Sy —_ THe Eem) City eS Suc For 1904. \ NURSERY ComPANYS | —_———— a Important to Purchasers READ CAREFULLY PRICES. Single-rate prices are for less than five of a kind. . Ten-rate prices are for five or more and less than twenty-five of a kind, Hundred-rate prices are for twenty-five or more and less than 250 of a king Thousand-rate prices are for 250 or more of a kind. We cannot agree to fill small orders for a few of a kind for less thay single rates, as it oftentimes takes one over many acres of ground to fill 4 single order, and the proportionate expense of digging and packing orders must be taken into account. SPEGIAL DISCOUNTS. ‘To those who send us orders for less than five of a kind amounting to the following: i Orders amounting to $10.00, a discount of 5% from single-rate prices. Orders amounting to $30.00, a discount of 10% from single-rate prices, Orders amounting to $50.00, a discount of 15% from single-rate prices. Orders amounting to $75.00, a discount of 20% from single-rate prices. Orders amounting to $100.00, a discount of 25% from single-rate prices. Special discount on larger orders. Send us list for estimates. These discounts do not apply to grass seeds, see page 3o. TERMS. Cash in advance from unknown parties who do not furnish satisfactory reference. We send invoice at time of shipment of order, and should any errors be noticed on receipt of goods notify us immediately and we will do all in our power to rectify same. HOW ORDERS ARE SHIPPED. We ship all large trees and other bulky orders, which are to go outside the city, by freight, unless otherwise requested. Medium sized orders can be shipped by express. This way is especially advisable where immediate arrival is desired. PACKING. We make nocharge for packing excepting in cases where large, bulky stock is sent or where we are requested to ship with carefully preserved balls of earth, etc., which necessitates devoting more time and packing material than is usual. In this case a charge covering actual costs is made. DELIVERY. All orders for New Haven are delivered by our teams free, and while we do So as promptly as possible the nature of our business is such that we cannot agree to deliver small orders at any specified time. All other orders are delivered to the local freight and express companies. After receiving receipts from forwarders our responsibility for their safe arrival ceases. Should orders not arrive promptly, if we are notified, we will have the tardy shipment traced. ORDER EARLY. Do not wait until you are ready to plant before ordering, but place your order at once if possible. We will hold such orders subject to further directions if requested. ‘The actual shipping season is so short that much is gained both to the planter and the nurseryman when orders are booked as far in advance as possible of the actual shipping season. HOW TO REACH US. Our nursery and office are located at EDGEWOOD, Edge- wood Avenue, just beyond Edgewood Park. The Edgewood Avenue cars pees the nursery, connecting with the cars from the R. R. Station at the ew Haven Green. LANDSCAPE DEPARTMENT. All inquiries for this work are turned over to Ernest F. Coe, Landscape Architect. Write to him direct for terms. PRACTICAL SUPERINTENDENCE AND GENERAL PLANTING. We have in out employ workmen competent to carry out landscape and general garden work either from plans or without, also those who know how to plant trees, etc., if a proper manner. Parties wishing us to furnish such service will do well to arrange with us as early in the season as practicable. GRADING AND TURFING. We have every facility for doing this work, and know how to establish fine velvety lawns. : Specimens for Immediate Effect T the nursery we give special attention to growing into large sizes many ae 4 of fruit and ornamental trees, shrubs, vines, etc., for by their use mut quicker results can be obtained than by the use of smaller stock. We have now a limited number of fruiting sizes in Apple, Pear, Cherry, Plum and Quince trees, also many fine specimen shade trees, shrubs and roses. wee ticular attention is called to our large collection of specimen evergreens, ready for immediate effects. The number of these specimen plants is always mol’ limited than of the smaller grades. A visit to the nursery is desirable wheté the selection of individual specimens is desired. All orders and other communications should be addressed direct to our office. THE ELM CITY NURSERY COMPANY EDGEWOOD, Edgewood Avenue Electric Cars to Nurser Telephone % New Haven, Connecticut AE DORMAR LATHOSRAPHING 02 REN HAVEN, CONK: eke Se ur _ —Purseries. N offering this revised catalogue it | is gratifying to us that our efforts to supply carefully grown nursery stock of the choicest kinds has met with so ready a response from an appre- Ciative public. This has made it possi- ble to very much extend our facilities until now our stock is one of the