Adam Hatch presents... The Strange Dr. Weird. Good evening. Come in, won't you? What's the matter? Surely you're not nervous? Perhaps a story might calm your nerves a little. This story is about a strange cell and a strange magic. I call it... The Summoning of Chandon. In a moment, you and I will take a deep breath and step into the strange world of Dr. Weird. And while you brace yourself, I'd like to do right by my sponsor and say something nice about Adam Hatch. That's not very hard to do, especially right now with the breathtaking fall and winter vines of up to the minute Adam Hatch, now on display in the thousands of Adam stores and authorized dealers from coast to coast. Why not go buy your nearest Adam shop and take a quick look at some of that quality headgear? Believe me, when you buy an Adam, you're buying real quality and correct style, as well as perfect fit. And Adam is one of America's greatest Hatch values. Now, here's Dr. Weird. My story, The Summoning of Chandon, begins in a curious search in a room at the top of a deserted lighthouse near San Francisco. There are three men in the room. One is bound tightly to a chair, his face wet with the first variation of agony. The second is small and ferret-like. The third man is squat with a soft, healthy body and glubbery countenance that makes him look like a frog in his feet. Well, Compton, are you ready to tell us where your wife is yet? You'll never find her, Freddy. She's not as you'll reach. And he put another splinter under his fingernail, Frank. How about I make a tell us where he's got her head, pal? I've got a better idea. Yeah, I've never heard of shaggy Yeah, yeah, have you ever heard of Shandor? The old Hindu who lived down in Chinatown? Yeah, I heard plenty about him. I don't know what not to do with that guy. They tell me one little trick of his called The Summoning. He's supposed to make anybody you want come to you, even from the farthest end of the earth. You mean, he can bring him here even if we don't... Yes, but suppose you go get this Shandor. We'll have him work his spell. And no matter where Compton had his wife hidden, she'll come to us whether she wants to or not. And so, half an hour later, the door of a tiny strange little room, even out of Chinatown, slowly opened. Yes, what is it, please? Shandor? I am called by that name. My boss has got a job for you. He wants you to work him a spell. The one called The Summoning. The Summoning? Yes. That is a powerful and dangerous charm not to be lightly attempted. And yet, it has been ordained for a thousand years that I shall go with you and do as you wish. A few minutes later, Shandor, followed by Fox, was climbing the endless steps that led to the top of the deserted lighthouse, where Frog Stanton and his prisoner were waiting. Madness! This is madness! This obsession of yours is about Ellen, my wife! Yes, obsession! For five long years, I've waited for this moment, the moment when Ellen will come to me, come to me and tell me she's willing to be mine. Now, I see now that old guy tonight, painfully, slowly. That's madness, Stanton! Just because you asked it a million times and she turns you down, it would have been mine if you hadn't come along. No, no, she wouldn't. She was just sorry for you because you... I love the way I do. Like a frog. Yes. I know. She said it made her skin cold after having me touch her hand. Do you think I could forgive that? I went to prison because I was caught stealing money to have my face changed, so she liked me. I told her that. She told you and you told the police. You expect me to forgive that? Stanton, listen to me. Forget this crazy idea of revenge. Let me loose! I've told you the part of your life. It's for your wife, Ellen, to come to me gladly. Kiss me. Me, whose very touch made her skin crawl. If you want to do that, you'll die. Now, for the last time, where is she? She's where you can never find her. Never. You're a fool! Here, Stanton. Here, unconsciously. So, you think you can keep her hidden from me, don't you? What? What? What? You. Yeah. Go on and stand up. I hope you know what you're here to do. This man has called me, Bud. We have a friend, a young woman. She's lost and we can't find her. We want to bring her here. It'll be well paid. I do not use my knowledge for pay. Have you a picture of the one who is to be summoned? Yes, yes, here. Yes, she's young and fair. Now, get busy and get her here. And if your spells don't work, I'll throw you out that window down to the rocks below. Understand? Stanton has no fear of you. First, speaking intent must be lighted. Lail, lail, kum, ha, ka, ba, li. That's not stuff. Shut up, Spott. Get down below and wait there. Okay. You speak first. First, you must call the one who is wanted and ask her to come. All right. Ellen. Ellen. Come to me. Ellen, come. Ellen, come. Ellen, come. Ellen, come. Ellen, come. Ellen, come. We'll learn what happens in just a moment. First, I wonder if we could have a word with you, Dr. Weird. Yes, yes, young