SuHbtui oj- t/zz 910 new birds of 93 species, caught hundreds of repeats, several returns, and one foreign retrap. Total net -hours, 16,233. A Slate -colored Junco banded as an immature on Oct. 27, 1968 at Kiptopeke O.R. by Charles Hacker was processed and released at Damsite on Oct. 23, 1969. My thanks go to Ted Van Velzen who ran the station four days in September, and to Chan Robbins who hit the peak day, Oct. 28, when king- lets, Pine Siskins and goldfinches raised the day's count to 546. Lina Whiteside and Orrey P. Young served as licensed but apprenticed banders for a short time. Mary Emerine was a loyal recorder one day a week and of course E. M. and the Hackmans kept the nets cleared constantly. The station served as a demonstration area for two junior garden clubs, one senior garden club, two school groups and many individuals. All birds were fully processed: wing measured, fat class recorded, and weight taken. We had our usual few predator problems with hawks, turtles, and we think snakes; we caught only one Pigeon Hawk, deported the turtles, and closed the nets one day when a Red -shouldered Hawk stood guard. And so ends the tenth year of banding at Damsite. Dorothy A. Mendinhall, RD 2, Chestertown Irish Grove On Sept. 3, 1969, a banding station was set up to study the fall migration at Irish Grove Wildlife Sanctuary in Somerset County. It was the hardest day I have ever had in setting up a station — hot, humid, deluged with mosquitoes, "sheep flies" (as the local people call them), and grasshoppers. By nightfall I had put up six nets and had banded and processed 46 new birds of 20 species, and 3 "returns" (birds originally banded there between November 1968 and May 1969). As the days passed, I learned to cope with the insects and began to add one or two nets each day. After the first week, assistants came for one or two days at a time and helped tremendously in cutting new lanes and putting up nets. Banding was slow, but time was never wasted as the 124 MARYLAND BIRDLIFE Vol. 25, No. 4 old garage, which I had chosen to be the office for processing birds, needed much cleaning, shelf construction, and window repair. On Sept. 15, Mr. William L. Johnson and Mr. Charles B. Baker from the Wicomico Chapter came with their wives and wired the banding office, inside and out, so we would have ample light after dark. They donated both their time and materials to make our working conditions better. We banders certainly do appreciate this. By Sept. 20, people were coming to help for a week at a time. As M.O.S, representative at Irish Grove, I let our neighbors know that groups from schools and organizations would be welcomed by appointment The 'phone soon began to ring. All appointments were made for October as mosquitoes would not be so plentiful then. September was an interesting month. We banded and processed 781 new birds of 73 species. Our biggest day was Sept. 30, with 72 new birds. By that date we were running 24 nets per day. The six highest species for September were: Catbird 126 Song Sparrow 54 Yellowthroat 115 Indigo Bunting 43 American Redstart 57 Brown Thrasher 31 October was a more satisfying month, birdwise. October 5 marked the beginning of flocks of Myrtle Warblers. About the middle of the month. Savannah Sparrows and Swamp Sparrows began to arrive in numbers. Our first group of local visitors was the class in ornithology from Salisbury State College. Then we. welcomed the Somerset Garden Club, an Historical Society group from Princess Anne, Girl Scouts from Crisfield, and individuals to help keep records and act as guides. A class of 28 Goucher College girls came from Towson for the week end of Oct. 18-19 to study marsh ecology and observe the banding. All through October there was adequate help and, as in September, much was accomplished at our Sanctuary besides banding. There was re- pair work; wood was cut for the fireplace; the barn loft was cleared and cleaned for over-night camping guests; "No Hunting" signs were put up; and there was more cleaning and hauling away of trash. The study of fall migration was conducted for two full months, Sept. 3 through Nov. 3; 4,109 new birds of 93 species were processed. Our eight highest species for the two months were : Myrtle Warbler 1,624 Catbird 183 Song Sparrow 503 Yellowthroat i46 Savannah Sparrow 280 White -thrtd . Sparrow 97 Swamp Sparrow 272 Field Sparrow 89 We were pleased to recapture 6 of the 48 White -throated Sparrows we had banded last fall and early spring (12$ return). Will they spend the winter with us? And how many will we re-net of the 97 just banded? This species is deserving of a special study at Irish Grove. December 1969 MARYLAND BIRDLIFE 125 I feel that the educational projects as well as the banding studies which we have started have been a success. First , we have complete and consistent records, as all banders were careful and conscientious in keeping them. Secondly, we have tried to share our knowledge with our neighbors and to become a part of the community. The success of this first large research and educational project at Irish Grove is due to the helpful advice and planning of Chandler S. Robbins and all the help and assistance from the following members of M.O.S. :Mr. and Mrs. William E. Brainard, Danny Bystrak, Paul G. Bystrak, Mr. and Mrs. Morrill B. Donnald, Mr. and Mrs. Richard M. Douglass, Miss Reida Longanecker, Mr. and Mrs. E. A. Pepper, George Robbins, Capt. and Mrs. J. E. M. Wood, and Mr. Orrey P. Young. Out-of-State banders in- cluded: Mrs. Kathleen Anderson (Director of the Manomet Bird Observatory in Massachusetts), Mr. and Mrs. George Ballentine (West Virginia), Mrs. Constance Katholi (West Virginia), Mr. and Mrs. Herman Kuch (Pennsyl- vania), Mrs. Marion Metcalf (Vermont), Mr. John Trott (Virginia), and Mrs. M. Brantley Peacock (Virginia). We were also privileged with a visitor from overseas. Dr. Kenneth Williamson, who is Bird Migration Officer for the British Trust for Ornithology. Gladys Hix Cole, 625 Valley Lane, Towson Kent Point The Kent Point O.R. station began operation on Aug. 1 6 and closed on Oct. l8. Until Sept. 15, nets were usually only opened for three or four hours in the morning; from Sept. l8 through Oct. 7> the station operated daily from dawn to dark and from then on for varying lengths of time on whatever days banders could arrange to be present. The season was one of the poorest experienced at this station in its six years of operation, both in total species (92) and in total birds banded (3,600). This is probably because Kent Point has its greatest number and variety of birds when northeast winds are prevalent, and winds this fall were from every other possible direction.' There were few days with small numbers and few with large. Only two new netted species were added to the station list: Sparrow Hawk and Mourning Dove. Other than the expected large number of Blue Jays ( 1,019), no other species was caught in unusually high numbers except Black -throated Blue Warblers (134). Myrtle Warblers were abundant on only one day and this contributed substantially to the lower total birds banded for the season One banded bird, a Blue Jay, was caught on Oct. 4; it had been banded by J. R. Cohen on Long Island. [Date of banding is not yet available — Ed..] We were once again fortunate to have members of the Anne Arundel Chapter assist us. They invariably appeared when they were most needed, and they provided expert record-keeping in addition to helping weigh, remove birds from nets, and even volunteering to feed the banders. 126 MARYLAND BIRDLIFE Vol. 25, No. 4 Eight handers worked for various lengths of time in usually pleasant weather. The main handing tent collapsed from an accumulation of water on its roof but was useable within an hour after the arrival of Jay Nixon and Paul Bystrak early the same morning. Stable flies and mosquitoes seemed unusually abundant, but the monarch butterfly, which had in other seasons appeared in enormous numbers, was seldom seen. If northeast winds mean more birds and butterflies and fewer flies and mosquitoes, all Kent Point banders look forward to these winds with pleasure. Jane P. Church, 2335 North Edgewood, Arlington, Va. Monkton Nets were operated on 17 days during September and October for a total of 535 net-hours. A total of 299 birds of 36 species were banded. The four species with the highest number of individuals banded were ; Slate -colored Junco 50, Wood Thrush 37> White -throated Sparrow 29, and Chipping Sparrow 27. The best day for banding at this station was Oct. 19, when 35 new birds of 10 species were processed. Stephen W. Simon, Bluemount Rd., Monkton Ocean City This was a short season for the Ocean City station. Banding did not begin until Sept. 9, and the nets were taken down on Sept. 29. Netting effort within this period was significantly below that of prior years, as only 20 to 28 nets were operated during the first half of the period in- stead of the usual 35* Consequently, the number of birds banded was only 2,234, the fewest since 1959- Seven birds returned from prior years, all of them s\immer residents. There were also 9^3 captures of "repeats" that were processed again in order to compile records of length of stay of migrants, to study changes in weight, to check measurements of the same birds made by different banders, and to study characters used in ageing and sexing the birds. No birds from other stations were captured at Ocean City this season, and, so far as is known, none of the Ocean City birds were taken at other O.R. stations. In addition to the usual weights and measurements that are routinely recorded for all Ocean City Operation Recovery birds, several special projects were continued this year. One of these was a study of the fre- quency of occurrence of ticks on the various species of birds. Of 633 birds examined, 110 were carrying ticks either in the ears or elsewhere on the head. Brown Thrashers had not only the highest frequency of tick infestation, but also the largest average number of ticks per bird. One thrasher had 54 ticks; the next highest counts were 38 and 27. Of the 20 species of birds that were found harboring ticks, ground -feeding species such as the thrushes and sparrows had the highest rates of occurrence. December 19^9 MARYLAND BIRDLIFE 127 It was unusual to find ticks on a Brown Creeper and a Red -breasted Nuthatch. Warblers, except for the Yellow-breasted Chat, are generally free of ticks; yet ticks were found this season on 9 species of warblers including the Worm-eating, Cape May (5 ticks on one), Mourning, Connecti- cut, and American Redstart. Other projects were the study of plumage and "soft -part " characters as an aid in determining age and sex; the collect- ion of single tail feathers from several dozen known-aged birds to study the structure, shape, and coloration of tail feathers as related to age and sex; and, in cooperation with Mr. Orrey P. Young and the encephalitis research program of Walter Reed Army Medical Center, the collection of blood samples from 6l banded birds of a dozen species. Special thanks are extended to banders Danny Bystrak, Margaret Don- nald, Larry Hood, Jim Shiflett, and Ted Van Velzen, and to the "regular" assistants who helped with many phases of the operation for several days this year: Bill Anderson, Matthew Baird, David Cox, John Feldman, C. John Ralph, Jeff Rusinow, John Trott, and Aldeen Van Velzen. C. S. Robbins, Bureau of Sport Fisheries and Wildlife, Laurel MORE ON THE PARADISE CRANE Mr. and Mrs. Carl Long, who have taken some magnificent colored slides of the Paradise Crane at Mitchell Park, Durban, South Africa, sent some for comparison with Leon Rhodes ’ photo that appeared in the Septem- ber 1968 issue of Maryland Birdlife (24: 71 )* The Longs pointed out that the Paradise or Blue Crane is the National Bird of South Africa and is figured on their five-cent piece. We want to thank Mr. Jim Feely of Zulu- land Safaris (P.0. Box 79, Hluhluve, Zululand, Republic of South Africa) for calling attention to an error in the Maryland Birdlife account. The long wing feathers that are so characteristic of the Blue Crane are not primaries, but secondaries. In response to our concern as to whether this crane might be able to survive the Maryland winter, Mr. Feely pointed out that the Blue Crane is regularly subject to some snow and sleet in its winter range in Africa. The crane did survive the winter at Black- water Refuge, where it remained until April 25, 19^9* What was probably the same individual was photographed near Easton, Pa. , later in the spring. — Ed. * * * FIELD LIST OF THE BIRDS OF MARYLAND by C. S. Robbins & W. T. Van Velzen This up-to-date list of the birds of Maryland, complete with relative abundance, dates of occurrence and nesting, habitats, a map and list of 50 choice birding areas in Maryland, and space for recording 12 field trips, is available through your local Chapter or M.O.S. Bookstore. Price 35 ^ ( 59 ^ by mail). Quantity discounts to members. 44 pages. 