Memoirs of THE Queensland Museum Brisbane June, 1976 Volume 17 Part 3 Volume 17 Part 3 Memoirs OF THE Queensland Museum Published by Order of the Board Mem. QdMus. 17(3): 341-65, pis. 43-51. [1976] REVISION OF THE MARSUPIAL GENUS PLANIGALE TROUGHTON (DASYURIDAE) Michael Archer Queensland Museum ABSTRACT Planigale Troughton, 1928 is revised and a new generic diagnosis provided. Five species are recognized: P. ingrami (Thomas, 1906) (including the forms subtilissima Lonnberg, 1913, and brunnea Troughton, 1928); P. tenuirostris Troughton, 1928; P. gilesi Aitken, 1972; P. maculata (Gould, 1851) (formerly regarded as a species of Antechinus Macleay, 1 841 and including the form Phascogale minutissima sinualis Thomas, 1926); and P. novaeguineae Tate and Archbold, 1941. These species are placed in three groups: the P. maculata group, the P. ingrami group, and the P. gilesi group. P. gilesi is regarded as the most specialized species, having completely lost the last upper and lower premolar. Two additional forms of Planigale noted, one from northwestern Western Australia and another described by Lundelius and Turnbull (1973), may represent additional species. The genus Planigale is considered to be related to Ningaui Archer, 1975 as well as to some Antechinus-Uke dasyurids such as Phascogale Teminck, 1824. There is also some affinity with Sminthopsis Thomas, 1888, but the common features that some species of these two genera share may be the result of convergence in arid adaptation. In 1928 Troughton proposed that Phascogale subtilissima Lonnberg and P. ingrami Thomas should be included with Planigale tenuirostris Troughton in the genus Planigale. Subsequently, Planigale novaeguineae Tate and Archbold and Planigale gilesi Aitken were described. The place- ment of maculatus Gould in Antechinus by most modern authors (e.g. Tate 1947, Ride 1970) is anomalous. Archer (1975) considers it to be within Planigale. Some non -Planigale species (in Antechinus ) exhi- bit characters previously believed confined to Planigale — in particular, flatheadedness (Ride 1970) — while inclusion of P. novaeguineae and P. gilesi in Planigale indicates that not all Planigale are minute in size. Minute dasyurids are now known to occur in another dasyurid genus, Ningaui Archer. These developments in classification and taxonomy emphasize the need for revision in the genus Planigale. METHODS Cranial measurements are given in Table 1 . The method of taking measurements is shown in Figure 1. Characters of particular importance in differentiating species of Planigale are nasal lengths, widths, contact between premaxillae and nasals, distance between posterior lacerate for- amen and anterior edge of alisphenoid bulla (or tympanic wing), transverse distance across for- amen magnum, and skull depth in front of alisphenoid bullae. Similarly, external measure- ments were made of the ear (from notch to tip of pinna), supratragus (maximum length), nose-vent (anus), tail vent, and hind foot (less claws). Unless otherwise noted, measurements were made on preserved materials from which skulls had already been removed. External measurements should not be considered directly comparable with measure- ments of fresh material (e.g. Lidicker and Marlow 1970). Some small dasyurids have distinctive mor- phological dental and cranial characteristics. Within genera, such as Sminthopsis , these charac- teristics are sufficiently constant to diagnose spec- ies. In other genera, such as Planigale , these distinctive morphological characters are less com- mon. Only Planigale gilesi in lacking P4 is ob- viously and consistently distinct from other species. Recognition of other species of Planigale requires examination of size and consideration of relative cranial and dental proportions. A statistical sum- mary of absolute size in species of Planigale is given in Table 1. A summary of cranial, dental, and external proportions, as ratios, is given in Table 2. 342 MEMOIRS OF THE QUEENSLAND MUSEUM These ratios are as follows: 1 . Basicranial length/zygomatic width (BL/ZW): an estimate of brachycephaly; 2. Minimum inter-orbital width/ZW (IO/ZW): an estimate of relative mid-cranial frontal restriction; 3. Alisphenoid bullae width (left and right combined)/ZW (BW/ZW): an estimate of relative width of alisphenoid bullae; 4. BW/M 1-3 : an estimate of alisphenoid bullae width relative to M 1-3 length; 5. Bullar length (measured from posterior lac- erate foramen to anterior edge of expanded alisphenoid bulla/M 1 ^ 3 (BL/M 1 3 ): an es- timate of relative length of periotic and alisphenoid bullae (or tympanic wing) inflations; 6. Skull depth (measured vertically immediately anterior to alisphenoid bullae)/ZW (SD/ZW): an estimate of relative depth of skull; 7. SD/BL: an estimate of skull depth relative to skull length; 8. SD/(C9 - M 4 ): an estimate of skull depth relative to length of cheek-tooth row; 9. SD/IO: an estimate of skull depth relative to mid-cranial restriction; 10. Foramen magnum diameter (maximum transverse)/SD (FM/SD): an estimate of re- lative size of foramen magnum; 11. M I_3 /ZW: an estimate of width of skull relative to M 1-3 length; 12. (C 1 M 4 ) - (M 1 M 4 )/(M^ 3 ) ( = C l P 4 /M'- 3 in Table 2): an estimate of length of (C 1 - P 4 ) relative to M 1-3 length which is also an estimate of relative cheek-tooth row crowd- ing; 13. (I 1 -M 4 )-(M 1 _ 4 )/(M 1 _ 3 )(=Ii-P 4 /M 1 3 in Table 2): an estimate similar to 12 above, but for lower teeth and involving lower incisors; 14. Nasal length (maximum)/BL (NL/BL): an estimate of relative length of nasals; 15. Nasal width (maximum across both nasals) /ZW (NW/ZW): an estimate of relative width of nasals; 16. NW/NL: an estimate of relative length and width of nasals; 17. Premaxillary-nasal suture/NL (PN/NL): an estimate of relative length of premaxillary- nasal suture; 1 8. Minimum distance between premaxillary and maxillary vacuities/BL (VV/BL): an estimate of relative palatal evacuation; 1 9. Dentary length (from posterior edge articular condyle to anterior edge of Ij alveolus)/BL (DL/BL): an estimate of relative length of dentary; 20. Tail-vent length/head-body length (TV/ HB): an estimate of relative length of tail; 21. Hind foot length/HB (HF/HB): an estimate of relative length of foot; 22. Length of supratragus of ear/ear height from notch (ST/E): an estimate of supratragus length relative to ear height. These ratios were selected following an overall examination of specimens which indicated that although there were apparent differences in cranial structure, expression of some of these was confused by differences in relative size. As a result, ratios were computed using absolute measurements for each specimen. Means of these ratios were then obtained. Cranial, dental and external terminology is that used by Archer (1975, 1976). Abbreviations for specimen numbers unless otherwise indicated are as follows: AMNH, American Museum of Natural History; BM, British Museum (Natural History); C, National Museum of Victoria; D, Victorian Fisheries and Wildlife Department; JM or J, Queensland Museum; B, Butler collection in the Western Australian Museum; 67.8.73, example of number in fossil collection. Western Australian Museum; NTM, Northern Territory Museum. The following institutions all have M as a prefix to their mammal specimens. To distinguish them, a prefix indicating the institution has been added to the number as follows: AM M , Australian Museum; SAM M , South Australian Museum; WAM M , Western Australian Museum. Family DASYURIDAE Genus Planigale Troughton Plcmigale Troughton, 1928, p. 282. Type Species: Planigale ingrami brunneus Troughton, 1928, by original designation. (Not P. ingrami Thomas, 1906, as cited by Tate 1947, and Laurie and Hill 1954). Diagnosis Dasyurids smaller than Antechinus, and differ from these in having extremely reduced maxillary vacuity; very small paracone on M 1-3 and small talonids on M,^ 3 . Differ from Sminthopsis and Antechinomys Krefft, 1867 in possessing straight uncurled external edge on supratragus of ear; short, broad pentadactyl hind foot; enlarged metatarsal granules; nasals broadened posteriorly; apparent lack of squamoso-frontal contact on external surface of skull; posterior cingula present M 1-3 ; reduced protocone and paracone on M 1-3 ; reduced talonid on M^ 3 ; P 4 single-rooted or ARCHER: REVISION OF PLANIGALE 343 absent; palatine vacuity lacking. Differ from Nin- gaui in possessing very broad hind foot; straight uncurled external edge of supratragus of ear; posterior cingula on M 1 3 ; nasals markedly broadened posteriorly; no palatine vacuities. Description Tail thin without brush or crest and approxi- mately equal to, or longer than, nose-vent length. Supratragus of ear with straight external edge. Helix curls beneath root of supratragus. Anterior edge of tragus bears short hairs. Up to two fold lines for retraction of pinna. Notch on posterior edge of pinna variably present. Mysticial vibrissae on each side in 6-7 ill-defined rows with 2-6 vibrissae in each row; 1-3 supra-orbital vibrissae; 6-8 genal vibrissae; 3-4 carpal vibrissae. Hindfoot broad with 7 post -digital pads includ- ing 3 interdigital, 1 hallucal, 1 post-hallucal, 1 anterior and 1 posterior outer metatarsal pad. All pads with apical granules appearing transversely striated, although striae do not normally exist as physical ridges on surface of granules. Sole naked except near heel. Hallux clawless. Pelage generally lacks distinctive markings. Abnormal variation includes spots. Median groove pronounced and to top of rhinarium. Groove demarcating whole of external rim of rhinarium. Nostrils centrally situated on each side. Five to twelve nipples have been noted in this study. Fleay (1967) records fifteen juveniles at- tached to one female P. maculata (as P. ingrami ). Nasals broadly widened posteriorly. Premaxillary-nasal contact shorter than maxillary- nasal contact. Lacrimal foramen on rim of orbit or just anterior to it. Infra-orbital foramen opens onto surface of maxilla without contact with jugal. Postorbital process on frontal absent. Prominent venous foramen in frontal on dorsal rim of orbit. Contact between squamosal and frontal ap- parently lacking on outside of skull. Variably developed, anterior, dorso-lateral extensions (horns) of squamosal and parietal present. Postero-mesial edge of palatine at point of contact with frontal in orbit extremely variable in shape. Cranium flattening reasonably constant intraspecifically but various interspecifically. Pre- maxillary vacuity short, not extending posteriorly beyond posterior edge of canine alveolus. Maxil- lary vacuity very short not exceeding length of premaxillary vacuity. Palatine vacuity lacking. Postero-lateral palatal vacuity lacking or so incom- plete as to be barely suggested. Posterior palatal spine generally not well-developed. Pterygoid with spinous hamular process. Alisphenoid tympanic wing poorly developed with short periotic contact. Periotic with low, variably enlarged tympanic wing. Ectotympanic large with only small portion covered by alisphenoid tympanic wing. Transverse canal of basisphenoid very small to absent (or indistinguishable) from anterior end of foramen pseudovale. Variably developed entocarotid canal adjacent to elongate narrow foramen pseudovale. Opening of eustachian canal large. Internal jugular canal enclosed in tube formed by basioccipital and periotic. Tiny posterior lacerate foramina variable in number and antero-mesial to paroccipital pro- cess. Condylar foramina tiny to large and variable in number (includes hypoglossal foramen). Paroc- cipital process barely inflated as continuation of anterior tympanic wing of periotic. Stapes col- umnar, but generally (perhaps universally) with very tiny stapedial depression near contact of foot plate with columella. Depth of dentary ventral to teeth variable. Masseteric fossa wide. Mandibular foramen beneath M, or M 2 . I’ largest incisor and separated from I 2 4 by diastema. I 2-4 incisor crown length and height variable but I 3 generally highest. C 1 tallest crown in upper dentition. Base of C' enamel crown often far above alveolar rim with tiny posterior cuspule and barely distinguishable to absent buccal and lingual cingula. P 4 , when present, largest upper premolar. P‘ never larger than, but sometimes subequal to, P 3 . Small posterior cuspule on P 1 4 sometimes absent. Cingulum around P' 4 generally entire. Paracone very reduced and close to metacone of M 1 3 . Paracone increases in height from M 1-4 . Basal antero-posterior length of protocone de- creases from M 1 4 . Tiny protoconule variably present on M 1-3 . No metaconule on M 1-4 . Prepro- tocrista continuous with anterior cingulum, which is complete on M 1-4 . Postprotocrista continuous with posterior cingulum on M 1 3 which extends buccally for approximately two-thirds posterior length of each molar. Prefossa tilts postero- buccally and not enclosed posteriorly except by posterior cingulum of M 1-3 . Metacone absent on M 4 . Paracrista of M 1 variably reduced to absent. Paracrista of M' 4 increases in length posteriorly. Metacrista of M 2 never shorter than metacrista of M 1 and M 3 . Stylar cusp A not clearly distinguish- able on any molar, possibly homologous with part of antero-buccal cingulum of M‘. Stylar cusp B of M 1 often completely indistinguishable and may be totally reduced or fused with paracone. Stylar cusp B, as defined by buccal edge of paracrista, present on M 2 4 but largest in M 2 ~ 3 . Stylar cusp C tiny, only variably present on posterior flank of stylar 344 MEMOIRS OF THE QUEENSLAND MUSEUM ARCHER: REVISION OF PLANIGALE 345 cusp B or anterior flank of stylar cusp D of M 2 3 . Stylar cusp D large on M'~ 2 , tiny on M 3 . Stylar cusp E tiny to absent on M 1-3 . Generally, where stylar cusps C and E tiny to absent, buccal fossae of each molar tilt buccally and are not enclosed on either side of stylar cusp D. Ectoflexus greatest in M 3 and decreases anteriorly. Buccal length of M'~ 4 decreases posteriorly. Anterior width of M 1-3 increases posteriorly with M 4 anterior width never greater than that of M 3 . 1, crown taller and longer than I 2 . 1 2 taller and longer of subequal to I 3 . Small posterior cingular cusp on C 1 - P 4 variably developed or absent. Buccal and lingual cingula developed on C, - P 3 not generally complete at anterior edge. Development of cingula on P 4 varies with size of tooth. C t widest antemolar tooth. P 4 varies from absent to peg-shaped to oval. When P 4 present, generally single-rooted but rarely double- rooted. Protoconid considerably largest trigonid cusp of M,_ 4 . Metaconid height of M^ 3 exceeds paraconid, but smaller or subequal to paraconid of M 4 . Difference between paraconid and metaconid decreases posteriorly in M,_ 3 . Middle of pro- toconid posterior to middle of buccal side of trigonid root. Hypoconid decreases in height posteriorly in M,_ 4 being absent or miniscule on M 4 . Entoconids tiny to absent on M, 4 but when present most noticeable on M 2 . Variable tiny to absent parastylid on buccal opening of trigonid. Variable tiny to absent metastylid on postero- buccal edge of metaconid. Conspicuous anterior cingulum on M,_ 4 but may be only partly de- veloped on M,. Lingual confluence of posterior cingulum and posterior hypocristid defines hy- poconulid. Prominent hypoconulid notch in an- terior cmgula of M 2 _ 4 . Well-developed carnassial notch between protoconid-paraconid and protoconid-metaconid but, generally, carnassial groove very tiny to absent. Talonid wider than trigonid of M , , narrower or subequal to trigonid of M 2 , and progressively narrower than trigonid of M 3 _ 4 . Paracristid M 3 longer or subequal to that of M 2 which is longer than paracristid of M 4 which is longer than paracristid of M a . Metacristid of M 2 _ 3 subequal and larger than paracristid of M 4 which is larger than that of M , . Posterior hypocristid of M 2 longer than that of M, and subequal to that of M 3 . Generic Discussion Troughton’s (1928) concept of Planigale is based on the relatively flat-headed forms, P. tenuirostris and the subtilissima and brunnea forms of P. ingrami. As a result, he considers flat-headedness an important characteristic of the genus. Although P. maculata and P. novaeguineae have relatively less-flattened skulls, other dental and cranial characters are the same as in other species of Planigale and quite unlike any other dasyurid genus. Thus flat-headedness is not maintained as constant in Planigale. Flat-headedness probably enables the individual to squeeze into narrow crevices as suggested by Troughton (1967), Walker (1967) and others, and permits use of the head as an efficient wedge to raise objects, such as stones or bark, covering insects. Many dasyurids, including P. maculata and the subtilissima form of P. ingrami , studied in captivity use their heads for this purpose. Some Antechinus are also flat-headed (Ride 1970, Archer and Calaby in preparation), indicating that this adaptation has developed in more than one dasyurid lineage. Species of Planigale generally lack an external squamosal-frontal contact. Exceptions are pre- sumably abnormal. For example, in a specimen of P. gilesi (AM M7393) the left side of the skull shows clear exclusion of a squamosal-frontal contact, while the right squamosal may just contact the frontal. The bones are semi-transparent rendering identification of sutures difficult, and internal suture relationships may be apparent on the outside. These bones overlap rather than directly Fig. 1: Terminology and mensuration in the skull and dentary of Planigale (based on P. maculata). a., alisphenoid; a.c.d., articular condyle of dentary;, angular process; ar, anterior border of ascending ramus; co.f, condylar (and/or hypoglossal) foramen; e., ectotympanic; e.f., entocarotid foramen;/., frontal; f.i.j.c., foramen for internal jugular canal;/m., foramen magnum;//?., foramen pseudovale; /.r., foramen rotundum; /, jugal; max.v., maxillary vacuity; m.f , mental foramen; o.c., occipital condyle; pa., palatine; p.d., posterior border of dentary; pg.f., postglenoid foramen; p.h., parietal horn; p.i.f , posterior lacerate foramen; p.m., mastoid part of periotic; pmx., premaxilla; pmx.v., premaxillary vacuity; p.p., petrosal part of periotic;, paroccipital process; ps., presphenoid; pt., pterygoid; s.e.s., squamosal epitympanic sinus; s.f, sphenorbital fissure; sq., squamosal; t.a.r., tip of ascending ramus; t.c., transverse canal; t.w.a., tympanic wing of alisphenoid;/!- F, positions from which cranial measurements were made: A, basicranial length; B, maximum zygomatic width; C, outside bullar distance; D, inside bullar distance; E, C‘-M 4 ; F, M 1 4 ; G, M'~ 3 ; H, LM 3 RM 3 ; /, interorbital width; J, maximum width of foramen magnum; K, inter- palatal vacuity distance; L , dentary length; M, L-M 4 ; N, Mj_ 4 ; O, M,_ 3 ; P, tip of angular process to articular condyle; Q, articular condyle to anterior border of ascending ramus; R, maximum nasal length; S, maximum nasal width; T, minimum nasal width; U, nasal-premaxillary suture length; V , bullar length; W, line to which V is measured and represents antero-most level of alisphenoid tympanic wing. 346 MEMOIRS OF THE QUEENSLAND MUSEUM abut, so that while they may not contact outside the skull, they may do so inside. A similar situation occurs in WAM M2846, a specimen of the subtilissima form of P. ingrami , where both sides are in doubt. All generic characters given as diagnostic are separately shared with at least one other dasyurid genus, and no single character can be considered unequivocably diagnostic of Planigale. As with Ningaui (Archer 1975), it is to be expected that distribution among other dasyurids of characters found in Planigale will in part reveal intra-familiar relationships. It has been suggested that Planigale is a derivative of an Antechinus- like dasyurid (e.g. Troughton 1967, Ride 1970). The narrow molars, non-transversely orientated hypocristids, lack of palatine vacuities, wide nasals, apparent lack of squamosal-frontal contact on the outside of the cranium, wide feet, and short ears, are characters of Antechinus- like dasyurids such as Phascogale, but are not characters of the genus Sminthopsis. Nin- gaui provides a structural link between Planigale and Sminthopsis. This link is further suggested by S. ooldea, which exhibits mild paracone and talonid reduction, features well-developed and characteris- tic of Ningaui and Planigale. In general, species of Planigale appear most similar to Ningaui , Ante- chinus, and Phascogale, but also distantly similar to Sminthopsis. Direct similarity to Sminthopsis is minimal and involves characters which may be arid-adaptations achieved independently in Smin- thopsis and Planigale. Development of widespread arid habitats in Australia may have resulted in independent de- velopment of arid-adapted characters in several Sminthopsis and Antechinus species groups and in other dasyurids such as Dasycercus Peters, 1875 and Dasyurides Spencer, 1896. Some presumably arid-adapted characters are small body size, re- latively short premolar rows, high-crowned teeth, dolichocephaly, and well-fenestrated palates. All except the last two are characteristic of Planigale , and some species such as P. tenuirostris are dolichocephalic. The Planigale maculata group This group comprises two species, P. maculata Gould and P. novaeguineae Tate and Archbold. Planigale maculata (Gould) (Plates 43, 44, 51C-D) Antechinus maculatus Gould, 1851, letterpress to pi. 44. Antechinus minutissimus Gould, 1852, letterpress to pi. 45. Phascogale minutissima sinualis Thomas, 1926, p. 634. Planigale maculata Archer, 1975, p. 248. Types Antechinus maculatus Gould, 1851 Holotype: BM53. 10.22.21, skin and skull, adult male, collected by J. Strange. The holotype has not been examined. Type Locality: Gould (1851, letterpress to plate 44) says \ . . was procured in the brushes near the river Clarence, a little to the southward of Moreton Bay.’ Gould (1854, p. 284) says ‘Brushes of the River Clarence, on the east coast of Australia.’ Thomas (1888, p. 293) records the locality as ‘Clarence R., Moreton Bay . . .’. Tate (1947, p. 131) says the type specimen came \ . . from Clarence River, south of Moreton Bay, southern Queens- land Antechinus minutissimus Gould, 1852 Holotype: BM53.10.22.20, skin and BM54.10.21.5, skull, adult male, collected by J. Strange. The holotype has not been examined. Type Locality: Gould (1852, letterpress to plate 45) says ‘. . . habitat of the A. minutissimus is the districts on the eastern coast of Australia, in the neighbourhood of Moreton Bay.’ Gould (1854, p. 285) says ‘Hab. Brushes of the east coasts of Australia.’ Thomas (1888, p. 293) gives ‘Cressbrook, Moreton Bay . . .’. Phascogale minutissima sinualis Thomas, 1926 Holotype: BM26. 3.1 1.194, skull and carcase in al- cohol, juvenile male, obtained by Captain G. H. Wilkin’s Expedition, 19 January 1925. The holotype has not been examined. Type Locality: Thomas (1926, p. 634) says ‘Hab. Groote Eylandt, Gulf of Carpentaria.’ Material Examined Data sheets for specimens examined available in the library of the Queensland Museum. Queensland: Mapoon Mission (AM M8149); Aber- gowrie (JM833); Coen (AM M8150); Wenlock (J8170); Mt Molloy (e.g. J 16477); Mt Garnet (J7766); Herberton (J8244); East Funnell Creek above Sarina (AM M6983); Sarina (AM M6840); Yeppoon Crossing, Rockhampton (AM M8336); Rockhampton (J19668); Mt Larcom (J7002); Calliope (J8070); Biloela (J9856); Biggenden (J4374); Saunders Beach Rd, N. Townsville (Qd Museum); Upper Ross Store, Townsville (JM826); Major Creek, Woodstock (JM823); Lansdowne Stn, Woodstock (Qd Museum); Collinsville (WAM M6203); Coorgango Stn, nr Proserpine (J20256); Russell I, Moreton Bay (J 10826); West Burleigh (J 13 171); Tamborine (J 16685); Purga (e.g. J4105); Upper Brookfield, Brisbane (J 13396); Maryborough (AM M662); Coogan Range, nr Yarraman (J 13272); Aurukun Mission (e.g. C1483); Adel’s Grove, Lawn Hill Ck (AM M5636). New South Wales: 8 km W. Ballina (AM M8338); Bunnan, nr Scone (AM M7555); Boomi Creek, Urben- vilie (CSIRO no. CM492); Wallaby Knob, Tooloom (CSIRO no. CM233). ARCHER: REVISION OF PLANIGALE 347 Northern Territory: Fogg Dam, Humpty Doo (e.g. WAM M8095); Darwin; Mataranka Homestead (AM M7382); King River (C7820); Katherine (AM M7043); Jim Jim Ck (W.A. Museum). Western Australia: Drysdale River (W.A. Museum); Barrow Island (WAM Ml 1020). Distribution of specimens shown in Fig. 2. Diagnosis Large species similar in size to P. gilesi, but differs from P. gilesi in possessing three premolars above and below and having non-reduced stylar cusp B. Differs from P. novaeguineae in smaller mean size and in several cranial ratios including higher BW/ZW and BW/M 1 3 which reflect re- latively larger size of alisphenoid bullae. Differs from P. ingrami in being larger with non-flattened skull; larger M 2 stylar cusp D; relatively shorter supratragus of ear; greatly enlarged P 4 , almost twice P 1 crown height; non-reduced stylar cusp B; relatively conspicuous transverse canal foramen; paritals with relatively shorter, antero-dorsal ex- tensions (horns); small condylar foramen; and several cranial ratios including large mean SD/IO and PMX-NE/NL and smaller mean BL/M 1-3 , FM/SD, and NW/NL. Differs from smaller P. tenuirostris in possessing relatively conspicuous transverse canal foramina, larger M 3 stylar cusp D, shorter head, and in lower BL/ZW ratio. Fig. 2: Distribution of Ptanigale maculata (solid squares represent modern specimens examined; solid triangles represent literature records given by Marlow 1958 and Thomas 1926), and P. gilesi (solid dots represent modern specimens examined). 348 MEMOIRS OF THE QUEENSLAND MUSEUM Description Tail thin. Tail length variable being shorter than head-body length in typical form, longer in sinualis form, and, in general, relatively shorter than in other species. Davies (1960) lists external measure- ments for specimens of sinualis form from Humpty Doo, N.T. (as P. ingrami), which indicate mean TV/HB value of 0-90. This compares closely with series from Groote Eylandt described by Johnson (1964) with mean TV/HB value of 0-93. Type specimen of sinualis Thomas has TV/HB value of 090. Compared with this, typical P. maculata here examined have mean TV/HB value of 0-82. Supratragus of ear longer in typical form than sinualis form, and relatively shorter than in most other species. Nipple number varies from 5 to 10 (to possibly 15, Fleay 1967) in typical form, and 8 to 12 in sinualis form. Thomas (1888) records 8, Pocock (1926) records 6, Fleay (1965) records 7-9 (as P. ingrami , here regarded as including P. maculata, see below), for typical form and notes (1967) specimen with 15 young. In specimens of typical form examined here, two had 5 nipples (J21325, J8244), two had 6 (AM M6840, J2204), one had 7 (AM M662), one had 8 (J3345) and three had 1 0 (J21321, J19668, and J4374). From single locality, Mt Molloy, NE. Qd, J21325 had 5,andJ21321 had 10. Davies ( 1 960) records litters of 8 and 1 2 for animals from Humpty Doo, N.T., representing sinualis form. Aslin (1975) notes litters of 8, 10 and 11 for wild caught Humpty Doo animals. Johnson (1964) records 10 nipples for single specimen of sinualis form from Groote Eylandt. Specimen from Darwin has 10 nipples. Pouch morphology varies in typical form, perhaps as function of reproductive stage. Juv- eniles held in captivity and examined live (5 August 1973) had poorly-developed, inconspicuous pouch. Adults, including live mother of juveniles noted above, had well-developed, deep pouch, but size and position of opening vary. Live adults appear to have ability to contract entrance to small, pos- teriorly positioned, circle. One individual examined (5 August 1973) had well-developed pouch which opened posteriorly, with walls on sides and 10 mm deep wall at anterior end. Some preserved adults (e.g. J21321 from Mt Molloy), apparently lactat- ing, have pouches widely open postero-ventrally, presumably to accommodate larger young. Wool- ley (1974) comments on pouch morphology in P. maculata. Mean IO/ZW ratio lower than in most other species, reflecting relatively restricted interorbital regions. Mean FM/ZW, and NW/NL ratios lower than in most other species. Mean (C'-M 4 )-(M' 4 )/(M 1-3 ) lower in typical than sinu- alis form and, in general, lower than in most other species. Mean SD/IO ratio higher in typical than sinualis form, reflecting less-flattened condition of typical skulls, and higher in this ratio than all other species except P. novaeguineae. Discussion Although the holotypesof Antechinus maculatus, Antechinus minutissimus and Phascogale minu- tissimus sinualis have not been examined, topo- typical material of maculatus and minutissimus has been examined. Consideration of this material, type descriptions, and descriptions given by Thomas (1888), Tate (1947), and Johnson (1964) leaves no doubt about the synonomy presented here. No topotypical specimens of sinualis have been examined. Few cranial measurements are given by Thomas (1926) and Johnson (1964) for sinualis but, where given, they closely correspond to measurements for Humpty Doo Planigale specimens. Fleay (1965) records P. ingrami from Gin Gin, Gunalda, Numinbah Valley and Burleigh in SE.Qd. These records are apparently unsupported by museum specimens of P. ingrami. Several specimens (e.g. J 1 3526 and J 1 3 1 7 1 ) collected by Mr Fleay from owl pellets at Burleigh, represent P. maculata. Fleay ( 1 965) also reports P. ingrami from Monto, SE.Qd. The only museum specimen from Monto in the Queensland Museum (J 15783) ap- pears to represent P. tenuirostris. It is possible that the animals studied by Fleay may have represented both P. maculata and P. tenuirostris, although photographs, nipple counts and measurements given suggest only P. maculata. Ride (1970) reports P. maculata from Western Australia. The specimen regarded by Ride (pers. comm.) to be P. maculata (WAM M3432) from Tambrey, Coolawanyah Station, may represent an undescribed taxon, and is discussed below (p. 357). In general, P. ingrami and P. maculata are allopatric. The only instance of apparent sympatry between them occurs at Major Creek, Woodstock, NE.Qd {P. maculata JM823 and P , ingrami JM764). Marlow (1962) suggests they are also sympatric at Coen, NE.Qd. Examination of this material (AM M8148 and AM M8150) suggests both specimens represent P. maculata. Specimens referred to Planigale by Van Deusen (1969) from northern Australia have not been examined. If P. ingrami occurs in areas of the Northern Territory other than the Barkly Table- land, it should be easy to distinguish this extremely flat-headed, tiny species from P. mac- ulata. ARCHER: REVISION OF PLANIGALE 349 Forms of P. metadata: There are at least two distinctive, allopatric forms of P. maculata. The typical form includes samples from Mt Molloy, Townsville, and other localities in eastern Queens- land and northeastern New South Wales gen- erally in and east of the Great Divide. A non- typical form occurs in northern Northern Ter- ritory, northwestern Queensland, Barrow Island and the Drysdale River area of Western Australia. No attempt has been made here to assess the possible statistical basis for recognizing subspecies. This non-typical form includes the type of Phas- cogale minutissima sinualis Thomas and the name sinualis is used here only as a convenient means of reference. This use is not to be interpreted as formal recognition of subspecific status. At present, too little information is available about Planigale from Cape Y ork to determine the affinities of specimens from Aurukun Mission. They differ in several respects from sinualis and may represent a third form. Measurements of spirit carcases provide a mean TV/HB value of 0-77, the lowest for any maculata series measured here. Shorter tails are recorded by other workers. Fleay (1965) reports two inch tails and three inch head and body measurements for male P. maculata (as P. ingrami ) which gives a TV/FIB ratio of 067. The mean ST/E value of the Aurukun Mission animals is very low and compares only with the mean figure for P. tenuirostris. Absolute size of almost all characters is smaller in Aurukun Mission specimens than in any other maculata measured. The only Aurukun female with a distinct pouch area appears to have nine very small nipples. It was evidently collected in August. Although it is concluded here that the types of maculatus Gould and sinualis Thomas are conspecific, it is clear that they also represent different forms. The only major geographic barrier which appears to separate the allopatric ranges of these forms is the Gulf of Carpentaria. The Aurukun Mission population from the eastern edge of the Gulf of Carpentaria may be unique as a result of its isolation from the typical form by the inland areas of the Cape York Peninsula and from the sinualis form by the Gulf. It is probable that during the Plesitocene, with lowered sea levels, the Gulf of Carpentaria was not a significant barrier. Habit and Reproduction Typical maculata: In N.S.W. they are rare and inhabit sclerophyll and rain-forest on the eastern side of the Great Divide (Marlow 1958). In Qd they are recorded from hollow logs and under sheets of iron, in timber country, flooded marsh, and rocky areas (Fleay 1965); most specimens brought to the Queensland Museum from Brisbane area have been killed by cats; one was collected from a Cane Toad’s stomach (Covacevich and Archer 1975). In captivity they sometimes build saucer-shaped nests of dry grass or in deeper grass, more elaborate nests similar to those of Blue Wrens (Flfeay 1965). Animals held by the author seemed opportunistic, building nests in hollow logs, between sheets of newspaper, and in boxes. As many as five in- dividuals may nest together. Food preferred is insects but eggs, lean meat, chicken and honey are accepted. Small lizards and mammals are avoided. Movements in captivity indicate they are adept climbers, not hesitating to jump or drop distances of over 30 cm. Fleay suggests from field observations and breeding in captivity that individuals of the typical form are summer breeders, earliest pouch develop- ment and pregnancy taking place in October and, if no pregnancy occurs, the pouch stops development by mid-January. Captive animals from Mt Molloy held by the author mated on 11 September 1973. This resulted in birth, but actual date of birth was not noted. Sinualis form: At Humpty Doo, N.T., they occupy Pandanus and Melaleuca fringe areas bordering the Adelaide River flood plain (Davies 1960). In W.A. one individual was collected in hummock grass beneath Acacia on sandstone boulders in sand, on the edge of a tributary of the Drysdale River (Dr D. Kitchener, pers. comm.). Aslin (1975) gives breeding data for this form in captivity, noting that it is polyoestrous with a gestation period of 19-20 days. Litters were born in February, March, April, July, September, October and December, single females having two or possibly more litters per year. Males were capable of breeding at least to 24 months in age. These observations are supported by the combined observations of Thomas (1926), Davies (1960), and Johnson (1964) which suggest this form is also polyoestrous in the field. Planigale novaeguineae Tate and Archbold (Plate 45) Planigale novaeguineae Tate and Archbold, 1941, pp. 7 8. Type Holotype: AMN HI 08561, skull and skin, adult male, collected by G. H. H. Tate, 20 January 1937. The holotype has not been examined. Type Locality: Tate and Archbold (1941, pp. 7-8) state: \ . . Rona Falls, near Port Moresby, Central Division, Papua: 250 metres . . .’. 350 MEMOIRS OF THE QUEENSLAND MUSEUM Material Examined Data sheets are available in the library of the Queensland Museum. New Guinea: <$, Waigani Swamp 16 km N. Port Moresby, coll. H. Cogger, 23 December 1963 (AM M9091); $, New Guinea, no other data (J4368). Diagnosis Similar to P. maculata but differs in larger size; tendency for I 4 to exceed I 2 in crown length; several dental and cranial ratios including lower mean BW/ZW, BW/M 1 - 3 , FM/SD, and higher mean SD/ZW and Q-P^M^; and in variable ten- dency for tail to be longer than head and body. Differs from other species of Planigale by same features which distinguish P. maculata. Description Tail length variable, shorter than head and body in holotype and specimens noted by Ziegler (1972) but longer than head and body in J4368. Hind foot, from description by Tate and Arch- bold (1941, p. 8), dried in holotype with ‘Faint traces of striations on pads (rest of foot normally granulated as in Antechinus and other genera)’. Nipple number unknown. Mean BW/ZW and BW/M 1-3 values lowest in Planigale reflecting very small alisphenoid bullae of P. novaeguineae. Mean SD/ZW value highest reflecting relatively deep skull of P. novaeguineae. Mean FM/SD value lowest indicating both narrow foramen magnum and relatively deep cranium. Mean (I r M 4 HM 1 _ 4 )/M 1 _3 value highest. Discussion The type specimen was previously the only specimen of Planigale recorded from New Guinea. Ziegler (1972) records three additional specimens, from Balimo, 450 km WNW. of the type locality. Two additional specimens were collected at Waig- ani Swamp, 16 km N. of Port Moresby, New Guinea, by Dr H. Cogger of the Australian Museum in 1963. Mr B. Marlow of the Australian Museum will describe these specimens elsewhere, but in the meantime has kindly allowed me to examine the skull of the adult male specimen, AM M9091. Menzies (1972) records numerous speci- mens of this species obtained from owl pellet material collected from the floor of a rock shelter near Mt Eriama, about 16 km from Port Moresby and 13 km from Rouna. A specimen in the Queensland Museum (J4368) identified on the label by Mr C. W. De Vis as coming from New Guinea, represents Planigale. The specimen is represented by a skull, dentaries and dry, shrivelled and faded, carcase. A manuscript in De Vis’ handwriting states that the fur is \ . . short and silky throughout . . . mammae not apparent . . . pads smooth of the three at the bases of the digits and the outermost has a small backward-curved prolongation; the plantar pad on the hallucal side elongate and semi- divided, that on the outer side opposite and shorter . . . above dark fawn, sides of muzzle distinctly darker but without a definite stripe; edges of eyelids nearly black, chin and throat nearly white passing into pale fawn on the rest of the lower surface, feet and tail brown above, paler brown below . . . length of head and body 69 mm . . .’