- ——— . ae ee Editors P. VICKERS-RICH, J.M. MONAGHAN R.E BAIRD & T.H. RICH With the assistance of E.M. Thompson éz C. Williams VERTEBRATE PALAEONTOLOGY OF AUSTRALASIA Editors P. VICKERS-RICH, J.©M.-MONAGHAN, R.E BAIRD & T.H.RICH With the assistance of E.M.Thompson & C.Williams Graphics by D. Gelt Photography by S. Morton & F. Coffa Pioneer Design Studio peration with th in coope ith the Monash University Publications Committee, Melbourne First published in 1991 by Pioneer Design Studio Pty Ltd 486 Maroondah Highway, Lilydale, Victoria, 3140 for and in co-operation with the Monash University Publications Committee, Melbourne © P. Vicers-Rich 1991 Typeset in Australia Printed and bound in Singapore ISBN 0 909674 36 1 Reprinted 1991 All rights reserved. No part of this publication may be reproduced, stored in a retrieval system, or transmitted in any form, or by any means, electronic, mechanical, photocopying, recording or otherwise without the prior written permission of the publisher. Geologic Time Scale reproduced on page xv from: Harland, W. B., Armstrong, R. L., Cox, A.V., Craig, L. E., Smith, A. G., & Smith, D. G. 1989. A Geologic Time Scale. Cambridge Univ. Press, Cambridge. PREFACE In 1982 publication of this volume's predecessor, The Fossil Vertebrate Record of Australasia, was a milestone. That book provided a remarkably valuable reference for palaeontologists and biologists who have an interest in the evolution of vertebrates in Australasia. The dog-eared covers and almost fatally broken spine of my copy provide clear evidence of the many times it has been consulted by me and my colleagues. The central theme of this new volume, Australasian vertebrate palaeontology, is the same as that of its predecessor, but the interpretations of the theme are richer and more diverse and the cast of authors has been enhanced. As the historical accounts opening this book vividly relate, the origins of the current, expanding activity in Australasian vertebrate palaeontology are complex, but two figures loom large. The scientific contributions and contagious enthusiasm of Profs. W.D.L. Ride and R.A. Stirton played a major role. Many of the chapters in The Fossil Vertebrate Record of Australasia were authored by David's and Stirt's students. In this new volume we find abundant evidence that not only does this "mob" continue to be active, but now they are being joined by the next generation including their students as well as palaeontologists with other academic backgrounds. The fossil record of Australasia cannot be faulted for limitations in temporal range. Its oldest records include the Ediacaran fauna that documents the diversity of invertebrate life in the seas of the later Precambrian. The first traces of vertebrates are specimens of agnathan fishes of Middle Ordovician age. Footprints on an Early Devonian sandy river bank in eastern Australia illustrate the evolutionary emergence of tetrapods long before that group is known from skeletal remains. Other occurrences of fossil vertebrates, analyzed with equal insight in this volume, provide us with glimpses of the subsequent evolution of vertebrates in Australasia. However, it resembles a cheap grade of Swiss Cheese -- one with greater voids than substance; the fossil record available for study is disfigured by "ghastly blanks". These blanks in the fossil record remain vexatious, but each year they shrink in number and duration. Long days spent by the authors and their colleagues in the quiet of the Outback to the west of the Birdsville Track, following the ebb and flow of the tides to recover fossils from rocks in sea cliffs, as well as in other areas of the continent are paying off in generous dividends. Their updated versions of compilations of basic data on fossil localities are starting points for future research. Many acknowledgements of personal communications from other palaeontologists, or to works in press, are a promising measure of the information that soon will appear in scientific publications. Although any assessment of the status of Australasian vertebrate palaeontology must account for changes in the research data base and the cast of researchers, of greater significance is the development of the research questions that are being addressed. Palaeontologists are far from bashful in posing questions concerning the nature of the mechanism and causal factors that have directed the course of vertebrate evolution. It's easily as healthy a cottage industry as the generation of speculations about what killed off the dinosaurs. The chapters in this volume show that an impressive array of palaeobiological questions are being successfully addressed in research on Australasian vertebrates. Early workers, Lamarck, Owen, and other 19th Century biologists, recognized that the unique character of the Australasian fauna reflected the much later survival of many groups in this area than on other continents. In his influential book, Climate and Evolution, William Diller Matthew argued that the terrestrial vertebrate faunas of Australia and other southern continents had their origins in stocks that evolved in Holarctica and then were displaced southward by their descendants. Many years later Philip Hershkovitz dubbed this pattern the "Sherwin-Williams effect," a reference to that paint company's advertising symbol depicting a can of paint being poured over a globe. Further, in the context of a stablist view of continental positions, Matthew considered and rejected the possibility that the occurrence of closely related mammals or other members of the terrestrial faunas of Australia and South America reflected interchange across Antarctica. Understanding of the changes in positions of continents, patterns of circulation of the oceans, currents, and continental climates through the course of earth history continues to expand. The following studies show that during the late Palaeozoic and early Mesozoic Australasia formed the tip of the southern peninsula of Pangaea; dispersal of vertebrates across this globally continuous supercontinent appears to have been little impeded. Later in the Mesozoic changes in climate regimes left Australasia partially cloistered biogeographically by the high latitude environments of South Polar Antarctica. During the late Mesozoic and early Cainozoic shifts in continental position and climatic change increased Australasia's biogeographic isolation and magnified its role as a haven for vicariantly isolated populations of lineages that had or would become extinct in the Northern Hemisphere. Australasia's continued northward movement first maintained its isolation but then brought it into closer proximity of southeastern Asia, so increasing the probability of chance dispersal of birds, bats and, later, rats and other terrestrial vertebrates. Analyses of the evolution of Australasian biogeographic patterns have advanced beyond the level of debates over the primacy of dispersal or vicariance. Informative studies presented in this book reveal the complex interplay of these factors at continental and smaller scales as well as the environmental consequences of changing global climates and the latitudinal position of Australasia. Data on the avian and terrestrial vertebrate faunas of smaller islands of Australasia, for example, have increased to a point where they are pertinent to testing and qualifying the MacArthur-Wilson hypothesis of insular biogeography. On a larger scale, additions to the available fossil record add substantially to an interpretation of the biogeographic history of marsupials, my particular pets, which until recently had fallen into disfavor. Recent discoveries strongly indicate that the "Sherwin- Williams effect" probably accurately describes the origin of the group in the Northern Hemisphere and its dispersal into South America, but not Australia. Dispersal of marsupials, but not their eutherian contemporaries, across Antarctica to Australia, a possibility rejected by W.D. Matthew, probably occurred very late in the Mesozoic or early in the Cainozoic. Then vicariant isolation set the physical stage for an extensive evolutionary radiation of Australasian marsupials. Further movement of the continent toward the Equator and southeastern Asia increasingly opened the door to dispersal of plants and animals into Australasia that, in turn, affected the course of evolution of its marsupial fauna. Biogeographic analyses are only as strong as the understanding of the evolutionary interrelationships of the organisms being studied. The authors show that taxonomic research on Australasian vertebrates is being rapidly advanced on many fronts. Modern methods of analysis of phylogenetic relationships are being applied to a widening spectrum of data. Discoveries of members of new living and prehistoric species are yielding hitherto unknown data. Biomolecular studies bringing new data from living and recently extinct lineages are providing additional kinds of information for the taxonomic analyses. Inventive studies of form and function of marsupial dentitions and avian egg shells add not only data for studies of evolutionary interrelationships, but also provide a better appreciation of their ecological roles. Additionally, taphonomic studies of the fossil assemblages refine interpretations of the composition of the biotas from which they are drawn. The modern terrestrial biota of Australasia, like those of many other continents, is in part the product of late Pleistocene or Subrecent extinctions that decimated many lineages of large vertebrates. The quality of the fossil record of Australasia surpasses that of other southern continents and provides and opportunity to study another evolutionary "experiment" as climatic change and human intervention had their impacts on such late Pleistocene and Subrecent biotas. The authors of this volume have provided us with both a valuable standing ground and a significant point whose pages soon will acquire the patina characteristic of oft-consulted references. The contributions clearly illustrate the current, rapidly accelerating pace of vertebrate palaeontological research in Australasia and document our colleagues’ research accomplishments. As a major reference work, it is destined to serve as a starting point for many lines of future research. W.A. Clemens Berkeley, California August 1990 feng HoAGuL aT fers UNS i ig Bsc en 4 CONTENTS Preface v Introduction x1 Acknowledgements xiii Geologic Time Scale xv BACKGROUND TO THE FOSSIL RECORD 1. Squatters, Priests and Professors: A Brief History of Vertebrate Palaeontology in Terra Australis. P. Vickers-Rich & N. W. Archbold 1 2. Vertebrate Palaeontology in Australia: The American Contribution. R.H. Tedford 45 3. | Musings on New Guinea Fossil Vertebrate Discoveries. M.D. Plane 85 4. Palaeoclimatic Setting and Palaeogeographic Links of Australia in the Phanerozoic. L. A. Frakes & P. Vickers-Rich 111 5. An Introduction to the Literature of Palaeontology with Reference to the Fossil Vertebrates of Australasia. M. Chiba 147 TECHNIQUES AND ANALYSIS OF FOSSILS 6. | Techniques Used in Preparation of Terrestrial Vertebrates. M. Whitelaw & L. Kool 173 7. Predicting the Diet of Fossil Mammals. G. D. Sanson 201 8. The Diet of the Extinct Bandicoot Chaeropus ecaudatus. W. Wright, G. D. Sanson & C. McArthur 229 9. Reconstructing the Natural History of Extinct Animals: Ektopodon as a Case History. N. Pledge 247 10. The Taphonomy of Late Quaternary Cave Localities Yielding Vertebrate Remains in Australia. R. F. Baird 267 11. Preservation of Biomolecular Information in Fossils fron Australia. M. Rowley 311 VERTEBRATE FOSSIL RECORD OF AUSTRALASIA 12. The Long History of Australian Fossil Fishes. J. A. Long 337 13. Palaeozoic Vertebrate Microfossils in Australia. S. Turner 429 14. —_ Australian Mesozoic and Cainozoic Lungfish. A. Kemp 465 15. Chondrichthyans in the Cretaceous and Tertiary of Australia. N.R. Kemp 497 16. Australian Fossil Amphibians. A. Warren 569 17. _ Australian Fossil Frogs. M. J. Tyler 591 12. Fossil Reptiles in Australia. R. E. Molnar 605 19. The Fossil Turtles of Australia. E.S. Gaffney 703 The Mesozoic and Tertiary History of Birds on the Australian Plate. P. Vickers-Rich 721 The Quaternary Avifauna of Australia. R. F. Baird 809 Fossil Eggs from the Tertiary and Quaternary of Australia. D. L. G. Williams & P. Vickers-Rich 871 The History of Mammals in Terra Australis. T. H. Rich 893 The Pleistocene Megafauna of Australia. P. Murray 1071 The Australasian Marine Vertebrate Record and its Climatic and Geographic Implications. R. E. Fordyce 1165 A New Look at the Fossil Vertebrate Record of New Zealand. R. E. Fordyce 1191 The Quaternary Avifauna of New Zealand. P.R. Millener 1317 Vertebrate Fossil Faunas from Islands in Australasia and the Southwest Pacific. C. W. Meredith 1345 The Fossil Vertebrate Record of New Caledonia. J.C. Balouet 1383 Systematic, Geographic and Geologic Index 1411 Index 1419 INTRODUCTION Vertebrate Palaeontology of Australasia is the direct outgrowth of an earlier book entitled The Fossil Vertebrate Record of Australasia edited by P. V. Rich and E. M. Thompson and published first in 1982. The original book grew from a series of lectures given in second and third year Earth Sciences and Zoology courses coordinated by P. V. Rich and J. W. Warren at Monash University. These courses involved many of the book's authors, whose participation was underwritten and supported by both the departments of Earth Sciences and Ecology and Evolutionary Biology at Monash University. This initial support was critical to making a reality of both resultant books. Unlike The Fossil Vertebrate Record of Australasia, this book has been published through a commercial publisher. This was possible because of the commitment of this publisher to the principle of making the book, this time twice the length of its predecessor, available at a price that students and scientists alike could afford, both in Australia and overseas. And, this economical production was carried out without sacrificing editorial and production quality. We, as editors, are extremely grateful for the efforts made by Derrick Stone who heads Pioneer Design Studio in this regard, and would encourage more such cooperative efforts along these lines between authors-editors and publishers. This book would, likewise, not have been viable without the generous monetary support provided by the Monash University Publications Committee, who by their injection of funds allowed a larger press run, which, of course, lowered unit costs. To them we give our greatest appreciation. The purpose of this volume on Australasian vertebrate palacontology is to present a state- of-the-art resumé of the different disciplines that compose this rapidly growing scientific endeavour in Australia, New Zealand, the southwest Pacific and Antarctica. Vertebrate Palaeontology of Australasia is divided into three major sections: Background to the Fossil Record, Techniques and Analysis of Fossils and Vertebrate Fossil Record of Australasia. The first section presents the history of vertebrate palacontology on the Australian continent and in New Guinea; an overview of the geological history and palacoenvironmental setting during the history of vertebrates, with emphasis on Australia; and a final chapter on the literature of vertebrate palaeontology for the Australasian area. The second section outlines the different kinds of techniques - collecting, preparation, and analytic - that have been applied to Australasian fossil vertebrates, not fundamentally different from those applied anywhere else, but the results of case studies on reconstructing of function based on morphologic form are unique to this biogeographic region, because the animals dealt with are endemic. Many of the chapters in this section are new, such as that by Whitelaw & Kool (Chap. 6) on preparation and collection techniques and that by Rowley (Chap. 11) on biomolecular analyses as applied to vertebrate fossil remains in Australasia. New, too, is a chapter on the interpretation of the dict of a recently extinct bandicoot, Chaeropus, which still had available for study a carcass with stomach contents that could be consulted after interpretations based on dental morphology were drawn (Wright, Sanson & McArthur, Chap. 8), as well as a chapter on taphonomy of vertebrate bone accumulations in caves (Baird, Chap. he third section deals specifically with the vertebrate fossils that have been recovered from Australasia, and this data has grown considerably since the publication in 1982 of The Fossil Vertebrate Record of Australasia. Much of the added length of this book over its predecessor is a direct reflection of the growth of this data, and, in fact, this may be the last time it is possible to write such a compendium, unless a multivolume work is produced. The new information accruing is enormous, and with the rapidly growing number of new workers in vertebrate palaeontology dealing with Australasian subjects, this trend is likely to continue and accelerate in the years to come. All of the original topics covered in The Fossil Vertebrate Record of Australasia have been retained in this new book and updated, but in addition, new chapters on vertebrate microfossils (Turner, Chap. 13), fossil turtles (Gaffney, Chap. 19), fossil eggs (Williams & Rich, Chap. 22), the Quaternary avifauna of Australia (Baird, Chap. 21), the Quaternary megafauna (Murray, Chap. 24), the Quaternary avifauna of New Zealand (Milliner, Chap. 27), the vertebrate fossil faunas of islands of Australasia, including the southwestern Pacific (Meredith, Chap. 28) and the fossil vertebrates of New Caledonia (Balouet, Chap. 29) have been added. This volume is the end result of 8 years of work to bring the preliminary volume, The Fossil Vertebrate Record of Australasia, up to the standard of a finished version, both updated and polished, and to increase both the quality and quantity of the illustrations. We hope that the book will find use both as a standard reference work for the Australasian area and as a textbook for the beginning student of palaeontology who has special interests in this most intriguing biogeographic area of the Earth. ACKNOWLEDGEMENTS Vertebrate Palaeontology of Australasia would not exist if it were not for much hard work and dedication of a considerable number of individuals. Four stand out from the rest because of the massive time and effort put into this long term project: Corrie Williams, Mary Lee Macdonald, Elizabeth Thompson and Mary Walters. They were involved in such activities as the detailed editing, proof-reading, paste-ups, letter writing to authors and reviewers, photocopying and pursuing numerous jobs related to production of everything from initial manuscripts to final camera-ready copy. Corrie was also involved in compiling the systematic appendix. Much of the work they did was unpaid, which makes their dedication all the more appreciated. Absolutely critical to completion of this project, too, was draftswoman Draga Gelt (Earth Sciences Department, Monash University), who provided most of the artwork in this volume, most of which was originally prepared as parts of research papers or for teaching purposes, but most had to be slightly modified for inclusion in this book. Steve Morton (Physics Department, Monash University), photographer extraordinaire, produced most of the photographic illustrations and provided copies of material so that backup was available in case of loss during production of the final book. Much of the writing and manuscript production, especially of the final camera-ready copy, was carried out using Microsoft Word (both versions 3.0 and 4.0) on an Apple Macintosh SE and an Apple Laserwriter Plus for printing. Professor Gordon Lister was critical in convincing PVR to use the Macintosh system, and thus we are grateful to him not only for that but for providing half of the funds needed to purchase the Mac SE. We are also grateful to the Earth Sciences Department at Monash University for use of the Laser Writer and to the Ecology and Evolutionary Biology Department for providing the funds to purchase paper and ink cartridges for the Laser Writer. We are also grateful to Monash University, especially the Earth Sciences Department, for providing the atmosphere in which such a book could develop, as a direct result of an intensive, in depth series of courses dealing with vertebrate fossils and evolution, over a period of years. Francis de Souza provided invaluable ("life saving") computer assistance in compilation of the index During the final stages of this project Computer Knowledge in Melbourne provided us with a second Mac SE needed for editorial work, for which we are most grateful. We wish to especially thank Michael Smart and Bernie Hogan of Computer Knowledge for their help with hardware and software throughout this project. Many other people are also due our gratitude: Frank Knight, Derrick Stone of Pioneer Design Studio and the Museum of Victoria for the use of reconstructions by Frank Knight of Australian fossil vertebrates from Kadimakara. Extinct Vertebrates of Australia, Frank Coffa (Museum of Victoria, Department of Photography) for providing photographs of Australian fossil vertebrates; Simon Lai for translation of magnetic media into a usable form; J. R. Macdonald and Rhys Walkley for their reviews of each chapter; L. Kool, I. Brailey, N. Schroeder for assistance in editing and gathering research materials; R. K. Johns and the Department of Mines and Energy, South Australia for providing illustrations of H.Y.L. Brown, M. Beckers for her help in typing two of the chapters; P. Hermansen and Francis de Souza for assistance with cranky computers and software; A. Carle, D. McCarry and G. Royce for help with the financial aspects of the project. Also important in allowing this book to develop were fellow members of the Monash University staff, who through discussion, and in some cases provision of illustrative material and financial support, aided in development of ideas and final production of this book, especially Ray Cas, Joe Monaghan, Ian Nicholls, Neil Archbold, Bob Gregory and Jim Warren. Patricia Komarower is especially thanked for carrying a heavy load of teaching during two years of co-teaching with PVR, which allowed editorial work to proceed, when otherwise it certainly would have faltered. Many other individuals provided illustrative material, and they are thanked in captions for the figures throughout the text. Each chapter was assessed by at least two reviewers, some who have remained anonymous, and their help is gratefully acknowledged: A.K Behrensmeyer (National Museum of Natural History, Washington, D.C.), H. Olson (National Museum of Natural History, Washington, D.C.), W. Boles (Australian Museum, Sydney), C. Mourer-Chauviré (University Claude Bernard, Villeurbanne Cedex, France), C.W. Meredith (Australian Biological Research Group, Melbourne), D. W. Steadman (New York State Museum, Albany, New York), Dianne Clifford (Golden Grove, Western Australia), F. Whitmore (National Museum of Natural History, Washington, D.C.), P.R. Millener (National Museum of New Zealand, Wellington), J. Bowler (Museum of Victoria, Melbourne), J.A. Long (Western Australian Museum, Perth), N.A. Pledge (South Australian Museum, Adelaide), G. C. Young (Bureau of Mineral Resources, Canberra), A. Ritchie (Australian Museum, Sydney), T. F. Flannery (Australian Museum, Sydney), J. Hope (Australian National Parks and Wildlife Service, Sydney), R. Wells (Flinders University, Adelaide), G. D. Sanson (Monash University, Melbourne), G. F. van Tets (C.S.I.R.O., Canberra), D. F. Brannagan (University of Sydney, Sydney), W. D. L. Ride (Australian National University, Canberra), M. O. Woodburne (University of California, Riverside), G. Lowenstein (University of California, San Francisco), J. Ramshaw (C.S.LR.O., Melbourne), E. L. Lundelius (University of Texas, Austin), P. Janvier (Université Paris VI), M. Davies (University of Adelaide), R. Estes (San Diego State University), K. Kelly (Museum of Victoria, Melbourne), I. Norton (Queen Victoria Museum and Art Gallery, Launceston), and K. F. Hirsch (University of Colorado, Boulder). A great debt of gratitude is due many funding agencies, which, either through direct support for this project or indirect support for research programmes that yielded the information in this book, have been critical to its completion: the National Geographic Society, the Australian Research Council, Monash University, Computer Knowledge, the Museum of Victoria, Earthwatch, the Ingram Trust, the Danks Trust, the Ian Potter Foundation, Western Mining, International Chemical Industries, Safeway Australia, the Australia-China Council, the Australian Academy of Sciences, the Australian National Parks and Wildlife Service, the Australian-American Educational Foundation, Friends of the Museum of Victoria, Sunshine Foundation, the Australian Army, Atlas Copco, Ingersoll-Rand, Shell, Mobil Oil, the Victorian Police, the Surf and Life Saving Association and last, but certainly not least, the Publications Committee of Monash University. This book is dedicated to four people who have been especially significant in nurturing, in some way, most of the current crop of vertebrate palacontologists active in Australia today as well as significantly pushing ahead the frontiers of this science in the 20th century: Dr. R. A. Stirton ("Stirt"), now deceased, formerly of the University of California, Berkeley; Dr. W. D. L. Ride (Department of Geology, Australian National University, Canberra); Dr. R. H. Tedford (Department of Vertebrate Paleontology, the American Museum of Natural History, New York) and Mr. Paul Lawson (formerly of the South Australian Museum, Adelaide). Their stories are told in the pages of this book. Without their infectious enthusiasm, their uncanny ability to find bones and inspire others, vertebrate palaeontology in Australasia would most certainly not be the vibrant science that it is today. —— Sub-era Sub-era Period Stage Stage | Intervals Era Period Epoch Stage Sub-period tle point © abbrev. Sub-per | tie pont @ Maf, Marsdenian Kinderscoutian Alportian Quaternary o; Pestogene Pliocene 2 Pi Ng I C, Bashkirian Chokierian Arnsbergian Serpukhovian Spk | Pendleian 10.4 Neogene Carboniferous Mississippian i soa al Brigantian 360 [2 s |. i saa | A 5 | Burdigalian Visean - S\5 Mio oe ty Law 2 23.3 345.0 2 Vis | Chadian Chd Drsseene oi ae vaae (¥ : i] piabnan | 4 c a8 i | 5 rial jonian 38.6 Tou 362.5 ° Eocene 2{Bartonian | 42.1 Famennian 367.0 = 3 a“ 50.0 377.4 foc T]Yoresion oe | oa F eos Lot 2[Thanetin | E [ eit_| Po | Pavel 1anien _e | tr soe (ene | a a Praga rong Le | Sena 7 y Lochkovian 83.0 - 408.5 -nian |Santonian | ‘a8 Pridoli Prd 410.7 | Prd | 2 | Sen Ludfordian : 88.5 Ludlow - 415.1 2 Lud | Gorstian [Gor _| 3 90.4 424.0 3 c Gleedonian ste | s £71 NG HS ‘S Wenlock soe D 112.0 = S; 426.1 | Whi | iS [Aptian ie | B Wen | Sheinwoodian she - 124.5 430.4 2 Telychian a 131.8 oS 432.6 Neoc- [Hauterivian gd a50 3 Llandovery | Aeronian 436.9 |_Aer_| omian [Valanginian lay 7 = Ly | Rhuddanian ay [Rhu _| is Neo [Beriasian © Jas ig seh [Tithonian Lig cngiy | Bewtthevan Raw | Malm — [Kimmeridgian e045 a" [autieyan J Mim | Ash | Pusgillian pee ey (Ome 3 Dogger as (At_] g igs cm cr) 2 "00 | Aalenian Lon Toarcian Lias Pliensbachian Ordovician Marshbrookian ‘ Caradoc Longvillian pie z 449.7 Soudleyan 4575 iL 462.3 Crd | Costonian 463.9 Tr ae 485.4 Llandeilo : Llo ; Llanvirn Late ud 472.7 Lin r J, Lia q [Hettangian Scythian Tr, Scy Tr, Triassic Mer | Maentwrogian 5172 St David's 530.2 Solvan ce 9 Lenian Caerfai Atdabanian MA 5 crf - 560 Tommotian 570 Poundi Ediacara Ed untae 580 Vendian oat Varanger 600 v Smalfjord = Riphean Yurmatin Chanyxingian Longtanian Zechstein c o c 4s i= o oOo zs on 4 c 4 ° 2 S 3 —] © Ls | ~ =| | op a > +S —_o mx aon — ey on oo — i J SCyclcl ciclo n clclelels PLP jee tee je le Ar; -—j|— ~ ~I~N on an E XS co ao wo aan x|Zz|o2 sifse w =} 5 ze [Klazminskian | Dorogomilovskian Chamoviicheskian Krevyakinskian wo i=) w Ss Ss Kasimovian Kas Rit Burzyan Mas Melekesskian Cheremshanskian @ Bsh_ | Kinderscoutian ei Hadean Alportian ‘ Basin Groups 1-9 tie eons” [Chokiern Hde [cron ale 40 ve 45641 Randian ie S$/\6 Myachkovskian 1.65 sso | oe a Ss = |S Podolskian - 22 ee cc iets aa ES 2] sa = 2.45 & | 6 =) a 2.8 3.5 Swazian Ss i) Bashkirian ~ oo n = 5 wlio So So i a ‘ — : 1 Fes ~ 7 : : - : i : 7 Wee siaaes - i - - ; . = a = te pe po eh Ses. i ste” Ce accra ras Tl nee ; H i U a ae cede ei a CHAPTER 1 SQUATTERS, PRIESTS AND PROFESSORS: A BRIEF HISTORY OF VERTEBRATE PALAEONTOLOGY IN TERRA AUSTRALIS Patricia Vickers-Rich! and Neil W. Archbold? PEE CHOTE ta) cea ee gat enlntess cantare if. reatey tees 1 Antipodean Discoveries, Grist for the Bir Peay MAT ectsicsresteansnnts yevete eos thinas agen 1 Barkly XcOdStaleSutve ys nccte.sslunesecte ss eae 1 Ei PAnGl: SUVS YS Bote iiss cliccedetealeds (ahd etotnenb carts 4 NBOLOLET PO RDIOKIS, Ad.Te acl vrcdt svapaaplre an hie tehe wie 8 Gold Rushes, Museum and Sydney Gentry Beginnings of a Home Based Science....... 11 Gold and Beginnings of the State Surveys...... 12 Repositories of Fossil Objects: the First VIS SUTIES 6 alent satis tp oh aoe anne cdoeen slew taete {2 Beginnings of Independent Training: THE TWMEVOTSHUES At betas cium Aletta ene eles 15 Rapid Communication on a Local Scale: the Scieheirio- SOCMGS 56.0555 005 oe te are 22 Men of Influence, Pioneers in Australian Vertebrate Palacontolo PY ins ccescescnsenttovsnt 22 Australian Independence and International COGPCTANOM YEA MR Ti ee ah A 31 PRORSHOW LOGS OMVCAIS c02 50 tis vcnu decd ste dnedcuctics subciest de 39 IREIEIENCES «ioh sig tobv aided Pada eeete a ei dca bE 39 1 Earth Sciences and Ecology/Evolutionary Biology Departments, Monash University, Clayton, Victoria 3168, Australia. 2 Department of Geology, University of Melbourne, Parkville, Victoria 3052, Australia. 2- RICH & ARCHBOLD INTRODUCTION In his study on 'The Spread of Western Science' George Basalla (1967) presented a model of how Western science has characteristically developed and grown outside of Europe, often in three major stages: (1) a stage when the newly discovered territory serves as a source of new data for European science; (2) a stage still primarily colonial in aspect, but during which the local scientists accept fuller responsibility for investigation and interpretation of the data themselves; and (3) a stage when the indigenous scientists attain, or make efforts to attain, an independent scientific tradition constructing self-supporting institutions, receive scientific training in their own country, develop independent societies, and "formulate indigenous scientific attitudes and goals" (Moyal 1976). Certainly, this has been much the path taken by vertebrate palaeontology in Australia, and it has only recently entered the final of Basalla's stages. It is still a science limited to a small band of professionals with a growing support of associated non-professionals. It is still a science with unfathomed areas in need of exploration, still very much in a pioneering era of discovery (Vallance 1975, 1978, Rich & Thompson 1982). The following paper is a brief overview of vertebrate palaeontological work in Australia, starting with its beginnings in the early 19th century and continuing to 1989. It is organized utilizing Basalla's developmental divisions, even though there are often no clearcut boundaries separating each of these stages. ANTIPODEAN DISCOVERIES, GRIST FOR THE EUROPEAN MILL Prior to discoveries by Europeans, Aboriginal legends existed, which perhaps had stemmed from an acquaintance with prehistoric bones or even living prehistoric animals themselves (Fig. 1). Tribes in eastern Australia were quite fearful of the bunyip (Barrett 1946), sometimes described as a monstrous animal that supposedly inhabited deep waterholes and roamed the billabongs at night. When confronted with the remains of some of the now extinct Australian marsupials, Aborigines would often identify them as the bunyip (Barrett 1946, Dugan 1980). Rich (1979 and in Rich & van Tets 1985) has noted legends about the mihirung paringmal of western Victorian Aborigines, which may allude to the currently extinct giant birds, the Dromornithidae. Some of the legends describing such creatures led to the discovery of rich vertebrate fossil fields, such as those at Lake Callabonna in South Australia in the late 19th century (Hale 1956). It was not these legends, however, that led to a detailed understanding of the past veretebrate faunas of Australia, but European and later indiginous exploration that produced the fossils and formed the basis for the recognition of a succession of Australian vertebrate faunas spanning almost the last 500 million years. EARLY COASTAL SURVEYS The first European expeditions in the early part of the 19th century did not produce the remains of fossil vertebrates, but did, instead, locate invertebrate and plant fossils and even the living remnants of some vertebrate groups now extinct. The Matthew Flinders Expedition of 1801-1805 (Flinders 1814) and the French Nicholas Baudin Expedition of 1800-1804 (Fig. 2) were two such enterprises. The Baudin Expedition, splendidly outfitted with both equipment HISTORY OF AUSTRALIAN VERTEBRATE PALAEONTOLOGY - 3 and scientists, returned fossil and modern natural history material to Europe. This material included living specimens of the now extinct, dwarf King Island Emu (Dromaius baudinus), which were kept alive in France for some time after their arrival. J. C. Bailly, a mineralogist attached to the Baudin expedition, reported fossil ferns in shales near Parramatta and fossil plants collected from Tasmania, which were assigned to what would now be called the Carboniferous by Leopold von Buch (1814), after examining the specimens in Paris. Figure 1. Aboriginal art in the Cape York Peninsula caves and elsewhere in Australia depict animals that may now be extinct. This cave art in the Quinkan Gallery, site B(5) recorded in Trezise (1971) maybe one of the extinct dromomithids, perhaps Genyornis. Also included in the collections from Terra Australis was the clam Trigonia brought up in a dredge haul off King Island in Bass Strait. Jean Baptiste Lamarck, famous for his evolutionary theories but also a highly respected and influential invertebrate zoologist of this period, was struck by the resemblance of the living Trigonia to forms known only as fossils in Europe and elsewhere in the world. The concept that Australia was somehow a haven, a refuge, for organisms that could no longer survive elsewhere had its origins in these early discoveries. Australia was viewed as a land of living fossils, and this was further reinforced as exploration continued inland later in the 19th century. The unfortunate Flinders Expedition, unlike the highly successful Baudin enterprise, ended in shipwreck and the loss of most specimens, except for a few that the shipboard botanist, Robert Brown (1773-1858), had surreptitiously taken ashore with him in Sydney when he left the expedition. Although not mentioned in his catalogues, of which he kept a duplicate set when Flinders sailed away, fossil invertebrates and plants were returned to Europe and England. Brown returned to England in 1805 with three cases of "minerals," a part of his possessions that passed through Customs (Vallance 1978). Some of these fossils were definitely presented to the Rev. William Buckland at Oxford, who concluded (1821) that the Australian coal was comparable to that of the Carboniferous of England and that the marine fossil invertebrates 4-RICH & ARCHBOLD were similar to those of the Mountain Limestone of Derbyshire. James Sowerby (1818a, 1818b) had previously described morphological details of the invertebrates. Brown's name comes up several times in new species being named by palaeontologists in both England and op ArAntl: PREMIER SNS gee err ~~ TNS 4 Fé a Figure 2. Nicholas Baudin and his ships used on the first major scientific expedition to Australia at the beginning of the nineteenth century. Bavdin's expedition was splendidly outfitted and returned to France with an array of new forms, both fossil and recent, that greatly expanded the European knowledge about Australia. (Courtesy of the Museum d'Histoire Naturelle, Paris). Europe describing Australian material, e.g. Glossopteris browniana, a fossil seed fern described by Adolphe Brongniart (1828) based on fossils from New South Wales passed onto him by William Buckland. Buckland had evidently received it originally from Brown. Charles Konig (also spelled Koenig, see Archbold 1986) was also to describe some of the invertebrate fossils, such as the brachiopod, Trigonotreta stokesii (Konig 1825, Brown 1946). Both of these forms are now known to be classic Permian Gondwanan species, reflecting a very different arrangement of the continents of the world than characterise the present. INLAND SURVEYS Other coastal surveys followed, and visitors to Australia returned collections of fossils to Europe. Plants and invertebrates were mentioned (see Vallance 1981 and Archbold 1986 for details), but no vertebrate fossils of note were found. This was to change dramatically with the inland explorations carried out by Major (later Sir) Thomas Livingstone Mitchell, Surveyor- General of New South Wales from 1828 until his death in 1855 (Foster 1985). T. L. Mitchell was to map in detail and procure many specimens of bones from the Wellington Valley caves (Fig. 3) of New South Wales (Mitchell 1838). He first visited the caves on 26th June 1830 with a local colonist, George Ranken. Ranken had previously HISTORY OF AUSTRALIAN VERTEBRATE PALAEONTOLOGY - 5 Figure 3. A younger (left) and an older Sir Thomas Mitchell, who led an expedition into interior New South Wales in 1830. His recovery of fossil vertebrates from caves in the Wellington Valley (below) led to the first extinct vertebrates from Australia being described in a scientific paper. (Courtesy of E. B. Joyce from Mitchell 1838). 6- RICH & ARCHBOLD discovered some bone fragments (Ranken 1916) and had taken them to Sydney in order to send them to Professor Robert Jameson of the University of Edinburgh (Anderson 1933). Ranken's discovery of fossil bones was announced in the Sydney Gazette of 25th May 1830 in an anonymous letter (signed L.) by the Rev. Dr John Dunmore Lang. Lang left Sydney on the 14th August 1830 with Ranken's specimens, his own Sydney Gazette letter and a short manuscript by Mitchell on the Wellington caves. By early 1831 all were in the hands of Jameson, the two notes being published in the Edinburgh New Philosophical Journal. Both notes were credited to Lang, but in the subsequent volume Mitchell's note was correctly attributed to him (see Lang 1831, Mitchell 1831a). Mitchell revisited the caves on the 3rd July 1830 and collected further specimens. These were apparently sent to the Geological Society of London with a letter dated the 14th October 1830 (read at the Geological Society of London meeting of 13th April 1831 - see Mitchell 1831b). Various specimens collected by Ranken and possibly Mitchell were examined by William Clift, Conservator of the Hunterian Museum (College of Surgeons), who identified dasyurids, wombats and kangaroos (Clift 1831). Joseph Barclay Pentland (see footnote by T. G. Vallance in Dugan 1980) living in Paris, commented extensively on material sent to Paris from England and also independent information on the Wellington caves from Peter Cunningham, author of the 1827 book Two Years in New South Wales (see Pentland 1831, 1832 and Jameson 1831b). Jameson also offered editorial comment on William Clift's conclusions (Jameson 1831a - see Dugan 1980 on the importance of this for challenging Baron Georges Cuvier's contemporary catastrophist theories). William Buckland (1831) considered that some bones might represent either rhinoceros or hippopotamus, and Baron Cuvier (see Pentland 1833b, 1833c) also examined specimens. Such was the interest in Europe on the Wellington caves discoveries, that many of the notes and letters discussed above were translated and published in contemporary German journals (Jameson 1832a, 1832b, Mitchell 1832a, 1832b, Pentland 1833a, 1833c ). Mitchell's records on the discovery of vertebrate fossils at the Wellington caves (Fig. 4) are not without humor, for as he noted in his diary: "The pit (Breccia Cave) had been first entered only a short time before I examined it, by Mr. Ranken, to whose assistance in the researches, I am much indebted. He went down, by means of a rope, to one landing place, and then fixing the rope to what seemed a projecting portion of rock, he let himself down another stage, where he discovered, on the fragment [a giant bird femur, probably from a member of the family Dromornithidae] giving way, that the rope had been fastened to a very large bone, and thus these fossils were discovered" (Mitchell 1838: 362)." The bone which Mr. Ranken misjudged was the "lower end, mutilated, and encrusted with the red stalagmite of the cave ...." of a femur that was identified by Sir Richard Owen as belonging to a large bird, previously unknown. It was figured in Mitchell's (1838) publication (Fig. 5), but was subsequently lost, perhaps during the bombing of London during World War Il. Mitchell's discoveries of fossil bones had aroused the interest of overseas scientists in extinct Australian vertebrates, and there followed many years of European and Australian alike collecting fossil remains. Most all of this material was sent from the shores of Terra Australis for description and study by foreign experts, as the needed expertise and comparative collections did not exist in Australia. It was not until the latter part of the 19th century, that indigenous workers began to study the local fossils in any serious way, even though several HISTORY OF AUSTRALIAN VERTEBRATE PALAEONTOLOGY - 7 ian fossil Austral irst The f f New South Wales. lected by Sir Thomas M There are further unpublished plates of vertebrate foss ington caves oO one of the Well Cave, 1a Brecc vertebrates to be reported Figure 4 hell and George Ranken. tc . ic paper were co i hell 1838) in a scient In ils itc (Courtesy of E. B. Joyce from M (Branagan, pers. comm.). 1ves f London arch iety 0 1 Soc the Geologica 8 - RICH & ARCHBOLD residents, such as Leichhardt and Stutchbury suggested local material should remain in Australia (Branagan, pers. comm.). "FOREIGN EXPERTS" It was Sir Richard Owen (1804-1892), renowned British comparative anatomist, who described much of the new fossil vertebrate material from Australia (and New Zealand) as it came to light when inland exploration and settlement expanded (e.g. Owen 1843, 1845, 1877, 1879a, 1879b, 1879c, 1882) (Fig. 6). In an appendix to Mitchell's volumes on his three expeditions into interior Australia published in 1838 (Fig. 5), Owen identified some of the fossils as gigantic marsupials, Nototherium and Diprotodon . Although Mitchell's and Ranken's material from Wellington caves was examined and reported on by Cuvier and Pentland, and Darwin was aware of it as well when he visited Australia in 1836, it was Owen who undertook the tedious job of description and study. He, like the French before him, suggested that "it was necessary to search Britain's secondary (oolitic) [Mesozoic] formations to find specimens analogous to Australia's recent marsupial fossil forms" (Moyal 1975, 1976). Owen, over the next 40 years, made Australian and New Zealand vertebrate palaeontology his own domain. In this he was aided by many resident Australians who sent him material. Friedrich Wilhelm Ludwig Leichhardt provided and helped describe bones from southern Queensland in 1844. W. B. Clarke and S. Stutchbury recovered bones in their northern surveys from the Darling Downs of Queensland as well as closer to home near Sydney. F. McCoy and G. Krefft, likewise, provided specimens that came to their attention as the officials in charge of the National Museum of Victoria and the Australian Museum. Local pastoralists in digging wells or in surveying property came upon and then sent material to the youthful Australian Museum, and often these treasures eventually made their way to Owen's desk. Although much of his Australian work centred on fossil marsupials, Owen also took a keen interest in other vertebrates as well, and he produced a prodigious number of papers. Other foreign experts included Darwin's "bulldog," T. H. Huxley (1862), Gervais (1848- 1852), Hochstetter (1859), and R. Lydekker (1887, 1896), among others. None of these workers, however, published as prolifically on Australian fossil vertebrates as Owen. Because of his prodigious publication record, a few, but only a few, mistakes crept into his work, such as his description of an elephant (supposedly a mastodont) from Australia. Many people (Leichhardt 1855, Falconer 1863) questioned the authenticity of the elephant record in Australia, and it has been suggested that the specimen probably entered as a trade item. After the challenge by Falconer, Owen quietly abandoned his claim (Dugan 1980). Such early collections’ of fossil vertebrates from Australia had some effect on European science, especially the rich discoveries at Wellington caves. Even though the majority of the material was described by Owen, who disagreed with Darwin on the mechanism that formed new species, natural selection, according to Dugan (1980), the Wellington fossils favoured Darwin's ideas. Dugan suggested that the Law of Succession was formulated in part based on the types of fossils that occurred in the Wellington collections. This law states that fossil animals in any particular geographic area are 'succeeded’ by other animals that are closely related to them, no matter what the environmental conditions. Owen in his own writings claims to have formulated this law (D. Ride, pers. comm.) and it gave no support to the special creationists of the time, who had suggested that certain animals were "created" to be perfectly suited to their environment, and that if such environmental conditions were present, then certain predictable kinds of animals should be there too. Thus, one would expect the same kinds of animals in the tropical regions of Australia and Africa. Mitchell noted the effect the Wellington discoveries had on certain creationists: "I understand Buckland's nose is put completely out of joint by the bones from Australia, their not being those of lions and hyenas HISTORY OF AUSTRALIAN VERTEBRATE PALAEONTOLOGY - 9 74 H ae ip acid ARO ERENT hire, hf Pax h Bovpice Lith” Ye the Gator: Lenden. Pableshed by DLW Boome Figure 5. Plate from T. L. Mitchell (1838) illustrating the first Australian vertebrate fossils reported in a scientific publication. (Courtesy of E. B. Joyce). 10 - RICH & ARCHBOLD | eee! |) C =| “ty ; ‘ i ll AE pitty i i - f ; ; 4 i l Spe A!) © BL ia Hi Ml Ni \ sean CLLEBRITTES OF THE DAY—PROVESSOR RICHARD OWLS DRAWN PROM PTDL Ge 1H aap (/-/.: J x 783 cae PU aL Hit? Figure 6. Sir Richard Owen as a young man (A) and near the end of his career (B, C). He is often associated with the New Zealand moas (A, B), a group he described prodigiously, almost single-handedly. The outstanding comparative anatomist of the day, he became the authority on the fossil vertebrates of New Zealand and Australia, describing the first material that was collected by Mitchell and Ranken in the Wellington Valley. (Courtesy of the British Museum (Natural History), London). HISTORY OF AUSTRALIAN VERTEBRATE PALAEONTOLOGY - 11 is, I find, a fact which is considered in England to entirely upset his theory. And I have now heard from the best authority that their fossil bones belonging to animals similar to those now existing has worked a great change in all their learned speculating on such subjects at home." (Ranken 1916) Buckland, in fact, later did modify, and finally abandon his original ideas on this issue (Vallance 1975; Ride, pers. comm.). Despite the dominance of foreign experts during this period, it was also at this early stage that the first native born (in Parramatta) Australian began to study vertebrate fossils systematically - the naturalist Edmund Charles Hobson (1814-1848) (Vallance 1978). Hobson, a founding member of the Tasmanian Society, had studied under Sir Richard Owen and established a medical practice in 1838 in Hobart, but subsequently, for reasons of health, moved to the Port Phillip district in 1840 (Gunn 1848a). An early death at the age of 34 ended a highly active mind that investigated animal and human physiology, geology and vertebrate palaeontology (Hobson 1841la-b, 1845a-c, 1846a-b, 1847a-f, 1848a-b). His last paper, published posthumously, was one on a vertebrate fossil, a Diprotodon jaw. Hobson's wife (nee Adamson) was also a keen naturalist and sketched the specimens figured in the two plates of Hobson (1845c). Her sketches were used by the accomplished lithographer, Thomas Ham, to produce the final plates. She also discovered the first trilobite recorded from rocks (Silurian) of the Melbourne district, identified by Gunn (1848b) as probably Asaphus. Until much later, she is the only woman who is recorded to have had any association with the field of vertebrate palaeontology in this country. GOLD RUSHES, MUSEUMS, AND SYDNEY GENTRY, BEGINNINGS OF A HOME-BASED SCIENCE Throughout the latter part of the 19th century and well into the 20th, vertebrate palaeontology in Australia was in the process of establishing a home base here. The transition from Basalla's stage 1, where Australia provided only the grist, the data for the European intellectual mills, to stage 2, where although still colonial in aspect, the local scientific community was becoming steadily more independent, occurred during this period. It was a gradual transition, and no clear boundaries can be drawn at any one time. Certainly the increasing independence must be related to the increasing population size and its concentration in growing urban centres such as Sydney, Melbourne and Hobart. It also must be tied to the increasing wealth that accumulated in these communities, especially that generated by the discovery and mining of gold in several parts of Australia, notably in the area north of Melbourne. Not only was there an incentive to excavate, which in itself led to the discovery of fossils, but the economic necessity, which brought about the establishment of the first state geological survey, whose job it was to document the rock record in the gold bearing regions. Coincident with this, the settling of the interior led to the discovery of bones on a number of sheep and cattle runs as wells were excavated or when drovers reported exposed fossils as they traversed the countryside behind their slow moving herds. With the opening up of the interior and the mining boom of the mid-19th century, several members of the European scientific community took up temporary or even permanent residence in Australia. Two men from this period stand out in the move towards an independent palaeontological community, Ralph Tate in Adelaide and Robert Etheridge in Sydney. Both were determined advocates of Australian science standing on its own. Both firmly believed in cooperation as equals with foreign experts, neither serving them nor foolishly ignoring them. 12 - RICH & ARCHBOLD GOLD AND BEGINNINGS OF THE STATE SURVEYS The discovery of gold, mainly in Australia's southeast provided the first major economic incentive that affected the course of palaeontology. The first of Australia's geological surveys, the Victorian Colonial Survey was established in 1852, with A. R. C. Selwyn (1824-1902) as its director (Dunn 1910, Darragh 1987). Selwyn's directive was to document the geology of the gold-bearing regions, probably in the hope that such work would allow prediction of further producing goldfields. Selwyn had been trained by some of the most prominent geologists in Britain and, thus, was well prepared for the task of recording the stratigraphic succession, almost unknown in Australia at this time. When he assumed his duties as Director the most authoratative summary of geology of Australia was Jukes’ A Sketch of the Physical Structure of Australia, So Far As It Is At Present Known published in 1850 by T. & W. Boone in London. This small text shows how general the knowledge of geology was at the time and how restricted to the margins of the continent it was. Selwyn and his team of geologists added much to the detail of southeastern Australian geology by preparing well over three score of detailed maps of present day Victoria before political controversy managed to bring about the dissolution of the Survey for a while. In the meantime, Selwyn's survey was able to locally carry out and publish its own scientific results and to locally train a number of geologists, who later served to set up other surveys and institutions in Australia. Following the establishment of the Victorian survey, all other states followed suit by 1890, and these institutions served to foster collection and storage of fossils, some of which were vertebrates. REPOSITORIES OF FOSSIL OBJECTS: THE FIRST MUSEUMS Repositories of fossil objects had been established in Australia even before the state surveys, and these, together with the surveys served as a growing resource for comparison in the latter part of the 19th century (Kohistedt 1983). Since the early voyages to Australia by the French and British, and even before them the Dutch, considerable British and European interest in Australian natural history specimens had led to a lively trade in Australian oddments, both for scientific and commercial reasons. Respectable collections of Australian specimens accumulated in London, as well as in European museums, at first through the efforts of such men as Sir Joseph Banks and Robert Brown. As a result, these museums, especially the British Museum (Natural History) came to own many of the type specimens of the newly discovered natural curiosities. The pattern began to change, however, with the arrival in Sydney of Alexander Macleay in 1826. Macleay was sent as Colonial Secretary to the Government of New South Wales, a position he held for the next decade. With him, from Europe, came a fine library and a fine insect collection, amongst the best known anywhere at the time. Interestingly, Macleay's own son and his nephew, both with the name of William, were to add to Alexander's collections and perpetuate the family's support of science in Australia (Fletcher 1920, Stanbury 1975). William Julian, the nephew, expanded the family's personal museum in the Elizabeth Bay residence (after both Alexander and William Sharp Macleay had died) in part by importing specimens from abroad. His wish was to possess a truly international collection, not just a local one. Macleay went so far as to hire a curator, George Masters, out of his own funds. He also continued the tradition of the Macleay's for serving as an intellectual hub in the community by giving "whisky parties" (actually scientific gatherings around the drink) for staff from the University of Sydney, as well as interested personages - explorers, doctors, visiting scientists, amongst others. This undoubtedly led to his offering in December 1873 to bequeath HISTORY OF AUSTRALIAN VERTEBRATE PALAEONTOLOGY - 13 his museum to the University of Sydney including a salary of 6,000 pounds to pay for curation. At the time Alexander Macleay stepped ashore in Sydney town a museum of sorts already existed there. This consisted of a small room in the Colonial Secretary's Office, initially set up by the colony's first scientific society, the Philosophical Society of Australasia (Branagan & Townley 1976). In the beginning each of the seven members of the society paid 5 pounds to have the collection organized and for the purchase of books. Major Goulburn provided the single room that constituted the museum. Australian specimens were put on display, but perhaps more important than that, such a museum allowed establishment of official contacts with foreign museums, which in turn encouraged the exchange of specimens between this and foreign institutions. The flow of scientific material was now in both directions, not just from Australia to the colonial powers. To this infant museum Macleay added his own collections and together with his enthusiasm, the foundations of the Australian Museum were established. Naturally, this first museum became a storehouse for antipodean specimens and gradually encouraged more and more residents to retain material in Australia as well as to be more observant of their native fauna. It was quite amazing that a museum was able to exist at all at this time. The Sydney colony was "a convict settlement.....racked with dissention between free immigrants and emancipists, businessmen and farmers, army and government, colony and colonial office... an environment conducive [only] to.....activities [such as] those directed to individual survival and aggrandisement" (Strahan 1979). In this milieu, science, even that part devoted to palaeontology, had its beginnings. When the Philosophical Society first set up its museum, Sydney was still small, with a population approaching 20,000. Yet, by 1837, this tiny museum had public hours each Tuesday and Friday from 11 am to 4 pm and contained exhibits of native fauna and flora including more than 300 species of birds (Fletcher 1920). Also present in the collections were ethnological and geological specimens, and by 1832 the government was providing 200 pounds annually - a beginning. The Australian Museum was Australia's first museum, but soon others followed. The National Museum of Victoria, now the Museum of Victoria, was set up in Melbourne in 1854 (Pescott 1954). Two thousand pounds were set aside by the Victorian government in 1854 for the fledgling National Museum, and by March 1854 Captain Andrew Clarke, who was instrumental in the initial stages of this museum, saw to it that two rooms were set aside above his offices at the old Assay Office in Latrobe Street (Fig. 7), just west of what was to become a more permanent site. The first staff appointment was made on April 1, 1854, William Blandowski, whose personality eventually led to considerable conflict with the council that oversaw the museum and the newly appointed Frederick McCoy as Director (in 1858). Blandowski energetically mounted a number of expeditions, which greatly expanded the museum's holdings, and interestingly engaged such people as Gerard Krefft, who was later to assume a curatorship in the Australian Museum. Blandowski finally resigned, and McCoy took over the reins of power. It was McCoy who determinedly built up the Museum collections and expanded the original facilities. He orchestrated and oversaw the removal of the museum from the Assay office to a new site on the campus of the University of Melbourne (Fig. 8), which was described in a poem published in the Melbourne Punch (Pescott 1954): THE RAID ON THE MUSEUM There was a little man, And he had a little plan, The public of their specimens to rob, rob, rob, 14 - RICH & ARCHBOLD So he got a horse and dray, And he carted them away, And chuckled with enjoyment of the job, job, job. Blandowski's pickled ‘possums And Mueller's leaves and blossoms, Bugs, butterflies, and beetles stuck on pins, pins, pins, Light and heavy, great and small, He abstracted one and all - May we never have to answer for such sins, sins, sins. There were six foot kangaroos, Native bears and cockatoos That would make a taxidermist jump for joy, joy, joy. And if you want to know Who took them you should go And should seek information from McCoy, Coy, Coy. When one's living far away, Up the country I dare say, It's very nice to have such things at hand, hand, hand, Yet it don't become professors, When they become possessors, Of property by methods contraband, band, band. The collections were to remain at the University of Melbourne until 1899, when shortly after McCoy's death they were moved again to the present site of the Museum of Victoria on Russell Street (Fig. 9). Other museums followed as well: the Queensland Museum in Brisbane in 1855 (Mack 1956), the South Australian Museum in Adelaide in 1856 (Hale 1956), and the Tasmanian Museum (Hobart), the Queen Victoria Museum (Launceston), the Western Australian Museum (Perth), and finally the Northern Territory Museum (Darwin and Alice Springs). In addition to these governmentally sponsored institutions, several private museums, such as the Kyancutta Museum in South Australia, were managed with private funding. Many of the private collections were later incorporated into state and federal museums, either by direct donation or purchase. Although not without political intrigue and funding difficulties (Kohlstedt 1983), museums did continue to expand into the 20th century. But they were no longer simply places for storage of Australia's heritage, its natural wonders and antiquities. They also became centres for public education, research and exchange of ideas, all in an Australian setting. The museums and those associated with them, likewise, became the source of personnel and HISTORY OF AUSTRALIAN VERTEBRATE PALAEONTOLOGY - 15 funding that sponsored locally based expeditions, such as Macleay organized and financed to northern Australia and New Guinea in 1875 (Stanbury 1975). SS Figure 7. The Crown Lands Building, the original National Museum (now the Museum of Victoria) was located in the assay section of this building from 1854 to 1856. (From the //lustrated Melbourne News 1858, courtesy of the Museum of Victoria). BEGINNINGS OF INDEPENDENT TRAINING: THE UNIVERSITIES Universities generally developed slightly later than the surveys and museums, but they played a major role in establishing the independence of science in Australia. Frederick McCoy (1818-1899) (Fig. 9), a major force in the founding of the National Museum of Victoria, also was the Professor of Natural Science at the University of Melbourne from 1854 to 1899. He was particularly interested in palaeontology and worked occasionally on vertebrate fossils, although invertebrates were his main research subjects. During the forty years he led an active scientific life in Melbourne, he ruled over it with an autocratic air (Branagan & Lim 1984) and because of this attracted few students. T. S. Hall (1858-1915) (Fig. 10) was an exception to this rule, an exception partly enhanced by his ability to get along with McCoy, despite the fact that he well might disagree with him on a number of issues (Robin 1987). Hall had hoped he would be offered the Chair of Geology when McCoy was gone, but it instead was offered to John Walter Gregory, an import from Scotland. J.W. Gregory (1864-1932), a remarkable "international" geologist, succeeded McCoy in December 1900 as Professor of Geology, carrying on with the interest of the University of Melbourne in palaeontology (Fig. 11). Gregory, who began his career as a palaeontological assistant in the British Museum (Anonymous 1932), was interested in popularizing geology and teaching it as a practical subject, very unlike McCoy. A great organizer, Gregory led a group of Melbourne University students on camels into the Lake Eyre Basin during the summer of 1901-1902. On that expedition he discovered a remarkable fossil field, mainly along Cooper Creek. The account of this early vertebrate palaeontological expedition appears 16 - RICH & ARCHBOLD 8. The National Museum of Victoria with headquarters on the University of Melbourne campus, with Figure (Courtesy of the Museum of Victoria). external and internal views. HISTORY OF AUSTRALIAN VERTEBRATE PALAEONTOLOGY - 17 Figure 9. The move of the National Museum of Victoria from its university address to that on Russell Street, where it is located today as the Museum of Victoria. Sir Frederick McCoy (as a young man, and as a mature scientist) was responsible for the growth of this museum as well as the Department of Geological Sciences at the University of Melbourne. (Courtesy of the Museum of Victoria). 18 - RICH & ARCHBOLD Figure 10. Nineteenth and early twentieth century Australian palaeontologists. A, E. C. Stirling, Honourary Director of the South Australian Museum from 1889 to 1914. He was involved in the excavation and later monographing of a variety of vertebrate fossils recovered from Lake Callabonna in South Australia. B, A. H. C. Zietz, Assistant Director of the South Australian Museum from 1888 to 1909. Like Stirling, he excavated at Lake Callabonna and coauthored many papers with him on the discoveries there. (Courtesy of the South Australian Museum and N. Pledge). C, T. S. Hall, Frederick McCoy's student at the University of Melbourne was the first locally-trained palaeontologist in Australia. His specialty was invertebrate palaeontology, but he found time to work on fossil whales as well. D, Frederick Chapman, primarily interested in invertebrate palaeontology, mainly of Victoria, published a few papers in the early part of the twentieth century on fossil vertebrates. (Courtesy of the Museum of Victoria). HISTORY OF AUSTRALIAN VERTEBRATE PALAEONTOLOGY - 19 Figure 11. J. W. Gregory, as a young man (C, D) and as older explorer (A, B). Gregory was responsible for the discovery of Pleistocene fossil vertebrates along Cooper Creek in the Lake Eyre Sub-basin, an area that was later to produce the first concentrations of Tertiary terrestrial vertebrates from the continent. Osmar White's caricature in The Super Roo of Mungalongaloo (D) illustrates how Gregory's expedition into central Australia captured the public interest. (Courtesy of the University of Glasgow (A, B), Mrs. C. Gregory, and J. Hook (D)). 20 - RICH & ARCHBOLD in his Dead Heart of Australia published in 1906 in London, as well as in a number of local newspapers including the Melbourne Age (Fig. 12). It was not until half a century later that the full potential of this area was recognized when R. A. Stirton (see detail in account by R. H. Tedford, this volume) followed in some of Gregory's footsteps. Stirton not only relocated many of Gregory's Pleistocene locales, but he discovered the first concentrations of Tertiary terrestrial vertebrates ever found on this continent. Gregory was not only associated with the university system but also simultaneously served as Director of the Geological Survey in the Mines Department of Victoria (from 1901), demonstrating the often repeated pattern in Australia's early history of geology of a single person serving concurrently in several institutions (such as museums, surveys, universities). He also became involved in the Victorian Chamber of Mines and was on the council of the Australian Institute of Mining Engineers (now the Australasian Institute of Mining and Metallurgy) as well as an office-holder in the Royal Society of Victoria (Branagan & Lim 1984). Even more than this, he became involved in presenting extension courses, in addition to his already heavy load of university courses, and was interested in both primary and secondary education. This was, in part, a reflection of how small the scientific community was, and how talented people had to carry many different responsibilities. Gregory was an extremely energetic man, which probably helped immensely to manage two such jobs. George (1975) described this restless energy: "By repute he [Gregory] could at any one time nurse his infant on his knee, correct the proofs of one book with his left hand while writing another with his right, and dominate a polemical discussion on any topic." Gregory, despite seemingly boundless reserves, finally resigned his post at the university in despair in June of 1904 because of his inability to extract enough funding from the government to operate effectively. Ironically, only a few months later, in September, the same month he returned to Scotland (where he took the Chair of Geology at the University of Glasgow), the funding became available, unfortunately, too late. Gregory continued his expeditionary work in many parts of the world until he drowned on an expedition to the Amazon Basin in 1932. Appropriately and ironically Gregory had copied a poem on the fly-leaf of the first of his Peruvian notebooks: "I wander'd till I died. Roam on! The light we sought is shining still. Dost thou ask proof? Our tree yet crowns the hill. Our Scholar travels yet the loved hill-side." Alexander M. Thompson, who occupied the Chair of Geology at the University of Sydney from 1866, had sufficient interest in fossil vertebrates to spend a considerable time in the caves in the Wellington area. This obsession most likely hastened his early death in the 1870's shortly after an expedition to the caves with Gerard Krefft (Branagan & Townley 1976). Another university personage of marked significance to palaeontology in Australia was Ralph Tate (1840-1901). He arrived from England to take up the foundation chair in geology at the newly founded University of Adelaide in 1874. Tate taught palaeontology with an infectious enthusiasm and an open mind and lured his students and volunteers into the field by packing a keg of beer as part of the field gear (Alderman 1967, Vallance 1978)! His research was careful, abundantly published and of good quality (e.g. Tate 1893), and his production of good students was unrivalled at the time. Besides his charisma, Tate also held the view that the Australian record should be viewed as separate and independent from that elsewhere and "had little but scorn for those he thought believed all the rules of geology were written in Europe. "Sir F. McCoy appears to object to any Australian deposits being called Eocene unless the fossil species are identical with those occurring in the London Clay, Paris Basin, and other European Eocenes, peculiar Australian species being open to grave suspicion." Tate is remembered as one of the first Australian palaeontologists, who was not always looking over HISTORY OF AUSTRALIAN VERTEBRATE PALAEONTOLOGY - 21 140 Sketch map of! the LAKE EYRE BASIN Showing the route of the Lake Eyre Expedition 1901-2. Miles A — A - —-—-. ——— A ° 10 20 30 : fioule aia 4:3) b, ————— Great. Northern Railway of South Australia —— Titres of Sard) Drrves. ooo cee cose cece nea The map ts based on the Pastoral Plans of the Surveyor General of South Australia, The outhnes of the Desert Sandstone Tablelands are mainly from the Geologucal Map of South Australia by MTHY.L.Brown 4 \ sabia N& as tov are Alatudes dv feet Y wee a Bove fi . en oe ae , Ahungeronie ¢ ; a oi yy Py Bittakitteuh. wy 4 R pesert e eo Sloceecer onset” ¢ lajire, Hi 4g oF 1. Ooreowilanie é Cnappakaldi & e y ~ y ‘ iy y ; ai Jantawolonit y s . -f iY Ey a , a iranni 5 i : d Burinna gill” Y Y, % Up 4, AL | hl. iy Tankamarinpa ay #7; ot Y Behe Z Z) QO mix ye ® 2X4 Gm, GY y) iy of 479° QW, % ‘Gy 77 BAM ee, “Ui G 2 Yi, GA i“ Q . 4 | b Wor. 44Y | G “uh” Vy NG FO Mm 2% f Woy, AUG “yy G %, “lltee, 2mi le tp Ra Figure 12. Map of the Lake Eyre re di in the early twentieth century. Gregory discovered many vertebrate fossil-bearing localities along many of the creeks draining into Lake Eyre. (From Gregory 1906). 22 - RICH & ARCHBOLD his shoulder for advice from abroad or trying to shove the Australian record into a European mould (Vallance 1978). The universities provided permanent, indigenous positions for professional palaeontolgists, and the first Australian-educated students began to appear. T. S. Hall, who was trained by F. McCoy and worked with the Victorian Geological Survey under Selwyn, was the first of many. Although locally-trained vertebrate palaeontologists did not appear until the twentieth century in Australia, palaeontology by then had its independence. For the sub-discipline of vertebrate palaeontology, Australian maturity was deferred, mainly due to the lack of a trained professional base in this country and the absence of financial support for their work. RAPID COMMUNICATION ON A LOCAL SCALE: THE SCIENTIFIC SOCIETIES Yet one other factor which gave independence of scientific endeavour in Australia (Branagan and Townley 1976) was the establishment of local scientific societies (Prince 1979). Patterned after groups such as the Royal Society of London, these societies gave the educated gentry a chance to exchange information at meetings and perhaps, more importantly, to give local scientists a rapid, local source of publication. One of the earliest of the societial publications was the Tasmanian Journal of Natural Science, Agriculture, Statistics &c published by the Tasmanian Society for the Advancement of Natural Science or The Tasmanian Society, as it came to be known, a society that was founded in 1839 and flourished under the leadership of Sir John Franklin (Plomley 1969). The Tasmanian Journal, first published in 1841, continued into the 1840's (Fig. 13). MEN OF INFLUENCE, PIONEERS IN AUSTRALIAN VERTEBRATE PALAEONTOLOGY During the transition period from dependence to independence, Basalla's stages 1 and 3, a number of scientists, collectors and interested individuals substantially influenced the course of vertebrate palaeontology in Australia. These included the Rev. William B. Clarke, Alexander Macleay, Edmund C. Hobson, the Rev. Julian Tenison Woods, Frederick McCoy, Gerard Krefft, Robert Etheridge Jr., H. Y. L Brown, Charles W. DeVis, E. C. Stirling, A. H. C. Zietz and J. W. Gregory, to mention but a few. 1839 marked the arrival of the Reverend W. B. Clarke (1798-1878) in Sydney, migrating with his family to Australia because of his own ill health. Here he assumed the position as Rector of Willoughby, North Sydney after coming from a background of study at Cambridge University. He had been very much influenced by Adam Sedgwick, Professor of Geology at Cambridge University. Clarke maintained a close friendship with Sedgwick throughout his life (Branagan in Stanbury 1975). On coming to Australia, Clarke was an avid prospector for fossils and a keen geologist and took every opportunity to show visiting scientists the local rocks of the Sydney area. He had an ongoing correspondence with many well-known geologists such as Murchison and Sedgwick in England and Dana in the United States. He certainly did not work in an isolated atmosphere. He managed to do more than just collect and serve as a geological tour guide; he also published a number of articles in the local newspapers and in both Australian and overseas journals, especially on the geological record of the Sydney environs (Branagan & Townley 1976). He drew together many of his geological and palaeontological ideas and the results of several survey trips in The Sedimentary Formations of New South Wales, which appeared in several editions between 1867 and 1878. Despite this HISTORY OF AUSTRALIAN VERTEBRATE PALAEONTOLOGY - 23 THE TASMANIAN JOURNAL Oo; NATURAL SCIENCE, AGRICULTURE, STATISTICS, &e. VOL. I. TASMANIA: TAMES BARNARD, GOVERNMENT PRINTER, HOBART. LONDON: JOHN MURRAY, ALBEMARLE STREEP. 1842. Royal SocieTY OF TATMANIA Figure 13. The front page of the initial issue of the Tasmanian Journal of Natural Science, Agriculture, Statistics, &c. , an early locally produced scientific journal that made it possible for local, rapid publication of scientific papers. (Courtesy of N. Kemp). 24 - RICH & ARCHBOLD effort on his part, however, most of the vertebrate fossil material that he collected or that was sent to him was forwarded to scientists abroad for final study. A part of the same Sydney community to which Clarke belonged was Alexander Macleay (1767-1848), already mentioned above in the context of museum development. His large house at Elizabeth Bay with its exquisite library, by far the best palaeontological library in Australia at the time, plus his natural history collections, certainly served as an intellectual hub of this colonial town. But, although he wrote articles for the local newspapers about fossils, he published no substantial scientific papers. His contribution was primarily that of a great resource on which the infant scientific community could build. It was certainly no easy task to foster or pursue science in a society that was small, nearly half unlettered convicts and cut off from rapid communication with other centres of scientific endeavour in Europe and England. Scientific efforts were restricted to a small group of educated men who had both the training and the means of support to keep themselves going. Julian Tenison Woods (1832-1889) was another early worker on vertebrate fossils (Fig. 14). A Roman Catholic priest-geologist, he led a varied and somewhat controversial life that took him from England to Australia to Europe and Asia (including China) and back to Australia where he died (Press 1979). He spent much of his time in Australia in the area around Penola, to the southeast of Adelaide. He collected in the mid to late Cainozoic deposits in this area and wrote a number of scientific papers based on the material that he had collected, or had collected for him, such as the large bird bones from native wells around Penola, some of the first dromornithids reported. He maintained an active correspondence with geological enthusiasts (Player 1983) as well as other palaeontologists and geologists in Australia, such as William Macleay (Press 1979) and overseas, such as Sir Charles Lyell, one of the most prominent geologists of the time. He was also an active member, even president (Linnean Society of New South Wales from 1879-1880), of several scientific societies and a member of the Board of Trustees of the Australian Museum (1880). He used what few chances there were for intellectual pursuits within his parish when he stopped for a while on properties such as that of Samuel Pratt-Winter at Murndel near Hamilton, Victoria. Murndel was ideal for Woods, as it combined an abundance of Miocene fossils (marine), a superb library and a well educated and well travelled land-owner (Press 1979). Even though Pratt-Winter was not a Roman Catholic, he would travel to Tenison Woods presbytery in Penola, when going to Mt Gambier, and often would bring books for the priest to read in his absence from Murndel. Woods certainly didn't confine his explorations to southeastern Australia, but made a number of excursions to several parts of the continent, for both scientific and religious reasons. He visited Malaysia and China, and, of course, he spent his early life in England. Despite the fact that Woods described and named many of the fossils that he collected, however, he often forwarded specimens to Melbourne or to London to the experts for a final decision. He oft times used such specimens as trade items with other workers such as Macleay in Sydney. A major influence in South Australia was H. Y. L. Brown (1844-1924), a Nova Scotian who received his training initially at the Royal School of Mines in London (Fig. 15). He worked for a time in both Canada and New Zealand. He trained under Selwyn in the Victorian survey. He spent time in New South Wales before taking a job in 1882 as the government geologist of South Australia. He held that job for 30 years and used all manner of transport to cover much of South Australia and the Northern Territory (then a part of South Australia) in his geological surveys. He was a man of catholic tastes, and his reports and maps (Fig. 16) detailed not only the geology but also water resources, local environment, distribution of fauna and flora, and ethnology of each area he visited. Brown (1892, 1894) collected the remains of Diprotodon, a giant, now extinct marsupial, and the giant goanna, Megalania, as well as a number of other bones in the area northeast of Lake Eyre. He noted that the native peoples of this area accounted for the presence of such HISTORY OF AUSTRALIAN VERTEBRATE PALAEONTOLOGY - 25 B Figure 14. Julian Tenison (J. E. T.) Woods as a young priest in South Australia (A) and a traveller (B) in southeast Asia. He was an important early collector and writer on the geology and palaeontology of southeastem Australia. (From Press 1979). bones by their being remains of the cadimurka , a large fish that lived in the bottom of the waterholes in the area. These cadimurka had never been seen alive by anyone, however. Simultaneous with Brown's work in central Australia was the first major expedition collecting vertebrate fossils, that at Lake Callabonna carried out by the South Australian Museum (Figs 17, 18). Brown (1894) reported on this expedition. H. Hurst was originally sent to Lake Callabonna by the South Australian Museum after an Aboriginal stockman pointed out the occurrence of giant bones on the lake's surface. Parts of 80 skeletons of large, extinct vertebrates, mainly Diprotodon, were discovered by Hurst, and later by E. C. Stirling & A. H. C. Zietz (Fig. 10) and others from the South Australian Museum who took over from Hurst. Brown's report on the area (dated 27 June 1893) astutely recognized the importance of this site: "In view of the importance of preserving these relics of a bygone age for the future scientific exploration I would recommend that the whole area of the lake be reserved for that purpose, and to prevent the indiscriminate digging up and removal of portions of the specimens." This recommendation was implemented on 30 November 1901 by the South Australian government. In the late 19th century two scientists with palaeontological interests stand out as independent workers who did not automatically seek foreign expert opinion to give credence to their own ideas. These were Johann Ludwig Gerhard Krefft (1830-1881) and Robert Etheridge Jr. (1847-1920) of the Australian Museum, Sydney. Both men strongly believed in their own ability to make reliable decisions without outside confirmation. Etheridge was an imaginative and careful scientist and together with Ralph Tate supported the idea that the Australian stratigraphic sequences might not be a direct reflection of those in the Northern Hemisphere. 26 - RICH & ARCHBOLD Figure 15. H. Y. L. Brown (A, B younger, and C, older) was responsible for the discovery of much fossil vertebrate material from the interior of the continent, mainly South Australia and the Northern Territory. (Courtesy of the South Australian Archives, Adelaide, and N. Pledge). HISTORY OF AUSTRALIAN VERTEBRATE PALAEONTOLOGY - 27 MAP TO ACCOMPANY GOVERNMENT GEOLOGISTS REPORT On country in the neighbourhood of do . LAKE EYRE | a . . fy “\_L. HOPE Recent 4 Tertiary on Mesozvce (Cretaceous 4 Ooltac) aw) SLAKE EYRE) = (North ) : g HARRY BORE (ARTES(AM) / Tertary on/Mesozou / A ‘ f LAN nigh an ‘Raiden SCALE ri , Northern oid of the Mairv a Bande ite eee ES te" (Primary rocks) AY L.Brown, Govt Geologist. 11 10.92 SURVEYOR CENERALS OFFICE ADELAIDE A Viughan hotel thographer PP NO /4/.\ Figure 16. Map of the Lake Eyre Sub-basin prepared by H. Y. L. Brown, then the Government Geologist for South Australia. This area was rich in fossil vertebrates, many of which were discovered by Brown. (Courtesy of the National Library of Australia and G. F. van Tets). Krefft is often remembered for his public disagreement with Sir Richard Owen over the feeding habits of the fossil marsupial Thylacoleo, clearly demonstrating his belief in the value of his own opinion. Krefft had sent Owen material for study for some time, but he rather unfortunately stopped this when Owen interpreted the jaws and teeth of Thylacoleo as belonging to a carnivorous animal. Krefft adamantly and rather unscientifically disagreed, 28 - RICH & ARCHBOLD claiming that the beast was a plant-eater, something like a giant rat kangaroo. Krefft remained, throughout his life, an outspoken defender of his own, independent opinions. He is best known for his work on fossil mammals, but he worked on a number of other vertebrates as well (e.g. Whitley 1958-1959, 1967-1968; Krefft 1866, 1870, 1873; Archer & Clayton 1984). Robert Etheridge Jr. first came to Australia to be a part of Selwyn's geological survey. Although he returned to England after his service in the survey, he was drawn back to Australia by an abiding interest in this new country, and was important in establishing the science of vertebrate palaeontology on this continent. He served as a palaeontologist at the Australian Museum and as well as a palaeontologist with the Geological Survey of New South Wales (Strahan 1979) and was eventually appointed as Director of the Australian Museum in 1887, where he remained until 1919. During that time he worked on fossils from all parts of Australia and had close working links with other geological survey personnel, such as H. Y. L Brown. He was "aloof, rather dour ...and shared his enthusiasms with few, though so many profited by them" (Vallance 1978). He had an incredible capacity for work, and his publication record was impressive (more than 400 papers) (e.g. Etheridge 1878, 1918; Etheridge & Jack 1882, Jack & Etheridge 1892, Dun & Rainbow 1926). Even more impressive was the accuracy of his assessments in those papers. His careful scientific work has stood the test of time. "Etheridge's writings, like Tate's, betray a well-informed sense of historical scholarship" (Vallance 1978), and together with Tate, Etheridge set the stage for independence in Australian palaeontology. E. C. Stirling and A. H. C. Zietz (Fig. 10), based at the South Australian Museum, are perhaps most remembered in vertebrate palaeontology for their excavations at Lake Callabonna in South Australia (Figs. 17, 18). Fossil bones were originally discovered at Lake Callabonna by an Aboriginal stockman (?Jackie Nolan) who reported them to Mr. F. B. Ragless. Two days later Mr. Ragless visited the site. A few days later the station cook also visited the site, and knowing that there was a reward posted for the recovery of the feet of Diprotodon, took the bones to Adelaide to claim the reward. Because of the confusion concerning just who should receive the reward, no one ever did! At this point the South Australian Museum dispatched Mr. H. Hurst to investigate the discovery in January 1893. After four months of field work a considerable amount of material was returned by "buck- board" buggy by Hurst (Stirling & Zietz 1900). After evaluation of the Hurst work, Stirling and Zietz decided to return themselves to Callabonna in August of 1893 and Hurst resigned his appointment upon their arrival. Despite appalling field conditions including bogged camels, the difficulty of acquiring feed and firewood, rabbit plagues, illness and high temperatures, a major part of the world's largest collection of Diprotodon skeletons was recovered and subsequently transported to the South Australian Museum in Adelaide. One of the first excavations of its kind, where whole animals were being recovered in numbers, Lake Callabonna gave Australia's small population and that of the world a glimpse of what the entire skeleton of such animals as the giant marsupial Diprotodon (Fig. 18) and the massive bird Genyornis really looked like. In other localities known up to that time skeletons were disarticulated, not associated, because of the jumbling that occurred in caves, stream channels, and even swamp accumulations. Stirling and Zietz were not simply field collectors, but also studied and published on what they had found, producing a series of excellent, large format, well illustrated monographs on a variety of the Callabonna vertebrates (Stirling & Zietz 1896a, 1896b, 1900, 1905, 1913). Sir Richard Owen, who had toiled so long and hard on understanding Diprotodon, would have envied such work, or would perhaps have done the work himself had he the chance. Ironically, Owen died in 1892, the very year that bones were discovered at Lake Callabonna and never knew what the feet of his treasured Diprotodon looked like. Callabonna held the secret that Owen would never know. Another late nineteenth century vertebrate palaeontologist was Charles de Vis (1829-1915) (De Vis's name is variously spelled DeVis and deVis). He differed from Gregory, Brown, HISTORY OF AUSTRALIAN VERTEBRATE PALAEONTOLOGY - 29 Figure 17. Lake Callabonna, South Australia (above) and skeleton of a Diprotodon weathering out on the surface of the lake during the South Australian Museum's expedition to this area in the late nineteenth century. (From Stirling and Zietz 1913). 30 - RICH & ARCHBOLD Figure 18. Lake Callabonna, skeleton of a Diprotodon partially excavated (above) and fully prepared and mounted (below). These specimens were recovered by the South Australian Museum's expedition in the late nineteenth century led by Hurst initially and then later by Stirling and Zietz. HISTORY OF AUSTRALIAN VERTEBRATE PALAEONTOLOGY - 31 Stirling and Zietz in that he did little field collecting himself. Instead, he worked on the collections made by others, such as Brown and Gregory. His origins lay in Manchester and he worked at many jobs upon coming to Australia, including being a librarian in Rockhampton for some time. He often published articles in local newspapers, such as The Brisbane Courier, The Telegraph and The Queenslander) under a pseudonym, Thickthorn (Ingram 1986), Later he assumed a curatorship at the Queensland Museum, and there he published profusely, naming many new forms, primarily from late Tertiary and Quaternary deposits. His comparative collections were exceedingly small, and his communication with the remaining scientific world was hampered by distance. Primarily because of this, and his lack of understanding of variability within species, most of the material he described was set up as new, and presently extinct species. He seems also to have believed that all fossil forms must represent extinct species. Thus, many of the original deVis names have been found to be invalid, the species instead representing fossil remains of extant taxa. In fairness to de Vis, however, it is worth remembering the isolation in which he worked, and the minimal funds and the small comparative collections with which he dealt. Besides his scientific work, de Vis made a significant contribution to museums serving as educational institutions based on his experience in Britain (Kohlstedt ms.). As well as full-time professionals, a variety of other part-time vertebrate palaeontologists were important . Robert Broom (1866-1951) serves as an example. Probably best known for his work on australopithecines in South Africa, he also spent a time as a medical practitioner in Australia. He arrived in Sydney on 28 May 1892 (Hunt 1974), and spent four years on the continent. He spent the greatest time in Taralga, New South Wales as the town's doctor, but found enough time to collect fossil vertebrates from the Wombeyan caves, despite some resistance from the New South Wales government. Some of this material eventually was deposited in the Australian Museum, but the vast majority of it followed him overseas when he returned to Glasgow, perhaps in part because of the resistance of officialdom to his work in the caves of New South Wales, and perhaps due to a somewhat cool reception that he received at times from Etheridge. By the beginning of the 20th century Australian-based vertebrate palaeontologists were collecting, describing and thinking about Australian fossils. They were no longer automatically shipping them overseas. But, there was still little funding for this science, either for collection and study or for the hiring of professional vertebrate palaeontologists in permanent positions. As a result, students were not being trained in this discipline on this continent, and little expeditionary work was mounted locally. AUSTRALIAN INDEPENDENCE AND INTERNATIONAL COOPERATION Vertebrate palaeontology in Australia has seen decided expansion during the 20th century, especially since the 1950's. The greatest activity has occurred in the study of fossil fish and mammals. Both of these disciplines have provided biostratigraphic information very useful in establishing rock sequences in the deformed Devonian sediments in eastern Australia as well as in the flat-lying, monotonous Tertiary carbonate-rich channel deposits that mimic the underlying Cambrian marine limestones in northern Australia. 32 - RICH & ARCHBOLD 4 eit se Bn ealliaaet as : se all i . oo Figure 19. The early 1950's saw the discovery of concentrations of Tertiary marsupials in northem South Australia. This discovery was the result of joint expeditions of the University of California (Berkeley) and the South Australian Museum. Three individuals were instrumental in these discoveries: R. A. Stirton (above, right) from the University of California, P. Lawson (above, left) from the South Australian Museum arid R. H. Tedford (below) from the University of Califomia. R. H. Tedford presents a detailed account of this pioneering work in his chapter in this volume. (Courtesy of P. Lawson). HISTORY OF AUSTRALIAN VERTEBRATE PALAEONTOLOGY - 33 EXPLO ig 4 ce MUSEU mS oe r Figure 20. International cooperation of the National Museum of Victoria and the Denver Museum in a joint expedition to the Nullarbor. Edmund Gill, a vertebrate palaeontologist from the Victorian museum (fourth from right), was a prominent member of the expedition. (Courtesy of the Museum of Victoria). During this period, advancement has been greatly influenced and enhanced by a few energetic workers and the discovery of important new fossil fields (see also Tedford (Chap. 2) and Plane (Chap. 3) this volume), It was also during this period that enough information began to accumulate to make meaningful summaries possible (Chapman 1914a, 1914b, Hills 1958, Ride 1964, Rich & Thompson 1982, Archer & Clayton 1984). Names that stand out amongst the many vertebrate palacontologists who worked or are still working during the twentieth century are E. S. Hills (Aust.), R. A. Stirton (U.S.A.), R. H. Tedford (U.S.A.) (Fig. 19), M. O. Woodburne (U.S.A.), W.D.L. Ride (Aust.), J.A. Mahoney (Aust.), E, D. Gill (Aust.) (Fig. 20) (Gill 1953, 1957, 1965a-b, 1968), E. Lundelius (U.S.A.), W. Turnbull (U.S.A.), M. Archer (Aust.), R. Wells (Aust.), P. Murray (Aust.), T. F. Flannery (Aust.), J. Hope (Aust.), S. Hand (Aust.), N. Pledge (Aust.), J. A. Long (Aust.), T. H. Rich (Aust.), A. Ritchie (Aust.), KS, Campbell (Aust.) S. Turner (Aust.), R. Miles (U.K.), G. Young (Aust.), R. Molnar (Aust.), and T. Thulborn (Aust). All of these scientists contributed significantly in major field discoveries, prolific description of new taxa and in novel interpretation of the newly found material. Hill's (1958) review of the entire field of Australian vertebrate palacontology and Ride's (1964) summary of Australian palacomammalogy were the first real attempts to draw together the rapidly accumulating data. Hills’ as well as Long's, Young's, Campbell's, Ritchie's and Miles’ specialty is Devonian fish, while Stirton, Tedford, Woodburne and their associates finally located the first concentrations of Tertiary mammals in Australia, in the Lake Eyre Basin where H.Y.L. Brown and J. W. 34 - RICH & ARCHBOLD Gregroy had trekked with camels. Gill, through his enthusiasm as a collector, and his publications, also promoted vertebrate palaecontology, especially in Victoria. Figure 21. Joint British Museum (Natural History) and Western Australian Museum expedition near the productive sites at Gogo, Wester Australia. (Courtesy of the British Museum (Natural History). Lundelius and Turnbull together with staff (including Duncan Merrilees) from the Western Australian Museum developed the Pleistocene record of Western Australia as well as the unique Pliocene site of Hamilton in Victoria, one of the few radiometrically dated vertebrate sites in Australia. Stirton and Ride promoted Australian vertebrate palaeontology not only by their own field and research work, but by training a number of students and collaborating with scientists around the world on Australian projects. Current researchers, such as T. H. Rich and M. Archer studied with Stirton and Ride respectively, and they in turn have supervised additional students, for example T.F. Flannery and J.A. Long. The current field of vertebrate palaeontology has much expanded over that of the 1950's. The long list of professionals in this field given in Rich & van Tets (1985) is a reflection of the current level of activity (Fig. 21). Each has made their own unique contribution, from setting up an economically useful microvertebrate biostratigraphy (S. Turner) to collecting and mounting impressive public displays (T. Flannery, A. Ritchie) to guiding museums filled with vertebrate fossils (A. Bartholomai). Activity is by far the highest it has ever been in this field in Australia. HISTORY OF AUSTRALIAN VERTEBRATE PALAEONTOLOGY - 35 Figure 22. A joint expedition of the British Museum (Natural History) and the Western Australian Museum led to the discovery in the mid-twentieth century of the rich Devonian Gogo locality in northwestern Wester Australia. (Courtesy of the British Museum (Natural History). 36 - RICH & ARCHBOLD Figure 23. Meeting of many of the currently practicing vertebrate palaeontologists in Australia at the Conference on Vertebrate Evolution and Systematics held in March 1989 at the Australian Geographic headquarters in Sydney. Front Row (left to right): 1, Groves; 2, Jeanette Muirhead; 3, Rhys Walkley; 4, ?; 5, Corrie Williams; 6, Dietlind Knuth; 7, Coral Gilkeson; 8, Sue Creagh; 9, Anne Warren; 10, Sue Hand. Back Row (left to right): 1, Tony Thulborn; 2, Michael Loy; 3, Zhang Gue Rui; 4, Gavin Young; 5, Robert Jones; 6, Tim Hamley; 7, Susan Bergdolt; 8, Bernie Cooke; 9, Brian Mackness, 10, Miranda Gott; 11, Mike Durant; 12, John Barry; 13, Walter Boles; 14, Neville Pledge; 15, Julie Barry; 16, Arthur White; 17, Alex Ritchie; 18, Jim Lavarack; 19, Mary White; 20, Sue Lavarack; 21, Pat Rich; 22, ?; 23, Tom Rich; 24, 7; 25, John Long; 26, Henk Godthelp; 27, Peter Murray; 28, Paul Willis; 29, Michael Archer; 30, John Scanlon. (Courtesy of Australian Geographic). Discoveries such as those in the Wellington Valley and at Lake Callabonna stand out as significant in the nineteenth century, when Australian vertebrate palaeontology was just being weaned. Several significant finds mark the twentieth century as well. These finds were made by a variety of people, mainly Americans, Australians and British. Such localities include: Gogo, a number of rich Devonian fish localities on Gogo Station in Western Australia discovered and developed by the British Museum (Natural History) and the Western Australian Museum (Figs 21, 22); the Devonian armoured fish localities in western New South Wales and southeastern Victoria, primarily developed by personnel from the Australian Museum, the Museum of Victoria and Monash and Melbourne universities, Australian National University and the Bureau of Mineral Resources; the Cretaceous terrestrial and marine sequences containing reptiles in southwestern Queensland and Victoria, the former through the efforts of the Queensland Museum, Harvard University, and the British Museum (Natural History) and the latter primarily by the Museum of Victoria and Monash University. The Tertiary vertebrate-bearing clays and sands of the Great Artesian Basin originally discovered and developed by R. A. Stirton and his collegues based at the University of California, Berkeley, together with the South Australian Museum (sce Chap. 2 by R. H. Tedford, this volume, and in Rich & van Tets 1985), was further explored by a number of American and Australian HISTORY OF AUSTRALIAN VERTEBRATE PALAEONTOLOGY - 37 groups, and is still a research focus. The mid to late Cainozoic fossiliferous Riverslcigh area of northwestern Queensland is one of the rare jewels that was discovered during the initial exploration of the 20th century, but its real potential and significance lay unrecognized until Michael Archer (University of New South Wales) initiated a detailed survey of the area in the 1980's. And finally, the Quaternary cave deposits along the southern and eastern parts of Australia, investigated by a number of Australian and American workers from many institutions (Australian National University (Canberra), Flinders University (Adelaide), Western Australian Museum, University of Texas, Field Museum of Natural History in Chicago, the University of California at Berkeley, amongst others) have produced very large collections of vertebrate material, some quite young, but including many extinct forms. The discovery by R. A, Stirton (Fig. 19) during the mid-20th century of Tertiary vertebrates in the Lake Eyre Basin is particularly momentous. It not only found a number of previously unknown mammals and birds, some quite unusual and quite distinct from any of the living groups in the Australian extant or Quaternary fauna, but it quite clearly led to a real acceleration of activity in Australian vertebrate palacontology. Ruben Arthur Stirton had come to Terra Australis, an explorer in 1952, to find pre-Pleistocene mammals in quantity. He did what he came to do (Stirton ef al. 1961, Stirton et al. 1968). From those expeditions that he led, fanned on by his infectious enthusiasm, came students, funding and a momentum that continues to the present. By the 1970's and early 1980's Australian vertebrate palacontology had finally come of age. Certainly by this time, Basalla's stage 3 had been reached. Australian vertebrate palaeontologists were quite visible and looked for the most part to their overseas colleagues as equals and co-workers. Indigenous expeditions as well as a number of joint expeditions involving such groups as the South Australian Museum (Adelaide), the University of California (Berkeley and Riverside), the Bureau of Mineral Resources (Canberra, especially with regard to work in the Northern Territory and Papua New Guinea (see Plane, this volume, Chap. 3), the American Museum of Natural History (New York), the Smithsonian Institution (Washington, D. C.), the Queensland Museum (Brisbane), the Museum of Victoria (Melbourne), the British Museum (London), the Field Museum of Natural History (Chicago), the University of Texas (Austin), the University of New South Wales (Sydney), Monash University (Melbourne), and the Australian Army. This approach differs vastly from the colonial days where material was often collected by local collectors and then shipped overseas for study by people such as Owen. By this time field work and theoretical work alike was being carried out by both locals and foreign experts, and neither group tried to shove the unruly Australian record into a European or North American mould. Today with a number of full time and part time positions filled by vertebrate palaeontologists in Australia, research and training of personnel locally is ensured. Although becoming increasingly restricted, funding for field work, research and publication in this area is available locally from both governmental and private sources. Because of this together with the lively interest of scientists, and some funding agencies (such as the National Geographic Society and Earthwatch) and private enterprise, from around the world, in the development of Australia's unique biota, a lively period of discovery is insured for what remains of the 20th century. Much of this work will undoubtedly be directed by Australians, but it will be significantly enriched by interactions on an international level, interactions which should be encouraged and nurtured. The scientific findings will, in turn, be of no small interest to the general public (Fig. 24). 38 - RICH & ARCHBOLD Figure 24. An official crest, of Mr. Rhys Walkley, which incorporates one of Australia's extinct fossil ventebrates, Diprotodon, here shown with a trunk, (Courtesy of R. Walkley). HISTORY OF AUSTRALIAN VERTEBRATE PALAEONTOLOGY - 39 ACKNOWLEDGEMENTS Many people are to be thanked for their assistance in preparation of this paper; D.F. Branagan and W.D.L. Ride for their reviews; T.H. Rich, M.V. Macdonald, J.R. Macdonald, J. Monaghan, and C. Williams for their editorial remarks; E. B. Joyce for the lend of his copy of T.L. Mitchell (1838); several individuals noted in the figure captions for providing illustrative material; D. Gelt, S. Morton and F. 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VALLANCE, T.G., 1981. The fuss about coal. Troubled relations between palaeobotany and geology. In D. J. & S. G. M. Cart, eds. Plants and Man in Australia. Academic Press, Sydney: 136-176. WHITLEY, G.P., 1958-1959. The life and work of Gerard Krefft. Proc. R. Zool. Soc. N.'S.W. 59: 21-34. WHITLEY, G.P., 1967-1968. Gerard Krefft and his bibliography. Proc. R. Zool. Soc. N.S.W. 68: 38. 44 - RICH & ARCHBOLD Ngapakaldia from Miocene terrestrial sediments of northern South Australia. These sheep-sized diprotodontids inhabited the Centre when it was much better watered. (From Rich & van Tets 1985, with permission of The Museum of Victoria). CHAPTER 2 VERTEBRATE PALAEONTOLOGY IN AUSTRALIA: THE AMERICAN CONTRIBUTION Richard H. Tedford! TAMOMUCHON cfc ccsslelesedene sevevaniveevsececesoveses 46 Between the WaFs........cccccccccccccecccccccccseccaaseeaes 46 The 50's, the Fulbright Years.........ccccccceeeceeeeees 46 The 60's, The National Science Foundation Grantees ............cccecsecsceceeceecees 53 The 70's, Careers for American Vertebrate Palacontologists in Australia ........ 62 The 80's, Australian Vertebrate Palacontology comes of Age@........ccecceeeeeeeeee 76 CONGCIUSTONG 2). 0os.5cicveci i exiavedsecstteasecsbertsovcarees 81 ACKnowled gements..u.....ceccsssssccceeesseseeeeeessaaeves 81 IRCLELCTICES Maneatis stoked Pcs cocath qveahode tel avast. 82 1 Department of Vertebrate Paleontology, American Museum of Natural History, New York, New York 10024, U.S.A. 46 - TEDFORD INTRODUCTION It may seem presumptous in the context of the history of vertebrate palaeontology in Australia to focus on an American contribution if it were not for its conspicuous presence in the years after the Second World War. American financed and directed work in the early post- war years demonstrated the necessity of direct exploration for Australia's fossil vertebrates. This was not a foreign invasion directed from the outside with all the spoils going overseas, but a cooperative venture between palaeontologists of the United States and Australia. The most important fruits (type specimens) of this international effort remained in or were returned to Australia to stimulate research in the country of origin. This cooperative approach to the development of the fossil record is largely responsible for the post-war burgeoning of the field in Australia, as has already been documented in historical reviews by Rich (in Rich & Thompson 1982 and Rich & van Tets 1985), Archer & Hand (in Archer & Clayton 1984) and in this volume. To place the American contribution in context, I briefly examine the state of vertebrate palaeontology in Australia before and just after World War II, and then detail the post-war American presence during four decades, each of which is characterized by different levels of involvement. BETWEEN THE WARS Australian vertebrate palaeontology was about as isolated from foreign involvement as its unique vertebrate fauna during the years between WWI and WWII. The field, however, held a number of prominent and active enthusiasts who continued to describe the fauna while carrying out official duties in other areas. Three were museum directors, C.A. Anderson (Australian Museum), L, Glauert (Western Australian Museum) and H. Longman (Queensland Museum), and two were academics, E.S. Hills (Univ. Melbourne) and the Rev. R.T. Wade from Sydney. Between these men there were studies of Devonian and Mesozoic fishes, Cretaceous dinosaurs and marine reptiles, Cainozoic fishes, reptiles and mammals. Discoveries in the science depended mostly on contacts with interested laymen and their initiative to send material to the museum. Such field work as was carried out was often done within the investigators’ private means. Nevertheless, important discoveries were made and promptly reported in the scientific literature. Prominent among these were Hills’ studies on the largely unknown Devonian fishes; Longman's description of the first important remains of Cretaceous dinosaurs, and Anderson's work on the first Tertiary (Pliocene) marsupials from New Guinea. Toward the end of this period Edmund Gill, palacontologist of the National Museum of Victoria (now Museum of Victoria), began a geochemical investigation of the provenance of a number of vertebrate fossils in that collection. Comparing the flourine content of museum specimens with material obtained in situ of the purported sites, Gill (1957) was able to demonstrate the Tertiary age of other remains from Victoria and Tasmania (including verification of the provenance of the marsupial Wynyardia). This work came to fruition at the time of the first American effort to find Tertiary mammals, and Stirton and Gill's collaboration (1957) gave the first hint of the nature of the Neogene fossil record of marsupials. THE 50'S, THE FULBRIGHT YEARS There were a number of factors that brought the first American contingent of vertebrate palaeontologists to Australia. Perhaps the most important was the "world-view" of the United States in the heady days of outreaching international influence that gripped the nation at war's AMERICAN CONTRIBUTION TO VERTEBRATE PALAEONTOLOGY - 47 end. This was manifested by such programs as the Marshall Plan, and most significantly for academics, by the Fulbright scholarship program that eventually sent hundreds of American graduate students and professors overseas. The lack of documentation from the fossil record of the history of vertebrates in Australia has long been noted by biologists. This large and intriguing biological problem focused attention on the continent as a science frontier. In the years after World War II state and federal geological surveys were increasingly active in mapping the areal geology of Australia, so that the distribution and character of the outcropping rocks was becoming sufficiently well known for exploratory work. This made it possible to actually find rocks of specific types and ages and to plan field work to explore for a fossil record rather than wait for reported discoveries. This combination of international science, an important biological problem, data to initiate a ie and time and adequate funds to pursue it, all came together in the first decade after the end of the war. Figure 1. Four vertebrate palacontologists who worked in northem South Australia in 1950's: left to right, Alden Miller, Richard Tedford, Paul Lawson and R.A. Stirton. (Courtesy of Paul Lawson). Ruben Arther Stirton (Fig. 1), Professor of Paleontology at the University of California, Berkeley, and his graduate student Richard H. Tedford, both obtained Fulbright Scholarships in 48 - TEDFORD 1953 and spent nine months in Australia searching for a Tertiary mammal record. They had important allies in the Geology Department of the University of Adelaide, in the South Australian Museum and the Mines Department of South Australia, all of whom generously contributed important knowledge and support, including the help of G. Davidson Woodard, then a University of Adelaide graduate student, and Paul F. Lawson of the Museum, Agreements were forged with the South Australian Museum over the disposition of collections and many other matters that have served as a basis for continued cooperation with that institution extending to the present day. Lawson, in particular, continued to serve the joint project for many active years and into retirement. , a Figure 2. The initial excavation of the Woodard Quarry, Lake Palankarinna, South Australia, July 1953. The holotype lower jaw of the diprotodont Meniscolophus mawsoni Stirton, 1955 is in the centre foregound between the brushes. AMERICAN CONTRIBUTION TO VERTEBRATE PALAEONTOLOGY ~- 49 Figure 3. Looking southeast across the bluffs at the Tedford Locality on the western shore of Lake Palankarinna, South Australia. White deposits are dolomitic mudstone within the Etadunna Formation (Middle Miocene) overlain by darker sandstones of the Tirari Formation (Plio-Pleistocene), The historical development of this work has been detailed elsewhere by Tedford (in Rich & van Tets 1985). In brief, the Fulbright program made possible an extended reconnaissance necessary to give the explorers time to become acquainted with the special conditions of the Australian nonmarine Cainozoic. The serendipitous discovery of Lake Palankarinna (Figs 2-3), east of Lake Eyre, in northern South Australia saved the 1953 effort from near failure and served as a focal point for a number of successful field excursions in later years. During the 50's Fulbright and University of California intramural funds along with funds from the collaborating Australian institutions enabled Stirton to send three additional expeditions (1954, 1957, 1958) to the Lake Eyre Basin. Personnel! on these expeditions varied, but Lawson (Fig. 50 - TEDFORD 4) served as liaison officer in all of them. Stirton was joined by his student Leslie F. Marcus in 1954, and Marcus remained in Australia into early 1955 to work on the Bingara Pleistocene fauna at the Australian Museum. William Ricdel (1954) and Brian Daily (1957) (Fig. 5) in their capacity as Curator of Fossils at the South Australian Museum were also contributors. Daily, in particular, set the framework for the Neogene stratigraphy of the Lake Eyre Basin. i > a os ¥ i. hem Figure 4. Paul F. Lawson at Lake Pitikanta in 1958 excavating a small marsupial skeleton from the Etadunna Formation . Tedford was the only American member in the 1957 field party from the South Australian Museum that reaffirmed the presence of an important late Cainozoic record east of Lake Eyre. This work recovered four superposed fossil vertebrate faunas of Miocene through Pleistocene age in central Australia (Figs 6-15). All the taxa in the older assemblages were new to science, considerably expanded the diversity of some families of living marsupials and established the presence of extinct groups vindicating a long held belief that Australia's fauna had a lengthy and complex history. Ernest L. Lundelius Jr. (University of Texas) and William A. Turnbull (Field Museum of Natural History) had also been intrigued as graduate students at the University of Chicago with the lack of a record of mammals in Australia before the Quaternary. Lundelius was encouraged to apply for a Fulbright by visiting lecturer in Zoology, A. R. Main, of the University of AMERICAN CONTRIBUTION TO VERTEBRATE PALAEONTOLOGY - 51 Figure 5. Brian Daily plotting the expeditions course, lower Strzelecki Creek, South Australia, 1957. 52 - TEDFORD Figure 6. Lower jaws and bones of the wallaby Prionotemnus palankarinnicus Stirton, 1955 in situ in the Mampuwordu Sand, Lawson Quarry, Lake Palankarinna, South Australia, 1961. Western Australia, and he went to that institution for his scholarship year in 1954-1955. Lundelius was also intrigued by the research of Claude Hibbard of the University of Michigan on the response of American mammal faunas to environmental change during the Quaternary. When he saw the rich, undescribed Quaternary collections in the Western Australian Museum and the potential of field work in this area, he recognized that material was at hand for similar studies in Australia, Thus, his objective shifted to Quaternary and Holocene faunal sequences, resulting in his first contribution in this field in 1960. This has remained a major focus of his Australian research to this date. AMERICAN CONTRIBUTION TO VERTEBRATE PALAEONTOLOGY - 53 THE 60'S, THE NATIONAL SCIENCE FOUNDATION GRANTEES In the 1960's support for work in Australia became increasingly costly, and the American investigators sought funds from the National Science Foundation. Stirton's work eventually involved earth moving equipment as well as the expensive field vehicles. Field parties remained small, principally involving himself, Tedford and Lawson. Alden H. Miller, University of California palaeornithologist, joined in 1961 and Stirton's graduate student Michael 0. Woodburne in 1962 (Figs 16-21). Figure 7. Looking south along the bluffs on the north-westem side of Lake Palankarinna, South Australia. Vehicle on the right is below the Lawson Quarry; the Woodard Quarry is on the flats at the foot of the bluffs just to the right of the farthest bluff, 1962. 54 - TEDFORD Figure 8, Looking west across Lake Kanunka, South Australia. Bluffs expose fossiliferous Tirari and Etadunna formations; Stirton Quarry lies behind the hill at the right hand end of the outcrop, 1957. A new Miocene faunal level was discovered in the Lake Eyre sequence in 1962 and an exploratory trip to the upper Sandover River north of Alice Springs in Northern Territory was made by Stirton, Tedford and Woodburne to investigate a Late Miocene fossil site discovered by the Bureau of Mineral Resources geologists. This site, on Alcoota Station, was so promising that Woodburne returned in 1963 with U. C, graduate student John Mawby and BMR personnel, to open a large excavation (Woodburne 1967) (Fig. 22). At the same time Tedford with Alan Lloyd of the Bureau of Mineral Resources undertook a reconnaisance of Tertiary deposits in southern Northern Territory and western Queensland finding a few Miocene vertebrates at Kangaroo Well, south of Alice Springs (Deep Well Station), and reaffirmed the AMERICAN CONTRIBUTION TO VERTEBRATE PALAEONTOLOGY - 55 Figure 9. Green Bluff, Warburton River, South Australia, looking downstream. The white limestone band is in the Etadunna Formation claystones and is overlain by fossiliferous Pleistocene deposits, 1957. occurrence of Miocene vertebrates from the Carl Creek Limestone on Riversleigh Station of western Queensland ( Tedford 1967, Lloyd 1967). In 1962 Stirton visited the Wau mining district in Papua-New Guinea to examine newly collected Pliocene mammal remains from the gold-bearing Otibanda Formation (see Plane, this volume, Chap. 3). These were the same rocks that yielded the first Tertiary mammals collected from New Guinea described by Anderson in 1937, Geoffrey Woodard had been sent to Wau in 1955 by Stirton, but most of the small collection obtained was lost in shipping. The new effort was spurred by the discoveries of Mike Plane of the Bureau of Mineral Resources working out of Wau. Plane (1967a-b) subsequently studied all the material in Berkeley, where he described it as the Awe Fauna. 56 - TEDFORD Figure 10. R.A. Stirton ("Stirt") in 1958 at Stirton Quarry, Lake Kanunka, South Australia. The holotype jaw of the extinct kangaroo Troposodon kentii Campbell, 1973 is in situ in the Tirari Formation at his nght hand. AMERICAN CONTRIBUTION TO VERTEBRATE PALAEONTOLOGY - 57 This decade saw two reviews of the developing Tertiary faunal sequence for Australia. In 1961, Stirton, Tedford & Miller presented the biostratigraphic framework for the Lake Eyre Basin. The four faunas were augmented with a fifth Miocene assemblage in 1967 by Stirton, Tedford and Woodburne. A further review combining all Australian (including the newly discovered Miocene Bullock Creek Fauna, Plane & Gatehouse 1968) and New Guinea data into a synthesis of a continent-wide faunal succession was published in 1968 by Stirton, Tedford & Woodburne, two years after Stirton's fatal heart attack. r . —— sss SMW # “W al Figure 11. Moming tea at Lake Ngapakaldi, South Australia in early August 1961 during early work at Ngapakaldi Quarry. From left, R.A. Stirton, H.J. Bowshall, Alden and Virginia Miller. Ermest Lundelius Jr. (now at University of Texas) returned to Australia in 1963-4 with William Turnbull of the Field Museum, Chicago. Their NSF supported field work involved both a search for Tertiary mammals in Victoria and Tasmania and continued work on Quaternary and Holocene sites in Western Australia, particularly the caves of the Nullarbor Plain. This work resulted in their obtaining a definitive Pliocene fauna, the first to be radiometrically dated, from the site at Hamilton in western Victoria discovered by Gill in the early 50's (Turnbull and Lundelius 1970). They also exploited the fossiliferous deposits in Madura Cave on the Nullarbor Plain of Western Australia working out a !4C-dated Holocene and Late Pleistocene succession (not yet completely reported in a series of papers of Lundelius 58 - TEDFORD & Turnbull 1973, 1975, 1978, 1981, 1982, 1984, 1989). These sites were further exploited by Lundelius and Turnbull during seven weeks in 1966-7 with funding from the University of Texas and the Field Museum. Figure 12. Removing overburden at the Stirton Quarry, Lake Kanunka, South Australia in 1961. Alden Miller is at the scoop, while Tedford and Lawson mind the winch. (Courtesy of R. A. Stirton). In 1960 Charles Camp of the University of California followed up a lead to Triassic vertebrates in the Blina Shale of the Fitzroy Basin, northwestern Western Australia. Bureau of Mineral Resources geologists had made the discovery in the early 50's, and the material had been seen by Stirton in Canberra in 1953. Camp's work was conducted with the Western Australian Museum, and his graduate student John Cosgriff was included in the field party. This work, which recovered the first diverse Early Triassic vertebrate fauna from Australia, was followed by further investigations by the Western Australian Museum in 1963 and 1964 (E. H. Colbert of the American Museum of Natural History participated in 1964). In 1965 Jim Warren and John Cosgriff revisited the sites for Monash University. Cosgriff (1965, 1969, and with Garbutt, 1972) described the labyrinthodont amphibians from the Blina Shale, but the other elements of this vertebraie fauna remain to be described. AMERICAN CONTRIBUTION TO VERTEBRATE PALAEONTOLOGY - 59 * i = eo a . aw 4 Figure 13. Two partial skeletons (both headless) of the small diprotodont Ngapakaldia tedfordi Stirton, 1967 in Ngapakaldi Quarry, Lake Ngapakaldi, South Australia, 1962. Skeleton in upper right of view lies on its back, front feet to the right; skeleton at lower left lies on its right side, facing left. In 1964 John Cosgriff was appointed a Senior Research Fellow in the Department of Geology of the University of Tasmania, where he remained until 1967. During this period he continued his studies of Triassic labyrinthodonts, culminating in his review of the Tasmanian forms published in 1974 after his return to Wayne State University. In 1961 the first American vertebrate palaeontologist appointed to an academic post in Australia arrived at the newly formed Monash University. Dr, James Warren soon became Professor of the Department of Zoology of that institution, and he initiated the first graduate studies in vertebrate palacontology in eastern Australia. W. D. L. Ride, Director of the Western Australian Museum held a joint appointment with the University of Western Australia in 1957-1974, which included graduate studies in vertebrate palaeontology. _—_ His first Ph.D. 60 - TEDFORD Figure 14. Lawson Quarry, Lake Palankarinna, South Australia, near the end of excavations in 1961. Kangaroo long-bones on either side of geology hammer are in the base of the Mampuwordu Sand. Top of the Mampuwordu Sand is about level with the bottle tops, vertical at the face is the Tirari Formation. AMERICAN CONTRIBUTION TO VERTEBRATE PALAEONTOLOGY - 61 student in that field was the Fulbright scholar Michael Archer, who came from Princeton University in 1967. vee’ a ieee <0, ys eee ee we, Gap a esc poet “ o an met pay NTE oe gle ~ Petes eile ORE. ws rs ha ate fie : wens Te, be 2 <, 3 4 moo a = i niet Nahe ge = 2 * hm oe ee Se sist : 3 » 3 oe - o 7 ina ve, ao ‘ 5 * ST 4 nin - TF he . , Seat . ae - e : sine” sgt dt ; @ e A ‘ en a. “i OO 1S es ie Te a: F gt cal gar Ls Papago, . oa * Se ee ‘ . “ee Figure 15. Backhoe in operation at Lawson Quarry, Lake Palankarinna, South Australia in 1962. Lawson operates the hoe, M.O. Woodbume collects material left exposed the previous year. Toward the end of the decade the Geology Section of the Australian and New Zealand Association for the Advancement of Science held the first symposium on vertebrate palaeontology at their annual meeting in Melbourne in 1967. The meeting was dominated by Americans (Stirton, Tedford, Woodburne, Lundelius, Turnbull, Cosgriff, and Warren) but included reports by Michael Waldman, Warren's first Ph.D. student, and Michael Plane of the BMR, newly returned from thesis work under Stirton at Berkeley. 62 - TEDFORD Figure 16. R. A. Stirton (left) and R.H. Tedford at Leaf Locality excavation, Lake Ngapakaldi, South Australia in 1962. Fossil leaf-bearing shales have been stripped off the top of the ancient stream channel by the backhoe, and the collectors are working on the sands, conglomerates and clays that fill the deeper channel where fossil vertebrates occur. (Courtesy of M. O. Woodbume), THE 70'S CAREERS FOR AMERICAN VERTEBRATE PALAEONTOLOGISTS IN AUSTRALIA The early part of the decade proved to be a favourable time for American vertebrate palacontologists particularly interested in research in their field in Australia to actually find AMERICAN CONTRIBUTION TO VERTEBRATE PALAEONTOLOGY - 63 Figure 17. M. O. Woodbume picking out small bones and teeth from Leaf Locality pebbly sands that have been washed through screen wire in ground-water pools dug at Lake Ngapakaldi, South Australia. academic or museum positions there. The discoverics of the 1950's and 1960's had demonstrated that an expanding range of evidence was available, including chapters in the history of vertebrates heretofore unwritten. At the same time the field was also attracting Australian students, so that by 1971 when the Geology Section of ANZAAS held its second symposium on vertebrate palacontology there were only three speakers from the United States (Cosgriff, Romer and Tedford) and twelve Australians reporting diverse researches from Devonian fishes to Pleistocene marsupials. Most of the Australian speakers held academic or museum positions. There were few students sufficiently advanced to step into the jobs that were being offered by administrators aware of the intellectual promise of this developing field. An exception was Michael Archer, who returned to his native land (he was born in Sydney) as 64 - TEDFORD 28 Tuly (76R Ling 2 MDs ha P Mee mere _hicrcdlen Hat are aecordids ude [ANKE 253, acts, 9 Lowuit pact A ay F256 Phasyurih Ngap ar C Fame (aeeteor Ngiaqratcakse Puarry Cane 52967 N Ng apakalse Fauna ate ee ere Uipapekatey anergy Ycace oxchy Ciel leat ADUMLLOSLL of R.A. Stirton describing the excavations and discoveries at Leaf Figures 18-21. Field notes and drawings Australia. (Courtesy of the Museum of Paleontology, University of Locality, Lake Ngapakaldi, northem South California, Berkeley). AMERICAN CONTRIBUTION TO VERTEBRATE PALAEONTOLOGY - 65 Lack te Her leat Locality , ws tiely i art can re tee2 pase of thee faker: aut 1835 y acca So oe ‘late iodo Luk owe not, tals tee, a aia is a anulerion Meds, lb Chit t, Re caress ei a giatl 66 - TEDFORD ace (ee Aol 224 elon tagethern, cf ie Bacay: ee ee Pi ype dupe tabthr, ERED etd het Ate” tl bit a wacltitibher.ecutiste, foak., iecacre Aad heenrr ERE EEN C45 Pato Ur ence . mM Ferrugiwmaus conglomerate -irmumecdiately bekous oe upper auslar (elt) Leat boca ety AMERICAN CONTRIBUTION TO VERTEBRATE PALAEONTOLOGY - 67 PAcequa type ws Approx. Srens/mn, Leagth = [Y5mm. alternate vemaysren, marginal Yer present. Ang! botween remnlets anol marr vein Qhout §0°. Varn lot} more easily yrsthla on loft hat F Tota | length = 32mm. Greatest tay d tA —aaee Ay Vor leds alter rapt, / / / 2 L907. apa 7. / Luport 2 ie now Vein at abort $5” Q opp roxiina ately / Mer ohor 75 verg orally preseevedd W/o atnite avidenca ofa margina/ very - Yorn ets bike Peat A stally ~ some evidences of & Ay ertle Kor Metta yr va ‘7 68 - TEDFORD Figure 22. M.O. Woodbume excavating at Paine Quarry, Alcoota Station, Northem Territory, in the initial work in 1962. Bones can be seen drying after shellacing in the left foreground and in the excavation to the tight of the whiskbroom. AMERICAN CONTRIBUTION TO VERTEBRATE PALAEONTOLOGY - 69 a Fulbright scholar in 1967, obtained his degree at the University of Western Australia in 1972 and was appointed Curator of Mammals of the Queensland Museum the same year. He remained in Queensland until 1978, when he accepted an appointment in the School of Zoology of the University of New South Wales where he remains to this date. Archer's move to an academic position at the University of New South Wales, and his exploitation of new and very rich Miocene sites at Riversleigh in northwestern Queensland has resulted in a flood of interest in vertebrate palaeontology and in turn attracted a number of graduate students, At present count (Archer, pers. comm. 1988) fourteen students are enrolled in higher degree programs under Archer's guidance. In addition to this academic interest, Archer's program has promoted the involvement of interested nonprofessionals, many of whom are making important contributions to the field and laboratory work at Riversleigh. During the early 1970's another American student to study vertebrate palaeontology in Australia was Larry Marshall, who completed an M.Sc. at Monash in 1974 under Jim Warren. Marshall's work (1973) was concerned with the Plio-Pleistocene mammal faunas from sites on the Murray River region in the tri-state area that would have been inundated by construction of the Chowilla Dam. His work revealed an important faunal succession recently calibrated palaeomagnetically. Marshall returned to the United States in 1974 to continue studies of New World marsupials at the University of California. His subsequent research has continued to emphasize this field. Thomas Rich and his wife, Patricia Rich, were introduced to Australia as members of Tedford's 1971 field party that worked Miocene sites in the Lake Frome area. The couple immigrated to Australia in 1973, first with Fulbright support for Pat, and later both took up positions at the Museum of Victoria (Tom) and the Earth Sciences and Zoology Departments of Monash University (Pat) where they remain to date. T hey have spent much time in wideranging reconnaissance for fossil vertebrate sites throughout Australia - most recently, and successfully, in the Early Cretaceous deposits of coastal Victoria where a remarkable high- latitude fauna of dinosaurs and other vertebrates is turning up in the joint work of the Museum of Victoria and Monash University (Rich et al. 1988, Rich & Rich 1989). Pat Rich's Ph.D. thesis (Columbia University) reviewed all available fossil bird remains from Australia, emphasizing the dromornithid birds, especially the newly available Tertiary forms. She continues her paleornithological studies at Monash, and she and Tom have guided M.Sc. & Ph.D, students in that field, including both Australians (e.g. Tim Flannery, John Long, Charles Meredith), as well as Americans (e.g. Robert Baird), amongst others. In the late 70's two other American academics came to Australia. Ralph Molnar initially took a post in the Department of Anatomy, University of New South Wales but in 1979 became Curator of Mammals and Fossil Vertebrates at the Queensland Museum. His reviews of Australian lower tetrapods and studies of Crocodilia, theropods and Australia's first pterosaurs are important contributions to the Mesozoic fauna. Peter Murray, University of Chicago physical anthropologist, joined the Tasmanian Museum staff, and very quickly became involved in determining the late Quaternary mammal succession in the island State. Important new data were acquired during exploration of caves in northern and eastern Tasmania with collegues at the University of Tasmania. Murray described the vertebrate remains and reviewed the record of the giant echidna Zaglossus in Australia. In 1981 he moved to the Northern Territory Museum, first to Darwin and later to Alice Springs, to the post of Curator of Fossil Vertebrates and has pursued studies on Tertiary mammals there. The 70's saw a renewal of field work in Australia by Stirton's students Woodburne and Tedford, who joined with other American and Australian colleagues to continue exploitation of the Lake Eyre Basin sites and to explore for new sites in Queensland and South Australia. The National Science Foundation provided most of the support for these expeditions, but important contributions were made by the cooperating institutions, namely the South Australian and Queensland museums. 70 - TEDFORD Figure 23. Excavations at Lake Callabonna, South Australia in 1983 by the Museum of Victoria, Monash University and a contingent of the Australian Army led by John Wild and Tom Rich. A, excavation of one of five Diprotodon skeletons found during the 10 day expedition; B, preserving the bones before plaster- jacketing them for removal; C-D, plaster jacketing the bones for protection during their transport back to Melboume; E, removal of the plaster-jacketed specimen to a waiting Army vehicle; F, John Wild, commander of the Australian Army unit in charge of the Callabonna expedition, holding a Scotch Whiskey jug left by the Stirling and Zietz expeditions in the late 19th century, Discovery of this relic allowed location of the campsite that Stirling and Zietz and Hurst had used during their early excavations (see Rich & Archbold, Chap. 1, this volume). (Courtesy of the Australian Army). AMERICAN CONTRIBUTION TO VERTEBRATE PALAEONTOLOGY - 71 27 J0ne '911 Sunday Fes bad es vsvael b pag Sls Rane brag ky BA, 2 on visited Tam and | had ee locedify thet -) Nd _ (ast (to be catled South Pro oto: edentulous mamma JW = belo phascolarctid. Dick sid Rod wortced OM S00UTH Slong the Scerp as tom and t comtinved +o surface Prospect at South Pros pect #. ) dvg into the ray clays at the ate l had ~fouond the fragmentary andible but found MOThHING more. Tomend | then drove on south along Me scarp past Rodand Dick and Ten begen working back towered ‘them . hep Onto 2 Spot (South Prospect B) That produced ao ceftec€an €sr teGi0on and a psrtet tooth which Pick Thinks mey be & bandicoot (tho #t& higher Crowned then most) somewhat like Cho €ropus (xp?) . The’ boots sre vite Smo) Fa mammeatisn tooth. wo Phanges of Mammals nd an vine tprtsenting & very lerge memmaA (+e Jaks large marmmA +00th ) were found “in oF hestrt tnis Prospect. CHAM FY South Prospect 5B CCoord. 136,320) Guirmeamona Sheer n “ Cetacesr, petrese Figures 24, 25. Field notes of P. V. Rich from Tedford's expedition in the Lake Frome area of South Australia in 1971 indicating the first discovery of pre-Pleistocene platypus (Obdurodon, the tooth illustrated) and porpoise (a petrosal) remains in central Australia. (Courtesy of P. V. Rich). 72 - TEDFORD YE Section 8 South Prospect B 1s _ (Coord. ‘36, 320! Curmernon® ) WESther Werm farts iby | @nd wie were Monder, | —fllres es fee pa 28 June IAT! by Baer ond ~- the BA Photographs Rol! # 7 34-25 3 Red gorvas , Adult JY yuvenil , dlue Flier east of Billero ‘Hut eud Well zie Bore, noth of 26 Hack Billarop Hutand wen — COLD 20 ! 27-28 Dingo — jeast oF Billeroo Hut ond Wey. Specimens: PYR-A 71-31 DOrgmeits howehollend/ae sternum , Billerco tut ond wet] | PvR-A 71-32 Dibaisy tis Noveehollandiae Skull d cervica/s, 3 és, Billerco “Hot ed 4). PVR-A 71-33) Prometus noveecho/|ondise yi Se lo Corecoid, Bilervo a wen, $.A. PVR-A 71-34 me1vs noveehollendiae Skull || Billerco Hut end wen, 5A, 2 Rack. AMERICAN CONTRIBUTION TO VERTEBRATE PALAEONTOLOGY - 73 In 1970, Tedford and Columbia University graduate student Bob Emry, joined with the Smithsonian's Clayton Ray and Frank Pearce and South Australian Museum's Neville Pledge and Paul Lawson to reinvestigate the famous Pleistocene sites at Lake Callabonna (Fig. 23) in South Australia. This was the first large-scaled work there since the original expedition sponsored by the South Australian Museum in 1893 and Stirton's visit in the 50's. The fauna was enlarged by finding taxa other than Diprotodon. Diprotodon trackways (Tedford 1973) were discovered, and the local geology was outlined for the first time and fit into the Cainozoic sequence developed for the nearby Lake Frome area. Near the close of this field work the South Australian Museum hosted a field conference led by Tedford at Lake Callabonna and in the eastern Lake Eyre Basin. This trip lasted 7 days and included David Ride and Harry Butler (Western Australian Museum); Alan Bartholomai (Queensland Museum); Jim Warren (Monash University), Grant Inglis, Neville Pledge and Paul Lawson (South Australian Museum); Mike Plane (Bureau of Mineral Resources); and Mines Department South Australia and Bureau of Mineral Rresources geologists, Roger Callen, indefatigable geologist of the Mines Department, South Australia, discovered Tertiary bone fragments southeast of Lake Frome in 1970, and these became the harbinger of the Miocene fauna discovered by Tedford's party in 1971 (Figs 24, 25, 26). That year the field party included Tom and Pat Rich then graduate students at Columbia and Rod Wells, a graduate student at the University of Adelaide. This party made the first collection of vertebrates from that area, including many taxa new to the Australian Miocene. Moving into Queensland, Alan Bartholomai of the Queensland Museum joined the party. The group went on to explore (without success) deposits east of the Dividing Range in Queensland, then moved to the Winton area in central Queensland where a few fragmentary dinosaur bones and a spectacular trackway site (Lark Quarry) were located in the Winton Formation with the assistance of a local grazier, Peter Knowles. No fossil vertebrate remains were found in the overlying Tertiary deposits.At the close of this trip, after Bartholomai returned to Brisbane, the party returned to South Australia and briefly joined Woodburne's group working at Lake Palankarinna east of Lake Eyre. In 1971 Woodburne had combined with William A. Clemens of the University of California to set up the first large-scale screen washing of fossiliferous matrix from Miocene rocks in the Tirari Desert east of Lake Eyre. They were joined by Colin Campbell, Australian graduate student at California, Mike Archer, just finishing at the University of Western Australia, and Neville Pledge (Fig. 26). The washing technique proved to be highly successful with many new taxa coming to light. This was an inspiration for Tedford's work in 1973 when the washing technique was applied to the Namba Formation east of Lake Frome. Tedford's 1973 party included Alan Bartholomai, Mike Archer (newly appointed at the Queensland Museum), Rod Wells (then at Monash University), Neville Pledge and Mike Plane and Dick Brown of the Bureau of Mineral Resources, Canberra. Most of the field season was spent exploiting the Miocene Namba Formation southeast of Lake Frome where a large and very successful washing program was set up. A few weeks were also devoted to completing the reconnaissance of the Palaeogene Eyre Formation outcrops in northeastern South Australia and adjacent western Queensland. This work failed to find any animal remains in these well- exposed deposits. Woodburne spent his sabbatical year in Australia in 1972 during which he again joined with Australian colleagues Mike Plane, Mike Archer, Paul Lawson and Winston Head of the South Australian Museum in the field at Lake Palankarinna (Fig. 27) with further success in washing the Etadunna Formation there. In 1976 Lundelius and Turnbull (Figs 28, 29) returned to Western Australia to continue work on Quaternary faunas and to explore the Pilbara district for Tertiary mammal occurrences. They all visited Hamilton in Victoria. Funding for this work again came from the Fulbright Program (for Lundelius) along with University of Texas, National Geographic Society and 74 - TEDFORD Figure 26 A, expeditions into the Lake Eyre Basin in the early 1970's. Above is the field party to Lake Palankarinna, South Australia in 1971. Left to right: Colin Campbell, Mike Woodbume, Tom Rich (a inember of Tedford’s party), Rod Wells (a member of Tedford's party), Mike Archer, Dick Tedford, and Bill Clemens. Picture is taken at Stirton’s old camp site. B, R.H. Tedford's field party that discovered the new fossil field in the Lake Frome area in 1971: from the left, Tom Rich, Dick Tedford, and Rod Wells (Courtesy of P. V. Rich). AMERICAN CONTRIBUTION TO VERTEBRATE PALAEONTOLOGY - 75 Field Museum contributions. No Tertiary vertebrates were found in the Oakover beds, but studies of Quatemary mammals were advanced. Figure 27. A, R. A. Stirton (right) and Paul Lawson on early reconnnissance trip in the Lake Eyre Basin during the 1950's. B, Excavation in the Lake Frome area or South Australia (Lake Tarkarooloo) in 1976 by a party from the Museum of Victoria; sediments are of Miocene age and related to those at Lake Palankarinna; P. Morrison (foreground) and M. Vickers. C, Stirton's favourite camping spot at Lake Palankarinna, behind the Cannuwalkaninna sanddune. Several expeditions mounted by the BMR, the Museum of Victoria and Monash University, the Queensland and South Australian Museums and the University of New South Wales retumed to exploit Stirton's old sites and locate new ones in the 1970's and first half of the 1980's. (B and C courtesy of P. V. Rich). 76 - TEDFORD This decade saw an enormous increase in field work undertaken by Australian workers using private, university, and federal funds (Australian Research Grants Scheme, Australian Research Council) and funds from cooperative projects with other institutions. Notable were Archer's privately supported (Dr. R. E. Lemley (Fig. 30), Rapid City, South Dakota) work in Queensland which included exploiting the discovery of a Pliocene site near Charters Towers (Bluff Downs), and his realization of the enormous potential of the Riversleigh Miocene site in the northwest of the state. Joint projects between Queensland and Victoria museums to the Frome and Lake Eyre Miocene sites in South Australia and the Miocene at Alcoota (Fig. 22) in the Northern Territory provided comparative material and new taxa from the sites discovered by the American parties, Palaeozoic fishes were collected from eastern Australia by the Australian Museum (Alex Ritchie, who was also carrying on field work in Antarctica), Monash University (Jim Warren and John Long), Australian National University (Ken Campbell), Bureau of Mineral Resources (Gavin Young) and Queensland Museum (Susan Turner and Anne Kemp). The spectacular Devonian Gogo site in the Kimberley district of Western Australia was discovered and worked initially in the 60's by joint British Museum (Natural History) and Western Australian Museum teams and later by parties from the Australian National University, the Bureau of Mineral Resources and the Western Australian Museum. An important new site for Triassic tetrapods was found in southern Queensland and worked by Anne Warren and Latrobe University parties and Tony Thulborn of the University of Queensland. Cretaceous vertebrates were collected from the Eromanga Basin in Queensland by joint British Museum (Natural History) and Queensland Museum group. Systematic prospecting of the Early Cretaceous in Queensland, New South Wales and especially Victoria by Ralph Molnar (University of New South Wales, Queensland Museum) and Pat and Tom Rich (Monash University, Museum of Victoria) has improved the record of vertebrates from these rocks. Quaternary vertebrate records were also improved, spectacularly, with the discovery of rich deposits in part of the Victoria Cave in the Naracoorte district of South Australia by Rod Wells (Flinders University) and the South Australian Caving Group. Neville Pledge added a new Miocene level to the sequence at Lake Palankarinna during a joint field trip of Australian vertebrate palaeontologists and Ernest Lundelius following the International Geological Congress in Sydney in August of 1976 (Fig. 30). THE 80'S, AUSTRALIAN VERTEBRATE PALAEONTOLOGY COMES OF AGE At the beginning of the present decade vertebrate palaeontology was being addressed in most universities and state museums throughout Australia, and in some federal departments as well. The Queensland Museum has Alan Bartholomai, Director, Ralph Molnar and Mary Wade, curators, and Susan Turner and Anne Kemp Research Fellows and Tony Thulborn in the University of Queensland. In New South Wales, Mike Archer is at the University of New South Wales, his former graduate students Tim Flannery is at the Australian Museum (Mammalogy) and Suzanne Hand is a Research Fellow at the University. Alex Ritchie is Curator of Fossils at the Australian Museum, These individuals also offer or cooperate in graduate programs in the Sydney area universities. Jeannette Hope (Fig. 28), palacomammalogist, employed by the New South Wales Parks Department, is also based in Sydney. Canberra has palaeoichthyologist Ken Campbell at ANU, Mike Plane (now retired) and Gavin Young at the BMR, and vertebrate palaeontologists David Horton and John Gorter are associated with the Institute of Aboriginal Studies. In the Melbourne area Tom Rich is Curator of Fossils at the Museum of Victoria, Pat Rich (Earth Sciences and Botany/Zoology) AMERICAN CONTRIBUTION TO VERTEBRATE PALAEONTOLOGY - 77 (Botany/Zoology) are at Monash University and Anne Warren is at Latrobe University. Former Curator of Fossils at the Museum of Victoria, is fossil wombat specialist Eric Wilkinson, geologist for the Department of Mines, Victoria in Ballarat. In Tasmania, Museum Director Don Gregg and Curator of Fossils Noel Kemp are vertebrate palaeontologists, and palaeoichthyologist John Long is Research Fellow in Geology at the University of Tasmania. Figure 28. Vertebrate palaeontologists who attended the International Geological Congress held in Sydney in 1976. This group attended a field conference that visited sites in westem New South Wales, including the Wellington Caves: left to right, Dr. Lehman, M. Vickers, E. Ritchie, T. Rich, ?, B. Ritchie, P. Rich, A, Ritchie, S. Ritchie, L. Dawson, M. Archer, J. Hope, ?, E. Lundelius, J. Lundelius, N. Pledge. (Courtesy of P. V. Rich). Honours and graduate studies in vertebrate palaeontology are conducted in South Australia by Rod Wells at Flinders University. Neville Pledge is Curator of Fossils at the South Australian Museum. Both coordinate a number of amateurs in the state and work with local caving groups to the great benefit of the science. The Northern Territory Museum has employed Peter Murray as Curator of Vertebrates, the first vertebrate palacontologist in that important region. Only Western Australia at present lacks a permanent academic or museum position in vertebrate palacontology. Alex Baynes, Research Associate at the Western Australian Museum, is the only vertebrate paleontologist in the state, but Ken McNamara, Curator of Fossils of the Western Australian Museum has more than a passing interest in the subject. 78 - TEDFORD Figure 29. Localities producing vertebrate fossils in Australia worked during the 1970's and 1980's. A-C, Hamilton, a Pliocene site dated radiometrically by the basalt that overlies the fossiliferous sediments. C, Tom Rich in the foreground and Tim Flannery. The Museum of Victoria and Monash University carried out major excavations and sieving operations on this site that had originally been discovered by Edmund Gill and later worked by Emest Lundelius and William Tumbull. D-F, Lord Howe Island, South Pacific, Pleistocene: D, partial specimen of a procellarid bird still in the matrix; E, Alex Ritchie (foreground) and Steve Barghom excavating Meiolania , the Lord Howe Island Horned Turtle; F, Gene Gaffney puttin plaster jacket on a Horned Turtle specimen. (Courtesy of P. V. Rich). AMERICAN CONTRIBUTION TO VERTEBRATE PALAEONTOLOGY - 79 This roster lists only those actively engaged in the field as professionals. There are many more students and a growing number of amateurs attracted to the science. As mentioned, Wells and Pledge work closely with vigorous amateurs and Archer has incorporated a corps of amateur enthusiasts into a "Riversleigh Society” to help transform the mountain of limestone from these deposits into research specimens. The field by its very nature continues to capture public attention, and this has been important in developing private as well as public funding necessary for sustenance of field and laboratory work and the growing cost of publication of scientific papers. Figure 30. A, Australian Army support on expedition into the Lake Eyre Subbasin with T. H, Rich in the mid-1970's; B, Ray Lemley, who provided finances for several of M. Archer's expeditions into central and northem Australia; C, Michael Archer; D, mid-Tertiary northern Australian limestone country at Bullock Creek, Northern Territory, a site of similar nature to the rich Riversleigh deposits of northwestern Queensland. (Courtesy of P. V. Rich). 80 - TEDFORD American contributions to field studies have continued into the 80's. Both Tedford and Woodburne pursued field projects begun in the 50's in attempts to tie-up loose ends of the Lake Eyre Basin faunal sequence. Woodburne spent 14 months in Australia in 1984-5 during which he conducted two field seasons of work at Miocene sites in the eastern Lake Eyre Basin with his students Judd Case and Mark Springer. Bruce MacFadden of the University of Florida, working with the Woodburne party, initiated magnetostratigraphic studies on the Etadunna Formation. This detailed biostratigraphic work has resolved the "Ngapakaldi Fauna” of Surton, Tedford and Miller (1961) into a six-fold faunal succession that spans sufficient time so that evolutionary change is visible in most lineages that extend through the succession. Bruce MacFadden's student, Mick Whitelaw, an honours graduate of Monash University, is continuing to apply magnetostratigraphic techniques to the Plio-Pleistocene successions. In 1980 and 1983 Tedford joined with Rod Wells, Paul Lawson and Well's student Dominic Williams plus a number of other willing workers from the Flinders University staff and Students to work in the Lake Eyre Basin. Steven Barghoorn of New York a member of the party in 1983 conducted a magnetostratigraphic study of the Tirari Formation. This work was jointly funded by ARGS and the National Geographic and was designed to clarify the Pliocene and Pleistocene stratigraphy and vertebrate palacontology of the deposits east of Lake Eyre. The results were reported at the de Vis Symposium and will be published in those proceedings, but a preliminary statement has been published (Tedford, Williams & Wells 1986), The "Katipiri Sands" of Stirton, Tedford & Miller (1961) was resolved into two formational units representing penultimate and ultimate glacial ages, and new local faunas were discovered in the Late Pliocene Tirari Formation and the overlying Pleistocene units. In 1980 Eugene Gaffney (Fig. 29) of the American Museum of Natural History revitalized the search for the homed tortoise (Meiolania) on Lord Howe Island while holding a Visiting Curatorship at the Australian Museum. He was assisted by then Columbia University graduate students Steve Barghoorn and Paul Sereno in cooperation with Alex Ritchie and Bob Jones of the Australian Museum. This work met with gratifying success, and Gaffney returned to Lord Howe Island in 1982 supported by funds from the American Museum and NSF. Barghoorn and Columbia graduate student Ann Burke completed the party, A further trip in 1987 supported by the American Museum employed local help on Lord Howe Island, This work enabled Gaffney to completely describe the osteology and relationships of the Lord Howe Island species of Meiolania, the most completely known representative of the genus. In the course of these studies Gaffney also reviewed the fossil record of Australian turtles and made a number of contributions to the morphology of Australian taxa present in museum collections there and in the United States, High levels of activity sustained by this growing population of vertebrate palaeontologists has increased the rate of discovery of important links in the chain of vertebrate history in Australia over the past decade. Highlights of this activity would certainly include the description of well preserved moulds of the Ordovician vertebrates, Australia's oldest (Ritchie & Gilbert Tomlinson 1977); the continuing yield of new and spectacularly preserved Devonian fishes from Gogo, Western Australia (Long 1987); the Triassic fauna at Rewan, Queensland including the first Australian therapsid (Thulborn 1983); the increasingly diverse and peculiar Early Cretaceous dinosaurs (Rich et al. 1988, Rich & Rich 1989); the oldest Australian mammal, a platypus (Archer et al. 1985); one of the oldest Australian birds (Molnar 1986) the diverse array of vertebrates from the Miocene of Riversleigh (Archer et al. 1989), a rich undescribed Late Miocene or earliest Pliocene fauna from a fissure fill in South Australia (Pledge pers. comm.) and the spectacular Victoria Cave deposit, South Australia now shown to be of penultimate glacial age (Wells et al. 1984). Much of this research was summarized and new work reported at the de Vis Symposium held in at the Queensland Museum, Brisbane, in 1987. Thirty-five Australian and six foreign contributors discussed aspects of the entire vertebrate record. Notable at this third major meeting of vertebrate palaeontologists (after a gap AMERICAN CONTRIBUTION TO VERTEBRATE PALAEONTOLOGY - 81 of 17 years) was the number of students reporting thesis research and the professional reports of two amateurs. Clearly the field has reached maturity in Australia. CONCLUSIONS The historical review presented above indicates that the American contribution to vertebrate palaeontology in Australia has been most direct in initiating and sustaining for over thirty years a level of field work that has directly revealed aspects of the history of the fossil vertebrates of that continent. The American effort has consistently been directed toward exploration for new sites and their exploitation. From the beginning this work has been conducted with Australian colleagues, few at first, but later with growing numbers of persons as the field generated interest among Australians. By the 1970's most of the field work was being conducted from within Australia funded by local institutions, the National Geographic Society and the ARGS. Some investigators also found significant private sources or obtained the assistance of the Australian armed forces for larger-scale logistical support. Much of this work exploited localities previously discovered in order to increase knowledge and to gain Australian reference materials from the more important sites. At this point the American effort focused more on completion of long-term studies in areas initially discovered or worked by them, and such work continues at diminishing scale to the present day. Certainly the greatest contribution to come from the American presence is the excitement the field has generated in the minds of Australians as is so amply testified by the number of Australians fully involved professionally in this field and the growing number of students entering it. This situation took only a couple of decades to develop into the mature state the field now enjoys in Australia. Much has been done, but much more remains to fully realize Australia's potential in documenting its vertebrate history. Although there are several Devonian fish sites scattered across the continent, the other Palaeozoic periods are poorly represented or unrepresented. Nevertheless, the Palaeozoic is present in thick geoclinal rock sequences of untapped potential in contrast to the cratonic Mesozoic and Cainozoic where shallow basins and long exposure to weathering and erosion limit the possibility for a record considerably. Despite this, the Triassic and Early Cretaceous have yielded much, although the Jurassic is an almost complete blank. The thicker rift-filling Cretaceous of Victoria has special significance because of its polar position, and indeed most of Australia was at high latitude during the Mesozoic. The Palaeogene is nearly a total blank except for a few turtles and penguins; the Tertiary record is limited at present to the latest Palaeogene (except perhaps for one early Tertiary site recently discovered in Queensland) and Neogene when carbonate sedimentary environments favorable to the preservation of bone appear in the continental record. Filling this "ghastly blank" in vertebrate history will require a new approach to prospecting, perhaps focusing on Palaeogene continental carbonates either fissure fills or clastic carbonate fluviatile or lacustrine deposits (the Miocene Carl Creek Limestone is a model). Large blanks still remain in the Neogene and Quaternary but favourable geological situations are still awaiting exploration. Continued work at the levels applied in the present decade promise a revolution in our knowledge of the vertebrate history of Australia by the next century. ACKNOWLEDGEMENTS These historical notes were put together from personal records and the literature. Through the years many people have helped to flesh-out this recent phase of the history of vertebrate palaeontology in Australia. I have called on Ernest Lundelius Jr., Mike Woodbume and Ralph 82 - TEDFORD Molnar to help check aspects of the story, and to them and all my colleagues in the ever exciting task of determining Australia's vertebrate history, I express my deepest gratitude. REFERENCES ANDERSON, C., 1937. Palaeontological notes. No. IV. Fossil mammals from New Guinea. Rec. Aust. Mus. 20(2): 73-76. ARCHER, M. & CLAYTON, G., 1984. Vertebrate Zoogeography & Evolution in Australasia. Hesperian Press, Carlislet. ARCHER, M, FLANNERY, T.F., RITCHIE, A. & MOLNAR, R.E., 1985. First Mesozoic mammal from Australia - an early Cretaceous monotreme. Nature 318: 363-366. ARCHER, M., GODTHELP, H, HAND, S. & MEGIRIAN, D., 1989 Fossil mammals of Riversleigh, northwestern Queensland: preliminary overview of biostratigraphy, correlation and environmental change. Aust. Zool .25(2): 29-65. COSGRIFF, J.W., 1965. A new genus of Temnospondylii from the Triassic of Wester Australia.J. Proc. R. Soc. West. Aust. 48: 65-90. COSGRIFF, J.W., 1969. Blinasaurus, a brachyopid genus from Westem Australia and New SouthWales. J. Proc. R. Soc. West. Aust. 52: 65-88. COSGRIFF, J.W. & GARBUTT, N.K., 1972. Erythrobatrachus noonkanbahensis, a trematosaurid species from the Blina Shale. J. Proc. R. Soc. West. Aust. 55: 5-18. GILL, E.D., 1957. The stratigraphical occurrence and palaeoecology of some Australian Tertiary marsupials. Mem. natn. Mus. Vict. 21: 135-203. LLOYD, A., 1967. An outline of the Tertiary geology of northem Australia. Bur. Min. Res. Bull. 80. LONG, J.A., 1987. Late Devonian fishes from the Gogo Formation, Westem Australia - new discoveries. Search 18: 203-205. LUNDELIUS, E.L., IR. & TURNBULL, W.D., 1973. The mammalian fauna of Madura Cave, Western Australia. Fieldiana Geol. 31: 1-35. LUNDELIUS, E.L., JR. & TURNBULL, W.D., 1975. The mammalian fauna of Madura Cave, Western Australia, Part I. Fieldiana Geol, 31: 37-117. LUNDELIUS, E.L., JR. & TURNBULL, W.D., 1978. The mammalian fauna of Madura Cave, Western Australia, Part III. Fieldiana Geol. 38: 1-120. LUNDELIUS, E.L., JR. & TURNBULL, W.D., 1981. The mammalian fauna of Madura Cave, Western Australia, Patt IV. Fieldiana Geol. n.s. 6: 1-72. LUNDELIUS, E.L., IR. & TURNBULL, W.D., 1982. The mammalian fauna of Madura Cave, Western Australia, Part V. Diprotodonta (Part). Fieldiana Geol. n.s. 11; 1-32. LUNDELIUS, E.L., JR. & TURNBULL, W.D., 1984. The mammalian fauna of Madura Cave, Western Australia, Part VI: Macropodidae: Potoroinae. Fieldiana Geol. n.s. 14: 1-63. LUNDELIUS, E.L., JR. & TURNBULL, W.D., 1989. The mammalian fauna of Madura Cave, Western Australia, Part VII: Macropodidae: Sthenurinae, Macropodinae, with a review of the marsupial portion of the fauna. Fieldiana Geol. n.s. 17: 1-71. MARSHALL, L., 1973. Fossil vertebrate faunas from the Lake Victoria region, southwest New South Wales, Australia. Mem. natn. Mus. Vict. 34: 151-171. MOLNAR, R., 1986. An enantiomithine bird from the Lower Cretaceous of Queensland, Australia. Nature 322(6081) : 736-738. PLANE, M. D., 1967a. Stratigraphy and vertebrate fauna of the Otibanda Formation, New Guinea. Bur. Min. Res. Bull. 86: 1-64. PLANE, M.D., 1967b. Two new diprotodontids from the Pliocene Otibanda Formation, New Guinea. Bur. Min. Res. Bull. 85: 105-128. PLANE, M.D. & GATEHOUSE, C., 1968. A new vertebrate fauna from the Tertiary of northern Australia. Aust. J. Sct.30(7): 272-273. RICH, P.V., RICH, T.H., WAGSTAFF, B.E., MCEWEN MASON, J., DOUTHITT, C.G., GREGORY, R.T. & FELTON, E.A., 1988. Evidence for low temperatures and biologic diversity in Cretaceous high latitudes of Australia. Science 242: 1403-1406. RICH, T.H. & RICH, P.V., 1989. Polar dinosaurs and biotas of the Early Cretaceous of southeastem Australia, Nat. Geog. Res. 5(1): 15-53. RICH, P.V. & THOMPSON, E.M., 1982. The Fossil Vertebrate Record of Australasia. Monash University Offset Printing Unit, Clayton. RICH, P.V. & VAN TETS, G.F., 1985. Kadimakara: Extinct Vertebrates of Australia. Pioneer Design Studio, Lilydale. AMERICAN CONTRIBUTION TO VERTEBRATE PALAEONTOLOGY - 83 RITCHIE, A. & GILBERT-TOMLINSON, J., 1977. First Ordovician vertebrates from the southern hemisphere. Alcheringa 1: 351-368. STIRTON, R.A., 1957. Tertiary marsupials from Victoria, Australia. Mem. natn. Mus.Vict. 21: 121-134. STIRTON, R.A., TEDFORD, R.H. & MILLER, A.H., 1961. Cenozoic stratigraphy and vertebrate paleontology of the Tirari Desert, South Australia. Rec. S. Aust. Mus. 14(1):19-61. STIRTON, R.A., TEDFORD, R.H. & WOODBURNE, M.O., 1967. A new Tertiary formation and fauna from the Tirari Desert, South Australia. Rec. S. Aust. Mus. 15(3): 427-462. STIRTON, R.A., TEDFORD, R.H. & WOODBURNE, M.O., 1968. Australian Tertiary deposits containing terrestrial mammals. Univ. Calif. Publs. geol. Sci. 77: 1-30. TEDFORD, R.H., 1967. Fossil mammals from the Carl Creek Limestone, northwestem Queensland. Bur. Min. Res. Bull. 92: 217-237. TEDFORD, R.H., 1973. The diprotodons of Lake Callabonna. Aust. Nat. Hist. 17: 349-354. TEDFORD, R.H., WILLIAMS, D. & WELLS, R.T., 1986. Lake Eyre and Birdsville Basins: Late Cainozoic sediments and fossil vertebrates. In The Lake Eyre Basin Cainozoic Sediments, Fossil Vertebrates and Plants, Landforms, Silcretes and Climatic Implications, R. T. Wells & R. A. Callen, eds., Australasian Sedimentological Group Field Guide Ser. 4,Geological Society of Australia, Sydney: 42-72. THULBORN, R.A., 1983. A mammal-like reptile from Australia. Nature 303: 330-331. TURNBULL, W.D. & LUNDELIUS, E.L., 1970. The Hamilton fauna: a late Pliocene mammalian fauna from Grange Bum, Victoria, Australia. Fieldiana Geol. 19: 1-163. WELLS, R.T., MORIARTY, K. & WILLIAMS, D.L.G., 1984. The fossil vertebrate deposits of Victoria Fossil Cave, Naracoorte: An introduction to the geology and fauna. Aust. Zool. 21(4): 305-333. WOODBURNE, M.O., 1967. The Alcoota fauna, central Australia: An integrated paleontological and geological study. Bur. Min. Res. Bull. 87: 1-187. 84 - TEDFORD Large leaf-eating stenurine kangaroos. In the background Sthenurus tindalei, in the foreground the largest, and as yet undescribed, species from the Pleistocene deposits at Lake Callabonna in South Australia. CHAPTER 3 MUSINGS ON NEW GUINEA FOSSIL VERTEBRATE DISCOVERIES Michael D. Plane! Introduction .............cccccceeccecceeceseceucesccenceescens 86 The First Fossil Vertebrate Remains.................. 86 The European Discoveries.......c..cceccescceeeceesees 86 The Stirton Years........ccecscssssssssseseseressseees 87 Bureau of Mineral Resources Involvement.......... 90 Further Excavations in the 1960's ..................00. 90 Stirton's First Visit to New Guinea and a Second Period of BMR INVOIVEMENL...........ccecccesccessccceceuscceeececeece 91 Further Work in the Late 1960's to Present......... 95 WieS ta UTIANe 8 es ie Mate he ee eo a 97 Conclusions? c05: 1b .5h coset Rvcvedt coteeM ce 97 References... sis. cBikoteccss odeegts uedstvadselelealecd 97 PIAS codes ache cd edbtie cede: hele dutht te Ics be ds 98 1 "Allsun” via Gundaroo, New South Wales 2620, Australia. 86 - PLANE INTRODUCTION The discovery of fossil vertebrates in Papua New Guinea has progressed in a rather haphazard, but not unexpected fashion. This discussion is a highly personal and anecdotal account of that progression over the last fifty years. It is far from complete, as I am not au fait with all of the work done by the myriads of archaeologists who have excavated human habitation sites, and who have discovered fossil vertebrate remains in their digs (e.g. Bulmer & Bulmer 1964, White et al. 1970, White 1972). THE FIRST FOSSIL VERTEBRATE REMAINS Natural scientists have long realized that the living faunas of Australia and New Guinea have strong similarities and mutual genera on both sides of Torres Strait. It was correctly assumed in the 1930's, when Europeans were just starting to explore the hinterland of this great island that in due course some of Australia's extinct forms would also be found in New Guinea. With the commencement of alluvial mining in areas of Tertiary and Pleistocene sedimentary rocks that is just what happened. We shall never really know who first saw fossil vertebrate remains, but given the indigenous populations’ cultural preoccupation with natural objects, it would be surprising indeed if someone had not discovered fossil bones well before Europeans came to New Guinea. Unfortunately, there is no recorded history, so we shall have to start with what has been written down. THE EUROPEAN DISCOVERIES The first fossil bones came to the attention of the scientific world through the offices of two stalwarts of New Guinea geology, G. A. V. Stanley and N. H. Fisher, neither of whom was a palaeontologist. In the mid-1930's, Stanley, then working as a geologist for Oil Search Ltd., visited Fisher, the Government Geologist for the Territory of New Guinea, at his Wau office, where he was shown two "mandibular rami" that had been brought in from the gold workings in the Watut Valley. Fisher forwarded these fossils, together with additional material, which he obtained after visiting the Watut workings, to the Australian Museum in Sydney. On a subsequent visit to the Museum, whilst on leave, Fisher provided Charles Anderson, the Director, with observations on the geology and a geological sketch map. Anderson, who was a mineralogist and crystallographer, had a keen interest in palaeontology and, fortunately, realised the importance of these fossils. He published an account of the geology, based on Fisher's observations and map, and described Nototherium watutense, the first fossil mammal published about from Papua New Guinea (Anderson 1937). The alluvial gold workings in the Watut and Bulolo valleys (Fig. 1) continued to produce fossils, both before and after World War II. Some of the material went to the Australian Museum, one specimen ended up at the British Museum of Natural History in London, and much was kept as local curiosities. Immediately pre-war, L. C. Noakes, Assistant Government Geologist, wrote accounts of the geology of the Upper Watut and Bitoi/Black Cat areas. Both covered areas within which fossil vertebrates had been found, but unfortunately both remained unpublished (Noakes 1938a, 1938b). Towards the end of the war, Fisher's outline of the geology of the Morobe Gold Field appeared (Fisher 1944). NEW GUINEA FOSSIL VERTEBRATE DISCOVERIES - 87 SALAWATI 9 B o AN JAPEN “ 0 1 SERAM ~~ $

L&Se Y 7 oO yy = . & ~o &, fet Wy V6272,3,4,5 V5564 r 7) 3 Si \y.V6572,3,4,5 Figure 3. Detailed geology and location of sites in the Bulolo area that have produced the Awe Fauna. (After Plane 1967a). NEW GUINEA FOSSIL VERTEBRATE DISCOVERIES - 93 Figure 4. A, Wallabia rufogrisea, right pex x1/3, Recent; B, Protemnodon otibandus, right pes with left calcaneum drawn in reverse and restored parts indicated with broken lines, x1/2; C, left calcaneum, ventral view, x1/2; D, left calcaneum, dorsal view. x1/2; E, metatarsal IV, side view, x1/2; F, metatarsal IV, dorsal view, x1/2. (From Plane 1967a). 94 - PLANE Figure 5. Fossils from the Otibanda Formation, Pliocene. A-C, right P? of Protemnodon otibandus; a, occlusal view; B, posterior view; C, lingual view; tooth length 17.8mm; D-E, Crocodilus cf. porosus, viewed from two sides. F, right proximal tarsometatarsus, anterior vies of Casuarius sp; maximum length 64.5mm. (From Hoch & Holm 1986). G-I, Thylacinus sp., left P2; G, lingual view; H, labial view; I, posterior view. (From Plane 1976). NEW GUINEA FOSSIL VERTEBRATE DISCOVERIES - 95 FURTHER WORK IN THE LATE 1960'S TO PRESENT At the University of California I spent much of my time studying and writing up the recently found New Guinea material. This proved to be a most productive time for me, with two publications resulting in short order (Plane 1967a, 1967b) (Fig. 4). I returned to New Guinea in 1967 to wet screen some of the Watut sites for small vertebrates. The locality I worked was ideal for this type of operation, with good, flowing water, plenty of willing helpers and good sunshine for drying. The results, however, were quite disappointing, but I was at least able to confirm the presence of rodents during the Pliocene, albeit indeterminate with regard to species. Some field work has been carried out in the Watut area after my work there - by Pat Wooley, a mammalogist from La Trobe University and Ella Hoch, a Danish palaeontologist from Copenhagen (Hoch & Holm 1986) (Fig. 5, Pl. 3). “OS NEW IRELAND NEW BRITAIN |” e - BOUGAINVILLE PAPUA NEW GUINEA ISLAND. 25 Measured strike and dip Photo-interpreted strike and dip ® Auger hole Q Vertebrate fossil locality = Trafficable road Wear SS cre { | 124 HAIBUGA B DIAGRAMMATIC CROSS — SECTION Vis H 2.25 TERTIARY Miocene limestones ' and calcareous sandstones) eee Holocene alluvium and swamp (with interbedded shales, mudstones ped Pleistocene pyroclastics ee i J Figure 6. Geology and location of the Pureni site, which has produced a Pleistocene fauna. (From Rich ef al. 1988). Figure 7. Hulitherium tomasettiit, a panda-like diprotodontid from Pureni (artist P. Schouten, in Flannery & Plane 1986). Besides the fossils found in the Wau Valley, additional material, incduding unidentifiable rodent remains, were recovered at Pureni (Fig. 6) in the Eastern Highlands. A Late Pleistocene NEW GUINEA FOSSIL VERTEBRATE DISCOVERIES - 97 site was discovered there during improvements to the mission airstrip during 1967. The local tribesmen, digging with handtools, discovered a layer rich in bones and plant material. Although nominally Christians, the people were both excited and frightened, bones being associated with ancestors. The result of this was that some of these tabu objects were broken by the nervous poking and proding. Luckily, the late Father Bernard Tomasettii realised the scientific worth of the material and salvaged it. In 1969, I visited the site together with Paul Williams, a post-doctoral fellow from the Australian National University. We investigated the stratigraphy, made further fossil collections and put down an auger hole at the vertebrate site (Williams ef al. 1972). A fascinating diprotodontid, Hulitherium tomasettii, named for its discoverers and salvager, was described in 1986 (Flannery & Plane 1986)(Fig. 7, Pls 6-10), as later was a pygmy cassowary, Casuarius lydekkeri (Rich, Plane & Schroeder 1988) (Pls 4, 5). Tim Flannery, a mammalogist at the Australian Museum, in addition to co-studying Hulitherium has made further investigations in the area and has published on new macropodid species from other Late Pleistocene sites in New Guinea (Flannery ef al. 1983). Rod Wells of Flinders University carried out field work in New Guinea, in 1975. I had been asked if I would be interested in going to excavate some fossil bones discovered by English speleologists deep in caves in the Western Highlands karst country. Being a total coward and not at all fond of deep, dank, humid holes in the ground, I immediately offered the opportunity to Wells, who revels in those conditions. He went, collected the fossils of a sirenian but to this day claims that I tried to get him killed. On leaving the cave, he was almost overtaken and drowned by rapidly rising flood waters caused by a thunderstorm at the surface. WEST IRIAN No mention has been made of the western half of island New Guinea, and to date only limited vertebrates have been described from there (Zygomaturus; Hardjasamita 1985). They do exist, and material from cave deposits has been found. There are tantalising hints at a rich new Pleistocene fauna, which includes small diprotodontids, possibly related to Hulitherium. CONCLUSIONS Given the difficult nature of field work in New Guinea, the unravelling of its prehistoric faunal history is likely to be slow and erratic. That its vertebrate fauna during the late Tertiary and Pleistocene is closely related to forms in Australia is undoubted. The specialisations displayed by the diprotodontids, however, such as Kolopsoides from the Watut and Hulitherium from Pureni, demonstrate that new and exciting discoveries lie in wait for those who continue the search for the ancestors of New Guinea's fauna. REFERENCES ANDERSON, C., 1937. Palacontological notes. No. IV: Fossil marsupials from New Guinea. Rec. Aust, Mus. 20(2): 73-76. BULMER, S. & BULMER, R., 1964. The prehistory of the Australian New Guinea Highlands. Am. Anthrop. 66(4): 39-76. FISHER, N.H., 1944. Outline of the geology of the Morobe Goldfield. Proc.R. Soc. Qd. 55(4): 51-58. FLANNERY, T.F., MOUNTAIN, M.J. & APLIN, K., 1983. Quatemary kangaroos (Macropodidae, Marsupialia) from Nombe rock shelter, Papua New Guinea, with comments on the nature of megafaunal extinction in the New Guinea highlands. Proc. Linn. Soc. NS.W. 107(2): 75-98. FLANNERY, T.F. & PLANE, M., 1986. A new late Pleistocene diprotodontid (Marsupialia) from Pureni, Southern Highlands Province, Papua New Guinea. Bur. Min. Res. J. Aust. Geol. Geophys. 10: 65-76. 98 - PLANE HARDJASAMITA, H.S., 1985. Fosil diprotodontidi Zygomaturus Owen 1859 Dari Nimboran, Irian Jaya. Psekmnan Ilmiah Arkeologi 3, Jakartai, PPAN: 999-1004. HOCH, E. & HOLM, P.M., 1986. New K/Ar age determinations of the Awe Fauna gangue, Papua New Guinea: Consequences for Papuaustralian late Cenozoic biostratigraphy. Modern Geol. 10: 181-195. ies it L.C., 1938A. Preliminary geological report on the Upper Watut area. New Guinea Admin. Rep. unpubl.). Ee L.C., 1938B. Geological report on the Upper Bitoi-Black Cat area. New Guinea Admin. Rep. unpubl.). PLANE, M.D., 1967a. Stratigraphy and vertebrate fauna of the Otibanda Formation, New Guinea. Bur. Min. Res. Bull. 86: 1-64. PLANE, M.D., 1967b. Two new diprotodontids from the Pliocene Otibanda Formation, New Guinea. Bur. Min. Res. Bull. 85: 105-128. PLANE, M., 1976. The occurrence of Thylacinus in Tertiary rocks from Papua New Guinea. Bur. Min. Res. J. Geol. Geophys. 1(1): 78-79. RICH, P.V., PLANE, M. & SCHROEDER, N., 1988. A pygmy cassowary (Casuarius lydekkeri) from late Pleistocene bog deposits at Pureni, Papua New Guinea. Bur. Min. Res. Aust. Geol. Geophys. 10: 377-389. VAN DEUSEN, H.M., 1963. First New Guinea record of Thylacinus. J. Mammal. 44: 279-280. WHITE, J.P., 1972. Ol tumbuna: archaeological excavations in the Eastern Highlands, Papua New Guinea. Terra Australis, Aust. Nat. Univ., Canberra. WHITE, J.P., CROOK, K.A.W. & RUXTON, B.P., 1970. Kosipe: a late Pleistocene site in the Papua Highlands. Proc. Prehist. Soc. 36: 152-170. WILLIAMS, P.W., MCDOUGALL, I. & POWELL, J.M., 1972. Aspects of the Quatemary geology of the Tari- Koroba area, Papua. J. geol. Soc.Aust. 18: 333-347. PLATES Plate 1. A, Stream channel in the Otibanda Fm, Koranga Creek, near Bulolo, Papua New Guinea; B, Awe Fauna type locality on top of cliff near the umbrella. Looking south, Ekuti Range in back-ground, beneath clouds (from Plane 1967a). Plate 2. Typical exposures in upper Watut Valley, looking west. High ridge in background is Ekuti Range (from Plane 1967a). Plate 3. Right mandible of Protemnodon buloloensis, The sectorial P3 more elongate than any molar, and all teeth wear simultaneously. Otibanda Fm, Upper Watut area (photo by B. Bang from Hoch & Holm 1986). Plate 4. Casuarius lydekkeri. Femora: right, CPC26605b, A, internal view, D, proximal view; left, CPC26605c, B, internal view, C, proximal view. Tibiotarsi: right, AMF50094, E, posterior view, G, distal view, L, anterior view, M, internal view; right, CPC26605d, F, posterior view; H, distal view, J, anterior view, N, intemal view; left, CPC2660Se, K, internal view, L, proximal view. Scale bar, 1 cm. All specimens from Pureni, except AMF50094, whose locality is unknown. Plate 5. Casuarius lydekkeri. Tibiotarsi, right, AMF50094, A, external view; right, CPC26605d, B, extemal view. Tarsometatarsi, right, CPC26605f, C, anterior view, E, proximal view; left, CPC26605g, D, proximal view; left, CPC26605h, F, anterior view, G, distal view. Phalanges: Casuarius phalanx 2 digit II: C. benneitti, left, H, proximal view, L, distal view, O, lateral view, C. casuarius, right, I, proximal view, M, distal view, P, internal view; C. sp. from Awe, P.N.G., UCMP70129, left, J, proximal view, N, distal view, Q, lateral view; UCMP 70129, right, K, proximal view, R, intemal view. Scale bar, 1 cm. All C. lydekkeri specimens except AMF50094 are from Pureni. Plate 6. A, lateral view, and B1, B2, stereo occlusal view of partial cranium of holotype of Hulitherium tomasettii from Pureni (after Flannery & Plane 1986). Plate 7. Stereo dorsal view of cranium of Hulitherium tomasettii (from Flannery & Plane 1986). NEW GUINEA FOSSIL VERTEBRATE DISCOVERIES - 99 Plate 8. Holotype of Hulitherium tomasetti (from Flannery & Plane 1986). A, C, stereo occlusal view of partial left M3.5, xl; B, D, stereo occlusal view of right M3 and Ms, xl; E, G, stereo occlusal view of posterointernal comer of right P3, x2; F, H, stereo occlusal view of partial right M34, xl; I, K, stereo anterior view of anterior face of protolophid left M2, x2; J, L, stereo view of central portion of buccal face of right P3, x2 (after Flannery & Plane 1986). Plate 9. A, B, stereo view of posterior face and D, E, anterior face of proximal left femur fragment; C, anterior face, and F, posterior face of right tibia of Hulitherium tomasettii (after Flannery & Plane 1986). Plate 10. A, B, stereo view of anterior face, and C, D, posterior face of right proximal humerus fragment, E, posterior face, and F, anterior face of distal right humerus fragment of Hulitherium tomasettii (from Flannery & Plane 1986). 100 - PLANE PLATE 1 PLATE 2 NEW GUINEA FOSSIL VERTEBRATE DISCOVERIES - 101 102 - PLANE PLATE 3 PLATE 4 NEW GUINEA FOSSIL VERTEBRATE DISCOVERIES - 103 104 - PLANE RLATES PLATE 6 NEW GUINEA FOSSIL VERTEBRATE DISCOVERIES - 105 106 - PLANE PLATE 7 PLATE 8 NEW GUINEA FOSSIL VERTEBRATE DISCOVERIES - 107 108 - PLANE PLATE 9 PLATE 10 NEW GUINEA FOSSIL VERTEBRATE DISCOVERIES - 109 ee 4 rea 110 - PLANE rb “ i ce * Kull BAGH. oe e ee eat 82 ee ek ok ta ie. # a Many species of flamingoes or related birds are known from the now arid Centre of Australia. This reconstruction is of central Australia 15 million yBP. In the foreground Phoeniconotius eyrensis cares for a juvenile. the more gracile Phoenicopterus novaehollandiae feeds in the mid distances, while the white-coloured palaelodids stand in the mid-background, (From Rich & van Tets 1985, with permission of The Museum of Victoria). CHAPTER 4 PALAEOCLIMATIC SETTING AND PALAEOGEOGRAPHIC LINKS OF AUSTRALIA IN THE PHANEROZOIC Lawrence A. Frakes! and Patricia Vickers-Rich2 TA OGUCH ONE sis dee eis ont ce hen b dee oh ag on debBiBsleles oa trees 112 A Brief History of Global Climates.................. 113 Phanerozoic Climates of Australia................04. 116 Cambrian Period .............cccsceecscceeeeneeeeeeees 116 Ordovician Period...........cccccccceeececeneeeeeeeees 117 Silurian Period ...........cccceceeecececececeeeeeeeeees 118 Devonian Period ...........cececcessceceeeeeeeeeseeens 119 Carboniferous Period ..............cccececeeeeeeeeees 120 Permian Period ............ccccececeeeceeeeeeeeeeeees 122 Triassic Period..........ccccccssesececessceceeeeerenees 123 Jurassic Period.........cccccsessseccscceceseceeeeeeees 124 Cretaceous Period.........cccecccsssceceseeceeeeeeees 125 CAIN OZ OICHERA sce ton obs. 0rvee cutee cetess se vea' tecths 127 Geographic Links and Barriers: Determinants of Biotic Distributions...............ccceceeeeeeeees 130 CONCLUSIONS. ..0..t.csscie itis ces nddevebiedeertiessesecedadane 137 REPETCTICES Foe. wce:siere streets lo XG- oho Sars ajinn oh faglobeaneibon selves soe 143 a 1 Department of Geology & Geophysics, University of Adelaide, South Australia 5001, Australia. 2 Earth Sciences and Botany/Zoology Departments, Monash University, Clayton, Victoria 3168, Australia. 112 - FRAKES & RICH INTRODUCTION A look at the distribution of climates on the modern globe reveals that elements such as mean annual temperature, rainfall, etc. are controlled largely by latitude. That is, similar climates tend to occur in latitudinal ("zonal") bands, unless strongly influenced by topographic irregularities. This banding arises from the equator-to-pole gradient in heat energy received from the sun, but the effect is imperfect because of geographic controls on transport of heat toward the poles in both atmosphere and oceans (e.g. the Gulf Strearn). Seasonal variations in distribution of sunlight owing to the tilt of the earth cause climate bands to shift their latitudinal positions over the year. The relative elevation of continents, and their locations, also have strong influence on regional climate. Climates in the Alps are markedly colder and wetter than lowland climates at the same latitude, and on a global scale, the east coasts of continents in mid-latitude are characterized by more humid climates than are west coasts. Additionally, the location of a continent is important because land masses serve as barriers to circulation in the air and in the oceans and thus affect their own climates. Also, since land reflects more sunlight than does water at the surface of the earth, concentration of land at low latitudes means that less heat will be retained in the system, and overall, climaies of the earth will be cooler. Thus, in considering palaeoclimates it is vital to know not only the latitudes of a continent but its elevation (especially mountains), its relationship to oceanic circulation patterns and the global distribution of land and sea. Climatic changes through the Phanerozoic, as well as the changing geography, have affected the options available to the biota for dispersal and distribution. There is abundant evidence, in the form of widespread tillites, evaporites, reef limestones, etc. as well as in palaeotemperatures inferred from measurement of oxygen isotopes, that the thermal state of the climate system has varied greatly over earth history (Frakes 1979). The climate of a continental land mass, therefore, varies not only as a function of its position and elevation but also as a consequence of the global thermal state. For example, parts of Australia were glaciated during the late Palaeozoic, but the continent remained nearly, if not entirely free of permanent ice during the Mesozoic, although the continent lay at approximately the same latitudes during both intervals. The first half of the Permian was a time of great cooling over most of the earth, whereas the Mesozoic featured exceptionally warm climates, except in polar areas. Several factors combine to make interpretation of palaeoclimatology difficult. First, the climate system is complicated by a network of positive and negative feedback mechanisms, which hinder determination of cause and effect relationships. Second, geologic materials, or proxy evidence as they are referred to by Lamb (1977), must be correctly and precisely dated in order to establish the sequence of events in the time scale. This almost never seems to be the case. Third, closcly spaced and synchronous data points are required if the extent of a particular type of climate is to be found, as would be important, for example, if one were trying to estimate the difference between the climatic state at the time in question versus that at present or at some other time. Although data are never sufficient for these purposes, progress is being made, at least to the point when an attempt can be made to sketch the climatic history of continents. This chapter is only slightly modified from that of Frakes & Rich (1982). A useful companion to this summary is Frakes, McGowran & Bowler (1987). Reference to Fig. 1 will aid in location of major depositional areas discussed throughout the chapter. PALAEOCLIMATE & PALAEOGEOGRAPHY OF AUSTRALIA - 113 A BRIEF HISTORY OF GLOBAL CLIMATES The earliest known sedimentary rocks (as xenoliths in the Ishua Group, Greenland) include fragments of banded iron formation older than about 3,800 myBP. While these themselves are not diagnostic of climates of the time, somewhat younger rocks (~3,200 - 2,600 myBP) elsewhere are characterized by an abundance of carbonates, suggestive of warm climates. However, until latitudes of deposition are known for these strata, it is not possible to say whether the global situation was warm or otherwise. Although unlikely, the case may be that all carbonates of this interval were laid down in relatively low latitudes. Some oxygen isotope work on cherts also suggests quite warm climates (Knauth & Epstein 1976), but again at unspecified latitudes. The earth's first glacial episode took place at around 2,500 - 2,300 million years ago (myBP), with large tracts of glacial debris being deposited in Canada (the Huronian sequence), South Africa (Witwatersrand Group, etc.) and possibly in Western Australia (Wyloo Group). In Canada the glaciation was multiple in that at least three glaciations are recorded. Following this and until the next known major glaciation beginning at about 1,000 myBP, climates once more seem to have been characterized by warmth and equability. The late Precambrian glaciations appear to have lasted about 400 my (from ~1,000 to 600 million years ago) and are known to have affected all continents with the exception of Antarctica, where geologic information is sparse. Interestingly, many tillite localities of this age were in relatively low latitudes, based on palacomagnetic data. It is likely that the late Precambrian was the coldest time in the history of the globe. By the beginning of Phanerozoic time (Fig. 2), climates had warmed and glaciers had disappeared. What evidence is available suggests that all land masses were then at latitudes of less than 60°. The highest latitudes to which these warm climates extended is not known; however, warm-water indicators in shallow seas at 55° latitude imply a comparatively warm global situation. This is further suggested by a general lack of evidence of cold climates. The Ordovician Period (Fig. 3) seems to have been a time of fairly rapid oscillation of climate as suggested by variations in carbonate distribution and in eustatic sea level changes. Near the end of the Ordovician a major phase of glaciation affected Africa and marginal effects are seen in adjoining continents, including Europe and North America. This cold episode ended early in the Silurian (Fig. 4), and was followed by generally warm conditions. The Devonian (Fig. 5) was a time of very great warmth on the globe, although there may have been limited glaciation in near-polar areas of South America. Late Devonian evaporites extend to about 40° palaeolatitude, at least 5° beyond their present area of formation. The aridity of the Devonian gave way to very humid conditions during the Carboniferous (Fig. 6) as deduced from the abundance of coals in North America, Europe and Asia. This global high humidity probably contributed to glaciation, which began in the middle Carboniferous, inasmuch as abundant precipitation on high-latitude land masses eventually led to the formation of glacier ice. The second half of the Carboniferous and the first quarter of the Permian (Fig. 7) saw glaciation spread over a large part of Gondwana. For unknown reasons this abruptly halted, and the globe again became relatively warm by the mid-Permian. The earth apparently reached its thermal maximum during the Mesozoic Era (Figs 8, 9). In the Late Cretaceous, oxygen isotopes define two peaks of warmth, Albian and Coniacian- Santonian, the latter synchronous with the highest peak on the Phanerozoic sea level curve of Vail et al. (1977). The latest Cretaceous began the long and intermittent cooling which resulted ultimately in the Pleistocene glaciations (Figs 10, 11). Large temperature drops Figure 1. Major tectonic and depositional features of the Australian continent during the Phanerozoic. (Derived from the Bur. Min. Res. Earth Science Atlas of Australia, Canberra, 1979). 114 pee TIMOR SEA 0 100 200 300 400 500km ew se “a LITCH BLC ’ CREEK Broome PROVINCE Fitzroy. CANNING a Gregory L. J Great Sandy Desert STAN py BASIN © PATERSON PROVINCE Bary, L. Disappomtment iS (e) Pe, oy &p YILGARN \ Geraidton\] L Bares ee Great NORTHAMPTON \\ ) “RTE D BLOCK & “Moo 4 2D, ae EUCLA + BLOCK ° ge Kalgoorlie es L. Cowa LEEUWIN BLOCK ALBANY-FRASER PROVINCE sefuey sued SOUTHERN 32° ARAFURA SEA east i i © Se PNG ol PINE CREEK CA DARWIN SYNCLINE CP aren \ 0 (J BLOCK oO oe "ad @ GULF OF Raper R, ” CARPENTARIA VICTORIA RIVER CORALSEA THE GRANITES EORGINA is TANAMI BLOCK TY Op Te Et ee MARYBOROUGH (2d BOWEN Giaaste BASIN 240 am WN ADAVALE BASIN ¢ <0 a BAS Basin BASIN ARCKARINGA BASIN® Wy ADELAIDE FOL BELT, L. Cadibarrawirracanna ie! — ARROWIE ADELAIDE FOLD BASIN | L BASIN Toowoomba 9%} e RS ve GS erie ZB MT PAINTER s KaNMANTOG vent - BLOCK SA) L. Frome | : £ | BASIN tParend BROKEN 7 ENGLAND \ 3 Armida | p CK FOLD- N BIGHT sTRALIA FOLD Wh: BELT POLDA Yt 7 pie BASIN ADELAIDE ST VINCENT k i BASIN as Ls Verona al | Port Lincoin \ Af : ; \ue STANSBURY MURRAY as BASIN Ve, 0 ; KANMAD BELT BASING gq ‘st Bendlg gE Ballarat vsong Al MELBOURNE & 5. 3S. BELT = 116 - FRAKES & RICH occurred in the oceans at the end of the Eocene and in the Middle Miocene, the latter apparently being the time during which most Antarctic ice accumulated. The last two million years has been characterized by advances and retreats of ice sheets in both hemispheres. Cooling of the oceans over the last 700,000 years operated on a cyclicity of about 100,000 years. The last interval of significant ice growth ended about 18,000 years ago. PHANEROZOIC CLIMATES OF AUSTRALIA The climates of Australia over the last 570 million years, during the history of vertebrates on the continent, are a reflection of two factors. Firstly, they reflect the variable palaeolatitudinal position of the continent and secondly the global climatic state. Climates of the continent at any given time can be expected to be varied owing to the great size of the land mass. However, in many cases geologic information on climates is limited to certain regions or to widely separated areas and generalizations about the whole continent accordingly are weak. Since dating of diagnostic sedimentary deposits commonly is imprecise, detailed description of short time-intervals is not yet possible. These limitations place constraints on interpretations of Australia's climatic history. CAMBRIAN PERIOD Climatically significant rocks of Cambrian age in Australia include only evaporites. Archaeocyathid limestones, oolitic or pisolitic limestones and red beds embrace warm palacoclimates amongst their possible depositional environments. For example, red beds probably represent deposition under warm conditions, at least when associated with evaporites, but they are known to form and to be diagenetically altered, under a variety of conditions. Accordingly, red beds and non-reefal limestones are interpreted with reservations herein. Evaporites are known from the Ord Basin (Fig. 1) of northwest Australia and the Georgina Basin. These appear to be related to a widespread transgression of the sea, which began in the early Middle Cambrian and lasted into the Late Cambrian. Limestones and dolomites are common deposits resulting from this transgression and oolitic varieties possibly represent deposits of warm shallow seas (Bonaparte Gulf and Georgina basins, Adelaide Geosyncline). Red beds of Cambrian age include the Ayers Rock Arkose of the Northern Territory. Palaeogeographic reconstructions vary in positioning Australia at this time (and other times) (e.g. Irving, 1964). However, all available ones place Australia in relatively low latitudes; the reconstruction in Fig. 2 shows Australia lying between about 5° and 40°N latitude. The east coast in this scheme should have been exposed to comparatively cold oceanic waters traversing down from high latitudes, but if so, any evidence is masked by the dominance of clastic sedimentation at this time. Localities at lower latitudes are characterized by warm water indicators, such as evaporites in the Northern Territory, South Australia and Western Australia, For areas where Cambrian strata are unknown, it can be predicted that most of the western half of the continent experienced tropical climates with abundant rainfall in the Cambrian and the southern areas, being more isolated from the sea, may have seen the develoment of desert climates. Strata of the Middle to Late Cambrian Dundas Group offer few clues to climatic conditions as most were deposited in deep water. Finally, the Middle Cambrian may have been warmer than either the early or late parts of the period. This interpretation is based on the idea that the eustatic sea level rise in the Middle Cambrian corresponds to a slight global warming. However, the associated transgression of the sea, which occurs on other continents as well, may instead reflect increased tectonic activity in the oceans and a consequent decrease in the volume of ocean basins (Hallam, 1977). PALAEOCLIMATE & PALAEOGEOGRAPHY OF AUSTRALIA - 117 CAMBRIAN (Late) 510 my. NOV. SEO =ENLAND: S AMERICA NFOALAL & [y: As GONDWANA ANAOAS Fos ESPITZBERGEN? As GR a: Figure 2. Palaeogeography and palaeoclimatic indicators for the Cambrian Period. Black triangles, reefs; black squares, evaporites, and black circles, coals; symbols apply to Figs 1-10. (Modified from Scotese et al. 1979). ORDOVICIAN PERIOD Ordovician epeiric seas occupied a broad belt across the continent from the Canning Basin southeastward to the Lachlan Fold Belt. However, sediments in these areas are mostly of Early and Middle Ordovician age. This is in keeping with the global sea-level scheme for the Ordovician proposed by Spjeldnaes (1961). Important deposits occur in the Canning and Georgina basins, the Lachlan Fold Belt and western Tasmania. Most Ordovician deposits of Australia consist of dark shales and turbidites laid down in deep water, and these have little climatic significance. The so-called "shelly" facies of the Ordovician has a restricted distribution and consists of both shelf-type limestones and local bioherms. The bioherms are known only from two areas in Tasmania and New South Wales (Cliefden Caves Limestone, near Orange). Solitary corals occur in several places, but their temperature tolerances are unknown. Oolitic limestones, suggestive of warm shallow seas, occur in western Tasmania and the Georgina Basin. The other main occurrences of carbonates are scattered throughout the Lachlan Fold Belt and in the Amadeus and Canning basins and in western Tasmania. Arid regimes are indicated by traces of evaporites in the Canning Basin (anhydrite), Amadeus Basin (gypsum, halite casts) and the Georgina Basin (gypsum). Also, there is a suggestion of aridity in fanglomerates of the Junee Group in western Tasmania. There is no 118 - FRAKES & RICH trace in Australia of the glaciation which affected the African sector of Gondwana; the only suggestion of Late Ordovician cooling comes from the apparent regression of the sea at that time. The distribution of climatic indicators as shown in Fig. 3 suggests relatively warm conditions over most of the continent. This is in keeping with the position of Australia between 20°S and 20°N during the Middle Ordovician. Dry easterly equatorial winds from over the main land mass of Gondwana may have contributed to these conditions. There is, thus, little observable change in the climates of Australia between the Cambrian and Ordovician periods. MIDDLE ORDOVICIAN 465 my. Figure 3. Palacogeography and palaeoclimatic indicators for the Ordovician Period. See caption Fig. 1. SILURIAN PERIOD The reconstruction for the Silurian (Fig. 4) shows Australia positioned between the equator and about 35°S latitude. The continent was considerably less inundated by the sea than during the Ordovician, and extensive outcrops are limited to the Lachlan Fold Belt. Marine strata are abundant there and include biohermal, biostromal, and oolitic and detrital limestones and some dolomite. Additional occurrences of marine rocks are those of the Carnarvon Basin and scattered areas in northern Queensland. Dating of many Silurian non-marine rocks is difficult owing to a lack of fossils; several evaporite deposits accordingly are referred to as Siluro- Devonian (Wells 1980). In the Lachlan Fold Belt, limestones were deposited on shelf areas and local "highs", particularly in the south of New South Wales. Many of these deposits contain solitary coral PALAEOCLIMATE & PALAEOGEOGRAPHY OF AUSTRALIA - 119 genera of uncertain climatic significance. Similar deposits occur in the New England area, in western Tasmania, and along the Chillagoe Shelf in northern Queensland. What appear to be bioherms, suggesting warm conditions, are limited to northern Queensland (Wairuna Formation) and the Cobar region (New South Wales). Oolitic limestones have also been reported from the Wairuna Formation (White 1961). MIDDLE SILURIAN 415 m.y. Figure 4. Palaeogeography and palaeoclimatic indicators for the Silurian Period. See caption Fig. 1. The only known Silurian evaporites are substantial deposits in the Carnarvon Basin, the Dirk Hartog Formation of Wenlockian age. Deposition of anhydrite and halite in the Dirk Hartog Formation may correspond to a global marine transgression determined by Vail et al. (1977). Aeolian, possibly desert, conditions are suggested by cross-stratified units in the Mereenie Sandstone of the Amadeus Basin. Evaporitic units of "Siluro-Devonian" age include strata in the Canning Basin (Carribuddy Formation). From the above evidence, Australian Silurian climates can be seen to be characterized by warmth and aridity, at least in the west. Probably warm and arid conditions existed over the interior of the continent where evidence is lacking. From configurations on Fig. 4, warmth along the eastern seaboard can be explained by southward deflection by the land mass, of warm westward-moving equatorial currents in the adjacent ocean. Although indicators are lacking, wet climates would also be expected here. Western and northwestern parts of Australia, although at slightly higher latitudes, remained warm and arid, probably because the region was positioned beneath the subtropical low-pressure zones, as are modern deserts. There was little high-latitude ocean in the Southern Hemisphere to cool the continent at this time. The African glaciation, which began in the Late Ordovician, terminated in the Early Silurian; its effects are not recorded in the Silurian rocks of Australia. Late Silurian strata appear to be less abundant 120 - FRAKES & RICH than expected in Australia, perhaps reflecting a large global regression of the sea as indicated in the sea-level curve of Vail et al. (1977). DEVONIAN PERIOD The position of Australia on the globe (Fig. 5) is essentially the same as during the Silurian, and the distribution of climate indicators, therefore, could be expected to be similar. There are striking differences, however, probably the result of a marked global warming in the Devonian. Local effects, no doubt, were introduced as a consequence of widespread tectonism at this time in Australia. EARLY DEVONIAN 390 m.y. GONDWANA a Figure 5. Palaeogeography and palacoclimatic indicators for the Devonian Period. See caption Fig. 1. Evaporites and reefal limestones are abundant in Devonian sediments of Australia. Evaporites occur in the Adavale, Arckaringa, Bonaparte Gulf and Canning basins, and commonly are associated with red clastic sediments. Most apparently were deposited during the Middle Devonian, although there are suggestions that some are of Early or Late Devonian age. Anhydrite is most common, but halite is more abundant than at any other time, and gypsum also occurs in the Adavale Basin. This flourishing of evaporite deposits in Australia parallels the global total, in which Devonian evaporites are abundant (Gordon, 1975). Further, the concentration in the Middle Devonian is in agreement with a marked global transgression at about this time (Vail e¢ al. 1977, Haq et al. 1988). It is likely that transgressions led to evaporite deposition through the flooding of shallow marginal basins in low areas near the shoreline. Interestingly, although coals make their first appearance in the Devonian with the advent of land plants, Devonian coals are unknown in Australia, and indeed in Gondwana. This PALAEOCLIMATE & PALAEOGEOGRAPHY OF AUSTRALIA - 121 perhaps results from the geographic isolation of Gondwana (Fig. 5), rather than from particularly harsh climates for plant growth (at any rate, the genus Leptophloeum is well known in the Late Devonian of eastern Australia.) As in earlier periods, the accumulation of shelf carbonates was widespread during the Devonian, They are known from the Lachlan Fold Belt (Victoria, New South Wales) and the basins of northern Queensland; in both areas Early to Middle Devonian reef structures have been identified, and they also occur in the Canning Basin where they are of Late Devonian age. Oolitic limestones are known from the Wee Jasper area, New South Wales. It is notable that marine invertebrate faunas of the Devonian show great diversity, another feature of warm climates. It is difficult to explain the occurrence of evaporites in the Adavale Basin, in view of the fact that the east coast of the continent lay exposed to warm, equatorial ocean currents. They could represent strictly local evaporative conditions. The lack of Devonian coaly deposits in Australia can perhaps be attributed to a scarcity of peat-forming plants due to geographic isolation from an area of radiation in the Northern Hemisphere. The warm and highly evaporitive climates of the west are predictable because of their slightly higher latitudes and their location away from equatorial sources of moisture for precipitation. CARBONIFEROUS PERIOD In the Carboniferous, Australia was located at much higher latitudes than earlier (Fig. 6), and as a consequence, glaciation was initiated. However, sizeable bodies of ice which could leave a record in the rocks, were not generated until the Westphalian interval, about halfway through the Carboniferous. The pre-Westphalian interval saw the deposition of limestone, LATE CARBONIFEROUS 290 m.y. Figure 6. Palaeogeography and palaeoclimatic indicators for the Carboniferous Period. See caption Fig. 1. 122 - FRAKES & RICH although not as extensively as in earlier periods, and these include reefs and oolitic limestone in the Yarrol Trough and oolitic limestone in the Tamworth Trough and the Carnarvon Basin. Early Carboniferous coaly layers also are known from the Tamworth Trough. Anhydrite occurs in the Anderson Formation of the Canning Basin, the only known example of warmth and/or aridity on the continent during the Late Carboniferous. In Australia, evaporites show a continuous decrease in abundance since the Middle Devonian; increasing humidity is indicated. In contrast to the generally warm conditions of the Early Carboniferous, the later half of the period shows marked cooling. The earliest evidence for this is in glacial deposits of Westphalian to Stephanian age in the Kempsey region of New South Wales; deposits in Tasmania and near Heathcote in Victoria may be as old. Most Australian late Palaeozoic glacial deposits span the Carboniferous-Permian boundary, and some can only be referred to as "Permo-Carboniferous" in age owing to poor resolution in dating. However, Carboniferous ice was much less extensive than Permian ice. It appears that the former occurred primarily (between New England and the Bowen Basin) as alpine glaciers on highlands and islands along and near the eastern seaboard (Crowell & Frakes 1971). Climates were cold here, in part because of elevation effects, but the remainder of the continent, the western two thirds, was somewhat warmer then and became progressively cooler through the period and into the Permian. Glacials of the Grant Formation in the Canning Basin are also of Stephanian to Sakmarian age. True ice-sheet conditions apparently did not exist on the continent until the earliest Permian. Australia lay between about 40° and 70°S latitude during the Carboniferous (Fig. 6), following a rapid change of palaeolatitude. This migration brought Western Australia into higher latitudes than the east, but glaciation in the west lagged, possibly because the region was isolated from sources of warm ocean waters to provide a moisture source to build glaciers. On the other hand, eastern Australia (and Victoria Land in Antarctica) lay where subtropical Pacific currents, deflected southward by Coriolis acceleration, supplied warm surface waters for evaporation and hence precipitation. This situation led eventually to the construction of glaciers and ice-sheets. These trends are strongly supported by the occurrence of coal in the east and evaporites in the west during the Early Carboniferous. PERMIAN PERIOD Australia continued to occupy a high-latitude position during the Permian (Fig. 7). Glaciation expanded to such an extent that a major ice-sheet occupied much of the southeastern half of the continent and large ice bodies were in place on the western half (Crowell & Frakes 1971). However, glaciation began to wane at the end of the Sakmarian Stage and the ice-sheet was restricted to parts of the east (Bowen Basin and Tasmania) by the Artinskian. All traces of glaciation were gone by the end of the Kazanian (early Late Permian). Over most of the continent, post-glacial sediments include coaly strata. The ages of these coals vary from place to place, as does the age of the termination of local glaciations. Extreme refrigeration affected all of Australia in the Early Permian, as it did most of Gondwana (Frakes 1979). The major southeastern ice-sheet appears to have originated partly in adjacent parts of Antarctica and spread northward and north-westward into New South Wales, Victoria, South Australia and the Northern Territory. Meanwhile, ice masses grew in areas adjacent to the Bowen, Officer, Perth and Carnarvon basins and both to the southwest and the northeast of the Canning Basin. Melting of Australian ice in coastal areas led to the deposition of glacial marine sediments in widely separated areas in Tasmania and Queensland during the Artinskian, Kungurian and Kazanian stages. Although morainal tillites of this age are not known in Australia, there is no doubt that terrestrial ice was present as parent material for PALAEOCLIMATE & PALAEOGEOGRAPHY OF AUSTRALIA - 123 icebergs. Over other parts of Gondwana all ice had disappeared before the Kungurian - this signals a global warming the effects of which over-shadowed the continued high latitude position of the Australia-Antarctica sector of Gondwana. Glaciation ceased, although land masses still existed in the polar zone. Growth of ice in Australia again is attributed to a source of warm surface waters diverted from subtropical seas. During the postglacial Permian, precipitation was abundant, at least intermittently, but this did not lead to the formation of new ice or glaciers, probably simply because the earth-atmosphere system was warmer than earlier. Abundant precipitation did lead, however, to widespread accumulations of vegetative debris and coal formation at times in the Late Permian (Bowen, Sydney, Canning, Perth and Galilee basins and in Tasmania). As in earlier periods, evaporites are restricted to the west (gypsum, Perth Basin). These lie between the glacial Nangetty Formation and the Irwin River Coal Measures and are restricted in distribution, suggesting a local climatic sequence which changed from cold to dry to moist over the interval Sakmarian to Kazanian. LATE PERMIAN 240 m.y. SIBERIA SS Figure 7. Palaeogeography and palaeoclimatic indicators for the Permian Period See caption Fig. 1. TRIASSIC PERIOD The opening of the Mesozoic Era saw a major regression of the sea from the Australian continent. As a consequence, Triassic sedimentary rocks are rare, and non-marine types predominate. Marine strata appear to be limited to marginal areas of the present continent - in the Canning, Carnarvon and Perth basins and southeastern Queensland. In the Triassic, Australia's palaeolatitudinal position was little different from that in the Permian, Despite 124 - FRAKES & RICH being located between about 40° and 65°S latitude, Australian Triassic climates appear to have been warm and with seasonal rainfall. These conditions generally reflect the global Triassic picture. Rocks diagnostic of climate are poorly represented in the Australian Triassic, and fossil floras and faunas similarly are scarce. Even where present, fossils as yet are of little value in evaluating climate. Coals are most important; they are known from east-central South Australia (Leigh Creek), Tasmania, and coastal basins in New South Wales and southern Queensland. Of interest is the fact that most of these coals seem to be Middle or Late Triassic in age, suggesting an increase in precipitation since the Early Triassic. Middle Triassic red beds were deposited in the Fitzroy Graben (Canning Basin), and Early Triassic ones were laid down in the Bowen, Galilee and Sydney basins, and near Hawker in South Australia. At the latter locality, gypsum occurs in shales. Interpretations of red beds as indicating climates in the source area are now known to be unreliable, first because in some cases the pigmentation is formed during diagenesis and second because colour may result from oxidizing conditions at any place during transport or deposition, or in the weathering cycle. The significance of Australian Triassic red beds has not yet been determined through detailed petrologic- geochemical studies. However, the lack of Early Triassic coal deposits suggests that at least this interval was characterized by relatively dry climates. The scarcity of Triassic evaporites can be taken as evidence for generally humid climates throughout the period. However, on a global basis, evaporites of the Triassic are among the most abundant for any period. It is much more likely that Australian evaporites were not deposited because large marine embayments were unavailable, than because of an increase in humidity. Most Australian Triassic non-marine sediments appear to have been laid down in fluvial environments; a few were formed in swamps. JURASSIC PERIOD Australia was again positioned between about 35° and 65°S latitude (Fig. 8) in the Jurassic and was the site of continued non-marine sedimentation. However, the situation changed in the Late Jurassic when transgressions of the sea began to occupy marginal areas of the continent near the New South Wales-Queensland border and the Perth, Carnarvon and Canning basins of the west. This corresponds in time to a known global warming of moderate magnitude. Coal is the dominant climatic indicator in the Australian Jurassic, being known from the east, south and west (Laura, Carpentaria, Eromanga, Surat, Ipswich-Moreton [east], Polda [south], and Perth basins [west]). Concentration of coals in the eastern basins is again explained by the proximity of the region to a moisture source - southward-moving subtropical currents in the Pacific. Western regions still had little access to such currents and, therefore, tended to remain drier. Early rifting along the Australia-Antarctica join may have provided a moisture source for Polda Basin coals. Most Australian Jurassic coals are of Middle Jurassic age; Early Jurassic ones appear to be of minor thickness and extent. On this basis one can suggest a gross climate trend from fairly humid climates in the Early Jurassic, in the west only, to quite high precipitation in the middle of the period, to less precipitation in the Late Jurassic. This scenario does not compare well with the global trend as based on evaporite abundances - a relatively wet Early Jurassic and increasingly arid conditions through the remainder of the period. It is likely that local tectonism and other factors, such as relatively slight transgressions, played a part in determining the distribution of coals. Again, relatively more widespread precipitation is indicated for the east than for the west, and this is taken as reflecting the presence of an evaporative source in the southwestern Pacific. PALAEOCLIMATE & PALAEOGEOGRAPHY OF AUSTRALIA - 125 LATE JURASSIC 135 m.y. Figure 8. Palaeogeography and palaeoclimatic indicators for the Jurassic Period. See caption Fig. 1. CRETACEOUS PERIOD Fig. 9 shows late Maastrichtian palaeogeography, but as in previous diagrams, climatic indicators are shown for the whole period. Again, Australia maintains its high latitude position ( 35° to 70°S latitude). Embleton (1972) and Veevers (1984) show a clockwise rotation of the continent for the Mesozoic relative to the late Paleozoic; this suggests that western Australia (at 45° - 60°S latitude) might have experienced somewhat warmer climates in the Mesozoic than earlier. This is certainly the case, indeed for the entire continent, but overall there is little indication that the west was warmer than the east (45° - 85°S latitude) during the Mesozoic. Such generalizations are particularly difficult for the Cretaceous because of the complexity of sedimentation. The global record of Cretaceous climates shows warming late in the first half and cooling late in the second half of the period. The warmest times, possibly averaging 10°C warmer than at present, probably occurred in the Albian and the Coniacian-Santonian stages. These intervals coincide with times of high relative sea level (Haq et al. 1988). On a global basis, the Cretaceous is notable for containing plants reminiscent of modern subtropical types to latitudes as high as 55°; these lately have been reinterpreted as indicating strong seasonality, including formation of winter ice. In the Early Cretaceous a major seaway probably crossed the continent from the Canning Basin through the Officer and into the Great Artesian and Eucla basins. At times, the Great Artesian Basin, occupying much of the centre of the continent, probably also had eastward connections to the sea by way of the Surat, Eromanga and Clarence-Moreton basins and 126 - PRAKES & RICHI northeastward ones via the Carpentaria and/or Laura basins, Other marine depocentres included the Murray, Carnarvon and southern Perth basins, and non-maring sediments accumulated in the Otway and Gippsland basins, The Late Cretaceous saw intermittent marine sedimentation inthe Canning, Carnarvon, Perth and Otway basins, and in the region around Darwin, Northern Terntory, while non-maring accumulations took place over part of the centre of the continent, “The Neoconian, Apuian and Albian all were times of regionally important marine transgressions; Cenomanimn and Turonian transgressions were of lesser extent. The sea withdrew for the last tame from interior Australia probably at the end of the Albian (Frakes ef al, 1987) LATE CRETACEOUS (Maastricohtian) G5 my Pigure 9% Palacogeography and palacocliumatio indicators for the Cretaceous Ponod, See caption Pig. | Climate imdicators are not abundant im the Australian Cretaccous, Limestones occur sporadically, but reefs and oolites are lacking, Evaporites and red bed sequences are unknown except for local gypsum (probably of secondary origin) in the Wallumbilla Formation of the Hromanga Basin (Smart & Semor 1980), However, coal is widespread in Lower Cretaceous units ino many of the eastern Australian basins, although it is very scarce in the Upper Cretaceous sequences, Marine invertebrate faunas suggest fairly warm climes (Scheibnerova 1971, Hany 1979), while elements of Cretaccous floras suggest temperate climates with increasing precipitation through the period (Dettmann & Playford 1969, Douglas & Williams 1982), Recent work on the palacobiota (Rich ef a/, 1988, Rich & Rich 1989), isotope geochemistry (Gregory ef al, 1989) and scdimentology (Frakes & Francis 1988) suggest that in the southern and central parts of Australia temperatures may have dropped below O8 C, at times (particularly during the long polar winters), and scasonal ice may have formed during the Early Cretaceous (Frakes & Francis 1988), ‘The evidence trom coal distributions (decreasing PALAEOCLIMATE & PALAEOGEOGRAPHY OF AUSTRALIA - 127 precipitation) may thus be at variance with that from analyses of floras, but it is likely that coal abundance results merely from the extent of ponding due to local and regional isostatic and eustatic effects. Distribution of coals along the eastern side of the continent again reflects the availability of warm surface waters in the Pacific as a moisture source, and their concentration in the early half of the Cretaceous suggests that Australian coals are coincident in time with the major transgressions which are known to have affected the continent. Late Cretaceous climates on a world scale, are the warmest known in earth history. Seafloor spreading between Australia and Antarctica was initiated in the Cretaceous prior to 86 myBP (Cande & Mutter 1982), perhaps as long ago as 95 myBP (Veevers 1986a), and this was to have a marked effect on oceanic circulation and climate throughout the Cainozoic. CAINOZOIC ERA Climates of the last 65 million years are highly variable but are well documented by an abundance of information. In this section, climates of the Cainozoic will be discussed in general terms and reference will be to two figures only, Figs 10 and 11, which refer to the mid- Oligocene (30 m.y.) and to the time when the last glaciation was at its peak (18,000 years ago) respectively. Climatic data on Fig. 10 represent an epoch in the Tertiary Period. In response to seafloor spreading, Australia separated from Antarctica in the Late Cretaceous to early Tertiary and moved slowly northward relative to the South Pole beginning in the Late Palaeocene (Embleton 1973, McElhinny et al. 1974, Cande & Mutter 1982). As a result, Australia presents some interesting examples of climate change resulting from movement across lines of latitude, but to evaluate these, the global cooling trends of the Cainozoic must first be accounted for. OLIGOCENE 35 my. Figure 10. Palaeogeography and palacoclimatic indicators for the Oligocene Epoch. See caption Fig. 1. 128 - FRAKES & RICH The earth as a whole underwent a progressive cooling in the Tertiary; this was an extension of a major global cooling which began in the Late Cretaceous. Significant temperature declines took place at the end of the Eocene and in the Middle Miocene. Prominent reversals of this trend occurred in the Early Eocene, the early Late Eocene, and the Early to Middle Miocene (see oxygen isotope record in Shackleton & Kennett, 1975). The end of the Pliocene saw the development of marked short-term fluctuations, and, at about 800,000 yBP these developed into cycles of about 100,000 years (Bowler 1976, 1982). There was a large increase in global precipitation in parallel with the global cooling, and the largely arid climates of the Mesozoic gave way to more humid conditions, particularly in low and mid latitudes. The first positive evidence for this is seen in fossil land plant assemblages of Palaeocene age. In general, from the Miocene onwards, climates were drier during cold intervals than during warm times. Indicators of climate in the Australian Cainozoic include coals and lignites (Gippsland, Bass, Otway, Murray, St. Vincent's Gulf and Eucla basins, and in local areas in New South Wales and Queensland.) Most Cainozoic Australian coals are dated in the interval Eocene to Miocene, Their concentration in the east is remindful of present conditions (humid east, relatively arid west). Reefs occur in the Eucla Basin, but they are small and limited to the Early Miocene. Evaporites are not uncommon in Quaternary sediments of the fresh-water basins of the Centre, but Tertiary ones appear to be limited to the Late Palaeocene of the Canning Basin and the Early Miocene of the Murray Basin. Limestones make their first appearance in abundance since the Palaeozoic in many marginal basins. LAST GLACIAL MAXIMUM 18,000 YEARS eS ak: a Figure 11. Palaeogeography for the Pleistocene Epoch showing in heavy stipple the extent of the ice caps during the last glacial maximum. (Modified after Smith & Briden 1977 and Rich 1975.) PALAEOCLIMATE & PALAEOGEOGRAPHY OF AUSTRALIA - 129 Fossil floras are important indicators of climate in the Australian Cainozoic (Kemp 1978, Kemp & Harris 1982). The picture which emerges from Kemp's and Kemp and Harris’ reviews is one of humid climates from the Palaeocene through the Miocene. However, indications of temperature are variable and inconclusive. In the Eocene, climates appear to have been humid over nearly the whole continent, but there was restriction of humid (rainforest) conditions to the southeast after the Middle Eocene. Continent-wide conclusions are difficult for the Oligocene and later epochs because of a scarcity of data points, but a marked change to grasslands occurred in the interior by Middle Miocene time. More recent work suggests that in Victoria and New South Wales the onset of aridity was first felt at the end of the Miocene. In basins marginal to the continent, marine fossils are of value in determining climate. This is especially so in the case of the larger foraminifera (McGowran 1978). The occurrence of these forms has long been known in the Gippsland and Bass basins (Middle Miocene) and the Carnarvon Basin (Eocene through Pliocene), but they are now thought to have made large excursions from the tropics to higher latitude sites in Australia during the Early Eocene, Late Eocene, Late Oligocene and the Early and Middle Miocene. Accordingly, these intervals may represent times of significant warming, as they seem to be on a global basis. Another indication of humid conditions in the Australian Tertiary record is in the abundance of weathered profiles signifying deep chemical weathering. McGowran (1981) assigns these, without discussion, to several intervals as follows: Early Palaeocene, Late Palaeocene, Early Eocene, Middle Eocene, Late Eocene, Late Oligocene-Early Miocene, Middle Miocene and Early Pliocene. However, the only weathering profiles with comparatively narrow age ranges are two levels from the Eromanga Basin - Maastrictian to Early Eocene, and Late Oligocene (30 + 15 my). These are dated by palaeomagnetic methods (Idnurm & Senior 1978). The latter date may also apply to profiles in Western Australia and South Australia, and weathering at this time (mid-Tertiary) is considered by some to reflect intensely humid climates. The northward migration of Australia carried it into progressively lower latitudes and warmer climatic zones. Yet during the early Tertiary the continent experienced successively cooler climates, as a result of pronounced global cooling. The proximity of Antarctica with its expanding ice cap did not lead to Tertiary glaciation in Australia, and, in fact, carbonates and other indicators of warmth were deposited in southern coastal basins at times, Like other continents in lower latitudes, early Tertiary Australia experienced a wet phase, which probably began in the Palaeocene. It was not until at least late in the Miocene that the continent experienced widespread climates characterized by moderate rainfall, owing to its position beneath the subtropical high pressure zone (sinking dry air from aloft). Northern areas first felt these effects of migration, although at least moderate aridity had featured in the far west since the Cretaceous. Quite likely, the zone of drier climates has moved south over time, but data are too sparse to document or disprove this. Regarding surface temperature, the decline which began in the Cretaceous affected eastern and southern Australia most markedly, but again, this was intermittently punctuated by warm intervals in the Eocene, Oligocene and Miocene, as well as by late Quaternary events. It is not yet possible to sort out the relative strengths of these warming phases, although, on some evidence, the Middle Miocene one seems most pronounced, both regionally and globally. The Quaternary was the time of extensive drying out of the continental interior and no doubt some coastal areas in the west. Bowler (1976, 1982) suggests that widespread dune construction in the interior coincided with very dry periods, which first began at some time prior to 300,000 years ago. Analyses of core material from Lake George, New South Wales, have given a fine record of climate changes for the Southern Tablelands (Singh et al. 1981). From about the end of the Miocene until about 940,000 years ago, the lake was full, suggesting moist climates. The following interval up to the present is characterized by four cycles probably related to glacial/interglacial stages but in an irregular fashion, and the record for the last 400,000 years correlates with the 100,000 year cycles detected in variations in 130 - FRAKES & RICH oceanic 018/916 ratios. Quaternary sea levels of eastern South Australia have been correlated with the cycles as well (Idnurm & Cook 1980), but this gives no direct evidence bearing on the climates of the region. A dramatic event in the Quaternary history of Australia was the initiation of glaciation in the highland centre of Tasmania. Two ice advances are recorded, the last probably corresponding to the last global glacial maximum of the time scale (~18,000 years ago). GEOGRAPHIC LINKS AND BARRIERS: DETERMINANTS OF BIOTIC DISTRIBUTION In addition to the location and extent of climatic "zones", the physical continuity or lack of continuity of land masses (or oceans in the case of marine organisms) can strongly influence faunal and floral distributions in times past (Simpson 1940, amongst many others). Thus, for each of the periods (e.g. Ordovician, Silurian, etc.) discussed in this book during which vertebrates have left a record in Australia, maps are presented (Figs 1-11) that have been modified after Scotese et al. (1979, for the Palaeozoic) or Smith & Briden (1977, and Smith, Hurley & Briden (1981 for the Mesozoic and Cainozoic). Such maps clearly show the proximity of different parts of the world's continents of today as well as point out where lands and seas existed during the period discussed. The distribution of specific types of sedimentary environments are also summarized at the end of this chapter in a series of maps (Figs 12-20) modified from those of Truswell & Wilford in Rich & van Tets (1982) and Rich et al (1989). ORDOVICIAN Figure 12. Australian Ordovician palaeogeography (modified from Truswell & Willford in Rich & van Tets 1982). Slight differences in continental plots for Australia between Figs 2-11 and Figs 12-20 are due in part to different opinions of authors and in part to the plots representing slightly different times in a single period. See Fig. 20 for legend. In Figs 12-20 the maximum extent of different depositional environments for each period are indicated. PALAEOCLIMATE & PALAEOGEOGRAPHY OF AUSTRALIA - 131 What is clear from these palaeocontinental reconstructions, as well as those of Ballance (1980), Powell et al. (1980) Weissel et al. (1977) and many others, is that Australia was closely linked with the Gondwana continents through the Palaeozoic and into part of the Mesozoic. What is interesting is that during part of this time Australia was also closely associated with parts of China and Southeast Asia from the Cambrian until at least the Devonian, and both terrestrial (Young 1987, among others) and marine (several papers in Cox 1974, Gray & Boucot 1979) faunas reflect this near proximity in being markedly similar. After the Devonian, Gondwana and the present day Laurasia developed continuity, and apparently terrestrial vertebrates at this time could have moved back and forth across this super- continent hindered only by climate and mountain barriers, etc., but not by marine conditions. This geographic state remained in effect into the Mesozoic and probably accounts for the cosmopolitan nature of the dinosaur faunas that characterize these times. By Early Cretaceous times, however, terrestrial biotas were beginning to exhibit endemism (Rich & Rich 1989). DEVONIAN Figure 13. Australian Devonian palaeogeography. See caption Fig. 12. During the Mesozoic the Gondwana supercontinent began to break apart with continental fragments often developing their own separate histories, and with epicontinental seaways often providing barriers even on continuous tectonic plates. Australia remained physically connected to Antarctica until some time in the early Cainozoic (Eocene), and then, about 55 million years ago, completely severed connections as it drifted from a relatively high southern latitude (Tedford 1974, Rich 1975, Cande & Mutter 1982, Veevers 1986a) to near its present low southerly latitude by the Miocene. After its break with the Antarctic, and further west with South America (to which it was probably attached by an archipelago during part of the 132 - FRAKES & RICH Mesozoic), Australia was extremely isolated from all other continental areas. Australia became both a Noah's Ark and a Viking LATE CARBONIFEROUS Figure 14. Australian Late Carboniferous palaeogeography. See caption Fig. 12. PERMIAN Figure 15. Australian Permian palaeogeography. See caption Fig. 12. PALAEOCLIMATE & PALAEOGEOGRAPHY OF AUSTRALIA - 133 TRIASSIC Figure 16. Australian Triassic palaeogeography. See caption Fig. 12. JURASSIC Figure 17. Australian Jurassic palaeogeography. See caption Fig. 12. 