128 MARYLAND BIRDLIFB Vol. 25. No. k THE PRESIDENT’S PAGE Just as the vintner speaks of "vintage years," so do we speak of "northern finch years." This year has all the promise of being one, and if so, the arrival of these rarer species is bound to attract the attention of folks who do not commonly give a bird a second look. As many of you must, I get numerous calls from people who have seen something new and strange and wish to have it identified. Some of the descriptions are a bit sketchy, some imaginative and some humorous, like the one which reported the bird as being "something like a kangaroo" (it was a Great Blue Heron). I am always anxious to help, if I can, % for it is sometimes a simple occasion like this that starts an individual on a lifetime hobby, or even a career. While Evening Grosbeaks have already been sighted in many parts of the State, their numbers are not comparable to the "invasion" of 1968-69. Noticeable this year are numerous sightings of Red Crossbills and Pine Siskins. In addition to these and other finches, increased numbers of Snow Buntings, SLack- capped Chickadees, and Red-breasted Nuthatches have been observed. All of this adds up to the promise of an interesting season ahead. As I write this, a Ruby-crowned Kinglet is flitting about in the shrubbery outside my window, spending most of his time in an eleagnus bush where he finds a goodly supply of insects on the underside of the leaves. Kinglets are winter residents here but they frequent the residential areas rarely enough that their presence is a special treat. Maybe I should mention here that this eleagnus ( E, pungens ) seems to attract more feathered visitors than any other piece of shrubbery in my yard. Chickadees come almost daily to feed on the insects it harbors. Over the years, I*ve observed Cardinals, Catbirds, juncos. Song Sparrows, White-throats, nuthatches, a chat, a Nashville Warbler and a sapsucker dining here. Naturally, the insects are welcome; no DDT here! An added dividend from this plant is the pronounced fragrance of its blossons, which appear in October and November. While I write of species I*ve seen and expect to see here on the central Eastern Shore, those of you in other areas of the State may also expect exciting birds this winter, such as the White-winged Crossbill, Common Redpoll, Pine Grosbeak, and even the Boreal Chickadee, Wherever you live, your search is almost bound to be fruitful and the coming season should long remain in your memory. V. Edwin Unger December 1969 MARYLAND BIRDLIFE 129 JULY/ AUGUST/ SEPTEMBER/ 1969 Chandler S. Robbins July was exceedingly wet in the Middle Atlantic States , with precipi- tation two to three times the normal amount in the Chesapeake Bay area. This produced a lush growth of vegetation and an abundance of natural food for wildlife. Temperatures in the northeastern states were decidedly on the cool side in July, hut there was no evidence that low temperatures to the north of us triggered an early southward movement of passerine migrants. In August the temperature pattern in the eastern states was reversed, with subnormal mercury readings in the Southeast and above -normal tem- peratures in the Northeast. As a result, the peak movement of such typi- cal August transients as the Veery and the Empidonax flycatchers spilled over into September. Rainfall was slightly below normal in both August and September, but was sufficient to maintain ground moisture at a high level. Temperatures hovered close to normal during the first half of September, then took a slight dip in the last two weeks. Field ornithologists are very much aware of the intensity, speed and direction of movement of cold fronts during the autumn months, because the heaviest southward migrations generally take place in the cool air masses that typically follow cold -frontal passage. Not a single cold front vigo- rous enough to cause a 10° drop in temperature from the minimum reading of the previous day crossed Maryland between July 1 and Aug. 20. But the front of the 20th brought a good variety of flycatchers and warblers to the banding stations in Kent and Queen Annes Counties (Table l) on the next two days. The next cold front passed through on the 26th and brought a heavy influx of birds on the 27th. The commonest transients on that day were the Canada Warbler (15 at Kent Point, 12 at Damsite) and Yellow-bellied Flycatcher (10 at Kent Point). Ovenbirds, Veeries, and Least and Traill's Flycatchers were well represented. The Mendinhalls banded a late Louisiana Waterthrush at Damsite and also caught their first Swainson's Thrushes, Rose -breasted Grosbeak, and Magnolia, Mourning, and Wilson's Warblers of the season. The Kent Point banders also netted their first Swainson's Thrush and Red -eyed Vireo. The next cold front did not arrive until nearly 2 weeks later. The front itself passed over on Sept. 8, followed by low temperatures (at Salisbury) of ^k° on the 10th and l*-5° on the 11th. The resulting influx Table 1 . Fall Arrival Dates , 1969 Species Canada Goose Sharp -shinned Hawk Broad -winged Hawk Sparrow Hawk Semipalraated Plover W.Md Fred 972S 97 — 9/20 -- 9/20 9/12 — 0 9/2k Balt Harf 10TT 9717 8/30 9/13 8/27 9 / 5 9/14 — 0 0 Howd Mont 972 S 107T 9 / 9 9/24 9 / 1 9/21 9 / 1 - 0 9/15 Pr.G Anne 10TT 9719 — 9 /l 4 0 8/10 Kent QuAn 9/12 9JTS 8/24 9/21 0 8/ 4 7/10 0 0 Caro Talb 97^7 9710 - 9/21 - 8/17 - 8/ 8 0 9/21 Somr Wore 9730 97^9 9/23 9/20 0 0 9/ 8 9/26 fi/iq 7/-10 Common Snipe Spotted Sandpiper Greater Yellowlegs Lesser Yellowlegs Pectoral Sandpiper 0 8/27 0 9 /2k 0 9 /2k 8/30 8/24 0 0 0 0 0 0 9/27 - 8/28 - 10/ 3 0 0 0 10/14 9/13 8/21 8/15 - 8/ T 0 0 8/15 0 8/10 127 1 0 " 7/22 - 7/29 .0 0 0 7/29 9/27 - -- 8/17 8/ l 8/10 8/ 6 9/20 0 0 .V/ 1 / -- 7 / 4 9/30 7/12 -- 7/29 9/30 0 Least Sandpiper Semipalraated Sandpiper Sanderling Yellow-billed Cuckoo Black -billed Cuckoo 0 9/24 0 9/20 0 9/24 8/24 - 0 0 0 0 0 0 0 9/21 — 9/11 0 9/20 9/15 0 0 0 9/15 9/23 - 0 0 0 5/10 0 8/10 0 8/10 8/ 2 - 0 0 0 0 0 0 0 8/12 8/17 9/17 0 9720 0 9/12 0 8/30 0 10/ 1 9/13 8/ 2 -- 9/27 -- 7/26 0 7/ 7 0 7/27 9/29 9/21 0 9/11 Common Nighthawk Yellow-shafted Flicker Red -headed Woodpecker Yellow -bell. Sapsucker Eastern Phoebe — 10/ 1 8/23 9 / l - 10 / 5 9/2 0 9/28 — ~8Jn 8/19 9/25 9/21 9/14 -- 9/27 9/13 9/25 9/24 8/17 8 / 24 ' -- 9/30 0 0 - 9/26 8/23 0 9 / 9 9/11 0 0 9/24 9/30 9729 9/22 '"' 8/24 8/17 -- 9/22 0 9/28 -- 9/27 -- 9/27 ~ 8/29 9/11 0 97 IT 9/29 9/24 9/29 9/24 bellow -bell. Flycatcher Traill's Flycatcher Least Flycatcher Tree Swallow Blue Jay 0 0 - 8/18 0 0 8/31 0 0 0 8/27 8/17 9/17 9 / 8 0 0 0 0 0 7 / 7 9/13 9/23 9/20 0 0 0 0 0 0 0 9/20 9/ 4 8/21 3/19 0 8/21 8/21 5/22 8/29 tTT 9721 9 / 9 0 9/13 0 5723 0 8/23 7/10 7/12 9/12 9/19 9/10 9 / 3 97 lO 23 — 8723 9/29 9/24 White -breasted Nuthatch Red -breasted Nuthatch Brown Creeper Winter Wren Swains on's Thrush 9 / 5 - 0 — 10/12 9/10 — 9/27 9 / l 9/13 10/ 5 9/28 8/25 107l0 9/20 9/11 0 7/26 — 9 / 1 9/23 9/30 9/21 9/28 - 9/12 9/23 — 11/16 10/ 5 9/26 10/26 10/7 — 10/11 — 9/18 10/30 0 “ 97 l 3 8/27 9/23 9 /l 9 9/30 9 / 28 ' " 9/16 0 9/30 8/31 9/30 9/27 — 9/29 9/30 8/31 0 10/10 9/ 9 9/23 9/21 10712 97 l 9 9/l0 9/10 Gray -cheeked Thrush Veery Golden -crowned Kinglet Ruby -crowned Kinglet Cedar Waxwing 0 0 — 10/11 - 10 / 5 10 / 8 — 10/ 5 0™ ~ 9 /nr 9/ 1 10712 10/ 5 9/21 10/ 5 8/27 9/20 -9728 o~ 9/10 0 9/21 10/ 5 9/20 9/15 9/20 9/15 0 0 0 0 10/ 6 10/ 8 9/24 9 / 7 8/24 9/30 9/17 8/27 5727 ioTT io 7 "T - 9/14 - 8/31 10/ 6 9/21 10/ 1 9/21 9/28 5722 9/30 9/19 9/9 10/15 9/20 9/13 9/11 87 n 8/13 9/18 97 ^ Loggerhead Shrike Solitary Vireo 0 0 0 0 0 10/ 6 0 0 0 1 9/20 9/29 0 0 0 0 9 / 3 8/27 10/19 9/30 8/21 0 o 10/11 9/10 -- 12L1 9/15 BIRDLIFE Vol. 25 , No Species Red -eyed Vireo Philadelphia Vireo B la ck - & - wh it e Warbler Tennessee Warbler Nashville Warbler Parula Warbler Yellow Warbler Magnolia Warbler Cape May Warbler Black -thr. Blue Warbler Myrtle Warbler Black -thr. Green Warbler Blackburnian Warbler Chestnut -sided Warbler Bay-breasted Warbler Blackpoll Warbler Palm Warbler Ovenbird Northern Waterthrush Connecticut Warbler Mourning Warbler Wilson's Warbler Canada Warbler Redstart Bobolink Baltimore Oriole Scarlet Tan age r Rose -breasted Grosbeak Purple Finch Rufous -sided Towhee Savannah Sparrow Slate -colored Junco White -throated Sparrow Lincoln's Sparrow Swamp Sparrow Song Sparrow W.Md Fred Balt Harf Howd Mont Pr.G Anne Kent QuAn Caro Talb Sotnr Wore 0 0 0 8/29 9/ll 0 0 10 / 4 8/27 0 8/30 o 8/25 0 0 0 9/20 9 W 9/11 9 / 2 0 0 10 / 0 0 9/ 1 0 8/20 8/22 8/22 9/16 8/31 8/28 0 8/24 -9729 9/29 9/27 9/14 9/ 9 9/28 8/22 8/21 8/23 10/ 5 9/13 9/14 9/22 0 0 0 9/ 7 0 9/26 9/11 9/11 9/ 0 0 0 10/ 4 0 10/ 1 9/l4 0 0 0 0 9/10 0 0 0 9/20 9 7 2 0 9/28 0 9 / 2 0 0 0 0 ^727 0 9/ 3 10/ 5 9/14 “572H" 9/15 10/11 0 0 0 0 0 0 0 0 8/30 9/12 0 0 0 9/ 6 0 ”972! 8/25 10/ 1 0 9/13 0 0 9/11 ■9711 - 9/18 0 0 0 0 0 0 0 0 0 9/19 8/21 9/11 WI5' 0 11 / 2 UW 0 9/22 9/ 1 9/12 0 9/27 0 0 8/25 ■9713 0 9/15 0 0 0 0 9/ 7 0 0 0 9/10 0 9/1 9/ 7 9/7 0 8/ 9 w 10/10 0 9/27 9/23 9/29 ”9729 9/30 0 10/ 5 9/29 9/24 9/21 9/10 10/ 9 9/20 10/ 6 10 / 6 9/19 9/21 0 9/15 i 0/_2 10/10 10/26 9/30 10/19 10/ 5 0 10/12 10/11 0 9/ 1 9727 10/ 5 9/26 0 9/29 I— 1 00 M December 1969 MARYLAM) BIRDLIFE 132 MARYLAND BIRDLIFE Vol. 2 $, No. 4 of transients was the second heaviest of the month at Ocean City and Irish Grove. Three handing stations were not in operation those days; the other three O.R. stations all had their seasonal peak of Veeries on the 9th (Kent Point) or 10th (Irish Grove and Ocean City). Other species that figured prominently in this flight were: Yellow-bellied Flycatcher (O.C.), Red-eyed Vireo (O.C. and I.G.), Black-and-white, Magnolia, Black- throated Blue, Ovenbird, Northern Waterthrush, Yellowthroat, Canada Warbler, and American Redstart (the above warblers at all 3 stations), and Bay-breasted Warbler (K.P. and O.C. ). In contrast to the first half of September, which favored Maryland with but a single cold front, three strong fronts swept over the Free State in the latter half of the month. Prior to these, however, northwest winds that were not associated with frontal passage brought the season’s peak of Red-eyed Vireos (30), Philadelphia Vireos (9), Cape May Warblers (12) and Northern Waterthrushes (38) to Ocean City on the l4th. The cold front of Sept. 17-18 caused a big invasion at Kent Point, with the following seasonal peaks on the 19th: Black-and-white Warbler (4l), Ovenbird (17), Northern Waterthrush (25), and American Redstart (59)* Damsite, in the next county to the north, did not share in the in- vasion; they had no more than one apiece of these four species. Irish Grove and Ocean City fared only a little better. The front of the 24th again favored Kent Point. Their commonest birds on the 26th were the Brown Creeper (10), Swains on's Thrush (l4). Magnolia Warbler (l4), Black -throated Blue Warbler (12), Yellowthroat (15), and American Redstart (l4). The truly spectacular migration of the month occurred on Sept. 29-30, following the cold front of the 28th. Salisbury temperatures dropped to 47° on the 29th and 39° on the 30th, for the coldest reading of the month. Winds were light north -northeast during the night of Sept. 28-29, and calm the next night, producing favorable conditions at all Maryland O.R. stations on both days. Although no species except Wood Thrush reached its seasonal peak at all five of the O.R. stations that were manned on Sept. 29-30, four stations registered their seasonal high for the Swainson's Thrush, Catbird, Red -eyed Vireo, Black -throated Blue and Black -throated Green Warblers on one of these two days. The Magnolia Warbler, Ovenbird and Yellowthroat were also among the commonest birds on both days. Harry Armistead saw 76 species at his Bellevue home on the 30th. Table 1 gives a summary of the first fall arrival dates reported from those Maryland counties that had the most active observers during the three months. Records for Garrett, Allegany, and Washington Counties are com- bined under the heading Western Maryland, and were submitted by Kendrick Y. Hodgdon and Mrs. Lloyd L. Mallonee. The principal contributors for the other counties were as follows: Frede rick County — John W. Richards, William N. Shirey, Nell Cooley, Mary Porter, William Corliss, Fred Evenden; Balti more City and County --Stephen W. Simon, Mrs. Richard D, Cole, C. Douglas Hackman, Irving E. Hampe, Mr. and Mrs. Malcolm Thomas, Mrs. W.F. Gerringer, Mrs. Raymond Geddes; Harford and Cecil: Dr. Edgar E. Folk, December 19^9 MARYLAND BIRDLIFE 133 C. Douglas Hackman, Joseph Pannill, Rev. Walden Pell II; Howa rd — Mrs. Harry B. Rauth, Mr. and Mrs. Robert C. Mallalieu, Morris Collins, Mrs. G. C. Munro; Montg omery — Mrs. John Frankel, Robert W. Warfield, Carl W. Carlson, Nell Cooley, Jim Cooley, Sarah Baker; Prince Georges — Chandler S. Robbins, Paul and Danny Bystrak; Anne Arundel — Prof, and Mrs. David Howard, Danny and Paul Bystrak, Harold Wierenga, Dr. Lawrence W. Murphy; Kent — Mr. and Mrs. Edward Mendinhall, Mrs. Arline Delario; Queen Annes — David Bridge, Paul and Danny Bystrak, Kathy Klimkiewicz, Mrs, Herbert Church, Paul Woodward; Carol ine — Mr. and Mrs. A.J. Fletcher, Marvin W. Hewitt, Ethel Engle, Alicia Knotts, Margarete Butenschoen, V. Edwin Unger; Talbo t - -Harry T. Armistead, Jan Reese, John Valliant; Some rset (all on Irish Grove Wildlife Sanctuary) — Mrs. Richard D. Cole, Richard Douglass, Marion Metcalf, Mr. and Mrs. Aldridge Pepper; Worce ster — Danny Bystrak, Bill Anderson, Larry Hood, Jim Shiflett, Mr. and Mrs. John Trott, Matt Baird, Chandler S. Robbins, Mr. and Mrs, T. H. C. Slaughter, Robert W. Warfield. A dash indicates that the species was recorded, but no signifi- cant arrival date of transients was noted. A zero means no report was submitted. Dates based on banded birds are underscored, indicating those identifications were of birds carefully examined in the hand. Shearwaters , Cormorants . In addition to the Greater Shearwaters dis- cussed by Bridge, et_ al . , on pages 111-116, the remains of one that had been dead for a few days were found on July 7 on the beach at Ocean City by Robert Warfield. Jan Reese remarked that he had never before seen Double -crested Cormorants so common in Chesapeake Bay in the summer months He found them to be present in Talbot County from late July through the end of the period; his high counts were 1 6 each on Aug. 12 and Sept. 12. Cattle Egrets . Cattle Egrets were seen regularly through the period in pastures on the lower Eastern Shore --this in marked contrast to 1967 and prior years, when they were largely confined to coastal localities in the late summer and fall. As many as 12 were counted in Talbot County on Aug. 8 and 2 individuals were still present there as late as Sept. 28 (Jan Reese). Flocks of 20 or more birds were seen daily near Irish Grove Sanctuary (Mrs. Richard Cole). Closer to the coast, Dickson Preston, Don Meritt and Jan Reese found more than 300 in a single field on Aug. 29, Swans and Geese . Five Whistling Swans summered at the east end of the Chesapeake Bay Bridge, until disturbed by construction of the new span Robert Warfield saw 2 Mute Swans at the West Ocean City pond, July 28 to Aug. 2, and Ethel Engle reported ^ birds in the Choptank River marsh near the Tanyard bridge (route 331) on Aug. 9--the first sighting in that area. Only 1 Mute Swan was found on Linchester Pond at Preston (Sept. 1, Marvin Hewitt). John Valliant found a very early Snow Goose (second earliest State record) with a flock of Canadas in Talbot County on Sept. 2 6. Hawks and Eagles . Very early migratory movement of Broad-winged Hawks was detected on Aug. 17 when Jan Reese saw 3 birds circling low over Chesapeake Bay about 3 miles from the Talbot County shore. This is un- usual behavior for Broad -wings, which normally attain considerable alti- tude before attempting a water crossing. Mrs. Harry Rauth counted 52 Broad -wings in migration over her home in Highland, Howard County, on MARYLAND BIRDLIFE Vol. 25, No. 4 13^ Sept. 13, and Douglas Hackman counted 560 in two parallel flocks over the Timonium Fair Grounds on Sept. 18 . If you should see a Harris Hawk in the Vicinity of Bel Air in Harford County it is undoubtedly the one that es- caped from David Smith a year ago; this tropical bird managed to survive the cold weather last winter and is still frequently seen in the Harford Furnace area. Five of the 8 Bald Eagles reported were in adult plumage. Shorehirds . Prof. Wierenga had the good judgment to visit Sandy Point State Park on Aug. 10; on this day shorehirds migrating behind a cold front overtook the slow-moving front over Chesapeake Bay and were "grounded by heavy rain. Although