. He expresses all other body measurements as percentages of the head- body length. Converting these values, the tail is 704 mm, the hind foot length (possibly including claws) 13-8 mm, hind foot breadth 3 0 mm, the ear (it is not apparent how it was measured and the figure seems small) 6.2 mm, the forearm and manus 1 1 -0 mm. The habitat is stated to be ‘New Guinea, locality unrecorded’. Differences between J4368, and AM M9091 from Waigani Swamp, include the greater skull depth of AM M9091, 6-3, compared with 5-6 for J4368, indicating an SD/IO value of 134 for AM M9091 and M2 for J4368. Other differences are minor by comparison, and it is likely that these are sexual, AM M9091 being a male and J4368 a female. In other series, such as those of P. maculata , males almost invariably have deeper skulls and narrower interorbital values than females. Tate and Archbold’s (1941) description of the type of P. novaeguineae indicates that although the skull was damaged in preparation, the braincase was, in their opinion, very flat. This specimen is a male, and therefore the degree of flattening may vary within, as well as between, sexes. Ziegler (1972) notes other possible sexual differences in P. novaeguineae from Balimo. J4368 is smaller in many cranial and dental measurements than AM M9091. Measurements given by Tate and Archbold (1941) for the holotype are generally intermediate between these two. J4368 indicates that there is not as great a size difference between P. novaeguineae and other Planigale as the type specimen alone suggests. For example, AM M6893, male P. maculata from East Funnell Creek above Sarina, Queensland, is in most characters only just smaller than J4368 and in BL, ZW, OBW, R LM\ VV, C-AP, and PLF-AB even exceeds J4368. Further, in some specimens (e.g. AM M6983 and AM M8336) of P. maculata , I 4 slightly exceeds I 2 in length, as in P. nova- eguineae. ARCHER: REVISION OF PLANIGALE 351 Tate and Archbold (1941 , p. 8) describe the hind foot of the holotype as having ‘Faint traces of striations . . .’ on the pads. Tate (1947, p. 134) says of this specimen that it is \ . . the only one in which the foot pads are distinctly striated’. In alcohol specimens of P. maculata examined in the present study, most apical granules of the interdigital hallucal and metatarsal pads have visible striae without surface ridges. In some (e.g. C7428) the covering skin is thin on the apical granules and very low ridges appear present on the surface of the pad. In some alcholic specimens of other species (e.g. AM M5021 P. ingrami) the apical granules are also striate with extremely low ridges on the pads. It has been noted in Sminthopsis (Archer, in preparation) that dehydration may emphasize striations by causing shrinkage of tissues over underlying sub- surface ridges. It is possible that the difference in opinion about the striate condition of the type specimen of P. novcieguineae given by Tate and Archbold (1941) and Tate (1947) may be the result of seven years of dehydration. In any case, the fact that other species sometimes have striated apical granules indicates that P. novaeguineae is not unique in this respect. It may, however, be a more common feature of specimens of that species. Habitat and Reproduction The type specimen (Tate and Archbold 1941, p. 8) was caught on a ‘. . . great rock-strewn slope . . . in a dryish place beneath an overhanging rock. The hillside was comparatively barren of vegetation . . .’. Ziegler (1972) notes that specimens caught at Balimo occurred in ‘grass’. Menzies (1972, p. 404) notes that with the possible exception of a doubt- fully identified juvenile Pseudocheirus, all of the species occurring with P. novaeguineae in the owl pellet material from near Port Moresby \ . . are savanna dwellers. Closed forest lies within a few miles of the site and so well within the hunting range of a medium-sized bird but it is clear that it hunts only in the savanna.’ He suggests that the relative abundance (6-5%) of the dasyurid material (over 90% of which was Planigale ), may represent the abundance of these animals in the small mammal fauna of the Port Moresby savannas. The Planigale ingrami group This group comprises two species, P. ingrami (Thomas) and P. tenuirostris Troughton. Planigale ingrami (Thomas) (Plates 46, 47, 51 A-B) Phascogcile ingrami Thomas, 1960a, pp. 541-2. Phascogale subtilissima Lonnberg, 1913, pp. 9-10. Planigale ingrami brunneus Troughton, 1928, pp. 282-5. Types Phascogale ingrami Thomas, 1906a Holotype: BM6.3.9.77, skull and skin, adult male, collected by Mr W. Stalker, 30 April 1905. The holotype has not been examined. Type Locality: Thomas (1906b, p. 541 2) states ‘Buchanan, Alexandria, 600' . . . central part of Northern South Australia’. Phascogale subtilissima Lonnberg, 1913. Holotype: Stockholm Museum no. 2482, skull and mounted skin, juvenile male, collected by the Swedish Scientific Expeditions, 2 February 1911. Photographs of skull have been examined. Type Locality: Lonnberg (1913, p. 9) says 'caught in crack of the earth on a plain near Noonkambah . . .’. Planigale ingrami brunneus Troughton, 1928 Holotype: AM M2 174, skull and carcase in alcohol, adult female, donated by Mr F. L. Berney. The holotype has been examined. Type Locality: Troughton (1928, p. 285) gives 'Wyangarie, on the Flinders River, Richmond district, northern Queensland.’ Material Examined Data sheets for specimens examined available in the library of the Queensland Museum. Queensland: Richmond (e.g. J7655); Leslew Downs, nr Richmond (JM824); Alex Ck, approx. 8 km from Leslew Downs (JM763); Wyangerie, nr Richmond (AM M21 74); Major Ck, nr Townsville (JM764); Red Falls, nr Lol- worth Ck, 88 km NW. Charters Towers (Qd Museum); Charters Towers (Department Primary Industries, Town- sville); Karumba, nr Normanton (e.g. AM M8468); Old Normanton (e.g. C3260). Northern Territory: 200 km W. Burketown (e.g. AM M5022); owl pellets, Brunette Downs (N.T. Museum and noted in Parker 1973). Western Australia: Ord River area (WAM M2846); Argyle Downs Stn (W.A. Museum); Wotjalum Mission, nr Derby (WAM M3191); cave surface, approx. 16 km SE. Fitzroy Crossing (e.g. 71.12.30); cave, Windjana Gorge (72.9.64); cave, between Kununarra and Ninbing Stn (JM827). Distribution of specimens shown in Fig. 3. Diagnosis Smallest species, also differing from other species in having tail commonly longer than head and body and in certain external, cranial, and dental ratios including highest mean BL/M 1 3 and NW/NL. Also differs from P. maculata and P. novaeguineae in lower mean SD/IO, PN/NL and higher mean FM/SD. Also differs from P. tenu- irostris in lower mean SD/IO. Also differs from P. gilesi in having P4, and lower mean PN/NL. 352 MEMOIRS OF THE QUEENSLAND MUSEUM Fig. 3: Distribution of Planigale ingrami (solid diamonds represent modern specimens examined; hollow diamonds represent cave specimens examined; inverted solid triangle represents record given by Van Deusen 1969), P. tenuirostris (solid dots represent modern specimens examined; solid triangle represents record given by Aitken 1971), and Planigale sp. (solid squares represent specimens examined from Ooldea and Tambrey; hollow squares represent cave specimens from Ayers Rock and Madura). Description Tail invariably thin. Tail-vent length generally longer than head-body length, and longer in subtilissima than brunneus and typical forms. Thomas’s (1906b) description of body measure- ments of lectotype and paratype of typical form, give mean TV/HB value of 0-75. Not clear from Thomas’s description if all specimens (Thomas indicates five) collected by Stalker had shorter tails than head-body measurements. He states (p. 541) ‘Tail of medium length . . .’. Supratragus of ear relatively long, compared with other species and relatively longer in sub- tilissima than typical form. Six to 10 nipples have been recorded. Heinsohn (1970) notes some individuals with 12 young. Three individuals of subtilissima form have 10 nipples, fourth appears to have only 9 and is presumably abnormal. Holotype P. i. brunneus has 6 nipples. Pouch morphology may distinguish subtilissima from other forms (as suggested by Woolley 1974), although subtilissima form not unique in poss- ARCHER: REVISION OF PLANIGALE 353 ession of accessory anterior pockets. Less well- developed pockets occur in P. ingrami from Richmond, and may occur in all forms but possibility cannot at present be checked. More detailed examination is required of possible chan- ges in pouch morphology as a function of repro- ductive condition. Thomas (1906b, p. 541) says of typical form ‘General colour above not unlike that of paler wild- living forms of Mus musculus , something between Ridgway’s “wood-brown"' and “broccoli-brown”, the hairs slaty grey, with pale tips . . . Under surface paler, with a yellowish tinge ... the hairs slaty at base except on the chin. Crown like back. Cheeks and chin whitish. A whitish-buffy line just over each eye." Two females of subtilissima form exam- ined live are not identically coloured: one much darker than other with black nose; other noticeably lighter with caramel-coloured nose. This variation not clearly attributable to different habitats and may represent normal intra-specific variation. Heinsohn (1970) says of P. ingrami from near Townsville that individuals from areas of black basalt rock tend to be black, whereas those from non-basalt areas are grey or grey-brown. In- dividuals of brunnea form may be distinguished from typical form by brown basal fur. Absolute size of many dental and cranial charac- ters comparable with P. tenuirostris, smaller than P. maculata, P. gilesi and P. novaeguineae. Mean M, 3 length P. ingrami 3T compared with 3 0 for P. tenuirostris , 3-6 for P. gilesi , 3-6 for P. maculata , and 41 for P. novaeguineae . Various mean cranial ratio values distinctive as follows: mean SD/IO value comparable with that of P. gilesi, lower than that of P. tenuirostris and much lower than that of P. maculata and P. novaeguineae , indicating very flat head and broad interorbital region of P. ingrami: ; mean BL/M 1 3 value P. ingrami higher than all other species, reflecting proportionately long periotic and alisphenoid bullae; mean FM/SD value comparable with P. gilesi and P. tenuirostris but considerably larger than P. maculata and P. novaeguineae ; mean NW/NL value higher than that of any other species, indicating very short and wide (posteriorly) nasals of P. ingrami; mean PN/NL value comparable with that of P. tenu- irostris but smaller than that of P. gilesi, P. maculata, and P. novaeguineae. Intraspecifically, subtilissima form generally distinguishable from typical form by relatively smaller P 4 . Difference in crown height between P 4 and P 1 noticeable, but less than two times height of P 1 . One individual (AM M5021) of typical form from 200 km W. Bur- ketown similar, with only slightly enlarged P 4 . Both forms have well-developed posterior P 4 talon. Specimens of brunnea form have highest mean FM/SD value of any Planigale population, reflecting relatively very flat heads and wide foramen magnum. This form also distinguished from subtilissima form by higher mean PMX-NAS/NL value and relatively longer lower premolar row. P 4 also relatively larger. Discussion Cranial measurements given by Thomas (1906b) for P. ingrami are similar to those of specimens referred in the present study to P. ingrami. The very flat head and wide interorbital width values are very similar to those of specimens from Richmond and 200 km W. of Burketown. The SD/IO value of the lectotype, 0-87, is the same as that of the mean value for specimens from 200 km W. of Burketown and comparable with that of specimens of the brunnea form from Richmond. It is also compara- ble with the mean value for individuals of the subtilissima form. This feature, in conjunction with many other similar cranial and dental ratios and absolute measurements, indicates the general sim- ilarity of the type specimen to those of other samples regarded in this study as p. ingrami. Heinsohn (1970) records several individuals of P. ingrami from the Townsville area. Examination of these specimens (including JM823 and JM764) indicates that P. maculata and P. ingrami are sympatric at Major Creek, Woodstock. Marlow (1962) records P. ingrami (AM M8148) from Coen, Queensland. This specimen has been examined and appears to be a juvenile P. maculata. Specimens referred by Fleay (1965, 1967) to P. ingrami probably represent P. maculata and possibly include some P. tenuirostris. Ride (1970) refers specimens from Laverton, Western Australia to Planigale cf. P. ingrami (plate 35). These specimens have been described as Ningaui ridei (Archer 1975). Ride (1970, p. 1 20) also refers to P. ingrami from ‘. . . Kimberley and central W.A. . . This material has been examined and, like all modern specimens of Planigale ingrami examined from the Kimberley region, appears to represent the subtilissima form of P. ingrami. One fossil sample from the southeas- tern edge of the Kimberley region is unusual (see below). Forms of P. ingrami: There are at least two allopatric forms of P. ingrami. The typical form includes samples from the Barkly Tableland, in an area 200 km west of Burketown; and other areas in northeastern Queensland as far east as the Towns- ville area. The subtilissima form includes samples from the Kimberley Region. The brunnea form 354 MEMOIRS OF THE QUEENSLAND MUSEUM includes samples from the Richmond area. Speci- mens from Old Normanton and Karumba, Queensland, are not clearly referable to any of these three and either represent a fourth form of P. ingrami or perhaps a mixed sample of more than one species. No attempt has been made here to assess the possible statistical basis for recognizing subspecies. Use of the formal names for these allopatric forms here is a matter of convenience and must not be interpreted as recognition of their subspecific status. Lonnberg (1913) describes Phascogale sub- tilissima on the basis of a specimen that was shown by Tate (1947) to be juvenile. Tate considers the subtilissima form to be a race of ingrami and in this view is followed by Marlow (1968). Troughton (1928, 1967) and Ride (1970) regard it as a full species. Close similarity has been noted here between specimens of the subtilissima and typical forms. Although modern and fossil Kimberley specimens demonstrate morphological extremes, they are in most respects just one step beyond specimens from 200 km west of Burketown, which are also geographically closest to the Kimberley population. A dine may exist which links animals from the area west of Burketown, via the Barkly Tableland, to the Kimberley region. More speci- mens are required to test this possibility. Fossil specimens (including 72.9.65 and 71.12.29-31) collected from surficial cave deposits in the southern Kimberley region, associated with a small mammal fauna which will be described elsewhere, represent at least nine individuals. They differ in some absolute measurements from speci- mens of the subtilissima form including mean I,-M 4 length of the fossil specimens which is 5-9 mm as opposed to 6 7 mm for the subtilissima form. This results in a (I 1 -M 4 )-(M 1 _ 4 )/(M,_ 3 ) value of 0-83 for the fossil sample as opposed to 0-90 for the modern sample. This is also the lowest figure for any Planigale population. Further, mean length of the dentary of the fossil sample, 10-6 mm, is less than that of all other Planigale . Troughton (1928) considers the brunnea form to differ from the typical form in possessing brown basal fur, longer tail, premaxillary vacuity which extends posteriorly to the middle of the C 1 alveolus, clear maxillary vacuity, P 1 barely two thirds of the height of P 3 rather than subequal, and broader nasals. Topotypical specimens J7655-6, give an idea of variation unavailable to Troughton. Both Queensland Museum specimens have premaxillary vacuities which extend beyond the level of the anterior edge of the C 1 . This is an almost universal condition in P. ingrami examined in the present study. It seems likely that the type of the species is unusual in this respect (Thomas 1906b). Both Richmond specimens and all Planigale specimens examined have small, distinct maxillary fenestra, and this is not a useful diagnostic character for any subgeneric taxonomic rank. If these vacuities are not apparent, palatal skin has not been removed from the bony palate. Regarding premolar grad- ient, in J2655 P 3 is only slightly larger than P 1 and in J7656 P 3 is almost equal to P 1 in height. Regarding relative nasal breadth, the NW/NL value of the holotype of brunneus , using Troughton’s (1928) measurements, is 0-49. This value for J7655 is also 0-49, while the measure for J7656 is 0-43. Regarding tail length, although measurements of J7655-6 are unknown, other samples serve to show that there is considerable variation in this character (see Table 2). This leaves basal fur colour as a possibly useful diagnostic character. This condition is indeterminable in J7655 6. Flowever, Thomas (1906b) notes vari- ation in fur colour. It therefore seems unlikely that the brunnea form is differentiable from the typical form using characters given by Troughton (1928), with the possible exception of basal fur colour. Specimens from Old Normanton (C3259 60) and Karumba (AM M8467-9, M9144) are so variable that they may represent more than one species. Two specimens (both males) AM M8468 and AM M8469 from Karumba are more robust and broader-skulled than the third. AM M8467 (also male), from this locality. Specimens from Old Normanton (one male, one female) resemble in most respects AM M8467. Habitat and Reproduction Typical ingrami: In N.T. they inhabit area around Alexandria draining inwards to Poly- gonum swamp (Thomas 1906b); at locality 200 km W. Burketown, they occur in tussocky grass, dry swamps and along perennial streams flowing out of the coastal ranges westward from Burke- town (Troughton 1967); at New Castle Waters, one was found under bark near a small stream (Van Deusen 1969); generally not uncommon on black- soil plains, dry swamps and perennial watercourses of the Gulf drainage (Parker 1973). In Qd, 137 km SW. Townsville, one was found drinking from a rock pool (Heinsohn 1970). In N.T., 200 km W. Burketown, they are said (Albert De Lestang, letter in Queensland Museum dated 8 October 1930) to breed in February to April, producing litters of 4 to 6 young. In NE.Qd they have litters of 4 to 12, reproduction occurring around December to March (Heinsohn 1970). ARCHER: REVISION OF PLANIGALE 355 In captivity, an individual of the typical form constructed a series of covered runways and a hollow nest chamber in dry grass (Heinsohn 1970). Subtilissima form: In W.A. they inhabit tussocks of grass near the Kimberley Research Stn and were also collected from piles of wet decomposing grass (Rudeforth 1950 and pers. comm.); on isolated hills on Argyle Downs Stn, while the waters of Lake Argyle were rising, they were collected from clumps of spinifex (Dr D. Kitchener and Mr W. H. Butler, pers. comm.). One or two females from Argyle Downs Stn collected live in December-January 1971-2 had an unspecified number of young about 0-5 cm long in her pouch. A single juvenile was preserved before the mother was transported to Perth. She evidently consumed the remaining young in transit. During January, the other female’s pouch underwent enlargement, elongation of pouch hairs and, to- wards the end of February, regression. No juveniles were born. Woolley (1974) notes changes in pouch morphology of these same individuals and con- cludes that this form breeds in summer months, unlike the majority of dasyurids. Brunnea form: Habitat unknown. Holotype has pouch young but month of collection is not recorded. Old Normanton: Habitat unknown. One speci- men (AM M9144) with 8 (or possibly 9) nipples died June 1965, The pouch was developing but clearly not in breeding condition. Planigale tenuirostris Troughton (Plate 48) Planigale tenuirostris Troughton, 1928, pp. 285 7. Type Holotype: AM M3933, skull and carcase in alcohol, adult female, collected by R. Helms in May or June 1 890. The holotype has been examined. Type Locality: Troughton (1928, p. 287) says ‘Col- lected at Bourke or Wilcannia, New South Wales, during the Darling River floods.’ Material Examined Data sheets for specimens examined available in the library of the Queensland Museum. Queensland: Cunnamulla (AM M6957); Warwick (J7559); Pittsworth (J3096); Roma (J3824); 16 km NE. Longreach (J17549); Glenmorgan (J 10109); Belmont, via Rockhampton (J 14089). New South Wales: Bourke or Wilcannia, Darling River (AM M3933); Bellata (AM M6879); Cullubri, 43 km SSE. Nyngan (AM M8151); Fowlers Gap (e.g. JM831). Distribution of specimens shown in Fig. 3. Diagnosis Small, very similar to P. ingrami but differs in relatively shorter supratragus of ear; tail being generally shorter than head-body length; and in several cranial ratios including lower mean BL/M 1 - 3 and NW/NL, BW/M 1 - 3 , BL/M 1 3 and higher mean SD/IO, SD/ZW, and BL/ZW. Differs from P. novaeguineae and P. maculata in being smaller; in having relatively reduced transverse canal foramina; smaller stylar cusp D on M 3 ; longer head; wider interorbital distance; and in several cranial ratios including lower mean BL/ZW, PN/NL, SD/IO and higher mean NW/ZW, BL/ZW, BL/M 1 3 , FM/SD, and FM/ZW. Differs from P. gilesi in having P4. Description Mean TV/HV value, 0-87, indicates relatively short-tailed condition. Mean ST/E value, 0-28, lowest of any Planigale except P. maculata from Aurukun Mission. Mean absolute supratragus length, 2-6 mm, shortest. Troughton (1928) notes holotype has 11 nipples but suggests normal number is 10. J7559 from Warwick, Queensland, has 7. J3096 from Pittsworth, Queensland, has 8. Mean BL/ZW value highest indicating relative dolichocephaly. Mean NW/'NL value lower than any P. ingrami , demonstrating relatively narrow nasals. Other differences indicated in Tables 1-2. Discussion Troughton (1928) describes characters which he believes are useful in diagnosing P. tenuirostris. Having examined larger series of specimens of P. ingrami than were available to Troughton, it is clear that some of these characters are also variably present in P. ingrami. For example, Troughton (1928) says P. tenuirostris has 10 or 12 nipples in contrast to P. ingrami which has 6. As noted above, the subtilissima form may have 10 nipples, the typical form of P. ingrami from 200 km west of Burketown may have 10, the typical form of P. ingrami from near Townsville (Heinsohn 1970) may have 6 to 12, P. gilesi has 12(Aitken 1972), and some P. maculata may have 8 to 15 (Fleay 1965, 1967, Davies 1960). Troughton (1928) considers that P. tenuirostris has more elongate premaxillae than P. ingrami. In some cases, this appears to be true. However, mean premaxilla-nasal contact length, a measure of this character, is 2-4 mm in specimens of P. tenuirostris , and 2-3 mm in specimens of P. ingrami from near Richmond, indicating little, if any, difference. Troughton (1928) describes P 1 as being two-thirds the size of 356 MEMOIRS OF THE QUEENSLAND MUSEUM P 3 in P. tenuirostris and subequal in typical P. ingrami (Thomas 1906). This character appears variable in P. ingrami (see above) and P. tenu- irostris. Troughton (1928) considers P. tenuirostris to differ from the brunnea form of P. ingrami in its narrower hind foot, a condition which may relate to some circumstance of death. Among specimens of P. ingrami , AM M5022 has a hind foot noticeably wider distally than AM M4744 from the same locality. The widely spread foot of AM M5022 suggests the animal may have died and been fixed in muscular spasm. Finally, Troughton ( 1 928) considers P. tenuirostris to differ from the brunnea form of P. ingrami in possessing a posterior notch on the lower part of the pinna of the ear. On the basis of larger series, this appears variable in both P. tenuirostris (e.g. slight or absent in AM M7313 and pronounced in holotype) and P. ingrami (small notch present in AM M5022 but not present in holotype of P.i. brunneus). Van Deusen (in Fleay 1965) suggests P. tenu- irostris may be a race of P. ingrami. The evidence seems inadequate to decide one way or the other. The present study only suggests that specimens referred here to P. tenuirostris exhibit some ex- tremes in size and proportion, and most appear to inhabit more central or arid areas. Marlow (1958) refers some specimens , (AM M7033, M7393, M7819 and M7820) to this species from New South Wales, Aitken (1971) refers these to P. gilesi. Habitat and Reproduction Aitken (1972) notes P. tenuirostris (AM M6879 and AM M7313) is sympatric with P. gilesi (AM M7033) from Bellata, New South Wales, and that (1971) a dehydrated specimen of P. tenuirostris (SAM M8405) was found at the bottom of a disused stone tank at Mulga Creek Well, near the northeastern tip of the Flinders Range, South Australia. In the same tank was a specimen of Sminthopsis crassicaudata. Troughton (1928) notes the holotype, collected during the Darling River floods in May or June, 1890, has a well-developed pouch with enlarged nipples. Holotype The holotype has been examined. Troughton (1928, fig. 2) illustrates the ear, nose, hind foot, and skull of the holotype. Specimen numbers given by Troughton appear to be confused. The holotype is stated to be AM M3856, but AM M3933 in the Australian Museum is labelled as the holotype. AM M3856 is (pers. comm. Mr B. Marlow, 1975) listed in the Australian Museum catalogue as Pteropus poliocephalus from Tamborine, south Queensland. The Planigaie gilesi group This group contains only P. gilesi Aitken. Planigaie gilesi Aitken (Plate 49) Planigaie gilesi Aitken, 1972, pp. 1-14. Type Holotype: SAM M8046, dry skin and skull, torso in spirit, adult male, collected by messrs P. Aitken, A. Kowanko, J. Forrest and J. Howard, 29 June 1969. The holotype has been examined. Type Locality: Aitken (1972, p. 1) gives ‘No. 3 Bore, Pastoral Property of Anna Creek, South Australia (lat. 28° 18'S, long. 136° 29' 40"E).’ Material Examined Data sheets for specimens examined available in the library of the Queensland Museum. Queensland: Durrie Stn, 97 km E. Birdsville (J21973). South Australia: Anna Creek (e.g. SAM M8406). New South Wales: Bellata (e.g. AM M7033); Brewar- rina (e.g. AM M7819); Fowlers Gap; Mt King, 27 km N. Tibooburra (AM M9829). Distribution of specimens shown in Fig. 2. Diagnosis Large species of Planigaie differing from all others by having only two upper and lower premolars on each side as adult condition. Description Tail thin to slightly incrassated. Shorter than head and body length. Mean TV/HB value 0-96. Supratragus of ear relatively long. Mean ST/E value 0-36. Apical granules of interdigital pads of hindfoot have striae which do not reflect incident light and hence do not occur as ridges on surface of granule. Aitken (1972) records twelve nipples. Cranium wide and very flat. Parietal horns extend anteriorly to level near anterior end of cerebral hemispheres. Mean SD/IO value, SD/C 1 M 4 and several other cranial and dental ratios (see Table 2) very similar to those of otherwise smaller P. ingrami. Discussion P. gilesi is the most distinctive species of the genus because of the reduced premolar number. When premolar reduction or loss occurs in other ARCHER: REVISION OF PLANIGALE 357 dasyurids (e.g. some Antechinus, Neophascogale Stein, 1933, Phascolosorex Matschie, 1916, Myoi- ctis Gray, 1858, Dasycercus , Dasyuroides, Dasy- urus Matschie, 1916) invariably the posterior premolar is reduced. This predisposition to reduce or lose P4 in dasyurids has previously been noted (e.g. Thomas 1887, Bensley 1903, Tate 1947). In genera in which only some species have lost premolars, others show reduction of P4. For example, all Antechinus rosamondae Ride, 1964 have two premolars above and below. Some individuals of A. macdonnellensis (Spencer, 1896) show the same condition. Others show a small P4 above and below. Still others lack P4 altogether. There is therefore a structural gradient of loss within the genus. In Planigale, two trends in premolar size arfe evident. In all species P, and P 1 are reduced, possibly the result of the very large canines, and (except in P. gilesi ) P 4 is markedly reduced while P 4 is grossly enlarged into a tall shearing blade. Only the suhtilissima form of P. ingrami does not show gross enlargement of P 4 , but even here, P 4 is larger than P 3 . If these trends in Planigale are used to interpret tooth loss in P. gilesi, the most logical conclusion is that P 1 and P 4 have been lost. If this were so, the anterior upper premolar (P 3 ) should shear behind the posterior lower premolar (P 3 ), a situation which does not exist. If P 1 and P 4 were lost, there must have been an intermediate stage in which premolars did not occlude in order that the anterior upper premolar and posterior lower premolar could bypass one another. Such an intermediate stage of non- occlusion is improbable and it is concluded that P. gilesi, like all other dasyurids which exhibit pre- molar reduction, has lost P 4 and P 4 . Loss of P 4 and P 4 in P. gilesi, in spite of the trend for reduction of P 1 rather than P 4 in other Planigale, indicates the magnitude of the structural gap between P. gilesi and other Planigale. Habitat and Reproduction Aitken (1972) describes the habitat as bullrush and sedge plant associations developed around a bore drain in an area where average annual rainfall is less than 125 mm per year. Other sympatric species include Canis familiaris, Sminthopsis frog- gatti, Pseudomys desertor, Rattus villosissimus, Mus musculus, and introduced mammals such as rabbits, foxes, cats, camels, horses and cows. Aitken (1972) concludes P. gilesi is at least partially insectivorous. None of the specimens examined by Aitken (1972) indicate the breeding season. Of two females with undeveloped pouches, AM M7033 (according to the label) was collected in June (Aitken says 27 Feb.) and SAM M841 1 was collected in August. Holotype: The holotype has been examined. The skull and dentary are figured by Aitken (1972, plate 3). Planigale, incertae sedis Two specimens of Planigale examined in this study are not clearly referable to any described species. Both are damaged, and until better mat- erial comes to hand, they should not be named. A third form is described by Lundelius and Turnbull (1973). J 16732 A juvenile collected by A. S. Le Souef from Ooldea, Transcontinental Railway, South Aus- tralia (Fig. 3). Because it is juvenile (P 4 has not completely erupted), most cranial and dental measures cannot be meaningfully compared with those of adults of other species. It is most similar to P. tenuirostris. The bullae appear to be very much smaller than those of P. tenuirostris. P 4 (excavated) is 0-45 mm long; P 3 is 0-70 mm long; P! is 0-60 mm long. WAM M3432 (Plate 50) This specimen, the basis of Ride’s (1970, p. 120) recognition of Planigale maculata in Western Australia, consists of a broken skull and somewhat damaged skin of an old adult male, collected by Mr W. H. Butler on 3 August 1958, from Tambrey, Coolawanyah Station, Hammersley District of Western Australia (Fig. 3). P 4 is double-rooted, a very unusual condition in Planigale . M 1-3 /ZW value, 0-32, is lower than the mean of any other Planigcde population. (C 1 - M 4 ) - (M^^/M 1-3 value, 0-82, is larger than the mean for any other Planigale population. This specimen may represent an unnamed species of Planigale but the specimen is too incomplete and isolated to permit adequate comparisons. P 4 is 0-56 mm long; P 3 0-65 mm long; and Pj 060 mm long. The Madura Form Lundelius and Turnbull (1973) describe a Quaternary Planigale from Madura Cave, on the Roe Plain of the Western Australian Nullarbor (Fig. 3). After comparing it with several specimens of P. ingrami and one specimen of P. maculata, they conclude (p. 27) \ , . the Madura Cave material cannot be referred to any of the described species of pygmy antechinuses’, and consider (p. 18) it is similar to P. maculata in having P 1 crowded out of 358 MEMOIRS OF THE QUEENSLAND MUSEUM alignment in the tooth row, a feature which contrasts with P. ingrami. An examination oflarger series of specimens than those available to Lun- delius and Turnbull suggest this character is variable in P. ingrami and P. maculata. Two out of 5 modern P. ingrami have P 1 crowded out of alignment (e.g. J7656) and 1 (J 17549) has LP 1 crowded out of line while RP 1 is straight. In 2 other specimens, P 1 is straight on both sides. In 10 P. maculata (a single sample from Mt Molloy), 3 specimens (e.g. J16730) have P 1 crown straight, 5 (e.g. J 16481) have the crown slightly crowded out of alignment, and 2 (e.g. J 16729) have the crown markedly crowded out of alignment. In P. tenu- irostris all 4 specimens examined have the P 1 crown straight, as does the single specimen of P. gilesi checked for this character. Lundelius and Turnbull also suggest (p. 20) that the Madura Planigale resembles P. maculata in having a less-indented ectoloph immediately anterior to stylar cusp D (their mesostyle) than is present in P. ingrami . An examination of this character in 10 P. ingrami and 10 P. maculata similarly suggests the character is not constant in either of the two modern species. In J 15891, the ectoloph is as deeply indented as in most P. ingrami and more deeply indented than others. It reveals that stylar cusp D is in general larger in P. maculata than P. ingrami and in this respect the Madura Planigale more closely re- sembles the latter. Lundelius and Turnbull also note (p. 22) that in the Madura Planigale, P 4 is generally straight while P, is crowded out of alignment, and in this respect it is unlike P. ingrami. In a series of modem P. ingrami examined in this study, orientation of P 4 appears to be variable. In J 17549, P 4 is straight while P 3 and P, are slightly crowded out of alignment. In J7656 and J7655, P 4 is crowded out of alignment. In P. maculata, some specimens have P 4 straight (e.g. J 16477, J 16730), slightly turned (e.g. J16729, J 1 648 1 ), or markedly turned (e.g. J 16482, J 15891). Similar variation occurs in P. tenuirostris. The Madura Planigale is very distinctive in regard to the large size of P 4 , as noted by Lundelius and Turnbull. No P 4 of any modern Planigale examined in the present study is of comparable length, not even the two-rooted P 4 ofWAM M3432. Summary of Resemblance Within Planigale Typical P. maculata and P. novaeguineae are very similar, and may prove conspecific. A general trend of increasing size exists in coastal populations north from New South Wales into New Guinea. Other trends such as reduction in size of alis- phenoid bullae are also demonstrated. P. nova- eguineae appears, in most respects, to represent no more than one end of this cline. Northern Territory and northwestern Queensland P. maculata (poss- ibly all referable to P. m. sinualis ) are distinct from the typical form. P. ingrami and P. tenuirostris are similar and it is not clear that they are separate species. These two forms are similar to P. gilesi, which because of premolar loss involving a reversal of a trend developed in the remaining species of the genus, is otherwise very distinct from all other Planigale. The subtilissima form of P. ingrami is distinctive, while the brunnea form may be identical with the typical form of P. ingrami. There may be additional undescribed forms of Planigale represented by single specimens or small samples, at present too inadequate to assess taxonomically. ACKNOWLEDGMENTS During the course of this study, the author was supported by a Fulbright Scholarship, a grant in aid from The American Explorers Club, and a Research Assistantship to Dr W. D. L. Ride (Director, Western Australian Museum) who was in receipt of a Research Grant from the Australian Research Grants Committee. Miss J. Covacevich (Queensland Museum), Mr B. J. Marlow (Australian Museum), Miss J. Dixon (National Museum of Victoria), Mr S. Parker (formerly of the Arid Zone Research Centre, Alice Springs), Mr J. Calaby (C.S.I.R.O. Wildlife, Can- berra), Mr P. Aitken (South Australian Museum), Dr G. E. Heinsohn (James Cook University), Mr J. Bannister and Dr D. Kitchener (Western Aus- tralian Museum) kindly allowed the author to examine specimens from collections in their charge. Specimens and/or information about their col- lection were provided by Miss J. Covacevich, Mr F. Little, Mr G. Ingram, Mrs L. Huxley, Mr L. G. Marshall, Dr D. Kitchener, Mr W. H. Butler, Mr A. Borsboom, Mr S. Morton, Mr R. G. Hobson, Mr B. J. Marlow, Dr H. Cogger, Mr S. Parker, Mr B. F. Rudeforth, Dr S. J. J. F. Davies, Dr G. Gordon, MrP. Aitken, and Dr G. E. Heinsohn. Dr W. D. L. Ride (formerly of the Western Australian Museum), Dr A. Bartholomai and Mr B. Campbell (Queensland Museum), con- structively criticised drafts of this paper. Dr Ride allowed access to his photographs of the type specimen of Phascogale subtilissima Lonnberg. Mr A. Easton and Mr A. Elliot (Queensland Museum) helped with aspects of photography. Miss P. Rainbird and Mrs C. Farlow (Queensland Museum) typed drafts of this paper. My wife. ARCHER: REVISION OF PLANIGALE 359 Elizabeth, has helped to maintain numerous live specimens of Planigale over a period of four years. LITERATURE CITED Aitken, P. F., 1971. Planigale tenuirostris Troughton. The Narrow-nosed Planigale, an addition to the mammal fauna of South Australia. S. Aust. Nat. 46: 18. 1972. Planigale gilesi (Marsupialia, Dasyuridae); a new species from the interior of south eastern Australia. Rec. S. Aust. Mus. 16: 114. Archer, M., 1975. Ningaui, a new genus of tiny dasyurids (Marsupialia) and two new species, N. timealeyi and N. ridei, from arid Western Australia. Mem. Qd Mus. 17 : 237-49. 