134 - FRAKES & RICH CRETACEOUS Figure 18. Australian Cretaceous palacogeography. See caption Fig. 12. a ~ Mo Mo RY 7 7 EARLY TERTIARY Figure 19. Australian early Tertiary palaeogeography. See caption Fig. 12. PALAEOCLIMATE & PALAEOGEOGRAPHY OF AUSTRALIA - 135 MID TERTIARY OCEAN AREAS oo GB a °° aa o ® DUD UD = o@ = n oO go 2 ee 3 eS er. GF o & Oo. BE & o = 2 wo £ £ ££ 2 3 3 8 \ QM Hn nD HD WN Cc © © © GB c FF) jo © ut A J fed psd) [a] fee — Volcanoes A Australian middle Tertiary palaeogeography. See caption Fig. 12. Figure 20. 136 - FRAKES & RICH both a Noah's Ark and a Viking Funeral Ship (McKenna 1974), that is, it carried on it a fauna and flora that was derived from a Gondwana "population", and when it moved northwards, this biota developed independently, then was superimposed on the "foreign" biota of the Oriental region as Asia and Australia neared one another in the Late Cainozoic. The intermixing of these two faunas has produced the complex biogeographic situation that characterizes the Indo- Malaysian area with its numerous lines (Wallace's Line, Weber's Line, etc.) denoting the divisions between the Oriental and the Australasian biogeographic realms (Simpson 1977, Rich & van Tets 1982). Australia is also a Viking Funeral Ship that carries with it Gondwanan fossils that will be superimposed alongside those of Laurasia when the collision of Asia and Australia is complete in 50 million years time (Fig. 21). AFRICAN pLaTE - ss eo F—- VY 7y AMERICAN ove x PLATE INDIAN PLATE é as AUSTRALIAN v / PLATE \ \ \ lj~ } |, i - \ 7 | / MADAGASCAR % YW | PLATE Ne THE FUTURE, 50my from Present Figure 21. Possible Australian palaeogeography in the future, 50 million years from now. (Modified from a map in Scientific American, 1970, vol. 233(4): 39.) The northward drift of Australia in the Tertiary led to the continent moving across several degrees of latitude and through many different climatic zones. The development of aridity during this period is reflected by the marked changes, particularly during the Late Miocene to Pleistocene, in the fauna and flora (Hope 1982, Truswell & Harris 1982) (Fig. 22). The grasslands and their associated grazers and fast runners expanded and diversified at the expense of forests with their associated fauna of browsers and silvophiles. At the same time invaders from the north, such as the varanid lizards, Acacia and murid rodents (Keast 1981, Archer & Clayton 1984) had their impact on the endemic biota. The final affront by at least 40,000 years ago was that of man and his entourage of domestic associates. This accentuated trends already set in motion by climatic change. The impact of climate, man and the inevitable intermingling of Asian and Australian biotas in the future will precipitate massive extinctions of the Australian endemic biota. The final result of these changes will have to be left to future observers, but it will most certainly be tied to the perigrinations of the continents themselves. PALAEOCLIMATE & PALAEOGEOGRAPHY OF AUSTRALIA - 137 CONCLUSIONS Australia and its biotic composition has not only been affected by changing associations with other continents, by severe isolation, and changing world climates, but has also been affected by its own changing latitude. As the palaeogeographic maps here illustrate, Australia was in an equatorial position and rotated 90° to its present orientation during the Ordovician, when the first vertebrates are known on this continent. Subsequently in the Silurian and Devonian, it moved south into higher, but still subtropical and temperate latitudes, and rotated more towards its present day orientation. By the Carboniferous and Permian, it had moved decidedly further south into temperate and even polar latitudes. During the Mesozoic, Australia remained in much the same southerly position, even when New Zealand broke away in the late Mesozoic, and it wasn't until the late Mesozoic to early Tertiary that once again the continent changed latitudes, moving northwards to near its current position by the Miocene, after crossing several degrees of latitude. As the initial spreading rate between Australia and Antarctica is regarded to have been slow (Cande & Mutter 1982), interchange of terrestrial biota between the two continents may have been possible long after the onset of breakup. All of these factors need to be kept in mind when considering Australian vertebrate biogeography and evolutionary patterns throughout the Phanerozoic (the last 600 million years). All of them certainly must have had their effects and have markedly complicated paleogeographic interpretations of the origin and evolution of the biota made 20 years ago when biogeographers used the present day arrangement of continents. Figure 22. Palaeontological and geological data bearing on the development of aridity in Australia. (Derived primarily from Bowler 1982, Hope 1982, Truswell & Harris 1982). 138 - FRAKES & RICH CHRONO- STRATIGRAPHY MAGNETO: GEOGRAPHIC CARREY POSITION avin. TEMPERATURES EUSTATIC CURVES ak! ’ M SERIES. MAGNETIC ANOMALIES POLARITY Antarctic ice at nearly modern extent MIDDLE MIOCENE Warmer - foramin- iferans indicate warm surface H,O Southern Australia 018/018 indicate steep temperature drop OLIGOCENE ind ws a a 3 Decline of temp- erature from previous highs, 018/018 fluctuating temperatures MIDDLE No ice at poles, 018/0' indicate temperatures warmer than present PALAEOCENE {MINOR REVERSED POLARITY EVENT [EE orm pouanry REVERSED POLARITY Haq et al. 1988 Truswell and Harris 1982; Hope 1982; Bowler 1982. Veevers 1986a,b PALAEOCLIMATE & PALAEOGEOGRAPHY OF AUSTRALIA - 139 CHRONO STRATIGRAPHY SERIES. L UPPER MIDOLE MIOCENE a LOWER | OLIGOCENE Y= [UPPER LOWER UPPER MIDOLE EOCENE | LOWER UPPE PAL AE OCENE LOWER i ‘of SEL AEELaEn EERE ER aR 40+ 018/016 °C | WEATHERING SEDIMENTS Pein oT } Se ae i — NZ (Wellington) ++ Aust.(Victoria) Devereoux 1967; Dorman 1966; Frakes & Kemp 1973 Shackleton & Kennett 1975. Possible seasonal dryness Possible seasonal dryness Silcretes indicate seasonal aridity? Deep 7, weathering profiles, humid regime? Idnurm & Senior 1978 Quilty 1984 Truswell & Harris 1982: Wopfner, Callen & Harris 1974. —> van) n =) oO < Dolomites form- ing in central Australia Palygorskite- rich sediments Drying up of alkaline lakes, semi-arid weathering Lack of carbonaceous pollen- bearing seds. in Central Australia Carbonaceous, pollen —- bearing seds. in many parts of Central Australia Coarse clastics, flooding Lignites, peat — |} forming swamps in Central Aust. Coarse clastics, flooding Quilty 1984 Truswell & Harris 1982; Van de Graaff 1977. Central, northern, NW Aust. with increasing dry, anti - cyclonic air circulation Continued steepening of temp. gradients, intensified circulation Steepening of temp. gradients equator to pole; increasing intensity of circulation Temp. gradients, pole to equator low Circulation sluggish Bowler, 1976; Bowler, 1982; Frakes & Kemp 1973 Truswell & Harris 1982. 140 - FRAKES & RICH CHRONO- STRATIGRAPHY SERIES MIOCENE LOWER OLIGOCENE T LOWER | UPPER EOCENE MADOLE LOWER | PALAE OCENE { 30+ 40 50fF POLLEN & MACROPLANT MAJOR BOTANICAL |MAJOR ARID ZONE RECORD EVENTS PLANT LOCS. >__/ Open vegetation dominant in arid regions Chenopods, Eucalyptus, |; .i%j Brief expansion of rain-| Eyre Peninsula,S.A ; iss an Arid floras become established Lake Frome a few rainforest forms forest in Cent. Aust. Western/N.S.W. Nothofagus absent Decrease in diversity Dacrydium suggests A and abundance of some moisture aa Nothofagus & ro oka Acacia, Sie Ne Casuarina A »* i we TJ Nothofagus, podocarps abundant Grass pollen in %'s suggesting grasslands present in interfluves Lake Eyre and Tarkarooloo subbasins Early radiation of Eucalyptus Leptospermaceae (Etadunna and Namba Fm) Woomera, S.A. First Acacia pollen (northern migrant ) Rainforest trees Reduction of still abundant, 4 diversity of geile Kalina but less diverse : 2 F asin, : ie 8 rainforest SA than in Eocene rr e, | A. we l species Wu Sa | Glenn Florrie, W. Aust. More palaeobotanical sites than any other part of Cainozoic Wu First grass -?high rainfall? pollen Hale River, N.T. Trees of rainforest arapheny, N.T. affinities abundant; Marked increase in A Pan m., Nothofagus Nothofagus diversity. abundant Goat Paddock, W. Aust. First Myrtaceous pollen Gymnosperms dominant, related to temperate rainforest forms (e.g. Dacrydium) Angiosperms present, whose relatives now in vale Hee ce high rainfall a eas @iiaiii (e.g. Proteaceae, § a te tgs Winteraceae) “hz Ayers Rock, N.T. Lake Eyre Basin (Eyre Fm.),S.A. Bint, 1981; Truswell & Harris Lange 1978, 1982; 1982; Wells & Martin 1973, 1978 Callen 1986. Truswell & Harris 1982. PALAEOCLIMATE & PALAEOGEOGRAPHY OF AUSTRALIA - 141 VERTEBRATE FOSSIL RECORD in present arid zone) \\= in (uolseqqns oojooue ye 1) sulydjog prejsopqeyy — (aepuny) s}uspoy Spl}Seyosojed | Splyucpo}odig splodoioeyw SPp1010}0d Genetic Diversity of some Marsupial Families Familial Diversity of Marsupials eepiyouAyoyyUO — sooBiuiels ——————S SBD Oo goa aoacs AHdVYDILVELS -ONOYHD ca co [ nD | es [ comes 9 ees 9 a IC — oS eS — i no 2 Splu}!UIOWO01G oO OLE cq fo) D>OH Odvnw o Sd|I|POI0ID qQocoocojcontac 7f—Cc SS. SS ee [ee [cos as fee 9 ces 9 es ee I ee Ol ees 9 ees 9 eee Bee 9 egy f cee) ysijHun | yuopoyeiey at Hi) n st (eve seaenas ews n n ae axes ° " 2 6 S g 8 8 $ ° 8 8 g 2 7 7 ° | n | 1 W3ddN TIOGIW y3M07 Wd3ddN yw3MO1 | ¥3ddN | JIGGIN | 307 Y3dd/N Ww3M01 w | | 1 Lava a 4 : S| 3Na9 AN3Z00IN 3N3909110 3N3900 43 3N300 3V Wd O Archer & Clayton 1984 Patterson & Rich 1987; Rich, et al. 1987; Rich & Thompson 1982; Wells & Callen 1986. 142 - FRAKES & RICH CHRONO STRATIGRAPHY CENE MIOCENE OLIGOCENE AL AE OCE NE MIDOLE | UPPER jejyu LOWER UPPER MIDDLE an | WE urren | LO" LOWER 30+ 50+ MAJOR ARID ZONE TERR. {MAJOR ARID ZONE ECOLOGICAL VERT. INDICATORS VERTEBRATELOCS SUMMATION Lake Eyre and Tarkarooloo subbasins. Intense episodes of aridity Increased aridity & increased seasonality with oscillations Fluctuating conditions Humid at beginning & middle of Epoch Increasing aridity in younging direction Central Aust. lakes occasionally drying out Loss of Nothofagus, rainforest elements Expansion of grasslands , xeromorphic vegetation Extinction of megafauna, flamingoes, palaelodids ; local loss of lungfish & crocodiles; grazing forms dominate. | Lungfish, crocodiles, a variety of waterbirds, water dwelling and arboreal mammals (mainly marsupials), browsing Alcoota, N.T. Bullock Creek, N.T. Riversleigh, Qld. Lake Eyre and Tarkarooloo subbasins Decrease in precipitation Rainforest still dominant Lack of carbonaceous seds. indicate increasing aridity Cooling at beginning of Epoch Humid over most of Australia Warmer than at present, but cooling from beginning to end of Epoch. Some arid pockets in Central Australia, indicated by grasslands Humid, well watered environments Peat-forming swamps abundant Eucalyptus [f:] Browsers No long term aridity Grazers Chenopods Myrtaceae Nothofagus Acacia Grasses “RS Ferns PALAEOCLIMATE & PALAEOGEOGRAPHY OF AUSTRALIA - 143 REFERENCES ARCHER, M. & CLAYTON, G., 1984. Vertebrate Zoogeography and Evolution in Australasia. Hesperian Press, Carlisle. BALLANCE, P.F., 1980, ed. Plate tectonics and biogeography in the southwest Pacific: the last 100 million years. Palaeogeog. Palaeoclim. Palaeoecol. 31 (2-4): 101-372. BOWLER, J.M., 1976. Aridity in Australia: age, origins and expression in aeolian landforms. Earth Sci. Reviews. 12: 279-310, BOWLER, J. M., 1982. Aridity in the late Tertiary and Quaternary of Australia. In Evolution of the Flora a Fauna of Arid Australia. W.R. Barker & P. J. M. Greenslade, eds., Peacock Publ., Frewville: 35- BOWLER, J.M., HOPE, G.S., JENNINGS, J.N., SINGH, G. & WALKER, D., 1976. 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(From Rich & van Tets 1985, with permission of The Museum of Victoria.) CHAPTER 5 AN INTRODUCTION TO THE LITERATURE OF PALAEONTOLOGY WITH REFERENCE TO THE FOSSIL VERTEBRATES OF AUSTRALASIA. Marta Chiba! IN(ROGUCHON:, oc hs elie Anat Dude old oh tee cease gnaveetane 148 A Brief History of the Literature of Palacontology..ic...t20. hoch aceeeseel nag sigeeeee 148 An Outline of the History and Growth of an Australian Literature of PalacOntOlO Py: ns sasies.cvueeedhspahay Veblen sit 150 The Literature of Fossil Vertebrates of AUSULalaSiQ...... cee ecceeeeeeeee ceeeeeeeeeeeeeees 151 Searching the Older Literature of Palacontology........sceseeeseeeeeeeseeeenee sense 153 Biblio sraphiesys ctx: seasiens ehty of Sivaghea baa enanes sae dees 153 The Use and Structure of Subject VAtEPAtre sco... .tsige teecve teseeneatyonpes Da geeblane 155 Literature of Palacontology .........ceceeeeesee eee ee ees 157 Primary Publications in Pala OntOlOPy...osicecscesssss odaadeel cava 'aes voe'es 157 Secondary Publications in PalacOntOlogy -. on ccieveeleessiden dedesevaeeeteles 159 Tertiary Publications in Palaeontology isis. csstvscnecavwsesas leeeenetetds 163 Hints on Searching the Literature for AATOFMALOM ss... cancer sea dnae Seay teas Sasaeet tenets 165 Computerized Information Services Covering Palacontology.......ceeeee 168 RGICRNCES Ts. di snhanhs agehlceseg rales torec edb veyetele sone: 169 1 Hargrave Library, Monash University, Clayton, Victoria 3168, Australia. 148 - CHIBA INTRODUCTION This chapter gives a brief outline of the history, structure and use of the literature of palacontology, with reference to information sources on the fossil vertebrates of Australasia. The aim is to assist the reader in searching for a specific item of information or embarking on a comprehensive review of the literature on the subject. The volume of literature on palaeontology grows more slowly than other scientific literatures. Unlike Physical Sciences or Technology, where information dates quickly and publications are superceded by more recent ones within five to ten years, information on fossils remains relevant for a long time. The literature of palaeontology is characterized on the one hand by the large, cumulative reference works, and on the other, by the multitude of reports published by geological surveys, government organizations, museums, research institutes, commercial firms and just about anyone interested in fossils. The problem facing the student or researcher is how to find an efficient approach to retrieve relevant information from the large, cumulative, international and fragmented literature on the subject. An understanding of the nature of the discipline and how it exerts an influence on the structure of the literature and on the pattern of publications should be helpful to the reader in the choice of reference or serial publications. During the last decade, an increasing number of computerized information services appeared with a generally selective coverage of palaeontology. These computerized information services offer easy, online access to the recent literature of palaeontology. Some of the databases are national, others are intemational in their scope and coverage of scientific publications, however none are devoted exclusively to palaeontology. Despite the lack of a specialist information database on palaeontology, many Zoology, Earth and Life Sciences information databases are useful for identifying key publications, important authors, conferences or institutions that carry on and report research on fossils. Computerized information services having a substantial coverage of palaeontology, especially literature on vertebrate palaecontology of Australasia, will be reviewed. A BRIEF HISTORY OF THE LITERATURE OF PALAEONTOLOGY It is not sensible to separate the history of the literature of a subject from the history of its development. The literature represents the record of achievement in a field of study. Progress made in the state of the art is indicated by the time span and the volume of literature on the subject, One of the daunting prospects facing the researcher is having to decide on the retrospective coverage of the older literature on the subject. Whilst many of the important older publications are cited in recent works, the serious researcher cannot afford to miss older publications relevant to the problem, but overlooked in recent works. The development of palacontology as a separate branch of science with its own subject literature dates back to the first half of the nineteenth century. It was preceded by three centuries of debate on fossils, arguing whether they were the remains of plants and animals, minerals, or the illusions of nature. The literature of natural sciences could be regarded as the parent discipline of palaeontology. Leonardo da Vinci (1452-1519), working as an engineer on the construction of canals in Italy, noted fossil remains in rocks and suggested that they were marine organisms that had once lived there. Robert Hooke (1635-1703), the English physicist and mathematician was the first to suggest using fossils as a record of the Earth's history. AUSTRALIAN VERTEBRATE PALAEONTOLOGY LITERATURE - 149 According to Zittel (1901), a well known palaeontologist and historian of the discipline, the first famous masterpiece of palaeontological literature was Brocchi's Conchyliologia fossile subapeninnium published in Milan in 1814, The work contained an accurate description of the occurance and distribution of Tertiary Mollusca in Italy and a chapter on land mammals, whales and fish. Another notable early contribution to palaeontology was William Smith's unfinished work on Strata Identification By Organized Fossils (1816-19). Sarjeant & Harvey (1973), described the early history of palaeontological literature and regarded the works of Lamark (1744-1829) on vertebrates, Brongiart (1801-1879) on fossil plants, and Ehrenbert (1795-1876) on microscopic fossils as pioneering works, laying the foundation for the development of palaeontology as a separate discipline with its own specialist publications. A landmark in the study of fossil vertebrates was Sir Richard Owen's Palaeontology (1860). The work provided an excellent general survey of vertebrates, but treated invertebrates less fully. The early literature of palacontology was often influenced by the home discipline or the special interest of the author. Thus, palaeontology was treated variously as part of botany, zoology, comparative anatomy or frequently as a branch of geology. The study of fossils was given the name palaeontology by two eminent authors: Ducrotay de Blainville and Fisher von Waldheim in 1834 (Zittel 1901). The term was rapidly adopted in France and in England; in Germany, however, the older name of petrefaktenkunde or petretaktologie was used for awhile. The first German university to establish separate chairs in palaeontology and geology was in Munich in 1843. An all important event marking the beginning of the publication of specialist serials devoted to palaeontology was the establishment of the Palaeontological Society in London in 1847. The Society's aim was to describe the complete stratigraphical series of British fossils. To promote its aim, the Society immediately embarked on the publication of a monograph series. The first volume of the monograph was published in 1847, and it carried a list of authors and titles of works on British fossils, to be published in later monographs between 1847-1861. Many eminent nineteenth century palacontologists published the results of their research in the monographs of the Palaeontological Society: authors like Sir Richard Owen, H. Milne-Edwards, E. Forbes, T. Davidson and H. Woodward. The papers published in the monographs were carefully researched. The first paper published in the series on Tertiary Crag Mollusca from Britain, carried a bibliography of 137 references. Many of the papers cited were from the publications of learned societies, museums, academies, and magazines of natural history. Papers published in the Journal of the Linnean Society, the Zoological Record of the Zoological Society of London and in the Philosophical Transactions of the Royal Society of London were among the most frequently cited references, and these journals could be regarded with some justification as important information sources in the early literature of palaeontology. Publications from other countries, particularly from France, Germany and Belgium were also represented among the list of references cited in the early volumes of the Palaeontological Society's monographs. By the end of the nineteenth and the early part of the twentieth century, societies with a special interest in palaeontology were formed in other European countries and in the United States. Their purpose was to promote the publication and exchange of information on palaeontology. These societies performed the function of an invisible college for palaeontologists, furthering advances in the new discipline. The first periodical offering a comprehensive coverage of palacontology was Palaeontolgraphica, edited by W. Dunker and H. von Meyer, published by Cassel in Germany for the first time in 1846. Other periodicals devoted to palaeontology started to appear in the late nineteenth and the early twentieth century. The Bulletin of American Paleontology commenced publication in 1895, Annales de Palaeontologie (Paris) in 1906 and Journal of Paleontology (Tulsa, Ok.) in 1927. Alcheringa, the Journal of the Association of Australasian 150 - CHIBA Palaeontologists of the Geological Society of Australia, commenced publication in 1975, much later than similar periodicals in Europe or North America. The majority of the specialist periodical literature devoted to the coverage of palaeontology, or one of its subfields like micropalaeontology or foraminifera, commenced publication in the second half of the twentieth century. Despite the existence of a well defined specialist periodical literature of palaeontology, many papers on fossils continue to be published in journals covering related or broader fields than palacontology, reflecting the wide professional interest in the subject. The nineteenth century saw the rise of palaeontology as a new discipline, and specialization within the field of study. The theoretical foundation of the new discipline was laid by the pioneer works of eminent scientists such as Lamark, Brongiart, Ehrenberg and Sir Richard Owen. The literature of palacontology emerged as a specialist literature in the middle of the nineteenth century, its development hastened by the formation of learned societies, museums of natural history and by the establishment of separate chairs in palacontology at some universities. AN OUTLINE OF THE HISTORY AND GROWTH OF AN AUSTRALIAN LITERATURE OF PALAEONTOLOGY. The development of palacontology in Australia, and the growth of an Australian literature on fossils was late in comparison to other countries. The history of palacontological studies in Australia had a typically colonial beginning, showing a strong dependence on the work of European, particularly English palaeontologists (Rich et al. 1982, Vallance 1978). Fossils collected by the French (Nicholas Baudin, 1800-1804) and the English (Matthew Flinders 1800-1804) expeditions to Australia, and later by the various explorers of the interior of the continent, were sent to England for identification and description by eminent palaeontologists such as Sir Richard Owen. In this pioneer stage of Australian palaeontology, there were only isolated examples of work on Australian fossils by resident palacontologists published in Australian journals such as the Tasmanian Journal of Natural Sciences, or the Proceedings of the Royal Society, Hobart, and even in some obscure Sydney newspapers. The mainstream of literature on Australian fossils was published in England up until the late nineteenth century. The infrastructure needed for the establishment of an Australian base for palacontology and for the development of an Australian literature on the subject, was created in the latter part of the nineteenth century by the formation of scientific societies (the Royal Society in Hobart founded in 1841, followed by the Royal Societies of New South Wales, Victoria, South Australia and others), by the establishment of museums (the National Museum of Victoria, the Queensland Museum in Brisbane, the South Australian Muscum in Adelaide, etc.) and by the setting up of the state geological surveys. These societies and institutions had a firm interest in the study of Australian habitat and resources. To publicize their activities they issued serials and pamphlets giving local scientists an accessible outlet for publication. The proceedings and transactions of the local scientific societies such as the Proceedings of the Royal Society of Victoria quickly became, and to this date remains, an important forum for the publishing of papers on Australian fossils. The museums were more than a repository for the fossil fauna and flora of Australia. They had scientifically trained staff eager to study and ready to contribute, generally to publications issued by their museums, invariably named: records, circulars, or memoirs. An outstanding example of an early Australian publication on palaeontology was Frederick McCoy's (1817-1899) Prodromus of the Palaeontology of Victoria, issued in seven parts between 1874 and 1882 by the National Museum of Victoria. McCoy, in addition to his involvement with the National Museum of Victoria, also held the position of Professor of Natural Sciences at the University of Melbourne, between 1854 and 1899. The state geological surveys were especially important in the growth of an Australian AUSTRALIAN VERTEBRATE PALAEONTOLOGY LITERATURE - 151 literature of palaeontology, as they accepted the responsibility for the systematic study, recording and publishing of information on the state's natural resources in their bulletins, occasional papers and special publications, an activity which they continue to this date. Brown (1946) regards the mid-nineteenth century as the turning point in the history of Australian palaeontology which culminated in the publication of the Geology and Palaeontology of Queensland and New Guinea by Jack and Etheridge in 1892. University-based research in palaeontology by scientists like Frederic McCoy, Ralph Tate (1840-1901), who was appointed to a foundation chair at the University of Adelaide in 1874, and A.M. Thomson, who held the chair of geology at Sydney University from 1896, gave an additional impetus to the development of the subject and to the growth of an Australian literature of palaeontology. An outstanding palaeontologist who made a significant contribution to the early literature on Australian fossils was Robert Etheridge Jr. (1847-1926), who was appointed palaeontologist to the N.S.W. Geological Survey and became the director of the Australian Museum, Sydney in 1895, a position which he held until his death, By the end of the nineteenth century, Robert Etheridge Jr. and Professor Ralph Tate together, through their extensive studies of Australian fossils and their numerous publications, brought palaeontology in Australia out of its pioneer stage and helped to establish an Australian literature of palaeontology. By the beginning of the twentieth century there were many Australian publications, mainly serials, that carried information on Australian fossils. The first Australian textbook of palaeontology was F, Chapman's Australian Fossils, published in Melbourne by G. Robertson in 1914, The twentieth century saw the growth and proliferation of Australian publications in palaeontology and the increasing concentration of literature on Australian fossils in Australian publications. Whilst Australian palaeontologists, like palaeontologists in other countries, may publish the results of their research overseas, the core literature, i.e. most important, on Australian fossils is concentrated in Australian publications. A quantitative analysis of titles included in the Annotated Bibliography of the Palaeontology of Western Australia, 1814-1974, compiled by P. Quilty and published by the Geological Survey of Western Australia in 1975, confirmed the continuing importance to palaeontology of serials published by the state geological surveys, the Bureau of Mineral Resources and the various royal societies in each State. THE LITERATURE OF FOSSIL VERTEBRATES OF AUSTRALASIA In scientific disciplines, English language writers read, cite and contribute to English language publications. The generalization holds particularly well for palaeontology. A casual perusal of references cited by English language papers on palaeontology reveals that over ninety percent of the literature cited is in the English language, with preference for local and national publications. Despite the relative youth of an Australian indigenous literature on vertebrate palaeontology, the core literature on the subject is published in Australia, especially in serials. To test the assertion, the Australian Earth Sciences Information Database (AESIS) was searched online for papers published between 1980 and 1985 on the fossil vertebrates of Australasia. The database covers both Australian and overseas publications. The search retrieved two hundred papers on the subject. Of the two hundred papers retrieved, twenty-seven or thirteen point five percent were overseas publications, all but one published in English. Serial publications accounted for sixty-one percent of the total. Australian serials yielded forty- eight percent of the papers retrieved. The following serials published papers on fossil 152 - CHIBA vertebrates of Australasia between 1980 and 1985. The serial titles are ranked in order of the number of papers published on the subject during the period covered by the search (Table 1). See Table 1. Journals that Published Papers on Australasian Fossil Vertebrates Between 1980- 1985. (Source: AESIS Search 1980-1985). Title Number of Pages Alcheringa 25 Queensland Museum. Memoirs 20 Victoria. National Museum. Memoirs 10 Journal of Paleontology Palaeontology Royal Society of Western Australia. Journal Nature Queen Victoria Museum. (Launceston, Tasmania) Records Australia. Bureau of Mineral Resources, Geology and Geophysics. B.M.R. Journal of Australian Geology and Geophysics Australia. Bureau of Mineral Resources, Geology and Geophysics. Bulletin Royal Society of Tasmania. Papers and Proceedings Search South Australia. Museum. Records Australian Natural History Australian Museum (Sydney). Records Australia. Bureau of Mineral Resources, Geology and Geophysics. Records Fieldiana: Geology Geological Society of Australia. Journal Linnean Society of New South Wales. Proceedings Royal Society of South Australia. Transactions American Museum of Natural History. Bulletin Postilla Journal of Biogeography Journal of Vertebrate Paleontology Nomen Nudum Palaeogeography, Palaeoclimatology, Palaeoecology Paleaontological Association of London. Special Papers in Palaeontology Royal Society of New South Wales. Journal & Proceedings Royal Society of Victoria. Proceedings Science Scottish Journal of Geology South Australian Naturalist Western Australia. Geological Survey. Records Western Australian Museum. Records WwW PAHMAN NNWW WwW RRR RPE NNN N ND bd — eR Total Number of Journal Articles 122 Twelve monographs yielded sixty-two titles representing thirty-one percent of the total number of papers retrieved. Fifty of the monographic papers come from just two Australian books: AUSTRALIAN VERTEBRATE PALAEONTOLOGY LITERATURE - 153 Archer, M. & Clayton, G., eds., Vertebrate Zoogeography and Evolution in Australasia. Hesperian Press, Carlisle, Western Australia. 1984. 1203 pp. figures, tables, references. Rich, P.V. & Thompson, E.M., eds., The Fossil Vertebrate Record of Australasia. Monash University Offset Printing Unit, Clayton, Victoria. 1982. xxiii, 759 pp. appendices, figures, maps, references, tables. Only one of the twelve monographs was published overseas, the rest in Australia. The remaining sixteen papers consisted of six theses and ten unpublished reports. The online search of AESIS for the period 1980-1985 confirmed the concentration of the literature on fossil vertebrates of Australasia in Australian publications and the predominance of journal articles. A subsequent search of AESIS on the same topic covering 1988-89 did not reveal a significant change in the pattern of dispersal of journal articles in Australian and overseas serials. Alcheringa was the most productive serial, followed by the Queensland Museum Memoirs and the Western Australian Museum Records SEARCHING THE OLDER LITERATURE OF PALAEONTOLOGY. There is no easy approach to searching for titles published before the twentieth century. A major problem encountered is the lack of authoritative works providing a comprehensive coverage and an adequate subject approach to the older literature of palaeontology. There are a number of reference publications with substantial coverage of older publications on palaeontology. Readers wishing to locate a list of reference publications useful for searching the older literature are advised to consult the guide books to the literature of earth sciences (e.g. Wood 1973) or to geology (e.g. Pearl 1961) and to read the chapters describing bibliographic access to the older literature of palaeontology. Encyclopaedic works such as scholarly treatise designed to summarize the documented knowledge on a subject are also useful sources for locating titles published before the twentieth century, There are a number of scholarly treatise covering palacontology. They are described later in this chapter, as they offer organized bibliographic access to the recent as well as to the older literature. In the following section, reference works offering substantial coverage of the older literature of palaeontology are described briefly. BIBLIOGRAPHIES Bibliographies offer an important organized approach to older publications. The name bibliography was first used to describe a list of books on a subject. Modern usage of the term describes reference works designed to provide an organized approach by authors, titles or subjects to the literature. Bibliographies appear in many forms. Some are published as books, others as special issues in journals or as part of review articles published in serials. Generally, major bibliographic works are published in several volumes, over a period of time. One of the oldest, most important bibliographic works covering the older literature of palaeontology is the Repetorium Commentatorium a Societatibus Litteraris Editarum, compiled by D.J. Ruess and published by Dietrich in sixteen volumes covering papers published by scientific societies between 1665 and 1800. It is useful for locating articles on palaeontology published in the journals of the learned societies such as the Royal Society of London and the Linnean Society. 154 - CHIBA The most important bibliography covering the nineteenth century scientific literature, including palaeontology, is the Catalogue of Scientific Papers, 1800-1900, compiled by the Royal Society, London and published in four series between 1867-1925. The catalogue is an author index to scientific papers published mostly in Europe, during the nineteenth century. The Catalogue covers articles which appeared in some fifteen hundred journals between 1800 and 1900. It offers no subject approach to palaeontology. The researcher must know the names of authors before embarking on a search for nineteenth century papers on fossils. A continuation of the Royal Society's Catalogue is the International Catalogue of Scientific Literature 1900-1914, published by the Royal Society of London on behalf of the International Council of Scientific Workers. The Catalogue is arranged under broad subjects, and Section K is Palaeontology. There are also annual author and subject indexes to this work. One of the most important encyclopaedic reference works that carry substantial bibliographies of older literature is the Dictionary of Scientific Biography. published in New York by Scribner in 1974 in sixteen volumes. This is an authoritative work which was sponsored by the American Council of Learned Societies. The Dictionary carries articles on the life and work of eminent scientists, including palaeontologists, from the beginning of time to the early part of the twentieth century. Each article concludes with a bibliography of works by, and a bibliography of works about, the life and contribution of the particular scientist. Volume sixteen is an index, offering a detailed subject approach. For example, under palaeontology the index lists works chronologically from the Renaissance to the early twentieth century, in addition to works arranged under aspects or subfields of palaeontology. This is a useful work for discovering key papers, particularly on the early history of palaeontology. J.C. Poggendorf's Bibliographisch-Literarisches Handworterbuch zur Geschichte der Exacten Wissenschaften, is a multi-volume Bio-bibliographic reference work on the life and work of scientists from early time to 1953. For each author listed, the biographical entry is followed by a brief bibliography of their more important works. The Handworterbuch was published in four series, each covering a different period of time. The first series was published in Leipzig by Barth in 1863. The Handworterbuch is useful for tracing early contributions to palaeontology, particularly those written in foreign languages. The reader searching for papers on the development of palaeontology in general or in a specific country, is well advised to consult W.A.S. Sarjeant's Geologists and the History of Geology: An International Bibliography from the Origins to 1978 (New York, Arno Press, 1978). The first volume of this five volume bibliography carries references to papers on the history of palaeontology and its subfields, in different countries, including Australia. There are many special bibliographies of palaeontology. Most include references to early contributions to the subject. For example, the Bibliography of Fossil Vertebrates Exclusive of North America, 1509-1927 (New York, Geological Society of America, 1962) offers an author and a subject approach to the world literature on fossil vertebrates. Early contributions to vertebrate palaeontology in the United States can be located in the Bibliography and Catalogue of Fossil Vertebrates of North America, (1902) published as Bulletin 179 by the United States Geological Survey. The more recent literature on fossil vertebrates can be searched in CL. Camp et al. Bibliography of Fossil Vertebrates, a quinquennial bibliography of the world literature on the subject from 1928, published in New York by the Geological Society of America between 1938 and 1973, as special issues to the GSA Special Paper and the GSA Memoir series. The publication of the Bibliography of Fossil Vertebrates was continued on an annual basis from 1978 by the American Geological Institute, the Society of Vertebrate Palaeontology, and by the Museum of Palaeontology of the University of California at Berkeley. A single, retrospective volume covers the literature published between 1973 and 1977. There are a number of special bibliographies of palaeontology covering the Australian AUSTRALIAN VERTEBRATE PALAEONTOLOGY LITERATURE - 155 literature. Generally, they are published by the state geological surveys in their bulletins or reports or by the Bureau of Mineral Resources in its Bulletin. The first comprehensive bibliography of Western Australian palacontology compiled by Patrick Quilty was published as Report number three (1975) by the Western Australian Geological Survey. The Bibliography covered publications on Wester Australian fossils from 1853 to 1973. Special bibliographies offering access to the carly literature of palacontology sometimes appears as journal articles or as chapters in books. I. Crespin's A Bibliography of Australian Foraminifera (1975) was published in the journal Micropalaeontology (volume one. pp. 172- 186), whilst a chapter on the Literature References to the Fossil Terrestrial Mammals of Australia and New Guinea is included in this volume. Bibliographies on palacontology may be cited by abstracting or indexing services and in reference books, discussed later under secondary and tertiary publications. The only abstracting service going back far enough to cover the older literature of a palacontology is Zoological Record, published by the Zoological Society of London since 1864. Zoological Record offers an author, subject, and a systematic approach to ninctcenth century publications on fossil fauna, including Australian fossils under the name of the genera or subgencra. A comprehensive coverage of the older literature of palacontology requires patience, an appreciation of the history of the discipline and above all, a careful planning of search strategy. Knowledge of important people and epoch making papers will help to provide the key to this early literature. Important early contributions are cited in modern works and in citation indexes. The method of approach to searching the carly literature of palacontology should be guided by the purpose of the search and by the available access to bibliographic resources. The writer of an introductory paper may be excused for not paying adequate attention to the history of the subject. The researcher, however, cannot afford to overlook important early contributions, which could influence the approach to the problem or the interpretation of the findings. When searching for early contributions on a subject, patience and perseverence are essential to ensure success. THE USE AND STRUCTURE OF SUBJECT LITERATURES The literature of any subject may be divided into three broad categories on the basis of the function and the type of information contained in the publications making up these categories. Primary publications carry the latest published information on a subject. They represent a vast pool of up-to-date information, growing at an exponential rate. The main type of publications belonging to this category are journals, reports, conference papers, the varied forms of contributions by institutions, socicties, organizations and government bodies and theses. The function of primary publications is to report with the minimum of delay, research work and new findings. Secondary publications represent the first attempt to provide a systematic access to the literature under authors, titles and subjects. Secondary publications provide bibliographic access to different types of publications, such as journal articles, conference papers, research reports and books. Secondary publications are represented by abstracting and indexing journals, by review serials, bibliographies and current awarencss services. As the catalogue of a library is the key to its collection, secondary publications serve a similar function for subject literatures, as they offer a bibliographic approach to searching the literature for a specific tile or author or for publications on a topic. In secondary publications, bibliographic entries are sometimes accompanied by a brief indicative or information summary or abstract of the subject matter covered in the item of literature cited by the service. Abstracting journals assist the reader to identify relevant publications from the literature. Review serials survey the advances made in a field of study during a stated period of time. 156 - CHIBA Review articles are followed by references to important contributions. Articles in review serials often evaluate contributions made to the subject. Bibliographies present the literature on a subject, topic or country, or author in an organized form. Their scope and coverage generally includes all types of publications in different languages. Current awareness services carry contents pages of journals. Their function is to alert the reader of the existence of the most recent papers on the subject published in serials. Generally, the function of secondary publications is to assist the reader in the search of the literature in order to identify, select and locate the relevant information resources. Tertiary publications are books, including reference books. Information in tertiary publications is not as up-to-date as in the primary or secondary publications, but it is organized and summarized to cater for different levels of understanding, ranging from the introductory to the scholarly, informative level. Tertiary publications include general books, textbooks, research monographs and reference books such as handbooks, dictionaries, encyclopaedias and treatise. The function of tertiary publications is to introduce, explain and to summarize knowledge. The essential difference between general books, textbooks and research monographs is in the treatment of the subject. General books describe even the most complex topic using terms which a layperson can understand, Texbooks are designed to teach the student of the subject. Research monographs are written by specialists for specialists. The treatment of the subject in research monographs assumes formal education in the field of study. Books are written for a well defined audience in mind. The reader is advised to search for books on the subject designed to suit the desired level of understanding of terms, concepts and ideas. Reference books serve to orient the reader and to introduce a topic. They are not meant to be read from cover to cover. Information in reference works is organized in a systematic way to facilitate the looking up of a definition, a formula, a concept, or is an introductory article on a topic. Reference works may be general or special, depending on whether they cover the whole field of knowledge or one of its subsets, such as a discipline or a single subject. Some reference works are intended for the interested layperson, whilst others serve the sophisticated information need of the subject specialist. Handbooks for example, exist to provide in a compact form, principles, data and tables for professional practice. The arrangement of information in handbooks generally follows a careful classification of the field of coverage. Handbooks are more important in the applied than in the pure sciences. Their function is to furnish facts and principles. Dictionaries and encyclopaedias can be general or special. A general dictionary gives the meaning, usage, spelling, etymology and the pronunciation of words. Special dictionarics on the other hand, define and explain concepts, theories and terms. General dictionaries are used in every-day communication, while special dictionaries are used in scientific, technical or professional communication. Similarly, general encyclopaedias cover the whole field of knowledge. Special encyclopaedias cover a branch of knowledge or a single subject. The narrow field of coverage in specialist reference works allows the treatment of the subject in considerable depth. Articles in special encyclopaedias present an overview of the field, including its history, development and current status with illustrative examples, graphic material and a short bibliography of supporting literature on the subject. General or special, an encyclopaedic article is intended to augment knowledge. A typical encyclopaedic article starts with a definition of the topic, indicating its relationship to other, related fields of study. A good encyclopaedic article also contains the main key-words which describe the subject, to assist the reader to define the topic and thus facilitate the search of the literature for additional information. Treatise are scholarly reference works that provide an authoritative and carefully documented summary of the literature on a subject. The function of a treatise is to present a summary of AUSTRALIAN VERTEBRATE PALAEONTOLOGY LITERATURE - 157 all the known facts, theories and principles, together with a complete bibliography of important contributions to the field of study. The field of coverage in treatise type publications is narrow, to allow the complete, in-depth treatment of topics by recognised authorities working in well defined specialities. Information in treatise articles should be adequate to evaluate scholarly contributions to the field at a given date. Treatise are indispensable reference works to scholarly research. Tertiary publications offer either a broad or an in-depth summary of the literature, and are useful to introduce the reader to an unfamiliar topic or to provide background information for serious research. Fig. 1 illustrates the use and the structure of subject literatures. It shows how with the passage of time the fast growing, up-to-date primary publications, are included in bibliographic services or secondary publications, and finally in tertiary publications, which may introduce, define, explain or summarize the documented literature on a subject. THE LITERATURE OF PALAEONTOLOGY. In this section, only key publications in palaeontology are described. Readers wishing to gain a more detailed knowledge of publications in palaeontology are advised to refer to the guidebooks to subject literature, including those listed in the bibliography, at the end of this chapter. PRIMARY PUBLICATIONS IN PALAEONTOLOGY. The importance of the different types of primary publications varies with the differences in social organization and communication patterns in the various disciplines. The most important forms of primary publications in palaeontology are journals and reports. Palaeontological studies are generally carried out by institutions, museums, government bodies and commercial organizations applying palaeontological techniques in exploration work. Among the government organizations, geological surveys and departments of mines make significant contributions to the study of fossils. Accounts of palaeontological investigations are usually written up in journal articles or in papers presented at professional meetings. A substantial part of palaeontological investigations is published in the report literature. Reports, particularly the ones by private companies, sometimes remain internal reports and can be identified only in the secondary services covering the literature of palacontology. The researcher generally relies on the ‘invisible college’ (colleagues working in the same ficld) for information about unpublished reports and research in progress. The report literature on palaeontology is vast and fragmented. There are so many reports issued by such a wide spectrum of sources, that it would be unwise to single out some and not mention others. Published reports can be identified in the secondary services such as abstracting and indexing journals, under the subject of the paper, or the name of the author. Unfortunately, bibliographic access to unpublished reports is limited. Annual reports of organizations and house organs (publications designed to publicize the activities of firms and organizations) are valuable sources of information on internal reports and on research in progress. Similarly, newsletters issued by learned societies and research organizations can be useful to identify internal reports and unpublished conference papers. 158 - CHIBA a0 SHV3A OML OL SHLNOW M0 SHVSA SA SDWYSAY NO SI M0 SHV3SA OML NVHL XIS SI NOLLWAYOSNI NOLLWAIYOSNI ___ NOLLVWHOINI LN303H LSOW SHL BYOW SI NOLLVAHOSINI ‘S3OIAU3S AYVONOO3S LN303d LSOW SHL AHYVO 'SMOOE SONSUSIFY LVO-O1l-dN NI ‘SMOO8 3LVO-Ol-df NI 31V0-OL-df NI SNOILVONENd ALVO-O1L-dN S3SV3SYONI SHNLVYALN 40 ADV 3LV1S 3HL JO ASAUNS ATEWIOHOS V HO4 3SHLVSYL ONCNVISHSONN IO (a3HsnendNn ; {VL SIHd VHD ONW OtdSNN 73A51 O1ID3dS wO G3HSMEend) ‘ADOTONINYSL 'SNOLLINS3Q) HOUWSS YL NOL OMANI NOLLWYHOANI LNVAZ EH LNB LVSUL LSIVI03dS 3YNLVHSLN V NO ONIMYVENS HO SH3dVd H3070 3AISNSHSUdNOO HO ASUNSOIOL'OLS SMSIAZH . 4 340438 NOLLVINSIHO YOs SSN Sioa iastod Sei 'GNOLLY LID ’SLOVELSEY SGN NOLLWWHOSNI 31LV0-O1-dn HOS SNOILVONENd LN303Y ASN S3IHdVYDOI Tea S3S3SHL SHdVHDONOW HOH VSSSY S30WY3S WOYdS SNOLLVONENd vI03dS S3QIND HOYV3S3SY SASVEVLVO NOLLVWHOINI 3SLLVSYL S3OIAN3S SVKISVdOTOAONA SSANJYVMV LNSYEND “SNOLLALLLLSNI AS SNOLLNBRLLNOO S3MVNOLLOIG STVIWaS ONIM3IASY S1LHOd3Y HOHVSS3Y SNOOBUONWH S¥OO8 1VWH3N39 STWNUNOF ONILOVELSEV SSIOWHY TwNuNOr SOO 3ON3YH3434 syo0og STWNYNOP ONIXSONI SUH3dWd JONTYSINOO SYN LVYALN AdWUHSL BYNLVYSLN AdWONOO3S BYNLVYS LN AX Wild ADSOIOLNOAV Wd 40 AYNLVYSLI SHL NOLLVWHOFNI 30 AONS8HMD SHL ONV JYNLVWYALN 40 3OV 3SN 40 AdAL NOLLVONENd 40 3dAL SYNLVYS UT 40 SdAL Figure 1. The use and structure of subject literature in palacontology. AUSTRALIAN VERTEBRATE PALAEONTOLOGY LITERATURE - 159 The periodical literature of palacontology is compact in comparison to other disciplines. There are a relatively small number of specialist periodicals devoted to the coverage of palaeontology. However, articles on palacontological topics also appear in journals covering related fields in the earth and life sciences and in journals issued by scientific socicties. The 27th edition of Ulrich's International Periodicals Directory (New York, Bowker Co., 1988- 1989), a worldwide directory of current periodicals, listed ninety-nine thousand four hundred and fifty journal titles under broad subject headings. Under 'Palacontology' there were ninety-three specialist periodicals devoted to the subject with a further fifty-six references to related serials. The majority of current journals devoted to palaecontology were published in the English CNBUagS. Foreign language journals were well represented, however, by French, Russian and erman. In 1980, the oldest primary journal still current was Palaeontographica (v.1- ; 1846-) published by the Schweizerbartsche Verlagsbuchhandlung in Stuttgart. The Australian journal of palaeontology, Alcheringa, (v.1- ; 1975-), is one of the most recent primary periodicals in palaeontology and the only recent journal with a general coverage of the field. Most of the recent journals in palaeontology are specialist journals devoted to the coverage of a subfield of palacontology. Prestigious older journals listed included Journal of Paleontology (v.1- ; 1927-) issued by the Society of Economic Palaeontologists and Mineralogists in Tulsa, Oklahoma, Palaeontologische Zeitschrift v.1- ; 1914-) issued by the Schweizerbartsche Verlagsbuchhandlung in Stuttgart, West Germany, and the Bulletins of American Paleontology (v.1- ; 1895-) issued by the Palaeontological Research Institution in Ithaca, New York. Generally, primary journals issued by national academies, leamed socicti¢s and by international publishing houses are the most cited and prestigious journals in palacontology. Papers presented at professional meetings when published, appear in a collected form. Such publications are generally called Proceedings, Colloquium, Conference, Symposium, etc. followed by the title of the meeting. Some papers presented at meetings of professional and learned societies are not published in proceedings form. They may be identified in the relevant abstracting and indexing journals as conference papers under subject headings and the name of the author. Preprints of unpublished conference papers can be obtained from the sponsoring body of the meeting or from the author of the paper. There are fewer conference papers than journal articles or reports in the primary literature of palaeontology. Theses are also primary literature, as they report original research, carried out under supervision al tertiary institutions. Dissertations Abstracts International (v.1- ; 1969-) published by the University Microfilm Corporation in Ann Arbor, Michigan offers a good coverage of doctoral theses in palacontology. Section B: Sciences and Engineering and Section C: European Abstracts of the Dissertations Abstracts are relevant to palacontological research. Theses listed in this service are available in microform or as a paper copy from the University Microfilms Corporation. The primary literature of palaeontology is characterized by a steadily growing number of specialist journals devoted to a subfield of palacontology, and by the vast, fragmented, international and rapidly growing report literature, which presents considerable problems for the researcher trying to discover the existence of relevant reports. SECONDARY PUBLICATIONS IN PALAEONTOLOGY The reader wishing to scan the literature for current publications on palacontology, or to carry out a search, going back some years covering the literature of the subject, has a choice of using specialist secondary publications devoted exclusively to palacontology or secondary services with a broad subject coverage including palacontology. The most comprehensive English language index to earth sciences publications with an 160 - CHIBA excellent world-wide coverage of palaeontological publications is the Bibliography and Index of Geology, published in twelve monthly issues with annual cumulations, since 1969. The Bibliography succeeded the Bibliography of North American Geology, a U.S. Geological Survey publication, which covers literature from 1785 to 1970, and the Bibliography and Index of Geology Exclusive of North America, published by the Geological Society of America between 1933 and 1968. Between 1969 and 1978 the Bibliography and Index of Geology was published by the Geological Society of America and from 1979 to date by the American Geological Institute. The monthly issues of the Bibliography are divided into four sections: Serials, Fields of Interest, Subject Index and Author Index. The main section in the monthly issues is the ‘Fields of Interest’, which provide a subject approach to the literature. Under each subject category, citations are grouped into books, meetings, theses, maps and papers. The indexes refer to the citations through the consecutive entry numbers. The ‘Field of Interest’ 08: Palaeontology, general (studies on fossil plants and animals, concepts, life origin, applications, methods etc.) is most useful for identifying information on fossil vertebrates. For each citation listed under ‘Fields of Interest’, there are an average, 3.4 entries in the Subject Index. The Author Index contains the names of personal authors, corporate authors and editors; the Serials section contains information on serials cited in the Bibliography. The annual cumulation of the Bibliography, parts 1 and 2, is an alphabetical listing under authors of bibliographic entries included in the monthly issues. There is no cumulation by Fields of Interest. The cumulative index, parts 3 and 4 consists of the cumulation of the monthly subject indexes. The following sample entry shows the information provided in the Cumulative Bibliography under authors: Smith, Meredith J. Small fossil vertebrates from Victoria Cave, Naracoorte, South Australia: II., Peramelidac. Thylacinidae and Dasyuridae (Marsupialia): R. Soc. S. Aust., Trans., Vol. 96, Part 3, p. 125-137, illus., 1972. Dec 16 E72-39583 The publication was indexed in the Cumulative Index under the following headings: South Australia — paleontology Mammalia, Pleistocene, Naracoorte, Victoria Cave (Smith, Meredith J.) Dec 16 E72-39583 Mammalia Marsupialia Pleistocene, South Australia, Naracoorte, Victoria Cave, bones, morphology, taxonomy, Peramelidae, Thylacinidae, Dasyuridae (Smith, Meredith J.) Dec 16 E72-39583 The monthly issues of the bibliography fulfill the role of a current awareness service. The annual cumulations provide bibliographic access to the literature under indexing terms which AUSTRALIAN VERTEBRATE PALAEONTOLOGY LITERATURE - 161 describe the subject matter of documents and by authors, and there is a User Guide to the Bibliography and Index of Geology, edited by J. Mulvihill which was issued by the American Geological Institute in 1982. The American Geological Institute published two special bibliographies for palacontologists from its Bibliography. The Bibliography of Fossil Vertebrates is issued annually from 1978- in cooperation with vertebrate palaeontologists working at the Museum of Palacontology of the University of California at Berkeley. The occasional use of foreign language abstracting and indexing services is necessary as no English language service provides a worldwide coverage of the palaeontology literature. The following foreign language abstracting and indexing journals are useful to palaeontologists: Bulletin Signaletique - Bibliography des Sciences de la Terre: Section 227, Cahier H: Paleontologie (Bureau des Recherches Geologiques et Minieres et Centre national de la Recherche Scientific, Paris), This is a monthly publication with short abstracts arranged according to a special subject classification scheme. Abstracts are in French, but titles are given in their original language. There is a monthly subject index and annual author and subject indexes. The emphasis is on French and continental European, including Russian language publications. Bulletin Signaletique came into existence in 1956 as a continuation of the Bulletin Analytique. For German language publications in palacontology the specialist service is the Zentralblatt fur Geologie Teil 2: Palaeontologie an irregular (about seven issues per year) publication issued since 1950 by the Schweizerbartsche Verlagsbuchhandlung in Stuttgart. For Russian and Eastern European publications in palaeontology, the most comprehensive abstracting service is Referativnyi Zhurnal: Geologiya (Akademiya Nauk SSSR, Moscow, 1956-). In the monthly issues of this service, abstracts are arranged in a subject sequence with an author index. Although the abstracts are in Russian, the full bibliographic details are given in the original language of the paper. There are annual author (avtorski) and subject (predmetnyi) indexes to the abstracts. The subject index is in Russian Cyrillic alphabet, but the author index is in two sequences, a Cyrillic and a Roman alphabet, according to the language of the paper. There are a number of English language abstracting and indexing journals useful to palacontologists. Zoological Record (Zoological Society of London, 1864-) and Biological Abstracts (Biosciences Information Service and Biological Abstracts, 1927-) have a good coverage of papers of palacontological interest. Science Citation Index (1955-) published in Philadelphia by the Institute for Scientific Inforraation has a worldwide coverage of scientific publications. The service cites papers on earth sciences, and also palaeontology. Provided the researcher knows the bibliographic details of a key paper, the citation index permits the retrieval of other papers cited by the key (source) paper. Science Citation Index consists of a Citation Index, a Source Index and Permuterm Subject Index. The Source Index gives bibliographic details of papers published in the journals scanned by the service. The Citation Index consists of references cited in source items in alphabetical order, under the name of the first author, The Permuterm Subject Index is an index using the words contained in the titles of the papers listed in the Source Index, The Australian literature of palacontology is covered by two secondary services published in Australia. The Australian Earth Sciences Information System (1976-) AESIS is a national information service which covers the Australian literature including published and unpublished material in the earth sciences, including palacontology. The service appears quarterly in paper form and cumulates annually, and later covering a number of years in a single alphabetical sequence in microform, In the quarterly issues of AESIS, annotated bibliographic entries are arranged under broad subject categories. Section 1430 is Palaeontology. Each quarterly issue contains an Author, Subject, Locality Name, Stratigraphic name and Map Reference Index. The following is a sample entry from AESIS quarterly, reproduced to illustrate the elements of the bibliographic citation and the extent of indexing used by the service. 162 - CHIBA Q12-4595 The Devonian dipnoan Ho/odipterus: dental form variation and remodelling growth mechanisms. Campbell, K S W Smith, MM Australian Museum. Record 39(3) September, p131-167; | appx, 24 fig, 17 ref (1987) Vertebrate palaeontology/ Lung fish/ Morphology/ Devonian/ Canning Basin/ Gogo Formation/ Western Australia/ AESIS Quarterly Vol. 12 No. 4 December 1987 The Annual Cumulative Index to AESIS is published in the December issue each year. It consists of Author, Subject, Locality, Map, Mine/Deposit/Well-name and Stratigraphic-name indexes. There are also five year cumulative indexes on microfiche. AESIS is an excellent secondary service that offers in depth subject analysis of the Australian Earth Sciences literature. AESIS scans many internal reports missed by other abstracting and indexing journals, and is also available as a machine readable database, which is used to generate special bibliographies on specific fields of interest. Australian Science Index (1957-1982) was intended to cover articles in Australian scientific and technical publications. Entries are arranged under broad subject headings. Papers on palaeontology are listed under the subject heading 'Earth Sciences - Palaeontology’. The annual cumulation of Australian Science Index carries subject and author indexes. As the primary literature continues to grow at an exponential rate, it is increasingly difficult to keep abreast of developments in one's own field and in related fields of interest. Review articles are extremely useful to the reader wishing to survey the current literature on a subject. There are a number of review serials in earth sciences, none devoted exclusively to palaeontology. Earth Sciences Reviews (Elsevier Scientific Publishing, Amsterdam, 1966-) is a specialist review serial which frequently carries survey articles on progress made in palaeontology. The review articles in this service are always informative, often evaluative and sometimes critical. In all cases, the articles are followed by a long list of references to current literature on the subject. Review articles may appear in specialist review serials generally entitled Advances in..., Progress in..., Reviews of... etc., and in primary journals or in books. Most abstracting services, including the ones described earlier in this section, will include review articles. The inclusion, however, of review articles is not reliable in any of the secondary services covering palaeontology. /ndex to Scientific Reviews (1974-), a semiannual hardcover publication by the Institute for Scientific Information, Philadelphia, is a special indexing service devoted to the coverage of review articles collected from all types of publications. Most of the information input to this service is based on the papers covered by Science Citation Index. Index to Scientific Reviews has a Source Index, a Permuterm Subject Index, a Corporate index and a Research Front Specialty Index. The Source index is a cross referenced author index to the current review literature, giving a complete bibliographic description of each review article (source item) followed by numbers representing research front specialities treated in the articles, The Research Front Specialty Index provides a classified subject approach to research specialities surveyed in the review articles. Current awareness services are mostly title announcement services of papers published in journals. The following current awareness publications are useful to palaeontologists. Current Contents: Physical, Chemical and Earth Sciences (1957-) is a weekly publication by the Institute of Scientific Information in Philadelphia. Current Contents consist of content pages of journals regularly scanned by the service. Each issue has an author index and directory to facilitate the acquisition of reprints of journal articles. Geotitles Weekly (London, Geosystems, 1969-) is a weekly publication in three parts, the main part consists of a classified list which gives details of authors, titles, and sources of approximately fifty to sixty thousand items per year. The classification is based on the Geosystem subject classification. There is an author index and a ‘key to coded sources’ in each issue. AUSTRALIAN VERTEBRATE PALAEONTOLOGY LITERATURE - 163 TERTIARY PUBLICATIONS IN PALAEONTOLOGY Palaeontology is a descriptive and a cumulative science. For this reason, books, particularly reference books, are important to the student of palaeontology, while treatise and fossil catalogues are indispensable to the researcher. English language books on palaeontology currently in print can be identified in Books in Print, (New York and London, Bowker Company) an annual author, title and subject index to books in print. Scientific and Technical Books and Serials in Print, 1988 (New York) Bowker Company, in volume 1, which is a subject index, lists several books on palaeontology under the subject and also by country e.g. Palaeontology - Asia. Books are listed under the heading: Vertebrates, Fossil. Palacontological publications no longer in print can be identified in special bibliographies and guidebooks to the literature, in library catalogues and in guides to reference material such as E.P. Shechy's Guide to Reference Books (10th edition, American Library Association, Chicago, 1986) and A.J. Walford's Guide to Reference Material, 3rd edition, The Library Association, London, 1973). Pure and Applied Science Books 1876-1982 (New York, Bowker Co.) is a bibliography of some 220,000 titles in a six volume set. Inclusion is not limited to books published in the United States, but also covers overseas publications which were distributed in the United States. The retrospective Bowker Bibliography lists several hundred titles on palaecontology under the general subject as well as by country, type of publication, and speciality e.g. Vertebrates, Fossils - Bibliography. In the following, only a brief reference will be made to examples of the different types of reference works in palaeontology. For more detailed or complete listings of reference books, the reader is advised to consult the guidebooks to the literature of Earth Sciences. For a definition of a topic or for keywords to formulate a search question on an unfamiliar topic, special dictionaries and encyclopaedias are particularly useful. The difference between the two is blurred, as some dictionaries go beyond the usual single volume presentation, whilst some encyclopaedias cover such a narrow field of speciality that a single volume may allow the encyclopaedic treatment of topics falling within the field of coverage. An unusual example of a popular but informative presentation of information in a dictionary form, covering a narrow field of speciality is D.F. Glut's The Dinosaur Dictionary (Secaucus, New Jersey, Citadel press, 1972), There are many books written on dinosaurs, the difference between the Dinosaur Dictionary and similar books on the subject is in the dictionary type presentation, of information by genus of dinosaurs. This special dictionary is useful for the interested layperson and to the student of palaeontology. The dictionary has a bibliography of sources consulted and recommended for further reading. The Encyclopaedia of Paleontology (Stroudsburg, Pa., Dowden, Hutchinson and Ross, 1979) edited by R.W. Fairbridge and D. Jablonski, is an example of an encyclopaedic dictionary of palaecontology. The Encyclopaedia carries fairly long articles, followed in each case by a bibliography. The McGraw-Hill Encyclopaedia of Science and Technology isa multi-volume encyclopaedia which includes many brief entries on topics of palaeontological interest. The articles in this work are written by specialists, often illustrated and generally well documented. A separate subject index to this work allows the survey of information on the various aspects of the same topic. A single volume encyclopaedia published by the same company which could be useful to the student of palaeontology is the McGraw-Hill Encyclopedia of the Geological Sciences (New York and Sydney, McGraw-Hill, 1978). There are a number of encyclopaedic dictionary-type reference works in the earth and biological sciences, These works can be identified in bibliographies, guidebooks and library catalogues, generally under the name of the subject followed by a subheading indicating the form of publication e.g. Palaeontology- Dictionaries and Encyclopaedias. Handbooks are useful reference publications for looking up special techniques, application 164 - CHIBA data and principles. There are a number of handbook-type reference works in palaeontology. Handbooks on palacontology or on related subjects can be located in the same way as suggested for dictionaries and encyclopaedias, under the name of the subject e.g. Palaeontology- Handbooks; Zoology-Handbooks. It should be noted that some reference publications listed as handbooks are not handbooks in the strict sense of the definition, but are guidebooks and realise covering narrow specialitics. The most comprehensive handbook on palaeontological techniques is the Handbook of Palaeontological Techniques (San Francisco and London, W. Freeman, 1965) a multiauthored volume work edited by B. Kummel and D. Raup. The Handbook was prepared under the auspices of the Palacontological Society and it is in five parts covering I. General procedures and techniques applicable to major fossil groups; IT. Description of specific techniques; HI. Techniques in palynology; IV. Bibliography of paleontological techniques and V. Compilation of bibliographies of use to palaeontologists and stratigraphers. The Handbook is a source book for palaeontological techniques, with illustrations, photographs, drawings and tables. As palacontology is a cumulative science, scholarly treatise are essential tools for research. In palaeontology there are numerous smaller works called treatise, which cover a narrow specialty as well as multi-volume treatise that summarize the state of knowledge embracing the whole field or a substantial part of palaeontology. Treatise-type palaeontological publications are not necessarily identified by their title as treatise. It is often necessary to look beyond the title of the work to ascertain that the treatment of the subject meets the criteria for a treatise. Traite de Paleontologie (Paris, Masson, 1962-69) is a multi-volume treatise edited by J. Pireteau, which presents in considerable detail a survey of documented knowledge of fossils with a special emphasis on fossil fauna and vertebrate palacontology. The first volume of the treatise commences with a summary of knowledge on primitive fossils, and the last volume of the treatise covers primates. Volume one also contains a brief history of palaecontology with portraits of palaeontologists, and a chapter on the process of fossilization and methods of fossil studies. All contributions in this treatise are thoroughly documented, the papers carry illustrations, photographs, maps and lengthy bibliographies. A scholarly treatise covering the whole ficld of palacontology is a Russian work translated into English by the Israel Program for Scientific Translations, entitled Fundamentals of Palaeontology (Osnovy Paleontologiee) edited by A. Orlov and originally published in Moscow by the State Scientific and Technical Press (Gosudartsvennoe Nauchno Technicheskoe Izdatelsvo). This is a fifteen volume treatise-type manual for palacontologists and geologists in the USSR. It is a carefully documented work, presenting a systematic summary of knowledge in separate chapters dealing with different fossil groups. The treatise is illustrated, and the chapters are accompanied by a bibliography in two sequences, the first, listing publications in Russian, the second, listing publications in other languages. Volume fifteen carries an alphabetical index of species, gencra, subgenera, etc. to facilitate the looking up of specific information. Fossil catalogues and fossil indexes are widely used in the identification, classification, naming and description of fossils. Fossil catalogues are sometimes based on a collection of fossils held by a muscum or an institution. There are numerous examples of fossil catalogues. Fossilium Catalogus (Berlin, Junk, The Hague, Feller, 1913-) is a fossil catalogue published in over one hundred parts to serve as a comprehensive index to the published generic and specific names of fossils. The work is in two series: Series One, Animalia, and series two, Plantae. Each part in the series consists of a catalogue of known species and an index and bibliography to the class covered. Examples of fossil catalogues based on collections of fossils are provided by the fossil catalogues published by the American Museum of Natural History, which are substantial works, and by the British Museum of Natural History, that are pamphlet type publications. AUSTRALIAN VERTEBRATE PALAEONTOLOGY LITERATURE - 165 HINTS ON SEARCHING THE LITERATURE FOR INFORMATION It is important to adopt a flexible but systematic approach to the literature when searching for information. The method of approach should be guided by the purpose of the search, the volume of the literature, the scholarly level of the information required and the availability of information resources. The most important thing in a literature search is to have an open mind and a flexible approach to the problem. It is well to remember that documents and people together make up the information resources on a subject. Private communication, professional advice and suggestions from colleagues can save hours and put the searcher on the right path, when documents on the subject appear inadequate to solve the problem. Librarians are information specialists trained to search for documents and to access computerized information services. In their daily professional practice they often use a wide range of information resources. They search for information in books, in primary or secondary publications, in audio-visual sources, microform and in computerized information services. When embarking on a search it is important to have the right keywords to retrieve relevant information. There are different ways to ensure that important keywords have not been overlooked. The use of correct terminology can save time and frustration of having to start again after a faise start or even worse, missing important information on the subject. If the purpose of the search is to find documents held in a library, then the library catalogue is the key to the collection. The keywords in this case are the authorized subject headings used by the library to describe the subject contents of documents in the collection, the names of authors and the titles of publications. Journals and serials are entered under the first word of their title and under the subject. Most libraries in English speaking countries use the Library of Congress Subject Headings. It is helpful to look up indexing terms in the Library of Congress Subject Headings, before embarking on a search of the subject catalogues. If no information is found under the correct subject heading in the catalogue the reader is advised to check the entries under related or broader headings. The following is a sample entry showing the range of indexing terms entered under palaeontology in the 9th edition of the Library of Congress Subject Headings: paleontology Includes both general and zoologi 4kg POLYURETHANE BASE PLACED IN SMALL PLACED IN LARGE 202TUB 75tTUB ACID ETCHING ROCK SUBMERGED IN 10-12% CONC. ACETIC ACID ACID EXHAUSTED IN 5-14 DAY PERIOD DRAIN TUB INSPECT BLOCK AND SCRUB CLEAN FURTHER DISSOLUTION REQUIRED PREPARATION ? REPAIR ? YES TUB CONTENT — = J IN WATER SALTS FORM BLOCK DRIED NO SALTS FINISHED ELEMENTS AND EXPOSED BONES HARDENED SEDIMENTS RINSED & AND REPAIRED SIEVED RESPECTIVELY | FINISHED MATERIAL SOAKED IN 5% AMMONIA ; FINISHED MATERIAL SOAKED IN WATER SALTS FORM ~~~{__ MATERIAL DRIED ee Ne ji ae BONE ELEMENTS FINAL REMAINING SEDIMENTS PREPARATION —- HARDENING PICKED FOR VIA VACCUUM IMPREGNATION MICROFOSSILS 177 178 - WHITELAW & KOOL TB, We. 212 Reex Locaritr:. HoRSE Stee - Wor ,. 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(Ke-harde. all) Shit luton WZ. t/a fro | - — \Shull ani Aor, bya, GL soma torn etaahe 2e/r DkY}- Xtal red 6 2 8 Aramrnnn'e fang bt Cink + Deg | | Final Eh, Z. ag od ent rite Yiortk | Plat sae frwrtbed 24/1, Replaced ly bark Top 0 batty WSC | Figure 2. Sample of a typical record sheet, used for detailing processing stages, of a limestone block from the Miocene Bullock Creek site, N. T. (Courtesy of S. Morton and Monash University, Melbourne). PREPARATION TECHNIQUES - 179 Pouring Acid In practice, the easiest method of obtaining the right acid concentration for the etching procedure is to simply fill the etching tub with a measured volume of water until the block to be etched is submerged. Concentrated acid (usually either 90% or glacial) can then be slowly added to make up the solution to 10-12%. This avoids the necessity of having to allow for block displacement in concentration calculations. If the rock volume needs to be considered, calculations to within tolerable limits may be obtained by dividing the weight of the rock (grams) by the specific gravity of calcite (2.71 g/cm3). After several pours the volume, and, therefore, the displacement of the rock will be considerably reduced; thus, the volume of concentrated acid used will have to be adjusted accordingly. Most blocks tested exhibited some tolerance to concentration variation. Solutions in the range 10 + 4% do not damage emergent bone, and there is minimal waste of acid or etching time. Duration of Reaction Time The duration of the acid reaction is a function of the lithology of the block, and the concentration, volume and temperature of the acid solution. The rate of carbonate dissolution decays exponentially as a result of acid consumption, a salt solution buffering effect and the build-up of noncarbonate sediments on the block. The reaction normally reaches a practical working minimum within 7-14 days, although continued reactions of over 3 weeks have been observed. As long as the reaction continues, CO? gas will form as a by-product. As it rises to the surface, it serves to keep fine sediments in suspension by generating turbulence or by buoying up individual grains. Useful etching may be considered over when CO? production has ceased, as evidenced by a lack of sedimentary particles in suspension. Reaction times may be decreased significantly if the acid solution is maintained at temperatures of 30-35°C. In small volume tubs, this may be achieved by the use of electric heating elements, such as those used in aquaria. Heating of the acid solution in large volume tubs was found to be impractical, but an inexpensive partial solution is to use hot water when they are initially filled. Large volume tubs will hold heat for up to 24 hours, thus increasing the etching rate. Care should be exercised with this procedure, as hot solutions produce violent initial reactions (strong effervescence), which may damage fragile bone. In some cases, the use of large volumes of acid, relative to the size of the block, will reduce the salt buffering effect, thus allowing more carbonate dissolution per etching cycle. The larger acid volume normally means that each etching cycle will take longer to complete. However, the rate of removal pays dividends by markedly lowering the number of treatments necessary to fully etch a specimen. The efficiency of this method is largely dependent on block lithology. Clean carbonate will etch rapidly whilst clay rich matrix will develop an insoluble skin that will inhibit etching. After the acid has been exhausted, some workers simply reactivate the solution by adding fresh acid. This practice is permissible for most invertebrate and some well preserved vertebrate specimens, but is not recommended. Excessive immersion periods, without hardening treatments, will damage bone elements, no matter what acid concentration is used. Complete acid changes also allow regular inspection of exposed elements, a necessary task if reasonable preservation of all bones in a block is to be attained. Simple tub reactivation will eventually result in a substantial waste of acid and time as it allows a cumulative increase of mineral salts in solution. These will act as a basic (high pH) buffer, which will inhibit further etching. 180 - WHITELAW & KOOL Post-reaction Processing Emptying Acid Tubs Once etching has been completed, the used acid must be removed, At the Monash University laboratory the fluid is siphoned or pumped directly into a sink. If the etching tubs can be placed above the drainage point the siphon is preferred. The slow removal of spent acid by this method allows gradual draining of fluid from bone cavities, thereby minimizing the stress on exposed elements. Nylon garden hose was found to work quite well, and it is cheap, easily available, and can handle high sediment loads without blocking. Acid-proof pumps are available, but they are expensive and rarely capable of handling any form of sediment load without modification. By necessity, a pump is used for some of the tubs in the Monash laboratory. It is described in the laboratory apparatus section. The tub should not be totally emptied if the block is to be immediately etched again. Leaving 5 cm of fluid in the bottom will help prevent the accidental loss of small elements (i.e. small teeth) by removal of the tub residue. Also, a small amount of fluid left in the tub acts as a buffer Jeppson et al. 1985). At Monash, the Melbourne Metropolitan Board of Works (MMBW) regulations require that the spent acid has a pH range of 6-10 before disposal. Each tub, therefore, is tested with litmus paper and, if necessary, a small amount of ammonia (approx. 100 ml. of 75% strength) is added to neutralize any remaining acid. Block Inspection and Cleaning Once the tub has been emptied, bones should be inspected for signs of deterioration and the tub bottom checked for broken elements, which may match pieces still embedded in the block. If the exposed specimens do not require hardening, and the sediment/bone residue is not to be collected, the block may be cleaned and another etching cycle initiated. The cleaning process is important, as clay-rich matrices develop thick "mud-skins" which inhibit etching. The block should be carefully scrubbed down with a fine bristle brush and a soft water spray. Water pressure and direction is best controlled by using a length of flexible rubber laboratory hose attached to the water outlet. Hard bristled or nylon brushes (old tooth brushes), when used with discretion, are also effective on stubborn matrix. Under no circumstances should the block be allowed to dry between pours. Drying of the surface causes dissolved salts to exsolve and crystallize within bone interstices. The growth of salts exert large internal stresses that may lead to damage and/or collapse of fragile elements. If bone elements require repair or consolidation, the mineral salts will need to be removed. Mineral Salt Removal If the exposed bone elements are in need of hardening or repair, the whole block must undergo a pre-preparation soak in water. This is necessary for ALL blocks, bones and sediments before any preparation can be undertaken. Stopping the etching activity of remnant acid and preventing the growth of insoluble salts on or within bone elements is vitally important. If a halt for preparation can be anticipated, before the last pour in a series of acid treatments, salt removal from the block can be expedited by halving the acid concentration. The block should be soaked in water until salts do not appear as it begins to dry. The duration of the soaking process for the Bullock Creek blocks ranged from four days to two weeks and is largely dependent on block lithology, with soaking times increasing through the series: pure carbonate, sand rich limestone, clay rich limestone and brecciated and conglomeratic limestone. Times for individual blocks may be significantly decreased if the PREPARATION TECHNIQUES - 181 water is replaced every 2-3 days, and reduced to a minimum if a constant water exchange is maintained. The latter is only recommended when time is the important factor, as water consumption is enormous. Sediments and bones that have dropped off the block during processing should not be disturbed until the salt removal process is completed. Missing bone elements are easier to locate and repair when the residue is left in situ. Washing and Drying When salt removal is complete, the block should be taken from the tub and rinsed, if it can be moved without damaging semi-prepared specimens. Also note the location of broken- off bone fragments in the tub, to expedite their return to the matching section still in the block, after the individual fragments have been hardened. Rinsing is best carried out on an open mesh grid placed over a sink. Rixon (1976) suggests the use of diffusion grids from overhead lights, for this purpose. They are adequate for the lighter blocks but of little use for the heavy blocks. Bread crates, such as those used by most bakeries, prove to be excellent alternatives, being capable of supporting blocks up to 40 kgs in weight. Recovery of microvertebrate elements and sediments from the block is accomplished using a fine mesh screen, such as fibreglass fly-wire, placed between the block and the grid. Flywire is inexpensive, acid proof and has a mesh size which allows passage of fine sands and clays without loss of the smaller vertebrate material. After the block has been scrubbed down, it should be removed and allowed to dry. The remaining tub residue may then be washed from the tub and onto the mesh. This concentrate may then be rinsed by holding each corner of the mesh in one hand whilst running water down the outside until all the material has been washed into the centre. The duration of the drying process is a function of several factors. Blocks that are too heavy or those that contain specimens too fragile to move must be dried in their tubs. The resultant lack of air circulation slows down the drying time. Clay-rich and brecciated blocks which absorb large volumes of water also take a long time to dry. In several blocks, drainage was inhibited by the sealing effect of the polyurethane base. Drainage may be augmented by the removal of foam from part of the base or by tilting the block at a steep angle to the base, whilst it dries. To keep track of blocks, prepared bones and residues it is vitally important to label each item with its tub number, locality information and, preferably, the date. In a large operation material is easily misplaced, and the value of a specimen is severely reduced by poor or suspect locality data. Final Acid Neutralization To ensure complete acid removal, both the fully etched bone elements and the sieved residue are soaked in a 3% ammonia solution. The residue is immersed in the ammonia for approximately an hour, then in water for 5 minutes and allowed to dry. Large bone elements are immersed in ammonia overnight and then soaked in water for an equivalent period of time. The water rinse removes and prevents growth of ammonia salts, which like the acid salts, can cause damage to bone. If salts begin to form when the bone dries, it should be immediately rinsed again. Preparation of Partially Etched Bones Once a block has been dried, broken bones must be repaired. Acid and water insoluable glues, preferably plastic ethyl methyl methacrylate-based types (see Glues in "Preparation Materials” section) are recommended. 182 - WHITELAW & KOOL Exposed bones must be hardened with a preservative capable of penetrating deep into the bone. This is accomplished by dissolving a plastic glue in a volatile solvent, usually acetone or ethanol, by applying it to the bone. The solvent will penetrate the bone, carrying the glue with it in solution, but rapidly evaporates, leaving the glue behind to harden. At Monash University, hardening and consolidation of exposed elements is accomplished by application of coats of 3-5% solutions of a polybutylmethacrylate based glue, in acetone. A light, fine- haired brush is recommended for this job, but for very fragile bones, and the insides of hollow elements, a pasteur pipette (or eye-dropper) may also be used. Synocryl 9122X is the glue currently used for hardening applications. Fragile, delicate or crushed specimens sometimes require additional structural support. Elongate bones may be reinfored using temporary splints, which may be made by gluing a thin piece of wood or plastic along its length. A methacrylate glue, which can later be removed with acetone, is recommended for this job. Thin, wide bones, such as cranial elements pose a continuing problem, as hardening treatments strong enough to hold them together tend to develop a "skin" which prevents any additional treatment of the emergent bone. The acid also tends to permeate under these skins and reaction with the underlying carbonates produces CO2 gas which separates the support layer from the bone. Presently, such elements are treated in several ways, on a case-by-case basis. The bone may be structurally supported by the application of glue-impregnated layers of open-fibered tissue paper or heavily coated with dilute glue and slowly etched in a 5% acid solution. In some cases such elements have been placed in the tub so that the endangered bone remains above acid level as long as possible. This will tend to limit the damage caused by the etching process. When exposed elements are considered adequately consolidated and supported, the block may be returned to the tub for continued etching. Hardening Vertebrate Specimens Once dry, the sieved sediments should be picked and microfaunal elements mounted or stored in separate containers. If necessary, these elements may be strengthened with a 5% solution of Synocryl (see Glue section). Larger elements are hardened, by vacuum impregnation for 15 minutes or by overnight immersion, in a 10% polyvinyl acetate (P.V.A.) solution. A 10% solution of a 4:1 ratio of Mowoiil 144 (styrene/acrylic vinyl acetate) and Mowotil 7001 (plastic/acrylic vinyl acetate) is recommended. A discussion of glues is given at the end of the acid preparation section. A separate storage for bone elements and residue from each tub should be kept until each block is entirely dissolved. Many of these elements may ultimately be repaired by careful examination of the remnants of a fully etched block. Acid Resistant Lithologies Acetic acid will not dissolve a variety of minerals commonly encountered in limestones, including crystalline calcite, which frequently occur in bone hollows and interstices, magnesium carbonates (dolomites) and silcretes. Other workers have had some success with resistant forms of calcium carbonate by using dilute solutions of formic acid (HCCOOH) (Rixon, 1949). This acid was tried on some "problem" Bullock Creek blocks with little success. Silcrete is resistant to all acids, except hydrofluoric acid,which will also dissolve bone. Similarly, calcite is susceptible to hydrochloric acid, as is bone. At present bone embedded in these matrices must be prepared mechanically or be preferentially etched from the matrix, so that casts of the bone can be made from the resulting moulds. PREPARATION TECHNIQUES - 183 LABORATORY SAFETY The nature of the acids and solvents used demand that some comments on safety be made. A laboratory coat, rubber gloves, adequate footwear (gum boots) and a face mask, fitted with a breathing filter suitable for acid fumes, should be worn whenever handling the acid (Fig. 3). Concentrated acetic acid will burn, and its fumes may damage lung tissue. The dilute acid (10%) may cause skin irritation and/or breathing problems, to some people. Work should be carried out in fume cupboards whenever possible, but if the operation is too large, in a well ventilated laboratory. After a pour, the acid fumes may also be reduced by fitting each tub with a cover or lid. At peak operating capacity the Monash facility will use 200 litres of 90% acetic acid in a single pour, thereby producing a considerable volume of acid fumes. To avoid extended exposure to these conditions pours are preferentially carried out on Fridays so that the laboratory has a full weekend to ventilate. Fumes and vapours produced by preparation and hardening agents are also a problem. Those produced by the polyurethane foam are toxic, whilst the plastic glues are nearly all diluted with acetone and/or other carcinogenic ketones. Preparation should be carried out in a fume cupboard or a breathing mask should be worn. Figure 3. Pouring acetic acid into calibrated bucket (A) and then into processing tubs (B). Standard safety equipment is being wom. Acid-proof footwear is highly recommended, either rubberized shoes or gumboots will suffice. (Courtesy of S. Morton and Monash University, Melboume). LABORATORY DESIGN AND MATERIALS This section describes the lab equipment and materials used at the Monash University acid etching facility. All equipment and supplies were/are obtained in Melbourne, and specific name-brand supplies may not be applicable interstate. Costs are those for original purchases during 1984 or from ongoing consumables as of April 1985. Prices have been updated where possible. 184 - WHITELAW & KOOL Laboratory Design The size and design of an acid etching laboratory is controlled by the anticipated scale of the program. The current laboratory at Monash University is a portable building, measuring approximately 3x6x2 m, and designed to operate 30 large and 20 small tubs at peak capacity. The building was purchased in 1986 from Accom Portables Australia, 8 Fraser St., Airport West, Victoria at a cost of $5,290. Two laminated benches, running the length of each side of the room, can accommodate ten large (75 1) tubs each, whilst a similar number of tubs are located beneath each bench. The floor tubs are mounted on trolleys, designed by the Earth Sciences Department workshop, which allow block movement around the laboratory as required. In practice, a large amount of bench space is required for fossil preparation and storage; therefore, only one bench is utilized for the large tubs. The far end of the room is equipped with a stainless stecl sink (100 | capacity and 0.75 m2 work space) where the bulk of the block cleaning and preparation is carried out. The sink is fitted with double taps and a hose long enough to reach the full length of the laboratory. A sediment settling tank (3600 | capacity) is installed behind the laboratory. To conform to Melbourne Metropolitan Board of Works sewer regulations the tank was lined with 150 mm thick, reinforced concrete and measures 2400x1500x900 mm. Waste water and sediment from the laboratory sink drains to this tank to allow the removal of particulate waste before it enters the sewer system. Specifications for waste management from acid etching facilities may vary in different areas, so be aware of possible requirements before a laboratory is built. In a small operation, sediment may be collected by pumping or washing waste water into a tub, which is allowed to overflow into a drain or sink. This form of sediment trap will successfully remove the large particulate matter that is commonly responsible for sink blockages. Room ventilation is maintaincd by a WFS Fume Scrubber, manufactured by Conditionaire International Pty Lid, Moorcbank, New South Wales. This scrubber is suitable for water soluble gases and particulate matter and may be used in either vertical or horizontal ducting. Even with good ventilation, corrosion by acetic acid and its fumes remains a problem, Apart from stainless steel, acetic acid will corrode most metals. It de-polymerizes many types of plastics and greatly increases the rate of wood rot. These problems are facts of life in an acid etching laboratory and can not be avoided. Damage to work surfaces and floors may be reduced by covering them with vinyl or a similiar protective material. Corrosion of tools may be minimized by using stainless stecl or resistant plastics; however, the cost of quality stainless steel items is often prohibitive, and it may be cheaper, in the long run, to buy lower quality products and replace them more frequently. Acid Tubs The only tubs that are guaranteed corrosion-proof are those made of stainless steel or special purpose plastics, for which prices may be well over $100 each. Manufacturers specifications of less exotic plastics often indicate that their products may de-polymerize, with resultant development of brittleness and loss of structural integrity, when exposed to acetic acid. This problem has not been encountered during the five years that the current tubs, all made of common plastics such as ethylene and propylene, have been in use. Fibreglass sieving mesh and nylon hose have also been used for extended periods with no noticeable deterioration. Three types of acid tubs are employed in the Monash laboratory: (a) for small blocks (<4 kg), 20 1 tubs (30x40x18 cm) made of polyethylene are used. These were available in PREPARATION TECHNIQUES - 185 several hardware shops around Melbourne advertised as "Viking Handy Boxes" and cost $9.75 for the tub plus lid; (b) 75 1 tubs (65x42x39 cm) made of polyethylene are used for etching the larger blocks, which range up to 30 kg. Tubs of the same size may frequently be seen in fresh food shops and are often called "butcher's tubs". These tubs are very expensive, if bought from food container suppliers, due to health and quality regulations. However, identical tubs classed only as "General Storage Containers" are much cheaper and were obtained from Nally Plastics Pty. Ltd., Blackburn, at $16.80/tub and $4.40/lid; (c) several 100 1 tubs were created by cutting empty 200 | acid drums in half with an angle grinder. As the acetic acid is sometimes delivered in non-returnable, plastic lined, drums, no cost is involved. This is also a useful way of disposing of the empties. The high volume of these tubs allows a rapid rate of carbonate dissolution and preparation of oversized blocks that cannot be moved once etching is begun. Acid Supply Acid consumption is a function of the carbonate/clay ratio, the exposed surface area, acid concentration and the ambient acid temperature. In the Bullock Creek material, consumption varies from 0.4-1.2 kg of limestone dissolved per litre of acid, with an average of approximately 0.85 kg/l. This figure may be of some use in projecting likely acid consumption in other etching programs. Acid purity is not a factor in the etching process, so the lowest (cheapest) grade, known as "Technical Grade", should be used. Ajax Chemicals Pty. Ltd., is the major wholesale supplier of acetic acid in Melbourne charging $275.00 for 200 | (44 gallons) of 90% technical grade acid in a non-returnable drum. The acid is also supplied in volumes of 20 1 at $42.00. Another supplier is I.C.I.dmperial Chemical Industries) Australia, which charges $1.75 per kg plus a $50.00 deposit (as of November 1988) on the returnable drum. Although formic acid is rarely used, its cost for 20 litres is $41.00 (Technical Grade; Ajax Chemicals). Moving Blocks Around the Laboratory Most blocks are moved around the laboratory by good, old-fashioned, manual labour. For the larger blocks, a portable hydraulic floor-crane manufactured by Fleetweld Engineering, 51-61 Maffra St., Coolaroo, Victoria has been used. The crane is effective, but its usefulness is limited by size and a lack of maneouverability. A problem remains with how to deal with the super-heavy blocks. In terms of field collection, and preparation, the larger the block, the greater the chance of obtaining an undamaged specimen. Consequently, during the last field trip to Bullock Creek, blocks in the 100-150 kg range were collected. Retrieval and transport of these blocks was carried out in the following manner. A hole was drilled into the top of each block, and a Ramset rock bolt was then hammered into it. A cable was then attached to the bolt, and each block was simply winched off the outcrop and packed into a 44 gallon drum for shipping. These rock bolts were extremely reliable and did not fail during the winching operations. Currently, one of the super heavy blocks is being etched by suspending approximately 7/8 of its length in a used 200 1 acid drum. The block is supported by a cable attached to the original Ramset bolt, which is kept out of the acid to avoid corrosion and weakening. When enough material has been removed, the block will be inverted and etched in a normal sized tub. The only other method of handling such large blocks is by installing an overhead rail crane in the laboratory. Rough estimates by crane specialists suggest that the cost for such a system would be in the vicinity of $3,500. 186 - WHITELAW & KOOL Fluid Movement Around the Laboratory Major movement of fluids around the laboratory include filling the tubs, with both water and acid, and emptying the exhausted solution after etching is finished. At Monash, this involves the transfer of 7000 1 of water, acid, and exhausted solution during an etching cycle. All tubs are filled through lengths of nylon garden hose from taps at the sink. The acetic acid is obtained from a 200 | drum which has been tilted to a horizontal position, and mounted on a drum rack. Flow rate is controlled by an acid proof nylon spigot mounted in place of the 2.25 inch drum plug. Required volumes of acid are poured directly into a 91 plastic bucket (domestic household type) and then transferred to each tub (Figs. 3A, B). A siphon system, again using garden hose, is used to remove spent acid from the tubs on the bench. A pump, which is both acid proof and capable of handling light sediment loads is used to empty the floor level tubs. The pump chosen was a Nikkiso 7 Centrifugal Pump, costing $250.00. It employs a sealed magnetic drive to turn an acid proof plastic (nitrile) impeller in a centrifugal action. This allows it to handle debris up to 5 mm in diameter. The non-mechanical power train ensures that the motor will not burn out if larger particles jam the impeller. The pump has a flow rate of approximately 35 l/min. and has been converted to a self priming unit by the addition of a 5.0 1 header tank. The header tank has the added advantage of acting as a sediment trap and prevents large sediment particles from being drawn into the pump. The system was purchased from a firm called the “Pump Doctor” in Moorabbin, Victoria. Pumps with higher flow rates which do not require priming, are available and will probably be recommended, by many salesmen. They are not recommended because they are rarely able to handle debris without incurring serious damage. Also, the high rate of fluid removal does not allow blocks to drain slowly enough, and exposed bones are subjected to excessive stress from water left behind in bone interstices. Preparation Materials Non-Consumables The discussion of preparation materials will be divided into non-consumables and consumables. Most of the non-consumable items are low cost items such as sieving fly-wire mesh for sieving, brushes, scrapers, probes, and plastic containers. These are common in laboratories or easily obtained from hardware suppliers and will not be discussed further. In the same manner, common chemicals such as ammonia and the solvents, acetone and ethanol, need no further mention. Consumables This section will list the important consumables, namely the foams, glues and hardeners employed during processing. These preservatives are also used in the physical preparation techniques that will be discussed later in this chapter. So, this review will serve for both sections. The only addition to the list of glues previously discussed will be the cyanocrylate super-glues. These are fast drying and very strong glues which are commonly used in physical preparation techniques. They de-polymerize in acetic acid, and so, should not be used in chemical preparation treatments. Many of the glues discussed are off-the-shelf items that may be purchased in hardware stores. Others were found after consultation with Melbourne suppliers of specialist plastics and glues. Firms which were interested in our preparation problems sometimes supplied samples of their products to test. The industrial-sized samples, commonly donated free of charge, have been enough to keep us operating for much of the past five years. PREPARATION TECHNIQUES - 187 Foams (a) Polyurethane foams. These are available in 4 | cans, as a two part, foam and activator, which can produce up to 270 | of foam. The volume of foam produced is strongly dependent on the mixture ratio used. Acctone is the solvent when the foam is liquid, but it is insoluble once cured. They are supplied by Daystar Pty Ltd, 1 Varman Crt., Nunawading, Victoria and cost $42.00 per 4 1. (b) Fomofil Ramset pressure pack. This is a "convenience" product for use when only small amounts of polyurethane foam are required. Nozzle blockages and difficult operation made this product inconvenient. It is also expensive at $13.00/30 1. Acetone is the solvent es liquid, but it is insoluble when cured. It is supplied by Daystar Pty Ltd, Nunawading, ictoria. Glues (a) Plastic glues. There are many "plastic" based glues suitable for bone repair. These include the ethyl acetate and the ethyl methyl methacrylate glues used in the Monash University laboratory. Tarzan’s Grip, an ethyl acctate glue, is commonly used and is available in hardware shops at $2.50/tube. It dries clear, and acetone is the standard solvent. Tarzan’s Grip appears to have a limited life span (approximately 10-15 years), after which time shrinkage may ensue, thereby damaging bone (I. Stewart, pers comm.) (b) Acrifix 92. This is a very strong plastic glue used for large bones or important repairs in preference to Tarzan‘s Grip. It is an ethyl methyl methacrylate (see also Synocryl and Vinalak below) which uses acetone as a solvent. Supplier is Daystar Pty Ltd, Nunawading at $4.95/100 ml tube. (c) Hotstuff. This is one of the cyanocrylate based superglues used to hold loose bone fragments during physical preparation. It was purchased from Toy World, Swanston St., Melbourne at $10.50/ 30 ml bottle and must be applied via a teflon tube. The glue dries within seconds, but may be dissolved with acetone. It is manufactured by HS-7, Satellite City, California. (d) Locktite Super Glue 3. This is a cyanocrylate superglue which is commonly available in hardware stores. Acetone is the solvent. It costs approximately $2.00/ 3 ml bottle but, unlike Hot Stuff, may be applied straight from the tube. Hardeners (a) Butvar. This is a polyvinyl butyrol glue, available in powder form. It has good bone penetration when used in 3-10% solutions in ethanol and leaves a matt finish. Butvar, although not as strong as the methlacrylate hardeners (described below), is preferred for health reasons, since ethanol can be used as a solvent instead of acetone. Application is via a brush or an eye dropper. (b) Synocryl 9122X. This is a co-polymer (methyl butyl) methlacrylate, which may be employed as a glue (30% solution) or as a hardener (3-10% solution) in acetone. It is very strong and gives a matt finish at low concentrations, although higher concentrations will leave a surface gloss. Synocryl is supplied by Cray Valley Products, Great Britian, and is the recommended replacement for the widely used Bedacryl, which C.V.P. has taken off the market. (c) Vinalak 63-513. This is a methyl butyl methacrylate which functions as a good hardening agent at 5% concentrations in acetone. At higher concentrations, Vinalak has low penetration and forms a surface skin. It was supplied by A.C. Hatrick Chemical Pty Ltd, 1612 Centre Road, Springvale, Victoria. Preservatives (a) Mowilith 144 and Mowilith 7001. These are uscd in a 4:1 ratio in a 10% solution, with water for the final hardening of etched bone elements. Mowilith 144 is a styrene/acrylic vinyl acetate, whilst Mowilith 7001 is a plastic/acrylic vinyl acetate. Bones are treated by 188 - WHITELAW & KOOL either vacuum impregnation or overnight soaking in the solution. The combination of the two products gives penetration (Mowilith 144) and strength (Mowilith 7001). With its high pH, the Mowilith 144/7001 combination is used in preference to the standard P.V.A. (polyvinyl acetate) glues, such as Aquadere. The more acidic P.V.A. glues will cause bone deterioration over a long period of time (C. Cleeland, pers. comm.). Both Mowiliths were supplied by Hoechst Australia Ltd, 606 St. Kilda Road, Melbourne, Victoria. PHYSICAL PREPARATION TECHNIQUES One of the most common forms of fossilization is petrification, a process in which bone chemistry is altered, by silica replacement, whilst the structure remains unchanged. If a silicified fossil occurs in silicate matrix, chemical preparation methods will not work. Consequently, physical preparation methods, involving some method of mechanical matrix removal, must be employed. Mechanical methods involve the use of a tool to remove the matrix with the shape, size and condition of the specimen controlling the tool choice. The range of tools varies from the hammer and chisel, for coarse matrix removal, to the use of a fine needle or dental pick and low-powered microscope, for the delicate teasing of individual grains from around a tiny bone. There are also a large number of hand-held electric tools including, vibro-tools, electric "dental" drills, rotary grinders and air-scribes, some of which will be described in this section. The techniques described are those used by the Museum of Victoria and Monash University (Melbourne) in the preparation of small vertebrate fossils from the Cretaceous Dinosaur Cove locality, Victoria. Arkosic sandstones and mudstones are the typical lithologies at this locality. These sediment types are common in many fossil deposits, and the preparation techniques described in this section will be applicable or readily adaptable to a great variety of other localities. COLLECTING THE SPECIMEN Fossils are recovered from the sandstones and mudstones of Dinosaur Cove by the systematic breaking down of blocks with a hammer and chisel. Unfortunately, this usually means that bones are broken into two or more pieces during discovery. When this occurs the broken bone surfaces must be treated with a preservative to harden and consolidate the fractured specimen (see hardeners described in the chemical preparation section). It is imperative that all the bone fragments, and the surrounding matrix be collected and labelled, so that they may be reassembled in the laboratory. Most fossils from Dinosaur Cove are relatively small and protected by the natural mould of the surrounding matrix. Therefore, it is not necessary to encase the fossil in plaster bandages, a common method of protecting larger specimens, Careful wrapping, first in tissue or toilet paper, and then in newspaper will protect the specimen during transport. Details of locality, specimen number and date should be recorded on the outside of each package, and in a field book, to aid in specimen identification when laboratory preparation begins. PREPARATION METHODS In the laboratory the specimen is unwrapped, and the bone and surrounding matrix fragments are matched back together. This helps determine if any pieces of the specimen have been lost and gives a general idea of the bone orientation within the surrounding matrix. Excess matrix is then trimmed off with a rock-saw to reduce the block to a manageable size. PREPARATION TECHNIQUES - 189 After cutting, the sawn surfaces should be carefully checked, for signs of any new bones exposed by this work, and labelled accordingly. The Dinosaur Cove material is much softer than its surrounding matrix and extreme care is required during preparation. Bone must be continuously strengthened and hardened as matrix removal proceeds. The hardening agents described in the chemical preparation section are appropriate for this task. However, for the bonding of broken fragments, quick drying cyanocrylate super glues are preferred over the slower drying methacrylate based plastic glues. These are also discussed in the Glues and Hardeners section of the chemical preparation techniques. Matrix is normally removed with a vibro-engraver, but an air-scribe or rotary grinders have also been used. The vibro-engraver recommended is a Burgess model 74, which removes matrix with a variable intensity vibrating needle point. A low intensity vibration setting is used for delicate work and allows gentle removal of matrix close to the specimen. Higher rates of vibration can be used to remove larger volumes of matrix at a fast rate but should not be used in close proximity to the specimen. High vibration rates, used too close to exposed bones, will tend to damage or fragment the specimen. The tool should be held so that the needle is perpendicular to the surface to be cleaned. Slow, gentle pressure on the point will remove the matrix most efficiently. Heavy pressure will impede vibration and actually slows the process. The tool can be adapted to hold a variety of points ranging from gramophone needles to fine sewing needles. Gramophone needles are recommended, as they are made of a harder steel than sewing needles and last longer. This process creates a large amount of dust, which may obscure the specimen, and an adaption described by R. Robison (Kummel & Raup 1965) is worth noting. Robison describes the attachment of a flexible air hose to the vibro-tool to keep the specimen free of dust. This hose is then attached to a small aquarium aerator or simply blown by mouth. The rotary grinder used in preparation is an Arlec Super Tool, which may be fitted with a variety of grinding heads. It is slower than the vibro-engraver and lacks the precision of a fine needle point but has the advantage of reducing the specimen vibration to a minimum. Some bones are too small or delicate to withstand mechanical vibration and may not be prepared by motorised hand tools. In these cases, matrix must be removed by teasing it loose with a hand-held needle or dental pick. This is a slow process, but necessary to achieve satisfactory results. Direct lighting, to highlight the surface of the exposed bone, is important - a small flexible desklamp which allows light to be focused is recommended. Some bones are so small that surface details are difficult to recognize with the naked eye. The use of an illuminated magnifier (Magi-lamp) or low powered microscope (6-15x) is essential in these cases. LABORATORY SAFETY There are a number of safety aspects to consider with this type of preparation. Vibro- engravers and air-scribes produce noise loud enough to be detrimental to hearing if used for prolonged periods. Flying rock fragments produced by operation of these tools are also a hazard. Therefore, ear-muffs and safety glasses are strongly recommended. Noise may also be muffled by placing the specimen on a small, sand-filled cloth bag (Fig. 4). Rock dust from the silicate matrix surrounding specimens can cause irreparable damage to lungs (silicosis) when inhaled. Therefore, during sawing or grinding of matrix a dust-filtering face mask should also be worn. There is a wide variety of suitable masks on the market, with many available at local hardware stores. 190 - WHITELAW & KOOL Figure 4. Removal of hard sandstone matrix from around dinosaur bone collected from Dinosaur Cove, Victoria. Operator is using a vibrotool. (Courtesy of S. Morton and Monash University, Melbourne). RECOMMENDED TOOLS (a) Vibro-engraver Model 74. This tool is manufactured by Burgess-Illinois, 730 Waverley Road, Chadstone, Victoria. (b) Air-scribe. The modcl used in our preparation was a Chicago pneumatic. Available from suppliers of pneumatic tools and accessories. (c) Rotary grinder. The Arlec Super Tool, which has a variety of grinding heads is available at major hardware stores. (d) Portable Dental Drill. This unit (motor, drill piece and flexible drive) is supplied by Victorian Dental Supplies, Bourke St., Melbourne. A variety of drills, sawing blades and grinders are available from the same supplicr. FIELD TECHNIQUES. SCREEN WASHING Screen washing is an excellent method of recovering vertebrate fossils from unconsolidated sediments. In particular, small, isolated mammal tecth are difficult to see in unprocessed matrix and are often overlooked. This method employs a sieve screen to remove the fine fraction matrix, thereby concentrating the size fraction which includes the vertebrate material. The concentrate may then be taken back to the laboratory where it can be picked for vertebrate remains. This method performs the dual functions of reducing the volume of matrix that must be transported and increasing the concentration or visibility of any fossils that may be present. Screen sieving may be donc dry, or in water, and has been successfully used to PREPARATION TECHNIQUES - 191 recover material from a variety of sites ranging from ocean cliff exposures at Portland, ane where previously, only macro-fossils had been known, to the dry playa lakes of South ustralia. ye oe: - = ——S I A> L Soi \, ff ° fy 45cm — Figure 5. Schematic diagram of a screen-box used in processing unconsolidated matrix (from McKenna in Kummel & Raup, 1965). Sa The amount of moisture, and the lithology of the matrix, will control the sieve method to be adopted and the volume reduction achieved. If the matrix is dry and unconsolidated, dry sieving often serves to reduce the sediment volume by at least 50%. If the sediment is compacted or semi-indurated, dry sieving will have little effect, and a wet sieving process is required. Ideally, a permanent, small stream is a perfect medium for washing, as the water is continually replaced. However, depending on the locality, improvisation is sometimes necessary to find a water source. Sieving has been successfully conducted thigh-deep in ocean water, or by filling a trailer with water from a bore and using it as a mobile sieve tank. Always be mindful of not polluting stockwater and check with the appropriate landowner before using any available water supply. Wet sieving of clay lithologies is often very successful, and volume reductions of up to 95% have been achieved. However, sediments may often need more than one processing cycle to reduce volumes by this amount. If matrix can be placed on plastic sheeting and allowed to dry, between cycles, the rate of reduction will be greatly increased. Some clay mineral lithologies may resist the reduction process, because of static bonding between mineral grains. This problem may be alleviated by drying the matrix after the first wash, and then washing it in kerosene, drying it and sieving it again. Kerosene acts as a deflocculent, and breaks up aggregated clay particles, which impede the breakdown process. The amount of sediment placed in the sieve box should also be considered. Too much sediment in the box takes longer to wash, longer to dry and is hard on your back! The sieve boxes used are based on the same design as the washing box described by M.C. McKenna in Kummel & Raup (1965) (Fig. 5). The box is 45x45x30 cm in size and 192 - WHITELAW & KOOL has a wooden handle attached diagonally to its open top. Aluminium fly-wire is stapled to the bottom of the box and supported by a single piece of heavy gauge 1 cm galvanised iron mesh. Two opposite sides of the box measure only 20 cm deep, leaving a 10 cm gap, which is also covered with the flywire and mesh. This allows water to flow freely in and out of the box as it ee from side to side and allows for better drainage when the boxes are stacked for ing. A mechanised screen sieve has also been successfully employed by one of the authors (Whitelaw). This system is based on a rotating drum sieve, tilted at a shallow angle, which is continually sprayed by a series of water jets. Matrix is fed into the top end of the machine and tumbled in the water spray until it emerges as concentrate at the other end. The method is rough on bone material and should only be used for recovery of strong and already disarticulated fossils where large volumes of matrix must be processed. It was successfully used to process 80 tonnes of matrix, from which the Dog Rocks Local Fauna, Geelong, was collected. This fauna is mostly represented by single teeth and small bone fragments which had undergone a violent transportation history before being deposited as part of a channel fill sequence. The material was very hard and showed no sign of damage from being processed by this machine. PLASTER JACKETING When collecting vertebrate fossils it is often necessary to protect the exposed bone(s) with a plaster jacket (Macdonald 1983). Fragile, broken or articulated bones need stabilization and protection during transport and a plaster jacket is ideal for this purpose. The materials necessary to make a plaster jacket are: (a) A strong, open weave material e.g. hessian sacks torn into strips approximately 7 cms wide and long enough to cover the height and width of the specimen. (b) Plaster of Paris. The preferred material is dental plaster, a fine quality and quick setting plaster, but Plaster of Paris of any quality is acceptable. (c) Enough water to mix with the Plaster of Paris. (d) A container large enough to hold the Plaster of Paris solution, generally a plastic wash basin or bucket, will suffice. The bone(s) to be jacketed should be exposed, as much as possible, to determine orientation, size, shape and depth of burial, The exposed bone should then be hardened with a preservative (see Chemical Preparation section). If the specimen is damp, plastic based preservatives will not pentrate the bone surface and a water soluble glue such as Aquadere (P.V.A.) should be used. A trench should then be dug around the specimen to a depth several centimetres below its base. Initially, a wide margin of matrix should be left around the specimen. This will prevent any dislodging of the fossil during trenchwork and can be trimmed back when the trench is finished. After the trench is completed the specimen should be moistened and covered with wet paper (newspaper, tissue paper or toilet paper). The layer of wet paper acts as a barrier between exposed bone and the plaster jacket, thereby stopping plaster from adhering to the specimen. Any depressions, hollows or narrow spaces between bones must also be packed with paper to prevent clots of plaster from forming in these places. The next step is to prepare the material strips and the Plaster of Paris solution. The strips of open weave material should be soaked in water. Dry strips will tend to draw water out of the plaster solution and may retard setting and proper hardening (Macdonald 1983). The Plaster of Paris solution is best prepared by slowly adding plaster to a bucket of water until it reaches a consistency of soft, thick, pea soup. The material strips are then soaked in the plaster, one at a time. As they are removed from the plaster, they should be pulled between two fingers to remove excess plaster. The first strip is placed in the middle of the specimen, PREPARATION TECHNIQUES - 193 smoothed down and pressed snugly into depressions. Additional strips are each placed so that they overlap the previous one by about 2 cm, and so that they work towards each end of the specimen whilst also extending down to the base of the trench. A second layer of overlapping strips is placed at right angles to the first. If additional structural support is necessary, lengths of wood can be placed between the two layers of plaster or further layers of plaster strips may be added. After this is complete the jacket should be left for approximately an hour to set. Once the plaster has set, the base of the trench is undercut until the specimen is standing on a pedestal. Undercutting should then continue until the block breaks loose from its base. With large specimens a tunnel should be cut underneath the specimen, and plaster strips should be passed through this and bound to the plaster jacket to provide extra support. Extreme care should be taken when turning over the block. If the jacket does not form a snug fit, the block may fall out, and a valuable specimen may be damaged or lost. Once overturned, any excess matrix and plaster can be trimmed to reduce weight. The underside is then moistened and plastered in the same way as the upper jacket to entirely seal the specimen. It may then be transported to the laboratory where the jacket may be cut open and the fossil prepared. CASTING AND MOULDING TECHNIQUES The casting of specimens, although not new, has only become a science in its own right in the past forty years. This is largely due to breakthroughs in the development of polymers and plastics. These materials have allowed faithful reproductions of original, and often rare, specimens which preserve details that may only be seen with an electron microscope. Casts may be used as alternatives to original specimens for display purposes, as teaching aids or for research, thus protecting the original specimens from possible damage. Before a cast can be made, it is necessary to make a mould of the original specimen. The mould type and complexity will depend upon the size and shape of the fossil and can vary from a simple latex peel to a multi-piece mould. PREPARATION OF SPECIMENS FOR MOULDING When preparing a specimen for moulding, all loose material such as dirt, dried glue and loose matrix, must be removed from its surface. Cleaning aids such as acetone, alcohol, dilute acetic acid or soapy water may be used. Once clean, the specimen may need to be hardened and any large cracks or missing sections filled. A substance that will not react with the moulding medium must be used. Water soluble putty, employing a Polyethylene Glycol 4000 Figure 6. Preparation of moulds and casts for production of replicas of original fossil material. A, emplacing plasticene wall around the mid-line of the bone; B, brushing vaseline on silicone mould to prevent top mould from sticking to bottom mould; c, pouring the urethane foam into the prepared mould; d, expanding foam escaping from mould; E, removing silicone mould from epoxy cast. (Courtesy of F, Coffa and the Museum of Victoria, Melboume). 194 - WHITELAW & KOOL A PREPARATION TECHNIQUES - 195 196 - WHITELAW & KOOL E base, is ideal for filling such voids, and will not react with silicone rubber moulding mediums. Hardeners, such as Butvar B98 or Vinalak, should be used to impregnate and seal porous specimens. This will prevent the moulding medium fro: adhering to the bone as it sets. Three different moulding materials and their relevant preparation techniques are discussed below. Latex Peel Latex peels are useful for making copies of fine surface detail exposed on bones. Essentially, they are two dimensional moulds, but quality peels often show more surface detail than can be seen on the original. Peels are made from latex rubber by the following procedure. First, the exposed areas of the fossil have to be prepared so that the latex will not stick to the bone surface. Butvar B98, which has been previously mentioned, is excellent for sealing surfaces and, thus, preventing sticking, but any consolidant which is not water soluble will suffice. Once the specimen's surface has been consolidated and sealed, a test area should be moistened with a solution of water and 5% ammonium hydroxide. If the solution turns red, the bone has not been completely sealed, and more preparation of the surface is indicated. If no reaction occurs, the whole specimen should be covered in a thin film of the ammonia solution. Several drops of latex are then applied to the bone and spread across the surface by blowing the latex with a straw. This procedure ensures that the latex fills all the fine surface structure and avoids introducing air bubbles into the latex. It should be repeated until the entire specimen is covered by several coats of latex. Each layer should be applied before the previous one has set, so that a cohesive rubber surface is built up. The final layer should consist of a combined latex reinforced by cotton wool or gauze, which is added and allowed to dry. This final layer adds PREPARATION TECHNIQUES - 197 some rigidity to the mould and helps prevent excessive shrinkage. When the latex is completely dry, carefully peel it off the specimen to produce a high-fidelity mould or latex peel. Latex peels have a limited life-span, but provided they are kept away from sunlight and moisture, they will last several years. The major disadvantage of latex peels is distortion. Original dimensions will alter, generally shrinking, and it is recommended that casts be made within the first six months of the peel's life. If required, latex peels may be temporarily expanded or enlarged, to help emphasize fine surface details, by soaking them in paraffin oil or kerosene. Two brands of latex rubber are readily available in Victoria. They are: (a) Betatex, available from Beta Chemicals Pty Ltd, 121-125 Northern Road, West Heidelberg, Victoria. (b) Revultex, available from Revertex Industries, 161 Westall Road, Clayton, Victoria. Silicone Rubber Silicone rubber is more expensive than latex rubber but is the more popular medium as it undergoes little distortion or deterioration with age. It also possesses high tear strength, will not adhere to bone and has a high pattern complexity which allows duplication of very fine surface detail. It is available as a two component medium (base and catalyst) and its only disadvantage is the short shelf life, of approximately six months, of the two unmixed components (approximately six months). The first step in making a silicone mould is to build a plasticine wall or dam around the specimen to contain the moulding medium until it sets (Fig. 6A). To make a cast of an entire specimen requires at least two moulds, one upper and one lower. Therefore, the plasticine wall is built up to only the midline of the specimen. The silicone rubber is then prepared by mixing the base with the catalyst in a ratio that can vary between 3% and 8%, giving the preparator a range of working times in which to apply the rubber. The rubber is then poured onto the specimen until the top of the dam wall is reached. Once the silicone rubber has set (approximately 24 hours: Fig. 6B), the first mould is turned upside down and the exposed rubber is brushed with petroleum jelly to prevent it from sticking to the second application. Again, a plasticine wall is necessary to contain the silicone while it sets. When the second half has set the two mould halves may be pulled apart and the specimen removed. At this point a small opening must be cut into one, or both of the moulds. This will be the pour hole which will allow the introduction of the casting material into the mould. Dow Corning produce and import a wide range of rubbers in Australia that are suitable for moulding. These are available through retail outlets in the eastern states such as Daystar Pty. Ltd.: (a) 1 Varman Crt., Nunawading, Victoria. (b) 396 Princes H'way., Rockdale, New South Wales. (c) 239 Brisbane Rd., Labrador, Queensland. As of November 1988, the Q3-3321 rubber, which was the preferred type, is no longer available. However, Daystar Pty. Ltd. have supplied a replacement, Q3- 3481, and early results indicate that it is a viable alternative. A 5 kg tub costs $227.90 (trade price). Plaster of Paris - Mould Supports Silicone rubber moulds are not very rigid, and need to be supported in a plaster jacket when casting. The jacket prevents mould distortion and ensures a perfect fit when the two half moulds are joined. The two halves of the plaster jacket may be made in the following manner. The original specimen should be enclosed in its two half moulds and placed on the preparation bench. A plasticine dam, similiar to that made for the silicone mould, should be built to a 198 - WHITELAW & KOOL height of half the total mould and a diameter slightly greater than that required for the plaster jacket which will enclose it. The mould pour hole should be protected at this stage so that it too is not filled in. The dam may then be filled with plaster which can be further reinforced by the addition of sisal fibre, canvas or metal supports whilst it is still wet. After the plaster has set, the mould can be inverted and the second half of the support can be made in the same manner. A certain amount of heat is generated by setting Plaster of Paris, but this will cause no damage to the enclosed mould or fossil. When the plaster has set and is completely cold, the specimen can be removed and safely stored, leaving the mould ready to make casts. CASTING FROM MOULDS Casting involves filling a mould with a liquid which will take on the shape of the mould as it hardens, thereby creating a copy of the original specimen. A wide variety of casting materials are available including Plaster of Paris, polyurethane, epoxy resins, polyesters, low- melt metals, flow-moulded vinyls and, virtually any other substance that will set hard from a liquid. The first three are the most widely used materials in our laboratory and they will be described in this section. Plaster of Paris Plaster of Paris is a versatile medium, that is durable, inexpensive and readily available. Dental plaster, a high quality and quick drying variety, is recommended as it produces tough, hard casts with good preservation of detail. It is probably the simplest of all casting materials to use, and is prepared by simply adding it to water until a thick, viscous fluid is produced. The mould is prepared by enclosing the two halves in the mould support and by binding the assembly with elastic bands or masking tape.. The liquid dental plaster is then introduced into the mould cavity, slowly to avoid air-bubbles, through the pour hole and allowed to set. The cast will be ready to remove from the mould in approximately half an hour. The disadvantages of plaster casts are that they can be chipped or broken relatively easily and that large casts are heavy and difficult to mount. Because of this, another medium, polyurethane foam, is becoming increasingly popular for display purposes. Polyurethane Foam Polyurethane foam is a relatively new casting medium which was first used on a large scale by the Museum of Victoria in 1981. The museum was given the opportunity to cast complete skeletons of two Chinese dinosaurs, Mamenchisaurus and Tsintosaurus and the preparators chose polyurethane foam as the casting medium because of its light weight, solid form and ease with which casts could be made (Kelly 1983), (Figs. 6C, D). The foam selected was an I.C.I. (Imperial Chemicals Industries.) product - Daltolac SW6\Suprasec 5005 rigid urethane. For casting, the mould is prepared in the same manner as that described for plaster casting. Silicone rubber moulds are recommended for this work as polyurethane foam exerts a high tear stress as it expands. The urethane foam, supplied as two inert liquid components, is mixed in equal parts, by weight and poured into the mould before the onset of foaming. This allows the urethane to mix, expand, and distribute evenly throughout the mould as it forms. Apart from the volume of mixture used the amount of foam required to fill a mould is a function of the amount of mixing and the ambient temperature. Over estimates of the amount of material used, and consequent waste of foam, may be avoided by incrementally filling the mould with a series of small pours. PREPARATION TECHNIQUES - 199 Epoxy Resin Because of its strength and durability epoxy resin is a popular casting medium. Again the mould is prepared in the same manner as the plaster cast mould. The medium, which is usually available as a two part resin and hardener combination, is then mixed in a 5:1 ratio, by weight. If desired, coloured dye may be added at this stage, to give authenticity to the cast. Once mixed, some of the epoxy is introduced into the mould and the mould is centrifuged to create a smooth film of epoxy over the mould surface. This eliminates air-bubbles that will detract from the quality of the cast and enhances the filling of small crevices that preserve the fine details of the specimen. Once centrifuging is complete the remaining epoxy may be poured into the mould and allowed to cure. If two half moulds are to be used to cast a specimen, each half should be filled and then joined together after approximately two hours, or when the epoxy has become tacky. The mould or moulds may be removed after approximately 24 hours when the epoxy should be totally cured (Fig. 6E). ACKNOWLEDGMENTS Thanks go to Craig Cleeland for his major contribution to the section on casting and moulding and to Ian Stewart for his advice on latex moulds. Jenny Monaghan gave help and support in the preparation of both the Bullock Creek and Dinosaur Cove material, and the gentlemen in the Monash University Earth Sciences Department workshop assisted greatly in setting up the Acid Lab. Guy Royce, Laboratory Manager in the Earth Sciences Department at Monash University, has graciously dealt with the many logistical problems in the running of the Acid Lab. Many thanks are also due to Julie Whitelaw for her hard work in reviewing the manuscript. The technical work discussed in this chapter is financed by grants from the Australian Research Council, the National Geographic Society and the Sunshine Foundation. Finally, many thanks to Pat and Tom Rich, Jenny Monaghan and Bob Baird for their patience and understanding in editing this manuscript. ADDENDA Two other techniques not discussed in the text need to be briefly mentioned. One is the air- abrasive technique and the second is the use of hydrochloric acid in total removal of bone. The air-abrasive tool projects a stream of air-borne particles under pressure at a given target. The particles can vary in size from the very finest powder, such as sodium bicarbonate, to a coarse compound like aluminum oxide, depending on the result required (see G.F. Stucker, M.J. Galusha & M.C. McKenna’s article "Removing matrix from fossils by miniature sandblasting" in Kummel & Raup 1965). The hose and nozzle through which the particle-laden pressurized gas is fed should be sealed in a glass-topped chamber. The stream of particles can be played onto the surface of the matrix in a sweeping action, effectively removing the most stubborn matrix. It is advisable to practise with the tool before using it on important specimens, as incorrect-sized particles or too high a gas pressure can quickly ruin a specimen. Hydrocholoric acid can be usefully employed when matrix surrounding a fossil is so hard and/or acid resistant that it makes preparation impossible, or in cases where the fossil is poorly preserved. Dilute HCl can remove the bone completely leaving behind a natural mold of the original material, This mold can then be filled with latex to produce an accurate, durable replica of the original, which can then be studied (see J.K. Rigby & D.L. Clark's article "Casting and Molding" in Kummel & Raup 1965). 200 - WHITELAW & KOOL REFERENCES BEHRENSMEYER, A.K., 1987. Vertebrate preservation in fluvial channels. Palaeogeo., Palaeoclim., Palaeoecol., 63: 183-199. FELDMANN, R.M., CHAPMAN, R.E., HANNIBAL, J.T. , eds., 1989. Paleotechniques. Paleontol. Soc. Sp. Publ. 4, Univ. Tennessee, Knoxville. JEPPSON,L., FREDHOLM, D. & MATTIASSON, B., 1985. Acetic Acid and Phosphatic Fossils - a warning. J. Paleo. 59: 952-956. KELLY, K.A., 1983. Workshop Manual - The Moulding and Casting of Dinosaurs. Mus. Victoria, Melbourne. KUMMEL, B. & RAUP, D., 1965. Handbook of Palaeontological Techniques. W.H. Freeman & Co. San Francisco & London. MACDONALD, J.R., 1983. The Fossil Collectors Handbook. A Paleontology Fleld Guide. Prentice-Hall, Inc., New Jersey. RICH, T.H. & RICH, P.V., 1989. Polar dinosaurs and biotas of the Early Cretaceous of southeastern Australia. Nat. Geog. Res. 5(1): 15-53. RIXON, A., 1949. The use of acetic acid and formic acids in the preparation of fossil vertebrates. Mus. J. London 49: 116-117. RIXON, A., 1976. Fossil Animal Remains, Their Preparation and Conservation. Athone Press, London. CHAPTER 7 PREDICTING THE DIET OF FOSSIL MAMMALS Gordon D. Sanson ! Introduction’. wosie42 058 ics scecd dee. 202 Teeth as Adequate Predictors of Diet ................. 203 Physical Properties of Food, and Tooth Form and Function ............ccccesceceeeeeees 205 The Interaction of Mechanical and Chemical Digestion ........0......ccccceeeeee ee 207 Body Size, Metabolism and Energy REQUITEMENtS 2.8: cee lee eee eee 208 BehaviOurs oss ce. cbss ces ie Peine oivonc deen sa eee 209 Tooth Wear and Striation Pattern and Structure...210 Thylacoleo: Predicting the Diet of a Unique Fossil Without Living Relatives.....00......... 210 Propleopus: Predicting the Diet of a Unique Fossil with Living Relatives... 213 Fossil Sthenurinae and Macropodinae: Predicting the Diet of Fossils with Living Relatives .........c.cccccecesceecseceseceeenens 215 CONCIUSION Pets teetest od idve tees odsthaticw esse eases: 22] Acknowledgement...........ccceccesecccesecceneeceeeces 224 RELCTENCES Ho. vocis sSesaisee nob ne seoahente SetUbeeseloctios ese ss 225 1 Department of Zoology, Monash University, Clayton, Victoria 3168, Australia. 202 - SANSON INTRODUCTION Traditionally, hypotheses about the diet of extinct vertebrates have flowed from the principle that animals with similar digestive tract morphology, which includes teeth, are assumed to have similar diets. With the reservations and conditions discussed in this paper, this approach is the most fruitful, being based on analogy. Convergence of feeding and digestive system structure is common and occurs across diverse groups, which strongly supports the idea that important constraints operate and must be met for a particular resource to be effectively utilised. Predictions of diet based on relationship and homology of the digestive tract are weaker, as there are numerous examples of closely related forms which differ in their dictary preferences. Unique forms, by definition, have no analogues. This immediately raises serious questions about the validity of even attempting to predict the diet of unique fossil forms. The hypotheses, like any prediction about fossils, can never be tested, except in those very rare cases where stomach contents are preserved. There is always the danger of producing ad hoc hypotheses in biology (Gould 1977, Lewontin 1978, Gould & Lewontin 1979), and this is particularly true about fossils. Kay & Cartmill (1977) and Kay & Covert (1984) address these issues particularly well and propose criteria which must be satisfied before adaptive meaning can be ascribed to a particular adaptive trait. Since indications of the soft parts of the digestive tract are rarely preserved, it is usually the teeth, and to a lesser extent jaw structure, that are relied upon to infer diet. It is generally assumed that teeth and jaws do reflect diet very closely. Kay & Hylander (1978) contend that since dental structure is influenced largely by selection for optimal designs for acquiring and breaking down food, differences in morphology most often can be related to the physical properties of the foods. Following this argument, detailed knowledge of functional tooth morphology should allow accurate prediction of dict. The reasons for expecting that minor differences in tooth morphology should reflect the physical properties of the diet will be briefly explored in this paper. The limits to the dietary information which dental systems can supply will also be examined. It will be argued that while many good correlations between diet and dentition exist, it does not follow that diet can always be confidently predicted from teeth. The class of vertebrate will affect the capacity to make dietary inferences. Fish, amphibians and reptiles, being ectotherms, have a lower basal metabolism than the endothermic birds and mammals. In addition, it appears that being herbivorous places different constraints on digestive systems than being carnivorous. Carnivores essentially consume items with the same biochemical components as themselves (Mellett 1982). Animals which consume plant cell wall must cope with a material which is abundant and foreign to them in terms of its physico-chemical properties, and for which they do not make an enzyme. In this context the plant cell wall provides a barrier to digestion by animals. Once the cell wall is digested or penetrated, the cell contents are much more similar to animal tissue and provide no major impediment to digestion. For cell wall digestion, however, a symbiotic relationship with microorganisms needs to be established and maintained. This latter capacity is best developed in mammals but also occurs in a few birds, reptiles and fish. Fish demonstrate a wide range of jaw and dental adaptations. Some of these can be related to diet. Amphibians and reptiles show less dental variation, and there is little information comparable to that available for mammals. Most birds, of course, have no teeth, but beak morphology may indicate diet to some extent. There is no reason to suppose that in all these forms gut morphology is not also an important part of the total digestive process. However, the data is much better in mammals, and only mammals will be discussed further in this paper. PREDICTING FOSSIL MAMMAL DIETS - 203 TEETH AS ADEQUATE PREDICTORS OF DIET Kay & Hylander (1978) point out that different species, with different heritages may have analogous, but not homologous, morphologies that process particular foods. So, species which have evolved to eat foods requiring large amounts of shearing during mastication need not necessarily emphasise the same molar shearing blades, but will have shearing capacity. They argue that teeth do reflect diet. Eisenberg (1978) has challenged these assumptions, citing Vorontsov (1962) and Carleton (1973) as indicating that adaptations of the gut for increased microbial activity do not necessarily proceed in step with the evolution of dental modifications for the mastication of plant material. Vorontsov concludes that some organs of the digestive system in a species can be at essentially different levels of specialization. He argues that in the Gerbillinae there is wide variation of molar structure, while stomach structure exhibits little variation. In the Microtinae, on the other hand, the variability of stomach structure is wider than that of the molars, illustrating the phenomenon of the compensation of one organ in a system by another organ. Eisenberg (1978) concludes that since gut morphology cannot easily be deduced from fossilized hard parts, and since gut modifications do not necessarily evolve in step with dental modifications, the reconstruction of the evolutionary history of diet is fraught with difficulties. This follows from the clear understanding that it is the total digestive system, gut and masticatory apparatus, which constrains or influences diet (Mellett 1982, Sanson 1985, and for an excellent holistic treatment see Fortelius 1985). Kay & Hylander (1978) argue that Vorontsov's conclusions should be viewed with caution at three levels. First, many of his statements cannot be checked, because he presents no dietary information on the species he studied. Second, at least for gerbils, increased molar complexity is correlated with increases in the length of the caecum. Third, Kay & Hylander (1978) argue that, with respect to Vorontsov's conclusions, it is fundamentally important to remember that dentitions are mechanical food processing devices, while the gut is an assimilation, chemical processing and elimination system. They point out that the dentition is responding evolutionarily to the physical properties of foods, while the gut is responding to the chemical properties of ingested food. These arguments are important, because Kay & Hylander (1978) are attempting to establish that dental morphology is an adequate and true indicator of dict. They seek to demonstrate that minor dental variations correspond remarkably well with what is known of dietary preferences of species in the wild. There is a great deal of work which tacitly or implicitly relies on these kinds of conclusions. Kay & Hylander make some important and relevant points, but it is not clear that Eisenberg's concerns, based on Vorontsov and Carleton's work, should be dismissed too readily. Kay & Hylander's first criticism of Vorontsov can and should be assessed by further analysis. It is true that Vorontsov does not give dietary information about the particular species he has examined. Rather, he discusses the species in the context of a broad shift from “high-caloric but hard-to-get food (seeds to small invertebrates) to little-caloric but easy-to-get food (vegetative parts of plants)" (p. 360), and merely lists the species along morphoclines relating to his notion of the dietary shift. However, if Vorontsov is correct, and gut and molar morphology do not necessarily correlate, then, without diet information, it is difficult to know whether different animals, with similar dentitions but different guts, are on different diets or gain different benefits from the same dict. Alternatively, it might be inferred that different animals, with similar dentitions and guts, are on the same diet, or derive different benefits from different diets. This is particularly likely if gut morphology is adaptive. Therefore, the lack of data on diet is not critical to Eisenberg's point. Vorontsov's data on teeth is difficult to interpret. The clearest statement is that in the gerbils, for example, there is a trend in increased lophodonty and hypsodonty in changing to 204 - SANSON rough "cellular" food, “trom Gerbillus and Monodia through Meriones and Psammomys to Khombomys" (p. 363), Unfortunately, Vorontsov's Fig. 6, illustrating the variation of the gerbil stomach, does not seem to be referred to in the text, nor is there a discussion of the hind gut in the text, However, he does pive figures of the length of the small, and large, intestine, and caccum as a percentage of the whole put. These figures are graphically portrayed in Fig. 1. The perbil species are arranged not as in Vorontsov's ‘Table 1, but in his sequence of changing molar structure relating to an increasingly vepetative plant diet. Vorontsov gives no means, or standard errors, and, since all theee Components must add up to 100%, there are corollorics involved, Statistical treatment of his data is, therefore, difficult. However, it is not clear from Vorontsov's data, represented in Fig. 1, how Kay & Hylander (1978) could conclude that \\ P.o R.o Gd Bp Ms Mp M.t Me ML M.v Mim M.u M.e M.t Species of Gerbillinae AN smattint | l/large int lif caecum Figure ft. Graphical representation of gut parameters of the Gerbillinae presented in Vorontsov (1962), Ihe data is extracted from ‘Table 1, Vorontsov (1962), and indicates the relative lengths of the small intestine, large intestine and cacoum, of vartous gerbil species, expressed as a percentage of total gut length, The gerbil species are arranged from left to right in Vorontsov's sequence of increasing hypsodonty of the molars, Le. “Gerbillus and Monodia, through Mertones and Pyammomys to hypsodont Rhombomys" (p, 363). Vorontsov gives no data for Monodia, Vorontsov does not specify where Brachiones and Tatera fit on his hypsodont meorphooling but they are plotted in Fig, loin the relative position suggested by the data im Ellerman (1940), ‘The Meriones species are plotted in the sequence in Vorontsov's ‘Table 1. Even if the position of Tafera and Brachiones are altered, it does not alter the pattem very much, Vorontsov appears to have plotted the gerbils in order of decreasing relative length of the small intestine, and not taxonomy or caceal length, Abbreviations: Tit, Tatera indica, Gp, Gerbillus pyramidum, Gad, Gr dasyurus, Bop, Brachiones preewalvkui, Mis, Meriones shaws, Mop, M. persicus, Mit, M tamarivcinus; Moe, M. erythrourus; M.l, M Libyous; Mov, Mo vinogradovi; Mam, M. meridianus, Muu, M. waguiculatus; Mic, M. crassus; Mat, M. tristrami; Po, Prammnomys obexus, Roo, Rhombomys Opimus, Percentage of total intestine length Bo 6O 20 \ O “increasing molar Complexity (as expected tor increased dietary fibre) is correlated with increases in the length of the caecum, suggesting that, contrary to his [Vorontsov's] interpretation, these two systems are indeed in step with each other" (p. 174). On the contrary, caecum length does not seem to vary with dental complexity, supporting Vorontsov. The point is more marked when Tufera is considered, Ellerman (1940) notes that the genus has molars which are originally cuspidate, simpler than Gerbillus and less hypsodont than Meriones and other PREDICTING FOSSIL MAMMAL DIETS - 205 gerbils. Yet Tatera has a caccum longer than Rhombomys, the gerbil with rootless cheekteeth, Similarly Psammomys though having strongly hypsodont molars, and a molar pattern like that of Meriones, has relatively the longest caecum, Kay & Hylander's third point is interesting. It is probably true, as they argue, that the gut is responding to the chemical properties of ingested food in it. However, the level of chemical Tesponse will be affected by exposure of adhesion sites to bacteria, and cellular walls and contents to enzymes. This exposure occurs by physical processing. There is evidence that the two can be tightly linked (see Sanson 1985 and in press), but also, as Vorontsov argued, that they can compensate for each other. Dentitions wear, and as they wear they may change their efficiency (Gipps & Sanson 1984, Lanyon & Sanson 1986) and may affect diet selection (McArthur & Sanson 1988). Yet animals manifestly continue to live and reproduce and do not necessarily alter their diet with age. In many cases the differences between an unworn and a worn tooth may exceed interspecific differences between unworn teeth. It must be concluded that animals can compensate for ontogenetic changes in the dental system. The gut can change its form depending on the quality of the diet, even over short periods of time (Gross ef al. 1985). Many species change their diet quite markedly on a seasonal basis depending on food availability (e.g. Leuthold 1977). The degree of compensation may be affected by differences in body size and the associated changes in metabolic requirements, relative spatial and temporal availability of preferred dietary items, and behaviour. The latter factor is particularly difficult to predict and may confound attempts to accurately infer diet. It could be argued that Kay & Hylander's third concern about Vorontsov's conclusions do not materially weaken and if anything strengthen Eisenberg's reservations. Eisenberg's (1978) concerns that one should look with caution on dietary inferences based solely on the morphology of a single system, and that such inferences should be checked against other systems, seem to be justified. Since it is not possible to confirm the diet when fossils are studied, unequivocal interpretations of feeding may be impossible. Kay & Hylander's general conclusion that minor dental variations correlate remarkably well with what is known of dietary preferences are reasonable. However, it is not necessarily always so, because dental morphology can be compensated for, and with fossils we will never know when a compensation is operating. PHYSICAL PROPERTIES OF FOOD, AND TOOTH FORM AND FUNCTION In mammals with heterodont dentitions, ingestion is mostly performed by the front tecth, the incisors and canines, which can act to grasp and hold dictary items. Sometimes, aided by the premolars, these teeth can begin preparation for digestion. They tend to grasp and kill prey animals, tear and scrape bark and exudates and open fruits and seeds. The anterior teeth are more directly correlated with the gross structure of foods and may more directly reflect the ecological adaptations of a species (Maicr 1984). In addition teeth, more usually the posterior molars, may process the food by reducing it in size. Therefore, molar structure is often considered to be related to the dict, generally in broad terms. However, Maier (1984) argues that we should avoid using such generalisations as omnivory and folivory; instead we should ask what is happening physically between teeth when specific foodstuffs are being masticated. This has been generally considered to occur ina series of actions defined as puncture-crushing (Crompton & Hiiemae 1970) and crushing, grinding, and shearing (Rensberger 1973). Terms such as grinding and shearing, are gross terms which apply to the relative movement of certain cusps or regions of tecth. The definitions of these terms refer particularly to the relative movement of teeth, not so much to 206 - SANSON the consequent effect on food, although, of course, there is a relationship, and certain inferences are usually drawn. These definitions and descriptions of tooth action are also too general. While they have focused attention on the detailed action of the tooth, it is not really clear, for example, why shearing fibrous composites is better, in terms of food preparation for consequent chemical digestion, than grinding or crushing, allhough some work assumes that it is. More work is needed to address these problems. Rensberger (1973) has made some important contributions in this area. When food is masticated by teeth, there are physical laws and processes which operate, both on the teeth and the food. The shape and structure of the tooth will be influenced by these laws. Analysis of the process of breaking food particles, and the effect on teeth, have recently adopted a more detailed approach. Wainwright et al. (1976) and French (1988) are introducing engineering and design concepts to the understanding of the properties of food materials and teeth, while Lucas (1979, 1980, 1982) and Lucas & Luke (1983, 1984) in particular and others (e.g. Sheine & Kay 1977, Kay & Sheine 1979, Rensberger 1973) have begun to apply this knowledge to understanding tooth function. Fortelius (1985) concisely reviews this work. The properties of biological materials and their reaction to loads has been treated by Wainwright er al. (1976), French (1988), Gordon (1968, 1978) and Lucas (1979, 1980, 1982) and Rensberger (1973) and are very briefly summarised here. Food, like any other material, fractures, by the propagation of cracks, or divides, by the separation and flow of material, upon the application of force. The amount of force required will vary, depending on the area over which it acts, and the physical properties of the food. When material is compressed by a tooth, a load is applied which causes a stress, measured as force per unit area. The result is a deformation or strain, which is measured as the change in length of the material divided by the original length. Hookean materials are those where the stress is proportional to the strain, which is initially elastic when the strain is fully recoverable. The ratio of stress to strain over this clastic range is Young's Modulus of Elasticity, E. If the applied stress is maintained, the matcrial enters a phase of plastic deformation, which is not recoverable and eventually the material will fail. Many biological materials, particularly softer tissues, are non-Hookean in that there is initial plastic deformation followed by an elastic phase. Eventually, however, the material will still fail. The area under the stress/strain curve is a measure of the work that must be done in order to break the material. In other words, it represents the amount of energy that the material can absorb before it fails. Hard, stiff, brittle materials have an E approaching 1. They can absorb an enormous amount of stress with very little strain. However, they can only absorb a little stress once the material enters the plastic phase of deformation, and so they tend to shatter. Crystals are a good example. Ductile materials, with a very low E, tend only to have a small range of elastic deformation but can absorb much more energy in the plastic phase before failure than a brittle material. This means that brittle materials, such as tooth enamel, fail at a higher stress than ductile materials, but, depending on the material, it may take less work. Since stress is force per unit area, sharp cusps, which have a small surface area of contact, generate very high stresses at their tips and in the material they are penetrating. All materials obey these laws, and masticatory systems must provide sufficient stress over such an area that the material fails before the teeth do. Consequently, the shape of the tooth is likely to be controlled to some extent by selection for a particular configuration that matches a particular food for an amount of available occlusal force. By concentrating force over a very small area there is the risk of exceeding the sustainable stress of tooth enamel, resulting in fracture of the tip. If the tip does fracture, it becomes rounder, the force may be distributed over a larger area and, if the stress is temporarily reduced below the failure threshold, it will not wear further. This explains why sharp cusps wear faster than blunt ones. Wear is accelerated when inclusions such as silica are caught between the PREDICTING FOSSIL MAMMAL DIETS - 207 teeth. Silica crystals can absorb higher stresses before failure than enamel, and so they wear out teeth. However, with a worn tooth it obviously takes more force to break the ductile foodstuff, because the available force is being distributed over a broader area. Tooth morphology is a compromise between economically distributing sufficient force over the occluding facets in order to fracture the food and reducing the wear on the tooth. Different foods have different physical properties, and so tooth morphology is likely to be adaptive and specific. There are very good reasons for expecting that tooth morphology adapts to the physical properties of the food and that the evolution of tooth form is driven by selection, as a clade adapts to a new food resource. The kinds of adaptations involved in resisting wear are discussed in detail by Janis & Fortelius (1988). THE INTERACTION OF MECHANICAL AND CHEMICAL DIGESTION Chemical digestion takes place in the gut. It occurs by the action of endogenous or bacterially derived exogenous enzymes on the substrate. The greater the surface area, the more enzymes can be employed and the faster the digestion. Access to cell contents requires the rupture of the ccll wall, while digestion of plant cell wall requires the attachment of microorganisms and the penetration of their enzymes. Arnold (1985) suggested that the availability of substrate for these organisms is likely to be the rate-limiting step in digestion. Thus, factors such as food particle size and mastication, by influencing substrate availability, are important determinants of cell wall digestion rate. Since smaller objects have relatively larger surface area to volume ratios, compared to larger objects, there is an enormous advantage in mechanically reducing the particles to smaller and smaller pieces, at least in non-ruminants. This latter process is dependent on many factors (sce Fortelius 1985). Herbivores which digest plant cell walls, mainly composed of cellulose, hemicellulose, pectin and lignin, have a symbiotic relationship with bacteria, fungi and/or Protozoa. The position of the fermentation chamber, is either anterior to the truc stomach, and such animals are referred to as foregut fermenters, or posterior to the small intestine, which are hindgut fermenters (Janis 1976, Fortelius 1985). The relative position of the site of fermentation and the main absorptive areas of the gut has important consequences for the kind of dentition usually associated with the two kinds of "digestive strategies" (Janis 1976, Fortelius 1985, Janis & Fortelius 1988). Hindgut fermenters and most foregut fermenting nonruminants, typically chew the food only once. Ruminants may regurgitate and chew the food several times, the properties of the food becoming more uniform. Symbionts can breakdown and metabolise cell wall and, if the cell contents are still present, the cytoplasm will be metabolised as well, providing necessary substrates for bacterial growth. Exposed cell contents are presumably absorbed before reaching the hindgut fermentation site, which has energetic advantages for the host. However, digestion of cell wall may be less efficient in the hind gut fermenter than the ruminant foregut fermenter (Bel! 1971). It should also be noted that ruminants, mainly as a result of a rate limiting step at the reticulo-omasal orifice, maximise mechanical and enzymatic breakdown of the cell wall to small, uniform particles. Particles must be reduced below a critical size before they can pass through to the hind stomach and another meal can be taken. It is significant that digestibilities of tropical grasses in vitro were increased by a reduction in the size of the particles (McLeod & Minson 1969) and chewing, in ruminants, facilitates the bacterial disintegration of structural cellulose (Baker & Harriss 1947). Cell contents are exposed during this process but are probably metabolized by the bacteria before the host can digest and absorb them, Hindgut fermenters absorb the bulk of the cell contents in the small intestine and tend to maximise the digestion of that component of plant 208 - SANSON tissue. This process must occur before the fermentative action of the symbionts erodes the cell wall, which would aid in the exposure of cell contents. Koalas derive about 90% of their daily energy requirements from the cell contents (Cork & Hume 1983), which must be exposed by the teeth (Lanyon & Sanson 1986, Cork & Sanson in press). Other hindgut fermenters may derive considerably more of their daily energy requirements from fermentation of cell wall. Rensberger (1973) and Fortelius (1985) suggest that the mechanical requirements of "pulping" and primarily exposing cell contents and those of reduction of particle size, are different. Fortelius (1985) notes that if the cell walls and other protective structures are broken, digestion of the cytoplasm can proceed independently of the breaking down of the wall. While this may be true it is not known if masticatory systems can optimise both functions. Fortelius (1985) has predicted that hindgut fermenters will have a dental morphology that reflects their dietary adaptations more than is the case for foregut fermenters. He notes that "molar morphology is more diverse among the nonruminant artiodactyls and the perissodactyls ihan the ruminating (selenodont) artiodactyls, in which differences are mainly of crown height but not of occlusal design" (p. 20). This point is interesting with regard to the discussion about Vorontsov's conclusions above, because Hofmann (1968) showed that East African ruminants have significant structural differences in the stomach which relates to diet, yet their teeth are remarkably uniform. Fortelius (1985) also argues that the macropod marsupials have a "singularly uniform dental design" despite varied dietary specializations. Further, the macropods are foregut fermenters, some of which do ruminate. I would contend that the macropods do not have a particularly uniform dental design and that macropods that are omnivores, browsers or grazers, have demonstrably different dentitions (Sanson 1980, 1989). While they are certainly foregut fermenters, Hume (1982) and Barker et al. (1963) argued that the regurgitation, sometimes observed is not analogous to rumination and the term should not be used in connection with kangaroos. The macropod forestomach does not have a structure equivalent to the rate limiting reticulo-omasal orifice of ruminants (Hume 1982, Langer 1988). Following Fortelius' argument, it might be expected that the teeth would reflect the diet more than is the case in the ruminants. The macropods do support Fortelius' contention that animals that do not regularly regurgitate and rechew their food, have a dentition that reflects their diet. Fortelius (1985) also argues that hindgut fermenters should have a relatively greater masticatory performance capacity than ruminants with the same dict. This should be reflected in relatively larger occlusal area and/or larger masticatory muscles. There is evidence to support this, BODY SIZE, METABOLISM AND ENERGY REQUIREMENTS Just as teeth react to changing properties of the dict, so does the gut. Van Hoven & Boomker (1985) point out that new vegetation types, grasslands and shrublands, developed from the original, widespread tropical forests, and are correlated with cooler, drier, and more seasonal climates. Throughout evolution, animal tissues presumably retained similar nutrient demands while plants became very diverse in composition and structure. With the development of grasslands, readily available nutrients became progressively more diluted with fibre. Fibrous material tends to be bulky, and digestion is slow. To meet their nutritional demands, ungulates and other herbivores, evolved enlarged and complicated compartments in the digestive tract. This serves to increase the amount of feed digested by microbial action at any point in time, and increases the retention time, exposing digesta to microbial action for longer periods. There are many good reviews of digestion that indicate the different patterns that exist (e.g. Van Hoven & Boomker 1985). Within vertebrates, mass-specific basal metabolic rate, measured as oxygen consumption per unit body mass, decreases as body size increases (Kleiber 1961). The consequences of body- PREDICTING FOSSIL MAMMAL DIETS - 209 weight related energy requirements on dietary preference and intake have been pointed out (e.g. Eisenberg 1981, Parra 1978, Ripley 1984, Kay & Covert 1984). Janis (1976) and Bjornhag (1987) relate these factors to gut structure. Briefly, small mammals have relatively higher energy demands than large ones and must consume more nutritious and readily digestible foods. Feeding on animal tissue as well as concentrated energy sources such as nectar, seeds, fruit, and plant storage tissue, predominates in small mammals. The very smallest mammals are probably restricted to such diets. Plant material rich in structural carbohydrates can only be utilised by larger mammals. Digestibility can be increased by more efficient preparation and this is often reflected in the dentition. Herbivores with the same kinds of teeth, but of different body size, may then be eating different things in order to compensate for the rate of energy extraction from relatively refractory dicts. There are body size limits below which mammalian herbivores cannot be sustained. The size depends on the digestive strategy, hindgut fermenters being able to exist at a smaller body size than foregut fermenters, particularly the true ruminants (Janis 1976). Carnivores are less likely to be constrained by these considerations. However, problems of scale do affect them as well. The very smallest carnivores, the insectivores, are eating animals close or equal to themselves in body size. The resistance of the exoskeleton may be prohibitive without very precise and subtle dental modifications (e.g. Freeman 1979). Insects are patchy in distribution, but once obtained will be a large resource to a small predator. Larger carnivores do not need special dental adaptations for chewing insects because they have excess power in their masticatory systems. Indeed, the largest insectivores are often edentulous. However, insects are too small and patchy in their distribution to economically sustain large carnivores, and vertebrates or other resources are often included in their diet. The exception is the predation of social insects such as termites, and the scale of the animals involved suggests that the prey can be crushed in large numbers rather than individually chewed. Kay & Covert (1984) give an interesting illustration of the necessary foraging time larger insectivores require and the constraints this places on body size. BEHAVIOUR It is possible for certain behavioural traits, particularly in the exertion of diet selection, to compensate for the lack of morphological adaptations. For example, compared with other baboons, the Gelada, Theropithecus, is exceptionally specialised with grass contributing about 90% of the diet (Dunbar 1977). Dunbar has noted that although Theropithecus seems to be extremely efficient at handling the high cellulose content of the grass, it is not clear how it is achieved. Handling efficiency was not defined. Dunbar suggests that this species may have acquired a specialized internal flora. However, the gut is little different to that of other Papio baboons (Hill 1970). The stomach is of the usual cercopithecid pattern while the colon and caecum closely resembles that of Papio, the caecum being only 7.6 cm long. It does not appear to show the kinds of gut specializations associated with other grazers of this size. Dunbar (1977) considered that the large, hypsodont cheek teeth perhaps could have "thoroughly pulverized" the grass blades prior to ingestion. The assertion that Theropithecus has hypsodont molars is questionable. Swindler (1976) indicates that the molars are bilophodont and conform to the molar morphotype of the cercopithecids. He cites Jolly (1970) who compares the low, rounded cusps of Mandrillus with the the large, high crowned molars of Theropithecus. Szalay & Delson (1979) describe the cheek teeth as having especially high crowns with greatly increased relief. They do not describe the teeth as bilophodont, rather noting that the cusps are somewhat columnar in form, as a result of their separation from one another by the deep basins. They do argue that the delayed eruption pattern, high relief and molar complexity, produce a distinctive wear pattern which prolongs the functional life of the tooth row and is eminently adapted to the mastication of grass blades, seeds and rhizomes that 210 - SANSON make up the diet. James (1960) illustrates the dentition of Mandrillus and Theropithecus. Theropithecus molars do appear to be slightly more robust and slightly higher crowned. However, when compared to grazers of the same body size from other mammalian groups, it is hard to accept that they can reasonably be considered as having high crowned, lophodont teeth. There is simply no comparison to macropod marsupials, for example, in the development of bilophodonty, and, while they may be robust, they do not compare with other classic hypsodont teeth. Theropithecus is apparently a highly skilled and selective feeder, plucking the grasses with its dextrous opposable thumb and forefinger. Coarse, reedy grasses are never eaten, and even during the dry season, when much of the grass cover is dry and brown, only green leaves are used (Dunbar 1977). This takes time, and geladas spend about 40-45% of the day feeding, which is higher than the 25-30% reported for Papio baboons. It is possible that this behaviour and mode of feeding, or “hand grazing" (Szalay & Delson 1979), allows the selection of young, nutritious shoots while avoiding the highly fibrous, abrasive components of grasses. Other grazers of similar body size have much more pronounced morphological adaptations, reflected in the dentition and gut, enabling them to successfully cope with a grass diet without being so selective. It is extremely doubtful that the diet of Theropithecus would have been correctly predicted from a knowledge of its tooth morphology. TOOTH WEAR AND STRIATION PATTERN AND STRUCTURE Tooth wear produces scratches or striations on the surface of the tooth. This has been used to analyse occlusal direction and contact. It has been argued that the kind of striation (depth, degree and frequency of pitting) reflects the dict since the properties of the diet cause the wear. The study of tooth microwear is, therefore, a potentially useful tool for determining diet (e.g. Ryan 1979, Grine 1981, Rose et al. 1981, Walker 1981). There has been some debate as to the limits of the information generated. Covert & Kay (1981) argued that the teeth of opossums fed grit in their diet were distinguishable from opossums fed chitin and other plant material. They considered that while grazers, which normally consume siliceous or high grit foods, might be distinguished from browsers, the possibility of discriminating finer differences was doubtful (Kay & Covert 1984). Recent work, using more refined techniques, has indicated that a finer level of resolution can be achieved (e.g. Teaford & Walker 1984, Teaford 1985, Kay 1987). In spite of these improved techniques, which are invaluable and informative, tooth microwear must be interpreted cautiously. Walker et al. (1978), in an important study, distinguished between grazing and browsing hyrax on the basis of tooth microwear. However, they concluded that "examination of microwear on a fossil tooth would give information about the diet of an individual only for the period just before it died" (p. 910). This problem can be avoided by taking large samples, but that is not always possible, and it is time consuming. In addition, seasonal differences in diet, which can be quite marked (viz Sanson et al. 1985), may not be appreciated. It is equally true, of course, that dietary preferences determined from other data have the same drawbacks. A combination of techniques used to reconstruct dictary preference and using microwear to test those hypotheses, as Walker et al. (1978) do, may be the best solution. THYLACOLEO: PREDICTING THE DIET OF A UNIQUE FOSSIL WITHOUT LIVING RELATIVES Thylacoleo, the marsupial "lion", has long interested palaeontologists because of its unique dentition. Consequently, there has been considerable debate conceming its diet (see Finch 1982 PREDICTING FOSSIL MAMMAL DIETS - 211 and Wells et al. 1982). The problem is that the thylacoleonids are of herbivorous phalangeroid stock yet have no equivalent dental adaptations. The first two upper and lower premolars are vestigial. The third premolars are remarkable, hypertrophied, sectorial blades (Fig. 2). No other mammal has carnassials, if that is what they are, developed to such an extent. The first lower molar contributes to the sectorial blade of the P3 while M! and M, are very reduced and have many similarities, in form and possibly function, to those of felids. The lower incisors are often described as caniniform and may have been used for stabbing prey. Wells et al, (1982) have made the most detailed analysis of the possible diet. Because there are no analogues, living or extinct, the problem cannot be resolved fully. Nonetheless, Wells et al.'s analysis of microwear of thylacoleonid teeth and their comparisons with other known carnivores, in terms of overall tooth morphology, precise diet, including the capacity or tendency to consume bones, and killing behaviour is comprehensive and much of it is convincing. They conclude that Thylacoleo was a flesh eater and, like sabretooth felids and cheetahs, probably did not consume much, if any, bone. This can be attributed to the lack of blunt cusps or well developed anterior premolars. The sectorial premolars certainly appear marvellously adapted for shearing muscle, tendons and skin, and as such there would be an advantage in protecting the edge of the blade from being chipped on bone. The principles of material breakdown discussed above are pertinent here. It is clear that brittle material, like bone, can be cracked with the same force by blunt or sharp cusps (Lucas 1979, 1982; Hill 1985). The principle of breakage requires the propagation of a crack through the material (Gordon 1968). The energy required at the propagating crack tip is provided by the applied load. The sharpness of the cusp or blade providing the load is not relevant, except that sharp cusps will chip and wear faster than blunt cusps. It is interesting then that carnivores that crack bones have blunt, well developed premolars. Domestic dogs use the rounded anterior face of the carnassial tooth, but not the sharp blade (personal observation) for cracking bones. This is entirely consistent with Wells et al.'s (1982) discussion of specialist meat eating carnivore habits which avoid bone, compared to generalist meat eaters and bone crushers. Thylacoleo, without apparent bone crushing adaptations, is presumed to be a specialist meat eater, avoiding bone, like modern cheetahs. The predominant lack of Thylacoleo remains occurring with incised bones of other species seems to support this (Wells e¢ al. 1982). Wells et al. (1982) provide evidence from microwear to support their contentions. Grazers, consuming grasses, loaded with grit and silica, produce fine striations; browsers they examined had even finer striations, while the carnivores had much coarser ones than either browsers or grazers. There was an "order of magnitude difference" between the mean size of striae of herbivores and carnivores. Interestingly, Thylacoleo had striae on average five times larger than the carnivores. Unfortunately, neither the number of animals examined, nor their dietary history before death, is recorded. This may be important, as the larger striae in Thylacoleo when compared to the herbivores, and presumably the other carnivores, is attributed to fragments of bone or grit in the fur. Facsimile production of striae by Wells et al. (1982) on model teeth, fed different materials, supported this. There appears to be a contradiction between the observed gross morphology and the striation results reported by Wells et al. (1982). The gross morphology indicates flesh eating and no bone crushing, The striae suggest more bone crushing than in other carnivores and scavengers (e.g. Canis familiaris, Felis catus, Thylacinus and Sarcophilus). The difficulty may be resolved by wider sampling of Thylacoleo and animals with known dietary histories just before death. A problem still remains concerning the selective pressures that led to such an extreme specialization when all other highly successful carnivores have retained a notched carnassial. The importance of such a notch is discussed by Mellett (1977). The notch separates the anterior from the posterior cusps, which form the ends of the carnassial cutting edge. This configuration means that the anterior cusps penetrate and hold material being separated by the carnassial blades. Without this, the material would tend to be squeezed out in 212 - SANSON Figure 2. Thylacoleo carnifex. A, ventral view of the cranium showing upper incisors and well developed sectorial third premolars; B, occlusal, and C, lateral views of left mandible; x 0.6. Note the hypertrophied sectorial blade. (After Woods 1956). PREDICTING FOSSIL MAMMAL DIETS - 213 advance of the occluding cutting edge. An analogy would be a pair of scissors cutting a match. The match is pushed down the blades. Pruning shears have a "cusp" to hold the material and prevent it from being pushed out. Thylacoleo has a blade without a notch (Fig. 2). Thylacoleo is an interesting example of the problems encountered in analysing unique fossils without any good analogues. The problem is exacerbated when the available evidence is conflicting. PROPLEOPUS: PREDICTING THE DIET OF A UNIQUE FOSSIL WITH LIVING RELATIVES Propleopus (Fig. 3) was a gigantic Pleistocene rat-kangaroo of the family Potoroidae. It approached the megafaunal sthenurine kangaroos in size, yet other potoroids are small, having a mass of only a few kilograms. The giant forms have been recently revised by Archer & Flannery (1985). It is generally agreed that Propleopus is closest to Hypsiprymnodon, the Musky Rat-kangaroo, the smallest of the living macropodoids. Hypsiprymnodon has a large plagiaulacoid, sectorial premolar and the molars are tubercular and tunodont. It is unique Figure 3. Propleopus oscillans. A, lateral and B, occlusal views of left mandible.; x 1. Note the well developed plagiaulacoid premolar and bunodont molars. (After Woods 1960). among the kangaroo group in having a simple non-sacculated stomach, suggesting that it does not ferment plant fibre. At 360-680 g (Strahan 1983), fermentation of plant fibre is an unlikely method of supplying its energy requirements. Its diet consists of insects and other invertebrates, seeds and tubers (Johnson & Strahan 1982). Propleopus has similar dental features to Hypsiprymnodon, only the teeth are much larger (Fig. 3), and this led Pledge (1981) to conclude that the bunodont molars, like humans, pigs and bears, suggest an omnivorous or browsing vegetarian diet. The large premolars were 214 - SANSON probably associated with omnivory, possibly being used to cut flesh as well as vegetable matter. Archer & Flannery (1985) went further, suggesting that Propleopus may have been carnivorous. They noted the omnivorous diet of Hypsiprymnodon and Burramys parvus, both species having large plagiaulacoid premolars and bunodont molars, and observed that Propleopus was 200 times heavier than Hypsiprymnodon. The significance of this size difference was not commented on, but is important for the reasons discussed in previous sections. It is unlikely that an animal the size of Propleopus could sustain itself on a diet of insects, seeds and fruits, like /7ypsiprymnodon, because such items are patchily distributed in space and time (Norbury et al. 1989), and large amounts would be required. On the other hand vertebrate prey or carrion, possibly supplemented with fruits and other high quality, but rare, foods, would suffice. This argument is supported by the rarity of Propleopus in deposits, which might be expected if the species is near the top of the food chain (Archer & Flannery 1985). Archer & Flannery do, however, caution that other, presumably herbivorous, species are equally rare. Archer & Flannery (1985) argue that low crowned molars would be rapidly destroyed if the animals fed predominantly on siliceous grasses. This is almost certainly true. The molars are not high crowned, a common adaptation for the extreme wear imposed by grasses, nor do they have the usual development of fine cutting edges to deal with the parallel and dense fibre bundles. However, grasses are not the only plant material available. Low abrasive, low fibre dicotyledonous leaves must also be considered. With the exception of the selenodont artiodactyls, browsers of this size usually have molars with broad grinding surfaces. Propleopus has a steep molar gradient with reduced lophs suggesting that the molars are not adapted to grinding large amounts of plant matter (Archer & Flannery 1985). This might be true but really requires an analysis of the functional molar occlusion of the genus. There are physiological reasons why some animals may need less food than might otherwise be expected. Marsupials have a lower basal metabolism than eutherians (Dawson & Hulbert 1970), and this has an effect on energy requirements (Hume 1982). Kangaroos have lower maintenance energy requirements than sheep of the same body mass (Hume 1974). Kangaroos, as a result of a curved tooth row and molar progression, only occlude about two molars in each quadrant at a time (Sanson 1980). Sheep, on the other hand, occlude all their molars at once. Browsing macropods occlude all their molars at once, but that may be as a result of their heritage. They may not need to - grazers do not. This aspect requires further work before a browsing condition can be excluded on the basis that the molars are not adapted for grinding large amounts of plant matter. Archer & Flannery (1985) report that the premolars have very coarse wear striae. The larger striae in Propleopus are approached only by those seen in Thylacoleo, These striae are more similar to those seen on the cheek teeth of the carnivores, than on those of herbivores, examined by Wells et al. (1982). While this is interesting, it must be remembered that the diet of Thylacoleo is a matter of some contention, and the difference between the microwear on Thylacoleo teeth and other carnivores was significant. A detailed microwear analysis of Propleopus molars may help resolve this dilemma. Archer & Flannery (1985) report that other living potoroids occasionally take meat, but do have a specialized forestomach. Since Hypsiprymnodon lacks a specialised stomach, they conclude that it is "probable, in view of our present phyletic understanding, that the even more primitive species of Propleopus would have lacked this specialised feature also" (p. 1346). However, if Propleopus had independently evolved a fermentation capacity, its diet could have been fundamentally different to the living potoroids, including, of course, Hypsiprymnodon. As previously pointed out some kind of fermentation chamber, either foregut or hindgut, could compensate for apparently inferior teeth. Pledge (1981) mentioned that Propleopus has molars with features typical of bears, and pandas. Moreover, giant pandas seem to cope with a PREDICTING FOSSIL MAMMAL DIETS - 215 simple stomach, intestines remarkable for their shortness, as short as any known carnivore, no caecum, and a short colon (Davis 1964). Pandas are very inefficient digesters of bamboo, and do not rely on the microbial degradation of plant material (Dierenfeld et al. 1982). Giant pandas seem to meet their nutritional requirements from high levels of intake combined with fast gut passage rates (Dierenfeld et al. 1982). The molars are fundamentally similar to Ursus, and, though the teeth are bigger and have secondary tubercles, Davis (1964) explains the differences on allometric grounds. He states "Any relation between the "bunodont" character of the molars of Ailuropoda and its diet is fortuitous" (p. 130). On the other hand Deirenfeld et al. State that the large, flat cheek teeth with elaborate crown patterns are dentition characteristics typical of a herbivore. This assertion is difficult to accept when the array of herbivore dental adaptations are reviewed. The low crowned, but very broad, molars are teeth that would seem to be poorly adapted to chewing plant matter, particularly bamboo. Davis (1964) reports the findings of field observers who have emphasized the poorly chewed and undigested condition of pieces of bamboo in the droppings of giant pandas. Davis considers that the exclusively herbivorous diet is an extension of a non-carnivorous dietary trend already present in the group = la it is derived. Would the diet of the panda have been correctly predicted from its teeth! The analysis of the relationships of the propleopines, hypsiprymnodontines, potoroines and macropodines is important, because if the potoroines and macropodines are monophyletic and a sister group to the hypsiprymnodontines, it suggests that foregut fermentation evolved once. If so, the propleopines and hypsiprymnodontines need to have their rank elevated. However, if the propleopines are placed within the Potoroidae (Archer & Flannery 1985, based on a synapomorphic feature of the masseteric canal; Flannery & Rich 1986), it means that foregut fermentation evolved twice - in the potoroine and macropodine lineages. Alternatively, it evolved once at the base of the macropodoids, and Hypsiprymnodon has secondarily lost it. If foregut fermentation evolved twice, it is hard to argue that it could not have evolved three times. Langer (1980) suggests that the potoroine and macropodine stomachs evolved independently, while Hume (1978) considered that the macropodine condition may have developed from the potoroine type. It is not certain that Propleopus was not a foregut fermenter with all the dietary consequences that that would entail. In addition, the diet of the giant panda, with few herbivorous adaptations, encourages caution. Although Archer and Flannery's arguments are interesting and persuasive, more detailed analysis of microwear on molars and premolars and functional occlusion of the dentition is warranted. Even then the answer may be equivocal. FOSSIL STHENURINAE AND MACROPODINAE: PREDICTING THE DIET OF FOSSILS WITH LIVING RELATIVES The tooth morphology and associated dietary preferences in the living Macropodinae are fairly well understood (Sanson 1989). The Sthenurinae are a sister group of the Macropodinae and mainly comprise extinct megafaunal elements. There are close similarities in tooth structure between the two groups, and our knowledge of tooth function and relationship of many of the species allows some detailed predictions to be made. While Ride (1959) attempted to infer diet from a knowledge of morphology of extant species, based largely on his analysis of the incisors and premolars, other authors have given little reason for their assertions about the diet of Sthenurus, Procoptodon and Troposodon. Sthenurus (Sthenurus) species are considered to be grassland or savanna grazers (Tedford 1966), while the short faced Sthenurus (Simosthenurus) and Procoptodon species are considered to be browsers (Ride 1959; Bartholomai 1963; Tedford 1966, 1967). Bartholomai (1967) considered that the tooth structure of Troposodon minor indicated a secondary reversal from 216 - SANSON grazing macropodines to a semi-browsing habit, but did not elaborate. Campbell (1973) suggested that Troposodon kenti occupied a grazing or grazing-browsing "niche". Troughton (1947) generally considered the Macropodinae as a whole are adapted for grazing. This probably stemmed from observations of where macropods were found and a lack of knowledge as to what they actually ate. The notion of a secondary reversal from grazing predecessors follows from Ride (1959) who, following Troughton, also considered that the Macropodinae as a whole are adapted to grazing. Later evidence, reviewed in Sanson (1980), challenges this broad generalisation. Ride (1964), however, did recognise problems with this ANT. A B LAB. LING. mlk ml hid mlk Figure 4. Occlusion in a representative browsing macropod. A and C are lateral views of upper (thick outline) and lower (thin outline) molars in occlusion; B and D are plan views of upper (thick outline) and lower (thin outline) molars in occlusion at the same stage as A and C respectively. Horizontal hatching represents area of lower tooth in contact with upper tooth; vertical hatching in stage of occlusion represented by respective lateral views. Therefore, total area of tooth which comes in contact with occlusal counterpart represents total horizontal or vertical hatched areas in B and D. Arrow indicates movement of lower tooth. Abbreviations: ANT, anterior; flk, forelink; hld, hypolophid; LAB, labial; LING, lingual; ml, metaloph; mlk, midlink; pl, protoloph; pld, protolophid. concept and linked Wallabia bicolor, Dorcopsis, Dorcopsulus and Dendrolagus as forest- and thicket-dwelling wallabies and tree kangaroos and noted that they possess simpler molars than PREDICTING FOSSIL MAMMAL DIETS - 217 their "grazing adapted relatives". For a fuller discussion of the development of these arguments and the evolution of mastication in the macropodines see Sanson (1989). The functional incisor and premolar morphology is not as well understood as the molar system, which does not support the dietary predictions referred to above. Living browsing macropodines have a suite of dental characteristics associated with the physical properties of the diet (Sanson 1989). The main characteristics are that the molars have very weak longitudinal ridges, the links, connecting the transverse lophs (Fig. 4), which means that the molars occlude over a broad surface area. There is a large sectorial permanent premolar, never naturally lost, which, with the four molars, occludes along a plane line of contact (Fig. 5). This maintains a large contact area between the occluding check teeth. plane of occlusal contact M4 M3 M2 Mi P3 Figure 5. Lateral view of the mandible of Wallabia bicolor, a browsing macropod, drawn from a radiograph. Living grazing macropodines have elaborated the longitudinal link, increasing the cutting edge length of each molar and reducing the surface area contact. Unlike the condition seen in the browsing macropodines, the initial forward movement of the lower jaw is followed by a transverse lingual movement (Fig. 6). The high links prevent close interdigitation of the lophs at right angles, the transverse movement maintaining this contact. There is a reduction in the size of the premolar, and it is often lost by the forward progression of the molars. The lower tooth row is curved, so that it meets the upper tooth row at a tangent on the anterior portion of the row (Fig. 7). This further reduces the surface area contact. Posterior molars are brought forward into occlusion by molar progression. Browsing macropodines have a procumbent first upper incisor and a small third upper incisor. The lower incisors meet the first incisors, often lying just inside the upper incisor arcade. It is likely that this pattern is associated with the finer manipulation required in browsing. Grazing macropodines have increased the length of the third incisor, and the lower incisors meet the uppers over a larger contact area. These teeth are involved in gathering grass material, not processing it, so the significance of the increased contact area of the grazing incisors should not be confused with the opposite effect in the grinding molars. Flannery (1983) has suggested that there is a taxonomic distinction in the incisor structure between the Macropodinae and the Sthenurinae. It is not yet clear what functional significance these differences have. 218 - SANSON The weak link structure of the bilophodont molars, wear facet formation and occlusal mechanics of Sthenurus (Sthenurus) (Figs 8, 9) and Troposodon are all very similar to the morphology of W. bicolor. The molars of this species have been shown to be primarily adapted to low fibre vegetation and not high fibre plant tissue in the form of grass (Sanson 1980). Equally the molar patterns in Procoptodon are fundamentally the same as those in Macropus giganteus, a species primarily adapted to a diet of grass. Sthenurus (Simosthenurus) have ornamented enamel lophs (Figs 10, 11), which mainly occur in an area involved in grinding in the similar kind of tooth of W. bicolor. This may serve to increase the efficiency of this type of occlusion, but it is very doubtful if it is capable of comminuting fibre. The simplest Procoptodon morphology is found in P. pusio (Fig. 12), which shows a link and loph structure very similar to the large Macropus species. The wear facet formation is very similar in the two genera, and there is every reason to believe that the teeth operate in the same way, that is bringing opposing cutting edges together. When related to the inferred functional morphology of the tooth, the crenulation patterns in S. (Simosthenurus) are not the same as t ANT. flk milk pl ml pid hid flk milk ANT. LAB. + LING. a ml Figure 6. Occlusion in a representative grazing macropod. For explanation see legend to Fig. 4. PREDICTING FOSSIL MAMMAL DIETS - 219 those in the large Procoptodon species. The molar crenulations in P. rapha and P. goliah (Fig. 12) are in positions which increase the number of cutting edges in occlusion, a common feature of grazers, but at the same time preventing the broad surface area contact occurring in Sthenurus, a browsing feature. In many respects the functional molar morphology of Procoptodon is a slightly more elaborate version of that in M. giganteus, and it is hard to see why this indicates a browsing habit. The increased development of cutting edges in line along upper tooth row region of occlusal ie contact M2 M1 = Sees M3 == : P3 -M4 ¥ i an yd I J) ft line along lower tooth row Figure 7. Lateral view of the mandible of Macropus giganteus, a grazing macropod, drawn from a radiograph. Procoptodon may be a function of size, the larger Procoptodon having to ingest absolutely more food. It would be interesting if the degree of development of extra links is allometrically related to body size. Within Macropus, increased body size is associated with more complex links. At Lake George, in New South Wales, Procoptodon cf. goliah has been found in what was predominantly a cold, dry grassland, supporting the suggestion that Procoptodon may have been more of a grazer than previously thought (Sanson et al. 1980). One problem with the interpretation of Procoptodon as a grazer is that it has a flat tooth row (Fig. 13). This is not a feature of advanced grazing macropodines. However, it is suggested here that the development of links in the sthenurine Procoptodon is a grazing adaptation convergent on the condition found in the grazing macropodines. There is no reason to expect that all of the other grazing adaptations of the macropodines, such as the curved tooth row, should also be found in Procoptodon. Powerful jaw muscles, indicated by the massive skull, may have compensated for the large surface area contact consequent on retaining the ancestral flat tooth row. Following this argument, it is notable that Sthenurus (Simosthenurus), which has crenulated molars, also has a brachycephalic skull. Brachycephaly may have been influenced by the selection for larger and more powerful jaw muscles. The more anteriorly directed coronoid process in these forms should provide a greater mechanical advantage for the masseteric muscles. 220 - SANSON Figure 8. Sthenurus (Sthenurus) tindalei, right upper incisors and cheek tooth dentition, Lake Menindee, New South Wales. A, labial and B, occlusal views (after Tedford 1966).; x 0.8. Note relatively simple molars with poorly developed links. ae ee See MOR Figure 9. Sthenurus (Sthenurus) atlas. A, labial ; B, occlusal view of right ramus with part of lower incisor, P2, DP3 and M1-2; C, labial; D, occlusal; E, lingual, views of unerupted left lower P3, xl, Lake Menindee (after Tedford 1967). Note the flat tooth row, sectorial premolar and molars with poorly developed links. PREDICTING FOSSIL MAMMAL DIETS - 221 CONCLUSION ___ There are basic difficulties in interpreting the dict of fossils from the teeth and jaws. This is because there is abundant evidence that the gut and behaviour of an animal can compensate for the dietary adaptations of the teeth, which are most likely to be the parts fossilized. Only in very rare cases like Chaeropus (Wright et al., Chap. 8, this volume), where there is evidence from the gut to test the dictary hypotheses, can one be really confident. Tooth microwear can also be used to test hypotheses, but a broad data base is required because of the problems alluded to above. ; Janis (1984) presents examples of how cumulative patterns of molar wear in living primates are related to diet, enabling the prediction of the dict of extant and extinct species. Janis does show correlations between the tooth form and the diet. The critical question is Figure 10. Sthenurus (Simosthenurus) occidentalis restored right upper incisors and cheek teeth. A, lateral, and B, occlusal views (after Tedford 19660; x 0.8. Note the massive premolar and the molar with crenulations on the faces of the lophs. 222 - SANSON Figure 11. Sthenurus (Simosthenurus) occidentalis restored left mandible. A, lingual; B, occlusal; and C, labial views; x 0.75; Western Australia (after Tedford 1966). Note the large premolar, the flat tooth row, the molars with crenulations on the faces of the lophs and the vertical anterior margin of the coronoid process associated with brachycephaly. whether the diet would always be accurately predicted from the form of the tooth. Kay & Covert (1984) note that Old World colobine monkeys have a bilophodont molar condition which aids in cutting up plant fibre. However, the bilophodont condition is also seen among fruit eating species consuming low fibre diets. They argue that an inference about dietary adaptation is not warranted simply because an animal has bilophodont molars. They state with some justification that for whatever reason bilophodonty evolved, it has served as a basis for many different sorts of dietary variations. This may be because such a pattern, evolved early on in a lineage and acting as a heritage factor, is adequate for many diets. It may not be adequate for the harsher demands of say, grazing, but it still precludes dietary predictions. In addition, PREDICTING FOSSIL MAMMAL DIETS - 223 en ‘ore zi Ss SQ SX aul NC : gu a \s Ze Figure 12. Occlusal view of left mandible . A, Procoptodon pusio; B, Procoptodon rapha; and C, Procoptodon goliah,; x1; Bingara, New South Wales (after Stirton & Marcus 1966). Note the reduced premolar and well developed links. Maier (1984) argues that the absolute body size of primates at least, has been shown to influence tooth structure independently of dietary adaptations. Finally, there are many species with peculiar dietary adaptations, for example Theropithecus and the giant panda, that are compensated for by other adaptations which could not be predicted. This paper seeks to demonstrate that the prediction of diet can, and should, take into account many interacting factors. Our current knowledge of digestion and nutrition allows a more detailed and sophisticated approach than was available in the past. However, there are clearly considerable problems involved in determining the diet of extant animals when the dentition, 224 - SANSON gut structure and behaviour, acting as compensatory mechanisms, are known. There is no evidence to suggest that these compensations are predictable. With fossils, only the dentition and masticatory system are known, and this must confound any conclusions concerning diet to the extent that the diet will never be known with certainty. The more we know about the complex interactions of parts of the digestive system the more we must be aware of the complications that exist in predicting diet from just part of that system. ACKNOWLEDGEMENTS I am indebted to Drs. Clare McArthur, Grant Norbury and Bill Foley, and Suzanne Moore and Janet Lanyon for much valued discussion and comments. I do not presume that they share all of the views expressed here. In particular, Clare and Suzanne's reservations about dietary inference from the dentition, and Suzanne and Bill's criticism of the manuscript, have been influential. A angular iL. process SJ \mas me we 9 anterior mental / \ fossa cingulum foramen masseteric crest mandibular .” foramen postalveolar B inferior Process dental angular angular fossa _ Pek fede dhe Om process _— protolophid midlink hypolophid masseteric angular foramen process A / / digastric C “_-_ sulcus __- ~~ digastric process Figure 13. Procoptodon goliah, right mandible. A, lateral; B, occlusal; C, medial, views (after Tedford 1967). Note the flat tooth row and the massive coronoid process with a vertical coronoid process. PREDICTING FOSSIL MAMMAL DIETS - 225 REFERENCES ARCHER, M. & FLANNERY, T., 1985. 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Mechanical Design in Diet and teeth: dietary hypotheses and human evolution. Phil. Trans. R. Soc. Lond. CHAPTER 8 THE DIET OF THE EXTINCT BANDICOOT CHAEROPUS ECAUDATUS Wendy Wright!, Gordon D. Sanson? and C. McArthur2 INtrOductiOn ............cecececececeeccecncececececeeeeeeees 230 Analytical Methods ..............cccscesescececeeeeeeceees 230 Molar Morphology and Occlusion............... 230 Examination of Gut Contents...................+ 231 DISSECTION .......... cece cece scence cecec cece ee eeees 231 Fixation of Gut Contents....................- 231 Sectioning and Microscopy.............:.20+ 231 RESUS Fc sos eda cess Te oveesecatilednoonsenste etvede scene sls 232 Molar Morphology and Occlusion..............- 232 Morphology ...........0ceceeccecsceeececesececees 232 OCCIUSION............cccecsecccneceecececcnceeeeees 234 Examination of Gut Contents.................... 234 DiSSECtION .........2.2 0c ec eccecececeececeneeeeeeees 234 Light Microscopy............seceseeeeeeeereeees 234 Transmission Electron Microscopy CTEM) 20 oe cetenectbeewsnestneoecsieresenton 235 DISCUSSION Loc orcndoestec eden stncenesecbensescuetal 236 Summary and Conclusions ..............2cseseeeeeeeees 238 Acknowledgemenls...............cecececceeceecceecenseees 239 REPETENCES SY, Mav cid sae) cles asada Was'edecl. dcTiaasecsecd 239 Plates <2, Rn AR eras eda vel taenddtceesecedelpcectess 240 9 IIE EEE ———————————————————————————E—————EE—————————————— 1 Department of Zoology, University of Reading, Whiteknights, P.O. Box 228, Reading, R6 62 AJ, England. 2 Department of Botany and Zoology, Monash University, Clayton, Victoria 3168, Australia. 230 - WRIGHT ET AL. INTRODUCTION The Pigfooted Bandicoot, Chaeropus ecaudatus, is a recently extinct member of the Peramcelidae, not having been reported since 1926 (Ride 1970). Literature on its diet is scarce and conflicting, the earlicr reports mainly consisting of anecdotal observations. Krefft (1865) considered Chaeropus 10 be herbivorous, while Sturt (1848) described it as a flesh-eater (in Dixon, 1988). Gould listed insects and their larvae as well as plant material as dictary items (in Dixon, 1988), while a gut content analysis by Dixon (1988) suggested that Chaeropus was herbivorous. Taking some important considerations into account, a great deal about the dict of a mammal can be inferred from its teeth (Sanson this volume, Chap. 7). Chaeropus molars, while showing some similarities to those of other bandicoots, are the most highly specialised (Bensley 1903) within this group. Their devclopment of shearing crests is unique. Consequently, there are no appropriate analogues to compare them with. However, it is possible to obtain information about occlusion and the action of the tecth from a study of the wear on their surfaces (e.g. Butler 1952, Mills 1967, Greaves 1972, Rensberger 1978). Coupled with information about the physical properties of dictary items and the shape of tooth morphology best suited to break them up (e.g. Lucas & Luke 1984, Frazetta 1988), a knowledge of functional dental morphology can allow predictions regarding the sorts of food that particular teeth would be most effective at reducing in size. For example, Hill (1985) found that ductile matcrials are best cut by sharp blades or points which concentrate force over a small surface area. A blunt surface tends to deform matcrials without penetration, unless a larger force is applicd. Britthe matcrials can be shattered duc to a force applied by a blunt or a sharp surface and eventual failure is due to cracks which form and grow within the material (Gordon 1976). In extant animals, predictions regarding dict can be confirmed by dictary studies. Sanson (1978, 1980), from a study of macropodid molar morphology, concluded that Macropus rufogriseus and Thylogale billardieri were predominantly grazers and browsers respectively, although detailed dictary studics for the two specics were unavailable. Subsequently, Fletcher (1980) confirmed these predictions, giving us some confidence that the techniques have predictive power. Some spirit preserved specimens of Chaeropus survive, and one of these was kindly made available by Ms J. Dixon of the Muscum of Victoria. This allowed examination of the morphology of the digestive system and of the gut contents. It is not known whether the animal was kept alive and fed in captivity before it died. Thus, the gut contents may not reflect the natural dict. However, in this case there is much corroborative evidence to suggest that this species was herbivorous. ANALYTICAL METHODS MOLAR MORPHOLOGY AND OCCLUSION Upper and lower tooth rows of one relatively worn (Muscum of Victoria, MV C468) and one relatively unworn (MV C2900) specimen of Chaeropus ecaudatus were photographed using Kodak Panatomic X film on a Wildphotomacroskop M400 camera. Specimens were coated with sublimated ammonium chloride to reduce reflection and illuminated using a Volpi fibreoptic lamp. The negatives were placed on the stage of a Nikon V20 Profile Projector, and the image, produced by transmitted light, was traced onto transparent sheets. Tooth wear facets were examined under reflected light and marked on the tracings. The specimens were also DIET OF CHAEROPUS ECAUDATUS - 231 examined under a Hitachi $570 scanning electron microscope. Because of their rarity, the specimens were not sputter coated, but the teeth had sufficient conductance to produce images without too much flaring. Micrographs were taken of occlusal surfaces using Ilford XP1 400 film. Facet development and striation patterns were recorded on the occlusal maps. The tracings of upper and lower molar tooth rows were superimposed and manipulated to reproduce occlusion ensuring that facets and striae direction matched. EXAMINATION OF GUT CONTENTS Dissection A spirit-preserved specimen (MV C5858) was collected during the Spencer-Gillen Expedition (1901-1902) from Barrow Creek, Northern Territory and had since been stored in 70% ethanol. The abdominal cavity had been opened previously and the gut was, therefore, accessible without further damage to the specimen. Minimal cuts in the mesenteries were made to allow the digestive tract to be displayed. Both the anterior mesenteric and the posterior mesenteric circulatory systems were severed. Photographs of the displayed gut were taken using Kodachrome 25. Gut contents were removed from various regions of the digestive tract after short longitudinal cuts were made in the gut wall. Ligatures prevented the loss of digesta from unsampled areas and were left in place following the dissection. Samples were taken from the stomach, the proximal colon, proximal caecum, and distal caecum. Very little material was present in the stomach, and the contents of this organ were flushed out with a syringe. Samples were placed in separate vials in 70% alcohol. Fixation of Gut Contents The samples were rehydrated by repeatedly changing the ethanol solution, reducing the concentration of ethanol by 10% at each change. Samples were centrifuged between each step, allowing liquid to be drawn off with a pipette without losing any of the sample. The digesta remained in each solution for 5 minutes. After reaching a solution of 10% ethanol, the samples were rinsed twice in distilled water and centrifuged. Excess water was removed with a pipette. 2.5% gluteraldchyde in PIPE's buffer was added to each sample and left for 1 hour. Samples were then centrifuged and the gluteraldehyde/buffer solution removed with a pipette. After two changes of PIPE's buffer, 1% OsO, in PIPE's buffer was added to each sample. An hour later, the samples were rinsed twice with distilled water and centrifuged. Excess liquid was removed. Dehydration of the samples involved repeatedly changing the ethanol solution, increasing the concentration of ethanol by 10% at each change until a concentration of 90% alcohol was reached. After two changes of 95% ethanol, three changes of dry ethanol were made. Sectioning and Microscopy Spurr's resin was added to cach sample until the solution consisted of 10% resin and 90% ethanol. This was left for 1 hour. The concentration of resin was then increased dropwise to approximately 80%. The suspensions were stirred regularly during this process. Samples were centrifuged and the resin-ethanol solution removed. 100% resin was added to each sample. The samples were then left for 36 hours. Fresh resin replaced the first 100% change, and the samples were pipetted into plastic moulds and placed in an oven at 70°C for 24 hours. 