PROCEEDINGS or tue - GONDWANAN DINOSAUR SYMPOSIUM BRISBANE MEMOIRS OF THE VOLUME 39 20 DECEMBER 1996 QUEENSLAND MUSEUM PART 3 KT EVENTS IN INDIA: IMPACT, RIFTING, VOLCANISM AND DINOSAUR EXTINCTION SANKAR CHATTERJEE & DHIRAJ K. RUDRA Chatterjee, S. & Rudra, D.K. 1996 12 20: KT events in India: impact, rifting, volcanism and dinosaur exticntion. Memoirs of the Queensland Museum 39(3): 489-532. Brisbane. ISSN 0079-8835. For more than a decade, a number of impact sites have been linked to the mass extinction at the KT (Cretaceous/Tertiary) boundary. The prime candidate today is the Chicxulub Crater in Yucatán Peninsula, Mexico. Recently another potential KT impact scar — the Shiva Crater — has been identified from subsurface data at the India-Seychelles rift margin. The crucial evidence in support of this impact structure comes from the Bombay High field, a giant offshore oil basin in India, and associated alkaline intrusives within the Deccan Traps. The KT boundary age of the crater is inferred from its Deccan lava floor, Palaeocene age of the overlying sediments, isotope dating (~65Ma) of presumed melt rocks, and the Carlsberg rifting event (chron 29R) within the basin. Seismic reflection data and India-Seychelles plate reconstruction at 65Ma reveal a buried oblong crater, 600km long, 450km wide and 12km deep, carved through Deccan Traps and into underlying Precambrian granite. It represents the largest impact structure of Phanerozoic age. The crater shows the morphology of a complex impact structure and basin, with a distinct central uplift in the form of a series of peaks, an annular trough and a slumped rim. The oblong shape of the crater and the asymmetric distribution of fluid ejecta indicate oblique impact in a SW-NE trajectory. We speculate that a 40km diameter meteorite crashed on the western continental shelf of India around 65Ma, excavating the Shiva Crater, shattering the lithosphere and inducing the India-Seychelles rifting. The crater appears to narrow in the form of a teardrop to the NE or downrange where the ejecta melt rocks were emplaced radially outward by the impact shock. The shape of the Shiva Crater and the asymmetric ejecta distribution mimic those of artificial craters produced by oblique impacts in laboratory experiments. The synchrony and near-an- tipodal positions of the Shiva and Chicxulub Craters may indicate two alternative modes of their origin. Either, both craters originated from splitting of a larger diameter meteorite, or, large impact on one side of the Earth produced a similar signature on the far side by axial focusing of seismic waves. Since India was ground zero for both an impact and Deccan volcanism, their causal relationships and biotic effects were assessed. It appears that Deccan volcanism began 1Ma before the KT event and was not triggered by the impact. Its origin is attributed to the Deccan-Reunion hotspot. The extensive areal distribution of Deccan Traps is owing to intercanyon flows along the drainage of the Narmada, Godavari and the Cambay basins. During the early stage of Deccan eruption, sauropods, theropods and ankylosaurs flourished in India, but they died out suddenly at the KT impact boundary. Although both impact and Deccan volcanism are hypothesized as contributing to the deleterious environ- mental consequences leading to biotic crisis at the KT boundary, the impact is suggested as having played the major role as the killing mechanism. [ ] /mpact, Cretaceous-Tertiary boundary, India, dinosaur, extinction, volcanism. S. Chatterjee, Museum of Texas Tech University, Lubbock, Texas 79409-3191, USA; D.K. Rudra, Geology Unit, Indian Statistical Institute, 203 Barrackpore Trunk Road, Calcutta 700035, India; 7 May 1996. Since its emergence and subsequent eruption of diversity, life has shown a tenacious and wildly successful hold on this planet. But the rich history of life has been repeatedly punctuated by equally awesome displays of its destruction. It is es- timated that 99% of plant and animal life that have ever lived on Earth are now extinct (Wilson, 1992). The history of life is replete with major episodes of biotic catastrophes or mass extinc- tions, when 50% or more of the unrelated species died out fairly rapidly. All mass extinctions, how- ever, have been followed by at least a partial evolutionary recovery in which the number of species on Earth has increased again. There are five major episodes of mass extinc- tions during the past 600 million years: Late Ordovician (440Ma), Late Devonian (365Ma), Late Permian (245Ma), Late Triassic (210Ma) and Late Cretaceous (65Ma). Of these mass ex- tinctions, the one that has captured the greatest 490 TOTAL EXTINCTION VICTIMS 65 Ma KT BOUNDARY e. (Pterosaurs) (Ammonites) (Nanavian Dinosaurs) —_ q me (Large Marine Reptiles) MAASTRICHTIAN attention of earth scientists has been the KT (Cretaceous/Tertiary) extinction when the dinosaurs and two-thirds of all marine animal speices were wiped out. The sudden extinction of dinosaurs has puzzled both scientists and public for more than a century. Having survived for 160 million years, dinosaurs seemed indestructible. Not only the dinosaurs died out during that rela- tively brief period; all land animals weighing more than 25kg disappeared from the planet. All pterosaurs, plesiosaurs, mosasaurs as well as several families of birds and marsupial mammals, and hundreds of plants were also suddenly wiped out at this time. The small calcareous plankters that float at the ocean surface and the ammonites and rudists from the depths also vanished. The Earth was devastated. Life was ravaged by one of the worst catastrophes. There were survivors, of course, after the KT disaster (Fig. 1). Neornithine birds, placental mammals, crocodiles, turtles, lizards and snakes all survived as groups — despite the extinction of some species. From this catastrophe, oppor- tunities arose forthe survivors. The KT extinction had opened the door for the age of mammals and the rise of birds and changed the course of evolu- tionary history. What triggered this catastrophe that led to such an unprecendented ecological crisis? Over the years, many theories, some biz- zare and some plausible, have been offered to explain the mystery behind the extinction of dinosaurs. There is no shortage of murder suspects. Any explanation of the causes of biotic crises must focus on finding agents of destruction that affected environments, climates, ecology and organisms. (Crocodilas) MEMOIRS OF THE QUEENSLAND MUSEUM RECOVERY ap pe eae (Snakes) (Turtles) (Lizards) (Birds) < ^ . " ium. - {Mammals} FIG. 1. Victims and survivors after the KT extinction. The primary victims were nonavian dinosaurs, pterosaurs, large marine reptiles such as plesiosaurs and mosasaurs, and various invertebrates such as ammonites and rudists. Lizards, snakes, turtles, crocodiles, birds and mammals endured this catastrophe and rebounded. Both birds and mammals underwent explosive evolutions after this crisis. By the end of the Cretaceous, harsh changes of environments were taking place as a result of plate movements, mountain buildings, volcanic emissions and sea regressions. Exactly what caused the biotic crisis remains highly controver- sial. Currently two competing models have been proposed to explain this apocalyptic disaster at the KT boundary: meteorite impact hypothesis and volcanic hypothesis. The impact theory pos- tulates that the environments were lethally altered or destroyed at the end of the Cretaceous by the collision of a large meteorite leading to biotic crisis. The volcanic theory argues that the pollu- tion in the atmosphere and oceans by the massive outpourings of Deccan flood basalt in India had devastating effects on ecology. In 1980, the Alvarez group proposed that the KT extinction was caused by the impact of a 10km meteorite. This proposal has generated a great deal of interest among scientists and the public. But the key piece of evidence was still missing. If a huge meteorite had indeed crashed into the Earth, where was the crater? Critics sear- ched for alternate explanation. The end of the Cretaceous was also a time of massive continen- tal flood basalt volcanism, especially the Deccan Traps in India. Many palaeontologists believe that such cataclysmic volcanism may have been the culprit in the KT extinction (McLean, 1985; Officer et al, 1987). Over the past 15 years, exciting new insights have poured in from vir- tually every branch of earth and planetary scien- ces to understanding the effects of these catastrophic events — impact and volcanic — on earth's ecosphere and the evolution of life. Recently the Chicxulub structure in the northern coast of Yucatán Peninsula of Mexico has KT EVENTS IN INDIA emerged as a prime candidate for the KT impact site (Hildebrand et al., 1991). In this paper we describe another buried KT impact structure — the Shiva Crater at the India-Seychelles rift mar- gin, and its relevance to the Chicxulub structure, Deccan volcanism and mass extinction (Chatter- jee, 1992; Chatterjee & Rudra, 1993). THE IMPACT MODEL Like other planets in the solar system, the Earth resides in a swarm of asteroids and comets. It is now apparent that the Earth has been heavily bombarded during its history by meteorites of various sources, sizes and compositions (Clube & Napier, 1982). The incontrovertible evidence for large cosmic collisions is the occurrence of cir- cular craters associated with considerable local structural disturbance and shock metamorphism (French & Short, 1968). Because of the dynamic nature of the terrestrial lithosphere where such forces as erosion, volcanism, deposition, orogeny and plate tectonics constantly restructure the sur- face, impact craters are often erased or obscured, unlike the more static surfaces of the Moon, Mer- cury and Mars. To date over 150 impact craters have been recognized on the Earth’s surface and the list is growing. They range in size from ap- proximately 100m to 200km and in age from Precambrian to Recent (Grieve, 1987; 1990; Grieve et al., 1988). The spatial distribution indi- cates concentrations in cratonic areas. Other craters may be submerged under oceans and remain inaccessible or undetected. Scientific in- terest in the role of impact in geological and biological evolution has been enhanced by several developments in recent years. Among the most prominent of these are the hypotheses of Alvarez et al. (1980) concerning terminal Cretaceous extinction and lunar and planetary exploration by manned and unmanned spacecraft. As interest in bombardment mounts, previously unknown or cryptic impact sites are recognized with increasing frequency. As a grim reminder that the threat of impact on our planet is a real possibility, the world’s attention was focused during late July, 1994, on the spectacular collision of comet Shoemaker-Levy 9 on the sur- face of Jupiter, leaving scars the size of Earth on the giant planet (Levy et al., 1995; Weissman, 1955). Hypervelocity impacts can have a large range of effects that depend on the strength and density of the projectile and the nature of the target material. The most obvious result of larger col- 491 lisions is seen in the spectrum of crater sizes and morphologies. The recovery of meteorite frag- ments and shock effects within or surrounding a crater are the most persuasive evidence for an impact origin, but when large craters are deeply eroded or buried, the evidence of impact is obscured or blurred. Such evidence may be iden- tified indirectly from shock-metamorphic effects on the target rock and ejecta components, as well as distinctive geochemical signatures attributable to a particular type of meteoritic projectile (Grieve, 1990). These signatures may be preserved locally near the impact site, or globally at a particular stratigraphic level containing the ejecta fallout. Together they may provide clues to the nature of the target material and the impactor. Impact craters of this obscure nature are the most controversial and require additional information for verification. In 1980, the Alvarez group advanced a startling theory to explain the sudden demise of dinosaurs — the most succesful land animals ever to arise on Earth. They discovered an abnormally high concentration of iridium (about 30 times more than the surrounding rocks) at the KT boundary level of Gubbio, Italy. Soon a comparable iridium anomaly was found globally at different KT boundary sections (Orth, 1989). Since iridium is a very rare element in the earth's crust, but fairly abundant in chondritic meteorites, the Alvarez team proposed that the iridium spike at the KT boundary is cosmic in origin, implying the strike of a large meteorite. There was enough iridium in the KT boundary, they calculated, to equal a 10km-diameter asteroid. They proposed that this giant asteroid crashed into the Earth with a velocity of 90,000km/hour to cause the worldwide catastrophic event. This impact lofted so much debris into Earth's atmosphere as to creater a ‘nuclear winter'that caused much of the life on Earth to perish. A blackout of sun would kill plants and destory the food chain. The global distribution of the iridium layer was caused by the impact and vaporization of the bolide. The impact theory was reinforced by additional evidence such as shocked quartz (Bohor et al., 1984; 1987; Owen & Anders, 1988), stishovite (McHone et al., 1989), micro-diamonds (Carlisle & Braman, 1991), impact glasses (Izett et al., 1990), os- mimium isotope ratios (Turekian, 1982), Ni-rich spinels (Robin et al., 1994), rhodium (Bekov et al., 1988), carbon soots (Wolbach et al., 1988), tsunami deposits (Bourgeois et al., 1988), and extraterrestrial amino acids (Carlisle & Braman, 1993) in the KT boundary layer at different sites. 492 Among all this cumulative evidence, the shocked quartz is a distinctive signature of impact event as it can form at a force more than 10 gigapascal (GPa) that travels through quartz-bearing grains of the target rock to porduce microscopic shock lamellae (Grieve, 1990). Pressures and tempera- tures produced by a large body impact are much greater than those generated by other geologic processes, such as volcanic activity, mountain building and earthquakes. However, the strongest evidence in favor of the KT impact event would be to locate a crater marking the point of collision. Such a crater should be 150km or more in diameter (Grieve, 1982). The search for an impact site of the right age (~65Ma), and the right size (150km) has continued, including reassessment of many enig- matic structures. Now, after a decade-long search, the Chicxulub structure on the Yucatán Peninsula of Mexico (Hildebrand et al., 1991) and the Shiva Crater at the India-Seychelles rift margin (Chat- terjee, 1992) appear to be two potential can- didates for the long-sought KT impact scar. THE VOLCANIC MODEL Although the impact hypothesis is very com- pelling, not everybody believes that impacts killed the dinosaurs and other organisms at the KT boundary. Critics have advanced a volcanic alternative. The end of the Cretaceous was also a time of massive continental flood basalt vol- canism, especially the Deccan Traps of India. Recent radiometric dating suggests that the main pulse of Deccan volcanism may have occured close to the KT boundary at 65 million years ago (Duncan & Pyle, 1988; Courtillot, 1990). Many palaeontologists argue forcefully that such cataclysmic Deccan volcanism may have been the main contributing factor for the biotic crisis at the KT boundary (Clemens, 1982; Officer et al, 1987; Hallam, 1987; Keller, 1989; Stanley, 1987; Zinsmeister et al., 1989; Courtillot, 1990). Other contemporary episodes of volcanism at the KT boundary such as in Cameroon and the Coral Sea have been linked to the KT event (Sutherland, 1994). The proponents of the volcanic model argue that the KT extinction was neither global, nor instantaneous, but occurred over an extended period of time, because different organisms dis- appeared at different levels at or near the KT boundary. Such step-wise extinction pattern could be best explained by prolonged emissions of volcanic pollutants. Large amounts of iridium have been discovered to be spewing from the MEMOIRS OF THE QUEENSLAND MUSEUM Hawaiian and Reunion volcanoes, suggesting that the iridium anomaly at the KT boundary could have also had a volcanic origin (Olmez et al., 1986). There is no doubt that such a massive volcanic outburst over an extended period would have deleterious environmental consequences. Proponents of the volcanic model claim that many ofthe supposed impact signatures at the KT boundary layer, such as iridium enrichment, shocked quartz, microspherules, clay mineralogy and carbon soot, could have volcanic explana- tions (Officer, at al., 1987; Courtillot, 1990). The impact proponents disagree. They point out that the Deccan volcanism was not of an explosive typeand could not account forthe global distribu- tion of the iridium anomaly, shocked quartz and tektites at the KT boundary layer (Alvarez, 1986; Alvarez & Asaro, 1990). Moreover, the lamellar features in quartz grains associated with ex- plosive volcanism show curvatures contrary to the planar and parallel lamellae in impact-related shocked quartz recoved from the KT boundary (Izett, 1990). The gradual extinction pattern seen among organisms may be an artifact of preserva- tion and poor sampling quality. Others argue that because Deccan volcanism had little effect on the diversity of local Indian biota, its catastrophic role in global life is questionable (Prasad et al., 1994). SEARCH FOR THE KT IMPACT SITE Since Alvarez et al (1980) presented their geochemical evidence for an impact event at the KT boundary, the search for the proposed impact crater has continued. There are a number of candidates for the KT impact site, none of which are very compelling at present. The 35km Man- son structure in north-central Iowa is such a can- didate (French, 1984; Anderson & Hartung, 1988), but new work suggests that this crater is older (~74mya) and played no role in the KT mass extinction (Izett at al., 1993). Twin impact struc- tures in the Kara Sea in the former USSR, the Kara (diameter, 60km) and Ust-Kara (diameter, 25km), have been proposed as possible impact sites (Koeberl et al., 1988), but recent geochronologic data suggest that these structures are also older than the KT boundary event (Koeberl et al., 1990). Even the general location of the KT impact, whether continental or oceanic, remains con- troversial. Trace element and isotopic studies of the highly altered KT boundary-layer com- ponents tend to support the oceanic impact KT EVENTS IN INDIA hypothesis (Gilmore et al., 1984; Hildebrand & Boynton, 1990). On the other hand, the presence of shocked quartz at several KT boundary sites would indicate a continental site (Bohor at al., 1987). The apparent contradiction can be recon- ciled if the single impact occurred at a continental margin involving both oceanic and continental crust, or multiple impacts at different sites. It was soon realized that the size and abundance of the ejecta, such as shocked quartz grains and tektites, may give some clues as to the location of the impact crater. Bohor et al. (1987) and Izett (1990) concluded that the largest sizes and greatest abundance of shocked quartz grains in KT boundary sediments occur in western North America, suggesting that the impact occurred on or near the continent. The discovery of tsunami deposits at the KT boundary sections on the Brazos River, Texas (Bourgeois et al., 1988), near Braggs, Alabama, (Smit et al., 1994), in the Caribbean (Hildebrand & Boynton, 1988), and Deep-Sea Drilling Program holes 536 and 540 in the southwestern Gulf of Mexico (Alvarez et al., 1992) as well as the identification of tektites at Beloc, Haiti (Izett et al., 1991; Maurrasse & Sen, 1991) and Arroyo el Mimbral, northeastern Mexico (Smit et al., 1992), narrowed the search further to the Caribbean region. Impact breccia has been recovered from Albion Island of Belize, near the Mexican border (Ocampo & Pope, 1994). At least four possible Caribbean sites have been suggested, including the Colombian Basin, western Cuba, Haiti and the Yucatan Peninsula. Hildebrand & Boynton (1990) placed the KT impact location in the Colombian Basin between Colombia and Haiti on the basis of seismic data and DSDP core samples, but the putative crater is not only under water but buried under 1,000m of sediment and is subject to other interpretations, such as tectonic origin or a change in the thick- ness of the oceanic crust. Bohor & Seitz (1990) speculated that the impact site was near Cuba, about 1,350km from the site proposed by Hil- debrand and Boynton, on the basis of a boulder bed interpreted as ejecta components, but the boulder bed is found to be of local, weathering origin and the Cuban site has been rejected (Dietz & McHone, 1990). The Massif de la Hotte on the southern peninsula of Haiti, a mountainous region with Cretaceous sediments, has also been proposed as the KT impact site (Maurrasse, 1990), but closer examination of the area clearly indicates that it is not an impact site (Officer et al., 1992). 493 The most promising KT impact site appears to be the Chicxulub Crater on the northern margin of the Yucatán Peninsula, Mexico (Penfield & Camargo, 1982; Hilderbrand et al., 1991; 1995). Itis a circular structure about 180km in diameter, buried under 1,100 m of carbonate strata, extend- ing out under the Gulf of Mexico, and defined by magnetic and gravity anomalies (Fig. 2A). THE CHICXULUB CRATER The subsurface stratigraphy of the Chicxulub structure is known primarily from petroleum ex- ploration bore holes drilled by Pemex, the Mexican national petroleum company, in the 1950s (Lopez-Ramos, 1975; Meyerhoff et al. 1994). Unfortunately, most of the critical core samples were destroyed in a warehouse fire. At present, samples of the Chicxulub structure are limited; as a result, the subsurface stratigraphy is open to various interpretations. In hindsight, it is ironic that drilling and exploration were stopped as soon as the andesitic bodies at a depth of 1500-2000m were encountered; these may have provided the critical evidence for the impact. Penfield & Camargo (1982) suspected an impact origin for the Chicxulub Crater on the basis of concentric geophysical anomalies with as- sociated extrusive material such as andesitic bodies. Recently located samples from the old Pemex wells, including brecciated carbonates, andesites and crystalline basement have been studied extensively and inferred to support the impact scenario for this site. For example, Hil- debrand et al. (1991) reported shocked quartz within Chicxulub breccias and documented chemical and isotopic similarities between an- desites and tektite deposits from the KT boundary sections of Haiti and Mexico. These findings indicate that the Chicxulub Crater may be the source for the Haitian and Mexican tektites. Kring & Boynton (1992) interpreted the rocks initially thought to be andesites as probable im- pact melts, whereas Blum et al (1993) found an isotopic match between the Haiti glass and the Chicxulub melt. Subsequently, Sharpton et al. (1992) recognized that the breccia above the melt rock is suevite breccia, a distinct signature of an impact crater. They recognized that the Chic- xulub melt rocks show high levels of iridium and their age corresponds well with the KT boundary. Single crystal “°Ar/*’Ar dating places the melt rock at 65Ma (Swisher et al, 1992). All this combined evidence suggests that the Chicxulub 494 MEMOIRS OF THE QUEENSLAND MUSEUM UNITED STATES * KT Ejecta Layer Braggs e ; j Brazos @ ® Tsunami Deposits GULF OF MEXICO Mimbral * J i tur MEXICO Chicxulub Struc uro; JAMAICA m ae ies BELIZE A J " meet 8S CARIBBEAN SEA 4; GUATEMALA 72mm ee, ; r” HONDURAS $ jt 180 Km > l | B | | [9] : 7 TP C Tertiary Limestone L I5 â [233 [5 By be rau E Cretaceous Limestone KT Impact Melt Cretaceous Limestone PEZ = Iter +444 Tt $5 HHIHHBEHÁUBDU pracciaf Central 1455002 RUD a L HHA pe A1 41443 GrPecia enar Tipo po e eerrebeE tts] fttt E EE HA eb deny ^ Lens, ++ Uplift + + ey 0 E 324 E47 HAS ERA MOUSE ETH * + titrttrttrłtt titt Basement iCERLILE og III as. prises Basementr retried Lg -bhbtett beet tee tt tet tebe ett tet tet tt+++++++ t+t+ttt+t+t+ ptttt+ tet ttt tt FIG. 2. A, Location of the Chicxulub structure on the northern edge of the Yucatan Peninsula, Mexico, showing distribution of proximal impact deposits. B, Cross-section; estmated crater diameter is 180km (simplified from Hildebrand et al., 1994). structure may be a prime candidate for the long sought KT impact crater (Fig. 2B). It appears from the above discussion that two lines of evidence support the impact scenario for the Chicxulub structure: evidence of shock metamorphism, iridium enrichment, brecciation and impact melt within the crater itself, and the distribution of proximal ejecta components at the KT sections in Haiti, Mexico, Texas, Alabama, the Caribbean and adjacent areas (Fig. 2A). How- ever, in recent times both interpretations have faced strong criticisms. For example, some workers dispute the impact origin of the Chic- xulub structure and interpreted it as a buried volcanic complex of Late Cretaceous age (Of- ficer et al., 1992; Meyerhoff et al., 1994). Their counterargument is based on the original subsur- face correlation proposed by Lopez-Ramos (1975) and the unpublished well log for the Yucatan No. 6 well, drilled in 1966 over the Chicxulub structure. One of the authors, Dr Ar- thur A. Meyerhoff, was a consulting geologist to Pemex at the time Yucatan No. 6 was drilled and had first-hand information on the biostratigraphy KT EVENTS IN INDIA of the site. This well penetrated a superimposed sequence of Pliocene-Miocene, Oligocene, Eocene-Palaeocene and Maastrichtian-Cam- panian sediments, and bottomed in andesitic rocks and Cretaceous limestone, dolomite and anhydrite. The most damaging evidence against the impact origin is the inverted stratigraphy of the Cretaceous horizon in relation to the andesite. These dissenters point to the presence of 350m of undisturbed Late Cretaceous sediments with index fossils (foraminifera) overlying the an- desitic body. If the andesitic rocks were indeed impact melt from KT boundary time, the overly- ing strata must be Palaeocene or younger in age. Palaeontologic evidence indicates otherwise; these strata are of Campanian and Maastrichtian age lying conformably over the andesite. Swisher etal. (1992) explained this stratigraphic inversion as fallback breccia of Cretaceous limestone infill- ing the crater. However these overlying Cretaceous strata are not disturbed, brecciated and shocked, and thus pose a problem for the KT impact age of the andesite body. Meyerhoff et al. (1994) indicated the following additional discrepancies in the impact origin hypothesis of the Chicxulub structure: 1) The Chicxulub structure is too shallow (~2000m) for an impact of this dimension; ex- pected excavation depth would be around 10km or greater (Melosh, 1989). 2) Several layers of bentonitic breccia occur interbedded with the Cretaceous limestones without any structural disturbance or obliteration, so their impact origin is suspect. 3) If the andesite were of impact origin, one would expect highly homogeneous composition with appreciable thickness; in contrast, chemical analysis suggests that the Chicxulub andesite is thin, chemically inhomegeneous with a wide range of major oxide compositions (Sharpton et al., 1992). 4) In an impact structure, the impact melt rep- resents the aggregate composition of the target rock (Engelhardt, 1984); in Chicxulub, on the other hand, the target country rock is metamor- phosed quartzite and rhyolite, whereas the presumed impact melt is andesite. 5) The anhydrite at the bottom of the Yucatan No. 6 well would have been completely vaporized at the point of collision, if there was an impact; its presence below the putative melt rock is anomalous. 6) Unlike the planar and parallel lamellae in shocked quartz associated with an impact site, the lamellar features in quartz grains in Chicxulub 495 breccia show curvatures typical of volcanic origin. 7) Later thermal events in the Chicxulub vol- canic sequence might have reset the radiometric age of the andesite; these authors indicated that out of ten samples analyzed by Sharpton et al. (1972), nine gave spurious results; accordingly, the correlation between the KT impact event and the presumed andesite melt is tenuous at best. 8) The Chicxulub volcanics are not local impact melt, but part of a well-known Late Cretaceous igneous province surrounding the Gulf of Mexico. Not only the impact origin of the Chicxulub structure, but also the interpretation of proximal deposits of ballistic ejecta and impact-wave dis- turbances in the Caribbean and Gulf Coast is in dispute. Recent studies have shown that many of these so called impact-generated deposits may in fact represent gravity-flow or turbidite deposits occurring over an extended period of time, whereas supposed impact droplets are altered volcanic particles (Lyons & Officer, 1992; Keller et al., 1993; Stinnesbeck et al., 1993; Beeson et al, 1994; Adatte et al, 1994). The presumed connection between the Haitian glasses and Chicxulub has been questioned by Koeberl (1993) on the basis of geochemical evidence. He pointed out that, at the time of impact, the Chicxulub area was covered by evaporitic and carbonate deposits several kilometers thick. Yellow glasses found in the KT section of Haiti are not tektities and cannot be linked to evaporitic target rocks of the Chicxulub. Similarly, the interpretation of some breccias within Chicxulub as impact breccias may be wrong. However, proponents of the Chicxulub Crater have dismissed most of these criticisms (Alvarez et al, 1994; Hildebrand et al., 1994). Thus, the Chicxulub impact is open to question, and more study is needed before a final assess- ment can be made. The only way to settle this question decisively is by drilling new holes into the Chicxulub structure, as in the case of the Manson Crater, to determine more precisely when and how it formed. THE SHIVA CRATER Although the Chicxulub structure has emerged as the leading candidate for the KT impact scar, another promising KT impact site has been iden- tified at the India-Seychelles rift margin in the northwest Indian Ocean, almost antipodal to the Chicxulub structure. Hartnady (1986) suggested 496 MEMOIRS OF THE QUEENSLAND MUSEUM 0° 10°S \ ^X Phenai Mata’ v Y vv vy Carlsberg Ridge A RA: z "spun YY EN A Let gatpuri y Jv vs Central Peak NR 7 * VY BAY OF BENGAL 20°S Deccan-Reunion H INDIAN OCEAN can-Reunion Hotspot Positive Gravity Anomaly Deccan Traps Precambrian Granite Impact Melt (Alkali Igneous Complexes) 200 km 30°S 50°E 60°E 70°E FIG. 3. Location of the Shiva Crater at the India-Seychelles rift margin during KT boundary; arrow indicates trajectory of meteorite; radial, asymmetric distributions of alkaline igneous complexes (impact melt rocks) downrange of the Shiva Crater are shown by closed circles (data from Bose, 1980); areas of positive gravity anomaly (data from Biswas, 1988) coincide with the ejecta melt distribution; asterisk indicates location of the Deccan-Reunion hotspot. that the Amirante Basin, south of the Seychelles southwest by the structure of the Amirante Arc. Island, may be a possible KT impact site. The Sediments from the adjacent Amirante Passage basin has a subcircular shape of about 300kmin have yielded Late Maastrichtian foraminifera diameter, bounded on the northeast by the Abathomphalus mayorensis (Johnson et al., Seychelles Bank and partially ringed on the 1982), while basalt samples dredged from the KT EVENTS IN INDIA Amirante Arc look like Deccan Trap and have a similar radiometric age (Fisher et al., 1968). Both palaeontologic and radiometric age indicate that the arc was formed near the KT boundary. How- ever, its arcuate structure is enigmatic. It does not appear to be a recent or ancient trench, as it lacks volcanic activity, seismicity, and any significant accretionary sedimentary prism on its ‘landward’ side (Johnson etal., 1982). Thus the interpretation of the Amirante Arc as a crater rim is a distinct possibility. The proposed impact also may ex- plain the puzzling jump of the Carlsberg Ridge at the KT boundary during the rifting of India and the Seychelles. Hartnady noticed that the Carlsberg Ridge between the Seychelles and Madagascar jumped more than 500km to the northeast to lie between India and the Seychelles and initiate rifting between these two landmasses. He could not find any evidence for plate reor- ganization in the Atlantic or Pacific Oceans during this time. He attributed this major plate tectonic adjustment to the enormous force of a large meteorite. As additional evidence, he pointed to massive tsunami deposits in the KT boundary section of Somalia and Kenya, which may be linked to this impact event. Although Hartnady’s model initially had at- tracted wide attention, one major problem of his idea is the enigmatic morphology of the Amirante Basin. It is semicircular in outline, preserving half of a supposed crater rim. What happened to the other half of the crater? Although circularity is not diagnostic of impact origin, there must be evidence of some structure off the coast of Seychelles. Is it possible to find the missing rim? Alt et al. (1988) remedied the deficiency of the Amirante Basin model as the point of collision. They argued that during KT boundary, the Seychelles was adjacent to the west coast of india. They concurred with Hartanady (1986) that the western rim of the crater survives in the Amirante Arc, but the eastern rim lies along the west coast of India, hidden by the overlying Deccan Traps. They speculated that the impact was forceful enough to create not only the enormous crater approximately 600km in diameter, but also to cause pressure-release melting in the astheno- sphere. Basalt then filled the crater basin to form an immense lava lake, the terrestrial equivalent of a lunar mare. The synchrony of initiation of spreading along the Carlsberg Ridge, the emplacement of the flood basalts at the Deccan plateau, Saya de Malha bank and Amrante Basin, as well as close spatial association around the crater basin, indicate that the array of simul- 497 taneous tectonic and volcanic features might have been triggered by a single physical cause — an enormous impact. Chatterjee (1990; 1992) elaborated upon this KT impact scenario at the India-Seychelles rift margin, and identified the eastern rim of the crater along the Panvel Flexure, near the Bombay coast (Figs. 3-6). The Panvel Flexure is an arcuate segment of the crater about 120km long on the Deccan Traps, and it is difficult to explain in terms of conventional tectonics. It is marked by a line of hot springs, dikes, deep crustal faults and seismicity (Kaila et al., 1981; Powar, 1981). Since the Indian shield is usually aseismic, the seismicity along the flexure is unusual, indicating tectonic instability. The geothermal gradient is abnormally high along this flexure (36-78°C/km’) with evidence of thinned lithosphere (31-39km), suggesting melting conditions at shallow depths (Negi et al., 1992). The Panvel Flexure may rep- resent the eastern rim of the crater in the form of a collapsed rim structure. It exercises tectonic control on the attitude of the Deccan lavas. To the east of the flexure, the basaltic flows are horizon- tal; to the west of the flexure, the basaltic flows dip west to west-southwest at 50? to 60? toward the coast. The abrupt change of dip along the flexure axis may indicate the slope of the eastern crater wall, which is now concealed by Deccan lavas. Seismic data indicate that the basement topography below the Deccan lava west of the flexure has a crater-like depression (Kaila et al., 1981). Completing the oval by combining the Amirante Arc and the Panvel Flexure, the extent of the crater can be extrapolated. It is a giant oval crater, 600km long and 450km wide, showing the morphology of a complex impact scar. Chatterjee (1992) named this impact structure the Shiva Crater, after the Hindu god of destruction and renewal (Fig. 3). However, the Shiva Crater is difficult to interpret because it is submarine and largely concealed by the Deccan lava. Many of the impact signatures are thus erased or obscured. Moreover, the rifting of the Seychelles from India, which occurred along the width of the crater, has obliterated the geomorphology of the structure. A series of geodynamic and volcanic events that occurred near KT boundary time must be untangled and put into proper chronologic order to unveil the crater morphology. Recent exploratory data from the Bombay High, a giant offshore oilfield located 160km west of the city of Bombay, has produced a wealth of infomation supporting an impact origin for the Shiva Crater. 