VOL. 100, PART 1 28 FEBRUARY, 1976 TRANSACTIONS OF THE ROYAL SOCIETY OF SOUTH AUSTRALIA INCORPORATED CONTENTS Oliphant, Sir Mark The Second Century - - - - - - - 1 Tyler, M. J. Comparative Osteology of the Pelvic Girdle of Australian Frogs and Description of a New Fossil Genus - - - - 3 Houston, T. F. New Australian Allodapine Bees (Subgenus Exoneurella Michener) and their Immatures (Hymenoptera: Antho- phoridae) - - - - - “ - - - - 15 Plummer, P. S., and Gostin, V. A. Faulting Contemporaneous with Umberatana Group Sedimentation (Late Precambrian), Southern Flinders Ranges, South Australia - - - - - - - 29 Smith, Meredith J. Small Fossil Vertebrates from Victoria Cave, Naracoorte, South Australia. IV. Reptiles - - - - - - 39 PUBLISHED AND SOLD AT THE SOCIETY’S ROOMS STATE LIBRARY BUILDING NORTH TERRACE, ADELAIDE, S.A. 5000 THE SECOND CENTURY Summary The Royal Society of London was conceived more than 300 years ago when, following a lecture by Christopher Wren, it is recorded that "something was offered about a designe of founding a Colledge for the promoting of Physico-Mathematicall, Experimentall Learning". Charles I] became interested and granted the Society its first Charter in 1662, naming it "The Royal Society". A second Charter, in 1663, granted the body Arms, bearing the motto "Nullius in verba", as an expression of the determination of the Society to resist all dogma and to verify all information and statements by appeal to observation. At the same time, the full title of the Society became "The Royal Society of London for Improving Natural Knowledge”. THE SECOND CENTURY The Royal Society of London was conceived more than 300 years ago when, following a lecture by Christopher Wren, it is recorded that “something was offered about a designe of founding a Colledge for the promoting of Physico-Mathematicall, Experimental] Learning”. Charles II became interested and granted the Society its first Charter in 1662, naming it “The Royal Society”. A second Charter, in 1663, granted the body Arms, bearing the motto “Nullius in verba”, as an expression of the determination of the Society to resist all dogma and to verify all information and statements by appeal to observation. At the same time, the full title of the Society became “The Royal Society of London for Improving Natural Know- ledge”. Sir Mark Oliphant, K.B.E., Patron 0} the Royal Society of South Australia A little more than 200 years later, the Royal Society of South Australia was born, and 1976 is the centenary of its Transactions. Throughout this time the South Australian Society has played an invaluable role in recording, in proper scientific manner, manifold observa- tions and descriptions of the geology, the fauna and the flora of this State. For long, the Society has emulated in its activities the search for natural knowledge which was the objec- tive of the founders of the original Royal Society. However, for very practical reasons, such bodies are reappraising their activities and ever questioning whether they can continue to exist. Strangely enough, the problems arise from the very success of their past work. The technology, the application of knowledge for practical purposes, which arises from increasing understanding of nature, has made of science an ever growing national and international activity. Through their control of money, governments now determine the level of scientific enquiry and its content, while the rapidly increasing cost of publication means that they become the arbiters of what science shall be printed. 1s SIR MARK OLIPHANT There are other factors which have a pronounced influence on comparatively small societies allempting to cater for those interested generally in science, Foremost is the growth of specialist socicties interested only in a very marrow area of natural knowledge. It is almost impossible today to attract a biochemist to a discussion of relativity or cosmology, or to per- suade a nuclear physicist that the nature of the chemical bond can be an interesting subject of study, The particle physicist cannot understand the entomologist, or the computer elec- tronics expert the ornithologist. A broad interest in nature generally is now rure. There are few today whose interests are as broad as those of Lord Rayleigh, who wrote learnedly of the hending of marble mantlepieces and developed the mathematical theory of the wave- guide, Publicution of the results of scientific enquiry becomes more and more confined to specialist journals, or specialist sections of older journals. Secondly, it is the national badies, like the Academies of Science of the United States and Russia, which are gavernment agencies, or the Royal Society of London and the Australian Academy of Science, which are not controlled directly by government. which represent scienee internalionally for their countries, and which receive the greatest financial backing, Tt is they Who can afford to organise conferences, national or international, they who can pro- vide the expenses for travel by members and by visitors. They are prestigious societies whose activities are of world-wide significance. The Royal Society of South Australia cannot emulate these giants, However, T any convinced that it will have @ vital part to play in the second century of its existence. The growing interest, among scientists and the general public, in the preservation of the environ- ment, in pollution, ecology, our national heritage of fauna and flora, natural resources, and the beauty of landscape, encourages belief jn a return to deep interest in nature generally. rather than in ohe aspect only, Tf, as C believe, our Royal Society is ta be revitalized to hecome a significant social influence through scien¢e, it must espouse catlises, after full and frank discussion to determine an agreed approach, and then speak loudly and in public of its conclusions, As mstances of broad issues to which the Society could contribute much, there are preservation of the Mf Lofty Ranges and the Flinders Ranges, the salinity of the River Murray, the deterioration of our desert areas, We should not be deterred by the existence of CS.LR.0., of State instrumentalities, or of the Australian Academy of Science, from choosing areas of comprehensive, interdisciplingary study, which can be exciting scientifically and could be rewarding socially. A paper describing a new species of coleoptera from the Lake Frome area should be published, but will not rouse much interest in a general scieutitic audience. On the other hand, if this discovery is significant in indicating climalic change, or ecological upset On the castern borders of the Flinders Ranges, it could become an important contribution to wide discussion, South Australia faces a multitude of problems, most of which are relegated to investi- galian by governmental bodies. Qur tuiure depends erilically upon assured supplies. of water and of energy. Water, gas, and elcetricity authorities are too busy with immediate questions to exercise the imaginative resypanses necessary for creation of new approuches to longer term problems. On the other hand, a Royal Saciety which stimulates constructive discussion of such problems, in their widest context, might generate completely new ideas. Where are We going? Thatis the first questiam we must answer in the early part of our second hundred years. GovERNOR oF Sourht AUSTRALIA COMPARATIVE OSTEOLOGY OF THE PELVIC GIRDLE OF AUSTRALIAN FROGS AND DESCRIPTION OF A NEW FOSSIL GENUS BY M. J. TYLER* Summary TYLER, M. J. (1976).-Comparative osteology of the pelvic girdle of Australian frogs and description of a new fossil genus. Trans. R. Soc. S. Aust. 100(1), 3-14, 28 February, 1976. The osteological characteristics of the pelvic girdle of twenty-five extant genera of Australian frogs of the families Hylidae, Leptodactylidae, Microhylidae and Ranidae are defined. The new Tertiary fossil genus and species Australobatrachus ilius are described from the Etadunna Formation. The fossil exhibits a unique lateral ilial groove and is referred tentatively to the family Hylidae. COMPARATIVE OSTEOLOGY OF THE PELVIC GIRDLE OF AUSTRALIAN PROGS AND DESCRIPTION OF A NEW FOSSIL GENUS by M. J. TyLer* Summary ‘Tyter, M. JI. (1976)—Comparative ostealogy af the pelvic girdle of Australian frogs and description of a few fossil genus. Trans. R. Sac. 8, Aust, 100(1), 3-14, 28 February, 1976. The osteological characteristics of the pelvic girdle of twenty-five extant genera of Aus- tralian Trogs of the families Hylidae, Leptodactylidae, Microhylidac and Ranidge are defined. The new Tertiary fossil genus and species Australobutrachus ilius are described from the Fiadunna Formation, ‘Ihe fossil exhibits a unique lateral ilial groove and is referred tentatively to the family Hylidae, Introduction Of all bones of the anuran skeleton, the ilium has been shown to vary considerably and consistently between families, genera and even Species, Ilia are commonly well preserved amongst disarticulated skeletal material, and their features are sufficiently diagnostic to per- mil identification; for this reason ilia have pro- vided the basis for the recognition of genera and erection of new fossil species: (Lynch 1963; Chantell 1964; Holman 1965), Dala on extant species so essential for identi- fication and general comparative purposes are frequently limited, and in the case of Australian frogs, data are particularly deficient. Lynch (1971) provides the only comparative contri- bution. Confining his interest to leptodactylids, Lynch described the ilia of representatives of nine genera. Since then a fossil ilium of a pre- viously undescribed genus bas been reported from the Australian Tertiary by Tyler (1974). uml it has proved necessary to examine und describe representative ilia of all of the known living genera in order to describe the new genus and species, Material and methods The dry specimens of the modern species studied were dissected from representatives of 4 families, 25 genera and 60 species, including ull geneta known in Australia, This material is in the author's collection. The fossil described herein is in the Palaeontology collection of the South Australian Museum. With only minor variation, the descriptive terminology used follows Lynch (1971), and the features recognised are shown in Figure 1, Morphometric data were obtained with dial callipers or an eyepiece micrometer. The length of the animals from snout to verit Was measured before dissection. Subsequently, the distances between the tip of the dorsal acetabular expan- sion atid the end of the ilial shaft and the span between the anterior margin of the dorsal pro- minence and the ventral acetabular expansion were measured, The bone measurements were examined to establish relationships between ilial size Or proportions and the size of the donor frog. Features of the Anuran pelvis (A) Puhis The pubis is customarily a small, roughly tri- angular, cartilaginous wedge of tissue separat- ing and underlying the ventral borders of the ischium and ilium (Fig. 1). In particularly large specics. (rarely in small ones), where there js a more intimate degree of fusion of the pelvic components, the pubis is often calcified or ossified. (B) lyehinm The ischium is .a bony or cartilaginous disc anteriorly fusing with the ilium to provide the posterior half of the acetabulum, 4nd pos- * South Australian Museum, Nocth Terrace, Adelaide, S. Aust. SOD0. (Present address Department of Zoology. University of Adelaide, Adelaide, ‘S. Aust, 30011), 4 M. 7. TYLER Nial shaft Oprom. Dacetexp D protub, ae \ p » pre-acet, Zone Vacet.exp, Ischium Pubis Acet. fossa Fig, 1, Left lateral aspect of anuran pelvic girdle. Abbreviations: Acct, fossa-—aceiabular fossa; 0. acet. exp—dorsal acetabular expansion; D. prom.—dorsal prominence: D. protub,-—dorsal protuberance; pre-iacct. zone—pre-acetubulur zone; V. acel. exp.— ventral acetabular expansion. teriorly forming a plate occupied by numerous mus¢les communicating with the femur, The shape of the ischium varies considerably at a specific level and is associated with dif- ferences in habits. For example, the develop- ment of a particularly large plate posterior to the acetabular fossa ts found only in rotund apecies with exceptionally short and muscular hind limbs. Similarly, the development of a high, dorsally projecting extension is charac- teristic of large but ugile frogs with powerful hindlimbs. Viewed with the femur as the reference point it is clear that a major shift in the inuscle mass can only be brought about by voncurtent changes in the development of the ischium. (C) Sliurm The ilium is the, largest pelvic bone, and con- sists of an elongate shaft terminating in an axe~ head shaped body. It is a paired stricture articulating anteriorly with the ventral surface of the sacra] diapophysis and posteriorly abut- ting the ischium and pubis. Various areas of the tlium ate recognisable as distinct components - (a) MMial shaft: The ilial shaft is an elongate and usually slightly curved structure varying from «a cylindrical section through vertically oval to more elaborate forms in which there are grooves on the lateral or medial surfaces. (b) Dorsal crest: A smooth bordered crest, ris- ing high as a thin blade, occurs in numerous species of frogs, but is rare amongst Australian forms. It usually arises from the dorsolateral surface of the shaft, and reaches its maximum height within the anterior one-third of the shaft (Fig. 4L), (c) Dorsal prominence: The dorsal prominence is a diflerentiated area rising on the superior margin of the shaft in a position above or slightly anterior to the acetabulum. [t is not present in all species and Js scarcely detectablc in many others (¢.z. in those exhibiting a dor- sal crest)_ (d) Dorsal protuberance; From the body of the dorsal prominence the dorsal protuberance arises as an elongate, rounded or pointed knab. To it uttaches the Muscutus gluteus maxirnus. (e) Dorsal agetabular expansion: The body of the iliim extends dorsally into. a triangular por- tion of bone superior and posterior to .the acetabulum. This projection is termed the dor- sal acetabular expansion. It may rise steeply atid so meet the ischium in a vertical plane, whilst the anterior face can be at an acute or obtuse angle to the ilial shaft, (f) Acerabulum: Variation in the acetabulum consists of differences in size (relative to adja- cent structures), in position in relation to the ilial shaft, and in the width and extent of development of the acetabular rim, (g) Ventral acetabular expansion: The superior segment of the ventral acetabular expansion has heen termed the preacetabular zone by Lynch (1971), The considerable variation in this portion of the pelvis is difficult to express, because of the instability of potential reference points such as the ucetabulum, Nevertheless, the basic shapes range from the form of a straight line extending ventrally and posteriorly (Fig. 24, A), a gradual concavity (Fig. 2B}, or a concavity of the preacetabular zone and a convexity bencati (Figure 2C). Se = A YY B ( iy = a C ( D “Sy . Fig. 2. Variation in the shape of the ventral Acetabular expansion viewed from left aspect. See text for explanation, PELVIC GIRDLE OF AUSTRALIAN FROGS MN Fig. 3. Pelvis or isolated ilium of hylid and leptodactytid frogs: A, Litoria caerulea, x 2; B. L. lesueuri, x2; C. L, eucnemis, x 5; D. Nyetimystes zwiefeli, x 2: E. Adelotus brevis, x 5; F. Assa durlingtoni, x 5; G. Crinia georgiana, x 5+ HH. Cyclorana nevae- hallandiae, x 2; I. Geocrinia laevis, x 5; J, Glauertia orientalis, x 5; K, Heleioparus albopunctatus, x 2; L. Kyarranus sp., x 5; M. Lechriodus fletcheri, x 5; N. Limnodynastes peroni, x 5; O. Mixo- phyes fasciolatus, x 2. POST-MORTEM CHANGES Disintegration of the pelvic girdle into its component bones has been observed in species in which cartilage is most extensive. Species that are heavily ossified remain intact. During the process of dehydration, the acetabular fossa may become distorted and, in the material available, such distortion takes the form of compression in « dorsoventral direction. The dorsal crest of the ilium is par- G M, J. TYLER TABLE 1 Characteristics af ihe Uiant tn species a} Litoria Dorsal pro- minence/ Acetabular Position Profile of yentral anterior rim rim ventral of medial acetubular of ilial shaft rim on Species expansion Acetabulim margin Pubis Tlivm adelaidensis concaye level above curt, ant, t qneiana* concayo-conyex posterior level cart. absent dured concave 4 antenor above curt. ant. 7 hicoler concave 4 anterior above cart, Tabatnt hoeraolangertsis concave-canvex 4 anterior level bony central 1 brevipalmaia concave level abave curt, ant, Ly caerulea concave level level curt. ubsent citropa concive level above cart, ant. darsalis® concavo-convex 4 anterior level curt. aot. ¢ eucnemis concavo-convex level above bony ant. 4 ewingi concave level above curt Post. + gracileita concavo-conyex 3 anterior above cart. absent infrafrenata concaye + anterior above cart. anh. 3 lesiteuri concavo-convex + antetior level bony central 43 microbelos concwo-convex level above Gurl. ant, 4 nannotis concaye-conyex level above bony absent nasula concavo-canyex 4 anterior above carl. ant. 14 nizrofrenata concayo-conyvex \ amterior above bony ant, $ rubella concave 4 anterior above vart. absent rothi concave + qnlerjor above curt. absent thesaurensis* conceave-convex leyel above bony ant, 3 © Snecics restricted to New Guinea. ant—anterior; cart—aartilaginous. ticularly subject to post-mortem distortion, commonly bending medially from a perfectly vertical orientation to form a quadrant, Even more conspicuous is the distortion amongst material recovered fram owl pellets where there has been an induced medial curvature of the ilial shaft in. several specimens. Account of modern genera and species Family HYLIDAE LITORIA Tschudi FIG. 34-C Species examined: L, adelaidensiy (Gray). L. angiana (Boulenger), L. aurea (Lesson), LZ, bicolor (Gray), L. boaroalongensis (Moore), I... hrevipalimata Tyler, Martin & Watson, E. caerulea (White). L. citrapa (Tschudi). L. dor- salixs Macleay, L. eucnemis (Lonnberg), L, ewingi Dumeril & Bibron, ZL. gracilenta (Peters), L. infrafrenara (Gunther), D. lesneuri Dumieril & Bibron. L, micrebelos (Cogger). L, nannotis: (Andersson), £, naswia (Gray), L. nigrofrenata (Gunther), 1. rubella (Gray), L, rothi (de Vis), L. thesaurensis (Poters). Variation in this morphologically and ecola- gically diverse genus renders wa generic defini- tion a difficult proposition. For this reason comparative data arc included in Table 1, and only the following generalisations ure possible: The pubis is cartilaginous or ossified and the ischium is ossified. The ilial shaft lacks a dorsal crest but in- variably bears a narrow tim on at least a por- tion of the medial surface. In L. aurea there is also a lateral groove exhibiting a distinct ontogenetic trend in hecoming progressively less conspicuous, The acetabular Jossa tends to be rather large. The ventral acetabular expan- sion is of a varicty of forms, from a narrow, concave profile to concave-convex, The dorsal protuberance and dorsal prominence are usually well differentiated but are not raised high above the level of the ilial shaft. NYCTIMYSTES Stejneger FIG. 3D Species examined: N, tympanocryptis (Ander- sson and N. zweifel? Tyler of New Guinea. PELVIC GIRDLE OF AUSTRALIAN FROGS 7 TABLE 2 Generic features of Tlia rr Dorsal prer- minence/ lial shaft Ital shaft Dorsal anterior rim cresh rim protuberance of acétabulum Adelotus. absent present prominent anterigr Assa absent absent inconspicuous level Caphixalus absent absent inconspicuous anterior Crinia absent present inconspicuous anteriar Cyclorana absent present or absent incanspicuous anterior Geocrinia absent absent absent level Glauertia absent absenol inconspicuous anterior Heleioports absent absent prominent anterior Kyarranus absent present prominent anterior Lechriodus present absent moderate posterjor Limnodynastes present or absent present or absent prominent ant. or Jevel Litoria absent present or absent moderate usually anterior Mixophyes present absent inconspicuous anterior Myobulrachus absent absent absent posterior Neobatrachus absent absent prominent anterior Notaden absent absent prominent posterior Nyctinystes absent absent moderate level Philoria absent. present inconspicuous anterior Pseudophryne absent absent moderate level Rana present absent inconspicuous posterior Ranidella absent absent moderate anterior Rheobatrachus absent absent prominent posterior Sphenophryne absent absent iNconspicuous posterior Taudactylus absent absent prominent anterior Uperoleia absent absent prominent anterior —___—_—_—_——————OOOOOO Cc oO — — — — The ilium and ischium are ossified in both species. The pubis is ossified in zweifeli und Cartilaginous in tympanocryptis. The ilial shaft is long, curved distally and very slightly compressed mediolaterally. The ventral acetabular expansion is gently rounded in a single, uninterrupted concave arc. The acetabular fossa is prominent, with its. upper margin level with the centre of the ilial shaft, The dorsal prominence and dorsal protuberance are small and project laterally rather than superiorly. The anterior margin of the dorsal protuberance is on a level with the anierior margin of the acetabular rim, The dorsal acc- tabular expansion is only slightly raised. Family LEPTODACTYLIDAE ADELOTUS Ogilby FIG, 3£ Species examined: A. brevis (Gunther). The ischium is bony .and the pubis is entirely cartilaginous. The ilial shaft is distinctly curved and bears a narrow indentation on the medial surface. This indentation is deepest in the midsection of the shaft. The acetabulum has a narrow peripheral rim which superiorly is on a. level witb or is slightly superior to the ventral surface of the ilial shaft. The ventral acetabular expan- sion is only slightly developed, and the preace- tabular zone is extremely narrow. The dorsal acetabular expansion is elongate and raised moderately. The dorsal prominence is poorly defined. The dorsal protuberance is extremely large, inclined posteroventrally and is almost entirely anterior 10 the anterior rim of the acetabular fossa. ASSA Tyler FIG, 3F Species examined: A. darlingtoni (Loveridge). The pubis and ischium are bony except for the portion associated with the posterior half of the acetabular fossa. 3 M. J. TYLER The ilial shaft is slightly curved, lacks ridpey and indentations and is circular in cross section, ‘The acetabulum has an exceptionally Well developed penpheral rim which superiorly is very slightly ahove the ventral margio of ihe ilial shalt, Lhe Ventral acetabular expansion ts slightly develaped inte a narrow preacetabular zone. The dorsal acetabular expansion is Very poorly developed. The dorsal prominence is only slightly defined. The dorsal protuberance is small bul promlitent, its anterior margin on o level with the uuterior margin of the scctabu- lar rim. CRINIA Tschudi FIG. 3G Species examined; C, georgiana Tschudi. The pubis is cartilaginous and the ischium ts oasified, The ilial shaft is curved, flattened medio- laterally over the posterior half and dorsoven- trally over the anterior half. There is no dorsal ilisl crest but there is a very slight longitudinal medial indentation. The acetabulum is large, has a fairly broad peripheral mim which superiorly is very slightly above the level of the ventral margin of the ilial shaft.. The ventral acetabular expansion is only slightly develaped; the subacetabular zone does not protricde an- teriorly. The dursal acetabular expansion 13 poorly developed. The dorsal prominence is low, but guile distinguishable from the ilial shaft. The dorsal protuberance is just detectable. Slightly less than one-half of the dorsal protuberance ty anterior to the anterior Tim of the acetabulum. CYCLORANA Stcindachner FIG, 3 Species examined: C. australis (Gray), C. dalili (Boulenger}, C, novaehollandiae Steindachner and C, platyveephalus. (Gunther). ‘The ischium is bony and fused to the thum, whereus the pubis can be extensively ossificd and similarly fused (C. dahli and C. navae- hollandiae), or completely cartilaginous (©. australis and C. platycephalus), The ilial shaft is slightly curved and cither hears a satrow dorsal rim, rendered con- spicuous by a longitudinal indentation on the medial sutface of the shaft (C. australis, C, dalilf and C. wevaehollandiae), or elsc Jacks a dursal rim (C. platyceplidus). The acetabulum has a narrow peripheral rim which superiorly as above the level of the ventral surface of the iial shatt, The ventral acetabulac expansion ts slightly developed and the preacetabular zone ig narrow. The dorsal acetabular expansion is prominent and conspicuous. The dorsal pre- minence is distinguishable from the Wial shuti but only slightly raised. The dorsal pro- tuberance is inclined yentrolatersily, extends far from the prominence, and is approximately one-half anterior to the anterior rim ob the acetabular Fossa. GEOCRINIA Blake FIG. 3/ Species examined: G, laevis (Gunther), The pubis is cartilaginous und the ischium ts ussified. ‘The ilial shaft is short. slightly curved and fattened laterally in cross-section, The acetabu- lum is moderate with a narow peripheral rim, The superior margin of the acetabulum hes slightly above the level of the ventral margin of the ilal shaft. The ventral acctabular expansion is only slightly dilated. The dorsal acetabular expansion is not pronounced. The dorsal pru- minence is small and the dorsal protuberance is nut detectable as a distinguishable area, The dorsal prominence is on a Jevel with the anterior rim of the acetabulum. GLAUERTIA Loveridge FIG. 3) Speeies examinee: G. orientalis Parker, The pubis and ischium are entirely car- tilaginaus.. The. ilial shaft has an almost horizontal dor- sal surface, and a sligntly curved ventral onc. so creating a slight broadening ut the exuwemitics of the shaft, There is neither « rim nor a crest lo the shaft. The acetabulum has a s¢arcely detectable peripheral rim which superiorly is above the level of the ventral surface of the ili) shaft. The ventral acetabular expansion ts wlightly developed and the preacetabular zone is slender, The dorsal acetabular expansion is poorly developed. The dorsal prominence is dificult to distinguish from the prominent and evenly rounded dorsal protuberance which uppears to be inclined laterally. Approximiately one half of the length of the dorsal pro- tuberance lics anterior to the anterior rim ol the acetabulum, HELEIOPORUS Gray FIG. 3K Speciey examined: H. albopunctatis Gray, The pubis and ischium are ossified. The tliat shaft is not curved but has o slightly undulating superior face, raised inlo a thickened fidge on the posterior half. The PFLYIC GIRDLE, OF AUSTRALIAN FROGS 8 acetabulum is small and m surrounded by an obliquely tapering rim. The ncefahulum is hish and is bisectecdl by ihe veutral margin of the ial shaft, The ventral acetabular expansion is only stiehtty dilated but the dorsal acetabular expansion rises sharply, The dorsal prominence is Vast and the dorsal protuberunce simply an elongate, semi-cylindrical ridge, At least two- thirds of the dorsal protuberance lies anterior to the anterior rim of the acetabulum, KYARRANUS Moore FIG, 32 Species examined: K. sphagnicolus Maore, Rvarramniis sp. The pubis and ischium are almost entirely bony, only the central portion of the acetabu- lar fossa remaining cartilaginous. The ilial shaft ts strongly curved and almost tircular in cross section, but for an indistinct and narrow im on the posterior half. This tim is created by an indentation of the medial sur- face of the shaft, The ventral acetabular expan- sion is poorly developed and the preacetabular zone is very narrow, The dorsal acetabulur expansion is quite prominent. The dorsal expan- sjon is scarcely distinguishable from the Jarge and oval, posteroventrally inclined dorsal pro- minence. The anterior margin of the dorsal prominence js considerably anterior to the an- lerior rim of the acetabulum. LECHRIODUS Boulenger FIG. 3M Species examined: L. melanopyga (Doria). The pubis is cartilaginous and the ischium ossified, The ital shalt is slightly curved and bears an enlarged, fanlike dorsal crest arising from the posterior three-quarters of the shaft. The acetabulum is small and has a broad peripheral rim: the dorsal margin lies above the ventral margin of the ilial shaft. The ventral acetabular cxpansion is onty slightly developed. The dorsal acetabular expansion is long and projects pas- teriorly. The dorsal prominence is small but detectable and the dorsal protuberance can be distinguished, The anterior margin of the dorsal protuberance is slightly posterior fo the anterior rim of the acetabulum. LIMNODYNASTES Fitzinger FIG. 3N Species examined: L. convexiusculus (Mac- leav), FE, dumerili Peters, FL. ernatus (Gray), L, peront (Dumesil & Bibron). L. sedmini Stein- dachner, Z. spencer Parker, [ tseuamnfensis Gunther, £, tevrueresinae Fry. The pubis. is. cartilaginous and (te ischiam is ossified. The ilial shaft ts slightly curved and highly vatisble in structure. There is an clongate groove on the medial surface in L, dumerili, a short groove in L. terraereginae, a short lateral groove in L. rasneanternsis, and there is a dis- tinct dorsal crest in L. ernates and ZL, spencert. The acctabulum is small and high, brsected in most species by the ventral margin of the ilial shaft. The ventral acetabular expansion is small and not particularly expanded. The dorsal acetabular expanston rises into a moderate or else high and acutely pointed spike. The dorsal Prominence is conspicuous in all species except those with crests on the shafls, Tr tends to fom a conical shape in profile, but is somewhat broader and rounded tn the largest species. The dorsal protuberance is an elongate ndge or expanded knob upon the tip of the dorsal pro- minence. The dorsal protuberance is on a level with or slightly anterior to the anterior rim of the acetabulum. MIXOPHYES Gunther FIG, 30 Species examined: M. faselolatus Gunther. The pubis and ischium are completely ossified. The ilial shatt is slightly curved and hears an enlarged fan-dike dorsal crest arising dorso- laterally from the Ienath of the shaft. The acetabulum has a broad peripheral rim, the dorsal margin of which lics above the ventral margin of the ilial shaft. The vente) acelubu- lar expansion is moderately developed bur with a rather narow preacetabular zonc. The dorsal acetabular expansion rises high to abil the enlarged superior portion of the ischium. There is no dorsal praminence, and the dorsal pro- tuberance is entirely laterally directed and so poorly developed that if is detectahle only when the urea is viewecl from the dorsal or ventral aspects. Whe anterior margin of this weak pro- tuberance its located anterior to the anterjor rim of the acelabulum., MYOBATRACHUS Schlegel FIG. 4A Species examined: M. gouldil (Grav), The isthium is a large and almost circular bony plate, and the pubis is reduced to a small, triangular wedge of cartilage. The iliwl shaft is distinctly curved, Jacks crests und indentations und is slightly flatiened 10 M. J. TYLER Fig. 4. Pelvis or isolated ilia of leptodactylid, microhylid and ranid frogs: A. Myobatrachus gouldii, x 5; B. Netaden melanoscaphus, x 5; C. Neobatrachus centralis, x 5; D, Philoria frosti, x 5; E, Pseudopkeyne bibroni, x 5; F. Ranidella parinsignifera, x 5; G. Rheo- batrachus silus, x 5; H. Taudactylus diurnus, x 5; 1. Uperoleia sp., x 5; J. Cophixalus arnatus, x 5; K. Sphenophryne robusta, x 12.5; L. Rana papua, x 5, laterally, producing an oval cross section. The acetabulum is large and has a narrow peripheral mm whose superior margin is con- sidcrably above the level of the ventral surface of the ilial shaft. The ventral acetabular expan- sion is greatly reduced, consisting of just a slender slip of bone bordering the acetabular rim, The dorsal acetabular expansion is a more prominent feature, rising above the ilial shaft. There is no dorsal prominence, and the dorsal protuberance is replaced by an oval, dorso- laterally inclined plate, consisting of a weak peripheral rim surrounding a very shallow depression. The anterior margin of this struc- ture is far posterior to the anterior margin of the rim of the ucetabular fossa. NEOBATRACHUS Peters FIG. 4C Species examined: N. centralis Patker. The pubis is cartilaginous and the ischium is ossified. PELVIC GIRDLE OF AUSTRALIAN FROGS tl ‘The ilial shaft is almost perfectly straight. The acetabulum is small and high, the ventral marein of the jlitim being on a level with the anterior une-third of the acetabulum. The ven- iral acetabular expansion is only slishtly dilated, the preacetabular zone being particu- latly reduced. The dorsal acetabular expansion is high. The dorsal prominence is very large and the dorsal protuberance is a pointed nodule upon it, Approximately one-half of the dorsal protuberance lics anterior to the anterior rim of the acetabulum, NOTADEN Gunther FIG. 4B Species examined: N. melunoscaphus Hosmer. The pubis and ischium are cartilaginous, the laiter with a medisn calcified zone. The ilial shatt is only very slightly curved, lacks ridges and indentations and is circular in eToss section, The acetabulum has a OL) O.404).49 (0.45 + HN) HAS (OSH A) (540,59 (0.56 4. 01} 0.480.539 (O51 + 105) O.41-4.45 (WAR + 005) O.4241.47) (0.45 a= GON) OATH. (0.42 11) 0.27-0.43 (0.37 01) a gS *Speciinen incomplete: yoty sbaot ene quarter of the precloacal vertebrae were studied. TABLE 4 Length aid bropertions of dorsal vertebrae of specimens of three speeiva uf Varaous. The ulltinate presacral veeiebea uf euch specimen is exchuled The range Js follawed by mean + standard ceror in purenihesis, Pro (znm) BwW/ Proto CWlPCPa Pelr/ ero Yr BW 25-271 (25,7 + 14) 0.54-0:64 (0,58 + .005) 12.4-13,6 (13.14.07) 17.5-(9,.6 (18.5 + A) 147-15.8 (15.4 + .017) 0,48-0,60 (0.52 + .005) 047-059 (0.55 + 007) 0.43-0.54 (049 + sh) 0.35-0,63 (0.59 + 406) 052-056 (0.54 + .002) 0.48-0,.54 (1.52 = M4) 0.440.593 (0.49 =p N06) 0.88-1,01 (0,92 — O07) .86-1,00° (0.90 4.007) 0.85-1.02 (0,97 + 00%) O.82-0.95 (0.91 te DUT) 15i-f64 (1,58 + 008) 1.6641,78 (1.73 + .006) 1.70-1,68 (4,77 + 011) 17041,97 (4,65 + 013) 16,7418,.5 (179 +09) (Lith te 1) 21,2-24.7 (2.9 17) 484059 (651 + 005) OASOAT (SL + 007) OAT. (OLS) OH) 0.56-0.59 (OSH + 002) USIALS7 (1,55 E004) At (0.49 + OO) 0.87092 (0,90 + .004) 0840.96 (091 + OH) FER2-1AH) (U9 O11) 4.61-1.85 (1,76 + 012) 1,70-1.86 (1,78 + 011) 157-164 (1,73 + O15) Numbers Specimen of vertebrae ¥, gigantens 20 gould i: Specimen t 20 Sneclmon 2 20 Specie S 2 VY, waerlies Specinrert | (9 Speelmen 2 16 Specimen & y ¥ varius {fornil) u 131-214 {163 + 0.67) 047-0455 (051 + 007) U.48-0.57 (052 O07) 0.844), 98 (091 + O10) 1.65-1.37 (1.78 + 013) —_—— SMALL FOSSIT. REPTILES FROM NARACOORLE 4u physes or to the condyle} than in T. scincoides. In Tiligua species and Evernia species the tip of the neural spine may be thickened and some- times marked with a shallow median grnove, bucin 7. nigrolvrea (four specimens crammed) the median grovve ts so deep that the spine terninates in a double tip, Three incomplete detitarics (P16124z, P16126w, and PIG)28h) resemble 7. #fera- lutea dentaries In shape, and four tmaxillac (P16125s, P16128n, P16128w and P161572) ore consistent with T. nierolutea (and atso with T. scinvoides and 7. ovcipitaliv) in the slight suborbital ridge. A parietal bone (P16127d) Is probably also of this species although the sides are slightly less constricted than in modern T. aivrolutea. cf, Spheaomorphus tympanum (Lonobery & Andersson) Material; Two fased sacral vertebrae, In Sphenomorphus tympanum, the transverse processes of the first sacral vertebrae (SI) are strong and slant backwards only a few degrees. The transverse processes of S2 are thinner and are directed forwards to join and fuse with those of Si at their lateral expunsions. The sacral fossae between the transverse processes are wide, §. ¢ympenut sacral yerlebrac differ from those of Egernia stefofara in having tela- tively wide fossae, and differ from EF. whirei tenehrosa Where the transverse processes of S| are angled backwards and the transverse pro- cesses of S2 are perpendicular to the long axis af the vertebra, ‘Tha fossil (P16146r) has a total length (from prezygapophysis of Si to posizygapophysis of $2) of 3,7 mm. Egernia, c.f, E. whitei (I acepede) Material: V ertebrace—dorsal (2, lengths 3.4, 2.7 mm), caudal (1, length 2.4 mm); manillac (5 Icft, 5 right); dentarics (8 lett, 6 right); fron- tals (1). The Meckelian groove in the lower jaw is closed anlerior to the splenial in Egernia but it is open forward to the symphysis in Spheno- tntorpius. Vhe detitary of EB. whitei is deeper than the slender dentary of S$. gvinpanien, and the notch in the posterior lateral surface of the dentary is higher (i.e. nearer the tooth row) than in S. lyenpanunt, The fossils wre consis- tent in shape and size with E. whirei, The fused frontal bones of E, whitei differ from those of §. ryepanuen in their gradual taper, both anteriorly and postenurty. Family AGAMIDAE Agamid vertebrae ale characterized by therr trangular Ventral outline and slrong subventral ridges. Amphibolsrus c.f, A. barbatus Material: Maxillac (1); dentaries (7). Agamids ate (he only Australiqn reptiles with acrodont tooth implantation. The largest fossil, a right dentary (P16132b) with length af tooth row 14.5 mm, closely resembles 4. barhatiy. The other specimens, two of them fragments, may he of a smaller specics, Faunal change The two soptiles most common in the Victoria Cave deposit, viz. Pseudonaja c.f, Po auehalis and 7. ragosas were represented at all depths in similar abundance. The less common species, except for #4’. neracoofiensis were also found al various depths from the surface to the present maximum depth of excavation, Sevei vertebrae und the tooth fragment of MW, nare- coortensis Were near the surface and all within 2 metres of each other. Hence the reptile fauna does not change remarkably with depth in the deposit. Discussion The small marsupial remains, together with ubundant rodent vemains, were probubly brought into Victoria Cave by owls (Smith 1971, 1972), and the small lizards may also have been the prey of owls, Among the larger spovies, Trachydasmirus rugosus is a clumsy, shortlegyed, heavy-bodied livard which might easily fall into sinkholes or caves and would have liltle chance of escaping, This species has been recorded from several cave deposits (c.g. Cook 1963, Finlayson 1933, Longman 1945), The snakes may have actually inhabited the cave, as live brown snakes (Psendonaja sp.) ave found in the limestone caves in south eastern South Australia (Wells, pers, comm,) and P. auchalis has been classified as an occa- sional troglonene (Richards 1971), Tn any measurements af the bones of rep tiles, intraspecific Variances are large because reptile growth is asymptotic. When vertebrae ate the bones measured, changes along the column further increase the variation. Jn the identification of isolated vertebrae of some groups (eg. the snake family Crotalidac), these inhetent large variances can he offset by considering several dimensions simultaneously and in comparison with their previously deter mined inter-relutionships along the entire columo of reference skeletons (Brattytrom 40 MEREDITH J. SMITH 1964). Nevertheless, when the reptile remains ure abundant or include « qualitatively diag- nostic bone (ee the first sacral vertchra of Vurunus), the specics can be diagnosed with cunfidence, Of the 3 species contidently determined, 4 are still Jound in south-easiern Australis, antl all but Faraaus varius have been found near Naracoorte. All 6 additional species tentatively identified have been found near Naracoorte. The large boid is the only Pleistocene species absent now, Hence, among the reptiles, the small species have survived from Pleistocene to presem without detectable change of the vharacters available in fossil muterial, whereas the large species has become extinct, Similarly with the marsupials; while many large species have become extinct feg. several Sthemrus species, Thylacelea «ff. 7. carnifex (Wells, pers. comm,), Palorchestes sp., (Pledge, pers. comm.,)], the small species, ¢.g. Berrengia spp., Perameles spp, Antechinus spp. and Perauras breviceps are indistinguishable from modern species, many of which suill survive near Nara- eoorte (Smith 1971, 1972), Among the birds. the only specics now exunct. Progra nara- coortensix, Was a large bird, while all of the small spectes ire extant. The factors that caused the extinction Of so many large verte- brate specics have had little perceivable effect on the small vertebrates. The presehee of Paranus varies together with V, goulii? in Chis Pleistocene deposit does Hol support the suggestion (King & King 1975) (hut the iedicus karyotype (represented by 1. varius) tavaded south-eastern Australia after lhe separation of Kangaroo Island from the mainland, 3,000-10,000 years ago. Most of the extant species of the Vicloria Cave seplile fauiny are wide-ranging with broad habitat tolerances, Varanns gouldii occurs in most parts of mamnland Australia but is most commen in sandy areas, where it lives in sand burrows. (Worrell 1963). The tree-climbing species WM. varius, otcurs throughout exstern Australia inside the 20” (508 mm) isohyct (Rawlinson 1969), Trachydosaurus rugusus. is found in inland areas of all muinland stutes, while Pserdechix porphyriacuy lives in coastal to mountainous forests and swanips of eastern Australia, but does: not extend into dry inlani areas (Worrell 1963). The ranges of Pseuda- taja nuchalis and ihe marphologically similar P. rextilis together include most of mainland Australia (Worrell 1963), and P. fextilis o¢ours also in New Guinea (McDowell 1967). None of these species extend inte the cool temperate zone of the Bassian zoogcographical subregion (Rawlinson 1974). Conversely, Tiliqua nigro~ lures is contined to the cool temperate zone, its Tange extending from the extreme south-casi of South Australia and southern, Victoria to the islands of Bass Strait and Tasmania. Nura- coorle is close to the north-western limil of its Tange (Rawlinson 1974). Evernia = witiret. Sphenomorphus tympanum and the genus Notechis occur in all zones of the Bassisn but not in other subregions (Rawlmson 1974) Hence little palaeo-ecological infonmution can be gleaned from them, The presence of a lirve Proportion of the Pleistocene reptile fauna i the area at present does suggest that climatic changes during the last 30,000 years have been slight in south-easicrn South Australia. Acknowledgments The field work im Victoria Cuve has heen planned and supervised by Dr R, T, Wells, and to him and his voluntary helpers (many of them CEGSA members) I am grateful. Trans- port costs for field workers were defrayed by a gram from the South Australian Government Tourist Bureau. Specimens of snakes and lizards have been given or loaned to me by many pedple, among Whom I thank especially Mr F. W. Aslin, Mr J. deBavay, Mr W. J. Parmenter, Mr R, Shine. Mr M. J, Tyler, Dr R. Henzell. Dr BD. Harton, Dr T, F, Houston, and Dr G. F. van Tets. Mr P. G. Kernpster prepared the photographs (Fig. 2), Dr R, T Wells and Mr M. J. Tyler kindly criticized the rhanuscript. References ANbrews, C. W. (1906).—"A descriptive catalogue of the Tertiary Vertebrata of the Fayum. Exypt.” (British Musgenm: London.) Ancein, M. (1974).—Excavations in the Orches- tra Shell Cave, Wanneroo, Western Australie. Fl, Fossil vertebrate tenmains, Archeol, Phys. Anihrapal, Oceana 92), 156-162. ASTEFENBERG, W. (1963 —The lossil snakes of Florida. Tulane Sid. Zool, 1, 131-216 Bedrtstrom, B. H, (1964),—Eyalution of the pit vipers, Frans, Sun Diezo Soc. Nat. Hist. 13( 11). 185-268- Coon, D, T- (1963)—The fossil vertebrate fauus of Strone’s Cave, Koranup. Western Australin. W, Aust, Nat. %, (53-162, Dortcr, C_ E,. & Mrrarirens, D, (1971).—A sal- vate excavation in Devil's Lair, Western Ats- tralia, J, R. Soc, W, Ast, 54, 103-114. SMALL FOSSIL REPTILES FROM NARACOORTE 51 Epwusp, A. G. (1969)—Dentition. In C. Gans (Ed.), “Biology of the Reptilia”, Val- [, pp. 117-200. 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J, (1972),—Smull fossil vertebrates from Victoria Cave, Naracoorte, South Aus- tralia. IT. Peramelidac, Thylacinidse ancl Dasyuridae (Marsupiulia). Trans. R, Sar. 8. Aust, 96(3), 125«137,. Suity, M. J. (1975).— The vertebrae of Four Aus- tralian elapid snakes (Squamats; Elapidae). Trans. R. Soc. 8. Aust, 99(2), 71-84, Trorwe, A. (1971)--The Fauna. In R, Vo S Wright (Ed.4, “Archseolory of the Gallus site, Koonakky Cuve™ Australian Inst. Aboriginal Stinlics, Na. 26, 45-47, VAN TrTs. G. FP, & Sark, M. I} (1974).—Small Fossil vertebrates Froni Victoria Cave, Nata- cuurte. South Australia Til, Birds (Aves). Tras, R, Soe S$. Aust. 9B(4), 228-227. Worrett, £. (1963}—"Reptiles af Ausititra’, (Anges and Robertson: Sydney.) VOL. 100, PART 2 31 MAY, 1976 TRANSACTIONS OF THE ROYAL SOCIETY OF SOUTH AUSTRALIA INCORPORATED CONTENTS Archer, M. Miocene Marsupicarnivores (Marsupialia) from Central South Australia, Ankotarinja tirarensis gen. et sp. nov., Keeuna wood- burnei gen. et sp. nov., and their Significance in Terms of Early Marsupial Radiations - - - - > - - - 53 Reedman, D. J., and Womersley, H. B. S. Southern Australian species of Champia and Chylocladia (Rhodymeniales: Rhodophyta) - 75 Watts, C.H.S. Leggadina lakedownensis, a New Species ef iad Rodent from North Queensland - - - - - 105 Baverstock, P. R., Hogarth, J. T., Cole, S., and Covacevich, J. Biochemical and Karyotypic Evidence for the Specific Status of the Rodent Leggadina lakedownensis Watts - - - - - - 109 PUBLISHED AND SOLD AT THE SOCIETY’S ROOMS STATE LIBRARY BUILDING NORTH TERRACE, ADELAIDE, S.A. 5900 MIOCENE MARSUPICARNIVORES (MARSUPIALIA) FROM CENTRAL SOUTH AUSTRALIA, ANKOTARINJA TIRARENSIS GEN, ET SP. NOV., KEEUNA WOODBURNEI GEN. ET SP. NOV., AND THEIR SIGNIFICANCE IN TERMS OF EARLY MARSUPIAL RADIATIONS BY M. ARCHER* Summary ARCHER, M., (1976) .-Miocene marsupicarnivores (Marsupialia) from central South Australia, Akotarinja tirarensis gen. et sp. nov., Keeuna woodburnei gen et sp. nov., and their significance in terms of early marsupial radiations. Trans. R. Soc. S. Aust., 100(2), 53-73, 31 May, 1976. Two of Australia's oldest known marsupicarnivores, from the Etadunna Formation of the Lake Eyre Basin, are described. Ankotarinja tirarensis is a tiny marsupicarnivore which may be related to didelphids as well as dasyurids. Although it is much too late in time to be the actual ancestral dasyurid, it is regarded as a structural ancestor. It is also structurally ancestral to Keeuna woodburnei. Keeuna woodburnei is a small marsupicarnivore which is more similar to dasyurids than is A. tirarensis. It resembles species of Phascolosorex Matschie, 1916, Neophascogale Stein, 1933, Murexia Tate & Archbold, 1937, and some Antechinus Macleay, 1841. More distant relationship to didelphids is suggested. Resemblance of both of these fossil marsupicarnivores to modern New Guinean highland rainforest dasyurids rather than to more arid-adapted Australian dasyurids, is regarded as evidence suggesting that central Australia was less arid during Etadunna time than it is now. MIOCENE MARSUPICARNIVORES (MARSUPIALIA) FROM CENTRAL SOUTH AUSTRALIA, ANKOTARINIA TIRARENSIS GEN, ET SP. NOV., KEEUNA WOODBURNEI GEN. ET SP. NOV., AND THEIR SIGNIFICANCE IN TERMS OF EARLY MARSUPIAL. RADIATIONS by M. ARCHER” Summary ARCHER, M., (1976),.—Miocene marsupicarnivores (Marsupialia) from: central South Australia, Akotarinja trarensis gon, ct sp, nov., Keeuna woodburnel gen et sp. nov,, and thelr sigttificance tf terms of early marsupial radiations. Trans. R. Sec. S. Anst.,100¢€2), §3-75, 31 May, 1976, Two of Australia's oldest known marsupicarnivores, from the Etadunna Formation of the Lake Fyre Basin, are described, Ankotarinja tirarensis is a tiny marsupicatnivore which mity be related to didelphids as well as dasyurids. Although it is much too Jate in time to be the actual ancestral dasyurid, it is regarded as a structural ancestor, It is also structurally ancestral to Kéeeuna woodburnei. Keeuna woodburnei is a small marsupicarnivore which is more similar to dasyurids than is A. tirarensiv. Tt resembles species of Phascolosorex Matschie, 1916, Neophascogale Stein. 1933, Murexia ‘Tate & Archbold, 1937, and some Antechinus Macleay, 1841, Mote distant relationship: io didelphids is suggested. Resemblance of both of these fossil marsupicarnivores to modern New Guinean highland raiiforest dasyurids rather than to more arid-adapicd Australian dasyurids, is regarded as evidence suggesting that central Anstralia was less arid during Etadunna time than it is now. Introduction In 1971 W, A. Clemens, M, 0, Wood- burne, C. Campbell and the author recovered fossil] mammal remains from a site known as Tedford Locality, on the west side of Lake Palankarinna, Etadunna Station, South Austra- lia. These fossils come from the Etadunna For- mation which is now regarded (W. K. Harris, pers. comm.) ys being approximately middle Miocene in age. In 1972 M. O. Woodburne, P. Lawson, W, Head, B. Archer and the author extensively quarried and screen-washed Ted- ford Locality. From the concentrate, two mar- supicarniyores, as well as other mammal re- Mains, Were Tecovered. Stirton, Tedford, & Miller (1961) briefiy describe a third marsupicamivore Irom the Etadunna Formation. Terminology of individual tceth is that used by Thomas (1887) and Archer (1974). Ter- minology of tooth crowns is shown in Figure | and follows that used by Archer (1975a), Comparisons With other marsupicarnivores are based in large part on Archer (1976b}. Specimens with prefix P are in the fossil? collection of the South Australian Museum; F in the fossil collection of the Queensland Museum; UCR in the University of California at Riverside; AMNH in the Archbold Callec- tions of the American Museum of Natural His tory; J and JM in the modern collections of the Queensland Museum; and WAM in the modern collections of the Western Australian Museum, Species names of modern Australian niar- supials are those employed by Ride (1970), Laurie & Hill (1954) or Archer (1975b). Other modern marsupial pames arc those employed by Collins (1974), Names of Creta- ceous didelphids are mainly those used by Clemens (1966). Fassil marsupial names are those. employed by the most revent reviewer of those particular groups. Taxonomy Genus ANKOTARINIA nov. Type species: Ankotarinja tirarensis sp. nov, (by designation and monotypy). Generic diagnosis; Differs from other Austra- lian and New Guinean dasyurids in haying, as * Queensland Museum, Gregory Terrace, Brisbune, Old 4006, 54 M. ARCHER ~ pe Fig. }. Terminology of molar cusps and crests (based on Ankotarinja tirarensis). 1A, upper molar. 