most extensive in the country. Within the last two seasons we have so ddded to our business, by largely increased plantings, office, storage, packing and stable facili- ties that we can handle our rapidly increasing business with economy and dispatch. We like to have those who buy our trees and. plants report freely to us of their successes and failures, which brings us more closely In touch with ultimate results, which are so largely dependent on after culture, location and exposure, that we should not be over praised when success follows, nor condemned for failures. A nursery catalogue is by its very nature often per- plexing. Where such a variety of items are listed and the Names, at least many of them, appear so formidable, no Catalogue compiler has so far succeeded in so presenting the required information in such a way as to be perfectly satis- factory, With this catalogue we have endeavored to arrange the lists so that the sizes and prices of what we have to offer Can be readily referred to as well as giving brief descriptions of ad number of newer and more desirable offerings. How- ever, if you fatl to find just what you are looking for write to Us, and your inquiries will have our careful attention. We are always glad to advise with those who ask it and can, oftentimes give suggestions which will be of mutual benefit. We know well that the ultimate success of our business. is largely dependent on the success of the stock we send out and are therefore anxious to did the purchaser In every’ Way in our power. We thank you who have favored us with your orders in the past and anticipate your continued influence towards the success of our business. Yours very respectfully, Toe Em Crry Nursery Company. THE ELM CITY NURSERY COMPANY, 2 SPECIALTIES, pages 1 t0 30. GENERAL PRICE LIST, pages >; 10 56, PHILADELPHIA RAMBLER. From Photo Much Reduced. Che New Crimson Rambler Rose, > Philadelphia. E are offering this sterling novelty for the first time this Boe y J This new Crimson Rambler rose originated on the experiment groun of the Rural New Yorker and is a cross between the wean Crimson Rambler and the splendid deep crimson hardy rose, Miles ork In rapidity of growth it rivals the Crimson Rambler and also surpasses : a beauty of foliage, which has so far proved with us practically mae The character of the bloom is, however, that which gives it its Dee 2 They are larger than the old Crimson Rambler and full to the oe Sates a deeper crimson color, and do not fade purplish as they mature. Ba si important feature is the earliness of blooming, being in full bloom beto rn Crimson Rambler is showing color, giving it a special field of usefulness © own. We predict for this rose a great future. PRICES: Each, Per 10. Strong, two-year-old, field grown, : . $1.00 $9.00 Lighter grade, field grown, . : +75 ya Light Grade, field grown, . . . : ; .50 4-5 ROSES FOR GARDENS are a specialty at the nursery, our Set amounting to many thousands annually. The plants are nee ve field-srown bushes, large enough to make a sturdy growth 4 : is produce a profusion of bloom right away. This grade of plants very popular with our customers. or other Roses see pages 3 and 4. See inner front cover page for terms and special discounts, : - NEW HAVEN, CONNECTICUT. Choice paray ~ Garden OSES. cee is no successful rival of the rose as a universal favorite. The fact that many of the most beautiful of the varieties are perfectly hardy and thrive luxuriantly in, the garden is a source of congratulation to lovers of out-of-door gardening. Enthusiasts at work with the rose by various hybrids and crosses have succeeded in producing no end of variety and form, color and fra- grance of bloom and the greatest variety of habit of growth, from the little fairy roses of a few inches in height to the rampant growth of the well known and popular ramblers. By a selection of suitable varieties one can have roses for almost any garden position. All roses respond quickly to good treatment, by this we mean well enriched soil, enough water, good trimming, etc. Failure to get good results is often caused by lack of sufficient fertility. Under usual conditions it is well to make the ground one-fifth well rotted manure to a depth of at least fifteen inches when preparing for a new planting with a liberal sprinkling of wood ashes and ground bone added, and an annual mulching of at least six inches deep of coarse stable manure about the roots applied late in the Fall and forked in in the early Spring isa great help. Roses planted and treated under these conditions, if the ground is well drained, should luxuriate to such a degree as to satisfy everyone. During the months of June and July rose bushes should be watched and if insects appear dispose of them by any of the simple means known to gardeners. There are a number of very readable and instructive books devoted to the rose, its history and