498 40°E ARABIAN — PENINSULA ARABIAN SEA 10?N 60°E MEMOIRS OF THE QUEENSLAND MUSEUM 70°E 80°E 90°E INDIA Panvel Flexure Bombay CARLSBERG RIDGE 0? SEYCHELLES / Amirante Arce 10°S MADAGASCAR 20°S 30°S SHIVA CRATER INDIAN OCEAN FIG. 4. Present day location of the split Shiva Crater in reference to India and Seychelles on either side of the Carlsberg Ridge. Today, part of the Shiva Crater is attached to the southern part of the Seychelles, the other-half to the western part of India. The crater was joined 65 million years ago when the Seychelles was part of India before the spreading of the Carlsberg Ridge. INIDA-SEYCHELLES FIT. Today, the Seychel- les microcontinent is separated from the western coast of India by 2,800km because of spreading along the Carlsberg Ridge (Fig. 4). This midoceanic ridge shows symmetrical magnetic anomalies of 5, 23, 24, 25, 26, 27, 28 and 29 on either side of the ridge axis between India and the Seychelles (Norton & Sclater, 1979; Naini & Talwani, 1982). Using both palaeomagnetic and palaeontologic evidence Chatterjee (1992) has restored the India-Seychelles fit for the KT boundary time (Figs. 3 & 8). The reconstruction places the western coast of India against the Seychelles-Saya de Malha Bank at about the time of Deccan volcanism and shows matching geological provinces. The largely submerged continental block that bears the Seychelles Is- lands contains enormous flood basalt deposits in the submarine plateau of the Saya de Malha Bank, which are inferred to be an extension of the Deccan volcanism (Meyerhoff & Kamen-Kaye, 1981; Backman et al., 1988), especially the Bushe Formation of the Upper Deccan Basalt Group (Devey & Stephens, 1992). The link between KT magmatism on the Seychelles and India is em- phasized by matching the geochemistry and geochronology of alkaline rocks (White & Mc- Kenzie, 1989; Devey & Stephens, 1992). Similar- KT EVENTS IN INDIA ly, the Late Proterozoic Mahe Granite on the Seychelles (Baker & Miller, 1963) is isochronous (70050Ma) with the Siwana-Jalor Granite (Auden, 1974) of western India, the crystalline basement below the Deccan lava. Various tec- tonic and volcanic features, when restored for the Indo-Seychelles block at 65Ma, reveals the presence of a large oval, oblong structure, the Shiva Crater (Figs. 3, 5). ANATOMY OF THE SHIVA CRATER. Since the Shiva Crater was spilt by the Carlsberg Ridge and each half is now buried under a thick pile of lava flows, and because the structure is largely submarine, geophysical exploration and drilling data are essential to understanding its morphol- ogy and structure. Morever, overlying lava flows and thick sediments obstruct a direct examination of various impact signatures such as shock metamorphic effects, breccia and impact melt that are generally associated with complex craters. Today, one part of the crater is attached to the western coast of India, the other to the Seychelles (Fig. 4), but of course both parts were joined at the KT boundary (Fig. 3). The most critical evidence regarding this im- pact structure comes from recent oil exploration in the Bombay High offshore basin, which repre- sents the eastern-half of the crater. Bombay High is a giant offshore oilfield (~120,000°km) located 160km west of Bombay in the Arabian Sea at a depth of about 75m (Fig. 5). The structure is 60km long and 20km wide, trending WNW-ESE with a faulted eastern flank. The stratigraphy of this enigmatic structure is known from extensive drilling and seismic data by the Oil and Natural Gas Commission (Rao & Talukdar, 1980; Basu et al., 1982; Bhandari & Jain, 1984). The Bombay offshore basin shows part of the crater rim (Pan- vel Flexure and Narmada Fault), annular trough (Surat Basin, Dahanu Depression, and Panna Depression) and the central uplift (Bombay High) (Fig. SA). The morphology of the western-half of the Shiva Crater around the Seychelles microcon- tinent is also known from oil exploration data (Meyerhoff & Kamen-Kaye, 1981; Kamen- Kaye, 1985; Devey & Stephens, 1992). Here we see part of the crater rim (Amirante Arc), annular trough (Amirante basin) and the central peaks (Mahe and Praslin granitic cores). When the Shiva structure is restored to KT boundary time (Fig. 5), it shows the structure and morphology of a giant, complex crater, oval in outline with: 1, a collapsed outer ring, 600km long and 450km wide; 2, an annular trough, presumably filled 499 with KT melt rocks; and 3, a distinct central core in the form of linear uplifted peaks of older Precambrian granite. The Shiva Crater is defined by a collapsed outer ring, which is partially preserved in the form of the Amirante Arc, Panvel Flexure and the Nar- mada Fault (Figs. 3 & 5). The outer rim is sur- rounded by a gravity high, especially in both the Panvel Flexure and Narmada Fault areas (Biswas, 1988) and may be linked to the distribution im- pact melt. Part of the outer ring along the northwest and southeast edges was obliterated by spreading of the Carlsberg Ridge. The outer ring is followed by the annular trough which was largely filled with ponded Deccan lava (and pos- sibly by suevite and impact melt). Part of the trough is preserved in the Surat Basin, Dahanu Depression and Panna Depression around the Bombay High, and the Amirante Basin, south- west of the Seychelles. The uplift in the center is represented by a large peak followed by two small irregular peaks, all composed of older Precambrian granitic cores: the Bombay High on the western coast of India and the Praslin and Mahe Islands of the Seychelles. Jansa (1993) pointed out that the central uplift in oceanic im- pact sites is generally cylindrical in shape, as is the Shiva Crater. The lateral continuity of the central peaks was disrupted by the Carlsberg Rift and may indicate a collapse structure. The central uplift associated with the 600km Shiva Crater is estimated to be 150km wide, about one-fourth of the crater's final diameter, as is expected in a complex crater (Melosh, 1989). Figure 5B is a geologic cross-section of the 600km diameter Shiva structure along the longitudinal axis. The depth of the crater can be estimated from the thickness of the sedimentary basins around the annular trough as well as from the height of the central peaks. The sedimentary fill around the trough of Bombay High consists of shallow marine Tertiary sediments exceeding 5,000m, overlying the Deccan basalt floor (Bhandari & Jain, 1984). Such thick sediments indicate that the crater basin is more than 5km deep above the Deccan floor. The thickness of the Deccan lava, and the presence of impact melt within the crater are unknown, but Meyerhoff and Kamen-Kaye (1981) have described a well log on the Saya de Malha Bank which penetrated 832m of basalt overlain by 2400m of upper Palaeocene to Quaternary sediments. Based on their seismic work, Shor & Pollard (1963) suggested that ap- proximately 2km of Deccan basalt overlie the granitic basement some 80km southwest of the 500 MEMOIRS OF THE QUEENSLAND MUSEUM CRATER RIM Narmada Fault A * ró ad S Ul CRATER RIM CARLSBERG 7 ANNULAR TROUGH Panvel Flexure RIDGE x, # Surat Basin "à Dahanu Depression / ANNULAR TROUGH / / SHIVA N Seychelles, / CRATER Bank Sc : / Praslin / Panna Depression l I Ex i ba CENTRAL UPLIFT 7 y^ í A ANNULAR TROUGH Amirante Basin sp CRATER RIM " Amirante Arc " P EO kn ^ a A — ak $ A nm CRATER DIAMETER >| (~600 km) ANNULAR TROUGH COLLAPSE CENTRAL UPLIFT ANNULAR TROUGH ] l T 1 CRATERRIM / \ CRATER RIM ; ; (Panvel Flexure) / 2 km \ ? Mahe Praslin Bombay High 2a MSL (Amirane Arc) EN i EY HSD -10 km ei NE A | S i ; I. -10 km -20 km f iov Amp “MA LESS C y EEP CRUST. -20 km d d VE Te LM ‘ US TG (xl ees d TAS Bosker Sane PA Hv M DA tanta as : I ME : 36 A EN Impact Melt B SW v v Deccan Traps NE ++4 Precambrian Granite FIG. 5. Morphology of the Shiva Crater. A, plan view showing a central uplift (Bombay High, Praslin and Mahe granitic core); an annular trough (Surat Basin, Dahanu Depression, Panna Depression and Amirante Basin); and a slumped outer rim (Narmada Fault, Panvel Flexure and Amirante Arc). The oblong crater is about 600km long, 450km wide and more than 12km deep; it is bisected by the Carlsberg Ridge. B, schematic cross-section along the line AB; the post-impact Deccan lava flows are removed to show the morphology of the crater and possible sites of impact melt sheets; (seismic profile data from Rao & Talukdar, 1980; Kaila et al., 1981). KT EVENTS IN INDIA Mahe Peak. If we now add to this the 2km thick lava pile in the Western Ghats section near the Panvel Flexure, the depth from rim to actual floor may exceed 10km (Fig. 5B). AGE OF THE SHIVA CRATER. Although the age of the Shiva Crater is not precisely known, combined evidence from various components of the structure, such as the formation of the rim, biostratigraphy of the annular trough, age of the melt sheets, timing of the central uplift, associa- tion of Deccan volcanics and the Carlberg rifting event suggests that the crater formed at the KT boundary. As discussed earlier, the preserved rim of the Shiva Crater, such as the Amirante Arc (Hartnady, 1986; Alt et al., 1988), the Panvel Flexure (Auden, 1949; Chatterjee, 1992) and the Narmada Fault (Biswas, 1988) evolved at KT boundary time. Seismic stratigraphy has iden- tified the basement rock as reflection-free or chaotic Precambrian granite in the form a central uplift with a thin veneer of Deccan lavaat the base (Rao & Talukdar, 1980; Basu et al., 1982; Bhan- dari & Jain, 1984). The oldest sediment overlying the Deccan Trap or crystalline basement is the Panna Formation of Palaeocene age (Fig. 6). The upper boundary of the Panna Formation coin- cides with H-4 seismic horizon. The Panna For- mation is composed of poorly sorted, angular sandstone, claystone and trap fragments at the bottom, followed by shale and coal sequence. This unit is relatively thin on the uplift, but attains a large thickness (75m) on the flank. Seismic data indicate that the formation may be as thick as 500m in the annular trough region, but wells have not penetrated the bottom layer. Although the formation is mostly unfossiliferous, it has yielded Globorotalia pseudomenardii from the middle of the sequence corresponding to P4 planktic foraminiferal zone of Late Palaeocene, indicating a short palaeontologic hiatus after the KT event. Since the impact took place in a shallow-marine setting, the hiatus may be linked to erosion by a megatsunami generated by the impact. The KT boundary section lies farther down at the bottom of the sequence. Jansa (1993) suggested that in oceanic impacts most of the fall-out breccia is reworked back into the crater cavity. If so, the lowest unit of the Panna Formation, if recovered in future, should be investigated for an iridium anomaly and shock metamorphic minerals (Fig. 6B). The crater floor is composed of younger Deccan flows from the adjoining Western Ghat section that took place around ~65Ma (Couirtil- lot, 1990; Duncan & Pyle, 1988). The Deccan floor at the annular trough and the overlying Panna Formation narrow down its age to close to the KT boundary. Recent isotopic dating of the Shiva melt rock, as discussed in the following section, has yielded an ^0 Ar/? Ar date of 65Ma (Basu et al., 1994). Finally, the Carlsberg rifting within the crater basin was formed during the magnetic chron 29R (Naini & Talwani, 1982). Although it is generally believed that the Bom- bay High was formed during the breakup of India- Seychelles at the KT boundary (Basu et al., 1982), no tectonic mechanism has been offered to ex- plain this spectacular uplift (~ 10km high) of the Precambrian granite with a thin veneer of Deccan Traps at the passive margin of the Bombay shelf (Fig. 6B). We propose that this structural high represents one of the central peaks of the Shiva impact that originally underlay the transient crater. The other two central peaks, Praslin and Mahe Islands in the Seychelles (Fig. 5A), also rebounded upward at the same time as they con- tain similar Precambrian granites and younger KT intrusive rocks (Devey & Stephens, 1992), These central peaks are composed of deformed and fractured rocks that have been stratigraphi- cally uplifted distances comparable to the crater depth (Melosh, 1989). The fractured nature of the central peak of the Bombay High can be seen in Figure 6B. The crystalline rocks beneath the Shiva Crater are shattered, as in the Ries Crater of Germany, as inferred from the low seismic velocity beneath the H4 horizon (Rao & Talukdar, 1980). Similarly, Baker (1967) reported a ‘megablock zone’ — a chaotic assemblage of gigantic blocks of granite, each up to 13m high, often marked with surface fluting at the Mahe uplift in the Seychelles. Evidence from drill holes, geochronology and seismicity suggest that the magmatism at the Seychelles Bank occurred at the KT boundary, producing both Deccan lavas and alkaline igneous complexes (Devey & Stephens, 1992). IMPACT MELT ROCKS. The Shiva impact must have produced enormous volumes of impact melt, breccias and shocked materials between the central structure and the rim. Yet, these impact signatures are difficult to interpret because of mobilization and mixing of thick lava flows from Carlsberg Ridge, subsequent burial by the Dec- can lava, as well as lack of drilling and seismic data below the Deccan floor, However, there is some indirect evidence that indicates a lava-like impact melt was emplaced radially within and outside the crater. 502 MEMOIRS OF THE QUEENSLAND MUSEUM SHTRA SSS ; ANNULAR TROUGH ':; (Surat Basin) 9 BOMBAY WHO |, V 55: RATNAGIRI CUSPREZZFAULTTE Oil/Gas fie Deccan Traps ld ja^ueg) WI gar l nx WW Precambrian Granite Hot Springs = APPARENT RADIUS OF THE SHIVA CRATER - -240 ki xm m) CRATER RIM 2km (Panvel Flexure) BOMBAY HIGH PANNA DEPRESSION - E Ns A f Neogene/Quaternary Deccan Traps (~ KT boundary) R m | Neogané FEE] Precambrian Granite = g! EEH B Paleogene 20 km pu Pose Panna Formation (Paleocene) FIG. 6. A, Location and tectonic framework of Bombay High in relation to India representing the eastern-half of the Shiva Crater (simplified from Rao & Talukdar, 1980). B, seismic cross-section along the line AB to show the central uplift (Bombay High), annular trough (Panna Depression) and the crater rim (Panvel Flexure) (simplified from Rao & Talukdar, 1980). One of the most intriguing features following along the radii of the Shiva Crater (Figs 3, 7). the Deccan flood basalt volcanism is the occur- They are manifested in plug-like bodies and rence of several post-tholeiitic alkali igneous minor intrusions in the western and northwestern complexes of nepheline-carbonatite affinities, part of the Deccan volcanic province and are KT EVENTS IN INDIA limited in space and volume compared to the vast expanse of tholeiitic lavas (Bose, 1980; De, 1981). They are clearly defined by zones of gravity highs (Biswas, 1988). Extrusive rocks are relatively rare except in the Kutch rift zone, in- dicative of fissure eruption. Devey & Stephens (1992) described contemporary alkaline in- trusives in several islands in the Seychelles microcontinent, especially in Mahe, North Island and Silhouette Island within the Deccan lavas. Geochemically they are very similar to the Murud alkaline dikes of Bombay. Recent Aar/? Ar dating of these alkaline complexes indicates 65Ma, precisely coinciding with the KT bound- ary (Basu et al, 1993; Pande et al, 1988; Devey & Stephens, 1992). In the Anjar section of the ex- trusive alkaline complexes, cosmic iridium and osmium anomalies have been reported from the interbed (Bhandari et al., 1994). Their distribu- tions are shown in Figures 3 & 7A. Two spectacular volcanic plugs within the Shiva Crater need discussion. One is Fortune Bank igneous center south of the Seychelles, the other is a newly discovered buried structure near Bombay. The Fortune Bank is an unusual sub- marine volcanic center, about 15kms high and 50km across, with anomalous magnetic and gravity signatures within the Deccan volcanics (Girling 1992). Devey & Stephens (1992) inter- preted this structure as a large alkaline intrusion contemporary with similar volcanics around the Seychelles. Negi et al. (1993) identified a large volcanic cone-like intrusive, about 12km high and 35km in diameter, buried 6km below the Deccan Trap near Bombay, east of the Panvel Flexure. It is defined by a high gravity and ther- mal anomaly. They found that the crustal thick- ness in this site is half of the normal Moho depth, and the granitic basement is almost missing in this region. They interpreted the structure as a large fossil conduit, formed at the point of collision of a large KT meteorite. For ease of description, we designate this igneous complex the Napsi struc- ture after the last names of the discoverers (Negi, Agrawal, Pandey, Singh). Since alkaline in- trusives are known from this area, and they show high gravity anomalies relative to the surround- ing Deccan Trap, we interpret the Napsi structure as a massive alkaline complex similar to the Fortune Bank (Fig. 7A). The origin of these alkaline igneous complexes within the Deccan volcanics has been debated for many years. They have been linked to fractional crystallization of parent tholeiitic magma (West, 1958), an early stage of Carlsberg rifting 503 (Thompson & Nelson, 1972; Devey & Stephens, 1992) and a late stage of Reunion mantle plume (Bose, 1980; De, 1981; Basu et al. 1993). How is it possible to derive from the same mantle source large volumes of tholeiite extrusives followed by limited occurrences of alkaline intrusives? Why are the alkaline rocks so heavy relative to the Deccan Traps and so easily demarcated by gravity anomalies? How can we explain the abun- dance of these alkaline rocks in and around the Shiva Crater in the form of volcanic cones? Some of these buried volcanic cones, such as Napsi structure and Fortune Bank even dwarf Mount Everest. Alkaline igneous complexes are com- monly found as melt sheets associated with several Canadian craters (Grieve, 1987). The spa- tial and temporal correlations of these alkaline igneous complexes with the Shiva Crater are intriguing, making a causal relationship likely. All these alkaline igneous complexes show the following features indicative of impact origin: 1, The centers of alkaline magmatism are clustered around the Shiva Crater in radial fashion but conspicuously absent in other parts of the Deccan province (Figs 3 & 7A); 2, Their age matches exactly with the KT im- pact event; 3, They are all defined by positive gravity anomalies; 4, They have restricted distributions and occur within the Deccan volcanics as post-tholeiitic intrusives or plugs; 5,Their parent melt composition was homogeneous, but later differentiation within the plug has produced varieties and compositional layering as in the case of impact melts in several Canadian craters such as Brent and Manicougan; 6, They show higher alkali content than the country rock; 7, They show evidence of crustal contamina- tion. This evidence suggests that the alkaline ig- neous rocks around the Shiva Crater were formed by crystallization from impact melted country rocks. We hypothesize that these alkaline rocks represent melt ejecta produced by impact-in- duced mixing and melting of the target rocks, and were emplaced radially on downrange side of the trajectory (Fig. 7A). The close isotopic and age relationship of the impact melt with the younger Deccan volcanics such as the Ambenali Forma- tion (Pande et al., 1986; Devey & Stephens, 1992) indicates remelting of these rocks. We believe three groups of rocks, younger Deccan volcanics, platform carbonates and evaporites, and 504 Carlsberg Ridge NN aN CRATER WALL SHIVA CRATER = TRAJECTORY OF PROJECTILE CENTRAL UPLIFT ES; ARTIFICIAL CRATER MEMOIRS OF THE QUEENSLAND MUSEUM * N Tt A Anjar : N Z p vA N i a D NC Lr DISTRIBUTION OF MELT EJECTA CQ. Gimar (Alkaline Igneous Complex) IS E Kadi wane A Phenai Mata - ^ [i Amba Dongar ES ~ A Barwaha ae 100km | —- "NOn Deccan-Reunion EA Hotspot \\ ME P k OF EJECTA- FIG. 7. A, Schematic three-dimensional view of the Shiva Crater showing the radial distribution of the impact melt rocks in the form of volcanic plugs; younger Deccan volcanics are removed to show the morphology of the crater; oblong, teardrop shape of the crater and the asymmetric distribution of the melt rocks consistent with an oblique impact event along the NE downrange direction. B, Artificial crater produced by low-angle (~15°) oblique impact in the laboratory mimics the shape and ejecta distribution of the Shiva Crater (simplified from Schultz & Gault, 1990). Precambrian basement were involved in the genesis of the melt rocks of the Shiva Crater. The younger Deccan volcanics covering the Precambrian basement of the Bombay and Seychelles region at the KT boundary were the main target rocks. However, the Precambrian granite itself was also involved in the impact, as indicated by the unusually thin crust in the Bom- bay area with missing granitic layer (Negi et al., 1993) as well as by evidence of crustal con- tamination in the alkaline suites (Paul et al, 1977; Basu et al., 1993). The Shiva Crater was also inferred to have been excavated on a shallow sea platform containing thick carbonate and evaporitic rocks such as we see today around the Bombay High and Rann of Kutch. Thus the melt rock can be interpreted as the mixing product of Deccan Traps, Precambrian granite and the thick Late Cretaceous sequences of carbonate/evaporite- rich sediments. These Cretaceous sediments are still preserved in the adjacent Kutch, Saurashtra and Rajasthan areas, covered by the Deccan Traps, and are encountered by subsurface drilling (Biswas, 1988). However, the alkaline rocks are KT EVENTS IN INDIA TABLE 1. Large Earth-crossing and Earth-approach- ing asteroids (diameter > 10km; after Wetherill & Shoemaker, 1982). [|] «ass Apo ae — | DIAM. (Km) 114 E | 1866 | generally undersaturated with a high K20/NaO ratio relative to the Deccan tholeiites (Bose, 1980). Such an ‘anomaly’ is not unusual with an impact event. Alkaline volcanic rocks are com- monly present as impact melt in most of the Canadian craters. Grieve (1987) discussed the compositional variation of these alkaline melt rocks, where melt sheets have a higher K20/NaO ratio than the target rock. The reason for this alkali enrichment is not clear; he believed that either it is caused by selective elemental vaporization and condensation during the melt and vapor formation, or hydrothermal alteration. Since the impact was largely oceanic, the latter explanation of enrichment of alkali from sea water is likely. The gravity high of the alkaline igneous complexes most likely reflects mass con- centration associated with dense impact melt and uplift of the silicate basement rock along the crater rim (Figs. 3, 7A). The radial distribution of melt sheets in the down-range direction of the Shiva Crater is in- triguing (Fig. 7A). They might have developed either during the passage of the shock waves when fluid ejecta was emplaced downrange, or during the collapse of the transient crater when radial fractures were formed. Melosh (1989) dis- cussed the mechanism by which radial fracture patterns develop during the collapse of a large, multi-ring crater. Radiating fractures from the central uplift to the rim are known from the Manicougan Crater of Canada (Grieve et al., 1988) and the Wells Creek Structure of Tennessee (Stern, 1968). SIZE AND TRAJECTORY OF THE IMPACTOR. Throughout its history the Earth has been im- pacted by countless meteorites. There are two broad categories of meteorites with orbits that bring them close to the Earth: comets and asteroids. Comets are composed in large part of water, ice and other volatiles and therefore are more easily fragmented than rocky or metallic asteroids. Although smaller meteorites pose little threat, impacts by large objects (diameter > Ikm) constitute the greatest hazard, with their potential 505 for global environmental damage and mass mor- tality. The most famous large impact on planet Earth is the KT event that killed the dinosaurs and other contemporary biota. Wetherill & Shoemaker (1982) have summarized the current knowledge of Earth-crossing and Earth-orbiting asteroids and their probability of impacting the Earth. They estimate that out of 1,000 near-Earth asteroids (NEA) that have diameters greater than lkm, three exceed the 10km range. These are 1866 Sisyphus (11.4km), 433 Eros (19.6km) and 1036 Ganymede (39.6km) (see Table 1). Both Eros and Ganymede can be perturbed into Earth- crossing orbits by close encounters with Mars. They speculate that asteroids as large as 20km in diameter probably have struck the Earth in the last few billion years, and 10km diameter bodies ap- parently may impact every 40 million years. Recently Paola Farienella of the Universty of Pisa in Italy and colleagues simulated eight computer models to calulate the probability of colliding the 20km-wide asteroid Eros with the Earth. One forecast of this catastrophic impact is alarming; it could happen in the next 1.14 million years (Desonie, 1996). Because of this continued threat from space, NASA has organized an International Spacegurad Survey Network to detect and monitor near-Earth-objects. In February 1996 NASA sent its Near Earth Asteroid Rendezvous (NEAR) spacecraft to examine Eros from a close distance. The spacecraft is scheduled to arrive in close proximity to this asteroid in 1999 to scrutinize its surface in great detail for the under- standing of its origin (Bell, 1996). Although hypervelocity impacts normally create circular craters, impacts at a low angle (S15? from the horizontal) often generate elongate craters such as the Messier and Schiller Craters of the Moon (Wilhelms, 1987) and the Rio Cuarto Crater in Argentina (Schultz & Lianza, 1992). Craters formed by artificial oblique impact are generally oblong (Moore, 1976; Gault & Wedekind, 1978). The shape of an artificial crater formed by oblique impact at 15? (Schultz & Gault, 1990) is like a teardrop, where the pointed end indicates the downrange direction (Fig. 7B). In an oblique impact, the crater and its ejecta are bilaterally symmetrical about the plane of the trajectory, but the distribution of ejecta is con- centrated asymmetrically on the downrange side. The shape of the Shiva Crater and the distribution of melt ejecta are almost identical to those of the artitificial crater (Fig. 7A). If so, the impact that produced the Shiva Crater was probably oblique along a SW-NE trajectory as evident from the 506 direction of the longer diameter of the oblong crater; the tip of teardrop indicates that the downrange direction was NE. Howard & Wil- shire (1975) described flows of impact melt of large lunar craters both outside on crater rims and inside on crater walls, where asymmetric dis- tribution of this melt sheet can be used to deter- mine impact trajectory. The rim pools tend be concentrated on the inferred downrange side. The asymmetric concentrations of sheet melts on the NE side of the Shiva Crater indicate the downrange direction (Fig. 7A). We estimate that a 40km diameter asteroid, about the size of the Amor object Ganymed, could have created the Shiva Crater, initiated the Carlsberg rift and excavated the crustal materials into mantle reservoirs resulting in basaltic vol- canism (Fig. 5A). An impact of this magnitude may be a rare event, but seems possible, because of the presence of even larger craters on the Moon and Mars. Currently there are at least three known craters which are close to 200km across: Vredefort in South Africa (2,000Ma), Sudbury in Canada (1,849Ma) and Chicxulub (65Ma) in Mexico. The Shiva Crater is not unique, but near- ly so. The only older similar structure in its size range is the eastern shore (Nastapoka Arc) of Hudson Bay in Canada: this 600km wide depres- sion is believed to be an impact scar of Archean age (Dietz, 1993). If properly understood, the Shiva Crater is the largest impact structure produced in the Phanerozoic and is consistent with the environmental havoc wreaked at the KT boundary. A new model of lithosphere thinning by meteoritic impact is proposed here to explain the origin of the Carlsberg ridge, rift volcanism and the Shiva Crater. In this model the lithosphere could be excavated and shattered by a projectile of considerable size (~40km) to initiate a midoceanic ridge. Asteroids strike the Earth at an average speed of 25km/sec and transfer consider- able kinetic energy to the target rocks (Shoemaker, 1983). The pressures exerted on the meteorite and target rock can exceed 100GPa; temperatures can reach several thousand degrees Celsius; and impacting energy would generate a 100-million megaton blast (Grieve, 1990). Such a hypervelocity impacting body penetrates the target rocks to two or three times its radius (Grieve, 1987). An asteroid of 40km diameter would produce cratering and associated tectonic rebound-collapse effects sufficient to shatter the 80km thick lithosphere that could form plate boundaries and continental rifts. This concept MEMOIRS OF THE QUEENSLAND MUSEUM opens up a new field of research to investigate whether plate tectonics may be influenced by impacts of large bodies. NEW LINKS BETWEEN THE CHICXULUB AND THE SHIVA CRATERS. A Multiple-impact Model. If both the Chicxulub and Shiva Craters are real and were formed at KT boundary time, is there any genetic link between them? Hartnady (1989) suggested that if a low- angle, oblique primary impact occured in the Southern Hemisphere near India, then bolide ricochet may have resulted in secondary impacts a few minutes later in the Northern Hemisphere. However, since the trajectory of the Shiva Crater is from SW to NE, Hartnady's model fails to explain the origin of both the Shiva Crater and the Chicxulub Crater by oblique impact ricochet process. However, the recent crash of 21 frag- ments of comet Shoemaker-Levy 9 (S-L 9) on Jupiter inspired scientists searching for similar multiple impacts on other bodies in the solar system. Crater chains were soon discovered on Jupiter's satellites and on the Moon (Levy et al., 1995). The cometary fragments of S-L 9 did not collide simultaneously on Jupiter but spread in time over 5 days. If the original KT meteorite broke into several fragments, as in the case of Shoemaker-Levy, and the larger one formed the Shiva Crater, the second impact, almost after 12 hours (or odd multiple thereof), could create the Chicxulub as the Earth rotated anticlockwise around its axis. If the collisions of two fragments were spread over 12 hours, two antipodal craters could be formed by meteorite fragments around a great circle. If so, one can predict that additional KT impact scars, if discovered in future, should lie on this great circle joining the Shiva and the Chicxulub structures. This great circle is named here the Alvarez Impact Belt in honor of Luis and Walter Alvarez for their pioneering work (Fig. 8A). There may be signs of this 'string of pearls' effect along the Alvarez Impact Belt in the form of a crater chain. Various authors have predicted a third KT impact site on the Pacific plate which surprsingly lay along the Alvarez Impact Belt. Frank Kyte (pers. comm.) made a dramatic dis- covery of a tiny fragment (- 3mm) of the KT bolide in a drill core from DSDP site 576 in the western North Pacific. The bolide chip held micrometer-size metallic grains that are up to 8796 nickel and rich in iridium. From the geochemical signature of the chip, Kyte specu- lates that the KT projectile is probably an KT EVENTS IN INDIA CRATERS, (7 - U^ M N [45 " NS Mp, b ACT a LL aos '& SOUTH » | WS ste | à |o DSDP 576». ua M / T i 507 SEISMIC WAVES — e i SHOCK WAVES, X = Ede NS 77 MANTLE _ IMPACT — egt — — ^ SOURCES. SHIVA ‘CRATER i ENS". FIG. 8. Possible links between the Shiva and Chicxulub Craters. A, locations of the Chicxulub and the Shiva Craters along the ‘Alvarez Impact Belt’ at KT boundary time; note, impact debris and extinction events are concentrated along this belt. Both craters may have originated when two fragments from a larger meteorite crashed on a rotating earth over the course of 12 hours. B, near-antipodal positions of the Chicxulub and the Shiva Craters may also indicate alternative scenario that a large impact on one side of the Earth (near India) might have produced a similar signature on the far side (near Mexico) by axial focusing of seismic waves (modelled after Boslough et al., in press). asteroid, not a comet, that slammed into Earth at a shallow angle. This is the first direct evidence regarding the carrier for iridium. The chip may have broken off of the asteroid before it crashed on the Pacific plate. At 65Ma, the Pacific impact site was located midway between the Chicxulub and the Shiva Craters right on the Alvarez Impact Belt (Fig. 8A). Kyte et al. (1994) also identified additional five KT boundary sites on the Pacific Plate around 576, characterized by an iridium anomaly, spherules and shocked quartz; they all cluster along this DSDP site 576. The point of collision of the KT projectile on the Pacific plate is further supported by other evidence. Robin et al. (1994) concluded from spinel compositions at the KT boundary sites of the Pacific plate that multiple impacts might have occurred from a single disrupted bolide, where the largest objects would have impacted in the Pacific and Indian Ocean. Their spinel distributions and proposed impact site at the Pacific fit nicely with the Al- varez Impact Belt. Finally, all the known localities with an iridium anomaly and shocked quartz related to the KT impact event (see Alvarez & Asaro, 1990) cluster symmetrically on either side of the Alvarez Impact Belt. Distribution of impact-related minerals and trace elements along this belt coincides nicely with biogeographic selectivity of extinction at low latitudes (Keller, 1994). The high latitudes probably served as a refuge for many organisms, especially for plants. If so, the distribution of several impact sites and variation of composition of impact-generated minerals along the Alvarez Impact Belt could be explained by multiple impact events on a rotating Earth, around the equator, rather than by a single large impact. Such a latitudinal gradient, with most extinctions occurring in the tropics, is exact- ly what is to be expected by a chain of three impact sites in India, Mexico and Pacific plate respectively. These sites were formed when a large parent body broke apart into a string of smaller asteroidal fragments in the inner solar system and crashed into the planet. Recently, Alvarez et al. (1995) raised three paradoxes in KT boundary sediments which are apparently difficult to reconcile in a single impact hypothesis, 1) In North America the KT boundary 508 reveals the double layer of ejecta: the lower layer consists mainly of iridium spike and altered spherules, whereas the upper contains shocked quartz. 2) Shocked quartz is more abundant and coarser grained at longitudes west than east of the Chicxulub Crater. Various KT boundary sites in Europe, Africa and Asia show little or no evidence of shocked quartz and may represent a ‘forbidden zone’ for shocked quartz distribution. 3) The proposed impact energy (>100GPa) released by collision of a 10km diameter asteroid at Chicxulub Crater would produce impact melt, not the moderate-pressure shock lamellae. Al- varez et al. linked all these three anomalies to differential timing of emplacement of target rocks. However, we speculate that the double layer ejecta at KT boundary sediments reflects two different sources of impact events: the lower iridium spike and impact spherules layer might have come from the earlier Shiva impact, whereas shocked quartz layer was emplaced during the Chicxulub event. This travel time sorting at two different impact sites may explain stratigraphic superposition of the double layer ejecta in North America and lack of upper layer in the distant areas of Europe, Asia and Africa. We propose that the energy released at the Shiva impact site was hundreds of gigapascals through the collision of a larger bolide fragment that produced mainly impact melt, emplacing it around the crater vicinity. From this impact site, spherules and iridium spikes were emplaced distally and global- ly. The high impact pressure would explain why we could not detect any shocked quartz grains at the KT boundary sections in India after repeated searches, as well as a general lack of shocked quartz in adjacent landmasses in Asia, Europe and Africa. On the other hand, the impact energy at the Chicxulub site was moderate to the tune of a few tens of gigapascals, producing mainly shock- ed quartz ejecta that were emplaced on the western side of the crater as the Earth rotated anticlockwise. Occurrence of multiple iridium spikes at some KT boundary sections (Officer et al., 1987) may be attributed to different timing of arrival from separate sources of impact sites. Antipodal Crater Pairs Model. The antipodal locations of the Chicxulub and Shiva craters at the KT boundary are intriguing and suggest an alternative scenario (Fig. 8B). A hypervelocity impact is now known to have important geomor- phic effects at its antipode. For example, Watts et al. (1991) documented unusual surface features such as 'disrupted terrains' antipodal to crater MEMOIRS OF THE QUEENSLAND MUSEUM basins on the Moon, Mercury and icy satellites. Similarly, Rampino & Caldeira (1992) proposed that antipodal focusing of impact energy may lead to Deccan volcanism and hotspot activity. Bos- lough et al. (1994) proposed a new model to explain how energy from a large impact on the Earth's surface would couple to its interior and focus axially at its antipode. However, their model is based on a vertical impact, whereas most impacts occur obliquely (Schultz & Gault, 1990). Because the Shiva Crater is much larger than the Chicxulub, it is likely that the Shiva Crater is the primary impact event at the KT boundary, whereas the Chicxulub may be its antipodal effect (Fig. 8B). The oblique impact may explain the departure of a few hundred kilometers from the true antipodal position. However, the presence of an iridium anomaly at the Chicxulub antipode is difficult to explain by the axial focusing mechanism. Similarly, the Pacific site of collision is anomalous in this model. The multiple-impact model is preferred here because of an unusual concentration of impact deposits and biogeographic selectivity of extinction at low latitudes along the Alvarez Impact Belt. DID THE SHIVA IMPACT TRIGGER DECCAN VOLCANISM? DISTRIBUTION AND EXTENT OF DECCAN VOLCANISM. The close of Cretaceous time was marked by the outpouring of the enormous Dec- can lava flows, spreading over vast areas of western, central and southern India (Fig. 9). The Deccan Traps cover 800,000km" of west-central India and extend seaward along more than 500km of Arabian sea coastline, reaching as far as the continental shelf and beyond (Devey & Lightfoot, 1986). Deccan lava flows also spread across the Seychelles-Saya de Malha Bank, im- plying that their original extent may be more than 1.5 million km? (Krishnan, 1982; Devey & Stephens, 1992). They are extremely flat, with most dips less than 1, and rest mainly on the Precambrian granitic basement. Significant departures from horizontal occur, in particular, in the Western Ghats, west of the Panvel Flexure. Deep-seismic sounding studies reveal that the thickness of the Deccan Traps varies from about 100m in the northeastern part to about 2km along the west coast (Kaila, 1988). Deccan volcanism is considered to be one of the largest continental flood basalt deposits in the Phanerozoic (Courtil- lot et al., 1986). KT EVENTS IN INDIA STRUCTURAL FEATURES. Four important structural lineaments are associated within the Deccan volcanic province: the east-west trending Narmada Rift (Choubey, 1971); north-south trending Cambay rift (Biswas, 1982); northwest- southeast trending Godavari Rift (Qureshy et al., 1988); and the arcuate Panvel Flexure (Auden, 1949) (Fig. 9). The Narmada, Cambay and Godavari Rifts are older geofractures (Biswas, 1987), and may have influenced the distribution of the Deccan lava basalts. The Panvel Flexure, on the other hand, is syntectonic with the younger flows (Wai subgroup) of the Western Ghats Dec- can volcanism (Auden, 1949) and is interpreted here as the faulted outer rim of the Shiva Crater (Chatterjee, 1992), Three volcanic subprovinces are identified within the Deccan associated with these rift systems: the Narmada subprovince, north and south of the Narmada Rift including the outlier of Rajahmundry in the Godavari Basin; the Saurashtra subprovince, covering the Deccan exposures in Saurashtra, west of the Cambay Rift; the Western Ghats subprovince, including the thick volcanic sequence east and west of the Panvel Flexure. The boundary between the Nar- mada and Western Ghats subprovinces is some- what diffuse and can be demarcated in the field by mineralogy and the nature of the lava flow. A combination of field mapping with petrochemical and isotopic studies permits division of the thick lava pile of the Western Ghats section into 3 subgroups (Kalsubai, Lonavala & Wai) and 12 formations, with a progressive decrease in age from north to south (Beane et al., 1986; Hooper et al., 1988). Similarly, Subbarao et al. (1988) recognized 3 new formations in the Narmada region (Narmada, Manpur & Mhow), but their relationships with the Western Ghats section is not clear. TIMING AND DURATION OF DECCAN VOL- CANISM. The temporal coincidence of the main pulse of the Deccan volcanism with the KT boundary led many authors to believe that a major asteroid impact might have initiated this massive volcanism (Alvarez et al., 1982; Rampino, 1987; Alt et al, 1988; Negi et al., 1993; Chatterjee & Rudra, 1993). However, critics have pointed out that the Deccan volcanism started at least a mil- lion years before the impact event, making the causal relationship less likely (Courtillot, 1990; Sutherland, 1994; Alvarez et al., 1994; Bhandari et al., 1995). The possible link between the KT extinction and the Deccan flood basalts has spurred detailed analyses to determine the timing 509 and duration of Deccan volcanism from radiometric, palaeomagnetic and palaeontologic constraints. We have also sampled various Dec- can stratigraphic sections to determine the KT boundary event layer. Here we synthesize all available data to estimate the absolute age and age span of the Deccan volcanism in the context of its origin and subsequent influence on the biotic crisis at the KT boundary. Geochronology. Because of the altered nature of the Deccan basalt, previous attempts to determine its age by K/Ar method were unsatisfactory, with results ranging from 102 to 30Ma (Alexander, 1981). However, recent “Ar/*?Ar dates of the stratigraphically controlled thick sequence of the Western Ghats section cluster around a narrow span of age from 69 to 64Ma, with a major eruptive phase around 65Ma (Duncan & Pyle, 1988; Courtillot et al, 1988; Venkatesan et al., 1993; Baksi, 1994). Although a close temporal correspondence between the main pulse of Dec- can volcanism and the KT boundary is indicated by isotope dating, early phases of eruption may have started at least 1Ma before the KT event. Palaeomagnetism. Recent palaeomagnetic studies indicate that only 3 magnetic chrons (30N, 29R, & 29N) are represented in the thick Deccan lava pile, where the main eruptive phase in the Western Ghats section corresponds with chron 29R (Gallet et al., 1989; Courtillot, 1990; Vandamme & Courtillot, 1992). This normal- reversed-normal (NRN) magnetostratigraphy appears to be a powerful tool in correlating wide- ly separated Deccan basalt provinces. Palaeomagnetic results support a shorter span of Deccan volcanism, from 67 to 64Ma, centered around chron 29R (65Ma). In this case, the whole eruptive history would cover only 1-2Ma. Palaeontology. Palaeontologic evidence comes from thick fossiliferous sedimentary beds as- sociated with the basaltic flows. These interbeds are traditionally named according to their physi- cal position relative to the basal Deccan flow; they may underlie the flows (infratraps, such as the Lameta Beds) or they may be intercalated within the flows (intertraps). Stratigraphically infratraps are believed to be older than the inter- traps (Krishnan, 1982, p. 415). This distinction is not clear-cut in regional biostratigraphic analysis. Local infratrappean beds may appear intertrap- pean in large-scale mapping. Sahni & Khoshla (1994) proposed a neutral term, ‘Deccan basalt volcano-sedimentary sequence' (DBVSS) for these trappean beds. These sedimentary beds occur marginal to the Deccan outcrops in the 510 Narmada and Saurashtra subprovinces, indicat- ing that these vast thicknesses of lava flows were not extruded all at once; volcanic activity was punctuated periodically. In between the flows are fluvial or lacustrine deposits of trappean beds that contain abundant remains of plants, inver- tebrates, dinosaurs and their eggs, We made ex- tensive sampling of these trappean beds in search of the iridium anomaly, shocked quartz and tek- tites to detect the KT boundary layer, but the results were negative, reinforcing the palaeon- tologic observations that most of these trappean sediments are older than the KT boundary. Palaeontologic evidence drawn from palynoflora Aquilapollenites, charophytes, non-marine ostracods, the selachian /gdabatis, pelobatid frogs, anguid lizards, booid snakes, pelomedusid turtles, abelisaurid, titanosaurid and ankylosaurid dinosaurs and palaeoryctid mammals indicate a Maastrichtian age for these trappean beds, but the upper limit is unknown (Sahni & Bajpai, 1988; Chatterjee, 1992). More precise data comes from oil-exploration wells in the Godavari Basin, where the Narsapur well has encountered KT boundary flows (Govindan, 1981). Here the lower marine intertrap has yielded the planktonic zone fossil Abathomphalus mayaroensis of Late Maastrichtian age, whereas the upper post-trap- pean bed contains Globorotalia praecursoria of the P2 planktonic foraminifera zone of Early Palaeocene age. Palaeontological data define broad limits of Deccan volcanism from 67.5 to 60.5Ma in the Godavari Basin. Stratigraphic Calibration. A schematic correla- tion of Deccan Trap sequences between the western Ghats and the Narmada/Saurasthra sub- provinces is shown in Fig. 10, combining radiometric, palaeomagnetic and palaeontologic data. The following observations can be made: 1) The volcanism north of the Narmada Rift started somewhat earlier than the southern part. The Lameta beds are restricted to the north of this lineament and provide palaeontological control on the onset of volcanism. So far, only one mag- netic chron, 30N, has been identified in this region associated with the infratrap (Sahni & Bajpai, 1988). In the Bara Simla section of Jabal- pur, north of the rift zone, the Deccan flow over- lying the dinosaur-bearing Lameta Group shows normal polarity (30N). This flow has not yet been dated by the Ar-Ar technique. Dinosaur bones, nesting sites, microvertebrates, palynoflora Aquilapollenites and the selachian /gdabatis sug- gest a Maastrichtian age for the Lameta Beds (Chatterjee, 1992; Jaeger et al., 1989; Sahni & MEMOIRS OF THE QUEENSLAND MUSEUM Bajpai, 1988; Sahni et al., 1994). Sauropod nest- ing sites occur in a specific lithotype, a pedogeni- cally modified sandy carbonate that forms a distinct marker bed. This egg-bearing bed can be traced for almost 1,000km, from Balasinor, Dohad and Hathni to Jabalpur in the northern part of the Narmada Rift (Mohabey, 1984, 1987; Srivastava et al., 1986; Sahni et al., 1994). 2) The 670m thick volcanic sequence at Kal- ghat-Mhow region, north of the Narmada linea- ment, lacks infratraps but shows three trap formations (Narmada, Manpur and Mhow) with normal (30N) and reverse (29R) chrons (Sub- barao et al., 1988; Vandamme & Courtillot, 1992) and can be equated with the Western Ghats sec- tion. 3) The Saurashtra subprovince is not well con- strained in age by palaeontological and palaeomagnetic analysis. Here the Deccan Traps overlie the 50m marine sequence of Late Cretaceous Wardhan Member and can be corre- lated with the volcanics of the northern part of the Narmada Rift (Biswas, 1988). 4) South of the Narmada lineament, in the Nagpur-Umrer-Dongargaon intertrappean beds, a thick sequence of reverse polarity (29R) is followed by a normal sequence (29N) (Sahni & Bajpai, 1988). In these intertraps dinosaur bones, fragmentary eggshells and microvertebrates of Late Maastrichtian are common. In Dongargaon the basal flow has yielded a precise Ar-Ar plateau age of 66.4+1.9Ma (Duncan & Pyle, 1988). 5) Vadamme & Courtillot (1992) reported a 29R-29N reversal chron from the Rajahmundry outcrop. Geochronological studies suggest an age of ~64Ma coeval with 29N chron (Baksi et al., 1994). In the Narsapur well, trappean beds can be tied to two foraminiferal zone boundaries in the type KT boundary sections of Italy (Alvarez et al., 1987; Govindan, 1981): the lower, infra-trap bed correlates with the Abathomphalus mayoren- sis zone (Maastrichtian), while the upper, post- trap bed corresponds with the Globorotalia praecursoria of P2 zone (Early Palaeocene). 