I. Rains Dr weird. Good evening come in won't you. But what's the matter you see the bit nervous. Cemetery outside the house is up to. But there are things far worse than the cemetery for instance a ship it seems a ship doomed by fate in the story I want to tell you tonight story I call. Murder ship. A. Story begins aboard a coast wise line the S.S. Arctic star and it slowly gropes its way to a thick all enveloping great fog on one of the decks of the line a man and a woman stand by the rain I look no you don't want to go a show broke to you I'm afraid I can't tell you I saw this guy have a bank roll he's carrying at least twenty thousand and it's too dangerous nothing to it the tour was going to stay you hold his attention and I let him have it with a knife when we got two hours from now you and me just walk up the ship with the other five hundred past we'll be on a train in New York with twenty G's in our pockets before they even discover the body I have a feeling that will be caught please give it up all right that's the way I want it then you and I are through it I mean I do you I don't unless you put this job with me all right. I do whatever you say. That it's a little bit I forget what you're supposed to do. I. Want to. Have it and we can. Go to send it are you Mrs and I will thank you and I would like to have a drink with us before we talk why I'd like to very much but I have a much better you can spend a few minutes with you put it that way I guess. That. Me. Was that bank roll it is. Here it is look at the size and a see how it is let's get out of here. And. Well. What team six on the. Team. One. The love of twenty one thousand well maybe it was a way to read it is only let's get out of here I have a feeling. Like a collision with another ship my let's get up on deck. I was wrong I'll seem to be able to open the door the only way out of here and break it down. A. To follow if we don't get out of here we'll go down with a ship that we all somehow here is like the dog out of. Help when they will be seven of us. I don't say that really. Getting. A. Not your. Coming out of the door. Doctor weird mystery will be continued shortly they bought away doctor is mystery or so pleasure young man what could be more pleasant and missed well music for instance that music why of course you ever heard my thinking of change doctor I'm afraid you've got me wrong I mean the kind of music men hum or whistle when they feel on top of the world and gentlemen one of the many things that give you that tip-top feeling is the pleasure of being well dressed perfect taste is the criterion and in fact there's nothing smarter than an atom from them to turn your Adam hat gives off that look of quality you see quality in a carefully molded shape and in the richness of the genuine all for a felt and in the subtle color shade next time you pass an Adam hat door or authorized dealer stop in and try on an atom once you see and wear an atom hat you'll agree that today and before Adam is one of America's outstanding at value now the good doctor weird now I'll finish my story murder ship is a half hour since the SSR fixed I was rammed and started thinking trapped in the stateroom of the late Mr. Abbott Larry and Milley find themselves way steep in water Larry fear in his eyes and by the porthole looking out at the water which threatens any moment to burst through and claim their lives in the eerie semi darkness of the stateroom really thought it was going to die I know we don't say that but what a surprise that must cause the ventilator grating room their height now the pressure the air is holding the water that difference doesn't make we can't get out and they send divers down the rescue like I said men trapped in sunken submarine but no one knows where it's at in the end always a chance. If we could find it. It doesn't seem to be moving anymore before the state of it still standing up because about a ship on the bottom of the stars above it. The air pockets in the stairs like in the state I know I'm going to die. Though it's a chance to rescue. How long have we been trapped in the. I'll be glad when it's over with it. Can't. Go to the. Port. Really. Know we had a flat line of something that's going to let you know. I'm going to let it in the second. Only look up only a few people I was the light of the one side of the portal to the other. He's waiting to find out something to us only a four fingers but you know what that means will be rescued in four days. I don't know but they'll do it somehow we have to do it hang on for a day. But a single back so I know we understand. The four fingers I'm holding up. Waiting for. Settling to the surface. Of putting them up. It's gone. Good and down a diving bell or something like that I got a study in the only time. I want to be off the gym and he doesn't hold out. Right. And they're not being up here and here the last two people for four days. I can't afford to take that. Yes no you're not. I'm not going to let me can allow you to breathe the air that they say. I don't like to get that gun. I don't think I can get it to me and I got a gun. I. Don't. I. Didn't want to show. You made me do it. Very. Well I'm alone. I don't have to feed under the service. Very. Very don't look at me like that. Please don't get me like that. I'm getting at me. I can't get any longer. The portal. I want to get with you another minute. A. Little. Little. Little. Little. All right Mike take it easy. You can tell me whatever you have to say. And. Take it easy. George George you never believe what I thought on their mind I suppose. But I do people have to one of the state rooms on that ship what a man and a woman that happened to take from one D deck you sure I'm positive they signal to me I'll be down and away I figure it's only a lie because there's a room is an underwater air pocket how far down is that state room and the port is about six feet below the surface six feet high that's a break as soon as it's low tide the poor old be just out of water we can get him out easy if you think I'll let them I sure I held up four fingers to show that we'd have them out in four hours fine it's so close to the surface we shouldn't have any trouble at all in four hours we'll have not only a safe and sound. a few more. I'll be able to escape and get away from you and you'll be able to get. Millie should have known that as soon as she got the poor hole open the water rushing in would keep her from getting out. Too bad wasn't it such a nice couple that's so unlucky to die in such a horrible way only six feet below the surface more because they couldn't wait just a little while long. They have bodies are buried in the cemetery right outside my door. Perhaps you'd like to visit their grave and you have to go now to bed but perhaps you'll drop in on me again soon I'm always home just look for the house on the other side of the cemetery my house of Dr. Weir.