culture. A list of these books together with some concise cultural directions we will gladly send on request. We have classified our roses under the following headings, believing it will be a convenience to those making out orders. Prices, (Excepting PHILADELPHIA RAMBLER.) Very strong field grown, Each, $0.50 Per 10, $4.50 Per 100, $30.00 Medium grade, field grown, § .30 oe tape ps 20.00 Light grade (our selection of varieties only), 20 of 1.80 Pe 15.00 Not less than 5 of any one single variety at 10 rates. Not less than 25 of any one single variety at 100 rates. Garden Hybrids—strictly hardy. This class of roses blooms profusely in June and with proper care gives some bloom throughout the Summer and Fall. Alfred Colomb. Brilliant carmine crimson; very large, full, and of fine globular form; extremely fragrant, and in every respect a superb sort. Foliage large and handsome. One of the most useful in cultivation. Anne De Diesbach. Carmine, a beautiful shade; very large. A superior garden sort; fragrant; one of the hardiest. Valuable for forcing, Baron De Bonstetten. Rich velvety maroon; large, full. A splendid sort. Clio. Flowers large, of fine globular form, flesh color shaded in the center with rosy pink; growth vigorous; handsome foliage. One of the best roses. Countess of Oxford. Clear cherry red. Free growerand abundant bloomer. Earl of Dufferin. Rich brilliant velvety crim- son, shaded with dark maroon; large, full, finely formed; delightful fragrance. A vigorous grower, One of the finest dark roses. It should be in every collection. Francois Levet. Cherry red: medium size; well formed; of the Paul Verdier style: very free poemer: Valuable on account of its vigorous General Jacqueminot. Brilliant crimson; not full, but large and extremely effective, fragrant, and of excellent hardy habit: forces well. Jules Margottin. Carmine rose, fine in open flower andin bud. It may be grown eitherasa Pillar Rose, or by pruning kept in bush form; = it should be in every collection, adam Gabriel Luizet. Pink, distinct, very large, cup shaped; somewhat fragrant. One of the choicest, Magna Charta. See next page. Margaret Dickson. Of magnificent form; white- with pale flesh center; petals very large, shell shaped, and of great substance; fragrant, a fine variety; foliage very large, dark green. Marchioness of Lorne. Flowers of great size, perfectly formed, and carried on stout stems. Color ivory white; shell-shaped and reflexed; free flowering; growth vigorous and foliage very handsome. One of the finest roses. Marshall P. Wilder, Raised from the seed of Gen. Jacqueminot. It is of vigorous growth, with healthy foliage; flowers large, semi- globular, full, well formed; colorcherry-carmine and very fragrant. Mrs. John Laing. Soft pink; large and of fine form, produced on strong stems; exceedingly fragrant; one of the most valuable varieties for forcing, and flowers continuously in the open ground. A most beautiful rose of recent in- troduction. Paul Neyron. Deep rose color; good tough foliage, wood rather smooth; by far the largest variety in cultivation. A free bloomer; very desirable as a garden hose; valuable for forc- ing. Price Camille De Rohan. Deep velvety crim- son; large, moderately full. A splendid rose. Soleil d’Or. New yellow rose. Ulrich Brunner. Brilliant cherry red, a_very effective color; flowers of fine form and finish, carried well upon the plant; petals of great substance; plant vigorous, hardy and resists mildew. One of the best varieties for forcing and open air culture. . : Victor Verdier. Bright rose, with carmine cen- ter,a very fresh shade of color; not fragrant; free bloomer; wood nearly smooth. For other roses see pages 2 and 4. See inner front cover page for terms and special discounts. 4 CHOICE HARDY ROSE S—Continued. THE ELM CITY NURSERY COMPANY, June and Moss Roses—very Bardy. or prices see page 3, Annual bloomers in June and at that time in the greatest profusion. Blanche Moreau. Moss, pure white, large, full, and of perfect form. Centifolia, Cabbage, or Provence. Rose color, large size; globular form; very fragrant. A superb variety. , ee Cumberland Bell. A true climbing moss rose, of great vigor, Bright silvery rose. New. | Harison’s Yellow. Golden yellow; medium size; semi-double. A free bloomer. ee, [adam Plantier. Pure white, above medium size: full. Produced in great abundance. Foliage rather small, seven leaflets. One of the best white roses for hedges and for mass- ing in groups. ‘ Magna Charta. Pink, suffused with full globular. Foliage and wood light green with numerous dark spines. A fragrant excel- lent rose. Valuable for forcing, , carmine; Persian Yellow. Bright yellow, small nearly full. It is desirable to grow more than one plant, and by pruning one this year in the usual way, and the other plant the next year annual crops of flowers may be had. * Salet. Deep pink colored buds, surrounded with a mossy