6) The thick flows of Deccan volcanism in the Western Ghats sections show three subgroups (Kalsubai, Lonavla, and Wai) and are well-con- strained by radiometric and palaeomagnetic data; volcanic activity was short-lived and reached its major peak of activity during chron 29R (~65Ma), followed by a short interval of chron 29N. Lack of trappean beds makes it impossible to estimate the age of Western Ghat sections by palaeontological methods. KT EVENTS IN INDIA 7) Adefinite KT boundary section with iridium anomaly has been identified recently in the inter- trappean beds of Anjar in Kutch, where radiometric ages of the traps cluster around 65Ma (Bhandari et al., 1994). As discussed earlier, we believe this section of alkaline basalt flows is directly related to the impact event. 8) The duration of Deccan volcanism may range from 67.5 to 60.5Ma (palaeontologic con- straints), from 69 to 64Ma (geochronologic con- straints), or from 67 to 64Ma (palaeomagnetic constraints). Thus the minimum age range of eruption may be around 67Ma to 64Ma, about 3My in duration. 9) Because of the presence of foraminiferal zones and magnetic reversal chrons, the Deccan stratigraphic sequence can be equated with the magnetostratigraphic type section of the KT boundary at Gubbio, Italy (Alvarez et al., 1987). ORIGIN OF DECCAN VOLCANISM. A cause- and-effect connection between impact and Dec- can volcanism has been the subject of extensive discussion and speculation. If the Deccan vol- canism started 1Ma before the KT boundary event, and extended over 3Ma, as combined evidence of isotopic dating, magnetic anomalies and palaeontology suggests, then the Shiva im- pact did not initiate the Deccan volcanism. Dec- can volcanism predated the impact event (Courtillot, 1990; Sutherland, 1994; Bhandari et al., 1995). Impact and Deccan volcanism are in- dependent, having occurred by chance at about the same time. Deccan volcanism was already active when when the KT mpact occured near the Bombay coast. However, the impact might have shaken the Earth’s mantle violently to enhance the spectacular Deccan outburst precisely at the time of the KT boundary. The spatial and temporal coincidence of Dec- can volcanism with the Carlsberg Rift and the Reunion hotspot activity at the KT boundary sheds critical insights into its origin. The enor- mous thickness of the lava pile in the Western Ghats sections associated with compound flows and ash beds indicate that the major eruptive source for Deccan volcanism must be located near the Bombay area, where evidence of both hotspot and rift magmatism are present. There has always been controversy as to whether the plume or rifting was the initiating factor for the Deccan volcanism. This conflict can be resolved if we can determine accurately the timing of initial eruption and duration of Deccan volcanism. Morgan (1981) proposed that the Deccan flood basalts were the first manifestation of the Reunion hotspot that subsequently produced the hotspot trails underlying the Laccadive, Maldive and Chagos islands; the Mascarene Plateau; and the youngest volcanic islands of Mauritius and Reunion, Recent DSDP data confirm that the age of the volcanism decreases from north to south, from the Deccan to the Reunion hotspot (Back- man et al., 1988). Thus the geometry and the age range of these volcanic provinces, islands and submarine ridges are consistent with the rapid northward motion of the Indian plate over a fixed hotspot (Morgan, 1981; Duncan & Pyle, 1988). Although the hotspot model is very attractive in explaining the Deccan flood basalt volcanism and linear volcanic chains of the western Indian Ocean, there are distinctions in both trace element and isotope geochemistry between present-day Reunion eruptives and those of the Deccan province; the likely source of the Deccan vol- canism is similar to rift volcanism rather than the Reunion hotspot (Mahoney, 1988). Further geochemical and geothermal evidence suggests that Deccan magmas were generated at relatively shallow (35-45km) depth in Mid-Ocean Ridge Basalt (MORB) mantle and rules out the pos- sibility of its origin by a deep mantle plume (Sen, 1988). However geophysical evidence indicates that the continental crust was extremely thin in the Western Ghats section under the plume (Negi et al., 1993). Morever, Ellam (1992) showed con- vincingly that the thinned lithosphere of Western Ghats is the reason for this trace element dis- crepancy between the Deccan volcanism and the Reunion hotspot. Was rifting triggered by doming above the Reunion hotspot? Some workers (White & Mc- Kenzie, 1989; Hooper, 1990) argued that the Reunion hotspot actually created the Carlsberg rift along which Deccan volcanism erupted. However, as discussed earlier, the Carlsberg rift- ing did not start before chron 29R, whereas Dec- can volcanism started somewhat earlier around 30N. If the Sarnu-Dandali and Mundawara vol- canics of Rajasthan are regarded as the earliest manifestation of the Deccan volcanism in Penin- sular India and the initial location of the Deccan- Reunion hotspot (Basu et al., 1993), then the Deccan volcanism must have started 3.5 million years earlier than the timing of the Carlsberg Rift, making the causal link unlikely. Moreover, if the Carlsberg Rift was triggered by the Deccan- Reunion hotspot, its geographic location would be at the center of the Shiva Crater, offshore of the Bombay coast. However, the hotspot track 512 indicates that the Reunion hotspot always lay farther east within the Indian con- tinent, probably near Igat- puri at the KT boundary (Fig. 9). If we consider the Rajasthan volcanics as the earliest and northernmost activity of the Reunion hotspot, it would be at least 500km northeast from the Carlsberg Rift at the time of eruption. Thus the timing of the eruption and the loca- tion of the Reunion hotspot do not suggest any close link between plume genera- tion and rifting. On the other hand, at the KT boundary time, the impact had been coincidentally close enough to the Reunion hotspot to activate the major phase of the vol- canic outbursts (Figs. 7A, 9). Reviewing all the evidence, the Deccan- Reunion hotspot remains the best model for the origin of Deccan volcanism. How did the Deccan lava cover such an enormous area of India? The intercon- nected rift basins may be implicated in the distribu- tion of Deccan lavas. Prior to the onset of Deccan vol- canism the palaeodrainage of the Narmada and Godavari Rivers was directed toward the Bay of Bengal (Krishnan, 1982, p. 17). The Cambay Rift basin was tilted northward and westward at that time (Biswas, 1987). This centripetal pattern of drainage system was further accentuated by doming of the Western Ghats section around Igat- puri by the uprising plume (Fig. 9). Lava generated from the Deccan-Reunion hotspot flooded the Narmada, Cambay and Godavari rift basins. These lava rivers traveled many hundreds of kilometers in all directions with occasional flooding in the overbank areas. The main reason these flows could travel such great distances is their unusually large volume and rapid rate of eruption, coupled with their low viscosity. The INDIAN OCEAN Deccan Traps. ^ CAMBAY RIF fe} O| SEYCHELLES j -Bombay RR | MEMOIRS OF THE QUEENSLAND MUSEUM 4 ` ` ` ‘ 68.5 Je Sarnu-Dandall \ Sa ^ he 5 so Narayanpur ) ? C Jabalpur tm KITE T NARMADA RIFT NM b- wo Agir eM - >i WM o Siolondi * Igatpuri E Pisdura Dongargaon BAY OF BENGAL. FIG. 2. The pattern of dorsal armor of Minmi sp. (QM F18101). Elements of the armor are shown in heavy outline, and endoskeletal elements (skull roof, tips of neural spines & transverse processes, dorsal & sacral ribs and ilia) are in light outline. Scale = 100mm. includes most of the skull and the articulated axial skeleton back to the proximal tail, to probably the ninth caudal (Figs 1, 2). The arches of some vertebrae have been crushed. The neural arch of the axis was found isolated in the soil about a metre away from the block enclosing the skull and anterior cervicals. The more distal part of the tail was not found and the distal parts of both left limbs are also missing. The left shoulder girdle seems complete. The coracoids are not fused to the scapulae, and were displaced. The left humerus is almost complete and the proximal parts of both left radius and ulna are present. The left ilium is nearly complete, and the proximal halves of both ischium and pubis are also present on that side. Much of the right pelvis, however, has been lost. Both femora are essentially com- plete, but weathered, as are the crural elements. Only a few disarticulated manual and pedal ele- ments were found, although the right manus may be embedded beneath the rib cage. The specimen was upside down when ex- cavated, except perhaps for the block containing the skull which had been uncovered before our arrival. The neural canal of one vertebra (enclosed in a small block of carbonate) contains sediment (with embedded dermal ossicles) at the top and white calcite crystals below clearly in- dicating the inverted position of the trunk in the ground. When reassembled, the vertebral column is straight, except for the cervical column near the skull which inclines to the right at about 20° (Fig. 1). The base of the tail extends straight out posteriorly from the trunk and the pieces of the more distal part of the tail fit together to also give a straight column. The ribs on the left side have been flattened and so have lost their natural cur- vature, but the ribs on the right — except for those just in front of the pelvis — have been rotated backwards. The right ilium has apparently be- come separated from the sacrum and displaced forward and laterally. Both left fore and hind limbs extend laterally horizontally from the trunk, but both right limbs are folded across the belly. Both forelimbs are flexed at the elbow and both hindlimbs at the knee. The left femur is in situ in the acetabulum but projects horizontally, parallel to the top of the ilium. The trunk gives the impression of having collapsed to lay flat on the substrate. MATURITY Recently there has been much emphasis (e.g., Rowe & Gauthier, 1990) on using adult charac- ters (in the sense of skeletal maturity) in phylogenetic classification and the unusual fea- tures of this specimen raise the question of whether or not it was mature, or nearly so. This skeleton was probably 2.5-3.5m long when com- 656 plete. This is a small ankylosaur (cf. Coombs & Maryanska, 1990): does it represent a small adult or an immature individual? All known early ankylosaurs (Dracopelta, Priodontognathus, Sarcolestes and Tianchiasaurus) are small, as are later, insular ankylosaurs such as Struthiosaurus. Minmi is a relatively early ankylosaur and, in addition, may have evolved on the east Queensland island of the Aptian (Dettmann et al., 1992). The holotype specimen of Minmi paravertebra was found in Aptian marine sedi- ments (Bungil Fm.) near this island (Molnar, 1980) and probably derived from there (Fig. 3). If the lineage evolved there a small adult body size is plausible. Late Cretaceous European in- sular ankylosaurs (Struthiosaurus) are of about the same size as the holotype and the ‘Marathon’ animal, and notably smaller than those from western North America and central Asia. Some features — absence of fusion of the cranial elements, absence of fusion of the scapulae and coracoids, absence of fusion of the pelvic elements — in addition to its small size, suggest that it was immature at death. But there are also reasons to suggest that was mature or nearly so. There are five other specimens from Queensland certainly or plausibly referred to the genus Minmi: QM F33565 and F33566 (probably deriving from a single individual and so con- sidered here), AM F35259, QM F33286, QM F10329 (the holotype) and an unregistered specimen that will probably be housed at the Australian Museum. All of these, except the first which is also the most different morphologically and hence possibly represents a distinct taxon, are within 10% of the linear dimensions of the ‘Marathon’ skeleton. Ignoring the first specimen would suggest that all known specimens of Queensland ankylosaurs are mature but small, but including it indicates that five of six are imma- ture, if the ‘Marathon’ skeleton is from an imma- ture individual. It seems prima facie unlikely that of six specimens that were, judging from their geographical distribution, probably drawn from different populations, all but one would represent immature individuals at the same stage of growth. Nonetheless this is not impossible, especially as Horner (1979) pointed out that most occurrences of dinosaurs in marine beds are of immature individuals. Although the junctions between the cranial bones generally are not fused both frontals and parietals are fused along the midline, and the contacts in braincase are fused. Fusion of the cranial elements is thought to be a marker of MEMOIRS OF THE QUEENSLAND MUSEUM FIG. 3. Shorelines of Australia during the ages when Minmi lived, A, Aptian, B, Albian. Heavy lines mark contemporaneous shorelines, light lines modern shorelines. The triangles indicate the localities of Minmi paravertebra (A) and Minmi sp. (B). Both specimens probably drifted from the eastern Queensland landmass, which in the Aptian was a set of islands and in the Albian a peninsula. (Redrawn from Dettmann et al., 1992) adulthood in ankylosaurs (Coombs & Maryanska, 1990), but lack of fusion is also the plesiomorphic state and cranial fusion may have developed only in later ankylosaurs. The maxilla of Priodontognathus, probably early Late Juras- sic in age, shows no indication of having been fused to the other cranial bones (Galton, 1980). In the ‘Marathon’ specimen the coracoids are not fused to the scapulae. This lack of fusion is not considered a juvenile character by Coombs & Maryanska (1990) and some ankylosaurs lack fused scapulocoracoids as adults (Carpenter, 1990; Pereda-S., 1994). Currie (pers. comm., 1991) observed that clear- ly juvenile Pinacosaurus have only ossicles making up the armor of the trunk. In the ‘Marathon’ Minmi the trunk armor comprises A NEW ANKYLOSAUR FROM THE EARLY CRETACEOUS OF QUEENSLAND 657 FIG. 4. Skull, in dorsal view, of Minmi sp. (QM F18101). Anterior is to the left. Elements of the dermal armor remain in the narial region and behind the quadrate. Scale = 50mm. both ossicles and scutes, suggesting it was adult, or nearly so. Thus although there are some grounds (contra Molnar, 1994) to think this specimen is a juvenile, these are not entirely compelling and it may simp- ly be plesiomorphic. Tentatively the ‘Marathon’ specimen is best regarded as representing an al- most mature, or newly mature, individual. DISPOSITION OF ARMOR Armor is present across the dorsum of the neck and trunk, as well as on the tail and limbs (Fig. 2). Several kinds of dermal elements are present: large nuchal, scapular, pelvic, appendicular and caudal scutes; small dorsal scutes; ossicles; and (probably) triangular caudal plates. The broadly oval nuchal scutes are larger (to 13cm wide x 9cm long) than any of the dorsal scutes, and comparable in size to the pelvic scutes and caudal plates. Four (three of which are preserved) form an incomplete transverse band just behind the skull. The pair on either side are in contact (preserved on the left), but the medial of each pair are separated by a gap of 5.5cm. Behind this is a suite of one large (9.5 x 75cm) three medium (c. 5.5 x 3cm) and two small scutes (c. 2 x 1.5cm) arranged with the large one medially placed and the others spread laterally over the shoulder region. These shoulder scutes, like those of the back, are roughly oval with a low longitudinal keel and aligned parasagittally. They are preserved only on the left side. The smaller scutes of the back are arranged linearly, at least towards the midline. A row of at 658 FIG. 5. Skull, in dorsal view, of Minmi sp. (QM F18101). Anterior is to the left. Occipital face not shown. The element on the left side of the nasals is a large piece of dermal armor placed in what is thought to be its proper position. Abbreviations given in text. Scale = 50mm. least ten lay to either side of the vertebral column, extending from the base of the neck at least to the pelvic region. Further laterally, the arrangement is more haphazard, although this may arise from post-mortem disturbance. In all cases the scutes are placed between the ribs. The arrangement at the shoulder may be an extension of that of the back, but this is not clear. Unlike the shoulder scutes, on the back the lateral scutes are slightly larger than the medial. Along the lateral side of the left ilium is a row of three large flat plates (to 10.5 x 7cm). Basically oval in form, they come to a sharp point posterior- ly, and so look like tear-drops. Three of these are preserved, arranged sequentially along the posterior portion of the lateral margin of the ilium and curving around behind it. All except the last are displaced from the ilium, with but a few A MEMOIRS OF THE QUEENSLAND MUSEUM medium or small scutes in the intervening region. Unfortunately, because this part of the specimen is almost completely flattened it is not clear whether these plates lay flush with the skin, or if the posterior points projected outwards above the hind limb. The neck, back and limbs were probably com- pletely covered by small ossicles embedded in the skin. Layers of ossicles are also found ventral to the vertebrae and ribs, in what was the body cavity. This suggests that like the holotype of M. paravertebra, the belly was also covered by a chain-mail of these ossicles. Some of the scutes, particularly those of the shoulder region, have the appearance of having been formed from — or at least augmented by — the accretion of ossicles. The ossicles are rectangular to trapezoidal in outline and seem have two forms. One is convex with faint concentric ridges or striae, and the other an almost stellate form of sharp intercon- necting ridges surrounding distinct pockets. Ex- amination of ossicles freed during preparation, however suggests that there is only a single form. Presumably the ‘stellate’ face was directed exter- nally and the convex, pillow-like face internally. The appearance of both forms in the armor preserved in place suggests that some have be- come inverted without having been displaced. Unbroken ossicles measure about 4 x 6mm. The tail bore at least two kinds of armor. A row of two or three large, smooth triangular plates are preserved along one side of the tail. Their orien- tation is unclear. As preserved, they project ventrolaterally, but all are broken at their bases, as if they had been forced downwards into this position during preservation. In addition, there are keeled, pitted, roughly rectangular scutes, each slightly less than half as long as the trian- gular plates. Again their arrangement is not FIG. 6. Pattern of cranial elements in dorsal view for A, Minmi sp. B, Pinacosaurus grangeri; and C, Scelidosaurus harrisonii. Not to scale (Pinacosaurus after Maryanska (1977), Scelidosaurus after Coombs, et al. (1990)). ANEW ANKYLOSAUR FROM THE EARLY CRETACEOUS OF QUEENSLAND 659 FIG, 7. Skull, in lateral view, of Minmi sp. (QM F18101). Anterior is the left. Part of the integumentary dermal armor remains intact behind the skull at right. Inset shows matrix (open dots), broken bone (dots) and still adherent nuchal ossicles (hatching). Scale = 50mm. known, as all seem to be out of place, some having come to rest inserted between the bases of the large plates and the caudal vertebrae. They may have formed a row along the bottom of the tail, two to every triangular plate. The appendicular armor is not as completely preserved, however both sets of limbs carried large scutes, as well as small ossicles. The forelimb had a subrounded, keeled scute midway along the humerus and a low, round, pitted scute at the lateral side of the elbow, along the ulna. The hind limb bore a large keeled scute along the back of the calf. CRANIAL MORPHOLOGY Although the form of the ankylosaurian skull as a whole is well known, the form of the individual cranial bones is not. Only a single skull (of Pinacosaurus) is known showing the contacts between the cranial bones, and those only for the skull roof (Maryanska, 1977). For the rest of the taxa only an isolated maxilla has been described in Galton’s (1980) study of Priodontognathus. The ‘Marathon’ specimen, however, shows all of these contacts, except in the braincase where they are fused. The skull looks like a pentagonal box, because all of the sides (and occipital face) meet the skull roof at approximately right angles. It is slightly longer (240mm as preserved) than wide (195mm). The skull roof is almost flat, but the nasals arch slightly (c. 3mm) above the level of the skull roof. Unfortunately, the skull has been broken and slightly crushed in places, fortunately, little seems to be missing and the crushing has not done much damage. FIG. 8. Reconstruction of skull and left mandible, in lateral view, of Minmi sp. (QM F18101). Anterior is to the left. Hatching represents missing parts or broken surfaces. Abbeviations given in text. Scale = 50mm. 660 MEMOIRS OF THE QUEENSLAND MUSEUM FIG. 9. Skull, in ventral view, of Minmi sp. (QM F18101). Anterior is to the left. Inset shows areas still covered by matrix (open dots) and broken bone surfaces (dots). Scale = 50mm. On the top of the skull both the grooves presumably demarcating the boundaries of the dermal plates and the sutures are clearly preserved (Figs 4, 5). There are also a few dermal ossicles. The skull roof elements are fewer and simpler than in Pinacosaurus, basically similar in pattern to those of Scelidosaurus (Coombs, Weishampel & Witmer, 1990, fig. 20.1) (Fig. 6). The nasals, prefrontals, frontals, parietals and *squamosals' and supraorbitals contribute to the dorsal face. The supratemporal fenestrae are en- tirely obscured by the ‘squamosals’, parietals and maybe the frontals. The side of the skull is made up by the premaxilla, maxilla, lachrymal, a little of the supraorbital, and the *squamosal' and jugal (Figs 7, 8). The orbit is large, laterally directed, and roughly hexagonal in shape. Just in front of it, the sides of the skull converge towards the narial region, forming the abbreviate snout. In the nodosaurid Edmontonia the snout (from tip of premaxilla to center of the orbit) comprises about 70% of the total cranial length, but in the ankylosaurid Euoplocephalus, and the ‘Marathon’ skull (as preserved), it is about 60%. The antorbital fenestra has been closed, possibly by a backwards extension of the maxilla. Nor is there any laterotemporal fenestra, which was seemingly covered by the jugal and, maybe, the 'squamosal'. The palate is still largely un- prepared, but there is so far no indication of the median vomerine septum, and if it were present A NEW ANKYLOSAUR FROM THE EARLY CRETACEOUS OF QUEENSLAND FIG. 10. Diagram of skull, in anterior view, of Minmi sp. (QM F18101) showing the the ventral sheets of the nasals. Abbreviations given in text. and in place, it would expected to have been exposed by now. Atransverse fracture, most obvious on the pala- tal surface (Fig. 9), crosses the skull through the front of the subtemporal fenestrae. On the left the back of the maxilla and the overlying anterior process of the jugal, have been displaced into the orbital cavity: on the right the subtemporal fenestra seems undamaged, but is occupied by a piece of bone, perhaps part of the coronoid process. Both pterygoids have been broken from their contacts with the basipterygoid processes and displaced dorsally, more so on the left side. The postorbital region on the left may have been slightly crushed and the right maxilla has been broken and pushed into the palatal vacuity. The left maxillary teeth have all either fallen from their sockets, or been snapped off at the neck, so that a few (four) crowns lie adjacent and lateral to their respective alveoli. The snout is incom- plete, but the inferior processes of the premaxillae still associated with the maxillae, suggest that only a little is actually missing, and this is cor- roborated by the left mandible which is too short to have fitted a much longer skull. Premaxilla. The premaxilla is represented by a large, smooth plate forming at least 5096 of the length of the snout (Fig. 8). This plate seems to be a greatly expanded inferior process of the premaxilla. It overlaps the vertical plate of the maxilla behind, and seemingly rests in a groove in the dorsal margin of the anterior part of the body of the maxilla. The plate is basically flat, but is slightly convex posteriorly and slightly con- cave dorsally. Its oblique anterodorsal edge presumably forms the posterior margin of the external naris. Maxilla. The maxilla is a low, broad, elongate element, that forms the ventral margin of the snout and underlies the orbital cavity (Fig. 8). The 661 body is massive and broad anteriorly becoming thinner but broader posteriorly. A vertical plate rises behind and adjacent to the inferior process of the premaxilla. This plate ascends to the dorsal face of the skull to contact the prefrontal above. In palatal view, the maxillary toothrow is curved, slightly concave laterally. At least 21 alveoli are present, increasing in size posteriorly. The posterior alveoli are transversely broad, but con- stricted centrally to look like the figure ‘8’. The medial lobe of the alveolus was (and still is in some) occupied by the root of the replacement tooth, almost as large as that of the functional tooth. Nasal. The nasals are elongate elements, lon- gitudinally arched (and incomplete) anteriorly but concave transversely, forming a central lon- gitudinal groove. Posteriorly they expand markedly in the transverse plane, giving them a roughly ‘T’ shape in dorsal view. They meet the frontals in an almost transverse very slightly in- terdigitating contact, and laterally they are smoothly overlapped by the prefrontals. The anterior moiety medially and posteriorly bounds the external nares. Medial to the nares thin sheets of bone project ventrally at least 35mm from the margins of the nasals, giving the bone an M- shaped form in section (Fig. 10). It is not known how, or if, the passage situated between these sheets contacted the laterally placed chambers. Prefrontal. The prefrontals are elongate elements, extending anteriorly from the posterior sutural contacts with the frontal and ‘squamosal’ to the edge of the skull in front of the orbits (Fig. 5). Each joins the supraorbital posterolaterally in a suture, and the vertical plate of the maxilla in front of that in a smooth contact. They are ex- posed only on the dorsum of the skull. Lachrymal. The anterior margin of the orbit is composed of a set of unfamiliar, rodlike elements (Fig. 8). The presumed lachrymal is a vertical rodlike element, that extends along this margin. It gradually tapers ventrally, to abut on the max- illa. In addition there are two other rod-like ele- ments, or processes, extending ventrally along the front edge of the orbit, one in anterior to and the other behind the presumed lachrymal. The anterior may be a descending process of the prefrontal or supraorbital, but the possible junc- tion is obscured. Supraorbital. The subtriangular supraorbital roofs the orbital cavity between the prefrontals and 'squamosals' (Fig. 5). Beneath it posteriorly (on the right side) is an elongate lightly orna- mented element (Fig. 8), that appears to be part 662 MEMOIRS OF THE QUEENSLAND MUSEUM FIG. 11. Skull, in posterior view, of Minmi sp. (QM F18101). The upper part of the foramen magnum is occluded, especially on the left, by matrix containing parts of the atlas-axis complex. Also on the left is part of the integumentary dermal armor of the neck, just lateral to the distal end of the left paroccipital process. Scale = 25mm. of the dermal armor, or perhaps a second supra- orbital. Frontal. The frontals are fused and basically hexagonal in form, joining the nasals anteriorly, the parietals posteriorly, the prefrontals antero- laterally, and the 'squamosals' posterolaterally (Fig. 5). The dorsal sulcus of the nasals continues posteriorly across the frontals to terminate just anterior to the parietal contact. Jugal. Behind the maxilla and posteroventral to the orbit is the large, flat, smooth, triangular jugal (Fig. 8). It has the form of two plates, the vertical triangular one behind forming the side of the cheek region of the skull, and a horizontal one in front that floors the orbital cavity. It overlaps the quadratojugal posteriorly — which is thereby obscured from lateral view — and in turn is overlapped by a small, triangular dermal element at its posteroventral extremity. Squamosal, Postfrontal and Postorbital. The bone here called the ‘squamosal’ is probably the fused squamosal, postfrontal and postorbital. It is a hexagonal bone, situated at the posterolateral corner of the skull, that forms the upper part of the cheek region (Figs 5, 8). It is overlapped by the jugal below, and sutures to the supraorbital in front and the frontal medially. Unlike the smooth jugal, its lateral face is ornamented by subparallel curved grooves directed posterodorsally, becom- ing horizontal posteriorly. Quadratojugal. The quadratojugal is medial to the posterior part of the jugal and lateral to the lower part of the quadrate. It contributed little if anything to the lateral side of the skull, but is visible along the ventral margin of the jugal arch. In posterior aspect it is revealed as a thin element rising vertically probably to contact the *squamosal'. A large foramen separates it from the quadrate just above their ventral contact. Pterygoid. Only the broad, thin horizontal quad- rate processes of the pterygoids are so far revealed (Fig. 9). They project laterally from the basisphenoid region where the junctions are broken, to elongate contacts with the quadrates. Quadrate. Both quadrates are present, but that on the right is obscured. The articular condyles are missing from both. The left is broken at midshaft, but not displaced. The quadrate seems to form a vertical pillar. The lateral inclination of almost 45? of the ventral portion is due to the crushing of the back part of the skull on the left side. The strong, medial vertical plate-like process projects anteromedially, to reach the pterygoids. FIG. 12. Skull in posterior view. Abbreviations given in text. Open dots indicates matrix. Scale = 25mm. A NEW ANKYLOSAUR FROM THE EARLY CRETACEOUS OF QUEENSLAND FIG, 13. Mandible (dentary), in lateral view, of Minmi sp. (QM F18101). Anterior is to the left. Only the dorsal margin of the body and anterodorsal margin of the coronoid process are preserved, the rest of the edges are breaks. Scale = 25mm. Parietal. The parietals are transversely elongate elements, fused at the midline, and located along the posterior margin of the skull (Figs 5, 12). Their posterior face seems to extend ventrally for 3cm to contact the paroccipital processes, and overlap the occipital faces of the “squamosals’. Exoccipital. The paroccipital processes extend directly laterally and flare at their distal ends, to make up the ventral half of the occipital face of the skull (Fig. 12). From each side a stout pedicle projects ventromedially and a little posteriorly to abut on the basioccipal below the foramen mag- num. These exoccipital processes and the basioc- cipital each contribute about 1/3 to the ventral margin of the foramen magnum. Supraoccipital. A large supraoccipital in the form of a capital lambda, or inverted ‘V’, may be present above the foramen magnum (Fig. 12) but further cleaning is necessary to confirm this. Basioccipital. The occipital condyle, on the basioccipital, sits at the end of a stout, tapering *neck' that is broader than the condyle itself. In posterior aspect the condyle is reniform and it is directed posteriorly (Fig. 12), rather than posteroventrally. Basisphenoid. Only the ventral surface of the basisphenoid is yet exposed. Between the basip- terygoid processes the ventral face of the basis- phenoid is nearly flat, with a small median foramen or depression (Fig. 9). Posteriorly the basisphenoid tubera lie close together near the midline. There is no excavation between and behind them as in certain taxa (Struthiosaurus, Pereda-S. & Galton, 1994), but only a smooth surface, facing almost directly backwards, ex- tending to the base of the neck of the occipital condyle. The basioccipital-basisphenoid junction is fused. Cranial dermal armor. On each side of the skull, roof, three small dermal ossicles sit at the ‘apex’ of the supraorbital-prefrontal-‘squamosal’ con- 663 tact, and a large one sits just lateral to them (Fig. 5). An elongate ossicle sits atop the posterior rim of each ‘squamosal’. Dermal ossicles are also found at several places on the sides of the skull, along the posterior margin to the jugal, and the postreior margin of the orbit. A large, elongate ossicle just below the lateral margin of supraor- bital, forms the dorsal margin of the orbit. A smaller, triangular ossicle overlies the junction of the lachrymal with the supraorbital. These two may be the second and third supraorbitals, char- acteristic of thyreophores (Sereno, 1986), al- though if so they differ from those of the others in that neither is exposed on the top of the skull. A thin, flat, triangular ossicle overlying the posteroventral ‘corner’ of the jugal (and quad- ratojugal) is presumably the quadratojugal plate, also found in ankylosaurids. Dentary. The left mandible is very incomplete as everything medial to the lateral sides of the al- veoli has been lost. Only the dentary remains (Fig. 13). But much of its length is preserved, from the down-curved anterior region to well back into the coronoid process. This strong coronoid process arises abruptly lateral to the back of the toothrow, and is clearly more exten- FIG. 14. Three teeth of Minmi sp. (QM 18101) as preserved after having fallen from their alveoli. A partially prepared tooth is at the left, two completely prepared teeth at center, and a block of matrix and consolidant at right. Scale = 5mm. 664 sive than in any other described thyreophore. The distance from the declined anterior part of the toothrow near the front end of the mandible to the coronoid suggests that the mandible was relatively short. Teeth. Two sets of isolated teeth are available, one a crown from the anterior part of the skull (presumably the anterior maxi- lla), and the other a set of three adherent teeth (Fig. 14) from the mid-maxillary (or den- tary?) region. The anterior crown has a cingulum 2-3mm deep, with the fluted part of the crown 2-3mm high. The cin- gulum is broad and bulbous, 3mm wide, and the crown above it only Imm wide. Seven denticles, and the furrows be- tween them, are present on one side of the crown, whilst the other is almost smooth, with only the lateralmost furrows present. The mid-maxillary teeth are 18-26mm long. The roots are straight and cylindri- cal, constricted at the neck and open, although perhaps broken, at the tip. The best crown is 7mm high, including a 3mm cingulum. One crown has seven denticles and the remain- ing two have nine. The enamel is covered with very fine protuberances, giving a finely pebbled appearance under a magnifier. The crowns are 6mm long and 3mm broad at their cingula and 2mm broad just above the cingula. The upper margin of the cingulum is distinct on both faces. Furrows extend all the way from edge to cingulum, unlike the anterior tooth, where they extend only a short distance from the den- ticles. VERTEBRAE So far only the sacrals and middle caudals have been prepared. The sacrals are partially obscured by ossicles that presumably fell onto them from the ventral body wall, so little can be said of them. However it is clear that although the last centrum of the presacral rod was ventrally flattened the MEMOIRS OF THE QUEENSLAND MUSEUM FIG. 15. A, Left humerus, in anterior view, of Minmi sp. (OM F18101). Some ossicles adhere to it distally, and the matrix visible along both medial and lateral margins holds a sheet of ossicles in place on its reverse (cf. Fig. 1). B, Proximal segments of left radius and ulna of Minmi sp. (QM F18101) in medial view. The block of matrix joining both bones proximally holds dermal armor in place on its reverse (cf. Fig. 1). Scale = 50mm. synsacral centra lack a ventral sulcus, at least posteriorly. The more distal of these have a centrum that is hexagonal in section, with a ventral sulcus. The most distal preserved have a broad, flat dorsal surface, with the neural arch restricted to the middle third. Proximally the centra remain hexagonal, but become deeper, and then become quadrangular in section. The ventral sulcus be- comes progressively shallower anteriorly, until the ventral face is simply flat. The caudals are slightly amphicoelous. Although the prezygapophyses are relatively long, they are not as elongate as in ankylosaurids. There is no indication of a tail club, or that the distal part of the tail was modified into a rigid rod. All parts of the tail preserved suggest that some flexibility was possible. Several series of ossified tendons extend along the tail, mostly above the transverse processes. So they probably were part of the epaxial muscula- A NEW ANKYLOSAUR FROM THE EARLY CRETACEOUS OF QUEENSLAND FIG. 16. Reconstructed pelvis of Minmi sp.; A, in dorsal view; and B, lateral. In A the dashed line indicates the approximate margin of the left ilium, and the posterior portion of the ilium has been completed from a second specimen, QM F33286. The right side of the reconstructed pelvis is a reflection of the left of the specimen. The broad ‘bridge’(b) linking sacrum and ilium may be seen. Scale = 200mm. ture, although there are one or two that were in the muscles below the transverse processes. FORELIMB Scapula. The left scapula is preserved just below the dermal armor. Although preparation is not complete, it shows to have a (mediolaterally) thin blade c. 27cm long, and a well-developed pseudacromial process 3.3cm high. (A complete, but fractured, left coracoid is also present but not yet studied.) Humerus. The left humerus (26.5cm long) is nearly complete with only the proximolateral ‘corner’ of the deltopectoral crest missing (Fig. 15A). The shaft is constricted near its midlength and the ends enlarged, but not nearly as strongly as in other thyreophores. The head is anteroposteriorly broadened and set about a third 665 of the way out from the proximal trochanter. It is supported behind by a buttress extending about a third of the way down the shaft. There is also a ridge along the back of the deltopectoral crest, so forming a shallow fossa between this and the buttress supporting the head. The deltopectoral crest extends about a third of the way down the shaft and lacks the distal expansion described in ankylosaurids (Coombs & Maryanska, 1990). The distal articular surface, at the elbow, sub- tends an angle of almost 180? anteroposteriorly. The elbow was probably a hinge joints as in most tetrapods. Antebrachial elements. The proximal end of the ulna (Fig. 15B) is still incompletely prepared, but it seemingly lacks an olecranal process, so prominent in other thryeophores. Instead there is a flattened, expanded, mushroom-like proximal articular surface that makes an angle of about 45? with the long axis of the shaft. The radial sulcus is well-developed. The shaft is slender and dis- tinctly flattened, with shallow grooves in the broad faces giving an almost figure-8 form to the cross-section. Little is preserved of the radius (Fig. 15B), although the shaft is slender and oval in cross-sec- tion. Both radius and ulna are noticably more slender than in other thyreophores. HINDLIMB Ilium. The ilium is well-preserved on the left side. It is a flat, moderately broad element, with the antacetabular processes inclined laterally at about 35° (Fig. 16A). It is unique among ankylosaurs in that the postacetabular process is elongate. In Euoplocephalus the postacetabular process makes up about 27% of the iliac length, while in Stegosaurus this is 33%. In the ‘Marathon’ specimen it is at least 38%. The ilium is connected to the sacrum by a broad ‘bridge’ of bone. This structure joins the medial margin of the ilium to the dorsal portions of the neural spines of at least three, maybe five, sacrals. These are probably in the middle of the series, although precisely which sacrals cannot be determined until further preparation. The sheet-like 'bridge' seems to overlie the sacral ribs and no trace of it can be seen ventrally although the sacral ribs are prominent. It is well preserved on the right side in OM F18101, but indistinct on the left. It is also present in QM F33286. To my knowledge noth- ing like this has been reported in other ankylosaurs, but it seems very similar to the sheet 666 FIG. 17. A, Pubis in lateral; and B, anterior view. Scale = 25mm. of bone that covers the sacral ribs in Stegosaurus (Gilmore, 1914). Pubis. The left pubis is nicely preserved, although incomplete distally (Figs 16, 17). It has a block- like body, of ‘standard’ form and a long slender postpubis, that is mildly blade-like in form proximally. Ischium. The ischium (Figs 16, 18) looks much like those of other ankylosaurs, broad subtrian- gular proximally and rodlike distally. Femur. The femur is a robust, straight element, still incompletely prepared. The head is set off medially, as in nodosaurids and the lesser trochanter is not fused to the greater along its length, but is set off by a shallow groove. Crural & pedal elements. The tibia and fibula are present, the latter at least in part, but have yet to be studied, and no fibulae have been found. Two isolated claw-like unguals resemble those of Acanthopholis. TAPHONOMY The skeleton was found upside down in a marine deposit. There being no reason to believe this was an amphibious dinosaur, presumably the body washed out to sea. The skeleton was com- pletely articulated — except perhaps for the feet, the distal end of the tail and the axis — and the small dermal ossicles of the back are still largely (or entirely) in place. This suggests that the skin was present and intact on the back right up to the time of burial. No evidence, such as tooth marks, that the carcass was scavenged before it came to lie on the sea floor has been seen, although a few MEMOIRS OF THE QUEENSLAND MUSEUM FIG, 18. Lower face of left pelvic block of QM F18101 showing left(?) ischium (Isc) at center. Inset shows matrix indicated by open dots, and blocks of ossciles by dots. Scale = 50mm. teeth of the small shark Echinorhinus were found in association with the skeleton and may indicate that a little scavenging occurred after it sank. Since the skin of the back seems to have been present, the skeleton may have been held together by it, at least in part. If the skin remainined intact, some of the ligaments and capsular tissue might have done so, too. However, the preservation of the left femur still in contact with the acetabulum but directed horizontally outwards, suggests that the ligaments and capsular tissue had relaxed or decayed enough to permit what was presumably a very un-life-like attitude. Furthermore, the dis- covery of the neural arch of the axis some dis- tance from the skull and neck suggests that this element had become freed of its ligamentous (and bony) attachments. The remaining cervical ver- tebrae were all found associated or articulated and enclosed within the calacreous nodules, which in turn suggests that the axial neural arch became freed before the nodule started to form. Either the carcass was more or less complete when it washed out to sea, or it had dried out and mummified. As it was found some distance from the reconstructed shorelines, it had presumably floated for a while before sinking to the bottom. If intact the carcass may have decayed, formed gas bubbles (which would help it float) and even- tually ruptured the belly wall, allowing it to sink. Or it may have floated as a dry mummy until it became waterlogged. The ventral sheet of os- A NEW ANKYLOSAUR FROM THE EARLY CRETACEOUS OF QUEENSLAND sicles seems to have been disrupted and fallen into the body cavity, consistent with rupture by decay gasses. But the dorsal sheet of ossicles has ‘sunk’ in between the ribs, which is consistent with mummification, and difficult to explain if that did not occur. Furthermore, the anomalous position of the neural arch of the axis is consistent with this explanation: the carcass had dried out to the extent of allowing it to come free of its attach- ment to soft tissues and the rest of the skeleton. While the carcass was sinking the arch fell away to come to rest on the seafloor some distance from the remainder of the skeleton. This is not, how- ever, the only possible explanation, it may have been carried off and then dropped by one of the small scavenging sharks. The evidence seems in favor of the interpreta- tion of mummification prior to being swept out to sea by one point, the ‘sinking in’ of the dorsal armor and hence the dorsal hide between the ribs. Perhaps this is also consistent with the interpreta- tion of having bloated and burst, but it isn’t ob- vious how. Further work on this aspect is planned as, if true, the mummification interpretation has some interesting implications. First the carcass would have had to have been exposed long enough to dry out, without being noticibly scavenged, and then washed into a river or the sea. This implies an extended, perhaps seasonal, dry period followed by rains heavy enough to remove the carcass, and a surprising lack of scavengers. The seasonality is not inconsistent with what is known about Albian palaeoclimates in Queensland (Dettmann et al., 1992), but per- haps suggests that the seasons were more marked than generally thought. ACKNOWLEDGEMENTS The importance of the specimen was recog- nised by Mr Ian levers, who kindly donated it to the Queensland Musuem. Ken Carpenter, Xabier Pereda-Suberbiola, W.P. Coombs Jr, Tatiana Tumanova, Laurie Bierne and Peter Trusler provided much helpful discussion and comment. The specimen was skillfully prepared by Angela Maree Hatch and Joanne Wilkinson. I am much indebted to all of these for their assistance during the study of this specimen. LITERATURE CITED CARPENTER, K. 1990. Ankylosaur systematics: ex- ample using Panoplosaurus and Edmontonia (Ankylosauria: Nodosauridac). Pp. 281-298. In, Carpenter, K. & Currie, P.J. (eds) ‘Dinosaur 667 Systematics’, (Cambridge University Press: Cambridge). CHATTERJEE, S. & RUDRA, D.K. 1996. KT events in India: impact, rifting, volcanism and dinosaur exticntion. Memoirs of the Queensland Museum, this volume 489-532. COOMBS, W.P. Jr & MARYANSKA, T. 1990. Ankylosauria. Pp. 456-483. In, Weishampel, D.B., Dodson P. & Osmólska, H. (eds) ‘The Dinosauria'. (University of California Press: Berkeley). COOMBS, W.P. Jr, VEISHAMPEL, D.B. & WITMER, L.M. 1990. Basal Thyreophora. Pp. 427-434. In, Weishampel, D.B., Dodson P. & Osmólska, H. (eds) ‘The Dinosauria'. (University of California Press: Berkeley). 