232 - WRIGHT ET AL. _The hardened blocks were trimmed and sections for light microscopy were cut with glass knives on a Reichert OMu2 microtome. These were placed on glass sides and stained with toluidine blue at pH 9 (O'Brien & McCully 1981). Paraffin oil and a coverslip were added and the sections were viewed under a light microscope at X100 and X400. Photographs were taken of sections from each area of the gut using Kodak Ektachrome 160 for a tungsten light source. Sections for transmission electron microscopy (TEM) were cut with glass knives on a Reichert-3 microtome, stained with methanolic uranyl acetate followed by lead citrate (O'Brien & McCully 1981) and examined in a JEOL 200 CX transmission electron microscope. RESULTS MOLAR MORPHOLOGY AND OCCLUSION Morphology The occlusal surface of the upper molar is rectangular in shape (Fig. 1) and the teeth are separated by gaps or embrasures which extend to the buccal edges of the teeth. In no other peramelid does the embrasure between the upper molars extend this far. The major features of the upper molar are similar to those of other bandicoots, such as Jsoodon (Wright 1988), although certain structures have been emphasised while others have been reduced. The upper molar is 'tiered' and can be divided into three areas: the stylar shelf, the buccal tier and the lingual tier (Plate 1a). In Chaeropus the lingual tier is much reduced and is the smallest and oe a Stylar shelf St.B St.D y re e pr.pac po.mec t po.pac pr.mec Buccal tier pa me B A—+—P pr.prpr saptees L po.prcr pr. hy , pr hy Hnguat tier Figure 1. Occlusal view of an upper molar of Chaeropus. Abbreviations: A, anterior; B, buccal; hy, hypocone; L, lingual; me, metacone; P, posterior; pa, paracone, po.hyc, posthypocrista; po.mec, postmetacrista; po.pac, postparacrista; po.prcr, postprotocrista; pr.hyc, prehypocrista; pr.mec, premetacrista, pl.pac, preparacrista; pr, protocone; pr.prcr, preprotocrista; St.A, stylar cusp A; St.B, stylar cusp B; St.D, stylar cusp D; St.E, stylar cusp E. lowest of any peramelid, with a very small hypocone and protocone. Concomitantly, the buccal tier has expanded lingually compared to that of the other bandicoots. The cusps of the buccal tier (metacone and paracone), and the crests associated with these, are the major features of the tooth. The post-paracrista is well developed in Chaeropus, extending to stylar cusp B and emphasizing the groove between the post-paracrista and pre-metacrista. The crests of the DIET OF CHAEROPUS ECAUDATUS - 233 buccal tier are almost parallel and form two adjacent open triangles. The shearing edges show evidence of tooth-tooth contact; that is they have planar attrition facets (Pl. 1B). With wear, the crests become rounded and show evidence of tooth-food-tooth abrasion (Pl. 1C). Attrition facets are planar with even, generally parallel striations. Abrasion facets, caused by the tooth- food-tooth contact, are rounded with uneven multidirectional striae (Sanson 1980). The small protocone and hypocone are linked by the post-paracrista and the pre-hypocrista. These two crests and the pre-protocrista and post-hypocrista enclose the lingual tier and define the protocone and hypocone. The lingual sides of these cusps are polished, and the flat area of the lingual tier, between these, does not appear to occlude (PI. 1D). Like other peramelids, the occlusal surface of the lower molars of Chaeropus is composed of two adjacent open triangles, one in the talonid and another in the trigonid regions of the tooth (Fig. 2, Pl. 2A). The triangles are better defined in Chaeropus, and the pre-hypocristid is well developed, leading from the hypoconid to a point anterior to the base of the entoconid. The height difference between the tiers of the upper tooth effectively prevents the protocone and hypocone from occluding with the lingual cusps of the lower molars and allows effective contact of the pre-hypocristid against the post-paracrista. =— Trigonid —-~~—— Talonid ——~ hyd prd pacd po.hycd mecd —— pr.hycd a.c pad — hyld med end B A—1—P L Figure 2. Occlusal view of a lower molar of Chaeropus. Abbreviations: A, anterior; a.c., anterior cingulum; B, buccal; end, entoconid; hyd, hypoconid; hyld, hypoconulid; L, lingual; mecd, metacristid; med, metaconid; P, posterior; pacd, paracristid; pad, paraconid,; po.cyd, posthypocristid; prd, protoconid; prhycd, prehypocristid. With wear, the buccal cusps become lower than the lingual cusps and, of the buccal cusps, the hypoconid wears faster than the protoconid. The shearing crests (paracristid, metacristid, pre-hypocristid and post-hypocristid) show attrition striations, becoming rounded and showing evidence of tooth-food-tooth abrasion with wear (Pl. 2B). Only the buccal sides of the lingual cusps are worn. 234 - WRIGHT ET AL. Occlusion The occlusal cycle in Chaeropus emphasises fine shear, as in grey kangaroos, rather than the shear and grind seen in Perameles and Isoodon. The lingual tier, used as a grinding platform in other peramelids, is greatly reduced, and the shearing crests are emphasized in both height and length. Shear occurs when two edges pass each other, and material caught between them is loaded with two compression forces not in the same plane. Brittle materials fail due to forced crack propagation. Ductile materials break due to laminar flow of material away from the points where force is applied. Eventually, the material tears, or fails in tension, as half flows one way and half flows the other way. Crushing occurs between two surfaces brought together with no translational motion along the plane perpendicular to the axis of occlusion. Grinding is essentially crushing with an added translational component so that material is subjected to both compression and torsion. These definitions are modified after Rensberger (1973), Rosenberger & Kinzey (1976), Frazetta (1988) and Sanson (1989). Molar occlusion in Chaeropus consists of the lower molars moving antero-lingually across the uppers as the jaw closes (Fig. 3A,B). The apices of the lower open triangles, the protoconids and hypoconids, pass between the paracones and metacones. The protoconid passes between the paracone and metacone of adjacent upper teeth and along the embrasure bounded by the postmetacrista and preparacrista. The embrasure between the uppers allows this to occur. Similarly the hypoconid passes between the metacone and paracone of the opposing upper molar. Wear facets and altrition striations along the cristae and cristids indicates tooth-tooth contact, and it is interpreted that shearing occurs between these edges and their occluding counterparts. Abrasion striations on the flat areas of the buccal tier enclosed by these crests indicates tooth-food-tooth contact. Food caught in this arca would be stretched across the triangles, cut by the shearing edges as the teeth move through one another and deposited in the intervening valleys. Presumably, the paracone and metacone grind such material caught in the valleys of the lowers, and the protoconid and hypoconid would do the same in the upper valleys. EXAMINATION OF GUT CONTENTS Dissection The specimen, drained of alcohol, had a body mass of 300 gm and a body length of approximately 20 cm. The caecum was found to be a simple, unsacculated organ approximately 5 cm in length, and was relatively empty in this particular specimen. The colon was relatively long for such a small animal, about 210 cm. The tissucs were hardened by the preservative but appeared to have been considerably expanded in life (Pl. 3). Material from the colon contained pieces of fibrous plant material. Digesta from the caecum was made up of fine particles. All samples contained substantial quantities of grit. Light Microscopy Sections of digesta from the distal caecum contained very fine particles of plant material, the largest of which were only a few cells across. Most of the cells at the edges of these particles were lysed and empty. Most of the inner cells still contained cell contents. Some plant fragments contained fibre bundles. Groups of bacteria were apparent (Pl. 4A), and their presence confirmed by TEM. DIET OF CHAEROPUS ECAUDATUS - 235 B upper molars A—+— P ——— lower molars L Figure 3. Stages in the occlusal cycle of Chaeropus. A, the beginning of occlusion with the buccal cusps of the upper and lower molars aligned: _B, towards the end of the occlusal cycle with the lower molars having moved lingually and slightly anteriorly across the upper molars. Particles of plant material found in the proximal caecum were somewhat larger than those of the distal caecum. Often the cells remained attached to a midrib. Again, lysed cells appeared to have lost their cell contents, although this could have occurred during preparation. These empty cells were most often at the edges of the fragment, or surrounding a crack in the fragment. Large clumps of bacteria were again present (PI. 4B). Histologically, plant material in samples from the caecum appeared to be from a grass (T.P. O'Brien, pers. comm.). Particles in sections from the proximal colon were much larger than those in the caecum. Sections of grass nodes were visible in some preparations (PI. 4C), but the presence of small quantities of very dark brown-staining material, probably tannins, suggests that dicotyledonous plant material made up part of the diet, since grasses do not normally contain tannins, Very little digesta was found in the stomach. Fine particles of plant material were present, along with small rafts of bacteria (Pl. 4D). There was no evidence of the animal having ingested anything other than plant material and grit. Transmission Electron Microscopy (TEM) TEM confirmed the results given above. Bacteria were found to be present in sections prepared from the proximal caecum (PI, 5A), the distal caecum (PI. 5B), the proximal colon (Pl. 5C) and from the stomach (PI. 5D). Sections of plant material were found only in the 236 - WRIGHT ET AL. distal caecum, but the presence of plant fragments in light microscope sections from other parts of the gut indicates that this was merely a sampling error. DISCUSSION The molars of Chaeropus show a suite of dental characters which suggest that it is a specialist herbivore. The post-paracrista and the pre-metacrista are prominent in the upper molars, and they are of similar importance to the pre-paracrista and post-metacrista. This is not the case in any of the other peramelids, where the two central crests (post-paracrista and pre- metacrista) are lower than the pre-paracrista and post-metacrista. The other bandicoots are insectivorous or omnivorous taking fungus, seeds, root nodules and vascular plant material in their diet (Quin 1985, Harrison 1963, Opie 1980, Lobert 1985). None are recorded as taking grass. In Chaeropus the lower tooth has lost its talonid basin and is composed of two sets of crests, which form open triangles and oppose those of the upper molar in occlusion. The lingual tier is much reduced, the high shearing crests extending almost to the lingual edge of the tooth, so that the teeth are essentially one-tiered. Gaps between the upper molars allow the protoconid to fit between adjacent upper molars. If these gaps did not exist, the crests of the protoconid could not shear past those of the upper tooth, As the upper molars of Chaeropus are square in outline, separation of the upper teeth in particular allows the crests to pass cach other. How the gaps are maintained between the upper molars is unknown. It is possible that the presence of the protoconid in the embrasure resists the tendency of transseptal fibres to pull the teeth together. Such a system would theoretically keep the anterior and posterior crests of adjacent upper molars in close occlusion with the crests of the protoconid. The shear exhibited by the dentition of Chaeropus can be described as ‘fine shear’ (Sanson 1989). By contrast, ‘coarse shear' occurs in systems like the occlusion of the large sectorial premolars of potoroids and allows thick stems and midribs of plants to be cut, due to a high or deep shearing crest (Sanson 1989). The crests of Chaeropus, while high compared with those of the other bandicoots, are low compared with the thickness of twigs, stems and midribs of dicotyledonous browse and would be relatively inefficient at cutting these materials. The thickness of the material would prevent the curved edges contacting each other and generating shear. Thin, laminar leaves of grasses are effectively reduced by the fine shearing teeth of grazing kangaroos (Sanson 1989), which have crests on a similar scale to those of Chaeropus. It is interesting to note that Dasyurus, with molars of similar size to Chaeropus, and with an important shearing component in its occlusal cycle, is also able to shear grasses, reducing them to small particles (Wright 1988). Chaeropus, the peramelid which Bensley (1903) considered highly specialised with regard to the dentition, and furthest modified from the tribosphenic dentition, appears to have been able to shear grasses even more finely than Dasyurus (Wright 1988). Few studies are available which deal with the diet of Chaeropus. Gerard Krefft, during an expedition to the Murray-Darling plains, was informed by local Aborigines that these animals fed on coarse barley grass. He kept captive animals on lettuce, barley grass, bread and bulbous roots and noted that Chaeropus, unlike other peramelids, did not eat mice or meat which were presented. Krefft described the dung of wild Chaeropus to be entirely composed of grass, and he considered them herbivores (Krefft 1865). Dixon (1988) cites Sturt (1848) as reporting Chaeropus to be partial to flesh, and Gould (1863) noted that the diet consisted of insects and their larvae and some vegetation (in Dixon, 1988). Dixon (1988) examined two preserved specimens from the Museum of Victoria, concluding that the faecal pellets consisted almost entirely of grasses. This study, and that of Dixon (1988), supports the hypothesis that Chaeropus was primarily herbivorous, with grass perhaps being an important part of the diet. However, the specimens used in both of these DIET OF CHAEROPUS ECAUDATUS - 237 studies may have been held in captivity for some time before preservation. If this is the case, results based on gut content analyses will reflect the food items fed to the captive animals, rather than the natural diet. However, it is perhaps unlikely that an insectivore or omnivore would readily eat grass even if that was all that was offered. If Chaeropus was dealing with grasses, tooth wear and the capacity to extract enough nutrients from a nutritionally poor diet would have been major problems. The shearing crests of Chaeropus wear vertically, becoming lower. The height of the lingual part of the buccal tier of the upper molars and the lingual cusps of the lower molars wear first (Pls 6A,B). This is to be expected since these are the important shearing crests. Wear results in the crests becoming low and rounded, but they may be kept in tight occlusion by the tendency for the upper molars to drift together and the presence of the protoconid keeping them apart (Fig 4). It is noteworthy that the hypoconid, which occludes onto the surface of the upper molar, wears more than the protoconid, which occludes in the embrasure between successive upper molars. The problem of such a small animal gaining enough nutrients from a diet of plant material may have been avoided or iessened by processes such as selective grazing, fermentation and coprophagy, which appear possible from aspects of this study. Light and transmission electron microscopy provided reasonable evidence for a large population of hindgut flora, suggesting that Chaeropus fermented plant material in the caecum and the large colon. Parallels with other small hindgut fermenters with separation of contents in the colon (Bjornhag 1972), some of which are caecotrophic, are interesting. Lee & Cockburn (1985) considered herbivory in marsupials to be confined to animals which have an adult body weight above 600 g. This is due to the necessity for the digesta to spend a certain time in the gut to permit bacterial fermentation of the cell wall components. Chaeropus has a body weight of approximately 300 g. Small herbivores tend to be highly selective, feeding on relatively easily digested food items rich in energy and protein. Chaeropus may have been a selective grazer, taking only the nutritious parts of plants and avoiding fibrous regions of the leaf and the stem, low in readily digestible matter, The presence of grass nodes in some of the sections supports this argument, as the nodes of grass plants are high in concentrations of amino acids and proteins (T.P. O'Brien, pers. comm.). Demment (1980) also noted that small herbivores often select high quality foods, stating that they often chew food more completely than larger herbivores, to increase its digestibility, since there is a shorter gut retention time. He also suggested coprophagy as a mechanism whereby small herbivores can extend the period that the food spends in the digestive tract. The presence of bacterial rafts in the stomach of Chaeropus suggests that these animals may have been coprophagous, reingesting faecal or faccal pellets which contain nutrients provided by the hindgut flora. This is similar to the situation observed in ringtail possums (O'Brien et al. 1986). Fine shear is emphasised in the dentition of Chaeropus at the expense of other functions, and it appears that this bandicoot was able to reduce grasses to fine particles. Shearing in Chaeropus is extremely fine, and it is unlikely that such fine shear has developed for the communition of insects, which can be effectively reduced by relatively coarse-shearing crests such as those of Dasyurus (Wright 1988) and Dasyuroides (Moore, 1986). Grasses are rich in silica and cause excessive wear in mammalian teeth. Mature plants and older leaves have a higher silica content than do younger plants and leaves (Lewin & Reimann 1969). An animal as small as Chaeropus has an advantage over large herbivores in terms of the scale of the substrate to its absolute energy requirements. It has been suggested that some small herbivores are able to survive in this way (Norbury e¢ al. 1989). For example, the small Hare Wallaby Lagorchestes hirsutus has been shown to select the very tips of grasses (Bolton & Latz 1978). Chaeropus is described here as a specialist herbivore, probably taking a mixture of herbs and grasses. Selective herbivory, fermentation and coprophagy are suggested traits which may have enabled this small animal to meet and sustain its metabolic requirements. Behavioural and 238 - WRIGHT ET AL. A Figure 4. Wear facets on the shearing crests of Chaeropus molars. A, occlusion of the crests of the upper and lower molars along wear facets (shaded); B, edges of the two opposing shearing crests along the line "b" in (A). Dotted lines indicate successive states of wear, changing from planar facets with relatively sharp edges to facets with rounded edges. nutritional studies to test these proposals are prevented because of the recent extinction of this animal, although investigation into the digestive strategies of the extant omnivorous bandicoots may provide some insight as to how Chaeropus maintained itself on a diet of relatively lower nutritional quality plant material. SUMMARY AND CONCLUSIONS A study of the occlusal morphology and wear of the molars of the extinct bandicoot Chaeropus ecaudatus, suggests that this animal may have been a herbivore, and more precisely, a grazer. Examination of a spirit-preserved specimen and light and transmission electron microscopy of the gut contents supported this hypothesis. Fine shear was emphasised in the occlusal cycle of Chaeropus, reducing all other functions. The high crests provided enough shearing amplitude so that Chaeropus was able to reduce plant material, including grasses, to fine particles. The shearing molars probably released cell DIET OF CHAEROPUS ECAUDATUS - 239 contents for digestion in the small intestine and prepared plant material for fermentation in the hindgut. If so, Chaeropus was unique among the Perameloidea, with the capacity for fermentation of plant material in the hindgut. Coprophagy is suggested as a mechanism whereby Chaeropus may have prolonged the period that plant material spent in the digestive tract, enabling more efficient digestion. Recently Burbidge e¢ al. (1988) have reported dietary information about various extinct or rare mammals, obtained from interviewing Aborigines from the central deserts and surrounding areas. They did not present data unless it was corroborated by two or more groups of people. They state that the reported food of Chaeropus was “termites and ants, including honey-pot ants" (p. 20). We are unable to assess the information in that report, and can only indicate that it is not supported by this study. This study emphasises the value of preserved specimens in the determination of possible dicts of extinct species, but it also shows that observation of molar wear patterns can lead to useful speculations about diets of such animals. ACKNOWLEDGEMENTS We wish to acknowledge the support and generosity of Ms Joan Dixon, Curator of Mammals, Museum of Victoria. We also would like to thank Dr T.P. O'Brien, Dr W.J. Foley and Ms S. Moore, for their advice, comments and discussion. The work was supported by a grant from the Museum of Victoria. REFERENCES BENSLEY, B.A., 1903. On the evolution of the Australian Marsupialia; with remarks on the relationships of the marsupials in general. Trans. Linn. Soc. Lond. (2nd series) 9: 13-217. BJORNHAG, G., 1972. 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PLATES Plate 1. Scanning electron micrographs of the upper molars of Chaeropus. A, Upper tooth row looking posteriorly from M2 to M4; BB, postmetacrista of M? on a relatively unwom specimen; note the planar facet with attrition striae; C, preparacrista of M? on a relatively worn specimen; note the rounded abrasion facet. D, occlusal view of the narrow lingual tier between the paracone and metacone. Abbreviations as for Fig.1. Plate 2. A, scanning electron micrograph of the lower molars Mz and M3 of Chaeropus; B, metacristid of the worn lower molar of Chaeropus; note the rounded nature of the crest and the well developed attrition striae. A = anterior. Plate 3. Gut of Chaeropus ecaudatus (MV C5858) indicating caecum and expanded colon and showing sites from which samples of gut contents were taken: 1, distal caecum; 2, proximal caecum, 3, proximal colon; 4, stomach. Plate 4. Light micrographs of sections prepared from the gut contents of Chaeropus ecaudatus (C5858) (X480). A, plant material and bacteria prepared from the contents of the distal caecum; B, plant material prepared from the contents of the proximal caecum; C, section of a grass node from the contents of the proximal colon; D, plant material and bacteria from the contents of the stomach. DIET OF CHAEROPUS ECAUDATUS - 241 Plate 5. Transmission electron micrographs of sections prepared from the gut contents of Chaeropus ecaudatus (C5858). A, bacteria and digesta from the contents of the proximal caecum (X14,000); B, bacteria and digesta from the contents of the distal caecum (X27,000); C, bacteria and digesta from the contents of the proximal colon (X20,000); D, bacteria surrounded by digesta from the contents of the stomach (X27,000). Plate 6. Scanning electron micrographs of wom molars of Chaeropus ecaudatus. A, lingual view of M2 showing reduced height of the tooth on the lingual edge; note the embrasure between adjacent molars; B, posterior view of the left upper tooth row showing the reduced height of the lingual part of the buccal tier. PLATE 1 242 - WRIGHT ET AL. PLATE 2 PLATE 3 PLATE 4 DIET OF CHAEROPUS ECAUDATUS - 243 244 - WRIGHT ET AL. PLATE § PLATE 6 DIET OF CHAEROPUS ECAUDATUS - 245 A 1.2mm 1.2mm 246 - WRIGHT ET AL, Ektopodon was an enigmatic animal. In this restoration it is shown about to catch an insect, but its diet is far from understood (see Pledge, this volume). The genus is known to range from the Miocene of central Australia into the Early Pleistocene of coastal Victoria. (From Rich & van Tets 1985, with permission of The Museum of Victoria). CHAPTER 9 RECONSTRUCTING THE NATURAL HISTORY OF EXTINCT ANIMALS: EKTOPODON AS A CASE HISTORY Neville Pledge! IntrOdUCHION....eFetsseidie eos seosee Fags tee Poo See See oie tie 248 Reconstruction and Restoration...............:eeeeeee 248 Methods and Examples............ccccccsseeceeeeees 248 Case Study - Ektopodon..........cccccce ce eeeee eee ences 251 History of Discovery ........... cc ece cece eee ee teen ees 251 Diversity and Range of Ektopodontidae ........ 253 Morphology ....... cece cece eseeeeeceeeeeeseeseeseeenes 254 Relationships ...........eceeceseecee ee neeceneeseeeeees 256 Interpretation Of EkLOPOdON..........ccceeeeeeee eens 256 Habitat... oss bs nde stead bea hiee ese de bs See 256 DDT Co aes Ri Ret okes oateeine da Deady nesdaceet egg e'es obede 256 Teat-Batings esol sichweceiiss elbseenleee ee’ 257 Insect-Eating..... eee ceeeeseeeeceeeeeeeeee ees 257 Aquatic-Invertebrate Eating...............242+ 258 Sed Bane in. ce sentedee. Saindveeecasdeenacedd eee 258 Modern Counterparts ...........ceeeeceeeeeeeeeee eee 259 SUMMMALY. feo 5 book ceteet AAR tebe eeins cence sind sae'e' 259 IRELETENCES 27s. heer PE eee ieos eh e dor eouetss 259 Plates Meee oe tl AAs Mi. came dhdestweasl tse cdeet 261 1 Department of Palaeontology, South Australian Museum, North Terrace, Adelaide, South Australia 5000, Australia. 248 - PLEDGE INTRODUCTION Many people regard the restoration of extinct animals as the acme or culmination of a palaeontologist's work, in that it summarizes graphically the total knowledge of the animal's body form, habits, habitat, diet and even social life. Frequently, today, we see artists' renditions of dinosaurs, and other prehistoric animals, often fanciful or exaggerated to fill some market requirement (in the case of children’s toys and models). Yet, for the most accurate reconstructions, complete skeletons (or at least representatives of essential bones) are needed, and, for most tetrapod species, this kind of material is rarely available. Most vertebrate fossil species are represented by incomplete skeletons, or even by only isolated teeth. For well over a century, it has commonly, but mistakenly, been believed that palaeontologists can reconstruct an animal from as little as a single bone or tooth. This myth arose from the undeniable skill of Baron Georges Cuvier (Simpson 1953), who demonstrated that it was possible to identify a species from such scanty material. However, it is not possible to reconstruct extinct forms accurately until most of the skeleton is known. How, therefore, can palaeontologists make such statements as they do, about these extinct species? The answer lies in detailed morphological comparisons of the fossils with perceived related species (living, if possible) or ecological analogues. RECONSTRUCTION AND RESTORATION Strictly speaking, the term "reconstruction" should be reserved for the process of reassembling the skeleton of a fossil animal, while "restoration" is the more subjective matter of depicting the soft tissue - muscles, tendons, skin and pelage - and its habits and habitat, based on interpretation of skeletal anatomy, sedimentology, other fossils and, indeed, palaeogeography (Harris 1987). METHODS AND EXAMPLES In the best of circumstances, with a complete skeleton to work with, the bones are first reassembled in their correct anatomical positions. The palaeontologist, or his anatomist/artist, then depicts this graphically and after carefully studying the muscle attachment areas (scars) on the bones, draws in the muscles in the relative bulk indicated by those scars (e.g. Murray 1984). Allowance is made for fat and other soft tissue based on experience with modern animals, and the "skin" is added graphically. This gives an idea of the "bald" animal. For mammals, fur/hair is added at the artist's discretion. Climatic indicators from the geological setting may dictate how much hair is needed, and sometimes also the size of the ears - organs that otherwise are purely speculative. When only a small portion of the skeleton is preserved, the problem is much more difficult and the result much more speculative, involving, as it does, so many assumptions. The main assumption made is that the unknown species must be similar, in greater or lesser degree, to its closest known relatives. For mammals, such relationships are best exemplified by their teeth, which besides indicating dietary preferences, bear many subtle characters that can link or distinguish species. Palaeontologists are helped by the fact that the teeth in a mammal's jaws are differentiated into serving various functions: nipping incisors, stabbing canines, and cheek teeth (premolars and molars), which may be adapted for cutting, as in carnivores, or grinding as in horses and cattle. Carnivores do not need to grind up their meat, as flesh is readily digested, but plant material can vary considerably and may need extensive preparation before digestion is efficient. NATURAL HISTORY OF EXTINCT ANIMALS - 249 Insectivores generally have teeth similar to carnivores in morphology and function, as they need to penetrate the tough chitinous skeleton of the insects. Their molars, however, may be modified somewhat for crushing their prey to extract the nutrient, and may also be adapted to specific types of prey (Sanson 1985). ® Riversleigh | | | QUEENSLAND | | L SOUTH AUSTRALIA| L. Eyre f° L. Ngapakaldi ¢ L. Palankarinna_ L. Biome @ u Tarkarooloo L. Pinpa t ADELAINE | VICTORIA -~ HAMILTON \_ Figure 1. Locality map, showing distribution of ektopodontid fossil finds. Animals with omnivorous tastes, i.e. those able to eat a wide variety of foods - such as bears, pigs, humans and brushtail possums - generally have bunodont molar teeth, with low crowns and relatively simple cusps. Those that are primarily herbivorous have molars with more complex structures of ridges, which act against each other like shears to cut or rasps to grind the vegetation into small particles thus efficiently breaking down the cell walls. The teeth of browsers, living on leaves and other soft vegetation, remain relatively low crowned and simple, but those of grazers such as horses and grey kangaroos, living primarily on grass, which contains microscopic particles of organic silica (phytoliths) and surface dust, have high- crowned teeth, often growing continuously throughout life (e.g. horses, rabbits, wombats). It is noted that amongst Australian marsupials at least, obligate arboreal leaf eaters, such as koalas and ringtail possums, have selenodont molars, in which the cusps have developed into 250 - PLEDGE longitudinally oriented crescentic crests (selenes) instead of the transverse lophs of kangaroos and diprotodontids. In addition, most specialized herbivorous mammals (such as horses, cattle, rabbits, koalas, kangaroos and diprotodontoids) also possess a gap or diastema between the canines and the cheek teeth (premolars or molars). This is generally believed to allow the tongue to manipulate the wad of partially chewed vegetable matter efficiently without being bitten. The diastema is even more pronounced in taxa that have lost (by reduction) their canines. It is often difficult to determine with any confidence what the dictary preferences of an extinct herbivore are. Sanson (1978, 1980, 1982) has shown how interpretations of some fossil kangaroos may have been wrong. Most of the large living kangaroos are primarily grazers, preferring grass to leaves, but amongst the large extinct species only Procoptodon seems to have been primarily a grazer, the others (Sthenurus, Simosthenurus, Protemnodon, Prionotemnus and Troposodon) having relatively low-crowned, simple-crested molars appear to be adapted to lower-fibre vegetation. Conclusions about diet based on zoo observations of captive animals can be erroneous, as preferences may be for artificial or not-naturally available foods (e.g. Clemens & Kielan-Jaworowska 1979). For totally extinct groups, such as the multituberculates with which Ektopodon was once compared, we must rely heavily on analogy. Indeed, the ecological nature of multituberculates has long been controversial, with agreement only on one genus, Taeniolabis, which is considered for various dental reasons to have been a rodent-like herbivore (Clemens & Kielan- 28 Tx A Jecly (POR Late, Loo tee afeenuereres, buck Safer Cc ee ers hh het ptraor diary Look , ae Gnd g hearths wl Loertatoal Lary rsa a oe Let ey, are Ap fe ches K& tooltle rs Ha ee bhi Liher.cutlale, » It x4 sowtigtedy tag ln ance pore, o~x Lowaakl oth, ‘ RNS f AA og 7 cis+, ew face fo awe Sea uae cil ieray aggetline da. a ge ey eo Yoak., Ae me, Cofasl ) ead tedster Plt, Hantle Paes Aviad beere aco eae Ba Figure 2A, B. Extracts from R.A. Stirton's field note book, 28 July 1962 and 3 August 1962. (With permission, University of California). NATURAL HISTORY OF EXTINCT ANIMALS - 251 Jaworowska 1979). The others, with their sectorial premolars, are now believed to have been generally herbivorous, or omnivorous, based in part on comparisons with the living rat kangaroo, Bettongia. With Ektopodon, we are near the opposite end of the spectrum, so far as restoration goes, as the species are known from such limited material, the family has no living representatives, and only distant relatives are perceived. CASE STUDY - EKTOPODON HISTORY OF DISCOVERY The existence of the mammal family Ektopodontidae was first realised in 1962 when five very odd teeth were recovered from a fossiliferous conglomerate in the Miocene Wipajiri B Sa A cag est /7?6R acolher Panonotreme Zoot h, Like Me occ we MALL called a LZoerte aod aw OA * 5259, a2otbt Ad cen + Z Lew, Fat As eo ae Meters ~0Ce4 ane incotnest, LA 2et OE Sitesamiud FSR ILI ees. ese eie Formation, a fossil stream deposit exposed at the Leaf Locality, Lake Ngapakaldi, east of Lake Eyre, South Australia (Fig. 1). 252 - PLEDGE Initial interpretation by the late Professor R.A. Stirton, whose party had found the specimens, was that the teeth possibly represented a monotreme or even the long extinct Multituberculata (R.A. Stirton, Field notes, 28 July 1962; Fig. 2A), whose molar teeth are characterised by rows of numerous similar tubercular cusps (Fig. 3). However, as more specimens were found, it was realised that, whereas in multituberculates those rows lie longitudinally on the tooth crowns, the wear facets and roots of the newly discovered teeth indicated that the rows of cusps had a transverse orientation (ibid., 3 August 1962; Fig. 2B). Figure 3. Lower teeth of the multituberculate Meniscoessus robustus, showing longitudinal rows of cusps on the molars, in occlusal view. (From Clemens 1963). Consequently, it was several years before the teeth were described and named (Stirton, Tedford & Woodburne 1967) - Ektopodon means odd tooth - during which time they had been compared with many groups. Finally, with some doubt, they were allied with the monotremes, primarily because the platypus (Ornithorhynchus anatinus) in its juvenile stages has some unusual teeth with rows of tubercles. Several workers, however, were still dissatisfied with this interpretation, belicving that the tecth must represent some unusual type of marsupial. Discoveries in Oligo-Miocene sediments of the Namba Formation of Lake Pinpa in 1971 and of the Etadunna Formation at the Tedford Locality, Lake Palankarinna in 1972, strengthened this belief. A handful of teeth of a new genus (Chunia) similar to, but less advanced than Ektopodon, were found (Woodburne & Tedford 1975, Woodburne & Clemens 1986a). They showed features akin to those of the phalangeroids, particularly Phalanger, the cuscus (Archer 1976, Woodburne & Clemens 1986a). In 1976, proof of its marsupial nature came when I discovered a fragmented jaw of Ektopodon at yet another locality (Mammalon Hill) at Lake Palankarinna in younger beds of the Oligo-Miocene Etadunna Formation. This jaw contained the last premolar and first three of four molars, in a typically diprotodontan marsupial dentition, and further demonstrated just how odd the teeth were. Within weeks another discovery of this new species was made in slightly older beds (upper Namba Formation), 330 km away at Lake Tarkarooloo near Lake Frome (Pledge 1982, 1985, 1986). Eventually nearly 40 isolated or fragmentary teeth were found, together with three toothless mandibles, and a possible incisor - the largest sample of the taxon yet obtained. Continued work at Lake Palankarinna has yielded a maxilla with a partial molar, a first upper molar and a mandible fragment with a molar, of Chunia (Woodburne & Clemens 1986a), and several more teeth and another jaw of Ektopodon (Fig. 4, Pl. 1). The geographic and temporal ranges of the family have been greatly extended, first, by the discovery of several associated molars of a second new genus (Darcius, Rich 1986) near Hamilton, Victoria. These specimens were found by T.H. Rich and Party in a palaeosol developed on the Grange Burn Formation that was overlain by a basalt flow dated at 4.46 myBP. Secondly, in 1986, a fragment of molar was found in the rich mid Miocene deposits at NATURAL HISTORY OF EXTINCT ANIMALS - 253 Figure 4. A, dentary of Ektopodon stirtoni, SAM P19509, from Mammalon Hill, Lake Palankarinna Fossil Reserve, South Australia, showing twisted occlusal plane; B, E. sp. cf. E. stirtoni, P19963, first and second upper molars, showing imbricated bifurcating plate-like cusps arranged in transverse lophs, and referred premolar (NMV P48768). Riversleigh, northwest Queensland. (Archer, pers. comm.). The youngest ektopodontid appears to be an undescribed molar from the Early Pleistocene of Portland, Victoria (T. Rich & M. Whitelaw, pers. comm.). DIVERSITY AND RANGE OF EKTOPODONTIDAE The diversity and stratigraphic range of the Family Ektopodontidae can be seen in Table 1. Fossils of the ektopodontid species are relatively rare and almost entirely restricted to isolated teeth. There is a maxilla (upper jaw) fragment of Chunia illuminata, with half of a molar preserved, and a fragment of dentary, also with one molar. Ektopodon sp. cf. E. stirtoni is represented by several toothless dentaries, while Ektopodon stirtoni itself is known from two dentaries, preserving between them the full lower cheek dentition, and there are numerous loose 254 - PLEDGE teeth of these species. Ektopodon serratus is known only from isolated teeth and a toothless jaw, and Chunia omega from a single tooth. Darcius duggani is also known from isolated teeth, but some are known to be associated as they were found in correct anatomical position with only a fragment of the rotted jaw bone remaining. NN eee eee Table 1 Stratigraphic Range of Ektopodontidae RIVERSLEIGH LAKEEYREBASIN TARKAROOLOO BASIN HAMILTON - 1100 KM - - 330 KM - - 700 KM - Pliocene Darcius duggani (>4.46 myBP) Middle Ektopodon Ektopodon Miocene _ sp. indet. serratus and Ektopodon n.sp. Ektopodon stirtoni Early Ektopodon sp. cf. Miocene to E. stirtoni Late Oligocene and Chunia omega Chunia illuminata Chunia sp. cf. C. illuminata es SSS:2795°0—00O“aO09aoaaoooa_—a—= MORPHOLOGY To judge by the jaws found at Mammalon Hill and elsewhere, Ektopodon was a marsupial the size of acat (Felis catus). The molar teeth of the Ektopodontidae all have a basic bilophodont pattern (i.e. have two transverse ridges or loph(id)s), with the loph(id)s composed of numerous similar overlapping cusps. Another characteristic of the family is that the first upper molar (M2) also has an additional short anterior loph with a few cusps. Blade-like crests extend radially (in Chunia) or longitudinally (Ektopodon and Darcius) from the cusps, and may bifurcate. In posterior molars these crests become lower and reticulate. Species differ in the number and complexity of the cusps. The number varies from 5 or 6 in Chunia to 8 in Ektopodon stirtoni, 8 or 9 in Ektopodon serratus and even more in an undescribed species of Ektopodon, while there is a concomitant simplification of crests. The youngest described species, Darcius duggani, is anomalous in having only 3 or 4 cusps on the lophids, but relatively simple crests, indicating a different line of descent. The genus Ektopodon is notable in that its anterior lower molars are very wide - the width equal to or greater than their length - and almost as wide as the occluding uppers: they actually overhang the inner face of the dentary! This is unlike most other marsupials. There is a NATURAL HISTORY OF EXTINCT ANIMALS - 255 marked molar size gradient (also present in upper molars of Chunia), and the overall occlusal surface of the cheek teeth in the dentary shows a distinct helicoidal twist (Fig. 4a). The upper and lower molars of Ektopodon species are remarkably similar, but may be distinguished by the lophids of lower molars being slightly oblique to the midline of the tooth row, the upper teeth having three or four roots, and the lowers two roots. The teeth are relatively short and broad, upper teeth being broader than long, and even the lower molars of E. serratus are wider than long. In both upper and lower molars, size decreases markedly from M2 to MS, the loph(id)s becoming lower and obtuse posteriorly, so that MS has a very low protoloph(id), and the other loph is almost non-existent. The loph(id)s each have six to eight cusps. The largest cusps are lingual on the lophs and labial on the lophids, and grade to the smallest and most appressed at the opposite ends. From the apex of each cusp there is at least one anterior and one posterior longitudinal crest (pre- and postcrista), which sometimes divide basally. Adjacent cristae may be joined by fine transverse ribs or struts, and this tendency is increased away from the main cusps, and also in more posterior teeth, where it culminates in MS having an irregular network of anastomosing cristae and struts. The first upper molar, M2, is exceptional in having a pentagonal outline with a short additional loph, anterior to the main ones and supported by its own root (Fig. 4B). This loph has three cusps, and with the contiguous upper premolar (P3), may form a "carnassial" blade to occlude with the short, bladed lower premolar. However, in the Mammalon Hill jaw, the P3 is tilted forward out of the plane of molar occlusion, so it is difficult to imagine how it would have functioned as a cutting tooth. The referred lower incisor is phalangeroid in basic form, rather short and laterally compressed, and of the right order of size and cross-section to fit the alveolus of the jaw. The dentary itself is solidly built, thickest and deepest under the first two molars, and short. There is a very short diastema of only a few millimetres, and the alveolus of the large lower incisor suggests it curved up fairly sharply. There was also, apparently, a tiny I2 or canine immediately adjacent to the incisor. The premolar (P3) in front of M2 is relatively small but solidly built. The mandibles do not appear to have been firmly ankylosed, but probably were not as flexibly joined as those of Macropus. Nothing is known of the palate of Ektopodon, but we may assume, because of the dental similarity, that it was like that of Chunia illuminata. Assuming the cheek-tooth rows are parallel, we may mirror-image the known maxilla of Chunia to make a composite palate (PI. 1A). This is very wide and short. The premolars align with the oblique outer face of M2 to produce an extended cutting edge, and it can be seen that the face is very broad and blunt subtending an angle of 120°, with only a tiny muzzle protruding from it. We have no idea of the size of the premaxillae, and hence of the nasal region, Presumably the upper incisors were small. The maxilla preserves the root of the zygomatic arch (cheek bone) and, therefore, the lower part of the orbital cavity (eye socket). This is quite large, and because of the wide facial angle, is directed forward in such a manner as to give almost, if not entirely, full binocular, stereoscopic vision. Because the dentaries of Ektopodon appear to complement the dental arrangement of the maxilla of Chunia, we can reasonably assume that Ektopodon also was very short-faced, blunt-snouted and large-orbited (Pl. 1B). Many teeth show occlusal wear facets. On the molars, these are situated symmetrically on each face of the loph(id)s, but generally do not affect the apical crest which tends to be rounded, and do not extend to the bottom of the transverse valley. Relatively coarse, irregular, more or less vertical gouges may be seen on these facets, more commonly towards the apex, while very fine, close, parallel, transverse striae show best on the lower parts. Sanson (1980) has summarized recent work on mastication and occlusal wear. The coarser gouges would seem to 256 - PLEDGE be produced by the initial "puncture-crushing" phase, while the fine striae are the result of tooth-tooth contact during chewing. RELATIONSHIPS The discovery of a dentary of Ektopodon stirtoni (Pledge 1986) proved the marsupial nature of the Ektopodontidae. The dental formula of one incisor, a premolar and four molars is characteristically diprotodontan. The family was assigned to the Phalangeroidea on the basis of remnants of the cristid obliqua and stylid cusps in lower molars of Chunia illuminata (Woodburme & Clemens 1986a, Woodbume 1987), these features being seen in some Phalanger species (Archer 1987). Within the family, the cristid obliqua is most strongly developed in Chunia sp. cf. C. illuminata, which is considered to be the oldest species. This feature is not seen in Ektopodon spp. or Darcius duggani (Woodbure 1987). The cristid obliqua and stylid cusps are, therefore, seen to be primitive character states - the latter occurring in Chunia species and Darcius, and as very reduced structures in M2 and M3 of E. stirtoni. Consequently, the number and complexity of loph(id) cusps can be seen to be definitive character states, with fewer and more complex cusps in Chunia species, evolving in two directions to give Ektopodon species with more and simpler cusps, and Darcius duggani with fewer cusps of less complexity than those of Chunia. There is also a general, though not consistent, size increase apparent, and in Ektopodon species a widening of lower molars. Thus, Ektopodontidae are considered to be a sister group to the Phalangeridae, and derived from a phalangerid-like ancestor. Two branches developed, one leading to Chunia species and the other to Ektopodon species. These relationships are summarized by Woodburne & Clemens (1986b). They conclude that Darcius probably arose near the base of the Ektopodon line, but I believe it is more closely related to Chunia, since it seems to show a simplification of Chunia characters and a conservatism of lower molar proportions not seen in Ektopodon species. INTERPRETATION OF EKTOPODON HABITAT Stereoscopic vision is a characteristic feature of most arboreal mammals, since the ability to judge distances accurately is essential for moving about in trees. It is also a feature of many hunting mammals. Primates (including Man) and cats are the best examples of vertebrates with stereoscopic vision, although this feature may also be seen to a lesser extent in the Australian possums (and perhaps best developed in the ektopodontids). The stereoscopic arrangement of the eyes of the ektopodontids, therefore, argues strongly for such a habitat or an ancestry with such habits. Arboreal animals tend to have considerable manual dexterity. The large size of the orbits suggests a nocturnal habit. DIET The unusual teeth of Ektopodon beg the question: What did it eat? A number of suggestions for the diet of Ektopodon are posed below, together with reasons for and against them, but no definite conclusions can be drawn. These possibilities are restricted by the morphology and wear surfaces of the teeth and also by features of the maxilla. NATURAL HISTORY OF EXTINCT ANIMALS - 257 Leaf-Eating (also flowers and fruit). Archer (1981) suggested an arboreal, browsing niche for Ektopodon, based on its phalangeroid relationships, and this is supported by the molar tooth morphology. Amongst marsupials, obligate arboreal folivores, such as koalas and pseudocheirids, have selenodont molars so that a shearing mode in food preparation is maximized (see Kay & Hylander 1978). The ektopodont dentition could be interpreted as an extreme form of this condition, with multiple en chevron selenes formed by the slightly curved pre- and postcristae. The closest living relatives of Ektopodon are considered to be phalangerids (Woodburne & Clemens 1986), particularly species of Phalanger s.l., the Cuscus. Some cuscuses have crenulations in the molar tooth enamel that seem to parallel the much stronger development of cristae in the ektopodontid molars (Archer 1976) (Pl. 2). Phalanger spp. subsist on a diet mainly of leaves and fruit, which are crushed between their bunolophodont molars. They are also opportunistic carnivores. The rasp-like surface of the molars of Ektopodon, moving transversely as indicated by wear striae, could presumably deal with much coarser leaves. Cuscuses also have relatively blunt faces with large eyes, and are crepuscular or nocturnal in habits. It should be noted here that there is more than a slight resemblance between the molars of ektopodontids and the Giant Panda Ailuropoda, particularly M! and M2 of the latter (see Gregory 1936) where two transverse rows of cusps are developed (PI. 3). The Giant Panda feeds bamboo stalks into the side of the mouth and thoroughly masticates them a section at a time (Chorn & Hoffmann 1978). Insect-Eating Insectivores, such as the small dasyurids, typically have teeth with sharply pointed cusps for gripping and piercing their prey, and a rather sectorial occlusion for cutting the tough cuticle. Differences in dentitions may reflect dietary selection (Sanson 1985). Although generally herbivorous and having teeth unspecialized for the food, many possums relish any insects that come their way (Strahan 1983). Ektopodon could have done likewise, its heavy teeth crushing the cuticle efficiently to extract the nutrients. Most insectivores have long, sharply-pointed snouts with which they can probe nooks and crannies for their prey. Ektopodon obviously could not do this, although it may have been able to compensate by using its claws (which are still unknown), in the same way that the specialised primate Daubentonia (the Aye-Aye, Pl. 4; Owen 1863) and the Striped Possum, Dactylopsila trivirgata, do (Hildebrand 1974: 636-7; Strahan 1983: 144-5). However, this modification may not have been necessary for Ektopodon, as there was probably an abundant and easily caught prey available in the forests that covered the interior of Australia during the Miocene. A large proportion of animal biomass in modern tropical and subtropical forests consists of insects (Norris 1970: 110), much of it in larval form, i.e. caterpillars and grubs, that might be more active at night when bird predators were absent. This situation probably characterised the treetops of the Oligo-Miocene forests where Ektopodon lived. Caterpillars are a slow prey, often abundant, and easily eaten. Ektopodon's tasping molars would despatch them efficiently. A variant of this hypothesis is that Ektopodon foraged on the forest floor for grubs and insects. Its teeth, as indicated above, could handle such a dict, but the foreshortened face would seem to argue against the idea. It would seem also to be a “waste” of stereoscopic vision, unless this were a left-over feature from some ancestral form. Insectivory is considered here because of the unusual, almost unparalleled structure of the teeth of ektopodontids. However, apart from the morphological differences, the large body size 258 - PLEDGE argues against a purely (or largely) insectivorous diet. The largest modern insectivorous phalangeroid (Cercartetus caudatus) is much smaller than Ektopodon would have been. Arborcal insectivores are limited in size by the abundance of food (Kay & Hylander 1978). Aquatic Invertebrate-Eating A variation on the preceding hypothesis is supported by the stereoscopic vision that is essential in hunting, and by the crushing/grinding molars. We may compare Ektopodon with Enhydra, the sea otter (PI. 5; Estes 1980), and Ornithorhynchus, the platypus (Woodburne & Tedford 1975), which have broad crushing teeth. The large orbits (and hence large eyes) of ektopodontids may seem at variance with this habitat, since beavers and platypus have small eyes, but seals and otters do have rather large eyes. Otters also have rather blunt faces and stereoscopic vision. No known aquatic marsupials exist in Australia, the role being filled by the platypus and the lately-arrived water rat, /7ydromys. During Oligo-Miocene times, however, there was an abundance of permanent streams and lakes in the interior of Australia, inhabited by the primitive platypus Obdurodon insignis (Woodburne & Tedford 1975, Archer, Plane & Pledge 1978), crocodiles, turtles and fish. While fish remains are abundant in the Miocene sediments, aquatic invertebrates are also recorded (Stirton, Tedford & Miller 1961), and must have been plentiful to support the rich aquatic bird faunas known to have existed there. There is no reason why a marsupial should not have exploited this niche also, as does the otter-like water opossum or Yapok, Chironectes minimus, in central and South America (Walker 1964:25). However, it is probably only a coincidence that most ektopodontid remains have come from stream channcl or lake deposits. Seed-Eating Until the arrival in Australia of rodents, in Pliocene times (Archer & Bartholomai 1978), the "gnawing" mammal niche seems to have been vacant. Yet it is likely that some mammal group was engaged in seedeating, and Sanson (1985) notes that Burramys parvus cats seeds of Hovea sp., using its plagiaulacoid premolars to break them open. Burramys wakefieldi (Pledge 1987) is known from the same beds as Ektopodon at Mammalon Hill. Elsewhere I have suggested (Pledge 1986) that Ektopodon occupied the carpophagous niche, although the early radiations of seedeating parrots may have precluded major exploitation of this food source (Rich 1975, Archer 1981: 1480). Rodents typically have rootless incisors for grinding through the tough pericarp of seeds, while the molars in most groups are rooted and have a complicated rasping pattern of enamel (Romer 1966). In Ektopodon, the unknown upper incisors probably were small and relatively weak and unfit for the task of breaking away hard seed coats. The referred lower incisor also seems inappropriate for this, although its rather short spatulate or spoon-shape may have been good for nipping seed pods or scraping grains from seed heads. Breaking open seed cases could have been accomplished by the combination of the small but sturdy premolars and the buccal crest of M2 and possibly also by direct pressure of the M2's. The more posterior molars are lower crowned and seem relatively weak, but gouges seen on the wear facets may support such a puncture and crushing process. Fine transverse striae also seen indicate that in the chewing process the jaws moved from side to side. Sanson (1980) notes that rats "rarely, if ever, puncture-crush their food, possibly due to the efficiency of their incisors" in preparing it for chewing. Ektopodon, therefore, differs functionally from rodents, but this does not rule out seed/grain eating. NATURAL HISTORY OF EXTINCT ANIMALS - 259 As a source of food, grasslands were still a minor part of the vegetation (Truswell & Harris 1982), but other plant groups such as the Acacias, Cassias and other Leguminosae, Casuarina and conifers probably produced an abundance of seed. Such seed gathering could have been an arboreal, nocturnal task. MODERN COUNTERPARTS. Dentally, there is no modern mammal like Ektopodon, which, thereby, earns its scientific name. Ecologically, however, it may be matched by some primates and by some cuscuses, being a binocular-visioned arboreal herbivore, living primarily on leaves and fruit, but also on seeds and nuts and occasional insects and small vertebrates. SUMMARY Ektopodon was a marsupial with a particularly unusual dentition: bilophodont molars having numerous, transversely rasp-like longitudinal cristae. A maxilla of the related genus Chunia indicates that these animals had large eyes, placed stereoscopically in a very broad face, suggesting both nocturnal habits and an arboreal habitat. An aquatic lifestyle is also possible. These few data allow several dietary preferences to be proposed but, in the light of such limited information all are speculative. 1) leaves and fruit, 2) insects (particularly caterpillars and grubs), 3) aquatic invertebrates, 4) seeds and grains. It is likely, however, that, as with its nearest living relative, the Cuscus, Ektopodon was fairly omnivorous and opportunistic in its feeding habits. The interpretation of the sparse remains of Ektopodon, therefore, is an example of the frustration, and indeed futility, of attempting detailed reconstructions and restorations with only limited data. This is not to say that the task should not be attempted - perhaps it should be done more often - but rather that the limits of confidence should also be spelled out. REFERENCES ARCHER, M., 1976. Phascolarctid origins and the potential of the selenodont molar in the evolution of diprotodont marsupials. Mem. Qd. Mus. 17: 367-371. ARCHER, M., 1981. A review of the origins and radiation of Australian mammals. In Ecological Biogeography of Australia. A Keast, ed., Junk, the Hague, Monogr. Biol. 41: 1437-1488. ARCHER, M., 1987. A possum of a very different kind. In The Antipodean Ark. S. Hand and M. Archer, eds., Angus & Robertson, Sydney: 67-69. ARCHER, M. & BARTHOLOMAI, A., 1978. Tertiary mammals of Australia: a synoptic review. Alcheringa 2(1): 1-19. ARCHER, M., PLANE, M.D. & PLEDGE, N.S., 1978. Additional evidence for interpreting the Miocene Obdurodon insignis Woodbume and Tedford, 1973, to be a fossil platypus (Omithorhynchidae : Monotremata) and a reconsideration of the status of Ornithorhynchus agilis De Vis, 1985. Aust. Zool. 20(1): 9-27. CHORN, J. & HOFFMANN, R.S., 1978. Ailuropoda melanoleuca. Mammalian Species 110: 1-6. CLEMENS, W.A., 1963. Fossil Mammals of the Type Lance Formation. Part 1. Introduction and Multituberculata. Univ. Calif. Publs. geol. Sci. 48: 1-105. CLEMENS, W.A. & KIELAN-JAWOROWSKA, Z., 1979. Multituberculata. In Mesozoic Mammals. J.A. Lillegraven, Z. Kielan-Jaworowska & W.A. Clemens, eds., Univ. Calif. Press, Berkeley. 99-149. ESTES, J.A.,1980. Enhydra lutris. Mammalian Species 133: 1-8. 260 - PLEDGE FLANNERY, T.F., ARCHER, M. & MAYNES, G., 1987. The phylogenetic relationships of living phalangerids (Phalangeridae: Marsupialia) with a suggested new taxonomy. In Possums and Opossums, eat in Evolution, M. Archer, ed., Surrey Beatty & Sons Pty Ltd. and R. Zool. Soc. N.S.W.: 477- GREGORY, W.K., 1936. On the phylogenetic relationships of the Giant Panda (Ailuropoda) to other Arctoid Camivora. Am. Mus. Novit. 878: 1-29. HARRIS, J.M., 1987. Introduction. In Dinosaurs Past and Present, Vol. 1, S.J. Czerkas and E.C. Olson, eds., Nat. Hist. Mus. Los Angeles Co. and Univ. Washington Press, Seattle and London: 1-6. HILDEBRAND, M., 1974. Analysis of Vertebrate Structure. John Wiley & Sons, New York. KAY, R.F. & HYLANDER, W.L., 1978. The dental structure of Mammalian Folivores with special reference to Primates and Phalangeroidea (Marsupialia). In Arboreal Folivores. G.G. Montgomerey, ed., Smithsonian Inst. Press, Washington, D.C.: 173-191. MURRAY, P., 1984. Australia’s Prehistoric Animals. Methuen Australia, Sydney. NORRIS, K.R., 1970. General Biology. In The Insects of Australia, Melb. Univ. Press, Melboume: 107- 140. OWEN, R., 1863. On the Aye-aye (Chiromys, Cuvier; Chiromys madagascariensis, Desm.; Sciurus madagascariensis, Gmel., Sonnerat; Lemur psilodactylus, Schreber, Shaw). Trans. Zool. Soc. 5: 33-102. PLEDGE, N.S., 1982. Enigmatic Ektopodon: a case history of palaeontological interpretation. In The Fossil Vertebrate Record of Australasia. P.V. Rich and E.M. Thompson, eds., Monash University, Clayton: 480-488. PLEDGE, N.S., 1985. Ektopodon serratus Stirton, Tedford and Woodbume, 1967. The 'Strange-toothed’ Marsupial. In Kadimakara. Extinct Vertebrates of Australia. P.V. Rich & G.F. van Tets, eds., Pioneer Design Studio, Lilydale: 214--218. PLEDGE, N.S., 1986. A new species of Ektopodon from the Miocene of South Australia. Univ. Calif. Publs. geol. Sci. 131: 43-67. PLEDGE, N.S., 1987. A new species of Burramys Broom (Marsupialia : Burramyidae) from the Middle Miocene of South Australia. In Possums and Opossums: Studies in Evolution. M. Archer, ed., Surrey Beatty & Sons Pty Ltd. and R. Zool. Soc. N.S.W., Sydney: 725-728. RICH, P.V., 1975. Antarctic dispersal routes, wandering continents, and the origin of Australia's non- passeriform avifauna. Mem. natn. Mus. Vict. 36: 63-126. RICH, T.H.V., 1986. Darcius duggani, a new Ektopodontid (Marsupialia: Phalangeroidea) from the early Pliocene Hamilton Local Fauna, Victoria. Univ. Calif. Publs. geol. Sci. 131: 68-74. ROMER, A.S., 1966. Vertebrate Paleontology. Univ. Chicago Press, Chicago. SANSON, G.D., 1978. The evolution and significance of mastication in the Macropodidae. Aust. Mammal. 2: 23-28. SANSON, G.D., 1980. The morphology and occlusion of the molariform cheek teeth in some Macropodidae (Marsupialia : Macropodidae). Aust. J. Zool. 28: 341-365. SANSON, G.D., 1982. Evolution of feeding adaptations in fossil and Recent macropodids. In The Fossil Vertebrate Record of Australasia. P.V. Rich & E.M. Thompson, eds., Monash University, Clayton: 490-506. SANSON, G.D., 1985. Functional dental anatomy and diet selection in dasyurids (Marsupialia : Dasyuridae). Aust. Mammal. 8: 239-247. SIMPSON, G.G., 1953. Life of the Past. An Introduction to Paleontology. Yale Univ. Press, New Haven. STIRTON, R.W., TEDFORD, R.H. & MILLER, A.H., 1961. Cenozoic stratigraphy and vertebrate paleontology of the Tirari Desert, South Australia. Rec. S. Aust. Mus. 14: 19-61. STIRTON, R.A., TEDFORD, R.H. & WOODBURNE, M.O., 1967. A new Tertiary formation and fauna from the Tirari Desert, South Australia. Rec. S. Aust. Mus. 15: 427-462. STRAHAN, R., 1983. Complete Book of Australian Mammals. Aust. Mus. and Angus & Robertson, Sydney. TRUSWELL, E.M. & HARRIS, W.K., 1982. The Cainozoic palaeobotanical record in arid Australia: fossil evidence for the origin of an arid-adapted flora. In Evolution of the Flora and Fauna of Australia. W.R Barker and P.J.M. Greenslade, eds., Peacock Press and Aust. Syst. Bot. Soc., and ANZAAS, Frewville: 67-76. WALKER, E.P., 1964. Mammals of the World. 3 vols. Johns Hopkins Press, Baltimore. WOODBURNE, M.O., 1987. The Ektopodontidae, an unusual family of Neogene phalangeroid marsupials. In Possums and Opossums: Studies in Evolution. M. Archer, ed., Surrey Beatty & Sons Pty Ltd. and R. Zool. Soc. N.S.W., Sydney: 603-606. WOODBURNE, M.O. & CLEMENS, W.A., eds., 1986. Revision of the Ektopodontidae (Mammalia, Marsupialia, Phalangeroidea) of the Australian Neogene. Univ. Calif. Publs. geol. Sci. 131. WOODBURNE, M.O. & CLEMENS, W.A., 1986a. A new genus of Ektopodontidae and additional comments on Ektopodon serratus. Univ. Calif. Publs. geol. Sci. 131: 10-42. WOODBURNE, M.O. & CLEMENS, W.A., 1986b. Phyletic analysis and conclusions. Univ. Calif. Publs. geol. Sci. 131: 94-102. NATURAL HISTORY OF EXTINCT ANIMALS - 261 WOODBURNE, M.O. & TEDFORD, R.H., 1975. The first Tertiary monotreme from Australia. Am. Mus. Novit. 2588: 1-11. PLATES Plate 1. A, photographically reconstructed palate of Chunia illuminata using right maxilla fragment with half of M?, and left M“, indicating a very broad face and short snout; B, restoration of Ektopodon skull in ventral view; and C, skull and jaws in lateral view, based on Chunia sp. Plate 2. Palate of Phalanger orientalis, a cuscus, indicating relatively short snout and wide face. The molar teeth bear several crenulations on the weak lophs. (From Flannery, Archer & Maynes 1987). Plate 3. Palate of Ailuropoda melanoleuca (Giant Panda) showing upper molars with multiple cusps arranged in two transverse rows. (From Gregory 1936). Plate 4. Daubentonia madagascariensis, the Aye-Aye. Note the short face, forward facing eyes, and elongate third finger used in winkling beetle larvae from their burrows in tree limbs. Molar teeth are typically bunodont in the primate fashion, but the incisors are rodent-like and ever-growing, used to gnaw holes in branches in search of grubs. (From Owen 1863). Plate 5. Palate of Enhydra lutris, Californian Sea-Otter, showing the short snout, wide face, and bunodont molars enlarged for crushing shellfish. (From Estes 1980). 262 - PLEDGE PLATE 1 PLATE 1 (CONT.) NATURAL HISTORY OF EXTINCT ANIMALS - 263 ~< “ \ Sreartinonieatte % wis \ PLATE 2 264 - PLEDGE PLATE 3 NATURAL HISTORY OF EXTINCT ANIMALS - 265 PLATE 4 266 - PLEDGE PLATE 5 CHAPTER 10 THE TAPHONOMY OF LATE QUATERNARY CAVE LOCALITIES YIELDING VERTEBRATE REMAINS IN AUSTRALIA. Robert F. Baird! The Study of Bias in the Vertebrate Fossil Record: an Introduction.............. 268 Caves as Favourable Environments for the Accumulation and Preservation of Vertebrate Bone.............. cece eeeee 275 How is Material Accumulated? ......... 275 Formation and Classification of Caves: Why They Preserve Vertebrate BONES... 0.chedetbewelfesvant sat eteecy dite. 276 Distribution of Caves in Australia.....277 Natural’ Trap iisi...c ced oee.eeeasraeosase 279 Habitual Cave-dwelling Species........ 281 Water-transported Material ............... 282 Material Accumulated by Animals..... 283 Material Accumulated by Invertebrates ............ceceeee eens 283 Material Accumulated by Vertlebrates..........cceeccsseeeeeeee Non-carnivore Accumulators of Vertebrate Bone ...............666+ Primary Carnivore/Scavenger Accumulators of Vertebrate BONG? ciliate ce Sass vensaed soaetees Avian CarnivOres .............2eeeeeeee DISCUSSIONS igo. hc eebagelerele dete asedetleeesivaee’ RefCrenceS.......cccccceceececeececceeceececeseeuees Appendix I: Mammalian Carnivores and SCAVENBETS .........e ce ceeee eee eee Appendix II: Avian Accumulators........... ACCIPIUTi dae ..... eee eee cence eee eeeeees TP YtOm1d aes fo cgteede cca. aisotecenpangetenes tect 1 Department of Earth Sciences, Monash University, Clayton, Victoria 3168, Australia. nn nn eee yaa EEE EEIEE EEE EES 268 - BAIRD THE STUDY OF BIAS IN THE VERTEBRATE FOSSIL RECORD: AND INTRODUCTION To date no single reference has endeavored to summarize the taphonomic studies concerning birds and cave deposits, although there are several which cover various subdisciplines within the field (Brain 1981). Behrensmeyer & Kidwell (1985) have summarized the history of workers in this discipline. It is my intention here to provide a survey of the state of knowledge of taphonomy in relation to terrestrial avian communities and caves in Australia. This synopsis provides an introduction to the concepts involved in the study of taphonomy and outlines the range of environments capable of concentrating vertebrate bone (see Fig. 1). It should set the stage for the discussion of caves as environments favourable to the concentration and preservation of vertebrate bone. Included is a brief summary of the range of taphonomic studies available, followed by a detailed consideration of caves and a discussion of the range of Australian biota which are considered likely to accumulate vertebrate material in caves. The introduction and most of the remaining chapter focuses on microvertebrate assemblages with the occasional reference to macrovertebrate studies where pertinent. Although I concentrate on skeletal material, it should be recognized that items such as eggs can also provide a wealth of information regarding palaeoecology (Hayward MS). Most of the unpublished data come from my own studies on avian assemblages from caves across southern Australia (Baird 1986), and form the basis of many of the generalities. Taphonomy has been succinctly defined by Behrensmeyer & Kidwell (1985) as, "...the study of processes of preservation and how they affect information in the fossil record." The understanding of the processes involved in fossilization allows interpretation of the usefulness of certain assemblages in both palaeocenvironmental reconstructions and palaeocommunity structure (see Patterson 1981). The prima facie assumption is that all accumulators of vertebrate bone are biased, with some exercising a more extreme bias than others. One should recognise that the biases are against fossilization and should never be considered to favour preservation. The study of taphonomy usually begins with the living community or group of communities (biota), because some terrestrial communities will be in situations more favourable for preservation than others. An appreciation of primary biases impinging on fossilization of vertebrate material can be had by understanding these modern analogues. For example, any community living near water may be preserved preferentially, because, if an individual falls into the water, it is possible that it will be rapidly deposited within sediments after death, therefore decreasing the likelihood that its elements are destroyed. In fact, areas near water bodies are more favourable for attritional concentration of bone than surrounding bushland (Behrensmeyer 1983). Those communities least likely to be preserved include forest and woodland inhabitants, away from fluvial environments. This is associated with increased availability to predator and scavenger destruction, insect destruction and chemical weathering through exposure to the sun, soil acids and the general lack of rapid sedimentation (Bickart 1984). Animals in such habitats would find few places where preservation occurs, and, therefore, members of certain communities will have a lower probability of being preserved and fossilized. Taphonomy also involves the determination of the proximity of the species and/or assemblages to their original place of residence, relative to their final resting place. Prior to their final burial, individuals may be subject to a number of different forces which can influence the location of their corpses relative to their home ranges when living (e.g. deposition within the area which they lived (autochthonous species: see Fig. 2) or transported away from the area within which they originally lived, either when they are living or subsequent to their death AUSTRALIAN CAVE TAPHONOMY - 269 (allochthonous species: Fig. 3). If a number of individuals are affected by the same taphonomic influence, and are deposited together then, this assemblage may either remain in the area of original deposition (i.e. autochthonous assemblage: see Fig. 4) or be shifted and re-deposited elsewhere (i.e. allochthonous assemblage: see Fig. 5). Determining which of these situations occurred can be difficult. Shotwell (1955, 1958) considered that the percentage composition within an assemblage, and degree of sorting and fragmentation of bony elements could reflect the proximity of the original habitat of each species represented. This hypothesis has been discussed and largely discounted by a number of authors (e.g. Wolff 1973, Korth 1979), particularly for small mammal assemblages. Lost: life LIVING Lost: communities processes COMMUNITIES infrequently sampled pate ALLOCHTHONOUS AUTOCHTHONOUS Betsior usually DEATH DEATH usually preserved ASSEMBLAGE ASSEMBLAGE preserved HARD PRESERVABLE PARTS Lost: hard parts not HARD Lost: destroyed preserved PARTS by geological PRESERVED processes Lost: bones BONES not yet NOT available DESTROYED BONES Lost: bones AVAILABLE nat iy collected Lost: bones ess discarded ess Figure 1. Diagrammatic representation of the processes involved during the fossilization of vertebrate bone. A, bias by accumulating force (incomplete sampling of the biocenose); B, preferential preservation (physical and chemical action); C, reworking; D, bias by collection techniques. 270 - BAIRD Also important to the study of taphonomy is knowing the possible causes of death. These may include predation, disease, physical accident, poisoning, starvation, dehydration, intraspecific conflict and natural death, amongst others (Clark et al. 1967). In theory both of the two death assemblages (i.e. autochthonous and allochthonous) could provide information about the palaeoecology of the community, that is if one could determine the degree of allochthony. In practice, however, only the autochthonous assemblages may provide this information, due to the attritional nature of such deposits (e.g. animals of the floodplain; Voorhies 1969). A possible course of events yielding an autochthonous assemblage might allow for a Genyornis (a large extinct ground bird), for arguments’ sake, to become bogged and subsequently covered by sediments whilst crossing a floodplain. This animal, if preserved, would, therefore, be in situ. An assemblage of these types of animals would be more likely to reflect community structure, because all age classes may be represented, because of the attritional nature of deposition, and all those species frequenting the area are also capable of being represented. Therefore, attritional autochthonous assemblages are suitable for the analysis of palaeocommunity structure (Damuth 1982). AUTOCHTHONOUS SPECIES HABITUAL CAVE DWELLING SPECIES (e.g. swallows, falcons, owls) GROUND DWELLING SPECIES (e.g. emus, rails, quail, etc.) an accumulation of which would be an assemblage of autochthonous species 4 Limestone Sediment @@ Bone Figure 2. Those species (and their habits) which are most likely to make up the autochthonous species component in cave deposits. Individuals included in the other group (i.e. allochthonous assemblages), by definition, have been transported after initial burial to their final place of burial. The same force which has carried one individual, or bone of an individual, would presumably carry others. The result AUSTRALIAN CAVE TAPHONOMY - 271 would be an accumulation of elements from different animals. These animals would not necessarily be from the same habitat, for the collecting agency would be indiscriminant about the habitat. Sorting would occur based on the elements’ sizes and shapes, which depend on hydrodynamic parameters (see Voorhies 1969, Table 5 in Dodson 1973) or may be biased by the accumulating animal, be they invertebrate or vertebrate, primary-predators or scavengers (Dodson 1973, Wolff 1973, Mellett 1974, Horton 1978, Fisher 1981). A scenario for such a case might be that the Genyornis, mentioned previously, having died in the river, would have been carried downstream, either slowly decaying and dropping bits to the bottom or deposited in toto at one locality (Dodson 1973). If the river had a large catchment, then its course might have crossed a number of different habitats, and, therefore, could have sampled animals from a number of different communities. The bones of the individuals, assuming similar size and shape, would be deposited together (hydrodynamic sorting), therefore, making up an assemblage of animals that would not necessarily, in life, have been interacting. ALLOCHTHONOUS SPECIES Species brought in by taphonomic accumulating agents (e.g. water and animals) an accumulation of which would be an assemblage of allochthonous species 8 OE SO es aa Ea SS SD ee a ee a 6 a es ee es SE | arn ae LD ES PD Rs ee) ee ER ad ee ee es Ge a ees Be ee 2 ln Ge ee ee es ee ee ee es es ee a ee ee ee Ws i Sew) een ED De SD CS Ses ne! a ae SU ee OB ees CaS eee 2 SS Ss OD oe ee ee ee ee | TT T JT TT Jy TT TT TT TT TT 2S Bs SS 2 0 ee ee ee ee SS ee ee ee es Se ee ee re a Ga Ge es Fee ae SD RS RES SS RD GED ND SS ED EE ES DD SD 23 Dee] DOE ee ES BS a a an eS a ee [ J 1] a Pe ES (ae A nec) eee OR Gd SS WD a A ee ee ee [ [1] BU Pe er, [ Tt) a a a, [Jy == oF, [— -t =] oa oy, a St ore, _— —] [ oes ae es ee [TT == [=] a See Sg ane Tf) <7] —~._ [I J J JT 1] [TJ a = = = aan me, CJ eS ee == ae Pe = a mae [=] ToT] o. as 0 | Jy J Ty b4 Limestone Sediment @@ Bone Figure 3. The process by which allochthonous species are incorporated into a cave deposit. Lost to both the autochthonous and allochthonous assemblages would be those soft parts that decay during the natural course of decomposition, therefore, leaving only hard parts which are not as easily broken down (Voorhies 1969, Wolff 1973). Bias is not only due to inanimate accumulating forces, for animate forces may also bias both the size and the individual abundances of elements. An example of the latter is what is termed the "schlepp effect." This concept was originally used to explain the abundance of certain skeletal elements and the absence of others (Perkins & Daly 1968). It suggests that animals which were too large to be 272 - BAIRD carried were dismembered at the place of capture or death, and during this process certain body parts were favoured over others. These were subsequently carried back to the locality where soft parts were eaten and hard parts were eventually discarded. Although this idea was put forward to explain the bias in deposits of human origin, it may also be relevant to the behaviour of other animals that bring food to some habitual place away from the place of capture. AUTOCHTHONOUS DEPOSIT ES aes OER a) Oe A [ JT J J) “JT JI J J [J ] [ J JT JT JT 4 a CAE EE ES Ce Ce es a =) 2 ee 2 ee ee [ J] J-T J JT 7) i ee eS Gee [TJ J JT J i i a [ J Jy JT JT JT I J J] 4 ee ae OS [J / 2 ae eS eee [ J Jy J J] J J [JT TT TT tT JT JT TT JT JT JT [ J) a SE GS GS Ce Soe Pe oe a a ay, \L IJ JT JT Jy Jy TT JT JY Ty J [ w7; LT I Tf J] J] yT Jy Jy JT JT J 4 [ T] c oe tN ~~. T JT T J J JT J [ J J J [ ] =. 50%), with terrestrial, diurnal species and non- terrestrial, diurnal species that are gregarious being represented subequally next most abundant. 294 - BAIRD 50 - B ao Turnix cf. velox (N-4) Q 5 30 - a _—+@ E 2) ze ; Oy.8e XN GC : ; ee H U Cc F T Ta Co x H U c F T Ta Co 2 go E 2 : 2 20 By — 2 | ww" “—— complete elements distal ends ~ proximal ends te Phaps chalcoptera a halt (EB-1) 2 124 iO) = 2 104 / wm go re 2 Total number complete elements proximal ends Figure 12. Abundances of seven commonly represented post-cranial elements of Turnix sp. cf. T. velox and Phaps chalcoptera from the excavations of two caves: N-4, Koonalda Cave and EB-1, Mabel Cave, respectively. That from Koonalda Cave is an owl deposit, which has been altered by fluvial activity and that from Mabel Cave is attributed to cf. Dasyurus maculatus. Included in each are the sums of complete elements and most common terminal ends (top: data points are connected to facilitate visual cognition of changes) and the proportions of fragmentary specimens against complete (and incomplete) specimens (bottom). H, humerus; U, ulna; C, carpometacarpus; F, femur; T, tibiotarsus; Ta, tarsometatrsus and Co coracoids. (Data from Baird 1986). AUSTRALIAN CAVE TAPHONOMY - 295 90 Tyto alba 90 T. novaehollandiae 70 ge 50 30 10 20 40 60 80 100 120 140160 180 200 100 300 500 700 900 1100 1300 1500 Prey Body Weight (g) Prey Body Weight (g) EB-2 20 40 60 80 100 120 140 160 180 200 20 40 60 80 100 120 140 160 180 200 90 90 EB-1 G-4 A9 (1st layer) 70 50 30 10 20 40 60 80 100120 140 160 180 200 20 40 60 80 100 120 140 160 180 200 90 90 N-62 N-4 20 40 60 80 100 120 140 160 180 200 WI-61E Au-8 20 40 60 80 100 120 140 160 180 200 20 40 60 80 100 120 140 160 180 200 Figure 13: Histograms of weight distributions for prey species in eight avian assemblages from caves as compared with those from modem prey items of Tyto alba and T. novaehollandiae, demonstrating their similarity to the former. Including M-89, Pyramids Cave, EB-2, Clogg's Cave, EB-1, Mabel Cave, G-4, Curran'’s Creek Cave, N-64, Madura Cave, N-4, Koonalda Cave, WI-6le, Devil's Lair and AU-8, Skull Cave. (Data from Baird 1986). 296 - BAIRD Bias towards certain types of prey by tytonid owls is noted from studies of living owls (see Appendix I), and additional information may be provided from fossil assemblages themselves. It appears that animals most accessible to the crepuscular and nocturnal predators depends on i) the habitat of the prey species, ii) the social structure of the prey species (i.e. whether gregarious or not), iii) the amount of noise made during roosting, iv) whether the animal is diurnal, nocturnal or crepuscular, and v) the regularity of population irruptions. Based on the lists of fossil forms from the caves studied so far, it is apparent that a very small number of species actually make up the bulk of the individuals preyed upon. Species of birds most likely to appear in owl accumulated deposits include those species exhibiting a tendency to population irruptions (¢.e. Coturnix sp., Glossopsitta porphyrocephala, Turnix varia, T. sp. cf. T. velox), which are most abundant in fossil deposits, whether the species are terrestrial or arboreal. Also of importance are terrestrial species, particularly those associated with wetlands and heaths (e.g. rallids (rails), Pezoporus wallicus (Swamp Parrot), Alrichornis spp. (scrub-bird spp.), Dasyornis spp. (bristle-bird spp.), etc. These may be important because 7. alba is known to demonstrate regular patterning during foraging over streams and rivers (Taberlet 1983). A third group of prey species important to T. alba are diurnal, non-terrestrial species which are gregarious (e.g. psittaciform species (parrot sp.), Artamus spp. (woodswallow spp.), etc.). They may be particularly accessible because of noise made during roosting or due to their gregarious nature, making their relative abundance greater than that of other non-gregarious species. What should be most apparent from this chapter is that not only are we capable of determining the accumulator of most cave deposits but also to some degree of interpreting the biases involved in the collection of prey items by those accumulators. This knowledge is critical in further studies involving the vertebrate assemblages (e.g. determination of palacoenvironments, extinction sequences, palaeobiology, etc.) in order to understand the biases in our data set. REFERENCES ABBIE, A.A., 1952. Incised bones. Aust. J. Sct. 14: 131. ALLEN, H., 1972, Where the crow flies backwards: man and land in the Darling Basin. Unpubl. Ph.D Thesis, Aust. Nat. Univ. Canberra. ANDREWS, P. & NESBITT-EVANS, E.M., 1983. Small mammal bone accumulations produced by mammalian carnivores. Palaeobiol. 9: 289-307. APPLEBY, R., 1976. Brown Falcons and grasshoppers. S. Aust. Orn 27: 159. ARCHER, M., 1974a. Apparent association of bone and charcoal of different origin and age in cave deposits. Mem. Qd. 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In the fossil record there are at least two separate species of Sarcophilus (e.g. S. harrisii and S. laniarius), with the possibility of a third, smaller, species (see Dawson 1982). The taphonomic characters of all three cannot be separated. It is assumed here that they had similar feeding behaviours and foraging habits to the living species, S. harrisii. Natural History. Sarcophilus harrisii is a nocturnal scavenger unable to efficiently capture and kill living prey (Buchmann & Guiler 1977). It is considered to be non-territorial but to have regular scavenging routes (Guiler 1970). Only the young are capable of climbing trees (Guiler 1970). Buchmann & Guiler (1977) discussed the feeding behaviour of S. Aarrisii and mentioned that small prey (e.g. rats and small birds) were consumed in a single five to ten minute session whereas larger carcasses were fed upon over a longer period of time. Pieces of these large carcasses were often detached and consumed completely, including all large bones except the most robust (e.g. pelves). The authors described the large bones as being crushed prior to swallowing. Werdelin (1986) stated that S. harrisii is similar to the hyaenids in its cranial adaptations to cracking bones. Caged S. harrisii individuals have a habit of removing food to secluded parts of their pens before consuming it (Buchmann & Guiler 1977). In the wild similar behaviour may have occurred with the food items being eaten in the caves. Bone deposits resulting from these species, therefore, are largely the accumulation of uneaten portions of carcasses and of bone in faecal material. Habitats. Sarcophilus harrisii currently ranges throughout Tasmania. They will occur anywhere with sufficient cover, but favour sclerophyll forest and coastal scrub (Guiler 1970). Fossil specimens have been found over the whole of Australia (Calaby & White 1967, Archer & Baynes 1972, Dawson 1982). Prey. "It has been shown that Sarcophilus does not gain most of its food by predation (Buchman & Guiler 1977) and most of its food is obtained from carrion” (Guiler 1978). Mooney (1983a) mentioned that Sarcophilus will eat the chicks of both Falco berigora and Falco peregrinus when the nests are located on accessible cliff faces in Tasmania. In general, avian remains, except for terrestrially adapted birds, are only a small proportion of the Sarcophilus diet and then accessible only to juvenile Sarcophilus individuals due to their ability to climb trees (Guiler 1970). Because of its scavenging habit, the wide range of body sizes of the items consumed is not unusual (see Table IA), and the accumulated food items of this species may represent an attritional assemblage. First and Last Occurrences. The latest dated remains of Sarcophilus on the Australian mainland are from Cave 1, Turner Brook, south west Westem Australia at 4304160 yBP (Archer & Baynes 1972). The earliest dated remains include those from Lancefield, Victoria at 26,000 + 500 yBP (Gillespie et al. 1978) and those from Dempsey's Lake, South Australia at >30,000 yBP (Wells 1978). Foraging Range. Given an abundant supply of food Sarcophilus harrisii travels, on average, 3.2 km [2 miles] during the course of an evening, but during times of scarce food they can travel up to 16.1 km [10 miles] (Guiler 1970). Therefore, I will assume that the foraging radius ranges from approximately 3 km to 16 km depending upon the abundance of food, with a mode of 3 km. Fossil Sites Attributed. The fossil sites attributed to Sarcophilus include: Seton Rock Shelter (K-30), Kangaroo Island (Hope et al. 1977); cave in the Dunstan's Limestone Kiln Quarries north of Wanneroo, Western Australia (Douglas ef al. 1966); Devil's Lair (WI-6le), Wester Australia (Lundelius 1960, Dortch & Merrilees 1971); and Wedge's (SH-14) and Webb's (N-132) Caves, Western Australia (Lundelius 1960, 1963). Dasyuridae Dasyurus maculatus Taphonomy. Lundelius (1966) characterizes the faeces of D. maculatus as being 4.5 x 1.5 cm and tapered at both ends. The bone that passed through the digestive system is highly fragmented. Natural History. This species is both noctumal and diumal, and both primary predator and scavenger. It is capable of climbing, but spends most of its time on the ground (Edgar in Strahan 1985). Habitats. Sclerophyll forests and rainforests are considered the optimal habitats for D. maculatus (Edgar in Strahan 1985). Prey. Dasyurus maculatus feeds upon both terrestrial and arboreal animals, including arthropods, reptiles, birds, rats, gliding possums, small macropods (Edgar in Strahan 1985). No studies on the dict of D. maculatus were found in the primary literature. First and Last Occurrences. The earliest record for D. maculatus is from Seton Rock Shelter, Kangaroo Island at 16,110 + 100 yBP (Hope et ai. 1977), and this species is still recorded on continental Australia (Edgar in Strahan 1985). Foraging Range. Unknown. Fossil Sites Attributed. None to date. AUSTRALIAN CAVE TAPHONOMY - 303 Dasyuridae Dasyurus viverrinus (also D. geoffroyii and D. hallucatus). Taphonomy. Lundelius (1966) characterizes the faeces of D. geoffroyii as 8 x 1.5 cm, tapered at both ends, and the bone that passed through the digestive tract as highly fragmented. Apparently this species skins its vertebrate prey before eating (Buchmann & Guiler 1977). Natural History. Dasyurus viverrinus is both nocturnal and diumal, and both an opportunistic scavenger and a primary camivore. In a study of the diet of D. viverrinus in southern Tasmania, Blackhall (1980) found that that population "...fed almost exclusively on the ground." Table IA: List of avian and mammalian prey items recorded for Sarcophilus harrisii (in alphabetical order: as compiled from Guiler 1970). * indicates dependance on these prey items (Guiler 1970). Weight (gms) Bos taurus approx. 200000 Canis familiaris approx. 11000 Cercartetus nanus 24 Corvus coronoides 600 Dasyurus viverrinus approx. 6000 Equus caballus approx. 200000 Felis catus approx. 3000 Gallus gallus 1000 Tsoodon obesulus 800 *Oryctolagus cuniculus 1600 *Ovis aries approx. 50000 Perameles gunnii 650 Potorous tridactylus 1100 *Pseudocheirus peregrinus 900 Rattus lutreolus 122 Sarcophilus harrisii 7000 Tachyglossus aculeatus 5000 *Thylogale billardieri 4500 Trichosurus vulpecula 3000 *Vombatus ursinus 26000 *Macropus rufogriseus 17000 Habitats. The range of habitats of D. viverrinus are dry sclerophyll forest (Ride 1970), woodland, scrub, heathland and cultivated land (Green 1973). Prey. Food consists largely of plants and invertebrates (e.g. insects: Blackhall 1980) but also includes small herpetofauna, (e.g. frogs and lizards: Sharland 1962), and small mammals and birds (e.g. Malurus cyaneus (average weight 9 gms), Mus musculus (average weight 15 gms): Blackhall 1980, Godsell 1982). Although Godsell (in Strahan 1985) mentioned that "ground nesting birds and small mammals such as bandicoots, rabbits and rats are frequently eaten and the carcasses of larger animals such as wallabies, possums and sheep are scavenged..." direct evidence from the primary literature indicates that the average size of vertebrate prey items tends to be much smaller, approximating the size of Mus musculus. Anecdotal reports also suggest that the species is capable of capturing animals up to the size of a domestic chicken (Buckland 1954), although this is considered an unnatural situation (J. Nelson, pers. comm.). First and Last Occurrences. The oldest record of this species group occurs in Madura Cave, Western Australia, dated at 37,880 + 3,880 yBP (Lundelius & Tumbull 1978). Dasyurus geoffroyii still occurs in south west Wester Australia. D. viverrinus has been recorded in various parts of Victoria since European settlement. Foraging Range. The foraging range for D. viverrinus males extends up to 1 km and females up to 100+ m from the den (Godsell in Strahan 1985). Fossil Sites Attributed. Fossil sites attributed to this species group are restricted to three caves in the Buchan area of Victoria, including: M-27, M-28 and layer 3 of Mabel Cave (Wakefield 1960a, 1960b). Hominidae Homo sapiens Taphonomy. The criteria defining the signature for humans in Australia are produced by both tools and manual breakage. I am not aware of any study completed on bone from faecal material or, in fact, whether faeces are deposited near the living site. It has been suggested, however, that both human- and Sarcophilus-accumulated deposits may be indistinguishable, as pointed out in the following passage from Balme etal. (1978): "Field observations made by J.E. Stanton (pers. comm.) support a suggestion made by Baynes et al. (1976 p.102) that bone might be extensively chewed and fragmented by human beings as 304 - BAIRD beings as well as devils:- "Westem Desert Aborigines at the present day commonly crack up and chew quite large bone such as those from kangaroos, emus and goats, and seem to swallow quite large pieces (perhaps up to 3 cm long and 1.5 cm wide). Bone of small animals such as rabbits or goannas are commonly chewed into small pieces and swallowed with the meat.” Morlan (1984) defined criteria by which human caused (via stone tools) and animal caused marks on bone can be distinguished, including: "(1) anatomical element that is marked; (2) the position on the element, (3) the gross morphology of ae mark; (4) microscopic features of the mark; and (5) comparison between the contour of the mark and that of the bone surface.” For each of these criteria the human-caused mark is decidedly different from animal-caused marks (see Morlan 1984). Although this has not been tested in the Australian situation, it may provide a framework around which future tests may be run. If tools were used in the butchering of the larger animals (this probably is not realistic in the case of most microvertebrates) then diagnostic microscopic patterns of wear may occur which are discernible through use of scanning electron microscopy as has been found on bone from other continents (Shipman 1981). Slicing marks using a stone tool, for example, may be discemed by their V-shaped cross-section, and multiple fine striations may occur within the main groove that lie parallel to its long axis. This differs from tooth scratches, which are variably V-shaped and U-shaped and which always have a smooth bottom. Unfortunately, this may still be confused with some trampling marks and caution should be maintained at all times (Behrensmeyer et al. in press). Other criteria that may suggest that a particular deposit is attributable to humans include, vertebrate bones with broken at marrow rich areas (Noe-Nygaard 1977, Archer et al. 1980); completely bumt bone, instead of just one side (Merbs 1967, Coy 1975); and bone considered allochthonous mixed with shells (Dortch & Merrilees 1973) or in association with a ”,..discrete scatter of mussel shells" (Hope 1972, 1978). For those societies known to split bone for marrow a complicating factor in determining presence or absence of human accumulators would be rockfall from roof spalling (Dixon 1984). Natural History. Humans are considered to be diurnal, primary carnivores. It is unknown whether caves formed their home bases or were only considered transit sites. Caves appear to have been litle used by aboriginals during the Pleistocene on continental ee (Bowdler 1977) but probably had increased usage in those areas where severe weather occurred (e.g. Tasmania, Kiernan et al. 1983). Of particular pertinence to microfauna is that the natives of New Guinea eat small birds whole, crunching up the bones and flesh all together (T. Flannery, pers. comm.) and, unlike the butchering practices hypothesized for a "megafauna” (Hope 1984), small to medium sized birds would probably be carried back to home base whole. ; The apparent lack of small to medium sized birds in non-coastal aboriginal middens, particularly caves, may result from these having been eaten whole and voided in areas away from the living area, or the bones may be so digested that they are unrecognizable as avian (Dortch & Merrilees 1973). Prey (avian). Avian prey items consumed by Aboriginals is largely unknown, except for scattered anecdotal reports. First and Last Occurrences. The oldest record of humans in Australia is from Upper Swan, Western Australia and is thought to be older than its associated radiocarbon date of 39,500 +2300/-1800 yBP (Pearce & Barbetti 1981). Foraging Range. Aboriginals typically have two areas of forage, site exploitation territory and site catchment; therefore, a strict definition of foraging range is tenuous. If occupancy of the cave lasted more than a day, then the site exploitation territory would be appropriate where "a ‘site exploitation territory’ is the territory surrounding the site which is exploited habitually by the inhabitants of the site” (Vita-Finzi & Higgs 1970). In this case then a 2 hour or 10 km foraging radius can be assumed to be appropriate (Baynes et al. 1976, Bailey 1983). On the other hand cave use may have only been transitory, occurring as stop overs along travels which averaged twelve to fourteen kilometers a day (Gaughwin & Sullivan 1984); therefore, foraging range must be regarded as an average of these distances. Cave Sites Attributed. There are several cave deposits attributed at least in part to Homo sapiens, some of which include: Burkes Cave, New South Wales (Allen 1972), Cave Bay Cave, Hunter Island, Tasmania (Bowdler 1977), Fraser Cave, Tasmania (Kiernan et al. 1983), Devil's Lair, Westen Australia (Balme ef al. 1978) Mammoth Cave, Western Australia (Archer et al. 1980) and Putjamarpa Rock Shelter, Western Australia (Gould 1968). Thylacoleonidae Thylacoleo carnifex Taphonomy. Cuts in the bone which were contemporancous with or prior to fossilization and which exhibit the following combination of characters are considered diagnostic for T. carnifex (from Horton & Wright 1981): "1. The marks are in opposition. 2. They are of a regular appearance, that is they repeat the same shapes. 3. Where deep enough they are Y- shaped in cross section. 4. Where long enough they may show a gap between two ends of the cut, and the two ends may be angled to each other.” The cuts can exceed 2 cm in length (Runnegar 1983, Flannery & Gott 1984). The first two characters are appropriate for any carnivorous animal (vs. human), and the rest are considered specific to Thylacoleo,. Natural History. That Thylacoleo was a primary carnivore has not always been taken for granted. In fact, in the early 20th century this species was regarded as a herbivore. Wells et al. (1982) argue convincingly that Thylacoleo was a camivore through the study of reconstructed jaw mechanics, microstriations on the teeth and review the past literature on the subject, It has been hypothesized by Wells et al. (1982) that Thylacoleo, like the Leopard (Panthera pardus), preyed upon ground dwelling animals, and subsequently dragged the carcasses into trees to avoid competition from scavenging forms like Sarcophilus. This would be good reason for the lack of its influence on cave deposits where Thylacoleo can be abundant. Wells et al. (1982) further suggest that the marsupial lion was often trapped in cave sites (pitfalls) and did not use them as dens. This hypothetical behavior would not exclude them as being significant accumulators in caves, for the kills of leopards are very important to any discussion of carnivore accumulators in Africa (Brain 1981). Horton & Wright (1981) suggest that in feeding habits Thylacoleo may have been more like the Cheetah (Acinonyx jubatus) causing litle damage to skeletal elements. ‘This is based on the small number of bones exhibiting the diagnostic AUSTRALIAN CAVE TAPHONOMY - 305 damage of Thylacoleo, the small number of elements broken or cut straight through (unlike deposits associated with habitual bone crushers like Sarcophilus), the lack of bone-laden coprolites associated with Thylacoleo, and a tooth morphology that can be best described, through functional morphology, to be adapted to meat shearing. Habitats. Unknown. Prey. Unknown. First and Last Occurrences. The earliest dated occurrence of Thylacoleo from Henschke's Bone Dig, South Australia at 33,800 + 2,400/-1,800 yBP and the youngest occurrence is from Spring Creck, Victoria at 19,800 + 390 yBP Archer et al. (1984) summarize the distribution of localities, yielding fossils of this genus, throughout southern Australia. Foraging Range. Unknown. Fossil Sites Attributed. Localities with vertebrate elements demonstrating the diagnostic damage associated with Thylacoleo include: Darling Downs, Queensland (DeVis 1883, 1900); Reddestone Creek, New South Wales (Runnegar 1983); Lancefield, Victoria (Gillespie et al. 1978, Horton et al. 1979); Spring Creek, Victoria (Flannery & Gott 1984); and various unspecified localities in Victoria (Spencer & Walcott 1911). Thylacinidae Thylacinus cynocephalus Taphonomy. Unknown. Natural History. Thylacinus cynocephalus is a largely nocturnal primary camivore (Rounsevell in Strahan 1985). Keast (1982) presented the idea that Thylacinus was a pursuit camivore similar to Canis lupus, but this has been since challenged by Werdelin (1986), who noted that if skull shape, and not size, were taken into account then T. cynocephalus is most similar to Vulpes vulpes, not Canis lupus. Werdelin (1986) subsequently stated, “this result is especially interesting in view of the very different modes of predation of V. vulpes, which is an ambush predator, and C. lupus which is a pursuit predator. It is evident that other analogues than C. Jupus must be considered in any discussion of the behavioral ecology of T- cynocephalus." Smith (1982) also suggests that the limb proportions of T. cynocephalus would be better adapted to stalking in dense cover with short bursts of speed rather than to prolonged chasing. Conceming its ability to accumulate vertebrate material Thylacinus cynocephalus may not have been a consumer of bone, which is suggested by the the lack of bone-laden coprolites associated with that species (Horton & Wright 1981). Habitat. Using the fossil record, Smith (1982) stated that "the widespread fossil distribution proves that, even allowing for climatic change, its range of habitats was broad, a fact confirmed by the fossils with which it is associated" and that “its alleged preference for dense forest is quite likely a result of persecution". Prey. The prey items of T. cynocephalus are largely unknown, except for anecdotal reports of them eating Tachyglossus and preying upon domestic stock, as reviewed in Smith (1982). First and Last Occurrences. This species was last recorded from the mainland from 3090 + 90 yBP (Archer 1974b) and 3,120 + 100 yBP (Calaby & White 1967). The date of 0 + 180 yBP has been questioned by Archer (1974b), who suggests that the Thylacinus material is not necessarily associated with the dated material. 7. cynocephalus was last recorded from Victoria in Clogg's Cave between 17,000-23,000 yBP (Flood 1973). The carliest record for the genus is in the Miocene (Woodbume 1967). A listing of the fossil localities from which T. cynocephalus is recorded was presented in Smith (1982). Foraging Range. Unknown. Sites Attributed. None to date. Chiroptera Macroderma gigas Taphonomy. Unknown. Natural History. Macroderma gigas is a noctumal, primary camivore. According to Richards (in Strahan 1985), it is the only carnivorous bat in Australia. The prey is usually captured on the ground and subsequently taken back to an established feeding locality, often a rock shelter or small cave (Richards in Strahan 1985). Habitat. Habitats frequented by Macroderma gigas include those associated with the "...arid Pilbara region... [to] ...the lush north Queensland rainforests..." (Richards in Strahan 1985). Prey. Richards (in Strahan 1985) lists large insects, frogs, lizards, birds and small mammals (including other bats), as the main food items of this species. First and Last Occurrences. Macroderma gigas currently lives on continental Australia. Foraging Range. Unknown. Sites Attributed. None. APPENDIX II: AVIAN ACCUMULATORS Accipitridae Falco cenchroides Taphonomy. Unknown for this particular species although studies have been completed on a falcon of similar size from North America (i.e. F. sparvarius) where the researchers describe the following behaviour (Dodson & Wexlar 1979): "This small falcon, holding the mouse in its talon, consumed the prey mouthful by mouthful, commencing at the snout and systematically working its way caudally. The damage resulting from this process is ... only 20% of bone escapes breakage.” ; Although unstudied it is suspected that the avian portions of deposits accumulated by F_ cenchroides will be characterized by the high abundances of distal limb elements due to its habit of snipping off the wings and legs of its prey (Sharland 1931). If their habuis are similar to that of the North American F. sparvarius then a variety of other elements may be represented because "depending upon 306 - BAIRD ot of hunger kestrels [F. sparvarius] may cease feeding at any time, abandoning a variably-sized carcass” (Dodson & Wexlar Natural History. This species is considered a diurnal, primary camivore and hunts from both perches and on the wing. Habitats. Falco cenchroides is distributed throughout Australia, with a marked preference to open formations (Hollands 1984). Prey. Through most of the non-breeding season this species is mainly an insectivore, but during the breeding season it is known to take more vertebrates, including mammals, birds and reptiles (Lea & Gray 1935). Similar to F. berigora, F. cenchroides is considered a generalist with regards to food preference, where a generalist is defined as "...take[ing] both invertebrate and vertebrate prey. Apart from exploiting prey species which may be locally common, litde if any dietary specialization occurs” (Czechura 1979). Hollands (1984) recorded Anthus novaeseelandiae (Richard's Pipit), Cinclorhamphus cruralis (Brown Songlark) and Sturnus vulgaris (Starling) as prey items brought to the nest and Czechura (1979) included Coturnix australis (Brown Quail) and C, chinensis (King Quail) to the list of avian prey items collected by F. cenchroides. . Apparently this species will take advantage of plagues in any of a wide variety of prey (Blakers et al. 1984) and in the arid interior move into areas of recent rain to breed (Brooker et al. 1979). Oldest Known Occurrence. This species is recorded from Koonalda Cave, South Australia at a level dated between 19,300 + 300 and 23,700 + 850 yBP (Baird 1986). Foraging Range. Unknown. Sites Attributed. None to date. Accipltridae Falco berigora Taphonomy. Unknown. Natural History. Falco berigora is considered to be a diumal, primary predator and scavenger. Its movements are largely unknown, where in southem Australia Blakers ef al. (1984) regard it as sedentary and Frith (1969) regards it as migratory. This species feeds from exposed perches or by walking through grass. Prey. Falco berigora is considered to be a food generalist and "takes a wide variety of prey: small mammals, rats, mice, small rabbits, birds, particularly pipits, and other small ground birds but also capable of catching such birds as Starlings and woodswallows in flight; lizards, small snakes and large insects which are mostly taken on ground” (Hollands 1984). Hollands (1984) also mentioned that F. berigora "will come down to carrion.” Changes in the diet according to seasons have been recorded (Blakers ef al. 1984), where the diet consisted of 50% mammals in winter (with the other 50% composed of birds, reptiles, insects and carrion) to 50% insects in summer-autumn. This species is also known to follow plagues of both insects and mammals (Appleby 1976). Oldest Known Occurrence. Falco berigora is recorded from Koonalda Cave, South Australia at a level dated at between 13,700 + 270 and 19,300 + 300 yBP (Baird 1986). Foraging Range. Unknown. Sites Attributed. None to date. Tytonidae Tyto tenebricosa Taphonomy. The taphonomy of deposits accumulated by this species is unknown, except for the general characteristics associated with tytonids. Schodde & Mason (1980) mentioned that "Sooty Owls have the same feeding habits as other masked owls. The heads of warm-blooded prey are first nipped off and swallowed whole, followed by the viscera and forequarters.” ont this species seems to have a preference for arboreal mammals and samples a broad range of prey body weights (see below). Natural History. Tyto tenebricosa is considered a sedentary and territorial, primary predator (Blakers ef al. 1984). Schodde & Mason (1980) state that it is “...restricted in Australia to the south-east coast and adjacent slopes of the Great Dividing Range...” avordiiig to Martin's (1986) hypothesis this owl should be the most highly sedentary of all the tytonids in that the canopy cover in its territories is very dense, therefore allowing little ambient light. Because of this, these owls must rely upon a detailed local knowledge of their surroundings for the capture of prey. This may possibly explain the reason for the preponderance of arboreal prey in their diet, as capture at or just below canopy level would allow for a greater amount of ambient light to be available. Habitat. Schodde & Mason (1980) describes the habitat of T. tenebricosa thus "...they favour galleries and pockets of tall, wet, gully forests along creeks, particularly those overtopped by great eucalypts... [which] have [a] substorey of rainforest trees and treeferns.” Prey. Blakers et al. (1984) reported the diet of T. tenebricosa as consisting of “...Mammals : mainly terrestrial (rodents and bandicoots) and, to a lesser extent, arboreal (possums and gliders) in a wide range of sizes (see Table IIA). They also take birds..."._ I can find no published evidence to support this definition of diet. In fact, based upon other sources this species seems to take largely arboreal mammals (Seebeck, pers. comm., "mainly take arboreal mammals and perching birds, as well as canopy insects."). AUSTRALIAN CAVE TAPHONOMY - 307 Table ITA: Percentage contributions of animals of different weights to the range captured by Tyto tenebricosa. N = total MNI (52). Weight Classes (g) N % 0 - 20 1 2 20 - 40 8 15 40 - 60 1 2 60 - 80 80 - 100 100 - 120 120 - 140 2A 46 NYY 280 - 300 8 15 Wn 560 - 580 1 2 ANY 700 - 720 6 12 Wy 900 - 920 3 6 Oldest Known Occurrence. No fossil record. Foraging Range. Unknown. Sites Attributed. None to date. Tytonidae Tyto alba Taphonomy. The taphonomic characteristics defining tytonid deposits are based upon studies of T. alba (see above). Fossil vertebrate assemblages accumulated by T. alba may be differentiated from those of T. novaehollandiae and T. tenebricosa by the narrow range of body weights of prey species and the small mean body weight for the whole assemblage (see below and Discussion). Similar to other tytonids, T. alba typically feeds in the following manner (description from Dodson & Wexlar 1979): "A barn owl held the mouse in its talon, carefully severed the head from the neck (opening the cranium in the process?) and swallowed it whole. It then opened the thoracic cavity and fastidiously removed through the enlarged thoracic inlet the thoracic and abdominal viscera, which it neatly consumed: finally it swallowed the hollowed out carcass, neck first. Observed destruction of bone during ingestion was thus minimal.” Natural History. Tyto alba is considered a primary camivore, which is crepuscular and nocturnal, but rarely diurnal. Schodde & Mason (1980) considered this species "...essentially irruptive nomads, gathering opportunistically at plagues or abundances of native and introduced rodents..." It is a solitary hunter which uses both gliding, and perch and pounce methods (Blakers et al. 1984). Tyto alba demonstrates regular patterning during foraging and frequently uses flight paths over streams, river, etc. (Taberlet 1983). This species has been reported as using caves (see Parker 1977 for a listing). Habitats. Tyto alba is cosmopolitan and seems to favour open habitats over closed habitats throughout the world (Fast & Ambrose 1976). This trend is also seen in Australia where the range of habitats occupied by T. alba includes "...woodland, forest or rainforest" (Blakers ef al. 1984). Its preferred habitat is "...light woodlands, the edges of timbered watercourses, and savannahs..." (Schodde & Mason 1980) and heavily wooded areas seem to be avoided (Dickison 1941, Mees 1963, Schodde & Mason 1980). Prey. Tyto alba in southem Africa "...typically feeds on prey weighing approximately 60 g per item” (Brain 1981:125). A North American study found that the mean weight for bird species collected by T. alba was 64.6 gm (Fritzell & Thome 1984). A similar prey size range is exhibited by Australian 7. alba individuals (Table I[B), although the figures may be heavily influenced by the introduced Mus musculus, which makes up 1408 MNI in the 0-20 gm weight class in Table IIB. What is important is that most of the prey captured by this species are below 100 gm, and weight range from 6 to 320 gm. Brain (1981 : 126) stated "it is abundantly clear that, although bam owls may have some dietary preferences, they will feed on the most readily available food source as long as it is palatable and of manageable size”. Australian 7. alba individuals also take advantage of irruptive prey species and this is exemplified by the following: “During the summer and autumn of 1970 (before the survey was started) a plague of house-mice Mus musculus occurred...During that period the contents of a number of stomachs of Bam Owl Tyto alba, Boobook Owl Ninox novaeseelandiae, Tawny Frogmouth Podargus strigoides, Laughing Kookaburra Dacelo gigas and Nankeen Kestrel Falco cenchroides were examined and revealed that all these birds had fed on mice only" (Vestjens 1973). 308 - BAIRD In both North America and Africa Tyto alba are known to feed on birds in winter and rodents and small mammals in summer (de Graaf 1960, Fritzell & Thome 1984). In North America there is also a shift from mammalian prey to avian prey during rodent population declines (Hawbecker 1945, Otteni et al. 1972). Oldest Known Occurrence. Oldest dated occurrence of T. alba in Australia occurs in Koonalda Cave, South Australia between the dates of 13,700 + 270 and 19,300 + 300 yBP (Baird 1986). Foraging Range. The most recent study involved in determining the foraging radius for T. alba is Taberlet (1983). In his study Taberlet found that the foraging radius for 7. alba was at least 2.5 km, which would agree well with the 1.5 km radius of Schmidt et al. (1971) and the 2 km radius of Geroudet (1978). Therefore, 2.5 km will be regarded as the mode. As has been pointed out by Brain (1981, below), although the foraging range of the Bam Owl may vary with the abundance of prey it is usually restricted to that area directly surrounding the roosting site. "The range is likely to be greatly affected by the availability of food; when prey is abundant, the owls range will be smaller than in times of food scarcity” (Brain 1981:127). "Thus, from the point of view of environmental reconstructions, owl prey should be regarded as coming from within a few kilometers of the roost. When prey is normally abundant, some recent evidence suggests that owl hunting in the Transvaal may be extremely localized” (Brain 1981: 127). Table IIB: Percentage contribution of animals of different weights to the range captured by Tyto alba. N = total MNI (2152). Weight Classes (g) N % 0 - 20 1608 75 20 - 40 221 10 40 - 60 50 2 60 - 80 80 - 100 100 - 120 120 - 140 269 13 140 - 160 Wn 280 - 300 3 <1 300 - 320 1 <1 Mean Body Weight (with Mus musculus) = 34 g Mean Body Weight (without Mus musculus) = 70 g Sites Attributed. These include the caves of Chambers Gorge, South Australia (Smith & Medlin 1982) and Cave 2 of southwestern Westem Australia (Archer & Baynes 1972). Tytonidae Tyto novaehollandiae Taphonomy. Characteristics defining tytonid species are based upon studies of T. alba (see above). Deposits accumulated by T. novaehollandiae may be differentiated from those of T. alba and T. tenebricosa by the wide range of body weights for prey species and the large mean weight for the whole assemblage (see section on prey, below, and Table IIC). Natural History. This species is considered to be a sedentary, primary carnivore which is both crepuscular and nocturnal. Tyto novaehollandiae has been recorded from a number of caves, including Marble Arch, New South Wales (Hall 1975); Clogg's Cave, Victoria (McKean 1963); and several on the Bunda Plateau (summarized in Parker 1977). Of the three species of tytonid owls considered, this species would probably be the most intermediate with respect to Martin's (1986) hypothesis, in that it would be moderately territorial, based upon the amount of ambient light available. The canopy cover of its preferred habitat would only limit ambient light during nights of little to no moonshine and/or heavy cloud cover. Habitats. The range of vegetation formations inhabited by T. novaehollandiae includes, ™...eucalypt forest and woodland, requiring partial clearing or forest edges for hunting but roosting in the dense cover of gullies or caves." (Blakers ef al. 1984). Tyto novaehollandiae seems to prefer "...heavy forests and woodlands of eucalypts...” and "...requires a greater diversity of habitat than the others [tytonids] using closed eucalypt forest for roosting and nesting, and forest edge and open woodland for henting. Because of this their home ranges, each the permanent property of the pair, are large and cover about 5000 - 1000 hectares in eastern Australia (inferred from Hill 1955 and Hyem 1979)" (Schodde & Mason 1980). AUSTRALIAN CAVE TAPHONOMY - 309 Soon Percentage contributions of animals of different weights to the range captured by Tyto novaehollandiae. N, total Weight Classes (g) N % 0; 30 32 16 50 - 100 1 <1 100 - 150 62 32 150 - 200 200 - 250 250 - 300 300 - 350 1 el 350 - 400 400 - 450 450 - 500 2 1 500 - 550 550 - 600 600 - 650 9 5 650 - 700 700 - 750 750 - 800 20 10 800 - 850 850 - 900 900 - 950 19 10 950 - 100 1000 - 1050 1050 - 1100 8 4 1100 - 1150 AY 1500 - 1550 4 2 1550 - 1600 37 19 Mean Body Weight = 633 g Prey. The range of species and range of sizes of prey items for T. novaehollandiae is far greater than that for T. alba and T. tenebricosa (although only little is known for the later species) (see Table IIC). From available data about half of the prey items for this species appear to fall below the 100 g weight class and the other half are evenly distributed from this point to 1600 g. Mooney (1983b) mentioned that in Tasmania T. novaehollandiae is known to eat a variety of bird species (i.e. Falco berigora Brown Falcon, Platycercus caledonicus Green Rosella, P. eximius Eastern Rosella, Gymnorhina tibicen Australian Magpie, and Sturnus vulgaris Starling), as discovered from both the pellets and remains left beneath roosts of this species. Sexual size dimorphism is important in this species. Schodde & Mason (1980) mention that, "the great difference in talons between male and females implies that, like the Sooty Owl, each takes prey of different average size." This may explain the large size range in the prey associated with this species. Foraging Range. The foraging range is unknown for T. novaehollandiae, so that for T. alba will be used (e.g. 2.5 km). Oldest Known Occurrence. The oldest dated occurrence of T. novaehollandiae is from Koonalda Cave, South Australia between 13,700 + 270 and 19,300 + 300 yBP (Baird 1986). The species is also recorded from both Pyramids Cave, Victoria, which is considered to be greater than 30,000 years old, and Devil's Lair, Westem Australia, from the reworked deposit, which would be older than the oldest radiocarbon date of 37,750 + 2,500 yBP. Sites Attributed. Included in the sites attributed to T. novaehollandiae are Mabel Cave (Layer 1), and Pyramids Cave, in Victoria (Wakefield 1960a, 1972) and Cave 3 (AU-25), southwestem Western Australia (Archer & Baynes 1972). Mees (1964) suggested that “it is almost certain that the deposits of mammal bones in caves on the Nullarbor Plain described by Lundelius (1963) and others are the work of Tyto novaehollanidae..." although results presented in Parker (1977) may suggest otherwise. 310 - BAIRD Thylacoleo carnifex, one of several marsupial lions known from the Australian continent. This species is restricted to the Pleistocene, and in this illustration is preparing to drag the carcass of a newly killed Grey Kangaroo into a tree out reach of other carnivores and scavengers. (From Rich & van Tets 1985, with permission of The Museum of Victoria). CHAPTER 11 PRESERVATION OF BIOMOLECULAR INFORMATION IN FOSSILS FROM AUSTRALASIA Merrill Rowley! ATPOGUCHOMY 52s cs hove Bese eens ne vege lessened 312 Extraction and Characterization of Sources of Biomolecular Information ColaGens AP scan eden caesssey es 320 INMEOSSIIS., coke vetase Ss ecveedceseeslceseer ess 313 Preparation of Antisera............... 320 Preservation of Organic Material....... 313 Extraction of Collagen from the Biomolecular Information in Soft Tissues: Mummified Skin of a Moa......... 321 Collagen and Albumin............... 313 Immunoreactive Collagen in Bone.....321 DOIN AN ela ata coca ceaassfesteceh gs ec eseie cise 314 Immunoreactive Osteocalcin in Bone..323 Biomolecular Information in Bone: Effect of Environment on Collagen (Gro) F:17-) 1 eee oe 316 Survival in Bome.............cc:eeeeees 324 OStEOCAICIN: .csicenaeFerzeeesencceaueoss 317 Loss of Collagen in Fresh Bone Biomolecular Information in Immediately after Death.............. 326 Australasian Fossils...............0+ 318 Extraction of Collagen from Miocene Analytic Techniques ............2:sceseeeee 318 BONG yeh oo aldckescedec anes ceeds dione oe 326 Radioimmunoassay .............600+0 318 Applications..........cceseccceeeceeeeneeeeeen ees 330 Immunoblotting...................066+ 319 Conclusions ...............cceceeeeececeeeeeeeeeee 332 Preparation of Fossils.............0. 320 Acknowledgements...........:.sececeeeceenee ees 332 REfELENCES: ccrcecsceedseces vocdesessosistoaesegeoses 333 nnn EEE 1 Centre for Molecular Biology and Medicine, Monash University, Clayton 3168, Australia. 312 - ROWLEY INTRODUCTION Phylogenetic relationships among living and extinct species have traditionally been established morphologically. However, such an approach has been hampered by the problem of convergent evolution, meaning that groups of organisms, not closely related genetically, have developed morphological similarities as a result of environmental pressures. Moreover, the rate of morphological divergence may vary greatly between groups of animals. In an attempt to overcome the problems associated with a classification based entirely on morphological grounds, taxonomists have turned increasingly to the examination of genetic similarity, by comparing DNA or RNA or proteins. Genetic comparisons are based on the recognition that DNA sequence changes (substitutions, insertions, deletions and rearrangements) are a major source of phenotypic variation in evolution, since by affecting genes or the regulation of genes, such changes influence biochemistry, development, morphology and behaviour. Evidence has accumulated that the probability of base substitutions in the DNA, and hence of amino acid substitutions in a particular protein, is a function of time, so that evolving proteins serve as "molecular clocks”, and may provide a measure of how closely two organisms are related, and possibly how recently they evolved from a common ancestor (reviewed in Wilson et al. 1977). Although it is likely that the rate of DNA sequence evolution does differ between taxonomic groups (Wu & Li 1985, Britten 1986, Li & Tanimura 1987) molecular comparisons are making increasing contributions to taxonomy. A variety of techniques has been used to measure molecular differences. Proteins have been sequenced directly (Dayhoff 1972, Ibrahimi et al, 1979, Jolles et al. 1979), or they have been compared by physical means, such as electrophoresis (Sibley & Ahlquist 1972, Sibley & Frelin 1972), in which changes in amino acid sequences are recognised by altered mobility in an electric field. Proteins also have been compared by immunological techniques, in which the degree of reactivity of a protein with a specific antibody is measured, and compared with that of the same protein from a different organism (Maxson et al. 1975, Goodman 1976, Kirsch 1977, Ibrahimi et al 1979). Comparisons of DNA from different sources have been carried out by directly sequencing isolated genes and computerised data banks of gene sequences are available to facilitate such comparisons. Alternatively, a much larger part of the genome may be compared by DNA hybridization (Sibley & Ahlquist 1983, 1986) in which single-stranded DNA from one organism is allowed to reassociate with the DNA from a second organism. "Hybrid" double- stranded molecules form between homologous sequences. These hybrid duplexes contain mismatched as well as matched base pairs, because of base sequence differences that have evolved since the two species diverged from their most recent common ancestor. Hence, the hybrid molecule will dissociate at a lower temperature than would either of the parent molecules. The greater the degree of genetic divergence between the two organisms, the more the temperature of dissociation will be lowered. These techniques are being used to reevaluate the phylogenetic relationships of living animals, e.g. Man and primates (Lowenstein & Zihlman 1984) or the Giant Panda, bears and raccoons (O'Brien et al. 1985). However, the lack of suitable genetic material has limited their use when dealing with phylogenies with extinct members. Nevertheless, under favourable circumstances, many of the components of living tissues may be preserved long after the death of the animal. The first part of this article will draw together much of the evidence for the persistence of proteins and DNA in ancient materials. In the second half, I review data on the persistence of collagen in Australasian fossil material, and the interpretations derived from it. BIOMOLECULAR INFORMATION IN FOSSILS - 313 SOURCES OF BIOMOLECULAR INFORMATION IN FOSSILS PRESERVATION OF ORGANIC MATERIAL It is well recognised that, under certain conditions, organic material can survive unchanged for long periods. For example, the germination of seeds up to 2000 years old (Keilin 1959) indicates that the genetic code stored in the DNA must have survived intact. Blood group antigens have been determined from ancient mummy material (Boyd & Boyd 1937, 1939; Candela 1939; Otten & Florey 1964; Berg et al. 1975), with the necessary reservation that bacteria are capable of synthesizing structures with the same antigenicity as human blood group antigens (Hakomori 1974). Moreover, the stability of dried protein is such that Loy (1983) could demonstrate the presence of blood on prehistoric stone tools 1000 to 6000 years old, and he has been able to identify the animal origin of the haemoglobin detected. The two fossil proteins which have been most widely studied are the structural protein collagen, and the serum protein albumin. Collagen is the most abundant protein in the body and is very resistant to degradation. Hence, it has been most readily demonstrated in preserved tissues. However, collagen is a highly conserved molecule and is relatively non-immunogenic, making it difficult to prepare a range of antisera with which to test samples. In addition, collagen is made up of three polypeptide chains, with a defined three-dimensional structure, and in rabbits this "native" molecule stimulates a much stronger antibody response than the molecule denatured by mild heating, at 43°C. For these reasons, collagen has not been the protein of choice for molecular comparisons. Instead, albumin has proven the useful alternative where soft tissues are preserved, and proteins other than collagen may be present. Albumin occurs naturally in high concentrations in all tissues. It is a single polypeptide chain of 580 amino acid residues. Although it has a well-defined three dimensional structure its amino acid sequence is not highly conserved, and it is highly immunogenic across species. Furthermore, Wilson and colleagues (1977) have carried out thousands of genetic comparisons on living species, and this large body of comparative information provides an invaluable framework for analyzing data obtained from the albumins of extinct species. BIOMOLECULAR INFORMATION IN SOFT TISSUES: COLLAGEN AND ALBUMIN. Much of the genetic information which has been obtained so far has come from preserved soft tissues, such as skin, either naturally preserved, or from museum specimens, mummified bodies, or animals preserved in the permafrost. These specimens, which are relatively young geologically, are likely to contain a range of protcins, and are the most likely source of intact DNA. Much preservation of soft tissues has taken place by desiccation and mummification, whether naturally occurring, or induced artificially as a part of funeral rites. Histopathological examinations have been performed on both Egyptian mummies and on dried bodies from other ancient cultures (Williams 1927, Reyman et al. 1976). Histochemical (Sandison 1963, Montes ef al. 1985) or immunofluorescence staining techniques (Wick et al. 1980) have demonstrated the presence of recognisable proteins, particularly elastin and collagen. Similarly, collagen has been demonstrated by immunofluorescence in skin from a moa (Megalapteryx didinus) mummified naturally (Rowley et al. in prep.) (Fig. 1). Using scanning electron microscopy, the characteristic striations of collagen also have been detected in specimens of 314 - ROWLEY muscle from the Magadan mammoth (Barnhart ef al. 1980), after being entombed in the Siberian permafrost for approximatcly 40,000 years. Figure 1. Collagen demonstrated by immunofluorescence in acetone-fixed frozen sections of Moa skin. A, reaction with rabbit antiserum to chicken collagen; B, reaction with normal rabbit serum. Although there are no techniques for the histological or electronmicroscopic demonstration of albumin in tissues, albumin has been detected in various tissues. This has been accomplished either by direct assay using an antibody to albumin (Lowenstein et al. 1981) or by indirect methods in which the tissue in question is injected into rabbits, and the resultant antiserum shown to react with purified albumins (Prager et al. 1980, Shoshani et al. 1985). By such means, the presence of albumin has been demonstrated in mammoth muscle (Prager et al. 1980, Lowenstein et al. 1981), dried muscle or skin from Thylacines (Lowenstein et al. 1981), and Quagga skin (Lowenstein & Ryder 1985). There have been few attempts to extract and purify these proteins, and the proteins extracted have been variably degraded. Biochemical analysis of the protein of the Magadan mammoth showed that the most abundant protein material in the tissue studied was degraded collagen, although some undegraded, possibly native type I collagen chains were also present (Goodman et al. 1980). The albumin, also, had undergone post-mortem change (Prager et al. 1980), and only about 20% of it appeared to be similar in size to native monomeric albumin: much of the remaining albumin was aggregated. Similarly, the collagen in the moa skin (Rowley et al. in prep.) was partially degraded, with random intra-chain breakages, producing peptides of a wide range of molecular weights. Yet in each case, although the protein was partially degraded, it retained its immunological identity, and reacted specifically with the appropriate antiserum, anti-albumin, or anti-collagen. BIOMOLECULAR INFORMATION IN SOFT TISSUES: DNA As with collagen and albumin, DNA has been detected in ancient tissues. Higuchi e¢ al. (1984) obtained mitochondrial DNA sequences from dried muscle of the Quagga, a zebra-like BIOMOLECULAR INFORMATION IN FOSSILS - 315 species that became extinct in 1883. They were able to show that the sequences differed by 12 base substitutions from the corresponding sequences of mitochondrial DNA from a Mountain Zebra, an extant species. The number, nature and location of the substitutions implied that there had been little or no postmortem modification of the Quagga DNA sequences and that the two species had a common ancestor 3-4 myBP. The DNA was extracted from dried muscle and connective tissue attached to the salt-preserved skin of an animal which died 140 years previously, and had been stored in the Museum of Natural History at Mainz, West Germany. The recent origin of the specimen, and the special conditions of preservation, may have provided particularly favourable conditions for the preservation of DNA. DNA has been cloned and sequenced from a 2,400-year-old mummy of an Egyptian child (Padiibo 1985). In this study tissues from 23 different mummies and mummy fragments, ranging in age from the Sixth Dynasty (2370-2160 BC) to late Roman times, were examined, but only samples of the epidermis and several subcutaneous structures from one individual, a less than l-year-old boy, contained DNA. The mummification process in ancient Egypt consisted of dehydration of the eviscerated body by embedding it in crystalline salts. It may be relevant that both this mummy and the Quagga skin were salt preserved, and hence rapidly dehydrated and maintained in dried form: freshly prepared, purified DNA is stable indefinitely after drying. The general histological preservation of the various mummy tissues was much better in superficial tissues and peripheral parts of the body than in the more deeply situated tissues and no DNA could be extracted from any of the deeper tissues. Attempts to clone DNA from tissues preserved under less favourable conditions have been less successful. Thus, although DNA was cloned from the Magadan mammoth, after 40,000 years in the Siberian permafrost (Higuchi & Wilson 1984, Jeffreys 1984), most of the DNA isolated appeared to be of recent microbial origin, and probably introduced after excavation. Elephant-like DNA sequences were present in very small quantities, and much of the DNA was severely degraded. Any sequence information recovered from such material is likely to be seriously distorted by post-mortem modification. I also have been unable to extract DNA from naturally preserved skin from a moa (Megalapteryx didinus) found in a cave near Cromwell in the South Island of New Zealand (unpublished observations). The apparent lack of DNA in these samples is in contrast with the presence of extractable proteins from soft tissues of similar age e.g. the mammoth and the moa skin. However, DNA was extracted from human brain tissue obtained from the Windover archaeological site a swampy pond in central Florida (Doran et al. 1986) dated at about 8,000 years. The yield of DNA from the brain tissue from the Windover site was only about 1% of that from fresh tissue, and the quality of the DNA was not good. The DNA digested poorly with restriction enzymes, probably due to base modifications or other damage. In contrast, the DNA obtained from both the Quagga and the human mummy was of good quality and had apparently undergone little post-mortem modification, although the yield was only 1-5% of that expected from fresh tissue. Swampy conditions do not give uniformly good preservation, however, since no DNA could be extracted from muscle obtained from the much younger British bog body, Lindow Man (Hughes et al. 1986). Although these studies of DNA in preserved tissues have aroused considerable interest, they are of minimal relevance to palaeontologists, for two reasons. First, the oldest samples tested which have given unequivocal results are only 8000 years old, a mere instant on the geological time scale. Studies on older material do not indicate that DNA will be preserved, and the chemistry of DNA degradation over geological time periods is unknown. Second, the overwhelming majority of vertebrate fossils consist only of skeletal material and other tissues are very rarely preserved. Bone is a relatively acellular tissue, and even fresh bone is not a good source of DNA. For example, we were unable to extract DNA from bone of a King Island Emu (Dromaius ater), possibly no more than 150 years old, even though the bone contained levels of collagen similar to those of modern bone (Rowley et al. 1986). 316 - ROWLEY BIOMOLECULAR INFORMATION IN BONE: COLLAGEN A much larger potential source of biomolecular information is the wealth of fossil bones and teeth, ranging in age to hundreds of millions of years. The most abundant proteins in bone would be the structural proteins of bone, collagen and osteocalcin (Hauschka 1980), which are embedded in the inorganic matrix of the bone and may be expected to be lost only very slowly. The retention of serum albumin in bone is much less likely. The survival of collagen in bones has been implicit in the radiometric dating of fossils using !14C (Berger et al. 1964), and in the use of amino acid racemization as an alternative method of dating (reviewed by Williams & Smith 1977). The unique amino-acid composition of collagen (in particular the 33% glycine, high proline and hydroxyproline) enables it to be easily identified. Many studies have demonstrated that amino acids can be extracted from fossil bone (Ho 1965, Cantaluppi 1975, Dungworth et al. 1975, Carmichael et al. 1975, Dungworth et al. 1976, Stafford et al. 1982, Armstrong et al. 1983). The most extensive studies of amino acids in bone would be those of Wyckoff (1972), who examined fossils from many sites, ranging from Pleistocene mammal bones from the Rancho la Brea tar pits to Jurassic dinosaur bones from the Morrison Formation in Wyoming, U.S.A. Several important points have come from Wyckoff's work. First, there may be wide differences in the preservation of amino acids in fossils, even from the same environment, and of similar age. Wyckoff compared the amino acid composition of numerous bones from Rancho la Brea, and found that although each had a similar distribution of amino acids to that found in modern collagens, the total quantity extracted varied widely. In some cases the amount of collagen was comparable with that of modern bone, but some bones contained 5% or less of that found in modem material. Second, although the residue from each of the bones from Rancho la Brea had the composition of collagen, this has not been true for fossils from all other sites. For example, in a Pliocene site (Matter et al. 1970) in which many animals had been collected from a sand and silt matrix of lacustrine origin, many of the bones tested had amino acids characteristic of collagen. However, others had a composition approximating that of bacteria. Wyckoff's (1972) interpretation was that the residues of most of the bones were the result of an incomplete rotting of the original carcass. As microscopic study of the bones gave no evidence of recent microbial attack, and there was no detectable protein in the matrix, this was thought to have occurred at the time of fossilization. Third, Wyckoff's studies (1972) do not suggest that the age of the fossil is a good indicator of the amount of amino acids remaining in the fossil, although generally there was a decrease in amino acids with increasing age, and non- collagenous residues were more frequent in fossils older than the Pleistocene. However, the decline in the amino acid content of bones appeared to be slow, and the amino acids characteristic of collagen have been detected in some dinosaur bones from the Cretaceous and the Jurassic. Furthermore, the amino acid content of many of the Jurassic bones was as high as that in the younger Cretaceous samples. Fourth, the environment of fossilization was important for the preservation of protein, Amino acids were more likely to be found in fossils preserved in alkaline than in acidic rocks, and the most successful extractions were from bones embedded in calcitic matrices (Wyckoff 1972, 1980). Preservation in a dry environment may assist the preservation of collagen, since, when boiled with water, collagen is solubilised into gelatin, but, when dried, the hydrolytic decomposition which occurs with heat and even traces of moisture does not occur. Although most of these experimental studies have involved temperatures far above those likely to occur in the natural environment, such changes may be expected to take place, more slowly, at much lower temperatures over geological time scales. Although Wyckoff's studies (1972) provided the first systematic observations on the preservation of proteins in fossil bone, measurements of amino acids cannot be used for molecular comparisons, and these studies did not show whether the amino acids remained as intact proteins, as substantial peptides or as amino acids per se. However, collagen in fossil BIOMOLECULAR INFORMATION IN FOSSILS - 317 bones has been detected by electronmicroscopy, as fossil bone samples have shown the 640 A striations characteristic of collagen (Little et al. 1962, Isaacs et al. 1963, Wyckoff & Doberenz 1965, Doberenz & Wyckoff 1967, Tuross ef al. 1980). Although preserved ultra-structure may be an unreliable indicator of the survival of protein in the tissue (Towe & Urbanck 1972, Towe 1980), proteins containing the characteristic amino acid composition of collagen have been extracted from a number of the bones showing such striations (Tuross et al. 1980). Various methods have been used to extract the collagen from bones. The bone samples have been cut into small pieces, or ground to a powder, and demineralised by extraction with ethylenediaminetetraacetic acid (EDTA) (Hedges & Wallace 1978, Tuross et al. 1980) or by dilute acid (Gurtler et al. 1981), and residual protein has been solubilised in saline, dilute acetic acid, or with pepsin digestion in acetic acid. With modern material, only a small amount of recently formed, non-crosslinked collagen would be soluble in either saline or acetic acid, but pepsin digestion is a standard method of collagen preparation (Miller 1971, Chung & Miller 1974). Samples have been further characterised by electrophoresis using sodium dodecyl sulphate polyacrylamide gels (SDS-PAGE) (Tuross et al. 1980, Gurtler et al. 1981) or Sephadex gel filtration (Hedges & Wallace 1978), to determine molecular weights of proteins. Peptides also have been examined after digestion with cyanogen bromide, which cleaves polypeptide chains at the amino acid methionine (Hedges & Wallace 1978, Tuross et al. 1980). Furthermore, the collagen remaining may retain sensitivity to enzymatic cleavage with collagenase or other proteases, which may liberate characteristic peptides for further study (Armstrong et al. 1983, Rowley et al. 1986), Using these methods, bones ranging in age from 200 years to >53,000 years have been shown to contain collagen, although much of the collagen was degraded. Degraded collagen was reflected both in the changes in the pattern of peptides seen after electrophoresis (Tuross et al. 1980, Gurtler et al. 1981), and also in the increasing amount of soluble material found in the older fossils (Hedges & Wallace 1978, Tuross ef al. 1980). It is likely that extensive peptide cleavages occurred along the collagen molecules in the fossil bone samples even though the collagen has apparently remained in situ in the bone. In these studies, the age of the bone did not provide a good indicator of the amount or quality of preservation of the collagen, since protein bands corresponding to alpha chains could be seen in the extract from the oldest bone tested, a whale bone from Baffin Island, aged >53,000 years, but not in other much younger bones (Tuross ef al. 1980). There may be an increased tendency for the remaining protein to aggregate, reflected in the greater amount of protein which did not enter the gel during electrophoresis on SDS-PAGE (Gurtler e¢ a/. 1981, Tuross et al. 1980). These studies clearly show that biochemical investigation of fossil proteins by directly isolating and sequencing individual peptides would be a formidable task. However, the use of immunochemical techniques may overcome both the quantitative and qualitative problems associated with collagen extraction from fossils. With suitable immunoassays, even minute amounts (nanograms or picograms) of proteins can be detected, and even degraded proteins may retain some of their original species-specific sequences and Lowenstein (1980, 1981) has exploited such methods. Using a solid-phase radioimmunoassay (Fig. 2) and antibodies to collagen raised in rabbits, he has shown that immunologically reactive collagen could be detected in extracts of human fossil bones ranging in age up to 1.8 million years. The reaction with these fossils was species specific, in that reactions with antibody to monkey, bovine or rat collagens were persistently weaker than with antibody to human collagen. BIOMOLECULAR INFORMATION IN BONE: OSTEOCALCIN Although studies of the preservation of proteins in bone fossils have overwhelmingly been studies of the preservation of collagen, about 1% of the total bone protein is osteocalcin. Osteocalcin is a small molecule with a molecular weight of about 6000 daltons, containing a 318 - ROWLEY high content of the amino acid gamma-carboxyglutamate. In several studies (King 1978a, b; King & Bada, 1979) this amino acid has been shown to persist in fossils up to 50,000 years, in the absence of leaching or weathering. More recently, using specific antibodies and a sensitive radioimmunoassay, osteocalcin itself has been demonstrated (Huq et al. 1985, Hauschka unpublished observations), and immunoreactive osteocalcin has been chemically extracted from specimens of bone from the moa Pachyornis elephantopus, 4000-7000 years old (Huq et al. 1985). wks Collagen binds Antibody binds Radioactive probe to plastic. to collagen. binds to antibody. Figure 2. Solid phase radioimmunoassay for collagen. Collagen binds firmly to the polyvinyl wells, and antibodies bound to the collagen can be detected using a radioactive tag. The amount of radioactivity is proportional to the amount of collagen present. BIOMOLECULAR INFORMATION IN AUSTRALASIAN FOSSILS. The previous section has reviewed the published evidence for the preservation of proteins and DNA in fossils. However, these studies have, almost without exception, originated from the Northern Hemisphere, and nothing is known about the effect of the Australian environment on the preservation of biomolecules. This section describes the results of studies on the preservation of collagen in fossils from Australasia. These studies have been carried out in the past 5 years within the Department of Earth Sciences at Monash University in Melbourne, Australia. The methods used have been standard throughout, and are described in detail, although they are similar to many of those used in the studies reviewed above. ANALYTIC TECHNIQUES Radioimmunoassay. A solid-phase radioimmunoassay (RIA) for collagen, based on that of Lowenstein (1980) was carried out on flexible polyvinyl microtitre plates (Fig. 2). Wells were coated with 50 microlitres (ul) of the sample to be tested and held overnight at 4° C in a moist chamber to allow any protein present in the sample to bind to the plastic. The plates were then washed 3 times with phosphate buffered saline pH 7.3 (PBS) containing 1% skimmed milk powder and 0.05% Tween 20, and 6 times with distilled water, exposed to 200 ul of the wash solution for BIOMOLECULAR INFORMATION IN FOSSILS - 319 2 hours at room temperature, to coat residual sites on the plastic, and again washed as above. Fifty 11 of antibody to collagen was added to each well, and the plates were kept overnight at 4° C, then washed as before. Antibody bound to the plate was detected using a radioactively labelled probe, which bound specifically to the antibody. Rabbit anti-collagen antibodies were detected by adding 50 wl of protein A from Staphylococcus aureus, labelled with !251 containing 50,000 counts per minute (specific activity 40 microcuries/microgram). Sheep antibodies, which do not bind protein A, were detected using 50,000 counts per minute (cpm) of donkey anti-sheep antibodies (specific activity 10 pici/ugram). After the plates were kept overnight, unbound radioactivity was washed away, and the radioactivity bound to the wells was counted on a gamma counter. Under the conditions of the assay, the amount of radioactivity bound to the plate was proportional to the amount of collagen bound to the plate. Each sample was tested in quadruplicate, using anticollagen antibodies, and a corresponding antiserum from an unimmunised animal to measure non-specific binding. In addition, each serum was tested on uncoated wells of the plate, to determine the "background" binding observed in the absence of fossils. Each sample was counted for ten minutes. The sensitivity of this technique as measured using a standard curve of purified collagen was high, detecting less than 0.1 g/ml, corresponding to | ng of collagen in 1 mg of bone powder. Immunoblotting. Similar in principle to the radioimmunoassay, immunoblotting provided a rapid and convenient method of screening valuable fossils, since it required only a few milligrams of bone. Many samples could be tested at once , handling was simple, and fossils which deserved further investigations were easily recognised. Five microlitre samples were spotted onto nitrocellulose, which provided the solid-phase support. After blocking, using PBS pH 7.3 containing 5% skimmed milk powder, the nitrocellulose was incubated with either rabbit anti- collagen antibodies, or normal rabbit serum, and then !%°I-labelled protein A and autoradiographed with x-ray film in the dark at -70° C. The presence of radioactivity, and hence collagen in samples was recognised by the dark spot on the film (Fig. 3). Background binding with rabbit serum was low, and after 2 weeks of autoradiography, the sensitivity was such that 0.4 ng of collagen applied to the filter could be detected. X - ray film Antibody binds Radioactive probe to collagen. binds to antibody. Collagen binds to nitrocellulose. Figure 3. Immunoblotting for collagen. Similar in principle, to the radioimmunoassay, the collagen is bound to nitrocellulose membrane. After reaction with antibodies, and with the radioactive tag, the radioactivity bound is detected on X-ray film. 320 - ROWLEY Preparation of Fossils. Fossils were ground to a fine powder, decalcified with 10 volumes of 0.5 M EDTA, pH 7,5, then re-extracted with 10 volumes of 0.5 M acetic acid. The remaining bone powder was resuspended in 10 volumes of phosphate buffered saline (PBS) pH 7.3, for testing. Extractions a mee out in siliconized glassware throughout, to minimize loss of protein on the sides of the tubes, Extraction and Characterization of Collagens. The major collagen component of bone is type I collagen, which is also a major component of skin. For this reason, modern collagens for comparison with fossil samples were prepared from skin samples by pepsin digestion and purified by differential salt precipitation (Chung & Miller 1974). Proteins present in samples were examined by SDS-polyacrylamide gel electrophoresis under reducing conditions, according to the method of Laemmli (1970). After electrophoresis, gels were stained using 0.1% Coomassie blue R-250, or by the silver/ Coomassie bluc double staining technique of Dzandu et al. (1984, 1985). After separation by SDS-PAGE, collagens were electrotransferred to nitrocellulose for immunoblotting, which was carried out as described above. The physical form of the fossil collagens, whether retaining the native triple-helical conformation, or denatured, was assessed in several ways. First, selected samples were reacted with purified bacterial collagenase, which specifically degrades native collagen. Samples were exposed to | mg/ml collagenase in 0.05 M Tris pH 7.5, 0.2 M NaCl, 0.002 M CaCl, overnight at 37° C. Second, samples were tested in the radioimmunoassay by coating the plates at 50° C, which denatured the collagen. As the rabbit antisera used reacted far more strongly with native collagen, heating greatly reduced the binding of antibody to control collagen. Third, selected samples were also tested by immunoblotting as described by Ramshaw & Werkmeister (1988), under conditions in which collagen will retain the native triple-helical conformation, Electrophoresis was carried out in a 3% gel, in the absence of SDS, and both electrophoresis and clectrotransfer to nitrocellulose were carried out in 1% lactic acid at pH 3. Preparation of Antisera. Rabbits were immunized sub-cutaneously with 5 mg of collagen in complete Freund's adjuvant initially, and in PBS 4 weeks later, Booster injections of collagen in PBS were repeated as necessary, to maintain high levels of antibody in the sera, Antibodies prepared in rabbits reacted predominantly with native collagen, and minimally with denatured collagen. Antibodies to denatured collagen appeared only after months of antigen exposure, and never to high titre (Fig. 4A), Denatured collagen itself did not stimulate antibody production, even after 4 injections of heat-denatured collagen in adjuvant. Although a series of antisera were produced, to collagens from various animals, one rabbit antiserum was used for the following studies. This was chosen, because it contained the greatest reactivity to denatured collagen of any antiserum tested. Although it reacted most strongly with chicken collagen, it gave 70-80% of that reactivity with emu and other avian collagens, and less than 50% of that reactivity with various mammalian collagens. Additionally, as sheep produce antibodies to collagen which react similarly to both native and denatured collagen, a widely reactive antiserum to avian collagens was prepared in a single sheep immunised with | mg of a mixture of avian collagens in complete Freund's adjuvant, BIOMOLECULAR INFORMATION IN FOSSILS - 321 followed by 3 subsequent injections of 1 mg of the collagen mixture in incomplete Freund's adjuvant at fortnightly intervals (Fig. 4B). EXTRACTION OF COLLAGEN FROM THE MUMMIFIED SKIN OF A MOA. Although moas were found throughout New Zealand at the time when the Maoris arrived, about 1000 years ago, most, if not all, were extinct by the arrival of the first Europeans. Much remains unknown about the living moas and their phylogenetic relationships with other flightless birds. Recently, it has been possible to examine a piece of naturally mummified moa skin for the presence of collagen. Collagen, detectable in this specimen by immunofluorescence (Fig. 1), was extracted with acetic acid and pepsin for further examination. After separation by SDS-PAGE on a 10% gel, the bands observed did not correspond with those of modern collagen. Much of the protein was present as a smear throughout the gel, indicating considerable degradation (Fig. 5A). After transfer to nitrocellulose and immunoblotting under denaturing conditions, some reactivity occurred with high molecular weight material, but the staining was weak, and none of the protein bands stained specifically. Using conditions of electroblotting and electrophoresis to retain native collagen, a single spot of protein was observed, of slightly greater mobility than that of the collagen control (Fig. 5B). By radioimmunoassay, the pepsin digest of moa skin contained significant collagen reactivity, which was destroyed by heat treatment at 45° C. These results indicated that the collagen remaining in the moa skin retained considerable helical structure. Although obviously severely degraded, as evidenced from the SDS-PAGE protein profile, the moa collagen reacted specifically with antibodies, and the reactivity was inhibitible to varying extents with collagens from other birds and animals (Fig. 6). IMMUNOREACTIVE COLLAGEN IN BONE. In an initial study (Rowley et al. 1986), avian fossils, usually Emu (Dromaius novaehollandiae), from 9 separate Pleistocene sites, and ranging in age from at least 150 years to about 2.5 million years were examined, using a rabbit antiserum to chicken collagen. Kangaroo or wallaby fossils from 5 sites were tested for comparison. Both emu and wailaby bones were obtained from 2 sites. Unidentified bone from Tom O's Quarry, a mid-Miocene site in central Australia, thought to be approximately 10 million years old, was also tested. Details of fossils and sites are shown in Table I. By dot immunoblotting, reactivity was detectable in many of the fossils after treatment with antibodies to collagen, but not after treatment with normal rabbit serum (Fig. 7). This reactivity was strongest in the most recent samples, but the oldest sample tested also gave a weak, but definite signal. Reactivity was apparently specific for collagen, as the reactivity was abolished by overnight incubation with collagenase. Results obtained in the RIA were similar to those obtained by immunoblotting, and heat treatment significantly reduced antibody binding to several of the fossils (Table 2). As the rabbit antiserum reacted strongly with native collagen, but only weakly with denatured collagen, if the collagen detected in the fossils retained its tertiary structure, heat treatment should cause a drop in reactivity. However, if the collagen was already denatured, heat treatment should cause very little change in the amount of radioactivity bound. In the fossils 322 - ROWLEY > RABBIT ANTISERUM 100,000 10,000 1000 100 Radioactivity Bound (CPM) 100 1000 10,000 Serum Dilution 38 SHEEP ANTISERUM 100,000 = Oo O 10,000 OO 0 a E one 1000 Sen ps ry = iS 100 @® Native Collagen 2 © Denatured Collagen © oO 100 1000 10,000 100,000 Serum Dilution Figure 4. Levels of antibodies to native collagen, and heat denatured collagen in serum tested at varying dilutions. In this assay, the amount of radioactivity is proportional to the amount of antibody present. A, antibodies in the serum of a rabbit immunized with native collagen react much more strongly with native collagen than with denatured collagen; B, antibodies in the serum of a sheep immunized with native collagen react similarly with both native and denatured collagen. BIOMOLECULAR INFORMATION IN FOSSILS - 323 Figure 5. Polyacrylamide gel electrophoresis and Wester blotting of the Moa collagen extract. A, electrophoresis on 10% SDS-PAGE, stained with Coomassie blue. 1. Moa, pepsin extract. 2. Emu collagen control, 10 micrograms; B, Western blot of proteins separated on a 3% gel for native collagen. After autoradiography for 24 hours there was strong reaction with both Moa collagen (1) and the collagen control (2) and the background radioactivity was very low. treated there was not only a decrease in total antibody bound with increasing age, but a relative increase with age in the amount of denatured collagen in the fossil. IMMUNOREACTIVE OSTEOCALCIN IN BONE. Several of the fossils tested for collagen, were also tested for osteocalcin (Hauschka & Rowley, unpublished data). These included emu bone samples, and the unidentified mid- Miocene bone from Tom O's Quarry. A sample of modern Emu bone was included for comparison. Each sample was tested in a competitive radioimmunoassay, using an antibody to chicken osteocalcin, raised in a rabbit. Although there was not good cross reactivity between chicken and emu osteocalcins, and modern Emu gave only 1.3 % of the reactivity expected with fresh chicken bone, osteocalcin was detected also in those bones which contained substantial 324 - ROWLEY collagen (Table 3). As with collagen, osteocalcin was clearly demonstrable in bones aged up to 10,000 years. Table 1: Fossils examined for the presence of collagen. Bone from emu (e), unidentified bird (b), kangaroo (k), or wallaby (w), and unidentified bone (b) were tested. Sites represented a variety of environments: dune (D), ignimbrite (I), fluviatile (F), lacustrine (L), cave (C), or swamp (S). Sites were dated by l4c (*) or by relative data with associated fauna (**). Sample Site Environment Age le King Island D >150 2b Tower Hill I 6-10,000 3e Kings Creek 2F?L 23-41,000* 4e Wombeyan Quarry Cave Cc >18,000* 5e Callabonna L *>36,000** 6e Lancefield South S ~26,000** Tu Tom O's Quarry F 10,000,000 Se Strathdownie Cave Cc Pleistocene** De McEachern's Cave Cc 2-28,000* 10e Lancefield S 26,000* 11k Lancefield S 26,000* 12k Foul Air Cave Cc Pleistocene** 13k Lake Colongulac L Pleistocene** 14w King Island D >150 15k Wyandotte Creek F 2,000,000 EFFECT OF ENVIRONMENT ON COLLAGEN SURVIVAL IN BONE Factors which affect the preservation of collagen are not understood, but the ability to predict which samples are most likely to contain collagen would reduce sample destruction and preparation time during phylogenctic studies of fossil species using collagen. For this reason, a study was carried out to test the effect of environment on the preservation of collagen in fossils from a range of Australian sites. Specimens were obtained from museum collections, and to avoid destruction of valuable specimens, "scrap" bone was obtained from each site, as our previous study (Rowley et al. 1986) had shown that bone scrap may contain significant amounts of collagen. Wherever possible, multiple samples were tested, to test variability within a single environment, Sites tested ranged in age from a few thousand years back to the mid-Miocene, and from a range of environments, including caves, alluvial deposits, central Australian salt lakes, swamps, etc. (Table 4). Of the 39 sites tested, one or more samples from 15 of them tested positively for collagen. As noted previously by Wyckoff, (1972), not all samples from any one site contained collagen. Thus, some samples were completely negative, while another from the same site reacted quite strongly with the antibody. There was poor correlation between the age of the fossils and the amount of collagen detected. Bones which apparently contained collagen were obtained from several Miocene sites around Lake Palankarinna, but bones {rom the Wellington Caves, carbon dated at about 2,500 years did not contain detectable collagen. BIOMOLECULAR INFORMATION IN FOSSILS - 325 Table 2: Heat treatment of fossils tested for collagen in the radioimmunoassay. The rabbit antiserum used in this study reacted most strongly with conformational epitopes. Thus, heat treatment significantly reduced binding to purified Emu collagen. If the collagen detected in the fossils was already denatured, heat treatment should cause very little change in the amount of radioactivity bound. In the five fossils tested, there was not only a decrease in total antibody bound with increasing age, but a relative increase with age in the amount of denatured collagen in the fossils. Sample numbers in this Table refer to those in Table 1. Sample Age (years) Counts Bound Before heating After heating Ratio Enu 0.5 pg/ml 0 133,000 5100 26 Collagen Fossil le >150 104,000 4700 23 Collagen 2b 6-10,000 9100 2100 4.3 10e 26,000 2100 1500 1.4 12k Pleistocene 890 850 1.1 14w >150 7000 3600 1.9 SS SBhBhnDhnDnDDDS=E_—_—_—_———— In this study, as in the first study (Rowley et al. 1986), caves generally seemed to provide a poor environment for the preservation of collagen, as bones were tested from 10 cave sites, and of these, 8 did not contain detectable collagen. However, most of the material examined for collagen had been from caves with abundant moisture, and many of the bones examined were powdery and easily ground. A second study (Baird & Rowley 1990) was, therefore, undertaken to see whether, when well-preserved bones were selected, the cave environment could be shown to influence the survival of collagen. The caves from which material was studied included Clogg's Cave and McEachern's Cave, Victoria, Koonalda Cave, South Australia, and Madura Cave and Devil's Lair, Western Australia. Clogg's Cave, McEachern's Cave and Devil's Lair represented caves with moist environments, and Madura and Koonalda caves occur in dry environments. The bones studied were mostly well-preserved humeri from Turnix species (button-quail), and the primary accumulator was the Barn Owl (Tyto alba) for all except —==—_=<=_ =_—hhmi"_—“<—— OO ESESESaEaE=EE_—_— eae Table 3: Osteocalcin retention in fossil avian bone. Bone powder was extracted in 0.5M EDTA overnight at 4° C. and the supernatant was analysed for osteocalcin in a radioimmunoassay with a chicken antiserum. Sample numbers refer to specimens listed in Table 1. Results are expressed as a percentage of the osteocalcin detected in a sample of modern Emu bone. Sample Age (years) % Osteocalcin Relative to Modern Emu 0 100 le >150 1.38 2b 6-10,000 2.38 Emu >150 1.81 4e >18,000 0 Se >36,000 0 8e Pleistocene 0 10e 26,000 0 ee SS0000$0$@mS _—= 326 - ROWLEY McEachern's Cave, which appeared to be of fluvial/pitfall origin. Bones ranged in age from 8,720+230 to 37,880+3520 years, as determined by dating using 14C. In this study, however, samples from both "wet" and "dry" caves contained significant residual collagen: one sample aged 18,990+220 years contained 92% of the collagen detected in a modern bone sample. Thus, the humidity of the caves did not appear to be the critical factor in the preservation of collagen. In contrast to our previous studies, however, these avian bones had been extremely well-preserved, with an undamaged surface and minimal breakage. Such good survival of small bones, each weighing less than 1 g, suggests that the microenvironment may have been particularly favourable. It should be noted that good bone quality is not always a reliable indicator of collagen preservation. The only sample tested which did not contain significant collagen was also rated as very well preserved. LOSS OF COLLAGEN IN FRESH BONE IMMEDIATELY AFTER DEATH. The previous study of the preservation of collagen in fossils of various ages, and in varying environments, had indicated that neither the age of the fossil, nor its appearance, was a good guide to the preservation of collagen. Wyckoff (1972) suggested that the amino acids remaining in fossils may reflect the changes which took place immediately after the death of the animal. For this reason, the collagen remaining in a series of modern bones which have undergone decomposition under natural conditions, have been examined. The bones selected were from Puffinus tenuirostris (Short-tailed Shearwater), and were collected from among the sand dunes behind the beach at Forrest caves, Phillip Island, in Victoria. The sand dunes along this stretch of coast line are a favourite nesting site, and as a result of predation from feral cats and foxes, skeletal remains are common. Ulnae from seven different birds were examined, selected to represent a range of stages of preservation. The best preserved specimen, from an articulated skeleton buried in the sand at high tide level, was taken to represent the collagen found in fresh bone. Other samples had been subject to varying degrees of weathering, as indicated by bleaching, cracking and growth of algae on the surface. Details are shown in Table 5. In these modern bones, as in the fossil bones, the amount of collagen remaining varied, ranging from 11% to 94% of that in the best specimen. Here also, the appearance of the bone was a poor predictor of collagen preservation, in that the bone containing 94% of the collagen of fresh bone was bleached, cracked and algae covered. Several of these bones contained less collagen than those of the fossils of Turnix varia from caves up to 32,000 years old. EXTRACTION OF COLLAGEN FROM MIOCENE BONE. Although immunoreactive "collagen" has been detected in avian and mammalian fossils, up to 10 million years old, the reactivity detected has not been directly demonstrated to be due to the presence of intact collagenous protein. Reactivity with these very old fossils has been weak, and has not been convincingly removed by collagenase, or altered by heat treatment. It is likely that such old collagen would have undergone considerable changes and react quite differently from modern material. However, it is also possible that such weak reactivity may be no more than artefactual, non-specific antibody binding. To demonstrate that collagen may indeed be preserved for millions of years in fossils, proteins in fossil bone from two Miocene sites were extracted (Rowley et al., in prep.) , The samples tested were selected solely on the availability of sufficient bone for analysis. Sample 1 was 60 g of turtle bone from Lake Namba in South Australia, believed to be about 15 million years old. These bones were collected from the dry bed of the lake, and washed free of surrounding matrix. Sample 2 was 120 g of long bone, probably dromornithid, from Bullock Creek in the Northern Territory. This bone was encased in limestone, and had to be BIOMOLECULAR INFORMATION IN FOSSILS - 327 extracted manually before testing. The bones were ground to a powder, and extensively dialysed against 0.5 M EDTA pH 7.5 and 0.5 M acctic acid (Sample 1) or against 0.5 M acetic acid (Sample 2) to solubilise the collagen and remove the limestone. The supernatants were concentrated, and examined for reactivity to collagen in the RIA, and directly by polyacrylamide gel electrophoresis. Before extraction, neither of the samples contained significant collagen, measured as a three-fold excess of reactivity with antibody to collagen over reactivity measured using a normal rabbit serum control. After concentration, only Sample 2, from Bullock Creek showed reactivity with the antibody (Table 6 ). By polyacrylamide gel electrophoresis under reducing conditions, both samples contained high molecular weight material which did not enter the stacking gel, and low molecular weight material which migrated with the dye front. However, in sample 2, faint bands were identified with similar mobility to the bands of molecular weights 300,000 and 200,000 observed witha modern rhea collagen control (Fig. 8). In 100 80 60 40 20 PERCENT INHIBITION 1 10 100 1000 INHIBITOR (ng) Figure 6. Inhibition of the reaction between moa collagen and sheep antiserum to avian collagen, using purified collagens. A solid phase radioimmunoassay was carried out in which plates coated with moa collagen, 20 pg/ml overnight at 4° C were reacted with a sheep antiserum to avian collagen, at a standard dilution of 1:50,000, and with varying amounts of collagen as inhibitor. Percent inhibition was obtained by comparison of the amount of radioactivity bound in the presence of inhibitor and the amount of radioactivity bound without inhibitor. Linear regression lines are shown for each inhibitor, calculated using the computer programme Sigmaplot (Jandel Scientific, Sausalito, California). Inhibitors used were collagens from moa (M), ostrich (OQ), rhea (R), emu (E), cassowary (CA), and chicken (CH). As expected, the reaction was most strongly inhibited by increasing concentrations of moa collagen, but it was also inhibited by ostrich, rhea, and emu collagens. In this assay, chicken and cassowary collagens were not significantly inhibitory. 328 - ROWLEY Figure 7. Fossils tested for collagen by immunoblotting on nitrocellulose membrane, after 2 weeks autoradiography. Fifteen fossils (F) and Emu collagen control solutions (C) were tested on each filter. Control solutions were tested in doubling dilutions from 10 pg/ml. Filter 1 (A) was reacted with rabbit anti- chicken collagen. Filter 2 (B) was reacted with normal rabbit serum. Reactivity with normal rabbit serum may reflect the presence of bacterial contaminants in the fossil sample. With the exception of fossil 10, the reaction with normal rabbit serum was much less than with immune serum, and developed later during autoradiography. BIOMOLECULAR INFORMATION IN FOSSILS - 329 i _______...____ eee Table 4: Fossils from 49 sites were tested for the presence of collagen. Several samples of bone were tested from each site. Mammalian bones were tested unless otherwise noted. Environments included dune (D), fluviatile (F), lacustrine (L), cave (C), swamp (S) or marine (M). The presence of collagen was assessed by RIA using a rabbit anti-collagen antiserum or normal rabbit serum as a control. Samples were tested in quadruplicate, and were considered positive if they showed both a statistically significant difference (P<0.05) and at least a three-fold increase in counts with anti-collagen antibodies over control counts. Number Site Environment Age Samples Samples tested positive 1. King Island D 2 2 2. Goulden's Hole Cave Cc Holocene 3 PA 3. Wellington Caves Cc 2,550 2 0 Cathedral Cave 4. King Island 10940+160 2 0 Seton Site K6/5 2: Wellington Caves Cc 14,300+730 3 0 Cathedral Cave 6. King Island C 2 0 Emu Caves Dempsey's Lake L Late Pleist 1 0 7. Hookina Creek Late Pleist. 2 0 8. Baldina Creek Late Pleist. 2 0 9. Henschke's Cave Cc ~30,000 5 0 10. Henschke's Cave Cc >40,000 5 0 11. Couman Forest Cave LS Pleistocene 7 3 12. Goulden's Hole Cave Cc Pleistocene 4 0 13. Curramulka Town Cave Cc Pleistocene 3 10) 14. Morgan A Pleistocene 3 0 15. Lake Callabonna L >40,000 4 4 16. Port Pirie Pleistocene 3 1 17. Oakley Creek, Weetalibah A Pleistocene 3 1 18. Salt Creek, Normanville F Pleistocene 3 0 19. Tambar Springs A Pleistocene 3 1 20. Lake Kanunka L Plio-Pleist 5 3 Katipiri Sands 21. Brothers Island, Coffin Bay M Pleistocene 1 0 22 Calca Pleistocene 1 0 23. Curramulka Quarry Pleistocene 1 0 24. Wellington Caves Cc Early-mid 3 0 "The bone cave" Pleistocene 25. Nelson Bay M 0.94-1.74 Myr 6 1 26. Chinchilla A Plio.-Pleist. 4 1 ZF. Curramulka, Cc Pliocene ?older 4 0 Cora Lynn Cave 28. Sunlands, Waikerie M Early Pliocene 4 3 29. Dog Rocks, Geelong Pliocene >2Myr 5 0 30. Lake Palankarinna L Pliocene 7 1 Woodard Quarry 31. Alcoota Mio./Pliocene 8 i) 3.2%. Lake Ngapakaldi L M-L Pliocene 5 0 Leaf Locality 33. Lake Palankarinna L Mid-Miocene* 11 3 Mammalon Hill 330 - ROWLEY Table 4: (Continued) Number __ Site Environment Age Samples Samples tested positive 34. Lake Palankarinna 16 Mid-Miocene* 7 3 Tedford Locality 3D Lake Palankarinna ju, Mid-Miocene* 6 3 Croc Pot 36. Tom O's Quarry F Mid-Miocene* 1 0 37. Lake Namba L Mid-Miocene* 6 0 38. Riversleigh Mid-Miocene* 1 0 Pancake Site 39. Bullock Creek Mid-Miocene* 6 0 *May be Late Oligocene - Middle Miocene Table 5: Loss of collagen in fresh bone subject to natural decomposition and weathering immediately after death. Ulnae from 7 specimens of Puffinus tenuirostris were examined. Results were expressed as a percentage of collagen found in the best preserved specimen, for which the skeleton was still articulated. No. Description Percent Collagen ie Excellent preservation, fully articulated. 100% 2. Bone with tendons attached. Algae in marrow cavity 57% 3. Excellent preservation 53% 4. Bleached, cracked, algae in marrow cavity. 94% Ds Bleached, algae covered. 29% 6. Bleached, cracked. 51% Rs Very cracked, algae covered 11% very faint bands were identified, of 100,000 molecular weight, corresponding to the 100,000 bands of the control, although these bands could not be reproduced photographically. No such bands were visible with Sample 1. Acetic acid alone, concentrated similarly, did not contain any measureable protein. APPLICATIONS Using albumin, it has been possible to measure immunological distances between the mammoth, modern Indian and African elephants, and the Sea Cow (Prager et al. 1980), while the relationships between the mastodon and the mammoth have been examined using both collagen and albumin (Shoshani et al. 1985). Immunological comparisons have also been BIOMOLECULAR INFORMATION IN FOSSILS - 331 Table 6: Samples were tested for collagen in the RIA. Results are expressed as mean + 1 standard deviation, of counts per minute of radioactivity bound. Before concentration, neither sample reacted significantly with the anti-collagen antibody, as defined by three-fold greater reactivity with anti-collagen antibody than with normal rabbit serum. After concentration, the sample from Bullock Creek became positive (*). N.D. = Not done. Site Sample Anti-collagen NRS Lake Namba Before Concentration 1,166 + 43 623 +42 Concentrate 1,056 + 272 517 +18 Filtrate N.D. N.D. Bullock Creek Before Concentration 1,124 + 382 642 +145 Concentrate 3,674 + 573* 1,180 +169 Filtrate 974 + 44 567 +24 __/ —— resend a) aaa Seer 94— 67— 43— 30— 20 Figure 8. Electrophoresis of collagen extracted from fossils, on 10% SDS-PAGE stained with both Coomassie blue and silver. A, Lake Namba concentrate; B, Bullock Creek concentrate; C, Modem collagen control, 10 pg. High molecular weight material, which did not enter the stacking gel, and low molecular weight material, running with the dye front were found in both fossils. The sample from Bullock Creek also showed bands with the mobility of the 200 KD and 300 KD collagen bands. 332 - ROWLEY used to derive a phylogeny based on albumin for the Thylacine, or Tasmanian Wolf (Lowenstein et al. 1981) and for the extinct Steller's Sea Cow (Rainey et al. 1984), while the protein-based phylogeny of the Quagga (Lowenstein & Ryder 1985) agreed very closely with that derived from DNA (Higuchi et al. 1984). Techniques for identifying proteins have uses other than for creating molecular phylogenies. They have also been used to identify museum specimens of doubtful authenticity. For example, when the skull and lower jaw, presumed to be that of Piltdown man, was shown to be a forgery, consisting of a human skull, and a suitably "aged" jaw from a Chimpanzee or an Orangutan, the exact origin of the jaw was hotly contested. Using radioimmunoassay, Lowenstein et al. 1982, was able to show that the jaw, and the canine tooth found nearby, were those of an Orangutan. Similarly, radioimmunoassay using albumin and serum proteins, has been used to confirm that two shrunken heads in the British Museum were, indeed of human origin, and not forgeries made from horse skin (Lowenstein 1985). CONCLUSIONS This review has examined the extent of the biomolecular information available from fossils, but has not considered the question of whether molecular or morphological data are more useful for the determination of phylogenetic relationships. A recent review by Hillis (1987) has examined the two approaches, setting out the advantages of each technique, and the regions of conflict. No single technique is applicable to every problem, and morphological techniques will continue to be applied to a huge range of museum and fossil material. Nevertheless, appropriate molecular comparisons are very powerful tools, which may be tailored for application to a wide range of problems. Thus, protein and DNA sequencing have been used to compare enzymes from organisms as widely different as man and bacteria (Griffin et al. 1988), and DNA analysis and hybridization has been used for "molecular fingerprinting" to identify individuals and to determine paternity (Jeffreys et al. 1985a, b). At present the application of techniques derived from molecular biology to palaeontology is hampered by the small amount of protein or DNA remaining in most fossils, but the field is rapidly evolving, and newer, more sensitive techniques are constantly becoming available. In particular, the development of the polymerase chain reaction, in which specific short regions of a gene can be greatly amplified in vitro from as little as a single molecule of DNA (Saiki et al. 1985, Mullis & Faloona 1987) has provided a means whereby biological samples whose DNA content is too low, or too degraded for direct analysis may be amenable to genetic analysis after amplification. The sensitivity is such that, using the polymerase chain reaction, the DNA from a single hair may be analysed (Higuchi et al. 1988). Paabo (1989) has demonstrated the use of the polymerase chain reaction to amplify a specific fossil DNA sequence in the presence of a vast excess of heavily modified DNA. Moreover, the ability to selectively amplify regions of the DNA, will allow the selective examination of fossil DNA in the presence of large amounts of contaminating bacterial DNA. ACKNOWLEDGEMENTS I would like to thank Dr. T. H. Rich, Mr. N. Pledge, Dr. K. McNamara and Dr. L. Dawson for providing fossil samples for analysis; Drs. P. V. Rich and R. F. Baird for helpful discussions, and Associate Professor P. Hauschka for permission to use unpublished data in this review. The work was supported by grants from the Australian Research Grants Scheme, and I was the recipient of a National Research Fellowship. 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Introductions nc eteetshcslesthy sesso eect 338 Major Collections of Australian Bish®ehOssils es fecte nce ecceece ucts seeeet- 338 Systematic ReVICW............cccccccccesesceceeececeeeees 343 Agnathane = Une, eke tee 343 Gnathostomata - Jawed Vertebrates.............. 345 Chondrichthyes ................seeeeeeeeeeeeeeeee 345 ACAnthOdany s2i8. .0.0..28edoet neceetsibereceteneees 349 Placoderminss..M0 058 a 8 352 Arthrodires.............cccsccesceecesseecees 354 AMIUIATCHS fos. sds ds ee telc. coestescdee vee s 362 Petalichthyids................ceecseeeeeeees 364 Acanthothoracids................cceeeeeees 367 Ptyctodontids ...............ceeeeeceeeee eee 367 Osteichthyes .............cccceecececenceceeeeeeees 367 ACUNOPICTYBiL.......... cece cee eeeeeeeeeees 368 Devomian................2cececececeeeees 368 CarboniferouS.............2.sceceeneee 370 PEEMPAN See ii os kes leer dee nevcexs 371 “PRASSICME us feet BREA oh ote woe 374 UTASSIC eee OL ot eecle tetas 376 CretaCeOuS ..........ceceeeeeeceeeeceees 377 TST ary-see abee hoe FA icc ebdetc a tee Bee 382 Crossopterygians ............0ceeeeeeeeeee 386 Dipnot, he och BA ele 3 391 Australian Palaeozoic Fish Biostratigraphy and Biogeography..............cccccsseeceeeceeeceeees 397 References Suh siiec. stb etlcs tulesieetiesel steseestebad 403 Appendix I: Classification ...............eseeeeeeee eee 414 Appendix II: Abbreviations Used AEP US ULC Stage oe nc sitewide odine sete con ists nue deswseene rd 419 PlateSme 1 ake cle, Mate vies teccretetin Shea tositod 420 1 The Western Australian Museum, Francis St., Perth, Western Australia 6000, Australia. 338 - LONG INTRODUCTION In this paper the Australian fossil fish record (Fig. 1) is extensively reviewed and more amply illustrated than my earlier review (Long 1982a), with both stratigraphic and systematic cross referencing. In this work groups are treated systematically in order from Agnatha to Dipnoi, as outlined in the section on classification below. A classification of fishes is given in Appendix 1. Depositional environments containing fossil fishes fall into two categories: undoubtedly marine, and all others. Marine deposits in the Palaeozoic are easily identified by lithology (usually limestones or limey shales) and accompanying marine invertebrate faunas. Redbed deposits of Late Devonian-Carboniferous age contain fishes but lack marine invertebrates, and because of associated terrestrial plant fossils, have been designated terrestrial deposits. The Mt Howitt site in Victoria contains fish preserved in finely varved black shales, and occurs stratigraphically in a sequence of sandstones and conglomerates. For this reason, and the lack of invertebrate fauna, it has been identified as a lake deposit. European workers dealing with black shales of marine origin, and red bed facies thought to be marine or littoral deposits have suggested that some Australian Devonian fish deposits thought to be terrestrial could alternatively be marine, and, for this reason, it is necessary for more detailed sedimentological studies to be undertaken at some of these sites. References treating the depositional environments of Australia Palaeozoic fish sites include Marsden (1976) and Long (1982b) for Victoria (Late Devonian and Carboniferous), Connolly (1965), Connolly et al. (1969), Fergusson et al.(1979) and Powell (1983) for New South Wales (Late Devonian), and Olgers (1972) for Queensland (Late Devonian and Carboniferous). Cas (1983) summarizes the facies distribution for the Palaeozoic of south-eastern Australia and includes reference to sites containing fish. Most Mesozoic and Tertiary deposits are marine fossiliferous limestones or shales (Cretaceous of Queensland, Tertiary of Victoria, South Australia and Western Australia), lacustrine diatomites (Tertiary of New South Wales and Queensland), lacustrine shales (Cretaceous of Victoria) or coaliferous shales in thick fluviatile or deltaic sediments (Permo- Triassic of New South Wales and Queensland). Some references treating depositional environments of Australian Mesozoic fish sites are Waldman (1971a), White (1981) and Banks et al. (1978); and for Tertiary sites are Hills (1943a,b, Gill (1957) and Abele (1976). A complete listing of Australian fossil fishes with comprehensive bibliography can be found in Long & Turner (1984). Other reviews of Australian fish groups are Turner et al. (1981) and Turner (1982d) for thelodonts, Turner (1982a) for Palaeozoic Chondrichthyes, Kemp (1982) for Tertiary Chondrichthyes and Long (1984a) for placoderms. Turner (1982c) has listed fossil fishes in Queensland, including specimens in the Queensland Museum, but, unfortunately, this task has not been completed for any other major collection. Fig. 1 shows a rough classification of the major fish groups and their current record from Australia, and Fig. 2 details some of the main fossil fish localities in Australia. The significance of Australia's major fish faunas is indicated with their distribution in time in Fig. 3. For students a glossary of some palacoichthyological terms can be found in Long (1982a). MAJOR COLLECTIONS OF AUSTRALIAN FISH FOSSILS A requirement necessary for understanding fossil fish are good collections. The major collections of Australian fish fossils in this country are in the following institutions. LONG HISTORY OF FOSSIL FISH - 339 l8jsoeje] = Pree. 18}SO|OH Actinopterygii OSTEICHTHYES lejSOIpuoYyD Teleostomi i a ~ -+ !!6A1e\dossaig loudiq —- |IGOHLNVOV 1 —4---bF jyeudeoojoH at GNATHOSTOMATA --+--— pyoenuy a ‘O19 eplueusyy VHLVNOV cs Elasmobranchiomorphi CHONDRIC PLACODERMI The Australian fossil fish record. Black portions of the columns represent the known occurrence of the group in Australia. Figure 1. 340 - LONG The Australian Museum, Sydney. Staff includes Dr Alex Ritchie and Mr R. Jones. Collections include material from New South Wales; the Antarctic Devonian; Gogo, Western Australia; Mt Howitt, Victoria; Ordovician of the Northern Territory; Permian from Queensland; diverse Triassic and Jurassic faunas of New South Wales; and many specimens from foreign locales such as Scottish Devonian and Silurian fishes of Europe. The Bureau of Mineral Resources, Canberra. Staff includes Dr Gavin Young. Collections include material from the New South Wales south coast Devonian; the Antarctic Devonian; the Devonian of central Australia, Queensland and Western Australia; and superb specimens from the Taemas-Wee Jasper Early Devonian. The Geology Department, Australian National University, Canberra. Staff includes Prof. Ken Campbell and Dr R.E. Barwick (Zoology Department). Collections include Early Devonian Taemas lungfishes, Late Devonian Gogo and New South Wales lungfishes; some other Gogo material; some Queensland Carboniferous and Permian fishes; and a comparative collection emphasizing lungfishes but including other foreign specimens. The Museum of Victoria, Melbourne. Staff includes Dr Tom Rich. Victorian collections include Late Devonian material from Mt Howitt; Early Devonian fishes from Buchan; Carboniferous fishes from Mansfield; Cretaceous fishes from Koonwarra; and Tertiary sharks' teeth and fishes from throughout the State. Some overseas material, especially Devonian from Scotland, is also held in this collection. The Queensland Museum. Brisbane. Staff includes Dr Mary Wade and Honourary Research Fellows Dr Susan Turner and Dr Anne Kemp. Collections include Queensland Devonian-Carboniferous faunas; Cretaceous and Palaeogene fishes from Queensland; Triassic- Recent lungfish toothplates and Palaeozoic microvertebrate assemblages from all over Australia. The South Australian Museum, Adelaide. Staff includes Mr Neville Pledge. Collections include Tertiary sharks’ teeth; and well preserved Morgan Limestone Miocene fishes. The Western Australian Museum, Perth. Staff includes Dr Ken McNamara and Dr. John Long. Collections include the type specimens, and much additional material of Gogo fishes; some Cretaceous and Tertiary Chondrichthyes from Western Australia. Figure 2. Australian fossil fish localities: m, marine; f, freshwater. 1, Gascoyne River region (m, Pemn.); 2, Gneudna Fm. (m, Dev.); 3, 4, Gogo Fm. (m, Dev.); 5, Billiluna (f, Dev.); 6, Hargreaves Hills (m, Dev.); 7, Spirit Hill No. 1 Well (m, Dey.); 8, Dulcie Range (f, Dev.); 9, Mt Charlotte (m, Ord.); 10, Mithaka Waterhole (f, Dev.); 11, Toomba Range (f, Dev.); 12, Hughenden region (m, Cret.); 13, Gilberton (f, Dev.); 14, Broken River region (m, Dev.); 15, Blackwater (f, Perm.); 16, Springsure (f, Carb.); 17, Redbank Plains (f, Tert.); 18, Knocklofty Fm, (f, Trias.); 19, Leigh Creek (f, Trias); 20, Lake Eyre (m, Cret.); 21, Gosses Bluff (f, Dev.); 22, Dare Plain (f, Dev.); 23, Mootwingee (f, Dev.); 24, Mt Jack (f, Dev.); 25, Jack's Lookout (f, Dev.); 26, Mt Grenfell Station (f, Dev.); 27, Mt Deerina (f, Dev.); 28, Wuttagoona Station (f, Dev.); 29, Bulgoo Station (f, Dev.); 30, Walgett (F, Cret.); 31, Warrumbungles (F, Tert.); 32, Talbragar (f, Jur.); 33, Redcliff Mt, Grenfell (f, Dev.); 34, Newcastle (f, Trias.); 35, Gosford (f, Trias.); 36, Brookvale (f, Trias.); 37, St Peters (F, Trias.); 38, Canowindra (F, Dev.); 39, Jemalong Gap (F, Dev.); 40, Taemas- Wee Jasper (m, Dev.); 41, Braidwood (f, Dev.); 43, Eden (f, Dev.); 44, Genoa River (f, Dev.); 45, Combienbar River (f, Dev.); 46, Orbost (m, Tert.); 47, Buchan (m, Dev.); 48, Mt Tambo (f, Dev.); 49, Jemmy Point (m, Tert.); 50, Freestone Creek (f, Dev.); 51, Mt Howitt, Bindaree Rd. (f, Dev.); 52, Tatong (, Dev.); 53, Koonwarra (f, Cret.); 54, Mansfield Basin, including So. Blue Range (f, Dev.); 55, Taggerty (f, Dey.); 56, Balcombe Bay (m, Tert.); 57, Beaumaris (m, Tert.); 58, Janjuc (m, Tert.); 59, Otway Region, Lome (f, Cret.); 60, Batesford, Waurn Ponds (m, Tert.); 61, Grampians (m, Dev.); 62, Hamilton (m, Tert.); 63, Carapook (f, Cret.); 64, Upper Murray Cliffs (m, Tert.), Many Tertiary sharks' teeth and other fish remains have also been found along the southern coast of Australia (Nullarbor Plain Cliffs) and in the Carnarvon Basin, Wester Australia. Some localities in Queensland were discovered after the figure was completed (referred to in the text and in Kemp's chapter (15) in this volume. These are not shown on this map. LONG HISTORY OF FOSSIL FISH - 341 89 1011 1213 SEE BELOW 2425 262728 29 7; De TS 2 TES e eienan- x Fold Se ale ~~, Belt [t NSW | | " ~ 40 « CAINOZOIC ¢ MESOZOIC * PALAEOZOIC sl ae 6059 57 55 53525150 49 342 - LONG LOCALITY Grange Bum (62) Beaumaris (57) Balcombes Bay (56) Wurrumbungles (31) Janjuc (58) Redbank Plains (17) Walgett (30) Richmond area (12) Koonwarra (53) Carapook (63) Talbragar (12) St Peters (37) Brookvale (36) Gosford (35) Knocklofty Fm. (18) Gascoyne River (1) Blackwater (15) Newcastle (34) Springsure (16) Mansfield (54) Worange Point (43) Grenfell (33) Canowindra (38) Jemalong (39) Dare Plain (22) Freestone Creek (50) Eden (43) Mt Howitt (51) Braidwood (41) Taggerty (55) Gogo Fm. (3 , 4) Gneudna Fm. (2) \~ Grampians (61) Tatong (52) Bunga Beach (42) Broken River (14) Hatchery Creek (40) Mulga Downs Gp (23-29) A= Peak Beds (10,11) Buchan (47) Taemas (40) Mt Chanrtotte (9) > APE eee eee ee: ENVIRONMENT ZFFESFEMmmNrnVNFZFEAFZFFmmrAMAMAMAMAUMAAUMAAAAAEs AAAANt NDE mMmT7MFE NT ZZFS REMARKS Edaphodon - youngest occurrence isolated bones, otoliths, sharks’ teeth sharks’ teeth, otoliths entire fish shark's teeth, otoliths entire fish Ceratodus articulated skulls entire fish; last palaeoniscid entire fish entire fish; earliest teleost Leptolepis holostean dominated entire fish, well preserved except for skull regions cosmopolitan taxa only bradyodont teeth entire fish, including sharks Urosthenes fragmentary remains fauna currently under revision >8spp. Remigolepis, Groenlandaspis only sinolepid present entire fish okest amphibian bony remains fragmentary remains several horizons yield fossils fragmentary remains entire, well preserved fish >18spp. undescribed fauna first Late Devonian fauna described 3-D preservation, diverse fauna >34spp. youngest thelodonts in the world elasmobranch spines, denticles undescribed fauna fragmentary remains undescribed fauna equally okdest Bothriolepis in the world Wuttagoonaspis - Turinia faunas 3-D preservation, fish rare 3-D preservation, diverse fauna oldest Southem Hemisphere vertebrates |very diverse faunas Figure 3. Stratigraphic sequence and significance of major fish faunas of Australia. Locality numbers refer to Fig. 2. F, freshwater; M, marine. LONG HISTORY OF FOSSIL FISH - 343 . The Tasmanian Museum, Hobart. Staff includes Mr. Noel Kemp. Collections anes many T ertiary sharks’ teeth from throughout Australia, and Triassic fish faunas from asmania. SYSTEMATIC REVIEW AGNATHA The Agnatha are classically divided into two major groups, the Cephalaspidomorphi and Pteraspidomorphi (Moy-Thomas & Miles 1971), although recent workers are doubting the monophyly of these groups, and discoveries of unusual agnathans from the Early Devonian of China (Liu 1965, P'an Jiang 1984) indicate that this simple division cannot be maintained (Janvier 1981, 1985, Forey 1984, Maisey 1986). The five monophyletic groups which are now recognized are the Thelodonti, the Anaspida, the Osteostraci, the Heterostraci and the Galeaspida. Osteostracans (included within the "cephalaspidomorphs") are characterized by having a single opening in the cranium for the nares, termed a nasohypophysial foramen. The head of Osteostraci and Galeaspida (a closely related group from China) is covered by a broad, flat shield made up of one piece of bone with holes for the eyes and nares. To date no osteostracans have been discovered in Australian Palaeozoic rocks, but there are two new genera of agnathans from the Middle Devonian of the Amadeus Basin which may be related to the Galeaspida of China (Dr. G. Young, pers. comm). This absence is not thought to be due to the incompleteness of the fossil record but to the restriction of osteostracans to the European and the American landmass ("Euramerica", see Young 1981a for biogeographic provinces) and galeaspidans to the South China Province (and possibly East Gondwana -Australia) during the Early Palaeozoic (Young 1981a, 1987c, 19874). The Heterostraci are characterized by separated and paired nasal openings and the shield is composed of several plates, which fit around the head and trunk region. Australia has some of the earliest complete heterostracans in the world, from the Middle Ordovician, but after this occurrence there is no younger record of the group on this continent. These are the Arandaspidiformes, a primitive order known only from the Middle Ordovician Stairway Sandstone, south of Alice Springs in the Northern Territory. Ritchie & Gilbert-Tomlinson (1977) described two genera: Arandaspis (Fig. 4), known from almost complete armour and trunk scales, and the poorly known Porophoraspis with a different type of surface ornament. Dr A. Ritchie (1985) has indicated that up to four taxa of Arandaspidiformes may be present in the Stairway Sandstone fauna. The thelodonts, small scale-covered agnathans (see Turner, Chap. 13, this volume), are poorly known, represented mostly by scale assemblages. They are thought to be closely related to the ancestral line of the jawed vertebrates or Gnathostomata (Janvier 1981) or, alternatively, thought to be a sister group to another extinct Northern Hemisphere agnathan group, the Anaspida (Forey 1984), or to the Chondrichthyes (Turner 1985). Heterostracans are a major part of Silurian-Middle Devonian faunas in the Northern Hemisphere, with great diversity of forms that are utilized in biostratigraphic correlation (¢.g. Blieck 1984, Blieck et a/.1987). Until recently the Arandaspidiformes represented the earliest near-complete remains of vertebrates, because older fishes were known only from incomplete pieces of bone (Nitecki 1978, Repetski 1978). They are the oldest known vertebrates from the Southern Hemisphere. Arandaspis (Fig. 4A-C) has two simple large plates, a dorsal shield and a ventral shield, which are separated laterally by a series of rectangular branchial plates, reflecting that the number of paired gill openings was up to 15. This arrangement is perhaps 344 - LONG the simplest pattern of heterostracan armour known and presumably the most primitive (although see Elliott 1987). As the material is studied from latex casts made from natural moulds where the bone had weathered away, there is no information on the histology of the tissues. More generalized discussion of its morphology can be found in Ritchie (1985). Recent finds of complete Upper Ordovician vertebrates from South America by Drs Gagnier and Janvier of Paris should shed light on the relationships of the Arandaspidiformes. Thelodonts are rarely preserved intact (Ritchie 1968, Turner 1982f). Half of the known genera are based on scales. Each thelodont scale has an ornamented dentinous crown around an acellular bony base with a pulp cavity (see Turner this volume for more details). Taxa are described from different scale types and scale associations as the individual scales vary from different body positions. Thus body scales of one form might be long with high crowns, whereas the head scales of the same species could be short with a flat crown. In addition, there are various special scales (e.g. around the gill slits) and transitional scales between differing body regions. Care must be exercised in thelodont scale taxonomy with emphasis placed not only on morphology but also on histology (thin sectioning is needed). Despite this, thelodonts are very useful in biostratigraphic correlations particularly across the Silurian- Devonian boundary, and in Australia throughout the Devonian (Turner & Dring 1981, Turner et al. 1981, Turner 1982d, 1982e, 1986, Long et al.1988). trunk A branchial scales dorsal shield plates mouth ventral shield Figure 4. Agnatha (Middle Ordovician, Northem Territory). Arandaspidiformes. Arandaspis prionotolepis Ritchie & Gilbert-Tomlinson 1977. A, attempted restoration showing main feature; B, detail of dermal omament; C, trunk scale, x2. (After Ritchie & Gilbert-Tomlinson 1977). Thelodonts were first reported from Australia by Peter Jones (in Johnstone et al. 1967) and unrecognized scales were figured from Western Australia by Seddon (1969). Later a detailed study of Western Australian scales of Early Devonian age was published by Gross (1971) in which a new species, Turinia australiensis was named. Turner & Dring (1981) described the first endemic thelodont genus, Australolepis, from the Late Devonian Gneudna Formation, Western Australia, making it possibly the youngest known member of the group world-wide (recent re-assessment of the Turinia hutkensis fauna from Iran also indicates a Frasnian age for these thelodonts according to Dr P. Janvier). Finally, an unusual body fossil belonging to an agnathan has been identified from the Emsian-Eifelian Wuttagoonaspis fauna in the Georgina Basin, Queensland (G. Young, pers. comm.). The specimen is a complete shield with a long rostrum and may be related to the galeaspids. LONG HISTORY OF FOSSIL FISH - 345 GNATHOSTOMATA - JAWED VERTEBRATES The superclass Gnathostomata includes all jawed vertebrates, that is all fish (except agnathans) and all amphibians, reptiles, mammals and birds. Within the piscine division of the gnathostomes there are some early groups whose relationships are uncertain, For convenience I will treat the major gnathostome groups in the following order: Chondrichthyes (sharks, rays and chimaerids), Placodermi (extinct armour-covered fishes), Acanthodii (spiny shark-like fishes) and Osteichthyes (true bony fishes, including ray-finned and lobe-finned fishes). Interrelationships of these groups have been treated recently by Schaeffer (1975, 1981), Jarvik (1980), Janvier (1981, 1984), Goujet (1982), Gardiner (1984a, 1984b) and Maisey (1986). These represent strongly differing views of early gnathostome phylogeny. The gnathostomes are usually divided into two major groups (Elasmobranchiomorphii - shark like fishes, placoderms and sharks; Teleosteomi - bony fishes, osteichthyans and acanthodians) based on the presence or absence of an internal swim-bladder. Most living fishes, such as the salmon, trout and goldfish are osteichthyans. Although internal organs are rarely preserved in fossils the shape of the body and fins reflect how the fish produced its lift whilst in the water. Development of large, wing-like pectoral fins and strongly heterocercal tails in sharks, results from the lack of a swim-bladder, because lift is provided principally from the thrust of the tail and broad aerofoil-sectioned fin shapes, particularly the wide pectorals (Alexander 1967, Aleev 1969). Similar body form in the extinct placoderms suggests that they, too, lacked a swim-bladder, although some forms may have possessed air sacs as accessory respiratory organs (e.g. Bothriolepis, Denison 1941). The acanthodians, an extinct group, have characteristics of both sharks and osteichthyans, and their phylogenetic position is still hotly debated (Nelson 1968, Miles 1973, Jarvik 1977, 1980, Maisey 1986). Advanced acanthodians, such as the acanthodiforms, appear to have essentially osteichthyan-like fin disposition and tail shape, suggestive of the presence of an internal swim-bladder (Miles 1973). Maisey (1986) has recently suggested that the respiratory mechanism of acanthodians was essentially like that of osteichthyans, based on hemibranch morphology. For these reasons, they are probably closer to the osteichthyans, perhaps the sister group of the bony fishes, than they are to sharks or placoderms, as once thought (e.g. Watson, 1937). Chondrichthyes Fossil sharks and rays have long been known from the Tertiary and Mesozoic of Australia (McCoy 1876; Etheridge 1888; De Koninck 1898; Chapman & Pritchard 1904, 1907), but extensive discoveries of early chondrichthyans from the Devonian and Carboniferous have been made only within the last decade. Some early records of Palaeozoic sharks (e.g. De Koninck 1898) have to be treated with care, as we now know much more about their affinities and tooth variations in single species. Chondrichthyans are characterized by having a cartilaginous skeleton with the only "hard" parts being the teeth, scales, fin-spines and calcified cartilage. As such, their fossil record is mostly known from these parts with very rare preservation of cartilage parts being confined to certain types of quiet, anaerobic depositional environments. Sediments of this nature are very rare in Australia, with only four sites yielding articulated and semi-articulated shark cartilage fossils. These are the Bunga Beds (Middle Devonian, New South Wales), the Utting Calcarenite (Carboniferous, northern Western Australia), The Blackwater Shales (Permian, Queensland) and near Sydney and Gosford (Sydney Basin, Triassic, New South Wales). Despite the paucity of articulated specimens from these localities, they are of great importance world-wide, as the Bunga material includes the oldest shark braincase fossils known (Young 1982), and the material from the Sydney Basin represents one of the 346 - LONG youngest occurrences of pleuracanth sharks. Recently Dr Alex Ritchie, of the Australian Museum, has made exciting new discoveries of Triassic articulated sharks from Gosford, north of Sydney. This new material appears to be of unusual pleuracanth sharks which lack the neck- spine found in regular pleuracanths (Fig. 7). prc.f. Figure 5. Chondrichthyes (Middle Devonian, New South Wales). A, C-F, Antarctilamna prisca Young 1982: A, restoration of braincase; C, tooth; D, fin-spine; E, scale; F, denticle; B, Xenacanthus sp., tooth. After Young (1982). See Appendix IL for abbreviations used with figures. The Chondrichthyes can be conveniently subdivided into two main groups: Elasmobranchii (sharks and rays) and Holocephali (chimaeras, rabbitfishes), although there is uncertainty about the systematic position of many fossil forms, such as "bradyodonts". Sharks and rays are essentially carnivorous (eating other fishes), although rays are mostly durophagous (crushing hard-shelled invertebrates) or microphagous (filter feeding on plankton or krill). The elasmobranchs have five or more pairs of open gill slits and amphistylic jaw suspension (hyomandibular braces the upper and lower jaw articulation) with well developed teeth. Chimaerids adopted a durophagous life-style early in the Palaeozoic. They have an opercular cover to the gill chamber and, amongst other specializations, have upper jaw cartilages fused to the braincase and possess crushing tooth plates. Both groups have small placoid scales set in the skin, and the males possess clasping organs for reproduction. Australia's oldest sharks are from the Early Devonian limestones of New South Wales, being represented by scales as yet not fully investigated ("Skamolepis"; Giffin 1980, Turner pers. comm., 1982). Teeth of Mcmurdodus whitei were recently described from Early-Middle Devonian limestones of the Cravens Peak Beds, Toko Syncline (Queensland) by Turner & Young (1987). These teeth may have belonged to an early shark of the extant hexanchid LONG HISTORY OF FOSSIL FISH - 347 group, and could represent one of the oldest members of the advanced living shark groups (neoselachians). This can only be confirmed, however, by future study of the enamcloid structure (Reif 1977). One species is present in the Middle Devonian Bunga Beds Fauna, Antarctilamna prisca (Fig. 5), which is represented by jaws, scales (Fig. 5E) and teeth (Fig. 5C), in addition to neurocrania (Fig. 5A). Antarctilamna is thought to be a primitive xenacanth by Young (1982). It is biostratigraphically important that this species is also known from the Devonian of Antarctica, where it occurs with Mcmurdodus? featherensis (White 1968, Young 1982). It is unusual that the Bunga Beds do not contain placoderms, which are prevalent in nearly all types of Devonian sediment, but abound in shark remains, along with other rarer fossils including acanthodians and osteichthyan bones. An extensive range of sharks teeth, including holocephalans, has been described by Turner (1982a, 1982c, 1983) from Upper Devonian- Lower Carboniferous deposits of Queensland and Western Australia. The fauna from the Broken River embayment includes the species Harpagodens (Thrinacodus) ferox (Fig. 6A, B), which, as the Latin name suggests, has teeth like small grappling hooks. This genus has recently turned up in the Uppermost Devonian beds of Ghuizou Province, China (Wang & Turmer 1985) and in northern Thailand (Long 1990c), and is known from the Carboniferous of Europe and North America. Other sharks from Queensland and New South Wales are a new species of Phoebodus (Long 1990c, Long & Burrett 1989, Turner 1982a; Fig. 6C) and Stethacanthus ("Cladodus") thomasi (Fig. 6D; Turner 1982a), although the most characteristic form is undoubtedly Ageleodus pectinatus which has a long root and splayed crown with four or five broad separate cusps. This genus is also known from the Carboniferous of Europe, North America and the U.S.S.R. Carboniferous sharks were earlier recorded from the Laurel Formation, near Fitzroy Crossing, Western Australia, by Thomas (1957, 1959). Recent collecting from the Canning and Bonaparte basins, north Western Australia, by the author has produced a number of new fossil sharks! teeth, including species of Helodus and Orodus and several unidentified types. The Permian of Western Australia has produced tooth whorls of the edestid shark Helicoprion as well as isolated "bradyodont" type teeth (Teichert 1940, 1943). Edestid sharks are well known in Permian deposits throughout the world and are useful biostratigraphically. The unusual lower jaw tooth whorls probably folded into a pouch below the jaw symphysis as new teeth grew out (Fig. 6F). Bradyodonts are early holocephalans whose relationships are not clear, and as they are known largely from teeth which are of similar form (flat crushing pavement teeth), they may represent a paraphyletic collection of taxa. Recently an edestid shark was discovered in the Upper Permian Blackwater shales of Queensland. It is currently being studied at Macquarie University (Mr Mike Leu, pers. comm.). The Blackwater shales have also produced a complete, new ctenacanthoid shark, Surcaudalus (Leu 1989). Mesozoic chondrichthyans are known from the Triassic of New South Wales and the Cretaceous of Queensland, South Australia and Western Australia. Australia's most complete chondrichthyan fossils are large, almost complete pleuracanth sharks from the Lower Triassic, St Peters fauna, near Sydney (Woodward 1908). Pleuracanth or xenacanth sharks have bicuspid teeth with a median prominence on the oral surface of the base, and advanced forms usually possess a large spine protruding from behind the skull (Fig. 7). Pleuracanthus parvidens (Woodward 1908) requires further study in the light of Dr Ritchie's new discoveries from Gosford, New South Wales, The Cretaceous Rolling Downs Group of Queensland has produced a number of isolated sharks’ teeth, including Scapanorhynchus and Lamna species (Etheridge 1888, Jack & Etheridge 1892, Hill er al. 1968). Australia has two Mesozoic chimaerids represented by single specimens only recently described. Edaphodon eyrensis from the Aptian Bulldog Shale, near Marree, South Australia, represents one of the earliest known occurrences of this genus, which occurs most abundantly in the Late Cretaceous (Long 1985b). Ptykoptychion is an endemic genus from the Early Cretaceous (Albian) of Queensland (Lees 348 - LONG Figure 6. Chondrichthyes (Upper Devonian-Permian). A-B, teeth of Harpagodens (Thinacodus) ferox Turner 1982a, (A-E all Upper Devonian-Lower Carboniferous); C, Protacrodus tooth; D, Stethacanthus (Cladodus) thomasi Turner 1982a tooth; E, Phoebodus sp. tooth; F, restored lower jaw tooth whorl of Helicoprion, similar to H. davisii from the Permian of Western Australia. A-E after Tumer (1982a); F, after Bendix- Almgreen (1966). B-E, approx. x 1 mm. LONG HISTORY OF FOSSIL FISH - 349 1987). Another chimaerid lower jaw is known from the Cretaceous Molecap Greensand, near Gin Gin, Western Australia, which has some resemblances to Edaphodon eyrensis . Tertiary chondrichthyans are common fossils in marine deposits all over the southern half of Australia. Kemp (1982) (and this volume (Chap. 15)) reviews the taxa present, and lists synonymies. Early workers greatly confused identifications of shark teeth by not taking into account the positions of teeth in the jaw. Some recent finds which are not included in Kemp's (1982) chapter are Palaeocene teeth from the Boongerooda Greensand, Giralia Anticline, Western Australia. These teeth, collected in 1986, include a possible new species of Hexanchus as well as Odontaspis and Otodus teeth. Microscopic remains of hybodontid sharks (scales and teeth) and actinopterygians have recently been recovered from drill cores in the off- shore Carnarvon Basin, Western Australia. These are of Middle Triassic age, and represent Australia's only marine Triassic fish fauna. neck spine pelvic fin pectoral fin Figure 7. Chondrichthyes (Triassic). Reconstruction of a typical pleuracanth shark., x0.2.. A similar form ocurrs in the Triassic of New South Wales. (After Burian & Augusta 1965). Holocephalans are known from three species in the middle Tertiary of Victoria and Tasmania: Edaphodon sweeti (Miocene-Pliocene, Victoria), E. mirabilis (Miocene, Victoria) and Ischyodus newtoni (Oligocene, Tasmania), all described by Chapman & Pritchard (1907) and Chapman & Cudemore (1924). Long (1985b) gives a new restoration of the mandibular tooth of E. sweeti. E. mirabilis may not be a separate species but just an unusually large variation of E. sweeti (N. Kemp., pers. comm). Fossil stingrays are represented by two species of the cosmopolitan genus Myliobatis from the mid-Tertiary of Victoria and Tasmania (Chapman & Pritchard 1904, 1907, Chapman & Cudemore 1924). Although both these species were described from toothplates (crushing combs), remains of tail stingers are also commonly found, especially from Beaumaris, Victoria. Acanthodii Acanthodians are a poorly known group as a whole. Most of our knowledge of acanthodian anatomy is based on the structure of the youngest and most specialized genus, Acanthodes, from the Permian of Germany. Acanthodians are characterized by having fin-spines preceding 350 - LONG all the fins except for the tail. The body is covered by small scales, which vary in shape and histology, and the head of some primitive forms may have some dermal bones. Three higher groups are recognized: Climatiida, which contains specialized forms with bony armour on the shoulder girdle and often on the head; Ischnacanthida, which have teeth ankylosed to gnathal bones in the jaws, and Acanthodida, which have only one dorsal fin and lack teeth, apparently being specialized for microphagy or filter feeding. Australia's record of acanthodians is very poor. Only two complete species have been described, although partially articulated remains of a few other genera are known. A great number of acanthodian scales are being recovered from mid-Palaeozoic marine deposits around Australia, and these include the oldest gnathostome fossils, of Silurian age, from Australia (Turner & Pickett 1982). dorsal fins (ds) ventral f- pectoral pelvic aa ’ armour / fieepiné (vpa) pectoral fin Fa (pel) spine ait (pfs) B Figure 8. Acanthodii, Climatiida (middle Palaeozoic). A, attempted reconstruction of Gyracanthides murrayi Woodward 1906 (Lower Carboniferous, Mansfield, Victoria; B, Culmacanthus stewarti Long 1983b (Late Devonian, Mt Howitt, Victoria.). Climatiids are known from isolated scales and fin-spines in the Devonian of south-eastern Australia (Young & Gorter 1981, Turner 1982c, d). Nostolepis striata (Pl. 1C) is commonly LONG HISTORY OF FOSSIL FISH - 351 found from Early Devonian deposits (e.g. Philip 1965), and recently cf. Cheiracanthoides (PI. 1B) has been turning up from Middle Devonian marine limestones (Young et al. 1987). Two groups derived from the main stock of climatiids - diplacanthids and gyracanthids - are known from more complete material. Culmacanthus stewarti (Pl. 1D-E, Fig. 8B) was described from articulated fossils of Late Devonian age from Mt. Howitt, Victoria (Long 1983b; restoration in life habitat in Long 1983d), It is a deep-bodied diplacanthoid with large cheek plates bearing strongly ribbed and spinose dermal ornament (PI. 1E). The snout is well preserved, being the second acanthodian to have this region described, the other being Triazeugacanthus of similar age from Canada (Miles 1966). Culmacanthid check plates are also known from Freestone Creck in Victoria, from the Boyd Volcanic Complex (Pambula River), near Eden, New South Wales, and from the Devonian of Antarctica (Young 1989a), suggesting the genus could have been widespread in the Late Devonian of East Gondwana. Gyracanthides murrayi from the Lower Carboniferous Mansfield Group, Victoria (Woodward 1906a; Fig. 8A) is relatively completely preserved, except for the head. Resemblances to the European Carboniferous form Gyracanthus led Woodward to date the Mansfield fossils, along with other fish he thought were congeneric with Northern Hemisphere forms. Gyracanthides and Gyracanthus have very large, robust pectoral fin-spines with an elaborate chevron pattern of ridges. Isolated Gyracanthides spines have also been described from the Late Devonian of Antarctica (White 1968) and South Africa (Chaloner et al. 1980). Isolated spines of Gyracanthides are also known from the Lower Carboniferous rocks of the Bogantungan region of Queensland (Hills 1958). Ischnacanthids were until recently almost unknown from Australia. Discoveries of ischnacanthid gnathal bones by E. White and H. Toombs (British Museum Nat. Hist.) in the 1950's from Taemas, New South Wales, were described recently by Long (1986a). These specimens (PI, 1F), along with another of similar Early Devonian age, from Buchan, Victoria (Pl. 1G), represent the first definite record of this group from Australia. Otherwise only scales attributed to ischnacanthids were recorded (Turner e¢ a/. 1981, Turner & Pickett 1982). The Early Devonian jaws from Tacmas and Buchan belong to two endemic genera, Taemasacanthus and Rockycampacanthus, both of which have complex arrangement of secondary cusp rows, and a well developed median tooth row. The major significance of Taemasacanthus is in the preservation of the mandibular joint, which differs from that of acanthodids and climatids. This morphologic character incited a review of acanthodian interrelationships, which suggested that ischnacanthids were the plesiomorphic sister group to climatiids and acanthodids (Long 1986a). Another ischnacanthid, known from isolated jaw bones, comes from the Upper Devonian Hunter Siltstone, near Grenfell, New South Wales, but this genus has not yet been described. Articulated small acanthodians from the Middle Devonian Bunga Beds, New South Wales, may be ischnacanthids, although details of the jaws are missing from the specimens. They have two dorsal fins and scem to lack the heavy armour of climatiids (Fergusson ef al, 1979). Acanthodids were first recorded from Australia by Woodward (1906a), who nominated two new species from the Lower Carboniferous Mansfield Group, Victoria, as Acanthodes australis and Eupleurogmus creswelli. Acanthodes australis is represented by an almost complete fish, although, as in Gyracanthides from the same fauna, the head is missing. It is clearly an acanthodid, but cannot be reliably assigned to any genus and_ should be referred to as ef. Acanthodes sp. Eupleurogmus was established on an incomplete section of acanthodian trunk, which has larger scales flanking the lateral line. A similar arrangement of body scales is seen around the ventrolateral sensory-line of Acanthodes bridgei (Zidck 1976), and it is likely that Eupleurogmus is a nomen nudum. The best preserved acanthodids in Australia come from the Upper Devonian Mt Howitt site (Long 1986b). //owittacanthus kentoni (Pl. 1A, Fig. 9) is a moderate to small-sized acanthodid which closely resembles Protogonacanthus from the Middle Late Devonian of Germany, differing in slight details such as the ossification of the jaw cartilages and ornamentation of fin-spines. Howittacanthus is probably more closely related to 352 - LONG Acanthodes (Long 1986b). Recently a new fish fauna was recovered by acetic-acid preparation from the basal Carboniferous Raymond Formation, near Clermont, Queensland. This fauna includes three-dimensional bones of acanthodids including the jaws, basisphenoid, scapulocoracoids and fin-spines. The basisphenoid differs slightly from that of Acanthodes, the only other known acanthodian with the ventral part of the braincase preserved. No Permian acanthodians have yet been found in Australia - perhaps because suitable deposits have not yet been sampled. palatoquadrate dorsal fin scapular Meckel's caudal fin carttage anal fin pelvic fins pectoral fins (fin-spines) Figure 9. Acanthodii, Acanthodida (Late Devonian). Sketch of a complete specimen of Howittacanthus kentoni (Long 1986b), from Mt Howitt, Victoria. Placodermi Placoderms were armoured fishes which flourished from the Late Silurian to the start of the Carboniferous, being the dominant vertebrates of the Devonian seas, rivers and lakes. The head and trunk were covered by bony shields of overlapping dermal plates, which in most forms were hinged by a condyle and trochlear joint at the neck. Some workers have placed placoderms phyletically close to the Chondrichthyes (@rvig 1961; Stensié 1963, 1969; Maisey 1986) but alternatively, they may be the sister group to Osteichthyes (Forey 1981, Gardiner 1984b). Goujet (1984) and Schaeffer (1975, 1981) regard placoderms as phyletically equidistant to both these groups. Young (1986) has recently reviewed the problem of placoderm affinities and concludes there is no clear answer given the available data. The heavily armoured shields of placoderms were amenable to fossilization and our Australian record of the group is extraordinary. Some of the best placoderm material in the world comes from the Early Devonian deposits at Taemas (New South Wales) and Buchan (Victoria) and from the Upper Devonian Gogo Formation, Western Australia. Long (1984a) has reviewed placoderm morphology with emphasis on the Australian record of the group. Here, the main placoderm faunas of Australia, with emphasis on their stratigraphic and anatomical significance, will be reviewed. LONG HISTORY OF FOSSIL FISH - 353 nasal capsules ————=—==_ >=. ENDOCRANIUM antorbital olfactory bulb process pituitary vien supraorbital process jugular vien anterior, y . posterior ay : Os Th postorbital S& process sacculus cerebral cavity spino-occipital nerves cucullaris fossa craniospinal process Figure 10. Placodermi (Early Devonian). A, B. Buchanosteus confertituberculatus,x 1 (Chapman 1916); A, headshield, dorsal view; B, endocranium and cavities for soft tissues. (After Young 1979). 354 - LONG _ Placoderms can be divided into five or six main groups according to phylogenetic interpretation. The most successful group, forming about 60% of the known record, are the arthrodires ("euarthrodires"), characterized by having a full complement of trunkshield plates and a well developed dermal neck joint. Long (1984c) included phyllolepids, an unusual depressed group of placoderms within the arthrodires, although Young (1984b, 1984c) regards phyllolepids as a separate group. Antiarchs were bizarre placoderms with long trunkshields and peculiar oar-like pectoral appendages. Their headshields had a single opening for the eyes and nostrils, and the trunkshield was long and box-like. They were widespread in Middle and Late Devonian times and are amongst the most common fossils of this age in freshwater deposits. Acanthothoracids, petalichthyids and ptyctodontids are comparatively rare as fossils and are characterized by having short trunkshields with unique patterns of headshield bones and sensory- line canals (see Moy-Thomas & Miles 1971, Denison 1978 or Long 1984a for details of their structure and reference to family names used below). Recent discussion of interrelationships can be found in Denison (1978, 1983), Miles & Young (1977), Young (1979, 1980, 1981a, b, 1984a, b, 1986, 1988b), Goujet (1982, 1984a), Janvier & Pan (1982), Dennis & Miles (1983), Long (1983a, 1984c, 1987b) and Gardiner (1984a). With many new discoveries on the horzou, this pattern of differing phylogenetic opinions amongst workers will probably continue! Arthrodires Several Early Devonian arthrodires have been described from the Taemas/Wee Jasper region of New South Wales (Murrumbidgee Group) with others known from contemporaneous strata at Buchan, Victoria. Perhaps the best known local placoderm of this age is Buchanosteus confertituberculatus (Pls 2A-B, Figs 10, 12) from both these localities (Chapman 1916, Hills 1936b, Stensio 1945, White 1952, White & Toombs 1972, Young 1979, 1986). Buchanosteus possessed a separate dermal rostral capsule in the snout, a primitive character for arthrodires, but was quite advanced in the trunkshield being shortened. The braincase and cranial anatomy were described in great detail by Young (1979) with discussion of their implications to arthrodire phylogeny. Buchanosteid placoderms have recently been discovered in the Northern Hemisphere (Dr E. Mark-Kurik, pers. comm., Goujet & Janvier 1984). Taemasosteus (Fig. 11C-D), a large genus in the same fauna, is known by two species, T. novaustrocambricus from both New South Wales and Victoria (White 1952, 1978, Long 1984c) and T. maclartiensis from Buchan, Victoria (Long 1984c). Taemasosteus, known from abundant material, was more advanced than Buchanosteus in having a reduced trunkshield with a posteriorly open pectoral incision, a condition which arose independently several times within the Arthrodira (Denison 1983). Close relatives of Taemasosteus have been described from the Emsian of Germany (Gross 1960) and recently from similar age in Morocco (LeLievre 1984a, 1984b). Other arthrodires from these Australian localities which are less completely known but at a similar grade of organization as Buchanosteus, are Arenipiscis westolli (Fig. 11A, H), Errolosteus goodradigbeensis and Toombsosteus denisoni (White 1978, Young 1981b, Long 1984c). Goodradigbeeon australianum (Fig. 11F, I) and Burrinjucosteus asymmetricus (White 1978) (Fig. 11B) are also known from the fauna but are of uncertain affinities. Williamsaspis bedfordi (White 1952) (Fig. 12A, B) is the only arthrodire from Taemas which could be an arctolepid. There are still new forms to be described from this fauna, some of which could be homosteids (Dr G. Young, pers. comm.). Placoderms of latest Early to earliest Middle Devonian age (Emsian-Eifelian) are also known from several localities in the Mulga Downs Group (western New South Wales) and the Georgina Basin (western Queensland). This fauna is dominated by the unusual endemic actinolepid-like form Wuttagoonaspis fletcheri (Fig. 12H-I, 13B; Ritchie 1969, 1973), which has a long headshield with small orbits and an unusual pattern of bones in the cheek area. The LONG HISTORY OF FOSSIL FISH - 355 trunkshield of this species has a high crested Median Dorsal and varies in the degree of development of a dermal neck joint (Dr A. Ritchie, pers. comm.). The distinctive meandering ridge ornament caused Rade (1964) to mistake it for a phyllolepid. Occurring with Wuttagoonaspis are new forms of actinolepids, primitive groenlandaspids (Ritchie 1975) and larger arthrodires, which could be homosteids. Middle Devonian placoderms are scarce in the Australian fossil record. The only arthrodires to be described are from the Eifelian Hatchery Creek Conglomerate, New South Wales, although others under study by Dr Gavin Young from the Broken River Embayment, Queensland, will extend the list. Denisonosteus (Fig. 13A) is a small phlyctaenioid from the Hatchery Creek fauna which has a long, strongly waisted nuchal plate. It is not unlike other phlyctaeniids of this age from the United States or Europe (Young & Gorter 1981). Indeterminate euarthrodire plates occur with Denisonosteus in the same fauna. Amongst the Broken River placoderms (Fish Hill, Givetian) are several large brachythoracids including Ailantidosteus (Dr G. Young, pers. comm.), also known from the Emsian of Africa (LeLievre 1984b). A diverse fauna of over 20 species of Late Devonian arthrodires is known from the Gogo Formation, in the north of Western Australia (Gardiner & Miles 1975, Long 1984a, 19874, 1988b, 1988c, 1988d, 1988f). This material consists of three-dimensional armours of articulated fish and probably represents the best material of placoderms from anywhere in the world. Most of the Gogo arthrodires are eubrachythoracids at the coccosteomorph grade of organization, although some pachyosteomorphs, which have a trunkshield incised for the pectoral fin, occur with them. Typical coccosteomorphs such as I/arrytoombsia (Fig. 14 E; Miles & Dennis 1979) and several new undescribed forms from Gogo differ from the typical Scottish , North American and Russian coccosteids in lacking a marginal-postorbital contact with the central plate. This feature they share with the Frasnian Plourdosteus. All the coccosteid-like arthrodires from Gogo are endemic genera. Bullerichthys, Kendrickichthys and Bruntonichthys (Dennis & Miles 1980) were pachyosteomorphs that have jaws adapted for crushing shelled invertebrates which were plentiful in the warm reef seas they inhabited. Kendrickichthys may belong to the Mylostomatidae, a group known also from North America and Africa (Young 1987c). Camuropiscis, Fallacosteus, Rolfosteus (Figs 14A, 15C) and Tubonasus (Dennis & Miles 1981, Long 1983c, 1988f, in press 2) were streamlined and had well produced rostra. These last three genera belong to the endemic family Camuropiscidae and share other specializations, such as a reduced and strongly interconnected posterior cheek unit and Anterior Lateral plates, which contact the Anterior Ventrolaterals and durophagous dentition. Recently new forms of camuropiscids have been discovered (Long 1987d, 1988b, c, d). Other arthrodires from Gogo include a snub-nosed form, Simosteus (Dennis & Miles 1982), large plourdosteids such as Kimberleyichthys spp. and other undescribed forms (e.g. Fig. 15C; Gardiner & Miles 1975, Dennis-Bryan & Miles 1983, Long 1987c, 1988c). Pachyosteomorph arthrodires are represented by Incisoscutum ritchie (Fig. 14D; Dennis & Miles 1982), a form closely allied to the camuropiscids (Long 1988b) and the primitive dinichthyid Eastmanosteus calliaspis (Pls 3C, 4A, Fig. 15A; Gardiner & Miles 1975, Dennis- Bryan 1987). Eastmanosteus is widespread in the Frasnian, being known from North America, Iran and Russia (Denison 1978). The fauna from Gogo contains nearly all endemic forms, with the only cosmopolitan genera of euarthrodires being Eastmanosteus and the holonematid Holonema, represented by the local species //. westolli (Fig. 15B; Miles 1971). Holonema possessed strange concave toothplates with strengthened parallel ridging, possibly for sifting food from the sediment or crushing a particular type of invertebrate, No large forms have been found from Gogo unlike contemporary faunas from the Late Devonian of Morocco and North America, (e.g. Dunkleosteus), which included the largest of the placoderms, reaching up to about 5 or 6 m in length (Denison 1978). Recently a large placoderm skull roof was discovered in the collections of the University of Western Australia, collected many years ago 356 - LONG in the Canning Basin by Curt Teichert. Hills (1958, p. 90) refers to this specimen as a large dinichthyid. The estimated size of the fish, Westralichthys uwagadensis (Long 1987b) would have been about 3 m, and it is regarded as a dinichthyid phyletically close to Dunkleosteus. Conodonts found with the skull indicate it is of mid-Famennian age, considerably younger than the Gogo fishes (Long 1987e). Other discoveries of Famennian vertebrates from the Canning Figure 11. Placodermi (Early Devonian). Euarthrodires from the Taemas district, New South Wales A, H, Arenipiscis westolli Young 1981 headshield restored in dorsal (A) and ventral (H) views; B, Burrinjucosteus asymmetricus White 1978, headshield; C, D, Taemasosteus novaustrocambricus White 1952; C, nuchal plate, ventral view; D, headshield; E, Errolosteus goodradigbeensis Young 1981, partial headshield; F, I, restoration of headshield of Goodradigbeeon australianum White 1978, in dorsal (F) and lateral (1) views; G, parasphenoid of Buchanosteus. (A, E, G, H after Young (1979, 1981a). B, C, D, F, I, after White 1978). Scales approx. G (x 2); all others (x 0.5). LONG HISTORY OF FOSSIL FISH - 357 process for articulation of headshield C pectoral fenestra Figure 12. Placodermi (Early-Middle Devonian). Euarthrodires from Taemas (A-G) and near Cobar (H, I), New South Wales. A, B, trunkshield of Williamsaspis bedfordi White 1952 in lateral (A) and ventral (B) views; C, trunkshield of Taemasosteus novaustrocambricus White 1952 in lateral view; D, Anterior Lateral plate of Toombsosteus denisoni White 1978 in lateral view; EE, anterior Lateral plate of Errolosteus goodradigbeensis Young 1981 in visceral view; F, reconstruction of the trunkshield of Buchanosteus confertituberculatus (Chapman 1916) in lateral view; G, Median Dorsal plate of Arenipiscis westolli Young 1981 in ventral view; H, I, trunkplates of Wuttagoonaspis fletcher Ritchie 1973 in lateral view. A (x0.5); B (x0.75); C (x0.25); D (x0.75); F, H, I (1.0); G & 0.75). (A, B, after White 1952; C, after White 1978; D, E, G after Young 1981b; H, I after Ritchie 1973). 