene caroliniand). We will probably visit other nearby sites, if time permits. Park plant and fungi list for participants. This is a joint trip with the Torrey Botanical Society. Directions: Meet at Orchard Beach parking lot. Take the Bruckner Expressway/New England Thru- way/I-95 to Orchard Beach/City Island Exit 8B, and follow the signs to Orchard Beach. Park in the north- east corner (far left from booths) of the Orchard Beach parking lot. Sunday, May 15, 2005, 10 a.m. (carpool from Long Island at 9 a.m.) Palisades Interstate Park and Hudson Riper shore near Alpine, New Jersey Trip Leaders: Andy Greller and Nancy Slowik We will hike both the Long Trail and the Short Trail looking for Aristolochia macrophjlla (Dutchman’s pipe) and watch out for other interesting springtime species in this unusual and varied habitat. Bring lunch and a liquid; wear sturdy shoes or hiking boots; camera and binoculars optional but recommended. Walking time is about four hours. The terrain varies from flat (easy walking), to steep ravines and a vertical stairway. Directions: We will meet to carpool at 9 a.m. at the Bill Paterson Nature Center, Muttontown Preserve, East Norwich, and travel to Exit 2 on the Palisades In- terstate Parkway, where we will meet at the Interstate Park Headquarters at about 10 a.m. From there we will carpool to another yet-to-be determined location. More Field Trips Long Island Botanical Society Vol. 15 No. 2 Page 19 Saturday, May 21, 2005, 9:30 a.m. Garden City Bird Sanctuary, Garden City, New York Trip Leader: Rob Alvey We will continue our cataloging of the plants at the Sanctuary. Rob has labels for the plants, so as we point them out, he will mark them. The sanctuary was a sump that is now a refuge for birds and other wildlife, as well as plants in our growing suburban culture. We will add to our plant list from last sum- mer. Directions: Follow Jericho Turnpike to Denton Avenue (at a traffic light by a Mavis Tire Co). Turn LEFT from the east or make a RIGHT coming from the west. Follow Denton, and proceed under the small one-lane railroad bridge. The road is now Tan- ners Pond Road and the Bird Sanctuary is on your immediate right. Parking is permitted on Tanners Pond Road. Sunday, June 12, 2005, 9:30 a.m. Wertheim National Wildlife Refuge, Shirley, New York Trip leader: Jenny Ulsheimer This is 2550-acre refuge attracts many different kinds of wildlife. The refuge is a typical pine barrens forest with pitch pine and scrub oak. There are marshlands along the Carmans River that are lined with skunk cabbage and swamp azalea. The only trail on the preserve is the White Oak Trail (three miles). It is a relatively flat and easy trail with an observation blind for birders. Directions: From the west: Take Sunrise High- way (Route 27) to Exit 57S, Yaphank Avenue. At the end of the ramp make a left, then go to the end of the road and make a right. Take this to the light (Montauk Highway) and make a left. Stay on Mon- tauk Highway for one to two miles and make a right on Smith Road. The entrance to the refuge is just past the railroad tracks From the east: Sunrise Highway (27) to Exit 58S, William Floyd Parkway. Take the Parkway south to Montauk Highway. Make a right (Route 80) and continue for about a mile. Make a left onto Smith Road. The entrance to the Refuge is just past the rail- road tracks. Upcoming Programs April 12, 2005* Tuesday, 7:30 p.m. Betsy Gulotta: “The Hempstead Plains: Past, Pre- sent, and Future.” This talk will focus on the history, flora, fauna, and man- agement of the Hempstead Plains. Betsy is the Conserva- tion Project Manager of Friends of the Hempstead Plains at Nassau Community College. This nonprofit organiza- tion has a mission to preserve, restore, and educate re- garding the Hempstead Plains. Location: Bill Paterson Nature Center Muttontown Preserve, East Norwich Please note that Dick Stalter's talk on “Southeastern Coastal Plant Communities” has been changed from April to September. May 10, 2005* Tuesday, 7:30 p.m. Philip Altomare: “Ethnobotany of the Tanala Tribe.” Learn about the use of medicinal plants and technological applications of plants by this tribe from Madagascar. Philip is a landscape designer and organic gardener who studies at the Stony Brook Center on Anthropology and Ethnobotany. Location: Museum of Long Island Natural Sciences Earth and Space Science Building Gil Hanson Room (Room 123) SUNY at Stony Brook, Stony Brook June 14, 2005 Tuesday, 5:30 p.m. (Please note early start time for the harbeque) Annual Barbeque Executive Board Meeting The annual barbeque, featuring Chef Eric’s made-to-order hot dogs and hamburgers. Salads, deviled eggs, desserts, etc. gladly accepted. The traditional location — on the green behind the Muttontown Preserve meeting house. All members are invited to attend the Executive Board Meeting to be held before the feasting begins. Location: Bill Paterson Nature Center Muttontown Preserve, East Norwich * Refreshments and informal talk begin at 7:30 p.m. Formal meeting starts at 8:00 p.m. Long Island Botanical Society Vol. 15 No. 2 Page 20 Letters to the Editor, Articles, and News items may be submitted to: Margaret Conover Long Island Botanical Society PO Box 507 Aquebogue, NY 11931 Join LIBS today! LIBS Annual Membership $20 payable to: Long Island Botanical Society Mail your dues to: Lois Lindberg Membership Chairperson This newsletter was printed by Suffolk AHRC (Association for the Help of Retarded Children). Botanical Society of America An Invitation to the 2005 Joint Field Meeting of the Botanical Society of America, Northeast Section Torrey Botanical Society Philadelphia Botanical Club Annually since 1947 First Time in the Catskills Catskill Botany: Then and Now Revisiting sites explored by early botanists, plus illustrated evening programs Ashokan Field Campus Memorial Day Weekend May 27-31, 2005 An enjoyable way to learn Catskill plants with friendly botanists and to see magnificent Catskill habitats. Come, and encourage friends and colleagues to participate. For more information, contact Frank Knight.