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The distal part of a theropod tibia has been recovered fromthe Coniacian-Santonian Hidden Lake Fm. near Cape Lachmann, James Ross Island. The piece closely resembles the corresponding region in Megalosaurus and, more closely, in Piatnitzkysaurus. This suggests that a persistently plesiomorphic tetanuran lineage inhabited the Antarctic. The relatively small size of the animal argues against a mean annual temperature below 15°C in its environment. [ ] Antarctica, theropod, Late Cretaceous, biogeography, tetanuran. R.E. Molnar, Queensland Museum, P.O. Box 3300, South Brisbane, Queensland, 4101, Australia; Alejandro López Angríman, BRIDAS, Av. L. N. Alem 1180, (1001) Buenos Aires, Argentina; Zulma Gasparini, Depto. Paleontología de Vertebrados, Museo de La Plata, (1900) La Plata, Argentina; 5 July 1996. During the summer of 1988 one of the authors (A.L.A.) discovered a small bone in the Cretaceous deposits 4km north of Col Crame, in the Cape Lachman region, northwestern James Ross Island (Fig. 1). Ina basin in the northwestern sector of the Weddell Sea, the origin of the island is related to the opening of that sea during the breakup of Gondwanaland (Medina et al., 1992). The specimen derives from the middle section of the Hidden Lake Fm., Gustav Gr. (Ineson et al., 1986), referred to the Coniacian-Santonian (Buatois & López Angriman, 1992a). It is the first Cretaceous Antarctic theropod and the oldest Cretaceous tetrapod from Antarcica. Prior to Angríman's discovery, ornithischians were the only Cretaceous dinosaurs known from Antarctica (Gasparini et al., 1987; Olivero et al., 1991; Hooker et al., 1991). The Late Cretaceous theropods from New Zealand (Molnar & Wiffen, 1994) imply that theropods also lived in An- tarctica at that time (cf. Molnar, 1989) but this discovery verifies their occurrence and helps fill out our knowledge of Antarctic faunal evolution. A theropod is known from the Early Jurassic of Antarctica (Hammer & Hickerson, 1994). Collection designations. ANSP, Academy of Natural Sciences, Philadelphia; MLP, Depar- tamento de Paleontología Vertebrados, Museo de La Plata, La Plata. DESCRIPTION The specimen (MLP: 89-XII-1-1) is the distal end — representing probably 10-15% of the total length — of a left tibia. The piece is complete save for very small portions of the extremities of the medial malleolus and the flange that backs the fibula. In general form it is (Fig. 2) is similar to the corresponding part of the tibia in Megalosaurus bucklandi, Piatnitzkysaurus floresi and Poekilopleuron bucklandii. Seen from the front, the shaft is expanded laterally to form a broadly rounded post-fibular flange, and medially into an angularly truncate medial mal- leolus. A broad, flat-surfaced prominence proximomedially bounds the ascending process and dorsal face of the astragalus, extending proximolaterally across the anterior face from the medial malleolus. Its edges are marked by sharp angulations. This is termed the medial buttress. The posterior face is almost flat but with a slight longitudinal concavity laterally. Above the post- fibular flange the surface of this concavity abruptly slopes anteriorly to meet the anterior surface of the shaft at a sharp edge. The broken end reveals a central cavity sur- rounded by relatively thin-walled bone (Fig. 2D). The shaft is tear-shaped in section at the break. Fragments of bone in the calcite fill of the central cavity suggest that the shaft was crushed just above the broken end before or shortly after burial. The distal end is slightly concave from the front and triangular when viewed distally, with the anterior surface forming the longest edge and the inclined lateral edge the shortest. The distal sur- face is shallowly concave in the middle, becom- ing mildly convex both medially and laterally. The form of the anterior surface of the distal tibia (Fig. 2C) indicates that the ascending process of the astragalus was moderately low, relatively narrow and restricted to the lateral half of the tibial shaft. Thus the astragalus would have been unlike those of ornithomimosaurs or tyran- nosaurs in form, but probably much like that of Poekilopleuron bucklandii. 670 ANTARCTIC © C. LACHMAN PENINSULA od « Me (evano l. 58°W he FIG. 1. Map of James Ross Island, showing where the theropod tibia was found (dot). C=Cape, I=Island. IDENTIFICATION. The general form and rela- tively thin-walled hollow shaft indicate that this tibia derives from a theropod. Dryosaurs have also been reported with thin-walled limb elements (Chinsamy, 1995) and dryosaurs or similar forms are known from Late Cretaceous New Zealand (Wiffen & Molnar, 1989), hence probably in- habited Antarctica at this time. However no other dinosaurs have the astragalar ascending process set into a depression of the anterior face of the distal tibia, dorsomedially bounded by an abrupt step or offset in the anterior face. This feature is characteristic of neotheropods (Sereno et al., 1994), and isn’t found in herrerasaurs (Fig. 3). The truncate medial malleolus also occurs in a restricted group of theropods (Table 1), but this probably represents a stage in the evolution of distal tibial form (Fig. 3). The work on theropod astragali of Welles & Long, 1974, (with the correction of Carpenter, 1992) accords well with recent phylogenetic analyses of theropods (Holtz, 1994; Russell & Dong, 1993; Sereno et al., 1994). A general ten- dency toward increased height and breadth of the ascending process can be seen in the lineage leading to arctometatarsalians (Fig. 3). Further- more, a survey of figured tibiae indicates that distal tibial form is reasonably distinctive for the recognised theropod groups (Table 1). The distal tibia of ceratosaurs is variable be- cause of the evolution of the ankle in this group. In distal view the tibia is not anteroposteriorly com- pressed in the Triassic and Early Jurassic forms, as it is in later ceratosaurs and tetanurans. The ascending process is absent or low and narrow, the medial buttress is absent in Coelophysis and Syntarsus but present in Dilophosaurus, and the medial malleolus is quite subdued or absent in MEMOIRS OF THE QUEENSLAND MUSEUM Coelophysis and Dilophosaurus but present and angular in Syntarsus (Raath, 1969; Welles, 1984; Colbert, 1989). Early ceratosaurs, e.g., Coelophysis, (and herrerasaurs) lack an ascend- ing process and the astragalus interlocks with an offset distal surface of the tibia, the offset being visible anteriorly (Padian, 1986, fig. 5.5). The neoceratosaur distal tibia is known only in Ceratosaurus and Xenotarsosaurus, where the distal expansion is approximately symmetrical and the fossa for the ascending process low. In Ceratosaurus the medial buttress is broad with the ‘step’ extending nearly horizontally at least 2/3 of the way across the shaft (about halfway in the Hidden Lake specimen) and the medial mal- leolus does not extend as far proximally along the shaft, so is more pointed in anterior view (Gil- more, 1920); the distal tibia of Xenotarsosaurus is similar but with a broadly rounded malleolus (Martinez et al., 1987). Dromaeosaurs (i.e., Deinonychus antirrhopus) have a broad, high, ascending process, lack the medial buttress — probably correlated with the broadening of the ascending process — and have a broadly rounded medial malleolus (Ostrom, 1969). Arctometatar- salian theropods also have a broad, high ascend- ing process and lack the medial buttress, and have a nearly symmetrical] distal end (in anterior or posterior view) with no distinctive form to the medial malleolus (Welles & Long, 1974). Other coelurosaurs (e.g., Calamosaurus) similarly have a high, broad ascending process and no medial buttress but the medial malleolus is similar in silhouette, from in front, to that of the Hidden Lake tibia (Lydekker, 1891). There is little data available on oviraptorosaurs, but judging from Chirostenotes and Microvenator, the form is similar to that in arctometatarsalians, with the exception that the fibular flange seems truncate in the former genus (Ostrom, 1970; Currie & Russell, 1988). The segnosaur distal tibia remains unknown or undescribed. That of Yangchuano- saurus shows a low ascending process, a medial buttress different in form and an angular medial malleolus (Dong et al., 1983). In Sinraptor the ascending process is low and narrow, the medial buttress essentially similar to that of Ceratosaurus, and with an angular medial mal- leolus (Currie & Zhao, 1993). In distal view the tibia is more anteroposteriorly compressed. Al- losaurus has a broader, higher ascending process, a narrower medial buttress, and a generally similar medial malleolus that is, however, more medially projecting and more rounded in outline (Gilmore, 1920; Madsen, 1976). AN ANTARCTIC CRETACEOUS THEROPOD 671 FIG. 2. The theropod distal tibia (MLP: 89-XII-1-1) from the Hidden Lake Fm., James Ross Island, in: A, posterior; B, medial; C, anterior; D, proximal; E, distal; and F, lateral views. mb=medial buttress, mm-medial malleolus, pf=flange behind fibula, scale = lcm. The distal tibiae of Megalosaurus bucklandi (Huxley, 1870; Hulke, 1879) and Poekilopleuron bucklandii (Eudes-Deslongchamps, 1837) — possibly related forms — Erectopus superbus (Sauvage, 1882) — of uncertain affinities — and Piatnitzkysaurus floresi (Bonaparte, 1986) — a plesiomorphic allosauroid — are the most similar. However, the tibiae of torvosaurids (specifically Afrovenator abakensis, Eustrepto- spondylus oxoniensis and Torvosaurus tanneri), animals similar in other ways to megalosaurs, differ in having an angular medial malleolus (e.g., Britt, 1991). Of those with similar distal tibiae, the most similar is that of P. floresi, which matches that of the Hidden Lake theropod in the forms of the medial malleolus and buttress — particularly the curve of the step adjacent to the facet for the astragalar ascending process — and the fibular flange. The distal tibiae of the pre- viously noted megalosaurs, and of Erectopus, differ in that the fibular flange projects distally, forming the distalmost part of the tibia. This does not occur in Piatnitzkysaurus or the Hidden Lake tibia. There are slight differences: the Hidden Lake tibia is less compressed distally, its fibular flange projects less and its medial buttress is slightly broader than in P. floresi. Nonetheless, had the Hidden Lake tibia been found instead in the Cañadon Asfalto Fm. (Callovian-Oxfordian) of Argentina, it would likely have been attributed to an immature Piatnitzkysaurus. The similarity of the Hidden Lake tibia to those of megalosaurs and Piatnitzkysaurus, all Middle Jurassic forms, and Erectopus, an Albian form, implies that the Hidden Lake theropod represents a lineage probably derived from relatively plesiomorphic megalosaur or primitive al- losauroid (but not sinraptorid) stock, unrelated to the lineages culminating in the more or less con- temporaneous arctometatarsalians. Interestingly, the only other known Antarctic theropod, the Early Jurassic Cryolophosaurus ellioti (Hammer & Hickerson, 1994), is also now thought to be a plesiomorphic allosauroid (Hammer, pers. 672 comm., 1996). Generic identifica- tion of the Hidden Lake specimen is not possible, unless more is recovered. DISCUSSION The Hidden Lake tibia is the same size as the distal end of the tibia of the ornithomimosaur Coelosaurus antiquus (ANSP 9222) which is about 40cm long overall. If the proportions were the same, then the Hidden Lake theropod would have been about 3-3.5m long. If, on the other hand it was more robust, with the tibia proportioned like those of Piat- nitzkysaurus floresi, then it would have been about 22-23cm long and the whole animal about 2.5-3m long. Assuming that it is from a mature animal, and we have no reason to think otherwise, in either case it represents a moderately small theropod about the size of a large Coelophysis. This theropod would have been too small to have been ectothermic and to have lived under a climate with a mean annual temperature of less than 15?C (cf. THEROPODA- Medial buttress Symmetrical ~ NEOTHEROPODA Anteroposterior! compressed distal tibia N TETANURAE ~ Truncate medial malleolus ~ Ascending process broad & high development of malleolus & fibular flange ^ —— (loss of truncate medial malleolus) / MEMOIRS OF THE QUEENSLAND MUSEUM Herrerasauridae — l- Ccelophyside D Dilophosaurus N Elaphrosaurus ) \ CERATOSAURIA Xenotarsosaurus / \ | C3 Ceratosaurus L\ Torvosaurus L\ Jd Megalosaurus b) E» p \ Truncate medial malleolus Piatnitzkysaurus 7 JN Sinraptor A HA Allosaurus AN Acrocanthosaurus JI Deinonychus IK Oviraptoridae Troodontidze LA CARNOSAURIA — AVETHEROPODA idæ \ COELUROSAURIA Tyrannosauridae / E Loss of medial buttress ? = Ornithomimosauria l \ (sc) Molnar & Wiffen, 1994; Spotila et FIG. 3. Phylogenetic relationships among theropods, with astragalar and al., 1991). This suggests that James Ross Island enjoyed a rather mild climate, at least in some places, during the Coniacian-Santonian. The specimen was found in the middle section of the Hidden Lake Fm., in the level of the calcareous sand with abundant carbonised material. Associated trace fossils include Planolites sp. and Palaeophycus sp., and remains of logs without the borings of Teredolites that are often found in the upper and lower levels of this formation (Buatois & López Angriman, 1992b). The en- vironment of deposition was a developing dis- tributary plain in the central fan of a fan delta depositional system (Buatois & López Angriman, 19922) into which, we infer, the specimen had been transported after death. This tibia suggests a more primitive theropod, or at least one with less advanced distal tibial structure, than was common in the Late Cretaceous Asiamerica or South America. Thus it distal tibial characters discussed in text assigned to nodes. A and B indicate presumed reversals of character state: A, to uncompressed distal tibia; B, to angular (rather than truncate) medial malleolus. Along the right margin are diagrams of the distal tibiae of the genera included, with that for Poekilopleuron bucklandii (P.b.) added next to that for Megalosaurus, and that for the Hidden Lake theropod (HLt) next to Piatnitzkysaurus. Cladogram after Holtz (1994), with the positions of Sinraptor, following Sereno, et al. (1994), and Piatnitzkysaurus, fol- lowing Molnar, et al. (1990), added. (Tibial diagrams redrawn from the literature, except for the Hidden Lake theropod and Piatnitzkysaurus). suggests that lineages deriving from Middle Jurassic forms persisted in the Antarctic. ACKNOWLEDGEMENTS The specimen was collected with the kind logistical assistance of the Instituto Antártico Ar- gentino, and the participation of Drs Christian Cherniglasov, Roberto Llorente and especially Luis Buatois. We also appreciate the help of Fer- nando Novas (Museo Nacional de Ciencias Naturales, Buenos Aires), Jaime Powell (Instituto Miguel Lillo, Tucumán), Alec Ritchie (Australian Museum, Sydney) and H. Phillip Powell (Oxford AN ANTARCTIC CRETACEOUS THEROPOD 673 TABLE 1. Theropod distal tibial form. In the last column, ‘lateral’ indicates that the lateral flange is more strongly developed than the medial malleolus; ‘symmetric’ that flange and malleolus are about equally developed and symmetrical in anterior view; ‘both’ that flange and malleolus are equally developed but not symmetrical . Medial malleolar Taxa development Herrerasauridae slight Coelophysidae Dilophosaurus absent Elaphrosaurus Medial buttress Astragalar ascending process width height Distal tibial development moderate symmetric Xenotarsosaurus | Ceratosaurus Torvosaurus present both lateral moderate moderate low Megalosaurus truncate present truncate present moderate low | lateral 2 ? l lateral Piatnitzkysaurus Sinraptor angular present moderate LL low lateral Allosaurus truncate present moderate low lateral Acrocanthosaurus truncate present ? ? Deinonychus rounded absent broad symmetric Oviraptoridae slight low or absent broad | both — | Avimimus i | absent | Tyrannosauridae rounded | absent broad Troodontidae i absent symmetric Ornithomimidae Janensch (1925 University Museum, Oxford) who made avail- able theropod material in their care, and Angela Milner (British Museum) for hypsilophodontian material. Don Baird (Princeton University) provided a cast of the tibia of Coelosaurus which washelpful and Jim Farlow (University of Indiana/Purdue University), William Hammer (Augustana College) and Tom Holtz, Jr (Univer- sity of Maryland) all provided helpful comments. We much appreciate all their assistance. LITERATURE CITED BONAPARTE, J.F. 1986. Les Dinosaures (Car- nosaures, Allosauridés, Sauropodes, Cétiosauridés) du Jurassique moyen de Cerro Cóndor (Chubut, Argentine). (part 1). Annales de Paléontologie (Vert.-Invert.), 72: 247-289. BUATOIS, L.A., & LOPEZ ANGRIMAN, A. 1992a. Evolución de sistemas deposicionales en el Grupo Gustav, Cretácico de la Isla James Ross, Antártida. Pp. 263-297. In, Rinaldi, C. (ed.) ‘Geología de la Isla James Ross’. (Instituto Antártico Argentino; Buenos Aires). BUATOIS, L.A. & LOPEZ ANGRIMAN, A. 1992b. Trazas fósiles y sistemas deposicionales del Grupo Gustav, Cretácico de la Isla James Ross, Antártida. ! 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Twenty synapomorphic features shared by Patagonykus, Alvarezsaurus and Mononykus supports Alvarezsauridae as a monophyletic group of avialan theropods. Diag- nostic characters, mainly referred to vertebral, forelimb, pelvic and hindlimb anatomy, emerge from acladistic analysis of 74 derived features depicting Alvarezsauridae as the sister taxon of the avialian clade Ornithothoraces. Since the origin and early diversification of the Alvarezsauridae probably took place during, or prior to, the Early Cretaceous, their common presence in Patagonia and Mongolia reflects a wider geographical distribution over the world, prior to the development of major geographical barriers between Laurasia and Gondwana during Aptian to Cenomanian times. [ ] Alvarezsauridae, Patagonykus, Mononykus, birds. Los Alvarezsauridae constituyen un clado de extrañas aves basales, caracterizados por sus miembros anteriores extremadamente reducidos, aunque proporcionalmente robustos. Veinte sinapomorfías compartidas por Patagonykus, Alvarezsaurus y Mononykus sustentan la hipótesis que Alvarezsauridae conforma un grupo monofilético de terópodos avialanos. Los caracteres diagnósticos de Alvarezsauridae se refieren principalmente a la columna vertebral, miembros anteriores y posteriores, y pélvis, y emergen de un análisis cladístico de 74 rasgos derivados muestran a Alvarezsauridae como el grupo hermano del clado avialiano Ornithothoraces. En base a las hipótesis filogenéticas propuestas, se estima que el origen y temprana radiación de los alvarezsáuridos habría ocurrido, al menos, durante el Cretácico temprano. Este dato permite suponer que estos terópodos se habrían dispersado en varios continentes (p.ej.; América del Sur, América del Norte, y Asia) antes que se instalaran barreras geográficas de importancia entre Laurasia y Gondwana durante el Cretácico ‘Medio’. Fernando E. Novas, Museo Argentino de Ciencias Naturales, Av. Angel Gallardo 470, 1405 Buenos Aires, Argentina; 1 February 1995. Alvarezsauridae (Bonaparte, 1991) is a clade of bizarre avialan theropods from Upper Cretaceous rocks of Mongolia and Patagonia. At present they are known by three different species: the Patagonian Alvarezsaurus calvoi (Bonaparte, 1991), Patagonykus puertai gen. et sp. nov. (Novas, in press a) and the Mongolian Mononykus olecranus (Perle et al., 1993, 1994; Chiappe et al., this volume). By far, the latter species is the best represented one, being known from complete cranial and postcranial skeletons (Perle et al, 1993; 1994; Chiappe et al., this volume). On the contrary, the South American taxa Patagonykus and Alvarezsaurus are not completely known and the most serious lack of information refers to the skull. Nevertheless, the available osteological material pertaining to the Patagonian forms is informative, allowing recog- nition of autapomorphic features diagnostic of each of the Patagonian species. Although incom- pletely represented, Patagonykus and Alvarez- saurus are significant phylogenetically since they retained the plesiomorphic state for several fea- tures that Mononykus shares with birds, more derived than Archaeopteryx. Better documented now than they were five years ago (Bonaparte, 1991), some aspects of the phylogenetic relationships of the alvarezsaurids are now better understood. For example, it is now clear that Alvarezsauridae does not constitute a theropod branch of uncertain relationships, as originally interpreted by Bonaparte (1991); on the contrary, they are deeply internested within Tetanurae, Coelurosauria and Maniraptora be- cause they exhibit hypapophyses on vertebrae from the cervicothoracic region, semilunate car- pal, retroverted pubis, posterodorsal margin of ilium ventrally curved in lateral view and pubic foot cranially reduced (Gauthier, 1986). There are, however, several features that make these theropods particularly interesting: first, they exhibit peculiar adaptations in the forelimbs and vertebral column, the functional significance of which is controversial (e.g., Perle et al., 1993, 676 1994; Ostrom, 1994); second, alvarezsaurids share with birds several apomorphic resemblan- ces, more derived than Archaeopteryx, raising new questions about the early evolution of birds ' (Perle et al., 1993, 1994; Chiappe et al., this volume); third, alvarezsaurids are known from distant Upper Cretaceous localities of the world (e.g., Patagonia and Mongolia) and thus are inter- esting from a palaeobiogeographical point of view. ABBREVIATIONS. AMNH, American Museum of Natural History, New York; BSP, Bayerische Staatssammlung für Paläontologie, Munich; CM, Carnegie Museum of Natural History, Pittsburgh; HMN MB, Humboldt Museum für Naturkunde, Berlin; GI, Geological Institute, Mongolian Academy of Sciences, Ulan Bator; MACN, Museo Argentino de Ciencias Naturales 'B. Rivadavia', Buenos Aires; MCZ, Museum of Comparative Zoology, Cambridge; MLP, Museo de La Plata, La Plata; MUCPV, Museo de Cien- cias Naturales, Universidad Nacional del Coma- hue, Neuquén; PVL, Paleontología de Vertebrados, Fundación ‘Miguel Lillo’, San Miguel de Tucumán; PVPH, Paleontología Ver- tebrados, Museo Municipal 'Carmen Funes', Plaza Huincul, Neuquén; PVSJ, Museo de Cien- cias Naturales, Universidad Nacional de San Juan, San Juan; USNM, United States National Museum, Washington, DC; YPM, Yale Peabody Museum, New Haven. MATERIALS AND METHODS MATERIAL EXAMINED. A comparative study of the holotypes of Patagonykus puertai (PV PH 37), Alvarez- saurus calvoi (MUCPV 54) and Mononykus olecranus (GI N107/6 cast) was conducted. The following specimens were also studied: Albertosaurus libratus (AMNH 5468), Alectrosaurus olseni (AMNH 6554), Allosaurus fragilis (AMNH 5767), Archaeopteryx lithographica (HMN MB 1880/81 and casts of London and Eichstátt specimens), Archaeornithomimus asiaticus (AMNH 6566, 6567, 6570), Caiman latirostris (pers. collection), Compsognathus longipes (BSP AS I 536), Deinonychus antirrhopus (AMNH 3015, MCZ 4371, YPM 5205, 5206, 5236), Her- rerasaurus ischigualastensis (PVSJ 373), Iberomesor- nis romerali (MACN unnumbered cast), Meleagris gallopavo (pers. collection), Mussaurus patagonicus (MLP-68-III-27-1), Ornitholestes hermani (AMNH 619), Ornithomimus velox (AMNH 5355), Or- nithomimus sedens (USNM 2164) and Piat- nitzkysaurus floresi (MACN-CH 895). ANATOMICAL TERMINOLOGY. I follow the terminology of Clark, 1993. ‘Cranial’ and MEMOIRS OF THE QUEENSLAND MUSEUM *caudal' are used here in place of 'anterior' and ‘posterior’, respectively. SYSTEMATIC NOMENCLATURE. [ascribe to the notion of phylogenetic (node-based or stem- based) definitions for all taxa (de Queiroz & Gauthier, 1994). Aves is defined to encompass all the descendants of the most recent common an- cestor of Ratitae, Tinami and Neognathae (Gauthier, 1986); Avialae includes Archaeop- teryx lithographica, Aves and their most recent common ancestor; Maniraptora includes all those theropods more closely related to Aves than to the Ornithomimidae (Gauthier, 1986). With respect to Maniraptora, I am not following the synapomorphy-based definition given by Holtz (1994), who has also included ornithomimids and tyrannosaurids within Maniraptora on the as- sumption that the ancestors of these two taxa also possessed the diagnostic features of Maniraptora (e.g., raptorial manus, etc.). The node-based definition originally given by Gauthier (1986:30) perfectly fits to the clade formed by Dromaeosauridae plus Avialae, even accepting the monophyly of Arctometatarsalia (= El- misauridae + Avimimus + Tyrannosauridae + (Troodontidae + Ornithomimosauria); sensu Holtz, 1994). SYSTEMATIC PALAEONTOLOGY Basic information on the new taxon Patagonykus puertai is provided here. A detailed anatomical description and discussion of the autamorphies diagnosing this species are given elsewhere (Novas, in press a). COELUROSAURIA Huene, 1920 MANIRAPTORA Gauthier, 1986 AVIALAE Gauthier, 1986 METORNITHES Perle et al., 1993 ALVARESAURIDAE Bonaparte, 1991 Patagonykus gen. nov. Patagonykus puertai gen. et sp. nov. MATERIAL EXAMINED. HOLOTYPE PVPH 37, two incomplete dorsal vertabrae, incomplete sacrum, two proximal and two distal caudal vertabrae; incom- plete left and right coracoids, proximal and distal ends of both humeri, right proximal portions of ulna and radius, and distal portion of left ulna, articulated car- pometacarpus and first phalanx of digit I of the right manus; incomplete ungual phalanx probably cor- responding to digit I; portions of ilia, proximal ends of ischia, and portions of pubes; proximal and distal por- CRETACEOUS MANIRAPTORAN THEROPODS 677 Ornithomimidae Tyrannosauridae Deinonychus Archaeopteryx Alvarezsaurus Mononykus Patagonykus Ornithothoraces COELUROSAURIA MANIRAPTORA ALVAREZSAURIDAE FIG. 1. Cladogram depicting the phylogenetic relationships among Patagonykus, Alvarezsaurus and Mononykus, and five immediate outgroups. tions of right femur, and distal end of the left; proximal and distal ends of both tibiae, fused with proximal tarsals; metatarsals II and III fused to distal tarsals III; several pedal phalanges. HORIZON AND AGE. Portezuelo Member of the Río Neuquén Formation (possibly Turonian, Late Cretaceous; Cruz et al., 1989), Sierra del Portezuelo, 22km west of Plaza Huincul City, Neuquén Province, NW Patagonia, Argentina. The quarry is situated 500m NW of National Route 22. DIAGNOSIS. Patagonykus puertai is an alvarez- saurid avialian theropod diagnosed by the follow- ing: postzygapophyses in dorsal vertebrae with ventrally curved, tongue-shaped lateral margin; dorsal, sacral and caudal vertabrae with a bulge on the caudal base of the neural arch; humeral articular facet of coracoid transversely narrow; internal tuberosity of humerus subcylindrical, wider at its extremity rather than in its base; humeral entepicondyle conical and strongly projected medially; first phalanx of manual digit I with proximomedial hook-like processes; ecto- condylar tuber of femur rectangular in distal view. PHYLOGENETIC RESULTS Seventy four derived features were coded as binary and their distribution examined in three terminal taxa and five outgroups (see Appendix). The data matrix was subjected to parsimony analysis using the implicit enumeration (ie) com- mand in HENNIG 86 (version 1.5) by J.S. Farris (1988). A single most parsimonious tree was ob- tained (Fig. 1), with a length of 102 steps, a consistency index of 0.72 and a retention index of 0.74. This tree depicts Alvarezsauridae as the sister group of Ornithothoraces, but it must be emphasised that the tree supporting Alvarez- sauridae outside Avialae (namely as the sister taxon of Deinonychus plus Avialae) differs in five evolutionary steps (characters listed in the Ap- pendix). Until more evidence becomes available, I will consider alvarezsaurids as birds (e.g., avialians more derived than Archaeopteryx), in agreement with Perle et al. (1993, 1994) and Chiappe et al. (this volume). OUTGROUP RELATIONSHIPS. The following taxa have been chosen for outgroup comparisons: Ornithothoraces, Archaeopteryx, Deinonychus, Tyrannosauridae and Ornithomimidae. Although there is a diversity of opinion about the phylogenetic arrangement of the terminal taxa, there is agreement among authors (e.g., Bakker et al., 1988; Novas, 1991; 1992; Holtz, 1994) that the Tyrannosauridae are more closely related to Ornithomimidae, Dromaeosauridae, Aves and other coelurosaurs, than to Allosaurus (contra Gauthier, 1986; Molnar et al., 1990). Another point of consensus is that Dromaeosauridae and Avialae form a clade (e.g., Maniraptora; Gauthier, 1986; Novas, 1991; 1992; Holtz, 1994). In reference to the Avialae, the available data supports Alvarezsauridae as the sister taxon of Omithothoraces, with Archaeopteryx as the out- 678 group (Perle et al., 1993, 1994; Chiappe et al., this volume). TERMINAL TAXA. Patagonykus puertai, Al- varezsaurus calvoi and Mononykus olecranus were chosen as operational taxonomic units (OTU’s) for parsimony analysis. The latter two taxa are diagnosed below on the basis of apomor- phic characters, which are numbered and preceded by a letter identifying their presence in the corresponding taxon (A, Alvarezsaurus; M, Mononykus). Alvarezsaurus calvoi Bonaparte, 1991. This taxon was originally diagnosed by Bonaparte (1991) on the basis of several features, some of which are problematic. For example, presence of ‘cervical pleurocoels ... 5 or 6 sacrals ... ilium low and long ... unfused metatarsals and tarsals ... astragalus with wide condyles ... metatarsal III narrower in caudal view respect to the remaining metatarsals ... metatarsal IV greater proximally than the other metatarsals’ are all characters widely distributed within Tetanurae (Gauthier, 1986), and clearly none of these features is autapomorphic for Alvarezsaurus calvoi. Other features (e.g., cranial sacrals with a slight axial depression on ventral surface; ilium with pos- tacetabular blade greater than the preacetabular one) are widely — and unevenly — distributed among several non-avialian and avialian taxa and their status is difficult to verify. Other characters originally included in the diagnosis of this taxon (Bonaparte, 1991), such as ‘neural spines ves- tigial in cervical and cranial dorsal vertebrae’ and ‘caudal sacrals with narrow ventral margin’ are features also present in Mononykus and Patagonykus and are better interpreted as diag- nostic of the Alvarezsauridae. Bonaparte has also listed the small size of the specimen as a diagnos- tic feature of Alvarezsaurus. However, the lack of fusion of the centra and respective neural arches of the cervical vertebrae, as well as the unfused centra of the sacrals, reveal that the holotype specimen of Alvarezsaurus calvoi was an imma- ture individual that probably did not reach its maximum body size. Restudy of the partial skeleton of Alvarez- saurus calvoi (MUCPV 54) allowed recognition of the following autapomorphies: Al) Cervical centra amphicoelous (Fig. 2). Bonaparte (1991) originally recognised this char- acter as diagnostic of Alvarezsaurus. This condi- tion sharply contrasts with that present in the remaining Tetanurae (including Mononykus), in which the cranial articular surfaces of cervical MEMOIRS OF THE QUEENSLAND MUSEUM FIG. 2. Cervical vertebrae of Alvarezsauridae. A-D, F, Alvarezsaurus calvoi (MUCPC 54). A, B, F, cervi- cal ?5th. D, 7th. C, 8th. E, G, Mononykus olecranus (GI N107/6 cast). E, ?6th to ?8th. G, 9th. (A, lateral; B, cranial; C, D, E, dorsal; F,G, ventral views). ep- epipophysis, n=neural spine, p=parapophysis, pc= processus caroticus, pl=pleurocoel; scale = 10mm. centra are flat or convex. Procoelous cervical centra are also present in Ornithomimidae (e.g., Archaeornithomimus AMNH 6566, 6567, 6570). A2) Cervical postzygapophyses dorsoventrally flattened, paddle-shaped in dorsal view, and with a pair of strong craniocaudal ridges (Fig. 2). Al- varezsaurus exhibits paddle-shaped, cranio- caudally elongate postzygapophyses on cervical vertebrae (Bonaparte, 1991). This condition con- trasts with other theropods (e.g., Piatnitzky- saurus, Archaeornithomimus, Ornitholestes, Deinonychus) in which the postzygapophyses are rectangular, not constricted at their bases, and with a convex dorsal surface bearing a prominent CRETACEOUS MANIRAPTORAN THEROPODS epipophysis. In the caudal cer- vicals of Alvarezsaurus the postzygapophyses exhibit a strong, craniocaudally- oriented buttress running along the medial margin. This condi- tion is seen in cervicals 7 to 9, but in cervicals 7 and 8 a lateral crest is also present, bounding a shallow basin over the dorsal surface of the postzygapo- physes. This condition of the dorsal surface of the postzygapophyses contrasts with that present in other theropods, including Mononykus (GI N 107/6) in which the dorsal surface of the cervical postzygapophyses is smooth and transversely convex. A3) Length of distal caudals more than 200% of the length of proximal caudals. In Al- varezsaurus (MUCPV 54) the centrum of the distalmost preserved caudal (presumably corresponding to the region of caudals 15 through 18), is 213% of the length of the most proximally preserved caudal. This condition resembles that of Archaeopteryx (Wellnhofer, 1974; 1988; 1993), in which the longest tail vertebrae (caudals 12 and 13) represents 185 to 287% of the length of the proximal caudal vertebrae (caudals 1 through 3). The elongation of the distal caudal segments in Alvarezsaurus sharply contrast with the proportions seen in non- avialian maniraptorans (e.g., Ornitholestes, Sinornithoides, Deinonychus; Osborn, 1917; Ostrom, 1969; Russell & Dong, 1993b) in which the length of the distal caudals represents no more than 175% the length of the proximal caudals. Alvarezsaurus also differs from other alvarez- saurids, in which the length of caudal vertebrae remains more or less similar along the tail (e.g., Mononykus; Perle et al., 1994), or they are con- siderably smaller than the proximal ones, as in Patagonykus (PVPH 37). As for the Or- nithothoraces, the distal caudal vertebrae are uniformly short (e.g., Baptornis, Hesperornis, Ichthyornis, Patagopteryx; Marsh, 1880; Martin 679 p E j FIG. 3. Pectoral girdle of alvarezsaurids. A, Alvarezsaurus calvoi (modified from Bonaparte, 1991). B, E, Mononykus olecranus (GI N107/6 cast). C, D, Patagonykus puertai (composite reconstruction based on left and right coracoids of PVPH 37). (A, B, C, left lateral view of scapula and coracoid; D, E, caudal view of left coracoid). r=craniocaudal ridge, scale = 20mm. & Tate, 1976; Alvarenga & Bonaparte, 1992), but this condition can not be easily considered ancestral for the clade, since in basal ornitho- thoracines (e.g., Jberomesornis, Sinornis; Sanz et. al., 1988; Sereno & Rao, 1992) the distal caudals are strongly fused forming a pygostyle, prevent- ing measurement of the length of each vertebral segment. A4) Scapular blade slender and reduced (Fig. 3). Bonaparte (1991) included this feature in his original diagnosis. Although the distal end of the scapula of Alvarezsaurusis broken off, the cranial and caudal margins of the blade tend to converge distally, suggesting the lack of a distal expansion as present in other theropods (e.g., Mononykus, Archaeopteryx, Tyrannosaurus, Allosaurus; 680 FIG. 4. Ungual phalanx of first manual digit of Alvarezsauridae. A, B, C, Alvarezsaurus calvoi (MUCPC 54). D, E, F, Mononykus olecranus (GI N107/6). (A, D, lateral; B, E, ventral; C, F, proximal views). Scale = 10mm. Osborn, 1905; Madsen, 1976; Ostrom, 1976a; Perle et al., 1994). The scapula of Alvarezsaurus seems to be more slender than that of Mononykus (Perle et al., 1994), a conclusion that emerges when the scapula is compared with other skeletal elements: for example, in Alvarezsaurus (Bonaparte, 1991) the scapula represents 47% of the craniocaudal length of the iliac blade, instead in Mononykus (Perle et al., 1994) the scapula represents 86% of the craniocaudal length of the ilium. A5) Ungual phalanx of digit I ventrally keeled (Fig. 4). Revision of the holotype specimen of Alvarezsaurus calvoi (MUCPV 54) allowed iden- tification of a manual ungual phalanx, originally MEMOIRS OF THE QUEENSLAND MUSEUM undescribed by Bonaparte (1991). This phalanx is remarkably similar to that of Mononykus (see character 22), although in Alvarezsaurus the first manual ungual exhibits a strongly developed ventral keel on its proximoventral sur- face. By contrast, manual claws of most theropods (e.g., Allosaurus, Ornithomimus, Deinonychus, Patagonykus, Mononykus; Marsh, 1896; Ostrom, 1969; Madsen, 1976; Perle et al., 1994) this keel is absent and the ventral ungual surface is transversely rounded or flattened. Mononykus olecranus Perle et al., 1993. The list of charac- ters offered below differs from that originally given by Perle et al. (1993, 1994), not only be- cause some features exhibit a wider distribution than pre- viously thought, but also since new features have been recog- nised. Mononykus differs from other alvarezsaurids in the fol- lowing autapomorphies: M1) Absence of pleurocoels in cervical vertebrae (Fig. 2). Presence of pleurocoels in cer- vical vertebrae is a common feature among Theropoda (Gauthier, 1986). This condi- tion seems to be ancestral for the Alvarezsauridae, because pleurocoel openings are present in neck vertebrae of Alvarezsaurus (Bonaparte, 1991). Contrarily, cervical vertebrae of Mononykus lack pleurocoels (Perle et al., 1994), a character convergently acquired in ornithurine birds (Chiappe, in press). M2) Presence of sulcus caroticus in cervical vertebrae (Fig. 2). In Mononykus the cranio- ventral margin of the cervical centra is complex, due to the presence of a craniocaudal groove laterally bounded by a strongly developed ventral processes. This ventral process of Mononykus resembles the processus caroticus of modern birds, in which the major muscle mass of M. longus colli ventralis is attached (Baumel & Wit- mer, 1993). This character is present in other CRETACEOUS MANIRAPTORAN THEROPODS Mesozoic birds (e.g., Ichthyor- nis, Hesperornis and presumably Patagopteryx; Marsh, 1880; Alvarenga & Bonaparte, 1992), although it is unknown in other avialans (e.g., Iberomesornis, Neu- quenornis, Sanz et al.,1988; Chiappe & Calvo, 1994). The phylogenetic status of this character is uncertain (i.e., synapomorphic of Metornithes or autapomorphic of Mono- nykus), mainly because the sul- cus and lateroventral processes are absent in the cervicals of Alvarezsaurus calvoi (MUCPV 54). M3) Presacral vertebrae with diapophyses and parapophyses occupying the same level (Fig. 5). Perle et al. (1994) noted this peculiar condition for Mononykus which is unique among Theropoda. The preserved dorsal vertebrae of Patagonykus (PVPH 37) show the ancestral archosaur condi- tion in which the parapophyses are cranioventrally placed with respect to the diapophyses. The few dorsal vertebrae known in Alvarezsaurus correspond to the cranial region (Bonaparte, 1991). M4) Dorsal vertebrae lacking hyposphene- hypantrum, and postzygapophyses lateroventral- ly oriented (Fig. 5). As Perle et al. (1994) described, all of the presacral vertebrae of Mononykus lack hyposphene-hypantrum ar- ticulations. However, these authors did not in- clude this feature in the diagnosis of Mononykus, but interpreted it as an equivocal synapomorphy of Metornithes (Chiappe et al., this volume). However, I do not agree with this interpretation. Although it is true that Mononykus lacks hypos- phenes (viz., the postzygapophyses are elongate and separated from each other by a deep cleft), the same is not true for Patagonykus, because the postzygapophyses are ventrally confluent in a block-like hyposphene, the proportions of which do not significantly differ from those of other theropods such as Deinonychus and Allosaurus (Ostrom, 1969; Madsen, 1976). — 681 — FIG. 5. Dorsal vertebrae of theropod taxa showing the morphology of the postzygapophiseal region. A, B, Deinonychus antirrhopus (‘11th? dorsal vertebra’; from Ostrom, 1969). C, D, Mononykus olecranus (‘middorsal’; modified from Perle et al., 1994). E, F, Patagonykus puertai (middorsal; PVPH 37). (A, C, E, left lateral; B, D, F caudal view). d=diapophysis, h=hyposphene, l-lateroventral margin of postzygapophysis, p= parapophysis; scale = 10mm. Another curious aspect of Mononykus is that the articular surface of the postzygapophyses is flat and faces lateroventrally, a condition uniformly present along the dorsal series (Perle et al., 1994). On the contrary, the articular facet of the post- zygapophyses in other theropods (e.g., Al- losaurus, Deinonychus, Patagonykus) is ventrally concave and faces more ventrally than laterally. M5) Cranial dorsal vertebrae transversally compressed. In Mononykus (Perle et al., 1994) the centra of the cranial dorsal vertebrae are strongly compressed transversely. As a result, a pronounced ventral keel is present in the cranial dorsal vertebrae. This condition is absent in the available dorsals of Patagonykus (PVPH 37), in which the centra are transversely wider and ventrally flat. Preserved cranial dorsal vertebrae of Alvarezsaurus (MUCPV 54) are transversely compressed and a slight ventral keel is present, but it is not so marked as in Mononykus. 