LONG ISLAND BOTANICAL SOCIETY NEWSLETTER Vol. 8, No. 7 Nov. - Dec. 1998 Preliminary Atlas of the Berberidaceae through Fumariaceae of Long Island, New York The Flora Committee Long Island Botanical Society This fifth contribution to an atlas of L.I. plants treats 25 species included in five families: 1) Berberidaceae, the Barberry Family, 2) Lardizabalaceae, the Lardizabala Family, 3) Menispermaceae, the Moonseed Family, 4) Papaveraceae, the Poppy Family, and 5) Fumariaceae, the Fumitory Family. Eighteen of the 25 species included in this treatment are non-native species (= alien), most being garden escapes. Although the wild bleeding-heart ( Dicentra exima) is native to New York, the LIBS Flora Committee considers this species to be a garden escape on L.I. The same is probably true for the may-apple (. Podophyllum peltatumy, all of the populations reported by the Commit- tee appear to be introduced. The five-leaf akebia ( Akebia quinata ) is persistent after cultivation but seeds usually are set only after hand pollination. Japanese and common barberry ( Berberis thunbergii & B. vulgaris) are two of the most invasive non-native plants in New York State. Wintergreen barberry {B. julianae ) is recently escaped and established in central Suffolk Co., and has not yet been added to the Checklist of N.Y.S. Plants (Mitchell & Tucker). Yellow harlequin ( Corydalis flavula) is a N.Y.S. threatened species, and golden corydalis (C. aurea ) has been recorded for Long Island but no voucher specimen or verified published report has been found. Highlights Atlas of Long Island Plants: Part 5 39 Distribution Maps 40 Environmental Initiatives 42 Plant Sightings 43 Programs 44 Key to Map Symbols Closed circle [•] = there is a specimen for this area collected after 1980. Open circle [o] = there is a specimen for this area collected before 1980. Closed square [■] - there is a specimen from this area collected before 1980 and a report (based upon a visual sighting or published literature report) from this area after 1980. Closed triangle [a] = there is a report (based upon a visual sighting or published literature report) from this area after 1980. Open triangle [a] - there is a report (based upon a visual sighting or published literature report) from this area before 1980. Opium Poppy ( Papaver somniferum ) One of the more frequent poppies in garden cultivation prior to regulation under U.S. federal law. Illustration from Mitchell, 1983. LA, Botanical Society Nov. - Dec. 1998 Page 39 Maps BERBERIDACEAE KS7 Berberis julianae Schneid - Alien WINTERGREEN BARBERRY [•/s ■/V i| C?“ Berberis thunbergii DC. Alien JAPANESE BARBERRY lo ■ u Berberis vulgaris L. - Alien COMMON BARBERRY CL/~i Caulophyllum thalictroides (L.) Michx. -BLUE COHOSH Native ^