numbers of individuals were rather small, his list of 11 species seen within the park is almost sensational for an Upper Ches- apeake location: Semipalmated Plover ( 8 ), Piping Plover (l), Killdeer (ll). Ruddy Turnstone ( 5 ), Spotted Sandpiper (3), Pectoral Sandpiper (6), Least Sandpiper (l), Semipalmated Sandpiper ( 3 ), Western Sandpiper ( 3 ), Marbled Godwit (l), and Sanderling (7). He saw a Stilt Sandpiper there on Aug. 5 and Aug. 6 , and a Wilson's Phalarope (the only Maryland record this fall) on Aug. 19 . Inland, the Summit Hall turf farm five miles west of Seneca again took top honors for excitement; on Sept. 13 and 15 the commonest shorebird next to the Killdeer was the Am. Golden Plover, with 9 individuals each day (Nell and Jim Cooley, Sarah Baker), Two Buff- breasted Sandpipers seen there on the first date by the Cooleys were not seen subsequently. Upland Plovers ( 8 ) were last noted at Buckeystown on Aug. 27 (James Emerson). From 1 to k Marbled Godwits were present almost daily on the 6 th St. Flats at Ocean City, Aug. 11 to Sept. 1, and as many as 8 were counted on Sept. 27 (Warfield). Gulls , Terns , and Skimmers . A Bonaparte 1 s Gull appeared at Sandy Point as early as Aug. 13 and a different individual was there on the 15 th (Lawrence Murphy). Also early was a Black Tern at West Ocean City on July 4 (Warfield). For the second year in a row Black Skimmers wandered up the Bay as far as Talbot County; Don Meritt sighted 3 of them near Newcomb on Aug. 17. Cuckoos . Douglas Hackman made an interesting observation of a mi- grating Yellow-billed Cuckoo. He watched the bird arrive from the north- east at a high altitude late in the afternoon on Sept. 21; then it foraged for about an hour in Mimosa trees at his parents’ home in White Marsh. Cuckoos typically migrate by night. Has anyone else seen evidence of their migrating in the afternoon? Owls, Nighthawks . The Saw -whet Owl nests regularly in Garrett County, but has been recorded only twice at lower elevations in Maryland in summer: in 1903 near Cumberland and in 1957 at Emmitsburg, both in July. On June llj- Linda Buell picked up an injured one in western Mont- gomery County between Poolesville and Whites Ferry. It died and is now preserved as a specimen at the National Museum. Douglas Hackman made daily counts of migrating Common Nighthawks at Towson, starting between 5:30 and 6:00 p.m. and continuing until dark. The heaviest flights took place on Aug. 23 (51 birds), Aug. 30 (229 in 4 5 minutes). Sept. 5 ( 58 ), and Sept. 6 (95)» The last nighthawk seen by Mr. Hackman was on Oct. 1. At Silver Spring, Thomas Valega saw a concentration of 100 at 5:30 p.m. on December 1969 MARYLAND BIRDLIFE 135 Sept. 3; he noted smaller flocks over nearby communities the same even- ing. Flycatchers . Eastern Kingbirds disappear from most inland localities in late August, but small flocks of migrants can still be found along the coast -into September, often moving southward just above the trees. Active migration in fall is seldom observed at inland locations, but on Aug, 27 Douglas Hackman counted 18 birds flying southwestward above the trees at White Marsh just after dawn. The only Western Kingbird of the fall was seen on Sept. 27 at the Summit Hall Turf Farm west of Seneca by Carl Carlson, who found an Olive -sided Flycatcher there the same day. Swallows . The Tree Swallow, which is usually our first landbird to start its fall migration, was first noted at Highland (Dorothy Rauth) and on Kent Island (David Bridge) on July 7- Four weeks later, on Aug. 2, Jan Reese and Dick Kleen witnessed an imposing flight of migrating swallows in the half-hour preceding sunset at Wye Island. They estimated 7,000 each of Tree and Bank Swallows and about 1,50 0 Bara Swallows. Jays , Nuthatches . Professor and Mrs. David Howard in Annapolis were the first to detect Blue Jay immigrants, Sept. 4. The first "big day" was Sept. 21, when hundreds passed over Towson, Kent Point (84 banded), and St. Michaels. Jan Reese estimated in excess of 3j000 over the St. Michaels area on Sept. 28. Whenever Red -breasted Nuthatches appear in Maryland in late August or the first week in September it means a heavy flight of this species is to follow. This year the initial sighting was on Aug . 27 (at Kent Point by David Bridge), breaking the early fall arrival date by 3 days. In the next few days other Red -breasts arrived at Bellevue on Aug. 31 (Armistead) and near Atholton on Sept. 1 (Shirley and Robert Mallalieu). At Ocean City the flight was the heaviest recorded in 15 years of banding there; 72 were banded, Sept. 9-29* The best day was Sept. 19 with 15 birds handled at Ocean City. Gnat catchers , Vireos . Harry Armistead operated his Bellevue banding station on all five week ends in August as well as on 13 days in Septem- ber and 12 days in October. The fact that the last of his 3 Blue -gray Gnatcatchers was captured on Aug, 17 may explain why so few of this common summer resident species are seen by most of us during the fall migration. One of the special features of Irish Grove Wildlife Sanct- uary is the abundance of White-eyed Vireos --a species that is encountered only 3 to 5 times a year at the other Maryland banding stations. From 1 to 4 were banded almost every day in the first half of September by Mrs. Cole. Philadelphia Vireos, on the other hand, are scarce at all but the Ocean City station, where this year's total of 33 birds was the second- highest in 15 years. Warblers . Several warblers, especially the Tennessee, Nashville, and Cape May, reached Maryland unusually early this fall. These three species were all seen during the big warbler wave on Aug. 22, the first two species at Highland (Mrs. Rauth) and the Cape May banded at Tolchester (Damsite) by the Mendinhalls. The Nashville and Cape May Warblers established new fall arrival dates for Maryland, The initial records were 136 MARYIAND BIRDLIFE Vol. 23, No. 4 followed by other sightings well ahead of the normal arrival times of these species. For example, Harry Armistead saw a Tennessee Warbler at Bellevue on Aug. 23* John Richards found a Nashville Warbler at Emmits- burg on Aug. 29, and Gladys Cole banded a Nashville at Towson on Aug. 30 — still ahead of the earliest previous fall arrival date for Maryland. Orange -crowned Warblers, which typically migrate through Maryland in small numbers in October and November, were seen on two September dates : Sept. 27 near Seneca (Carlson) and Sept. 29 at Bellevue (banded by Armistead). Some maximum one -day banding totals will demonstrate not only the approximate time of peak movement, but also which localities were most favored by the different species (Table 2). Table 2, Comparison of Peak Banding Days at Five Stations Dams it e Kent Ft. Be llevue Irish Grove Ocean City Black -&-white 3 9/30 4i 9/19 5 8/30 2 2 days 13 9/H Nashville 2 9/1*4- T 9/29 2 10/1 1 10/5 2 2 days Tennessee 5 9/ 8 IT 9/ 8 0 - 0 2 2 days Cape May 3 6 days 4 9/11 8 9/21 1 3 days 12 9/i4 Blk-thr. Blue 15 9/29 17 2 days 7 9/29 3 10/6 “S 2 days Magnolia 6 9/29 30 2 days 6 9/1*4 4 9/29 8 9/27 Chestnut -side 1 2 days 2 2 days 1 9/29 1 9/29 3 9/10 Bay -breast 3 8/15 5 9/26 0 - 0 £ 9/11 Blackpoll 13 9/29-30 6 9/28 5 10/4 2 10/15 17 9/26 Palm 1 9/29 2 2 days 2 10/19 11 10/15 T 2 days Ovenbird 13 9/30 17 9/19 2 5 days 2 3 days 17 9/11 N. Waterthrush 2 5 days 25 9/19 3 2 days 2 3 days 3* 9 / 1*4 Connecticut 2 2 days 1 6 days 1 4 days 1 4 days 3 9 / 1*4 Yellowthroat 4 9/30 15 9/26 i4 9/30 12 9/11 13 9/29 Chat 1 6 days 2 2 days 1 2 days 1 8 days 6 9/28 Wilson's 3 8/27 3 9/29 3 9/29 1 9/1*4 3 9/10 Canada 12 8/27 it 9/ 7 IT 8/30 3 9/10 12 9/10 Am. Redstart 6 2 days 59 9/19 8 9/20 14 9/11 69 9/11 Bureau of Sport Fisheries and Wildlife Migratory Bird Populations Station, Laurel BLUE JAYS ADOPT A HAND-REARED YOUNG Madeleine Buterbaugh On June 5 , 1969, a neighbor brought me a young Blue Jay ( Qyanocitta cris£ata)they had found while on the eastern shore* This young ^kidnap" victim was healthy and well-fed, but not yet feathered enough to fly. As soon as the bird had recovered from its fright and learned to recog- nize us as the source of nourishment, we put it outdoors in a small dogwood tree and took food to it. The first afternoon we twice saw an adult Blue Jay inspect the young one very closely for several minutes before returning to its nest 25 ft. above in an ash tree. December 1 969 MARYLAND BIRDLIFE m Both adults then ignored the young jay until 3 days later when it had become more active and had worked its way up to within 10 ft. of the nest. Then the male attacked twice, determinedly enough to leave the youngster hanging upside-down under the limb, though unhurt. The next morning the young bird did not seem hungry, as it came down low enough to be fed only once during the entire morning. Fear- ing that it might be having trouble digesting its diet of hard-boiled egg and bread crumbs, we sat down to watch both the adult and the young. The young sat close by the brooding female on the nest where it was fed by both birds from time to time. Once it was on the edge of the nest when the female left, whereupon it hopped into the nest and waited for the old birds' return. The kidnapped bird was fed first, then the very small young in the nest got their share. The larger bird was fed several more times, either near the nest or at a distance. In late afternoon it flew down to join us, so we fed it a number of times to the apparent unconcern of the adults busy above with their own young. Twice the following morning I found it down low enough to be fed, only to have the adult fly down to its defense in great alarm when I approached the youngster. Since the new parents had apparently taken the orphan completely in charge, we made no further effort to feed it. We saw it with the old birds for two or three more days, after which all activity around the nest ceased. Since it seemed too soon for the younger birds to have left the nest, we investigated and found the 2 nestlings dead. 4016 Bedford Rd., Baltimore CONTRIBUTORS to IRISH GROVE WILDLIFE SANCTUARY June 1st, 1969 - December 1st, 1969 Alexander, Arthur W. Austin, Dr. Tom L. Bowman, John P. Butler, Miss Marian Clarke, Charles G. Cover, Richard L. Cowen, Miss Mary Cullom, John H. Cummings, George S. Eastern Shore Garden Club Gay, Francis H. Gebhard, Dr. Mildred E. Francis R. Gibson Fund Hager, Mr. & Mrs. Robert Heindl, Miss Marie H. Howard, Miss Bertha H. Huppman, Miss Elizabeth Kay, Miss Margaret B. Kay, Mr. & Mrs. Nicholas Lapeyre, Mr. & Mrs. K. P. Lau, Dr. Lorrin Lee, David S. Longanecker, Miss Reida Lubbert, Mr. & Mrs. Carl B. Marty, Mrs. Beatrice H. Marty, Kenneth B. Meyer, Miss Belinda, P. H. H. Foundation Parshon, Gordon Price, Miss Constance A. Roberts, Mrs. Virginia Lee Ross, Alan Rouse, James W. Sherman, Charles L. Jr., Steinhart, Mr. & Mrs. Wm. L. Stine, Dr. Charles J. Jr. Thomas, Mrs. Dorothy Whittemore, Mr. & Mrs. Louis F Wonnelle, Mrs. Curtis Young, Mr. & Mrs. Orrey P. 138 MARYLAND BIRDLIFE Vol. 25. No. 4 THE MOS BLUEBIRD PROJECT Lawrence Zeleny At a meeting of the Maryland Ornithological Society Trustees and Executive Council on October 11, 1969 the status of the Eastern Bluebird ( Sialia sialis ) was discussed and a decision made to organize a project designed to increase, if possible, the seriously depleted population of this species in the State. The Eastern Bluebird population has been drastically reduced during recent years in most parts of its range, including Maryland, Continuation of this trend could result in the extirpation of this valuable bird before the end of the century. Although there are no doubt a number of factors responsible for this population decline, there is good evidence that a critical shortage of nesting sites avail- able to the bluebirds may be one of the most important factors. Bluebirds nest only in cavities of some sort, either natural or artificial. Old woodpecker holes and rotted out portions of dead trees and wooden fence posts are favorite nesting sites if they are in at least fairly open areas. Most dead trees in open places are now removed and wooden fence posts have been largely replaced by metal ones. Thus natural nesting sites acceptable to bluebirds are many fewer than in earlier years. The greatest problem confronting the bluebirds, however, is not so much the actual shortage of cavities but rather the fact that both House Sparrows ( Passer domesticus ) and Starlings (Sturnus vulgaris ) preempt most of the existing cavities that would be acceptable to bluebirds. Since these two imported birds have now overrun the country even in most rural areas, the bluebirds are faced with overwhelming competition for the relatively few cavities that are available. Bluebirds can rarely com- pete successfully with House Sparrows for nesting sites and never with Starlings. Although both House Sparrows and Starlings strongly prefer to nest in the same kind of cavities required by bluebirds, they do not actually require this kind of nesting site; hence, unlike the bluebirds, their populations are not restricted by the shortage of cavities. Many of our native cavity-nesting birds avoid the problem of sparrow and Starling competition by nesting in wooded areas, which are usually shunned by these foreign species. Also the smaller cavity-nesting birds such as chickadees, nuthatches, and titmice can usually find cavities with openings large enough to accommodate them but too small for sparrows and starlings. Bluebirds, however, insist on nesting in reasonably open areas where both sparrows and starlings are likely to interfere. Also House Sparrows can enter any opening that bluebirds can enter; and since bluebirds require almost as large an opening as Starlings, there are few natural cavities that will exclude Starlings and still permit bluebirds to enter. December 1969 MARYLAND BIRHLIFE m The best current solution to the problem seems to be to supply large numbers of properly constructed and properly located nesting boxes. These will provide bluebirds better protection against predators and reduce interference from foreign species. In most places where this has been tried a rapid local increase in the bluebird population has been noted within a few years. At the Agricultural Research Center at Beltsville, Maryland, for example, such a project has been underway for the past 3 years. Prior to I 95 O bluebirds were fairly numerous at the Center during the breeding season and the Starling population was mini- mal. The Starling population increased rapidly after about 1950 and bluebirds were less frequently seen. For at least 10 years prior to 1967 careful observation indicated that with reasonable certainty not more than 1 or 2 pairs of bluebirds nested at the Center in any one year. In early 1 967 » 11 bluebird nesting boxes were erected and the number was increased to 18 in I 96 & and to 31 in I 969 . In I 969 , 28 of the 31 nest- ing boxes were occupied by bluebirds and 132 young bluebirds were successfully fledged in spite of the continued very heavy populations of both Starlings and House Sparrows. It seems reasonable to suppose that similar success could be attained in must rural areas of the State if sufficient public interest could be aroused. A few MOS Chapters already have their own bluebird projects. All Chapters are urged to participate in this new MOS project, the goal of which will be to bring back the badly depleted bluebird population of Maryland as nearly as possible to its former level. The following steps are suggested: 1 . Urge all members of the Chapter who own or have access to rural or far-outlying suburban property to place one or more bluebird nesting boxes on the property, and, if the boxes are used, to increase the number each year if the property is large enough to accommodate them. 2. Inspect the boxes as often as necessary during the nesting season to remove any House Sparrow nests, and record obser- vations of nesting bluebirds or other species. 