18, lower molar, a,c), an- terior cingulum; c.6,, gristid. obliqua; end, entoconid; Aycd, hypocristid; hyd, hypo- conid; Ayld, kypoconulid; hyld n., hypo- conulid notch; mel., metaconule; melr., metaconular ridge; me., metacane: nec, meticrista; mecd, metacristid; med, mets- conid; pa., paracone; pacd, paracristid; pad, paraconid; panie. cr., para-melacone crest; pel., protoconule; pprer,, postproto- crista; prer,, protocrista; prd, pratotonid,; pred, precingulid (or anterior cingulum); psed, postcingulid {or posterior cingu- lum); pasted, parastylid; r., ridge mesial to st©; stA-E, stylar cusps A-E. a combination of characters, relatively wnre- duced tafanid on M4 with well-formed hypo- conid, hypoconulid and entoconid and rela- tively unrecduced P4. Origin of generic name: An allusion to Anko- tarinje, a dreamtime ancestor (Robinson 1966, Pp. 26) who, having remained buricd a long tinmte as bones in the earth, resurrected himself in a small watercourse. Asikorarinja is here given masculine gender. Ankotarinja tirarensis sp. nov. FIGS 1-5 Holotype, P18190, right dentary fragment with MS. Type locality: Tedford Locality, Etadunna For- mation, Lake Palankarinnta, Etadutma Station, S.A. (28°47'S, 138°25'B). Diagnosis; That of genus. Features likely to be of specific value include very small size, rela- lionship of hypocristid to entoconid, size and width of anterior and posterior cingula, relative size of paraconid on M4, and relative size of stylar cusps, Origin of specific name; Specific name refers to the Tirari Desert, the portion of the Simpson Desert-containing Lake Palankarinna. Referred specimens: UCR, 15340, dentary fragment with LM4; UCR, 15341, dentary fragment with LMs-4; UCR, 15342, dentary fragment with RM4; P7331, dentary fragment with LM+-4; UCR, 15343, maxillary fragment with alveoli for LM3-4; UCR, 15308, LM**; F7332, LM?3. Description Maxillary fragment (UCR, 15343) referred to this species on basis of size, has alveoli for M8-4 and posterior root of M2. M4 appears ta have been as wide as M34, presumably with relatively little reduction of protocone. M4 length less than that of M#, metacone roat heing veduced and displaced antero-lingually relative to metacone root of M%, Zygomatic root of maxilla yrises buceal to region between M3 and M4. Numerous smal) interdental fenestrae in palate hetween M3 and M3, and between M3 and M4, Upper teeth represented by two isolated molars, probably LM% and LM+4. Although possible that these teeth actually represent Mi}, und M3, improbable for following reasons: Stylar cusps (UCR, 15308) much more reduced than those cusps on M®& in all other dasyurids but not so strikingly reduced when compared with M4 in some dasyurids such as Keeuna, described helow, or some species of Planigale Troughton, 1928, Also, notch tm antero-huccal cingulum of F7332 for reception of metaslylar corner vf preceeding tooth sug- gests F7332 is posterior molar. However, it is also true that in some dasyurids and didelphids with large P+, such a notch sometimes exists MIOCENE. MARSUPICARNIVORES a8 Fig. 2. Specimens of Ankerarinja tirarensis and their measurements (mm). 4, F7331, LMé-4. & UCR. 15340, LM4. C, UCR, 15341, LMs-, BD, Holotype, P18190, RM{4. E, F7332, LMS. F, UCR, 15308, IMé G, UCR, 15343, maxillary fragment with alveoli for | M24. in antero-buccal cingulum of M1. Probable that F7332 and UCR. 15308 represent M2 and M4 respectively rather than M4 and Ms. F7332 has at least three stylar cusps. StB connects to parastylar corner of tooth which may be distinguishable as discreet stA, Para- stylar blade very short. Ectoloph crest descends gently from posterior flank stB, then rises gently, to form long low ridge-like stC, Pos- tenor paint of this cusp marked by beginning of rise in ectoloph which forms tall stD. 5iD has minor ectoloph crest on posterior flank which descends towards metastylar corner of toath. Very minute rise in crest on posterior flank of stD may represent stE, Ectoloph pos- terior to this point very low, extending to meta- stylar corner of tooth. Paracone taller than stylar cusps but subequal in crown height to, or shorter than, protocone. Mefaconc tallest cusp. Prominent protoconule and metaconule. Ectoloph continuous on buccal edge of crown. Buccal concavity in crown outline slight. Para- ¢rista just longer than half length metacrista. Paracrista extends from paracone to anterior half of stB, Although slightly worn, paracrista appears to curve at buccal end to contact stB. Paracrista apparently transverse to imaginary long axis of toothrow. Para-nictucrista. con- tmuous, Slight protoconule ridge may be present linking base of paracone to preproto- crista, Clear metaconular ridge present linking base of metacone to postprotocrista. Meta- conular ridge extends short way up base of Metacone causing bulge in base of that cusp, Metaconular ridge bounds marked declivity between posterior portion of steeply inclined postprotocrista and posterior base of metacone. Anterior cingulum complete, linking preproto- crista and antero-buccal cingulum to parastylar comer of tooth. No posterior cingulum present. Pre- and postprotocrista form large but acuie angle, UCR, 15308 has at least four stylar cusps. Possible stA as in F7332. Posterior crest from stB descends steeply to base of stC. Between stC and D, and connected by crests, another smaller stylar cusp of uncertain homology. StI small and connected to metastylar corner of Sf M, ARCHER tooth by low ecteloph crest, Paracone and protecone subequal in crown height. Prote- comple absent and protacenule swelling only Just present. Metaconule large. Buccal con- cavity in crown outline deeper than in F7332. Paracrista almost three-quarters length meta- crista, Puracrista wom but appears to intersect ectoloph ow anterior flank of siB. No clear protoconule ridge present, Metaconular ridge sovall bur present, Metaconular ridge docs apt clearly extend up base of metacone, Otherwise morphology of UCR, 15308 as.in F7332. Meristic gradients from M5 to M4 may be summarized as follows, Tooth length decreases Width increases, Ectoloph becomes more evenly and decply concave. Stylar cusps, par- licularly OD, become smaller. Paracristy atid metacrista Increase in lenvth. Para-metacrista hecomes more synitietrical. Prococemule de- creases in size. Angle formed by pre- and post- protocrista hecormes slightly more acute. Antero-buccal cingwlim increases stghtly in tength, Dentary fragments Indicate premolar size. UCR, 15340 hus alveoli for C4-P4- Premolar alveoli subequal in size, indicating lite or no reduction in tooth size fram Pi ta P4- Py, pre- sumably had posterior cingular cusp which corresponds with hypocornulid notch of My_ Py anterior alveolus slightly crowded out of align- ment but (as evidenced in modern species of Plonigale, Accher |976a), does not necessarily mean P44 crown gut of aligninent. Judging from proximity of premolar and canine alveoli, premolars and canine presumably contacted one another antero-posteriosty. C4 alveolus suggests Cy width exceeded that of any pre- molar, but because of relatively unreduced Py, C{ probably not greatly enlarged and com- parable with canine of Nirgauw/ Archer, 1975b. Mz? talonicd wader than inigonid but trigonid not as compressed laterally as in most modern dasyurids, Well-ieveloped anteniar cingulum, which terminates Lingually for hypoconulid notch, Parastyiid comer of tooth most anterior portion of crown. Posterior cingulum com- parable in Jength to anterior cingulum and ter- minates buccal to posteriorly projecting hypo- conulid, Basal cingulum absent beneath postero-bireceal corner of protoconid and hypo- conid. Roughened enamel suggests cingulum present hetween base of protoconid and hypn- conid, No lingual cmgulum, Paraconid low, approximately same height as hypoconulid. Protoconid tallest cusp of irigonid, Metaconid just shorter thin proteconid, Hypovonid just taller than entoconid which is taller thai pare- conid, Paracristid complete between protaconid and paraconid but almost vertical from proto- coaid to shallow paracristid fissure and hor) zontal between paracristid fissure and para- conid. Metacristid steeply inclined on both sides of metacristid fissure. Metacristid und hypoeristid approximately transverse to long axis of dentary. Cristid obliqua (damaged) extends from hypoconid to trigonid intersecting latter at point below protoconid tip, well buccal to metacristid fissure. Hypocristid extends From hypoconid to hypoconulid, without approach- ing entoconid. Entoconid and hypoconulid net connected by crest. Entoconid and metaconid connected by high crest. Ms talonid wider than trigonid. Antertor and postenor cingulum as in Mj. Buccal cing lum helween protovonid and hypaconid Jess developed (absent in P18190). No lingual cingulum, Paraconid smallest trigonid cusp but subequal in height to hypocenid and entoconid. Melaconid much taller than hypoconid and just shorter than protoconid, Hypoconid and entoconid subequal in height. Entoconid not connected ta hypoconulid hy crest, but con- nected to metaconid as in M4 except that crest interrupted by shallow transverse groove, Para- cristid from paracristid fissure ta paraconidl, in- clined, nor horizontal, Crista obhqua extends to base of protoconid as in My; but anterio¢ end appears tu be distinct contribution from trigonid with slight fissure where talonid and trigonid parts meet. Trigonid portion thicker and more bulbous. Otherwise morphology Ms, asin Mg. Mg talonid just wider than trigonid. Anterior and posterior cingulum as in Ms. Buccal cingu- lum confined to arca betwecn base of proto- conid and hypoconid, as thickened bulze of enamel, clearly less well-developed than anterioy and posterior cingula, No lingual cingulum. Paraconid smallest trigonid cusp but taller than any tabonid cusp. Entoconid not connected ta hypoconulid hy crest, but con- nected to metaconid, as in MG. Unlike eristid obhiqua in Ma, this structure in My appears to lack transverse fissure separating ¢rest inte hypoconid and trigonid portions: This dif ference between Mi and Ms, notable in P18190, Cristid obliqua, also intersects trigonid in slightly more lingual position than m Ma, Otherwise morphology M%, as in M4. My trigonid wider than talonid, but talonid wider than that stricture in most modern dasyurids. Anterior cingulum as in Ms, Pos MIUCENE MARSUPICARNIVORES AF terior cingulum absent. Buccal cingulum can- fined to arta between protoconid and hypo- conid, Paraconid just shorter than metaconid. Etitoconid and hypoconid reduced relative to My, but larger relative to most modern dasyurids. Entoconid connected to base of metaconid via low crest, Entoconid also com- nected to Aypoconulid by low crest, Hypo- crshd convex anteriorly. Hypoconulid sub- equal in height to entoconid. Cristid obliqua in- tersects trigonid base immediately buccal tu point below metacristid fissure, this being markedly more lingual than similar intersection of cristid obliqua in My. Otherwise morphology of M4 2 in Mg. Meristic changes along touth row as follows. Payuconid increases in height from M{ to Mj. Melaconid height Mj4-4 subequal but meta- cond length at byse of cusp decreases tnackedly from M4 to M4, result of reduction In size @f minor crest on posterior slope of metaconid which links with enteconid, Ento- conid M;- subequal and larger than ento- conic of Mj, Hypoconulid M4-4 subequal in height aud shorter than that cusp in Mi‘. Proto- conid M4 shorter than protovonid My which is subequal 10 that cusp in M4 which is larger ihan that cusp it M4. Hypoconid decreases in height from M4 ta Mg, Talonid M4-4 wider than tigonid. Talonid M4 narrower than trigonid. Paracristid M4-4 subequal and sub- equal lo (P18190) or just shorter than (UCR, 15341) that crest in Mg. Paracristid M4 shorter than that of M4. Metacristid increases in length from M4, to Mé. Metacristid My shorter than metacristid M4. Cristid obliqua in- tersects trigonid in progressively more lingual Position from Mi to M4. Hypocristid My -{ subequal in length and longer than hypocristid My. Anterior cingulum decreases in length slightly from M4-M4. Posterior cingulum M4 -:, subequal in length (absent in Mi) Discussion und comparison Anketarinja t a Metatherian because it has four molars, a larec stylar shelf, and an approximaled entocenid and hypoconulid. It is also a marsupicarnivore because it has tribo sphenic molars lacking hypocencs, Denta| characietistics of known dasyurids, peramelids, thylacinids, didelphids, and related marsupicarnivores have been reviewed (Archer 1976b) and, to avoid repetition; it is sufficient to point out here that Avkerarinja can only be regarded as either a dasyurid or didelphid, Because morphological yariation of teeth exhibited by didelphids and dasyurids OVerlaps, only incisor number and possibly dP4 cusp number permit diagnosis at the family Jevel. Al) dasyurids have three lower incisors and four upper jacisors on each aide, whereas almost all didelphids have four lower and five upper incisors (exceptions may include Derorhynchas singularis Paula Couto, 1952, species of Eodefphis Matthew, 1916). The pre- maxilla and amlerior region of the dentary of Ankotarinja Hrurensis are unknown, Therefore, this marsupicarniyore cannot at present be referred conclusively to either the Dasyuridae or the Didelphidae, Modern and fossil didelphid subfamilies exhibit greater morphological variation than dasyurids. Most are so distinct that their mere subfamilial status has been questioned, and the reasons they are doubtfully referred to the Didclphidae are also the reasons they cannot be related to Ankotarinija tirarensis. Only didel- phines warrant closer comparison. Some North and South Anictican didel- phines are adequately illustrated (such as the Paleocene forms described by Paula Couto 1952, 1962, 1970} but most are not. Archer (19766) summarizes the must striking charac- teristics of these forms, Only species of Coona Simpson, 1938, Marmoyepsis Paula Couto, 1962, Mirandetheriunr Paula Couto, 1970, Monadelphopsis Paula Couto, 1952, Derur- hyachus Paula Cotte, 1952, [schyredidetphis Paula Couto, 1952, Didelpieopris Paula Coute, 1952, Minwseulodelphis Paula Couto, 1962 and an M+ listed by Paula Couto (1962) as incer- fae sediv are similar to A, tirarensis, Among Cretaceous didelphines, species of Alphadan Simpson, 1927, and Pediowys Marsh, 1889, warrant comparison. Modern didelphines used here for companson include two species of Marmosa Gray, i821, M. sp. and M-~ siitis Bangs, 1898, Monodelphis dimidima (Wagner, 1847), Metachirus nudicaudanus ( Geoffroy, 1803), Philander opassun: Gray, 1843, and Didelphis marsupialis Linnaeus, 1760, Of these, species of Marmosa, Monedelpits Bur- nett, 1830 and Didelphis Linmacus, 1758 warrant closer compucison with 4 nkofariila. Characters of Ankotarinja which are wousual among dasyurids and inVite broader compari son within the Marsupicarnivera (the didel- phine forms noted sbove) are as follaws: 1, large M4 talonid; 2, relatively uncompressed My trigonid: 3, huccal position of anterior end of cristid obliqua; 4, transverse orientation of metacristid: 5, large P4; 6, large M+; 7, stylar x jaa = Ss) &% < = MIOCENE MARSUPICARNIVORES psc i ee a4 w q oO a) < = MIOCENE MARSUPICARNIVORES aL TABLE = ~~ = 22 z= =- 4 eisigde2Fs : Ei. + BEEPS EBE = = oc 5 = & = = eSSesasgosesttEtses BS so = 3 a SStetPyVSEFrFsPsEerzsrTtSTrErzrsrzers te 23aé SEEPRBERQGFTSEBEPBRERESZ RE ESE Z . SEESSSSSEFESSZSEESTEREER ERE = Unusual characteristics $4 & Se iszeii =a TESPESS €£ 28 3 of Ankotarinia NHS SPTQRARSFS oS tre FBR SFeRrRzAA 1 Mj talonid Jarge + + F— tt 7 Lu, a4 tre gt ats b/ + ——— — 9 2% My trigonid wide ; Pa pt he F Bab ff BE feof fee = 3. Coo, buecal position +4 bope tee PHHeE F444 2 4 -——— H + 4. Transverse metacristid + }| | -—-—- -—-— Se S. Large P4 + ele Pepe ole — -= -apepeaee tony —- 7 ® Large Mg + YP 7 PP Fo PPE HHA HF HERK HE H HH HH | 7. stD small attd posterior Se re i a ey ec a ces eee ee + 6, Metaconule prominent FH FY He Veer MPR tem H tt ie eH Le 6b cusp arrangement with reduced and posteriorly positioned stD; and 8, prominent metaconule, These characters are compared in Table 1 for non-dasyurid marsupicarnivores noted above, as well as dasyurids which provide the closest approximations to Ankotarintja. In this Table, characters 1-8 are the same as noted above. A "+" records a condition similar to or which approaches the condition found in Ankotarinja. A “?" indicates either that the requisite part of the dentition is unknown or not adequately pre- served, A “—” indicates ‘a character condition unlike that in Ankertarinia. In some genera noted, some species may be similar to, while others differ fram, the condition in Anko- jarinja, In this case, a “+-" only is recorded. M44, and M+ size Large M4 and M4 talonid are related characters and more common among siruc- turally ancestral didelphines than dasyurids, Very few dasyurids have the M4 talonid as relatively large as it is in Ankotarinja, The M4 lalonid of most dasyurids is laterally e¢om- pressed with one or at most two cusps present, ihe hypoconid and entoconid or hypoconid and hypoconulid, In this character, Ankorarinja is most similar (among dasyurids) to Neo- pRascogale and to a lesser extent Phascoloso- rex. Three distinct cusps may sometimes be present on the M4 talonid of other dasyurids such as Murexia, Myoictis Gray, 1858 and some Antechinus but in these forms the M4 trigonid is relatively larger than in Amkovarinja, while the talonid is transversely compressed, Relatively large M4 talonids characterize many didelphine groups. For example, the talonid of M4 in Marmosa is only slightly more reduced than that of Ankotarinja. However, in Mar- moya the whole M4 is not as reduced relative to Mg as it is in Kee, central Austra- lian Aboriginal word for wild cat; una, central Australian Aboriginal word for forgotten (Smith 1880). Keeuna is here given masculine gender, Keeuna woodburnei sp. nov. FIGS 6-8 Holotype: P18191, isolated RM%. Type locality; Tedford locality, Etadunna For- mation, Lake Palankarinna, Etadunna Station, S.A. (28°47'S, 138°25E). Diagnosis: That of genus. Relative develop- ment of entoconids, stylar cusps, and size may prove to be diagnostic species characters. Origin of specific name; The specific name is in honour of Dr M. O. Woodburne who helped MIOCENE MARSUPICARNIVOKES 65 find all of the malerial referred to this species and who, with Dr W, A. Clemens, gave the author fs first opportunity to study Australian Tertiary fossils. Referred specimens: UCR, 15271, RMit: 17333, left maxillary fragment with M® and part of M3, UCR, 15347, right premaxillary fraginent; UCR, 15344, isoluted LM 4; UCR, 13348, left dentary fragment; UCR, 15286, tri- gonid RM 4; UCR, 15269, trigonid RM 4; UCR, 15274. isolated Me; UCR, 15345, Icfi dentary fragment; UCR, 15346, dentary frag- ment with LP4 erupting, F7334, isolated LM4, Description Maxillary fragment (F7333) has LM%, pos- lecior part LM, and alveoli for LMt. M4 narower than M3 but relatively hittle reduced anlero-posteriorly, being only slightly shortcr than M4. Metacone toot M4 large, equivalent! in size to protacone root, and only just smaller than paracone root. Interdental fenestrae occur between M2 and M3 and between M% and Mt. Maxillary root of zygoniatic arch arises buccal to M*-4, Infraorbital canal opens on anterior edge of maxillary fragment, dorsal to anterior end M&, Premaxillary fragment (UCR, 15347) may rep- resent K. woodhurned on basis of size, because larger than would be expected for other known Negapakaldi forms. Four alveoli present. Largest represents RL}, (alveolus broken}. This alveolus separated from alveolus for R1I® by Very short diastema, Alveoli for RIS-4 contact one another. RE alveolus inclined posteriorly and suggests RI} inclined antero-ventrally. Based on alveolar size, RI1 largest incisor, RIS exceeded RI4 in Jength which exceeded RI4 in length. This may be misleading sinve posterior lohe of RI4 (occurrence of which is not uncommon among modern dasyurids}] may have caused this tooth to be longer than R12. Also, root for RI} commonly large in modern dasyurids, while crown muy be very reduced. Posterior to RI! alveolus, premaxillary wall descends into pit which is ovclusal counterpart of RC. indicating RC4 large and caniniform. M5 with continuous anterior cingulum con- necting parastylar corner of tooth to preproto- crista (piece of enamel missing from anterior cingulum of holotype). Posterior cingulum absent (F7333) to doubtfally present (PIS191) as swelling at base of crown abave metacone root. Swelling not continuous with Postprotocrista whereas this is the case in moder dasyurids whth undoubted posterior cingula, Five distinct buccal cusps present, StA Gecurs at buccal end of anterior cingulum, hetween parastylar commer of tooth and stB. Almost vertical, minor crest copnects stA to parastylar corner of tooth, that part of tooth which would overlap postero-buccal edge ol P+, Very minor, more gently inclined crest comects sLA to stB. StH connected to paracone by long paracrista. Buccal crest extends pos- teriorly From stB to contact small, jow stC which is adjacent to another small low stylar cusp of uncertuin homology. These two stylar cusps not connected hy crest, The posterior small cusp connects to larger stD by Minne, inclined crest. StD largest stylar cusp, bul stialler than (fat cusp in M% of modern dasyurids. StD connects lo metastylur corner of tooth by lung, low crest, No evidence of stE. From metastylar corner of tonth, three crests radiate: buecal crest to stD. metacrista fo Metacone; and minor short crest that extends amero-lingually from metastylar cover and ends within short distance of toothy corner. Crescentic enamel ridge occurs lingual to mic point of ectoloph, and buceal to mid-point of para-metacrista, Ridge may represent cusp analogous (o similar structure in some speci- mens of Srinthepsis virginlaeg Tarragon, 1847. Paracone shorter than metacane, and two cusps widely separated. Small but clear meta. conular jidge extends from base of metacone to middle of postprotocrista. Postprotocrista terminales as steep-sided crest adjavent to base of metacone. Deep pyramid-shaped fossa exists between hases of paracone and metacone and buccal flank of protocone. Metucrista approximately 1.5 {imes length paracrista. E¢tofiexus in ectoloph slight, poimt of inflectinn immediately posterior to siC, Mé@ with continous antenor cingultim, Pos- terior cingulum absent. At least four srylar cusps present. Parastylar extension of tooth small and accordingly litthe overlap of imeta- stvlar cornet of M3 occurs, SiC connected to StB as in M2, On anterior flank of cusp called stC (F7333), small, possibly distinct swelling occurs which may be homologous with stC of M5. If so, cusp posterior tn that cusp in MS might be homologous with single conspicuous cusp in this position on M3. Posterior to stC of M&% ts slightly larger stD. Posterior to stD, and connected to it by crest, is stE, This cusp exlends postertorly es ridge which terminates short of metastylar corner of tooth. Only meta- crista radiates from metastylar corner of tooth, Lingual Io stC, as in M5, crescentic ndge occurs Which may be distinct cvsp. In addition 66 M, ARCHER TABLE 2 = = Pa] 2 2 % = a Se ¢ = s s & & i 8 S = §s§ = & S&S F€ ze | € SF = € F = = 3 = = & = € 3 = 3. = 3 = 3 = = S S = 3 — 4 = = = 3 G = Unusual charagrers: >: = 3 € S &- 8&8 $ § & § F = F of Koenna *# 5 & = fi = Sc S& = B® FE Be 1, Large Ms i, i i i a i is cs ell 2, M* lack post, cing, | + | Fo ~ $$ +t + — —| = + + + 4 ArmallsiD tek + S Ft ff $F HF KE KE HK —— + 4. Compresacd M+) — Se a ee — —» om aa ae to metaconular ridgc, as in M2, clear imeta- conular swelling present on pestprotecrista, Na clear proteconnle er protoconular ridge present. Metucrisin less (han 1.5 times length Paracrista, Ectoflexus M*# broad and relatively deep. Point of inflection in ectoflexus occurs anterior to stC. Otherwise morphology of MS as in M3. Dentary with two branches of inferior den- lal canal, one emerging at point Tevel with middle of M4 on buccal surface of dentary while other emerges at point beneath posterior root Py (latter condition determined fram juvenile dentary, UCR, 15346). UCR, 15344 only specimen with premolar alveoli preserved. Pi, erupting in this specimen. As result. apparently crowded premolar condilion may besome less crowded in adult dentary. Pre- molar gradicnt suggested by alveoli; Py shorter than P4 which js subequal in Jength to P4, DP, alveoli suggest tooth as large aus P4{ and Iwo-rooted, P4 alveoli acutely oblique with an- terior root postero-buccal to C4 alveolus. Pos- terior root Pi immediately posterior to C4 alveolus. Py and «P4 alveoli suggest iccth only mildly out of alignment (although crown alignment need not be reflected in root align- ment), C4 alveolus relatively small, suggesting tooth no wider than Pa. Py partly erupted snd partly obscured. Tooth single-cusped with tall protocontd. Paracristid steep, No anterior cingulum cusp. Metucristid more gently inclined and appears to direcily contact very small posterior cingulum cusp. No buccal of lingual cingula evident. M; talonid wider than trigonid, and trigonid more laterally compressed than What structure in| Ankerarinja, Anterior cingulum relatively well-developed, terminating lingually with hypoconulid notch, and terminating buccally anterior to buccal base of protoconid. Posterior cingulum slightly shorter than anterior cingu- lum and extends to contact hypeconulid. Pro- Hounked crmgulum development, as bulac hetween bases of protocanid and hypocenid, No lingual cingulum: Paraconid low on crown, approximately same hetght ax entoconid.. Proto- conid tallest trigonid cusp, Metaconid just shorter than prntocomid, Hypoconid subeqial to entaconid in height. Paracristid complete hetween protocanid and paraconid, and anterior part of crest steeply inclined. Meta- cristid and apparently paracristid fissures extend below cutting edges of crests. Crest descends from posterior wall of melaconid and meets crest from anterior wall of entoconid. ‘Two efests meet with shallow, open fissure, Crest development from posterior wall of cnto- conid slight to absent. No crest links entoconid and hypoconulid. Hypocristid extends postera lingually from hypoconid to hypoconulid. Both hypocristid and metacristid clearly not trans- verse to long axis of tooth, Cristid obliqua in- tersects trigonid well buccal to point below metacristid fissure: Isolated molars posterior ta M4 not been posilively identified. UCR, 15274 and UCR, 15344 tentatively regarded as tepresenting M4 and M‘ respectively, This conclusion based an trigonid width and paraconid height. Both in- crease posteriorly in most modern dasyurids between M4 and Mé. UCR, 15274, LM%, trigonid just narrower than talonid. Hypoconulid notch between paru- stylid and lingual end of anterior cingulum larger than in M4. Cingulum development hetween base of protoconid and hypoconid does not produce buccal convexity in crown olitline. Paracomid higher on crown than in M+. Paracristid fissure well-developed below crest. Cristied obliqua intersects trigonid ans extends short way up trigonid wall at point lingual te paint of same intersection in M4. Otherwise morphology UCR, 15274 same as Mj. Ger, 15344, LM4, trigonid and talonid sub- equal in width. Hypoconulid natch larger than in M4 but subequal to that of M4, Posterior MIOCENE MARSUPICARNIVORES 67 cingulum Jess convex posterlorly than in M4 ar Mi, Also, posterior cingulum extends lingually ad contacts hypoconulid rather than stopping short of it as in M4 and Ma, Basal cingulum between protoconid and hypaconid well- developed but does not cause buccal convexity. Crests linking metaconid and entoconid Jess- developed than in M4 and Mg (although M4 damaged in this region). Cristid obliqua inter- sects trigonid as in Ms. Otherwise morphology Mg, a3 in Mg. Discussion aud comparison A summary of important dental characters in marsupicarnivores in general is given else- where (Archer 19766) and to avoid repetition, discussion of dental characters of Keeuna is largely restricted to those characters which eillher make Keevna unusual among the Dasyuridae or sugeest aMnities outside of that family. Comparison within the Marsupicarni- vora is restricted to the Dasynridse and Didel- phidae. because no other families contain Forms even remotely similar to Keeuna, Keeuna cannot be referred conclusively to the Dasyuridae for the same reasons given above in the discussion of Anketarinja. How- ever, the features of Keeuna@ are more suigges- tive of known dasyurids than didelphids, If the referred premaxilla does in fact represent Keeuna, there is no reason to doubt its reference to the Dasyuridac, This specimen shows alveoli for four incisors, The diastema behind the anterior alveolus confirms that ihe anterior alveolus represents 11. No dasyurid or didelphid known to the author has a diastema within the incisor row posterior to 13 or an- terior to 15, other than a variably preseni dia- stema between U4 and 13. Although the dental characters of Keeuna are all present in one dasyarid or another, con- sidered together: 1, the large M4 (inferred from alveoli): 2, virlual Jack of a posterior cingulum on the upper molars; 3, relatively re- duced stD on M%; and 4, antern-posteriorly shortened M4; they make Keenna unique among dasyurids. These characters are com- pared in Table 2 for didelphids and dasyurids which provide the closest similarities in upper molar morphology to Keeuna. Many South American Tertiary didelphids which have a lower molar morphology (ez, Adtrandatherium, Paula Cotto 1962, fig. 4) simifar to that of Keeuna, are unrepresented by upper molars and not included in Table 2. Characters 1-4 are the same as noted above. A “+" records a condition similar to or closely apptoaching thal found in Keeuna, A “? indicates elther thal the dentition is too incomplete or poorly pre- served to enable determination. A “—" indh- cates a condition unlike that im Keeund. Poly- lypic genera which have some forms similar to but othets differing from Keenna are recorded only as “sl. M* indicates any of all upper molars. M4 size The possible significance of a large M4 is discussed above. Keewra exhibits similarities in this regard la many didelphids but only a few struclurally ancestral dasyurlds, meluding Atkoterinja. Postenlor citigula on upper molars Elsewhere (Archer (1976b) i has been noted that cingula have the effect of increasing molar surface area. [i is alsa possible that pos- terior cingula on upper molars act as supple- Mmentary shearing crests in opposition to the paraccistids which come into effect after the paracristids shear past the metacrista. Distribu- tion of this character in modern dasyurids (Archer 19766) does not appear to lend itself to phylogenetic interpretation, being present in some but not other species of single genera such as Anilechinuy, Absence in Keeuna, although perhaps phylogenctlically unimpor- tant, is useful in combination with other characiers for differentiating the gents. Sylar cusp D Small size of this cusp allres Keeura with Ankotarinja, a5 well as. with many didelphids. The possible significance of stylar cusp size 1s discussed. above in regard to Ankorarinja. Compressed M4 M# of Keeuna is longitudinally compressed tu comparison with structurally ancestral dasyurids such as Neephascegale hut not in comparison with structurally derived dasyurids such as Seniatiepyis whose molars are even mote compressed, Bensley (1903) liotes reta- tive compression in some dasyurids and regards this as a more insectivorous thau carnivorous adaptation. Extremes of non-compression, such aus occur in Sarcoppilus, result in shearing crests which approach longitudinal rather than a transverse crientalion, Detaled comparisons Overall, Keevna more closely rescmbles some dasyunids tocluding Phascolosorex, Neo- phascogale, some Antechinus, Murexia, and Ankotarinja, than it does didelphids. Particnlar similarities and differences are noted below 68 ML. Similarittes which extend to all dasyurids are not noted. Phascoloserex; Similaritics include relatively large M+ and metaconule. Upper molars of Keeuna differ from those of Phasecolosarex (e.g. AMNH, 109758, 151992, 101975 and LO9757) in that stylar cusps mutch closer to buceal edge of crown; small stylar cusp occurs lingual io st© (although in some specimens of species of Phascolaseres such as AMNH, 151992, this Cusp suggested on M5); M* shorter antero-posteriorly; paracnsta ond metu- cTista enclose more acute angle; and Mt-+ lack clear postenor cingula, In lower molars of Keewna, trigonid and paraconid of M{ much less reduced; crests From posterior face of metaconids much better-developed; talonid M:, relatively slightly wider. Neophayeopule: Large M+ of Keeuna similar to that of Neophascogale (tg, AMNH, 109524), Differences in upper molars of Keewra include these noted above in comparison with Phascolesorex as well as lack of distinct antero- lingual low crest developed on base of prote- cone (Which has nothing to do with preproto- crista); ectoloph and para-mctacnsta relatively more widely separite at their closest point: pro- toconule slightly better-developed. Lower molars Keenna differ in having less reduced Mj trigonid: relatively shorter, wider molars; cristid obliqua Which intersects trigonid in rela- tively more lingual position (notable in M4~-4)5 lack of post-entoconid crest which directly con- nects to bypoconulid: relatively lower talanids, higher trigonids; relatively shorter talonids, Anteckinuy: Resemblance with some Anie- ghinus (e.g. A, mayert (Rothschild & Dollman, 1930), AMNH, 109816, A, sp. AMNE, 150877 Erom New Guineas, and A. trelanure (Thomas, 1399), WAM, M5517) considerable including overall propornions of M%-8: some- what similar reduction of st1D on M®*: relatively unreduced P4. Upper molars Keeune differ in that siD relutively slightly more reduced on M3; stB relatively more posterior on ectoloph: all stylar cusps relatively smaller; M4-3 some- what sharter antero-postertorly; M4 notably longer in proportion to length of M4; posterior cingwla absent; metacone and paracone M4-+ ARCHER relatively closer in height; larger, more veon- spicuoua cusp of crest occurs lingual to stC; ectoflexus in relatively more posterior position; protocone shorter antero-posteriorly at its longest poinf, Lower molars Keewee differ in having less-compressed trigonid on M4 with larger puracond; relatively wider talonid on Mz; lack complete buccal cingulum such as occurs on Mé~, of some Antechinus species (eg, A. mayeri); lower molars relatively shorter, wider; enfoconids M4-5_ relatively taller; hypoconulid wider and extends farther from: postero-lingual comer of M4-4. Murexia: Similarities between ‘species of Murexia (eg. M. fongicaudata (Schlegel 1866) (AMNH, 101972 and 152035)) in- chide comparable relative length of M4; rela- tively unreduced P4. Upper molats of Keewria differ in same features from Murexia as they do from molars of Antechinux except us follows, In Keeway all stylar cusps except C relatively smaller; posterior cingulum of upper molars virtually undeveloped (although only slight postertur cingular development occurs in species of Murexia); M$ relatively longer; metaconular crest from base of metacone less well-developed and Iscks low, minor crest linking stD with metacone (latter observed only in unwom Specimens of Murexia examined in this study, AMNH, 152035). Lower molars of Keeuna differ in same features from teeth of Murexia that differentiate teeth of Antechines, except as follows. In lower molars of Keeyna entoconids relatively shorter antcro-posteriorly, and higher; buccal cingulum absent (occurs in one specimen of Mureala. AMNH, 152035); low direct crest linking pes- terior face of entoconid with hypoconulid absent. Ankotarinja: Comparison with much smaller Ankatarinja demonstrates that bath farms simi- lar tn having relatively small stylar cusps (par- ticularly stD); atylar cusp(s}) present betweed B and D; no posterior cingulum; complete an- terior cingulum; slightly smaller paracones than melacones; Lick of direct crest linking ento- conid with hypoconulid; relatively large P4; un- reduced trigonid and paraconid of M{- Upper molars of Keeuna differ from those of A4nke- farinja in larger stze and more gntetior position Fig. 7. A-F, scanning electron microscope photographs of Keenan woodburnei, A, Holotype, P1811, KM2, stereo photographs. B, tentatively referred lo K. woodburnei, UCR, 15347, prensaxillary fragment with alveoli tor RLY-5 and posterior edge of alveolus for RI, C, F7334, LM4. D, UCR, 15344, LM or LM&, E, UCR, 15346, dentury fragment with unerupied LP4 aad alveoli for 1.P4-M% and edges of alveoli for LO{ and LMé, n jaa] 4 o z Z 4 Ss) — i 5 DH 4 < = jaa Zi jaa} Q } o = M. ARCHER ek se MIOCENE MARSUPICARNIVORES 7! of stD on M3-3; number of cusps in position of stC; presence of siylar crest limgual to siC; less. well-developed metaconule,; presence of deep pit hetween bases of paracone und meta- cone, Lower molars of Keene differ in having longer metacrista; relalively larger M4; more lingual intersection of cristid obliqua and in- Zonid; non-transverse inetacristid and hypocris- tid; large hypoconulid of Mg; antero-posteriurly non-compressed inigonids; relatively unequal heights of the paraconids and metaconids. Dif- ferences in position of intersection of cristid obliqua and trigonid in —"List of land mammals of New Guinea, Celebes and adjacent islands !758-}952." (Tonbridge Printers: Tonbridge. } Littrcraven, fF. A. 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Desvaux from South Africa] in having numerous scattered longitudinal filaments passing through the diaphragms of the thallus. C. insignis Lucas from Tasmania also has scattered longitudinal filaments. Three other species, C. affinis (Hook. & Harv.) J. Ag. (including C. obsolete. Harvey), C. zostericola Harvey (including var. arcuata Hook. & Harv. of C. affinis) and C. parvula (C.Ag.) Harvey var. amphibolis var. noy., have only peripheral longitudinal filaments in the thallus. Australian records of the South African C. compressa Harvey probably apply to juvenile C. tasmanica or to a probably undescribed species on the N.S.W. coast. One species of Chylocladia, C. grandis, is newly described. Other Australian species previously referred to Chylocladia belong to Lomentaria or are relegated to synonyms. SOUTHERN AUSTRALIAN SPECIES OF CHAMPIA AND CHYLOCLADIA (RHODYMENIALES:; RHODOPHYTA) by D. J. REEDMAN* and H. B. S$, WomersLey* Summary ReepmMan, D. J., & Womerstey, H. B. $. (1976).—Southern Australian species of Chanipia and Chylocladia (Rhodymeniales: Rhodophyta). Trans. R. Soc, S. Aust, 100(2), 75-104, 31 May 1976. Five species of Champia are recognised on southern Australian coasts. C. viridis C. Ag, tincluding C, tasmanica Harvey, C. oppeasitifolia J,Ag,, and C, verticillaia J.Ag.) resembles the lype species [C., lumbricalis (L.) Desvaux from South Africa] in having numerous scattered longitudinal filaments passing through the diaphragms of the thallus. C, iasignis Lucas. from Tasmania also has scattered longitudinal filaments. Three other species, C. affinis (Hook. & Harv.) J. Ag. (including C. obsoleta Harvey), C. zostericela Harvey (including var, arewata Hook. & Harv. of €. affinis) and C. parvula (C.Ag.) Harvey var. amphibolis vur. nov. have only peripheral longitudinal filaments in the thallus. Australian records of the South African C. contpressa Harvey probably apply to juvenile C. tesmanica or to a probably undescribed species on the N.S.W. coast. One species of Chylocladia, C. grandis, is newly described, Other Australian species pre- viously teferzed to Chylocladia belong t Lomentaria or ate relegated to synonyms, Totroduction Champia Desvyaux is in general a well characterised genus (Kylin 1956) of the family Champiaceae Kuetzing (1843) (syn, Lomen- tarinceae Naegeli 1847) of the Rhodymeniales and includes ntimerous species from most cousts of the world. Some 9 specics have been credited to southern Australia, and ss with so many Australian genera, taxonomic distinctions ure uncertain and in some cases the carlicst Valid names are not in current use. Ciylocladia Greville has been credited with several Australian species, all of which are synonyms of species of Chanipia or other genera. One new species of Ciiylocladia has, however, been found in South Australian waters, The type species of Champia is C, luambri- calis (L.) Desvaux (1808, p. 246), from the Cape of Good Hope, South Africa, Although a well-marked species, C. /uinbricalis has never been studied in detail, and the generic concepts of structure and reproduction are based largely on the European C, parvula (C. Agardh) Har- vey which has been investiguted most recently by Bliding (1928) who reviews earlier studies. The thallus construction and reproduction of the type species do, however, appear to con- form with those of C, parvula, and a brief account of the type species is given below. Champia is characterised by a multiaxial, hollow but septate and thus segmented, usually much-branched thallus which originates from a ring of apical cells (or a ring plus several central cells). These apical cells each cut off a filament of cells which runs longitudinally through the thallus, and from the peripheral filaments the continuous cortical layer of cells originates close to the apex. If a group of central apical cells is present (as in the type species), then longitudinal filaments also occur in the central region throughout the “hollow” thallus. The characteristic transverse dis- phragms in the thallus are derived from the Iongitudinal filament cells very close to the apex, and originate either from alternate cells or ones 2-3 cells apatt. Each longitudinal fili- ment cell cuts off cells laterally in one trans- verse plane, and these link up and divide fur- ther to form the characteristic 1 cell thick dia- phragm, the peripheral filaments. being adja- cent to the cortex or sometimes separated by * Department of Botuny, University of Adelaide, Adelaide, S. Aust 5000_ 16 QD. J, REEDMAN & H, B.S. WOMERSLEY one diaphraym cell. The longitudinal filament cells lying between the diaphragms usually cut off one (-3) gland cells, Outer cortical layers may be formed, and in some species an inner cortex ul chizoidal filaments develops, Most species are much branched, and the branches atise from the regions of the dia- Phragms by development of 4 Ling of apical cells (rom cortical cells of the parent branch. Reproductively Champia is fairly distinctive, The procarp consists of a +-celled carpogonial branch borne on a supporting cell fa cortical cell), together with a 2-celled auxiliary cell branch, present before fertilisation. The cysto- carps ure external and sub-spherical to urceo- late. asiiolate, containing a carposporephyte with 4 basal fusion cell and much branehed gommablas! filaments with terminal carpo- sporangia. The inner cells of the pericarp become stellate and form a network (“tela arachinoidea"). Spermatangia are cut off from mother cells Uerived from the witter cortical cells, and may cover extensive jreas of the bratiches. Tetrasporangia develop by enlargement of inner cortical vells. they are tetrahedrally divided ynd vecur scattered over the branches. Species of Chapin are moderately common along most of the coast of southern Australia, und sre commonly mentioned in ecologicul uccounts, In general, however, they do not characterise any communities, though C. affinis may be common in shallow water om rock plat- torms (Womersley 1948, p, 158), Chylocladia Greville differs from Chrmpia in that the cystucurps do not have an ostiole and the carposporophyte consists of a large, basal fusion celi giving rise directly ta carpo- sporangia. The thallus construction of the two genera ts similar. CHAMPIA Desvaux The strycture and reproduction of the type species, Chamipia lumbricalls Champia lanbericaliy (L.) Desvaux (1808, p. 246) is bused on Ulva luiibeicaliy Linnaeus (1771. p. 300) from the Cape of Good Hope. The species is a distinct one, and material from Camps Bay, Cape Vown, South Africa (CG. Dieckmann, FLvilit973) has been studied to check On ihe generic characteristics: Cy lumbeicalig is a robust species forming clumips with numerous axes to 15 ent high, arising Cran an entangled, stoloniferous base. The axes are 2-4 mm thick. tercte and linear, with ovcasional basally constricied branches with rounded apices. The diaphvagms are regu- lar in position, $-1¢~1£) mim apart and largely obscured below by the thick cortex. The apices have a central group of 7-8 ini- jials and peripheral ring of about 14 Imitials, resiiting in Jengitudinal filaments passing (hrough the inner part of each diaphragm as well as 14-2!) wround the periphery. One com- plete (rarely 2) and two part longitudinal fila- ment cells occur between the diaphragms. bear- jing |-3 gland cells. The corlex close to the apex becomes 3.4 cells thick, with a dense outer cortical layer of anticlmally clongate cells. In old axes the cortex increnses to about 8 colls thick, and o weft of rhizoids also deve- Jops as an internal layer’ to the cortex. The reproductive organs occur on tufts of short, adventitious, branchlets (5-10 mm long und 1-1+ mm thick) formed on the upper hail of the axes. Usually the tufts are dense, with numerous, curved {concave acduxially) tertile branchlets, but in some plaints cystocarps are borne on single lateral branchlets, Cystocarps are borne mainly on the adawial (concave) side of the curved branchlets, uflen with 2-4 grouped together, they are ovoid with a small ostiole, i-2 mm in diameter ancl high. The carpospurophyte arises from 4 basal fusion cell, with a much-branched gonimohlast bear- ing terminal carposporangia; subterminal cells probably also mature into carposporangia after Joss of the terminal ones. The inver cells of the pericarp become stellate, forming a loose tissue. and the outer wall is comparutively thick. Curpogonial branches and early post- fertilisation stages have not been observed. Spermatia form a continuous covering all around the branchlets, or sometimes luryely on the adaxial sides, with the outer cortical cells culling olf 2-4 elongate spermatangial mother cells which then cut off several avoid spermu- 7aTVeaL, Teteasporangia occur densely in the brunch- leis and are transformed from most of the large inner comical cells; they are slightly pyrifarm to avoid, abeut 100. 2m long, and tetrahedrally divided. The above description of C. lumbricalix agrees Well in cssential generic details wih that of Bliding (1928, p. 5) for C. parvude. thuugh the latter is much smaller find slendgrer, wilh & much thinner cortex, and bus only penpheral longitudinal filaments: ‘Uhere js thus ne reason to doubt the generic concept of Champa as secoyiised by Blidge and hy Rylin (1956, 7 346), SOUTHERN AUSTRALIAN CHAMPIA AND CHYLOCLADLA vt Key to southern Australian species of Champia 1, Vhallus with longitudinal filaments scattered thoouzh the diaphragms as well as pevipheral filaments; branches usually lincar, Msally con- stiicted or not, not or slightly constricted al the cisphragms; branching irregular or distichous Thallus with peripheral longitudinal filaments enly; branches usually tapering to base and apex. usuilly slightly to moderately constrieted at the diuphragms; branching irregular or aise 2, Branching irrewular, often distant, branches lieews, 14-) t-2! mm browd ......, C, yirielis (p. 77) 2, Branching subdistichous, fairly regularly pia- nale; branches 2-5 mm broad, with a hitsul stender stalk ae, Cotnsizets bp B14 Thallus segments obscured; hooked branches absent; Usually epilithic; cortical eclls cutung off, near branch apices, Usually several small outer cortical ces wt first around their margins, liter becoming almost continuous over the thallus as an outer layer and in older parts cutting off further outer cortical cells; inner primary cor- ticn] cells, which thus become obscured, are ovoid, 14-2 times as lang as broad. and 20-30 ant broad oo... C. affinis (p. 82) 3. Thallus segments clearly defined throughout! most of thallus; usually epiphytic on seagrasses or larger algae; cortical cells each cuting off usually only 1(-2) small cells fram their corners, so that the single Jayer of large cortical cells remains clearly defined (hroughoul most of the thallus: cortical cells usually ungulur, 2-3(-4) times as long as broad _ A 4. Branchlets 4-( mm. branches 1-2 mm, in diameter; cortex essentially single layered throughout; usually one compleie longitudinal filament cell between diaphragms; ultimate branchlets often hooked; usually epiphytic on Posidonia, Amplibolis or Sarger algac C. zastericola (p. 87) 4, Granchlets $/3-4% mm, branches 4-1 mm, in diameters cores mostly single layered but 2-4 cells thick tm oldest axes; usually two. com- plete longitudinal filament celly between dia- phraems: ultimate branchlets usually linear. rarely hooked; epiphytic on Applibalis - Cc, paevula var. amphibatis (p. 91) Champia viridis C, Agardh 1828: 115. Kuet- zing 1849; 842, hmimiatt viridis (C, Agardh) Trevisan [848: Las. nd Champia tasmanice Harvey 1844a: 407, pl 19, 847: 78: be59. 307, J. Agardb 1852: 370, 1876; 206; 1879: 67, pl. 19, fis 10-12, De Toni 190Ua; 79; 1800h: 563. Guiler 1952) 95, Hooker & Harvey 1847; 402. King ef al., 1971; 122(%), Kuetzing 1549: Bél: 1868: 30, pl S4e. Kylin (930: 79. Luvas 1909» 34; 1929n: $9; 1929b; 50 Lucas & Perrin 1947: 207. fig. 72, May 19645: 362, Okamura 1904: 88, Reinhold 1897: 53; 1899:> 45. Shepherd & Womersley 1970: 1345 1971; 165, Sonder 1846: 177(7); 1853; @82> 1855: S518; 1880, 17, ‘Late 1kR2! 18. ‘Tisdull 1893) 506. Wilson 1892: JO. Womersley 1950: 176; 196fir ISE. Champia tasmanica var. gracilis Harvey 1863; synop.; 27, Sonder 1880: 17 Tate 1&b2: 1K. enidaldia tasmanica (Harvey) Trevisan 1848 108. Champta onpositfolte J. Agarih 1901) 27. De Toni 1924= 309, Kylin 1931: 29, pl. 16, fig. 47. May 1965: 362, Champta verticitlaw t Agardh 901; 24, De Yoni 1924: 309. Kylig 1931: 29, pl 17. fig 39. May, 1965; 362. Champla compressa sensu Harvey 1843, synop,: 27 tat least in part—see below), HGS |, 24-D, 10 Thalias (Fig. 10) usually with several main axes from a. stoloniferous base, forming .a dense, spreading tuft commonly 5-15¢-20) cm high, moderately or slightly adhering to paper, medium to dark tek er red-purple in colour. Axes (1-12-3 min broad. usually with numer: ous irregular branches in 24 orders, often sub- Opposite, usually less than 1 cm (sometimes 2-4 em) apart, in older or grazed plants ofien ver- licillately branched. All branches terete to slightly compressed, (!-)1-24 mm_ broad, linear to slightly curved. basally constricted and with rounded upices. Diaphragms 4-1(-14) nium spart, regular and usually conspicuous in surface view of thallus. Corre of a single layer of compact cells, polygonal and 25-40 pm across in surface view, with an inner cortex of rhizoidal filaments in older parts of robust plants. Longitdinal filaments both peripheral and central, with one complete and two pan filament cells between each diaphragin, Cystocarps scattered over young branches, globular to urceolate, ostiolate, $- 1 mm int ia meter. Apparently very few cystecarpic plants have been collected. Spermatangia forming a continuous layer over beanchlets. Terrasporangia scaliered in younk branches, 60—J 20 uni in diameter. Type lecalin, W. Aust Type. Herh, Agardh, LD, 26112. Divrihation. Prom, Rottnest TL. W. Aust, around southern Australia and Tasmunia to Gabo f.. Vic., Usually on rough-watcer coasts or in strong currents, fran shaded pools to 25 mM deep, with a slender form on Pesidonia in more sheltered waters, The Lype specimen of C. viridis C, Ayardh consists of 8 small branches on mica, und ts identical with the later described Cy tasnanice Harvey (type from Tasmania, n TCD), under which name mast specimens of this taxon have been known. Fig. TE DB. J. REEDMAN & H. B, 8. WOMERSLEY gop OOD a, ie 750 um Champia viridis. A, Longitudinal section of a branch apex showing the development of cortex, longitudinal filaments and diaphragms (A42995), 8. Surface view of a branch apex showing central and peripheral apical cells (A42991), C. Cross section of a young branch showing @ diaphragm with peripheral and scattered longitudi mal filaments (A42991). D. Three dimen- sional view of thallus showing diaphragms and longitudinal filaments with gland cells (A42991). E, Longitudinal section of un older axis showing development of rhizoids from the peripheral diaphragm cells (A3055()), SOUTHERN AUSTRALIAN CHAMPIA AND CHYLOCLADIA 79 Harvey (1863, synop. p. 27) described var, gracilis of C, tasmaities, A stritable lectolype is prabably Harvey's, Alg. Aust. Exsicc. 