1976. The basicranial region of marsupicarnivores (Marsupialia), inter-relationships of carnivorous marsupials, and affinities of the insectivorous per- amelids. J. Linn. Soc. Lond ., in press. Asun, H., 1975. Reproduction in Antechinus maculatus Gould (Dasyuridae). Aust. Wildl. Res. 2: 77-80. Bensley, B. A., 1903. 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Some notes on an interesting marsupial. Scope (University of Western Australia) 1 : 10 - 11 . Tate, G. H. H., 1947. On the anatomy and classification of the Dasyuridae (Marsupialia). Bull. Amer. Mus. nat. Hist. 88: 97-156. 1951. Notes on Australian marsupials rare or little- known in the United States. Amer. Mus. Novit. 1528 : 1 - 6 . Tate, G. H. H. and Archbold, R., 1941. New rodents and marsupials from New Guinea. Amer. Mus. Novit. 1101 : 1-9. Thomas, O., 1887. On the homologies and succession of the teeth in the Dasyuridae with an attempt to trace the history of the evolution of mammalian teeth in general. Phil. Trans. 178 : 443-62. 1 888. ‘Catalogue of the Marsupialia and Monotremata in the Collection of the British Museum (Natural History).’ xiii and 401 pp. (British Museum (Natural History): London). 1906a. A collection of mammals made by Mr W. Stalker in the Northern Territory of South Aus- tralia. . . . Ab. Proc. zool. Soc. Lond. 32: 6. 1906b. On mammals from northern Australia pre- sented to the National Museum by Sir Wm. Ingram, Bt., and the Hon. John Forrest. Proc. zool. Soc. Lond. 1906 : 53C43. 1926. On various mammals obtained during Capt. Wilkin’s Expedition to Australia. Ann. Mag. nat. Hist, (9) 9 : 625-35. Troughton, E., 1928. A new genus, species, and subspecies of marsupial mice (Family Dasyuridae). Rec. Aust. Mus. 16 : 281-8. 1967. ‘Furred animals of Australia,’ (9th Ed.) xxxii and 384 pp. (Angus and Robertson: Sydney). 360 MEMOIRS OF THE QUEENSLAND MUSEUM Van Deusen, H. M., 1969. Feeding habits of Planigale. J. Mammal. 50: 616-8. Walker, E. P., 1964. ‘Mammals of the world. Volume 1.’ Xvii and 644 pp. (Johns Hopkins Press: Baltimore). Woolley, P., 1974. The pouch of Planigale subtilissima APPENDIX Since this paper went to press I have had an opportunity to examine specimens of Planigale in the United States and England, and can make the following comments. Specimens in the collections of the American Museum of Natural History include: P. maculata (AMNH 160075-6, near Townsville, Qd. AMNH 193959, Gunalda, N. of Gympie, Qd. AMNH 160374, Monto, Qd. AMNH 18380, the sinualis form. Red Bank Mine, 18 miles (29 km) W. Wollogarang, N.T.). AMNH 193959 and 160374 were donated by Mr D. Fleay and support the suggestion made above that at least some of the specimens reported by Fleay (1965) represent P. maculata rather than P. ingrami. P. novaeguineae (AMNH 108561, Holotype, Rona Falls, nr Port Moresby, Papua: measurements: C 1 M 4 , 8-2; M l - 4 , 4-9; M 1 - 3 , 4-3; I,-M 4 , 9-5; M^, 5-3; M t _ 3 , 4-0; nasal length, 9-2; maximum width of nasals, 4-0; minimum width of nasals, 1-7; pmx-nasal suture, 4-1; the skull is badly smashed and lacks RIi_ 3 , RPj, RP 4 , LIi~P 4 , and RM 2-4 ; foot pads are faintly striated, clearly the result of dehydration). P. ingrami (AMNH 160313, Karumba, Qd, appears to represent this species but I have not examined the skull so reference here is tentative). Specimens in the collections of the British Museum (Natural History) include: P. maculata (BM53. 10.22.21, Holotype, Clarence R., Moreton Bay, Qd: measurements: C ! -M 4 , 6-7; M 1-4 , 4-0; M 1 - 3 , 3-7; R-LM 3 , 6-2; IPVD, 4-5; I r M 4 , 7-3; M,_ 4 , 4-6; Mj_ 3 , 3-4; nasal length, 6-8; minimum width of nasals, 0-8; pmx-nasal suture, 2-9; the skull is only repre- sented by a rostrum with damaged lower jaws, and lacks RP 1 and LPp Skin with number is type and has locality as Clarence R., Moreton Bay; vague white spots are apparent on ventral side and flanks; it has damaged feet and scrotal area. BM54.10.21.5, Holotype and other dasyurid marsupials. J. Roy. Soc. West. Aust. 57: 11-15. Ziegler, A. C., 1972. Additional specimens of Planigale novaeguineae (Dasyuridae: Marsupialia) from Ter- ritory of Papua. Australian Mammalogy 1: 43-5. of minutissima, Cressbrook, N.S.W.: measurements: ZW, 10-5; C 1 M 4 , 6-8; M 1 - 4 , 4-2; M 1 - 3 , 3-8; R-LM 3 , 6-4; 10, 4- 1; IPVD, 4-4; DL, 13-5; I t -M 4 , 7-7; M t 4 , 4-4; M^ 3 , 3-4; C-AP, 4-0; C-AR, 4-4; SD, 5-3; nasal length, 7 1; maximum nasal width, 3-2; minimum nasal width, 1-2; pmx-nasal suture, 2-5; the rear of skull is badly damaged. Skin with number, is type and has locality as Cressbrook, Moreton Bay; it has damaged feet and ventral surface; BM26.3.1 1.194, Holotype of sinualis , Groote Eylandt: measurements of this juvenile with M 3 erupting were not made except for Mj_ 3 which is 3-7; skin is in good condition. BM76.3.29.2, Peak Downs, Qd. BM91. 6.28.1, N.S.W. BM25.8.1.133, locality?. BM75.14. 1.23.5-6, Gin Gin, Qd). P. novaeguineae (BM 73.145, Mt Eriama, about 10 miles (16 km) from Port Moresby and 8 miles (13 km) from Rouna, Papua). P. ingrami (BM6.3.9.77, Holotype, Buchanan, Alexandria, N.T.: measurements: BL, 1 7 0; ZW, 9-4; OBW, 7-2; IBW, 2-3; C 1 M 4 , 6-0; M'“ 4 , 3-5; M 1 3 , 3-1; R-LM 3 , 5 7; IO, 3-9; IPVD, 3-9; DL, 12-9; I,-M 4 , 6-8; Mj 4 , 3-9; Mi_ 3 , 3-0; C-AP, 3-7; C-AR, 3 7; SD, 3 6; bullar length, 4-9; nasal length, 6-7; maximum nasal width, 2-8; minimum nasal width, 1-0; pmx-nasal suture, 2-5; FM, 3-7; skull represents very old individual with worn teeth and lacks RM 2 although loss occurred during life; skin is in good condition. BM6.3.9.76, BM6.3.9.78, Buchanan, Alexandria, N.T.. BM6.3.9.79, Bluff Hole, Alexandria, N.T.. BM6.3.9.80, Alexandria, N.T.. BM25.4.9.8, the subtilissima form, Derby, W.A.). I am grateful to the C.S.I.R.O. Endowment fund for making the trip possible and to Drs K. Koopman, S. Anderson, and Mr H. Van Deusen (American Museum Natural History) and Dr I. Bishop and Mr J. Hill (British Museum, Natural History) for allowing me to study specimens in their respective institutions. Abbreviations: BL, basicranial length; ZW, zygomatic width; OBW, outside bullar width; IBW, inside bullar width; FM, maximum width foramen magnum; IO, minimum interorbital width; VV, inter-palatal vacuity distance; DL, dentary length; C-AP, articular condyle to anterior border of ascending ramus; C AR, articular condyle to tip of angular process; NL, nasal length; NW, maximum nasal width; NWMN, minimum nasal width; PN, nasal- premaxillary suture length; PLF-AB, bullar length from posterior lacerate foramen to anterior end alisphenoid tympanic wing; SD, skull depth; N, number of specimens in sample; x ±t, sample mean ± one standard error; O.R., observed range; s, standard deviation; CV, coefficient of variation. ARCHER: REVISION OF PLANIGALE 361 TABLE 1: Absolute Measurements in Species of Planigale N F +1 IX OR s CV N +1 IX OR s CV Planigale novaguineae P. maculata (total) BL 2 21.4+.98 20.0-22.7 1.38 6.46 38 18.3+.14 16.4- 20.2 0.86 4.67 ZW 2 12.3+.75 : LI . 5-13.1 1.06 8.64 40 10.6+.10 9.3- 12.0 0.66 6.24 OBW 2 8.1+.57 7.6- 8.5 0.80 9.88 40 7.3+.07 6.7- 8.3 0.41 5.68 1 BW 2 3 . 2+ . 4 6 2.9- 3.5 0.65 20.35 38 2.6+.04 2.1- 3.1 0.25 9.60 tf-M 4 2 8.3+.50 7.9- 8.6 0.70 8.52 43 6.9+.05 6.4- 7.6 0.31 4.49 M 1 ' 4 2 4 . 8+ . 33 4.6- 4.9 0.47 9.84 44 4.3+.02 4.0- 4.6 0.15 3.47 M 1 " 3 2 4 . 3+ . 27 4.2- 4.4 0.38 8.73 48 3.9+.02 3.7- 4.2 0.13 3.29 R-LM 3 2 7 . 2+ . 4 6 6.9- 7.5 0.65 9.04 41 6.4+.04 5.8- 7.1 0.29 4.46 FM 2 4 . 3+ . 38 4.1- 4.5 0.53 12.35 37 4.0+.04 3.5- 4.2 0.25 6.02 10 2 4 . 9+ . 33 4.7- 5.0 0.47 9.64 42 4. 2+. 04 3.8- 4 . 8 0.24 5.72 VV 2 S .6+.75 4.8- 6.4 1.06 18.98 42 4.5+.06 3.6- 5.3 0.38 8.46 DL 2 16.6+.78 : 15.7-17.4 1.10 6.61 45 14.0+.13 12.6- 15.7 0.84 5.99 ll-M 4 2 9.6+. S 3 9.2-10.0 0.75 7.83 44 8.1+.06 7.5- 8.9 0.37 4.54 M w 2 S .4+.33 5.2- 5.5 0.47 8.74 44 4.7+.02 4.4- 5.0 0.16 3.33 M 1-3 2 4.1+.33 3.9- 4.2 0.47 11.52 46 3.6+.02 3.3- 3.9 0.16 4.57 C-AP 2 4.7+. 33 4.5- 4.8 0.47 10.05 42 4.1+.04 3.7- 4.6 0.23 5.62 C-AR 2 5.0+.53 4.6- 5.4 0.75 15.03 42 4.2+.04 3.5- 4.7 0.29 6.83 NL 2 9.0+.65 8.4- 9.6 0.92 10.32 40 7.4+.09 6.4- 8.4 0.54 7.29 NW 2 3 . 8+ . 27 3.7- 3.9 0.38 9.88 41 2.9+.04 2.3- 3.5 0.28 9.49 NWMN 2 1.6+.22 1.5- 1.6 0.32 19.76 40 1.3+.02 1.1- 1.6 0.13 10.38 PN 2 3.5+. 35 2.9- 4.0 0.50 14.17 39 3.0+.06 2.3- 3.6 0.37 12.30 PLF-AB I 2 4 . 7+. 22 4.6- 4.7 0.32 6.73 37 4 . 4+. 04 3.8- 4.8 0.22 4.99 SD 2 6.0+.50 5.6- 6.3 0.71 11.79 41 4.8+.04 4.2- 5.4 0.29 5.96 P . m.(Qld) P . m.(Mt Molloy) BL 23 18.3+ .19 16.9-20.2 0.91 4.99 7 18.9+.35 18.0- 20.0 0.94 4.97 ZW 24 10.6+1.34 9.3-12.0 0.70 6.57 7 11.1+.22 10.2- 11.9 0.57 5.16 OBW 24 7.2+1.15 6.7- 8.3 0.41 5.65 6 7.4+.14 7.0- 7.8 0.33 4.51 1 BW 22 2.6+1.75 2.2- 3.0 0.21 8.22 6 2.6+.10 2.3- 3.0 0.25 9.69 CLm 4 26 6.9+1.04 6.5- 7.4 0.30 4.28 7 7 . 2+ . 0 6 7.0- 7.4 0.16 2.24 M 1-4 27 4.3+ .68 4.0- 4.6 0.15 3.60 7 4.4+.04 4.3- 4.6 0.11 2.45 M 1 ' 3 31 3.9+ .61 3.7- 4.2 0.13 3.28 9 4.0+.03 3.9- 4.1 0.08 1.98 R-LM 3 25 6.4+ .95 5.9- 7.1 0.30 4.75 7 6.6+.07 6.4- 6.9 0.19 2.83 FM 22 3.9+ .93 3.5- 4.2 0.17 4.36 7 3.9+.08 3.6- 4.2 0.20 5.13 10 25 4.3+1.14 4.0- 4.8 0.24 5.70 7 4.5+.06 4.3- 4.8 0.16 3.58 VV 26 4.5+2.04 3.6- 5.3 0.38 8.37 7 4.6+.13 4.3- 5.3 0.35 7.52 DL 28 13.9+1.49 12.6-15.7 0.85 6.10 7 14.5+.25 13.5- 15.5 0.66 4.53 I 1 -M 4 27 8.1+ .89 7.5- 8.8 0.38 4.64 7 8.4+.05 8.3- 8.6 0.14 1.68 M,-4 28 4.7+ .59 4.4- 4.9 0.15 3.14 7 4.8+.02 4.8- 4.9 0.04 8.33 M 1-3 31 3.6+ .81 3.4- 3.9 0.16 4.50 9 3.7+.03 3.6- 3.8 0.09 2.34 C-AP 26 4.1+1.57 3.7- 4.6 0.26 6.43 6 4.4+.06 4.2- 4.5 0.15 3.36 C-AR 26 4.1+1.79 3.5- 4.7 0.30 7.35 6 4.2+.12 2.9- 4.7 0.31 7.12 NL 25 7.4+1.48 6.5- 8.3 0.55 7.38 7 7.9+.12 7.4- 8.3 0.31 3.97 NW 25 2.9+1.72 2.5- 3.4 0.25 8.58 7 2.9+.06 2.6- 3.0 0.15 5.21 NWMN 25 1.3+2.22 1.1- 1.6 0.14 11.09 7 1.2+.05 1.1- 1.5 0.14 11.75 PN 25 3.0+2.34 2.3- 3.6 0.35 11.72 7 3.3+.13 2.8- 3.6 0.35 10.73 PLF-AB 22 4.3+1.00 4.0- 4.8 0.20 4.67 7 4.4+.03 4.4- 4.6 0.09 2.07 SD 24 4.9+1.05 4.4- 3.4 0.25 5.16 7 5.0+.07 5.9- 5.4 0.18 3.62 P . m. (Townsville ) P. m.(sinualis form.N.T.) BL 2 18.7+.57 18.2-19.1 0.80 4.28 10 18.5+.06 17.6- 19.9 0.20 1.10 ZW 2 10.9+.27 10.8-11.0 0.38 3.45 11 1 Q .8+.12 10.1- 11.4 0.39 3.57 OBW 2 7 . 4+ . 22 7.0- 7.8 0.33 4.51 11 7.6+.09 7.1- 8.0 0.30 3.95 1 BW 2 2 . 8+ . 22 2.7- 2.8 0.32 11.29 11 2 .8+. 06 2.3- 3.1 0.21 7.46 CLm 4 2 6 . 8+ , 37 6.6- 7.0 0.53 7.81 11 7.1+. 09 6.6- 7.6 0.29 4.06 M 1 ' 4 2 4 . 4+ . 33 4.2- 4.5 0.47 10.73 11 4. 3+ .'04 4,1- 4.5 0.14 5.35 M 1-3 3 4.0+.12 3.8- 4.2 0.21 5.30 ii 3.9+.04 3.7- 4.1 0.12 3.13 R-LM 3 2 6 . 5+ . 27 6.4- 6.6 0.38 5.78 10 6.4+.04 6.3- 6.6 0.12 1.84 FM 2 3 . 9+ . 22 3.8- 3.9 0.32 8.11 10 3.9+.08 3.5- 4.2 0.24 6.15 10 2 4 . 4+ . 22 4.3- 4.4 0.32 7.19 11 4.3+.08 3.9- 4.7 0.26 5.95 VV 2 4.2+.50 3.8- 4.5 0.71 16.84 11 4.5+.09 4.1- 5.0 0.31 6.96 DL 2 14.4+.33 : 14.2-14.5 0.47 3.28 11 14.2+.16 13.7- 15.5 0.53 3.73 I1-M4 2 8.1+.43 7.8- 8.3 0.60 7.41 11 8.3+.11 7.7- 8.9 0.36 4.33 M1-4 2 4 . 6+ . 27 4.5- 4.7 0.38 8.17 10 4.7+.07 4.4- 5.0 0.21 4.40 M 1-3 3 3.5+.14 3.4- 3.8 0.23 6.69 10 3.7+.06 3.3- 3.9 0.20 6.51 C-AP 2- 4 . 3+ . 33 4.1- 4.4 0.47 10.98 11 4.4+.06 3.9- 4.6 0.20 4.93 C-AR 2 4 . 6+. 33 4.4- 4.7 0.47 10.27 11 4.2+.07 3.3- 4.6 0.23 5.48 NL 2 7 . 8+. 43 7.5- 8.0 0.60 7.69 10 7.6+.13 7.0- 8.4 0.41 5.43 NW 2 3.1+.33 2.9- 3.2 0.47 15.23 10 3.1+.07 2.8- 3.5 0.22 7.06 NWMN 2 1.5+.27 1.4- 1.6 0.38 25.07 10 1.3+.04 1.2- 1.5 0.12 9.38 PN 2 3 . 2+ . 27 3.1- 3.3 0.38 11.75 10 2.8+.06 2.4- 3.6 0.18 6.54 PLF-AB 2 4 . 4+ . 27 4.3- 4.5 0.37 8.55 10 4.6+.14 4.4- 4.8 0.43 9.41 SD 2 5.1+.22 5.0- 5.1 0.32 6.20 11 4.6+.08 4.2- 5.0 0.26 5.52 362 MEMOIRS OF THE QUEENSLAND MUSEUM Table I (cont’d) N XI 1+ OR s CV N XI 1+ OR s CV P. maculatafArakun Mission) P. ingrami (total ) BL 3 17.2+.42 16.4- 17.7 0.72 4.21 11 15.9+.16 14.8- 17.3 0.52 3.25 ZW 3 9 . 9+ . 26 9.4- 10.3 0.45 4.57 14 9.2+.20 8.4- 10.9 0.76 8.26 OBW 3 7.1+.14 6.8- 7.2 0.23 3.30 14 7.0+.10 6.5- 7.9 0.39 5.59 1 BW 3 2.4+.21 2.1- 2.8 0.36 15.00 12 2.4+.09 1.8- 2.9 0.32 13.53 C'-M* 3 6.7+.12 6.5- 6.9 0.21 3.16 15 5. 9+.08 5.4- 6.5 0.31 5.30 M 1 " 4 3 4.2+.04 4.1- 4.2 0.07 1.67 15 3.6+.04 3.2- 3.8 0.16 4.45 M 1 ' 3 3 3.8+0 - - - 16 3.3+.04 2.9- 3.5 0.16 4.94 R-LM 3 3 6.0+.12 5.8- 6.2 0.20 3.33 15 5.4+.07 4.8- 6.2 0.29 5.33 FM 3 3.8+.04 3.7- 3.8 0.07 1.84 12 3.6+.04 3.4- 3.8 0.14 3.84 10 3 3.9+.04 3.8- 3.9 0.07 1.79 15 3.9+.06 3.4- 4.2 0.24 6.05 VV 3 4.1+.22 3.8- 4.5 0.38 9.29 14 3.7+.09 3.3- 4.6 0.35 9.57 DL 3 13.2+.25 12.7- 13.5 0.44 3.30 14 11.8+.19 10.4- 13.7 0.71 6.00 ll-M 4 3 7.8+.15 7.6- 8.1 0.25 3.27 15 6.8+.07 6.3- 7.3 0.27 3.95 Mi-4 3 4.6+.04 4.5- 4.6 0.07 1.52 15 4.0+.04 3.7- 4.2 0.15 3.77 Mi- 3 3 3.5+.04 3.5- 3.6 0.07 2.00 15 3.1+.04 2.7- 3.3 0.15 4.78 C-AP 3 4.0+.12 3.8- 4.2 0.20 5.00 13 3.6+.08 3.2- 4.0 0.29 7.93 C-AR 3 4.2+.12 4.0- 4.4 0.21 5.05 14 3.4+.10 2.8- 4.0 0.36 10.72 NL 2 6 . 7+ . 26 6.4- 6.9 0.36 5.31 14 6.3+.14 5.4- 7.5 0.53 8.49 NW 3 2.8+.15 2.6- 3.1 0.25 9.10 14 2.9+.09 2.3- 3.5 0.32 11.07 NWMN 2 1.4+.07 1.3- 1.4 0.10 7.14 14 1.3+.04 1.0- 1.5 0.15 11.87 PN 2 2.9+.07 2.8- 2.9 0.10 3.45 14 2.2+.10 1.7- 2.8 0.36 16.39 PLF-AB 3 4.1+.15 3.8- 4.3 0.25 6.22 13 4.5+.05 4.1- 4.7 0.19 4.16 SD 3 4.5+.10 4.3- 4.6 0.17 3.84 13 3.5+.08 3.2- 4.2 0.30 8.61 P. i. (Richmond ) R i.(Normanton ) BL 4 15.9+.20 15 . 4 -: 17.1 0.40 2.49 3 16.1+.67 15.0- 17.3 1.15 9.40 ZW 5 9.0+.21 8.5- 9.8 0.47 5.27 4 9 . 8+ . 57 8.4- 10.9 1.14 11.65 OBW 5 7.1+.12 6.8- 7.4 0.28 3.92 4 7 . 2+ . 34 6.5- 7.9 0.68 9.45 1 BW 5 2.2+.14 1.8- 2.6 0.31 14.00 3 2.7+.17 2.4- 2.9 0.29 10.80 cL-m* 5 5.9+.06 5.7- 6.0 0.14 2.39 4 6.2+.13 5.9- 6.5 0.25 4.06 M 1 " 4 5 3.6+.17 3.4- 3.7 0.39 10.75 4 3.8+.04 3.7- 3.8 0.08 2.14 M 1 ' 3 5 3.3+.05 3.1- 3.4 0.11 3.39 4 3.4+.06 3.3- 3.5 0.10 2.94 R-LM 3 5 5.4+.09 3.1- 5.6 0.21 3.93 4 5.7+.16 3.2- 6.2 0.31 5.48 FM 4 3.8+.03 3.7- 3.8 0.06 1.50 3 3.6+.04 3.5- 3.6 0.07 1.94 JO 5 3.8+.06 3.7- 4.0 0.13 3.48 4 3.9+.20 3.4- 4.2 0.40 10.51 VV 4 3.7+.12 3.4- 3.9 0.24 6.59 4 4.0+.24 3.6- 4.6 0.49 12.23 DL 4 11.9+.30 11 . 4 -: 12.8 0.61 5.11 4 12.4+.68 10.9- 13.7 1.36 11.01 I 1 -M 4 5 6.9+.09 6.6- 7.1 0.20 2.90 4 7.1+.20 6.7- 7.3 0.41 5.74 M,-4 5 4.0+.03 3.9- 4.0 0.07 1.75 4 4.2+.04 4.1- 4.2 0.08 1.93 M 1-3 5 3.0+.03 3.0- 3.1 0.07 2.33 4 3.2+.04 3.1- 3.3 0.08 2.54 C-AP 3 3.6+.06 3.5- 3.7 0.10 2.78 4 3.8+.13 3.4- 4.0 0.26 6.96 C-AR 4 3 . 4+ . 22 3.1- 4.0 0.44 12.93 4 3.7+.16 3.3- 4.0 0.31 8.40 NL 4 6.3+.18 5.9- 6.6 0.36 5.70 4 6.8+.12 6.3- 7.5 0.24 3.59 NW 4 2 . 9+ .13 2.6- 3.2 0.25 8.67 4 3.0+.28 2.3- 3.5 0.57 18.83 NWMN 4 1.2+.05 1.1- 1.3 0.10 8.33 4 1.2+.10 1.0- 1.5 0.21 17.33 PN 4 2.3+.11 2.0- 2.5 0.22 9.72 4 2.5+.17 2.0- 2.8 0.34 13.66 PLF-AB 4 4 . 6+. 05 4.5- 4.7 0.10 2.17 4 4.4+.09 4.2- 4.6 0.18 4.15 SD 4 3.4+.10 3.2- 3.7 0.21 6.12 4 3.8+.19 3.3- 4.2 0.37 9.84 R i. (201km W. of Burketown) BL 2 15.4+.45 14.8- 15.9 0.78 5.07 ZW 3 8.8+.21 8.5- 9.2 0.36 4.10 OBW 3 6.9+.10 6.8- 7.1 0.17 2.51 1 BW 2 2.1+0 2.2- 2.2 P. i.(owl pellet, Barkly Tbld) C’-M 4 3 5.5+.14 5.4- 5.8 0.23 4 . 26 8 5.4+.08 5.3- 5.6 0.11 2.09 M 1 ' 4 3 3.4+.12 3.2- 3.6 0.21 6.24 8 3.4+.04 3.3- 3.6 0.11 3.32 M 1 ' 3 3 3.1+.12 2.9- 3.3 0.20 6.45 8 3.1+.05 2.9- 3.3 0.13 4.22 R-LM 3 3 5.2+.09 3.1- 5.4 0.16 3.04 FM 3 3.6+.09 3.4- 3.7 0.16 4.39 10 3 3.8+.10 3.7- 4.0 0.17 4.55 VV 3 3.4+.07 3.3- 3.5 0.12 3.60 5 3.5+.09 3.3- 3.8 0.20 5.71 DL 3 11.2+.26 10.7- 11.6 0.46 4.09 15 10.9+.08 10.5- 11.5 0.31 2.89 I 1 -M 4 3 6.5+.12 6.3- 6.7 0.20 3.08 15 6.2+.05 6.0- 6.6 0.18 2.83 Mi-4 3 3.9+.09 3.7- 4.0 0.16 4.05 16 3.7+.04 3.6- 4.1 0.15 4.00 M 1-3 3 2.9+.12 2.7- 3.1 0.20 6.90 16 2.9+.02 2.8- 3.1 0.10 3.32 C-AP 3 3.5+.04 3.5- 3.6 0.07 2.00 13 3.3+.04 3.0- 3.5 0.16 4.87 C-AR 3 3.3+.04 3.2- 3.3 0.07 2.12 17 3.1+.04 2.8- 3.4 0.18 4.42 NL 3 5.8+.07 5.7- 5.9 0.12 2.11 NW 3 2.9+.04 2.9- 3.0 0.07 2.41 NWMN 3 1.2+.04 1.2- 1.3 0.07 3.83 PN 3 1.9+.07 1.8- 2.0 0.12 6.42 PLF-AB 3 4.4+.17 4.1- 4 . 7 0.30 6.81 SD 3 3.3+.07 3.2- 3.4 0.12 3.70 ARCHER: REVISION OF PLAN 1 GALE 363 Table 1 (cont’d) N +1 IX OR s cv P. tenuirostris BL 8 16.3+.27 15.2- 17.4 0.76 4.67 ZW 8 8.7+.13 8.3- 9.3 0.36 4.10 OBW 9 6.5+.09 6.2- 6.9 0.27 4.11 1 BW 9 2.3+.05 2.1- 2.5 0.15 6.70 C’-M 4 12 6.1+.06 5.8- 6.3 0.20 3.24 M 1 ' 4 12 3.7+.04 3.4- 3.8 0.15 4.00 M 1 ' 3 12 3.3+.03 3.1- 3.5 0.12 3.65 R-LM 3 11 5.5+.06 5.2- 5.8 0.19 3.40 FM 7 3.6+.05 3.5- 3.8 0.13 3.58 10 11 3.7+.04 3.5- 4.0 0.14 3.70 VV 9 3.9+.08 3.5- 4.2 0.23 5.87 DL 12 12.2+.13 11.4- 13.0 0.45 3.71 I 1 -M 4 12 7.1+.08 6.6- 7.4 0.28 4.01 M,-4 13 4.1+.07 3.8- 4.8 0.25 6.06 M 1-3 13 3.1+.04 2.9- 3.8 0.15 4.75 C-AP 11 3.5+.03 3.3- 3.7 0.11 3.11 C-AR 12 3.4+.06 3.1- 3.7 0.21 6.08 NL 11 6.7+.16 5.8- 7.6 0.54 8.06 NW 7 2.7+.09 2.4- 3.2 0.23 8.60 NWMN 10 1.0+.05 0.8- 1.2 0.15 14.53 PN 10 2.4+.06 2.1- 2.7 0.19 7.97 PLF-AB 10 4.2+.08 3.7- 4.5 0.24 5.66 SD 10 3.9+.07 3.6- 4.1 0.21 5.27 P. i .(subtilissima form) BL 15.5 ZW 8.8 OBW 6 . 8 IBW 2.2 C’-M 4 5.8 M 1 ' 4 2.5 M 1 ' 3 3.2 R-LM 3 5.2 FM 3.5 10 4.1 VV 3.7 DL 11 . 6 l,-M 4 6.8 M,- 4 4.0 M 3 3.1 C-AP 3.5 C-AR 3.3 NL 6.2 NW 2.9 NWMN 1I3 PN 1.7 PLF-AB 4 . 4 SO 3.5 N P. x ± T gilesi OR s CV 4 18.4+.65 16.6- 19.4 1,31 7.11 3 10.6+.64 9.5- 11.7 1.10 10.40 4 7 . 6+. 23 6.9- 8.0 0.47 6.17 4 2.8+.05 2.7- 2.9 0.10 3.57 5 7.0+.24 6.2- 7.6 0.53 7.56 5 4.4+.14 4.0- 4.8 0.30 6.91 5 3.9+.13 3.5- 4.3 0.29 7.36 5 6.4+.18 5.7- 6.7 0.40 6.20 4 3.8+.07 3.7- 4.0 0.15 3.97 5 4.3+.07 4.1- 4.5 0.16 3.67 5 4.4+. 18 4.0- 4.9 0.39 8.95 5 14.1+.40 12.7- 15.0 0.89 6.33 5 8.2+.14 7.7- 8.9 0.31 3.81 5 4.7+.16 4.3- 5.1 0.36 7.74 5 3.6+.11 3.3- 3.9 0.24 5.95 4 4.1+.18 3.6- 4.3 0.35 8.55 5 4.0+.13 3.7- 4.4 0.30 7.50 5 7 . 7+ . 23 6.9- 8.3 0.50 6.56 5 3.2+.06 3.0- 3.4 0.14 4.41 4 1.4+.12 1.0- 1.5 0.24 17.49 3 2.9+.14 2.8- 3.2 0.23 8.07 4 4.8+.10 4.5- 4.9 0.20 4.17 4 3.9+.04 3.8- 4.0 0.09 2.21 N x ± T OR s CV P. i. (fossil Kimberleys) DL 7 10.6+.12 10.2-11.1 0.32 3.06 li-M< 8 5.9+.10 5.4- 6.3 0.28 4.78 M,-4 9 3.7+.05 3.4- 3.8 0.15 4.05 M 1-3 4 2.8+.05 2.7- 2.9 0.10 3.57 C-AP 6 3.4+.05 3.2- 3.5 0.13 3.94 C-AR 6 3.1+.07 2.9- 3.3 0.17 5.39 P. i.brunneus Holotype P.t.Holotype ZW 8.9 OBW 6.8 OBW 6.8 1 BW 1.8 1 BW 2.5 C’-M 4 5.7 C’-M 4 6.0 M 1-4 3.4 M 1 " 4 3.5 M w 3.1 M 1 ' 3 3.2 R-LM 3 5.1 R-LM 3 5.5 FM FM 10 3.7 10 VV VV 3.5 DL 11.7 DL 12.3 I 1 -M 4 6.6 ti-M 4 6.6 M 1-4 3.9 Ml* 3.9 Mm 3.0 M 1-3 3.0 C-AP 3.5 C-AP 3.5 C-AR 3.1 C-AR 3.5 TABLE 2: Ratios of Cranial, Dental and External Characters in Planigale 364 MEMOIRS OF THE QUEENSLAND MUSEUM O Tf* -X TP -V < Z «j ^ QJ i-T S i 0) O G o 8 = ■C Hh G X rA i O « JU o Oh tt 3 o cn G G $ O H . "G a< o 25 2 -5 g> JSi .j-5* MZ/- O r* tt r> n o o w © w o i i vd in vo cn mm rn n o o o o Tp CM CO • rH * w O O ■ — TP o m » w o r*' in o o co o o o o o o co co o o CO CO o o — . Tf « PO — ' f — » — r Mz/wa as/wa ' o s -' O O O —'O w O — O ro m o o oi/as r- r- o o Ge/as mz/qs Ur "'" 10 -W/MG 0 1 o » -Si MZ/MG X) C3 H w O I O CO H CO £ ® c/T *5 IS Q c w G in n j 1 , cn G -=S cd ™ ♦ g ~ 2 MZ/OI ? PQ Hi’S Z “> ^ co o o £ T3 £ g o C b o HZ/GS Pd 2 o § h o 5. w ix o a | 5 § o (N £X T3 | a s ID CM CO (O o o — . r- CM * o o o o o CO CO CO o o O — CO — o ■*0 w O — '-'rH — r o o o o o o oo 00 00 o o O O rH O IN CM O O o m tp co o o Z i’x O O rH r-v rH CO VD rH CTi rH O rH O CM CM U) U0 HO rH rH HO os 00 o o — ^ SO — f — ' Ol r-» in o w < w o v -' O s -' O o r- so r- o o o o VO VO o o vo in o o — * IN — CM — (N — CN r o o o o ■ m — « CM CM o o o o o o -^p CM * — * o —w m 00 * o r*. VO rH in rH » '-'O ^P TP o o oo oo oo oo *T r*. O *^P rH * "■'© CO o o oo oo oo oo o o o o r-* CO «CO r-^r*. — * os «c r; & ztz z« zc: zai g« 1X0 IX O IXO 1X0 1X0 1X0 1X0 1X0 1X0 1X0 rH >1 d Uj o a ^p w o 1 rH rv oo oo oo oo — ^o — , < f- rH o m O vO in n> r o o o o r-* r— * r*' 2 ^ i^< o VO VO o o a o VO VO o o CM CM o o r* Tp TP o o z qj z a; z pi i X d I X d 1X0 rn m o o os os o o TT rH cn os o o !n in o o in to — ' o I vo *r — tp ■— n- — o o o o o o . in o o O o 05 CO -‘M 1 — ** oo • n* ♦ w o —O I I H cm TP *P o o 0 1 in av TO/1K — ' o o o o o in rp ^ tp — n* cn • r* • cm * w O ‘-'O ^ o 1 I I HCl IN iH CM 05 MCI TT tp t r m O O O O O o — TP in • *“* o tp m o o mo *h co o o o o — o w o I I m p- o oo mm tp m o o o o o o n* tp o o o — o — o — O — O r _ T cn • m * cm • r- • w 1 ■ u« - ' ■ ^ =— *W v «H — rH ‘-'iH '-'rH — 1 ‘-'rH w rH rH r m m O O m m o o O O O o C' o CM • r rH — o oo oo oo oo — m m * v o c-i — co cn • ^ o VO vo o o — r> • w o o o o o o ~ o in r- rH • *- o — r- •— o — P* 05 * v O oo oo oo oo o o o o So? 2 o2 S 05 ZP5 S« So5 305 SpI S05 20* 2« ixo ixo (xo ixo ixo ixd ixo ixo ixo ixo ixo ix d 5°: o 2 05 2 05 1X0 1X0 2 05 ix o 2 05 ix d WAM3432 Tambrey, W.A. 0.82 0.74 0.40 0.32 0.47 0.34 0.22 0.97 366 MEMOIRS OF THE QUEENSLAND MUSEUM Plate 43 A D, PlanigaJe maculata (typical form). J16477, adult, Mt Molloy, Qd. A, x 51. B-D, x 3 7. ARCHER: REVISION OF PLAN IG ALE Plate 43 MEMOIRS OF THE QUEENSLAND MUSEUM Plate 44 A-D, Planigale maculata ( sinualis form). WAM M8095, adult, Humpty Doo, N.T. A, x 5-6. B-D, x 3-8. ARCHER: REVISION OF PLANIGALE Plate 44 MEMOIRS OF THE QUEENSLAND MUSEUM Plate 45 A-D, Planigale novaeguineae. J4368, adult, New Guinea. A, 4-6. B-D, x 3 6. ARCHER: REVISION OF PLANIGALE Plate 45 MEMOIRS OF THE QUEENSLAND MUSEUM Plate 46 A-D, Planigale ingrami {typical form), JM824, adult, Richmond, Qd. A, x 6-8. B-D, x 4-7. ARCHER: REVISION OF PLANIGALE Plate 46 MEMOIRS OF THE QUEENSLAND MUSEUM Plate 47 A-D, Planigale ingrami {subtilissima form). WAM M2846, Ord River area, W.A. A, x 6-8. B-D, x 4-7. ARCHER: REVISION OF PLANIGALE Plate 47 MEMOIRS OF THE QUEENSLAND MUSEUM Plate 48 A-D, Planigale tenuirostris. J3096, adult, Pittsworth, Qd. A, x 6-2. B D, x 41. ARCHER: REVISION OF PLANIGALE Plate 48 MEMOIRS OF THE QUEENSLAND MUSEUM Plate 49 A-D, Planigale gilesi. J21973, adult, Durrie Stn, nr Birdsville, Qd. A, x 5-9. B-D, x 4-4. ARCHER: REVISION OF PLANIGALE Plate 49 MEMOIRS OF THE QUEENSLAND MUSEUM Plate 50 A- D, Planigale sp. WAM M3432, adult, Tambrey, W.A. A, 5-6, B-D, x 4 0. MEMOIRS OF THE QUEENSLAND MUSEUM Plate 51 A B, Planigale ingrami (the subtilissima form), Ord River area, W.A. C-D, Planigale maculata (the typical form), Qd. ARCHER: REVISION OF PLAN 1G ALE Plate 51 Mem. QdMus. 17(3): 367-71, pi. 52. [1976] PHASCOLARCTID ORIGINS AND THE POTENTIAL OF THE SELENODONT MOLAR IN THE EVOLUTION OF DIPROTODONT MARSUPIALS Michael Archer Queensland Museum ABSTRACT Perameloids are regarded as ancestral to diprotodonts. Of known diprotodonts, the selenodont forms are structurally the best ancestors for the group. Dental and some cranial similarities between perameloids and selenodont diprotodonts are marked and indicate that bunodont diprotodonts such as burramyids are specialized derivatives of selenodont forms. The majority of diprotodonts may be allocated into one of four groups based on dental morphology. Selenodont diprotodonts are probably monophyletic although two lineages can be recognized. Bunodont diprotodonts are almost certainly polyphyletic and contain forms with secondarily simplified molars. Ektopodont diprotodonts are monophyletic. Lophodont dipro- todonts may be either polyphyletic or monophyletic. Ektopodont diprotodonts have developed a type of lophodonty that is also partly developed in some phalangerids. This is achieved by a marshalling into rows of crenulations and conules. These transverse rows function as lophs and indicate lophodonty could have been achieved. It is commonly believed that bunodont bur- ramyids such as Cercartetus are structurally the most primitive living diprotodonts (e.g. Tyndale- Biscoe 1973). Phascolarctos and other selenodont marsupials are regarded as specialized forms which probably evolved from ancestral bunodont dipro- todonts. This view has been adopted in part because of the well-known secondary development of selenodonty in many eutherian groups (such as the origin of selenodont perissodactyls from bun- odont condylarths) and in part because Phascol- arctos and all other selenodont marsupials are assumed to be highly specialized leafeaters whereas bunodont diprotodonts are omnivores. Recent basicranial (Archer 1976a) and dental investigations (Archer 1976b) of marsupicar- nivores and perameloids have led to an alternative hypothesis presented here that selenodont dipro- todonts evolved directly from perameloids and that they, not the bunodont diprotodonts, are struc- turally the most primitive. The origin of marsupial lophodonty also re- quires new consideration in view of recently discovered Miocene diprotodonts. Ride (1971) has suggested an ingenious hypothesis for the origin of marsupial lophodonty which differs from the traditional view of Bensley (1903). The idea one of perhaps three ways in which marsupial presented below is yet a third way in which the evolution of lophodonty in marsupials may have occurred. Terminology of teeth is shown in Plate 52 and follows in part that used by Archer (1975a, 1975b). Basicranial terminology is that given by Archer (1976a). Family names follow the usage of Kirsch (1968). Perameloids and their Relationship to Diprotodonts Ride (1964) divides Australian marsupials into three orders: Marsupicarnivora, including dasy- urids and thylacinids; Peramelina, including only the superfamily Perameloidea which contains per- amelids and thylacomyids; Diprotodonta, includ- ing all ten families of Australian diprotodonts. Molars of perameloids differ from those of marsupicarnivores mainly in having a very large stylar cusp C which is subequal in size to stylar cusp D, and in lacking a crest which directly links the paracone and metacone. Lacking this crest, the posterior protocrista links with stylar cusp C and the anterior metacrista links with stylar cusp D, thereby providing a transverse valley through which the hypoconid passes from the protoconal 368 MEMOIRS OF THE QUEENSLAND MUSEUM basin to the buccal side of the tooth. The lower molars of perameloids differ from those of most marsupicarnivores in having a relatively high talonid and, in all groups (but particularly so in thylacomyids), a reduced paraconid. The ways in which perameloid molars differ from those of marsupicarnivores are also the ways in which they are similar to molars of selenodont diprotodonts. Winge (1941) believes that the phascolarctid molar is structurally primitive among diprotodonts. The phascolarctid upper molar may easily be seen as a slightly modified perameloid molar. The modifications required to transform the upper molars of Perameles (a structurally ancestral peramelid) into upper molars of phascolarctids would be a reduction in size of the stylar cusps with approach of stylar cusp C to stylar cusp D, enlargement of the paracone and hypocone (the modified metaconule), greater development of the anterior and posterior cingula, and an increase in size of the metacone of M 4 . All of the principal shearing crests are comparable in the two groups. To similarly transform the lower molars, the perameloid paraconid must be reduced, the crista obliqua must intersect and connect to the para- cristid, and the paracristid must not contact the tip of the metaconid. Perameloids, like diprotodonts but unlike mar- supicarnivores, are syndactylous. For this reason perameloids (although polyprotodont) are re- garded by most authors (e.g. Osgood 1921, Ride 1964) as the group most likely to have been ancestral to diprotodonts. Opponents of this view must hold that syndactyly has developed at least twice, once in perameloids and at least once in diprotodonts (Thomas 1 888, Kirsch 1 968). There is no evidence for this (Jones 1924) and the only recent examination of syndactyly (Marshall 1972) has failed to provide reasons for regarding syn- dactyly to have evolved more than once. It is to be expected that if perameloids are ancestral to diprotodonts, traces of this ancestry might be evident in the teeth and basicrania of structurally ancestral diprotodonts. Structurally Ancestral Diprotodonts Burramyids include living forms which are generally regarded (e.g. Thomas 1888, Troughton 1967, Tyndale-Biscoe 1973) as most closely re- sembling hypothetical ancestral diprotodonts. These authors refer to similarity in molar mor- phology to some marsupicarnivores such as dasy- urids and also to their low chromosome number. This similarity consists of the subtriangular shape of the burramyid upper molar which lacks or has only a poorly-defined hypocone. Bensley (1903) regards these forms as indicative of an intermediate condition between ancestral tribosphenic mar- supials which lack the hypocone and more advan- ced phalangerids which have well-developed hy- pocones. If burramyids are ancestral to phascolarc- tids, the latter must have redeveloped a complete stylar shelf as well as a majority of the shearing crests which, although absent in burramyids, are present in perameloids and marsupicarnivores. Alternatively, the burramyid condition could be a simplification of a more complex morphology such as that of phascolarctids and some petaurids, a view held by Winge (1941) and accepted here. Of all ‘possum’ groups (phalangerids in the sense of Ride 1 964; there is no corresponding taxon in the more recent classification of Kirsch 1968) the closely related phascolarctids and vombatids are also the only ones to have a variably developed alisphenoid-frontal contact on the side of the braincase, a feature found in all perameloids (Archer 1975b summarizes the distribution of this character in marsupials). Further, the 2N chromo- some number of perameloids (not including thyla- comyids) and vombatids is 14, and of phascolarc- tids 16, 14 being regarded as structurally primitive among marsupials (Sharman 1974). Serologically (Kirsch 1967, 1968), phascolarctids and vombatids are closely related, but perameloids group with dasyurids. However, the serological distance bet- ween phascolarctids and perameloids may be the result of relatively rapid protein evolution in phascolarctids (and vombatids). At present, available evidence suggests phascol- arctids (and possibly other selenodont forms) are the group best regarded as structurally ancestral to other diprotodonts. Diversity of Molar Patterns among Diprotodonts With the exception of Tar sipes whose dental morphology is deceptively simple, presumably the result of degeneration from a more complex ancestral pattern, all diprotodont molars may be categorized as being either selenodont, bunodont, lophodont, or what may be referred to as ekto- podont. With the exception of the ektopodont pattern (Plate 52), these types are figured by Bensley (1903). Selenodont Diprotodonts: Selenodont forms include all phascolarctids ( Phascolarctos , Per- ikoala , Pseudokoala , Litokoala ) some petaurids ( Pseudocheirus , Hemibelideus , and Schoinobates ) and possibly vombatids ( Vombatus , Lasiorhinus, Phascolonus, Rhizophascolonus ) to judge from ARCHER: PHASCOLARCTID ORIGINS 369 unworn teeth. It has been suggested (e.g. by Kirsch 1968) that phascolarctids and selenodont petaurids represent separate lineages, the development of selenodonty in the two lineages possibly being the result of convergence. Bensley (1903), and Turn- bull and Lundelius (1970) point out significant differences in molar form in the two groups. However, it is also possible that the two groups had a common selenodont ancestor, differences noted in the modern representatives being nothing more than specialization developed later by each group. Bensley (1903) regards the Phascolarctos molar pattern as a derivative of the Pseudocheirus con- dition, while Winge (1941) interprets a structural trend which goes from Phascolarctos to Pseu- docheirus. Kirsch (1967, 1968) has shown that serologically Phascolarctos groups with vombatids rather than the other selenodont forms which group with the remaining diprotodonts. If phascol- arctids (and vombatids) have undergone rapid protein evolution relative to other diprotodonts, their serological uniqueness could obscure re- lationships that may exist with other selenodont diprotodonts. Sharman (1974) notes that because Phascolarctos has 2N=16 chromosomes, it is closer to the assumed primitive number of 14, and differs from other selenodont diprotodonts which range from 20 to 22. The significance of this is difficult to interpret in view of the fact that within one family (the macropodids), the range is 10 to 32. In view of the generally held notion (Troughton 1967, Ride 1970) that selenodont diprotodonts are strictly herbivorous, it seems appropriate to point out here that Common Ringtails {Pseudocheirus peregrinus ) held in captivity by the author in- variably show a decided preference for insects if given a choice between these and any type of leaf or fruit. Bunodont Diprotodonts: Bunodont forms include some petaurids ( Petaurus , Gymnobelideus, and Dactylopsila ), burramyids ( Acrohates , Dis- toechurus , Cercartetus, and Burramys), phalan- gerids ( Trichosurus , Wyulda, and Phalanger ), pot- oroine macropodids ( Hypsiprimnodon , Bettongia, Caloprymnus, Aepyprymnus, Potorous, and Pro- pie opus), and thylacoleonids ( Thylacoleo and Wak- eleo ). Bensley (1903) regards the more tri tubercular forms such as Distoechurus to be structurally ancestral to other bunodont diprotodonts, con- sidering the absence of a hypocone to be struc- turally primitive. He also suggests that bunodont and selenodont forms may have been independent- ly derived from tritubercular (Bensley’s hypothet- ical properamelid) ancestors. This seems doubtful considering that selenodont and bunodont dipro- todonts have many characters in common such as diprotodonty, reduced upper incisor number, wrinkled enamel, fasciculus aberrans, serological characters, and highly modified basicranium in- volving fusion of the ectotympanic (although fusion does not occur in some Phascolarctos) which are not present in known tritubercular groups. It seems more reasonable to regard selenodont and bunodont diprotodonts as having been derived either from one another or from other diprotodont ancestors, rather than independently derived from tritubercular ancestors. Winge’s (1941) view, that bunodont forms were derived from selenodont forms, is accepted here because of the presence of traces of selenodonty and the common occurrence of wrinkled enamel in bunodont diprotodonts. This interpretation implies that the more tri- tubercular and less selenodont forms such as Distoechurus are in fact highly specialized forms, and not, as Bensley (1903) believes, structurally primitive. The unity of the bunodont diprotodonts is very doubtful and several independent origins, possibly from selenodont forms of different sorts, are probable. Bunodont non-macropodids have a 2N chromosome number of 14 to 20 (Sharman 1974). Phalanger , regarded here as a structurally primitive bunodont form, has 14 but so do burramyines which are regarded here as structurally advanced. Kirsch (1967, 1968) also regards the bunodont forms to represent several distinct serological groups. Ektopodont Diprotodonts: Ektopodont forms are represented by the late Miocene species Ektopodon serratus (Stirton, Tedford and Wood- burne 1967). They are characterized in part by transverse serrate ridges formed by numerous small upside down V-shaped longitudinal crests. Ekto- podon was originally described as a possible monotreme, but Woodburne (pers. comm.) sug- gests it is a diprotodont following the discovery of an older and simpler species. Lophodont Diprotodonts: Lophodont forms include macropodine macropodids and diprotod- ontids. Traditional views of the origin of lophod- onty from bunodonty (such as proposed by Bensley 1903) involve evolution of crests or lophs which link the protocone to the paracone and the hypocone to the metacone. In lower molars it is generally assumed that the paracristid and para- conid become reduced, the metacristid develops as the anterior lophid, and the hypocristid develops as the posterior lophid. The crista obliqua becomes the midlink of macropodines. 