3. At the end of the bluebird nesting season each year (early September) report the results obtained so that a composite report may be prepared for Maryland Birdlife . Reports should include any unusual problems encountered or observations made that might be helpful to others in promoting the success of the project. 4. Encourage the planting of berry-bearing trees and shrubs that hold their berries throughout the winter in order to supply food for bluebirds that winter in the State. The American Holly ( Ilex opaca ) is one of the finest plantings for this purpose since it holds its berries until spring and they are seldom if ever eaten by Starlings. The Staghorn Sumac ( Rhus typhina ) is also excellent. 5. Promote large-scale public participation in the project through the press, radio, and television; by distributing literature; and by enlisting the cooperation of garden clubs and youth organisations such as Boy Scouts, Girl Scouts, and 4-H Clubs. 140 MARYLAND BIRDLIFE VoX. 25. No, 4 Bluebird Nesting Box Plans and Instructions Bluebirds may accept almost any nesting box that they can enter, but certain principles should be adhered to in the construction, mounting, and location of the boxes in order to insure maximum acceptance and the greatest practical degree of protection from predators, conpeting species, and unfavorable weather. Accessability for observation and cleaning of the boxes is also an important consideration. The accom- panying plans for a simple bluebird nesting box embody the important features. The small floor size has been found adequate for even large broods of bluebirds and helps a little to discourage House Sparrows, which prefer a larger box for their bulky nests. The rather deep box usually protects the nesting bluebirds from Starling attack. Although Starlings cannot enter the lyinch opening they sometimes reach through the opening and destroy the bluebird eggs or young unless the box is deep enough. Lumber used should be at least 3/4 inch thick to provide insulation needed in very hot or cold weather. Most any other design of box employing the essential features herein described or shown should be satisfactory. afe" HOLES/ SIDE ViEW VEN' WO on SCREW OR EYE SCREW (USE, GREASE IN Hole) dimensions showy are for BOARDS 3/4 rf/CH thick. USE (%IHCH GALVANIZED SIDING WAILS OR ALUMINUM NAILS, IJ4.INCH FOR DOWEL. HINGE MAY BE USED IN PLACE OF DOWEL. TOP MAY THEN BE HELD DOWN WITH A HOOK AND EYE ON EACH SIDE OF HOUSE. TOP MUST FIT SNUGLY UNDER DOWEL. CUT 'A INCH OFF EACH CORNER OF BOTTOM BOARD AS SHOWN. T It" -M—M io/zfa Painting . It is not necessary to paint the bluebird nesting box, although painting will improve its appearance and add to its life. If the box is painted, a light color such as light tan, light green, or even white should be used. Dark colors should be avoided since December 1969 MARYLAND BIRSLIFE 141 they may cause the box to overheat on hot, sunny days with disastrous effects on the eggs orsyoung birds. It is also best to avoid paints containing lead or mercury compounds as they may prove toxic to the birds. For the same reason do not use chemical wood preservatives such as pentachlorophenol. Do not paint the inside of the box or the inside rim of the entrance hole. Location . Selecting a suitable location for the bluebird nesting box is of utmost importance. Unfortunately bluebirds now very rarely nest in cities, large towns, or close-in suburban areas. Thus success can be expected only In far-outlying suburbs, small towns, and rural areas . Bluebird nesting boxes should be placed in reasonably open areas since the birds will not nest in the woods and rarely in deep shade. Best of all is an open area with scattered trees, a considerable dis- tance from buildings (especially away from barns where House Sparrows congregate.) Pastures, fields, open waste lands, large lawns, country cemeteries, and golf courses are usually satisfactory locations. Ideally the bluebird box should face an open area with a tree, large shrub, or fence from 25 to 100 feet in front of the box. The young birds then have a good chance of reaching this on their first flight and thus have a better chance of surviving the first critical hours out of the nest. Do not place bluebird boxes near any area where wide-spread use Is made of insecticides or herbicides. Many of these substances will destroy the birds* food supply or even kill the birds directly. Mounting . By using the small holes shown in the top and bottom extensions of the back board, the box may be nailed or screwed to the top or side of a wooden post, or it may be bolted or wired to the top or side of a metal post. A smooth metal post such as a galvanized pipe is preferred to a wooden post since it offers better protection against predators such as cats, raccoons, and snakes, particularly if the post is coated with soft grease while the bluebirds are occupying the box. A 1/2 or 3/4 inch galvanized pipe threaded at one end can be neatly and firmly attached to the bottom of the box by means of a pipe flange which may be obtained at any hardware store. A bluebird box on a wooden post may be protected from predators by means of a sheet metal collar or conical guard 18 or more inches wide attached just below the box. Where predators are not a problem bluebird boxes may be mounted con- veniently on posts of existing fences, on utility poles (if the utility company permits), or on the trunks of isolated trees (never among the branches). If posts of pasture fences are used the boxes should be on the side away from the animals or else placed high enough so that the animals will not use them as back scratchers. Bluebird nesting boxes should be mounted at a height of 3 to 5 feet measured from the ground to the floor of the box. In Maryland they should preferably be set out before March 1 . Ik2 MARYLAND BIRDLIFE Vol. 25, No. k Sparrows . The House Sparrow iB usually the most troublesome of all pests that interfere with the bluebirds ' use of nesting boxes . Sparrows are discouraged to some extent by the small floor size recommended for the box, by mounting the box rather low (3 to 5 feet), and by locating the box at a considerable distance from buildings. If sparrows do take over the bluebird box their nests should be removed repeatedly, daily if necessary, during the nesting season. Maintenance . Bluebird nests should be removed from the boxes as soon as the young have left since this will increase the chance of second or third broods being raised in the same boxes. The boxes should be in- spected, cleaned, and repaired if necessary in February each year, making sure that the drain holes in the floors are open. A copy of the booklet "Bluebirds for Posterity," which contains ad- ditional information, has been mailed to the President of each Chapter. Plans for participation in the MOS Bluebird Project should be made as soon as possible, as the nesting season will soon be here. The writer will be glad to help in any way possible. 4312 Van Buren St., University Park PROJECTS FOR THE WINTER AND SPRING MONTHS Blackbird and Starling Roosts . The U. S. Fish and Wildlife Service is trying to locate all major winter roosts of these species. Please report roost sites if known, or any flight lanes that are used regularly if the exact roost site is not known. Send reports to Brooke Meanley, Patuxent Wildlife Research Center, Laurel. Bluebird Boxes . Start now to get your boxes ready. See the fine article by Dr. Zeleny on pages I38-IA2. Crossbill Invasion . Don't miss out on the great crossbill invasion of 1969 - 70 .' The present flight will go down in the records as the best ever for the Red Crossbill in Maryland. This species seems to be es- pecially common on the lower Eastern Shore, where Christmas Counts re- vealed 110 at Ocean City, 152 in Southern Dorchester County, and 205 at Crisfield. If you want to try to add this species to a County list, visit the following Counties from which the Red Crossbill has never been recorded: Washington, Frederick, Carroll, Charles, St. Marys, Calvert, and Cecil. If you can't find them closer to home, drive down to your Irish Grove Sanctuary (see the map in the December 1968 issue of Maryland Birdlife ) ; the Red Crossbill was one of the most common songbirds on the Sanctuary at the end of December. Although is it unlikely that any of the crossbills will remain to breed in Maryland, it is a possibility, so we should made every effort to detect their nesting here in the spring or summer. Red Crossbills are noted for their unpredictability. White - winged Crossbills are present in much smaller numbers than the Reds and will disappear much earlier in the spring. Record all dates and numbers for both species. December 1969 MARYLAND BIRDLIFE 1^3 Banded Winter Finches , About a dozen Maryland banders will be applying ordinary aluminum leg bands to Evening Grosbeaks, Pine Siskins, American Goldfinches, Purple Finches, and possibly other finches. In past years many of these banded birds have visited other feeders in Maryland. When flocks of finches are feeding on your windowsill or with- in easy view from your window, it frequently is possible to see bands on their legs. Keep a count each day of the number of birds with bands and the number known to be unbanded; do not count those whose legs cannot be seen clearly. Report dates and numbers to the Editor of Maryland Bird - life . The percentage of banded birds should gradually increase during the winter and then decline with the arrival of spring transients. Information received will be passed along to banders who are spec- ializing in the various species. Watch for Arthur Alexander's paper on local movements of Pine Siskins, to appear shortly in Maryland Birdlife . Evening Grosbeak banders, Vernon Kleen requests that you summarize your bandings and observations for this species for the winters of 1968- 69 and 1969-70 as you did for prior years, and send the information to him at 339 Talbot Avenue, Laurel 208l0. See Mr. Kleen 's article on the Maryland status of this species in the March 1969 issue of Maryland Bird- life for the type of information desired. Color -banded House Finches . Watch for House Finches with colored leg bands. Mr. J. Richard Cohen has been applying color bands to denote age of Long Island House Finches. One of his birds has appeared at the feeder of Arthur Alexander in Laurel; another believed to be his has been seen in Montgomery County. Ipswich Sparrow Study . See page 119 of this issue for details. One banded bird was seen at Assateague National Seashore on Dec. 30 by Mr. and Mrs. Roger Troutman. Ring -billed Gulls with Wing Tags . During May through July for a five-year period, 1967 -1971 > Ring -billed Gulls (Larus delawarensis ) from three Great Lakes colonies are being wing -marked with 1.5 inch -diameter "Saflag" tags. Each colony is represented by a specific color. An attempt is being made to determine the dispersal pattern, migration routes, and winter range for each population. Anyone observing such wing -marked gulls is asked to notify Dr. William E. Southern, Department of Biological Sciences, Northern Illinois University, DeKalb, Illinois 60115. Please report each observation of marked individuals even though the same bird may be sighted on different days. The following informa- tion is desired: date, exact location, marker color, and observer's name. Your assistance in this aspect of the project will be greatly appreciated. Respondents will receive information pertaining to colony locations and the date of marking. Many Ring -billed Gulls banded in the Great Lakes States have been recovered in Maryland, so it is quite likely that some of the marked birds will be found if we search for them. Whistling Swans with colored leg bands or with dye on the neck should be reported to Dr. W. J. L. Sladen, 615 N. Wolfe Street, Baltimore 21205. For details, see the September 1968 issue of Maryland Birdlife or write to Dr. Sladen. 144 MARYLAND BIRDLIFE Vol. 25. No. 4 Jan. 6 8 13 15 15 18 21 25 27 28 Feb. 4 5 7 13 13 13 18 19 20-22 24 27 KJNT Audubon Lecture 7:30 P. M. Fine Arts HLdg. Washington College. FREDERICK Monthly meeting 7:30 P. M. Winchester Hall. "New Horizons for Catoctin National Mountain Park and its place in the National Park System" CAROLINE Monthly meeting. "Land of the Drowned River", Nick Carter, Chesapeake Bay Affairs Choptank Coop HLdg. , West Denton, 8 P.M. MONTGOMERY Monthly meeting - Social Evening TALBOT Audubon Screen Tour 8 P. M. , Mt. Pleasant School. Roger Tory Peterson, "Galapagos - Wild Eden". MONTGOMERY Field trip to Kent Island ALLEGANY Monthly meeting, Board of Education Bldg. Film: "Wild Rivers" BALTIMORE Covered Dish Supper at Cylburn Mansion, 5 P.M. Film: "Wild Wings". PATUXENT Monthly meeting 7:45 P.M. , St. Philip's Parish House, Laurel, 7:^5 P. M. "Exploring the Colorado Rockies", by Jane Robbins, BALTIMORE Duck Identification Class with C. Douglas Hackman, Qylbum at 8:00 P. M. KENT Monthly meeting 8 P. M., Alumni House, Washington College. "Studies of Whistling Swans", Dr. Wm. J. L. Sladen. FREDERICK Monthly meeting 700 P. M. Film: "Marshland is Not Wasteland". BALTIMORE Perry Point and Susquehanna River. 