682 MEMOIRS OF THE QUEENSLAND MUSEUM FIG. 6. Middorsal vertebrae of alvarezsaurids showing the morphology of central articular facets. A, B, caudal portion of dorsal vertebra of Patagonykus puertai (PVPH 37). C, D, Mononykus olecranus (from Perle et al., 1994). (A, C, right lateral view; B, D, ventral; broken bone surface indicated by dashed lines). prz=prezygapophysis of another dorsal ver- tebra, adjacent caudally; scale = 10mm. M6) Caudal dorsal vertebrae strongly procoelous. Mononykus is one of the few theropods in which caudal dorsal vertebrae are strongly procoelous. Patagonykus resembles Mononykus in that caudal dorsal vertebrae exhibit the procoelous condition, but they differ in that the convexity of the caudal articular surface of dorsal vertebrae is considerably more pronounced in Mononykus than in the Patagonian taxon (Fig. 6). In Alvarezsaurus the condition of the dorsal vertebrae is unknown. As Perle et al. (1993, 1994) pointed out, a strong procoelous condition for caudal dorsals is uncommon among theropods and the other case in which it was reported is the ornithothoracine bird Patagop- teryx (Alvarenga & Bonaparte, 1992; Chiappe, 1992). M7) Extreme transverse compression ofthe last sacral vertebra (Fig.7). The last sacral of Mononykus exhibits extreme transverse compres- sion. This condition sharply differs from that present in Patagonykus and Alvarezsaurus, in which the sacral centra are considerably less compressed transversely. The transverse com- pression described for Mononykus is accom- panied by a ventral projection of the centrum below the level of the caudal articular surface. FIG. 7. Last sacral vertebrae of alvarezsaurids. A, B, Patagonykus puertai (PVPH 37). C, D, Mononykus olecranus (GI N107/6 cast). (A, C, right lateral view; B, D, caudal). Scale = 10mm. This modification is evident when the last sacral of both Mononykus and Patagonykus is compared in caudal aspect (Fig.7). In the first taxon the ventral keel nearly equals the dorsoventral depth of the caudal articular surface of the centrum, while in Patagonykus the ventral keel is consid- erably less developed with respect to the caudal articular surface. Alvarezsaurus shows the same condition as Patagonykus. M8) Coracoidal shaft elliptical in lateral view (Fig. 3). The coracoid of Mononykus is elliptical, as seen in lateral aspect, being craniocaudally long and dorsoventrally low. This morphology is in sharp contrast to that of other maniraptorans (e.g., Deinonychus, Sinornithoides, Archaeop- teryx, Ornithothoraces; Ostrom, 1969, 1974, 1976a; Russell & Dong, 1993; Walker 1981; Chiappe, 1996) in which the coracoid is dor- soventrally deeper than craniocaudally long with a rectangular to strut-like shape. The coracoid of Mononykus resembles the ancestral theropod condition (Gauthier, 1986), and is better inter- preted as an evolutionary reversal that is diagnos- tic for this taxon. The actual shape of the coracoids of Patagonykus and Alvarezsaurus is not known (the reconstruction given in Fig. 3 is approximate). Hence, the distribution of this character may be wider than thought and its phylogenetic status different. CRETACEOUS MANIRAPTORAN THEROPODS M9) Coracoid transversely flat (Fig.3). In Mononykus (GI N107/6) the lateral surface of the coracoid is slightly convex craniocaudally, but it is lateromedially flat. Instead, in Patagonykus, as well as other theropods (e.g., Allosaurus, Deinonychus, Archaeopteryx), the coracoid is strongly in- flected medially, with the lateral surface proximodistally and craniocaudally convex. Also, Patagonykus has a sharp craniocaudal ridge along the lateral surface of the coracoid. Unfortunately, the coracoid of Alvarezsaurus is too poorly preserved to discern the condi- tion of this feature. M10) Sternum with thick carina. The presence of an os- sified sternal keel is interpreted as a synapomorphy of Metor- nithes (Perle et al., 1993, 1994; Chiappe et al., this volume). Mononykus, however, is peculiar among avialians in that the sternal carina is transversely thick and V- shaped in cranial view, instead of being transversely narrow and T-shaped as in or- nithothoracine birds (Perle et al, 1994, Chiappe et al., this volume). Unfortunately, the sternum is unknown in both Al- varezsaurus and Patagonykus and for this reason the condi- tion described above for Mononykus constitutes an am- biguous autapomorphy of the later taxon. M11) Radius with extensive articular surface for the ulna (Fig. 8). In Mononykus (Perle et al., 1994) the proximocaudal portion of the radius forms a single, extensive surface for articulation with the ulna. In Patagonykus, instead, two proximocaudal surfaces for the ulnar articulation are present. However, these surfaces are consid- erably smallerthan those of the Mongolian taxon. M12) Radius with carpal articular facet hyper- trophied (Fig. 8). Mononykus is unique among theropods in the unusual development of the 20mm. 683 FIG. 8. Forelimbs of alvarezsaurids. A, B, composite reconstruction based on left and right forelimb bones of Patagonykus puertai (PVPH 37). C, D, Mononykus olecranus (from Perle et al., 1994). (A, C, lateral view; B, D, caudal view of first phalanx and ungual phalanx of digit I). c=carpometacar- pus, elp=extensor ligamentary pit, h=humerus, ph=first phalanx, pr= proximomedial ridge, r=radius, ul=ulna, ug=ungual phalanx; scale = radiocarpal articular facet (Perle et al., 1994). This morphology is almost certainly absent in Patagonykus, because the shaft of the radius is rod-like and triangular in cross section, lacking indications of the presence of an hypertrophied radiocarpal articular facet. M13) First phalanx of digit I with a very prominent proximocaudal process (Fig. 8). In Mononykus the proximocaudal comer of the first phalanx of digit I develops a prominence that wraps over the ginglymus of metacarpal I. This 684 MEMOIRS OF THE QUEENSLAND MUSEUM FIG. 9. Pelves of maniraptorans in lateral aspect. A, Adasaurus mongoliensis (from Barsbold, 1983). B, Patagonykus puertai (composite reconstruction based on left and right bones of the pelvis of PVPH 37). C, Mononykus olecranus (from Perle et al., 1994). Not to scale. process, probably related to the insertion of strong extensor muscles, is absent in other theropods, including Patagonykus. M14) Pubis caudoventrally oriented (Fig. 9). In Mononykus (Perle et al., 1994; Chiappe et al., this volume) the main axis ofthe pubic shaft describes an angle of nearly 70? with the proximal iliac surface of the pubis. In Patagonykus, instead, the proximal portion of the pubic shaft is oriented almost perpendicularly with respect to this sur- face of the pubis. The differences in pubic retroversion documented within Alvarezsauridae supports the interpretation that a strong caudoventral orientation of the pubis, becoming parallel to the ischium, evolved more than once within Metornithes: once in Mononykus and again in birds more derived than Archaeopteryx (Wellnhofer, 1974; 1988; 1993). M15) Pubic foot absent (Fig. 9). Mononykus lacks a distal pubic foot (Perle et al., 1993, 1994; Chiappe et al., this volume). This feature was originally thought to be an ambiguous synapomorphy of Metornithes, because a distal foot was present in the basal ornithothoracine Sinornis (Sereno & Rao, 1992, Perle et al., 1993; Chiappe, 1995c). However, the absence of a dis- tal foot in the pubis of Mononykus is interpreted as autapomorphic of this taxon, because a well developed distal expansion is documented in the pubis of Patagonykus and basal ornithothoracine birds. The pubes are not preserved in Alvarez- saurus nor in the basal ornithothoracine bird Iberomesornis (Sanz et al., 1989). In the context of all the evidence, I interpret the lack of a pubic foot as independently evolved in Mononykus and ornithothoracines more derived than Patagop- teryx. M16) Ischium extremely reduced (Fig. 9). In Mononykus (Perle et al., 1993, 1994; Chiappe et al., this volume) the ischium is markedly reduced. In Patagonykus the ischium is also reduced with respect to other theropods (e.g., Ornitho- mimidae), but its proximal end, at least, is more massive than that of Mononykus. Patagonykus retained a well defined ischiac pedicle on the ilium, with the antitrochanter extending over both ilium and ischium. The articulation between pubis and ischium is dorsoventrally deep in the Patagonian taxon. In Mononykus the ilium and ischium are strongly fused, and the antitrochanter is formed by both pelvic bones (Perle et al., 1994). M17) Femoral distal condyles transversely ex- panded, nearly confluent below popliteal fossa (Fig. 10). In Mononykus (Perle et al., 1994) the medial condyle of the femur is extremely ex- panded transversely, its transverse axis being nearly 75% of its craniocaudal extension. Perle et al. (1993, 1994) noted the distal enclosure of the popliteal fossa resembling the condition present in more derived birds (Chiappe & Calvo, 1994; Chiappe, 1992, 19952). This enclosure of the popliteal fossa results from the transverse expan- CRETACEOUS MANIRAPTORAN THEROPODS sion of both the medial distal condyle and the ectocondylar tuber, which are almost in contact with each other, distal to the popliteal fossa. On the contrary, in Patagonykus, as in other non- avialian theropods (e.g., Deinonychus, Ornitho- mimidae, Tyrannosauridae) this fossa is entirely open distally, because both the medial condyle and the ectocondylar tuber are less expanded transversely. The modification described above for the femur of Mononykus correlates with that present in the proximal tibia, in which the outer condyle greatly expands transversely, contacting with the inner condyle of the same bone. In regard to the tibia, Patagonykus exhibits the ancestral condition, with the outer condyle less expanded transversely. M18) Tibia with accessory (medial) cnemial crest. As interpreted by Perle et al. (1993, 1994), the presence of a smooth crest on the medial face of the proximal tibia is convergent with Or- nithurae, because a medial crest is absent in Maniraptora ancestrally (e.g., Deinonychus; Ostrom, 1969), as well as in Patagonykus. M19) Outer malleolus of distal tibia craniocaudally thick (Fig. 11). In Alvarezsaurus and Patagonykus the outer malleolus of the distal tibia is craniocaudally narrow with respect to that portion of the calcaneum that is in front of it, representing nearly 36% of the craniocaudal diameter of the calcaneum. In Mononykus, in- stead, the outer malleolus is craniocaudally thick- er, representing nearly 143% of the craniocaudal dimension of that portion of the calcaneum that is in front of it. M20) Astragalocalcaneum with deep intercon- dylar groove (Fig. 11). In Mononykus the fusion between astragalus and calcaneum is stronger, and the intercondylar groove deeper, than in both Patagonykus and Alvarezsaurus. In the latter two taxa the astragalocalcaneal suture is still visible. M21) Ascending process of astragalus laterally displaced (Fig. 11). In Mononykus the ascending astragalar process is deeply notched along its medial margin, resulting in an ascending process transversely narrow in cranial view (Perle et al., 1994). Also, the ascending process of the astragalus appears to be more laterally placed than in other maniraptorans (e.g., Patagonykus, Alvarezsaurus, Deinonychus), as suggested by the overlap of the lateral margin of this process with the lateral margin of the tibia. This condition contrasts with that present in other Coelurosauria (e.g., Tyrannosauridae, Ornithomimidae, Dromaeosauridae, Patagonykus, Alvarezsaurus) in which the ascending process of the astragalus 685 A mc et et mc p mc Em FIG. 10. Left distal femora of alvarezsaurids. A, B, C, Patagonykus puertai (PV PH 37). D, E, F, Mononykus olecranus (from Perle et al., 1994). (A, D, caudal view; B, E, medial; C, F, distal). et=ectocondylar tuber, Ic=lateral condyle, mc=medial condyle, pf= popliteal fossa; scale = 20mm. is transversely wide. Particularly the medial mar- gin of this process is not notched as in Mononykus, but extends in a nearly straight line from the medial condyle of the astragalus to the proximal tip of the ascending process. The lateral margin of the ascending process does not reach the lateral border of the tibia. Interestingly, the condition of Mononykus resembles that of modern avians, in which the ‘pretibial bone’ (homologous to the ascending process of the astragalus; McGowan, 1985) is transversely nar- row and laterally displaced. M22) Femoral trochanteric crest present. In Coelurosauria ancestrally (e.g., Ornithomimidae, Tyrannosauridae), as well as in Deinonychus (MCZ 4371), Patagonykus, Alvarezsaurus and 686 FIG. 11. Right distal tibia and astragalocalcaneum of Alvarezsauridae. A, B, C, Alvarezsaurus calvoi (MUCPV 54). D, E, F, Patagonykus puertai (PVPH 37). G, H, I, Mononykus olecranus (GI N107/6). (A, D, G, cranial view; B, E, H, lateral; C, F, I, distal; reconstruction indicated by dashed lines). as=astragalus, apa=ascending process of astragalus, c=calcaneum, f=fibula, om=out tibial malleolus; scale = 10mm. Archaeopteryx, both anterior and greater femoral trochanters are separated by a cleft. In contrast Mononykus exhibits a femoral trochanteric crest (e.g., anterior trochanter undivided from the greater trochanter), a derived condition that is shared with more derived birds. M23) Fibula does not articulate with the tarsus (Fig. 11). This feature was originally considered by Perle et al. (1993) as synapomorphic of Metor- nithes, because it is shared by Mononykus and the Ornithothoraces. However, other alvarezsaurids exhibit the plesiomorphic condition: in Patagonykus the fibula is incomplete, but the presence of a deep socket on the proximal cal- caneal surface suggests that in this taxon the fibula articulated with the tarsus, a condition that also found in Alvarezsaurus (Bonaparte, 1991). MEMOIRS OF THE QUEENSLAND MUSEUM INGROUP RELATION- SHIPS. Patagonykus and Mononykus share seventeen characters which are absent or unknown in Alvarezsaurus. The monophyly of Alvarez- sauridae is supported here by eleven derived characters. Patagonykus + Mononykus clade. Several features support the conclusion that Patagonykus and Mononykus are more closely related than either is to Alvarezsaurus. Some of these features are ab- sent in Alvarezsaurus and are readily interpreted as synapo- morphic of the Patagonykus + Mononykus clade (characters 1 & 2), others are contingent upon the results of the cladistic analysis (characters 3 & 4). However, the condition of most of the apomorphies uniting Patagonykus and Mononykus is unknown for Alvarezsaurus, because of the fragmentary na- ture of the available material. Consequently, a large set of characters (5 through 17) used to unite Patagonykus + Mononykus may become synapomorphic of a more in- clusive group (e.g., Alvarez- sauridae), pending additional information on Alvarezsaurus: 1) Caudal articular surface of the centra of the last sacral and proximal caudal vertebrae strongly spherical. Mononykus, Patagonykus and Alvarez- saurus Clearly differ from other theropods since they share last sacral and most of the caudal vertebrae with a ball-shaped caudal surface (char- acter 19). However, Alvarezsaurus seems to be less derived than other alvarezsaurids because the caudal surfaces of the last sacral vertebra and caudal vertebrae are not as spherical as in Patagonykus and Mononykus. Moreover, the procoelous condition in Alvarezsaurus appears to be confined to the last sacral and to the caudal vertebrae, since the cranial articular surface of the presumed sacral 2 of Alvarezsaurus is almost planar. 2) Sacral vertebrae ventrally keeled (Fig. 7). In Allosaurus (Gilmore, 1920), Gallimimus CRETACEOUS MANIRAPTORAN THEROPODS 687 (Osmólska et al., 1972) and Archaeornithomimus (AMNH 6567) the ventral surface of sacral centra is smooth and convex in cross-section. This condition also applies to Ornithomimus (USNM 2164; see Gilmore, 1920), although in this taxon the sacral centra are ventrally grooved. The sacral centra of Deinonychus (MCZ 4371), Ornitholestes (AMNH 619) and Archaeo- pteryx (Wellnhofer, 1974, 1993) are not keeled ventrally. Sacral vertebrae are not keeled in Jberomesornis and Sinornis (Sanz et al., 1988; Chiappe, pers. comm.) and the same is true for more derived birds (e.g., Ichthyornis, Hesperor- nis; Marsh, 1880): other avialans, instead, bear a ventral groove (e.g., Baptornis, Patagopteryx; Martin & Tate, 1976; Chiappe, 1992; Perle et al, 1994). Alvarezsaurids dif- fer from the remaining Coelurosauria in the presence of a ventral keel in the caudal sacral vertebrae. However, the degree of transverse compres- sion of this keel varies among alvarezsaurids: in Alvarez- saurus (MUCPV 54) the presumed sacral 1 is transver- sely wide and ventrally convex in cross-section, while the sacrals 2-3 are ventrally grooved, resembling the condi- tion present in Ornithomimus (Gilmore, 1920). The penul- timate sacral vertebra of Alvarezsaurus (presumably sacral 4) is more compressed transversely than more cranial sacrals; this vertebra is slightly keeled, but a rudimentary ventral canal is still present. The last sacral (presumably FIG. 12. Humeri of theropod taxa, A, E, Mononykus olecranus (modified from Perle et al., 1994). B, F, Patagonykus puertai (composite reconstruc- tion based on left and right humerus of PVPH 37). C, D, G, Deinonychus antirrhopus; C, proximal end (from Ostrom, 1969), D, G, distal end of humerus (reconstruction based on AMNH 3015 and MCZ 4371). (A, B, C, D, cranial view; E, F, G, distal). dc=distal condyle, dp=deltopectoral crest, h=humeral head, ec=ectepicondyle, en=entepicondyle, it=internal tuberosity, re=radial condyle, uc=ulnar condyle; scale = 10mm. ing the maximum compression in the last sacral sacral 5) of Alvarezsaurus bears a ventral keel, (presumably sacral 5). In Mononykus the first but it is not so prominent and transversely com- sacral is transversely more compressed than the pressed as in Patagonykus and Mononykus. In dorsal vertebrae (Perle et al., 1994) and exhibits Patagonykus (PVPH 37) the transverse compres- a slight longitudinal ridge along its ventral sur- sion of the ventral keel increases caudally, show- face. I interpret Mononykus as more derived than 688 B pm — FIG. 13. First phalanx of digit I of maniraptoran theropods. A, B, Deinonychus antirrhopus phalanx of the left manus (A, taken from Ostrom, 1969; B, from YPM 5206). C, D, Mononykus olecranus phalanx of the right manus (C, from Perle et al., 1994; D, from GIN107/6). E, F, Patagonykus puertai phalanx of the right manus (PVPH 37). (A, C, E, proximal view; B, D, F, distal). pm=proximomedial ridge; scale = 10mm. other alvarezsaurids in this respect, since the sacrals are extremely compressed laterally (Perle et al., 1994; see character M7). 3) Femoral fourth trochanter present. A femoral fourth trochanter is present in basal coelurosaurs (e.g., Ornithomimidae, Tyrannosauridae). This structure has been retained, albeit reduced, in dromaeosaurids as it is seen in Deinonychus (MCZ 4371; contra Ostrom, 1976b). Archaeop- teryx, Alvarezsaurus, and Ornithothoraces lack the fourth trochanter, a condition interpreted as synapomorphic of Avialae. In the context of the evidence, the shared presence of a fourth trochanter in Mononykus and Patagonykus is considered as an apomorphic reversal. 4) Supracetabular crest present. The absence of a supracetabular crest is hypothesised as MEMOIRS OF THE QUEENSLAND MUSEUM synapomorphic of Maniraptora, because such a crest is lacking in Deinonychus, Archaeopteryx, Alvarezsaurus and the Ornithothoraces. Follow- ing that, the presence of such a crest in the ilium of Patagonykus and Mononykus is interpreted as a secondary reversal. 5) Posterior dorsal vertebrae procoelous (Fig. 6). Patagonykus and Mononykus share procoelous caudal dorsal vertebrae. However, in the first taxon the convexity of the caudal ar- ticular surface is considerably less marked than in Mononykus, in which this surface is ball- shaped. Interestingly, the development of a ball- shaped, caudal articular surface in sacral vertebrae is almost the same in Patagonykus and Mononykus (Fig. 7) suggesting that the procoelous condition evolved from caudal to dor- sal vertebrae. Mid and caudal dorsal vertebrae are unknown in Alvarezsaurus (Bonaparte, 1991), but it is possible that they may have been am- phiplatyan or amphicoelous, since the disarticu- lated second sacral vertebra of the holotype (MUCPY 54) has a flat caudal surface. Alvarez- saurus, however, 1s coded as a question mark for this character. 6) Bicipital tubercle of coracoid absent (Fig. 3). A bicipital tubercle is absent in the coracoids of Mononykus, Patagonykus and presumably also in Alvarezsaurus (unfortunately, most of the caudal and distal portions of the coracoid are missing in the holotype). This condition sharply contrasts with that present in Theropoda ancestrally. For example, in Allosaurus the bicipital tubercle is slightly marked, but it forms a distinct prominence on the lateral surface of the coracoid, as is seen in caudal view (Madsen, 1976). In ornithomimids (e.g., Ornithomimus AMNH 5355; Archaeornithomimus AMNH 6567, 6566) the biceps tubercle is also prominent, but itis even more developed in maniraptorans. Such is the case for Deinonychus (YPM 5236), which ex- hibits a biceps tubercle more developed than in most theropods (Ostrom, 1974) and Archaeo- pteryx in which the tubercle is proportionally larger than that of Deinonychus (Ostrom, 1974; Wellnhofer, 1988, 1993). In avialians more derived than Archaeopteryx (e.g., Enantiornithes; Walker, 1981) the acrocoracoid (hypothesised as the homologue of the bicipital tubercle; Ostrom, 1976a), consists of a robust structure, that in the Ornithothoraces is proximally placed with respect to the glenoid facet (Chiappe, 1992). 7) Forelimbs less than 20% of hindlimb length. In Theropoda ancestrally the forelimbs represent 40-53% of hindlimb length, as it occurs in CRETACEOUS MANIRAPTORAN THEROPODS Herrerasaurus, Coelophysis, Syntarsus, Dilophosaurus, Piatnitzkysaurus and Compsog- nathus (Raath, 1969, Colbert, 1989; Ostrom, 1978; Welles, 1984; Novas, 1994; Sereno, 1994). Possession of extremely short forelimbs (with respect to hindlimb length) seems to have evolved more than once in theropod evolution (Novas, 1992; Perle et al., 1994). Examples of such shortening are seen in the neoceratosaurian theropods (e.g., Ceratosaurus, Carnotaurus; Bonaparte et al., 1990; Novas, 1992), the basal tetanurine Torvosaurus (Galton & Jensen, 1979; Holtz, 1994) and the coelurosaurian Tyran- nosauridae (Novas, 1991, 1992; Holtz, 1994). In the latter taxon the forelimbs represent 22-26% of the hindlimb length (Lambe, 1917), but in Mononykus the forelimbs are even shorter than in tyrannosaurids, since they represent nearly 18% of the length of the hindlimbs (Perle et al., 1993, Fig. 2). In Patagonykus (PVPH 37) the forelimbs are known from portions of humerii, ulnae and the almost complete left manus (carpometacarpus plus digit I). Although it is not possible to obtain a ratio of forelimb versus hindlimb length for Patagonykus, the proportions of the currently available bones of this taxon suggest that the forelimbs also were very short. Bonaparte (1991) arrived at the conclusion that Alvarezsaurus pos- sibly had reduced forelimbs on the basis of the proportionally reduced scapular girdle of this theropod. This suspicion is supported by the stout aspect and large size of the ungual phalanx of digit I (Fig. 4). The morphology of this ungual allows the prediction that the proximal elements of the forelimb of Alvarezsaurus were mor- phologically similar to those of Mononykus and Patagonykus (Perle et al., 1993, 1994). 8) Humeral head with major transverse axis ventrolaterally inclined with respect to the lon- gitudinal axis of the humerus, and internal tuberosity proximally projected (Fig. 12). In Mononykus the humeral head is lateroventrally inclined with respect to the longitudinal axis of the humerus. Additionally, the internal tuberosity is proximally projected, reaching nearly the same level as the humeral head. By contrast, in other theropods (e.g., Deinonychus; Ostrom, 1969) the major transverse axis of the humeral head is horizontally held with respect to the longitudinal axis of the humerus, or it is inclined ventromedially (e.g., /chthyornis; Marsh, 1880) with respect to the longitudinalaxis. Also, in most theropods the internal tuberosity is a cone-shaped structure (e.g., Ceratosauria, Tyrannosauridae, Ornitholestes AMNH 619; Rowe & Gauthier, 689 A FIG. 14. Ilium of maniraptoran theropods in ventral aspect. A, right ilium of Alvarezsaurus calvoi (MUCPY 54). B, left ilium (reversed) of Deinonychus antirrhopus (AMNH 3015). Sandstone matrix indi- cated by stippling. bs=brevis shelf, cp=fossa for origin of M. cuppedicus, pp=pubic peduncle; scale = 20mm. 1990; Osborn, 1917), or it forms a longitudinally expanded prominence that is medially and slight- ly caudally projected, and distally placed with respect to the humeral head (e.g., Deinonychus, Ichthyornis; Marsh, 1880; Ostrom, 1969). The known humerus of Patagonykus has unconnected proximal and distal portions, such that determina- tion of the orientation of the humeral head and internal tuberosity with respect to the humeral shaft is difficult to assert. However, the proximal end of the humerus of Patagonykus closely resembles that of Mononykus, and the features described above for the later taxon seem to apply also to the Patagonian species. Since the humerus is unknown in Alvarezsaurus (Bonaparte, 1991) the peculiar morphology of the proximal end of the humerus shared by Patagonykus and 690 Mononykus is considered as an ambiguous synapomorphy of the Alvarezsauridae. 9) Humerus with a single distal condyle; ulna and radius tightly appressed proximally, forming a cup-like articular surface for the humerus (Fig. 12). In Theropoda, ancestrally (for example, Piatnitzkysaurus MACN-CH 895; Deinonychus AMNH 3015, MCZ 4371; Ornitholestes AMNH 619; Ornithomimidae; Barsbold & Osmdlska, 1990), the distal end of the humerus exhibits two distal condyles, the radial one being larger than the ulnar condyle. Both ulnar and radial condyles are separated by an intercondylar groove, a con- dition that 1s retained in recent birds (Baumel & Witmer, 1993). Also, the humeral cotylus of the ulna is subtriangular in proximal view, with an acute cranial projection and a craniolateral con- cavity for the reception of the radius. In Theropoda, ancestrally, the radius and ulna lack proximal articular facets between them. Also, the ulna and radius bear independent proximal ar- ticular surfaces for the ulnar and radial condyles of the humerus, respectively. Alvarezsaurids, in- stead, are unique among archosaurs in the peculiar propodial-epipodial articulation, con- sisting in the presence of a single, and well developed, condyle in the distal humerus which articulates with a continuous, cup-like articular surface formed by both radius and ulna. In Patagonykus and Mononykus the humeral cotylus of the ulna is subelliptically shaped and lacks the lateral concavity to accommodate the radius. The latter bone has moved entirely over the cranial aspect of the ulna and both bones are tightly articulated proximally. Some minor differences exist in the propodial- epipodial articulation of alvarezsaurids (Fig. 12): while in Patagonykus the humeral distal condyle is ball-shaped and elliptical in contour, in Mononykus it is trochlear and trapezoidal in distal aspect. The complex morphology of the distal humeral condyle of Mononykus is due to the strong craniocaudal expansion of its medial side, equalling its transverse axis (Fig. 12A, E). Fur- thermore, the proximal articulation between the radius and ulna is extremely extended in Mononykus (Perle et al., 1994) and is readily interpreted as autapomorphic for the Mongolian taxon (see character M11). 10) Olecranal process of ulna strongly developed (Fig. 8). The development of the olecranal process is variable within Dinosauria, although it is feebly developed in most theropods (e.g., Syntarsus, Piatnitzkysaurus, Allosaurus, Ornithomimidae, Deinonychus, Archaeopteryx, MEMOIRS OF THE QUEENSLAND MUSEUM Omnithothoraces; Ostrom, 1969, 1976a; Raath, 1969; Madsen, 1976; Bonaparte, 1986a; Baumel & Witmer, 1993; Barsbold & Osmólska, 1990). Patagonykus and Mononykus differ from the remaining dinosaurs because they share a strong- ly developed ulnar olecranon process: that in Mononykus represents 40% of the whole length of the bone (Perle et al., 1994). The relative size and the stout morphology of the ungual phalanx of manual digit I of Alvarezsaurus (see characters 7 & A5) suggests that the presence of a well developed olecranal process probably had a dis- tribution wider than thought. 11) Ulnar caudal margin straight (Fig. 8). Gauthier (1986) considered ‘ulna bowed posteriorly' as a diagnostic character of Manirap- tora. Avialae and Deinonychus, and apparently also in Troodon and Sinornithoides (Russell, 1969; Russell & Dong, 1993b) the caudal border of the ulna is uniformly convex, excepting the distal extremity that, as in other tetanurines, is posteriorly projected (the ulna is slightly bowed in the Ornithomimidae, although it is not convex caudally but cranially — that is towards the radius; Nicholls & Russell, 1985; Barbold & Osmólska, 1990; Osmólska et al., 1972). In Mononykus (Perle et al., 1994) the ulna is straight in lateral and cranial aspects. Preserved portions of the ulna of Patagonykus show that the caudal margin is straight. The straight shaft of the ulna in alvarezsaurids is interpreted as an evolutionary reversal that might be related to the strong reduc- tion of the forelimbs. 12) Carpometacarpus massive, short and quad- rangular (Fig. 8). Patagonykus and Mononykus share a carpometacarpus (= semilunate carpal + first metacarpal) that is dorsoventrally com- pressed and quadrangular in dorsal view, a con- dition quite unusual for a theropod (Perle et al. 1994; Novas, in press a). In Patagonykus and Mononykus the distal condyle of metacarpal I is transversely wide and dorsoventrally com- pressed, with a shallow dorsoventral groove. In contrast to other theropods such as Her- rerasaurus (PVSJ 373; Sereno, 1994), Coelophysis (Raath, 1969), Torvosaurus (Galton & Jensen, 1979), Allosaurus (Madsen, 1976) and Deinonychus (Ostrom, 1969), metacarpal I is proximodistally long and transversely narrow and the distal end forms a ginglymoid articula- tion. Mononykus, and presumably also Patagonykus, differ from other coelurosaurs (e.g., Oviraptor, Deinonychus, Velociraptor, Archaeopteryx; Ostrom, 1976a; Barsbold et al., 1990) in that the semilunate carpal articulates CRETACEOUS MANIRAPTORAN THEROPODS distally only with metacarpal I, instead of with both metacarpal I and II as in Maniraptora an- cestrally (Gauthier, 1986). Size disparity between metacarpal I and the semilunate carpal is readily apparent in alvarezsaurids: the transverse width of metacarpal I nearly matches that of the semi- lunate carpal. This disparity is probably due to hypertrophy of the metacarpal I. The main difference between Mononykus and Patagonykus is that in the first taxon the semi- lunate articulation of the carpometacarpus is con- siderably more extended cranially and distally than in Patagonykus, resulting in a very close approximation between the semilunate articula- tion and the distal condyle of the metacarpal I. In Deinonychus and Archaeopteryx (Ostrom, 1969, 19762) the medial (cranial, if rotated) margin of the metacarpal I forms a narrow ridge, resembling the condition described for Mononykus (Perle et al., 1994). 13) Digit I larger than the remaining digits of the hands (Fig. 8). The hand of most coelurosaurs is characterised by being gracile and elongate, with the first digit smaller than the second digit, both in length and in transverse diameter (Ostrom, 1969; Gauthier, 1986; Barsbold et al., 1990). In Mononykus, instead, digit I is much larger (in both transverse width and proximodis- tal length) than digits II and III. As noted by Perle et al. (1994), metacarpals II and III are not only strongly reduced, but they are fused to each other and with metacarpal I, without the delimitation of any intermetacarpal space. Interestingly, the oviraptorosaur Ingenia (Barsbold et al., 1990) constitutes the only known non-alvarezsaurid theropod in which digit I is proportionally larger than the outer digits, although the degree of the reduction of the external digits is not so marked as in Mononykus. Close resemblances of the available manual bones of Patagonykus and Alvarezsaurus suggest that the South American taxa also shared the condition described above for Mononykus. 14) Phalanx I of manual digit I showing B- shaped proximal articular surface, hook-like proximomedial processes, symmetrical distal ginglymus and deep extensor ligamentary pit (Fig. 13). Patagonykus and Mononykus are uni- que among Archosauria in the morphology of the first phalanx of digit I. This phalanx is craniocaudally wide and lateromedially com- pressed, resulting in a curious proximal articula- tion, which describes a horizontal ‘B’ in proximal aspect. This morphology sharply contrasts with that seen in other theropods, in which the 691 proximal contour of the first phalanx of digit I is triangular (e.g., Deinonychus; Ostrom, 1969), or describes a vertical rectangle (as in Allosaurus; Madsen, 1976). Another peculiarity is the presence of a pair of strongly developed proximomedial ridges bearing muscle scars. Dis- tally, the ginglymus of the first phalanx forms a craniocaudally wide, symmetrical pulley, proximally preceded by a deep extensor ligamen- tary pit (Figs 8 & 13). By contrast, in other dinosaurs (e.g., Mussaurus MLP 68-II-27-1; Deinonychus YPM 5206; Allosaurus; Madsen, 1976), the ginglymus is transversely more com- pressed and the extensor pit is absent. Further, the flexor ligamentary pit is more marked in Mononykus and Patagonykus than in other theropods. 15) Medial condyle of femur transversely wide and distally flat (Fig. 10). The medial condyle of the distal femur is transversely narrow and distal- ly convex in non-avialian theropods (e.g., Al- losaurus CM 21726; Tyrannosaurus CM 9380; Deinonychus MCZ 4371), Archaeopteryx (Eichstatt specimen, cast) and early Ornitho- thoraces (e.g., Enantiornithes, MACN unnum- bered cast). In Patagonykus and Mononykus, instead, the medial condyle of the distal femur is rectangular and distally flat. In the Patagonian taxon the transverse axis of this condyle repre- sents nearly 66% of its craniocaudal extension, while in Mononykus it is 7596. The transverse extension of the medial condyle of the distal femur resembles that present in recent birds, such as Rhea (pers. collection). 16) Ectocondylar tuber caudally projected, well behind the medial distal condyle (Fig. 10). In Allosaurus (Gilmore, 1920), Ornitholestes (AMNH 619), Gallimimus (Osmólska et al., 1972), Tyrannosaurus (USNM 10.754) and Deinonychus (MCZ 4371), the ectocondylar crest of the femur does not caudally surpass the level of the medial femoral condyle. In Patagonykus and Mononykus, instead, the ectocondylar crest strongly projects caudally, surpassing the medial femoral condyle. This condition resembles that present in modern birds (e.g., Rhea) in which the crista tibiofibularis (the caudal portion of which is considered to be homologous with the ectocon- dylar tuber; Chiappe, 1996) is more caudally projected than the medial condyle of the femur. . 17) Fibular condyle of femur conical and projected distally (Fig. 10). In Mononykus and Patagonykus the fibular condyle of the femur constitutes a well defined, cone-shaped structure, which is strongly projected distally. This condi- 692 tion contrasts with that seen in other theropods (e.g., Allosaurus, Archaeornithomimus, AMNH 6570; Deinonychus) in which the lateral condyle of distal femur is only slightly more projected distally with respect to the medial condyle. The lateral condyle of the femur is conical in some ornithomimids (e.g., Gallimimus, Osmólska et al., 1972, pl. 46), as well as in the tyrannosaurid Alectrosaurus (AMNH 6554), but in neither case is it so prominent as in alvarezsaurids. The con- dition of this femoral condyle in Archaeopteryx, Iberomesornis and the enantiornithine Sinornis is unknown (Ostrom, 1976a; Wellnhofer, 1974; Sanz et al., 1988; Sereno & Rao, 1991, Chiappe, 1995c), but in more derived avialians (e.g., Hesperornis, Ichthyornis, Patagopteryx, Enan- tiornithes; Marsh, 1880; Walker, 1981; Alvarenga & Bonaparte, 1992) the fibular condyle of femur is not conical but smoothly convex craniocaudal- ly and transversely. Alvarezsauridae Bonaparte, 1991. Alvarez- sauridae is here defined to encompass Patagonykus puertai, Alvarezsaurus calvoi, Mononykus olecranus and all the descendants of their most recent common ancestor. Alvarez- sauridae is diagnosed on the basis of nine unam- biguous synapomorphies, plus other two ambiguous traits, which are listed and analyzed below: 18) Cervical vertebrae with craniocaudally short and dorsoventrally low neural spines (Fig. 2). Alvarezsaurus and Mononykus exhibit strong- ly reduced neural spines on the cervical vertebrae (Bonaparte, 1991; Perle et al., 1994), This condi- tion strongly differs from those in other coelurosaurs. As an example, in Ornitholestes (AMNH 619) the neural spine of cervical ?4 is dorsoventrally deep and craniocaudally short, similar to Deinonychus (Ostrom, 1969). The neural spine of a mid-caudal cervical of Ornitho- lestes, instead, is dorsoventrally low but axially long. In Archaeopteryx, cervicals 4 and 5 (Wellnhofer, 1974) exhibit neural spines propor- tionally taller than Mononykus (Perle et al., 1994) and Alvarezsaurus (Bonaparte, 1991). Unfor- tunately, the neck vertebrae of basal avialians is almost unknown (e.g., /beromesornis, Sinornis; Sereno & Rao, 1992) and the condition is un- known in Patagonykus. As originally noted by Bonaparte (1991), gracile cervical vertebrae with reduced neural spines are present in or- nithomimids, a condition that is here interpreted as independently evolved. 19) Sacral and caudal vertebrae procoelous (Fig. 7). In Theropoda ancestrally the sacral and MEMOIRS OF THE QUEENSLAND MUSEUM caudal vertebrae are amphiplatyan or slightly am- phicoelous (e.g., Piatnitzkysaurus MACN-CH 895; Archaeornithomimus AMNH 6567; Alber- tosaurus AMNH 5458; Deinonychus MCZ 4371). In the recently described seventh specimen of Archaeopteryx (Wellnhofer, 1993), the disarticulated and well preserved proximal caudals appear to be amphiplatyan, as suggested by the straight cranial and caudal margins of the caudal centra, parallel to each other in lateral view. The condition is unknown in basal Or- nithothoraces (e.g., Jberomesornis; Sanz et 31.1988) due to the firm articulation among caudal segments forming a pygostile. A procoelous condition of caudal dorsals, sacrals and caudals has been documented only in Patagopteryx among ornithothoracines (Chiappe, 1992, 19952), a condition that was previously interpreted as convergently acquired with Alvarezsauridae (Perle et al., 1993, 1994). In Hesperornithiformes, ancestrally (e.g., Baptornis; Martin & Tate, 1976), the caudal centra are amphicoelous or amphiplatyan. In Ichthyornis (Marsh, 1880) the cranial surface of the first sacral centrum and the caudal surface of the last sacral vertebra are concave and the caudal vertebrae are amphicoelous. Mononykus, Patagonykus and Alvarezsaurus exhibit the last sacral and most of the caudal vertebrae with a ball-shaped caudal surface. As commented above (character 1) some variation exists in the convexity of the caudal surface within Alvarezsauridae. The resemblances between the proximal caudals of Patagonykus and eusuchian crocodiles (e.g., Caiman; pers. collection) are noteworthy, mainly because they share ball-shaped caudal articular surfaces, robust, craniocaudally short neural spines, transversely thin ligamentary scars at the base of the neural spines, and the base of the neural spines with a deep excavation between pre- and postzygapophyses. It is not possible to assert whether these osteological resemblances between Patagonykus and extant crocodiles cor- respond with similarities in distribution and development of the epaxial musculature, but the existence of a strong procoelous condition sug- gests a high degree of movement all along the tail, in contrast with most tetanurine theropods, in- cluding birds (Gauthier, 1986). 20) Caudal sacral centra transversely com- pressed. As noted above (character 2) the sacral vertebrae of alvarezsaurids are transversely com- pressed, in contrast with other theropods in which the sacrum does not exhibit such a condition. CRETACEOUS MANIRAPTORAN THEROPODS 21) Haemal arches of proximal caudals dor- soventrally elongate. This feature was interpreted by Martin & Rinaldi (1994) in support of non- avialian affinities of Mononykus. However, in the context of all the evidence, the presence of elon- gate haemal arches in Mononykus and Alvarez- Saurus is interpreted here as an apomophic reversal, and consequently as diagnostic of the Alvarezsauridae. 