370 MEMOIRS OF THE QUEENSLAND MUSEUM The importance of Ektopodon in the present context is that it demonstrates that diprotodont lophs may not be homologues of the crests of other marsupials. Thomas (1888, p. 193) notes that in some species of Phalanger the molars have distinct transverse ridges. These transverse ridges could be regarded as incipient lophs. Close inspection of unworn molars reveals a striking similarity to molars of Ektopodon. The buccal half of the transverse ridges of upper molars and the lingual half of the ridges of lower molars appear to consist of numerous upside-down V-shaped longitudinal crests. The lingual half of the transverse ridges of upper, and the buccal end of the transverse ridges of lower molars consist of short steep-sided ridges which appear to be the homologues of ridges in these positions of molars of Phascolarctos. The remainder of the crown surface of Phalanger molars are covered in small wrinkles and crenu- lations, as are the teeth of selenodont and many bunodont diprotodonts. This suggests the possi- bility that lophs may have evolved through a marshalling together of wrinkles, conules and small ridges already present in ancestral selenodont vombat ids phascolarctids AT-. selenodont diprotodontids potoroi nes macropodines ► ^ \ potoroines phalangerids ektopodontids tarsiped ids burr^imyids R i d e’s 1971 ' peramel ids jr hypothesis ♦ , . , • perameloids r t hy lacoleonids thylacomyids thylacinids dasy u r ids I didelphids Fig. 1: Some traditional concepts of origins for Aus- tralian marsupial families. The two macropodid sub- families are treated separately. These concepts are based largely on Bensley (1903) with modifications suggested by later authors. Wynyardiids are not shown because their teeth are unknown. Dashed lines indicate alternative origins, such as Ride’s (1971) hypothesis for the origin of macropodids. forms. Overriding this organization in Phalanger , as in most bunodont forms, are the remnants of selenodont crests, now modified to form triangular buttresses at the ends of transverse lophs. This transformation is as readily performed on lower as it is on upper molars. In completely lophodont forms, the lophs are not clearly modified ancestral ridges. It is possible that marsupial lophodonty evolved more than once and in very different ways. Ride’s (1971) interesting hypothesis for origin of macropodine molars assumes that a tritubercular pattern was ancestral to the lophodont pattern, that stylar cusps became the buccal ends of the upper lophs, and the paracone and metacone were incorporated along the length of the lophs. An alternative is that the lophodont molar has been derived from a sel- enodont molar in the manner outlined above. Lateral selenes became triangular buttresses (hom- ologues of which occur in many macropodids), and transverse lophs were formed by a marshalling of conules, ridges and wrinkles. The already well- developed hypocones, reduced paraconids, and enlarged M4 of selenodont forms could have been characters directly utilized by ancestral lophodont forms. If this latter hypothesis for the origin of lophodonty is accepted, bunodont potoroine mac- ropodids could be regarded as derivatives of lophodont macropodines, a conclusion also accep- ted by Ride (1971). diprotodontids Fig. 2: Concepts of origin suggested in the present work. Alternatives are indicated by dashed lines. ARCHER: PHASCOLARCTID ORIGINS 371 CONCLUSIONS Various views of descent noted above are contrasted in Figs. 1-2. It is suggested here (as shown in Fig. 2) that selenodont diprotodonts arose directly from peramelids and were the base stock for all other diprotodont radiations. The relationship between ektopodontids and other diprotodonts is unclear. They exhibit a transverse lophodont molar pattern which, al- though possibly convergent on other lophodont forms and derived from phalangerids, indicates a unique way in which lophodonty could be de- veloped from selenodonty. It is not clear how lophodonty was achieved in macropodids or diprotodontids. It could have developed from either the bunodont, ektopodont, or selenodont pattern. Ride (1971) suggests the additional possibility that lophodonty developed as a modification of a more or less tribosphenic pattern. ACKNOWLEDGMENTS The author has benefited by discussion on this subject with Drs J. A. W. Kirsch, M. O. Wood- burne, and A. Bartholomai. Dr A. Bartholomai and Mr B. Campbell kindly read and criticised a draft of this manuscript. LITERATURE CITED Archer, M., 1975. The development of premolar and molar crowns of Antechinus flavipes (Marsupialia, Dasyuridae) and the significance of cusp ontogeny in mammalian teeth. J. Roy. Soc. West. Aust. 57 : 118-25. 1975b. Ningaui, a new genus of tiny dasyurids (Mar- supialia) and two new species, N. timealeyi and N. ridei , from arid Western Australia. Mem. Qd Mus. 17 : 237-49. 1976a. The basicranial region of marsupicarnivores (Marsupialia), inter-relationships of carnivorous marsupials, and affinities of the insectivorous per- amelids. J. Linn. Soc. Lond ., in press. 1976b. The dasyurid dentition and its relationships to that of didelphids, thylacinids, borhyaenids (Marsu- picarnivora) and peramelids (Peramelina, Mar- supialia). Aust. J. Zool. Suppl. Series 39 , in press. Bensley, B. A., 1903. On the evolution of the Australian Marsupialia; with remarks on the relationships of the marsupials in general. Trans. Linn. Soc. Lond., Zool. (2) 9 : 83-217. Jones, F. W., 1924. The mammals of South Australia. Part II. The bandicoots and the herbivorous mar- supials.’ Pp. 133-270 (Govt. Print.: Adelaide). Kirsch, J. A. W., 1967. ‘Comparative serology of marsupials.’ (Ph.D. thesis, University of Western Australia). 1968. Prodromus of the comparative serology of Marsupialia. Nature, Lond. 217 : 418-20, Marshall, L. G., 1972. Evolution of the peramelid tarsus. Proc. Roy. Soc. Viet. 85 : 51-60. Osgood, W. H., 1921. A mongraphic study of the American marsupial, Caenolestes. Publ. Field Mus. (Zool. Ser.) 14 : 1-156. Ride, W. D. L., 1964. A review of Australian fossil marsupials. J. Roy. Soc. West. Aust. 47 : 97-131. 1970. ‘A guide to the native mammals of Australia.’ Pp. xiv and 249. (Oxford University Press: London). 1971. On the fossil evidence of the evolution of the Macropodidae. Aust. Zool. 16 : 6-16. Sharman, G. B.. 1974. Marsupial taxonomy and phylo- geny. Aust. Mammal. 1 : 137-54. Simpson, G. G., 1945. The principles of classification and a classification of mammals. Bull. Amer. Mus. Nat. Hist. 85 : xvi and 350. Stirton, R. A., Tedford, R. H., and Woodburne, M. O., 1967. A new Tertiary formation and fauna from the Tirari Desert, South Australia. Rec. S. Aust. Mus. 15 : 427-62. Thomas, O., 1888. ‘Catalogue of the Marsupialia and Monotremata in the collection of the British Museum (Natural History).’ Pp. xiii and 401. (British Museum (Natural History): London). Troughton, E., 1967. ‘Furred animals of Australia.’ Pp. xxxii and 384. (Angus and Robertson: Sydney). Turnbull, W. D. and Lundelius, E. L., 1970, The Hamilton fauna, a late Pliocene mammalian fauna from the Grange Burn, Victoria, Australia. Fiel- diana : Geol. 19 : 1-163. Winge, H., 1941. ‘The interrelationships of the mam- malian genera.’ Vol. I. Pp. xii and 4 18. (C. A. Reitzels Forlag: Kobenhavn). 372 MEMOIRS OF THE QUEENSLAND MUSEUM Plate 52 A. Dendrolagus lumholtzi, a lophodont macropodid. RM 2 (x 4-5) and RM 2 (x 4-5) scanning electron microscope stereophotographs. B. Ectopodon serratus , an ectopodontid. Shown as ?RM (reversed and modified from Fig. 7 of Stirton, Tedford and Woodburne 1967). C. Phalanger nudicaudatus, a bunodont phalangerid. RM 2 (x 41) and RM 2 (x 4-2) scanning electron microscope stereophotographs. D. Phascolarctos cinereus , a selenodont phascolarctid. RM 2 ( x 3*1) and RM 2 (x 3*2) stereophotographs. E. Perameles bougainville, a tribosphenic peramelid. RM 2 (x 7*9) and RM 2 (x 8*1), scanning electron microscope stereophotographs. F. Didelphis virginiana, a tribosphenic didelphid. RM 2 (x 4*1) and RM 2 (x 3-8), stereophotographs. Abbreviations: acd, anterior cingulid; aecd, anterior entocristid; ahyc, anterior hypocrista; amec, anterior metacrista; aprc, anterior protocrista; co, crista obliqua; end, entoconid; hid, hypolophid; hy, hypocone; hycd, hypocristid; hyd, hypoconid; hyld, hypoconulid; mcl, metaconule; me, metacone; mec, metacrista; meed, metacristid; med, metaconid; mel, metaloph; mst, metastylar corner of tooth; pa, paracone; pac, paracrista; pacd, paracristid; pamed, para- metacristid; peed, posterior entocristid; phyc, posterior hypocrista; pmed, posterior metacristid; ppre , posterior protocrista; pr , protocone, prd, protoconid; prl, protoloph; prld, protolophid. ARCHER: PHASCOLARCTID ORIGINS Plate 52 Mem. QdMus. 17(3): 373-7, pi. 53. [1976] THE GENUS W ALLABIA TROUESSART (MARSUPIALIA: MACROPODIDAE) IN THE UPPER CAINOZOIC DEPOSITS OF QUEENSLAND Alan Bartholomai Queensland Museum ABSTRACT The previously monotypic genus Wallabia Trouessart, 1905, is re-defined to include a fossil species, W. indra (De Vis, 1895) from the Upper Cainozoic fiuviatile deposits of the Darling Downs area, southeastern Queensland. ‘ Halmaturus ’ vishnu De Vis, 1895, is shown to be synonymous with W. indra. The present study comprises part of an overall revision of the fossil macropodids from the Pleis- tocene fiuviatile deposits in the eastern Darling Downs and the Chinchilla Sand of Late Pliocene age in the west of this area. The majority of the larger grazing macropodines were referred by De Vis ( 1 895) to Halmaturus Illiger, a junior secondary hymonym of Macropus Shaw. Bartholomai (1967, 1973a, 1973b, 1975) has shown that the material included representatives of the genera Troposodon Bartholomai, 1967, Protemnodon Owen, 1874, Fissuridon Bartholomai, 1973 and Macropus Shaw, 1790, in addition to material which is here referred to Wallabia. This material is relatively uncommon compared with other large grazing elements in the faunas represented, and the available sample is too small to permit statistical evaluation of the pop- ulation from which it was drawn. All measurements throughout are in millimetres. Genus Wallabia Trouessart, 1905 Wallabia Trouessart, 1905, p. 834 (type species Kan- gurus bicolor Desmarest, 1804 = Kangurus ualabatus Lesson, 1827, by subsequent designation of Iredale and Troughton, 1934). In addition to designating Wallabia bicolor (Desmarest) as the type species for the genus Wallabia , Iredale and Troughton (1934) followed Trouessart (1905) in listing all of the extant, medium-sized brush wallabies within this genus. These species previously were regarded mainly within the genus Macropus. No attempt was made to take into account any related fossil species, but later, Troughton (1937, 1957) indicated the generic distinctness of species now referred to Pro- temnodon by Bartholomai (1973a). Troughton presented no convincing arguments to support this separation. Tate (1948) used Protemnodon widely for both living and fossil wallabies, while Stirton (1963) separated living and fossil representatives, using Wallabia for living species and Protemnodon for extinct forms. Bartholomai (1973a, 1975) has introduced cran- ial morphological differences, results of compara- tive reproductive physiological studies by Sharman et al. (1966) and chromosome studies by Sharman (1961) to indicate the distinctness of Wallabia bicolor , the only living species referred to the genus, from all other living wallabies. Research by Kirsch (1968) on marsupial haemoglobin suggests that the species of wallabies and kangaroos, including W. bicolor , Megaleia and Lagorchestes are closely associated, but Bartholomai (1975) indicates that this cannot be verified from the fossil record because of general deficiencies in the known fossil samples available. Calaby (1966) concludes, on the basis of be- haviour and distinctive dental characters, that Wallabia should be recognized as a monotypic genus. This conclusion is supported here for living forms. Only a single species is added from the known fossil record. Generic Diagnosis: Medium sized macro- podids; cranium with rostrum little deflected; diastema short; premaxillae relatively narrow in occlusal view; infraorbital canal very short; for- amen ovale open, less anterolaterally directed than in Macropus ; additional foramina usually present in alisphenoid bulla, lateral to, connected but well 374 MEMOIRS OF THE QUEENSLAND MUSEUM separated from foramen ovale, presumably for mandibular branch of trigeminal nerve; basioc- cipital very broad between petrosals; anterior margin of basioccipital with reduced elevation; basisphenoid slope low; dorsal margin of supraoc- cipital narrowly U-shaped. Palate shallowly ex- cavate and slightly downturned posteriorly. Masseteric foramen almost below anterior cheek teeth. I 3 groove at posterior one-third of lateral surface; DP 3 and anterior upper molars with strong ridges from paracone and metacone uniting across median valley; forelink absent. Lower molars with relatively low, rectilinear lophids and links; lateral margins of lophids bulbous; posterior surface of hypolophid not ornamented. Wallabia indra (De Vis, 1895) (Plate 53, Figs. 1-6) Halmaturus indra De Vis, 1895, pp. 1 12 3, pi. 17, figs. 18, 20. Halmaturus vishnu De Vis, 1895, pp. 114-6, pi. 17, figs. 3-4. ‘ Halmaturus ’ vishnu De Vis: Stirton, 1959, p. 124; Bartholomai, 1966, pp. 121-2, pi. 16, figs. 1-3. ‘ Halmaturus ’ indra De Vis: Bartholomai, 1966, pp. 116-7, pi. 15, figs. 4-6. Material: Holotype, F3595, partial left mandibular ramus with P 2 M t (unerupted P 3 removed by fenes- tration, and no longer in the Queensland Museum collections), Darling Downs, SE.Q., (figd in part, De Vis, 1895, pi. 17, figs. 18, 20; figd Bartholomai, 1966, pi. 15, figs. 4-6). Preservation suggests derivation from the Chinchilla Sand, of Late Pliocene age. Also referred is the lectotype of ‘ Halmaturus ’ vishnu, F3860, a partial left mandibular ramus with P 3 -M 4 , adult. Darling Downs, SE.Q., (figd in part, De Vis, 1895, pi. 17, figs. 3-4; figd Bartholomai, 1966, pi. 16, figs. 13). Preservation suggests derivation from the Pleistocene fluviatile deposits of the eastern Darling Downs. In addition, 7 juvenile mandibular rami, 8 adult mandibular rami and one maxillary fragment are referred from the following localities in the Darling Downs: Chinchilla; Middle Gully System, Chinchilla Rifle Range (Rifle Range No. 78, Par. Chinchilla); Dalby at 34-35 feet (c. 11 m) in a pump well; and from the eastern and western Darling Downs (particular localities unspecified). Specific Diagnosis: A relatively large species, with mandibular symphysis very slightly elevated, and with diastema relatively short. Lower cheek teeth low; P 2 with only one set of vertical labial and lingual ridges transecting crest; P 3 approximately as long as M 4 , the longest molar; longitudinal crest nearly straight; anteriorly, base markedly tumes- cent; crest transected by 3-4 sets of ridges. DP 3 protolophid very narrow at crest, rectilinear, with forelink descending directly from protoconid; labial moiety of trigomd basin much reduced. Lower molars relatively broad with lophid margins broadly curved from crown base to crests in anterior view; lophid crests somewhat rectilinear; midlink moderately poorly developed; posterior cingulum absent. Upper molars relatively low, with strong anterior ridge from paracone, broad anter- ior cingulum, and posterior ridges from metacone and hypocone of similar strength, uniting well above crown base, delimiting slight posterior fossette. Description: Mandible narrow, rather shallow. Symphysis not ankylosed, set at very low angle to base of mandible. Diastema relatively short, geni- ohyal pit very shallow, below anterior margin of P 3 . Ventral margin of ramus rounded. Mental foramen moderately large, oval, well anterior to P 3 , and just below diastemal crest. Ramus with shallow labial groove from below P 3 extending posteriorly to below M 2 and occasionally to below centre of M 3 . Lingually, broad depression leads posteriorly to pterygoid fossa. Post-alveolar shelf short, leading to mesial wall of coronoid process. Masseteric crest raised to below level of alveolar margin. Angle of mandible, condyle and bulk of coronoid process not preserved. I] unknown. P 2 relatively short, robust, subovate in basal outline; longitudinal crest secant, curving slightly lingually in its posterior extension; transected mesially by a single set of vertical labial and lingual ridges, with production of well defined cuspule at crest; crown basally with labial and lingual tumes- cences, continuous around anterior margin, with production of small anterior basal cuspule. DP 3 molariform, subtriangular in basal outline; lophids moderately low, with hypolophid crest much broader than protolophid; protolophid rec- tilinear but with hypolophid somewhat convex posteriorly; protoconid positioned above crown axis. Trigonid basin narrow, extremely poorly developed labially, short, its length being much less than distance between lophids. Forelink high, strong, descending without curvature anteriorly to point labiad to mid-point of high anterior cin- gulum, occasionally ornamented labially and lin- gually by a set of weak accessory ridges; antero- lingual fossette developed in trigonid basin in conjunction with slight, variable anterior ridge from metaconid. Posterior ridge from protoconid moderately strong, curving labially to unite with moderately strong midlink, curving antero- lingually from hypoconid; posterior ridge from metaconid weak, descending into lingual extremity of rounded talonid basin; labial moiety of talonid poorly developed descending at high angle from BARTHOLOMAI: WALLABIA IN THE UPPER CAINOZOIC 375 TABLE 1: Measurements for Wallabia indra (De Vis), Mandible Specimen P 2 dp 3 P 3 M, m 2 m 3 m 4 F3595* 6-7 x 4-3 7-1 x 4-2 8-5 x 5-6 — — — F3860 — ■ 10-1 x 41 7-8 x — 9-4 x 6-5 10-4 x 7-5 10 7 x 7-3 F4743 — — - x 4.7 7-6 x 5-7 9-0 x 10-6 x 7-6 112 x 7-5 F4741 — — 10 3 x 41 7-5 x — 8-5 x — 10-0 x - 10 8 x 7-0 F4746 — — — — — 8-7 x 5-7 9-8 x 6-8 10-0 x 6-8 F4749 — 6-7 x 3-4 — - x 4-9 — — — F4742 — — — — — 9-8 x 7-3 10-4 x 7-2 F4747 — — i — t. — 8-5 x 6 0 10 0 x 7-2 10-8 x 7-5 F3597 — — — — 8-8 x 6-1 10 7 x 7-4 10-8 x 7-5 F2496 — — — 7-3 x 4-8 8-3 x 5-6 9-8 x 6-2 — F4753 — — 8-0 x 5-7 8-9 x 6-5 — F4751 — — 7-5 x 51 8-7 x 6-1 — — F4752 — — — 8-1 x 4-9 91 x 5-9 — — F4744 — — — — 9-0 x 6-2 9-6 x 6-9 — F3601 — — — 8-1 x 5-1 8-5 x 6-1 8-5 x 6-1 — *Holotype midlink. Anterior ridge from entoconid weak. Posterior of hypolophid rounded, unornamented, occasionally with slight posterolabial basal swell- ing. P 3 elongate, subovate in basal outline, only very slightly shorter than M 4 . Longitudinal crest secant, extremely slightly concave labially, or straight, transected by three or four sets of vertical labial and lingual ridges, with production of cuspules at crest; strength of ridges decreases posteriorly; base of crown markedly tumescent, produced to form noticeable cingulum anteriorly. M, < M 2 < M 3 < M 4 ; molars subrectangular in basal outline, slightly constricted across talonid basin in anterior molars, more strongly constricted in posterior molars; lophids relatively low, almost rectilinear, with hypolophid somewhat more convex posteriorly; protolophid narrower than hypolophid in M, and M 2 , but broader in M 3 and much broader in M 4 ; lateral surfaces of lophids markedly convex. Trigonid basin usually very broad, its length almost equalling distance between lophids. Forelink low, moderately strong, un- ornamented, descending anterolingually from pro- toconid, across labial moiety of trigonid basin, usually uniting with low anterior cingulum, labiad to axis of crown; very weak accessory ridge descends anteriorly from metaconid towards tri- gonid basin; lingual position of trigonid near horizontal, labial portion reduced and sloping. Slight ridge descends posteriorly from metaconid, occasionally uniting with similar ridge from en- toconid across lingual margin of talonid basin. Midlink from hypoconid low, crossing labial moiety of talonid basin to unite with slight ridge from protolophid, labiad to axis of crown. Pos- terior of hypolophid unornamented, occasionally with swollen base delimited as slight posterior cingulum. TABLE 2: Measurements for Wallabia indra (De Vis), Maxilla Specimen M 2 M 3 M 4 F4740 8-6 x 7-4 9-6 x 7-7 9-7 x 7-2 Upper incisors, P 2 , DP 3 , P 3 and M 1 unknown. M 2 , * - x-S 4 *• ih'x : ,rtl"x' X X ’• 300m I 5 , X x ^ + t + 4 + + v'tjnntt , + ?A§Al f T + T . T ■ - + I + I 4 + +^f + ; • 4 Dqwj\is, \ ^ + [ 1 1 j 14-44-4-14- 1/4-4-r 4 1-44 4 4 4 /4 4 4 4 : -4-4/41 + > i t - -r A * ♦ * H 444- 4/ 4-44 4 4 i 4 I /+ 1 + + 444 + 44-4-4- I- + • / 4 I + + , , + 4 + i I- - I + 4 4 4 4 1-4 H + * + 1 . + + + + i + h + 44+4 + 4 4/44 4 + 4444/4 4 ++++++ if I +, ^J + ‘ 1 ** + -I 4 4 1 + + I + + 4 4 I 4 + t + I ® x x.O + + ' + + + + ■i S ,V.’WW, , ,V.', >\'\ + . 1 + + + + + + I 4 + + , + T • + 4 + + 4 + -| + Quaternary alluvium and soil Basalt Scree + ±_i Allensleigh 'Flow' Allingham Formation ES53 Lower Tertiary laterite Fence line /m/t/f/t Basalt plateau edge Fig. 1A: Locality plan of Allingham Creek showing type section (D-D) of Allingham Formation. F-H = exposed contacts of Allensleigh flow with: F, Allingham Formation; G, H, laterite mottled zone. Line D-D indicates position of largest cliff exposure of Allingham Formation with 1-3, positions of sections. Details of section stratigraphy shown in Fig. 2. Line 4—4 indicates non-vertical transect which is presented as vertical section 4—4 in Fig. 2. Fig. IB: Face of cliff exposure (D-D of Fig. 1A) along Allingham Creek, type section. Positions of sections (13) are also shown. The laterite basement is deeply eroded and the sediments filling the hollows (bed a) contains much more laterite detritus than overlying beds (b-d). Stratigraphic positions of a-d are also indidated in Fig. 2. ARCHER AND WADE: THE ALLINGHAM FORMATION 381 4-4 Water level Allingham Creek, April, 1974 Fig. 2: Stratigraphic sections (1-3) of Allingham Formation along face of cliff exposure (D-D of Fig. 1 A) or interpreted (4 4) from exposures along transect (4-4, Fig. 1 A) north and east of cliff exposure. Vertical sections 1-3 and lower part of 4-4 were measured; the upper gently sloping part of section 4-4 was estimated. Beds a-d are informal designations of similar lithology. The top of bed d in section 1 and section 2 has not been observed because it is covered by basalt tors. The base of bed a is partly below the water level of Allingham Creek. 382 MEMOIRS OF THE QUEENSLAND MUSEUM uppermost of the horizontal beds of the Allingham Formation. This is not likely to represent volcanic ash as it does not occur in the type section along Allingham Creek (Fig. IB). The general area has been described by Wyatt and Webb (1970) in the course of mapping and dating the flows of the Nulla Basalt (see also Wyatt 1968, 1969; Wyatt etal. 1965, geological map). The fossil occurrence on the eastern extremity of Bluff Downs station was straddled by traverses, and its area mapped by photo interpretation (Wyatt and Webb 1970, fig. 1) as covered by the Allensleigh ‘flow’. Here Allingham Creek has cut through the basalt and the fossiliferous deposit into the wide- spread and deep laterite that Wyatt and Webb describe as basement in Basalt River just to the north. They correlate this laterite with the wide- spread and deep laterite that Exon, Langsford- Smith and McDougall (1970) date as older than basalts of 23 ± 1 million years, in an area running north from Amby to the level of Injune. In the area exposed by Allingham Creek there is a trend for the more westerly exposures of laterite to be stripped to mottled zone, while more easterly exposures have a varying thickness of iron-rich laterite crust pre- served. Surface irregularity was several metres and at the northwesternmost exposure the fossiliferous beds wedge out between the laterite mottled zone and the basalt. To the north and east a ledge- forming Chara limestone forms most of the fossil beds and has been traced continuously for 3 km east of the main fossil localities. The top of the bed approximates the 1100' contour throughout its known extent (contours from Hillgrove 1:100,000 military map series R631, sheet 8058). It extends further than it was followed, and has been observed as an outlier on the road 1 km NE. of Emu Valley Homestead, another 4 km to the east, lying directly on laterite weathering to buckshot gravel. In this spot the Allensleigh ‘flow’ is reduced to loose boulders. This is probably the outcrop of limestone Wyatt (1969, p. 302) describes as ‘. . . on the track to Emu Valley Homestead . . .’ and likens to \ . . that which occurs as old lake or swamp deposits west of Eumara Springs Homestead . . without giving distances or stratigraphic data. The latter locality is not specifically mentioned by Wyatt and Webb (1970) and must be relocated to find its relationship to the Allensleigh ‘flow’. In the Allingham Creek area on Bluff Downs, the Allensleigh ‘flow’ is usually seen as a jumble of small tors overlying the fossiliferous sediments or the lateritic basement. Original contacts have been noted in three places (Fig. 1A, F-H). In all three, deep tor weathering has occurred but, without the physical removal of weathered material from between the tors, ground water still continues its attack. The continuous basalt is now much more deeply weathered than the free tors. In the absence of erosion surfaces or other divisions between them, this physico-chemical explanation for the differential weathering seems more likely than differing ages, especially as two of these occur- rences occupy lows in the lateritic basement (south and west of the fossiliferous deposits) and one overlies the fossiliferous deposit. Wyatt (1969) reached a similar conclusion studying exposures to the north, notably in Basalt River. At the back of the shallow amphitheatre surrounding the out- crop shown in Fig. 1 A, F; Fig. 2, 4 — 4, the strongly weathered basalt lies conformably on a brownish- grey clay overlying a metre of limey sand which in turn grades into 3 metres of hard Chara limestone. This limestone unconformably overlies iron- enriched laterite crust and has a basal con- glomerate of buckshot gravel and finer laterite detritus. Traced westwards, along Allingham Creek, the limestone overlies laterite mottled zone and much of it changes laterally to sands and clays. Some of these are channel deposits which contain a minor amount of basalt as boulders and pebbles. These must indicate a basalt earlier than the Allensleigh ‘flow’ or the early extrusion of part of the ‘flow’. Wyatt and Webb have already stated that the datings obtained on this ‘flow’ range from 4-5 Myr, 10 km WNW. near Bluff Downs Homes- tead, to 4 Myr further north (both datings ± 3%). They suggest the ‘flow’ may more properly be regarded as a flow series with a span of at least half a million years. The presence of basalt boulders in sediment underlying the main flow lends weight to their suggestion but does not rule out an earlier phase of the Nulla Basalt, possibly of minor extent. Neither interpretation is at variance with the visual evidence of conformity between the top of the fossiliferous sediment and the local base of the Allensleigh Phase. The fossiliferous sediment is thus dated as no less than 4 ±12 Myr and not much older, i.e. Lower Pliocene (Harland, Gilbert Smith, and Wilcock 1964; Riedel 1973). Observation of the lateral extent of the fossili- ferous beds is hampered by the basalt cover and by Pleistocene channel deposits related to a roughly parallel course of Allingham Creek, which cut the deposit in two. The fossiliferous beds are probably an age-equivalent to the unconsolidated sands below the Allensleigh Phase at Eumara Springs (Wyatt and Webb 1970, pp. 40, 47). These are roughly 30 m lower than the fossiliferous beds, and 24 km to the east of the outlier on Emu Valley road. Both also could be age-equivalents of the Cam- paspe Beds, which are poorly dated, if the older of ARCHER AND WADE: THE ALLINGHAM FORMATION 383 the possible dates Wyatt and Webb suggest applies to the Campaspe Beds; even if this should be so, the deposits were not in lateral continuity and the strong limestone component provided by the growth of Char a gives the fossiliferous deposits described here a distinctive lithology over most of their outcrop. Apart from the cliff containing the type section, outcrops of the terrigenous lower members of the Allingham Formation (a and b) are confined to the southern to eastern side of Allingham Creek and to its bed. The easternmost terrigenous outcrop yet found is 1 km west of the Emu Valley-Bluff Downs boundary fence and lies on lateritic mottled zone. It may have been covered directly by the basalt as its top is indurated, but erosion has removed an upper contact. A major outcrop, capped by Chara limestone, runs south from opposite the entry of Spring Creek, a western tributary, for about 300 m. This outcrop contains a very strongly calcareous development of bed c, Chara limestone in close- packed lenses. Here the limestone laterally replaces sand, both lateral equivalents overlying 0-5 m of derived laterite lying on laterite mottled zone in situ. The remaining southern outcrop is from 1 to 1 -4 km south of the type section, and is fossiliferous sands and clays overlain by basalt. Outcrops in the creek bed are of a temporary nature due to shifting alluvium. They occupy pockets in the laterite. The conditions of deposition indicated by the sediments show that the laterite surface was partly stripped and deeply gouged, before its flooding by water sufficiently permanent both to accumulate sediment and allow the growth of the widespread Chara flora. This flora, together with waterlaid sands, clays and channel deposits, suggests that an existent stream widened into a shallow lake. Animal fossils are relatively rare in the widespread limestone and are mainly scattered tortoise plates. In contrast, the terrigenous sediments contain many broken bones, some complete bones and skulls, and rarely articulated bones. By far the most common fossils throughout are scattered tortoise plates and crocodile teeth. Fish remains are relatively rare, which may indicate a seasonal constriction of the water body. Then, as now, the area sloped gently eastward (Wyatt and Webb 1970), and evidence of diastrophism, other than that provided by partial stripping of the laterite, is lacking. The cause of this erosion is scarcely likely to have been the damming mechanism which started deposition. The presence of a limited amount of basalt in some of the channel deposits suggests another mechanism, damming by a more easterly flow or portion of a flow, than supplied the basalt boulders. BLUFF DOWNS LOCAL FAUNA Michael Archer The Bluff Downs local fauna is described below and may be summarized as follows. Dental termi- nology follows that used by Archer (1974, 1975a). Local fauna refers to a faunal assemblage from a particular area in the sense used by Tedford (1970); it is an informal term. Prefixes to specimen numbers include AM, Australian Museum; WAM, Western Australian Museum; J or JM, Queensland Museum modern specimens; F, Queensland Museum fossil specimens. Arthropoda Crustacea Unidentified gastrolith OSTEICHTHYS Teleostei Unidentified spines and vertebrae Reptilia ?Cheliidae IChelodina sp. Crocodilidae Palimnarchus sp. Agamidae Small unidentified agamid similar to Amphi- bolurus spp. Varanidae Varanus sp. Boidae ? Morelia sp. ?Elapidae Small vertebrae Aves Ciconiidae Xenorhynchus asiaticus (Lathan, 1790) Mammalia Peramelidae Perameles allinghamensis n. sp. Vombatidae Phascolonus lemleyi n. sp. Phascolarctidae Koobor jimbarratti n. gen. and sp. Thylacoleonidae Thylacoleo sp. Macropodidae Protemnodon sp. Macropus sp. cf. M. dryas (De Vis, 1895) M. ( Osphranter ) sp. cf. M. woodsi Bartholomai, 1975 Macropodid similar to Thylogale Small macropodid, genus indet. Diprotodontidae Zygomaturus sp. Euryzygoma sp. Nototheriine, genus indet. Unidentified families One tooth fragment Coprolites 384 MEMOIRS OF THE QUEENSLAND MUSEUM SYSTEMATICS Arthropod a Crustacea (Plate 540 F7829 represents a crustacean gastrolith, the only specimen recovered, OSTEICHTHYS Teleostei (Plate 54a-b) Fish spines (e.g. F7771) and vertebrae (e.g. F7772) are small and relatively uncommon. The largest vertebra is only 7 mm in diameter and the largest spine is 25 mm long. Reptilia ?Cheliidae Fragments of tortoises were the most common fossils. These cannot at present be referred with any certainty to a particular species or even genus. A comparison of various Allingham fragments with materials described by De Vis (1894, 1897) as Chelymys uberrima, C. arata and Chelodina in- sculpta show some similarities. A fragment (F7796) possibly referable to Chelodina exhibits curious pock-markings, presumably the result of disease or invertebrate predation. Crocodilidae Crocodilian teeth are the next most common vertebrate remains. Variation in form and size is considerable and it is possible that more than one species is represented. As well as teeth there are large crocodilian vertebrae, limb bones, scutes and skull fragments. Palimnarchus sp. (Plate 54 c-e) Large compressed teeth (e.g. F7763, Plate 54d) with serrated edges probably represent a species of this genus. Almost identical teeth occur in the Chinchilla Sand. Some Allingham teeth (e.g. F7764, Plate 54e), show occlusal wear, a not uncommon characteristic of Palimnarchus (M. Flecht, pers. comm.). Several small crocodile teeth (e.g. F7767, Plate 54c) exhibit extensive vertical fluting. In Crocodilus johnstoni, this feature is common in most teeth. In C. porosus it sometimes occurs on smaller but not larger teeth. It may similarly have occurred on some teeth of Palimnarchus, and cannot be used to distinguish a second taxon unless associated mat- erial proves distinctive. Longman (1924) describes C. nathani from fossil material found at Tara Creek, Maryvale Station, north Queensland. This species is dubiously distinct from Palimnarchus and no attempt has been made to distinguish it among the Allingham crocodilian remains. A thorough revision of late Cainozoic croco- dilians must be made before all the Allingham crocodile remains can be positively identified. Agamidae (Plate 54i) A small right dentary fragment (F7812) with seven teeth represents an agamid lizard similar to some species of Amphibolurus. Varanidae Varanus sp. (Plate 54h, j) At least two vertebrae (F7774, and F7777) represent a species of this lizard genus. A recurved tooth crown (F7813, Plate 54h) may also be referable to Varanus. The tooth is 1 5 mm long and 6 mm wide at the base, somewhat polished by stream-abrasion, without serrations on posterior or anterior cutting edges, and lacks vertical fluting around the crown base. In modern comparative material of Varanus the teeth have very fine serrations on anterior and posterior cutting edges as well as vertically fluted crown bases. In Megalania prisca, Varanus dirus and Notiosaurus dentatus these same characters occur, except that the anterior cutting edge has fewer serrations than the posterior edge. Fejervary (1918) refers Notiosaurus to Megalania and suggests that material previously referred to V. dirus may represent two forms: the holotype, which comes from the Darling Downs, possibly repre- senting Megalania prisca', the referred specimen, which comes from Chinchilla, representing some- thing else. Varanus emeritus is not represented by teeth. Of all these fossil varanids and megalanids the Allingham tooth is most similar to the referred specimen of V. dirus from Chinchilla but differs in being less recurved and in lacking the serrations and vertical fluting. Its degree of recurving is matched by some modern Varanus (e.g. V. varius) and it is possible that if fluting and serrations were fine enough on the Allingham tooth, they could have been removed by abrasion. The single Allingham tooth is twice the size of teeth of a seven foot specimen of Varanus salva- dorii, the largest specimen of a species of Varanus in ARCHER AND WADE: THE ALLINGHAM FORMATION 385 the Queensland Museum. The fossil tooth differs morphologically in having a wider and less slender crown, and a more rounded anterior cutting edge. One of the Allingham varanid vertebrae (F7774, Plate 54j), a posterior rib-bearing lumbar vertebra (around the 21st or 22nd position), is similarly unique. It compares favourably with vertebrae of Varanus species but not M. prisca. Vertebrae of megalanids from Chinchilla have not been de- scribed. The Allingham vertebra differs from comparably sized vertebrae of V. salvadorii in being markedly taller, having an antero-posteriorly shorter neural spine, a pronounced vertical crest on the posterior edge of the neural arch, and sub- rounded, more vertically inclined prezygapo- physes. The other varanid vertebra (F7777), an anterior caudal vertebra of uncertain position, is about equally distinct from modern species of Varanus. The ventral pedicels for the haemal arch, the relatively anteriorly situated cotyle, and the relatively reduced neural spine indicate that this vertebra represents a varanid, but the pronounced ventral crest, relatively high neural arch and reduced transverse processes are unmatched by vertebrae of any modern species with which comparison has been made ( V. salvadorii , V. varius and V. gouldii). Boidae (Plate 54k) Three vertebrae (including F 7775 ) represent a very large boid, morphologically very similar to modern species of Morelia. No comparative material has been available in the size range of this Allingham snake, so minor differences in mor- phology may be attributed to allometry. It is difficult and often misleading to estimate sizes of animals based on fragmentary remains, but compared with a 5-3 m specimen of Morelia spilotes, the Allingham boid may have been over 6-2 m long. Worrell (1970) notes a record of a modern Australian boid (Liasis amethistinus) of 8-7 m. Considering this, the Allingham snake was probably no larger than some modern boids. ?Elapidae (Plate 54g) Two small vertebrae (including F7826) may represent elapids. They compare favourably with species of Pseudechis but not enough colubrid material has been available to be certain of even the familial identity of these vertebrae. Aves ClCONIIDAE Xenorhynchus asiaticus (Lathan, 1790) A fragment of a tarsometatarsus (F7036) repre- sents this modern stork (pers. comm. J. van Tets, 2 1 .i. 1 974) known as the Blackheaded Stork. Other bird remains are presently under study by P. Rich. Mammalia Peramelidae Perameles allinghamensis n. sp. (Fig. 3; Plate 55c) Holotype: F7821, isolated RM 2 ; Allingham For- mation, Lower Pliocene, site 5, Allingham Creek, Bluff Downs Stn, north Queensland. Diagnosis: Very large peramelid differing from other species of Perameles in having better- developed antero-buccal cingulum; more closely approximated protocone and paracone; paracrista which buccally contacts stB which is posterior to parastylar corner of tooth. Description: Measurements shown in Fig. 3. Crown showing slight wear on tips of all cusps. Metacone broken and metastylar corner missing. Tip of hypocone damaged. Anterior cingulum short and complete but just barely so beneath paracrista. Anterior cingulum formed by confluence of antero-buccal cingulum and prepro- tocrista. Postprotocrista descends to meet on hypocone (or metaconule). Crest leaves hypocone postero-buccally and descends to base of metacone where it forms very short, reduced posterior Fig. 3: Measurements (mm) ofF7821, RM 2 , holotype of Perameles allinghamensis n. sp. Hatched area indicates damage. 