8 A.M. Leader: Mr. Rodney Jones ANNE ARUND. Monthly meeting 8 'P.M., Assembly Room, State Office Bldg., Annapolis. "Bluebirds and How to Attract them". Dr. Lawrence Zeleny. CAROLINE Film program by Mr. Roy Castle, Maryland Dept, of Game and Inland Fish. 8 P. M. Greensboro School, TALBOT Audubon Screen Tour- "Hawaii - Paradise of the Pacific", Walter H. Berlet ALLEGANY Monthly meeting 8 P. M. , Parkside School MONTGOMERY Monthly meeting, "White Winged Gulls". Speaker: Carl Carlson BALTIMORE Chincoteague Weekend. Leaders: Mr. & Mrs. Wra. Schneider (254-2095). Register by Feb. 10. PATUXENT Monthly meeting. "Bluebirds", Dr. L. Zeleny. BALTIMORE 25 th Anniversary Party, Northwood-Appold Church, Loch Raven ELvd. & Cold Spring Lane. December 1 969 MARYLAND BIRDLIFE Feb. 28 Mar. 4 Mar. 5 6 8 10 10 13 15 17 18 18 19 20 21 21 22 24 24 31 Apr. 1 9 5 7 10 10 11 145 ANNE ARUND. KENT FREDERICK HARFORD BALTIMORE CAROLINE TALBOT ANNE ARUND. BALTIMORE BALTIMORE ALLEGANY KENT MONTGOMERY BALTIMORE BALTIMORE KENT FREDERICK BALTIMORE PATUXENT BALTIMORE KENT FREDERICK ALLEGANY BALTIMORE CAROLINE ANNE ARUND. FREDERICK All day trip to Blackwater Refuge. Leader R. Heise Monthly meeting. "Birds of the South Pacific", C. Douglas Hackman. Monthly meeting. Speaker: Albert Powell who will show films: "Bobolinks" and "Down to Feathers". Dinner meeting Chesapeake Bay Center for Field Biology at Ivy Neck. 8 A.M. Leader, Dr. William Sladen "The State President Reports", 8 P. M., River- view School, Lockerman Street, Denton. Audubon Screen Tour. Eben McMillan, "Land That I Love" . Monthly meeting 8 P.M., Assembly Room, State Office Bldg. "Adventures Through the Window", D. Preston. Courtship Flight of Woodcock at dusk. Leader: Mr. C. Haven Kolb, Jr. 5:30 P. M. Spring at Lake Roland. First of Tuesday morning wal'ks. 8 A, M, Leader for March: Mrs. Martin Larrabee Monthly meeting. Board of Education Bldg. 7:30 P.M, Slides of Wild Flowers by Dr. Robert F. Miller Audubon Screen Tour. Mr. Wm, A. Anderson, "Our Unique Wilderness, the Everglades", 70° P. M. Fine Arts Bldg. , Washington College Monthly meeting. "Birding in Colombia' 1 , Don Messersmith Audubon Wildlife Film Lecture. Barbara Stewart, "Everglades Safari", 8 P. M. , Mergenthaler High School. Sandy Point and Kent Island. 9 A.M. Leaders: Mr. Sc Mrs. MacDonough Plant Bombay Hook for wintering waterfowl Field trip to Lander, the C & 0 Canal and the Potomac River, Leader: Sarah Quinn Lake Roland 8 A.M. Monthly meeting. "Flyway: Blackwater to Texas". Lake Roland, 8 A.M. Monthly meeting - Junior Members' program Monthly meeting - Election of Officers 1:30 P. M. meet at Barton's Restaurant on Rte. 220 South, for spring migration at Savage River Dam. Lake Roland 8 A.M. Leader for April: Mrs. Harold Archer "Adventures Through the Window", Dickson Preston at Federalsburg School Library, University Ave. 8 P. M. Annual Spring Lecture, "A Naturalist's Notebook", Maurice Broun, former Curator of Hawk Mt. Sanctuary. Field trip to Annapolis, Sandy Point; banding at Monastary, and birds in the garden of Prof, and Mrs. David Howard 146 MARYLAND BIRDLIFE Vol. 25. No. 4 Apr. 1^ BALTIMORE Lake Roland, 8 A.M. 15 ALLEGANY Monthly meeting 700 P- M., Board of Education Bldg. "Song Birds and Wild Flowers of Garrett County" by Gus E. Johnson. 16 MONTGOMERY Monthly meeting. "So Little Time' 1 , film presentation. Speaker: Gale Monson. Apr. 18 BALTIMORE Druid Hill Park. 8 A.M. Leaders: Mr. & Mrs. Walter Bohanon 19 ALLEGANY 2 P.M. at Tunnel for bird walk through the Paw Paw Tunnel, 19 BALTIMORE Rock Run Sanctuary 8:30 A.M. Leader: C. Douglas Hackman 21 BALTIMORE Lake Roland, 8 A.M. 24 BALTIMORE Audubon Wildlife Film Lecture: Charles Mohr, "The Living Wilderness", 8 P. M. Mergenthaler High School. 25-26 ALLEGANY Work days at Carey Run Sanctuary. Chairmen: Mr. & Mrs. John Workmeister 25-26 ANNE ARUND. Overnight trip to Irish Grove Wildlife Sanctuary. 26 BALTIMORE Loch Raven for warblers. Leader Mr. William Corliss. 8 A.M. 26 FREDERICK Field trip to Seneca for spring warblers. Leader: Charles Mullican 28 BALTIMORE Lake Roland, 8 A.M. 28 PATUXENT Monthly meeting May 1 HARFORD Dinner meeting 2 STATEWIDE BIRD COUNT 5 BALTIMORE Lake Roland, 8 A.M. Leader for May: Mrs. Robert E. Kaestner 7 FREDERICK Monthly meeting. Speaker: Jerry Coates, "Hummingbirds" 8-10 STATEWIDE MOS CONVENTION, Ha stings -Miramar , Ocean City, Md. 9 BALTIMORE Finally Farm, 8 A. M. 9 FREDERICK Field trip to Harpers Ferry, Virginius Island and C & 0 towpath. Leader: Bill Shirey 12 BALTIMORE Lake Roland, 8 A.M. 17 ALLEGANY 2 P, M. Flower walk at Carey Run Sanctuary. Leaders: Mrs. Gordon Taylor and Mrs. R. Rosher 17 BALTIMORE Pa taps co State Park (Glen Artney area) 7 A. M. Leader: Mr. Irving Hampe 19 BALTIMORE Lake Roland 8 A. M. 20 KENT Audubon Screen Tour, Mr. Robert W. Davison, "Journey in Time", 7:30 P. M. Fine Arts Bldg. 21 MONTGOMERY "Pesticides and Their Effect on Birds". Speaker: William Stickel of Patuxent Research Center. 22-24 BALTIMORE Cape May, New Jersey, for migrating shore birds. Reservations with Miss Grace Naumann (377-903 2 ) by May 14. 23 ANNE ARUND. , Field trip to Obligation Farm. Meet ?:40 A.M. at Riva Rd. entrance to Parole parking lot. A. Paradee. 23 KENT Eastern Neck Island December 1969 MARYLAND BIRDLIFE 1^7 May 24 FREDERICK Field trip and picnic at Whited Ferry on the Potomac. Picnic supper 5 P. M. 26 PATUXENT Monthly meeting June 3 KENT Monthly meeting - Covered dish supper at "Damsite" 6 BALTIMORE Picnic Supper, YMCA Camp Black Rock in Butler, Md. Field trip 5 P. M. Supper 6 P. M. 7 CAROLINE Annual Picnic. Meet at Irish Grove Wildlife Sanctuary, Somerset County, 2:30 P. M. 12-14 ALLEGANY Adult Nature & Conservation Camp at Pleasant Valley 15-20 ALLEGANY Children's Nature and Conservation Camp at Pleasant Valley. 28 ALLEGANY Anniversary week-end at Carey Run. Bird walk 3 P. M. ; Covered dish supper 5 :0 ° P. M. BALTIMORE JUNIOR PROGRAMS MOS programs for all school age children on alternate Saturdays and Spring vacation at Cylburn. All talks begin at 10 A.M. followed by bird and nature walks at 10 ; 45 A.M. Wild Pet Show Mammals Mr. Irving Hampe Oceanography - Dr. Jerry R. Schubel Film; "Nesting Robins" Herptiles - Mr. Russell Dunn Vacation Bird and nature walks each morning at 9:00 A. M. Banding demonstration Flowers - Miss Dorothy Gustafson Meteorology - Speaker from U. S. Weather Bureau Nesting - Mr. C. Douglas Hackman 1969 NEST cards Jan. 24, Feb. 7 Feb. 21 Mar. 7 Mar. 21 Mar. 30 - Apr. 4 Apr. 18 May 2 May 16 - Apr. 3 I would appreciate receiving all 1969 nest cards by mid-March 1970 at the latest so that I can have the nest summary ready for the June issue of Maryland Birdlife . There are still a few people from whom I normally receive cards who have not yet submitted them. Other members who have not made out nest record cards in the past are urged to write me for cards and instructions. We need as many reports as possible, even for the common species. If cards cannot be returned by mid -March, send them anyway — they will still be useful to M.O.S. and to the national nest record center at Cornell University even if they are too late to be included in the 1969 summary. Send them to my home address or to Ted Van Velzen at the Migratory Bird Populations Station, Laurel. All cards submitted will be loaned to Cornell for punching and then returned for the M.O.S. research files. We thank those members who have already sent in their 1969 nest records. Danny Bystrak, 5^2 Rita Drive, Odenton 21113 1*8 MARYLAND BIRDLIFE Vol. 25 , No, * CONTENTS, DECEMBER 19 69 The Greater Shearwater in Maryland David Bridge, Susan Hundt, A Maryland Osprey Population 75 Years W. T. & A. C. Van Velzen 111 Ago and Today Jan Reese 116 Attention Coastal Birders 119 Operation Recovery in Maryland in 1969 Chandler S. Robbins 120 Bellevue Henry T. Armistead 122 Dams ite Dorothy A. Mendinhall 123 Irish Grove Gladys Hix Cole 123 Kent Point Jane P. Church 125 Monkton Stephen W. Simon 126 Ocean City Chandler S. Robbins 126 More on the Paradise Crane Editor 127 The President's Page V. Edwin Unger 128 The Season— July, August, September, 19&9 Chandler S. Robbins 129 Blue Jays Adopt a Hand -reared Young Madeleine Buterbaugh 136 Contributors to Irish Grove Sanctuary 137 The MOS Bluebird Project Lawrence Zeleny 138 Projects for the Winter and Spring Months 142 Coming Events 14* 1969 Nest Card Reminder Danny Bystrak 147 MARYLAND BIRDLIFE Published Quarterly by the Maryland Ornithological Society, Inc. to Record and Encourage the Study of Birds in Maryland Editor* Chandler S. Robbins, Migratory Bird Populations Station. Laurel, Md. 20810 Art Editor* William N. Schneider Production* Gladys Cole, Mildred Cole, Janice Cooper, C. Douglas Hackman. M a i l in g* Mr. & Mrs. Herbert P. Strack Jf^astinys M iramar Ocean City, Maryland On the Boardwalk — Open All Year 90 ROOMS, 60 WITH BATH Phone: Ocean City : Atlantic 9-7417 EXCELLENT MEALS 30 BEAUTIFUL APARTMENTS PARKING SPACE SPECIAL RATES FOR BIRDERS MARYLAND BIRDL1FE INDEX Vol umes 21-25 1965 - I 969 Part One: Species Index Part Two: Author Index prepared by Willet T. Van Velzen and Aldeen C. Van Velzen Price 5C$ Published by the Maryland Ornithological Society December 19&9 This Index completes the indexing of Maryland Birdlife through Volume 25, supplementing the indexes for Volumes 1-13 prepared by Hervey Brackbill, published in Volume l4, Number 4, pages 105-131, December 1958 and Volumes 14-20, prepared by Willet T. Van Velzen, published as a separate, December 1966 . Part One : Species Index . Species are listed in alphabetical order according to the common names used in the American Ornithologists' Union's Check- List of North American Birds , Fifth Edition, 1957’ Volume numbers are underscored, followed by page numbers in numerical order. An "n" following a page number indicates a reference to a nesting record, a "b" indicates a banding record and an "x" indicates that the reference is extra li mi tal , i .e . not occurring in Maryland. Part Two: Author Index . Authors are listed alphabetically, with titles of papers in chronological order giving volume and page reference . All papers of joint authorship are cross-referenced. The assistance of Mrs. Ethel A. Cobb in preparation of the manuscript is gratefully acknowledged. * « MARYLAND BIRDLIFE SPECIES INDEX VOL. 21-25 1965-1969 Anhinga, 22:55x. 23 :35x- Avocet, American, 21:114. 22:9, IT, 19, 108, 110, 119- 23:16. Bittern, American, 21:6l, 877 22:18, 55, 88, 109 . 23:3, T, l4, 30 , 72. 24:38, 77. 25:52, 94- Least, 21 :6l. 22:8, l8, 55, 99 (cover photo), 109. 23:30, 72. 24:38, ~74, 104, 109. 25:24, 43n, 48n. Blackbird, Brewer's, 21:52. 22:11, 111. 23:42. Red-winged, 21:l4b,~52, 65, 74, 87. 2277, 17, 21, 48, 60, 66n, 76n, 89, 1077 23:3, 6, 7, 9n, 20, 3^7 36, 37, 4l, 42. 24:l0n, I5n, 43, 46. 25:30, 31, 32, 34, 35, 49n, 57, 62. Rusty, 21:59, 65," 88, 113. 22:21, 48, 60, 81, ill. 23:3, 6, 34, 74, 79. 277231, 43, 76. 25:211, 57, 62, 96. Yellow -headed, 23_:5, 6,~7o. Bluelird, Eastern, 21:26, 49, 50, 64, 74, 76, 79, 112, 1191. 22:11, 17, 20, 45, 50, 58 , ~"76n , 75n, 89, 108, 112. 23:5, 6, 9n, 12, 13, 28, 33, 37, 39. 24:10n, l4n, 23, 4l, 46, 73, 98l. 25:43, 49n, 51, 55, 62, 138-I42n. Bololink, 21:65, 87, 88, 112. 22:7b, 21, 60, 79, 81, 111, 117. 23:6, 15, 28, 34, 73, 74, 921. 27725, 43, 75, 76, 103. 25:231, 51, 56, 95, 96, 99, 131. Bolwhite, 21:49, 62, 74, 75, 100, 101. 22:16, 18, 56, b4n, 74n, 89, 106, 1(57. 23:3, 6, 8n, 31. 24:12n, 39, 105n. 25:30, 32, 48n, 51, 53. Brant, 21:23- 22:18, 109. 23:30, 75, 93- 25:52. Bufflehead, 21:20, 21, 6l, 72, 88. 22:l8, 55, 109. 23:6, 13, 30, 38, 74. 24:23, 26, 38, 76, 77- 25:52, 96. Bunting, Indigo, 21:6b, 241, 52, S5, 74, 87. 22:7b, 111 , 21, 60, 66n, 76n, 79, 88, io6n, 108. 23:3, 6, lOn, 15b, 34, 73- 24:15n, 251, 43, 75- 25:231, 30, 31, 32, 34, 50n, 57, 95, I24i. Lark, 22:977 103b. 23:4l. 24:36, 43. 25:27. Painted7"23:103. Snow, 21:113. 22 : i4, 15, 17, 21, 111. 23:17, 40. 25:128. Canvaslack, 21: 20, "61, 71. 22:18, 55, 10'7, 109, 118. 23:30, 38, 74. 24:17, 3^" Cardinal, 21:6b, 65, 74, 100, 101. 22:16, 21, 60, 66n, 76n, 89, 1011, 1031, 106n, 107, 108. 23:6, lOn, 34, 107b. 24:15n, 43, 981, 1001. 25:19, 30, 31, 32, 34, 35, 50n, 57, 90, 1221, 128. Brazilian, 22:53. 24:108. Catlird, 21:5b, 6b, 10-121, 13, 24b, 26, 53x, 64, 74, 8l, 86, 100. 22: 6b, 17, 20, 50, 58, 62n, 65n, 75n, 78, 101b, I02b, 106n, 108, 120, 23:3, 6, 9n, i4b, 32, 46, 72, 95b, lo4b. 24:i3n, 24b, 29, 4l, 74. 25:22b, 26, 32, 49n, 55, 94, 1221, 124b, 127, 132b. 151 Chat, Yellow-breasted, 21:6b, 13, 24b, 26b, 65, 87, ll6b, 22_:7b, 21, 59, ?6n, 79, 107, 10F; 121b, 122b. 23:3, 6, 9n, 12b, 15, 20, 34, 73, 78. 24:25b, 42, 75- 25:23b, 56, 95, 127, 128, 136b. Chickadee, Black-capped, 21:6b, 63. 22:11, 20, 58, 62, 90, 91, 110. 23:6, 32, 103. 24:227^1. 25:26, 55, 128. Carolina, 21:26, 63. 22:l6, 20, 58, 65n, 75n, 90, 91, 106, 110. 23:4, 6, 9n, 32. 24:13n, 4l, 98b. 25:49n, 55, 90. Chuck -will 's -widow, 21:36b, 59, 63, 86. 22:10, 19, 57, 83, 110, 120. 23:32, 72. 24 :4o, 74. 25:54, 94. Coot, American, 21:47, 62. 22:19, 56, 107, 109 . 23:6, 13, 28, 31, ?4. 24:23, 39, 467 76, 77. 25:53, 96. Cormorant, Double -crested, 21:61. 22:l8, 55, 80, 85x, 109. 23:30, 72, 75, 92. 24:38, 74, 77, 103, il4x. 25:24, 52, 93, 94, 96, 133. Cowbird, Brown-headed, 21:6b, 65, 100. 22:11, 21, 48, 60, 66n, 76n, 106, 108. 23:6, lOn, 20, 34, 37, 4l. 24:8-9n, 15n, 43, 46. 25: 5 On, 57, 62. Crane, paradise, 24:71-72, 105. 25 :127 ■ Sandhill, 22:118. 23:16. Creeper, Brown, 21:15b, 18b, 47, 59, 63, 88, 112, 115- 22:11b, 20, 58, 81, 84, 110, 117, 120. 23:4, 6, lib, 32, 68-69n, 74, 77, 92. 24: lOn, 13n, 4l, 76, 78, 96b, 98b, 99b, 103b. 25:55, 96, 99n, 126, 130b, 132b. Crossbill, Red, 22:12, 13, 21, 85, 111. 25:27, 63, 128, 142. White-winged, 21:19b. 22:12, 13, 21, 4F, 52, 85, 111. 23:4, 6. 25:142. Crow, Common, 21:63, 74, 100, 106. 22:16, 17, 20, 58, 65n, 75n, 89, 106, 108. 23:6, 32, 4l. 24:41* 25:30, 32, 49n, 55. Fish, 21:25, 63. 22:1^7 20, 587 106, 110. 23:6, 32. 24:41, 46. 25:55. Cuckoo, Black -billed, 21:6b, 24b, 63, 86, 89, 112, 115b. 22:6b, 9, 19, 57, 78, 81, 83, HO, 117, 119- 23:6, l4b, 31, 72 . 24:40, 74, 103, 106. 25:22b, 54, 94, 130b. Yellow-billed, 21:6b, 24b, 25b, 63, 74, 75, 86, 89, 100, 112, 115b. 22:6b, 9, 19, 57, 65n, 78, 83, 106n, 110, 117, 119* 23:6, l4b, 31, 72, 88x, 92b. 24:24b, 40, 74, 103- 25:22b, 31, 32, 58n, 54, 94, 130b, 134. Dickcissel, 21:27- 22:21, 60, 72n, 76n, 88, 111. 23:17, 40, 92. 24: 15n, 29b 7^-7 . 25:27- Dove, Mourning, 21:63, 74, 100. 22:l6, 19, 57, 65n, 74n, 88, 89, 106, 108. 23:5, 7T 9n, 31. 24:l2n, 4o. 25:30, 32, 48n, 54, 125b. Ringed Turtle, 23:39. 24:106b. Rock, 22:72, 73, 75n, 887 24:12n. 25:32. Dovekie, W:28, Dowitcher, Long -billed, 22:108, 110. 25:51, 53, 98. Short -billed, 21 :17b ,772. 22:19, 5<7T HO. 23:31- 24:40, 105, 106, 109. 25:53- Duck, Black, 21:20, 21, 6l, 72. 22:18, 55, 64n, 74n, 107, 109. 23: 6, 8n, 30. 24:10n, 12n, 38, 101. 25:48n, 52. Harlequin, 21:51, 88. 22:17, 18, 49, 55, 82, 108, 109- Ring -necked, 21:20, 21, Tl, 72 . 22:18 , 48 , 49 , 55, 109 - 23:6, 13, 37, 74. 24:37, 46. 25:96. Ruddy, 21:21, 47, 61, 72, 88. 22:l8, 55, 109. 23:6, 13, 30, 38, 74. 152 §4:23, 26 , 38 , 76 . 2^52, 96. Wood, 21:3, 6l, 72, 857 22:18, 48, 55, 64n, 74n, 109. 23:3, 4n, 6, 8n, 157 30, 37. 23:12n,“2U, 26, 38, 46. 25:48n, 52, 62. Dunlin, 21:23, 62, 102. 22:l4, 19, 49, 56, 105b, 110. 23:31, 62, 72, 74. 