358 - LONG mC PN . Ritchie SO. Miles & Young ifc Figure 13. Placodermi (Early-Middle Devonian, New South Wales). Euarthrodires. A, reconstructed headshield of Denisonosteus weejasperensis Young & Gorter 1981, approx. x 0.75; B, headshield of Wutlagoonaspis fletcheri Ritchie 1973, approx. x 0.5. (After Young & Gorter 1981) and Ritchie 1973). Basin include large arthrodires as yet undescribed from the Yellow Drum Sandstone of the Fairticld Group (Druce & Radke 1979). An incomplete skull of a large eubrachythoracid arthrodire with coarse tubercular ornamentation was recently found in the Famennian Ningbing Limestone, Bonaparte Basin, northern Western Australia, but it is too incomplete to allow confident identification. Freshwater Late Devonian faunas from Australia contain the arthrodire Groenlandaspis (Fig. 17B), which is widespread in both Frasnian and Famennian deposits throughout southeastern Australia (Ritchie 1974, 1975, Long 1982a, 1983a), and the flattened phyllolepids. Several species of Groenlandaspis are currently under study by Dr A. Ritchie, who is revising the world-wide occurrences of the genus, The best material of this fish comes from the Frasnian Mt. Howitt deposit where the articulated armours and tails of Groenlandaspis occur in all stages of growth. Groenlandaspis is characterized by its high, flat, triangular Median Dorsal plate, which varies in shape between species (Ritchie 1975), and the Posterior Dorsolateral plate bears an inverted V-shaped lateral line canal groove. It is perhaps more easily recognized in Australian Late Devonian faunas by its distinctive tubercular ornament, as other placoderms occurring with Groenlandaspis have either reticulate or meandering ornaments (antiarchs such as Bothriolepis and Remigolepis, phyllolepids). Recently Groenlandaspis sp. has turned up from marine limestones in the Camarvon Basin (Frasnian Gneudna Formation). Phyllolepids were, until recently, all thought to belong to the one cosmopolitan genus, Phyllolepis and this genus was recorded from Australia mainly by its ornament and isolated plates, by Hills (1929, 1931, 1932, 1936a, 1959). Recent description of the well preserved Mt. Howitt phyllolepids resulted in the recognition of a new genus of endemic phyllolepid, Austrophyllolepis (Figs l6A, C, 17C) which closely resembles PhAyllolepis in its ornament LONG HISTORY OF FOSSIL FISH - 359 Figure 14. Placodermi (Late Devonian). Arthrodires from Gogo, Western Australia: A, Rolfosteus canningensis Dennis & Miles 1979b; B, C, Camuropiscis concinnus Dennis & Miles 1979a; D, /ncisoscutum ritchiei Dennis & Miles 1981; E, Harrytoombsia elegans Miles & Dennis 1979. (After papers by Miles & Dennis 1979), Dennis & Miles 1979a, b, 1981). 360 - LONG Figure 15. Reconstructions of Gogo placoderms: A, Eastmanosteus calliaspis; B, Holonema westolli; Cc, Rolfosteus canningensis; D, Latocamurus coulthardi; E, Bothriolepis sp. Scale approx. A (x 0.1), B (x 0.12), C, D (x 0.5), E (x0.3). All original. LONG HISTORY OF FOSSIL FISH - 361 Figure 16. Placodermi (Late Devonian). Phyllolepids: A, C, restored armour of Austrophyllolepis ritchiet Long 1984b from Mt Howitt, Victoria, in dorsal (A) and ventral (C) views; B, D, same views of Placolepis budawangensis Ritchie 1984 from New South Wales. Scale approx. x 0.5. (After Long 1984b and Ritchie 1984). and general bone pattern, but differs in having a Posterior Median Ventral plate and in minor details of the headshield (Long 1984b). The tail, jaws, cheek and outline of the braincase of Austrophyllolepis were described for the first time in the group enabling revision of the phylogenetic status of the phyllolepids. I concluded that phyllolepids are probably highly specialized arthrodires in which the armour has degenerated as a response to extreme dorsoventral flattening, although alternative placement of phyllolepids as sister group to arthrodires is acceptable (Goujet 1984a). A primitive phyllolepid contemporancous with Austrophyllolepis was described from the Comerong Volcanics, near Braidwood, New South Wales by Ritchie (1984) as Placolepis budawangensis. Placolepis (Fig. 16B) has a headshield with large marginal plates and a strongly arched front on the nuchal plate. The only other possible phyllolepid is Antarctaspis of Middle or Late Devonian age from Antarctica (White 362 - LONG 1968, Denison 1978), suggesting that the stem group of phyllolepids originated from East Gondwana and later spread to the Northern Hemisphere where they are restricted to one specialized genus, Phyllolepis occurring in a narrow time zone of the Famennian (Westoll 1952; Young 1974, 1981a, 1987c; Lyarskaya 1978). Young (1988a) and Long (1990) have recently described isolated placoderm plates from central and eastern Australia. More primitive phyllolepids are anticipated to occur in Australian or Antarctic Early-Middle Devonian deposits. Figure 17. Placodermi (Late Devonian). Attempted restorations of three placoderms occurring at Mt Howitt, Victoria. A, Bothriolepis gippslandiensis Hills 1929; B, Groenlandaspis sp., C, Austrophyllolepis ritchiei (Long 1984b). Scale approx. x 0.5. All original. Antiarchs The antiarchs make their earliest appearance in the Late Silurian-Lower Devonian of China, represented by endemic primitive forms known as yunnanolepidoids (Zhang 1978, 1984). Sinolepidoids are slightly more advanced in having well developed pectoral appendages attached to the trunkshield by a brachial process ("euantiarchs" Janvier & Pan 1982). Recently the pectoral joint was described in yunnanolepidoids (Zhang 1984), but is not known in detail on sinolepids. Young (1984c, 1988b) relates sinolepids to bothriolepids in that they share a well developed bisegmented pectoral appendage. Australia is the only country other than China to have sinolepids. A new genus of sinolepid comes from the Late Devonian Hunter Siltstone, near Grenfell, New South Wales (Young 1981a, Long 1982a, 1983a). This form, as yet undescribed, has rectangular Median Dorsal plates, a long Nuchal plate and enormous Ventral Fenestra. The two most widespread antiarch groups are the asterolepidoids and the bothriolepidoids. Asterolepidoids have long trunkshields with short pectoral appendages, but the small LONG HISTORY OF FOSSIL FISH - 363 orbital facets median ridge Figure 18. Placodermi (Middle-Late Devonian), Antiarchs: A, F, Sherbonaspis hillsi Young & Gorter 1981 (A, B, C, F from the Middle Devonian Hatchery Creek Conglomerate of New South Wales). B, restored partial armour of, and C, proximal segment of the pectoral appendage of Monarolepis verrucosa (Young & Gorter 1981, Young 1988b). D, E, median dorsal trunk plates of Briagalepis warreni Long 1983a. G, proximal pectoral appendage of Bothriolepis gippslandiensis Hills. Scale approx. A-B (x 1); C-E (x 2); F (x 3); G (x1). (A, C, F, after Young & Gorter 1981). headshields feature large orbital fenestrae and broad, short premedian plates. The earliest known asterolepidoids are from the latest Early Devonian Georgina Basin, Queensland (Young 1984a, although recently doubts have been cast on the age of this fauna (Long, Turner & Young 1988). Asterolepidoids are abundant in the Middle and Late Devonian world-wide, but have only recently been recognized from Australia, which appears to have a high proportion of endemic types. Sherbonaspis hillsi (Fig. 18A, F) is a small pterichthyodid from the Eifelian Hatchery Creek Fauna, New South Wales, which has a slightly cristate Anterior Median Dorsal plate (Young & Gorter 1981). Another pterichthyodid is known from the Middle Devonian Broken River region, Queensland (Young & Gorter 1981, Young 1990). The "Asterolepis" plate from Gilberton, Queensland, described by Hills (1936a; figured in Hill et al. 1967) is probably a Bothriolepis plate (Turner 1982c). The most common asterolepidoid fish from Australia is Remigolepis (Pl. 3A) found throughout the Famennian deposits of New South Wales and particularly well preserved from Canowindra and Jemalong Gap (Hills 1958, Ritchie 1969, Campbell & Bell 1977). This material, which remains to be described, includes complete fish with the tails preserved. Remigolepis is very similar to Asterolepis, a widespread genus from Northern Hemisphere faunas, but is most easily recognized by having only one segment to the pectoral appendage, incorporating the bones of both parts of the 364 - LONG normal asterolepidoid fin. There are probably several species of Remigolepis from the Famennian of New South Wales, although none have yet been formally described. An endemic asterolepidoid, Pambulaspis cobahdrensis, from the Frasnian Pambula River site, southern New South Wales, has a separate posterior lateral plate, and a slight crest on the Anterior Median Dorsal plate (Young 1983). The pectoral fin is not known in Pambulaspis so affinities with Remigolepis are uncertain. Another asterolepidoid, as yet undescribed, comes from the Pambula River Fauna. It is unusual in having deeply and irregularly pitted dermal ornament (Dr G. Young, pers. comm.). Bothriolepidoids had well developed long pectoral appendages and a longer Premedian plate than most other antiarchs, with a divided chamber in front of the orbit for the nasal capsule (preorbital recess). Bothriolepis, a cosmopolitan genus, was recently thought to occur earlier in Australia and China than elsewhere, being found in the early Middle Devonian Hatchery Creek Conglomerate fauna, New South Wales (Young & Gorter 1981). The species, B. verrucosa (Fig. 18B, C), has recently been placed in a new genus, Monarolepis distinguished by having a very small axillary foramen on the Anterior Ventrolateral plate, and primitive plate arrangement in the pectoral appendage (Young 1984c, Young 1988b). Bothriolepis (Figs 17A, 19) occurs commonly in Late Devonian deposits throughout Australia, and although is represented by many species, few have been described. The Mt Howitt site has yielded articulated specimens with the tail preserved, enabling restoration of the whole fish (Figs 17A, 19E). B. gippslandiensis and B. cullodenensis from the Avon River Group, Victoria, have well developed median dorsal crests on their trunkshields (Pl. 3B) and have a primitive type of scale covered tail with a dorsal fin-spine present (Long 1983a, 1985e, Long & Werdelin 1986). Other bothriolepids from Victoria include B. fergusoni, a typical species with low vaulted armour; B. warreni (=Briagalepis warreni Long et al., 1990), an unusual small species with isolated tubercular ornament (Fig. 18D, E); and B. bindareei (Fig. 19B), a high-vaulted short species (Long 1983a, 1984a). B. gippslandiensis, B. cullodenensis, and B. fergusoni form an endemic monophyletic group of relatively primitive species which all share the feature of having large lateral pits on the visceral surface of the headshield, but differ from advanced species like B. canadensis (from Canada) in retaining a scale-covered tail (Long 1983a, Young 1988b). B. tatongensis from the Holland Creek Rhyodacite, Victoria, is the only Victorian species to have coarsely reticulate ornament and a trifid-shaped preorbital recess, an advanced feature in bothriolepids where the cavity for the nasal capsules has three distinct lobes (Long & Werdelin 1986). Well preserved bothriolepids of Famennian age are also known from Canowindra and Jemalong Gap, New South Wales. These are more similar to Northern Hemisphere species with regular shaped armour and trifid preorbital recesses, and could have entered Gondwana following faunal interchange between Euramerica and Gondwana at the start of the Late Devonian, as proposed by Young (1981a). A marine species of Bothriolepis occurs at Gogo, Western Australia (Figs 17E, 19A, D), which has produced important anatomical information on the homologies of antiarch jaws and braincase structures (Young 1984a), but as yet remains to be formally described. Bothriolepis plates occur in many sites throughout south-eastern Australia (Hills 1929, 1931, 1932, 1936a, Ferguson et al. 1979, Long 1983a, Young 1983), Queensland (Turner 1982c), and central Australia (Hills 1959, Gilbert- Tomlinson 1968, Young 1985b), most of which currently await detailed study. Articulated bothriolepids with tails preserved have been reported from the Amadeus Basin, Northern Territory, by Young (1985a). Recently a new species, B. billilunensis, was described from fragmentary trunk plates by Young (1987a) from the ?Famennian Knobby Sandstone, Canning Basin, Western Australia, and bothriolepid plates were recovered from the Frasnian Munabia Sandstone, Carnarvon Basin, Western Australia, by the author and friends in late 1987. Petalichthyids Petalichthyids have a distinctive dermal skull roof pattern with a long narrow Nuchal plate and two pairs of Paranuchals, and are usually found in Early-Middle Devonian deposits. LONG HISTORY OF FOSSIL FISH - 365 \ J; Uf orbital ((:-/ fenestra YA csl ‘ee 7 ae Re oa.PMD Figure 19. Placodermi (Late Devonian). Bothriolepids. A, D, Bothriolepis sp. from Gogo, Westem Australia. A, headshield; D, anterior median dorsal plate; B, attempted restoration of the trunkshield of Bothriolepis bindareei Long 1983a from Victoria; C, headshield of, and E, reconstruction of Bothriolepis cullodenensis Long 1983a from Victoria; F, headshield of Bothriolepis gippslandiensis Hills 1929 from Mt Howitt, Victoria. Scale approx. A (x 0.75); B (x 1); C-D (x 0.5) ; E (x 0.25); F (x 0.5). (A, B after material in the Bureau of Mineral Resources; C-F, after Long 1983a and Long & Werdelin 1986). 366 - LONG ri ¥ ‘ ( \ 9 RP A PROF, iP ele] py ite [Y i\ / i) pmol L M4 | f NU \ | ' PNU 1 NU PNU4 PP pP = A i <. H leis dP aR median nidge is 4 ~s \ NU ya ff PNU 2 pri yp / f A basal Ly} /\ a at l ‘ / plates synarcual we’ Av Z 4 , _metapterygoid autopalatne P) , \ \ orbit | bc /\ J \ hy & \MGlorah YY if Af . a UPTO Cr f \ ple > oy “ae, A eee a \ (rn SI a pp yi . pis iy, 2 Sg) “i efNv N Ss ? . A Pa dai plate «2 : posterior process — quadrate Figure 20, Placodenmi (Devonian), Ptyctodontids, Petalichthyids and Palacacanthaspidoids, A, headshield of Wydeaspixs warroovensis Young 1978 (AD, I, G from the Hartly Devonian neat Taemas, New South Wales); B,C, Brindabellaspis stensios Young 1980, B, headshield, ©, restored armour in lateral view; D, Notopetalichthys hillsi Woodward 1941, Ey LL, Clenurella gardinert Miles & Young 1977, 1, neck joint and dorsal fin basala; 1, redtoration of xkull roof; J, upper jaw apparatus, K, L, clasping elements; VF, G, Weejasperaxpis gavini White 1978, Fy trunkshield restored, G, front of Median Dorsal plate; HI, Campbelloduy decipiens Miles & Young 1977, dorsal spine, Seale approx. A (x 0.5), B(x 0.3); C (x 0,25); D (x O05), E(w 2) Fw 0.5), G (x 0.5), HG 1), EO 1) EO 2); JK (x 3), (A, after Young 1978; B, C, after Young 1980; D, after Woodward 1941, 1H, 1, J, Ky L, after Miles & Young 1977; Ff, G, after White 1978). Australia has few of these fish, all of which are known from incomplete headshields and trunk fragments, Allof the petalichthyids described from Australia so far have come from the Early Devonian limestones near Taemas, New South Wales, and Buchan, Victoria, Notopetalichthys hillsi (Fig. 20D) was described from a partial headshicld by Woodward (1941), and is an endemic genus, Wijdeaspis (Fig, 20A) is known from New South Wales and Victoria, representing a new species, W. warrovensiy (Young 1978, Long 1984c; PL 2C), Lunaspis has also been recorded from ‘Taemas (Young 1985a), Both Lunaspis and Wijdeaspis are otherwise LONG HISTORY OF FOSSIL FISH - 367 known from the Early-Middle Devonian of West Germany and the U.S.S.R. (Denison 1978). Another endemic form, Shearsbyaspis, comes from the Taemas district (Young 1985a). Acanthothoracids The unusual depressiform ray-like rhenanid placoderms from the Early Devonian of Germany (Gemuendina, Gross 1963) are unknown in Australia, but the record of acanthothoracids is very good. Both groups share dorsally open nostrils. Acanthothoracids have short trunkshields, long headshiclds with dorsal eyes and nares and a premedian plate, the latter used as evidence by Goujet (1984) to propose that they are related to antiarchs. The dermal ornament of these fishes is often very elaborate, facilitating identification from fragments of bone. Australian acanthothoracids include the best preserved specimens of cranial material in the world from the Early Devonian Taemas and Buchan regions. Weejasperaspis (Fig. 20F, G ; White 1978) and Murrindalaspis (ornament PI. 2G; Long 1984d) have high median dorsal crests on the trunkshield, but their headshiclds remain unknown. A detailed study of placoderm cranial anatomy based on beautiful specimens of Brindabellaspis stensioi (Fig. 20B, C) by Young (1980) described cranial nerves, vessels and brain morphology, and has important implications to the homology of placoderm braincase topography and to placoderm interrelationships and gnathostome relationships in general. Recently, further remains of Murrindalaspis were found at Taemas, which include, amongst other bones, a beautifully preserved complete sclerotic capsule (ossified "eyeball"), as well as the first pelvic girdles known in acanthothoracids (Long & Young 1988). This specimen (PI. 2E, F) shows remarkable anatomical detail of the eye muscle attachments and arterial and venous pathways. Ptyctodontids Ptyctodontids are short-shielded placoderms with little bone cover on the head. They are remarkably like modern chimacrids in body form, and other features such as crushing tooth plates and holostylic jaw suspension. Ptyctodontids are the only placoderms known to possess pelvic copulatory structures resembling chondrichthyan claspers. These structures and others led @rvig (1961, 1962) to believe that ptyctodontids were ancestral to chimaerids, thus implying chimaerids to be living placoderms. Other workers put these resemblances down to convergence (Patterson 1965, Schaeffer & Williams 1977) but Miles & Young (1977) regard the pelvic claspers of ptyctodontids as a primitive feature for placoderms and chondrichthyans. Australia has beautiful material of Late Devonian ptyctodontids from Gogo, Western Australia where two genera are found. Ctenurella gardinert (Fig. 20K, I-L) is congeneric with species of similar age in Germany (@rvig 1961, Miles & Young 1977) but Campbellodus (Fig. 20H) is an endemic Australian genus. Ctenurella from Gogo provides important anatomical information on the braincase and jaw suspension of ptyctodontids (see also Forey & Gardiner 1986). A new, almost complete specimen of Campbellodus from Gogo shows unusual development of two median dorsal plates as well as a high median dorsal spine (Long 19874, 1988c). Cf. Campbellodus? is also known from a single large upper jaw toothplate from the Upper Frasnian Napier Formation, Canning Basin, Western Australia, (Long 1988a). Fragments of ptyctodontids have been recovered from Early Devonian limestones near Tacmas (@rvig 1969) but have not been formally described. Osteichthyes The Osteichthyes or "true bony fishes" represent the largest proportion of living and extinct fishes, with over 23,000 extant species. They are characterized by a well-ossified internal and external skeleton and a swimbladder, which in some forms became modified into a lung. Amongst the primitive osteichthyans are the ancestors of tetrapods, and this lineage ultimately 368 - LONG led to the evolution of man. Mammals, birds, reptiles and amphibians are, therefore, all subdivisions of the Osteichthyes (Gardiner 1980). Although early workers generally recognized three major groups of osteichthyans, recent debate over this rigid classification resulting from recognition of paraphyly of traditional groups (Rosen et al. 1981, Gardiner 1984b). The major groups are the Actinopterygii (or ray-finned fishes), the Crossopterygii (or lobe-finned fishes) and the Dipnoi (or lungfishes). The latter two are often grouped together as the Sarcopterygii, as both these groups have lobed fins, enamel on the teeth or toothplates and primitively possessed a pore-canal system in the dermal skeleton (the tissue "cosmine", and other characters, Schultze 1987). Actinopterygians and dipnoans are undoubtedly monophyletic (Gardiner 1984b, Schultze & Campbell 1987), and within the Crossopterygii (believed monophyletic by Schultze 1987) the following sub-groups are recognized: Osteolepiformes, Struniiformes, Porolepiformes and Actinistia (coelacanths, the only living group of crossopterygians). Recently, it was suggested that the Rhizodontida be treated as a separate group outside of the Osteolepiformes (Long 1985a), although now I believe that rhizodontiforms fit in at the base of the clade containing Osteolepiformes and tetrapods (Long 1989). Fig. 21 presents a recent view of osteichthyan interrelationships. The basic structure of these groups will be briefly outlined preceding review of their Australian record. Until recently, Palaeozoic osteichthyans were very poorly known in Australia, despite the oldest reference to an Australian fossil fish being of a Permian actinopterygian (Dana 1848). There are still very few well-known Palaeozoic osteichthyans compared to the fossil record in the Northern Hemisphere countries like Britain or the U.S.S.R., although the Australian material is well preserved and provides important data on the early radiation of certain groups. Actinopteryli The actinopterygians, or ray-finned fishes, have dominated the seas and rivers since the Carboniferous Period. The earliest and most primitive members of this group, the palaconiscoids, had evolved by the beginning of the Devonian, although articulated specimens are known only from the Middle-Late Devonian. Palaconiscoids had long cheeks with fixed maxillae and preoperculars, and thick rhombic peg and socket scales. Higher groups of actinopterygians, the holosteans and teleosteans, developed mobile cheeks with reduced maxillae as a response to the development of a specialized buccal pump mechanism of feeding, enabling the jaws to move outwards (Schaeffer & Rosen 1961, Lauder & Liem 1983). Scales became thinner and cycloid in shape, and the internal skeleton of the caudal fin was highly modified. Australia's fossil record of actinopterygians includes the best preserved Devonian paleoniscoids in the world, and a great diversity of Mesozoic forms. The Tertiary record is poor, however, with most taxa based only on ear-stoncs, or otoliths, from marine deposits. Devonian: Palaconiscoid scales were recorded from the Early Devonian of Australia by Schultze (1968). Ligulalepis toombsi (Pl. SA, Fig. 22B), from the Murrumbidgee Group, New South Wales, is one of the world's first actinopterygians, although scales of proto-osteichthyans such as lophosteiforms are known from the Late Silurian of Gotland (Gross 1969). Ligulalepis scales are now frequently recognized in Early Devonian bone-rich acid residues (S. Turner pers. comm.). Rare isolated actinopterygian bones are also known from the Emsian-Eifelian Mulga Downs Group, preserved as impressions. The well preserved palaeoniscoids from Gogo described by Gardiner (1973, Gardiner & Bartram 1977, Gardiner 1984b) have much significance in solving problems of osteichthyan interrelationships (see also Patterson 1982). Two genera are found at Gogo, one of which, Moythomasia (Fig. 22A), is also known from the Late Devonian of Germany (Gross 1953, Jessen 1968), and possibly elsewhere if scale morphology is reliable (Gardiner 1967, Blieck et al. 1982). Moythomasia durgaringa and Mimia toombsi from Gogo show that the braincase of early actinopterygians was ossified as a single unit but retains several embryonic fissures and lacks posterior myodomes for eye muscle Onychodontiformes S > jam uJ Ee oO. Oo = = O tf fa) Ww 5 FRASNIAN Tabberabberan Orogeny GIVETIAN MOUNT HOWIT PROVINCE MID DEV. Figure 43. Biostratigraphic correlations between the Central Victorian Volcanic Province and the Mt Howitt Province, Late Devonian, Victoria. Thick black lines indicate confident correlation between stratigraphic horizons as denoted by common presence of Bothriolepis species. Wavy line represents unconformity. Bb, B. bindarei; Bc, B. cullodenensis; Bg, B. gippslandiensis, Bt, B. tatongensis; Bw, B. warreni. Scale approx.x4. (From Long & Werdelin 1986). the unusual arthrodire, which is the namesake of this faunal assemblage and noted its association with other endemic placoderm types. Since then Turner et al. (1981) have described thelodont scales occurring with Wuttagoonaspis from New South Wales and western Queensland (Cravens Peak Beds, Georgina Basin), thus correlating these widely-spaced successions (Fig. 44). Similar thelodont scales have since been recognized in drill cores from the Officer Basin, South Australia (Long et al. 1988), and the Amadeus Basin of the Northern Territory (Young et al. 1987). The Wuttagoonaspis fauna is generally regarded as latest Early Devonian or earliest Middle Devonian in age, based on the occurrence of conodonts in marine intercalations within the Mulga Downs Group (Long et al. 1988). In Australia the entry and disappearance of key placoderm genera differs from those of the standard zonation schemes based on faunal successions in Europe, North America, East Greenland and Russia (Young 1974). The reason for this is only recently becoming clear as more is known of the phylogenetic and biogeographic relationships of the Australian and Antarctic Palaeozoic fish faunas. Young (1981a) defined five Devonian faunal provinces based on endemic populations of fishes (Fig. 45). Australia and Antarctica constitute the East Gondwana Province, which in Devonian times was the antipodes of North America and Europe LONG HISTORY OF FOSSIL FISH - 399 2 Oa D2 a0 za 20 i) 2 So 33 5 & Go g ® o a ] o o Uf i) 5 Ss 0 oe 8 o =| © 4 € ° = 400 - LONG 3 : 4 22> /, ZS TARIM INDOCHINA USSR ORS ; KAZAKHSTAN QS EURAMERICA * ARMORICA TIBET ney ~=x— A wy Route 1 M-Late Devonian Groenlandaspis Bothriolepids Phyllolepids Route 2 Late Devonian Asterolepis Route 3 Late Devonian SOUTH AMERICA AFRICA EURAMERICA ; : Sone Pypvince so Route 4 ios Boone f% ke ; Z UTH CHINA ° A - Amphiaspid Province YW ~Galeaspid - Yunnanolepid Province siniepigs TUVA \] EAST GONDWANA - Tannuaspid Province - Wuttagoonaspid - Phyllolepid Province Figure 45. Devonian vertebrate provinces, modified after Young (1981a), to show possible migration routes for some biostratigraphically useful placoderms. (Euramerican Province). As in modern times faunas from widely separated parts of the world tend to differ because of differing groups having evolved in one region. For this reason, the phyllolepid placoderms occur in Australia and Antarctica at an earlier time than for Euramerica, and are represented by more primitive types. Thus, the likely explanation is that this group originated in East Gondwana and did not migrate to Euramerica until a later time. Similarly, certain fishes which are abundant in Euramerica, such as cephalaspid agnathans, are not known to occur in Australia, not because we haven't looked hard enough for them, but probably simply because the group was restricted to Euramerica and did not migrate from that region. The bothriolepid antiarchs make their earliest appearance in East Gondwana (Eifelian Monarolepis) and South China (Givetian Bothriolepis), and did not become abundant in Euramerica until the Late Devonian. Asterolepis, a common antiarch in Europe and Russia in the Middle Devonian, is absent in Australia but restricted to the Late Devonian in China (Pan Kiang 1981). Groenlandaspis occurs at the very end of the Famennian in Euramerica, but is found as early as Givetian in East Gondwana (Young 1988b). The biostratigraphic ranges of Palaeozoic vertebrates useful for correlations in Australia and Antarctica are shown in Figs 46, 47. Young (1988b) set up a detailed biostratigraphy for the Devonian Aztec Siltstone, South Victoria Land, Antarctica, recognizing several taxa which also occur on the Australian mainland. Note that these are for essentially continental facies, as marine deposits are usually more precisely dated using microfossils such as conodonts or palynomorphs. LONG HISTORY OF FOSSIL FISH - 401 PLACODERMI CHONDRICHTHYES OSTEICHTHYES myrs AGNATHA ACANTHODII (No Australian 245 Perm. acanthodians) 290 CARB. PERMIAN 360 LATE DEV. 374 MID. DEV. DEVONIAN 387 EARLY DEV. 408 SILURIAN Isch = ischnacanthid Ant = Antarctilamna scales Har = Harpagodens T= Taemasacanthus Ph= Phoebodus Ro = Rockycampacanthus McM = McMurdodus Cul = Culmacanthus Heli = Helicoprion Ch = Cheiracanthoides Helo = Helodus Dip = dipnorhynchid Tur = turiniids Gy = Gyracanthides Both = Bothriolepis lungfishes (thelodonts) H= lowittacanthus Gr= Groenlandaspis Lig = Ligulalepis scales Ac= Acanthodes P?= Phyllolepis Rhiz =rhizodontiforms Aus = Austrophyllolepis How = Howqualepis Rem = Remigolepis Mars = Marsdenichthys Sin = sinolepid Hol = Holoptychius Sh= Sherbonaspis Ony = Onychoaontids W= Wuttagoonaspis Meg = Megalichthys Figure 46. Stratigraphic ranges of some Australian Palaeozoic fishes. The Middle-Late Devonian continental deposits of southeastern Australia often contain fish faunas typified by the presence or absence of the following key taxa: Bothriolepis (primitive or advanced species), Groenlandaspis, phyllolepids, Remigolepis, and in one locality, a sinolepid. Middle Devonian faunas in New South Wales and Antarctica contain Bothriolepis associated with thelodont scales, and Groenlandaspis makes its appearance in the Givetian (Aztec Siltstone, Antarctica). The presence of primitive Bothriolepis species with Groenlandaspis and phyllolepids such as Austrophyllolepis (Long 1984), without thelodont scales, is typical of a Frasnian assemblage, as seen at Mt Howitt and Freestone Creek in Victoria. Thelodonts last on until the Frasnian in marine deposits of Western Australia (Turner & Dring 1981), but the youngest forms from eastern Australia are probably of Middle Devonian age (Broken River, Queensland). Famennian assemblages are characterized by the entry of Remigolepis, with advanced Bothriolepis species, and the genus Phyllolepis probably replaces the primitive phyllolepid genera Austrophyllolepis and Placolepis . Luse the word probably here, because although phyllolepids are definitely known to occur in 402 - LONG EAST GONDWANA SOUTH CHINA EURAMERICA = nil TZ ZZ sinolepid ——— Groenlandaspis Remigolepis =< IS 1S 1S Phyllolepis = Sinolep Q a) 2 D 2 a 23] = aor] ou 2 TANDAL- [MERATE, = id GOO | N'DAHLA | MUNYU~ rs RED MBR RAI in) BEDS al T 2“ a | T T t | T ow FROME 4 en ie fEia a e e DOWNS eee _— hr} a 2 . \CRAVENS| GP e BELVEDERE @roP 3 ‘ Peak | BROKEN yarra |@ FM e é ae 62 seos | "ER YARRA |_ TRUNOLE| GARRA a|Z CREEK | conpo-| GP FM emo) GP BOLIN ital eg FM@ = BA A Than ° c | TALINGABOOLA FM, FOMBLONGS a - 2/5 KEMP ~ SILVER- reer ae Fa z FIELD? BAND MINERAL a 8 MARTINS FM HILL 6|- WELL 4. *~ VOLC 3 + ust | | | | | Table 2. Geographic and stratigraphical distribution of thelodont scale assemblages in Australia. Symbols: +, new turiniid species and scales comparable with Turinia polita Karatajute- Talimaa (1978); *, Turinia fuscina Turner 1986b; dot, Turinia australiensis and close relatives; square, new species of turiniid with body scales commonly bearing crown lappets; point-down triangle, turiniid first described and figured by Young & Gorter 1981; triangle, Australolepis seddoni Turner & Dring 1981. Thelodont fish were small, with an average length around 150 mm. Some forms, however, reached 1 metre. Thelodonts were aquatic, living in shallow-water marine to freshwater environments. The thelodont body was covered with an external skeleton of minute (average 0.5-2.0 mm in length) dentinous scales. Thelodonts resembled modern sharks in this Figure 2. Comparison of a selection of trunk scales from some of the known turiniid populations (from Tumer 1986b ; for full details see her Fig. 3). A-C, L, type turiniid Turinia pagei, Gedinnian to Siegenian, Welsh Borderland; D-E, Turinia polita, Gedinnian, England, France, Podolia; F, Turinia fuscina, Gedinnian?, Victoria; G-H, Turinia australiensis, Emsian-Eifelian?, Western Australia, west Queensland and New South Wales; I, K, M, new turiniid species, Cravens Peak Beds, ?Late Emsian-Eifelian? Queensland; J, Turinia hutkensis, mid-Devonian or Early Frasnian?, Iran; N, Turinia? sp. nov., Late Eifelian - Givetian, Hatchery Creek Conglomerate, NSW and north Queensland; O-P, Australolepis seddoni, Early Frasnian, Western Australia. Not to scale; all turiniid thelodont scales depicted are within length range of 0.5-2.0mm. PALAEOZOIC VERTEBRATE MICROFOSSILS - 435 436 - TURNER covering of shagreen and in their lack of bony internal skeleton. Complete, articulated thelodonts are rare, but the scales provide microfossils with a size range from 0.1-3.5 mm, commonly about 1 mm long, deep and wide on average. Both overlapping and non-overlapping scales are known. Generally, the scales from the head, mid-thorax and body are differently shaped (e.g. Figs 2, 3). They can be recognized for each species by associating similar morphology and histology and by comparing with scales on intact thelodont specimens. Each scale is formed of hydroxylapatite and is made up of a crown, a neck and a base (see Fig. 4A). The crown and neck are made of orthodentine or allied dentinous tissue, penetrated by Figure 3. Thelodont scales from Australia - types of head, transitional and special scales. A, Australolepis seddoni with deeply dissected crown; B, Australolepis seddoni? with tripartite crown; C, Australolepis seddoni, ventral view showing large pulp opening and shallow basal ring; D, turiniid, new species related to Turinia australiensis, head scale ; E, turiniid, new species related to Turinia australiensis, head scale; F, turiniid, new species related to Turinia australiensis, transitional scale. Not to scale; A-C after Turner & Dring 1981, Early Frasnian Gneudna Formation, Western Australia; D-F after Tumer et al. 1981, Late Emsian-Early Eifelian?, Cravens Peak Beds, westem Queensland; E after Young ef al. 1987, Early Eifelian? N'Dahla Member, Amadeus Basin. Scale approx. 1 mm. PALAEOZOIC VERTEBRATE MICROFOSSILS - 437 Figure 4. Thelodonts of Australia - some body scale types. A, generalized turiniid body scale - c = crown, n = neck, b = base, o = pulp opening; B, G, turiniid new species with smooth wing-like lateral lappets; C, turiniid new species with close double-ridged crown comparable to Turinia hutkensis of Iran; D, typical Turinia australiensis body scale; E, F, turiniid new species related to Turinia australiensis with complex stepped crowns and lateral posteriorly-expanded lappets - this form closely resembles turiniid body scales from Antarctica and Bolivia; H, turiniid species possibly close to that in B & G. Not to scale; B, D-G after Tumer et al., Late Emsian-Early Eifelian Cravens Peak Beds, western Queensland; C after Long et al. 1988, Early Eifelian?, Munyurai, South Australia; H after Young ef al. 1987, N'Dahla Member, Amadeus Basin. Scale approx. 1 mm. 438 - TURNER Figure 5. Examples of shark scales: A-D, Antarctilamna prisca after Young 1982, mid Devonian, NSW, Antarctica, Bolivia?; E, Ohiolepis after Wells 1944, a form typical of late Early Devonian in Australia; F, Cladolepis after Wells 1944, late Early Devonian of USA; G-H, shark scales fam., gen. et sp. undet., Cravens Peak Beds, Late Emsian-Early Eifelian?, western Queensland; I-J, shark scales fam., gen. et sp. undet., mid Devonian, Broken River Formation, north Queensland; K, shark scales fam., gen. et sp. undet., Early Devonian, New South Wales; L, shark scales fam., gen. et sp. undet. referred by Giffin 1980 to Skamolepis, Zlichovian, New South Wales. Scale approx. 1 mm. PALAEOZOIC VERTEBRATE MICROFOSSILS - 439 dentine tubules; dentine tubules merge into dentine canals, which in turn can converge into, on average, one to three pulp canals. The base is made up of a clear bony tissue (probably akin to aspidine), which was capable of growth, and is penetrated by the spaces occupied by Sharpey's fibres in life. These fibres held the scale into position in the skin tissues. Characteristic of thelodont scales is a large, single (or few) pulp canal opening in the base; this feature separates them from the acanthodian scales which lack a pulp cavity altogether and are commonly found together with thelodont scales. The lack of any neck canals distinguishes them from most, if not all, shark scales. One proviso here is the lack of knowledge of primitive shark scales, some of which seem to resemble simple thelodont scales. However, the few known, early shark scales all have a simple, small, diamond-shaped base, unlike the growing base of thelodonts (see Fig. 5). The style of histological growth is a feature of classification. Common to all thelodont scales, and also a unique character for the Thelodonti, was the erat to produce basal outgrowths, such as ‘roots' and papillae, to anchor the scales in the lermis. The ontogeny of the scale resembles that of human and other mammalian teeth and modern shark scales, i.e. all simple placoid (plate-like) structures. The scale begins as a thin, cap-like structure, and dentine is added centripetally. This means the crown and neck remain the same size throughout the life of the scale. The inital cap is free of tubules and forms a clear outer layer to the crown, sometimes called durodentine. The basal tissue can expand and grow outwards and downwards to eventually obscure the basal openings in very mature scales. As in modern sharks, scales were produced continually throughout the life of the fish, dropping out when abraded or damaged; new scales then took their place. Because thelodont fish were like sharks, being virtually only a soft bag of tissue covered with scales, when they died, the scales would scatter. Complete fish are rarely preserved. As scale variation is high, this means that there are problems in recognizing species from scales. Recent work has done much to sort out this problem, either by bringing to light new material with scales in situ (e.g. Turner 1986a) or by assigning scales to theoretical positions on the body by association of morphological and histological characters (Marss 1986). The families, genera and species are based on positioning of pulp openings, base, crown etc., and on minute detail of crown ornament (Tumer, in press a, b). There were three main groups of thelodont scales, based on overall morphology and histology. These are thelodontids, katoporids and loganiids. Only the thelodontids occur in Australasia. The thelodontids, such as Thelodus, Turinia, Australolepis, and Nikolivia, were the longest lasting of the theiodont groups, ranging in age from the Early Silurian to Late Devonian. They possessed relatively simple orthodentine scales with dentine tubules converging straight into a single or few pulp canals. In Australasia thelodontids are represented by the turiniids (Figs 2-4) and, possibly, the nikoliviids. Australasian turiniids often had very large body scales, up to 3.5 mm, which did not usually overlap. The head scales tend to be smaller with simple rounded shapes and a crenulated crown rim (Fig. 3). Body scales can be simple with a smooth crown with a central platform, but many of the body scales had more strongly ornamented, partitioned and ridged crowns, which became deeply dissected in the later Devonian. Bases in turiniid scales tend to be solid with a long anterior spur. The nikoliviids had more flattened crowns, which overlapped in life. The crowns are drop- and arrowhead-shaped and sometimes had lateral lappets with posterior points. Bases are annular and shallow around a large, oval anteriorly- placed pulp opening. A few scales from the mid to Late Devonian in Australia appear to be nikoliviid, but these might be highly modified turiniid scales exhibiting a parallel morphology (Fig. 3A, B). 440 - TURNER CHONDRICHTHYANS The cartilaginous sharks and their relatives have a long and complex history. Only recently have pre-Middle Devonian shark remains been recognised. Cartilage is not easily preserved but is sometimes calcified. Teeth, finspines, claspers, eggcases and scales can all give us clues to the shapes and lifestyles of early sharks. Most of these remains can occur as microfossils. Shark scales come in many different designs. However, whether complex or simple in crown structure, and some sharks apparently grew both sorts on one body, they all possess neck canals. The teeth also come in many forms but essentially can be divided into the cutting and grasping, pointed or cusped teeth, and the more solid-plated or rounded, crushing and gnawing or nipping teeth. Information on many Palaeozoic sharks can be found in Zangerl (1981). Shark scales exhibit a wide range of form and structure, depending on the group from which they come. Many primitive sharks and most modern sharks have very simple placoid scales (the basic lepidomorium or odontode). From the mid-Devonian onwards more complex shark scales occur, which belong to the ctenacanth, stethacanth and other "cladodont" sharks as well as to forms such as edestids. Examples are given here of some of the range of variation (Fig. 5). All shark scales should possess neck canals, a dentinous crown and, usually, an acellular bony base which is non-growing and diamond-shaped. Complex shark scales may have a bony, growing base, with fused dentine ridges forming the crown. Shark spines, which appear to be modified and enlarged denticles, can appear as microfossils. They tend to have a deep insertion to the body. A sheath of dentine may cover the spine producing ribbed or tubercular omament. A large pulp cavity is present. Palaeozoic chondrichthyan fish classification or relationships are still uncertain and so, in this paper, the sharks are referred to only general groupings. Microfossils have come from the following groups: Elasmobranchs - True Sharks and Their Relatives. A primitive group that appeared in the Silurian in Siberia is still known only from simple scales and teeth similar to some from living primitive sharks. Australian examples from the Devonian include Thrinacodus (Fig. 6), Mcmurdodus (Pl. 1), and scales (Fig. 5K, L). XENACANTHS - Early Devonian to Early Triassic, youngest in Australia; advanced teeth with characteristic diplodont (two-pronged) condition having a large "button" on the dorsal side of base; some species possess dorsal head spines but none have been found yet in the microfauna. (Antarctilamna(?), Xenacanthus, Orthacanthus; Phoebodus might belong here). CLADOSELACHIANS - Late Devonian to Late Carboniferous. Some complete specimens of Cladoselache are known from the Cleveland Shale of the U.S.A. Cladoselachians possess relatively simple cusped teeth; scales with large, complex, ridged crowns and generally a large bony base; dorsal fin spines unoramented. Possible scales known in Australia. "CLADODONTS" - ?Early Devonian to Permian. Mostly known from isolated teeth ("Cladodus"), but recent finds of complete specimens and re-examination of teeth characters are allowing subdivision of this "bucket" group. One family includes the stethacanthids (Symmorium, Stethacanthus, Denaea) found in the Early Carboniferous deposits of eastern Australia. Protacrodus with ridged and crested teeth, and Phoebodus, with tricuspid teeth with striated enamel and a large lingual extension to the base might also belong here. The scales of some of these genera have been known for over a century but were given separate names (form PALAEOZOIC VERTEBRATE MICROFOSSILS - 441 or organ genera); Stethacanthus includes pharyngial scales, called Stemmatodus, and strange spines (earlier called Lambdodus) from the brush-like dorsal head apparatus; scales are generally complex, with large bony bases. SELACHIANS - mid-Devonian to Recent. Ctenacanthoids - Late Devonian to Triassic? (Bandringia, Ctenacanthus, Tristychius); complex scales. Ctenacanth scales are found in the Late Devonian in Australia. Hybodontoids - Early Devonian? to Upper Cretaceous (Hybodus). Relatively simple placoid scales with one or more pairs of neck canals and a simple small diamond-shaped base. Ageleodonts - Carboniferous (Ageleodus). Only known from slow-growing, hand or comb-shaped teeth with a long root. The earliest record of the group comes from Australia. Neoselachians - Early Carboniferous (Anachronistes) or earlier to Recent (most living forms). Only placoid scales have been found in the Australasian Palaeozoic microfauna. Figure 6. Thinacodus ("Harpagodens") ferox, shark teeth known from the Late Devonian (Famennian) to Early Carboniferous (Early Visean), Queensland, New South Wales and Westerm Australia. Scale bar approx. 1 mm. (After Turner 1982b and see Tumer 1983). HOLOCEPHALIANS (“undivided head") - chimaeroids (rat-fishes) and their relatives; often called bradyodonts in the literature. Many of the Palaeozoic fossils are only known from teeth, many of which consist of tubular dentine, producing a characteristic pitted surface. 442 - TURNER Helodontoids - Late Devonian to Permian (Helodus, Pleurodus). Dome-like teeth and scales occur as microfossils. Menaspoids - Early Carboniferous to Permian (Menaspis, Deltoptychius). Teeth and scales known as microfossils. [Menaspis also thought to be a placoderm] Edestids - Early Carboniferous to mid-Permian (Edestus, Agassizodus, Orodus). Teeth and scales are known as microfossils. [or could be elasmobranchs - Zangerl 1981] Petalodonts - Early Carboniferous to Permian (Petalodus, Janassa, Polyrhizodus (?)). Teeth and scales occur as microfossils. [or could be elasmobranchs - Zangerl 1981] PLACODERMS This was a group of bony, jawed, armoured fish which possessed an endoskeleton of bone and/or cartilage (see Long 1984). These extinct fishes dominated seas and freshwaters throughout the Devonian and became extinct in the Early Carboniferous, although their origins are undoubtedly in or before the Early Silurian, where they have been found in China. Some were only a few centimeters long; some grew to 6 m in total length. Most had a bony carapace over head and thorax encompassing brain, branchial structures and well-developed jaws. The outer surface of the armour was often ornamented, and the rest of the body often covered in intricate body scales. Some placoderms had moveable pectoral appendages; some had immoveable spinal plates. Each group is characterised by the style and pattern of the bony plates and scales. For more information see Denison (1978). Many placoderms, especially the primitive forms, had bony body scales, generally round or rhombic, with ornament of tubercles and ridges similar to that of the main dermal plates (PI. 2). Only recently have we begun to relate dissociated body scales to genera known from articulated plates; in much of the literature isolated scales have been referred to form genera (e.g. Ohioaspis). Many body scales are mere nubs of bone, as in Bothriolepis (Long & Werdelin 1986); many are tuberculated platelets ~ 2-3 mm ; some, those of an asterolepidoid antiarch (Young 1984), for example, are very distinctive (Pl. 4F). Other microfossils include modified jawbones with "tooth" plates called gnathals, and spines. In the ptyctodontid placoderms the tooth plates were composed of a tubular dentine, a modification for a shell- crushing way of life. Placoderm fossils have been of much use in biostratigraphy in Devonian rocks, but, as yet, little use has been made of the microfossils. In the future, placoderm body scales and jaw elements might be useful for dating Silurian and Early Devonian sequences. TELESTOMES - JAWED BONY FISHES Acanthodians The spiny sharks were primitive fusiform teleostomes (bony fishes) which possessed jaws, paired fins, an ossified neurocranium and a separate gill skeleton. Most were small, averaging 200 mm, but forms up to 2 m are reported. Acanthodians had a body covering of small bony scales and platelets, very tightly packed in regular criss-cross rows (Pl. 2A). The scales are small (usually between 0.5 to 3 mm), non-overlapping, and composed mostly of bone or a bone-like tissue called mesodentine. Special scales, or denticles, occurred on the gill arches in a few forms. These scales have no basal pulp cavity as do thelodont and some shark scales, but some, probably lateral line scales of acanthodians do have neck canal openings. The scales can be differentiated by their ornament and histology. They possess a relatively square crown, a shallow neck and, usually, a deep, rounded base. The scale is made up of PALAEOZOIC VERTEBRATE MICROFOSSILS - 443 centrifugally-produced, concentric layers of bone and dentinal tissue. Crown ornament may be characteristic of both species and genus. There are two main types of scale. The Nostolepis- type has a mesodentine crown penetrated by vascular canals and enclosing cell spaces. In some species the dentine ridges of the crown are added laterally. The base is formed of cellular bone. The Acanthodes-type has a crown of true dentine with no cell spaces and a thick base of acellular bone. Vascular and non-vascular (canals of Sharpey's fibres) penetrate the scale. The scales were generally acquired at an early stage in the fish's growth and presumably grew continuously throughout life. Each scale added successive bone and/or dentine layers in the manner of modern fishes, but whether these were annual rings, or not, cannot be ascertained. Acanthodians were the only Palaeozoic fish to possess paired fin spines. Acanthodian fins were supported by dentine-ribbed (in some), bony spines, which were usually triangular in cross section. The fin spines were capable of some growth and were formed of three or four layers, a superficial, or sculptured, layer of centripetal orthodentine or mesodentine, without enameloid, which can form ribs; a middle layer of cellular bone or trabecular dentine, where longitudinal canals can form a subcostal canal and there can be radial canals; a thin basal layer lining the central cavity of cellular bone, or of dentine, if present. The central cavity can open posteriorly in the lower end of the spine (see Denison 1979 for further details). Acanthodians had jaws, some had sharp pointed teeth, and others had multicuspid piercing and cutting teeth ankylosed (directly attached) along the jaw. Others had tooth whorls. Other microfossils include bony, unsegmented, unbranched rays in the fins and bony vertebral arches. For more information see Denison (1979). Much work remains to be done on acanthodian scales and spines - their structure, variation, and stratigraphical distribution. Many new forms are being found in Australasia. They appear to be generally useful (Valiukevicius 1985), as they were common in marine and some freshwater environments. They can help in the broad allocation of an age for rocks from mid- Silurian times through to Permian. CLIMATIIDS - Mid-Silurian to Carboniferous? Climatioids (Climatius, Cheiracanthoides, Nostolepis) and diplacanthioids (Diplacanthus-like scales). The climatiids were probably the most primitive acanthodians. They had short bodies with thick, high-crowned scales, well- developed ancillary gill covers, broad, highly-sculptured fin spines and intermediate spines that were restricted to the skin. All possessed two dorsal fins. Nostolepis—type scales and ventral shoulder girdle platelets appear in the Australian mid- Silurian and are common in the Early Devonian. ISCHNACANTHIDS - Late Silurian to Carboniferous ([schnacanthus, Gomphonchus, Poracanthodes). Ischnacanthids were long-bodied predators with Acanthodes-type scales. They possess two dorsal fins. All fin spines deeply inserted into the body and no intermediate spines, shoulder plates, or accessory gill covers were present. Both toothwhorls and multicuspid teeth ankylosed to the jaws can occur. ACANTHODIDS - Early Devonian to Permian (Acanthodes, C heiracanthus). Acanthodids were long-bodied, filter-feeding forms with no teeth, no dermal plates, and Acanthodes—type scales. Only one dorsal fin and a few, small intermediate fins were present. Fin spines inserted deeply, except in primitive forms. Gill rakers were present, with an enlarged gill cover plate in some species. 444 - TURNER Higher Osteichthyes These fish have a skeleton of true bone. The upper biting edge of the mouth is formed by two pairs of dermal bones, the maxilla and premaxilla. Teeth are typically fused to the bones. The lateral-line canals run through dermal bones. The skull has a cranial fissure. Ossified vertebrae and pleural ribs and an air bladder which can function as a lung are present. Included in this group are actinopterygians, crossopterygians and dipnoans. ACTINOPTERGYIANS - The bony ray-finned fishes have fin webs stiffened with dermal rays called lepidotrichia. Thick ridge scales formed an upper, epichordal tail lobe. Evolutionary tendencies in the group, including reduction in thickness of dermal bones and scales and increase in variety of swimming, feeding and reproduction styles, have led to their success in marine and freshwater with over 23,000 extant species. Scales and spiny bones, which might belong to early actinopterygians appear as microfossils in the Late Silurian of China and Baltic Europe (e.g. Lophosteus, Andreolepis). More taxa are recorded in the Early to mid-Devonian: in Australasia there are scales called Ligulalepis (Fig. 7), in Europe Orvikuina (Schultze 1968). These bony scales are elongate, rectangular and ornamented. The Devonian and Carboniferous forms belong mainly to the family Palaeconiscidae. These had ornamented, rhombic scales and bones, and teeth with a transparent acrodin tip, which commonly occur as microfossils. The great actinopterygian radiation began in the Carboniferous. During Permian times they began to diversify into a wide range of ecological niches. Actinopterygian scales are characteristically trapezoidal or diamond-shaped with one or more longitudinal ridges on the basal surface of the scale (see Moy-Thomas & Miles 1971). The scales have an ornamented, shiny layer on the surface, a lamellar form of dentine called ganoine. Hence, they are known as ganoid scales. This layer is thick in early forms but diminishes in younger (geological) forms. There was a central dentinous layer with vascular canals and a deep layer of spongy bone. The whole scale lay beneath the skin. Growth was periodic, and bone was added concentrically, both on outer and inner surfaces; periodic growth rings are present. A dorsally-directed, quite pointed peg on the scale fits into a socket on the adjacent dorsal scale producing an arrangement of sloping diagonal rows along the fish's body. Other uscful microfossils derived from this group, and also found in acanthodians and placoderms, are otoliths or ear stones. They are used for biostratigraphical and palaeoecological work in the Tertiary but do also occur in the Palaeozoic (see Nolf 1985). The primitive teleostomes (including acanthodians and Cheirolepis tend to have simple and similar rhomboid scales. The majority of Palaeozoic finds belong to the palaeoniscoids (e.g. Moythomasia). Most of the early taxa were predators, but later forms were more diverse (e.g. the deep-bodied platysomids and redfieldiids). The group existed from the Devonian to Early Cretaceous times. SARCOPTERYGIANS - All other osteichthyans plus tetrapods have been grouped as Sarcopterygii (with a fleshy lobe) but here I shall consider only the Crossopterygii and Dipnoi. Crossopterygians. The bony, fringe-finned fishes include those with a stout internal bony support for the fins, such as the famous, living fossil, the coelacanth (actinistians), and extinct groups such as rhipidistians and onychodontids. The solid bones of the head and the scales and fin rays were covered in enamel-coated cosmine, a dentine penetrated by minute pores. Crossopterygian scales often have a very distinctive exterior ornament of ridges or pustules. Some, in porolepids and osteolepids, possess rounded, dorsal pegs. However, not much work has been done yet on distinguishing crossopterygian microfossils, except for onychodontid teeth, with their simple orthodentine, which are readily separated from those with more complex teeth and from actinopterygian teeth. The group probably appeared PALAEOZOIC VERTEBRATE MICROFOSSILS - 445 in the Late Silurian but were almost extinct at the end of the Palaeozoic, except for the Coelacanths, which survive to the present day. The earliest record seems to be scales from the Late Silurian of China. Primitive crossopterygians found in the Late Silurian or Early Devonian of China were from small fishes, less than 200 mm in length. The later Devonian rhipidistians were very large, predatory fish with thick stabbing teeth, some of which have intricate labyrinthine structure in the dentine. Other groups bearing cosmine-coated scales and bones include the mainly shallow-water marine porolepiforms, which had slender, leaf-like paired fins (e.g. Porolepis, Glyptolepis, Holoptychius) from the Late Silurian? to the end of the Devonian; the marine osteolepiforms which had short, rounded, paired fins with a broad, muscular lobe (e.g. Osteolepis, Megalichthys, Eusthenopteron) from the Middle Devonian to Permian; the freshwater rhizodontids which developed complex tooth structure and thinner, lighter cycloid (rounded) scales by losing cosmine (e.g. Rhizodus, Strepsodus), from the Late Devonian to Carboniferous; and the marine onychodontids, which have long, striated stabbing teeth and symphysial tooth whorls (e.g. Onychodus - Pl. 2J, Strunius) that occur commonly as microfossils in Devonian times. Coelacanths (hollow-spines in fin rays) or actinistians, along with some other crossopterygians such as the large rhizodontiforms and the porolepiforms, had no choana (paired internal nostrils). Their rounded cycloid scales lack cosmine, and they possessed a calcified or adipose “swimbladder". The tail fin is a characteristic tassel shape, three-lobed and diphycercal. The group is very conservative but there was a tendency to reduce neurocranial ossification through time; they range from the Middle Devonian (or earlier) to Recent. Palaeozoic forms occurred in shallow marine conditions, but the only remaining species, Latimeria chalumnae (discovered in 1938), lives in deep-water in the Indian Ocean, Pipnoans. The lungfishes are also an ancient group of fishes, which probably began in the Late Silurian, perhaps in eastern Gondwana (China-Australia). They flourished and underwent an adaptive radiation throughout the Devonian and Carboniferous when they inhabited a wide range of environments. They appear to be less important in the Mesozoic and Tertiary, and today there are only three living genera including the Queensland Neoceratodus (see A. Kemp, this volume). The amazing Western Australian Gogo fauna of Late Devonian age, in which three- dimensional fish are preserved in nodules, has provided many new forms (see Long, this volume). However, most Palaeozoic lungfish are known only from teeth and some scales, which occasionally are found in the microfauna. Dipnoans can be relatively large fish with a mosaic of thick bony dermal skull elements and thick cosmoid scales, some of which in Devonian lungfish possessed short dorsal pegs. Cosmine of skull bones and scales underwent periodic resorption and regrowth during the life of any one individual, producing Westoll-lines. Most dipnoans had fleshy fin lobes covered with scales. Characteristic of lungfish are two pairs of thick, ridged tooth plates and paired vomerine blades or cones. Except for numerous denticles in early forms, dipnoans lack tooth- bearing jawbones. Microfossils include cosmine scales and bones. Post-Devonian lungfish have scales without cosmine. Tooth plates are the most common macro- and microfossils. SUMMARY Vertebrate microfossils, if not readily referable to known forms, can be identified and handled by applying the same techniques used by conodont workers. Thelodont scales are often placed into tentative taxa (sciotaxa, see Fredholm 1988) called "scale species" or associated into scale "rows" based on similarity of overall scale morphology and histology (Tumer 1976, 446 - TURNER Karatajute-Talimaa 1978, Marss 1986). These identifications can be refined later as better specimens are found. If a scale, spine or tooth cannot be readily identified, the tendency in recent years is to assign it to a group without giving it a species name. Work over the past three decades has built on the foundation of the early workers such as Orestes St John and A. H. Worthen (1875), Johannes Rohon (1893), Walter Gross (1947) and John Wells (1944). Vertebrate palacontologists can now usually determine with confidence both the nature of animal and the age of enclosing sediment from a small assemblage of microvertebrates. By co-operation with workers on vertebrate macrofossils and invertebrate fossils, many new faunas from Australasia have come to light in the last five years. These are helping in the understanding of the evolution and biogeography of Palaeozoic vertebrates, especially in the Southern Hemisphere. New finds in the Gondwanan realm include Early Devonian sharks, acanthodians, and thelodonts from Australia (see below), New Zealand (Macadie 1985), Antarctica (Young & Turner, pers. obs.), Irian Jaya (see Turner et al. 1981), west Yunnan (Wang et al. 1986), and Bolivia (Gagnier et al. 1988) and the first Silurian fish in Australasia (Turner & Pickett 1982, Simpson 1983). THE AUSTRALASIAN MICROVERTEBRATE RECORD ORDOVICIAN Ritchie & Gilbert-Tomlinson (1977) described the first verified Ordovician vertebrates from Australasia (see also Archer 1984). These come from the Stairway Sandstone (Middle Ordovician, Late Arenigian to Early Llanvirnian) at Mt. Watt and two localities in the Charlotte Range of the Amadeus Basin, central Australia. The articulated and disarticulated remains belong to primitive heterostracan fishes of two named genera, Arandaspis and Porophoraspis (Fig. 1). Other scale forms have not yet been described (Ritchie, pers. comm.). Disarticulated remains are also known from the Carmichael Sandstone (Young, pers. comm.). Arandaspis prionotolepis is represented by a complete cephalothorax with bone-like plates covered with a scale-like ornament of presumed dentine tubercles (Fig. 1A). There are diamond-shaped trunk scales arranged in regular rows (Fig. 1B) and others, perhaps scales, associated with the branchial region, which have an anterior, narrow, smooth overlap zone, not unlike those of some anaspids (Fig. 1C). Porophoraspis crenulata is known from one small plate bearing numerous small, low, rounded tubercles with regular rows of pores opening onto the surface (Fig. 1D). Other distinctive scales or tubercles have also been found in the Horn Creek Siltstone in central Australia. These dentinous scales possess an ornament resembling that on the tesserae of the mid-Ordovician heterostracan-like fish, Sacabambaspis, from Bolivia (Gagnier et al. 1986) (Young, pers. comm.). The known occurrences of Ordovician microfossils are restricted to shallow-water marine deposits in central Australia, mainly in the intertidal zone. The complete specimens from Australia, and North and South America have been found in Cruziana-zone deposits. Possible further sources for Ordovician microfossils are the invertebrate-rich Nora Formation of western Queensland and an area in the Molong High of New South Wales, where lagoons surrounded volcanic islands in Ordovician times (Webby 1985). SILURIAN No definite Silurian agnathans have yet been found in Australasia. However, scales, spines, jaws and tooth whorls of acanthodians appear in the Upper Silurian rocks of eastern PALAEOZOIC VERTEBRATE MICROFOSSILS - 447 Australia. The earliest record is in mid-Ludlovian-aged limestones where they were discovered during conodont sampling. They occur in the Mirrabooka Formation of the Orange District (Turner 1982a, Turner & Pickett 1982), in the Queanbeyan district near Canberra (Henderson 1982), within the Laidlaw Volcanics (Long & Turner 1984), in the Silverdale Formation (Strusz & Garrett 1991, in press), and in the Graveyard Creek Formation of the Broken River District, north Queensland (Turner & Pickett 1982, Simpson 1983). There are scales similar to those of the common Silurian-Early Devonian genus, Nostolepis, closely resembling Nostolepis striata, as well as spines of climatiids (Denison 1979). Ischnacanthids are represented by scales, including ones resembling those of Gomphonchus, and small jaws with ankylosed teeth (Denison 1979). Some of the bony platelets might belong to early placoderms, some of which have been found in the Silurian of China. An articulated acanthodian tail has also been found in the Upper Silurian Baragwanathia beds near Yea, Victoria (Long, pers. comm.). DEVONIAN Thelodonts Turiniid thelodonts are common in Australian Devonian nearshore limestones. They are well-preserved in the Mulga Downs Formation and Cravens Peak Beds (Turner et al. 1981), as well as in other limestones from the Early Devonian of New South Wales, and more rarely, Queensland. Rare nikoliviid thelodont scales may also occur; see Fig. 3B, C, for a nikoliviid- like scale. In New South Wales alone, turiniids come from sediments within the Bogan Gate and Molong Highs; the Amphitheatre Group, the Mineral Hill Volcanics, the Talingaboolba Formation, the Yarra Yarra Creek Group, the Condobolin and Belvedere formations, the Trundle Beds, the Garra Formation and an unusual oolitic limestone sample from Tumblong (Turner et al. 1985). The latter contains scales of Turinia sp., T. australiensis and T. sp. cf. T. polita (Karatajute-Talimaa 1978). Late Early or early Middle Devonian turiniids have recently been recovered from the Amadeus Basin and a deep borehole in South Australia (Young et al. 1987, Long et al. 1988). The scales are closely related to those from the Cravens Peak Beds in the Georgina Basin and the Toko Syncline (Fig. 4). Middle Devonian turiniid and nikoliviid-type scales are known from the Hatchery Creek Conglomerate Group of New South Wales and the Broken River Formation of Queensland. The turiniid scales from these sites closely resemble those from west Yunnan (China), Antarctica and Bolivia (Goujet et al. 1984, Wang et al. 1986, Gagnier et al. 1988, Young & Turner, pers. obs.). As more samples are found in Australia, it is becoming clear that turiniids were undergoing quite intense speciation in eastern Gondwana throughout the Devonian (Figs 2, 3). The youngest thelodonts known in Australia, and possibly in the world, are the turiniids called Australolepis seddoni (Figs 2P, 3A) from the Early Frasnian Gneudna Formation of the Carnarvon Basin, Westem Australia (Turner & Dring 1981). The scales of this species share characters with earlier Devonian turiniid scales in central and eastern Australia, suggesting that some of the early forms should also be referred to the genus Australolepis. In western Victoria, vertebrate material from the Silverband Formation in the Grampians includes turiniid scales of another species, Turinia fuscina (Tumer 1986b) (Fig. 2F). Frederick Chapman had described "shark" remains from a sandstone lens in the Silverband Formation, which were thought to be of brackish or marine origin (Turner 1986b). Talent & Spencer-Jones (1963) examined this material and identified what they thought were shark denticles and spines. Turner (1986b) studied these and identified the scales as turiniform and acanthodian. Shark 448 - TURNER scales of Antarctilamna (Young 1982) may also be present. The vertebrate assemblage now restricts the Silverband Formation to the Early Devonian (or early Middle Devonian at the youngest), as opposed to the earlier assessments of Late Devonian to Early Carboniferous. Whereas turiniids disappear from Laurentia (North America/Greenland/ western Europe) near the end of the Siegenian (Early Devonian), they continue to flourish in near-shore Gondwanan environments until the early Late Devonian. As well as the countries mentioned above, turiniid scales have been found in the Early?-Late Devonian of Iran and Thailand (Blieck et al. 1984). Turiniids should occur in similar Devonian environments of India and South Africa. Nikoliviids have recently been identified in Early Devonian limestones of Nevada associated with placoderm body scales resembling those from the Early Devonian of eastern Australia (Turner & Murphy 1988). These are the first definite Devonian thelodonts from the U.S.A., and they appear to be closely related to those from Arctic Canada and Europe and distinct from the Gondwanan forms. Australian turiniid stratigraphic occurrences are summarised in Table 2. Chondrichthyans The Late Silurian-Early Devonian was a time of intense experimentation in shark design. What little we know of early sharks is almost exclusively gleaned from microvertebrate remains. Karatajute-Talimaa (1973) has described the oldest known shark-like scales to date, and Vieth (1980), Wang (1984) and Mader (1986) have found scales and possible teeth in the Early Devonian of Arctic Canada, China and Spain, In Australia some interesting scales have recently been found which cannot be referred to thelodonts, acanthodians or placoderms. They are probably primiiive placoid scales. Surprisingly, some apparently lack the four neck canals which Reif (1978) defined as characteristic for the true placoid shark scale (Fig. 5K). The Cravens Peak Beds of Queensland (possibly late Early Devonian) have yielded scales (Fig. 5G-H, Pl. 51) similar to those called Gualepis by Wang (1984). This scale type is also seen in the Reefton Beds of New Zealand (Macadie 1985). Associated with the Cravens Peak scales are teeth (Pl. 1A-C, E) and prismatic calcified cartilage (Pl. 1D) from a shark which was either related to, or convergent with, the Jurassic to Recent hexacanthid (comb-tooth) sharks (Turner 1985). The teeth have been referred to Mcmurdodus, a genus also known from the Middle Devonian of Antarctica (White 1968, Turner & Young 1987). Other shark scales typical of the Early to early Middle Devonian are those called Ohiolepis (Fig. SE) found in the U.S.A. (Wells 1944), China (Wang 1984), Europe (e.g. Friman 1983) as well as in Australia (Giffin 1980, Turner, pers. obs.). Some samples from the Zlichovian (latest Early Devonian) Jesse Limestone and Mt. Frome Limestone of New South Wales have thelodont-like or quasi thelodont (probably shark) scales (Turner 1982a, Fig. 3F, Fig. 5L). They are very different from the turiniid scales in the Early Devonian in their slender, high crown set on a thin diamond-shaped base; they appear to possess minute neck canals, but this has not yet been confirmed. Similar scales occur in the Buchan Limestones of Victoria and in the Late Emsian Receptaculites Limestone Member of the Murrumbidgee Group, Taemas district of New South Wales. The latter were referred to "Skamolepis" by Giffin (1980). The type Skamolepis fragilis Karatajute-Talimaa (1978) came from the Late Emsian to Early Eifelian of Latvia and Spitsbergen, and she now regards these as shark scales (Talimaa, pers. comm.). Another small sample of shark scales comes from the Trundle Beds of western New South Wales. These are exceedingly simple, almost neoselachian-like scales (Fig. 5K). One of the earliest xenacanthid sharks, Antarctilamna (Fig. 5A-D), occurs in the Middle Devonian Bunga Beds of southeastern Australia as well as in Antarctica (Young 1982), PALAEOZOIC VERTEBRATE MICROFOSSILS - 449 possibly in Bolivia (Gagnier et al. 1988), and in Iran (Janvier, pers. comm.). Scales and ee of this form may also be present in the Silverband Formation of Victoria (Turner 6b). A Figure 7. Ligulalepis toombsi, Early Devonian (Late Lochkovian-Pragian), New South Wales and Victoria. A, E, F, ventral view; B, C, D, dorsal view; scale approx. 1 mm. (After Schultze 1968). Middle and Late Devonian shark scales and teeth are known from the limestones of the Broken River district of Queensland, from New South Wales and Western Australia (Fig. SI, J). One of the earliest phoebodont teeth appears in an early Middle Devonian site in Queensland (Turner, pers. obs.). Ctenacanth and cladodont forms along with Phoebodus australiensis Long (1990), and other phoebodonts and protacrodonts dominate Late Devonian (Famennian) assemblages (Turner 1982b, and pers. obs.). Examples include limestones in the Fairfield Group of Western Australia, the Teddy Mount Formation of north Queensland (Pl. 2E) and at Bulga, New South Wales. These Late Devonian assemblages are remarkably similar worldwide. Gross (1973) figured examples from Europe and the U.S.A. and a similar assemblage occurs in China (Wang & Turner 1985), Thailand (Long 1990) and Arctic Canada 450 - TURNER (Turner, pers. obs.). | Another useful Late Devonian (latest Famennian to Early Carboniferous indicator is the presence of the shark teeth called Harpagodens ferox by Turner (1982b, 1983, Fig. 6). These teeth occur in the latest Devonian to Early Carboniferous in Australia, but have subsequently been found in Thailand, China, Europe and the U.S.A. in the Lower Carboniferous; some were previously mistaken for conodonts. In fact, study of the St John and Worthen collections made in the last century now convinces me that Harpagodens should be referred to the genus Thrinacodus, which was based on very water-worn teeth from the Early Carboniferous of the mid-West of the U.S.A. Placoderms Very little work has been done on placoderm microfossils. Those placoderms which retained the primitive body covering of small bony tesserae and scales do provide, however, valuable information, at least for the Early Devonian and probably throughout the Silurian. Small jaws (gnathals) with teeth are also potentially diagnostic, and examples are being found in the Early and Late Devonian of the Broken River area of north Queensland. Body scales (PI. 4), formerly referred to Ohioaspis (Orvig 1969, Giffin 1980), are possibly some of the commonest remains in certain relatively shallow-water marine limestones in Victoria, New South Wales, Queensland and Tasmania. By comparison with articulated specimens, many of these scales can be referred to Buchanosteus and related arthrodires (Turner, Young, Long, pers. obs.) (Pl. 2H, I). Such body scales are common in some rocks dated as Siegenian-Emsian (Pragian). Body scales of the Early Devonian acanthothoracid, Murrindalaspis, have been described by Long & Young (1988). These and other types of placoderm scales are also found in Early Devonian limestones in southern China, the western U.S.A. and Europe (Goujet 1976, Poltnig 1984, Turner, pers. obs.). In the Early Devonian Martins Well Limestone of Queensland and in some localities in New South Wales there are placoderm tesserae very similar to those from western Europe and identified as radotinid by Obruchev & Karatajute-Talimaa (1967) (Pl. 4D). Telestomes Acanthodians Acanthodian scales are found in nearly all types of Devonian sediment. They are predominant in the limestones of the Buchan and Taemas districts and in the Early to Late Devonian marine sediments of eastern Australia. Complete acanthodians have also been found in Late Devonian continental sediments in Victoria (Long 1983, 1986a, this volume) (PI. 3A). When thelodont scales are present, they tend to be more abundant than acanthodian scales, although in a few localities acanthodian scales predominate. The relative abundances of scales in samples might be an artifact of sampling, or even of scale morphogenesis, rather than a facies factor. The first record of acanthodian scales from Australia was that made by Philip (1965) of Nostolepis scales in the Coopers Creek Limestone of the Tyers district of Victoria. This type of scale is common in Lower Devonian sediments. The Martins Well Limestone of the Broken River district of Queensland and several horizons in the Early Devonian of New South Wales (including the Trundle Beds, the Condobolin Formation, the Yarra Yarra Creek Group) have a wide variety of scales and acanthodian platelets similar to those which Gross (1971) and Goujet (1976) described from nostolepids in Europe. Nostolepis costata Goujet 1976 is common in the Siegenian to Emsian limestones of eastern Australia. Nostolepid scales are PALAEOZOIC VERTEBRATE MICROFOSSILS - 451 now known to be present in the Lower Devonian Reefton Beds (Macadie 1985) and the Baton River Beds of New Zealand (John Simes coll., Turner, pers. obs). Ischnacanthid and climatiid acanthodian scales, spines and jaws from many localities are currently being studied (Long 1986b). Many are proving endemic to Australia. Some, however, such as Cheiracanthoides comptus, which seems ubiquitous in Emsian-Early Eifelian sediments worldwide (e.g. Wells 1944, Vieth-Schreiner 1983), and Machaeracanthus, long known from Europe and North America (e.g. Goujet 1976, Zidek 1981, Mader 1986), are being found in Early to Middle Devonian sites in New South Wales, Victoria, including one figured by Philip (1965) from the Coopers Creek Beds (Pl. 3B), and Queensland. Table 3 summarizes the stratigraphic ranges of Australian acanthodian remains. Higher Osteichthyans Scales, fin ray supports and teeth of crossopterygians, dipnoans, and actinopterygians are found as microfossils in Devonian rocks (e.g. Giffin 1980, Young & Gorter 1981, Long et al. 1988). Some scales, such as Ligulalepis toombsi (Schultze 1968, Long 1982, Fig. 7), are distinctive and seem restricted to Early Devonian limestones. Much work has yet to be done on the use of these microremains. CARBONIFEROUS By the Early Carboniferous, agnathans and placoderms had disappeared, and microfossil assemblages usually are comprised of acanthodian, palaeoniscoid, crossopterygian and shark remains. Shark scales and teeth seem particularly useful for biostratigraphy in Carboniferous rocks; they are now being studied by micropalaeontologists, especially in the U.S.A., and some oil companies are making use of them for work in Alaska. There is a very complete succession of Carboniferous to Permian shark assemblages in North America, which can provide a standard. Michael Hansen has been studying shark scales (Hansen 1988), including those first described by Gunnell (1933) in his conodont studics. In Australia continental Early Carboniferous vertebrate faunas are known from Mansfield, Victoria and the Narrien Range in Queensland (Turner & Long 1987, Turner & Hansen 1991, in press). These faunas include the crossopterygian Megalichthys, lungfish, acanthodians (Acanthodes), palaeoniscoids and sharks. The latter are all known as microfossils, including teeth of xenacanthids and Ageleodus. New finds near Rockhampton are providing information on marine chimaeroid and cladodont sharks in the Tournaisian and Visean of Queensland (Turmer 1990). The latter include helodont, the first Australian petalodont, psammodont and cochliodont teeth, and Stethacanthus. In the Bingleburra, Namoi and Dangarfield formations of New South Wales shark faunas of Tournaisian and Visean age with close similarity to those of the Rockhampton Group are known. These assemblages include teeth of Thrinacodus ferox, stethacanthids and helodonts as well as orodonts and caseodonts (Jones, pers. comm., Leu, pers. comm., Turner 1982b & pers. obs.). The New South Wales assemblages, as well as ones from late in the Early Carboniferous of Queensland, are nearly all microfossils. Good Early Carboniferous shark faunas are also present in the Tournaisian-aged Fairfield Group and Visean Utting Calcarenite of Western Australia. These assemblages include macro- and microfossils of Thrinacodus ferox (Turner 1983), stethacanthids (Turner 1982b), helodonts and ctenacanths. One nodule from the Utting Calcarentite in the Bonaparte Gulf, Western Australia, collected during geological mapping in the early 1960s, contains a specimen of Stethacanthus exhibiting part of the jaw cartilages, a tooth battery, and external and internal scales of the jaws. Using this specimen, the scales of Stethacanthus can be positively identified by association with the teeth, a rare example. Rediscovery of the site of the nodules should yield further articulated specimens. Orodus and Mesodmus remains have also been 452 - TURNER found in the Utting Calcarenite (Long, pers. comm.). These Early Carboniferous fish faunas contain elements in common with the classic North American and European assemblages, such as those from the mid-western U.S.A. (St John & Worthen 1875). The youngest Carboniferous vertebrate-bearing bed comes from the Barambah Limestone from near Murgon, southern Queensland. This bed contains microremains (scales and teeth) from denaeid and possible neoselachian sharks as well as palaeoniscoid teeth. The shark scales resemble those described by Gunnell (1933) from Late Carboniferous of the U.S.A. The Barambah Limestone is thought to be of Namurian age (Palmieri 1969). After this there are no known microvertebrate producing sites in Australia until the Early Permian. PERMIAN Permian vertebrate microremains are rare, but Early Permian sites in Queensland have yielded paleoniscoid (Turner 1982c), and rare possible shark remains (Turner, pers. obs.). The marine Permian sequences in Western Australia and Queensland are also being investigated by S. Turner. The interesting freshwater Permian fish assemblage from Blackwater, Queensland, also has potential for microfossils. Michael Leu (Macquarie University) has collected new articulated sharks from this site, which exhibit scales, spines and teeth (Leu 1990). Table 3. Geographic and stratigraphical distribution of acanthodians in Australia. 1, Late ploekensis-early eosteinhornensis conodont zone, Jack Limestone, north Queensland and mid- Ludlovian, east of Trundle, New South Wales (Turner & Pickett 1982); 2, Martin's Well Limestone, north Queensland (Turner, pers. obs.); 3, several Early Devonian limestones in New South Wales (Tumer, pers. obs.); 4, Silverband Formation, Victoria (Turner 1986b); 5, Waratah Bay and Coopers Creek Limestones, Victoria (Philip 1965, Turner, pers. obs.); 6, Pragian limestones in westem New South Wales, e.g. Trungle Beds, Yarra Yarra Creek Group (Turner, pers. obs.); 7, Mulga Downs Group, westem New South Wales (Turner, pers. obs.); 8, Mt Ida Formation, Victoria (Turner & Long 1984); 9, Laidlaw Volcanics, Australian Capital Territory (Turner & Long 1984); 10, Hatchery Creek Conglomerate Group (Young & Gorter 1981); 11, Cravens Peak Beds, Queensland (Turner et al. 1981, Young & Gorter 1981) and Tandalgoo Red Beds, Western Australia (Gross 1971 - "Gomphonchus" - probably another genus, these forms need further study); 12, Araluen, New South Wales or Australian Capital Territory (Tumer, pers. obs.); 13, Famennian?, Georgetown, Queensland (Turner, pers. obs.); 14, jaw, Hunter Siltstone, Grenfell, New South Wales (Long, pers. comm.); 15, Buchan and Taemas limestones, Victoria and New South Wales (Long 1986a); 16, Late Gedinnian to Late Emsian limestones in New South Wales ( Turner, pers. obs.); 17, limestones in Queensland and New South Wales (Giffin 1980, Turner, pers. obs.); 18, includes all simple, smooth-crowned Acanthodes-like scales from late Early and Middle Devonian limestones of Queensland, New South Wales and the N'Dahla Member, Amadeus Basin; 19, Mt Howitt, Victoria (Long 1986a); 20, new species, Pambula, New South Wales (Young, pers. comm.); 21, Freestone Creek, Victoria (Long & Tumer 1984); 22, Hervey'’s Range, New South Wales (Long & Turmer 1984); 23, Mt Howitt, Victoria (Long 1986); 24, Mansfield, Victoria (Long & Turner 1984); 25, Lower Carboniferous (including Upper Telemon, Raymond and Ducabrook formations) of central Queensland (Long & Turner 1984); 26, Acanthodes-like scales in the Coffee Hill Member, Catombal Group, New South Wales (Jones (Australian Museum) and Turner, pers. obs.); 27, Broken River Formation, north Queensland (Turner, pers. obs.); in addition, there are many undetermined acanthodian remains including those from the Late Devonian Merrimbula Group, Worange Point, Eden, New South Wales; Myrtlevale Formation and Bundock Creek Group of north Queensland. PALAEOZOIC VERTEBRATE MICROFOSSILS - 453 SUMMARY Vertebrate microfossils can provide us with much information about Palaeozoic fish faunas, which cannot be gleaned from the macrofossils alone. Not only can microfossils assist in gauging the full extent of the geographic distribution of taxa, but they can aid in the correlation of Palaeozoic rocks and contribute to our knowledge of the early evolution of the major fish groups. However, the need for continued research and description on the macrofaunas is paramount if we are to understand the affinities of all the vertebrate microfossils. For a summary of the stratigraphic ranges and relative abundance of fish groups found both as macro- and microfossils in Australasia see Table 4. The recent work on Palaeozoic vertebrate microfossils has led to the use of some forms as indicator or zone fossils. The analysis of such forms in Australasia is still in its infancy. Table 5 summarizes some of the useful indicator fossils which can assist in assessing dates for Australasian rocks. Early Palaeozoic agnathans, acanthodians, and sharks are all known nearly exclusively from microfossil evidence. Major Late Ordovician-Early Silurian agnathan faunas are now known in Siberia, North America and parts of western Europe but not as yet from the Gondwanan continents. More intensive investigation of Australasian Ordovician, Silurian and Permian nearshore sediments should greatly increase knowledge of the Palaeozoic vertebrates. re —— _— oy $ celia 2) ElEls|/slal]sB 3 , Gc o | E&| oe iS YGy;sl es; |S] sa a 3 Qala a) G als oS ry a eo] o 3/8 ot a 2 Bs 7) o oa 3 > n n 3 = i) x —E S 2 Gs Zloe ~* | Slreleis S)/2]/2/s Cae ead 8 ay | : Slalalse|/2{/klolo IS |/S/EIS te tele | ®}]S]a}]a}n 3 % a Sslel Fi] e2l\/sa /S/B/BlSectreis » | Ol5 =| 2 —E = an S|/f]/alu;/es/&/l/e2/e a) S] 8 |2 ry 6 l= i ae ey a = eS |/e|/s|/8)S\/e/SleElElBS S/S lie /SlZie /2elsle/Sl sess gs /8/s]s s/8|s|sisel8|Sl/s.JsiEls |=|Sl=E]8 = |8 8° |S 28 /8/e2/ 2 Sl 8] si S) 2/8 /S Sl S18 | sls] sle| fe / 8 Su |S/FlSlB/ELTlLElElS LESSER S/S lEsl S|/E/E S| 88 | s cory Gd So |aslsa}] <= te} S : : ce 9 | 3 Oo 15 — 2IS@ S S| S is} Sz l/FloulsolelGls]s) sle | SFl/SIS8ixlsloce/qH}/EFl Glee} Melbourne Cy Tas. “Hobart @ Broken Hill | ® Buckalow SOUTH AUSTRALIA Morgan NEW SOUTH WALES Blanchetown @ ren Ne ole : \Abattoirs YW \f I % Sydney \ Bore, % : $ 3505 rennants ae 1 Adelaide ° sp Murray | \ Marion No.2 Bore Brg es hy miseINdee: L Noarlunga Talem *ioBores e < 35°S J Wellington | * ues = fl vi I * ee Strathalbyn | SE TORIA Nacl: ek Deca - Blanche i Geelong ~~ Point | Batesford \ | Naracoorte, E & Curlewis ' Robe @1 WS No 5 Bore Native Hut _| Fyansford H Peels : | Hamilton creen _--~| Waurn Ponds —~ Bore | 4 Grange Burn ! Keilor "Ts /\Muddy Creek / / a . ™Eden i Byaduk @ / lelbourne Mount Gambier yaeus Birregurra / South Yarra Bairnsdale Portland Kawarren\y@ Beaumaris Lakes Entrance Pt Fairy e \ Jemmys Point Princetown ~~~ / \ Meromans: < iter A Aireys | | Torquay reek Gellibrand River J / Inlet. | |Bird Rock eA0SS. Rivernook Jan Juc | Mornington Aire River Point Balcombe Bay Browns Creek D Addis Fossil Beach Fishing Point 5 Grices Creek Flinders Island Hordem Vale Cart Manyung Cameron Inlet 400 8G, Rocks yy 40°95 Cape Grim Fossil Bluff Table Cape TASMANIA Macquarie Harbour Hobart 1400E | 1500E Figure 1. Localities producing Cretaceous and Tertiary chondrichthyans in Australia. 506 - N. KEMP reaper ae invertebrate and vertebrate - has been found in the Rolling Downs Group ( Day etal. FE Except for the Aramac and Barcaldine (and the Pulchera Waterhole and Elizabeth Springs, see below) localities, all material is of Albian age. The former two localities could be from the Wallumbilla or Toolebuc formations or Allaru Mudstone and so the age cannot be more precise than Aptian-Albian (A.C. Rozefelds, pers. comm.) The Pulchera Waterhole and Elizabeth Springs localities are associated with mound springs and are mapped as Pleistocene in age. The sharks’ teeth and associated belemnites are presumably being reworked from the underlying Lower Cretaceous Beds (A.C. Rozefelds, pers. comm.). Western Australia The Molecap Greensand and the Gingin Chalk, where they outcrop at Gingin, north of Perth, are the two main sources of sharks’ teeth. The Late Cretaceous (Coniacian-Santonian) Molecap Greensand, rich in microflora but rare in macrofossils, was deposited in a shallow sea over an irregular topography, with conditons apparently unfavourable for the development of a normal benthic fauna (Playford et al. 1976). Overlying the Molecap Greensand, with apparent conformity, is the Gingin Chalk, also of Late Cretaceous (Santonian-Campanian) age. It was deposited in a shallow, warm sea, and is characterised by an abundant coccolith assemblage which is little diluted by terriginous detritus (Playford et al. 1976). A third source of teeth is the Ascot Beds, a thin sequence of Pliocene marine sediments unconformably overlying the Cretaceous and Eocene-Palaeocene deposits in the Perth Basin (Baxter & Hamilton 1981). Black, very worn and polished fossils and phosphatic nodules are found in the Ascot Beds. These are thought to be reworked from the underlying Cretaceous sediments (Baxter & Hamilton 1981; Kendrick 1981, and pers. comm.). More recent studies on the sharks’ teeth from this source (Kemp 1982) have proven to be unfruitful as no firm identifications have been made due to the very worn and polished nature of the specimens. Biostratigraphy and Biogeography Aptian, Early Cretaceous The chimaerid Edaphodon eyrensis Long from the Aptian, Lower Cretaceous Bulldog Shale, south of Lake Eyre, South Australia is one of only two chimaeroids known from the Australian Mesozoic. It is also one of the earliest known species of this genus (Long 1985, Lees 1986). The confirmed Aptian age makes it probably the earliest Australian Cretaceous chondrichthyan taxon. The Queensland material which may be of Aptian age (see above) is included in the following, Albian, section. Albian, Early Cretaceous From the Toolebuc Formation of western Queensland comes the other Australian Mesozoic chimaeroid, a callorhinchid, Pryktoptychion tayyo Lees (Lees 1986). The chimaeroids, which reached their maximum diversity during the Cretaceous were widespread during the Mesozoic and have been recorded from North America, Russia, Europe and New Zealand (Hussakoff 1912, Ward & McNamara 1977, Keyes 1981, Lees 1986). Two rostral teeth of the sawshark Pristiophorus from the Toolebuc Formation of central Queensland are referred tentatively to P. tumidens (Woodward 1932). This is the first record of Pristiophorus from the Cretaceous of the southern hemisphere (Keyes, pers. comm.) and the oldest Pristiophorus in the fossil record. Cappetta (1980) described complete skeletons of P. tumidens from the Upper Santonian, Upper Cretaceous of Lebanon, the only other known Cretaceous occurrence of Pristiophorus (Cappetta 1987). FOSSIL CHONDRICHTHYANS - 507 The cretoxyrhinid, Cretolamna appendiculata (Ag.) was a cosmopolitan, long-ranging species, Early Cretaceous-Early Eocene (Cappetta 1987), and so it is not surprising to find it in both the Queensland fauna and also the younger (Late Cretaceous) Western Australian fauna. Many broken teeth in the material to hand are probably also attributable to this species. Five teeth collected from the claypans of the Simpson Desert, Northern Territory, near its borders with Queensland and South Australia (24° 12' S 136° 40' E, Mond, 1974; J.W. Warren, pers. comm.) are assigned tentatively to this species. Photocopies of the teeth (N.S. Pledge, pers.comm.) show their morphology to be similar to teeth from the Queensland Albian (e.g. Pl. 4 A, B) and the Upper Cretaceous of the Belgian Basin (Herman 1975). Tentative thoughts about the outcropping material of the clay pans being of Cretaceous age (J.W. Warren, pers. comm.; A. Mond, pers. comm.) and not Etadunna Formation and of ?Oligocene, possibly Miocene age (Mond 1974) are confirmed by the presence of this Cretaceous-Early Eocene species. Another cretoxyrhinid, Paraisurus macrorhiza (Pictet & Campiche 1858) occurs in the Queensland Toolebuc Formation. The genus is restricted to the Albian, Lower Cretaceous, although its geographical distribution is wide e.g. France, England, North America, USSR (Cappetta 1987). A number of fragmentary teeth, mostly represented by only crowns, are referred tentatively to Cretoxyrhina on the basis of their general morphology, which is very like that of C. mantelli (Ag.), and especially the thick (labio-lingually) root, when present. Teeth of a form relatively common in the Allaru Mudstone of Queensland are referred tentatively to “Lamna" arcuata Woodward. This species occurs in the Upper Cretaceous of Europe e.g. England, Holland, France, Belgium (Herman 1975). The status of the genus of this species is unclear. Herman (1975) included it in his new genus Plicatolamna. Cappetta (1987) however, while placing a number of species of Herman's Plicatolamna in Sokolov's Cretodus, a cretoxyrhinid, hesitates to include Woodward's species, which he (Cappetta 1987) leaves as "Lamna" arcuata. As this name is adopted here no further geographical or stratigraphical comparisons are made. The most common elasmobranch taxon in the Qucensland Albian is the anacoracid Pseudocorax australis (Chapman 1909). This occurrence is the oldest record of the genus in the fossil record. Pseudocorax is widespread geographically, being found in Europe, North America and North Africa, but restricted to the Turonian-Maastrichtian, Upper Cretaceous of these continents (Cappetta 1987) Similarly, another anacoracid, Microcorax - whose presence is based on a single, very well preserved tooth from the Queensland Albian, identified only as Microcorax sp. - also found only in the Upper Cretaceous (Cenomanian-Campanian ) of Europe, North America and North Africa (Cappetta 1987), represents the earliest record for this genus. The palaeospinacid Synechodus (or Palaeospinax, the two genera may be synonymous, (Cappetta 1987, Thies, pers. comm.)) from an unknown horizon associated with Pleistocene mound springs (see above ) in western Queensland, is the earliest of the two Australian occurrences of this genus, which is also found in the Upper Cretaceous of Western Australia. The genus is wide ranging both geographically e.g. Europe (Herman 1975, Thies 1983), North America (Case 1978), New Zealand (Chapman 1918, Keyes 1981) and stratigraphically, from the Early Jurassic (Thies 1983) to Palacocene (Keyes 1981). Two teeth are referred to the mitsukurinid genus Anomotodon. There are a number of specimens to hand of this general form but in many case they are more eroded and so it is difficult to tell if basal denticles were, or were not present. If not, they may belong to another mitsukurinid genus, Scapanorhynchus. Both genera are known from the Lower and Upper Cretaceous and their geographical and stratigraphical distribution is widespread (Cappetta 1987). A tooth referred tentatively to S. subulatus (Ag.) (PI. 3M) may belong to the odontaspidid genus Palaeohypotodus (Thics, pers. comm., Herman 1975). Cappetta (1987) 508 - N. KEMP considers "Scapanorhynchus" subulatus to be an odontaspidid. In light of these opinions, geographical and stratigraphical comparisons will not be made for this specimen, Coniacian-Santonian, Late Cretaceous The teeth referred to Notorynchus sp. from the Western Australian Molecap Greensand are the only Late Cretaceous Notorynchus known. The genus is represented by a single species, N. aptiensis (Pictet 1864) from the Lower Cretaceous of France, Germany and England. The Western Australian specimens differ from this taxon and is probably a new species (Ward & Thies 1987, Cappetta 1987, Thies, pers. comm.). Notorynchus is well known from the Tertiary (see below). Teeth identified as representing two genera Centrophoroides and Protosqualus indicate the presence of these two squalids in the shallow Late Cretaceous seas of (now) Western Australia. A number of fragmentary tecth may also be referrable to these taxa whose characteristics do not yet seem to be clearly defined (Herman 1975, Thies 1979, Cappetta 1987, Thies, pers. comm.). Both genera are known from the Cretaceous and Upper Cretaceous respectively of Europe (Cappetta 1987). The angel shark Squatina is a long ranging - Late Jurassic of England (Thies 1983), to the present day - and geographically widespread genus, both extinct and extant (Compagno 1984, Cappetta 1987). Several teeth and a number of fragments, identified only as Squatina sp., are represented in the Molecap Greensand. Teeth from modern Squatina differ little from Cretaceous and Jurassic examples (pers. observ., Thies 1983) and thus identification of a few isolated teeth to a specific level is virtually impossible. As mentioned above, the mitsukurinid genus Scapanorhynchus is both geographically and stratigraphically widespread. Several teeth, and crowns, from the Molecap Greensand are referred to Scapanorhynchus sp. Another cosmopolitan taxon, Cretolamna appendiculata, found in the Albian, Lower Cretaceous of Queensland (see above) also occurs in the Molecap Greensand of Western Australia, A small number of incomplete teeth are referred tentatively to another cretoxyrhinid genus, Protolamna. Preservation of the specimens is such that it is difficult to judge if there were basal denticles present or not. Protolamna ranges from the Aptian, Early Cretaceous, to the Cenomanian, Late Cretaceous (Cappetta 1987). Synechodus is another of only a few taxa which are common to both the Queensland Lower Cretaceous strata (see above) and the Western Australian Cretaceous, once again the Molecap Greensand. The Western Australian specimens referred to Synechodus, also can not be readily equated to any known species from Europe (Thies, pers. comm.) nor New Zealand (Chapman 1918). When compared with the New Zealand species they lack the marked labial striations of S. sulcatus (Davis 1888) and possess a more attenuated crown than S. validus (Chapman 1918). The Australian specimens are left as Synechodus sp. until more, and hopefully better, material becomes available. An unnamed chimaeroid from the Molecap Greensand, possibly [schyodus, is currently under study (K.J. McNamara, pers. comm.). Several isolated vertebral centra, some complete, some broken, have been recovered from the Molecap Greensand. They are only identified as Lamniformes, which is in keeping with the presence of teeth of a number of taxa of this order in the horizon. Santonian-Campanian, Late Cretaceous The odontaspidid genus Hispidaspis occurs in the slightly younger Gingin Chalk, from Western Australia. Hispidaspis is found in beds of from Early-Late Cretaceous age in Europe and USSR (Cappetta 1987). Several more incomplete specimens are referred tentatively to Hispidaspis. FOSSIL CHONDRICHTHYANS - 509 The Toolanga Calcilutite, in the Carnarvon Basin, does actually extend into the Maastrichtian, as shown by drilling. However, in the southern part of the Basin it is of Santonian-Campanian age, with the Santonian fauna from the base of the formation being essentially the same as the Gingin Chalk of the Perth Basin (see above) (Playford et al. 1975, G.W. Kendrick, pers. comm.). It is from this part of the formation that "Lamna" cf venusta os This species is present in the Upper Cretaceous of Belgium and France (Herman A well preserved crown, identified as Cretoxyrhina cf mantelli, from the Gingin Chalk, is in keeping with the stratigraphic limits of the species, which, while present in the Santonian of many continents e.g. Europe (Herman 1975), Africa (Dartevelle & Casier 1943), U.S.A. (Cappetta & Case 1975) does not seem to reach the Campanian (Cappetta 1987). Maastrichtian, Late Cretaceous Sharks’ teeth have been recorded from the Miria Formation, of Maastrichtian age (Playford et al. 1975, A.E. Cockbain, pers. comm.), from Cardabia Station in north-western Western Australia. A large, reasonably well preserved tooth identified as Cretoxyrhina mantelli extends the range of this species from the previously oldest occurrence of Santonian age (Cappetta 1987). TERTIARY Unlike the Western Australian and Queensland Cretaceous chondrichthyan remains, which come from a small number of horizons, the Tertiary fauna occurs in a (relative) multitude of formations. These then will not be dealt with in an initial description as were the Cretaceous beds, but in stratigraphical order, in relation to the taxa found therein. Depositional Setting The depositional settings of the various strata in which south-eastern Australian chondrichthyans occur have been taken from only a few references viz. southern Australia, McGowran (1989); South Australia, Pledge (1967, 1985), Abele et a/. (1988); Victoria, Darragh (1985, 1986), Abele et al. (1988) and Tasmania, Sutherland & Kershaw (1971) and Quilty (1972). References for Western Australian localities are more diverse and along with relevant personal communications for all States, are mentioned in the text (below). In south-eastern Australia there are perhaps 50-60 sites which have yielded chondrichthyan remains. Compared with many overseas localities e.g. the Eocene London Clay, England, the Miocene Shark Tooth Hill locality, California, U.S.A., the Tertiary Paris and Belgium Basins, our deposits are, on the whole, relatively barren. The few productive sites include the winnowed deposits of the nodule beds: the Late Miocene (the nodule bed is at the base of the Black Rock Sandstone, which extends into the Early Pliocene; unfortunately it is not always possibie to say whether the fossils come from the nodule bed or higher up in the formation) Beaumaris and the latest Miocene-earliest Pliocene Grange Burm localities where fossils are usually very worn. Many sites, however, yield specimens the numbers of which may just run into double figures. The record is further fragmented by the lack or paucity of fossiliferous outcrops of certain ages e.g. Early Palaeocene, Early and Middle Eocene, Early Oligocene and Middle Miocene. Little new material has come to light over the last seven to eight years to warrant changing this description (Kemp 1982). The inclusion of elasmobranch material from the Western Australian Museum collections in the present study also, unfortunately, does little to enhance this basic picture. A few more taxa have been added to some localities in the southeast of the continent (see below); it seems then that the west also yields only desultory finds, more often fragmentary than not. 510 - N. KEMP As mentioned above there has been little systematic collecting done in Australia, and the collections in the Museum of Victoria demonstrate this influence of a collecting bias, which obviously has some bearing on the faunal lists. In the case of /surus hastalis (Ag.), the extinct mako or blue pointer, more than 1500 teeth come from the Beaumaris nodule bed. The teeth of this species are more or less flat and triangular, the uppers more so than the lowers, the anteriors more so than the smaller laterals and posteriors (PI. 20A). About 60% of the teeth of I. hastalis in the collection are from the upper jaw. The majority of these are anteriors or large laterals; very few are posteriors and small laterals. Similarly most teeth from the lower jaw are anteriors and large laterals. There are more teeth of J. hastalis in the collection than all the other taxa of elasmobranchs combined. This may reflect the relative abundance of this species in the late Tertiary seas, but it is more likely that it is a reflection of collectors seeing and picking up large, more noticeable teeth. It seems unlikely that there was a dearth or total lack of many smaller species of the elasmobranchs found in contemporaneous deposits outside Australia e.g. Triakis, Dasyatis, Oxynotus, Scylliorhinus, Rhina, Galeus, Squalus, Centrophorus , Dalatias, (Leriche 1910, Ledoux 1972, Cappetta 1976, Welton 1981, Keyes 1984), and indeed in southern Australian waters today. In order to test this apparent lack of teeth of smaller species field work in 1984 resulted in the collection of both bulk samples and sieve concentrates from the major, and a number of minor, Victorian localities, as well as several Tasmanian localities. At the Tasmanian Museum further sieving and binocular microscopic examinations of tens of kilograms of the concentrates revealed not a single elasmobranch remain. In addition to the limestones a number of other rock types were sampled e.g. the highly fossiliferous (predominately gastropods and foraminifera) calcareous, clayey silt of the Middle Miocene Fyansford Formation in Balcombe Bay, Victoria, this too proved barren (of sharks' teeth and denticles). No satisfactory answer has yet been found to explain this situation. Environments of deposition are not easily ascertained on the basis of shark faunal assemblages alone. Teeth shed by pelagic sharks are going to drop to the bottom be it in deep or shallow water. Coastal dwellers however, will give an indication of their habitat, by their remains. The fortuitous occurrence of one or a number of species in a certain horizon may lead to erroneous conclusions. This is especially so with a fragmentary record such as exists in Australia; usually the associated molluscan assemblages give an accurate indication of the conditions at the time of deposition. Biostratigraphy and Biogeography Palaeocene-Eocene The dominant shark of the Early Tertiary in Australia was the odontaspidid Carcharias. The teeth ascribed to this genus practically all show strong, or at least incipient, lingual striations. C. sp. and C. macrotus (Ag.) are found in the Western Australian Boongerooda Greensand of the Cardabia Group, which unconformably overlies the Maastrichtian Miria Marl, in the Carnarvon Basin, in the northwest of the State (Playford et al. 1975). Present too in the Boongerooda Greensands was a hexanchid which is currently under study (J.A. Long, pers. comm.). In southeastern Australia, in the shelf seas and shallow bays of the deepening Otway Basin a number of taxa are represented. From the Middle Paleocene Pebble Point Formation, near Princetown, Victoria, has been found a single tooth of the large lamniform Otodus obliquus Ag. This species occurs in Europe, Africa and North America e.g. England (Casier 1966, Gurr 1963), Belgium (Leriche 1905), U.S.A. (Leriche 1942) but is restricted to the Late Palaeocene to Early Eocene horizons. The Victorian specimen, then, extends its range back to the Middle Palaeocene. FOSSIL CHONDRICHTHYANS - 511 Carcharias sp., C. macrotus and a more slender form of Carcharias, here referred to C. cf. acutissima, and a hexanchid, Hexanchus ?sp. 1, are also represented in the Otway Basin, being found in the Trochocyathus Bed at Rivernook, near Princetown. The Carcharias species are the most common shark taxa; only one hexanchid tooth has been found so far. C. macrotus is a species common in the Palaeocene-Eocene of England (White 1931, Ward 1980), France and Belgium (Leriche 1905, Casier 1946) and Africa (Casier 1946). Following the marine regression of the Early Eocene the sea advanced diachronously during the Middle and Late Eocene. In the western part of the basin - the Gambier Embayment - from the middle Eocene horizons, are found Otodus obliquus, Carcharias sp., C. macrotus, C. cf. acutissima and a mitsukurinid, Mitsukurina maslinensis (Pledge) known only from South Australia to date. Also preserved in these pelletal chamositic greensands e.g. in Peel's Bore, near Robe, South Australia, are Myliobatis sp., a cosmopolitan genus of ray which is found throughout most of the Tertiary (Cappetta 1987), Hexanchus agassizi Cappetta and another Hexanchus, H. sp. 1 which may be conspecific with the specimen from Rivernook. The majority of specimens from Peel's Bore are well worn crowns but there are some complete teeth preserved e.g. Mitsukurina maslinensis, which appear to be restricted to horizons representing shallow water. Further to the west, still in South Australia, Carcharias sp., C. macrota and Mitsukurina maslinensis are also present in the Late Eocene deposits e.g. Tortachilla Limestone. Contemporaneous beds from two basins in southern Western Australia viz. the Nanarup Limestone of the Bremer Basin and the Toolinna Limestone of the Eucla Basin (McGowran 1989) have yielded a number of odontaspidid teeth here referred to Carcharias sp.; most specimens being preserved as only crowns - usually striated lingually - or with only portions of roots and rarely a basal denticle. In the Late Eocene Blanche Point Marl of the South Australian St Vincent Basin (McGowran 1989) are found, again Hexanchus agassizi and the first record in Australia of the other seven gill hexanchid, Heptranchias, as H. howellii (Reed), Myliobatis spp., Carcharias sp., C. macrotus, and Mitsukurina maslinensis. The type specimen of Heptranchias howellii is also from the Eocene, of the U.S.A. (Reed 1946) and the species occurs in other Eocene and also Oligocene localities from that continent (Welton 1974) as well as the Oligocene of Japan, as H.ezoensis (Applegate & Uyeno 1968). On the west coast of Tasmania ?7Eocene (Upper Cretaceous-Lower Tertiary) strata are predominantly continental but there were short transgressive intervals which resulted in the deposition of thin calcareous layers rich in bivalves. These deposits, which are very leached carbonaceous siltstones, have yielded a single tooth of Carcharias sp. The last appearance of Otodus obliquus is in the Upper Eocene/Lower Oligocene from the Olney No. 1 Bore in northwestern Victoria. The single tooth is from the siltstones and claystones of the Olney Formation deposited under marginal marine conditions of the Murray Basin. In Europe and North America O. obliquus is restricted to the Paleocene and Eocene (Gurr 1963, Casier 1966, Leriche 1942). Oligocene During the Early Oligocene the continental shelf prograded resulting in little marine deposition. The sea advanced strongly towards the basin margins during the mid-Late Oligocene and the littoral to shallow, high energy environments supported a large invertebrate and - judging by the reasonable numbers of sharks' teeth - a moderate vertebrate community as well. Typical of these deposits are the limestones found at Mt Gambier, South Australia (Clifton Formation), Waurn Ponds and Airey's Inlet (Waurn Ponds and Point Addis Limestone Members, respectively, of the Jan Juc Formation) all being bryozoal calcarenites with the latter two being exceptionally coarse grained. The marly horizons, ¢.g. at Bird Rock near Torquay, 512 - N. KEMP of the Jan Juc Formation, and the Ettrick Marl, the contemporaneous beds in the Murray Basin, to the west, were deposited in shallower water, subjected to less wave and current action.. Further west again, in the eastern part of St Vincent Basin, the sediments of the Port Willunga Formation were deposited during the late Eocene, and Oligocene in a basin with restricted access to the open seas (Lindsay & McGowran 1986). The last Australian Tertiary appearance of Hexanchus, as H. agassizi is in the Ettrick Marl, near Wellington, South Australia. Overseas H. agassizi continues until the Miocene, in Europe (Cappetta 1987). The cosmopolitan, very long ranging, Jurassic-Recent, Heterodontus makes its first appearance in the limestones of the Maude Formation of Victoria as H. cainozoicus. It is not clear if the specimens are from the Lower, or Upper Maude Limestone, and so they could be either Late Oligocene, or early Miocene in age. Carcharias macrotus is still present, being found in the Waurn Ponds Limestone, but now, as with the Miocene representatives, the teeth are very much larger. Dartevelle & Casier (1943) and Casier (1946, 1966) maintained the same name for both the early Tertiary (Palacocene) and younger (Late Oligocene-Early Miocene) forms in Europe, noting a significant increase in size over this time. Another Carcharias form occurs in the Jan Juc Formation, both in the marls at Torquay, and in the Waurn Ponds Limestone Member, and also in the Kawarren Limestone. This form is indistinguishable from the extant C. taurus Raf. Cappetta (1987: 91) notes that "Pliocene specimens (of Synodontaspis acutissima) are hardly separable from the Recent S. taurus” In Australia this problem then arises earlier. Rather than call teeth of this morphotype, of the common European Miocene-Pliocene taxon, C. acutissima, I refer them to the extant species until suitable material becomes available to differentiate them on morphological rather than stratigraphical grounds. The genus /surus which ranges from the Late Palaeocene to Recent (Leriche 1905) makes its first appearance in Australia with two forms, /. desori (Ag.) and J. planus (Ag.). Overseas neither species appears until the Miocene e.g. J. desori in the Miocene of Africa (Dartevelle & Casier 1943) and Europe (Cappetta 1970), and J. planus, in the Miocene of California, U.S.A. (S.P. Applegate, pers. comm.). Both species are found in the marls of the Jan Juc Formation, and J. desori also occurs in the Kawarren Limestone, and the Waurn Ponds Limestone, where it is probably the most common taxon. Carcharodon angustidens (Ag.) is the first species of Carcharodon to appear in Australia. It is known from a number of localities and formations including, in Victoria, the limestones at Point Addis, the Jan Juc Formation at Torquay, and the Waurn Ponds Limestone Member at Waurn Ponds; South Australia, the Port Willunga Formation, in Aldinga Bay, south of Blanche Point, the Gambier Limestone at Mount Gambier (Late Oligocene-Early Miocene). It also occurs in the Oligocene overseas e.g. Belgium (Leriche 1910), Frarice (Priem 1906), New Zealand (Chapman 1918, I.W. Keyes, pers. comm.). The relatively uncommon genus Carcharoides is represented in Europe, in the Oligocene and Miocene, by a form with entire margins, C. catticus (Philippi) (Antunes 1969) but in the South American Lower Miocene of Patagonia (Ameghino 1906), and the Australian Upper Oligocene-Upper Miocene (Chapman 1913, 1914, 1917), by a form with serrated margins, C. totuserratus (Ameghino). As argued by Cappetta (1987) the general morphology of Carcharoides seems sufficiently distinct to warrant separating it from Lamna, in which genus it has been usually included. The holotype of Chapman's C. tenuidens is an anterior tooth, which is here considered conspecific with Ameghino's C. totuserratus, which is based on a lateral tooth. A group very widespread in modern seas is Carcharhinus (Garrick 1982, Compagno 1984) which makes its first appearance in the Middle Eocene of Egypt (Cappetta 1987). Australia's earliest Carcharhinus comes from the Limestone at Waurn Ponds, it is referred to Carcharhinus sp. only. The ray, Myliobatis also occurs in the Waurn Ponds Limestone. FOSSIL CHONDRICHTHYANS - 513 Early-Middle Miocene In the Otway and Murray Basins during the Early Miocene the sea continued to advance towards the margins depositing bryozoal limestones and calcarenites of the Morgan Limestone and Mannum Formation e.g. at Morgan, Mannum, Murray Bridge, Strathalbyn in South Australia, and the Port Campbell Limestone, including its marginal members, the Bokhara Limestone and Muddy Creek Marl, e.g. at Port Campbell, Hamilton and Grange Burn, in Victoria, in shallow (and for the limestones) high energy environments, while in the deeper parts of the Otway Basin, fined grained sediments, calcareous marl, silt and clay, é.g. Gellibrand Marl and Fishing Point Marl were being laid down. To the east in the deepening Torquay Basin the limestones were replaced by calcareous clay and silts of the Puebla Formation. Around the (then) Dog Rocks Islands, near Geelong the Batesford Limestone was deposited in less than 30 metres of water in which strong currents prevailed. The Batesford Limestone conformably passes upwards into the calcareous silt and clay of the markedly diachronous Fyansford Formation, which was laid down well offshore in water depths of 80- 100 m. The marine transgression continued and further to the east, in the Mornington area the deposition of the marl and clay of the Fyansford Formation commenced late in the early Miocene. During the middle Miocene the sea started to retreat again depositing the grey calcareous clay and silt at Fossil Beach, Mornington, while to the west the uppermost part of the Fyansford Formation was deposited around Geelong in water of less than 30 m depth. Further to the west, at Grange Burn, the Muddy Creek Marl overall conformably overlies the Bokhara Limestone but appears to be integrated with it locally. To the south, in northern Tasmania, the shallow temperate seas of the early Miocene are preserved as the richly fossiliferous - again with a predominantly molluscan fauna - beds at Fossil Bluff, near Table Cape. The deposition of the Freestone Cove Sandstone commenced in a shallow bay, initially preserving the intertidal zone but deepened to 4-6 m during the marine transgression. The conformably overlying Fossil Bluff Sandstone contains lithologies varying from fine siltstones and shales to glauconitic sandstone, calcareous sandstone and calcarenites. Towards the top of the Fossil Bluff Sandstone deposition was taking place in 10-20 m of water. To the west, at the northwestern tip of Tasmania, are preserved the Cape Grim beds which were deposited in a channel cut into the underlying Tertiary basalt during the early Miocene. The tuffaceous sandstones and calcarenites were laid down in water of about 20 m depth, as indicated by the molluscan fauna. However the foraminifera could be interpreted as indicating water between 20-40 m. Quilty (1972) also suggests that due to the channel in which the sediments were deposited the winnowing effects of local currents could have influenced the foraminiferal fauna by removing the lighter species. In this way, too, the smaller taxa of elasmobranchs could have been removed, as may have been the case at Dog Rocks in Victoria during the deposition of the Batesford Limestone. Three teeth have been found in the Miocene Cape Range Group of the Carnarvon Basin in northwestern Western Australia. The earliest Miocene Mandu Calcarenite is conformably overlain by the Middle Miocene Talki Limestone, of the East Indian Letter Classification ©, and f, respectively (Playford et al. 1975, Chaproniere 1981). Notorynchus primigenius (Ag.) is the sole hexanchoid present in the Miocene of Australia. It is moderately common in the Batesford Limestone and occurs in the Middle Miocene Muddy Creek Marl, near Hamilton. The sawshark Pristiophorus, as P. lanceolatus (Davis 1888) makes its first Australian Tertiary appearance, again from Batesford and Hamilton. Heterodontus cainozoicus is moderately widespread in the Early Miocene being found in Tasmania at Cape Grim, and Fossil Bluff, in both the Freestone Cove and Fossil Bluff Sandstones, and in Victoria, from 64-66 m in Mallee Bore No. 8, and from the Fyansford 514 - N. KEMP Formation at Curlewis. Included in H. cainozoicus are a number of nominal species described and/or recorded by Chapman and other authors e.g. Chapman & Pritchard 1904, Chapman 1918, Chapman & Cudmore (1924) which all fall into what is considered a normal morphological range for this extinct Port Jackson Shark, Orectolobus - the extant Wobbegong of Australia and Japan (Compagno 1984) - was until recently unknown from the fossil record. Pledge's (1985) record of O. gippslandicus (Chapman & Cudmore 1924) from the Lower Pliocene of South Australia constitutes the first record. Several incomplete teeth from Batesford, which are here referred to Orectolobus sp., extend the time range of this genus back to the Early Miocene. A tooth referred tentatively to Odontaspis sp. comes from the Lower Miocene Cape Grim beds, in northwest Tasmania. It is the only representative of this genus recognised in the local Tertiary. The lingual striations of all other odontaspidids make them assignable to Carcharias. Carcharias taurus is a common species, being found in the Limestone at Batesford, the clay of the Puebla Formation at Torquay as well as at Fossil Bluff, Tasmania, in the Fossil Bluff Sandstone. In the Middle Miocene it occurs in the Muddy Creek Marl near Hamilton and in the blue clays of the Fyansford Formation at Balcombe Bay and Grice's Creek. The Fyansford Formation at Balcombe Bay has also yielded the youngest - Middle Miocene - example of C. macrotus, a species which lasted until the Late Eocene in Europe (Cappetta 1987). The presence of Mitsukurina maslinensis in the Mannum Formation equivalent, at Strathalbyn is based on three poorly preserved specimens. These may be reworked from the underlying Eocene (Pledge 1967). The two species of Jsurus, I. desori and I. planus, which appeared in the Late Oligocene continue into the Miocene, both being found in the Batesford Limestone at Batesford, Muddy Creek Marl at Hamilton, the Puebla Formation at Birregurra (/. planus only), Morgan Limestone at several localites in South Australia and the Fyansford Formation at Balcombe Bay (J. desori only). The Middle Miocene occurrences are the last of J. planus. It does not extend past the Miocene of California (S.P. Applegate, pers. comm.) and Japan (Itoigawa et al. 1985). The uncommon taxon J. benedeni (Le Hon 1871) appears in the middle Miocene, in the Fyansford Formation at Balcombe Bay. Overseas it occurs in the Miocene, of Japan (Itoigawa et al. 1985), Europe, e.g. Italy (Menesini 1969) and Belgium (Leriche 1926), Zululand, South Africa (Davies 1964) and the Pliocene of North America and Italy (Cappetta 1987) and of Angola (Antunes 1978). The cosmopolitan species /. hastalis (Ag.), one of the most common sharks of the Tertiary is found from innumerable localities from southeastern Australia. Interestingly enough the genus has yet to be recorded from the west of the continent. In Victoria it occurs in the Batesford Limestone, Bockhara Limestone, the Gellibrand Clay, the Ironstone beds, Keilor, the Holey Plains Marl Member of the Seaspray Group at Merriman's Creek, Muddy Creek Marl, near Hamilton, Fyansford Formation, Balcombe Bay; in South Australia, in the Mannum Formation at Mannum, the Morgan Limestone at Morgan and the Mt Gambier Limestone at Mt Gambier; in Tasmania in the Freestone Cove Sandstone of Fossil Bluff. I. retroflexus (Ag.) makes its first appearance in the Early Miocene, in the Batesford and Morgan Limestones and also in the Freestone Cove Sandstone. It occurs in the Miocene of Europe e.g. Belgium (Leriche 1926), France (Cappetta 1970). There are two extant species of Jsurus, J. oxyrinchus Raf. and I. paucus Guitart Manday (Garrick 1967, Compagno 1984) Teeth referred to I. cf. oxyrinchus and J. cf. paucus are reported from the Miocene of Japan (Itoigawa et al. 1985) and Portugal (Antunes et al. 1981). |. oxyrinchus, I. cf. oxyrinchus and I. cf. paucus are recognised for the first time from the Australian Tertiary, both from the Batesford Limestone at Batesford, and /. cf paucus additionally from the Puebla Formation at Birregurra, and Muddy Creek Marl at Hamilton. FOSSIL CHONDRICHTHYANS - 515 Carcharodon angustidens makes its final appearance in the Early Miocene, in the Mt Gambier Limestone, South Australia, and Freestone Cove Sandstone, Fossil Bluff, Tasmania, and also in the Cape Range Group, in northwestern Western Australia. Three specimens of Carcharodon (two broken) - one of which is C. angustidens (and one C. megalodon)- have been found at this Western Australian locality but it is unclear as to which came from which horizon: the older Early Miocene Mandu Calcarenite or the conformably overlying Middle Miocene Tulki Limestone. Overseas it is recorded from the Early Miocene of Belgium and France (Leriche 1926). The New Zealand records of C. auriculatus (Blainville) (Keyes 1972) which do extend to the Early Miocene may include C. angustidens, as recognised here. Keyes (1972) also records another species of Carcharodon, C. megalodon Ag. from the earliest Oligocene, to the Early Pliocene. In Australia, like practically all other occurrences outside New Zealand, C. megalodon does not appear until the Early Miocene. Here it occurs, again, in the Cape Range Group of Western Australia, in a number of localities in southeastern South Australia, including Mt. Gambier, Point McDonnell, Lake Bonney, and Morgan and Blanchtown, and from Victoria at Torquay, Batesford and in the lower Middle Miocene Gippsland Limestone at Orbost, east of Lakes Entrance. A unique association of some 30-odd large teeth from the Batesford Limestone is referred to Lamnidae incertae sedis. The teeth are very close to /surus benedeni but the presence of two teeth, both of different morphology, one of which is definitely, and one tentatively referrable to a symphysial position, excludes it from this genus. A tooth from the blue clays of the younger - Middle Miocene - Fyansford Formation at Balcombe Bay is also of this taxon. Hemipristis serra Ag. is a cosmopolitan species, more common in deposits representing conditions of warm water (Cappetta 1987). Strangely, its presence in Australia is indicated by just two teeth (Pledge1967), both from the Lower Miocene Morgan Limestone, near Morgan, South Australia. Individual teeth of the upper jaw of species of Carcharhinus can - sometimes - be differentiated; the lower teeth only rarely, with confidence. For this reason a number of upper teeth from Batesford, are compared with the extant species C. brachyurus (Gunther 1870). Carcharhinus teeth of the lower jaw, and uppers of a morphotype not immediately comparable with those of C. brachyurus are referred to Carcharhinus sp.; they are found at Batesford, at Fossil Bluff, in the Freestone Cove Sandstone, in the Muddy Creek Marl near Hamilton, and the blue clays of the Fyansford Formation near Mornington. An extant cosmopolitan species of Tiger shark Galeocerdo aduncus Ag., which occurs from the Early Oligocene e.g. France (Priem 1906) through to the Early Pliocene e.g. Australia (Pledge 1985) makes its first appearance in Australia in the Early Miocene, It is found in the Morgan Limestone of the River Murray cliffs, near Morgan, at Batesford, at a number of early Miocene localities in western Victoria e.g. Hordern Vale, Fischers Point, near the Gellibrand River, and the Middle Miocene Muddy Creek Marl near Hamilton. Teeth very similar to one genus of hammerhead, Sphyrna, and referred to Sphyrna sp. 1 and Sphyrna sp. occur in the Cape Grim beds in Tasmania and the Batesford Limestone at Batesford, respectively. The first chimaeroid in the Tertiary of Australia is represented by the holotype of Ischyodus mortoni (Chapman & Pritchard 1907), which is also the sole occurrence of the taxon, from the Fossil Bluff Sandstone at Fossil Bluff, Tasmania. Late Miocene-Pleistocene In the Murray Basin the very Late Miocene or Early Pliocene marine transgression was followed by the deposition of the glauconitic marl - including clayey marl-clayey sand and sand - of the Bookpurnong Beds, in shallow water conditions. These Beds cover much of northeastern Victoria and may represent the fossiliferous horizon intersected at 97 m in the Buckalow Bore, New South Wales (T.A. Darragh, pers. comm.). This bore, drilled in the 516 - N. KEMP 1920's, yielded, in addition to many molluscan specimens, a variety of sharks’ teeth "in a fine state of preservation" (Kenny 1934: 96), which unfortunately are now lost. The Buckalow material to hand is very worn and polished. The Early Pliocene saw the deposition of the Loxton Sands (in South Australia) under shallow estuarine conditions. The particular horizon from which the sharks’ teeth come may even represent an inter-tidal aspect. To the west, in St Vincents Basin in the late Pliocene, the Dry Creek Sands were laid down in a littoral, near-shore environment . In Western Australia, in the Perth Basin, Pliocene sediments are represented by the richly fossiliferous Ascot Beds. These calcarenites were deposited in a sub-littoral inner shelf environment at a time of low terrigenous sediment. The presence in the included phosphate nodules of the Cretaceous bivalve Inoceramus indicates that the phosphatisation occurred in the Cretaceous, prior to the development of the Ascot Beds (Baxter & Hamilton 1981, G.W. Kendrick 1981, pers. comm.). As mentioned above, no black, eroded and polished teeth, which presumably represent the Cretaceous fauna, have been identified. The Jandakot beds are encountered in shallow bore holes around Perth (Mallett 1982). These Late Pliocene-Early Pleistocene clays, silty clays and sands were deposited in shallow water conditions in temperatures similar to those found in southern Western Australia today (Mallett 1982, pers. comm.). The Peppermint Grove Limestone of Early to Middle Pleistocene age was deposited in the sheltered seaward part of an estuary during the marine intercalation of a transgressive phase; the beds are generally only about one metre thick (G.W. Kendrick, pers. comm). Teeth from Strongs Cave near the south west of Western Australia are probably Pleistocene in age too (G.W. Kendrick, pers. comm.). The greatest variety of taxa comes from the nodule beds at Beaumaris (part of the Black Rock Sandstone) and Grange Burn (part of the Grange Burn Formation) in Victoria. The majority of these specimens are usually worn. The small but varied fauna from the Loxton Sands in South Australia are often fragmented but are not so worn. The first fossil record of the extant species of Notorynchus, N. cepedianus is from the Lower Pliocene Jemmys Point Formation in eastern Victoria, based on a single tooth. Pristiophorus lanceolatus makes its final appearance in the Early Pliocene, at Beaumaris. In New Zealand it survives until the Late Pliocene (Keyes 1982). Heterodontus cainozoicus, common at Beaumaris is not known in beds younger than the Grange Burn Formation at Hamilton. Orectolobus gippslandicus is recorded from the Lower Pliocene Loxton Sand. As mentioned above this is the first fossil record of the genus. The Recent species of Grey Nurse shark Carcharias taurus continues its Tertiary record, being found at Beaumaris, Victoria, from 97.5 m in the Buckalow Bore, New South Wales and in the Loxton Sands (as Odontaspis cf. acutissima and Lamna cf. cattica) South Australia, from the Cameron Inlet Formation, Flinders Island, Tasmania, from a number of localities from the Jandakot beds and the Peppermint Grove Limestone in Western Australia. Carcharias sp., which includes fragmented teeth, usually crowns, or very worn and polished specimens, is also found at most of these localities. Antunes (1978) also recognizes C. taurus from the fossil record, in the Pliocene of Angola. One well preserved tooth from the Black Rock Sandstone at Beaumaris is referred tentatively to Lamna. The two pairs of basal denticles suggest an odontaspidid but the uneven nature of the crown, the convex labial face, the shape of the root and the placement of the basal denticles well separated from the crown compares favourably with Lamna. Many teeth from the Tertiary of Australia, previously referred to species of Lamna e.g. Lamna sp. A (Kemp 1970, 1982), Lamna cf. cattica (Pledge 1985) have, with access to more and better material, proved to be the laterals of Carcharias taurus, a species which, previously, not surprisingly, was deficient (numerically) in examples of lateral teeth. A number of species of Jsurus continues on into the Late Miocene-Early Pliocene in southeastern Australia viz. /. hastalis, being found in the nodule beds at Beaumaris and Grange FOSSIL CHONDRICHTHYANS - 517 Burn in Victoria, in the Loxton Sands, South Australia, and the Late Pliocene Cameron Inlet Formation of Flinders Island; /. desori , J. benedeni and /. retroflexus all occurring at Beaumaris and the rare serrated species, J. escheri (Ag.) being known from one well preserved specimen from the Grange Burm Formation near Hamilton. This extends the range of a number of species: J. desori, from the Middle Miocene, of France (Cappetta 1970) to the late Miocene; /. escheri, from the Late Miocene e.g. Belgium (Leriche 1926) to the Early Pliocene; J. benedeni, I, hastalis and I. retroflexus also become extinct in the Pliocene of Europe (Cappetta 1987). The extant species of J. oxyrinchus is recorded from the Lower Pliocene Cameron Inlet Formation. The extant White Pointer Carcharodon carcharias (Linn.) occurs in the Early Pliocene of the Grange Burn Formation at Forsythes Bank, near Hamilton, in the Jemmys Point Formation at Lakes Entrance, the Whalers Bluff Formation at Duttons Way near Portland in Victoria. In the Late Pliocene in Tasmania it occurs in the Cameron Inlet Formation of Flinders Island and in South Australia is known from the Dry Creek Sands in the Abattoirs Bore near Adelaide. Specimens of Pleistocene age have been recovered from the West Melbourne swamp, earlier this century. Overseas C. carcharias makes its first appearance in the late Early Miocene of Switzerland (Leriche 1927). These teeth, up to 70 mm high, are extraordinarily large for C. carcharias. Antunes (1978) and Cappetta (1987) question this occurrence. C. carcharias appears in the latest Miocene (Cappetta 1987) and is common in the Pliocene, e.g. North America (Leriche 1942), Angola (Antunes 1978), New Zealand (Chapman 1918, Keyes 1972), Japan (Ishiwara 1921). Several broken crowns from Strongs Cave in Western Australia may represent the extant C. carcharias. Carcharodon megalodon continues to be recorded in younger beds, from the Black Rock Sandstone, at Beaumaris, and the Grange Burn Formation at Forsythes Bank, near Hamilton. Part of a tooth referred to C. cf. megalodon is recorded from the Lower Pliocene Loxton Sands, while C. megalodon is definitely known from the Upper Pliocene Cameron Inlet Formation, Flinders Island. It is believed that C. megalodon survived until the Pleistocene (fide Cappetta 1987). The scyliorhinid Megascyliorhinus is recognised from the Black Rock Sandstone at Beaumaris, being recorded originally as an oral tooth of the sawshark Pristiophorus lanceolatus by Chapman & Cudmore (1924) (Keyes 1984). Cappetta (1987) disputes Keyes's (1984) specific identification of Megascyliorhinus cooperi Cappetia & Ward. It is the only record of this genus in Australia. Well preserved teeth from the Loxton Sands represent the first occurrence in the Australian fossil record of Galeorhinus. Pledge (1985) compares the teeth to the extant Tope, or School shark of Australian waters, G. australis (Macleay) Upper teeth compared with Carcharhinus brachyurus are recorded from Beaumaris and Grange Burn, and from the Lower Pliocene Loxton Sands. Carcharhinus sp., referring to many upper teeth and all lower teeth of Carcharhinus occur over a wide area: Cameron Inlet Formation, Flinders Island, Tasmania; Beaumaris and Grange Burn in Victoria, from the Buckalow Bore in New South Wales, from the Loxton Sands in South Australia (e.g. the lower teeth and some upper teeth of Pledge’s (1985) C. cf. brachyurus), and from the Ascot Formation from Rando's Bore and the Jandakot beds from Paulik's Bore, both in Perth, Westem Australia. The cosmopolitan extinct Tiger shark Galeocerdo aduncus continues in Australia, in the Late Miocene and Early Pliocene at Beaumaris, Forsythes Bank at Grange Burm and in the Loxton Sands. It is known as late as the Pliocene in Japan (fide Cappetta 1987), A small number of teeth from the Loxton Sands, referred to cf Sphyrna sp. (Pledge 1985), and the first Australian record of Sphyrna, appear to be of that genus. The stingray Dasyatis is known from a single tooth from 49-52 m in Mallee Bore No. 5, probably from the Upper Miocene Bookpurnong Beds of the Murray Group; it is referred to 518 - N. KEMP Dasyatis sp. only. A tooth figured by Pledge (1985) as Mustelus sp., could possibly be Dasyatis; it comes from the Lower Pliocene Loxton Sands. The eagle ray Myliobatis, as Myliobatis spp. is known from several localities: the Black Rock Sandstone at Beaumaris, the Grange Burn Formation at McDonalds Bank, Muddy Creek, near Hamilton, the Loxton Sands, and from the Pleistocene in West Melbourne swamp, at Fisherman's Bend. A very worn portion of a caudal spine from the Buckalow Bore is referred to ?Myliobatis. A number of chimaerids make a brief appearance in the Late Miocene-Early Pliocene. Edaphadon sweeti Chapman & Pritchard is found at Beaumaris and Grange Bum, E. mirabilis Chapman & Cudmore, at Beaumaris, and several dental plates, referred to Ishchyodus cf. dolloi are also found at Beaumaris and Grange Burn. This latter form is referred only tentatively to Leriche's species as it is only known from the early Tertiary in Europe - middle Palaeocene of the London Basin (Ward 1980) and Late Palaeocene in Belgium (Leriche 1902). SUMMARY Very little has been published on the Cretaceous chondrichthyan fauna of Australia. The present study figures nearly all of the 18-odd identified taxa, representing a dozen families, held in Australian museums. The Cretaceous fauna is restricted to the Lower Cretaceous (Albian- Aptian portion) Rolling Downs Group of Queensland, while in Western Australia it mainly occurs in the Upper Cretaceous Molecap Greensand (Coniacian-Santonian) and Gingin Chalk (Santonian-Campanian). All genera of sharks are known in overseas Cretaceous deposits. The most common Australian genus, Pseudocorax, also is the earliest occurrence in the fossil record, extending its range from the Late Cretaceous (Turonian) to the Early Cretaceous (Albian). Several other ranges of genera represent earliest or latest records. The Tertiary fauna which has been relatively more widely published is figured almost in toto for the first time. The predominant group of the early Tertiary is the odontaspidid Carcharias, represented by several species. The extant C. taurus is recognized from the Late Oligocene-Early Miocene. The lamnid /surus radiates during the middle Tertiary with up to eight species recorded. Several earliest and latest records of taxa are noted, e.g. Otodus obliquus Ag. extended from Middle Palaeocene back to Late Palaeocene, Isurus desori (Ag.) from Middle Miocene to Late Miocene. The Australian fauna is noteably lacking the smaller taxa (teeth 5 mm or less) of Recent waters, and overseas Tertiary deposits. This may be due to preservational factors rather than impoverished faunas. ACKNOWLEDGMENTS 1 am indebted to the following people for the loan of their teeth (sharks'), or teeth in their care, for this study: S. P. Applegate, Instituto de Geologia, Ciudad Universitaria, Mexico City, Mexico; M. Archer, University of New South Wales; R.F. Baird, Monash University; T.A. Darragh, Museum of Victoria; D. Evans, Melbourne; T.F. Flannery, Australian Museum, Sydney; I.L. Gill, Melbourne; G.W. Kendrick, Western Australian Museum; P.A. Jell, Queensland Museum; R.J.F. Jenkins, University of Adelaide; J.A. Long, Western Australian Museum; C. McCrae, Beaumaris; B. McDonald, Foster; KJ. McNamara, Western Australian Museum; R.E. Molnar, Queensland Museum; M. Parker, Australian Portland Cement Limited, Geelong; G. Pedrina, Melbourne; J. Pelcher, Hamilton; G. Pitt, Melbourne; N.S. Pledge, South Australian Museum; A. Ritchie, Australian Museum, Sydney; A.C. Rozefelds, Queensland Museum; P. Simmons, Caulfield; O.P. Singleton, University of Melbourne; D.J. Taylor, Sydney; E.M. Thompson, Museum of Victoria; S. Wright, Portland and C.J. Yee, Hamilton. I gratefully acknowledge correspondence and/or discussions in many aspects of this work with I.W. Keyes, New Zealand Geological Survey; D. Thies, Institut fiir FOSSIL CHONDRICHTHYANS - 519 Geologie und Palaontologie der Universitat, Hannover, West Germany; G.R. Case, New Jersey, U.S.A.; A.E. Cockbain, Western Australian Geological Survey; L.J.V. Compagno, J.L.B. Smith Institute of Ichthyology, Grahamstown, South Africa; T.A. Darragh, Museum of Victoria; B. Hutchins, Western Australian Museum; P.A. Jell, Queensland Museum; G.W. Kendrick, Western Australian Museum; P. Last, C.S.I.R.O., Tasmania; K.J. McNamara, Western Australian Museum; C.W. Mallett, C.S.I.R.O., Victoria; A. Mond, Bureau of Mineral Resources, Canberra; C. Patterson, British Museum (Natural History), London; J.W. Pickett, New South Wales Geological Survey; N.S. Pledge, South Australian Museum; S. Pritchard, New South Wales Department of Water Resources; P.G. Quilty, Antarctic Division, Hobart; W.-E. Reif, Institut fiir Geologie und Paldontologie der Universitat, Tiibingen, West Germany; J. Stevens, C.S.I.R.O., Tasmania; E.M. Thompson, Museum of Victoria; S. Turner, Queensland Museum; J.W. Warren, Monash University, Victoria; and D.J. Ward, London, U.K. and B.J. Welton, Texas, U.S.A. both of whom introduced me to the practical aspects of bulk sampling and sieving techniques. I also thank T.H. Rich, Museum of Victoria for providing financial assistance for field work in Victoria, and E.M. Thompson for her help once there; P.V. Rich, Monash University for her patience and tacit encouragement; A.A. Cupit, Tasmanian Museum for her unsolicited help in typing all the references and R.E. Buttermore, Tasmanian Museum without whose "Mac" this m/s would still be sitting in a manual typewriter. 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WOODWARD, A.S., 1932. A Cretaceous pristiophorid shark. Amn. Mag. Nat. Hist. 10(55): 476-478. amen G.C., 1982. Devonian sharks from south-eastem Australia and Antarctica. Palaeontology 25: 817- ZANGERL, R., 1973. Interrelationships of early chondrichthyans. In Interrelationships of Fishes. P.H. Greenwood, R.S. Miles & C. Patterson, eds., J. Linn. Soc. zool, 53: 1-14. ZANGERL, R., 1981. Chondrichthyes I Paleozoic Elasmobranchii. In Handbook of Paleoichthyology 3A. H.P. Schultze, ed., Fischer, Stuttgart, New York. PLATES Plate 1: A, Isurus oxyrinchus, lower jaw, (NRK) x0.5; B, Jsurus oxyrinchus, cross-section of lower jaw showing first row of teeth of right side of jaw (SAM), x1; C, Carcharias taurus, one series of teeth from right side of upper and lower jaws (MUGD F3896), x0.5. Plate 2. A-B, Callorhinchus milii, dental plates (TM Z2341), x1: A, upper jaw, vomerines and palatines, not in situ; B, mandibular plate, in situ; C-D, Hydrolagus sp., dental plates (TM Z2342), x1.5; C, upper jaw, vomerines and palatines, in situ; D, mandibular plates, in situ; E,Galeocerdo aduncus, anterior tooth of upper jaw, labial view (NMV P26770), x2; F, Carcharias macrotus, first anterior tooth of upper jaw, lingual view (NMV P27451), x1; G, Isurus retroflexus, lateral tooth (second or third row) of upper jaw, labial view (NMV evign x1; H, Myliobatus sp., tooth of dental pavement, H1, occlusal (biting) surface, H2, basal surface, CY16), x1.5. Plate 3. A,B, Notorynchus sp.: A, lower anterolateral, labial and lingual views (MA 8.1), x4; B, upper symphyseal, labial and mesial(?) views (MA 8.5), x4; C, Centrophoroides sp., labial and lingual views (MA 4.1), x3; D, E, Protosqualus sp.: D, labial and lingual views (MA 4.2), x3; E, labial and lingual views (MA 14.1), x4; F, G, Pristiophorus cf. tumidens , rostral teeth, Toolebuc Fm., Yambore Creek, Nelia, central Queensland, Early Cretaceous (Albian): F, dorsal (note attached portion of rostrum), posterior views (QM F14644), x3; G, dorsal, posterior views (QM F14643), x2; H, Squatina sp., labial, incisal and lingual views (MA 7), x4; I, Hispidaspis sp., anterior(?), labial, mesial and lingual views (WAM 8248), Gingin Chalk, Molecap Hill, Western Australia, Late Cretaceous (Santonian-Campanian), x3; J, Hispidaspis(?), labial and lingual views (WAM 75.12.22), Gingin Chalk, Molecap Hill, Gingin, Western Australia, Late Cretaceous (Santonian-Campanian), x2; K, L, Anomotodon sp., Aramac, central Queensland, Early Cretaceous (Aptian- Albian), both x1.5: K, labial, mesial and lingual views (QM F1311); L, labial, mesial and lingual views (QM F14647); M, Scapanorhynchus cf subulatus, labial view (QM F17374), Allaru Mudstone, or Mackunda Fm, Dartmouth, central west Queensland, Early Cretaceous (Albian), x1; N, O, Scapanorhynchus sp. N, labial, mesial and lingual views (WAM 74.5.58), x1.5; O, anterior, labial, mesial and lingual views (WAM, x3; P-U, "Lamna" cfarcuat. P, labial view (QM F12174), Allaru Mudstone(?), O'Connell Creek, near Richmond, north central Queensland, Early Cretaceous (Albian), x3 (holotype of Hybodus incussidens de Vis 1911); Q, labial view (QM F1900), Allaru Mudstone(?), 80 km south of Richmond, north central Queensland, Early Cretaceous (Albian), x1.5; R, labial and lingual views (QM F17385), Allarw Mudstone, Dinga Ding Station, McKinley, central Queensland, Early Cretaceous (Albian);, x1.5 S, labial and lingual views (QM F17373), Allaru Mudstone, or Mackunda Fm., Dartmouth, central west Queensland, Early Cretaceous (Albian), x1.5; TT, labial and lingual views (QM F17354), Allaru Mudstone(?), Iona Station, Hughenden, central Queensland, Early Cretaceous (Albian), x5; U, labial and lingual views (QM F17386), associated with Pleistocene mound springs, presumably from reworked Lower Cretaceous beds, north end of Pulchera Waterhole, Mulligan River, central westem Queensland, Early Cretaceous, x1.5; V, “Lamna" venusta Leriche, labial, mesial and lingual views (WAM 7195), Toolanga Calcilutite, White Cliff, Gantheaume Bay, Westem Australia, Late Cretaceous (Santonian-Campanian), x1.5; W, Lamniformes, indeterminate, lingual view (QM F14880), Mackunda Fm., Stamford, Hughenden, central Queensland, Early Cretaceous (Albian), x1.5. A-E, H, N, and O, Molecap Greensand, Molecap Hill, Gingin, Westem Australia, Late Cretaceous (Coniacian-Santonian). Plate 4. A-E, Cretolamna appendiculata: A, labial, mesial and lingual views (QM F12243), Toolebuc Fm., Booree Park, near Richmond, north central Queensland, Early Cretaceous (Albian), x1; B, lateral(?), labial and lingual views (QM F15548), Toolebuc Fm., Elizabeth Springs, south of Boulia, western Queensland, Early Cretaceous (Albian), x1; C, upper lateral, labial view (QM F14648), Allaru Mudstone, or Mackunda Fm., Dartmouth, central westerm Queensland, Early Cretaceous (Albian), x1.5; D, lower lateral, labial, mesial FOSSIL CHONDRICHTHYANS - 525 and lingual views (WAM 63.9.25), Molecap Greensand, Molecap Hill, Gingin, Westem Australia, Late Cretaceous (Coniacian-Santonian) x1.5; E, lateral(?), labial, mesial and lingual views (QM F17384), associated with Pleistocene mound springs, presumably from reworked Lower Cretaceous beds, north end of Pulchera Waterhole, Mulligan River, central western Queensland, Early Cretaceous, x1; F, Cretolamna cf appendiculata, lingual and mesial views (QM F14646), Huntingdon Station, Queensland (no other data available), x1; G, Cretoxyrhina mantelli, labial, mesial and lingual views (WAM 60.9.1), Miria Marl, Toothawarra Creek, Cardabia Station, Western Australia, Late Cretaceous (Maastrichtian), x1; H, Cretoxyrhina cf mantelli, labial and lingual views (WAM 62.8.29), Gingin Chalk, One Tree Hill Quarry, Gingin, Western Australia, Late Cretaceous (Santonian-Campanian), x1.5; I, Cretoxyrhina(?), labial, mesial and lingual views (QM F17370), Aramac, central Queensland, Early Cretaceous (Aptian-Albian), x1; J, K, Paraisurus macrorhiza: J, labial, mesial and lingual views (QM F10607), Toolebuc Fm., northeast paddock, Warra Station, near Boulia, western Queensland, Early Cretaceous (Albian), x1; K, labial, mesial and lingual views (QM F17375), x1; L, Protolamna(?), labial, mesial and lingual views (WAM, Molecap Greensand, Molecap Hill, Gingin, Westem Australia, Late Cretaceous (Coniacian-Santonian), x3; M-W, Pseudecorax australis: N, O, from Toolebuc Fm., northeast paddock, Warra Station, near Boulia, western Queensland, Early Cretaceous (Albian); P-W from Toolebuc Fm., Iona, Hughenden, central Queensland, Early Cretaceous (Albian). M, labial and lingual views (QM F17477), Toolebuc Fm(?), Cambridge Downs, near Richmond, north central Queensland, x3; N, labial and lingual views (QM F17424), x3; O, labial and lingual views (QM F17394), x3; P, labial and lingual views (QM F17358), x6; Q, labial and lingual views (QM F17359), x6; R, labial and lingual views (QM F17356), x6; S, labial and lingual views (QM F17361), x4; T, labial and lingual views (QM F17357), x6; U, labial and lingual views (QM F17355), x6; V, labial and lingual views (QM F17362), x4; W, labial and lingual views (QM F17360), x6; X, Microcorax sp., labial, mesial and lingual views (QM F17391), Toolebuc Fm., northeastem paddock, Warra Station, near Boulia, western Queensland, Early Cretaceous (Albian), x3. Plate 5. A-C, Lamniformes, vertebral centra: A, articular surface, profile (WAM 10497), x1; B, articular surface, profile (QM F14653), Allaru Mudstone, Dinga Ding Station, McKinley, central Queensland, Early Cretaceous (Albian), x1; C, articular surface, profile (MA 1), x2; D-F, Synechodus sp.: D, labial, mesial and lingual views (WAM 65.10.8), x1.5; E, labial view (QM F17383), associated with Pleistocene mound springs, presumably from reworked Lower Cretaceous beds, north end of Pulchera Waterhole, Mulligan River, central westem Queensland, Early Cretaceous, x2; F, labial and lingual views (WAM 10500), x2; G, batoid(?) dermal denticle, posterior, lateral and apical views (MA 5), x3; H-J, elasmobranch(?), dermal denticles, all x10; H, opposite views (QM F17353); I, opposite views (QM F17352); J, opposite views (QM F17351). A, C, D, F, G are all from the Molecap Greensand, Gingin, Western Australia, Late Cretaceous (Coniacian- Santonian). Plate 6. A, Heptranchias perlo: Teeth of 887 mm female from New South Wales, right side of upper and lower jaws including lower medial tooth; posteriors, except for first upper, are not shown (TM D1247): Al, labial view, x1.8; A2, mesial view (note, printed from reversed negative), x3; B, Notorynchus cepedianus. Teeth of right side of upper and lower jaws including upper central and lower medial teeth; posteriors, except for first upper, are not shown (NMV, from dried jaws, no data): B1, labial view, x1; B2, mesial view, x1.5. Plate 7. A-D, Heptranchias howelli, lower anterolateral teeth, labial and lingual views, Blanche Point Marl, Blanche Point and Noarlunga, South Australia, Late Eocenc, x2: A, (SAM P19573); B, (UAGD F17284a); C, (UAGD F17284b); D, (SAM P19572). E-M, Hexanchus agassizi: E-H, M, Renmark Group (lower part), Naracoorte No. 5 Bore, 135-145 m, South Australia, Middle Eocene; E, upper anterolateral, labial and lingual views (SAM P19552b), x2; F, upper anterolateral, labial and lingual views (SAM P19552c), x2; G, upper anterolateral, labial and lingual vicws (SAM P19552a), x2; H, upper(?) anterolateral, labial and lingual views (SAM P19552d), x2; I, lower anterolateral, labial and lingual views (SAM P10867), Ettrick Marl, Murray Group, River Murray cliffs near Wellington, South Australia, Late Oligocene, x1.5; J, lower anterolateral, labial view (SAM P19643), Banded Marl Member, Blanche Point Marl, Blanche Point, South Australia, Late Eocene, x1.5; K, lower anterolatcral, labial and lingual views (RJFJ 121b), Blanche Point Marl, Blanche Point, South Australia, x2; L, lower anterolateral, labial and lingual views (UAGD F17262), Blanche Point Marl, Blanche Point, South Australia, x2; M, lower anterolateral, labial and lingual views (SAM P19552e), x2; N, Hexanchus sp. 1, lower anterolateral, labial and lingual views (SAMD ¥V34), x2, Renmark Group (lower part), Naracoorte No. 5 Bore, 135-145 m, South Australia, Middle Eocene; O, Hexanchus ?sp. 1, lower anterolateral, labial and lingual views (JAL), Trochocyathus Bed, Rivernook Mbr., Dilwyn Fm., Rivernook, Victoria, Late Palaeocenc-Early Eocene, x2; P-U, Notorynchus primigenius, Batesford Limestone, Batesford, Victoria, Early Miocene: P, upper(?) anterolateral, labial and lingual views (MP 45), x1.5; Q, lower anterolateral, labial and lingual views (MP 38), x1.5; R, lower anterolateral, labial and lingual views (MP 37), x1.5; S, lower anterolateral, lingual and lingual views (MP 44), x1.5; T, lower anterolateral, labial and lingual views (MP 39), x1.5; U, lower anterolateral, labial and lingual views (NMV P27411), x2; VY, 526 -N. KEMP Notorynchus cepedianus, lower anterolateral, labial and lingual views (TM Z1991), Jemmys Point Fm., Jemmy's Point, Victoria, Early Pliocene, x1.5. Plate 8. A, Heterodontus portusjacksoni, jaws from specimen from Bass Strait, Victoria (no other data available) (NRK): A1, teeth of upper jaw, x0.9; A2, teeth of lower jaw, x0.9; A3, replacement teeth of four most distal rows (Gi2-G,1-Go-G_; of Reif (1976)) of Tight side of upper jaw, x1.4; Note strongly pitted occlusal surfaces and longitudinal ridges; these features are quickly eroded in functional teeth. The ridges on the teeth of row G_ (row on right side of photo) are medianly placed in the lower (in the photo) tooth and laterally placed in the succeeding tooth (above it in the photo); B-L, Heterodontus cainozoicus: B, H, Fossil Bluff Sandstone, Fossil Bluff (Table Cape), Tasmania, Early Miocene; C-E, Black Rock Sandstone, Beaumaris, Victoria, Late Miocene-Early Pliocene; F, G, Cape Grim, Tasmania, Early Miocene; I-L, Maude Formation, Moorobool Valley limestone, near Geelong, Victoria, Late Oligocene-Early Miocene; B, occlusal and labial views (NMV P13386), x2; C, occlusal and labial views (NMV P13387), x1; D, occlusal and labial views (NMV P13388), x1 (holotype of Cestracion longidens); E, occlusal and labial views (NMV P13380), x1.5; F, occlusal view (NRK), x1.5; G, occlusal view (NRK), x1.5; H, occlusal and labial views (MV P13389), x1; I, occlusal and labial views (NMV P5382), x1; J, occlusal and labial views (NMV P5379), x1; K, occlusal and lingual views (NMV P5378), x1; L, occlusal and labial views (NMV P5380), x1. Plate 3%. A, B, Pristiophorus lanceolatus, rostral teeth, both from Black Rock Sandstone, Beaumaris, Victoria, Late Miocene-Early Pliocene, x1.5: A, dorsal and ventral views (NMV P160488a); B, dorsal and ventral views (NMV P160488b). Plate 10. A-H, Heterodontus cainozoicus, Black Rock Sandstone, Beaumaris, Victoria, Late Miocene-Early Pliocene: A, occlusal view (NMV P5369), x1.5 (holotype of Cestracion cainozoicus ); B, occlusal and labial views (NMV P5372), x1.5; C, occlusal and labial views (NMV P5374), x1.5; D, occlusal and labial views (NMV P13381), x1.5; E, occlusal view (NMV P13385), x2; F, occlusal view (NMV P13383), x2; G, occlusal view (NMV P13384), x2; H, occlusal view (NMY P13382), x2. I-K, Orectolobus sp., Batesford Limestone, Batesford, Victoria, Early Miocene, x3; I, labial, incisal and lingual views (NRK); J, labial, incisal and lingual views (NRK); K, labial, incisal and lingual views (NRK). Plate 11. A, B, Carcharias taurus, teeth, not including posteriors, of 2.76 m male taken in 6 m, off Newcastle, New South Wales, right side of upper and lower jaws (MUGD 3896): A, labial view, x0.75; B, mesial view (note, printed from reversed negative), x1. Plate 12. A-O, Carcharias cf acutissima , from Trochocyathus Bed, Rivernook Mbr., Dilwyn Fm., Rivernook, Victoria (GSV AW7 locality), Late Palaeocene-Early Eocene, x1.5: A, upper(?) anterior, labial, mesial and lingual views (NMV P27934): RB, upper lateral, labial, mesial and lingual views (ILG); C, upper lateral, labial, mesial and lingual views (ILG); D, upper lateral, labial view (ILG); E, upper lateral, labial, mesial and lingual views (NMV P27933); F, upper lateral, labial, mesial and lingual views (ILG); G, lower second anterior, labial and lingual views (ILG); H, lower second anterior, labial, mesial and lingual views (ILG); I, lower lateral, labial, mesial and lingual views (ILG); J, lower lateral, labial, mesial and lingual views (NMV P27932); K, lower lateral, labial, mesial and lingual views (NMV P27931); L, lower lateral, labial and lingual views (ILG); M, lower lateral, labial and lingual views (GSV); N, lower lateral, labial, mesial and lingual views (ILG); O, lower(?) lateral, labial and mesial views (NMV P27929); P, Carcharias sp-, labial and lingual views (ILG). Plate 13. A-T, Carcharias macrotus; A,B, H, N, Blue clay, Fyansford Fm., Beaumaris, Victoria, Middle Miocene; C-G, I, J, L, O-T, Trochocyathus Bed, Rivernook Mbr., Dilwyn Fm., Rivernook, Victoria, Late Palaeocene-Early Eocene: A, upper first anterior, labial, mesial and lingual views (NMV P27451), x1; B, upper second anterior, labial, mesial and lingual views (NMV P27450), x1; C, upper (second?) anterior, labial, mesial and lingual views (ILG), x1.5; D, upper anterior, labial and lingual views (NMV P27922), x1; E, upper anterior, labial and lingual views (ILG), x1.5; F, upper anterior, labial and lingual views (ILG), x1; G, upper lateral, labial and lingual views (ILG), x1.5; H, upper lateral, labial, mesial and lingual views (NMV P27452), x1; I, upper lateral, labial and lingual views (NMV P27925), x1.5; J, upper lateral, labial, mesial and lingual views (NMV P 27924), x1; K, upper lateral, labial and lingual views (WAM 71.2.39), Boongerooda Greensand, Cardabia Gr., Toothawarra Creek, Cardabia Station, Western Australia, Late Palaeocene, x1.5; L, upper lateral, lingual and labial views (ILG), x1.5; M, lower first anterior, labial, mesial and lingual views (NMV P10968), Waum Ponds Limestone, Jan Juc Fm., Waum Ponds, Victoria, Late Oligocene-Early Miocene, x1; N, lower first anterior, lingual and labial views (NMV P27449); O, lower first anterior, labial and lingual views (ILG), x1.5; P, lower second anterior, labial, mesial and lingual views (ILG), x1.5; Q, lower second(?) anterior, labial and lingual views (NMV P27927), x1.5; R, lower anterior, labial and lingual views (ILG), x1; S, lower lateral, labial and lingual views (NMV P27933), x1; T, lower FOSSIL CHONDRICHTHYANS - 527 lateral, labial and lingual views (ILG), x1.5. Plate 14. A-U, Carcharias taurus, teeth of upper jaw, x1.5; A, N, Q, Peppermint Grove Limestone, Peppermint Grove, Perth, Western Australia, late Middle Pleistocene; C, R, Muddy Creek Marl Mbr., Pon Campbell Limestone, Muddy Creek, Hamilton, Victoria, Middle Miocene; D, F, G, I, K-M, O, P, S, U, Batesford Limestone, Batesford, Victoria, Early Miocene; H, T, formation unknown (?Bookpumong Beds), Buckalow Bore No. 9730, 97.5 m, 80 km southsouthwest of Broken Hill, New South Wales, Late Miocene(?): A, first anterior, labial, mesial and lingual views (WAM 60.10.29); B, first (?second) anterior, labial, mesial and lingual views (NMV P27437), Jan Juc Fm., Torquay, Victoria, Late Oligocene-Early Miocene; C, second anterior, labial and lingual views (CY 7); D, third anterior, labial, mesial and lingual views (MP 9); E, third anterior, labial and lingual views (NMV P27401), Black Rock Sandstone, Beaumaris, Victoria, Late Miocene-Early Pliocene; F, third anterior, labial, mesial and lingual views (MP 1); G, intermediate, labial and lingual views (MP 28); H, lateral, labial and lingual views (MM F31317); I, lateral, labial, mesial and lingual views (MP 11); J, lateral view (NMV P27404), Fossil Bluff Sandstone, Fossil Bluff (Table Cape), Tasmania, Early Miocene; K, lateral, labial, mesial and lingual views (MP 10); L, lateral, labial, mesial and lingual views (MP12); M, lateral, labial and lingual views (NMV P27433); N, lateral, labial, mesial and lingual views (WAM 65.9.2); O, lateral, labial mesial and lingual views (MP 24); P, lateral, labial and lingual views (MP 16); Q, lateral, labial and lingual views (WAM 66.1.12); R, lateral, labial, mesial and lingual views (JP 36); S, lateral, labial and lingual views (MP 15); T, lateral, labial and lingual views (MM F31318); U, lateral, labial and lingual views (MP 26). Plate 15. A-K, Carcharias taurus, teeth of lower jaw: A, symphysial, labial and mesial views (MM F31320); B, symphysial, labial and lingual views (NRK); C, first anterior, labial view (NMV P27405), Fossil Bluff Sandstone, Fossil Bluff (Table Cape), Tasmania, Early Miocene; D, first (?second) anterior, labial, distal and lingual views (AM F37185), Botany, Sydney, New South Wales (no other data available); E, second anterior, labial and lingual views (NMV P27400), Black Rock Sandstone, Beaumaris, Victoria, Late Miocene-Early Pliocene; F, third anterior, labial and lingual views (CY 6), Muddy Creek Marl, Clifton Bank, Muddy Creek, Hamilton, Victoria; G, third anterior, labial and lingual views (MM F31315); H, lateral, labial, mesial and lingual views (MP 2); I, lateral, labial and lingual views (WAM 76.6.43), Jandakot beds, Paulik's Bore, 34 m, Semple Road, Jandakot, Perth, Western Australia, Pliocene-Pleistocene; J, lateral, labial, mesial and lingual views (MP 27); K, lower(?), lateral, labial and lingual views (MP 14); L, Carcharias cf taurus Rafinesque, upper lateral, lingual and labial views (MM F31316). A, G, L, formation unknown (?Bookpurnong Beds), Buckalow Bore No. 9730, 97.5 m, 80 km southsouthwest of Broken Hill, New South Wales, Late Miocene(?); B, H, J, K, Batesford Limestone, Batesford, Victoria, Early Miocene; all teeth x1.5, except B, x2. Plate 16. A, ?Odontaspis, upper lateral, labial, mesial and lingual views (NRK), Cape Grim, Tasmania, Early Miocene, x1.5; B, ?Lamana , upper lateral, labial, mesial and lingual views (NMV P27935), Black Rock Sandstone, Beaumaris, Victoria, Late Miocene-Early Pliocene, x1.5. C, Lamna nasus, teeth from specimen from Bass Strait, Victoria (no other data available), right side of upper and lower jaws (MUGD F3897): Cl, labial view, x0.8, C2, mesial view (note, printed from reversed negative), x1.5; D, E, Otodus obliquus: D, upper(?) anterior, labial, mesial and lingual views (DJT), Pebble Point Fm., Wangerrip Gr., near Princetown, Victoria, Middle Palaeocene, x1; E, upper lateral, labial, mesial and lingual views (GSV), Olney No. 1 Bore, Murray Basin, 262 m, Olney Fm., Renmark Gr., near Murray River, South Australian/Victorian border, Late Eocene-Early Oligocene, x1. Plate 17. A, B, /surus oxyrinchus: A, teeth of 1.5 m specimen from Eden, New South Wales, right side of upper and lower jaws, labial view (MUGD F3898), x1; B, teeth of 3.3 m specimen from Bass Strait, southeastem Victoria, right side of upper and lower jaws. Note more robust nature of teeth, less sinuous anteriors and more curved apices, distally, of laterals compared with smaller specimen (above) (MUGD F3899), x0.6; B1, labial view; B2, mesial view. Plate 18. A,B, /surus benedeni, Black Rock Sandstone, Beaumaris, Victoria, Late Miocene-Early Pliocene, xl: A, upper lateral, labial, mesial and lingual views (NMV P42536); B, lower lateral, labial, mesial and lingual views (NMV P14648); C-K, /surus desori; C, D, E, Waum Ponds Limestone Mbr., Jan Juc Fm., Waum Ponds, Victoria, Late Oligocene-Early Miocene, x1; F, G, Muddy Creek Marl, Clifton Bank, Muddy Creek, Hamilton, Victoria, Middle Miocene, x1; H, I, K, Batesford Limestone, Torquay Gr., Batesford, Victoria, Early Miocene; C, upper first anterior, labial, mesial and lingual views (NMV P27174); D, upper second anterior, labial, mesial and lingual views (DE); E, upper second anterior, labial, mesial and lingual views (NMV P27171); F, upper lateral, labial, mesial and lingual views (CY 12); G, upper lateral, labial, mesial and lingual views (CY 11); H, upper lateral, labial and lingual views (RB), x1; I, upper lateral, labial and lingual views (MP 32), x1; J, upper lateral, labial and lingual views (NMV P27203), Blue clay, 528 - N. KEMP pyees ions say hele Beach, Balcombe Bay, Middle Miocene, x1; K, upper posterior, labial and lingual Plate 19. A-G, Jsurus desori, all x1; B, D, Jan Juc Fm., Torquay, Victoria, Late Oligocene-Early Miocene; C, E, F, Waurn Ponds Limestone Mbr., Jan Juc Fm., Waurn Ponds, Victoria, Late Oligocene-Early Miocene: A, lower first anterior, labial and lingual views (NMV P27198), Black Rock Sandstone, Beaumaris, Victoria, Late Miocene-Early Pliocene; B, lower second anterior, labial, mesial and lingual views (NMV P27181); C, lower third anterior, labial, mesial and lingual views (NMV P27183); D, lower lateral, labial, mesial and lingual views (NMV P27189); E, lower lateral, labial, mesial and lingual views (NMV P27177); F, lower lateral, labial, lingual and mesial views (GPi); G, lower lateral, labial and lingual views (MP 30), Batesford Limestone, Batesford, Victoria, Early Miocene; H, Jsurus escheri, upper anterior, labial, mesial and lingual views (JAL), Grange Bum Fm. (upper unit), Hamilton, Victoria, Early Pliocene, x1. Plate 20. A-L, Isurus hastalis, Black Rock Sandstone, Beaumaris, Victoria, Late Miocene-Early Pliocene: A, artificial tooth set representing teeth of left side of upper and lower jaws, labial view (intermediate tooth not represented); upper jaw (NMV P26812, OPS, NMV P26813-26818, NMV P5430, OPS); lower jaw (OPS, NMV P26820-26821, OPS, NMV P26822-26824, OPS, NMV P26826-26827); x0.3; B, upper first anterior, labial and lingual views (NMV P26847), x1; C, upper first anterior, labial, mesial and lingual views (NMV P26851), x0.5; D, upper second anterior, labial and lingual views (NMV P26852), x1; E, upper second anterior, labial and lingual views (NMV P27196), x0.5; F, upper first lateral, labial and lingual views (NMV P26856), x1; G, upper first lateral, labial, mesial and lingual views (NMV P26858), x1; H, upper second lateral, labial, mesial and lingual views (NMV P26859), x1; I, upper fourth or fifth lateral, labial, mesial and lingual views (NMV P26867), x1; J, upper posterior, labial and lingual views (NMV P26868), x1; K, upper posterior, labial and lingual views (NMV P26869), x1; L, upper posterior, labial, mesial and lingual views (NMV P26870), x1. Plate 21. A-L, Jsurus hastalis; A-G, I-L, Black Rock Sandstone, Beaumaris, Victoria, Late Miocene-Early Pliocene: A, lower first anterior, labial and lingual views (NMV P26828), x1; B, lower first anterior, labial, mesial and lingual views (NMV P7586), x0.5; C, lower second anterior, labial, mesial and lingual views (NMV P26830), x1; D, lower second anterior, labial, mesial and lingual views (OPS), x0.5; E, lower third anterior, labial and lingual views (NMV P26832), x1; F, lower third anterior, labial and lingual views (NMV P26834), x0.5; G, lower lateral, labial and lingual views (NMV P26837), x1; H, lower lateral, labial, mesial and lingual views (NMV P27197), Grange Bum Fm., Forsythes Bank, Hamilton, Victoria, Late Miocene-Early Pliocene, x1; I, lower lateral, labial, mesial and lingual views (NMV P26841), x1; J, lower posterior, labial and lingual views (NMV P26843), x1; K, lower posterior, labial and lingual views (NMV P26844), x2; L, lower posterior, labial, mesial and lingual views (NMV P26845), x2; M, /surus oxyrinchus, lower lateral, labial, mesial and lingual views, (NRK), Batesford Limestone, Batesford, Victoria, Early Miocene, x1; N-Q, Isurus cf oxyrinchus; N, P, Q, from Batesford Limestone, Batesford, Victoria, Early Miocene; N, upper second anterior, labial and lingual views (NRK), x1.5; O, upper lateral, labial, mesial and lingual views (TFF), Jan Juc Fm., Jan Juc, Victoria, Late Oligocene-Early Miocene, x1.5; P, lower lateral, labial and lingual views (MP 33), x1.5; Q, lower lateral, labial and lingual views (CY 44), x1.5. Plate 22. A-E, Isurus cf. paucus: A, lower first anterior, labial, mesial and lingual views (JP 20), x1; B, lower first anterior, labial, mesial and lingual views (NRK), x1; C, lower(?) lateral, labial, mesial and lingual views (JP 21), x1; D, lower lateral, labial and lingual views (MP 31), x1.5; E, upper(?) lateral, labial, mesial and lingual views (NMV P27188), Puebla Fm., Torquay Gr., Birregurra, Victoria, Early Miocene, x1; F-L, /surus planus: F, upper anterior, labial, mesial and lingual views (NMV P27206), x1; G, upper anterior(?), labial, mesial and lingual views (NMV P27168), x1; H, upper lateral, labial, mesial and lingual (CY 12), x1; TU, upper lateral, labial and lingual views (NMV P27193), x1; J, upper lateral, labial, mesial, and lingual views (MP 29), x1; K, upper posterior, labial and lingual views (JP 5), x1.5; L, lower first anterior, labial, mesial and lingual views (JP 6), x1. A, C, F, H, I, K, L, Muddy Creek Marl Mbr., Port Campbell Limestone, Muddy Creek, Hamilton, Victoria, Middle Miocene; B, D, F, I, J, Batesford Limestone, Batesford, Victoria, Early Miocene. Plate 23. A-C, Jsurus planus, all x1: A, lower lateral, labial, mesial and lingual views (NMV P27184), Puebla Fm., Torquay Gr., Birregurra, Victoria, Early Miocene; B, lower lateral, labial, mesial and lingual views (NMV P27186), Jan Juc Fm., Torquay, Victoria, Late Oligocene-Early Miocene; C, lower lateral, labial and lingual views (NRK), Batesford Limestone, Batesford, Victoria, Early Miocene, x1; D-L, /surus retroflexus, Black Rock Sandstone, Beaumaris, Victoria, Late Miocene-Early Pliocene, x1: D, upper first anterior, labial, mesial and lingual views (NMV P27207); E, upper first anterior, labial, mesial and lingual views (NMV P26799); F, upper second anterior, labial, mesial and lingual views (NMV P26793); G, upper first lateral, labial, mesial and lingual views (NMV P26794); H, upper second or third lateral, labial, mesial and lingual views (NMV P26790); I, upper second lateral, labial, mesial and lingual views (NMV P 13406); FOSSIL CHONDRICHTHYANS - 529 J, upper lateral, labial, mesial and lingual views (NMV P26807); K, upper posterior, labial, mesial and lingual views (NMV P26802); L, upper posterior, labial, mesial and lingual views (NMV P27936). Plate 24. A-G, Isurus retroflexus, Black Rock Sandstone, Beaumaris, Victoria, Late Miocene-Early Pliocene, all x1: A, lower first anterior, labial, mesial and lingual views (NMV P26777), B, lower first anterior, labial, mesial and lingual views (NMV P5507); C, lower second anterior, labial, mesial and lingual views (NMV P26778); D, lower first or second lateral, labial, mesial and lingual views (NMV P26798); E, lower second or third lateral, labial, mesial and lingual views (NMV P26805); F, lower third or fourth lateral, labial, mesial and lingual views (NMV P26791); G, lower posterior, labial, mesial and lingual views (NMV P26801). H-J, /surus sp.: I, J, Batesford Fm., Batesford, Victona, Early Miocene, x1.5: H, lower lateral, labial, mesial and lingual views (CY 33), Whalers Bluff Fm., Portland, Victoria, Early Pliocene, x1; I, labial, mesial and lingual views (MP 35); J, aberrant tooth, labial and lingual views (MP 36). Plate 25. A,B, Carcharodon carcharias: A, teeth of 1.39 m juvenile from Eden, New South Wales, left side of upper and lower jaws, labial view. Note basal denticles on nearly all teeth and entire (non-serrated) mesial margin on first lower anterior tooth (MUGD F3901), x1.2; B, teeth of 3.5 m adult from Port Fairy, Victoria, left side of upper and lower jaws, labial view. Note lack of basal denticles and more robust nature of teeth compared with juvenile (above). Mesial branch of root of both first and second lower anteriors slightly damaged (MUGD F3902), x0.6. Plate 26. A-J, Carcharodon angustidens, all teeth x0.5; A, D, F-H, Freestone Cove Sandstone, Fossil Bluff (Table Cape), Tasmania, Early Miocene: A, upper first anterior, labial and lingual views (NMV P13218); B, upper second anterior, labial, mesial and lingual views (WAM 68.9.1), Cape Range Gr., Cape Range, Westem Australia, Early-Middle Miocene; CC, upper lateral, labial and lingual views (NMV P27417), Kawarren Limestone, Clifton Fm., Kawarren, Victoria, Late Oligocene; D, upper posterior, labial and lingual views (NMV P5467); E, upper lateral, labial, mesial and lingual views (NMV P5465), Jan Juc Fm., Torquay, Victoria, Late Oligocene; F, lower first anterior, labial, mesial and lingual views (NMV P5385); G, lower second anterior, labial, mesial and lingual views (NMV P5384); H, lower third anterior, labial, distal and lingual views (NMV P27413); I, lower lateral, labial and lingual views (NMV P27412); J, lower lateral, labial, mesial and lingual views, Jan Juc Fm., Torquay, Victoria, Late Oligocene (NMV P5466). Plate 27. A-M, Carcharodon carcharias; A, B, E, G, I, J, M, Grange Bum Fm., Hamilton, Victoria, Late Miocene-Early Pliocene; C, K, L, Whaler's Bluff Fm., Dutton's Way, Portland, Victoria, Early Pliocene: A, upper anterior, labial, mesial and lingual views (NMV P27423), x1; 3B, upper anterior, labial and lingual views (JP), x1; C, upper anterior, labial and lingual views (SW), x1.5; D, upper lateral, labial and lingual views (WAM 68.9.129), Cameron Inlet Fm., east coast, Flinders Island, Tasmania, Late Pliocene, x1.5; E, upper lateral, labial, mesial and lingual views (JP 35), x1; F, upper lateral, labial, mesial and lingual views (MUGD F3892), Jemmys Point Fm., Jemmys Point, Victoria, Early Pliocene, x1; G, upper lateral, labial and lingual views (JP), x1; H, upper lateral, labial and lingual views (CY 31), Black's Pit quarry, Byaduk, Victoria, ?Pliocene, x1; I, lower lateral, labial and lingual views (GPe), xl; J, lower lateral, labial and lingual views (WAM 79.5.93), x1; K, lower lateral, labial and lingual views (CY 62w), x1; L, lower lateral, labial and lingual views (CY 62b), x1; M, lower(?) posterior, labial and lingual views (GPe), x1. Plate 28. A-G, Carcharodon megalodon, all teeth x0.5, except G, x1; A, B, E, F, Grange Bum Fm., Hamilton, Victoria, Late Miocene-Early Pliocene: A, upper first anterior, labial and lingual views (NMV P27421); B, upper lateral, labial view (NMV P 27422); C, upper posterior, labial and lingual views, (NMV P13150), Black Rock Sandstone, Beaumaris, Victoria, Late Miocene-Early Pliocene; D, upper lateral, labial views (WAM 68.9.3), Cape Range Gr., Shot Hole Canyon, Cape Range, Western Australia, Early-Middle Miocene; E, upper second anterior, labial, mesial and lingual views (NMV P27419); F, upper lateral, labial and lingual views (NMV P5469); G, upper posterior, labial, mesial and lingual views (NMV P27416), Morgan Limestone, River Murray cliffs, 7 km down from Morgan, South Australia, early Middle Miocene. Plate 29. A-D, Carcharodon megalodon, Grange Burn Fm., Hamilton, Victoria, Late Miocene-Early Pliocene, x0.5: A, lower first anterior, labial and lingual views (NMV P27424); B, lower lateral, labial, mesial and lingual views (NMV P27415); C, lower second anterior, labial and lingual views (NMV P27210), D, lower lateral, labial, mesial and lingual views (NMV P 5514). Plate 30. A-C, Carcharodon megalodon: A, lower lateral, labial and lingual views (NMV P27420), Grange Bum Fm., Hamilton, Victoria, Late Miocene-Early Pliocene, x0.5. Note wrinkled base of distal margin, which gives appearance of basal denticle; B, lower posterior, labial, mesial and lingual views (NMV P27418), Gippsland Limestone, near Orbost, Victoria, Early-Middle Miocene, x0.5: C, upper(?) posterior, labial and lingual views (BMcD), Cameron Inlet Fm, east coast Flinders Island, Late Pliocene, x1; 1 530 - N. KEMP Carcharodon sp., lateral, labial and lingual views (WAM 68.9.2), Cape Range Gr., Cape Range, Western Australia, Early-Middle Miocene, x1. Plate 31. A-L, Carcharoides totuserratus, all x1.5: A, B, Point Addis Limestone Mbr, Jan Juc Fm., Airey's Inlet, Victoria, Late Oligocene-Early Miocene; C, H, J-L, Waum Ponds Limestone Mbr., Jan Juc Fm., Waum Ponds, Victoria, Late Oligocene-Early Miocene; D-F, Kawarren Limestone Mbr., Clifton Fm. Kawarren, Victoria, Late Oligocene-Early Miocene: A, upper anterior, labial and lingual views (NMV P27213); B, upper anterior, labial, mesial and lingual views (NMV P27212); C, lower anterior, labial, mesial and lingual views (NMV P12636) (holotype of C. tenuidens); D, lower anterior, labial, mesial and lingual views (NMV P27214); EE, upper lateral, labial and lingual views (NMV P27213); F, upper lateral, labial, mesial and lingual views (NMV P13025); G, upper lateral, labial, mesial and lingual views (NMV P27211), Jan Juc Fm., Torquay, Victoria, Late Oligocene-Early Miocene; H, upper lateral, labial, mesial and lingual views (NMV P27399); I, upper lateral, labial view, southem Victoria limestone (no other data available); J, upper lateral, labial, mesial and lingual views (NMV P13036); K, lower lateral, labial and lingual views (TFF); L, lower lateral, labial, mesial and lingual views (TFF). Plate 32. A-O, Lamnidae, incertae sedis; all teeth except H, from a single block of Batesford Limestone, Batesford, Victoria, Early Miocene; almost certainly representing one individual shark (block NMV P12984); all x1 except E, x1.5: A, anterior, labial view; B, anterior, B1, labial view; B2, mesio-labial view; C, anterior(?), distal view; D, lower(?), symphysial, labial, mesial and lingual views; E, upper(?), symphysial, labial and mesio-incisal views; F, lower(?) lateral, labial, mesial and lingual views; G, upper(?) lateral, labial, mesial and lingual views; H, upper(?) lateral, labial, mesial and lingual views, Fyansford Fm., Blue clay, Balcombe Bay, Middle Miocene; I, anterior, lingual view; J, anterior(?), lingual view; K, lower(?), lateral and labial views; L, lower (?) lateral and labial views; M, upper(?) lateral and lingual views; N, lateral, lingual view; O, posterior, lingual view. Plate 33. A, Carcharhinus plumbeus, teeth of 1.68 m specimen taken in 50 m off Eden, New South Wales, left side of upper and lower jaws, labial view (MUGD F3906), x0.8; B, Carcharhinus brachyurus, teeth of 1.37 m specimen taken in 50 m off Eden, New South Wales, left side of upper and lower jaws, labial view (MUGD F3904), x1.1. Note the dissimilarity of upper teeth and similarity of lower teeth between the two species; C-O, Carcharhinus cf brachyurus; teeth of upper jaw from rows nearest symphysis progressing to those nearest jaw articulation; C, E, N, Batesford Limestone, Batesford, Victoria, Early Miocene, D, F, H-M, O, Black Rock Sandstone, Beaumaris, Victoria, Late Miocene-Early Pliocene: C, labial and lingual views (MP 71); D, labial and lingual views (NMV P13396); E, labial and lingual views (MP 63); F, labial, mesial and lingual views (NMV P13397); G, labial and lingual views (CY 15) Grange Burn Fm., McDonald's Bank, Muddy Creek, Hamilton, Victoria, Late Miocene-Early Pliocene; H, labial and lingual views (NRK); I, labial and lingual views (NMV P27444); J, labial and lingual views (NMV P27440); K, lower (?) lateral, labial views (NRK); L, lower (?) lateral, labial views (NMV P13401); M, lower (?) lateral, labial views (NMV P27441); N, labial and lingual views (MP 68); O, labial and lingual views (NRK). Plate 34. A-CC, Carcharhinus sp.; A-Q, upper teeth; R-CC, lower teeth; all x2, except A, K, x1.5; A, K, from unknown formation (?7Bookpumong Beds), Buckalow Bore No. 9730, 97.5 m, 80 km southsouthwest of Broken Hill, New South Wales, Late Miocene(?); B, E, Q, R, S, V, X-CC, Black Rock Sandstone, Beaumaris, Victoria, Late Miocene-Early Pliocene; C, D, F-J, L, N-P, Batesford Limestone, Batesford, Victoria, Early Miocene; T, U, Jandakot Beds, Paulik's Bore, 34 m, Semple Road, Jandakot, Perth, Western Australia, Pliocene-Pleistocene: A, labial and lingual views (MM F31323); B, labial and lingual views NMV P27422); C, labial and lingual views (MP 75); D, labial and lingual views (MP 73); E, labial, mesial and lingual views (NMV P27443); F, labial and lingual views (MP 74), G, labial and lingual views (MP 72); H, labial and lingual views (MP 65); I, labial and lingual views (NRK); J, labial and lingual views (MP 64); K, labial and lingual views (MM F31321); L, labial and lingual views (MP 66); M, labial and lingual views (TFF), Waum Ponds Limestone Mbr.. Torquay Gr., Waurn Ponds, Victoria, Late Oligocene-Early Miocene; N, labial and lingual views (MP 67); O, labial and lingual views (MP 70); P, labial and lingual views (MP 62); Q, labial and lingual views (NMV P27445); R, labial and lingual views (NMV P27446); S, labial, mesial and lingual views (NMV P27447); T, labial and lingual views (WAM; U, labial and lingual views (WAM; V, labial and lingual views (NMV P13393); W, labial and lingual views (WAM 68.9.130), Cameron Inlet Fm,. east coast, Flinders Island, Tasmania, Late Pliocene; X, labial, mesial and lingual views (NMV P13391); Y, labial and lingual views (NRK); Z, labial and lingual views (NRK); AA, labial and lingual views (NMV P13392); BB, labial and lingual views (NRK); CC, labial, mesial and lingual views (NMV P27448). Plate 35. A-V, Galeocerdo aduncus, all x1.5; A-D, F, H-J, O, P, T-V, Black Rock Sandstone, Beaumaris, Victoria, Late Miocene-Early Pliocene; E, G, K-N, R, S, B atesford Limestone Mbr., Torquay Gr., Batesford, FOSSIL CHONDRICHTHYANS - 531 Victoria, Early Miocene: A-I, teeth of upper jaw from rows nearest symphysis progressing to those nearest the jaw articulation; A, labial, mesial and lingual views (OPS 785); B, labial and lingual views (NMV P26768); C, labial and lingual views (NMV P5480); D, labial, mesial and lingual views (NMV P26767); E, labial and lingual views (MP 51); F, labial and lingual views (OPS 404); G, labial and lingual views (MP 54); H, labial and lingual views (NMV P26765); I, labial and lingual views (CMcC); J-V, teeth of lower jaw from rows nearest symphysis progressing to those nearest the jaw articulation; J, labial, mesial and lingual views (NMV P26763); K, labial and lingual views (MP 46); L, labial and lingual views (MP 53); M, labial and lingual views (MP 49); N, labial and lingual views (MP 47); O, labial, mesial and lingual views (NMV P26764); P, labial and lingual views (JP 29), Muddy Creek Marl Mbr., Port Campbell Limestone, Muddy Creek, Hamilton, Victoria, Middle Miocene; Q, labial, mesial and lingual views (NMV P26770); R, labial and lingual views (MP 55); S, labial and lingual views (MP 50); T, labial, mesial and lingual views (NMV P26772); U, labial and lingual views (NMV P26773); V, labial and lingual views (NMV P26774). Plate 36. Galeocerdo cuvier, teeth of 2.5 m specimen taken in 4 m off Southport, southern Queensland, right side of upper and lower jaws, labial view (MUGD 3903), x0.5. Plate 37. A, Sphyrna sp. 1, labial and lingual views (NRK), Cape Grim, Tasmania, Early Miocene, x3; B, C, Sphyrna sp., Batesford Limestone, Batesford, Victoria, Early Miocene, x2; B, labial and lingual views (PS); C, labial and lingual views (MP 61). D, E, Carcharhiniformes incertae sedis; D, labial and lingual views (PS), Batesford Limestone, Batesford, Victoria, Early Miocene, x2; E, labial and lingual views (WAM 72.5.5), Ascot Beds, Lee's Bore, 21-23 m, Queen's Park, Perth, Western Australia, Pliocene, x5. Plate 38. A, Dasyatis sp., labial and lingual views (NMV P12549), ?7Bookpumong Beds, Murray Gr., Mallee Bore No. 5, 49-52 m, Murrayville, northwestern Victoria, Late Miocene, x5; B-E, Myliobatis sp.; B, D, E, Black Rock Sandstone, Beaumaris, Victoria, Late Miocene-Early Pliocene; B, occlusal and basal views (NMV P161649a), x1.5; C, occlusal and basal views (CY 16), Grange Bum Fm., McDonald's Bank, Muddy Creek, Hamilton, Victoria, Late Miocene-Early Pliocene, x1.5; D, occlusal and basal views (NMV P161649b), x1.5; E, occlusal and basal views (NMV P161649c), x1.5; F, ?Myliobatis, part of caudal spine, dorsal and ventral views (MM F31322), formation unknown (?7Bookpurnong Beds), Buckalow Bore No. 9370, 97.5 m, 80 km southsouthwest of Broken Hill, New South Wales, Late Miocene(?), x1.5. Plate 39. A, Edaphodon mirabilis (holotype), right palatine, symphysial marginal and oral views (NMV P13418); B, Edaphodon cf mirabilis , right palatine, oral view (NMV P161651B); C, Ischyodus mortoni (holotype), left mandibular, oral and aboral views (NMV P9787), Fossil Bluff Sandstone, Fossil Bluff (Table Cape), Tasmania, Early Miocene; D, Ischyodus cf dolloi, left palatine (posterior portion), oral, oral marginal and aboral views (NMV P13416) (originally desczibed as vomerine of Edaphodon sweeti). All x1; A, B, D, from Black Rock Sandstone, Beaumaris, Victoria, Late Miocene-Early Pliocene. Plate 40. A-C, Edaphodon sweeti: A, right vomerine, aboral, oral marginal and oral views (NMV P161651D); B, left palatine, oral, oral marginal and aboral views (NMV P161651A); C, holotype, right mandibular, oral, oral marginal and aboral views, Grange Burn Fm., Grange Burn, Hamilton, Victoria, Late Miocene-Early Pliocene (NMV P9111). D, E, Ischyodus cf dolloi: D, left palatine, oral, oral marginal, aboral and symphysial marginal views (JP 42); E, left palatine, oral, oral marginal and aboral views (JP 43); all x1; A, B, from Black Rock Sandstone, Beaumaris, Victoria, Late Miocene-Early Pliocene; D, E, from Muddy Creek Marl, Hamilton, Victoria, Middle Miocene. PLATE 1 rho. tie sy det Ske [<— po. lat. leg eeeet <— an. —~> rrr ye YY conan ea AGE Ix—— po. —>|~ lat. ———>|«—. an. —>|S PLATE 2 FOSSIL CHONDRICHTHYANS - 533 534 - N. KEMP PLATE 3 PLATE 4 FOSSIL CHONDRICHTHYANS - 535 536 - N. KEMP PLATE § PLATE 6 FOSSIL CHONDRICHTHYANS - 537 ih dt i a dh A ed meee anal: lt ole ae 538 - N. KEMP PLATE 7 PLATE 8 FOSSIL CHONDRICHTHYANS - 539 540 - N. KEMP PLATE 9 PLATE 10 FOSSIL CHONDRICHTHYANS - 541 542 - N. KEMP PLATE 12 FOSSIL CHONDRICHTHYANS - 543 PLATE 13 PLATE 14 544 - N. KEMP PLATE 15 FOSSIL CHONDRICHTHYANS - 545 546 - N. KEMP PLATE 16 PLATE 17 FOSSIL CHONDRICHTHYANS PLATE 18 548 - N. KEMP PLATE 19 FOSSIL CHONDRICHTHYANS - 549 B (ie = 550 - N. KEMP PLATE 20 PLATE 21 FOSSIL CHONDRICHTHYANS - 551 552 - N. KEMP PLATE 22 PLATE 23 FOSSIL CHONDRICHTHYANS - 553 554 - N. KEMP PLATE 24 PLATE 25 FOSSIL CHONDRICHTHYANS - 555 PLATE 26 556 - N. KEMP PLATE 27 FOSSIL CHONDRICHTHYANS - 557 PLATE 28 558 - N. KEMP PLATE 29 FOSSIL CHONDRICHTHYANS - 559 PLATE 30 560 - N. KEMP PLATE 31 FOSSIL CHONDRICHTHYANS - 561 562 - N. KEMP PLATE 32 PLATE 33 FOSSIL CHONDRICHTHYANS - 563 SYN YOW WW | Sy ee ty pear re 564 - N. KEMP PLATE 34 Bu PLATE 35 FOSSIL CHONDRICHTHYANS - 565 566 - N. KEMP PLATE 36 PLATE 37 PLATE 38 - 567 FOSSIL CHONDRICHTHYAN PLATE 39 a sy & cy i re ba PLATE 40 568 - N. KEMP CHAPTER 16 AUSTRALIAN FOSSIL AMPHIBIANS 1 Anne Warren TMfOduUCHON Ms.. Seek ee ts he, eT LO Lissamphibians ..............ccccsceeeeeeeeeeeeeeene eo QO Labyrin thodomts.iceicsensstiecicces cetiew oa veeediacee’ 570 Australian Temnospondyl-Bearing Deposits....... 580 DEN ONIAIN ws Sek crete taco ucts ada enls dae sede datos ste 582 |e) 0410210 CR A en ne Ie 583 BSG io) (OR ae 583 JULASSIC S00). 352 Bsiiet osha eh hentia nae leeldalile aetite Wie 586 CHETACEOUSE 38 soko Ta ha Wojc wand od Ustelasde se a diabie ele siste 586 GOnNCIMSIONS coc i ad iaiils docah bees eet ace isle Le cen’ 586 REPETEN CES: Fi oct cain cach cee dean ecleens 4 Pe onG ale ceauassenae'e et 587 [sn nnn ene EEE Uy yISE yn 1 Zoology Department, LaTrobe University, Bundoora, Victoria 3083, Australia. 570 - WARREN INTRODUCTION The amphibians (Table 1) are a paraphyletic group of anamniotic tetrapods whose life history usually includes a larval stage. While the three orders of extant Amphibia (Anura, Urodela and Apoda) are largely defined on characters of their soft anatomy, the fossil amphibians must be distinguished by osteological characters. The evidence that fossil amphibians possessed an anamniotic egg is only implied, but larval stages are occasionally preserved in the fossil record, and some fossil labyrinthodonts are perennibranchiate. Aspects of their osteology that distinguish tetrapods from fish include a retroarticular process on the lower jaw (not well developed in early labyrinthodonts), pentadactyl limb, the lack of fin rays distal to the digits, loss of the bony connection between the skull and the pectoral girdle, attachment of the dorsal blade of the ilium to the vertebral column by means of one or more sacral ribs and the presence of a choana or internal nostril (present also in some crossopterygian fish). Anamniote tetrapods (i.e. Amphibia) may be distinguished from the amniotes by the usual possession of an otic notch in the posterior skull margin between the squamosal and the tabular, the lack of a transverse flange on the pterygoid bone, the presence of exposed lateral line sensory canals on the bones of the skull, and scales, where present, being dermal rather than epidermal. ee eee es Table 1. Systematic organisation of the Class Amphibia as it pertains to the fossil record of Australia. Class Amphibia ‘Labyrinthodonts' Order Ichthyostegalia Order Temnospondyli Order Anthracosauria - not present in Australia ‘Lepospondyls' - not present in Australia "Lissamphibians' Order Anura - Frogs and toads Order Urodela - Newts and salamanders - not present in Australia Order Apoda - Blind worms - not present in Australia oo SSsSsSsSs“_—v_O aon ={" =" LISSAMPHIBIANS Australia's few fossil lissamphibians, which are restricted to the Late Tertiary and Quaternary and are all members of the Order Anura, are discussed in Chap. 17. LABYRINTHODONTS The labyrinthodonts can be divided into the Orders Ichthyostegalia (Devonian), Anthracosauria (Carboniferous & Permian) and Temnospondyli (Table 2), which spanned the Carboniferous, Permian and Triassic, and extended, in Australia, into the Cretaceous (Table 3). All of Australia's labyrinthodonts were temnospondyls and most occurred in the Mesozoic. In the field, labyrinthodont remains may be identified by a combination of characters (Fig. 1). Each vertebra is composed of four separate elements: a neural arch, two pleurocentra, which may be entirely cartilaginous or, possibly, missing in some later temnospondyls, and an AUSTRALIAN FOSSIL AMPHIBIANS - 571 intercentrum. The larger teeth are labyrinthine in cross-section, and the dermal bones of the skull, lower jaw and dermal pectoral girdle are ornamented. The skull is traversed by sensory canals that are sunken into the bone. These characters are also present in some bony fish and A B C right pulp cavity lateral = anterior posterior ee) i oa sensory canal Figure 1. Some characteristic features of Triassic temnospondyls: A, posterior end of a left mandible showing the postglenoid area (retroarticular process); also shown is ornament traversed by a sensory canal; B, temnospondyl tooth in transverse section showing labyrinthine pattern; C, vertebrae of an Early Triassic temnospondyl showing the arrangement of the neural arch (na), intercentrum (ic), and pleurocentra (pc). < = < = 8s c -~ iz 2 = oo o a QA <> 28 8S o ge 2 > s @ “i 3 26 6 s §o 8 $s 2g Ss 28s gbeS8 s § 3 a ou 28 ZEeR o2seee8 oe o®B SSRSSEPSZS8RERS eS S258 8 8 S285 882.83 82235233 289855589 533 3 3. 8 €e0S @SeaRxBSs “£5 £ as 2 8 a eo 5 € eon Bs e283 283 £6838 BSSERQSS E5355 2B 2Seeo38 8 2 ¢& ES RzesSRERRs es esSeeesese seg ees Fs SSS eRSERSzE -FQEBESS Ss SBSlCesseeresSse ss seg esesgsrresesesePBPeE bceEegseBeserzg as 8 © €$efeueoekegegoes aR & €s 3s 256865 065 3 a s$s2egsS S$SefbneSeaess sxpeEeEsf Sean Ea2 SESS RESSREREPSSL EER LS EFS aSPer sas sax ace a ww w 4 aaa o cecaceeet 5 6 0 0 EARLY CRETACEOUS kb JURASSIC TRIASSIC PERMIAN CARBONIFEROUS a — — oes = ad EE Ss a DEVONIAN SILURIAN Table 2. Range of labyrinthodont families in time. Australian occurrences are Cross hatched. 572 - WARREN dNOYS SNVIdWYYD ueiuoaeg Ayey $qag YSAld VONZD, NYNHDO10 UBIUOABG Ee) 1 3WVHS | 1 | saunsvan UIA Be] STLSVOMAN | + I> la. Are dnoud SS 3IvHS | JIVHS VIOVOUV AL4OTHOONM aisseuy AUeQ naiwartig, N338VBEN AO THOONA) valyioom | WNITE ss suo oISSeU eIPPIN VLLVANVYNVIM disse @}e7 pe = T §S Nd SYUNSYVW | N33Y9Yu3AS oisseinr Aueg if | 1 | | | | f 1 | | | | | | 1 1 | dnow¥d snoeoejelg Ae IMOFTIZHLS wld MEA wed useg ulseg Nexs} plo4 uiseg ulseg UO}eJOW uiseg aayes uiseg pjo4 ulseg ulseg uiseg uejyoe] puejsddig sueidwels -yoimsd] yeuns -UamMog Kaupds uejyor 7 eBluewse | Yad Buluueg BUOIIA pue|sueent SaleM UINOS MeN eluewse, | eleysny Walser ing strata in Austral Ages of labyrinthodont bear Table 3. AUSTRALIAN FOSSIL AMPHIBIANS - 573 ‘(QS861) uaueM - 81 ‘(esgEL) UaWEM - Zi (1861) (6961) Se1s3 8 SalaM - 22 (BS6L) UOSIEM - 92 (2264) PlayaxeM B UBLEM - Sz (6864) UOSUIYDINH B UeM - bz “(8861) UOSUIYDINY B UAWEM - Ez ‘(Z861) UOSUIYDINY B UaNEM - Zz ‘(E86L) UOSUIYDINY QB UaUeM - UBUEM - 91 (0861) UaZEM - Si “(2261) UaWeM - pL (9864) UaUeEAM ¥ ddnp - E1 '(qzZ61) EMOH - 12 (9861) 118 uaweM - 02 (S61) XORIG B UBWEM - BL ZL ‘(BZZ64) OIMOH - 44 (2864) MNB4aQ y yUBSBOD - OL i (6261) OnysiMeZ ¥ HUBSBOD - 6 ‘(rZ61) HUBSBOD - 8 (E261) HuBSBO9 - J “(2Z61) uBsB09 - 9 "(2Z61) UNGED ¥ HUBSBOD - ¢ (6961) yuBSOD - (S961) HUBSOD - € (2961) Laid - Z “(Z264) 119g 8 Weqdwed - | seoueejas hay (v2) Bueu sisdoyjide7 SVOMOHdOHOIN (21) syessne SNYORIEQOIBE | 3VOI“NVSOIOV Id (92) (L2'pt) (91) pidodyoesq Yay syesjsne yepul sdosapig sdokyorsqo}esay 3VOINNVSILNDIHS (y) (8) (1) (p) (42) (2) (21) JPOOmMUeY /MOJUMO} Mexaid IJUOSUIY}IM Jofew 1ha|pem soe (e1) sruneseul|g smuneseuilg | sdoAyoeiqojon smuneseulg sdaauyjog Jojadousny sdofyoesqouax | ¢juasaid 3VGIdOAHOWHE: (22) eeapem ealsesaoy (68) (L4'6) IUQJJEM ejeaunoupenb BIUeM J6Q eUeMay (6'¢) (6'¢) (6'g) (61) snjeinisnd sisuakayaquiy | sisueh@vequ'y| suapeiAw snuneseyeag snuneseyeqg sruneseyeq eIpeaiy SVOISLSOOILAHY (€2) OB IOIe 'g (St) fue6un6 ‘q (pL) (Ob'ph) (sz) (sz) (9) (St) ‘ds ‘ds Ipiaep sisuajeayoog 1apem sisuauemal snyonsojaeg | snyonsojoieg |srunesojojoA2e/eg| Snyonsojoieg | snyonsojoseg SNYyONsojosed 3VGIENYSOLIdvo (8) yajey snyoes ; —Jeqowewoyd juasaid SVGINIHSX3GAT ‘s SISU@YEQUEYUOOU (84) snyoejeqosyiAZ a) quasaid (81) juasaid SVOINNVSOLYWSYL (b snjnonuep snyjeuBAxejayy| 3VGISSLSOAHLHOI (02) (sz) quaseid juesaid SLNId LOOS seunseay speg aeus. ejeus euojspues aleus euojspueg | euojspues jeo9 ajeus auojspues | auojspues | uoHeW04 uojewwo4 dnosy | euojspueg | se ary, Balepoy, Bulg Ayory20uy eyeweueimm | Aingsaymey | ueeqeuen | ajjseoman ueuy6o9 =| Binqey | uses6er3 | jepiuaip eIpeay pygjezis | sueidwesy| eouep VITVELSNY NYSLSSM | VINVWSVL S31VM HLNOS MAN GNVISN33NO VIHOLOIA la. Australi in 1€S bution of labyrinthodont famili istri Geographic d Table 4. 574 - WARREN Se Tre ees Gi ui I, sae: “ = = A, — Figure 2. Family Brachyopidae: A, Xenobrachyops allos, Arcadia Formation, Early Triassic, Queensland (after Howie 1972b); B, Blinasaurus townrowi, Knocklofty Sandstone, Early Triassic, Tasmania (after Cosgriff 1974). This and the following reconstructions by David Keen show genera belonging to the temnospondyl families that have been recorded from Australia's Early Triassic. For each case mirror imaging of both halves of the holotype skull has been used to prepare as complete a reconstruction of the skull roof as possible, and a complete restoration of the bony omament has been made for the right side of each skull. In some cases extrapolation from other specimens or related species has been used to complete the reconstructions, especially of the omament. Reference to the papers cited under each specimen will show the actual extent of their preservation. Scale bar, 50 mm. are thus primitive for amphibians. However, any one of them, together with the often preserved postglenoid area of the lower jaw or the presence of well developed limb bones, may be used to identify remains as labyrinthodont. The earliest adequately known labyrinthodont is /chthyostega from the Late Devonian (Famennian) of East Greenland. As all known Devonian and Carboniferous labyrinthodont localities were in western Europe or North America, the prevailing idea in the '60s was that the tetrapods must have originated in the Northern Hemisphere. In 1972 Warren and Wakefield reported undoubted tetrapod trackways from the Late Devonian (Frasnian) Genoa River Beds of eastern Victoria. Not only was this the earliest tetrapod trackway, but also the oldest record of tetrapods, and its discovery forced a revision of the postulated Northern Hemisphere origin of the group (Panchen 1977). The recent discovery of yet another probable tetrapod trackway in the Grampians Ranges of western Victoria has extended the known record of tetrapods back at least to the Early Devonian (Warren et al. 1986). It is assumed that both the Genoa River and the Grampians trackways were made by labyrinthodonts, but it is not possible to determine their ordinal position, as in neither can the number of digits on the manus be determined. The Figure 3. Family Capitosauridae: A, Parotosuchus gunganj, Arcadia Formation, Early Triassic, Queensland (after Warren 1980); B, Parotosuchus aliciae, Arcadia Formation, Early Triassic, Queensland (after Warren & Hutchinson 1988); 1 - adult, 2 - post-metamorphic juvenile.; C, Paracyclotosaurus davidi Wianamatta Group, Middle Triassic, New South Wales (after Watson 1958). Scale bar 50 mm (A, C); 10 mm (B1, B2). AUSTRALIAN FOSSIL AMPHIBIANS - 575 576 - WARREN forefoot of the ichthyostegids is unknown, but most temnospondyls have four manus digits while anthracosaurs have five. The lower jaw of Metaxygnathus denticulus, from the Cloghnan Shale (Frasnian - Famennian) near Forbes, New South Wales, is the earliest, definitely identified labyrinthodont body fossil. Described as a possible ichthyostegid by Campbell & Bell (1977), it may be close to Doragnathus woodi, an Early Carboniferous temnospondyl from Scotland (Smithson 1980). Clack (1988) has confirmed the probable tetrapod nature of this jaw. Such an affinity reinforces the possible faunal link between Australia and the Arctic in the Devonian noted earlier by Ritchie (1975) and Young (1974). Figure 4. Family Trematosauridae. Erythrobatrachus noonkanbahensis, Blina Shale, Early Triassic, Wester Australia. Ornament is not shown but centres of ossification are indicated (after Cosgriff & Garbutt 1972). Scale bar, 50 mm. Despite these finds in the Devonian, no labyrinthodont remains have been recovered in Australia's Carboniferous, The rare finds of Carboniferous Amphibia elsewhere are usually associated with an extensive fauna of acanthodian, palaeoniscid and occasional crossopterygian fish (e.g. Smithson 1985). Similar fish assemblages are present at various Australian Carboniferous localities (Long, this volume), so we may yet uncover Carboniferous amphibian remains associated with them, A single Permian labyrinthodont, a brachyopid temnospondyl, was found in oil shale within the Newcastle Coal Measures. It is in the Triassic that Australia's labyrinthodont fauna is well known (Tables 2, 3, 4). Early Triassic, probably Lystrosaurus Zone, temnospondyl faunas have been found in the Blina and Kockatea shales of Western Australia, the Knocklofty Formation of Tasmania and the Arcadia Formation of the Rewan Group in Queensland. The Sydney Basin has produced some specimens from later in the Early Triassic and the only Middle Triassic fauna yet found in Australia. No Late Triassic labyrinthodonts are known, although fish are present in the Late Triassic Leigh Creek coal measures of South Australia (Wade 1953). Of the eleven temnospondyl families recognised in the Early and Middle Triassic (Boy 1985, Warren & Black 1985, Carroll 1988) eight are present in Australia (Tables 2,4). These eight are briefly discussed below. The Brachyopidae is the most diverse labyrinthodont family in Australia, with five genera, none of which is found elsewhere. Although brachyopids occur in all continents except South America, no other continent has more than two genera. The Australian brachyopid skulls are of two types; one with a preponderance of primitive characters, like Xenobrachyops allos (Howie 1972b), with small orbits and occipital condyles almost level with the quadrate condyles, and the other exhibiting more derived characters, like the three species of Blinasaurus, with large orbits and occipital condyles placed well behind the quadrates (Cosgriff 1969, 1973, 1974) (Fig. 2). Although species of the family Capitosauridae (Fig. 3) are restricted to two genera in Australia, the species diversity within the genus Parotosuchus is greatest on this continent. AUSTRALIAN FOSSIL AMPHIBIANS - 577 Figure 5. Family Micropholidae. Lapillopsis naas Arcadia Formation, Early Triassic, Queensland (after Warren & Hutchinson in press). Scale bar, 10mm. The three species of Parotosuchus from the Arcadia Formation (Warren 1980, Warren & Hutchinson 1988) and the Parotosuchus sp. from Tasmania (Cosgriff & de Fauw 1987) are 578 - WARREN more closely related to Parotosuchus from the Scythian Al (Cosgriff 1984) of South Africa and Europe than to the Scythian A2 and Middle Triassic forms. However, P. brookvalensis and Paracyclotosaurus davidi (Watson 1958) have the semiclosed otic notch typical of the later forms. One of the Arcadia species, Parotosuchus aliciae, includes individuals which were considered by Warren & Hutchinson (1988) to be recently metamorphosed. Capitosaurs are absent from South America, but otherwise their distribution is cosmopolitan (Cosgriff 1984). One well preserved member of the Trematosauridae, Erythrobatrachus noonkanbahensis (Fig. 4), has been described from the Blina Shale (Cosgriff & Garbutt 1972), while fragments of two trematosaurs occur in the Rewan Group (Warren 1985b). All three are long snouted trematosaurs which are often found in near marine or deltaic environments, perhaps accounting for their almost cosmopolitan distribution (Hammer 1987). Figure 6. Family Lydekkerinidae. Chomatobatrachus halei Knocklofty Formation, Early Triassic, Tasmania (after Cosgriff 1974). Scale bar, 50mm. The remaining five families have a more restricted geographic range. Members of the superfamily Dissorophoidea are relatively common in the Permo- Carboniferous of Europe and North America, with a single species, Micropholis stowi (Boy 1985), surviving into the Early Triassic Lystrosaurus Zone of southern Africa, A second Mesozoic dissorophoid, related to M. stowi and placed in the same family, the Micropholidae, has recently been found in the Arcadia Formation. This specimen, Lapillopsis nana (Fig 5; Warren & Hutchinson in press) serves to reinforce the close relationship between faunas of the Arcadia Formation and the Lystrosaurus zone. The family Lydekkerinidae contains three genera in South Africa and one in Antarctica, as well as Chomatobatrachus halei (Fig. 6) from Tasmania (Cosgriff 1974) and one undescribed species from Queensland. AUSTRALIAN FOSSIL AMPHIBIANS - 579 SESS Zonk? otk Y WE < M3 ie N it SY + \ | SS =“ et eS rf Y I f an eS 7, Figure 7. Family Rhytidosteidae: A, Arcadia myriadens Arcadia Formation, Early Triassic, Queensland (after Warren & Black 1985); B, Acerastea wadeae, Arcadia Formation, Early Triassic, Queensland (after Warren & Hutchinson 1987; C, Deltasaurus kimberleyensis, Blina Shale, Early Triassic, Western Australia (after Cosgriff 1965). Scale bar, 50 mm. The family Indobrachyopidae was erected by Cosgriff & Zawiskie (1979) for members of the Rhytidosteidae with rounded skulls. They united these two families in the superfamily Rhytidosteoidea and suggested that Australia was the centre of radiation for the group. Warren & Black (1985) could find no derived characters to unite the members of the Indobrachyopidae and returned them to the family Rhytidosteidae. Australian rhytidosteids whose skulls have a more rounded outline (formerly Indobrachyopidae) are Derwentia warreni from Tasmania 580 - WARREN (Cosgriff 1974), Rewana quadricuneata (Howie 1972a), Arcadia myriadens (Warren & Black 1985) and Acerastea wadeae (Warren & Hutchinson 1987) from Queensland (Fig. 7). All Queensland genera are remarkable for their vertebral columns: the three components of each vertebra are subdivided into left and right parts, so that there are two neural arches, two intercentra and two pleurocentra. This contrasts with the usual temnospondyl vertebra where there is a single neural arch and intercentum. Two species of Deltasaurus, D. kimberleyensis (Fig. 7) and D. pustulatus, are Australia's triangular skulled rhytidosteids. The former occurs in great numbers in the Blina Shale and is present in the Knocklofty Formation, while the latter, which has peculiar pustular ornament, is based on a single specimen from the Kockatea Shale. Rhytidosteids have been found in South Africa, Antarctica, East Greenland, India and Madagascar (Cosgriff 1984), The family Plagiosauridae, a group of labyrinthodonts characterised by wide shallow skulls with enormous orbits and (usually) pustular ornament was, until recently, known only from the Middle to Late Triassic of Europe and Russia. Now fragments of a plagiosaur, Plagiobatrachus australis (Warren 1985a) have been found in the Arcadia Formation, making this the first member of the family from the Southern Hemisphere, and the oldest known plagiosaurid. The family Plagiosauridae is often grouped with a second, older family, the Peltobatrachidae, in the Superfamily Plagiosauroidea. The only member of the Peltobatrachidae, Peltobatrachus pustulatus was found in the Late Permian of East Africa (Panchen 1959), so the presence of the superfamily in Gondwana is not unprecedented, The Family Chigutisauridae, which is united with the Family Brachyopidae in the Superfamily Brachyopoidea (Warren 1981), is found only in Australia and South America. As Australia is the only continent with both brachyopids and chigutisaurids and as our brachyopid diversity is so great, it is probable that this superfamily also radiated from this region of Gondwana. Keratobrachyops australis (Fig. 8) described by Warren (1981) from the Arcadia Formation, is Australia's oldest chigutisaurid, and the first occurrence of the family outside Argentina. It is known from three skulls and at least eight mandibles from a site near Bluff, west of Rockhampton. In 1977 Warren reported the discovery of a skeleton in the Early Jurassic Evergreen Formation of Queensland, the first undisputed evidence of labyrinthodonts in the Jurassic. A previous discovery in the Queensland Jurassic of a piece of mandible (Austropelor wadleyi) was deemed insufficient evidence to extend the chronologic range of the labyrinthodonts (Colbert 1967), and was thought to have been reworked. Subsequently, a Middle Jurassic skull from China (Dong, 1985), Late Jurassic labyrinthodonts from Soviet Middle Asia (Nessov 1988) and a partial brachyopid jaw from the Early Cretaceous Strzelecki Group of southern Victoria (Jupp & Warren 1986) have further extended their range. The Australian Jurassic labyrinthodont, Siderops kehli (Warren & Hutchinson 1983) is a well preserved specimen, lacking only the distal limb bones, part of the tail, and a few pieces of skull (Fig. 8). It measured over two metres in total length being rivalled in size only by the Late Triassic metoposaurs who were also closest to it in time. These late labyrinthodonts represent an endpoint of a tendency to increase in size with time, seen in most Triassic temnospondyl families, In Australia, the Brachyopoidea (families Brachyopidae and Chigutisauridae) ranged from the Late Permian to the Early Cretaceous, an exceptionally long period for a labyrinthodont superfamily. AUSTRALIAN TEMNOSPONDYL-BEARING DEPOSITS Although Australian sediments in which temnospondy! labyrinthodonts have been found AUSTRALIAN FOSSIL AMPHIBIANS - 581 were deposited by a wide range of environments, their included faunas were consistently dominated by fish, or an amphibian - fish community. Only in the Jurassic and Cretaceous do ae t f oa SE 7, tip, i ; & « Se oe ., = > Oa ee Ay Ay eu 4 Ys Figure 8. Family Chigutisauridae: A, Siderops kehli , Evergreen Formation, Early Jurassic, Queensland (after Warren & Hutchinson 1983); scale bar, 250 mm; B, Keratobrachyops australis, Arcadia Formation, Early Triassic, Queensland (after Warren 1981); scale bar, 50 mm. reptiles predominate. The following is a list of these deposits with comments on their depositional environment and included fauna (Fig. 9). 582 - WARREN @ BLINA ARCADIA e | | ARCADIA@ iin aT GLENIDAL EVERGREEN MARBURG Brisbane et KOCKATEA NEWCASTLE COAL MEASURES NARRABEEN | ~~. CLOGHNAN® ~~@ HAWKESBURY | = C Sydney \ Canberras’ wianaMATTA ad Keo deg Melbourne \ Yo} GENOA RIVER BEDS " STRZELECKI evoonorrr| “Beau Hobart Figure 9. Distribution of labyrinthodont bearing localities in Australia. DEVONIAN GRAMPIANS GROUP. The Grampians Group as a whole is considered to be of fluvial origin (Spencer-Jones 1965) with the sediments bearing the trackways being deposited in a flooded backwater or overbank area, which also preserved as yet undescribed trace fossils of invertebrate origin. Acanthodian spines and thelodont scales, perhaps referable to Austrolepis seddoni occur in the Silverband Formation within the Grampians Group (Turner 1982a). GENOA RIVER BEDS. The Genoa River trackway was preserved in a fine grained red sandstone originally deposited under fluvial conditions. Bone beds containing disarticulated plates of the crossopterygians, Bothriolepis, Remigolepis and Groenlandaspis are found upstream and downstream of the footprint site (Young 1988). CLOGHNAN SHALE. The fossiliferous part of the Cloghnan Shale consists of red to brownish siltstone, shale and fine sandstone and is thought by Campbell & Bell (1977) to represent overbank deposits. Its fish fauna includes the lungfish Soederberghia and the placoderms Bothriolepis, Remigolepis and Phyllolepis. AUSTRALIAN FOSSIL AMPHIBIANS - 583 PERMIAN NEWCASTLE COAL MEASURES. A single poorly preserved but fairly complete brachyopid, Bothriceps australis (Welles & Estes 1969) was recovered from lacustrine oil shale near Airley, New South Wales. The palaeoniscid fish Elonichthyes and Urosthenes also occur in these coal measures (Long 1982). TRIASSIC NARRABEEN GROUP. The three Narrabeen labyrinthodonts are thought to have come from a fish bed in the Gosford Formation. This uppermost unit of the Narrabeen Series consists of laminated mudstone and sandy shale suggesting a lacustrine environment. An extensive fish fauna described by Woodward (1890), Wade (1940) and Ritchie (1981) includes a cestraciontid shark, the dipnoan Gosfordia truncata, three palaeoniscids, three catopterids, four perleidids, a single specimen of Belanorhynchus and two cleithrolepids. Recently a second locality about 8 kilometers away has yielded a similar fish fauna, but no amphibians (Ritchie 1987). At least two reptilian trackways have been found in the Narrabeen Group. HAWKESBURY SANDSTONE. In a quarry at Brookvale, north of Sydney, one labyrinthodont consisting of the skull roof impression of a capitosaur, Parotosuchus brookvalensis, was found associated with a collection of exquisitely preserved fish including a lungfish, Ceratodus formosus and about twenty genera of actinopterygii, most of which are palaeoniscids or catopterids, with a few holosteans (Wade 1935). These sediments are again lacustrine shales occurring as lenses within crossbedded sandstones. Fragmentary plates of labyrinthodont dermal bone have also been recorded from Hawkesbury Sandstone in the Sydney area (e.g. Stephens 1886) as have temnospondy] footprints. WIANAMATTA GROUP. Vertebrate fossils have been found in several quarries in the Ashfield Shale near the base of the Wianamatta Group. Best known is the St Peters quarry, in which the virtually complete capitosaur Paracyclotosaurus davidi was found inside a 2.8 metre ironstone nodule (Watson 1958), Another nodule contained a fragmentary brachyopid. Elsewhere from within the Ashfield Shale a small brachyopid amphibian Notobrachyops picketti has been described (Cosgriff 1973), and a fragmentary labyrinthodont was reported in the brickworks quarry at Bowral, while Pepperell & Grigg (1973) reported a temnospondy! trackway west of Sydney. Woodward (1908) found two distinct fish bearing rock types at St Peters. One, which was probably the same ironstone layer as produced P. davidi, contained a xenacanthid shark similar to a specimen recently found by Ritchie (1987) in the Narrabeen Group, as well as various actinopterygians and a lungfish, Sagenodus. Other actinopterygians were found in a black shale. The fish of the Wianamatta Group are largely holostean, in contrast to the chondrostean dominated faunas of the underlying Narrabeen and Hawkesbury ARCADIA FORMATION. The Arcadia Formation is characterised by thick sequences of red mudstone with thin green banding and was laid down by both meandering and anastamosing stream systems (Jensen 1975). Its fauna contrasts with that of the Sydney Basin in that fish are rare, and with that of typical Lystrosaurus Zone faunas in that synapsids are rare. Aside from the eight families of labyrinthodonts, which constitute 90% of the Arcadia fauna (Thulborn 1986) there are two lungfish (Turner 1982b), Saurichthyes (Turner 1982b) several small lizard-like reptiles (Kadimakara, a prolacertid and Kudnu, a paliguanid (Bartholomai 1979)), an undescribed procolophonid, a thecodont, Kalisuchus (Thulborn 1979) and two fragments of a dicynodont (Thulbom 1983). 584 - WARREN Figure 10. Scene by David Keen depicting life beside a quiet pool in the Arcadia Formation of Queensland in earliest Triassic times. The vertebrate fauna was dominated by a variety of temnospondyl amphibians. 1) Parotosuchus gunganj; 2) Parotosuchus aliciae - larger individual; 3) Parotosuchus AUSTRALIAN FOSSIL AMPHIBIANS - 585 aliciae - small juveniles; 4) Xenobrachyops allos; 5) Arcadia myriadens; 6) Keratobrachyops australis; 7) Ceratodus sp. cf C. phillipsi; 8) Saurichthys sp.; 9) Kudnu mackinlayi,; 10) ginkgo; 11) cycad; 12)ferns; 13) lycopod (Cylomeia); 14) giant horsetails; 15) charophyte algae; 16) dragonfly; scale bar, 1 m. 586 - WARREN ; GLENIDAL FORMATION. The environment of deposition of the Glenidal Formation is similar to that of the Arcadia Formation, which it overlies. A trematosaurid amphibian is its only recorded fossil. KNOCKLOFTY FORMATION. While much of the Knocklofty Formation is composed of floodplain deposits most fossil material was found in clay pebble conglomerate representing stream or river channels in the sandstones of the flood plain. Fish associated with the labyrinthodonts include the lungfish Ceratodus and the actinopterygians Acrolepis, Saurichthyes and Cleithrolepis. A single proterosuchian, Tasmaniosaurus, is the only known reptile (Camp & Banks 1978). Banks et al. (1978) considered that these fossils, together with fragmentary arthropod and plant material, represent a natural stream-dwelling and stream-margin community living under cool temperate conditions. CLUAN FORMATION. A partial skull of Deltasaurus is the only known vertebrate fossil from the Cluan Formation. It was found in a clay pebble conglomerate lens similar to those in the Knocklofty Formation. BLINA SHALE. The Blina Shale is a uniform sequence of buff-coloured sediments probably deposited under estuarine or deltaic conditions (McKenzie 1961). In these deposits labyrinthodonts again predominate. The few known fish include the lungfish Ceratodus, a coclacanthid and the actinopterygian Saurichthyes. KOCKATEA SHALE. This fine-grained, grey marine shale has produced a single rhytidosteid amphibian, Deltasaurus pustulatus, associated with 'fish' and marine invertebrates (Dickens et al, 1961). JURASSIC EVERGREEN FORMATION. Most of the sandstones of the Evergreen Formation were laid down under continental conditions, but the vertebrate-bearing horizon is probably an extension of the Westgrove Ironstone member. This consists of ferruginous sandstone, concretionary ironstone, and an argillaceous, oolitic band which may represent a marine incursion. Two plesiosaurian reptiles were found near the site of the labyrinthodont, Siderops kehli (Thulborn & Warren 1980). MARBURG SANDSTONE. The quartz-rich Marburg sandstones were deposited under fluvial conditions. Apart from the jaw fragment of Austropelor wadleyi, the vertebrate fauna of the Marburg is unknown. CRETACEOUS STRZELECKI GROUP. The rich fauna of the Strzelecki Group and its equivalent Otway Group represents a stream deposited thanatacoenosis. Apart from the partial labyrinthodont mandible, a fish, isolated bones of turtles, a pterosaur, at least two theropods and several ornithopods have been recovered from a range of localities on the coastal rock platform. The beds are sandstone, mudsione and shale with clay interclast conglomerates occasionally predominant near the base (Flannery & Rich 1981). CONCLUSIONS In summary, Australia's amphibian record contains the earliest and the latest occurrences of the labyrinthodonts, and shows the most diversity in the Early Triassic. Australia has no endemic temnospondyl families, and no families with an otherwise worldwide distribution are missing. No formation has produced as great a diversity of temnospondyls as has the Arcadia AUSTRALIAN FOSSIL AMPHIBIANS - 587 Formation of Queensland. The area which is now Australia may have been the centre of radiation within the Gondwanan block of Pangea for two groups of labyrinthodonts, the thytidosteids and the brachyopoids. Australian Triassic vertebrate faunas are dominated by temnospondy] labyrinthodonts or by fish, with reptiles a rare occurrence. REFERENCES BANKS, M., COSGRIFF, J. & KEMP, N., 1978. A Tasmanian Triassic stream community. Aust. Nat. Hist. 19: 150-157. sae i aiaaiaie A., 1979. New lizard-like reptiles from the Early Triassic of Queensland. Alcheringa 3: 225- 34. BOY, J.A., 1985. Uber Micropholis, den letzten Uberlebenden der Dissorophoidea (Amphibia, Temnospondyli: Unter-Trias). NM. Jb. Geol. Palaont. Mh. 1985: 29-45. CAMP, C.L. & BANKS, M.R., 1978. A proterosuchian reptile from the Early Triassic of Tasmania. Alcheringa 2: 143-148. 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Paleont. 47: 1094-1101. COSGRIFF, J.W., 1974. Lower Triassic Temnospondyli of Tasmania. Spec. Pap. geol. Soc. Am. 149, vi + 134p. COSGRIFF, J.W., 1984. The temnospondy] labyrinthodonts of the earliest Triassic. J. Vert. Paleo. 4: 30-46. COSGRIFF, J.W. & DE FAUW, S.L., 1987. A capitosaurid labyrinthodont from the Early Scythian of Tasmania. Alcheringa 11: 21-41. COSGRIFF, J.W. & GARBUTT, N.K., 1972. Erythrobatrachus noonkanbahensis, a trematosaurid species from the Blina Shale. J. Proc. R. Soc. West. Aust. 55: 5-18. COSGRIFF, J.W. & ZAWISKIE, J.M., 1979. A new species of the Rhytidosteoidae from the Lystrosaurus zone and a review of the Rhytidosteoidea. Palaeont. afr. 22: 1-27. DICKENS, J.M., MCTAVISH, R.A. & BALME, B.E., 1961. The Beagle Ridge Bore. Aust. Oil & Gas Journal 7: 20-21. DONG, Z., 1985. A Middle Jurassic labyrinthodont (Sinobrachyops placenticephalus gen.et sp. nov) from Dashaupu, Zigong, Sichuan Province. Vertebra. palasiat. 23: 301-307. FLANNERY, T.F. & RICH, T.H., 1981. 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MCKENZIE, K.H., 1961. Vertebrate localities in the Triassic Blina Shale of the Canning Basin, Westem Australia. J. Proc. R. Soc. West. Aust. 44: 69-76. NESSOV, L.A., 1988. Late Mesozoic amphibians and lizards of Soviet Middle Asia. Acta Zool. Cracow 31: 475-486. 588 - WARREN DP aed per 1988. Late Mesozoic amphibians and lizards of Soviet Middle Asia. Acta Zool. Cracow 31: PANCHEN, A.L., 1959. A new armoured amphibian from the Upper Permian of East Africa. Phil. Trans. R. Soc. B 242: 207-281. PANCHEN, A.L., 1977. Geographical and ecological distribution of the earliest tetrapods. In Major Patterns in Vertebrate Evolution, M.K. Hecht, P.C. Goody and B.M. Hecht, eds., Plenum New York. PEPPERELL, J. & GRIGG, G., 1973. A labyrinthodont trackway from the mid-Triassic near Sydney, New South Wales. Proc. Linn. Soc. N.S.W. 99: 54-56. RITCHIE, A., 1975. Groenlandaspis in Antarctica, Australia and Europe. Nature 254: 569-573. RITCHIE, A., 1981. First complete specimen of the dipnoan Gosfordia truncata Woodward from the Triassic of New South Wales. Rec. Aust. Mus. 33: 606-616. RITCHIE, A., 1987. The great Somersby fossil fish dig. Aust. Nat. Hist.22: 146-150. SMITHSON, T.R., 1980. A new Labyrinthodont Amphibian from the Carboniferous of Scotland. Palaeontology 23: 915-923. SMITHSON, T.R., 1985. Scottish Carboniferous amphibian localities. Scott. J. Geol. 21: 123-142. SPENCER-JONES, D., 1965. The geology and structure of the Grampians area, western Victoria. Mem. geol. Surv. Vict. 25: 1-92. STEPHENS, W.J., 1886. Note on a labyrinthodont fossil from Cockatoo Island, Port Jackson. Proc. Linn. Soc. N.S.W.: 931-940. THULBORN, R.A. 1979. A proterosuchian thecodont from the Rewan Formation of Queensland. Mem. Qd. Mus. 19: 331-355. THULBORN, R.A., 1983. A mammal-like reptile from Australia. Nature 303: 330- 331. THULBORN, R.A., 1986. Early Triassic tetrapod faunas of southeastem Gondwana. Alcheringa 10: 297- 313. THULBORN, R.A. & WARREN, A.A., 1980. Early Jurassic plesiosaurs from Australia. Nature 285: 224- 225. TURNER, S., 1982a. Middle Palaeozoic elasmobranch remains from Australia. J. Vert. Paleo. 2: 117-131. TURNER, S., 1982b. A catalogue of fossil fish in Queensland. Mem. Qd. Mus. 20: 599-611. WADE, R.T., 1935. The Triassic Fishes of Brookvale, New South Wales. British Museum (Natural History), London. WADE, R.T., 1940. The Triassic fishes of Gosford, New South Wales. J. Proc. R. Soc. N.S.W. 73: 206- 217. WADE, R.T., 1953. Note on a Triassic fish fossil from Leigh Creek, South Australia. Trans. R. Soc. S. Aust. 76: 80-81. WARREN, A.A., 1977. Jurassic labyrinthodont, Nature 265: 436-437. WARREN, A.A., 1980. Parotosuchus from the Early Triassic of Queensland and Western Australia. Alcheringa 4: 25-36. WARREN, A.A., 1981. A horned member of the labyrinthodont Superfamily Brachyopoidea from the Early Triassic of Queensland. Alcheringa 5: 273- 288. WARREN, A.A., 1985a. An Australian plagiosauroid. J. Paleont.59: 236-241. WARREN, A.A., 1985b. Two long snouted temnospondyls (Amphibia, Labyrinthodontia) from the Triassic of Queensland. Alcheringa 9: 293- 295. WARREN, A.A. & BLACK, T.D., 1985. A new rhytidosteid (Amphibia, Labyrinthodontia) from the Early Triassic Arcadia Formation of Queensland, Australia, and a consideration of the relationships of Triassic temnospondyls. J. Vert. Paleo. 5: 303-327. WARREN, A.A. & HUTCHINSON, M.N., 1983. The last labyrinthodont? A new brachyopoid (Amphibia, Temnospondyli) from the Early Jurassic Evergreen Formation of Queensland, Australia. Phil. Trans. R. Soc. B 303: 1-62. WARREN, A.A. & HUTCHINSON, M.N., 1987. The skeleton of a new hornless rhytidosteid (Amphibia, Temnospondyli). Alcheringa 11: 291-302. WARREN, A.A. & HUTCHINSON, M.N., 1988. The morphology and relationships of a new capitosaurid (Amphibia, Temnospondyli) from the Early Triassic of Queensland, with notes on the ontogeny of the capitosaurid skull. Palaeontology 31: 857-876. WARREN, A.A. & HUTCHINSON, M.N.,1989. Lapillopsis, a new genus of temnospondyl amphibians from the Early Triassic of Queensland. Alcheringa 14: 149-158. WARREN, A.A., JUPP, R. & BOLTON, B., 1986. Early Devonian tetrapod trackway. Alcheringa 10: 183- 186. WARREN, J.W. & WAKEFIELD, N.A., 1972. Trackways of tetrapod vertebrates from the Upper Devonian of Victoria, Australia. Nature 238: 469-470. WATSON, D.M.S., 1958. A new labyrinthodont (Paracyclotosaurus) from the Upper Trias of New South Wales. Bull. Br. Mus. nat. Hist. 3: 233-263. AUSTRALIAN FOSSIL AMPHIBIANS - 589 WELLES, S.P. & ESTES, R., 1969. Hadrokkosaurus bradyi from the Upper Moenkopi Formation of Arizona with a review of the brachyopid labyrinthodonts. Univ. Calif. Publs geol. Sci 84: 1-61. WOODWARD, A.S., 1890. The fossil fishes of the Hawkesbury Series at Gosford. Mem. Geol. Surv. N.S.W. (Palaeontology) 4: 1-55. WOODWARD, A.S. 1908. The fossil fishes of the Hawkesbury Series at St. Peter's. Mem. Geol. Surv. N.S.W. (Palaeontology) 10: 1-29. i . YOUNG, G.C., 1974. Stratigraphic occurrence of some placoderm fishes in the Middle and Late Devonian. Newsl. Stratigr.3: 243-261. ‘ . YOUNG, G.C., 1988. Palaeontology of the Late Devonian and Early Carboniferous. In Geology of Victoria, J.G. Douglas & J.A. Ferguson, eds., Victorian Division Geological Society of Australia, Melboume: 191-194. 590 - WARREN Siderops kehli, a labyrinthodont amphibian from the Jurassic of Queensland. On the bank, from a clump of horsetails and club-mosses, an individual of this species keeps tracks of a pterosaur. The individual in the pond pursues some contemporary lungfish. (From Rich & van Tets 1985, with permission of The Museum of Victoria). CHAPTER 17 AUSTRALIAN FOSSIL FROGS Michael J. Tyler! INTOGUC HON Asis 4.325% Aeebcess Miles bP Adeea hoes Whee eal ade 592 ePhes SKCTSTOM ee tet nl. et tae, ieee aa .tscret she Se 592 Nomenclature and Phylogeny ...................s00eees 593 Specificity of Anuran Bones................cccceceeeeee 595 Features of the Ilium ...................ccecceceeenceeeees 596 The Mertanyshamarcins. toss ce decedcs4 deeaee ceracadtenee 596 The Quatemary-Bauna sss. cose ctiwee sedge sds cabecaneeeee 598 DAS CUSS1O Mets. c.Sea5..batteds eee a cbushc seis oe See seiwes nce 598 ACKnNOWI1CAUZEMENIS.........ccceccecesceteeceececeeceeeeees 601 IRELETENCES Beers cect des ia ees Sila s2clelho's idenSoinn Ss 601 1 Department of Zoology, University of Adelaide, Box 498, G.P.O., Adelaide, South Australia 5001, Australia. 592 - TYLER INTRODUCTION At the latest assessment the world frog (anuran) fauna was estimated to include 3493 recognized species (Frost 1985) and, if the current rate of description is maintained, the actual total will be at least 4000. Given that twenty years ago it was estimated at 2500 species, the extent of taxonomic activity in recent years is evident. Within Australia approximately 200 species are now recognized. This represents an increase of more than 100% in twenty-five years. The greater part of that increase is a reflection of improved knowledge of the distribution and diversity of species in northern Australia. For example, in the same period the number of species known to occur in the Northern Territory has changed from fourteen to forty-five: an increase of 214% (Tyler & Davies 1986). The first fossil frog from Australia was reported from Lake Palankarinna in the Lake Eyre Basin of South Australia (Tyler 1974). Subsequent studies have led to the location of twenty species from eight sites throughout the continent (Tyler 1989a). The age of the material ranges from the Late Oligocene through to the Late Pleistocene. THE SKELETON In comparison with other orders of animals, the skeleton in the Anura is remarkably conservative. For example, the number of pre-sacral vertebrae in modern species ranges from five to nine, and limb bones are commonly so similar that the long bones rarely are of any value in familial or generic identifications. However, the vast amount of such material found in Australia has not been subjected to a detailed analysis. The extremes of osteological diversity that exist in Australian species is attributable in some way to one of two processes. Firstly, there is failure of some bones to complete the customary degree of ossification, so producing arrested development and hence paedomorphic characters (for example, the exposure of a vast fronto-parietal foramen in the roof of the skull, rather than complete median apposition or fusion of the frontoparietals). Loss of phalanges or entire digits in many small burrowing species is probably attributable to a similar event. The second process is basically just the opposite - namely the failure of bone deposition to cease at its customary stage, so that an elaboration or exostosis of ridges or other sculpture is produced on the outer surface of the skull. Exostosis is significant because it obscures and hence reinforces sutures, conceivably reducing the likelihood of post-mortem disarticulation of bones at those sites. Accounts of frog osteology are widely scattered in the literature, but almost all species descriptions of the Australian fauna have appeared within the last fifteen years, principally through the work of M. Davies and her colleagues. Essential reading preparatory to any investigation of frog osteology is the superb review by Trueb (1973), who synthesises the literature available at that time, and provides a bone by bone analysis of variation observed in anurans. Other publications particularly relevant to the Australian fauna are those of Lynch (1971), which redefined most of the genera known at that time, and Davies (1978), which presented an account of intraspecific variation in several populations of the large tree frog (Litoria infrafrenata). Major contributions on broad aspects of frog osteology or descriptions of cranial or post-cranial features are listed in Table 1. AUSTRALIAN FOSSIL FROGS - 593 NOMENCLATURE AND PHYLOGENY In an article in Rich & Thompson (1982) I described the nomenclature of Australian frogs as being “in a state of flux" and expressed the hope that nomenclatural stability would be reached soon. a Table 1: Sources of osteological data on Australian frogs. Family Hylidae Leptodactylidae Microhylidae Genus Cyclorana Litoria Nyctimystes Adelotus Arenophryne Assa Crinia Geocrinia Heleioporus Kyarranus Lechriodus Limnodynastes Megistolotis Myobatrachus Neobatrachus Notaden Philoria Pseudophryne Rheobatrachus Taudactylus Uperoleia Cophixalus Sphenophryne Contributors Stephenson (1965); Tyler (1976); Tyler, Davies & Martin (1981a, 1982) Briggs (1940); Buchanan (1921); Davies (1978); Davies, Martin & Watson (1983); Davies & McDonald (1979); Davies. McDonald & Adams (1986); Gilles & Peberdy (1917); Tyler (1976). Tyler & Davies (1977, 1978a, 1978b, 1979, 1985); Tyler, Davies & Martin (1977, 1978) Tyler & Davies (1979) Lynch (1971) Davies (1984) Tyler (1976) Davies (1984), du Toit (1934), Lynch (1971), Thompson (1981), Tyler (1976) Tyler (1976) Lynch (1971); Tyler (1976); Tyler, Martin & Davies (1979) Lynch (1971), Tyler (1976) Lynch (1971), Tyler (1976) Lynch (1971); Tyler (1978); Tyler, Martin & Davies (1979) Tyler, Martin & Davies (1979) Davies (1984), Lynch (1971), Tyler (1976) Lynch (1971); Tyler, Davies & Walker (1985) Lynch (1971), Shea & Johnston (1988) Lynch (1971), Tyler (1976) Davies (1984), Lynch (1971), Tyler (1976), Tyler & Davies (1980) Davies (1983); Davies & Burton (1982); Mahony, Tyler & Davies (1984) Czechura (1986), Liem & Hosmer (1973), Tyler (1976) Davies & Littlejohn (1986); Davies, Mahony & Roberts (1985); Davies & Martin (1988); Davies & McDonald (1985). Davies, McDonald & Corben (1986); Davies, Watson & Miller (1987); Stephenson (1965); Tyler & Davies (1984); Tyler, Davies & Martin (1981a, 1981b. 1981c); Tyler, Davies & Watson (1987) Zweifel (1985) Fry (1912), Zweifel (1985) 594 - TYLER That description is equally true today and, if anything, the state of nomenclature is even more uncertain. _Palaeontologists, like any group of investigators, seek stability of nomenclature to ensure universality in the taxonomy of organisms. I think that we all recognize that changes are inevitable with improved understanding of the nature and relationships of taxa. Insofar as frog nomenclature is concerned, it seems to me that the instability, namely the use of more than one name for a taxon, is attributable to two factors. Firstly, workers may disagree on the weighting to attribute to the divergence that exists amongst organisms. Whereas one person may choose to recognise two units amongst a group of, for example, ten species, another, with perhaps a more conservative view, may recognise only one. This sort of argument is healthy; concepts and criteria are challenged. If it results in change, then the case is likely to be well argued and hence, hopefully, supported by all. Stability can be expected to follow. The second area producing instability of nomenclature is the existence of conflict between associations of taxa derived from morphological and other techniques. As an example, Tyler & Davies (1978a) produced a provisional subdivision of the Australopapuan hylid frogs in the genus Litoria. On the basis of osteological, myological and biological features they recognised 37 infrageneric units, which they referred to as "species-groups". Mammalogists or entomologists might have termed them "sub-genera”. But the term selected is unimportant. It was one of convenience intended only to demonstrate that some species were more closely related to one another than they were to other species within the genus. King (1980) undertook a cytotaxonomic study of the Australian species of Litoria. He postulated that given the chromosomal stability of many groups, the presence of shared, derived states was of sufficient note to indicate the existence of genuine relationships. In general, King's results suggested broadly similar groupings of species to those of Tyler & Davies. Discordance, however, resulted in some of Tyler & Davies' groups appearing heterogeneous, whereas others appeared unfounded. More recently Hutchinson & Maxson (1986, 1987a) have employed micro-complement fixation (M.C.