251, tn TED, fran Port Phillip, Vic, and speci- mens in MEL (45227) from Brighton. Port Phillip, Vie. (Harvey, Trav. Set 483), named var. fracta, are probably the same, These are small, slender forms. often found on Posidonia under moderate conditions of water movement (e.g. Port Phillip, Vic., St Vincent Gulf, S. Aust.) in carly summer, and dowbtfully justify a yarietal name. The thallus is usually 4-10 cm high, densely tufted with an entangled base, irregularly branched, with occasional curved branch apices, branches mostly 4-1 mm. broad and segments #-1 times as fong as broad, slightly constricted at the diaphragms. The cell structure is very similar to larger forms typical of the species, with cells about 40 pm broad, (1-)2-3 times as long as broad, angular with small cells cut off from the corners (about as many small cells as parent cells). While ex- tremes of this shelreted-water form and the robust rough-water form appear relatively dis- tinct, a good range of intergrades does occur. C. verticilleta JT. Apardh (L901, p, 26) is bused on a specimen (type in LD, 26078) from Port Elliot, S. Aust. (Hussey) and ts an older plant of C. viridis with verticillate branching, and C. oppositifolia J. Agardh (1901, p. 27), with type in LD (26148) ts « plant with some- what more distinct opposite branching. C. viridiy 1s a distinctive species in s7e, form, and in having central as well as peri- pheral longitudinal filaments. It varies con- siderably im robustness and thickness of branches and tn branching, with Irequent occurrence of prolifcrous branches giving a subverticillate arrangement. These variations are cilher ecological ar duc ta the age of the plant. C. viridis js most closely related to the type species. C. lumbricalis; from South Africa, but i Abbreviations used in Figures 1-9. is distinct in being a less robust plant and pot developing a cortex several cells thick, A Preiss specimen in MEL (45206) is C, zostericola, not C_ viridis, bat a small form of the Intter does occur in Western Australta. C. viridis (as C. taymanica) has been recorded fram New Zealand by Naylor (1954, p. 658), This recerd has nor been checked, but may apply to the clasely related but distinct C. novae-zelandiae Huoker & Hatvey, which has central longitudinal filaments but a many layered cortex, STRUCTURE AND REPRODUCTION Material studied: Nora Creina, 5. Aust, upper- most sublittoral (Reedman, 12.31.1973; ADU, A42995); Cape Lannes. 5. Aust., under ledges (Reedman, 10,i1,1973; ADU A42991), and Staple- ton Point, Prosser Bay, Tas., 8-12 m deep (Olsen, 71.¥i.1966; ADU, A30S50), Thalluy development. The apex of a branch (Fig. 14, B) includes both a central group of 12-16 initisls and a peripheral ring of initials, producing longitidina! filaments passing through the central as well as the peripheral regiona of the diaphragms (Fig. 1€, D), as in the type species. The number of central longi- tudinal filaments is commonly greater than the number of apical initials, due apparently to division of the initials and consequent branch- ing of the filaments and subsequent loss of some initials and terrmnation of some filaments at diaphragms, The apical initials of the peri- pheral ring divide transversely, and within 2 or 3 cells of the apex divide periclinally form- ing cortical cells which then divide..anticlinally to form the single-layered cortex (Fig. LA). Alternate cells of the longitudinal filaments cut off cells laterally which join to form the single- fayered diaphragms (Fig, 14), after which the tongitudinal filament cells become very elon- gate, The alternate cells of the longitudinal fila- ments, lying between the diaphragms, form 1(=2) gland cells (Fig, 1). Only the cortical tell formed directly from the longitudinal fila- a — apical cell feb — fused carpogonial 0 — asliole acl, — apical groupe branch per — pericarp omc —-atuxiliary mother cel) = Fu — fusion cell re — thizoldal cell uux — autiliary cell f1, 22 — gonimoblas! cells Sp = Speropatangnint ch —curpogonialbranch ~— ot) — yonimolobe Pr spérwataogiel mother ou outer cortical cell ald — gland cell aii — supporting cell cort = — inner carlical cell | — longitudinal filament 1 — tela arachnoides csp = — carposporangium le — tateral connecting uu — trichogyne d — diaphragm ocll Ispp = — Letrasporangium AG D. J. REEDMAN & H. B. S. WOMERSLEY -) oO Gg Ss & cs B® 0 08 oe) ee Sg Q80n & By ce Paty ag - *~ Ba RD ETS CSEOF ik Fig. 2. Champia viridis, A. An early post-fertilisation stage showing supporting cell with auxiliary cel] branch and carpogonial branch with fusions occurring between the cells. Considerable cortical proliferation has occurred towards formation of the pericarp (A30550). B. A post-fertilisation sige showing a connection between the fused carpogonial branch and the auxiliary cell. and formation of the first gonimoblast initial (A30550). C. Development of tetrasporangial initials {A30550). D. A mature tetrasporangium (A30850). Champia insignis. E. Surface view of a branch apex showing initials (A12237). FL Section of male thallus showing development of spermatangia (A12237). mient cell is in pit-connection with it, In older parts, s0me cortical cells may produce small outer cells from their corners, hut the cortex Temains essentially only one cell thick. In older branches, rhizoidal cells develop from peripheral diaphragm cells and form a loose layer lining the inner side of the cortex (Fig. 1D), as in the type species. Branches arise from the region of the dia- phragms, following development of u group of apical initials from the cortical cells. Procarp and carposporephyte Cystocarpic specimens appear to be rare, und only one female specimen with very young carposporophytes has been available. The carpogonial branch is 4-celled und borne on a SOUTHERN AUSTRALIAN CITAMPIA AND CHYLOCLADIA Da) supporting cell which also bears the auxiliary mother cell with its auxiliary cell (Fig. 24). Following fertilisation, the cells of the carpo- gonial branch fuse and a connection between the fused carpogonial branch ancl the auxiliary cell is formed (Fig. 28), and the first gonimo- blast cell ig cut off from the auxiliary cell, Early post-fertilisation development is accom- panied by division of the surrounding cortical cells to form the pericarp (Fig. 243, and in the One specimen (Stenhouse Bay, S. Aust, 7 m deep, Kraft, 18.tx.1973; ADU, Ad4564) observed with cystocarps, the structure of the pericarp and carposporophyte is typical of Champia and very similar to the illustrations of Bliding (1928) for © parvula. Spermatangia Spermatangial plants have pot been ob- served. Tetraxporartgia Tetrasporangia develop hy enlargement of cortical cells (Fig. 2€, 2) and are tetra- hedrally divided, 60-120 jam in thameter when mature, and scattered in younger brauches. NOTES ON CHAMPIA COMPRESSA Champia compres\a Harvey IS38: 402; 1847: 78, pl. 30) was first recorded from Aus- tralia by Harvey (1863, synop,: 27) on the basis of specimens from Western Australia (Clifren, and Alg, Aust. Exsice, 250A) and from Port Fairy, Vie. (Alg. Aust. Exsiec. 250D). Since then, C. cenipressa has been recorded from Australia by the following authors, probably largely on the basis of Har- vev's records: Gatnet 1971: 96. Lucas 1909; 34, Lucas & Perrin (947: 206. Muy 1947; 275; 1965: 362. Sonder 1880; 17(2). Tisdall 1898: S506. However, comparison with material of Champia compressa from St James, Simons- lown. S. Africu 0G. Dieckninn, 29.11.1973; ADLI, Ad4601) shows that the Australian reoords dlmast certyinly are not C. eompresse. The South African species has strongly com- pressest hranches with numerous central longi- tudinal filaments scattered across the dia- phragns. Harvey's Western Australian speci- mens also have central longitudinal filaments tnel the hrinches are only slightly compressed, They agree in these features with C. viridis C. Agardh, and are very similur lo young, well displayed, specimens of this species Front else- where in southern Austria, Harveys Alg. Aust. Exsice. 250D (ti TCD) from Port Fairy, Viz., includes C\ viridiy as well as some plants which are not. 1 Champia, and one specimen of 250D in BM is C. zastericofa. Other records of C. conipressa from south- ern Australia probably apply to €. vridis if the specimens have central bongitudinal filaments, but the records of May (1947, p. 275, 1965, p. 362) from N.S.W. apply to a separate spe- cies which may be unnamed. This small, irri- descent species, with branches attached to others by haptera, does not have central longi- tudinal filaments aim! is only slightly com- pressed. It is thus distinct from both C, viridis wnd C. campressa, and also differs from the very. strongly flattened subtropical C. vieillirdii Kuetzing, which from material from the Solo- mon Islands (Womersley & Bailey 1970, p. 321) 1s so Strongly Mattened that the dia- phragms are only 2+ cells across in the direc- tion of flattening of the thallus, and Jongi- tudinal filaments are almost entirely around the periphery, It is therefore considered that Chanzpla com- presse does not occur on Australian coasts, Other records of this species trom outside South Africu also need checking; the record of Weber van Bosse (1928, p, 477) from Borlieo is probably C. wrefilardil, and that af Joly (1965, p. 176) from Brazil prebably applies to a different species. Champia insignis Lucas 1931; 409, pl, 25. fig. 1, Guiler 1952: 94, Lucay & Perrin 1947: 207. May 1965: 362. FIGS 2£, F, 11a Thalls (Pig. 11.4) with one to several main axes fo 18 ¢m high, arising from a small, slis- coid te slightly lobed holdfast on. pebbles or shells; branches of pyramidal form, with lower laterals often similarly branched; thallus adher- ing closely to paper, colour red-brown (her- barium specimens) to “bright purple” (Lucas). Axes 3-5 mm in diameter, subterete (possibly slightly compressed), lincar, bearing alternate or opposite laterals mostly $-| ci apart and sub-distichously arranged along the ives, often somewhat denuded towards the base. Main jateral branches usually with a slender stalk (Fig, 11.4), then broadening, linear or gently lapering, usually 3-3 mm in diameter. with rounded apex. Lesser branches similar but slen- derer and shorter. Diaphragms apparent throughout most of the thallus, 2-3(—+) min apart in older parts, 1-2 mm apart in younger branches which are slightly constricted at the diaphragms. Cortex essentially one cell thick, the cells subpolygonal in surface view, mostly 32 D. J, RFRDMAN & H, B, 8, WOMERSLEY 50-100 pm long and 35-50 ym broad, cutting off 1-3 smull cells {rom theie outer corners and more Dumerous such cells near the thallus hase. Longitudinal filaments acattered (hroyghout the diaphragms, consisting of several (7) cells be- tween diaphragms, Cywfocerps scattered over the — lesser branches, conical to urccolate, osticlate, 2-11 mm in divnveter; catposporophyle branched with lower sterile cells and terminal carpo- sporangia. Spermatangle cut off from cortical cells (Fig. 2#') and Jorming collarike patches on cither side of the diaphragms of lesser branches. Tetrasporangia scattered over the lesser branches, tetrahedrally divided, 80-100 4m in diameter, Type locality. R, Derwent Estuary, Tas. (“Sandy Bay, Hobart. Oct. 1925" on type sheets, } Lectotype. Herb, Lucas, NSW, 136559. Syn- types (cf) im NSW (136558) and ADU {A12237)_ Distribution. Qoly known from the type col- lection and the following Tasmanian collec- tions; D’Entrecastesux Channel, Nov, 1910 (NSW, 126561); Browns River, Lecus, Oct. 1923 (NSW, 136562); and Snug, Lucas, Aug. 1925 (NSW, 136560). Two specimens in the BM, tabelled “Vas, Oldfield”, one numbered 81. are probably alse from whe Derwent Estuary. The species appedrs to be known only from, or just south of, the Derwent Estuary, Lucas did not specify type material, but the one now selecied as jectotype is the cystocarpic specimen illustrated by Lucas (1931, pl, 25, fig, 13, The above vescription is compiled from that of Lucas (1931, p, 409) and study of the type and other material in NSW and ADU, C. insiv- nis bas apparently not been collected recently. but it seems tu be a quite distinct species. It resembles C. viridis in having peripheral and central apical cells (Pig. 26) producing longi- tudinal filaments scattered across the dia- phragms, bul differs m form and dimensions and in being essentially distichously branched. Lucas (1931, p, 409) refers to the whole plant as being “compressed”. It is clesirable, however, thut Hiquid preserved collections should be stu- died to confirm such sspects. The BM specimens agree well with the type cellection though the lateral branvhes do not appear to be themselves. disttchously branched, and the main breaches are basally constricted but scarcely stalked; they are eystocarpic, In calposporaphyte striigture and the ostiolate cystocatp, C, insigniy appears to conform well with Champia. Champia affinis (Hooker & Harvey) J, Agardh 1876; 304. De Toni 1900a; 75, pl, 5, fig. 2; 1900b: $59; 1924: 307, Guiler 1952; 94, Harvey 1835a: S545(7}: 1859: 307; 1863, synop.: 27, Kylin 193]: 28, Lucas 1909: 34; 19299: 19; 1929h: $0, Reinbold 1897; 53; 1899: 45, Sonder 1980: 17. Tisdall 1898: 506. Wilson 1892: 180, Chylocladia afftis Hooker & Harvey 1247; 402. Harvey 1847: 79, pl, 29(7), Lonmentaria affinis (Hooker & Harvey) Kuet- wing 1849: 863, J. Agardh 1452: 730. Sonder 1853; 693, Gastroclonium affine (Hooker & Harvey) Kuet- zing 1849: 866, Eipianiadi kaliformis sensu. Harvey 1844b: Champia ebsoleta Harvey 185%: 307; 1863, aynop,; 27, J. Agavdh 1876: 394 De Toni 19004; 75, pl. 5, fig, 3; 1900b: 559: 1924: 307. Guiler (952; 94, Kylin 1931: 28, pl. 1S, fig, 33, Liwas 1909: 34: 19293* 195 1929b: 49. Lucas & Perrin 1947: 206. May 1965: 342, Reinbok! 1898: 46. Sander 1880; 17. Wilson 1898. 506. Wamersley 1930; 176: 1966: 150. FIGS 3, 4, 118, 12 Thallas (Pigs 11B, 124, B) erect, usually 415-40) cm high, with one to several main axes from a smal) discoid holdfast, grey-red to purple in colour, adhering to paper: usually growing on rock or on Amphibolis, rarely on Posidonia. Axes usually densely and irregularly radially branched for 3 or 4 ofders, branches of pyramidal form (more spreading in plants on scagrasses), often denuded below: axes I-3; mm, branches 4-14 mm, and lesser branches 4-4 mm, in diameter, all branches slightly ‘basally constricted and tapering to rounded apices. Diaphraymy usuully fairly dis- tinct in lesser branches, obscured on older axes, (4-)1-14{-2) mimi apart (segments (4—)1-14 times as long as broad}, thallus con- stricted at diaphragms except on older axes, Cortex of a layer of large sub-oveid cells, (20-)25-40(-60) pm across, and a sparse layer of outer small cells around margins af inner cells in young branches (Fig. 37, 1), be- coming more or less continuous on older paris (Fig. 3G-1) and near bases of old plants 2—4 cells thick (Fig 32). Longitudinal filaments usually confined to periphery of the dia- phragins (Fig. 3C), rarely with 1 or 2 within the periphery, usually with two (occasionally Fig. 3- SOUTHERN AUSTRALIAN CHAMPIA AND CHYLOCLADIA §3 a steizes, Dery. «odie « Ge, grrr, Z gs wos pe hase Face ws ui hy a cagte ack iC i ata Kary, i i at ! I 72! | en oa “AL deeocoey ye & aa 3 ¢ ‘i ab ! ta. ay a S, Os > or V (29S SOK Sp = ae Champia affinis. A. Longitudinal section of a branch apex showing the development of cortex, longftudinaf filaments and diaphragms {A42994). B, Surface view of a branch apex showing apical cells (A42994). C. cross section of a mature branch showing a diaphragm with peri- pheral longitudinal filaments and small outer cortical cells (442994). D, Longitudinal section of mature branch (A42993). E. Longitudinal section of an old axis showing several layers of cortical cells (A42997). F. Surface cell pattern of type specimen (Gunn, in BM) 10 segments from a branch apex. G. Ditio, 30 segments from a branch apex, A, Ditto for Harvey, Ale, Aust. Exsicc. 2521 from Georgetown, Tas., as C. ebsoleta, 30 cells from o branch apex, 7, Ditto for A42990, 10 segments from a branch apex, Bs 1), J) REEDMAN & H. B. & WOMERSLEY ohe or thfec) complete cells and two part cells herween the diaphragms, Cysiocarps sitigle, Scattered over lesser branches, subspherical to urceolate, 1-14 mm long, 4-14 mm in dlumeter, with a distinel ostiole (Fig. 4€’). Spermatangia (Fig, 4E) in patches arentid branchlets. on either side of diaphragms, often envering most of the segments. Tetrasporangia scattered over hrattches, 60-80 wm in diameter (Fig. 4F). hectetype locality, Georgelown, Tas (Gina). Leclatype, BM, Distribution, From King Geotge Sound, W. Aust, to Western Perl, Vic, and arountl Tus- mania. Generally found in shallow water on reel’s on rough-water cousts, rarcly epiphytic on Pasidonia or yobust algae. ©. affinis was reported from New Zealand byw Harvey (18556, p, 236} and recently by Chapman & Dromegoole (1970, p. 145). There wre also specimens in BM from New Zealand, but while they appear closely related ta C’ affinity there aré differences in form, Derailed comparisons of liquid-preserved material ate needed to establish the relationships of the New Zeuland plant, Hooker & Harvey (1847, p. 402) based C, affints on plants From Georgetown, and a cysie carpic plant in BM has been selected as lecto- type (Fig. 118). Other specimens in BM and in TCD are syniypes. The type specimens are Of loose, Spreading form and typical of plants from moderately sheltered conditions: the dia- phragms are nol vorspicuous and the wall has an outer layer of small eclls which becomes cohnunawous in older parts, Some of these Georgetown specimens are refered by Harvey to C, ehsoleta, which he deseribed (1859, p. 307) on the hasis of thatlas struchury and cystacarpic plants, refer- ting to "Alg. Exsic. n. 252" snd the follawing localities: “HAL, Georgetown. Southport, Cy Saart, DISTRIB, Port Fairy. Victoria. WoW." ‘Lhe critical specimens in TCD Include |. “Georgetown. Sept. 1848. 252 0". This speci men (Fig. 124) was previausly considered the lecteivpe (by H.B.S.W-. itn 1952). but is leirasporangial and hays no name on the sheet; it is an old plant but is C. affiniy, being very similar to the type of this species. Another specimen labelled “Georgetown, V.D,. 252 1" is also ain old, baltered speci- men, probably of C. affinis, 2. “Southport, V.D.L. C. Staart’—four speci- mens, two with "C, obyaleta” om the sheets, ancl which ure C, alfviis. They are all letra- sporungtal and do not match the type des- criplion atall well, 3. “Port Fairy, Vic. WHA, 252 D"—five speci- mens, 3 tetrasporangial and 2 cystocarpic: these match the description well and include the only cystocarpic specimens jin TCD. One letrasporangial specimen has “Cvrampia oh- solera”’ on the sheet. On the hasis that the leclotype spevimen. of C. obiseleia should have Harvey's number 252 on i and should also agree well with the type description and be cystucanpic, one of the two Part Pairy specimens (Fi, 128) is now selected as the loctotype and the other Port Fairy specimens are then syntypes. In describing C, ohgaleta, Harvey (1859, p, 307) stated “perhaps only a variety of €-. affints’, and Kylin (1931. p. 28) doubted that they were distinc: species. Study of Harvey's Georgetown material, the Port Fairy specimens of C. obseleta, and Knowledge of this commen species along southern Australian coasts, sug. gests strongly that only one species is involved, and C. ohsoleta is therefore reduced to syno- nymy. C.. affintiy occurs mainly on rocks and platforms at about low tide level, and under rough-water conditions in such habitats. it is of pyramidal form and grey-purple in culour, us Harvey (1859, p. 307) noted. While nor- mally epilithic, it o¢casionally occurs on other robust algae or on the seagrass Aiphibalts, and some of Harvey's Georgetowm specimens were growing on Posidontec, While there appear to be no structural differences between these forins on seagrasses and the rough-water forms, the former are more loosely branched anid of more spreading habit. The type specimen of {-. affinity shows num- erous small outer cells cut off from the primary cortical cells (Fig, 34, @), but not as many as in rough-waler forms (Fig. 3/). However, the habit, luck of clearly visible primary carlicul celly and obscuring of the diaphragms in most of the thallus, are features of C. affints as understood here. and differentiate this species from C. zextericala {see helow), The type of C. affints and other specimens (e.g. in ADU) from Georgetown in Vasmania, Pere Phillip Heads in Victoria. and near American River inict on Kangaroo Island, appesr to represent relatively galm water forms of the species, SOUTHERN AUSTRALIAN CHAMPIA AND CHYLOCLADIA 83 and the type of C. absoleta to represent rough- water forms of more pyramidal habit and with more prominent outer cortical cell layers. Some specimens of Chuampia, epiphytic on Posidunie, resemble C. affiniy in that the seg- ments aré nol distinct and a moderate number of outer cortical cells are present, The segments ure, however, offer distinctly jonger than in the type of C. affinis, being 2—3(—4) mes as long us bruad, The longitudinal filaments often con- sist of 2-3 complete cells between the diar phmgms, and the primary cortical cells are muderately conspicuous. Most of the plants with these charuclerislics afte stall and pos- sibly young, though often fertile, For the pre- sent they ate regarded as probably a form of C. affnis, but further studies on their seasonal growth and variation is needed. The specimens concerned include: Port Lincoln, S. Aust, 4-12 m deep, on Posiionia {Sheplterd, 23.vill.1975; ADU, A46561, A46367, A46570), and Pig L, American R, inlet, Kangaroo L., S. Aust. (Womersley, 17.1,1947; ADU, A4467), Cc. affints differs from the other common southern Australian specics, C. zestericela, in its habit, lack of hooked branches, and thick 2-3 lityered) cortex which obscures both the diuphragms and the Jarge primary cortical cells, The latter species is discussed further below, bul very oceasonal plants with intermediate characters do occur. Harvey's Alg, Aust. Exsice. 253H, distributed as C. effinis, is typical C. zostericold, and this has led to considerable confusion, J. Agardh (1876, p. 304) distinguished two varieties of C, affinis (var, u affinis and var. B intermedia) on the proportions of the articuly- tions sod density of letrasporangia. Both these features wre unsatisfactory characters to separ- ate varicties, and Kylin (1931, p- 28) con- sidered var, intermedia as intermediate between C. affia’s and C. ebyeleta. These varieties do hot uppear worth dislingttishing from the ape- cits. Hooker & Harvey (1847, p. 4021, following description of C. «ffimis, also described var, acvote, This varicty is considefed specifically distinct and fs pelegated below to the synonymy of C, 2estericola Harvey, STRUCTURE AND REPRODUCTION Material stidjed: Cape Linnes, S. Aust. low eqlittoral (Reena, WGi1973; ADU, Aa2g4s am! 127.1973; ADU, A42990); Nora Creina, §& Aust, lower enlittornl (eed, 12,7),1973; ADU, A42994): sud Pennington Bay, Kangaioo 1, S. Aust, low evlitioral on reef (Reedman 13.i¥,1973; ADU, A42997). Thellus development There ure 12-16 apical Initials (Fig. 32) which form 4 peripherul cing of longitudinal laments; only very oceasionally have filaments been seen within the periphery of the dia- phragms. Whe inittaly segment (Fig, 34) as do the peripheral apical initials in C, weridis, bul the cortical layer of large cells cuts off small outer cells, at first around their outer margins, bul a more or less continuous layer of squall tells occurs on mature parts (Fig. 3G J), and near the base (especially in older plants) a corlex several ceils thick is developed (Fig. 3£)- Hairs are commonly formed from outer corlical cells near branch apices. The dia- phragms are fermed usually by every third or fourth cell of the Jongitudinal filaments (Fig. 34, D), leaving usually two or three complete cells between the diaphragms, each cell com- monly bearing a gland cell. Rhizoidul develop- ment within the cortical layer has aol been observed. Branches arise from the region of the cia- pPowagms, where a ring of outer curtiéal Cells becomes meristematic and forms the apical ifi- uals of the branch. Branching cecurs irregularly and often densely on all sides Procarp and carposporophyte The supporting cell (Fig. 44) is uw lorge cortical cell in primary pil-connection with a longitudinal filament, and is generally attached opposite a gland cell. The eystecarps thus lie between the diaphragms of a branch, and cystocarpic plants are common. The support- ine cell ix multinucleate and densely cytoplas- mic, and cuts off a 4-celled. curved, curpo- gonial heanch (Fig, 44), of which the first cell is binucleate and the other three uninucleate, The supperting cell alse produces a multi- nugleate, densely cytoplasmic auxiliary mother cell (Fig. 4A). which produces q unjrucleate auniliacy cell just prior to fertilisation. Fellowing fertilisution, the pit-connections of the carpogonial branch cells enlarge [Fig. 48) and the cells tend to fuse. Following pre- sumed diploidisation of the auxsliary cell, first and then second gonimoblast cells are pro- duced, and the latter divides further to produce a cluster of branched zgonimollast filaments tFip. 4C, DB). which terminate in uninucleate, ovoid carposporangia, The catposporangia mature simultancously, byt a new gonimolobe sammonly develops from the basal cell of the gouimoblasc and produces a secondary, later maturing. amalfer cluster of carposporangia. 84 D. I, REEDMAN & H. B. 5S. WOMERSLEY AB a 50 um 100 gan 50 um Fig. 4. Champia affinis. A. Supporting cell With auxiliary mother cell and carpogonial branch (A42990), B, Post-fertilisation stage with cells of carpogonial branch fusing (A42990). C, Section of an immature cystocarp showing development of carposporophyte from old auxiliary cell (A42997); D. A mature carposperophyte showing much-branched gonimoblast with ter- minal curposporangia, surrounded by cells of the “tela arachnuidea” (A42990), E. Section of male thallus showing development of spermatangia (A42997), F, Section with a mature tetra- sporangium (A42993). Vegetative cells adjacent to the auxiliary mother cell becomes densely cytoplasmic, and assist. nutrition of the developing carposporo- phyte. Pit-connections between the lower ceils of the gonimoblast enlarge considerably but the cells do not fuse completely. As the gonimoblast develops, vegetative cells around its base divide to produce the pericarp. Inner cells of this form the cell reticulum, with aly outer wall several cells thick (Fig. 4C). The mature cvystovarp has a well-defined astiolo. Sperinatangia Spermatangial mother cells are cut off from the small outer cortical cells to form. a con tinuous Jayer over the branches, and each cuts off 2-3 ovoid spermatangia (Fig. 4E). Usually the entire spermatangium is shed. Tetrasporangia Tetrasporangia (Fig, 4F) develop by enlargement of inner cortical cells which deve- lop several secondary pit-connections with wi- jacent cells. They are tetrahedrally divided, SOUTHERN AUSTRALIAN CHAMP/IA AND CHYLOCLADIA 87 wilh it thick gelatinuus sheath, arnct usually densely scattered over the branches. Champia zostericola (Harvey) comb. nov. Lomentaria, zostéricola Haivey 1855a; 1863, synop,: 26, J, Agardh (876: 632. Gastrocloniunt (7) zestericolum (Harvey) De Toni 190th: 567, Chu teieladtat tostericoly (Aurvey) Kylin 1931: 545, Chylocludia affinis var, arcwaia Hocker & Harvey 1847: 402. Womersley 1966: 150. Lomentaria affinis sensu Kueizing 1865; 86d-£.. Sonder 1855: 323, Champia affinis sensu King et al. 1971: 122. Lucas, & Perrin 1947: 206, fig. 71, May 1965: 362, Shepherd & Womersley IS71l; 163. Womersley 1950: 176. Champia parvula sensu Harvey 1855a: 548 (ia part). 3h, pl. FIGS 5, 6, 12€, 13 Thallus (Figs 12C, 13) usually spreading and forming irregular clumps with several branches from the entangled base, sometimes with one or more erect uxes and spreading laterals, commonly 6 to 20 cm high, grey-red te red in colour, normally epiphytic en the sea- grasses Pesidonta and Amphibolis or on larece algae, possibly on rock: attachment at first by means of a small discoid holdfast with one to several axes, luter altaching by small adventi- tious multicellular pads to the seagrass or itself. Axes usually 14-3(-5) mm in diameter, branches only slightly slenderer and ullimate branches 4-2 mm in diameter, hranches slightly basally constricied and with rounded apices; Mature planis normally with some to many branches ending in recurved ("“hooked’’) tips (Fig, 13); young branches distinctly con- stricted at diaphragms, segments mostly (4-} 1-14 times as long as broad. Diaphragms dis- tinct except in aldest parts of some plants, 4—1+(—2) mm apart, Cortex single layered, of relatively large ajgular cells [40-60(—75) pm xeress und mostly {1/4—-)2-4 times as long as broad] which are usually arranged more or Jess in longitudinal rows (Fig. 5E-H). Near the apices, each cell usually cuts off a simele, rela- lively small cell from oear a corner, and fur- ther such cells develop on older parts; how- ever, the essentially single layered cortex of large cells is maintained throughout most of the plant (Fig. 5f, A). Longitudinal filaments canfined to periphery of the diaphragms, rarely with odd ones more centrally platsl, with generally one complete cell and two part cells between the diaphragms (Fiz. 5C), Cysiecurps subspherical lo slightly cenical, base hroad and slightly constricted, 2-1 mm in diameter, Spermatangia scattered over smaller branch- tots, as extensive patches of collardike sore around the diaphragms. Tetrusporangia scattered over branches, 60-100 »m in diameter. Type locality. Rottnest 1, W, Aust. Type. TCD (Harvey, Tray. Set 195), Distribution, From the Abrolhos Islands, W, “Aust. urdund southetn Australia lo Kiama, N.S.W. and around Tasmania. Generally epi- phytic on seagrasses or other algae, from low tide level ta 41 m deep, generally under slight ta moderate water movement. C. zostericola is based on small plants 3-1 cm high, growing on Pesidenia (not Zostera}, The type is No. 195 in Harvey's “Travelling Set”, and his Alg. Aust. Exsicc, 294A (MEL 45197) from Fremantle (Fix [2C) ts very similar. Harvey was in the vicinity of Fre- mantle: from April to June 1854, and during this period the plants are young (though often fertile), but may not show the typical hooked branches. Later in the year’, especially in spring and early summer (September to November) the planis reach 20 cm in height and nearly all plants develop the hooked branches. The lectorype (Fiz, 13.4) of var. arcuate Hooker & Harvey of C, affinis has been sclected from several specimens in BM, It ts a well-developed specimen, attached to stems of Heterezastera (7) and with numerous hooked branches. Whereas the type of C. zastericola isa young, small plant, thal of var, arcudta is an older, larger plant of the same &pecies, The gencral confusion betwecn C_ affiris und C, zostericul@ (or C. affinis var, crenata) is probably largely due to Harvey in his Alg. Ausl, Exsice. listing 233H from Western Port, Vic. as C. affinis, whereas these specimens are typical C. zosteritola. Tn contrast to C_ affinis which is usually epi- lithic on rough-water coasts and only occa- sionally occurs on robust algae or on sea- grusses, C. sestericole Is a common epiphyte ou FPosidonie and on some targer algae, usually in conditions of slight to moderatu water movement and extending into deeper water. The presence of hooked branches, the clearly septale rhallus almost throughout, the essentiaily one cell thick cortex throughout the 38 DB, J. REEDMAN & H, BH, S. WOMERSITY Fig. 5. Champia sostericala, A. Surface view of apax of branch showing apical cells (A43556), A, Cross séciion of branch showing coytex, diaphragm and peripheral longitudinal filaments (A43556). €. Longitudinal section of mature branch showing single layered cortex, diaphragms and longitudinal filaments with gland cells (443556), D. Longitudinal section of an old axe showing slight development of small outer cells (A8944). Z. Surface cell pattern of Harvey Alg. Aust. Exsice. 249A (MFI.. 45197), (0 cells from branch apex. F, Ditto, 30 cells from a branch apex. G, Surface cell pattern of the type specimen in BM of C. affinis. var, arcunia, 1G cells from a branch apex, H. Ditto, 30 cells from a branch apex. plant with few small cells tying largely between the primary ones, and the cortical cell dimen- sions and arrangement. characterise this spe- cles, bur occasiunal plants occur without hooked branches. While most mature plants have several Vague axes from their entangled bases, some (from Tasmania and Port Phillip Heads in particular) do have well developed main axes with abundant laterals. Such plants commonly (but not always) have hooked branches and have the single-layered, large- celled cortex typical of C zostericola. Howe ever, the number of small cortical cells cut off from the larger ones does vary somewhat, and very occasionally plants intermediate in this respect with C. affinis are found (see under C. affinix), C. zeslericela shows the yariation in form which occurs in many other algal species dis- tributed along all of southern Australia, i.e. the western specimens are generally smaller and less robust, and in the east, especially near Port Phillip Heads.and in Tasmania, larger and more robust plunts oecut. Varition in diameter of the branches and uXes (§ considerable, probably largely depend- SOUTHERN AUSTRALIAN CHAMP/4 AND CHYLOCLADIA 89 ent on age, bul branches at normally over 1 mm thick, However, new growth on older denuded branches may be slander and only about + mm thick, as shown on several col- lections from Pearson I., S. Aust. in ADU. Many references to Champia affiniy apply, at least in part, to C. zostericole rather than to true C, affiniz (sec above), Probably most Aus- tratian records of C, purvula also apply to young plants of C. zostfericofa, though some may apply to slender C. viricdiy. STRUCTURE AND REPRODUCTION Materia! sindied: Point Peron, W. Aust. drift (Garden, 15,xi,1968; ADU, A34256); Port Noar- lunga, S. Aust, 6-7 ni deep oa jetty piles aha- son, 1941,1973; ADU, A43596); Marino, S. Aust., dritt (Homerstey, 26.x.1975; ADU, A46646). Thallas development There ate 14-20 apicil initials (Fig. 5A) which form a peripheral ring of longitudinal filaments (Fig, 5). with only occasionally an odd inner one, The initials segment as in C- offinie and a single layer of large cortical cells ix formed, artanged more or Jess in longitudinal lines (Fig. SE-H). Fairly near the apices, these corticul cells become angular and cul off from a comer a smaller cell, which remains essen- lially in the layer of Lirger cells (Fig, SE-H}. The smaller cells are at first simifar in number to the larger primary cortical] cells, but later more may be formed; however, the cortex remains essentially only one cell thick throug- out most of the thallus (Fig, 5C, D), The dia- pheagms are formed usually from alternate longitidinal filament cells, so that there is one complete longitudinal filament (with a gland ecll) and two part ones between successive diaphragms (Fig. 5C), The relatively thin, essentially single layered cortex results in the ptimary cortical cells being visible throughout most of the plant, and the diaphragms are a)so conspicuous, Rhizoidal devclopment within the cortex does not occur. Branches arise from the region of the dia- phragnis, with their apical cells differentiating from the cortical cells. Near the base of en- tangled thalli, small branches may develop into haustorial pads of tissue and attach to other branches or to the host, Many of the branch apices are curved or hooked (Figs 138, 144), and in some cases these aid in attachment, The only structural diflerence in hooked branch ends appears to be that on the convex side cach sczment has 4 greater number of cells than on the concave side, Procerp and curposporophyte From the limited female material available, the supporting cell of the procarp appears to be a large cortical cell, which produces the Carpogonial and aéxihary cell branches (Fig, 64). Following fertilisation, the pit-connec- lions of the carpogonial branch cells enlarge (Fig. 68) and the cells Fuse, with a connection forming from the old carpogonium to the auxi- liary cells (Fig. 6C). The diploidised auxiliary cell cuts off a first gonimoblast cell which divides again (Fig. 6P) to initiate several branched gonimoblast filaments with the ntature filaments terminating in single carposporangia (Fig. 6£) which mature simultaneously. New gonimolobes are produced from the base of the gonimeblast and mature Inter, Some darkly-staining and possibly nutritive cells occur around the base of the old auxiliary mother cell. At an early stage in development of the pro» carp. cells are cut off from the surrounding cortical cells te form the projective pericarp (Fig. 6D). The inner cells of the pericarp form wz reliculum (the “tela aruchnonea™) which is gradually absorbed by the developing carpo- sporophyte (Fig. 6£), and the outer 2-3 layers remain as the cystocarp wall, with a distinct apical ostiole. Spermatangia Spermatangia are formed as in other species, with small cells being cut off around the mar- ging of the cortical ceils and then producing branched chains of spermatangial mother cells over the surface, froni whieh the clougate spermatangia develop. Tetrasporangia The tetrasporangia develop by enlargement of cortical cells (Fig. GF) which protrude within the cortical layer, and they divide tetra- hedrally (Fig. 6G). Champia parvula (C. Agardh) Harvey 1853: 76. J. Agardh 1876; 303. De Toni 1900hb; 358, Newton 1931: 439, fig, 263. Gayral 1966: 485, pl. 134. Chondria pervela C. Agardh 1824: 107, Chylocladia parvala (C. Agardh) Hooker. Hur- wey 1849; pl. 210, Type loeality. Gades (Cadiz), Spain. Type. Herb. Agardh, LD, 26(122, Disizibution. C, parvula appears lo be the only species of Chumpia known from Enropean coasts, and hus been recarded from mast tem- pefate and tropical coasts of the warld. 20 D. J. REEDMAN & H: B, S. WOMERSLEY A 00 am Fig. 6, Champia zostericola, A. Supporting cell with auxiliary cell branch and carpogonial branch (443356). B, An early post-fertilisation. stage showing fusions between cells of carpogonial branch (A43556). C. Post-fertilisation stage with fused carpogonial branch and connections to auxiliary cell (A43556). D. Young gonimoblast within developing pericarp (A43556), E, Older carposporophyte with terminal carposporangia, within pericarp (ostiole not in section) (A43556). F. A young tetrasporangium (A34256). G. Mature tetrasporangium (A34256). SQUTHERN AUSTRALIAN CHAMPIA AND CITYLOCLADIA $1 The following references credit C. parvaeda to southern Australia, but probably all apply to Other species, mainly (0 small specimens of C. zostericola; ii Most cases it is Hot possible to clarify these references Guiler 1952; 94. Harvey 18552: 307. Lucas 1909: 34; 1929a: 19; Lucas & Perrin 1947: 206, fig. 362. Reinbold 1897; 43. Souder” 1846: 176; (S80; 17. Tate L832; 18, Tisdall ¢898; Sf, Wilson 1892: 180. C. parvula is generally recognised as a rela- lively small and variahle species, and herbar- ium specimens credited to it vary in size, degree of branching, proportions of the seg- ments and distinctness of the diaphragms, and in the size of the cortical cells and degree of outlet cortical development. Harvey (1849, pl- 210; (853, p. 76) commented on the variability of this species, In comparisons with southern Australian taxa, liquid preserved material from He Verte, Rascoff, France (/. Feldmann, 14.2.1974; ADU, A46057) has been taken us Tepresenmting the species in western Europe. This specimen has fonger segments. (about as long as broad) than shown by Gayral (1966, pl, #34) bul distinctly shorter than illustrated by Harvey (1849, pl. 210), and the dia- phragms snd cortical cells are distinct through- out the plant, with relatively slight development of small outer cells. There are usually two com- plete lonintuditial filament cells belween ihe diaphragms, and the fongitudinal filaments are confined to the periphery of the diaphragms. The most detailed account of C. parvule is by Bliding (1928) who studied material from Woods Hole, ULS.A. Bliding’s deseriptiog and illustrations appear to agree with the Le Verte spectinen-. In spite of the several references to C. par- vale in southern Australia, it now seems clear thal typical forms of this species do not occur here. Young and small! plants of C. zoverfcole do show some similarities, but are generally broader, more robust, and when mature have numerous hooked branches. Also. €. zosteri- cola his usually only one complete longitudinal filament cvll between the diaphragms, and the cortical cells are lurger, Some small forms of C. affinity also approach C. parvula but can be Wistiguished on their greater outer cortical development. Harvey's specimens referred to C. pavvula appear to be slender forms of e:ther C. zosterivola ar C, viridis. However, a distinctive taxon occurs epi- phytic on Amiphibolis at Tipaca reef in Spencer Gulf, South Australia, and it appoars best to S45, 1859; 1929b: SO, 70. May 1/9658: designate this as a distinct variety of C. par- vala, ta which it seents more closely allied than to the larger €. gostericola. Fulure stuches may show that tt should be recoynised as 4 distinct species. Champia parvula var. amphibolis vur. nov. FIGS 7, 144 Thallus (Fig. 144) erect, spreading, 3-11 cm high, with one to several much-branched Maiti axes arising from a small discoid hold- fast on stems of Amphibolis, red to red brown in colour, adhering to paper; oceasional attach- ments by haustorial pads occur, Aves densely and iegularly radially branched to 3 or 4 orders. with alternate, opposite or necamonally whorled branches: axes 1-14 mm in diameter below, tapering gradually to branchlets 13-4 mm in divmeter. Young branches slightly com- stricted at «liaphragms, segments 1-14 times as lung as broad, branch ends usually straight bud rarely hooked, apices rounded. Dlapiiragens dis- tinct throughout mosc of the thallus, somewhal obscured near bases of older plants, Cortex of a layer of angular cells 25-40(-50) pm across and ¢1-)2-3(—4) times as long as broad, with small cells cut off from their corners, and on older axes developing a continuous guter cor. lical Jayer (Fig, 7D) which in ol! plants may be 3 cells thick. Longimdinal filaments con- ffned to periphery of diaphragms, Ueveloped from 10-15 apical cells, usually with evo (-3) complete cells and two part cells between the diaphragms (Fig. 7C). Cystucarps single, subspherical to urceolate, scaltered over younger branches, 27-4 mm long and 4-1 mm in diameter, ostiolate. Spermarengia Lorming son Over several seg. ments near the apices of young branches, Tetrayporangia scattered in young branches, 75-120 um in diameter, Thallus erectus, effusus, 3-11 cm ialtus ex hap- tere parvo discoideo in Amphibole. Axes irregu- eulanter ramesi, 1-14 mm in diametro, ramuli 1/3-4 mm in diametro; segmenta I-14 plo longlora quam fata, Diaphragmota conspicua nisi prope bascs plantarum veterum, Cortex compositus cellularum angulosarum 25—40(—350) #m Jalarum, (1-)2-3(-4) plo longiorum quarm Jataram, parvas cellulas in angulis ferens, ad 3 cellulas crassus in parlibus veteribus crescens, Filamenta longitudin- Alia tantum in margine, 2(-3) cellulas tolas inter diaphraymata habentia. Cystocarpiy subgloboss vel ureealjita, dispersa, ]_1} mm longa et + J mm itt diametro, ostiolata, Spermatangla in soris fasci- culatu prope apices ramulorum, Tetrasporansia 75-120 em in diametro dispersa. Tig. 7, D, J. REEDMAN & H. B. 8. WOMERSLEY 100 um Champia parvula var. anphibolis, A. Surface view of branch showing apical cells (A41276). B. Cross section of brunch showing diaphragm, cortex and peripheral longitudinal filaments (A41276). C, Longitudinal section of a branch showing single-layered cortex, diaphragms, and longitudinal filaments with gland ceils (A4J276). D. Longitudinal section of older axis show- ing two (—3) layered coriex (A37291), E. Post-fertilisation stage showing fusions between carpogonial branch cells and connection to auxiliary cell (A38255). F. Young gonimoblast (A38255). G. Mature cystocarp {ostiole not in section) with carposporophyte bearing terminal carposporangia (A38255). H. Section of male thallus with spermatangia (A41276). I. Mature tetrasporangium (A37291). SOUTHERN AUSTRALIAN CHAMPIA AND CHYLOCLADIA o3 Type locality, Tipara reef, Spencer Gulf, 5, Aust. (Shepherd, 23,xi.1970)- Type, ADU, A38255. Distdibution. Knows from several collections {rom Tipara reef, on Amphibelis antarctica and A, griffithii, 5-11 ov deep. Young plants occur ih June, maturing to bushy plants up to 11 cm high in December. Var. amphibelis resembles the more typical forms of Champia parvila in being a relatively slender plant, mostly irregularly alternately hanched, with diaphrapms distinct throughout most of the plant ancl segments as long to slightly longer than broad, with the primary conical layer of cells cutting off relatively Few outer cells (except in old parts}, and with usually two complete longitudinal filament cells between the diaphragms. Reproductively it ts similar to the account of Bliding (1928) and at least superticially to the Tle Verte material. It differs from European forms in being slen- derer than some, more profusely branched, and in growing on Amphibolly as erect tufted plants. Future calleclions may show that it is not confined to this sea-prass and some speci- mens of Harvey (in TCD & MEI.) from Fre- mantle and King George Sound, W. Aust. (e.2. Alz Aust. Exsice. 254B in MEL, 45307) need careful comparison with this variety and with C, zortericola, This Australian variety shows slight simi- larity to C. zestericola but is very much slen- derer than most plants of the latter, only tarcly has hooked branches, has longer segments close 10 the apices and has two complete longitudinal filament cells between the diaphragms rather than the usual one in C, zestericola. C. zosteri- cola docs occur on Amphibolis, but is more churacteristically associated with Postdenia. STRUCTURE AND REPRODUCTION Materia! studied: Tipara reef, Spencer Gulf, S. Aust, on Amphibelis, Shepherd. The type, Ad1276 (13.xi1,197L) and AS72940 (30.14.1970), Thallus development The thallus has 10-15 apical cells (Pig. 7.4) which segment us in other species to form a peripheral ring of longitudinal filaments (Fig. 78). with diaphragms forming usually from each third cell and thus with two (occasianally three) complete Jongitudinal filament cells {usually each with w gland cell} belween suc- cessive diaphragms (Fig 7C). The cortex is one cell itnck (Fig. 7C} except on older axes (Fiz. 7D) and the elongate cortical cells cut off, from their corners, small cells (nsually only one per cell) which lic more er less in the layer of primary cortical cells. These small cells commonly bear a hair in young branches, but such hairs are lost from older branches. On old axes, the primary cortical cells cut off an ovter, continuous, layer of cells (Fig, 7H) and this may become two or three Cells thick, the outermost layer being of small cells, Branching occurs from the regions of the diaphragms, Mast branches are linear to che apex, but occasionally a curved or slightly “hooked” branch -end occurs. The holdfast remains small and ciscoid, but several new axes may develop from it, Small, pad-like haustoria also develop from branches of same plants, attuching mainly te other branches. Precarp and carpasporaphyte The multinucleate supporting cell develops from a cortical cell and hears hoth carpogonial rnd auxiliary cell branches as in other species. Following fertilisation, {he carpogonial branch cells begin to fuse (Fig. 7E) and a connection forms between the fertilised carpogonium and the auxiliary cell. The diploidised auxiliary cell forms 4 first ponimoblast cell which divides again (Fig, 7E), and the upper cell forms the branched gonimoblast filaments (Fig. 7G) which bear terminal catposporangia. Following fertilisation, some vegetative cells arqund the supporting cell become darkly- staining, apparently as nutritive cells, Other Vegetative cells divide to form the pericarp (Fic. 7G) which develops as in other species, with the inner eclls forming the “tela arach- noidea’ which is broken or absorbed by the developing carposperephyte, A well-defined ostiole occurs at maturity of the cystocarp, Sperimatangia The small ouler cortical cells, or Further cells cut off from the primury cortical cella, divide to form branched filaments of cells covering the surface of one to several segments close to the apices of young branchlets, Each cell of these filaments functions as a spermatangial mother cell which cuts off outwardly 2-3 clongate-ovold spermatangia (Fig. 7H), which appear to be shed entire. T etrasporangia Tetrasporangia (Fig. 7/) develop within cortical cells which enlarge greatly ane holge within the segments of the thallus. 54 D. J. REEDMAN & H, B. S. WOMERSLEY CHYLOCLADIA Greville Chivlocladia Greville (in Hooker 1833, p, 297). with the type species C, kuliformuis, is conserved over Kalifermis Stackhouse 1809, and is distinguished from Cfiampia by the for- mation of carposporangia directly from a large basal tusion cell (without branched ponimo- blast filaments as in Champia) and by the eystocurps being non-ostiolate. Otherwise, Chyloctadia is similar structurally to Champia. While numerous Australian taxa have at sume lime been referred to Ciivloctadia, most have been placed in uther genera (see Kylin 1931) or can now (see below) be excluded from Chvloclacia. However, 3 very distinctive species of Chy/o- eladia, known From only a few deep-water col- lsctions, has recently been discovered in South Austcalian walers. Chyloctadia grandis sp, fov. FIGS & S$, 14B Thallus (Fiz. 148) crect, red-brown to red- purple, 20-30-cm high, with one to several axes urising from a hard, branched, perennial base to 5 ¢m high and 1/3-¢ cm thick, attached to rock by a discoid holdfast to 14 cm across, Axes with opposite or usually whorled lateral branches ta 10 cm Jong, similarly branched {muinly oppositely or alternately) to a second or third order; axes often denuded below, 2-7 mm in diameter, branches 14-24 mm in dia. meter tapering to 2-1 mm in diameter in branchlets; all branches slightly basally con- séricted, tapering gently to a rounded apex, segments 4-12 times as long as broad: htanches slightly constricted between segments, but diaphragms conspicuous. Cortex in branch- Jets | cell thick (Fig. $0), in older branches thicker and in axes to 8 cells. thick {Fig, S£): cortical cells ovoid, 75-35(—40) zm across and 1-2 times as long as broad in surface view, Longitudinal filaments Scattercd throughout diaphragins, with (I-)2(-3) complete cells und two part cells between the diaphragms (Fig. 88), with each peripheral filament cell connected to the cortical cells by a lateral fila- merit. Cystocerps scattered over lesser branches, spherical to shghily ovoid, #2(-14) mm across, broad based. without an ostiole; carpo- sporangia borne directly on the large, basal, Fusion ceil, Spermatangia unknown. Tetrayporangie scattered over branches, ietrahedrally divided, mostly 150-200(—250) pm ip diameter. Thalluy erecins ad 20-5U cm alias unc vel Pluribus axibus ex base dura rarnose e1 perconl ad 5 em altis et L/3-4 cm latis ortis, haptere dis- coideo, Rami laterales in verticillum vel opposire dispositi, ad 10 cm longi ct similita ramtosi: axes 2-7 mm, rami 1.5-2.5 mm et ramuli 0.7-£ mm in diametro, segmentis $-14 plo longiorlbus quam lalis, plus minus constrictus, diaphragmatibus con- spicuis, Cortex ad nnam cellulam in ramulis cyassus, ad 8 cellulas crassus in axibus crescens. Filamenta fongitudinalia dispersa, plerumque 2 cellulas totas inter diuphragmata habentia. Cysto- carpia subglobosa 3-1(=14) mim Inta, haud osteo- lata, dispersa; carposporangia in walescenti cellula ipsa magna basali portata. Tcirasporaneta in ramis dispersa, 150-200(—250) em in diametro. Type locality, Tapley Shoal, Edithburg, §, Aust., 15 m deep (Shepherd, 2,11,1969), Holotype. ADU, AS33515. Isotypes to be dis- iributed under this number. Distribution. Only known from the type col- lection from Tapley Shoal, and Investigator Strait, S. Aust., Wetsen, 11 m deep (WLIO I: ADU, A40995}, 23 m deep (28.21.1971; ADU, A41010), and 34 m deep (201-1971; ADU, ASSL9T), Chylocladia grandis appears to be quite dix tinct in fs form, large size, detise branching, and in the perennial base which appears 10 last fov several years, producing one to several fronds annually (probably in spring and Sasting Uirough summer). STRUCTURE AND REPRODUCTION Material studied: The type and Investigator Strait. collections. Thallus development The multiaxtal apex of a branch (Fig, 84, B) includes both a central group of apical cells which give rise to the scattered longitud- inal filaments, and outer apical oglls which pro- duce the peripheral longitudinaf filaments and the cortex. Fig, 8. Chylocladia grandis, A, Surface view of an apex showing peripheral and central apical cells (A33515). & Longitudinal section of a branch apex showing development of cortex, dia- phraems, und longitudinal flaments with gland cells (A335145). C. Cross section of a branch showing a diaphragm with sub-peripheral and central longitudinal flaments (A33515). D, Longitndinal view of outer part of a mature branch, showing the lateral connecting filaments between ihe longitudinal filaments and (he vortex (AS35151. £, Lonintudinal section of an axis showing the multi-layered cortex (A33515), SOUTHERN AUSTRALIAN CHAMP/A AND CHYLOCLADIA FIG. 8. oS 94 D, J. REEDMAN & H. B. & WOMERSLEY acne Or os Fig. 9. Chyloeladia grandis. A, Longitudinal section showing supporting cell with auxiliary mother cells und 4-celled carpogonial branch (A33515). B. Post-fertilisation Stage showing two auxiliar cell branches and remnants of carpogonial branch (A33515). C. Post-fertilisation stage wit auxiliary cells bearing young catposporangia, The ‘supporting cell, auxiliary mother cells and auxiliary tells. are partly fused (A33515 ), 2. A cystocarp with mature carposporangia formed directly from the fusion cell, the lobes of which probably indicute the original auxiliary mother cells (A33515). E. A young tetrasporangium (A39197 ). F. A mature tetrasporangium (A39197). The 12-16 central apical cells (Fig, 8A, B) divide transversely and the cells elongate to form longitudinal filaments. Each third ¢écll usually produces a whorl of diaphragm initials which divide further to join with similar adjacent cells to form the single-layered dia- phragms (Fig. 8B, C). The longitudinal fila- ment cells between the diaphragms generally produce a single spherical to slightly pyriform gland cell (Fig. 8B). The 15-20 outer apical cells divide trans- versely to form the peripheral ting of Jongilu- dinal filaments, but each of these cells, close ro the branch apex, divides periclinally to form an ouler primary cortical cell initial (Fig. &8). This cell divides periclinally again once or twice and then the outer cell divides anticlinally to form the primary cartical layer, but the Later formed cells are not in pit-connection with the longitudinal filaments (Fig, 8B). The periclinal division of the cortical initial is followed by the inner one or two cells elongating to form a bridging filament between each cell of the peri- pheral longitudinal filaments and the cortical cells (Fig. 8D), This feature is not found jn the Australian species of Chantpia. The peri- pheral longitudinal filament cells cut off dia- phragm cells which joitt with those from the inner filaments. The peripheral filaments are usually separated by one diaphragm cell from the cortex (Fig, 8C), Many of the primary cortical cells cut off 1 small outer cell which produces a hair; these hairs form a dense felt over most of the thallus. SOUTHERN AUSTRALIAN CHAMPIA AND CHYLOCLADIA 97 pel eA VN a a a 1 2 3 4 > 6 7 8 9 10 Fig. 10. Champia viridis. A. Type of C. tasmanica Harvey in TCD. B. A slender form (var, gracilis Harvey) on Posidonia (Marino, S. Aust. Drift. Womersley, 26.x.1975; ADU, A46651). 