1^:40, 76, 77- 25:53, 62, 94, 96. Eagle, African Fish, 22:53- Bald, 21:51, 62. 22:9, 18, 56, 74n, 88, 109, 112, 115, 125- 23:6, 30, 3^7 89, 94. |T:12n, 27, 39, 105. §5:48n, 53, 62, 97, 13^ Golden, 21:23. 22:9, 18, 49, 109- §3:3x, 16, 38. 24:27- 25:25- Egret, Cattle, 21:17b, 60, 74, 85, 86, 113x. 22:18, 53, 55, 64nb, 74nb, 78, 80, 109. 23:8nb, 30, 72, 75, 93. 24:12b, 23, 38, 45, 74, 77, 104, 109. 25:22, 24, 25, 52, 93n, 94, 133. Common, 21:17b, 24, 33 (cover photo), 61, 22_:6, 8, 18, 55, 64nb, 74 nb, 7^7 109- 23:6, 8nb, l4, 30, 37, 72, 75, 92, 93. 24:12b, 23, 24, 38, 45, 74, 77, 94, 103, 104, 109. 25:22, 24, 52, 93n, 94. Snowy, 21:17b, 24, 6l, 85, 86, 113. 22:6, l8, 55, 64nb, 74nb, 109, 118. 23 : 8nb , l4, 30, 72, 75, 93. §479, 12b, 23, 24, 26, 38, 45, 77, 94, 1057 109. 25:22, 52, 94. Eider, Common, 22:17, 18, 49- 23:16, 80x. 25:100x. King, 22:17,^8, 49. 23:38, 93- 24:17-lS7 26. Empidonax, 21:l4b. 22:33, 102b. 23:457 Falcon, Peregrine, 21:62, ll4. 22:18, 109 . §3:38, 48x. 25:25. Finch, House, 21:19b, 113, ll6. 22:12, 13, 21, 25x, 32 -33b, 48, 51, 53, 60, 81, 84, 108, 111. 23:13, 17, 40, 79- 24:23, 43, 47, 66, 76, 79, 108. Purple, 21:6b, 19, 65, 87, 88, 113, ll6, 118, 119- 22:12, 21, 32b, 48, 51, To, 81, 84 , 94x, 111. 23:4, 6, 13b, 34 , 37, 74 , 79b. 24: 23b, 43, 46, 66, 76, 98b, 103b, 108. 25:27, 57, 63, 96, 100, 131b. Flicker, Yellow-shaHed, 21:6b, 25, 63, 100, 112. 22:10, l6, 19, 48, 57, 65n, 75n, 106, 1087 117. 23:6, 32, 37, 92b. “ 24:24b, 28, 40, 46, 99b, 103b, 106b. 25:48n, 54, 52, 94, 98, 122b. Hybrid, 21 :l8b. 22:10. Flycatcher, Acadian, 21:24b, 63, 86. 22_:6b, 10b, 20, 57, 62, 65n, 75n, 76n, 78, 90, 91, 106n, 107, HO. §3:4n, 6, 9n, l4 , 32 , 72 . 24:12n, 24b, 28, 4l, 74. 25:22b, 54, 94. Great Crested, 21:6b, 24b, 60, 63, 68, 86. 22:6b, 20, 57, 65n, 75^, 78, 106, 108. 23:6, 9n, l4b, 32, 72. 24 :12n, 24b, 40, 74, 96b, 99b. 25:22b, 49n, 54, 94. Least, 21:3, 23b, 24b, 25b, 63, 112. 22:6b, lib, 20, 57, 78, 110, 117, 120b. 23 :4n, 6, l4b, l6b, 32, jEJ 92b. 24:24b, 28, 4l, 74, 103b. 25_: 22b 7 54, 94, 99, 129, 130b. Olive -sided, 21:112. 22:20, 58, HO, 120b. 23:5, 6, 77. 24:78. 25:99, 135. Traill’s, 21:24b, 25b, 63, 74, 112. 22:6b, 20, 57, 84, 110, 117, 120b. 23T, 9n, l4b, 16b, 77, 92b, 95b. 24:24b, 74, 78, 103b. 25:94, 99, 129, 130b. Yellow-bellied, 21:15b, 24b, 112. 22:6b, 20, 57, 110, 117, 120b, 121b. 23:5, 6, i4b, 16b, 77b, 92b, 95- 24:24b, 78, 103b. 25:22b, 99, 129, 130b, 132b. Frigatebird, Magnificent, 22 :99- Gadwall, 21:35, 6l, 71- 22:18, 49, 55, 109- §3:30, 38. 24:38. 25:52. Gallinule, Common, 21:62. 22:9, 19, 4§, 56, 109, 112. 24:27, 39, 77* 105, 109. §5:25," 53- 153 Purple , 22:17, 19- Gannet , 22:87 17, l8, 108, 109 . 23:93- 25:24. Gnatcatcher, Blue-gray, ££:24, 2^7 64, 887 22:6b, 20, 58, 66n, 78, 106n, 107, ill, 112n. 23:3, 6, 9n, 15b, 33, 73, 103- £4:l4n, 24b, 4l, 74. 25:22b, 49n, 55, 95, 135b. Godwlt, Marbled, 2£:l6, 94. £4_:27- 25 : 134 . Goldeneye, Common, 21:6l, 71, 72. 22:18, 109. 23:30, 38. 24 :17 . Goldfinch, American, 21:6b, 9b, 19,~^5* 22:12, To, 17, 21, 52, 60, 66n, 76n, I06n, 108. £3:4, 6, lOn, 34, 104b, 106. 24:43, 46, 67. £5: 27, 50n, 57, 63, 123b. Goose, Barnacle, £1:23. £2:8, 108, 109- £3:13. Blue, £1:23, 51- 22: 9, 18, 49, 82, 109- 23:13, 26. 25:25, 62. Canada, 21:21, 23, 51, 59, 60, 6l, 71, 72, 88, 112. 22j&, 8, 9, l8, 48, 55,131, 88, 109, 117, 118. £3:5, 6, 8n, 12, l4, 27, 28, 30, 37, 38, 45, 74, 75, 92, 93- £4:10n, 12n, 24, 26, 38, 46, 76, 77, 104. 25:21, 22, 25, 52, 62, 96, 130, 133- Snow, 21:23- £2:8, 9, 18, 49, 82, 109. £3:5, 6, 13, 93- £4:26. £5:62, 133- White -fronted, £2:8, 82. Goshawk, 21 ; 104x. 22:18. £3:3*- 24:27- £5:25x, 51, 52, 62. Grackle, Boat-tailed, £1:52, 65. 22:12, 21, 60, 66n, 76n, 111. £3:10n, 34. 24:43. £5:57. Common, 21:49, 52, 60, 65, 73, 74, 87, 100, 101. 22:17, 21, 48, 60, 66n, 73n, 76n, 89, 107, 108. £3:5n, 6, lQn, 34, W, 37, 4l, 42. 24:15n, 43, 46. 25:30, 31, 32, 34, 50n, 51, 57, 58, 62. Grebe, Homed, 21:20, 21, 6l, 72. 22:18, 55, 107, 109- £3:6, 30, 37, 74, 75- £4:38, 77- £5:52, 94, 96. Pied-billed, 21:21, 61, 71, 72. 22 : i8, 55, 107, 109- £3:6, 30, 37. 24:38, 46, 10F. £5:52, 94. Red-necked, 22:8, 17, l8, 107, 109- Grosbeak, Black-headed, 25 163. Blue, 21:24b, 65, 74, 78, 79, 87. 22:7b, 21, 60, 66n, 76n, 79, 90, 93, 102b, 111. £3 :15b, 34, 73- 24725b, 43, 75, 108. 25:23b, 34, 35, 50n, 57, 95. Evening, 21:7-8b, 19b, 52, 65, 113, 116, 119. 22:12, 21, 48, 50, 52, 60, 8l, BIT, 111, 123b. 23:6, 17, 4o. 24:23, 29, 43, 47. £5:1 (cover photo), 3-l4b, 21, 27, 51, 57, 5^7 63, 96, 99, 128. Pine, 22:12, 21, 51, 108, 111. £5:27* Rose -breasted, 21:6b, 24b, 65, 87, 88, 113. 22:7b, 21, 60, 62, 79, 81, 111, 117. £3:4, 6, 15b, 28, 34, 46, 73, ~7^, 92b. 24:25b, 43, 75, 76, 79, 98b, 103b. 25:23b, 27, 57, 63, 83, 95, 96, 129b, 131b. Grouse, Ruffed, 21:62. £2:l87 56, 74n, 109- £3:31. £4:39- Guillemot, Black, 25 :100x. Gull, Black-headed, £1:51, 89. 22:19, 83, 108, 110. 24:27-28. 25:62. Bonaparte’s, 21:25, 51, 62, 89. 22:19, 57, HO, 119. £3:31, 72, 74, 76, £4:28, 4o, 74, 76, 78. £5:25, 54, 94, 96, 134. Glaucous, 22:19- Great Black-backed, 21:25, 62, ll4. 22:19, 57, 110, 119 . 23:31, 38, 39, 74, 76, 94. 24:27, 4o, 45, 76, 78, 106. £5:25, 54, 9^7 lOQx. Herring, £1:62. £2:l6, 19, 57, 64n, 74nb, 110. £3:6, 8nb, 20, 31, 76, 80x. 24 :12nb, 40, 106. £5:54, lOQx. Iceland, 22:9, 108, 110. 154 Gull, Laughing, 21 : l8b , 35*, 62, 84. 22_:6, 19, 57, 64nb, 74nb, 78, 110, 23:8nb, l4, 20, 31, 72. 24:12nb, 40, 74. 2£:22, 25, 54, 94. Lesser Black-backed, 23938. Little, 21:51*, 89. 22:49, 108, 110. 23:39. 25:98- Ring -billed, 21:25, 62. 22:16, 19, 57, HO. 23:6, 31, 4l, 76, 94. 24:40, 76. 25:25, 54, 9^7 Hawk, Broad-winged, 21:24, 6l, 86, 112, 113. 22:6, 18, 56, 78, 106, 109, 117- 23:6, l4b, 30, 72, 92- 24:24, 27, 39, 74, 103, 105- 25:22, 25, 53, 94, 130, 133. Cooper's, 21:61, 104x, ll4. 22:18, 56, 88, 109. 23:6, 30. 24:27, 39, 101, 105- 25:25, 52. Harris', 25:134. Marsh, 21:23, 62. 22:18, 56, 74n, 88, 109- 23:3x, 30. 24:39- 25: 25, 53, 97- Pigeon, 21:15, 62. 22:18, 109- 24:105. 25:25, 53, 62, 123. Red -shouldered, 2I96I, 22:18, 56,~64n, 74n, 109- 23:6, 8n, 30- 24: In (cover photo), 39, 46. 25:51, 53, 97, 123- Red-tailed, 21:6l. 22:16, 18, 5*7, 64n, 109- 23:6, 21, 30. 24:27, 39- 25:48n, 52, 97- Rough-legged, 21:23, 51. 22:9, 18, 49, 109- 23:6, 13, l6. 24:27- Sharp -shinned, 21:15, 6l, 104x, 114. 22:18, 5^7 102b, 109. 23:6, 104b. 24:39, To, 101. 25:52, 122, 130. Sparrow, 21:62, 112, ll4. 22:16, 18, 56, 64n, 74n, 109, H7- 23:3, 6, 8n, 31, 92- 24:191, 27, 39, 46, 103 . 25:25, 48n, 53, 125b, 130. Heron, Black-crowned Night, 21:17b, 6l. 22:18, 55, 64nb, 74nb, 88, 109. 23:6, 8nb, 30. 24:12b, 38". 25:52- Great Blue, 21:17hb, 6l. 22:1^7 48, 55, 64n, 76nb, 109. 23:3, 6, 30, 72, 8ox. 277iin, 26, 38, "76. 25:25, 48n, 52, 61, 93n, 947 Green, 21:3, 17b, 24, 50, 6l, 86. 22:6, 8, 18, 55, 64n, 73n, 74nb, 78, 109, 112nb . 23:3, 6, 8nb, l4, 30, 37, 72. 24:10n, lln, 17b, 24, 26, 38, 74, 991, To4, 109- 25:22, 25, 48n, 52, 97. Little Blue, 21:17b, 6l. 22:^7 18, 55, 64 nb, 74 nb, 8l, 88, 109- 23:8nb, 30, 72, 75- 24:11b, 26, 38, 94, 104. 25:52. Louisiana, 21:17b, 22,170. 22:18, 55, 64nb, 74nb, 109- 23:8nb, 30, 75, 93- 277l2b, 104, 109. 2^:24. Yellow-crowned Night, 21:6l. 22:18, 55, 80, 109, 118. 23:4, 6, 30, 93- 24:38, 104. 25:52, 93*i- Hummingbird, Ruby -throated, 21:6b, l4b, 24, 60, 63, 68, 74, 86, 117b. 22:6b, 19, 57, 65n, 75n, 78, 106n, 108. 23:3, 6, 9n, l4b, 32, 72. 27:12n, 24b, 40, 74- 2^:22b, 48n, 54, 94- Rufous, 23:103- Hybrid, Blackpoll Warbler x N. Waterthrush, 21:119- Flicker 21:l8b, 22:10. Ibis, Glossy, 21:17b, 60, 85. 22:8, 18, 55,“S4nb, 74nb, 81-82, 109- 23 :8nb, 25Tcover photo), 30, 37, 72, 75, 93- 24 : l2n, 23, 38, 74, 104, 109- 25:52, 94, 97- White, 22:82. 23:93. 24:104. Jaeger, Long-tailed, 21:103-104x. Parasitic, 21:103-164. 22;108, 110. 23:93. 24:106. Pomarine, 21:103-104. 22:108, 110. 247l06. Jay, Blue, 2l7ob, 25, 63, 77, 76, 79, 86, 112, 115, 117b, ll8b. 22:6b, lib, 16, 17, 20, 31b, 58, 62, 65n, 75n, 78, 8l, 92, 104b, 106, 108, 117, 120b. 23:5, 6, 9n, lib, l4b, 16b, 27, 28, 32, 72, 74, 77, 92, 155 96. 24:13n, 24b, 28, 4l, 74, ?6, 78, 103. 25:22b, 26, 49n, 51, 55, 94, 9^7 99, 120b, 122b, 125b, 130, 135, 136-137n. Junco, Oregon, 21:52, 53*. 22:52, 108, 111. 23:17b. Slate -colored, 21:19b, 22, 52x, 59, 65, 88, 109, 113. 22:13, 16, 21, 32b, 60, 81, 10S1, 117. 23:6, 12b, 27, 28, 34 , 74 , 79, 92b, 96, 106b. 24:43, 46, 67, 76, 82, 98b, 99b, 103b. 25: 16, 19, 28, 57, 96, 120b, 123b, 126b, 128, 131b. Killdeer, 21:17b, 51, 62, 86, ll4. 22:9, 16, 19, 48, 49, 56, 64n, 74n, 108, 119. 23:5, 6, 8n, 31, 37, W - 24:12n, 27, 39, 46. 25:25, 48n, 51, 53, 62, 134. Kingbird, Eastern, 21:24, 63, 86. 22:6b, 10, 20, 57, 65n, 75n, 78, 83, 108. 23:5n, 6, 9n, l4b, 32, 72, "92b. 24:12n, 24, 4o, 74. 25:22b, 49n, 5^7 94, 135- Western, 21:51. 22:10, 17, 20, 110. 23:16. 25_:135. Kingfisher, Belted, 21:6b, 63. 22:l6, 19, 57, 65n, 75n, 108. 23:6, 32. 24:4°. 25:48n, 5^. Kinglet, Golden -crowned, 21:26, 88, 112. 22:20, 58, 8l, 108. 23:3, 6, 12, 13b, 33, 74, 106b. 24723b, 29, 76, 99b, 103b, 107. 25:55, 96, 130b. Ruby -crowned, 21:1 (cover photo), 15b, l6b, 24b, 26, 647 86, 88, 112. 22:6b, 20, 48, 58, 8l, 102b, 111, 117, 121b. 23:3, 6, 12, 15, 27, 28, 33, 39, 73, 74, 92b, lo4b, 106b. 24:24b, 29, 4T, 45, 74, 76, 98b, 99b, 103b, 107. 25:22b, 55, 95, 9^7 128, 130b. Kite, Swallow -tailed, 25 :97. Knot, 21:62. 22:17, 19, 108, 110. 23:16. 24:27. Lark, Homed, 21:63. 22:20, 58, 65n, 75n, loB - , 124x. 23:32. 24:4l. 25:54. Longspur, Lapland, 22:53, 1051, 124. 23:17, 40. Loon, Common, 21:61, 72, 86, 88. 22:lB7 55, 78, 8l, 107, 109, 118. 23: 6, 30, 72,^74. 24:38 , 74, 76, 77 . 25:24, 52, 94, 96. Red -throated, 21:113. 22:18, 55, 109. 25:24. Mallard, 21:20, 21, 6l, 72. 22:18, 55, 64n, 73n, 74n, 107, 108. 23:4, 6, 30. 24 :10n, 12n, 38. 25:48n, 52. Martin, Purple, 21:24, 51, 63, “76. 22:6b, 17, 20, 48, 58, 65n, 75n, 108. 23:6, 9n, 14, 20, 32, 72. 24:13n, 24, 4l, 74. 25:22b, 55, 94. Meadowlark, Eastern, 21:65 , 74, 100 . 22:17, 21,- 6o,T6n, 76n, 88, 89, 108. 23:6, 34. H[:l5n, 43. 25:31, 32, 33, 34, 49n, 57- Merganser, Common, 21:20, 21, 6l, 72. 22:18, 109, 118. 23:6, 30, 74, 24:26, 38, 76. 25:52, 96. Hooded, 21:6l, 72, 113- 22:18, 55, 64n, 74n, 107, 109. 23:6, 8n, 74. 25:52, 9 &. Red-breasted, 21:61, 72, 88. 22:18, 56, 109- 23:6, 30, 76. 24:17, 26, 39. Mockingbird, 21:64, 74, 76, 79, 100, 101. 22:16, 20, 50, 58, 65n, 75n, 88, 89, 103b, 111, 120. 23:5, 6, 9n, 32, 46. 24:l3n, 4l. 25:20, 30, 32, 33, 34, 49n, 55, 83. Nighthawk, Common, 21:24, 63, 86, 112. 22:6b, 10, 19, 57, 78, 83, 110, 117. 23:6, 14, 32, 72, 76, 92. 24:2^, 40, 74, 76, 103. 25:22, 54, 94, 130, 134. Nuthatch, Brown -headed, 21:63. 22:20, 58, 65n, 110. 23:32, 103. 24: 4l. 25:55. Red-breasted, 21:26, 89x, 112, 115, 118, 119. 22:6b, 20, 50, 58, 8l, 84, 110, 120. 23:4, 6, l4b, 32, 96, 103b. 24:23b, 24b, 28, 991, 156 103, 106, 107b. 25:2210, 2 6, 55, 89, 96, 121b, 126, 128, 130b, 135. White -breasted, 2l7§b, .63, 112, 115. 22:6b, l6, 20, 50, 58, 62, 6511, 81, 108, 117, 120. 23:4, 6, 32, 96, 103. 24:24b, 28, 4l, 103, 107b. 25:22b, 55, 87-91, 130b. Old squaw, 21:61, "88. 22:18, 55, 109- 23:6, 13, 76, 93- 24:17, 23, 38, 77. 25:96. Oriole, Baltimore, 21:24b, 27, 60, 65, 70, 77, 79, 87, 112. 22:7b, 17, 21, 50, 60, 66n, 76n, 79, 108, 117. 23:5, 6, 9n, 15b, 20, 34, 40, 73, 88x, 92b. 24:15n, 25b, 43, 47, 75, 103b. 25:23b, 27, 50n, 57, 63, 95, 131b. Bullock's, 25963. Orchard, 21:53*, 65, 77, 79, 87. 22:21, 60, 66n, 76n, 79, HI- 23:5, 6, 9n, 15b, 34, 73, 103b. §7:l5n, 43, 75, 108b. 25:23, 49n, 57, 95, 99. Osprey, 21:17b, 24, 51, 62, 86, 105-108n. 22:6, 18, 48, 49, 56, 64n, 73n ,1m, 85 x, 109. 23:3, 6, 7, 8n, l4, 30, 37, 92, 94. 24:10n, 12n, 24, 27, 39, 45, 46", 83, 89 (cover photo), 91-93n. 25:22, 48n, 53, 62, 97, ll6-119n. Ovenbird, 21:5b, 6b, 24b, 26b, 65, 87, 112, ll6b. 22:7b, 21, 59, 62n, 66n, 76n, 79, 106n, 107, 108, 117, 122b. 23:6, 9n, 15b, 17, 33, 39, 73, 92b, 95b, 96b, 104b. 24:15n, 25b, "42, 73, 75, 103b, 107b, 108b. 25:23b, 27, 56, 95, 129, 131b, 132b, 136b. Owl, Barn, 21:63. 22:10, 19, 65n, 73n, 75n, 106, 110, 23:6. 24:10n, 12n, 40, 83. 25:25, 26, 48n, 54, 98. Barred, 21:25, 59, 63. 22:10, 19, 57, 62, 65, 106n, 110. 23:5n, 6, 31. 24:28, 4o. 25:54. Great Homed, 21:25, 63. 22:10, 19, 57, 65, 110. 23:5, 6, 31 (cover photo), 65. 24728, 40. 25:26, 54. Long -eared, 2I9F3. 22:10, 17, 19, 83, 110. 23:39- Saw -whet, 21:15b, 25b, 112, ll8b, 119b. 22:l"fcover photo), 10b, 17, 19, 23x, 31b, 110. 23:5, 6, 13b, l6b, 39, 102b, 103. 24:23b, 98b. 25:21b, 26b, 134. Screech, 21:25, 59, 63. 22:10, 19, 57, 65n, 75n, 88, 110. 23:5, 6, 31. 24:28, 40. 2^:54. Short -eared, 21:25, 63. 22:4, 10, 19, 110. 25:26, 57, 63, 98. Oystercatcher, American, 21:l8b, 36, 62, 88, ll4, 22:9, 17, 19, 49, 56, 82, 108, 109. 23:16, 31, 38. 24:39. 25:53, 97. Pelican, Brown, 21:22. 22:17, 18, 108, 109 . Petrel, Leach's, 22_:85x. 23:80x, 24 : ll4x . Wilson's, 22:17, 18, 85x. 23:20, 93. 24:104. 25:93. Pewee, Eastern Wood, 21:6b, 24b, 63, 86. 22:6b, 20, 58, 75n, 78, 106n, 107, 108, 121b. 23:5, 6, 14b, 32, 72. "7|4:12n, 13n (photo), 24b, 4l, 74. 25:22b, 49n, 5 1 *-, 94. Western Wood, 23:103. Phalarope , Northern, 21:102. 22:14-15, 17, 19, 83, 108, 110. 23:5, 6, 20. 24:106. Red, 21:103- 22:15, 17, 19, 108, 110. 23:20. 24:27. Wilson's, 24:108, 108-109. 25:98, 134. Pheasant, Ring-necked, 21:23, 62, 74. 22:9, 18, 56, 109. 23:31. 24: 39. 25:53- Phoebe, Eastern, 21:5b, 6b, 24b, 25, 51, 63, 86, 112. 22:6b, 17, 20, 33, 48, 57, 62n,T5n, 75n, 106n, 108, 117. 23:5, 6, 9n, 12, l4b, 32, 157 37, 85 (cover photo). §4:12n, ljn, 24b, 28, 40, 46, 1031a. 25:22b, 26, 49n, 51, 54, 6l, 62, 63, 130b. Pintail, 21:20, 61, 72. §§:l8, 55, 109- 23:6, 30, 74. 24:23, 38, 46, 105, 109- §5:52, 96. Pipit, Water, 21:64, 88. 22:20, 58, 111. §3:33, 39, 73, 96. 24:41, 74, 76. 25:55, 63. Plover, American Golden, 21:23, 114. 22:9, 19, 109. 23:94, 105. 25: 25, 134. ' Black-bellied, 21:62. 22:19, 49, 56, 110. §3:l4, l6, 31, 38, 76. §4:39- §5:25, 53, 96, 97. Piping, 21:51, 62. 22:17, 19, 56, 64n, 82, 108, 109. §5:134. Semipalmated, 21:17b, 62, 112. 22:19, 56, 109, 117, 119- §3:31, 92. §4:24, 39, 77, 103, 109. §5:53, 94, 96, 130, 134. Upland, 21:62, 112, ll4. 22:19, 56, 110, 119. 24:39, 70 (cover photo), 78, 103. §5:53, IF- Rail, Black, 21:ll4. 22:82, 112. §4:36, 39, 83. §5:97. Clapper, 21:62. 22:19, 56, 74n, 109. §3:31, 38. 24:12n, 39- §5:25, 53, 97. King, 21:62. 22:17, 19, 56, 74n, 88, 109, 118. §3:31, 38. §4:12n, 39. §5:25, 4Sn, 53, 62. Virginia, §1:62. §2:19, 56, 105b, 109, 118. §3:6, 31. 24:39, 109. §5:25, 53, 62. ' “ Yellow, §5:97. Raven, Common, 21:25. §§:20. §3:17. Razorbill, §3:387 Redhead, 21:20, 21, 47, 6l, 72. 22:18, 55, 107, 109- 23:13, 30, 38. §4:26, 38. Redpoll, Common, 2§:12, 52, 108, 111. 2§:27, 63. Redstart, American, 21:5b, 6b, 24b, 27b, 65, 87, 88, 112, ll6b. 2§;7b, 21, 60, 66n, 79,~5i, 84, 106, 108, 117, 122b. §3:4, 6, l?b, 17b, 20, 34, 73, 74, 92b, 95b, 104b, 106b. §4:15n, 25b, 42, 75, 76, 99b, 103b, 107b, 108b. §5 :23b, 49n, 56, 95, 120b, 122b, 124b, 127, 131b, 132b, 136b. Robin, §l:5b, 6b, 49, 64, 74, 86, 100, 101. 