-F.) techniques involving comparison of serum albumins to examine phylogenetic relationships amongst some Australopapuan hylids. Their results have produced a third perspective, agreeing in some areas with the previous contributors and differing in others. Nomenclature has yet to come to grips with how to handle conclusions reached from totally different perspectives. Morphology is not sacrosanct, but it is extremely disturbing to learn that whereas morphological studies demonstrated conclusively that the species M. lignarius was justifiably referred to a distinct genus (Megistolotis Tyler, Martin & Davies 1979), M.C.-F. data indicated that it is as closely related to Limnodynastes convexiusculus as the remainder of congeners are to each other (Hutchinson & Maxson 1987b). Hillis (1987) has addressed the topic of conflicts derived from morphological and other approaches but reaches no firm conclusion. It is a topic with which palaeontologists need to become familiar. I referred briefly above to the significance that different workers attribute to the degree of morphological change between taxa. It is abundantly clear that fundamental differences exist in concepts of genera and families in different classes. This may reflect the degree of lability of morphological characters. In the case of frogs, problems are created by evolutionary conservatism. As an example of conflicting views of interpretation of significance, Tyler & Davies (1978a) viewed Litoria caerulea and L. splendida, members of a separate species complex, the L. caerulea group. Savage (1986), citing the diagnosis provided by these authors, considered these frogs to be members of a distinct genus and so resurrected Pelodryas to accommodate AUSTRALIAN FOSSIL FROGS - 595 them. It is worth noting that the names of all frog taxa included in Frost (1985) reflect the most recent treatment; no assessment is made of the merit of the proposals. Two alternative names are currently in use for Australian families: the Pelodryadidae for the Hylidae, and the Myobatrachidae for the Leptodactylidae. SPECIFICITY OF ANURAN BONES All Australian material currently available comprises disarticulated and spatially separated fragments. The association of isolated bones with individuals is currently not possible, and there has been a need to select one bone upon which specific identification can be made in most cases. Without doubt, the ilium is the most satisfactory bone for purposes of identification of extant species and for characterization of extinct forms. Certainly other bones have useful diagnostic data, but amongst disarticulated bones the ilium is probably the best. The features predisposing the ilium to this significance are as follows: Dorsal crest ~~ Acet. fossa llial shaft V. acet.exp. D. prom. D. protub. Se sa \ D. acet. exp. pre-acet. zone Figure 1. Lateral views of left ilia. Above possessing a dorsal crest; below, lacking crest. Key to abbreviations: Acet fossa, acetabular fossa; D. acet. exp., dorsal acetabular expansion; D. prom., dorsal prominence; D. protub., dorsal protuberance; pre-acet. zone, pre-acetabular zone; V. acet. exp., ventral acetabular expansion. 596 - TYLER (a) In assemblages of fossil bones from various vertebrates, the ilium is unlike any other and hence is readily imprinted in the formation of a search-image. The elongate shaft and flat, axe-like head bearing a crescentic portion of the acetabular fossa (Fig. 1) is rapidly distinguished from long bones, maxillae, etc. Small rodent ribs are the nearest visual candidates, and they can be distinguished macroscopically in the sorting process by rolling them: the protrusion of the terminal articulation and curvature of the shaft of a rodent rib prevent it from lying flat, whereas a frog ilium is always flat, and it cannot be rolled. (b) Ilial shaft length is related to the total length of the head and the body (unlike limb bones which can exhibit a 300% variation relative to total length). Hence, the size of the donor animal can be calculated with reasonable precision. c) The prominence of the rim surrounding the acetabular fossa and the width of the acetabular bone indicates the surface area available for the attachment of muscle fibres and so permits interpretation of body length and muscular development, giving an indication of the habitus of the entire frog. FEATURES OF THE ILIUM Lateral views of two generalised ilia are depicted in Fig. 1. The position of the ilium in the skeleton is illustrated in Fig. 2. A comparative study of the ilia of Australian frog genera was undertaken by Tyler in 1976. Each genus, except the more recently named Arenophryne and Megistolotis, is illustrated there; a summary illustration from that paper is included in Figs 3-4. The Arenophryne ilium was described by Davies (1984). The ilium of frogs can be diagnosed with many features. The ilial shaft is straight or slightly bowed in profile, and rounded or oval in section. Occasionally it bears a lateral groove or a dorsal crest. On the dorsal surface near the origin of the shaft a dorsal prominence bearing a small knob, the dorsal protuberance, is generally present. The dorsal prominence generally lies on a level with the anterior extremity of the acetabular fossa, and it merges into the dorsal acetabular expansion, which articulates with the ischium. Inferiorly, the shaft expands gently or abruptly to form the pre-acetabular zone, which merges insensibly into the ventral acetabular expansion that in turn articulates with the pubis. The portion of the acetabular fossa upon the ilium varies in shape from a semi-circle or an ellipse to a roughly triangular form (Fig. 1). THE TERTIARY FAUNA It is only within the last two years that any major progress has been made in determining the composition of the Australian Tertiary anuran fauna. The first specimen obtained was reported by Tyler (1974) and subsequently described as the new genus and species Australobatrachus ilius Tyler (1976). It was from the Ngapalkaldi Fauna in the Etadunna Formation at Lake Palankarinna, South Australia. What set it apart from extant species was the presence of a groove along the length of the ilium. Additional specimens were reported from the same site (Tyler 1982, 1986) and also from the Namba Formation at Lake Yanda to the south (Tyler 1986), Additional elements in the Ngapalkaldi Fauna are a Litoria sp. cf. L. caerulea, two further unnamed Liforia species (one reported by Estes 1984) and the extinct Limnodynastes archeri. The age of the Ngapalkaldi Fauna initially was considered, based upon palynological evidence, to be mid-Miocene (W.K. Harris, pers. comm.). However, Lindsay (1987) suggests that it may be older, perhaps Late Oligocene - Miocene. oN Ly i , AUSTRALIAN FOSSIL FROGS - 598 - TYLER The Riversleigh Station sites, northwest of Mt Isa, Queensland are extremely rich in frog material. Since early 1988, 600 anuran ilia have been recovered. Dominant amongst them is Lechriodus intergerivus Tyler (1989b). The remainder includes species of Litoria, Limnodynastes, Crinia and Kyarranus. Although the material obtained to date is from strata considered to be of Miocene and, particularly, mid-Miocene age, there are evident similarities to the apparently older Ngapakaldi fauna. As yet no fossils clearly dated as Pliocene have been reported. However, a single ilium of the burrowing frog, Neobatrachus pictus, has been found at Curramulka, South Australia, believed to be from sediments lying on the Pliocene/Pleistocene boundary (Tyler 1988). THE QUATERNARY FAUNA Most of our knowledge of the Quaternary fauna is derived from two pairs of juxtaposed sites. The first to be reported were those from Victoria Cave, Naracoorte and Henschke's Cave in the extreme southeast of South Australia (Tyler 1977). These localities yielded 166 ilia representing five species common to the vicinity today: Litoria ewingi, Limnodynastes tasmaniensis, Limnodynastes sp. cf. L. dumerilii, Crinia signifera and Geocrinia sp. cf. G. laevis (Fig. 3). Uncertainty about the specific identity of the last two species is a consequence of limited morphological divergence between them and cognate species that occur elsewhere in southeastern Australia. The second pair of significant sites are Skull Cave and Devil's Lair at Cape Naturaliste in the extreme southwest of Western Australia, whose fauna was reported by Tyler (1985). There, too, the species represented included only taxa living in that area today: Litoria adelaidensis, Litoria sp. cf. L. cyclorhynchus and L. moorei, Crinia georgiana, Heleioporus/Neobatrachus spp., Limnodynastes dorsalis and Pseudophryne guentheri (Figs 3, 4). A total of 409 ilia are included in those samples. To date all Quaternary fossil frogs can be associated with those that are extant. There is no doubt a bias in favour of associating fossil forms with extant species, and it seems to be a reasonable policy to assume close similarity rather than to split on the basis of minor points of deviation. The material reported here is all considered to be of Late Pleistocene age and, in fact, no more than 40,000 yBP. At each of the localities the fossils represent species that occur in the same areas today (Tyler 1978; Tyler, Smith & Johnstone 1984). DISCUSSION The knowledge of the fossil fauna remains, like the material, very fragmentary. To date all fossil species documented are members of the Hylidae and Leptodactylidae, which are considered Gondwanan elements (Tyler 1979). The extant Ranidae and Microhylidae are represented largely upon the tropical Cape York Peninsula of Queensland; one microhylid occupies the northern periphery of Arnhem Land in the Northern Territory. Neither family is known from the fossil record of Australia, and their origin is assumed to be from the Oriental Region, where they are diverse and abundant, following the collision of the Australian and Oriental plates in the Miocene. It is worth noting that Savage (1973) postulated the existence of microhylids in Australia for a longer period, with the group progressively retreating northwards associated with assumed widespread aridity in the middle of the Cainozoic. I am uncertain of the evidence for that aridity AUSTRALIAN FOSSIL FROGS - 599 but, if the presence of the family in Australia is of such antiquity, representatives could be Figure 3. Pelvis or isolated ilium of hylid and leptodactylid frogs: A, Litoria caerulea, x2; B, L. lesueuri, x2; C, L. eucnemis, x5; C, Nyctimystes zweifeli, x2; E, Adelotus brevis, x5; F, Assa darlingtoni, x5; G, Crinia georgiana, x5; H., Cyclorana novaehollandiae, x2; I, Geocrinia laevis, x5;J, Uperoleia sp. x5; K, Heleioporus albopunctatus, x2; L, Kyarranus kundagungan , x5; M, Lechroidus fletcheri, x5; N, Limnodynastes peroni, x5; O, Mixophyes fasciolatus, x2. 600 - TYLER Figure 4. Pelvis or isolated ilia of leptodactylid, microhylid and ranid frogs: A, Myobatrachus gouldii, x5; B, Notaden melanoscaphus, x5; C, Neobatrachus centralis, x5; D, Philoria frosti, x5, E, Pseudophryne bibroni, x5; F, Ranidella parinsignifera, x5; G, Rheobatrachus silus, x5; H, Taudactylus diurnus, x5; I, Uperoleia sp., x5; J, Cophixalus ornatus, x5; K, Sphenophryne robusta, x12.5; Rana daemeli, x5. AUSTRALIAN FOSSIL FROGS - 601 expected at sites such as Riversleigh. To date no microhylids have been detected there or elsewhere. In northern Australia it appears that the radiation of several frog species is a Holocene phenomenon. Tyler (1972) examined the significance of Torres Strait as a barrier and a corridor for dispersal of frogs from and to New Guinea. Where a species exhibited a widespread distribution in northern Australia, but did not penetrate New Guinea, it was assumed that it did not exist upon the Cape York Peninsula when fluctuating corridors permitted faunal interchange. Neither extinction nor ecological exclusion will explain the absence of Cyclorana species from New Guinea. In Australia these burrowing frogs extend from the high rainfall periphery of the northern wet-dry tropics, through to the central areas of unreliable rainfall and periodic, prolonged drought. One species, Cyclorana australis, ranges across almost the entire northern half of the continent. Yet this species, and congeners, failed to reach New Guinea. Tyler, Davies & Watson (1986) expressed surprise at the absence of C. australis upon Groote Eylandt in the Gulf of Carpentaria, whereas it occurs on the adjacent mainland, separated by a marine barrier no more than 30 m deep. Given the dominance of the species in the frog fauna of northern Australia, they concluded that it did not exist upon the adjacent mainland when the opportunity for dispersal across land existed. The significance of these observations to an understanding of the fossil record of Australian frogs is profound, for it suggests that temporal changes of some magnitude in the distribution of some species have been rapid. The finding of a Quaternary deposit in northern Australia might permit clarification of the apparent change in at least a portion of the fauna. Whereas it is customary to view the identification of the frog fauna solely in terms of the existing native families, more primitive groups may once have occurred here. The most likely is the Leiopelmatidae, now known from three species of Leiopelma in New Zealand. Worthy (1987) has described and illustrated the extant species and described three new subfossil species. I do not wish to try to make a compelling argument for the existence of leiopelmatids in Australia at any time in the past. It is worth being familiar with their skeletal characteristics, however, and to note that Worthy's data provide an excellent reference source. ACKNOWLEDGEMENTS I am indebted to Neville Pledge, Rod Wells and Mike Archer who collectively initiated and maintained my forays into palaeontology. Veronica Ward has provided invaluable assistance in my studies and Margaret Davies kindly provided Figs 1 and 2. Figs 3 and 4 are reproduced with the permission of the Royal Society of South Australia. Financial support from the Australian Research Grants Scheme is gratefully acknowledged. REFERENCES BRIGGS, E.A., 1940. Anatomy of Animal Types for Students of Zoology. Angus & Robertson, Sydney. BUCHANAN, G., 1921. Elements of Animal Morphology. Lothian, Melbourne. CZECHURA, G., 1986. A new species of Taudactylus (Myobatrachidae) from southeastem Queensland, Australia. Mem. Qd. Mus. 22: 299-307. DAVIES, M., 1978. Variation in the cranial osteology of the Australo-papuan hylid frog Litoria infrafrenata. Rec. S. Aust. Mus. 17(22): 337-345. DAVIES, M., 1983. The Skeleton. In The Gastric Brooding Frog. M.J. Tyler, ed. Croom Helm, London & Canberra: 58-68. DAVIES. M., 1984. The osteology of Arenophryne rotunda Tyler (Anura: Leptodactylidae) and comparisons with other myobatrachine genera. Aust. J. Zool. 32(6): 789-802. 602 - TYLER DAVIES, M. & BURTON, T.C., 1982. Osteology and myology of the gastric brooding frog Rheobatrachus silus Liem (Anura: Hylidae). Aust. J. Zool. 30: 503-521. DAVIES, M. & LITTLEJOHN, M.J., 1986. Frogs of the genus Uperoleia Gray (Anura: Leptodactylidae) in south-eastern Australia. Trans. R. Soc. S. Aust. 110: 111-144. 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Age and habitat of a monospecific foraminiferal fauna from near-type Etadunna Formation, Lake Palankarinna. Lake Eyre Basin. S. Aust. Dept Mines & Energy Rept 87/93, unpublished. LYNCH, J.D., 1971. Evolutionary relationships, osteology and zoogeography of leptodactyloid frogs. Misc. Publs. Mus. nat. Hist. Univ. Kans. 53: 1-238. MAHONY, M., TYLER, M.J. & DAVIES, M., 1984. A new species of the genus Rheobatrachus (Anura: Leptodactylidae) from Queensland. Trans. R. Soc. S. Aust. 108: 155-162, RICH, P.V. & THOMPSON, E.M., eds., 1982. The Fossil Vertebrate Record of Australasia. Monash Univ. Offset Printing Unit, Clayton. SAVAGE, J.M., 1973. The geographic distribution of frogs: patterns and predictions. In Evolutionary Biology of the Anurans. Contemporary research on major problems. J.L. Vial, ed., Univ. Missouri Press, Columbia: 15. SAVAGE, J.M., 1986. Nomenclatural notes on the Anura (Amphibia). Proc. biol. Soc, Wash. 99: 42-45. SHEA, G.M. & JOHNSTON, G.R., 1988. A new species of Notaden (Anura: Leptodactylidae) from the Kimberley Division of Western Australia. Trans. R. Soc. S. Aust. 112: 29-37. STEPHENSON, N.G., 1965. Heterochronous changes among Australian leptodactylid frogs. Proc. Zool. Soc. London 144: 339-350, THOMPSON, M.B., 1981. The systematic status of the genus Australocrinia Heyer and Liem (Anura: Leptodactylidae). Aust. J. Zool. 29: 93-102. AUSTRALIAN FOSSIL FROGS - 603 TRUEB, L., 1973. Bones, frogs and evolution. In Evolutionary Biology of the Anurans: Contemporary Research on Major Problems. J.L. Vial, ed., University of Missouri Press, Columbia, 65-132. TYLER, M.J., 1972. An analysis of the lower vertebrate faunal relationships of Australia and New Guinea. In Bridge and Barrier: the Natural and Cultural History of Torres Strait. D. Walker, ed., Aust. Nat. Univ. Res. Sch. Pacific Stud., Dept. Biogeogr. Geomorph. publ. BG/3, Canberra, 231-256. TYLER, M.J., 1974. First frog fossils from Australia. Nature 248: 711-712. TYLER, M.J., 1976. Comparative osteology of the pelvic girdle of Australian frogs and description of a new fossil genus. Trans. R. Soc. S. Aust. 100: 3-14. TYLER, M.J., 1977. Pleistocene frogs from caves at Naracoorte, South Australia. Trans. R. Soc. S. Aust. 101: 85-89. TYLER. M.J., 1978. Amphibians of South Australia. Handbooks of the Flora and Fauna of South Australia, Adelaide. TYLER, M.J., 1979. Herpetofaunal relationships of Australia with South America. In The South American Herpetofauna: its Origin, Evolution and Dispersal. W.E, Duellman, ed., Monogr. Mus. Nat. Hist. Univ. Kansas 7: 73-106 TYLER, M.J., 1982. Tertiary frogs from South Australia. Alcheringa 6: 101-103. TYLER, M.J., 1985. Quatemary fossil frogs from Skull Cave and Devil's Lair in the extreme south-west of western Australia. Rec. West. Aust. Mus. 12: 233-240. TYLER, M.J., 1986. Additional records of Australobatrachus ilius (Anura: Hylidae) from the Tertiary of South Australia. Alcheringa 10: 401-402. TYLER, M.J., 1988. Neobatrachus pictus (Anura: Leptodactylidae) from the Miocene/Pliocene boundary of South Australia. Trans. R. Soc. S. Aust. 112: 91. TYLER, M.J., 1989a. Australian Frogs. Viking O'Neill, Melbourne. TYLER, M.J., 1989b. A new species of Lechriodus (Anura: Leptodactylidae) from the Tertiary of Queensland, with a redefinition of the ilial characteristics of the genus. Trans. R. Soc. S. Aust. 113: 15-21. TYLER, M.J. & DAVIES, M., 1977. A new species of hylid frog from northern Queensland. Copeia 1977: 620-623. TYLER, M.J. & DAVIES, M., 1978a. Species groups within the Australo-Papuan hylid frog genus Litoria Tschudi. Aust. J. Zool., Suppl. 63: 1-47. TYLER, M.J. & DAVIES, M., 1978b. The phylogenetic relationships of Australian hyline and Neotropical phyliomedusine frogs of the family Hylidae. Herpetologica 34: 219-224. TYLER, M.J. & DAVIES, M., 1979. Redefinition and evolutionary origin of the Australopapuan hylid frog genus Nyctimystes Stejneger. Aust. J. Zool. 27: 755-772. TYLER, MJ. & DAVIES, M., 1980. Systematic status of Kankanophryne Heyer & Liem (Anura: Leptodactylidae). Trans. R. Soc. S. Aust. 104:17-20. TYLER, M.J. & DAVIES, M., 1984. Uperoleia Gray (Anura: Leptodactylidae) in New Guinea. Trans. R. Soc. S. Aust. 108: 123-125. TYLER, M.J. & DAVIES, M., 1985. A new species of Litoria (Anura: Hylidae) from New South Wales, Australia. Copeia 1985(1): 145-149. TYLER, M.J. & DAVIES, M., 1986. Frogs of the Northern Territory. Conservation Commission of the N.T., Darwin. TYLER, M.J., DAVIES, M. & MARTIN, A.A., 1977. A new species of large, green tree frog from northem Wester Australia. Trans. R. Soc. S. Aust. 101: 133-138. TYLER, M.J., DAVIES, M. & MARTIN, A.A., 1978. A new species of hylid frog from the Northern Territory. Trans. R. Soc. S. Aust. 102: 151-157. TYLER, M.J., DAVIES, M. & MARTIN, A.A., 1981la. New and rediscovered species of frogs from the Derby- Broome area of Western Australia. Rec. W. Aust. Mus. 9: 147-172. TYLER. M.J., DAVIES, M. & MARTIN, A.A., 1981b. Australian frogs of the leptodactylid genus Uperoleia Gray. Aust. J. Zool., Suppl. Ser. 79: 1-64, TYLER, M.J., DAVIES, M. & MARTIN, A.A., 198lc. Frog fauna of the Norther Territory: new distributional records and the description of a new species. Trans. R. Soc. S. Aust. 105: 149-154. TYLER, M.J., DAVIES, M. & MARTIN, A.A., 1982. Biology, morphology, and distribution of the Australian fossorial frog Cyclorana cryptotis (Anura: Hylidae). Copeia 1982(3): 260-264. TYLER. M.J., DAVIES, M. & WALKER, K.F., 1985. Abrasion injuries in burrowing frogs from the Northem Territory, Australia. Zool. AnZ. 214: 54-60. TYLER, M.J., DAVIES, M. & WATSON, G.F., 1986. The frog fauna of Groote Eylandt, Northern Territory, Australia. Zool. J. Linn. Soc. 88: 91-101. TYLER, M.J., DAVIES, M. & WATSON, G.F., 1987. Frogs of the Gibb River Road, Kimberley Division, Western Australia. Rec. W. Aust. Mus. 13: 541-552. TYLER, M.J., MARTIN, A.A. & DAVIES, M., 1979. Biology and systematics of a new limnodynastine genus (Anura: Leptodactylidae) from north-western Australia. Aust. J. Zool. 27: 135-150. 604 - TYLER TYLER, M.J., SMITH, L.A. & JOHNSTONE. R.E., 1984. Frogs of Western Australia. Western Australian Museum, Perth. WORTHY, T.H., 1987. Osteology of Leiopelma (Amphibia: Leiopelmatidae) and description of three new subfossil Leiopelma species. J. R. Soc. N.Z.17: 201-251. ZWEIFEL. R.G., 1985. Australian frogs of the family Microhylidae. Bull. Am. Mus. nat. hist. 82: 267-388. CHAPTER 18 FOSSIL REPTILES IN AUSTRALIA Ralph E. Molnar! FOO COM sits cca pabiccves'na¥ fase eevedtdiawadt 606 Mesozoic Record.....cccccceccesessscseeesereees 610 Procolophonians ............0..cecsceeeceeee 613 POSIT ER a rcs e ds eads dyyeasechataeoaacusvels 615 ANALOMY... oc. cececeeececcescesceeceecees 615 Evolution and Taxonomy........... 616 The Australian Record .............05 617 Palacozoogeography............00.005 619 PV APSIOS Lin lvceede ones vEveesTegadessodtes 620 Evolution and Taxonomy........... 620 The Australo-Antarctic Record..... 620 Palacobiology and Palacozoogcography............. 621 Lepidosauls...........cccccesecseeceeeeeueeees 622 AMALOMY....cecccecsesececceeeceeecee sees 622 Evolution and Taxonomy........... 623 The Australian Record ............... 623 Palaeozoogeography..........0...006. 624 Ichthyoplerygians...........cceccceeeeeeeees 624 AMALOMY... ec eeceeccecceseeeeteeeesenees 624 Evolution and Taxonomy........... 625 Palacobiology..........ccceecsesceeeees 627 The Australian Record ............... 627 Palacozoogeography..........0..00088 628 SQULOPLCLYZIANS ...... cc cceceeceeeeeeeee eens 628 ANALOMNY....0i.cceccscscesscnserecnceaelss 628 Evolution and Taxonomy........... 629 Palacobiology..........ccesceseeeeenees 631 The Australian Record ..............: 631 Palacozoogeography..............eeeee 634 ProlacertifOrms ..........ccceseceeeeeeeeseeee 634 Thecodomls ........scsceceeeeceeeceeseeeeeeees 636 AMNalOMY 22.2... ceceeeeeececeeeeceeeeeees 636 Evolution and Taxonomy ........... 636 Palacobiology ...........:ccceceeeeecees 639 The Australian Record............... 639 Palacozoogcography ...............08. 641 Saurischians ..........ccccccecssceeceeeeceeees 642 AMNALOMY ..... cc ccececeeeceesecescncuenens 642 Evolution and Taxonomy ........... 643 Palacobiology ...........ccccceeeeeeeees 643 The Australian Forms................ 644 Palacozoogeography ..............060. 647 Ornithischians ...........0.0..ccceeeeeeeee ees 648 AMAtOMY ..... cece eecececeececeeaeeseaees 648 Evolution and Taxonomy ........... 648 Palacobiology ..........ccceeeeeeseeeees 649 The Australian Forms................ 650 Palacozoogeography .................. 657 PLCFOSAUTS ..... 2. ec ee cece ee cee cecceceeeuecn ene 657 ANalOMY ..... ce. cceececeececeseeseeaeeeee 657 Evolution and Taxonomy ........... 657 Palacobiology .........csecseeceeeeeeeee 658 The Australian Forms................ 658 Palacozoogeography .................. 658 Tracks and TrackwaYS........ccccsseee 659 SUN OYAR Ye at iret, daadiat edie yeeventiouss 662 Cainozoic Record .........cccececeeeceneseeeceuee 666 Crocodilians .............cccec cence wie be ndeles 671 SquamMatans ..........ccccceceeeeseececeeeseees 673 TEStudinesy sicscdiis cocipysese spinnedtabdestas 675 SPALPLIVI GEV, 5% sa) siisices len io tahelerspeeleeeans 676 FEBTOVETICES, 15.5 sos doesn sverstideswcnvteatalsteides 679 POORER: Vc onde:sn busine nde neaphevdanudsyentl 686 PEALE Ri ckeesehatetiaxstuitvolcieadlsalsteboese. 688 1 Queensland Museum, P.O. BOX 300, South Brisbane, Queensland 4101, Australia. 606 - MOLNAR INTRODUCTION From a rigorously cladist viewpoint, reptiles do not exist. Reptiles can only be defined arbitrarily as those amniotes which are neither birds nor mammals. In a sense, this is not a real group, for although its members all share derived features not inherited from their ancestors (i.e. share synapomorphies), these synapomorphies are also shared by birds and mammals. Reptiles are defined by subtraction, they are the amniotes that are not birds or mammals. Although this rigorous cladist view is coming to be generally accepted, the more traditional usage will be retained here. Unlike amphibians, reptiles lay eggs (amniote eggs) with a suite of membranes - the amnion, the allantois, the chorion, and the yolk-sac - which allow them to reproduce on land. They need not lay eggs in water (or very moist environments) as do most amphibians. The features distinguishing birds from reptiles are not generally agreed. One of the most obvious characteristics of birds is their feathers. Although it has been suggested that some dinosaurs may have had feathers, the possession of feathers is coming to be generally accepted as the criterion of being a bird. For mammals the jaw structure is used. In mammals the jaw usually consists of only a single element, the dentary (to be precise, other elements may be present as long as the dentary participates in the jaw articulation). Another feature that distinguishes reptiles (and birds) from mammals is cranial kinesis. This is not used in classification, but is important for understanding reptilian biology. It is common among squamatans and dinosaurs. "Kinesis", of course, refers to movement. Certain elements of the skull (and sometimes of the jaw) can move on one another. Usually the mobile units are groups of bones, such as those that make up the snout. In some cases kinesis allows reptiles to swallow larger prey than otherwise could be accommodated (as pythons swallowing pigs). Another suggested function, particularly for some dinosaurs where the amount of motion was small, is to reduce stresses within the skull during feeding. Reptiles that lack kinesis, such as crocodiles, are said to be akinetic. Further information on kinesis may be found in Hildebrand (1974). Although now a broad range of features is used to define the various groups of reptiles (e.g. Benton 1985), for most of this century the features used were based on the structure of the skull. In order to understand most of the literature on the evolution of reptiles, especially works that are old but still useful, it is necessary to understand these features. The openings in the postorbital, or temporal region of the skull, the temporal fenestrae, were predominantly important (Fig.1A). These fenestrae appear likely to be associated with the jaw musculature, but the details of this association are unclear. Temporal fenestrae come in four basic patterns. These fenestrae occur in different relationship to two cranial bones, the postorbital and the squamosal (Fig.1). Each of the patterns has been given a name, which designates both the taxonomic group having this pattern, and the pattern alone. It is important to remember the distinction between these two uses, for not all animals in a given group show the fenestration pattern for which the group was named. For example, there is a euryapsid member of the Diapsida (Fig. 1). In the anapsid condition there are no temporal fenestrae. There often are, however, paired openings in the occipital face of the skull known as posttemporal fenestrae (Fig. 2). In the synapsid condition the fenestra lies ventral to the postorbital-squamosal junction, while in the euryapsid condition it lies dorsal to that junction. A parapsid condition was also once defined, but was shown to be based on a misunderstanding of the pattern of cranial bones. Ichthyosaurs, the forms thought to have hada parapsid condition, in fact have the euryapsid condition. And finally, some forms have two temporal fenestrae, one dorsal to the postorbital-squamosal junction and one ventral to it. These are called diapsid. Synapsids and diapsids are now regarded as being taxonomic groups, while euryapsids comprise three groups (Ichthyopterygia, Sauropterygia and Placodonta) that probably FOSSIL REPTILES IN AUSTRALIA - 607 did not share a euryapsid common ancestor. The anapsid condition is plesiomorphic, inherited from the amphibian ancestors of reptiles. Although the terminology directs attention to the fenestrae, it 1s more helpful to consider the structure of the bones around the fenestrae, the arches. This 1S to concentrate on the doughnut, not the hole. For example, in diapsids the upper arch is formed by a postorbital and squamosal; both are triradiate and have only a small mutual contact (Fig. 1C). In synapsids the lower arch is formed by the squamosal and jugal (Fig. 1D) (in diapsids they are separated by the quadratojugal). Figure 1. Patterns of temporal fenestration in reptile skulls. Skulls A-D show the four classical patterns, while E & F show variations on the diapsid theme. A, anapsid pattem shown by Hylonomus, a paleothyrid; D, euryapsid pattern shown by Araeoscelis, an eosuchian (probably); B, synapsid pattem shown by Edaphosaurus, a pelycosaur; C, classical diapsid pattem shown by Youngina, a younginiform; E, squamatan modification of diapsid condition, shown by Polyglyphanodon, a lizard - the lower bar of the lower temporal fenestra has been lost; F, archosaur modification of diapsid condition, shown by Euparkeria , thecodont - in addition to the two temporal fenestrae, a third opening (the anorbital fenestra) has developed on the snout between the orbit and the naris. Abbreviations include j, jugal; p, postorbital; qj, uadratojugal; s, squamosal. (Redrawn from Romer 1966, with Youngina from Carroll 1981). Other features are also used in classification, such as the position of the functional hinge in the ankle, or the structure of the pelvis. Brief descriptions of these features are given where relevant. Basically the characters used are eclectic, as expected of a suite of adaptations to many different environments. Detailed information on the basic structure and taxonomy of reptiles may be found in Romer (1956) and Carroll (1987), while the problems of the origin of reptiles have been extensively and lucidly discussed by Carroll (1969, 1970; see also Carroll & Baird 1972). Those who whole-heartedly adopt the cladistic viewpoint feel that attempting to identify ancestors is in general a futile task: it is more practical to search for the closest relatives. Nonetheless ancestors did exist, and are worth a brief discussion. Until cladistic influence was widely felt in reptilian palaeoniology, during the last decade, the captorhinomorphs were considered to be the group from which all other reptiles descended. Captorhinomorphs included the protorothyrids, captorhinids and some of the “other anapsids" of Table 1. They were (usually) small anapsid animals that probably looked like lizards. The group probably most closely resembling the ancestral reptiles are the protorothyrids (Carroll 1987). In the 608 - MOLNAR evolutionary sense these were successful animals, for not only do seemingly similar forms still survive, but their descendants adopted life styles (such as flight) quite remote from those of the first reptiles. Figure 2. The posttemporal fenestra and its progressive enlargement in turtles. A, an anapsid reptile (Procolophon), B, the Triassic turtle (Proganochelys); C, a modem turtle (Eremnochelys). The posttemporal fenestrae (pf) on both sides and the foramen magnum (fm) are shaded. (After Romer 1956 and Gaffney 1979a). A word on nomenclature is in order here. There is a trend, not yet widely accepted, to limit the names of higher taxa to the descendents of the common ancestor of all modern species in that group. Take for example, the birds (because they are more likely to be familiar than most fossil reptiles). In this usage the well known ‘first bird' Archaeopteryx is not considered a bird. In fact, the first bird would be one of the Late Cretaceous forms, such as Laornis. This usage has the advantage of clearly defining what is meant by the term ‘bird’, which is otherwise elastically expanded to include every new (relevant) fossil discovery. On the other hand, it de- emphasizes the evolutionary continuity of the birds. We will not follow this usage here, but anyone reading the references will encounter it. Table 1 gives a classification of the major groups of reptiles. It is based largely on the work of Carroll (1987), Benton (1985), Benton & Clark (1988), Gaffney (1980), Mazin (1981) and Reisz (1980). This chapter discusses each of these groups of reptiles represented in the Australo-Antarctic Mesozoic (Tables 2, 3). Groups represented by fragmentary or unstudied specimens are treated only briefly. Each section gives some background information on the FOSSIL REPTILES IN AUSTRALIA - 609 anatomy, evolution and palaeobiology of the groups to provide a perspective on the Australian material. Further information on each of these groups can be found in Carroll (1987) and Romer (1956), which, even taking into account subsequent discoveries, remains a useful Starting point. SS Table 1. Classification of major groups of reptiles (alternative names of the groups are given parenthetically). Synapsids other synapsids (‘pelycosaurs') therapsids Procolophonians Mesosaurs Other Early Reptiles Anapsids captorhinids eunotosaurs other anapsids testudines (chelonomorphs) Paleothyrids Diapsids araeoscelidians claudiosaurs mesenosaurs sauropterygians nothosaurs plesiosauroids pliosauroids other sauropterygians placodonts ichthyopterygians other diapsids lepidosauromorphs ‘paliguanids'! younginiforms (eosuchians) saurosternids lepidosaurs sphenodontians squamatans lizards amphisbaenians snakes archosauromorphs rhynochosaurs prolacertiforms (protorosaurs) other archosauromorphs archosaurs proterosuchians other archosaurs crocodylotarsans crocodilians pseudosuchians gracilisuchians phytosaurs ornithosuchians 610 - MOLNAR omithosuchids lagosuchians pterosaurs dinosaurs herrerasaurs saurischians ornithischians 1 "Paliguanids” is a group of early lepidosaurs, until recently considered lizards, that are incompletely known. They may not all be related, i.e., they may not be a real group in the cladistic sense. Information on the “other” groups (e.g., “other anapsids", “other diapsids") may be found in Benton (1985) and Carroll (1987) (see Appendix I-1). MESOZOIC RECORD During the Mesozoic, reptiles were the most diverse and numerous class of terrestrial tctrapods, and were we able to visit a Mesozoic landscape they would be the most obvious. The history of the reptiles in Australia may conveniently be divided into three parts governed by the geographical history of Australia itself (Molnar 1985). During the first phase, Australia was still geographically connected, via Antarctica, to the Gondwanan continents. This lasted from Late Palaeozoic until Eocene time. Dispersal of terrestrial tetrapods into (or out of) Australia was possible, in principle. Because dispersal to Antarctica was possible, the few known Antarctic tetrapods will be included in this chapter, even with some discussion of birds and mammals. The second phase, commencing in the Eocene, is that of complete Australian isolation. During this phase there were no immigrants into Australia, so all Australian reptiles of this period were descended from Gondwanan ancestors. Phase three probably commenced during the Pliocene. At this time Australia moved sufficiently close to Indonesia for Asian reptiles to disperse into Australia. This phase continues today. The fossil record of reptiles in Australia is poor, with many gaps. One of these gaps encompasses the transition from phase one to phase two. Thus, the fossil reptiles of the Mesozoic (phase one) are of quite different aspect to those of the Cainozoic (phases two and three). Even those lineages that were present during the Mesozoic and survived into the Cainozoic show no continuity. The Mesozoic crocodilians, turtles and lizards seem not to be ancestors of any known Cainozoic forms. Doubtless this is simply because the Mesozoic forms are poorly known: the ancestors of the Australian Cainozoic reptiles almost certainly did live in Australia. However, nothing is gained by discussing together the Mesozoic and Cainozoic taxa, and a chronological treatment gives a better understanding of the Mesozoic and Cainozoic times. So, this division will be reflected in the organization of this chapter into two parts, the first dealing with the Mesozoic and the second with the Cainozoic reptiles. FOSSIL REPTILES IN AUSTRALIA - 611 | Table 2. Stratigraphic distribution of Australian Mesozoic Reptiles. TRIASSIC Western Australia Blina Shale ?ichthyosaur Tasmania Knocklofty Formation Tasmaniosaurus triassicus Queensland Arcadia Formation dicynodont procolophonid Kadimakara australiensis Kudnu mackinlayi Kalisuchus rewanensis Blackstone Formation (Striped Bacon Seam) large tetrapod tracks Blackstone Formation Plectropterna sp. (tracks) horizon? (N.E. Qld) Agrosaurus macgillivrayi unnamed Rhaetian beds small theropod (?) tracks JURASSIC Queensland Precipice Sandstone omithopod tracks Razorback beds pliosaur theropod tracks Evergreen Formation plesiosaur Walloon Group (mostly Bruce & Wass Seams) Changpeipus bartholomaii (tracks) large theropod tracks small theropod tracks quadruped tracks Hutton Sandstone Rhoetosaurus brownei? CRETACEOUS Western Australia Broome Sandstone Megalosauropus broomensis (tracks) Molecap Greensand ichthyosaur plesiosaur mosasaur Northern Territory Bathurst Island Formation Platypterygius sp. elasmosaurid plesiosaur South Australia Maree Formation 612 - MOLNAR plesiosaurs (possibly 3 spp.) ichthyosaur Kakuru kujani 2ornithopod horizon? (Neales River) ?Woolungasaurus sp. Victoria Merino Group? Chelycarapookus arcuatus Otway Group turtles plesiosaur Leaellynasaura amicagraphica Atlascopcosaurus loadsi Fulgurotherium australe unnamed hypsilophodonts theropods pterosaur Strezlecki Group turtle ?lizard Fulgurotherium australe hypsilophodont Allosaurus sp. bird New South Wales Coreena Formation ichthyosaur (AM F9924-5) Cimoliasaurus maccoyi ? Trinacromeron leucoscopelus theropod Griman Creek Formation turtle plesiosaur "Crocodilus" selaslophensis Fulgurotherium australe unnamed hypsilophodont large ornithopod tracks Muttaburrasaurus sp. sauropod (AM F15555) Rapator ornitholestoides Queensland Bungil Formation plesiosaur Minmi paravertebra Griman Creek Formation plesiosaur (QM L380) ?dinosaur (QM F11043) Winton Formation tortoise (QM F12413) small ornithopod tracks (Wintonopus latomorum) small theropod tracks (Skartopus australis) large omithopod tracks large theropod tracks (T'yrannosauropus sp.) Austrosaurus Mackunda Formation FOSSIL REPTILES IN AUSTRALIA - 613 plesiosaur (QM F2637) pliosaur cf. Trinacromerum (QM F3307) Muttaburrasaurus langdoni Toolebuc Formation Notochelone costata turtle Platypterygius australis Kronosaurus queenslandicus? crocodile (QM F17070) dinosaur Muttaburrasaurus sp. Minmi sp. aff. Ornithocheirus sp. Allaru Mudstone Cratochelone berneyi? Platypterygius australis plesiosaur (QM F2464) Muttaburrasaurus sp. Austrosaurus mckillopi Wallumbilla Formation ichthyosaur (QM F551) Kronosaurus sp. Woolungasaurus glendowerensis horizon? (Albian - Hughenden) large sauropod Normanton Formation large reptile (QM F11042) Those records not previously published include specimen number. A leading question mark indicates doubtful taxonomic assignment; a trailing question mark doubtful stratigraphic assignment. Some stratigraphic assignments for Mackunda, Allaru and Wallumbilla are based on geological mapping rather than field observation. PROCOLOPHONIANS: PRIMITIVE PLANT-EATING REPTILES Procolophonians are small, superficially lizard-like reptiles (Fig. 3). The skull is anapsid and quite broad at the back. The posterior margin of the orbit is usually extended posteriorly. The bones of the limbs and vertebral column suggest that procolophonians moved much like lizards, using lateral undulation of the vertebral column. They seem to have been the only reptiles that had two coracoids on each side as adults, rather than one. Procolophonians are thought to have been plant-eaters (Carroll 1987) and most probably looked like stout, short- tailed lizards. Procolophonians were widely distributed throughout the Permo-Triassic world, with a number of taxa in South Africa, and at least one each in Antarctica and South America. The as yet unstudied Australian procolophonian (Bartholomai 1979) is very similar to those from South Africa, South America and Antarctica. Thus, it supports a picture of free migration during the Triassic to and from what is now Australia. . Procolophonians seem related to paricasaurs and mesosaurs (Gauthier, Kiuge & Rowe 1988). Parieasaurs attained the size of an ox, but retained the sprawling posture typical of smaller amniotes. These Permian animals lived in Northern Europe, South Africa and Brazil, and may yet be discovered in Australia. Mesosaurs were small, graceful, marine Permo- Carboniferous forms with long snouts and long teeth. They have been found only in Brazil and South Africa, and their geographic distribution was used as an argument for continental drift long before it was generally accepted. It has been suggested that parieasaurs, mesosaurs and procolophonians all shared a common ancestor that was not on the line to modern reptiles. 614 - MOLNAR Thus, some workers do not accept these animals as reptiles, but call them parareptiles (Gauthier, Kluge & Rowe 1988). This is far from demonstrated, however, as even these workers admit. Table 3. Stratigraphic distribution of Antarctic Mesozoic and Cainozoic tetrapods. The data for this table are derived from Case, Woodburne & Chaney (1987, 1988), Chatterjee & Small (1989), Colbert (1974, 1987), Colbert & Cosgriff (1974), Colbert & Kitching (1975, 1977, 1981), Cosgriff (1983), Cosgriff & Hammer (1984), Cosgriff, Hammer & Ryan (1982), Covacevich & Lamperein (1972), DeFauw (1988), Gasparini & Goni (1983), Gasparini, Olivero, Scasso & Rinaldi (1987), Gasparini & del Valle (1984), Hammer (1988), Hammer & Cosgriff (1981), Simpson (1946), Tonni (1982), Tonni & Tambussi (1983), Wiman (1905), Woodbume & Zinsmeister (1982, 1984). TRIASSIC Transantarctic Mountains Fremouw Formation thecodont (proterosuchian or rauisuchian) Prolacerta broomi gomphodont cynodont Cynognathus sp. Ericiolacerta parva Kannemeyeria sp. Kingoria sp. Lystrosaurus curvatus Lystrosaurus murrayi Lystrosaurus mccaigi Myosaurus gracilis Padaeosaurus parvus Rhigosaurus glacialis Thrinaxodon liorhinus Procolophon trigoniceps Austrobrachyops jenseni benthosuchid capitosaurid Cryobatrachus kitchingi rhytidosteid “very large” temnospondyl CRETACEOUS Vicecomodoro Marambio (Seymour) Island Lopez de Bertodano Formation elasmosaurid Turnena seymoursensis mosasaurid diving bird Vega and James Ross Islands Snow Hill Group plesiosaurs James Ross Island Santa Marta Formation ankylosaurid FOSSIL REPTILES IN AUSTRALIA - 615 EOCENE Vicecomodoro Marambio Island La Meseta Formation turtle phorhorhacoid? penguin Basilosaurus sp. Antarctodolops dailyi Eurydolops seymourensis Formation not given penguin pseudodontomithid OLIGOCENE-MIOCENE King George Island Fildes Peninsula Group Antarctichnus fuenzalidae (bird tracks) several unnamed bird tracks MIOCENE Vicecomodoro Marambio Island Seymour Island beds Anthropornis grandis Anthropornis nordenskjoeldi Archaeospheniscus wimani Delphinornis larsenii Icthyopteryx gracilis Orthopteryx gigas Palaeeudyptes gunnari Wimanornis seymourensis TESTUDINES: TURTLES AND TORTOISES Turtles and tortoises (chelonians) are so familiar that we overlook just how unusual and unique they are. Their possession of shells makes them unmistakable in the modern world, although at the time that they originated, another group of reptiles, among the placodonts, also possessed similar shells. Anatomy The basic features of the chelonian skeleton include a skull lacking lateral and dorsal temporal fenestrae but with strong development of posttemporal fenestrae (Fig. 2), often deeply emarginating the temporal region. The parietal foramen is absent, as are marginal teeth. The middle ear region (otic capsule) is relatively larger than in most other reptiles. In all except the very earliest forms, the skull is akinetic. The tail is often short, with the 18 presacral vertebrae usually divided into ten dorsals and eight cervicals. The shell comprises a dorsal carapace and ventral plastron. There is no sternum, and the pectoral and pelvic elements are rod-like (except for the ischium). Chelonians are the only vertebrates with the pectoral and pelvic girdles 616 - MOLNAR situated within the rib cage (because of the shell). The dorsal ribs are often fused to the carapace. In swimming forms the limbs have become modified into paddles, while in terrestrial Figure 3. The skeleton of Procolophon trigoniceps from the Triassic of South Africa. The Australian Procolophon was similar. (From Watson 1914). forms the proximal limb segments are held horizontally (again because of the shell) and give a sprawling, lumbering gait. Evolution and Taxonomy The ancestry of turtles is unknown. The once presumed ancestor (the South African Permian Eunotosaurus) is now recognized as quite unrelated (Cox 1969) (see Appendix I-2). The reported Permian turtle, Archaeochelydium (Bergounioux 1938), was based on a FOSSIL REPTILES IN AUSTRALIA - 617 pseudofossil (a septarian concretion). The oldest forms are known from the Late Triassic of Germany, and although unlike modern forms in many characters, they are clearly turtles. In 1982, Triassic turtles were found in Thailand (de Broin 1984). Chelonians seemingly acquired a shell and lost cranial kinesis during the Triassic. The limb and cervical adaptations then followed (Gaf fney 1975). The specific adaptations for neck retraction developed even later, although sull early in the evolution of turtles (possibly even in the Triassic). By the Late Jurassic (or perhaps earlier) turtles were both common and cosmopolitan and have remained so. Both freshwater and marine forms (thalassemyids) were present in the Late Jurassic. Modern marine turtles (cheloniids) appeared in the Cretaceous, and tortoises (testudinids) in the early Cainozoic. Turtles as a whole come in two kinds (Gaffney 1975): the proganochelydians (the Triassic forms) and the casichelydians (all the others). Presumably the latter are derived from the former, although not from any presently studied taxa. The casichelydians are divided into the pleurodires and the cryptodires, names reflecting, among other things, different mechanisms for retracting the neck. The Australian Record Australian Mesozoic (and Cainozoic) chelonians have been surveyed by Gaffney (1981 and this volume). Mesozoic forms all date from the Early Cretaceous and are mostly marine. Most numerous of the Cretaceous forms is Notochelone costata (Owen 1882b) the fossils of which are found along a crescent in north and west Queensland from Hughenden in the east through Julia Creek to southwest beyond Boulia. They derive from the Toolebuc and Allaru units. N. costata (Fig. 4) is a small form averaging less than a metre in overall length, and is endemic to Australia. Almost all of the material is yet unstudied, hence its relationships are uncertain: it was probably much like the modern Green Turtle (Chelonia mydas) in general appearance and habits. Like young green turtles (but unlike adults), Notochelone costata had a marked ridge along the back of the carapace. Several shells and at least three well preserved skulls of N. costata have been collected. In the western outcrops of the Toolebuc Formation, its fossils are more abundant than those of other tetrapods. Second and largest of the marine forms is Cratochelone berneyi found near Hughenden (Longman 1915), probably in the Toolebuc. Cratochelone is represented by a single specimen, consisting only of shoulder girdle and forelimb material plus some unidentified elements. Comparison of the proximal part of the humerus with those of Chelonia mydas suggests that Cratochelone was about 2.25 m long. The phyletic relationships of this form are unknown, both because the specimen is incomplete and because there is little detailed knowledge of shoulder-girdle and forelimb anatomy among chelonians. A fluviatile turtle, with the delightful name of Chelycarapookus arcuatus (Fig. 5) was collected in the early part of this century near Casterton, Victoria, probably from the Merino Group (Warren 1969). Only the internal cast of the shell of a single specimen is known. The shell is unusual in that an excavation, or fossa is present just anterior to the first rib on each side, and the neural elements of the carapace become wider posteriorly. A feature related to the broadened ncurals (the medial bones of the carapace), is that the necks of the posterior ribs are lengthened. In Chelycarapookus these ribs, because of their elongate necks, fuse to the carapace further from the vertebral column than in any other chelonians (Fig. 5). In other fluviatile sediments of southern coastal Victoria (the Otway and Strzelecki groups), limb bones, vertebrae, a lower jaw and numerous shell fragments of turtles have been found. These are so primitive that they cannot be assigned to either the cryptodires or the pleurodires (Rich & Rich 1989). 618 - MOLNAR Figure 4. Notochelone costata. A, type specimen; B, suggested restoration of carapace; and C, of plastron. (From Owen 1882b and Gaffney 1981). The impression of a turtle shell was found northwest of Winton, (PI.1.). The sediments are mapped as Winton Formation, which is a terrestrial facies, but the flatness of the sheil suggests that this turtle was a marine, or at least aquatic, form. The carapace and vertebrae of a small marine turtle, apparently not Notochelone, have been collected near Boulia in West Queensland. This form has yet to be studied. An incomplete jaw and other bones of a small, probably freshwater turtle have been found in the Griman Creek Formation at Lightning Ridge, New South Wales (Molnar 1980b). FOSSIL REPTILES IN AUSTRALIA - 619 Figure 5. The Victorian turtle Chelycarapookus arcuatus. A, internal mold of the carapace in dorsal view; B, plastron (as preserved); C, reconstruction of the dorsal vertebrae and ribs, for comparison with, D, those of the extant chelid Emydura macquarii. The posterior ribs (pr) have much longer necks in Chelycarapookus than in Emydura. f, fossa mentioned in text. (From Warren 1969 and Gaffney 1981) Palaeozoogeography Of the recent continental chelonians, the cryptodires live (or have recently become extinct) on all continents but Antarctica. The pleurodires, once cosmopolitan, are now restricted to Africa, South America and Australia. All modern Australian continental chelonians belong to a single family, the chelids. Unfortunately, the known Australian Mesozoic turtles tell us nothing about how this distribution came about. Notochelone is a chelonioid (cryptodire). This taxon was seemingly widespread through 620 - MOLNAR the Cretaceous oceans. Thus, they provide no evidence of unusual Australian taxa, such as will be discussed later for other groups. But Chelycarapookus was decidedly unusual and unlike other chelonians (in the fossa, broadened neurals and clongate necks of posterior ribs: Warren 1969), It was a continental river-dwelling animal. All other chelonian fossils are unstudied. So, modern and Early Cretaceous Australian continental chclonians are unusual, but there is no evidence that the one gave rise to the other, SYNAPSIDS: ANCESTORS AND KIN OF MAMMALS The synapsids, prominent in Permo-Triassic times, gave rise to the mammals. The cladist, of course, recognizes that mammals are synapsids. All synapsids are characterized by the possession Of a synapsid temporal fenestra (Fig. 1), hence their name. Evolution and Taxonomy Synapsids have been divided into two groups, primitive and advanced, that have been named pelycosaurs and therapsids respectively. Pelycosaurs, like reptiles, are not a real group in the cladistic sense (Reisz 1980). However, while realizing this, we will find it convenient to use the term to designate primitive synapsids. Pelycosaurs appear in the fossil record very soon alter the first reptiles, in the Early Carboniferous. They, together with the therapsids, form the bulk of the reptilian faunas of the late Palaeozoic. They seem to have been mostly carnivores, feeding, predominantly upon amphibious or aquatic animals, rather than terrestrial ones. After all, most terrestrial animals presently known from this time were carnivores. A very good reference on pelycosaurs and therapsids is Kemp (1982); it provides fascinating information on the evolution, anatomy and life-styles of these beasts. During the later part of the Early Permian therapsids evolved from the carnivorous sphenacodont pelycosaurs. ‘There are several groups of therapsids, all characterized by the structure of the angular bone in the mandible. The angular has a thin sheet of bone projecting back from its lateral surface, called the reflected lamina. In therapsids the temporal fenestra has become enlarged over those of pelycosaurs, and large single canine teeth developed in each jaw. Pelycosaurs did show some dental differentiation, but had either no or multiple canines in each jaw. ‘The story of how therapsids diversified and one group, the cynodonts, eventually evolved mo mammals is beautifully detailed by Kemp. The Australo-Antarctic Record The major localities producing pelycosaurs are in the southwestern United States, especially Texas, although significant finds have also been made in Nova Scotia (Canada) and Europe. Most therapsids have been found in Russia and South Africa with increasingly important discoveries in South America, China and even in Antarctica. With such a distribution, the erstwhile absence of synapsids in Australia has been puzzling. Early Triassic faunas of similar age to those of South Africa had been discovered in Queensland, Tasmania and Western Australia, But there was no sign of therapsids, which are well represented in contemporancous faunas elsewhere, ‘The importance of this absence was unclear, but disturbing. Some workers felt the absence was real, ic. therapsids never existed in Australia, while others (myself included) contended that therapsids had existed in Australia, but simply had not been found. This incipient controversy was resolved in 1983 by R.A. Thulborn, who identified a dicynodont, cither Kannemeyeria (Fig. 6) or a close relative, from Rewan, Queensland. The identification was based on a large, but incomplete quadrate found by Thulborn during the winter of 1982. FOSSIL REPTILES IN AUSTRALIA - 621 Palaeobiology and Palaeozoogeography Dicynodonts are unusual animals, unlike any now alive. They include the well-known Lystrosaurus a strange, probably amphibious, dicynodont found through most of the Gondwanan and some of the Laurasian continents. Dicynodonts tended to be massive, with stout, sprawling limbs, short tails and relatively large heads (Fig. 6). They possessed a beak, and sometimes rows of simple check teeth. Most had a large canine tusk in cach upper jaw, but some late forms replaced these tusks with tusk-like processes of bone, a mystifying case of Seuy Bees: The temporal fenestra was very large, accommodating greatly developed jaw muscles. Figure 6. Skeleton of Kannemeyeria, based on specimens from South Africa. The Queensland dicynodont material likely came from an animal similar to this one (from Pearson 1924). Plant food was apparently cut by the beak and then sliced into short sections by the action of the jaws. A sharp vertical plate placed posteriorly on the mandible apparently sliced plant forage against a flat horizontal plate on the palate, (Crompton & Hotton 1967) much as one slices celery with a knife against a wooden cutting board. Oddly enough, this action was duplicated in one group of theropod dinosaurs, the oviraptorosaurs. Dicynodonts had apparently developed a greater stride of the forelimb than earlier therapsids, and some workers believe that the hindlimb was held more or less erect. This view is not shared by all workers. Dicynodonts may have been endothermic but there is no convincing evidence yet. Endocranial casts indicate that the brain was developed to about the same degree as those of other therapsids. Kannemeyerid dicynodonts have been found largely in Africa and South America, but also in Europe, North America and China. Recently, Kannemeyeria has been reported in Antarctica (Hammer 1988). Other dicynodonts inhabited Antarctica, including at least three species of Lystrosaurus, sometimes considered a kanemeyeriid and sometimes put in its own family. It seems to have been a common animal there. Kingoria has also been reported (De Fauw 1988). This is unusual as the Antarctic Kingoria was found in the Triassic Fremouw Formation. Outside Antarctica Kingoria is known from southern and eastern Africa, but only from the Permian. Thus, if this report is correct, it was a relict form in Antarctica, which lived on there after becoming extinct elsewhere. We shall see this phenomenon again among Australian Cretaceous reptiles. The finding of a dicynodont in Australia is welcome not only in that it furthers our knowledge of Australia’s past, but also in lending confidence to theories of animal distributions 622 - MOLNAR based on knowledge of plate tectonics. Other therapsids have been discovered in the Antarctic, in fact they are the most common reptiles known there. The cynodonts, Thrinaxodon and Cynognathus, have been found in the Transantarctic Mountains (Colbert and Kitching 1977, Hammer 1988) They are well-known from South Africa, and Cynognathus also lived in Argentina. Other advanced therapsids, scaloposaurids, are known from Antarctica. (Colbert & Kitching, 1981). These are not as closely related to mammals as cynodonts. The occurrence of such therapsids in Antarctica suggests that they may have inhabited Australia as well. The Antarctic cynodonts are noteworthy in this context, as Australia is the only continent host to all three major living groups of mammals: monotremes, marsupials and placentals. Monotremes (so far) are known nowhere else - perhaps they evolved from cynodonts in Australia. LEPIDOSAURS: LIZARDS, SNAKES AND KIN Lepidosaurs, thus far, are rare and few in the Australian Mesozoic, so only a short account will be given here. For more complete information see Romer (1956), Carroll (1977, 1988) and Benton (1985). Anatomy Lepidosaurs have a diapsid skull, often strongly modified postorbitally, especially in squamatans (Fig. 1) The postparietal and tabular bones have been lost from the skull. The Figure 7. The hooked v'h metatarsal in lepidosaurs. A, tarsal and metatarsal bones of a varanid in dorsal view; B, the vith metatarsal of an iguanid in lateral view (not to scale). The vith metatarsal is gently curved in lateral aspect, and bent at right angles ("hooked") in dorsal aspect. IV, IVth metatarsal. V, Vth metatarsal. (From Robinson 1975). FOSSIL REPTILES IN AUSTRALIA - 623 long bones have separate centres of ossification at their ends, epiphyses, that form the articular surfaces. And, as in mammals, when these epiphyses fuse to the shaft, the animal's growth ends. The feet are characteristic in three respects: the proximal tarsals (astragalus, calcaneum and centrale) have become fused; distal tarsals 2 and 5 have been lost; and metatarsal V has become "hooked". A bit of description of the "hooked" metatarsal V is in order, as this is often not well understood. The fifth metatarsal of lepidosaurs has a shaft that is gently arched. In addition, at its proximal end, the shaft is bent sharply medially, to project across the proximal end of metatarsal IV (Fig. 7) (Robinson 1975). Lepidosaurs are also characterized by features of the soft anatomy, given by Benton (1985) and Carroll (1988). Evolution and Taxonomy _ Lepidosaurs are the major group of the lepidosauromorphs, hence the name. They are distinguished from archosauromorphs on essentially locomotory differences. Apparently lepidosauromorphs initially adopted a mode of locomotion involving lateral flexing of the vertebral column, whilst archosauromorphs (like mammals) adopted a mode that reduced lateral motion of the vertebral column (Carroll 1988). Lepidosauromorphs, at least the land-dwelling ones, hold the proximal limb elements, the humerus and femur, in a horizontal position, whilst archosauromorphs, at least the advanced ones, hold the limbs directly beneath the body (like mammals). Early lepidosauromorphs differ from other primitive diapsids in the possession of a large sternum. This sternum is not homologous with the 'sternum' of archosaurs, birds and mammals, but functions to increase the length of the stride in lepidosauromorphs. Further details may be found in Jenkins & Goslow (1983). The origins, early members and phyletic relationships of the lepidosaurs are still poorly understood (Evans 1984, Carroll 1988). Certain long-established groups, such as the Rhynchocephalia, are no longer recognized (Carroll 1977). Others, such as the eosuchians and protorosaurs, have now been re-defined (Benton 1985, Carroll 1988) and no longer include many forms that they once did. ‘ uch changes must be remembered when rzading older works, and even in some modern works, for the names of some groups are not yet universally accepted (e.g., Benton's Prolacertiformes is Carroll's Protorosauria). Until recently it was thought that lizards originated late in the Palaeozoic and underwent an adaptive radiation during the Triassic (Robinson 1967). Then a second radiation, later in the Mesozoic, led to the modern groups. However, the Triassic forms, the paliguanids, are not lizards. They are a group of primitive lizard-like lepidosaurs, that quite possibly are not real in the cladistic sense. Several different groups of lizards were present in the Late Jurassic, all of which looked like modern lizards. Modern squamatans consist of three groups: the lacertilians (lizards and kin), serpents and amphisbaenians, a group of worm-like, limbless forms (Gans 1979). Early in the Cretaceous the snakes appeared (including some marine forms, the symoliophids, which are the closest approach to sea serpents we know) and a group of marine lizards, the mosasaurs. Mosasaurs developed highly kinetic skulls, altered their limbs into paddles, and became quite large (for squamatans). They were apparently active predators, feeding on ammonites (Kauffman & Kesling 1960) and likely fish, turtles and other large marine reptiles (Russell 1967) as well. In Australia only one Mesozoic lepidosaur is clearly represented: a mosasaur. The Australian Record A paliguanid has been reported from the Early Triassic at Rewan, Queensland (Bartholomai 1979). This animal, Kudnu mackinlayi, is represented by an incomplete snout (Fig.8). It was originally thought a lizard, related to Paliguana from South Africa. However, in view of both the incompleteness of the specimen and our poor understanding of the paliguanids, Kudnu can 624 - MOLNAR be identified only as a small reptile. A second reported lepidosaur from this locality (Thulborn 1984), has not yet been studied. Figure 8. Skull of Kudu mackinlayi, a Triassic reptile from Queensland. s, impressions of sclerotic plates. (From Bartholomai 1979). An incomplete humerus found near Cape Paterson, Victoria, originally thought dinosaurian, most closely resembles that of a large lizard (Molnar 1980b). More informative lepidosaur material has been found in the Late Cretaceous near Gingin, Western Australia. This is an incomplete left forepaddle (Pl. 2) of a mosasaur (Lundelius & Warne 1960), apparently similar to Platecarpus. Palaeozoogeography Both Triassic and Cretaceous lepidosaur fossils are too fragmentary for meaningful comparison with overseas forms. The Western Australian mosasaur is one of the few yet found in the Southern Hemisphere outside of New Zealand, where they were abundant. Mosasaur vertebrae have also been found at Vicecomodoro Marambio Island (also known as Seymour Island) off the Antarctic Peninsula. This indicates that mosasaurs were present in the Australo-Antarctic region, and suggests that their absence from the Australian fossil record is due to the paucity of Late Cretaceous marine deposits. ICHTHYOPTERYGIAN: FISH-LIKE REPTILES OF THE SEA Ichthyopterygians were a successful group of fish-like (or porpoise-like) marine reptiles. The later, more widely known ichthyosaurs, had a familiar appearance of modern porpoises and dolphins, with a long snout and prominent dorsal fin. Their sickle-shaped tail, however, was vertical unlike the horizontal flukes of dolphins. Anatomy Until recently it had been supposed that ichthyopterygians showed a unique pattern of temporal fenestration (called parapsid). However, upon detailed study it turned out that ichthyopterygians, sauropterygians and placodonts exhibited the euryapsid pattern (Fig. 1) (Romer 1968). Ichthyopterygian vertebrae have a characteristic discoid form and are strongly biconcave. There is little regional differentiation of the vertebrae, and they decrease in size only gradually in the tail. In post-Triassic forms the phalanges have become flattened, round or polygonal elements, different from those of plesiosaurs (Fig. 9). The number of phalanges is increased (hyperphalangy), and the number of digits is usually reduced (although it is increased in the common Australian form). FOSSIL REPTILES IN AUSTRALIA - 625 Q oO Ps accessory digit 006° accessory digit fe) a primary digits primary digits Figure 9. Ichthyosaur forepaddles showing the latipinnate condition (/chthyosaurus) (A) and the longipinnate condition (Temnodontosaurus) (B). i, intermedium; R, radius; r, radiale; U, ulna; u, ulnare. Scale bars represent 6 cm. (From McGowan 1972a). Evolution and Taxonomy Mazin (1981), studying the primitive Triassic ichthyopterygian Grippia (Fig. 10) found that the fenestra was not exactly of the euryapsid pattern. In Grippia not only the postorbital and Squamosal ventrally bound the fenestra, but also the postfrontal and quadratojugal. Since the later ichthyosaurs clearly have euryapsid fenestrae, this suggests that the pattern is convergent. Grippia resembles sauropterygians in having a distinct emargination along the bottom edge of the skull behind the tooth row and in front of the jaw articulation. This suggests that, like sauropterygians, they were derived from primitive diapsids. Grippia was an early branch (the grippians) that diverged from the line leading to the ichthyosaurs. More closely related to ichthyosaurs were the mixosaurs. Mixosaurs, although basically porpoise-like in form, had a long, tapering tail with a low triangular tail fin dorsally. None of these ichthyopterygians have yet been recognized in Australia, but there is a mixosaur (Mixosaurus? timorensis) from Timor. Ichthyopterygians are divided into two groups, the longipinnate and the latipinnate. Longipinnate ichthyosaurs (Fig. 9) have three primary digits in the forepaddle, fewer and more widely spaced phalanges in the forepaddle, and rarely or never have bifurcating fore-digits. Primary digits are those that contact the distal margins of the distal carpals: accessory digits may contact the carpals, but if so, only along their lateral (not distal) margins. The latipinnates have four primary digits in the forepaddle, smaller, more numerous and more closely spaced fore-phalanges and often have bifurcating fore-digits. Other differences and a discussion of these two groups can be found in McGowan (1972a). Not all workers accept this separation into two groups, however, pointing out that these two groups do not reflect ichthyosaur phylogeny. Their ancestry is unknown: most groups of reptiles, and even the labyrinthodont amphibians, have been considered likely ancestors. The best specimens of ichthyosaurs come from the Northern Hemisphere, especially from the Jurassic limestones of southern Germany (Hoffman 1958), but ichthyosaurs were basically cosmopolitan. Save for the early genera, some of which had not developed the prominent dorsal and caudal fins, 626 - MOLNAR A Figure 10. The skull of the primitive ichthyosaur Grippia longirostris, from the Triassic of Spitsbergen, in lateral (A) and dorsal (B) views - a restoration of Grippia is at the right. The lateral view shows the ventral embayment of the skull just below and behind the orbit, which is taken to represent the remnant of a lateral temporal fenestra. This suggests that ichthyosaurs are descendants of diapsid a ncestors. (From Mazin 1981). ichthyosaurs all appeared much alike. Eurhinosaurus, with its long overshot snout and short lower jaw (curiously paralleled in the Miocene dolphin, Euhinodelphis) is the only exception (Abel 1927). Corres eee ric TH pry gpg pee eeeele gee eaenley ean \ Ae J - ?) ~~ Figure 11. The reconstructed skeleton of Platypterygius australis, in lateral view, with the paddles also shown in plan view. (Drawn by L. Beirne). FOSSIL REPTILES IN AUSTRALIA - 627 Palaeobiology Their widespread distribution suggests that ichthyosaurs were quite capable of dispersal across the high seas, while their abundance in the south German and the Australian inland seas suggests that some forms at least enjoyed epeiric and near-shore seas. The Australian species was limited to the great, apparently cool, (Frakes & Francis 1988) inland sea (Wade 1984). Some ichthyosaurs fed on fish and cephalopods, as revealed by their fossilized stomach contents (Pollard 1968, McGowan 1973). They were live-bearers, and some individuals seem to have been cannibalistic (Ley 1966). The large orbits suggest acute eyesight, but the members of this group are generally thought to have had poor hearing (McGowan 1973). It has recently been suggested that ichthyosaurs may have used their forepaddles much as penguins use their wings - to ‘fly' underwater (Riess 1986). This is not generally accepted, but the suggestion that they had two modes of swimming, slow ‘flying’ and fast, using the tail, is worth further thought The Australian Record Only one ichthyosaur, Platpterygius australis, (Fig. 11) about 5 m long, is well known from Australia (McGowan 1972b, Wade 1984). This genus has also been found in central North America, northern Europe and southern India, throughout most of the Early Cretaceous. Doubts have been expressed that the Australian species is distinct, but the relationship of the humerus to the more distal elements is unlike that in any other ichthyosaur. This indicates that it is a valid species (Wade 1984). The structure of the forepaddle of Platypterygius is distinctive in having two preaxial (anterior) accessory digits, a condition apparently unique among ichthyosaurs (Fig. 12). Platypterygius shows the same geographic range in Queensland as Notochelone and is found in both the Allaru and Toolebuc formations. It lived in the large, shallow, food-rich inland sea. Figure 12. Right forepaddle of Platypterygius australis, drawn from two specimens, one for the proximal and the other for the distal part. This paddle shows the increased number of digits. There are also fragmentary ichthyosaur remains known from South Australia (Molnar & Pledge 1980), Western Australia (Teichert & Matheson 1944) and from near Darwin, Northern Territory (Teichert & Matheson 1944). Those from South Australia and the Northern Territory were contemporaneous with the Queensland ichthyosaurs, but those from Western Australia are Late Cretaceous in age. Recent study of the ichthyosaur material from near Darwin (Murray 1985) suggests that these specimens had drifted dead for some time before falling to the sea- floor to be preserved. Some of these specimens had lost their skulls, whilst in one from Queensland the skull had apparently fallen to the seafloor, thus dragging the body with it, to be 628 - MOLNAR buried with the snout penetrating vertically into the sediments. Cosgriff & Garbutt (1972) suggested that there may be ichthyosaur material from the Blina Shale. If true, this would be the oldest known ichthyosaur, as the Blina is Early Triassic in age. The Late Cretaceous ichthyosaur from Western Australia may belong to a species other than P. australis and appears to be the last known ichthyosaur. Palaeozoogeography Although the Australian ichthyosaur P. australis is endemic, it does not differ much from those elsewhere. Ichthyosaurs demonstrate the basic similarity of marine reptiles in and out of Australia. The Australian species may have arisen because the inland sea was not broadly connected to the open ocean to the north. Hence, the Australian population was at least somewhat isolated. SAUROPTERYGIANS: MORE AQUATIC REPTILES Another successful group of aquatic reptiles, both freshwater and marine, were the sauropterygians. No indication has yet been found in Australia of the nothosaurs (probably most diverse in China). The other major group of sauropterygians, the plesiosaurs, is usually divided into two basic groups: the small-headed and long-necked plesiosauroids and the large- headed and short-necked pliosauroids. These are informally known as plesiosaurs and pliosaurs, although the former term is also often used to include both groups. Anatomy The basic skeletal features of plesiosauroids and pliosauroids include a low, akinetic skull, with a euryapsid temporal fenestra (Fig. 1). The nares are placed high on the skull near the orbits (as in ichthyosaurs), and there is a parietal foramen. The nasal bones are very small (or are lost) and do not border the nares. The palate is well-developed, and the pterygoids extend below the braincase. The vertebrae are quite distinctive and clearly unlike those of ichthyosaurs. The centra are slightly biconcave, usually with characteristic paired ventral foramina not found in other reptiles (Fig. 13C). At least some plesiosauroids or pliosauroids had small, but well-developed chambers (centrocoels) situated centrally within the vertebral centra (Fig. 13). The paired ventral foramina opened into these chambers. These foramina do not always persist throughout the vertebral column, nor are they known in all plesiosaurs. They are usually paired, but may range in number from one to four (Wiffen & Moisley 1986). In the girdles, the scapulae and ilia are reduced and the coracoids, pubes and ischia developed into great ventral plates. The limbs are modified into paddles, almost oars. They show considerable hyperphalangy, but the individual phalanges are constricted to give a flattened, hourglass-shape, quite unlike the phalanges of ichthyosaurs. Plesiosauroids are distinguished by their usually small heads and long necks, although at least one group, the cimoliasaurs, seem to have had rather large heads and short necks (Persson 1963). Unfortunately, the cimoliasaurs are poorly known. In plesiosauroids the pubis and ischium are short, as are the femur and humerus. Often the humerus is longer than the femur. By contrast, the femur of pliosauroids is usually longer than the humerus, and both elements are relatively long and slender. Pliosauroids had non-uniform teeth and a short neck. The cervical vertebrae have ventral keels, absent in plesiosauroids, and the pubis and ischium are elongate. FOSSIL REPTILES IN AUSTRALIA - 629 Figure 13. Plesiosaur vertebrae. Top: three views of a cervical vertebra of "Plesiosaurus” rostratus (an English species): A, lateral view of vertebra; B, posterior view of centrum; C, ventral view of vertebra. The paired ventral foramina characteristic of plesiosaurs may easily be seen in the ventral view. Bottom: the chamber in the centrum of an Australian plesiosaur vertebra. D, in horizontal section; E, in frontal section. Dotted lines indicate canals to foramina. (Top three illustrations from Owen 1884). Evolution and Taxonomy Sauropterygians may have originated near what is now Madagascar. From there has come a reptile, Claudiosaurus, that may be close to the ancestry of the sauropterygians (Carroll 1981). Benton (1985) concluded that while Claudiosaurus was a diapsid that shared some derived features with nothosaurs, it was not clearly related to plesiosaurs. But in view of the six derived features shared with nothosaurs, and the extension of the palate backwards to cover the braincase as in nothosaurs and plesiosaurs, Claudiosaurus seems the best candidate so far for a sister group, if not an ancestor, of the sauropterygians. Apparently the sauropterygian skull 630 - MOLNAR Figure 14. The hypothetical sequence of changes in the diapsid pattern of temporal fenestrae during the evolution of plesiosaurs: A, Youngina, a younginiform; B, Claudiosaurus, a primitive diapsid; C, Anarosaurus, a nothosaur; D, Corosaurus; and E, Plesiosaurus, both plesiosaurs. The loss of the lower temporal bar and subsequent reduction of the lateral temporal fenestra are shown. (From von Huene 1956 and Carroll 1981). FOSSIL REPTILES IN AUSTRALIA - 631 form arose by the loss of the lower temporal arch (Fig. 14). In addition to the line leading to plesiosaurs, there were several divergent branches of early sauropterygians (Sues 1987). Among these were nothosaurs, moderately large reptiles ( a few metres long) with long necks and long skulls, and pistosaurs. Pistosaurs were the sister group of plesiosaurs. These early divergent branches show successive stages in adaptation to oceanic life (Sues 1987). Plesiosaurs developed during the Triassic. Both pliosauroids and plesiosauroids survived until the end of the Mesozoic, and members of both early invaded freshwater habitats, freshwater pliosauroids being known from Queensland as early as the Early Jurassic. Both groups were cosmopolitan in distribution. Palaeobiology The plesiosauroids, with their long flexible necks and flattened bodies, were apparently fishing forms. The pliosauroids with their cylindrical, rather whale-like bodies, may well have preyed upon other reptiles as well as large fish. Perhaps pliosauroids also attacked the giant squid of those times. The Australian inland sea was home to both the large pliosauroid Kronosaurus and a giant squid (not related to the modern species). Plesiosauroids, unlike ichthyosaurs, used stomach stones for ballast to offset the buoyancy of their lungs, and may have rested upon the bottom, to strike at prey with their long necks (Taylor 1981). Functional studies of plesiosaur limbs by Jane Robinson (1977), have shown that the paddles may have been hydrofoils generating thrust during the backstroke and also (from lift) during the recovery stroke, much as do the flippers of sea turtles. This hypothesis has since undergone modification, most recently by the suggestion that plesiosaurs "swam" much as do modern sea lions (Taylor 1986). The broad ventral plates of the girdles of plesiosauroids and pliosauroids anchored the locomotory musculature of the limbs. These girdles and the intervening gastralia (or ventral ribs) were not rigidly attached to the vertebral column and rib cage, but were suspended by muscles. This suggests that the vertebral column could be actively bowed, to keep the lungs inflated, when plesiosauroids or pliosauroids ventured ashore. Thus, unlike ichthyosaurs or modern cetaceans, plesiosauroids and pliosauroids might have come ashore to give birth or lay eggs. The Australian Record Both plesiosauroid and pliosauroid material is rather common in Australia, and good specimens are known from Queensland, South Australia and New South Wales. Two plesiosauroids are reasonably well known in Australia, the cimoliasaur Cimoliasaurus maccoyi and the elasmosaurid Woolungasaurus glendowerensis. Other named forms ("Plesiosaurus" sutherlandi and "Plesiosaurus" macrospondylus) are too incomplete for comparison. Cimoliasaurus is a poorly known cosmopolitan form, reported from western Europe, the east coast of North America and South Island, New Zealand, as well as Australia. The Australian material is Early Cretaceous in age, and the genus is reported from the Late Cretaceous in New Zealand. Cimoliasaurus seems to have had a relatively short neck, and high slender, gracefully recurved teeth for holding fish. The Australian species, C. maccoyi, differed from the others in lacking lateral ridges on the cervical centra (Persson 1960). C. maccoyi comes from White Cliffs, New South Wales, and seems to have been only about 3 or 4 metres long. Persson suggested that C. maccoyi may be the same as Cimoliasaurus planus known from England and France. co Having written this, it must be cautioned that the type species of Cimoliasaurus, from New Jersey, is among the most incomplete plesiosaur specimen known from North America. In fact, its describer, Joseph Leidy, referred only other species to it: both from North America. European workers referred eleven species to this genus, however, and, thus, it came to be 632 - MOLNAR reported from several continents. Some modern workers feel that only the New Jersey species is valid, and the others (including the Australian) are unrelated. Woolungasaurus glendowerensis (Pl. 3) had the small head and a very long neck characteristic of elasmosaurids. All of its cervical centra were longer than high (Persson 1960). Only in regard to its girdle anatomy is Woolungasaurus unusual, as its girdles are much like those of the more primitive plesiosaurids while its limbs and vertebrae show advanced, typically elasmosaurid features. Woolungasaurus is known from north Queensland, from Richmond to Prairie, with a likely specimen from the Neales River, South Australia. Australian pliosauroids include Trinacromerum leucoscopelus, Kronosaurus queenslandicus (Longman, 1930) and an early Leptocleidus- or Bishanopliosaurus-like form. Trinacromerum is known from White Cliffs, with a possible second specimen from near Richmond, north Queensland. Persson (1960) thought the material so far collected was too incomplete for specific identification and hence referred to it as Dolichorhynchops? sp. (now replaced by the name Trinacromerum). I have retained the specific name (leucoscopelus) here for convenience, not because I am convinced it is valid. The cervical vertebrae are deeply concave, as is characteristic of polycotylid pliosauroids. The White Cliffs material is similar to that of Trinacromerum osborni from the midwestern U.S.A. particularly in vertebral and tooth form. Figure 15. Incomplete skull of Kronosaurus (QM F2446). The skull is slightly distorted by shear, which is corrected in the outlines of the missing portions. Most of the bone surface has been weathered away, but it appears that the frontal region was depressed below the level of the snout, and bore three longitudinal grooves. The teeth are reconstructed from the left side, and may be drawn too small. Apparently, the lower teeth projected lateral to the snout, while the upper projected medial to the jaw. Diagonal lines designate regions covered by matrix, while vertical lines designate broken bone. Scale bar represents 25 cm. FOSSIL REPTILES IN AUSTRALIA - 633 T. osborni_ has a long, ichthyosaur-like rostrum, and a high, strong sagittal crest, implying the existence of a strong jaw musculature. Trinacromerum was interesting in another way, but that is better discussed later. Kronosaurus queenslandicus is a large pliosaur, which is familiar from a reasonably complete specimen mounted at Harvard University. The Harvard specimen, however, scems not to be K. queenslandicus, but possibly a second species. K. queenslandicus is based on very incomplete material, a poorly preserved segment of the jaw symphysis with the teeth broken. More complete specimens of probable K. queenslandicus (no attempt at adequate comparison with the type material has yet been carried out) have recently been collected by the Queensland Museum. One of the reasons for doubt about the identity of the Harvard kronosaur is that it was collected near Richmond, from the Wallumbilla Formation, while the type material (and a second partial skull) was recovered from near Hughenden where the Wallumbilla is replaced by the younger Toolebuc Formation. Also the second partial skull (QM F24446) differs in form from that of the Harvard specimen. The second skull is very broad, low, and flat (at least 87 cm across by only 13 cm high), with large upwardly directed orbits (Fig. 15). There is no indication of crushing, although the Harvard skull (MCZ 1285) seems deeper. The Harvard skeleton is less complete than appears from the mount. Nothing of the forelimbs was preserved, for example, and much of the skull and vertebral column was incomplete (Romer & Lewis 1960). Nonetheless, enough material is preserved to give a reasonable idea of its general form. The skull is just over 25% of the entire length, and the dorsal column is also elongate. The neck is very short. The general build is massive and robust, and the ventral, plate-like regions of the girdles elongate. Zygapophyses are lacking from both the posterior dorsals and the caudals, which suggests marked flexibility in that region. The Harvard skeleton is just under 13 m in length (12.8 m to be exact), but may be smaller than the recently collected material in the Queensland Museum, The British pliosauroid Stretosaurus was larger. A freshwater pliosauroid has been found in the Early J urassic near Mt Morgan, Queensland. The bone itself has been lost, but the matrix has retained good impressions of the vertebrae, teeth and some of the limb elements (Fig. 16). This specimen was initially described by Bartholomai (1966b) as Early Cretaceous (or perhaps Late Jurassic) on the basis of comparison with the Wealden freshwater pliosauroid, Leptocleidus superstes. I had suggested (1980b) that this constituted evidence for free migration into and out of Australia during the Early Cretaceous. However, it is now known that these beds are Early Jurassic, and hence this “evidence” is invalid. A pliosaur similar to that from Mt Morgan has been described (Dong 1980) from the Chinese Jurassic (Bishanopliosaurus youngi), but detailed comparison with the Mt Morgan form has not been carried out. The Mt Morgan pliosauroid together with two unstudied forms, possibly plesiosauroids, from near Springsure, represents the earliest known Australian freshwater sauropterygian. Apparently freshwater pliosauroids retained primitive features (as do the freshwater platanistid dolphins), particularly in the structure of the girdles. The marine Trinacromerum retains these states as well, so that Trinacromerum may have been a secondarily marine form derived from freshwater ancestors (Andrews 1922). Other more fragmentary plesiosaur material, has been found elsewhere in Australia: from the Walsh River, Cape York Peninsula; Lightning Ridge, New South Wales; Andamooka (probably three kinds, Molnar & Pledge 1980) and Coober Pedy, South Australia; and the Otway Ranges, Victoria. Remains have also been found in the Late Cretaceous at Dandaragan, Western Australia (Teichert & Matheson 1944) , and, as mentioned previously, in the Early Jurassic Evergreen Formation near Springsure, southeastern Queensland (Thulborn & Warren 1980). One of the better preserved South Australian plesiosaurs, appears to be unique, reportedly with the hind paddles inclined backwards on the femur, but it has yet to be studied. 634 - MOLNAR Figure 16. Vertebrae (A, C), ischium (B) and neural arch (D) of the fresh-water pliosaur from near Mt Morgan, Queensland. The vertebrae are characterized by the deep transverse processes, similar to those found in Leptocleidus and related forms. These elements are each drawn from impressions left in the matrix, with no bone actually preserved. Scale bar represents 5 cm. Palaeozoogeography As with the ichthyosaurs, there are no very distinctive endemic forms in Australia. Cimoliasaurus appears to have been cosmopolitan. But in view of the doubt that it is valid, no conclusions may be drawn from the reported Australian occurrence (other than that the specimens are scrappy). Woolungasaurus is an endemic genus, but not greatly different from elasmosaurids found elsewhere. Kronosaurus has been reported, at least tentatively. from Colombia, in South America (Acosta-A. et al. 1979). Two large complete and articulated specimens are known. Hopefully these will soon be studied and their relationships to the Australian Kronosaurus revealed. The remaining Australian material has either yet to be studied or is too incomplete for zoogeographical analysis. Like ichthyosaurs, the plesiosaurs suggest the continuity of marine reptiles around the world. Elasmosaurids and cryptocleidids have been found in the Late Cretaceous of the Antarctic Peninsula (Gasparini & Goni 1985, Chatterjee & Small 1988). This, together with their occurrence in New Zealand and Australia, indicates that they lived in polar latitudes. PROLACERTIFORMS: LIZARD-LIKE ANCESTORS OF ARCHOSAURS The prolacertiforms (see Appendix I-4,5) are a group of small to moderately small Permo-Triassic reptiles. They have long been of obscure relationships, so obscure that their FOSSIL REPTILES IN AUSTRALIA - 635 former name, protorosaurs, has been discarded by some as being imprecise. Prolacertiforms share with archosaurs certain features, such as posteriorly curved (recurved) teeth, set in distinct sockets (thecodont implantation), an ear region with a high backwardly concave quadrate contacting the paroccipital process, reduction or loss of the posttemporal fenestrae, and an ankle in which the astragalus and calcaneum contact each other on both sides of a perforating foramen. Other similarities are given by Gow (1975) and Benton (1985). The prolacertiforms are named for the prolacertids. Long considered ancestral to, or at least related to, lizards the prolacertids were restudied by Gow (1975), who concluded they were related to thecodonts, perhaps being ancestral to that group. A prolacertid has been reported in the Early Triassic of Rewan Station, southeastern Queensland. It is represented by two pieces of the skull (Bartholomai 1979). This animal, Kadimakara australiensis (Fig. 17) was interpreted as closely resembling Prolacerta. Benton (1985) redefinded the prolacertids as possessing a tetraradiate squamosal; long, narrow palatal bones with long choanae; and a gap between the pterygoids and posterior vomers to accommodate part (the cultriform process) of the parasphenoid. Since Benton's work followed Bartholomai's, I re-examined the material to find out if Kadimakara was related to Prolacerta. A gap beween the pterygoids to accommodate the parasphenoid is present (Bartholomai 1979), whilst close examination of the squamosal shows that it is tetraradiate. Bartholomai was in doubt about this and presented two alternative interpretations of this region: his second seems to be correct (Fig. 17). So, Kadimakara is a prolacertid (Fig.18). When alive it was probably an inscct eater. = ae, Figure 17. A, Prolacerta, skull and lower jaws (Gow 1975); Kadimakara australiensis, a Triassic prolacertiform from Queensland. B, C, reconstruction of skull and lower jaws; D, back of skull in dorsal view (tetraradiate squamosal (sq) at right) (From Bartholomai 1979). Prolacertans are found in South Africa and Antarctica, as well as Australia, but some forms (e.g. Boreopricea) lived in the Northern Hemisphere. The same species, Prolacerta broomi, is known from both South Africa and Antarctica, where it is very abundant (Colbert 1987), highlighting the faunal continuity of these lands during the Early Triassic. This species may 636 - MOLNAR yet be found in Australia. THECODONTS : PRIMITIVE ARCHOSAURS Thecodonts are the earliest members of the archosaurs, and evolved into dinosaurs, crocodilians and birds. Thecodonts include all forms that are clearly or reasonably considered archosaurs, but are more primitive than members of the other archosaur taxa. As such, this group includes disparate forms, that are difficult to relate to each other. For this reason thecodonts need further study. In the cladistic view thecodonts, like reptiles, are an invalid taxon. Figure 18. The skeleton of Prolacerta. Presumably Kadimakara also looked very much like this. (From Gow 1975). Anatomy Thecodont characters are basically archosaur characters, including a diapsid skull with an antorbital fenestra (Fig. 1) and usually a mandibular fenestra, in the posterior portion of the mandible. Thecodonts typically have an imperforate acetabulum, and broad, plate-like pubis and ischium, a primitive pelvic structure. Unfortunately, these characters are typical, but not diagnostic. This is not to say that the individual groups of thecodonts cannot be well defined, for they can. As expected for a group that includes the early members of several divergent lineages, thecodonts show a variety of forms. Some were quadrupedal and others bipedal, some were herbivores and others carnivores, several groups were armoured, some were land-dwellers and others were amphibious. Further comments on the thecodont anatomy will be given in the section on evolution and taxonomy. The defining features (autapomorphies) of the Archosauria are given by Benton and Clark (1988). Evolution and Taxonomy As the group responsible for the archosaur radiation, and hence the bird radiation, the origin of the thecodonts is of considerable interest. Thecodonts were usually thought to have derived from the eosuchian (now the younginiform) lepidosaurs, and Gow (1975) nominated the prolacertiforms (which he called the parathecodonts) as ancestral to, or close to the ancestry of, the thecodonts. This view is now generally accepted. Other views had been aired as well. Cruickshank (1970) has suggested that archosaurs share ancestry with sphenodonts. Reig (1970) made an impressive, but apparently not convincing, case for the origin of archosaurs from pelycosaurs. Many of Reig's similarities were plesiomorphies, and this seriously weakened his case in spite of a few shared, derived features that he found. The problem of thecodont classification is the determination of the relationships of these FOSSIL REPTILES IN AUSTRALIA - 637 groups to one another and to their descendants. Certain individual thecodonts do resemble later archosaurs, e.g. Lagosuchus, the dinosaurs, and Scleromochlus, the pterosaurs (Padian 1984). None of the major groups of thecodonts, however, show any clear-cut relationships to the later forms, although such relationships have been proposed (Walker 1964). There has long been no generally accepted classification for thecodonts. Recently Gauthier (1986) and Benton and Clark (1988) have looked at the interrelationships of archosaurs in terms of their relationships to the two surviving groups, crocodilians and birds. For convenience, we may divide the archosaurs into three groups: those which diverged from the lineage leading to the latest common ancestor of crocodilians and birds; those that derive from the common ancestor of crocodilians and birds but are more closely related to crocodilians than to birds (crocodylotarsans), and; those that derive from the common ancestor and are more closely related to birds than to crocodilians (ornithosuchians). Those taxa of the second and third groups, all descendants of the common ancestor of crocodilians and birds, are known as crown- ue archosaurs. Thecodonts include all of the first group, and the primitive members of the other two. The classification here used follows that of Benton and Clark (1988). Four groups of archosaurs diverged before the common ancestor of crocodilians and birds: Proterosuchia. The oldest forms, mostly sprawling crocodile-like predators. Found in the Russia, China, India, Australia and South Africa. Erythrosuchia. Also quadrupedal predators, but with a more upright posture and broader, deeper skull. Found in South Africa, Russia and China. Proterochampsidae and Doswellia. The proterochampsids were crocodile-like forms, with a broad, low, flat skull with slit-like nares. Found in Brazil and Argentina. Doswellia has a similar skull but its body is sheathed in armour. Found in Virginia (U.S.A.). Euparkeriidae. Small, bipedal predators. Found in South Africa and China. In addition to the Crocodylia, the Crocodylotarsi includes four groups of thecodonts: Poposauria. Large bipedal carnivores, superficially resembling dinosaurs such as Tyrannosaurus. Found in the U.S.A., Germany and the British Isles. Pseudosuchia. Also includes a group of large, bipedal carnivores (Rauisuchia), as well as quadrupedal, armoured herbivores (Aetosauria). Rauisuchia found in Argentina, Brazil, India, Tanzania, Morocco and Switzerland. Aetosauria found in Scotland, Germany, China, Chile, Argentina and the U.S.A. (It is important to realize that the usage of the term 'Pseudosuchia’' by Benton and Clark, while close to the original usage of the last century, is different from that used for much of this century.) Gracilisuchus. A small bipedal carnivore. Found in Argentina. Phytosauria. Quadrupedal, amphibious predators, very crocodile-like in appearance. Found in Morocco, China, India, Madagascar, Turkey, England, Germany, and the U.S.A. Ornithosuchians include the dinosaurs and two groups of thecodonts. Ornithosuchidae. Large, bipedal predators. Found in Scotland and Argentina. Lagosuchidae. Small, bipedal or quadrupedal predators. Found in Argentina. This scheme leaves some groups unclassified. Most of these are either incompletely preserved or not easily accessible for study. While the bulk of thecodonts are accounted for, those left out are among the most bizarre and interesting, and so will be bricfly mentioned: Lotosauria. Large beaked quadrupeds, with a low sail along the back. Found in China, Tanzania, Germany, Brazil and the U.S.A. Longisquama. A small, apparently quadrupedal form with greatly elongate scales along the back, perhaps used for gliding (Haubold & Buffetaut 1987). Found in Soviet Central Asia. Megalancosaurus. A small, perhaps arboreal animal, with a number of bird-like features in the skull and pelvis and a very large ‘hand’. Found in Italy. Some workers include the lotosaurs in the rauisuchians. The term "pseudosuchian" was until recently widely used for rauisuchians, actosaurs and protodinosaurs. Originally it meant 638 - MOLNAR groups. The oldest thecodont, a proterosuchian, comes from the Permian of Russia. What may be the most primitive of thecodonts, Cosesaurus aviceps, is known from a single specimen from Europe. It is a small, gracile, contentious form. Some workers believe that it shares no derived features with archosaurs and regard it as a prolacertiform. Other views are possible, however, as the specimen seems to show an antorbital fenestra. If this is correct, this animal may link archosaurs with prolacertiforms. Another proposed primitive archosaur is Mesenosaurus romeri, which also reportedly has an antorbital fenestra, albeit a very small one (Ivakhnenko & Kurzanov, 1978). Mesenosaurus, from the Permian of northern Russia was previously considered a pelycosaur. Figure 19. Basic pattems of archosaurian tarsal structure. The left ankle of three genera is shown, with the elements pictured above and the pattern diagrammed below. A, D, the advanced archosaurian condition (Thescelosaurus), with the hinge passing between the proximal and distal tarsals; B, E, the crocodilian condition (Crocodylus), with the hinge joint passing between the proximal tarsals, and with a peg (p) on the astragalus (a) fitting into a socket on the calcaneum (c); C, F, the crocodilian-reversed condition (Riojasuchus), with a peg on the calcaneum fitting into a socket of the astragalus: this condition is not widespread. Other abbreviations: i, first metatarsal; f, fibula; t, tibia; v, fifth metatarsal. (From Bonaparte 1971 and Thulborm 1980). The relationship of the thecodonts to dinosaurs has occasioned much interest over the past ten years. The studies appear, however, to have produced more enthusiasm than enlightenment. Basically they have centred on the structure of the ankle. Archosaurs exhibit two types of ankle joint (Fig. 19) (in fact there is a third variant among one group of thecodonts). One is a simple mesotarsal joint, in which the "hinge" about which the foot rotates lies between the distal row of tarsals and the two proximal tarsals (astragalus and FOSSIL REPTILES IN AUSTRALIA - 639 calcaneum). This a feature of the ornithosuchians. In the other, the crocodiloid joint, the hinge passes between the two proximal tarsals. The astragalus is fixed to the calf, while the calcaneum is fixed to the foot. The astragalus articulates with the calcaneum via a peg-and- socket joint, the astragalus bearing the peg and the calcaneum the socket. This is found in the crocodylotarsans. Further details of the anatomy may be found in Thulborn (1980). A third form, known as the crocodile-reversed joint, is essentially like the crocodiloid joint, except that the astragalus bears the socket and the calcaneum the peg. Difficulties lay in understanding, or reconstructing, how one of these forms might have evolved into another, as it appears that some lines of archosaurs would have had to reverse the trend of ankle joint evolution. A further difficulty is that various dinosaurs (such as Allosaurus) have various combinations of pegs and sockets at the astragalus-calcancum junction. This has been compounded by misidentifications of the type of joint present in certain archosaurs. The whole situation has not been wholly resolved to general satisfaction, although Bonaparte (1984) has presented a significant analysis of locomotion in thecodonts, and Thulborn (1980) has suggested, sensibly, that both archosaur ankle joints may have evolved from a more primitive, intermediate condition. Crocodilians are less modified from their ancestors than birds and dinosaurs. Crocodilians should be sufficiently familiar to need no detailed introduction, although an excellent summary can be found in Buffetaut (1979). Palaeobiology In keeping with the variety of different forms among the thecodonts, there was a similar variety of life-styles. Such diversity is often found in the radiation of successful evolutionary lines. Also, like other successful lines, the thecodonts were first and primarily carnivores. The armoured aetosaurs were probably plant-eaters. The aetosaur skull had an extended tip to the snout, so maybe they rooted for roots and tubers like modern pigs. The lotosaurs, with their parrot-like beaks and dorsal sails, have so far defeated attempts to understand their mode of life. Most thecodonts, including those found in Australia (proterosuchians), were carnivores. Little work has been done on the mode of life of the proterosuchians. As mentioned above, they probably lived much like crocodiles, as sprawling, amphibious predators. Crocodilians need little description, as modern ones are quite familiar. Information on the Australian species is provided by Webb & Maniolis (1988a, 1988b). However one important point must be made. Modern crocodilians, formidable as they are, give little indication of the diversity found among the Mesozoic crocodilians. There were marine crocodilians (thalattosuchians), with long snouts, paddles instead of feet and dorsal tail fins. There were large forms (stomatosuchians, and the Cainozoic nettosuchians) with broad flat skulls and minute teeth. These may have lived in ponds, and scooped up to eat whatever was drifting in the water (Langston 1965). The uruguaysuchians were short-snouted crocodilians with tecth like those of herbivorous lizards and dinosaurs, and hence may have been plant-eating crocodiles. Others, the ziphodont crocodiles (which include members from several unrelated lineages), had laterally compressed shearing teeth like those of the theropod dinosaurs. These became more prominent during the early Cainozoic, and seem to have been land-dwellers rather than amphibious animals. This great diversity of forms and habits is now sadly reduced. The Australian Record Only proterosuchian thecodonts are known so far in Australia. Two genera, Tasmaniosaurus and Kalisuchus (Fig. 20), are from Tasmania and Queensland respectively. Tasmaniosaurus triassicus has been found in flood-plain pond deposits of the Early Triassic Knocklofty Formation (Camp & Banks 1978). This environment was shared with a diverse 640 - MOLNAR Knocklofty Formation (Camp & Banks 1978). This environment was shared with a diverse fauna of temnospondyls upon which Tasmaniosaurus may have fed (Thulborn 1986a). The skull of this thecodont was moderately low and long, as in other proterosuchians. Its reported relationship to phytosaurs is in error (Thulborn 1986a). Although the postcranium is preserved, the quality of the preservation is poor. The vertebrae appear typical of proterosuchians, and there is a well-developed interclavicle, a primitive character not found in most other proterosuchians. Tasmaniosaurus is a proterosuchian resembling the well-known Chasmatosaurus. i <— , Figure 20. Reconstructed skulls of the two known Australian thecodonts. A, Tasmaniosaurus triassicus, B, Kalisuchus rewanensus. (From Thulbom 198€a). Kalisuchus rewanensis, from the Early Triassic of southeastern Queensland (Thulborn 1979), was also found with a diverse fauna of temnospondyl amphibians. The material is isolated fragments, but shows the characteristic proterosuchian features: subthecodont teeth and triple-headed ribs. In addition, there are numerous detailed resemblances to Chasmatosaurus. Differences from Chasmatosaurus include a crocodiloid calcaneum, strongly developed FOSSIL REPTILES IN AUSTRALIA - 641 maxillary shelf. This latter suggests that Kalisuchus had a broad snout. The slender limb bones, expanded snout, calcaneum and the long (for a proterosuchian) neck and tail suggest an approach to the dinosauran condition. Nevertheless, when alive, Kalisuchus (and Tasmaniosaurus) probably looked much like crocodiles. Cosgriff (1983) reported two thecodont fossils from the Lower Triassic Fremouw Formation of Antarctica. Two bones, both incomplete, were found: a vertebra and a humerus. Cosgriff was uncertain as to what kind of thecodont they belonged. The vertebra resembled those of ornithosuchids and proterosuchians, and the humerus was like those of the rauisuchians. The evidence at hand is not adequate to resolve this uncertainty, but the forms of the two bones do suggest a more derived creature (or creatures) than those known from Australia. A wide variety of thecodonts lived in South Africa, South America and probably India, so the occurrence of other kinds of thecodonts in Antarctica is also likely. In turn, this suggests that other thecodonts may eventually be found in Australia. Isolated crocodilian material has been found in the Early Cretaceous Griman Creck Formation at Lightning Ridge (Molnar 1980c). This material, consisting of portions of a jaw (Pl. 4) and skull, some limb bones and some vertebrae (PI. 5), is interesting, because it includes procoelous cervical vertebrae. Most Mesozoic crocodilians (protosuchians and mesosuchians) had amphicoclous vertebrae, that is the centra were excavated at both ends. The modem crocodilians are characterized by procoelous centra, which are concave on the anterior face and convex on the posterior. This pattern is thought to optimize mobility and strength of the vertebral column, although further work is needed to clarify the function of procoelous vertebrae. Until recently, it was thought that the earliest procoelous crocodilians dated from the latest Jurassic of western Europe (//ylaeochampsa), and that they did not become “widespread” until the Late Cretaceous. Thus, the Lightning Ridge crocodile ("Crocodilus" selaslophensis) seemed to be an early example of a procoelous crocodile rather far from their presumed area of origin. It now appears, due to the work of J.M. Clark at Chicago, that procoelous crocodilians were already well-developed in the Late Jurassic of North America. Thus, they are older than previously believed, and their appearance in the Early Cretaceous of Australia is less surprising. Procoelous vertebrae are generally taken to characterize eusuchian crocodiles, although Benton and Clark (1988) have recently suggested that procoely developed prior to the diagnostic eusuchian feature, choanae entirely surrounded by the pterygoids. So, while the Lighting Ridge crocodile is a procoelous crocodile, it is not known to be a eusuchian. Palaeozoogeography Both Australian proterosuchians belong to endemic genera, but both show detailed similarities to taxa known overseas. Tasmaniosaurus is unusual in its possession of a well- developed interclavicle. The similarities of both forms to overseas taxa are consistent with the palaeogeographic interpretation of Triassic Australia as part of a single land mass, Pangaea. The Lightning Ridge crocodilian is quite unlike later Australian (or overseas) forms. The mandibular teeth are all of the same size and set in adjacent sockets. Later, and most Cretaceous, crocodiles have mandibular teeth that vary markedly in size, by a factor of about two. Furthermore the teeth of "C." selaslophensis are set in sockets in a groove in the dentary. This is rare in crocodiles, being found only in two other, also poorly known, Mesozoic species. However, such a groove is also found in the jaw of the Eocene Argentinian Eocaiman, which is similar to the jaw fragment from Lighting Ridge in other ways. A fragment of the skull or jaw of a large crocodilian was recently found in the Toolebuc Formation, near Hughenden. 642 - MOLNAR SAURISCHIANS: MEAT-EATERS AND DINOSAUR GIANTS Saurischian dinosaurs are well known, for they include such perennial favourites as Apatosaurus (Brontosaurus) and Tyrannosaurus. They had long been recognized by the pelvic structure, in which the pubis and ischium diverged (in lateral view) at an angle, often about 30 degrees (Fig. 21B). This was distinguished from the ornithischian condition in which part of the pubis was inclined posteriorly parallel to the ischium (Fig. 21A). However, in the late 1970s saurischians were discovered in Mongolia that had the pubis and ischium parallel and posteriorly directed. And this form of pelvis (opisthopubic) was found in two only distantly related saurischians. One group was the segnosaurs (Barsbold & Perle 1980), which resemble prosauropods (Fig. 21C). The other was the genus Adasaurus, a small dromaeosaurid theropod (Fig. 21D), closely related to theropods thought to be well known from North America. These discoveries led to revision of the standard definition of saurischians. Gauthier (1986) proposed several new defining features: among them having the jaw musculature attach (in part) to the dorsal face of the frontals, long posterior cervicals, a distinctly asymmetrical forefoot, and an enlarged claw on the pollex (thumb). Figure 21. Dinosaur pelves. The top row represents the two classical pelvic types. A, omithischian, as shown by /guanodon; B, saurischian, as shown by Allosaurus. The bottom row shows two of the newly discovered Mongolian saurischians with pelves that approach the omithischian in form. C, a Segnosaurus, D, a small theropod, Adasaurus. eR Many workers now accept the contention of Bakker & Galton (1974) that the dinosaurs are a real (i.e. monophyletic) group. Dinosaurs, like Gaul are divided into three parts, saurischians, ornithischians and herrerasaurs (previously considered saurischians). Saurischians come in two varieties, theropods (the carnivores, by and large) and sauropodomorphs (the giants, by and large). Anatomy Saurischian dinosaurs show two basic body forms or bauplans, that of the theropods and FOSSIL REPTILES IN AUSTRALIA - 643 that of the sauropodomorphs. Sauropodomorphs all have relatively small skulls and relatively long necks. They have four or five digits in the hindfoot and leaf-shaped or peg-like teeth. Theropods usually have large skulls on short necks (but may have small skulls on long necks). They have three-toed hindfeet and either flattened, knife-blade-like teeth or no teeth at all. Most of the features that characterize theropods, and distinguish them from sauropodomorphs, are obscure. However, two more obvious features are the greater development of the anterior moeity of the ilium (Fig. 21B) and the absence of neural spines and transverse processes from the distal portion of the tail in theropods. Evolution and Taxonomy Another "feature" shared by theropods and sauropodomorphs (see Appendix I-6) is that their taxonomy and evolution are poorly understood. Both increased in size during their evolution, although sauropodomorphs reached their maximum size early in the Cretaceous, while theropods were largest late in the Cretaceous. The sauropod form was established early in the Jurassic and remained until their extinction. The theropods, on the other hand, continued to develop new forms right up until their extinction. Oddly enough, the most derived sauropods seem not to have been the latest. In fact, the most derived sauropods seem to have been those of the Late Jurassic. They were replaced by seemingly more plesiomorphic sauropods (the titanosaurids) in the Cretaceous, especially in Gondwanaland. Further details on theropods and sauropodomorphs may be found in Norman (1985). The earliest dinosaurs are the herrerasaurs, from the Triassic of Argentina and Brazil. Unfortunately, little has yet been published on these animals, although it has been suggested (Bakker & Galton 1974) that they are ancestral not only to later saurischians, but to ornithischians as well. Their occurrence in South America suggests that they may also have occurred in Australia, and more importantly that dinosaurs mzy have originated in Gondwanaland. Palaeobiology Three major groups of saurischians are known, prosauropods, sauropods (both sauropodomorphs) and theropods. The prosauropods were small to moderately large herbivores, probably chiefly quadrupedal, of the Triassic. They survived into the earliest Jurassic, but soon thereafter became extinct. They have been found on all continents except Antarctica. The segnosaurs are thought to be relatives of prosauropods that survived into the Late Cretaceous in east Asia and North America. Sauropods, also found everywhere except Antarctica, first developed during the Early Jurassic and survived until the end of the Cretaceous. They seem most diverse, or at least best known, from the Late Jurassic. They are often considered to be amphibious, although there are no convincing reasons for this opinion. Trackways show they were capable of travelling on dry land, but others also show that they spent at least some time in the water, and could swim. Stomach contents of one individual (Stokes 1964) indicate an eclectic diet of plant material, and likely dead animal material as well. Early sauropods may have been carnivores (Raath 1972) although the evidence for this is less than convincing. Development of large cavities in the vertebrae (pleurocoels) seems to have been progressive, later forms having such large pleurocoels as to convert the vertebral column functionally into an I-beam. Earlier ones had only slightly developed pleurocoels. Sauropods are among the largest of the dinosaurs, and the largest individuals were considerably larger than the largest whales, reaching maybe 45 min length (Dutuit & Quazzou 1980, Anderson 1987). More information on sauropod life styles may be found in Coombs (1975). 644 - MOLNAR Figure 22. Tibia (A-D, F) and claw (E) of Agrosaurus macgillivrayi, presumably from Queensland. A, lateral view; B, dorsal view; C, cross section of shaft; D, distal view; F, anterior view. (From Seeley 1891). Theropods appeared in the Triassic and survived until the end of the Cretaceous, and again have been found on all continents except Antarctica, even occurring in New Zealand. They developed too great a variety of forms for any easy, brief description. Some had sabre-like shearing teeth, others no teeth at all; some were ponderous and large, others small and graceful; some had sails along their backs, or horns or crests of various forms on their heads, and others did not. They were bipedal (so far as we know) and probably mostly carnivorous. It was usually assumed without evidence that the large carnivores did not venture into water, but it is now accepted that they probably could swim well (Coombs 1980). The Australian Forms Prosauropods, sauropods and theropods all have been found in Australia. A single fragmentary specimen of a prosauropod, Agrosaurus macgillivrayi (Fig. 22), was collected during the voyage of the H1MS Fly (Sceley 1891). It is presumably from Triassic beds FOSSIL REPTILES IN AUSTRALIA - 645 somewhere on the northeastern coast of Australia, probably at the very tip of the Cape York Peninsula. Little is known of this beast, but the tibia suggests a small form much like Thecodontosaurus" minor (probably Massospondylus) of South Africa. It indicates the presence in Australia of prosauropeds like those found elsewhere. Both Jurassic and Cretaceous sauropods have turned up in Australia. The Middle Jurassic Rhoetosaurus brownei (Fig. 23), from southeastern Queensland, is one of the earliest sauropods (Longman 1926, 1927). It is known largely from the hindquarters and tail and is currently under study by Dr R.A. Thulborn. It was a very peculiar beast, about 12 m long. Figure 23. The right hind foot (A) and a dorsal vertebra (B) of Rhoetosaurus brownei. The presumed extent of the claws is shown by the dashed lines. (Courtesy of L. Beirne & M. Wade). A second sauropod, Austrosaurus mckillopi, is represented by dorsals and ribs from the Allaru Mudstone near Maxwellton in northern Queensland (Longman 1933). Although from the late Early Cretaceous, the dorsals are primitive and resemble those of Middle Jurassic forms from overseas. Pleurocoels are very rudimentary, and the centra are composed of spongy bone. Further specimens, probably Austrosaurus sp., come from the slightly younger Winton Formation, near Winton, central Queensland (Coombs & Molnar 1981). This material is somewhat more complete and shows an elongate metacarpus, which in turn suggests a relatively long forelimb, and simple caudals. Again the resemblance is to Middle and Upper Jurassic sauropods from overseas. The posterior portion of the cervical of the large sauropod was found near Hughenden (Fig. 24). This closely resembles the corresponding bone of the gigantic Brachiosaurus brancai of east Africa and suggests a 20 metre long animal. However, as little of the neck of Austrosaurus is known, this cervical may come from Austrosaurus, rather than from a brachiosaur. 646 - MOLNAR Figure 24. Incomplete cervical vertebra of the large "Hughenden sauropod" (QM F6142) in lateral (A) and posterior (B) views. Diagonal lines indicate broken surfaces, and patterning indicates matrix still present on the specimen. Theropod material from Australia is generally scrappy, much less complete than the sauropod material: usually only single bones. One of these from the Early Cretaceous Strzelecki Group near Wonthaggi, Victoria, by a happy coincidence tured out to be an astragalus. Now while it is often believed (by non-palacontologists) that a palaeontologist can identify, and provide sundry other information about a fossil animal from a single bone, this is very rarely the case. In this instance, however, it was true, due to a comprehensive study by Welles & Long (1974) of the astragali of theropods. Astragali turned out to be diagnostic elements of theropod skeletons, and hence the Victorian astragalus could confidently be identified as Allosaurus sp. (Molnar et al. 1981). Allosaurus is a well known theropod from North America and east Africa. The Victorian Allosaurus represents either a juvenile or small individual, no more than about 6 m long. Several other small theropod bones are now known, but unstudied, from the Early Cretaceous Otway and Strzelecki groups of southern Victoria (Rich & Rich, 1989). Theropod material has also turned up at Lightning Ridge, New South Wales, particularly vertebral centra. One of these has been named Walgettosuchus woodwardi (v. Huene 1932), but is unfortunately so incomplete that it could belong to any of three theropod families (including the Allosauridae). A single, unusual metacarpal from Lightning Ridge forms the type material of Rapator ornitholestoides (v. Huene 1932). This metacarpal, about the size of that of a small adult Allosaurus possesses an elongate posteromedial process not found elsewhere (Fig. 25). A much smaller process is found in the smaller North American Ornitholestes hence the specific name "ornitholestoides" . Thus, Rapator seems to be a distinct and valid, though not well known, form. A third fragmentary theropod is Kakuru kujani from the Maree Formation at Andamooka, South Australia. It is known from a single, almost complete, but crushed, tibia (Molnar & Pledge 1980). Kakuru was a relatively small theropod with very slender proportions (to judge FOSSIL REPTILES IN AUSTRALIA - 647 from the tibia) matching those of herons and cranes, and recently discovered very bird-like dinosaurs from Mongolia (Avimimus and Borogovia). The distal end of the tibia retains the facet where the astragalus attached so that the form of the astragalus, usually well-reflected by this facet, is known. Again, thanks to Welles & Long (1974), it was possible to determine that this astragalus differed significantly from that of any other theropod (but one, and that yet to be studied) in that it was very high but did not extend across the entire width of the tibia. Thus, Kakuru seems not closely related to any known forms from overseas. Figure 25. First metacarpals of theropod dinosaurs, shown in dorsal and ventral views. A, B, Rapator ornitholestoides (New South Wales); C, D, Struthiomimus altus (Alberta, Canada), E, F, Deinocheirus mirificus (Mongolia): G, H, Allosaurus fragilis (western U. S. A.). I, Therizinosaurus cheloniformis, dorsal view only (Mongolia). The metacarpal of Raptor differs from all of these by having the strong posteromedial process (bar). Finally, the cervical vertebra (Pl. 6) of what seems to be a very small theropod has been found in the Early Cretaceous Toolebuc Formation of western Queensland. Palaeozoogeography The fragmentary remains of Agrosaurus provide little information, but suggest that this 648 - MOLNAR Australian prosauropod resembled those from other lands. Rhoetosaurus is still to be fully studied, but Austrosaurus seems to resemble forms (cetiosaurs) from Europe, Africa and South America that are much older than it. Australian theropod remains show that both large (Allosaurus and Rapator) and small (Kakuru) animals were present. The latter two seem to represent endemic forms of dubious relationship to those known elsewhere, while Allosaurus is quite similar to overseas forms, but survived longer in Australia. This suggests some isolation of Australian terrestrial tetrapods in the Cretaceous. Of the four Cretaceous saurischian genera known in Australia, two seem endemic and two survived later than their known overseas relatives. ORNITHISCHIANS: PLANT-EATING DINOSAURS Ornithischians include the remainder of the dinosaurs, the horned, armoured, plated and duck-billed dinosaurs, among others. All were herbivores of small to moderately large size. All ornithischians have a single, median bone at the front of the lower jaws, anterior to the dentaries. This is the predentary, and ornithischians were once known as predentates. Among the other features characterizing ornithischians are: a jaw joint depressed below the level of the toothrow, at least one ossified cartilage (palpebral) in the eyelid, reduced antorbital fenestra (even, in some cases, almost lost) and the fifth digit of the foot reduced to a metatarsal only (Gauthier 1986). Anatomy Ornithischian dinosaurs come in a wide variety of forms, and any attempt to describe their anatomy must be either short and abstract or long and detailed. We shall follow the first course here, and those interested in detail should consult Norman (1985). Ornithischians have an anterior projection of the pubis, known as the prepubis (Fig. 21A). This is often well- developed, but may be short as in ankylosaurs. The crowns of the cheek teeth of ornithischians are usually low, with the edges lined by denticles (Pl. 9I-L). These teeth often have a bulbous base (cingulum) and are basically triangular in profile. In other features ornithischians, like other successful vertebrate groups, vary widely. Some were bipedal, others quadrupedal, some were armoured, others were not, some had shearing teeth, others grinding teeth. Evolution and Taxonomy As with saurischians, the evolution of ornithischians is poorly understood. Four to seven (depending upon the authority) major groups of ornithischian dinosaurs are recognized. Only those found (ornithopods and ankylosaurs) or likely to have occurred (fabrosaurs, heterodontosaurs, pachycephalosaurs and stegosaurs) in Australia will be discussed. The others (ceratopsians and scelidosaurs) seem restricted to Laurasia. Ornithischians appear late in the Triassic. One Early Jurassic ornithischian, the South African Geranosaurus, has been known for over sixty years (Broom 1911). However, it was overlooked until the discovery of new material in the 1960s. This was both because of its peculiar and unexpected dentition and the lack of any further specimens. Predictably, once new material was recognized from South Africa, more types promptly turned up elsewhere (Canada, China and Argentina). It also developed that other Early Jurassic ornithischians had been found in the interim, and not recognized. Much of the difficulty arose from the dentition. Instead of uniform teeth, as in later ornithischians, many of the Early Jurassic species had a mammal-like dentition. This included incisor-like, canine-like and molar-like teeth. This explains how one Early Jurassic ornithischian was mistaken for a therapsid. FOSSIL REPTILES IN AUSTRALIA - 649 The Early Jurassic ornithischians are often considered to belong to two groups, fabrosaurs and heterodontosaurs, although neither may be a real group in the cladistic sense. Heterodontosaurs had the mammal-like dentition, and developed cheeks. Fabrosaurs had a simpler dentition, and little indication of cheeks. While most experts consider both of these groups to be ornithopods, the matter is not settled to everyone's satisfaction, and the question will be avoided here. Ornithopods appeared in the Middle Jurassic and, in addition to probably giving rise to most of the other ornithischian groups, developed in two main directions: towards small gracile running herbivores (hypsilophodonts) or large to very large, bulky quadrupeds (iguanodonts and hadrosaurs) with a recurrent tendency for cranial elaboration (horns, crests, etc.). The hypsilophodonts appear in mid-Jurassic and last through the Cretaceous. Similarly, the iguanodonts also appear in the Jurassic and last out the Cretaceous, evolving into hadrosaurs, with impressive grinding batteries of teeth, late in the Early Cretaceous, at about the time that angiosperms began their successful radiation. Hadrosaurs, often called duck-billed dinosaurs from the shape of their bills, are usually considered amphibious, although there is good evidence that some were not (Galton 1970). There is also evidence that some of the large species (and they reportedly reached lengths in excess of 20 metres - Morris 1970) were indeed aquatic (Morris 1981). Pachycephalosaurs seem to have evolved from hypsilophodonts. They developed a great thickening of the skull roof presumably used in clashes between males, as with modern sheep and goats. In the Late Cretaceous they spread through Asia and North America. A single isolated specimen from Madagascar suggests that they were more widespread than has been realized (Sues & Taquet 1979) and may have occurred in other parts of Gondwana. Until recently, ankylosaurs were considered the major Cretaceous armoured dinosaurs, while the stegosaurs and scelidosaurs, were the armoured dinosaurs of the Jurassic. However, ankylosaurs could not have appeared fully developed precisely at the end of the Jurassic. Recent discoveries of Jurassic ankylosaurs (Galton 1980) have shown that they were present through most of the Jurassic, but were simply not prominent in the known faunas. The first dinosaur found in the Antarctic was an ankylosaur. Stegosaurs have also been confirmed at a time when they were thought not to have existed. Presumably having evolved from a heterodontosaur early in the Jurassic, they reached their greatest diversity in the Late Jurassic and survived into the Early Cretaceous in Europe, Africa and China. In India (which during the Cretaceous made its way across the Indian Ocean isolated from other lands) small (almost pygmy) stegosaurs reportedly survived until the end of the Cretaceous (Yadagiri & Ayyasami 1979), long after they had become extinct elsewhere. Appropriately for such storybook-dragon-like creatures, stegosaurs were most abundant and diverse in China. Their occurrence in Africa and India suggests that they may have lived elsewhere in Gondwanaland. Palaeobiology Fabrosaurs and heterodontosaurs were small, bipedal ornithischians. The primitive fabrosaurs did not possess cheeks and hence probably fed much like modern herbivorous lizards. The heterodontosaurs, however, did have cheeks, which allowed them to masticate their food much more efficiently, as checks and tongue could be used to hold the food between the toothrows of both jaws. This allowed more effective grinding. Heterodontosaurs also had canine-like tusks, apparently present only in the males, and hence presumably used in courtship combat or display. Omithopods were herbivores, the smaller ones bipedal and the larger at least facultatively bipedal. The later groups (iguanodonts and hadrosaurs) developed great batteries of grinding teeth, composed of several adjacent rows in hadrosaurs. In later ornithopods, the maxilla was 650 - MOLNAR passively rotated about a longitudinal axis at its dorsal margin during chewing. This system, termed pleurokinesis, increased the efficiency of mastication and may have been responsible for the great proliferation of ornithopods (Weishampel 1984). Pachycephalosaurs, except for their thickened skulls, seem much like the more primitive of the ornithopods. Stegosaurs also retain more primitive jaw and tooth structure. They specialized in the development of bony plates and spikes held erect along the back. Although the spikes bore at the distal end of the tail may well have been defensive, it seems likely that the plates along the back were not. Farlow et al. (1977) have suggested that the plates functioned in absorbing and dissipating heat. Ankylosaurs were also armoured dinosaurs, but had scutes within the skin much like those of crocodiles, rather than erect plates like stegosaurs. Rather little is known of ankylosaur palaeobiology, probably because although their scutes are fairly common, well-preserved and reasonably complete skeletons are not. The Australian Forms Few ornithischians are known from Australia, but one of them (an iguanodont) is the most completely known Australian dinosaur. So far, only ornithopods and ankylosaurs are known, but the distribution of the others (with the exception of ceratopsians and scelidosaurs) is such that any of them may be expected to be found here. Hypsilophodontid material is known from New South Wales (Molnar 1980b) and Victoria (Flannery & Rich 1981, Rich & Rich, 1989) (Pl. 7-10). So far, only isolated elements (often femora) and two partial skeletons are known but they indicate forms generally similar to those from overseas. A single incomplete femur from Lightning Ridge, the type of Fulgurotherium australe, was originally interpreted as a theropod (v. Huene 1932). Six more femora referred to Fulgurotherium (Molnar & Galton 1986) are similar to those of Hypsilophodon and Othnielia (Fig. 26). A seventh incomplete femur more closely resembles that of Hypsilophodon and represents a distinct form. A single tooth from the Ridge likely pertains to the animal from which most of these femora derive (PI. 11) and other material, including parts of skulls, one associated with a partial skeleton, has been found in the Early Cretaceous rocks along the south coast of Victoria. This material represents at least two genera, Atlascopcosaurus and Leaellynasaura, in addition to Fulgurotherium. A juvenile specimen of Leaellynasaura includes both the skull and the cast of the brain (Rich & Rich 1989). It was a large-eyed, large-brained animal at least when compared to other ornithopods. Although the relatively large size of the brain may reflect its youth, the large eyes suggest accommodation to the conditions of winter darkness of the south polar regions. Victoria, after all, was within the Antarctic Circle of the Early Cretaceous. The femur of Leaellynasaura shows some primitive features, recalling those of the fabrosaurids (Rich & Rich 1989). Atlascopcosaurus is known from less complete material, and differs from leaellynasaurs in having more ridges on the cheek teeth. Femora from Victoria are known from Leaellynasaura and Fulgurotherium as well as two other forms, one of which may be Atlascopcosaurus. The iguanodont, Muttaburrasaurus langdoni, comes from the marine Early Cretaceous Mackunda Formation of central Queensland (Bartholomai & Molnar 1981). It is represented by a reasonably complete skeleton lacking much of the tail (Figs. 27-32). Much like Iguanodon, except for the skull, and it is a massive form about 8m long. Muttaburrasaurus seems most like the robust iguanodonts in its proportions, and has similarities to Camptosaurus in cranial proportions. Probably quadrupedal, it is characterized by a broad, low skull with a remarkable expanded hollow chamber on the snout. Unlike other ornithopods, Muttaburrasaurus had a shearing, not grinding dentition, roughly like that of ceratopsians. The function of the snout chamber, associated with the nares, is not known, but either resonance, for calls or enhance- FOSSIL REPTILES IN AUSTRALIA - 651 Figure 26. The femur of Fulgurotherium australe from Lightning Ridge, New South Wales. This reconstruction is based on two specimens. (From Molnar & Galton 1986). ment of smell is likely. Like the European Iguanodon, Muttaburrasaurus seemingly developed a thumb spike, but in the Queensland form the spike is flattened (as in only some European species) and rather large. Like Camptosaurus, Muttaburrasaurus retained four large metatarsals in the foot. Muttaburrasaurus has been found from Hughenden, Queensland, in the north to Lightning Ridge, New South Wales, in the south. In spite of an early report of armoured dinosaurs from near Darwin, Northern Territory (which turned out to be fossilized bivalve shells), the only ankylosaur remains are from a small animal found near Roma, Queensland. This individual of Minmi paravertebra is known from part of the rib cage and vertebral column, a foot and armour from the belly (Figs 33, 34) (Molnar 1980a). It represents a small ankylosaur, probably no more than 4 m long, but likely as much as 0.75 m broad. The material is just sufficient to show, in addition to a diagnostic ankylosaurian character, the existence of unusual little bones (paravertebrae) that lay alongside the neural spines of the dorsal vertebrae. These bones resemble, both in form and in their relationship to the ribs and vertebral column, tendons and tendinous sheets (aponeuroses) found in crocodiles (Fig.35) (Molnar & Frey 1987). In crocodiles these tendons serve to 652 - MOLNAR Figure 27. Reconstruction of skull of Muttaburrasaurus langdoni. A, lateral view; B, posterior view; C, cross-section through snout bulla; D, dorsal view. (From Bartholomai & Molnar 1981). Figure 28. Composite of two dorsal vertebrae of Muttaburrasaurus. Centrum and prezygapophysis of anterior dorsal with spine and postzygapophysis of posterior dorsal. A, anterior; and B, lateral, views; C, cross-section through spine at level of bar. (From Bartholomai & Molnar 1981). FOSSIL REPTILES IN AUSTRALIA - 653 Figure 29. Left humerus of Muttaburrasaurus. A, anterior, B, medial; and C, proximal views. (From Bartholomai & Molnar 1981). Figure 30. Right pelvis of Muttaburrasaurus. A, lateral view of elements as preserved; B, same view of pelvis reconstructed; and C, medial view of ilium. (From Bartholomai & Molnar 1981). 654 - MOLNAR Figure 31. Right femur of Muttaburrasaurus. A, femur as preserved, B to D reconstructed. A and B, medial; C, posterior; D, distal views. (From Bartholomai & Molnar 1981). AS CA Figure 32. Tibia, fibula, astragalus and calcaneum of Muttaburrasaurus. A, as preserved; B to D reconstructed. A, B, posterior views; C, lateral view; D, distal view. (From Bartholomai & Molnar, 1981). FOSSIL REPTILES IN AUSTRALIA - 655 strengthen and support the back during the high walk, providing additional area for attachment of the back muscles. In other archosaurs these attach to the neural spines. While most quadrupedal archosaurs have elongate neural spines, those of crocodiles and ankylosaurs are rather short, seemingly correlated with the presence of dorsal armour. The tendons and aponeuroses in crocodiles attach to the dorsal armour, and are not ossified. In Minmi there is no convincing evidence for dorsal armour, although it did have belly armour, and this may be the reason for the ossification of the tendons and aponeuroses into paravertebrae. Figure 33. Those portions of the skeleton represented in the type specimen of Minmi paravertebra (shaded). The skeleton outline is based on Sauropelta . (From Molnar & Frey 1987). B Figure 34. Dorsal vertebra of Minmi paravertebrata in lateral (A) and posterior (B) views. Minmi exemplifies the unusual character of Australian dinosaurs. Although clearly related to other nodosaurid ankylosaurs found overseas, it is also unique in its possession of paravertebrae. This both permits insights into the palaeobiology of these animals not available from overseas specimens (which apparently never ossified these back tendons) and also (in the same feature) shows the unique adaptations of some Australian forms. The paravertebrae suggest that Minmi may have relied more on running to escape predators than on its armour (Molnar & Frey 1987). Interestingly Minmi seems to have lived on a large island, as what is now eastern Queensland was at that time completely separated by the inland sea from the rest of Gondwanaland. 656 - MOLNAR Figure 35. The paravertebrae of Minmi compared with the tendons of the back musculature of crocodiles. A, C, Minmi dorsals with one paravertebra shown on the right; B, D, crocodilian dorsals (and scutes at left) with a tendon of the dorsal trunk musculature (in black) on the right. The general similarity in form may be seen. A, B, dorsal views; C, D, lateral views. (From Molnar & Frey 1987). Another possible armoured dinosaur has been collected in Queensland near Hughenden. Oddly, it seems represented by the same portions of the skeleton as that of Minmi. Another Minmi specimen (PI. 19) has also just been found, which has the dorsal armour present, but reduced. FOSSIL REPTILES IN AUSTRALIA - 657 Palaeozoogeography _ The hypsilophodont material from Australia shows no evidence (perhaps because of its incompleteness) of any unusual Australian taxa, although there are three endemic genera. On the other hand, Muttaburrasaurus is unusual and endemic. It most closely resembles Camptosaurus of North America and Europe, but shows development of the snout into a hollow chamber. Other iguanodonts, and their descendants, the hadrosaurs, show a variety of cranial omament” but nothing like this. Muttaburrasaurus also has a shearing dentition, unlike anything seen in other iguanodonts and hadrosaurs. This suggests that it was an unusual, endemic form. Minmi is unlike overseas relatives in the possession of the paravertebrae. Again, this is an unusual, endemic form. PTEROSAURS: ARCHOSAURS OF THE AIR Although pterosaurs are among the longest-known fossil vertebrates they also seem to have provided the most surprises and been the least well understood. Anatomy Being flying forms, the characteristic features of pterosaurs are those concerned with flight. The pterosaur wing is supported by a greatly elongate digit IV, and is thus different in structure from the bird wing, which is supported only relatively little by the skeleton of the hand, and from the bat wing which is supported by digits II, III, IV and V. The scapula and coracoid of pterosaurs are fused and rod-like in form, somewhat like those of birds. The scapula articulates with a fused set of dorsal vertebrae (the notarium), a condition found in no other tetrapod. This presumably helped support the body weight by passive, rather than muscular, means. Pterosaur bones are very highly pneumatic, the cavities probably having been occupied by air sacs, as in birds, and helping to reduce the body weight of even the largest forms to a minimum. A massive flight musculature, probably similar at least in function to that of birds, is indicated by well-developed sternal keels and even better developed deltopectoral crests on the humeri. The skull is very lightly built and usually has a long, slender snout. Evolution and Taxonomy Pterosaurs are classed into two groups, the rhamphorhynchoids and the pterodactyloids (pterodactyls). This appears to be a division into primitive (rhamphorhynchoids) and advanced forms (pterodactyloids). Rhamphorhynchoids tend to have teeth and long tails (and hence be stable fliers), while the pterodactyls tend to be larger and lose their teeth. Pterodactyls have no tails and were, thus, unstable, and hence more highly manoeuvrable, fliers (Smith 1952). Rhamphorhynchoids are characterized by the absence of the advanced features of the pterodactyls. The earliest pterosaurs are known from the Late Triassic of Italy (Wild 1978) and were derived from unknown ancestors. Although Wild suspects that these ancestors were not archosaurs, this has not gained general acceptance. Instead, it has been suggested that pterosaurs are closely related to dinosaurs (Padian 1984). By the Jurassic, pterosaurs had become widespread and diverse. Their diversity is hard to gauge, as most fossils come from marine deposits and, thus, preferentially represent marine forms. Consider what would be known of modern birds if only those dying at sea were available. We do know from some few scattered remains that inland forms existed, such as the gigantic Titanopteryx and Queizalcoatlus, the latter reaching 13 to 14 m in wing span. 658 - MOLNAR Palaeobiology Recent work on pterosaurs has done much to increase our understanding of their life and habits (Wellnhofer 1978, and his earlier papers cited therein, Langston 1981). Computer simulations of their flying and gliding abilitics (Bramwell & Whitford 1974, Stein 1975) have suggested that various forms were either efficient flyers or very good gliders (comparable to modern sailplanes). Working models have shown that some of the small forms may have been very good fliers (v. Holst 1957, D. Attenborough documentary 1989, British Broadcasting Corporation). Recent studies of the wing have shown that it was probably much more efficient aerodynamically than was previously believed (Frey & Riess 1981, Padian 1979). The wing membrane included parallel fibres (actinofibrills; Wellnhofer 1987), which would have given the wing different physical properties from those of any living animals. The implications of the fibrous wing with anisotropic properties (properties different in different directions) are not understood. On the whole, there seems no good reason to think that pterosaurs were not excellent in the air. Evidence for webbed feet in some forms, suggests that they could swim on the surface like ducks or gulls (Wellnhofer 1978). It has been argued that pterosaurs, being active fliers, probably generated sufficient body heat to maintain a constant body temperature (Nopsca 1916, Desmond 1975), and this argument is supported by the existence of a coat of fur in at least some primitive forms. Most marine pterosaurs were long-beaked fish eaters (Pterodactylus and Rhamphorhynchus), while others had a deep snout (Anurognathus) like those of puffins and auklets. Others paralleled the great whales rather than birds, and these forms (Pterodaustro) had multitudes of thin, baleen-like teeth and seemingly fed upon surface plankton. Still others (Gnathosaurus) had long thin teeth that anteriorly formed a "spoon" reminiscent of that of the spoonbill. But whatever their specialities, they all disappeared with the coming of the Tertiary. The Australian Forms In Australia, pterosaurs have been found only recently (1979) from the Early Cretaceous Toolebuc Formation, near Boulia, west Queensland. This material represents a moderately small (wingspan of about 2 to 4 m) marine fish-eater, much like Pteranodon and Ornithocheirus (Molnar & Thulborn 1980). So far, little of the skeleton is known, but what has been studied is almost unique in that the material is uncrushed and undistorted. (Fig. 36, Pl. 12). Pterosaur material is almost always completely flattened, so that one has virtually only a two-dimensional projection of the bones. The Queensland material shows that not only the limb elements but also the vertebrae are hollow, virtually only a surface layer being present, internally supported by struts much like those of bird and aircraft construction. The acetabulum of the pelvis is directed laterally and not at all downward. Isolated pterosaur elements have also been found in the Early Cretaceous Otway Group of Victoria (Rich & Rich 1989). Palaeozoogeography As far as can be told from its scattered remains, the Queensland form is like those known from overseas. This is just what would be expected as pterosaurs were likely excellent fliers, and some taxa (Pteranodon) are reported to have had wide distributions (North America, England, Russia and Japan). } Pterosaurs have recently been found in New Zealand, which was virtually part of Antarctica in the Late Cretaceous. This indicates that even shortly before they became extinct, pterosaurs were capable of surviving in cool polar regions. FOSSIL REPTILES IN AUSTRALIA - 659 Figure 36. _ The pelvic girdle of a pterosaur from the Early Cretaceous of western Queensland, in lateral view. Specimen at left, diagrammatic reconstruction at right. Abbreviations: a, acetabulum; il, ilium: is, ischium; p, pubis. (From Molnar 1987). TRACKS AND TRACKWAYS While fossil skeletal remains of Mesozoic and older reptiles have been quite rare in Australia, tracks and trackways have been more common. Most trackways derive from dinosaurs, although there are unstudied reptilian trackways from the Triassic of Berowra Creck, New South Wales (Fletcher 1948) that appear not to be dinosaurian. The best known and most informative are those that apparently represent a dinosaur stampede. There is quite a literature on reptilian (and other) tracks. Much of it is restricted to morphology (Lull 1953, Kuhn 1958, Haubold 1971), although some embodies a more profound approach (Abel 1935, Casamiquela 1964). While individual tracks often serve only to confirm what one would have guessed anyway, valuable information may be derived from the study of trackways. Trackways can provide information both on the dimensions and speed of their makers, and the speed can in turn be used to investigate the metabolic rates of the trackmakers. Trackways can also reveal the agility of the tackmakers. This information can be used to provide insight into the habits and physiology of extinct animals, a topic difficult to investigate in other ways. Tracks are known from each of the three periods of the Mesozoic in Australia, but those of the Triassic are limited to southeastern Queensland, with the exception of those from New South Wales mentioned previously. A large theropod, much like Eubrontes of North America, left its tracks at Rhondda Colliery, near Dinmore (Fig. 37P) (Bartholomai 1966a). The tracks are about 46 cm in length with a stride of about 2 m, and suggest an animal about 6 m in length. A second type of track, very similar to those of Plectropterna from North America, has been found near Goodna (Fig. 370). It is not clear what kind of animal made these tracks, but it may have been a rauisuchian. The tracks are 19 cm long and hence represent a smaller beast than that recorded near Dinmore. Recently tridactyl tracks have been discovered at two localities in the Callide Basin of southeastern Queensland. These date from the end of the Triassic (Fig. 37Q). Some of the tracks are striking in that the track impressions are dark brown on an almost white background. More tracks are known from the Jurassic. The earliest are from the Lower Jurassic Precipice Sandstone, of Carnarvon Gorge, Queensland. These are being studied by Tony 660 - MOLNAR Thulborn and John Draper, who have identified them as ornithopod tracks. They were made by small beasts, less than two metres long, and represent the oldest ornithischian dinosaurs known from Australia. Most of the Jurassic dinosaur tracks, however, come from the coal measures of southeastern Queensland (Fig. 37C-E, H-N). Many of these represent moderate to large theropods, and one of them (Changpeipus bartholomaii) is similar to a contemporaneous track from China (Fig. 37C) (Haubold 1971). They indicate the presence of large carnivorous dinosaurs in Australia at this time. One colliery, however, Balgowan on the Darling Downs, has yielded tracks of several different animals (Fig. 37D, E-F). In addition to the large theropod, there was a small theropod (tracks about 12 cm long) and probably a four-toed quadruped (Hill et al. 1966). It has been suggested this latter track is from a stegosaur, but any other contemporaneous quadrupedal dinosaur (ankylosaur, sauropod, scelidosaur) could equally well have left it. The large theropod track from Balgowan (Fig. 37F) suggests an animal 10 m or more in length, which ranks close to the largest known theropods. The abundance of theropod tracks in what are coal swamp deposits seems somewhat unusual. There are more herbivores than carnivores in any terrestrial food web, and the prey of these theropods must have been fairly large. The only obvious suggestion is that the feet of the prey being broader than those of the theropods, and possibly less loaded (the prey walking on four rather than two of them), made less clear impressions. These might then have been easily overlooked (except at Balgowan). The only Jurassic tracks to occur outside of the Darling Downs-Brisbane area have been found at Mt Morgan, Queensland (Fig. 37H, I). These also are of a theropod, and are interesting in that both fore and hind prints are preserved (Bartholomai 1966a). These tracks were originally reported as Early Cretaceous in age, from which I (1980b) had concluded that this theropod was an archaic one, as it reportedly retained five digits on the manus (most Late Jurassic forms have only three). As it turned out, the theropod was not archaic, but the dating was incorrect and the tracks are Early Jurassic in age. Cretaceous tracks and trackways are rather more widespread, occurring in Western Australia and Victoria as well as Queensland. The Western Australian trackways, Megalosauropus broomensis (Fig. 37A), from a large theropod, come from the Early Cretaceous Broome Sandstone of Gantheaume Point, near Broome (Colbert & Merrilees 1967). This form is quite similar to tracks from Germany, Portugal and Texas, and demonstrates that not all Australian saurischians were endemic or relict. The tracks suggest an animal about 6 to 7 m long. The Victorian track (Fig. 37B), from near Knowledge Creek in the western Otway Ranges also represents a theropod, but a smaller one (Flannery & Rich 1981). This track is only about 10 cm long, and somewhat like the tracks from the Callide Basin, the track impression is dark on a light grey matrix. Figure 37. Tracks of Australian archosaurs. A, Megalosauropus broomensis, Early Cretaceous, Ganthaume Pt, Western Australia; B, small theropod, Early Cretaceous, Knowledge Creek, Victoria; C, Changpeipus bartholomaii, Middle Jurassic, Westvale No. 5 Colliery, Queensland (QM F5702); D, small theropod, Middle Jurassic, Balgowan Colliery, Queensland (QM F3278); EE, quadrupedal dinosaur, same source as D (QM F5701); F, large theropod, same source as D (QM F3278); G, Changpeipus bartholomaii, same source as Cc (QM F5700). C, G, come from the same trackway; H, I, large theropod, Early Jurassic, Mt. Morgan, Queensland; J, theropod, Middle Jurassic, Lanefield Extended Colliery; K, L, M and N, theropods, Middle Jurassic, Lanefield Colliery; M, seemingly consists of two superimposed tracks; O, Plectropterna, Late Triassic, Goodna, Queensland; P, large theropod, Late Triassic, Rhondda Colliery, Queensland; Q, theropod, Latest Triassic, Callide Basin (this drawing is based on a photo taken at a slight angle); R, Tyrannosauropus sp., Upper Cretaceous, Lark Quarry (Winton); S, Wintonopus latomorum, Upper Cretaceous, Lark Quarry; T, Skartopus australis, Upper Cretaceous, Lark Quarry; the two small images below R, represent the tracks of Skartopus and Wintonopus to scale with that of Tyrannosauropus. Other images not to scale. (A from Haubold 1971; B from Flannery & Rich 1981; H, I from Staines 1954; J-N from Ball 1934a, 1934b, 1946; R, T from Thulbom & Wade 1984). FOSSIL REPTILES IN AUSTRALIA - 661 “l yee ee We yy WM Y The most impressive, spectacular, abundant and significant tracks, however, are those discovered to the south of Winton, Queensland, by some of the local residents. These tracks (Fig. 37R-T) were first brought to scientific attention in 1971, later excavated under the direction of Mary Wade, and studied by R.A. Thulborn and Mary Wade. The results (Thulborn & Wade 1979, 1984) suggest that most of the tracks (which number into the thousands of individual prints) were made during a stampede of small ornithopods and theropods, frightened by a large theropod, whose tracks (Fig. 37R) are overlain by those of the stampede. These tracks are from the Winton Formation and, oddly, represent only forms not represented by 662 - MOLNAR skeletal remains (yet), while there are no tracks (yet) from any of the Winton Formation sauropods, which are represented by skeletal material. The Winton Formation seems to be earliest Late Cretaceous (Cenomanian) in age, and the footprint locality appears to have been deposited over a point bar, and hence relatively near a river or waterhole. The tracks have been impressed into a thin layer of mud overlaying sand. The scenario envisioned by Thulborn & Wade (1984) is that a solitary large theropod approached across the mudflats from the northeast, leaving a line of prints. Large numbers of small theropods and ornithopods had congregated in the vicinity of the river or waterhole somewhere to the south of the locality. Whether these or the water itself attracted the large beast is not known. This beast for some reason made an abrupt turn to the right. Very shortly thereafter a large number of small dinosaurs (at least 150 individuals) dashed across the mud and left their tracks over those of the large theropod. There is no evidence that any of these animals had crossed the mudflat before the coming of the large theropod. This suggests that there had been another route to the area of their congregation now blocked, presumably by the large theropod. This scenario was reconstructed from the evidence afforded by the trackways. These indicated that the large theropod's tracks were overlain by the others and all of the smaller animals’ trackways headed in a single direction (about 55° east of north). There is no indication of any prolonged period of track impression. The mud presumably dried fairly rapidly, and all of the tracks were impressed during the same state of the mud. The trackways of the small dinosaurs were all straight, or slightly zig-zag where the beasts apparently careened together or swerved to avoid one another. There are no tail drags and no impressions of hands, and most (99%) of the foot impressions have the imprints of the toes only. In addition to this interpretation of the dinosaurian behaviour resulting in the Winton trackways, other less spectacular but more general and hence significant results were reached. The first concerns estimating the size of a dinosaur from that of its footprint - in the fashion of Sherlock Holmes. The size of an animal may be most reliably estimated not from the length, or any other single measurement of the footprint, but from the "size index". The size index is the square root of the ratio of the width of the print divided by its length. The nature of some of the footprints also allowed estimation of the height of the hip above the ground. Together with the "stride length", the distance between successive tracks of the same foot, this can be used to estimate speed (details given in Thulborn & Wade 1984). These give speeds of 16 km/h for the omithopods and 12 km/h for the small theropods (the large theropod was walking at only 7 km/h). Both ornithopods and small theropods were moving at what is termed a "physiologically similar" speed, presumably as fast as they could go across soft mud! This work exemplifies how trackways can be used to indicate physiological properties and behaviour of extinct animals. The most recently discovered (1988) dinosaur tracks in Australia (Fig. 38) were found in the ceiling of an opal mine at Lightning Ridge. At least two kinds of animals seem to be represented : from an examination of snapshots Tony Thulborn feels that at least one of these was an ornithopod. SUMMARY The record of Mesozoic reptiles in Australia is obviously poor. The Mesozoic lasted for 180 million years. Australian fossil reptiles are known from only about 30 of these. And that is a very liberal estimate of the period of time for which we have some representation of terrestrial Mesozoic reptiles. Even looking over the whole world, great gaps in the record of terrestrial reptiles remain. In the Jurassic there is a gap of some 30 million years (almost half the length of the Cainozoic) from which only a few bones of terrestrial animals are known, while similar, but shorter, gaps exist in the Triassic and Cretaceous. It is important, especially FOSSIL REPTILES IN AUSTRALIA - 663 in Australia where gaps are so prominent and extensive, to reiterate their existence. a = Figure 38. A large omithopod(?) track from Lightning Ridge, New South Wales. These tracks are in the ceiling of a mine, and this track is drawn obliquely from below. The Triassic reptiles known from Australia derive from the Scythian stage at the very beginning of the Triassic. No other Triassic forms are confidently known from skeletal remains, although Agrosaurus presumably derives from late in the Triassic. All of the Scythian reptiles known - prolacertiforms, procolophonids, thecodonts and dicynodonts - are closely related to those known from overseas, especially from South America, South Africa and Antarctica. Thus, in the Early Triassic there is no reason to suggest any significant variation in terrestrial reptile faunas. However, looking only at the reptilian faunas can be misleading. Thulbomn (1986b) has considered the entire tetrapod faunas from Australia and found that they do indeed differ from those elsewhere in the world. They are about 90% temnospondyl amphibians, which make up less than 20% of the non-Australian Scythian faunas. This, he suggests, might be due to some isolation of what is now Australia, perhaps due to barriers to migration in the Antarctic region, or to some consequence of the peninsula effect. Rhoetosaurus, from the early Middle Jurassic, is poorly known and under study. It does not seem different from sauropods known from overseas. The J urassic plesiosaurs have yet to be studied. The marine Cretaceous forms, from the Aptian and (mostly) Albian stages, are similar to those from overseas. There are endemic genera (Notochelone and Woolungasaurus) that are reasonably well known, but they differ little from similar forms overseas. Terrestrial Cretaceous reptiles are also generally similar to those from elsewhere. There is as yet little evidence for endemic families. Some endemic genera (Minmi, Muttaburrasaurus) show unique structures not found in their relatives known from overseas, while others (Allosaurus, Austrosaurus) are seemingly archaic compared to contemporaneous forms from overseas. The greatest similarity seems to be to those from South America. Thus, by the Cretaceous, terrestrial reptiles suggest a distinct Australian fauna, related to, and, possibly derived from, that of South America. , The unusual nature of the Cretaceous terrestrial tetrapods of Australia may be related to Australia's geographic location. During the Early Cretaceous Australia lay astride the Antarctic Circle. The Victorian dinosaur localities were well south of the Circle, and Lightning Ridge was on the Circle. Even the Queensland localities were further south than almost all other Cretaceous tetrapod sites, except for the southernmost in South America. Thus, the difference 664 - MOLNAR of the Australian dinosaur fauna from others of the same time may reflect its near-polar location. Similarly, during the Late Cretaceous, New Zealand was south of the Antarctic Circle, so that its vertebrates of this age also reflect near-polar faunas. Elsewhere such faunas are known only from Alaska and northern Canada (Davies 1987, Brouwers et al. 1987) and from some tracks and trackways in Spitsbergen (de Lapparent 1962, Edwards et al. 1978). The Alaskan material is Late Cretaceous and the Spitsbergen tracks Early Cretaceous. Polar regions have been suggested as source areas of evolutionary innovations in both marine (Zinsmeister & Feldmann 1984) and terrestrial animals (Hickey et al. 1983). The latter suggestion is based on observations of the first appearance of tortoises and certain mammals (e.g. perissodactyls) in Arctic North America (Hickey e¢ al. 1983). In North America these forms later migrated south and established themselves over the continent. In Australia there was nowhere further from the pole to which to migrate. Thus, if we had only the early Arctic North American forms to compare with those of other continents, as we have only the near- polar Australian Cretaceous tetrapods, the Arctic North American forms would likely appear just as unusual. However, Australian land-dwelling tetrapods also include relicts, not noted among the near- polar North American beasts. A speculative explanation of this second faunal component involves Vermeij's (1987) proposal that polar regions constitute "safe places" from predation. This is not to argue that there are no polar predators, but to suggest that the most intense predation occurs outside of the polar regions. This being so, the chance of any given species being driven to extinction by intense predation is reduced in polar regions. Vermeij's work involves only marine organisms, but the intensity of predation may have been reduced among the south polar Cretaceous tetrapods as well, and this may account for the Australian relicts. The absence of evidence for substantial armour in the dinosaur Minmi, whose overseas relatives are all well-armoured, is consistent with this proposal - but other explanations are possible. Specimens of large theropods are rare in Australia, which is also consistent with this proposal. But again other explanations are possible - the Australian fauna is poorly known, so this could be simply a sampling effect. Although other explanations for these observations are possible, the observations are consistent with Vermcij's proposal, and so far no contradictory data are available. Very little is known of near-polar dinosaurs in general, and those from Victoria provide important information. Most important is the conclusion that near-polar dinosaurs probably existed throughout the Cretaceous. The most common dinosaurs of southem Victoria are small hypsilophodontians, which are also represented in Late Cretaceous New Zealand. Interestingly, the New Zealand form appears to be a relict dryosaurid, a family otherwise known from the Late Jurassic and Early Cretaceous. The Victorian and New Zealand hypsilophodontians, and even those from Lightning Ridge, are small forms. The largest dinosaur in Victoria is the Allosaurus , and that was only about 6 m long, while the largest North American specimens were about 13 m long. At least two other, smaller theropods were present also. Hypsilophodontians, the smallest of the ornithopods, are the most common dinosaurs in Victoria and at Lightning Ridge. No very large dinosaurs, such as sauropods, have been found in Victoria, and, while seemingly present, they appear to have been rare at Lightning Ridge. Small size is unexpected in near-polar tetrapods - most modern vertebrates are larger in colder climates than their relatives in warm climates (Bergmann's Rule). In hypsilophodontians the reverse is true, with the larger forms, such as Parksosaurus and Thescelosaurus, found in areas closer to the equator. Even among the other dinosaurs represented, the near-polar ones seem to be smaller than their more tropical relatives, at least those in the Southern Hemisphere. The existence of a fauna of near-polar dinosaurs raises several interesting questions. What was the climate? If cold, at least seasonally, were the dinosaurs endothermic? Did they spend their entire lives at this location, which experienced at least three months of total darkness FOSSIL REPTILES IN AUSTRALIA - 665 yearly? Many of these questions are treated by Rich & Rich (1989) and Rich et al. (1988) and by Paul (1988), for northern dinosaurs. The question of climate is unresolved. There is much evidence that it was at least cool, although probably not glacial at the poles as it is now. Evidence for coolness includes oxygen isotope ratios, which suggest mean annual temperatures between 8° C. and -4° C. (Rich et al. 1988), consistent with at least some of the Northern Hemisphere data (Paul 1988). The geographic position of the poles implies that they were the coolest Places on earth (at sea level). There is some evidence for ice-rafting of stones in the Australian region (Frakes & Francis 1988). On the other hand, there are complicating factors: the dinosaurs, for one. Ceratodontid lungfish have been found in these deposits in Victoria: today they cannot breed in water colder than 10° C. (Kemp 1981). Forests were present in the Antarctic Peninsula (e.g. Jefferson 1982): these could not have grown under present-day polar conditions. There is no evidence of glaciation or cold mean annual temperatures in Antarctica (at sea level) until the Eocene (Birkenmajer & Zastawniak 1989), although there has been unpublished speculation that transient high-altitude glaciation did occur in Antarctica. None of this evidence is definitive. Oxygen isotope temperatures may be "reset" by later geological conditions, and even when not, might reflect groundwater temperatures possibly of runoff from local high-altitude areas. The geographic position implies that the poles were the coolest places, but doesn't say how cool. Evidence for transport of stones in masses of ice may be "counterfeited" by rafting of stones by masses of floating vegetation. Similarly, earlier claims for varves (Waldman 1971), that in turn indicated winter freezing, could be based on similarly laminated sediments that may be deposited under much milder climates. On the other hand, that modern ceratodont lungfish cannot survive near-freezing temperatures does not rule out such tolerances in their ancestors. Most workers on dinosaurs do not accept that they were endothermic (myself included), but everyone has been wrong one time or another. Paul (1988) cites evidence for regular or periodic frosts and possibly even riverine or coastal sea ice in the Cretaceous Arctic. He uses this as evidence that at least some (Arctic) dinosaurs were endothermic. But, again, other explanations are possible. However, a wide variety of marine reptiles are known from the Antarctic seas during the Late Cretaceous. These include plesiosaurs, mosasaurs and even turtles (Wiffen 1981). No one has suggested that these were endothermic animals, yet this would be consistent with arguments of the type used by Paul. Perhaps the Antarctic seas were substantially warmer than the Antarctic land (and note that here we refer to the Late Cretaceous, not the Early Cretaceous of the Victorian dinosaurs and oxygen isotope temperatures). Or perhaps the Antarctic was just warmer than some evidence suggests. This issue is clearly still open. The question of dinosaur endothermy ("warm-blooded dinosaurs") is best treated by Thomas & Olson (1980). Most workers regard dinosaur endothermy as unlikely, except perhaps in the line leading to birds. Paul (1988) cites suggestive, but not conclusive, evidence that hypsilophodontians may have had some form of insulation, like hair or feathers. However, the evidence for dinosaur endothermy is inconclusive and remains as mere speculation. Modern animals (especially birds and caribou) migrate north to the shores of the Arctic Ocean to exploit rich seasonal food resources. Such food allows them to raise more young than if they remained in their "winter quarters." The abundance of juvenile hypsilophodontian material in Victoria has suggested to Rich et al. (1988) that the area was a “dinosaur nursery." Perhaps dinosaurs also made seasonal migrations to exploit seasonal food resources? Perhaps, but as Rich et al. (1988) point out even evergreen plants may have grown in this region. They may not have grown well during the total darkness of mid-winter, but they would have made up for this during the 24-hour-daylight of mid-summer. Paul (1988) suggests that although endothermic dinosaurs may have been capable of such migrations, there are no compelling reasons to posit these migrations. Rich et al. (1988) agree. The nearest regions north of Victoria without 24-hour winter darkness were about 1000 km away, not impossible according 666 - MOLNAR to Paul's calculations. But, unless the juveniles grew very rapidly, this would be a strenuous trek for them. Like the other questions discussed here, migration is speculative, and while there is no compelling evidence against it, there is no conclusive evidence in its favour. The dinosaurs of Victoria, New South Wales and New Zealand stimulate interesting questions about the nature of the Cretaceous world, and the nature of dinosaurs themselves. Further work on these animals, and further discoveries in these regions, promise to provide important insights into the history of life on our planet. Two conclusions may be drawn from the record of Mesozoic terrestrial vertebrates in Australia. First, it is very incomplete. Of the entire Mesozoic, a period of time almost three times as long as the Cainozoic (approx. 180 as opposed to approx. 65 million years), less than one-seventh is represented in Australia. Hence, any conclusions derived from this record must be very tentative. Second, the Australian fauna appears different from those known elsewhere even when it is first known (in the early Triassic). There is little indication of this difference from the individual elements (taxa) of the fauna, but their proportions in the fauna are different (Thulborn 1986b). Later (Cretaceous) forms show some differences - unique morphologies - from their non-Australian relatives, but these relatives are still easily recognized. Unlike the Cainozoic, when isolation was complete, the individual elements are obviously related to overseas forms, but differences and distinctions occur in these elements and in their proportional representation in the fauna. CAINOZOIC RECORD Although reptilian fossils date back to the Eocene in southeast Queensland, most Australian Cainozoic reptilian material is Pleistocene in age. With few exceptions, this material more or less certainly pertains to modern genera. Thus, there is little to be gained by discussing this material that is not readily apparent from the stratigraphic table (Table 4). Instead I will concentrate on the extinct forms. Table 4: Stratigraphic Distribution of Australian Cainozoic Reptiles and Amphibians. The data for this table are derived from Archer et al. (1989), Bartholomai (1977), Estes (1984), Gaffney (1981), Gaffney & Bartholomai (1979), Gorter & Nicoll (1978), Hecht (1975), Hecht & Archer (1977), Molnar (1982a), Pledge (1984), Smith (1976), Smith & Plane (1985), Tyler (1979), and Woodburme (1967). Additional data are from the other contributions to the first edition of this volume, especially those of Tyler (1982) and of Rich et al. (1982) and Rich et al., this volume. The term 'crocodilian’ here excludes ziphodont crocodilians. SOUTH AUSTRALIA Miocene-Pliocene Corra-Lynn Cave sediments (Curramulka Local Fauna) Neobatrachus pictus turtles Wonambi sp. elapid scincid Tiliqua sp. Oligo-Miocene Etadunna Formation (Ngapakaldi Local Fauna) Australobatrachus ilius Litoria sp. cf. L. caerulea FOSSIL REPTILES IN AUSTRALIA - 667 Limnodynastes archeri Emydura sp. Meiolaniidae Egernia sp. Varanus sp. Ophidia crocodilian Etadunna Formation (Ngama Local Fauna) cf. Emydura sp. Egernia sp. crocodilian Namba Formation (Tarkarooloo Local Fauna) Emydura sp. Meiolania sp. cf. Egernia crocodilian Namba Formation(Y anda Local Fauna) crocodilian Namba Formation (Ericmas Local Fauna) chelid crocodilian Namba Formation (Pinpa Local Fauna) cf. Emydura sp. meiolanid crocodilian Wipajiri Formation (Kutjamarpu Local Fauna) Emydura sp. Meiolania sp. Egernia sp. Tiliqua sp. agamid crocodilian Pliocene Mampuwordu Sands (Palankarinna Local Fauna) Crocodylus ?sebecosuchian or pristichampsine Pleistocene unnamed beds at Lake Kanunka Megalania prisca Katapiri Sands (Kanunka Local Fauna) ?chelid Megalania prisca crocodilian Naracoorte Cave deposits Geocrinia sp. cf. G. laevis Limnodynastes tasmaniensis Limnodynastes sp. cf. L. dumerili Litoria ewingi Ranidella signifera Amphibolurus sp. cf. A. barbatus Egernia sp. cf. E. whitet Notechis sp. cf. N. scutatus Pseudechis sp. cf. P. porphyriacus Pseudonaja sp. cf. P. nuchalis ?2Sphenomorphus sp. Tiliqua nigrolutea 668 - MOLNAR Trachydosaurus rugosus Varanus gouldii V. varius Wonambi naracoortensis unnamed beds of the Warburton River Megalania prisca unnamed beds at Burra frog WESTERN AUSTRALIA Pleistocene cave deposits at Windjama Gorge ?Carettochelys sp. crocodilian Cave deposits at Devil's Lair and Skull Cave Crinia georgiana Heleoporus sp. Platyplectron dorsalis Litoria adelaidensis Litoria sp. Neobatrachus sp. Ranidella sp. TASMANIA Oligocene or Miocene unnamed formation at Taroona Emydura macquarii NORTHERN TERRITORY Oligo-Miocene Camfield Beds (Bullock Creek Local Fauna) chelonian crocodilian Morelia antiquua unnamed beds at Kangaroo Well (Kangaroo Well Local Fauna) chelonian crocodilian Miocene-Pliocene Waite Formation (Alcoota Local Fauna) chelonian "Crocodylus" sp. cf. Pallimnarchus sp. NEW SOUTH WALES Pliocene Gulgong Deep Lead Emydura sp. Meiolania sp. unnamed beds at Bow (Bow Local Fauna) chelonian lizard unnamed beds (Krui River Local Fauna) crocodilian Pliocene-Pleistocene Blanchetown Clay (Bone Gulch Local Fauna) chelid Mooma Formation (Fisherman's Cliff Local Fauna) FOSSIL REPTILES IN AUSTRALIA - 669 Emydura sp. cf. E. macquarii unnamed beds at Oaky Creek Meiolania sp. unnamed beds at Cuddie Springs Megalania prisca Pleistocene Wellington Cave deposits Trachydosaurus rugosus Varanus sp. cf. V. giganteus beach deposits, Lord Howe Island Meiolania platyceps QUEENSLAND Eocene? (Early Tertiary) unnamed beds at Boat Mountain (Boat Mountain Local Fauna) crocodilians lizards snakes Redbank Plains Series chelonians crocodilian Oxley Group chelonian crocodilian Rundle Oil Shale chelonian (chelid?) crocodilian Oligo-Miocene Carl Creek Limestone (Riversleigh Local Fauna) Crinia sp. Kyarranus spp. Lechriodus intergerivus Limnodynastes spp. Litoria spp. chelids (Emydura/Elseya) crocodilians ziphodont crocodilians Meiolania sp. scincids Physignathus sp. varanids gekkonids Montypythonoides riversleighensis ?Rhamphotyphlops sp. elapids madtsoids Pliocene Chinchilla Sands Emydura sp. trionychid meiolanid Megalania sp. Pallimnarchus pollens ?Quinkana sp. Allingham Formation (Bluff Downs Local Fauna) chelonian 670 - MOLNAR Crocodylus porosus agamid Varanus sp. ?acrochordid ?Morelia sp. elapid unnamed beds at Tara Creek Chelodina sp. Crocodylus porosus (=C. nathani) cave deposit (Rackham's Roost Local Fauna) frogs squamates Pliocene-Pleistocene unnamed beds at Floraville (Floraville Local Fauna) chelid Varanus sp. snake unnamed beds at Floraville Crossing (Floraville Local fauna) trionychid Pallimnarchus pollens Dry River Meiolania sp. cf. M. platyceps Megalania sp. ?Crocodylus sp. Pleistocene Eastern Downs soil horizon Meiclania owenii chelonian Chlamydosaurus kingi (= C. bennetti) Megalania prisca Varanus emeritus (? = V. salvadori) Texas Cave breccia frog Quinkana sp. ?agamid geckonid ?Amphibolurus snake Tea Tree Cave breccia Quinkana sp. Tiliqua sp. Varanus sp. snake "Glen Garland" swamp deposits chelonian Crocodylus sp. Quinkana sp. Megalania sp. Gore cave and fissure deposits Tiliqua scincoides "Alehvale" channel deposits Crocodylus sp. Quinkana sp. unnamed beds at "Rosella Plains" ziphodont crocodilian unnamed beds at Emerald FOSSIL REPTILES IN AUSTRALIA - 671 unnamed beds at Emerald trichonychid unnamed beds at Cape River Megalania sp. unnamed beds at Springsure Megalania sp. unnamed beds at Tambo Pallimnarchus sp. ziphodont crocodilian unnamed river gravels at Riversleigh chelids (Emydura/Elseya) WESTERN AUSTRALIA Late Cainozoic unnamed clays at Jubilee Dam (Quanbun Local Fauna) crocodylid CROCODILIANS Much Cainozoic crocodilian material is either fragmentary or unstudied. Since crocodiles have been reported from the Eocene Redbank Plains Series, near Brisbane (Reik 1952) and from the Early Cretaceous Griman Creek Formation, near Lightning Ridge (Molnar 1980c), it is likely that the crocodilians have been in Australia through the Cainozoic. Although the reported Eocene Redbank Plains material has never again been located, there is an Eocene partial crocodile jaw from Eight-Mile Plains (a suburb of Brisbane). Only the symphysial region is preserved, which suggests a narrow snout. An almost complete crocodilian jaw (Pl. 13) from the Rundle Oil Shale deposits, is also probably Eocene. Oligo-Miocene material from Lake Palankarinna, South Australia and Riversleigh Station, Queensland, is now under study. Jaw fragments from Murgon, southeastern Queensland, represent crocodilians similar to those from Lake Palankarinna. The material from Riversleigh indicates at least three, and maybe as many as eight species - most of which were quite unlike that from Lake Palankarinna. Of the two modern species the Fresh Water Crocodile, Crocodylus johnstoni, was present in the Pleistocene (Willis & Archer 1990), while the Salt Water Crocodile (PI. 14), Crocodylus porosus, dates well back into the Pliocene (Molnar 1979). Two extinct crocodiles, neither well represented, differ from the living crocodiles. Pallimnarchus pollens (de Vis 1886) was a very large animal, about the size of an adult Crocodylus porosus. It is represented largely by fragmentary material, although there is an almost complete skull in the Mirani Shire Council Museum, near Townsville in Queensland. Pallimnarchus is now being studied by P.M.A. Willis and myself. Its skull had a broad snout, broader even than C.porosus, and was very flat with upwardly directed orbits. It resembles skulls of the nettosuchian crocodiles or some of the larger temnospondyls. Preliminary results indicate that a crocodile snout (Fig. 39) from Lansdowne, thought to be C. porosus (Molnar 1982b), is from Pallimnarchus. Pallimnarchus inhabited the inland waterways of east Queensland during the Pliocene and the Pleistocene, but only at one locality is there any suggestion that both Pallimnarchus and Crocodylus may have lived together, and even here the evidence is not clear. The second extinct crocodilian is a different kind of beast. It was a ziphodont crocodilian, reaching a length of perhaps 3 m. Ziphodont crocodilians all share a suite of features of the jaws and teeth. Originally they were thought to be a single, closely related group, although it is now generally recognized that at least five separate lineages are involved. They all share 672 - MOLNAR deep, usually laterally compressed snouts, armed with laterally compressed, serrate shearing teeth. These teeth are much like those of carnivorous dinosaurs, and in some cases were mistaken for dinosaur teeth. Figure 39. The tips of the snouts of Crocodylus porosus (right) and Pallimnarchus pollens (left). The snout of Pallimnarchus is the broader. Upper, dentaries; lower, upper jaws. The Australian ziphodont, Quinkana fortirostrum (P|. 15), has a relatively broad, although still deep, snout (Molnar 1981). It is known largely from cranial fragments ranging from an almost complete snout to small pieces with a few teeth still in place. Isolated teeth have also been found. The beast apparently ranged throughout eastern Queensland. Although the maxillary teeth have long roots, accommodated in part in an alveolar process projecting below the palate, the snout is more than deep enough to house them. This suggests that the depth of the snout is related to strengthening the snout, rather than simply housing the teeth. The orbits face laterally, not dorsolaterally as in modern crocodiles, and are placed high on the side of the skull. Quinkana is not related to the well known South American ziphodont sebecoid crocodiles (Colbert 1946) nor, apparently, to any of the other ziphodonts known overseas. A fragment of maxilla with two teeth still in place, from the Pliocene Mampuwordu Sands of South Australia described as an Australian sebecoid (Hecht & Archer 1977), may represent a similar beast. Quinkana was unusual in that it survived some ten million years later than overseas ziphodonts. In the Northern Hemisphere ziphodonts became extinct by the end of the Miocene. Only in Australia did they survive as late as the Pleistocene. FOSSIL REPTILES IN AUSTRALIA - 673 Figure 40. Maxilla (A) and dentary (B) of the lizard Egernia sp., from the Etadunna Formation, South Australia. This animal is very similar to (from the same genus as) lizards still living. Note that the maxilla is seen in lateral view, but the dentary in medial view. (From Estes 1984). SQUAMATANS Although there is evidence of Mesozoic squamatans in Australia, little can be said of most fossil forms older than Pleistocene. Most Pleistocene forms belong to genera still alive, such as Amphibolurus (the dragons), Chlamydosaurus (the frilled lizard), Varanus (the goannas), Trachydosaurus (the shingle-back), Notechis (the tiger snake) and Pseudonaja (the brown snakes), among others (Archer 1978, Archer & Wade 1976, Smith 1976). Our knowledge of Cainozoic squamatans in Australia can best be described as almost non-existent. With the exception of the extinct forms shortly to be discussed, all we know is that the various living forms must have existed in Australia for variable periods into the past. Agamids, varanids, Egernia (Fig. 40), Physignathus and Tiliqua all are at least as old as the Miocene in Australia. Only three extinct squamatan genera are known from the Cainozoic of Australia. Megalania prisca was a large goanna, possibly as much as five metres long (Hecht 1975, Rich & Hall 1979). It inhabited at least the eastern half of the continent (although unknown in Tasmania), and is represented mostly by vertebrae (Fig. 41), with a few parts of limbs and girdles and skull. Isolated teeth have also been found. Recently more cranial bones have been found, some representing previously unknown parts of the skull. When studied, these should allow a new and more accurate reconstruction of the skull, They confirm that the cranial kinesis characteristic of varanids was suppressed in Megalania prisca (Hecht 1975). The vertebrae of Megalania are similar to those of living varanids, strongly concave anteriorly and convex posteriorly with both articular surfaces inclined to the long axis of the centrum - but much more massive. Hecht has suggested that both neck and tail were shortened, but in the absence of any complete vertebral columns, this must remain but a suggestion. The humerus is quite stout, much more so than in other varanids, even Varanus komodoensis. The pelvis was like those of modern varanids. The phalanges of the feet are basically bird-like but may be 674 - MOLNAR distinguished from those of birds in having a prominent rectangular flexor knob on the ventral surface. The hindfoot (pes) was rather different from those of other varanids, especially in the great expansion of the distal end of the fifth metatarsal. Unfortunately, no known fifth metatarsal is complete, so that the extent and significance of this difference is unclear. Megalania teeth are generally similar to the ziphodont teeth of Quinkana and like forms. But whereas the ziphodont teeth are sharply edged and serrate both anteriorly and posteriorly, Megalania teeth have a sharp, serrate edge posteriorly but a rounded edge anteriorly with serrations only near the tip. The enamel is wrinkled into longitudinal grooves around the neck of the tooth in Megalania. A Figure 41. A dorsal vertebra of the giant varanid Megalania prisca from eastern Australia, in anterior (A) and lateral (B) views. (From Owen 1884). A few vertebrae from Chinchilla, southeastern Queensland, indicate a second, earlier (Pliocene) form of Megalania (Hecht 1975). Not only were there giant lizards in Australia during the Pleistocene, but large snakes as well, although probably no larger than the living Python amethystina (the Amythestine Python). A large constrictor, Wonambi naracoortensis, known from vertebrae (Fig. 42) and a portion of the maxilla, was probably about 5 m in length (Smith 1976). Its vertebrae are similar to those of the living pythons but differ in having backwardly sloping neural spines, paracotylar foramina and no accessory processes. In general, Wonambi shows resemblances to a much older constrictor from South America and Africa, Madtsoia (Smith & Plane 1985). Two further fossil snakes have been recently described from the Miocene, one from the Northern Territory, the other from Riversleigh Station, Queensland. Morelia antiquua, from the Territory, is known from a dentary about 4.5 cm long. The presence of weak cutting ridges on the lingual and labial sides of the teeth link this species to the living Australasian pythons of the genus Morelia (Smith & Plane 1985). FOSSIL REPTILES IN AUSTRALIA - 675 Figure 42. A vertebra from the snake Wonambi naracoortensis, anterior (A), lateral (B), and posterior (C) views. For comparison, a vertebra of Madtsoia bai in lateral (D) and posterior (E) views. Not to scale. (From Simpson 1933 and Smith 1976). The Riversleigh form, Montypythonoides riversleighensis, is represented by a maxilla and several vertebrae (Smith & Plane 1985). While clearly a boid of the subfamily Pythoninae, Montypythonoides differs from other pythons by the absence of a lingual cutting ridge on its teeth (maxillary, at least) and by the presence of a distinct ridge laterally along the hinder portion of the maxilla. Although both Morelia antiquus and Montypythonoides riversleighensis represent large snakes (of about the same size) neither are larger than the large living Australian constrictors. TESTUDINES With two exceptions, Australian Cainozoic chelonians are just what would be expected from a knowledge of the modern forms. Turtle shell fragments date back to Eocene deposits from Brisbane (Eight-Mile Plains). Some come from shells 1 cm in thickness indicating that large turtles were present at that time. Others (from Redbank Plains) have arched shells, like modern Galapagos tortoises. There is no indication of what kind of turtles they were. Fragments of chelids, indistinguishable from corresponding parts of the modern Emydura macquarii, are known from the Oligocene or Miocene of Tasmania. Chelids of the Elseyal/Emydura group are common at Riversleigh. ' The most spectacular extinct tortoise was the horned tortoise Meiolania oweni (Owen 1881, 1882b, Woodward 1888). Horned tortoises, which all appear to be related, are known also from Lord Howe Island (Pl. 16), New Caledonia and Argentina. M . oweni had a large, broad skull with long, stout horns above and behind the eyes. When first describing the beast, Owen suggested that there might well have been other horns, one on the snout behind the nares, and 676 - MOLNAR another on the skull roof behind the orbits (Pl. 17). The shell of the Australian species is poorly known, as are the limbs, although it is known that the end of the tail was encased in bony rings (PI. 18). Each of these rings bore a pair of stout spikes on either side. Meiolania had free cervical ribs, unusual among chelonians, and characteristic caudals with broadened transverse processes and chevrons to support the armour rings of the tail. One cannot help but wonder from what all this armour protected Meiolania. The first reliable records of Meiolania are shell fragments from the Miocene, and it survived through the Pleistocene. Material of Meiolania has been found in Pleistocene deposits of Tiga Island and Walpole Island (both off New Caledonia), New Caledonia itself and Lord Howe Island (see Balouet, this volume). Although some workers used to be insistent about the aquatic adaptations of Meiolania, it, in fact, has none. Its distribution, too, on these islands is still mysterious. Its distribution on Australia is less so. All three horned tortoises, the South American Crossochelys and Niolamia, as well as Meiolania, are related members of a single family. Presumably, this family dates back to the Cretaceous when Australia was connected to South America via Antarctica, and they presumably ranged over all three "continents." The islands' populations thus predate the breakup of that part of Gondwanaland. If so, older remains of meiolaniids should be uncovered in Australia, and in Antarctica. Three cow-like horn cores of large Meiolania have recently been found near Townsville, Queensland (Gaffney & MacNamara 1990). This animal was apparently not quite as large as M. oweni, but more similar in skull form to M. platyceps from Lord Howe Island. This discovery indicates that platyceps-like tortoises were found in Australia as well as on the southwest Pacific Islands. And the north Queensland animals were as large as M. oweni, having the bulk, if not the height, of a cow. So, surprisingly, two rather different forms of horned turtles dwelt in Australia. It seems that M. oweni followed, but probably did not evolve from, the platyceps-like form. The oldest Meiolania remains are Miocene, but the skull form is unknown. Since M. oweni seems not derived from the platyceps-like Meiolania, presumably either both forms lived in Australia, or the platyceps-like tortoise somehow arrived from the Pacific Islands. As mentioned above, meiolanid tortoises have been found on Tiga Island, in the Loyalty Group, and on New Caledonia itself (Gaffney, Balouet & de Broin 1984)(see also Balouet, this volume). These finds represent more than a simple extension of geographic range, for the Tiga Island specimen is from an uplifted reef dated as no more than 120,000 years old. This is quite informative in the absence of any comparably precise dating of the Australian and Lord Howe remains, but the really surprising date is from the New Caledonian material. This specimen was associated with charcoal which was dated at only 1700 years old. Thus meiolanid tortoises were living in New Caledonia in historical times, while the Romans were in England. Since New Caledonia was populated by at least about 1000 B.C. the extinction of these tortoises may well have been due to humans. The remaining form to be mentioned is a trionychid (soft-shelled turtle). These had been reported in Australia by de Vis (1894), but because of the absence of living specimens, and the fragmentary nature of his material, the reports were generally not accepted. Recent restudy of de Vis' material (Gaffney & Bartholomai 1979) indicates that de Vis was correct and such forms did inhabit Australia during the past. Trionychids today live in North America, Africa and Asia (into Indonesia), and fossil specimens have turned up in South America as well, so their occurrence in Australia is not too surprising. They are an old group, dating back to the Jurassic. SUMMARY In the absence of much of a fossil record of Cainozoic reptiles in Australia, many workers have tried to deduce the histories of various groups based upon their patterns of speciation and FOSSIL REPTILES IN AUSTRALIA - 677 have tried to deduce the histories of various groups based upon their patterns of speciation and present distribution. Where these could be checked in the fossil record, as with varanids and Crocodylus porosus, they appear earlier in the record than had been deduced from modern information (Molnar 1985). The Tertiary record of reptiles in Australia documents the existence of yawning chasms in the fossil record and the hazards of deducing history from modern data alone. The Pleistocene reptile faunas are better known and essentially composed of two components. The first is those forms that survive today or are obviously similar to surviving forms. The second component is the extinct giant forms, such as Megalania, Meiolania and Wonambi. So far, only Quinkana does not fit comfortably into one of these. Otherwise there seem to be no "small” reptiles unrelated to those now living. This suggests that the Pleistocene reptile fauna was basically a modern fauna (or vice versa) with the extinct giants added. Of the land-dwelling reptiles, the small ones have preferentially survived, but the large ones did not. Note that this division involves two different criteria, which happen to produce the same groups. The first is whether or not the Pleistocene taxa have left descendants. The second is the size of the animals. Two of the extinct giants, Meiolania and Wonambi, seem to be archaic or relict forms, but the status of the small, still-living forms is unknown. Most of these have no fossil record prior to the Pleistocene and none of them a record prior to the Miocene, so it cannot be determined which are relicts. We might be able to infer this from their relationships. We divided the Australian Pleistocene reptilian fauna into two components based on their size and whether they became extinct. The modern Australian reptilian fauna may also be divided into constituent parts, but this division is based on the time of their (evolutionary) origin. The modern Australian reptile fauna is expected to have three components (not to be confused with the two of the Pleistocene fauna) based on time of evolutionary origin, rather than relationship to surviving forms. The first of these components includes those reptiles that migrated to, or originated in Australia before the separation of Australia and Antarctica from South America. The second includes those forms that evolved in Australia after its separation from Antarctica, and the third includes those whose ancestors arrived recently as immigrants from Asia (especially Indonesia), The first component would be most closely related to the old Gondwanan (South American or African) forms, while the second would also be related but have undergone evolutionary change. Thus, the first component would consist of relict forms that had relatively low rates of evolution, at least as expressed in their morphology. The second component would have had higher rates of evolutionary change. Thus, those reptiles related to South American or African forms would belong to the first two components, while those related to Asiatic forms would make up the third. Confirmation of this scheme, and determination whether those of the Gondwanaland component were relict or had undergone considerable evolution since the isolation of Australia, would come from the fossil record, when it becomes better known. In comparing the three proposed components of the modern Australian reptilian fauna to the two of the Pleistocene fauna, nothing can yet be said of the component that left modern descendants. However, the extinct giants Meiolania and Wonambi belong to the first, relict component; none of these taxa still survive. All modern Australian reptiles seem to belong to the second or third components: derived (as opposed to relict) Gondwanan descendants or Asiatic descendants. . . . . Another interesting feature of the Australian Cainozoic faunas is that the large predators appear to have been all reptiles (Fig. 43). Among these large reptiles were Megalania, Pallimnarchus, Wonambi and Crocodylus porosus. The largest predatory mammal, Thylacoleo, is rather smaller than those of other continents, such as bears, hyaenas, lions and tigers - it is comparable in size to a leopard. Australia is also where ziphodont crocodiles 678 - MOLNAR Viverid - Viverra civetta Felid - Panthera leo Sarcophilus harrisii ~ . wi Aro Dasyurus BURNS See Thylacinus oh Canid - / capris a Canis lupus Mustelid - ees Gulo gulo Y Hyaenid - Ursid - Ursus arctos Crocuta crocuta Varanus giganteus Ct Se 7 ea Megalania prisca — Pallimnarchus RFE pollens fd ra Qinkana fortirostrum 4, Crocodylus porosus Figure 43. The large reptilian predators of the Australian Pleistocene compared with contemporary mammalian predators and with mammalian predators now living on other continents. In Australia only the reptiles provided large predatory land vertebrates. (Drawn by L. Beime). FOSSIL REPTILES IN AUSTRALIA - 679 survived the longest. This suggests the unusual situation in which the major tetrapod predators are members ofa different class from the major herbivores. This may also have been the case for early Cainozoic South America, in which large flightless birds were prominent predators, although carnivorous marsupials and ziphodont crocodilians were also present. Such unusual features of the Australian fossil record, particularly that of reptiles, shows that there is much of importance still to be learned from vertebrate palaeontology and palacoecology in Australia. REFERENCES ABEL, O., 1927. Lebensbilder aus der Tierwlet der Vorzeit. Gustav Fischer Verlag, Jena. ABEL, O., 1935. Vorzeitliche Lebensspuren. Gustav Fischer Verlag, Jena. ACOSTA-A, C.A., HUERTAS-G, G. & RUIZ-C, P.M., 1979. 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W., 1984. Cenozoic high latitude heterochroncity of southem hemisphere marine faunas. Science 224: 281-283. 686 - MOLNAR APPENDIX I Cladogram 1. Relationships of the major groups of reptiles and their sister-group, the anthracosauroids. Based on the work of Gauthier, Kluge & Rowe (1988). These workers define reptiles as the descendants of the common ancestor of living reptiles (see text for further discussion of this convention). Thus, they consider that synapsids, pareiasaurs, procolophonians and mesosaurs are not reptiles. Not all workers agree that anapsids are more closely related to diapsids than are synapsids. Cladogram 2. Relationships of turtles, based on Gaffney & Meylan (1988). Groups with Australian members are emphasized. The term “other groups” on this and the following diagrams indicates one or more that may not be related. Cladogram 3. Relationships of ichthyopterygians and sauropterygians, based on Mazin (1981) (ichthyoptergians) and Sues (1987) (sauropterygians). These relationships are obviously unclear, but, even so, not all workers agree with this. Cladogram 4. Relationships of archosauromorphs and lepidosauromorphs, based on Benton (1985). Cladogram 5. Relationships of archosaurs and their sister-group, the prolacertiforms. The mixed character of the thecodonts, including forms not closely related, may be seen. Based on Benton & Clark (1988). Cladogram 6. Relationships of dinosaurs and pterosaurs and their sister-group, the ornithosuchids, based on (Gauthier 1986). FOSSIL REPTILES IN AUSTRALIA - 687 Anthracosauroids Captorhinids Synapsids Proganochelydians Pareiasaurs Pleurodires Procolophonians (other groups) Mesosaurs Meiolaniids oe 4 4 A Testudines gf (other groups) 2 ° Captorhinids 3 e A Chelonioids ¢ 308 ’ & Paleothyrids 2 = 3 Trionychoids / £2 2 Araeosccelidians g S (other groups) = oO 2 8 (later diapsids) ao. Testudinoids Bega ~~ Claudiosaurs fd other groups ~— Araeoscelidians Sphenodontians Lizards > <> Amphisbaenians soe Serpents - Claudiosaurs ce Sy (other groups) ~ “™ Araeoscelidians 5 Prolacertiforms 6 . - ] a Proterosuchians Pe, Erythrosuchians / ee ‘— thecodonts “ed Proterochampsids + Doswellia | Euparkeriids | _= Ornithosuchids pt Pam oa “ ae Crocodilians oie Lagosuchids 2 . 7 Poposaunans i Pterosaurs - ‘ S Pseudosuchians Herrerasaurs 2 Gracilisuchus ithischi 2 | thecodonts re Ornithischians 3 Phytosaurians =} Sauropodomorphs a 2 Ornithosuchids 2 2 Theropods % a & “4 ‘ Ss & Lagosuchids 9 £ ry ee 2 2 sg Dinosaurs SI = wo 3 ed 2) ° rs) 3 3 o 2 = oO 688 - MOLNAR PLATES Plate 1. Internal mould, in dorsal view, of a chelonian carapace from the Winton Formation of central Queensland (QM F12413). Plate 2. The only known Australian mosasaur bones from the Late Cretaceous of Western Australia. An ulna (A) and unidentified bone (B), possibly a limb bone. (Courtesy of the Department of Geology, University of Western Australia and J. Wiffen). Plate 3. Left femur from the type specimen of Woolungasaurus glendowerensis. Plate 4. The type jaw of "Crocodylus" selaslophensis from the Cretaceous of Lightning Ridge, New South Wales. The mass of opal projecting into the foreground from the lower jaw seems not to represent a part of the fossil. (Courtesy of the University of New South Wales and Teaching Hospitals and The Australian Museum). Plate 5. Cretaceous crocodilian material from Lightning Ridge, New South Wales. Left is a procoelous cervical centrum in dorsal (A) and lateral (B) views; C, tibia. (Courtesy of the University of New South Wales and Teaching Hospitals and The Australian Museum). Plate 6. Dorsal vertebra probably from a very small theropod dinosaur. This was found in the Lower Cretaceous rocks near the Hamilton River, western Queensland. The centrum is about 3 mm long. Plate 7. Leaellynasaura amicagraphia, holotype (NMV P185990). A, C, E ventral view of rear of frontals plus the parietal in normal and reverse; B, D, dorsal view of the counterpart to A,C,E showing endocast of brain. Skull is 67 mm in length. (From Rich & Rich 1989). Plate 8. Right femur of Leaellynsaura amicagraphica (from the Early Cretaceous near Cape Otway, Victoria). A, C, anterior view, stereo pair; B, D, posterior view, stereo pair; E, G, proximal view, stereo pair; F, H, distal view, stereo pair (length of femur 67 mm). (After Rich & Rich 1989). Piate 9, Atlascopcosaurus loadsi from the Early Cretaceous near Cape Otway, Victoria. A-D, maxilla with upper cheek teeth; A, C, lateral view, stereo pair, B, D, medial view, stereo pair, all x1. E-H, mandible with two unermupted cheek teeth; E, G, lateral view, stereo pair, x0.66; F, H, medial view, stereo pair, x1.33; I-L, lower cheek teeth; I, K, (same individual as in E-H) lateral view, stereo pair, J, L, lateral view, stereo pair, all x2. (After Rich & Rich 1989). Plate 10. Right femur of Fulgurotherium australe, from the Early Cretaceous near Cape Otway, Victoria. A, C, anterior view, stereo pair; B, D, posterior view, stereo pair, E, G, medial view, stereo pair; F, H, lateral view, stereo pair; I, J, proximal view stereo pair (all x0.5). (After Rich & Rich 1989). Plate 11. A hypsilophodontid tooth, possibly from Fulgurotherium, from Lightning Ridge, New South Wales; x3. Plate 12. The shoulder girdle of a pterosaur from the Early Cretaceous of western Queensland. Plate 13. Jaw of a crocodile from the probably Eocene oil shales at Rundle, eastern Queensland. Plate 14. The snout of a young Crocodylus porosus from the Pliocene deposits at Allingham Creek, northern Queensland. This is the oldest specimen of the Salt-Water Crocodile in Australia. (From Molnar 1979). Plate 15. The type skull (i.e. snout) of the Australian ziphodont crocodilian, Quinkana fortirostrum, A, dorsal view; B, ventral view. (From Molnar 1981). Plate 16. The skull of Meiolania platyceps from Lord Howe Island, New South Wales. Two different skulls are shown in posterior view (A, C) to demonstrate the variation in development of the hom cores. B, dorsal; D, lateral views. (From Gaffney 1983). FOSSIL REPTILES IN AUSTRALIA - 689 3 . . a abe 17. ea skull of Meiolania oweni from the Darling Downs, Queensland. Continuous lines indicate reconstructed portions of the skull, while dashed lines indicate Owen's locations for homs. (From Owen 1884). Fo The tail armour of Meiolania oweni, viewed from above (A), laterally (B) and below (C). (From Owen Plate 19. Ankylosaur skeleton (Minmi sp.) collected in January 1990, from near Richmond, north Queensland. The triangular skull is visible at the top, and the scutes of the dorsal armour may be seen on the neck (just below the skull) and between the ribs of the back. The small ossicles of the armour are visible in the intervening areas (and between the ribs) of the back. The left ilium is visible at the bottom left: that of the right is still covered by rock. The skeleton is viewed from above, and the neck was somewhat longer than as laid out here. ADDENDUM ; Since this chapter was completed there have been several significant, relevant discoveries. New work on the primitive African procolophonian Owenetta has shown ten synapomorphies with early chelonians, leading to the conclusion that procolophonians are the sister-group of turtles (Reisz & Laurin 1991). The diversity of Mesozoic crocodilians has been enhanced by discovery, in Lower Cretaceous rocks of Malawi (central Africa), of crocodilians with a differentiated dentition, similar to that of mammals (Clark ef al. 1989). New material has been found in Australia as well. Footprints of several kinds of dinosaurs have been found near Broome (W.A.), including those of sauropods, omithopods and possibly stegosaurs (Long 1990). The first Australian oo reptile, apparently a Quetzelcoatlus-like pterosaur, has also been recognised in Westem Australia (Long In assessing the problem of south polar temperatures and dinosaurian physiology (pp.664-665), I pointed out that marine reptiles are known from the Late Cretaceous of both New Zealand and Antarctica. Further, I commented that no one had suggested that they maintained an elevated body temperature. But the recent work of Paladino et al. (1990) shows that leatherbacks (Dermochelys) can maintain a body temperature of 25°C. in a water temperature of Jess than 8°C. These workers further argue that larger extinct reptiles could have held their body temperatures at Icast 30°C. above that of their surroundings - without needing metabolic rates comparable to those of mammals. So, it seems possible that large marine (and terrestrial) reptiles could have survived temperatures like those postulated for southem Victoria during the Early Cretaceous. A new ziphodont crocodilian, Baru darrowi, has been described from Riversleigh (Qld.) and Bullock Creek (N.T.) (Willis et al, 1990). Baru is similar to Quinkana, Pallimnarchus and undescribed crocodiles from South Australia. It suggests that there was an indigenous radiation of Australian Cainozoic crocodilians. The Riversleigh agamids (Covacevich et al, 1990) include Physignathus (Water Dragon), indicating a Late Miocene time for the coming of Asiatic lizards into Australia, for Physignathus seems to have originated in Asia. Although most of the Miocene lepidosaurs still survive, demonstrating the conservatism of the Australian small lepidosaur fauna, two genera, Montypythonoides and Sulcatidens, have not (Covacevich et al 1990). So, it is not just the "giants" that became extinct. The discovery of Meiolania in the Miocene Camfield beds (N.T.) (Merigan 1989) supports the suggestion that it was a relict form that lived in Australia throughout the Cainozoic. And finally, the newly studied skull roof elements of Megalania (Molnar 1990) support Hecht's contention that the skull was akinetic, and show that Megalania sported a low medial crest on lits head (see reconstruction including this feature by P. Trusler in Vickers-Rich & Rich, 1991). CLARK, J.N., JACOBS, L.L. & DOWNS, W.R., 1989. Mammal-like dentition in a Mesozoic crocodylian. Science 244: 1064-1066. COVACEVICH, J., COUPER, P., MOLNAR, R.E., WITTEN, G. & YOUNG, W., 1990. Miocene dragons from Riversleigh: new data on the history of the family Agamidae (Reptilia: Squamata) in Australia, Mem. Qd. Mus. 29: 339-360. LONG, J.A., 1990. Dinosaurs of Australia. Reed Books, Balgowlah (Sydney). MEGIRIAN, D., 1989. A description of homed-turtle remains (Testudines: Meiolaniidae) from the mid-Miocene Camfield beds of northem Australia, The Beagle 6: 105-1 13. MOLNAR, R.E., 1990. New cranial elements of a giant varanid from Queensland. Mem. Qd. Mus. 29: 437-444. PALADINO, F.V., O'CONNOR, M.P. & SPOTILA, J.R., 1990. Metabolism of leatherback turtles, gigantothermy, and thermoregulation of dinosaurs. Nature 344: 858-860. REISZ, R.A. & LAURIN, M., 1991. Owenetta and the origin of turtles. Nature 349: 324-326, VICKERS-RICH, P & RICH, T-H., 1991. Wildlife of Gondwana. Reed Books, Balgowlah (Sydney). WILLIS, P., MURRAY, P. & MEGIRIAN, D., 1990. Baru darrowi gen. et sp. nov., a large, broad-snouted crocodyline (Eusuchia: Crocodylidae) from mid-Tertiary freshwater limestones in northem Australia. Mem. Qd. Mus. 29: 521-540. PLATE 1 PLATE 2 690 - MOLNAR PLATE 3 FOSSIL REPTILES IN AUSTRALIA - 691 692 - MOLNAR PLATE 4 PLATE 5 PLATE 6 FOSSIL REPTILES IN AUSTRALIA - 693 PLATE 7 fe Cerebral hemisphere F- | oe) Parietal body Cerebellum PLATE 8 694 - MOLNAR PLATE 9 FOSSIL REPTILES IN AUSTRALIA - 695 PLATE 10 696 - MOLNAR P mae er et FOSSIL REPTILES IN AUSTRALIA - 697 PLATE 12 PLATE 13 pr Of BE fe Of GE WE GE ZENE OF HZ OL Oe Ge me BE EE Ie OF GH wm Pid ititiiiiiid 698 - MOLNAR PLATE 14 A PLATE 15 FOSSIL REPTILES IN AUSTRALIA - 699 700 - MOLNAR PLATE 16 PLATE 17 FOSSIL REPTILES IN AUSTRALIA - 701 PLATE 18 PLATE 19 702 - MOLNAR CHAPTER 19 THE FOSSIL TURTLES OF AUSTRALIA Eugene S. Gaffney! MifOMUE HOR 517 he. Ae Pin CR ER eet Ds, 704 Family Qhelidaes. 3..)0), ee OE Seen 704 Diagnosis 8. Lath. eee See ee hs 704 References sie tc7. seed | ee eas 705 Australian Records of the Chelidae .............. 705 Family Meidlaniidae. 2.4.08. pe ee 708 DEARNOSIS2 et OR SR cer ee 708 Reféronces 4 ty 9. he So Rn eae Ue: 709 Australian Records of the Meiolaniidae......... 709 Meiolania platyCeps .......ccccccecccceecenecees 709 Meiolanid OWENI....cr.cccccesecececesecseceeeecs 710 Meiolania cf. platyceps ..........cccc ccc eeceues 710 Undetermined Meiolaniids from the Tertiary of Mainland Australia........... 710 Meiolaniids from New Caledonia........... 713 Family Desmatochelyidae, D10, Unnamed Taxon of Gaffney & Meylan (1988)........ccceeeeceeeseees 713 AA ENDSES 1.) ches Mele Lee eh eee 714 IRELCIENCES SEA Tees ek ee ee 714 Family Trionychidaes: 7.0! che ee 714 Diagnosise: 00s: ee ee ee 714 References 204.0000 ae ee 714 Australian Taxa of Trionychids................... 714 Mesozoic Turtles of Undetermined Relationships iy..0. +. ...c03) ccasseecets Sentient 714 REfEreNnCES sr mi Goes ee es dete tah eet es 715 Plates f. 035th s, Te Soece cls ee ante eee te eo 716 a ns 1 Department of Vertebrate Paleontology, The American Museum of Natural History, Central Park W. at 79th St., New York, New York 10024, U.S. A. 704 - GAFFNEY INTRODUCTION Turtles are often common elements of both living and fossil faunas and have the potential to provide significant perspectives on biogeography, habitat and evolutionary relationships. The Australian turtle fauna is less diverse than that of other continents (except Antarctica) in terms of species and higher taxa, but the taxa that are present are very interesting and significant from an evolutionary point of view. There are some general works on turtles that the interested reader should be aware of. A compilation of the living species of turtles with figures can be found in Wermuth & Mertens (1961, 1977) and Pritchard (1979), while a compilation of fossil turtles is in Mlynarski (1976) and Kuhn (1964). The higher level systematics and relationships of living and extinct turtles to genus is in Gaffney & Meylan (1988) (see also Fig. 1): Cranial morphology of turtles is presented in Gaffney (1979a), and the best description of turtle postcranial morphology is Bojanus (1819, reprinted 1970). A history of chelonian classifications and phylogenies is in Gaffney (1984). The living turtles of Australia are reviewed in Cogger (1975), and the fossil turtles of Australia are reviewed in Gaffney (1981, in press). The vernacular use of the word "turtle" to refer to marine forms and "tortoise" to refer to non-marine forms is essentially a local usage peculiar to British-influenced regions. The more widespread usage is "turtle" meaning all chelonians and "tortoise" restricted to the family Testudinidae, a family of dryland turtles not found in Australia. As in other scientific works on Australian chelonians, I use "turtle" to mean all chelonians. FAMILY CHELIDAE The most common non-marine chelonians in the recent and fossil biota of Australia are the chelids, a freshwater aquatic to semi-aquatic family of pleurodires or side-necked turtles. The recent and fossil members of this family are restricted to South America (about 12 living species) and Australia (about 15 living species). The fossil record of chelids is not extensive, although fragmentary fossils of chelids are known from most Tertiary and Quaternary vertebrate sites in Australia (Figs 1-3). Species not assignable to the recent fauna have not yet been objectively diagnosed. DIAGNOSIS Lateral cheek emargination of the skull bones unusually well-developed; quadratojugal absent; mesoplastra absent; neural bones extensively reduced or absent; cervical vertebral formula is (2((3((4((5))6))7((8). The above features are synapomorphies for Chelidae, but the group has other characters that differentiate it from most or all of the remaining Australian turtles. Because chelids are such a prominent Australian group, it is worth listing plesiomorphic characters found in chelids. 1. Fore and hindlimbs of generalized chelonian pattern, with distinct joints, and clawed, webbed digits not developed into flippers or paddles. 2. Nasal bones present. 3. Prefrontals do not meet in midline. FOSSIL TURTLES OF AUSTRALIA - 705 REFERENCES ‘ The systematics of the entire family down to genus is dealt with by Gaffney (1977). pecies level taxa of recent Australian chelids are in Cogger (1975), Goode (1967), Cann (1978), Leagler & Cann (1980), and Burbidge, Kirsch & Main (1974). AUSTRALIAN RECORDS OF THE CHELIDAE The three recent generic level taxa of chelids as recognized by Gaffney (1977, in press) are Pseudemydura, Chelodina and the Emydura Group (Emydura, Elseya, and Rheodytes). These three taxa are also present in the Australian fossil record (Fig. 2). _ _Pseudemydura is known from the recent fauna as one rare species, on the brink of extinction in Western Australia. The only fossil record of this genus is a fragmentary specimen from the Riversleigh localities of Queensland (Gaffney, Archer & White 1989). This Miocene record provides evidence that Pseudemydura was more widespread in the Tertiary and has a history of some antiquity. Pseudemydura is diagnosable by many synapomorphies (Gaffney 1977, in press) and has been hypothesized (Gaffney 1977) as the sister group of all other chelids. The Emydura Group contains nine (or more, depending on the author) Australian and New Guinean species that are very similar in osteology and general habitus. Most of the characters diagnosing the Emydura Group (Gaffney 1977, Goode 1967, Cogger 1975) are probably primitive for chelids. The only likely synapomorphy for the group is the relatively heavy lower jaws with a wide triturating surface (Gaffney 1977). The possibility is very good that dividing the Emydura Group (that is, the old genus Emydura) into three genera, Emydura, Elseya, and Rheodytes, is not based on a systematic hypothesis that there are three monophyletic groups defined by synapomorphies. Rather, it reflects the recognition of a few species that are more readily distinguishable on the basis of unanalyzed characters (Gaffney, in press), The current state of species level systematics in the Emydura Group does not allow an objective basis for the naming of extinct species. Few of the recent taxa are described osteologically, and the absence of a phylogenetic analysis based on synapomorphies prevents the identification of these synapomorphies among fossil taxa. However, the Emydura Group has been widely identified in the Tertiary and Pleistocene of Australia (Figs 2-5, Pls 1-2). Most of these records are related in Gaffney (1981). Descriptions of the best known Emydura material, including skulls are in Gaffney (1979b) with well preserved shells described by Burke, Gaffney & Rich (1983) and Warren (1969a). More recent records and discussions of problems concerming the Emydura Group are in Gaffney (in press) and Gaffney, Archer & White (1989). Again, it should be expected that any primitive chelid will look like Emydura, and the identification of a fossil as Emydura is often the same as saying that it is a primitive chelid. Chelodina is a long-necked chelid (in contrast to the short-necked Pseudemydura and Emydura) that is diagnosed by a series of synapomorphies (Gaffney 1977, in press). Six or seven species are present in the recent Australasian fauna, but the species level systematics of Chelodina are in just as primitive a state as in the Emydura Group. In contrast to the widespread occurrence of Emydura Group fossils in Australia (Figs 2-3), Chelodina is known from only two localities: the Tara Creek Pliocene of eastern Queensland (Gaffney 1981) and the Riversleigh Miocene of western Queensland (Gaffney, Archer & White 1989). In addition to the better known material mentioned above, there are chelid fossils that extend the family into the Eocene of Australia. The Rundle Formation near Gladstone, Queensland, and the Cape Hillsborough Formation of Cape Hillsborough, Queensland, have yielded diagnosable shell parts that are chelid (Gaffney, in press). 706 - GAFFNEY and the Cape Hillsborough Formation of Cape Hillsborough, Queensland, have yielded diagnosable shell parts that are chelid (Gaffney, in press). SYV3A JO SNOITIIW ——— © 3VGIYGA13HO 3VGIINVIOISN a) a oy = aVGINava WTS avali3Ho 3VGISNG3SNO013d iS ° ” % 4 t VOIAT3HOOIS3 1d 3VGINY3SLSOUN3Id Sif © AQVILYAL ot ” SATSHOVLINSAVY SISY3HOOUSLOYd 4++150 oissvenr ~ = OISSVINL 3VGINIHYOLdVD 300)| NVIWdAd FOSSIL TURTLES OF AUSTRALIA - 707 CHELONIIDAE TRIONYCHIDAE EMYDIDAE “BATAGURIDAE” TESTUDINIDAE DERMOCHELYIDAE CARETTOCHELYIDAE DERMATEMYDIDAE KINOSTERNIDAE OSTEOPYGIDAE PROTOSTEGIDAE ADOCIDAE MILLIONS OF YEARS | 300 Figure 1. The relationships of the main groups of turtles. This is the cladogram presented in Gaffney & Meylan (1988), placed on a time scale showing the ranges of the groups. Recent groups are shown by a living turtle, while the extinct groups are represented by a skeleton. Groups found in Australia are shown with an asterix (*). 708 - GAFFNEY FAMILY MEIOLANIIDAE The extinct horned turtles of Australia and South America are probably the most fascinating and bizarre of chelonians. Their relationships have been controversial for more than a century, but recent work (Gaffney 1983) argues that they are primitive eucryptodires, the sister group of the living cryptodires. The meiolanids are known only from South America and Australasia (mainland Australia plus Lord Howe Island, Walpole Island and New Caledonia). The South American forms are the oldest, the Eocene record being the first well-documented meiolaniid, The Australian forms are known from the Miocene to the Late Pleistocene (Figs 2-3); the island species are Late Pleistocene. CHELIDAE CHELONIOIDEA TRIONYCHIDAE CARRETOCHELYIDAE REGENT MEIOLANIIDAE ge PLEISTOCENE 9 PLIOCENE Bey i. ano MIOCENE OLIGOCENE TERTIARY EOCENE PALEOCENE UPPER CRETACEOUS Figure 2. Temporal ranges of turtle families in Australia. DIAGNOSIS Squamosal and supraoccipital produced into large posteriorly and posterolaterally directed processes that extend clear of the skull; medial plate of pterygoid separated ventrally from basisphenoid to form the intrapterygoid slit; broad squamosal - quadratojugal contact ventral to quadrate; heavily ossified tail club; ossified tail rings; cervical ribs unusually large; pes and manus digits and with two or fewer phalanges. FOSSIL TURTLES OF AUSTRALIA - 709 REFERENCES Skull morphology can be found in Gaffney (1983) and Owen (1881), vertebral morphology in Gaffney (1985) and aspects of the entire skeleton in Anderson (1925, 1930). A comparison of known records is in Gaffney (1981). AUSTRALIAN RECORDS OF THE MEIOLANIIDAE Meiolania platyceps The abundant and well-preserved material from Lord Howe Island (Figs 3, 6, Pl. 3 ) has made this species the best known member of the family. The specimens all occur on a small volcanic island in calcarenites tentatively dated at 100,000-120,000yBP (see Gaffney 1983, for geology and discussion). Although the Lord Howe specimens show a great deal of variation, the species is characterized by large, recurved horns, no occipital frill and a total size of about two metres, PAPUA NEW GUINEA WOODLARK ISLAND e NORTHERN @- FLORAVILLE TERRITORY rN crossing WINDJANA | | e GORGE RIVERSLEIGH @ Shee i RICHMOND e JULIA A . | CREEK Perit ALCOOTA | i @ CORINDA NEW & BOULIA ALEDONIA KANGAROO WELL | EMERALD @ e ROCKHAMPTON e QUEENSLAND e Solan FERNLEES a = A WARBURTON CHIE HILLAY: MURGON e@ VER PITIKANTA ) RINER: CONDAMINE @@ w-RUNCORN WALPOLE KANUNKA r—?se PALANKARINA TARA CREEK @@ ISLAND NoapaKaLol ) Uys — — -£. DARLING oowns 7 Lake Eyre 7"), ake Eyr de A LIGHTNING AUSTRALIA @, PINPA NAMBA RIDGE j ‘ © Brisbane os RED BANK - PLAINS ‘ew BINGARA @ COOLAH GULGONG @ LORD HOWE @ WELLINGTON ISLAND a e gisveney © Canberra I NARACOORTE @) 4 TORIA CARAPOOK 52 A Cretaceous sites les ® Cenozoic sites mi kilometers 4 Fre TAROONA sot) ASMANIA . Hobart Figure 3. Map of the Australasian region showing localities that Lave yielded fossil turtles. 