98 D. J. REEDMAN & H. B. S. WOMERSLEY As the branch matures, the primary cortical cells cut off outer layers of cells, and in old axes the cortex may be up to 8 cells thick (Fig. 8E). Branches originate from the region of the diaphragms, when a group of apical initials develops from the cortical cells, The basal part of the thallus is clearly peren- nial, being hard and resistant, up to 5 cm high with irregularly placed, lateral propections rep- resenting the bases of previous axes. From the number and position of branch bases, some perennial bases appear to be 4—5 years old, and the axes are probably newly formed in spring and lost by the following winter. The branches probably decay rapidly since this plant has never been collected in the drift. Procarp and carposporophyte The supporting cell is a large primary cor- tical cell in pit-connection with a peripheral longitudinal filament (Fig. 94). The support- ing cell is multinucleate and cuts off outwardly a small cell, the carpogonial branch initial, and two larger cells, the auxiliary mother cells. The carpogonial branch (Fig. 9A) is 4-celled, curved, with an outwardly directed trichogyne. Prior to fertilisation, each auxiliary mother cell produces a uninucleate auxiliary cell (Fig. OB). Following fertilisation, a connection forms between the fertilised carpogonium and each auxiliary cell, and carposporangia are formed directly from the auxiliary cells (Fig. 9C). Fusion occurs between the auxiliary cells and auxiliary mother cells (Fig. 9D), forming a large basal fusion cell bearing the carpo- sporangia directly. The supporting cell and some vegetative cells may be incorporated into the fusion cell. Concurrent with the early development of the carposporophyte, vegetative cells around the supporting cell divide to produce erect chains of cells which cut off outer cells and form the pericarp (Fig. 9D), as in Champia. The inner cells of the pericarp form the “tela arachnoidea”, but no ostiole is produced. When the carposporangia are mature, the top of the pericarp ruptures. Tetrasporangia The tetrasporangia develop by enlargement of the primary cortical cells (Fig. 9E), which have several pit-connections with adjacent cells. The tetrahedrally divided sporangia (Fig. 9F) develop a thick gelatinous sheath. Relationships Chylocladia grandis agrees well with Chylocladia and its type species, C. kaliformis, in thallus structure and in reproduction. How- ever, it has not been established whether one or two auxiliary cell branches occur in C. kaliformis. Champia has only one auxiliary cell branch as far as is known, but the type of Gastroclonium Kuetzing (G. ovale (Hudson) Kuetzing) has two auxiliary cell branches (Bliding 1928, p. 27). The thallus structure of Chylocladia grandis differs from that of the Australian species of Champia in that the initial cells of the primary cortex are connected to the longitudinal fila- ment cells via a filament of one or two cells, not directly, Whether this occurs in C. kali- formis has not been established, SPECIES EXCLUDED FROM CHYLOCLADIA Apart from the various Chylocladia names which have been shown previously to be syno- nyms of species of Champia or other genera, the following names are now referred to other genera. Chylocladia fruticulosa (Reinbold) De Toni 1900b: 576. Lomentaria fruticulosa Reinbold 1899: 46, Type locality, Investigator Strait, S. Aust. (Davey 148). Type. Herb. Reinbold, M. Isotype in ADU, A1553. The thallus of the isotype is on Posidonia (not Amphibolis antarctica as in Reinbold). It is hollow and without diaphragms, and the tetrasporangia are grouped in sori around depressions in the wall of the branches, These features are typical of Lomentaria, and the iso- type (a small, bleached specimen) appears similar to the earlier described Lomentaria aus- tralis (Kuetzing) Levring 1946, p. 223 (Chon- drothamnion australe Kuetzing 1865, p. 29, pl. 82 d-f). The southern Australian species of Lomentaria are in need of detailed study. Chylocladia gelidioides Harvey 1863, synop.: 46. De Toni 1900b: 578; 1924: 312. Gepp & Gepp 1906: 257. Okamura 1904: 88. Type locality. Twofold Bay, N.S.W. (F.v. Mueller). Type. Herb. Harvey, TCD. Although cystocarpic material has not been studied, the hollow thallus construction without single layered diaphragms, and sori of tetra- sporangia, are typical of Lomentaria. The z t WH HT! € 7 & 8 Z 9 s Hecrvabiinfrcalicatcand sotirnlcatitanitosttuitnaoadatativt UL SOUTHERN AUSTRALIAN CHAMPIA AND CHYLOCLADIA 22-6. a WA ‘in iq OTL CL WL Uy re 2 8 ! | ! ei ; 1 ui it 1 Fig. 11. A. Champia insignis. Isotype male specimen (ADU, A12237). B. Champia affinis. Lectotype specimen in BM. 6 7. a oe he eae 100 D. J. REEDMAN & H. B. S. WOMERSLEY | | [rset wa daa ae WL Thhal Re a 2 A sa, hey a coe Lad 1 2 3 4 5 > - ‘ “a f or — i rete ye fa Ft ttn eets oe tes * Fig. 12. Champia affinis. A. Harvey’s Alg. Aust. Exsicc. 2521 (as C, obsoleta) from Georgetown, Tas. (in TCD). B. Lectotype of C. obsoleta (Port Fairy, Vic. Harvey’s, Alg. Aust. Exsicc, 252D) —a rough-water form. Champia zostericola. C. Harvey’s Alg. Aust. Exsicc. 249A, Fremantle, W. Aust. SOUTHERN AUSTRALIAN CHAMPIA AND CHYLOCLADIA 101 ‘ P / J A | ae 4 | ' ,™ tte TE 4 4 aed oe | \ ad ad ; aj ? . Fy bee Lis : & ' 1 i : Ss ‘ Ps . ‘ yy -, Ms, i e =— 2 q. TZ AN j ~ a = a. ap eo te te * ah ew, Ae 2 Phe (je ot ade, OO: Loe a Te ae =-o LPass, 3” a | au - aa 4 A? oo sf = Sy F % 4 = hE, ORR Lee ah it~ ® : ae fr =a os t f sf = (3S ewe 5 i ee ~ = ‘ * id — =o =—wn =~ =— = — ih mM 8 é 9 s 7 e€ € tow svt gtiuatuadustuniduatustihuslt 6 Fig. 13. A. Lectotype of C. affinis var. arcuata Hooker & Harvey. Gunn 1332, in BM. B. Champia zostericola. Musselroe Bay, Tas. Perrin, March 1937 (MEL 45252)—plant with well- developed axes. 102 D. J. REEDMAN & H. B. S. WOMERSLEY "?, AON a eee ww Ie Be 7h ie aan MM 1 2 3 4 5 6 7 8 § A. Shepherd toll Fig. 14. A. Champia parvula var. amphibolis. Type specimen of variety. B. Chylocladia grandis. Holotype specimen. SOUTHERN AUSTRALIAN CHAMPIA AND CHYLOCLADIA 1% thallus habit, cell detail, and tetrasporangial sori are very similar to Lomentaria catenara Harvey from Japan (as noted by Harvey 1863 and Okamara 1904), and the N.S.W. plant may be a slightly less robust formi of the Japanese species, Which is ulso recorded from Pacific Mexico by Dawson (1963, p. 465, pl- 92). It appears to by closely related to Lomen- faria ramsayana (J. Agardh} Kylin (1931, p. 27, pl, 14, fig. 33), Chylocladia multiramea Sonder 1853; 681, Type locajity, Lefevre Pen., S. Aust- Type. MEL, 45196, The type specimen (female) in MEL is a slender, much branched, bleached plant of Dasyphiloea insignis Montagne. Acknowledgements The authors are indebted to the Directors af the National Herbaria of Victoria and of New South Wales, and to the Brifish Museuns (N.H), London, for the loan of specimens, Professor J. Feldman, Institut de Biologie Veégetale, Paris, Kindly seot matenul of Champia parvula from Brest, and Mr R. H. Simons, South African Seaweed Research Laboratory, forwarded material of C. lnmbri- caliv and C, conpressa, The second author gratefully acknowledves o grant from the Australian Research Grants Committee and the technical assisiance pro- vided by Mrs Enid Robertson and Miss Chery! Anderson. References Acarpy, C. A. (7824),—“Systema Algarum,” (Lund.) AGAroH, C, A. (1828) —'Species Alvarum." Vol. 2. (Grypbiswald.) Agarpy, J. G. (1852),—"Species, Genera ct Ordines Algarum.” Vol. 2, Pt 2, pp, 337-720, P\ 3, pp, 7O1-7E6. (T.und.) Acaron, J. G. (1876).—"Species, Genera et Ordines Algarum.” Vol, 3, Pri, pp. 1-724— Epicrisis systematis Floridearum. (Lund,)} AGABDH, J. G, (1879).—Florideernes morphologi, K. VPerensk Ake. Forsehanedl, 15, 1-199, Plates 1-33. Acagoy, J, G. (1901).—"“Species, Genera et Ordines Algarum, Vol, 3, Pr 4, pp. 1-149. {Lund.) Biome, C. (1928),—Studien tiber die Florideen- ordoung Rhodymeniales, cfa Univ. aud, N.F. Avd, 2, 24(3), 1-73. Cuapman, V. J,, & Dromaoo.e, FT. (1970) -— The marine alese of New Zealand. Pa7t UT: Rhodophyceas. Florideophycidae; Rhodymme- hiales. pp. 185-(54, Plates 39-50, Dawson, E, Y. {1963).—Marine red algae from Pacific Mexico. Part 6. Rhodymeniales, Nova Hedwigia 5, 437-476, Plates 77-95. Desvaux, N. A, (1808),—Champia Desv, J, de Bor, 1, 245-246. De Toni, G. B, (1900a)—Tl genere Champia Desv. Mem. Ponnf. Accad, Nuovi Lincei, Roma 17, 65-80. De Tont, G. 8. (1900b).—"Sylloge Algarum om- nium hucusque Cognitarium.” Vol. 4. Floti- deae. Sect. 2, pp, 387-776. (Padua.} De Tont, G, B, (1924).—"Sylloke Algarum om- nNipm hucusque Cognitarium.” Vol. 6. Plori- deae, (Padua.} Garnet, J, R. (1971) —Check-list No. fh—Marine and Freshwater Algae. In “The Wildflowers of Wilson's Promontory National Fark", pp, 93- 97. (Lothian: Melbourne.) Gaynas, P. (1966) —“Les Aleues des Cétes Fran- cases.” (Deren: Paris.) Gepp, A. & Gere, BE. S. (1906}—Some marine algae from New Sonth Wales, J, Bor, Lari, 1906, 249-261. Plate 481. 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Tasmaniae. Vol. 2, pp. 282-343, Plates 185-196. Hanvey, W. H. (1863).—"Phycologia Australica,” Vol. 5, Plates 241-300, synop. pp. 1-73. Hooxer, J. D,, & Harvey, W. HB. (1847) —Aleac Tasmanicae. Land. J. Bor. 6, 397-417. Heoneh, W. J, (1833)—"The British Flora,” Vol. 2. Jorr, A. B, (1965}—Plora Marinhe do litoral norte do estado de Sao Paulo e regioes cir- cunvizinhas, Bol, Foc, Files, Ciéac. Letras, Univ. Sdo Paula, 294, Ser. Bal. 21, 7-395. Kinc, R. I, Brace, J, Hope, & Durken, Sophie (1971) —Port Phillip Bay Survey 2. 8. Inter- tidal ecology of Port Phillip Bay with system- wile Usis of plants and animals, Meyn, nein. Mus. Viet, 32, 93-128, Kuerzine, F. T. (1843)~-"Phycologia generalis.” (Leipzig,) 1+ Kuerzinc, F. T-. ( Leipzig.) . Kuerzinc, F, T. (1865).—Tabnlae Phycologi- cae.” Vol. 15. (Nordhausen.) Kyiex, H. (1931) —Die Florideenordnung Rhody- meniales, Acta Univ, lund, N.F. Avid. 2, 27 (11), 1-48, Plates 1-20, Kyarn, H, (1956),—“Die Gattungen der Rhodo- phycoen.” (Lund.) Luvaing, T. (1946),—A list of marine algac from Australia und Tasmania. Acta Herti gotho- burg 16, 213-227. Linnazus, C. (1771).—“Mantissa plantarum altera.” pp. i-vi, 143-588. (Stockholm.) Lucas, A. H. S. (1909).—Revised list of the Fucoideae and Florideae of Australia. Proc. Linn, Joe, N.S.W, 34, 9-60, Lucas, A. H. S, (19294).—The marine algae of Tasmania. Pap, Proc. R. Soc. Tasm, 1928, f-27- Lucas, A. HLS, (1929b),—A census of the marine algae of South Australia. Trans. R. Soc: S$. Aust, 53, 45-55. ; Lucas, A. H. S. (1931)—Notes of Australian marine algae, WI. Proc, Lina. Soc, NSW. 56, 407-411, Plates 23-27, Lucas, A. H.S., & Pesnin, F. (1947).—"The Sea- weeds of South Australis.’ Part TW. The Rexl shih teal pp. 109-458. (Govt Printer: Ade- aide, May, V. (1947).—Studies on Australian marine ulgue. IMT. Prac. Tian. Soc. N.S.W. T1, 273- 277, Plate 19, May, V. (f965).—A census and key to the spe- cles of Rhodophyceae (red algae) recorded from Australia. Contr. N.S.W. narn. Herh. 3, 349-429 Navanir, C. (1847).—"Die neueren Algenstyeme,” (Zurich) Nayior, M. (1954).—A check list of the marine algae of the Dunedin district. Trans, R. Sec, N.Z. 82(3), 645-663. Nrwrton, L, (1931),—A Handbook of the British Seaweeds.” (British Museum: London,) OKaAmuRA, K, (1904),—List of marine algae col- lected in Caroline Islunds and Australia. Bot, Mag., Tokyo 18, 77-96, REINBOLD, T. (1897) —Die algen der Lacepede und Gilichen Bay. Nueva Notarisia 8, 41-62. KEINBOLD, T, (1898) —Die Algen der Lacepede und Guichen Bay (Stid Australien) und deren naherer Umbebung, gesammelt von Dr BQ ge 8 8 ef Ae *e “ff 88 Ae 88 4 5 2z 23 : —— 10p 1d xy Fig. 1. Karyotype and C-banding of L. forresti and L. lakedownensis. 1a, Karyotype of female L. forrest (IMVS 3) heteromorphic for pair 1; for pair 1; dawnensis (IMVS 12). Species G-6-PD Hb TO 1b, C-banding of male L. forresti (IMVS 6) heteromorphic lc, Karyotype of male L, lakedownensis (MVS 11); 1d, C-handing of male L. lake- GA-3-PD Est-1 Alb NAD-MDH Fig. 2. Representation of electrophoretic patterns observed for seven useful proteins in six pseudomyin species. In each case the origin is to the left, and fastest migrating bands to the right (cathodal). Key—L J, = Leggadina forresn; LA. = L. lakedownensis; Lid, = L. delicatula; L.h. = L. her- mantsburgensis; P.n. — Pseudomys novachollandiac; P.a. = P. australis, downensis (Fig. 1d) was evident only in the smaller chromosomes. Tha presumed Y was slightly more intensely C-bandcd than other chromosomes over ifs entire length. Electrophoresis: Of the 16 proteins studied (Table 2), LAP, PHI, Tf, Est. 2 and Est. 3 showed evidence of polymorphism in at least one species, and 6-PGD, LDH A & B and PGM were identical for all species. This left seven of the protcins studied that were consistent within species but varied between species. The electrophoretic results for these seven proteins are shown in Fig. 2, and the resulting difference matrix in Table 3 112 P. R. BAVERSTOCK, J. T. HOGARTH. S. COLE AND J. COVACEVICH TABLE 3 Difference marrix for data in Figure 2 (Key a3 in Figure 2) Lj, Lib Lid LA, Pn, Pea. Ly, 0 Li 3 0 Td. 6 5 0 Lik, 6 5 a 0 P.n. 7 & 1 n 0 Pa 6 7 4 4 4 0 Discussion Most L. forresti were found to possess the same karyotype, although two were hetero- morphic for a sub-acroventric pair 1, C-banding showed that the short arm on the sub-acrocen- tric member was not heterochromatic, suggest- ing that the sub-acrocentric was telated to the acrocentric by a pericentric inversion. L, lakedawnensis, however, had a pair of small metacentrics converted to a pair of acro- centrics, presumably by a pericentric inversion. Although a single fixed chromosomal difference between L, forresti and L. lakedownensis is in- suffizient in itself to indicate a species dif- ference, taken in the context of the very low karyotypic variation of the whole of the pseudomyinae (unpublished data), a single chromosomal rearrangement probably indicates reasonable differentiation, The biochemical data are mere convincing, Of the seven uscful proteins studied, L. forresti and L. lakedewnensis differ in 3 (Table 3), This is considerable compared to the biochemi- cal differentiation between 3 “good” species— L. delicatula and L. novaehollandiae (1 dit- ference), and £. novaehollandiae and L- her- mannshurgensis (1 difference). These results suggest that £. forresti and L. lakedownensis may have been separated from each other for at Ieast as long as have L. delicatula, L. navae- hollandiae and L. hermansburgensis. Phenetically L. lakedownensis and L. forresti are biochemically more similar to cach other thai either is to any other pseudomyin studied (Table 3). Although more data are needed these results support the maintenance of Legga- dina aS a separate genus which at this time would include only these two species. Acknowledgments We are grateful to Dr C. H. 8. Waits for helpful comments during the course of this study. The original specimens of L. lakedown- ensiy were collected by R, Buckley and presented to the Queensland Museum by C. Tanner. We thank the various State Wildlife authorities for permission to collect specimens, several of which were collected by A. & J. Robinson under an Australian Biological Resourees Study Grant to C, H. S. Watts and P. R. Baverstock. References ArricHt, F. E., & Hsu, T. C. (1971 ).—Localiza- tion of heterochromatin in human chromo- somes. Cytogenetics 10, 81-86. Brewer, G. J. (1970)—“Introduction to Tsozyme Techniques,” (Academic Press: New York and London). Hoimes, R. S., Coorer, D. W., & VANDEBERG, J. L. (1973) —Marsuptal and monotreme lactate dehydrogenase isozymes: phylogeny. ontogeny and homology with eutherian mam- mals. J, Exp. Zool. 184, 127-148. SELANDER, R. K,, SMirH, M, H., Yano, &, Y., Jornnson, W. E., & Gentry, J. B, (1971).— Biochemical polymorphism and systematics in the genus Peromyscus. €. Variation in the old- field mouse (Peromyscus pelionotus), Stud. Genet. V1, 49-90 (Univ. Texas Publ. 7103). Warts, C. H, S. (1976).—Leggadina lakedownen- sis, a new species of murid rodent from north Queensland. Trans. R: Sac. S. Aust. 100(2), VOL. 100, PART 3 31 AUGUST 1976 TRANSACTIONS OF THE ROYAL SOCIETY OF SOUTH AUSTRALIA INCORPORATED CONTENTS Foster, R. J., and Philip, G. M. Corystus dysasteroides, a Tertiary Holasteroid Echinoid Formerly Known as Duncaniaster australiae - - 113 Crisp, M. D. Rediscovery of Acacia barattensis J. M. Black (Mimosaceae) in South Australia - ~ - - - - - - i117 Mawson, Patricia M. Woodwardostrongylus obendorfi new species (Nematoda: Amidostomatidae) from Kangaroos - - - - - 121 Callen, R. A., & Tedford, R. H. New Late Cainozoic Rock Units and Depo- sitional Environments, Lake Frome Area, South Australia - 125 Glaessner, M. F. A New Genus of Late Precambrian Polychaete Worms from South Australia - - - - - - - - - 169 PUBLISHED AND SOLD AT THE SOCIETY’S ROOMS STATE LIBRARY BUILDING NORTH TERRACE, ADELAIDE, S.A. 5000 CORYSTUS DYSASTEROIDES, A TERTIARY HOLASTEROID ECHINOID FORMERLY KNOWN AS DUNCANIASTER AUSTRALIAE BY R. J. FOSTER* AND G. M. PHILIP} Summary FOSTER, R. J., & PHILIP, G. M. (1976).- Corystus dysasteroides, a Tertiary holasteroid echinoid formerly known as Duncaniaster australiae. Trans. R. Soc. S. Aust. 100(3), 113-116, 31 August 1976. The type specimens of the nominal species Rhynchopygus dysasteroides Duncan 1877, Holaster australiae Duncan 1877, Holaster difficilis Duncan 1887 and Galeraster australiae Cotteau 1890 (which include the type species of Corystus Pomel 1883, Galeraster Cotteau 1890 and Duncaniaster Lambert 1896) are discussed and illustrated. All are included in one species correctly designated Corystus dysasteroides (Duncan). CORYSTUS DYSASTEROIDES, A TERTIARY HOLASTEROID ECHINOID FORMERLY KNOWN AS DUNCANIASTER AUSTRALIAE by R. J. Foster* and G. M. Putiiipt Summary Foster, R. J,, & Pitre, G. M, (1976).—Corystus dysastereides, a Tertiary holasteroid echinoid formerly known a3 Duncaniaster australiae, Trans. R. Soc. S, Aust, 100(3), 113-116, 31 August 1976. The type specimens of the mominal species Rhynchopygus dysasteroides Duncan 1877, folaster australiae Duncan 1877, Holaster difficilis Duncan 1887 and Galeraster anstratiae Cotteau 1890 (which include the type species of Corystus Pomel 1883, Galeraster Cotteau 1890 and Duncaniastér Lambert 1896) are discussed and illustrated. All are included in one species correctly designated Corysius dysasteroides (Duncyn)- Introduction Holasteroid echinoids are not abundantly represented in the diverse Tertiary echinoid fauna of southern Australia, but there is one common species'which. for the last eighty years has been known as Duncaniaster australige (Duncan). The purpose of this note is to review the complex nomenclatural history of the species and to decide on its correct designation, Also, photographs of the type material of four nominal species proposed by Duncan (1877, 1887) and Cotteau (1890) are published for the first time. The species is known from the Tertiary coastal basins of southern Australia from Eucla Basin in the west to Torquay Embayment in the east, and from New Zealand. The earliest known Australian occurrence js in the Middle or early Late Eocene; it is present in the Wilson Bluff Lumestone al the Bluff and in Abrakurric Cave, and in the Tortuchilla Limestone and equivalents of the Si Vincent Basin, Jt makes its last Australian appearance in the late Barly Miocene (uppermost Longfordian) Watac- poolan Limestone at Koonalunda in western Victoria. The species also occurs in the South Island of New Zealand; it appears first near the base of the Weka Pass Limestone in the Early Oligocene (questionable Whaingaroan), and jast in the Gee Greensand in the Late Oligocene or Early Miocene (Waitakian-Otuian). More * BHP Oil and Gas Division, Melbourns, Vic, 3000, stratigraphic details are given in a separate paper (Foster and Philip, in press)- Historical review Dunean (1877, p, 49). described the species Rhynchopygus dysasteroides from Castle Cove, Victoria (Late Eotene Castle Cove Limestone) and (1877, p, 31) described a further species, HAfolaster australiae from the same jocality. The holotype of R; dysasteroides is crushed, and it Was ptesumably for this reason that Duncan regarded the specimen as a cassiduloid. Pomel (1883, p. 61) proposed the genus. Corystus for R. dysasteroides because of its intercalary apical system. In his revision of the Australian echinoid fauna Duncan (1887, p. 421( pro- vided a corrected woodcut of the apical system of the holotype of H. auxfraliae. He recognised that he had misinterpreted the species R. dysas- teroides and been mistaken about its affinities, As a consequence he renamed it Holaster difficilis. Pomel'’s work was not well known at the time and it is no doubt because of this Duncan made no mention of the genus Corystus. Cotteau (1890, p, 548) described Goleraster adustraliae from Mount Gambier (Early Mio- cene Gambier Limestone) as a new genus and species, placing the genus Galeraster close to Holaster. Tate (1891, p, 276) first suggested that A. difficilis and H. australiae were the same species. In 1892 Bittner (p, 359) rejected the t Department of Geoloxy and Geophysics, University of Sydney. N.S.W. 2006. 1t4 genus Cerysivs, noting Gregory’s (1890, p. 990) reference to 4. difficilis as an “unsatisfac- tory species”, Also, in 1892 Tate published his. strongly worded ¢riticism of Bittner's paper but in regard fo these species he followed Bittner, although he suggested that Galeraster australiac oe an additional synonym of Holasrer ausira- fae. Lambert (1893, p. 97) transferred Al. aws- iraliaeé 10 Pomel’s genus Lampadocorys but later (1896, p. 317) made it the type species of his new genus Duneaniaster which he placed clase to Sregaster. Thus was created the widely used name Duncaniaster australiae, In 1903 Lambert (p. 32) grouped the genus with Lam- padocorys, Stegaster, Tholaster and Ojjaster in his subfamily Echinocorynae. Lambert & Thiery (1921, p. 332) recognised Galeraster as a valid genus in the Bchino- galerinae, stating (1924, p. 408) that Tate was mistaken when he made Galeraster australiae a synonym of Holaster australiae. They (1921, p. 364) reinstated the species Rhynchoprous dysasteroides, and made Corysrus Pomel a synonym of Rhyachepyeus dOrbieny, Last of all (1924, p, 408), they relegated Duncaniaster Lambert to a sub-genus of Cibaster Pomel. H. L. Clark (1946), in his review “The Echmoderm Fauna of Australia” mentioned neither Corystus nor Galerasrer. He maintained Duncaniaiter as a separate genus (p. 361}, but did not consider it far removed from Cardiaster; the only species he listed was D. australiae (Duncan), Mortensen (1945, p, 84) Tetained Cotteau's genus Galeraster in the family Echinoncidae Wright and close to Pyrina, but (p, 203) considered Corystus to be a synonym of Cassidulus. He confirmed (1950, Pp. 74) Duncaniaster in the Holasteridae close to Cibaster. Wagner & Durham (1966, pp. U445S U528) in the Treatise followed Morten- sen in their placement of Galeraster and Duncaniaster, and Corystus was tentatively plated among the cassiduloids as a douhtful nominal genus. Type material The holotype of Rhynchopygus dyavteraides ts BM, E42418 (Fig. 2 C, B, F) and that of Holaster australige is BM, E31067 (Fig. 2 A, B, BD}. Both are lodged in the British Muscum (Natural History), and both were collected from the "No, 5 Upper Coralline Beds, Castle Cove, near Cape Otway” in Victoria. This is the old locality AWS of Wilkinson (1865) in the Castle Cove Limestone, which Carter R, J. FOSTER AND G. M. PHILIP Fig. |. Plating of apical system of holotype of Halaster austraiiae Duncan (BM £31067), (1958, p, 21) refers to as his Foraminiferal Units 2 and 3. The echinoids are probably from the upper part of the formation in the latest Late Eocene, As indicated above, the type specimen of R- dysasteroides is badly crushed, although the adapical surface shows an holasteroid apical system, similar to that of A. australiae (Fig, 1). In both spectmens the adoral surface is poorly preserved. and the plastronal plating. is obscure. Because of the state of preservation, the presence or absence of a subanal fasciole could not be established. The holotype of Cottean’s Galeraster aus- fraliae is an unnumbered specimen in the Ecole des Mines, Paris, in the Cotteau Collection (Fig. 2 G, H, 1), Its locality is “Mount Gam- bier, Australia” and doubtless is from the Gambier Limestone. The type section in the sinkhole at Mt Gambier town is of Longfordian (Barly Miocene) age, and Janjukian (Late Ohgocene) outcrops are limited to restricted areas NW and SW of the town. The precise locality of Cotteau’s type, and of the only other representatives of the genus from this forma- tion {P20456 from the National Museum of Victorian and T267a from the Tate Collection labelled “Helaster woedsti Mt Gambier’), is CORYSTUS DYSASTEROIDES, A TERTIARY HOLASTEROID ECHINOID 115 Fig. 2. All natural size. A, B, D. Adapical, adoral, and lateral views of holotype of Holaster australiae Duncan (BM 531067). C, &, F. Adoral, lateral and adap ical views of holotype of Rhynchopy- gus dysasteroides Duncan (BM E42418). G, H, I. Lateral, adapical and adoral views of holotype of Galeraster australiae Cotteau. 1L6 nor known. The general echinoid fauna presently available from the Gambier Lime- stone appears to have its closest affinities with that of the Longfordian Mannum Formation of the River Murray cliffs In particular, 1267a the only well-preserved specimen of Corystjis from’) Mount Gambier was elsewhere {Foster & Philip, in press) compared statistically with the populations from a number of south-eastern Australian localities ranging from Late Eocene fo Early Miocene, and its parameters corre- lated best with samples of populations from the Mannum Formation and the Longfordjan portion of the Port Vincent Limestone. It is therefore concloded that the holotype is probably from the Early Miocene. Again the holotype is a poorly preserved specimen, It is worn and cracked and a number of borings occur in parts of the test. Sorface detail is obscured by matrix and secondary calcite to the degree that even the paths of the ambulacra are difficult to trace, Preparation of the apical region of the specimen showed the widely separated oculars typical of an holasteroid apical system, R. J, FOSTER AND G. M, PHILIP Conclusions Despite the unsatisfactory nature of the type matetial, We conclude that all specimens are conspecific, We base this conclusion on the large collections of the species available to us from various localities in south-eastern Aus- tralia. We here choose dysasteroides as the valid mame for the species as it has page precedence over qustraliae which was introduced by Dun- can in the same publication, Pomel’s genus Corystus has priority over Duncaniaster Lam- bert. ‘Thus the valid Linnean species is Corysties dysasteroides (Duncan). In a further paper (Foster & Philip, in press} we present a statistical analysis of samples of Corystus populations ranging from Late Eocene to Early Miocene in age. This analysis is designed to depict the morphological trends apparent in the evolution of the species. We also have in preparation a taxonomic study of all the holasteroid echinoids known from the Tertiary rocks of Australia (including Western Australia) and New Zealand. In this latter article we will review the affinities of the genus Corystus. References Brrrnun, A. (1892).—Ubher Echiniden des Tertiirs von Australien. Sinz, A. Akad. Wiles. Wien, (Math, Natur, Cl.) WI, 33371. Carter. Av N, (1958),—Teniary Foraminifera from the Aire District, Victoria. Bull. Geol. Surv, Vict. 55, |-76. Ciark, H. L. (1946),—The Echinoderm Fauna of Aastralia, Its composition and origin, Publ, Carnegie fast. Wash. 366, 1-567. Correau, G. HL (1890).—Echinides notiveaux ou pea connus, 2(9) Mem. Sov. Zool, France, 537-350, Duncan, P.M, (1877)—On the Echinodermata of the Australian Cainozoic (Tertiary) Deposits. Quart. J, Géal, Sov. Lond, 33(1), 42-71. Duncan, P. M. (1887),—A_ revision of the Echinoidea from the Australian Tertiaries, fhid. 43(3}, 411-430. Fostra, R. J, & PHtur, G, M, fin press) — Statistical analysis of the Tertiary holasteroicd Corystuy dysaneroides from Australasia. Thelassia Juwesl. Grecory, 1. W, (1890),—Some additions to the Australian Tertiary Echinoidea. Geol, Mav- 27, 481-492, Lamperr, 3. (1893).—Etudes morphologiques sur les plastron des spatangides. Bull. Sec, Sed, hist, aot. ¥onne 47, 55-98. Lamuert, |. (1896)—WNote sur quelques Echinides crétaces de Madagascar. Bull. Soc. Geol. Franoc 24, 313-332. Camocrr, J. (1903).—Description des échinides crétacés de la Belgique, J, Etude mono- graphique sur le genre &chinocorys. Mém. Mus, Roy, d'Hist, Nar, Belg, 2, 1-151, Lamuerr, J., & Trtery, P. (1909-1925) —“Essai de Nomenclature ralsonnée des Echinides” 1-9 {Libraire Ferriére: Chaumont). Morrensen, T. (1948).—"A monograph of the Echinoidea” IV (1) Holectypoida, Cassidu~ loida (C, A. Reitzel: Copenhagen), MORTENSEN, T. (1950),—Idem V (1) Spatangoida Power, N, A, (1883).—"Classification méthodique et genera des échinides vivants et fossiles" { Adolphe Jourdan: Alger}. Tate, R. (1891),—A bibliography and revised list of the Described Echinoids of the Australian Eocene, with descriptions of some new species. Truns. Prac. R, Soc. 8. Aust, 14, 270-282, Tate, R, (1892)—.Critical remarks on A. Biltner’s “Eehiniden des ‘Tertiars von Australien”, Sbid, 1§(2), 190-194. Waonek, C, D. & Durnam, J. W, (1966).— Holectypoids, Holasteroids.. Jn> Moore, R. C. (Ed.) “Treatise on invertebrate palaeon- tology” U3(2), 440-0450 & U523-U543. Wirginson, C, S, (1865).—Report on the Cape Otway Country (from Parl. Papers, 1864- teal Repr. Geal, Surv, Vier, 1863-1864, 21- REDISCOVERY OF ACACIA BARATTENSIS J. M. BLACK (MIMOSACEAE) IN SOUTH AUSTRALIA BY M. D. CRISP* Summary CRISP, M. D. (1976).-Rediscovery of Acacia barattensis J. M. Black (Mimosaceae) in South Australia. Trans. R. Soc. S. Aust. 100(3), 117-120, 3 1 August 1976. Acacia barattensis, previously known only from the type collection, has been rediscovered near the type locality in the Flinders Ranges, South Australia. It is described in more detail than previously, the legumes and seeds for the first time. Its taxonomic affinities and the type material are discussed. Possible reasons for the species remaining "lost" for so long are suggested, and its state of preservation is discussed in relation to its distribution and ecology. REDISCOVERY OF ACACIA BARATTENSIS 5, M. BLACK (MIMOSACEAE) IN SOUTH AUSTRALIA by M. D. Crise* Summary Cer, M, D. (1976),—Kediscovery of Acacia baratrensis J. M, Black (Mimosaceae) in South Australia. Trans, R. Sec. S. Aust. 100(3), 117-120, 31 August 1974, Acacia barattensis, previously known only from the type collection, has been rediscovered near the type lucalily m the Flinders Ranges, South Australia. It is described in moré detail than previously, ihe legumes and seeds for the first time. Its taxonomic affinitics and the type material are discussed. Possible reasons for the species remaining “lost” for so long are suggested, and its state of preservation js discussed in relation to its distribution and ecology. Introduction Recently [ rediscovered Acacia barattensis in the Flinders Ranges, South Australia. In so doing [ established that the species was nol extinct as previously supposed (Specht et al. 1974, p. 304), and that the locality informa- tion given by its author was inaccurate. The following formal taxonomic treatment? contains new information about its morphology. type material, affinities, ecology and distribution. Taxonomy of Acacia barattensis Acacia barattensis J. M, Black in Trans, R. Sac, S. Aust, 56:42, t.1, fig, 2 (1932); Flor. 8. Aust. ed. 2:419, fig. 578 (1948). Somewhat diffuse, spreading shrub 2-3 m tall with several slender branches arising at or near the base, Breunchlets slender, glabrous, gently curved so that the tips stand erect; strongly angular and very viscid towards the Ups; becoming terete, less viscid and faintly striate towards the bases; greenish-brown but usually covered with a black incrustation. Foliage with a strong odour of resin acids when dryy. Stipvles absent. Phiylledes erect, natrow-linear but tapering slightly towards beth ends, vertically flattencd, never terete, gently incurved, abruptly rostrate-uncinate at the upices, (3)5-8 cm long, 08-15 mm broud, S-nerved on cach face, 1-nerved on each margin (8-nerved in all); with a narrow gtoove which is usually filled with brown resin ahove and along each nerve; often shallowly and irregularly sulcate between the nerves: very sparsely and mihutcly pusticulate, initially very viscid, Marginal gland scarcely visible, 2-3 mm above the base of the phyllode. Peduncles 1-2 in the axils, each with a minute narrow:triangular basal bract (0,5 mm long), slender (0,2-0,3 mm diam,), terete, + papil- lose-viscid, 8-13 mm long. Heads globular, 5-7 mm diam, at anthesis, ca 20-flowered Floral bracts navicular with long (ca 0.5 mm) triquetrous claws and with extended acute apices, 0.8~-0.9 mm long and 0.2 mm bread, densely papillose-viscid, the margins scarious, + entire, Flowery 4-merous, Calyx ca 1/3 length of corolla, consistently divided for 1/4 its length into triangular and barely acute lobes with entire margins, papillose-viscid. Petals oblong, recurved at the acute tips, 2 mm long, faintly unimerved, + papillose-viscid, Joosely connate for ca + their length. Ovary = sessile, densely papillose-viscid. Leeurme narrow-linear, coriaceous, straight or slightly curved, stipt- tale, contracted to 4 its width between the seeds, (6)8-10(15) em long, 2.5-3.5 mm broad, often with a very narrow (1 mm) and elongate (up ta 1 em) black sterile tip. Sur- face of the legume initially very viscid, finally not viscid, dark brown, with anastomosing raised veins hetween the seeds, irregularly col- liculate over the seeds. Margins of the legume much thickened, straw coloured. Seeds longi- tudinal, oblong-elliptic, smooth, dark brown, ea 2.5 x 4.5 mm, Ari! much dilated. with * Herbarium, Canberra Botanic Gardens P.O. Box 158, Canberra, A.C.T. 2601, 1 Personal communication: 1. Elix, Dept of Chemistry, Australian National University, A,C.T. 1i8 M. D. CRISP E C Fig, 1. Acacia barattensis. A. Portion of branch in bud and flower. B. Phyllode. C. Transverse section of phyllode, taken near the centre, showing resin-filled grooves. D. Apical portion of phyllode. E. Inflorescence (note basal bract). F. Floral bract in lateral (left) and ventral (right) view. G. Calyx and corolla. H. Legumes and peduncle. I. Exterior view of portion of legume over seed, J. Seed, ari] and funicle. A-E from M. D. Crisp 889; F-G from M. D. Crisp 731; H-J from M. D, Crisp 890. REDISCOVERY OF ACACIA BARATTENSIS hyaline wings, ance-bent above the seed and gradually contracted through a sharp bend inte a thrice-folded funicle. Type citation; “Near Baratta head-station, on a branch of the Siccus River and 20 miles west of Kononamore.” Holonpus: J. B. Cleland, 3.4i1,1930, “North of Baratta Head Statn." (Raratta is at 31°59'S, 139°06E), AD 97338071 (f.)! fsorvpiz AD 96247254 (“belongs to AD 97338071") (41.)!, K. Distribution; South Australia: Plinders Ranges. Apparently restricted to the deep gullics of an unnamed range forming the northem and western boundaries of Biblianda Station, ca 55 km E of Hawker and 16 km NW of Baratta head station. All recent col- lections have been made in the vicinity of the peak known as “The Bluff". Ecology; Apparently confined to oear-verti- cal gorge walls, from just above creck level to ca 30 m above, on skeletal soils between out- cropping quartzite, Flowermg is apparently irregular, having been observed in April, October, November and December; fruiting in October (immature) and November. Additional specimens examined: Bibdliando Stn. ca 2 km N of New West Bore (31°52'S, 139°OS' EE). M, D, Crisp T3L, 13.iv.1974. fi, fr. & photo. (AD; CBG 060871—ortg, spec.); Bibliando Stn, southern slopes of The Bluff, West Bore Pudk (31°S1'S, [39°00 BE), M. D Crisp 889, 20)%.1974, fl. & fr. (CBG 060873— orig. spec., NSW); ibid., AZ, DB, Crisp 890, 20.x.1974, fi, & fr, (CANB, CBG 060872— orig. spec., NSW, TL, US); Between Willipa and Biblianiio, Af. G. Catford s.n., 2-xi.1974., ft. & fr. (AD 97448228—pro parted; ibid., M. G Carford som., 23.xi1.1974, fr, (AD 97448228—pro parle) Affinities: In his original description. of Acacia barattensix, Black placed it next to 4. subporosa F. Muell. {the now scyregated 4, cograta Domin). | consider it ta be much closer to the group 4. gracilifolia Maiden et Blakely, 4, wilhelmiana F. Muell., 4, helnisi- ana Maiden and A. menzelii J, M. Black, which apparently belongs in Bentham’s series Calamifurmes. However it differs from all these in its 4-mcrous flowers and in being totally glabrous. Maiden & Blakely (1927) des- cribe a 4-partite corolla for A. gracilifolia, tut both their illustration and material examined by myself hive a S5-partite corolla, In SE Australia the most similar relative of A. barar- 119 fests is apparently A. merzelil, which has stmilar phyllodes, glands, peduncles, legumes, seeds and arils, However the latter differs in having phyllodes shorter and usually terete, 2 fewer nerves per phyllode, bracts larger, cucullate and prominently ribbed, flowers 5- merous, floral bracts with short claws. Discussion The type materi] at AD consists of 2 sheets, hoth annotated by Black. One of these (AD 97338071) hus two twigs of material and two locality labels in Black's handwriting, Onc label, "North of Baratta Head Siatn 3/12/30 (J. B. Cleland) label marked "Kew 137°”, appears to be the original information received from Cleland, while the other, “Baratla H.S. (on a branch of the Siccus River & 20 miles W of Kaonamore.)”, 8 Black's transcription of the former for publi- cation. There is no evidence to suggest that the tWo twies are separate collections, Bath twigs are identical in all respects, particularly in the stage of flowering. The sheet also bears extensive descriptive notes and drawings, and a bold Jabel “Acacia Aaraztensis J. M. Black”, all in his hand. Clearly this shect ts the holo- type. ‘The second sheet (AD 96247254), origin- ally kept separately in Herb. J. B. Cleland but later transferred to AD, curries a locality label similar to that on the holotvpe, and a twig Wentical io the others, indicating that this sheet is an isotype. The label is marked “Kew 2137" by an unknown writer, and “Apparently a new sp., but if sent 1a Kew, I scarcely know what to do—I.M_R,” by Black. Cicarly it was after he wrote this note that Black decided to describe: and name the Acweia from the duplicate (holotype) material, If any specimen had been sent pre- viously to K. tt must have been returned, because the only specimen of 4. buraltensix now there is endorsed “comm, J, M, Black, Jan 1933" i.e. it Was sent there after publication of the new species by Black, This third specimen appears: in all respects to be a duplicate of the holotype collection, and must be regarded as A second isotype. The ahove distussion shows clearly wiry many attemprs to relocate Acacia haraitensix falled. Whereas Cleland’s field locality was 120 “North of Baratta” (in the ranges where it presently occurs and only about 10 km distant from Baratta), Black’s published locality erroneously focussed attention on the head station itself, where it does not occur. The populations of the Acacia are in fact restricted to specific sites in the deep gorges of the range at Bibliando. However, where popula- tions do occur they are fairly extensive and protected by the inaccessibility of their habitat. Provided that no major disturbance occurs in this range, Acacia barattensis is probably safe from the threat of extinction for the immediate future. M. D. CRISP Acknowledgments I wish to thank the staff of the State Herbar- ium of South Australia (AD) for the loan of specimens and for assistance received. I am also grateful to Dr Hj. Eichler of Herbarium Australiense (CANB), who offered some use- ful comments about the type material and read the manuscript. Mr A. B. Court of the Herbarium, Canberra Botanic Gardens (CBG) offered many helpful suggestions. Dr A. Kanis kindly located and supplied data from the specimen at the Herbarium, Royal Botanic Gardens, Kew (K). References MalweN, J, H., & BLAKELY, W. F. (1927).—Des- criptions of fifteen new Acacias. J. Roy. Soc. N.S.W. 60, 171-196. Srecur, R. L., Ror, E. M., & BouGcuron, V. H. (ed.) (1974)—Conservation of major plant communities in Australia and Papua New Guinea, Aust. J. Bot, Supp. Ser. 7. WOODWARDOSTRONGYLUS OBENDORFI NEW SPECIES (NEMATODA: AMIDOSTOMATIDAE) FROM KANGAROOS BY PATRICIA M. MAWSON* Summary MAWSON, P. M. (1976).-Woodwardostrongylus obendorfi new species (Nematoda: Amidostromatidae) from Kangaroos. Trans. R. Soc. S. Aust. 100(3), 121-123, 3 1 August 1976. Woodwardostrongylus obendorfi n.sp. is described from the oesophagus of Macropus parryi (type host), M. robustus, and M. rufogriseus. It is distinguished from W. woodwardi (Wood) chiefly in having only 6 pairs of oral denticles instead of 16. Woodwardostrongylus Wahid is transferred to the family Amidostomatidae, and the genus Cristaceps Mawson is placed as a synonym of Woodwardostrongylus. WCODWARDOSTRONGYLUS OBENDORF! NEW SPECIES (NEMATODA; AMIDOSTOMATIDAE) FROM KANGAROOS by Parricia M. Mawson* Summary Mawson, P. M. (1976).—Woodwardostrongylus obeadorfi new species (Nematoda: Amido- stromatidae) from Kangaroos, Trats. R. Soe. S. Aust, 100(3), 121-123, 31 August 1976. Woodwardostrongylus obendorfi n.sp. is described from the oesophagus of Macrepus parryi (type host), M. robastus, and M. rufogriseus. It is distinguished from W. woodwaurdi (Wood) chiefly in having only 6 pairs of oral denticles instead of 16, W’oodwardostrongylus Wahid ts transferred to the family Amidostomatidae, and the genus Cristaceps Mawson is placed as a synonym of Woodwardostrongylus. Introduction The genus Woodwardostrongylus was erected by Wahid (1964, p. 184) for Pharyn- gostrongylus woodwardi Wood, 1931, Mawson (1971, p.. 174) not having seen Wahid's work, proposed the genus Cristaceps for the same species, pointing out that this genus was close to Filarineme in the family Amidastomatidae (serisu Inglis 1968). Cristaceps now falls as a synonym of Woodwardostrongylus, but the latier must be transferred to Amidostomatidae. Nematodes recently taken from the veso- phagus of three species of macropods have heen identified as a new species of Wood- wardosirongylus, In all three cases the worms. were threaded through the oesophageal epi- thelium so that care was needed to collect them entire. This situation is similar, though in the oesophagus instead of the stomach, to that occupied by W. woodwardi in the two recorded findings (Wood 1931; Mawson 1971). It is a locale which is likely to escape all but the most careful dissections, so it is possible that species of the genus are more widely distributed than the records indicate. T am very grateful to Dr Brian Coman and Dr Tom Kirkpatrick who shot the kangaroos and to Mr David Obendorf who first noticed the presence of the worm. The micrographs (Figs 10, 11) were taken by E.T.E.C. Avtosean in the Central Electron Optical Laboratory of the University of Adelaide, I am indebted to Dr Karl Bartusek of this Laboratory for help in taking the micro- graphs, and to P. G. Kempster for developing and printing them. Woodwardostrongylus obeadorfi n sp. FIGS 1-11 Host and Locality: Macropus parryi (Bennett) (type host and M, rebustus (Gould), fram Dorrigo, N.S.W.; M. rufogriseus (Desmarest} from Warwick. Qld, ‘The wortns are thin and clongate, the males 15,9-16.7 mm, the females 24-26 mm in length. The. body, especially of the female, is widest in its posterior part. The rounded anterior end bears a small round mouth, on each side of which lie six prominent denticles each associated with a plate-like sclerotisation in the cuticle. The mouth leads to a thick- walled buccal capsule or vestibule. The lumen of this is narrow but wider dorsoventrally than from side io side. The walls are faintly striated transversely (more: distinctly in some specimens than others), and are distinctly thicker pos- teriorly than anteriorly. The cephalic papillac and amphids are very small. The oesophagus widens in its posterior half to a very slight terminal swelling. It is 800— 900 ym long in the male, 900-1050 «xm in the female. In the male the distance from the anterior end of the worm to the nerve ring ts 320-400 pm, to the cervical papillae 300— 460 wm, and to the excretory pore 440-510 wm; in the Female these distances are respec- * Department of Zoology, University of Adelaide, Adelaide, S. Aust. 5000. 122 PATRICIA M. MAWSON 200 pm Figs 1,2 and 3—Head, in semi-cn face, lateral and ventral views respectively. Fig, 4—Oesophageal région. Figs 5, 6, 7, and 8—Views of bursa. Fig, 9—Posterior end of female. Figs 1-3 to same scale. Figs 5-8 to same scale. tively 360-400 pm, 560-600 pm, and 500- 550 pm. The bursa is only slightly lobed, closed ventrally, and somewhat voluminous dorsally where it extends so that the dorsal ray for most of its length lies at right angles to the long axis of the body. The arrangement of the rays is shown in Figs 5-8. The genital pore is of medium size, apparently without accessory lobes. The spicules are 1700-2100 ym long, the ratio body length: spicule length being 9.9-12.8. A gubernaculum is present. In the female the tail is 180-220 ,m long, conical ahd pointed. The vulva is shortly in front of the anus, 300-350 «m from the pos- terior end, The vagina is relatively long, up to 800 ym. Vaginal eggs measure 140-150 x 70- 80 wm. The species is distinguished from W. wooa- ward? mainly by the presence of only six pairs of oral denticles instead of sixteen pairs, and by the presence of the associated basal plates, which are not seen in the type species. There is also a difference in the site in which the species occur in the body, W. woedwardi in the stomach and the new species in the oeso- phagus. In Md. parryi and M. rufogriyeus the worms were numerous, but only one was found in M, rebustus. WOODWARDOSTRONGYLUS OBENDORFI FROM KANGAROOS 1 Nw ww Fig. 10. S.E. Micrograph, anterior end almost en face (x 1500). Fig. 11. S.E. Micrograph, part of region around mouth, showing two of the submedian papillae, the mouth, and some of the oral denticles (x 3500). References Inciis, W. G. (1968).—The geographical and Wann. S. (1964).—A preliminary revision of the evolutionary relationships of Australian genus Pharyngostrongylus Yorke and Maple- trichostrongyloid parasites and their hosts. J. stone, 1926. J. Helminthol 38, 180-190. Linn. Soc. Lond. Zool, 47, 327-347. Mawson, P. M, (1971).—Pearson Island Expedi- Woop, W. A. (1931).—Some new parasitic nema- tion 1969.—8 Helminths. Trans. R. Sac. S. todes from Western Australia. Rep. Director Aust, 95, 169-183. Inst. Animal Path. Univ. Camb. 1, 209-219, NEW LATE CAINOZOIC ROCK UNITS AND DEPOSITIONAL ENVIRONMENTS, LAKE FROME AREA, SOUTH AUSTRALIA BY R. A. CALLEN* AND R. H. TEDFORDT Summary CALLEN, R. A., & TEDFORD, R. H. (1976).