386 MEMOIRS OF THE QUEENSLAND MUSEUM cingulum before terminating along flank of met- acone. Hypocone small and separated from pro- tocone by deep vertical fissure on postero-lingual face of crown. Metacone higher than subequal paracone and protocone which are higher than hypocone. StB shorter than large subequal stC and D. StA indistinguishable from parastylar corner of tooth but short buccal crest links stB with antero- buccal cingulum. This crest may be homologue of stA. Anterior paracrista (homologue of dasyurid paracrista) forms prominent crest linking paracone and stB. Posterior paracrista similarly links para- cone and stC. Prominent anterior metacrista links metacone and stD. Posterior metacrista (homo- logue of dasyurid metacrista) damaged but pre- sumably extended to metastylar corner of tooth. Presence or absence of stE unknown. Prefossa between bases of protocone, paracone and met- acone extends to buccal surface of crown. No crest links stC with D. Similarly, no crest links stB with C. StC gently recurved anteriorly. StD gently recurved posteriorly. Ectoloph virtually non-existent as result of failure of stylar cusps to be united by crests. Ectoflexus greatest between stC and D. This tooth is considered to be an M 2 because of the size of the stylar cusps, hypocone and relative sizes of the paracone and metacone. Discussion: Species of Perameles available for examination have been P. nasuta (e.g. J 108 16), P. bougainvillei (e.g. WAM Ml 0576), P. eremiana (WAM Ml 575), and P. gunnii (e.g. AM M2640). This includes all modern species recognized by Ride (1970). Most species of the genera Micro- peroryctes, Peroryctes, Echymipera, Isoodon, Chae- ropus, Macrotis and Ischnodon have been examined. Photographs of the only known material of Rhynchomeles have been made avail- able by courtesy of the British Museum. This includes all modern and fossil perameloid genera recognized by Tate (1948) and Stirton (1955). P. allinghamensis occupies a somewhat in- termediate structural position between Perameles and those species of Echymipera which have been examined (E. rufescens, both subspecies, and E. kalubu). As in other species of Perameles , stC of P. allinghamensis is relatively discrete and conical on M 2 . This is true but to a lesser extent in species of Echymipera where stC is sometimes linked to the paracone by a small crest. This latter condition is common and better-developed in other peramelids such as Peroryctes and Microperoryctes. The anterior cingulum is better-developed in Echy- mipera than it is in Perameles and in this respect P. allinghamensis resembles Echymipera. P. alling- hamensis may be an ancestor of Perameles , Echymipera , or both. It is referred here to Pera- meles because of the crest and stylar cusp morphology. When more material is discovered, it is probable that it will warrant generic separation from all modern peramelids. Other fossil perameloids include Ischnodon aus- tralis (referred elsewhere to the Thylacomyidae, Archer and Kirsch in preparation); an unnamed peramelid from the Hamilton local fauna (Turn- bull and Lundelius 1970) represented by fragments of lower molars; Perameles tenuirostris Owen which is regarded by Lydekker (1887) as syn- onymous with P. nasuta; P. wombeyensis which has been synonomized with Isoodon macrourus by Wakefield (1972); and an unnamed peramelid from the Fisherman’s Cliff local fauna (Marshall 1973) represented by a fragmentary upper molar. There is some doubt about the provenance of this last specimen (Mr P. Crabb, pers. comm.). The possible peramelid noted by Woodburne (1967) from the Miocene Alcoota local fauna now appears to represent a thylacoleonid (Dr W. A. Clemens, pers. comm.). Origin of Specific Name: The specific name is in reference to the Allingham Formation and Allingham Creek. VOMBATIDAE Phascolonus lemley n. sp. (Fig. 4; Plate 56) Holotype: F7819, left dentary with M, 4 ; Allingham Formation, lower Pliocene, site 5, Allingham Creek, Bluff Downs Stn, north Queensland. Referred Material: F7818, LI a ; F7768-70, isolated molars: same locality as holotype. Diagnosis: Very large vombatid, differing from Phascolonus gigas in markedly longer dorso- ventral section of I t ; shorter cheek-tooth row; shallower masseteric fossa; smaller and less pro- truding ventro-lateral rim of masseteric fossa; broader posterior border of dentary below arti- cular condyle; shallower symphysis; and edge of ectocrotaphyte plate and articular condyle which extend relatively farther postero-dorsally. Differs from Phascolomys magnus and P. medius in being larger; having markedly longer dorso-ventral sec- tion of I,; proportionately much longer premolar; and deeper masseteric fossa. Differs from all other vombatids in its much larger size as well as morphological characters. Description: Measurements shown in Fig. 4. Dentary broken at point anterior to mental foramen and posterior to I, alveolus. Coronoid Fig. 4: Measurements (mm) ofF7819, holotype of Phascolonus lemleyiw. sp., and F7819. A-C, F7819, left dentary with D, F7818, LI,. Hatched areas indicate damage. —~LZl 388 MEMOIRS OF THE QUEENSLAND MUSEUM and angular processes broken at bases. Mesial and distal tips of articular condyle broken. I : and P 4 missing, although proximity of (F7818) to dentary in quarry (less than 20 cm), unabraded condition of open root of I : and alveolus of I] indicate that isolated \ x probably drifted out of dentary shortly before burial. Associated with dentary in same quarry 10 cm away was an articulated macropodid hindlimb, suggesting that adjacent objects in quarry may be parts of one individual. I, with flat horizontal occlusal surface. Wear striae on occlusal surface extend antero-posteriorly from anterior tip for distance of 39 cm, presumably distance through which dentary dislocates during thegosis. Prominent ventral keel. Dorsal surface forms narrow shelf which inclines lingually. Prominent depression runs length of I, on dorsal- buccal surface. Less pronounced longitudinal striae run length of I,. P 4 alveolus indicates tooth had only very shallow medial lingual groove, although there were two poorly differentiated (in comparison with molars) columns. Alveolus length suggests P 4 slightly shorter than M,. M , 4 markedly divided into two columns, buccal grooves being sharper and more deeply incised than lingual grooves. Talonid (posterior column) wider than trigonid (anterior column) in M l5 subequal in M 2 _ 3 and narrower than trigonid in M 4 . Worn trigonid height subequal to worn talonid height M|_ 2 , but taller than worn talonid M 3 _ 4 . Talonid length longer than trigonid length M, but shorter than trigonid length M 2 _ 4 . Dentary massive (but markedly less so than in P. gigas ). Symphysis extends posteriorly to level of middle of M 2 . Base of ascending ramus leaves body of dentary at level of anterior end M 4 . Masseteric fossa deep for a vombatid but shallow compared with P. gigas. Postalveolar ridge sharply curved postero-laterally and forms dorsal rim of dental canal. Pre-alveolar ridge forms sharp crest which extends as far anteriorly as broken anterior edge of dentary. Ectocrotaphyte plate relatively narrow (compared with P. gigas). Mylo-hyoid groove relatively large. Width of superangular cavity (pterygoid fossa) exceeds that of ectocrotaphyte plate. Inferior dental canal has large oriface (mandibular foramen) but rapidly tapers down to small canal. Masseteric foramen very large, almost as large as mandibular foramen. Ectocrotaphyte ridge and articular condyle ex- tend postero-dorsally farther than they do in material described by Stirling (1913). Posterior neck of dentary below condyle broad and flat, unlike condition illustrated by Owen (1872, plate 138, fig. 1) but somewhat similar to specimen described as ‘Mandible “C” ’ by Stirling (1913). Compared with Owen’s (1872, plate 36, fig. 1) illustration of P. gigas, ascending ramus of P. lemleyi exhibits longer masseteric fossa, and longer and less-curved border anterior to articular con- dyle. Discussion: Wombats of the genus Phascolonus (P. gigas and Sceparnodon ramsayi) have all been placed in the synonomy of P. gigas Owen. The taxonomic positions of medius Owen and magnas Owen are unclear (Tate 1951). In some respects such as size and premolar morphology, they resemble P. gigas and make generic boundaries of Phascolonus difficult to recognize. Synonomy of ramsayi with P. gigas enables the generic diagnosis of Phascolonus to include widely spatulate upper incisors. Upper incisors of P. lemleyi are not yet known, but overall similarity of lower incisors of P. lemleyi to those of P. gigas suggest the upper incisors are spatulate. Differences in lower incisors of P. lemleyi and P. gigas include much longer cross-sectional length of the former which results in a relatively longer occlusal wear surface. Possible significance of this is not clear although increase in cross-sectional length of I, in other wombats appears to correlate with increase in width of I 1 such as may be observed in a structural sequence from Vombatus ursinus , through Phascolomys magnus, to Phascolonus gigas. If this relationship is maintained in P. lemleyi , its upper incisors were not only relatively but absolutely wider than those of P. gigas. A specimen (F834) collected at Freestone Creek, Darling Downs, Queensland, resembles P. lemleyi in cross-sectional length of I,, and length of M 1-4 . It differs in having a shorter P 4 comparable in size with magnus, and raises a question about the number of Pleistocene species of Phascolonus. Stephenson (1963) describes Diarcodon parvus as a diprotodontid similar to but smaller than Scepar- nodon ramsayi, which he also regarded as a diprotodontid. There can be no doubt that Scepar- nodon is a vombatid (Ride 1967) and the diprotod- ontid affinity of all of the material referred to D. parvus is doubtful. Some of the upper incisors may represent a species of Phascolonus. Origin of Specific: Name: The specific name is in honour of Dr Ray E. Lemley, Queensland Museum Associate, who very kindly helped us on several occasions by financing and accompanying expe- ditions. ARCHER AND WADE: THE ALLINGHAM FORMATION 389 Phascolarctidae Koobor n. gen. Type Species: Koobor notabilis (De Vis) [ = Pseudocheirus notabilis De Vis 1889], Diagnosis: Small phascolarctids, similar to Phascolarctos but differ in being smaller; lacking extensive fine crenulations on molar crown surface; lacking well-developed pockets or basins between bases of protocone and hypocone; having distinctly shorter and bicuspid P 4 without significant longitu- dinal crest development; having well-developed basin buccal to paracone between ectoloph, pre- paracrista and postparacrista; having stylar crests well-developed adjacent to stB; having well- developed gap between stC and stD; and overall crown outline which is relatively longer than wide. Differs from Litokoala in having narrower molars; better-developed and enclosed basin buccal to paracone; less crenulations; and no well-developed metaconule. Differs from Perikoala (as judged by comparison with fragmentary material described by Stirton, Tedford and Woodburne 1967) by having narrower and less crenulated molars. Differs from Pseudokoala and all pseudocheirines (. Pseudocheirus , Pseudochirops, Schoinobates, Pet- ropseudes, Hemibelideus ) in having lingually dis- placed paracone and metacone; lacking complex or well-developed metaconule on M 1 2 ; lacking well- developed protoconule on M 2 3 ; having better- developed anterior cusp on P 4 ; and having larger gap between stC and stD. Origin of Generic Name: Koobor is an Abor- iginal mythological Koala-boy who was always so thirsty that he stole his companions water con- tainers and hid with them up a tree. When discovered, he was punished by his enraged companions and turned into the Koala, a creature who thereafter never drank water (Roberts and Mountford 1970). Koobor jimbarratti n. sp. (Fig. 5; Plate 55b) Holotype: F7822, isolated RM lor2 , Allingham For- mation, Lower Pliocene, site 5, Allingham Creek, Bluff Downs Stn, north Queensland. Diagnosis: Differs from Koobor notabilis (only other species) in having well-developed parastyle; poorly-developed anterior cingulum; preproto- crista which contacts preparactista; more obtuse angle enclosed by pre- and postmetacristae; and poorly-developed buccal crests at ends of pre- and postmetacristae. Description: Measurements shown in Fig. 5. Transverse fracture occurs through tooth. Sur- face of enamel lightly pitted by chemical erosion. All primary cusps subequal in height. Metacone and hypocone just closer together than paracone and protocone. Preprotocrista contacts base of preparacrista midway along length of prepara- crista. Postprotocrista passes postero-buccally to midline of tooth then joins prehypocrista. Posthyp- ocrista passes postero-buccally to form small posterior cingulum before contacting buccal end of postmetacrista. Preparacrista short, markedly cur- ved, and contacts stB. Postparacrista longer, less curved, and contacts stC. Pre- and postparacrista indirectly connected buccally by ectoloph crest connecting stB and stC. Premetacrista straight and runs to position of stD. Postmetacrista straight and runs to metastylar corner of tooth where it connects with upturned posterior cingulum. Low crest on ectoloph from buccal end of premetacrista does not extend posteriorly as far as metastylar corner. No crest connects stC and position of stD. Parastylar crest connects anterior end of prepara- crista to parastylar corner of tooth. Below point of contact between preprotocrista and preparacrista, two small vertical crests connect short antero- buccal cingulum to premetacrista and prepro- tocrista, enclosing very small pocket between them. Antero-buccal cingulum poorly-defined or absent along lingual half of tooth, although basal crown swelling occurs. Shallow basin occurs between bases of protocone and hypocone. Side of tooth between pre- and postmetacristae not enclosed buccally. A lingual crest occurs on metacone extending antero-lingually to midcrown basin. Fig. 5: Measurements (mm) of F7822, RM 1 or RM 2 , holotype of Koobor jimbarratti n. gen. and sp. 390 MEMOIRS OF THE QUEENSLAND MUSEUM Smaller lingual crest extends postero-lingually from metacone tip to posterior cingular basin. Poorly-developed protocone rib extends buccally from protocone tip to base of metacone. Rib and crest development on paracone and protocone not clear. Discussion: The species of Koobor are clearly not pseudocheirines but they are similar to phascol- arctids, and of these, perhaps closest to the middle Miocene Perikoala. They may be late Tertiary representatives of the same phascolarctid group. Litokoala and Phascolarctos are not repre- sentatives of this group and may have been independently derived from other Miocene phas- colarctids. The Chinchilla species is better known than the Allingham species and, in some respects such as the better-developed buccal basins, is structurally more advanced. Origin of Specific Name: Koobor jimbarratti is named in honour of Mr Jim Barratt who, with Mr Wally Snewin, originally discovered the fossil sites along Allingham Creek. Thylacoleonidae Thylacoleo sp. (Plate 55a) Material: F 7762 , right dentary fragment with half of P 4 and M,, roots of I ls and alveoli for M,; F7807, posterior fragment of LP 4 ; F7808, posterior fragment of LP 4 . Discussion: This is a very small species of Thylacoleo comparable in size to a form recorded by Merrilees (1968, p. 14) as ‘ Thylacoleo , probably not carnifex ’ from a paraconglomerate interpreted by Merrilees to be Pleistocene in age, at Wonberna, near Balladonia, Western Australia. It differs from this form in having a relatively much larger M x . It is also similar to T. crassidentatus from the Pliocene Chinchilla Sand, but differs in having a pro- portionately much shorter P 4 . Thylacoleonids are separable into at least two distinct types: Thylacoleo species, so far known only from Pliocene and younger sediments; and Wakeleo species, so far known only from middle to late Miocene sediments. A third type may be represented by an undescribed form from the middle Miocene Etadunna formation. The Alling- ham form, although clearly referable to Thyla- coleo, is also similar to Wakeleo in so far as it exhibits a relatively short P 4 and large M,. It is tempting to assume orthogenesis and see the Allingham thylacoleonid as a link in a chain leading directly from Wakeleo to Thylacoleo . However this type of reasoning is almost always found to be fallacious when the fossil history of a group becomes better known. Indeed, the occur- rence of a thylacoleonid with a short P 4 in supposedly Pleistocene deposits at Wonberna is sufficient reason to doubt that premolar length can be directly correlated with time. As in most groups, the late Tertiary radiation of thylacoleonids prob- ably resulted in a complex of forms, each the product of different selective pressures, rather than all being subject to one single pressure, namely an increase in carnassial length at the expense of other cheek-teeth. Macropodidae Comments about the forms represented here are only preliminary. Formal descriptions will be given by Archer and Bartholomai (in preparation). There are at least five macropodid species represented, of which four can be assigned to genera: Protemnodon sp.; Macropus cf. M. dryas; Macropus ( Osphran- ter) sp.; and IThylogale sp. Concepts of Chinchilla species of Macropus employed here are those of Bartholomai (1975). Protemnodon sp. (Plate 57a-b) A maxilla (F7810), fragmentary upper premolar (F7814), isolated molars (e.g. F7809), and a dentary with dP 3 and M, (F7812) represent a small species of this genus. It is most similar in mor- phology to P. chinchillaensis and P. devisi from the Pliocene Chinchilla Sand and P. otibandus from the Pliocene Otibanda Formation. The upper molars of the maxillary fragment (F7810) differ from those of P. devisi in being smaller; lacking a lingual cingulum between the bases of the protocone and hypocone; having a less well-developed midlink, and a better-developed posterior pocket. They differ from P. chinchillaensis in having a wider metaloph on M 4 and a less well-developed midlink. Overall, they most closely resemble P. chinchilla- ensis. An isolated RM 4 (F7811) is even more Minilar lo those of P. chinchillaensis than is the M 4 of F7810. It has a comparably developed midlink and a very narrow metaloph. The isolated RP 4 fragment (F7814) is relatively narrow and shows other differences that appear to distinguish it from P. chinchillaensis. Considering variation in pre- molar morphology shown by Bartholomai (1973), these differences may not be significant. DP 3 (F7812) however, appears to be markedly different from that tooth in P. chinchillaensis as well as P. devisi. The protoconid is either absent or in- ARCHER AND WADE: THE ALLINGHAM FORMATION 391 distinguishable from the metaconid, and the buccal side of the trigonid is incised by a prominent vertical fissure. There is also a buccal cingulum between the bases of the trigonid and talonid. It is possible that this single tooth is abnormal. Com- parably unique though different morphologies are reported as abnormalities by Archer (1975b). Detailed comparisons with P. otibandus will have to await formal description of the Bluff Downs material. Plane (1972) and Bartholomai (1973) indicate broad similarities between P. otibandus , P. devisi and P. chincbillaensis , and the apparently long geological history of at least P. otibandus, from late Miocene to late Pliocene time. Macropus sp. cf. M. dryas (De Vis, 1895) (Plate 57c~d) This maeropodid is well-represented by frag- mentary dentaries (e.g. F7823), and maxillary fragments (e.g. F7780). F7823 closely resembles F2508 from Chinchilla which is referable to M. dryas. Differences include a slightly more massive P 3 which also lacks the prominent crest extending postero-lingually from the posterior end of the longitudinal crest; less antero-posteriorly oriented paracristid; narrower anterior cingulum on dP 4 ; and longer P 4 with fewer and less well-defined vertical ribs along the longitudinal crest. These differences appear reasonably constant in all speci- mens examined. Upper teeth also resemble M. dryas, and no consistent differences have been noted in premolar or molar morphology. Macropus (Osphranter) sp., cf. M. woodsi Bartho- lomai, 1975 (Plate 57e) F7785, an isolated RM X represents a species of Macropus morphologically similar to Macropus (Osphranter) pan and woodsi from the Chinchilla Sand. It is approximately the size of M. woodsi and smaller than M. pan. Characters that suggest relationship with these Chinchilla species include a prominent isolated enamel crest or cusp buccal to the midlink in the buccal side of the mid-valley; relatively narrow anterior cingulum with forelink; midlink without accessory crests; and well- developed posterior pocket. This Allingham form, at present known from one tooth, could well prove to be an ancestor of either Macropus woodsi, M. pan or both. Three isolated premolars (F7789 91) resemble those of modern M. (Osphranter ) but may repre- sent either M. ( Osphranter ) cf. M. woodsi, or yet another unknown, even unrelated, maeropodid. An unworn LP 4 (F7791) shows a basic pattern shared by many macropodine genera such as Macropus, Petrogale, Prionotemnus, and Wallabia, with a principal longitudinal ribbed crest sup- ported at each end by a large cusp; well-developed lingual cingulum and cingular basin; low postero- lingual cusp connected to the longitudinal crest by a small transverse crest; and small posterior pocket formed between the transverse crest, the postero- lingual cusp, the large posterior cusp of the longitudinal crest, and a small posterior cingulum. A slightly worn LP 4 is more similar to that tooth in Osphranter than other forms examined. It is a simple tooth, indistinctly bilobed with a very reduced postero-lingual crest. Cf. Thylogale Two isolated lower molars (F7794-5) are difficult to distinguish from teeth of modern Thylogale but show too few distinctive structures to enable reference to any particular modern or fossil genus. An isolated upper right molariform tooth (F7785) may represent a dP 4 and is similarly difficult to distinguish from corresponding teeth of Thylogale (e.g. T. stigmatica). Small Macropodine (Plate 57Q F7784, an isolated lower molar, is unlike other Allingham macropodids noted above in possessing a relatively horizontal posterior cingulum, such as occurs in some Protemnodon. This feature com- bined with its Macropus- like crown morphology and small size makes it unlike any Pliocene or Quaternary macropodids examined. Diprotodontidae Zygomaturus sp. (Plate 58d) An isolated RP 4 (F7776) represents a species of Zygomaturus. Three species of Zygomaturus are currently recognized: Z. trilobus (many Pleistocene deposits); Z. gitli (Beaumaris); and Z. keanei (Alcoota). The Allingham Zygomaturus differs from all of these in having a much larger hypocone and smaller protocone so that transverse tooth width is markedly greatest along a line through the hypocone and metacone, and a much better developed buccal cingulum and cingular pocket. Closer comparison may be made with an as yet undescribed specimen (F3829) of Zygomaturus from the Chinchilla Sand. The Chinchilla specimen is similar in having a large hypocone and a well- developed buccal cingulum. It differs from the 392 MEMOIRS OF THE QUEENSLAND MUSEUM Allingham tooth in being much larger in all dimensions; in having an even longer buccal cingulum; and in having the protocone and Lypocone farther apart. Other differences are obscured by wear on the Allingham specimen. This zygomaturine is important first in suggest- ing a closer relationship with a Chinchilla species than any other zygomaturine, and secondly in demonstrating differences which may be in- terpreted as indicating it could be ancestral to the Chinchilla species. The importance of zygomaturines in correlation has been suggested by Stirton, Tedford and Woodburne (1968), and they may be useful in interpreting the age of the Chinchilla Sand relative to other late Tertiary mammal bearing deposits. Euryzygoma sp. (Plate 58a) The most common diprotodontid from the Allingham Formation is referable to the noto- theriine genus Euryzygoma. Only one species is named, E. dunense, from the Chinchilla Sand. The Allingham Euryzygoma is represented by one complete (F7891) and two partial skulls as well as several dentaries and isolated teeth. If it were not for the enormous variation apparently exhibited by E. dunense from Chinchilla, it would be tempting to believe that more than one species was represented by the Allingham remains. This may yet prove to be the case. The possibility that there is more than one Chinchilla species is also under examination. Until this problem is resolved, the specific identity of the Allingham Euryzygoma must remain uncertain. Although premolar morphology can be matched in the two samples (e.g. F7765 from Allingham, and some of the teeth included in F5812 from Chinchilla), several cranial differences include morphology of the zygomatic arch which in the Allingham Euryzygoma more closely resembles less specialized nototheriines than does E. dunense. Nototheriine, genus indet. (Plate 58b-c) A small nototheriine is represented by several dentary fragments including F7766, an isolated worn RP 4 ; F7830, a maxillary fragment of an as yet unprepared skull containing M 3 4 . This animal differs from the Allingham Euryzygoma in being much smaller, having a very reduced M 4 with markedly narrow metaloph, and in several charac- ters of the dentary. It resembles in molar and dentary morphology several specimens from Chinchilla regarded pre- viously as Euowenia grata , a form whose generic status is in doubt. M 4 of F519 (holotype of Euowenia grata) from Chinchilla is similar but has a wider metaloph than the Allingham specimen. Taxonomic assessment of this small Allingham nototheriine will have to await preparation of the skull. Incertae Sedis (Plates 55d-f, 57g) A single tooth fragment (F7792) may represent an otherwise unknown family. It represents a medium to large-sized animal, presumably mar- supial, that has a well-developed cingulum, and at least two small twinned cusps. Twinned cusps are rare in marsupials. They occur in some perameloids (e.g. Macrotis) and phascolarctids. Coprolites (e.g. F7761) are common in the deposit. Size and shape suggest they were produced by a medium to large-sized animal, possibly a corcodilian, large snake, or diprotodontid, and that they were deposited in water. Some of the largest are too massive to have maintained their shape had they been deposited on hard ground or transported. Further, they bear no impressions such as might be expected if they were deposited on an irregular terrestrial surface. DISCUSSION At this stage in our knowledge of the Bluff Downs local fauna, twenty-two taxa including thirteen mammals have been recognized. There is no representation of monotremes, dasyurids, thyla- cinids, thylacomyids, phalangerids, petaurids, bur- ramyids, myrmecobiids, wynyardiids, notoryctids, or tarsipedids. Except for the last four, all are represented in older as well as younger deposits and their absence from the Bluff Downs local fauna cannot be the result of absence from the Australian continent at that time. In some families, repre- sentative modern forms occur in most broad ecological habitats so that absence of monotremes, dasyurids, petaurids, and burramyids may be the result of chance sampling. Notoryctids, myrme- cobiids and thylacomyids are represented in the modern fauna by arid-adapted forms, most of which are rare, and their absence from the Bluff Downs local fauna may reflect a similar Pliocene rarity or an unsuitable environment. Aspects of the Palaeoenvironment Accuracy of interpretation depends on both extent to which the sample represents the con- temporaneous fauna in diversity and species abun- dance, and extent that ecological requirements of ARCHER AND WADE: THE ALLINGHAM FORMATION 393 fossil forms may be interpreted from those of their nearest living relatives. Major uncertainties re- main. Certainties are that Chara, crustaceans, and fish indicate persistent fresh water, and tortoises, crocodiles and Black-headed Storks are supporting evidence for at least seasonal bodies of water. Modern tortoises and crocodiles can migrate considerable distances to find suitable water and therefore are not evidence for permanent water. When the modern Allingham Creek is running, small fish are abundant and tortoises common. When the creek is not running tortoises form a relatively much larger part of the biomass in waterholes (pers. comm. J. Barratt), presumably a reflection of their ability to migrate. Among carnivores known from the fossil fauna, the dog-sized Thylacoleo is the largest mammalian carnivore. The crocodile Palimnarchus was prob- ably capable of killing any of the mammals represented in the fauna. Although tortoises could have formed at least part of the food supply of Palimnarchus , not one of the hundreds of plates preserved show evidence of tooth marks which would suggest such predation. Further, there are very few fish remains in the deposit, suggesting they were not an abundant source of crocodile food. It is possible that Palimnarchus hunted mainly mammals (and/or birds), either waiting for them to come to water, or possibly even pursuing them near shore. Mammals represented in the deposit suggest arboreal ( Koohor jimharratti ) as well as terrestrial habitats. The much greater abundance of ter- restrial forms suggests that the surrounding area was savannah woodland. Terrestrial forms include numerous grazing kangaroos and diprotodontids, including a species of Protemnodon which may have been a browser. There is evidence from macropodid post-cranial remains of a Tree Kangaroo-like form which may have been the same species of Protemnodon. Considering the ap- parently rapid evolution and radiation of kan- garoos in the late Tertiary (Bartholomai 1972), it is perhaps particularly unwise to extrapolate to these lower Pliocene forms, habitat requirements of supposedly similar modern forms. Thus, Macropus ( Osphranter) cf M. woodsi may not resemble most modern members of the subgenus Osphranter in showing any preference for rocky hills or slopes. In summary, there is evidence to suggest that bodies of water were present for at least months at a time. It is also probable that these lakes, rivers, or swamps were not permanent. It is possible that the Bluff Downs local fauna represents a riparian assemblage. Comparison with other Kalimnan and Post Kalimnan Local Faunas Comparisons of the Bluff Downs local fauna should be made with the Chinchilla, Hamilton, Awe, Fisherman's Cliff, Kanunka, Palankarinna, and Beaumaris local faunas. This comparison is summarized in Table 1 where only species occur- ring in the Bluff Downs local fauna are considered. Chinchilla: Except for the peramelid, all Bluff Downs mammal species are closely comparable with forms from the Chinchilla local fauna of southeastern Queensland. Frequently the Bluff Downs member of each species pair is structurally ancestral in terms of size and morphology. For this reason, differences between the two local faunas are not regarded here as evidence of merely ecological or geographical differences, but rather as evidence for a difference in age, with Chinchilla appearing to be the younger of the two. We support the suggestion of Bartholomai (1973) of a late Pliocene age for Chinchilla. It is not likely to be Pleistocene because of the closer similarities of Chinchilla species to those of Bluff Downs than to those from eastern Darling Downs Pleistocene deposits. For example, there is no undoubted record of Dipro- todon, Nototherium, Procoptodon, Fissuridon , Mac- ropus (Macropus), or Sarcophilus from Chinchilla or Bluff Downs, nor is there any record of Euryzygoma, Macropus cf. M. dryas or Pro- temnodon cf. P. chinchillaensis from eastern Darl- ing Downs deposits. Hamilton: The Pliocene Hamilton local fauna of Victoria (Turnbull and Lundelius 1970) is not broadly comparable with either the Bluff Downs or the Chinchilla local faunas since it contains mostly small mammals represented by isolated teeth. Only Palorchestes near P. painei appears to suggest that Hamilton is structurally older than Chinchilla which contains P. parvus. Teeth from the Hamilton deposit came from a soil overlain by a basalt dated at 4-35 ± 01 Myr (Turnbull and Lundelius 1970). Therefore the Hamilton local fauna may be closely comparable in age to the Bluff Downs local fauna. Awe: The Pliocene Awe local fauna of Papua (Plane 1967) contains two structurally simple species of Protemnodon and in this respect they resemble Bluff Downs and Chinchilla species. Awe zygomaturines ( Kolopsis rotundus and Kolopsoides cultridens) are structurally more primitive than the Bluff Downs Zygomaturus , and clearly resemble late Miocene Alcoota zygomaturines. However, the Awe nototheriine ( Nototherium watutense ) is not very different from the Bluff Downs noto- theriines ( Euryzygoma and ‘ Euowenia ’). Lack of a 394 MEMOIRS OF THE QUEENSLAND MUSEUM TABLE 1: The Distribution of Elements of the Bluff Downs Local Fauna in Other Late Tertiary and Early Quaternary Local Faunas Bluff Downs local fauna E. Dari. Downs Kanunka Fisherman’s Cliff Chinchilla Hamilton Awe Palankarinna Beaumaris crustacean s? s? fish (teleost) s? s? s? s? s? tChelodina sp. s? s? f? s? Palimnarchus sp. f s? f f cf. Amphibolurus sp. Varanus sp. s? f s? ? elapid boid s? Xenorhynchus asiaticus c c c c c c Perameles allinghamensis g‘ ? sf Phascolonus lemleyi g s? f g Koobor jimbarratti g Thylacoleo sp. g g g Protemnodon sp. g s? g g s? g M. ( Prionotemnus) cf. M. dryas Sg Sg Sg s? Sg M. (Osphranter) cf. M. woodsi Sg Sg s? small macropodid, cf. Thylogale s? small macropodid, gen. indet. Zygomaturus sp. g g? g s? sf g g Euryzygoma sp. g nototheriine, gen. indet. g? g s? sf sf Maximum number of mammal species in common 0 2? 0 4? 2? 0 0 0 Abbreviations: s, either same species or else not yet demonstrated to be a different species; sg, same subgenus; g, same genus but different species; sf, same subfamily; f, same family; c, same class. premolar referable to N. watutense prohibits close comparison, but it is clear that all three forms are broadly similar. Anderson (1937) compares the holotype with known nototheriines and concludes it is closest in size to Euowenia grata. Considered as a whole, the Awe zygomaturines suggest that the Awe local fauna is structurally older than the Bluff Downs local fauna although Page and McDougall (1972) suggest that a date of 31 Myr may be the oldest reliable date associated with the Awe local fauna. Plane (1967) reports dates between 5-7 and 7-6 Myr for intercalcated pyroclastics. Fisherman’s Cliff: Marshall (1973) regards the Fisherman’s Cliff local fauna to be probably late Pliocene or early Pleistocene in age. The macro- podids include a species of Protemnodon which Marshall considers is most similar to P. devisi (as P. cf. P. otibandus ) from Chinchilla. The specimen is not figured. The diprotodontids include a possible species of Diprotodon which suggests this local fauna is Pleistocene in age. Kanunka: The Kanunka local fauna from the Lake Eyre Basin of South Australia is briefly described by Stirton, Tedford and Miller (1961) who consider it to be ?Pleistocene in age. Their preliminary comments suggest similarity to the Bluff Downs local fauna, but do not exclude comparison with Pleistocene deposits such as those from the eastern Darling Downs. The apparent absence of Diprotodon favours a late Pliocene age, although it is probably younger than the Bluff Downs or Chinchilla local faunas. Palankarinna: Stirton, Tedford and Wood- burne (1968) regard the Palankarinna local fauna from the Lake Eyre Basin of South Australia to be late Pliocene in age. Faunal diversity is low. The perameloid ( Ischnodon australis ) is a thylacomyid and hence not comparable with Perameles alling- hamensis. Diprotodontids include the noto- theriine Meniscolophus mawsoni and the zygomat- urine Zygomaturus keanei. It is apparent that generic boundaries of Meniscolophus , Euryzygoma and ‘ Euowenia ’ need re-examination. However, M. mawsoni appears to differ specifically from Chin- chilla and Bluff' Downs nototheriines. Z. keanei and the Zygomaturus from Bluff Downs differ at ARCHER AND WADE: THE ALLINGHAM FORMATION 395 what is probably a specific level, but it is not yet possible to assess which form is structurally ancestral to the other. Bartholomai (1975) has recently recognized the Palankarinna macropodid Prionotemnus palankarinnicus from Chinchilla. Beaumaris: Stirton, Tedford and Woodburne (1968) review the Beaumaris local fauna from southern Victoria, considering it to be early Pliocene in age. Zygomaturus gilli is, like Z. keanei and Z. trilobus, unlike the Bluff Downs Zygo- maturus which resembles, but dilfers from, the Chinchilla Zygomaturus. Zygomaturine taxonomy and biostratigraphy is in need of careful re- examination and at this stage it does not enable us to assess the relative ages of the two local faunas. In summary, the Bluff Downs local fauna compares most closely with the Chinchilla local fauna but may prove to be also similar in composition to the Kanunka and Hamilton local faunas. Apparent differences between these and other Kalimnan local faunas may be the result of differing ages, latitudes, conditions of accumu- lation, or ecological setting. ACKNOWLEDGMENTS Mr Jim Barratt deserves special thanks for giving so much of his time, with his wife Tup and son Lionel. Thanks also are extended to Mr Wally Snewin who, with Jim, first discovered the Ailing- ham fossils. Mr Allistair McDougal at Bluff Downs Station kindly allowed us access to the site and has been continuously helpful during the two years of field work. Mr Stan Blacklock and Mr John Stone of Emu Valley Station have similarly provided generous assistance. Dr Ray E. Lemley, Associate of the Queensland Museum, was most helpful during the 1973 field season by financing the expedition and sorting concentrate in the field. Mr Andrew Elliot of the Queensland Museum provided valuable field assistance. Dr George Heinsohn, Ms Sally Cooper, Messrs Stewart Frusher, James Oliver, Tony Paladin, David Flett, Peter Channells, and Michael Guinea, all of James Cook University, helped in aspects of excavation in 1974. We are also grateful to Dr Alan Bartholomai, Queensland Museum, Dr Richard Tedford, Amer- ican Museum of Natural History, Dr Max Hecht, Queens College and Mr Peter Crabb, Monash University for comments and advice. Mr Jerry Van Tets, C.S.I.R.O., Canberra, kindly provided the bird identification. Mr John Hardy, Queensland University, produced the scanning electron micro- scope photographs (Plate 55b-c). Mr Allan Easton, Queensland Museum, produced the other photographs used in the plates. Mrs E. Archer prepared the holotype of Phascolonus lemleyi , and Mr A. Elliot prepared the skull of Euryzgoma sp. (Plate 58a) and the dentary of the small nototheriine (Plate 58c). LITERATURE CITED Anderson, C., 1937. 