22) Ungual phalanx of manual digit I stout and robust (Figs 4 & 8). Perle et al. (1993, 1994) have noted that the ungual phalanx of digit I of Mononykus is robust and less arched than in other theropods (e.g., Deinonychus, Archaeopteryx) and with the proximoventral area forming a flat surface lacking a flexor tubercle. These authors have indicated also, that the ungual of the first digit represents 226% of the proximodistal length of the carpometacarpus (Perle et al., 1994). As commented above, the manual ungual of Alvarez- saurus is remarkably similar to that of Mononykus, in being quadrangular in proximal aspect, with the proximoventral surface flat and the flexor tubercle absent. This manual ungual, outstandingly larger than any ungual of the foot, exhibits deep proximal concavities for articula- tion with the first phalanx of digit 1. These con- cavities are separated by a prominent ridge. The ungual phalanx of digit I of Alvarezsaurus lacks the foramina that pierce the proximoventral sur- face of that of Mononykus (Perle et al., 1994). 23) Pubic pedicle of ilium slender (Fig. 9). Like other dinosaurs the pubic pedicle of the ilium of Patagonykus and Mononykus is subtriangular in cross-section and lateromedially compressed. However, in alvarezsaurids the pubic pedicle is elongate and craniocaudally narrow, in contrast with other tetanurines (e.g., Allosaurus, Omitho- mimidae, Ornitholestes, Deinonychus, Archaeo- pteryx, Enantiornithes; Madsen, 1976; Osborn, 1917; Ostrom, 1969, 1976b; Walker, 1981; Barsbold & Osmólska, 1990) in which the pubic peduncle of the ilium is craniocaudally thick. 24) Pubic peduncle cranioventrally projected. In Theropoda, ancestrally (e.g., Compsognathus, Allosaurus, Ornitholestes, Tyrannosauridae, Omithomimidae, /ngenia, Chirostenotes), the pubic pedicle is anteroventrally oriented. This condition is also seen in Oviraptor (AMNH 6517). In Deinonychus and Archaeopteryx the pedicle clearly surpasses ventrally the level of the ischiac pedicle. Also, the cranial margin of the pubic pedicle is straight and slopes caudoventral- ly. The caudal margin of the pedicle is more curved caudoventrally increasing the participa- 693 tion of the ilium in the acetabular surface. In Deinonychus (Ostrom, 1969; 1976b) and Archaeopteryx (Martin, 1983) the pubic pedicle inclines caudoventrally 115-130° with respect to the longitudinal axis of the iliac blade (where the dorsal margin is assumed horizontal). In Enan- tiornithes (Martin, 1983) the angle is 140° ap- proximately. In contrast, in Gallimimus (Osmólska et al., 1972, pl. 50) and Ornitholestes (AMNH 619) the pubic pedicle inclines 50-60? with respect to the longitudinal axis of the blade and in Tyrannosaurus (Osborn, 1917) the angle is nearly 70?. Alvarezsaurus (Bonaparte, 1991), Mononykus (Perle et al., 1993) and Patagonykus retained the ancestral condition, with the pubic pedicle cranioventrally oriented. The angulation 1s not possible to calculate in Patagonykus. The ilio-pubic articulation is too highly modified in Hesperornis to discern the inclination of the pubic peduncle. Unfortunately, most of the ilium is lost in Jberomesornis (Sanz et al., 1988). In Apatornis, and presumably also in /chthyornis (Marsh, 1880), the cranial margin of the pubic pedicle slopes caudoventrally. In Patagopteryx neither specimen preserves the pubic peduncle complete, but judging from the available material (Chiappe, 1992) the pubic peduncle seems to be vertical, but not caudoventrally oriented. Caudoventral orientation of the pubic peduncle is also seen in neornithine birds (e.g., Apteryx). 25) Fossa for M. cuppedicus absent (Fig. 14). A strongly developed fossa for the femoral protractor M. cuppedicus (Rowe, 1986) is present in the cranioventral corner of the ilium of Alber- tosaurus (AMNH 5458), Ornithomimus (USNM 2164), Deinonychus (AMNH 3015, MCZ 4371), Archaeopteryx (HMN MB 1880/81) and Enan- tiornithes (Walker, 1981). On the contrary, the lateral surface of the preacetabular blade of the ilium of Alvarezsaurus (Bonaparte, 1991), Patagonykus (PVPH 37) and Mononykus (Perle et al., 1994) is strongly convex dorsoventrally, lacking a fossa for the M. cuppedicus on the ventral margin of the iliac blade. The absence of a fossa for the M. cuppedicus has been interpreted as synapomorphic of the avialian clade formed by Patagopteryx and the Ornithurae (Chiappe, 1996) and more recently (Chiappe et al., this volume) as an ambiguous synapomorphy of Metornithes. This uncertainty rises from the un- known condition in /beromesornis (Sanz et al., 1988) and the presence of such an iliac fossa in enanthiornithine birds (Walker, 1981). I prefer to interpret the presence of an iliac fossa as primitive for Ornithothoraces (see character matrix in the 694 Appendix). Consequently, the lack of an iliac fossa for the M. cuppedicus is interpreted, with reservations, as an apomorphic character conver- gently acquired by alvarezsaurids and the clade formed by Patagopteryx plus Ornithurae. 26) Supraacetabular crest ending cranially above the pubic pedicle. In Patagonykus (PVPH 37) and Mononykus (GI N107/6) the supra- acetabular crest is almost restricted to the dorsal portion of the acetabular aperture, ending abrupt- ly above the pubic pedicle. A similar condition is present in Alvarezsaurus (MUCPY 54) in which the feebly developed supraacetabular crest does not extend over the pubic pedicle of the ilium. This condition contrasts with that present in other theropods (e.g., Piatnitzkysaurus MACN-CH 895; Allosaurus, AMNH 813; Archaeornithomimus AMNH 6576; Ornithomimus AMNH 5421; Albertosaurus AMNH 5458, 5664; Ornitholestes AMNH 619; Deinonychus MCZ 4371, AMNH 3015; Archaeopteryx HMN MB 1880/81) in which the supraacetabular crest (even in the reminiscent condition present in derived theropods) extends cranially in continuity with the lateral border of the pubic pedicle. 27) Postacetabular blade of ilium with brevis shelf caudolaterally oriented and medial flange ventrally curved (Fig. 9). In Alvarezsaurus and Mononykus the brevis fossa is present (e.g., a caudoventral basin bounded by a well developed brevis shelf and the medial flange of the ilium; Novas, in press b). The fragmentary nature of the ilium of Patagonykus prevents knowledge of this character. The loss of a discrete brevis shelf and fossa apparently constitutes a synapomorphy of the Maniraptora, and its re-acquisition is con- sidered an apomorphic reversal diagnostic of Alvarezsauridae. Interestingly, the or- nithothoracine Patagopteryx also exhibits a brevis shelf and fossa and, along with alvarez- saurids, constitutes one of the few avialians in which this feature is present (Chiappe, 1996). 28) ‘Posterior’ trochanter on proximal femur absent. This feature was originally described by Ostrom (1976a, b) for Deinonychus and Ar- chaeopteryx. After that, the presence of such a prominence was recognised also in Enantior- nithes (Chiappe & Calvo, 1994; Chiappe, 1996) and Sinornithoides (Russell & Dong, 1993b). The absence of a ‘posterior’ trochanter in the femur of Patagonykus, Mononykus and Alvarezsaurus is interpreted as an apomorphic reversal. MEMOIRS OF THE QUEENSLAND MUSEUM DISCUSSION Alvarezsaurids have been recorded at present in Late Cretaceous formations in Patagonia and Mongolia. The recorded taxa are: Patagonykus puertai from the Río Neuquén Formation (Turonian; Cruz et al., 1989), Alvarezsaurus calvoi from the overlying Río Colorado Forma- tion (Coniacian-Santonian; Bonaparte, 1991; Cruz et al., 1989; Chiappe & Calvo, 1994) and Mononykus olecranus documented in the Nemegt Formation (Maastrichtian; Perle et al., 1993, 1994). Chiappe et al. (this volume) have iden- tified bones of species related to Mononykus in palaeontological collections previously made by Mongolian and American palaeontologists from the Chinese Iren Dabasu Formation, and the Mongolian Tugrugeen Shireh, Bayn Dzak, Ukhaa Tolgod and Barun Goyot (Khermeen Tsav) formations, thought to be Campanian in age (Jerzykiewicz & Russell, 1991; Currie & Eberth, 1993). More recently Holtz (1995: 511) con- sidered ‘Ornithomimus’ minutus (Laramie For- mation, Late Maastrichtian; Marsh, 1892; Weishampel, 1990) as a possible member of the *Mononykus lineage'. However the description given by Marsh (1892) is insufficient to support such an assignment, since the features described for the metatarsals of ‘O’. minutus are not unique to Mononykus, but are also shared by other theropods with the arctometatarsalian condition, as for example Troodontidae, Ornithomimidae, Avimimus, Tyrannosauridae (Holtz, 1994). In sum, although presence of alvarezsaurids may be expected in other continents (e.g., North America), reliable records are only known from South America and Asia. On the basis of the analysis presented above, the common alvarezsaurid ancestor evolved eleven evolutionary novelties (e.g., sacral ver- tebrae procoelous; caudal sacral centra transver- sely compressed and sharply keeled ventrally; ungual phalanx of manual digit I stout and robust; pubic pedicle of ilium slender; fossa for M. cup- pedicus absent; supraacetabular crest ending cranially above the pubic pedicle; haemal arches dorsoventrally elongate; brevis fossa present; ‘posterior’ trochanter on femur absent; etc.). However, this list of diagnostic traits for the Al- varezsauridae may be larger with the inclusion of several characters, the condition of which is un- known for Alvarezsaurus. For example, the stout morphology of the first digit ungual of the manus of Alvarezsaurus (see characters A5 & 22) sug- gests that the first manual digit of this taxon was CRETACEOUS MANIRAPTORAN THEROPODS powerfully constructed and on the basis of this evidence it is also expected that Alvarezsaurus possessed extremely short forelimbs plus all the synapomorphic traits described for Mononykus and Patagonykus (characters 7-14). The Patagonian alvarezsaurids Patagonykus and Alvarezsaurus are more primitive than those from Asia, in accordance with their greater age. However, despite their close geographic and stratigraphic provenance, Patagonykus and Alvarezsaurus do not exhibit derived characters in common suggesting closer affinities within Alvarezsauridae. On the contrary, there are four features that Patagonykus shares with Mononykus, exclusive of Alvarezsaurus: caudal articular surface of the centra of the last sacral and first caudal vertebrae strongly spherical, sacral vertebrae ventrally keeled, supraacetabular crest present and femoral fourth trochanter present. These features suggest that Patagonykus and Mononykus are descendants from a common an- cestor not shared with Alvarezsaurus (Fig. 1). Discovery of alvarezsaurids less derived than Mononykus suggests that the surprisingly mcdern avialian features present in the later taxon are the result of convergent evolution. Such derived avialian (e.g., ornithothoracine) characters of Mononykus are: lack of hyposphene-hypantrum articulation, pubis caudoventrally directed, femoral popliteal fossa distally closed, accessory cnemial crest, fibula not contacting tarsus and astragalar ascending process transversely narrow and laterally displaced. Mononykus makes a good case for evolutionary convergence, showing that at least some derived features were acquired more than once in the early evolution of birds. In a more general context, the arctometatarsalian condition of the metatarsals (Holtz, 1994) was acquired at least twice in theropod evolution: once in the Arctometatarsalia clade of theropods (Holtz, 1994) and independently in the derived alvarez- saurid Mononykus. A phylogenetic diagram (Fig. 15) depicting the phylogenetic relationships of the alvarezsaurids, complemented with biochronological informa- tion of terminal taxa (e.g., Patagonykus, Alvarez- saurus and Mononykus) and immediate outgroups (e.g., Ornithothoraces), suggests that the origin and diversification of the Alvarez- sauridae occurred before the Turonian, probably during Valanginian times (131-138my; Haq & Van Eysinga, 1994). This suspicion about the time of origin of the Alvarezsauridae is in agree- ment with the currently known biochronology of the Ornithothoraces, the oldest representative of 695 MAASTRICHTIAN CAMPANIAN Mononykus li Alvarezsaurus Patagonykus [— CONIACIAN I TURONIAN CENOMANIAN ALBIAN Ornithothoraces Archaeopteryx FIG. 15. Phylogenetic diagram depicting phylogenetic relationships of the Alvarezsauridae, complemented with biochronological information. which (Sinornis santensis; Sereno & Rao, 1992) is known from Valanginian rocks. This informa- tion indicates that the Alvarezsauridae has a long evolutionary history, the recorded portion of which approximately spans 24.5my; i.e., from Turonian (91my) to Maastrichtian times (66.5my; Haq & Van Eysinga, 1994). Presence of alvarezsaurids in the Late Cretaceous rocks in Mongolia and Patagonia is puzzling, mainly beeause alvarezsaurids are one of only two taxa (the other is the Titanosauridae, represented in Mongolia by Opisthocoelicaudia skarzynskii; Giménez, 1993; Salgado & Coria, 1993) which are shared by the sharply different Late Cretaceous faunas of South Ameriea and Asia (e.g., Bonaparte,1986b; Bonaparte & Kielan-Jawarowska, 1987; Russell, 1993). There are numerous examples of Cretaceous Gondwanan terrestrial vertebrates which appear to lack close phylogenetic affinities with those from Laurasia. Bonaparte (1986b) and Bonaparte & Kielan-Jawarowska (1987) pointed out the remarkable differences in faunal composition among Laurasian and Gondwanan continents, considering such dissimilarities as a direct conse- quence of the physical separation of both super- 696 continental landmasses, which lasted almost the entire Cretaceous period, a time span of 70 to 80my. Russell (1993) has also agreed that several dinosaur taxa evolved separately in Gondwanaland, although he considered that the grouping of terrestrial vertebrates into 'Laurasian' and “Gondwanan’ assemblages was established by Aptian-Albian times. The shared presence of alvarezsaurids in South America and Asia admits two possible alterna- tives. One explanation considers alvarezsaurid species from South America and Asia as vicariant taxa descended from an ancestral species widely distributed over northern and southern landmas- ses; this wide distribution would have occurred before major barriers to overland dispersal among Laurasia and Gondwana were emplaced during Aptian to Cenomanian times (Lillegraven et al., 1979). Following this interpretation, the origin of the Alvarezsauridae must be traced back to Valanginian times, during which Gondwanan and Laurasian continents occupied closer posi- tions than in later times (Scotese et al., 1992). The alternative explanation considers Alvarezsaurus and Patagonykus as endemic taxa from Gond- wana (e.g., South America; Novas & Coria, 1990a; Bonaparte, 1991), which evolved in isolation during Cenomanian to Santonian times; in this context, alvarezsaurids may be interpreted as later emigrants to Asia (via North America?) when continental connections occurred during the Campanian (Bonaparte, 1986b). This later hypothesis agrees with the available fossil record of alvarezsaurids (Fig. 15) and also with palaeogeographic reconstructions (e.g., Lillegraven et al., 1979; Scotese et al., 1992) and palaeobiogeographic interpretations of the evolution of the vertebrate faunas of Gondwana as a whole (e.g., Bonaparte, 1986b; Bonaparte & Kielan-Jawarowska, 1987). Current geographic documentation of the AI- varezsauridae in South America and Asia sug- gests that this clade successfully occupied a wide range of environmental conditions. For example, the Neuquén Group, which includes among others the Río Neuquén and Río Colorado For- mations, constitutes a succession of sandstones and mudstones deposited under fluvial and lacustrine conditions (Digregorio & Uliana, 1980; Legarreta & Gulisano, 1989). The fauna recorded at the Portezuelo Member of Río Neuquén Formation is made up of gastropods (Cazau & Uliana, 1973), fishes, amphibians, turtles, crocodiles, small ornithischians, small to large theropods and large sauropods (Novas & Coria, 1990b). That of the Río Colorado Forma- MEMOIRS OF THE QUEENSLAND MUSEUM tion is a very rich fauna, including the following taxa (Bonaparte, 1991; Alvarenga & Bonaparte, 1992; Chiappe & Calvo, 1994): notosuchid and sebecosuchid crocodiles, dinilysid booids, sauropods, basal ornithothoracine birds (e.g., Patagopteryx, Neuquenornis) and ceratosaurian theropods (Velocisaurus). In the other extreme of sedimentological conditions in which alvarez- saurids were recorded, are the Asiatic Djadokhta (Tugrugeen Shireh) and Barun Goyot (Khermeen Tsav) Formations, deposited under subaerial con- ditions of sand dunes, small lakes and streams, in hot and semi-arid climate in areas lacking a per- manent fluvial system (Gradzinsky et al., 1977; Osmólska, 1980). It seems to be clear that al- varezsaurids inhabited a wide range of palaeo- environments (from desertic environments, as those indicated by the sedimentology of the Djadokhta Formation, to more humid conditions as sug- gested by the fluvial deposits of the Nemegt, Río Neuquén and Río Colorado Formations). As currently known,"Alvarezsauridae includes small forms the size of a turkey (nearly 1m long) such as Alvarezsaurus and Mononykus, and larger animals, up to 2m, such as Patagonykus. They seem to have had a role of predators of small animals, presumably insects (Perle et al., 1994), a suspicion based on the small size of the head and tooth reduction. However, other food items can not be dismissed. Chiappe (1995b) has recently speculated that alvarezsaurids may have used the hand claws to strip bark or perhaps stems from low-growing vegetation. In fact, alvarezsaurids repeat the case of almost uncertain feeding habits as with the ornithomimosaurians, for which car- nivorous, herbivorous, or omnivorous habits were variously proposed (e.g., Sanz & Perez-Moreno, 1995). The unusual morphology of the forelimbs is not readily interpreted in reference to behavior and does not help in the elucidation of feeding habits. As commented by Perle et al. (1993, 1994) the sternum and forelimbs of Mononykus resemble those of moles mainly due to the presence of a keeled sternum, humerus short and expanded, ulna with elongate olecranon process and stout, slightly curved unguals. These res- emblances have been interpreted by Ostrom (1994) as indicative of fossorial habits for Mononykus. However, Chiappe (1995b) has dissmissed this interpretation. Mononykus differs from a mole because in the latter the manus is proportionally large, not only because the number of digits is unreduced, but each digit is robust and a lunate sesamoid is added on the medial side of the manus, enlarging its palmar surface. Also, the CRETACEOUS MANIRAPTORAN THEROPODS body proportions of Mononykus sharply contrast with that of digging mammals (e.g., moles and edentates; Hildebrand, 1975), in which the body is compact and the neck, forelimbs and hindlimbs are shortened. ACKNOWLEDGMENTS I thank L.M. Chiappe, L. Witmer and J.F. Bonaparte for their valuable criticisms and sug- gestions on this and other papers on alvarez- saurids; M. Norell, J. Clark and A. Perle for sharing unpublished information on Mononykus. lam grateful to C. Gulisano (Petrolera Argentina San Jorge), L. Legarreta and M. Uliana (Astra Oil Company) for their help and insightful comments on the geology of the Neuquén Basin. For access to specimens in their care, I thank M. Norell (AMNH), P. Wellnhofer (BSP), D. Berman (CM), V.-D. Heindrich (HMN), J.F. Bonaparte (MACN), C. Shaff (MCZ), R. Pascual (MLP), O. De Ferrariis and J. Calvo (MUCPV), J. Powell (PVL), R.A. Coria (PVPH), A. Monetta (PVSJ), M. Brett-Surman (USNM), J. Ostrom (YPM). This study was supported by The Dinosaur Society, Collection Study Grant (AMNH) and by Petrolera Argentina San Jorge (Buenos Aires). Figures were skillfully prepared by M. Lezcano. LITERATURE CITED ALVARENGA, H.M.F. & BONAPARTE, J.F. 1992. A new flightless land bird from the Cretaceous of Patagonia. Pp. 51-64. In Campbell, K.E., Jr (ed.) ‘Papers in Avian Paleontology Honoring Pierce Brodkorb’. (Los Angeles County Museum of Natural History: Los Angeles). BAKKER, R.T., WILLIAMS, M. & CURRIE, P.J. 1988. 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Data from Bonaparte (1991), Perle et al. (1994), Chiappe et al. (this volume) and Novas (in press a). Scoring: 0, primitive; 1, derived; ?, missing or uncertain. Patagonykus puertai P1. Dorsal vertebral postzygapophyses. 0. with lateral margin describing a continuous convex curve in ventral aspect. J, ventrally sinuous, with a tongue- shaped lateral projection. P2. Base of the neural arch in postcervical vertebrae. 0. caudally smooth and flat. 7. with a bulge on both sides of the neural canal. P3. Humeral articular facet of coracoid. 0. transver- sely wide, being nearly as wide transversely as it is anteroposteriorly. 7. transversely narrow, being as wide transversely as the surface for the articulation for the scapula. P4. Internal tuberosity of humerus. 0. conical, craniocaudally flattened, or pyramid-shaped. 7. sub- cylindrical, wider at its extremity rather than in its base. PS. Humeral entepicondyle. 0. longitudinal prominence on the anteromedial margin of distal humerus, and it is almost anteriorly projected. J. coni- cal-shaped and strongly projected medially. P6. First phalanx of manual digit I. 0. ventral surface bounded at both sides by slightly marked ridges on its proximal portion. 7. with proximomedial hook-like processes. P7. Ectocondylar tuber of femur. 0. robust and ellip- tical-shaped in distal aspect. 7. transversely com- pressed, rectangular in distal view. Alvarezsaurus calvoi Al. Cervical centra. 0. amphiplatyan or opis- thocoelous. 7. amphicoelous. A2. Cervical postzygapophyses. 0. rectangular in dorsal view, not constricted at their bases, and with MEMOIRS OF THE QUEENSLAND MUSEUM convex dorsal surface. 7. paddle-shaped in dorsal view, dorsoventrally flattened, and with a pair of strong craniocaudal ridges. A3. Length of distal caudals with respect to proximal caudals. 0. less than 175%. I. more than 200%. A4. Scapular blade. 0. craniocaudally wide and dis- tally expanded. J. slender and reduced. A5. Ungual phalanx of digit I. 0. with ventral surface transversely rounded or flattened. 7. ventrally keeled. Mononykus olecranus M1. Pleurocoels in cervical vertebrae. 0. present. 1. absent. M2. Sulcus caroticus in cervical vertebrae. 0. absent. I. present. M3. Relative position of parapophyses in presacral vertebrae. 0. below the level of the diapophyses. J. occupying the same level as the diapophyses. MA. Hyposphene-hypantrum in dorsal vertebrae, 0. present. 7. absent. MS. Centra of cranial dorsal vertebrae. 0. transver- sally rounded. 7. strongly compressed transversally, forming a pronounced ventral keel. M6. Centra of caudal dorsal vertebrae. 0. slightly concave or convex. 1. strongly prococlous, with caudal articular surface hemispherical. M7. Last sacral centrum. 0. elliptical or transversely compressed in cross-section. J. extremely compressed transversally, forming a pronounced ventral ‘keel’. M8. Coracoidal shaft. 0. dorsoventral depth not ex- ceeding its anteroposterior width. 7. expanded ventral- ly, subrectangular in profile, dorsoventral depth more than 13056 of anteroposterior width. M9. Coracoidal shaft. 0. with distal half strongly inflected medially. 7. transversely flat and craniocaudally concave. M10. Sternal carina.0. slender. 1. thick. M11, Ulnar articular surface of the radius.0. small and restricted to the proximal portion of the radius, J. extensive. M12. Carpal articular facet of radius. 0. restricted to the distal portion of the bone. 7. hypertrophied, ex- tended proximally over the caudal and cranial surfaces of the radius. M13, Proximocaudal process on the first phalanx of digit I. 0. absent. 7. very prominent. MIA. Pubic shaft orientation. 0. almost perpen- dicular to the iliac surface of pubis. 7. caudoventrally oriented, describing an angle of 70? with the iliac surface of pubis. MIS. Pubic foot. 0. present. J. absent. M16. Ischiac articular surfaces for ilium and pubis. 0. well developed. 7. extremely reduced. M17. Femoral distal condyles. 0. separated below popliteal fossa. 7. transversely expanded, nearly con- fluent below popliteal fossa. M18. Accesory (medial) cnemial crest on tibia. 0. absent. 7. present. M19. Outer malleolus of distal tibia. 0. craniocaudal- ly narrow in respect to the calcaneum. 7. craniocaudally thick. CRETACEOUS MANIRAPTORAN THEROPODS M20. Astragalocalcaneal intercondylar groove. 0. shallow. 7. deep. M21. Astragalar ascending process. 0. transversally wide and not displaced laterally, without overlap onto the lateral margin of distal tibia. 7. transversally narrow and laterally displaced, with overlap onto the lateral margin of distal tibia. M22. Femoral trochanteric crest. 0. anterior trochanter separated from greater trochanter by a cleft. 1. undivided. M23. Fibula. 0. articulates with the tarsus. J. does not articulates with the tarsus. INGROUP CLADES. Character list and taxon- character-state matrix. The coding and distribution are shown below for 74 characters in six coelurosaur taxa and in two proximate outgroups. All characters are bi- nary. Characters gathered from Gauthier (1986), Russell & Dong (1993a,b), Chiappe (1995, 1996), Chiappe et al. (this volume) and Novas (in prep.). 1. Caudal articular surface of the centra of the last sacral and first caudal vertebrae. 0. slightly convex. J. strongly spherical. 2. Sacral vertebral centra. 0. transversely rounded or craniocaudally grooved. 7. strongly keeled ventrally. 3. Femoral fourth trochanter. 0. present. J. absent. 4. Supracetabular crest. 0. present. J. absent. 5. Caudal dorsal vertebrae. 0. amphiplatyan or am- phicoelous. J. procoelous. 6. Bicipital tubercle of coracoid. 0. present. J. absent. 7. Forelimbs to hindlimb length. 0. 40-53%. 1. less than 26%. 8. Proximal humerus. 0. major transverse axis of humeral head horizontally oriented with respect to longitudinal axis of the humerus, and internal tuberosity distally placed with respect to humeral head. 1. major transverse axis of humeral head ventrolateral- ly inclined with respect to longitudinal axis of the humerus, and internal tuberosity proximally projected. 9. Radial and ulnar condyles of distal humerus. 0. Separated by an intercondylar groove, and radius and ulna loosely articulated proximally, retaining inde- pendent articular surfaces for both radial and ulnar condyles of humerus, respectively. J. a single condyle on distal humerus for articulation with radius and ulna, which are tightly appressed proximally, and provided with a cup-shaped proximal articular surface. 10. Olecranal process of ulna. 0. feebly developed. 1. strongly developed. 11. Ulnar posterior margin. 0. sigmoid. 7. uniformly convex. 12. Carpometacarpus. 0 slender, elongate, with in- termetacarpal space. J. massive, short, quadrangular with no intermetacarpal space. 13. Digit I proportions. 0. transverse dimension sub- equal to digit II, and longitudinally shorter than digit II. 7. digit I larger than the remaining digits of the hands. 14. Phalanx 1 of manual digit I. 0. with triangular- shaped proximal articular surface, proximoventral sur- 701 face almost flat, distal gynglymus transversely com- pressed, and the extensor pit absent. 7. with B-shaped proximal articular surface, hook-like proximomedial processes, symmetrical distal ginglymus, and deep ex- tensor ligamentary pit. 15. Medial condyle of femur. 0. transversely narrow and distally convex. J. transversely wide and distally flat. 16. Ectocondylar tuber of distal femur caudally projected, well behind the medial distal condyle. 0. absent. 7. present. 17. Fibular condyle of femur. 0. convex or forming a depressed low cone, and slightly surpassing distally the medial condyle. 7. sharply conical and distally projected respect to the medial condyle. 18. Cervical vertebrae neural spines. 0. dorsoventral- ly deep and craniocaudally short. 7. craniocaudally short and dorsoventrally low. 19. Sacral and caudal vertebrae. 0. amphiplatyan or amphicoelous. 7. procoelous. 20. Last sacral centra. 0. ventrally convex in cross- section, sometimes bearing a longitudinal groove. 7. transversely compressed and keeled ventrally. 21. Haemal arches of proximal caudals. 0. dor- soventrally elongate. 7. dorsoventrally depressed. 22. Ungual phalanx of manual digit I. 0. dor- soventrally deep, with proximal articular surface ellip- tical shaped. 7. stout and robust, dorsoventrally depressed, with proximal articular surface quadrangular. 23. Pubic pedicle of ilium. 0. craniocaudally wide. J. craniocaudally narrow. 24. Pubic pedicle of ilium. 0. cranioventrally projected. 7. caudoventraly projected. 25. Fossa for M. cuppedicus on ilium. 0. transversely wide, with sharp bounding margins. 7. absent. 26. Supraacetabular crest. 0. extended cranially in continuity with the lateral border of the pubic pedicle. 1. ending cranially above the pubic pedicle. 27. Postacetabular blade. 0. brevis shelf caudolaterally oriented, and medial flange ventrally curved (viz., brevis fossa present). 7. postacetabular blade vertical, and medial flange strongly reduced, perpendicular to iliac blade (viz., brevis fossa absent). 28. Posterior trochanter on proximal femur. 0. ab- sent. 7. present. 29. Vertebral foramen. 0. small. 7. wide. 30, Number of caudals. 0. 35 or more. 7. less than 25. 31. Neural spines of caudal vertebrae. 0. present on caudals 1-23. Z. confined to caudals 1-12. 32. Transverse processes in caudal vertebrae. 0. reduction begins in caudal 25-16. 7. in caudal 12 at least. 33. Haemal arches. 0. become longer than deep behind caudal 17. 7. behind caudal 10. 34. Mid-caudals prezygapophyses. 0. elongate. 7. short. 35. Length of distal caudals. 0. as long as the proximal caudals. 7. distal caudals more than 130% of the length of proximals. 36. Ossified sternal carina. 0. absent. 7. present. 37(=M8). Coracoidal shaft. 0. dorsoventral depth not exceeding its anteroposterior width. 7. expanded 702 ventrally, subrectangular in profile, dorsoventral depth more than 130% of anteroposterior width. 38. Coracoidal shaft with respect to the proximal articular surface for the scapula. 0. shaft transversely flattened or slightly medially inflected in posterior view. 1. strongly inflected posteromedially. 39. Dorsal fossa on caudal process of coracoid. 0. present. 7. absent. 40. Bicipital tubercle of coracoid. 0. slightly marked or absent. J. strongly developed. 41. Forelimbs. 0. no more than 53% of hindlimb length. 7. exceeding 7596 of hindlimb length. 42. Forelimbs. 0. not exceeding 75% of hindlimb length. 7. 86% or more of hindlimb length. 43. Shape of the internal tuberosity (— bicipital tubercle) of humerus. 0. conical. 7. craniocaudally compressed and longitudinally elongated. 44. Radius/humerus length ratio. 0. no more than 0.71. 1. 0.76 or more. 45. Carpometacarpus. 0. carpals and metacarpals unfused. J. carpometacarpus present. 46. Distal carpal. 0. proximodistally flattened. J. semilunate. 47. Digit I proportions. 0. digit I ends at level of mid-length of phalanx 2, digit II. 7. digit I ends at level of mid-length of phalanx 1, digit II. 48. Posterodorsal margin of ilium. 0. straight. J. curves ventrally in lateral view. 49. Posterior end of ilium. 0. dorsoventrally deep, squared or rounded. J. dorsoventrally low and sharply pointed. 50. Antitrochanter on ilium. 0. slightly marked. J. prominent. 51. Pubic apron. 0. transversely wide and proximodistally long. 7. strongly reduced transversely and restricted to the distal 1/3 of the pubic length. 52. Pubis. 0. cranioventrally oriented. 7. caudo- ventrally oriented respect to the pubic pedicle of ilium. 53. Pubic apices. 0. in contact. J. not in contact. 54. Obturator process on ischium. 0. present. 1. absent (the cranioventral margin of ischium is almost straight). 55. Ischial to pubic length. 0. elongate ischium, slightly shorter than pubis or femur. J. nearly half of pubis or femoral length. 56. Medial condyle of femur. 0. dorsoventrally deep. 1. dorsoventrally depressed. 57(=M22). Femoral trochanteric crest. 0. anterior trochanter separated from greater trochanter by a cleft. 1. undivided. 58. Adductor fossa and associated craniodistal crista of distal femur. 0. present, prominent. 7. reduced or absent. 59. Tibia-femur proportions. 0. tibia no more than 15% longer than the femur. 1. tibia 25% longer than the femur. 60(=M23). Fibula. 0. articulates with the tarsus. 7. does not articulate with the tarsus. 61. Articulations of quadrate and squamosal. 0. quad- rate articulates only with squamosal, the latter contact- ing both the quadratojugal and the postorbital. 7. MEMOIRS OF THE QUEENSLAND MUSEUM quadrate articulates with both prootic and squamosal, and the latter contacting neither the quadratojugal nor the postorbital. 62. Serration of teeth. 0. present. 1. absent. 63. Teeth crown-root constriction. 0. absent. 1. present. 64. Ulnar distal condyle. 0. transversely compressed and craniocaudally extended approximately in the same plane as humero-ulnar flexion-extension. J. sub- triangular in distal view, with a dorsomedial condyle, and twisted more than 54? with respect to proximal end. 65. Calcaneum. 0. posteroventral projection present. 1. strongly reduced. 66. Pubic distal foot. 0. cranial projection present. 7. absent. 67. Prominent ventral processes of cervico-dorsal vertebrae. 0. absent. I. present. 68. Large, rectangular ossified sternum. 0. absent. 1. present. 69. Terminal processes of ischia. 0. in contact. J. not in contact. 70. Fibular tubercle for M. iliofibularis. 0. craniolaterally projected. 7. laterally, caudolaterally, or caudally directed. 71. Proximal and distal humeral ends. 0. twisted. 1. expanded in nearly the same plane. 72. Pelvic elements. 0. unfused. 7. fused or partially fused. 73. Proximal end of fibula. 0. excavated by a medial fossa. I. nearly flat. 74(=M4). Hyposphene-hypantrum in dorsal ver- tebrae. 0. present. 1. absent. TAXON CHARACTER STATES. Ornithomimidae 00000 00000 00000 00100 00000 00000 00000 00000 00000 00000 00000 00000 00000 00000 0000 Tyrannosauridae 00000 00000 00000 00000 00000 00000 00000 00070 00000 00000 00000 00000 00000 00000 0000 Deinonychus 00010 00000 10000 00000 10010 01100 11101 01000 10110 10100 01001 10100 00001 00000 0000 Archaeopteryx 00110 00070 10000 07000 10010 01171 11111 01111 11110 11110 01001 20110 01101 100?? 00?? Ornithothoraces 00110 00000 10000 00700 10010 01111 11111 11111 11111 11111 11311001111 1111? 11111 1111 Mononykus 11001 11111 01111 11111 01101 10011 11110 10010 00001 10101 11110 11111 11110 11111 1111 Patagonykus 11001 11111 01111 11?11 ?1101 1901? ???10 ??010 20071 1?2?1 110?? 10120 ???10 07??? 7010 Alvarezsaurus 0011? 22272 27277 ??111 011?1 100?? 10111 7202? EARLIEST EVIDENCE OF DINOSAURS FROM CENTRAL GONDWANA M.A. RAATH Raath, M.A. 1996 12 20: The earliest evidence of dinosaurs from central Gondwana. Memoirs of the Queensland Museum 39(3): 703-709. Brisbane. ISSN 0079-8835. Rocks of the Elliot Formation and its regional equivalents in southern Africa, which straddle the Triassic-Jurassic boundary, have traditionally been regarded as the earliest dinosaur-bear- ing sediments in this region. The identification of tridactyl Grallator-like tracks at a site in the Eastern Cape Province, South Africa, and the discovery of an isolated fragment of a prosauropod femur in the central Zambezi Valley of Zimbabwe, both in rocks assigned to equivalents of the underlying Molteno Formation on stratigraphic and palaeobotanical grounds, indicate the presence of an earlier dinosaurian fauna. These traces constitute the earliest known evidence of dinosaurs in this region of Central Gondwana. [ ] Triassic, dinosaur tracks, rhynchosaur, prosauropod, South Africa, Zimbabwe, Molteno. M.A. Raath, Port Elizabeth Museum, Port Elizabeth, South Africa. (Current address: Bernard Price Institute for Palaeontological Research, University of the Witwatersrand, Johannesburg, South Africa); 5 April 1996. Two fossil discoveries during the last decade in two far-flung localities in southern Africa — Maclear in the north-eastern Eastern Cape Province of South Africa, and the Cabora Bassa Basin of the Central Zambezi Valley of Zim- babwe (Fig. 1) — have yielded evidence of a dinosaur fauna predating that of the Elliot Forma- tion of the Stormberg Group in South Africa (Raath, Kitching, Shone & Rossouw, 1990; Raath, Oesterlen & Kitching, 1992). The Elliot Formation and its regional equivalents have generally been regarded as the earliest dinosaur-bearing formations in this part of Africa. According to Olsen & Galton (1984) the Elliot spans the Triassic-Jurassic boundary (Carnian to Sinemurian). On the basis of its fossil content in South Africa, Kitching & Raath (1984) recognised two distinct biozones in the Elliot Formation: a lower Euskelosaurus Range Zone characterised by the presence of the relatively large prosauropod dinosaur Euskelosaurus, ac- companied by capitosaurid amphibians, uniden- tified rauisuchid thecodontians and rare cynodont therapsids. This zone is followed by the Mas- sospondylus Range Zone, characterised by the abundance of the smaller prosauropod dinosaur Massospondylus and a diverse fauna which in- cludes amphibia, a chelonian, crocodilians, dinosaurs other than prosauropods, therapsids and even rare primitive mammals (Kitching & Raath, 1984). The discoveries which are the subject of this contribution have only recently come to the atten- tion of scientists, although one of them has been known to the local populace for a long time. From the early years of this century, trout anglers fish- ing along the Pot River in the vicinity of the town of Maclear (Fig. 1) in the Eastern Cape Province of South Africa have known of the presence of unusual markings in the rocks lining the river's banks, which have long been known locally as *petrified spoor' (animal tracks). Although these tracks have featured in local newspapers from time to time, they escaped the notice of geologists and palaeontologists. As far as I can determine, ours was the first detailed investigation of the site (Raath et al., 1990). It confirmed that the marks included vertebrate tracks and that animals of probably more than one kind were involved, at least one of them a dinosaur. It was further con- cluded that the rocks in which the tracks are preserved belong to the Molteno Formation (Raath et al., 1990), which underlies the Elliot Formation. Until now, no unequivocal evidence of tetrapod vertebrates has been found in Molteno rocks — other than reports by P. Ellenberger of vertebrate tracks of many kinds in Lesotho in beds which he assigned to the Molteno, including tracks of a variety of dinosaurs (see synthesis in Ellenberger, 1970). Persistent doubts about the reliability of these stratigraphic assignments has meant that this work has been largely overlooked. The only unquestionable animal fossils previously recovered from the Molteno have been some palaeoniscid fish (Semionotus sp.) and a variety of invertebrates, mainly insects. Anderson & Anderson (1984: 40) state in their summary of Molteno fossils: 'Tetrapods — Bone is not preserved in the Molteno Formation’ . The early Mesozoic deposits of Zimbabwe are palaeontologically very similar to their South 704 African counterparts. In that country, the main dinosaur-bearing unit, the Forest Sandstone Forma- tion, contains a typical but rather depauperate ‘ter- minal Karoo fauna’ which is dominated by prosauro- pod and small theropod dinosaurs, like the South African middle and upper Elliot Formation fauna. However, the Zimbabwean fauna lacks many of the other elements represented in South Africa, particularly the ornithischian dinosaurs, advanced therapsids and early mammals. As in South Africa, the Zimbabwean beds which underlie the traditional dinosaur-bearing beds have until now also been con- sidered barren of tetrapods (see e.g., Bond, 1973). The fossils usually associated with these beds in Zim- babwe include silicified logs (cf. Dadoxylon spp), particularly from the Pebbly Arkose Formation and plant leaf impressions (mainly the pteridosperm genus Dicroidium) and rare inver- tebrates (freshwater bivalve molluscs) (see sum- mary in Bond, 1973). On the basis of the dominance of the characteristic Triassic fossil plant genus Dicroidium, Bond (1973) concluded that these beds in Zimbabwe (including the Pebb- ly Arkose, the Ripple Marked Flags and the Fine Red Marly Sandstone) were equivalents of the Molteno Formation of the Karoo Supergroup in South Africa (late Triassic: Carnian, Anderson & Anderson, 1984). Some lungfish remains were recovered from beds of this age in Lake Kariba in 1973, and until the recent tetrapod discoveries in the Central Zambezi Valley (Raath, Oesterlen & Kitching, 1992), they were the only vertebrate remains known from these strata in Zimbabwe. 