-New late Cainozoic rock units and depositional environments, Lake Frome area, South Australia. Trans. R. Soc. S. Aust. 100(3), 125-167, 31 August 1976. Five new rock units are defined for the Lake Frome area of South Australia. The Namba Formation of Miocene age constitutes fine grained immature muddy sediments laid down in a low-energy fluviatile and lacustrine environment, possibly partly estuarine or lagoonal. Climate was subtropical or warm temperate with high rainfall, but seasonal aridity. Aphanitic oolitic lacustrine dolomite and palygorskite are included in this sequence. The Flinders Ranges had very low relief. The overlying and intertonguing Willawortina Formation represents alluvial fan deposits with minor lacustrine phases, recording the beginning of the late Cainozoic uplift of the Flinders Ranges, during which the Miocene lake was greatly reduced in area. The Millyera Formation, constituting laminated ostracode bearing clay, fine sand, and charophyte limestone, records lacustrine deposition during the Pleistocene. This took place in an enlarged ancestral Lake Frome. The essentially fluviatile and aeolian deposits of the Eurinilla Formation and Coonarbine Formation were deposited during the late Pleistocene and early Recent. Arid and pluvial climates alternate in the late Tertiary and Quaternary. Drainage trends and the predecessor of Lake Frome were established, closely approximating present day geography. During deposition of the Coonarbine Formation the seif dunes of the southern Strzelecki Desert formed. NEW LATE CAINOZOIC ROCK UNITS AND DEPOSITIONAL ENVIRONMENTS, LAKE FROME AREA, SOUTH AUSTRALIA by R. A, CALLEN* and R. H. TepFoarp{ Summary CALLEN, R. A., & Teprorp, R. H. (1976) —New late Cainozoic rock units and depositional environments, Lake Frome area, South Australia. Trans. R. Svc, S. Aust, 100(3), 125-167, 31 August 1976. Five new rock nnits are defined for the Lake Frome area of South Australia, _ The Namba Formation of Miocene age constitutes fine grained immature muddy sediments taid down in a low-energy fluviatile and lacustrine environment, possibly partly estuarine or lagoonal. Climate was subtropical or warm temperate with high rainfall, but seasonal aridity. Aphanitic oolitic lacustrine dolomite and palygorskite are included in this sequence. The Flinders Ranges had yery low relief. The overlying and intertonguing Willawortina Forma- tion represents alluvial fan deposits with miner lacustrine phases, recording thé beginning of the late Cainozoic uplift of the Flinders Ranges, during which the Miocene lake was greatly reduced in area, The Millyera Formation, constituting laminated astracode bearing clay, fine sand, and charophyte limestone, records lacustrine deposition dying the Pleistocene. This took place in un enlarged ancestral Lake Frome. The essentialfy fuviatile and aeolian deposits of the Eurinilla Formation and Coonarbine Formation were deposited during the late Pleistocene and early Recent, Arid and pluvial climates alternate in the late Tertiary and Quaternary. Drainage trends and the predecessor of Lake Frome were established, closely approximating present day geography. During deposition of the Coonarbine Formation the seif dunes of the southern Strzclecki Desert formed, Introduction Mapping on the FROME (Callen 1975}, and CURNAMONA 1:250000 geological sheets has resulted in differentiation of several Tertiary and Quaternary rock units which can be traced throughout the Lake Frome area (the region south of Lake Callabonna between the Flinders, Barrier and Olary Ranges). The Eyre Formation has been detined previously CWopiner et af. 1974). It lies immediately beneuth the units described here for the Lake Frome area and can be recognised over a mucit wider region. The other units are at present restricted to the Lake Frome region, though correlation with units elsewhere, especially in thy Lake Eyre Basin, is generally possible on a firm basis. There was a low divide between the deposi- tional areas of Lakes Frome and Eyre, sug- gested by the distribution of arenaceous material in the Miocene rocks. The develop- ment of this divide is clearly described by Wopfner (1974, p, 6). Thus the Lake Eyre and Lake Frome areas formed two distinct depositional basins during late Tertiary times: different sets of formal names are used for rock units in each. In late Tertiary and Quaternary times the Flinders Ranges, achieved their present dimensions, completely separating the two basins by a range of mountains. This paper describes five rock units requiring formalization under the Australian Code of Stratigraphic Nomenclature (1973), com- menting on the paleo-environmental inferences to be drawn from them. The nomenclature supersedes that shown on the FROME. geo- logical map, relationships between units. now being on firmer basis. The paper is divided into: two parts, dealing with essentially Tertiary and Quaternary units respectively. New geo- graphic names have been formalized with the Geographic Names Board of South Australiz * Gealogical Survey of South Australia, Box 151 Eastwood, S. Aust, 5063. t American Museum of Natural History, Central Park West, New York, U.S.A. 10024_ 126 (pers. comm. 1973) and are designated with a superscript wherever they first appear, thus: Lake Namba*. Geologic names have been cleared with the Central Registry (Canberra, 1973). The paper derived from a report by Callen (1974)3 and an MLSc. thesis (Callen. 1976) 4. Additional stratigraphic data may be found in this thesis. Previous work includes the early geological surveys of Selwyn (1360), Brown (1884) and later of Jack (1930) and Kenny (1934), More recently Ker (1966), Krinsley er al. (1968) and Draper & Jensen (1975, in prep.) have reported on hydrology and geology. The mar- gins of the basin have been the subject of regional mapping programmes by the South Australian and New South Wales geological surveys, on 1:250000 scale. Relevant to this report are Leeson (1967)3, Firman (197134 and Coats (1973). A detailed basin study of the older unit NAMBA FORMATION is in progress and will be reported at a later date. A preliminary account of the stratigraphy 3s presented in Callen (1976), which gives the structural and tectonic setting, The terms used ta describe the sedimentary rocks are those of Folk er af, (1970), ynless indicated otherwise, Colours are given sym- bolicallv in terms of Munsell Colour Code (Geological Society of America 1951). A relative scale was used for designating the thickness of cross-bedding, as follows: very small 2 m- In the designation of contact features, core width plices a limit on the interpretation, as it does on maximum grain size: cobbles and boulders are interpreted from the proportion and shape of fragments ground down and broken by the drilling operation, and nature of petrophysical log response, The older units (Pt i) were described mainly from bores, the younger (Pt 11) from outcrop Knowledge of the younger units was derived trom detuiled investigation of over 100 trenched enlcrop sections, Where passible units were raced between sections, Fossil soils were an aid lo stratigraphic interpretation. R. A. CALLEN & R. H. TEDFORD The location of the sections is shown in Fig. 1, Tables | and 3 summarizing rock unit properties, palacontology and gtomorphology, Svmbhols are in Fig, 2, The subsurface sections were studied from cores derived from bores drilled by the South Australan Department of Mines and private companies, Some percussion and rotary curting were used to assist correlations, hut those utilized for type sections were cored continu- ously, and are availuble for inspection at the South Australian Department of Mines Core Laboratory, Petrophysical logs were run in all cases, The lithological descriptions were sup- plemented by binecular microscope exanina- tion, and clay (x-ray diffraction) and grain size (sieve and pipette) analyses were per- Formed by Drs R, N. Brown and B, G Stevenson respectively of the Australian Mineral Develapment Laboratories, The text is regarded as a supplement to the diagrams and tables, descriptions in Tables 1 and 3 should be read first. Complete descrip- tions of each scction are given in the appen- dices, wherein the sequences are described as they occur on the earth's surface—i.e. youngest at top, oldest at base. Depths to the top of cach unit or bed from the bore collar are given. and the thickness is placed at the start of its description, Jn cach unit. descrip- tion of the dominant lithology ts capitalized; followed by qualifying descnoptors referring to each lithology in the same order. Division into units in the reference scctions is Intended as sn aid to identification of the appropriate intervals in the descriptions (Scec- tion 12, Fig. 3), fet a formal subdivision, Core loss is indicated in the hore Ings (Fig, 3 sections 10, 1) & 12). Pt. |\—Older Cainozoic Nock Units A weneral definition of cach unit giving satient Eealures, age and gcamorphic setting is presented in Table 1, representative sections in Fig. 3. Appendix | gives detailed desetip- tions of individual anets i Callen, R, A, (1974)—New Rock Units and Climate of the Cainozoic, Lake Frome area, South Auis- tralia. §, Aust. Dept. Mines Rept. 74/75 unpub. +Oallen. K, A. (1976).—Stratigraphy, sedimentology and uranium deposits of Ternary rocks, Lake Frome srea, South Australia. M.Sc. thesis, University of Adelaide (unpublished)- * Leeson, B (1967),—Geology of Bulcanoona 1:63 360 map area. 5. Aust, Dept Miiey Repl. RB 64/92 uligub, ‘Firman, 7, B, (1971) —Regional stratigraphy of surficial deposits in the Great Artesian Basin anit Frome Embayment in South Australia. S. dws. Dept Mines Rept. RB 71/06 unpub. CAINOZOIC ROCK UNITS 127 = al Gs 4 = ee | MARREE J, 5 fe CALLABONNA 2 BLANCHE =f SCALE IN RILOMETRES io ac} 19 zo 30 4c 40 ts J rhs, g MINAD LEUZ BORE TAKE CALLABONNA Lute Yeurieros fy betes bes I o Late drag rirdery STREZELECRI thake Sim denen Jo ah “ . ' wou (untnariow Cont! Gaye rbenf ‘ i 4 By ii ’ Pre bebe Cooaer u \ a bite Hundetan . Fade Cuesierione y - _ oF ai Qi bets Bumtardon i See IN ys “ . fe aa WOOLTANA'L BORE @ ye ty ‘i DESERT PONE SN UNS tO Paes ni (ft Foie Ree: Wareinony” i tate ovary Te a w Hi E i ~ Late Mallanitpen Y oy : Take Pulorrs | NY PAURALIO HORE, 34) 2. Tube Karp, 2 of atinke Gonutary 4 etude Of dub Biman se Wa eS ee “ew ardvambe' 4 Avena) ee Late Anke . 1 1 <2) anes as Og a x 1 2 | SENS Eo & af od ‘ean 5 OORE / vas ghute Yomtanein | . JAI, Wistamysieelea frome Dees! a Lave tHrkarnatas aia alae : he a Sir Shute Moyet Mf > % sf il vas alae | on 2\. 5 | } + \ ) fhti'iurasive it LEGEND TAINOFOIC # MESGIOR ___ oad He Cretateons ancien ove Preccmbero ced mune weal Ceysteliee basemen! 2 bade Eyre ' )! Hl Hinrent LOGALITY Deane " \ | Lal $e ( Ligke Torrens. YY ou. ULE ARSED ! Wh of OO ee az reser! ben tvel Meineny selina —— oe Edqeonl hiya leeal olin -__aeae 410 lyezotartipr sone Wet vwrhas oe ren leg tem 2 __ in KILOMETRES ¥ Soo 400, MERC HIE LOCALITY MAP 2A civeh FA Colla KILOMETRES a 1000 Hrente bet) — ————— ee Te EM Rope Fig, 1, basally map, Lake Frome arca—location of type sections. Numbered sections shown in Figs 3, " ' 128 R, A. CALLEN & R. H. TEDFORD LEGEND LITHOLOGY SEDIMENTARY STRUCTURES Cobbles, boulders S | Horizontally lominated Pebbles Cross laminated Very small scale (sets 0.5m thick) 7 : arth | Burrows, burrowed contact, trace fossils Bedding planes Flot/wavy — Sharp vedding plone TH Flat/wavy — Transition is riverine dolphin, on its right (L) are tungtish teeth and two fish spines (F} Jates. A Cragment of bird bone (B) is - South end of Lake Namba. Typical outcrop of Namba Formation. Gypsum nodule cappsing (G) overlies thin nodular dolomite (white: LS), Greyish olive silty clay (grey) occupies. most of section, Gragsed white beach at base of slope is very fine grained Iaminated sand (8), 30 em scale rests on upper contact in trench, Outcrop surface is covered hy gypsum nudules and dlomite probably . Baleanoona Ck, Willawortina Formation. Calcified mediwr ¢rossbedded sand Jens in cule cxreous reddish brown very poorly sorted clay-sill. Note thin bedding in silt, Sand lens repre- sents deposition from: higher powered streams, fine sediments are floodplain deposits, Scale 30 Fiz. 5 emphasized by inking, Fiz. 6 ginal Marine Jagoon or lacustrine environment, with burrowing organisms. Fig. 7 in o tidal, lacustrine or floodplain environment, Fig 8 channel, Fig ¥ fOowinle Organisms, Figs : Hon, Fig. In centre (F,C) are mainly crocodile scutes and turile r on upper right corner, From base of upper unit of Namba Formation, Scale 30 cm, Fig. 1 weathered clay, Sand represents channel of tloodplain deposition, clay and Jacustrine. Fig. 12 cm. Fig. 13 . Section 10, WC2 bore, 68.75 m, section of core. Willawortina Formation shows large pebbles, granules, very coarse silty and clayey sand. Extremely poor sorting. Represents deposition in an alluvial fan environment, Scate in mm. CAINOZOIC ROCK UNITS © eran on liao te Neoned Hem vera Mow 132 Millyera Formation and Eurinilla Formation (new names see Pt. II). Wooltana No. 1 bore (Fig. 3, Section 11 and Appendix 1), drilled by the Australian Department of Mines is an important supple- mentary section, exhibiting a thicker sequence, lithologically more typical of the Namba For- mation than the type section, It also demon- strates the intertonguing relationship with the Willawortina Formation (new name Pt. 1). The base of the Namba Formation was not penetrated, though cuttings from old Pootana bore (Fig. 1, 50 km north-north-east of Wool- tana No, 1 bore) indicate a total thickness of 190 m. This compares with 54.40 m in Yal- kalpo No. 1 bore (Section 12). The sediments have been divided into six informal units. The lowest of these (unit 1) consists of 8.5 m of laminated black and dark olive carbonaceous clays with characteristic fauna and microflora (discussed later), Laminae containing ostra- codes of early Neogene aspect (including cypridids—pers. comm. K. McKenzie 1973), and fish spines are present. Protoconchs of a small gastropod (Potamopyrgus s.1., see Lud- brook 1972)5, are scattered through the clay and ?gastropod tracks and burrows of other organisms are common on_ bedding planes. These sediments are restricted to the Poontana Sub Basin west of Lake Frome. Unit 2 (40 m) is dominated by white, fre- quently oolitic, dolomite beds (Fig. 5) con- taining characteristic branching pores 0.5 mm diameter, alternating with clay, and sometimes interbedded with silt and fine sand. The car- bonates have unusual transitional or irregular upper boundries: in some beds spherical zones delineated by colour variations develop, which pass upwards into discrete carbonate lumps within the matrix of overlying unit. These are thought to be diagenetic features associated with lithification possibly resulting from inter- mittent exposure. Other beds (Fig. 5) show shrinkage cracks, into which the overlying clay penetrates. Particles of carbonate are included and flow lines occur, indicating liquefaction resulting from thixotropic trans- formation. The lack of rounding of the clasts derived from cracking, and gradation to un- cracked material, suggests sinking of carbonate plates into underlying liquid clay. The cracking may be a syneresis phenomena, which occurred during or shortly after deposition of the over- R. A. CALLEN & R. H. TEDFORD NAMBA FORMATION OUTCROP AT LAKE TARKAROOLOO COONARBINE FORMATION EURINILLA FORMATION 5YR5/6 +7 2,5YRS/6 5Y5/2-5/\ Stain 10YR6/2 5YR5/2 NI—N5 py Stain 1OYR8/6 a ray <= a ud a < a a So I a “4 2 wr w oc K a = Zz Zz fe) e < > us — ka Lat. 30° 07' 00" Long. 140° 06° 34” LAKE BED 74—956 Del, BT R. A. Callen S$. A. Dept. of Mines Fig. 14. Namba Formation—outcrop _ reference section. lying clay. Occasionally the clasts have been rounded, and incorporated in the overlying unit: current or wave action has been effective in some cases. Other beds show wispy car- bonate and clay intermixed at the contact, interpreted as flame structures which have transformed by thixotropic changes, to flow as a semi-liquid. Bioturbation is frequently associated with these structures, and is com- mon throughout (Fig. 6). Unit 3 (49.7 m) is very similar to the lower part of the Type Section (section 12, units 1-9), exhibiting similar cyclic deposition, in which cross-stratified sands (Fig. 8) grade up into tough black clays with pockets of medium sand, often with polished grains (see descrip- tion of unit 4, section 12). The black clays are identical to those in section 13, Fig. 14. Analyses showed the black colour does not 3 Ludbrook, N. H. (1972). Age and environment of deposition of a sample from Yalkalpo No. 1 Bore, Lake Frome area, South Australia. §. Aust. Dept. Mines Rept. RB 72/207 unpub. CAINOZOIC ROCK UNITS result from anomalous concentration of car- bonaceous. matter, sulphides or manganese. Tron-nich montmorillonite or humic acid stain- ing are alternative explanations. A bed of dolomite or limestane nodules is often present at the contact between the sand and black clay, Lamination (Pig. 7) is generally not as pro- minent #8 in the equivalent sirata in the Lype section, and the sand beds are often burrowed. The cross-bedded sand sequence of unit 4 (49.2 m tetal thickness) grades up into a uniform olive clay with churned structure, The sand bed is a promincat horizon west of Lake Frome, and is being prospected for sedi- mentary uranium of the geochemical cell type. The dark sandy clays with skew planes are. rather weakly developed in this unit. The upper carbonate horizon, unit 5, is 23.7 m thick. has a much higher proportion of clay than unit 2, and is intensely burrowed. Sedimentary gypsum laminae are present. The uppermost part of the section (unit 6) in which the Namba and Willawortina Porma- Uons intertangtte is mote conveniently des- cribed when discussing relationships between units, The Namba Formation has been broadly divided into two informal members (1 and 2) of regional extent, on the basis of the presence Or absence of |he tovgh black sandy clays with skew planes. The lower member (e.g. units 1~4, section |1, Fig. 3) ts charactenzed by these clays, and cyclicity is more prorninent. It was later found that this subdivision closely coincided with the change from smectite to hte-kaolinite dominated clay mineral suites (inset, Fig. 3), except in Yalkalpo | bore (Fie. 3, séction 12), In this bore it is uncertain whether the dominance of smectite throughout the sequence fepresenis a local variation in clay mineralology or whether the upper part has Seen wrongly assigned to member 2 (which may have been eroded). The mineralogy in Yalkalpo 1 bore is remarkably uniform, smectite almost the anly component. The higher proportion of silt is also unusual. An interesting, varied vertehrate fauna is found in the upper part of member 1 and the base of member 2 of the Namba Formation in various small saltpans southeast of Lake Frome, in the vicinity of Eurinilla and Billeroo Creeks, One of these Iccalities is at Lake Pinpa (Scction 8, Fig. 15). HILLAWORTINA FORMATION (Deriva- timn—Willawortina Creek, passing south of “Wertaloona" on the Balcanoona High Plains. 133 in the vicinity of the outerop reference sec- lion), The type section for this unit is Western Nuclear’s sedimentary uranitm test hole WC2 (Fig. 3, section 1D and Appendix 1) cored from & m to base, The hole was drilied on the uplifted plains flanking the Flinders Ranges, near Paralana, where a continuous sequence of coarse poorly sorted sediments is encoun- tered. A detailed division is not possible as a result of moderate recovery and gradational contacts. Three members are recognized, mem- bers 1 and 2 (16.4 m and 17,06 m thick respectively) have less mica and sand in the mater than the overlying beds, and are less oxidized. Member 2 has finer overall grain size than member 3 but is comparatively coarser than member one. Members 1 and 2 are equivalent to unit 6 of section 11. Although bedding planes are very mdistinct, transitions In grain size are often abrupt (Fig. 13), Secondary alteration with production of red mottling is common throughout. Feldspars are generally more abundant than in the Namba Formation, Sandy beds have matrix- supported framework with a high proportion ef framework compared with the Namba Formation, The Formation crops out along crecks in- cised into the high level plains flanking the Flinders Ranges, along ihe southern shore of Lake Frome, and along the Siccus-Pasmiore River. The section (Fig. 3 section |, Appendix lL) in a low range of hills, 3.7 km on 22°T, north of Prism Hill and south of “Wertaloona" {Air photo reference: § Aust. Dept. Lands Svy, 803, Baicenoona Run 7, photo 0014), is an important supplementary section, aS it is the only outcrop in which the contact with the Namba Formation can be observed. The sequence is 140 m thick and dips 30-50° cast, in accord with the remainder of the Cainazole section, The whole rests with angular uncen- formity on Middle Cambrian cocks. Exposure is moderate to poor, necessilaling reconstruc: tion from several scattered outcrops, particu- jarly through the Namba Formation. This sequence Was fitst mapped by Leeson (1967)* who referred the conglomerate to the Telford Gravel (Firman 1963, 1964, 1966b, 1967a, 1970) and the underlying clays to the Avon- dale Clay (Firman 1967a}, Subsequently Callen tin Coats 1973) remapped the area during 1970-1 for the COPLEY 1:250.000, zenlogical miap sheet, and the sequence was assigned to an undifferentiated Teriary-Quaternary unit. 134 Elsewhere on the eastern portion of COPLEY, green clay, now known to belong to the same sequence, was called) Avondale Clay, In Sectyon 1 (Fig. 3) the base of the Willa- wortina Formation is placed at the base of the Jowest conglomerate, Beds below this unit include poorly sorted sandy clays, but with interbedded mictitic white dolomite, fine yel- low-green sand, and pale grey and olive clay, closely resembling the Namba Formation. Below these beds, resting with angular uncon- formity on the gently folded Middle Cambrian red beds, is coarse sand with polished pebbles and ?ferricrete clasts resembling the Eyre Formation. Another section regarded as eguivalent to the Willawortina Formation, but of ayeral! finer grainsize, is exhibited by unit 6 of Wonl- tana No, 1 bore (Fig. 3, scction 11). It shows a prominent. alternalion of sand and clay in fin- ing upwards sequences, cach separated by sharp egntacts, Sorting is uniformly very poor, and matted green and brown colours common. Secondary carbonate nodules are present, and also beds of lacustrine dolomite. Toward the top of the section the fining upwards sequences become poorly defined, The top is capped by a thin dolomiie bed, overlain by cobble con- glomerate and sandy clay silt, representing the Evrinilla Formation and “unnamed conglo- merate’ {probably equivalent to the Millyera Formation )- Upsiream from section Z along Balcanoona Creck, excellent exposures (e.g. Fig. 12} of the upper part of the sequence seen in section 11 are displayed in cliffs. One of these exhibits a hiatus—limestone and conglomerate In. the lower part have been faulted before deposition of the overyling silts, Subsurface (below soil) karst structure ts present. RELATIONSHIPS BETWEEN FORMATIONS The ature of the contact between the Namba and Eyre Formations, and difficulties associated with differentiation when both units are sandy, hive been discussed by Woptner ef af (1974), The disconformable relationship is demonstrated palynologically by W. K- Harris (pers. comm. 1974, sce section on AGE, this paper). The intenongurng relationship between the Willawortina and Namba Formations is ilus- trated by Fig. 3 (imsct). a section across the Panlana High Plain, on which Wooltana 1 bore has been superimposed, A similar section R. A. CALLEN & R. WH. TEDFORD showing the same [catures can be drawn across the Balcanoona High Plain through WTS, WTS and WT bores (Mines Admini- stration Pry Ltd) and Wooltana I bore. The decrease in course clastic: proceeding east from the Flinders Ranges t% demonstrated, The lower boundary of the Willawortina For- mation has been drawn at the base of the characteristic mottled, immature. poorly sorted sediments. Note the varying electric log re- sponse to similar lithological differenecs be- tween bores, which results from differing drilling mud properties and sensitivity, and in the case of WC2 bore, different instrumenta- tion. Holes F22-20 and E20-13 however, are not affected by these variables and are directly comparable, In Wooltana | bore (section 11 Fig. 3) intertonguing with the Namba Formation is exhibited by unit 6. The typical Namba For- mation lithology of sharply differentiated relatively better sorted clay and silt beds grades to the extremely to very poorly sorted coarse grained Willawortina. Forination, The two units alternate Lo some extent. Essentially there is a gtadual upward increase in the coarser grained fraction, though an isolated pebbly bed appears fow jn the sequence. Clays are rich in illite (muscovite) and feldspar Fs abundant, compared with the bulk of the Namba Formation where these minerals are minor components and smectite the dominant clay mineral. Dnit 6 of section 11 is therefore interpreted as the equivalent of the lower part of the Willawortina Formation in section 10, a rela- tionship suggested by the correlation Jines drawn in. Fig. 2 of Callen (1976). The criteria chosen here to identify the base of the Willa- wortina Formation are those readily mappable: the base of the consistently coarse-grained poorly sorted sediments, Thus unit 6 as shown on big, 3 is regarded as mainly Willawortina Formation, though il contains tongues of lacus- trine dolomite like those in the Namba Forma- tion. The contact is readily recognizable from petrophysical Jogs (Callen 1976 Fig. 2} and can partly be explained hy the degree of secondary altcration (carbonate nodules, iron oxide mottling) striatigraphically associated with the Willawortina Formation. These secondary cffcets alternated with deposition, and are an integral part of the unit, Support for the inlertanguing relationship between Namba and Willawartins Formation CAINOZOIC ROCK UNITS is aso derived from clay mineral analyses (Callen 1976) Results are shown diagram. matically on the inset of Fig. 3 demonstratlig the abrupt change from rocks dominated hy smectite and randomly interstratified clay, to illite (largely well crystallized muscovite), randomly interstratified clay and kaolinite. This change corresponds to the position of the tlunite horizon within the Namba Formation, and is widespread throughout the basin, having been focated in 14 bores and in outcrop. The change was probably initiated by uplift of the Flinders Ranges, probably with climatic varia- tton frorn high to low rainfall as. indicated by clay mincrology and colour change (see later). It is therefore regarded as an approximate lime marker, and is coincident with the boundary between members 1 and 2 of the Namba Formation, and with the base of the Willa- wortina Formation in its type section. The change corresponds with the base of the Willa- wortioa Formation identified in WC2 and Woollana 1 bore. Alunite is recorded near the top of member 1 of the Namba Formation, forming a serics of nodular horizons associated with sharp bedding planes. The nodules ramify through the clay and resemble calcareous hardpans of soils in their manner of development. The horizons ate widely developed in the Paralana High Plains area, but are also fotind in the ¢astern part of the basin in C1S bore. Here, they are overlain by a relatively thicker sequence of member 2 than in the high plains. The horizons arc regarded as soils, associated With a well developed hiatus or disconformity formed during uplift of member 1. This em- phatizes the time significunce of the clay mineral change recorded earlier. Silcrete has been identified by one author (R.A.C.) in the interval 72-94 m from cut. lings of bore LBIZ, drilled by Mines Adminis- tration Pry Ltd, It is developed on ctay, and ovetlain by greenish-+red mottled sandy cal- careous clay resembling the Willawortina Fotrsation. A number of closely spaced bores beiween “Murnpeowie” and Reedy Springs, drilled by Peechiney Exploration (Australia) Pry Lid (Mannont & Barral 1972)6 suggests a similar relationship. The silcrete vartes from the red und grey mottled chalcedonic and opaline “‘puddingstene’ to the grey rmero- crystalline quartz “groy billy” type, according 195 to whether clay or sand is siliciied. This is displayed by Mannoni & Barral in their cnoss- section, and can he observed in outcrop, The same siletete horizon fennms a cup to the dipping Eyre Formation ac Reedy Springs (Woptier et al, 1974 Fig. 2), The silerete is thought to represent a soil horzon, and there- fore marks 2 disconformily (Callen 1976)2, Thus there is eVidence supporting a discon- Tormity between the Namba Formation and rocks resembling the Willawortina Formation in this area, Althougl the silcrete has fot been identified in the high plains regions, it ts apparent that the Willawortina Pormation, as defined, may contain some younger material. The brown silerete and ferruginous material developed on sandy facies of the Namba For- mation exposed at Lake Tarkarooloo, and around other saltpans east of Lake Frome, are thought to be cquivalent to (hat just de- scribed, Cementation certainly occurred prior to deposition of the Millvera Formahon, as indicated by abundant silerete nodules and ferruginized Namba Formation clasts in the base of the channel facies in Lake Tarkaroolon. AGE The flora of member 1 of section 11 (Fig. 3) indicates an carly to. middle Miocene age fur the base of the Namba Formation {Bates- fordian-Balcombian—pers. camm.- W. K. Harris 1974). Harris states the fiara is stmilar to that of the Munno Para Clay of Lindsay & Shepherd (1966), and Lindsay (1969, p. 38) in the Adelaide Plains Sub-Basin, An assem- blage of the same age was found in Mines Administration Pty Ltd LCIA bore (for litho- logics] deseniption see Wopfner ef ul, 1974) to the oorth of section }1. and also in Luke Evie 20 bore (Johns & Ludbrook 1963) ijn the Etadunna Formation, The age af the Waillawartina Formation, accepting a conformable relationship with the Namba Formation, is therefore medial Mio- cene or younger. Its upper ave limit. as for the Namba Formation, is deduced from rela- tiggship ta the Millyera Formation, and Eurinilla Formation (Pt Il) indicating a mm- mim age in excess of 40000 years B.P.. pos- sibly pre-Pliacenc. 4 Maunnoni, N.. & Barrul. J. M. (1972).—Murnpeowile Project 5.M,L. 373 (South Australia) drilling pro- gram report R/72-21-U, S$, Aws!, Depi, Mines envelope 1327, Unpub. R. A. CALLEN & R. H. TEDFORD 136 sau jo idaq -y 5 “AB|A WOR \sOuaddn yy) PIWWICSSE SUOZIOY |X) HOS AIUN}Y “DRMDIS. BY 2WADLY LO YMG MO||BA Snduidtiiay AQ padded sauiialuog “SoMUEY SJEPLI|Y 40 (NBII Wa|sim AuQ\E poynejan sadvanbas Suiddip ge Ajuniuiads $837) ‘aWOL4 aYe7 {0 JS¥HUINOS PUB YBa “SHIEK Pur Saye| Alp Jo saapA Auge *squN 70a ajeuoqed AURPUGIBS Ju ajasvdAd ‘3p Aq padded Ua}jo 344)/9 SUSE MO}RYS PUL JOYUELY peautsepim ly ‘BRIN DeS| Uo Ives Yyoyed HORA 'Wydap ype jo SyStuy galssepy “uwtipas Snolod Sus 9p9!Te) (ayeMpUNVIT {nq PEW Sains 9 yyosid “#yaays jeueziny Jo speaipuyyés flugy un gadajanap areungJeo J ABSA) PATO|RAAD {IAM SOS dILVIOOSS¥ "au AHR] = TOR PIE SuBALy Mowsey Smyats Zuoje syijp "syed BuG|e $49 TUFUPYAO JO (PII, SP ya sdOsy WAVE smethjernz Ww {ymol8 Siladdns \/ ay ‘sazuey NOISS4WdX3 JIHddOW0I9 “ 2 a Al 4 a 2 zg 8 a 2 R . 8 2 4 2 2 = & = = 3 2 | & = 2 = Ss a & = Fs R uy iy Py ny cs se 3 a AYLAW049 SHLLYadOUd LINN HOO AO AUVWWNS ‘T ATEVL tajind pur savods yuejd wos (NYIBHODTWa-N¥iddOssalva) (NOILYWYOI VaWWN >} dysuoyeres WH) SNFIDOLSII Id ATW Agwsscd ANADONdINAIOIN = 3LV7 ANAQOIW TVIGsW yaoo yy ed ed "ARANRULINSHD “ARADEIO)SAY 'BRQUILI2I) “seepadpmangz sAMesepad ‘wWinpAer ‘sndepayiuny ~S3iD0S |UE|d “ROR ‘we /PLONGLEY "BYE IA OU, ‘sany ‘BYIpNAN] RUUD NSOaa, “}OUdIG Ops snfudctameyoy ‘Spi n0U WIS ple PIUDOD salFIRI| “(SmMUMIAQ) BpovE,|SO, “YPAL ely BUnj—sayeaqaye, “$peq Jamo) Ui sauids \ysl4 “SBIMpIOI] 12 \nBadst YyyM Aeja Y3/Q Eno} ‘sayWojap 'sples pue syis auy PUR SHES Laas haIT Arey quaunuioud WiniiSodap dXyoAQ ‘Sauunis tie syoeta (snoonbeans,) BBRYLYS Biey) ‘YOWUAd Loleqanaig “YOUUWOT. SAINTS May Hain “U (evoneulznyesju) ‘padi Gayo ‘sa}e H|NA81I li WOW Yulppsg-ssors. 9/205 WNIPAU UT [jews Als A, ‘PUES AU, AIDA. PUB Ys Uy Aeradsa. ‘youiiion LOBuNMe) jB}Uoz 104 Li99S FUE CS OILEADS Ele e-ENOES , “WL GAS Ate “2 HL CHAD BNON 9 C7 A/G ZAO7 1 “aUYysoLUy| SalE ley BIBY ‘SSAUETUCW UIA PAU|} Se1od Mujyoueg Ag fajenaved ae PUE ‘O/N:ONd}5 Is/NPOW ere) Ua}io SAWL/ON “Andazeutgiks ay Ae SABI pi “Aald 10 upala eyed JO svinBue AjjesausA spues “aIGo Wau ‘spaq SYWOIOP AU!) PUL ayO}Op wiy) ‘BK puE. ps ‘SpuRs payos AUOOd Winipaw oy uy Bulevsayy ‘18 [2G BSa—¥2 NOILVWHO4 VEWVN “SRE, WEY S1ISS04 NOWLWI3WY09 Od VIHALIED salae) dau) ‘sed 43M{ LY SapAD seman SUIULY POL] Wf Spag. ‘sparp ‘$5022 apbas Uppal paUYaD |18N\ pee vem apg SIUMLONULS AXVLNGWIGS BG SALG 2 UR EMAL TA y8ea Ja jUMp Epa pubs 'saTUeY S9Pl|4 Wea i) 2d) Dy sagged jo Sasuay SHOP Kapinan ‘sajqqad pasyye9s UM FP WIPED alum ysivaBa alee yO $18AYs PLE 0 FA uoyayays AU RUEW Tiddfarua saynpan ayenened YsWwea!d squall aim Aeya yes AQnad Gp AlaD|NOD PANE AWDOd Alem OY AyaUIa eT ADOTOHLIT NOILVAOS VNILYOMVTIIM CAINOZOIC ROCK UNITS REGIONAL CORRELATION Relationships with other units used on adja- cent South Australian Department of Mines Geological Atlas Series map sheets (COPLEY, PARACHILNA) and in other basins, are shown io Table 2, Equivalence between the Etadunna and Namba Formations is demonstrated by litho- logical similarity, similar flora, and occurrence of species of fossil marsupials previously known only from the Etadunna Formation, Both contain the unusual dolomite-palygorskite mineral assemblage. A sequence penetrated during drilling opera- lions by Carpentaria Exploration Pty Ltd immediately west of the Ediacara Fault { Binks 1972) is Very similar to that encountered in Wooltana No. 1 bore (section 11, Fig, 3) in the Lake Frome ares. The section in Binks’ Fig. 3 has been interpreted by one of us {R.A.C_) thus: 0.0 to 94.8 m 7Willawortina Formation equivalent, 94,8 to 121,0 m—un- named beds, 121.0 to 233.2 m—Etadunna Formation equivalent, 233,2 to 298.7 m—Eyre Formation, The sequences in the intermontane Walloway and Willochra Basins {Howschin 1909, 1913; O'Driscoll 1956) are more diffi. cult to compare lithologically, but palynology (Hartrs 1970)7 from 30 m in Willochra No, 2 bore suggests most of the sequence is equiva- lent to the Eyre Formation, On the northwestern side of the Flinders Ranges is the Avondale Clay (Firman 1967a) of similar lithology and mineralogy to the green clays of the Namba Formation and Willawortina Formation, patticularly where they intertongue (unit 6, section 11, Fig. 3). The type section is affected by secondary iron oxide mottling, and the "clay" is actually a clayey fine sand, with angular shiny grains, The relationship between Avondale Clay and Ejadunna Formation is unknown at the type area: the base js not exposed, and the unit is unconformably overlain by the Telford Gravel and "Conglomerate at Lyndhurst” {Firman 1969), The “Conglomerate ai Lynd- hurst’ resembles conglomerates in the Wills- wortina Formation (Fig, 12 this paper). Kaolinite ig the dominant clay in the Avondale Clay type section, and is abundant in the uppet part of the Namba Formation, and the Willa- wortina Formation, L37 A section of Yetila Creek in the Mooloo- watana area of the northern Flinders Ranges owas tesccibed and figured by Firman (197i, Fig. 12)8 as Avondale Clay, Upstream from this site, a lower part of the section is exposed, connected by continuous outcrop, This exhibits micritic carbonale nodules, underlain by silty olive grey clays similar to the upper part of the section, The clay is capped by a well- developed hard white fine grained carbonate soil horizon, Comparable to that developed on the Willawortina Formation at Balcanoona Creek, It. is overlain by the Eurinilla Forma- tion. The lithology is identical to the transition beds between the Namba and Willawortina Formations (section 11, unit 4). The Avondale Clay is regarded by as much younger than the Etadunna tion, henee younger than the Namba Forma- tion, However, the comments ahove suggest it could either be part of the Etadunna Forma- tion, equivalent to the lower part of the Willawortina Formation or upper Namba Formation, The lower part of the Telford Gravel (Fir- man 1967a) may be equivalent to at least part of the Willawortina Formation. Firman Forma- ENVIRONMENT Consideration as to whether the Namba Formation sediments are marine, marginal, or non-marite was a prime objective. The most conclusive indicators of marine influence are marine fossils and glauconite, hence samples were investigated for foraminifera, and any green pellets or clays were studied by x-ray diffraction, A variety of lithological types from subsurface and oulcrop were examined by J. M. Lindsay who found no foraminifera, Non-marine gastropods and pelecypads. (pers. comm, N, H. Ludbrook 1973-+) are present, aa are non-marine ostracodes (pers. comm. K, McKenzie) and the fresh water algae Pedia- strum, (pers, comm, W. K. Harris) and charophytes. Al] green clays proved to be montmorillonite, and green pellets Tound in The eastern areas were dolomite, associated with non-marin¢ pelecypods. Other evidence for non-marine origin 1s derived from the terrestrial vertebrate remains (e.g, Fig. 10). Several skeletons were found in a partly articulated state, Delicate bones are 2 Harris, W. K. (1970). —Palynology of Lower Tertiary sediments. South Australia, M.Sc, thesis, Uni- versity of Adelaide. {unpublished}. § Firman, J, B. (1971).—Regional stratigraphy of surficial deposits in the Great Artesian Basi and Frome Embayment in South Australia, §. Aust. Dept, Mines Rept, RB 71/16. R. A. CALLEN & R. H. TEDFORD 138 saulw jo ydaq ‘y's NOILYWYOd JYA N311V9' ¥"U NO|LVWHOd FaA4 NOILYWHOd VANNAOVLa IDVIANS CINGIOD AO 414dD1S NOILVWaOd VaVENOO ANOIS3AWIT YOYIITV J1qadD TIS o@r—rZ INID0I1Vd ONY 3N3903 1VIGIW INJJOIN ATYVI ©} 3N3909110 NOILYWeOd J8AI ayaiajis Alpiq AaiB IDUWN|OS SAISSOW; INIDJOIN = AVI } IIIA NOILVYWHOJ VaWYN ALJaD Naa NOU YWaOd TAIT ydIM QNY¥S NGYIOMNdWYW 2143 9427 1961 "}2 12 NOLMILS SAD|> 4nyupudy yo ajDJaWo)Bu0y, pup AV1ID JIVINOAY AV1D JIVONOAY {ua}DAInba é 343531143} UO ‘ajasd|/s Al|iq Ao18 puo auojsBulppng é INIIOLSITd Aa] } INJIOIW NOILWWaOd YNILIOMVTTMM DIPDAsMY YNoS usaysDayjsou puo sasag Nypayazyg ‘'yZ6L ‘YANIAOM Om 1, INOLSIWI) ¥VINNNAONNE {@2Dj1NS OpPUooiDy fo) *sajDsa wo) Buoy uvoz1ioy snour6nisey saays dow 000 OS2‘L AIIdOD 8 1? SIVOD saBuoy S1@PUI]Y WIASSAA “Nh “NYWald V1 ajeidiiiay jaded sy) QdOs3dal F NIV SNISV@ YSHLO GNV SLASHS dVW LNZDVrav - SLN3TVAINOS G3LS4a99NS SLINN 43010 - LHVH) NOILVTEYIO VWauV 3WOYd IVT C 718Vl CAINOZOIC ROCK UNITS well-preserved, and abrasion due to transporta- tion i currents virtually absent. The sediments in which they occur are fine sand, clay, and dolomitic clay. A nearshore marine environ- ment therefore seems untenable, though a lagoonal or upper estuarine enyirenment is possible. A mon-marine environment is pre- ferred, though presence of Cetacean remains (a platanistie dolphin} indicates a link to the sea at some stage. More specifically, environments are (i) Micritic delomitic carbonates with irregular ooliths, suggesting low energy shallow lake or shoreline conditions. ¢ij) Black, laminated fossiliferous clay of Wooltana No, I, unit 1, suggesting a well developed Jake: the fine laminae resernmbJe varves, but have been dis- rupted by diagenesis and bioturbation. (iii) Sedimentary structure types, abundance of fines, and very poor to poor sorting support a low energy environment for the whole unit, This may explain the apparent lack of well- developed beach sands, which would be poorly developed and poorly sored along a low energy shoreline, The environments represented by the cyclic sequence described earlier are in ascending order: (a) channels: smal] to medium seale cross-bedded fine to medium sand (Fig. 8), (b) flood plain, estuarine or lacustrine: finely laminated silt, often burrowed and with very small to small seale cross-bedding (Fig, 7), and olive clay, (¢)} lacustrine: patchy car- bonate, oolitic dolomite (Fig. 5) and clay (Fig. 6). (d) swamp or mud flat with ovca- sional channels: hard, black, niottled clays with irregular fractures and sand patches (Fig. 4), interpreted as vertisals. The cyclic sequences are of 1-20 m thickness, averaging 9m, well-developed in most parts of the basin, except the northwest where uniform clay sec- tlons dominate, The cyclicity suggests a depasi- tional process resulling in a particular sequence of facres, but with inherent tstability, Some examples applicable to the Namba Formation are (1) a delta building into a shallow lake or estuary (necessarily shallow because the cyclic sequences are thin), (2) repetitive transgres- sion and regression of a shallow lake shore In tesponse to fluctuations in water level ¢3) repetitive avulsion of a meandering stream, (4) bars associated with development and abandnoment af portions of mver channel, The abundant bioturbation, and its occur. Tence in medium-scale cross-bedded coarse Channel sands, aud basal parts uf laminated 139 silt beds, is inconsistent with river channel origin of these facies, These salids more likely represent offshore lacustrine bars. Lenses of the coarser sand facies at the base of, or with- m, the tough dark prey clays are also difficult to explain in terms of a river and flood plain relationship: channels cutting across a tidal or deltaic mud-flat are more acceprable. Subse- quent intensive bioturbation or rheotropic flow has partly destroyed bedding, distributing the sand in irregular patches. Im the estuarine case, the absence of any evidence for a marine influence, parlicularly in the microfauna, indicates deposition in the uppermost Teaches of the estuary, In sequences where coarser channel sands are interbedded with non-hur sowed Jaminated silts, the river-channel and food-plain relationship is still applicable. Fluviatile deposits are abundant, and fossils (e.g. Fiy, 10) of aquatic vertebrates (Dipuai, Teleostei, Chelonia, Cetacea} suggests a per- manent water supply, and fossil plants (Notho- fagus and Podecarpus) indicate bigh rainfall. The distribution of lenses of channel sands within an essentially clayey sequence is typical of meandering rivers, Al€hough only 42 current directions were measured (mostly in the Lake Tarkaroeloo area) resulis sug#est a southerly component of transport direction for the upper pant ef the Namba Formation, in marked con- trast with the north-casterly direction of over- lying units. Dense vegetation is suggested by the paly- nology of the basal unit 1: the modem des- cendants of the species represented typify rainforests. Abundant grass pollen are evidence that grassland occupied extensive areas, Thiss rainforest was not coniinuows in the carly lacustrine phase of deposition. The relative ahutdance of arborcal marsupials in the upper part of the Namba Formation indicates the presence of gallery forests along the water- courses. Apparently at variance is the smoctite— dolomite—palygorskile association, frequently recorded from arid soils. playa lakes and warm hypersaline waters (e.g McLean ef al, 1972, Bentor ef al. 1963. Meester 1971, Singer ef al, 1972), At present dolomites and high-Mg calcite are forming in hot arid or semi-arid hypersaline lagoons (e.g. Von der Barch 1965, Von der Borch ef al, 1975, Fricdman et al, 1973) though some magnesiumerich sediments are found in fatitudes as high as 48°N (Muller er a. 1972). 144 Millot (1%64) indicates the montmorillonite —palyvorskite—sepivlite association is the result of offshore lacustrine or marine chemical deposition, This toek place adjacent toa laleri- tized land mass of low relief and dense vege- tational cover, in # subtropical or tropical climate, Sepiolite is absent an the Lake Frome area, but this may be an affect of degree rather than basic difference, The hypothesis as applied ta the Namba Formation overcomes the diffi- culty of evoking evaporative conditions in a high rainfall climate. Millot’s hypothesis has been applied in a similar manner to the Cainozoic rocks of the Jordon Valley (Wiersma 1970). These sedi- ments contain a remarkably similar sequence of clays to the Namba Formaticn, Particularly televant are Wiersma's comments regarding ibe ongin of palygurskite {p. 88). He con- cluded that intensive weathering on the hinter- land under warm humid conditions was necessary for liberation of the clements essen- tial to the genesis of palygorskite and its associated sediments, and that evaporation in the sedimentation basin should be such annu- ally as to provide the necessary concentration of chemical elements. He deduced that evaporation must prevail over precipitation and fuviatile and/or marine supply of water to the basin. In many places in the present tropics evaporation can exceed annual pre- cipitation, with resultant formation of evapor- ites in favourable locations, Palyvorskite was of detrital origin in the Jate Tertiary and Quaternary of the Jordon Valley, having been derived from Cretaceous and early Tertiary recks im which it originated by chemical sedi- mentation. In the Lake Frome area oo pre- existing rocks rich in palygorskite were present: rather kaolintte, smectite and illite are ahun- dant. Palygorskite can be formed in soils (Singer & Norrish 1974) hue only in relatively low proportion, thus it mmnst have originated within the depositionary basin during sedi- mentation. (tis notable that Mellot’s 141964) ideas as applied to deposition of Namba Fartnation stdiments require on equivalent Miocene fateritization on adjacent land masses. In this context Wopfner’s (1974) conclusions regard- ing an Oligocene-Miocene “ferralitization” are of interest, Although the evidence he gives for age of the Doonbara Formation is inconclu- RK A. CALLEN & R. H, TEDFORD sive, some ddditional observation are made here, Firstly clasts identified with the Doonbara Formation (by R.H,1,) are found in the Wipa- jiti Formation (Stirton e ai. 1967) of Miocene age, Secondly the ferruginization in Lake Eyre Bore 20, doubdtfully equivalent to the Doonbara Formation, 1 recorded by Callen (Wopfiner er al. 1974, Fig. 17) within the lower part of the Miacene Etadunna Formation. Others have also recorded an older Testiary ferricrete ( Fir- man L967b), Therefore lateritization {or at least, ferruginization) could have been pro- ceeding in uplands adjacent to the basins in which the Etadunna Formation and Namba Formation sediments were being depasited. The main carbonate hotizons occur a few metres above unit 1 of sectlon 11, with its rainforest flora, and above the vertebrate zone with its indications of seasonal climate with abundant water supply. The presence of these. carbonates can be explained in terms of pro- tracted urid phases superimposed on a sub- tropical or warm temperate climate. In addition the presence of detrita) feldspars must be explained, particularly in view of the abundance of plagioclase and wssociation with smectite." The possibility of addition of vol- canic material From eastern Australian must be considered, the Miocene being a period of Maximum vulcanism (Sutherland er af. 1973). However, the percentage of feldspar is not large. Preliminary studies of feldspars im the Namba and Willawortina Formations suggest Telative proportions of feldspar types and compositions of plagioclases are similar to an unmodified contribution from nearby Precam- trian crystalline basement rocks. On present evidence there is apparently no change in rela- jive abundance and type of feldspars in the illite-Kaolinite rich zones of the Tertiary, in comparison with the smectite zones. This sug- ests abundance is not tied to smectite occur- rence, as would he expected if these minerals originated from volcanic ash falls, The pre- sence of feldspar presents a problem consider- ing the evidence for a humid climate. Possibly seasonal aridity and nearby source permitted preservation. In addition Todd (1968) has shown plagioclase is more stable than ortho- clase under conditions of restricted leuching, in a tropical climate, Thus smectite (mont- morillonite) is unlikely to have originated from volcanic: ast falls, The mineral proup smectite, but R. N. Brown recovnized dioctshedral montmiorillonite in several in- stances. CAINOZOIC ROCK UNITS 14h In the final analysis, the Namba Formation was thought to be deposited in o warm tem- perste to subtropical climate. The landscape ad a savannah aspect, With gallery forests around permanent rivers and lakes, Periods of aridily occurred. High average temperature, invoked to ex- plain the mineralogy of the Namba Fornatinn, is in accordance with marine paleotemperature measurements mm southern Australia (Gill 1968). and New Zealand (Devereux 1968, Jenkins 1968) of 18-22°C for the Miocene. Considered in the light of continental drift data, which suggest Avstralia was closer to Antartica (though drifting rapidy northward: Wellman e? ul, 1969), and data which indicate the cooling of Antarctica way underway (Hayes ef al. 1973). the temperature can be explained in terms of greatly expanded sub- tropical climatic zones during early and middle Miocene times. Deposition of the Namba Formation in the central part of the lake Frome area was fol- lowed by widespread ferruginization and silict- fication (opal, and quartz overgrowths) and development of cryptocrystalline silica nodules. particularly in the coarser Namba Formation sands, These processes Were the result of wide- spread groundwater movements, Formation af dunhcnists ynd telated phenomena had a locus in river valleys cut into the Namba Formation, prior to deposition of the Millyera Formation. No evidence for 4 major period of Oligo- cene to early Miocene “ferralitization” sie- gested by Wopfner (1974) was found in the Lake Frome area, though there ts abundant evidence for late Miocene to Pliocene ferruy ginization and orthoquartzite silerete Forma- tion. This does not necessarily negate Wopfner's climatic evidence, since two periods of fertuginizition are prohable (Firman 1 967h, 19714; Jessup & Norris 1971). The older Tertiary ferruginization would presumably nat be manifested in the Lake Frome area, where chemical and detrital deposition were pro- ceeding. The coarse detritus in the Willawortina For. mation has clasts derived from Cambrian and Precambrian rocks in the Flinders Ranges, When considered jn combination with poor sorting and abundant feldspar content, vigorous uplife of the Ranges is indicated. This wes accompanied by movement on the Poontana Fault. A similar conclusion has been drawn by Binks (1972) from evidence on the western side of the Ranges, Ironstone and silcreie peb- bles from pre-Willawortina Formation (?pre- Namba Formation) duricrust are present, However, laterite clasis are got as abundant in the overlying Willawortina Formation as ont would expect in a sequence supposedly derived from erosion of a laterized land mass, Pre- sumably this is because the Flinders Ranges were virtually non-extstent at the time of deposition of the Namba Formation, presenting only a smiull atea for laterization- Alternatively, in keeping with the suggested warm-temperate to sub-tropical climate, ferruginization may not have developed an extensive laterife crust Deposition in an alluvial fan environment is suggested for the Willawortina Formation by the presence of extremely poor sorting {Fig. 13), numerous channels (Fig. 12) with medium scale cross-bedding, and laminated calearceus sills (Fig. 12) with red-mottling snd carbonate conerctions typical of flood plain deposits. Firing upwards sequences are typified in section 11, suggesting bar deposi- tion, The deposils coarsen very rapidly close to the Plinders Ranges. The extremely poor sorting, coatse grain-size and matrix-supported lexture in some beds may be the product of mud-fows. The red mottling (‘marmorization’} and carbonate soils are similar to those des- cribed by Freytet (1971) in association with alluvial deposits, and typically form in the inactive parts of fans (Blhissenbach 1954, p, 185; Denny 1967, p. 105). These features resemble modern fan deposits. In sections | and 10 there is a tendency for averall coarsening upwards, suggesting increas- ihely rapid uplift of the Flinders Ranges. The uplift deluged the former lakes and swamps of the Namba Formation with detritus, re- ducing their extent. Thin dolomite lenses in the sequence (section 11, and Balcanoona Creek) represent lacustrine or playa lake phases simi- lar ta these of the Namba Formation, Petru: logical investigation shows these contain 4 much higher proportion of sand (mutch of it unstable mineral grains) than the Namba Formation carbonates. During deposition of the Willawartina For- mation, oxidizing condijions became prevalent, through accumulation of the sedimentary column above the water table, This contrasts with the sub-water table reducing eavironment of deposition of the Namba Formation, Abun- dant potash feldspar and plagioclase can be attributed to rapid deposition and possibly semi-arid climate. Presumably uplift of the {42 Flinders Ranges Would haVe had a strong effect on bocal climate, but this cannot be assessed at present. Following deposition of the Willawortina Formation, ferricrete and calcrete formation occlicred, particularly in marginal areas. The absence of surficial cementation of coarse sediment in the type section of the Willawortina Formation and nearby outcrep, contrasts with the ubiquitous cementation in southern areas (sections 1, 11, Fig, 3). An explanation in terms of a carbonate rich source arca for groundwater or sediment, or abun- dance of limestone clasts in southern ureas, does not explain the widespread distribution of surficial carbonate cementation in rocks of various ages throughout the Fhnders Ranges. Indeed, many fans in semi-arid areas through- out the world are similarly cemented, Enough calcium is produced by weathering, or de- posited from wind-born dust, to provide suffi- cient carbonate material for cementation anywhere, Therefore in the case of the Willa- wottina Formation adjacent to Mount Painter, absence of carbonate is a local phenomenon, the explanation of which is unknown. Pt. [1—Younger Cainozvic Rock Units Type and reference sections are shown in Fig, 15, and described in detail in Appendix 2. Table 3 summarizes the lithological and other properties of the rock units deale with in the text, LITHOLOGY MILLYERA FORMATION — (Derivation: Lake Millyera*, near the mouth of Billeroo Creck, Millyera is Jocal aboriginal word for water. Map reference: Siccus map sheet, FROME), The name is proposed for a sequence of imerbedded greenish ostracode-bearing clays, thin limestone of charophyte algal remains, and fine sand, The sediments occur in Lake Frome or io smal} lakes close to its margin. The name is also applied to 9 coarse cross- bedded or conglometralic sand, regarded as a fitviatile equivalent of the clays, where these contam interbedded charophyte limestones. The type section at Lake Millyera (Pig. 13. section 4) is located 69.2 km en 320°T, north- west of Low Stony Hill (map reference Tele- chie) on the Siccus map sheet (Air Photo ref. - Dept, Lands Svy 31, Siecus Rum 1, Photo 4460), The section consists of 4.3 m of laminated green ostracode bearing clay with « thin bed K. A, CALLEN & R. Ho TEDFORD (40 cm) of laminated charophyte limestone near the top, overlain by alternating clay and fine sand, An abbreviated description is given in Table 3, The \ype section was not Jocated at the thicker section 3, where there is intertonguing with red beds, This avoids confusion which might arise should the red beds, which have affinities with certain fluviatile equivalents (c.g. the Eursinilla Formation—see [ater), be formalized as a distinct unit. The contact with the Namba Formation Was nol exposed, but can be observed in the supplementary section located about 2 km east (Fig. 15, seclion 5, 68.7 km on 327.5°T northwest of Law Stony Hill—air photo refer- ence S. Aust. Dept, of Lands Svy. 361, Siccus Run |, Photo 4461}, In section 5, the Millyera Formation is 3.3 m thick, cropping out below a thick ex- posure of Eurinilla Formation. Here thin charophyte limestone in the Millyera Forma: tion grades laterally into gypsum, often ripple marked (Fig, 16), imtercalated in an essentially sandy sequence. Sometimes botryoidal sirye- tures are present on the surface of the gypsum laycr, similar to those found on the floor of Lake Frome. Scattered very coarse polished sand grains are present on top of the gypsum, where it is in contact with the overlying red sand lens. The red sand lens consists of u thin bed of bright red-brown coarse silk with basal granule layers impregnated with secondary gypsum, closely resembling the Eurinilla Formation in lithology. It grades by alternation to greenish very fine sand with coarse sand, silt and clay laminae {yellowish grey). The greenish sand bed is fossiliferous, with numerous charophyte oogonia and stem moulds, fish verebrate and spines, and ‘Coxiella’, The contact with the Namba Formation was exposed by trenching. Orange and yellow sands of the Millyera Formation contain reworked and oxidized tough grey sandy clay clasts from the underlying Namba Formation, The Namba Formation is more indurated and darker coloured. The top of the sequence is marked by a strongly developed soil, also observed else- where affecting the Namba Formation. The soil has a crumbly texture, with peds of irregular shape about (,5-2 cm across. A well developed black mungams is present, and red- thsh-to yellowish-brown iron oxide patches are developed in the clay. A similar horizon is iS Z 5 g % g ) N S) z < o seul jo ‘deg yw $ ‘RUN OW Ue. BL EO-pay Spues sbiggs jeseq eS dHuuNO UBNY EpURS Ul 1 L3}AMPUNOM 2p BALSSEY ‘SUDYSALAY PUNY, “UbAISAS Yaa Hj -C018) pum Frayer ¢ pajuaseute. MoU Bue papdue deep idngie ‘ofpa pyncue yoo OW PVE FUDIY 2HE] U0 pag Hl) way yd eas eoqysyy woud) “Susedap JeaL SIOMN|LAISIp OFeq DAES AN3DOLSI9Td ATHV3-3NIDONW *avaapiaN 4SI] “aARAI FapPMRNSO Wve). SXtingy Gary in Jada Oy ari ‘ts Spodtuyse8 (Ends pue spqdun elugbon sojeuty YUM. PUES al Suureg-ponensa ali “AUO]S aI AINA]. Sappueeey ‘Suippaq ANE UOELHUR) SUID B/RIS PLS “Sples faulunys pappag-ssisa aly SNH) SayeaBy JD. WnSOKG We deysiyy akptancg pues sydudu. lS. aLyaLIASSE aoa puE ye ul UQUeUHUNE) | 2qUOLI LOA’ Ub “spurs AKO) Ys\U83 olny OY Lupa LVRS 22-940 G pues i VALAT POL aUN DUBS aU PL/ BAS “ISAS “2USMAUT ‘Agr “SULTS puna UL pueY- fappaCAIN| UIA AUES @UN( alm 17 ySIpAIY “OPUNOL |faM. OF PINE Swe UUs “ypey WHIOAS. POxsPU-Naiddes Wi, OY Apel Ae GLOOM TAA biLAZ) Due PiaOs-ypayk aU UWA POpADIET “Coy Je PEUIWUE CLG ASP HOS ny vedy |PIGYALOI. ‘Agja- Paysiee ia 90 é54—re NOILVWYOS VUYSATIIIN “sdh) JB yEmWUNON fo LINSAAR pue ayeuncquer HOS 0} fey Um YM panuoWa? 