22:17, 20, 29 (cover photo), 48, 58, 65n, 75n, 89, 106, 108. §3:3, 6, 9n, 12, 32, 37, 107b. §4:l4n, 4i, 44, 46, 100b. §5:27, 30, 32, 3^, 49n, 55, 62. Ruff, §2:82. 23:31, 62. §4:l09x. 25:51, 53, 98. Sander ling, §l7F2, 102, 112. 2§:19,T"9, 57, 110, 119. 23:31, 94, 98. §4:4o, 103. §5:54, 97, 130, 134. Sandpiper, Baird's, §§:19, 108, 110, 119. §3:94. 24:106, 109x. Buff -breasted, 22:17, 19. §3:94. §4:105. §§:137. Least, 21:17b, 23b, 62, 112." 22:19, 56, 78, 110, 117, 119- §3:14, 31, 62, 72,74, 106b. §4:40, 77, 76, 109. §5:53, 9k, 96, 130, 134. Pectoral, 21:23, 24, 62, 112. §2:l4, 19, 56, 110, 117, 119- §3:l4, 31, 72, 787 24:39, 76, 103, 109. 25:53, 94, 130, 134. Purple, §1:36, ”82, 88. 22:1?, 19, 5^7 83, 108, 110. 23:16. 24:27, 39- §5:53- — _ Semipalmated, 21:17b, 23, 62, 102x, 112. §2:l4, 19, 49, 57, 110, 117, 119. §3:8, 14, 16, 31, 72, 74, 94, 106b. §4:40, 74, 76, 77, 103, 105. §5:22, 53, 94, 96, 98, 130, 134. Solitary, 21:17b, 62, 86, 112. 22:6 , 19, 56, 78, 8l, 110, 117. §3:4, 6, W, 31, 72, 74, 92, 9b. §4:39 , 74, 76, 103. 25:22, 53, 97, 96, 97. 158 Spotted, 21:6b, 1Tb, 2k, 47, 62, 86, 112. 22:6, 19, 56, 74n, 7 8 , 88, 110, HTH-19. 23*, 6, i4, 31, 72, 92, 9*TT 24:24, 27, 39, 74, 76, 103, 105. 25:22, 53, 9b , 96, 130, 134. Stilt, 22:10^7 110, 119. 23:16, 31, 76. 24:106, 109- 25:53, 98, 134. Western, 21:17b, 23, 102x. 22:19, HO, 119- 23:16, 94, 106b. 24: 27. £5:134. White -rumped, 21:23. 22:14, 19, 56, 110. 23:16. 24:27. Sapsucker, Yellow-bellied, 21:15b, 25, 59, 63, ”88, 112. 22:6b, 10b, 16, 19, 57, 81, 105, 110, 117, 120. 23:3, 6, l4b, 32, 74, 92b, 101-102 (photo). 24:24b, 28, 40, 76, 103b, 106b. 25:26, 54, 96, 128, 130b. Scaup, Greater, 21:61, 72. 22:18, 55, 109. 23:30. 24:38. 25:52. Lesser, 21:20, 6l, 72, 88. 22:18, 55, 109- 23:6, 30, 74. 24:17, 38, 76, 77, 105- 25:52, 96. Scoter, Common, 21:113. 22: 18, 55, 109, 118. 23:13, 76, 93- 24:17, 77, 105- Surf, 21:61, 88, 113. 22 :l8, 109- 24:105- 25:25. White -winged, 21:23, 6l. 22:18, 55, 109- 23:12, 13, 93- 24:17, 23, 77- Shearwater, Audubon's, 22_:108, 109. 23 :93 - Cory’s, 22:17, 18. 23:20, 93- £4:104. Greater, 25:111-115, 133- Sooty, 21:36, 85. 22:108, 109- £5:93, lllx. She Id -Duck, 21:35- 22:53- £3:5, 6. Shove ler, 21-El, 71. 22:18, 55, 109- £3:6, 13, 30, 74. £4:26, 38. Shrike, Loggerhead, 21:52, 64, 112. 22:20, 58, 111. 23:6, 33, 92. 24:103, 109- £5:55, 95, 130. Siskin, Pine, 21:19b, 113, ll6, 119. 22:12, 13 , 21, 52, 60, 8l, 85, 111. 23:17, 34. 24:29, 47. 25:21b, 27, 57, 62, 63, 96, 100, 123b, 128. Skimmer, Black, 21:l8b, 63, 115. 22:17, 19, 57, 65nb, 74nb, 110. 23: 9nb, 31, 76, 106b. 24 :12nb, 40, 106. 25:25, 54, 98, 134. Snipe, Common, 21:17b, 51, 62, 88. 22:19, 4B - , 49, 58, 8l, 110, 117. £3:3, 6, 31, 37, 74- 24:39, 76, 106, 109. £5:53, 62, 96, 130. Sora, 22:9, 19, 56, 74n, 887 109, n8. 23:6, l4. 24:39- £5:25, 53- Sparrow, Bachman's, 22 :17, 21, 69 (cover photo). 23:34. Baird's, 23:87- Chipping, 21:6b, 24b, 65, 74, 87. 22:21, 48, 60, 66n, 76n, 88, 108. 23:6, 10n, 12, 15b, 34, 37- £4:15n, 25b, 43, 46, 98b. 25:23b, 32, W, 5 On, 57, 62, 126b. Clay-colored, 22:13, 108, 111. £3:100. Field, 21:6b, 65, 74, 8l. 22:21, 60, 67n, 76n, 88, 108. 23:6, lOn, 12, 34. 24:l5n, 43- 25:32, 50n, 57, 124b. Fox, 21:24, 88, 113. 22:7b, 21, 48, 60, 81, ill. 23:3, 6, 13b, 15b, 34, 36", 37, 74. 24:23, 2?b, 46, 76. 25:21b, 23b, 28, 57, 62, 96. Grasshopper, 21:49, 53, 65, 74, 78, 79, "BY- 22:7b, l4, 21, 60, 76n, 79, 105b, 10ET 23:6, 34, 73- £4:15n, 43, 75- 25:50n, 57, 95- Harris', 21:52b, 53x, 89. 22:l6b, 108, 111. 23:40. Hens low’s, 21:65. 22:21, 60, 105b, ill. 23:348“ £4:43- House, 21:65, 74, 100, 101, ll6x. 22:21, So, 66n, 73n, 76n, 89, 108. 23:6, 9n, 34, 46. 24:l5n, 43- 25:16, 30, 32, 34, 49n, 56, 90, 138-l42n. " “ Ipswich, 22:17, 21, 10 5b, 108, 111. 159 Lark, 22:60. 23:96b. Lincoln's, 21:®, 24b, 2Tb, 113. 22:7b, 14, 21, 60, 111, 117, 123b. 23:3, 6, l^b, 79b, 104b. 24:23, 25b, 43, 103b. 25:23b, 63, 122b, 131b. Savannah, 21:l8b, 19b, 24b, 46x, 47, 65, 8l, 83, 87, 100, 113. 22: 7b, 21, 487 60, 66n, 81, ill. 23:3, 6, 13b, 15b, 34, 46, 73, 7^7 87, 92b. 24:25b, 43, 46, 76, 79- 25:21b, 57, 62, 95, 96, 124b, 131b. Seaside, 21:27, 65. 22:21, 60, 66n, 105b, 111* 23:34, 73, 106b. 24:15n, 43, 83- 2£:57, 100. Sharp -tailed, 21:60. 22:21, 60, 88, 105b, 111. 23:34, 79, 106b. 24:15n, 43. 25:57, 100. Song, 21:6b, 19b, 46x, 65, 74, 100, 101. 22:16, 17, 21, 31b, 60, 67n, 7&1, 90, 93, 108. 23:6, lOn, 12, 34, 37, 46. 24:l6n, 43, 46, 96b, 98b. 25 :50n, 57, 122b, 124b, 128, 131b. Swamp, 21:657^8, 113 . 22:21, 60 , 76n, 81, 111, 117. 23:3, 6, 34, 73, 74, 79b. g+:23, 43, 75, 76, 79, 103b. 25:57, 96, 124b, 131b. Tree, 21:113. 22:21, 60x, 111. 23:3, 6, 12, 13b, 35*, 74. 24:23, 76. 25:21b, 287 96, 130b. Vesper, 21:19b, 24b, 46x, 65, 78, 79, 87, 113* 22:7b, 21, 48, 60, 105b, ill, 117- 23:3, 6, 15b, 34, 73- 24:25b, T3, 46, 98b. 25: 57, 62. "White -crowned, 21:24b, 53, 65, 87, 88, 113, 119b (Ganibel's). 22: l4b (Gambel’s), 21, 60, 79, 111. 23:3, 6, 12, 13b, 15b, 17b, “34, 73, 74. 24:23, 25b, 43, 75, 76. 25:21b, 23b, 57, 95, 96. White -throated, 21:12b, l4b, 15b, lSb, 59, 65, 8l, 83, 84, 88, 100, 113, 117. 22:13, 16, 17, 21, 31b, 32b, 60, 8l, 103b, 108, 115, 117- 23:3, 6, lib, 12b, 27, 28, 34, 46, 74, 8ox, 92b, lo4b, 106b, 107b. 1£:43, 76, 79, 82, 98b, 99b, 100b, 103b. 25:19, 57, 96, 122b, 124b, 126b, 128, 131b. Starling, 21:64, 73, 74, 77, 79, 100, 101. 22:16, 17, 20, 59, 66n, 75n, 89, lo£7 23:6, 9n, 21, 33, 4l, 46 , 24:®, 42. 25:19, 30, 32, 34, 49n, 55, l^-^On. Stilt, Black -necked, 23:31, 62. 24:36, 40, 78. Swallow, Bank, 21:l8b, 63. 22:20, 58, 65n, 75n, 84, 110, 120. 23:6, l4, 32, 72. 24:13n, 4l,®, 103 . 25:49n, 55, 94, 135- Bam, 21:24, 25, 63, 74, 86. 22:6b, 17, 20, 58, 65n, 75n, 78, 88, 89, 10F. 23:4, 6, 9n, l4b, 32, 72. 24:l0n, I3n, 24, 4l, 74. 2£:22b, 30, 32, 45-46n, 49n, 55, 94, 135- Cliff, 21:63. 22:20, 58, 110, 120. 23:6, 32, 72. 24:13n, 4l, 74. 25:55, 99n. t „ Rough -winged, 21:63, 86. 22:20, 58, 75n, 78, 84x, 110 . 23_:4n, 6, 9n, 14, 16, 32, 72. 24:13n, 4l, 74. 25:55, 94. Tree, 21:6b, 24, 63, 867 100, 112, 117b. 22:6b, 20, 48, 58, 65n, 75n, 110, 117, 120. 23:6, 9n, l4b, 32, 37, 77nb, 90, 92. 24:13n, 24, 41, 45, 46, 103. 25:22, 26, 49n, 55, 62, 135- Swan, Black -necked, 21:23. Mute, 22:17, 18, 55, 82, 109. 23:13, 30, 75n, 93n. 24:10n, 12n, 38, 77, 105n. 25:l4-l6n, 25n, 43n7"U8n, 52, 133* Whistling, 21:23, 4l, 51, 6l, 72, 85, 88, 112. 22:18, 48, 55, 8l, 82, 109, l® 23:5, 6, 13, 30, 37, 38, 74, 75* 24:23, 26, 38, 46, 76, 77, 112. 25:14, 21, 52, 62, 96, 133. 160 Swift, Chimney, 21:24, 63, 86. 22:6, IT, 19, 57, 65n, 78, 108, 120. 23:6, l4, 32, 72. 24:24, 40, 74. 25:22, 48n, 54, 94. Tanager, Scarlet, 21:6b, 24b, 65, 74, 87. 22:7b, 11b, 21, 60, 62 , 79, 106n, 107, 108. 23:5, 6, lOn, 15b, 28, “34, 73, 88x. 24:15n, 25b, 43, 75, 79, 25:23b, 27, 57, 95, 131b. Summer, 21:19b, 24, 65, 87. 22:7b, 11, 21, 60, 66n, 79, HI. 23:5, 6, 15b, “34, 73. 24:15n, 43, 75. 25:23b, 57, 95- Western, 23:103. Teal, Blue-winged, 21:6l, 72. 22:l8, 55, 109- 23:6, l4, 30. 24:38, 109. 25:52, 62. Green -winged, 21:6l, 72 . 22.: l8, 107, 109, 118. 23.: 6, 30, 74. 24: 23, 26, 38, 7^7 105, 109- 25:21, 52, 96. Black, 21:637 22:19, 57, 83, 110. 23:20, 31, 92. 24:24, 106. 25:134. Caspian, 21:62, 104x, 114. 22:19, 57, 83, 110, 119 - 23:14 , 31, 72, 94. 24:40, 106, 109. 25:25, 54. Common, 21:l8b, 62, 115. 22:19, 57, 64n, 74nb, 85x, 110. 23:9nb, 10, l4, 20, 31, 72. 24 :l2nb, 4o, 74, 106. 25:48n, 54, 94. Forster's, 21:25, 62, 115. 22:6, 19, 57, 64n, 74nb, 88, 110. 23:8nb, l4, 31. 247l2nb, 95, 106. Gull -billed, 22:17, 19, 57, 103, 110. 24:94. Least, 21:18b, 62. 22:19, 57, 65nb, 74nb, 88, 110, 119. 23:31, 72. 24:l2n7"4o, 74, 95* £5:48n, 54 , 94. Roseate, 22:83. 23 :10. " 25 :98. Royal, 21752, 104x, ll4. 22:19, 57, 110, 119- 23:14, 20, 76. 24: 33 (cover photo), 106. 25:25, 54. Thrasher, Brown, 21:6b, 24b, “54, 73, 8l, 83, 86, 100, 108. 22:6b, 17, 20, 58, 65n, 75n, 78, 106, 108, 120. 23:5, 6, 9n, 12, l4b, 19b, 32, 39, 46, 72. 24:3-9n, 13n, 24b, 29, 4l7~45, 46. 25:l8-20nb, 22b, 26, 49n, 55, 95*, 121b, 122b, 124b, 126. Thrush, Gray-cheeked, 21:6b, 24b, 26b, 64, 86, 112. 22:6b, 20, 58, 78, 81, 111, 117, 121. 23:6, lib, 15b, 33, 72, 74, 7Hb, 92b, 96b, 104b. 24:24b, 4l, 74, 76, 79, 99b, 103b. 25:22b, 27b, 55, 96, 121b, 130b. Hermit, 21:15b, 24b, 26b, 64, 8l, 86, “88, 100, 112. 22:6b, 20, 31b, 58, 78, “Fl, 111. 23:3, 6, lib, 12b, 15b, 33, 74, 78b, 106b. 24: 23b, 24b, 4l, 76, 99b. 25:21b, 22b, 27b, 55, 95, 96. Swainson's, 21:6b, l4b, 15b, l6b, 24b, 26b, 64, 86, 88, 112. 22:6b, 20, 58, 78, “Fl, 101b, 111, 117, 121. 23:6, 11b, 15b, 33, 46, 72, 74, 78b, 92b, 95b, 96b, 104b, 106b. 24:24b, 4l, 74, 76, 98b, 99b, 103b, 107b. 25:22b, 27b, 55, 95, 96, 121b, 129b, 130b, 132b. Varied, 22:3-4, 108, 111. Wood, 21:5b, 6b, 24b, 64, 74, 86. 22:6b, 20, 58, 62, 65a, 75n, 76n, 78, 847 88, 89, 106 n, 107, 108. 23:6, 9n, lib, l4b, 32, 72, io4b. 24 :l4n, 24b, 4l, 45, 73, 74, 107b. 25:22b, 27b, 32, 34, 49n, 50n, 51, 55, 94, 126b, 132b. Titmouse, Tufted, 21 :63 ♦ 22:16, 17, 20, 58, 65n, 88, 106, 107, 108. 23:4, 6, 9n, 32. 24:13n, 4l. 25_:49n, 55, 90, 99, 109 (cover photo). Towhee, Green-tailed, £5:63. Rufous -sided, 21:5b, 6b, 24b, 27, 65, 74, 81, 83, 84, 87, H3- 22: 7b, 17, 21, 4E7 50, 60, 62, 66n, 106, 108, 117. 23:5, 6, 12, 15b, 34, 37, 92b. 24:15n, 25b, 29, 43, 46, 47, 103b. 25:23b, 32, 50n, 57, 62, 131b. l6l Turkey, 21:23n, 62. 22:19, 109 . 25:53. Turnstone, Ruddy, 21:52. 22:19, 5^7 HO. 23:16, 74, 76, 94. 24:27, 39, TT. 25:1347 Veery, 21:6b, l6b, 24b, 26b, 64, 74, 86, 112. 22:6b, 20, 58, 78, 8l, 90, ill, 117. 23:5, 6, 15, 33, 72, 92b, 95b. 24:24b, 4l, 74, 79, 103b. 2£:22b, 55, 95, 96, 129, 130b, 132b. Vireo, Philadelphia, 21:l4b, 24b, 26b, 112. 22:7b, 20, 59, 111, 117, 121b, 122b. 23:4,T, 15b, 95b. 25:56, 121b, 131b, 132b, 135b. Red-eyed, 21:5b, 6b, 24b, 26b, 60,“64, 69, 74, 87. 22:7b, 20, 59, 62, 75n, W , 10 6, 107, 108, 122b. 23:4, 6, 9n, lOn, 15b, 17, 33, 73, 78, 95b, 106b. 24:l4n, 25b, 42, 74, 99b, 103b, 107b. 25:23b, 32, 49n, 56, 95, 129b, 131b, 132b. Solitary, 21:24b, 26b, 64, 86, 112. 22:7b, 20, 59, 62, 78, 111, 117. 23:4, 6, 15, 17, 33, 73. 24:25b, 42, 74, 76, 103b. 25:23b, 49n, 56", 95, 130b. ' " Warbling, 21:64, 87. 22:20, 59, 76n, 79, 90, 106, 111. 23:4, 6, 33, 73- 24:l4E, 42, 74, 107. 25:49n, 56, 95- White-eyed, 21:24b, 26b, 64, "86. 22:7b, 20, 59, 78, 106, 111. 23:3, 4, 6, 15b, 33, 73. 24 :l4n, 25b, 42, 74. 25:22b, 49n, 55, 95, 135b. Yellow -throated, 21 : 2417, 26b, 64, 86. 22:7b, 20, 59, 78, 106, 108. 23:4, 6, 15b, 17, 33, 73. 24:42, 74. 25:56, 95- Vulture, Black, 21:6l. 22:16, 17, 56, 64n, 107, 109 . 23:30. 24:39, 109. 25:52. Turkey, 21:6l. 22:l6, 17, l8, 56, 85x, 107, 108. 23:6, 8n, 30. 24:39- 25:51, 52. Warbler, Bay -breasted, 21:24b, 57 (cover photo), 87, 88, 112, 22:7b, 21, 59, 79, 81, 85x, 111, 117, 122b. 23:5, 6, 15b, 33 , 73, 74,^8, 79, 92b. 24 :25b, 29b, 76, 103b, 108b. "25:23b, 92, 96, 131b, 132b, 136b. Black-and-white, 21:5b, 6b, 24b, 64 , 54", 87, 112, ll6b. 22:7b, 20, 59, 66n, 79, 106, 108, 117, 122b. 23:4, 6, 15b, 33, 73, 78, 92b. 24:25b, 42, 73, 74, 103b, 108b. 25:23b, 49n, 56, 95, 122b, 131b, 132b, 136b. Blackburnian, 21:l8b, 24b, 26b, 64, 87, 112. 22:7b, 20, 59, 79, 8l, 103b, ill, 117, 122b. 23:5, 6, 15b, 33, 73, W, 78 , 92b. 24:25b, 42, 75, 76, 103b, 107b. 25:23b, 56, 92, 95, 96, 99, 131b. Blackpoll. 21:24b, 64, 87, “88, 112, li6b. 22:7b, 21, 59, 79, 8l, 88, 102b, 111, 117, 122b. 23:6, 15b, 33, 73, W, 78, 79, 92b, 95b. 24:25b, 42, 75, 76, 103b. 25:23b, 56, 95, 96, 131b, 136b. Black -throated Blue, 21:6b, 24b, 26b, 64, 87, 88, 112, ll6b. 22:7b, lib, 20, 59, 62n, 66n, 79, 8l, 103, HI, 117, 122b. 23:5, 6,~5b, 33, 73, 74, 78, 92b. 24:25b, 29b, 42, 74, 76, 103b, 108b. 25:23b, 56, 95, 96, 125b, 131b, 132b, 136b. Black-throated Green, 21:15b, l8b, 24b, 64, 87, 112. 22:7b, lib, 20, 59, 62, 79, 81, 111, 117, 122b. 23:5, 6, 15b, 33, 73, "74, 78, 92b, 96. 24:25b, 42, 74, 76, 79, 103b. 25:23b, 56, 95, 96, 131b, 132b. Blue -winged, 21:24b, 26b, 64, 87, 112. 22:7b, 20, 59, 76n, 79, 111, 117. 23:4, 6", 15b, 17, 33 , 46 , 73 , 74,“78x. 24:29b, 42, 74, 76, 103b. 25:23b, 56, 95, 96. Brewster's, 21: 19b. 22:59, 84. Canada, 21:5b, 6b, 24b, 65, 87, 88, 112, 117b. 22:7b, 21, 60, 62, 79, 81, 84b7"lll, 117, 121b, 122b. 23:5, 6, 15b, 347 73, 74, 78b, 79, 92b, 95. 24:15n, 25b, 42, 75, 7^7 103b, 107b. 25:23b, 32, 56, 92, 162 95, 96, 129, 13113, 132b, 136b. Cape May, 21:18b, 24b, 83, 84, 87, 88, 112, ll6b. 22:7b, 20, 59, 79, 8l, 102b, 111, 117. 23:5, 6, 12b, 15b, 33, 73, 74, 92b. 24:25b, 29b, 42, 74, 76, 79, 103b, 107b. 25:23b, 56, 95, 96, 12lb, 127, 131b, 132b, 135b, 136b. Cerulean, 21:l8b, 64, 87, 89. 22:20, 59, 66n, 76n, 79, 111. 23:5, 6, 33, 73, 78. 24:42, 74. 25:56, 95- Chest nut -sided, 21:5b, 6b, 24b, 26b, 64, 87, 88, 112. 22:7b, lib, 21, 59, 79, 8i,' "84 , 85x, ill, 117, 122b. 23:6, 15b, 17b, 33, 73, 74, 78, 92b, 95- 24:l4n, 25b, 42, 75, 76, 103b, 108b. 25:23b, 56, 92, 95, 96, 131b, 136b. Connecticut, 21:l4b, 19b, 24b, 26b, 112, ll6b. 22:7b, 21, 59, HI, 117, 121. 23:"6, 15b, 92b, 95b, 104b. 24:25b, 103b, 25:23b, 122b, 127, 131b,, 136b. Golden -winged, 21:6b, 64, 87. 22:20, 59, 62, 79, 8l, 111. 23:5, 6, 17, 33, 73. 2IH42, 74, 79- 25:56, 92, 95- Hooded, 21:6b, ^4b, 26b, 65, 7*7" 87. 22:7b, 21, 59, 66n, 79, 90, 106, 111. 23:4, 6, 15b, 34, 73- 24:15n, 29b, 42, 75, 108. 25:23b, 49n, 56, 95, 99- Kentucky, 21:6b, 24b, 65, 8 j . 22:7b, 21, 59, 66n, 76n, 79, 90, 106n, 107, 111. 23:4, 6, 9n, 33, 43^, 73- 24:15n, 42, 75, 108. 25:23b, 49n, 56, 95- Lawrence's, 21:19b. 22:84. 24:36, 42. 25:99- MacGillivray's, 22:17, 21. Magnolia, 21:6b, "24b, 26b, 64, 87, 88, 112, ll6b. 22:7b, lib, 20, 59, 62, 66n, j 6 n , 79, 81, 85x, 102b, 111, 117, 122b. 23:5, 6, 12b, 15b, 33, 73, 74, 78, 92b, 95b, 96b. 24:25b, 42, 74, 7TT 79, 103b, 107b. 25:23b, 56, 92, 95, 96, 129b, 131b, 132b, 136b. Mourning, 21:19b, 112, ll6b. 22:7b, lib, 21, 59, Si, 111, 117, 122b. 23:5, 6, 15b, 17b, 33, 78, 95b, 104b. 24:25b, 29b, 79, 107b. 25:23b, 96, 99, 122b, 127, 129b, 131b. Myrtle, 21:l4b, 15b, 19, 24b, 64, 87, 88, 112, 117b, 22:7b, lib, 20, 28b, 31b, 59, 79, 81, 101b, 102b, 104b, 108, 117. 23:5, 6, lib, 12b, 15b, 27, 28, 33, 46, 73, 74,78, 92b, 104b, 106b. 24725b, 42, 46, 76, 98b, 99b, 100b, 101, 25,:23b, 56, 95, 96, 120b, 122b, 124b, 125b, 131b. Nashville, 21:6b, l4b, 15b, 24b, 26b, 64, 87, 112. 22:7b, lib, 20, 59, 79, 111, 117. 23:6, lib, 15b, 17, 33, 73, 74, W , 92b. 24: 25b, 42, 74, 103b, 108b. 25:23b, 27b, 56, 92, 95, 128, 131b, 135, 136b. Orange -crowned, 21:19b, 60, 64, 70. 22:20, 111. 23:4x, 13, 17, 102b, 104b. 24:23b, 25b, 29, 107b. 25:21b, 23b, 27b, 122b, 136b. Palm, 21:24b, 67, 87, 88, 112. 22:7b, 21, 59, 79, 8l, 111, 117, 123b. 23:5, 6, 15b, 33, 73, 74, 92b. 24:25b, 42, 75, 76, 103b, 108b. 25:23b, 56, 95, 96, 131b, 136b. Pa rule, 21:24b, 64, 87, 112. 