1975: fig. 5). SUMMARY OF THE TWO OCCURRENCES MACLEAR DINOSAUR TRACKS, SOUTH AFRICA. The most prominent trace in the track- site at Maclear, Eastem Cape Province, South Africa, is a straight groove ploughed into the mud (Fig. 2a), with other less obvious similar traces nearby. Raath et al. (1990) tentatively interpreted AFRICA Dande rhynchosaur and dinosaur site MEMOIRS OF THE QUEENSLAND MUSEUM ANTARCTICA Maclear dinosaur tracksile WoW Lsnv FIG. 1. Reconstruction of Gondwana prior to separation, showing approximate positions of the two localities referred to in the text (modified from Colbert, these grooves as the tail drags of quadrupedal dinosaurs, but no clear unequivocal footprints can be associated with them, so this suggestion is doubtful at best. It has been suggested that a more likely interpretation is that they are drag marks from an object floating in the river, although the remarkably detailed preservation of the rolled edges of the groove indicate very low velocity of the current responsible. On the other hand, the majority of the tracks are clear and well preserved, consisting of plentiful tridactyl footprints of a small bipedal dinosaur (Fig. 2b, c). Similar tracks are well known from anumber of other places in southern Africa, espe- cially in Lesotho (Ellenberger, 1970; Olsen & Galton, 1984) and from one locality in Zimbabwe (Raath, 1972). Since publication of the report by Raath et al. (1990), several more reports of similar well-preserved tridactyl dinosaur footprints have been received from the farming districts south and west of Maclear. Raath et al. (1990) concluded that the tridactyl tracks are assignable either to the ichnogenus Grallator (see Olsen & Galton, 1984: fig. 3H) or Atreipus (Olsen & Baird, 1986: figs 6.3, 6.4). But Atreipus is defined as ‘habitually quadrupedal ichnites’ (Olsen & Baird, 1986: 62), and since no manus impressions are associated with any of the tridactyl pes impressions at Maclear, it appears that this ichnogenus can be eliminated. Accord- EARLIEST EVIDENCE OF DINOSAURS FROM CENTRAL GONDWANA 705 FIG. 2. Maclear dinosaur tracksite. A, the straight ploughed trace — possibly a tail-drag. B, tridactyl prints arranged in several trackways (note the infilled desiccation cracks on the surface). C, single isolated tridactyl print, Grallator sp., from a ripple-marked surface. D, frond impression of the pteridosperm genus Dicroidium from near the tracksite. ing to Olsen & Galton (1984: 97), Grallator-like tracks were 'almost certainly made by small theropod dinosaurs’, which therefore indicates the presence of small theropods at Maclear when these sediments were laid down. RHYNCHOSAURS AND DINOSAUR, ZIM- BABWE. The rhynchosaur fossils from the Dande Communal Lands in Zimbabwe consist mainly of scattered, isolated, often fragmentary bones and teeth, including the unmistakable tooth-studded maxillary dental plates of these highly specialised herbivorous archosauro- morphs (Fig. 3a). They evidently belong to a single rhynchosaur taxon, showing a consider- able range in size. Rhynchosaur taxa are well-known to be useful for dating the beds from which they come (Chat- terjee, 1980; Benton, 1983) and the state of the diagnostic dental and other cranial characters in the Zimbabwean rhynchosaurs identifies them as Hyperodapedon, of the family Rhynchosauridae, sub-family Hyperodapedontinae (Raath et al., 1992). This has significance for dating the strata from which they come. The single fragmentary non-rhynchosaur bone found with rhynchosaur material at one of the Dande sites bears the characteristic crest-like fourth trochanter of a prosauropod dinosaur 706 femur (Fig. 3b, c). The fragment is broken off just below the trochanter and most of the head is missing, but enough remains to be reasonably confident of its identification as a prosauropod. Although it is small compared to most of the known southern African prosauropods, such as Euskelosaurus and Massospondylus, the specimen is taken to be from an adult based on the degree of ossification of scars of minor sur- face features like the vascular groove running along the anterior surface to the nutritive foramen opposite the fourth trochanter (Fig. 3c). If this identification is correct, it demonstrates the presence of prosauropod dinosaurs when the Dande beds were laid down. GEOLOGY AND AGE OF THE TWO OCCURRENCES MACLEAR TRACKSITE. The Maclear tracks are preserved in a medium-to-finegrained cross- bedded silty sandstone belonging to the Stormberg Group, from somewhere near its base. The Stormberg succession consists of the thick, coarse fluvial sandstones and finer shales of the Molteno Formation at its base, overlain by the brick-red mudrocks and sandstones of the Elliot Formation, which in turn are overlain by the pale, finer-grained, mainly aeolian sandstones of the Clarens Formation. The thick Drakensberg lavas cap the sequence (Fig. 4). This entire sequence is well exposed in the Barkly Pass — a road pass through the Drakensberg mountains just 50km west of the Maclear tracksite. Visser (1984) notes that in this area, the Molteno Formation makes up the valley floor at the base of the Drakensberg mountains, The mountains themselves are made up of Elliot Formation mudrocks at the base, with the pale sandstones of the Clarens Formation above, and capping the sequence on the mountain peaks are the Drakensberg lavas. Visser (cited in Raath et al., 1990) locates the Molteno-Elliot contact ‘right at the foot of the (Barkly) pass in the Tsomo River and this position agrees with the boundary defined by (A.L.) du Toit on his map (?1910) of the area.’. The Pot River has cut its deep valley through the flat plains at the foot of the mountains — i.e., through Molteno deposits. The beds through which it has cut might be described as ‘uppermost Molteno’, and one coarse sandstone ledge from this unit overlooks the fossil tracksite about 100m below. This sandstone is lithologically reminis- cent of the Indwe Sandstone Member, a persistent and highly characteristic marker horizon in the MEMOIRS OF THE QUEENSLAND MUSEUM FIG. 3. Zimbabwean rhynchosaur locality. A, snout of a juvenile rhynchosaur, Hyperodapedon, in palatal view, showing the characteristic maxillary tooth- plates. B, fragmentary prosauropod left femur in lateral view; note crest-like fourth trochanter (ar- rowed). C, anterior surface of the femur in (B) show- ing the vascular groove (arrowed) leading to the nutritive foramen. Scales = lcm. Molteno Formation, all of which suggests that the fossil tracks are in Molteno beds, substantially below the contact with the Elliot Formation. Moreover, within a kilometre of the tracksite, and on a stratigraphic level either the same as or EARLIEST EVIDENCE OF DINOSAURS FROM CENTRAL GONDWANA 707 slightly above it, a finegrained shale outcrop contains abun- FORMATION DIVISION BIOZONE dant plant fossils dominated by Drakensberg [Lavas] the characteristic Molteno Formation pteridosperm genus, Dicroidium (Fig. 2d). No bones of dinosaurs are known from Molteno beds in South Africa, but they are cer- tainly known from the higher levels of the Stormberg Group and its equivalents in many southern African localities (see Raath, 1980; Cooper, 1981; Kitching & Raath, 1984 and references therein); in fact, STORMBERG GROUP Fu | —— ——] Clarens Formation Middle ENDE Lower Massospondylus U - per Range-zone Middle Elliot Formation Euskelosaurus Lower Range-zone ée caedi Molteno Formation Upper New "pre-Elliot" dinosaur fauna there are several good bone- producing sites in the Barkly Pass, within 50km of the Maclear tracksite. BEAUFORT GROUP The apparently consistent FIG. 4. Summary of Stormberg stratigraphy in South Africa. stratigraphic distribution of dinosaurs in the Stormberg led Kitching & Raath (1984) to propose the two biozones mentioned earlier — the Euskelosaurus Range Zone in the lower parts of the Elliot Formation, and the Mas- sospondylus Range Zone in the middle and upper parts, extending into the base of the overlying Clarens Formation. A complicating factor in the Maclear case is that the only dinosaurs so far known from the Euskelosaurus Range Zone are prosauropods — no theropods have been discovered to date. How- ever, at least one theropod taxon, Syntarsus, is relatively common in the overlying Massospon- dylus Range Zone (Raath, 1980; Kitching & Raath, 1984). Tracks attributed to Syntarsus are known from Zimbabwe in beds which correlate with the upper Elliot Formation (Raath, 1972). In terms of general morphology, the Zimbabwe ?Syntarsus tracks are similar to the Maclear tridactyl prints, but Syntarsus is too small to have made the Maclear tracks. The identity of the track-maker therefore remains unresolved. The conclusion that these tracks are in Molteno sediments also demands a reassessment of the validity of Ellenberger's (1970) stratigraphic as- signments. ZIMBABWEAN RHYNCHOSAUR AND DINOSAUR SITE. The rhynchosaur specimens and the prosauropod from Zimbabwe were dis- covered during mapping by P.M. Oesterlen of the Zimbabwean Geological Survey, in the Dande Communal Lands in the Lower Zambezi Valley during the late 1980s (Raath et al., 1992). The rocks exposed here range in age from late Palaeozoic to early Mesozoic (Broderick, 1984; 1989; Oesterlen, 1989) and the rhynchosaur material came from beds which Oesterlen mapped as Pebbly Arkose Formation (Fig. 5). This formation is of late Triassic age and is con- sidered an equivalent of the South African Mol- teno Formation (Bond, 1973). Chatterjee (1969; 1980) and Benton (1983) point out that rhynchosaurs fall into three family or subfamily groups whose stratigraphic distribu- tion neatly coincides with the division of the Triassic into early, middle and late divisions. The subfamily Hyperodapedontinae is characteristic of, and apparently confined to, the late Triassic. Benton (1983) includes in this subfamily the East African form 'Supradapedon', which comes from the late Triassic beds of Tunduru, Tanzania, and is very similar to the Zimbabwean form. On these grounds, the Zimbabwean rhynchosaurs are assigned to the late Triassic, and, by association, so is the dinosaur found with them. A late Triassic (Molteno-equivalent) age for the Zimbabwean occurrences is further supported by the fact that, as in the South African case, the typical late Triassic plant genus Dicroidium is found in the vicinity of the Dande rhynchosaur localities, although so far not in direct stratigraphic association with the vertebrates. It is therefore concluded that on stratigraphic and palaeontological grounds, the Maclear (South Africa) and Dande (Zimbabwe) sites show 708 MEMOIRS OF THE QUEENSLAND MUSEUM Formations in the Period Group | Cretaceous | Jurassic Upper Karoo Mesozoic Triassic Cabora Bassa Basin, Dande Sandstone Forest Sandstone Pebbly Arkose (from which the rhynchosaurs and the dinosaur bone come) South African Equivalents [Post-Karoo] Zimbabwe Stormberg Group Angwa Sandstone FIG. 5. Stratigraphy of Stormberg equivalents in Zimbabwe (adapted from Raath, Oesterlen & Kitching, 1992). the presence of dinosaurs during Molteno times (?lower Carnian, Anderson & Anderson, 1984: 40) and, subject to a reassessment of Ellen- berger’s (1970) stratigraphic assignments, these are therefore the earliest indications of dinosaurs in this part of Central Gondwana. ACKNOWLEDGEMENTS I am grateful to the organisers of the Sym- posium on Gondwanan Dinosaurs, especially Fernando Novas and Ruben Cuneo for their in- vitation to take part and for their assistance which made it possible. Similarly I thank the Board of Trustees of the Port Elizabeth Museum, especial- ly the Chairman, John Grieve, for releasing me to attend and for generous support of my trip. Final- ly I thank my colleague Nielen Schaefer and my friends and collaborators on the two projects dis- cussed here, notably James Kitching, Phil Oester- len, John Orpen and Gerald Spilkin for the many ways in which they helped. REFERENCES ANDERSON, J.M. & ANDERSON, H.M. 1984. The fossil content of the Upper Triassic Molteno For- mation, South Africa. Palaeontologia africana, 25: 39-59. BENTON, M.J. 1983. The Triassic reptile Hyper- odapedon from Elgin: functional morphology and relationships. Philosophical Transactions of the Royal Society, London, B 302: 605-717. BOND, G. 1973. The Palaeontology of Rhodesia. Bul- letin of the Geological Survey of Rhodesia, 70: 1-121. BRODERICK, T.J. 1984. A geological interpretation across a portion of the mid-Zambezi Valley lying between the Mkanga and Hunyani rivers, Guruve District. Annals of the Zimbabwe Geological Sur- vey, 9: 59-79. 1989. An interpretation of the geology of the Cabora Bassa Basin, mid-Zambezi Valley. Annals of the Zimbabwe Geological Survey, 14: 1-11. CHATTERJEE, S. 1969. Rhynchosaurs in time and space. Proceedings of the Geological Society, London, 1658: 203-208. 1980. The evolution of the rhynchosaurs. Memoires de la Societe geologique de France, N.S. 139: 57-65. COLBERT, E.H. 1975. Early Triassic tetrapods and Gondwanaland. Memoires du Museum National d’Histoire Naturelle, N.S. A 88: 202-215. COOPER, M.R. 1981. The prosauropod dinosaur Mas- sospondylus carinatus from Zimbabwe: its biol- ogy, mode of life and phylogenetic significance. Occasional Papers of the National Museums of Rhodesia, B., Natural Sciences 6(10): 689-840. ELLENBERGER, P. 1970. Les niveaux paleontologi- ques de premiere apparition des Mammiferes primordiaux en Afrique du Sud et leur ichnologie: Etablissement de zones stratigraphiques detaillees dans le Stormberg du Lesotho (Afrique du Sud) (Trias superieur a Jurassique). Pp. 343-370. In Haughton, S.H. (ed.) 'IUGS, 2nd Symposium on Gondwana Stratigraphy and Palaeontology’. (Council for Scientific and Industrial Research: Pretoria). KITCHING, J.W. & RAATH, M.A. 1984. Fossils from the Elliot and Clarens formations (Karoo Se- quence) of the northeastern Cape, Orange Free State and Lesotho, and a suggested biozonation based on tetrapods. Palaeontologia africana 25: 111-125. OESTERLEN, P.M. 1989. The geology of the Dande West area (Western Cabora Bassa Basin) — a preliminary report. Annals of the Zimbabwe Geological Survey 14: 12-20. OLSEN, P.E. & BAIRD, D. 1986. The ichnogenus Atreipus and its significance for Triassic EARLIEST EVIDENCE OF DINOSAURS FROM CENTRAL GONDWANA biostratigraphy. Pp. 61-87. In Padian, K. (ed.) “The Beginning of the Age of Dinosaurs’. (Cambridge University Press: Cambridge). OLSEN, P.E. & GALTON, P.M. 1984. A review of the reptile and amphibian assemblages of the Stormberg of Southern Africa, with special em- phasis on the footprints and the age of the Stormberg. Palaeontologia africana 25: 87-110. RAATH, M.A. 1972. First record of dinosaur footprints from Rhodesia. Arnoldia (Rhodesia) 5(27): 1-5. 1980. The theropod dinosaur Syntarsus (Saurischia: Podokesauridae) discovered in South Africa. South African Journal of Science 76(8): 375-376. 709 RAATH, M.A., KITCHING, J.W., SHONE, R.W. & ROSSOUW, G.J. 1990. Dinosaur tracks in Trias- sic Molteno sediments: the earliest evidence of dinosaurs in South Africa? Palaeontologia africana 27: 89-95. RAATH, M.A., OESTERLEN, P.M. & KITCHING, J.W. 1992. First record of Triassic Rhynchosauria (Reptilia: Diapsida) from the Lower Zambezi Val- ley, Zimbabwe. Palaeontologia africana 29: 1-10. VISSER, J.N.J. 1984. A review of the Stormberg Group and Drakensberg Volcanics in southern Africa. Palaeontologia africana 25: 5-27. SIGNIFICANCE OF POLAR DINOSAURS IN GONDWANA THOMAS H. RICH Rich, T.H. 1996 12 20: Significance of polar dinosaurs in Gondwana. Memoirs of the Queensland Museum 39(3) 711-717. Brisbane. ISSN 0079-8835. Polar dinosaurs have been found at four localities in the southern hemisphere and eight in the northern. Three groups of dinosaurs, neoceratopsians, ornithomimosaurs and ovirap- torosaurs, previously known only from the Late Cretaceous of the northern hemisphere were present in the Early Cretaceous polar dinosaur fauna of southeastern Australia. Labyrin- thodont amphibians were also represent, but do not occur in the same deposits as crocodilians. Enlarged optic lobes of the hypsilophodontid Leaellynasaura, suggesting enhanced ability to see under low light conditions, is the only adaptation to a polar environment yet recognised in a dinosaur. Polar dinosaurian taxa are not unique at the familial level, but belong to more widespread families. Polar dinosaurs probably lived under cold climates quite unlike those tolerated by modern reptiles. [ ] Early Cretaceous, southeastern Australia, dinosaurs, labyrinthodonts, palaeoclimate. Thomas H. Rich, Museum of Victoria, P.O. Box 666E, Melbourne, Victoria, Australia; 5 April 1996. Only one area within the palaeo-Antarctic Circle has produced dinosaurs — southeastern Australia (Aptian-Albian, early Cretaceous). Four more are known to have been close to the palaeo- Antarctic Circle — southeastern Queensland, Australia (early or middle Jurassic), Beardmore Glacier, Antarctica (early Jurassic), James Ross and Vega Islands, Antarctica (Campanian and Maastrichtian, late Cretaceous) and North Island, New Zealand (probably Maastrichtian, late Cretaceous). In the Northern Hemisphere, eight areas (late Jurassic? to late Cretaceous) are known to have produced dinosaurs within the palaeo-Arctic Circle (Fig. 1). Most of the polar dinosaur material from both hemispheres was acquired during the past twenty years and much of it remains to be described (Table 1). Polar Gondwana may have served as both a refuge and birthplace for some dinosaur groups. From the early or middle Jurassic of southeastern Queensland has come a partial skeleton of one of the earliest sauropods, Rhoetosaurus brownii Longman, 1927. A single astragalus suggests that the well-known form Allosaurus may have persisted into the Ap- tian of southeastern Australia after having be- come extinct elsewhere at the end of the Jurassic. On the basis of one or a few bones, the presence of three groups previously known in the late Cretaceous of the Northern Hemisphere has been suggested in the early Cretaceous of southeastern Australia. An ulna from the Aptian there bears an uncanny resemblance to that of the Maastrichtian protoceratopsian Leptoceratops gracilis from Al- berta, Canada. This suggests that Polar Gondwana may have been the place of origin for the neoceratopsians, for they are known nowhere else prior to the Late Cretaceous. Ornithomimosaurs are represented in the Al- bian of southeastern Australia by femora distinct enough to base a new genus and species, Timimus hermani Rich & Vickers-Rich, 1994. As yet un- described ornithosaur vertebrae are known from both the same Albian site that produced femora from southeastern Australia as well as Aptian sites a few hundred kilometres to the east. This material suggests a presence for this group on the Gondwana continents prior to when or- nithomimosaurs are best known in the northern hemisphere, the late Cretaceous. However, the recent publication of Shuvosaurus inexpectatus Chatterjee, 1993 from the late Triassic of Texas, implies that ornithomimosaurs have had a much longer history in the northern hemisphere than previously suspected. The late Jurassic Elaphro- saurus bambergi from Tendaguru, Tanzania, formerly regarded as an ornithomimosaur, has recently been allocated to the abelisaurs (Holtz, 1994). Oviraptorosaurs, previously represented ex- clusively in the late Cretaceous of the northern hemisphere, appear to have been present in the Albian of southeastern Australia based on a par- tial surangular and a vertebra (Currie, Vickers- Rich & Rich, 1996). Associated with these dinosaurs is the most unexpected and best documented temporal range extension of a major tetrapod group. Two decades ago, labyrinthodont amphibians were thought to have become extinct at the end of the Triassic. 712 MEMOIRS OF THE QUEENSLAND MUSEUM Taloona Station, Queensland, A\ Victoria, Australia Mangahouanga Stream, New Zealand Put T Ue Nm. m James Ross & Vega Islands, Antarctica Beardmore Glacier, Antarctica B PS eee we YOR Y —— =< Ankylosauria Aves Carnosaur Carnosaur footprint Small Carnosaur or Theropod Ceratopsidae — 2 4. Hypsilophodontidae, 5 different genera — lguanodontidae footprint Labyrinthodont amphibian Marsupialia f 2 , € Plesiosaur Prosauropod Protoceratopsian Pterosaur Sauropod FIG. 1. Distribution of polar dinosaurs, Southern Hemisphere (this page) and Northern Hemisphere (facing page). Dinosaur sites in polar latitudes are not common, most having been discovered in the last 20 years. None are fully studied. The higher diversity in southeastern Australia is probably due to greater collecting effort and easier accessibility. When some of the other sites are more fully studied, they may provide similar diversity. Base map from Smith, Hurley & Briden (1981). SIGNIFICANCE OF POLAR DINOSAURS IN GONDWANA 713 Spitzbergen eK Sangarskaya Svita, Siberia e IJ -eK Kakanaut, Siberia Bylot Island, Canada Colville River, Alaska Northwest Territories, Canada Talkeetna Mountains, Alaska Yukon Territory, Canada EN a 4m Geological Age of Site or Sites Crocodilia Dromaeosauridae Hadrosauridae Hypsilophontidae J Jurrassic, 145 - 208 million years Early Jurassic, 178 - 208 million years IJ - Late Jurassic, 145 - 157 million years - Early Cretaceous, 97 - 145 million years Mosasaur Multituberculata ^ Ornithomimosauridae ^ Oviraptosauridae Placentalia Late Cretaceous, 65 - 97 million years Quantity of Fossil Material - Greater than 1,000 bones "o e E 100 - 1,000 bones ee = Stegosauridae Tritylodontid Troodontidae Turtle e Less than 100 bones FIG. 1 (cont.). Subsequent to that, they have been described (Dong, 1985) and late Jurassic of Mongolia from the early Jurassic of Australia (Warren & (Shishkin, 1991). Nearly complete lower jaws Hutchinson, 1983), middle Jurassic of China with teeth, pectoral girdle elements, and ver- 714 tebrae form the basis for recognition of their presence in the Aptian of southeastern Australia (Warren, Kool, Cleeland, Rich & Rich, 1991; Warren, Rich & Vickers-Rich, in press). Crocodilian-like in their overall morphology, the latest survivors of this once dominant group of amphibians may have found a final refuge in Aptian polar southeastern Australia because of a greater tolerance of cold, as is true of modern frogs and salamanders, than the crocodilians which appeared there subsequently in the Albian when conditions became warmer. There is no trace of an Albian labyrinthodont in the south- eastern Australian deposits where crocodilians are represented by a few dermal scutes. Among polar dinosaurs from either hemi- sphere, only one feature of one individual has yet been interpreted as an adaptation to life in a high latitude environment. This may reflect more the fact that very little is known about these animals and less published, than that they rarely displayed marked differences between themselves and their lower latitude contemporaries. The feature in question is the enlarged optic lobes of the brain that occurred on the holotype of the hyp- silophodontid Leaellynasaura amicagraphica Rich & Rich, 1989 from the Aptian of south- eastern Australia. Hypertrophy of this structure formed the basis for the suggestion that this animal had enhanced ability to see under the low light conditions that would have prevailed during the prolonged periods of continuous darkness each Winter. Hypsilophodontid dinosaurs are generally a rare element in most dinosaur assemblages. Even where specimens are relatively common, as on the Isle of Wight, their taxonomic diversity is not great. Southeastern Australia is a marked excep- tion to that generalisation. At least six species in five or six genera occur there; just over half the total dinosaurs recognised to date. Currie (pers. comm.) has suggested that hypsilophodontids may have been primarily an upland group at lower latitudes, hence their general rarity there, and are better represented in southeastern Australia because of its cooler conditions. In this regard it may be noteworthy that the dinosaur known from the late Cretaceous of Vega Island is a hypsilophodontid or dryosaurid (Mil- ner & Hooker, 1992) and that of the four found at Mangahouanga Stream, New Zealand, one is a probable dryosaurid, a family closely related to hypsilophodontids (Wiffen & Molnar, 1989). This explanation for the apparent preponderance of these groups at high latitude may well be true. MEMOIRS OF THE QUEENSLAND MUSEUM However, in the much more fossiliferous Lis- comb Bonebed locality on the Colville River, Alaska, hypsilophodontids are all but unknown despite the extensive sieving programme carried out there (Clemens & Nelms, 1993; pers. obs.). The age of the site is Maastrichtian and by that time there may not have been the variety of hypsilophodontids there was earlier in the Cretaceous. But that does not explain why the one known to occur there is not more abundant. Today, there are no avian or terrestrial mam- malian families restricted to the polar regions. As far as the available record has been analysed, the same can be said of the polar dinosaurs as pre- viously independently noted by Molnar & Wiffen (1994). Although new genera and species have been recognised among them, they all belong to families also known at lower latitudes. However, given the fragmentary nature of much of the evidence for the existance of various groups, this could be an artefact. If one had a single tooth of a litoptem and that group was otherwise unknown, depending on the species, the most parsimonious familial identification might be Equidae. In that case one would be parsimonious but one would be wrong, The recent identification of protoceratopsians in the Aptian of Australia (Rich & Vickers-Rich, 1994) could be a parallel case. On the basis of a single bone, rather than propose an entirely new group of vertebrates which would share an uncanny resemblance in the form of the ulna to protoceratopsians but would in some other way be distinct from them, the specimen was allocated to this known taxon which extended its record not only to another continent but also backwards in time by at least 15 million years. At our present state of knowledge that is an identification which is quite plausible but could well eventually prove to be fundamentally in error. The Gondwanan polar dinosaur localities that form groups of the same age are quite meagre in their total faunal lists, making comparisons quite preliminary. It is fortuituous, however, that in the broadest terms, they share a common facies. Both early Jurassic sites are flood plain deposits and the three late Cretaceous ones, nearshore marine. It may be of some note that the New Zealand late Cretaceous locality shares ankylosaurs and dryosaurids/hypsilophodontids with the two sites in the Antarctic Peninsula, the only two dinosaurs known to occur in the latter region. There is no evidence such as tillites to suggest that continental ice sheets existed during the Mesozoic at high latitudes (Frakes, Francis & SIGNIFICANCE OF POLAR DINOSAURS IN GONDWANA TABLE 1. Gondwana Polar Dinosaur Localities. 1, Mt Kirkpatrick, Beardmore Glacier area, Transantarctic Mountains, Antarctica, 165°E, 84°S Rock unit. Falla Formation (fluviatile) Age. Jurassic on stage-of-evolution of dinosaurs sean 61°S (Smith, Hurley & Briden 1981) Palaeoenvironment. Foreland basin flood plain Recent Reference. Hammer & Hickerson (1994) Fauna. Cryolophosaurus ellioti, plesiomorphic allosaurid (Hammer, pers. comm. to Molnar 1995); Small theropod; Prosauropod; Tritylodon- tid; Pterosaur 2, Australia, Southeastern Queensland, Taloona Station near Roma, 149°03+3’E, 26°05+3’S. Rock unit. Walloon Coal Measures (Injune Creek Group) Age. Early Jurass ic [?Bajocian] Palaeolatitude. 65°S (Douglas & Williams 1982), 56?S ( Smith, Hurley & Briden 1981) Palaeoenvironment. Intracratonic flood plain Reference. Longman (1927) Fauna. Sauropoda: Rhoetosaurus brownei 3, Victoria, Australia, numerous sites centred on 38°45’S, 143°30’E. (Otway Group) and 38?40' S, 145°40’E (Strzelecki Group) Rock units. Strzelecki and Otway Groups (fluviatile) Age. Strzelecki Group Aptian except Koonwarra locality which is Albian; Otway Group Albian Palaeolatitude. Strzelecki Group, 77.8°S; Otway Group, 66.8°S. Minimum estimates because of thermal overprinting between 75 & 100my BP (Whitelaw 1993). Palaeoenvironment. Rift valley flood plain Recent Reference. Rich & Vickers-Rich (1994) Fauna.Hypsilophodontidae: Fulgurotherium australe, Leaellynasaura amicagraphica, Atlas- copcosaurus loadsi, Victorian hypsilophodontid Type 1, Victorian hypsilophodontid Type 2, Vic- torian hypsilophodontid Type 3 Omithomimidae: Timimus hermani Ankylosauria, cf. Minmi Protoceratopsidae: Aff. Leptoceratops Oviraptorosaur? Carnosauria: Allosaurus sp. Testudines: Chelycarapookus arcuatus (tes- tudines) Testudines: Cryptodira 715 Plesiosaur Pterosaur Aves Labyrinthodont: New genus and species (War- ren et al., in press) Ceratodontidae: Ceratodus avus, Ceratodus nargun, Ceratodus sp., Coccolepis woodwardi, Wadeicthys oxyops, Koonwarria manifrons, Leptolepis koonwarri 4, Antarctica, Antarctic Peninsula, James Ross Island, 57.9°W, 63.9°S Rock unit. Santa Marta Formation (Marambio Group) Age. Campanian Palaeolatitude. 65°S (Scotese et al. 1988) Palaeoenvironment. Nearshore marine Recent Reference. Gasparini, Pereda-S. & Molnar (1996, this volume) Fauna. Nodosauridae 5, Antarctica, Antarctic Peninsula, James Ross Island, 57.9°W, 63.9°S Rock unit. Hidden Lake Formation Age. Coni acian-Santonian Palaeolatitude. 65°S (Scotese et al. 1988) Palaeoenvironment. Nearshore marine Recent Reference. Molnar, Angriman & Gasparini (1996, this volume) Fauna. Theropod 6, Antarctica, Antarctic Peninsula, Vega Island, 57.5°W, 63.7°S Rock unit. Cape Lamb Member of the Lopez de Bertodano Formation Age. Late Campanian - early Maastrichtian Palaeolatitude. 65°S (Scotese et al. 1988) Palaeoenvironment. Near shore marine Recent Reference. Milner & Hooker (1992 ). Fauna. Hypsilophodontidae 7, New Zealand, North Island, Mangahouanga Stream, 176°45’E, 39°S Rock unit. Maungataniwha Sandstone Age. Late Cretaceous, Campanian - Maastrichtian Palaeolatitude. 55°S (Scotese et al. 1988) Palaeoenvironment . Nearshore marine Recent Reference, Molnar & Wiffen (1994) Fauna. Dryosauridae, Theropod, Ankylosauria, Sauropoda, Testudines, Plesiosauroidea, Mosasauridae, Pterosauria 716 Syktus, 1992). However, it has been inferred on the basis of the occurrence of dropstones as large as 3m across in finegrained marine sediments deposited during the late Jurassic and early Cretaceous that winter seasonal ice did form at high palaeolatitudes in both hemispheres (Frakes, Francis & Syktus, 1992). In southeastern Australia, studies assessing the mean annual palaeotemperature have been car- ried out on the sediments producing the dinosaurs. Palaeobotanical evidence based on leaf margin and stomatal structure together with the overall composition of the flora have been taken to suggest a mean annual temperature of +10°C (Parrish et al., 1991) while an oxygen isotope estimate is -6°C (Gregory et al. 1989), the difference between Chicago and Point Barrow, Alaska, today. While the biological implications of these two estimates are quite different, they are concordant in that the palaeoclimate was far from tropical. No matter what the palaeotemperature was, polar dinosaurs would had to have adapted to prolonged periods of annual darkness each Winter. There have been suggestions that in the geological past the earth's rotational axis might have been significantly closer to being oriented perpendicular to the plane of the ecliptic (e.g., Douglas & Williams, 1982). If this had occurred, the length of continuous darkness each Winter at high latitudes would have been reduced. How- ever, the criticism of Laplace (1829) against the earth's obliquity having shifted more than a few degrees from its present orientation as it does over a period of about 41,000 years (one of the com- ponents of the Milankovitch cycle), has never been refuted. Of all the polar dinosaur sites, that on the Col- ville River, Alaska (Fig. 1), hasthe greatest poten- tial to yield a detailed picture about these animals. For more than 200km on the left bank of that river are beautifully exposed outcrops that range in age from Albian to Maastrichtian. Fossil bones have been found at many places along that river. By contrast, the potential of sites which are shown as having less than 100 bones is much more problematical. The work on the polar dinosaurs of Gondwana is just beginning. Just how distinctive they were from their lower latitude contemporaries is all but unknown. The Falla Formation of Antarctica seems the most promising area at the moment in terms of future potential. Southeastern Australian outcrops are limited to just 4 square kilometres which have been thoroughly prospected. In MEMOIRS OF THE QUEENSLAND MUSEUM another four years, the major sites there may be worked out. Outcrops of the Wallon Coal Measures are rare in southeastern Queensland. In the Mangahouanga Stream locality of New Zealand the fossil vertebrates are recovered from loose boulders in the stream itself and dinosaur remains are quite rare. The Ross Island occurren- ces, like the New Zealand ones, are marine but unlike there, partial skeletons rather than isolated bones have been found. Although Ross Island is unlikely to produce major concentrations of dinosaur remains, with persistent prospecting over the large available area, it may be expected to continue to contribute significantly to our knowledge of Gondwana polar dinosaurs. Clear- ly, to find significantly more information about Gondwana polar dinosaurs outside the area of the Falla Formation, new areas need to be inves- tigated such as the Cretaceous coalfields of New Zealand (Rich, 1975). LITERATURE CITED CHATTERJEE, S. 1993, Shuvosaurus, a new theropod. Research & Exploration 9: 274-285. CLEMENS, W.A., & NELMS, L.G. 1993. Paleo- ecological implications of Alaskan terrestrial ver- tebrate fauna in latest Cretaceous time at high paleolatitudes. Geology 21: 503-506. CURRIE, PJ., VICKERS-RICH, P, & RICH, T.H. 1996. Possible oviraptorosaur (Theropoda, Dinosauria) specimens from the Early Cretaceous Otway Group of Dinosaur Cove, Australia. Al- cheringa 20: 73-79. DONG Z. 1985. A Middle Jurassic labyrinthodont (Sinobrachyops placenticephalus gen. et sp. nov.) from Dashaupu, Zigong, Sichuan Province. [Chinese with English abstract.] Vertebrata Palasiatica 23: 301-307. DOUGLAS, J.G. & WILLIAMS, G.E. 1982. Southern polar forests: the Early Cretaceous floras of Vic- toria and their palaeoclimatic significance. Palaeogeography, ^ Palaeoclimatology, Palaeoecology 39: 171-185. FRAKES, L.A., FRANCIS, J.E. & SYKTUS, J.I. 1992. ‘Climate Modes of the Phanerozoic’. (Cambridge University Press: Cambridge). xi, 274 pp. GASPARINI, Z., PEREDA-SUBERBIOLA, X. & MOLNAR, R.E. 1996, this volume. New data on the ankylosaurian dinosaur from the Late Cretaceous of the Antarctic Peninsula. Memoirs of the Queensland Museum 39(3): 583-594, GREGORY, R.T., DOUTHITT, C.B., DUDDY, LR., RICH, P.V. & RICH, T.H. 1989. Oxygen isotopic composition of carbonate concretions from the lower Cretaceous of Victoria, Australia: implica- tions for the evolution of meteoric waters on the Australian continent in a paleopolar environment. Earth and Planetary Science Letters 92: 27-42. SIGNIFICANCE OF POLAR DINOSAURS IN GONDWANA HAMMER, W.R. & HICKERSON, W.J. 1994. A crested theropod dinosaur from Antarctica. Science 264: 828-830. HOLTZ, T.R. Jr 1994. The phylogenetic position of the Tyrannosauridae: implications for theropod sys- tematics. Journal of Paleontology 68: 1100-1117. LAPLACE, P.S. 1829. ‘Mecanique Celeste’, vol. II. LONGMAN, H.A. 1927. The giant dinosaur Rhoetosaurus brownei. Memoirs of the Queensland Museum 9: 1-18 MILNER, A.C. & HOOKER, J.J. 1992. An ornithopod dinosaur from the upper Cretaceous of the An- tarctic Peninsula. Journal of Vertebrate Paleontol- ogy 12: 44A. MOLNAR, R.E., LOPEZ ANGRIMAN, A. & GASPARINI, Z. 1996, this volume. An Antarctic Cretaceous theropod. Memoirs of the Queensland Museum 39(3):669-674. MOLNAR, R.E. & WIFFEN, J. 1994. A late Cretaceous polar dinosaur fauna from New Zealand. Cretaceous Research 15: 689-706. PARRISH, J.T., SPICER, R.A., DOUGLAS, J.G., RICH, T.H. & VICKERS-RICH, P. 1991. Con- tinental climate near the Albian South Pole and comparison with climate near the North Pole. Geological Society of America Abstracts with Programs 23: A302. RICH, T.H. 1975. Potential pre-Pleistocene fossil tetrapod sitesin New Zealand. Mauri Ora 3: 45-54. RICH, T.H. & RICH, P.V. 1989. Polar dinosaurs and biotas of the early Cretaceous of southeastern Australia. National Geographic Research 5: 15-53. RICH, T.H. & VICKERS-RICH, P. 1994. Neoceratop- sians & Ornithomimosaurs: Dinosaurs of 717 Gondwana Origin? Research & Exploration 10: 129-131. SCOTESE, C.R., GAHAGAN, L.M. & LARSON, R.L. 1988. Plate tectonic reconstructions of the Cretaceous and Cenozoic ocean basins. Tec- tonophysics 155: 27-48 SHISHKIN, M.A. 1991. Labirintodont iz pozdney yury Mongolii. Palaeontological Zhurnal, no. 1, pp. 81-95. [A labyrinthodont from the Late Jurassic of Mongolia. Paleontological Journal 1: 78-91.] SMITH, A.B., HURLEY, A.M. & BRIDEN, J.C. 1981. ‘Phanerozoic Paleocontinental World Maps’. (Cambridge University Press: Cambridge). 102 pp. WARREN, A.A. & HUTCHINSON, M.N. 1983. The last labyrinthodont? A new brachyopoid (Am- phibia, Temnospondyli) from the Early Jurassic Evergreen Formation of Queensland, Australia. Philosophical Transactions of the Royal Society, Series B, 303: 1-62. WARREN, A.A., KOOL, L., CLEELAND, M., RICH, T.H. & VICKERS-RICH, P. 1991. An Early Cretaceous labyrinthodont. Alcheringa 15: 327- 332. WARREN, A.A., RICH, T.H. & VICKERS-RICH, P. in press. The last, last labyrinthodont? Palaon- tographica, Abt. A. WHITELAW, M.J. 1993. Paleomagnetic Paleolatitude determinations for the Cretaceous vertebrate localities of southeastern Australia-high latitude dinosaur faunas. Journal of Vertebrate Paleontol- ogy 13, supplement to Number 3: 62A. WIFFEN, J. & MOLNAR, R.E. 1989. An Upper Cretaceous ornithopod from New Zealand. Geobios — Paleontologie, Stratigraphie, Paleoecologie 22: 531-536. EARLY CRETACEOUS POLAR TETRAPODS FROM THE GREAT SOUTHERN RIFT VALLEY, SOUHTEASTERN AUSTRALIA PATRICIA VICKERS-RICH Vickers-Rich, P. 1996 12 20: Early Cretaceous polar tetrapods from the Great Southern Rift Valley, southeastern Australia. Memoirs of the Queensland Museum 39(3): 719-723. Bris- bane. ISSN 0079-8835. Early Cretaceous deposits from southeastern Australia record a cold, extensively forested environment. Tetrapod fossils in channel fills, gravity flows, lag and point bar deposits in the Aptian Wonthaggi and Albian Middle Eumeralla formations. The fossils occur mainly in horizontally-stratified, clast-supported conglomerates and massive, matrix-supported conglomerates, Leaf mats indicate that several species of deciduous plants shed their leaves together, presumably in winter. Taphonomy of the lake beds at Koonwarra indicate seasonal freezing. A variety of dinosaurs — including hypsilophodonts, ankylosaurs, neoceratopsians, allosaurs, dromaeosaurs, oviraptorosaurs and ornithomimosaurs — were present as well as pterosaurs, plesiosaurs, temnospondyls and crocodilians. The latter two groups did not occur together and the temnospondyls lived under either cooler or higher-energy conditions than the crocodilians. [] Cretaceous, Australia, dinosaur, environment of deposition, palaeoclimate, temnospondyl. P. Vickers-Rich, Dept of Earth Sciences, Monash University, Clayton, Victoria, Australia, 3168; 5 April 1996. Breakup of Gondwana began in the Late Trias- sic. Australia and Antarctica were the last two continents of the supercontinent to separate, com- mencing in the Late Jurassic. During the Early Cretaceous, between 125 and 105 million years ago, what is now the southern coast of Victoria, Australia, was part of a rift valley formed be- tween the two continents during the initial phase of that separation. As separation continued and sped up, the floor of the rift valley sank. As a consequence of that event, volcanoes that probably lay near the Lord Howe Rise, poured quantities of ash (estimated at 50,000 cubic kilometres) into the rift valley where it was then reworked by the rivers and streams, the precur- sors to the green sandstones and mudstones that now form prominent cliffs for about 200km of the Victorian coastline (Fig. 1). Since that rift valley was formed, Australia has drifted far to the north, while Antarctica remained close to its Early Cretaceous position straddling the South Pole. In the Early Cretaceous southeastern Australia lay well within the An- tarctic Circle. The dinosaurs, other fauna and plants that lived in this region thus contended with prolonged periods of continuous darkness each year, just as musk ox and reindeer do today. However, the geochemical and botanical climatic indicators suggest that the environment in the Early Cretaceous of Victoria was not frigid as are similar latitudes today, and extensive forests clothed many parts of the rift valley and its flanks at times. ENVIRONMENTAL SETTING OF THE TETRAPOD FAUNA A small, but growing, collection of fossil tetrapods are known from several locales in southeastern Australia (Currie, Vickers-Rich & Rich, 1996; Gross, Rich & Vickers-Rich, 1993; Molnar, Flan- nery & Rich, 1981; 1985; Rich & Rich, 1989; Rich & Vickers-Rich, 1994; Rich et al., 1988; 1992; Vickers-Rich & Rich, 1993; Warren et al., 1991). These fossils have been collected from three geologic units: 1, the younger Middle Eumeralla Formation of Early Albian age in the Otway Group; 2, the older undifferentiated Won- thaggi Formation of Aptian age in the Strzelecki Group; and 3, the Aptian San Remo Member near the base of the Wonthaggi Formation. Fossils are concentrated in a few facies within these units: i.e., 1, mainly those preserved as a consequence of rapid deposition in a new channel cut as a consequence of a single major flood; 2, as gravity flows of sediment, either mud or rock debris; and to a lesser extent, 3, lag and point bar deposits within major river systems (A. Constan- tine, pers. comm.). The bones are most commonly preserved in horizontally stratified, clast-supported con- glomerates and massive, matrix-supported con- glomerates. A 'clast-supported conglomerate' 720 refers to one in which the individual pebbles or boulders contact one another, whereas a ‘matrix- supported conglomerate’ is one in which the quantity of finegrained rock between the pebbles or boulders is so great that they do not contact one another. If the matrix could be removed from a clast-supported conglomerate, the volume oc- cupied by the conglomerate would not decrease, whereas in the case of a matrix-supported con- glomerate, it would. The horizontally stratified, clast-supported conglomerates are typically of the order of 5- 20cm thick and are characterised by pebble to cobble-sized clasts formed of clay and mudstone. Such deposits are stratified and contain little car- bonaceous material. This type of bone-bearing conglomerate typically occurs at the base of channel complexes where significant erosion into underlying floodplain claystones and mudstones is evident. Such deposits are interpreted as having formed by streams or rivers breaking their banks during major floods, with the resultant flood waters flowing out over the surrounding flood- plain, picking up bones and plant debris and concentrating them in erosion scours. The massive, matrix-supported conglomerates, on the other hand, differ in that the pebble to boulder-sized clasts are not touching each other. Instead, they appear to be suspended in a finer- grained matrix composed of fine to medium- grained sandstone. Mudstone is again the dominant clast type, and plant remains are not as common. Conglomerates of this type are interpreted as debris flows, which form as the result of bank collapses within the confines of channels. The regional setting for the two geological units that have produced significant fossil collections shows distinct change through time, from a predominantly ‘meandering’ to a ‘braided’ sys- tem upsequence. The older Wonthaggi Formation is characterised by thick floodplain deposits and channels with moderate to high sinuosity. There are thick accumulations of horizontally stratified to low angle crossbedded sediments, which indi- cate rapid aggradation under transitional to high flow regimes — suggestive of occasional flash flooding. The formation consists of about 60% sandstone and 40% mudstone and reflects vary- ing flow regimes, perhaps due to discharge levels controlled by snow melt. Vertebrate fossils have been recovered from a variety of lithofacies within the formation, but mainly from horizontal- ly stratified, clast-supported conglomerates and massive, matrix-supported conglomerates. MEMOIRS OF THE QUEENSLAND MUSEUM The younger Middle Eumeralla Formation con- sists primarily of sandstone (more than 70%) and is characterised by a classic braided river lithofacies and architecture. Sinuosity of channel deposits is low, and the channels were wide and shallow. There are thick sequences of both floodplain and lacustrine sediments with lenses of sand-sized particles representing individual channels stacked one on top of another. Ver- tebrates occur in only a few environmental set- tings, somewhat in contrast to the situation in the Wonthaggi Formation — in the Middle Eumeral- la bones occur predominantly in sediments formed when a channel broke its bank and flowed out over the surrounding floodplain, or in those formed by loading and collapse of non-vegetated sand bars in the main channel during a peak flood stage that caused liquefaction of sand and then down-slope mass flow. THE BIOTA: PALAEOFLORA AND INVERTEBRATE FAUNA AS PALAEOCLIMATIC INDICATORS The palaeoflora of southeastern Australia during the Early Cretaceous was dominated by conifers, ferns, cycads, ginkgoes and lower- growing horsetails and bryophytes. Angiosperms were present, but only as prostrate or small her- baceous forms. The structure and diversity of this flora suggest a mean annual temperature of 8- 10?C (Douglas, 1969; 1971; Drinnan & Chambers, 1986; Parrish et al., 1991). Some plants in this flora were evergreens, while others were clearly deciduous, the best evidence being fossilised leaf mats suggestive of simultaneous shedding of leaves by several species. The evergreen plants possessed leaves with thick cuticle and micro- phyllus (small) leaves. Such leaf morphology is consistent with a climate characterised by sig- nificant variation in temperature throughout the year or a fluctuating water supply — conditions that would be expected within a continental land mass distant from the ocean. Leaf mats themselves are indicative of leaves having fallen in a short period of time — which can be brought on by pronounced seasonal changes in light, temperature or water availability or a combination of these factors. Pronounced seasonal contrasts are ex- pected of such inland environments at such latitudes as was the case in southern Victoria in the Early Cretaceous (Parrish et al., 1991). One unusual locality to have produced fossil plants, invertebrates, fishes and birds, is Koon- warra. Koonwarra is an inland site in the Won- CRETACEOUS POLAR TETRAPODS FROM SOUTHEASTERN AUSTRALIA ANTARCTICA 721 AUSTRALIA FIG. 1. Sketch of junction between SE Australia and E Antarctica in the Early Cretaceous. Separation began in the Late Jurassic and resulted in a rift valley being formed on the interplate boundary. Into this rift valley poured a vast quantity of volanogenic sediments derived from volcanoes perhaps laying to the east in the vicinity of the Lord Howe Rise. Large rivers flowed across the floor of this rift valley, fed perhaps in part by meltwater of snow presumably located at high altitude on mountains on the margins of the rift valley or the volcanoes which produced the volcanogenic sediments. The Early Cretaceous tetrapod and plant fossils occur for the most part in sediments that were laid down in small streams feeding into the larger rivers on the floor of the rift valley. Subsequent to the Early Cretaceous, the sediments deposited on the floor of the rift valley were first lithified as they were buried under additional sediment. Then late in the Cainozoic, these sediments were uplifted to form the Strzlecki and Otway Ranges. thaggi Formation of the Strzelecki Group and represents the remains of an ancient lake. Most other vertebrate sites in southeastern Victoria are coastal exposures, and fossils were deposited not in the quiet waters of large lakes, but in the more energetic riverine and floodplain environments. Insects and other invertebrates, primarily larval forms, recovered from the Koonwarra locality are most closely related to forms typical of cool Tas- manian mountain lakes today (Jell & Duncan, 1986), relationships that are indicative of temperatures similar to those reflected by the palaeoflora. Waldman (1971), who studied the Koonwarra fish concentration, suggested that the entire fossil accumulation may have been due to winterkill — when the lake froze over and oxygen supply was greatly reduced. Further evidence that temperatures were cool and that ice may have formed at times during the year occurs in contemporaneous sequences in central Australia. Boulders up to 3m in diameter have been found in otherwise finegrained marine sediments of the Bulldog Shale near Andamooka, South Australia (Frakes & Francis, 1988). Frakes & Francis have suggested that these boulders dropped to the bottom of the shallow sea as icebergs in which they floated, melted away. Al- though there is no preserved evidence — such as tillites — for glacial activity in Australia at this time, unlike for the earlier Permian time, Frakes has suggested that montane glaciation could have been active and, in places, these glaciers might have reached the sea at the base of drainage systems. 