710 - GAFFNEY intergular gular EPIPLASTRON /PERIPHERALS -P,) mm) — M2! (P humeral — -ENTOPLASTRON _- COSTALS (C,-C,) (p, -P,) wee vertebrals —{- vi-V,) Figure 4. Drawings of shell in Pl. 1A, B, with bones and scales identified. Meiolania oweni This species, from the Darling Downs Pleistocene of Queensland, is known only from the skull and tail. It was described by Owen (1881, 1882) and named by Woodward (1888, 1901). Meiolania oweni differs from M. platyceps in lacking recurved horns, in having a large occipital frill and in being one and one half to two times larger. Meiolania cf. platyceps Three horn cores and a caudal from Late Pleistocene (30,000-200,000 yBP) are known from Wyandotte Station, northern Queensland (Gaffney & McNamara 1990). The horn cores are very similar to the Lord Howe species, except that they are more than twice the size. It is likely that the Pleistocene of Queensland had two, contemporary species of giant horned turtle wandering about, wreaking havoc. Undetermined Meiolaniids from the Tertiary of Mainland Australia Etheridge (1889) and Gaffney (1981) describe meiolaniid fragments from Gulgong, New South Wales, that may be Miocene in age. This species seems to be about 20-30% smaller than Meiolania platyceps. The Miocene of Central Australia has yielded meiolaniid fragments (Gaffney 1981) similar in size and morphology to the Gulgong material. The Riversleigh Miocene of western Queensland also has meiolaniid fragments, but all of these specimens are too fragmentary to make definitive comparison as yet. FOSSIL TURTLES OF AUSTRALIA - 711 Figure 5. Skull of Emydura macquarii, Chelidae, Recent, South Australia. (From Gaffney 1977). 712 - GAFFNEY foramen / aperatura palatinum Pos eu SA. narium interna \ pf intrapterygoid slit ju foramen nervi hypoglossi y a so sq incisura columellae auris ee foramen aperatura stapedio-temporalis Narium externa foramen nervi hypoglossi foramen magnum fenestra ql postotica q) Nasomaxillary sinus foramen ntr Intrapterygoid: silt jugulare posterius Figure 6. Skull of Meiolania platyceps, Meiolaniidae, Pleistocene, Lord Howe Island, Australian Mus. 57984. (From Gaffney 1983). FOSSIL TURTLES OF AUSTRALIA - 713 Meiolaniids from New Caledonia Anderson (1925) described fragments of a small meiolaniid from Walpole Island as Meiolania mackayi, and some meiolaniid cervicals were reported from the main island of New ceca (Gaffney, Balouet & de Broin 1984). These all appear to be Late Pleistocene or r. It should be emphasized that the meiolaniids were not aquatic turtles, but had limb morphology similar to the tortoises (Testudinidae) of today. They are unlikely to have been transported from the Australian mainland by swimming, but may represent relict faunal elements surviving on repeatedly emergent volcanoes. Family Desmatochelyidae, D10, Unnamed Taxon of Gaffney & Meylan (1988) In the Early Cretaceous Toolebuc Limestone of Queensland, there are two sea turtles, Cratochelone and Notochelone. They have never been studied in detail, but Notochelone (Fig. 7) appears to be similar to the North American Desmatochelys and the European Allopleuron. All three of these latter genera have been united with the protostegids and dermochelyids in a monophyletic group, "D10", by Gaffney & Meylan (1988). Cratochelone is based on very fragmentary material, but appears to be a protostegid and would, therefore, belong in this taxon. bes 7 wucnal vertebrais ar — (W-vg) vy; ~>+.— NEURALS (|-8) x ~ \ = / “>. COSTALS , Si se GE AS , P, a an y » (C\-Cg) ee A _>— a \ , : ar ee Ce of i 7 ‘ Ka Q ; HYOPLASTRON *, ——— —_—_— oH yo) 2 S \ / , eS \ ws ca J Yo QA Po Seo pas C3 NN SS Al Pe ia / \ . ate? V3 4 \ 32 6 ee Aes \ | a ors 1S Se \ # es of oe, : 71 Seta ie = att A Ss : : ye 4 HYPOPLASTRON * P, ars 0% ee sy nN og oe \ \ ee, re aie (C4 / y; Se IC%, Cg ’ a _— SUPRAPYGAL pleurals’ (p\- Pq) rf seus XIPHIPLASTRON "~PYGAL Figure 7. Shell of Notochelone costata, Chelonioidea, Cretaceous, Toolebuc Limestone, Queensland. Restoration based on Queensland Mus. F2249. (From Gaffney 1981). 714 - GAFFNEY DIAGNOSIS Plastron with very large central and peripheroplastral fontanelles, reducing the hyoplastral- hyoplastral contact to a narrow projection; medial process of jugal absent; scapular angle wide, in contrast to other chelonioids. REFERENCES The Australian material is not well described; the best figures are in Gaffney (1981) FAMILY TRIONYCHIDAE The trionychids or soft-shell turtles, are cryptodires that occur today in Africa, Asia and North America, but not in South America or Australia. Fossils of the group, however, are found in South America and Australia, leaving Antarctica as the only continent lacking a record of the family. DIAGNOSIS Peripheral bones absent (except in Lissemys); pygal and suprapygal bones absent; boomerang-shaped entoplastron; scales of shell absent; centrum of last cervical not articulating with centrum of first thoracic; jaws covered by fleshy lips. REFERENCES Meylan (1987) is the best reference for recent trionychids. AUSTRALIAN TAXA OF THE TRIONYCHIDAE De Vis (1897) identified some shell fragments from Darling Downs as trionychid. Gaffney & Bartholomai (1979) re-affirmed the accuracy of de Vis’ identifications and provided more material from other localities. None of the specimens are diagnosable beyond family. All of the descrobed material is from Queensland and is at least Pliocene in age, but newly discovered specimens from Mrgon may be Palaeogene. MESOZOIC TURTLES OF UNDETERMINED RELATIONSHIPS The only Mesozoic turtles from Australia that are known well enough to determine relationships are the chelonioids. There are, however, fragments of other turtles from the Cretaceous that suggest the presence of more primitive turtles, probably below the level of Centrocryptodira as diagnosed by Gaffney & Meylan (1988). The best of these specimens is the steinkern, Chelycarapookus (Warren 1969b) (Fig. 8), which is probably a primitive cryptodire (Gaffney, in press). It is probably from the Early Cretaceous Merino Formation of Victoria. Molnar (1980) described some fragments from the Early Cretaceous Griman Creek Formation of New South Wales, that are probably from cryptodires below the level of Centrocryptodira. T. and P. Rich and associates have discovered fragments from the Early Cretaceous Otway and Strzelecki groups of southern Victoria that FOSSIL TURTLES OF AUSTRALIA - 715 pia also be referred to non-centrocryptodiran cryptodires. Even if taken together, this material ie not allow definitive identification of particular cryptodire groups, but it suggests that ustralia, like the other continents, had representatives of the primitive cryptodires. Figure 8. Intemal mould of carapace of Chelycarapookus arcuatus, Cryptodira indeterminant, ?Cretaceous, ? Merino Group, ?Victoria. (From Gaffney 1981). REFERENCES ANDERSON, C., 1925. Notes on the extinct chelonian Meiolania, with a record of a new occurrence. Rec. Aust. Mus. 14: 223-242. ANDERSON, C., 1930. Paleontological notes no. Il. Metolania platyceps Owen and Varanus (Negakabua) priscus (Owen). Rec. Aust. Mus.17: 309-316. BOJANUS, L.H., 1819. Anatome Testudinis europaeae. Soc. Study Amph. & Rept. facsimile reprints in herpetology (reprinted 1970), 26: i-vi, 1-178. BOULENGER, G.A., 1889. Catalogue of the chelonians, rhynchocephalians and crocodiles in the British Museum (Natural History). British Museum, London. BURBIDGE, A.A., KIRSCH, J.A.W. & MAIN, A.R., 1974. Relationships within the Chelidae (Testudines: Pleurodira) of Australia and New Guinea. Copeia2: 392-409. BURKE, A.C., GAFFNEY, E.S. & RICH, T.H., 1983. Miocene turtles from Lake Tarkarooloo, South Australia. Alcheringa 7: 151-154. CANN, J., 1978. Tortoises of Australia. Angus & Robertson, Sydney. COGGER, H., 1975. The Reptiles and Amphibians of Australia. Reed, Sydney. DE VIS, C.W., 1897. The extinct fresh-water turtles of Queensland. Ann. Qd. Mus.3: 1-7. ETHERIDGE, R., 1889. On the occurrence of the genus Meiolania in the Pliocene Deep Lead at Canadian, near Gulgong. Rec. Geol Surv. N.S.W.1: 149-152. GAFFNEY, E.S., 1977. The side-necked turtle family Chelidae: a theory of relationships using shared derived characters. Am. Mus. Novit.2620: 1-28. GAFFNEY, E.S., 1979a. Comparative cranial morphology of recent and fossil turtles. Bull. Am. Mus. nat. hist. 164: 65-375. ; GAFFNEY, E.S., 1979b. Fossil chelid turtles of Australia. Am. Mus. Novit. 2681: 1-23. GAFFNEY, E.S., 1981. A review of the fossil turtles of Australia. Am. Mus. Novit.2720: 1-38. 716 - GAFFNEY GAFFNEY, E.S., 1983. Cranial morphology of the extinct horned turtle, Meiolania platyceps, from the Pleistocene of Lord Howe Island. Bull. Am. Mus. nat. hist. 175: 361-480. GAFFNEY, E.S., 1984. Historical analysis of theories of chelonian relationships. Syst. Zool. 33(3): 283- 301. GAFFNEY, E.S., 1985. The cervical and caudal vertebrae of the cryptodiran turtle, Meiolania platyceps, from the Pleistocene of Lord Howe Island. Am. Mus. Novit.2805: 1-29. GAFFNEY, E.S., in press. An introduction to turtles, with a review of the turtles of Australia. GAFFNEY, E.S. & BARTHOLOMAI, A., 1979. Fossil trionychids of Australia. J. Paleont. 5§3(6): 1354- 1360. GAFFNEY, E.S., BALOUET, J.C. & DE BROIN, F., 1984. New occurrences of extinct meiolaniid turtles in New Caledonia. Am. Mus. Novit. 2800: 1-6. GAFFNEY, E.S. & MEYLAN, P.A., 1988. A phylogeny of turtles. In The Phylogeny and Classification of Tetrapods. M. J. Benton, ed., Clarendon Press, Oxford: 157-219. GAFFNEY, E.S. & MCNAMARA, in press. A meiolaniid turtle from the Pleistocene of northem Queensland. In Vertebrate Zoogeography & Evolution in Australasia, M. Archer & G. Clayton, eds., Hesperian Press, Carlisle. GAFFNEY, E.S., ARCHER, M. & WHITE, M., /989 Chelid turtles from the Miocene freshwater limestones of Riversleigh Station, northwestem Queensland, Australia. Am. Mus. Novit.2959: 1-10. GOODE, J., 1967. Freshwater tortoises of Australia and New Guinea (in the Family Chelidae). Lansdowne Press, Melboume. KUHN, O., 1964. Fossilium Catalogus. 1: Animalia, Pars 107, Testudines. Junk, The Hague. LEGLER, J. & CANN, J., 1980. A new genus and species of chelid turtle from Queensland, Australia. Contr. Sci. Nat. Hist. Mus. Los Angeles Co. 34: 1-18. MEYLAN, P.A., 1987. The phylogenetic relationships of soft-shelled turtles (Family Trionychidae). Bull. Am. Mus. nat. hist.186: 1-101. MLYNARSKI, M., 1976. Testudines. In Encyclopedia of Paleoherpetology, Part 7, O. Kuhn, ed.: 1-130. MOLNAR, R., 1980. Australian late Mesozoic terrestrial tetrapods: some implications. Mém. Soc. géol. Fr., n.s. 139: 131-143. OWEN, R., 1881. Description of some remains of the gigantic land-lizard (Megalania prisca, Owen) from Australia. Part Il. Phil. Trans. R. Soc. (1880) 171: 1037-1950. OWEN, R., 1882. Description of some remains of the gigantic land-lizard (Megalania prisca Owen) from Australia. Pam Il. Phil. Trans. R. Soc. (1881) 172: 547-556. PRITCHARD, P.C.H., 1979. Encyclopedia of Turtles. T. F. H. Publications, Neptune. WARREN, J.W., 1969a. Chelid turtles from the mid-Tertiary of Tasmania. J. Paleont. 43(1): 179-182. WARREN, J.W., 1969b. A fossil chelonian of probable lower Cretaceous age from Victoria, Australia. Mem. natin. Mus. Vict.29: 23-28. WERMUTH, J.W. & MERTENS, R., 1961. Schildkréten, Krokodile, Briickenechsen. Gustav Fisher Verlag, Jena. WERMUTH, H. & MERTENS, R., 1977. Liste der rezenten Amphibien und Reptilien, Testudines, Crocodylia, Rhynchocephalia. In Das Tierreich. H. Wermuth, ed., Walter de Gruyter, Berlin, New York. WOODWARD, A.S., 1888. Note on the extinct reptilian genera Megalania Owen and Meiolania Owen. Ann. Mag. nat. Hist. 1(6): 85-89. WOODWARD, A.S., 1901. On some extinct reptiles from Patagonia, of the genera Miolania, Dinilysia, and Genyodectes. Proc. zool. Soc. Lond. 1901: 169-184. PLATES Plate 1. Shell of Emydura sp., Chelidae, Wipajiri Formation, Miocene, South Australia. (From Gaffney 1979a). Plastron (A) and carapace (B) (Univ. California, Berkeley, specimen UCMP 77348). See Fig. 4 for labelled drawing. Plate 2. Left lateral views of Recent and fossil Emydura skulls, Chelidae. A, Emydura australis, Amer. Mus. Nat. Hist. 108857, Recent; B, Emydura sp., Univ. California (Berkeley) UCMP 57253, Etadunna Formation, South Australia. (From Gaffney 1979a). Plate 3. Skeleton of Meiolania platyceps, Meiolaniidae, Pleistocene, Lord Howe Island, restored cast based on Australian Mus. 57984. (From Gaffney 1983). PLATE 1A FOSSIL TURTLES OF AUSTRALIA - 717 718 - GAFFNEY PLATE 1B PLATE 2 FOSSIL TURTLES OF AUSTRALIA - 719 720 - GAFFNEY PLATE 3 CHAPTER 20 THE MESOZOIC AND TERTIARY HISTORY OF BIRDS ON THE AUSTRALIAN PLATE Patricia Vickers-Rich! TIMER CTIOIN ior hcl Paddys died wah cocencatty adaiiee! Historical Perspective ........cccccccceeeececees Temporal Distribution of Avian Fossils in Australia and New Guineaa....... Geographic Distribution of Avian Fossils in Australia and New Guinea....... Biases of the Mesozoic and Tertiary Avian Record in Australia and New Guinea The Avian Fossil Record (Australia- New Guinea): Mesozoic............ The Avian Fossil Record (Australia- New Guinea): Palacogene.......... The Avian Fossil Record (Australia- New Guinea): Neogene Dromormithidae..., c..ct An tesneedare Casuariidae POUICIPEMIN ACs hs sa.0k Heres cidoeden's Seseen oe Spheniscidae WiGOMed HAAS s bs. hss css ser cewcich oan han ce Ardeidae eee eee eee eee eee ee ee ee ee ee) —_—$—$—$—$_$—_———————————————————— ——————————————————————————————————————— 726 729 Threskiornithidae.........cee cece eeeeeeeeeee 752 PROCMICOPIETOAC 0. eda cciccsiceces bee sii 153; Palaclodidae..........ccccccccceeeeeeeeecenees 756 ASTIALIGAGH Make Een e MN. Ae te 757 Accipitridae and Falconidae............... 757 Megapodiidae.............cccsccceseccseceeees 758 UEMICIMAG SS 5; SEH oe a Boal seus ee 758 Gruidag fed. to RN Re es 758 Rallidaey. 9.5 fect al Wt A Mavenee cle be 760 Onitdan a tee, SES A 760 Charadritformes ai ¥s 4) Stele 760 Tytonidae and Strigidae.....0000......... 761 Podargidae and Aegothelidae ............. 761 APOdIGAGS 5. i eee ancien 762 Columbidae Wee eee hittin 762 Psittaciformesss, wheat Maevaee 762 Rasseniformes.t 48.0 See tine 762 Origin of the Australian Avifauna: Dispersal, Vicariance or Both? .......... 763 Summary and Conclusions.....0...........0.. 768 IRELEVENCEST A Sete Ph kc eel oe Sieh ae 769 lates ee ad eevee eels oo 781 1 Earth Sciences and Ecology/Evolutionary Biology Departments, Monash University, Clayton, Victoria 3168 Australia. 722 - RICH INTRODUCTION Bones of extinct birds were amongst the first fossil vertebrates recovered from Australia. In 1831 George Ranken, a local grazier helping Sir Thomas Mitchell (Mitchell 1838) explore the Wellington caves of New South Wales (see Rich & Archbold, this volume), deftly attached his rope to "what seemed a projecting portion of rock" in order to support the next stage of his descent. Unfortunately for Mr. Ranken, but quite fortunately for the science of palaeornithology, the projecting portion of rock turned out to be the femur of a large ground bird, now known to belong in the family Dromornithidae (Owen in Mitchell 1838). The aim of this article is to detail the avian fossil record for Australia and New Guinea. This includes an historical account of the discovery of the fossil birds as well as a critical look at how the record is biased and how it can be used as a basis for outlining the development of the Australasias' unique avifauna. HISTORICAL PERSPECTIVE Mr. Ranken's discovery of a fossil bird bone in the Wellington Valley was the beginning of palaeornithology on the Australian continent in 1831. Over the next half century bird bones were occasionally discovered by state surveyors, such as H. Y. L Brown (1894) in South Australia and W. B. Clarke (1869, 1877) in New South Wales. They also were tumed up in Aboriginal and European wells and were reported on by Owen (1874, 1879a,b), Etheridge (1889, 1894) and Lydekker (1891, 1892), amongst others. The Reverend J. E. T. Woods (1862, 1866, 1882) both collected and reported on bones of the large dromornithids from the southeastern part of South Australia, particularly around Penola. It was in the latter decade of the 19th century when a great deal of fossil avian material was found and early part of the 20th century when it was described, mainly through the efforts of Charles de Vis (1885-1911) while working in the service of the Queensland Museum. He worked with a small modern comparative collection and, evidently, a paradigm that most fossil material must represent extinct avian taxa. His material came mainly from the Darling Downs of Queensland and Cooper Creck in South Australia, the latter collected either by H. Y. L Brown or J. W. Gregory (1906) and his group of Melbourne University students in the early 20th century. Many of these "new" taxa have been synonomized with extant forms (Rich & van Tets 1981, 1982, Rich, van Tets & McEvey 1982, Rich et al. 1986, van Tets & Rich 1987), but it was his work that painted the first pictures of the fossil birds from central Australia, most of which were of Quaternary age. In the latter part of the 19th century, the spectacular discovery (Newton 1893) of fossil vertebrates at Lake Callabonna in eastern South Australia certainly led to increased research on avian fossils. The first articulated skeletons of any fossi} Australian birds, in this case the dromomithids, were found bogged in the Pleistocene clays uf the lake. A series of well written and superbly illustrated papers by E. C. Stirling and A. H. C. Zietz (1896-1913) clearly outlined this endemic Australian group that is unrepresented in the modern fauna. After such a burst of activity, little transpired in the field of Australian palaeornithology until the mid-20th century, except for a few papers on Quaternary fossils, such as those from the Bass Strait islands or Tasmania (Milne-Edwards & Oustalet 1899, Giglioli 1907, Legge 1907, Spencer & Kershaw 1910, Anderson 1914, Dove 1926, Howchin 1926, Morgan & Sutton 1928, Jouanin 1959) or such prolific localities as the Cuddie Springs bone bed in New South Wales (Anderson 1889), which produced a variety of giant marsupials as well as dromornithids, all disarticulated. Chapman (1910) mentioned a fossil feather from Western Victoria, which may only be of recent derivation. Finlayson (1938) reported on a penguin MESOZOIC & TERTIARY BIRDS OF AUSTRALIA - 723 from the Miocene of South Australia. Many of these early discoveries were reported in Lambrecht's survey of palaeornithology in 1933. In the early 1950s, R. A. Stirton, R. H. Tedford, Paul Lawson and their colleagues mainly from the University of California (Berkeley) and the South Australian Museum, discovered Tertiary vertebrates in northern South Australia (Stirton 1955, Stirton, Tedford & Woodburne 1967). They also visited some of the original J. W. Gregory sites along Cooper Creek and discovered several more. Their collections added great time depth to the history of birds, as well as for other vertebrates, on the Australian continent. It also served as a tremendous boost for research in vertebrate palaeontology on this continent. Alden Miller was one of the members of the mid-twentieth century Stirton expeditions, and he energetically began describing the new material deriving from a series of University of California-South Australian Museum expeditions (Miller 1962-1966). His untimely death cut his research short, but a student of his, Patricia Rich, continued the work he had begun (1975- 1982). She was later joined by A. R. McEvey (Rich & McEvey 1977, 1980), G. F. van Tets (Rich & van Tets 1980-1985, Rich, van Tets & McEvey 1982, van Tets & Rich 1987), R. F. Baird (Rich & Baird 1986, in press, Baird & Rich, in press), C. Patterson (Patterson 1983, Patterson & Rich 1987), T. H. Rich (Rich e¢ al. 1982) and W. Boles (in press) in describing the bulk of the Stirton material. In the 1950s and 1960s concurrent with the work by Stirton, Edmund Gill (National Museum of Victoria, now the Museum of Victoria, Melbourne) described fossil penguin material from Victoria (1959a,b) as did G. G. Simpson (American Muscum of Natural History, New York) (1957-1970). In 1969 Ron Scarlett (Canterbury Museum, Christchurch) reviewed an Australian "moa" described by de Vis, finding it to be conspecific with a New Zealand form, and, thus, suggested that it had not really been found in Australia. Stirton's colleagues continued to discover more Tertiary bird-bearing sites, such as those at Alcoota (Woodburne 1967) in the Northern Territory (worked by M. O Woodburne and J. Mawby in the 1960's), Bullock Creek, also in the Northern Territory (Plane & Gatehouse 1968) and Riversleigh in northwestern Queensland (originally reported on by Tedford in 1968 but currently being excavated and studied under the direction of Dr Michael Archer, Univ. of New South Wales). During the 1970s and 1980s field recovery and research on fossil birds expanded greatly. Rich & van Tets (see van Tets & Rich 1987 summary), as well as Storrs Olson (National Museum of Natural History, Smithsonian Institution, Washington) (1975-1977), have reviewed de Vis's fossil birds. Other workers active during this period include Allan McEvey (Museum of Victoria; now retired), who has studied Cainozoic fossils and the morphology of extant taxa, Edmund Gill (deceased, formerly of the Museum of Victoria), who worked on fossil footprints (Rich & Gill 1976), and Dominic Williams (deceased, formerly of Australian National University and Flinders University), fossil eggs (this volume, Williams & Rich in press). Williams (1981) was the first to report on dromornithid egg shells from the Quaternary of South Australia. Robert Baird (Earth Sciences Department, Monash University, Melbourne), Charles Meredith, Greg McNamara (James Cook University, Townsville) have all been students of P. V. Rich. Baird's work (Baird 1986) on the cave faunas (with emphasis on the passeriforms) of the southeastern part of Australia has been an important contribution demonstrating the usefulness of fossil avifaunas in charting changing climatic regimes through time and understanding the factors that bias avian cave assemblages. Charles Meredith (1985) analyzed the Holocene fossil avifauna of Norfolk Island emphasizing seabird evolution in the Pacific. Van Tets has also been active in description of fossil seabirds from Australasia as well as cave and archaeological faunas (e.g. van Tets & Smith 1974, van Tets & O'Connor 1983). Greg McNamara studied the Quaternary avifauna of McEachern's Cave (McNamara 1981) in Victoria, and Chris Patterson (1983) the fossil history of the emus on the Australian continent. Shane Parker (South Australian Museum) has discussed the dwarf emus of Kangaroo and King islands south of Australia, as well as the dromaiines of Tasmania. 724 - RICH DoD = fod 3 6 = o o s an |s x S © a 2 c A c ODlo la |-= o|/2Z|ou| Ss oO =e cc] + aad x= ws | = | = D, Sc] 2] ol 5 lo o| © o/ OO) '‘S] = = ° Falseloz| Plo Joo] £/ 2} a|2 Eol o Selo soul He Jeajon} il Page = 2 ed) Fx es ° Sel/>clos] O |RSS gE} O S/o} S] @ So |=o} £ /S2/=2/2o] » |2a/a2| E Els] 2 ° o> 4 as|t2loaa s=|ES| 0 om ° a. Ow @ o F allan AN avis So = (o) fo w |¢to| & ag|Caljaa| DM | © e@* M | P|D R Bullock Creek, N.T, , G- 12 (Bullock Creek Local Fauna) L.Mio |5-11| F\eE lo.a A iss 13 Bugaldi,N.S.W. M.Mio 17 we LIGIA s Riversleigh, Qid. (Riversleigh L.Olig | 15- G- 14 Nooraleeba local faunas) (Mio M.)| 33 ow FL E D ? Kangaroo Well, N.T. A 11- 15 (Kangaroo Well Local Fauna) M-Mio 15 oo F 2 D 2 ? 2 Lake Ngapakaldi, S.A 2.114 | 16 (Kutjamarpu Local Fauna) M.Mio 15 oe M Lake Palankarinna, S.A. F 11- 17 (Ngama Local Fauna) M.Mio 15 & ~~ R Lake Yanda, S.A s 18 (Yanda Local Fauna) M.Mio | 45 ail R Lake Pinpa, S.A. 11- 19 (Ericmas Local Fauna) 15 | - LR Lake Pinpa, Billeroo Ck., S.A. 11- 20 (Pinpa Local Fauna) 15 7~ M Lake Palankarinna, S.A. 11- 21 (Ngapakaldi Local Fauna) 15 & Lon! A Endurance Tin Mine, 16- w 22 Tas. 33 | ® ye A Mt. Gambier, Pritchard Brothers 23 Quarry, S.A. 6 M =< Blanche Point, 24 witton Bluff, S.A & M Boat Mt., Qld. | a 25 (Tingamurra Local Fauna) E.Tert. |>22| yey R 26 Koonwarra, Vic. E.Apt 1/110 & He M 27 Hamilton Hotel, Qld Albian hi0 & R Tabie 1. Distribution of birds in pre-Quaternary sediments of Australia. Method of Dating: 4 : palynology; om , vertebrate fauna, mainly diprotodontid marsupials; @ , microinvertebrates and/or macroinvertebrates; y*, , radiometric dating; [+] , fission track dating. Depositional Environment: F, fluviatile; L, lacustrine; P, paludal. Listed in order of abundance of sedimentary types. Quality of Preservation: E, exceptional; G, good detail preserved but bones often fractured and not complete; P, poor. MESOZOIC & TERTIARY BIRDS OF AUSTRALIA - 725 s : o| o 3 $|3 3 E oo sth ome o ol o| 5 id ra ) 7) Oo!15 =/|o2)|/e o| & E a | 2 £ Bose & @ c a os U fe) @O 3 no} ® = = =] Zi s|s s|o|z olso|g =laslel=lo/S\slslet =| o/g|o o|°Ols B\/d| a ol= Si\eSisliL2i/Lie£ = re ton a = 1S) 3° = ° no} © 5 35 fo) oo Pal es = 5 oS 12) Qluvo x 4 2 = al>3 s oS o = c £ Be) rs) 5 2 | 2|/£\% 2|o|°® Q)/a)=/5 S| Sl =z] SlolslE}/S| alse oO oli ® [s) oO — a|c|<= oS aS wo 3 alo 3 a 4 5 7-4 mo | pas °o — oO et Ss YZ — = =4 9);o;};c;e ae aes rar o|/@; si cz =-|o| 35/o0/0/aQ]o0/]n0] & c qara|<« Flo};a x, RY : Y % Wee S y sous Yr Clavicles Ys V/ Y ternum Tibiotarsus ff Tarsometatarsus LM SEN SS iy PN ea = Skeleton of a bird indicating the susceptibility of bones to wear in stream environments. a nape ie humerus and tarsometatarsus, are the most resistant to wear; parallel-lined bones are oO hite bones are very fragile and tend to erode very quickly, thus not often being Fig bones, such as the n intermediate durability; w preserved as fossils if transported any distance. 732 - RICH away even with the concerted effort of the palaeontologist, and thus will always bedevil the quality and quantity of the Australian fossil record. Another biasing factor is that of the enclosing sediments. Bones are better preserved in some environments than in others. Ideal are lacustrine deposits which preserve material in situ without moving fossils from point of death. Material preserved under such conditions is often whole or nearly so, such as the aegothelid skeleton from the Miocene Bugaldi site in New South Wales or the Genyornis skeletons preserved just as they were bogged on the margins of Pleistocene Lake Callabonna in South Australia. Some associated material of flamingoes and palaelodids has been recovered from Miocene lacustrine sediments at Lake Palankarinna. Fluviatile sediments, however, seem to be the most frequent preservers of fossil bird bones in the Australian Tertiary. Streams tend to concentrate bones in various ways (Voorhies 1969, Wolff 1973, 1975, Behrensmeyer 1975, Baird, this volume) but in doing so both disarticulate and erode the transported bones. This must be taken into account when comparing such occurrences with others, both in Australia and elsewhere, and it also explains to some extent why the Australian record is so limited. Obviously, those bones which can withstand wear best (Rich 1980a, Napawongse 1981, Rich & Baird 1986), such as humeri, tibiotarsi, tarsometatarsi and coracoids of medium-sized (Fig. 2), but not small or very large, birds are most frequently preserved. Others, such as cranial remains, delicate bones or those with a large surface to volume ratio, such as wing phalanges, scapulae, radii, fibulae, and pelves, are rare. Some localities, such as the Miocene Tom O's Quarry in the Tarkarooloo Subbasin and the Pliocene-aged Hamilton locality of Victoria, contain no bird bones at all, and the bones of other vertebrates clearly show that lengthy transport is involved. The fragile bird bones that most likely were present in the stream load were totally destroyed during transport, whereas mammalian teeth have remained intact, but extremely eroded. Tumbler experiments designed to simulate a variety of stream environments like those in the mid-Tertiary of central Australia show the same representation and erosion patterns (Figs 3-6) as occurs in the fossil assemblages from those areas (R, Berra, P. Napawongse & P. Rich, unpublished data, Napawongse 1981). Such biasing, as mentioned above, also determines the size of species best preserved. There is not only a selection against small, delicate bones that are part of a larger bird, but also against entire skeletons of small birds. So, the record is automatically biased toward medium- sized birds (e.g. ducks, flamingoes, burhinids) or larger birds (emus) and excludes smaller ones. Such an influence also means that relationships of isolated bones are not always understood, so proportions of limb elements within one individual skeleton cannot be determined with certainty. Sometimes different disassociated elements can be assigned to a single taxon because of the common occurrence at a single locality, common identity to a single family, and similarity of size. Usually, however, one cannot be certain of the association to one individual, so mean measurements must be utilized. Fluviatile fracturing of bones also means that very often proximal and distal ends are not associated. Trying to associate fragments can be difficult. It is only because of such localities such as Lake Palankarinna, Bullock Creek and Alcoota, where associations of avian material can be demonstrated that association of the isolated, out-of-context fragments from other localities can be made. The kinds of depositional environments also determine the kinds of animals that will be preserved - namely those that lived close to the environments where deposition was occurring. In the Tertiary sites of central Australia, for example, waterbirds are by far the most common (see Table 1). Ducks, flamingoes, rails and charadriiforms are far more common than are pigeons and parrots. This probably bears no relationship to the actual proportions of species that inhabited and died in central Australia 10 to 20 million years ago. It is, however, related to the probability that birds living, feeding, and nesting near or in rivers or lakes are more likely to die there and to be preserved than those living elsewhere. Because of such biasing MESOZOIC & TERTIARY BIRDS OF AUSTRALIA - 733 ELEMENTS FEMUR DEEP ORIENTATION OF LONG LIMB BONES IN FLUME EXP. SHOWING EFFECT OF DEPTH OF WATER POLARITY (Parallel to current) TIBIOTARSUS TARSOMETATARSUS HUMERUS ORIENTATION: Transverse Parallel MOVEMENTS: =a : -——J Rolling Continuous | Intermitent RADIUS SKULL PELVIS INCREASING VELOCITY F Finite 0.016 STERNUM DIGITS FURCULA CORACOID SCAPULA HUMERUS ULNA RADIUS CARPOMETA — CARPUS FEMUR TIBIOTARSUS TARSOMETA — TARSUS Figure 3. Effect of moving water at different speeds and at different depths on the orientation of bones (After Napawongse 1981). 734 - RICH factors, one should always be cautious of interpreting low representation or absences. For example, both the parrots and the pigeons have a very dismal record in the Tertiary of Australia. In this case, the fossil record should not be used as evidence of a fairly recent radiation or invasion of the Australian continent by either of these groups. Rather, there is the real possibility that low numbers are directly related to the non-fluviatile and non-lacustrine habitats that these birds prefer. 100 90 8c 70 60 50 40 30 20 190 9 = = AQACE—RK>—>pz:< qv AK Femur | S —— Radius Pachyptila \ \\ Una — WINGS belcheri | \ feline NN Digit =z << Synsacrum PELVIS ra CDWyYy NE Si P. GIRDLE & \ Gecees — STERNUM = \\) Mandible SKULL = Zz z Fg Lake, tandou Naracoote Area Buchan District Caves McEachern’s Cave P ' Fisherman's Clift Scotchtown Cave = Frenchman's Creek owbray p Lancefield trishtown HOBART King Island Mole Creek Figure 10. Localities producing fossil emus (Dromaiinae). Pre-Quaternary cassowary (Casuariinae) fossils are limited to one Pliocene locality near Bulolo, Papua New Guinea. Plane (1967) reported toe bones and assigned them to Casuarius. The material is insufficient to allow any phylogenetic conclusions to be drawn. Pygmy cassowary material has recently been described (Rich et al.1988) from Pureni in the highlands of Papua New Guinea, a late Quaternary site. This material, which includes a number of postcranial elements, is indistinguishable from Casuarius lydekkeri, a form defined originally on a single distal tibiotarsus, whose provenance is uncertain. 746 - RICH iii i CAPE < / york : @ PURENI FAUNAL AUSTRALIA o SITE / = AWE FAUNAL Casuarius unappendiculatus Bees PENINSULA =} @ SITE Casuarius bennetti Casuarius Casuarius M Figure 11, Localities producing fossil cassowaries (Casuarinae) plotted on a map with the distribution of living cassowaries. (After Rich, Plane & Schroeder 1988). THE PODICIPEDIDAE - GREBES Although never an abundant element in fossil avifaunas, grebes are nonetheless present in sediments as old as Late Oligocene to Miocene, the oldest record recovered from the Namba Formation of Lake Pinpa in the Tarkarooloo Subbasin of South Australia. Other specimens have been recovered from Pleistocene sediments along Cooper Creek in South Australia. Because of the rarity of this group in the record, however, it will probably never be very useful biostratigraphically. THE SPHENISCIDAE - PENGUINS (Figs 12-13) Penguins are first known from Australia in the Palaeogene, from the southeast of the continent in South Australia. At least three different penguins are known from the Late Eocene Blanche Point Formation (Jenkins et al. 1982, Jenkins 1985) near Blanche Point and Witton Bluff about 40 km southsouthwest of Adelaide. One form is thought to be closely related to the genus Palaeeudyptes also known from fossils in New Zealand and Seymour Island in West Antarctica. A second, somewhat larger form is known from both the Tuketja Member of the Blanche Point Formation and from Late Eocene rocks of Browns Creek, Otway Ranges, Victoria Jenkins 1985). A more spectacular, giant penguin, Anthropornis nordenskjoeldi has also been recovered from 1955, Jenkins 1974, 198 (Jenkins 1974) (Fig. 12), best known from Seymo na ; height and 90 kg in weight, significantly larger than the largest living penguin, paar forsteri, which stands about 90 cm tall and is restricted to the Antarctic today. oe nordenskjoeldi, additionally possessed an unusually long neck for a penguin (Jenkins in Ric van Tets 1985). | | 10cm F gure omparison 0} e wing 4 i j t the Late Eocene Blanche 12 ¢ i f th i of Anth. opornis nordensk oeldi (A) from ; Hei fasils near Adelaide South usiatin with that of the largest living penguin, Aptenodytes forsteri. i ’ i related to a mid-Oligocene form from the South Island Seah 197 eae by a single bone that bears grooves apparently oe tan, f mohair (Jenkins 1985). This form from rocks of similar age to the New esa ae s recovered from near Mt Gambier, South Australia (Glaessner 1955, zone 1957) Fis, 13). An extraordinary feature of this Australasian species was its long ee ie buen was nearly twice the length of the skull Jenkins 1985). MESOZOIC & TERTIARY BIRDS OF AUSTRALIA - 747 the Late Eocene rocks at Blanche Point (Finlayson 1938, Glaessner 5). Originally described as a new genus Pachydyptes simpson it was later found to be a synonym of Anthropornis nordenskjoeldi ur Island in Antarctica. This giant form may have reached 135 cm in 748 - RICH The end of the Eocene and earliest part of the Oligocene was characterized by marked climatic deterioration (see Fordyce, Chap. 26, this volume). This was linked to the progressive separation of Australia and Antarctica and the strengthening of the Circum-Antarctic Current. This was also the time when the previously successful giant penguins became extinct, and thus some relationship between these events seems likely. 1 Pachydyptes 2 Anthropornis 3 Palaeeudyptes 4 Wimanornis 5 Archaeospheniscus 6 Delphinornis 7 Indeterminate vee Warm currents Cool currents Figure 13. Distribution of fossil penguins from Late Eocene localities, plotted on a palaeogeographic map appropriate for this time period. Arrows indicate hypothetical pattern of oceanic surface circulation. (After Jenkins 1974). Three Miocene penguins are known in Australia, two from the Cheltenhamian rocks of Victoria (Pseudaptenodytes macraei from Beaumaris and Spring Creek; P. minor from Beaumaris) and another form from the Balcombian deposits north of Dartmoor on the Glenelg River (Anthropodytes gilli). Pseudaptenodytes is unique in having an unusually shaped tricipital fossa on the humerus, which allows no easy linkage to other groups of penguins. Simpson (1970) observed that in the Miocene most larger species of penguins have simple fossae, and most smaller species have bipartite fossae, as do the living penguins. Pseudaptenodytes has the double fossa but is not clearly related to any living genus of penguin. In the Pleistocene, penguin bones are common in dune and midden deposits along the coasts of southern Australia and Tasmania, as well as in older sand deposits of Lord Howe Island MESOZOIC & TERTIARY BIRDS OF AUSTRALIA - 749 (Rich & van Tets 1982). Most of the bones are indistinguishable from those of the Little Penguin (Eudyptula minor), which today is known as far north as Australia and New Zealand. Van Tets & O'Connor (1984) have recognized a new form Tasidyptes hunteri recovered from 800 year old midden deposits on Hunter Island, Tasmania. It is similar in size to the living Rockhopper Penguin (Eudyptes chrysocome) and most similar to Eudyptes and Megadyptes in overall morphology (see Baird, Chap. 21, this volume). THE DIOMEDEIDAE - ALBATROSSES The oldest record of this group in Australia is from the Cheltenhamian-aged (Late Miocene) marine sediments of Beaumaris in the suburbs of Melbourne, Victoria. Diomedea thyridata (Wilkinson 1969) is based on only a smali bill fragment, and little can be said about its relationships. All other records of diomedeids are of Holocene age, mainly from sand dune and midden deposits along coastal Australia (Rich & van Tets 1982). | MapA L “apB a 13305) a 7 & a7 | Se. id SX eae eee : SS Ra \ \ Se ee ey 0 ee eS 5 | vis Y \—¥9 ~ ee \ a i$ 5 \ \ ka OPE pz, Kos Se | i A > S rT 3 Se Ge 4 @6 AP Nicos Lake Eyre YY Y > { ‘Qe 10 & Xe 13 F 1412 3 q — ae eA: s/ f ‘ Y ah ea Ve , | | re ie) 100 Km | res ae Figure 14. Localities producing pelican fossils in Australasia: 1, Pelecanus proavus, holotype; 2-5, P. novaezealandiae; 6-7, P. tirarensis; 8, 10, 13, P. cadimurka; and 8-9, 11-14, P. conspicillatus. (After Rich & van Tets 1981). o 750 - RICH THE PELECANIDAE - PELICANS (Figs 14-16, Pls 23-24) Pelicans have a lengthy history in the fresh-water/terrestrial record, but not in marine deposits of Australia. The oldest pelican fossils occur in Miocene sediments of the Lake Eyre and Tarkarooloo subbasins of northern and northeastern South Australia (Fig. 14). The Ngapakaldi, Pinpa and Kutjamarpu local faunas all contain pelican fossils, albeit not large numbers of specimens. Pelecanus tirarensis (Fig. 15) is the single species recorded from these three faunas, based on five specimens. These are fragmentary specimens, but they demonstrate that in the morphology of the trochlea II of the tarsometatarsus, the oldest known species is distinct from all later forms (Miller 1966b; Rich & van Tets 1981). Two other species, both from the Pleistocene, are known, restricted to the northern South Australian basins. These include a small form, Peiecanus cadimurka, as well as a form indistinguishable from the living Australian Pelican, P. conspicillatus. Pelecanus proavus, first described by de Vis (1892), from Quaternary sediments in the Darling Downs of Queensland has been lost. It is impossible to determine from the illustrations if this specimen represents a unique species name. Pelecanus validipes (de Vis 1894 in Brown) originally part of the Archaeocycnus lacustris material reported on by de Vis (1905) and P. grandiceps (de Vis 1905) seem to be synonyms of the living Australian pelican, P. conspicillatus (Rich & van Tets 1981, 1982) (Fig. 16). 4 \ aye Gi LS Figure 15. Tarsometatarsi of pelicans. Pelecanus tirarensis (type) from the Miocene of central Australia: A, medial; C, posterior; E, anterior views. P. conspicillatus, the living Australian Pelican: B, medial; D, posterior, and F, anterior views. Width of the distal end of D, 24 mm. (From Miller 1966b). Evolutionary trends evident in the Australian pelicans can only be observed on the distal end of the tarsometatarsus because of the material available in the fossil record. These include (1) increases in trochlea II width along its posterior border from the Miocene to the Pleistocene, (2) minor changes in the details of the shaft and trochlear morphology (Rich & van Tets 1981, 1982). MESOZOIC & TERTIARY BIRDS OF AUSTRALIA - 751 P. novaezealandiae 4 onocrotalus a *P. validipes’ a ire Ae. P. crispus we, 10 P. philippensis os Ns — P. grandiceps' e ; Me, a == eo =| ¢ a ok Bg M = P. tirarensis . * bg 2 o——___ P. erythrorhynchos = e g 8 e = ——P. conspicillatus = & * o- P. rufescens 6 Ww 7 ¢ P. occidentalis | S ® 6 w— P. cadimurka 8 9 10 aa 12 3 #14 #+15 ‘6 17 #18 «19 20 External Depth of Trochlea II (mm) Figure 16. Comparison of width and depth measurements on the tarsometatarsus of living pelicans and Australasian fossil pelicans. (From Rich & van Tets 1981). THE PHALACROCORACIDAE AND ANHINGIDAE - CORMORANTS, SHAGS AND DARTERS Cormorants are first recorded in the Miocene lacustrine and fluviatile sediments of northern South Australia, but it is not until the Quaternary that their bones become a common element in the palaeofaunas of Australia. Most, if not all, of the Quaternary forms appear to belong within modern species known from Australia. One form, the Black-faced Shag (Leucocarbo), now restricted to marine waters, may have previously occurred in Quaternary central Australia (van Tets, pers. comm.), but this is yet to be documented in the literature. The fossil cormorant material collected on many expeditions to central Australia since the 1950's is currently under study by G. F. van Tets at C.S.I.R.O. Wildlife and Ecology in Canberra. There may be an anhingid from Lake Kanunka, of Pliocene age, but this needs to be reexamined. THE ARDEIDAE - HERONS Heron bones are rare in the Australian fossil record, and they are known primarily in Quaternary deposits, mainly from northern and northeastern South Australia. One occurrence at Lake Kanunka may be a Late Pliocene occurrence. The group has not been sufficiently studied to make any further comment on it, however. 752 - RICH THE CICONIIDAE - STORKS Today there is only one living stork species in Australia, the Jabiru or Black-necked Stork, Ephippiorhynchus asiaticus, also known in southern Asia. In Pleistocene deposits of northern South Australia and in the Darling Downs of Queensland, bones similar to this living form have been found. A smaller form is also known that has been named Ciconia nana. This material needs further study before any decisions can be made regarding its affinities. The oldest stork material from Australia, still undescribed, comes from Riversleigh Station in northwestern Queensland (Miocene) (W. Boles, pers. comm.) and Allingham Creek, Queensland, a Pliocene site that is radiometrically dated at 4.0-4.5 myBP (Archer & Wade 1976). The Allingham stork appears to be closely related to the living Xenorhynchus (G. F. van Tets, pers. comm.). Unfortunately, it is represented by a single specimen, so more material is required before much inference can be made about relationships. There is a questionable occurrence at the Late Pliocene Chincilla site, but this needs further study to confirm its identity, THE THRESKIORNITHIDAE - IBISES AND SPOONBILLS Specimens of ibises and spoonbills are exceedingly rare in Australia. Records are restricted to the Late Pliocene and Quaternary, except for a possible occurrence in Miocene sediments of Riversleigh Station in northwestern Queensland. Platalea subtenuis of de Vis from the Darling Downs area of Queensland is in need of review, but may represent Gallinula (G. F. van Tets, pers. comm.). Figure 17. Palmar and distal views of the distal end of right humeri of: A, Black-necked Stork, Xenorhynchus asiaticus, B, cf. Xenorhynchopsis tibialis (UCMP 56324); C, Greater Flamingo, Phoenicopterus ruber, D, Straw-necked Ibis, Threskiornis spinicollis; E, Lesser Flamingo, Phoeniconaias minor; F, Bush Stone-Curlew, Burhinus grallaria; G, Banded Stilt, Cladorhynchus leucocephalus. Scale bar, 20 mm. (From Rich et al. 1987). MESOZOIC & TERTIARY BIRDS OF AUSTRALIA - 753 THE PHOENICOPTERIDAE - FLAMINGOES (Figs 17-21) _ Flamingo diversity was high throughout the Neogene of Australia. This group first appears in the Late Oligocene-Miocene lacustrine deposits of the Lake Eyre and Tarkarooloo subbasins. Miller (1963b) described the first of this material establishing several new taxa: Phoenicopterus novaehollandiae and Phoeniconotius eyrensis from the Etadunna Formation in the Lake Eyre Subbasin. Phoeniconotius eyrensis, based on part of a tarsometatarsus and a few phalanges (Fig. 20), is of similar size to Phoenicopterus ruber, the living Greater Flamingo, larger than a contemporary Miocene form, Phoenicopterus novaehollandiae (Fig. 20). Phoeniconotius differed, however, from both in being decidedly more robust, and, according to Miller (1963b), possessed a much stronger hind toe (digit I) than either of these species. Phoenicopterus novachollandiae (based on a nearly complete tarsometatarsus) similarly differed from all flamingoes except Phoeniconotius in having a well-developed scar for the metatarsal I, suggesting a robust first digit, and perhaps meaning that both of these fossil Australian forms were more terrestrially adapted than any other species in this family. Thus, during the Late Oligocene-Miocene, at least two genera and two species of flamingoes inhabited the Lake Eyre Subbasin, both included in the Ngapakaldi Local Fauna. If habits of flamingoes alive in the Oligo-Miocene were within the range of tolerance of species alive today, then at minimum there must have been permanent lakes in the Lake Palankarinna area of South Australia, lakes that were reliable enough on a year to year basis to accommodate feeding and breeding of these specialized colonial nesters. Desiccation of central Australia during the late Cainozoic led to the demise of such dependable conditions, and birds such as the flamingoes, which were unable to cope with long droughts and ephemeral lacustrine conditions, were destined for extinction. They did survive for quite some time, however. Pliocene sediments at Lake Kanunka in the Lake Eyre Subbasin contain three species of flamingoes that very likely coexisted: Ocyplanus proeses (Figs 18-19, 21), a form smaller than any known flamingo except for the African Miocene Leakeyornis aethiopicus, Xenorhynchopsis minor, similar in size to the living Phoeniconaias minor; and Phoenicopterus ruber, a form with living representatives and the largest of the three fossils (Rich et al. 1987). As Rich et al. (1987) point out, however, this material is not easily evaluated, as it is based on very few specimens. Hopefully, future excavations, especially at lakes Kanunka and Palankarinna will allow the species diversity hypothesis to be tested as more significant samples come to light. Flamingoes are also known in Pleistocene sediments (see R. F. Baird, Chap. 21, this volume), but dating of these specimens is difficult, if not impossible at present. Xenorhynchopsis tibialis, larger than any living flamingo and on par with the Miocene Phoeniconotius, occurs only in Pleistocene sediments (from along Cooper Creek in South Australia) together with Phoenicopterus ruber and Xenorhynchopsis minor. Only Ocyplanus proeses may be restricted to the Pliocene. It has never been found anywhere together with X. tibialis, and is known from only one locale along the Cooper, which may be a remainé fossil. The disappearance of flamingoes sometime in the last million years most surely corresponds to the disappearance of permanent lakes in the Great Artesian Basin and the establishment of the current environmental conditions which include only ephemeral lakes. If the flamingo material could be dated, then it would be critical in determining just when this crucial climatic alteration took place. Some confusion exists as to the names of Australian flamingoes, due, in part, to the lack of comparative material available to Charles de Vis, and due to the lack of availability of the de Vis material to Alden Miller when he originally studied the flamingo fossils from Australia. De Vis was unaware that some of the bones he named were those of flamingoes and identified 754 - RICH C D F F G Figure 18. Proximal, anterior and posterior view of left femora of: A, Black-necked Stork, Xenorhynchus asiaticus; B, Greater Flamingo, Phoenicopterus ruber; C, Lesser Flamingo, Phoeniconaias minor, D, Straw- necked Ibis, Threskiornis spinicollis; E, cf. Ocyplanus proeses (=Ibis conditus, QM F5519); F, Bush Stone- Curlew, Burhinus magnirostris; G, Banded Stilt, Cladorhynchus leucocephalus. Scale bar, 50 mm. (After Rich et al. 1987). Figure 19. Anterior and distal views of the distal end of right tibiotarsi of: A, Black-necked Stork, Xenorhynchus asiaticus; B, cf. Xenorhynchopsis tibialis (QM F5515); C, Greater Flamingo, Phoenicopterus ruber; D, cf. Xenorhynchopsis minor (QM F5517); E, Straw-necked Ibis, Threskiornis spinicollis; F, Lesser Flamingo, Phoeniconaias minor; G, cf. Ocyplanus proeses (UCMP 56887); H, Bush Stone-Curlew, Burhinus grallaria; 1, Banded Stilt, Cladorhynchus leucocephalus. Scale bar, 20 mm. (From Rich et al. 1987). MESOZOIC & TERTIARY BIRDS OF AUSTRALIA - 755 \ } AN \ 4% ANS We X \l yi we wo ij, YY, ‘uly ‘willl OMIT, . Tm, ies Pre Figure 20. Fossil and living flamingoes. A-C, Phoeniconotius eyrensis, type: (UCMP 13649) A, medial view; B, plantar view; C, anterior view; length of digit I, 45.5 mm. D, F, Ocyplanus proeses (=Phoeniconaias gracilis), UCMP 13650: D, medial view; F, plantar view; width across trochleae, 13 mm. E, G, Lesser Flamingo, Phoeniconaias minor: E, medial; G, plantar views. H, I, anterior views of the tarsometatarsi of Phoenicopterus novaehollandiae (H) (width across trochleae, 17.6 mm) and Phoenicopterus ruber roseus (1). (From Miller 1963b). G H sp cP Figure 21. Posterior and distal views of the distal end of left tarsometatarsi of: A, Black-necked Stork, Xenorhynchus asiaticus; B, Greater Flamingo, Phoenicopterus ruber, C, Straw-necked Ibis, Threskiornis spinicollis; D, Lesser Flamingo, Phoeniconaias minor; E, cf. Ocyplanus proeses (=Phoeniconaias gracilis) (SAM P13650); F, Bush Stone-Curlew, Burhinus magnirostris; G, Banded Stilt, Cladorhynchus leucocephalus. Scale bar, 20 mm. (From Rich et al. 1987). them as follows: Xenorhynchopsis tibialis and S. minor as Ciconiidae, storks; Ocyplanus proeses as a Charadrii, wader; and Jbis (?) conditus as a Threskiomithidae, ibis. Miller was unaware that de Vis had already assigned names to existing material and thus set up Phoeniconaias gracilis on the basis of new material discovered by R. A. Stirton in the middle of the 20th century. Phoeniconaias gracilis is, in fact, the same species as Ocyplanus proeses, which holds priority (Rich et al. 1987). To further complicate the issue, Lambrecht (1933) reassigned Ocyplanus proeses to the Laridae and Condon (1975) assigned it to the Rallidae, both of which were incorrect. Determining the phylogenetic relationships of Australian flamingo taxa is not possible at present due to the fragmentary nature of the record. It is clear, however, that the taxa are unique to the Australian continent in most cases. Sample sizes of both the fossil and recent taxa of flamingoes need to be increased, and the completeness of individual species needs to be improved. Two sites in the Oligo-Miocene of Lake Palankarinna offer marked potential for recovery of partial skeletons as well as cranial material, and thus further field work could markedly increase our knowledge of this highly endemic group in Australia. Because flamingoes occur in most of the central Australian Miocene sites, from Lake Palankarinna and Lake Pinpa in the south to Alcoota and Bullock Creek in the Northern Territory, and they range into the Pliocene and Pleistocene as well, they show promise for defining relative time, once the samples improve. Previous field work at several of these locales indicates that additional excavation at selected sites would likely be quite fruitful. THE PALAELODIDAE - PALAELODIDS (Pls 25-26) Palaelodids have been known in Australia since 1982, having previously been reported only from Europe and North America. Two new Australian species have been described: Palaelodus sp. A, from the Ditjimanka Local Fauna of Middle Miocene age at Lake Palankarinna, South Australia and Palaclodus sp.B with a long time range beginning with the Middle Miocene MESOZOIC & TERTIARY BIRDS OF AUSTRALIA - 757 locales of Lake Palankarinna (Diljimanka Local Fauna), Lake Yanda (Yanda Local Fauna or Ericmas Local Fauna) and Lake Pinpa (Pinpa Local Fauna) and extending to the Middle Pleistocene of Kudnampirra Waterhole along Cooper Creek (Kutjitara Formation), thought to be about 200,000 years of age (Baird & Rich, in press). Palaelodus sp. Bis as large or larger than the largest European species in the genus, based on the libiolarsus. Besides the large size, P. sp. B differs from the European forms in having proportionally broader tibiotarsii, both distally and proximally. The shaft of the libiotarsus in P. sp.B is swollen laterally and has a proportionally narrow dorsal surface (Baird & Rich, in press). Palaelodus sp Ais smaller than P. gracilipes, the previously smallest species in the eee based on the tarsometatarsus. Shaft depth is less than that of all European species in € genus. Prior to the Australian record of palaclodids, this group was known to occur from the Early Miocene to the Middle Miocene of Europe and the Early Miocene to the Early Pliocene of North America. The group appears to have survived longer in Australia than anywhere else (Baird & Rich, in press). Finally, the group succumbed in Australia at some time during the Late Pleistocene or Holocene as aridity expanded and the interior lakes dried out. ANATIDAE - DUCKS, GEESE AND SWANS Australasia has relatively few species of Anatidae when compared to the rest of the world but does have several endemic genera, including many that are extant. Although the record of the anatids extends far back in the Australian record, only the Pleistocene and Holocene forms have been adequately studied. Despite the diversity of extinct forms reported by de Vis in several papers, Olson's restudy (1977) demonstrated clearly that all nine species described by de Vis were assignable to extant forms. Nyroca effodiata was shown to be a junior synonym of Leucosarcia proevisa and, in fact, not a duck at all (van Tets & Rich 1980). The oldest known duck remains in Australia come from the mid-Tertairy deposits of Central Australia, for example from Lake Palankarinna and Lake Ngapakaldi in the Lake Eyre Subbasin and from Lake Pinpa in the Tarkarooloo Subbasin. Younger forms are known from Alcoota, Allingham Creek and Lake Kanunka in central and northern Australia. As many as 6 different taxa may have been present at the Late Pliocene Chinchilla sites in Queensland. The Tertiary fossils are largely unstudied but are under examination by W. Boles (Australian Museum). ACCIPITRIDAE AND FALCONIDAE - HAWKS, EAGLES AND FALCONS Australia appears to have had more kinds of large accipitrids during the Pleistocene than now, including one form from the southern part of the continent that exceeded the size of the living Wedge-tailed Eagle (Aquila audax) significantly (Rich & van Tets, pers. comm.). The oldest records of this family come from both central and northern Australia, from Lake Palankarinna (in both the Ngapakaldi and Ngama local faunas) and Riversleigh (Archer et al. 1989). A large eagle, about the size of the living Wedge-tailed Eagle is known from a single tarsometatarsus from Alcoota of Late Miocene age. Both Chinchilla and Lake Kanunka have also yielded accipitrids. The record of falcons, thus far, is restricted to the Pleistocene and is limited to extant species. Of those Pleistocene forms, even Asturaetus furcillatus described by de Vis (1905) and renamed Plioaetus by Richmond (1909) from Cooper Creek, is indistinguishable from the living Brown Falcon (Rich, van Tets & McEvey 1982). 758 - RICH MEGAPODIIDAE - MOUNDBUILDERS (Fig. 22) All extant genera of moundbuilders occur in Australasia, excluding New Zealand, but including Sulawesi. Only one genus of living megapode, Megapodius, has a distribution that extends westwards to a few coastal islands in southeastern Asia, and eastwards to islands in the southwestern Pacific Ocean. This spread may be in part explained by prehistoric transport by humans. In addition, there are likely two extinct megapodes that occur in the southwest Pacific basin, one in the Fiji islands (yet undescribed) and possibly a second from New Caledonia (Sylviornis ; see Balouet, this volume). The extant genera of megapodes are exceeded in size by Pleistocene relatives, now extinct, Progura (Fig. 22) in Australia and possibly Sylviornis in New Caledonia serving as good examples. Progura may have reached or exceeded 7 kg in weight (van Tets 1974). Several fossil forms from the Pleistocene, assigned to a variety of avian families have been found to be megapodes. Progura was originally thought to be a giant pigeon (de Vis 1888b), Palaeopelargus nobilis a stork (de Vis 1891a). One form described as a bustard (de Vis 1888b) was, likewise, found to be a megapode. De Vis was correct, however, in his assignment of Chosornis praeteritus to the Megapodiidae. The only pre-Pleistocene record of megapodes in Australia is a single form from Chinchilla. Interestingly, Mourer-Chauvire (1982) reported the occurrence of small megapodes in the Late Eocene deposits of Quercy in France. Perhaps the present distribution of this group in Australasia is relictual. Another possibility is that megapodes dispersed northwards from Australia into Europe in the early Tertiary. Until more is known about the early Tertiary record of Australasia, it is difficult to favour either hypothesis. TURNICIDAE - BUTTON-QUAIL Bones similar to those of extant species of Turnix are, like those of Coturnix, common in Quaternary cave and midden deposits in Australia. Older records of this family from the Tertiary of northern Australia seem to be rails, rather than turnicids (W. Boles & R. Baird, pers. comm.) GRUIDAE - CRANES The limited amount of Pleistocene and Holocene material of cranes found in Australia appears to be indistinguishable from that of the Brolga, Grus rubricundus, which is now limited in its distribution to Australia and New Guinea. There are rare bones in the Early Miocene and Late Pliocene (Lake Palankarinna, Lake Ngapakaldi and Lake Kanunka) of central Australia that may represent this group, but these need further study. Figure 22. Fossil and recent megapodes: A, right tarsometatarsus, Progura naracoortensis; B, right tarsometatarsus, Megapodius reinwardt; C, left reversed tarsometatarsus, Progura; D, E, right tarsometatarsi, Progura; F, right femur, Progura naracoortensis; G, right femur, M. reinwardt; H, right tibiotarsus, M. reinwardt; I, right tibiotarsus, P. naracoortensis; J, synsacrum, P. naracoortensis; K, synsacrum, M. reinwardt. MESOZOIC & TERTIARY BIRDS OF AUSTRALIA - 759 760 - RICH RALLIDAE - RAILS Rails occur in some of the oldest Cainozoic bird-bearing deposits in Australia, probably Late Oligocene-Early Miocene in age, at Lake Palankarinna (both the Ngapakaldi and Ngama local faunas). At least two types of rails have also been recognized in the Early Miocene or Late Oligocene deposits of Riversleigh, one of which had reduced power of flight or was flightless (W. Boles, pers. comm.). Two different forms are known from the Chinchilla deposits. The group is never particularly diverse either in the Tertiary or Quatemmary deposits. The Pleistocene forms appear to be indistinguishable from extant forms (see Olson's review of de Vis' work, 1975). Of greatest interest is the Tasmanian Native Hen (Gallinula (Tribonyx) mortierii) whose remains have been found in Quaternary deposits of southeastern South Australia, Victoria, New South Wales and the Darling Downs, Queensland. Historically, the Tasmanian Native Hen has been restricted in its distribution to Tasmania, and, thus, its Quaternary range was decidedly broader than that of today. Olson (1975) has suggested that this species probably evolved on the mainland, spread to Tasmania, was isolated there after the flooding of Bass Strait, leaving the mainland population to become extinct and the Tasmanian population to remain as a relict where it evolved slightly larger size. This is certainly one possibility, but areas of origin are difficult to assess with confidence without a good fossil record. OTIDIDAE - BUSTARDS The record of bustards in Australia is very limited. The oldest known occurrence is from very Late Pliocene deposits at Lake Kanunka. All of the Quaternary material, also very limited, appears to be indistinguishable from the living Australian Bustard (Ardeotis australis), now restricted in its distribution to Australia and New Guinea. CHARADRIIFORMES - WADING BIRDS (Pls 27-28) The Charadriidae, Scolopacidae and cf. Laridae material known from Pleistocene and Holocene deposits in Australia appear to be indistinguishable from that of extant species. A variety of charadriiforms also are known in older sediments back as far as the Miocene, but they are yet to be analyzed. Incomplete comparative collections in this diverse group have still hampered work on these taxa. Of the limited amount of Quaternary material of stone curlews (Burhinidae) that has been found in Australia, all appears to be indistinguishable from the living Bush Stone-Curlew (Burhinus grallarius), which is now restricted to Australia and New Guinea. The pre- Quaternary record, especially the Oligo-Miocene, has an abundant record, however. One large collection from the Namba Formation at Lake Pinpa, Tarkarooloo Subbasin contains more than 100 bones, and this record rivals the oldest record of the group from North America. Other material is known from similar-aged sediments in the Lake Eyre Subbasin, the Etadunna Formation at Lake Palankarinna. The material from Lake Pinpa is significant in that although disarticulated, most elements of the skeleton are represented, including a partial skull. It is clearly a form distinct from the Australian forms of today, at least rating a new specific recognition. It appears most closely related to Esacus magnirostris (Perry 1983), the living Beach Stone-Curlew of northern Australia. A partial skeleton similar to that of the extant Plains-Wanderer (Pedionomus torquatus) (P|s 27, 28) has been recovered in Pliocene or Pleistocene fire-hole deposits in the Morewell coal MESOZOIC & TERTIARY BIRDS OF AUSTRALIA - 761 seams of Victoria (Rich & McEvey 1980). There is not general agreement on the age of the Five ee deposits, but this occurrence is the only possibly pre-Quaternary record of this pale All other fossil pedionomids are from Pleistocene or younger deposits within ia. Olson & Steadman (1981) have presented a strong case for allying this group to the charadriiform Thinocoridae of South America. ‘ te TYTONIDAE AND STRIGIDAE - BARN OWLS AND TYPICAL OWLS Most fossil owl material in Australia has been recovered from Quaternary caves (see Baird, this vol.), One bone tentatively assigned to Tyto novaehollandiae (Rich, McEvey & Walkley 1978) was recovered from fluviatile or lacustrine sediments along Cooper Creek in central Australia, of probable Quaternary age, although dating of many of the bones in this area, unless well documented, is not totally reliable. The remains of Quaternary owls in Australia seem indistinguishable from extant species. To date, there are no pre-Quaternary fossil owls from this continent, even though the record of this group elsewhere in the world span back to the beginning of the Tertiary. PODARGIDAE AND AEGOTHELIDAE - FROGMOUTHS AND OWLET NIGHTJARS (Pls 29-30) The fossil record of frogmouths is restricted, in Australia, to the Quaternary, which is of some interest, since it has a much older record in Europe. Mourer-Chauvire (1982) reports fossils of this group in the Late Eocene of France that show affinities with the living Podargus. The current distribution of the podargids in Australia and southeastern Asia may, in fact, be of a relictual nature. Aegothelids, by contrast, have a much longer fossil record in Australia, A nearly complete skeleton of a primitive member of this family, Quipollornis koniberi, is known from mid- Tertiary deposits in the Warrumbungle Mountains near Bugaldi in New South Wales (Rich & McEvey 1977) (Pls 27, 28). This fossil was preserved in volcanic caldera lake deposits. The volcanics forming the caldera were dated as between 13.5 and 17 million years old. Quipollornis is without doubt an owlet-nightjar, but it possesses a number of character-states that demonstrate that it is not as specialized as living members of this group, a phenomenon typical of birds of this age from around the world. The main differences lie in the limb proportions: Quipollornis, for example, has longer wings relative to hind limbs, which is more characteristic of the non-aegothelid caprimulgiforms, especially the Caprimulgidae. Such proportions suggest that emphasis on lengthening the hind limb and a terrestrial lifestyle had not begun at this time, and this mid-Tertiary aegothelid was more of an aerial, rather than a terrestrial, feeder. Further study of this fossil form is warranted, however, in that Rich & McEvey limited their study to only some living Aegotheles. Further comparisons with other members of this genus would be worth carrying out to see if proportions for A. cristatus are typical for all species in this genus, in light of a study by Olson, Balouet & Fisher (1987). Fossils of aegothelids are also known from Australia, as well as New Caledonia and New Zealand, in the latter case where they do not occur today. Although the record in Australia dates from the Miocene, it may not be the oldest record of the family, as Mourer-Chauvire (1982) has reported the fragment of a sternum from the Late Eocene of France that may belong in this family. At present the European record is tentative due to the fragmentary nature of this material, and, thus, it is not possible to comment further on the possible dispersal pattern of this family relative to Australia. 762 - RICH APODIDAE - SWIFTS The record of swifts in Australia begins in the Early Miocene or Late Oligocene, based on material from Riversteigh, Queensland (W. Boles, pers. comm.). This record rivals or perhaps predates the previously oldest record from the Early Miocene (Aquitanian) of France (Olson 1986), although a new report of Eocene material from Asia may precede this (Boles, pers. comm.) The only other record of this family in Australia comes from Quaternary deposits. COLUMBIDAE - PIGEONS Pigeons and doves have a long record in Australia, dating back to the Early Miocene in central Australia. A few bones are known from both Lake Palankarinna (Etadunna Formation) and Lake Pinpa (Namba Formation), in the Lake Eyre and Tarkarooloo subbasins respectively. Once again, this record rivals any previously known records for this group, the oldest being from the Early Miocene (Aquitanian) of France (Olson 1986). At least two different sizes of columbids are represented, one dove-sized (from Palankarinna) and one with medium-sized pigeon measurements. Similar to the record of this group elsewhere in the world, fossils are rare. Quaternary material is known from several localities in Australia and on Lord Howe and Norfolk islands, most or all of which is conspecific with living forms. PSITTACIFORMES - PARROTS Parrots are first known in Australia from Early Miocene or Late Oligocene deposits at Riversleigh, remains assigned to the Cacatuidae (W. Boles, pers. comm.). This is not the oldest record for the family on a world scale, it being from the Eocene of the Old World, either from the Early Eocene (Palaeopsittacus georgei) of the London Clay or from the Late Eocene of France (Olson 1986). All other parrot fossils from Australia found thus far are from the Quaternary. PASSERIFORMES - SONGBIRDS The oldest records of passeriforms in Australia come from the Late Oligocene to Middle Miocene sediments of Riversleigh in Queensland (W. Boles, pers. comm.) where at least one family that now occurs in Australia has been recognized, the Orthonychidae (W. Boles & R. F. Baird, pers. comm.). A bird similar to the lyrebirds (Menuridae), has been tentatively identified, as well (W. Boles, pers. comm.). Other yet unidentified passeriform material is known from Riversleigh as well as from central Australia from Lake Palankarinna and Lake Pinpa in South Australia, and from Bullock Creek in the Northern Territory. These records are as old as any records known from elsewhere in the world, the oldest being material from the Early Miocene (Aquitanian) of Langy, France (Olson 1986), and probably older from the Late Oligocene of France (Mourer-Chauvire et al. 1989.). Certainly by this time songbirds were widespread. It is interesting that even though the European and North American records are rich in fossil birds, there are no passeriforms present before this time, and it makes one wonder if, in fact, this group might have invaded the Northern Hemisphere from the south. Only a better fossil record, which is almost non-existent for birds in Australia prior to the Miocene, will resolve this problem. MESOZOIC & TERTIARY BIRDS OF AUSTRALIA - 763 ihe rhe record of passcriforms, excepting these mid-Tertiary occurrences, is entirely restricted to - Quaternary, where it is quite diverse (see Baird, this volume). ORIGIN OF THE AUSTRALIAN AVIFAUNA: DISPERSAL, VICARIANCE OR BOTH? Since P. L. Sclater divided up terrestrial biotas of the world into a series of biogeographic regions, there have been many discussions and no lack of debate about how such units came into being. As knowledge of the fossil record of many of the living organisms became better documented, it became clear that today's biogeographic regions did not apply to all times in the past. Even with this realization, however, for the first few decades of the 20th century, most biogeographers were content to move their animals and plants about on a static geography, one Just like that of today. It wasn't, in fact, until the early 1960s that biogeographers began to entertain seriously the idea that continents had moved with respect to one another during the history of life on earth. Once this was accepted as a viable hypothesis, Pandora's box was indeed opened. Where once there had been a single explanation for the distribution of organisms, many hypotheses were possible, unless a good fossil record was available. On the other hand, many insoluble problems had instant solutions. « Lydekker's Line Muller's Line Murray's Line Sclater’s Line o Wallace's Line (original) Wallace's Line (of Huxley) Weber's Line (faunal balance) Limit of Marsupials 200 metres depth _, Limit of Native Placental Mammal!s other than bats, Muridae, Sus & Cervus AUSTRALIA JS 14 Figure 23. The Malay Archipelago, a mixing area for the Oriental and Australasian biotas, showing several different lines proposed to delimit the extent of each biogeographic region. (Modified after Simpson 1977). Most work prior to the 1960s that dealt with the origin of the Australasian avifauna, suggested that birds entered Australia from the north across the Malay Archipelago (Fig. 23), in a series of waves, a valuable concept put forward by Ernst Mayr in his classic paper on the birds of Timor and Sumba (1944b). Mayr was assuming a static, not mobile, earth geography, and his five waves of immigrants were arranged, oldest to youngest, according to the level of 764 - RICH endemism (specific, generic, familial, etc.) these groups had within Australasia. Mayr characterized these waves as: 1. Dromaiidae, Casuariidae, Megapodiidae, Loriinae, Cacatuinae, Platycercinae, Podargidae, Menuridae, Atrichornithidae, Grallinidae, Artamidae, Neosittidae, Meliphagidae, Struthideinae, Ptilonorhynchidae and Cracticidae (old endemic families, subfamilies whose nearest relatives are uncertain). 2. Pedionomidae, Ptilinopinae, Pachycephalinae, Sphecotheridae, Cinclosomatinae, Acanthizinae, Pardalotinae and Paradisaeidae (families and subfamilies that are clearly related to Old World families). 3. Numerous genera which are endemic in "Australo-Papua” but which are clearly related to Asiatic genera (e.g. Synoicus, Geopelia, etc.). 4. Numerous species that are clearly related to Old World species (e.g. Coturnix pectoralis, Elanus axillaris, etc.). 5. Numerous subspecies that are in the same species as old world forms. —H TickeTS PLEASE Y / L. = | a Figure 24. Cartoon depicting biogeographic theory on the origin of Australia’s avifauna primarily from dispersal of northem forms southward, and idea championed by Mayr (1944). (Drawn by R. Plant). MESOZOIC & TERTIARY BIRDS OF AUSTRALIA - 765 Mayr Suggested that Group 1 represented the oldest colonists, which arrived in the early Tertiary (or possibly earlier), Group 2 arrived in the early or middle Tertiary, Group 3 in the Miocene or Pliocene, Group 4 in the Pliocene or Pleistocene, and Group 5 very recently. At the time that Mayr wrote his paper there was little palaeontological data to test this hypothesis against, and still there is little fossil information older than Miocene in Australia that bears on his ideas. One set of fossils that have been found, however, since Mayr's study, are the Early Cretaceous feathers in the Strzelecki Formation near Koonwarra in south-central Victoria. These document that birds were in Australia early in the history of this group and suggest that it had a very long history on this continent, not necessarily dominated by outside recruitment. In the early 1960s biogeographers were faced with a new paradigm, a new set of possibilities that must be considered in any study of palaeobiogeography dealing with Australia as well as all other continents of the globe. Seismologists, structural geologists, marine geologists and geophysicists threw their data and support behind the concept of continental and ocean basin mobility, and such theories as continental drift, sea floor spreading and plate tectonics emerged (Tarling & Tarling 1975). To the palaeobiogeographer, this meant consideration of at least two possibilities to explain past distribution patterns of their organisms: dispersal (Fig. 24) of organisms from one place to another using their own devices about crossing barrier that might vary from time to time (due to variable sea levels, advancing and retreating glaciers, development and erosion of mountain ranges, etc.): or vicariance (Fig. 25), which implied that the distribution of an organism was determined by hp, frm t amt Hy Gah i di | Tl R TR fo) De, it rea: I) | i iE SE-ASIA Pius “em ji ke haa Ll (taken Yo} ee) | Seth ?? hy \ forth a Sth ea A " ADIACENT ISLANDS 1 2 Yaa Figure 25. Cartoon depicting the influence of moving continents on the origin of Australia's avifauna. (Drawn by R. Plant). 766 - RICH the movement of continents - when continents were adjacent, biotas could move between them, and when continents separated, biotic interchange stopped. McKenna (1972, 1974) introduced several new biogeographic concepts that flowed directly from the addition of mobile continents. Noah's Arks, for example, were continental masses that broke away from another mass and carried with them a biota, which could later be juxtaposed to another biota if the "Ark" continent docked next to a new continental mass. Viking Funeral Ships were those same, moving continental masses, which carried not only a living biota but fossils of animals and plants that had lived, died and left their fossil remains on a continent that moved away from the place where those fossils had lived. Once the continental "Ark" docked somewhere else in the world, those fossils might be far from the place they had lived and died, and would be exotics in the new location juxtaposed by the continental perigrinator. As a result of the proposal of these several theories of past continental mobility, several papers were produced in quick succession, many of a summary nature, that dealt directly with the origin of the Australia and Australasian avifauna (Keast 1971, 1972, 1981, 1982, Serventy 1972, 1973, Cracraft 1972, 1973, 1980, Rich, 1973, 1975a, 1975b, 1976, 1981, 1982, Schodde 1980, Schodde & Calaby 1972), The general outcome of these has been that most suggest mixed origins for Australia's birds, some having a Gondwanan origin, while others are northern invaders, some very recent. Some groups appear to have moved from south to north. Rich (1975a) divided Australia's non-passeriform birds into two groups, one which probably utilized the Indomalaysian route to move between Australia and the rest of the world, and a second whose route was uncertain: Indomalaysian Route (primarily southward movement): Podicipedidae, Anhingidae, Ardeidae, Ciconiidae, Anatidae in part (Cygnini, Tadomini, Anatini, Aythyini), Accipitridae in part (Elaninae, Circinae, Accipitrinae), Pandonidae (?N or ?S movement), Falconidae, Phasianidae, Gruidae, Rallidae, Otididae, Jacanidae, Charadriidae, Arenariidae, Phalaropididae, Scolopacidae, Glareolidae, Laridae in part (Larinae), Cuculidae, Strigidae, Tytonidae, Caprimulgidae, Hemiprocnidae (?N or ?S movement), Apodidae, Alcedinidae, Meropidae, Coraciidae, Bucerotidae. Route Uncertain (Antarctic, Indomalaysian and in some cases oceanic dispersal possible): Casuariidae (including the Dromaiinae and the Casuariinae), Dromomithidae, Pelecanidae, Phalacrocoracidae, Anatidae in part (Anseranatinae, Cereopsini, Dendrocygnini, Oxyurini), Accipitridae (Milvinae, Perninae), Megapodiidae, Turnicidae, Haematopodidae, Recurvirostridae, Burhinidae, Laridae in part (Sterninae), Rostratulidae, Pedionomidae, Columbidae, Psittaciformes, Podargidae, Aegothelidae. Cracraft (1972) had, previous to Rich's work, suggested that many of the groups in her “Route Uncertain", such as the Dromornithidae, Casuariidac, Megapodiidae, as well as some suboscine passeriforms and penguins, had utilized the Gondwana configuration to aid in dispersal to or from Australia. These groups either traversed the landmass itself, or dispersed along its margins in the continental shelf seas. Certainly these ideas have appeal, especially when near relatives can be found on various fragments of Gondwana. Olson & Steadman (1981) have pointed out the close relationships of the Pedionomidae of Australia and the Thinocoridae (seedsnipes) of South America. One MESOZOIC & TERTIARY BIRDS OF AUSTRALIA - 767 interpretation of this data could be that their present distribution reflects a vicariance event, their common ancestor lived on Gondwana (or some part of it) and with the break-up of this Supercontinent and the loss of communication between South America and Australia sometime in the Eocene, the two populations drifted apart evolutionarily, leaving the current distribution of related families. Another interpretation, which is also possible, but perhaps not as appealing, is that these two families are relicts of a group that was once much more widely distributed and has been replaced by other taxa in the Northern Hemisphere. Because the fossil record of both of these groups is known only into the Quaternary, perhaps the Late Pliocene in the case of the Pedionomidae, the dilemma yet remains. Muluple hypotheses on area of origin and dispersal history have been presented for another Australasian group, the Megapodiidae (the Moundbuilders). Cracraft (1972) supported a Gondwana dispersal, but both Olson (1980) and Rich (1975a) were unwilling to make a final decision on the basis of current evidence. Olson favoured an Indomalaysian origin, and pointed out that within the galliforms the Megapodiidae and the Phasianidae are ecological competitors, and they have a mutually exclusive distribution. He further pointed out that the phasianids are primarily restricted to continental Asia and the larger islands in the Indomalaysian archipelago and practically absent east of Wallace's Line. He suggested that the non-migrating phasianids were unable to reach Australia and the megapodes, which once may have had a much larger distribution, remained as relicts in Australia, to which the phasianids were unable to disperse. In 1982 Mourer-Chauvire reported the occurrence of megapode bones in the Late Eocene of France (Quercy), and suggested that this evidence supported Olson's hypothesis. Until older material of birds is found in Australia, at least as old as the French record, it is difficult to make a convincing argument as to which direction the megapodes moved. They could have moved northwards from Australia into the Asian region via island-hopping, even at a time before phasianids had a foothold there, or perhaps even before phasianids had developed (the oldest known phasianid occurs in the late Oligocene of Europe (Palaeortyx, Olson 1986) and not until the Miocene of Asia (Linquornis, Rich et al. 1986). Schodde (1980) and others have suggested that perhaps further groups of birds placed in the uncertain category by Rich (1975a) might have utilized the Gondwana route: the Caprimulgiformes, the vanelline plovers, the cuculine cuckoos, tytonid owls and perhaps even the Australian warblers, wrens, babblers, tree-creepers, robins, flycatchers and butcherbirds. To this list should be added many of the highly endemic Australian songbirds such as the Menuridae, Atrichornithidae and the Grallinidae and their near relatives. Here again, however, the basis for denoting such groups as of possible Gondwanan origin is (1) their endemic nature and (2) the lack of near relatives in the Old World. Unfortunately, so far, the fossil record of birds in Australia, Asia, Antarctica and South America is not sufficiently long enough and/or diverse enough to properly test these biogeographic hypothesis. The record in North America and Europe is reasonably good, but to adequately test any biogeographic hypothesis regarding Gondwanan vs. Northern Hemisphere origin, a good record on the southern continents is also necessary, even despite the interesting findings of such groups as the Podargidae and Aegothelidae in the Eocene of France (Mourer-Chauvire (1982). Even at this stage there may have been possibilities of northward (or southward) dispersal of birds along an island chain from Asia to Australia. ; We are lefi, then, with at least two possibilities (both of which are in certain cases correct, but both of which are very dependent upon the group being considered) to explain where many of Australia's birds came from. One hypothesis is that some terrestrial birds moved back and forth across a Gondwana landmass that existed in parts up until the Eocene. Highly endemic forms, those that are familially distinct from birds elsewhere, are the most likely to fit this hypothesis. A second hypothesis is that birds utilized an Indomalaysian dispersal route. Those groups with low diversity in Australia, high diversity in the Old World and specific or generic identity between the two areas, scem very likely candidates to have utilized this second route. 768 - RICH Such groups as the Casuariidae, Dromornithidae, Pedionomidae, the Columbidae, the Psittacidae and many of the highly endemic Australian Passeriformes are good candidates for a Gondwanan origin - they are highly endemic and their nearest relatives may be in South America. Other groups such as the Megapodiidae and the Caprimulgiformes are of uncertain origin and will remain so until a better Southern Hemisphere record is at hand. There are some worthwhile discussions that favour a northern origin for these groups, but they are not entirely conclusive because of the possibility of northward dispersal as well as southward dispersal. In short, one needs a good fossil record to document whether, indeed, parsimony is the best explanation for what really happened. SUMMARY AND CONCLUSIONS The oldest remains of birds on the Australian continent come from Early Cretaceous rift valley sediments in the southeastern part of the continent. These are only feathers, and it is not until sometime in the Eocene that a few penguin bones continue this record. Only in the Late Oligocene or Early Miocene does the record improve on this continent. The mid-Tertiary record samples mainly fluviatile and lacustrine environments, and as such is highly biased towards medium-sized to large birds whose living relatives frequent wetland environments. Only a few groups of birds are useful biostratigraphically in the Australian sequences: Dromornithidae, Dromaiinae, Pelecanidae and Phoenicopteridae. In the future such groups as the Anatidae, Burhinidae and Rallidae may also be useful, but further study is needed before this can be evaluated. The record of the remaining groups, although it may be excellent in the Quaternary, does not have enough time depth to be of biostratigraphic value. WINTER SUMMER PRECIPITATION SEASONAL PRECIPITATION ARIDITY —> WINTER N & Yv | ARID THRESHOLD “—~ —~ — Dune building & Salt lakes Figure 26. Climatic fluctuations characteristic of the last 20 million years on the Australian continent. (After Bowler 1982). Climatic change, tied to the northward drift of Australia during the history of birds in the late Mesozoic and Cainozoic, has had a distinct effect on the composition of the Australian avifauna. Several groups of birds ( e.g. Phoenicopteridae, Palaelodidae, Dromornithidae) that prospered in the wetter, more forested conditions of the Miocene and as late as the Pliocene, MESOZOIC & TERTIARY BIRDS OF AUSTRALIA - 769 became extinct when the fluctuations of the Quaternary (Fig. 26) became the norm rather than the exception (see Frakes & Vickers-Rich, this volume). Man most likely had an effect on the final extermination of such groups as the Dromornithidae and the giant Megapodiidae, for there was certainly time overlap during the Pleistocene. The exact effect is hard to estimate, however, because of the lack of precise dating of many Quaternary sites and the rarity of sites where now extinct forms are associated with human activity. Human effects were not only in direct killing of birds but also in habitat alteration through burning. _ Although birds are known in Australia in sediments as old as Early Cretaceous, the first diverse assemblages only occur in the Late Oligocene and Early Miocene, and most of these are from central or northern Australia, It is, thus, difficult to speculate with much conviction on the origin of many of Australia's most characteristic birds. Both Gondwanan and Indomalaysian origins seem viable possibilities, both dispersal and vicariance have played a role - but until the Palacogene and very latest Mesozoic record of birds on the Australian continent is better understood, multiple hypotheses should be entertained for many groups, especially the more endemic members of the avifauna. REFERENCES ANDERSON, W., 1889. On the post-Tertiary ossiferous clays near Myall Creek, Bingera. Rec. geol. Sur. N. S. W. 1(2): 116-126. ANDERSON, W., 1914. Note on the occurrence of the sandrock containing bones of extinct species of marsupials (emu, kangaroo, wombat etc.) of King Island, Bass Strait, Tasmania. Aust. Mus. Mem. 10: 275-283. ARCHER, M., HAND, S. & GODTHELP, H., 1986. Uncovering Australia's Dreamtime. Surrey Beatty & Sons, Chipping North: 1-32. ARCHER, M., GODTHELP, H., HAND, S. & MEGIRIAN, D., 1989. 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The Significance of Palynology to Studies of the Sedimentology and Post- ee ong History of the Cretaceous Strzelecki Group. B. Sc. (Honors.) Thesis, Monash Univ., ayton. ee M., 1970, A third specimen of a lower Cretaceous feather from Victoria, Australia. Condor 72: WILKINSON, H.E., 1969. Description of an upper Miocene albatross from Beaumaris, Victoria, Australia, and a review of fossil Diomedeidae. Mem. natn. Mus. Vict. 29: 41-51. WILLIAMS, D.L.G., 1981. Genyornis eggshell (Dromomithidae: Aves) from the late Pleistocene of South Australia. Alcheringa 5: 133-140. WILLIAMS, D.L.G. & RICH, P.V., in press. Giant fossil egg fragment from the Tertiary of Australia. Contrib. Sci. Los Angeles Count. Mus. Nat. Hist. WOLFF, RG., 1973. Hydrodynamic sorting and ecology of a Pleistocene mammalian assemblage from California (U.S.A.). Palaeogeog. Palaeoclim. Palaeoecol. 13: 91-101. Bi Sno 1975. Sampling and sample size in ecological analyses of fossil mammals. Paleobiol. 1(2): 95-204. babar sa M.O., 1967. The Alcoota Fauna, central Australia. Bull. Bur. Min Res. Geol. Geophys. 87: WOODS, J.E.T., 1862. Geological observations in South Australia: principally in the district south-east of Adelaide. Longman, Green, Longman, Roberts & Green, London: 1-404. WOODS, J.E.T., 1866. Report of the geology and mineralogy of the south-eastern district of the colony of South Australia. W.C. Cox, Govt. Printer, Adelaide. WOODS, J.E.T., 1882. Physical structure and geology of Australia. Proc. Linn. Soc. N. S.W. 7: 371-389. ZINSMEISTER, W.J., 1982. Review of the Upper Cretaceous-Lower Tertiary sequence on Seymour Island, Antarctica. J. geol. Soc. London 139(B): 779-785. APPENDIX I Appendix IA. (Page 776). Characteristic bones of avian families present in Australia: tarsometatarsi of A, Dromaius novaehollandiae (Dromaiinae, emus); B, Podiceps auritus (Podicipedidae, grebes); C, Eudyptes chrysocome (Spheniscidae, penguins); D, Diomedea sp. (Diomedeidae, albatrosses); E, Puffinus puffinus (Procellariidae, petrels); F, Pelagodroma marina (Oceanitidae, storm petrels); G, Pelecanoides urinatrix (Pelecanoididae, diving petrels). All scales except those labelled otherwise are 5 mm in length. Anterior views, with proximal views in D and F. All might elements except C and G. Drawn by K. Fabb. (After Rich & Thompson 1982). Appendix IB. (Page 777). Characteristic bones of avian families present in Australia: tarsometatarsi of A, Sula dactylatra (Sulidae, boobies and gannets); B, Anhinga melanogaster (Anhingidae, darters); C, Phalacrocorax penicillatus (Phalacrocoracidae, cormorants); D, Nyctanassa violacea (Ardeidae, herons); E, Threskiornis aethiopica (Plataleidae, ibises); F, Melanitta sp. (Anatidae, ducks); G, Accipiter striatus (Accipitridae, hawks, eagles); H, Falco berigora (Falconidae, falcons); 1, Lophortyx californicus(Phasianidae, quail); J, Tribonyx ventralis (Rallidae, rails); K, Burhinus grallarius (Burhinidae, thick-knees). All scales are 5 mm in length. Anterior view in all but D, E, H, J-K, which are proximal views. All right elements, except K. Drawn by K. Fabb. (after Rich & Thompson 1982). Appendix IC. (Page 778). Characteristic bones of avian families present in Australia: tarsometatarsi of A, Laridae (gulls and terns); B-C, Cacatua galerita (Psittaciformes, parrots); D, Ninox novaeseelandiae (Strigidae, hawk owls); E, Aegotheles cristatus: F, Corcorax malanorhamphos (Corcoracidae, choughs). Humerus of H, Puffinus puffinus (Procellariidae, petrels), All scales are 5 mm in length. A, B, D-F, anterior views; B, posterior view; H, anconal view. Drawn by K. Fabb. (From Rich & Thompson 1982). Appendix ID. (Pages 779-780). Characteristic tarsometatarsi of avian families present in Australia, proximal views: A, Podiceps auritus (Podicepedidae, grebes); B, Eudyptes chrysocome (Spheniscidae, penguins); C, Puffinus puffinus (Procellariidae, petrels); D, Pelecanoides urinatrix (Pelecanoididae, diving petrels): E, Sula dactylatra (Sulidae, boobies and gannets); F, Anhinga melanogaster (Anhingidae, darters); G, Phalacrocorax penicillatus (Phalacrocoracidae, cormorants); H, Melanitta sp. (Anatidae, ducks), I, Accipiter striatus (Accipitridae, hawks, eagles); J, Lophortyx californicus (Phasianidae, quail); K, Laridae (gulls end tems); L, Cacatua galerita (Psittaciformes, parrots); M, Aegotheles cristatus (Aegothelidae, owlet-nightjars); N, Ninox novaeseelandiae (Strigidae, hawk owls); O, Cuculus pyrrhophanus (Cuculidae, cuckoos); P, Corcorax melanorhyamphos (Corcoracidae, choughs). Scale bar, 10 mm. Drawn by K. Fabb. (From Rich & Thompson 1982). 776 - RICH MESOZOIC & TERTIARY BIRDS OF AUSTRALIA - 777 778 - RICH MESOZOIC & TERTIARY BIRDS OF AUSTRALIA - 779 780 - RICH MESOZOIC & TERTIARY BIRDS OF AUSTRALIA - 781 PLATES Plate 1. A variety of fossil feathers from the Koonwarra Locality, south Gippsland, Victoria. Specimens are preserved in a lake deposit of Early Cretaceous age. Scale bar, 10 mm. Plate 2. Dromomithid footprints from the mid-Tertiary deposits of Pioneer, northeastem Tasmania. Scale bar, approx. 250 mm. (From Rich 1979). Plate 3. Dromomithid footprint from Pioneer, northeastem Tasmania. Scale showing both inches and centimetres. (From Rich 1979). Plate 4. Jaw fragments of Genyornis newtoni from Lake Callabonna, a Pleistocene-aged locale in South Australia. A, and upper part of D, upper jaws in dorsal and lateral views respectively; B-D (lower), lower jaws in dorsal and lateral views respectively. Length of B, approx 240 mm. (After Stirling 1913). Plate 5. Dromomithid cranial remains. A, basicranium showing foramen magnum and occipital condyle of dromomithid from the Miocene Bullock Creek locality in the Norther Territory,; occipital condyle approx. 15 mm in diameter; B, C, quadrates of dromomithids from same locality in anterior and posterior views respectively. Scale bar, approx. 10 mm. Plate 6. Cranial remains of Pleistocene Genyornis newtoni, a dromornithid, from Lake Callabonna, South Australia. A, skull in side view, approx. 300 mm in total length; B, C, occipital condyle in dorsal and posterior views; D-G, quadrate in external, external, medial, medial and ventral views respectively. Scale bar, 20 mm, applies to B-G. (From Stirling 1913). Plate 7. Pelvis of Genyornis newtoni from Lake Callabonna, South Australia (A) and an extant cassowary (Casuarius). Genyornis pelvis approx. 600 mm in length; cassowary scaled accordingly. (After Stirling 1913). Plate 8. Dromornis stirtoni, a dromomithid, from the Miocene Alcoota locality, Northem Territory. Atlas vertebra: A, anterior, B, posterior, and C, lateral views; height of vertebra approx. 65 mm. D, cervico-dorsal or cervical vertebra, anterior view, approx. 94 mm in height. E, Genyornis newtoni from the Pleistocene Lake Callabonna locale, left radius, ulna and carpometacarpus, approx. 150 mm in total length. (After Rich 1979). Plate 9. Dromornis stirtoni, a dromomithid from the Miocene Alcoota locale, Northem Territory. Caudal vertebra: A, lateral, B, posterior, C, dorsal, D, anterior and E, ventral views. Right carpometacarpus: F, medial, G, lateral and H, proximal views. A, approx. 35 mm; all others to same scale. Plate 10. A selection of diagnostic bones of Dromormnithidae from mid- to late Cainozoic deposits of Australia. Femora of A, Barawertornis tedfordi, Riversleigh, Queensland, Oligo-Miocene (distal width, 87 mm); B-C, Bullockornis planei, Bullock Creek, Northem Territory, Miocene (distal widths 160 mm and >152 mm); D, Dromornis stirtoni, Alcoota, Norther Territory, Miocene (distal width 202 mm); E, //bandornis woodburnei, Alcoota, Northem Territory, Miocene (distal width 112 mm); F, Dromornis australis, Peak Downs, Queensland, probably Pliocene (distal width 120 mm). G, Genyornis newtoni, proximal right humerus, Lake Callabonna, South Australia, Pleistocene (depth from external to internal tuberosity, 25 mm); H-K, //bandornis sp., characteristic ungual phalanx of pes, Alcoota, Norther Territory, Miocene (total length, 28 mm); L-M, Dromornis stirtoni, stemum, Alcoota, Northern Territory, Miocene (maximum width across stemocoracoidal processes approx 225 mm); N, Dromornis stirtoni, scapulocoracoid, Alcoota, Northern Territory, Miocene (total length >239 mm); O, /lbandornis lawsoni, proximal view of left tibiotarsus, Alcoota, Northem Territory, Miocene (maximum depth about 88 mm); and P, //bandornis sp., distal end, right tibiotarsus, Alcoota, Northern Territory, Miocene (distal width, 76 mm). (After Rich 1980). Plate 11. Femora of Dromornithidae (proximal view) from Australian Cainozoic sediments: A, Barawertornis tedfordi, Riversleigh Homestead, Queensland, Olio-Miocene; B-C, Biullockornis planei, Bullock Creek, Northem Territory, Miocene; D, Dromornis australis, Peak Downs, Queensland, Pliocene; E, Dromornis stirtoni and F, Ilbandornis woodburnei, Alcoota Homestead, Northem Territory, Miocene. See pl. 10 for sizes of corresponding femora. (After Rich 1979). 782 - RICH Plate 12. Femora of Dromornithidae (distal end) from Australian Cainozoic sediments: A, Barawertornis tedforde, B-C, Bullockornis planei,D, Dromornis australis, E, Dromornis stirtoni. See caption for Pl. 11. (After Rich 1979). Plate 13. Tarsometatarsi of Dromomithidae (anterior view) from Australian Cainozoic sediments: A, Barawertornis tedfordi, Riversleigh Homestead, Queensland, Oligo-Miocene; B, Bullockornis planei, Bullock Creek, Northem Territory, Miocene; C, Dromornis stirtoni, Alcoota Homestead, Northem Territory, Miocene. Width across distal end of A, 61.4 mm; B, 120.3 mm; C, 150.2mm. (After Rich 1979). Plate 14. Tarsometatarsi of Dromomithidae (posterior view) from Australian Cainozoic deposits: A, Barawertornis tedfordi; B, Bullockornis sp.; C, Bullockornis planei, D, Dromornis stirtoni. A, C, D, same elements as illustrated in Pl. 13. B, Bullock Creek, Northern Territory, proximal width, 75.6 mm. (After Rich 1979). Plate 15. Tarsometatarsi of Dromornithidae (anterior view) from Australian Cainozoic sediments: A, Ilbandornis woodburnei, Alcoota Homestead, Northern Territory, Miocene; B-C, //bandornsi lawsoni, Alcoota Homestead, Northem Territory, Miocene (B, proximal; C, distal ends). A, proximal width, 91.8 mm; _ B, width of proximal end approx. 67 mm; width of distal end approx. 71 mm. Plate 16. Tarsometatarsi of Dromomithidae (distal view) from Australian Cainozoic deposits: A, Barawertornis tedfordi; B, Bullockornis planei; C-D, Dromornis stirtoni; E, Ilbandornis lawsoni, and F, Ilbandornis woodburnei. Distal end width: A, 61.4 mm; B, 120.3 mm; C, approx. 150 mm; D, 150.2 mm; E, 71.4 mm; and F, same scale as A in Pl. 15. (After Rich 1979). Plate 17. Tarsometatarsi of Dromomithidae (proximal view) from Australian Cainozoic sediments: A, Bullockornis planei and B, Bullockornis sp., Bullock Creek, Northern Territory, Miocene; C, Ilbandornis woodburnei, Alcoota Homestead, Northern Territory, Miocene. Dromomithidae, phalanx 2 or 3 of digit III or phalanx 2 of digit IV: D, proximal, E, distal, F, dorsal and G, side views, Leaf Locality, Lake Ngapakaldi, South Australia, Miocene. Dromornis stirtoni, left plananx 1 of digit II: H, proximal, I, dorsal, J, medial, K ventral and L, distal views. I/bandornis sp., phalanx 3 of digit III: M, side, N, proximal, O, dorsal, P, ventral and Q, distal views, Alcoota Homestead, Northem Territory, Miocene. Proximal width A, 116.0 mm; B, 75.6 mm; C, 91.8 mm. Proximal width: D, approx. 28 mm; D-G, all to same scale. Total length, I-J, 43 mm; H-K, all to same scale. Width, O-P, approx. 24 mm; M-Q, all to same scale. (From Rich 1979). Plate 18. Class indeterminate (perhaps dromomithid, but perhaps marsupial), terminal phalanx: A, dorsal; B, ventral; C, medial or lateral; and D, proximal views; Alcoota Homestead, Northem Territory, Miocene. Length of A-C, approx. 73 mm; all to same scale. (After Rich 1979). Plate 19. Egg of a large bird, perhaps dromomithid, found in the coastal dunes between the Scott River and the Southem Ocean, southwestern Westem Australia, Quatemary. Scale along bottom of photograph is approx. 280 mm (12 inches) in length. (From Rich 1979). Plate 20. Dromaius gidju from the Miocene deposits of Leaf Locality, Lake Ngapakaldi, South Australia: A-A’, stereopair of the pes; B-B', stereopair of the proximal view of the tarso metatarsus; right tarsometatarsus in ventral (C) and dorsal (D) views; distal end of right tibiotarsus in dorsal (E) and ventral (F) views. (After Rich & Baird 1986), Plate 21. Casuarius lydekkeri from Quatemary-aged Pureni locality, Papua New Guinea. Pelvis and synsacrum in lateral (A) and dorsal (B) views; femora, right (CPC26605b) in posterior (C), distal (E) and anterior views; left (CPC26605c) in posterior (D), distal (F) and anterior (H) views. Scale bar, 10 mm. (After Rich, Plane and Schroeder 1988). Plate 22. Casuarius lydekkeri from Quaternary-aged Pureni locality, Papua New Guinea. A, right tibiotarsus, internal view; B, left tibiotarsus, proximal view; C-D, right tibiotarsi, posterior view; E-F, ibid., external views; G-H, ibid., anterior views; I, right tarsometatarsus, proximal view; J, right tarsometatarsus, anterior or dorsal view; K, left tarsometatarsus, anterior or dorsal view; L, right tarsometatarsus, proximal view; M, left larsometatarsus, anteriror view; N, left tarsometatarsus, distal view. Scale bar. 10 mm. (After Rich, Plane and Schroeder 1988). MESOZOIC & TERTIARY BIRDS OF AUSTRALIA - 783 Plate 23. Fossil pelicans of Australia. A, Pelecanus cf. conspicillatus, anterior sternal fragment; B, anterior 3rd cervical vertebra, C, Archaeocycnus lacustris, 4th cervical vertebra, a pelican, not a swan as originally thought by de Vis. Cf. P. conspicillatus: D, left quadrate fragment; E, left quadrate; F, distal left humerus; G, right scapula. H-I, Cf. P. tirarensis, distal right tarsometatarsi. J, Cf. P. conspicillatus, distal left tarsometatarsus. K-L, P. ef. cadimurka, distal left tarsometatarsus (K); distal right tarsometatarsus (L). | Scapula (G) length, 101.8 mm; all other specimens to same scale. (From Rich & van Tets 1981). Plate 24. Fossil pelicans of Australia. A, Pelecanus cf. cadimurka, 4th cervical vertebra; B, proximal nght humerus thought to be pelican, but Accipitridae. P. cf. conspicillatus: C, left cuneiform; D, right cuneiform; E, distal left ulna fragmen. F, P. validipes, distal right tarsometatarsus (=P. conspicillatus). F, P. grandiceps, distal left tarsometatarsus (=P. conspicillatus). H, P. tirarensis, distal right tarsometatarsus. Length of 4th cervical vertebra (A), 32.4 mm; all other specimens to same scale. (From Rich & van Tets 1981). Plate 25. Palaclodid material from Neville’s Nirvanah, Lake Palankarinna, South Australia of Oligo-Miocene age (Al, B1, Cl, D1). Selected views of Australian palaelodids (Al, B1, C1, D1) compared with Palaelodus crassipes (A2, C2, D2) and P. gracilipes (B2). A, anterior views of tarsometatarsi; B, anterior views of tibiotarsi; C, proximal views of tarsometatarsi; D, lateral views. Scale bar, 10 mm. (After Rich & Baird 1986). Plate 26. Stereopairs of palaelodid material from Australia. A-B, distal end of a right tibiotarsus of the youngest recorded palaelodid (Pleistocene) of Palaelodus n. sp. 2, in anterior (A-A') and distal (B-B') views. C-F, Palaelodus n. sp. 1, known from Miocene to Pleistocene localities of northem South Australia: C-D, distal end of left tarsometatarsus in anterior (C-C’) and distal (D-D') views; E-F, proximal end of right tarsometatarsus in anterior (E-E’) and proximal (F-F’) views. (After Baird & Rich, in press). Plate 27. Pedionomus torquatus from Fire-hole deposits of late Tertiary or Quaternary age, Morwell, Victoria. A, partial skeleton in matrix including sternum (st), scapula (sc) and fragments of vertebrae and ribs. Stereographic pairs: B-B', tibiotarsus (lateral view); C-C', ulna (proximal fragments, palmar view); /d-D', ulna (distal fragment, anconal view); E-E', femur (anterior view). Proximal width of femur (E), 4.5 mm; all other illustrations to same scale. (From Rich & McEvey 1980). Plate 28. Synsacrum and partial skeleton of cf. Pedionomus torquatus from late Tertiary or Quaternary-aged deposits in a lacustrine fire-hole deposit in coals at Morwell, Victoria. Although the age of this site is not agreed upon, no differences could be found between this fossil and the living Plains Wanderer. A, in side view; B-B’, in ventral view. Scale bar, 10mm. (After Rich & McEvey 1980). Plates 29, 30. Partial skeleton of a primitive aegothelid, Quipollornis koniberi, from the mid-Miocene lacustrine diatomite near Coonabarabran, eastern New South Wales. Scale bar, 10 mm. (From Rich & McEvey 1977). 784 - RICH PLATE 1 MESOZOIC & TERTIARY BIRDS OF AUSTRALIA - 785 PLATE 2 “a a ee < nl Pee 786 - RICH PLATE PLATE 5 MESOZOIC & TERTIARY BIRDS OF AUSTRALIA - 787 PLATE 6 788 - RICH PLATE 7 MESOZOIC & TERTIARY BIRDS OF AUSTRALIA - 789 PLATE 8 790 - RICH PLATE 9 PLATE 10 MESOZOIC & TERTIARY BIRDS OF AUSTRALIA - 791 792 - RICH PLATE 11 PLATE 12 PLATE 13 MESOZOIC & TERTIARY BIRDS OF AUSTRALIA - 793 PLATE 14 794 - RICH MESOZOIC & TERTIARY BIRDS OF AUSTRALIA - 795 PLATE 15 796 - RICH PLATE 16 MESOZOIC & TERTIARY BIRDS OF AUSTRALIA - 797 PLATE 17 798 - RICH PLATE 18 PLATE 19 PLATE 20 MESOZOIC & TERTIARY BIRDS OF AUSTRALIA - 799 800 - RICH PLATE 21 PLATE 22 MESOZOIC & TERTIARY BIRDS OF AUSTRALIA - 801 802 - RICH PLATE 23 PLATE 24 MESOZOIC & TERTIARY BIRDS OF AUSTRALIA - 803 PLATE 25 es a PLATE 26 804 - RICH 1 cm MESOZOIC & TERTIARY BIRDS OF AUSTRALIA - 805 27 PLATE 806 - RICH PLATE 28 PLATE 29 PLATE 30 MESOZOIC & TERTIARY BIRDS OF AUSTRALIA - 807 808 - RICH Anthropornis nordenskjoeldi, a giant, primitive penguin that lived in Eocene times along the shore of the widening southern rift as Australia split from Antarctica. (From Rich & van Tets 1985, with permission of The Museum of Victoria). CHAPTER 21 AVIAN FOSSILS FROM THE QUATERNARY OF AUSTRALIA Robert F. Baird! TMF OGHCHOM 2. staaNaa Mem da tas wen veon Sogess ddees da 810 Australian Avian Palacontologists ............0.0000- 810 NG COU AT CEN ALY, Sorat ce vice cle cete eee iis ccosesslde «eceole 811 Physical Changes Occurring During the Qurateriabyesees ce My te eee Se, 812 Prior to the Matuyama/Bruhnes Magnetic Boundary ................cceeeeees $13 Post-Matuyama/Bruhnes Magnetic Reversal Boundary .............c0eceeeeeeees 814 Faunal Changes, Biogeography and Palacoenvironment during the COUALCIMALY F.8 kteet ics ests. tide des he esse 819 Early and Middle Pleistocene ................. 819 Late Pleistocene ®. .7.2...e2.1cc eel once othe 819 Penultimate Interglacial ................... 819 TAS be GAC TAL Pere afte Bee icl Tee cie eninaid thee 820 FIQLOCOME 5, sittai sls ioreltots sun aitie te vaa'st gine daiealcas ae 820 Discussion of the Quaternary............. cee 821 Since, Buropean Setilements ce 0i3 1 oe. cs dacetelieessecece 822 Birds in Quaternary Biostratigraphy ................5. 822 Family Accounts for Australian EOSSUB ILS =. 20.5 chic seat dei cetste ac be oleae sales Se 823 AGCkNOWIlEd SeMENLS. 24 otetate carne noes vive a7 oe orice oie rete’ 843 FC LE COTNCE Soe shi Sirsns AAA MOANA, o Crssoe tl nuthin Seceiine oo 843 PAT TICIGUK Mogi as, w 520855 vine cies Sart Meiedn ieee oBrjejes > soacoaes 849 POD GIKALMS , sacicey nts se shred SMe a bet sotals sieve we old oips's< 850 UTR CS AMR N grt Roe chisel cain Mt tals atinicte ns wtdain ge Ele 867 1 Earth Sciences Department, Monash University, Clayton, Victoria 3168 Australia. 810 - BAIRD INTRODUCTION The study of Quaternary avian assemblages was once considered only a small part of the wider field, avian palaeontology. Quaternary birds are now studied by a wide range of people throughout the world, and because of the depth of know!edge in this subfield, it can now be regarded as a significant field in its own right. This is especially true for the well populated continents of North America, Europe and Asia (e.g. China and Japan). It is a relatively new area of study in Australia, and, therefore, there is a need for an in depth overview of the information available to this point in time. Towards this end, this chapter gives a brief overview of the changes in the geography, precipitation, temperature and vegetation within the Quaternary. It also covers the faunal changes, biogeography and environmental reconstructions produced through the study of fossil bird assemblages. Further, a discussion of each family is presented which contains accounts of the fossil record with minimal interpretation. Only avian fossils from continental Australia and Tasmania are covered in this chapter; those from islands, both continental and oceanic, are covered in Meredith (Chap. 28, this volume). The bulk of the data in this chapter are unpublished but are available either from the author or in Baird (1986c). Similar coverage for the avifauna of the Tertiary of Australasia can be seen in Rich (Chap. 20, this volume). Geographic distribution, and specics lists for each of the individual Quaternary localities are included in Appendix I. AUSTRALIAN AVIAN PALAEONTOLOGISTS There have been a sufficiently small number of workers in the field of avian palaeontology in Australia to give a brief overview of their work. Baird, Robert F.: Baird arrived in Australia in 1982 to begin a Ph.D. thesis in avian palaeontology under P.V. Rich at Monash University. The thesis was completed in 1986 and concentrated on the avian assemblages in cave deposits across southern Australia (Baird 1986c). Both palaeoenvironmental and biogeographic interpretations were made on these data. Baird has largely concentrated on avian assemblages in Quaternary cave deposits, including Green Waterhole (South Australia: Baird 1985), Amphitheatre Cave (Victoria: Baird, submitted b), and their use in palacoenvironmental analysis (Baird 1989). He has also published on single species (¢.g. Gallinula mortierii (Tasmanian Native-hen)(Baird 1984, 1986a, submitted)), as well as coauthored a review of Australian avian palaeontology (Rich & Baird 1986). de Vis, Charles W.: De Vis arrived in Australia in 1870. He worked mostly on Quaternary vertebrate material out of the Queensland Museum between the years 1888-1911. His work with avian fossils was largely restricted to non-passeriformes. It should be noted that many of deVis’ identifications of avian fossils were incorrect (e.g. van Tets 1974a; Olson 1975, 1977; van Tets & Rich 1980). The reason for the numerous misidentifications, most frequently put forward, is that the collections of comparative material at that time were poor. His identifications must all be reviewed and not relied upon. McEvey, Allen R.: McEvey served as curator of the Department of Ornithology, Museum of Victoria between 1955 and 1984 where he began work on fossil and subfossil avian remains with a paper on the Macquarie Island penguin deposits (McEvey & Vestjens 1974). Since that time, he has been a coauthor on papers describing either single fossil remains (e.g. Falco berigora (Brown Falcon), Rich et al. 1982) or partial associated skeletons (Pedionomus (Plains-wanderer), Rich & McEvey 1980). Meredith, Charles W.: Meredith began his career in avian palaeontology in 1980 when he commenced his thesis covering the subfossil deposits of Norfolk Island. His works to date cover ihe fossil faunas of Macquarie and Norfolk islands (Meredith 1985b, Meredith er al. 1985) QUATERNARY AVIFAUNA OF AUSTRALIA - 811 as well as a summary of fossil avian assemblages from islands (Meredith, Chap. 28, this volume). Although no longer working full time in this field, Meredith plans on publishing the information brought forward in his thesis (Meredith 1985b) on the phylogeny of the genus Pterodroma and the fossil deposits of Norfolk Island. Miller, Alden: Miller described the material collected by R.A. Stirton, R.H. Tedford and P. Lawson in the early 1950's from both the Tertiary deposits (in northern South Australia) and Quaternary deposits (along Cooper Creek). His papers covering Quaternary material include those on the Dromaiidae (emus: Miller 1962), Pelecanus (pelicans: Miller 1966b), Anhinga (darters: Miller 1966a) and Phoenicopteridae (flamingoes: Miller 1963). Unfortunately, Miller suffered an untimely death, leaving further study of this material to others. Olson, Storrs L.: Olson’s work on Australasian Quaternary material stems from his visit to Australia for the International Ornithological Congress held in Canberra in 1974. He has a firm belief that the most productive time searching for new material can be spent in museum collections. Therefore it is not surprising that his three papers to date are based on restudies of previously published material, including Gallinula mortierii (Olson 1975), Chionis (sheathbills: a rebuttal; Olson 1976) and fossil anatids (Olson 1977). Rich, Patricia V.: Rich first started work on Australian fossil material in 1967 when she began her Ph.D. at the AMNH on the dromornithid material collected by R. A. Stirton and collegues. Since that time, she has worked at the Museum of Victoria on a Fulbright Scholarship and now is Reader in Earth Sciences at Monash University. Rich concentrated her work on Australian avian fossil non-passerines, with papers covering the dromornithids (Rich 1979), dromaiids (emus: Patterson & Rich 1987), phoenicopterids (flamingoes: Rich et al. 1987), Pelecanus (pelicans: Rich & van Tets 1981), Pedionomus (Plains-wanderers: Rich & McEvey 1980) and aegothelids (owlet-nightjars: Rich & Scarlett 1977). Rich has also studied single elements of tytonids (barn-owls: Rich et al. 1978) and falconids (falcons: Rich et al. 1982). She has also been the senior author on several review papers with van Tets (1982) and Baird (1986) and the senior editor of two compendiums on Australasian fossil vertebrates (Rich & Thompson 1982 and this volume). van Tets, Gerry F.: Van Tets arrived in Australia from Canada in 1963 and has, since approximately 1970, completed projects on Quaternary cave deposits of Weekes and Victoria Fossil caves (van Tets 1974b, van Tets & Smith 1974) and taxa occurring into the Quaternary including Progura (Giant Megapode: van Tets 1974a) and pelicans (Rich & van Tets 1981). Along with numerous small papers, he has also coauthored chapters on Australian avian palaeontology (Rich & van Tets 1982) as well as compiling a checklist of extinct Australian avian taxa (van Tets 1984). THE QUATERNARY The Quaternary represents the time during which the reoccurring cycles of glacials and interglacials occurred at discrete intervals. It is these cycles and the changes in climate concommittant with them that have influenced the patterns of distribution of Australia's biota (Fig. 1). Understanding the pattern of these cycles is, therefore, critical to the full understanding of Australia's flora and fauna. This knowledge may aid in the production of hypotheses on the current distributions, past ecologies and fossil histories of bird species. The Quaternary is traditionally broken up into two epochs, the Pleistocene and the Holocene. For the Pleistocene, convention has placed a lower boundary at 1.85 million years (Berggren & van Couvering 1974) and the upper boundary at 10,000 years before present (yBP: Savage & Russell 1983). The upper boundary is defined by the last glacial / interglacial interface. Consequently the lower boundary of the Holocene is also 10,000 yBP, and it continues through to the present day. 812 - BAIRD 4 | W/ZA Irian Wl Tumbunan Torresian [_] Eyrean _ Bassian Figure 1: Map of Australian zoogeographic zones. The localities with associated avian elements dated between 1.85 myBP and 50,000 yBP in Australia are positioned chronologically through relative dating (i.e. Cooper's Creek, Darling Downs and Lake Eyre localities) and there are only a handful of these. Much of the Quaternary avian material is restricted to the last 30,000 yBP with the occasional deposit extending to the limit of radiocarbon dating at 50,000 yBP Therefore, the record largely concerns the last two percent of the Quaternary. In most cases, understanding the methods and biases of dating fossil material can be as important as other sources of information. See Gillespie (1986) for a background in radiocarbon and Berry (1968) for relative dating. PHYSICAL CHANGES OCCURRING DURING THE QUATERNARY The physical changes in the Quaternary are part of a continuity of changes across time, and only fully understood if placed in this context. The reader is referred to Frakes et al. (1987) for the sequence of changes in the Australian landmass since the Palaeozoic. In order to understand the environmental constraints placed upon the avifauna within the past 50,000 years, it is necessary to have a firm background in the physical changes occurring in that period of time. The full cycles were approximately 100,000 years in length with cold and dry (glacial) and, QUATERNARY AVIFAUNA OF AUSTRALIA - 813 warm and wet (interglacial) periods within each cycle. We currently have a problem with dating many events within the Pleistocene Period (outside of the last 50,000 years) due to the lack of reliable dating methods for the types of data materials available. I will give a brief outline of some of these changes concentrating on those changes effecting the southern part of continental Australia, for it is here where most of the avian assemblages are located. Information on changes in the physiography and/or vegetation in northern Australia can be obtained from Kershaw (1986) and Nix (1982). Current physiography and distribution of vegetation formations can be seen in Jennings & Mabbutt (1977) and Specht (1981) respectively. | \ | | | | | | \ LAKE BUNGUNNIA ADELAIDE Figure 2: The approximate extent of Lake Bungunnia (from Bowler 1979). Prior to the Matuyama/Bruhnes Magnetic Boundary (1.85 myBP to 700,000 yBP) The numerous glacial and interglacial cycles typical of this sub-era can be characterized as a pattern in which: "interglacials were short lived, occupying about 10 percent of each cycle. The rest of the cycle was taken up by a saw-toothed build-up towards glacial maximum and sea- level minimum (Broeker and van Donk 1970)" (Williams 1984a). Williams (1984a) stated that Australia would have been effected by each and every glacial period recorded in the Northern Hemisphere, which he estimated to be approximately 20. Unfortunately, due to a number of factors, only the major changes in climatic regimes are 814 - BAIRD recorded in the Australian terrestrial record. Of these, only the last four are defined with certainty. Bowler (1979) pointed out that: "in southeastern Australia, aeolian deposits of the last glacial age correlate well with those from other parts of the globe. However, the known sequences of episodic deposition and soil formation are limited to four or five cycles that characterize the loess of Bruhnes age in Czechoslovakia and China." Therefore, little is recorded in Australia of the 13 glacial periods known to have occurred in the Northern Hemisphere prior to the Bruhnes palaeomagnetic period. Sea-level, Tectonism and Deposition The major feature influencing avian distribution in southern Australia would have been Lake Bungunnia. The formation of Lake Bungunnia occurred sometime during the Pliocene by the uplift of the Mallee Ridge near Overland Corner, South Australia. The presence of this lake dominated the south eastern landscape during this period (see Fig. 2). Flora Less is known of the flora for this time period than that for any other period of time in the Cainozoic. The only chronologically reliable study to date spanning this period is that of J. McEwan Mason (Ph.D. thesis, submitted Dec. 1989, Monash University, Clayton). The vegetation history interpreted from cores in Lake George, New South Walcs suggest an open forest/woodland with abundant Casuarina, Compositae, Graminaceae and chenopods, with small amounts of gymnosperms. Just after the Pliocene/Quaternary boundary gymnosperms are no longer recorded. The remaining elements are continuous to the Matuyama/Bruhnes boundary. Precipitation and Temperature. There are no detailed histories of precipitation for the Early Pleistocene of Australia, although models have been presented to explain the development of environmentally-produced- landforms currently exposed today. One such model suggested that by the Pliocene/Pleistocene boundary, sub-tropical high pressure cells would have been pushed north into their present-day position by the cooling waters between Australia and Antarctica. This would have produced winter precipitation in southern Australia, and started oscillations in precipitation, which would increase in amplitude throughout the Quaternary (see Fig. 3). Post-Matuyama/Bruhnes magnetic reversal boundary (700,000 yBP to present) Very little of the physical changes occuring during this period of time are known beyond the last interglacial/glacial cycle (é.e. 120,000 years). This is the result of several problems regarding absolute dating, particularly dating past the limit for 14C. Although there are geomorphic features, fossil animal assemblages and microfloral assemblages which through their unique compositions are considered to be older than the last interglacial, no absolute date can be associated with them. Therefore, these proxy data cannot be used as indicators of past climates in any meaningful sense. Exceptions to the rule are the microfloral assemblages from Lake George, magnetic reversal dated from 700,000 yBP. The following section will, therefore, discuss the period between 120,000 yBP and present-day, concentrating on the last 40,000 yBP (regarded as the limit for standard carbon-14 dating). Sea-level, Tectonism and Deposition. The loss of Lake Bungunnia is currently considered to have occurred about 500,000 yBP based upon magnetic reversal ages of less than 700,000 yBP and inferred constant sedimentaticn rates for the top 4 metres. A date of 400,000 yBP is considered likely for total desiccation of the lake (Bowler 1979, 1982). QUATERNARY AVIFAUNA OF AUSTRALIA - 815 WINTER : SUMMER PRECIPITATION SEASONAL PRECIPITATION ARIDITY —>| WINTER ARID THRESHOLD “~~ Dune building & Salt lakes Figure 3: "Diagrammatic summary of changes in humidity experienced by the southern arid and semi-arid regions of the continent since lower Miocene time. " (From Bowler 1982). "The disappearance of Lake Bungunnia, presumably by the Murray River cutting an overflow channel across the Pinaroo Horst, represents the initiation of all subsequent mallee landforms that formed within the confines of that lake. Thus a wide variety of dune forms, salinas and fluvial terraces have originated within the past 700,000 years. Indeed, if the evidence from Lake Tyrrell is representative of the broader region, such events must be placed within the last 400,000 years" (Bowler 1980). Since the sea-level high at the time of the last interglacial (approximately 120,000 yBP), there have been a number of nadirs and peaks (see Fig. 4). Within this broader scale we can fit the better known sequence of sea-level changes since approximately 40,000 yBP A summary of these changes is provided in Chappell (1983): "(i) 40KA: sea level 30 to 40 m below present (Chappell 1974; Bloom et al. 1974). (ii) 30KA: sea level 40 to 45 m below present (Chappell & Veeh 1978b) (iii) I8KA: sea level 150 to 160 m below present (north Queensland, Veeh & Veevers 1970; northwest shelf, Jongsma 1970; also undated evidence in northeast Papua New Guinea) (iv) 9KA to 6.5KA: rising smoothly from about 20m below present, up to present level (many sites round Australia, Thom & Chappell 1978; northeast Papua new Guinea, Chappell & Polach 1976) (v) 6 KA to present: a maximum of around 1 to 2 metres above present reached at coastal sites about 5.5 to 5.0 KA, falling smoothly to present (Chappell et al. 1982)". Bowler et al. (1976) regarded the last period of extensive sand dune development to have occurred during the height of the last glaciation. As a whole, the sand dune development in Australia is probably as old as 300,000 years (see Fig. 5). This is supported by Williams (1984a), who mentioned that "most of the depositional features of arid Australia are Tertiary or younger, and the present duneficlds are probably little older than Late Pleistocene." Flora One of the primary assumptions for the biogeography of vegetation in the south-eastern region is that "...since the Blanchetown Clay underlics such a large area of the mallee, its uppet 816 - BAIRD age limit provides a reference point for which we may view the evolution of the subsequent Malle[e] landscapes" (Bowler 1979). This upper age limit is considered to be 400,000 yBP. Unfortunately no detailed vegetational history is available for this region during that period of time. REEF vila Vilb VI Y y eile : years x 1000, before present 120 80 40 0 w 0 t rn =e 1 n 4 L 1: r 4 4 i i 2 ANS j \ a} om vi =a / \ fo i \g / } j\e® i 2 -405 / \ / \ / \ A / ‘ 7 My / \ } a Poss wes \ / Vy T/ \ TV eA | \ eS i? \TI ; as TY i D | iT t \ 804 ' \ ai © , ‘ \ Gi 2 \ / = & . New Guinea reef crests, dated (this paper): each dot is Fd 120 from reef heights on traverse of figure 4. New Guinea reef complexes, low sea level maxima, undated (Chappell, 1974) New Guinea reef complexes. dated (Veeh and Chappell, 1970) Compilation of Steinen, et al (1973) - primarily Barbados data Sea level minimum not known rey N 4-4 —— Diagrammatic paleo sea level trace Sea level using premature emergence correction (see text) Figure 4: "Late Quaternary palaeo sea levels based on estimates from New Guinea and elsewhere.” (From Bloom et al. 1974). If the concept of synchroneity of climatic events can be considered to be valid (Martin 1983), then the last 190,000 years of microfloral changes available for northeastern Australia may be extrapolated for the rest of Australia (Kershaw 1986). Unfortunately, southern Australia and northern Australia are influenced by two different climatic patterns (i.e. west-east anticyclonic fronts and mainly winter precipitation versus west-east cyclonic fronts and mainly summer precipitation, respectively); this may not be applicable throughout, and, therefore, only the records provided from southern Australia are considered here. Of the southern records, only one is considered to extend back to the Matuyama/Bruhnes boundary (Singh & Geissler 1985), but the sequence is fraught with sparse pollen (i.e. in some cases less than 20 grains were used to determine percentages of all vegetation formations) and barren zones of unknown duration. Thus, it is here considered largely unreliable for palaeoenvironmental interpretation. Prior to 40,000 yBP. The vegetation present during the last interglacial, as interpreted from analyses of pollen assemblages from Lake George, New South Wales and Pulbeena Swamp, Tasmania, is interpreted to be forest formations. There was an abrupt change just after this period which is regarded as the change from forest vegetation to herbfield and grasslands, and subsequently between 65,000 to 40,000 yBP a major interstadial is suggested by the return of forest vegetation (Kershaw 1981). The latter expansion of forest throughout south-eastern QUATERNARY AVIFAUNA OF AUSTRALIA - 817 Australia is confirmed by the study of pollen assemblages fi - i foeka isha 1 p ges from south-east South Australia @ L. Frome L forens => Willandra Lake Seo _ —> pee wee wl Geo rge a a we LL Kangaroo Is. Se < i L.Leake = L-Keilambete {(: Figure 5: "Sand flow lines representing the trends in dunes believed to have been active during the last glacial maximum" (Bowler 1978). 40,000 - 30,000 yBP. During this period forest vegetation largely gave way to heaths, and grasslands in the extreme southeast of mainland Australia (Dodson 1974a, 1975; G. Hope 1984). Pollen assemblages to the north, from Lake George, New South Wales, and, to the south, in Tasmania, suggest that forest formation was present throughout this period. 30,000 - 20,000 yBP. This period is considered a time of large changes in the vegetation, where forest formation replaced grassland and herbfield vegetation in the Lake George area, and mallee eucalypt replaced chenopod low scrub formation on the Bunda Plateau (Martin 1973). Microfloral assemblages from Pulbeena Swamp, Tasmania, and Cave Bay Cave, Hunter Island, indicate the loss of all taxa representing forests and the dominance of grasses and composites. 20,000 - 10,000 yBP. Little information is currently available for this period of time, except that from Lake George. The Lake George data suggests that the forest, by this time, had 818 - BAIRD been completely replaced by grasses and composites (Singh 1983). Those records previously mentioned, with cores continuous through this period, demonstrate similar flora. 10,000 yBP - Present. Information available from the Snowy Mountains suggest that treeline had not returned to present day level until 8,600 yBP, prior to which only alpine herbfield was present from at least 16,500 yBP (Bowler et al. 1976). This period of time is also characterized by the return of forest to areas where it occurred prior to 40,000 yBP. Precipitation and Temperature. Bowler (1982) considered that "...the last time that [climatic] conditions approximated those of today, that is the last interglacial, occurred about 120,000 years ago (Shackleton & Opdyke 1973)". He then extrapolated this in stating "suffice it to say that the pattern evident in the past 100,000 years is thought to have been repeated at least four or perhaps five times within the last 500,000 years". Therefore, the summary presented below may be indicative of a number of glacial/interglacial cycles. Prior to 40,000 yBP. Based upon pollen analysis, conditions during the last interglacial were similar to those at present, after which there was sharp decline in rainfall. Between the period of 65,000 to 40,000 yBP rainfall increased relative to the period immediately preceding it, but did not reach present day levels (Kershaw 1981). Geomorphic evidence also suggests high rainfall, but at the slightly later time of 50,000 and 30,000 yBP. Dating remains difficult for these events. 40,000 - 30,000 yBP. The coastal and sub-coastal sites of southeastern Australia indicate a change in climate to temperatures and precipitation that "...were significantly lower than today", and lower than the period just previous, based upon studies of pollen assemblages (Kershaw 1981). This is different from the bulk of the geomorphic and palynologic evidence from inland New South Wales, which suggests that high effective precipitation occurred up until 25,000 yBP (Bowler et al. 1976, Williams et al. 1986). A possible explanation for the difference between this interpretation and that presented for more southerly localities is given by Kershaw (1981). He suggests that "the reason for this difference could lie in the location of the sites relative to the coast and direction of major rain-bearing winds". He goes on to suggest that those localities now close to the coast would, at that time of low sea level, have lost the maritime influences which would have resulted in lower rainfall. The more inland site, however, would have been little effected by the relative lowering of sea level, and assuming the temperature was colder than today, the relative evaporation rates would have produced a higher effective rainfall. In addition, the major pressure belts may have changed in both intensity and location (Rognon & Williams 1977), which may have also had an effect on this region. 30,000 - 20,000 yBP. Rainfall was similar to the previous period except in New South Wales where proxy data indicate a decrease in effective precipitation. Bowler (1982) considered the period between 25,000 and 14,000 yBP to be a time of water deficit, and suggests this is due to lower precipitation. 20,000 - 10,000 yBP. Effective precipitation reached the lowest levels in the last 100,000 years (see Bowler et al. 1976, Bowler 1982 and Williams e¢ al. 1986) during this period. 10,000 yBP_ - present. By 10,000 yBP precipitation had increased to present day levels in many areas, and between 7,000 and 5,000 yBP conditions were wetter than today (Dodson 1974b, 1975). A decrease in precipitation occurred after 5,000 yBP (Kershaw 1981), but, subsequently, precipitation increased to its present day level. QUATERNARY AVIFAUNA OF AUSTRALIA - 819 In general, the cooling during the last 40,000 yBP peaked around 18,000 yBP, with a subsequent warming to present day levels by 6,000 yBP (Bowler et al. 1976). Peterson (1971) indicated that it is unlikely for glaciers to have covered much of the southeastern highlands during the period of maximum cooling. He favoured, instead, the idea of a small amount of glaciation surrounding the summit of Mt Kosciusko. The deposits hitherto related to glacial activity at lower elevations were probably the result of periglacial activity. "Dating of the maximum of glaciation depends as yet on a single date of 20,200 + 165 yBP (Costin, 1972)" (Bowler et al. 1976), which has been subsequently recalculated by Galloway & Kemp (1984) to 15,000 yBP. Colhoun & Peterson (1986) regard this recalculated date as "... a more expectable date for the commencement of deglaciation". FAUNAL CHANGES, BIOGEOGRAPHY AND PALAEOENVIRONMENT DURING THE QUATERNARY Early and Middle Pleistocene The deposits considered to belong within this period of time have been placed there by relative dating and, therefore, cannot be associated with any discrete period of time. The proposed changes in fauna and timing of events should be considered tentative at best. There are only a few elements considered to be restricted to the Early and Middle Pleistocene, including the Palaclodidae, Phoenicopteridae (Xenorhynchopsis spp.), the large form of Cacatua tenuirostris (Long-billed Corella) from Green Waterhole, South Australia Centropus colossus (Giant Coucal: Pl. 1), Orthonyx hypsilophus (Giant Logrunner) and two species of unidentified giant eagle. Other elements which occur from this period through to the Holocene include, Progura (PI. 2) and Gallinula mortierii from Chinchilla Sands, Queensland (see T.H. Rich et al. 1982). There is insufficient data for a discussion on the nature of the avifauna of this period. The emphasis on waterbirds represented in deposits of this age may be attributed to the types of deposits from which the material comes (i.e. mainly fluvial deposits). Late Pleistocene Penultimate Interglacial The avian assemblages in the late Quaternary can be divided chronologically into those from the penultimate interglacial, those from the last glacial and those from the last interglacial (or Holocene). The only deposit which may have an assemblage representing the last interglacial would be that of Pyramids Cave, Victoria. Because there is no upper date on the assemblage this assemblage may have been deposited during any of the previous interglacials. The assemblage consists of a mixture of elements, including extinct species (Pycnoptilus n. sp. (pilotbird) and Orthonyx sp. (logrunner)), elements which currently occur further north (Atrichornis rufescens (Rufous Scrub-bird) and species which occur in the area today. The Pyramids Cave assemblage indicates that Closed forest, particularly Complex Notophy! Vine Forest was present within 2.5 km of Pyramids Cave. To maintain this type of forest an increase of approximately 30-50% in summer rainfall and an increase of 1-2°C in mean annual temperature would have been required sometime predating the oldest part of the Clogg's Cave assemblage at 22,980 + 2,000 yBP. Therefore this assemblage probably represents an interglacial phase, based upon these climatic requirements. 820 - BAIRD Last Glacial The avian assemblages associated with the height of the last glacial include species that are now associated with drier habitats in deposits which currently occur in areas characterized today by woodlands and forests. This phenomenon is recorded in three distinct centres including the southeast, the Bunda Plateau and the southwest. These species include Pedionomus torquatus (Plains-wanderer), Melopsittacus undulatus (Budgerigar), Halcyon pyrrhopygia (Red-backed Kingfisher), Psephotus varius (Mulga Parrot), etc. For example, for the area around Clogg's Cave, Victoria between 22,980 + 2,000 yBP and 8,720 + 230 yBP a regional habitat of either very open eucalypt Woodland Formation or Savannah is indicated, suggesting a decrease in effective precipitation during that period. The palacoenvironment of the Bunda Plateau region over the past 37,000 years can be summarized as follows: chenoepod low scrub formation present within 2.5 km of Madura Cave, Western Australia in all periods of time covered by the deposit, including that of 37,880 + 3,880 yBP, 22,400 + 580 to 15,600 + 250 yBP and 7,470 + 120 yBP, and between 19,300 + 350 and 13,700 + 270 yBP for Koonalda Cave, South Ausiralia. Therefore, no change in relative precipitation is indicated for this region throughout the last 37,000 years. The palacoenvironment of the southwestern region of Western Australia for this period can be summarized as follows: the area around Devil's Lair had climatic conditions similar to those of today between 37,750 + 2500 yBP and 27,700 + 700 yBP. From sometime between 32,000 and 27,000 years, and 12,000 + 180 yBP the vegetation was a mixture of eucalypt woodland formation, heathland formation and Acacia tall scrub formation indicating a lower effective precipitation throughout this period. Biogeographically there are a number of changes in the avian faunas which may reflect changes in the environment. With the lowering of the sea level concommitant with the height of the last glacial, it seems that the arid center expanded and forced the wetter habitats to follow the sea level outwards. Extinctions of avian taxa during the height of this last glacial were few. The species to disappear are of such gigantic proportions, as compared with their modern day counterparts, to suggest that they were part of the Late Pleistocene megafaunal extinctions and dwarfings (Marshall & Corruccini 1978). These birds include Progura (giant megapode) and Genyornis (PI. 3). Several authors have suggested that immigrants to the continent (e.g. dingoes and aborigines) were the sole cause of the vast array of continental extinctions in Australia (Jones 1968), as with North America (Martin 1984). Others suggest that these extinctions may not have been directly caused by aboriginals but through their extensive use of fire. Large areas of land may have been converted to habitats different from what would occur in the region under natural fire regimes. Whether this burning was done in sufficient quantity to be the sole cause of extinction of a number of animals is unknown. This scenario has yet to be sufficiently corroborated to warrant full support, and a healthy skepticism may be warranted, especially as additional information has come to the surface demonstrating that the megafauna coexisted with Aboriginais for several thousand years (Gillespie e¢ al. 1978). It has been suggested that a change in weather patterns from a stable, regular winter rainfall to an erratic rainfall in tandem with the introduction of the Dingo (Canis familiaris dingo) may have caused at least the Tasmanian Native-hen (Gallinula mortierii) to be relict to Tasmania (Baird 1984, submitted a). It has been suggested that this occurred several times in the Late Pleistocene (Bowler 1982). Holocene For the most part assemblages which are believed to be Holocene are composed of assemblages similar to those of pre-glacial sites but lacking extinct forms. Of the four Holo- cene assemblages, those from Madura Cave, Devil's Lair and Skull Cave, Western Australia; QUATERNARY AVIFAUNA OF AUSTRALIA - 821 and Amphitheatre Cave, Victoria are associated with radiocarbon dates. The avian assemblage from Mabel Cave is considered to be Holocene based on relative dating. The most interesting of the three radiocarbon-dated assemblages is that from Amphitheatre Cave, which has one species now restricted to Tasmania (Gallinula mortierii) and two species whose ranges are currently restricted to eastern Victoria (Ptilonorhynchus violaceus (Satin Bowerbird) and Dasyornis brachypterus (Eastern Bristlebird: Baird, submitted b). The other assemblages are comprised of species which occur around the respective sites today, and, therefore, palaeoenvironmental interpretations of these assemblages lead to a mixture of vegetation types similar to that which currently occurs in these areas. @ o oO e @ o eo Ss i) @ c 5) < @ & e e Se x S oN iS) oe RJ wr << 2) Fs > s So FF KS re pos @ 4 > ne) < Ss Oo x ic) se o 3 OS gr Wy Yy Yy GY, BD [Se Rei Years Before Present (x 1000) X radiocarbon date A+ relative date. — - conformable sequence uncontormable sec major uncontormity conjectural Coverage Figure 6: Graphic representation of the proposed vegetations interpreted from the avian assemblages from the cave deposits included in Baird 1987) (i.e. WI-6le = Devil's Lair, AU-8 = Skull Cave, N-4 = Koonalda Cave, N-62 = Madura Cave, L-81 = Green Waterhole Cave, G-4 = Curran's Creek Cave, G-4 = Amphitheatre Cave, EB-1 = Mabel Cave, EB-2 = Clogg's Cave, and M-89 = Pyramids Cave). no palaeoenvironmental interpretation was available from L-81 due to the non-contemporaneous nature of the deposit. Shading indicates vegetation formations with black = closed forest formation, grey = forest formation, cross-hatched = woodland formation, light stipple = Acacia tall scrub formation and dark stipple = chenopod low shrub formation. DISCUSSION OF THE QUATERNARY Climatic conditions across southern Australia interpreted through the study of changes in the fossil avian assemblages largely parallel results drawn from microfloral assemblages. Both methods indicate a lowering in effective precipitation around 30,000 years ago, which led to a drier regime (see Fig. 6). This regime lasted between 30,000 and 10,000 yBP, after which the effective precipitation increased to present day levels or above. Although minor changes within 822 - BAIRD these large scale changes may not be discernable in avian assemblages, they do demonstrate that avian assemblages can mirror gross changes in climate. The differences of palaeoenvironmental interpretations between regions may result from variation in the substrates upon which the vegetation grows. For example, no changes are interpreted for the avian assemblages from Madura and Koonalda caves, even for those times when other regions had indicated climatic amelioration. A possible reason for this is that the vegetation of the Bunda Plateau may not reflect the changes in the climate, because there may be some other limiting factor controlling the vegetation of that region today (i.e. substrate, as is suggested for the volcanic soils of western Victoria (Dodson 1974a)). Another reason the vegetation may not change is due to the high evaporation rates of that region, which may keep the effective precipitation constant, even with a relative increase or decrease of precipitation. Given that avian assemblages can be used as indicators of climatic change, how does this method compare with that provided by microfloral analysis? Avian assemblages accumulated by vertebrate predators have the benefit of being localized by the foraging range of the accumulators, and, therefore, restricting the area for which the palaeoenvironmental interpretation is valid. Microfloral analysis, on the other hand, has little control on the catchment area represented by the assemblage. Unfortunately, avian assemblages are represented by smaller numbers of individuals and smaller numbers of taxa than that represented in pollen assemblages. Because of this, only gross changes seem to be reflected in fossil-avian assemblages, while changes of finer resolution are available from fossil pollen assemblages (see Baird 1989), SINCE EUROPEAN SETTLEMENT From the time of European settlement, range contractions have occurred both through habitat destruction and introduction of pest species (e.g. Vulpes vulpes (Fox), Orictolagus cuniculatus (Rabbit), Ovis (Sheep), Bos (Cow), Felis catus (Cat), etc.). Those species which have been associated with man caused range contractions, include Amytornis textilis (Thick- billed Grass-wren) on the Bunda Plateau and Calyptorhynchus lathami (Glossy Black-cockatoo) in Tasmania (Baird 1986b). Extinctions of avian species associated with the European expansion include Psephotus pulcherrhimus (Paradise Parrot), Geopsittacus occidentalis (Night Parrot), Dromaius baudinianus and D, ater. There are some species which have benefited by the clearing of native habitat. This benefit is expressed by the range expansions of Ocyphaps lophotes (Crested Pigeon) and Cacatua roseicapilla (Galah: Forshaw 1969, Parker & Reid 1983, Frith 1982, etc.). These species have their native habitats in open savannah woodland, Acacia scrub, etc. These habitats are inherently more open and, therefore, the clearing of land for cultivation and grazing provided large areas of land which were once unsuitable (e.g. woodland, forest, etc.). Since European settlement, there have becn a number of introductions to our avian fauna. These have been well publicized, as it was felt at the time that a little bit of Europe was being sown every time a new species was successfully introduced. All the introduced species along with their dates of introduction can be found in Table 1 (adapted from Dickison 1932). Many of these species have diagnostic postcranial elements aiding faunal dating of the top end of many deposits. BIRDS IN QUATERNARY BIOSTRATIGRAPHY _ To date there has not been sufficient information from avian assemblages to construct any biostratigraphic scheme in Australia; therefore, biostratigraphy using vertebrate material, QUATERNARY AVIFAUNA OF AUSTRALIA - 823 especially in Australia, is based largely upon mammals and fish (e.g. Woodburne et al. 1986; Long, Chap. 12, this volume; Rich et al., Chap. 23, this volume; Turner, Chap. 13, this volume). Table 1: Introduced birds of Victoria and the dates of earliest introduction (adapted from Dickison 1932)). Sturnus vulgaris Passer domesticus Padda oryzivora Acridotheres tristis Fringilla coelebs Carduelis chloris Carduelis carduelis Emberiza citrinella Carduelis spinus Common Starling House Sparrow Java Sparrow Indian Myna Chaffinches Greenfinches European Goldfinch Yellowhammer European Sisken 1863 - present 1963 - present 1863 - 1906 (died out 1863 - present 1863 - present 1863 - present 1863 - present 1863 - 1906 (died out) 1864 - 1906 (died out) Erithacus rubelcula European Robin 1863 - 1906 (died out) Turdus philomelos Song Thrush 1863 - present Turudus merula European Blackbird 1864 - present Emberiza hortulana Hortolan Bunting 1863 - 1907 (died out) Alauda arvensis Skylark 1863 - present Tutur communis Turtle Dove 1872 - 1906 (died out) Streptopelia chinensis Chinese Tutrle dove 1870 - present Lophortyx californicus California Quail 1863 - 1906 (died out) Anas platyrhynchus Mallard Duck 1871 - present 8 EEE eee Local extinctions may be useful for the relative dating of sequences of known taphonomic history. By knowing the taphonomic history it will be known what could be accumulated, so that the absence of species from a deposit will mean more, or the presence of certain species in a deposit will mean more (e.g. Dasyornis brachypteris of south-western Victoria). Relative numbers of individuals will rarely mean anything about the local population due to biases of the accumulating agent. Local events may be useful as indicators of a particuiar time in a closed area. For example, Hirundapus caudacutus (White-throated Needletail) occurs in the deposits of Mabel Cave. This species is rarely recorded from land, and when it is, it is largely the result of a special event such as a bushfire or hailstorm. The Hirundapus material from Mabel Cave is considered to have occurred as a result of a catastrophic event, and if it occurs in deposits in any of the surrounding caves in the area, it may be a useful chronologic marker. A few species are uscd as indicators of the Pleistocene including Gallinula mortierit, Genyornis, flamingoes and palaclodids. But caution should be exercised in using this method of dating for given sufficient data then material of several of these species may be found to extend into the Holocene (e.g. Gallinula mortierii ; Baird, submitted a). FAMILY ACCOUNTS FOR AUSTRALIAN FOSSIL BIRDS The familial descriptions include the occurrence of avian species in Australian Quaternary deposits, and make reference to those deposits of particular intcrest. I will point out changes in biogeographic ranges, make reference to publications providing characters useful in the identification of each family, indicate whether the species within the family are useful as palaecoenvironmental indicators and or of use in biostratigraphy, as well as any other points of interest [dagger indicates wholly extinct families]. Figs 7 through 9 demonstrate the seven most common postcranial elements found in deposits. Although the gross shapes for these 824 - BAIRD elements are similar throughout all birds in detail they can vary extensively (see Baumel et al 1979 and Howard for examples). I follow the taxonomy of Schodde (1975) and Condon (1975). ‘ Those families not represented in the Quaternary continental record of Australia are not included here. Summary tables for non-passcrines (Table 2) and passerine (Table 3) families are included for the major deposits. Numbers within the brackets at the end of each familial discussion refers to the site numbers where the family is recorded (N.S.W. = New South Wales, Qld. = Queensland, S.A. = South Australia, Tas. = Tasmania, Vic. = Victoria, and W.A. = Western Australia). a ‘ ae ( <= a a i Figure 7: Postcranial elements from fossil and recent megapodes. A, complete left humerus, Megapodius reinwardt; B, incomplete left humerus, Progura naracoortensis; C, complete left radius, P. maracoortensis; D, complete left radius, M. reinwardt; E, distal end left ulna, P. naracoortensis; F, incomplete right ulna, P. naracoortensis; G, complete right ulna, M. reinwardt; I and I, proximal and distal ends right ulnae, P. gallinacea (after van Tets 1974a). CASUARIDAE - EMUS Emus occur in a wide variety of deposits in Australia, and they are well represented both geographically and temporally. On continental Australia all of the material studied to date is referrable to the extant species Dromaius novaehollandiae (Emu: Patterson & Rich 1987). This includes the fossil species D. patricius, D. 8racilipes and Metapteryx bifrons described by de Vis (1888, 1891a, 1905). The fossil material ranges widely in size. This variation cannot be accounted for from samples of modern emus and may be either a result of the small sample sizes available of the modern specimens, or that the Pleistocene forms may have exhibited a wider range of sizes than their modern counterparts. Emu material from the offshore islands, D. ater (King Island Emu) and D. baudinianus (Kangaroo Island Emu) still retain specific status even after recent accounts of their taxonomy QUATERNARY AVIFAUNA OF AUSTRALIA - 825 (Parker 1984). [N.S.W. 3, 8, 9, 10, 11, 12, 16; P.N.G, 1: Qld 4,9; S.A. 1, 2, 3, 4, 5, 7, 8, 10, 11, 15, 16, 16a, 16b, 16c, 16d, 16e, 17, 19, 20, 27, 40, 42, 45, 46, 48; Tas. 4, 5, 6, 8, 9, 10; Vic. 2h, 6d, 7; W.A. 1, 3] + DROMORNITHIDAE - MIHIRUNGS There are several species of dromornithids found in Australia, all except Genyornis newtoni are Tertiary in age. Genyornis occurs into the Quaternary with specimens associated with radiocarbon dates within the Late Pleistocene. This material ranges from skeletal remains, as are found at Lancefield, Victoria (Gillespie er al. 1978); eggshells (Williams 1981); footprints (P.V. Rich, pers. comm.) or gizzard stones (Williams 1981). Genyornis is one of the avian species which can be considered a member of the megafauna that became extinct during the Late Pleistocene. [N.S.W. 4, 5; Qld. 2, 10; S.A. 1, 2, 5, 6, 7, 10, 12, 15, 17, 26, 27, 40, 42, 43, 48; Vic. 15; W.A. 7, 9] PODICIPEDIDAE - GREBES This material has not been fully studied, although preliminary identification suggest that there are two different sized species represented (McEvey & Rich, pers. comm.). [N.S.W. 11; S.A. 5] SPHENISCIDAE - PENGUINS Although penguin material is not frequently encountered in deposits on continental Australia the small amount of material published upon does rate a mention. Material referred to Eudyptula minor (Little Penguin) has been recorded from Amphitheatre Cave, Victoria, although it has been suggested that it was not part of the original deposit but instead incorporated into the collection at some later date (Baird submitted b). As with New Zealand (Millener, Chap. 27, this volume) and the Australian coastal islands (Meredith, Chap. 28, this volume), it is expected that this species will occur with some frequency in midden deposits along the coast. Of greater interest is the material referred to the new genus and species, Tasidyptes hunteri, from Hunter Island, Tasmania (van Tets & O'Conner 1983). After reviewing the paper I do not consider either the morphological nor the mensural characters sufficient to define either a new genus or new species. Instead I would suggest that with a larger sample size of Eudyptes chrysochome (Rockhopper Penguin) that the fossil material will be scen to fall within the range of variation for this species (see Meredith 1988; Chapt 28, this volume). This conclusion is corroborated by Fordyce and Jones where they state "Van Tets & O'Conner (1983; see Harrison 1984) proposed a new genus and species, Tasidyptes hunteri, for debatably diagnostic material from a Recent midden at Hunter Island, Tasmania." (Fordyce & Jones in press). [Tas 3, Vic 6a] PROCELLARIIDAE - PETRELS AND SHEARWATERS The procellariids seem to have been an important part of the Aboriginal economy along the coastlines of Australia (Gaughwin 1978). The species most frequently encountered in these middens is Puffinus tenuirostris (Short-tailed Shearwater), which is known to breed along the coast. Puffinus tenuirostris is also abundant as fossils and subfossils on many offshore islands where it currently breeds (see Meredith, Chap. 28, this volume). Aboriginals may have taken advantage of this source of food, largely during the breeding season, although the possibility exists that beach-washed individuals also may have been available for consumption. 826 - BAIRD Hypotheses concerning material found in inland deposits (e.g. Mabel Cave, Victoria and Beginners Luck Cave, Tasmania) ranges from stormwreck material opportunistically collected by vertebrate accumulators (e.g. Sarcophilus (Tasmanian Devil)) to that transported by Aboriginals to the cave from breeding grounds or shoreline (Baird 1986c). [N.S.W. 2, 6, 7; S.A. 13f; Tas. 1, 3, 7, 11; Vic. 2c, 6a, 10] Figure 8: Postcranial elements from fossil and recent megapodes. A, C, complete right carpometacarpus, Megapodius reinwardt; B, D, incomplete right carpometacarpus, Progura gallinacea; E, incomplete right coracoid, P. naracoortensis; F, complete right coracoid, M. reinwardt; G, incomplete right coracoid, P. gallinacea; H, J, humeral end tight scapula, P. gallinacea; I, K, complete right scapula, M. reinwardt (after van Tets 1974a). PELECANOIDIDAE - DIVING PETRELS Other than the numerous records of this species on offshore islands (Meredith, Chap. 28, this volume), Pelecanoides urinatrix (Common Diving-petrel) is only known from Mabel Cave, Victoria. As with the procellariids from this deposit, it is not known how the material was accumulated, discussed above. [Vic. 2c] QUATERNARY AVIFAUNA OF AUSTRALIA - 827 PELECANIDAE - PELICANS Representatives of the Pelecanidae from Quaternary deposits are restricted to one palaeospecies (Pelecanus cadimurka) and one neospecies (P. conspicillatus (Australian Pelican)). According to Rich & van Tets (1981) only the tarsometatarsus can be used to separate the two species as all other elements are non-diagnostic. Of the two species, P. cadimurka is distinctly smaller than P. conspicillatus. [S.A. 5, 6, 7, 19] PHALACROCORACIDAE - CORMORANTS Australian fossil material of this family is currently being studied by G. van Tets. To date there have been no identifications which are confident to species level. De Vis (1905) did describe a fossil species, Phalacrocorax gregorii, based on a number of different postcranial elements from northern South Australia. This species is in need of restudy due to the number of misidentifications made by de Vis. [ S.A. 5, 6, 8, 17, 19, 48; W.A. 9, 10] ANHINGIDAE - DARTERS Miller (1966a) reviewed both the material described by de Vis (1888, 1905) and that newly collected. He concluded that Anhinga parva, a species described as new by de Vis, was a small cormorant (cf. Phalacrocorax melanoleucus (Little Pied Cormorant)), that A. latipes, another species described by de Vis, was valid and that the rest of the material be referred to the extant A. novaehollandiae (Darter). [Qld. 3; S.A. 5, 19, 28] ARDEIDAE - HERONS None of the fossil material referred to the Ardeidae has been identified past family level. [N.S.W. 11; S.A. 5, 16, 28] CICONIDAE - STORKS The validity of Xenorhynchus asiaticus (Black-necked Stork) from Darling Downs, Queensland is not known and should be restudied. [S.A. 19] THRESKIORNITHIDAE - IBISES AND SPOONBILLS Theskiornithid material is restricted to specimens from three deposits (i.e. Darling Downs, Queensland; Weekes Cave, South Australia and Seton Rock Shelter, Kangaroo Island, South Australia). Of the three elements referred to Platalea subtenuis de Vis from Darling Downs, two have been identified as the rail, Gallinula mortierii (Olson 1975). The third specimen is definitely not rallid, according to Olson (1975), but a positive identification as a threskiornithid has not been made. Platalea leucorrhoa (Yellow-billed Spoonbill) from Weekes Cave (van Tets 1974 b) consists of the better part of a whole skeleton which probably entered the cave after a wet period when water had again become scarce. Material referred to Threskiornis mollusca (Sacred Ibis) from Seton Rock Shelter (Hope et al. 1977) is very fragmentary and based upon preliminary re-examination should be referred to the Anatidae. [S.A. 13f, 39; WA 7i] 828 - BAIRD Figure 9: Postcranial elements from fossil and recent megapodes. A, incomplete right tarsometatarsus, Progura naracoortensis; B, complete right tarsometatarsus, Megapodius reinwardt, C, proximal end left tarsometatarsus; P. gallinacea; D, E, distal end right tarsometatarsi, P. gallinacea; F, proximal end right femur, P. naracoortensis; G, complete right femur, M. reinwardt; H, complete right tibiotarsus, M. reinwardt; I, incomplete right tibiotarsus, P. naracoortensis; J, anterior end synsacrum, P. naracoortensis; K, complete synsacrum, M. reinwardt. ANATIDAE - DUCKS, GEESE AND SWANS To date, the fossil anatids have been largely avoided by the few avian palaeontologists covering Australia. Many of those identified by van Tets from Seton Rock Shelter (Hope et al. 1977) are considered too incomplete for identification beyond familial level. Olson (1977) attempted to clean up some of the erroneous identifications of anatid material by de Vis (1888, 1889, 1905), which turned out to be Anas superciliosa (Black Duck), Aythya australis (Hardhead), Anas castanea (Chestnut Teal) and Biziura lobata (Musk Duck). Olson (1977) indicates that the Pleistocene material of Biziura lobata may be slightly smaller than the living form. Of particular interest is new material of a large form of swan from Henschke's Quarry Cave, S.A. but this material has not been studied. [N.S.W. 10, 11, 15; Qld. 5, 11; S.A. 5, 7, 8, 16f, 19, 33, 45, 48; Vic. 2c, 3, 6a; W.A. 1] QUATERNARY AVIFAUNA OF AUSTRALIA - 829 ACCIPITRIDAE - HAWKS AND EAGLES Many of the modern species of accipitrids occurring in southern Australia are represented in the fossil record (i.e. Hieraaetus morphnoides (Little Eagle), Accipiter fasciatus (Brown Goshawk), A. cirrhocephalus (Collared Sparrowhawk), Circus sp. (Harrier)). The oldest modern species represented is Aquila audax (Wedge-tailed Eagle) from Devil's Lair, Western Australia (> 35,000 yBP). There are two groups of associated elements which are currently considered to belong to taxa new to science and both represent individuals larger than A. audax. One group of elements, (i.e. sternum, distal phalanx, proximal end tibiotarsus) comes from Mair's Cave, South Australia. Another group of associated elements come from Green Waterhole Cave (L-81) and consists of humeri, ulnae and carpometacarpi. Both of these forms are not directly comparable for there is no overlap in the elements represented, but both appear to be significantly larger than Aquila audax. The Gypacinae material reported in Rich & van Tets (1982) has yet to be substantiated and should be regarded with scepticism (pers. obs., P. Rich, pers. comm.). {N.S.W. 1; Qld. 3, 5; oe 5, 9, 14, 16f, 19, 22, 23, 33, 35, 38, 39, 48; Vic. 2a, 2b, 2c, 6a; W.A. Te, 7g, 7k, 71, FALCONIDAE - FALCONS Similar to the accipitrids, several falcon species are represented in the fossil record, these include Falco berigora (Brown Falcon), F. cenchroides (Australian Kestrel) and F’. peregrinus (Peregrine Falcon: Baird 1985, 1986c; Rich et al. 1982). All three of these species are known to use caves for both roosting and nesting, and, therefore, their remains would be expected to be incorporated into cave deposits. They could be accumulators of vertebrate material as well, although no deposits have been attributed to these species (see Baird, Chap. 10, this volume). [N.S.W. 10; S.A. 5, 14, 23, 33, 37, 39; Tas. 4; Vic. 2a, 2c, 6d] MEGAPODIIDAE - MOUND-BUILDERS The endemic group of Australian fossil megapodes were first recognised by van Tets (1974a), who described two species from the limited fossil material then available, Progura gallinacea and P. naracoortensis (see Pl. 2), Olson (1980, 1985) has made statements on the possibility of two separate genera involved in this complex but failed to state specifically which characters led him to come to these conclusions. Since that time, additional material has suggested that the two species may in fact be one which exhibits sexual size dimorphism (van Tets 1984). This is based both on the lack of characters which consistently separate the two species (other than size) and the fact that both species occur in every deposit from which the genus is known. The genus extends into the Tertiary where it is recorded from the deposits of Chinchilla (van Tets 1974a). The family is also represented by Leipoa (Malleefowl), which occurs in one Late Pleistocene deposit, Victoria Fossil Cave, South Australia. [N.S.W. 10, 13, 16; Qld. 3, 7; S.A. 44, 45, 46, 47] PHASIANIDAE - PHEASANTS, QUAIL, ETC. Coturnix material is commonly found in Quaternary fossil deposits and can make up a large proportion of the total avian assemblage (e.g. Clogg's Cave, Victoria). Their susceptability to capture probably relates to their size and habits, which include a terrestrial lifestyle and periodic 830 - BAIRD population booms. Therefore, they are more likely to be collected by Tyto alba and be represented in natural traps than other species (see Baird, Chap. 10, this volume). There are three species of Coturnix which occur in southern Australia, C. pectoralis (Stubble Quail), C. australis (Brown Quail) and C. chinensis (King Quail). Currently, only Coturnix chinensis can be identified with certainty, for the other two species are similar both in morphological and mensural characters. C. chinensis, on the other hand, is much smaller than the other two species and can be distinguished on most of its postcranial elements. All of the Quaternary material studied to date has demonstrated no statistically significant deviation in size over modern samples. [N.S.W. 1; Qld. 1, 8, 10; S.A. 14, 16f, 33, 46; Vic. 2a, 2c, 2g, 6a, 6d; W.A. 1, 5, 7e, 10] TURNICIDAE - BUTTON QUAIL In southern Australia turnicid fossils are frequent in cave deposits and can make up a large proportion of the avian assemblage. The reasons for this are the same as those of the Coturnix spp. in this region, and relates to their natural histories (see Baird, Chap. 10, this volume). Of the three species of Turnix which occur in southern Australia (e.g. Turnix varia (Painted Button-quail), T. pyrrhothorax (Red-chested Button-quail) and T. velox (Little Button-quail)), only 7. varia can be identified with certainty. Both 7. pyrrhothorax and T. velox overlap extensively in size, and no morphological characters have been found to distinguish the two. These species are sometimes referred to as probable identifications largely based on biogeographic probability. 7. varia on the other hand, is much larger than either T. pyrrhothorax or T. velox. [N.S.W. 1, 16; Qld. 6, 8, 10; S.A. 14, 16f, 27, 29, 30, 32, 33, 34, 39, 45, 46; Vic. 1, 2a, 2c, 2g, 4, 5, 6a, 6d; W.A. 7b, 7c, 7d, 7e, 7f, 71, 10] PEDIONOMIDAE - PLAINS-WANDERERS This monotypic family could be used quite effectively as an palaeoenvironmental indicator, because it is currently restricted to areas of "savannah" grassland where there is a wide diversity of grass species (Harrington et al. 1988). Its very diagnostic elements (see Olson & Steadman 1981 and Rich & McEvey 1980) have shown up in a number of deposits from Victoria including Clogg's Cave (Victoria, Baird 1986c), Harman's Cave (Victoria: Baird unpubl. data) and Morwell (Rich & McEvey 1980). The material from Victoria Fossil Cave, South Australia described by van Tets & Smith (1974) has been reviewed in Rich & McEvey (1980) and is considered to be of some other charadriiform, not Pedionomus. [Vic. 2a, 4, 8] RALLIDAE - RAILS Members of this family are prevalent throughout all types of deposits in Australia. This is related to their life histories which can include being both hydrophilic and terrestrial, and crepuscular to nocturnal in their habits, therefore making them vulnerable to capture by nocturnal predators (see Baird, Chap. 10, this volume). This makes rails susceptable to becoming interred in fluvial deposits, trapped in pit falls and captured by nocturnal cave dwelling predators, thereby covering most of the possible ways of being incorporated into the fossil record. Almost all of the rallid species, whose distributions encompass areas with fossil avian assemblages, have been identified as part of these assemblages. The list of species includes Rallus philippensis (Buff-banded Rail), Rallus pectoralis (Lewin's Rail), Porzana fluminea QUATERNARY AVIFAUNA OF AUSTRALIA - 831 (Australian Crake), P. tabuensis (Spotless Crake), Gallinula mortierii (Tasmanian Native-hen) and G. tenebricosa (Dusky Moorhen). The species that has received most attention is Gallinula mortierii (now endemic to Tasmania). Olson (1975) showed that a number of specimens from the Plio-Pleistocene Chinchilla deposits (de Vis 1888a, 1892) were all referrable to the extant species Gallinula mortierit, but due to the specimens’ small demeanour he suggested a separate subspecies for them, G. m. reperta. Baird (1984), using a larger sample provided by Late Pleistocene fossils from localities in the southeast of Australia, demonstrated the large overlap in the measurements of G. m. reperta and G. m. mortierii and, therefore, referred the de Vis Chinchilla material to the nominate form. Additional material from the Darling Downs area of southeastern Queensland, dated at between 30,000 yBP and 24,000 yBP (Gill 1978) demonstrated that the species once occurred in the well-watered Murray-Darling catchment (Baird 1986a). The species is also known from Wyandotte Creek, northeastern Queensland (McNamara & Baird, in press). It has been suggested that Gallinula mortierii, like the flamingoes, was excluded from the Australian mainland through the change in environmental regimes during the last glacial. But material dated recently from Amphitheatre Cave, Victoria yielded a mid-Holocene date, requiring a review of this hypothesis. The review (Baird submitted a) concluded that both the environment and the dingo may have had a role to play in the extermination of Gallinula mortierii from the mainland. The species is also known from cave deposits in Tasmania (van Tets 1978). Material from many of the other extant rail species of Australian has been found in the caves of the southeast (Baird, unpubl. data). Many of the inland lake deposits contain rail species, but as of yet, no identifications have been given this material. The large rail identified in Fox Cave, South Australia (U-22) by G. F. van Tets and mentioned in Rich & van Tets (1982) was misidentified to order; see Alcedinidae. [N.S.W. 10; Vic. 2a, 2c, 3, 4, 6a, 6b, 6c, 6d, 7, 11; Tas. 4, 9; Qld. 5, 11; S.A. 9, 10, 13, 14, 16f, 19, 23, 27, 44, 46] OTIDIDAE - BUSTARDS The specimen referred to this family is comparable with the modem species, Ardeotis australis (Australian Bustard). [S.A. 6] CHIONIDAE - SHEATHBILLS The only fossil record of sheathbills in the world came from Victoria Fossil Cave (South Australia: van Tets & Smith 1974). Unfortunately, the record is incorrect and "appears to have decided similarities to the Passeriformes" (Olson 1976). BURHINIDAE - THICKNEES Fragmentary material referred to the extant Burhinus magnirostris (Bush Thick-knee) has come from Seton Rock Shelter (Kangaroo Island, South Australia: Hope ef al. 1977) as well as some undescribed material from Green Waterhole (South Australia: Baird, unpubl. data). [SA 13f, 20] LARIDAE - GULLS AND TERNS There are a few continental records of this family from coastal or estuarine deposits. Amphitheatre Cave (Victoria) and Seton Rock Shelter, for example, both contain Larus 832 - BAIRD novaehollandiae (Silver Gull). Although this species is not restricted to the coast, it is most abundant there. I would expect that more material of this family would be discovered in the deposits of Cooper Creek and some of the inland lake systems. [S.A. 13f; Vic 6a] Sterna sp. cf. S. nereis (Fairy Tern) is also found in Seton Rock Shelter, Kangaroo Island, South Australia. [S.A. 13f] CHARADRIIDAE - PLOVERS Although not particularly abundant, species in this family do occur with some regularity in cave deposits right across Australia (i.e. Erythrogonys cinctus (Red-kneed Dotterel: Cloggs Cave, eastern Victoria), Peltohyas australis (Inland Dotterel: Victoria Fossil Cave, southeastern South Australia: van Tets & Smith 1974) and Calidris sp. (Madura Cave, southeastern Western Australia)). [SA 27; Vic 2a; WA 7f] SCOLOPACIDAE - SANDPIPERS A number of scolopacids occur in Quaternary deposits including Gallinago hardwickii (Latham's Snipe) from the deposits at both Seton Rock Shelter, Kangaroo Island, South Australia (Hope et al. 1977) and Victoria Fossil Cave, South Australia (van Tets & Smith 1974). Tringa glareola (Wood Sandpiper) and Calidris ruficollis (Red-necked Stint) also have been reported from Victoria Fossil Cave. [S.A. 13f, 27] PHOENICOPTERIDAE - FLAMINGOES Flamingoes had a long history on the Australian continent dating back to the Miocene (Rich & Baird 1986, Rich, Chap. 20, this volume). Their remains are present in many of the Pleistocene lake deposits of South Australia and western New South Wales. There are currently recognized four (there are more in Tertiary deposits) species in Australia (i.e. Xenorhynchus tibialis, X. minor, Phoenicopterus ruber and Ocyplanus proeses, Rich et al. 1987). Only the two Xenorhynchopsis species are found in localities of Quaternary age, although both Phoenicopterus and Ocyplanus are kncwn from several localities of unknown age. If, as Rich et al. (1987) suggest, the unknown localities prove to be Quaternary, then it was probable that at some point in time there were up to four species of flamingoes living sympatrically. The hypothesis for their disappearance from the Australian continent as caused by "...increased aridity accompanied by the disappearance of reasonably permanent shallow lakes, and of feeding and breeding grounds, resulted during the Quaternary in major extinctions" (Rich et al. 1987) may be plausible in light of other palacoenvironmental information. [N.S.W. 10; S.A. 5, 18, 19, 25] seins Distribution of families of nonpasserine birds across the major Quatemary-aged localities in ustralia. QUATERNARY AVIFAUNA OF AUSTRALIA - 833 ee. oo io o o |€s | s o|o zu = o2 2 |e) o e | a Felels |3 2/gle|,|s EE 2 g| [ele ° 2 s ise jelsisis/8/2/s/sle) |z/2} jgleisla].| |2leisis| le go) |o| jels A NON-PASSERINES | 2 o BEDS ElE(E/ 3/8) Sle) 2/8) e/S/8le(2/8/3/2/ 8 o/E/S/elole Sle /sisigisielgis s|2 e3| 2 jee] sg/8/$/2/5/8|3| 2/2 \ 2/213 /2 (2 /2ls\slels Sislel eres eg iel sie ie iel siz) elgls =o £ os 1a 3/¢E€}o|L S/O/3 o6|=| 2 *)e/2/2 /ze2/e/2)/2)/ 5/2 =/3)5|5 ° sz] s | S163/2/3/2/5/8/ 8/3) 2/=/2/ 2/2] 2/ 8/2] 2/3) §/S/e|e [2] ele |2/e1 8/2) s| 2/2/3818) s/3le <5 = 65,0 22/6 O/a ol/elal\al\a\e <(F ae Mabel Cave, Vict. | 210 MF MC| * |25 1| 1 V}1]1 25 ft 1 3/3 51/4/14 1 1) 1 — = 7 +—_—__- +— = = + + 4+— 4 + +— + wv 1 Skull Cave, W.A. eee yee ch] 0] © | 5 he fe tt | [| | 1} 1 1 M | 1 Madura Cave, W.A.(U.I.) oO}. 3 | [ Ahi g +—1__} i ict. v slpl- 2 1 Amphitheatre Cave, Vict. | 4.6 iste -B | P | [12 | 1 1 | of L 1 | [0 +2 | | 2 | LL e . Seton Rock Shelter, S.A. 1095 '° \Sy-ch MC. /27/ | [ tL t2t | tt fey feta t]2is| |1{ [+[2]1 2 2 {16.1 18 | AF | Fle@/19/ 1 ian 1 }2[1{1]1 cal ia laa | | oH | i+] | | ¥ ? a. 87123) @ 1 1 2) 3 lalal4 1 | Clogg’s Cave, Vict. 17.74.8 vey oh Oo. [31] | {of a | 1 1| 2 | 2 5. Hf | | falls 15.64.25) @ el 1 | 1[2 Madura Cave, W.A.(M.I.) (5) os sayy 8 cal [4] [ Shs] | eel | foal V | | 1 L alk [s7t27/ ¢ c | 1]3|3 14 2 2 2 1 Koonalda Cave, S.A. 23.7t.a5\¥eg Ch O 16 ee { 2 | i Je | pa | ‘ 23.656 =Ch/) . if = | ic % T King Creek, Qld. ik 546.1 F 4 | ' || | | | | i +t 1! EW P 16.74.25 o/ | * 1 tiilola 1/3 | 1 1 Victoria Fossil Cave, S.A.) ¥ 25 pie 12 5 a Fe et To | fm bay y Lancefield, Vict. 26.6+.65 Sie/3/1 1 | | lao oll ee! | | a | al tl ‘McEac i Victe “cr lol tara | era A 20t18/ # P/ | « 1 | Hi | ot | 1 McEachern’s Cave, Vict. 5 ¢+.a5 9% Ch ¢ | 9) | Nt, FN | al ed a oe |e} |_| | plies 8 yu | .32408) # | . i 1/2 1/1 Belial) a 1 Devil's Lair, W.A. as.2er.alyee coo’ 17 |2 ane | eh | | | | ; ae , (23.8224) 9 eT | 1 1 ie Poa | Henschke’s Bone Dig, S.AJ’ 4.18 yey-Ch P e | 8 1 | | fib ro Lh Newent T 7 om owl = ic ot t—T Madura Cave, W.A(L.I.) [37.949 5/ yey 8 ca [ 1 | | 5 | it. : ! | | pal i Le a {| | T Mammoth Cave, W.A. | > 37 [qep-Ch| P SEE | inn T | | eet | | ak all WE | [ I [eal witli (pal ea 1 4)4|4 Green Waterhole, S.A. >40/] AF |LI] 441 i | i 1/1] |_| | | | p. acl Mes sca Sire, cal oltm al | 1/1] 1} f2fita l1|4 Pyramids Cave, Vict(Li) | >40| ar |o|+ 8 eer | ed 2 | : 834 - BAIRD + PALAELODIDAE The only Quaternary material referrable to the Paleolodidae in the world comes from Kudnampirra (Locality 4) Cooper Creek Lower, South Australia (Baird & Rich, in press). The single specimen is referred to a new species of Palaelodus, which is restricted to the Australian continent, and is the youngest record for the family in the world. [SA 5] TYTONIDAE - MASKED OWLS This is one of the only groups of predatory birds to use caves with any frequency in Australia. Because of this fact and that owls of the genus Tyo have been demonstrated to have low pH stomach acid and, therefore, produce bones in their ejectamenta of remarkable completeness, they are probably the most important accumulators of small mammals and birds in Australia (see Baird, Chap. 10, this volume). This dubious distinction has done little to enliven interest in the natural histories of the four species in the genus nor has it produced any work on the differences in the taphonomy between the two most important species, Tyto alba (Barn Owl) and T. novaehollandiae (Masked Owl). The only references to these animals are restricted to anecdotal accounts of the probable size of prey species for each. Because of this most of the deposits are attributed to T. novaehollandiae with little or no corroborating evidence (see Baird, Chap. 10, this volume, for more information). The only two species recorded in the fossil record are T. alba and T. novaehollandiae. They occur throughout the deposits of southern Australia. Most importantly, both species have been recorded from the cave deposits of the Nullarbor Plain, where in historical times only T. novaehollandiae had been recorded with any confidence (Parker 1977). [S.A. 5, 9, 14, 33, 37, 39, 46; Vic. 2a, 2g; W.A. 4, 7e, 7i, 71] STRIGIDAE - HAWK-OWLS Members of this family are rarely recorded as fossils. Only a single deposit, McEachern's roan Victoria has yielded specimens referrable to Ninox connivens (Barking Owl: McNamara 1981). [Vic. 6] PODARGIDAE - FROGMOUTHS The Podargidae are only known from a few fossil assemblages (Scotts River, Western Australia; Clogg's Cave, Victoria; and Aiyenu Cave, Western Australia). All specimens have been referred to Podargus strigoides (Tawny Frogmouth) but are largely represented by fragmentary material, except in McEacherns Cave, where a number of associated elements are found. [Vic. 6; W.A. 4, 8] AEGOTHELIDAE - OWLET-NIGHTJARS Aegothelids occur regularly in cave deposits and are considered autochthonous speleophyles (regular cave dwellers); therefore, the inclusion of their elements in any cave assemblage should be considered to be more a result of periodic deaths of aged individuals rather than the result of any other accumulating agent (unless evidence can prove otherwise). All of the specimens recorded to date are referrable to the extant species Aegotheles cristatus (Australian Owlet-nightjar). The Australian specimens have been compared with modern species and show none of the gigantism seen in the New Zealand genus, Megaegotheles (Rich QUATERNARY AVIFAUNA OF AUSTRALIA - 835 & Scarlett 1977), now placed in Aegotheles by Olson et al. (1987 Id. 10; S.A. 9; Vic. 2 2c, 2g, 6b; WA 1, 7f, 7i, 10] Eg ert APODIDAE - SWIFTS Swifts have been recorded from one Quaternary deposit in Australia, Mabel Cave, Victoria. A number of specimens of Hirundapus caudacutus (White-throated Needletail) were found in the cave. This was considered unusual because these Swifts rarely alight on land; therefore, the cause of the concentration was hypothesised to have been either a bushfire or thunderstorm forcing them to earth where the accumulator of the deposit could collect them. It is expected that Collocalia spodiopygia (White-rumped Swiftlet) will occur in the cave deposits in northern Australia as it is currently resident there and is recorded from caves in the eee = (New Ireland (Baird, unpubl. data) and New Caledonia (Balouet & Olson 1989)). ic. COLUMBIDAE - PIGEONS There have been a wide variety of pigeons recorded as fossils in Australia including Leucosarcia melanoleuca (Wonga Pigeon), Phaps chalcoptera (Brush Bronzewing) and P. elegans (Common Bronzewing). Pigeons are recorded from both fluviatile (e.g. Darling Downs, Queensland) and cave deposits (e.g. Mabel Cave, Victoria). The smaller species (e.g. Ptilinopus spp.) are expected from Tyto-accumulated cave assemblages in northern Australia as they are excavated because species of this size have been recorded from islands in the Pacific (e.g. New Ireland, Baird, unpubl. data). After reviewing the types of Nyroca effodiata de Vis 1905, Leucosarcia proevisa de Vis 1905 and Lithophaps ulnaris de Vis 1891, van Tets & Rich (1980) concluded that all three were referrable to the extant genus Phaps. The large size of the fossil material suggested an association with either P. chalcoptera or P. histrionica (Flock Bronzewing), but it was too large to be P. elegans. [N.S.W. 11; Qld. 3, 10; S.A. 5, 12f, 19; Tas. 2; Vic. 2a, 2c, 6a, 6b; WA 1, 7d, 7e, 7f, 10] CACATUIDAE - COCKATOOS Until the material from Green Waterhole was reported by Baird (1985), there had been no cockatoos recorded as fossils in Australia. Since then, there have been reports of fossil cockatoo material from several deposits, but none are as rich in number of species and individuals as Green Waterhole (see Baird, in press b). The extant species recorded in the fossil record include Calyptorhynchus lathami (Glossy Black-cockatoo), C. funereus (Yellow-tailed Black-cockatoo: Mabel Cave, Victoria), C. magnificus (Red-tailed Black-cockatoo), Callocephalon fimbriatum (Gang Gang), Cacatua tenuirostris (Long-billed Corella), Cacatua roseicapilla (Galah)(Baird 1985, 1986b). Of these C. lathami from Green Waterhole represents a range extention (see section on biogeography, this chapter) and the Cacatua tenuirostris from Green Waterhole represents an example of Pleistocene gigantism where the fossil material is on average 4% larger than the extant C. tenuirostris. [Vic. 2c, 6a; S.A. 19] LORIIDAE - LORIKEETS Lorikeets can be the most abundant and conspicuous birds when eucalypt species are flowering abundantly. Their relative abundance can also be quite high in some avian 836 - BAIRD assemblages. For example, in Devil's Lair Glossopsitta porphyrocephala remains make up 42% of the total avian assemblage (based on minimum numbers of individuals: Rich & Baird 1986). All of the southern species are represented in avian assemblages, including Glossopsitta concinna (Musk Lorikeet), G. porphyrocephala (Purple-crowned Lorikeet), G. pusilla (Little Lorikeet) and Trichoglossus haematonotus (Rainbow Lorikeet). The three species of Glossopsitta can be separated by size, with G. concinna the largest, G. porphyrocephala of middle size and G. pusilla the smallest. Trichoglossus is larger still than G. concinna. [Vic. 2a, 2c, 2g, 6b; W.A. 1, 10] PLATYCERCIDAE - BROAD-TAILED PARROTS Species of the broad-tailed parrots are some of the best indicators of changes in the environment of Australia in the past 30,000 years. For example, the range extensions of Psephotus varius (Mulga Parrot: Devil's Lair, Western Australia) and Melopsittacus undulatus (Budgerigar: Clogg's Cave, Victoria) along with other data are indicative of drier climates during the height of the last glacial period. Species in this family may also be good indicators of disturbance of habitats since European settlement, as in the case of Geopsittacus occidentalis (Night Parrot: Madura Cave, W.A.) on the Roe Plain and Pezoporus wallicus (Ground Parrot: Seton Rock Shelter, Kangaroo Island; Victoria Fossil Cave, South Australia and Clogg's Cave, Victoria) in southeastern Australia (Baird in press b). There have been a wide range of species in this family recorded from late Quaternary assemblages in Australia. These include Alisterus scapularis (King Parrot), Polytelis anthopeplus (Regent Parrot), Pezoporus wallicus, Geopsittacus occidentalis, Melopsittacus undulatus, Lathamus discolor (Swift Parrot), Purpureicephalus spurius (Red-capped Parrot), Platycercus elegans (Crimson Rosella), P. icterotus (Western Rosella), P. eximius (Eastern Rosella), Barnardius zonarius (Port Lincoln Parrot), Psephotus varius, Northiella haematogaster (Bluebonnet), Neophema chrysostoma (Blue-winged Parrot), N. elegans (Elegant Parrot) and N. slendida (Scarlet-chested Parrot) Characters for the identification of these genera and species are largely unpublished, but many can be accessed in Baird (1986c). [NSW 16; S.A. 12f, 19, 24; Vic. 2a, 2c, 2e, 2g, 4, 6a, 6b; W.A. 1, 7e, 7f, 10] CUCULIDAE - CUCKOOS There are both extinct and extant species of cuckoos recorded in Australia. The extinct species was described as Centropus colossus (Baird 1985) and provides both a range extension and the largest example for the genus. The extant species include most of those species within the prey size range for Tyto alba (i.e. Cuculus pallidus (Pallid Cuckoo), C. pyrrhophanus (Fan- tailed Cuckoo), C. variolosus (Brush Cuckoo), Chrysococcyx lucidus (Shining Bronze-cuckoo), etc.) All of these species can be identified by size of the postcranial elements except material falling in the area of mensural overlap between Chrysococcyx basalis (Horsfield's Bronze- cuckoo) and C. lucidus. [S.A. 19; Vic. 2a, 2c; WA 7d, 7e, 71, 10] ALCEDINIDAE - KINGFISHERS _ All of the southern species of alcedinids have been found in the fossil record. The list includes: _Ceyx azureus (Azure Kingfisher), Halcyon sancta (Sacred Kingfisher), H. pyrrhopygia (Red-backed Kingfisher) and Dacelo novaeguineae (Laughing Kookaburra). These species are easily identified by their size (Baird 1985, 1986c). QUATERNARY AVIFAUNA QF AUSTRALIA - 837 Halcyon Pyrrhopygia is recorded from Clogg's Cave, Victoria at the height of the last sees and is considered part of the suite of species indicative that the region was drier than y. The record of Dacelo novaeguineae from Fox Cave (SAM P.19041) was originally incorrectly reported as a large rail (Rich & van Tets 1982). [N.S.W. 10: Qld. 10: S.A. 19: Vic. 2a, 2c, 6b, 6d; W.A. 8] ). [N ; Qld. 10; S.A. 19; a °o Es | | <3 hy £2 é | ® 3 ¢ >5 @. |e «| | © 5 = /|68 x | s ® o|£|E]o | 2 2 Es oO sti gif |2i/e/o/s e/s/=|s|s|& o| 8 E PASSERINES = 3 Sas lsdie/S8/815 o/ s/o] 3/2] 2/8} e}mrfoelse!s 5 = 2 =3 S;EleElS Sislslal] sis) s/s] Fis/slsl/szl ez] sisz es SB (BELO ISELS/SlS FLEE} LIS! slo; S| 2/SlFB/2/ 28] s18 se =o = of aa gsicelas o/s S|/o}/e2} 2/0} 2}]a]/o}/E/€E 3 |e] s (8s o> = aa} ®/ES| 2 3 = £/2 2 Qo rs ale a = Q P= oS b= 2 2/02 ae | £ OL XP ISZ,SE/ ES EIS} se} a] uj} ele} o;/ao;/2/8 l/c] & lf] olae <6 = aos}/m)jz22, a /rj/Szlojn} Si Slalasyol ni slasyo}la«el}|o}alo fas = 1 Le || { Sj" jrjpsihi’ H{ojfN {=f | Mabel Cave, Vict <10 MF |MC| © | 15 144 | ria} a)2 114 | 1|2 a} 4a]4 —— a ion 5 A ~ _ + Skull Cave, WA 2.92.08| 3, chlo} +) 5) 4] 4 nok Ta a Nt = | es ee } ae 1 SS Se eel Madura Cave, WA (Upper level) 5+ 12 yey 8 . 2 1 1 | a —— =— + os t—j—} + 4} ff ff Amphitheatre Cave.Vict 46 |yey -B/ P| 1 6 | 1 2 rfa fa Seton Rock Shel SA ose rely tle bd a Tal | V4 il | | i} | f 2 | 1 ton ock elter e, © | Keck lag ab j16.12.1 |0F Md) at EY tt | | Ls me +] 4 we | | | ‘ | Clogg's Cave, Vict Eaters weg chl | + | 16 r/1}/2]a]2}e2]4 2/4 1 1 1 | —. - —_—. ~~ + + + i oD + _+—_} _}_}_ ff __4 __}_ P 15.62.25) 7 | ] T T i Madura Cave, WA, (Middle level) a2atsaleee 2 | O | * | 4 1 1 1 1 esd eet |} +} a I j 4 os Cs es = - . Koonalda Cave. SA Be lete ch} oO | 5 | 10] ol aol (Ae 2 1 | 1 [ A =o Trerz2s|@ h/iow) eT) ac a | =F 7 ro) Victoria Fossil Gave, S.A 19:24:26) 35 ChiO?! 2 1 1 Mictoria Fossil Cave > 25 9°" 8B MC2 @ | | | iz eI h ye McEachern’s Cave, Vict. | 2.08 1815. -chipiel "| 4 TT | 1 ] 1 2 ce ave. Vic | — —_|zereea5/9°F | et ets pooh Stee | || . | Devil's Lair, WA aoe | peg CHIME! | 7\4 i 1 | 1|4 1 1 - eae Freee TETE i A a = 4 + + + + a5.q224) 7 _. 5 | 1 Henschke's Bone Dig, SA 1.8lge,-Chl P 1 | | = intial oe ldo _| >ss'"|wie @{}_j | 1 | | | a Abe bere Ded Madura Cave, W.A. (Lower level) [37 9:35\y%y 8 OO} * | 1 | 1 I Cites ss kame ope ient ARE nhs 4 AE ee Se eb T { oj} + + + . rT] ] Green Waterhole, SA > 40 AF b* | 5 1 1 1 } 1 1 alee 2 | 4 a Poe OS Set a el + +} + — Pyramids Cave, Vict(Lower level)| > 40 AF O}e i t]4 3 | | 1 1 I 1 | = 6 | ak Es Bees {oo jt _ =e Table 3: Distribution of families of passerine birds across the major Quaternary-aged localities in Australia. MENURIDAE - LYREBIRDS It is curious that Menura is absent from the fossil record, especially as several other terrestrial birds have been recorded from cave deposits. The factors considered most important for the apparent lack of this taxon from cave deposits is that there are few pitfall traps within the range of either species (i.e. Menura novaehollandiae (Superb Lyrebird) and M. alberti (Albert's Lyrebird)), and that Menura is capable of flying vertically. The latter would enable individuals to free themselves from pitfall caves where many other terrestrial vertebrates would be trapped. ATRICHORNITHIDAE - SCRUB-BIRDS Both species of Atrichornis, A. clamosus (Noisy Scrub-bird) and A. rufescens (Rufous Scrub-bird), have been recorded in the fossil record. Atrichornis clamosus material is restricted to two caves in the southwest of Western Australia. Although the caves are not within the species’ current distribution, the historical distribution of the species probably included the whole southwestern corner up as far north as Perth. The A. rufescens fossil material from Pyramids Cave, Victoria is smaller than the northern representatives of the species, although it is uncertain whether a species cline or palaeospecies occurred. The latter is believed most 838 - BAIRD likely as the species demonstrates a north-south cline today (Ferrier 1984, Baird, in prep. b). [Vic. 22; W.A. 1, 10] HIRUNDINIDAE - SWALLOWS Baird (1985) considered all the taxa within the family Hirundinidae to be inseparable due to the large amount of intraspecific variation in their postcranial osteological characters. The family can be easily identified, but determination, at the moment, should be left at gen. et sp. indet. (see Baird, submitted b). The family has several species which frequently nest in caves (e.g. Hirundo neoxena (Welcome Swallow), H. rustica (Barn Swallow), Cecropis ariel (Fairy Martin)), and, therefore, considered to be speleophiles. Because of this their material should be removed from the discussion of the taphonomy of otherwise allochthonous deposits (see Baird, Chap. 10, this volume). [S.A. 12f, 19; Vic. 2a, 2c, 2f, 6a, 6b; W.A. 1, 7e, 10] ORTHONYCHIDAE - LOGRUNNERS, QUAIL-THRUSHES, WHIPBIRDS, ETC. Osteologically the members of this family are very diverse. A far more satisfactory taxonomic arrangement is that proposed by Sibley & Ahlquist (1985) where all members, except Orthonyx are removed from the family and distributed elsewhere. For the time being I will follow tradition but cover the component parts individually. Orthonyx - Logrunners This interesting group of birds has not been let down by its fossil record. There are several occurrences of the genus or similar genera in southeastern Australia. The first to be described was Orthonyx hypsilophus (Baird 1985) from an incomplete pelvis in Green Waterhole, southeastern South Australia. The individual described was larger than the largest extant species O. spauldingi (Chowchilla) and believed to form a grade in the developement of using the hindlimb for foraging. Additional material has come to light which has altered this view, and the new species is currently believed to belong to a separate genus. A second new species is recorded from Pyramids Cave, eastern Victoria (Baird 1986c) and is believed io be similar to, but smaller than, O. temminckii (Logrunner). As there is no obvious cline in the extant species (as is found with A¢trichornis rufescens), the material will be described as a new species. [S.A. 19, Vic. 22] Cinclosoma - Quail Thrushes Several species of quail-thrush have been found in cave deposits including Cinclosoma punctatum (Spotted Quail-thrush), C. alisteri (Nullarbor Quail-thrush) and C. cinnamomeum (Cinnamon Quail-thrush). Although the amount of comparative material is not extensive, the basic species groups can be delineated via mensural characters. C. alisteri can be useful in determing palacoenvironment, as the species is currently restricted to the treeless plain of the the Bunda Plateau, It is interesting to note that the osteological features which I have used to define Cinclosoma also occur in Ptillorhoa (Baird, pers. obs.). [S.A. 9; Vic 2a, 2c, 2 ' 7b, 74, 7e, 70) E rel ; Vic 2a, 2c, 2g, 6a, 6b; W.A. QUATERNARY AVIFAUNA OF AUSTRALIA - 839 Psophodes/Sphenostoma - Whipbird/Wedgebill Psophodes olivaceus (Eastern Whipbird) occurs in several deposits in eastern Victoria. Although cave deposits occur in the appropriate areas, P. nigrogularis (Western Whipbird) has not yet been recorded. [Vic 2a, 2g] Sphenostoma has only been found from cave deposits on the Bunda Plateau. They have been referred to Sphenostoma sp. and are most likely Sphenostoma occidentalis (Chiming Wedgebill) based upon biogeographic probability. [S.A. 7e] SYLVIIDAE - OLD WORLD WARBLERS Cincloramphus is readily identified on two of its postcranial elements, the humerus and tarsometatarsus. Both species have been recorded in the fossil record and are separable on mensural characters, with C. cruralis (Brown Songlark) larger than C. mathewsi (Rufous Songlark). Also both species exhibit sexual size dimorphism, with the males significantly larger than the females. There is an area of mensural overlap where female C. cruralis cannot be separated from male C. mathewsi, and, therefore, only the male C. cruralis and female C. mathewsi can be identified with certainty. Cinclorhamphus material in both Weekes Cave (van Tets 1974b) and Seton Rock Shelter (Hope ef al. 1977) has been restudied and referred to cf. Lichenostomus virescens (Singing Honeyeater) and indeterminate Passeriformes, respectively. Megalurus timoriensis has been recorded from Mabel Cave, eastern Victoria, which is an extension of its range to the south. This deposit is considered to be Holocene, and unless it represents the early Holocene then there is no clear correlation between a time of climatic amelioration and the presence of this species. [SA 12f; Vic 2a, 2c, 4; WA Te] MALURIDAE - FAIRY WRENS, GRASS WRENS Both the humerus and femur are easily identifiable to this family and form the basis for most of the records discussed below. Malurus - Fairy-wrens Material referred to this genus has been found in a number of avian assemblages from caves. None of the fossil material has been identified to species level due to the lack of morphological characters and the extensive overlap in mensural characters among the extant species. [Vic. 2a, 2c; W.A. 1, 10] Amytornis - Grass-wrens Amytornis material has been found on the Bunda Plateau (Baird 1986c), Flinders Ranges (e.g. Mair's Cave, South Australia) and Kangaroo Island, South Australia (Baird, unpubl. data). That from the Bunda Plateau is identified as A. textilis (Thick-billed Grass-wren) based upon both morphological and mensural characters and believed to have formed the bridge between eastern and western populations of that species (Baird 1986c). The other material has not been fully studied. Amytornis species, because of their restricted range of habitats, are considered useful indicators of palaeoenvironments. [S.A. 9, 13f; W.A. 7b, 7d, 7e, 7f] 840 - BAIRD Stipiturus - Emu-wrens The smallest of the malurids, the genus Stipiturus and its species are easily identified by size. Only S. malachurus (Southern Emu-wren) has been recorded, but these specimens come from a wide range of localities, including Kangaroo Island (i.e. Seton Rock Shelter, Baird, unpubl. data) and Clogg's Cave, Victoria (Baird 1986c). [S.A. 13; Vic 2a] ACANTHIZIDAE - BRISTLE BIRDS, AUSTRALIAN WARBLERS, TITS Acanthiza - Thornbills Acanthiza has been recorded as fossil in cave deposits (¢.g. A. chrysorrhoa (Yellow-rumped Thornbill)). Only one specimen has been identified to species level, because the bulk of the species overlap so extensively in mensural characters and identification to species level is not considered possible. [Vic 2c; WA 7f] Pycnoptilus - Pilotbirds Pycnoptilus has always been considered monotypic based on the extant representative. Interestingly, there has now been found material referrable to this genus which is significantly smaller than the modern species P. floccosus (Pilotbird) and occurs contemporaneously in an avian assemblage with the modern species (i.e. Pyramids Cave, eastern Victoria). [Vic 2a, 2c, 2g] Dasyornis - Bristlebirds All three modern species of bristlebirds have been recorded in the fossil record and one is represented by a number of postcranial elements. The species are distinct from one another in size with D, broadbenti (Rufous Bristlebird) the largest and D. longirostris (Western Bristlebird) the smallest (see Baird 1985, 1986c). D. longirostris, currently Testricted to the extreme southwest of Western Australia, is only found in the cave deposits of that area (e.g. Devil's Lair and Skull Cave). In the southeast of Australia there are currently two parapatric species (D. brachypterus (Eastern Bristlebird) and D. broadbenti ), with D. broadbenti restricted to western Victoria and D. brachypterus to the east coast from eastern Victoria to southern Queensland. Parapatry in these two species seems to be a relatively recent phenomenon, for D. brachypterus is found in cave deposits in western Victoria (Amphitheatre Cave and Curran's Creek Cave) and D. broadbenti is found in a cave in eastern Victoria (Clogg's Cave) (Baird, submitted b; Baird 1986c). [Vic. 2a, 2c, 6, 7,9; S.A. 22, 23; W.A. 1, 10] NEOSITTIDAE - SITTELAS Neositta chrysoptera (Varied Sittella) is identifiable by its humerus and recorded from Mabel Cave. [Vic 2c] CLIMACTERIDAE - TREE-CREEPERS The Climacteridae is one of the more unusual and, therefore, easily identified families in Australia. The species in this family share the unique character of the tarsus of having two very deeply excavated sulci on the trochleae for digits III and IV (Baird, in press c). Along with numerous other characters, the family can be identified based on at least three of its seven long QUATERNARY AVIFAUNA OF AUSTRALIA - 841 bones. Unfortunately, species level determination is not considered possible at this time due to extensive size overlap of their postcranial elements. [Vic. 2a, 2c, 2g; WA 10] MELIPHAGIDAE - HONEYEATERS The family is known in almost every Quaternary cave deposit, but due to the morphological uniformity within the group, generic separation is not currently considered possible except where unique characters provide additional information as with the mandible of Melithreptus (Morioka & Bock 1971). [S.A. 12f, 19; Vic 2c; WA 4, 7e, 7f, 71] PARDALOTIDAE - PARDALOTES Material referred to the Pardalotidae is only identified to genus and is restricted to Cloggs Cave [Vic. 2a] PLOCEIDAE - FINCHES Postcranial elements of finches are found in a number of deposits but for the most part cannot be separated to generic or specific level. The cranial material from Weekes Cave, South pale has been referred to Poephila guttata (Zebra Finch: van Tets 1974b). [Vic 2a, 6b; A 71, 10] PTILONORHYNCHIDAE - BOWERBIRDS The bowerbirds are currently restricted to eastern Australia but occur across a variety of habitats. The only species reported in fossil assemblages is Ptilonorhynchus violaceus (Satin Bowerbird). Historically, the species has only been recorded as far to the west as the Otway Ranges, Victoria. Baird (submitted b) has noted the species as fossil as far as the Glenelg River, on the South Australian/Victorian border. The cave deposit is mid-Holocene, but it has been suggested that the species has since left the region because the climate has since changed making the habitat unsuitable to the species which prefers a range of habitats between wet sclerophyll and rainforest. [Vic 2c, 2g, 6a] ARTAMIDAE - WOOD SWALLOWS There are three species of wood-swallows which are restricted to the drier parts of inland Australia (Artamus cinereus (Black-faced Woodswallow), A. leucorhynchus (White-breasted Woodswallow) and A. superciliosus (White-browed Woodswallow)). They can be used in faunal analysis as indicators of this type of environmental regime. Artamus personatus (Masked Woodswallow) occurs both in the wetter sections of the continent and the drier sections. A. minor (Littke Woodswallow) is restricted to northern Australia, and A. cyanopterus (Dusky Woodswallow) occurs in only the wetter portions of the continent. The family can be identified by both cranial and postcranial characters. Interspecific identification relies on mensural characters, but only given a combination of elements where the variation in proportions of postcranial elements is sufficient to offset the overlap of ranges of individual elements (Baird 1986c). The species thus far identified from fossil avian assemblages include A. cyanopterus in both southwestern Western Australia (e.g. Skull Cave) and eastern Victoria (e.g. Clogg's Cave and Mabel Cave), and A. cinereus on the Bunda Plateau (e.g. Koonalda Cave). 842 - BAIRD The three skulls identified as A. leucorhynchus from Weekes Cave (van Tets 1974b) have been restudied and appear to belong to both Cinclosoma alisteri (two skulls) and Artamus sp. (one skull). [Vic. 2a, 2c; W.A. 1, 7d, 7e, 7£, 71) GRALLINIDAE - MUDLARKS Although there are two published occurrences of Grallina cyanoleuca (Australian Magpie- lark) as fossil (i.e. Seton Rock Shelter (Hope et al. 1977) and Victoria Fossil Cave (van Tets & Smith 1974)), one is considered a misidentification (Baird, unpubl. data), and the other lacks diagnostic characters for identification and needs to be restudied. [SA 12f, 26] CRACTICIDAE - BUTCHERBIRDS, MAGPIES, CURRAWONGS The cracticids are a group peculiar to Australasia but have some links with the corvids (Sibley & Ahlquist 1985). Today the family has representatives in every terrestrial habitat, mainly serving as scavengers or omnivores, although Sibley & Ahlquist (1985) have included the aerial insectivorous genera Artamus and Peltops in their tribe Cracticini. The family can be distinguished from the Australian corvids by many characters, some of which have been pointed out in Baird (submitted b). There are several fossil deposits with members of this family, including Seton Rock Shelter (Hope et al. 1977), Devils Lair (Baird 1986). Larger cracticid material, which includes Strepera versicolor (Grey Currawong), S. graculina (Pied Currawong) and Gymnorhina tibicen (Australian Magpie), overlap in size where versicolor and graculina covers G. tibicen and therefore identification is only confident outside of the area of overlap. Identification to species level is based upon measurements of total lengths of elements. Distal and proximal ends have been found to overlap too extensively in their size ranges between species to be reliable. Because of this, the material from Seton Rock Shelter has been relegated back to the Cracticidae due to its fragmental nature, until some other species specific characters can be demonstrated. [S.A. 12f, 26; Vic. 4, 6a, 6d; W.A. 2, 10] CORVIDAE - CROWS This family ranges across Australia, with the crows occurring in the north (Corvus orru (Torresian Crow), C. bennetii (Little Crow)) and the ravens (C. tasmanicus (Forest Raven), C. coronoides (Australian Raven), C. mellori (Little Raven)) in the south. To date, there have been no fossil species of crow identified with certainty. The problem with species identification is that pre-1970 the exact number and identification of the Australian species had not been studied in detail. With Rowley's paper on the genus (Rowley 1970), the classification has settled, but because of the unsurity of identification of material collected pre-1970 these specimens can only be used as guides. Secure determinations will require new series of each species to be collected. The genus has been recorded in a number of fossil localities, mainly in the southeast, but this is probably biased by the number of deposits studied there. This group would benefit from a concerted osteological analysis. Specimens from Victoria Cave (van Tets & Smith, 1974) of Corvus tasmanicus have been reassigned to Corvus sp. until sufficient amounts of comparative material of all the species occurring in the Naracoorte area are available. [S.A. 12f, 19, 26; Vic 2a, 6a] QUATERNARY AVIFAUNA OF AUSTRALIA - 843 ACKNOWLEDGEMENTS Thanks are extended to the following people and their respective institutions who kindly loaned much of the fossil material included in this chapter (in alphabetical order): Dr Ken MacNamara, curator of Palaeontology at the Western Australian Museum; Mr Neville Pledge, curator of Palaeontology at the South Australian Museum; Dr Tom Rich, curator of Fossil Vertebrates at the Museum of Victoria. I would also like to express my appreciation for the numerous loans of modern comparative material made possible through the help of the following people and their respective institutions Gin alphabetical order): Mr W. Boles, assistant curator of Omithology at the Australian Museum; Ms Belinda Gillies, assistant curator of Ornithology at the Museum of Victoria; Dr G. Ingram, curator of Ornithology, and Mr W. Longmore, assistant curator of Ornithology at the Queensland Museum; Mr S. Parker, curator of Ornithology at the South Australian Museum; Dr G. Storr, curator of Ornithology, and Mr R. Johnstone, assistant curator of Ornithology at the Western Australian Museum; Dr G. van Tets, senior research scientist at the C.S.I.R.O.; Dr F. Vuillemiur, head of Ornithology at the American Museum of Natural History. Special thanks are extended to Dr Charles Meredith for reading various drafts of this manuscript. REFERENCES ALLEN, H., 1972. Where the Crow Flies Backwards : Man and Land in the Darling Basin. Ph.D. Thesis Aust. Nat. Univ., Canberra. ANDERSON, C, & FLETCHER, H.O., 1934. The Cuddie Springs bone bed. Aust. Mus. Mag. 5: 152-158. ARCHER, M., 1974. Excavations in the Orchestra Shell Cave, Wanneroo, Western Australia. Archaeol. Phys. Anthrop. Oceania 9: 156-162. ARCHER, M., 1978. Quaternary vertebrate faunas from the Texas Caves of southeastern Queensland. Mem. Qd. Mus. 19: 61-109. ARCHER, M. & BAYNES, A., 1972. Prehistoric mammal faunas from two small caves in the extreme southwest of Westem Australia. J. R. Soc. West. Aust. 55: 80-89. ARCHER, M., CRAWFORD, I.M. & MERRILEES, D., 1980. Incisions, breakages and charring, some probably man made, in fossil bones from Mammoth Cave, Western Australia. Alcheringa 4: 115-131. BAIRD, R.F., 1984. The Pleistocene distribution of the Tasmanian Native Hen Gallinula mortierii mortierii. Emu 84: 119-123. BAIRD, R.F., 1985. Avian fossils from Quatemary deposits in "Green Waterhole Cave", south-eastern South Australia. Rec. Aust. Mus. 37: 353-370. BAIRD, R.F., 1986a. Tasmanian Native-hen Gallinula mortierii: The first Late Pleistocene record from Queensland. Emu 86: 121-122. BAIRD, R.F., 1986b. 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Locality Dates Material Codes (Upper & Lower) (x 1000 yBP) Queensland King Creek 23.6+0.6//41.5+6.1 South Australia {13f] Seton Rock Shelter 10.9+0.16//16.1+0.1 [27] Henschke's Bone Dig 33.8+2.4/-1.8//>35 Victoria Fossil Cave 16.74.25//>25 [7e, WA] Koonalda Cave 13.740.27//23.740.85 Baldina Creek 34.141.44 Molluscs SUA1065 Hookina Creek 33.27477//41.342? Tasmania [3] Cave Bay Cave 7.18+0.9//18.55+0.6 Shell ANU1552 Stockyard Site 760+0.07 Shell JF-78 12.6+0.2 R5001/4 MU-206 10.14+0.2 Victoria [2a] Clogg's Cave 8.742.3//22.27422 [6d] McEachems Cave 2.8+0.08//28.6+0.85 [7] Lancefield 26.6+0.65 {11] Spring Creek 19.8+0.39 Bushfield Bone Site 6.605+0.19 Western Australia Devil's Lair 0.32+0.08//35.2+1.8 Skull Cave 2.9+0.08//7.875+0.1 Madura Cave 7.5+0.12//37.94+3.5AU-28 AU-24 430+0.16 850 - BAIRD ET AL. APPENDIX II Localities Yielding Avian Assemblages of Quaternary Age in Australia RE. Baird!, P.V. Rich!’ & GF. van Tets> INTRODUCTION The following appendix is designed to provide information on the geographic location, species recorded and site information for Quaternary aged localities in Australia (i.e. radiocarbon dates, etc.). Identifications are derived from the literature, personal communications or personal observations of the senior author. Alterations from the listings in Rich & van Tets (1982) are real and determined primarily through the research of RFB. The organization of each section revolves around current political boundaries. The states are in alphabetical order, beginning with New South Wales and ending with Western Australia. There are no known fossil localities yielding avian material of Quaternary age in the Australian Capital Territory or the Northern Territory. The figures noting the geographical distributions of the deposits also make the distinction between cave deposits (open stars) and other deposits (closed stars: see Baird 1988a: this volume). These deposits were placed in alphabetical order and subsequently numbered. Cave names and numbers follow Matthews (1968). The species lists are exactly that, and stratigraphic or chronologic divisions of the material, if available, can be retrieved from the selected references. Organization and nomenclature in each species list follows the taxonomy presented in Condon (1975) and Schodde (1975). Common names for the various taxa can be found in the abovementioned references. 1 Department of Earth Sciences, Monash University, Clayton, Victoria 3168, Australia. 2 Departments of Botany and Zoology, Monash University, Clayton, Victoria 3168, Australia. 3 Division of Wildlife and Rangelands Management, CSIRO, Lyneham, Australian Capital Territory 2606, Australia, | Broken Hill e NEW SOUTH WALES (see Fig. I-1, below) © Bourke <3 Armidale @ ® Cobar *10 Pani 4 44 #15 #13 289 SYDNEY 4 yy 16 2 x 6 x CANBERRA e I oe ar nha * cave deposits aT mace Da § } 7 * all other deposits ) / . Q__100km * No — — State borders ta 4 e [1] Ashford Caves Area (UCMP Locs. V-67237 & V-5545). bone breccia (Rich 1975, Rich & van Tets 1982). cf. Haliaeetus leucogaster (Accipitridae), cf. Coturnix, (Phasianidae), Tumicidae, Psittaciformes, Passeriformes. [2] Bass Point * (Bowdler 1970, Gaughwin [3] [4] [5] 1978). Puffinus tenuirostris (Procellariidae), Aves undetermined. Bingara (Marcus 1975). Dromaius sp. cf. D. novaehollandiae (@romaiidae). Canadian Gold Lead (Gulgong/Mudgee) (Etheridge1889, Owen 1879b (unnamed sediments), Rich 1975). Dromomithidae (not Genyornis). Cuddie Springs (Anderson & Fletcher 1934). Genyornis sp. cf. G. newtoni QUATERNARY AVIAN LOCALITIES - 851 (Dromomithidae). [6] Currarong (Lampert 1971, Gaughwin 1978). Puffinus tenuirostris (Procellariidae), Aves undetermined. [7] Durras North (Lampert 1966, Gaughwin 1978). Puffinus tenuirostris (Procellariidae). [8] Fisherman's Cliff (Marshall 1973). Moorna Fm. (Fisherman's Cliff Local Fauna). Dromaiidae Undet. [9] Frenchman's Creek (Marshall 1973). Rufus Fm. (Frenchman's Creek Local Fauna). Dromaiidae Undet. [10] Lake Menindee (Tedford 1967, Rich 1975, Rich et al. 1982 Patterson & Rich 1987, Rich & van Tets 1982). Site 1 (UCMP V-67233). Dromaius novaehollandiae (Dromaiidae), Anatidae, cf. Megapodiidae. Site 2 (UCMP V-5371, =V-67185). Dromaius novaehollandiae (Dromaiidae), Falco berigora (Falconidae). Gallinula sp. (Rallidae) Halcyon sp. (Alcedinidae) Site 3 (UCMP V-67186). Dromaius sp. cf. D. novaehollandiae (Dromaiidae), cf. Cygnus atratus (Anatidae), Rallidae, Alcedinidae. Site 4 (UCMP V-67187). Anatidae, Rallidae, Burhinidae, 852 - BAIRD ET AL. Phoenicopteridae, Passeriformes. [11] Lake Tandou (Allen 1972, Rich 1975). Dromaius sp. (Dromaiidae), Podiceps sp. (Podicipedidae), cf. Ardeiformes, cf. Cygnus atratus (Anatidae), cf. Columbidae. [12] Lake Victoria (Marshall 1973). Lake Victoria Sands cf. Dromaius (Dromaiidae). [13] Walli (Canowindra/Mandurama) (van Tets 1974a). unknown cave Progura gallinacea (Megapodiidae). [14] Wellington (Mitchell 1839, Miller 1962, Rich 1975, van Tets 1974a). Bone Cave Mitchell's Cave Phosphate Mine 15] Willandra (Garpung A.). Anatidae (large sp.). [16] Wombeyan (Goulbum). Broom Breccia (UCMP V5537) (Hope 1982). Aves undet. Guineacor Cave (W-121). Progura naracoortensis (Megapodiidae), Turnix sp. (Turnicidae), Platycercus sp. cf. P. elegans (Platycercidae), Passeriformes. Wombeyan Quarry Cave (no longer exists) (Hope 1982). Dromaius sp. (Dromaiidae), Progura gallinacea (Megapodiidae). [17] Yessabah (near Kempsey). unknown cave Passeriformes. PAPUA NEW GUINEA [1] Pureni. Casuarius sp. (Casuariidae). QUEENSLAND (see Fig. I-2, below) Ww cave deposits Cairns * all other deposits Ai State bo a a ! eg hs [6] Floraville Crossing (Floraville Fauna). wali aA cf. Anseranas (Anatidae), a Maree ar Tumicidae. * OoWsea pe AS \ | €? | if. os, AS g ¢/ “h17 | [7] Gore (Longman 1945, van Tets 1974a, RR ohly “a Bartholomai 1977). iA tee QR Sina ; unnamed cave * allother deposits e ah 5 Progura naracoortensis (Megapodiidae). ee eee Aid 3 { ; f panes, ME af oot [8] Rockhampton District. ; ae BR rit I Olsen's Tourist Cave (O-1). f NT og , oe 25) Coturnix sp. (Phasianidae), , “aii syy 29. Turnix sp. (Tumicidae). Tas“ Vie aN, [9] Thorlindah (Paroo River) (Patterson & Rich [1] Baldina Creek (near Burra) (Patterson & 1987, Rich 1979). Rich 1987, Rich 1979). Dromaius novaehollandiae (Dromaiidae), Dromaius novaehollandiae (Dromaiidae), Genyornis sp. cf. G. newtoni (Dromomrnithidae). cf. Genyornis newton (Dromomithidae). [10] Victoria River. [2] Billeroo Creek (Curnamona) (Williams Russenden Cave (VR-2) * (upper bone-rich 1980). pocket wall) (Rich in Archer 1978). Eurinilla Fm. Coturnix sp. (Phasianidae), Dromaius sp. (Dromaiidae), Turnix sp. (Tumicidae), Genyornis newtoni (Dromomnithidae). 854 - [3] [4] [5] BAIRD ET AL. Burra (= Bute) (Patterson & Rich 1987). Dromaius novaehollandiae (Dromaiidae). Coffin Bay. Brother's Island (Patterson & Rich 1987, Johns 1966). beach sand aeolianite. Dromaius novaehollandiae (Dromaiidae), Aves, undet. COOPER CREEK (includes several localities collected originally by J.W. Gregory and later by R.A. Stirton, R.H. Tedford & colleagues, see Rich 1975). UNIVERSITY OF CALIFORNIA LOCALITIES (Miller 1963 - 1966a-b, Rich 1975, Rich & van Tets 1982, Rich et al. 1987). Katipiri Sands (Malkuni Fauna). Site 1 (UCMP V-5377). Rallidae. Site 2 (UCMP V-5378 = Unkimilka Waterhole). Dromaius sp. (Dromaiidae), Dromomnithidae, Phalacrocorax sp. (Phalacrocoracidae). Site 3 (UCMP V-5379) (between White Crossing and Site 2). Dromaius novaehollandiae (Dromaiidae), Phalacrocorax sp. (Phalacrocoracidae; middle-sized sp. and large sp.). Site 4 (UCMP V-5380). cf. Dromornithidae, Anhinga novaehollandiae (Anhingidae), Phalacrocorax sp. (Phalacrocoracidae; middle-sized sp. and large sp.), Anatidae, Xenorhynchopsis minor (Phoenicopteridae). Site 5 (UCMP V-5381 = Pirranna Soakage). Dromomithidae, Phalacrocorax sp. (Phalacrocoracidae; middle-sized sp.), Anatidae. Site 6 (UCMP V-5382 = Marconi locality = Malkuni Waterhole) (Rich et al. 1987, Rich & van Tets 1981). Podiceps sp. (Podicipedidae), Pelecanus conspicillatus (Pelecanidae), Phalacrocorax sp. (Phalacrocoracidae), Dromomithidae, Anatidae, cf. Aquila (Accipitridae), Tyto sp. cf. T. novaehollandiae (Tytonidae). Site 7 (UCMP V-5859) (Rich & van Tets 1981). Phalacrocorax sp. (Phalacrocoracidae; middle-sized sp.), Pelecanus conspicillatus (Pelecanidae), Ardeidae, Anatidae, Accipitridae, Phoenicopteridae. Site 8 (UCMP V-5860) (Patterson & Rich 1987, Rich & van Tets 1981). Dromaius sp. (Dromaiidae), Dromomithidae, Pelecanus conspicillatus (Pelecanidae), P. cadimurka, Phalacrocorax sp. (Phalacrocoracidae; large sp.), Ardeidae, Anatidae, Xenorhynchopsis tibialis (Phoenicopteridae). Site 9 (UCMP V-5861 = Katapiri or Kuttipurra Waterhole) (Rich & van Tets 1981). Dromaius sp. (Dromaiidae), Dromomithidae, Pelecanus cadimurka (Pelecanidae), Phalacrocorax sp. (Phalacrocoracidae; middle-sized sp.), Anatidae. Site 10 (UCMP V-5869). Anhinga novaehollandiae (Anhingidae), Phalacrocorax sp. (Phalacrocoracidae), Ciconiidae. Site 14 (UCMP V-5866). Podicipedidae, Anhinga novaehollandiae (Anhingidae), Pelecanus conspicillatus (Pelecanidae), Phalacrocorax sp. (Phalacrocoracidae), Ardeidae, Anatidae, Xenorhynchopsis minor (Phoenicopteridae). Site 16 (UCMP V-5868) (Rich & van Tets 1981). Pelecanus conspicillatus (Pelecanidae), Phalacrocorax sp. (Phalacrocoracidae), cf. Cygnus atratus (Anatidae). Site 18 (UCMP V-6147) (Rich & van Tets 1981). Dromaius sp. (Dromaiidae), Pelecanus conspicillatus (Pelecanidae), Phalacrocorax sp. (Phalacrocoracidae), Plataleidae, cf. Cygnus atratus (Anatidae), Columbidae. Locality unknown (Miller 1966a-b, Rich & van Tets 1981). Anhinga laticeps (Anhingidae), Pelecanus conspicillatus (= P. grandiceps, de Vis; Pelecanidae). H.Y.L. Brown Locality (Cutipirra) (Rich & van Tets 1982). Phalacrocoracidae. J.W. GREGORY LOCALITIES (de Vis, 1888-1905, Gregory 1906, many are synonyms of UCMP localities). East of Pirani (Olson 1977). Biziura lobata (= "Biziura exhumata",; Anatidae). Emu Camp (= Malkuni Waterhole = UCMP V-5382 = Markoni). (Olson 1977, Rich QUATERNARY AVIAN LOCALITIES - 855 1979, Rich & van Tets 1981). cf. Genyornis newtoni (Dromomnithidae), Pelecanus conspicillatus (Pelecanidae), (x) Phalacrocorax gregorti (Phalacrocoracidae), (x) P. vetustus, Anas castanea (= A. gracilipes, DeVis; Anatidae), (x) Archeocygnus lacustris, (x) Chenopsis nanus. Kalamurina (Rich & van Tets 1982). cf. Gypaetinae (questionable identification, P. V. Rich, pers. comm. ) COOPER CREEK, LOWER (Patterson & Rich 1987, Rich et al. 1982, Rich & van Tets 1982, Rich et al. 1987). unspecified locality. Dromaius novaehollandiae (Dromaiidae), Anhinga novaehollandiae (Anhingidae), Pelecanus conspicillatus (= P. grandiceps de Vis and = P. proavis, de Vis; Pelecanidae), (x) Phalacrocorax gregorit (Phalacrocoracidae), (x) P. vetustus, (x) Archeocygnus lacustris (Anatidae), (x) Chenopsis nanus, Anas castanea (= Nettapus eyrensis, de Vis and A. gracilipes, de Vis; Anatidae), Xenorhynchopsis tibialis (Phoenicoptertidae). Locality 2 (Mudlamarukupa) (Patterson & Rich 1987). Dromaius sp. (Dromaiidae), Dromomithidae. Locality 3 (Tantatuluru) (Patterson & Rich 1987). Dromaius sp. (Dromaiidae). Locality 4 (Kudnampirra) (Patterson & Rich 1987, Baird & Rich, in press). Dromaius novaehollandiae (= D. patricius, de Vis; Dromaiidae), 856 - BAIRD ET AL. Palaelodus sp. (Palaelodidae). Locality 5 (Eli Hartigs Soak) (Rich et al. 1982). Falco berigora (= Asturaetus "Plioaetus" furcillatus, de Vis; Falconidae). Locality 6 (Patara Mordu, Pataramordu, Pataruwordu). (x) Aviceda gracilis (Leptodontidae). COOPER CREEK, PIRANNA SOAKAGE. (Piaranni, Piranni, Pijari; see UCMP V-5381) (Rich & van Tets 1982, Rich et al. 1987). Unduwumpa (= Undusoumpa). (x) Archeocygnus lacustris (Anatidae), (x) Chenopsis nanus, Xenorhynchus minor (Phoenicopteridae). Wurdulmandkula (= Wurdulmankula) (Patierson & Rich 1987, van Tets & Rich 1980). Dromaius novaehollandiae (= D. patricius, de Vis; Dromaiidae), (x) Phalacrocorax gregorii (Phalacrocoracidae), (x) P. vetustus, (x) Archeocygnus lacustris (in part = Anatidae and Phoenicopteridae), (x) Chenopsis nanus (in part Phoenicopteridae), Phoenicopterus ruber (Phoenicopteridae), Ocyplanus proesus, Phaps sp. (either P. histronica or P. chalcoptera = Leucosarcia proevisa and Nyroca effodiata, DeVis; Columbidae). [6] CURRAMULKA (York Peninsula) (Rich & van Tets 1982). Cora Lynn Cave (Y-1). Tytonidae. Town Cave (Y-2). of. Ardeotis australis (Otididae). [7] [8] Dempsey's Lake (Williams 1980). Dromaiidae, Dromomithidae, Anatidae. Devon Downs (near Mannum) (Williams 1980). Dromaius novaehollandiae (Dromaiidae), Anas sp. (Anatidae), Cygnus atratus, Biziura lobata, Aquila audax (Accipitridae). Diamantina River (see Queensland). [9] FLINDERS RANGES REGION. Mair's Cave (F-3) (Baird 1984). Accipitridae, Falco cenchroides (Falconidae), Coturnix sp. (Phasianidae), Turnix sp. (Tumicidae), Gallinula mortierii (Rallidae), Columbiformes, Psittaciformes, Tyto alba (Tytonidae). Aegotheles cristatus (Aegothelidae), Cinclosoma sp. (Orthonychidae), Amytornis sp. (Maluridae), Passeriformes, unident. [10] Gawler (Rich & van Tets 1982). [11] Hookina Creek (Parachilna) (Williams Rallidae. 