etal LPUT-N EP QUOT HIT AG WORYCO MALO UMIUDY LS Mp UMOLT ae eho SUS GRINNELL EXPEDITION = j ’ my etd SEARCH OF SIR JOHN FRANKLIN. { v4 ' - nM 1 Persunol Parratine. , f Fe 4 i, i y af , \ ; | =) ‘\ 5 e \ i id \ i . ” el ; Pi , ‘eu ; y 4 2 \ - te i i : ql > “| . } . + , : aa { e * xd | i | : rs sf A . ve ‘ { ‘ae uv Wo: ay Key ; HARPER & BROTHERS, PUBLISHERS, : . 329 & 331 PEARL STREET, ey ; [ : sie Leis a aa hilites D et CWP EA GL Eh FRANKLIN SQUARE. ~ ied is 4 Entered, according to Act of Congress, in the year one thousand 2izat wundred and fifty-three, by Harrer & Broruers,’ in the Clerk’s Office of the District Court of the Southern District : of New York. eee ree PHILADELPHIA ; PRINTED BY KING & BAIRD, SANSOM STREET. HENRY GRINNELL, 4 THE AUTHOR, AND ADVOCATE, AND PATRON OF THE UNITED STATES’ ; EXPEDITION IN SEARCH OF SIR JOHN FRANKLIN, \ Balume is Suscriled. NOTE. Ir may apologize, perhaps, for some imperfections in this book, to mention, that the greater portion of it has gone through the press without the author’s re- visal. While he was engaged in preparing it, the lib- erality of Mr. Grinnell, of New York, and Mr. Peabody, of London, enabled him to set on foot a second Polar Expedition, which sailed under his command on the 31st of May last. It was his purpose to remodel some of the chapters, and to add one or two on collateral topics, if his time had not been engrossed by the prep- arations for his departure. July, 1853. CONTENTS, CHAPTER I. Intropuctory.—The Arctic Sea.—Sir John Franklin — Lady Franklin’s Appeal.—Organization of the American Grinnell Expedition .......... CHAPTER II. Preparations for Departure—The Advance and Rescue.—Equipments.— (ONG Rkerenast ee raKol(Oncen ates Ae POS ek ae Re Rt ts eS art eae eee CHAPTER III. Departure from New York.—Creature Comforts.—First Iceberg.—Off St. AV ORUAYS re) Shes