722 In summary, the suite of animals, plants and sedimentological data suggest that the climate of southeastern Australia during the late Early Cretaceous when dinosaurs are known to have lived there, was somewhat cooler than at present, but temperatures were by no means frigid as similar high polar latitudes are today. O!5/0!6 evidence, however, suggests that mean annual temperatures approached 0°C at times during deposition of the dinosaur-bearing sediments. VERTEBRATE ASSEMBLAGES OF THE EARLY CRETACEOUS OF POLAR AUSTRALIA The Early Cretaceous terrestrial vertebrate as- semblages of southeastern Australia are dominated by dinosaurs, in particular hyp- silophodontids. There are at least five genera and six species of this family known from Victoria, half as yet unnamed. The diversity of hyp- silophodontids in these south polar latitudes is unmatched anywhere else in the world, including localites with hundreds of thousands of bones and high diversity in the total dinosaur assemblage. Currie (pers. comm.) has suggested that at lower palaeolatitudes, hypsilophodontids may have been upland forms and thus not frequently repre- sented at the lower elevations where most dinosaur fossils accumulated. Hypsilophodon- tids, then, may well have been preadapted for the conditions of southeastern Australia and conse- quently thrived there. Hyspilophodonts are known from both the Otway and Strzelecki Groups and thus have an age range in these se- quences from Aptian to Albian, with some sites perhaps being as old as Valanginian in the Strzelecki Group. On the basis of femoral morphology, five genra of hypsilophodontids have been recognised. To date, formal scientific names have been assigned to only three of these: Fulgurotherium, Leael- lynasaura and Atlascopcosaurus. Prominent optic lobes preserved on an endocast of Leael- lynasaura suggest that this dinosaur had unusual- ly enhanced ability to process visual signals. In a polar setting, the most plausible explanation for this acuity would be that it improved visual ability under the low light conditions, which would have prevailed during the months of continuous dark- ness of the polar Winter. Since both palaeobotani- cal and geochemical studies suggest that Winter temperatures would have probably dipped below freezing, and since this is a prohibitive tempera- ture for activity of modern reptiles, it is tantalis- MEMOIRS OF THE QUEENSLAND MUSEUM ing to think that Leaellynasaura may have been homeothermic — thus allowing the increased visual acuity to have an adaptive advantage. Other ornithischians in the fauna include an ankylosaur (based on the cross-sectional outline of a rib, a scute and a few teeth) and an Aptian neoceratopsian (based on an ulna with a remark- able resemblance to that of Leptoceratops gracilis from the latest Cretaceous of Alberta). Allosaurids, oviraptorosaurs and ornithomimid theropods are known. An astragalus resembling that of Allosaurus has been recognised in the Aptian Wonthaggi Formation of the Strzelecki Group (Molnar, Flannery & Rich, 1981; 1985). Oviraptorosaurs (Currie, Vickers-Rich & Rich, 1996) and ornithomimids (Rich & Vickers-Rich, 1993) are both known from the Middle Eumeralla Formation in the Otway Group, and ornitho- mimids have also been recovered from the older Strzelecki Group (Wonthaggi Formation). Footprints of small theropods have been recorded in the Otway Group. The neoceratopsian, dromaeosaur and ovirap- torosaur fossils from Australia are among the oldest records of these groups anywhere in the world. Other components of the fauna include the young temnospondy] amphibians, which are rep- resented by more than twenty bones, including a pair of mandibles with the teeth in situ. Two bones of pterosaurs and half a dozen plesiosaur teeth have also been recovered. Evidently the plesiosaurs were freshwater animals, as all sedimentological and palaeontological data point to a fluviatile source for the containing sediments. A few remains of crocodiles have been recovered in the Middle Eumeralla Formation in the Otway Group, but never have they been found together with temnospondyl remains, restricted as they are to the older Strzelecki Group. A warm- ing trend up section in the Aptian-Albian se- quence may explain this apparent faunal change — the replacement of temnospondyls by crocodiles. The Victorian Aptian record of temnospondyls is the most recent for the group anywhere in the world. These amphibians were very crocodile- like functionally — in body form and in tooth morphology. Temnospondyls occur in the older Aptian sediments where temperatures were lower than in the younger Albian sediments that bear a few dermal scutes of crocodiles. Perhaps the rising temperatures allowed the invasion of crocodilians into an area from which they had been excluded by the cold waters, thus bringing them into direct competition with the temnospon- CRETACEOUS POLAR TETRAPODS FROM SOUTHEASTERN AUSTRALIA dyls, followed by extinction of the latter. Today amphibians, such as frogs and the Giant Japanese Salamanders are able to cope with temperatures well below those tolerated by living reptiles. The evidence is suggestive, but not definitive, however, for there is one other possible explana- tion that cannot be ruled out. Temnospondyl fos- sils are known from the Strzelecki Group only in the high energy sediments that represent fanglomerates pouring off the margins of the rift valley. This coarse facies occurs widely in the western exposures of the Aptian Strzelecki Group, but is less common in the younger Aptian Otway Group. Perhaps temnospondyls were facies controlled, and thus their absence is owing to sparsity ofthe coarse fanglomerate facies in the younger sediments of the Otway Group, rather than their extinction by the Albian owing to temperature increase or some other factor. CONCLUSION Although genera endemic to southeastern Australia occur in these Early Cretaceous as- semblages, there is nothing yet recognised as unique as the modern day koala or kangaroo. All of the tetrapods found to date can be readily accommodated in families known from other continents. But what is clear is that in the Early Cretaceous, southern Australia served as a refuge allowing some groups to live well beyond their time elsewhere in the world (e.g., Allosaurus, temnospondyls and some fish and plant groups). This area also nurtured novelty — it may have been the cradle for such groups as the neoceratop- sians, dromaeosaurs and oviraptorosaurs — a cradle from which they dispersed later, northwards, to meet with great success in North America and Asia. LITERATURE CITED CURRIE, P.J., VICKERS-RICH, P. & RICH, T.H. 1996. Possible oviraptorosaur (Theropoda, Dinosauria) specimens from the Early Cretaceous Otway Group of Dinosaur Cove, Australia. Al- cheringa 20: 73-79. DOUGLAS, J.G. 1969. The Mesozoic floras of Victoria, Parts 1 & 2. Memoir of the Geological Survey of Victoria 28. 723 1972, The Mesozoic floras of Victoria, Part 3. Memoirs of the Geological Survey of Victoria 29. DRINNAN, A.N. & CHAMBERS, T.C., 1986. Flora of the lower Koonwarra fossil bed (Korumburra Group), South Gippsland, Victoria. Association of Australasian Palaeontologists Memoir 3: 1-77. FRAKES, L.A. & FRANCIS, J.E. 1988. A guide to Phanerozoic cold polar climates from high- latitude ice-rafting in the Cretaceous. Nature 333: 547-549, GROSS, J.D., RICH, T.H. & VICKERS-RICH, P. 1993. Dinosaur Bone Infection. National Geogeographic Research and Exploration 9: 286- 293 MOLNAR, R.E., FLANNERY, T.F. & RICH, T.H. 1981. An allosaurid dinosaur from the Cretaceous of Victoria, Australia. Alcheringa 5: 141-146. 1985. Aussie Allosaurus after all. Journal of Paleon- tology 59: 1511-1513. PARRISH, J.T., SPICER, R.A., DOUGLAS, J.G., RICH, T.H. & VICKERS-RICH, P. 1991. Con- tinental climate near the Albian South Pole and comparison with climate near the North Pole. Geological Society of America, Abstracts with Programs 23: A302. (abstract) RICH, P.V., RICH, T.H., WAGSTAFF, B., MCEWEN- MASON, J., DOUTHITT, R.T., GREGORY, R.T. & FELTON, A. 1988. Evidence for low tempera- tures and biologic diversity in Cretaceous high latitudes of Australia. Science 242: 1403-1406. RICH, T.H. & RICH, P.V. 1989. Polar dinosaurs and biotas of the Early Cretaceous of southeastern Australia. National Geographic Society Research Reports 5: 15-53. RICH, T.H., RICH, P.V., WAGSTAFF, B.E., McEWEN- MASON, J.R.C., FLANNERY, T.E, ARCHER, M., MOLNAR, R.E. & LONG, J.A. 1992. Two possible chronological anomalies in the Early Cretaceous tetrapod assemblage of southeastern Australia. Pp. 165-176. In Chen, P. & Mateer, N. (eds) ‘Proceedings First International Symposium on Nonmarine Cretaceous Correlations'. (China Ocean Press: Beijing). RICH, T.H. & VICKERS-RICH, P. 1994. Neoceratop- sians & ornithomimosaurs: dinosaurs of Gondwana origin? National Geographic Research and Exploration 10: 129-131. WALDMAN, M. 1971. Fish from the freshwater Lower Cretaceous of Victoria, Australia, with comments on the palaeoenvironment. Special Papers in Palaeontology 9: 1-124. WARREN, A.A., KOOL, L., CLEELAND, M., RICH, T.H. & VICKERS-RICH, P. 1991. An Early Cretaceous labyrinthodont. Alcheringa 15: 327- 332. DINOSAURIAN PALAEOBIOLOGY: A NEW ZEALAND PERSPECTIVE J. WIFFEN Wiffen, J. 1996 12 20: Dinosaurian palaeobiology: a New Zealand perspective. Memoirs of the Queensland Museum 39(3): 725-731. Brisbane. ISSN 0079-8835. The first known dinosaur bone from New Zealand was identified from the Late Cretaceous marine sandstones at the Mangahouanga Stream site in 1980 (Molnar, 1981). Since then isolated bones indicate that a variety of herbivores and carnivores were present after the separation from Gondwana 80-85 million years ago until their extinction. Though geographi- cally polar in origin, survival for a long period on an island landmass suggests a temperate climate prevailed as New Zealand drifted north. [ ] New Zealand, Cretaceous, dinosaur, palaeoclimate, palaeobotany, taphonomy. J. Wiffen, 138 Beach Road, Haumoana, Hawke's Bay, New Zealand, 5 July 1996. The only dinosaur fossils so far found in New Zealand come from the Late Cretaceous Maastrichtian-Campanian marine sediments in the Mangahouanga Stream fossil site, North Is- land, New Zealand. These bones represent a diverse dinosaur fauna and the only record of terrestrial life from Mesozoic New Zealand. They include vertebrae and phalanges from 2-3 species of theropod, vertebrae (Fig. 1A) and a rib from an ankylosaur, an ilium (Fig. 1B) from an or- nithopod and a rib fragment (Fig. 1C) from a sauropod (Molnar, 1981; Wiffen & Molnar, 1989; Molnar & Wiffen, 1994). The bones are found in hard calcareous concre- tions, locally derived from the upper layers of the Maungataniwha Sandstone. This was laid down on the eastern coastline of ancient New Zealand in Campanian-Maastrichtian (Haumurian- Piripauan) times and is now exposed at the Man- gahouanga Stream (Fig. 2). Isolated bones were carried from the adjacent landmass by rivers probably in seasonal floods — the larger bones dropped as the flow slowed through lagoonal or estuarine areas — prior to burial in riverborne debris in nearshore wave base deposits (Crampton & Moore, 1990; Moore & Joass, 1991; Wilson & Moore, 1988). They occur along with fossils of marine origin. The described terrestrial bones are easily recog- nised (Fig. 3) and well preserved, with diagnostic features. So it seems likely that the bones weren’t transported far from land to the site. When ex- tracted from the rock, there is little apparent abrasive damage on the bone surface that oc- curred prior to burial. Most of the damage seen is recent, from exposure after the concretions have eroded out of the enclosing rock and split due to temperature extremes (i.e., winter frosts and hot dry summers), with resulting surfaces worn by running water. SIGNIFICANCE By and large the record of terrestrial life from ancient New Zealand isn’t as good as those from elsewhere. Acid conditions produced by the high rainfall and extensive forest cover are thought to account for the generally poor fossil record (Fleming, 1962). Consequently although the number of dinosaur bones identified to date is small, they are sig- nificant for several reasons: 1) They show that dinosaurs inhabited this part of Gondwana prior to its separation from the Marie Byrd Land area of western Antarctica (Stevens, 1985). 2) They are the first evidence that terrestrial vertebrates survived in New Zealand after its separation from Gondwana, as opposed to having arrived there by dispersal. 3) This is the only known Southern Hemisphere region where dinosaurs lived on a small island, for up to 15-20 million years, unti] their extinc- tion. What evolutionary changes, if any, occurred in these forms in the presumably static island en- vironment, in the absence of migrations to New Zealand and with (presumably) decreased com- petition, are not known. To date no unique fea- tures have been seen to suggest morphological changes or geographic or climatic adaptations: however, considerably more complete fossil material is required to determine this. Although similar taxa have been found from this period in Antarctica (Hooker et al., 1991; Hammer & Hickerson, 1994) no closely-related forms have been detected, in spite of the variety of taxa — ornithopod, sauropod and ankylosaur, 726 FIG. 1. A, Articulated nodosaurian caudal vertebrae (CD 546) from the Maungataniwha Sandstone, Mangahouanga Stream, in posterolateral obli- que view. The specimen unfortunately exceeded the depth of focus of the camera. CD, New Zealand Geological Survey Collection, Lower Hutt. Scale = lcm. B, Posterior part of the right ilium (CD 529) of a dryosaur-like ornithopod from the Maungataniwha Sandstone, Mangahouanga Stream. Scale = lcm. C, Fragment of sauropod rib (CD 542) from the Maun- gataniwha Sandstone, Mangahouanga Stream. Scale = 5cm. probably nodosaurian, dinosaurs — that have been identified from the Mangahouanga site (Molnar & Wiffen, 1994): the ankylosaurid bones found by the British Museum are as yet undescribed. Recent discoveries, which include a neoceratop- sian, Timimus hermani and a possible ovirap- torosaur (Rich & Rich, 1994; Currie et al., 1996) from Victoria, new ankylosaur material (Molnar, MEMOIRS OF THE QUEENSLAND MUSEUM this volume) and a second skull of the large ornithopod Mut- taburrasaurus (Molnar, this volume) from Queensland and a range of new Jurassic material from Antarctica (Hammer & Hickerson, 1994) suggest the early and widespread distribution of dinosaurs on the southern con- tinent. So a greater under- standing of the distributions of these polar dinosaurs, and their relationships to those from New Zealand, should result when more becomes known about these new discoveries. The difficulties of close com- parisons with New Zealand dinosaur bones are due to the paucity of fossil material col- lected and identified to date, hence the difficulty in finding homologous elements for com- parison, as well as the dis- crepancy in geological age from most other Australasian /Antarctic sites. FLORA AND FAUNA The New Zealand marine fossil record is relatively good, and the Mangahouanga Stream site has contributed fossils to both marine (Crampton & Moore, 1990; Glaessner, 1980; Feldmann, 1993; Wiffen, 1981) and terrestrial records — including (possibly fresh- water) turtles (Gaffney, pers. comm., 1989), flying reptiles (Fig. 4)(Wiffen & Molnar, 1988), a coleopteran (Craw & Watt, 1987) and a cockroach, which is still under study (Fig. 5). A considerable quantity of fossil wood and plant material has been collected as well and this is currently being described by J.I. Raine. The available fossil plant material (wood, leaves, seeds and cone scales) is probably biased due to its preservation in shallow wave-base marine sediments — with only the tougher plant material surviving transportation by river to the region of deposition. DINOSAURIAN PALAEOBIOLOGY: A NEW ZEALAND PERSPECTIVE 727 FIG, 2. The Mangahouanga Stream fossil site, showing a concretion eroding from the Maunataniwha Sandstone. Dinosaurian, and other, bones have been recovered from some of these concretions. However eight types of angiosperm leaves and several seed capsules have been recognised and a considerable amount of podocarp-like foliage, similar to present-day material — though araucarian wood, leaves and cone scales dominate the collections (Raine, 1990; Crampton, 1990). It is hoped that ultimately the study of this material, combined with pollen and spore samples, will give a clearer indication of the botanical environment in which these dinosaurs survived. POLAR DINOSAURS? While it is evident that New Zealand’s dinosaur population was subpolar in the geographic sense (Fig. 6) (Molnar & Wiffen 1994), it is not readily apparent that the climate and conditions in which they survived during the subsequent 15-20 mil- lion years were polar in the climatic sense. Water temperatures of 14.3°C are suggested from oxygen isotope studies by Stevens & Clayton (1971) and the marine record shows that plesiosaurs, mosasaurs and turtles were common in offshore waters in the Late Cretaceous. On land, there is evidence of continuous forest and plant growth — e.g., the Jurassic fossil forest at Curio Bay, Southland, the plant beds at Port Waikato, the lignite and plant fossils in both South and North Islands, material from Shag Point and Cretaceous material from Putarau, northwestern Nelson, Kaipara Harbour and Man- gahouanga Stream (Bose, 1975; Edwards, 1926; Ettingshausen, 1891; Johnson, 1993; Kennedy, 1993; Mildenhall, 1970; Stevens, 1985) — which would have been essential to maintain a her- bivorous dinosaur population, which in turn provided the food for the carnivorous dinosaurs. However, palaeobotanical evidence appears to be accumulating to support the view of a cold Australasian polar climate, i.e., dominant an- giosperms that were deciduous, dormant in periods of cold and darkness and dropping all their leaves over a short period to form leaf mats (Vickers-Rich & Rich, 1993; Johnson, 1993), though Pole (1993) suggests that this is still based on scant evidence. If true, presumably the deciduous plants would have, to some extent, replaced the conifers. From a practical point of view, such a deciduous vegetation would seem to have provided a meagre winter diet for the active, medium-sized dryosaur-like herbivorous dinosaur, while having the larger herbivores (sauropods) dependent on foraging for and browsing on fallen leaf mats to sustain life over prolonged periods of darkness and low tempera- ture seems an unlikely scenario. How much nutri- ment could be derived from cold, semi-frozen, fallen leaves alone does not appear to have been calculated, but it was probably substantially lower than in still-attached leaves, because most nutrients are withdrawn from leaves before they are dropped. The feasibility of sauropods of even modest proportions ‘grazing’ on such a leaf mat is unclear, and even the question of how sauropods supported themselves in more temperate climates is unresolved (Ostrom, 1985). There is no evidence that herbivorous dinosaurs roamed New Zealand in large herds, as occurred in North America at this period, and the balance of both herbivores and carnivores would have been ultimately controlled on this island landmass by the quality, quantity, reproductive rate and availablity of the vegetation that formed the food supply. The deciduous vegetation does not appear to have been adequate to support the known dinosaurs through a cold polar winter. Migration was not an option on this relatively small island landmass (Molnar & Wiffen, 1994). There is nothing in the dinosaur bones so far identified from the Mangahouanga Stream site to indicate dwarfism, as suggested for Victorian dinosaurs by Vickers-Rich & Rich (1993): a use- ful strategy if food resources or climatic condi- tions made hibernation necessary for survival. But hibernation for the relatively large dinosaurs (Allosaurus-size theropods and medium-size sauropods) found in New Zealand seems unlike- ly. Even remaining stationary for long periods in groups to conserve warmth would be unlikely for dinosaurs of this large size, while laying down 728 MEMOIRS OF THE QUEENSLAND MUSEUM DINOSAURIAN PALAEOBIOLOGY: A NEW ZEALAND PERSPECTIVE FIG. 4. Pterosaur distal ulna (CD 467) from the Maun- gatanwha Sandstone, Mangahouanga Stream. Scale = Icm. and curling up to keep the extremities warm would be improbable and finding sufficient handy caves to accommodate a number of animals of this size unbelievable. So there are no obvious behavioral strategies for the dinosaurs to have coped with a cold polar winter, either. The difficulty of comparing the environment and dinosaurs from New Zealand and Australia arises from the difference in geological ages of these dinosaur faunas. The Australian dinosaurs range from Jurassic to Early Cretaceous, while Australia was still attached to Gondwana, whereas the only known bones from New Zealand are Late Cretaceous (Maastrichtian, 65- 70 million years) when New Zealand had been adrift — and an isolated island — for ap- proximately 15-20 million years after separation from Gondwana. It would appear that dinosaurs either adapted to whatever climatic changes they encountered over their 15-20 million years of occupation or the climate on the New Zealand landmass remained relatively stable and temperate. Doubtless even with a reasonably stable and temperate maritime climate, as probab- ly existed, there were times when temperatures dropped or rose and conditions were unfavorable for dinosaurian life — with subsequent decreases in population size and reproduction at that time, such as occurs in the wild (and also with domes- ticated) animals today, but so far as is known of insufficient magnitude to wipe out any species before the end of the Cretaceous. A living example of the resiliency that favours long-term survival is the Tuatara (Sphenodon punctatus): to quote Vickers-Rich & Rich (1993), ‘this reptile can live in conditions down to 5°C, as long as it can sun itself . It must be remem- 729 FIG. 5. Fossil cockroach, about 43mm long, from the Maungataniwha Sandstone, Mangahouanga Stream. The head was not found, but the right antenna (a) is present. bered that Sphenodon punctatus was a New Zealand resident prior to and since the separation from Gondwana and that it apparently survived everything, including the Pleistocene ice ages from around 2 million to 14,000 years ago: an example of endurance over a long period of fluc- tuating temperature. Admittedly, the relatively small size and lower metabolic rate of the Tuatara allowed it to hibernate using holes and tunnels made by birds, or tree roots, for shelter. On the other hand the Moas, flightless ratite birds of large proportions whose ancestors are also believed to have lived on New Zealand since it separated from Gondwana, would have had dif- ficulty in hibernating during the Ice Age, but survived until shortly after the arrival of man — around 1,000 years ago. This in spite of their higher metabolic rates and hence increased sus- ceptibility to low temperatures and winter food shortages. These are just two of a number of the forms which are known to have survived, regardless of climatic changes and turbulent geological events, FIG. 3. A, Plesiosaurian vertebrae exposed in a concretion at the Mangahouanga Stream locality. B, Pedal phalanx of a large theropod exposed in a concretion at this locality. Both specimens show the characteristic structure of fossil bone as it is seen in the field and show how the bone can be easily recognised in situ. 730 OX 60S ay NS NZ FIG. 6. Map of Late Cretaceous Southern Hemisphere in south polar projection showing the position of New Zealand (NZ). SP=South Pole. since New Zealand’s isolation 80-85 million years ago — though, as yet, there is little fossil evidence of their long period of residence. So it is not unexpected that the dinosaurs whether ec- tothermic or endothermic — considered by some to be the most successful forms of life on earth — were capable of surviving whatever changes oc- curred within their period of occupation of New Zealand. Especially as these changes seem to have been substantially less great than those un- dergone during the Caenozoic. SUMMARY Although the New Zealand contribution of dinosaur fossils is small at this stage, they do contribute to the overall knowledge of dinosaurs from the southern supercontinent, their dispersal and their survival until their worldwide extinction at the end of the Cretaceous. The fossils show that dinosaurs did inhabit New Zealand after it separated from Gondwana early in the Cam- panian. They are the oldest evidence for ter- restrial vertebrates in New Zealand, and are the only near-polar dinosaurs from the Southern Hemisphere that lived on an island landmass. The climate of New Zealand at that time seems to have been temperate, judging from the dinosaurian and plant fossils. Some plant material suggests that leaves were dropped during the winter forming leaf mats although conifers, not these deciduous forms, still appear to have MEMOIRS OF THE QUEENSLAND MUSEUM dominated the forests in this region. The recovered dinosaur material shows no special adaptations to cold climates. However, the sur- vival of Tuataras and Moas through the climatic variations that occurred in New Zealand since its separation from Gondwana shows that both en- dothermic and ectothermic forms were capable of surviving here for long periods. There is no reason to think that dinosaurs were not able to do So, too. It is hoped that other New Zealand sites yield- ing Mesozoic terrestrial fossils will be found, and that more material will add to what we already know and expand our understanding of dinosaurian life and survival here on New Zealand and our place in the evolution of Gondwanan dinosaurs. ACKNOWLEDGEMENTS I would like to thank Mike Pole, I.L. Daniel and J.P. Lovis for information regarding Cretaceous plant life in New Zealand, J.I. Raine for his con- tinuing study of the Mangahouanga Stream site plant fossils, and R.E. Molnar for his editorial assistance. LITERATURE CITED BOSE, M.N. 1975. Araucaria Haastii Ettingshausen from Shag Point, New Zealand. The Paleobotanist 22: 76-80. CRAMPTON, J.S. & MOORE, P.R. 1989, Environ- ment of deposition of the Maungataniwha Sandstone (Late Cretaceous), Te Hoe River area, western Hawke's Bay, New Zealand. New Zealand Journal of Geology and Geophysics 33: 333-348. CRAW, R.D. & WATTS, J.C. 1987. An Upper Cretaceous beetle (Coleoptera) from Hawke's Bay. Journal of the Royal Society of New Zealand 17: 395-398. CURRIE, PJ., VICKERS-RICH, P. & RICH, T.H. 1996. Possible oviraptorosaur (Theropoda, Dinosauria) specimens from the Early Cretaceous Otway Group of Dinosaur Cove, Australia. Al- cheringa 20: 73-79. DANIEL, I.L., LOVIS, J.D. & REAY, M.B. 1989. A brief introduction on the Mid-Cretaceous megaflora of the Clarence Valley, New Zealand. Pp. 27-29. In Douglas, J.G. & Christophel, M.D.C. (eds) ‘Proceedings of the Third Interna- tional Organisation of Palaeobotany Conference’. (Melbourne). EDWARDS, W.N. 1926. Cretaceous plants from Kaipara, New Zealand. Transactions of the New Zealand Institute 56: 121-128. FELDMANN, R.M. 1993. Additions to the fossil decapod crustacean fauna of New Zealand. New DINOSAURIAN PALAEOBIOLOGY: A NEW ZEALAND PERSPECTIVE Zealand Journal of Geology and Geophysics 36: 201-211. FLEMING, C.A. 1962. New Zealand biogeography, A paleontologist’s approach. Tuatara 10: 53-108. GLAESSNER, M.F. 1980. New Cretaceous and Ter- tiary crabs (Crustacea: Brachyura) from Australia and New Zealand. Transactions of the Royal Society of South Australia 104: 171-192. HAMMER, W.R. & HICKERSON, W.J. 1994. A crested dinosaur from Antarctica. Science 264: 828-830. HOOKER, J.J., MILNER, A.C. & SEQUERIA, S.E.K. 1991. An ornithopod dinosaur from the Late Cretaceous of West Antarctica. Antarctic Science 3: 331-332. ISAAC, M.J., MOORE, P.R. & JOASS, YJ. 1971. Tahora Formation: the basal facies of a Late Cretaceous transgressive sequence, northeastern New Zealand. New Zealand Journal of Geology and Geophysics 34: 227-236. JOHNSON, K. 1993. Ancient leaves write history of forests. National Geographic 148, 2 (‘Geographica’ column: not paginated) KENNEDY, L.M. 1993. Palaeoenvironment of an Huamaurian plant fossil locality, Pakawau Group, N.W. Nelson. Thesis. MILDENHALL, D.C. 1976. Checklist of valid and invalid plant macrofossils from New Zealand. Transactions of the Royal Society of New Zealand, Earth Scienes 8: 77-89. MOLNAR, R.E. 1981. A dinosaur from New Zealand. Pp. 91-96. In Vella, P. & Creswell, M. (eds) *Gondwana Five'. (A.A. Balkema: Rotterdam). 1996, this volume.. Observations of the Australian ornithopod dinosaur, Muttaburrasaurus. Memoirs of the Queensland Museum 39(3): 639- 652. 731 MOLNAR, R.E. & WIFFEN, J. 1994. A Late Cretaceous polar dinosaur fauna from New Zealand. Cretaceous Research 15: 689-706. OSTROM, J.H. 1987. Romancing the dinosaurs. The Sciences 27: 56-63. POLE, M. 1992. Cretaceous macrofloras of Eastern Otago, New Zealand. Australian Journal of Botany 40: 169-206. RAINE, J.I. 1990. Late Cretaceous plant macrofossils from Mangahouanga Stream. P. 111. In Campbell, H.J., Hayward, B.W. & Mildenhall, D.C. (eds) ‘Geological Society of New Zealand Annual Conference, Napier 1990, Programme and Abstracts'. (Geological Society of New Zealand: Lower Hutt). SCARLETT, R.J. & MOLNAR, R.E. 1984. Terrestrial bird or dinosaur phalanx from the New Zealand Cretaceous. New Zealand Journal of Zoology 11: 271-275. STEVENS, G. 1980. ‘New Zealand adrift.” (A.H. & A.W. Reed: Wellington), 442 pp. (Pp. 226-231) VICKERS-RICH, P. & RICH, T.H. 1993. Australia’s polar dinosaurs. Scientific American 269(1): 50- 55. WIFFEN, J. 1981. The first Late Cretaceous turtles from New Zealand. New Zealand Journal of Geology & Geophysics 24: 293-299, WIFFEN, J. & MOLNAR, R.E. 1988. First pterosaur from New Zealand. Alcheringa 12: 53-59. 1989. An Upper Cretaceous ornithopod from New Zealand. Geobios 22: 531-536. WILSON, G.J. & MOORE, P.R. 1988. Cretaceous-Ter- tiary boundary in the Te Hoe River area, western Hawke’s Bay. New Zealand Geological Survey Records 33: 34-37. CONTENTS PART 1 (Issued 1 May, 1996) BENNETT, T. The museum and the citizen.: ..-.i-..--1 Mrd er NAN ciae uela ar rtr ee i o ae eT pa ! TROTTER, R. Women in museums: the shift from second-class to full citizenship. . DERART LT McALEAR, D. First peoples, museums and citizenship. 22.02... isses sonne atgyti iiis 79 TROTTER, R. From monoculture to multiculture: the response of Australian museums 1o multiculturtism , |, 47 TROTTER, R. m Museums: access and participation 6... 2... ce eee cc mane 115 PART 2 (Issued 20 July, 1996) ARNOLD, P.W. & HEINSOHN, G.E. Phylogenetic status of the In'awaddy Dolphin Orcaella brevirostris (Owen in Gray); acladistic analysis bryan iaa sees eee be ebb sede es tensed baa ees 141 BRAILOVSKY, H. & MONTEITH, G.B. A new species of Pomponatius Distant from Australia pe Het. higine reje itan thocorini)...... TET II PME S BULL, K.H. & WHITTIER, J Annual pattern of ani of the Brown Tree Snake (Boiga irregularis) in southeastern Queensland teamed eet eee cps bk tte AER Ur e d nme oda 483 BURWELL, CJ. _ Revision of the Australian genus Microrropesa Macquart (Diptera: Tachinidae: Tachinini).... 211 CLIFFORD, H.T. Geometrical study of a case of Leptophloeium australe (McCoy) Walton from Queensland . . ., 227 COUPER, eh poche: a J.A., MARSTERSON, S.P, & SHEA, G.M, ria naufragus inm et sp.nov., a sand-swimming skink from Fraser Island, Queensland ., 233 COVACEVICH Ni A. & COUPER. Aspidites ramsayi (Boidae); inthe Brigalow Biogeographic Region of Queenslands occurrence, conservation status and ie bibly associations. .......s een 243 COVACEVICH, J.A., COUPER, P.J. & MCDONALD, K.R Lerista allenae (Scincidae: Lygosominae): 60 years from exhibition to extinction? _........- 247 "Two new species of ‘false spider crabs (Crustacea: Brachyura: Hymenosomatidac) from New Caledonia ~. o.. se aea e mte c cece eee Rm mh 257 NG, P.K.L. & DE FORGES, R. The Hymenosomatidae (Crustacea: Decapoda: Brachyura) of New Caledonia, with descriptions of two new genera and two new species... sse ee eee eee eee 263 DAVIE, P.J.F. & GUINOT, D. Two new freshwater crabs in Australocarcinus Davie, with remarks on the Trogtoplacinae Guinot and Goneplacidae MacLeay (Crustacea: Decapoda: Brachyura)............... 277 JAMIESON, B.G.M. & GUINOT, D. Ultrastructure of the spermatozoon of Australocarcinus riparius (Crustacea: Brachyura: Gonoplacidae: Trogloplacinae) |... eer e rn 289 GARDZINSKA, J. New specics and records of Astieae (Arancae: Salticidae) from Australia and Papua New Guinea siasi ironi Ld ad nies Ti IE TEST potatoe T 297 GULLAN, PJ. & STEWART, A.C. A new genus and species of ant-associated coccid aime ise Coccidae: = Myzdecsoiitun] from Canthium Lam. (Rubiaceue)., .. .. Setty ca raia 307 HEALY, J.M. & LAMPRELL, K.L. The Atlantic-Mediierranean Mah. Syria gibba {Oliv Toortalidecs Myon in Port Phillip Bay, Victoria. , vo (2a. 315 MANNING, B. & KOFRON, C.P. Evolution and. zoogeography of Australian freshwater turtles... 0.0.0... esee ese, 319 PATERSON, R.A. & VAN DYCK, S. Perinatal skeletal injuries in em balaenopterid whales... eee nn 333 SEEMENTS. K.D. & RANDALL, J.B. our new records of surgeonfishes (Perciformes: Acanthuridae) from the Great Barner Reef .. 339 STANISIC., J. J New land snails from Boggomoss environments in the Dawson SM socastpm Queensland (Eupulmonata: Charopidae and Camaenidae) , . ; ei ales A STANISIC, J. A new camaenid land snail from the Wet Tropics Biogeographic Region, northeastem Queensland (Eupulmonata: Camaenidae) ....- 2.2... ee eee eee eee eee eee 355 STOREY, RI, & HOWDEN, H.F. Revision of Australoxeriella Howden & Storey in Australia (Coleoptera: Scarabaeidac: Aphodiinae) TAFE, DJ. a GREENWOOD, J.G: A. new species of Schizotrema (Cumacea: Nannastacidae) from Moreton Bay, Queensland .... 381 TAFE, D.J. & GREENWOOD, J.G, The Bodotriidae (Crustacea: Cumacea) of Moreton Bay, Queensland -.....-..-...-..--.-- 391 NOTES x LEE, M.S.Y. i Possible affinities between Varanus ane and 1 Megalanie prisca |. sess 232 COUPER, P.J., COVACEVICH, J.A. & MCDONALD A Bandy Bandy with a difference 2.0... ccc cece k beet ete t eme eme 242 COUPER, PJ., COVACEVICH, J.A., MONTEITH, G.B., JAGO, K. JANETZKI, H. & ROBERTS, L, Feeding habits of the rin p-lailed gecko, Cyrtodactylus louisiadensis .. ........ cessisse 288 HERO, J.M. & FICKLING, S. IRWIN A: Reproductive characteristics of female frogs from mesic habitats in Queensland ..........., 306 Survival of a large Crocodylus proosus despite significant lower jaw loss |... ... iiio. 338 BURNETT, S. & NOLEN, J. Fruit eating by the gecko Gehyra dubia in Townsville 2... 20.00.60. o eee ee ee e 364 DEER, R. Reptile diversity in a Callitris forest in central Queensland's brigalow belt ...............- 390 COUPER, P.J. Nephrurus asper (Squamata; Gekkonidae): sperm storage and other reproductive dala ....... 487 PART 3 (Issued 20 December, 1996) PROCEEDINGS OF THE GONDWANAN DINOSAUR SYMPOSIUM CHATTERJEE, S. & RUDRA, D.K. KT events in India: impact, rifting, volcanism and dinosaur extinction .. 2... .......2..-24- 489 CHIAPPE, L.M. Early avian evolution in the Southem Hemisphere; the fossil record of birds 3n the Mesozoic Of Gondwana . oo... cece ee nee phele-pelepicp sihes etehi oriol o $33 CHIAPPE, L.M., NORELL, M.A. & CLARK, J.M. Phylogenetic position of C Mene (Aves: Alvarezsauridae) from the Late Cretaceous of the Gobi Desert qM" 557 GASPARINI, Z., PEREDA SUBERBIOLA. X. & MOLNAR, R.E. New data on the ankylosaurian dinosaur from the Late Cretaceous of the Antarctic Peninsula. . 583 JACOBS, L.L., WINKLER, D.A. & GOMANI, E.M. Cretaceous dinosaurs of Africa: examples from Cameroon and Malawi ,.., . - CIC Eds f 595 KELLNER, A.W.A. Remarks on Brazilian dinosaurs... sees mr IRR IRI 611 LOYAL, R.S., KHOSLA, A. & SAHNI, A. Gondwanan dinosaurs of India: affinities and palacobiogeography -.......-.. 2.422.222 eee 627 MOLNAR, R Observations on the Australian ornithopod dinosaur, Muttaburrasauras , . TIBUS 639 MOLNAR, te Ben ary report on a new ankylosaur from the Early Cretaceous of Queensland, Australia .. 653 MOLNAR, "e E. LOPEZ ANGRÍMAN, A. & GASPARINI, Z. An Antarctic Cretaceous theropod ,.......2.., essen Penne eee thins de thea sate cee be oe 669 NOVAS, F.E. Alvarezsauridae,Cretaceous basal birds from Patagonia and Mongolia .....-.4...02.2..22, 615 RAATH, M.A. — Earliest evidence of dinosaurs from Central Gondwana .-....-.--.-..-+ vary treme ned 703 ` Significance of polar dinosaurs in Gondwana . . eei atl rre aar E a Sr ET VICKERS-RICH, P. Early Cretaceous polar tetrapods from the Great Southem Rif Valley, sem Austral. eed atdala ai n e ma ries ible ea da ueri Da. a. o. 719 WIFFEN, J, Dinosaurian palacobiology: a New Zealand perspective... esee the deea nee 725 CONTENTS CHATTERJEE, S. & RUDRA, D.K. KT events in India: impact, rifting, volcanism and dinosaur extinction ..............200065 CHIAPPE, L.M. Early avian evolution in the Southern Hemisphere: the fossil record of birds in the Mesozoic of Gondwana). .... 5 ccc cc cece ease oen S ATE A EA hera bend CHIAPPE, L.M., NORELL, M.A. & CLARK, J.M. Phylogenetic position of Mononykus (Aves: Alvarezsauridae) from the Late Cretaceous Ge Ihe GOW DEI oie, canes cena sees ee Leas eka ton eh SR ee er la GASPARINI, Z., PEREDA-SUBERBIOLA, X. & MOLNAR, R.E. New data on the ankylosaurian dinosaur from the Late Cretaceous of the Antarctic Peninsula. . JACOBS, L.L., WINKLER, D.A. & GOMANI, E.M. Cretaceous dinosaurs of Africa: examples from Cameroon and Malawi ............... suu. KELLNER, A.W.A. Remarks on Brazilian dinosaurs... .......... 0000s cece cece ehm hh hen LOYAL, R.S., KHOSLA, A. & SAHNI, A. Gondwanan dinosaurs of India: affinities and palaeobiogeography ................200000- MOLNAR, R.E. Observations on the Australian ornithopod dinosaur, Muttaburrasaurus.......... lese. MOLNAR, R.E Preliminary report on a new ankylosaur from the Early Cretaceous of Queensland, Australia . . MOLNAR, R.E., LOPEZ ANGRIMAN, A. & GASPARINI, Z. ‘An Antarctic Cretaceous theropod POTUM IC aR eae vtr NOVAS, F.E. Alvarezsauridae,Cretaceous basal birds from Patagonia and Mongolia ................ LL. RAATH, M.A. Earliest evidence of dinosaurs from Central Gondwana .........sssessssssseseoesossess RICH, T. | Significance of polar dinosaurs in Gondwana ...........sessssssesssesosussssesessese VICKERS-RICH, P Early ied polar tetrapods from the Great Southern Rift Valley, southeastern PAGINA ies i. ob croce ca EEE ede ea WU OLI ITE SEP RU TRIER WIFFEN, J. Dinosaurian palaeobiology: a New Zealand perspective... 2... 2 oe eee ee eee