Hi there folks, this is Ken Minard kind of getting saddled up here to spin another yarn You know, it's right nice day out here at the Diamond K. Ranch sunny and warm Makes you feel like maybe traveling a little and traveling reminds me of circus and Wild West shows You see the story I'm going to tell you happen just after I joined Colonel Rockwell's Wild West show and Indian Congress And Tarzan plays him out even part in part two. I Just Wish you could see the gold and silver mounted saddle hanging here on the rack I'll tell you Tarzan is mighty proud of it, too But that's part of the story I'll tell you in just a minute from the tack room of Ken Minard's Diamond K. Ranch We're bringing you stories of adventure transcribed stories of circus life Fascinating tales of the Old West where cowboys still follow the cattle trails stories of rodeos and parades Colorful legends of the Red Man hidden gold and buried treasure The exciting tales from the Diamond K are told by Hollywood's champion of Western stars Internationally famous Ken Minard and while Ken's getting ready to spin his newest Wild West yarn Here's something to think about buckaroos. Do you know what every cowboys favorite pastime is? Well, sir after the chores are done whether it's watering the horses a pitching hay or rounding up the cattle The boys just kind of drift together to chat a bit and first thing You know one of them is telling a story now cowboys just love a good story And that's why we think you'll get a big kick out of having a set of real Western stories to hear any time You have your chores done now. I'm talking about the exciting record album of Ken Minard Wild West stories It's a beautiful album all in color with two of Ken's favorite stories inside on big eight-inch unbreakable records We've pictures of Ken and Tarzan right in the records and best of all these records are personalized Made just for you and with a personal message from Ken to you right on the record. He'll say hello there dick This is Ken Minard with a story for you or he'll say hi there Jack or Jim or Sally Whatever your name is buckaroos Ken Minard will call you by name right on the record and then tell you his stories exciting I'll say it's exciting and you'll be the talk of the neighborhood. And do you know how you can get this diamond K record album? Why just send your name and address to Ken Minard and care of this station and enclose a $1 bill That's all just a $1 bill and your name and address and say Records these records are standard 78 rpm speed for the regular kind of phonograph that Everybody's played for years and say you'll play your records over and over again But send now you've got a lot of fun coming your way for only $1 Now here's Ken all set and ready to go with our rip roaring yarn Well, it was the opening night of Colonel Rockwell's Wild West show in Indian Congress a night of excitement a night of adventure As the gates of the big arena swung open thousands of eyes saw the colorful grand entry as it passed in review Bands were playing and the horses were prancing to the stirring music of the old west It doesn't the true prairie wagons circles and made camp in the center of the arena Campfires were lighted in the distance the sound of drums of war cries pierced the night air From out of the darkness a band of savage-looking Apaches raced in the camp with smoking guns and lighted torches and the mock war was on As the crowds stood up to cheer the show began Start to make sure hair stand on in reckon. That's why I tore us and be joined up with Colonel Rockwell We wanted to do a little fast ride Well, we've been with Colonel Rockwell for about three months when the show opened for a week at Oklahoma City You know what here in this part of the country where the Oklahoma kid had made quite a name for himself Bank holdups and train robberies were all in the work of the kid. He built up quite an organization and reputation I'd heard many stories about the kid I started out as a bronc rider with some Western show but the hankered for easy money got the best of them So he took to Robin and stealing there's one thing about him. He never could resist hanging around a Western show if he was anywhere within riding distance Reckon the excitement of bands and parades and bucket horses were stealing his blood Well, sir, it was a couple of hours before showtime I was sitting outside of the Colonel's trailer that served his office and general hangout place for most of the farmers Rockwell came out of the door stood looking up at the sky Stuck his hands in his pocket and put his thumbs in his suede vest and grin Couldn't be better can he said not a cloud in sight and it's kind of cool off a little too He kept right on talking as he sat down the trailer steps Well, I let him talk for a while next to his show he liked talking most when he stopped for a breath I said to him Colonel there are rumors that the Oklahoma kids been seen around here You should have seen his face. It puffed up red like a big turkey gobblers. Then he exploded Why that farmers got no business hanging around here get the sheriff Maynard Before I had a chance to get up in tool off a little oh, then he started to chuckle What am I getting so worried about he said why the kid wouldn't bother us. We're not big enough for him He wouldn't be satisfied with anything less than a bank If I got up then from the steps of start towards the crowd as I said Just the same Colonel if I were you I'd kind of keep my eye on the cash box tonight Well, I walked on down to the crowd and I want to take a look at Tarzan Besides is about time to start getting ready for the grand entry I passed the Indian camp and everything was quiet except five or six of them were huddled around the group doing some confidential talking That seemed a little strange to me. You see I've been around in is a good part of my life I knew their customs and a group up like that wasn't one of them then to they had the war paint on Ready for the show and it was a little early for that. I thought then I kind of chuckled to myself What's the matter with me? I got no reason to be jittery. I'll just let the Colonel worry about the kid When I got to the crowd Tarzan had been trotting around the circle till he trampled a hard trail Then he saw me and come right over and put his head on my shoulder just like he wanted to tell me Just like he wanted to tell me something. Well, also that may sound kind of strange to some folks But most animals have a mighty keen sense of telling when something is going to happen But it was time for the parade to start and I didn't have time to try to figure out what was bothering him Well, the show went off without a hitch before one of the biggest crowds I've ever seen and the Colonel was as happy as a schoolboy at vacation time When the crowd broke up I saw him cash box in hand start to the trailer to stash away the money in the old safe He'd