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Mem. Nat. Mus. Viet. 33 : 33-6. Ride, W. D. L., 1967. On Sceparnodon ramsayi Owen, 1884: The selection of a lectotype, the clarification of its type locality, and on its identity with Phascolonus gigas (Owen, 1859). Rec. S. Aust. Mus. 15 : 419-25. 1 970. ‘A guide to the native mammals of Australia.’ Pp. xiv + 249 (Oxford Univ. Press: Melbourne). Riedel, W. R., 1973. Cenozoic planktonic micropaleon- tology and biostratigraphy. Ann. Rev. Earth and Plan. Sci. 1 : 241-68. Roberts, A., and Mountford, C. P., 1970, The Dreamtime’. 79 pp. (Rigby Ltd.: Adelaide). Stephenson, N. G., 1964. On fossil giant wombats and the identity of Sceparnodon ramsayi. Proc. Zool. Soc. Lond. 142 : 537^16. Stirling, E. C., 1913. On the identity of Phascolomys ( Phascolonus) gigas, Owen, and Sceparnodon ram- sayi, Owen; a description of some of its remains. Mem. Roy. Soc. S. Aust. 1 : 127-78. Stirton, R. A., 1955. Late Tertiary marsupials from South Australia. Rec. S. Aust. Mus. 11 : 247-68. 1967. A new species of Zygomaturus and additional observations on Meniscolophus, Pliocene Palankar- inna fauna, South Australia. Bur. Min. Resour. Aust. Bull. 85: 129-47. Stirton, R. A., Tedford, R. H., and Miller, A. H., 1961. Cenozoic stratigraphy and vertebrate paleon- tology of the Tirari Desert, South Australia. Rec. S. Aust. Mus. 14 : 19 61. Stirton, R. A., Tedford, R. H., and Woodburne, M. O., 1968. Australian Tertiary deposits containing terrestrial mammals. Univ. Calif. Publ. Geol. Sci. 77: 1-30. Tate, G. H. H., 1948. Studies in the Peramelidae (Marsupialia). Bull. Am. Mus. nat. Hist. 92 : 313 46. 1951. The wombats (Marsupialia, Phascolomyidae). Amer. Mus. Novit. 1525 : 1-18. Tedford, R. H., 1970. Principles and practices of mammalian geochronology in North America. Proc. N. Amer. Paleon. Com., Sept., 1969: 666-703. Turnbull, W. D. and Lundelius, E. L., 1970. The Hamilton fauna, a late Pliocene mammalian fauna from the Grange Burn, Victoria, Australia. Fiel- diana: Geol. 19 : 1-163. Wakefield, N. A., 1972. Palaeoecology of fossil mammal assemblages from some Australian caves. Proc. R. Soc. Vic. 85: 1-26. Worrell, E., 1970. ‘Reptiles of Australia’. Pp. xv + 169. (Angus and Robertson: Sydney). Wyatt, D. H,, 1968. Townsville, Qd. 1:250,000 Geologi- cal Ser. Explan. Notes Bur. Miner. Res. Geol. Geoph. Aust., SE/55-14. 1969. A note on the geology of the Bluff Downs-Allensleigh area. Qd. Govt. Min. J. 17 : 296 303. Wyatt, D. H., and Webb, A. W., 1970. Potassium-argon ages of some northern Queensland basalts and an interpretation oflate Cainozoic history. J. Geol. Soc. Aust. 17 : 39-51. 398 MEMOIRS OF THE QUEENSLAND MUSEUM Plate 54 Bluff Downs invertebrates and lower vertebrates a, ¥1112 teleost vertebra b, F7771, teleost spine c, F 7767 , vertically fluted crocodile tooth d, ¥1163, tooth of Palimnarchus sp. e, F7764, tooth of Palimnarchus showing occlusal wear of tip f, F7829, crustacean gastrolith g, F7826, small snake vertebra, possibly elapid h, F7813, tooth possibly referable to Varanus sp. i, F7812, fragment of an agamid dentary j, ¥1114, vertebra of Varanus sp. k, F7775, vertebra of a large boid Unless otherwise indicated, line represents one cm. ARCHER AND WADE: THE ALLINGHAM FORMATION Plate 54 MEMOIRS OF THE QUEENSLAND MUSEUM Plate 55 Bluff Downs mammals a, F7762, right dentary of Thylacoleo sp. with broken P 4 and M , b, F7822, stereopair scanning electron microscope photo- graphs, RM 1 or RM 2 , holotype Koobor jimbarratti n. gen. and sp. c, F782 1 , stereopair scanning electron microscope photographs, RM 2 , holotype Perameles allinghamensis n. sp. d-f, F7792, stereopair, tooth fragment of unknown type of mammal Line represents one cm. ARCHER AND WADE: THE ALLINGHAM FORMATION Plate 55 I- MEMOIRS OF THE QUEENSLAND MUSEUM Plate 56 Phascolonus lemleyi n. sp. a, F7818, LI], lingual view b-d, F7819, left dentary, holotype, Phascolonus lemleyi n. sp. Line represents one cm. ARCHER AND WADE: THE ALLINGHAM FORMATION Plate 56 MEMOIRS OF THE QUEENSLAND MUSEUM Plate 57 Bluff Downs macropodids and coprolite a, F7810, right maxillary fragment with parts of RM 1 ' 2 and M 3-4 , Protemnodon sp. b, F7812, right dentary fragment with RdP 4 - M 1? Protemnodon sp. c-d, F7823, right dentary with RP 3 , dP 4 , M x , and P 4 (excavated, d), Macropus sp. cf. M. dryas e, F7785, isolated upper molar, Macropus ( Osphranter) sp., cf. M. woodsi f, F7784, isolated lower molar, small macropodine of uncertain affinities g, F7761, coprolite Line represents one cm. ARCHER AND WADE: THE ALLINGHAM FORMATION Plate 57 MEMOIRS OF THE QUEENSLAND MUSEUM Plate 58 Bluff Downs diprotodontids a, F7891, skull, Euryzygoma sp. b, F7830, left maxillary fragment, small nototheriine c, left dentary fragment with damaged LM 2 _ 4 , small nototh- eriine d, F7776, isolated RP 4 , Zygomaturus sp. Line represents one cm. Plate 58 ARCHER AND WADE: THE ALLINGHAM FORMATION Mem. QdMus. 17(3): 399-411, pis. 59-60. [1976] DARDURUS, A NEW GENUS OF AMAUROBIID SPIDER FROM EASTERN AUSTRALIA, WITH DESCRIPTIONS OF SIX NEW SPECIES Valerie Todd Davies Queensland Museum ABSTRACT A new genus Dardurus (fam. Amaurobiidae) is described, with six new species D. spinipes , D. silvaticus, D. tamborinensis (ecribeWate), D. ncmorctlis. D. saltuosus and D. agrestis. Thecribellum looks like a flat semi-circular colulus and a magnification of 200x was needed to see the spinning areas. The species show a reduction in the number of spinning tubes with a corresponding reduction in the length and number of hairs in the calamistrum until in D. tamborinensis neither spinning tubes nor calamistrum are present. The spiders live a sedentary life in small, decorated silk tubes with two openings. Scanning electron micrographs of the cribella of Ixeuticus longinquus (Koch, L., 1867) and Stiphidion face turn Simon, 1902 are included for comparison. In the latter half of the nineteenth century collections of spiders were made around the sea ports of Queensland and New South Wales for the Godeffroy Museum, Hamburg. About 600 spiders were described in Die Arachniden Australiens and its Supplement by Koch (1871-81) and Keyserling (1881-89). At about the same time Thorell de- scribed 46 species from Cape York Peninsula in Studi sui Ragni Malesi e Papuani, vol. 3. Between 1893 and 1920 Rainbow contributed much to the knowledge of Australian spiders. He was en- tomologist at the Australian Museum, Sydney for many years and not only described about 200 spiders but also wrote much on their webs and behaviour. In 1911 he published a Census of Australian Araneidae where he listed approxi- mately 1200 species. Included among these were 100 spiders described by Hogg from specimens in the British Museum. From 1926 Hickman, Australia’s foremost araneologist, described about 70 spiders most of which were from Tasmania and some of which required the erection of new families. Recently Main has revised and re-defined some of the mygalomorph genera. It will be seen from this brief review that the araneomorphs of E. Australia have been rather neglected since 1920, so it is not surprising that a new genus, like Dardurus , can be found in a suburban garden. The term ‘amaurobiid’ is used in the broad sense of Lehtinen (1967) not in the restricted sense of Forster and Wilton (1973). All specimens have been deposited in the Queensland Museum (QM). Measurements of the cephalothorax length (CL), cephalothorax width (CW), abdomen length (AL), abdomen width (AW), and measurements of leg segments were made with an ocular micrometer and converted to millimetres. Dardurus nov. gen. Small size. Both rows of eyes straight if viewed from above, procurved if viewed from front; anterior median eyes smallest. Cheliceral boss present. Labium wider than long. Maxillae narrow at base, wide and truncated at apex with well marked serrula and scopula. Sternum widely truncate, produced posteriorly between fourth coxae. Trochanteral notch absent. Anterior tibiae with more than 3 pairs of conspicuous long ventro- lateral spines. Superior tarsal claws with 7 pecti- nations; inferior claw smooth. Palpal tarsus longer and wider than other tarsi. Plumose hairs absent. Trichobothria in a single row of increasing length distally on metatarsi and tarsi, irregularly placed on tibiae. Trichobothria on cymbium. Six spin- nerets, anterior laterals largest. Undivided cribel- lum or flat semicircular colulus. Cribellum absent in <$. Calamistrum proximal or absent. Epigynum with undivided fossa. Apophyses on patella and tibia of S palp. Embolus curved, spiniform; conductor membraneous. Four unbranched tracheal tubes arising from a median posterior 400 MEMOIRS OF THE QUEENSLAND MUSEUM spiracle. The spider lives on the underside of logs or in soil in a camouflaged silken tube with two openings. The generic name is derived from the Aboriginal work ‘dardur’ — a bark hut. Type Species: Dardurus spinipes n. sp. Dardurus spinipes n. sp. (Figs. 1-10, 19a; Plates 59A, 60B) Material Examined Holotype: Open sclerophyll forest on Brisbane River, Roedean St, Fig Tree Pocket, Brisbane, SE.Q., V. Davies, 22.V.74, . , QM W4877. Paratypes: Open sclerophyll forest on Brisbane R.. Roedean St, Fig Tree Pocket, Brisbane, SE.Q,, V. Davies,, Id, QM W4878; 4.iii.74, L. 1 juv., QM W4879; 21.i.73, 1 , QM W4880; 12.viii.73, 1$, Id, QM W4881; 9.ix.73, 3 , QM W4882; 2.viii.73, 2$, Id, 1 penult, d, 1 juv., QM W4883; 22.V.74, 3,', 4d, 1 juv., QM W4884;, 2$, Id, QM W4885;, 12, QM W4886; l.viii.74, 3:, QM W4887. Under log in bank near Little Yabba Creek, Conondale Ra., SE.Q., R. Raven, 3 l.viii.74, 6 , Id, QM W4888; 31,viii. 74, 4 , 2 juv., QM W4889. Description of Female CL 1 50; CW 098; AL 1 78; AW MO. Cephalothorax and legs are orange brown, abdomen is grey-black with lighter grey pattern (Figs. 1 , 2). Small white patches (‘thoracic patches’) one on each side of the thoracic fovea similar to those noticed by Forster and Wilton (p. 1 66, 1973) in some of the female cribellate Amphinectidae from New Zealand. The long spines on tibiae and metatarsi 1 and II are reddish brown in colour. Both rows of eyes are procurved if viewed from the front, straight if viewed from above (Figs. 3a, b). The ratio of eyes AME:ALE:PME:PLE is 6:10:9:9. There are 4 teeth on retromargin of chelicerae; 2 large and 3 small teeth on promargin (Fig. 4). The maxillae are narrow at the base, wide and truncated at the apex with a well marked serrula and scopula. The labium is wider than long in ratio 1:0-63. The sternum is longer than wide, 1:0-87. Notation of spines: Palp: tibia, p. 1-2.2; tarsus, numerous spines (Fig. 5). First leg (Fig. 6): femur, d.l.p.l. distal; tibia, v.2.p.0. 1.1. 1 .l.(l).r.0.1 . 1.1.1; metatarsus, v.l.p.O.l.l.l.r.O.l.l.l; tarsus, 0. Second leg: femur, d. 1.1.0; tibia, v.2. p.0.1. (l).l.l.r.O.l.O.l.l.; metatarsus, d.l. 1.0.0. p.1.1. l.l.r.0. 1.1.1. Third leg: tibia, d.O.l.O.v. 1.0.1. p.l.l.O.r. 1.1.0; metatarsus, numerous small spines. Fourth leg: tibia, v.l.!.0.r.; metatarsus, several spines. Calamistrum proximal, consisting of 7 rather sparse curved hairs (Fig. 7). Superior tarsal claws with 7 pectinations (Fig. 8); the inferior claw smooth. Six spinnerets; anterior laterals (AS) largest, in ventral view tending to obscure the rest. ASxribellum, 1:1-10. The cribellum has the ap- pearance of a large flat colulus. The electron scanning microscope shows spinning tubes are present in 6 transverse alternating rows with about 15-16 tubes in each row (Plate 60, B). The epigynum (Figs. 9a, b, 19a) occupies a large part of the ventral abdominal surface and has well marked lateral ridges. The fossa is undivided, i.e. there is no median ridge or guide. Width of external epigynum 2} x length. Variation: Cephalothorax lengths were from 1-14-1-50. Sometimes there are 2 large and only 2 small teeth on the promargin of the chelicerae. There was some variation in the arrangement of spines on the corresponding legs from left and right sides of the spiders. This is indicated by the use of ( ) in the notation of spines. An extra prolateral spine is not uncommon on the first and second tibia. The spiders from Conondale Range were darker in colour and there was a dorsal spine on the fourth femur. Description of Male QM W4878: CL 1*20; CW 0-80; AL 1*32; AW 0 - 88 . Cephalothorax lengths varied from 1-02 to 1-46 mm. Males are similar to females in colour, general structure and spination of the legs except that the TABLE 1: Leg Measurements of D . spinipes ■. and (<3) Leg Femur Patella Tibia Metatarsus Tarsus Total 1-06(0-98) 0-46(0-40) 1-00(0-96) 0-82(0-80) 0-28(0-34) 3-62(3-48) ii 0-84(0-74) 0-42(0-36) 0-66(0-60) 0-66(0-64) 0-26(0-26) 2-84(2-60) iii 0-68(0-62) 0-36(0-30) 0-38(0-40) 0-56(0-52) 0-24(0-24) 2-22(2-08) iv 0-94(0-90) 0-42(0-34) 0-72(0-74) 0-84(0-80) 0-30(0-30) 3-22(3-08) palp 0-40(0-42) 0-20(0-14) 0-28(0-20) 0-42(0-66) 1-30(1-42) 0.2mm DAVIES: DARDVRVS , A NEW GENUS OF AMAUROBIID 401 Figs. 1-8: $ D. spinipes. L, lateral view; 2, ventral view; 3a, eyes from top; 3b, eyes from front; 4, chelicera; 5, tarsus of palp; 6, first leg; 7, fourth leg; 8, superior tarsal claw. 1 0.1 mml 0.2mm 402 MEMOIRS OF THE QUEENSLAND MUSEUM Fig. 9: 9 D. spinipes. 9a, external epigynum, cleared; 9b, internal epigynum. Fig. 10: £ D. spinipes. 10a, palp, dorsal; 10b, palp, ventral; 10c, palp, retrolateral; lOd, palp, prolateral. DAVIES: DARDbRUS , A NEW GENUS OF AMAUROBIID 403 prolateral distal spine on femur I is absent and there are no ‘thoracic patches’ near the fovea. There is a colulus in the penultimate and mature It is smaller than the $ cribellum and has no spinning tubes. Neither the penultimate nor the mature male has a calamistrum. Trichobothria are present on the cymbium. The palp has a finger- shaped anterior retrolateral apophysis on the patella and a very complex one with several protuberances on the retrolateral surface of the tibia (Fig. 10a, b, c). An apophysis arises from the tegulum and curves over the embolus which is retrolateral to the apophysis. A small ventral flange on the latter appears to keep the embolus in place. The spiniform embolus rests on a membraneous conductor. Whether the apophysis is a median apophysis or whether this is absent is uncertain. Habits and Life History All the spiders were collected from open sclero- phyll forest. They live in small (10-13 mm) tubes with 2 openings (Plate 59A) and are found on rotting wood or sometimes under stones or in soil. The tube which is decorated with bark debris (hence the generic name) or soil particles has no web outside it. Females were found throughout the year; penultimate males from February until May and males till the end of August. Males were often found with one palp broken off and it was not unusual to find them occupying the same tube as females. Egg sacs containing 3-6 eggs were found from August to March. Dardurus silvaticus n. sp. (Figs. 11-13, 19c; Plates 59B, 60A) Material Examined Holotype: Rain forest, Mt Glorious, 32 km NW. Brisbane, SE.Q., V. Davies, 19.vii.74, $, QM W4890. Paratypes: Rain forest, Mt Glorious, SE.Q., V. Davies, 19.vii.74, lrf, QM W4891;, 2$, IJ, QM W4892. Description of Female CL 1*18; CW 0-88; AL 1 28; AW 110. The spider is similar in colour and pattern to D. spinipes however the abdominal pattern shows an extension of the pale patches over the posterior half of the abdomen giving it a lighter colour (Fig. 11). Small ‘thoracic patches’ are present. The eyes are similar to D. spinipes. There are 4 teeth on the retromargin of the chelicerae. The labium is wider than long 1 :0-66. Sternum longer than wide 1:0-91. Notation of Spines: Palp: tibia, p.1.2; tarsus, numerous small spines, First leg femur, d.l.(l).0. p.l. distal; tibia, v.2.p. 1.1.1. 1.(1); metatarsus, v.l.p.O.l.l.l.r.0. 1.1.1; tarsus, 0. Second leg: femur, d. 1.1.0; tibia, v.2.p. 0.1. 1.1.1. r.0. 1 .0. 1. 1; metatarsus, d. 1 . 1 .0.O.p, 1.1.1. 1 .r.0. 1.1.1. Third leg: tibia, d.O.l.O.v.l.O.l.p. 1.1.0. r. 1.1.0; metatarsus, numerous small spines. Fourth leg: tibia, v. 1 . 1 . 1.0. 1 .p.0.(l).0. 1 .0.r.0. 1 .0. 1 .0; meta- tarsus, several spines. Calamistrum, proximal and well developed consisting of 9 curved hairs. Ratio of AS:cribellum 1:1-18. The cribellum has about nine rows of spinning tubes with at least 25 tubes in a row (Plates 59B, 60A) which is many more than D. spinipes. In both species the tubes are unsegmented. The epigynum (Figs. 12a, b, 19c) is less chitinized than D. spinipes with weak lateral ridges and a large open fossa almost the width of the epigynum. Variation: Cephalothorax of $ QM W4892 is 1-28 mm long. As in D. spinipes there may be extra spines on the first and second tibiae. Description of Male QM W4891: CL 1-10; CW 0-78; AL M2; AW 0-74. The colour and pattern is similar to $. There are no ‘thoracic patches’ on the cephalothorax. Notation of Spines: First leg: femur, d.l.O.p.l. distal; tibia, v.2.p.0. 1 . 1 . 1 . 1 .r.0. 1 . 1 . 1 . 1 .; metatarsus, v.l. p.0.1.1. 1. r.0. 1.1.1; Second leg: femur, d.l; tibia, v. 2. p.0.1 . 1.1.1. r.0. 1.0. 1.1; metatarsus, d.l. 1.0.0. p.l. 1.1.1. r.0. 1.1.1. Third leg as in female. Fourth leg: tibia, v. 1.0. 1.0.1. p.0.1. 0.0.0. r. 0.(1). 0.1.0. There is no calamistrum. Male palp: The tibial apophysis on the palp (Fig. 1 3a, b) is less complex than D. spinipes with fewer TABLE 2: Leg Measurements of D. silvaticus $ and (^) Leg Femur Patella Tibia Metatarsus Tarsus Total i 0-84(0-88) 0-40(0-40) 0-72(0-86) 0-64(0-76) 0-26(0-32) 2-86(3-22) ii 0-66(0-70) 0-34(0-34) 0-52(0-54) 0-52(0-60) 0-22(0-28) 2-26(2-46) iii 0-52(0-58) 0-28(0-28) 0-30(0-32) 0-40(0-48) 0-20(0-22) 1-70(1-88) iv 0-80(0-84) 0-32(0-30) 0-60(0-64) 0-68(0-78) 0-28(0-30) 2-68(2-86) palp 0-38(0-38) 0-20(0-18) 0-22(0-20) — 0-32(0-54) 1-12(1-30) 404 MEMOIRS OF THE QUEENSLAND MUSEUM protuberances. The embolus lies on a mem- MtTamborine, SE.Q. V. Davies, C. L. Wilton, R. Raven, braneous conductor retrolateral to the apophysis. 10.vii.74, 2J, 1$, QM W4895. Dardurus tamborinensis n. sp. (Figs. 14-15, 19b) Material Examined Holotype: Rain forest, Curtis Falls track, Mt Tam- borine 50 km S. Brisbane, SE.Q. V. Davies,, I, QM W4893. Paratypes: Curtis Falls track, Mt Tamborine, SE.Q., V. Davies,, Id, QM W4894; Curtis Falls track. Description of Female CL 1-22; CW 0-84; AL 1-34; AW 0-90. Cephalothorax and legs are pale yellow brown. Two small white Thoracic patches’ on each side of fovea present. Abdomen grey-black with lighter pattern. Eyes like D. spinipes. Five teeth on retromargin of chelicerae; 2 large and 2 small teeth of promargin. Labium wider than long 1:062. The sternum a little longer than broad 1:0-95. 13 b \ j / Figs. 11-12: , D. silvaticus. 11, abdomen, dorsal; 12a, external epigynum, cleared; 12b, internal epigynum. Fig. 13: d D. silvaticus. 13a, palp, dorsal; 13b, palp, ventral. Fig. 14; y D. tamborinensis. External epigynum, cleared. DAVIES: DARDURUS, A NEW GENUS OF AMAUROBIID TABLE 3: Leg Measurements of D. tamborinensis $ and (75%, medium 50-75%, and low <50%, and results are shown in Fig. 3. The coarse sediment gradings based on breaks in the data were: high >13%, medium 7-1 1%, and low <7%, results are shown in Fig. 4. The mud distribution shows two tendencies: increase of muddiness with depth, and shorewards extension of the more muddy areas opposite and slightly west of the main sources of land drainage. The latter are apparent off the Brisbane River and Cabbage Tree Creek. Opposite Serpentine Creek the effect is more localised and only the medium mud zone is involved. The distribution of the coarser sediments pre- sents an irregular pattern. There tends to be less coarse sediment in the offshore sites, and there are patches, generally isolated, with high content of coarse sediment. The coarse fractions mostly comprise dead bivalve shells and these areas of concentration presumably relate more to biotic distributions in the past than to hydrographic patterns in the present. It is of interest that dredging of shell grit for commercial purposes occurs in the area, but is shoreward of the main concentrations of coarse sediment (see Raphael 1974, fig. 4). Biotic Data Identifications: These were made in part by comparison with reference collections from pre- viously published benthic studies in Moreton Bay Fig. 3: Distribution of mud in sampled area. High proportion (mean % >75), coarse stipple; medium (50-75%), medium stipple; and low ( < 50%), fine stipple. Scale line = 1 km. STEPHENSON ET. AL.: MACROBENTHOS OF BRAMBLE BAY 429 Fig. 4: Distribution of coarse sediments (very coarse sand plus gravel = shell grit). High proportion ( 13%) coarse stipple, medium (7-11%) fine stipple, and low (< 7%) medium stipple. Scale line = 1 km. (Stephenson, Williams and Lance 1970; Stephen- son, Williams and Cook 1974). Other reference collections (like the above housed in the Queens- land Museum), were made by kind assistance from the following: Dr P. Hutchings, Australian Museum; polychaetes (terebellides and amphare- tids); Mr B. M. Campbell, Queensland Museum; crabs: Dr C. R. Smalley, Zoology Department, University of Western Australia; alpheids: Dr W. F. Ponder, Australian Museum, Sydney; some gastropods: Dr A. N. Baker, National Museum, New Zealand; ophiuiroids: Dr P. Mather, Queens- land Museum; tunicates. Numerous species have incomplete identi- fications and at least one taxon is known to be polyspecific; ‘tunicate 1’ comprises both Molgula mollis Herdman and Cnemidocarpa floccosa Slui- ter. Non-recordings: Grabs are inefficient col- lectors of penaeid prawns and benthic fish, and the few specimens obtained were not recorded. Dead material was excluded as were empty tubes of polychaetes. Chaetopterus variopedatus was an exception because intact specimens were not ob- tained; when the tubes appeared to have been inhabited recently, two tube-ends were recorded as one individual. Species Obtained Raphael (1974) listed 182 species in her shorter survey; 4 additions were recorded in the three seasons of extension. In the comparable Peel Island survey of Stephenson, Williams and Cook (1974) roughly double this number was obtained (420 species) and a current study by Stephenson, Cook and Newlands (MS) records about 450 species from Middle Banks in Moreton Bay. Using a small grab in the Serpentine Creek area over five seasons of sampling, Stephenson and Campbell (in press) obtained ca 90 species, roughly half the present number. Of the 182 species listed by Raphael (1974), polychaetes contained the largest number of spec- ies (39%) followed in decreasing order by bivalves (27%), arthropods (17%), echinoderms (6%), gast- 430 MEMOIRS OF THE QUEENSLAND MUSEUM ropods (4%) and chordates (4%). These per- centages are tolerably close to those made at Peel Island by Stephenson, Williams and Cook (1974). Comparisons of individual species with those obtained in other local surveys are difficult due to incomplete identifications. The closest available comparison is to the Peel Island study, with 70 species known to be common. Methods of Analyses The account below excludes discussion of choice between most of the alternative methods which are available (see Clifford and Stephenson 1975). We have not followed the pioneer 3D study by Williams and Stephenson (1973) for reasons partly given in Stephenson, Williams and Cook (1974) and elaborated in the Discussion. The data form two different three-dimensional matrices with dimensions s (species) x q (quadrats or sites) x t (times). The most convenient method of handling 3D data is to summate over one of the dimensions to produce three 2D matrices of q x t, s x q , and s x t respectively. The q x t matrix as derived directly contains the summated numbers ( N ) of all species in each sample. Various other forms of q x t data are readily available. By reducing the recordings of species-in-samples to binary form we obtain the number of species (S') in each sample; this gives a simple measure of diversity per sample. More sophisticated measures are available and we have also used the Shannon diversity, ( D ) per sample (N log N - £ n log n), and also per individual (H l ) expressing these to log base 10. For these.four q x t matrices, recordings of all species are incorporated. For the remaining analyses, there are advantages in reducing the number of species to consider. Raphael (1974) used different numbers of species for series I data (43) and series II data (51) basing the reductions upon ubiquity considerations. I n the present case, in theory we used the same species for both analyses, employing the 81 species with recordings of 10 or more individuals in the total data (231 samples). In fact the species used in the two analyses differed slightly because a few species present in one series of data were absent in the other. The species considered are given in the Appendix. Where only a single species of a genus is there listed, it is referred to in the text by generic name only. From the 5 x q matrix by classification we can obtain site-groups and species-groups on data summated (or averaged) over the times of sampl- ing. From the s x t matrix by classification, we can obtain time-groups and species-groups on data summated over all sites. These groupings, based on overall tendencies are of particular value in the context of the present study. The techniques used in the present case following data reduction were: (a) prior to classification of entities (sites or times), transform recordings by using log io ( n + 1); (b) prior to classification of species, standardise by totals the transformed values; and (c) classify entities and species in both cases using Bray-Curtis dissimilarity measure and group-average sorting. For easier interpretation of two-way tables, entities (i.e. sites or times) within entity-groups and species within species-groups were arranged by their sequential numbers. Perusal of the two-way tables indicates that species-groups and their constituent species char- acterize certain entity groups by occurring there in greater numbers than elsewhere. In a few cases there is ‘negative’ characterizing by the occurrence of smaller numbers. As stated elsewhere (Stephen- son and Dredge 1976) if these characterizations are effected purely by visual inspection of the data there are risks of subjectivity, while if we use statistical tests of the significance of differences these are open to criticism. Because data are near- optimally grouped we are not comparing random samples. As in the previous paper (Stephenson and Dredge 1976) we use the mechanics of certain statistical tests because they appear to follow closely the conclusions reached by visual inspection of the data. We avoid throughout use of the word ‘significantly’ and use instead ‘noticeably’ or ‘out- standingly’. Tests were at two levels, the first were for ‘scanning’ purposes and to determine whether or not entity-group means appeared different. (It should be noted that in the case of time-groups, each entity was taken as forming a group.) In general % 2 tests were employed using ‘raw’ (un- transformed) summated values. The test was extended below its legitimate limits of c. 5 per group (Sokal and Rohlf 1969, p. 565) because it is being used purely for indicative purposes. When entity-groups appear different by X 2 testing, there may still be such inter-group vari- ation that the differences are not ‘real’, hence at a second level the more stringent F test was em- ployed, with prior transformation of data using logio (ff + 1). The results are expressed in terms of noticeability of difference, with HN the equivalent of <0 01 probability and N of <0-05 probability as these levels would be applied in usual significance testing. It should be stressed that the true noticeability will STEPHENSON ET. AL .: MACROBENTHOS OF BRAMBLE BAY 431 be less than that ascribed because the data have been summated along one of the axes of the 3D matrix, and variation in that axis has been suppressed. RESULTS The series I and series II data are separately treated. Series 1 (27 sites, 7 times) Quadrats x Times Data The four matrices involving values of N, S, D and H 1 are conveniently approached by sum- mations to give quadrat means and times means — these are given in Table 1 . Heterogeneity in the data is of interest and variances of the tabulated means are also given in Table 1, together with the within quadrat and within times variances of N . Populations ( N values) and their variances are highest in quadrats 1 , 4, 5, 6 and 14 and in times 5, 6 and 7. The high values and high variances are due to isolated extremely high values as follows: quadrat 1 times 6 and 7, q4 t6, q5 t5 and tl, q6 t6 and tl, and #14 1 1 and t6. While these population values are ‘patchy’ there are clear hints of patterns in this patchiness: the high values are in the inshore sites and mostly in the later sampling periods. Variances in N values in quadrats and in times are heavily biased by the above outstandingly large sample populations. Thus by excluding the above nine results (ranging from 991 to 4581) the overall variance is reduced by 98%. These high values also contribute largely to the variance interaction of quadrats and times which is 74% of the total variance in the N matrix. Spearman rank correlation coefficients were derived for various pairs of the columns in Table 1 with results in Table 2. The high positive correlation for quadrat values between N and D implies that diversities per individual are more meaningful than diversities per site. H 1 values are positively correlated with S , the number of species per site, and negatively cor- related with the populations per site. The correlations for times are not significant in any of the cases. It should be noted that the times interrelationships and quadrat interrelationships did not follow similar patterns. Thus in the times data S and D showed a high positive correlation and also N was positively and not negatively correlated with //'. Considering the H ] values, variances between sites (0-045) are much greater than the variances between times (0-003). All inshore sites give low H l TABLE 1: Analysis of q x t Data M eans and variances of A; means of S , of D and of H l in quadrats and in times. Variances of means are also given. AH values rounded. Quadrats Quadrat No. Mean N Variance N Mean 5 Mean D Mean W 1 829 2842922 7 62 0-45 2 110 5044 9 52 0-51 3 145 5452 10 63 0-55 4 215 150166 10 61 0-46 5 1002 2660803 11 109 0-28 6 452 448781 12 92 0-44 7 28 135 15 31 1 -07 8 61 3219 12 33 0-66 9 24 643 8 14 0-75 10 25 175 11 24 0*91 11 45 348 15 38 0-88 12 33 457 13 31 0-93 13 31 256 13 30 0-95 14 506 407509 10 36 0-48 15 33 333 12 25 0-84 16 43 525 15 42 I 02 17 47 907 10 26 0-62 18 53 536 13 40 0-78 19 66 4828 18 55 0-95 20 64 5166 12 38 0-73 21 82 5451 12 44 0-64 22 46 261 16 48 1-01 23 103 7356 16 81 0-83 24 87 1372 15 61 0-85 25 91 2412 14 61 0-69 26 38 1451 15 33 0-98 27 19 141 9 15 0-80 Overall mean 158-4 12-2 46- 1 0-740 Variance of means 62169 7-67 511 0-045 Times Time Mean Variance Mean Mean Mean No. N N 5 D W 1 130 60565 14 53 0-69 2 102 16168 14 51 0-77 3 107 12646 16 66 0-80 4 53 922 9 30 0-63 5 199 767666 10 31 0-80 6 367 908480 13 57 0-76 7 150 115420 9 37 0-73 Variance of means 10495 7-81 193 0-003 432 MEMOIRS OF THE QUEENSLAND MUSEUM TABLE 2: Spearman Rank Correlation Coefficients for Data in Columns of Table 1. (H.S. <0 01, N.S. l 0-05) N cf. D S cf, D S cf. W N cf. H l Quadrat means Times means + 0-86 (HS) + 6-25 (NS) + 0-L1 (NS) + 0-79 (NS) + 0-66 (HS) + 038 (NS) 0-77 (HS) + 0-23 (NS) values (sites 1-6 and 14) and there is also a low W value at time 4 (March 1973). This coincides with the lowest populations. Further discussions of the q x / data are deferred pending analysis of the s x q and s x t matrices. Species x Quadrats Data Site-groups: The dendrogram of site- groupings (Fig. 5) shows a near trichotomy into three unequal groups, the largest group then giving two small and two larger groups. By accepting the above we derive a 7-site inshore group (/), a 7-site middle group (A/) and an 8-site offshore group (O), plus five sites in three groups. These sites were allocated to one or another of the three main groups in the order of sites 1 6, 1 8, 27, 8 and 9 on the basis of Bray-Curtis comparisons of log (n + 1) data with group means. The three revised groups are: Inshore (I): sites 1, 2, 3, 4, 5, 6, 8, 9, 14. Middle (M): sites 7, 10, 11, 13, 15, 16, 18, 19, 26, 27. Offshore (O): sites 12, 17,20,21,22,23,24,25. I 0 M (1) (U (6) (1) (2) (8) (7)(1) Fig. 5: Truncated dendrogram of classification of 27 sites by species; sites in each group at dendrogram base. / sites are inshore, M at middle depths and O offshore. Sites not in marked groups were re-allocated. These groups make a coherent topographical picture (Fig. 6). Thus they conform to the extrinsic attribute of proximity; they are also the groups giving the maximum number of outstanding spec- ies (i.e. maximum conformity to intrinsic at- tributes). Species-groups: The eleven groups originally accepted are shown by dendrogram in Fig. 7. They involved accepting lower dissimilarity levels within ihe larger groups. F tests were employed (on transformed data) species by species to determine which had notice- ably different values in the three site-groups. In several cases where using three groups failed to show differences one group was tested against the two others and differences were then noticeable. Species which conformed to these tests and those which do not are considered separately. The former comprise 53 of the 79 species in the analysis. Species-groups with a majority of species confor- ming to the 3 site-groups: Five groups are involved and these with their constituent species are listed below; non-conforming species are in parenthesis. Site-group characterizations by these species- groups are also given. Fig. 6: Site-groups; 27 sites classified by species, after re- allocation of sites. Scale line = I km. STEPHENSON ET. AL.