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U) ymioodsa ‘undo seyeresy) SAAWINA) “ALOLy ye] 40 88pa Jee eyaxoy,, SYOUEL ee) pur SPMNONSED 10 s3A2] \ESED OS sadkouzeyy qeyad vopoydtoatss “Os vopoqudie? Fi Sqn) (ese sayeIgayIEY, ‘Sysau py SMALING pAPSU) duyep Mig cuney ANIDOLSIF Td SLYT SMOKY SII "JadyS PURI PesiMapM sejnqe) UIE plies Linsdég “tied yeseq ul) ayvodkd pus le a ajem PUNE ‘suorLey es penthy UT YSUMO|pAA. JEAND] WMOIT-AIS\pIKOd Bd sidde) “PappHG- S807 Ed 191K) "UCI EINEE-SsULs PEPUCELOLY Cues, jpeuepeape jy SRY Ailes Gun JO ANY Syne) "WT Sadiq iad 150) wyeOD ted Jn avy auiy10§ s005 “pues winsdAy ib duippaq-ssoa addj—ayjouiny ay osysin) ped leo ny (ed cago) aley syeos Walpaw vO pappsy St019 dpueyd 1a yfnoy SPURS |ESEY “Slay sue MO] AROS aH OPW) pachjarsp Salvia (WIDE Z) WOyeU re) pepe Oy PauOJONda aH soipespreys ‘Spues Winsdé asaeiry “yseia Qug_SuulES sppuiBLLoy DUE SjoUOGIET paruian Ayeoo] PhP sayqqad SHEN YUM fluUkS astegg [LE SopefaloyAyuy eseE BUIAS SeSMADL 2 wed. 1aMO] ApUES “7 bleepYAS-GZ MEM sealily| "pAssou) Oe Ppl JG “pagyld Pue arial yng, papureY AjayeapULY at] APN SiNeAS ‘PayVOS fyudOd Ada, “saygqad YJ Wap} pees pred Jamo) “Wen Jadan Wi Keys PUR YAS LO Spagdsyur yay "puRS cy 7 {6'€'S) NOILVWHOS VaTINIaNSa | SMAUN “Suyeiqayian HEH (881) “ORDO RalRIRYT S}OE UE 12 (ays MUR “SyRy jreus suaper wo) § 1 NIDIW ~ANIIOLSIATd ATYVA ai PequeyG wuy (NOILYWYOS YOINIUNS a AY19W033 STISSOJ SLINA Joy pe vomOY (ive jesnlAy “SHeUS puey 40 WOUARTE VNO|OD lmMOsG 1h AUS gyevapoW “BUIP2Iq Yavjaanp- AYBaN, NOILVTaHHO9 404 VidsLldd WEMIOTINOY OPM JG Woy ‘Tpauiyaosjols Jyaues) MONET ENS-S50N9 SIPAS, FAIR] ‘Rasta IDE} \EqunUcy yRayy SIMNLONYLS AdVLNAWI03S YAJINNOA SEILYAdOUd LINN MOO FO AUVWWNS € AIAVL nS "Baus Marezapow UL ‘PUES Aake[a JO AIS 0) PrleR ASOTOHLN NOILWWHOS ANISYVNOOS (1 ‘Gl4)| LINN 144 developed on the Millyera Formation in Sec- lion 7 of Fig. 15, The distinction between the lacustrine Facies of the Millyera Formation ani the superficially simijae Namba Formation can be demon- strated from Lake Millyeta and Lake Tar- karoaloo. In Lake Millyera, the north shore is formed by cliffs of Namba Formation clay and dolomite showing no facies changes thrausheut the length of the continuous outcrop. The south shore has sporadic outcrops of Millyera Formation, also unchanged along strike, traced to the junction of Billeroo Creek and Lake Tarkarooloo. These relationships suggest a dis- canformity between the two units. The Millyera Formation alsa occurs on the north shore of Lake Millyera at its castern cd, but a covered interval prevents direct establishment of a ‘clationship with the nearby Namba Forma- lion, ‘The contact between the units can he observed by trenching the base of the supple- Tentary seclion 5, where the erusional contact und weathered top of the Namba Formation support 4 disconformity. Similar faminated ostracode-beuring clay and gypsum laminae are found bencath the hase of the gypsum dunes constituling the is- lands of Lake Frome. These grade down to ostracode and charophyte-hearing indurated elays, without sedimentary structures, beneath the lake bed. Fine sand interheds are present. These beds ate equated with the Millyera Formation. but most sediment flooring Lake Frome, though of similar lithology, is younger and less consolidated. Along the eastern edge of Luke Frome is a series of eroded mound springs, exhumed hy deflation of the modern lake Moor These are built of saucev-shaped carbonate layers, partly algal in origin, which intertongue with the clays, These spring deposits are partly ccjualed with the Millyera Formation, In Lake Tarkaroolwo, reddish-brown silt and conglomerate is inter-bedded with the charo- phyte limestone. Proceeding south along this linear Jake, the coarse facies eventually dominates, the limestones being absent. The Millyera Formution is no longer identifiable, having graded inte an entirely fluviatile facies of conglomerate 2-3 m thick, cemented with massive white secondary carbonate (hence- Forth referred fo as the ‘unnamed conglo- menate’ cyuivaleat to the Milkyera Formation)- Section 6 (Piss 15, 17) shows an intermediate stage in this transition, Numerous well deve- R. A. CALLEN & RH. TEDFORD loped channels exhibiting 7 cross stratification (Allen £963) are present, cxhumed on the lake Noor, They often contaiii clasts of fossil wood, Namba Formation dolomite, ferru- ginized Namba Formation sand, und mitky quartz at the base, demonstrating a discon- formable cclationship with the Namba Forma- tion. There is little facies change along the length of Lake Tarkarooloo in the Namba Formation, whereas the Millyery Formation yavies considerably, though retaining — its identity a5 a wnil. Two charophyte Jimestone horizons were developed in the southern part of Lake Tar- karooloo, instead of one ss at Lake Millyera. Since they must have once represented a horizontal lake shoreline, and arc equivalent to the horizon at Lake Millyera, structural deformation (?faulting) is required to account for their relatively higher position in the land- scape. Barometric Icvelling, tied in with South Australian Department of Lands bench marks, established the height difference [see Sections § and 6, Fig. 15). Comparison of the heights of equivalent Namba Formation carbonites, between Lake Millyera and the Namba Formu- tion reference section in Luke Tarkaroolon (Fig, 14) also supports downfaulting of the Take Millyera region. The “unnamed conglomerate’ channel equivalent of the Millyera Formation can be traced throughoul the area southeast of Lake Frome, where it is invariably overlain by the Eurinilla Formation. The disconformity is difficult tro detect away from low4ying areas such as Lake Varkaroolon, where well-deve- loped greenish carbonate nodules and cylin- droids of a soih calcrete mark the contact, and massive White groundwater catbonate cements the conglomerates in the Milfyera and Burinulla Formations. Elsewhere the conglomerate has a weak earthy carbunate cement and interbedded secondary gypsum Javers. interpreted as proundwater phenomena rather than 4oils. The contact with Eurinilla Formation appears gradilional fez, units | and 2 of the Eurinilla Fennation in section 8, Fig. 15), and it ts not possible to establish a disconfarmity. An addi- tional problem in the Millyera Formation is the repetition of red sand facies resembling those of the Eurioilla Formation. This suggests it may be possible to have Iwo red facies super- imposed, The contact between unit 2 pnd 3 in section 8 may represent such a boundary (ie. ihe lower part of this section may cnrrelute with the Millyera Formation). wy 20-— Lu ~ wi 2? 3 = 4 - N 5 N 5 >. 15 ° Ee Baleanoona W E > Creek . Lad | w 10 ee aS, \ 8 ERA * FORMATION z =\7,, MILLY \ = MILLYERA = FORMATION J FORM. © ROE SS 5 = Lake Millyera FAULT : Lat. 30°0232' NAMBA \ o Long. 139°54'42 FORM. \ \ Lat. 31°02'59' Long. 130°Sé 36 "\. EURINILLA Let N 3 7 ae FORMATION Lot. 30°53'30- and 30°56'0)" 4S Long. 140°1014° ond 140°1)'06" BINE cOONAR FORMATION SSS SSS) | | | ] | | ce) | EURINILLA FORMATION N\ SF POT Rea rae YPF SECTION % Reet FORMATION Le) MILLYERA . DEX Lake Pinpa Lake Koorke FORMATION = Sa = Se ee ee Se SS Lot, 31°09 59" q Lol. 30°58 24° Long. 140°|3'39" Long. 140°19'37 FORMATION FORMATION Lot. 31°0640" Rou Long. 140°06'34 w NAMBA FORMATION 50 * SECTIONS BAROMETRICALLY LEVELLED 45 DATUM: DEPT. OF LANDS BENCH MARKS 5062—5066 a REFER FIG, | FOR SECTION LOCATIONS a REFER FIG. 20 FOR LEGEND wi ce 35 2 NUMBERED UNITS DESCRIBED IN TEXT z z °o 30 F > ire = et) 25 L74—23 S.A. Department of Mines R.A. Callen Geologist Orn. B.T. 20 Fig. 15 YOUNGER CAINOZOIC UNITS, LAKE FROME AREA 15 ee TYPE AND REFERENCE SECTIONS ‘ 1100—46.76 ~G6808 O CAINOZOIC ROCK UNITS Current directions Were recorded from a variety of cross-hedding types in widely scat- tered localities in the basal channel Facies (both sands and conglomerates), though with a bias towards the Lake Tarkaroofoo area, hut are sufficient (45 measurements) to record u nocth to northeasterly transport direction, Con- glomerates such as those of section 8, where no disconformity between the Eurinilla and Millyera. Formation was established, were not included in this analysis. EVRINILLA FORMATION — (Derivation, Eunnilla Creek, Evrinilfa map sheet. CURNA- MONA), The type section (section 7, Fig, LS) is located at Lake Moko* on the junction between Billeroo and Eurinilta Creeks (Air Photo Ref. —S. Aust. Dept. Lands Svy. 395, Coonarbine, Run 3, Photo No, 9637). The locality is 45.8 km on 332°T trom Billeroo Watechole (CURNAMONA—Billeroo Creek). and the outcrop (Fig, 20} occurs in an amphitheatre, formed by guilics draining into the north end of the lake. The upper fine grained facies is well developed. The complete section is de- scribed in Appendix 2, Section 7 was con- steucted from two outcrops 200 m apart, correlated by following the beds along stnke. This sequence consists of three units, separ- ated by a weak carbonate soil horizon, The lower unit, exposed in the southern outcrop. consists of 1-8 metres of white well sorted medium gramed channel sand. It i ¢ross- bedded, and contains some vertebrate remains, clusis of underlying units, and ¢harophyte oogonia. The sands have features jimilar to channel] sands elsewhere at or below the base of the Eurinilla Formation. An interesting feature is the presence of biotite, suggesting nearby crystalline bascment outerup at the time of deposition. Unit | is averlain by the much more widespread and typical fed silly and sandy facies of units 2 and 3, respectively 3.3 .and 5.5 m thick, These units are separated hy a weak carbonate soil harizon, The lower is paler than the upper, and shows tio evidence of bedding. It grades to clay-silt at the hase. The upper unit has diffuse large scale cross- bedding, is sandy, and orange-coloured throughout. It is capped by a well-developed fossil soil horizon with nodules and cylindroids of carbonate and some gypsum, The sequence is overlain above the fossil soll by a horizontally luminated sand, similar to thar al the top of Unit 2. but with more 145 pronounced bimodality. Since the sail repre sents a disconformity, these sands are excluded {rom the definition, and placed in the Coonar- bine Formation, Another section 8 m thick (sectuon 5, Fig. 15) is situated on a steep blu? facing north, on the southern side of Lake Millyera, close to the Millyera Formation type section 4. A detailed description is in Appendix 2, The sands afe paler than those of the type, and contain low angle cross-bedding al the base, The overall two-fold division fof units 2 and 3) in the type section is retained. A diffuse thin bedditig dips toward Lake Millyera. Con- sidered with the geometry of the outcrop. the sequence is interpreted as a small delta. The upper part of this sequence has tubules and cylindroids of soft white carbonate and gypsum, several centimetres diameter, forming several inter-related horizons representing = fossil soil complex. The tubules weather out as hard cylinders. The lower part of the sequence is partly cemented with shects of sofi white carbonate, and with pink carbonate nodules. The base is solidly cemented with gypsum. partly derived froni the dissolutiun of gypsum lunetftes {represented by low angle eTuss-bedding). A third reference section of 3 m thick 1s located al Luke Koorka* (Fig. 23). a small chtypan on Eurinilla Creek, close to the boundary between FROME and CURNA- MONA on Evrinifle map sheet, The western edge of the pan is formed by a cliff 6 m high, where scction 9 (Fiz. 15) was measured (Appendix 2). Here, the Eurinilla Formation is represented by mottled very pale orange and strong brown clayey silt withoue stratification, capped hy a massive gypsum horizon with 0.3 cm rosettes of gypsum crystals developed in red-brown silt and gypsum flour. It discon- formably overlics the Namba Formation, Burrowed horizons and gypsified roots are locally common in the Eurinilla Formation, though not represented i the sections de. scribed here. ‘The carbonate zones ut the top of the Eunnilla Formation in sections 5 and 7 are regurded as a single widespread paleosel, They differ from the soil developed on the overlying Coonarbine Formation by having farger patches of carbonate segregation. often in several horizons, [requently weathering out as solid sheets or lumps, In the Arboola Claypan* large soft calcureous “biscuits” are developed. In which the onginal lamination of the 146 cemented sediment is visible, This paleosol has heen identified along Balcanoona and Poontana Creeks, on the west side of Lake Frome (Figs 1, 15, section 2) where it is developed in coarser grained sediments. The Eurinilla Formation is often underlain by a course croxs-hedded sand or conglomerate, Yunnamed conglomerate’ usually partly cemented with hard white lime. The beds are light pinkish brown, from iron-staining on sand grains. A typical sequence including this facies occurs at Lake Pinpa reference section {section 8, Fig. t5, and Appendix 2). The basal conglomerate often contains clasts. of Namba Formation dolomite er Willawortina Formation carbonate nodules. At Lake Tar- kurooloo the islands on the lake Aoor (espect- ally near section 6, Pig. 15, where massive carbonale cemented pink sands and congio- merates ate interbedded with the charophyte limestone), demonstrate the gradation io the Millyera Formation. The disconformity between the Millyera and Eurinilla Formations is exemplified in sections = and 7, but ig not at all obvious in section 8, or elsewhere away from the vicinity of Lake Frome. The relationship can, however, be observed along the Pasmore River, particu- larity Where the main Yunta to Flinders Ranges road crosses. Here, two terraces of secondary carhonate-cemented conglomerate occur, inter- bedded with yellowish sands containing green- ish White carbonate novules at the top. The nodules. are interpreted as a paleosol, and occur in similar yellowish sands of the Millyera Formation in Lake Tarkarooloo. Therefore the unnamed conglomerate and associated sands are regarded as Millyera Formation equivalents. The red brown silty Eurinilla Formation with its characteristic soil developed af the top, infills a valley cut into the ‘unnamed’ conglomerate, and associated sediments. The whole is cut into Willawortina. Formation sandy clays. light brown sands of the Coonar- bine Formation disconformably overlie afl units at vatinus levels in the landscape, The relationships between the Eurinilla and Willawortina Formations is also exhibited in section 3 at the mouth of the Pasmore River (Fig, 15 and Appendix 2) where reddish- brown pebbiy silt with a basal conglomerate (Burinilla Formation) rests with ‘sharp erosional disconformuity on pale vreen and red- browa mottled clay (Willawortina Formation), R. A. CALLEN & R. H. TEDFORD On a regional scale the disconformity sur- face beiween the Eurinilla Formation anc Coonarhine Formation as flat, but locally, river valleys are developed, Within Lake Frome are several islands con- sisting of up to 10 m thick of coarse well rounded gypsum sand with minor quartz, and interbeds of clay pellets. These exhibit the low angle cross-hedding, lithology and gec- metry of [unettes described hy Bowler else- where in Australia (pers. comm, 1974, J. M. Bowler). The sands rest disconfarmably an the Millyera Formation indurated clays, and are tentatively correlated with the Eurinilla Formation, Similar lunettes flank the eastern shore of Lake Frome. COONARBINE FORMATION Lake Coonarbine, FROME). The type section is Jocated at Lake Moko sevtion 7, Fig. 14 and Appendix 2), mentioned earlier, The sequence (Fig, 20), resting dis- conformably on the Eurinilla Formation, con- sists of three parts—a basal 1-0 m of a red brown indistinctly Jamibated sand, overlain by 3,3 m of light brown dune sand (two large scale cross-bed sets are represented) with a carbonate soil horizon at the top. This is aver- lain by 0.6 m of light brown sand with car- bonate patches and rhizondules, The laminated sand ai the base of this sequence may be a distinct unit in its own Tight, since it has features different from the remainder of the Coonarbine Formation, Its disconformable re- Jation with the Burinilla Formation has been established. The carbonate soi horizons are much weaker than those of the Eurinilla Formation in the same section and at section 5 ¢Fig, 15). The upper more prominent horizon is corre- lated with that al the top of section five, The Coonarbine Formation in this section exhibits the typical blocky joint pattern, producing 5 x 10 cm columns of sediment (large ped struc- tures), Land-snail shells occur here, and ul other widely separated localities, being charac- teristic of the unit, The uppermost Inyer is associated with aboriginal artifacts and emu shel] fragnients. The Formation can be traces west to the Pasmore River (c.g. section 3) where it overlies the Eurinilla Formation. An important supplementary section {sec- tion 2, Figs 15, 21 and Appendix 2) repre- senting a coarser facics uf the Coonarbine Formation of western Lake Frome, is found (Derivation Ceonarbine map sheet, CAINOZOIC ROCK UNITS in Baleanoona Creek, near the natural gas pipeline (Air Photo Ref.: S. Aust. Dept. Lands Svy 394, Artareala Rut 3, Photo No, 0078). At this site the old land surface on top of the Lurinilla Formation ts exposed, The overlying beds of the Coonarbine Formation cansist of 1.70 metres of dark brown, sandy silt, with a basal pebble bed, moderately poorly sorted, No bedding plancs are visible, and columnar ped structure is well-developed. Immediately downstream the surface of the Coonarbine Formation is scattered with abori- ginal artifacts, the colour’ is redder. and Jand snail shells are present. Upstream, near Mulga Hore on "Balcanoona", the hasal pebble bed has 0.3-1 m thivk lenses, cutting into ihe Eurinilla Formation. Carbonate nodules from the soils developed in the Eurinilla Formation are eroded and incorporated into the basal Coonarbine Formation- East of Lake Frome the fuviatile facies of the Coonarbine Formation gives way to atolian seif dunes, forming the partly indurated cores of the modern dunes of the southern Strzelecki Desert, Exposures occur along the flanks cf the modern dunes. The gypsum lunettes of the islands have a deposition break within them, the significance of which is un- certain: it is likely that the part above the break correspands to the Coonarbine Forma- tien, RELATIONSHIPS BETWEEN FORMATIONS The Millyera Formation rests disconform- ably on the Namba Formation in Lakes Mill- yera and Tarkarooloo, but its relationship to the Willawortina Formation is less clear. The correlation of conglomerates and sands at the Pasmore River Section with similar facies at Lake Tarkaroolop has been mentioned, aid suggests the Millyera Formation conglomerate equivalent is also disconformable on the Willa- wortina Formation. The relationship ts similar to that at the “Wertaloona” section. Further supporl is derived from the presence of bright orange to red-brown silt and sand, similar tw that in the Millycra Formation of section 5, intertonguing with the conglomerate around the mouth of Balcanoona Creek, At the “‘Wertaloona™ section {section 1, Fig. 3) the dipping scyuence of Willaworting Formation is overlain with angular uncon+ fommity by a small patch of horizontal con- glomerate and vellow sand. regarded as Millyera Formation equivalent. The conglo- 147 merate conmains pebbles of ferruginized matesinl, derived fromi what was prohably a widespread siirface, mow exhibited as small remnants in the same valley. This ferruginiza- fion & correlate! with that beneath the Mijlyera Formation at Lake Tarkaroaloo, and clsewhere. Deformalicn of the Tertiary sc- quence occurred before deposition of the Millyera Formation and development of the ferruginows horizon. The disconformity between the Eurinilla Formation and Willawortina Formation can be seen in clifis along the Pasmore River, The clearly disconformable relationship between the Millyera Formation and Eurinilla Forma- tion is seen in section 5 (Fig. 15), The dis- conformity 1 less obvious for its equivalent, the “unnamed conglomerate” of lakes Tar- karooloo, Pinpa (?units 1 and 2 af section 8, Fig. 15), aad clsewhere. Relationship between Eurjnilla and Coonar- bine Formations can be easily observed (for example in sections 2, 3, 7 and 9, Fig, 15), The Coonurbine Formation can be frequently seen cutting into the Eurinilla Formation, and the iwo unils usually have contrasting lithology. The soil carbonate at the top of the Eurinilla Formation may be completely eroded and reworked into the younger unit. Rock relationships are summarized in Fig. 24. AGE The Millyera Formation has equivalents at the southern edge of Lake Callabonna, and northern end of Lake Frome. ft closely re- sembles laminated green clays and sands bearing Diprotoden found in the main part of fake Cyllubonna. The temporal range of Diprotedon is Pliocene to fate Pletstocene. A wood radiocarbon age of >40 000 years BLP. (Daily 1960) from these beds has lately been confirmed by unother wood radiocarbon date of >39 900 years B.P_ (Tedford 1973). At the mouth of Poontana Creek, on the Lake Frome —Lake Callabonna confivence, dates from shells in sands equated with the Millyera Formation give ages of >33 400 years. BP. and 35200 +! 200 years B.P_ (GaK-4949, GukK-4948). This shell materin] has been allected by younger pedogenesis, converting them to calcite {assuming the shells were ori- ginally all aragonite as sare most non-marine oiolluses). Therefore the dates are minimal, and the Millyera Formation has an age in exeess of 34 200 years B.P\, probably >40 000 Las years BLP, Similar shell beds in a similar strati- graphic sequence were recorded al Lake Eye, and gave a date of 39 200 = 1 300 yeurs B.P (Johns & Ludbrook 1963), The Eunnilia Formation contains — late. Pleistocene vertebrate fossils, somewhat dif- ferent in generic composition to thuse at Lake Callabonna, The fauna occurs in channels at the base of the urnl, along Billerow Crock east of Lake FPinpa The overlying Coonarbine Formation is prébably late Pleistocene or eatly Recent. REGIONAL CORRELATION Equivalents of Millyera Formation are litle koown al present, though the sequence de- scribed imminediately above the Etadunna Formation in the Madigan Gulf region of Lake Eyre North is apparently very similar {King 1956, Ludbrook 1956, Johns & Lud- brook 1963). The lithological similarity between the fossiliferous greenish sands con- taining Coxiella giiesi in Mudigan’s Gulf, and those in the Millyera Formation of section 5 (Fig, 15) is marked. All these beds are close to or beyond the limits of radiocarbon daling, but the closely comparable micro-fauna (in- cluding Elphidinm spp., Ammonia beceart, Nonion sp: pers. comm, 4, M. Lindsay 1974), charophytes and molluscs tend to support correlation. The Lake Eyre sequence Tests on the Etsadunna Formatinn, and is overlain by rocks resembling the Ticrari Formation, The Eurinilla Formation closely resembles the Tirati Formation of the Lake Eyre Basin, in lithology, stratigraphic position and topo- graphic expression, Vertebrate faunas in basal Eurinilla Kormation channels indicate equiva- lence with the youngest Kutapiri Sand (Stirton et al. 1961) of the same basin. Other possible equivalents are indicated in Table 4. Vhe Poorska Formation (Firman 1956a) supposedly resis un Telford Gravel (Firman 1963) on the west side of the Flin- ders Ranges, and is overlain by the Lake Torrens Formation (Williams & Polach 1971). The unnamed conglomerate equivalent of the Millyera Fermation lithologically resembles the Telford Gravel at Telford open cut, Leigh Creck. The Eurinilla Formation, lithologically resembling the Lake Torrens Formation, aver- lies the Millyera Formation, and ts in ttm overlain by the Coonarbine Formation. The lane is similar to the Thomson Creek Forma- tion GF Willianys & Polach. There also are R. A. CALLEN & R. H. TEDFORD similarities in the calcareous soil horizans of each, in the same geomorphic situation. The Pooraka Formation, Telford Gravel and “unnamed conglomerate” of Lake Prome area are probably equivalents. Jf has been suggested by Firman (1971)* that the Telford Gravel is eguivalent to the whole of the Tirari Forma- tion (Eurinilla Formation correlative), but this cannot be the ease in the Lake Frorne area, The youngest profable equivalents here are the convlomerate at the base of the Burinilla Formation, and the most likely corre- lative the “unnamed conglumerate” equivalent of thé Millyera Formation. The unit mapped as Pooraka Formation on COPLEY (Coats 1973) ts Coonarbine Forma- tion. During mapping COPLEY, Callen & Williams (in Coats 1973) recognized a unit of reddish brown sand and cobbles which covered most of the surface of the high level plains flanking the eastern Flinders) Ranges, The unit was Jater named the Afrowie Forma. tion by Coats {1973}: subsequently mapping for FROME has shown it is probably partly equivalent to the Coonarbine Formation. The two units beth contain Jand snuil shells, and appear to grade laterally into one another at the bresk in slope at the basc of fow hills south of “Wertaloona,” However. Coats secms to include some vounger and older gravels in his definition, with %disconformable relation- ships. ENVIRONMENT The Millyera Formation constitutes three facies groups: the most typical and widespread ate Yhe laminated ostracode clay and chara phyte limestones (Fig. 18), with associated charophyte eogonia-bearing fine sand. Fine lamination, ostracodes, and distribution of sediment, indicate they are undoubtedly of lacustrine origin, The fine sands are well rounded and smooth and mav therefore be aeolian, haying been blown inte the lake, or carried by floods. Drying of the lake is indi- cated by the charophyte limestone and equiva- lent gypsum lamellae (Figs 16, 18; cf. Reeves 1968, p. 57, 58). Similar madern calcareous algal deposits (Fig. 19), grading to rippled gypsum crusts, arc present in Lake Kuturu’. Waves acting on the very shallow water badies break vp the filaments and orient them in crescent like ripples, sometimes resembling the oriented structures in thelr fossil equivalents. The gypsum Jaminac may have hotryaidul surfases that are reminiscent of similar forms 149 SeUIW 4O JUaWjiodag “ys vaya va 10¥—PvZ —e— —t— shol> puo | SaNVS | NOOMNdWYW AQYNSTLYND AVa¥d Ol AaVILd1 i1¥1 33} Dia WO] Buo> , Z : | SU St Cl NOILYWYOS VNILIOMVTIM pawouuy | O-L TWAVID | ({luA Bulloag uapojoidig) "Ainby NOILYWHOS “WaSATIIW ONYS ldld¥ivy Pus NO|LYWaOd ldVaiL (un Buioag —Psiq |!s8o4) juajoainby NOllyvwaod INIad¥NOOD CAINOZOIC ROCK UNITS BuVogD||D> 2x07 8143 407 7961 ("Wor 'siad ‘E76 1) a4¥Osd3L “y2 48 NOLMILS TOsOAlWd YNVLVIIUIM NOILVWYO4 SNaddOL IVT 1OsSOIIWd YNad Low (j40d JaMoj) NOILYWao4 4434S NOSWOHL 1OSOIWd VNOOOYN {od uaddn) -4 43D NOSWOHL saBuoy SUPPUlfy Wiad A ‘1261 ‘HDV1Od PYO SWYITTIM dyOsTdL T9A¥aID GYOITIL MOS Vard¥a NOILVwaO4d VAVYOOd WOS Yavnvee WOs AV3A07 Os Vavevd ONY ALadDdAD syisodap Builds punhow NOILY¥wacd Va¥aoOd eo NOllYWwao4 NOILVWaO4 WAVYOOd WOS AVTIAOI _ -aIMOxay 6— =~ AVYD YNNOBVTI¥> GNV¥S NOSdWIs uIsog asAQ 2407 ‘saBuoy SJEPUl|) UsBISaAA “Nh "NY WHld jeays dow 000 OS2*1 AIIdOD “JB 49 SivVOD NOlLWWwaod VaFATIIW aLaysW> ; : tc NOILYWdO4 VINIGNG (MIDjsaaun aaug alvwaWOISNOD OWYNNN Gig ayydosGyoug) YOrOW oO, By) uing |Ssoq jo JLFYDIVD PY FL3¥DdAD UOZIIOY [105 snoasosj0> jisso4 sajjaun| wosdAB sapnjour INDI NOLVWHOI INIEYYNOOD -IN3D015131d UOZIVOY |[Os sMOBIOD}O> jisso4 POojpag woays syisedsp 9904 saunp usapow aadod siyy QdOsdd1 ® NAlIVWS SNISVS Y3HLO ONV SL3SHS d¥W LNADVray - LNZIVAINGA GaLsa99Nns SLINM YI9NNOA - LYVH) NOILVTIAYO) yay 3WOYs AVI ¥ A18V1 180 on the sufface of modern Lake Frome, pro- duced by crystallration pressure bockling the surficial crusts, The second facies group is the channel facies (Fig, 17), of conglomerate/sand which ex- hibits Features of meandering streams of large size containing bed-forms of slightly crescent- shaped aqueous dunes. The streams carried pebbles from the Olary Ranges, and eroded valleys into the Namba Formation, These deposits are lateral equivalents of the “un- named conglomerate” which is so extensive along the Siccus—Pasmore River System. The third facies group are the greenish fos- siliferous sanis, which (Section S, Fig, 15} are cross-bedded on a small to medium scale, and contain shell beds and fish vertebrate. Similar shelly are also abundance in a narrow zone slong Billerog Creck between Lakes Kuturu and Tarkarooloo. These deposits ate interpreted us shoreline facies of the Pleisto- cene Lake Frome. These sediments, and equivalents at the northern end of Lake Frome, contain the foraminiferal assemblage mentioned earlier (p. 147). Similar species were also recorded by Ludbrook (Ker 1966, p. 94) in equivalent strata in McKenzie Bore, 7,5 km sauih south- eust of section 5, The presence of several species of foraminifera over a wide area in the same scdiments can be explained in terms of Ludrook’s (1965) hypothesis of transport to salt lakes on the feet of seubirds, with subsequent survival for a period, The species R. A, CALLEN & R H, TEDFORD present ate mostly Rotaliina with a wide salinity tolerance, and diversity is low. Such a situation ts typical of inland saline lakes (Resig 1974), where foraminifera have been intro- duced by some dispersal mechanism from coastal areas. Species such as Ammonia bec- carti are common in these environments. Although the assemblages found at Lake Eyre and Lake Frome are considerably different in content from those listed in Table 4 of Resig’s paper (e.g. Nonion spp. are not recorded, though common at Lakes Frome and Eyre) this does not detract from the dispersal hypo- thesis because each locality cited in her paper has high endemism. The Coorong area con- tains « similar assemblage (pers. comm. J. M. Lindsay 1975), though its low diversity is pro- bably the result of high salinity, even though i has a connection with the sea. Another explanation is that there was a distant connection to the sea, implying a high sta level during the Pleistocene prior ta 40 600 years BLP. The detrital component of the facustrine Millyera Formation sediments were brought to the ancestral Lake Frome by large braided streams with a pebble bed load (“unnamed conglomerate”) approximately following the channels of present day watercourses such as the Pasmore-Sictus River system, and the Luke Tarkarooloo-Billeroo Creek system. They were much more extensive than their modern counterparts. The clasts. indicate 4 provenante similar to the modern streams, li the Olary Figs 16-19. Younger Units. Structures in Millyera Formation. Fiz, 16, Millyera Formation. Laminated tipple-murked gypsum and clay (Fig. 15, section 5). Scale 30 cm. Pig. 17, Plan view of cross-stratificd channel sand in Millyera Formation channel facies, bed of Lake Tarkacooloo near Section 6, Fig, JS, Approximates Pi cross-stratification. Current direction (arrowed) is te north. Hammer handle 25 cm long. Lominace emphasized Sy inking. 18, Algal tubules showine rough onentation. Same jocality as Fig. 22. Scale in cm. . 19. Modern, calcarcous charophyte algal flaments, Lake Kuturu, showing crode orientation. Thin crust of gypsum {G) in upper central part of photograph. Figs 20-23 Oitecrop, 20. Upper part of section 7, Fig. 15, showing dune sand facics of Coonarbine Formation (1wo upper benches), basal laminated sand (bench Just above contact), and tipper part of Furinilla utmation with calcareous paleosol (just below contact). . - Section 2, Fig. 15, Columnar-structured sand of Coonarbine Formation overlying Enrinilla Formation. Surface in foreground shows carhonute patches of paleosol, and represents the pre- Coonarbine Formation land surface slightly modified by present erosion. Scale 30 cm. 2. 22. Coonasbine Formation sand with columnar jointing, overlying Millyera Formation which in tum avetlies Nainba Formation. Millyera Formation shows wpper algal limestones und lower mias- sive sandy Jimestone (prominent benches) with intervening clayey sand. Lake Tarkaronloa, near Coombes Bore- Scale 30 cm, Rig. 23. Section 8. Fig. 15 Cower part}. Coonarbine Formation, disconformably overlying Eurinilla Formution which has its opper surface cemented with secondary gypsum (prominent hench)- Black vlay of Namba Formation at base (30 cm) scale crosses contuct)- COONARBINE CAINOZOIC ROCK UNITS a Ls gio -é a “e J * ‘i EURINILDA’ Be ae * 152 Ranges and southern Flinders Ranges. Large straight-crested aqueous dunes typified the streams with coarse sandy and pebbly bed loads, whereas crescentic dunes characterized the streams with a finer sand-bed load, The eastern shore of Lake Frome was estimated to be about [0 km further cast than al present, The Eurinilla Formation contains channel deposits, exemplified by coarse sand with parting lineation and cross-bedding, in troughs and point bar deposits along Billeroo Creek, The meandering form of these channels can sometimes be seen on aerial photographs. The pebbles have sources in the Flinders. Ranges or Olary Ranges, or have been eroded from the underlying Tertiary units. Flood-plam de- posits are represented by the finer facies, which is sometimes laminated, The initially fluviatile phase (basal coarse grained sands) gave way fo a more complex environment with finer fluviatile deposiis and large scale cross- bedded aeolian deposits, including huge gypsum lunettes along the south western shore and on the islands. Some possible Joess (massive silt and very fine sands) is present, These sedi- ments transgressed over the older lake deposits of the Millyera Formation, The ancient Lake Frome therefore decreased in size in medial Pleistocene times, being somewhat smaller than at presenl, The plains of this essentially fiuviatile en- vironment were inhabited by large marsupials (Dipratedon sp., Procaptadan geliah, Sthenu- rus sp. and Macropus sp.) Rivers followed EURINILLA FORMATION UNNAMED CONGLOMERATE WILLAWORTINA FORMATION Eocene 2 Paleocene S1O970 COONARBINE FORMATION EYRE FORMATION R.A.CALLEN R. A, CALLEN & K, H, TEDFORD approximately the same coarses as the present day drainage. The distribution of lunettes indi- cates a dominant wind direction from the west and a strong westerly component still charac- terizes this region. The overlying Coonarbine Formation in cludes fuviatile braided stream environments west of Lake Frome, and dominantly aeolian ¢ast of the lake. The fuviatile sediments have less defined channels than the Eurinilla Forma- tion, pebble sheets being more common. East of Lake Frome Jongitudinal dunes were deve- loped, and another minor phase of gypsum lunettes built up along the lake shore. Land snails probably lived around water holes. Conclusions The new rock units in the Lake Frome area record a history of intermittent deposition through Miocene to late Pleistocene-Recent times, During this interval the extensive rivers, lakes and possibly estuarine environments of the Miocene Namba Formation drained areas of low relief in a climate of high rainfall, and of higher annual temperature than the same latitude today, At times, seasonal dry periods became a part of the weather pattern. A con- nection with the sea was established at some stage, probably to the Murray Basin, Some conflicting climatic evidence is partly resolved by applying the continental Jessivage hypo- thesis (Millot 1964, as modified by Wiersma 1970) in relation to the smectite—dolomite— palygorskite mineral suite, Thus warm lem- Member 2 Member | NAMBA FORMATION Y S.A. Department of Mines Fig, 24, Cuinozoic rock stratigraphic relationships, Lake Frame. CAINOZOIC ROCK UNITS perale to subtropical conditions prevailed, with savannah landscape, and gallery forests around the Jatge permanent streams and lakes, Uplift of the Flinders Ranges securred at the earliest during late Miocene times, con- tinved through the Pliocene intermittently into the Quaternary, and is still proceeding at present, Prior to this, at least during the Cainozoic, the Flinders Ranges were virtually non-existent. The sediments deposited during the Pliocene-early Pleistocene Epochs record the change from the earlier Miocene palaeo- gcography to the very different landscape approximating that of the present. Lakes and swamps during Tertiary times disappeared dunop the Pleistocene, as tectonism and Climalic change altered the depositional regime. Drainage resembled that of the present during the late Pleistocene, indicating the basin was approaching its present configuration, The Millyera Fotmation indicates active de- position on a playa lake somewhat larger than ihe present. The changing character of the sediments from Millyera to Coonarbine For- mation suggests overall increasing aridity, pro- bably seasonally distributed during Eurinilla Formation limes, as exemplified by the forma- tion of the gypsum Iwnettes. Marked climatic Muctuations were superposed on this overall climatic trend. Uplift of the ranges continued, 153 alternating with periods of stability during which soils developed. Rock relationships are summarized in Fig. 24. Acknowledgments This paper is published with the permission of the Director of Mines, South Australia Drafting and typing facililics were provided by the South Australian Department of Mines, Participation of R.H,T. was supported by National Science Foundation Grant GB- b8273X. The authors also wish to acknowledge dis- cussion and helpful criticism by Mesrss J. B. Firman, W. K. Harris and J. M. Lindsay of ihe South Australian Department of Mines, and by Dr B. Daily of the University of Adelaide. The project was initiated by Me B. P. Thomson of the South Australian Depart- ment of Mines. Radiocarbon dates were supplied by K. Kigoshi, Gakushuin University, Tokyo, The following companies provided core material and cuttings: Mines Administration Pty Ltd, and Mr J, Andrus of Western Nuclear Aust. Pty Ltd is especially thanked for arrang- ing WC2 bore to be donated for use asa type section. The skilful drafting of Mr Bruce Thomas of the South Australizn Department of Mines i acknowledged, References ALLEN, J. R. Lb. (1963)—The classification of cross-stratified units, with notes on thelr ori gin. Sedimentol. 2, 93-114. Benton, Y. K., Bopenneimer, W,, & Herrer, L. (1963)—Clay minerals mm Negev sediments. J. sedim, Petrol. 33, 874-903, Bryxs, P. 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Sand-filled shrinkage cracks extend down from the wavy irregular upper contact. Unit 16. 645. SILTY CLAY. Poorly sorted, diffusely laminated. Two silt beds with gradational to 12,00 sharp contacts near the top, lower 7 m burrowed and bioturbated with wavy irregular upper bedding plane separating it from the remuinder of the sequence. Irregular shiny fracture planes (crumbly texture) and gypsum nodules developed in upper (part. Light to mederale olive grey (S¥4/2-SYS/1, 5-SY6/1). Mottled black and yellow (S5Y4/0.5) in lower silt. 0.60. No recovery. 0.20, As before. Shrinkage cracks filled with sand extend down from upper unit—wavy irregular contact, Light olive grey (SV5/2). Unit 1%. 0,20, SILT, Laminated, very fine cross-laminated, burrowed in par Very pale yellowish grey 12.20 (NI to 5¥9/1), Upper contact sharp and flat. burrowed. Unit 14. 3,00 SILTY CLAY. Intraformationally brecciated. Borrowed and bioturbated in lower half, £5.20 upper half with angular clay clasts and slump structures, Upper contact sharp, flat. Unit 13, 1.70 CLAY SILT and CLAY, Poorly sorted, Clay beds near centre. Rurrowed at top, intra- 17.30 formational breccialion common. Pale to light olive clay (10Y6/2 to 6/4), sill pale grey to pale yellowish grey (SY8/1 to N7), Upper contact sharp and flat. 0.40, SAND and SILT, interbedded, weakly laminated, wavy ‘sharp contacts between inter- beds. Sand is very fine, very angular (quartz crystal faces—overgrawths on rounded grains, contacts between overgrowth and erain visible), Unit 12. 1.05. No recovery. 19.89 1.24. SAND, grading up to CLAY SILT and SILT. Sand hus small-scale cross lamination with heavy mineral luminae. Unit 11. 2.05, CLAY, black as below, Contact with overlying bed sharp and fiat. 21,52 1.13. No recovery, } 0.75. SAND, grading up to CLAYEY SILT. Sand very fine, wavy lamination, Colour SY4/4, Unit 10. 0.20, STILT and CLAY, Intertaminated, flame structures on contacts. Light olive grey (Clay 26,82 SY6/4, Silt NO). Contact with ynit 11 sharp and flar. 2,30, SILT. lower bed laminated .and cross-bedded, with scattered burrows. result of bioturbation and extensive burrawing. Upper contact wavy and irreg tar, 9.30. CLAY, laminated, colour NO, 4¥4/2, With CHRLONIA scute at 24,21 mm. Upper con- tact sharp, with flame structures. 156 R- A, CALLEN & R. H, TEDFORD 1.40, SAND, fine grained in lower 1/5 grading up to !aminated and burrowed light grey (NS) SLLT. Sand grains smooth and shiny, angular, some well rounded and frosted, many with crystal faces and re-entrants. Upper contact wavy und irregular. Grading down to - . 1.10, SIL], laminated and small scale cross-hedded, with scattered burrows: Units. 3.20, CLAY. black (N1) mottled light olive brown (5Y5/6), with sand patchcs and other fea 35.52 tures as before, Contact with sand lower in unit gradational. Large sand grains in the patches are polished, rounded to well rounded, smaller graims being angular to subangular with over- growths{?). Some of the larger grains show rounded crystul forms. 0.35, Ne recovery, 3,60. SAND, us below. Calcite patches and. very coarse mica common. Polymodal, poorly sorted overall, Small sizes angular, coarse are rounded, some doubly terminated crystals. In- terbedded light grey (N7) clay in centre of unit. Becoming well sorted and fine grained at. top with mixed well rounded and angular grains, Obscure small scale cross bedding and Jamination, 0.60, No recovery, 095, SAND, Coarse to medium grained, slightly calcareous. Large grains polished, others with crystal faces (overgrowths?) which give siepped shiny surtaces. Many grains shew original elongate quartz prism shape. : Uai.8 0.70. Alternating SAND and CLAY, Sand very fine grained with small scale trough cross- 36.22 lamination. Clay olive to medium grey (SY5/0.5). Unt? oan. Clay as below, Sharp wavy upper cantact, 39.22 1.25. No recovery. 145, Alternating SAND-CLAY fining upwards sequences, Several thin beds, beginning with very fine grained sand al base. Sharp !lat contacts, grading to black (NZ, SYR2/1) clay with orange brown specks and sand patches in top 21cm, Unit6 0.94, SANDY SILT. grading up to CLAY. Hlack (N2) clay as for unit 5, with fine sand 40.79 patches, 1/3 of sequence. Sharp wavy upper contact. 0.58, No recovery, 0.05..SILT with slump structures. Unit 5. 6.55 SAND, SIT-T and CLAY alternating in lower 1/3, grading to CI.AY at top. Lithology a3 47.44 for unit 4. Obscurely laminated in lower part, lenticular bedding, Light olive grey (SY6/1) with oxidised brawn patches (LOY R67). Calcareous at transition (25 cm) to dark clay. Sand distributed in vertical strevks and patches through the dark olive clay (5Y5/1). Irregular wavy upper contact, - A Unitd. 3.30. SILT, grading up to CLAY. Lower 1/3 laminated silty and clay with very-small to small 50.84 scale crass bedding st base, some burrows. Pale yellowish grey (S¥9/1) and pale olive (JOY6/24. Grades rapidly into sandy ¢lay with vertically orténted structure and lime streaks, yellowish grey to pale olive (3V7/2 to 9Y8/2), This grades fo tough black (NI) clay with erange brown dendrite mottling and patches of fine sand. A thin brown band of ton oxides is present. Upper contael wavy, irregular. Unit, 3. 1.20. SAND, grading to CALCARHOUS CLAY. Lower 40 em very fine grained, loosely 52.04 cemented by guartz overgrowlhs (original grains rounded) calesreaus at base, Heavy minerals 1%, Dusky yellow (SY4/1), Clay is olive crey (5¥4/1) and has white vertically oriented streaks und sheets of carbonate, Contact with overlying unir is sharp and wavy. Unit 2. 1.94. No recovery. 56.60 0,22. SAND, very fine grained as for bage unit, Contact with underlying clay irregulai, with mixing. 1.10, CLAY, as for base unit 1, silty top, with moderate yellow green clay patches which be- come dull on exposure (7GY4/1, 5Y5/2, 5¥4/2). Obscure lamination. 1,00. No recovery. P . . 0.20. SAND, very fine gfained, scattered medium, polished grains, Opaques common. Sone palches modenue yellow green clay (7GY4/1-5Y4/2). Unit |, 1.20 CLAY, waxy lustre on curved ipregular fractures. Rare angular white carbonate lumps and streaks. Olive grey (SY¥S/2Z)- WNAMBA FORMATION Supplementary, Section Outcrop, West Sule Lake ‘Tarkarooloo, Section 13, Fig. 14 Section 13A. north of the northern track crossing Luke Tarkarvolao. COONARBINE FORMATION bid, SAND. Very culeareous, with numerous 1-5 cm dolomite nodules and ferruginous sandstote lumps (reworked from Namba Formation). SYR8/5- — Disconfermity — EVRINILLA FORMATION 2.40. CLAY-SILT-SAND. Silt (dominant) to fine grained sind, poorly sorted, Lower If om moderately sorte medium grained sand. Up to §0% reworked dolomite madules (pisolitic) of granule to pebble sixe in lower part, 72 x 5 cm maxianim size, and little evidence for abrasion, Upper 10-70 em with gyp- sim nodules and curbonute patches. Green-bluck terrruginous and manganiferous stain, Olhcrwise lel red-brown 2.5YRS/6, | — Desvonturmity — NAMBA FORMATION 3.85, CLAY, GYPSUM, Slightly silty clay, very hard, ileht weight. crumbly with greasy lustre, Colour CAINOZOIC ROCK UNITS 137 SYS/2 ta 9/1, mottled red-brown, yellow brown and black, specked with while gypsum flour, 80 cm hetizon of caulilowcrokt gypsum nodules 1,10 m from top. Nodules 0.25~0.50 om dian. with clay Cores, nt associated with any porosity change in host sediment. 1.25. DOLOMITE, CLAY. Lower dolomite 6.60 m clay 0.50 m upper dolomite 0.15 m,. Lower dolo- mile nodulue (intraformatianal conglamerale} al lop, manganese dendrites (hraughout. White, very fine grained, with 5% angular silt, Upper dolomite contains natracades. Clay a3 above, 1.95. CLAY. S% angular silt to very fine sand, grading to sand at base and dolomtite at top. Very hard, jight, dry and crumbly, with manganese stain. 145. SILT. Sift and very fine sand, becurning clayey at lop. Bioturbuted ul lop, 2-3 cm burrows, other: wise finely Laminated, Minor bright green clay faminae, Top 40 cm impregnated with gypsum, mortied orange browse Very light grey to white overall, Lower contact sharp, far. 70. CLAYSILT, DOLOMITE. Clay with 40% sill, 5-1b% very fine sand. Arenaceous fraction of moderately sorted, angular grains, Colour 3Y6/L. orange to orange-brown mottling, Nodules and patches of greenish-white very line grained sandy dolomite, weathering ax 2 cm granules al top and bottom, Black stained, 0.78. Alternating SAND and CLAY. Sand beds range from silt to very fine sand, colour 5V8/2. Clay is sandy. Individual beds 2-27 cm. Lower beds have shatper contacts and are laminated, very finely cross- bedded and lensing. Grange brown mottling and gypsum) iy upper part of section. Miner tedulur dolo- mile, 0.80, SILTY CLAY, Silt to very fine sand 10-20% svbangular frosted grains. Clay bas greasy lustre and SY6/2 colour. Upper contact very sharp, Ast. 1.00. SAND and DOLOMITE, Sandy clay and clayey sand with dolomite nodules 2-30 om thick at top and bottam, Sand is subanyular to subrounded. moderutely well sarted, with frosted grins: Weathers to hard Jight brown sandstone, base cemented with gypsum, Sandy clay is S¥5/Z, clayey sand S¥7/3, MmotUed with yellow green patches, and black pateles at base (NI-NS5). Very sandy parts are INYRG/2- SYRS/2 ut buse. Dorel is very fine grained with botryoidal upper surface, in way, lensing beds. Greenish upper sur aces, 0.30. SAND, As above, 0.33. CLAY. Mottled clay and very fine sand, finely Juminated beds which ate irregular and lenticelar, and have yellow green (10¥R6/6} clay patches and, cross-cutting brown (10YR8/6) patches with black centres. Sand (5¥7/2). Basal 2 cm fine white sand, Gradational upper contact. Contains dark brown to yellow-orange irregular silcrete and ironstone nedules. 0.02-0.03. CLAY. As above. Sharp contacts. 0.23. SAND. Very fine, yellow green clay lamellae. Obscure medium cross bedding, straight foresets. Stained greenish black. Sharp upper contacts, 0.25. CLAY. As hieher in the sequence. Upper S-[0 cm dolomitic, yellow-sreen and brown mottled. 