man. What is it? Well, your program really scared me tonight, doctor. I want you to give me something for my frenzied nerves. Just say, what's that thing you're carrying around? Is it? Yes, a human skull. Well, look, doctor, never mind about my nerves. Just go away for a minute and we'll all think about something nice. Gentlemen, I hope the next time you go by your nearest Adam Hat store, you'll find time to step inside for a brief look around. Believe me, that fall and winter line of hats just arrived really represents a fine assortment of quality. Prices, you'll notice, run from only $3.45 up to $10. Buy your size in a famous Adam Five, one of America's greatest hat values, which features the most direct, up-to-the-minute styles in genuine fur-fell. Men choose Adams because an Adam just naturally does something for a fellow. The ladies certainly agree with that. That's why so many ladies are giving their men Adam Hat gift certificates for Christmas. That way, he makes his own selection of size, color, shape at any time he freezes, just by presenting the gift certificates at any one of the thousands of Adam Hat shops and authorized dealers from close to close. This Christmas, madams, give him an Adam. Now, stop the music. Now for the rest of my story, the summoning of Shandor. In the tiny room at the top of the deserted lighthouse, an edition Shandor sounds the gong, which summons the nittings from wherever they may be. Ellen come, Ellen come, Ellen come. She comes, she is almost here. That gong, what is it? Oh, you come too. The Shandor comes. And even summoning your wife. Ellen is coming. She's almost here. No, no, that's not possible. It mustn't be. But it is. She's almost here now. No, no. She is not this case, my friend. She comes gladly. What is this? She neither seen nor hear. What is to happen? Look into my eyes. There. Now there is a boil over your senses. What is it? She is here. She whom you have summoned has come to you dressed in white and veiled as a bride. Ellen, you come. You called me and I came. Ellen, I've been waiting five years for this moment, Ellen. I come. I was glad to come. Let me lift this veil you are wearing so I can see you. Your face, your eyes, your hair. I will lift it then. No, no. Now take me in your arms. No, no, no. You summoned me. You cannot turn from me now. No, no, no, come here. I'll shoot you. I'll kill you. You summoned me. I shall remain with you as long as you live. You still come and talk to me. That sort of voice hits you. Why else are you dead? You summoned me. We shall be together always now. Always. No, no, don't actually. No. No. He summoned me and I came. Now I must go back. Go back. Yes, you must return once more from whence you came. It was a great gift that I was glad to come. Tell my husband not to dream. I was glad to come. I was sad, but now I must go back. Now, my friend, you may... Arise. Your shoulder. What happened? Oh, it's been... It's broad like one who's sore with injury. It's been a long day. Oh, it's been a broad like one who's sore with injury. They're gone. Then your wife young Gwyn and his daughter Kate. Madly but to King. She leaped to his death on the rocks below. Her face. It was horribly mutilated from the accident that she was killed. She was buried in her wedding dress and veil. She said she was glad to come. But she couldn't have come. She's dead. She's been buried. Oh, yes. Well, do you feel calmer now? Quite a powerful spell, wasn't it? So powerful that it would even pull the dead from the grave. Oh, you don't believe of where there is? I'm glad. You'll sleep better tonight. Or perhaps. Don't trust in on me again soon. I'm always home. Let's look for the house on the other side of the cemetery. The house of Dr. Weir. That man will be back in a moment with a road about next Tuesday night's program. Soon while, between now men, why not buy an Adam Hack Christmas Whip certificate for the man in your life. The Adam Hack Christmas Whip certificate come inside a miniature hack box with a miniature hack. It can be redeemed at any time at any of the thousands of Adam Hack shops and authorized dealers pre-opened. Give an Adam Whip certificate so that he may choose exactly the size, color, and shape he wants at any Adam Hack store for authorized dealers. Prices, $3.45 to $10. For Christmas, madam, give him an Adam. Now, Dr. Weir. I hope you'll drop in on me again next week. I want to tell you a story I call Death in the Everglades. A story about a young couple who couldn't wait for their uncle to die and leave them his money. They went into the Everglades together, but their uncle's friend was greater than to say it. It's because they think that the rest of the story will have to wait until your best music to ignite. Join us next week at the same time for another business with the Strange Dr. Weird. The Strange Dr. Weird, directed by Dr. McGregor, is presented by the makers of Adam Hacks, the hacks that are always tough in quality. This is mutual.