\ MACROBENTHOS OF BRAMBLE BAY 433 100 _ 80 _ I I I — II — II — II — t I — II I I — I I I I I I I 1 2 3 4 5 6 7 8 9 10 11 ( 2 ) ( 1 ) ( 28 ) ( 6 ) ( 1 ) ( 7 )( 12 ) ( 1 ) ( 4 + 3 ) ( 1 + 2 + 1 + 2 + 5 ) ( 1 + 1 ) Fig. 7: Series I data; truncated dendrogram of classification of species by sites (species 35 and 75 with nil records, eliminated). At base the species-group numbers used in Species-group 3: spp. 4, 6, 7, 8, 10, 12, 13, 14, 17, 19, 20, 21, 23, 25, 29, 30, 33, 37, 42, 45, 48, 53, 57, 58, 62, 66 (32, 47). Highest recordings (with minor exceptions) in offshore site-group, lowest in inshore group; designated ‘offshore’ species. Species-group 5: sp. 26. Restricted to inshore site-group (and only in certain of these — see later). Species-group 6: spp. 5, 18, 28, 50, 54, (41, 55). ‘Middle’ species, highest recordings middle site- group. Species-group 7: spp. 1, 3, 9, 11, 15, 16, 24, 40, (31, 51, 65, 76). ‘Inshore’ species. Species-group 8; spp. 22, 43, 46, 49, 59, 60, 61, 63, 68, 70, 73, 77 (79). ‘Middle’ species, differences from species-group 6 detailed below. Summating gives 26 offshore, 17 middle, and 8 inshore species. While the major site pattern is clearly that of the three main groups, perusal of the data revealed that there are smaller site-groups within them. Thus species 26 (species-group 5) occurs in high numbers in sites 1-4 with low numbers in sites 5-7 and is absent from the remainder. It is a ‘sites 1-4’ species. Similarly species 45, 47, 58 and 62 (of species-group 1) are a ‘sites 21-25’ species. These two groups of sites are on the western side of the samples area; 1-4 being western inshore and 21-25 western offshore. The differences between species-groups 6 and 10 are that in the latter there are proportionally fewer specimens in the inshore site-group, and that the species are concentrated in sites 13, 16, 18, 19, 26, 27, i.e. in the eastern portion of the middle site- group. Species-groups not conforming to the 3 site- groups: These comprise: group 1 , spp. 2, 70; group text, and in parenthesis the numbers of species in each. 2, sp. 67; group 4, spp. 27, 34, 39, 52, 56, and 69; group 8, sp. 80; group 9, spp. 36, 38, 44, 64, 71, 74, 78; and group 1 1 , spp. 72 and 8 1 . Only one of these species-groups characterizes an extensive and topographically coherent area. This is species-group 4 and all its contained species except one have HN conformity to sites 7 12, 14, 26 and 27. (Apart from one outstandingly large value, the remaining species, 27, also conforms at the HN level.) The area involved approximates to the middle site-group less the sites closest to the Brisbane River, and this general area appears as a discrete site-group in the series II data. The remaining species-groups have little internal coherence and species are separately considered. Eight species are significantly concentrated at a single site and are designated ‘patchy’ species. The species with their sites of concentration in paren- thesis are 2(14), 27(16), 36(16), 38(27), 44(16), 46(16), 64(16), and 78(16). Six of the eight species are concentrated at site 16. For the remaining species, it is possible to divide the sites into two groups to obtain noticeably different results, but to do this involves site- groupings which approximate to random scatter throughout the sampled area. The species involved are: 31, 32, 51, 55, 67, 71, 72, 74, 76, 80, 81. These probably include some having pseudo-uniform distribution over the whole area (eg. 31, 32) and others present in too low numbers for patterns to show (eg. 71, 72, 74, 76, 80, 81). Features of the Site-groups: If the main site- groups are regarded as communities then there are three sets of data on these groups: species com- position, sample characteristics from the q x t 434 MEMOIRS OF THE QUEENSLAND MUSEUM TABLE 3: Series I Data (27 Sites); Species x Sites A. Mean Number of Specimens/hi 2 * of More Abundant Species (in Species-groups) in Site-groups Species Species, Group and code No. Site-groups (sites in parenthesis) 1 M O (1-6, 8, (7, 10, 11, (12, 17, 9, 14) 13, 15, 16, 20-25) 18, 19, 26, 27) 3 Paratapes , 4 1 16 158 Amphioplus sp., 6 <1 3 20 A. lobatus , 7 <1 5 29 Theora lata , 8 <1 1 10 Amphitrite , 10 3 6 11 6 Anadara , 5 3 29 6 tunicate 1, 18 2 5 1 7 Spisula , 1 1347 1 0 Xenophthalmus, 3 140 38 8 Terebellides, 9 20 3 2 Pupa , 11 15 0 0 Parcanassa, 15 12 2 1 10 oyster 1, 22 0 3 1 Area sp. 1, 43 <1 2 <1 * Mean number of specimens per sample, converted to numbers/m 2 and rounded to nearest unit. B. Mean Populations and Mean Individual Shannon diversities* in Site-groups Site-groups I M O Mean N/m 2 1858 190 346 Mean H 1 0-51 0-92 0-78 *Meaned from values per sample of two 0-1 m 2 grab catches. C. Mean Number of Specimens/hi 2 * of More Abundant Species in Alternative Specified Site- groups Sites specified Species, and code No. Mean numbers/m 2 in: Sites Remainder specified 1-4 Ophelina, 26 Amphioplus 16 <1 21-25 depressus, 45 4 1 Leptomya, 47 2 <1 22-25 tunicate 3, 19 7 1 Ophiactis, 59 2 < 1 7-12, 14, 26, 27 Petaloproctus, 34 2 <1 Edwardsia, 39 2 <1 *Mean number of specimens per sample, converted to numbers/m 2 and rounded to nearest unit. data, and abiotic features. The first is indicated in the 2-way coincidence table (Table 3A) in which only the most abundant species in each species- group are listed. More briefly the inshore group would be described as Spisula-Xenophthalmus- Terebellides community, the middle group as a Xenophthalmus-Anadara-Paratapes community and the outer group as a Paratapes-Amphioplus lobatus community. Comparable data on the species which charac- terise alternative site-groupings are given in Table 3C. Data from the q x t matrices are given in Table 3B. They comprise mean values of N converted to individuals/m 2 and mean values of individual diversities ( W ). This table shows that the inshore community has the highest mean population but lowest individual diversity; the converse is true of the middle community. Perusal of Figs. 3 and 6 shows that there is a partial relationship between site-groups and distri- bution of mud in the sediments. Thus there is near coincidence between the offshore site-group and the area of most muddy sediments, and broadly similar concentric patterns radiating from this area. There are also comparable shorewards pro- trusions of the medium mud sediments and the middle site-group. The correspondence between site-groups and mud distribution breaks down in the eastern part of the sampled area. Moreover the eastern site-group does not coincide with the area of high con- centration of coarse sediments (see Fig. 4). There is a similar partial relationship between site-groups and depths. While in the western part of the area, the site-groups occupy different depths, this fails to apply to the eastern part. The simplest overall explanation is that a depth-sediment re- lationship holds in the western part of the area, but that this is obliterated in the eastern part by some effect of the Brisbane River. Species x Times Data Time-groups: The dendrogram of time- groupings (Fig. 8) shows two biotically isolated times — l4 (March 1973) and tl (Dec. 1973) — and at a lower level two more coherent groups of times 1 , 2, 3, (June-Sept. 1972) and times 5, 6 (June-Sept. 1973) respectively. The acceptance of these groups is at a dissimilarity level of c. 0-25 while acceptance of the three major site-groups in Fig. 5 was at the level of ca 0-45. Clearly while the inter-times group heterogeneity is appreciable it is much less than the inter-site group heterogeneity. STEPHENSON ET. AL.: MACROBENTHOS OF BRAMBLE BAY 435 4 2 1 3 5 6 7 Fig. 8: Series I data; truncated dendrogram of classification of times by species. If there had been a marked seasonality of the data, time-groupings such as 1, 5; 2, 4 and 3, 7 would have been expected. These did not occur. Species-groups: The dendrogram gave very unequal groupings; it is not here given because none of the major species-groups were considered as satisfactory from a conceptual viewpoint. ‘Satis- factory’ species-groupings, as were obtained in the s x q analyses, are those in which entities (sites or times) are similarly characterized by the species in the group. The computer-based analyses were replaced by visual and hand calculator analyses. They began by visual scanning the transformed recordings of a given species to select outstanding values. These are usually outstandingly high, in which case times of abundance are selected and times are positively characterized. Occasionally the outstanding values are low, times of scarcity are selected, and the characterization is negative. The recordings of each species were then divided into two groups — the outstanding values and the remainder — and F tests were then performed on these two groups. Following this, species were grouped by their characterizations of times. Re- sults are given in Table 4. Table 4 shows that many species (35) positively characterized sequential time patterns, particularly times 1-3 (14 spp.). Only six species showed seasonal re-occurrences of high recordings. The remaining species have been allocated to four groups as follows: (a) Distorted seasonal (positive) — 2 spp. Here there is re-occurrence of high recordings to an approximate seasonal pattern. Because there were only four samplings per year and because advance or delay in seasonal peaks may well occur, these may be truly seasonal species. (b) Single time — 9 positive spp., 6 negative spp. These are referred to later as ‘time-patchy’ species. (c) Nonsensical — 9 spp. These had markedly different recordings throughout three sampl- ing periods, and typically high, low and high, giving a ‘saw-tooth’ graph. (d) No times characterized — 10 spp. In these there were no outstanding recordings and TABLE 4: Time-groupings Characterised by Species; Series I Data Times Species characterization Positive Negative Sequential 1-3 4, 5, 9, 10, 18, 20, 24, 32, 37, 41, 42, 56, 57, 74 2-3 28,61,74 60 5, 6 1,7, 22, 26, 38, 69, 76,81 1-6 25, 50, 52 l^t 4,9 2-4 48 3,4 29, 45, 64 2-5 15 6, 7 34, 43, 47 Seasonal 2,6 12, 31,49 3, 7 27, 36, 54 Distorted Seasonal 1, 2, 6 2 2, 5 16 Single time 1 67, 72 2 19 3 21, 59 4 14, 33 6 71 7 8,39,44 11,23,50,52 Nonsensical 3, 16, 17, 30, 46, 51,62, 68, 73 No times characterized 53, 55, 63, 65, 66, 70, (Random) 77, 78, 79, 81 436 MEMOIRS OF THE QUEENSLAND MUSEUM testing raw values with X 2 showed no notice- able difference from randomness. They are referred to below as random species. The time-patchy and nonsensical species (24 in all) may either have rapid changes in populations or, more likely, result from a patchy microtopo- graphical distribution. The random species are all low in the abundance hierarchy, and randomness is likely to be due to small recordings rather than truly stable ones. Features of the Time-groups: As with site- groups there are three sets of relevant data: species composition, sample characterisation from the q x t data, and possible abiotic ‘explanations’. The reduced 2-way coincidence (Table 5 A) indicates the most important positively charac- terizing species of these time-groups, while Table 5B shows the population and individual diversity data. In brief, times 1-3 are a period of Paratapes , Anadara, Terebellides and Amphitrite ; there are no species positively characterising time 4 only; times 5 and 6 are a period of Spisula and Amphioplus lobatus ; while time 7 is a period of Theora lata. TABLE 5: Series I Data (27 Sites); Species x Times A. Mean Number of Specimens/hi 2 * of More Abundant Species in Groups (from Table 4) in Time- groups Species, and code No. 1-3 Times 4 5, 6 7 Paratapes, 4 101 57 4 5 Anadara , 5 23 10 6 5 Terebellides, 9 17 7 1 1 Amphitrite, 10 11 5 3 2 tunicate 1, 18 5 1 1 1 Spisula, 1 127 28 1082 572 Amphioplus lobatus, 1 9 7 16 8 Theora lata, 8 1 0 0 20 * Mean number of specimens per sample, converted to numbers/m 2 and rounded to nearest unit. B. Mean Populations and Mean Individual Shannon Diversities* in Time-groups 1-3 Times 4 5, 6 7 Mean Njm 2 563 265 1415 750 Mean W 0-75 0-63 0-78 0-73 * Meaned from values per sample of two 0.1m 2 grab catches. In terms of population density times 1-3 and 7 are about average, time 4 is outstandingly low and times 5 and 6 outstandingly high. Individual diversities are quasi-constant throughout except for a marked low in time 4. Overall the most dissimilar time is time 4 (March 1973). Comparable studies near Peel Island in Moreton Bay by Stephenson, Williams and Cook (1974), revealed outstandingly low populations in their two March samplings. Moreover the lowest values were in March 1970 which followed a period of normal climate, instead of in March 1971 following the wettest summer (Dec. -Feb.) for 24 years. In the present case March 1972 follows a dry period. The effect of rainfall would be primarily by run- off from the Brisbane River, and data in Raphael (1974) show less than normal discharge in the Brisbane River for eight of the nine preceding months. Assuming that river run-off is the control- ling factor then times 1-3 fall in a period of reduced run-off but one which follows a wetter period (Feb. -May 1972). Conversely times 5 and 6 fall in a period of approximately normal run-off but one following a drier period (June 1972-May 1973). On this basis the difference between times 3 and 7 (Dec. 1972 and Dec. 1973) reflects the low run-off preceding the former, and the approximately average run-off preceding the latter. The only other continuous abiotic data of seeming relevance to the present situation are of air temperatures. There are no obvious relationships between these data and the time-groups. Further Analyses Following the above analyses, two others sug- gested themselves. Both are concerned with short- comings of the technique of converting a three- dimensional matrix into three two-dimensional ones. Extreme Space-time Patchiness: During sum- mation across one of the axes of the matrix, variation along that axis is suppressed. Thus a high recording of a species in a site may be based upon uniformly high recordings in all times or may be based upon an extraordinarily high recording at a single time. Such a value could bias both the q x t and s x q analyses. A simple method was used to recognise species showing extreme ‘space-time' patchiness by way of a single outstanding record- ing. The transformed data on each species (79 in all) was considered within its own q x t (27 x 7) matrix. The Ftest was then applied comparing the largest recording with the remainder. STEPHENSON ET. AL:. MACROBENTHOS OF BRAMBLE BAY 437 1 3 4 5 2 6 7 1 2 3 4 5 6 7 4 1 2 3 5 6 7 1 2 3 4 5 6 7 Figs. 9-12: Series 1 data; dendrogram of classification of times by species. Fig. 9: Inshore sites. Fig. 10: Mid-eastern sites, nearest Brisbane River. Fig. 1 1 : Mid-western sites. Fig. 12: Offshore sites. 438 MEMOIRS OF THE QUEENSLAND MUSEUM To determine which results show extreme patchiness we must decide on a probability in relation to the F level. The lowest listed in tables is 0-001, and to accept this would give 73/79 ex- tremely patchy species. Taking five times the F level at the 0-001 value gives the following 25 space-time patchy species: 2, 19, 22, 27, 34, 36, 38, 43, 44, 50, 59, 60, 61, 63, 64, 65, 68, 69, 70, 71, 72, 73, 74, 77, 78, 81. The species previously judged site-patchy are: 2, 27, 36, 38, 44, 46, 64, 78, and 7/8 of these are in the above list. Of the 15 species previously judged time- patchy only six appear on the above list: 19, 44, 50, 59, 7 1 , 72. It is evident that the present method does have cautionary value, particularly regarding space-patchiness. The places and times of the space-time patchi- ness give concentrations as follows: quadrats 11,13, 16, 18, and 1 9 which are all in the middle site-group and mostly on its eastern side, and times 3, 5, 6, 7; these are mostly towards the end of the sampling period. Interactions between Space and Time: The usual calculations of variance interaction essayed on a species by species basis, showed that most of the interaction was due to the few, usually single, outstandingly large values as considered above. Further and more directly meaningful analyses involving interactions were then undertaken and for two reasons: (i) the main heterogeneity is between sites; by operating within site-groups it seems possible that times-groups would be more coherent and (ii) within different site-groups one might expect differences in time-groupings. If the previous argument that variable run-off from the Brisbane River explains some of the results is correct, then the greatest time-dissimilarities should occur in the sites adjacent to it. The three original site-groups were converted to four by arbitrary division of the middle one and by transfer of one site (12) to the group suggested by its topography. This gave: Inshore: sites 1-6, 8, 9, 14. Middle eastern (nearest river): sites 15, 16, 18, 26, 27. Middle western: sites 7, 10-13, 19. Offshore: sites 12, 16-18, 20 25. The four dendrograms of time-groupings within these site-groups are given in Figs. 9 to 12. The mean percentages dissimilarity at which times separate as individual entities are as follows: inshore 32-6, mid-eastern 44-9, mid-western 39-9, outer 30-5. As expected the site-group nearest the river shows the greatest time heterogeneity. Pos- sibly the river influence extends to the mid-western region; this shows greater time-heterogeneity than the inshore site-group. The inshore group shows division by years into time 1-3 and 4-7, and in the midwest there is a somewhat similar picture (times 1-3 and 5-7). The mid-east has a broadly annual picture, upset by a seasonal linkage of times 2 and 6. The offshore area differs from the remainder in having three group- ings of successive times, viz: times 1, 2 and 3; 4 and 5; 6. Species-groupings were examined in each of the above cases. Those produced by the classificatory programme failed to give conceptual sense, as expected and discussed earlier. In the present cases, grouping species by conformity testing likewise failed to give meaningful conclusions. This was because dividing the sites into groups reduced the populations of most species to levels below those at which differences were outstanding. The time- groups were distinguished by summations of tendencies which when considered individually revealed little. SERIES II (48 sites, 2 times) Quadrats x Times Data These are only considered in relation to site- groups and time-groups and are detailed later. Species x Quadrats Data Site-groups: The dendrograms of site- groupings (Fig. 13) gives an initial dichotomy; the site-groups so obtained lie offshore and onshore respectively. To obtain the maximum number of conforming species required more homogeneous site-groups; eventually seven major groups were adopted as shown on the dendrogram base. This left two isolated sites, 27 and 14; the former was allocated to the major site-group with greatest biotic affinities, site-group E. Site 14 is very dissimilar from the remainder, due to large num- bers of species 2 ( Mesochaetopterus minutus ) and was retained as an isolate. The site-groups thus adopted are map-plotted on Fig. 14, Site-groups A, B and C, which are tolerably closely linked in the dendrogram, all comprise inshore sites. Group A is the most inshore, B is intermediate and western, C is the deepest of the three and eastern. Site-group G, by dendrogram more distantly related to the above three groups lies nearest to the river mouth and tends to be more offshore than site-group C. STEPHENSON ET. AL .: MACROBENTHOS OF BRAMBLE BAY 439 27 D E F 14 C A B G (1+3) (1+10) (1+7) (2+2) (1+8] (2+1+1) (1+1+1+1+1+1) Fig. 13: Series II data (48 sites); truncated dendrogram of classification of sites by species; number of sites in each group in parenthesis at dendrogram base. Fig. 14: Site-groups; 48 sites, classified by species after re-allocation of site 27. Scale line = 1 km. 440 MEMOIRS OF THE QUEENSLAND MUSEUM Site-groups D, E and F are closely linked in the dendrogram, especially D and E. Topographically the three form a series with D closest inshore, E intermediate and F offshore. Site-group F extends laterally to off the mouth of the Brisbane River. In general there is a clear topographic pattern, in which the most obvious relationship is to depth/distance offshore. The separation of site- group G seems to indicate a second influence, that of river proximity. Species-groups: Apart from three isolated species (2, 45, 46) there is almost a trichotomy into three groups. By further division of the larger groups seven major species-groups were obtained {Fig. 15). F tests were performed to determine which species had noticeably different values in the seven site-groups. Only 30 out of the 69 species in the analysis conformed, i.e. 43% compared with 67% in the series I data. This is not because there are now more ‘patchy’ species concentrated in a single site. There are seven such species; these, with sites of occurrence in parenthesis, are: 2(14), 6(48), 20(45), 37(31), 40(48), 45(47), 46(47). The difference is due to the fact that there are many more ‘random’ species. This is a reflection of the lower recordings; present data involve four grab catches, while the series I data involved fourteen. Perusal of the two-way table revealed that in several species-groups there was uniform or nearly uniform positive characterisation of a site-group by a species-group. Species-group I showed con- centration in site-group A, (extreme inshore) except for one species (41) with a single outstand- ingly high value outside the area; species-group IV characterised site-group E; species-group VI showed major concentration in site-group G (near river mouth) and minor concentration in site-group D (adjacent). Species-groups V and VII comprised species with low recordings mostly approximating to random scatter amongst the sites, and there remains species-group III, the largest of all. The most discrete sub-unit comprises species 4, 5, 7, 12, 27, 31 and 38, and these are concentrated in site- group E. The remainder do not consistently characterise any of the site-groups. Perusal of the data suggests that the remaining eleven species (9, 13, 14, 21, 22, 24, 26, 29, 32, 35, 43) characterise an alternative grouping of sites, with concentrations in an area approximately encompassing sites 6,11,12, 13, 17, 19, 20, 21, 22, 23, 24, 25, and 26. Features of the site-groups: A condensed 2- way coincidence table (Table 6A) summarises the site-group/species-group relationships as regards the commoner species. Perusal of the equivalent table for the series I data (Table 3 A) shows many differences; both site-groups and characterising 105 95 „ 85 _ 75 _ i j i i i i i i i i i i I I in E I H m (1) (2) (1+9+1) (1+4+1) (1) (2+15) (4) (1+1+2) (1) (6+4+2+1) (3+5+1) Fig. 1 5: Series II data; truncated dendrogram of classification of species by sites. At base species-group numbers used in text, and in parenthesis number of species in each. STEPHENSON ET. AL.: MACROBENTHOS OF BRAMBLE BAY 441 TABLE 6: Series II Data (48 Sites); Species x Sites A. Mean Number of Specimens/hi 2 of More Abundant Species in Main Site-groups Species group Species and code No. A d-6, 35-37) B (8, 9, 34, 38) Main site-groups (sites in C D (7,10, (11,12, 13, 15) 17, 19) parenthesis) E (20- 27, 33) F (28-32 42, 43) G (16, 18, 45-48) 1 Spisula, 1 2626 261 1 0 <1 0 0 Xenophthaltnus, 3 228 3 10 3 6 0 42 Amphitrite , 10 27 5 0 0 0 0 0 II Amphioplus sp., 6 0 2 1 4 5 55 9 Parcanassa , 15 0 0 0 0 2 14 1 111 Paratapes, 4 1 6 10 53 133 58 2 Ana Aar a, 5 0 I 2 6 31 57 1 Amphioplus lobatus , 7 0 0 5 12 31 8 0 Terebellides, 9 8 4 19 22 15 5 0 IV Pupa , 1 1 1 5 3 0 15 0 6 VI Theora lata, 8 2 5 6 22 1 0 53 tunicate 1, 18 0 3 2 12 0 0 10 *Mean number of specimens per sample, converted to numbers/m 2 and rounded to nearest unit. B. Mean Populations and Mean Individual Shannon Diversities* in Time-groups 1 A B Main site-groups C D E F G Mean A/m 2 Mean H ] 2946 0-42 361 0-66 109 218 332 105 0-92 0-82 242 067 267 0-81 *Meaned from values per sample of two 01 m 2 grab catches. species-groups have changed and this makes de- tailed comparisons difficult. If a choice is to be made between the species/site results of the two studies, that from the more extensive series I data is preferred. Of the abiotic factors which might influence the series II site-groups, sediment relationships are obscure (compare Figs. 3 and 4 with Fig. 14); an effect of the Brisbane River is clear; but the main factor appears to be related to distance offshore. Whether this is due to depth, dilution, turbidity, or some other factor is unknown. Table 6B shows population densities and mean individual diversities within the site-groups, and as before there is an inverse relationship. Again the most inshore group (site-group A) has the highest populations. The groups at intermediate depths differ from each other as regards population density and diversity: lowest populations and highest diversities are in the central somewhat inshore site-group C; site-group G nearest the Brisbane River has roughly average values for both; and the most offshore site-group F has somewhat lower populations and higher diversity than average. Species x Times Data With only two times, the times classification is a single dichotomy. This is at a dissimilarity level of 21%, considerably less than the dissimilarity .be- tween the two Septembers based only on 27 sites (31%). The decrease is due to the inclusion of sites which are more offshore and/or further from the Brisbane River. With only two times, there is no variability of species-in-times, and the F test cannot be em- ployed. Use of the X 2 test on raw numbers (summated over all sites) showed 22 species with higher populations in 1 972, 1 8 with higher values in 1973, leaving 39 without noticeable differences. Total populations of all species summated were lower in time 1 with an average of 408 individuals/m 2 compared with 1346 in time 2. Mean individual diversities were 0-74 and 0-67 respectively. DISCUSSION This involves three main topics, (a) methods, both sampling and numerical, (b) matters related to airport construction, and (c) general matters related to communities, productivity, etc. 442 MEMOIRS OF THE QUEENSLAND MUSEUM Methods Sampling Methods: Stephenson, Williams and Cook (1974), established certain desiderata based on their work at Peel Island which could not be followed in the present study. These were that stations should be c. 0-25 km apart and that there should be quintuplicate grab catches on each occasion. In the present work samples were c. 1 km apart and catches were in duplicate. The results obtained have in general shown that the wider spacing of sites was acceptable in that the site-patterns obtained have been topographically coherent and meaningful. Only one site (14) has not been closely linked to its neighbours and this was due to patchy distribution of species 2 ( Meso - chaetopterus minutus). Nevertheless problems remain over the spacing of sites. On each sampling two catches were made in close proximity but on a subsequent occasion the pair were likely to be up to 25 m from the originals. If a species is patchily distributed then on one occasion it might be collected and on another missed. In brief, microtopographic patterning could give the appearance of a marked seasonal change in numbers. A sufficient number of species showed ‘saw-tooth’ types of seasonal change to suggest that this was occurring. This casts doubts on the reality of the supposed time changes of the remaining species. Nevertheless a sufficient num- ber of species give ‘sensible’ results for the time changes described to be regarded as real. Further evidence for this was obtained by analysis of time-changes within sub-units of the sampling area. Here the data are weaker because summations involve fewer sites, but the time analyses result in somewhat greater conceptual sense. Numerical Methods: Apart from a paper written after but published before the present account (Stephenson and Dredge 1975) the last published account of classifying multidimensional data which we are aware of was by Stephenson, Williams and Cook (1974). This involved variance measures of dissimilarity, whose magnitudes are very sensitive to the type of data transformation which is used; also it failed to give optimal species- groupings. Since this, work experience has been gained in a variety of analyses of two-dimensional data by the senior author in concert with other workers. These include unpublished work by Godfriaux and Stephenson, preliminary reports upon the present work by Raphael and Stephenson (1972), and manuscript work by Stephenson et al. on waste- water outfalls at Los Angeles. Throughout, this work has shown that for benthic analyses the Bray- Curtis measure of dissimilarity has advantages. Used on raw data dissimilarities are possibly too strongly biased towards the numerically abundant species and it is generally desirable to use transfor- med data. In the earlier work quoted above (Godfriaux and Stephenson, Raphael and Stephenson) the \J7T transformed was used, and this was also employed by Raphael (1974) in her thesis. Stephenson et al. (in MS) used the cube root transformation with the Bray-Curtis measure, but in the present work the more stringent log (n + 1) transformation has been employed. It follows precedents created by Field and Robb (1970), Day, Field and Montgomery (1971), Field and Macfar- lane (1968), Field (1971) and Christie (1974). However the choice was mostly influenced by results not yet published concerning the effects of a major flood on the present biota. Following Boesch (personal communication), the preliminaries to the present work, and the manuscript work by Stephenson et al. for species- groupings we have used the proportionality of a species-in-sites instead of the absolute recordings. (Actually the proportions of transformed values were used.) This has resulted in better groupings of species with similar site recordings and has been an improvement compared with the variance tech- nique of Williams and Stephenson (1973), and of Stephenson, Williams and Cook (1974). Mean- while from a more theoretical aspect Dale and Anderson (1973) have already shown that optimal groupings of sites and of species do require different techniques. In the present method as in the original 3D treatment of Williams and Stephenson (1973) we summated along a specified axis of the matrix to produce three two-dimensional matrices of q x t,s x q, and s x t respectively. As a consequence in each matrix variability in the other axis is lost and a single large recording of a species in a sample can influence all three of the two-dimensional matrices. A technique has been developed to locate and ‘give warning’ of such single outstanding values. It involves an F test (on transformed data) in which the largest value is compared with the remainder. In the present work ‘patchy’ species were also sought by heuristic examination of the results of site analyses and of time analyses. There was general agreement between the test and the con- clusions drawn from site analyses. In one respect the present methods revert to those of Stephenson, Williams and Cook (1974). This is in the use of the F test for investigating the conformity of species to entity-groups (i.e. site- groups or time-groups). We appreciate that the STEPHENSON ET. AL.. MACROBENTHOS OF BRAMBLE BAY 443 data to be tested have been grouped by near- optimal techniques and that the basis for testing of significance is hence destroyed. However we suggest that this test still has conceptual value and has a close relationship to the intuitive bases of data scanning. Because it takes more strict account of within-group variation, it seems preferable over other tests. Throughout it was used at different levels in the classificatory hierarchies, and the levels finally selected gave the maximum number of conforming species. Although the present methods have proved generally satisfactory, problems remain over species-groups; species within a group sometimes fail to conform in a uniform way to the entity groups. In some cases this has proved conceptually helpful as indicating alternative site-groupings. Such groupings have been sought unsuccessfully in two previous studies (Stephenson, Williams and Cook 1974, Stephenson et al. in MS). In general species-grouping using sites data has proved satisfactory, but species-grouping with times data has not. The problems have been discussed earlier and have been partially resolved in the present paper by intuitively based analyses. As yet these defy formalization to the level of com- puter programming. Relation to Airport Construction To predict changes in the Bramble Bay benthos due to airport construction requires (1) that there should be recognisable and quantifiable patterns in the biota before construction, (2) an estimation of which patterns are likely to change due to overall human activities, and (3) estimation of the parti- cular effect of airport construction. Site-patterns have been obtained with both the series I data (27 sites, 7 times) and the series II data (48 sites, 2 times). As might be expected these are not identical, but they do show broadly similar tendencies. It is of especial interest that the boundaries of the middle-depth site-groupings bulge shorewards opposite Serpentine Creek. For this there are two possible explanations, either a specific effect of Serpentine Creek, or the fact that it is an area roughly midway between two larger systems of freshwater drainage. Whichever is involved, the reduction in run-off from Serpentine Creek following airport construction is likely to cause changes. Present data show the area has relatively high diversity but relatively low pop- ulation density. Only the series I data produced time patterns worthy of further consideration. These show that there are noteworthy time changes and that these involve very little repetition from the seasons of one year to those of the next. Instead certain species characterise the total area for a certain period (e.g. 9 months) and are superseded by other species. Time changes are most marked in the area nearest the Brisbane River. They indicate an annual change-over in biota in the inshore sites and an approximately six-months change-over in the offshore sites. It was suggested that variable run off of freshwater was the major cause of these temporal changes and if this is so, occlusion of Serpentine Creek might lead to increased temporal stability. The general literature on biotic diversity suggests that this would result in an increase in diversity. However this is far from certain and the reverse might well be true (see Stephenson, Wil- liams and Cook 1974; Clifford and Stephenson 1975). It is clear that investigations of considerable duration, much in excess of the proposed two years, would be required before adequate predictions could be made concerning temporal changes dur- ing 'normal’ conditions. The flood of January 1974 terminated such 'normality’ and as will be shown in a later paper produced dramatic effects. Airport construction will be only one of many human influences which will operate in the area. Other factors include: (a) Shell dredging. This currently occurs at site 5 and inshore of sites 6 and 14; it may well extend in the future. (b) Prawn trawling. This occurs seasonally throughout the area except for the inshore sites. Annual variations in trawling intensity in the area have not been adequately quantified. (c) Port construction. Major construction at Fisherman Island with filling of the Boat Passage seems probable. This is likely to cause marked changes in the suggested 'Brisbane River’ effect. (d) Reduction of pollution. Industrial pollution of the Brisbane River and Cabbage Tree Creek is currently being reduced, and discharge of untreated sewage is likely to be reduced in the future. Amidst the welter of probable changes due to man, and with the ever-present possibility of another devastating flood, predictions of the effects of airport construction can only be tentative. General Matters Most workers on benthic biotas still feel con- strained to express their results in terms of benthic communities, although it has been shown that the 444 MEMOIRS OF THE QUEENSLAND MUSEUM community concept is complex and possibly con- fusing (see Stephenson 1973; Clifford and Stephen- son 1975). In the present case it is not possible to accept the restraints of Petersen (1914) and limit the species characterising the sites to those with constantly high populations. The populations of virtually all species show changes during the sampling periods. By taking averages over all times, groups of sites characterised by groups of species can be revealed. In the 27 sites analysis the most important of these are: inshore a Spisula-Xenophthalmus-Terebellides group; in the middle a Xenophthalmus-Anadara- Paratapes group; and offshore a Paratapes- Amphioplus lobatus group. In the 48 sites analysis there is greater topographic resolution but charac- terization of site-groups by species-groups is less distinctive. The inshore species-group is now Spisula-Xenophthalmus-Amphitrite and the offshore area group is Paratopes- Anadara- Amphioplus lobatus-Terebellides. These “com- munities” bear scant relationship to that of the adjacent area of Moreton Bay in the dredge study by Stephenson, Williams and Lance (1970). The difference is mainly due to the different collecting methods, as already noted in the Peel Island study (Stephenson, Williams and Cook 1974). There is a somewhat closer relationship to the characterizing species which Hailstone (1972) noted in a dredge study of the lower Brisbane River. Hailstone obtained large numbers of Spisula with Parcanassa and other species in shallow sandy-mud sediments, while Anadara characterized mid-channel sites with muddy sand. MacIntyre (1959) in his study of Lake Macquarie in New South Wales also obtained large numbers of several of the present species, parti- cularly Anadara , Paratopes, and Amphioplus loba- tus. Black (1971) noted that Spisula is common from sandy sites in Port Phillip Bay, Victoria, and it is listed from three regions in that bay by Poore and Rainer (1974). Other species of Spisula are well- known characterizing species elsewhere (see Thor- son 1957) and a Xenophthalmus community is known from sandy grounds in the Persian Gulf (Thorson 1957). Possibly the closest parallel with the present results is the New Guinea study by Stephenson and Williams (1971). Here there was an Amphioplus and a Mesochaetopterus ‘community’ both in a warm water situation under estuarine influence. The study by Stephenson, Williams and Cook (1974) is closest to the present work in times of sampling and analytical methods but the abundant species char- acterising site-groups have little in common. Present results show that the densest populations are inshore, and the mean value for one data set is 1858 specimens/m 2 and for the other 2946. These values compare with 16-764 by Chukchin (1963) in eastern Mediterranean at depths of 100-200 m; 102 255 by Kuznetsom (1963) in the northern Pacific at depths to 500 m; 740-5515 by Wigley and McIntyre (1964) in the western North Atlantic at 40-366 m; and 32-1 193 by Christie (1974) in South Africa at depths to 50 m. Values obtained by Sanders et al. (1965) were much higher (to 21263/m 2 ) but they used a finer mesh sieve (0.42 mm). It is unfortunately not possible to compare present densities with those of the current extensive investigations in Port Phillip Bay, Victoria. Poore and Rainer (1974) deal only with molluscs and give an overall mean of 1457 individuals/m 2 . This suggests that densities involving all species will be distinctly higher than those of the present study. In the inshore sites, with the densest populations, it appears that there are marked annual changes in populations. This must result in high productivity of the benthic macrofauna; in absence of biomass determinations its magnitude is unknown. In the most offshore site-group in the 27 sites data, populations are lower and average 346 animals/m 2 . Here however there are indications of a marked biotic change every six months. Again the mac- rofauna productivity must be of a high order. Possibly the most interesting results of the present survey concern the time changes in biota. They confirm the opinion stated by Stephenson, Williams and Cook (1974) and by Clifford and Stephenson (1975) of the extremely doubtful value of many of the environmental impact statements involving benthic organisms. The time investigations, cautiously interpreted because of possible microtopographical pattern- ing, still stress the transitory nature of some of the species and the marked fluctuations in the popu- lations of others. They give pointers to matters of both practical and fundamental importance. From a practical viewpoint, if environmental conditions are not too greatly disturbed, it appears that one biotic assemblance can readily replace another. It can hence be regarded as a buffered biotic system; provided airport construction does not greatly disturb conditions one might expect the buffering to operate tolerably quickly. Another and some- what different aspect of ‘buffering’ in benthos has been noted in a recent paper involving a 4-year study by Buchanan, Kingston and Sheader (1974). ACKNOWLEDGMENTS We wish to thank the Australian Government for the Colombo Plan award to the second author, and for financial support from the sponsoring STEPHENSON ET. AL.\ MACROBENTHOS OF BRAMBLE BAY 445 authorities. The University of Queensland has also assisted via research grants. Our thanks are due to Messrs S. Newlands, L. Wale and W. Hayes for assistance during field work and to a variety of workers (listed earlier) for help in specific identifications. APPENDIX Species (and their systematic group) in order of abundance in all samples (27 x 7 + 21 x 2); only species occurring > 9 times listed. Code number is given in first column and total population in last column. 