1980). Pooraka Fm. Dromaius sp. (Dromaiidae), Genyornis sp. (Dromomithidae), Aves undet. [13] KANGAROO ISLAND REGION. unknown locality. Dromatius baudinianus (Dromaiidae). [13a] Cape du Couedic (Parker 1984). Dromaius baudinianus (Dromaiidae). [13b] Eleanor River (Parker 1984). Dromaius baudinianus (Dromaiidae). [13c] Emu Four Hole Cave (K-20) (Williams 1980, Parker 1984). Dromaius baudinianus (Dromaiidae). [13d] Kelly Hill Cave (K-1) (Williams 1980, Parker 1984). Dromaius baudinianus (Dromaiidae). [13e] Rocky River (Williams 1980). swamp deposit. Dromaius sp. (Dromaiidae). [13f] Seton Rock Shelter (K-30) * (Hope et al. 1977). Pachyptila sp. cf. P. salvini (Procellariidae), Puffinus sp., Threskiornis sp. cf. T. molucca (Threskiomithidae), cf. Anseranas semipalmata (Anatidae), Tadorna sp. cf. T. tadornoides, Anas sp. cf. A. superciliosa, A. sp. cf. A. castanea, Malacorhynchus membranaceus, Hieraaetus morphoides (Accipitridae), Falco berigora (Falconidae), Coturnix sp. cf. C. pectoralis (Phasianidae), Turnix varia (Tumicidae), T. velox, Rallus philippensis (Rallidae), R. pectoralis, Porzana sp. cf. P. fluminea, Gallinula mortierit, G. ventralis, Burhinus magnirostris (Burhinidae), Gallinago hardwickii (Scolopacidae), Larus novaehollandiae (Laridae), Sterna sp. cf. S. nereis, Ocyphaps lophotes (Columbidae), Pezoporus wallicus (Platycercidae), QUATERNARY AVIAN LOCALITIES Lathamus discolor, Hirundinidae undet., Meliphagidae, Cincloramphus cruralis (Sylviidae), Grallina cyanoleuca (Grallinidae), Gymnorhina tibicen (Cracticidae), Strepera sp., Corvus sp. (Corvidae), Passeriformes, unident. [14] Lake Callabonna. (Holocene). Phalacrocorax sp. (Phalacrocoracidae). (Diprotodon level) (Patterson & Rich 1987, Stirling & Zietz 1896-1913, Rich 1979). Dromaius novaehollandiae (Dromaiidae), Genyornis newtoni (Dromomnithidae). [15] Lake Eyre area (exact locality unknown) (Rich & van Tets 1982). Phoenicopteridae (="Ocyplanus proeses" de Vis). [16] Lake Kanunka (Patterson & Rich 1987, Rich & van Tets 1982). Dromaius novaehollandiae (Dromaiidae), Phalacrocoracidae, Anatidae, Accipitridae, Charadriiformes, Phoenicopteridae. Site 1 (UCMP V-5772) (Miller 1963, Patterson & Rich 1987, Rich & van Tets 1982, Rich et al. 1987). Dromaius novaehollandiae (Dromaiidae), Anhinga novaehollandiae (Anhingidae), Ciconiidae, Anatidae, Grus sp. (Gruidae), Charadriiformes, Ocyplanus proesus. (Phoenicopteridae), Phoenicopterus ruber, Xenorhynchopsis minor, - 857 858 - BAIRD ET AL. Site 2 (Rich & van Tets 1981, Rich & van Tets 1982). Pelecanus cadimurka (Pelecanidae), P. conspicillatus, Accipitridae, Passeriformes. South (Rich & van Tets 1982). Ardeidae, Anatidae, Accipitridae, Rallidae, Otididae, Phoenicopteridae. [17] Lake Kittakittaooloo (Rich & van Tets 1982). Dromaius novaehollandiae (Dromaiidae). [18] Lake Millyera area (Callen 1984). Eurinilla Fm. cf. Dromaius (eggshell: Dromaiidae). [19] Lake Palankarinna (Williams 1980). Katipiri Sands (Channel Sand Locality, UCMP V-5854). Aves undet. [20] LOWER SOUTH EAST REGION unknown sinkhole (Mt. Gambier Range), (Lydekker 1891, Owen 1879a). cf. Genyornis newtoni (Dromomithidae). Goulden's Hole (L-8). Aquila audax (Accipitridae), Phalacrocorax melanoleucus (Phalacrocoracidae), Passeriformes, unident. "Green Waterhole"(L-81) (Williams 1980 Baird 1984, Baird 1985). Accipitridae, Falco sp. cf. F. berigora (Falconidae), Gallinula mortierii (Rallidae), Phaps chalcoptera (Columbidae), Phaps sp., Calyptorhynchus magnificus (Cacatuidae), C. lathami, Callocephalon fimbriatum, Cacatua tenuirostris, Platycercus sp. (Platycercidae), Centropus colossus (Centropodinae), Dacelo novaeguineae (Alcedinidae), Orthonyx hypsilophus (Orthonychidae), Hirundinidae, Dasyornis broadbenti (Acanthizidae), Manorina melanocephala (Meliphagidae), Corvus sp. (Corvidae). The Pines (L-61) (Baird 1985). Cacatua tenuirostris (Cacatuidae). Tantanoola Cave (L-12?) (Rich & van Tets 1982). Aves, undet. [21] Manku (Kalakoopah Creek) (Rich et al. 1987). Phoenicoptendae, indet.. [22] Mt. Gambier. cf. Genyornis newtoni (Dromomithidae). Mair's Cave (see Buckalowie). [23] Normanville (= Salt Creek) (Patterson & Rich 1987). Dromaius novaehollandiae (Dromaiidae), Genyornis newtoni (Dromornithidae), Tumicidae, Rallidae, Passeriformes, Aves, undet. [24] Penola (Woods 1866, Rich 1979) swamp deposit. Dromomithidae. [25] Pondalowie Bay (Williams 1980). Dromaiidae. Port Lincoln (see Brother's Island) [26] Salt Creek (Barker) (Williams 1980). swamp deposit. Dromaius sp. (Dromaiidae), Genyornis newtoni (Dromomithidae), Aves undet. Tantanoola Cave (see Lower South East Region). [27] UPPER SOUTH EAST REGION. Blanche Cave (U-4) (Rich 1979). cf. Genyornis newtoni (Dromomithidae). Dogs Prohibited Cave (U-?) (Williams 1980). Aves undet. Fox Cave (U-22). Progura naracoortensis (Megapodiidae), Dacelo sp. cf. D. novaeguineae (Alcedinidae). Henschke's Bone Dig (U-91) * (Patterson & Rich 1987, van Tets 1974a). Dromaius novaehollandiae (Dromaiidae), Anatidae, Progura gallinacea (Megapodiidae), P.. naracoortensis, Coturnix sp. (Phasianidae), Turnix varia (Tumicidae), Rallidae undet. Gallinula mortierii Psittaciformes undet. Passeriformes undet. Corvus sp. (Corvidae). Victoria Fossil Cave (U-1) * (van Tets & Smith 1974, Olson 1976, Patterson & Rich 1987). Dromaius novaehollandiae (Dromaiidae), Progura naracoortensis (Megapodiidae), Leipoa ocellata, Coturnix australis (Phasianidae), Coturnix sp., Turnix varia (Tumicidae), cf. Pedionomus torquatus (Pedionomidae), Rallus philippensis (Rallidae), Peltohyas australis (Charadriidae), Tringa glareola (Scolopacidae), Gallinago hardwicki, QUATERNARY AVIAN LOCALITIES - 859 [28] Calidris ruficollis, Pezoporus wallicus (Platycercidae), Tyto novaehollandiae (Tytonidae), Gymnorhina tibicen (Cracticidae), Grallina cyanoleuca (Grallinidae). Wombat Cave (U-58). Progura naracoortensis (Megapodiidae). WARBURTON RIVER LOCALITIES (Rich & van Tets 1981, Patterson & Rich 1987). Cassidy Locality (UCMP V-5539). cf. Genyornis sp. (Dromomithidae). Green Bluff Locality (UCMP V-5775) (Patterson & Rich 1987, Rich 1975, Rich & van Tets 1982). Dromaius novaehollandiae (Dromaiidae), Dromomithidae, Phalacrocorax sp. (Phalacrocoracidae), Anhinga sp. (Anhingidae), Anatidae, Accipitridae, Passeriformes. Kalamurina (Patterson & Rich 1987, Rich 1979, Rich & van Tets 1981, Rich & van Tets 1982). Dromaius novaehollandiae (Dromaiidae), Dromomithidae, Pelecanus conspicillatus (= P. validipes de Vis: Pelecanidae), (x) Phalacrocorax gregorii (Phalacrocoracidae), (x) P. vetustus, Anas castanea (= "Anas gracilipes" de Vis: Anatidae), ?Gypaetinae (="Taphaetus lacertosus" de Vis: Accipitridae). Lookout Locality (UCMP V-5776) (Rich 1975). Phalacrocorax sp. (middle-sized sp., large sp.) (Phalacrocoracidae). Marcus Locality (Rich 1975, Rich & van Tets 1981, Rich & van Tets 1982). Pelecanus conspicillatus (Pelecanidae), Phalacrocorax sp. (middle-sized sp., large sp.) 860 - BAIRD ET AL. (Phalacrocoracidae) Ardeidae. nr. Lake Miamiana (UCMP V-5539) (Williams 1980). Dromomnithidae. Purdrakadrinna Soakage (UCMP V-5777) Rich 1975). Phalacrocorax sp. (Phalacrocoracidae). TASMANIA (see Fig. I-4, below) YON “ \ ¢ ) Te, 4° ~8ee nC 10aYOe—_, —, nye ot gros ee 28 Launceston \ \7 \ Y es \ & \ Jo cave deposits \ steatngordon HOBART nods % N « aotherdeposts (OR Y ° 35 70k \ ci > p) UKM mM A —— esa ? Lae a ; ey [1] Cape Grim (Gaughwin 1978). Puffinus tenuirostris (Procellariidae). [2] Flowery Gully (Gill 1968). Quarry (FG-202). Phaps sp. (Columbidae). [3] HUNTER ISLAND. Cave Bay Cave * (Bowdler 1975, Gaughwin 1978). Puffinus tenuirostris (Procellariidae), undetermined Aves. Muttonbird Midden * (Bowdler 1979, Gaughwin 1978). Puffinus tenuirostris (Procellariidae). Stockyard site * (O'Conner 1980, Geering 1981, van Tets & O'Conner 1983, Gaughwin 1978). Tasidyptes hunteri (Spheniscidae), Puffinus tenuirostris (Procellariidae), undetermined Aves. [4] JUNEE-FLORENTINE VALLEY (Goede & [5] [6] Murray 1979, van Tets 1978). Beginners' Luck Cave (JF-78) *. Puffinus griseus (Procellariidae), Gallinula mortierii (Rallidae). Emu Cave (JF-154). Dromaius sp. (Dromaiidae). Titans Shelter (JF-97) *. Falco sp. (Falconidae). Irishtown (Scott 1932). Dromaius diemenensis (Dromaiidae). King Island. Dromaius minor (Dromaiidae). [7] LOUISA BAY. [8] [9] Louisa River 1 (Vanderwal & Horton 1984, Gaughwin 1978). Puffinus tenuirostris (Procellariidae), undetermined Aves. Louisa River Cave 2 (Vanderwal & Horton 1984, Gaughwin 1978). Puffinus tenuirostris (Procellariidae). Mole Creek (Scott 1932). Unknown Cave. Dromaius "diemenensis" (Dromaiidae). Montague * (Murray & Goede 1978). Pleisto Scene Cave (MU-206) * (van Tets 1978). Dromaius sp. (Dromaiidae), Gallinula mortierii (Rallidae), Aves, undet. [10] SMITHTON. [10a] Mowbray Swamp(Scott 1932, Murray & Goede 1977). Dromaius "diemenensis" (Dromaiidae), Aves undet. [10b] Pulbeen Swamp * (Murray & Goede 1977, Colhoun et al. 1977). Dromaius sp. (Dromaiidae), Aves undet. [10c] Scotchtown Cave (mostly quarried away) (Gill & Banks 1956). Aves, undet. [11] West Point (Gaughwin 1978). Puffinus tenuirostris (Procellariidae). (see Fig. I-5, below) 7 4 NT ; [WA 5 » 1 *Ouyen te = Horsham 7. \ x 5%, . i) MELBOURNE Ge= b ? sat & ey oH Me, A Baiinsdalesy -— ——~ mers Sd ree — 3a Warrnambool PAL 8° vA eed aig SRS on ~ a * all other deposits ~v, \ = Q___100km LF ~ state borders [3 Limestone [1] Bat's Ridges. Velvet Bush Cave (BR-65). Tumicidae, Passeriformes. [2] BUCHAN DISTRICT. [2a] Clogg's Cave (EB-2) * (Baird 1986c). Accipiter sp. cf. A. fasciatus (Accipitridae), Falco berigora (Falconidae), Coturnix sp. (Phasianidae), C. chinensis, Turnix varia (Tumicidae), T. sm. sp., QUATERNARY AVIAN LOCALITIES Pedionomus torquatus (Pedionomidae), Rallus philippensis (Rallidae), R. pectoralis, Porzana fluminea, P. tabuensis, Erythrogonys cinctus (Charadriidae), Phaps chalcoptera (Columbidae), P. elegans, Trichoglossus haematodus (Loriidae), Glossopsitta sp. cf. concinna, Glossopsitta sp. cf. pusilla, Pezoporus wallicus (Platycercidae), Melopsittacus undulatus, Platycercus elegans, P. sp. cf. P. eximius, Neophema chrysostoma, Cuculus pallidus (Cuculidae), C. variolosus, C. sp., Chrysococcyx lucidus, C. sp, Tyto alba (Tytonidae), Podargus strigoides (Podargidae), Aegotheles cristatus (Aegothelidae), Halcyon sancta (Alcedinidae), H. pyrrhopygia, Hirundinidae, Anthus novaeseelandiae (Motacillidae), Petroica sp. (Muscicapidae), Pachycephala sp., Psophodes olivaceus (Orthonychidae), Cinclosoma punctatum, Cincloramphus mathewsi (Sylviidae), C. sp., C. cruralis, Malurus sp. (Maluridae), Stipiturus malachurus, Dasyornis brachypteris (Acanthizidae), D. broadbenti, Pycnoptilus floccosus, Climacteris sp. (Climacteridae), Pardalotus sp. (Pardalotidae), Zosterops sp. (Zosteropidae), Ploceidae indet., cf. Emblema temporalis, Artamus sp. (Artamidae), - 861 862 - BAIRD ET AL. A. cyanopterus, A. sp. cf. A. cyanopterus, Corvus sp. (Corvidae). [2b] Kingsley Cave). Aquila audax (Accipitridae). [2c] Mabel Cave (EB-1) * (Baird 1986c). Puffinus sp. (Procellariidae), Pelecanoides sp., Phalacrocorax sp. cf. P. melanoleucus, (Phalacrocoracidae) Anatidae, Circus sp. (Accipitridae), Falco cf. peregrinus (Falconidae), Coturnix chinensis (Phasianidae), Coturnix sp., Turnix varia (Tumicidae), Rallus philippensis (Rallidae), Vanellus miles (Charadriidae), Leucosarcia melanoleuca (Columbidae), Phaps chalcoptera, P. elegans, Calyptorhynchus lathami (Cacatuidae), C. funereus, Callocephalon fimbriatum, Cacatua roseicapilla, Trichoglossus haematodus (Loriidae), Glossopsitta concinna, G. cf. G. pusilla, Alisterus scapularis (Polytelidae), Platycercus elegans (Platycercidae), P. cf. P. eximius, Neophema chrysostoma, Chrysococcyx sp. (Cuculidae) Aegotheles cristatus (Aegothelidae), Hirundapus caudacutus (Apodidae), Halcyon sancta (Alcedinidae), Hirundinidae, Anthus novaeseelandiae (Motacillidae), Cinclorhamphus cruralis (Sylviidae), Megalurus timoriensis Cinclosoma punctatum (Orthonychidae), Malurus sp. (Maluridae), Dasyornis brachypteris (Acanthizidae), Pycnoptilus floccosus, Acanthiza sp. Daphoenositta chrysoptera, Climacteris sp. (Climacteridae), cf. Anthochaera carunculata (Meliphagidae), cf. A. chrysoptera, Zosterops sp., Ptilonorhynchus violaceus (Ptilonorhynchidae), Artamus cyanopterus (Artamidae), Cracticidae. [2d] The Maze (M-30?). Aves undet. [2e] M-28. Platycercus cf. eximius (Platycercidae), Passeriformes. [2f] NG-2. Hirundinidae, Aves, undet. [2g] Pyramids Cave (M-89) (Baird 1986c). Coturnix sp. (Phasianidae), Turnix varia (Tumicidae), Glossopsitta sp. (Loriidae), Alisterus scapularis (Polytelidae), Platycercus elegans (Platycercidae), P. cf. P. elegans, P. sp., Chrysococcyx sp., Tyto novaehollandiae (Tytonidae), Aegotheles cristatus (Aegothelidae), Caprimulgus mysticalis (Caprimulgidae), Atrichornis rufescens (Atrichomithidae), Orthonyx sp. (Orthonychidae), Psophodes olivaceus, Cinclosoma punctatum, Pycnoptilus floccosus (Acanthizidae), P.n. sp., Climacteris sp. (Climacteridae), Ptilonorhynchus violaceus (Ptilonorhynchidae). [2h] Trogdip Cave (EB-10). Dromaius novaehollandiae (Dromaiidae). [3] Bushfield Bone Site (near Warrnambool, Merri River; Baird 1984). Anatidae, Gallinula mortierii (Rallidae). [4] BYADUK. Church Cave (H-15) (Baird, in press d). Coturnix sp. (Phasianidae), Turnix varia (Tumicidae), Psittaciformes, Aegotheles sp. cf. A. cristatus (Aegothelidae), Passeriformes. Flower Pot Cave (H-19) (Baid, in press d). Tumicidae, Barnardius barnardi (Plaqtycercidae). Harman's Cave (H-12) (Baird, in press d). Coturnix sp. (Phasianidae), Turnix varia (Tumicidae), Rallidae, Pedionomus torquatus (Pedionomidae), Platycercus eximius (Platycercidae), Psittaciformes, Cincloramphus mathewsi (Sylviidae), Gymnorhina tibicen (Cracticidae), Passeriformes. [5] Gisborne. Gisborne Cave (H-27) (Baird, in press d). Tumicidae, Passeriformes. [6] GLENELG RIVER DISTRICT. [6a] Amphitheatre Cave (G-2) (Baird 1984, 1986c, in press a). Eudyptula minor (Spheniscidae), Pachyptila sp. (Procellariidae), Phalacrocorax sp. (Phalacrocoracidae), Anatidae sm. sp., Coturnix sp. (Phasianidae), Turnix varia (Turnicidae), Rallus philippensis (Rallidae), Gallinula mortierii, Larus novaehollandiae (Laridae), Phaps chalcoptera (Columbidae), QUATERNARY AVIAN LOCALITIES - 863 P. elegans, Cacatua tenuirostris (Cacatuidae), C. roseicapilla, Platycercus elegans (Platycercidae), Hirundinidae, Cinclosoma punctatum (Orthonychidae), Dasyornis broadbenti (Acanthizidae), D. brachypteris, Ptilonorhynchus violaceus (Ptilonorhynchidae), Cracticidae, Corvus sp. (Corvidae). [6b] Curran's Creek Cave (G-4) (Baird 1984, 1986c). Coturnix sp. (Phasianidae), Gallinula mortierii (Rallidae), cf. Porzana, Phaps elegans (Columbidae), Glossopsitta pusilla (Loriidae), Pezoporus wallicus (Platycercidae), Platycercus sp. cf. P. eximius, Neophema sp. cf. N. chrysostoma, Ceyx azurea (Alcedinidae), Halcyon sp., Aegotheles sp. cf. A. cristatus (Aegothelidae), Hirundinidae, Cinclosoma punctatum (Orthonychidae), Malurus sp. (Maluridae), Dasyornis broadbenti (Acanthizidae), Ploceidae indet. [6c] Fern Cave (KB-1). Gallinula mortierii (Rallidae). [6d] McEachern's Cave (G-5) (McNamara 1981, Baird 1984). Dromaius novaehollandiae (Dromaiidae), Falco sp. cf. F. berigora (Falconidae), Turnix sp. cf. T. varia (Tumicidae), Coturnix sp. (Phasianidae), Ninox sp. (Strigidae), Dacelo sp. cf. D. novaeguineae (Alcedinidae), Podargus sp. (Podargidae), Dasyornis sp. (Acanthizidae), 864 - BAIRD ET AL. Gymnorhina sp. cf. G. tibicen (Cracticidae), Strepera sp. cf. S. versicolor Passeriformes, undet. [7] Lancefield * (Gillespie et al. 1978, Baird 1984). Dromaius sp. (Dromaiidae), cf. Genyornis (Dromomithidae), Gallinula mortierii (Rallidae). [8] Morwell (Rich & McEvey 1980). Pedionomus torquatus (Pedionomidae). [9] Mount Eccles. Natural Bridge (H-10). Aves undet. [10] PHILLIP ISLAND. Forrest Caves (Gaughwin 1978). Puffinus tenuirostris (Procellariidae). Cape Woolamai (Gaughwin 1978). Puffinus tenuirostris (Procellariidae). Point Grant (Gaughwin 1978). Puffinus tenuirostris (Procellariidae). Cat Bay (Gaughwin 1978). Puffinus tenuirostris (Procellariidae). [11] Spring Creek * (Baird 1984, Flannery & Gott 1984). Gallinula mortierii (Rallidae). [12] Warrnambool District. Thunder Point Cave (W-8) (Rich & Gill 1976). cf. Dromomithidae. WESTERN AUSTRALIA (see Fig. I-6, below) [1] AUGUSTA. Bone Cave (AU-2) (Patterson & Rich 1987). Dromaius novaehollandiae (Dromaiidae). Deepdene Cave (AU-1) (Rich & van Tets 1982). Biziura lobata (Anatidae), Passeriformes. Labryinth Cave (AU-16). Aves, undet. rm a | NT : a au Ss Der Tas. =) Vic i | | y \ Ie | rut Fe | | WA ISA 0 roo] | ——= km | | | | | | n* : o i | [2] ~~ 6 cave deposits Esperance 5 * all other deposits ° 300km - state borders — Skull Cave (AU-8) * (Porter 1979, Baird 1986c). Coturnix sp. (Phasianidae), Phaps elegans (Columbidae), Glossopsitta porphyrocephala (Loriidae), Platycercus icterotus (Platycercidae), Aegotheles cristatus (Aegothelidae), Atrichornis clamosus (Atrichomithidae), Hirundinidae indet., Malurus sp. (Maluridae), Dasyornis longirostris (Acanthizidae), Artamus cyanopterus (Artamidae). AU-24 * (Archer & Baynes 1972). cf. Passeriformes. Coolup Bore 46-48 feet. Cracticidae. [3] East Moore (Patterson 1984). possibilities Caladenia Cave(EM-17)WAM dig, early 1900's Dromaius novaehollandiae (Dromaiidae). [4] ENEABBA. Aiyenu Cave (E-9). Podargus strigoides (Podargidae). Facts of Life Cave (E-12). Meliphagidae. Weelawadji Cave (E-24). Tyto sp. {5] Hunter River (Butler & Merrilees 1971). sand hills 2.5 miles north east of Bremer Bay. Coturnix sp. (Phasianidae), Psittaciformes, Passeriformes. [6] Jurien Bay. Kjeldahi Cave (J-5). Passeriformes. [7] NULLARBOR PLAINS REGION. [7a] Abrakurrie Cave (N-3). Psittaciformes. [7b] Bildoolja Cave (N-31) (Baird, on press b). Turnix sp. cf. T. velox (Tumicidae), Hirundinidae indet., Cinclosoma sp. cf. C. alisteri (Orthonychidae), Amytornis sp. (Maluridae). Horseshoe Cave (N-59). Turnix sp. (Tumicidae), [7c] Passeriformes. [7d] Koomooloobuka Cave (N-6) (Baird, in press b). Turnix sp. cf. T. velox (Tumicidae), Geopelia sp. cf. G. striata (Columbidae), Psittaciformes, QUATERNARY AVIAN LOCALITIES - 865 Chrysococcyx sp. cf. C. basalis (Cuculidae), Oreoica gutteralis (Muscicapidae), Cinclosoma sp. cf. C. alisteri (Orthonychidae), Amytorns sp. (Maluridae), Artamus sp. (Artamidae). [7e] Koonalda Cave (N-4) * (Baird 1986c). [7f] Anatidae sm. sp., Accipiter sp. cf. A. fasciatus (Accipitridae), A. cirrhocephalus, Circus sp., Falco berigora (Falconidae), F. cenchroides, Coturnix sp. (Phasianidae), Turnix sp. cf. T. velox (Tumicidae), Phaps elegans (Columbidae), Ocyphaps lophotes, Polytelis anthopeplus (Polytelidae), Melopsittacus undulatus (Platycercidae) Psephotus haematogaster, Neophema sp. cf. N. splendida, Chrysococcyx sp. (Cuculidae), Tyto alba (Tytonidae), T. novaehollandiae, Caprimulgus guttatus (Caprimulgidae), Hirundinidae, Anthus novaeseelandiae (Motacillidae), cf. Oreoica gutteralis (Muscicapidae), Sphenostoma sp. (Orthonychidae), Cinclosoma alisteri, Cincloramphus cruralis (Sylviidae), cf. Cincloramphus, Amytornis textilis (Maluridae), cf. Lichenostomus virescens (Meliphagidae), Meliphagidae, indet., Artamus cinereus (Artamidae). Madura Cave (N-62) * (Baird 1986c, in prep.). Turnix varia (Turnicidae), T. sp. of. T. velox, Calidris sp. (Charadriidae), Charadrii indet., Ocyphaps lophotes (Columbidae), Geopsittacus occidentalis (Platycercidae), Melopsittacus undulatus, 866 - BAIRD ET AL. Aegotheles cristatus (Aegothelidae) [8] Scott River (Butler 1969, Rich 1975). Colluricincla sp. cf. C. harmonica coastal dunes. (Muscicapidae), ?7Dromomithidae or ?Aepyornithidae Cinclosoma alisteri (Orthonychidae), cf. Dacelo novaeguineae (Alcedinidae), Pomatostomus superciliosus (Timaliidae), cf. Podargus strigoides (Podargidae). Amytornis textilis (Maluridae), Acanthiza chrysorrhoa (Acanthizidae), [9] West Bullsbrook (Rich & van Tets 1982). Acanthizidae undet., peat swamp. cf. Lichenostomus virescens (Meliphagidae), ?Phalacrocoracidae. Artamus sp. (Artamidae). [10] Witchcliffe. [7g] New Cave (N-11). Bride Cave (WI-24). Accipiter sp. cf. A. cirrhocephalus Phalacrocorax sp. (Phalacrocoracidae), (Accipitridae), Passeriformes Passeriformes, undet. Devil's Lair (WI-61E ajoins Nannup Cave [7h] Old Homestead Cave (N-83). (WI-60)) * (Cook 1960, Balme et al. Passeriformes. 1978, Baird 1986c). Aquila audax (Accipitridae), [7i] Thylacine Hole (N-63) (all specimens Accipiter cirrhocephalus, mummified). Coturnix sp. (Phasianidae), Falco cenchroides (Falconidae), Turnix varia (Tumicidae), F. berigora, Rallus philippensis (Railidae), Tyto alba (Tytonidae), Porzana sp. cf. P. fluminea, T. novaehollandiae, Phaps elegans (Columbidae), Aegotheles cristatus (Aegothelidae) Glossopsitta porphyrocephala (Loriidae), Melopsittacus undulatus (Platycercidae), [7j}] Warbla Cave (N-1). Purpureicephalus spurius, Falconidae. Platycercus icterotus, Barnardius zonarius, [7k] Weebubie Cave (N-2). Psephotus varius, Neophema sp. cf. N. elegans, Tyto novaehollandiae (Tytonidae), Cuculus pyrrhophanus (Cuculidae), Accipitridae, Passeriformes(songbirds). Aegotheles cristatus (Aegothelidae), [71] Weekes Cave (N-15) (van Tets 1974b, Baird 1986c). Platalea flavipes (Threskiomithidae), Anthus novaeseelandiae (Motacillidae), Accipiter fasciatus (Accipitridae), Malurus sp. (Maluridae) Falco cenchroides (Falconidae), Atrichornis clamosus (Atrichomithidae), Hirundinidae, indet., Dasyornis longirostris (Acanthizidae), Turnix sp. cf. T. velox (Turnicidae), Climacteris sp. (Climacteridae), Chrysococcyx sp. cf. C. basalis (Cuculidae), Ploceidae, indet. Tyto sp. cf. T. novaehollandiae (Tytonidae), Strepera versicolor (Cracticidae). Meliphagidae, Aves, undet. Poephila guttata (Ploceidae), Artamus sp. (Artamidae), Mammoth Cave (WI-38) * (Lundelius 1960, Passeriformes, undet. Merrilees 1968, Archer et al. 1980). QUATERNARY AVIAN LOCALITIES - 867 Merrilees 1968, Archer ef al. 1980). cf. Dromaius (Dromaiidae), Dromomnithidae, Aquila audax (Accipitridae). small cavern north of Nannup Cave (WI-60). Accipiter cirrhocephalus (Accipitridae), Turnix sp. (Tumicidae), Psittaciformes. [11] Yanchep. Orchestra Shell Cave (YN-130) * (Archer 1974). Hirundinidae, Aves undet. PLATES Plate 1. Restoration of the Giant Coucal (Centropus colossus) from the Pleistocene of Australia (Rich & van Tets 1985). Plate 2. Restoration of the giant megapode (Progura gallinacea) from the Pleistocene of Australia (Rich & van Tets 1985). Plate 3: Restoration of a mihirung (Genyornis newtoni) from the Pleistocene of Australia (Rich & van Tets 1985). 868 - BAIRD ET AL. PLATE 1. PLATE 2 QUATERNARY AVIAN LOCALITIES - 869 870 - BAIRD ET AL. PLATE 3 CHAPTER 22 FOSSIL EGGS FROM THE TERTIARY AND QUATERNARY OF AUSTRALIA Dominic L. G. Williams! and Patricia Vickers-Rich2 IMILOMUGHON 7.42. FEM a. oe aes tasy ies <0 theee 872 Egg Shell Structure and PBeriMinOlO PYyng arematg thet Pest ogee a8 872 Methods= sctade res oes. heat ie hia een shies 874 Curvature AnalySIS.........cccceeeeee neers 874 Shell Thickness and Egg DimMeNSIONS.6...4.3 caps eee ee eee os 876 TEhiteeS CCtrOnIN Pee siege se 8 bet feet szes 877 Shell Porosity and Gas Conductance Othe ag se. busst st Tete vee East 877 Fossil Eggshell from the Quaternary of AUISCEAIA’. 205. dis cp Se Beeler tose ees 878 TMICKNESS:, chtatvran tes oh dooseeenan pee yte'st 878 EEG SIZE even sshcec oe dae ginentedenie seg dateen es 878 Shell:Structure:) Emuscs.cg.0. seoes sete 878 Shell Structure: Mihirung (GENYOFNIS) 2.2... 0eceeeeeneeceeeteeenees 879 a Taphonomy of Fossil Eggshell......... 880 Radiocarbon Dating of Fossil Eggshell ..............:.seeeeee 881 Other Egg Types from the Quaternary of Astraliav.sv:..2.3 2 fscecee tense. 08 881 Fossil Eggshell from the Tertiary of AUIS traits. .3) Bo coves de natiie e's ide ooeasiauss 882 Method of AnalySis .............eceeeee eee 882 Eggo (SIZC heaves scestetsetteieeders sampiaionsee 882 Shell Structurc.........c.ceee cee eeece neers 884 Shell Porosity ............ceseeeee eee ee eee eee 885 SUMMALY......2..0.sscecoeecsceneesseeeeeeeeee 886 GONCIUSIONS:.. oo. nscaie spec cee gees es enesaes cates 886 Acknowledgements ............0eeeeeee sence eens 886 References........cccesersesccsecernccsreseeeetenenee 886 BlateSs © tesa deve eepthlabwieneden seta tseetetle weber 888 1 Deceased; formerly of Department of Biogeography and Geomorphology, Research School of Pacific Studies, Australian National University, Canberra, Australian Capital Territory 2601, Australia. 2. Earth Sciences and Botany/Zoology Departments, Monash University, Clayton, Victoria 3168, Australia. 872 - WILLIAMS & RICH INTRODUCTION The study of fossil eggs provides insights into the taxonomy and nesting biology of species that might otherwise be known only from skeletal remains, or not at all. Fossil eggs are rarely preserved intact, but shell fragments are relatively common and may be locally abundant. Eggshell belonging to chelonians, crocodilians, lizards and birds has been identified in the fossil record, in sediments as old as Mesozoic (Hirsch 1983, Hirsch & Packard 1987). Dinosaur eggs have aroused special interest, because well-preserved shell, and even whole clutches of eggs, have been discovered in various parts of the world (Andrews 1926, Dughi & Sirugue 1966, Kerourio 1981, Horner 1982). Much effort has gone toward identifying egg types, discovering how dinosaurs nested, and in trying to solve the puzzle of their disappearance (Erben ef al. 1979, Seymour 1979, Williams et al. 1984). In some cases it has been possible to analyse organic materials still present in the fossil shell (Voss-Foucart 1968, Kolesnikov & Sochava 1972). Cainozoic deposits yield mostly avian eggshell, and most studies have involved the description and identification of large egg remains, particularly those of ratites (Dughi & Sirugue 1962, Sauer & Sauer 1978, Dughi & Sirugue 1978). The term "ratite" is used here only to group the large, flightless birds (most with palaeognathous palates), and no phylogenetic implications are intended. The following discussion covers some principles of eggshell identification and analysis, as applied to the Australian arid-zone deposits of Cainozoic age. Identification and analysis of fossil eggshell relies on studies of macro- and microstructure and an understanding of egg physiology. Shell fragments are usually the only material available to the palacontologist, but they can yield a surprising amount of information. Shell thickness and curvature measurements allow estimation of egg size and shape, even when the relationship of fragments to the original egg (or eggs) is lost. Shell microstructure is very distinctive for the higher vertebrate taxa (Sadov 1970, Hirsch 1983, Hirsch & Packard 1987), and it is also useful at lower taxonomic levels in birds (Board e¢ al. 1977). This is particularly so for ratites, including extinct species known from Quaternary deposits (Tyler & Simkiss 1959). The shell of an egg does more than provide physical protection for the embryo. It also acts as a barrier to pathogenic organisms, and at the same time it must allow exchange of oxygen and carbon dioxide between the embryo and the nest environment. Much of the resistance to gascous diffusion is provided by the eggshell (Wangensteen et al. 1970/71), so the total area of the pores that pass through the shell must be sufficient for the needs of the hatchling at the end of incubation. Shell porosity cannot be too great, however, for in most species evaporative water loss must be limited to about 15% of egg mass (Rahn & Ar 1974). Shell porosity is, therefore, a compromise between allowing free exchange of respiratory gases and regulating water loss. In the case of eggs incubated underground, or in nesting mounds of decaying vegetation, water loss is not a problem, because of high nest humidity, but respiratory gas exchange is hampered by low oxygen and carbon dioxide levels within the nest. Consequently, these types of eggs tend to have thinner, more porous shells than eggs which are incubated above ground (Seymour & Ackerman 1980). The relationships between egg size, shell thickness and shell porosity are well known for living birds (Ar et al. 1974, Rahn & Ar 1974), and this serves as a basis for interpreting the physiology of fossil eggs. EGG SHELL STRUCTURE AND TERMINOLOGY It is convenicnt to use geographical terms for egg morphology, even though few eggs approach a spherical shape. Thus, an egg has an equator, two poles, an axis and regions of AUSTRALIAN FOSSIL EGGS - 873 high and low latitude, Most eggs are ellipsoidal, and the two hemispheres are not symmetrical. Therefore, additional terms such as egg elongation (length/width ratio) and asymmetry index have been defined (Hoyt 1976). A considerable amount of work has been done to develop empirical formulae to estimate egg volume, surface area and weight from egg dimensions cece 1965, Besch et al. 1968, Preston 1968, 1969, Shott & Preston 1975, Tatum Basic shell structure and terminology are shown in Fig. 1, together with the characteristics of some vertebrate shell types. With the exception of chelonian eggshell, which consists of aragonite (Hirsch 1983), vertebrate eggshell is composed of calcite with organic material permeating the shell. The calcite in eggshell is organized as columnar crystals with their long axes perpendicular to the shell surface (Fig. 1). These crystals form initially as small spherical nuclei (mammillary cores) of radially oriented crystals, attached to the outer membrane surrounding the egg. This membrane becomes detached from the shell in the later stages of incubation, when calcium absorption by the embryo erodes the mammillary cores. As shell growth proceeds, the outward-facing crystals grow longer and wider, eventually coming into lateral contact to form the rigid sheil structure. The inner, or mammillary, surface of most eggshell consists of a uniform array of mammillary knobs, which represent the original nucleation sites for shell growth. CHELONIAN AVIAN CROCODILIAN PORE APERTURE Z N i PORE CANAL —— "SPONGY LAYER" /MAMMILLARY LAYER / | me | | \ |) CRYSTAL COLUMN | MAMMILLARY SURFACE / MAMMILLARY ~ CORE Figure 1. Three types of vertebrate eggshell structure, external surface at top. (After Hirsch 1983). Different shell types vary in the structure of their shell units, and in the degree of lateral fusion of these units. Chelonian shell units, with simple abutting contact, are composed of radiating spicular aragonite crystallites, while crocodilian shell units are composed of wedge- shaped crystals and form a complex, interdigitating contact. Soft-shelled reptilian eggs are insufficiently calcified for contact to occur between the crystal units, and the "shell" remains flexible. Avian eggshell has relatively long, parallel-sided crystal units, whose margins appear to be fused. Their boundarics are visible under a polarising microscope. 874 - WILLIAMS & RICH Pore canals form between the crystal units as the shell grows. Depending on the species, their shape varies from simple, straight tubes to complex branching networks. Many kinds of ratite eggshell have branching pores with multiple apertures (Tyler & Simkiss 1959). Large eggs, with a shell thickness of 1 mm or more, have typical pore diameters of up to 0.25 mm (Board & Tullett 1975). In some shells the pores may be filled with organic material, or the apertures may be capped or partly plugged by wax. It is not clear how such deposits modify gaseous diffusion through the shell (Board ef al. 1977), but experiments show good agreement between measured gas conductance and that predicted by pore geometry alone (Rahn & Ar 1974). METHODS Some of the diagnostic characters of large egg fragments can be seen with a hand lends, or with the naked eye. Gross shell structure, colour, surface morphology and taphonomic details are often fairly obvious. Other observations are best done in the laboratory, such as light and electron-microscope studies, as well as elemental and amino acid analyses. Shell properties such as thickness, pore density and curvature vary considerably over the shell surface. Consequently, it is desirable to examine enough shell fragments to ensure that the sample is representative. This is particularly so for curvature analysis, which relies for its success on sampling fragments from all parts of the egg. CURVATURE ANALYSIS Egg size can be estimated from the curvature of shell fragments (Williams 1981). Viewed from either end, eggs have a circular cross-section. In lateral view, egg shapes range from almost circular to elliptical, depending on the species. Any single shell fragment, therefore, has two components of curvature: one corresponding to the circular cross-section at that point (Cw), and another related to its longitudinal curvature (CL) (Fig. 2A). Longitudinal curvature is perpendicular to, and less than, lateral curvature. Thus, by measuring the two curvature components, a fragment can be oriented with respect to the original egg, and the egg diameter at that point can be calculated. At the poles of an egg the two curvatures are equal (but neither corresponds to a circular curve), Providing that fragments from the widest part of the egg are sampled, egg width can be estimated. Shell curvature is measured with a modified Geneva Lens Measure (Sauer 1968) shown in Fig. 2B. This operates with two fixed probes, spaced to fit the width of most shell fragments in the sample, and a central moving probe connected to a mechanical dial gauge. A flat surface in contact with all three probes gives a dial reading of zero, but a circular surface displaces the measuring probe by an amount related to the diameter of the curve. In practice, the gauge is calibrated against known circular curves, and a regression is calculated of the form: Diameter = k (Curvature reading) “1 (where k is a constant) Practical measurement of egg fragments requires that the shell has a smooth surface. The inner surface is usually smoother than the external. To take a pair of readings, the shell fragment is gently pressed against the probes and rotated to find the maximum and minimum values, A degree of judgement is required due to the effect of surface irregularities. Distorted fragments must be excluded from measurement. AUSTRALIAN FOSSIL EGGS - 875 It is convenient to convert paired curvature values to diameter, although it must be noted that longitudinal "diameter" has no physical reality. The pairs of diameter values (D., Dw) are plotted (Fig. 3) to form a scatter of points. Polar regions plot close to the line DL, = Dw, and equatorial regions plot furthest from the origin. Estimation of egg width involves selecting the largest diameters, allowing for random scatter of points. Using about 95% of the largest value is suggested. CL Egg width Dial gauge Measuring probe Eggshell Gakkai | | 8mm Figure 2. A. Egg geometry, showing curvature components C;, Cw and egg width, Dw. B. Construction of shell curvature gauge. Egg length and degree of symmetry are inferred indirectly from the plotted points, but at present there is no quantitative solution. Likely limits for egg elongation are imposed by the observed range from 1.1 to 1.7 in living birds (Hoyt 1976). For a nearly circular egg, the bivariate curvature plot would reveal a tight cluster of points (Fig. 3A), whereas an elongated shape would produce an elongated distribution, modified by the degree of asymmetry between the egg hemispheres (Figs 3B-C). 876 - WILLIAMS & RICH SHELL THICKNESS AND EGG DIMENSIONS Shell thickness measurements should include a representative sample of unabraded fragments, free of encrusting sediment. There is a relationship between shell thickness (L in cm) and egg weight (W in g) for living species of birds, due to the compromise between physical protection for the embryo and its respiratory requirements. The relationship is: L = 5.126 x 10-3 (w0-456) (Ar et al. 1974) Egg weight estimated from this relationship can be checked against egg size estimated from shell curvature, since: W = 0.51 x egg density x elongation x (egg width)? (Hoyt 1979) The density term is approximately 1.08 g/ cm-> for eggs of about 1 kg. There is only a slight dependence of density on egg size (Paganelli et al. 1974). Egg elongation is likely to lie in the range of 1.1 to 1.7 (Hoyt 1976), and a value inferred from the curvature arising from faulty data or from unusual egg characteristics can be revealed by this check. For example, mound-nesting birds, such as the Australian megapodes, produce very thin-shelled eggs, which weigh about 200 g (Seymour & Ackerman 1980). However, the shell thickness (0.3 mm) would indicate a weight of only 50 g. If fossil fragments were the only available material, a comparison between weight estimates derived from curvature analysis and shell thickness could reveal the unusual nature of these eggs. > ee) ‘?) LONGITUDINAL CURVATURE EGG WIDTH (Dy) EGG WIDTH (Dy) EGG WIDTH (Dw) Figure 3. Hypothetical curvature distributions for: A, a nearly spherical egg, diameter approximately 100 mm; B, a symmetrical ellipsoidal egg, width approximately 100 mm; C, an asymmetrical, ellipsoidal egg, width approximately 100 mm. AUSTRALIAN FOSSIL EGGS - 877 THIN SECTIONING Thin sections of eggshell are extremely useful in displaying crystal structure, pore morphology, organic inclusions and in estimating shell porosity. Sections are made both parallel to the shell surface (tangential sections) and perpendicular to it (radial sections). In preparing a tangential section, it is possible to select the level within the shell which will be displayed. _ Thin sections are made using normal petrological techniques. Shell fragments are impregnated with plastic (e.g. low viscosity epoxy resin; see Tompa 1980), perhaps using vacuum impregnation, and a flat surface is ground on the embedded specimen. The specimen is then mounted on a glass slide, and ground to a thickness of about 50 microns. It is usually not necessary to grind extremely thin shell sections to gain useful information, but the section should appear translucent. Grinding can be done by using several grades of carborundum paper (ranging between 100 and 1200 grit) on a thick sheet of backing glass. Each tangential section requires one shell fragment, but multiple radial sections can be made by sawing thin slivers from a number of fragments and mounting them as a stack on a single slide. SHELL POROSITY AND GAS CONDUCTANCE OF THE EGG The functional measure of shell porosity is the capacity of the whole egg to exchange gases by diffusion through the shell pores. For convenience this is expressed as water vapour conductance for whole eggs. Conductance to other gases, such as carbon dioxide and oxygen, can be estimated by substituting appropriate values for the diffusion coefficients, which depend on molecular weight (Rahn & Ar 1974). Assuming a constant external environment, gas conductance is a function of pore diameter, pore density, effective pore length and total shell area of the egg. The first three of these are estimated, in the case of fossil eggshell, by measuring the porosity of tangential thin sections. Total shell area is related to egg volume by: Ash = 4.928 x (egg volume)9-668 (Hoyt 1976) Total pore area, therefore, is: Ap = mean porearea x poredensity x Agh Effective pore length is measured from radial thin sections, counting only the portion of restricted pore diameter, and excluding the funnel-shaped apertures where pores meet the shell surface. Water vapour conductance (G20) expressed in mg of water lost per egg per day per torr of partial pressure difference is given by: GH20 = 23.4 x Ap x 1! (Aretal. 1974) The value obtained can be checked against the value expected of a normal bird egg of similar size: GH20 = 0.432 x W278 (Aretal. 1974) 878 - WILLIAMS & RICH If estimated G is much greater than predicted G, for example by a factor of 2 or more, then underground incubation of the eggs is a possibility (Williams et al. 1984). FOSSIL EGGSHELL FROM THE QUATERNARY OF AUSTRALIA Pleistocene sand dunes in arid Australia are a source of abundant fossil eggshell (PI. 1). Significant finds have also been made in fluviatile and lacustrine sediments, but such discoveries are less common. Experience from the arid regions of central Australia indicates that the most common types of eggshell to be found in old dune deposits belong to the emu (Dromaius novaehollandiae) and the extinct mihirung (Genyornis newtoni) (Williams 1981). Identification of these two shell types is simple, providing that a few well-preserved fragments are available. Other kinds of shell may also occur, such as waterbird shell in dunes close to former sites of permanent water, but such fragments obviously come from smaller eggs. In some areas, such as the Lake Eyre Basin, fluviatile deposits contain a variety of small egg remains, probably belonging to waterbirds. Large shell fragments are easily seen as they weather from sand on eroding dune surfaces (Fig. 4). Many fragments are as large as 20-30 mm across, but despite their size, they are easily transported by the wind and may form a trail downwind of the source. Fossil shell is usually buff in colour, although newly broken surfaces are white. Fresh emu eggshell is dark green, bleaching in the sun to greenish-gray or white. Modern shell is also distinguished from fossil shell by the dull sound as pieces are moved against each other. Fossil shell usually tinkles like pieces of fine china. THICKNESS Emu and mihirung shell both have similar mean thicknesses of 1.14 0.1 mm (Table 1). This immediately distinguishes them from other shell types in Australia. In some areas there is the possibility of finding remains of ostrich eggs, as there are feral populations left from a period of ostrich farming earlier this century. Ostrich shell is easily identified by its thickness (about 2 mm) and by the distinctive depressions on the shell surface. Otherwise, the only other large eggs in the modern Australian environment are those of the cassowary (Casuarius casuarius), which are similar to emu eggs, but would not be expected to occur in arid environments. EGG SIZE The mean size of emu eggs is about 90 mm x 135 mm. They weigh on average about 0.65 kg. Curvature estimates on mihirung shell indicate an egg size of about 125 x 155 mm (for Genyornis newtoni). Mihirung eggs (Pl. 2) were probably less elongated than emu eggs, and weighed approximately 1.0 to 1.3 kg (Williams 1981). SHELL STRUCTURE: EMU Emu eggshell has one of the most distinctive structures of any bird (Pl. 3B). The normal columnar crystalline layer is overlain by two additional layers that together make up about one AUSTRALIAN FOSSIL EGGS - 879 fourth of the total shell thickness. The middle layer consists of highly porous calcite that forms a labyrinth of tubules into which the underlying shell pore canals connect. This layer is about 10% of shell thickness. The remaining 15% of the shell is a superficial layer of discontinuous calcite nodules. These nodules are dark green in a newly laid egg, and are responsible for the “orange peel" texture of emu eggs. Although the nodules are very dense and non-porous, the discontinuous nature of this layer means that the underlying layer is exposed, providing a path for gaseous diffusion for the embryo. The three-layered structure of emu shell is clearly visible even to the naked eye. However, the middle layer is a plane of weakness, so that sand-blasting in a dune environment can strip the two outer layers, leaving only the columnar layer of the shell. This process is rarely complete, and remnants of the outer layers usually remain. Confusion with Genyornis shell is, therefore, unlikely, particularly as eroded emu shell is only about 0.8 mm thick. The adaptive significance of emu shell structure is not clear. Total shell thickness is consistent with egg weight using the regression of Ar et al. (1974), so that the outer two layers cannot be considered to contribute unnecessary material. Perhaps it is one solution to the problem of isolating the embryo from the nest environment. It is unlikely to be an adaptation to an arid environment, as the eggs of the cassowary also have the three-layered structure, although the outermost layer is more sparsely distributed. ST ___..._ eee Table 1. Comparison of fossil and modern egg dimensions of Genyornis and Dromaius. *Estimate from direct measurement; **values derived from estimates. (From Williams 1981). Shell Egg Egg Elongation Egg thickness width length weight Genyornis _1.15+0.12 125mm* 155mm** 1.24** 1.33** (fossil) mm (N=278) N=219 kg Dromaius 1.09 + 0.12 90-95mm - - - (fossil) mm (N=72) N=20 Dromaius 1.09 + 0.09 mm 90.5 + 3.9 mm 133.8 + 6.3 1.48 + 0.04 0.61 + 0.08 kg (fossil) (N=348 eggs) (N=32 eggs) (N=32eggs) (N=26 eggs) oo —————————————OOSS— —ON0MNMBMBB SHELL STRUCTURE: MIHIRUNG (GENYORNIS) The shell of Genyornis newtoni consists of a simple columnar crystal layer (Pl. 3A). Shell pores open at the surface in short grooves, which tend to be paralled, and are, in fact, aligned with the egg axis. Each groove is associated with a single pore, but there may be several apertures per groove, due to branching of the pores. There is no evidence that mihirung shell had additional calcite layers. Field identification, therefore, relies upon measurement of shell thickness and the absence of additional shell layers. Confusion with emu eggshell is most unlikely, and there appear to have been no other large dromornithids that survived into the Late Pleistocene (Rich 1979). The youngest Genyornis 880 - WILLIAMS & RICH is approximately 26,000 yBP (Williams 1981), so the presence of its eggshell in a deposit may be an indicator of pre-Holocene age. TAPHONOMY OF FOSSIL EGGSHELL Shell fragments from dunes tend to have rounded edges due to sand-blasting by the wind. If wind-abraded fragments are encrusted by pedogenic carbonate, then the fragments were broken and exposed to weathering prior to burial. Otherwise, sand-blasting could have occurred during a recent episode of dune deflation. Fragments with sharp edges indicate that other fragments may be close by on the surface, or that more material lies just below the surface. Partially complete eggs preserved in sand dunes usually consist of many small fragments still in their relative positions, and unless considerable care is taken during collection, these fragments become separated. We caution those who might attempt actual reconstruction of an egg. Even when it appears that most of the shell is present, vital fragments will be missing, and it often turns out that less than half of the shell is collectable. Egg reassembly is unlikely to be a rewarding experience! The inside surface of eggshcll may reveal the stage of incubation reached by the egg. Ina newly-laid egg, the mammillary cores are attached to the shell membrane, so that if the egg is buried and the organic constituents decay, the mammillary surface consists of fairly uniform, rounded knobs. However, an egg which has been incubated to the stage of skeletal calcification is likely to display cavities at the apices of the mammillary knobs, the sites of calcium absorption by the developing embryo. Ina well preserved shell fragment, the two conditions are usually discernable using a hand lens. Egg predation by mammals and large reptiles seems to have been a constant drain on the reproductive output of emus and mihirungs. Partially complete eggs are commonly found in which sections of shell are folded back on each other, or even nested together. This is likely to happen when a predator breaks an egg, and sections of the shell remain together, held in place by the shell membranes. Predator activity is confirmed by the occasional discovery of shell fragments bearing scratches, gouges and small puncture marks left by the teeth of the predator. Puncture marks are characterized by the removal of a conical plug of shell from the inner surface of the egg, forming a hole with a bevelled edge. In some cases, fragments are found with a pair of puncture marks corresponding to the canine teeth of the predator. In the Pleistocene of Australia, the most likely egg predators are the thylacine (Thylacinus cynocephalus) and the devil (Sarcophilus harrisi), and possibly small dasyurids such as Dasyurus spp. (Williams 1981). Large varanid lizards may also have taken the eggs of emus and mihirungs. Both Thylacinus and Sarcophilus have sufficient strength, and jaw gapes large enough, to carry eggs for some distance. Even the large potoroid Propleopus might have engaged in egg eating. Egg stealing from these large birds must have been a dangerous activity at some stages of the nesting season, and perhaps predators carricd their booty to sand dunes away from distant nesting sites. So far, only the remains of isolated eggs are known from dune deposits. These could have been transported by predators, and thus it is difficult to assert that mihirungs nested on dunes. However, it is clear that mihirungs nested in the vicinity of dunes, and, judging by the high proportion of mihirung shell to emu shell at some sites, emus may even have been the less common species, or the two birds may have preferred different nesting sites. RADIOCARBON DATING OF FOSSIL EGGSHELL Datable material is scarce in Quaternary deposits of arid Australia. In the deserts, vegetation tends to be insubstantial and is poorly preserved in sedimentary deposits. Where datable plant AUSTRALIAN FOSSIL EGGS - 881 remains are found, it is not always certain whether they are contemporaneous with the sediments being dated, or whether they are later intrusions. Mollusc shells are useful for dating some deposits, usually dunes associated with nearby salt lakes. However, even when mollusc shells are available in sufficient quantities for dating, the result may be affected by encrusting pedogenic carbonate, which is difficult to remove. Fossil eggshell is a useful adjunct to the range of datable materials. Where it occurs in dunes at all, it is often possible to collect a usable sample (50 g), and the shell of emus and mihirungs is robust enough to allow mechanical removal of pedogenic carbonate. It is also easy to select only mihirung shell for dating, thereby eliminating the possibility of contamination by bleached fragments of modern emu shell. Eggshell also has the advantage that its stratigraphic origin is usually clear, and it is unlikely to be intrusive. The suitability of eggshell for radiocarbon dating is becoming better accepted. The carbonate which forms eggshell is derived from metabolic carbon dioxide in the parent female (Sturkie & Mueller 1976), and is thus in equilibrium with environmental carbon. Carbonate of inorganic origin, such as that ingested by birds as gizzard stones, is unlikely to affect the radiocarbon age of eggshell. Feeding trials with domestic fowl (Long et al. 1983) demonstrated that little or no correction to shell carbonate dates is necessary, provided that the shell has not been altered during burial. The degree of alteration may be tested by examination of thin sections in polarized light. If the regular radial crystal structure is present, then there is no reason to suspect contamination by extraneous carbonate. If, however, thin sections reveal non-radial crystals, lacking the columnar structure of normal eggshell, or if there are opaque patches, discoloured haloes around pore canals or signs of corrosion, then contamination should be assumed. Eggshell from sand dunes that we have examined tends to be very well preserved, although there is often adhering pedogenic carbonate. When preparing a shell sample for dating, each fragment should be examined closely, and superficial carbonate should be removed mechanically. Acid pretreatment is less satisfactory, because it penetrates the shell and dissolves part of the sample. In some cases, the likelihood of contamination can be checked if the sediment contains a few aquatic mollusc shells. These mollusc shells form as aragonite, and this changes to calcite during recrystallisation. X-ray diffraction measurement will determine the ratio of aragonite to calcite, and thereby indicate the probability of recrystallisation in the eggshell. OTHER EGG TYPES FROM THE QUATERNARY OF AUSTRALIA Eggs of other species of ratites are known from Quaternary and late Tertiary (see below) sites in Australia. Perhaps the most tantalizing specimen of these is the Scott River egg from southeastern Western Australia (Rich 1979), an almost complete egg of very large size (276 mm long). The surface of this egg is rough and nodular, like that of the emu, but much of this texture could be due to post-depositional alteration and sand-blasting. Speculation that this is the egg of an Elephant Bird (Aepyornis sp.), Somehow transported intact from Madagascar is difficult to accept because Aepyornis shell is smooth (Tyler & Simkiss 1959). The possibility should be considered that the Scott River egg belongs to an extinct species of dromaiid, so far unknown from skeletal remains. However, until this specimen is further studied in detail, no decision can be made concerning its affinities. Dunes in western New South Wales provide specimens which suggest the former existence of another species of dromaiid. A few weathered fragments of emu-like shell have been 882 - WILLIAMS & RICH collected from dunes at Lake Menindee and Lake Mungo. This shell differs from that of the emu in that the two outer layers are thinner than those of emu shell, and the outermost layer is more uniform and finely textured than the nodular layer in Dromaius novaehollandiae (Pl. 4). More specimens are needed to determine whether these differences are significant. However, even in early historical times the emus were a more diverse group than the single surviving species. Islands in Bass Strait and Kangaroo Island supported morphs which were smaller than the mainland species (Rich & van Tets 1982, Parker 1984, Patterson & Rich 1987). It would not be surprising to find evidence of other Pleistocene species of Dromaius. FOSSIL EGGSHELL FROM THE TERTIARY OF AUSTRALIA Perhaps the most interesting eggshell fragments from the Tertiary of Australia, and the only ones really studied in any detail, come from Snake Dam, a site on the Clayton River to the southeast of Lake Eyre (Williams & Rich in press, Rich 1979). One fragment (Pl. 2) of the pair has been analysed to determine the size of the original egg, and to identify its taxonomic origin. The shell fragment is extremely thick, comparable to that of the extinct elephant bird (Aepyornis) of Madagascar. Elephant bird eggs were as large as 35 cm in length (Berger et al. 1975). The Snake Dam egg was probably even larger. The shell structure of the Snake Dam egg is unique in our experience, matched in its unusual structure only by the triple-layered shell of the emu. METHOD OF ANALYSIS Analysis on the Snake Dam fragment was carried out as described above and by Williams et al. (1984). Thickness was measured with vernier calipers, taking the mean of 13 readings. Curvature measurements were made at several points on the shell fragment, on the inner surface, which was smooth. The curvature gauge was as described above and in Williams (1981). A single tangential thin section from about the mid-level of the shell was scored for porosity (Williams et al. 1984). Shell area was estimated by optical enlargement of the thin section, using a planimeter. Pore transverse sections were measured on 38 pores, using a calibrated eyepiece fitted to a petrological microscope. Water vapour conductance of the egg was estimated using data from Ar et al. (1974). Chemical analysis and X-ray diffraction analysis was performed on a 96 mg sample of the shell. EGG SIZE Curvature readings gave values of egg width as large as 118 mm, including shell thickness. Longitudinal curvature was too small to be measured with the curvature gauge, but the contrast between the two curvature components shows that the fragment does not originate close to the poles of the egg. In the light of other data, the fragment is not from the equatorial region, so the value of egg width determinated from this approach is a minimum. A mean value of 4.07 + 0.05 mm was obtained from 13 readings. Using the regression of Ar et al. (1974) based on shell thickness (W = 1.05 x 10® shell thickness 2-19 ), the Snake Dam egg would have weighed 14.7 kg when laid. This would be one of the largest bird eggs known. Ar et al. (1974) used total shell thickness for their regression, which in the case of most shell types is equivalent to functional pore length (Pl. 4). However, the Snake Dam AUSTRALIAN FOSSIL EGGS - 883 shell has a rugose surface, and the pores are effectively only 94% of measured shell thickness. If shell thickness is adjusted to 94% of 4.07 mm, a value of 3.8 mm is obtained, yielding an estimate of 12.6 kg for egg weight (Tables 2,3). } Fa TATA EAC Tc} Figure 4. Drawings of radial sections of (top) possible new type of dromaiid eggshell from Lake Menindee in westem New South Wales, compared with shell of the living Dromaius novaehollandiae (bottom). See Fig. 1 for abbreviations. Using the estimate 12.6-14.7 kg for egg weight, and assuming a possible range of 1.1 - 1.7 for egg elongation (Hoyt 1976), then the dimensions of the Snake Dam egg can be calculated: a) egg elongation = 1.1, then egg weight of 12.6 kg indicates an egg with dimensions of 27.3 cm x 30.1 cm; egg weight of 14.7 kg indicates an egg 28.8 cm x 31.7 cm; b) egg elongation = 1.7, then egg weight of 12.6 kg indicates an egg 23.6 cm x 40.2 cm; egg weight of 14.7 kg indicates an egg 24.9 cm x 42.3 cm. This gives a possible size range of 24-29 cm x 42-32 cm for the Snake Dam egg. 884 - WILLIAMS & RICH SHELL STRUCTURE The outer surface of the Snake Dam fragment is very unusual for bird eggshell in that it consists of fine ridgelets lying close together, separated by deep fissures. Most bird eggshell has a relatively smooth surface, marked only by tiny pits where the pores communicate to the surface. Curvature analysis shows that the ridgelets on the Snake Dam shell are aligned with the egg axis, which is typical of many egg types bearing elongate surface features. Thin sections show that the shell pores connect with the fissures near the outer shell surface (PI. 4). Fissuring extends about one-third of the way through the shell, possibly affecting the strength of the egg and the ease with which the chick could have escaped upon hatching. Tangential sections through the shell reveal that the crystal columns, the basic units that make up the shell, are in close contact with interdigitating boundaries (Fig. 4). Both radial and tangential sections, viewed with crossed polars, show that the crystalline structure of the shell is intact. Table 2. Characteristics of the Snake Dam fossil shell fragment, cf. Dromornis (UCR 17877). Shell area examined, mm? 59.6 Pore density, per mm? 1.7 Mean pore area, mm? x 102 3.2 +2.7/-1.9 Mean pore size, major axis 79.6 + 30.2 Mean pore size, minor axis 46.4 + 14.5 Major axis/minor axis 1.7 % pore area 0.54 Radial sections reveal prominent "growth lines" parallel to the shell surface. These lines are convex outward near the inner shell surface, where they conform to the concentric structure of the mammillary cores. Inclusions, such as these "growth lines", are possibly the remains of organic material incorporated during shell growth. The mammillary cores are eroded in appearance, suggesting that the Snake Dam egg had been incubated at least to the point of skeletal calcification of the chick (Erben et al. (1979). Pores are rarely solitary, tending to branch into pairs or triplets, and branching occurs parallel to the egg axis. In some cases blocked pores have been observed (Fig. 4). Secondary calcite and fine detrital sediment were not seen, and there is no sign of alteration due to fossilization. Chemical analysis of a small sample of shell revealed that it consists of low-magnesium calcite with a trace of silica. The composition is (Cap.99Mgo,.11) CO3, equivalent to 39.02% calcium by weight and 0.27% magnesium. It is noted that the host sediment, thought to be Etadunna Formation (Miocene or Late Oligocene), is likely to be high-Mg dolomitic claystone, suggesting that little chemical exchange has occurred between shell and sediment. _ The structure of the Snake Dam shell, although unusual for bird eggshell, is comparable in its uniqueness with the multi-layered shell of the emu. The form of the crystal columns, and AUSTRALIAN FOSSIL EGGS - 885 their intimate contact with each other, combined with the highly-organized branching pore structure are entirely consistent with bird eggshell, but not typical of reptile shell. SHELL POROSITY Porosity was measured on one 60 mm2 tangential section from about the mid-level of the shell. This was a compromise, because the number and size of pores varies at different levels within the shell. The data obtained are, therefore, an approximation of the true value for the egg. Water vapour conductance is a measure of the potential gas exchange of the whole egg, and relates to the requirements for respiratory gas exchange between embryo and the nest environment, as discussed above. Results obtained from a single shell fragment are only an approximation to the actual value, but the result obtained from porosity data may be checked against regressions based on egg weight, measured for living bird species (Ar ef al. 1974). Using estimated egg weight of 14.7 kg and egg density of 1.10 g/ cc (Paganelli e¢ al. 1974), egg volume can be calculated. From this, egg surface area can be estimated (Table 3). Applying the relationship GyH20 = 23.42 x Ap X L-! (Ar eral. 1974), water vapour conductance would be 917 mg/torr/day. Using only the estimated egg weight in the relationship, GH20 = 0.432 W°-78, a value of 769 mg/torr/day is obtained, which is in good agreement with the first estimate. If egg weight was closer to the lower estimate (12.6 kg), then the corresponding values would be 826 and 683 mg/torr/day, respectively. Thus, the estimated range of egg size, 12.6-14.7 kg, is considered to be reasonably close to the actual fresh weight of the egg. owe Table 3. Characteristics of the Snake Dam eggshell fragment (UCR 17877) derived from shell properties. *Estimate based on shell porosity, pore length; **prediction based on egg weight, using fresh bird eggs. Egg width, cm 24 - 29 Egg length, cm 42 - 32 Egg volume, cm? 11470 - 13400 Egg weight, g 2600 - 14700 Shell thickness, cm 0.407 + 0.005 Functional pore length (L), in cm 0.038 Egg surface area, cm? 25002780 Yopore area 0.535 Total pore area (A,), cm? 13.4 - 14.9 *Estimated Gyy29, mg/torr/day 826 - 917 **Predicted avian Gyo, mg/torr/day 683-769 —$—<$<$<—<$—<$<$<—<—$—$—$<— SS ——_—a-]a=ifeleerLNLLeeeeeeeeeeee 886 - WILLIAMS & RICH SUMMARY The Snake Dam shell fragment is the remains of an extremely large egg, with an estimated weight of 12-15 kg. Its shell structure, while unusual for bird eggshell, is clearly bird-like. Physiologically, the egg was probably not unusual, its porosity being consistent with above- ground incubation. The shell structure is unlike that of any other bird, and there are no obvious similarities with eggshell of any existing large ground birds in Australia, or for that matter, anywhere else. It, likewise, does not resemble the eggshell of the only other large ground bird known from eggshell in the Australian, Genyornis newtoni. Consequently no phylogenetic conclusion can be reached, but the attribution to Dromornis sp., the largest known fossil bird of the late Cainozoic of Australia (Rich 1979) is likely correct. CONCLUSIONS Fossil eggshells are known from numerous localities in the Quaternary and Tertiary of Australia. Thus far, the only ones that have received detailed attention have been those of the large ground birds, the mihirungs and emus, entirely through the work of D. L. G. Williams. Emu eggshells are unique in possessing three distinct layers, and although they are of much the same thickness, can easily be distinguished in the field from those of the mihirung Genyornis whose shell possesses a single layer only. The eggshell fragments of cf. Dromornis from the Tertiary of northern South Australia possesses a unique structure for birds and shows no clear alliance with any group of birds. There is much scope for further work on fossil eggshell, not only for identification of the taxa involved but also for providing insights into nesting behaviour and physiological adaptations of birds in the Australian Cainozoic. ACKNOWLEDGEMENTS The majority of the work in this paper was carried out by D. L. G. Williams, as a continuation of the work began as his Ph.D. which he received from Flinders University under the guidence of Dr R. T. Wells. Dom died far too early in his career, and his loss, especially in the areas of Pleistocene palaeomammalogy and avian oology, is great indeed. William's work and Rich's has been supported generously by the Australian Research Grants Scheme (now the Australian Research Council), and by funds from Flinders University, the Australian National University, and Monash University. Draga Gelt provided much of the drafting expertise, and Steve Morton and Ian Stewart provided photographic and electronmicrographic assistance. Dr M. O. Woodburne and Dr. T. H. Rich kindly allowed us to study the only two specimens known of cf. Dromornis ; Neville Pledge (South Australian Museum) and Ron Scarlett (Canterbury Museum) provided us with comparative material. Thanks to G. Miller (University of Colorado) for his review of this article, and especial thanks to Karl Hirsch for his useful comments and guidance on several drafts of this manuscript and throughout the study. REFERENCES ANDREWS, R.C., 1926. On the Trail of Ancient Man. Putnam, New York and London. AR, A., PAGANELLI, C.V., REEVES, R.B., GREENE, D.G. & RAHN, H., 1974. The avian egg: water vapor conductance, shell thickness, and functional pore area. Condor 76: 153-158. BERGER, R., DUCOTE, K., ROBINSON, K. & WALTER, H., 1975. Radiocarbon date for the largest extinct bird. Nature 258: 709. 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Palaeoecol. 45: 23-37. PLATES Plate 1. Fossil Genyornis egg weathering from a dune near Port Augusta, South Australia. Although this egg appeared remarkably complete, attempts to reassemble it were unsuccessful. Plate 2. Fragment of a very large egg ( UCR [Univ. Calif. Riverside] 17877, loc. RV-7237) of cf. Dromornis , from Snake Dam, Clayton River, South Australia; Miocene in age. A, A', stereo pair of external aspect of shell; B, iintemal aspect of shell; least width measurement (left margin in illustrations A, A’), 24.9 mm. Plate 3. Broken edges of eggshell, A, Genyornis newtoni; B, Dromaius novaehollandiae illustrating the internal structure of the shell. CL, columnar/continuous layers; ML, mammillary layer; P, pore; PL, porous (middle) layer; and SL, superficial layer. Plate 4. Thin sections of the Snake Dam eggshell fragment (UCR 17877): A, radial section, perpendicular to egg axis. Pores visible as deep fissures. Crystal columns appear narrow in this plane, but are elongated when viewed parallel to egg axis; B, tangential section about one third way from inner shell surface; pores occur in linear arrays approximately parallel to the egg axis; C, enlarged view of pores with calcite crystals partially infilling some. Shell thickness, 4 mm; mean pore size, 80 microns x 46 microns. AUSTRALIAN FOSSIL EGGS - 889 PLATE 1 PLATE 2 A A\ 890 - WILLIAMS & RICH PLATE 3 AUSTRALIAN FOSSIL EGGS - 891 PLATE 4 892 - WILLIAMS & RICH ect Satan. gt A baby Diprotodon optatum, bogged in a swamp at Lancefield, Victoria 26,000 years ago, is watched helplessly by its mother. During episodes of drought conditions thousands of Grey Kangaroos also died and were buried in this same swamp when it was one of the few remaining sources of water in the district. Diprotodon spp. were the last members of a diverse group of four-footed herbivorous marsupials, the diprotodontids, that were common in Australia during the Late Cainozoic. They had evolved by the Late Oligocene and persisted until at least 19,000 years ago. CHAPTER 23 MONOTREMES, PLACENTALS, AND MARSUPIALS: THEIR RECORD IN AUSTRALIA AND ITS BIASES Thomas H. Rich! INMOMUCHOM) 05.8 cadets Wide chi hs va0e eye one’ 894 What are Mammals, When and Where did they Develop?............ccceeeeeeeeeee 895 Dental Nomenclature and Dental Formulae of Therian Mammals..................0... 898 A Tale of Marsupials and Placentals ....... 902 Chronological Framework of Australian Terrestrial Fossil Mammal Sites....... 914 The Record of Mammals in Australia... 922 Order: Monotremata..............cccccee 922 Supercohort: Marsupialia............00.. 924 Order: Dasyuromorphia.................. 925 Order: Peramelemorpha.................. 929 Order: Notoryctemorphia................ 931 Order: Diprotodontia................066005 932 Suborder: Vombatiformes............ 932 Infraorder: Phascolarctomorphia.. 932 Infraorder: Vombatomorphia ...... 935 Infraorder: Phalangerida............. 944 Superfamily: Phalangeroidea.... 944 Superfamily: Macropodoidea.... 946 Superfamily: Burramyoidea...... 953 Superfamily: Phalangerida INCETLAE SCCIS....ccceeseececeeeeeess 957 Order: Yalkaparidontia.................... 957 Supercohort: Placentalia................... 958 Order: Chiroptera ...............ccceceeeees 958 Order: Rodentia...........cccccceeeecceeeeees 959 Order: Primates............ccecccesseceeeeeee 961 Order: Carnivora ...........ccceceeceeece ees 963 Family: Canidae.................. 963 History of the Terrestrial Mammals of AAISHA A oo DOU ces cated tevessg hts 963 Introduced Mammnal..................c002ceee eee 963 Acknowledgemenlts..........cccccceseeeeeeeeeees 963 IRCICTENCES-. stub Sos roland cates hiwehsive bee dveeses 972 Appendix I: Australian Mesozoic and Tertiary Terrestrial Mammal LG CANES) ces est cage gsabiiegs'ghanteniiee 1005 Appendix II: Literature References to the Fossil Terrestrial Mammals of PAUSU AIA os a nseaid an ote Seka’ tena dat 1057 1 Museum of Victotria, Melbourne, Victoria 3000, Australia. 894 - RICH INTRODUCTION During the Cainozoic, at least, Australia's terrestrial mammalian fauna evolved in virtually complete isolation from its nearest relatives on other continents. This is quite in contrast to the contemporaneous events in North America, Asia and Europe, where interchange between the continents was almost a continuous process. Africa was somewhat isolated during the Cainozoic, but faunal interchange was frequent enough to be a major factor in the evolution of the terrestrial mammals there. Only South America approaches Australia in the degree of isolation of its mammalian fauna from that of the rest of the world during the Cainozoic, and even there, it was not as pronounced. Terrestrial placental mammals were always an important part of the South American fauna during the Cainozoic, and in the middle of that era, two additional placental orders entered the continent and radiated widely. In the late Cainozoic, there was further widespread interchange between South and North America with the establishment of the Panamanian landbridge. In Australia, there was little or no interchange after the marsupials evolved in the Cretaceous. With the exception of bats, the Australian terrestrial mammalian fauna was solely made up of monotremes and marsupials until the appearance of rodents in the Pliocene. It has been asserted that the entire Australian marsupial fauna could have descended from a single species that entered the continent in the late Mesozoic or early Cainozoic. More than a single species might have reached Australia, presumably across Antarctica from South America at that time, but if more than one did so, certainly there is no evidence that the number was sig- nificantly greater than that. The monotremes appear to be the sole survivors of a radiation of mammals that began no later than the Late Jurassic. As the oldest undoubted marsupials anywhere are Late Cretaceous and an Early Cretaceous monotreme is known from Lightning Ridge, it is quite likely that monotremes were in Australia long before marsupials. This history implies that in a sense, Australia's mammalian fauna represents the product of an almost independent, simultancous experiment in the evolution of that class. Revelation of this history could provide insights into mammalian evolution that are otherwise unobtainable. Just as astronomers might learn much about the formation and history of planetary systems if it were possible to make detailed observations on a second one, the opportunity to observe an independent history of mammals provides a possible pathway to isolate factors related to accidents of history from those inherent in the nature of this group that determined how its evolution proceeded. Unfortunately, with the exception of two specimens from the Early Cretaceous and a small collection from near the Palaeocene/Eocene boundary yet to be described, the record of terrestrial mammals from Australia does not begin until the latest Oligocene, by which time 88 percent of mammalian history was over. What is known of the history of Australia’s mammalian fauna has been discussed in the literature on a number of previous occasions. Among these reviews are Anderson (1933), Abbie (1941), Ride (1964), Keast (1968, 1972), Archer & Bartholomai (1978), and Archer (198 1a, 1984b). Although his hypotheses concerning the evolution of Australian mammals were based almost exclusively on recent material, the classic work of Bensley (1903) cannot be ignored by any serious student of the topic. To summarize the previous work on Australian fossil mammals, a list of references pertaining to each terrestrial mammalian genus with a fossil record in either Australia or New Guinea is given in the second appendix to this chapter. Aplin & Archer (1987) list and evaluate eight principal classifications of marsupials that have been proposed beginning with Simpson (1945) and then give a ninth of their own. A further classification has recently been gencrated (Marshall, Case & Woodburne 1989). On first inspection, these classifications appear to differ greatly from one another. Many of the differences, however, are not owing to fundamental disagreements about the relationships of AUSTRALIA'S MAMMALIAN RECORD - 895 Figure 1. Comparison of the medial sides of the jaws of A, a lizard Varanus; B, a mammal-like reptile Cynognathus; and C, a marsupial, Thylacinus, x 3/5. Note the reduction of the number of bones in the jaw to a single element in the typical mammalian condition of Thylacinus as compared with those of the two reptiles. (A, after Romer 1956; B, after Broili and Schréder 1934; C, after Flower 1885). major groups but to a ripple effect caused by adherence to the logic of cladistic classifications that is inevitable when workers differ in the recognition of even a single dichotomy. Many new higher categories of marsupials from subfamilies to orders, have been proposed during the past decade. Frequently these of necessity have been based solely on dental remains. One is struck by how often these new taxa can be characterised as intermediate between two higher groups in fundamental characters; e.g. the bulungamayines are potoroids on the basis of jaw and lower incisor morphology with typically macropodid molars (Flannery, Archer & Plane 1983, 1984, but see Woodburne 1984). Thus, the inclusion of the new taxa necessarily into only one of the higher groups is quite likely to be subject to revision as additional specimens are found. For this reason, as well as the different viewpoints of the various workers involved, marsupial classifications are likely to remain in a state of flux for the foreseeable future, particularly owing to the ripple effect. For the purposes of this chapter, the classification of Aplin & Archer (1987) will be followed. Only with a perspective from a few decades hence will this choice be seen as perspicacious or not. However, just as the shape of the bottle has little to do with the taste of the wine, the choice of a particular current classification utilised is not vital to understanding the fundamental aspects of the groups involved nor their gencral relationships to one another. WHAT ARE MAMMALS, WHEN AND WHERE DID THEY DEVELOP? Mammals derive their name from the mammae (Latin, breasts, teats) with which they suckle their young. They are also characterised by the presence of hair, endothermy or warm- bloodedness, and the nature of the articulation between the jaw and skull. It is only this latter feature which is capable of preservation in the fossil record. In the reptilian ancestors of mammals, the articular bone of the jaw contacted the quadrate of the skull (see Figs 1, 2A). By the Late Triassic, 200 myBP, the earliest mammals had appeared. In these animals, the reptilian pattern of jaw-skull contact was maintained, but, in addition, the dentary of the jaw articulated with the squamosal of the skull. In more advanced mammals, the bones which had formed the reptilian jaw-skull articulation became restricted to 896 - RICH \ incus | (=quadrate) articular layingane quadrate (=angular) ¢ stapes | malleus retroarticular (= articular) gon tympanum = Process of feuedied articular i ih ie manubriu weenie’ [| (= retroarticular process) Figure 2. Comparison of the position of the articular (= malleus), quadrate (= incus) and angular (= tympanic) in A, the mammal-like reptile Thrinaxodon; and B, the marsupial Didelphis. (After Crompton & Jenkins 1979). functioning as two of the three ossicles that linked the ear drum to the inner ear; the articular became the malleus; the quadrate became the incus (see Fig. 2). Although it played no direct part in the jaw-skull articulation of reptiles, the angular is another element of the reptilian jaw that became incorporated into the structure of the mammalian ear. There it became the tympanic ring, which supports the ear drum. With the quadrate and articular removed from the jaw-skull articulation, the dentary-squamosal articulation provided all contact between the jaw and skull. Understanding of this transition between reptiles and mammals in the function of these two bones did not have to await the discovery of the Late Triassic and Jurassic specimens which display the double articulation in the adults. Study of the embryological development of mammals demonstrated more than a century ago that Meckels cartilage which develops along the inside of the jaw of the embryo in the same position as the articular of an adult reptile, became the malleus of an adult mammal. In addition to the three major mammalian groups extant at present, the monotremes, marsupials, and placentals, there were three other groups that appeared in the Mesozoic and were all extinct by the end of the Oligocene. The first of these were the triconodontans. As suggested by their name, their tecth have three major cusps, which are arranged in an anteroposteriorly directed line (see Fig. 3), It is generally held that the other mammalian groups evolved from ancestors with a dental pattern similar to that of primitive triconodontans. A long-lived group, they persisted from the Late AUSTRALIA'S MAMMALIAN RECORD - 897 Figure 3. Intemal view: A, of the jaw; and B, an isolated molar of Priacodon, a Late Jurassic triconodont. (After Simpson 1929). Triassic to the Late Cretaceous in both the Southern and Northern hemispheres but are as yet unknown in Australia. Figure 4. Occlusal view: A, of an isolated right upper molar, x 13; and B, of an isolated right lower molar, x 16, of Docodon, a Late Jurassic docodont (After Simpson 1929). The second group were the Docodonta, which are characterised by a unique pattern of quadrate molars adapted for puncturing and slicing (see Fig. 4). Although only 4 genera have been recognised, the Docodonta are rather widely represented in Middle and Late Jurassic deposits of the Northern Hemisphere. By contrast, there were at least forty-eight genera of the third group, the Multituberculata. They appear in the Late Triassic, if the enigmatic haramyids are included, or the Late Jurassic and persisted until the Early Oligocene. With enlarged lower incisors and molars suitable for grinding, these animals were presumably rodent-like in their habits (see Fig. 5). This similarity and the time of their demise coming soon after the appearance of the rodents in the Late Palaeocene, has led to the obvious suggestion that the multituberculates were displaced by rodents. Although they lasted for a long time and were numerous and widespread in the Northern Hemisphere, there is only a single, tentative record in the Southern Hemisphere, Ferugliotherium windhauseni from the Late Cretaceous of Argentina (Bonaparte 1987). Rowe (1988) provides a fascinating discussion of what a mammal is, "...the most recent common ancestor of extant Monotremata and Theria...," and analyses 158 osteological and dental characters which diagnose the Class. By his analysis, the earliest true mammal is Phascolotherium bucklandi, a triconodontan from the Middle Jurassic of England. 898 - RICH ¥ \\li\ Figure 5. A, largely hypothetical restoration of a ptilodontid multituberculate skull; B, right upper dentition of the Late Cretaceous multituberculate Meniscoessus robustus, x 4.75. (A, after Clemens & Kielan- Jaworowska 1979; B, after Clemens 1963). DENTAL NOMENCLATURE AND DENTAL FORMULAE OF THERIAN MAMMALS The Theria are characterised by the shape of their molars. In the primitive Theria including the monotremes, the molars have a triangular shape in occlusal view so that those in the upper jaw interlock with those in the lower (see Fig. 6). This is quite distinct from the pattern seen in triconodonts and although docodonts mimic this pattern, theirs developed from a marshalling of independently evolved cusps (Butler 1986). Although more advanced therians have dental patterns quite unlike reversed interlocking triangles, all evolved from ancestors that did. Figure 6. Diagram showing the occlusal relationships between upper and lower molars of a primitive member of the Theria, Kuhneotherium praecursoris. Areas on upper and lower molars with the same number occlude against one another. (After Bown & Kraus, 1979). Cheek teeth of therian mammals are complicated structures, and a detailed system of naming the cusps and crests evolved. The effort has been motivated by the fact that because teeth are both complicated and durable structures, they are often the only part of the skeleton of a mammal available for analysis. A major step in the evolution of this nomenclatural system was provided by Osborn (1907). A guide into the more recent literature can be found in Bown & Kraus (1979). Figs 7-8 give terminology applied to molars of two major marsupial groups. AUSTRALIA'S MAMMALIAN RECORD - 899 StE mec. Ant —> me. Ling P.prcer. - | pr. B mecd * end \ med Figure 7. A, upper cheektooth of Sminthopsis (Dasyuridae): a.c., anterior cingulum (or precingulum); a.prcr., preprotocrista; me., metacone; mec., metacrista; pa., paracone; pac., paracrista; p.prcr., post- protocrista; pr., protocone; st A, position of stylar cusp A; st B-E, stylar cusps B, C, D, and E. B, lower cheektooth of Sminthopsis (Dasyuridae): a.c., anterior cingulum (or precingulid); c.o., cristid oblique; end, entoconid; hycd, hypocristid; hyd, hypoconid; hyld, hypoconulid; med, metaconid; mecd, metacristid,; pacd, paracristid; pad, paraconid; pastd, parastylid; p.c., posterior cingulum (or postcingulid); prd, protoconid. (After Archer 1981b). 900 - RICH me.bucc.basin pa.bucc.basin posparacr. A premetacr. pas. postmetacr. Bec me. t p.-l.butt pa. _-L.butt.me. pel. f mel. ant.cing. post.cing: \y pr. posthypocr. iy preprotocr. Prey pert: postprotocr. preentocd postmetacd med B end parametcd postentocd posthypocd pad preprotocd prd prd protostylid Figure 8. Schematic presentation of cusp and crest nomenclature of generalised koala (Phascolarctidae) molars. A, right M4: B, right Mg; C, right M2. Abbreviations: ant. cing., anterior cingulum; c.o., cristid obliqua; end., entoconid; hyp., hypocone; hyd., hypoconid; me., metacone; me. bucc. basin, metacone buccal basin; med., metaconid; mesd., metastylid; mc/., metaconule; pa., paracone; pa. bucc. basin, paracone buccal basin; pad., paraconid; parametacd, para-metacristid; pas., parastylare comer of tooth; pcl., protoconule; p.-l. butt. me., postero-lingual buttress of metacone; p.-l. butt. pa., postero-lingual buttress of paracone, post. cing., posterior cingulum; postentocd., postentocristid; posthypocd., posthypocristid; posthypocr., posthypocrista; postmetacd., postmetacristid; postmetacr.; postmetacrista; postparacr., postparacrista; postprotocd., postprotocristid; postprotocr., postprotocrista; pr., protocone; prd., protoconid; prehypocr., prehypocrista; premetacr., premetacrista; preentocd., preentocristid; preparacr., preparacrista; preprotocd., preprotocristid; preprotocr., preprotocrista; protostylid, protostylid. (After Archer 1978b). Tedford & Woodburne (1987) conclude, based on the analysis of upper molars of Ilaria, Madakoala, and Miralina, that the metaconule as used above has no counterpart in the Placentalia and designate a new name, neometaconule, for it. Likewise, they regard the hypocone as used above as homologous with the metaconule of the Placentalia and therefore the proper name for that cusp. AUSTRALIA'S MAMMALIAN RECORD - 901 19/4 C!/; P3/3 M4/q is the basic adult dental formula of the marsupials and 13/3 C!/, P4/4 M3/3 is that of placental mammals. Most late Mesozoic and Cainozoic members of the two groups have the respective formula or have reduced the number of teeth from them. Where increases have occurred, the postcanine teeth are all alike in most instances; i.e. homodont as in porpoises, armadillos and honey possums. Where there are more teeth than the usual formula and the difference in tooth pattern between premolars and molars is maintained, then only one or two cheekteeth (= molars + premolars) are added beyond the usual seven. Individual teeth are identified by a numerical system, where the numbering begins with 1 at the most anterior of a given tooth type and proceeds posterior: i.e. I! designates the most anterior upper incisor; I), the most anterior lower incisor. With one important exception, there is general agreement about the system for designating the individual teeth of Australasian mammals. That exception is the cheektecth of marsupials. Most workers have adopted the following system, Pl P2 P3 DP3 M1 M2 M3 M4, where DP3 is the deciduous premolar which is displaced by the M1, the permanent first molar. An alternative followed by many workers is to regard these same teeth as P1 P2 P4 dP4 M1 M2 M3 M4, where the dP4 is the deciduous premolar which is displaced by the M1. The rationale of substituting P4 for P3 and dP4 for DP3 is the assumption of the hypothesis that marsupials have lost the P3 of placental mammals. Archer (1978a) puts forward an alternative scheme for enumerating the cheek teeth of marsupials that is used here. Ontogenetic evidence in a few marsupials that have been studied thus far indicates that there are two families of cheekteeth, P1 P2 P3 and M1 M2 M3 M4 M5. The tooth here designated M1 is the dP4 or DP3 of the other two systems. In appearance, it is like the molars behind it rather than the premolars. Thus, by adopting the system of Archer (1978a), all the cheekteeth of each family are united by a common morphology and quite separate from the other. P3 does not bud off the dental lamina beneath M1 as would be expected if P3 was the permanent replacement of M1. Rather, P3 buds off the dental lamina between P2 and M1. Discussions of tooth enumeration systems in therians and particularly marsupials can be found in Mahoney & Ride (1975), Bown & Kraus (1979) and Clemens (1979a). Figure 9. Left lower molar of the symmetrodont Tinodon bellus, A, intemal view; and B, occlusal view. (After Cassiliano & Clemens 1979). The most primitive therians have essentially no more to their molar structure than the reversed interlocking triangles. One such group of therians are the symmetrodonts (see Fig. 9); the monotremes are another. Near the end of the Jurassic, an elaboration of the molars took place which was to have a profound effect on the course of mammalian evolution. This was the development of a basin (or talonid) behind the principal triangular pillar (or trigonid) on the lower molar and a new cusp on the upper molar, the protocone, which occluded in the talonid basin in much the way a pestle acts in a mortar to grind objects to powder. This innovation, which has been termed the tribosphenic molar (see Fig. 10), apparently laid part of the essential groundwork for the rise of the marsupial and placental mammals. Except for the three genera 902 - RICH Figure 10. Diagram showing the occlusal relationships between upper and lower molars of a tribosphenic therian, Didelphodus sp. Contrast with Fig. 8. Note particularly the presence of a basined talonid on the lower molar and the protocone on the upper in contrast to the condition in Kuehneotherium praecursoris. (After Bown & Kraus 1979). of monotremes, all living mammals fall into one of these two groups. The two groups differ- entiated from one another about 100 million years ago near the boundary between the Early and Late Cretaceous. A TALE OF MARSUPIALS AND PLACENTALS It is the structure and mode of function of the female reproductive system that forms the most obvious difference between the marsupials and placental mammals. Unfortunately, there is little evidence from the fossil record about the evolution of this system. The question remains moot as to whether the marsupial condition represents a stage through which the placental mammals passed or if the common ancestor of the two groups had a reproductive system in the females closer to that of the egg-laying reptiles from which they ultimately arose. If one accepts the premise that the marsupials represent a structural intermediate between the reptiles and placentals, there are two problems that must be explained. First, in marsupials there is a pseudovagina present in the females which has no counterpart in placental mammals. Second, the ureters pass lateral to the vagina in placental mammals and medial to the twinned vaginac in marsupials (see Fig. 11). On first sight, it would appear that the pseudovagina of marsupials is homologous to the true vagina of placental mammals. Both occupy the same position relative to the ureters and both are medial structures. However, examination of embryos shows that the true vaginae are formed by the posterior growth of the Miillerian ducts from the ovaries. In placental mammals, the two Miillerian ducts fuse to form the medial vagina while in marsupials, they form the lateral vaginae, fusing only for a short distance (see Fig. 12). In marsupials, from the point of fusion of the Miillerian ducts, an outpocketing forms that grows posteriorly to form the pseudovagina. The structure is not linked directly to the urogenital sinus until the time of the first birth. It is most likely that the pseudovagina is an innovation that appeared subsequent to the separation of the marsupials and placental mammals. Although most young AUSTRALIA'S MAMMALIAN RECORD - 903 — Uterus Z -Uterus — Lateral vagina vin Vestigial w olffian ; duct ~ Birth canal (Median Vagina) Vestigial Wolffian Urogenital duct Vagina Sinus Figure 11. Urogenital tract of a female eutherian (left) and marsupial (right). (After Tyndale-Biscoe 1973). \ Metanephric Degenerated mesonephric .., kidney duct wt it im Mullerian duct / Lateral vaginal fp viinar Ureteric bud Metanephric canal ~ —— é Sal (grows dorso-mediad) j mass | Fg Incipient urethra : Ureter Urogenital si > Median vagina nll 9 ae | ~ Genital tubercle Allantois | Sexually indifferent Stage Female Specialization \ ¢ —-Cloaca Cloacal membrane wor © hey Degenerated mesonephric duct \ 1 1 f Uterus Incipient urethra Ureteric bud (grows dorso-laterad) Median ‘ : Ly vagina Urogenital sinus Eutherian Figure 12. "Diagrammatic illustrations comparing development of differences in spatial relationships observed in female urogenital ducts between marsupial and placental mammals (ventral view)." (After Lillegraven 1969). marsupials pass through the pseudovagina during the birth process, not all do so. Some utilise the lateral vaginae. In the development of the urogenital system in female mammals, the ureters grow forward from the base of the bladder towards the kidneys, while the Miillerian ducts, which will become the uterus and vagina of the adults, grow posteriorly from the ovaries. Topologically, whether one or the other is the more lateral is simply a matter of how these two growing tubes meet and pass one another. Therefore, it does not seem a major transition in developmental pattern 904 - RICH to imagine an ancestral placental mammal switching from one arrangement to the other if it was advantageous to do so. Exactly what the respective advantages are of the two reproductive methods is unclear (Kirsch 1977a, Parker 1977). The marsupial young are born at a very immature stage and must crawl from the opening of the urogenital sinus to a teat where it firmly attaches itself. This all happens within the normal duration of a single estrous cycle. By contrast, in the placental mammal, through secretion of progesterone, the estrous cycle is halted at a stage where the uterus is able to accept the implantation of the embryo and remains in that condition until the time of birth long after the normal duration of the estrous cycle. Each reproductive method may have its advantages without one necessarily being consistently superior to the other. However, it is of interest to note that although the developmental differences between the two structural patterns do not seem to be great, the dichotomy is rather clearcut. One does not find within a family or order some species that have the marsupial pattern and others that have the placental one. It seems that once a particular reproductive strategy was chosen, the commitment to it is such that the cost of switching is too great to enable this to occur in response even to major differences in habitat preference and mode of life between members of the same family or order. A hres een Saas “An Coin! gE Ay, Oe. yh Ps C ype Ve AT ae unio (oN on aft Figure 13. Alphadon lulli, didelphid from the Late Cretaceous of North America. A, left M23, occlusal view, x12; B, occlusal view of right mandible, x 10.8; C, labial view of right mandible, x 10.8. (After Clemens 1966). AUSTRALIA'S MAMMALIAN RECORD - 905 It may be that the critical difference lies in the amount of parental effort invested in the growth of each offspring. Lillegraven et al. (1987) have argued that by maintaining the young in utero until they are more advanced, eutherians generally have a correspondingly shorter lactation period prior to the time of weaning than marsupials, lactation being more energy inefficient in terms of physical development. Although Holoclemensia from the late Early Cretaceous was initially regarded as a marsupial, doubt has been recently placed on this allocation. The first undoubted marsupials are from the Late Cretaceous of North America. The central group then was the Didelphidae, a morphologically conservative family that persists to the present day and includes 70 of the 78 living marsupial species in the Americas (see Fig. 13). .) nage ays Figure 14. Pediomys cooki, pediomyid from the late Cretaceous of North America. A, right maxilla with p3_m4, x 12; B. occlusal view of right mandible, x 12; C, labial view of right mandible, x 12. (After Clemens 1966). Out of the Didelphidae arose two additional families in the Late Cretaceous. One was the Pediomyidae, which was characterised by a reduction in the stylar cusps along the outside or buccal surface of the upper molars (see Fig. 14). This pattern was repeated later, independently 906 - RICH Aut ul fp sf SPL. S44, \y mM / ¥ wah, ie wt Mi od Figure 15. Didelphodon vorax, stagodontid from the Late Cretaceous of North America. A, left M?, occlusal view, x 7.2; B, occlusal view of left mandible, x 2.4; C, labial view of left mandible, x 2.4; D, lingual view of left mandible, x 2.4. (After Clemens 1966, 1968). AUSTRALIA'S MAMMALIAN RECORD - 907 by the Australian thylacines and possibly independently by the South American borhyaenids as well. Possession of this feature by these three groups appears to be an example of parallel evolution in which from the same stock, the Didelphidae, similar structures appeared more than once 1n response to similar selection pressures. The protocone and talonid basin are reduced in the thylacines and borhyaenids and enlarged in the pediomyids from the condition in didelphids, suggesting that the similarities of the buccal regions of the molars were acquired independently, The third North American Late Cretaceous marsupial family was the Stagodontidae (see Fig. I 5). Known from only a few specimens, these animals had evolved to become specialised carnivores. They were larger than other contemporary marsupials, reaching the size of a sea otter or large native cat. Their jaws were short, deep and heavy, and the dentition was well adapted for crushing prey such as shell-fish. As the Cretaceous drew to a close in North America, the marsupials declined in number of species until only a few didelphids were left. At the same time, placental mammals were increasing in diversity there, perhaps as a result of immigration from eastern Asia where they may have originated somewhat earlicr. Whether the rise of one group brought about the decline of the other is an open question. Alternatively, it has been suggested that the marsupials were for the most part members of what has been termed "the Triceratops community" which included dinosaurs (Van Valen & Sloan 1977). This was displaced by another Community in which placental mammals were numerous and marsupials, although present, were rare, “the Protungulatum community." The Triceratops community was associated with an open country flora, while the Protungulatum community was associated with forests. With climatic cooling at the end of the Cretaceous, the forests spread towards the equator. Thus, under this model the change in abundances of placentals and marsupials would not be related to direct interaction, but rather was owing to their linkage with different communities. Marsupials persisted in North Amercia as a minor element of the fauna until they became extinct there in the Middle Miocene. Never again were they to achieve on that continent the diversity they had in the Late Cretaceous. At the end of the Pliocene, with the establishment of the Panamanian isthmus, North America was re-invaded by marsupials entering from South America. Five species in four genera are found today at least as far north as southern Mexico but only one ranges into the United States and Canada: Didelphis virginiana. Late Cretaceous mammals are known in Europe from only a single published specimen, However, there are three European Palacocene faunas with large samples. In these there are no marsupials, so it seems likely that when they do appear in the record there in the Early Eocene, this was close to the time of their actual entry into that continent. This is quite likely on another ground. The Early Eocene was a time of extensive interchange of terrestrial mammals between North America and Europe. Fifty-seven percent of the Early Eocene mammals in the Paris Basin are also known from North America while the Late Palacocene and Middle Rocene faunas share few genera in common (McKenna 1975, Savage & Russell 1943), The most probable route of entry was via Greenland before sea floor spreading had completed the separation between North America and Europe (McKenna, 1983). Only the durable, conservative Didelphidae reached Europe. The evolutionary patiern there was much as it was in North America during the Tertiary. Only three genera have been recognised in the European Tertiary, and the differences between these generalised omnivores is not marked (Crochet 1940). They finally became extinct in the Middle Miocene. Until 1984, marsupials were unknown in Africa. Almost simultaneously, didelphids were recognised in the Early Eocene of Algeria (Crochet 1984) and the Early Oligocene of Egypt (Simons & Bown 1984). In that same year, a didelphid was also reported from the Early Oligocene of Kazachstan (Gabunia et al. 1984). Although evidently present on both continents, marsupials were never an important clement of the mammalian fauna of either, Kielan-Jaworowska (1982) recognised the order Deltatheroida as the sister-group of the Marsupialia within the metatheria. Deltatheroidans are known from Asia and North America 908 - RICH Figure 16. Mandibles of caenolestoids. A, Caenolestes sp. (Caenolestidae), Recent; B, Eudolops carolo- ameghinoi (Polydolopidae), Early Eocene; C, Abderites meridionalis (Caenolestidae), Early Miocene, D, Epidolops ameghinoi (Polydolopidae), Late Palaeocene. Length of scale 10 mm. (B after Paula Couto 1952; A, C, D after Marshall 1980). AUSTRALIA'S MAMMALIAN RECORD - 909 30mm Figure 17. Lycopsis longirostrus (Borhyaenidae). A, lateral view of right upper dentition; B, occlusal view of right upper dentition; C, lateral view of right mandible; D, occlusal view of right mandible. (After Marshall 1977a). and have a dental formula of three premolars and four molars and an alisphenoid component to the auditory bulla as in marsupials but differ from them in having higher trigonids on the lower 910 - RICH molars and wider stylar shelves and smaller protocones on the upper molars (Kielan- Jaworowska & Nessov 1990). In South America, the history of marsupials was much different from that on all the continents previously mentioned (Patterson & Pascual 1972, Simpson 1980, Marshall 1982, Marshall & Muizon 1988). Prior to their arrival in South America along with the placentals at the end of the Cretaceous or the beginning of the Tertiary, the mammalian fauna there was dominated by an assemblage of non-tribosphenic forms (triconodonts, eupantotheres, paratheres [= edentates sensu lato] and possibly multituberculates), which apparently evolved in isolation on the Gondwana continents since the Middle to Late Jurassic. This assemblage is documented by the fauna from Los Alamitos Formation from Patagonia (Bonaparte 1987, 1990). The Tiupampa local fauna from Bolivia and the Laguna Umayo local fauna from Peru are dated as Maestrichtian (latest Cretaceous) (Marshall & Muizon 1988) or early Palaeocene (Van Valen 1988a-b). Somewhat younger than the assemblage from the Los Alamitos Formation, these sites differ strikingly from it in faunal composition. These younger sites indicate that at about the Cretaceous-Tertiary boundary, there was a major turnover in the South American mammalian fauna with the disappearance of all the previous elements except the paratheres and the arrival of the placentals and marsupials from Laurasia where they are well known during the latter half of the Cretaceous. The marsupials represented are peradectids, microbiotheriids, didelphids, carloameghiniids and borhyaenids. As in North America, the pediomyids became extinct near the end of the Cretaceous in South America. The others continued into the Cainozoic there, with the microbiotheriids and didelphids persisting to the present day. During the Cainozoic, a minimum of seven marsupial families arose in South America from the didelphids or didelphid-like forms. The only one of these to survive into modern times are the didelphids themselves and the Caenolestidae, a group of generalised omnivores characterised by forward projecting lower incisors and didactylous rather than syndactylous hind feet, unlike the Australian diprotodontians, which they otherwise resemble (see discussion below). This family appeared in the Early Eocene. Some of the early members were among the most specialised in the group, having enlarged the M2s into shearing blades (Fig. 16B). However, it was the dentally unspecialised which continue to survive (Fig. 16D). Somewhat earlier, Late Palaeocene, are the first known records of the Polydolopidae, a family closely related to the caenolestids and even more dentally specialised. These forms developed elaborate molars and enlarged the P3s into serrated blades (Fig. 16A, C). This specialised group became extinct after the Early Oligocene, even before the relatively specialised caenolestids disappeared. The principal South American terrestrial carnivores for much of the Tertiary were the Borhyaenidae. Patene is the most primitive member of the family, being somewhat didelphid- like in its features. This genus is known from the oldest deposits (Late Palaeocene) containing borhyaenids. Along with it are more advanced forms indicating that the group had evolved from the didelphids somewhat earlier. Borhyaenids are distinguished from didelphids by the reduction in the outer margin or stylar shelf of the upper molars, the tendency of the paracone and metacone to be closer to one another, and the increase in size of the molar series posteriorly so that the M4 and M9 are the largest in the row, the M> being reduced (Fig. 17). Borhyaenids persisted until the Early Pliocene. It has been suggested that the decline of the larger borhyaenids in the late Tertiary was brought about by competition from large carnivorous ground birds, the phororhacoids (Patterson & Pascual 1968, 1972, Marshall 1978). During the Middle to Late Pliocene, there existed a highly specialised derivative of the borhyaenids, the Thylacosmilidae. This family of large carnivores is most noteworthy for the development of enlarged canines (Marshall 1976). These bear an uncanny resemblance to those of the placental Machairodontinae, the so-called "saber-tooth cats" (Fig. 18). These quite distinct groups independently evolved striking saber-teeth, an excellent example of convergent evolution. AUSTRALIA'S MAMMALIAN RECORD - 911 _ The Argyrolagidae are a family of marsupials that converge in skeletal structure with bipedal, Jumping and leaping rodents elsewhere in the world such as the kangaroo rats of North America (Heteromyidae), jerboas of Africa and Asia (Dipodidae) and hopping mice (Notomys) of Australia. As in all of these arid-adapted forms, the hind-limbs are elongated and the skull has inflated chambers surrounding the middle ear (Fig. 19). One feature is shared with a group Figure 18. Skulls of (A) the placental machairodontine felid Eusmilus sicarius and (B) the marsupial thylacosmilid Thylacosmilus atrox, x 0.25. (After Riggs 1934). of marsupials that otherwise are quite unlike them, the wombats: they have ever-growing, columnar, hypsodont molars. Argyrolagids appear in the Early Oligocene and became extinct in the Early Pleistocene. Their relationships with other South American marsupials are not well understood (Simpson 1970a, b, Wolff 1984). The last three South American marsupial families are extremely enigmatic, all being known from very little material. The Early Miocene Necrolestidae bear some resemblance to placental moles (Fig. 20). Patterson (1958) tentatively allied the family with the Borhyaenoidea. Archer (1984a), however, because they have none of the unique features of the marsupials, removes them from the group. The Grocberidae are known from only a single mandible fragment and an unassociated skull fragment, which are superficially rodent-like (Fig. 21). Their record is restricted to the Early Oligocene, approximately contemporaneous with the appearance of the rodents in South America (Simpson 1970c). Perhaps the Groeberidae were displaced by the invading rodents (Simpson 1980). The Late Oligocene Patagonia peregrina is the sole representative of another rodent-like marsupial family, the Patagoniidae (Fig. 22). Known only from a few mandible fragments and isolated teeth, it is quite similar to the Groeberidae except for the presence of a lower canine. The Antarctic record of marsupials, and all terrestrial mammals for that matter, is restricted to a single site on Seymour Island, which is south of the southern tip of South America. Of Late Eocene age, all the specimens have been referred to Antarctodolops and Eurydolops, both in the Polydolopidae (Case, Woodburne & Chaney 1988, Woodburne & Zinsmeister 1984), It is singularly unfortunate that Australia, with the most diverse assemblage of marsupials, has the poorest record of Mesozoic and Tertiary terrestrial vertebrates of all continents except Antarctica (Fig. 23). Although mammals appeared elsewhere in the world by the Late Triassic, their earliest Australian record is based solely on two specimens from the Early Cretaceous (Archer et al. 1985, Rich, Flannery & Archer 1989) when the history of mammals was half 912 - RICH Figure 19. Argyrolagus scaglii. A, latcral view of skull; B, ventral view of skull; C, lateral view of jaw, x 2.3. (After Simpson 1970a). over. Another major break follows for the next oldest, securely-dated occurrence of terrestrial mammals on the continent and the earliest record of marsupials is Late Oligocene (Tedford et al. 1975) by which time 88 percent of the history of the class had already passed. Recently, a few dozen isolated marsupial teeth have been found at the Tingamarra site in southeastern Queensland, which may well prove to be of an age in the Tertiary prior to Late Oligocene (see Appendix I). What it has so far been possible to document in the history of this group in Australia is primarily evolution within modern families and the barest traces of a number of extinct families, many of which are closely allied to others still extant. Except possibly for the macropodoids and phalangerids, the time of emergence of the various families was mostly long over when the earliest glimpses of this fauna are afforded to us. To discover early Tertiary AUSTRALIA'S MAMMALIAN RECORD - 913 ors 20. Necrolestes patagonensis, right lateral view of snout region of skull, x 2.3. (After Patterson Figure 21. Groeberia minoprioi mandible. A, occlusal view; B, ventral view; C, lateral view; x 5.75. (After Simpson ef al. 1962). and additional Mesozoic sites is obviously a first priority research objective for understanding how the pattern of descent of the marsupial groups occurred on this continent. However, by working with what clues are preserved in the modern animals that suggest the condition of their common ancestors as well as studying fossils of forms that are structurally intermediate between modern groups, it is possible to begin postulating about how the evolution of the Australian mammals took place. The structurally intermediate forms that have 914 - RICH been found as fossils cannot be regarded as actual ancestors. They occur too late in time for that, because their presumed descendants were living alongside them. Not only is the pre-Miocene record of Australian mammals virtually non-existant, the number of Neogene sites is low relative to other continents. Less than one hundred and fifty Late Oligocene through Pliocene sites are known in Australia, while in North America there are more than two thousand for the same time interval (Savage & Russell 1983). The quality of preservation at many of these sites is not the best. However, it has been possible to use them to put together a general outline of the Neogene and Quaternary evolution of Australian mammals. One of the first needs to be met to accomplish this has been the establishment of a sequence of the sites in both relative terms and, where possible, in physical time units. Cz alveolus Ht tesen y+ apy N / Figure 22. Patagonia peregrina mandible. A, lateral view; B, occlusal view. Length of scale 2 mm. (After Pascual & Carlini 1987). CHRONOLOGICAL FRAMEWORK OF AUSTRALIAN TERRESTRIAL FOSSIL MAMMAL SITES The chronological framework in which the various sites where fossils of terrestrial mammals occur is based on a combination of contributions from several disciplines. Physical stratigraphy is used in the few instances where it can be shown that one assemblage of fossils is from a rock body that overlies, and thus succeeds, another in time, which has also yielded a suite of fossils. This is the most direct approach for demonstrating AUSTRALIA'S MAMMALIAN RECORD - 915 NORTH SOUTH A MY AMERICA AMERICA EUROPE AFRIC ASIA ANTARCTICA | AUSTRALIA ie} 10 oi 20 30 40 a = 50 : ee 60 70 CENOZOIC 80 90 100 110 CRETACEOUS 120 130 140 150 oO no 4 of, 8 =? = {a} <5 1704 & = +— aa eee ake J 180 190 LATE TRIASSIC an? Figure 23. Occurrences of mammals through geologic time. (Modified from Clemens, Lillegraven ef al. 1979). 916 - RICH that one type of fossil is younger than another. However, it does not provide any measure of how great the time difference is, only a chronological ordering of biological events. Biostratigraphy, the relative ordering of rock units in time, is done in two quite different ways at sites where fossils of terrestrial mammals are found in Australia. In the first approach, the relative ranges of various fossil taxa found at the sites in question are determined by reference to their recorded vertical ranges in more-or-less continuous sections of rock elsewhere. As more such sections are examined, confidence in the relative ranges of the taxa increase. In practice, this means that the taxa useful for this type of biostratigraphy in Australia are not the fossil mammals themselves, because they do not occur through any significant vertical thickness of rock. Rather, they tend to be restricted to single sites of no practical thickness. So, it is the organisms associated with the fossil mammals which are also much more widespread in rock units that can be utilised for biostratigraphic purposes in this manner. Such forms include marine mollusca, foraminifera, spores, and pollen, All of these occur frequently enough in continuous sedimentary sequences such as most commonly occur in marine deposits that the relative scale of their respective vertical ranges in rock can be accurately assessed. The second method of determining the relative ages of deposits with fossils is utilised only when there is no other available criteria. This approach is to analyse the degree of evolutionary advancement of one or more taxa at a given site relative to closely related taxa at another. It has been termed the stage-of-evolution approach. In order to carry out such an analysis, one must already have an idea as to the direction of the trends of structural change among the organisms analysed. By having a few instances where two or more suites of fossils can be dated relative to one another or by comparing fossil taxa with modern members of the same groups, the general direction of morphological change can be inferred. By then assuming that change occurred in only one direction, it is possible to estimate how relatively advanced two species are with respect to one another and hence, the relative ages of the rocks from which they came. The more taxa for which this can be done, the more confidence that can be placed in the resulting analysis. It is only in this way that to some extent one of the greatest weaknesses of this method can be overcome, the assumption that the changes occur in only one direction. In detail, this assumption is certainly false but with broader sampling of taxa, the likelihood increases that a fauna with more advanced members will be younger. This approach is discussed in further detail and defended by Savage (1977). A critique of the approach is given in the same volume by Eldredge & Gould (1977). Stirton et al. (1968) and Stirton, Woodburne & Plane (1967) relied heavily upon this method to order the Australian Tertiary mammal sites. In many instances, there was no other basis available to estimate the ages of the fossil sites. They utilised diprotodontoids exclusively, but more recently other groups have been analysed for the same purpose; é.g. pseudocheirids (Woodburne, Tedford & Archer 1987), Where possible, an estimate of the age for a fossil site in terms of physical time units is made. In practice this means utilising one of a number of different dating procedures that rely on the constant rate of decay of radioactive isotopes no matter to what physical conditions they have been subjected . The best known of these radiometric dating schemes is based on the decay of carbon fourteen, 14C. With a half-life of 5,730 years, this technique is only adequate for samples less than about 35,000 years old. New techniques based on detecting the !4C remaining in the sample rather than noting the decay of that isotope might eventually permit age determinations two to three times the present limit. Any carbon that is incorporated into living tissue can, in principle, be utilised to date when an organism lived. !4C is formed primarily in the atmosphere owing to the conversion of nitrogen fourteen, !4N, to that isotope owing to cosmic ray bombardment. Approximately 70 tonnes of nitrogen is annually converted to !4C in the earth's atmosphere in this manner. The AUSTRALIA'S MAMMALIAN RECORD - 917 carbon subsequently combines with oxygen to form carbon dioxide, some of which is then incorporated into the structure of living plants by the process of photosynthesis. Once the plant dies, the intake of '*CO, into its structure ceases and the amount of 14¢C begins to decrease as that element decays back to !4N at a constant rate. In the same fashion, when an animal dies, the intake of !4C into its body structure ceases because ultimately the source of that isotope is the plants on which it is directly or indirectly dependent. Provided there is no addition or deletion of carbon to the remains of an organism subsequent to its death, the amount of !4C remaining gives a reliable measure of the time of cessation of metabolism or death. Experience has shown that some types of fossils give more reliable dates than others. Charcoal, for example, can be treated chemically so that virtually all the !4C that may have entered a sample from the atmosphere subsequent to its being burnt can be removed, making possible a reliable date. On the other hand, samples based on bone collagen are always regarded as minimum dates. This is because !4C from the atmosphere can be incorporated into the sample long after the animal's death in such a manner that it is impossible to separate it in any way from the !4C present at the time of death. Potassium forty, 4°K, decays with a half-life of about 1,250 million years. In principle, as a tool for determining physical dates, this decay scheme is no different than !4C to 14N. The longer half-life means that rocks as old as the solar system can be dated. In fact, one of the two real problems that prevents using 4°K decay more frequently is that unless the sample in question is at least 500,000 years old, not enough 49Ar accumulates to make it possible to detect. The other major problem with applying this dating scheme to the problems of the chronology of Australian Cainozoic mammals is that ideally what is dated is the last time the rock was heated to a high enough temperature that any 4°Ar previously incorporated in the crystal lattice of the mineral grains examined was able to escape. Once the mineral grains cooled below a critical temperature, any 49Ar subsequently produced by the decay of 4°K remained trapped in the crystal unless subsequent weathering or other chemical processes breaks down the lattice. It is for these reasons that what is needed to carry out a meaningful 4°K-49Ar dating is a fresh sample of an igneous rock that was formed penecontemporancously with the fossils to be dated. Thus far in Australia, such dating has been done only on basalt flows that cover or bracket fossil sites. On other continents, however, volcanic ash deposits or tuffs have also proven to be similarly useful. This is particularly true where, as often happens, the fossils occur within the dated tuff. Because the earth's magnetic field reverses polarity from time-to-time and the orientation of the field at the time of compaction of sediments can be determined, palacomagnetic data has been widely used in recent years for assessing geologic age (e.g. Lindsay et al. 1980). A major stumbling block to the application of this technique in Australia is that only a few terrestrial mammal fossil sites have been found to be in a geologic context where the method could be utilised; e.g. Bone Gulch and the Fisherman's Cliff local faunas (Bowler 1980, Woodburne ef al. 1985) and Portland Local Fauna (MacFadden et al, 1987). Ideally, what is wanted is a series of sites distributed over a considerable vertical thickness of rock. In Australia Figure 24. Correlation of the Australian and New Guinean Tertiary terrestrial mammal faunas and local faunas. Where no other method is indicated by a symbol, stage-of-evolution of the entire mammalian assemblage but particularly the diprotodontoids, was the basis for the correlation, The age assignments for the faunas and local faunas generally follow Woodbume et al. (1985). Archer et al. (1989) regarded the Northern and Central Australia sites listed below Alcoota on the righthand panel to be significantly older. Riversleigh upper System C is regarded by them as latest Middle Miocene (about 10 myBP) and the base of Riversleigh System, latest Oligocene (about 25 myBP). See Appendix I for discussion of individual mammalian faunas and local faunas. 918 - RICH CORRELATION OF NEW GUINEA & AUSTRALIAN New Guinea & Eastern & South-eastern Coastal Australia ee Sranen Eeeie. Nae Curramulka, Krui River Lake Tyers, Sunlands F orsyth’s (@) Bank Canadian Lead Geilston Bay Tingamarra Basis for Correlation @ Marine Invertabrates oo Radiometric ‘@) Magnetic Chiroptera Fy Pollen AUSTRALIA'S MAMMALIAN RECORD - 919 TERTIARY MAMMAL-BEARING FAUNAS, LOCAL FAUNAS AND SITES Northern & Central Australia Bone Gulch, Fisherman's Cliff, Floraville, Palankarinna, Rackham's Roost, Quanbun Riversleigh upper : System C Bullock SS Creek = Riversleigh lower se @ ! ightning Ridge (eK) & ad ik i Talyawalka lands (eP) | ? ; Sunlands (@P) | AVP eist) A Krui River, i i& Bone Gulch, Bow (?mP) Finpa, vanea, K\ Fisherman's Clif & cared oh tes Hementon t (7IP ore Pleist) 9 Big Sink (e-mP) ricmas p ; Wadikali (O-mmy) os | sa a Curramulka | id. g&pimadai (?)/ Great Buninyong +$ Estate Mine (P), Town Well (M?-P?) Forsyth's Bank, —— Hamilton (eP) Batesford Quarry (M), Dog Rocks (P) a Lake Tyers (P) Bunga Creek (P) iN Morwell (P?) Beaumaris (IM-eP) Wynyard (eM) Geilston Bay (IO) Figure 25. Localities of Mesozoic and Tertiary terrestrial mammal faunas and local faunas in Australia and New Guinea. Smeaton (7/P or e Pleist) AUSTRALIA'S MAMMALIAN RECORD - 921 144 1as¥ 1% w36 ¥v Open sites $8 oo @ Cave # Unknown Figure 26. Quaternary terrestrial mammal localities in Australia (After Horton 1984). where there is more than one fossil site in an area, all seem to be clustered at nearly the same stratigraphic level. There is no instance where sites are scattered through hundreds of metres of vertical thickness of rock in which deposition was continuous or nearly so over several million years as in the studies of Lindsay ef al. (1980) in the late Cainozoic Siwalik deposits of the southern foothills of the Himalaya Mountains. Such a geological setting is prerequisite for such investigations in order that a number of magnetic reversals can be recorded. Stirton et al. (1968) provide an excellent summary of the Tertiary terrestrial mammal sites of Australia and New Guinea. They list the fauna from each locality and discuss the geology 922 - RICH and basis for correlation. In addition, they provide a correlation chart showing the chronologic relationships between localities and a map of where they are located. Fig. 24 is a revised correlation chart and Fig. 25 a revised map of those sites with those added that have been found subsequently. The information in Stirton et al. (1968) is updated in Woodburne er al. (1985) and below in Appendix I. Williams (1980) provides a map of the Quaternary mammal localities of South Australia and the fauna associated with each. Merrilees (1968, 1979a) presents much the same kind of information for Western Australia. Horton (1984) has a map of Australian Pleistocene mammalian fossil sites (Fig. 26). Both he and Murray (1984b and this volume) present maps of Australia with the distribution of most of the larger Pleistocene marsupials. As a generality, with unfortunately all too few exceptions, it may be said that Australian Quaternary terrestrial mammal sites fall into one of two age groups. Either they are younger than 35,000 years before present and capable of being dated by the 14C-technique or they are regarded as "Quaternary, beyond the range of 140"; i.e, somewhere in the first 98 percent of Quaternary time. It is quite possible that most of these latter localities are no older than a few hundred thousand years. As yet there is no firm basis for distinguishing an Early from a Late Pleistocene site on faunal grounds. Not enough is yet known about the chronology cf mammalian faunal events within the Australian Quaternary to make possible a synthesis of it as has been done for the corresponding period of time in Europe (Kurtén 1968) or North America (Kurtén & Anderson 1980). However, given the much greater number of Quaternary sites as compared with Tertiary ones (compare the number of Pleistocene sites in Australia alone (Fig. 26) with the Mesozoic and Tertiary ones for Australia plus New Guinea (Fig. 25), it seems that a detailed Quaternary chronology of mammalian faunal events is a more feasible goal than a Tertiary one in Australia and New Guinea. THE RECORD OF MAMMALS IN AUSTRALIA Order: Monotremata Living monotremes are divided into two quite different families, the platypus (Ornithorhynchidae) and the echidnas (Tachyglossidae). Because the morphological and adaptive differences between these two families of primitive, egg-laying mammals are so great, Darlington (1957) proposed that they represent two widely separated branches of a large, otherwise unknown, radiation of monotremes. Until recently, the accepted view was that monotremes were the last remnant of a major radiation of mammals including the triconodontans, docodonts and multituberculates, which were grouped together as the Prototheria (Clemens 1979b). Within the Prototheria, on the basis of similarities in the structure of the braincase, some workers contended that the multituberculates were the group most closely related to monotremes (Kielan-Jaworowska 1971 1974, Kermack & Kielan-Jaworowska 1971), Kemp (1983) has argued that the similarities seen between monotremes and possibly multituberculates as well with the other prototherians are either non-existent or primitive (plesiomorphic) character states and hence of little use in demonstration phylogenetic relationships. Rather, he advocated allying the monotremes and, tentatively, the multituberculates, with the therians. Corroborative evidence for this viewpoint has come from assessment of the dental pattern of the Early Cretaceous Steropodon galmani. Unlike the living platypus, Ornithorhynchus anatinus, S. galmani has fully enamelled cheek teeth (Archer et al. 1985). These teeth have the reversed triangle pattern that is the hallmark of the molars of therians. Archer et al. (1985) AUSTRALIA'S MAMMALIAN RECORD - 923 gh > ANN AY il aay" py “ie Uf ‘i | | ( ull i | \ SS " i iN Li) 4) ) \ \ | 4 p\ | Me he y\ MH if? J Figure 27. Obdurodon insignis. Isolated left lower molar: A, occlusal view; B, posterior view; C, anterior view; D, buccal view; E, lingual view. (After Clemens 1979b). Isolated left upper molar: F, occlusal view. 924 - RICH went further than this and regarded the dentition of Steropodon galmani as having a tribosphenic pattern. However, Kielan-Jaworowska et al. (1987) on the basis of wear facet analysis have argued that the pattern is not tribosphenic and predicted that the unknown upper molars lack a protocone. There are only two Tertiary monotremes known, the Early to Middle Miocene Zaglossus robusta and the Late Oligocene-Middle Miocene Obdurodon insignis. O. insignis is virtually identical to the living platypus, Ornithorhynchus insignis, as far as known postcranially (Archer et al. 1978). However, unlike the modern platypus, it had fully enamelled cheek teeth which closely resemble those of Steropodon galmani (Woodburne & Tedford 1975). The upper molar of O. insignis lacks a protocone and thus corroborates the viewpoint of Kielan- Jaworowska et al. (1987) that monotremes do not have a tribosphenic dentition (Fig. 27). This low monotreme diversity at a time when the mammalian record is reasonably good in Australia coupled with the close resemblance between the cheekteeth of S. galmani and the 85 million year younger O. insignis, suggests that perhaps Darlington's idea of an extensive monotreme radiation in the late Mesozoic and early Cainozoic may be erroneous. Bonaparte (1990) has recognized a resemblance between the dentition of Obdurodon and Steropodon with the South American Cretaceous “eupantotheres” and the North American dryolestoids. On this basis, he tentatively proposes a relationship between these groups of non-tribosphenic therians. Both echidnas and platypus are known from Quaternary deposits, but their remains are not abundant. These and the one Tertiary echidna are not markedly different from their living counterparts, except that some specimens of Zaglossus were much larger than the living Zaglossus bruijni and occurred in southern Australia, while the modern occurrence of the genus is exclusively in New Guinea (Murray 1978b). SUPERCOHORT: MARSUPIALIA With a few possible exceptions, the Australian marsupials appear to be a united group. By this is meant, it is likely that all of them could be descended from a single species that reached the continent from Antarctica. Based on the degree of similarity in the structure of proteins in the various groups, it appears that the Australian marsupials are more closely related to one another than the didelphids and caenolestids of South America are to one another (Kirsch 1977b, Lowenstein et al. 1981, Sarich pers. comm. to Archer 1986 in Aplin & Archer 1987, Sarich pers. comm. in Marshall et al. 1989). Assuming that the average rate of change in protein structure is constant and varies stochastically, this implies that the differentiation of marsupials began later in Australia than in South America. It supports the hypothesis that a marsupial immigrated into Australia from South America after the caenolestids and didelphids differentiated from one another, an event that probably occurred in the Late Cretaceous. Further supporting a natural taxonomic division between the marsupials of Australia and those elsewhere is the work of Biggers & De Lamater (1965). They demonstrated that spermatozoa frequently formed pairs once outside the testes in all American marsupials examined, while the phenomenon was not observed among Australian marsupials. In addition, the work of Szalay (1982) suggests there is almost a perfect division in foot structure between a primitive condition of tarsal structure found in all but one of the American marsupials and an advanced one in all Australian marsupials (Fig. 28). The single exception is the South American Dromiciops, the one extant genus of the Microbiotheria. Consequently, Australian marsupials plus microbiotheres are grouped together as the Australodelphia, while all other marsupials are placed in the Ameridelphia. AUSTRALIA'S MAMMALIAN RECORD - 925 Case (1989) further supports this hypothesis with an explanation that the diversification of the Australian marsupials did not take place until the early Cainozoic, because only then did habitats become more diverse. In the Late Cretaceous-early Cainozoic, rainforests dominated the continent. Only as Australia drifted into lower latitudes as the Cainozoic progressed did a more varied flora become established, opening the way for the radiation of the marsupials there. Tibia & Fibula A facets Ss) eae e Sustentacular & Tibia & Sustentacular 7 eC) Fibula facets facet ay Figure 28. Contrast between the condition of the calcaneum articulations in the Ameridelphia (A) and the Australidelphia (B). Left calcaneum in dorsal view. Note that the sustentacular facet is separate from the facets for the astragalus and calcaneum in the ameridelphian (Glironia), while the three facets are contiguous in the australidelphian (Thylacinus). (After Szalay 1982). In this context, it is tantalising to note that the preliminary identifications of the possibly early Tertiary Tingamarra Local Fauna suggest that it is dominated by a variety of "polyprotodonts" strongly reminiscent of American didelphids (see Appendix I). For many years, the great similarity in structure of the skull of the Australian thylacines and some of the South American borhyaenids supported an hypothesis of a special relationship between those two groups. At present, however, it seems the similarities are owing to a remarkable case of convergence (see further discussion under Family: Thylacinidae). The caenolestids of South America have in the past been allied to the Australian diprotodontians by some workers. The similarity is largely based on the development of an enlarged, most anterior lower incisor, the diprotodont condition. With this as the primary feature linking the two groups, it is readily explained as a condition independently evolved in the two groups. Furthermore, Ride (1962b) has shown it is likely that the lower incisor, which is enlarged in the two groups, is not the homologous tooth. Unlike all diprotodontians, caenolestids lack the syndactylous condition on their hind feet, where digits 2 and 3 are enveloped in a single sheath of skin. Marshall (1980) has reviewed the evidence for the origin of the Australian marsupial fauna, and its relationship to the South American marsupials. Order: Dasyuromorphia Family: Dasyuridae The dasyurids, which include the native cats and native mice, are the Australian marsupials closest morphologically to the didelphids of the Americas (Fig. 29), The only consistent dental difference between the two families is that the Didelphidae have five upper incisors and four lower incisors, while the Dasyuridae have four uppers and three lowers. Presumably the dasyurids arose from the didelphids after an episode of faunal interchange between the Americas 926 - RICH Figure 29. Dasyurus maculatus. A, lateral view of skull and right mandible; B, dorsal view of skull; C, ventral view of skull; x1. (After Green 1983) AUSTRALIA'S MAMMALIAN RECORD - 927 and Australia across Antarctica. Among the oldest dasyurids known from the Late Oligocene- Middle Miocene of South Australia is Ankotarinja, which might be more properly placed in the didelphids (Archer 1976c). At present, this genus is too poorly known to be sure, but such a relationship would be consistent with the idea that the didelphids were here in Australia and that the dasyurids evolved from them on this continent. Ankotarinja as a didelphid would also be consistent with the idea that the bandicoots or peramelids evolved directly from the didelphids rather than through the dasyurids (see below). Certainly, if Ankotarinja had been found in South America instead of South Australia, undoubtedly it would have been placed in the didelphids on the basis of the known structure of the molars, premolars, mandible and maxilla. When the dasyurids are first recorded in the fossil record, presumably long after the time of their origin, except for this somewhat enigmatic possible didelphid, they fit easily in the Dasyuridae. There is little fossil evidence of how they arose, for even the possible didelphid from the Late Oligocene-Middle Miocene would be the descendant of the actual didelphid ancestor of the dasyurids; an actual ancestor cannot live alongside its descendant, and contemporaneous with Ankotarinja was Keeura, an undoubted dasyurid. Isolated teeth informally identified at present as “polyprotodont" from the Tingaburra Local Fauna of southeast Queensland are strikingly didelphid-like in their appearance (Godthelp, pers. comm. 1989), This site may be significantly older than the South Australian sites that have produced Ankotarinja. Modern members of the Dasyuridac can be divided into eight or ten groups, but the likelihood appears to be that some of the genera with numerous species such as Antechinus will in future be subdivided, requiring a further assessment of the basic divisions of the family. The extinct genera Ankotarinja, Keeuna and Wakamatha do not fit neatly into any present division of modern dasyurids. Dasyurids, judged by the sizes of the placental Carnivora, were small to medium-sized carnivores. Even regarding the Tasmanian Wolf or Thylacine as part of this group (although it is placed in its own family, the Thylacinidae), there are no known lion-sized carnivores among the Australian mammalian fauna. It has been suggested that xiphodont crocodiles and the giant varanid Megalania prisca filled this role. Certainly, there were large marsupial prey species that could have been successfully attacked only by large carnivores. Archer (1982a) has reviewed the fossil history of the family in detail. Family: Myrmecobiidae The numbats (Fig. 30D) are represented by only a single species, Myrmecobius fasciatus, an anteater with a reduced dentition somewhat reminiscent of the Mesozoic triconodontans. Their fossil record is brief, being confined to Holocene deposits on the Nullarbor Plains (Lundelius & Turnbull 1978, 1989). However, on the basis of serological evidence, they appear to have been a lineage distinct from the dasyurids since the time of the initial radiation of that group (Kirsch 1977b). On the other hand, because of the structure of the basicranium, it is clear that the sister-group of the myrmecobiids are the dasyurids (Archer & Kirsch 1977), Family: Thylacinidae When they first appear in the record in the Late Oligocene-Middle Miocene deposits at Riversleigh in northwestern Queensland, the thylacinids are a rather diverse group including Thylacinus sp., Nimbacinus dicksoni and three additional, as yet unnamed taxa. This diversity at Riverslcigh is particularly remarkable because the group is all but unknown from the contemporaneous fossil assemblages in South Australia. Subsequently, the Thylacinidae are represented by only two species, the Late Miocene Thylacinus potens, and the Quaternary Thylacinus cynocephalus. This Late Cainozoic decline of the thylacinids occurred when the larger dasyurids such as Dasyurus and Sarcophilus appeared, 928 - RICH Figure 30. Thylacinus cynocephalus. A, lateral view of skull and right mandible; B, dorsal view of skull; C, ventral view of skull; x0.5. (After Green 1983). Myrmecobtus fasciatus, D, ventral view of the skull, x Because of their remarkable structural similarity to some of the South American Borhyaenidae (compare Figs 17, 30A-C), they provide one of the most fascinating biogeographic problems to be found among the Australian mammalian fauna. Archer (1982b) provides an excellent review of this controversy. The thylacinids are characterised by a tribosphenic dentition in which the stylar cusps have been reduced from the conditions found in most didelphids and dasyurids (Fig. 30A-C). AUSTRALIA'S MAMMALIAN RECORD - 929 The remarkable similarity between Thylacinus cynocephalus and some of the extinct Borhyaenidae has been explained by basically two different hypotheses. In one, the similarity has been interpreted as Owing to a close phylogenetic relationship between the two groups implying interchange between South America and Australia of forms that had reached a ee level of organization (Bensley 1903, Sinclair 1906, Wood 1924, Archer »C). Under the alternative hypothesis, the similarities were explained as owing to a remarkable example of convergent or parallel evolution from a common ancestor that was a didelphid. Didelphids are thought of as giving rise directly to the Borhyaenidae and the Dasyuridae. In a: Thylacinidae arose from a dasyurid stock (Simpson 1941, 1948, Tate 1947, Marshall These previously cited analyses were based on interpretation of dental and cranial characters. However, recently elements of the tarsal skeleton have been analysed (Szalay 1982) and in addition, albumin from Thylacinus has been compared to that from a number of different marsupials (Sarich et al. 1982). Szalay (1982) has found that the tarsals of Thylacinus have the typical pattern of the australidelphians. This supports the view that Thylacinus was derived from dasyurids in Australia independent of borhyaenids, which were derived from didelphids in South America. However, the anomaly of the tarsal structure of the South American Dromiciops having the derived Australian tarsal pattern provides a warning that this seemingly straight-forward interpretation of thylacine-borhyaenid relationships may be modified by future work. The albumin data indicate that Thylacinus is closely allied with dasyurids and progressively more remote from myrmecobiids, peramelids, diprotodontians, and finally didelphids. Unless one entertains the idea that borhyaenids were derived from dasyurids, a hypothesis thus far not susceptible to testing by albumin or collagen structural studies, these results appear to again indicate that Thylacinus is not the sister-group of the Borhyaenidae. Ironically, as pointed out by Archer (1982b), the albumin results are somewhat too strong. Assuming a uniform stochastic divergence in albumin structure, Thylacinus diverged from Dasyurus and Dasyuroides 7 million years ago (Sarich et al. 1982). However, a variety of undoubted thylacines have been found in the Late Oligocene-Middle Miocene Upper Site Local Fauna of the Riversleigh District, at the very minimum 12 million years old and the better known Thylacinus potens from the Late Miocene Alcoota Fauna is very similar to modern Thylacinus cynocephalus, supporting the hypothesis that the separation between thylacines and dasyurids occurred much earlier than indicated by the evidence of albumin structure. The slight differences between the oldest and youngest described species of Thylacinus are also concordant with the view that during the late Cainozoic, the genus evolved very slowly. The last known living individual of Thylacinus cynocephalus died in the Hobart Zoo in 1933. Their numbers in Tasmania declined drastically with the advent of European settlement. Dogs were then introduced to the island, and the Tasmanian government offered a bounty for the destruction of the thylacines from 1888 to 1909 (Ride 1970). On mainland Australia, the youngest remains of the species that have been firmly dated radiometrically are 3090 + 90 yBP (Archer 1974). However, thylacine remains in the Kimberley district of Western Australia have been less securely radiometrically dated at 0 + 80 yBP (Ibid.). Dawson (1982b) provides a review of the systematics of Thylacinus in the Late Quatemary. Order: Peramelemorpha Bandicoots are divided into two separate families. Most are accommodated in the Peramelidae, but the extant rabbit-eared bandicoot, Macrotis, is placed in the family 930 - RICH Figure 31. Comparison between didelphid, dasyuird, peramelid, and thylacomyid upper molars indicating how structural evolution from a tribosphenic form (didelphid and dasyurid) to the quadrituberculate forms seen in peramelids may have occurred. A, Didelphis virginiana (Didelphidae); B, Dasyurus viverrinus (Dasyuridae); C, Jsoodon obesulus (Peramelidae); D, Macrotis leucura (Thylacomyidae); x 5S. Abbreviations: me, metacone; mel, metaconule (= neometaconule of Tedford & Woodbume, 1987, see caption of Fig. 7 for explanation); pa, paracone; pr, protocone; st B, stylar cusp B; st D, stylar cusp D. Thylacomyidae along with the extinct Pliocene form Jschnodon. Several independent lines of evidence support this separation. The suggestion of the division was first made by Bensley (1903) and strongly advocated by Archer & Kirsch (1977). Bensley first noted that in evolving from an ancestor with a tribosphenic dentition, the upper molars of bandicoots had changed from a triangular to a quadrate outline in two different ways (see Fig. 31). In the peramelids this was accomplished by the appearance of a prominent hypocone behind the protocone. These two cusps together with the paracone and metacone on the buccal side of the tooth are the four principal cusps on the peramelid upper molar. In the thylacomyids, there are four principal cusps as well, but what has happened is that the metacone has shifted lingually to form the principal posterointernal, rather than posteroexternal, cusp as in peramelids. The two principal external cusps in thylacomyids are formed by enlarged stylar cusps, which in peramelids are relatively as small as in dasyurids and didelphids. The paracone is present but is not a large cusp in thylacomyids, and the hypocone only occurs on an occasional specimen, then only as a dimunitive cusp. The division between the two families has been further supported by comparative serology (Kirsch 1977b) and comparisons of chromosome structure (Martin & Hayman 1967, Hayman & Martin 1974), AUSTRALIA'S MAMMALIAN RECORD - 931 Archer, on the basis of dental (1976b) and basicranial (1976e) features, has hypothesised that peramelids arose directly from didelphids, rather than through a dasyurid intermediate. However, many of the features shared by didelphids and peramelids to the exclusion of didelphids are primitive; e.g. a higher number of incisors. Thus, if peramelids do share a later common ancestor with dasyurids than didelphids as indicated by serological studies (Kirsch 1977b), it would suggest that this common ancestor retained many primitive traits found today only in didelphids and peramelids. It has been proposed that the peramelid dentition provides a structural intermediate between the tribosphenic didelphid and dasyurid dentitions on the one hand and the bunodont, selenodont, and lophodont patterns in the diprotodontians on the other. Bensley (1903) advocated that his hypothetical “Properamelidae" gave rise separately to bunodont and selenodont diprotodontians. In turn, the bunodont forms were ancestral to the lophodont diprotodontians in Bensley's view. Archer (1976b), too, regarded the peramelids as central to the radiation of the diprotodontians but places emphasis on the ease with which it is possible to derive a selenodont molar from that of a peramelid to advocate the view that peramelids gave ris€ to selenodont diprotodontians which in turn gave rise to all other diprotodontians by fusion of adjoining cusps where necessary to form ridges and crests. Another viewpoint is that bandicoots represent a radiation from dasyurids or didelphids that had nothing to do with the diprotodontians and which arose independently from the same tribosphenic stock, perhaps more than once (e.g. Ride 1971, Simpson 1945). On the basis of comparative serology, brain structure, and possession of a superficial thymus gland, i> ins are no closer to perameloids than to dasyurids (Kirsch 1977b, Baverstock et al. 1987). A variety of small peramelids is represented in the Late Oligocene-Middle Miocene deposits at Riversleigh. In the similar-aged deposits of the Etadunna and Namba formations in South Australia only an unnamed genus also present at Riversleigh and Perameles are represented. In the slightly younger Kutjamarpu Local Fauna, C. Campbell has recognised Peroryctes, Echymipera, Isoodon, and Perameles (pers. comm. to Archer, cited in Archer 1981a). All four are extant genera, and this is also the case for all peramelid records in the younger Tertiary and Pleistocene faunas. If these Miocene records are correct, the differentiation of the peramelids was completed to the generic level by the end of that epoch. However, reconsideration of this material suggests that it may be premature to assign it to known peramelid genera. In contrast, the sole Tertiary record of the Thylacomyidae consists of a single lower jaw bearing the name /schnodon australis, an extinct genus and species. /. australis is from the late Cainozoic Palankarinna Local Fauna and in the structure of the molars is intermediate between peramelids and Macrotis, the only extant genus of the family. This supports the suggestion that thylacomyids evolved from peramelids during the late Tertiary. Order: Notoryctemorphia Family: Notoryctidae The only fossil record of the marsupial moles is from Late Oligocene-Middle Miocene deposits at Riversleigh, northwestern Queensland (Aplin & Archer 1987). Because the living animals are restricted to deserts, the discovery of these animals at Riversleigh was something of a surprise, as during the mid-Tertiary, it was an area of lush rainforests. Serologically, notoryctids clearly belong to the Australian radiation of marsupials but otherwise stand apart from them (Kirsch 1977b). Their different morphological features suggest conflicting relationships for these highly modified fossorial animals. On dental evidence, they appear to be allied with dasyurids and peramelids (Fig. 32). Notoryctids have 932 - RICH been frequently described as syndactylous like peramelids and diprotodontians, but not all who have investigated these enigmatic animals agree that this is the case. The auditory region shows some similarities to the diprotodontians. Figure 32. Notoryctes typhlops. A, occlusal view of upper molar; B, occlusal view of lower molar; C, lingual view of lower molar. (After Bensley 1903). Order: Diprotodontia The numerous families of the Order Diprotodontia are united by the twin features of a syndactylus foot and the diprotodont structure of the lower incisors, which gives the order its name. The roof of the tympanic region of the skull is formed at least in part by the epitympanic wing of the squamosal (Aplin 1987). Furthermore, the brain of all diprotodontians has a unique connection between the right and left cerebral hemispheres, the fasciculus aberrans (Abbie 1937, Smith 1902). Serological work by Kirsch (1977b) supports the view that diprotodontians are a close knit group, well separated from all other marsupials, and further provides evidence for groupings of many families within the order. Also, diprotodontians possess a superficial thymus which is not found in other marsupials (Symington 1898, Yadav 1973, Kirsch 1977b). By the Late Oligocene-Middle Miocene when the fossil record of terrestrial mammals in Australia is first well documented, the diprotodontians were a highly diversified order with all but two of the eighteen families represented. Of these, only the macropods underwent a major adaptive radiation in the late Cainozoic, the others being approximately at least as diverse in the Late Oligocene-Middle Miocene as subsequently. These two observations suggest that the order had a significant early Tertiary history. Suborder: Vombatiformes This suborder is characterised by large, relatively specialised forms in contrast to the typically smaller, more generalised phalangerimorphians. This is a group which appears to have flourished in the Palaeogene and to be on the decline when first encountered in the fossil record in the Late Oligocene-Middle Miocene. Seven families are formally recognized in the classification of Aplin & Archer (1987), and they note that there are three more from the Late Oligocene-Middle Miocene yet to be named. Only two of the ten families are extant. This contrasts markedly with the other diprotodontian suborder, the phalangeridians which including one family yet to be named from the Late Oligocene-Middle Miocene has four extinct and eight extant families. This at least equally ancient group does not appear to have declined during the Neogene but rather radiated widely. Infraorder: Phascolarctomorphia Family: Phascolarctidae Phascolarctids or koalas are characterised dentally by the presence of selenodont molars as are ilariids and pseudocherinies. In the case of pseudocheirines, the angles formed by the outer crests are obtuse rather than acute as in koalas (see Fig. 33), and there are secondary cusps AUSTRALIA'S MAMMALIAN RECORD - 933 Figure 33. Upper (A) and lower (B) molars of a modem koala, Phascolarctos cinerus, x 4. between the four principle ones; e.g. a protoconule between the protocone and paracone. The distinction of this feature with ilariids is less marked, and there are forms such as Koobor which could be in either group (see below). Although there is only a single extant species of koala, Phascolarctos cinerus, the presence of three genera with two species each (Litokoala, Madakoala, Perikoala) (Figs 34, 35) in Late Oligocene-Middle Miocene deposits of South Australia (Woodburne, Tedford, Archer & Pledge 1987, Springer 1987) suggest a moderate diversity for the phascolarctids at that time. Later Tertiary sites contain evidence of at most three more species based on four specimens. These are Koobor notabilis from the Chinchilla Fauna, Koobor jimbarratti from the Bluff Downs Figure 34. Right maxillary fragment of Perikoala palankarinnica from the Ditjimanka Local Fauna, South Australia. 934 - RICH Hillis Lyn \ Figure 35. Isolated right upper molar in (A) labial and (B) occlusal view of Litokoala kutjamarpensis from the Kutjamarpu Local Fauna. (After Stirton, Tedford & Woodbume 1967). Local Fauna, and Phascolarctos maris from the Sunlands Local Fauna. [Koobor may be an ilariid (Pledge 1987c; Tedford & Woodburne 1987).] Given the paucity of material, it seems likely that the full diversity of phascolarctids has not yet been adequately gauged. However, the slim amount of fossil evidence is consistent with the idea based on serology and other neontological evidence that phascolarctids are a group which originated and radiated well prior to Late Oligocene-Middle Miocene and have subsequently declined in diversity. The only major change now apparent within the family since the Late Oligocene-Middle Miocene has been the reduction of the stylar cusps on the upper molars. Figure 36. Check teeth of representatives of the Zygomaturinae. Zygomaturus trilobus, A, left P3_M2; B, rght P3-M2. Kolopsis torus; C, left p3-M2: D, right P3-M2; x 1.16. (After Stirton, Woodbume & Plane 1967). AUSTRALIA'S MAMMALIAN RECORD - 935 Infraorder: Vombatomorphia Families: Diprotodontidae and Palorchestidae——"diprotodontoids" Diprotodontids include the largest marsupial that ever lived, Diprotodon optatum, an animal the size of a living rhinoceros. Like macropodids (kangaroos) these herbivorous forms are characterised by the presence of two transverse lophs on their molars (the bilophodont condition) (see Figs 36-39). Unlike them, however, diprotodontids were quadrapedal and lacked the masseteric foramen passing from one side of the mandible to the other below the posterior end of the tooth row (see Fig. 40). In general form their dentitions suggest similarities to the browsing, rather than grazing, kangaroos. . Figure 37. Cheek teeth of representatives of the Diprotodontinae. Diprotodon optatum: A, left p3_M2; B, right P3-M2; Pyramios alcootense: C, left P3-M?; D, right P3-M2. x 1.16 (After Stirton, Woodbume & Plane 1967). On the basis of the structure of the most posterior upper premolar (P3), the Diprotodontidae may be divided into two subfamilies. The Zygomaturinac have a complex P? with four or five cusps present. The Diprotodontinae typically have a single cusp on the P3, although Diprotodon has a somewhat more complex condition with a horseshoe-shaped loph developed. Formerly, two other subfamilies were placed in the Diprotodontidae, the Nototherinae and Palorchestinae; ¢.g. Stirton, Woodburne, & Plane (1967). Archer (1977a) has shown that members of the Nototheriinae are closely related to Diprotodon, and, therefore, that subfamily was united with the Diprotodontinae. Archer & Bartholomai (1978) considered the Palorchestinae to be so distinct from the other members of the family that they placed it in a family of its own, the Palorchestidae. As noted by Stirton, Woodburne, & Plane (1967), palorchestids are distinguished from the other diprotodontoids by the presence of a large epitympanic fenestra immediately anterior to the ear region on the base of the skull (see Fig. 41). In this feature they bear a striking resemblance to wombats, which is unlike the condition found in any diprotodontid. For reasons such as this, Aplin & Archer (1987) consider it likely the two families are not particularly closely related and thus reject diprotodontoids as a formal taxonomic catagory. 936 - RICH \ ga S : Z , ~ Pers. BO 5 990 eo a \ 5) B PA A \uli(fauiens . ™ Z i : OS ESS OF Qe #2 Figure 38. Skull of the palorchestid Ngapakaldia tedfordi. A, lateral view; B, occlusal view; x 0.6. (After Stirton 1967). Diprotodontoids are known from the Late Oligocene Geilston Bay fauna from near Hobart, Tasmania (Tedford et al. 1975). In both families and both subfamilies of the diprotodontids, there is a marked increase in body size during the Neogene, greater than that experienced by any placental group of similar habits (Stirton, Woodburne, & Plane 1967). A similar trend occurred among mac-opodids which at any one time were significantly smaller. Perhaps the selection pressure for this monotonic size increase among diprotodontoids was in part, at least, owing to competition from the ever larger macropodids. Diprotodontoids finally became extinct in the Late Pleistocene, the cause of which is still unresolved. Most theories for the extinction of the superfamily centre on either the marked climatic changes at the end of the Pleistocene or the effect of the appearance of humans at least 34,000 years before their extinction (Wright 1986), or a combination of both factors. AUSTRALIA'S MAMMALIAN RECORD - 937 Figure 39. Jaw of the palorchestid Ngapakaldia tedfordi. A, occlusal view; B, lateral view. Family: Wynyardiidae The type specimen of Wynyardia bassiana was collected from the Early Miocene Fossil Bluff Sandstone near Wynyard, Tasmania. For a long time, it was the only pre-Pliocene marsupial known from Australia. Much of the skeleton is preserved, but unfortunately the teeth were destroyed. Although first regarded as a kangaroo (e.g. Johnstone 1888), when Spencer (1901) named Wynyardia bassiana and published the first detailed description and analysis, he regarded it as intermediate between other marsupials and diprotodontians. Wood Jones (1931) restudied the specimen and allied it close to the Phalangeridae. Ride (1964) examined the auditory region for the first time and concluded that while undoubtedly a diprotodontian, there were many features reminiscent of non-diprotodontians and favoured Osgood's (1921) placement of the species in its own family. Haight & Murray (1981) studied the endocast of the brain and concluded that the closest affinities were with phalangeroids, particularly phalangerids. Aplin (1987) re-examined the specimen yet once again and like Ride, emphasized the auditory region in his analysis. While Ride regarded W. bassiana as a primitive diprotodontian, he was impressed by its didelphoid features, whereas Aplin considered it clearly diprotodontian and the didelphoid features as primitive and, therefore, of no phylogenetic significance. Among diprotodontians, Aplin tentatively considered W. bassiana to show its greatest affinities with vombatimorphs. His uncertainty was owing primarily to the formation of the anterior wall of the tympanic cavity by the tympanic process of the alisphenoid rather than the tympanic process of the squamosal, a condition more like in the phalangeridians. After a hiatus of nearly a century, additional material tentatively referrable to the Wynyardiidae was recovered from three different sites in Late Oligocene-Middle Miocene deposits of South Australia. The most complete of these was a pair of articulated skeletons found curled together at Lake Palankarinna in the Ditjimanka Local Fauna. These have been named Muramura williamsi and given a preliminary description by Pledge (1987b). Pledge refers the specimens Tedford et al. (1977) identified as wynyardiid in the Pinpa fauna to Muramura. This latter material was assigned to the Wynyardiidae primarily on the similar 938 - RICH structure of the hind limbs to the holotype of Wynyardia bassiana, there being little else comparable between the Tasmanian and South Australian material. The dentition of the Pinpa specimen appears to represent a stage intermediate between the selenodont condition, interpreted as the most primitive among diprotodontians by Archer (1976d), and the more advanced bilophodont condition. A massateric foramen anterior _ mental foramen x ; mandibular ; iia foramen posterior masseteric mental foramen crest a y, / / coronoid process + mandibular notch | Le , condyle’ —_ 7 . angular ascending ramus 9 © process > ~ posterior i oS masseteric x Ke) eminence Mi Mp _M3 & mental foramen De 7 ™ — digastric process Figure 40. Extemal views of a macropod mandible (A), Sthenurus (Simosthenurus) occidentalis), x 0.75, illustrating the location of the masseteric foramen, a structure not present on the mandible of a diprotodontoid (B). (A, after Tedford 1966a; B, after Stirton 1967). On the basis of the similarity with the molar structure of the Pinpa specimen, Rich & Archer (1979) tentatively assigned a partial skull they named Namilamadeta snideri from the AUSTRALIA'S MAMMALIAN RECORD - 939 Tarkarooloo Local Fauna to the Wynyardiidae (Fig. 42). It appears to be most closely related to vombatids but also shares many derived features with diprotodontoids and macropodids. The wynyardiids as recognized here may prove to be an unnatural group when better known. But the forms placed in the family here do all seem to be Structurally primitive diprotodontians that may have been closely allied with the ancestors of one or more of the better known families of the order, particularly the vombatids, that persisted into the late Cainozoic. posterior lacerate for fenestra rotunda fenestra ee) ' ete 7 }bs anterior entocarotid for. a ‘ i posterior entocarotid for. lad promontorium Squamosal lamina ——» ANTERIOR eo > | a= oove AAANNY y epitympanic tegmen tympani enestra incisura tympanica groove 3 N >, y QV $9 NS LY posterior epitympanic fossa postglenoid process Figure 41. Ventral view of the left half of the basicranium of the palorchestid Ngapakaldia tedfordi. Note large epitympanic fenestra. (After Stirton 1967). Family: Mariidae The cheek teeth of this family were low crowned, had closed roots, and a crown pattern similar to that of unworn teeth of living wombats. In concordance with the ideas of Winge (1941), Ride (1971) and Archer (1976d) the crown pattern of these teeth supports the hypothesis that it was derived from a selenodont condition (Tedford & Woodburne 1987). Precisely what relation these vombatomorphians may have had with the Vombatidae is unclear at the present time, but the sparse record does hint that there may have been a radiation of these forms in the early to mid-Tertiary with perhaps the vombatids descending from some part of it. The ilariids are superficially somewhat koala-like in the structure of their upper molars (see Fig. 43A). Unlike koalas, however, the angle of the crests linking the paracone and metacone to stylar cusps are higher and the angles formed between them more acute. Likewise, the lower 940 - RICH a5 Pe ha, Wet G => een WW wo ht sss SS onl Spy tly ~- zs eet UL we Ge ° ~s A LY 44 \ oe Lid “WW My Wh ay Shey i Nya Mi “4 Z iy ys ts f Joe y Uf. a Wf Oe, . i; age ow atl, a af wes: cS % Be iy J Ap? : UL fire ’ "Yo Sey Figure 42. Skull fragment of Namilamadeta snideri, a possible wynyardiid. A, lateral view; B, occlusal view; x 1.5. (After Rich & Archer 1979). molars differ from those of koalas and all other marsupials for that matter in having two small circular basins formed lingual to the protoconid and paraconid (see Fig. 43B and Plate 1A). Despite this superficial resemblance of their teeth to koalas, there is compelling evidence in the auditory region that ilariids are vombatimorphians rather than phascolarctomorphians. Most vombatimorphians including Ilaria illumidens have the anterior part of the tympanic cavity formed by the tympanic process of the squamosal rather than the tympanic process of the alisphenoid (Tedford & Woodbume 1987). Illaria from the Late Oligocene-Middle Miocene of South Australia is the one unquestioned member of the family. Two other genera which may belong here are Kuterintja from the somewhat younger South Australian Late Oligocene-Middle Miocene Ngama Local Fauna and Koobor from the Pliocene of Queensland, which was originally described as a koala and may yet be found to belong there. Family: Vombatidae Two genera of modern wombats are recognised: Vombatus, the common wombat, and Lasiorhinus, the hairy-nosed wombat. Among living marsupials, they are the only ones with AUSTRALIA'S MAMMALIAN RECORD - 941 Figure 43. /laria illumidens. A, occlusal view of left p3-MD; B, occlusal view of right Ij-Ms5; x 0.9. hypsodont or high-crowned cheek teeth (Fig. 44). Unworn cheek tecth show a faint selenodont pattern, indicative of derivation from a selenodont ancestor. The teeth lack roots and continue to grow throughout the life of the individual. In this manner, despite an appreciable amount of abrasive grit in their diet, wombat's teeth never wear out. The one other marsupial group to have hypsodont cheek teeth are the extinct Argyrolagidae of South America. Although the skeletons of living wombats are rather sturdy, where known in Miocene sites, vombatids are represented solely by rare, isolated teeth. Only one of these has yet been formally named, Rhizophascolonus crowcrofti. Based on an isolated P? with the primitive condition of closed roots, this species is from the Late Miocene Kutjamarpu Local Fauna (Stirton, Tedford, & Woodburne 1967). A Late Oligocene-Middle Miocene isolated molar from the Tarkarooloo Local Fauna was illustrated but not described or named by Rich & Archer (1979). 942 - RICH A B TUE D4 Wt TT ff qed fa Figure 44. Isolated left upper molar of Vombatus ursinus. A, lateral view; B, occlusal view; C, anterior view; x 15. Pliocene records of wombats are equally sparse although the quality of the material is better with an entire mandible of Ramsayia lemleyi known from the Bluff Downs Local Fauna (Archer & Wade 1976). Phascolonus gigas from the Pleistocene was the true giant among wombats, being twice the height and length of any living wombat (Fig. 45). Stirling (1913) was of the opinion that, Figure 45. Skull of Phascolonus gigas (above) compared to skull of Vombatus ursinus (below) drawn to same scale.; x 0.3. AUSTRALIA'S MAMMALIAN RECORD - 943 if anything, the humerus, radius, and ulna of P. gigas suggested that it was even a better adapted fossorial animal than living wombats. If SO, it was certainly one of the largest fossorial animals that ever lived. The other larger Pleistocene wombats are all included in Ramsayia by Dawson (1981). A single molar fragment from the Early Pliocene Hamilton Fauna suggests the presence of Lasiorhinus or Vombatus. Otherwise, these two smaller genera of wombats are restricted to the Late Pliocene to Recent. Warendja wakefieldi is a late Quaternary gracile wombat. All other known jaws of wombats are massive and Support cheek teeth that are wide relative to their length. This animal, by contrast had ever-growing hypsodont cheek teeth in a mandible no bulkier than that of a red kangaroo (Hope & Wilkinson 1984), Unfortunately, although part of the skull and upper dentition of this tantalising animal is now known (Flannery & Pledge 1987) none of its postcranial skeleton has been recognised. It is likely that it was more similar in appearance to what Miocene wombats were like than are the more familiar living ones. Family: Thylacoleonidae Among mammals generally, evolutionary change of dietary preference has been from carnivorous to omnivorous to herbivorous. One of the few exceptions to this generalisation are the thylacoleonids. Presumably, their ancestors had a dentition similar to the omnivorous modern phalangerids. By enlarging the P3's and reducing the molars, the dentition became more suitable for a strictly carnivorous mode of life, so much so that Van Valen (1969) regards Thylacoleo carnifex by one measure, the ratio of the length of the carnassial shearing surface to the total cheektooth length, as the most extreme carnivore that ever lived among mammals (Fig. 46). In addition to the enlarged P3's, the upper molars of thylacoleonids have only the three principle cusps, protocone, paracone, and metacone, lacking the metaconule and any stylar cusps, in contrast to all other marsupials. Figure 46. Thylacoleo carnifex, lateral view of skull; x 0.3. (After Lydekker 1887). The way in which the carnivorous specialisations came about illustrates the principle that evolution can only act on what is available for natural selection to modify and therefore does not necessarily produce an optimum result. As the canine was reduced in the ancestral stock, the enlarged incisors appear to have become adapted to the functions normally assumed by the canines among most mammalian carnivores. The development of the principle shearing of the dentition between the P3 and P3 + M2 was simply an enlargement of a system already extant in phalangerids. This is in contrast to the principle shearing being between the last upper 944 - RICH premolar and the first lower molar (and sometimes the ith upper molar and the ith + 1 lower molar(s) as well) as occurs elsewhere in carnivorous mammals. The foot structure and limb proportions provide strong support to the notion that thylacoleonids evolved from a phalangerid condition into one suitable for grasping prey as well as capable of climbing trees (Finch 1971, Wells & Nichol 1977). Thylacoleonids have long been regarded as derived from phalangeroids; e.g. Owen (1840). However, on the basis of cranial evidence which to date has only been partially presented, Aplin & Archer (1987) have related them to vombatimorphians. Amongst the most prominent features suggesting this allocation is the presence of a squamosal epitympanic process rather than an alisphenoid epitympanic process forming the anterior wall of the tympanic cavity in Thylacoleo. Murray, Wells & Plane (1987), however, noted that there is a double layer of bone in this area in Wakaleo vanderleuri, one component formed of squamosal and the other of alisphenoid. They tentatively advocated a derivation from a phalangeroid, most likely a primitive burramyid on the basis particularly of dentition and skull structure. Three different genera of Thylacoleonidae are known. Priscileo from the Late Oligocene- Middle Miocene of South Australia is both the oldest and with the M> present, the most primitive member of the family known (Rauscher 1987). Wakaleo is an exclusively Late Miocene form that in reduction of the premolars is advanced over Thylacoleo, a larger Pliocene and Pleistocene genus (Murray, Wells & Plane 1987). This suggests a second lineage leading to Thylacoleo must have existed by the Late Miocene (Archer & Rich 1982). — = f=/4 SE Figure 47. Trichosurus vulpecula mandible: A, lateral view; B, occlusal view; length of scale 10 mm. (After Marshall 1980). Infraorder: Phalangerida Superfamily: Phalangeroidea Family: Phalangeridae Today this family is split into two subfamilies, the monospecific Ailuropinae with Ailurops ursinus from Sulawesi, and the Phalangerinae, which is furth:r divided into two tribes. Of these, the Trichosurini to which Trichosurus and Strigocuscus belong, are the most widespread, being found in virtually all the habitats present today in Australia and New Guinea as well as islands between and to the west. The Phalangerini, which includes Phalanger and Spilocuscus, is restricted to forests and thick scrub of the Cape York Peninsula of Australia, the Celebes on the west through New Guinea to the Solomon Islands on the east. AUSTRALIA'S MAMMALIAN RECORD - 945 Molars of phalangerids are bunodont and among the Australian fauna can be easily confused with some potoroids. The premolars are readily separated from those of all potoroids except Propleopus by the greater mediolateral width of the base of the tooth relative to its length and on the P3, there is not a horizontal blade developed, but rather the crest of the tooth descends posteriorly at a noticeable angle (see Fig. 47). Finally, phalangerids lack the masscteric foramen present on the mandible of potoroids below the posterior end of the tooth row. The oldest record of the phalangerids may be from the Late Oligocene Geilston Bay Local Fauna from near Hobart, Tasmania (Tedford et al. 1975). The earliest undoubted phalangerids are Strigocuscus reidi and Trichosurus dicksoni from the Late Oligocene-Middle Miocene Riversleigh locality (Flannery & Archer 1987a). These are both members of the Trichosurini, the most derived clade of the phalangerids. The existence of this most derived clade at that time implies that the other clades of the family must have existed as separate entities by the Late Oligocene-Middle Miocene as well. Neither of these Riversleigh forms are strikingly different from modern species of their respective genera, suggesting that no major changes have taken place since the Late Oligocene-Middle Miocene. Evidently, the major phyletic events which produced the Phalangeridae were completed by the Late Oligocene-Middle Miocene with only modest changes occurring subsequently. Trichosurus, in particular, seems to be a generalist in its dietary preferences and capable of living successfully in a wide variety of conditions. Thus, the pattern of conservative morphological evolution in Australian phalangerids since the Miocene appears quite explicable in terms of behavioural flexibility. Family: Miralinidae Thus far, Miralina, with at least two and perhaps as many as four species, is the only genus known of this family. The genus occurs at a number of Late Oligocene-Middle Miocene sites in the Etadunna and Namba Formations of South Australia. All that is known of the species of Miralina are dental remains. These are remarkably reminiscent of phalangerids and differ from them only in matters of detail. For example, the P3 is mediolaterally compressed and turned inward rather than bulbous and tumed outward as in phalangerids. Likewise, the M2 trigonid is compressed and blade-like rather than nearly as wide as the talonid as in phalangerids (Woodburne, Pledge & Archer 1987). The lower molars are intermediate in complexity between phalangerids and ektopodontids with their pattern of transverse lophs broken up into a series of anteroposteriorly directed cristids. If the P3's of Miralina were bulbous, rather than blade-like, it would be tempting to interpret them as ektopodontids somewhat more primitive than Chunia. Family: Ektopodontidae Isolated molars were the first evidence of the former existence of this intriguing family (see Fig. 48). Their appearance was so peculiar that initially they were thought to be multituberculates. Later, it was realised that the appression facettes formed by the movement of adjacent teeth in a row required that the ridges of cusps were oriented in the living animal at 90 degrees to the anteroposterior oricntation found in multituberculates. Ektopodon serratus was the first species to be described and it was then tentatively regarded as a monotreme (Stirton, Tedford, & Woodburne 1967). This initial discovery was made in the Late Miocene Kutjamarpu Local Fauna of South Australia. Subsequent discovery of the more primitive ektopodontid genus Chunia_ in Late Oligocene- Middle Miocene deposits Ied to the interpretation that the family was a phalangeroid marsupial (Woodburne & Clemens 1986c, Woodburne 1987a). Archer (1976d) pointed out how the ektopodontid molar pattern could be regarded as structurally intermediate between what he regards as the primitive condition in diprotodontians, selenodonty as occurs in pseudocheirines and particularly phascolarctids, and the more advanced conditions of _bunodonty as in phalangerids and potoroids and lophodonty as in diprotodontids and macropodids, 946 - RICH Two species are now recognised in each of the Miocene genera Chunia and Ektopodon. In the Early Pliocene, there is a single species, Darcius duggani, and a single unnamed tooth from the Portland Local Fauna carries the range of the group into the Early Pleistocene. Thus, the group appears to have declined through the late Cainozoic, perhaps its demise being brought about by the arrival of rodents in Australia during the Pliocene. Figure 48. Isolated left upper molar in: A, occlusal; B, ventral; C, posterior, and D, ventral views of Ektopodon serratus from the Kutjamarpu Local Fauna, South Australia, x 4.5. Arrow indicates anterior tip of tooth. Superfamily: Macropodoidea Macropodoids or kangaroos in the broadest sense are divided into two families, the Macropodidae (kangaroos in the narrow sense, wallabies, euros, and wallaroos) and the Potoroidae (rat-kangaroos). So long as only extant species are considered, it is quite easy to separate the two familics morphologically. Potoroids have low crowned, bunodont molars, a large masseteric foramen passing from one side of the dentary to the other below the posterior end of the tooth row, the frontal bone in contact with the squamosal on the side of the braincase (Fig. 49), and the ventral surface of the mandible is noticeably deeper below the posterior molars than at either end (Fig. 50). Macropodids have higher, bilophodont molars, a relatively smaller masseteric foramen, the alisphenoid bone in contact with the parietal on the side of the braincase, and the ventral border of the mandible is not markedly convex downward. Figure 49. Relationships of the bones on the side of the braincase in macropodoids. Frontal and squamosal are stippled; note that these two bones are separated by the parietal and alisphenoid in the Macropodidae, A, and contact one another in the Potoroidae, B. (After Flannery, Archer & Plane 1984). AUSTRALIA'S MAMMALIAN RECORD - 947 Figure 50. Differences in mandibular profile and distribution of enamel on Ij in macropodids and potoroids. Note that ventral surface of the macropod mandible, A, is equally deep along the entire length of the row of cheek teeth in contrast to that of the potoroid, B, which is markedly deeper below the M3_4 than anteriorly or posteriorly. In addition, the entire buccal surface of the Ij of the macropod is covered with enamel (stippled) whereas the potoroid has a dorsal band of dentine exposed (white area above the stipple). (After Flannery, Archer & Plane 1984). Macropodoids are, without doubt, members of the phalangeriformes. The only major question about their relationships is whether they are closely related to phalangerids as the structure of their dentition suggests or are the most primitive phalangeriformes with no close relationship to any particular other member of that group as their auditory region implies (Flannery 1987). The evidence which suggests macropodoids are closely related to phalangerids within the phalangeriformes are phalangerid-like features that occur at least in primitive macropodoids, if not all of them. These include a blade-like or plagiaulacoid P3 with at least some fine grooving; the cristid obliqua on Mo terminating anteriorly on the protostylid rather than the protoconid; the cristid obliqua on M3_5 with a distinct, bucally convex kink; and all molars advanced in being bunodont rather than sclenodont, the ancestral condition of phalangeriformes as exemplified in pscudocheirids (Archer 1978a), The feature of the auditory region that militates against this view is that the most primitive macropodoids have an ectotympanic that is only loosely connected to the squamosal, while all other known phalangeriformes have a more advanced condition where the two bones are fused together and in addition, the basicranium is pneumatized (has a complex of chambers). Because auditory characters are so complex, Flannery (1987) argued that they are less likely to have occurred twice in the same manner than the dental features, and hence he favours the hypothesis that the macropodoids are the most primitive phalangeriformes. Utilising serological data for the same problem, Kirsch (1977b) concluded that macropodoids were extremely close to phalangerids. Family: Potoroidae Potoroids have been regarded as representing an intermediate grade or even an actual stage in the evolution from phalangerids to macropodids (e.g. Bensley 1903). Although bipedal, the 948 - RICH syndactylous digits two and three are not as reduced relative to digit four, and thus the hind foot is not as specialised as in macropodids. One potoroid, Hypsiprymnodon, even retains digit one. Potoroid molars are so similar to phalangerids that it is often difficult to decide to which of the two families isolated specimens should be assigned. Most potoroids possess plagaulacoid or blade-like P3's with finer, more evenly spaced grooves present on the side than any found in macropodids. The size of the P3's varies greatly between genera with the Late Oligocene-Middle Miocene Wakiewakie having the longest plagaulacoid tooth of any mammal relative to its size (Fig. 51). The structure of the brain of potoroids is more phalangerid-like than macropodid-like. Serologically, potoroids are much more closely linked to macropodids than to phalangerids (Kirsch 1977b). Figure 51. Wakiewakie lawsoni mandible fragment in lateral view; x 2.5. (After Woodbume 1984). If potoroids had masseteric foramina no larger than those of macropodids, there would be no major stumbling blocks to the hypothesis that phalangerids gave rise to potoroids which in turn gave rise to macropodids, However, potoroids do have much larger masseteric foramina than macropodids, and phalangerids lack them entirely. So, in order to accept the hypothesis, it is necessary to assume that the masseteric foramina have been secondarily reduced in macropods after having appeared and become enlarged in the evolution from phalangerids to potoroids. At least four, and possibly five, subfamilies of potoroids are known. Restricted to the Late Oligocene-Middle Miocene, the Bulungamayinae have macropodid-like lophodont, rather than bunodont, molars in a potoroid-like dentary with a large opening into the dental canal. Although too young to be an actual intermediate between the two families, this subfamily does demonstrate that such structually intermediate forms did exist. The remaining potoroid subfamilies all have bunodont molars. Only one genus is placed in the Hypsiprymnodontinae, //ypsiprymnodon, which has a single modern species and one from the Late Oligocene-Middle Miocene, the two differing only slightly. All the remaining living rat kangaroos are members of the Potoroinae. Generally the hypsiprymnodontines are more primitive than the potoroines. The most obvious difference between them is in the hind feet, where the hypsiprymnodontines possess all five digits while the potoroines have lost digit I. The feet of the extinct Propleopinae are unknown but they can be seen to differ quite markedly from the remaining potoroines in the structure of their molars and premolars. The molars have a prominent cingulum around them not seen in any other macropodoid, and the P3's are tall, prominent teeth with a broad, mediolatcrally expandea base. While other macropodoids are known tc occasionally attack and take animal prey, propleopines appear to have been highly specialised for a carnivorous niche, the cingula on the molars serving to protect against damage to the gums by bone splinters and the P3's hypertrophied for a grasping function (Archer & Flannery 1985 but see Sanson, this volume). The extinct propleopine AUSTRALIA'S MAMMALIAN RECORD - 949 Propleopus, is the only member of the family to have reached a size as great as the larger macropodids (Fig. 52). The extinction of Propleopus may have had a more profound change on the terrestrial mammalian fauna than the disappearance of a single rare kangaroo genus might at first sight suggest. Other than Propleopus, the late Cainozoic terrestrial mammalian fauna of Australia lacks an obvious large, cursorial predator. Figure 52. Propleopus oscillans. Maxilla fragment: A, lateral view; B, occlusal view; x 1. Mandible fragment, C, occlusal view; D, lateral view; x 1. (After Woods 1960). 950 - RICH Studies of the anatomy of Thylacoleo carnifex by Finch (1982) and Thylacinus cynocephalus by Smith (1982), demonstrate that the length of the femur relative to the tbia is too great for a cursorial animal. Marshall (1982) makes the same comment about all the several members of the South American Borhyaenidae for which the proportions of the hind limb are known. A number of these extinct marsupial carnivores were in the size range of coyotes and wolves. In South America, Marshall (1978, 1982) postulates, the adaptive zone of the large terrestrial cursorial predator was filled not by the borhyaenids but by the flightless phororachoid birds until the appearance of the larger fissiped carnivores on that continent in the Early Pleistocene. Despite the wide variety of marsupials known from Australia and South America, none of any kind, carnivore, omnivore, or herbivore, was or is a large cursorial quadraped. In contrast, cursorial quadrapedal placental herbivores and carnivores evolved repeatedly during the Cainozoic. Given their mode of reproduction in which the near helpless neonate must be continuously attached to an external nipple of the mother, the only possible evolutionary pathway to rapid locomotion for a marsupial may have been bipedal hopping. If so, the "killer kangaroo" Propleopus may have taken virtually the only evolutionary route to this adaptive zone available to a marsupial carnivore. Likewise, the inability of the quadrapedal diprotodontoids to evolve cursorial species may in part underlie their apparent disadvantage in competition with the swift macropodoids as the grassland and open spaces began to dominate the continent in the late Cainozoic. Figure 53. Lateral view of the left mandible of the Late Oligocene-Middle Miocene propleopine Ekaltadeta ima. (After Archer & Flannery 1985). Natural size. The earliest of these carnivorous kangaroos is Ekaltadeta from the Late Oligocene-Middle Miocene (Fig. 53). Propleopus itself appears in the fossil record at the beginning of the Pliocene along with the earliest grazers. Like them, the species of Propleopus became larger through the Pliocene and Pleistocene. The disappearance of Propleopus at the beginning of the Pleistocene would have left the large cursorial predator adaptive zone open until the time of appearance of the dingo by 3,450 years ago. As several of the more common elements of the extinct megafauna (Diprotodon, Protemnodon, Procoptodon, and Sthenurus) have been reported recently at 6,000 years ago by Gorecki et al. (1984) and Wright (1986), i’ is not inconceivable that the much rarer Propleopus survived to that time as well. If so, it is tempting to consider that Propleopus overlapped chronologically with the dingo, so that the large cursorial predator adaptive zone was never empty during the late Cainozoic of Australia. [While there are literally tens of thousands of individually identifiable specimens, particularly isolated teeth, of AUSTRALIA'S MAMMALIAN RECORD - 951 Diprotodon, Protemnodon and Sthenurus in Australian museum collections, the total for Propleopus is less than 100.] _ The entire record of the fifth and problematical subfamily, the Paleopotoroinae, is fourteen isolated teeth of one species, Paleopotorous priscus Flannery & Rich (1986), from a single locality of Late Oligocene-Middle Miocene age. It is more primitive than any other potoroid and can only be allocated to this family rather than the phalangerids, which it otherwise closely resembles because among other things, the trigonid is not noticeably taller than the talonid. _Potoroids presumably radiated earlier in the Tertiary than the macropodids. Among Late Oligocene-Middle Miocene macropodoids, nine different potoroid genera have been named while only two macropodids have been. More indicative than their numbers, however, these mid- Tertiary potoroids were not markedly different than their Quaternary or living descendants. Among the macropods, on the otherhand, there were no larger forms in the mid-Tertiary such as were to form the most prominent element of the family at the end of the Cainozoic, In addition, most living potoroids are found in moist forests, a habitat which was more widespread in Australia during the early and mid-Tertiary than today. Thus, the meagre fossil evidence and the apparently greater opportunities for potoroids in the past are consistent with an early or mid-Tertiary radiation for the family, significantly earlier than the late Cainozoic radiation of the macropodids. Family: Macropodidae When the macropodids first appear in the record in the Late Oligocene-Middle Miocene about 15-25 million years ago, they are represented primarily by isolated teeth (Flannery & Rich 1986). They are small forms similar in size and molar morphology to the modern Setonix. It is not until the Late Miocene that larger species appear (Woodburne 1967b, Flannery, Archer & Plane 1983). Beginning at that time, the macropodids diversified with a bewildering rapidity into a variety of genera and species (Bartholomai 1972a). The most extreme example of this diversification is to be found in Macropus. Fourteen valid extant species were recognised in Macropus by Kirsch & Calaby (1977). Unfortunately, no single worker has reviewed the fossil species of Macropus recently. But by amalgamating the taxonomic conclusions of a number of workers in the last two decades (Bartholomai 1975, 1978a, Flannery 1980, Tedford 1966b) if the same limits to the genus are applied to fossils as to the extant forms, there appears to be about fourteen valid, extinct species recognized, No Miocene specimens of Macropus are known, and it appears that they arose and differentiated in a matter of a mere five million years into at least twenty-eight species. This adaptive radiation of grazing forms has been attributed to the increase in the extent of grasslands in the late Tertiary and modifications to the structure of the dentition (Sanson 1978, 1980). The dental changes include an increase in the development of lophs or links between the principle lophs on the molars, reduction or loss of the most posterior premolar, and curvature of the plane of the occlusal surface on the lower teeth resulting in the simultaneous occlusion of only one or two pairs of upper and lower molars (Fig. 54). Although, in part, the appearance of large macropodids in the Pliocene may have been a response to the spread of grasslands, this cannot be the entire answer for several of the large forms that appeared at this time were browsers. Many of the genera and species that evolved as part of this Plio-Pleistocene radiation are now extinct. The recency of this Plio-Pleistocene radiation is reflected by the fact that the boundaries between many of the living species and even genera are often difficult to recognize. Interbreeding is possible in several cases between members of nominally different species and even genera (Van Gelder 1977), and serologically, the macropodids are more homogeous than other marsupials (Kirsch 1977b). Macropodids may be divided into three subfamilies. The Balbarinae, restricted to the Late Oligocene-Middle Miocene, are among the most primitive macropodoids, only the potoroid Hypsiprymnodon is comparable in this respect. Known only from dental remains, their low, 952 - RICH compressed Mb) trigonid, straight molar tooth row and a twisted dentary are all primitive macropodoid features. With a small, but definite, masseteric canal in the mandible, they are clearly macropodids and not potoroids. Figure 54. Mandibles of a browsing macropod (A, Protemnodon) and grazing macropod (B, Macropus) in lateral view. Note the much more prominent P3 in Protemnodon and the straight rather than curved profile to a line drawn through the tips of the molar cusps. AUSTRALIA'S MAMMALIAN RECORD - 953 With the exception of Lagostrophus, sthenurines, the second subfamily, have reduced all the digits of the hind foot except for the fourth. In some species of Sthenurus the reduction of the side toes is greater than that in the modern horse. Macropodines, the third and sole surviving subfamily, have a less reduced hind foot with the fifth digit functionally important and parame! large. Also unlike sthenurines, the enamel on their molars is smooth rather than crenu : Figure 55. A, occlusal view of maxilla fragment with P3-M2 of the sthenurine Procoptodon rapha; B, occlusal view of maxilla fragment with M24 of Procoptodon goliah; C, occlusal view of mandible fragment with P3, M3-5 of Procoptodon goliah; x 1. (After Stirton & Marcus 1966). The largest kangaroo that ever lived was a sthenurine, Procoptodon. This animal stood approximately 3 m high and was, thus, well adapted to browsing in trees. The molars had an extremely complicated pattern of lophs and crests, which apparently served to increase the mastication efficiency of the tooth per unit area (Fig. 55). Such an increase would have been important for a large animal to overcome the problems imposed by the fact that with linear enlargements in size, surfaces increase only as a function of the square of the linear dimensions whereas volume and hence mass increase as the cube. Sanson (1978) regards the dental pattern of Procoptodon as indicative of a grazing rather than browsing animal. Superfamily: Burramyoidea Family: Burramyidae Burramys parvus has the rare distinction of having been first recognised as a fossil (Broom 1896b) and only much later, found to be still alive (Anon. 1966b). 954 - RICH Classically, burramyids have been regarded as the most primitive members of the Diprotodontia (Bensley 1903, Kirsch 1977b). Archer (1976d) however, argues that their molar pattern may have been derived by reduction of the crests from that of a Diprotodontian with a selenodont condition as now occurs in pseudocheirines (Fig. 56). Figure 56. Burramys parvus. A, palatal view of skull; B, occlusal view of mandibles; C, lateral view of mandible; approximately x 2.7. (After Ride 1956). Two additional species of Burramys have been described, one from the Pliocene Hamilton Local Fauna (Turnbull, Rich & Lundelius 1987c) and the other from the I ate Oligocene-Middle Miocene Ngama Local Fauna (Pledge 1987e). Except for slight differences in size and the number of roots on the MS, the three species are much alike. Burramys has also been found at Riversleigh. It, thus, appears to be not only one of the longest lived mammalian genera along with the phalangerids Trichosurus and Strigocuscus and the macropodoids Hypsiprymnodon AUSTRALIA'S MAMMALIAN RECORD - 955 and Bettongia, but also quite widespread during the Tertiary. Tedford et al. (1975) tentatively allocated a lower incisor from the Late Oligocene Geilston Bay fauna to the Burramyidae. Burramys has been frequently reported from Quaternary cave deposits across southern Australia, Many of these sites are in places such as the Nullarbor which is quite unlike its present restricted habitat in the Southern Alps. Except for their smaller size, there is no consistent morphological difference for separating all the modern burramyids or Pygmy possums from the Petaurinae and Dactylopsilinae. All have bunodont molars. Many burramyids, but not all, have only three molars, rather than four, whereas the other two groups always have four. In most, but not all, burramyids, the P3 is as high as the M9; in the other two groups, the P3 is markedly lower. Superfamily: Petauroidea Family: Pseudocheiridae Living petauroids can be clearly divided into two groups on the basis of their molar structure. Dentally the more primitive, the Pseudocheiridae have selenodont molars (Fig. 57) the pattern Archer (1976d) hypothesized as ancestral to the other conditions found in diprotodontians. Under this hypothesis, the W-shaped ectoloph on the upper molars of pseudocheirids was in turn derived from an ancestor with a peramelid-like dentition. Figure 57, Pseudocheirus peregrinus. A, occlusal view of upper molar, B, occlusal view of lower molar; xT. Because phascolarctids, too, have selenodont molars, they were considered as closely allied to pseudocheirids by many workers. More recent work, however, has shown on the basis of chromosome structure and serology, that phascolarctids are more closely related to vombatids and presumably the condition of selenodonty with phascolarctids is the retention of a primitive character state within the diprotodontians, Pseudocheirids are relatively common in the Tertiary as well as the Quaternary fossil record. This abundance promises to make them useful tools for biostratigraphy as diprotodontoids have proven in the past (Woodbume, Tedford & Archer 1987). To date, three genera and seven species have been described in the Late Oligocene-Middle Miocene of South Australia (Pledge 1987d, Woodbume, Tedford & Archer 1987), and two genera and three species occur in the Early Pliocene Hamilton Local Fauna (Turnbull, Rich & Lundelius 1987b). There are many more undescribed Tertiary pseudocheirids from the Riversleigh district awaiting description and analysis (Woodburne, Tedford & Archer 1987). The earliest well known pseudocheirids, the Late Oligocene-Middle Miocene genera, are all rather distinct from one another. This is concordant with a long prior history for the family. Between these earliest pseudocheirids, which are not directly related to the modern ones, and the Early Pliocene forms, which are, is a significant gap in the evolutionary history of the family. Pseudocheirids apparently are a family like macropodids that underwent a major radiation in the late Cainozoic in response to the rapidly changing Australian environment as the continent moved northward and became drier. 956 - RICH Family: Petauridae Petaurine petaurids include only two living genera, Petaurus and Gymnobelideus. Dactylopsila, the common striped possum, have been placed in a subfamily of its own, Dactylopsilinae, by Kirsch (1977b). Dentally, the two subfamilies are quite similar, both having relatively simple bunodont molars (Fig. 58), which were probably derived from ancestors with a selenodont dentition similar to pseudocheirids. The only Tertiary record of Figure 58. Petaurus breviceps. A, occlusal view of upper molar, B, occlusal view of lower molar; x 8.5. petaurids are rare specimens from the Late Oligocene-Middle Miocene Etadunna Faunal Zone C of South Australia, some material from Riversleigh "...marginally more plesiomorphic [primitive] than the modern genus [Petaurus]" (Aplin & Archer 1987) and nine isolated molars and molar fragments from the Early Pliocene Hamilton Local Fauna of Victoria. The Hamilton specimens appear to belong to two or three different, perhaps extant, species of Petaurus (Turnbull, Rich & Lundelius 1987a). Figure 59. Tarsipes spencerae skull in: A, left lateral; and, B, palatal view; x 4.25. (After Parker 1890). AUSTRALIA'S MAMMALIAN RECORD - 957 Superfamily: Tarsipedoidea Family: Tarsipedidae The cheek teeth of honey possums are modified into a series of tiny pegs (Fig. 59). On the other hand, they are far more numerous than the cheek teeth of other marsupials. Serologically, tarsipedids stand apart from all other diprotodontians, but morphologically their affinities clearly lie with that group (Kirsch 1977b). Although apparently separated from other diprotodontians since the time of origin of the order, by the Palacogene at the latest, there is only a single fossil specimen recorded of this group, a pelvis from a Quaternary cave deposit in Western Australia (Archer 1972). Family: Acrobatidae Acrobates is known from a number of Quaternary sites but is unrecorded from earlier deposits. Both the molecular evidence and a wide variety of morphological evidence supports the idea of a close relationship with the Tarsipedidae (Aplin & Archer 1987). Superfamily: Phalangerida incertae sedis Family: Pilkipildridae Were it not for the enlarged P3's, this family would probably be placed with some difficulty in the petaurids (Plate 1B). The other features besides the P3's which would make such an allocation questionable are the phalangerid- and miralinid-like upper molars. On the other hand, the low, basined lower molars are petaurid-like in their morphology. Although there is little doubt that this family belongs in the Diprotodontia, with such a mixture of features, it cannot be confidently allied with any particular other group in the order. The family is known from the Late Oligocene-Middle Miocene of South Australia as well as Riversleigh. Its common occurrence in both areas provides a basis for correlating between them. To date, two genera with two species each have been named. At no site is the family common, and in total, only half a dozen specimens, all dental remains, have been described (Archer, Tedford & Rich 1987). Order: Yalkaparidontia Family: Yalkaparidontidae When first discovered, the zalambdodont teeth of Yalkaparidon were so peculiar that the animal was thought to be a placental rather than a marsupial. Subsequently a mandible with the inflected angle preserved was found, establishing that this animal was, in fact, a marsupial. Examination of the ultrastructure of the enamel of I1 and a premolar of Yalkaparidon cohent corroborated the marsupial affinities of this species (Lester ef al. 1988). Even now, its affinities within the Marsupialia are uncertain. The highly reduced molars are reminiscent of those of Notoryctes typhlops, the marsupial mole. The base of the skull has a combination of characters which although peramelemorph or bandicoot-like in general aspects, display significant differences (Archer, Hand & Godthelp 1988). The incisors are most un-bandicoot-like, being more reminiscent of diprotodontians. The lower incisor is compressed from side to side, enlarged, procumbant, and has an enamel band confined to the anteroventrolateral surface as is common in many diprotodontians. It is just possible that the rostrum and dental portion of the type specimen of Yalkapariodon cohent is from a diprotodontian and the back of the skull is from a bandicoot. However, this is quite unlikely, and even if it eventually proves to be the case, the two taxa represented are each quite peculiar in their own right. 958 - RICH To date, only one genus of this order is recognized, Yalkaparidon, and the total amount of material listed by Archer, Hand & Godthelp (1988) consists of five specimens found at four different sites in the Late Oligocene-Middle Miocene deposits at Riversleigh, northwestern Queensland. The present state of knowledge of this group is similar to that of the Ektopodontidae when first described. Only the discovery of further specimens is likely to firmly establish the affinities of this enigmatic group and affirm or deny its status as a separate order of marsupials. SUPERCOHORT: PLACENTALIA Order: Chiroptera The earliest known bat is Jcaronycteris from the Middle Eocene Green River Formation of Wyoming, U.S.A. Except for a lesser degree of fusion of the carpal elements (Jepsen 1966), it is not strikingly different from a living microchiropteran. Apparently bats evolved from insectivores in the Palacocene or Late Cretaceous. The conventional view is that the Chiroptera are a monophyletic group, but it has been proposed that mega- and microchiropterans evolved independently from different insectivore stocks (Jones & Genoways 1970) or the megachiropterans from primates and the microchiropterans from insectivores (Pettigrew 1986, Pettigrew & Jamieson 1987). Pettigrew & Jamieson base their hypothesis on the sharing by primates and megachiropterans of a pattern of nerve connection between the retina and the brain that is not found in other vertebrates. Wible & Novacek (1988) on the basis of cranial and postcranial osteological characters plus others of the fetal membrances, reject the primate affinities of the megachiropterans and conclude that they belong in the same order Chiroptera with the microchiropterans. Implicitly, they also reject the idea that the two groups independently evolved from different insectivoran stocks. Six families of bats occur today in Australia: Pteropodidae, Emballonuridae, Megadermatidae, Rhinolophidae, Vespertilionidae, and Milossidae (Hall 1981). All have Palacogene fossil records on other continents, but none do in Australia (Koopman & Jones 1970). Pteropodidae (megachiropterans or fruit bats) are characterised by simple, basin-shaped molars. The other five familics are in the microchiroptera and have a basically tribosphenic molar pattern with a pronounced W-shaped ecctoloph and only three molars maximum, one less than most marsupials and the usual case in placentals (Plate 2). Bats were the first terrestrial placental mammals to reach Australia. The oldest record of the Chiroptera on this continent is a profusion of specimens and taxa (about twenty-five new species with records already published for the Megadermatidae [Hand 1985], Molossidae [Hand 1990] and Hipposideridae [Sigé, Hand & Archer 1982]) from the the Late Oligocene-Middle Miocene Riversleigh Fauna of northwest Queensland plus an isolated rhinolophid molar from the Ngapakaldi Fauna of South Australia (Archer 1978c). The work of Hand and her colleagues on the Riversleigh material has found the greatest similarity with the European mid-Tertiary chiropteran faunas. However, this is probably in part an artefact owing to the tremendous amount of work that has been put into the study of the fossil record of the group there. By contrast, the Asian (Legendre et al. 1988) and South American (McKenna 1980) fossil records of chiropterans are all but unkown, and the African is only moderately better (Butler 1984). When these latter are better known, presumably it will be the Asian that will be found to show the closest affinities with Australia, for that is the case with the modern fauna. It is generally hypothesised that bats entered Australia from the north AUSTRALIA'S MAMMALIAN RECORD - 959 during the Cainozoic; e.g. Simpson (1961), Hand (1985). However, Hershkovitz (1972) argued for an origin on one of the Gondwana continents with subsequent dispersal northward. As there is no published record of non-marine mammals in Australia in the Late Cretaccous and Cainozoic prior to the Late Oligocene, it is uncertain how much earlier bats may have entered the continent. Various groups of Australian bats show marked differences in the amount of endemicity, suggesting that not all of them entered the continent at once from but rather arrived at different times during the Cainozoic (Simpson 1961). Unlike other mammalian orders, bats reached an adaptive plateau early in their history and have evolved only slowly since. Once in Australia, they continued to follow this evolutionary pattern: although a number of endemic species and a few endemic genera evolved, there were no major structural innovations in the late Cainozoic of Australia. Bats are present in virtually every Australian Quaternary cave site. Hall & Richards (1979) provide a useful key to the identification of modern Australian bats. Order: Rodentia Rodents were among the last major placental orders to appear. Their earliest record is from Late Palaeocene deposits of North America. By the Oligocene, they had reached all continents except Australia and Antarctica. One of the most diverse mammalian orders, Wood (1966) recognized a total of forty-three families. Rodents are characterised by the presence of a single pair of evergrowing incisors in the skull and lower jaws, which have a band of enamel on the anterior side only. Behind the incisors is a diastema, and unlike any marsupials, there are no canines or premolars developed between the incisors and molars in any murid rodents (Fig. 60). Unlike all the other continents where the order is known, rodents in Australia are a relatively undiverse group. This may be owing to their relatively late entry into Australia (about Early Pliocene, see below) or that marsupials or birds, particularly the psittaciformes (parrots in the broadest sense), may have already occupied many of the kinds of niches rodents entered successfully on other continents. All Australian rodents belong to one family, the Muridae, which originated in Southeast Asia and spread out from there. Australian murids are divided into two subfamilies, the Hydromyinae, restricted to New Guinea and Australia, and the nearly ubiquitous Murinae represented by the single genus Rattus. Because of their restriction to the New Guinea- Australia area and their earlier appearance in the fossil record there than the murines, the Hydromyinae are frequently referred to as "The Old Endemics". The Hydromyinae, in tum, are split into three tribes, the basically New Guinea groups Hydromyini and Uromyini and the Australian Conilurini. Although all three tribes are represented on both land masses, the contrast in the relative numbers of species of the various groups is quite marked. The New Guinea Hydromyini are almost exclusively rainforest dwellers, while the Australian ones are almost exclusively non-rainforest dwellers. This suggests that the Australian Hydromyini did not enter Australia from New Guinea but may have bypassed it, occupying drier habitats as are to be found on Timor in moving from southeast Asia (Flannery 1988). The oldest records of rodents in Australia are the Early to Middle Pliocene Chinchilla Local Fauna (Pseudomys vandycki) of southeastern Queensland (Godthelp 1990), the Early Pliocene Bluff Downs Local Fauna of northeastern Queensland (Archer & Wade 1976), the Pliocene Rackham's Roost Local Fauna of northwestern Queensland (Godthelp 1987, Archer, Godthelp, Hand & Megirian 1989), and the Neogene Dog Rocks Local Fauna of southern Victoria (Whitelaw 1989). Because the approximately contemporaneous Hamilton Local Fauna of western Victoria totally lacks rodent remains although small mammals are abundant there, it appears that the Early Pliocene was probably about the time the rodents reached this 960 - RICH GLX sediuiieo SAWOjayy qd 6X sediqe smnlu0Dd 9 Zh xX snjoaan7sned = \/ Oe eet AUSTRALIA'S MAMMALIAN RECORD - 961 continent, having entered from southeastern Asia via New Guinea. An earlier entry may have been impossible Owing to the fact that the Australia-New Guinea land mass was further south and thus further from a potential source of rodents. The oldest detailed record of rodents available in Australia is the Pliocene Rackham's Roost Local Fauna of northwestern Queensland. In it are exclusively Conilurini with a mixture of living genera including Pseudomys and Zyzomys and other, extinct genera that have yet to be named (Godthelp 1988). It appears that the Conilurini differentiated rapidly soon after entering Australia and have evolved little since then. In contrast, the oldest Australian and New Guinea records of the Murinae and the Hydromyini and Uromyini are no more than 40,000 years. The difficulties in separating modern species of Rattus from one another combined with establishing a workable diagnosis for the genus is concordant with the view that speciation is currently underway rather than a long completed process in this genus (Baverstock et al. 1977, Musser 1981). Evidently, although interchange was possible between Australia and New Guinea during the Pleistocene with lowering of sea level at various times, the Hydromyinae did not utilise the route frequently. By contrast, species pairs of Rattus on the two land masses indicate at least five episodes of interchange between Australia and New Guinea (Lee et al. 1981). Watts & Aslin (1981) provide a listing of skull and dental features useful in distinguishing the modern species of Australian rodents from one another as well as a gencral introduction to the group including a summary of its history. Order: Primates The earliest known primate is Purgatorius ceratopsis from the latest Cretaceous of North America. During the Cainozoic, the order diversified on every continent except Australia and Antarctica (Szalay & Delson 1979). Only a single species of this order reached Australia, Homo sapiens. The earliest firm record of Jomo sapiens is equal to or greater than 40,000 years ago at Upper Swan, Western Australia (Pearce & Barbetti 1981). The occurrence at Kow Swamp, Victoria, of undoubted Homo sapiens, which none-the-less bear a striking resemblance to Middle Pleistocene Homo erectus, raises the issue of whether there were multiple entries into Australia of H. sapiens or a single group that diversified morphologically once the continent was reached. The Kow Swamp specimens have been dated at between 9,500 and 13,000 yBP (Thorne & Macumber 1972). Much older specimens from Lake Mungo, New South Wales radiometrically dated from 24,500 to possibly as old as 30,000 yBP (Bowler et al. 1972, Bowler & Thorne 1976) are much closer to modern H. sapiens in the structure of the skull. Several explanations have been offered to explain this (Kirk & Thorne 1976). One is that there were at least two separate migrations of //. sapiens into Australia, an advanced group which had arrived by 30,000 yBP and an archaic group that arrived possibly as late as 10,000 years before present. A second explanation is that there was only a single migration of this species and that the archaic population evolved from a more advanced, gracile stock. The literature concerning Homo sapiens in Australia is extensive. A summary article relating to this topic appeared in Thorne (1981). Figure 60. Rodent skulls and jaws. A, Rattus lutreolus (Murinae); B, Hydromys chrysogaster (Hydromyinae, Hydromyini); C, Conilurus albipes (Hydromyinae, Conilurini); D, Melomys cervinipes (Hydromyinae, Uromyini). (After Watts & Aslin 1981). 962 - RICH eepidosald aepuapisoddiy eepiydijoulyy & g c 0) 3) & a aepuny oO Da a2] fe} xe] fo} Qa [e) ) oO oO CER eee i (Se a 2 eepunejed eepiieyoopnesd eepiAweung eepipodoioey, BEPIO1O}Oq BepUp|Id4|d seplulesiy eepuebuejeydg eepyuopodo}y3 sepiuopuedeyye A eeplucejoor|Ay eepyequo, Seplue||| eepiipseAUAM aepsayoojed sepquopojoidig Beplose|OOSeY aepnoAlojoN eepljewesad eepAwoorAy eepnoAioleg eepunhseq BEPIQooeWJAWY eepiuroe|Ay | eepiueurjeqebul, eepissojbAyor | eeplyoUAYOYIWO Marsupialia Vombatoformes Phylogeny of Australian terrestrial mammals primarily after Aplin & Archer (1987) and Novacek (1986). © g © = © = ° i= o) = g ® Cc © 8 a. 2 8 g S o w» O rs) 2o =o o 9 © a o = oe cof s t0 mad CG) Petauroidea Q) Dasyuromorphia @ Tarsipedoidea @) Peramelemorphia Chiroptera G3) Vombatomorphia (9) Microchiroptera 61. Figure AUSTRALIA'S MAMMALIAN RECORD - 963 Order: Carnivora Family: Canidae The dingo or native dog is regarded as a subspecies of the domesticated dog, Canis familiaris dingoensis. Although a subspecies of the domesticated dog, it is unclear whether dingos were introduced to Australia by humans or entered the continent independently. The oldest firm date for the dingo in Australia is 3,450 + 95 yBP (Milham & Thompson 1976). However, Smyth (1869) reported dingo remains associated with the volcanic ash deposits at Tower Hill which have been dated at 7,300 yBP (Gill, 1973c). HISTORY OF THE TERRESTRIAL MAMMALS OF AUSTRALIA Fig. 61 is an attempt to illustrate the history of the various groups of Australian terrestrial mammals. The solid vertical bars give the known range of cach group, the heavy dashed lines, the phylogenetic relationships between them. INTRODUCED MAMMALS Although Europeans began introducing mammals to Australia only two centuries ago, it is frequently the case that their remains are encountered in a context where they might be mistaken for Pleistocene fossils. It, therefore, behooves the mammalian palacontologist working in Australia to be familiar with the more commonly preserved elements of these animals (Figs 62-70). ACKNOWLEDGEMENTS Timothy F. Flannery of the Australian Museum, Sydney, read a preliminary draft of this chapter and provided many useful comments. Robert Hodge of Fredericksburg, Virginia, United States of America brought the record of dingo at Tower Hill in Smyth (1869) to my attention. Jorge V. Crisci of the Museo de La Plata, Argentina, introduced me to the NTSYS- pc computer programme. For the use of figures, I wish to thank the following individuals and organisations: American Elsevier, New York, Fig. 11; American Museum of Natural History, New York, Figs 7, 16b; American Philosophical Society, Philadelphia, Fig. 18; University of Arizona Press, Fig. 26; Australian Museum, Sydney, Fig. 55; British Museum (Natural History), South Kensington, Fig. 46; Bureau of Mineral Resources, Geology, and Geophysics, Canberra, Figs 36-39, 40B, 41; Field Museum of Natural History, Chicago, Fig. 22; Harvard University Press, Cambridge, Figs 19-21; University of Kansas Press, Lawrence, Fig. 12; Linnean Society of New South Wales, Mossman, Fig. 8, 28; Macmillan, London, Fig. 1C; Museum of Northern Arizona Press, Figs. 16A, C, D, 47; Queen Victoria Museum and Art Gallery, Launceston, Figs. 29, 30A-C, 64-48, 70; Queensland Museum, Fortitude Valley, Fig. 53; Society of Economic Paleontologists and Mineralogists, Figs. 49-52; South Australian Museum, Adelaide, Figs 34, 35, 48; University of California Press, Berkeley, Figs 2, 5, 6, 9- 10, 13-15, 17, 23, 27A-E, 40A, 54A; University of Chicago Press, Fig. 1A; C.H.S. Watts and H.J. Aslin, Fig. 60; Yale University Press, New Haven, Figs 3, 4; Zoological Society of London, Fig. 56. D. Gelt prepared most of the original illustrations in this article, N. Day many of the line drawings, and A. Bennett prepared Pl. 1. S. Morton provided all of the photographic reproduction. The article was written on a Macintosh SE personal computer 964 - RICH provided by Computer Knowledge (Melbourne) through the good graces of M. Smart and the expert technical assistance of B. Hogan. The work was carried out at Monash University, where printing was accomplished on the facilities in the Earth Sciences Department. Figure 62. Metatarsals of a cow, A, sheep, B, horse, C, compared to a kangaroo, D, Macropus giganteus; x 0.44. Figure 63. Ferret dentition. Left upper tooth row, A, occlusal view; B, lateral view; right lower jaw, C, occlusal view; left lower jaw, D, lateral view. AUSTRALIA'S MAMMALIAN RECORD - 965 Figure 64. Canis, dog, A, lateral view of skull and right mandible, B, dorsal view of skull, and, C, palatal view of skull; x 0.5. (After Green 1983). 966 - RICH Figure 65. Cat, Felis, A, lateral view of skull and right mandible; B, dorsal view of skull; and, C, palatal view of skull; x1. (After Green 1983). AUSTRALIA'S MAMMALIAN RECORD - 967 Figure 66. Horse, Equus, A, lateral view skull and right mandible; B, dorsal view of skull; and, C, palatal view of skull; x 0.2. (After Green 1983). 968 - RICH Figure 67. Sheep, Ovis, A, lateral view of skull and right mandible; B, dorsal view of skull; and, C, palatal view of skull; x 0.4. (After Green 1983). AUSTRALIA'S MAMMALIAN RECORD - 969 Figure 68. Cow, Bos A, lateral view of skull and right mandible; B, dorsal view of skull; and C, palatal view of skull; x 0.2. (After Green 1983). 970 - RICH Figure 69. A, Sus, domestic pig, upper (max.) and lower (mand.) teeth; B, Homo sapiens, right lower (top) and upper (bottom) human dentition. (A, from Schmid 1972; B, from Gregory 1920). AUSTRALIA'S MAMMALIAN RECORD - 971 Figure 70. Hare, Lepus, A, lateral view of skull and right mandible; B, dorsal view of skull; and C, palatal view of skull; x 0.94. (After Green 1983]) 972 - RICH REFERENCES ABBIE, A.A., 1937. Some observations on the major subdivisions of the Marsupialia, with especial reference to the position of the Peramelidae and Caenolestidae. J. Anat. 71: 429-436. ABBIE, A.A., 1941. Marsupials and the evolution of mammals. Aust. J. Sci. 4: 77-92. ABEL, O., 1912. Grundzuge der palaeobiologie der wirbeltiere. E. Schweizerbart'sche, Stuttgart. ABELE, C., GLOE, C.S., HOCKING, J.B., HOLDGATE, G., KENLEY, P.R., LAWRENCE, C.R., RIPPER, D., THRELFALL, W.F., BOLGER, P.F., 1988. Chapter 8, Tertiary. In Geology of Victoria, J.G, Douglas & J. A. Ferguson, eds., Victorian Division Geol. Soc. Aust. Inc., Melbourne: 251-350. ALLEN, J., 1972. Archaeology and physical anthropology in Oceania 7(2): 115. ALLPORT, M., 1866. 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The Ektopodontidae, an unusual family of Neogene phalangeroid marsupials. In Possums and Opposums: Studies in Evolution, M. Archer, ed., Surrey Beatty & Sons Pty Ltd. and R. Zool. Soc. N.S.W., Mosman, 2: 603-606. WOODBURNE, M.O., ed., 1987b. Cenozoic Mammals of North America. Geochronology and Biostratigraphy. Univ. Calif. Press, Berkeley. WOODBURNE, M.O., CAMPBELL, C.R., RICH, T.H.V. & PLEDGE, N.S., 1986. 5. Geology, stratigraphy, paleoecology. In Revision of the Ektopodontidae (Mammalia: Marsupialia; Phalangeroidea) of the Australian Neogene, M.O. Woodbume & W.A. Clemens, eds., Univ. Calif. Publs. geol. Sci. 131: 75- 86. WOODBURNE, M.O. & CLEMENS, W.A., 1986a. Introduction. In Revision of the Ektopodontidae (Mammalia: Marsupialia; Phalangeroidea) of the Australian Neogene, M.O. Woodbume & W.A. Clemens, eds., Univ. Calif. Publs. geol. Sci. 131: 1-9. WOODBURNE, M.O. & CLEMENS, W.A., 1986b. A new genus of Ektopodontidae and additional comments on Ektopodon serratus. 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Fossil marsupials and Cainozoic continental stratigraphy in Australia: a review. Mem. Qd. Mus. 14(2): 41-49. WOODWARD, A.S., 1907. On a reconstructed skeleton of Diprotodon in the British Museum (Natural History). Geol. Mag. 4(5): 337-339. WOODWARD, B.H., 1909. Extinct marsupials of Western Australia. Geol. Mag. 6(5): 210-212. WOODWARD, B.H., 1910. Fossil marsupials of Western Australia. Rec. W. Aust. Mus. 1: 9-10. WOODWARD, B.H., 1914. Further important discoveries in the Mammoth Cave. Rec. W. Aust. Mus. 1: 252. WRIGHT, R., 1986. New light on the extinction of the Australian Megafauna. Proc. Linn. Soc. N.S.W. 109: 1-9. WYATT, D.H. & WEBB, A.W., 1970. Potassium-argon ages on some northem Queensland basalts and an interpretation of late Cainozoic history. J. geol. Soc. Aust. 17: 39-51. WYRWOLL, K.H. & DORTCH, C.E., 1978. Stone artifacts and an associated diprotodontid mandible; from the Greenough River, Wester Australia. Search 9(11): 411-413. YADAV, M., 1973. The presence of the cervical and thoracic thymus lobes in marsupials. Aust. J. Zool. 21: 285-301. ADDENDUM The following are valuable recent summaries of the respective areas indicated: Baverstock, P.R., Flannery, T., Aplin, K., Birrell, J. & Kries, M., 1990. Albumin immonological relationships of the bandicoots [Perameloidea: Marsupialai} --- a preliminary report. In Bandicoots and Bilbies, J. H. Seebeck, P. R. Brown, R. L. Wallis & C. M. Kemper, eds. Surrey Beatty & Sons Pty. Ltd., Sydney: 13-18. Relationships of the Perameloidea. Flannery, T. F., 1989. Phylogeny of the Macropodoidea; a study in convergence. In Kangaroos, Wallabies and Rat-kangaroos, G. J. Grigg, P. Jarman & I. Hume, eds., Surrey Beatty & Sons Pty. Ltd., Sydney: 1-46. Relationships of the Macropodoidea. Flannery, T. F., 1990. Mammals of New Guinea. Robert Brown & Associates Pty. Ltd., Carina, Qld. Summary of the geological history and mammalian fossil record of New Guinea. AUSTRALIA'S MAMMALIAN RECORD - 1005 APPENDIX I AUSTRALIAN MESOZOIC AND TERTIARY TERRESTRIAL MAMMAL LOCALITIES Thomas H. Rich Museum of Victoria Melbourne, Victoria 3000 Australia Michael Archer, Suzanne J. Hand, Henk Godthelp & Jeanette Muirhead School of Biological Sciences University of N.S.W. Kensington, N.S.W. 2033 Australia Neville S. Pledge South Australian Museum Adelaide, South Australia 5000 Australia Timothy F. Flannery Australian Museum Sydney South, N.S.W. 2000 Australia Michael O. Woodburne & Judd A. Case Department of Earth Sciences University of California Riverside, California 92521 U.S.A. Richard H. Tedford Department of Vertebrate Paleontology American Museum of Natural History New York, New York 10024 U.S.A. William D. Turnbull Department of Geology Field Museum Chicago, Illinois 60605 U.S.A. Ernest L. Lundelius, Jr. Department of Geological Sciences University of Texas Austin, Texas 78713 U.S.A. Leaellyn S. V. Rich Wesley College Glen Waverley, Victoria 3150 Australia Michael J. Whitelaw Florida Museum of Natural History University of Florida Gainesville, Florida 32611 U.S.A. Anne Kemp Queensland Museum P. O. Box 300 South Brisbane, Queensland 4101 Australia. Patricia V. Rich Earth Sciences Department Monash University Clayton, Victoria 3168 Australia 1006 - RICH, ET AL. INTRODUCTION "Much has been learned in recent years about Paleogene faunas on all the continents (save Australia)---even Antarctica has yielded fossil mammals," (Gingerich 1988). Gingerich'’s comment accurately reflected the relative state of knowledge about the history of the terrestrial mammals on the Australian continent in 1988. At that time, although there was then available a reasonably adequate overview of their Neogene Australian history, the Palaeogene was only known at the very end, and the entire Mesozoic record consisted of two specimens. However, the recent discovery of a site near the Palaeocene/Eocene boundary in southeastern Queensland promises to shed light on this earlier history of Australian mammalian faunas that until now has been so poorly known. Although a few specimens of terrestrial mammals of Tertiary age had been found in Australia prior to 1953, no concerted earlier effort had been made explicitly to discover such fossils. In that year, R.A. Stirton and his colleagues began to systematically explore Tertiary deposits in Australia for remains of terrestrial mammals (see chapter by R.H. Tedford, this volume). During the next thirteen years, as a result of their discoveries, a broad outline of the evolutionary history of terrestrial mammals during the Neogene and latest Palacogene emerged. An appropriate closing to an era was the publication two years after Stirton's death of a summary of the state of knowledge of the Tertiary terrestrial mammals (Stirton, Tedford & Woodbume 1968). Additional Tertiary mammal sites have been found since 1968, and knowledge of the faunas at those previously known increased. Most of this effort has taken place in northeastern South Australia and northwestern Queensland with lesser amounts being carried out in New Guinea, the Northern Territory, and southem Victoria. In 1978, Archer and Bartholomai reviewed Australian Tertiary mammals (Archer & Bartholomai 1978). However, because their main intention was to summarize the evolution of mammals during the Tertiary as documented by the fossil evidence, many details conceming the faunal composition and geological setting of individual sites in the style of Stirton, Tedford & Woodbume (1968) were not repeated there. Without going into the details presented in Stirton, Tedford & Woodburne (1968), Woodburne et a/. (1985) updated and summarised much of the same information presented in 1968 and included a discussion of selected Pleistocene sites. The general conclusions drawn by Stirton, Tedford & Woodbume (1968) have withstood subsequent testing rather well. Elsewhere in the world, mammals appeared by the Late Triassic in North America, western Europe, southern Africa and eastern Asia (Lillegraven ef al. 1979, Clemens 1986). Thus far, two Cretaceous specimens (Archer et al. 1985, Rich, Flannery & Archer 1989) are the only evidence of what was probably the first three-fourths of the time mammals were present in Australia, Evidently during this "dark age" of Australian mammalian history, the major Australian marsupial and monotreme family-level radiations occurred. Use of the terms fauna and local fauna follows recommendations set forth in Tedford (1970). A local fauna is regarded as a geologically contemporaneous group of fossils from a single site or series of sites having limited geographic and stratigraphic distribution. The contemporaneity is established by the taxonomic similarity of the various assemblages of fossils assigned to the local fauna and by relevant geological data. A fauna "... represents the maximum geographic and temporal limits of a group of organisms sharing a suite of common species ..." (Tedford 1970, p. 684). A fauna may be composed of one or more local faunas. Where single specimens are recorded, these are designated by the site names without the appellation fauna or local fauna, following the recommendation of Hibbard (1958). Owing to the often fragmentary nature of most of the fossils, species-level identifications of the elements in the various fossil assemblages often cannot be accurately made. To convey an accurate impression of the precision of taxonomic identification warranted, the following conventions have been employed. Usage of the abbreviation "¢f." follows the standard English translation of the Latin “conferre," to compare. When placed before the name of a taxon, "cf." is intended to denote that one or more specimens exist which appear to be closely ailicd to the species of that taxon but as yct, no diagnostic characters have been recognised that either enable specific separation or synonomy with the species of that taxon, e.g. cf. Beltongia. A generic name followed by "sp." implies that there are specimens which can be confidently identified to generic level but the species assignment is uncertain; e.g. Prolemnodon sp. "New genus" or "n. sp." implies that a new laxon has been recognised but to date is unpublished. Several new genera of mammals which have not yet been formally established, are known from the Australian Tertiary. Where these are known to occur in more than one fauna or local fauna, they are designated with a capital letter in two or more lists to indicate where a common taxon is recognized, e.g. "Genus B". AUSTRALIA'S MAMMALIAN RECORD - 1007 The discussion of individual faunas, local faunas, and sites can best be broken down into three groups: Cretaceous and Tertiary faunas of Papua New Guinea plus easter and southeastem coastal Australia, central and northem Australian Oligocene? through to Middle Pliocene faunas; and ?Late Pliocene - ?Early Pleistocene faunas (Figs 24-25). Cretaceous and Tertiary Faunas of Papua New Guinea plus eastern and southeastern coastal Australia Lightning Ridge Local Fauna, p. 1014 Tingamurra Local Fauna, p. 1014 Geilston Bay Local Fauna, p. 1015 Wynyard, p. 1036 Batesford Quarry, p. 1036 Canadian Lead, p. 1036 Beaumaris Local Fauna, p. 1037 Sunlands Local Fauna, p. 1038 Forsyth's Bank, p. 1039 Hamilton Local Fauna, p. 1039 Big Sink Local Fauna, p. 1040 Bluff Downs Local Fauna, p. 1041 Tara Creek, p. 1043 Lake Tyers, p. 1043 Bunga Creek, p. 1044 Great Buninyong Estate Mine, p. 1044 Awe Fauna, p. 1044 Mogorafugwa, p. 1045 Ian's Prospect, p. 1045 In this category all faunas can be dated to some degree by either radiometric and (or) marine macro- or microfossils. These faunas are, therefore, of primary importance in serving as chronological benchmarks against which to calibrate the sites in the other two categories. Unfortunately, only three of the faunas are extensive, and all of these are Pliocene: Hamilton, Bluff Downs, and Awe. Central and Northern Australian Oligocene?