0.10 SAND, As above. Obscurely cross-bedded, selenite cemeni al base. 1.30. CLAY. Silty, Very finely laminated, with very small scale cross-hed sets. Colour SY6/0,5, aces. sional black and brown patches, Upper contact sharp, flat, 0.70. CLAY. Slightly silty, hard, with sub-conchoidal fracture and ereasy Justre. Selenite on contact with overlying unit. Stight greenish brown dint, otherwise N4. Section 138, south of the nerthern track, crossing Lake Tarkarnoloo (200 m sowh of section J3A). Constructed from a series of breakaway slopes, and a scoured channel In the centre of the lake, Beginning from the top of the black clay, as al the base of the previous section, the sequence is us follows (from gally sequence}; 3.5. CLAY. Dark vrey elay with irregular shiny surfaced fractures, becoming IHehter coloured towards base. Crops out poorly, forming low angle vegetated slopes, Upper contact sharp, flat. Lewer contact moderately sharp to disturbed. 2.1. SAND, Very fine to fine gruined, black stained. Thin S cm beds and fine laminate, Brown silcrete nodules throughout, Thin horizon of DOLOMITE nodules ac top, Abour 20 cm above the base are 10 cm of laminated silty limestone with low amplitude symmetrical ripples. mud cracks, and 1-3 mm tong tubules of organic origin, Sharp basal contact with -, - 0,25. CLAY, Ax al lop of sequence (13B). On a small nol isolated near the edge of the fake, the sequence continues os follows, with some overlap; 0.55. DOLOMITE, Sandy nodular whire dolornite. Impregnated with xypsum and calcite, plus tabular black manganese concretions. 0.98 SAND, Fine grained, well sorted, laminated and silty at base. Cemented by gypsum and calcite in part. Numerous curbonate nodules cahibiling concentric structure. Some have vertical tubular disposi- tian with am intemal structure snggestive of shrinkage (c.f, silorete nodules}, Hlack and brown stain at base. with orange brown and yellow Sreen patch stain. This, and the previous unit are equivalent to rhe 2.) m of sand described above, with its hed of dolomite nodiiles. 2.5, CLAYEY SILT. Alternating hard clay and clayey sift in very fine Jamellae (varve-like), Silty grey clay lenses. Yellow green patches with waxy lustre. Clay dominant at base. N35, IDYS/4 to 4'6. Con- tact with underlying unit sharp, undulating: sume contac! as at base of 2.1 m sand described in paily section abave. 0.5, CLAY. Hard, areasy lustre, irregular Tracture. N3 at top grading down to SY¥4/I, This clay crops out across the bed of the Jake jo its centre, where 4 scour next to a salt spring exhibits a further 2.5 moof massive hand ercy clay, 158 R. A. CALLEN & R. H- TEDFORD NAMBA FORMATION SUPPLEMENTARY SECTION SADM Wooltana 1 Stratigraphic Bore. Section Ll, Fig. 3 °EURINILLA FORMATION 0.0 1 5.2 m No core 3.2 0.9 COBBLE CONGLOMERATE: Cemented with réd-brown carbonate, Mica schist, gneiss, quarizite. Sindy (medium grained), with subrounded to well rounded, erains, — ?Disconformity — WILLAWORTINA FORMATION AND NAMBA FORMATION {intertonguing}) Units a4 7.2 iA) 12,50 28.65 33.00 38.6 43,05 48.00 53,15 67.65 NAMBA Units 74,35 1.1 DOLOMITE. Sandy, clayey at base. SYR6/4 to N6. Sharp upper contuct, gradutional lower contact, 3.8 CLAY. Slightly sandy, with dolomite nodules. Clay 7¥7/2 with red-brown vertical pipe structure, Sund subangulur to subrounded. Some gypsum patches im lower part, Lower con- tact gradational, 50 cm core missing, 0.65 SAND, Fine sand, very poorly sorted, subangular to subrounded, Thin slntomite beds. Dolomite nodules, Clay at base. 11.65 to 12.50 Na core 16.15 CLAY erading to SAND at base. Numerous dolomite nodules and sume beds, Extrentely. poorly sorted mediim sand to coarse sill, Some gypsum patches at top. Green and red-brown pipe structure, Sand subangular to well rounded, Sharp basal contact. 40 cm core missing in sand interval, 4.35 CLAY grading to SAND at base, As above. Mica in basal sand. 2.5¥R/4-6, 5Y6/) moriles. Sharp wavy basal contact. $.6 CLAY, and DOLOMITE erading to SAND at base, As above, but dolomite beds in upper clayey part, Dolomite in 20%. clay, Medium sill, extremely poorly-sorted. Sand subangular to rounded. Gradational wavy lower contact. 4.45 CLAY, grading to SAND at base. As above. Dolomite beds (brown) and nodules throughout. Sand patches al top. Lower contact eradatianal, 4.95 CLAY grading to DOLOMTTE then SAND at base, As above. Mouted red-brown, green and yellow grey, Very poorly sorted. Minor core loss. Lower contact gradational, 5.18 SANDY CLAY grading to SAND at base, As above, Dolomite beds and nodules throughout, Sand laminated, micaceous. Intraformational clay and carbonate at hase, Sand reaches medium grain size. Subangular to rounded, Disturbed irregutar basal contact. 14,50 CLAY cf. NAMBA FORMATION, Patchy sand and carbonate near top, Reticulate nét- work of carbonate “veins®. Lower part with limonite nodules, irregular shiny blacke-stained fractured clay. Obscurely laminated in middle part. Sand very fine, angular to subrounded. SY6/1, 2SYR6/2-8, 1OYRB/2, 2.5YR5/6, SY7/1.5, SY6/i, SY¥4/5, 2-3 m core missing, mainly in upper part. .7 SANDY CLAY. Micaceous finely laminated silt becoming pebbly at 72 m, reverting to clay at base. Extremely poorly sorted, Granite, quartzite, shale, quariz and eneiss pebbles, Very angular fo subrounded. Clay intraformationally brecciated and burrowed in lower part. Mincr carbonate, c.f, WILLAWORTINA FORMATION, Gradational lower contact. FORMATION 4.9 Alternating DOLOMITE atid CLAY, Dolomite (5-10 cm thick), oolitic white, aphanitic. with charophytes, gstracodes, molluscs and unidentified calcareous %plant fossils. Numerous burrows in clay beds (all about 1 m thick). Micuceous silt in part. Bioturbated, Laminated at base, Sharp basal contact. 7.9 CLAY, minor DOLOMITE. Upper purt similar to above, laminated and burrowed, Clay GYO/T+ ZY RAG, becoming sandy at base, With rounded clay clasts, Basal contact grada- tional, 1.75 SANDY CLAY. Calcareous. SY5/1 to 5¥6/1. Sharp basal contact. 0.10 CLAY. Sharp contacts. 2.00 Interbedded DOLOMITE and CLAY. Dolomite as above. Very finely interlaminated with brittle, swelling clay, Shrinkage ¢racks common. Burrowed, Contacts on carbonate bedé sharp and wary to disturbed irregular, 7¥571, 5¥6/1, N3,5, 5¥4/2. 2.55 MARL and GYPSUM. Alternating thin selenite atid calcareous clay, Sharp contacts of gypsum. Gradational lower contact. Black to dark olive. 4.60 CLAY grading to DOLOMITE and MARL at base. Numerous gypsum nodules, 4¥5/1, FY8/2. Mottled SYR6/7. Minor gypsum lAminac, Contacts wavy eradational to disturbed irteguiar. Intraformational brecciated, 3,35 CALCAREOUS CLAY. Trregular shiny Fractures, oxidized red-brown patches. Swelling, very porous. Subaqueous shrinkage cracks, $15 CLAY. Sandy in centre, with selenite veins infilling slickensided joints. Sand laminated. Clay with irregular shiny surfaced fractures as above, 10-15% very fine sand to silt. Alternat- ing colour pattern—oxidized red-brown clay passes down io 3¥4/2 10 6Y7/1 clay, has sharp upper surfaces. Basal contact regular, disturbed. 7.L CLAY. As above. Busal thin white dolomite. Churmed structure suggests biaturbation, TAS CLAY grading to SIT.T in lowe half. Silt well laminated, micaceous, very small scale 125.45 129.00 130,80 138.00 140,40 Unit 3 147.30 163,40 165,20 166.80 170.80 175.30 183.7 187.3 196.10 Unit 2 197.0 241.0 2273 236.0 CAINOZOIC ROCK UNITS 139 cross-laminated, Grains yery angular to sub-rounded, Silt moderately sorted. Lower contact moderately sharp. : 4.55 Alternating SAND, CLAY. Sand very fine, micaceons, small scale cross bedded, laminated, Lower contact moderately sharp, 1.80 As above. Lower contact irregular, wavy, $5.00 SAND, interbedded CLAY, Sand fine to medium, well sorted, small to mediutn scale eross-bedded_. Micaceous and with clay balls. Grains very angular to subrounded. Sharp wavy contacts. 2.60 SAND, As above, Upward fining, Some clay at lop, burrowed. Poorly sorted, average very fine grained. Wavy moderately sharp lower contact, 6.70 Aftemating SAND, SILT, CLAY, CARBONATE. Sand as above. Carbonate nodular. Clay dark grey. Bioturbated and intraformationally brecciated. Mainly fining upward sequences, Sand dominant. Contacts irregular, disturbed. 26.140 CLAY grading to SAND in lower 1.5. m, Manganese nodules above sand. Minor sand bed at 157 m. Cloy N45, numerous imegular shiny fractures. Sandy, averaging very fine silt, very poorly sorted. Sand and very fine silt, very poorly sorted. Sand very fine, burrowed and laminated. Very angular to angular grains. Irregularly disturbed lower contact. 1.8) SILT. 5Y6.5/0.25, orange brown moltles, obscure lamination, bioturbated. Sharp wavy fower contact. Grades io very fine sand at base, 3.4 SAND, Fining upwards from fine sand to clay. Thin clay bed with sharp contacts near tup. Medium scale cross-bedded. 6Y6/1 to S¥7/2. Sand poorly sorted. Moderately sharp wavy lower contact, 4.00 CLAY grading to SAND at base. Upper | m sandy, lowee very fine obscurely laminated sand, Clay with irregular fractures, SY4/1. Sand beds have gradstional contacts, 4.4) AS ABOVE. Minor sand at 172.2 m, Basal very fine sand, moderately sorted, obscurely small scale cross laminated, burrowed, Gypsum nodules. Clay as above with fractures and orange [6 red-brown moltles. Sund very angular to angular. 74 Silt. Laminated fine, very poorly sorted silt, xypsiim nodules at top. very small scale cross-bedded, some burrows. 3m missing im central part. Sharp wavy lower contact. 4.6 SANDY CLAY, gradmgz to SAND at base, Cycle as above, Some calcareous zanes, SY¥5/1, SY3/4, Sandy at (85 ny, Basal sand fine graincd, sub-rounded. Moderately sorted, Lower cou- tact moderately sharp. &.8 SANDY CLAY, SAND at base, Upper 3/4:N2 to SGY7/0.5 clay as above with fractures and sandy patches. Dolomite nodules at contact with sand. Sand very fine to fie, very poorly sorted, SY6/! to N&, Burrowed near top sand, rest Wloturbated, obscurely cross-stratified, 0.9 SILT, Minor alternating clay and sand, sharp contacts. Silt laminated, Lower contact shafp and wavy. 14.0 Alternating DOLOMITE, CLAY, SILT and SAND, Complex inter-relationship between clay-dolomite cycles and sand and clay beds c.f. above. Contacts variahle. Dolomite intra- formationally brecciated, Sut laminated. Bioturbated and burrowed horizons. Clays with iffeeular fractures and orange mottles. Beds 40 cm—1-5 m thick. 163 Alternating LIMESTONE, DOLOMITE and CLAY. Consists of 1-2 m carbonate beds grading up to clay via, disturbed zone, Clay beds burrowed or biolurhated, |OYS/2 to IGYR7/2. Base of dolomite beds sharp und wavy. Dolomite aphanitic, white laminated, with oolitic zone. Ostracodes common, algal mats present. Zone 215-217 m of very narrow clay filled cracks, Irregular shiny fracttres dominute in clay near base, otherwise absent, At top of this sequence is 5 em genethite-limonite crust. 8&7 CLAY. Calcareous, intraformationslly brecciated with numerous white carbonate specks, Irregular shiny surfaced fractures, N1 to olive green, Quartz rare, very fine to fine, angular, Lower contact rradational. 8.45 CLAY, Fissile pyritic carbonaceous very finely laminated clay with sift parting. Fine laminac of N1 to dark olive or SY2/1 colour’ Numerous plant stem and leaf impressions or fruiting bodies, fish spines and scales, ostracodey (often in pure layers), gastropod prato- conchs, spores and pollen. Burrows (pyrite filled) and bedding plane traces. Numerous pyrite- marcasite nodules. Some subaqucous shrinkage cracks. WILLAWORTINA FORMATION TYPE SECTION Werstern Nuclear WC2 Bore. Section 10, Fig. 3 *MCOONARBINE FORMATION and JEUIRINILLA FORMATION 0.00 to 7.05 Cuttings only, SANDY PEBBLES, SAND. Micaceous. calcareous, impregnated with gyp- sunt (except sand). Angular to very angular, 2. 5¥R4/8, 2.5YRI/6, — Disconformity — WILLAWORTINA FORMATION—MEMBRR 3 7A5 7.89 $54 984 0.44 No recovery, 1.65 SAND as below, ]-39% muscovite. 0.30 No recovery. 3.95 SAND grading to SILT. Sand very poorly sorted and very fine erained, silt coarse, pebbly 160 R. A. CALLEN & R. H. TEDFORD and micaceous. Thin pebble bed grading up to sand at base, Porous zones impregnated with gypsum, 0.25 No recovery. . 1.21 PEBBLY CLAY SILT, poorly sorted, with basal pebble bed, impregnated with gypsum. 1.50 No recovery. 0.24 PEBBLES, subrounded to rounded, Coarse feldspathic gneiss, fine biotile quartz feld- spar gneiss, purple stained coarse feldspar, 0.68 No recovery. 0.13 SAND, pebbly, coarse grained, Feldspars, muscavite, biotite 1.98 No recovery—a few abraded pebbles. 0.24 SAND, fine grained and micaceous. 0.22 No. recovery, 0,38 GRANULES grading up to PEBBLES. 1.45 No recovery. 0.28 GRANULES to SAND, medium grained. Larger grains subrounded. Mica 5%, pink potash feldspar 15-20%. {).64 No recovery. 0.33 CLAYEY SAND, very fine grained and micaceous, sharp wavy content with overlying 20 cm of COBBLES. 5-10% muscovite, pink potash feldspar. Yellowish grey (SY7/2Z). 1.49 No recovery. 0.11 SAND, grading up to GRANULES. Sand medium grained with dull, pitted or shiny sur- faced, angular to subangular grains. 15-20% feldspar (mostly pink potash variety). Musco- vite and biotite flakes in the quartz. G.80 No recovery. 0.20 SAND, pebbly, micaceous and overall fine grained. 0.72 No recovery. 0.14 COBBLES, sandy. 0.47 No recovery, 0.17 Pebbly micaceous coarse sand. 1.01) No recovery: 0.27 SAND, grading over short interval to COBBLES at top. Sand is poorly sorted and micaccous, medium grained. 1.61 No recovery. 0.27 COBBLES, passing over short interval to medium micaceous SAND, 0,72 No recovery: 0.53 SAND, grading to COBBLES in upper half, ‘Sand micaceous and poorly sorted, medium grained, Clasts pink quartzite with mitaceous hematite, purple fine quartzite, vein quartz. large potash feldspar pebbles. 1.00 No recovery. Q.26SANDY PEBBLES, micaceaus. 0.58 No recovery. 0.30 SAND, coarse and poorly sorted, micaceous. 0.30 No recovery, rey PEBBLY SAND, very poorly sorted, micaceous, coarse grained. Dusky yellowish grey 5Y¥6/2). 0.57 No recovery. 0.24 CLAY, sandy, micaceous, 0.62 No recovery. 0.13 PEBBLY SAND, fine grained, moderate reddish brown (2.5YR5/6 to 4/6), 2.00 No recovery. f 0.30 CORBLES and PEBBLES overlain by fine grained CLAYEY SAND. 0.20 No recovery, 9.56 GRANULE bed, thin, overlain by thick SANDY COBBLY PEBBLE bed (white vein quartz, pink potash feldspar, pink ferruginous quartzite, coarse siliceous gneiss or granite, dark grey Shale, weathered fine gneiss). 0.77 No recovery. 0,20 SAND as before, with clayey sandy cobble bed at top. 0.71 No recovery. 2.46 SAND, coarse at base, grading up to extremely poorly sorted fine sand. Vertically oriented reddish brown pipes. ().29 No recovery, 0.53 PEBBLY SAND, sand medium grained. 0.23 No recovery. 2.77 Fine SAND as before, grading up te pebb)y medium grained sand in upper | /3. 0.18 No récovery-. 1.47 SAND, poorly sorted and very fine grained, micacteous, with scattered pramiles, two thin pebble beds at base. 0.63 No recovery. 0.35 PEBBLES, passing over short interval ta SAND, clayey, micaceons and fine grained. poorly sorted, CAINOZOIC ROCK UNITS 161 50,05 1.64 No recovery. _ 51.69 a CLAYEY SAND, coarse and very poorly sorted, grading to boulders. Metaquartzite clasts. 52.03 1.23 No recovery. 53.26 0.29 SAND, micaceous and yery fine, light yellow-brown (7YR5/6). Very poorly sorted. 53.55 125 No recovery. 54.80 0.50 SAND, very micaceous, very fine grained. Pebble bed in centre (granite, banded pink and white quartzite). 55.30 0.58 No recovery. 55.80 0.63 SAND, fine, grading up to fine grained with scattered granules. 56.43 0.30 No recovery. 36,73 0.44 SAND, as above. Feldspathic quartzite pebbles. 57.17 0.48 No recovery. 57.65 0.40 SAND, as above, pebble cobble bed in centre. 58.08 0.49 No recovery, 58,54 0.84 CLAY, and pebbly SAND, coars2 grained. Grades rapidly to micaceaus CLAYEY SAND, fine grained, in upper 30 cm. 59.38 0.69 No recovery. 60,07 0.56 SAND, as below, fining to fine grain size at top, MEMBER 2 60.63 0.66 No recovery. 61.29 0.54 SAND, as below, no granules. 61.83 1.43 No recovery. 63.26 0,99 SAND, slightly clayey, medium grained, with granules. Coarsening upwards. 64.25 1.50 No recovery. 65.75 Ps CORRES: massive pink granite, very fine dark quartzite, pink feldspar with ?horn- ende, 65.98 1,30 No recovery. 67.28 0.10 SAND, medium micaceous and clayey. 67.38 0.19 No recovery, 67.57 0,34 GRANULES, grading to CLAY-SILT. 67.91 0,84 CLAYBY SAND, coarse, pebbic interbeds. 68.75 0,05 No recovery. 68.80 0.47 SAND, coarse and poorly sorted, pebbly, Pebbles of quartz and gneiss. 69.27 0.14 No recovery. 69.41 0.41 SANDY CLAY, as before grading up to COBBLY SAND. 69.82 0.12 No recovery, 69.94 0.18 SANDY CLAY, as before. Micaceous. 70.12 0.25 No recovery. 70.95 0.85 Silty clay grading up to cobbles, 71.82 0.33 No tecovery. 72.15 0.27 SAND; medium, grading up to CLAY. 72.42 0.13 No recovery. 72.55 4.07 SILT, extremely poorly sorted, medium size. 76.62 0.11 No recovery. 76.73 1.40 SAND, very fine, pebbly, grading to SANDY SILT CLAY. 78.13 0.95 No recovery, 79.08 0.85 GRANULES (lower 20 cm) grading up over short interval te SAND, clayey, medium grained, very poorly sorted, 79.93 0,17 No recovery. 80.10 1.68 SAND, very fine, grading to very coarse at top. 1% miuscovite and biotite, 10-15% potash icldspar. Grains very angular to. subangular and dull, Small grains shiny and faceted. Extremely poor sorting, 81.78 0,15 No recovery. 81,93 0,25 SAND, fine grained, very poorly sorted. 82.18 0,16 No recovery. 82.34 ee GRANULES, basal bed, grading over shoft interval to very poorly sorted CLAY, very sandy MEMBER 1 83.18 0.06 No recovery. 83.24 0.76 CLAY, lower 10 cm sharp contact with SAND, coarse grained to granule sized. CLAY thin bed at top. Extremely poorly sorted, 84.00 0.37 No recovery.. 84.10 0.10 SAND, fine grained, clayey. 84.47 1,37 No recovery. 85.84 1.50 SILTY CLAY. Very poorly sorted, with thin coarse sand beds. 87.34 2,03 No recovery. 89.37 5.74 SILT, SILTY CLAY, Extremely poorly sorted coarse silt, silty clay micdveous. Thin coarse grained sand bed (91.2 m), above which the sediment coarsens from clay to very fine gtained sand. (62 95.11 95,36 97.37 97,63 101.42 102.40 104.80 105.90 110,80 121.20 21,90 123.35 126.45 R. A, CALLEN & R. H. TENFORD 0.45 No recovery. ; 1.8) SAND, grading to CLAY a1 top, Sand very coarse, clay silty and micaceous with a thin eranule bed near the top. Yellowish grey (SY8/1)-. 0.26 No recovery. , . 3.79 SANDY CLAY, SAND. Sandy clay has medium grained sand fraction, very poorly sorted, 2rades to clayey coarse sand, with very angular lo subangular pitted to shiny grains, Feldspar is common. The base of this interval is taken as the base of the WILLAWORTINA FORMATION. 1.08 No recovery. NAMBA FORMATION ; 2.30 CLAY. 15-20% subanvular to subrounded sand, minor mica. Sand patchy near base, with irregular shiny-surfaced fractures (skew-planes), SY6.5/2 to 4¥5/1. Basal contact sharp. 30 cm Core missing neur base. 1.40 CLAY. As sbove. 10% sand, no mica, nodular and swelling with well developed frac- tures. Alunite mottles at base, 20 cm core missing in centre of interval, 1Y4/1, to 6YR6/1 at base, Sharp basal contact. : 4.90 CLAY, grading to SILT ip basal 60 cm. Intraformationally brecclated and burrowed (at 109 m} with some laminated intervals. Well developed alunite streaks, which decrease in abun- danee with depth, being absent al the base. 6YR6/1-6/2 grading to N8 at base, 70 cm core missing al vatious intervals, mainly near top. Basal contact irregular, disturbed. 10,50 CLAY grading to SILT at 144.4 m and SAND at 119.4 m. Clay intraformationally breceduted, 15-25% very angular to subrounded sane. Silt micaceous, Sand pnicaceous, cross bedded in 30 cm sels, and Jaminated, fine grained, well sorted, Grains angular to subrounded, Basat contact gradational, Weak alunite horizon 50 cn below top of unit, absent at 115 m. Colour 5¥YR5/1 above alunite, N8 below, 2,1 m core missing in silt and sand beds. Wavy in- diatinet luwer contact, 0.70 SILT. L \.45 SAND. Micaceous, Jaminaled, obscurely croas-bedded_ Fine grained and moderately well sorted. Shurp lower contact, 70 em core missing in centre of unit. 3,10 SAND. Minor clay at top, fine grained micaceous sand in centre, lower half grading to very coarse sand iat base, Subangular to subrounded, large grains highly polished composites. Mostly no core, there being 50 cm recovered. Basal contact sharp, 9.45 SILT and CLAY (below 129 m). Clay, nodular, dark brown, sill greenish white. Sandy patches, Sand grains often show crystal faces—bipyramids. Indistinct contacts observed at 129,25, 129.4, 129,6 associated with weak alunite horizon, Colour 1OYR6/2-5Y8/1 in this zone. Below 131,80 irregular shiny surfaced fractures and some alunite specks, Colour SY5/1-4, SY3/1. 17% silt. Grains very angular io angular. Much core missing throughout. recovery 40%. WILLAWORTINA FORMATION SUPPLEMENTARY OUTCROP SECTION —'Discentormity — “Wertaloona” Homestead Arca. Section L, Fig. 3 WILLAWORTINA FORMATION Unit $, Unit 8, 37,4 Unit 7- 37.1 Unit 4. 107.0 Unit 4. Unit 4. Unit 3. Unit 2. Unit ft. 140.1 37,9 COBBIFS, Brown quartzite cobbles in a matrix as for unit 4. Basal bed of almost 100% erey-blue limestone cobbles. Rare red sandstone, quartz and yellow-brown silicified. carbonate cobbles in float. Exposure poor, top nat exposed. 49.2 SANDY CLAY, red brown, 20.8 COBBLE to BOULDER beds. Matrix as for unit 6, cemented with secondary white car- bonste which may be powdery and soft, or hard vughy and crystalline. Cobbles of brown quartzite with 20% blue-grey fimestone (resembling Cambrian limestones). Rare very large boulders of grey massive microcrystalline quartzitic silerete with large milky quartz pebbles. (3.0 (approx.} CLAY SAND. Red brown very poorly sorted and calcuréous, 2.0 (approx.) COBBLES. Brown quarizite cobbles scattered through matrix as for unit 4- Lenses out along strike. 7.0 (approx.) CLAYEY SILT SAND. As for unit 2. 1.0 (approx.) PEBBLY COBBLES, As for unit 1, more matnx, thin and lensing along strike. a8 {approx.) CLAYEY SILT SAND. Red brown, with a calcareous matrix, sametimes thinly aminated, 4.0 (approx.) COBBLES. Brown quartzite pebbles and cobbles in calcareous red-brown silty sand, lenses of calcareous medium sand at base. The sandstone fills channels, which have groove casts on the base. Cementation is weak, and pebbles weather aut readily with thin cul- careaus crusts, Proportion of matrix tow. The unit cuts into deep red brown clayey silt, probably Namba Formation. Althaugh the contact here is sharp, there may be an inter- tonguitig relationship along strike. The unit grades laterally to the south into pebbly clayey satidstone, The following part of the section is poorly exposed, and is yet to be fully described: — Disconformity — 2NAMBA FORMATION (2,0 SAND. Very fine greenish sand grading wp inte silty grey-green clay with gypsum patches. CAINOZOIC ROCK UNITS 163 7.2 CALCAREOUS SANDSTONE. Very angular sand with soft crystalline carbonate cement Contains pebules of very angular sandstone, carbonate, rounded brown quartzite, polished milky quartz, chert ranules. 51 2. CLAY. Dark gréeen-grey clay with greenish-yellow-stained patches, slightly sandy, Thin white nodu- far dolomicrite is preseml near the base, aid may be a facies variant of the previously described nit, 3.2 SAND, Reddish to greenish silty fine to medinm sand. $2 CALCAREOUS SANDSTONE. Essentially a sandy limestone with aboui equal quantities of medium grairied angular sand and lime. Weathers grey, With a sculptured ‘rough surface. 144.7 CLAY, Grey green to olive, greasy irregular fracture, sandy and silty. Minor dark olive to grey clay. Mottled with red-brown iron oxides. The interval 430-350 m (measured from top of the unit 9 in the Willawortina Formation section) is very poorly exposed and deeply weathered. Near the top of these beds in the northern part of the ares, is a thin white dolomicrite bed, — Discanformity — YEYRE FORMATION _ 2.0 SANDSTONE. Massive calcareous medium grained sandstone, partly silicified, and capped by rem- nant silcrete, dipping with the section. ‘ 2,0 CONGLOMERATE, Granule to pebble-sized polished white guartz, grey chert, ironstonc. Pebble to cobble-sized angular Middle Cambrian sandstone. All in medium well-rounded sand matrix, cemented by calcium carbonate. Pebbles are patchily distributed, and the whole crops cut as a Jow ridge wath caver- nous weathering and of brownish grey colour, Medium scale cross-bedding is prominent. The unit has an apeplar unconformable relationship with the underlying Middle Cambrian red-beds, though dips arc aimilar. Appendix Ti YOUNGER CAINOZOIC UNITS FIG, LS SECTIONS 2-9 (See Fig. 1 for locations, and maim exe for access and photo points) SUPPLEMENTARY SECTION, COONARBINE FORMATION SECTION 2 COONARBINE FORMATION 1.7 SANDY SILT. with basal pebble bed. Sand dark brown (5YR3/5}, Size varies from silt to very fine sand, moderately poorly sorted. No bedding planes Visible. Columnar structure well developed. Basal clasis may be small cobble size, and are of metamorphic rocks and quarz, — Disconformilty — EUXINILLA FORMATION 2.2-2.5 CLAYEY SILT-SAND. Very poorly sorted. with irregular-shaped frosted or pitted grains, Con- lains pebble lenses (though not in the figured section) and large irregular aphanitic greenish white sandy carbonate limps. The latter are probably derived from the upper carbonate in Wooltana 1 bore {section 1, Fig. 3). At top of O.5-1 cm diameter branching vertically oriented cylindroids of pinkith “chalky” textured carbonate, representing a fossil soil horizon. — Disconformity — . 0.2 CALCAREOUS SAND. Pebbly sand (coarse grained), solidly cemented by pinkish buff (SYR7/2) carbonate, Colour derived mainly from orange-stained quartz grains. Laminated and thin bedded, Beds dip, suggesting cross-bedding is present (outcrops seen in plan only, in creck bed), : Possibly represents Willawortina Formation, or unnamed conglomerate equivalents of Millyera Forms- bon. SUPPLEMENTARY SECTION, COONARBINE FORMATION, EURTNILLA FORMATION SECTION 3 Location, Curnamona Siccus map sheet, Air pheto ref.:; S. Aust. Dept, Lands Svy, 361, run.2, photo no, 4442. The section is situated on the northwestern bank of the Pasmore River, close to the point where :t debouches in to Lake Frome, RECENT 0.00=1.20 Mobile bright red-hrown dune sand, sharp erosional contact with underlying units. — Disconformity — COONARBINE FORMATION 1.90-3.50 SAND. Yellow-brown, with large scale dune-type cross-bedding, Sharp erosional basal con- tact, A lag of pebbles (eroded from the Eurinilla Formation) is al the base, Numerous broken Mature snail shells are present in the upper part of the unit. Aboriginal artifacts, cal sified iree roots, emu shell, and vertebrate bones occur in the uppermost. level (or possibly on the upper surface in the case of the artifacts and emu shells). Strongly developed columnar structute is present (resulting from soil processes). — Disconformity — EURINILLA FORMATION 1.80 PEBBLY CLAY-SILT and SAND, Sand at base, medium-grained, yellow brown, numerous pebbles and care flat cobbles, cemented by gypsum. Pebbles are milky and clear quartz, and very angu- lor frugments of calcite-cemented conglomerate, overlain by bright red-brown silty clay Unnamed Conglomerate (7Millyera Formation equivalent) fh.15 CONGLOMERATE, Thin, calcite cemented. Pebbles weather out without adhering crust. Pebbles 164 R. A, CALLEN & R. H. TEDFORD as for overtying unit plus ?7Namitha Formation dolaomictite. and brown carbonate nodules from Willawor- tina Formation. Carbonate penetrates into top of underlying bed, — Discontormity — WILLAWORTINA FORMATION 2.05 SILTY CLAY. Sandy, preenish-brown with red-brown motiles. hard. Patches of gypsum nedules. Partly calcified at top. Blocky columnar structure visible (resulting From soil processes). Upper contact sharp, undulating. ; MILLYERA FORMATION TYPE SECTION SECTION 4 030 SAND. Reworked from older unit into base of dunes, 0.70 SAND. Coarse grained, with many gypsum grains and anomalous pebble sized angular quartz (milky), Powdery hummocky gypsum often developed at top ¢sojl profile), — Disconformity — BRURINILLA FORMATION 1.10 CLAYEY SAND. Very fine-grained, sub-rounded to rounded. good sphericity, moderate sorting. Numerous charophyté oogenta. Muny greenish, yellow and brown grains, Colour S5YR5/6, Capped by £ypsum crust, of gypsum nodules in clayey sand (groundwater deposit), — Disconformity — MILLYERA FORMATION Unit7, 0.50 CLAY. Soelft, conchoidal fracture. Contact with overlying Eurinilla Formation sharp and flut. Very dark yellowish brown. The oxidized crumbly appearance and shiny surfaces (cutans) on cnimbs suggest soil processes have operaled, and indicate a disconformity between Millyera ; and Evrinilla Formations, _ . Unité, 0,40 SAND. Very fine to medium erained. Grains subangular to rounded and frosted. Charo- , phyte oogonia .5%. Grades by alternation, 1a... | Unit 5, 0.50 CLAYEY SAND. Sand fraction well-sorted, with subangular to angular rounded grains, sharp fiat upper contact, Greenish yellow (1077/2). Units, O70 CLAYEY SAND, Interbedded thin clay and very fine to fine clayey sand 0.25-0.50 mm thick. The sand iv very well sorted, with subrourded to rounded high sphericity frosted grains. Darker oxidized clay present, Yellowish grey (7¥7/2). Lower contact gradational, Unlt3. 0.30 CLAY as for unt 1. Unit2, 0.40 LIMESTONE and CLAY, Near the top of the sequence each cluy Jamina grades up to charophyte stem-mould limestone (up to LE cm thick), These limestone beds harden on weather- ing, producing sheets and slabs with » metallic ring when struck. Intervening lamellae are 0.5— 2 om thick. Some of ihe Charales tubules ar¢ oriented and small turreted gastropods. aif. “coxiella” ure present (henceforth referred to as “Cextella). An oxidized zone exists beneath the limestone. The limestones form.a distinctive marker horizon 20-30 cm thick. Contact with unit | and unit 3 are gradational by alternation. Unit!, 0.10 CLAY, brittle, soft, waxy lustre. Distinctly laminated and thin bedded (1-5 cm), each lamina grades up to # thin fine silt layer wilh charophyte oogonia and Ostracoda, White car- bonate granules occur near the base of the sequence, Scattered medium polished or frasicd quarlz grains, sometimes up to 40% of the rock, occasionally forming sand lenses. Vellowish grey (5¥6/2—+lay, lighter for sand), Base fot exposed. SUPPLEMENTARY SECTION, COONARBINE FORMATION, EURTNILLA FORMATION, MILL- YERA FORMATION SECTION § 0.00-3.50 SAND, Red brown sund of modern dunes reworked from Coonarbine Formation. COONARBINE FORMATION 1.00 SAND, Light brown. Numerous vertically oriented small cylindroids of soft white carbonate, of soil profile. Emu shell, aboriginul artifacts and rare mature snail shells Gocur in uppermost level, Forme longitudmal dunes. — Disconformity — EDRINILLA FORMATION 4 Unin2. 4.060 SAND, fine to medium prained, with subungular rough of pitted grains, poorly sorted. Stratificatian absent. Grades to unit 1 over short distance. Light brown (SYR4/'7)- Unitt. 4.00 SAND, medium grained, brown (SYR6/H), lighter coloured beds alternate near base, Cross-hedded, scts 40 cm, lensing, gently curved coarse and fine laminae, sharp ereded wpper contacts, assymptotic bottomsets. Laminae &S-l cm, by variation in clay content. Sets are gently inclined toward Lake Millyers. Numerous charophyte oogonia. Lightly cemented with clear or white finely crystalline carbonate. Pinkish irtegulay nadules, weathering as brown lumps and slabs on surface. Carbonate gives white cast to This part of the section, and causes slight benching, Partly cemented with massive gypsum in the basal layers, — Disconformity — MILLYERA FORMATION Unit, 7,60-2,450 CLAY. Very hard, shiny irregular fractures, coated with black iron oxide and While carbonate al top (soil horizon). Impregnated with vertically oriented gypsum masses. in 5S— 10 cm columns (fossif groundwater horizon) at top. No silt content. Colour 10¥6/2, Similar fo Willawortina Formation. Upper contact sharp, flat. Grades down to light green soft clay tn- lérbedded with very fine grained white sani) nch in charophyte oogonia Intertongues with unit 4, CAINGZOIC ROCK UNITS 165 Unit4. 4.00-5.00 SAND. Silt to very fine grained sand, with coarse lenses. Numérous thm ,5-5 cm clay beds and lameline near top, which are crowded with algal tubules (charephytes}, Some Tare massive charophyte crusts consisting entirely of strap-like algal forms with mutherous large oogonia, Charophyte oogonia commion in upper sands. Clay pellet layers common. Sand grains are subrounded to well-rounded smooth or frosted, with moderate sorting, Small scale cross-laminated sets, 1D cm thick, with curved laminae. ; Upper surface may be cemented with gypsum of a fossil groundwater horizon. Unit 3, 0,00-0.93 SAND. Very fine grained, well sorted. Colour 5YR6/8. Impregnated with massive Eypsuns and disc-shaped crystals of gypsum, Grades by alternation of 1-4 cm thick beds into overlying unit, in which rt forms a lense, Contacts between lamellae are wavy, lenticular, and Tippled in sore cases, Resembles Tirari Formation, Basal angular quartz granule layer, often resting directly on underlying gypsum sediment, Unit2, 025 LIMESTONE-GYPSUM. Greenish slightly sandy clay with 20 cm of interbedded thin (0.5 coi) gypsum Jaminae at top, which grades laterally tnto laminated algal stem (tubules of charophytes) limestone. The limestone and gypsum contain charophyte oogonia. The eypsum contains scattered very coarse sand erains, and surfaces are assymetrically ripple-anarked, or hare botryoidal “pulf” structure, Unit |. 0,70 SAND. As for unlt 4. Orange and yellow stained, especially near base, greenish where un- oxidized. Reworked distorted clay fragments from underlying units at base. — Disconformity — NAMBA FORMATION 3.28 SILTY CLAY, grey to black, tough. Grading down to grey, clayey, poorly sorted fine sand. Greasy lustre on Jreguiar fracture surfaces. Gypsum patches and cracks at top infilled with overlying sand. SUPPLEMENTARY SECTION, MILLYERA FORMATION SECTION 6 EURINILLA FORMATION At least 2.0 bright ced brown SANDS. MILLYERA FORMATION Unit?, 06.20 CALCAREOUS SANDSTONE. Very fine to medium grained moderately sorted sand, 30% carbonate, Grains pitted or frosted, subrounded to rounded. alternates with very fine sand. Coarser sand contains charophyte tubules and rare oogonia, Some pink and black sand erins, Fare carbonate grains, Weathered colour white (N10), unweathered greyish yellow (5 , Elsewhere passes to hard platy limestone identical with 2. Impregnated with numerous white fypsum cylindroids. Gradational contact with 6. Unitf. 0.62 SAND. As for sand in 3 but uncemented, distinct contact with 5. Colour moderate red- dish yellow (2¥7/4). Unit5. 1.20 CLAYEY SAND. Maderntely sorted, with black and orange erains scattered through- out, Jrregularly cemented into very hard massive nodules and sheets by fine grained white to pink carbonate. Yellow and brown mottling common near base, white gypsum and carbonate spots throughout. Yellowish grey (SY6/Z)- Unit4+, 025 SAND, SILTY CLAY. Grades from clay to very fine sand, grains poorly rounded, Colour yellawish (SY7/2) oxidized to moderate brown (SYR6/7) in patches. Unit3, 0.5 LIMESTONE, CALCAREOUS CLAY. Varies Jaterally from burrowed soft calcareous clay, with 30% silt to fine sand, to hard sandy white limestone, ‘The former bas 1-2 mm diameter vertical burrows (insects?) and the latter has scattered charophyte oogonia and shrinkage cracks. The base of the burrowed horizon is gradational, and lumps of the underly- : ing unit are worked into it. Unit2. 0.10-0.20 LIMESTONE. Laminated, platy, hard, metallic ring when struck. Constitutes mimerous tubules of charophytes, and patches of “Coxiella", Contact with 4 not observed, contact with 1 distinct, undulating. Unit |. (0.50, On east side of channel, SAND. very fine grained, nodular white carbonete at lower con: tact, Pale grey, Massive carbonate-cemented al top with shrinkage phenomena apparently fe- tuted to drying. of carbonate. ; On west side of channel. CLAYEY SAND. Moderate to well sorted, angular grains, Yellow- ish grey (SY6/1) but speckled yellowish green, Grades up inte unit 3- NAMBA FORMATION 0,10 Black tough clay, Sharp fiat upper contact. EURINILLA FORMATION AND COONARBINE FORMATION TYPE SECTIONS; MILLYERA FORMATION SUPPLEMENTARY SECTION SECTION 7 Modern dune sands — Disconformity — — Disconformity — COONARBINE FORMATION Unit4. 6.70 SAND, very fine 1o medium grained, silly, Fine size dominant, well sorted. well rounded, frosted. Light brown (SYR5/6), Al top is 20 cm of soft white carbonate, consisting of 0.3 cm cylindroids and tubules (plant roots?) with }-2 cm lumps at the top, grading to blotchy white carbonate as for unit 2. 186 R. A. CALLEN & R. H. TEDFORD Unit3. 1,62 SAND, bimodal, medium-coarse atid very fine to fine. Bimedalily disappears downward, grain size becomes finer, and sorting poorer, Some patches of white sand are present in the essenually moderate vellowish orange (9YR3/6) coloured sequence. Top a4 moderate reddish brawn (3YRS/6). Large scale cross-bedding is just visible. A well developed fossil carbonate- rich 40) horizon marks the top, It is 50 cm thick and consists of moderately hard rather irregular nodules and cylindroids, and gypsum cylindroids, Uniz2 1.80. SAND, fine-grained ranging to coarse, grades down to CLAY-SILT, Moderately poor sorting. No signs of stratification. Colour light brown to reddish yellow (6¥R5/6-3YRS/6)- Weakly developed whitish carbonate patches ut top (soil horizon). Unitl, 1.00 SAND. Bimodal: on medium-coarse grained aad very-fine grained boundaries. Dark red brown (2YR4.5/6). Indistinctly horizontally laminated, upper contact sharp and flat, lower contact obscure, apparently gradational, — Disconformiry — EURINILLA FORMATION . Unit3 3,50 SAND, as above, Solour light brown (7YR6/4), Constitutes a single cross-bed set, Con- tact with unit §, sharp, inclined, flat. Irregular gypsum as for unit £ at base, Upper 10-20 im- pregnated with carbonate (1OYR7/3) of a fossil soil horizon. Unie? 4.00 SAND, friable, fine to medium grained, bimodal. Course fraction well rounded, dominant, colour light brown (6YR5.5/6). Constitutes a single cross-bed set, with low angle cross-bedding. Contact with underlying unit sharp, undulating, cuts well down into unit 1, Patches of very irregular tubules, nodules and cylindroids of gypsum occur at the top, Unir}, O88 SAND, Medium @rained, sab-rounded to well-rounded grains with very fine grained angular proportion (bimodal). Numerous coloured grains, opuques and biotite present. Silty brown clay with gypsum forms pebble sized clasts, and clasts of underlying hmy sandstone are present. Cross bed sets planar, 8-10 cm. Charophyte oogonia very common, and fragmen- tal vertebrate bones present. White colour, Lower contoct erosional, — Disconlormiry — MILLYERA FORMATION . 1.1 LIMY SANDSTONE. Very fine to medium graincéd moderately sorted 1 Sy et ESKLINLA RADIATA SLPTOThALLA DORYEARCA Fig. 5. Change in vegetation patterns along water movement and depth gradients. mon near the upper and lower boundaries of this community. Its occurrence at the upper limit (i.e. near low tide level} agrees with the observations of Womersley & Edmonds (1953) that it marks the sublittoral fringe. but at St Francis 1. it is not confined to this zone, occur- ting also as decp as 3. m, 2. Mid sublittoral zone As at West I. and Pearson I[., this zone on St Francis I. is characterised by larger brown algae 30.cm=1 m in height, forming an upper canopy or stratum over a lower stratum mainly of red algac 5-25 cm in height. The upper limit of this zone depends on the intensity of water movement as described tor the upper sublittora) zone, and the lower Jimit on the limiting depth of large brown algae; this ts about 45(-47) m deep on transect A. The vevetation profiles of Figs 2-4 represent the appearance of this zone on transeets A, B, and C and the relations of the vegetation patterns with waler movement are shown in Fig. 5. The average cover of the important upper stratum species is given in Fig, 6. Several communities could possibly be recog- nised in (his zone, but more extensive studies than were possible in the time available ure needed to establish their validity. The domin- ants and understorey Species will therefore be discussed more generally. Ecklonia radiata and Scytothalia dorycarpa (Fig. 9) dominate this zone under conditians of considerable water movement at the rough- 182 S, A. SHEPHERD & H. B. S. WOMERSLEY TABLE 2 Biomass (g/m*) composition of mid. sublitioral species in samples taken at certain depths on 3. transects. Further data on the vertical range of the species is given in the appendix ee Transect A B Depth (m) 6 13 35 6 22 32 6 Area sampled (m2) 0.5 1 1 05 0.5 0.5 0.5 Upper stratum *Ecklonia radiata 2,200 * Scytothalia dorycarpa Cystophora pectinata Cystophara moniliformis Myriodesma harveyanum Sargassum bracteolosum Sargassum varians Sargassum verruculosum Sargassum linearifolium Sargassuni héteromorphum Sargassum decipiens Cystophora brawnii Cystophora subjarcinata Cystophora monilifera Upper stratum coverage (9%) 100. 95 35 90 50 60 80 Upper stratum biomass (g/m) 4,650 3,775 2,210 2,250 2,460 3,700 3,250 Lower stratum Brown. algae Dictyopteris muelleri Dictyata diemensis Dictyota prolifera Chlanidophora microphylla Glossophora nigricans Hydreclathrus elathraius Lobospira hicuspidata Pachydictyon paniculatum Zonaria spiralis Zonarta sinclairii Zonaria inrneriana Red algac Austraphyllis aleicornis Ballia callitricha Botryocladia obavata Chamipia affinis Cliftonaea pectinata Delisea hypneoides Delisea pulchra Kallymenia cribrosa Laurenvia filiformis f, dendritica Laurencia spp. Osmundaria prolifera Plocamium angustum Plocamium cartilagineum Plocqminm mertensti Placamium preissianum Pterosiphania sp, Rhodophyllis membranacea Sonderaphycus australis Webervanbossea kaliformis 1,800 450 900 -1,200 200 50 1,380 = =2,500 Nm PTILItbaitias Pitt dd Privy ddd wasuu | ro | Sus | 30 <3 25 25 TTT | $18! wi 105 3 TTT ttt lStr ltt Pll bl td LLEtbti dd | | > = i) 10 25 180 20 680 — 50 ee: — 50 1160 1,610 150 1,040 Ll Ll peal | | lSllSslusil | Ll td) aseles L| |) Sell] | i — Blulaulwussws||S Biomass | 3 8 || Pld td all lwel Sl | 215 | | inns | | = Bes ur | | laal aS& | 1,214 3,615 Total number of species in Sample 4 7 25 24 22 12 11 16 29 Total Biomass. 4,650 3,845 3,098 3,410 4,070 3,850 4,290 6,020 4,151 * Values for Ecklonia and Scyrothalia are mean values over 2-3 m2, 7 4,445 SUBTIDAL ALGAL AND SEAGRASS ECOLOGY UPPER STRATUM LOWER STRATUM meee enaee WASOTININYYAA WASSYONWS SNYIYVA WNSSVONVS SNAId154a0 WOSSVDuVS jo WNSQ10dLI vad WNSSVOXVS (n> VAVNTDuVAENS YHOHAOLSAD VLVNILIAd YYOHAOLSAD SIWHOSTTINOW YHOHdOLSAD VHSSITINOW VHOHdOLSAD é ~>~ [va] VIVICVY VINOTNDS cover of prominent upper stratum species of the mid sublittoral zone, and total % cover of upper and lower strata Fig. 6. Vertical distribution of % on transects A, B and C. 183 IE4 water site (transect A, Fig, 2), but with Jess water movement (trunsect B, Fig. 3) other Species of brown algac (Sargassuni Aracren- lexeat and C'ystuphora moniliformis) also be- come prominent, With greater shelter (iransect C, Figs 4, 7, 8), Cystophora inenilifera, C. pectinata and Sergasswn vyerrucuiosunt are common, together with ©. subfarcinate, Sar- gassum decipiens and S. varfans. These species are most common in the upper part of the mid sublittoral, with Eeklonia and Scylotheelie still common in the lower part of thts zone (Fig. 4). Sargassum Bracteolasum and Cystophord menififornis on transect BL and §, verruen- lovuen and C. nnartilifera on transect C, have similar vertical distributions, cnabling Feld recognition of algal subzunes dominated by these species pairs. Unuetstorey species are spatse over much of transects A and C, and moderately common only on transect B where the canopy ts less dense. The distribution of many understorey species is too patchy to show any obvious rela- tionship with either the distribution of upper- stotey species or with apparent environmental factors. The commonest understorey species are of Plocamivm (P. angustam, Po mertensi and P. preissionium). They occurred on all] three tran- secis, with a vertical depth range of as much ay 50 m; where they are rare or absent on hori- zontal surfaces, they are usually present on vertical ones. Other species with a wide vertical range are Caulerpa Srownij, Lebospira bicuspidate and Pachydictyon panicularuni; these species are known to he tolerant to a wide range of light intensity and of water movement. Some other species [e.g, Gloxsophora nipricans, Austro- phivilis aleicornis, Cliffanaea pectinate and Delisea Aypneoides) were found only in Geeper water; most of these species occur also at West T. and Pearson L, with similar distribution an conditions of lew light (and slight water move- ment at depth}. On transect C at 17-18 m depth (Fig. 4), Where os an abrupl decline in the number of upper stratum species and their coverage, and aim increase in coverage of several species of the lower stratum, e.g. Osinutdaria prolifera, $3. A. SHEPHERD & H. B, S. WOMERSLEY Borryocladia obovata and Hydroclothris clath- rains, This community forms a band [2 m wide lying immediately above the sandy bottom at about 20 m depth, and the species are appa- rently tolerant of the sedimentation which is Pronounced over this narrow band, The cover of upper and lower stratum spe- cies, with depth, is given in Fig. 6, Upper stratum cover is highest between 5 and 15 m depth, declining with depth, whereas lower stratum cover is lowest where the upper stra- tum 1s most dense, and in general increases with depth until light becomes limiting. 3. Lower subliteral zone Only on uunsect A does rocky substrate descend to sufficient depth for the lower sub- littoral zone dominated’ by red algae (Shep- herd & Wamersley 1970, 1971) to occur. On this transect, a communily (Fig. 10) of red aleac together with bryozoa, sponges and hydroids, occurs between 47 and 57 m deep, The community is rich in algal species (but of low biomass), the most common being Plo- cuniion ampgustim, P. mertensii and PF. preis- Signum, several other species (Rhodymenta australis, Gattva pinnella, Rhedocallis elegans and Kallymenia spinosa) were found only in this collection. Algal cover in this community is low, averogmg 10% (5-15%), indicating that 57 m is close to the depth (i.e. Light) limit for most algae in this region. B, THE SEAGRASS COMMUNITIES IN PETREL BAY Three seagrass communities occur in this sheltered bay, forming bands around the bay dependent on substrate ani depth. Amphibolis antarcsica fringes the shore from low walter mark to U5 m below, attached by its rhizome-root system te calcarcous recfs of low relief. Below these reefs the bottam is sandy, and at a depth of about 2 m, Posidema osten- feldii forms a fringe community about 20 nm wide around the hay, Beyond this, descending to 22 m decp, Posidonia australiy (narrow leat form} i dominant in fairly continuous beds, Beyond abqut 22 m deep, P. australis hecornes sparse, and at the ume of the survey a loase- lying but apparently healthy community ol the red algo Hennédya crispa occurred at this depth. Fig. 7, Algal community at § m depth on transect C, Note Cystaphora mronilifera (top sett), Scylo- thalia doryearpa (tep cight) and several species of Sarvaysum (ventre and lower righr).. Fig. &. Algal community at 10 m depth at transect C. Note species of Sargassiem (centre left), Eckloptia radiata (top right) and €ysropherd moniliferd (contre and lower eight), 185 SUBTIDAL ALGAL AND SEAGRASS ECOLOGY S. A. SHEPHERD & H. B. S. WOMERSLEY SUBTIDAL ALGAL AND SEAGRASS ECOLOGY 187 Discussion Algal zones within the sublittoral, and the distribution. cover and biomass of the com- ponent spectes, have been described for many Coasts elsewhere in the world. Recent accounts are those of Liining (1970) from Heilgoland, Boudouresque (1971) from the Mediterranean, and Mann (1972) from the Atlantic coast of Canada. These and other accounts show that broad algal zones, correlated with light inten- sity and the degree of Walter movement, occur in the photic zone on most coasts, Although limited in extent, this survey of the subtidal algal vegetation of St Francis I. shows a similar zonation pattern to that at West [ and Pearson 1, (Shepherd & Womersley 1970, 1978). As at these islands, the vertical extent of the upper sublittoral zone, and to a lesser extent the mid sublittoral, is dependent on the degree of water roughness (with whrch light penefratton is also associa- ted), The extent of the upper sublittoral zone: probably corresponds with the depth to which “white water” (1.8. turbulent walter carrying air bubbles) penetrates under average swell condi- tions. Ried] & Forstner (1968) considered the vertical height of their “inner surf zone” {Riedl 1971) ta correspond to 2.5 x wave height, and this could also be applied to the upper sublittoral zone on South Australian coasts Where wave heights are 1.5-2 m in a moderate swell. Chapman (1967) in discussing the presence of a suhblittoral fringe in many parts of the Pacific is largely referring to this upper sublittoral zone. The term “sublittoral fringe” is best restricted to the zone emergent during suck back of waves at low tide, when this zone is ecologically distinctive ( Womersley & Edmonds 1952).. The mid sublittoral zone at St Francis I. shows similar features to this zone at West DL and Pearson I., being dominated by the larger brown algae and with an (inderstorey of mainly red algae. Further studies muy show chat dis- unet conimunities could be recognised in this zone, since competition between the various dominant species is apparent, and, over the considerable depth range, both light intensity and degree of water movement vary consider- ably. While most species show typical “bell- shaped" distribution patterns (as discussed by Whittaker 1967), some (e.2, Cystophora moni- lifera, C. subfarcinata) apparently show slightly bimodal distributions (Fig. 6), pro- bably due to competition with other species better suited to the environment within their extremes. The lower sublittoral zone of red algae was observed only in depths of 47-57 m at St Francis [., corresponding to the situation at Pearson E. rather than wt West I, and reflecting the ¢larity of the water. This zone lies below the light intensity necessary for the larger brown algac and grades to the flower photi¢t levels of the red algae. At St Francis L, inter- mixing of lower sublittoral red algae with fauna such as hryozoa, sponges and hydroids, was More prominent than at West 1, Although sublittoral zones are well defined at St Francis [., this characteristic is empha- sized by choice of transects on steeply sloping shores involVing steep light and water move- ment gradients. On more irregular shores. dis- linct zonation is less apparent. Apart from ecological differences associated with depth, which reflect mainly the decrease 1 light intensity, light relationships are apparent in the mid sublittoral zune where a dense upper canopy may reduce the light reaching the lower stratum by up to 95%. This effect was well shown on transect A at 5-15 m depth and transect C at 7-13(-15) m depth, where a dense canopy covered a sparse understorey. Where a dense canopy exists with considerable water movement, reduction of the understorey may alsc be due to the physical effect of the larger fronds sweeping over the rock. The effect of sediment (fine sand or silt stitred up in stormy weather and settling on the seabed under calmer conditions) was evi- dent in tLyo places. Near the end of transect B, at about 30 m depth, sediment is present on rocky surfaces and here there is an abrupt decline jn cover of the lower ‘stratum, At the end of transect C at 18(-20) m depth, where sediment also covers the rocky bottom, there is a distinctive community of certain red algae (Rotryocladia ebovate, Osmundaria prolifera) which can tolerate sediment, The effect of sede Fig. 9. Algal community at 16 m depth on transect C. Note Ecklonia radiate {top right and lower left) and Seyterhalia dorycarpa (centre)- ig. (0. Sparse red algal community at 57 m depth on transect A, 188 5. A. SHEPHERD & H. B. 8. WOMERSLEY ment in inhibiting algal colonisation and growth has been recently discussed by Grigg & Kiwala (1970)- The survey of St Francis I. was limited in time, the area covered, and in the variety of habitats sampled. Nevertheless, the subtidal algal flora appears fairly rich. with some 138 species recorded, compared to 160 for Pearson 1. and 132 for West I. Further studies would certainly extend this number considerably, Appendix: Algal species fist Identifications are by H. B. S, Womersley, Dr G. T. Kraft (Mychodeaceae, Dicranemaceae and Acro- tylaceae) and Dr BE. M, Wollaston (Crouanieac). CHLOROPHYTA Caulerpales Caulerpa brownit (C.Ag.) Endlicher Caulerpa cactoides (Turn.) C. Agardh Caulerpa flexilis Lamouroux Caulerpa flexilis Lanjouroux var. muellert (Sond.) Womerslcy Caulerpa hedleyi W. v. Bosse: Caulerpe longifolia C.Ag_{. erispata (Harv.) Womersley Caulerpa obscura Sonder Caulerpa papillosa J, Agardh Cuulerpa scalpelliformis (R.Br.) C, Agardh Caulerpu simpliciuscula (Turner) J. Agardh PHAEOPHYTA Dictyotales—Dictyoteae Dictyota diemmensis Knetzing Dictyota furcellata (C.Ayg.) J. Agardh Dictyota prolifera Lamovurowx Dilophus fastigiatus Sonder Dilephus robustuy (1.Ag.) Womersley Pachydictyon paniculainm J. Agardh Pachydictyon nov. sp? Glossophora nigricans (J.Ag.) Womersley Lobospira bicuspidala Areschoug Zonariewe Chlanidephora microphylla (Harv.) J. Agardh Dictyapteris muyelleri (Sand.) Reinbold Lobophore variegata (Lamx.) Womersley Zouaria crenata J, Agardh Zonaria sinclairii Hooker & Harvey Zonaria spiralis (J.Ag.) Papentuss Zohkaria turneriang J, Agardh Nov. gen? Chordariales—Chordariaceae Corynophlaea cystophorae ¥. Agardh Bactrophora filum (Harv.) J. Agardh Bactrophora vermicularis J. Agardh Polycerea nigrescens (Harv. ex, Kuetz.) Kylin Sporochnales—Sporochnaceae Bellotia ériopherum Harvey Sporochnus comosus C. Agardh Dictyosiphonales—Giraudyaceac Giraudya spiacelarioides Derbes & Solier Punctariaceae Hydroclathrus clathratus (C,Ag.) Howe Laminariales—Alariaceae Ecklortia radiata (C.Ag.) J. Agardh Fucales—Cystoseiraceae Seytothalia dorycarpa (Turn.) Greville Cystophora brownii (Turn.) J. Agardh Cystophora intermedia J. Agardh z 2-38; B, 4-7; C, 2-6, 19 a2 2 * Ud we wh r 33 © gs ‘S Oo nw , 13-18: C.19;D,2 BC, 10-13 P>PuUy Se >>> a Ka Pb b> lA ieee Be , 32-38; B, 636, 6, 19 +35 32-38; oe 13-22; C, 19 1 3248: B, 13-18 , 2, 35; B, 0-7, 22; C, 2-19: Masillon I. in o>>> 32-38, 55; B, 13-22 2, 35; B, 6, 13-18; C, 6-19 o> > >> oe ga "92: ion 19-20 A, 32-38: B, 22; C, 6-19 B, 13-18 A, 32-38 A, 10, 32-38; B, 13-22; C, 19 A, 13, 32-38; B, 6-22; C, 10-19 A, 13, 32-38 A, 32-38 C, 10-18, on Cystephora brownii C, 19-22: D, 3, 4, on Posidenia australiy and 1 1 P. osienfeldit *, 6 , 6, 19-20: D, 3, 4. on Posidonia australis and P. ostenfeldii OO A, 32-38; B, 13-18 A, 32-38 D, 3, on Posidonia australis C, 19-20 A, 5-38: B, 5-32; C, 8-20 A, 6-38; B, 4-32; C, 8-19, Masillon L. in bay, 14 B, 4-7; ©, 2.13 A, 0-2;,C, 0-3 SUBTIDAL ALGAL AND SEAGRASS ECOLOGY 189 Cystophora gracilis Womersley & Nizamuddin Cystophora monilifera J. Agardh Cystophora moniliformis (Esper) Womersley & Nizamuddin Cystophora pectinata (Grev. & C.Ag.) J. Agardh Cystophora subfarcinara (Mert.) J. Agardh Myriodesma harveyanum Nizamuddin & Womersley Sargassaceae Phylotrichia Sargassum decipiens (R.Br.) J. Agardh Sargassum heteromorphum J. Agatdh Sargassum varians Sonder Sargassum verruculosum (Mert.) Agardh Arthrophycus Sargassum bracteolosum J. Agardh Sargassum lacerifolium (Turn,) Agardh? Sargassum trisfichum Grey. & Agardh ex Sonder Eusargassum Sargassum linearifoliam (Turn.) Agardh? Sargassum podacanthum Sonder? Sargassum spinuligerum Sondet Sargassum distichum Sonder Sargassum (Eusargassuin, tribe Glomerulatae?) RHODOPHYTA Nemaliales—Chaetangiaceae Galaxaura spathulata Kjellman Helminthocladiaceae Liagora harveyiana Zeh Bonnemaisoniaceae Asparagopsis armata Harvey Delisea hypneoides Harvey Delisea pulchra (Grey.) Montagne Gelidiales—Gelidiaceae Pteracladia lucida (R.Br.) I. Agardh Cryptonemiales—Dumontiaceae Acrosymphyton taylori Abbott Squamariaceae. Senderephycus australis (Sond.) Denizot Corallinaceae (excluding encrusting taxa) Amphiroa anceps (Lamarck) Decaisne Jania fastigiata Harvey Jania micrarthrodia Lamouroux? Jania pusilla (Sond.) Yendo Jania sp, Corallina cuvieri Lamouroux Corallina cuvieri f. crispata Lamouroux Metagoniolithon charotdes (Lamx.) W. v. Bosse Metagoniolithon stellifera (Lamarck) W. y, Bosse Poly porolithen patena (H. & H.) Mason Cryptonemiaceae Carpopeltis phyllophora (H. & H,) Schmitz Cryptonemia undulata Sonder Halymeénia harveyana ¥. Agardh Thamnoclonium dichotomum (J.Ag.) J. Agardh? Grateloupiaceae Gelinaria ulvoidea Sonder Kallymeniaceae Austrophyllis alcicarnis (J.Ag.) Womersley & Norris Callophyllis rangiferinus (Turn.) Womersley Callophyliis lambertii (Turn.) J, Agardh Kallymenia cribrosa Harvey Kallymenia spinosa Womersley & Norris Thamnophyllis lacerata Womersley & Norris Gigartinales—Plocamiaceae Plocamiumn angustum (3.Ag.) Hooker & Harvey B, 4-7 A, 0-2; C, 2-19 B, +7 A, 6, 13; B, 6-18; C, 10-19 B, 6; C, 0-13, 19, Masillon I. in bay, 1-4 A, 2; B, 4-7 . 