1 Spisula trigonella (Lamarck) Pelecypoda (Mactridae) 19318 2 Mesochaetopterus minutus Potts Polychaeta (Chaetopteridae) 3367 3 Xenophthalmus pinnotheroides White Decapoda (Pinnotheridae) 2457 4 Paratopes scordalus Iredale Pelecypoda (Veneridae) 2238 5 Anadara trapezia Deshayes Pelecypoda (Arcidae) 532 6 Amphioplus sp. Echinodermata (Ophiuroidae) 520 7 Amphioplus lobatus (Ljungman) Echinodermata (Ophiuroidae) 456 8 Theora lata Hinds Pelecypoda (Tellinidae) 358 9 Terebellides stroemi Sars Polychaeta (Terebellidae) 323 10 Amphitrite rubra (Risso) Polychaeta (Terebellidae) 283 11 Pupa fumata (Reeve) Gastropoda (Acteonidae) 221 12 Theora sp. Pelecypoda (Tellinidae) 216 13 Ampliipholis loripes Koehler Echinodermata (Ophiuroidae) 204 14 Leanira yhleni Malmgren Polychaeta (Aphroditidae) 199 15 Parcanassa mangeloides Reeve Gastropoda (Nassariidae) 185 16 Lumbrineris latreilli Audouin and Milne Edwards Polychaeta (Eunicidae) 117 17 Loimia medusa (Savigny) Polychaeta (Terebellidae) 108 18 tunicate 1 Ascidiacea 105 19 tunicate 3 Ascidiacea 101 20 bivalve 1 Pelecypoda 98 21 Nucula astricta Iredale Pelecypoda (Nuculidae) 94 22 oyster 1 Pelecypoda (Ostreidae) 94 23 Pectinaria antipoda Schmarda Polychaeta (Pectinaridae) 90 24 Nereis jacksoni Kinberg Polychaeta (Nereidae) 90 25 Mesochaetopterus cf. capensis (McIntosh) Polychaeta (Chaetopteridae) 90 26 Ophelina gigantea Rullier Polychaeta (Opheliidae) 88 27 sea anemone 1 Actinaria 87 28 Jsolda pulchella Muller Polychaeta (Ampharetidae) 76 29 bivalve 2 Pelecypoda 74 30 Tellina texturata Sowerby Pelecypoda (Tellinidae) 66 31 Glyeera prashadi Fauvel Polychaeta (Glyceridae) 62 32 Cirriformia sp. Polychaeta (Cirratulidae) 61 33 Protankyra sp. Echinodermata (Holothuroidea) 61 34 Petaloproctus terricola Quatrefages Polychaeta (Maldanidae) 55 35 bivalve 3 Pelecypoda 55 36 Chama fibula Reeve Pelecypoda (Chamidae) 54 37 Cycladicama sp. Pelecypoda (Ungulinidae) 53 38 balanid 1 Cirripedia 52 39 Edwardsia sp. Actinaria 48 40 On up his sp. Polychaeta (Eunicidae) 46 41 Placamen sydneyense Menke Pelecypoda (Veneridae) 45 42 Dasybranchus caducus (Grube )* Polychaeta (Capitellidae) 44 43 Area sp. 1 Pelecypoda (Arcidae) 41 44 oyster 3 Pelecypoda (Ostreidae) 40 45 Amphioplus depressus (Ljungman) Echinodermata (Ophiuroidae) 40 46 Trichomya hirsuta (Lamarck) Pelecypoda (Mytilidae) 39 47 Leptomya pura Angus Pelecypoda (Semelidae) 36 48 Mesochaetopterus sp. Polychaeta (Chaetopteridae) 33 446 MEMOIRS OF THE QUEENSLAND MUSEUM 49 aphroditid 1 Polychaeta (Aphroditidae) 32 50 Leonnates stephensotii Rullier Polychaeta (Nereidae) 31 51 Clorida grand (Stephenson) Stomatopoda 30 52 Marphysa sanguinea (Montague) Polychaeta (Eunicidae) 30 53 Glossobalanus hedleyi Hill Enteropneusta (Balanoglossidae) 30 54 Reticunassa paupera Gould Gastropoda (Nassariidae) 28 55 nemertean ‘pink’ Nemertea 27 56 whip coral Gorgonacea 27 57 Venus sp. Pelecypoda (Veneridae) 26 58 Macoma donaciformis Deshayes Pelecypoda (Tellinidae) 25 59 Ophiactis perplexa Koehler Echinodermata (Ophiuroidae) 24 60 Anomia sp. Pelecypoda (Anomiidae) 20 61 amphipod 4 Amphipoda 20 62 Elamenopsis lineata A. Milne Edwards Decapoda (Hymenosomidae) 19 63 Fist a sp. Polychaeta (Terebellidae) 19 64 amphipod 2 Amphipoda 18 65 Amaeana trilobata (Sars) Polychaeta (Terebellidae) 18 66 Hexapus granuliferus Campbell and Stephenson Decapoda (Goneplacidae) 18 67 tunicate 2 Ascidiacea 16 68 Chaetopterus variopedatus Renier Polychaeta (Chaetopteridae) 15 69 sabellid 1 Polychaeta (Sabellidae) 15 70 Natica sp. Gastropoda (Naticidae) 14 71 amphipod 6 Amphipoda 14 72 Tapes watlingi I redale Pelecypoda (Veneridae) 13 73 amphipod 1 Amphipoda 12 74 Bedeva hanleyi Angus Gastropoda (Muricidae) 12 75 Brissopsis luzonica (Gray) Echinodermata 12 76 nemertean ‘black’ Nemertea 11 77 Modiolus ‘ ostentatus ’ Swainson Pelecypoda (Mytilidae) 11 78 ampharetid 1 Polychaeta (Ampharetidae) 11 79 Papilia subrugata Iredale Pelecypoda (Veneridae) 10 80 Eurythoe parvecarunculata Horst Polychaeta (Amphinomidae) 10 81 Polydora sp. 1 Polychaeta (Spionidae) 10 ^Possible misidentification. LITERATURE CITED (These exclude references to authors of species de- scriptions) Black, J. H., 1971. Port Phillip survey 2. Benthic communities. Mem. natn. Mus. Viet. 32: 129-70. Buchanan, J. B., Kingston, P. F. and Sheader, M., 1974. Long-term population trends of the benthic macrofauna in the offshore mud of the Northumber- land Coast. J. mar. Biol. Ass U.K. 54 : 785 95. Christie, N. D., 1974. ‘Distribution Patterns of the Benthic Fauna along a Transect across the Con- tinental Shelf off Lamberts Bay, South Africa’. Ph.D. thesis (Unpublished), Zoology Department, University of Capetown. Chukhchin, V. D., 1963. Quantitative distribution of benthos in an eastern part of the Mediterranean Sea. (In Russian). Trudy Sevastopol, biol. Sta. 16 : 215-33. Clifford, H. T. and Stephenson, W., 1975. ‘An Introduction to Numerical Classification’. Pp. 1-224, (Academic Press: New York). Day, J. H., Field, J. G. and Montgomery, Mary P., 1971. The use of numerical methods to determine the distribution of the benthic fauna across the con- tinental shelf of North Carolina. J. anim. Ecol. 40 : 93-123. Dale, M. B. and Anderson, D. J., 1973. Inosculate analysis of vegetation data. Aust. J. Bot. 21 : 253-76. Field, J. G., 1971. A numerical analysis of changes in the soft-bottom fauna along a transect across False Bay, South Africa. J. exp. mar. Biol. Ecol. 7 : 215-53. Field, J. G. and Macfarlane, G., 1968. Numerical methods in marine ecology. I. A quantitative ‘similarity’ analysis of rocky shore samples in False Bay, South Africa. Zool. Afr. 3: 1 19-37. Field, J. G. and Robb, R. T., 1970. Numerical methods in marine ecology. II. Gradient analysis of rocky shore samples from False Bay. Zool. Afr. 5: 191-210. Hailstone, T. S., 1972. ‘Ecological Studies on the Sub- Tidal Benthic Macrofauna at the Mouth of the Brisbane River.’ Ph.D. thesis (unpublished). Zool- ogy Department, University of Queensland. STEPHENSON ET. AL.: MACROBENTHOS OF BRAMBLE BAY 447 Kuznetsov, A. P., 1963. Benthic invertebrate fauna of the Kamchatka waters of the Pacific Ocean and Northern Kurile Is. (In Russian; English summary). A had. Nauk. SSSR Inst. Okecmol. 1-271. MacIntyre, R. J., 1959. Some aspects of Lake Mac- quarie, N.S.W., with regard to an alleged depletion of fish. VII, The benthic macrofauna. Aust. J. mar. freshw. Res. 10 : 341 53. Maxwell, W. G. H., 1970, The sedimentary framework of Moreton Bay, Queensland. Aust. J. mar. freshw. Res. 21 : 71—88. Newell, B. S., 1971, The hydrological environment of Moreton Bay, Queensland, 1967-1968. Div. Fish. Oceanogr. Tech. Pap. No. 30, 35 pp., (C.S.I.R.O.: Melbourne). Petersen, C. G. J., 1914. Valuation of the sea. II. The animal communities of the sea bottom and their importance for marine zoogeography. Rep. Dan. Biol. Sta. 21 : 1^44, Appendix 24 pp. Poore, G. C. B. and Rainer, S., 1974. Distribution and abundance of soft-bottom molluscs in Port Phillip Bay, Victoria, Australia. Aust. J. mar. freshw. Res. 25: 371-441. Raphael, Y. Irene, 1974. The macrobenthic fauna of Bramble Bay, Moreton Bay, Queensland. M.Sc. thesis (unpublished). Zoology Department, Uni- versity of Queensland. Raphael, Y. Irene and Stephenson, W., 1972. The macrobenthic fauna of Bramble Bay, Moreton Bay, Queensland. I. Preliminary studies. Rept to Comm. Dept Works and Qd Dept Coord. General, Oct. 1972, 32 pp. Sanders, H. L., Hessler, R. and Hampson, G. R., 1965. An introduction to the study of deep-sea benthic faunal assemblages along the Gay-Head Bermuda transect. Deep Sea Res. 12 : 845-67. Sokal, R. R. and Rohlf, F. J., 1969. 'Biometry.’ Pp. i-xxi, 1-776. (W. H. Freeman: San Francisco). Stephenson, W., 1973. The validity of the community concept in marine biology. Proe. R. Soe. Qd 84(7): 73-86. Stephenson, W., and Dredge, M. C. L., 1976. Numerical analyses of fish catches from Serpentine Creek. Proc. R. Soc. Qd 87 (in press). Stephenson, W., Smith, R. W., Sarason, T. S., Greene, C. S. and Hotchkiss, D. A. Soft bottom benthos from an area of heavy waste discharge: hierarchical classification of data. (MS).* Stephenson, W., and Williams, W. T., 1971. A study of the benthos of soft bottoms, Sek Harbour, New Guinea, using numerical analysis. Aust. J. mar. freshw. Res. 22: 1 1-34. Stephenson, W., Williams, W. T. and Cook, S. D., 1974. The benthic fauna of soft bottoms, southern More- ton Bay. Mem. Qd Mus. 17 ( 1 ): 73-123. Stephenson, W., Williams, W. T. and Lance, G, N,, 1970. The macrobenthos of Moreton Bay. Ecol. Monogr. 40 : 459-94. Thorson, G., 1957. Bottom communities (sublittoral or shallow shelf). In Hedgpeth, J. W., (Ed.), 'Treatise on Marine Ecology and Palaeontology’ Vol. L, Ecology, pp. 461-534. Mem. Geol. Soc. Amer. 67 . (1963 reprint). Wigley, R. L. and McIntyre, A. D., 1964. Some quantitative comparisons of offshore meiobenthos and macrobenthos south of Marthas Vineyard. Limnol. Oceanogr. 9 : 485 93. Williams, W. T. and Stephenson, W., 1973. The analysis of three-dimensional data (sites x species x times) in marine ecology. J. exp. mar. Biol. Ecol. 1 1 : 207-27. *Now 1975. S. Calif. Coastal Water Res. Project TM226, 38 pp. Mem. QdMus. 17 ( 3 ): 449-55. [1976] INTRODUCTION OF THE NORTH ATLANTIC ASCIDIAN MOLGULA MANHATTENSIS (DE KAY) TO TWO AUSTRALIAN RIVER ESTUARIES Patricia Kott Queensland Museum ABSTRACT Populations of the North American (Atlantic coast) Molgula manhattensis have been sampled at Newport Power Station in the mouth of the Yarra River, Victoria; and at several stations up to 22 kilometres from the mouth of the Brisbane River. The species and its affinities are discussed in detail, together with the implications of its distribution and its occurrence in Australian estuaries. Eleven Stations in the Brisbane River, from its mouth to 70 km upstream, have been sampled by Mr R. Monroe at 3 monthly intervals from May 1974, following a major flood in January. In May 1975 two specimens (1 -5 cm and 1 0 cm in diameter, respectively) of Molgula manhattensis were taken off Mowbray Park, some 16 km upstream. In August large numbers of the species were present at this site, and even larger numbers were taken up to 6 km further up the river in the South Brisbane Reach. By December only 3 specimens were taken at the latter station. Downstream, the species was taken only once, and in small numbers. The species was not present in samples taken in January 1976. From May to August is the winter season of low rainfall and during that period highly seasonal populations of Molgula spp, are present in More- ton Bay (Kott 1972). M. manhattensis has not been taken in Moreton Bay, however, and it is most likely that parent stocks from which the riverine populations were recruited were located on ship- ping (from the western Atlantic via the Panama Canal) in the Port of Brisbane. This extends up the Brisbane River to within 3 km of the South Brisbane Reach. In the family Molgulidae, it is known that sexual maturity is achieved early, in individuals of small size (Berrill 1931); while the spiral arrangement of stigmata in this family provides a means whereby maximum filtration area is available in small individuals to contribute to this general metabolic efficiency. Kott (1972) suggested that these factors would represent advantages where populations suffered seasonal mortality resulting from the periodic flooding, silt deposition, and temperature fluctuations that commonly occur in sheltered bays. The large molgulid renal organ (see Berrill 1950) could also represent an advantage in these locations. In fact, 7 of 12 free living ascidian species in Moreton Bay are molgulid species (Kott 1972); and M. mollis and M . sabulosa commonly occur in Port Phillip Bay (Kott, in press). Of 29 species reported on from America (Van Name 1945) 7 are recorded from harbours, estuaries, and river mouths; 6 are recorded from intertidal or shallow waters; and 1 1 occur in shallow waters in polar regions where melting ice causes seasonal dilution of sea water. Molgula manhattensis (de Kay) and the closely related M. tubifera (Orsted) appear to have de- veloped the capacity to withstand brackish con- ditions to a surprising extent. The combined records of both species (> M. manhattensis : Thompson 1930; Berrill 1950) range ‘from the White Sea to the tropics in water whose salinity varies from 16 to over 30% o ’ (Thompson 1930, p. 23). Berrill (1950, p. 248) has also commented on their tolerance of the ‘diluted and polluted waters typical of estuaries and harbours’. Van Name (1945, p. 388) refers to the western Atlantic M. manhattensis as ‘one of the few ascidians that will live in water of somewhat diminished salinity’. It is not altogether surprising, therefore, that it is M. manhattensis which has been introduced into Brisbane River, some 22 km from its mouth, where the bottom salinity (registered at the Port Office, in the Town Reach of the river, between the stations sampled off Mowbray Park and in the South Brisbane Reach) was in the vicinity of 16% 0 in 450 MEMOIRS OF THE QUEENSLAND MUSEUM May 1975; 19% 0 in August 1975; 25% 0 in Septem- ber 1975; and 11% 0 in December 1975. It is not impossible that there have been earlier introductions that were eradicated by the January 1974 flood. It is also possible that introduced riverine populations do not withstand the summer rainfall period and that, unless the species has become established in refuges in Moreton Bay, subsequent recruitment (if any) will also be from ships hulls. Apart from the fact that Molgula manhattensis of 1-2 cm diameter from Woods Hole in September 1927 had attained sexual maturity (Berrill, 1931), little is known of the growth rate and breeding season of M. manhattensis and this must be largely inferred from what is known of related species. M. tubifera (closely related to M. manhattensis) has been found breeding at Plymouth in all seasons other than winter (March to October; Berrill 1931, 1935). Molgula mollis (> M. sabulosa: Kott, 1972) is a species of similar size which reaches sexual maturity before reaching 2 cm in diameter. After settling in Moreton Bay at the end of winter, this species apparently produced at least one generation of offspring which grew to at least 2 cm in diameter before the populations disappeared in summer (Kott 1972). Therefore, sexual maturity is ap- parently attained within 2 months. If the growth rate and breeding season of the introduced pop- ulations of M. manhattensis are comparable with these, juveniles settling on ships in the western Atlantic in autumn could have been transported to the southern hemisphere, where their offspring settled in the Brisbane River following the period of summer rain (March 1975). Then the large mature populations sampled in August would have been adults of the second generation, progeny of the parent generation that settled in the river to reach sexual maturity in May; and the individuals taken in October would represent a third generation. Molgula manhattensis (de Kay, 1843) (Figs. 2-4) Ascidea manhattensis De Kay, 1843, p. 259. Molgula manhattensis : Van Name, 1945, p. 385 and synonymy. Molgula plater. Arnback, 1 928, p. 22, plate 1 , figs. 31-4. New Records Brisbane R.: QM G8976, G8977, G8979 Mowbray Park (32 specimens, R. Monroe, 7. viii. 1 975); QM G8978, mud channel, mouth of Norman Creek (2 specimens, R. Monroe, 12.V.1975); South Brisbane Reach, below Exec- utive Building (numerous specimens, R. Monroe, 7.viii.l975; 50 specimens including juveniles, R. Monroe, 30.x. 1975; 3 specimens, P. Davies, 5.xii. 1975); Bulimba corner (1 specimen, R. Monroe, 30.x. 1975). Yarra R.: NMV H301, Newport Power Station (9. i. 1967). (T) Norman Creek (D Mowbray Park (3) City Reach (?) South Brisbane Reach © Inner City area © Bulimba corner km Fig. 1: Lower Reaches of the Brisbane River from the Inner City area to Moreton Bay. KOTT: INTRODUCTION OF ASCIDIAN TO AUSTRALIA 451 Other Material Examined Molgula tubifera: AM Y1949, Duke Rock, Plymouth, U.K, (2 specimens, P. Kott, July 1951). Distribution On the Atlantic coast of North America from Portland to Louisiana (Van Name 1945). M.platei Hartmeyer, 1914; Van Name, 1945, known only from a single specimen from Chile, is similar to the present species. If closer examination should prove them synonymous, the possibility that it had been transported between the Pacific and Atlantic coasts of America, by ship, should not be overlooked. The species is commonly taken from shallow waters, the deepest reliable record being at 30 m (Van Name 1945). Description Individuals are almost spherical, to ovoid, slightly laterally flattened, and up to 2-5 cm in diameter. Both apertures are on short siphons a short distance apart on the upper surface. The branchial aperture is turned ventrally and the atrial aperture diverges slightly in the opposite direction. The test is whitish, thin, papery and transparent. It is covered with sparse, short hairs to which mud and fine sand adhere. On the basal half of the body the hairs are longer and form root-like processes anchoring the animal into the substrate. (Fig. 2). The body wall is very thin with muscles con- spicuous only around the siphons. It is very closely adherent to the test. At the base of the branchial siphon there is a straight edged velum on both sides which reduces the opening to a longitudinal slit. Longitudinal muscles from the body wall extend into these velar folds of the siphonal lining. The branchial tentacles are very bushy. The dorsal tubercle is a circular cushion with a U-shaped opening turned posteriorly, the horns turned inwards. The dorsal lamina is very short and is joined by 3 broad transverse vessels from each side of the body. The branchial sac has 6 narrow deeply curved folds on each side of the body. There are no internal longitudinal vessels between the folds. Those on the folds are extremely broad and project out from the ventral surface of the fold as a flat membrane. The internal longitudinal vessels become progressively wider toward the base of each fold. There are no internal longitudinal vessels on the dorsal surface of the fold. Longitudinal vessels on the ventral surface of each fold are arranged according to the formula DL 0(3) 0(4) 0(4) 0(4) 0(4) 0(3)0 E. In the very extensive spaces between the folds there are very numerous, and irregular, interstitial in- fundibula, with interrupted and irregular vessels extending across them (Fig. 3). The primary infundibula in each fold are subdivided into two and each subdivision is again divided at its apex in the margin of the fold. However, this arrangement is much obscured by the many irregular accessory or interstitial coils that are present, especially near the apex of the coils. In older specimens there is an unperforated area along either side of the en- dostyle. The gut forms a very narrow deeply curved loop enclosing the gonad on the left side of the body. The stomach is long, with internal longitudinal glandular folds. The anal border is divided into about 12 shallow rounded lobes. On the right side the molgulid kidney occupies the usual postero- ventral position. It is long and slightly curved and increases in length as the individual becomes larger. The right gonad extends along parallel to the dorsal border of the kidney. The gonads consist of an elongate or flask-shaped ovary terminating postero-dorsally in a short oviduct. Very dense clumps of arborescent testis follicles are arranged continuously along the proximal end and the ventral border of each ovary. Only occasionally there are small isolated clumps of testis follicles on the dorsal margin of the ovary. Vasa efferentia extend from the testis follicles onto the mesial surface of the ovary where they unite into one short vas deferens on the right gonad, but on the left gonad there are up to six short vas deferens arranged along the length of the ovary. (Fig. 4). Occasionally eggs, with follicle cells, are found in the peribranchial cavity, but no larvae were found suggesting that the species is oviparous. The eggs are 1 • 1 mm in diameter, excluding the follicle cells. Juveniles were present attached to the test of adult specimens in August. Relations Hartmeyer (1923) and Berrill (1950) believe the European M. tubifera to be synonymous with M. manhattensis. Hartmeyer’s synonymy is based on the fact that the gut loop of both M. tubifera and M. manhattensis is equally narrow and deeply curved and encloses the left ovary. Berniks view is supported by the small eggs and oviparous habit and similar development in both species (Berrill 1928). Despite similarities between the species, neither Arnback (1928) nor Van Name (1945) accepted the synonymy of M. tubifera and M. manhattensis. Arnback points out that the branchial sac of European specimens has fewer accessory spirals than M. manhattensis. 452 MEMOIRS OF THE QUEENSLAND MUSEUM Fig. 2: Molgula manhattensis; external appearance (specimen from the Brisbane River). Fig. 3: Molgula manhattensis ; portion of branchial sac between the folds (specimen from the Brisbane River). Fig. 4: Molgula manhattensis', kidney, gut and gonads on inner body wall (specimen from the Brisbane River). KOTT: INTRODUCTION OF ASCIDIAN TO AUSTRALIA 453 Specimens from the English Channel in the collection of the Australian Museum (AM Y1949, Duke Rock, Plymouth, July 1951) have been re- examined. They resemble the present specimens of M. manhattensis from the Brisbane River in size and general appearance, in the number of branchial folds, in the deeply curved gut loop, in the position of the right gonad parallel to the kidney, and in the size of the eggs and testis follicles. The differences between the American M. manhattensis and the European M. tubifera are confirmed, however, and the details of these differences are set out in Table 1 . The multiplicity of short testis ducts in the present specimens from the Brisbane and Yarra Rivers is similar to that inferred for M. manhat- tensis by Huntsman, 1922, and that known for some specimens of the European species (see Arnback 1928). However, Arnback ( loc . cit.) has drawn attention to variations in the condition of the vas deferens in a range of specimens from European locations. The multiple short vas deferens found in M. manhattensis and related species was used by Huntsman (1922) to characterise the genus Gym- nocystis. Based on this criterion M. ampulloides (a synonym of M. tubifera) was excluded from that genus. Huntsman’s subdivision of the genus Molgula was not adopted, however, since variations in arrangement of testis follicles relative to the ovary and variations in the length and disposition of the vas deferens occur throughout the genus, and are not considered to be of more than specific significance. The significance of this reported variation in the condition of the vas deferens in M. tubifera and its synonyms has yet to be resolved. In the Australian Museum specimens from the English Channel, referred to above, a single vas deferens extends along the mesial surface of the ovary and opens near the opening of the oviduct. The Brisbane and Yarra River specimens con- form exactly in all respects with the American species M . manhattensis (see Van Name 1945). Table 2 sets out the principal characters which distinguish those species in which more than a single vas deferens associated with the right or left gonad has been reported. Filtration Rate The capacity of the individual to filter large amounts of water and deal effectively with the sediments filtered from the water could also be relevant to its occurrence in shallow estuaries and in other locations where there is an unusual amount of suspended matter and other pollutants. The pronounced branchial folds of M. manhat- tensis and the complex arrangement of primary and accessory infundibula on the folds and in the interspace have developed the area available for filtration to a maximum degree. MacGinitie (1939) and Day (1974) have shown that in Ascidia californica and Pyura stolonifera respectively, mucous moves over the pharynx in a continuous sheet. Jorgensen’s (1939) assessment of filtration rate of Molgula manhattensis and Ciona intestinalis suggests that all particulate matter TABLE 1 : Differences between M. manhattensis and M. tubifera Species Apertures Internal longitudinal vessels/fold Testis follicles Dorsal tubercle Stigmata Anal border M. man- close together on never exceeds not cup-shaped numerous lobed hattensis the upper surface; long when extended (see Arnback 1928, fig. 34) 4; present on dorsal side of fold only present on dorsal border of ovary with unrolled horns turned to the right or posteriorly accessory spirals; long stigmata (see also Van Name 1945) M. a little distance up to 7 present all slit-like, S- only smooth tubifera apart on the upper surface; moderate length when extended (see Thompson 1930, pi. 3, figs. 1, 2) (Thompson 1930, p. 21; ‘3 to 6 mostly’ 5 to 6); present on both sides of fold around ovary shaped, C- shaped or U- shaped turned to the right, or left or posteriorly (Arnback 1928) occasional accessory spirals; stigmata short (see also Thompson 1930, pi. 3, fig. 6) 454 MEMOIRS OF THE QUEENSLAND MUSEUM 2 3 4J 0> >1 £ i-i o z Cfl CJ r G u o g jd 3 3 on o £ 3 ♦G cd s. C/5 cd 3 z < < £ 33 .a o ^z < w s z z PQ z ■§ & §S fc; o -o ^ § £ > £ o 3 M G JS < £ z >1 5 — i cd Cd > 53 o 3 t « D O > l_ 3) « 3 V ° o 3 JO tO •'t <0% 3 « 3 3 _ .o t: 35 O 3 ,c CJ C/5 o 3 £ &o 3 3 £ 3 3 3 T3 -j a a 3 JO JO in c/5 u 6 CO tvo CO ^Z ft § £> 2 I « ■ &3 ^ Cfl ~3 3 I £ 3 3 :sz o c ^ ^ ^ & '£ t2 b| a 3 3, P £ 'sT;Z ^-g 3 2 So | 3 1* 3- 3 3 -O a n 3 2 ■%* 3 zn KOTT: INTRODUCTION OF ASCIDIAN TO AUSTRALIA 455 (down to 1 micron at least) is strained from the water by this sheet of mucous. It was possible, therefore to estimate an approximate rate at which Molgula manhattensis filtered the muddy water of the Brisbane River. The filtration rate was assessed according to the formula: (log cone — log cone ) x M m 0 — loge x t where m is the quantity of water filtered in time t; conc o is the concentration of particles in the water at the beginning of the experiment and cone is the concentration of particles in the water at the end of the experiment; t is the duration of the experiment; and M is the amount of water in the experimental vessel (see Jorgensen 1943). The present experiment was conducted for a period of 12 hours with duplicate specimens of M. manhattensis , each in 1-3 litres of Brisbane River water with a heavy suspension of fine mud. No sedimentation had occurred in the control vessel at the end of the experiment. The concentration of particles in suspension after 12 hours is expressed as a percentage of the concentration at the beginning of the experiment, and was estimated by measured dilution of the unfiltered water to match opacity observed in the experimental vessels at the end of the experiment. The dilution achieved by the removal of suspended particles by the ascidian, over this 12 hour period was of the order of 1 in 1000 . The filtration rate of a single specimen of Molgula manhattensis was thus shown to be in the vicinity of T25 mls/minute (750 mls/hour). This rate confirms Jorgensen’s (1952) values of 8 to 18 litres per hour for 1 5 specimens. These small individuals are, therefore, very efficient filter feeders. The capacious and long gut loop with its pronounced typhlosolar fold un- doubtedly contributes to the accommodation of large amounts of sediment from which nutriment is extracted. LITERATURE CITED Arnback-Christie-Linde, Augusta, 1928. Northern and Arctic invertebrates in the collection of the Swedish State Museum. IX. Tunicata. 3 Molgulidae and Pyuridae. K. svenska Vetensken-Akad. Handl. 14(a): 1-101. Berrill, N. J., 1928. The identification and validity of certain species of ascidians. J. mar. biol Ass. U.K. 15: 159-75. 1931. Studies in tunicate development. Part II. Abbrev- iation of development in the Molgulidae. Phil. Tram R. Soc. (B) 219: 281-346. 1935. Studies in tunicate development. Part III. Differential retardation and acceleration. Phil. Trans R. Soc. (B) 225: 255-326. 1950. The Tunicata. Ray Soc. Pubis 133: 1-354. Day, R. W., 1974. An investigation of Pyura stolonifera (Tunicata) from the Cape Peninsula. Zoologica Africana 9(1): 35-58. De Kay, J. E„ 1843. ‘Zoology of New York, or the New York fauna’, pt 5, Mollusca. viii + 271 pp., 40 pis. (Albany). Hartmeyer, R., 1914. Diagnosen einige neuer Molgu- lidae aus der sammlung des Berliner Museums nebst bemerkungen fiber die systematik und nomenklatur dieser familie. Sber. Ges. naturf. Freunde Berl. 1914: 1-27. 1923. Ascidiacea, part I. Zugleich eine ubersicht fiber die Arktische und boreale ascidienfauna auf tier- geographischer grundlage. Ingolf-Exped. 2(6): 1-365. Huntsman, A. G., 1922. The ascidian family Caesiridae. Proc. Trans. R. Soc. Can. (5) 16(3): 21 1-34. Jorgensen, C., 1943. On the water transport through the gills of bivalves. Acta Phys. Scand. 5: 297-304. 1949. Feeding-rates of sponges, lamellibranchs and ascidians. Nature 163 (4154): 912. 1952. On the relation between water transport and food requirements in some marine filter feeding in- vertebrates. Biol. Bull. mar. biol. Lab., Woods Hole 103: 356-63. Kott, Patricia, 1964. Stolidobranch and phlebobranch ascidians of the Queensland Coast. Pap. Dep. Zool. Univ. Qdl(l)\ 127 52. 1969. Antarctic Ascidiacea. A monographic account of the known species based on specimens collected under U.S. Government auspices 1947 to 1963. Antarct. Res. Ser. American Geophysical Union, 13: i-xv, 1-239. 1972. Some sublittoral ascidians in Moreton Bay and their seasonal occurrence. Mem. Qd Mus. 16(2): 233-60. In press. Ascidian fauna of Western Port Bay, Victoria and a comparison with that of Port Phillip Bay. Mem. Natn. Mus. Viet. Macginitie, G. E., 1939. The method of feeding of tunicates. Biol. Bull. mar. biol. Lab., Woods Hole 77(3): 443-7. Thompson, H., 1930. The Tunicata of the Scottish area. Sclent. Invest. Fishery Bd. Scot!. 3: 1-45, 8 pis., 13 charts. Van Name, W. G., 1945. The North and South American ascidians. Bull. Am. Mus. nat. Hist. 84: 1-476. Mem. QdMus . 17 ( 3 ): 457-9, pis. 61-2. [1976] UPPER MOLAR ALVEOLAR PATTERNS OF SOME MURIDAE IN QUEENSLAND AND PAPUA NEW GUINEA Elizabeth Knox Queensland National Parks and Wildlife Service SUMMARY The upper molar alveolar patterns of 33 species in 16 genera of Muridae are illustrated. The eight patterns recognized are each related to a genus or a group of genera; the taxonomic value of the patterns is limited because of inconsistent, though infrequent, variation. Although patterns do not distinguish among native Rattus species, they provide a useful additional criterion for separating Melomys cervinipes (Gould) from Melomys littoralis (Lonnberg). Biological entities within the Muridae remain ill- defined despite a voluminous literature in the medical, agricultural and pure zoological fields. During long-term studies of Rattus and Melomys in Queensland, attention was given to the taxonomic value of alveolar patterns in the maxillae. Jones (1922) described the alveolar patterns of five species of murids from South Australia, and Ellerman (1942) discussed the roots of M 1 of Australasian Muridae. With the expansion of field work throughout Queensland to Cape York Penin- sula, exploratory efforts were made with other genera in Queensland and some species from Papua New Guinea. Material Examined Rattus and Melomys specimens were available in numbers (see Table 1) from recent field collections throughout the State and from consequent breed- ing colonies. The collections of the Department of Forestry and the Queensland Museum (QM) were examined also. Skulls were selected from the available material. Hydromys specimens were readily available; skulls of Conilurus albipes (Lich- tenstein) were used because a Queensland specimen of C. penicillatus (Gould) was not available. The Australian Museum (AM) provided a skull of Xeromys myoides Thomas from Mackay, Q., and a skull of Melomys lutillus (Thomas) from Papua New Guinea. The University of Queensland supplied specimens of M. rufescens (Alston) (type species), Pogonomelomys sevia (Tate and Arch- bold), and Pogonomys mollipilosus Peters and Doria, also from Papua New Guinea. All other specimens, except those from recent field col- lections presently retained by the Queensland National Parks and Wildlife Service, Brisbane, are in the Queensland Museum. Nomenclature is based on Iredale and Trough- ton (1934). Alveolar Patterns Alveolar patterns of the 33 species examined are shown in Plates 6D2. The distribution of alveoli among molars falls into eight patterns which, with related genera, are set out in Table 1. Melomys (Group A) consists of M. lutillus , M. littoralis, and M. australius; Melomys (Group D) of M. cer- vinipes, M. rufescens , M. rubicola , and Melomys sp. The patterns for Rattus , Hydromys, Mus, and Notomys agree with those of Jones (1922). The plates also illustrate variations seen in the patterns recorded in Table 1 . The irregular shape of a large alveolus is frequently the result of a union with an adjacent small one; this becomes apparent when the third molar is fully erupted and a permanent pattern is discernible, as is illustrated by Plate 62Da. Occasionally an alveolus of compara- tively small size and variable location may occur (Plate 6 IE); such aberrations are rare, being present for example in less than 1% of the series of M. cervinipes. The taxonomic value of the alveolar patterns is limited because of the inconsistent variation that occurs infrequently within these. This study thus did not assist in distinguishing species of native 458 MEMOIRS OF THE QUEENSLAND MUSEUM Rattus, but the occurrence of two patterns in Melomys (Table 1 A and D) provides a morphologi- cal character, independent of age and of measure- ments, which is a useful additional criterion for separating M. cervinipes and M. lit (oral is. ACKNOWLEDGMENTS Field officers of the Research' and Planning Branch, Queensland National Parks and Wildlife Service, supplied most of the field specimens; Dr P. D. Dwyer, Senior Lecturer in Zoology, University of Queensland, provided the Papua New Guinea material; Dr F. H. Talbot, Director of the Aus- tralian Museum, Sydney, supplied material as requested; Dr A. Bartholomai, Director of the Queensland Museum, permitted the use of its reference collection. Mr P. Fry, formerly Photo- graphy Branch, Department of Primary Industries, provided all of the illustrations. This assistance is gratefully acknowledged. LITERATURE CITED Ellerman, J. R., 1942. The Families and Genera of Living Rodents’, Vol. 11 (British Museum (Natural History): London). Iredale, T. and Troughton, E. Le G., 1934. 'A Check List of the Mammals Recorded from Australia’. (Australian Museum: Sydney). Jones. F. Wood, 1922. On the dental characters of certain Australian rats. Proc. Zool. Soc. Lond. 1922: 587-98. TABLE 1: Molar Alveolar Patterns among 16 Murid Genera Pattern Distribution of molar alveoli Genus (specimens examined) M 1 M 2 M- 1 A 5 5 3 Melomys (120) B 5 4 3 Rattus (90) C 5 3 Hydromys (5), Xeromys ( 1 ) D 4 4 3 Uromys (6), Melomys ( 1 80), Pogonomys (6) E 4 3 2 Conilurus (2) F 3 3 3 Mus (3), Pseudomys (18), Mesembriomys (2), Zyzomys (2), Thetomys (2), Pogonomelomys (6) G 3 3 3* Gyomys (2) H 3 3 2 Leggadina (5), Notomys (7), ( Leporillusf ) * arrangement different from Pattern F (cf. Plate 62 F a) f after Jones (1922) 460 MEMOIRS OF THE QUEENSLAND MUSEUM Plate 61 Right maxillae, showing alveolar patterns A, B, C, E, and G. Pattern A a, Melomys lutillus (Thomas) AM M6925 b, Melomys littoralis (Lonnberg) c, Melomys australius Thomas Pattern B a, Rattus norvegicus (Erxleben) b, Rattus rattus Linnaeus c, Rattus lutreolus (Gray) d, Rattus assimilis (Gould) e, Rattus leucopus (Gould) f, Rattus villosissimus Waite QM J22613 g, Rattus culmorum (Thomas and Dollman) h, Rattus conatus Thomas Pattern C a, Hydromys chrysogaster Jeffroy b, Hydromys longmani Thomas QM J3784, Paratype c, Xeromys myoides Thomas AM M6529 Pattern E Conilurus albipes (Lichtenstein) QM J3348 Pattern G Gyomys berneyi Troughton QM J14755 KNOX: MOLAR PATTERNS OF MURIDAE Plate 61 MEMOIRS OF THE QUEENSLAND MUSEUM Plate 62 Right maxillae, showing alveolar patterns D, F, and H. Pattern D a, Uromys caudimaculatus (Krefft) QM J22540 b, Uromys sherrini Thomas QM J3785 Paratype c, Melomys cervinipes (Gould) d, Melomys rufescens (Alston) e, Melomys rubicola Thomas QM J20169 f, Melomys sp. g, Pogonomys mollipilosus Peters and Doria Pattern F a, Mus musculus Linnaeus QM J2991 b, Pseudomys novaehollandiae (Waterhouse) QM J 1 7920 c, Pseudomys oralis Thomas d, Pseudomys minnie Troughton QM J5944 e, Mesembriomys gouldii (Gray) QM J 16978 f, Zyzomys argurus (Thomas) QM J22401 g, Thetomys gracilicaudatus (Gould) h, Pogonomelomys sevia (Tate and Archbold) Pattern H a, Leggadina delicatula (Gould) QM J 1 6468 b, Notomys filmeri Mack QM J 10009 KNOX: MOLAR PATTERNS OF MURIDAE Plate 62 CONTENTS Archer, M. Revision of the marsupial genus Planigale Troughton (Dasyuridae) Archer, M. Phascolarctid origins and the potential of the selenodont molar in the evolution of diprotodont marsupials Bartholomai, Alan The genus Wallabia Trouessart (Marsupialia: Macropodidae) in the Upper Cainozoic deposits of Queensland Archer, M. and Wade, Mary Results of the Ray E. Lemley Expeditions, Part 1. The Allingham Formation and a new Pliocene vertebrate fauna from northern Queensland Davies, Valerie Todd Dardurus , a new genus of amaurobiid spider from eastern Australia, with descriptions of six new species McKay, R. J. The wolf spiders of Australia (Aranae: Lycosidae): 7. Two new species from Victoria McKay, R. J. The wolf spiders of Australia (Aranae: Lycosidae): 8. Two new species inhabiting salt lakes of Western Australia Stephenson, W., Raphael, Y. I., and Cook, S. D. The macrobenthos of Bramble Bay, Moreton Bay, Queensland Kott, P. ' Introduction of the North Atlantic ascidian Molgula manhattensis (De Kay) to two Australian river estuaries Knox, Elizabeth Upper molar alveolar patterns of some Muridae in Queensland and Papua New Guinea Page 341 367 373 379 399 413 417 425 449 457