22:7b, 20, 59, 66n, 76n, 79, 85X, 106n, 107, 111, 117, 121b. 23:5, 6, 15b, 17, 33, 73, 80x, 92b, 95b. 24:25b, 42, 73, 74, 103b, 108b. 25:23b, 56, 95, 131b. Pine, 21:64, 87. 22:21, 48, 59, 111. 23:5, 6, 9n, 33, 39, 73- 24:4271+6, 108b. 25:27, 56, 63, 95, 99- Prairie, 21:24b, 64, 87. 22:7b, 21, 59, 66n, 79, 108, 122b. 23:1 (cover photo), 5, 6, 9n, 15b, 33, 73, 78. 24:l4n (photo), 42, 73, 163 75, 107b. 25:23b, 27b, 49n, 56, 95- Prothonotary, 21:l8b, 64, 87. 22:20, 59, 66n, 76n, 79, 90, 93, HI. 23:4, 6, 9n, 33, 73- §4:l4n, 52, 73, 74. 25:32, 49n, 56, 95- Svalnson's. 2L:l8b, 36b, 60. 22:17, 20, 59, 108, 111. 23:78. Tennessee, 21:24b, 87, 112. 22:7b, 20, 59, 79, 102b, 111, 117, 122b. 23:5, 6, 15b, 33, 73, 74, 78, 92b. 24:25b, 42, 74, 103b, 107b, 108b. 25:23b, 27b, 56, 92, 95, 131b, 135, 136b. Wilson’s, 21:24b, 87, 88, 112. 22:7b, lib, 21, 60, 79, 8l, 84, 111, 117, 122b. 23:4, 6, 15b, 17, 347 46, 73, 74, 92b, 95b. 24:25b, 42, 75, 76, 103b. 25:16, 23b, 92, 95, 96, 99, 129b, 131b, 135b. Worm-eating, 21:5b, 24b, 64, 74, 87, 112, 119b. 22:7b, 20, 59, 62, 66n, 79, 107, ill. 23:6, 33, 73, 92b. 24:42, 757 103b, 108. 25:23b, 49n, 56, 95, 127- Yellow, 21:6b, 15b, 24b, 26b, 60, 64, 69, 87, 112, ll6b. 22:7b, 20, 59, 66n, 79, 85*, 108, 117. 23:3, 6, 15b, 33, 73, 92b, 95- 24:l4n, 25b, 29b, 42, 74, 103. 25:23b, 56, 95, 100x, 131b. Yellow -throated, 21:l8b, 5*T, 89. 22:21, 59, 76n, 79, 90, 106, 111. 23:4, 33, 73, 79- §4:l4n, 42, 75- 25:32, 51, 56, 95- Waterthrush, Louisiana, 21:47n, 65, 87. 22:21, 48, 50, 59, 66n, 76n, 106n, 111. 23:4, 6, 33, 73- 24:15n,T2, 46, 49n. 25:5 6, 95, 129b. Northern, 21:5b, 24b, 26b, 65, ST, 88, 112, ll6b. 22:7b, 21, 59, 62, 79, 81, 887 111, 117. 23:4, 6, 15b, 33, 73, 74, 7^7 92b, 95. 24:25b, 29b, 42, 75, 76, 99b, 103b, 107b. 25:23b, 32, 56, 95, 96, 131b, 132b, 136b. Waxwing, Cedar, 21:6b, 64, 86, 112, 115-116. 2£:6h, 20, 50, 58, 62, 75^, 78, 81, ill, 117, 121. 23:5, 6, 12, 15, 33, 73, 74, 92b, 105. 24: 25b, 4l, 46, 76, 93-94n, 97b, 103b, 107b, ll4x. 25:22b, 43n, 49n, 55, 95, 96, 130b. Whimbrel, 22:17, 19, 83, 108, 110, 118-119. 23:42-43, 94. 24:39, 105- 25=53. Whip-poor-will, 21:24b, 59, 63, 86. 22:6b, 10b, 19, 57, 62, 75n, 78, 107, HO, 120. 23:14, l6b, 32, 72. 24 :12n, 24, 40, 73, 74. 25: 22b, 54, 94. Widgeon, American, 21:35, 6l, 72. 22:18, 55, 107, 109 . 23:6, 13, 30, 38, 74. 24:23, 38, 76, 105. 25:21, 25, 52, 96. European, 22:17, 18, 82. 23:l6, 38. Willet, 21:18b, 62, 88, ll4. 22:19, 56, 74n, 82, 110, 119. 23:31, 42-43, 62x, 94. 24:l2n, 39, 77, 83, 105. 25:53, 98n. Woodcock, American, 21:15b, 17b, 23, 51, 62, 887 112. 22:9, 19, 42, 48, 49, 56, 74n, 106n, 107, 110. 23:3, 6, 31, 36, 37, 38, 4o-4l, 88x, 92. 24:24b, 27, 39, 44, 46. §5:48n, 53, 62. Woodpecker, Downy, 21:6b, 63, 112, ll8b. 22:10, l6, 17, 20, 57, 62, 65n, 75n, 89, 92, 106, 108, 117, 120. 23:6, 9n, 32, 10.3 . §4:12n, 28, 4o, 106, ll4b. 2^:54, 90. Hairy, 21:6b, 63, 112. 22:10, 16, 17, 20, 57, 65n, 106n, 110, 117- 23:6, 32, 103. 24il2n, 28, 4o. §5:48n, 54. Pileated, 21:25, 83, 74. 22:19, 57, 62, 106, 110. 23:6, 32. 24:28, 4o7^5. 25:26, 51, 54, 98n. Red -bellied, 21:25, 63, 74, 75, 100. 22:l6, 19, 57, 65n, 75n, 90, 91, 106, 110. 23:6, 9n, 32. §4:28, 5o. 25:48n, 54, 98. Red -headed, 21:25b, 63. 22:6b, 19, 57, 110, 112, 117. §3:6, l4b, 32. §4 :4o, 106. 25:26, T3n, 48n, 54, 94, 130. 164 Wren, Bewick's, 22:20, 58. 24:28, 4l. 25:26, 31. Carolina, 21:50, 64. 22: l£, 20, 47, 5^, 65n, 75n, 89, 90, 102b, 106n, 107, 110. 23:3, 6, 28, 32, 103. 24:13n, 4l. 25:43n, 49n, 51, 55, 6l, 99. House, 21:6b, 24b, 60, 64, 69, 86. 22:6b, 20, 50, 58, 65n, 75n, 78, 108, 120b. 23:3, 6, 9n, l4b, 32, 72. 24:13n, 24b, 29, 4l, 73, 74. 25:22b, 26, 49n, 55, 94. “ Long -billed Marsh, 21:64. 22:20, 58, 110. 23:3, 6, 9n, 32, 72. 24:13n, 4l, 74. 25T^3n, 49n, 55, 94. Short -billed Marsh, 21:64. 22:20, 58, 110. 23:3, 6, 32. 24 -4l 25:26, 55. — — — — • * Winter, 21:64, 88, 112. 22:20, 58, 8l, 110, 117. 23:3, 6, 74. 24:23b, 29, 76, 78, 103b, 107b. 25:96, 130b. “ Yellowlegs, Greater, 21:17b, 24, 62, 56, 112. 22:6, 19, 48, 49, 56, 110, 117, 119* 23:6, 14", 31, 62, 72, 74, 76, 92, 94. 24:39, 46, 76, 103. 25:22, 53, 9*T, 96, 130. — Lesser, 21:17b, 24, 62, 86, 112. 22:6, 9, 19, 49, 56, 78, 83, 110, 119. 23:14, 31, 72, 74, 92. 24:27, 39, 74, 76, 103, 109. 25:22, 53, 94, 98, 130. "" Yellowthroat, 21:6b, 24b, 26, 65, 84, 87. 22:7b, 21, 50, 59, 62, 76n, 79, I06n, 108. 23:3, 6, 9n, 15b, 17, 33, 46, 73, 95b, 104b, 106b. 24:15n, 25b, 42, 73, 75, 99b, 108b. 25:23b, 31, 32, 56, 63, 95, 122b, 124b, 132b, 136b. — MARYLAND BIRDLIFE AUTHOR INDEX VOL. 21-25 1965-1969 Adkins, Edith --see Smith, Dorothy Vernon and — Armistead. Henry T. — Roseate Tern New for Dorchester County, 23:10; (OR 1967) Hoopers Island, 23:104-105; Cedar Waxwing Breeds in Talbot County, 24:93-94; Gull-billed Terns at Blackwater, 24:94-95; Wilson's Fhalarope at Fairmont Wildlife Management Area, 24*108- 109; (OR 1969) Bellevue, 25:122. Armistead, Henry T. and William C. Russell — Maryland's First Black- necked Stilt and Fourth Ruff, 23:62-63. Arnold, Elting— House Finch Populations at a Chevy Chase Banding Station, 22:32-33. ’ Beiler, Lydia M. --Two Weeks at the Audubon Nature Camp in Maine, 23:79- 80. Brackbill, Hervey--Light on Some Ways of the Catbird, 21:10-12; Brown Thrasher Observations, 25:18-20; Status and Behavior of Color-banded White -breasted Nuthatches at Baltimore, 25:87-91, Bridge, David— The Birds of Big Run, Garrett County, 22:62; Maryland Nest Summary for 1964, 22:63-67; (OR 1966) Kent Point, 22:104. Bridge, David and Margaret Bridge— (OR 1965) Kent Point, 21:118, Bridge, David, M. Susan Hundt, Willet T. Van Velzen and Aldeen C, Van Velzen— The Greater Shearwater in Maryland, 25:111-115. 165 Bridge, Margaret — see Bridge, David and — Buck, Georgia A. — see Buck, Levis A., et al . Buck, Levis A., Georgia A. Buck and Hank Kaestner — Lapland Longspurs at Sandy Point State Park in Mid -October, 22:124. Buterbaugh, Madeleine — Blue Jays Adopt a Hand -reared Young, 25: 136-137* Bystrak, Danny — Early Arrival of Woodcocks in Anne Arundel County, 23: 40-4l; Maryland Nest Summary for 1967* 24:10-16; Maryland Nest Summary for 1968, 25:43-50. Carlson, Carl W. --Phalaropes in Frederick County, 21:102-103; Late Sighting of Short -eared Ovl, 22:4; Brever's Blackbirds at Claiborne, Talbot County, 23:41-42. Church, Jane P. — Maryland Worm-eating Warbler Recovered in Jamaica, 21; 119; Maryland Myrtle Warbler Recovered in the Adirondacks, 22:28; Tvo 1966 Maryland O.R. Brovn Thrashers Recovered in Massachusetts, 23:19; (OR 1969) Kent Point, 25:125-12 6. Clark, Dorothy — An Exciting Week at the Connecticut Audubon Camp, 23:88. Clark, William S. --Partial Albino Red-tailed Havk, 23:21. Cole, Gladys H. — (OR 1964) Ocean City, 21:l6; (OR 1965) Ocean City, 21: 119; (OR 1966) Ocean City, 22:104-105; (OR 1967) Ocean City, 23:106- 107; (OR 1968) Ocean City, 24 : 99 -100; (OR 1969) Irish Grove, 25:123- 125; see Van Velzen, Willet T. and — Deane, James G.— Will We Save the Potomac's Eagles?, 22:125. Fales, John H. — 1966 Breeding -bird Census in Calvert County, 22:106-107- Fletcher, A. J. and Roberta B. Fletcher — (OR 1964) Denton, 21:15. Fletcher, Roberta B. --Maryland's Second Lark Bunting, 22:94; (OR 1966) Denton, 22:103; see Fletcher, A. J. and— Garland, Mel — (OR 1964) Rock Run, 21:14; Birds of North America (rev.), 22:46; Operation Recovery in Maryland, 24:96-97; see Taylor, Billie and— Gelder, Katharine G. — The Maine Audubon Camp, 22:85-86. Getchell, B. C.— First Appearance of Varied Thrush in Maryland, 22:3-4. Goodpasture, Katherine A. --Returnson American Goldfinches Banded at Kensington, Maryland, 21:9-10. Hackman, C. Douglas — Operation Recovery in Maryland, 1967, 23:101-104. Hackman, H. Gordon--(0R 1965) Rock Run, 21:117. Henry, Virginia P. — Who Lost a Paradise Crane?, 24:71-72. Hevitt, Marvin W. — Rose-breasted Grosbeak as Winter Visitor to Caroline County, 25:83. Hundt, M. Susan — see Bridge, David et al . Ireland, Irma T.--see Thompson, Max C. and — Kaestner, Alice S. — The Burner - Lev Memorials, 21:110; Birds of Lake Roland, 23:3-6. Kaestner, Hank — 1964 County Bird Lists, 22:17-22; Magnificent Frigatebird at Ocean City, 22:99; 1965 County Bird Lists, 22:107-111; see Buck, Levis A. et al . Kaestner, Peter — Red-necked Grebe and Albino Black Duck at Loch Raven, 22:107. Kleen, Melvin H. --Report of State-vide Bird Count, May 7* 1966, 22:54- 62. Kleen, Vernon M. --Banding Highlights in Maryland, 21: 17-20 j Report of State-vide Bird Count, May 1, 1965, 21:59-70; A Summary of Evening Grosbeaks in Maryland, 25:3~l4. 166 Larrabee, Barbara --Dedication of Florence Burner and Seth Low Memorials , 22:113-114. Lawson, Charlotte M. — Cylburn Christmas Bird Count, 22:l6. Lawson, Charlotte M. and Martha D. Schaffer— Highlights of Baltimore Chapter's Junior Nature Camp, June 10-12, 1966, 22:112. Locke, Frances S.--see Locke, Louis N. and — Locke, Louis N. and Frances S. Locke — A Winter Record of the Wilson's Warbler at the Patuxent Wildlife Research Center, Laurel, Md. 25:l6. Mendinhall, Dorothy A. — (OR 1964) Dams ite -Chest ert own, 21:15; The Presi- dent's Page, 21:30; (OR 1966) Dam site, 22:103; (OR 1968) Dams ite, 24:97-98; (OR 1969) Dams ite, 25:123. Motherway, Mary— In Memoriam: Sterling W. Edwards, 25:37* O'Brien, Michael D. — Empidonax Flycatcher at Seneca in January, 22:33. Pepper, Bob — Harris' Sparrow Banded at Denton, 22:16. Reese, Jan G. — Wildlife Highway Fatalities, 21:99-101; Breeding Status of the Osprey in Central Chesapeake Bay, 21:105-108; An Unprecedented Concentration of Saw-whet Owls, 22:31; Migrants at Sea, 23:20; Branta canadensis hutchinsii in Maryland, 23:45; (OR 1967) St. Michaels, 23:107; First Winter Record of Snowy Egret in Maryland, 24:9; King Eiders Summering in Chesapeake Bay, 24:17-18; Breeding Osprey Survey of Queen Annes County, Maryland 24:91-93; (OR 1968) St. Michaels, 24:100; Mute Swans Breeding in Talbot County, Maryland, 25:l4-l6; A Maryland Osprey Population 75 Years Ago and Today, 25: 116-119. Reissmann, Hildegard H. — Return of "Orpheus", the Crippled Brown Thrasher, 21:108; Kentucky Warbler Caught by Box Turtle, 23:43-44. Reynolds, Edgar W. — Bird Banding - Pleasant Valley, 1957-1963, 21:3-6. Robbins, Chandler S. — Operation Recovery in Maryland, 1964, 21:13-14; The Season October, November, December, 1964, 21:22-27; New Breeding Bird Survey Tested in Maryland This Summer, 21:48-49; The Season January, February, March, 1965, 21:50-53; Fifty Thousand Birds Recorded on Breeding Bird Survey, 21:73-79; The Season April, May, June, 1965, 21:81-89; The Season July, August, September, 1965, 21: 111-117; Operation Recovery in Maryland, 1965, 21:117; (OR 1965) Patuxent Wildlife Research Center, Laurel, 21:117; The Season October, November, December, 1965, 22:5-14; Familiar Garden Birds of America (rev.), 22:25; The Season January, February, March, 1966, 22:47-53; The Season April, May, June, 1966, 22:77-85; The Season July, August, September, 1966, 22:116-123; The Season October, November, December, 1966, 23:11-17; The Season January, February, March, 1967, 23:36-40; The Season April, May, June, 1967, 23:70-79; The Season July, August, September, 1967, 23:90 -96; The Season October, November, December, 1967* 24:22-29; The Season January, February, March, 1968, 24:44-47; The Season April, May, June, 1968, 24:73-79; The Season July, August, September, 1968, 24:102-108; The Season October, November, December, 1968, 25:21-28; Four-year Sum- mary of the Breeding Bird Survey in Maryland, 25:29-36; The Season January, February, March, 1969, 25:61-63; The Season April, May, June, 1969, 25:92-100; Operation Recovery in Maryland in 1969, 25: 120-122; (OR 1969) Ocean City, 25:126-127; The Season July, August, September, 1969, 25:129-136. Robbins, Eleanor C. — Introduction to the Outdoors (rev.), 22:25- Robbins, George C. — Report of State-wide Bird Count, May 3, 1969, 25:50- 6o. Rowe, Nancy D.--An Enclosure and a Guest Editorial, 24:1 6. Russell, William C.--A Movement of Jaegers at Ocean City with Notes on Identification, 21:103-10*!-; see Armistead, Henry T. and — Rykiel, E. J. , Jr. — (OR 1966) Rock Run Sanctuary, 22:102. Sanders, K. Friel--Sheld-Duck at Broadwater Point, 21:35; House Finches at Broadwater Point, 24:66. Schaffer, Martha D. --see Lawson, Charlotte M. and — Simon, Stephen W. — (OR 1966) Monkton, 22:102; (OR 1967) Monkton, 23:105- 106; (OR 1968) Monkton, 24:98-99; (OR 1969) Monkton, 25:126. Smith, Dorothy Vernon and Edith Adkins— In Memoriam - Nita Henry Nevius, 22:23. Smith, Robert L. and David R. Wones — Orange -crowned Warbler in Montgomery County in Spring, 21:70. Stambaugh, Richard R. — A Session at the Audubon Camp in Maine, 24:114. Taylor, Billie and Mel Garland --Nature Camp at Carey Run, 21:90-91. Taylor, Rowland— In Memoriam - Turner Lynn Smith, 21:109. Thomas, Malcolm — Landbird Migrants Grounded at Ocean City, 23:46. Thompson, Max C. and Irma T. Ireland--(OR 1966) Point Lookout, 22:102- 103. Thomsen, Goldie— In Memoriam — W. Bryant Tyrrell, 23:89. Unger, V. Edwin — Hesperiphona vespertina Was Here, 21:7-8; The President's Page, 21:36, 80, 120; 22:24 , 34, 86^-87; Welcome, Wicomico Chapter.', 22:115; The President's Page, 23:18, 60, 67, 99; Banded Sparrow Hawk Makes Round Trip Flight to Cape Cod, 24:19; The President's Page, 24:30, 48; Goldfinches and Juncos Eating Pine Seeds, 24:67; The President's Page, 24:80-101; 25:17, 64, 103, 128. Van Velzen, Aldeen, C.— see Bridge, et al. ; see Van Velzen, Wills t T. and — Van Velzen, Willet T. — (OR 1964) Tilghman Island, 21:15-16; Maryland Nest Summary for 1965 and 10-year Recapitulation, 22:71-76; Mary- land’s Part in the 1966 Breeding Bird Survey, 22:88-93; Operation Recovery In Maryland, 1966, 22:100-102; Maryland Birdlife Index, Vol. 14-20, 1958-1964, December 1966 (published separate); Maryland Nest Summary for 1966, 23:7-10; Report of State -wide Bird Count, May 6, 1967, 23:27-35; First Observed Brown Creeper Nest in Maryland, 23:68-69; Maryland's Third Record of Clay-colored Sparrow, 23:100; Nest Records of the Brown Thrasher In Maryland, 24:3-9; Report of State -wide Bird Count, May 4, 1968, 24:35-43; Slate -colored Junco Recovery from Michigan, 24:82; Migration of a Downy Woodpecker, 24: 115; see Bridge, David et al. Van Velzen, Willet T. and Gladys H. Cole — Maryland's First Baird's Sparrow, 23:87. Van Velzen, Willet T. and Aldeen C. Van Velzen — Maryland Birdlife Index, Volumes 21-25, 1965-1969, 25:148-168. Warfield, Robert W. — Migrating Waterfowl at Triadelphia Reservoir, 1964, 21:20-21; Migrating Waterfowl at Seneca, 21:70-72; Vagrant Northern Phalarope at Lilypons, 22:14-15; Some Observations on the Coastal Migration of the Whimbrel and Willet, 23:42-43. WIerenga, Harold - -Maryland 's Third Lark Bunting, 23:4l. Wones, David R. --see Smith, Robert L. and — Wormelle, Ruth L. --A Remembrance: Florence Helen Burner, 21:28-29* Zeleny, Lawrence — The MOS Bluebird Project, 25:138-142. 168