fringe and crest. Pyrethrems, rT“ ILE semi-double forms of this inter- . T esting hardy garden plant are very beautiful, ranging in color from ee almost white to deep rose. The flowers rise above a cluster of beauti- ful fern-like Police on single stems from twelve to eighteen inches high. The flowers resemble Chinese asters in appearance and when cut will last for weeks in water. Prices. Strong, field grown plants, Each, $0.25 Per 10, $2.00 Per 100, $15.00 Smaller plants, es a5 * 1.25 ag 10.00 Coral Bells, Reuchera Sanguinea, DAINTY hardy garden plant. It produces a round cluster of A circular leaves of a marbled-green color which are quite ever- green. Slender stems from one to two feet tall emerge freely from this crown of foliage bearing small clusters of coral-red flowers in a very graceful manner. The plant isin bloom practically all summer and does very well in partial shade and is especially suitable for rockeries. Prices. Strong plants, . : ; Each, $0.50 Per 10, $4.50 Smaller plants, . : ; ; 125 cs 2.25 —— follyhocks. LWAYS a popular garden plant and while they are easily A grown from seed it takes one season of growth before they will bloom. There is always, therefore, a demand for plants of a blooming size. These we offer are strong, field grown plants and are of the required age for blooming. They require a very rich soil to get the best results. FoLtLow1nG Co.ors: Double crimson, red, white, yellow. Single mixed. Double mixed. Allegheny—Semi- -double. Prices. Extra strong, Each, $0.20 Per 10, $1.50 Per 100, $12.00 Smaller plants, “ gies és 1.25 “ 10.00 See inner front cover page for terms and special discounts. NEW HAVEN, CONNECTICUT, 13 Suasta Datsy, Actual Size Sh ast a D ais Burbank’s Recent Creation, y, ssNew Hardy Garden Daisy. HIS wonderful daisy of which a great deal has been written in the horticul- tural press the past year, is the work of Mr. Luther Burbank, of California, to whom we are indebted for so many fine introductions. Flowers are of the purest glistening white, of enormous size, about four inches in diameter, and are borne on long, strong, stiff, wiry stems, about two feet in length. The flowers are produced in the greatest profusion, plants remaining in bloom for several months. They are perfectly hardy perennials, and will make a valuable addition to our list of hardy plants on account of the abundance of flowers produced and their wonderful size. For cuttin g the flowers are very effective. Mr. Burbank states that more admiration has been bestowed on this Shasta Daisy by visitors, than upon any other flowering plant growing on his grounds. Prices. Strong field plants, Each, 0.25 Per 10, $2.25 Lighter grade plants, 15 Ki 1,25 See page 15 for another beautiful Daisy-like flower, By RoB,. Carbondale, Pa, HUY 28; IGOR _ ‘The trees and plants you sent me are entirely satisfactory. The girls are in raptures over the ‘Shasta Dazsy.’” Lllustration showing how the Shasta Daisy grows See inner front cover page for terms and special discounts. 14 THE ELM CITY NURSERY COMPANY, A Bouquet of Rudbeckia Golden Glow as a Screen Decoration Be Foiden Glow, Ruse 9 Laciniata, Fl. Pl.) OTWITHSTANDING that this fine hardy garden plant has been offered but for a few years it is now generally known throughout the country and the demand for it has been very large each year. It, however, is so valuable for So many uses that we have worked up a large stock of it for this season. It is a herbaceous plant and grows each season under favorable conditions, if not pinched back, six to seven feet high, a well established plant sending up many strong stems. In July and August the plant becomes a mass of brilliant golden yellow flowers much resembling a fair chrysanthemum, and produced on graceful stems. Asa garden plant for backgrounds. or for planting for a screen like effect along walls or fences it is splendid and will grow well in partial shade. As a cut flower it is very fine, good generous bunches with long stems can be arranged most effectively. Some plant a good lot of it in the garden just to have it in plenty for cutting. The plants we offer are large enough to bloom freely this season, especially the larger ones. Prices. —Heavy clumps, Each, $0.50 Per 10, $4.00 Per 100, $25.00 Strong plants, Bi 625 i 2.00 ¥ 12.50 Smaller size, “s Nets es 1.00 og 5.00 Monarda Didyma, var. superba. SPLENDID variety of the old fragrant Bre-Baum with all the old sorts vigor and freedom of bloom, the flowers, however, being much larger and of a deeper color. For massing in good generous clumps nothing can pro. duce a more charming effect during August and September, the flowers being 0 the deepest crimson and in such great freedom as to make a striking appearance If the ground is well enriched plants set out this Spring will produce a profusion of bloom this Summer. Pri¢es.—Strong plants, Each, $0.25 Per 10, $2.00 Per 100, $15.00 Smaller plants,