32-38; B, 6-18; C, 6-19 » 35; B, 13-18; C, 2-19 A, 13, 32-38; B, 4-22; C, 10-19; D, 2 A, 12, 32-38 Masillon I. in bay, 1-4 A, 32-38; B, 22. Masillon I. in bay, 1-4 A,2 A, 10, 32-38; B, 4-18 A, 32-38; B, 13-18; C, 19 A, 10, 32~39;,B, 6-22 B, 4-7, Masillon J. in bay, 1+ A, 32-38 B, 13-32 A, 32-38; B, 13-18, 32; C, 10-19 C, 0-2 D, 3 on Postdonia ausiralis B, 4-7; Masillon I. in bay 1-4 on Cysto- phora subfarcinata A, 32-38 C, 6-1 D, 2 on Amphibolis antarctica B, 13-18 on Ballia caltitricha A, 32-38, Masillon I. in bay, 1-3 D,2 B, 13-18; C, 10-13 A, 32-38 C, 19-20 A, 32-38; B, 13-18, 32 A, 2-10; B, 0-7; C, 10-13 A, 55 A, 32-38: B, 13-22 A. 55 ‘A. 32-38 A, 6-55; B, 6-32; C, 6-19 190 S. A. SHEPHERD & H. B. 8S. WOMERSLEY Plocamium cartilagineum (.) Dixon Placamium leptophylium Kuetzing Plocamium mertensii (Grev.) J. Agardh Plocamium preissianum Sonder A, 6—10, 32-38, 55; B, 13-22, 32 A, 55 A, 6-55: B, 6-22: C, 6-19 A, 6-55: B, 6-32; C, 6-19 Solieriaceae Solieria robusta (Grev.) Kylin A, 32-38; C, 20; D, 4 Rhabdoniaceae Areschougia congesta (Turn.) J. Agardh? A, 32-38 Rhodophy!lidaceae Rhodophyllis membranacea (H. & H,) Harvey Rhodophyllis ramentacea (C.Ag,) J, Agardh A, 35: B, 13-22 A, 32-38; B, 32 Hypneaceae Aypnea episcopalis Hooker & Harvey B, 6; C, 10-13 Alypnea sp. A, 2; B, 46 Mychodeaceae Mychodea pusilla (Harv.) J. Agardh D, 2, on Amphibolis antarctica Mychodea ramulosa J. Agardh B, 4-7 Mychodea carnasa Hooker & Harvey A, 32-38 Neurophyllis australis Zanardini C, 19-20 Dicranemaceae Dicranema revolutum (C.Ag.) J,-Agatdh Acrotylaceae Hennedya crispa Harvey Rhodymeniales—Rhodymeniaceae Fauchea? Webervanbasyea kaliformis (J.Ag.) J. de Toni Webervanbossea splachnoides (Harvey) J. de Toni D, 2, on Amphibolis antarctica D, 24, loose-lying A, 32-38 A, 32-38; B, 22; C, 10-13, 19 A, 32-38: C, 19-20 Botryocladia obovata (Sonder) Kylin C, 19-20 Coelarthrum cliftonit (Harv.) Kylin A, 32-38 Caelarthrum meulleri (Sond.) Boergesen A, 35 Gloiosaccion brownii Harvey B, 13-18; C, 10-13 Rhadymenia australis (Sond.) Harvey A, 32-38, 55; D, 2 Lomentariaceae Champia affinis (H, & H.) J. Agardh A, 32-38; B, 13-18; C, 19 Champia obsoleta Harvey A, 2 Champia tasmanica Harvey A, 32-38 Ceramiales—Ceramiaceae Crouani¢ae Gartya pinella Harvey A, 55 Gulsonia annulata Harvey C, 19-20 Antithamnieae Acrothamnion preissii (Sond.) Wollaston B, 13-18, on Ballia eallitricha Antithamnion divergens (J,Ag.) J. Agardh A, 35 Ballia ballioides (Sond.) Wollaston Rallia callitricha (Ag.) Kuetzing A. 33 B, 13-18, 32 A, 55 Ballia mariana Harvey 3 Platythamnion nov. sp? A,55 Griffithsieae Griffithsia tezges Harvey A,2 Callithamnieae Callithamnion sp. A, 32-38 Callithamnian sp. A, 55 Dasyphileae Rhodacallis eleguns Kuetzing A, 55 Delesseriaceae Apoglossum tasmanicum (F.v.M.) J. Agardh B, 32 Dasyaceae Dasya clavigera (Wom.) Parsons C, 0-2; D, 24 Dasya naccarivides Harvey? C, 19-20 Rhodomelaceae—Polysiphonieae Poalysiphonia nigrita Sonder A,2 Pterosiphonicae Pterosiphonia sp. B, 6 Herposiphonieae Dipterosiphoniu? nov- sp? B, 13-18 Herposiphonia nov. sp? A, 55 SUBTIDAL ALGAL AND SEAGRASS ECOLOGY 191 Polyzonieae Clijtenaea pectinala Harvey Amansieae Osmundaria prolifera Lamouroux Laurencieae Lawurencia elotu (Ag,) Harvey Laurencia filiformis (Ag.) Montagne f. dendritica Saito. & Womersley A, 32-38; B, 13-18; C, 19 B, 13-18; C. 6-20 B, 13-18 A. 32-38 Laurencia filifarmis (Ag.) Montagne f. heteraclada Saito & Womersley Laurencia paniculata (Ag.) J. Agatdh SPERMATOPHY TA—seagrasses Potamogetonaccac Heferozostera tasmanica (Mart. ex Aschers) den Hartog. Posidonia australis J. D. Hooker—narrow. and broad forms Posidonia ostenfeldti den Hartog A, 0-2; C, 19-20 C, 19-20 D, 3 C, 19-22: D, 3-4 D, 3, Masillon I, in bay 5-9 Amphibolis antarctica (Labill.) Sonders ex Aschers D,2 Acknowledgments We are gtateful to the Royal Society of South Australia (Research and Endowment Fund) and the Department of Fisheries for grants towards the field work. The first author was assisted in the SCUBA work by Mr K. L., Branden and Mr N, Coleman, to whom thanks ate expressed. Assistance from the Australian Research Grants Committee in provision of the technical assistance of Mrs E, L. Robertson and Miss C. Anderson, is gratefully acknow- ledged by the second author. References Boupouresgur, C. F, (1971).—Contribution a "Etude Phytosociologique des peuplements alzaux des Cotes varoises. Vepetatio 22, 83- 184, CHapman, V. J. (1967).—The sublittoral fringe in the Pacific. J. Indian Bot, Soc. 46, 337-343. CSLR.0, (1967a)—Aust. Oceanogr. Cruise Report No. 34. CSTR.O. (1967b)—Aust. Oceanogr. Cruise: Report No. 46. C.S,LR.0, (1968)—Aust. Oceanogr. Cruise Report No. 43. C.S.LR.0. (1969).—Aust. Oceanogr, Crulse Report No, 54. Gris, R. W, & Kwara, R. S. (1970).—Some ecological effects of discharged wasies on maziue life. Calif. Fish and Game 56, 145- 185. JERLOV, N. G. (1968).—"Optical Oceanography”. (Elsevier: Amsterdam.) Lining, K, (1970).—Tauchuntersuchungen zur Vertikalverteilung der sublitoralen Helgoliin- der Algenvegetation. Helgoldnder — wiss. Meeresunters 21, 271-291. Mann, K. ( 1972), —Ecological energetics of the seaweed zone in a marine bay on the Atlantic coast of Canada. |. Zonation and biomass of seaweeds. Mar. Biol. 12, 1-10, Rrept, R. (1971)—"“Water movement”. In 0, Kinne (Ed.). “Marine Ecology. A comprehen- sive integrated treatise on life in oceans and coastal waters”. Vol. 1, Part 2, pp. 1123-1156, (Wiley—Interscience: London.) Rrepr, R. & Forsrner, H. (1968).—Wasserbewe- gung B Mikrobeyeich des Benthos. Sarsia 34, 163+! SHEPHERD, S. A, & Womerstey, H. B. S. (1970).—The sublittoral ecology of West I. South Australia. 1, Environmental features and the algal ecology, Trans. R. Sov. §. Aust. 94, 105-138. SHEPHERD, S, A. & Womensiey, H. B. S. (1971) —Pearson Island expedition 1969, 7. The subtidal ecology of benthic algae. Trans. R. Soc. §. Aust. 95, 155-167. Stracuan, A. R. & Kosxr, R. T. (1969) —A survey of algue off Palos Verdes Point, Cali- fornia, Caltf, Fish and Game 55, 47-52. Vaux, D, (1970).—Surface temperature and salinity for Australian waters 1961-65. Si ‘S.LR.O. Aust. Div. Fish. Oceanog. Atlas o. 1. WHittagker, R. H. (1967),—Gradient analysis of vegetation, Biol, Rev. 42, 207-264. Womras.ey, H. B.S. & Epmonps, 8. J. (1952).— Marine coastal zonation in southern Australia in relation to a general scheme of classifica- tion. J. Ecol. 40, ‘84-90. Womersiey, H. B. S. & Epmonos, 8. J. (1958).— A general account of the intertidal ecology of South Australian Coasts. Aust, J. mar. freshw, Res. 9, 217-260, BREEDING BIOLOGY AND LARVAL DEVELOPMENT OF LITORIA VERREAUXI (ANURA: HYLIDAE) BY MARION ANSTIS** Summary ANSTIS, M. (1976).-Breeding biology and larval development of Litoria verreauxi (Anura: Hylidae). Trans. R. Soc. S. Aust. 100(4), 193-202, 30 November, 1976. Oviposition and larval development of the hylid frog Litoria verreauxi are described and ecological notes are given. Comparisons are made with other hylid frogs (particularly members of the Litoria ewingi complex). BREEDING BIOLOGY AND LARVAL DEVELOPMENT OF LITORIA VERREAUXI (ANURA: HYLIDAE) by Marton ANSTIS* Summary Awnstis, M, (1976),—Breeding biology and larval development of Litoria verreauxi (Anura: Hylidae). Trans. R. Soc. §. Aust. 100(4), 193-202, 30 November, 1976. Oviposition and larval development of the hylid frog Litoria verreauxi ure described and ecological notes are given. Comparisons are: made with other hylid frogs (particularly members of the Litoria ewingi complex)... Introduction Litoria verreauxi (Duméril), previously in- cluded in Hyla ewingi Duméril & Bibron (see Littlejohn 1963, 1965; Tyler 1971) is a hylid frog found along the coast of eastern Australia from Victoria to southern Queensland (Little- john 1965; Straughan 1966)+. Adult morpho- logy in the Sydney areca has been described by Copland (1957) as H. ewingi verreauxi, and by Moore (1961} as HA. ewingi. Fletcher (1889) and Harnsen (1922) provided some data on the breeding season, ova and larvae, while Moore (1961) briefly described advanced embryos and larvae. Martin (1965) described tadpoles from the Melbourne area bul did not diseuss embryonic development. Martin & Watson (1971) mention some life history characteristics. The present paper provides data on breeding biology and larval ecology and includes a detailed description of embryos and larvac. L, verreauxi appeat'’s to be related to a com- plex of species including L. ewing?, L. parae- wingi, G. jervisiensis, and possibly Z. Burrawsl (Martin & Littlejohn 1966; Martin 1967a; Watson, Loftus-Hills & Littlejohn 1971). Where data arc available, comparisons ure made with these taxa. Material Six egg masses of ZL, verreanxi laid in the laboratory, together with samples of larval material from the field, form dhe basis of the study. Egg masses came from an adult popu- lation, originally collected at Darke’s Forest in 1970 and released in a garden at Penshurst. Frogs from adjacent areas in Penshurst may also have joined the population. An egg mass from a pair of ZL. ewingi cap- tured in amplexus at Lobethal, 5. Aust. on 30.vili.1972, was maintained to hatching stages. Larvae of L. paraewingi from 2 km N of Glen- burn, Vict. were examined for comparison. Collecting loculitics and dates are listed in Table 1. Methods A series of outdoor aquaria containing rain- water and vegetation was maintained at Pens- hurst and checked regularly for the presence of spawn. Three pairs (one in amplexus) were captured in the vicinity of the aquaria (two on 11.ix.1972 and one on 20.11.1974) and placed in plastic bags containing water, twigs and vegetation, Oviposition behaviour of these three pairs was studied. Embryos were maintained up to stage 25 in shallow water ranging from 14°-21°C. Larvae from the various localities were maintained separately in open outdoor aquaria, and indi- viduals from some were reared to metamor- phosis. The behaviour of laryac was studied both in aquaria and at field collecting sites. Food provided consisted of algac and other water plants, commercial fish food, boiled let- tuce and occasionally meat. Water temperature during larval development ranged 8°—27°C. Specimens from each group were fixed at inter- * 630 King George’s Road, Penshurst, N.S.W, 2222. t Straughan, I. R. {1966)—An analysis of species recognition and species isolation in certain Queens- lattd frogs. Ph.D. thesis, University of Queensland (t:npuhl.). 194 MARION ANSTIS TABLE 1 Breeding sites of Litona verreauxi Collecting Locahty Description of habitat date Stages Other Iatvae present Menai, 1, Permanent dam in dry sclerophyll bush- 21.11.1971 34-42 Liroria aurea 34°02'S land. Surface vegetation, rooted plants, L, latopalmata 151°01" EB mud substratum. Uperoleia marmoraja Ranidella signifera 2, Concrete water vessel, permanent water, 16.ix.1972 34-41 surface vegetation, mud substratum Penshurst, Permanent ouvidoor aquaria jn suburban gar- Numerous 1-46 33°58'S den, Surface and rooted plants dates, 1970 151°05' E to 1974 Darke’s Forest, 1, Permanent flowing stream, sandstone base, 16.ix.1972 16-18 Liforia jervisiensis 34°12'S fast. flowing sections, deep pocls in dry 151°S8"R sclerophyll bushland, 2. Permanent dams, liitle rooted and no sur- 24.in.1972 26-40 Limnodynastes peroni face vegetation, mud substratum 30. x.1972 Litoria perori 2,x1,1972 Ranidella signifera 6.A7.1972 Qurimboh, Semi-permanent, small, slowly flowing creek, 9.in1973 25-33 Ruanidella sienifera 33°22°S shallow pools, rooted vegetation, mud sub- 151°22"E stratum. Cleared farmland in wét Sclerophyll forest Glen Alice, Semi-permanent, shallow pond, grass but- 1vi.l974 25-28 Limnodynastes 33°02’ 5 tom, in open cleared farmland with sur- tasnaniensis 151°12’E rounding woodland ‘Spring Creek, Permanent creck, slowly fowing small 25,1.1973 30-46 Mixephyes balbus 30°29°S§ pools, sandy and basalt substratum. Wet 25.07.1973 25-42 Ranidella signifera 152°24" B sclerophyll forest, paruy cleared 18.iv.1973 Litoria glandulosa L, pearsoni Dorrigo, Small, slowly flowing creek, surface vegeta- 26.41.1974 28-43 Mixophyes fasciolatus 30°20 S tion, mud substratum. Cleared rainforest Adelotuy brevis 182°43°E farmland Rouse Hill, Permanent waterhole in cleated paddock, 19.x311972 27-42 = Liloviavaeruiva 33°42'S Dry sclerophyll bushland area, farmland Ranidella signifera 150°55°E Fig. 1. Lateral and dorsal views of farya showing measurements for morphometric charac- ters, vals in 4% formalin, after being relaxed in 1% chlorbutol solution; larger specimens were injected with a small quantity of formalin before final fixation. Measurements were taken with verier cal- lipers reading to 0.1 mm or an ocular micto- meter (reading to 0.01 mm). Drawings were made using a drawing tube attached to a stereoscopic microscope. All measuzements and drawings are based on preserved specimens, while descriptions are of both preserved and live material. The staging system used is that of Gosner (1960). Abbreviations and definitions of latval morphometric characters (Fig. 1) are: ST—total length (tip of snout to tip of tail); BL—body length (tip of snout to junc- tion of body wall and tail musculature); BW— maximum body width; BD—maximum body depth; TD—maximum tail depth; TM—depth of tail musculature (measured in line with TD): 10—inter-orbital span (minimum dis- tance between the cyes, measured at the central inner edge of each eye); [N—internarial spazt BREEDING BIOLOGY OF LITORIA VERREAUXI 19s (minimum destance from eye to avis); EN— distance from eye to narts; MW—maximum width of oral disc, Results Calling aetiviry: The mating call has been des- cribed by Littlejohn (1965), Males alt Pens. hurst call throughout the year, with the most intense activity on mild, wet nights during spring and summer. Diurnal calling mostly occurs during and after rain. Males call while afloat near the edge of ponds by night, or from low vegetation or ground near the water by night or day. At 2300 hrs on 20.11.1974 at Penshurst, during light rain, a silent male sur- faced in an aquarium gbout 4 cm from a cuall- ing male. The latter turncd to face the former and, after a brief pause, swam slowly towards him, calling in softer, separate totes (quite dis- tinct [rom the mating call) and attempted amplexus. The silent male immediately swam of, The calling male did not follow, but resumed a normal mating call. A similar behavioural sequence preceded ampleaus in one of the pairs captured on 11.ix.1972, the male emitting soft. separate notes as he approached the female, Ovipesition: Oviposition at Penshurst has been observed in February, March, June and Sep- tember—December, The following description is a composite of observations of the three pairs studied. When frogs were collected on 11.x.1972, air teniperatures 2 cm above water were {8°-]9°C and surface water temperatures 19°—23°C. Amplexus commenced in these pairs at 2000 and 2325 hrs, Eggs were laid in scparate hatches attached to twigs or reeds over a period of hours (Tuble 2). Before oviposition, the female showed lateral abdominul contractions, either simultancously or alternately. These con- traciions usually became more powerful as ovi- position was near and lasted about one second, with two or more occurring In succession. In a typical behavioural sequence, a pair submerged and the female grasped a twig with one hand. She dorsiflexed her body with the hind limbs extended and, as the batch emerged, Fig. 2a. Oviposition with the miale receiving, und fertilising the eggs. Fig. 2b, The mate pushes the batch down to the female's feet. the male lowered his vent towards the eggs and cupped his feed areund, so holding them (Fig. 2a). The sides of the male then undu- fated und his feet moved up and down in a bref fanning motion over the eggs. This pro- cess of oviposition and fertilisation lasted 3 sec, The female ventriflexed, drawing her legs back under her hody, and the male rolled the batch down to her feet (Fig 2b). The female held the hatch motionless for 40 sec. She then pulled herself around the twig in spiral fashion, wrapping the eggs round it with her fect. The pair left the eges and returned to the surface. After 1.5-7.3 min. the entire process was repeated, and S min.—2 he clapsed before fur- ther batches were laid. Variations were: (1) Nearing the end of amplexus, two or three batches were laid in very close succession, each being held by the feet of the feinale for 40-60 sec. before the ensuing one was laid, The resulting composite batch was then attached to supporting material. (2) Females varied in their attempts to spread TABLE 2 Ovipovition bohtavionur Duration of ‘Total cyiragion Dirratian at ege- single batch Batch holding, Total eges Paic of Ainplexas laying period oviposition time (female) n laid Ta 5 hr 15 min, 2 hr 8 min. Tt j0, 35-60 sec, 15 757 Z Unknown 3 hr 47 min. 2-4 sec. 35-60 sec. Bors 101i 196 batch one laid and held by femate for 40 seconds single batch laid and held by female for 40 seconds OR batch 2 laid, batches 142 held together for 40 seconds eggs attached to vegetation, adults return to surface batch 3 faid, batches 1,243 held together for 40 seconds Fig. 3. Oviposition cycles during which @ single batch is tald and attached to vegetation, or two or three are Juid in close succes- sion before attachment, ott the eggs in spiral fashion, sometiines swivelling around the twig only once or not at all, resulting in thicker clumps of eggs. (3) One female used her left hand to grasp and pull free some eggs which had adhered to her venter, before attaching the batch to vegeta- tion, Females had more difficulty in wrapping a composite batch around a twig, and offen aban- doned the egexs as a thick mass. In aquaria lacking vegetation or twigs, egg masses have been found in thick clumps on the substratum, in water up to 50. cm deep, The final stages of armplexus in one pair were: at 0100 hrs the female made move- ments similar to the croaking motions of males, but produced no sound, At O108 hrs she submerged and both male and female began typical ovipositional behaviour, but the female remained in the dorsiflexed position for 7.7 sec, (4.7 sec, longer than average) and produced no eggs. Two sec, Jater the pair fell apari, both floating motionless on their sides just under the surface, with limbs tightly adpressed against the body. After LO sec, the male MARION ANSTIS Fig. 4, Two batches of eves joined and attached io a stem, Filamentous algae are catwined amongst the egg mass. recovered from this state of suspension and surfaced, the female doing so 5 sec later. A second pair behaved similarly, except that the period of motionless suspension was shorter. The basic cycle of oviposition behaviour is shown in Fig. 3. Laying of all eggs conyprises a number of such cycles. Qva: In natural environments egg masses are altached to submerged reeds, twigs or grasses usually close to the surface (Littlejohn 1963), The cgys cohcre and the inner ones stick ta the supporting material. There is a single layer of jelly around each egg, but within « roass the individual capsules merge and are not clearly defined (Fig. 4). The mean diameters of eggs and capsules in stages 1 and § are shown in ‘Table 3. Ova generally have a dark brown animal pole and an off-white, yellow or orange Vegetal pole, All ova from a single female arc the same colour. The animal pole gradually lightens from gas- trulation onwards. The number of eggs in 20 single batches ranged from 1—52 (mean 30). Three “double” batches contained 64, 78 and 79. The totul complements of four females were 1,011, 757, 632 and 522. Development of embryos; After Fertilisation there is no distince grey crescent. Cell division appears normal, although not as symmetrical as in Gosner’s (1960) diagrams. The vegetul pole always divides later than the animal pole. At stage 17 (tail bud: Fig. 5a), the head region is well defined, showing optic bulges, gill plates, U-shaped adhesive organ and a slight stamudaeal pit. The posterior crescent of the adhesive organ is less distinct. Tn some embryos BREEDING BIOLOGY OF LITORIA VERREAUNI 197 the visceral arches and a slight pronephric bulge are discernable. The tail bud is straight anu points dorsally, with no obvious tail fin rudiment, In late stage 17, just before muscular movement begins, the tail bud extends and points cither fo the right or to the left, and the posterior crescent of the adhesive organ almost disappears, yielding two separate organs which ute heavily pigmented. Embryos in stages 17 to 20 have a yellow yolk sac and are light brown elsewhere. The embryos begin hatching when. they have reached stages 19 and 20, At stage 20 (Fig, 5b) the gills are small, just functional and non- pigmented. The optic bulges are more defined, and there is a small crescent of melanophores around the anterior edge of each, The stomo- dacal pit bas deepened and the adhesive organs are prominent. The yolk sac has elongated and 18 wenerally narrow, and there are small areas of pigment along its dorsal edge, and between the optic bulge and olfactory pit, The arca above the olfactury pit. fy clearing and the tail fing aré a translucent milky white. With the temperature regime prevailing during carly development, hatching was com- plete after 147 hr when most embryos were in stages 21-23. The external gills are fully developed in stage 2] (Fig. 5c). The tail fins and cornea clear during stage 22; the oper- culum partly covers the gills, and the distribu- tion of melanophores increases over the yolk sac, beneath the eyes, around the nares and along the dorsal surface of the tail muscula- ture. At stage 23 the gills are reduced, the external nares are open, the stomodaeal pit deepens further and the oesophagus begins to differentiate. The anal tube is developing and the fins, how transparent, take on their charac- teristic arched shape. Generally, pigrnentation increases, dispersing into the pattern typical of the larva. The yolk sac is pale yellow beneath the layer of melanophores, while other dorsal and fateral areas surrounding the pigment, be- come transparent. However one group of em- bryos at this stage lacked dark pigment (except for the eyes), and appeared yellow. These embryos did not develop melanophores until stage 25, At stage 24 the mouth-parts have developed oral ridges and a stnall non-keratinised beak, the oral suckers have diminished, and the oper- culum Closes on the right side. The anal tube is partly open in some cmbryos, During stage 25 the formation of mouthparts is virtually completed, the beak becoming keratinised and TABLE 3 Dimensions in.mm of embryos and larvae of L. verreauxi from Penshurst (meuns, with canges in brackets) Embryos Embryo Capsule Stege nh diam. diam. i 10 i.23 43 {1.19-1.23) (3.53-4.92) # 8 1,20 4.55 (1,15-1,23) (4.26-4.92) 9210 9 1.28 3.88 (1.23-1.39) (3.44 4.35) 14 9 1,58 4.28 (1.48-1,64) (3.74-4.929 15 y 4.74 441 (1.68) 1.80) (4.10-4,92) 7 1m Zt 4,39 (1,.85—2.4)) {3.61-6,40) Embryea Stare a diam. 20 10 5.83 (5,62-5.991 21 10 6,27 (6.76.44) 22 tt 640 (6.15-6.64) 23 id 6.98 (6.23-7.30) 24 9 7.26 (6.72-7.71) 25 it B45 (7.87-9,18) Larvae Stage n Body length Totablength 26 ju 10,16 33.6 (9.02-12,79) O83 ba) 27 10 Vth 24,2 (10:50-13,64) (21,2-27.2) 13 10 10.85 24,0 (9,68-11,91) (214-27,6) a 9 114.16 24,5 (10.33-33,97) (24.4-272) 3b 10 12.88 29.) CUE, U5-39,.78) (25.2-31.5) 3h 10 13,65 334 (12,30-15,42) €27,5-39.4) 2 7 13.40 305 (11,91-14.27T) (27.0-33,2) WY s 14.31 32.6 {19.94-15.58) (31,0-44.0) 4 & 14,85 34.7 (13.02-15,74) (30,1-37.6) Ws 16 16,65 4l.i £14.76-19.68) (33.0-48.8) 46 10 16,15 41.4 (15.35-13.61) (34,447.23 a7 3 16.22 39,5 (14,92-17,22) (36.4-44.8) 198 MARION ANSTIS Stage fn Bodylength Totallengih 38 6 16.84 432 (15.00-18.00) (39.6-46.0) 34 6 17.27 45.6 (16:73-18,32) — (42.0-51,9) a it 16.87 46.6 (14,76-18,37) (39,2-52,2) ay i 17.09 48,2 (16,56-18,20) (45,0-52.9) 4 3 16,13 43.1 (14.27.1738) (40.5-45,1) a3 4 14.54 34.6 (14,.27-14,92) —-137.4-39.7) 45 1 16.3 — (14,9-18.6) 46 la 15.3 => {13,.2-17.5) lablal teeth developing on the oral ridges. The labial papillae may not reach their total num- ber until stage 26 or later. The spiracle be- comes functional und the anal tube is fully open. The remnant adhesive organs praduully disappear during this stage. Measurements of embryos are shown in Table 3, Larvee: A composite description of 10 larvae at stage 35 (Figs 5d-f) from Penshurst fol- Jows; Body widest across the mid region of the abdomen and ovoid. Snout evenly rounded fn dorsal view and tapers to a truncate edge in lateral view.. Nates dorsal and raised on very short tubes which open antero-laterally. Eyes lateral and relatively large, Spiracle sinistral, ventrolateral and not visible from above, Tt opens in a porstero-dorsal direction and dia- meter of the spiraculat tube decreases slightly from its origin 10 its opening, Anal tube dex- tral, very short, of small diameter and opens about halfway up the ventral fin. Tail fins arched and taper to a fine point. Dorsal fin extends midway up the body, deepest approxi- mately halfway along its length, Ventral fin deepest along its anterior third. Tail musoula- ture moderately thick, narrowing to a fine point posteriorly. Mouth antero-ventral in position and has border of papillae around all but the anterior margin (Fig. 6). In some specimens. there is also a median gap along the posterior murgin (possibly caused by damage). Papillae most numerous laterally. Two upper and three lower rows of Jabial teeth, two upper being of approximately equal length in most specimens, First two rows in the lower fabiim are also about equal, third lower row is usually the Fig, 5. Embryological and larval development of Litoria verreauxi, Penshurst, (Bar rep. resents 1 mm). Stages: 2—i7, b—20, c— 21, d—36, e—1h, f—46. shortest. In same specimens a partial median gap occurs in secand lower row and other rows may be interrupted at various points, probably through damage. Beaks of moderate propor- tions, serrations fine on inner edge of lower beak and very fine on the upper beuk. The only consistent geographic variation noted Was In specimens from Spring Creck, most of which had more massive beaks and two pigmented areas below the lower beak (Fig. 6b). Specimens from Dorrigo also showed a tendency towards more massive beaks. It was noted that specimens from the northern localities generally had shallower fins than most southern specimens (Table 4), Body dimensions of larvae are given in ‘Table 3, In hfe the dorsal surface varics amongst individuals from light golden to a very dark BREEDING BIOLOGY OF LITORIA VERREACXI 199 Fig. 6. Mouthparts of Z. verreauxt. a, {tom the southern site cf Penshurst; bh, from the northern site of Spring Creek (bar rep- resents | mm). brown. (almost black). In some specimens the pigment ts motiled, The areas of skin over the trabeculae cormba, central nervous system {brain und spinal cord to base of tail). the abdumern ond surrounding the nares, are darker, There is a copper-gold sheen ventrally and laterally over the abdomen. In lateral view the areas covering the pharynx and buccal cavity (excluding eyes) are transparent (except for some melanophores héetween the eye and mauris}, and the pills, heart and developing fore- timbs are visible. From the ventral aspect the areas over the gills, heart and buccal cavity are unpigmented. The tail musculature ig cream with irregular dark blotches over the dorsal surface, and partly over the lateral surface. In generally darker larvae the musculnture may be uni- formly pigmented. The dorsal and ventral fins TABLE 4 Propartions.in mar af L. verreauxi larvae from different localities (means, with ranges im brackets) Narthern Southern (Spring Creek, Dolnee) ‘Penshurst) Stage 33 & Sh 45 &36 q 7 10 ST 34.1 431 (3u9412) (36.2-48.8) BL 11.69 17,27 412,4G-18.56) (18,53-19,68) BW 774 1u.26 (6.72-R.36) (8,69.717.48) BD 779 W507 16,56-4.95) (8.86-12,14) TD TSB 119 16.48.63) (8.59- 7230) mM 2.68 3.60 €2.13-3.28) (2,79-4,59) {Q 3,62 5.53 €3.44-4.55) (4.66 6.40) IN 2.05 2.64 (1.72-2.21) (2.46-2,95) EN 228 2.65 (2.13-2.69) (2.38-3,12] MW 2.03 4.10 (2,95=4 43) (3,6]-4.66) wary from dusky (in dark larvae) to aimost transparent (lighter larvac), with parts of the tail vascular system pigmented, Larvae with mottled pigmentation over the body also have mottled tails. The iris. is golden. Specimens which were dark in life may fetain much of this pigment in preservative, Those which were light golden hecome an off- white colour in all but the darker areas. and the skin is clearer than in fife. The copper-gold sheen is lost and the abdomen may appear dark shiny blue fur some time in preservative, then eventually turn black. The iris loses its golden colour and also appears: black. Lurval hehaviewr> After hatching the embryos remain close to the egg capsules until about stage 24. Durning stages 25 to about 27, the larvac are most often found in the shallow areas of ponds, particularly near the edge, but beyond this stage a much greater water space is utilized. The larvae are of the active, nektonic type {Orton 1953) and spend much of their time hovering in the water by rapidly oscillating the Jail tip (flagellum). They frequently cruise slowly to the surface with head uppermost jt ahout a 45° angle, using only the flagellum for propulsion. When feeding at ihe surface, they 20 often position themselves almost vertically and can remain suspended at this, or any level in the water. They arc capable of sudden spurla of speed (during which they may use the entire tall and body), and rapid changes of direction (making use of the deep fins), when disturbed, As well as feeding at the surface, the larvae Eruge on vegetation and other material in any zone of the pond and scavenge: in bottom sedi- ments. The variation in larval pigmentation appears to be related to characteristics of the habitat, Specimens in muddy water, or clear water over a dark substratum, usually range from dusky brown to almost black, while those in clear water aver a light snbstratum tend to be golden, with the darker areas con- trasting, but less pronounced, Larvel life span and meramerphosis; Metamor- phosis of larvae reared from cges laid sat Penshurst on 11.ix.1972 began on 10.xti.1972, giving a spring-summer larval life span of 90 days. Metamorphosis of larvae from egg masses laid on 23,%,1971 occurred from Jate December to early March. Metamorphosis was also recorded at Penshurst fn September 1972 and at Menai from 27-29.iK.1972, It is there- fore known to occur from September—March, but probably takes place at other times because ege masses haye been found jn most months nf the year. The body fengths of 10 juveniles at stage 45. and 18 at stage 46 are shown in Table 3. Al these stages the juveniles closely resemble the adults in colour, but lack the deep orange of the anterior and posterior surfaces of the thigh, and the black spots in the groin. Pale orange thigh colouration is visible in some juveniles at stage 46, Discussion. Calling aciivity: Fletcher (1889) and Harrison (1922) moted that calling occurs throughout the year, and Moore (1961) observed calling activity from the end of July 1992 to late April 1953. Watson ef al (1971) record calling acti- vity in all months except July and found that 1, verreauxi males when sympatric with L. ewitel usually call on Jand up to 25 m from water, and only rarely in water. This latter be- haviour contrasts with that of males at Pens- hurst and Darke’s Forest which commonly call in water. A call distinct from the mating call, given by the male on approaching a potential rival or mate, has been observed; its function is not known, More abservalions aré necessary to MARION ANSTIS establish the extent of behavioural variation iu this species. A similar call has been observed in L, ewfng! (Anstis 1976). Oviposition: Harrison (1922) found spawn in Sydney every month of the year, and Moore (1961) collected embryos in August, 1952 at Killafa. Fletcher (1889) found a pair in amplexus in June, 1885 and stated that the species “probahly breeds nearly throughout the year", This agrees with the oviposition dates recorded at Penshurst, Oviposition has been observed in few Aus- tralian hylids, Watson er al, (1971) described part of the behaviour associated with egg-lay- ing in Litorict paraewingt, and | have observed oviposition in L, citropa, L. wentate, L. frey. cineti and L. glaserti. Some of the ovipositional patterns in L, verreauxi ure unique, notably the action of the male pushing the cluich down to the fect of the female where the eggs are held motionless fora short period, The behaviour of the male in cupping his feet around the batch and rapidly “fanning” the eggs may serve to distobute the seminal fluid around the eggs within a more confined space and thus aid fertilisation. A similar although somewhat bnefer process occtirs in the ovi- positional behaviour of L. citrope, L, déntata and L, glaverti (Anstis unpubl,), BY holding the harch still for a period of some seconds, the female may also aid fertilisation in allowing time for sperm penetration before the eggs ure attached to supporting material, [Lis pat known whether the abdominal con- tractions in the female prior to egg-laying were the sole factor in exiruding the eggs, or whether the pressure exerted by the clasp of the mije aided the process. The attachment of eggs to vegetation in a spiral movement has heen recorder! by Harrison (1922) for L. verreaext (as Hl. ewingi) and by Watson er al, (1971) for L. paraewingi, Warrison's statement that the female moved “right around the stalk at the moment of laying" is not borne out by the pre- sent study, but it is possible that Harrison did not seethe entire vegtaying procedure. Watson eral, (1971) state that a female of L, paree- wingi observed in the field “held onto a sub- merged grass stem, and pressed the cloaca to the slem as the eegs were extruded; then the pair pivoted around the stem while allaching the eggs”. Such behaviour would appear tobe similar to that of L, verreauxé except that in the latter, the female holds the eggs still before BREEDING BIOLOGY OF LITORIA VERREAUXI aut alfachment and was not observed pressing the cloaca 10 the stem during egg extrusion. In the three oviposition sequences observed im this species. the extent to which batches of eggs Were spread around the supporting vevetation varied, Observations have indicated that the mortality rate of embryos t Jower in smaller well-spread batches attached to a stem. Larger masses of eggs on the bojtam of aquaria with- out vegetation suffer high mortality from about stage ¥Y onwards, possibly dwe to inadequate oxygenation resulting from the thickness of the ege mass and the depth of the water where they lay. The attachment of two or three batches together as one also tends tu increase mortality, After death of an embryo, a fungus develops over the egy capsule. The manner of termination of amplexus vanes amonust hylids, but often the last ovi- positional sequence is longer than any other and is followed by separation cither imme- diately or a few seconds later, e.g. in Ayla versicolor (Fouquette & Littlejohn 1960), and Litoria dentara, £, glanerti and LL. citrapa fAnstis unpubl.). L. verreauxi also follows this pattern: however, the brief period of Lota? im- mobility of both mule and female after separa- tion has not been recorded in other species. Ova: The significance of eggs being deposited in small batches has been discussed by Pyburn (1963) and Martin & Littlejohn = (1966)- Harrison's (1922) observation that the eggs are “attached in a cylindrical mass numbering upwards of a hundred eggs to grass stalks und similar submerged objects" 1s probably based on cases where two or three hatches were itlached as one, The ovidiameter in stages 1-8 (1.21 mm) is in agreement with Harrison’s figure of 1,2 mm. The ovidiarneter of £. ewingi has been recorded as 1.65 mm (Martin & Littlejohn 1966) and that of L. ewingi and L. veereanst as 1.7 mm (Martin, Littlejohn & Rawlinson 1966). A scrics of eges of L. ewényt laid in Adclawte dwnng September 1972, have mean diameters of 1.18 mm tat stage 1), 120 mm (stage 5) and |.68 (stages 12-13); measure- ments similar to embryos of L. verréanxi at the Same stages (Table 3). I would seem likely therefore that measurements by Martin ef af. nay have been taken from embryos at about Stages 11-13, The tgesof 4,, paraewitgi are similar to those of L. ewing) (Watson ef al. 1971). Those of L. ferviriensis can readily be distinguished from other members of the complex by the larger ovidiameter (2.33 at stage 10: Martin & Little- john 1966). Eges of £. burrowsi can be dis tinguished from those of the L, ewingt group by the presence of two jelly layers. around the ovum. The ovidiameter of this species at stage 14 is close to that of L. jervisienss at the same stage. Ermbryes and larvae: The larvae of the L. ewing? complex are of the common hylid type (Martin 1967b) as is £, ferrewyi, The draw- ings by Martin (1967a) of L. burrows! larvae show u tail not as finely pointed and fins not as Gdecp as in members of the £. ewirngi com- plex, The body shape also appears somewhat different. £. paraewiige larvae are similar to those of L. ewingi “except ihat the tail fins (especially the dorsal fin) . . . aré more heavily pigmented” {Watson e¢ a/, 1971), Specimens of this species examined are more uniformly pigmented than L. verreauxi, and three speci- mens ut stage 26 (mean total length 12.9 min; body length 7,02 mm) are much smaller than LL. verreauxi at the same stage. Such size differ- ences may he relaicd to environmental factors. The mouthparts of the group are basically similar, having a formuls of All have a median gap in the papillae on the upper lip, the extent of which vartes amongst individuals of the same species. The number and size of the papillae is variahle between species, those of LF. jervisieryis are more Numerous and tightly grouped than in &, verreaux?, while those of 1. paraewingi are a little larger and Jess numerous, The larvae of L. jervistensis possess larger, darker and more massive beaks than 2. verreanx? and in a num- ber of speeriens of the Former species From Darke’s Forest, the central edge of the upper heak curves slighly below the level of the rest of the edge, unlike L, verreauxi. The two pig- mented areas below the lower beak in L. verreavixl from Spring Creck, are not found in other members of the £, ewingi complex. Larval behaviour ard adepration: All the larvae of the f£.. ewig? group ate nektonic and generally exhibit behaviour patterns similar to those desctibed for 4. verreauxi, However, dif- ferences occur in the larvae of L. jervisiensis which have been observed schooling together in groups of 20 or more in the mid-level of the water, Individuals fram the group move at 22 different times (o the surface where they may take air fAnstis, unpubl.). Larvae of L- verveaux? were Iever observed congregating in this manner. Larval life span and metamorphosis: Data on larval life span are mainly limited to specimens in eaptive conditions. Moore (1961) records a laboratory life spam of three months for EL. verréaux’ Which agrees with one of the groups fuised at Penshwrst. Harrison (1922) found that larvae in aqnaria “required upwards of three months” lo reach metamorphosis, but believed seven to eight weeks to be normal life span in ibe field during summer, This ts con- siderably less than the approximate minimum of 79 davs for one group in the present study, but this difference may simply reflect different culture and temperature conditions, Further observations are fecessuty lo ascertain the average life span of this species in the field, Moore (1961) records the body lengths of 1! newly metamorphosed L. verreauad as 14.3- 17.00 mm: consistent with measurements of specimens in the present study (Table 3). Martin (1965) gives a range 11,J-13.6 mm MARION ANSTIS for newly metamorphosed L. swinger, which are generally smaller than L, verreauxi, and Martin & Littlejohn (1966) 15.6-19.7 mm for L. jervis- iensis, No data on B, furrewsi and L. parae- Wing: are available. The overall life cycle of L. verreanal appears quite similar ta that of other members of (he £. ewingi complex in the adaptations to still water situations, although L. jervisiensiy differs noliceably in the details of its life history (Martin & Littlejahn 1966). More data are necessary before useful comparisons can be made between the life histories of £. burrowsi and the £. ewing! complex. Acknowledgments I gratefully acknowledge the receipt of a Tesearch grant from the C.S.J-R.O. Science & Industry Endowment Fund, which has greatly facilitated this study. De Harold Cogver, Mr Harry Ehmann, Dr Norman Gradwell, Dr Angus Martin and Me Michael Tyler tread and constructively criticised the manuseript. Thanks are also due to Mr and Mrs D. Anstis for assistance im various ways. References Ansris, M. {1976),—Courtship bebaviour in the Australian tree frog Litoria ewinei ¢Anura: Hylidae). Merpetofauna (1). 16, Carianin S, J. (1957),—Australian teee frogs of tbe genus Ayla. Proe. Linn, Soc. NSW. 82, ~108, Fuercien, J, F. (1889)—Observations on the oviposition and habits of certain Australian Batrachians. Prac: Linn. Soc. N.S.W’, 4, 357- 387, Fougurtre, M. §., Jr & Littntyonn, M, J- (1960),—Patterns of oviposition in two speed of hylid frops. SW. Naturalist 5(2), -96. Gosner, K, L. (1960)—A simplified table for staging anuran embryos and Jarvae with notes on identification. Herpetofagiva, 16, 183-190, GRADWELL, N. (1972) —Gill irrigation in Rana cdteshelana. Pt. 1, On the anatomical basis. Cun. £. Zoael, 50, 481-499, Harerson, T,, (1922).—On the breeding habits of some Australian frogs, Aust. Zoal. 3, 17-34. Citriesoun, M, J. (1963).—Frogs of the Mel- bourne area. Mier. Nat. 79, 296-304, LITTLEJOHN, M. J. (1965).—Premuating isolation in the WWyla ewingl complex (Anurca: Hylidae). Evolution 19, 234-243. Manrin, A. A, (1965)—Tadpoles of the Mel- bourne area, Tier. Nef. 82, 139-149. MarTIN, A. A. (1967a).—The exrly development. of Tasmania’s endemic Anura, with comments on their relationships. Prec. Linn. Soc. N.S.W. 92, LO7-116, Marnn, A. A, (1967b}.—Australian anuran life histories: some evolutionary and ecological aspects. In A, H. Weatherley (Ed.), “Austra- lian Inland Waters and their Fauna’, (Aust. Nat. Univ. Press; Canberra, ) Maatin, AW A. & Lirt.esonn;, MJ, (1966).— The breeding biology and Jarval development of Hyla jervisiensixs (Anura: Hylidae), Proc, Linn, Sac. N.8.H'. 91, 45-57, Maatin, A. A., Lirriegoun, M. J., & Raw iinsen, P. A, (1966).—A key to the anuran eges of the Melbourne area, and un iddition to the anuran fauna. Vier. Nat. 83, 312-315 Marin, A. A. & Watson, G, F. (1971),—Life history as an aid to generic delimitation in the family Hylidae. Cepeia, 1971(1), 78-89. Moore, J. A. (1961).—The frogs of eastern New South Wales, Bull, dm. Mux, Nat, Afst, 124, 149-386. Orton, G, L, (1953).—The systematics of verte- brate larvae. Syst. Zool. 2(2), 63-75. Pysunn, W. FP. (1963}—-Observalions on the life history of the tecefrog, Ployllomedusa calli- dryas (Cope). Texas J. Sei. 15, (S5-170, Tyree, M, J, (19713,—The phylogenetic signiti- cance of Vocal sac structure in hylid frogs. Brin Ransus Publ. Max. Nut. Mist. 19, 319- 360. Watson, G. FB. Lorrus-Hitus, J, J. & brrerur- gous, M. J, €1971).—The Litera ewinel complex (Anura: Hylidae) in south-castern Australin 1. A new species from Victoria. Awst, J. Zool, 19, 401-416, RESTRICTION OF THE CHIRIDOTID GENUS TROCHODOTA LUDWIG (1891) (HOLOTHURIOIDEA: APODIDA), WITH THE DESCRIPTION OF A NEW SPECIES FROM SOUTH AUSTRALIA BY F. W. E. ROWE* Summary ROWE, F. W. E. ( 1976) .-Restriction of the chiridotid genus Trochodota Ludwig (1891) (Holothurioidea: Apodida), with the description of a new species from South Australia. Trans. R. Soc. §. Aust. 100(4), 203-206, 30 November, 1976. Trochodota Ludwig (1891) is restricted to the type-species T. purpurea (Lesson), and three other species, including a new species from South Australia. The generic significance of scattered or heaped wheels, used in separating Trochodota from Taeniogyrus Semper, 1868, is disputed. The distribution of serrations on the inner margin of the wheels is regarded a more reliable generic character; on this basis seven species included in Trochodota by H. L. Clark (1921) and subsequent authors are referred to Taeniogyrus. RESTRICTION OF THE CHIRIDOTID GENUS TROCHODOTA LUDWIG (1891) (HOLOTHURIOIDEA: APODIDA), WITH THE DESCRIPTION OF A NEW SPECIES FROM SOUTH AUSTRALIA by F. W. E. Rowe* Summary Rows. F. W. E. (1976)—Restriction of the chiridotid genus Trocliidota Ludwig (1891) (Holotharicidea: Apodida), with the description of a new species from South Australia, Trans. R. Soe, S$, Aust, 100(4), 203-206, 30 November, 1976, Trochodota Ludwig (1891) is restricted to the type-species J. purpurea (Lesson), and three other species, including a new species from South Australia, The generic significance of scattered or heaped wheels, used in separating Trovhodota from Taentogyrns Semper, 1868, is disputed, The distribuiion of serrations on the inner margin of the wheels is regarded a more reliable generic character; on this basis Seven species included in Trochodumm by H. Li Clark (1921) and subsequent authors are referred to Tdenlogyrus, Introduction Among the holothurians collected at Port Lincoln, South Australia during 1975 by Mr S, A. Shepherd are six belonging to an undes- embed species congeneric with Trochodota pur- puree (Lesson), type-species of Trochodota Ludwig (1891). In one important character, the new species falls into an intermediate position between the genera Trochxlota and Taeniogyrus Semper (1868), as currently diagnosed (H. L. Clark 1921; Pawson 1964), A review of the two genera has revealed that they are not based upon reliable characters; in this paper they are tedescribed and a list of species given for cach, It is not appropriate to discuss in this paper the validity of all species now included in Taéniogyrus, since maby species require re- examination and material is not available: H. L. Clark (1921); Pawson (1964). However, the differences between the four well docu- mented species in Trechedota, including the new species described below, are tabulated. Taxonomic account H. L. Clark (1921), revising the chiridotid genera, separated Tueniogyrus Semper (1868) and Trochedote Ludwig (1891) from other genera, because they possess a combination of wheel and sigmoid ossicles. On the basis of having the wheel ossicles actually collected into sharply defined papillae of the body wall, Taeniogyrus was considered generically distinct from Trochodota, Small accumulations of wheels were considered indicative of T'rocho- dota. Subsequent authors have rigidly adhered ta this recognition of the two genera (A. M. Clark 1966; Hickman 1962; Pawson 1964, 1970; Heding (928; Cherbonnier 1952). Although several new species of Taeniogyrus have been described since 1921, no new species of Trechedote have been found, With the arrangement of wheels in large groups, though not in papillae, the new species described below falls into an intermediate posi- tion between Taeniogyrus and Trechodota. In my view, this. shows the unreliability of using such a character for generic distinctions, par- ticularly when H. L. Clark (1921) used the similar grouping of sigmoid ossicles for species duterminations,