caught it all the way from Kentucky Show ran a little long at night so it was kind of late before I got Tarzan ready to bed down I noticed he was still nervous and excited. Of course that wasn't too unusual A horse like any other performer gets a little keyed up during the show So I went back to the trailer to polish my target gun Must have been half an hour later when I thought I heard Tarzan winning I hurried to the door and looked out. Corral lights were still on As I looked in his direction I saw him leap the pole fence and start to gallop towards the arena where the Indian ponies were corralled I knew then something was wrong. I grabbed the rope that hung on the peg by the door and started to cross the lock Then I heard it. A shock. A dull heavy thud like a Muffle 45 and it came from Colonel Rockwell's trailer Well folks, now you'll just have to excuse me for a minute and my storytelling while I get a drink of water here Sitting in yarns makes a fellow kind of thirsty. Ah, I feel a sight more comfortable after that Say, speaking of comfort for just a minute, you know if a man doesn't feel good and comfortable he can't do his best work or enjoy his play Just for your information I feel my best when I'm dressed comfortably Now you know my favorite outfit when I'm working or just loafing around is my K-shirt and a pair of jeans And you'd be surprised how many young buckaroos are agreeing with me. Kids all across the country are writing in and asking for a K-shirt like mine I told you about it before. It's a comfortable cotton shirt made like a T-shirt in the color of desert sand with my own diamond K brand In bright red on the front and tars and me looking right at you Now if you want to join the gang that's wearing my own private K-shirt all you've got to do is send me your name and address Tell me what size you wear. Size 2, 4, 6, 8, 10, or 12 and close one dollar bill for the fellow that makes them Pretty fancy shirts for just one little old dollar. You get a lot of wear out of them. Be sure and send your size now 2, 4, 6, 8, 10, or 12. Ask Mom. She'll know what size you wear Now getting back to Colonel Rockwell's Wild West show like I said Tarzan had jumped the fence and gouged towards the arena where the Indian ponies were corralled But it wasn't until I heard the shot, a dull heavy shot, like a Muffle 45 that I knew what Tarzan was up to As I ran towards the Colonel's trailer I seen the five Indians that had been talking together earlier in the evening They were racing across the lock straight for the arena corral. My hunch was right. They'd been cooking up something I got to the Colonel's trailer, threw open the door and inside crumpled on the floor lay Colonel Rockwell The bullet hole through his shoulder. I stooped over to help him when his loud voice boomed I'm all right Maynard. Never mind me. Get them low down varmas. They got away with the money As I raised him up and propped him back against some cushions he said, can you beat that son? I was worrying about the old old McKitton. It wasn't him at all but some of them sneaking redskins that I've been feeding Colonel I wouldn't be too sure they were Indians I said. He pushed me aside as he barked Never mind fussing over me. I'm all right. Get out there and stop them As I started for the door he said, what do you mean Ken? Not Indians. They still had their war paint on I stopped at the door and looked out. The lot was filled with people. The whole camp had heard the shots Someone had turned the floodlights on. Then I saw the arena corral. The gate was open and the ponies were gone And there kind of back in the shadows the five Indians who had run from the Colonel's trailer were being held Well I heard it over to find out what was going on and just as I suspected in the scuffle some of the color rubbed off the skins and showed white They weren't Indians at all but five of the Oklahoma kids gang decked out to look like Indians He was pretty smart the way they'd planned this. You see they figured they'd plant their horses right along with the Indian ponies And as soon as the show was over and everything was quiet they grabbed the cash box and headed for the arena corral They figured if they played it smart nobody would suspect them Well sir they might have gotten away with it if they hadn't have been for old Tarzan The next morning the Colonel sent for me to come over to his trailer. He was setting up in bed looking as chipper as you please Main earth he said, what's this I hear about the horse of yours putting over one of them things on the outlaw? Come on don't just stand there out with it Well Colonel I said you know Tarzan knew there were some strange horses in that corral animals could sense things like that And he knew something was wrong when he heard the shot after the show was over so he jumped the fence and opened the gates And let all the ponies away before the strange Indians could get to them Opening gates is the trick I've been teaching you Well the Colonel leaned back in bed and chuckled by thunder he boomed and that loud voice of his Can you beat that? You know something Main Earth he said He's gonna have the best gold and silver amount of saddle that money can buy Why that blamed horse is smarter than I am Hey Ken that sure was a thriller But you know when you finish a story I just keep wishing there was more because I really go for a good western story And I'll bet you young buckaroos listening feel a lot like I do You never get enough of hearing good stories And that's why I think if you haven't already ordered your Diamond K record album of exciting Ken Maynard stories You're losing time that you could be enjoying them Now you know this beautiful color album contains four sides of stories on unbreakable 8 inch records of standard 78 rpm speed And don't forget they're made just for you with a personal message from Ken Maynard Hollywood's champion of western stars Wait till you hear him say hello George or Tom or Hazel or whatever your name is And he'll say it right on the record they're personalized just for you Why it's the biggest value I know of for just one dollar two records in an album to complete wild west stories with pictures of Ken and Tarzan inside and out for only a dollar Just send your name and address to Ken Maynard in care of this station and close a one dollar bill Don't wait any longer to get in on all this fun Now here's Ken to tell you about his next exciting story Well folks this is Ken Maynard and Tarzan This is the door of the Diamond K Ranch Pack room till next time we meet When I'll tell you a mighty fascinating story called The Squall Man's Fortune In the meantime be sure to get your one dollar bills in the mail for some real western fun You've been listening to Transcribe Tales from the Diamond K told by Ken Maynard internationally famous cowboy and Hollywood's champion of western stars Tales from the Diamond K was produced in Hollywood