-Early Pliocene sites: Ngapakaldi Fauna, p. 1016 Etadunna Formation Faunal Zones A-E A, p. 1017 B, p. 1018 C, p. 1018 D, p. 1019 E, p. 1020 Pinpa Fauna, p. 1021 Yanda Local Fauna, p. 1022 Tarkarooloo Local Fauna, p. 1023 Wadikali Local Fauna, p. 1024 Ericmas Fauna, p. 1025 Kutjamarpu Local Fauna, p. 1025 Kangaroo Well Local Fauna, p. 1027 Riversleigh District, p. 1027 Riversleigh District System A local faunas, p. 1028 Riversleigh District D-Site Equivalent local faunas, p. 1029 Riversleigh District Cave Assemblages local faunas, p. 1029 Riversleigh District System B local faunas, p. 1030 Riversleigh District lower System C local faunas, p. 1032 Riversleigh District upper System C local faunas, p. 1033 Bullock Creek Fauna, p. 1035 Alcoota Local Fauna, p. 1037 Rackham's Roost Local Fauna, p. 1042 1008 - RICH, ET AL. [FevavileLocal Fauna | Floraville Local Fauna Riversleigh System A Etadunna Faunal Zone B LATE OLIGOCENE - MIDDLE MIOCENE Cone Sees 6m ee Cree eee Ee Cc eee fEuryzygoma TL T TUT TUT TTT TTT TTT TT TTT jAcrobates TT PT TT TTT TT TT ee Ankotarinja [Buiungamaya | TM | | dT TT TE Cnn BREE eee Brachipposideros Antechinus Betiongia Table I-1. Australian Tertiary terrestrial mammalian genera recorded at more than a single locality at sites where three or more such genera are known. AUSTRALIA'S MAMMALIAN RECORD - 1009 Gumardee Hypsiprymnodon agorchestes Lasiorhinus Nambaroo Namilamadeta Ngapakaldia Obdurodon Osphranter Palaeopotorous Palorchestes Petaurus Petramops 1010 - RICH, ET AL. TOOT SSS Sees FCCC EEE EEE srtceares| SO a Pk Tri TTT Tyrer re stuotooseue rT TT TTT mm Cry ee ee sopsetcosea EG BRRRERER SARE RRR aB60oSeUd | {tty Be See sebueleUcd | | | ARERR EPA eA eeBouyed cs = c 5 o 3 3 OloO Sic g| [4] =|_le| |& «| |S1§| lalelsi isis : e = 6 © =-|2 oo) Clo} oo] o ) _| wo] a] e/a] 5 Spal Slal§ Z] a) 12/5 Slalmle|+| sie] ele ala <{c ec} c}] Ss] cc} 2)0 35/5] 0°] Sia wlels x ~~) > —=|a],S] 0] O} © clu 9 oo] sJu} a] Oyu aiaj} 2s 3/2 QIDI EIS LININITN 3 BS) EIN 8] |=] Fla] ol SP sll=l lslalel2l4] sislsisisSisisisisl |Zlsl |Sisls 2}£] 3) “1=18] 2 s[2] S/Als] [S/2]E)=] a] Sl Sls Sia|S/E/ IE] [El] | slale Oo] slo] Oo] a! S]S] 0/818] |Slal sl Sl 8] ofS] Ss] S215] S| S| SEI SIS] Jel ais «| 8/21 8 +] 2) 6} 9}ax] 3] 5 18) $19) 8] c] SI Slo) S/S ls] a] 3] 3] 5S] S[s] e|/ =]@l a Sl 3] 8} 2}s]4] 5] 8} o| 8] alo] 2] 5] SIS} a] dele] el SIE] 2/4] 4] ] 5] 8] 81S] Sc 1] S1<1 S131 5] sl al El el S15] Ele} el 2| S/ E13) S1 S15] 9] 2] es] | s[4 |Z] al 8/1 —e4 SIE =l=| a] 2 o}x< 3/9 a|‘o}'o Ofalcl ce} cl o/s] 8) Sf} lal = ake) Of Oj} c/= Oo} o c|/ Llc SIFFS x Ee} ec} cl] a] s c o| ce ols SpelQaf[cjujal-sj= El=l|o] Bl BlSGi ale =| 5 olD =—}| 5] s Dio Sisixic =|] =| S| 518/51 515] 81 2] s|sl3|s| §}]5| £1 8] gs] sls SPClPE;/ Elo] cc] Ss} ES} e] ol sl aos Elc| a 2) 2) O/ LP CVE) 3] S] Sis| SiH] A ci Qiys S| 3} 5] 6] ] 6] Of =] 2] 3] 5] 6] S}2) 2) os] 5] of S) 2) 2/2) Ss) a) sly si sre 1S] a} .2)8 6] LZlololzlalalolc| cl] o/al<| Ha] a) rl Ala) jcjo ANASOIW FICCIN - JN39091I10 3LV1 AUSTRALIA'S MAMMALIAN RECORD - 1011 Vombatus [Wabularoo Wakaleo 1012 - RICH, ET AL. 0.00 0.20 0.40 0.60 0.80 1.00 Etadunna Faunal Zone B Pinpa Fauna Ericmas Fauna Wadikali Local Fauna Tarkarooloo Local Fauna Etadunna Faunal Zone C Etadunna Faunal Zone D Etadunna Faunal Zone E Kutjamarpu Local Fauna YandaLocal Fauna Riversleigh System A Riversleigh System B Riversleigh upper System C Riversleigh lower System C Kangaroo Well Local Fauna Bullock Creek Fauna ——s East of Lakes Eyre and Frome, South Australia ate Oligocene - Middle Miocene Riversleigh N.W. Qid. Alcoota Fauna Late Miocene Beaumaris Local Fauna ig ‘ Awe Fauna New Guinea Sunlands Local Fauna nn Pia Quaternary & Recent Curramulka Local Fauna Dog Rocks Local Fauna Floraville Local Fauna Bluff Downs Local Fauna Quanbun Local Fauna Kanunka Local Fauna Chinchilla Local Fauna Comadai Local Fauna Hamilton Local Fauna Bow Local Fauna Rackham's Roost Local Fauna Big Sink Local Fauna Bone Gulch Local Fauna Fisherman's Cliff Local Fauna Pliocene & Quaternary b+ +++ 0.00 0.20 0.40 0.60 0.80 1.00 Simpson's Coefficient of Faunal Similarity (C/N1) where C is the number of taxa in common between two areas being compared and N1 is the number of taxa in the smaller assemblage. Figure I-1. Dendrogramme showing similarities between Australian Tertiary terrestrial mammalian sites based on the number of genera shared in common. See text for explanation. AUSTRALIA'S MAMMALIAN RECORD - 1013 The basis for dating the faunas and local faunas here regarded as Late Oligocene-?Early Pliocene in central and northem Australia are tenuous. In most instances, the physical relationships between sites are uncertain. Only in two instances are sequences of faunal assemblages established by the time-honoured principal of superposition. The first of these is the Etadunna Formation Faunal Zones A-E plus the overlying Kutjamarpu Local Fauna. The second is the Ericmas Fauna above the Pinpa Fauna. To date, all attempts to correlate other assemblages within this interval have relied on assessment of the mammals alone. In an effort to gain further insights into the temporal relationships between sites, the occurrences of all Australian Tertiary terrestrial mammalian genera recorded at more than a single locality at sites where three or more such genera are known were tabulated (Table I-1). Using this data as a starting point, the coefficient of faunal resemblance suggested by Simpson (1947) was calculated for every pair of sites. The coefficient is given by the formula C/N, where C is the number of genera in common between two sites and Nj] is the number of genera recorded at the site with the fewest number. This matrix of similarities was then converted into a dendrogramme (Fig. I-1) utilising the SAHN (Sequential, Agglomerative, Heirarchical, and Nested) clustering routine of the NTSYS-pc Numerical Taxonomy and Multivariate Analysis System of computer programmes (Rohlf 1989). The particular algorithm employed, UPGMA for Unweighted Pair-Group Method, Arithmatic Average, simply finds the first pair of sites which share the highest Simpson coefficient. Then the two sites are clustered and treated as one by calculating the arithmetic average of the Simpson coefficient for the two sites with respect to all remaining sites. Then the process is repeated until all sites are so clustered. This routine is not designed to arrange sites in order by geological age, rather it groups them solely by the degree of similarity as measured by the Simpson coefficient. Because the data are quite incomplete and the studies of many faunas and local faunas are still in a preliminary stage, the application of this algorithm provides only a general overview, not a detailed picture, of the degree of faunal similarity between them. For example, at Riversleigh, the dendrogramme in Figure I- 1, generated solely on the basis of shared mammalian genera, suggests that System B, lower System C, and upper System C are equally close to one another. However, the presence of wynyardiids and ilariids in System B and their absence from both the lower and upper local faunas of System C altematively suggests that the latter are closer faunally to one another than either is to System B. Inspection of Fig I-1 suggests that the Late Oligocene-Middle Miocene fauna has a unity sharply distinguishing it from from the younger faunas. Although this overall pattern is made highly evident by this approach, attempting to group sites solely on the basis of shared mammalian genera appears to demonstrate primarily that Late Oligocene-Middle Miocene sites within a given region such as Riversleigh are generally more similar to one another than they are to particular sites in more distant regions. This approach provides only a modest amount of insight into the correlation between the regions; e.g.the linking of Late Oligocene- Middle Miocene sites east of Lakes Eyre and Frome. By contrast, the Pliocene sites show no evident geographic clustering. The apparent unity of the Late Oligocene-Middle Miocene faunas does accord with the idea that much of the Quaternary and Recent fauna makes its first appearance in the Late Miocene and Pliocene, a major tumover of the fauna having occurred immediately prior. Despite this, the component of the Late Oligocene- Middle Miocene fauna that then carries through to the Quatemary and Recent is a remarkably high percentage of the total compared to other continents (see Savage & Russell 1983 for non-Australian data). It is not clear how much of the total interval of the Late Oligocene-Miocene these central and northern Australian sites span. Attempts to establish such correlations have provided a range of results. Pollen dates suggest Early to Middle Miocene while fossil bats suggest Early Miocene, a foraminiferan, Late Oligocene, a radiometric date, Late Oligocene, and biogeographic considerations, Early Miocene. The minimum age for these faunas and local faunas is established by the Beaumaris Local Fauna which can be dated by marine macro- and micro-fossils as Mio-Pliocene. Middle Pliocene - ? Early Pleistocene sites: Floraville Local Fauna, p. 1046 Chinchilla Local Fauna, p. 1046 Quanbun Local Fauna, p. 1048 Bow Local Fauna, p. 1049 Krui River Local Fauna, p. 1050 Palankarinna Local Fauna, p. 1050 Kanunka Local Fauna, p. 1051 Talyawalka, p. 1051 Town Well Cave, p. 1051 Curramulka Local Fauna, p. 1052 Fisherman's Cliff Local Fauna, p. 1053 1014 - RICH, ET AL. Bone Gulch Local Fauna, p. 1062 Dog Rocks Local Fauna, p. 1063 Coimadai Local Fauna, p. 1063 Smeaton, p. 1065 Morwell Local Fauna, p. 1065 Between the Late Pleistocene faunas dated by means of the 14c¢ technique and the Hamilton - Awe - Bluff Downs local faunas dated as Early to Middle Pliocene by the Potassium-argon technique, there are a number which are undated but fall somewhere in between. Unfortunately, there is not a single well-dated Late Pliocene terrestrial mammal fauna known from Australia or Papua New Guinea. The largely undescribed Nelson Bay Local Fauna (Flannery & Hann 1984) from near Portland, Victoria, is the single securely dated Early Pleistocene assemblage from either Australia or Papua New Guinea (MacFadden et al. 1987). It is associated with foraminifera indicative of Zone N22 on the Blow scale (Blow 1969). It is particularly unfortunate that there are so few well-dated sites in this interval, because it was then that the final phases of the change occurred from the relatively lush conditions that prevailed in central Australia during the greater part of the Tertiary to the arid one of the modem day. In that interval, presumably, most of the arid-adapted mammals appeared and became widespread. The classification of marsupials we have followed is that of Aplin & Archer (1987). EARLY CRETACEOUS Lightning Ridge Local Fauna Type locality: Opal field at Lightning Ridge, N.S.W. (291/2° S., 148° E.) (Archer et al. 1985). Rock unit and age: Wallangulla Sandstone member of the Griman Creek Formation. The Griman Creek Formation is regarded as Middle Albian on palynological evidence (Morgan 1984). Faunai OSTEICHTHYES Dipnoi Ceratodontidae Ceratodus wollastoni Chapman 1914 Ceratodus sp. Neoceratodontidae Neoceratodus forsteri (Krefft 1870) Teleostei REPTILIA Testudines Plesiosauria ‘Crocodylus' selaslophensis (Etheridge, 1917) Ornithischia Fulgurotherium australe von Huene, 1932 Saurischia Rapator ornitholestoides von Huene, 1932 MAMMALIA Monotremata ?Ornithorhynchidae Steropodon galmani Archer, Flannery, Ritchie & Molnar (1985) Reference: Archer et al. (1985), Gaffney (1981), Molnar (1980), Molnar & Galton (1986), Rich, Flannery & Archer (1989). EARLY TERTIARY? Tingamurra Local Fauna Type locality: Near Boat Mountain, Queensland (261/6° S., 152° E.) Rock unit and age: Fossils found in sediments associated with basalts. Basalts in the vicinity of the fossil site have been equated with the Main Range basalts 40 km to the southwest, which have been dated at 22.1 myBP and others to the south which have been dated at 22.0-25.0 myBP (Gaffney & Bartholomai 1979). The primitive nature of the "polyprotodonts” found to date suggests an early Tertiary age for the site. At this writing, a paper has been submitted to Nature justifying an age assignment of 54 myBP for the Tingamurra Local Fauna (Godthelp, Archer & Hand, submitted). AUSTRALIA'S MAMMALIAN RECORD - 1015 Fauna: REPTILIA Testudines Trionychidae Crocodilia Squamata AVES MAMMALIA Marsupialia Reference: Gaffney (1981), Gaffney & Bartholomai (1979), Godthelp, Archer & Hand (submitted) LATE OLIGOCENE-EARLY MIOCENE Geilston Bay Local Fauna Type locality: Geilston Bay on the north shore of the Derwent River across the estuary from Hobart, Tasmania (42° 50'S, 147° 21'E.) (Tedford et al. 1975). ; Rock unit and age: Unnamed formation. Fossils found in an "... arenaceous clay, containing coarse grit, and a few slightly rounded pebbles interbedded ...," within a travertine and beneath a basalt with a minimum radiometric date of 22.4 + 0.5 myBP (Allport 1866, p. 74; Tedford et al. 1975). Fauna: MOLLUSCA Gastropoda "Bulinus" gunni "Helix" tasmaniensis MAMMALIA Marsupialia Dasyuromorphia 7Dasyuridae Diprotodontia Vombatiformes Diprotodontidae or Palorchestidae Phalangerida Phalangeridae Burramyidae References: Ludbrook (1980), Tedford et al. (1975). LATE OLIGOCENE-MIDDLE MIOCENE Mammalian Faunal Zones in the Etadunna Formation, Lake Eyre Basin A system of five mammalian faunal zones has recently been proposed for the Etadunna Formation exposed at Lakes Palankarinna, Kanunka, Pitikanta, and Ngapakaldi in South Australia (Woodburne ef al. in prep.). These faunal zones are informally designated A-E from bottom to top. Because the non-mammalian components of these zones have not as yet been distinguished (except in the case of Zone D, e.g. Pledge 1984), a composite of the five zones is presented immediately below as the Ngapakaldi Fauna as originally defined. The age of the mammalian faunas of the Etadunna Formation has been variously estimated as Late Oligocene to Early Miocene (Stirton, Tedford & Woodbume 1968) to Middle Miocene (Woodburne ef al. 1985; Rich et al. 1982). The estimate by Stirton, Tedford & Woodbume (1968) was made utilising assumptions concerning the rate of evolution of the mammals. That reported in Woodbume et al. (1985) relied on the correlation of fossil pollen recovered near the base of the Etadunna Formation with similar palynomorphs recovered from Batesfordian to Balcombian marine deposits in Victoria and South Australia. Truswell & Harris (1982) regarded pollen collected at Mammalon Hill at Lake Palankarinna to be mid- Miocene, but with considerable uncertainty. Additional evidence bearing on the question of the age of the Etadunna Formation has come from two sources. Norrish & Pickering (1983) have published a rubidium/strontium radiometric determination of 25 myBP or Late Oligocene made by W. Compston of the Australian National University, Canberra. The sample dated was collected from outcrops of the Etadunna Formation on Muloorina Station, some distance away from all the published fossil mammal sites. From a borehole in the Etadunna Formation on the northwest side of Lake Palankarinna have been recovered an abundant sample of the foraminifer Buliminoides sp., cf. B. 1016 - RICH, ET AL, chattonensis. The occurrence of this foraminiferan suggests that the horizon of the Etadunna Formation thus sampled is Late Oligocene (Lindsay 1987). Flannery (1988) has pointed out that primitive phalangerids must have reached New Guinea before it was separated from Australia by the Early Miocene. As undoubted phalangerids are unknown in the Etadunna Formation and more primitive phalangeroids are known from there, it is likely that the faunas from them must predate this time of separation. Flannery (1988) further points out that the presence of phalangerids in the Late Oligocene Geilston Bay Local Fauna suggests it may be younger than the Etadunna Formation Faunal Zones. At the present time, all the evidence bearing on the age of the Etadunna Formation and its mammalian fauna is tentative. So little is known about the history of terrestrial mammals in Australia that as long as the final answer is somewhere in the present suggested range from the Late Oligocene to the Middle Miocene, it will not fundamentally alter the picture of their late Cainozoic evolution. At most, the outcome will expand or contract the chronology by a factor of two or fifteen million years. When comparison is made with the amount of generic tumover between successive Mammalian Stage- Ages in the North American sequence (Savage & Russell 1983, Woodburne 1987b), it appears that all the Etadunna Faunal Zones plus the overlying Kutjamarpu Local Fauna could be readily encompassed within one of the North American units. There is no readily observed pattem of generic replacement between these Australian units (Fig. 67). Rather there appears to be a cohesiveness between them as compared with the post-Middle Miocene assemblages suggesting that they represent a discrete, possibly quite brief, temporal episode. Ngapakaldi Fauna (as originally defined by Stirton, Tedford & Miller 1961) Type locality: East side of Lake Ngapakaldi, South Australia, 28° 17' S, 138° 17'E (Stirton, Tedford & Miller 1961). Referred localities: Lake Pitikanta, South Australia 28° 21'S, 138° 18'E. Lake Kanunka, South Australia, 28° 23' S, 138° 18'E. Lake Palankarinna, South Australia, 28° 46'-47' S, 138° 24'E. Rock unit and age: Etadunna Formation, Late Oligocene-Middle Miocene (Stirton, Tedford & Miller 1961). Nonmammalian Fauna: FORAMINIFERA Triloculina tricarinata Ludbrook 1963 Elphididae Elphidium advenum var. depressulum Ludbrook 1963 Miliolidae Turmilinidae Buliminoides sp. cf. B. chattonensis MOLLUSCA Gastropoda Bulimulidae Bothriembryon praecursor McMichael 1968 Camaenidae Meracomelon lloydi McMichael 1968 ARTHROPODA Ostracoda OSTEICHTHYES Dipnoi Neoceratodontidae Neoceratodus djelleh Kemp 1982 Neoceratodus gregoryi (White 1925) Neoceratodus eyrensis (White 1925) Neoceratodus nargun (Kemp 1983) Neoceratodus sp. 1 Neoceratodus sp. 3 Neoceratodus sp. 4 Neoceratodus sp. 5 Teleostei Siluriformes Anidae Genus and species unident. Perciformes Percichthyidae Genus and species unident. AUSTRALIA'S MAMMALIAN RECORD - 1017 AMPHIBIA Hylidae (or Pelodryadidae) Australobatrachus ilius Tyler 1976 Litoria sp., of. L. caerulea Leptodactylidae Limnodynastes archeri Tyler 1982 REPTILIA Testudines Chelidae Emydura sp. Meiolaniidae Crocodilia Squamata Lacertilia Varanidae Scincidae Egernia sp. Ophidia AVES Pelecaniformes Pelecanus tirarensis Miller 1966a Phoenicopteriformes Phoenicopteridae Phoenicopterus novaehollandiae Miller 1963 Phoeniconotius eyrensis Miller 1963 Palaelodidae Anseriformes Anatidae Falconiformes Accipitridae Gruiformes Gmidae Rallidae Charadriiformes Burhinidae Columbiformes Columbidae Passeriformes Comment: The non-mammalian taxa of the "classic Etadunna Fauna" is given above because as yet representation of these taxa in Faunal Zones A-E has not been tabulated. References: Archer (1976c 1982a), Archer & Bartholomai (1978), Archer, Plane & Pledge (1978, 1981), Estes (1984), Gaffney (1979, 1981), Ludbrook (1980), Stirton (1967a), Stirton et al. (1968), Tedford et al. (1977), Tyler (1974, 1982), Woodburme & Tedford (1975). Etadunna Formation Faunal Zone A [= ™"Wynyardiid" interval, includes Palankarinna South Local Fauna of Woodburne, Tedford, Archer & Pledge (1987)] Type locality: West side of Lake Palankarinna, South Australia, 28° 47' S., 138° 24' E. Rock unit and age: Members 3-5 of the Etadunna Formation exposed at Lake Palankarinna of Stirton, Tedford & Miller (1961), Late Oligocene-Middle Miocene Fauna: MAMMALIA Marsupialia Diprotodontia Vombatiformes Phascolarctidae Perikoala robustus Woodburme, Tedford, Archer & Pledge 1987 7Wynyardiidae Muramura williamsi Pledge 1987 Phalangerida Potoroidae Potoroinae new genus Pseudocheiridae Paljara sp. A 1018 - RICH, ET AL. References: Pledge (1987b), Woodburne (1986), Woodbume, Tedford, Archer & Pledge (1987). Etadunna Formation Faunal Zone B [= Ditjimanka Local Fauna of Woodburne (1986)] Type locality: Tedford Locality, west side of Lake Palankarinna, South Australia, 28° 46' S., 138° 24° E. Rock unit and age: Members 6-7 of the Etadunna Formation at Lake Palankarinna of Stirton, Tedford & Miller (1961), Late Oligocene-Middle Miocene (Woodbume et al. in prep). Fauna: MAMMALIA Monotremata Ornithorhynchidae Obdurodon insignis Woodbume & Tedford 1975 Marsupialia Dasyuromorphia Dasyuridae Ankotarinja tirarensis Archer 1976c Ankotarinja sp. A Keeuna woodburnei Archer 1976c Peramelemorphia Perameloidea Perameloid sp. A Diprotodontia Vombatiformes Phascolarctidae Perikoala palankarinnica Stirton 1957a Madakoala sp., cf. M. wellsi Diprotodontidae ?Raemeotherium sp. Tlariidae Ilaria lawsoni Tedford & Woodbume 1987 Phalangerida Miralinidae Miralina doylei Woodbume, Pledge & Archer 1987 Miralina minor Woodbume, Pledge & Archer 1987 Ektopodontidae Chunia illuminata Woodbume & Clemens 1986b Pseudocheiridae Pildra secundus Woodburne, Tedford & Archer 1987 Pilkipildridae Pilkipildra taylorae Archer, Tedford & Rich 1987 Placentalia Microchiroptera 7Rhinolophoidea References: Archer (1976c, 1978c), Archer, Tedford & Rich (1987), Stirton (1957a), Tedford & Woodbume (1987), Woodburne & Clemens (1986b), Woodbume, Pledge & Archer (1987), Woodburne & Tedford (1975), Woodbume, Tedford & Archer (1987), Woodbume, Tedford, Archer & Pledge (1987). Etadunna Formation Faunal Zone C [= Ngapakaldi Fauna] Type locality: Ngapakaldi Quarry, east side of Lake Ngapakaldi, South Australia, 28° 17'S, 138° 17'E (Stirton, Tedford & Miller 1961). Referred localities: Lake Pitikanta, South Australia 28° 21'S, 138° 18'E. Lake Kanunka, South Australia, 28° 23'S, 138° 18'E. Rock unit and age: Etadunna Formation, Late Oligocene-Middle Miocene (Stirton, Tedford & Miller 1961). Fauna: MAMMALIA Marsupialia Dasyuromorphia AUSTRALIA'S MAMMALIAN RECORD - 1019 Dasyuridae New genus and species Peramelemorphia Perameloidea sp. Diprotodontia Vombatiformes Palorchestidae Ngapakaldia tedfordi Stirton 1967a Ngapakaldia bonythoni Stirton 1967a Pitikantia dailyi Stirton 1967a Palorchestidae or Diprotodontidae Thylacoleonidae Priscileo pitikantensis Rauscher 1987 Phalangerida Potoroidae Purtia mosaicus Case 1984 Macropodidae Nambaroo sp. A Nambaroo sp. B Macropodine gen. P sp. A References: Campbell (1976; see Archer 1982a), Case (1984), Rauscher (1987), Rich & Rich (1987), Stirton (1967a). Etadunna Formation Faunal Zone D [= Ngama Local Fauna of Pledge (1984)] Type locality: Mammalon Hill, near the north end of the west side of Lake Palankarinna, South Australia, 28° 41'S, 138° 24'E. Referred locality: Lake Kanunka, South Australia. Rock unit and age: Etadunna Formation, Late Oligocene-Middle Miocene. A depauperate pollen flora immediately below site suggests a mid-Miocene age (Truswell & Harris 1982). Mammalian fauna suggests placement between Etadunna Formation Faunal Zones A-C and the Kutjamarpu Local Fauna (Woodbume ef al. in prep.). Ektopodon stirtoni of the Ngama Local Fauna is more advanced than Ektopodon sp., cf. E. stirtoni from the Tarkarooloo Local Fauna and more primitive than Ektopodon serratus of the Kutjamarpu Local Fauna. The pseudocheirids also are advanced over those from the Tarkarooloo Basin and from the stratigraphically lower parts of the Etadunna Formation at Lake Palankarinna; one species shows affinity with a Kutjamarpu taxon. Fauna: OSTEICHTHYES Dipnoi Neoceratodontidae Neoceratodus sp. 4 Teleostei Siluroidiformes Percichthyidae AMPHIBIA Anura Australobatrachus sp. REPTILIA Testudines Chelidae cf. spp. of Emydura Meiolanidae Meiolania sp. Crocodilia Gen. et sp. nov. Scincidae cf. spp. of Egernia Ophidia Boidae AVES Casuariiformes 1020 - RICH, ET AL. Casuariidae Anseriformes Anatidae Falconiformes Accipitridae Gruiformes Rallidae Charadriiformes Burshinidae Family undet. Phoenicopteriformes Phoenicopteridae Columbiformes MAMMALIA Columbidae Monotremata Ornithorhynchidae Obdurodon sp. Marsupialia Dasyuromorphia Dasyuridae of. spp. of Dasylurinja Peramelemorphia Perameloidea Perameloid sp. B. Diprotodontia Vombatiformes Phascolarctidae Litokoala sp. of L. kanunkaensis Diprotodontidae Neohelos tirarensis Stirton 1967c Palorchestidae Ngapakaldia sp. ?Wynyardiidae cf. spp. of Namilamadeta Ilariidae? Kuterintja ngama Pledge 1987c Vombatidae Phalangerida Ektopodontidae Ektopodon stirtoni Pledge 1986 Potoroidae Purtia sp. A Macropodidae Nambaroo sp. B Macropodine gen. P sp. B Burramyidae Burramys wakefieldi Pledge 1987e Pseudocheiridae Pildra magnus Pledge 1987d Marlu sp., of. M. kutjamarpensis Petauridae References: Pledge (1984, 1986, 1987c-e), Truswell & Harris (1982). Type locality: Etadunna Formation Faunal Zone E Theresa's Treasure (University of California Riverside locality RV-8506), Woodard Promontory, west side of Lake Palankarinna, South Australia, 28° 46'S., 138° 24' E. Referred locality: Kanunka North Local Fauna of Springer (1987), west side of Lake Kanunka, South Australia, 28° 23' S., 138° 18' E. Tentatively referred localities: Etadunna Formation and overlain by the Tirari Formation. Lungfish locality (RV-7233 and University of California, Berkeley locality V-5766) and Lungfish North locality (RV 8456), west side of Lake Palankarinna, South Australia, 28° 46' S., 138° 24' E. These sites are in channels of the Etadunna Formation cut into lower strata of the AUSTRALIA'S MAMMALIAN RECORD - 1021 Rock unit and age: Etadunna Formation, Late Oligocene-Middle Miocene (Stirton, Tedford & Miller 1961). On Lake Palankarinna, includes Member 9 of Stirton, Tedford & Miller (1961). Fauna: OSTEICHTHYES Dipnoi Neoceratodontidae Neoceratodus nargun (Kemp 1983) Neoceratodus sp. 1 Neoceratodus sp. 4 Neoceratodus sp. 5 MAMMALIA Marsupialia Dasyuromorphia Dasyuridae Keeuna sp. A Peramelemorphia Perameloidea Perameloid sp. C. Diprotodontia Vombatiformes Phascolarctidae Litokoala kanunkaensis Springer 1987 Diprotodontidae ?Neohelos sp. Palorchestidae ?Ngapakaldia sp. Phalangerida Potoroidae Palaeopotorous sp. A Macropodidae Nambaroo saltavus Flannery & Rich 1986 Nambaroo sp. C. ?Bulungamaya sp. Macropodine gen. P, sp. C Macropodine gen. M, sp. A Pseudocheiridae Pildra sp. B Reference: Springer (1987). Pinpa Fauna Type locality: West side of Lake Pinpa, South Australia, 31° 8'S, 140° 13'E. Referred locality: Northeast bank of Billeroo Creek, South Australia, 31° 6'S, 140° 14'E. This is Billeroo Creek Site 3 of Archer, Tedford & Rich (1987). Rock unit and age: At top of unnamed member 1 of Namba Formation, Late Oligocene-Middle Miocene (Callen & Tedford 1976). Fauna: OSTEICHTHYES Dipnoi Ceratodontidae Neoceratodontidae Neoceratodus djelleh Kemp 1982 Neoceratodus forsteri (Krefft 1870) Neoceratodus eyrensis (White 1925) Neoceratodus gregoryi (White 1925) Neoceratodus nargun (Kemp 1983) Neoceratodus sp. 1 Neoceratodus sp. 3 Neoceratodus sp. 4 Neoceratodus sp. 5 Teleostei REPTILIA Testudines Chelidae Emydura sp. 1022 - RICH, ET AL. Meiolanidae Crocodilia AVES Podicipediformes Podicipedidae Pelecaniformes Pelecanidae Pelecanus tirarensis Miller 1966a Phalacrocoracidae Anseriformes Anatidae Gruiformes Rallidae Charadriiformes Burhinidae Phoenicopteriformes Passeriformes MAMMALIA Monotremata Ornithorhynchidae Obdurodon insignis Woodbume & Tedford 1975 Marsupialia Diprotodontia Vombatiformes Phascolarctidae Madakoala devisi Woodbume, Tedford, Archer & Pledge 1987 ?Wynyardiidae Muramura sp. Ilariidae Ilaria illumidens Tedford & Woodbume 1987 (=Vombatoidea genus B of Tedford et al. 1977) "Vombatoidea genus A' of Tedford et al. (1977) Phalangerida Miralinidae Miralina sp., of. M. minor Ektopodontidae Chunia sp., cf. C. illuminata Macropodidae or Potoroidae Pseudocheiridae Pildra antiquus Woodbume, Tedford & Archer 1987 Petauridae Pilkipildridae Pilkipildra handae Archer, Tedford & Rich 1987 Placentalia Cetacea Rhabdosteidae References: Archer & Bartholomai (1978); Archer, Tedford & Rich (1987); Callen (1988), Callen & Tedford (1976), Flannery & Rich (1986); Fordyce (1983); Gaffney (1981); Tedford & Woodbume (1987); Tedford et al. (1977); Woodbume & Clemens (1986b); Woodbume, Tedford & Archer (1987); Woodbume, Tedford, Archer & Pledge (1987). Yanda Local Fauna Type Locality: West side of Lake Yanda, South Australia, 31° 1/9 S., 140° 181/' E. Rock unit and age: Namba Formation, Late Oligocene-Middle Miocene. Near the contact between the two unnamed members of the Namba Formation. Tedford et al. (1977, fig. 2) show the fossiliferous unit at Lake Yanda as below the contact between the two unnamed members placing it in unnamed member 1, and regard the assemblage from there as part of the Pinpa Fauna. Investigations by two of us threw doubt upon this physical correlation and consequently, the Yanda Local Fauna was recognized. Subsequent studies have corroborated the original conclusion of Tedford et al. (1977). Although the Pinpa Fauna has mammalian genera in common only with Etadunna Faunal Zones A and B, the Yanda Local Fauna not only shows affinities with those units but also Etadunna Faunal Zone D in sharing the occurrence of Dasylurinja . For this reason, the Yanda Local Fauna is retained as a unit distinct from the Pinpa Fauna. AUSTRALIA'S MAMMALIAN RECORD - 1023 Fauna: OSTEICHTHYES Dipnoi Neoceratodontidae Neoceratodus djelleh Kemp 1982 Neoceratodus eyrensis (White 1925) Neoceratodus gregoryi (White 1925) Neoceratodus sp. 1 Neoceratodus sp. 4 Teleostei Anseriformes Anatidae Phoenicopteriformes Phoenicopteridae Aves undet. MAMMALIA Marsupialia Dasyuromorphia Dasyuridae Dasylurinja kokuminola Archer 1982b Diprotodontia Vombatiformes Ilariidae Ilaria sp. Phalangerida Miralinidae Miralina sp., cf. M. minor Pilkipildridae Djilgaringa thompsonae Archer, Tedford & Rich 1987 Placentalia Cetacea Rhabdosteidae References: Archer (1982a); Archer, Tedford & Rich (1987); Callen (1988); Fordyce (1983); Woodbume, Pledge & Archer (1987). Tarkarooloo Local Fauna Locality: Tom O's Quarry, Lake Tarkarooloo, South Australia, 31° 81 )/y' S, 140° 61/3'B. (Rich & Archer 1979). Rock unit and age: Namba Formation, Late Oligocene-Middle Miocene. Near the contact between the two unnamed members of the Namba Formation (Callen & Tedford 1976). Fauna: OSTEICHTHYES Dipnoi Neoceratodontidae Neoceratodus gregoryi (White 1925) Neoceratodus sp. 1 Neoceratodus sp. 5 Teleostei REPTILIA Testudines Chelidae Emydura sp Crocodilia Squamata MAMMALIA Marsupialia Dasyuromorphia Dasyuridae Peramelemorphia Perameloidea 1024 - RICH, ET AL. Diprotodontia Vombatiformes Phascolarctidae Madakoala devisi Woodbume, Tedford, Archer, & Pledge (1987) Madakoala sp. 2 Palorchestidae Negapakaldia tedfordi Stirton 1967a Wynyardiidae Namilamadeta snideri Rich & Archer 1979 Vombatidae Phalangerida Miralinidae Miralina sp. Ektopodontidae Ektopodon sp., cf. E. stirtoni Chunia omega Woodbume & Clemens 1986b Potoroidae Palaeopotorous priscus Flannery & Rich 1986 Gumardee sp. Purtia sp. Macropodidae Nambaroo tarrinyeri Flannery & Rich 1986 Nambaroo saltavus Flannery & Rich 1986 Nambaroo novus Flannery & Rich 1986 Macropodine genus P Pseudocheiridae Pildra sp. Pilkipildridae Pilkipildra handae Archer, Tedford & Rich 1987 References: Archer, Tedford & Rich, (1987), Callen (1988), Flannery & Rich (1986), Flannery, Tumbull, Rich & Lundelius (1987), Pledge (1986), Rich & Archer (1979), Rich & Rich (1982, 1987), Woodbume & Clemens (1986b), Woodbume, Pledge & Archer (1987), Woodbume, Tedford, Archer & Pledge (1987) Wadikali Local Fauna Type locality: West side of unnamed lake about 4.3 km east of Lake Tinko, South Australia, 31° 15'S, 140° 18' E. Rock unit and age: Namba Formation, Late Oligocene-Middle Miocene Fauna: OSTEICHTHYES Dipnoi Neoceratodontidae Neoceratodus sp. 3 MAMMALIA: Marsupialia Vombatiformes Phascolarctidae Madakoala sp. Phalangerida Miralinidae Miralina sp., cf. M. minor Pseudocheiridae Marlu praecursor Woodbume, Tedford & Archer 1987 References: Woodbume, Pledge & Archer (1987), Woodbume, Tedford & Archer (1987), Woodbume, Tedford, Archer & Pledge (1987) AUSTRALIA'S MAMMALIAN RECORD - 1025 Ericmas Fauna Type locality: Ericmas Quarry, Lake Namba, South Australia, 31° 12'S, 140° 14'E. Referred localities: South Prospect B, Lake Namba, South Australia, 31° 14'S, 140° 14'E. Lake Pinpa, South Australia, 31° 08'S, 140° 13'E. Rock unit and age: At base of unnamed member 2 of the Namba Formation, Late Oligocene-Middle Miocene (Callen & Tedford 1976). Fauna: OSTEICHTHYES Dipnoi Neoceratodontidae Neoceratodus djelleh Kemp 1982 Neoceratodus eyrensis (White 1925) Neoceratodus gregoryi (White 1925) Neoceratodus sp. 1 Neoceratodus sp. 4 Teleostei Anseriformes Columbiformes Columbidae MAMMALIA Monotremata Ornithorhynchidae Obdurodon insignis Woodbume & Tedford 1975 Marsupialia Dasyuromorphia Dasyuridae (1 or 2 species) Diprotodontia Vombatiformes Phascolarctidae Madakoala devisi Woodbume, Tedford, Archer & Pledge 1987 Madakoala wellsi Woodbume, Tedford, Archer & Pledge 1987 Diprotodontidae Raemeotherium yatkolai Rich, Archer & Tedford 1978. Phalangerida Pseudocheiridae Pildra antiquus Woodbume, Tedford & Archer 1987 Pildra secundus Woodbume, Tedford & Archer 1987 Petauridae Placentalia Cetacea Rhabdosteidae References: Archer & Bartholomai (1978), Callen (1988), Callen & Tedford (1976), Fordyce (1983), Gaffney (1981), Rich et al. (1978), Tedford et al. (1977), Woodbume & Tedford (1975), Woodbume, Tedford & Archer (1987), Woodbume, Tedford, Archer & Pledge (1987). Kutjamarpu Local Fauna Type Locality: Leaf Locality, east side of Lake Ngapakaldi, South Australia, (28° 17'S, 138° 17'E.) (Stirton et al. 1967). Rock unit and age: Wipajiri Formation, Late Oligocene-Middle Miocene (Stirton, Tedford & Woodburne 1967). The Wipajiri Formation is a channel-fill cut into the underlying Etadunna Formation. Fauna: OSTEICHTHYES Dipnoi Neoceratodontidae Neoceratodus gregoryi (White 1925) Neoceratodus djelleh Kemp 1982 1026 - RICH, ET AL. Neoceratodus eyrensis (White 1925) Neoceratodus sp. 3 Neoceratodus sp. 4 Neoceratodus sp. 5 Teleostei REPTILIA Testudines Chelidae Emydura sp. Meiolanidae Meiolania sp. Crocodilia Squamata Lacertilia Scincidae Egernia sp. Tiliqua sp. Agamidae AVES Casuariiformes Casuariidae Dromaius gidju Patterson & Rich 1987 Dromornithiformes Tromomithidae Pelecaniformes Pelecanidae Pelecanus tirarensis Miller 1966a Anseriformes Anatidae Charadriiformes MAMMALIA Marsupialia Dasyuromorphia Dasyuridae Ankotarinja sp. A Ankotarinja sp. B Keeuna sp. A Genus and sp. new Peramelemorphia Perameloidea 2 spp. Diprotodontia Vombatiformes Phascolarctidae Litokoala kutjamarpensis Stirton, Tedford & Woodbume 1967 Diprotodontidae Neohelos tirarensis Stirton 1967c Genus indet. Vombatidae Rhizophascolonus crowcrofti Striton, Tedford & Woodbume 1967 Thylacoleonidae Wakaleo oldfieldi Clemens & Plane 1974 Phalangerida Phalangeridae Ektopodontidae Ektopodon serratus Stirton, Tedford & Woodburme 1967 Potoroidae Wakiewakie lawsoni Woodburne 1984 Bulungamaya sp. A Bulungamaya sp. B Macropodidae Balbaroo sp. A Balbaroo sp. B Macropodine gen. P sp. C Macropodine gen. W sp. A Burramyidae Burramyid sp. A-B Pseudocheiridae Pildra tertius Woodburne, Tedford & Archer 1987 Paljara tirarensae Woodbume, Tedford & Archer 1987 AUSTRALIA'S MAMMALIAN RECORD - 1027 Marlu kutjamarpensis Woodbume, Tedford & Archer 1987 References: Archer (1982a, b), Archer & Bartholomai (1978), Clemens & Plane (1974), Gaffney, (1979, 1981), Godthelp, Archer & Plane (1989), Patterson & Rich (1987), Rich (1979), Stirton (1967c) Tumbull & Lundelius (1970), Woodbume et al. (in prep.), Woodbume, Tedford & Archer (1987) Kangaroo Well Local Fauna Type Locality: Three kilometres northeast of Kangaroo Well, Deep Well Station, southem Northem Territory, 24° 13'S., 134° 13'E. (Stirton et al. 1968). Rock unit and age: Unnamed Formation, Late Oligocene-Middle Miocene (Stirton et al. 1968). Flannery, Archer & Plane (1983) consider Balbaroo sp. from the Kangaroo Well Local Fauna to be more primitive than the species of Balbaroo from Bullock Creek or Riversleigh System A. Fauna: MOLLUSCA Gastropoda Planorbidae Physastra rodingae McMichael 1968 Camaenidae Meracomelon lloydi McMichael 1968 ARTHROPODA Ostracoda OSTEICHTHYES Teleostei REPTILIA Testudines Crocodilia AVES Aves, undet. (?lost) MAMMALIA Marsupialia Peramelemorphia Perameloidea Genus D Diprotodontia Phalangerida Potoroidae cf. Wakiewakie Macropodidae Balbaroo sp. References: Flannery, Archer & Plane (1983), Gaffney (1981), Godthelp, Archer, Hand & Plane (1989), Lloyd (1968). Riversleigh District Archer, Godthelp, Hand & Megirian (1989) recognize at least five significantly different intervals among the Oligo-Miocene terrestrial mammal-bearing sites on Riversleigh Station, northwestem Queensland. In ascending order these are (1) System A plus the D-Site Equivalents, (2) the Cave Assemblages [possibly equivalent in age to (1)], (3) System B, (4) lower part of System C, and (5) upper part of System C. They regard their report as a preliminary working hypothesis of the relationships between nearly one hundred distinct sites that are known to occur on the limestone plateaus of Riversleigh Station. With this number of sites, it is not feasible to give individual faunal lists. A representative site or sites from each interval is given to convey the breadth of the fauna from each as it is known at the present time. The mode of occurrence of the bulk of the numerous sites as isolated, bone-rich lenses commonly 3-5 metres in diameter with a maximum thickness of 0.5-1 metres is the major hindrance to the firm establishment of the temporal relationships between them. The sites tend to be separated from one another at distances of five to several hundred metres by homogencous limestone that except for the absence of bone is similar to that of the fossil sites. The nearly uniform nature of the intervening limestone makes it all but impossible to find inorganic markers to trace between sites. Apparently, these lenses represent pools developed in the surrounding limestone that formed natural traps for the vertebrates found in them. These pools were formed both in the open and within caves. 1028 - RICH, ET AL. A more extensive body of water is hypothesized for the accumulation of many of the sites allocated to System A. It was from such a facies that material was collected and reported on by Tedford (1967). Locality: Riversleigh Station, northwestern Queensland (19° S., 1382/,° E.) Riversleigh System A_ local faunas; e.g. Riversleigh Local Fauna sensu stricto Rock unit and age: Unnamed freshwater limestone (possibly equivalent to the Carl Creek Limestone). Late Oligocene-Middle Miocene. Faunai MOLLUSCA Gastropoda Planorbidae Physastra rodingae McMichael 1968 Camaenidae Meracomelon lloydi McMichael 1968 OSTEICHTHYES Dipnoi Neoceratodontidae Neoceratodus cf. N. gregoryi Teleostei AMPHIBIA Anura REPTILIA Testudines Squamata Lacertilia Ophidia Pythonidae Crocodilia AVES Dromornithiformes Dromomithidae Barawertornis tedfordi Rich 1979 Passeriformes MAMMALIA Marsupialia Dasyuromorphia Thylacinidae Nimbacinus sp., cf. N. dicksoni Dasyuridae Genus et sp. nov. Peramelemorphia Perameloidea Diprotodontia Vombatiformes Diprotodontidae Bematherium angulum Tedford 1967b Neohelos tirarensis Stirton 1967c cf. Neohelos sp. New zygomaturine genus (> 1) New genus (> 1) Palorchestidae Ngapakaldia sp. Palorchestes? ?Wynyardiidae Genus indet. Thylacoleonidae Wakaleo sp., cf. W. oldfieldi Phalangerida Potoroidae Wabularoo naughtoni Archer 1979 Bulungamaya delicata Flannery, Archer & Plane 1983 Gumardee pascuali Flannery, Archer & Plane 1983 Additional new genera of Balungamayinae Macropodidae Balbaroo gregoriensis Flannery, Archer & Plane 1983 AUSTRALIA'S MAMMALIAN RECORD - 1029 New genus (> 1) of Balbariinae Macropodoidea Galanaria tessellata Flannery, Archer & Plane 1983 Petauroidea Gen. et sp. nov. Comments: The original Riversleigh Local Fauna of Tedford (1967) and Stirton, Tedford & Woodbume (1968) is part of System A. The occurrence of species of Ngapakaldia, Neohelos, Wakaleo, and a wynyardiid in System A suggests it correlates to one or more of the following units in South Australia: Faunal Zones A-C of the Etadunna Formation, the Kutjamarpu and Tarkarooloo local faunas (Archer, Godthelp, Hand & Megirian 1989). References: Archer (1979), Archer, Godthelp, Hand & Megirian (1989), Flannery, Archer & Plane (1983), Tedford (1967) Riversleigh District D-Site Equivalent to System A? local faunas; e.g. Sticky Beak Local Fauna Rock unit and age: Unnamed freshwater limestone (possibly equivalent to the Carl Creek Limestone). Late Oligocene-Middle Miocene. Faunai REPTILIA Testudines Family indet. Crocodilia Crocodylidae Genus indet. AVES Dromomithidae Genus indet. MAMMALIA Marsupialia Diprotodontia Vombatiformes Wynyardiidae cf. Namilamadeta Diprotodontidae Neohelos sp. cf. N. tirarensis Placentalia Chiroptera Riversleigh District Cave Assemblages local faunas; e.g. Nooraleeba Local Fauna Rock unit and age: Unnamed freshwater limestone. Late Oligocene-Middle Miocene. Fauna: MOLLUSCA Gastropoda OSTEICHTHYES Teleostei REPTILIA Testudines Crocodilia AVES Passeriformes MAMMALIA Marsupialia Dasyurimorphia Dasyuridae Gen. et sp. nov. Gen. indet. Peramelomorphia Perameloidea Perameloid genus D Diprotodontia 1030 - RICH, ET AL. Phalangerida Potoroidae Two genera, indet. Petauridae Genus indet. Placentalia Chiroptera Microchiroptera Hipposideridae Hipposideros (Brachipposideros) nooraleebus Sigé, Hand & Archer (1982) Megadermatidae Macroderma godthelpi Hand 1985 Comment: The bat Hipposideros (Brachipposideros) nooraleebus is considered to be a sister species of the Burdigalian (Early Miocene) Hipposideros (Brachipposideros) aguilari from France (Sigé et al. (1982). H. (B.) nooraleebus occurs in rocks which cut into limestones that yield a System A assemblage and is, therefore, considered younger (Archer, Godthelp, Hand & Merigan 1989). References: Archer (1982a), Hand (1985), Sigé, Hand & Archer (1982) Riversleigh District System B_ local faunas; e.g. Upper Site Local Fauna Rock unit and age: Unnamed freshwater limestone. Late Oligocene-Middle Miocene. Fauna: MOLLUSCA Gastropoda (3 spp.) ARTHROPODA Diplopoda (4 sp.) Insecta Hymenoptera Formicidae (2 spp.) Hemiptera Cicadidae (1 sp.) Coleoptera Curculionidae (1 sp.) Additional families? (2 spp.) Crustacea Isopoda (1 sp.) OSTEICHTHYES Teleostei (1 sp.) AMPHIBIA Anura Leptodactylidae Crinia sp. Kyarranus (2 spp.) Lechriodus intergerivus Tyler 1989 Limnodynastes (2 spp.) Hylidae Litoria (8 spp.) Agamidae Physignathus sp., cf. P. leseurii Physignathus sp. Genus and species new Geckonidae Genus and species new Scincidae Many species not yet determined Varanidae Genus and species indeterminate Ophidia Pythonidae cf. Montypythonoides riversleighensis Smith & Plane 1985 Madtsoiidae Genus and species new AUSTRALIA'S MAMMALIAN RECORD Typhlopidae ?Ramphotyphlops sp. Elapidae New genus? and species Crocodilia Crocodylidae Genus? and species new; cf. Quinkana AVES Dromomithidae Barawertornis tedfordi Rich 1979 Bullockornis sp., cf. B. planei Rich 1979 Casuariidae Dromaius gidju Patterson & Rich 1987 Passeriformes Menuridae 3 new genera and species MAMMALIA Marsupialia Dasyuromorphia Thylacinidae Nimbacinus dicksoni Muirhead & Archer 1990 Thylacinus sp. Dasyuridae Genus and species new (> 3) Genus? and species new 7Dasyuridae Genus and species new Peramelemorphia New family 1 Genus and species new Genus? and species new Peroryctidae Genus and species new Genus? and species new (5) Notoryctemorphia Notoryctidae Genus and species new Diprotodontia Vombatiformes Phascolarctidae Litokoala n. sp. Genus? and species new 7New family Genus and species new Diprotodontidae Neohelos tirarensis Stirton (1967) cf. Neohelos sp. (> 1) Genus and species new Genus? and species new 7Wynyardiidae Namilamadeta n. sp. Tlariidae Genus and species new Thylacoleonidae Wakaleo sp., cf. W. oldfieldi Clemens & Plane 1974 Genus and species new cf. Priscileo New family Genus and species new Phalangerida Phalangeridae ?Strigocuscus sp. Trichosurus sp., cf. T. dicksoni Potoroidae Hypsiprymnodon n. sp. Ekaltadeta sp., cf. E. ima Archer & Flannery 1985 cf. Wabularoo n. sp of. Gumardee n. sp Genus and species new Genus? and species new (2) - 1031 1032 - RICH, ET AL. Wakiewakie lawsoni Woodbume 1984 Macropodidae 2Nambaroo n. spp. (2) Burramyidae Burramys n. sp. Cercartetus n. sp. Pseudocheiridae Paljara n. sp. Pildra n. sp. cf. Pseudochirops spp. (3) Petauridae? New genus and new species Acrobatidae New genus? cf. Acrobates Genus? and species new Pilkipildridae Djilgaringa sp. New family Genus ana species new (2) New family? Genus and species new Yalkaparidontia Yalkaparidontidae Yalkaparidon coheni Archer, Hand & Godthelp 1988 ?Marsupialia Yingabalanaridae Yingabalanara richardsoni Archer, Every, Godthelp, Hand & Scally 1990 Placentalia Chiroptera Megadermatidae Macroderma sp. Hipposideridae Brachipposideros spp. (5) Genus & sp. indet. (2) Molossidae Genus & sp. indet. (> 2) Family? Genus & sp. indet. Comments: System B local faunas are most similar to the Tarkarooloo and Kutjamarpu local faunas of South Australia in part because of the occurrence of Wakiewakie lawsoni, Wakaleo sp., of. W. oldfield, Neohelos sp., cf. N. tirarensis, Dromaius gidgu, and species of Namilamadeta, Litokoala and Nambaroo. Reference: Archer, Godthelp, Hand & Megirian (1989) Riversleigh District lower System C local faunas; e.g. Dwornamor Local Fauna Rock unit and age: Unnamed freshwater limestone. Late Oligocene-Middle Miocene. Faunai MAMMALIA Dasyuromorphia Thylacinidae Genus (> 1) and species (2) Dasyuridae Genus (> 1) and species (6) Peramelemorphia New family 1 Genus (> 1) and species (3) Peroryctidae Genus (> 1) and species (7) Diprotodontia Vombatiformes Phascolarctidae Litokoala n. sp. Genus? and species new Diprotodontidae Neohelos sp., cf. N. tirarensis AUSTRALIA'S MAMMALIAN RECORD - 1033 Nimbadon sp. Palorchestidae New genus and sp. (> 1) Thylacoleonidae Wakaleo sp., cf. W. oldfieldi Phalangerida Phalangeridae Strigocuscus reidi Flannery & Archer 1987a Trichosurus dicksoni Flannery & Archer 1987a Potoroidae Hypsiprymnodon bartholomaii Flannery & Archer 1987b Ekaltadeta ima Archer & Flannery 1985 New genus (> 1) and n. sp. (> 5) Macropodidae New genus (> 1) and n. sp. (> 2) Pseudocheiridae Paljara n. sp. Pildra n. sp. cf. Pseudochirops spp. (3) New genera and n. sp. (> 4) ?Pseudocheiridae New subfamilies, genera, and species Petauroidea New genus (1) and n. sp. (> 2) Burramyidae Burramys n. sp. Acrobatidae Genus? and species new Pilkipildridae Djilgaringa gillespieae Archer, Tedford & Rich 1987 Yalkaparidontia Yalkaparidontidae Yalkaparidon jonesi Archer, Hand & Godthelp 1988 Placentalia Chiroptera Microchiroptera Megadermatidae Macroderma godthelpi Hand 1985 Macroderma? ("Dwomamor variant") Hipposideridae Brachipposideros spp. (4) Comments: The local faunas in the lower part of System C are regarded as younger than the Kutjamarpu and Tarkarooloo local faunas but older than the Bullock Creek Fauna on the basis of some of their zygomaturines and thylacinids and their lack of wynyardiids, abundant and widespread elements in the System B local faunas (Archer, Godthelp, Hand & Megirian 1989). References: Archer & Flannery (1985), Archer, Godthelp, Hand & Megirian (1989), Archer, Hand & Godthelp (1988), Flannery & Archer (1987a,b), Hand (1985, 1990) Riversleigh District upper System C local faunas; e.g. Henk's Hollow Local Fauna Rock unit and age: Unnamed freshwater limestone. Late Oligocene-Middle Miocene. Fauna: OSTEICHTHYES Dipnoi Neoceratodontidae Neoceratodus eyrensis (White 1925) Neoceratodus gregoryi (White 1925) Neoceratodus nargun (Kemp 1983) Neoceratodus sp. 3 Neoceratodus sp. 5 Teleostei AMPHIBIA REPTILIA Squamata 1034 - RICH, ET AL. Lacertilia Agamidae Physignathus sp Geckonidae Genus and species indeterminate Scincidae Genus and species indeterminate Ophidia Pythonidae Montypythonoides riversleighensis Smith & Plane 1985 Madtsoiidae Genus and species new Family indet. Crocodilia Crocodylidae cf. Quinkana sp. Marsupialia Dasyuromorphia Dasyuridae Genus and species new (3) Thylacinidae Nimbacinus dicksoni Muirhead and Archer 1990 Peramelemorphia New family Genus and species new Peroryctidae Genus and species new (2) Diprotodontia Vombatiformes Phascolarctidae Genus and species new Thylacoleonidae Wakaleo sp. Diprotodontidae Neohelos sp. Nimbadon sp. Phalangerida Phalangeridae Trichosurus dicksoni Flannery & Archer 1987a Strigocuscus sp. Potoroidae Ekaltadeta ima Archer & Flannery 1985 Genus and species new (3) Macropodidae Genus and species new (2) Burramyidae Burramys n. sp. Pseudocheiridae Pseudochirops sp. Genus and species new Acrobatidae Genus and species new Pilkipildridae Genus and species new Placentalia Chiroptera Megadermatidae Genus & sp. indet. (2) Hipposideridae Genus & sp. indet. (4) Comments: The younger, higher local faunas of System C may be closer to the Alcoota Local Fauna than the Bullock Creek Fauna because of the presence of a pre-Kolopsis-like zygomaturine (Archer, Godthelp, Hand & Megirian 1989). AUSTRALIA'S MAMMALIAN RECORD - 1035 Bullock Creek Fauna Type locality: 26 kilometres southeast of Camfield Station Homestead, north central Northern Territory (17° 7'S., 131° 31-32’ E.). Rock unit and age: Camfield beds, Late Oligocene-Middle Miocene. The type specimen of Neohelos tirarensis was found in the Kutjamarpu Local Fauna. Neohelos sp., cf.N. tirarensis has been collected from the Riversleigh Systems A, B, and C and Bullock Creek faunas. It is considered more primitive than Zygomaturus keanei from Palankarinna Local Fauna, Zygomaturus gilli from the Beaumaris Local Fauna, and Kolopsis torus from the Alcoota Local Fauna by Stirton, Tedford & Woodburne (1968). Clemens & Plane (1974) conclude that the differences in stage-of-evolution of Wakaleo oldfieldi from the Kutjamarpu Local Fauna and Wakaleo vanderleuri from the Bullock Creek Fauna suggest a younger age of the latter relative to the former. Fauna: MOLLUSCA Gastropoda OSTEICHTHYES Dipnoi Neoceratodontidae Neoceratodus sp. 1 Neoceratodus sp. 3 Neoceratodus sp. 5 REPTILIA Testudines Meiolanidae Meiolania sp. Squamata Ophidia Pythonidae Morelia antiquus Smith & Plane 1985 Crocodilia AVES Casuariiformes Casuariidae Dromaius sp. Dromornithiformes Dromomithidae Bullockornis planei Rich 1979 Bullockornis sp. MAMMALIA Marsupialia Peramelemorphia Perameloidea Genus D Dasyuromorphia Thylacinidae Nimbacinus dicksoni Muirhead & Archer 1990 Diprotodontia Vombatiformes Diprotodontidae Neohelos sp., cf. N. tirarensis Stirton 1967c Nimbadon sp. Palorchestidae Propalorchestes novaculacephalus Murray 1986 Thylacoleonidae Wakaleo vanderleuri Clemens & Plane 1974 Phalangerida Potoroidae Genus undet. Macropodidae Balbaroo camfieldensis Flannery, Archer & Plane (1983) cf. Dorcopsis References: Megirian (1989), Patterson & Rich (1987), Plane & Gatehouse (1968), Rich (1979), Flannery, Archer & Plane (1983); Murray, Wells & Plane (1987), Smith & Plane (1985). 1036 - RICH, ET AL. EARLY MIOCENE Wynyard Locality: Fossil Bluff, Wynyard, Tasmania (40° 58.8'S, 145° 43.9'E.). Rock unit and age: Fossil Bluff Sandstone. "Contains marine mega- and microfossils that compare best with those characteristic of the Longfordian stage of Victoria whose planktonic foraminifera in turn compare best with those of the Aquitanian (Early Miocene) of Europe (Quilty 1966)." (Stirton, Tedford & Woodburne, 1968, p. 8). Fauna: MAMMALIA Marsupialia Diprotodontia Vombatiformes Wynyardiidae Wynyardia bassiana Spencer 1901 MIDDLE MIOCENE Batesford Quarry Locality: Australia Portland Cement Ltd's Batesford Quarry, Victoria (38° 61/5'S., 144° 171 /y'B.). Rock unit and age: Batesford Limestone. The exposures of the Batesford Limestone in the Batesford Quarry were selected by Singleton (1941) as the type of the Batesfordian Stage. The Batesfordian is considered to be Middle Miocene in age, between 15 and 16 myBP (Abele et al. 1988). Fauna: MAMMALIA Marsupialia Diprotodontia? Comment: This record is based on a single, edentulous jaw fragment (Museum of Victoria, NMV P164,999) of a marsupial about the size of Diprotodon optatum, yet is clearly quite distinct from that species. Canadian Lead Locality: Canadian Lead. Beginning on the west bank of Cooyal Creek opposite Home Rule (formerly Wyaldra), N.S.W. and extends westward approximately 3 km from that point (32° 25'S., 149° 341)5- 361/,' E.) Rock unit and age: Auriferous clays and gravels filling both a palaeovalley cut into limestone and cave systems originally opening into that valley to an average depth of 27 metres (Jones 1940). Across Cooyal Creek, the Canadian Lead passes into the Home Rule Lead ([bid.). Neither is capped by basalts but a regional study by Dulhunty (1964) concluded that all the auriferous gravels in the Gulgong Gold Fields predated basalts with radiometric ages of 14.8 + 1.2 myBP and 13.8 + 1.1 myBP, Middle Miocene (Dulhunty 1971). A late Early to Middle Miocene palynofloral has been reported from kaolin recovered from the Home Rule Lead (McMinn 1981). Fauna: AVES Dromornithiformes Dromomithidae MAMMALIA Monotremata Tachyglossidae Zaglossus robusta (Dun 1895) Marsupialia Diprotodontia References: Dulhunty (1964, 1971), Jones (1940), McMinn (1981), Murray (1978b), Rich (1979). AUSTRALIA'S MAMMALIAN RECORD - 1037 LATE MIOCENE Beaumaris Local Fauna Type locality: Sea cliff exposures on Port Phillip Bay at Beaumaris, Victoria, 37° 59'S., 145° 03' E. Rock unit and age: Base of the Black Rock Sandstone. Singleton (1941) selected the Black Rock Sandstone at Beaumaris as the type for his Cheltenhamian Stage. Based on its content of marine macroinvertebrates, the Cheltenhamian is tentatively regarded as Mio-Pliocene by Abele et al. (1988), who noted Ludbrook's opinion that the age of the stratotype of the stage has not been satisfactorily resolved (Ludbrook 1973). Fauna: AVES Sphenisciformes Spheniscidae Pseudaptenodytes macraei Simpson 1970d ?Pseudaptenodytes minor Simpson 1970d Procellariiformes Diomedeidae Diomedea thyridata Wilkinson 1969 MAMMALIA Marsupialia Diprotodontia Vombatiformes Diprotodontidae Zygomaturus gilli Stirton 1957b Kolopsis sp. Palorchestidae Palorchestes sp. References: Gill (1957b), Hall & Pritchard (1897), Simpson (1970d), Stirton (1957b), Stirton, Woodbume & Plane (1967), Wilkins (1963), Wilkinson (1969), Woodbume (1969), Woods (1958, 1962). Alcoota Local Fauna Type locality: Seven kilometres southwest of Alcoota Station HS, central Norther Ternitory, 22° 52'S., 134° 27' E. Rock unit and age: Waite Formation, Late Miocene. "The thylacines and macropodids are more primitive than later descendants of their respective lineages, these being known mainly from Pleistocene deposits. Palorchestes painei is more primitive than P. azael (Pleistocene) and P. parvus (Chinchilla Local Fauna). The Alcoota species is closer, however, to those forms than to the palorchestines of the Ngapakaldi fauna..... While the zygomaturine Plaisiodon centralis is more advanced than Neohelos tirarensis (Kutjamarpu fauna), it apparently gave rise to no later forms. Kolopsis torus is rather closely aligned in an ancestor-descendant relationship with N. tirarensis on the one hand and with Zygomaturus gilli on the other. K. torus is also more primitive than K. rotundus (Awe fauna). The Alcoota Local Fauna is thus post-Kutjamarpu-pre-Beaumaris in age.” (Stirton ef al. 1968). The presence of Neohelos sp., cf. N. tirarensis in local faunas of Riversleigh Systems A, B, and C and the Bullock Creek Fauna further supports the notion that like Kutjamarpu, these faunas precede Alcoota. Fauna: REPTILIA Testudines Crocodilia Crocodylidae Crocodylus sp. cf. Pallimnarchus sp. AVES Casuariiformes Casuariidae Dromaiinae 1038 - RICH, ET AL. Dromornithiformes Dromomithidac Dromornis stirtont Rich 1979 IIbandornis lawsoni Rich 1979 Ibandornis woodburnei Rich 1979 Anseriformes Anatidac Falconiformes Accipitridac Phoenicopteriformes Phoenicopteridae (Rich, in prep.) MAMMALIA Marsupialia Dasyuromorphia Thylacinidac Thylacinus potens Woodburne 1967b Diprotodontia Vombatiformes Diprotodontidac Kolopsis torus Woodbume 1967a Plaisiodon centralis Woodburne 1967a Pyramios alcootense Woodbume 1967a Palorchestidac Palorchestes painei Woodbume 1967b Propalorchestes novaculocephalus Murray 1986 ?Vombatidac Thylacoleonidac Wakaleo alcootaensis Archer & Rich 1982 Phalangerida Macropodidac Dorcopsoides fossilis Woodbume 1967b Hadronomas puckridgi Woodburne 1967b Another genus Pseudocheiridac Pseudochirops n.sp. References: Archer (1982b), Archer & Bartholomai (1978), Archer & Rich (1982), Bartholomai (1978a), Gaffney (1981), Lloyd (1968) Newsome & Rochow (1964), Patterson & Rich (1987), Rich (1979), Woodbume (1967a, b). EARLY PLIOCENE Sunlands Local Fauna Locality: Near the Sunlands Pumping Station, left bank of the River Murray, 8 km west of Waikerie, South Australia, 34° 09'S., 1399 55" B. Rock unit_and age: Lower part of the Loxton Sands, Early Pliocene (Kalimnan) on stratigraphic and micropalacontological evidence (Lindsay 1965; Ludbrook 1961). Kau na . MOLLUSCA BRYOZOA CRUSTACEA ECHINOIDEA CHONDRICHTHYES Elasmobranchi Heterodontus sp., of. H. cainoxoicus Odontaspis sp., of. O. acutissima Isurus hastalis Lamna sp., ef. L. cattica of. Carcharodon megalodon Orectolobus gippslandicus Mustelus sp. Carcharhinus sp., of. C. brachyurus Galeorhinus sp., of. G. australis Galeocerdo aduncus AUSTRALIA'S MAMMALIAN RECORD - 1039 cf. Sphyrna sp. Pristiophorus lanceolatus cf. Myliobatis sp. OSTEICHTHYES Diodontidae Diodon formosus Monacanthidae sp. indet. of. Labroidei MAMMALIA Marsupialia Diprotodontia Vombatiformes Phascolarctidae Phascolarctos maris Pledge 1987a Diprotodontidae cf. Zygomaturus Phalangerida Macropodidae Dorcopsis sp. Placentalia Cetacea Odontoceti Delphinidae cf. Steno Mysticeti Balaenidae indet. References: Pledge (1985, 1987a). Forsyth's Bank Locality: West side of the Grange Bum approximately 8 kilometres west of Hamilton, Victoria (37° 43' 42 + 03"S., 141° 56' 40 + 04" E.). Rock unit and age: Grange Burn Formation, Early Pliocene. Ludbrook (1973) considers the molluscan fauna from the Grange Burn Formation as indicative of the Kalimnan Stage. Fauna: MAMMALIA Marsupialia Diprotodontia Phalangerida Macropodidae Protemnodon sp. References: Abele et al. (1988), Boutakoff & Sprigg (1953), Gill (1957b), Ludbrook (1973), Stirton (1957b), Tedford (1966a). Hamilton Local Fauna Type locality: South side of the Grange Bum about 100 metres downstream from a waterfall and oximately 7 kilometres west of Hamilton, Victoria (37° 42' 58 + 03" S., 141° 57' 144 04" E.). Rock unit and age: Unnamed lithic unit overlying the marine Grange Burn Formation and underlying a basalt. The unnamed lithic unit which produced the fossil mammals is about 1.3 metres thick and is interpreted as a fossil soil by Gill (1957b). Both units bracketing the productive lens have been dated as Early Pliocene. Tumbull et al. (1965) published a potassium-argon date of 4.35 + 0.1 myBP on the overlying basalt. Utilising the constants for the potassium-argon technique recommended by Steiger & Jager (1978), McDougall (pers. comm. 1980) has recalculated the date as 4.46+ 0.1 myBP. Ludbrook (1973) regards the molluscan fauna of the underlying Grange Burn Formation as indicative of the Kalimnan Stage. Faunai MAMMALIA Marsupialia Dasyuromorphia appr 1040 - RICH, ET AL. Dasyuridae Antechinus sp. Peramelemorphia Perameloidea Diprotodontia Vombatiformes Palorchestidae Palorchestes n. sp. Diprotodontidae New genus and species Vombatidae Genus and species indet. Phalangerida Phalangeridae Trichosurus hamiltonensis Flannery, Tumbull, Rich & Lundelius 1987 Strigocuscus notialis Flannery, Tumbull, Rich & Lundelius 1987 Ektopodontidae Darcius duggani Rich 1986 Potoroidae Hypsiprymnodon sp. Propleopus sp. Milliyowi bunganditj Flannery et al. in press Macropodidae Dorcopsis wintercookorum Flannery et al. in press of. Dendrolagus Kurrabi pelchenorum Flannery et al. in press Macropus (Notamacropus) sp. Troposodon sp. Simosthenurus sp. Protemnodon sp. Thylogale ignis cf. Wallabia Burramyidae Burramys triradiatus Tumbull, Rich & Lundelius 1987c Genus and species indet. Pseudocheiridae Pseudokoala erlita Tumbull & Lundelius 1970 Pseudocheirus marshalli Tumbull & Lundelius 1970 Pseudocheirus stirtoni Tumbull & Lundelius 1970 Petauridae Petaurus sp., cf. P. australis Petaurus sp., cf. P. norfolkensis Placentalia Chiroptera Microchiroptera Family indet. References: Abele ef al. (1988), Archer (1982a), Boutakoff & Sprigg (1953), Flannery, Rich, Tumbull & Lundelius (in prep.), Flannery, Tumbull, Rich & Lundelius “(1987); Gill (1957b), Ludbrook (1973), Rich (1986)/ Ride (1964), Stirton (1957b), Turnbull & Lundelius (1970), Tumbull et al. (1965), Tumbull, Rich & Lundelius (1987a-c). Big Sink Local Fauna Type locality: Southern wall of the Big Sink doline, Wellington Caves, New South Wales (32° 35' S., 148° 59' E.) (Hand, Dawson & Augee 1988). Rock unit and age: Big Sink Unit, the upper member of the Phosphate Mine Beds. Carbonate-cemented osseous sandstones interbedded with thin layers of structureless mud. Early to Middle Pliocene age is suggested by the presence of Pseudocheirus stirtoni and a unique peramelid otherwise known only from the Hamilton Local Fauna, Protemnodon cf. P. devisi, which differs only slight from Protemnodon devisi from Chinchilla Local Fauna, and Thylacoleo crassidentatus which occurs in the Bow and Bluff Downs local faunas (Hand, Dawson & Augee 1988, Osborne 1983). Fauna: REPTILIA Squamata Lacertilia AUSTRALIA'S MAMMALIAN RECORD - 1041 Scincidae Tiliqua sp. MAMMALIA Marsupialia Dasyuromorphia Dasyuridae Antechinus sp. Thylacinidae Thylacinus sp. Peramelemorphia New genus? Diprotodontia Vombatiformes Thylacoleonidae Thylacoleo crassidentatus Bartholomai 1962 Phalangerida Macropodidae Protemnodon cf. P. devisi cf. Wallabia spp. Burramyidae Pseudocheiridae Pseudocheirus stirtoni Tumbull & Lundelius 1970 Placentalia Chiroptera Megadermatidae Macroderma koppa Hand, Dawson & Augee 1988 4 Rodentia Muridae New pseudomyine References: Hand, Dawson & Augee (1988), Osbome (1983) Bluff Downs Local Fauna Type locality: Banks of Allingham Creek, Bluff Downs Station, north Queensland (19° 43'S., 145° 36’ E.). Rock unit and age: Allingham Formation. Sequence of terrigenous clays, silts, sands, calcareous sands, and Chara limestones that appear to conformably underlie the Allensleigh "flow" of the Nulla Basalt (Archer & Wade 1976) which is dated at 4.5 and 4 myBP at two sites 10 or more kilometres away from the fossil vertebrate locality of Bluff Downs (Wyatt and Webb 1970). Fauna: ARTHROPODA Crustacea Unidentified gastrolith OSTEICHTHYS Teleostei Unidentified spines and vertebrae REPTILIA Testudines, family indet. Crocodilia Crocodilidae Crocodylus porosus Squamata Lacertilia Agamidae Near Amphibolurus spp. Varanidae Varanus sp. cf. Megalania Ophidia Boidae ?Morelia sp. Acrochordidae AVES Ciconiiformes 1042 - RICH, ET AL. Ciconiidae Ephippiorhynchus asiaticus (Latham, 1790) Threskiornithidae Threskiornis sp. Anseriformes Anatidae Dendrocygna sp. Cygnus sp. Charadriiformes Scolopacidae Numenius sp. MAMMALIA Marsupialia Dasyuromorphia Dasyuridae Planigale sp. Peramelemorphia Peramelidae Perameles allinghamensis Archer in Archer & Wade 1976 Diprotodontia Vombatiformes ?Phascolarctidae Koobor jimbarratti Archer in Archer & Wade 1976 Diprotodontidae Zygomaturus sp. Euryzygoma sp. Diprotodontinae, genus indet. Vombatidae Ramsayia lemleyi (Archer in Archer & Wade 1976) Thylacoleonidae Thylacoleo crassidentatus Bartholomai 1962 Phalangerida Macropodidae Sthenurus sp. Troposodon minor (Owen 1877b) Petrogale sp. Protemnodon snewini Bartholomai 1978a Macropus narada (Bartholomai) 1978a Macropus dryas (de Vis 189Sa) Osphranter pavana Bartholomai 19784 Placentalia Rodentia Muridae References: Archer (in Archer & Wade 1976), Archer (1982a), Archer & Dawson (1982), Bartholomai (1978a), Dawson (1981), Gaffney (1981), Molnar (1979), Wyatt & Webb (1970). Rackham's Roost Local Fauna Locality: Riversleigh Station, northwestem Queensland (19° S., 1382/4° E). Rock unit and age: Cave deposit. Pliocene, probably Early Pliocene. Fauna: AMPHIBIA Anura REPTILIA Squamata AVES MAMMALIA Marsupialia Dasyuromorphia Dasyuridae Planigale sp. Sminthopsis sp. New genus Peramelomorphia Diprotodontia Phalangerida AUSTRALIA'S MAMMALIAN RECORD - 1043 Potoroidae Macropodidae Protemnodon sp. cf. P. sneweni Protemnodon sp. (> 1) Macropus sp. (> 1) Placentalia Rodentia Muridae Zyzomys n. sp. Pseudomys -n. sp. One or more additional new genera, at least 11 additional new species Chiroptera Megadermatidae Macroderma gigas Hipposideridae 4 spp. Vespertilionidae 4 spp. Comments: The presence of Protemnodon sp., cf. P. sneweni as in the Bluff Downs Local Fauna, together with the presence of abundant primitive rodents suggests that Rackham's Roost Local Fauna is of Pliocene and probably Early Pliocene age. References: Archer, Godthelp, Hand & Megirian (1989), Hand (1987), Godthelp (1987). Tara Creek Type Locality: Head of Tara Creek, north Queensland (19° 27'S., 145° 17' E.). Rock unit and age: From unspecified sediments (possibly Allingham Formation) beneath the Nulla Basalt (Bartholomai in Gaffney 1981), which is radiometrically dated as Pliocene (Wyatt & Webb 1970). Fauna: REPTILIA Testudines Chelodina sp. Crocodilia Crocodilus nathani MAMMALIA Marsupialia Diprotodontia Vombatiformes Diprotodontidae References: Gaffney (1981), Woods (1960a). Lake Tyers Locality: Second headland north of Lake Tyers House, on the Nowa Nowa arm of Lake Tyers, Victoria (37° 49.5'S., 148° 7.5' E.). ; Rock unit and age: Jemmy's Point Formation, Kalimnan Stage (Early Pliocene) on the basis of its marine molluscan fauna (Abele et al. 1988). Fauna: MAMMALIA Marsupialia Diprotodontia Phalangerida Macropodidae Protemnodon chinchillaensis Bartholomai 1973. References: Flannery & Archer (1984), Plane (1972). 1044 - RICH, ET AL. Bunga Creek Locality: Southwest side of Bunga Creek road cutting on the Princes Highway, Victoria (37° 50' S., 148° 00' E.). : A Rock unit and age: Jemmy's Point Formation, Kalimnan Stage (Early Pliocene) on the basis of its marine molluscan fauna (Abele et al. 1976). Fauna: MAMMALIA Marsupialia Reference: Warren (1965). Great Buninyong Estate Mine Locality: Found at a depth of 67 metres in an inclined shaft of the Great Buninyong Estate Mine, 10 kilometres southeast of Ballarat, Victoria (37° 39'S., 143° 53' E.) (Whitelaw 1899). Rock unit and age: From unnamed deep lead, lacustrine sediments containing volcanic ejectamenta. The deep lead is resting on Ordovician shale and is overlain by basalt. McDougall et al. (1966) and Aziz-Ur- Rahman & McDougall (1972) have shown that nearby basalts are Pliocene in age, one date of 2.53 +.0.07 myBP coming from basalts 10 kilometres northeast of the mine, and another of 3.90 + 0.10 myBP from 12 kilometres northeast of the mine. Fauna: MAMMALIA Marsupialia Diprotodontia Vombatiformes Diprotodontidae Phalangerida Macropodidae Macropus giganteus Shaw, 1790 Small macropodine Comments: The apparent minimum age of this site is the oldest established radiometrically for Macropus giganteus, one of the most common elements in Australian Quaternary terrestrial mammal assemblages. Unfortunately, to obtain a basalt sample from directly above the fossil site today would only be feasible by drilling from the surface, as flooding forced the closure of the Great Buninyong Estate Mine shortly after the fossils were discovered. References: de Vis (1899a), Flannery (1981), Hart (1899), Keble (1945), Rich (1976), Whitelaw (1899). Awe Fauna [ype locality: Upper Watut River just south of its junction with Wiganda Creek, 6.1 kilometres northeast of the Otibanda triangulation station, Morobe District, Papua New Guinea (7° 14.5' S., 146° 32.75' E.) (Plane 1967a-b). Referred localities: Upper Watut River, 14 sites including the Awe type locality, all within a radius of 5 kilometres of 7° 15' S., 146° 32' E. Sunshine localities, nine sites, 7° 04.5' S., 146° 36.6' E. Widubush locality, 7° 5.6' S., 146° 37.57' E. Niba Gold locality, 7° 5.75' S., 146° 36.75' E. Unnamed locality, hel 7.67 S., 146° 37.83' E. Zoffman locality 7° 9.2' S., 146° 38.43' E. Koranga locality, 7° 19.2' S., 146° 43.25' E. (See Plane 1967a-b) for detailed listing of sites plus maps showing their location.) Rock unit and age: Otibanda Formation, Late Pliocene. Three potassium argon dates have been published for the Awe Fauna: 7.6 myBP (Evernden et al. 1964), 3.1-3.5 myBP (Page & McDougal 1972), and 3.3 + 0.1 and 2.5 + 0.1 myBP (Hoch & Holm 1986). Page & McDougal (1972) explained the greater age recorded by Evernden et al. (1964) as owing to extraneous argon, a conclusion with which Hoch & Holm (1986) are in agreement. Faunai MOLLUSCA AUSTRALIA'S MAMMALIAN RECORD - 1045 Gastropoda Lymnaea sp. ?Planispira sp. Gabbia sp. OSTEICHTHYS Teleostei REPTILIA ata Booidea Crocodilia Crocodylus sp., of. C. porosus AVES Casuariformes Casuaridae Casuarius sp. MAMMALIA Marsupialia Dasyuromorphia Thylacinidae Thylacinus sp. Dasyuridae Myoictis sp. Diprotodontia Vombatiformes Diprotodontidae Nototherium watutense Anderson 1937 Kolopsis rotundus Plane 1967a Kolopsoides cultridens Plane 1967a Phalangerida Macropodidae Protemnodon otibandus Plane 1967b Protemnodon buloloensis Plane 1967b cf. Dorcopsis sp. Watutia novaeguineae Flannery & Hoch 1989 (in Flannery, Hoch & Aplin 1989) Placentalia Rodentia Muridae indet. References: Anderson (1937), Archer (1982a), Dow (1961), Dow et al. (1974), Evernden et al. (1964), Fisher (1944), Flannery, Hoch & Aplin (1989), Hoch & Holm (1986), (Page & McDougall (1972), Plane (1967a-b 1972, 1976), Stirton, Woodburne & Plane (1967), Woods (1962). Mogorafugwa Type locality: Mogorafugwa (Swamp) about 10 km west of Koroba (5° 42' S., 142° 44' E.), Duna Subdistrict, Southern Highlands, Papua New Guinea Rock unit and age: Mudstone and clay (pers. comm. B.W. Houston to N. S. Pledge, 20/1/1972). Species suggests equivalence with Awe Local Fauna. Fauna: MAMMALIA Marsupialia Diprotodontia Phalangerida Macropodidae Protemnodon sp., cf. P. otibandus LATE CAINOZOIC Ian's Prospect Locality: Billeroo Creek, Frome Downs Station, South Australia (31° 11' S., 140° 16' E). i Uncertain, specimen found in loose sediments at the bottom of Billeroo Creek. Presumably derived either from the Late Oligocene-Middle Miocene Namba Formation or the Pleistocene Eurinilla Formation, both of which outcrop in the immediate vicinity. Fossil bones are common in the 1046 - RICH, ET AL. Eurinilla Formation that forms the upper part of the banks of the stream at the site and none have been found in the Namba Formation at this locality where it occurs near water level of the stream channel. Unfortunately, on all occasions when this site has been visited, the Namba Formation has never been completely dry. Therefore, it has not been possible to ascertain whether or not fossils occur there in the Namba Formation. Fauna: MAMMALIA Marsupialia Dasyuromorphia Dasyuridae Wakamatha tasselli Archer & Rich 1979 References: Archer (1982a), Archer & Rich (1979). MIDDLE PLIOCENE - EARLY PLEISTOCENE Floraville Local Fauna Type locality: South of Floraville Station HS and west of the Leichhardt River, Queensland (18° 17'S., 139° 52' E.). Rock unit and age: Unnamed surficial riverine sediments. Age is either Pliocene or Pleistocene, most probably the latter. The local fauna so far lacks elements known to be restricted to one or the other epoch further south other than Rattus species which so far have no known pre-Pleistocene record (Archer 1982b, Godthelp in prep.). Fauna: CRUSTACEA REPTILIA Lacertilia Varanidae Varanus so. Genus indet. Ophidia Testudines Trionychidae Chelidae MAMMALIA Marsupialia Dasyuromorphia Dasyuridae Sminthopsis floravillensis Archer 1982b Antechinus sp. Dasyurus sp. Peramelemorphia Peramelidae Diprotodontia Vombatiformes Diprotodontidae Zygomaturus sp. Genus undet. Phalangerida Macropodidae Sthenurinae, genus undet. Potoroidae Potoroinae, genus undet. Placentalia Rodentia Muridae Rattus spp. Pseudomys spp. Chinchilla Local Fauna ['ype locality: Banks of the Condamine River near Chinchilla, Queensland (26° 48' S., 150° 41' E.). AUSTRALIA'S MAMMALIAN RECORD - 1047 Rock unit and age: Chinchilla Sands. Early to Middle Pliocene on the basis of closer faunal resemblance to the Early Pliocene Bluff Downs Local Fauna than to the Pleistocene fauna from the eastern Darling Downs. Many of the genera shared between the Bluff Downs and Chinchilla local faunas include closely related species pairs. In most instances, the Chinchilla form appears to be somewhat more advanced than that of the Bluff Downs one. This pattern repeated frequently across the faunal spectrum suggests that the Chinchilla Local Fauna is somewhat younger than Bluff Downs rather than the differences being a result of the two fossil samples having originated from different habitats. On the other hand, the geographically much closer fauna from the Pleistocene eastern Darling Downs differs more markedly from the Chinchilla Local Fauna. The following genera occur in the eastern Darling Downs Fauna but not at Chinchilla or Bluff Downs: Diprotodon, Nototherium, Procoptodon, and Sarcophilus. In addition, the Chinchilla and Bluff Downs local faunas share the following taxa which are unknown in the easter Darling Downs fauna: Euryzygoma spp. and Macropus dryas. Because the Bluff Downs Local Fauna at present appears to be Early Pliocene in age based on potassium- argon analysis and the Chinchilla Local Fauna is younger but much closer in stage of evolution to it than to the Pleistocene fauna from the eastern Darling Downs, an Early to Middle Pliocene age is suggested for the Chinchilla Local Fauna. Fauna: OSTEICHTHYES Dipnoi Ceratodontidae Ceratodus palmeri Krefft 1874b Neoceratodontidae Neoceratodus forsteri (Krefft 1870) REPTILIA Testudines Trionychidae Chelidae Emydura sp. Meiolanidae Crocodilia Crocodylidae Pallimnarchus pollens DeVis 1907 AVES Casuariiformes Casuariidae Dromaius novaehollandiae Latham 1790 Pelecaniformes Pelecanidae Pelecanus proavis de Vis, 1892. Phalacrocoracidae Microcarbo (Haliaetor) melanoleucos Vieillot 1817 Anseriformes Anatidae Anseranas cf. A. semipalmatus cf. Cereopsis Cygnus cf. C. atratus Anas superciliosa Gmelin 1789 Aythya australis Eyton 1838 Biziura lobata Shaw 1796 Galliformes Megapodiidae Progura gallinacea (DeVis 1888) Gruiformes Rallidae Fulica atra Linnaeus 1758 Charadriiformes MAMMALIA Marsupialia Dasyuromorphia Dasyuridae Dasyurus dunmalli Bartholomai 1971b Thylacinidae Thylacinus cynocephalus Harris 1808 1048 - RICH, ET AL. Diprotodontia Vombatiformes ?Phascolarctidae Koobor notabilis (de Vis 1889b) Diprotodontidae Euowenia grata (de Vis 1887) Euryzygoma dunense de Vis 1887 Palorchestidae Palorchestes parvus de Vis 1895a cf. Palorchestes sp. Vombatidae 2Vombatus prior de Vis 1883d Thylacoleonidae Thylacoleo crassidentatus Bartholomai 1962 Phalangerida Phalangeridae Genus indet. Macropodidae Troposodon n. sp. Troposodon minor (Owen 1877») Sthenurus antiquus Bartholomai 1963 Sthenurus notabilis Bartholomai 1963 Protemnodon devisi Bartholomai 1973 Protemnodon chinchillaensis Bartholomai 1973 Wallabia indra de Vis 1895a Macropus pan de Vis 1895a Macropus dryas (de Vis 1895a) Osphranter woodsi Bartholomai 1975 Prionotemnus palankarinnicus Stixton 1955 Placentalia Rodentia Muridae Pseudomys vandycki Godthelp 1990 Pseudomys spp. References: Archer (1977b 1982a), Archer & Dawson (1982), Archer & Wade (1976), Bartholomai (1962, 1963, 1966, 1967, 1968, 1971b, 1973, 1975, 1976), Bartholomai & Woods (1976), Dawson (1982a), Flannery & Archer (1983); Gaffney (1981), Gaffney & Bartholomai (1979), Godthelp (1990), Kemp & Molnar (1981), Olson (1975, 1977), Patterson & Rich (1987), Woods (1956b, 1960a, 1962). Quanbun Local Fauna Type locality: Jubilee Dam (formerly Alligator Dam) about 15 km north of Quanbun Homestead, Western Australia (18° 17' S., 125° 23' E.). Rock unit and age: Unnamed light clay overlain by 1.5 metres of darker clay, which is in tum overlain by conglomerate of variable thickness (Flannery 1984). Presence of Macropus pan suggests a Pliocene age for the site as at Chinchilla. However, the presence of a large species of Protemnodon is a characteristic of Pleistocene assemblages, not Chinchilla or other Pliocene sites. Fauna: REPTILIA Crocodylia Crocodylidae MAMMALIA Marsupialia Diprotodontia Vombatiformes Diprotodontidae or Palorchestidae Vombatidae Phascolonus sp., cf. P. gigas Phalangerida Macropodidae Macropus pan de Vis 1895a Protemnodon sp., cf. P. roechus cf. Osphranter References: Flannery (1984), Glauert (1921b) AUSTRALIA'S MAMMALIAN RECORD - 1049 Bow Local Fauna Type locality: Roadcut exposures near Bow, N.S.W. on the Merriwa-Cassilis Road, (32° 8' S., 150° 9 E.). Rock unit and age: Unnamed fluviatile sediments. Early to Middle Pliocene on the basis of correlation with the Bluff Downs Local Fauna which is tentatively radiometrically dated at about 4 to 4.5 myBP. Fauna: BIVALVIA Hyriinae Hyridella sp., cf. H. australis Crobiculidae Corbicula sp. GASTROPODA Planorbidae Physastra sp. Bithyniidae Gabbia sp., cf. G. australis Monotremata Ornithorhynchidae Ornithorhynchus sp. Marsupialia Dasyuromorphia Dasyuridae Dasyurus dunmalli Bartholomai 1971b Peramelemorphia Peramelidae Perameles sp. Diprotodontia Vombatiformes Diprotodontidae Palorchestidae Palorchestes sp., cf. P. parvus de Vis 1895a Vombatidae Phascolonus sp. Thylacoleonidae Thylacoleo crassidentatus Bartholomai 1962 Thylacoleo sp., of. T. hilli Pledge 1977 Phalangerida Phalangeridae Genus indet. Potoroidae Propleopus sp. Macropodidae Simosthenurus sp. Protemnodon chinchillensis Bartholomai 1973 cf. Protemnodon Macropus dryas (DeVis 1895) Macropus (Osphranter) pavana Bartholomai 1978a Troposodon bowensis Flannery & Archer 1984 Troposodon spp. cf. Dendrolagus spp. 1 and 2 Kurrabi mahoneyi Flannery & Archer 1984 Kurrabi merriwaensis Flannery & Archer 1984 Prionotemnus palankarinnicus Stirton 1955 Macropodinae indet. Types 1 and 2 References: Archer (1982a), Archer & Dawson (1982), Flannery & Archer (1984), Skilbeck (1980). 1050 - RICH, ET AL. Krui River Local Fauna Type locality: Roadcut exposures on the south side of the Krui River, 17 km northwest of Bow, N.S.W. on the Merriwa-Cassilis Road, (32° 5' S., 150° 7' E.). Rock unit and age: Unnamed coarse clastic sediments containing many basalt fragments that appear to represent a river terrace. Fauna: REPTILIA Crocodilia indet. MAMMALIA Marsupialia Diprotodontia Vombatiformes Diprotodontidae Phalangerida Macropodidae Protemnodon sp., cf. P. devisi Troposodon sp., cf.T. minor Troposodon sp., of. T. bowensis Palankarinna Local Fauna Type locality: West side of Lake Palankarinna, South Australia, (28° 46' S., 138° 24' E.). Rock unit and age: Mampuwordu Sands. "The age assignment of this fauna is based chiefly on its species of Zygomaturus, which seems to be older than typical Pleistocene forms, and later than Awe, Beaumaris, or Alcoota zygomaturines” (Stirton et al. 1968, p. 16). Dipnoi Neoceratodontidae Neoceratodus sp. 3 Teleostei REPTILIA Crocodilia Crocodylus Sebecosuchia or Pristichampsinae AVES Casuariformes Casuariidae Dromaius ocypus Miller 1963 Dromornithiformes Dromomithidae MAMMALIA Marsupialia Peramelemorphia Thylacomyidae Ischnodon australis Stirton 1955 Diprotodontia Vombatiformes Diprotodontidae Zygomaturus keanei Stirton 1967b Meniscolophus mawsoni Stirton 1955 Phalangerida Macropodidae Prionotemnus palankarinnicus Stirton 1955 Sthenurinae, genus indet. References: Hecht & Archer (1977), Miller (1963), Molnar (1978b), Ride (1964), Stirton (1955, 1967b), Stirton et al. (1961), Stirton, Woodbume & Plane (1967), Rich (1979), Stirton, Tedford & Woodbume (1967), Tedford, Williams & Wells (1986), Woods (1962). AUSTRALIA'S MAMMALIAN RECORD - 1051 Kanunka Local Fauna Type locality: West side of Lake Kanunka, South Australia (28° 23' S, 138° 18’ E). Rock unit and age: Tirari Formation. The productive unit appears to be in the magnetically reversed Matuyama Chron (Tedford, Williams & Wells 1986) just above the Matuyama/Gauss boundary (2.48 myBP) and hence Late Pliocene in age. Dipnoi Ceratodontidae Teleostei AVES Casuariiformes Casuariidae Dromaius novaehollandiae Latham, 1790 Pelecaniformes Pelecanidae Pelecanus cadimurka Rich and van Tets, 1981 Pelecanus conspicillatus Temminck, 1824 Anhingidae Anhinga novaehollandiae Miller, 1966a Phalacrocoracidae Ciconiiformes Ciconiidae Ardeidae Anseriformes Anatidae Falconiformes Accipitridae Gmuiformes Gmidae Grus sp. Rallidae Otididae Charadriiformes Family indet. Phoenicopteriformes Phoenicopteridae Ocyplanus proeses de Vis , 1905 [=Phoeniconaias graciOlis Miller, 1963] cf. Phoenicopterus ruber Xenorhynchopsis minor de Vis, 1905 Passeriformes MAMMALIA Marsupialia Dasyuromorphia Dasyuridae Diprotodontia Vombatiformes Diprotodontidae Zygomaturus sp. Diprotodon sp. Vombatidae Phascolonus sp. Vombatus or Lasiorhinus Phalangerida Potoroidae Bettongia sp. Macropodidae Lagorchestes sp. Dendrolagus sp. Kurrabi sp. cf. Prionotemnus sp. Troposodon kentii Campbell 1973 Troposodon sp., cf. T. minor Protemnodon sp. cf. P. devisi 1052 - RICH, ET AL. Protemnodon sp. Osphranter sp., cf. O. woodsi Macropus (Fissuridon) pearsoni (Bartholomai 1973) Macropus (Notamacropus) sp. Sthenurinae Placentalia Rodentia Muridae Talyawalka Locality: Near (normally dry) White Water Lake, Talyawalka Anabranch of the Darling River, New South Wales, 32° 25' S., 143° 18' E. From a water bore, at a depth of about 28 metres. Rock unit and age: Unnamed fluvial sediments. Probably Pliocene or Pleistocene, based on species correlation with the Plio-Pleistocene Chinchilla Local Fauna and the Pliocene Kanunka Local Fauna. Fauna: MAMMALIA Marsupialia Diprotodontia Vombatiformes Diprotodontidae Euowenia grata (de Vis 1887) Reference: Pledge (1989a) Town Well Cave Locality: Town Well Cave, Curramulka, South Australia. 34° 42'S, 137° 43' E. Rock Unit and age: Uncertain. The specimen was found cemented to the wall of the cave at some height above the floor, in an area where no other fossils were apparent. The cave is developed along deep joint fissures in Cambrian limestone, and in places contains a typical Late Pleistocene fauna. Comparisons with the Bow Local Fauna suggests a Mio-Pliocene age (Archer & Dawson 1982) for the Town Well Cave assemblage. Fauna: MAMMALIA Marsupialia Diprotodontia Vombatiformes Thylacoleonidae Thylacoleo hilli Pledge 1977 References: Archer & Bartholomai (1978). Curramulka Local Fauna Type locality: Corra Lynn Cave (5Y1), Curramulka, South Australia; 34° 43' S., 137° 43' E. About 3 km south of Town Well Cave. Rock unit and age: Unnamed red silty cave fill. This occurs only in one small area of the extensive labyrinthine cave. Deposit fills a fissure which may extend to the surface. Host rock is Early Cambrian limestone (Crawford 1965). The Town Well Cave Thylacoleo hilli may be of the same age. Comparison with other faunas indicates a Mio-Pliocene age. Fauna: AMPHIBIA Neobatrachus pictus Tyler 1988 REPTILIA Testudines Lacertilia Madtsoiidae Wonambi sp., cf. W. naracoortensis Smith 1976 AUSTRALIA'S MAMMALIAN RECORD - 1053 Elapidae indet. Scincidae Tiliqua sp. Varanidae indet. AVES Dromornithiformes cf. Ilbandornis sp. MAMMALIA Marsupialia Dasyuromorphia Thylacinidae Thylacinus sp. Dasyuridae cf. Glaucodon of. Phascogale Diprotodontia Vombatiformes Phascolarctidae Phascolarctos sp., cf. P. cinereus Gen. et sp. nov., very large Diprotodontidae ?Zygomaturus Zygomaturine indet. Palorchestidae Palorchestes sp., cf. P. parvus Vombatidae Vombatus sp. indet Phascolonus sp. indet. Phascolomys sp., cf. P. medius Thylacoleonidae Thylacoleo sp. indet., small Phalangerida Potoroidae Potorous sp. Macropodidae Protemnodon sp. indet. Troposodon sp, cf. T. bluffensis Macropodine small spp. Pseudocheiridae New species, very large Petauridae Petaurus sp. References: Anon. (1985); Pledge (1987a, in prep.); Smith (1976); Tyler (1988). Fisherman's Cliff Local Fauna Type locality: Cliff developed on the right bank (north side) of the Murray River, New South Wales (34° 7'S., 142° 39' E.). Rock unit and age Mooma Formation (which may be a member of the Blanchetown Clay). Marshall (1973) regarded this local fauna to be either Late Pliocene or Early Pleistocene. This age assignment was accepted partly on the geological conclusions of Gill (1973b) and partly on the basis of a specimen of Protemnodon sp. that was similar to Protemnodon devisi Bartholomai (1973). P. devisi is from the Chinchilla Local Fauna of Queensland, then thought to be of Late Pliocene or Early Pleistocene age (see above). With further analysis, Crabb (1977) regarded the Fisherman's Cliff Local Fauna to probably be Early Pleistocene, and Crabb (1982) suggested that the Moorna Formation actually represented an intraformational unit within the Blanchetown Clay. The Mooma Formation appears to occupy the same stratigraphic position relative to the overlying Blanchetown Clay at Fisherman's Cliff as the basal member of the Blanchetown Clay does to the overlying part of that formation at Chowilla (Woodbume ef al. 1985) and thus is in the upper part of the Gauss normal polarity epoch (2.47-2.92 myBP) and Late Pliocene (Bowler 1980). Whitelaw (in prep.) has corroborated this correlation by recognising the Karoonda Surface of Gill (1973b) both at Chowilla and at Fisherman's Cliff and demonstrating that the magnetic polarity of that part of the Mooma Formation containing the Fisherman's Cliff Local Fauna is in fact normal and comparable to that at Chowilla described by An et al. (1986). 1054 - RICH, ET AL. Fauna: GASTROPODA Basommatophora Lymnaeidae Lymnaea sp., of. L. tomentosa OSTEICHTHYES Dipnoi Neoceratodontidae Neoceratodus forsteri (Krefft 1870) Neoceratodus gregoryi (White 1925) Teleostei Chelonia Cheliidae Emydura sp., cf. E. macquarrii AVES Casuariiformes Dromaiinae MAMMALIA Marsupialia Dasyuromorphia Dasyuridae Sarcophilus moornaensis Crabb 1982 Dasyuroides achilpatna Archer 1982b Dasyurus hallucatus Dasyurus sp. Sminthopsis sp., cf. S. macroura Antechinus sp. Peramelemorphia Peramelidae Diprotodontia Vombatiformes Diprotodontidae cf. Diprotodon Vombatidae Lasiorhinus sp. Phalangerida Potoroidae Bettongia sp. Macropodidae Sthenurus sp. Lagostrophus sp., cf. L. fasciatus Petrogale sp. Osphranter sp. Protemnodon sp., cf. P. devisi Placentalia Rodentia Muridae Several genera and species, as yet undescribed. Reference: Archer (1982a), Bowler (1980), Crabb (1977, 1982), Gill (1973b), Marshall (1973), Woodbume et al. (1985). Bone Gulch Local Fauna Type locality: System of gullies on the right bank (west side) of the Murray River, New South Wales (34° 7' S., 142° 37' E’. Part of the area is shown in pl. 6, fig. 2 of Gill (1973b). Rock unit and age: Near the base of the Blanchetown Clay. On stratigraphic grounds, Firman (1965, 1966) regarded the Blanchetown Clay to be early Middle Pleistocene, Lawrence (1966) placed it in the Early Pleistocene and Gill (1973b), in the Late Pliocene or Early Pleistocene. Marshall (1973) did not regard the mammals to be of any utility in dating the Bone Gulch Local Fauna. The contact between the palaeomagnetically reversed Matuyama Epoch and the normal Gauss Epoch which is dated at 2.47 myBP (Berggren et al. 1985), Late Pliocene, is in the lower part of the Blanchetown Clay in the sections where measurements have been taken including at Bone Gluch itself (Bowler 1980, An et al. 1986, Whitelaw in prep.). Because the various identifiable horizons within the Blanchetown Clay bear a consistent relation to AUSTRALIA'S MAMMALIAN RECORD - 1055 the palaeomagnetic boundaries, it is likely that the Bone Gulch Local Fauna, being in the lower part of the formation, is Late Pliocene. Teleostei Dipnoi Ceratodontidae Ceratodus palmeri Krefft 1874b Neoceratodontidae Neoceratodus forsteri (Krefft 1870) REPTILIA Testudines Chelidae MAMMALIA Marsupialia Diprotodontia Vombatiformes Diprotodontidae Thylacoleonidae Thylacoleo sp. Vombatidac Phascolonus sp., cf. P. magnus Phalangerida Potoroidae cf. Bettongia Macropodidae Sthenurus sp. Macropodinae, genus indet. Placentalia Rodentia Muridae Dog Rocks Local Fauna Locality: Floor of Australian Portland Cement Limited's Batesford Quarry (38° 6.5' S., 144° 17.5' E.). Rock unit and age: Fissure-filling within the argillaceous Moorabool Viaduct Sand. Late Pliocene (2.03-2.48 myBP) or possibly Early Pliocene (3.40-3.48 myBP). Fauna: OSTEICHTHYES Teleostei, indet. AMPHIBIA Anura, indet. REPTILIA Squamata, indet. AVES, indet. MAMMALIA Marsupialia Dasyuromorphia Dasyuridae Antechinus sp. Dasyurus sp. Peramelomorphia Peramelidae Perameles sp. Isoodon sp. Diprotodontia Vombatiformes Diprotodontidae Zygomaturus sp. Vombatidac Vombatus ursinus 1056 - RICH, ET AL. Phascolonus sp. Phalangerida Phalangeridae Phalanger sp. Potoroidae Potorous sp. cf. Bettongia Macropodidae Macropus cf. M. giganteus Macropus cf. M. fuliginosus Macropus sp. A Macropus sp. B Sthenurus sp. Protemnodon cf. P. anak Protemnodon sp. A Wallabia cf. W. bicolor Wallapia sp. Troposodon sp. Pseudocheiridae Pseudocheirus sp. A Pseudocheirus sp. B Placentalia Rodentia Muridae Pseudomys sp. A Pseudomys sp. B Comments: The fossiliferous unit was overlain by a basalt flow of the Newer Volcanics. Three kilometres to the south a magnetically reversed basalt flow with similar petrographic characteristics was dated at 2.03 + 0.13 myBP in three different quarries (Aziz-ur-Rahman & McDougall, 1972, corrected with decay constant of Faure, 1986, in Whitelaw, 1989). A maximum age for the site is provided by the occurrence of Globorotalia crassiformis which has a first appearance at 4.0 myBP (Whitelaw 1989). This species occurs in sediments of the Moorabool Viaduct Sand stratigraphically below the fissures. The sediments are magnetically reversed (Whitelaw 1989), implying that the age of the fissures within the interval between 1.9 and 4.0 myBP is either in the early Matuyama Chron (2.03-2.48 myBP) or the late Gilbert Chron (3.40-4.88 myBP). The presence of a diversity of rodents suggests the early Matuyama Chron is the more likely interval represented (Whitelaw 1989). References: Aziz-ur-Rahman & McDougall (1972), Bowler (1963), Rich (1976), Whitelaw (1989). Coimadai Local Fauna Type locality: Alkemade's Quarry, about 10 km northnortheast of Bacchus Marsh, Victoria (37° 46' S., 144° 26' E.). Rock unit and age: Coimadai Limestone, early Pliocene. The fossils occur 2 to 3 metres beneath an ashi which Coulson (1924) correlated with the basalt of the Bullengarook flow. The Bullengarook flow has been radiometrically dated as 3.31 and 3.64 myBP (P. Roberts, pers. comm. to RHT, 1983, in Tumbull, Lundelius & Tedford 1990) and has a reversed polarity, thus limiting the range to 3.40-3.64 myBP. Fauna: MAMMALIA Marsupialia Diprotodontia Vombatiformes Diprotodontidae Euowenia sp. Zygomaturus sp. Vombatidae Vombatus near V. hirsutus Vombatus sp. ["Phascolomys parvus"] Phalangerida Macropodidae Kurrabi sp. Protemnodon sp. Troposodon sp. AUSTRALIA'S MAMMALIAN RECORD - 1057 cf. Macropus References: Coulson (1924), DeVis (1897), Turnbull, Lundelius & Tedford (1990). Smeaton Type locality: Depth of 50 feet (15 metres) in a well in section 42, Parish of Smeaton, Victoria (37° 16' S., 143° 54' E.). Rock unit and age: From sediments resting on basalts (Gill 1957b). Aziz-ur-Rahman & McDougall (1972) reported a date of 2.1 myBP on a similar basalt from the West Berry Consols Mine No. 1 Bore, which may be the same as the one below the fossiliferous sediment in the well which lies 4.2 kilometres to the north. On the basis of the stage-of-evolution of Glaucodon ballaratensis, Stitton (1957b) considered it possible that the specimen was Late Miocene or possibly older while noting that a Pliocene or younger age was possible if the specimen were a relict form. Fauna: AVES MAMMALIA Marsupialia Dasyuromorphia Dasyuridae Glaucodon ballaratensis Stirton 1957b Diprotodontia Phalangerida Macropodidae Comment: Tumbull, Lundelius and Tedford are currently analysing the bird and macropods from this site. References: Archer (1982a), Gill (1957b), Stirton (1957b), Turnbull & Lundelius (1967). Morwell Local Fauna Type locality: State Electricity Commission of Victoria, Morwell Open Cut Coal Mine, La Trobe Valley, Victoria (38° 15' S., 146° 29' E.). Rock unit and age: From unnamed lacustrine clays deposited in depressions at the top of the Morwell 1A Coal Seam. The depressions were formed by fires at the top of the coal seam (hence the mining term “fireholes" for the sediments filling them). The bulk of the specimens were collected in Firehole no. 2 and a few more in Firehole no. 3, neither of which any longer exist. The underlying Morwell 1A Coal Seam is considered to be Late Oligocene to Early Miocene (Partridge 1971), the maximum age for the Morwell Local Fauna. Stratigraphically above the firehole deposits are the Haunted Hills Gravels, which Jenkin (1966) considers to be Late Pliocene to perhaps Early Pleistocene. Palynological studies of the firehole sediments by Kirshaw & Sluiter (unpub.) indicate an age of Early Pliocene to mid-Pleistocene. Flannery (1981), on the basis of all available evidence, suggests that an age of Late Pliocene to Early Pleistocene is the most likely one for the Morwell fauna. Fauna: ARTHROPODA Ostracoda Charadriiformes Pedionomidae Pedionomus sp., cf. P. torquatus MAMMALIA Marsupialia Diprotodontia Vombatiformes Macropodidae Macropus giganteus Shaw, 1790 Macropus mundjabus Flannery 1980 Protemnodon anak Owen 1874 1058 - RICH, ET AL. References: Flannery (1980), Rich (1976), Rich & McEvey (1980). APPENDIX II LITERATURE REFERENCES TO THE FOSSIL TERRESTRIAL MAMMALS OF AUSTRALIA Where does one begin to find the palaeontological literature relating to mammalian genus X? This question prompted the compiling of references to the genera of terrestrial Australian mammals. The list is simply a directory with the names arranged in alphabetical order. Where a genus is not listed, no reference to it in a palaeontological context is known to me. In cases where two genera have been synonomised, reference is made under the junior synonym to the senior one. In a few instances where a generic name is no longer used and the species within it have been allocated to two different genera, the obsolescent name is still used with cross references to the two names currently accepted: e.g. Phascolomys, Vombatus, and Lasiorhinus. Virtually every genus published by 1983 and listed here is dealt with in its palaeontological context once if not several times in the many chapters in Archer, M. & Clayton, G. (eds.) Vertebrate Zoogeography and Evolution in Australasia, Hesperian Press, Carlisle. Page references to each genus in that volume may be found in its index. This information is not duplicated here. Finally, no claims to completeness or balance of treatment are made or intended. This listing is simply a place to start to answer the question about where the literature can be found, not an exhaustive bibliography on the topic. Acrobates: Archer (1978d, 1981a); Archer & Bartholomai (1978); Drummond (1963); Gorter (1977); Hand, Dawson & Augee (1988); Hope (1973a); Marshall (1981); Simpson (1945); Wakefield (1960a-b, 1963, 1964b, 1967a-b, 1972b). Aepyprymnus: Abbie (1937); Archer (1978d, 1979, 1981a); Archer & Bartholomai (1978); Bartholomai (1972a, 1977); Case (1984); Finlayson (1938); Flannery & Archer (1987c); Flannery, Archer & Plane (1983, 1984); Flannery & Hope (1983); Flannery & Szalay (1982); Gill (1953b); Gillespie et al. (1978); Gillieson & Mountain (1983); Hill, Playford & Woods, (1970); Hope (1973b); Hope & Wilkinson (1984); Jones (1931); Keast (1972); Lydekker (1887); Marshall (1981); Pledge (1984, 1990); Ride (1971); Ryder (1974); Simpson (1945); Stirton, Tedford & Woodburne (1968, 1984); Wakefield (1964b, 1967b, 1974). Ankotarinja: Aplin & Archer (1987); Archer (1976c, 1981a, 1982a-b); Archer & Bartholomai (1978); Archer & Rich (1979); Callen & Plane (1986); Marshall (1981); Murray (1984a); Woodbume (1986). Antechinomys: Archer (1977c, 1981a, 1982a-b); Baynes (1984, 1987); Keast (1972); Lundelius & Turnbull (1989); Marshall (1981); Morton & Baynes (1985); Smith (1977); Smith & Meilin (1982), Simpson (1945), Antechinus: Aplin (1981); Archer (1978d, 1981c, 1982a); Archer & Bartholomai (1978); Archer & Baynes (1972); Archer & Rich (1979); Balme, Merrilees & Porter (1978); Bowdler (1979); Burbidge & George (1978); Callen & Plane (1986); Cook (1963a); Davison (1986); Drummond (1963); Gill (1968); Gillieson & Mountain (1983); Gorter (1977); Hope (1973a-b, 1982); Hope & Wilkinson (1984); Hope et al. (1977); Kendrick & Porter (1973); Lundelius (1957); Lundelius & Tumbull (1973, 1978, 1989); McNamara (1990); Marshall (1981); Merrilees (1979a, 1984); Morton & Baynes (1985); Mulvaney (1961); Murray & Goede (1977); Pledge (1990); Porter (1979); Ride (1960); Roe (1971); Simpson (1945); Smith (1972); Van Dyck (1982); Wakefield (1960a-b, 1963, 1964a-b, 1967a-b, 1972 a-b); Wells, Moriarty & Williams (1984); White (1967); Whitelaw (1989); Woodburne (1986); Woodburne, Campbell et al. (1986) Archizonurus: Anderson (1933); de Vis (1889b); Mahony & Ride (1975). Balbaroo: Flannery, Archer & Plane (1983); Flannery & Rich (1986). Baringa: Flannery & Hann (1984); Flannery, Hoch & Aplin (1989); MacFadden et al. (1987). Bematherium: Archer (1979, 1981a); Archer & Bartholomai (1978); Bartholomai (1972a); Flannery, Archer & Plane (1983); Hand & Archer (1987); Mahoney & Ride (1975); Marshall (1981); Stirton, Tedford & Woodbume (1968); Tedford (1967b). Bettongia: Archer (1972, 1979, 1981a); Archer & Bartholomai (1978); Archer & Baynes (1972); Balme, Merrilees & Porter (1978); Bartholomai (1972a, 1977); Baynes (1987); Bowdler (1979); Burbidge & George (1978); Butler (1969); Case (1984, 1985); Drummond (1963), Finlayson (1938); Flannery & Archer (1987c); Flannery, Archer & Plane (1983, 1984); Flannery & Szalay (1982); Gorecki et al. (1984); Hand & Archer (1987); Gill (1968); Glauert (1926); Higgins & Petterd (1889); Hill, Playford & Woods (1970); Hope (1978, 1982); Hope & Wilkinson (1984); Hope et al. (1977); Johnston (1887); Jones (1931); Keast (1972), Kendrick & Porter (1973); Krefft (1874a); Longman (1924c); Lundelius (1957); Lundelius & Tumbull (1984, 1989); Marshall (1973, 1981); Merrilees (1968, 1979a-b, 1984); Murray & Goede (1977); Pledge (1984, 1986, 1990); Porter (1979); Ride (1971); Roe (1971); Ryder (1974), Simpson (1945); Smith (1971, 1972); Smith & Rogers (1981); Stirton, Tedford & Woodburne (1968); Tedford (1966b); Tedford & Wells (1990); Tedford, Williams & Wells (1986); Thorne (1971); Wakefield (1960a, 1963, 1964a-b, 1967b, 1972b); Wells, Moriarty & Williams (1984); Woodbume (1984, 1986); Woodward (1914), AUSTRALIA'S MAMMALIAN RECORD - 1059 Bohra: Dawson & Flannery (1985); Flannery & Szalay (1982); Quirk & Archer (1983). Boriogale --- see Macropus Brachalletes: Dawson & Flannery (1985); de Vis (1883e); Mahoney & Ride (1975); Marshall (1981); Simpson (1945). Brachipposideros: Wand (1987); Quirk & Archer (1983); Sigé, Hand & Archer (1982). Bulungamaya: Flannery, Archer & Plane (1983, 1984); Hoch & Holm (1986). Burramys: Anderson (1933); Anon. (1966a-b); Archer (1981a); Archer & Bartholomai (1978); Broom (1895a, 1896a, 1898); Drummond (1963); Flannery & Hope (1983); Hope (1982); Imaizumi (1968); Keast (1972); Longman (1924c); Mahoney & Ride (1975); Marshall (1981); Pledge (1981, 1987e); Ride (1956, 1960, 1964, 1971); Simpson (1933, 1945); Stirton, Tedford & Woodburne (1968); Turnbull (1968); Tumbull & Lundelius (1970); Turnbull, Rich & Lundelius (1987a); Wakefield (1960a-b, 1967a, 1972a-b); Woodbume (1986). Caloprymnus: Archer (1979, 1981a); Case (1984); Finlayson (1938); Flannery (1983); Flannery & Archer (1987c); Flannery, Archer & Plane (1984); Flannery & Szalay (1982); Hope (1978); Lundelius (1957); Lundelius & Tumbull (1984, 1989); Marshall (1981); Merrilees (1968); Simpson (1945); Tedford (1966b),; Woodbume (1984). Canis: Allen (1972); Anon. (1871); Archer (1981a); Archer & Brayshaw (1978); Baynes (1984, 1987); de Vis (1883d, 1899b); Gill (1953a); Glauert (1926); Godwin (1980); Jones (1921); Krefft (1867); McCoy (1862); Merrilees (1968, 1979a-b, 1984); Milham & Thompson (1976); Simpson (1945); Smith (1972); Smyth (1869); Wakefield (1967b); White (1967). Cercartetus (=Dromicia, Eudromicia): Archer (198la); Archer & Bartholomai (1978); Archer & Baynes (1972); Balme, Merrilees & Porter (1978); Baynes (1987); Bowdler (1979); Broom (1896a); Cook (1963a); Drummond (1963); Gill (1965, 1968); Gillieson & Mountain (1983); Godwin (1980); Gorter (1977); Hope (1973a, 1982); Hope et al. (1977); Keast (1972); Lundelius (1957); Lundelius & Turnbull (1982, 1989); Marshall (1981); Merrilees (1968, 1984); Murray & Goede (1977); Pledge (1974, 1990); Porter (1979); Ride (1960); Simpson (1945); Smith (1971); Stirton, Tedford & Woodburne (1968); Tedford et al. (1975); Turnbull & Schram (1973); Wakefield (1960a-b, 1963, 1964b, 1967a-b, 1972b); Wells, Moriarty & Williams (1984); Woodbume, Campbell, Rich & Pledge (1986). Chaeropus: Archer (198la, 1982b); Baynes (1984, 1987); Keast (1972); Lundelius & Tumbull (1981, 1989); Marshall (1981); Merrilees (1967b, 1968, 1979a); Morton & Baynes (1985); Simpson (1945); Smith (1977); Tedford (1966b); Wakefield (1964a). Chalinolobus: Baynes (1987); Simpson (1945); Wakefield (1963, 1967a, 1972b). Chunia: Callen & Plane (1986); Hand & Archer (1987); Pledge (1986); Rich (1986); Woodburne (1986, 1987a); Woodbume, Campbell, Rich & Pledge (1986); Woodbume (1986); Woodbume, Campbell (1986); Woodburne & Clemens (1986a-c). Conilurus: Archer (1981a); Baynes (1987); Drummond (1963); Hope (1973a); Hope & Wilkinson (1984); Morton & Baynes (1985); Pledge (1990); Simpson (1945); Wakefield (1960b, 1963, 1964a-b, 1967a-b, 1972b); Wells, Moriarty & Williams (1984). Dactylonax: Gillieson & Mountain (1983). Dactylopsila: Pledge (1986). Darcius: Rich (1986); Woodbume (1986, 1987a); Woodbume & Clemens (1986b-c); Woodbume, Campbell, Rich & Pledge (1986) Dasycercus: Abbie (1937); Archer (1981a, 1982a-b); Archer & Rich (1979); Baynes (1982, 1984, 1987); Burbidge & George (1978); Crabb (1982); Hope (1978); Keast (1972); Lundelius (1957); Lundelius & Tumbull (1978, 1989); Marshall (1973, 1981); Morton & Baynes (1985); Simpson (1945); Smith (1977); Smith & Medlin (1982); Tedford (1966b); Thome (1971); Wakefield (1964a). Dasykaluta: Archer (1982a-b); Van Dyck (1982). Dasylurinja ; Archer (1982a-b). Dasyurinus --- see Dasyurus Dasyuroides: Archer (198la, 1982a-b); Archer & Rich (1979); Crabb (1982); Lundelius & Turnbull (1978, 1989); Marshall (1973, 1981); Morton & Baynes (1985); Simpson (1945); Smith & Medlin (1982). Dasyurus (= Dasyurops, Dasyurinus): Abbie (1937); Anderson (1914); Aplin (1981); Archer (1978d, 1981a, 1982a-b); Archer & Bartholomai (1978); Archer & Baynes (1972); Archer & Rich (1979); Balme, Merrilees & Porter (1978); Bartholomai (1971b, 1977); Baynes (1987); Bensley (1901); Bowdler (1979); Butler (1969); Crabb (1982); Dawson (1982a); Drummond (1963); Flannery & Archer (1984); Gill (1953a, 1968); Gillieson & Mountain (1983); Glauert (1926); Goede & Murray (1979); Gorter (1977); Hill, Playford & Woods (1970); Hope (1973a-b, 1978; 1982); Hope et al. (1977); Howchin (1930); Keast (1972); Kendrick & Porter (1973); Krefft (1865); Lundelius & Turnbull (1978, 1989); Lydekker (1887); McCoy (1862); McNamara (1990); Mahoney (1964); Mahoney & Ride (1975); Marshall (1973, 1981); Marshall & Hope (1973); Merrilees (1967b, 1968, 1979a, 1984); Morton & Baynes (1985); Murray & Goede (1977); Murray, Goede & Bada (1980); Owen (1843a, 1859c); Pledge (1974, 1980, 1990); Porter (1979); Ryder (1974); Smith (1972); Smith & Medlin (1982); Spencer & Kershaw (1910); Simpson (1945); Tedford (1966b); Tedford, Williams & Wells (1986); Thorne (1971); Wakefield (1960a, 1964a-b, 1967a-b, 1972b, 1974); Wells, Moriarty & Williams (1984); Woodward, (1914). Dendrolagus: Abbie (1937); Archer (1979, 1981a); Bartholomai (1972a); Clarke (1878); Dawson & Flannery (1985); Flannery (1983); Flannery & Archer (1984); Flannery & Hann (1984); Flannery, Hoch & Aplin (1989); Flannery, Mountain & Aplin (1982); Flannery & Szalay (1982); Gillieson & Mountain (1983); Marshall (1981); Owen (1877b); Ride (1971); Simpson (1945); Woodbume (1986). Diarcodon --- see Diprotodon Dinotherium: Owen (1843b); Simpson (1945). Diprotodon (=Diarcedon): Abel (1912); Aplin (1987); Anderson, C (1923, 1924a-b, 1925, 1926, 1933); Anderson, W. (1888, 1890); Anon. (1916, 1924); Aplin & Archer (1987); Archer (1977a, 1981la, 1982a); Archer & Bartholomai (1978); Archer & Wade (1976); Barrett (1955); Bartholomai (1972a); Beddard (1902); Bennett (1872, 1875, 1876, 1878); Bensley (1903); Browne (1945); Case (1985); Clarke (1878); Daintree (1872); David (1916); de 1060 - RICH, ET AL. Vis (1883a-b, 1887a, 1888a-b, 1889a, 1891a, 1895b, 1900, 1907); Dennant & Kitson (1903); Dugan (1981); Dulhunty, Flannery & Mahoney (1984); Dun (1892, 1893, 1894, 1895, 1900); Duncan (1884, 1885); Etheridge (1878, 1890, 1891, 1892, 1894a-c, 1897, 1918); Flannery & Gott (1984); Flannery & Hann (1984); Flannery & Hope (1983); Flannery & Szalay (1982); Fletcher (1954), Flower & Lydekker (1891); Forbes (1894); Gill (1953a- b, 1955a-b, 1957a-b, 1962, 1963, 1965, 1978), Gill & Banks (1956); Gillespie ef al. (1978); Glauert (1912a-b, 1921a, 1926, 1948); Gorecki ef al. (1984); Gorter & Nicoll (1978); Gould (1863); Gregory (1910, 1912); Hand, Dawson & Augee (1988); Hardman (1884); Harlon (1846); Harper (1945); Hill, Playford & Woods (1970); Hobson (1844, 1845a-b, 1846a-b, 1848); Hochstetter (1859); Hope (1973b, 1978, 1982); Hope, Dare-Edwards & Melntyre (1983); Horton (1978, 1979, 1980, 1981, 1984); Horton & Connah (1981); Horton & Wright (1981); Howchin (1891, 1918, 1930); Huxley (1862, 1899); Jack (1879); Jack & Etheridge (1892); Johns & Ludbrook (1963); Keast (1968, 1972); Keble (1945); Kirk (1981); Krefft (1865, 1870, 1871la-b, 1872, 1873, 1874a, 1875a); Lester et al. (1988); Lindsay (1966); Longman (1916, 1921, 1924a-d, 1925, 1926, 1927, 1929, 1935); Lydekker (1887, 1888, 1896a-b); McCoy (1861, 1862, 1865a, 1866, 1867, 1874a, 1875, 1876a-b, 1877); MacFadden et al. (1987); McIntyre & Hope (1978); McNamara (1990); Mahoney & Ride (1975); Marcus (1976). Marshall (1973, 1981); Merrilees (1968, 1969, 1979); Mitchell (1831, 1838, 1862); Murray (1984b); Murray & Goede (1977); Nicholson & Lydekker (1889); Noetling 1911, 1912); Owen (1838, 1839, 1840, 1845, 1859a-c, 1870, 187la-b, 1872a, 1876, 1877a-b, 1882a-b, 1883a, 1884); Palmer (1904); Pilling & Waterman (1970); Pledge (1973, 1974, 1981, 1990); Pritchard (1899), Pulleine (1927); Quirk & Archer (1983); Ramsay (1881, 1892); Rich, P. (1981); Rich, P. & van Tets (1985); Rich, T. (1976, 1981, 1986); Ride (1964, 1966, 1970, 1971); Schmidt (1885); Scott (1910, 1912, 1915b); Scott & Lord (192la-d, 1923a), Simpson (1930, 1945); Stephenson (1963, 1964); Stetson (1933); Stirling (1893, 1894, 1900a-b, 1901, 1907a-b, 1913); Stirling & Zeitz (1896, 1899a, 1900); Stirton (1953, 1954, 1955, 1957b); Stirton, Tedford & Miller (1961); Stirton, Tedford & Woodbume (1968); Stirton, Woodburne & Plane (1967); Sussmilch (1922); Tate (1948); Tedford (1955, 1966b, 1973); Tedford & Wells (1990); Tedford, Williams & Wells (1986); Tindale (1957); Troughton (1959); Vanderwal & Fullagar (1989); Walcott (1920); Waterhouse (1846); Wells(1978); White & O'Connell (1979); Whitley (1966); Wilkinson (1972); Winge (1923, 1941), Woods, J.E.T. (1860); Woods, J.T. (1956a, 1960a, 1962); Woodward, A.S. (1907); Woodward, B.H. (1909, 1910, 1914); Wright (1986). Djilgaringa: Archer, Tedford & Rich (1987) Dorcopsis: Archer (1979, 1981a); Archer & Barthollomai (1978); Bartholomai (1972a); Clarke (1878); Dawson & Flannery (1985); Flannery (1983); Flannery & Archer (1983); Flannery, Archer & Plane (1983); Flannery & Hann (1984); Flannery, Hoch & Aplin (1989); Flannery, Mountain & Aplin (1982); Flannery & Szalay (1982); Hoch & Holm (1986); Marshall (1981); Owen (18776); Plane (1967b); Simpson (1945); Stirton, Tedford & Woodbume (1968); Tumbull & Lundelius (1970); Woodbume (1967b, 1984, 1986); Woodburne, Campbell, Rich & Pledge (1986). Dorcopsoides: Archer (1981a); Archer & Bartholomai (1978), Bartholomai (1972a); Dawson & Flannery (1985); Flannery (1983); Flannery, Archer & Plane (1983); Flannery, Hoch & Aplin (1989); Keast (1972); Mahoney & Ride (1975); Marshall (1981); Murray (1984a); Ride (1971); Stirton, Tedford & Woodburne (1968); Woodburne (1967b). Dorcopsulus: Archer (1981a); Archer & Bartholomai (1978); Bartholomai (1972a); Dawson & Flannery (1985); Flannery (1983); Flannery, Archer & Plane (1983); Flannery & Hann (1984); Flannery, Mountain & Aplin (1982) Gillieson & Mountain (1983); Marshall (1981). Dromicia --- see Cercartetus Echidna (see also Zaglossus & Tachyglossus): Archer (1981a); Broom (1896a); de Vis (1885a); Dun (1895); Flower & Lydekker (1891); Glauert (1910b, 1914, 1926); Howchin (1930); Krefft (1868); Lydekker (1887, 1896a); Mahoney & Ride (1975); Owen (1884, 1887b, 1889); Simpson (1945); Woodward, B. (1910). Echymipera: Archer (1981a), Archer & Bartholomai (1978); Callen & Plane (1986); Gillieson & Mountain (1983); Keast (1972); Marshall (1981); Simpson (1945); Stirton, Tedford & Woodbume (1968). Ekaltadeta: Archer & Flannery (1985). Ektopodon: Archer (1981a); Archer & Bartholomai (1978); Callen & Plane (1986); Clemens (1977); Mahoney & Ride (1975); Marshall (1981); Pledge (1984, 1986); Rich (1986); Rich & van Tets (1985); Stirton, Tedford & Woodburne (1967, 1968); Woodburne (1986, 1987a); Woodburne, Campbell et al. (1986); Woodbume & Clemens (1986a-c); Woodbume & Tedford (1975). Eptesicus: Simpson (1945); Wakefield (1967a, 1972b). Eudromicia --- see Cercartetus Euowenia (=Owenia): Archer (1981a); Archer & Bartholomai (1978); Archer & Wade (1976); Bartholomai (1972a); de Vis (1887, 1888b, 1891a, 1895b, 1907); Dun (1894), Etheridge (1918); Hand & Archer (1987); Hill, Playford & Woods (1970); Horton (1984); Keast (1972); Longman (1916, 1921); McNamara (1990); Mahoney & Ride (1975); Marshall (1981); Murray (1984a-b); Pledge (1989a); Scott & Lord (1921a-c); Simpson (1945); Stirton, Tedford & Woodburne (1968); Stirton, Woodbume & Plane (1967); Tedford, Williams & Wells (1986); Tumbull, Lundelius & Tedford (1990). Euryzygoma: Anderson (1933); Aplin (1987); Archer (1977a, 1981a); Archer & Bartholomai (1978); Archer & Flannery (1985); Archer & Wade (1976); Bartholomai (1972a); Fletcher (1951); Hill, Playford & Woods (1970); Horton (1984); Howchin (1930); Keast (1972); Longman (1921, 1924b-c, 1926, 1927, 1929, 1935); Mahoney & Ride (1975); Marshall (1981); Murray (19842); Quirk & Archer (1983); Rich, T. (1981), Scott (1927); Scott & Lord (1922a); Simpson (1945); Stirton, Tedford & Woodbume (1968); Stirton, Woodbume & Plane (1967); Tedford & Wells (1990); Tedford, Williams & Wells (1986). Fissuridon: Archer (1981a); Archer & Wade (1976); Bartholomai (1973); Dawson & Flannery (1985); Flannery & Archer (1982); Horton (1984); Marshall (1981); Murray (1984b); Sanson (1978); Tedford, Williams & Wells (1986). Galanaria: Flannery, Archer & Plane (1983). AUSTRALIA'S MAMMALIAN RECORD - 1061 Glaucodon: Archer (1981a, 1982a-b); Archer & Bartholomai (1978); Crabb (1982); Keast (1972); Mahoney & Ride (1975); Marshall (1973, 1981); Murray (1984a); Quirk & Archer (1983); Ride (1964); Stirton (1957b). Gumardee: Flannery, Archer & Plane (1983, 1984); Flannery & Rich (1986); Hoch & Holm (1986); Woodbume (1984). Gymnobelideus (=Palaeopetaurus): Archer (1981a); Broom (1895b, 1896a); Drummond (1963); Hope (1973a, 1982); Mahoney & Ride (1975); Marshall (1981); Ride (1960); Simpson (1945); Tumbull, Rich & Lundelius (1987a); Wakefield (1960a-b, 1967a, 1972a-b) Gyomys: Drummond (1963); Ride (1960); Simpson (1945); Wakefield (1960b, 1963, 1964»). Hadronomas: Archer (1979, 1981a); Archer & Barthoholomai (1978); Bartholomai (1972a); Dawson & Flannery (1985); Flannery (1983); Flannery, Archer & Plane (1983); Flannery, Hoch & Aplin (1989); Mahoney & Ride (1975); Marshall (1981); Ride (1971); Stirton, Tedford & Woodbume (1968); Woodbume (1967b). Halmaturotherium (=Halmatutherium): Dawson & Flannery (1985); Krefft (1874); Mahoney & Ride (1975). Halmaturus --- see Macropus. Halmatutherium --- see Halmaturotherium Hipposideros (Brachipposideros): Flannery, Archer & Plane (1983); Hand (1987); Lester & Hand (1987); Rich & van Tets (1985); Sigé, Hand, & Archer (1982) Homo: Allen (1972); Marshall (1973); Merrilees (1968); Simpson (1945); Thome (1981); White & O'Connell (1979). Hulitherium: Flannery & Plane (1986); Hand & Archer (1987) Hydromys: Archer (1981a); Archer & Baynes (1972); Baynes (1987); Bowdler (1979); Hope (1973a); Hope et al. (1977); Marshall (1973); Merrilees (1979a, 1984); Morton & Baynes (1985); Murray & Goede (1977); Pledge (1990); Porter (1979), Ryder (1974); Simpson (1945); Tedford (1966b); Wakefield (1964a-b, 1967a-b, 1972b); White (1967). Hyomys: Gillieson & Mountain (1983) Hypsiprymnodon: Archer (1979, 1981a, 1982b); Archer & Bartholomai (1978); Archer, Bartholomai & Marshall (1978); Archer, Hand & Godthelp (1988); Bartholomai (1972a); Bensley (1901); Broom (1896a); Case (1984); de Vis (1888c); Finlayson (1938); Flannery (1983); Flannery & Archer (1987b); Flannery, Archer & Plane (1983, 1984); Flannery & Rich (1986); Flannery & Szalay (1982); Keast (1972); Marshall (1981); Pledge (1981, 1984); Ride (1971); Simpson (1945); Stirton, Tedford & Woodburne (1968); Woodburne (1984, 1986); Woodburne et al. (1986). Hypsiprymnus --- see Potorous. Naria: Pledge (1987c); Tedford & Woodbume (1987) Ischnodon: Archer (1981a); Archer & Bartholomai (1978); Mahoney & Ride (1975); Marshall (1981); Ride (1964), Stirton (1955); Stirton, Tedford & Woodbume (1968); Tedford, Williams & Wells (1986). Isoodon (=Thylacis): Aplin (1981); Aplin & Archer (1987); Archer (1972, 1978d, 1981a); Archer & Bartholomai (1978); Archer & Baynes (1972); Archer & Brayshaw (1978); Balme, Merrilees & Porter (1978); Bartholomai (1977); Baynes (1982, 1987); Bowdler (1979); Burbidge & George (1978); Butler (1969); Callen & Plane (1986); Case (1985); Cook (1963a); Drummond (1963); Gill (1968); Glauert (1926); Godwin (1980); Gorter (1977); Keast (1972); Kendrick & Porter (1973); Hope (1973a-b, 1978, 1982); Hope & Wilkinson (1984); Hope et al. (1977); Lundelius & Turnbull (1981, 1989); McNamara (1990); Marshall (1973, 1981); Merrilees (1967b, 1968, 1969, 1979a-b, 1984); Morton & Baynes (1985); Murray & Goede (1977); Pledge (1974, 1990); Porter (1979); Roe (1971); Ryder (1974); Simpson (1945); Smith (1972, 1977); Tedford (1966b); Wakefield (1960a-b, 1963, 1964a-b, 1967a-b, 1972b, 1974); White (1967); Wells, Moriarty & Williams (1984); Whitelaw (1989); Woodward, B. (1914). Kangurus --- see Lagostrophus Keeuna: Archer (1976c, 1981a, 1982a-b); Archer & Bartholomai (1978); Callen & Plane (1986); Marshall (1981); Woodbume (1986). Koalemus: Anderson (1933); Bartholomai (1968); Chapman (1934); de Vis (1889b); Mahoney & Ride (1975); Marshall (1981). Kolopsis: Archer (1981a); Archer & Bartholomai (1978); Archer & Wade (1976); Bartholomai (1972a); Clemens & Plane (1974); Flannery & Plane (1986); Flannery, Mountain & Aplin (1982); Hoch & Holm (1986); Mahoney & Ride (1975); Marshall (1981); Plane (1967a-b); Rich, Archer & Tedford (1978); Stirton, Tedford & Woodbume (1968); Stirton, Woodbume & Plane (1967); Tedford, Williams & Wells (1986); Woodburne (1967a-b, 1969). Kolopsoides: Archer (1981); Archer & Bartholomai(1978); Archer & Wade (1976); Bartholomai (1972a); Flannery & Plane (1986); Flannery, Mountain & Aplin (1982); Mahoney & Ride (1975); Marshall (1981); Plane (1967a-b); Stirton, Tedford & Woodbume (1968); Stirton, Woodbume & Plane (1967), Woodburne (1969). Koobor: Aplin & Archer (1987); Archer (1977b, 1981a); Archer & Bartholoomai (1978); Archer & Wade (1976); Marshall (1981); Pledge (1987a,c); Springer (1987); Tedford & Woodburne (1987); Woodbume, Tedford, Archer & Pledge (1987). Kurrabi: i & Archer (1984); Flannery, Hoch & Aplin (1989); Tumbull, Lundelius & Tedford (1990). Kuterintja: Aplin & Archer (1987); Pledge (1987c) Lagorchestes: Archer (1981a); Balme, Merrilees & Porter (1978); Bartholomai (1972a); Baynes (1982, 1984, 1987); Burbidge & George (1978); Clarke (1878); Dawson & Flannery (1985); Flannery (1983); Flannery & Hann (1984); Flannery, Hoch & Aplin (1989); Flannery & Szalay (1982); Gorecki ef al. (1984); Hope (1978); Hope et al. (1977); Huxley (1862); Lundelius & Turnbull (1989); Marshall (1973, 1981); Merrilees (1968, 1984); Pledge (1990); Simpson (1945); Tedford (1966b); Tedford, Williams & Wells (1986); Wakefield (1964a-b, 1967b); Wells, Moriarty & Williams (1984); White (1967). Lagostrophus: Archer (1981a); Baynes (1982); Dawson & Flannery (1985); Flannery (1983), Flannery & Archer (1983); Flannery, Archer & Plane (1984); Lundelius & Tumbull (1989); Marshall (1973, 1981); Merrilees (1968); Simpson (1945); Wakefield (1964a). 1062 - RICH, ET AL. Lasiorhinus (see also Phascolomys): Archer (1981a); Archer & Bartholomai (1978); Baynes (1987); Dawson (1981, 1983a-b); Flannery & Hope (1983); Gorter (1977); Hope (1978); Hope & Wilkinson (1984); Hope et al. (1977); Horton (1984); Keast (1972); Leach (1977); Lundelius & Turnbull (1982, 1989); Marshall (1973, 1981); Merrilees (1967a, 1968); Pledge (1990); Simpson (1945); Tedford (1966b); Wakefield (1964a). Leggadina --- see Pseudomys Leporillus: Baynes (1982, 1984, 1987); Hope (1978); Kendrick & Porter (1973); Lundelius (1957, 1964); Marshall (1973); Merrilees (1979a); Morton & Baynes (1985); Simpson (1945); Smith (1977); Tedford (1966b); Thorne (1971). Leptosiagon --- see Macropus Litokoala: Aplin & Archer (1987); Archer (1977b, 1981a), Archer & Bartholomai (1978); Callen & Plane (1986); Mahoney & Ride (1975); Marshall (1981); Springer (1987); Stirton, Tedford & Woodburne (1967, 1968); Woodbume, Campbell et al. (1986); Woodbume, Tedford, Archer & Pledge (1987). Lyroderma Hand (1987). Macroderma: Archer (1981a); Archer & Brayshaw (1978); Hand (1985, 1987); Hand & Archer (1987); Hand, Dawson & Augee (1988); Lundelius (1957); Merrilees (1979a, 1984); Molnar et al, (1984); Simpson (1945); White (1967). Macropus (=Boriogale, Halmaturus, Leptosiagon, Megaleia, Osphranter, Phascolagus); Abbie (1937); Allen (1972); Anderson, C. (1926, 1929a, 1932); Anderson, W. (1889, 1914); Anon, (1916); Aplin (1981); Archer (1972, 1978d, 1981d); Archer & Bartholomai (1978); Archer & Brayshaw (1978); Archer & Wade (1976); Balme, Merrilees & Porter (1978); Bartholomai (1963, 1966, 1971a, 1972a, 1975, 1977, 1978a); Baynes (1984, 1987); Bennett (1878); Bowdler (1979); Broom (1896a, 1935); Butler (1969); Case (1985); Clarke (1878); Cook (1963a); Dawson & Flannery (1985); de Vis (1883a,c-e, 1895a, 1897, 1899a-b, 1907); Downie & White (1978); Dun (1893, 1900); Finlayson (1948, 1949); Flannery (1980, 1984); Flannery & Archer (1982, 1984); Flannery & Gott (1984); Flannery & Hann (1984); Flannery, Hoch & Aplin (1989); Flannery & Hope (1983); Flannery & Szalay (1982); Flower (1867); Gill (1953a-b, 1954a, 1957b, 1965, 1968, 1978); Gillespie et al. (1978); Glauert (1912b, 1921b, 1926); Godwin (1980); Goede & Murray (1979); Gorecki et al. (1984); Gorter (1977); Hand, Dawson & Augee (1988); Higgins & Petterd (1889); Hill, Playford & Woods (1970); Hope (1973a-b, 1978, 1982); Hope & Wilkinson (1984); Hope et al. (1977); Horton (1978, 1980, 1984); Horton & Connah (1981); Horton & Murray (1980); Howchin (1930), Huxley (1862); Johnston (1887); Jones (1931); Keast (1972); Kendrick & Porter (1973); Kreffft (1865, 1867, 1870, 1875b); Leach (1977); Longman (1924a-b, 1926, 1927); Lydekker (1887, 1891, 1895, 1896a); Lundelius & Tumbull (1989); McCoy (1862, 1874b, 1879); McIntyre & Hope (1978); MacFadden et al. (1987); Mahoney & Ride (1975); Marcus (1976); Marshall (1973, 1974, 1981); Marshall & Corruccini (1978); Merrilees (1968, 1979a-b, 1984); Murray (1984b); Murray & Goede (1977); Murray, Goede & Bada (1980); Owen (1843a-b, 1859c, 1870, 1871b, 1873, 1874a-b, 1876, 1877, 1882b, 1883b-c); Pledge (1974, 1980a-b, 1981, 1990); Porter (1979); Ride (1960, 1964, 1971); Ryder (1974); Scott (1905); Scott & Lord (1922a, 1924a); Simpson (1945); Spencer & Kershaw (1910); Stirling & Zietz (1899a); Stixton, Tedford & Woodburne (1968); Tate (1948); Tedford (1966b); Tedford & Wells (1990); Tedford, Williams & Wells (1986); Thome (1971); Turnbull, Lundelius & Tedford (1990); Vanderwal & Fullagar (1989); Wakefield (1964a-b, 1967b, 1974); Walcott (1920); Wells (1978); Wells, Moriarty & Williams (1984); White 1967); White & O'Connell (1979); Whitelaw (1989); Wilkinson,C.S. (1892); Wilkinson, H.E. (1972); Woodward (1914); Wright (1986). Macrotis (=Peragale, Thalacomys, Thylacomys): Abbie (1937); Archer (1981a); Archer & Bartholomai (1978); Baynes (1987); Glauert (1926); Keast (1972); Lundelius (1957); Lundelius & Turnbull (1981, 1989); Lydekker (1887); Marshall (1973, 1981); Merrilees (1967b, 1968); Morton & Baynes (1985); Pledge (1984); Simpson (1945); Tedford (1967a); Tedford & Wells (1990); Tedford, Williams & Wells (1986); Woodward, B. (1914). Madakoala: Aplin & Archer (1987); Tedford & Woodbume (1987); Springer (1987); Woodbume, Tedford, Archer & Pledge (1987) Mallomys: Gillieson & Mountain (1983) Marlu: Pledge (1987d); Woodbume, Tedford & Archer (1987) Mastacomys: Bowdler (1979); Drummond (1963); Gill (1968); Gillespie et al. (1978); Godwin (1980); Goede & Murray (1979); Hope (1973a-b, 1982); Hope et al. (1977); Mahoney & Ride (1975); Marshall (1974); Mulvaney (1961); Murray & Geode (1977); Murray, Goede & Bada (1980); Pledge (1990); Ride (1960); Simpson (1945); Thomas (1922); Wakefield (1960a, 1963, 1964b, 1967a-b, 1972a-b); Wells, Moriarty & Williams (1984). Megaleia --- see Macropus. Melomys: Baynes (1987); Godthelp (1990); Morton & Baynes (1985); Ryder (1974); Simpson (1945); White (1967); Wakefield (1967a, 1974). Meniscolophus: Archer (1981a); Archer & Bartholomai (1978); Bartholomai (1972a). Mahoney & Ride (1975); Marshall (1981); Stirton (1955, 19667b); Stirton, Tedford & Woodbume (1968); Stirton, Woodbume & Plane (1967); Tedford, Williams & Wells (1986); Woodbume (1967b, 1969). Mesembriomys: Archer & Brayshaw (1978); Baynes (1987); Kendrick & Porter (1973); Morton & Baynes (1985); Simpson (1945); White (1967). Microperoryctes: Archer (1981a, 1982a); Marshall (1981). Miniopterus: Drummond (1963); Simpson (1945); Wakefield (1967a, 1972b). Miralina: Tedford & Woodbume (1987); Woodbume, Pledge & Archer (1987) Muramura: Aplin & Archer (1987); Pledge (1987b) Murexia: Archer (1981a, 1982a); Archer & Bartholomai (1978). Marshall (1981). Mus: Baynes (1987); Drummond (1963); Higgins & Petterd (1889); Johnston (1887); Lundelius (1964); Simpson (1945); Smith (1977); Spencer & Kershaw (1910). Mylodon --- see Thylacoleo. AUSTRALIA'S MAMMALIAN RECORD - 1063 Myoictis: Archer (1981a, 1982a); Archer & Bartholomai (1978); Archer & Rich (1979); Hoch & Holm (1986); Marshall (1981). Myotis: Drummond (1963); Simpson (1945). Myrmecobius: Abbie (1937); Archer (198la, 1982 a-b); Bensley (1901); Hofer (1952); Keast (1972); Krefft (1874a); Lundelius & Turnbull (1978, 1989); Marshall (1981); Morton & Baynes (1985); Ride (1964); Simpson (1945); Tedford (1966b); Wakefield (1964). Nambaroo: Flannery & Rich (1986) Namilamadeta: Aplin & Archer (1987); Archer, Hand & Godthelp (1988); Hand & Archer (1987); Lester et al. (1988); Marshall (1981); Pledge (1987b); Rich & Archer (1979); Tedford & Woodburne (1987); Woodburne (1986) Woodburne, Campbell et al. (1986). Neohelos: Aplin (1987); Archer (1981a); Archer & Bartholomai (1978); Bartholomai (1972a); Callen & Plane (1986); Clemens & Plane (1974); Flannery, Archer, & Plane (1982); Jupp et al. (1989); Mahoney & Ride (1975); Marshall (1981); Murray (1984a); Pledge (1984); Quirk & Archer (1983); Rich, Archer & Tedford (1978); Stirton (1967c); Stirton, Tedford & Woodbume (1968); Stirton, Woodburne & Plane (1967); Woodburne (1967b, 1986); Woodburne, Campbell et al. (1986). Neophascogale: Archer (1981a, 1982a); Marshall (1981). Nimbacinus: Muirhead & Archer (1990). Ningaui: Morton & Baynes (1985) Ngapakaldia: Aplin & Archer (1987); Archer (1981a), Archer & Bartholomai (1978); Bartholomai (1972a); Callen & Plane (1986); Hand & Archer (1987); Hoch & Holm (1986); Lester et al. (1988); Mahoney & Ride (1975); Marshall (1981); Murray (1984a); Pledge (1984); Rich, T. (1981); Rich, Archer & Tedford (1978); Rich & Rich (1987); Rich & van Tets (1985); Stirton (1967a); Stirton, Tedford & Woodbume (1968); Stirton, Woodburne & Plane (1967); Tedford et al. (1975, 1977); Waters & Savage (1969); Woodbume (1967b, 1986); Woodburne, Campbell et al. (1986); Woodbume & Tedford (1975). Notelephas: Longman (1916); Mahoney & Ride (1975); Owen (1882c, 1883a). Notomys: Archer (1972, 1981a); Baynes (1982, 1984, 1987); Hope (1978); Kendrick & Porter (1973); Lundelius (1964); Marshall (1973); Merrilees (1979a, 1984); Morton & Baynes (1985); Simpson (1945); Smith (1977); Tedford (1966b); Tedford & Wells (1990); Thorne (1971); Wakefield (1964a). Notoryctes: Abbie (1937); Anderson (1925); Archer (1981a); Archer & Bartholomai (1978); Bensley (1901); Marshall (1981); Morton & Baynes (1985); Simpson (1945). Nototherium (see also Zygomaturus): Anderson, C. (1924a-b, 1933, 1937); Anderson, W. (1914); Anon. (1916); Archer (1981a); Archer & Bartholomai (1978), Archer & Wade (1976); Bartholomai (1972a, 1977); Bennett (1875, 1876); Case (1985); Clarke (1878); Cook (1963a); de Vis (1883a-b, 1887a-b, 1888a-b, 1889a, 1891a, 1895b, 1899a, 1907); Dun (1892, 1893, 1894); Etheridge (11918); Flannery, Mountain & Aplin (1982); Flower & Lydekker (1891); Gill (1953c, 1978); Gill & Banks (1956); Glauert (1912a-b, 1921a,1926); Guérin & Faure (1987); Guérin, Winslow, Piboule & Faure (1981); Hill, Playford & Woods (1970); Hope (1973b); Horton (1980, 1984); Horton & Murray (1980); Howchin (1930); Huxley (1862); Keast (1972); Keble (1945); Krefft (1865, 1866, 1870, 1872, 1874a, 1875b); Lester, Boyde, Gilkeson & Archer (1987); Longman (1916, 1921, 1924c, 1926); Lydekker (1887, 1890, 1896a); McCoy (1862, 1865b); Mahoney & Ride (1975); Marshall (1981); Murray (1984b); Murray & Goede (1977); Noetling (1912); Owen (1859a-c, 1866, 1870, 1871a-b, 1872a, 1874 a-b, 1876, 1877a-b, 1880, 1882a-b, 1884, 1889); Plane (1967a-b); Pledge (1973); Ride (1971); Scott (1912, 1915a-b, 1917, 1927); Scott & Harrison (1911); Scouw & Lord (1921a-d, 1922a-b, 1923a, 1924a-d, 1925a-b, 1926); Simpson (1945); Stirling (1900b); Stirton, Tedford & Woodburne (1968); Stirton, Woodbume & Plane (1967); Tedford (1966b); Tedford & Wells (1990); Tedford, Williams & Wells (1986); Whitley (1966); Woodbume (1967b); Woodward, B. (1909, 1910, 1914). Nyctophilus: Archer & Baynes (1972); Baynes (1987); Cook (1963a); Gill (1968); Pledge (1990); Simpson (1945); Wakefield (1963, 1967a, 1972b). Obdurodon: Archer (1981a); Archer & Bartholomai (1978); Archer, Every, Godthelp, Hand & Scally (1990); Archer, Plane & Pledge (1978); Callen & Plane (1986); Lester & Archer (1986); Lester, Boyde, Gilkeson & Archer (1987); Murray (1984a); Quirk & Archer (1983); Woodburne (1986); Woodbume, Campbell et al. (1986); Woodburne & Clemens (1986b-c); Woodbume & Tedford (1975). Onychogalea: Archer (1981la); Bartholomai (1972a); Baynes (1987); Dawson & Flannery (1985); Flannery & Hann (1984); Flannery, Hoch & Aplin (1989); Flannery & Szalay (1982); Hope (1978); Jones (1931); Lundelius & Tumbull (1989); Marshall (1973, 1981); Merrilees (1968, 1979a, 1984); Simpson (1945); Tedford (1966b); Tedford & Wells (1990); Wakefield (1964a-b, 1967b). Ornithorhynchus: Archer (1981a); Archer & Bartholomai (1978); Archer, Plane & Pledge (1978); de Vis (1885a-b); Dun (1895); Mahoney & Ride (1975); Murray (1978b); Simpson (1945); Woodbume & Clemens (1986c); Woodbume & Tedford (1975). Ornoryctes --- see Peroryctes. Osphranter --- see Macropus. Owenia --- see Euowenia. Pachysiagon --- see Procoptodon. Palaeopotorous: Flannery & Rich (1986) Palaeopteraurus -— sce Gymnobelideus. Paljara: Aplin & Archer (1987); Woodburne, Tedford & Archer (1987) Palorchestes: Anderson (1924a-b, 1933); Aplin & Archer (1987); Archer (1981a); Archer & Bartholomai (1978); Archer & Wade (1976); Banks, Colhoun & van de Geer (1976); Bartholomai (1962, 1963, 1972a, 1977, 1978b); Cudmore (1926); de Vis (1883a,c,e, 1895a); Dun (1893, 1894); Flannery (1983); Flannery & Archer (1984); Flannery & Gott (1984); Flannery & Hann (1984); Gill (1953b-c); Glauert (1912b, 1926); Hall & Pritchard (1897), Hill, Playford & Woods (1970); Hope (1973b, 1982); Horton (1980, 1984); Howchin (1930); Keast (1972); 1064 - RICH, ET AL. Lester et al. (1988); Longman (1924c); Lydekker (1887, 1895, 1896a); MacFadden et al. (1987); Mahoney & Ride (1975); Marshall (1981); Molnar (1978a); Murray (1978a, 1984a-b); Murray & Goede (1977); Owen (1873, 1874a, 1876, 1877a, 1879, 1880); Quirk & Archer (1983); Ramsay (1886a,c); Raven (1929); Raven & Gregory (1946); Rich, P. & van Tets (1985); Rich, T. (1981); Ride (1971); Scott (1916, 1917); Scou & Lord (1921c, 1925b); Simpson (1945); Stirton, Tedford & Woodburne (1968); Stirton, Woodbure & Plane (1967); Tate (1948); Tedford (1966b); Tedford, Williams & Wells (1986); Turnbull & Lundelius (1970); Wells (1978); Wells, Morisrty & Williams (1984); White & O'Connell (1979); Woodburne (1967a-b); Woodburne & Clemens (1986c); Woods (1958). Parantechinus: Archer (1982a); Keast (1972); Lundelius (1957); Lundelius & Tumbull (1978); Marshall (1981); Stirton, Tedford & Woodbume (1968); Van Dyck (1982). Peradorcas: Archer (1981a); Flannery (1983); Flannery & Szalay (1982); Marshall (1981); Simpson (1945). Peragale --- see Macrotis. Perameles: Abbie (1937); Archer (1972, 1978d, 1981a); Archer & Bartholomai (1978); Archer & Wade (1976); Balme, Merrilees & Porter (1978); Bartholomai (1977); Baynes (1982, 1987); Bensley (1901); Bowdler (1979); Broom (1896a); Burbidge & George (1978); Callen & Plane (1986); Case (1985); Drummond (1963), Flannery & Hope (1983); Freedman & Joffe (1967); Gill (1968); Glauert (1926); Gorter (1977); Hill, Playford & Woods (1970); Hope (1973a-b, 1978, 1982); Hope & Wilkinson (1984); Hope et al. (1977); Howchin (1930); Keast (1972); Kendrick & Porter (1973); Lundelius (1957); Lundelius & Tumbull (1981, 1989); Lydekker (1887); Mahoney & Ride (1975); Marshall (1973, 1974, 1981); Morton & Baynes (1985); Merrilees (1967b, 1968, 1979a, 1984); Murray & Goede (1977); Murray, Goede & Bada (1980); Owen (1877a) Partridge & Thome (1963); Pledge (1974, 1990); Porter (1979); Ride (1960); Ryder (1974), Simpson (1945), Smith (1972); Tedford (1966b); Thome (1971); Wakefield (1960a-b, 1963, 1964a-b, 1967a-b, 1972b, 1974); Wells, Moriarty & Williams (1984); Whitelaw (1989); Woodbume (1986); Woodward (1914). Perikoala: Aplin & Archer (1987); Archer (1981a); Archer & Bartholomai (1978); Callen & Plane (1986); Keast (1972); Mahoney & Ride (1975); Marshall (1981); Springer (1987); Stirton (1957a); Stirton, Tedford & Woodbume (1967, 1968); Tedford & Woodburne (1987); Tedford et al. (1977); Woodburne (1986); Woodburne, Campbell et al. (1986); Woodbume & Clemens (1986b); Woodburne, Tedford, Archer & Pledge (1987). Peroryctes (=Ornoryctes): Archer (1981a, 1982b); Archer & Bartholomai (1978); Callen & Plane (1986); Gillieson & Mountain (1983); Keast (1972); Marshall (1981); Simpson (1945); Stirton, Tedford & Woodbume (1968). Petauroides --- see Schinobates. Petaurus: Abbie (1937); Aplin (1981); Archer (1978d, 1981a); Broom (1895b, 1896a-b); Drummond (1963); Gillieson & Movntain (1983); Hope (1973a); Jones (1931); Marshall (1981); Pledge (1990); Ride (1960); Ryder (1974); Simpson (1945); Smith (1971); Turnbull, Rich & Lundelius (1987a); Wakefield (1960a-b, 1963, 1964b, 1967a-b, 1972a-b, 1974); Wells, Moriarty & Williams (1984); White (1967), Woodbume (1986). Petramops: Hand 1990. Petrogale: Aplin (1981); Archer (1981a); Archer & Brayshaw (1978); Bartholomai (1972a, 1978a); Baynes (1982, 1984, 1987); Clarke (1878); Dawson & Flannery (1985); Flannery (1980, 1983); Flannery, Hoch & Aplin (1989); Flannery & Szalay (1982); Hope (1973a); Jones (1931); Kendrick & Porter (1973); Krefft (1875b); Longman (19244); Lundelius & Tumbull (1989); Marshall (1973, 1981); Merrilees (1968, 1979b, 1984); Ride (1971); Simpson (1945); Wakefield (1964b, 1967a, 1972b, 1974); White (1967). Petropseudes -— see Pseudocheirus. Phalanger (=Phalangista): Archer (1981a); Archer & Bartholomai (1978); de Vis (1888c); Downie & White (1978); Flannery, Archer & Plane (1983); Flannery & Rich (1986); Gillieson & Mountain (1983); Higgins & Petterd (1889); Hooijer (1950, 1952); Johnston (1887); Jones (1931); Keast (1972); Krefft (1867); Mahoney & Ride (1975); Marshall (1981); Owen (1877a); Pledge (1984, 1986); Simpson (1945); Stirton (1957b); Stirton, Tedford & Woodburne (1968); Tedford et al. (1975); Turnbull & Lundelius (1970); Whitelaw (1989); Woodbume (1986); Woodbume & Clemens (1986b). Phalangista --- see Phalanger. Phascogale: Archer (1978d, 1981a, 1982a); Archer & Baynes (1972); Balme, Merrilees & Porter (1978); Baynes (1982, 1987); Bensley (1901); Broom (1896a); Drummond (1963).; Gorter (1977); Hope (1973a, 1982); Kendrick & Porter (1973); Longman (1924d); Lundelius (1957); Lundilius & Turnbull (1973, 1975, 1978, 1989); Marshall (1981); Merrilees (1979a, 1984); Morton & Baynes (1985); Owen (1871a); Pledge (1974, 1990); Porter (1979); Ride (1960); Simpson (1945); Smith & Medline (1982); Spencer & Kershaw (1910); Tedford (1966b); Wakefield (1960a-b, 1964b, 1967a-b, 1972b). Phascolagus -— see Macropus. Phascolarctos: Abbie (1937); Anderson (1932); Aplin (19981); Archer (1972, 1977b, 1981a); Archer & Bartholomai (1978); Balme, Merrilees & Porter (1978); Bartholomai (1968, 1977); Case (1985); Chapman (1934); de Vis (1889b); Frechkop 1965); Glauert (1910b, 1926); Hill, Playford & Woods (1970); Hope (1973a, 1982); Keast (1972); Longman (1921); Lundelius & Turnbull (1982, 1989); Mahoney & Ride (1975); Marshall (1973, 1981); Merrilees (1968, 1969, 1979a, 1984); Milham & Thompson (1976); Murray (1984b); Owen (1871a-b, 1882a, 1883b); Pledge (1974, 1981, 1986, 1987a, 1990); Rich (1986); Rich & Archer (1979); Rich, Archer & Tedford (1978); Scott & Lord (1922a, 1925a); Simpson (1945); Tedford (1966b); Tedford & Wells (1990); Wakefield (1967b); Wells, Moriarty & Williams (1984); Woodward (1910, 1914). Phascolomis -— sce Vombatus. Phascolomys (see also Lasiorhinus & Vombatus): Abbie (1937); Anderson, C. (1924a); Anderson, W. (1914); Anon. (191b); Bensley (1903); Dawson (1981, 1983a-b); de Vis (1883b, 1886, 1891b, 1897, 1899b, 1907); Frechkop (1930); Gill (1972); Glauert (1910b, 1912b, 1914, 192l1a, 1926); Higgins & Petterd (1889); Howchin (1930); Johnston (1887); Krefft (1865, 1870); Longman (1917, 1921, 1926b-d, 1926); Lydekker (1887, 1890); McCoy (1862, 1874b, 1879, 1882); Mahoney & Ride (1975); Merrilees (1967a, 1969); Murie (1866); Murray (1984b); Owen (1839, 1840, 1871b, 1872a-d, 1874a, 1877a, 1882a-b, 1886, 1887a); Ramsay (1886a-b); AUSTRALIA'S MAMMALIAN RECORD - 1065 Scott (1917); Scott & Lord (1921b, 1922a); Simpson (1945); Spencer & Kershaw (1910); Stirling (1893, 1900b); Stirling & Zietz (1899a-b); Wakefield (1964b); Walcott (1920); Wilkinson (1892); Woodward (1910, 1914). Phascolonus (= Sceparmodon): Aplin & Archer (1987); Archer (198la); Archer & Bartholomai (1978), Archer & Wade (1976); Bartholomai (1977); Dawson (1981, 1983a); de Vis (1891la-c, 1893a); Dun (1892, 1894); Flannery (1984); Flannery & Archer (1984); Flannery & Hope (1983); Glauvert (1912b, 1921b, 1926); Gorter & Nicoll (1978); Hill, Playford & Woods (1970)., Hope (1973b, 1978); Hope & Wilkinson (1984); Horton (1978, 1984); Horton & Connah (1981); Keast (1972); Leach (1977); Longman (1924b-c, 1926); Lydekker (1887, 1890, 1896a); McNamara (1990); Marcus (1976); Mahoney & Ride (1975); Marshall (1973, 1981); Merrilees (1968); Murray (1984a-b); Murray & Goede (1977); Owen (1877a, 1884, 1889); Partridge & Thome (1963); Quirk & Archer (1983); Ramsay (1881, 1886b); Ride (1967, 1971); Scott (1915b, 1917); Scott & Lord (1921c, 1925b); Simpson (1945); Stephenson (1964); Stirling (1900b); Stirling & Zietz (1899b); Tedford, Williams & Wells (1986); Wells (1978); Whitelaw (1989); Woodward, B.H. (1909). Phascolosorex: Archer (1981a, 1982a); Marshall (1981). Pildra: Pledge (1987d); Tumbull, Rich & Lundelius (1987b); Woodbume, Tedford & Archer (1987) Pilkiptldra: Archer, Tedford & Rich (1987) Pipistrellus: Simpson (1945); Wakefield (1967a, 1972b). Pitikantia: Archer (198la); Archer & Bartholomai (1978); Bartholomai (1972a); Callen & Plane (1986); Mahoney & Ride (1975); Marshall (1981); Rich & Rich (1987); Stirton (1967a); Stirton, Tedford & Woodbume (1967); Stirton, Woodbume & Plane (1967); Woodburne (1967b, 1986); Woodburne, Campbell et al. (1986). Plaisiodom: Archer (1981a); Archer & Bartholomai (1978); Flannery & Plane (1986); Hand & Archer (1987); Mahoney & Ride (1975); Marshall (1981); Murray (1984a); Rich, Archer & Tedford (1978); Stirton, Tedford & Woodbume (1968); Stirton, Woodbume & Plane (1967); Woodburne (1967a-b, 1969). Planigale: Archer (1976a, 1981a, 1982a-b)., Archer & Bartholomai (1978); Archer & Rich (1979); Lundelius & Turnbull (1973, 1989); Marshall (1981); Morton & Baynes (1985); Simpson (1945); Smith & Medlin (1982). Plectodon --- see Thylacoleo. Pogonomys: Godthelp (1990). Potorous (=Hypsiprymnus): Abbie (1937); Aplin (1981); Archer (1972, 1979, 1981a); Archer & Baynes (1972); Balme (1980); Balme, Merrilees & Porter (1978); Bartholomai (1972a, 1977); Bowdler (1979); Broom (1895, 1896a-b); Butler & Merrilees (1971); Case (1985); Clarke (1878); Cook (1963a); Drummond (1963); Finlayson (1938); Flannery, Archer & Plane (1983, 1984); Flannery & Szalay (1982); Gill (1968); Glauert (1926); Godwin (1980); Gorter (1977); Hill, Playford & Woods (1970); Hope (1973a-b, 1982); Hope et al. (1977); Johnston (1887); Kendrick & Porter (1973); Krefft (1865); Lundelius (1957); Lundelius & Tumbull (1984, 1989); Mahoney (1964); Mahoney & Ride (1975); Marshall (1981); Merrilees (1968, 1979a-b, 1984); Murray & Goede (1977); Pledge (1974, 1990); Porter (1979); Ride (1960, 1971); Ryder (1974); Simpson (1945); Smith (1971, 1972); Spencer & Kershaw (1910); Wakefield (1960a-b, 1963, 1964a-b, 1967a-b, 1972b, 1974); Wells, Moriarty & Williams (1984); Whitelaw (1989); Woodbume (1984). Prionotemnus: Archer (1981a); Archer & Bartholomai (1978); Bartholomai (1975); Dawson & Flannery (1980, 1985); Flannery & Archer (1982); Flannery, Hoch & Aplin (1989); Flannery, Mountain & Aplin (1982); Flannery & Szalay (1982); Hill, Playford & Woods (1970); Mahoney & Ride (1975); Marshall (1981); Sanson (1978); Stirton (1955); Stirton, Tedford & Woodbume (1968); Tedford, Williams & Wells (1986); Woodbume et al. (1986). Priscaleo: Aplin & Archer (1987); Murray, Wells & Plane (1987); Rauscher (1987) Prochaerus --- see Thylacoleo. Procoptodon (=Pachysiagon): Anderson (1932, 1933); Archer (1978d, 1981a); Archer & Bartholomai (1978); Archer & Wade (1976); Bartholomai (1963,1970, 1972a, 1977); Bennett (1878); Case (1985); Clarke (1878); Dawson & Flannery (1985); de Vis (1883c, 1899b); Dun (1893, 1900); Flannery (1983); Flannery & Archer (1983); Flannery & Hope (1983); Flannery & Szalay (1982); Gill (1953a-b, 1965); Glauert (1910a, 1912b); Gorecki et al. (1984); Hand & Archer (1987); Hand, Dawson & Augee (1988); Hill, Playford & Woods (1970); Hope (1978); Hope, Dare-Edwards & MclIntyre (1983); Horton (1978, 1980, 1984); Horton & Connah (1981); Howchin (1930); Keast (1972); Leach (1977); Longman (1924c),; Lydekker (1887, 1890. 1891, 1895. 1896a); McCoy (1879); McIntyre & Hope (1978); Mahoney & Ride (1975); Marshall (1973, 1976, 1981); Merrilees (1968); Merrilees & Ride (1965); Murray (1984a-b); Owen (1873, 1874b, 1876, 1877a-b, 1880); Quirk & Archer (1983); Pledge (1973, 1990); Ride (1959a, 1971); Sanson (1978); Scott (1906, 1916); Scott & Lord (1921c); Simpson (1945); Stirton & Marcus (1966); Tate (1948); Tedford (1966b); Tedford & Wells (1990); Tedford, Williams & Wells (1986); Wells (1975, 1978); Wells, Moriarty & Williams (1984); White & O'Connell (1979); Wright (1986). Propalorchestes: Murray (1986). Propleopus (=Triclis): Anderson (1933); Archer (1979, 1981a); Archer & Bartholomai (1978); Archer, Bartholomai & Marshall (1978); Archer & Flannery (1985); Bartholomai (1972a-b); Case (1984, 1985); de Vis (1888c); Flannery (1983); Flannery & Archer (1984); Flannery, Archer & Plane (1984); Flannery & Szalay (1982); Gillespie et al. (1978); Hand & Archer (1987); Hope (1978); Horton (1984); Horton & Connah (1981); Hill, Playford & Woods (1970); Keast (1972); Longman (1924b-c); Lydekker (1896a); Mahoney & Ride (1975); Marshall (1981); Merrilees (1968); Murray (1984a-b); Murray, Wells & Plane (1987); Pledge (1981, 1990); Raven (1929); Rich & van Tets (1985); Ride (1971); Simpson (1945); Stirton, Tedford & Woodburne (1968); Tedford (1966b); Tedford, Williams & Wells (1986); Woodbure (1984); Woods (1960b). Protemnodon: Archer (1978d, 1981a); Archer & Bartholomai (1963, 1978); Archer & Wade (1976); Balme, Merrilees & Porter (1978); Bartholomai (1972a, 1973, 1977, 1978a); Case (1985); Cook (19634); Dawson & Flannery (1985); de Vis (1883, 1888b); Dun (1893); Finlayson (1948); Flannery (1980, 81983, 1984); Flannery & Archer (1983, 1984); Flannery, Archer & Plane (1984); Flannery & Gott (1984); Flannery & Hann (1984); Flannery, Hoch & Aplin (1989); Flannery & Hope (1983), Flannery, Mountain & Aplin (1982); Flannery & Szalay (1982); Gillespie et al. (1978); Gillieson & Mountain (1983); Glauert (1910a); Goede & Murray (1979); Gorecki et al. (1984); Gorter & Nicoll (1978); Hand, Dawson & Augee (1988); Hill, Playford & Woods (1970); Hoch & 1066 - RICH, ET AL. Holm (1986); Hope (1973b, 1978, 1982); Hope & Wilkinson (1984); Horton (1978, 1980), Horton (1984); Horton & Connah (1981); Horton & Wright (1981); Howchin (1930); Krefft (1875b); Leach (1977); Lester et al. (1988); Lundelius & Tumbull (1989); Lydekker (1896a); Mahoney & Ride (1975); MacFadden et al. (1987); Marcus (1976); Marshall (1973, 1974, 1981); Merrilees (1968, 19792, 1984); Milham & Thompson (1976); Mountain (1981); Murray (19782, 1984a-b); Murray & Goede (1977); Owen (1874a-b, 1876, 1877a-b, 1887a); Plane (1965, 1967b, 1971); Pledge (1974, 1990); Raven & Gregory (1946); Ride (1962a, 1971); Ryder (1974), Sanson (1978); Scott & Lord (1921c, 1924a); Simpson (1945); Stirton, Tedford & Woodbume (1968); Tedford (1966b); Tedford & Wells (1990); Tedford, Williams & Wells (1986); Turnbull, Lundelius & Tedford (1990); Vanderwal & Fullagar (1989); Wakefield (1964b, 1967b); Wells, Moriarty & Williams (1984); White & O'Connell (1979); Whitelaw (1989); Wilkinson, C.S. (1892); Wilkinson, H.E. (1972); Wright (1986). Pseudantechinus: Archer (1982a-b); Marshall (1981); Van Dyck (1982). Pseudocheirus (=Petropseudes, Pseudocheirops): Aplin (1981); Archer (1977b, 1978d, 1981a); Archer & Bartholomai (1978); Archer & Baynes (1972); Archer, Hand & Godthelp (1988); Baynes (1987); Bowdler (1979); Broom (1896a); Butler (1969); Callen & Plane (1986); Case (1985); de Vis (1889b); Drummond (1963); Flannery & Hann (1984); Flannery & Rich (1986); Gill (1968); Gillieson & Mountain (1983); Godwin (1980); Glauert (1926); Goede & Murray (1979); Hope (1973a-b, 1982); Keast (1972); Lundelius (1957); Lundelius & Turnbull (1982, 1989); Lydekker (1887); MacFadden et al. (1987); Mahoney & Ride (1975); Marshall (1981); Merrilees (1968, 1979a-b, 1984); Mulvaney (1961); Murray & Goede (1977); Pledge (1974, 1990); Porter (1979); Rich, Archer & Tedford (1978); Ride (1960); Roe (1971); Ryder (1974); Simpson (1945); Smith (1971); Spencer & Kershaw (1910); Stirton, Tedford & Woodbume (1968); Tumbull & Lundelius (1970); Tumbull, Rich & Lundelius (1987b); Wakefield (1960a-b, 1963, 1964a-b, 1967a-b, 1972b, 1974); Wells, Moriarty & Williams (1984); White (1967); Whitelaw (1989); Woodburne (1986); Woodburne ef al. (1986). Pseudochirops (see also Pseudocheirus): Archer, Hand & Godthelp (1988) Pseudokoala: Archer (1981a); Archer & Bartholomai (1978); Marshall (1981); Pledge (1987d); Tumbull & Lundelius (1970); Tumbull, Rich & Lundelius (1987b). Pseudomys (=Leggadina, Thetomys): Aplin (1981); Archer (1972, 1981a); Archer & Baynes (1972); Baynes (1982, 1984, 1987); Bowdler (1979); Drummond (1963); Gill (1968); Godthelp (1990); Godwin (1980); Hand & Archer (1987); Hope (1973a-b, 1978, 1982); Hope & Wilkinson (1984); Hope et al. (1977); Kendrick & Porter (1973); Lundelius (1957, 1964); McNamara (1990); Marshall (1973, 1974); Merrilees (1979a, 1984); Morton & Baynes (1985); Murray & Goede (1977); Pledge (1990); Porter (1979); Roe (1971); Ride (1960); Simpson (1945); Smith (1977); Tedford & Wells (1990); Thorne (1971); Wakefield (1960b, 1963, 1964a-b, 1967a-b, 1972a-b); Wells, Moriarty & Williams (1984).Whitelaw (1989). Pteropus: Aplin (1981); Archer & Brayshaw (1978); Simpson (1945); Wakefield (1974); White (1967). Purtia: Callen & Plane (1986); Case (1984); Flannery & Archer (1987c); Flannery, Archer & Plane (1984); Woodbume (1986). Pyramios: Aplin (1987); Archer (1981a); Archer & Bartholomai (1978); Bartholomai (1972a); Mahoney & Ride (1975); Marshall (1981); Murray (1984a); Stirton, Tedford & Woodbume (1968); Stirton, Woodburne,.& Plane (1967); Woodbume (1967a-b, 1969). Raemeotherium: Callen & Plane (1986); Flannery & Plane (1986); Marshall (1981); Rich, Archer & Tedford (1978); Rich & Rich (1987); Woodbume (1986). Ramsayia: Dawson (1981, 1983a); Flannery & Hope (1983); Hope & Wilkinson (1984); Horton (1984); Murray (1984b). Rattus: Allen (1972); Aplin (1981); Archer (1981a); Archer & Bartholomai (1978); Archer & Baynes (1972); Baynes (1982, 1984, 1987); Bowdler (1979); Cook (1963a); Downie & White (1978); Drummond (1963); Gill (1968); Godthelp (1990); Godwin (1980); Hope (1973a-b, 1978, 1982); Hope & Wilkinson (1984); Hope ef al. (1977); Kendrick & Porter (1973); Lundelius (1964); McNamara (1990); Marshall (1973); Merrilees (1979a, 1984); Morton & Baynes (1985); Mulvaney (1961); Murray & Goede (1977), Pledge (1974, 1990); Porter (1979); Simpson (1945); Smith (1977); Tedford (1966b); Tedford, Williams & Wells (1986); Wakefield (1960b, 1963, 1964a-b, 1967a-b, 1972a-b, 1974); Wells, Moriarty & Williams (1984); White (1967). Rhinolophus: Archer (1981a); Drummond (1963); Simpson (1945); Wakefield (1967a, 1972b). Rhinoycteris: Sigé, Hand & Archer (1982). Rhizophascolonus: Archer (1981a); Archer & Bartholomai (1978); Callen & Plane (1986); Hope & Wilkinson (1984); Mahoney & Ride (1975); Marshall (1981); Stirton, Tedford & Woodburne (1967, 1968); Woodburne, Campbell et al. (1986). Rhinomeles: Archer (1981a, 1982a). Saccolaimus Hand (1987). Sarcophilus: Abbie (1937); Anderson, C. (1924a); Anon, (1871); Archer (1978d, 1981a, 1982a-b); Archer & Bartholomai (1978); Archer & Baynes (1972); Archer & Wade (1976); Bartholomai (1977); Bartholomai & Marshall (1973); Baynes (1987); Bowdler (1974, 1979); Butler (1969); Calaby & White (1967); Cook (1963a-b); Crabb (1982); Dawson (1982a); de Vis (1883d, 1893b); Douglas, Kendrick & Merrilees (1966); Flannery & Gott (1984); Flannery & Hope (1983); Flood (1973); Gill (1953a, 1965, 1968); Gillespie et al. (1978); Glauert (1912b, 1914, 1926); Goede & Murray (1979); Hill, Playford & Woods (1970); Hope (1973a-b, 1978, 1982); Hope, Dare-Edwards & McIntyre (1983); Hope & Wilkinson (1984); Hope et al. (1977); Horton (1980, 1984); Horton & Connah (1981); Horton & Wright (1981); Howchin (1930); Keast (1972), Krefft (1865); Longman (1924c-d),; Lundelius (1966); Lundelius & Tumbull (1978, 1989); Lydekker (1887, 1896a)., McCoy (1882); MacIntosh (1971); McIntyre & Hope (1978). Mahoney & Ride (1975); Marshall (1973, 1974, 1981); Marshall & Corruccini (1977); Merrilees (1967b, 1968, 1969, 1979a-b, 1984); Milham & Thompson (1976); Murray (1984b); Murray & Goede (1977); Owen (1859c, 1871a, 1877a); Pledge (1974, 1990); Porter (1979); Ride (1964); Simpson (1945); Smith (1972); Sobbe (1990); Tedford (1966b); Tedford, Williams & Wells (1986); Thorne (1971); Tedford & Wells (1990); Wakefield (1964a-b, 1967a-b, 1972b); Walcott (1920); Wells, Moriarty & Williams (1984); White (1967), Wilkinson (1978). AUSTRALIA'S MAMMALIAN RECORD - 1067 Satanellus: Archer (1981a, 1982a); Simpson (1945); White (1967). Schinobates (=Petauroides): Aplin (1981); Archer (198la); Archer & Bartholomai (1978); Bensley (1901); Drummond (1963); Hand, Dawson & Augee (1988); Hope (1982); Jones (1931); Marshall (1981); Ryder (1974); Simpson (1945); Tumbull, Rich & Lundelius (1987b); Wakefield (1960a-b, 1967a, 1972a-b, 1974). Schizodon -— see Thylacoleo. Scoteinus: Simpson (1945); Wakefield (1963, 1967a, 1972a-b, 1974). Setonix: Archer (1972, 1979, 1981a); Archer & Baynes (1972); Balme, Merrilees & Porter (1978); Bartholomai (1972a); Butler (1969); Cook (1963a); Dawson & Flannery (1985); Flannery (1983); Flannery & Hann (1984); Flannery & Rich (1986); Flannery & Szalay (1982); Glauert (1926); Marshall (1981); Merrilees (1968, 1979a-b, 1984); Porter (1979); Ride (1971); Simpson (1945); Tedford (1966b). Simoprosopus --- see Zygomaturus. Simosthenurus: Flannery (1983); Flannery & Archer (1983, 1984); Flannery & Gott (1984); Flannery & Hope (1983); Flannery & Pledge (1987); Lundelius & Tumbull (1989); Mahoney & Ride (1975); Marcus (1976); Marshall (1981); Murray (1984a); Pledge (1980b, 1981, 1990); Rich & van Tets (1985); Tedford (1966a); Tedford & Wells (1990); Wells (1978), Sminthopsis: Abbie (1937); Archer (1978d, 1981a, 1982a-b); Archer & Baynes (1972); Archer & Rich (1979); Balme, Merrilees & Porter (1978)., Baynes (1982, 1984, 1987); Bensley (1901); Burbidge & George (1978); Drummond (1963); Gill (1968); Gorter (1977); Hand & Archer (1987); Hope (1973a, 1982); Hope & Wilkinson (1984); Hope et al. (1977); Kendrick & Porter (1973); Lundelius (1957); Lundelius & Turnbull (1975); Marshall (1981); Merrilees (1979a, 1984); Morton & Baynes (1985); Murray & Goede (1977); Pledge (1974, 1990); Porter (1979); Roe (1971); Simpson (1945); Smith (1972, 1977); Smith & Medline (1982); Tedford (1966b); Thome (1971); Wakefield (1963, 1964a-b, 1967a-b, 1972b); Wells, Moriarty & Williams (1984). Steropodon: Archer, Every, Godthelp, Hand & Scally (1990); Archer, Flannery, Ritchie & Molnar (1985); Hand & Archer (1987); Kielan-Jaworowska, Crompton & Jenkins (1987), Rich, Flannery & Archer (1989). Sthenomerus: de Vis (1883a, 1888b, 1891a); Mahoney & Ride (1975); Marshall (1981); Scott & Lord (1921a,c); Simpson (1945). Sthenurus: Anderson (1932, 1933); Archer (1972, 1978d, 1981a); Archer & Bartholomai (1978); Balme, Merrilees & Porter (1978); Bartholomai (1963, 1966, 1972a, 1977, 1978a); Case (1985); Clarke (1878); Cook (1963a); Cudmore (1926); Dawson & Flannery (1985); de Vis (1883c,¢, 1899a-b); Dulhunty, Flannery & Mahoney (1984); Dun (1893); Flannery (1983); Flannery & Archer (1983); Flannery & Gott (1984); Flannery & Hope (1983); Flannery & Szalay (1982); Flood (1973); Gill (1953c); Gillespie et al. (1978); Glauert (1909, 1910a-b, 1912b, 1926); Goede & Murray (1979); Gorecki ef al. (1984); Hand, Dawson & Augee (1988); Hill, Playford & Woods (1970); Hope (1973a-b, 1978, 1982); Hope, Dare-Edwards & McIntyre (1983); Hope & Wilkinson (1984); Hope et al. (1977); Horton (1980, 1984); Horton & Connah (1981); Horton & Wright (1981); Howchin (1930); Keast (1972); Longman (1924c, 1926); Lundelius (1963); Lundelius & Tumbull (1989); Lydekker (1887, 1895, 1896a); Mahoney & Ride (1975); McCoy (1879); Marcus (1976); Marshall (1973, 1981); Merrilees (1965, 1967c, 1968, 1969, 1979a-b, 1984); Milham & Thompson (1976); Murray (1978a, 1984a-b); Murray & Goede (1977); Owen (1874a-b, 1876, 1877a-b, 1887a); Pledge (1974, 1980b, 1981, 1990); Raven (1929); Raven & Gregory (1946); Ride (1971); Sanson (1978); Scott (1917); Scott & Lord (1925b); Simpson (1945); Stirton (1957b); Stirton, Tedford & Woodbume (1968); Tate (1948); Tedford (1966a-b); Tedford & Wells (1990); Tedford, Williams & Wells (1986); Vanderwal & Fullagar (1989); Wakefield (1967b, 1972); Wells (1975, 1978); Wells, Horton & Rogers (1982); Wells, Moriarty & Williams (1984); Wells & Murray (1979); White & O'Connell (1979); Whitelaw (1989); Woodward, B. (1909, 1910, 1914); Wright (1986). Strigocuscus: Archer, Hand & Godthelp (1988); Flannery & Archer (1987a); Flannery, Archer & Maynes (1987); Flannery, Tumbull, Rich & Lundelius (1987). Sus: Allen (1972); Pledge (1980b); Simpson (1945). Synaptodon: de Vis (1895a); Dawson & Flannery (1985); Mahoney & Ride (1975); Marshall (1975); Simpson (1945). Tachyglossus (see also Echidna): Archer (1981a); Baynes (1987); Gill (1968); Glauert (1910b, 1914); Hope (1973b, 1982); Merrilees (1979a, 1984); Murray (1978b, 1984a); Murray & Goede (1977); Pledge (1974); Ride (1960); Ryder (1974); Spencer & Kershaw (1910); Tedford (1966b); Wakefield (1974); Woodward, B. (1914). Tadarida: Simpson (1945); Wakefield (1967a, 1972b). Tarsipes: Archer (1972, 1981a); Balme, Merrilees & Porter (1978); Marshall (1981); Merrilees (1979a); Porter (1979); Simpson (1945). Thalacomys --- sec Macrotis. Thetomys --- see Pseudomys. Thylacinus: Abbie (1937); Anderson (1924a, 1925, 1929b); Anon. (1871); Archer (1971, 1974, 1978d, 1981a, 1982a-b); Archer & Bartholomai (1978); Archer & Dawson (1982); Balme, Merrilees & Porter (1978); Bartholomai (1977); Baynes (1987); Bennett (1876); Bensley (1901, 1903); Bowdler (1974, 1979); Broom (1896a); Clemens (1977); Cook (1963a-b); de Vis (1893b, 1899b, 1900); Etheridge (1892); Flannery & Hann (1984); Flannery & Hope (1983); Flannery, Mountain & Aplin (1982); Flood (1973); Gill (1965, 1968); Gillespie et al. (1978); Gillieson & Mountain (1983); Glauert (1914, 1921a, 1926); Gorter (1977); Graves (1958); Gregory (1929); Hand, Dawson & Augee (1988); Hill, Playford & Woods (1970), Hoch & Holm (1986); Hope (1973b, 1978, 1982); Horton (1980); Horton & Wright (1981); Howchin (1930); Howlett (1960); Keast (1972); Krefft (1865, 1867); Kendrick & Porter (1973); Longman (1921, 1924c-d); Lundelius (1966); Lundelius & Tumbull (1978, 1989); Lydekker (1887, 1896a); MacFadden et al. (1987); Mahoney & Ride (1975); Marcus (1976); Marshall (1973, 1974, 1977b, 1981); Merrilees (1967b, 1968, 1979a-b, 1984); Milham & Thompson (1976); Muirhead & Archer (1990); Murray (1984a); Murray & Goede (1977); Owen (1871a, 1877a, 1883c); Partridge & Thome (1963); Plane (1976); Pledge (1973, 1980b, 1981, 1990); Quirk & Archer (1983); Ride (1959b, 1960, 1964); Simpson (1945); Smith (1972); Stirton, Tedford & Woodburne (1968); Tate (1947); Tedford (1966b); Wan Deusen (1963); Wakefield (1964a-b, 1967b, 1972b); Wells, Moriarty & Williams (1984); Woodbume (1967b). 1068 - RICH, ET AL. Thylacis --- see Isoodon. Thylacoleo (=Mylodon, Plectodon, Prochaerus, Schizodon, Thylacopardus): Abbie (1941); Aplin (1987); Anderson, C. (1924a-b, 1929a-b, 1933); Anderson, W. (1888); Anon. (1887, 1916); Aplin & Archer (1987); Archer (198 1a, 1982b); Archer & Bartholomai (1978); Archer & Dawson (1982); Archer & Flannery (1985); Archer & Rich (1982); Archer & Wade (1976); Bartholomai (1962, 1963, 1977); Bensley (1903); Broom (1898); Case (1985); Clarke (1878); Clemens & Plane (1974); Daily (1960); de Vis (1883d, 1886, 1888b, 1899a-b, 1900); Drummond (1963); Etheridge (1918); Finch (1971, 1982); Finch & Freedom (1982); Flannery & Archer (1984); Flannery & Gott (1984); Flannery & Hope (1983); Flower (1868); Gill (1953a-b, 1954c, 1957c, 1963, 1965, 1973a, 1978); Glauert (1912b, 1926); Gregory (1929); Hand, Dawson & Augee (1988); Hope (1973b, 1978, 1982); Hope & Wilkinson (1984); Horton (1979, 1980, 1984); Horton & Connah (1981); Horton & Wright (1981); Howchin (1930); Keast (1972); Krefft (1866, 1870, 1872, 1874a, 1875b); Lane & Richards (1963); Leach (1977); Lindsay (1966); Longman (1916, 1924b-d, 1926); Lundelius (1966); Lundelius & Turnbull (1978, 1989); Lydekker (1887, 1895, 1896a); McCoy (1865b, 1876a, 1879); Mahoney & Ride (1975); Marcus (1976); Marshall (1973, 1974, 1981); Megirian (1986); Merrilees (1967b, 1968, 1969, 1979a, 1984); Murray (1978a, 1984a-b); Murray & Goede (1977); Murray, Wells & Plane (1987); Owen (1859c, 1866, 1870, 1871a, 1872a, 1874a, 1877a-b, 1883a-d, 1884, 1887a-b, 1889); Quirk & Archer (1983); Partridge & Thorne (1963); Pledge (1973, 1977, 1981, 1990); Rauscher (1987); Rich & van Tets (1985); Scott & Lord (1921b-c, 1922b, 1924b); Simpson (1945); Smith (1972); Stirling (1900b); Stirton, Tedford & Woodbume (1968); Tedford (1966b); Tedford & Wells (1990); Tedford, Williams & Wells (1986); Vanderwal & Fullagar (1989); Wakefield (1967b, 1972a); Wells, (1975); Wells, Horton & Rogers (1982); Wells, Moriarty & Williams (1984); Wells & Nichol (1977); White & O'Connell (1979); Wilkinson (1972); Woods (1956b); Wright (1986). Thylacomys --- see Macrotis. Thylacopardus --- see Thylacoleo. Thylogale: Aplin (1981); Archer (1981a); Archer & Wade (1976); Bartholomai (1972a, 1977); Bowdler (1979); Dawson & Flannery (1985); Downie & White (1978); Flannery (1983); Flannery & Hann (1984); Flannery, Hoch & Aplin (1989); Flannery, Mountain & Aplin (1982); Flannery & Szalay (1982); Gill (1968); Gillespie et al. (1978); Gillieson & Mountain (1983); Godwin (1980); Goede & Murray (1979); Gorter (1977); Hope (1973b); Horton & Murray (1980); Marshall (1981); Mulvaney (1961); Murray & Goede (1977); Murray, Goede & Bada (1980); Ride (1971); Ryder (1974); Simpson (1945); Stirton, Tedford & Woodbume (1968); Turnbull & Lundelius (1970); Wakefield (1964a-b, 1967b, 1974); Woodburne (1986). Trichosurus: Abbie (1937); Aplin (1981); Archer (1981a); Archer & Bartholomai (1978); Archer & Baynes (1972); Archer & Brayshaw (1978); Archer & Rich (1982); Baynes (1984, 1987); Bensley (1901); Bowdler (1979); Broom (1895, 1296a); Case (1985); Drummond (1963); Flannery & Archer (1987a); Flannery, Archer & Maynes (1987); Flannery, Archer & Plane (1983); Flannery & Rich (1986); Flannery, Tumbull, Rich & Lundelius (1987); Gill (1953c, 1957b, 1968); Glauert (1926); Godwin (1980); Gorecki et al, (1984); Hope (1973a-b, 1978); Hope & Wilkinson (1984); Hope et al. (1977); Horton & Connah (1981); Jones (931); Keast (1972); Kendrick & Porter (1973); Longman (1924b); Lundelius & Tumbull (1982, 1989); Marshall (1981); Merrilees (1968, 1979a-b, 1984); Mulvaney (1961); Murray & Goede (1977); Pledge (1974, 1980b, 1986, 1990); Porter (1979); Rich & Archer (1979); Roe (1971); Ryder (1974); Scott & Lord (1925a); Simpson (1945); Stirton, Tedford & Woodbume (1968); Tedford (1966b); Tedford & Wells (1990); Tedford, Williams & Wells (1986); Turnbull & Lundelius (1970); Wakefield (1960a, 1964a-b, 1967a-b, 1972a-b, 1974); White (1967); Woodburme (1986); Woodburme & Clemens (1986b) Triclis --- see Propleopus. Troposodon: Archer (1981a); Archer & Bartholomai (1978); Bartholomai (1967, 1972a, 1978a); Campbell (1973); Dawson & Flannery (1985); Flannery (1983); Flannery & Archer (1982, 1983, 1984); Flannery & Szalay (1982); Hill, Playford & Woods (1970); Mahoney & Ride (1975); Marshall (1981); Murray (1984); Quirk & Archer (1983); Sanson (1978); Tedford, Williams & Wells (1986); Tumbull, Lundelius & Tedford (1990); Tedford & Wells (1990); Whitelaw (1989); Woodburne et al, (1986). Uromys: Gillieson & Mountain (1983); Godthelp (1990). Vombatus (=Phascolomis) (see also Phascolonus): Aplin (1981); Archer (1972, 1978d, 1981a); Archer & Bartholomai (1978); Balme, Merrilees & Porter (1978); Bartholomai (1977); Bowdler (1979); Case (1985); Dawson (1983a-b); Flannery & Hope (1983); Gill (1953a-c, 1972); Gillespie et al. (1978); Goede & Murray (1979); Hope (1973a-b, 1982); Hope & Wilkinson (1984); Horton & Connah (1981); Keast (1972); Marcus (1976); Marshall (1973, 1974, 1981); Merrilees (1967a, 1968, 1979a, 1984); Murray (1984b); Pledge (1990); Scott & Lord (1925a); Simpson (1945); Tedford (1966b); Tedford, Williams & Wells (1986); Tumbull, Lundelius & Tedford (1990); Wakefield (1967b); Wells, Moriarty & Williams (1984); Whitelaw (1989); Wilkinson (1978). Wabularoo: Archer (1979, 1981a); Flannery, Archer & Plane (1983, 1984); Flannery & Rich (1986); Marshall (1981); Quirk & Archer (1983); Pledge (1984); Woodburne (1984). Wakaleo: Aplin (1987); Aplin & Archer (1987); Archer (1981a); Archer & Bartholomai (1978); Archer & Dawson (1982); Archer & Rich (1982); Callen & Plane (1986); Clemens & Plane (1974); Finch (1982); Finch & Freedman (1982); Flannery, Archer & Plane (1983); Hand & Archer (1987); Marshall (1981); Megirian (1986); Murray (1984a); Murray, Wells & Plane (1987); Rauscher (1987); Woodburne (1986); Woodbume, Campbell et al. (1986). Wakamatha: Archer (1981a, 1982a); Archer & Rich (1979); Marshall (1981). Wakiewakie: Archer, Hand & Godthelp (1988); Callen & Plane (1986); Case (1984); Flannery & Archer (1987c); Flannery, Archer & Plane (1984); Godthelp, Archer, Hand & Plane (1989);Woodburne (1984, 1986) Wallabia: Aplin (1981); Archer (1981a); Archer & Bartholomai (1978); Archer & Brayshaw (1978); Bartholomai (1972a, 1976); Case (1985); Flannery & Archer (1983); Flannery & Hann (1984); Flannery, Hoch & Aplin (1989); Flannery & Szalay (1982); Gill (1968); Gorecki ef al. (1984); Gorter (1977); Hand, Dawson & Augee (1988); Hope (1973a, AUSTRALIA'S MAMMALIAN RECORD - 1069 1982); Horton (1984); Marshall (1973, 1981); Merrilees (1968, 1979a); Murray (1984b); Pledge (1990); Ride (1971); Simpson (1945); Stirton, Tedford & Woodburne (1968); Tedford (1966b); | Tedford, Williams & Wells (1986); Wakefield (1967b, 1974); Wells, Moriarty & Williams (1984); White (1967); Whitelaw (1989); Woodbume (1984). Warendja: Aplin & Archer (1987); Dawson (1983b); Flannery & Pledge (1987); Hope & Wilkinson (1984) Watutia: Flannery, Hoch & Aplin (1989). Wynyardia: Abbie (1937, 1941); Anderson (1925, 1933); Aplin (1987); Aplin & Archer (1987); Archer (1981a); Archer & Bartholomai (1978); Bensley (1903); Chapman (1941); Clemens (1977); Gill (1953c, 1954b, 1957b); Gregory (1929); Haight & Murray (1981); Hofer (1952);. Keast (1972); Jones (1931), Longman (1921, 1924c, 1926); Mahoney & Ride (1975); Marshall (1981), Murray (1984a); Pledge (1987b); Rich & Archer (1979); Rich & van Tets (1985); Ride (1964); Sera (1942); Simpson (1945); Spencer (1901); Stirton, Tedford & Woodburne (1968); Tedford et al. (1977); Wood Jones (1931); Woods (1962). Wyulda: Flannery, Archer & Plane (1983). Xeromys: Morton & Baynes (1985) Yalkaparidon: Archer, Hand & Godthelp (1988); Hand & Archer (1987); Lester, Archer, Gilkeson, & Rich (1988). Yingabalanara: Archer, Every, Godthelp, Hand & Scally (1990). Zaglossus (see also Echidna): Archer (1981a); Archer & Bartholomai (1978); Flannery & Hann (1984); Gillieson & Mountain (1983); Glauert (1914, 1926); Hope (1973b); Horton (1984); Howchin (1930); Keast (1972); MacFadden et al. (1987); Mahoney & Ride (1975); Merrilees (1979a, 1984); Murray (1976, 1978a-b, 1984a-b); Murray & Goede (1977); Quirk & Archer (1983); Pledge (1980a, 1990); Scott & Lord (1922c, 1924a,c); Simpson (1945); Tedford (1966b); Wells, Moriarty & Williams (1984). Zygomaturus (=Simoprosopus) (see also Nototherium): Anderson, C. (1933); Anon. (1916); Archer (1978d, 1981a); Archer & Bartholomai (1978); Archer & Wade (1976); Bartholomai (1972a); Bertrand (1986); Clemens & Plane (1974); de Vis (1888a-b, 1889a, 1891a, 1895b, 1907); Dun (1894); Flannery & Gott (1984); Flannery & Hann (1984); Flannery & Hope (1983); Flannery & Plane (1986); Glauert (1912a); Goede & Murray (1979); Guérin & Faure (1987); Guérin, Winslow, Piboule & Faure (1981); Hardjasasmita (1985); Hill, Playford & Woods (1970); Hope (1973b, 1982); Hope & Wilkinson (1984); Horton (1984); Huxley (1862); Keast (1972); Krefft (1872, 1874a); Lester et al. (1988); Longman (1916, 1921); MacFadden et al. (1987); Mahoney & Ride (1975); Marcus (1976); Marshall (1973, 1974, 1981); Merrilees (1968, 1979a, 1984); Murray (1978a, 1984b); Murray & Goede (1977); Owen (1859a-b 1882a); Pledge (1974, 1990): Quirk & Archer (1983); Rich, Fortelius, Rich & Hooijer (1987); Ride (1971); Scott & Lord (1921la-c); Simpson (1945); Stirton (1967b); Stirton, Tedford & Woodbume (1968); Tedford & Wells (1990); Tedford, Williams & Wells (1986); Stirton, Woodbume & Plane (1967); Wakefield (1967b); Tumbull, Lundelius & Tedford (1990); Wells (1975, 1978); Wells, Moriarty & Williams (1984); White & O'Connell (1979); Whitelaw (1989); Whitley (1966); Woodburne (1967b, 1969); Wright (1986); Wyrwoll & Dortch (1978). Zyzomys: Hand & Archer (1987); Kendrick & Porter (1973); Morton & Baynes (1985); Simpson (1945); White (1967). PLATES Plate 1. A, /laria illumidens, occlusal view of right 1]-M3. x 1.5; B, Djilgaringa gillespiei, a pilkilpildrid, occlusal view of right P3-Ms5, x 10. Drawn by Airi Bennett. Plate 2. Upper dentitions of mega- and microchiropterans. Nyctymene major (megachiropteran): A, upper dentition; B, lower dentition; x 4. Rhinolophus ferrum-equinum (microchiropteran): C, upper dentition; D, lower dentition; x 9.6. [After Miller 1907]. 1070 - RICH, ET AL. PLATE 1 PLATE 2 CHAPTER 24 THE PLEISTOCENE MEGAFAUNA OF AUSTRALIA Peter Murray! PAL OUICHOR A jo Picsvesisenmietiatseceistaidaonks 1072 Family Thylacoleonidae............ 1107 The Megafauna Concept.............:eeceeeee 1073 Family Potoroidae...............06+ 1111 What is Megafauna...............cceeee 1073 Family Macropodidae............... 1111 Late Pleistocene Australian Pleistocene Faunas.............cccccceeeeeeeees 1125 Mee af aiittissicccaceieescor seve nsvenaes 1073 Palaecobiology............:scccescseeceeceeeenees 1128 How Big Were They?............csccescees 1074 Defining a Megafauna Community ..1128 Estimation of Body Size................. 1074 The Significance of Body Weights ... 1129 Relative Megafauna...................6666 1075 Pattern of Speciation..................05 1131 Non-Mammalian Megafauna........... 1076 Dwarfing.............ccsseccsssceescceseeeees 1131 Evolution, Morphology and Systematics 1077 Predator Diversity ...............ceeeeeeees 1133 PVE ONY 0 iiectaye ese lankaaackinceb neds 1077 Behaviour and Intelligence.............. 1133 Morphology and Systematics.......... 1083 Locomotor Behaviout............... 1133 Species of Australian Pleistocene Brain SiZe...........ceceeceee eee eeee ees 1137 ME DAEAUIA, vncevecesspscicerstevsoevcns 1088 Intelligence ............ccceeeeee seco ees 1138 Order Monotremata.............cesseeeee 1088 Defensive Structures and Family Tachyglossidae ............. 1088 Morphological Order Dasyuromorphia .................. 1090 Differentiation .................5066 1140 Family Dasyuridae..................- 1090 Reprodtnsta ne «cs cgiexcpsa'voceeargonienes gen 1141 Order Diprotodontia................:.006 1094 Concluding Remarks...............:cceeeseeees 1141 Family Phascolarctidae............. 1994. SUMMMALy’s,.001..0.05-covecessesccdecceuvensop eee 1143 Family Vombatidae................. 1096. References oo ocisducitaiaes ee ieetieaetee betes 1144 Family Diprotodontidae ............ TOSS Appendix t ..0.cccscepessseeseressderesemeareegtes 1150 Family Palorchestidae............... LTOG: Plates BA's co.3. cseeeeee senna dees tates ease ensss 1159 a 1 Spencer & Gillen Museum, GP.O. Box 2109, Alice Springs, Northern Territory 0871, Australia. 1072 - MURRAY INTRODUCTION This chapter is primarily intended to serve as an introduction to the morphology and systematics of the larger extinct mammals of the Late Pleistocene - the marsupials and monotremes often referred to as the Australian "megafauna". It briefly summarizes the Tertiary record and includes a few technical notes for those who wish to pursue the systematic aspects of Quaternary mammalogy. It is aimed primarily at Quaternary specialists whose principle interest is other than marsupial palaeontology and vertebrate palaeontologists who require a summary of the somewhat disparate literature. Because the element of controversy is often ignored or sometimes is not known to cross-disciplinary researchers, I have attempted to delineate a few of these areas, Large vertebrates other than mammals are important elements of the megafauna and although they are also included in the chapters on birds and reptiles in this book, a consideration of the community palaeontology of the Late Pleistocene of Australia cannot be made without reference to them. While excellent textbooks on Quaternary mammals are available for North America (Kurten & Anderson 1980) and Europe (Kurten 1968) no comparable contemporary work exists for Australia. Consequently, Richard Owen's rare (1877) two volume work has long filled this gap, and tired though it is, it is unlikely that any modern mode of publication will ever surpass the large, detailed and wonderfully rendered lithographic illustrations it contains, nor has Owen's text been entirely drained of its insights. A consideration of the Australian megafauna would be incomplete without a discussion of the cause or causes of their extinction. Because space is limited in a book chapter, I have discussed the problem in terms of the palaeobiological information presented here rather than attempt a comprehensive review. This should be read as a particular argument. Numerous reviews of the subject have been published, for example, Horton (1979, 1980), Hope (1978) and Merrillees (1968a, b). A knowledge of the current systematics of the taxa is considered essential as is some basic anatomical information, necessary to interpret the text and illustrations. For further reading on the history of the subject, marsupial anatomy and systematics, I recommend Archer & Clayton (1984) which complements this and other chapters of Vertebrate Palaeontology of Australia (this volume). In its broadest and most convenient sense, the idea of a Pleistocene "megafauna" denotes a conspicuous element of a Quaternary mammalian community dominated by large animals, of which many genera and species became extinct sometime prior to the Holocene. In part, the notion of a megafauna is a product of contrast with the Holocene faunas, which appear to be dominated by smaller genera and species. In Australia, at least, there is also an apparent gradual trend in increased body size from the late Palaeogene, culminating in the Late Pleistocene. However, the impression that Pleistocene mammals were exceptionally gigantic is not an entirely accurate or an especially useful frame of reference for understanding this marked transition from Quatemary to modern faunas. The magnitude of body size differences are more relative than absolute, although the factor of absolute body size is obviously important and the categorization of a megafauna, albeit unruly, is valid enough. Thus, while this chapter emphasizes the morphology of the larger vertebrates of the Australian Pleistocene, the underlying theme is an attempt to understand the significance of large body size and certain morphological specializations in the Quaternary extinction of Australian marsupials. Numerous papers have been written on the subject of Pleistocene extinctions in Australia nominating various causal agencies - hunting and ecological disruption by aboriginal man, climatic change, epidemic diseases and even psychological stress (Gill 1955a, b, Jones 1968, Merrilees 1968a,b, Balme et al. 1978, Gillespie et al. 1978, Hope 1978, Main 1978, Archer et al. 1980, Martin 1984). However splendidly detailed these arguments are, their explanatory powers are no better than the implicit understanding of the biology of the animals in question. PLEISTOCENE MEGAFAUNA - 1073 Ironically, the most magnificent species of the Australian megafauna, Diprotodon spp. and Zygomaturus spp. are among the least understood and not entirely due to a lack of effort, for as Stirton (1955) observed, Diprotodon is the most-often mentioned genus in the literature. Data tables discussed in this article are to be found in Appendix I, at the end of the text. THE MEGAFAUNA CONCEPT WHAT IS THE MEGAFAUNA? The term megafauna is nothing more than a convenient reference applied primarily to the large, extinct vertebrates of the Pleistocene. It has also been applied to invertebrate fauna in a more specific usage by marine ecologists. I prefer to use the term operationally, redefining the term to suit the circumstances of its usage. The flexible megafauna concept is used in three different ways in this chapter. In the “absolute” sense, megafauna refers to Australian mammals weighing 40 kg or more in contrast to the "relative" usage in which an extinct Pleistocene species attained a significantly larger size than a closely allied form, even though the relatively large animal may have weighed less than the designated absolute criterion, A third usage is based on the concept of scaling (Schmidt-Neilsen 1984) in which the body sizes of a community of animals are considered in an ecophysiological context. This approach attempts to compare the body sizes attained by continental and island faunas by examining the many factors that control animal body size. Even though the notion of megafauna differs greatly among scientists, it is generally agreed that North America, South America, Eurasia, Africa, Australia and some islands each supported a megafauna community and that a major extinction phenomenon resulted in the extirpation of the larger taxa at various times in the late Quaternary or Recent, leaving faunas with significantly fewer large-bodied vertebrates (Martin & Wright 1967, Martin & Klein 1984). Australia was one of the most severely affected of the continental faunas in that no mammal greater than about 60 kg in weight survived among the living fauna encountered by the Europeans. More than 40 species of megafauna became extinct in Australia, although the majority of these are not found in every site (Martin & Murray 1983, Murray 1984). The fossil taxa differ from one site to another due to the agencies of preservation, nature of the community sampled at the site, geographic differences and time period. In the southeastern and southwestern portions of Australia there is a fairly typical megafaunal assemblage that provides 4 convenient introduction to the constituents of the Late Pleistocene megafaunal community. LATE PLEISTOCENE AUSTRALIAN MEGAFAUNA A typical Pleistocene mammalian community from the temperate portions of Australia about fifty-thousand years ago consisted of the genera Zaglossus (Tachyglossidae), long-beaked echidnas: the Marsupial Lion Thylacoleo (Thylacoleonidae); giant wombats Phascolonus and Ramsayia (Vombatidae); Palorchestes, the Marsupial Tapir (Palorchestidae); Diprotodon (Diprotodontidae); Zygomaturus, (Diprotodontidae); Nototherium (Diprotodontidae); the giant potorooid Propleopus (Potoroidae); giant wallabies, Protemnodon (Macropodidae); short-faced kangaroos Simosthenurus, Sthenurus and Procoptodon (Macropodidae) and some exceptionally 1074 - MURRAY Figure I. Reconstructions of Australian megafauna drawn to scale: 1, Sarcophilus laniarius, 15 kg; 2, Zaglossus hacketti,, 20 kg; 3, Zaglossus ramsayi, 10 kg; 4, Megalania prisca, 1,000 kg; 5, Zygomaturus trilobus, 450 kg; 6, Diprotodon optatum, 1150 kg; 7, Thylacoleo carnifex, 45 kg; 8, Palorchestes azeal 300 kg; 9, Phascolonus gigas, 150 kg; 10, Procoptodon goliah, 120 kg; 11, Macropus titan, 85 kg; 12, Protemnodon anak, 50 kg; 13, Simosthenurus occidentalis, 50 kg; 14, Sthenurus atlas, 50 kg; 15, Propleopus oscillans, 45 kg; (see text). Estimated weights are the average for each species; Thylacinus cynocephalus (unnumbered) serves as scale). large species or subspecific morphs of the living genus Macropus (Macropodidae) (Fig. 1). Large Pleistocene forms of other extant genera include the giant Tasmanian devil, Sarcophilus laniarius (Dasyuridae) a large swamp wallaby, Wallabia vishnu (=bicolor) and, for example, local morphs of the Rednecked or Rufous Wallaby Macropus rufogriseus (Macropodidae). In some localities, certain extant species, especially macropodine kangaroos, are the dominant element in the fauna, with the megafauna in the background. In such assemblages, the very large species (>100 kg) tend to be comparatively uncommon and incomplete, represented by isolated teeth and robust postcranial fragments. There are many notable exceptions that relate io the taphonomy, the type of community sampled and the geological age of each site (Douglas et al. 1966, Behrensmeyer & Hill 1980, Brain 1980, Horton & Murray 1980). For example, many individuals of Diprotodon have been recovered from Lake Callabonna in South Australia (Tedford 1973). The majority of these factors are explained in detail in the chapter on taphonomy (by Baird in this volume). Typical megafaunal assemblages, best known from cave sediments, present in the following approximate categories of relative abundance: tachyglossid monotremes, uncommon; large dasyurids, common; thylacinids, uncommon; thylacoleonids, uncommon; giant vombatids, uncommon; palorchestids, very rare; large diprotodontids, uncommon; giant potorooids, rare; giant wallabies, common; sthenurine macropodid kangaroos, common; large macropodine kangaroo morphs or subspecies, common; extant medium-sized macropodine species, very common. Many Pleistocene cave deposits contain an excellent representation of smaller, extant mammalian species, which give a more accurate indication of the type of communitics than the extinct megafaunal elements associated with them. HOW BIG WERE THEY? ESTIMATION OF BODY SIZE. In order to define megafauna in the absolute sense - on the basis of body mass, it is necessary to estimate the body weight of each species, particularly those forms thought to be near the designated rubicon. Most continental faunas, those of North America, Eurasia and Africa in particular, retain many closely related, although somewhat smaller living forms, PLEISTOCENE MEGAFAUNA - 1075 which can serve as a basis for estimation of body weight of similar extinct species. The extinct Cave Lion, Panthera spelaeus, is very similar in form, but larger than, the living African Lion, P. leo. A satisfactory estimation of the weight of a Cave Lion can be extrapolated directly from a regression of African Lion proportions. In the case of Australia, there are many extinct marsupial species which have no closely related living counterparts. However, it is known that the average relationship of body mass to body length for all living mammals is P=0.025 L3 (Jerison 1973). By omitting small mammals from the regression (those under 5 kg) a slightly heavier average of P=0.035 L3 with an identical slope closely approximates the weights of living male marsupial species given in Strahan (1983) and means for the range of body weights of larger mammals given by Walker (1968). Single significant figure estimations of Australian extinct marsupial body weights extrapolated from these regressions are considered to be average adult male body weights from which, where there is evidence of marked sexual dimorphism, weight of much smaller females can be extrapolated. A general observation is that the Australian Pleistocene megafauna had fewer species of very large animals than North America, Eurasia or Africa and that no Australian marsupial species attained the truly gigantic proportions of the largest placental mammals (proboscidians, edentates, hippopotamids, rhinocerotids) of those continents. The largest Australian marsupial, Diprotodon optatum, probably weighed about 1 metric ton, equivalent to a Javan rhino, although there is a great deal of variation in body size in these diprotodontids and a maximum weight of up to 2 metric tons might have been attained by some individuals. Zygomaturine and nototheriine diprotodontids, although massive, barrel-shaped mammals probably weighed about one-half of a metric ton. The giant wombat, Phascolonus gigas, probably weighed less than 200 kg; the giant kangaroos up to 150 kg, about three times heavier than the average males of the largest living species of Macropus. Although the magnitude of estimated weights of the Australian megafauna are not unusual in comparison to other continental faunas, the contrasts between the surviving larger Australian marsupial body sizes and those attained by the extinct Pleistocene forms are rather remarkable. The ecological and evolutionary significance of these and other observations on body size will be considered further on. RELATIVE MEGAFAUNA. Certain smaller-bodied genera had species or morphs that also became extinct during the Pleistocene. Among these are the giant Tasmanian Devil, the long-beaked echidnas and large- bodied subspecies of living macropodid genera, sometimes considered separate species on the basis of larger body size alone. These forms ranged from 20% to as much as 50% heavier than 1076 - MURRAY vombatids _ large living macropodids 3044 living marsupials “ ™ | @ living placentals 4 extinct . marsupials Sthenurus Macropus ; = 4)" Simosthenurus, Sthenurus e aad T A Thylacoleo, Propleopus) a Ae ae 2.0 1.0 Head-body length (m) 10 25 50 100 Figure 2. Method of weight estimation based on W = PL?- A regression line based entirely on living mammals > 5 kg results in a predictive coefficient of P = 0.035; snout - rump lengths of restored megafaunal species are placed in relation to the regression line with + 10% adjustment on either side, made on the basis of living analogs and skeletal proportions of the fossils. (The regression was plotted independently of the megafauna, admittedly an educated guess, but at least educated!). their living counterparts (Marshall & Corrucini 1978) and are considered a part of the megafauna extinction phenomenon regardless of their absolute size or their persistence ("dwarfing") after the Pleistocene as a smaller morph. The relative megafauna includes vertebrates that weighed from about 10-15 kg (Zaglossus, Sarcophilus) to as much as 100 kg in the case of Macropus titan, the Giant Grey Kangaroo and Macropus cooperi, the Giant Euro. NON-MAMMALIAN MEGAFAUNA. The estimated weights of the avian and reptilian megafauna species are arrived at in the same manner as those for mammals. The raw figures obtained from the body lengths of these forms are not entirely satisfactory because of the proportional elongation of the body in reptiles (especially snakes) and birds show a foreshortened affect which results in an underestimation of the weight of the giant flightless species. The giant varanid, Megalania prisca, may have attained a nose to tail length of over 6 m (Fig. 2). By analogy with similarly proportioned Crocodylus porosus, Megalania could have attained weights approaching a metric ton. Living komodo dragons (Varanus komodoensis) grow to just under 3 m in length, and although they are very impressive when viewed in their habitat, such specimens weigh no more than 40-50 kg (Auffenberg 1980). Perhaps an adjusted, but still prodigious, estimate of half to one-third of the calculated weight of Megalania should be kept in mind. Miolania, the homed turtle, of which several species are known, probably weighed between 50-200 kg. Giant flightless birds of the family Dromornithidae are among the largest known birds. Some Miocene species (Dromornis stirtoni) have massive limb bones that supported a short, deep, obviously heavy PLEISTOCENE MEGAFAUNA - 1077 suids ursids equids cervids camelids bovids erhing tapirids e 208 e A N, a) | © «eo? e © ee F 2 a/P zygomaturines, nototheriines | A Palorchestes ; Phascolonus todon 200 500 1000 Weight (kg) body and weights of over 300 kg have been postulated (Rich & Balouet 1984). Genyornis newtoni was not as massive as some of the Tertiary species and may have weighed under 200 kg, but perhaps it was significantly more massive than the calculated >100 kg (Ostrich-sized). Pleistocene crocodylids are poorly known and are assumed to follow proportions similar to those of living Australian Crocodylus species. Quinkana appears to have been a small freshwater crocodile attaining lengths of under 3 m and an estimated weight of 50 kg. Pallimnarchus and perhaps Baru were closer to the proportions of C. porosus (Molnar 1982, P. Willis, pers. comm.). Obtaining accurate estimations of the body weights of the extinct megafauna is obviously very difficult, but the implications of body size in ecology and physiology may prove to be important for understanding the factors underlying Pleistocene extinction in Australia (Main 1978). An algorithmic basis of estimation such as W = PL3 (weight is proportional to length cubed) is an improvement over guessing or the use of unspecified criteria such as "20% larger than..." where it is not made clear whether a linear or an exponential relationship is implied. EVOLUTION, MORPHOLOGY AND SYSTEMATICS PHYLOGENY The evolution of Pleistocene vertebrate communities and the phylogeny of its constituents are essential to understanding the phenomenon of Pleistocene extinction from a biological point of view. Until recently this broader perspective played a lesser role because few Tertiary faunas had been described and because of a focus on interdisciplinary approaches emphasizing prehistory, geomorphology, palaeoclimatology and other Quaternary specializations. Early to Late Miocene faunas from South Australia, the Northern Territory and Queensland are sufficiently well known to allow some speculations on the evolution of the distinctive Pleistocene communities (Stirton et al. 1967, Archer & Bartholomai 1978, Archer 1078 - MURRAY 1984,Woodburne et al. 1985). Fossil quarries in the dry lake beds of the Simpson Desert of South Australia contain some of the earliest representatives of the most conspicuous megafauna taxa, the Diprotodontidae. This family, which contains the largest of all of the marsupial species (Diprotodon), is represented by comparatively small and very generalized Miocene genera that appear to have begun to differentiate into their respective subfamilial groups by the end of the Oligocene. The genera Ngapakaldia and Pitikantia share features with the marsupial tapirs (Propalorchestes and Palorchestes) as well as with the zygomaturines. An Figure 3. Proposed phylogeny of the marsupial tapirs (Palorchestidae) A, Propalorchestes novaculacephalus (mid-Miocene); B, Palorchestes painei (Late Miocene); C, Palorchestes azeal (Late Pleistocene). Note gradual increase in size over approximately twelve million years. PLEISTOCENE MEGAFAUNA - 1079 Early to mid-Miocene Diprotodon ancestor is unknown, although it probably shared a generalized ancestor with the zygomaturines. Primitive zygomaturine or zygomaturine-like forms, such as Nimbadon from the Carl Creek Limestone of the Northern Territory and Bematherium from an unnamed formation at Riversleigh, Queensland represent continuations of plesiomorphic diprotodontid lineages that radiated earlier in the Palaeogene. A small, primitive marsupial tapir-like form (Propalorchestes) (Fig. 3) was already present in the late part of the mid-Miocene, as were advanced zygomaturines such as Neohelos tirarensis, which were probably ancestral to the Plio-Pliestocene genus Zygomaturus (Fig. 4). These small (approximately sheep-sized) forerunners to the Pleistocene megafauna appear to have lived in tropical rainforest habitats in association with many species of phalangeroid possums that inhabited trees and scrub emarginating, crocodile-infested streams and lakes, Potorooid-like kangaroos were the dominant macropodoids. Some primitive forms retained the second premolar rather than losing it after the eruption of the large blade-like third premolar. This strange radiation included the remote relatives of the Pleistocene giant musk-rat kangaroo, Propleopus, among which also arose Ektadelta, a lineage of extinct carnivorous kangaroos. Few of these early Neogene mammals attained large body sizes, among the largest perhaps being the cow-sized /laria (Ilariidae). Neohelos tirarensis shows a gradual trend of body size increase from the presumbly earlier Tirari Local Fauna of South Australia to the older D Site faunas at Riversleigh, Queensland. In the later mid-Miocene, represented by the Bullock Creek Local Fauna in the Northern Territory, Neohelos tirarensis attains much larger sizes anticipating the earliest marsupial megafauna known in Australia from the Late Miocene at Alcoota, Northern Territory. As in the Pleistocene faunas, larger mammalian carnivorous species are few. The two mid- Miocene genera of marsupial lions are also small. Priscileo was no larger than a cuscus, and Wakaleo was about the size of a dingo (Fig. 5). The thylacinids were represented by a form no larger than a fox. The largest carnivores were freshwater crocodiles, such as Baru, which may have been more terrestrial than the living saltwater crocodile. The 12 million year old Bullock Creek Local Fauna may represent the last phase of continuous wet tropics in the interior of the continent. By the Late Miocene, perhaps 4-5 million years later, there is evidence of episodic and severe droughts in central Australia where the fossil remains of at least five genera of large diprotodontids appear to have succumbed to waterhole tethering. This may have been a direct consequence of climatic changes due to the gradual northward drift of the continent, which by Late Miocene or Early Pliocene times had reached a position near where it lies today. The Alcoota Local Fauna contains many more very large species than any preceding fauna, certainly rivalling, if not surpassing, the Pleistocene megafauna in terms of the number of mammalian genera weighing over about 300 kg. Plaisiodon centralis was probably as large as the Pleistocene Zygomaturus trilobus (Fig. 4), and the diprotodontine Pyramios alcootaensis, an early relative of Diprotodon, was nearly as large (Fig. 6). The Alcoota palorchestid, Palorchestes painei was considerably larger than the mid-Miocene marsupial tapir Propalorchestes. Interesting is the appearance at that time of the first macropodid kangaroos, including the genera Protemnodon and Sthenurus. Dorcopsoides and Hadronomus, two common Alcoota kangaroo genera, appear to be very primitive macropodid kangaroos having features transitional with potoroids. Large carnivores continue to be rare in the Late Miocene. Thylacinus potens was slightly larger than the Recent species T. cynocephalus. The marsupial lion Wakaleo alcootaensis was slightly larger than W. vanderleuert from the Bullock Creek Local Fauna. At least three species of dromornithid birds were present, among them the huge Dromornis stirtoni. Large freshwater crocodiles were common, and the giant varanid, Megalania is represented. The significance of the Alcoota assemblage is that many of the features of the Pleistocene megafauna are clearly recognizable some eight million years earlier, presumably for similar reasons. The community structure consisting of few mammalian carnivores and several genera of large-bodied bulk feeding browsers in the company of giant 1080 - MURRAY A Figure 4. Phylogeny of zygomaturine diprotodontids: A, Neohelos tirarensis, (mid-Miocene;, B, Kolopsis torus, Late Miocene; C, Zygomaturus trilobus, Late Pleistocene, cranial outlines suggest a simple anisometric transform progressing from low and elongated to deep and deflected in the cranial base. giant birds, crocodiles and the giant varanid Megalania was established long before the Pleistocene, in response to the reduction of forest cover and concommitant increase in savanna grassland. The Pleistocene megafauna appears to be a culmination of this trend in which the number of large browsing specialists becomes reduced to a few very large genera and species accompanied by radiations of grazing forms (macropodids) that are only beginning to appear in the Late Miocene. PLEISTOCENE MEGAFAUNA - 1081 Figure 5. Phylogeny of marsupial lions (Thylacoleonidae): A, Priscileo pitikantensis, (late-mid-Miocene); Wakaleo vanderleueri, (Late Miocene);Thylacoleo carnifex, (Late Pleistocene). The family shows a general increase in size through the later Tertiary. (After Owen 1877, Rauscher 1987, Murray ef al. 1987). The mid- to Late Pliocene is represented in several localities. Perhaps the most complete of these assemblages is the Chinchilla Local Fauna of Darling Downs Queensland. This fauna contains many forms transitional between the Alcoota Local Fauna and the characteristic Pleistocene megafauna. A remarkable feature of the Chinchilla is the appearance of highly specialized, gigantic diprotodontids such as Euryzygoma and Zygomaturus and a proliferation of the macropodid kangaroo genera and species that were faintly indicated in the background of the Alcoota assemblage. A large marsupial lion, Thylacoleo crassidens, was about the same size as but slightly more primitive than the Pleistocene marsupial lion, Thylacoleo carnifex. The Chinchilla palorchestid, Palorchestes parvus, is larger than its Late Miocene predecessor, Palorchestes painei, but smaller than Palorchestes azeal, the typical Pleistocene form. Chinchilla probably represents an open riverine community surrounded by wooded grasslands. Nearly all of the genera known from the Pleistocene were already present at Chinchilla, with the transition to the typical Pleistocene fauna being principally one of species succession. In fact, the faunal transition from the Late Pliocene to the Early to mid-Pleistocene is only 1082 - MURRAY scarcely evident. Certain localities in South Australia are thought to represent Early Pleistocene faunas because they contain some characteristic Pliocene species along with Figure 6. Phylogeny of diprotodontine diprotodontids: A, Pyramios alcootense (Late Miocene); Euryzygoma dunenese, (early -Middle Pliocene); C, Diprotodon sp., (Pleistocene). (Woodburne 1967, after Archer & Bartholomai 1978, Archer 1984). some typical Pleistocene forms (Williams 1980). It is unlikely that a faunal definition of the Plio-Pleistocene boundary of the sort employed by palaeontologists in Eurasia and Africa will prove satisfactory in Australia, principally because the Australian fauna is confined biogeographically. The available information seems to indicate that the distinctive Late Pleistocene megafauna of Australia is largely an expression of a general trend of aridification of the continent that PLEISTOCENE MEGAFAUNA - 1083 becomes evident in the Late Miocene. Until the later part of the mid-Miocene, the mammalian fauna contained few large, and absolutely no gigantic, species, possibly because they were adapted to practically continuous temperate and tropical rainforest habitats. The increase in body size among diprotodontids and early macropodids was apparently in reponse to more open habitats, presumably in association with the invasion of savanna grasslands. Initially, these habitats recruited a large number of specialist genera of the megafauna type, perhaps in relation to rich ecotonal environments. As this deteriorated into greater habitat uniformity, the number of large genera was reduced in favour of fewer generalized, bulk feeding genera that underwent selection for even greater body size in response to the lower per unit nutritional quality of the browse. Simultaneously, as the habitats favoured grazing and distance efficient locomotion, the macropodid kangaroos radiated rapidly in the Late Miocene and Early Pliocene. Because of their locomotor efficiency, specialist macropodid browsers, such as sthenurine kangaroos filled some of the vacant niches of the waning diprotodontid specialist browsers. Even the highly specialized, selective feeding browser Palorchestes shows an interesting trend towards increased body size and higher crowned molars over a period of about twelve million years. The palaeontological record implies that the Pleistocene megafauna was highly evolved and finely adjusted to the conditions under which it was living in the Late Pleistocene and that the habitat changes which shaped this community were for the most part gradual until about forty- thousand years ago. Hope (1982) has already provided an excellent review of the development of aridity in relation to the Australian Cainozoic faunas. MORPHOLOGY AND SYSTEMATICS. The extreme diversity of the megafauna assemblage presents an unwieldy collection for morphological and systematic treatment. Consequently, only the broader aspects of the topic will be introduced. Additional systematic and morphological data are presented with the introduction to individual taxa. Readers should refer to the systematic accounts elsewhere (e.g. Marshall 1984) and in other chapters of this book in order to supplement the piecemeal quality of megafauna systematics. The classification used here is abridged from Aplin & Archer (1987). CLASS MAMMALIA SUBCLASS THERIA ORDER MONOTREMATA SUPERLEGION Incertae Sedis Family Tachyglossidae SUPERCOHORT MARSUPIALIA ORDER DAS YUROMORPHIA Family Thylacinidae Family Dasyuridae ORDER DIPROTODONTIA SUBORDER VOMBATIFORMES INFRAORDER PHASCOLARCTOMORPHIA Family Phascolarctidae INFRAORDER VOMBATOMORPHIA Family Diprotodontidae* Family Palorchestidae* Family Vombatidae Family Thylacoleonidae* SUBORDER PHALANGERIDA SUPERFAMILY MACROPODOIDEA Family Potoroidae 1084 - MURRAY Family Macropodidae *extinct forms Fossil and Recent morphological evidence indicates that the monotremes are closer to the therian mammals than was generally believed. The morphology of the molar teeth of the Early Cretaceous ormithorhynchid monotreme Steropodon are incipiently tribosphenic, although highly specialized (Archer e7 al 1985, Kielan-Jaworoska et al. 1987). Re-evaluation of the cranial morphology by Kemp (1983) suggests that the anterior lamina of the periotic of monotremes is homologous with the alisphenoid of therian mammals. Pleistocene and Recent monotremes are highly specialized egg-laying mammals that retain numerous primitive skeletal features characteristic of theriomorph cynodont reptiles. Their basic morphology is also very similar to that of primitive triconodont prototherian mammals such as morganucodonts. Miocene platypuses retain a permanent dentition throughout their lives. In Pleistocene and Recent ornithorhynchids, the dentition is suppressed early in life and replaced by cornified grinding pads. They also show a trend of body size reduction after the Miocene. Ornithorhynchids are poorly represented in Pleistocene assemblages and are not included with the megafauna. Tachyglossids (echidnas) are reasonably well represented as Quaternary fossils, and some of them were large enough to be included among the megafauna assemblage (Murray 1978a-c). Their postcranial elements are robust and compact, the humerus and femur are broad and flat with poorly differentiated articular surfaces and faint indications of epiphyseal growth. The vertebrae are comparatively undifferentiated from front to back, and the fibula retains a peculiar flabelliform process. The pectoral girdle retains a separate coracoid, procoracoid or interclavicle and an independent episternum. As in cynodont reptiles, the anterior fossa of the scapula is not present. The distinctive tachyglossid cranium is elongated and narrow with a large, smooth, thin-walled braincase. The rostrum is an elongated tubular construction terminating in an oval narial aperture. Echidnas are totally edentulous, processing their insect prey with a tongue-palatal grinding complex. The inferolateral wall of the braincase is composed of the anterior process or lamina of the periotic rather than the lateral or ascending wing of the alisphenoid bone. The sutures of the cranial lamina are obliterated early in life. The palate is elongated and terminates in a pair of "echidna pterygoids" homologous with the reptilian epipterygoids or the pterygoid hamulus of typical therian mammals. Monotremes totally lack a bony tympanic bulla and meatal canal, which is entirely cartilagenous. The majority of australidelphian marsupial taxa are small mammals; less than half of the twenty-seven known living and extinct families contain species over 10 kg body weight. Older Figure 7. Osteological characters of monotremes and marsupials: A, cranium and dentary of tachyglossid monotreme, Tachyglossus aculeatus; B, humerus and femur of tachyglossid monotreme, Tachyglossus aculeatus; C, monotreme pectoral girdle, (Tachyglossus); [Cf, coracoid foramen, Cl, clavicle; Co, coracoid; Ec, epicoracoid; Es, episternum; Gf, glenoid fossa; Ps, presternum); D, Polyprotodont marsupial, Dasyurus viverrinus, brackets show incisors and premolars for comparison with E, diprotodont, Trichosurus vulpecula; F, left dentary viewed from behind, showing inflection of angle [A]; G, macropodid humerus showing epicondylar foramen, often present in marsupials; H, right foot of Vombatus ursinus, showing fused digits I and III (symphalangy); I, innominate bones (pelvis) of a kangaroo, showing epipubic bones [Ep]. (After Jones 1968; Marshall 1984). PLEISTOCENE MEGAFAUNA - 1085 1086 - MURRAY classifications divided the Australian marsupials into two groups, those with more than two lower incisors, the polyprotodonts and those with only two lower incisors, the diprotodonts (Fig. 7). The diprotodont marsupials also have a fusion of pedal digits II and II, whereas, with the exception of the bandicoots (Perameloidea), all other polyprotodonts lack this specialization. Very few Australian polyprotodont marsupials qualify as megafauna. Two families of the Dasyuroidea, the Thylacinidae and the Dasyuridae, contain a single genus each of medium to large-sized carnivores. Dasyuroid marsupials share many similarities with American didelphoids. Their molars are of the basic tribosphenic type with a series of well-developed, labial stylar cusps, the canine is large and a post-incisor diastema is not present. The incisors are small and peg-like, and more than one incisor is present in each quadrant of the upper and lower jaws. Characteristic of plesiomorphic marsupials, they possess 4 molars, an inflected angle of the dentary, an alisphenoid tympanic process accommodating the middle ear and with the notable exception of thylacinids, epipubic bones, Although thylacinids have been separate from dasyurids since before the Middle Miocene, their dentitions are similar, reduction of stylar cusps in the thylacinids being the primary distinction dentally (Archer 1982), Thylacinids have converged with placental canids and South American borhyaenid marsupials, while dasyurids show relatively little differentiation from a basic didelphimorphian condition. The Pleistocene thylacinid Thylacinus cynocephalus has a superficially wolf-like cranium and long, slender dentaries in contrast to the dasyurid Sarcophilus laniarius, which has a short, low, broad triangular cranium and comparatively deep, short dentaries with concomitant loss of the first premolar from the tooth row. The postcranial skeleton of. Thylacinus is moderately convergent with canids in having long, slender limbs and narrow girdles (Keast 1982). Diprotodontian marsupials are divided into two suborders, the Phalangerida and the Vombauformes, Macropodoids (kangaroos) are the only group that attain very large body sizes among the phalangeridans. The majority of large Australian marsupials belong to the Vombatiformes, which includes the marsupial lions, diprotodontids, marsupial tapirs, wombats and koalas. Both subordinal groups appear to be very ancient and have probably coevolved in a complex manner. The current classification (Aplin & Archer 1987) strongly dichotomizes these suborders, although many basic, ostensibly symapomorphic (shared-derived or advanced) similaritics pervade among certain vombatimorph families and the macropodoid-phalangerid lineages of the Phalangerida. The megafaunal diprotodontians are characterized by varying degrees of bilophodonty in their molars (with the exception of thylacoleonids), the presence of a long post-incisive diastema, reduced or absent canines, reduction or loss of the first and second premolars in conjunction with hypertrophy of the third premolar and of the lower central incisor pair. The phalangeroid-like thylacoleonids are united with the vombatimorphs by their basicranial morphology, in which the middle ear, like that of wombats and diprotodontids is surrounded by processes of the squamosal rather than the alisphenoid. Differences in the postcranial skeletons of these groups are dominated by the contrasts between the predominately quadrupedal plantigrady of the vombatimorphs and the bipedal saltatory (hopping) locomotion of the kangaroos. The systematics and morphology of other Australian vertebrate megafauna taxa are discussed in detail elsewhere in this book. These include large marine placental mammals (pinnepeds and cetaceans), reptiles, principally crocodylids, varanid lizards, tortoise-like miolanids and large birds, predominantly casuariids, dromornithids and megapodiids. Figure 8. Reconstructions of: A, Zaglossus hacketti and B, Zaglossus ramsayi compared with C, Tachyglossus aculeatus. Cranium of: D, Z. hacketti, restored from Zaglossus robusta; E, Zaglossus ramsayi; F, and G, Zaglossus bruijnii, PLEISTOCENE MEGAFAUNA - 1087 1088 - MURRAY SPECIES OF AUSTRALIAN PLEISTOCENE MEGAFAUNA Order Monotremata Bonaparte 1838 Family Tachyglossidae Gill 1872 Genus Zaglossus Gill 1872 Long-beaked Echidnas (Figs 7-10; Table 1). Two or possibly three species of Zaglossus occur in Australian Pleistocene deposits. Remains of Z. ramsayi (Owen 1844), a species similar to the living New Guinea form Z. bruijnii, have been identified in many localities in south and eastern Australia. The postcranial elements are distinguished from Figure 9. Late Pleistocene tachyglossid cranial material from Mammoth Cave, Western Australia; A, Tachyglossus aculeatus, B,-E, Zaglossus ramsayi. PLEISTOCENE MEGAFAUNA - 1089 E F 0 5cm li Figure 10. Selected Late Pleistocene tachyglossid postcranial elements from Mammoth Cave, Western Australia: A, innominate Zaglossus hacketti; B, Zaglossus ramsayi; C, Tachyglossus aculeatus, D, Scapula, Zaglossus hacketti; E, Zaglossus ramsayi; F, Tachyglossus aculeatus . G, Humerus (restored) Zaglossus hacketti; H, Zaglossus ramsayt; I, Tachyglossus aculeatus; J, Femur, Zaglossus hacketti; K, Zaglossus ramsayi L, Tachyglossus aculeatus; M, Tibia, Zaglossus hacketti, N, Zaglossus ramsayi; O, Tachyglossus aculeatus. 1090 - MURRAY Tachyglossus aculeatus (Illiger 1811) by their much larger size and certain proportional differences in the limb segments. The cranium has an elongated, decurved rostrum like that of Zaglossus bruijnii, although it appears to be somewhat shorter, broader and straighter (Murray 1978a; Fig. 9). A much larger tachyglossid Z. hacketti (Glauert 1914), known only from Mammoth and nearby Labyrinth caves in southwestern Australia, differs from other Zaglossus species in some particulars of its postcranial skeleton (Fig. 10). There are no remains of the cranium. Its limb segment ratios are more similar to T. aculeatus than to Z. bruijnii or Z. ramsayi. A cranial fragment and a humerus of an exceptionally large fossil echidna, Z. robusta (Dun 1895), thought to be Middle Miocene in age (T.H. Rich eg al., this volume) may have some connection with the west Australian "giant echidna". In Pleistocene deposits, Tachyglossus fossils are less abundant than those of Zaglossus. Z. bruijnii has been identified in Pleistocene deposits in New Guinea. The youngest age for Zaglossus in Australia is 13,000 BP from Main Cave, Montagu, Tasmania. This date was determined using aspartic acid and electron spin resonance techniques (Goede & Bada 1985). Goede & Bada pointed out that reworking of older bone was a possibility to explain such a young date. Murray & Chaloupka (1984) identified a prehistoric Zaglossus painting in the Arnhem Land escarpment. Order Dasyuromorphia Gill 1872 Family Dasyuridae (Goldfuss 1820) Waterhouse 1838 Genus Sarcophilus Geoffroy and Cuvier 1837 Tasmanian Devils (Figs 11-12; Table 2). The "Giant" Tasmanian Devil, Sarcophilus laniarius (Owen), was a common element in Late Pleistocene cave deposits in southern South Australia, southern Victoria, eastern New South Wales and southeastern Queensland. S. laniarius is essentially a statistically defined species, as there are no particular morphological features other than significantly larger size and associated allometry that serves to distinguish them from the “average-sized" present-day Tasmanian devils that survive today on the island of Tasmania and those that recently became extinct during the late Holocene on the Australian mainland (Ride 1964, Dawson 1982a; Figs 11-12; Table 2). Gill (1953) observed that S. laniarius specimens were from 15% to 50% larger than the average Tasmanian Devil. Dawson (1982a) found that S. /aniarius dentitions were on the average about 14% larger than those of S. harrisii. Werdelin (1987) estimated the large S. laniarius to be 16% larger than the living devil. Exceptionally small Tasmanian devil morphs were also present in the Late Pleistocene and early Holocene. Some temporal overlap is indicated among the large, medium and small devils (Dawson 1982). Devils are easily distinguished from other dasyurids by their small, crowded, blunt-crowned premolars, low-crowned M2 and stout canines in addition to their larger size. Small devils such as the Nelson, Laura and Padypadiy specimens (Calaby & White 1967, Horton 1977, Werdelin 1987) are not much larger than the bowlingi subspecies of Dasyurus maculatus from King Island in the Bass Strait (Hope 1973). After about 10,000 yBP, Devil populations from deposits in the southeastern states were about the same size as the living Tasmanian Devil (S. laniarius Werdelin), with a small form persisting until the late Holocene in the tropical north (Calaby & White 1967), Dawson (1982a) suggested a 23,000 yBP Clogg's Cave !4C date as terminal for S. laniarius dawsoni Werdelin. Werdelin (1987) argues that S. laniarius has priority over harrisii and that the living Tasmanian Devil is a subspecies of §. laniarius (S. laniarius harrisii). Figure Il. Late Pleistocene devils and thylacine: A, Sarcophilus laniarius laniarius, B, Sarcophilus laniarius dixoni; C, Sarcophilus laniarius (small morph); D, humerus of Sarcophilus harrisii compared with Late Pleistocene; E, Sarcophilus laniarius laniarius; F, Skull of Sarcophilus harrisit, (Tasmanian devil compared with Thylacinus cynocephalus (Tasmanian Wolf). (After Owen 1877; Merrilees & Porter 1979 and Merdelin 1987). PLEISTOCENE MEGAFAUNA - 1091 1092 - MURRAY I have retained the older generic and specific nomenclature throughout the text in order to avoid the inevitable confusion that this causes, if not accompanied by lengthy synonomies and discussions, although I agree with Werdelin's diagnosis. Prehistoric Tasmanian Devils figure prominently in the rock art of the Arnhem Land escarpment (Calaby & White 1967; Murray & Chaloupka 1984). Order Dasyuromorphia (Gill,1872) Family Thylacinidae Bonaparte, 1838 Genus Thylacinus Temminck 1827 \N 0 20cm ae | Figure 12. Skeletal elements of Tasmania devil, Sarcophilus : A, living Tasmanian devil skeleton; B, C, foot [Ca, calcaneus; As, astragalus; Cu, Cuboid; Na, navicular, V, metarsal V; I, metatarsal I, En, entocuneiform] D, innominate; E, Femur, F, scapular; G, humerus; (D-G after Merrilees & Porter 1979). Tasmanian "Wolf" (Figs 11-13; Table 3). The once ubiquitous pouched "wolf" Thylacinus cynocephalus (Temminck 1827) is now confined to Tasmania where it is exceedingly rare or recently extinct. Thylacines survived on the mainland until at least 3,300 years ago (Partridge 1967) and into the Holocene in New Guinea (Van Deusen 1963, Plane 1967). Thylacines are included here as a "surviving" megafaunal element (Figs 11, 13; Table PLEISTOCENE MEGAFAUNA - 1093 3). Pleistocene thylacines were once considered to be two separate species, T. spelaeus and T. rostralis. These have since been demonstrated to be no different than T. cynocephalus (Ride 1964, Dawson 1982). Thylacine remains are less abundant in fossil assemblages than those of Sarcophilus. Worn, isolated molars of Thylacinus are rather similar in size and shape to those of S. laniarius but can be readily distinguished by their proportionally longer, narrower shearing crest (metacrista), reduced protocones and more lingual position of the (also reduced) stylar cusp D, which gives the buccal, occlusal outline a more concave appearance. The lower molars of Sarcophilus are broader buccolingually and M4-5 are absolutely much smaller than those of thylacines. Occasional confusion of isolated Thylacinus and Sarcophilus lower molars can have annoying consequences; for example, the Thylacinus major dentary in plate V, Fig. 8 of Owen (1877) was drawn with the last three molars of a Sarcophilus laniarius, presumably forming the basis for Owen's new specific designation (Stephenson i963). Thylacines have an additional premolar, and these are comparatively high-crowned and uncrowded. The thylacine was a favourite subject of prehistoric aboriginal artists in Arnhem Land and the Kimberleys (Murray & Chaloupka 1984). Figure 13. Skeletal elements of pouched wolf, Thylacinus : A, recent pouched wolf skeleton; B, innominate; C, scapula; D, femur, E, humerus. (After Merrilees & Porter 1979, Archer 1984). 1094 - MURRAY Order Diprotodontia Owen 1866 Family Phascolarctidae Owen 1839 Genus Phascolarctos De Blainville 1816 Koalas (Fig. 14; Pl. 1). Phascolarctids, koalas, are not a prominent element in Late Pleistocene fossil assemblages, presumably because they are highly arboreal (Fig. 14). Their distribution has changed markedly since 35,000 years ago when their range extended to Western Australia (Merrilees 1968b). The Pleistocene species Phascolarctos stirtoni (Bartholomai 1968) was about one third again larger than the living species P. cinereus according to Bartholomai (1968), but differs little otherwise. Figure 14. Skeletal elements of recent Koala, Phascolarctos cinereus : A, cranium and dentary; B, skeleton; C, scapula; D, humerus; E, innominate; F, femur. (After, Merrilees & Porter 1979, Archer 1984). Koalas are an endangered species at present. Their populations are waning due to habitat disturbances and epidemic venereal Chlamydia infection. Their highly specialized diet, arboreal adaptations and various morphological peculiarities (Aplin & Archer 1987, Haight & Nelson 1987) indicate that koalas have been evolving independently from other diprotodontians for an extremely long period of time. Aplin & Archer (1987) suggest that phascolarctids represent the sole survivor of an ancient radiation that mirror the ancestors of the vombatomorphian suborder of diprotodontians. Distinctive selenodont molars of this lineage are the basis of Archer's (1976) hypothesis that selenodonty preceded development of bilophodonty in diproto- PLEISTOCENE MEGAFAUNA - 1095 Figure 15. Pleistocene wombat fossils: A, dentary of Vombatus hacketti, B, dentary of Warendja wakefieldei,; C, dentary of Phascolomys medius; D, cranium of living Tasmanian Vombatus ursinus compared with; E, Vombatus hacketti; F, dentary of Phascolomys magnus (=Ramsayia curvirostris), G, entary a Phascolonus gigas, H, palatal fragment of Phascolonus medius; lines show interdiastemal palate; I, ventr; and lateral aspects of diastemal palate of Ramsayia curvirostris; J, Phascolonus gigas. 1096 - MURRAY dontan molar evolution and that this condition is only slightly removed from that of perameloids (bandicoots) (Archer 1984). The Tertiary fossil record documents a gradual reduction of the number of phascolarctid genera and species down to a single (of late precariously) existing form. Morphological, serological and karyotypological evidence indicates that the vombatids are the closest living relatives of the phascolarctids (Aplin & Archer 1987). Order Diprotodontia Owen 1866 Family Vombatidae Burnett 1830 Genus Phascolonus Owen 1872 Genus Phascolomys Owen 1873 Genus Ramsayia Tate 1951 Genus Warendja Hope and Wilkinson 1982 Genus Lasiorhinus Gray 1863 Genus Vombatus Geoffroy 1803 Wombats (Figs 15-17; Table 4). The largest vombatid, Phascolonus gigas (Owen 1872) was between 1.6-1.8 m long and probably weighed about 200 kg. Marshall (1984) noted that these wombats attained the size of acow. The postcranial morphology of P. gigas is similar to Vombatus ursinus, including its forelimb morphology, which reflects an ability to dig by scratching like its smaller relatives. The broad, flat-topped skull of Phascolonus gigas is about twice as long as that of Vombatus, and its dentaries are about four times as massive (Figs 15- 17; Pl. 1). Phascolonus's body was elongated, wide and low-slung, and it would have stood less than a metre high at the shoulder. Its distinctive broad, flat incisor teeth suggest that it may have diverged from other wombats at an early stage of wombat evolution, but not before the characteristic fossorial features were present. Another very large wombat, Ramsayia curvirostris (Tate 1951), known only from incomplete material, was a narrow-incisored species like those of the living wombats, Lasiorhinus and Vombatus. Ramsayia was smaller than Phascolonus but certainly attained a prodigious size. Dawson (1981) placed the remaining two large wombats, Phascolomys medius (=Lasiorhinus medius) and Phascolomys magnus in the genus Ramsayia. Retaining the old, probably invalid, genus for descriptive purposes, Phascolomys magnus dentaries are a little more than twice the size of those of V. ursinus. The dentaries of Phascolomys medius are only about a quarter to one-third larger than Vombatus or Lasiorhinus. The remaining Pleistocene wombat species were not particularly large forms but became extinct along with the megafauna species (Figs 15, 16; Tables 4-5) and are of interest. Warendja wakefieldi (Hope & Wilkinson 1982) is a plesiomorphic wombat dentary with a relatively straight as opposed to rocker-like, inferior border of the horizontal ramus, a straighter cheek tooth row and an unspecialized ascending ramus that distinguishes the species from all known wombats younger than the Miocene. Vombatus hacketti, known only from Western Australia, was similar in size to the living V. ursinus but shows some proportional differences as does Lasiorhinus angustidens, an extinct P. medius-sized Hairy-nosed wombat. The living Northern Hairy-nosed wombat, Lasiorhinus kreffti, now confined to a small range in western Queensland, is embarking on a similar fate. Specific identification of the larger fossil wombats is made difficult by the often poor quality of specimens, a lack of adequate samples and overlapping size ranges. The peculiarities of wombat dental morphology makes them easy to distinguish from all other living and extinct marsupial species because, with the exception of the Miocene Rhizophascolonus crowcrofti, their molars are open-rooted and divided into two simple-crowned moieties, each having a thin, prominent enamel perimeter and an exposed cementum interior. Phascolonus gigas is distinguished from Ramsayia spp. by the shape of its diastemal palate, which is broad anteriorly and narrow posteriorly between its third premolars. Ramsayia's diastemal palate is broad posteriorly and narrow anteriorly, and the diastemal palate of Phascolomys medius is PLEISTOCENE MEGAFAUNA - 1097 ~ FAYE anne eeereeers 4s haat os as Z ¢ Z Z 4 4 Zz 7 Z A 7 CAAA Sn een TASAARASSSS Dror ——=—==——" SS Dentitions of larger Pleistocene Vombatids; A, Phascolonus gigas maxillary and mandibular D, Ramsayia curvirostris, E, upper incisor of dentitions; B, Phascolomys magnus, C, Phascolomys medius; Phascolonus gigas; F, upper incisor of Ramsayia curvirostris. (After Owen 1877, Stirling 1913, Marcus 1976). Figure 16. 1098 - MURRAY constricted in the middle and broad both anteriorly and posteriorly (Dawson 1981). Phascolomys medius differs from Vombatus ursinus in having a deeper dentary, in which the anterior edge of the masseteric fossa lacks a definite ridge and the masseteric foramen is absent. The molars of Phascolonus medius are larger and have rounded lobes separated by U-shaped valleys on the lingual side (Marcus 1976). Phascolomys magnus (=Ramsayia curvirostris) has a deep, thin horizontal ramus, large but not remotely as massive as that of Phascolonus gigas. At the level of M3 Phascolonus magnus's dentary is about 50 mm high. In comparison with Phascolomys medius, the occlusal outlines of the molar moieties are more diamond-shaped. The length of the cheek tooth row of Phascolonus magnus is on the order of 60-65 mm. The dentaries of Phascolonus gigas are extremely short and deep with the inferior border of the horizontal ramus describing a tight-radius rocker from which the incisor alveolus protrudes horizontally beyond a massive torus. At the level of M3.4, the dentaries are from 75-85 mm deep. The molars decrease in length posteriorly. The molar moieties are separated by a shallow, parabolic concavity lingually. The buccal valley is a deep, obliquely-oriented open V- shaped indentation. The lobes of the molar moieties are more rounded than in Phascolomys magnus but narrower than in Ramsayia curvirostris. An important discriminating feature noted by Marcus (1976) is the pseudolophodont character of the molar crowns when viewed from the labial side, resulting from wearing a transverse ridge on each lobe. The occlusal surfaces of the molars of R. curvirostris are worn flat in contrast to the undulating surfaces of Phascolonus. The upper incisors of Phascolonus gigas are diagnostic for the genus. These are extraordinarily broad, flat, thin, gently curved, chisel-like teeth that resemble the upper incisors of Diprotodon. Although R. curvirostris molars overlap in size with those of Phascolonus, the lophs are more rounded and the median valleys are acutely V-shaped. The teeth are broad relative to their length and the dentine extends over the alveolar margins. Ramsayia's upper incisors are much narrower, relatively thicker and have a much lighter radius of curvature. Individual elements of the postcranial skeleton of Phascolonus are illustrated in Stirling (1913). The distal limb segments are exceptionally short and broad, and the femur, although considerably smaller, is strikingly similar to that of Diprotodon (Fig. 17). Order Diprotodontia Owen 1866 Family Diprotodontidae Gill 1872 Subfamily Zygomaturinae Stirton, Woodburne and Plane 1967 Genus Zygomaturus Owen 1859 Marsupial "Rhinoceros" (Figs 18-22; Pls 2,3; Table 5). The definitive Pleistocene zygomaturine, Zygomaturus trilobus (Macleay 1858) was the largest and most highly derived member of this once diverse subfamily of diprotodontids. A smaller, less specialized Early Pleistocene species, Zygomaturus keani (Stirton et al. 1967) is known from the Palankarinna Local Fauna of South Australia. The systematics of Late Pleistocene Zygomaturus species need revision for Z. trilobus is either highly variable, or there was more than one species. Our understanding of the genus is also bedeviled by a confusion with the genus Nototherium, stemming from a series of mixed-up assignments by Owen (1873). Although subsequently rectified by Woods (1968), specimens of Zygomaturus in museum catologues may still bear the names Nototherium mitchelli, N. victoriae and N. tasmanicum. For convenience, I will treat the familiar barrel-shaped, bluff-browed Pleistocene giant, Zygomaturus, as a single species, Z. trilobus. "Pygmy" zygomaturines are also known from poorly sampled Late Pleistocene Pureni Local Fauna in New Guinea (Woodburne et al. 1985), and it would come as no great surprise if similar forms were eventually found in the sparsely sampled Pleistocene deposits in the tropical north of Australia. Z. trilobus was probably the second largest marsupial species. It attained a length of just under 2.5 m and a shoulder height PLEISTOCENE MEGAFAUNA - 1099 50cm Figure 17. Reconstruction and postcranial elements of Phascolonus gigas. A, reconstructed skeleton based on: B, scapula; C, humerus; D, ulna; E, femur; F, tibia; G, radius; H, metatarsal V of Vombatus ursinus compared with; I, Phascolonus gigas and; J, Diprotodon australis, K, fibula. (After Stirling 1913). 1100 - MURRAY of about 1 m. It probably weighed between 300-500 kg. The massive cranium of Z. trilobus is characterized by highly angled, prow-like nasal bones terminating in a pair of lateral crests or bosses that have been variously interpreted as horn-like structures or rhinarial callosities (Murray 1978c). The small orbits are also surmounted by roughened tuberosities on the frontal crests, suggesting an incipient development of a titanothere-like craniofacial armament. The widely flared and exceptionally deep zygomatic arches terminate anteriorly in long, stout zygomatic processes. In contrast to the wide nasal complex, the rostrum narrows precipitously in the diastemal region. The central incisors, both upper and lower sets, are recumbent and tusk-like with labially divergent crowns. The upper third premolar is a distinctive 5-cusped molariform tooth, unique to this group of diprotodontids (Fig. 18). The postcranial skeleton of Z, trilobus is completely known except for some missing elements of the feet (Fig. 22). The cervical vertebral centra are moderately compressed with the neural spines diminishing in length from C2 to C7. The thoracic centra are broad and deep with low, stout neural spines and robust, subround to flattish oval ribs having progressively less curvature and higher articulations from front to back. The bodies of the lumbar vertebrae are markedly constricted and wide, with short, stout transverse processes and low, broad posteriorly directed neural spines. The innominates are exceptionally broad and flat with laterally flared ilia. The scapula is long and narrow with a rugose tuberosity on its vertebral border. The scapular spine is exceptionally prominent and terminates in a powerful, strap-like acromion process. The anterior limb segments are subequal and relatively longer than the markedly unequal hind limb segments. The humerus is relatively long, broad and flattish-oval in section. The deltoid crests are moderately well-developed suggesting, in conjunction with its stout claws, that Zygomaturus used its forelimbs for more than locomotion, although its short olecranon process indicates that it was not a powerful scratch-digger. The femur is much longer than the tibia and fibula, but slightly shorter than the humerus. The head of the femur is little deflected from the flattish diaphysis, which is expanded distolaterally into a massive trochanter. The fibula is stout and bears an articular facet for the lateral condyle of the femur. The armatured skeletal restorations of these beasts look rather uncomfortable, and I suspect that they are not quite right. Zygomaturus has many elements in its skeleton (long acromion process, scapula shape, vertebral proportions, limb segment ratios, highly modified tarsal elements and innominate morphology) that are reminiscent of the least specialized American giant ground sloths. Regardless of their probable appearance, the zygomaturines comprise one of the best known evolutionary sequences in Australia, and they will undoubtedly prove valuable in later Tertiary biochronology. Zygomaturus trilobus is in a complementary distributional relationship with Diprotodon in many parts of the continent. They appear to overlap in ecotonal situations but are mutually exclusive in habitat extremes, with Diprotodon preferring the semiarid plains of the interior and Zygomaturus favouring the wooded, hilly coastal regions (Glauert 1910, Gill & Banks 1956, Hope 1982). Circumstantial evidence of the association of aboriginal man with Z. trilobus comes in the form of a fascinating artifact, an upper third premolar mounted in spinifex resin given to Kim Akerman by Kimberley Aborigines (Akerman 1973). It may have been fossilized already, as isolated Zygomaturus teeth have been found eroding from stream deposits in the nearby Victoria River district of the Northern Territory. Archer et al. (1980) felt that the Zygomaturus trilobus bones in Mammoth Cave showed evidence of butchering by aboriginals. A small, as yet formally unnamed zygomaturine ("Danitherium") (Fig. 20) from a cave in the the Baliem Valley of Irian Jaya is associated with artifacts and a number of longbones showing butchering cuts (Phillip Walker, pers. comm.). PLEISTOCENE MEGAFAUNA - 1101 Figure 18. Pleistocene Diprotodontidae: A, Diprotodon optatum; B, Zygomaturus ?trilobus (tasmanicum); [Compare B, with Fig. 19 ]; C, buccal views of upper and lower P3's of Diprotodons; D, occlusal views of upper and lower P3's, of Diprotodon; E, occlusal views of upper and lower P3's of Zygomaturus trilobus; Pa, paracone; Me, metacone; Pr, protocone; Ps, parastyle; hy, hypocone]; F, G, M? of Diprotodon and Zygomaturus for comparison. ( After Stirton ef al. 1967, Owen 1877). 1102 - MURRAY Order Diprotodontia Owen 1866 Family Diprotodontidae Gill 1872 Subfamily Diprotodontinae Stirton, Woodburne and Plane 1967 Genus Diprotodon Owen 1838 Genus Nototherium Owen 1845 Diprotodons and Nototheres (Figs 18-22; Pl. 3). With the exception of Pyramios alcootense (Woodburne 1967), diprotodontine marsupials are principally a Pliocene radiation. Although Pyramios is a relatively plesiomorphic diprotodontine, Diprotodon appears to have developed from a later Euryzygoma-like form. The genus is present in Late Pliocene Kanunka and Fisherman's Cliff local faunas (Woodburne et al. 1985) and throughout the Pleistocene. The systematics of Pleistocene Diprotodon species is at least as problematic as that of Zygomaturus. The principal species is D. australis (Owen 1843) sometimes equated with D. optatum (Owen 1838) (Fig. 22; Pl. 3). A smalier species was described by Huxley (1862) as Diprotodon minor and yet another species as D. longiceps (McCoy 1876). Each one of these designations is problematic, and the genus is crying out for a revision. Principally because there are two sizes of diprotodons, I have used D. optatum and D. minor merely to facilitate a description, as this is not the place to open a formal discussion of systematics. Diprotodontines are distinguished from zygomaturines on the basis of their simpler P? crown morphology, narrower mid-valley between the anterior and posterior moieties of the molars and a tendency to have a marked obliquity of the crescentic cementum exposures of the lophs. The P3 of Diprotodon when worn, forms a characteristic horseshoe-shaped ridge with the opening on the labial side between the closely approximated paracone and metacone (Fig. 18). The molars are also higher crowned, narrower relative to length and absolutely larger than those of Zygomaturus (Fig. 19; Table 6). Both species of Diprotodon preferred the drier, open expanses of the interior of Australia, although D. minor is less common, Diprotodon sp. is present in all regional faunas except for Tasmania (King Island excepted) and the extreme southwest (Keble 1945), Many Diprotodon finds have been made in the old central lake basins, such as Lake Callabonna (Tedford 1973). D. optatum, the largest marsupial known, stood 1.6-1.8 m at the shoulder and attained a length of 2.75-3.4 m. They probably weighed from just under one, up to two metric tons. Diprotodon had a long, narrow head, moderately long neck and a compact body with fairly long proximal and short distal limb segments terminating in small, apparently heavily padded feet, the carpals being characterized by a heel-like enlargement of the pisiform, The pes is also highly modified and although somewhat wombat-like with a short, laterally expanded metatarsal V, the greatly broadened plantar surface of the astragalus, the massive hook-like calcaneus and enlarged, elongated navicular are very distinctive (Figs 21,22), Digits II-III are syndactylous, and all digits are reduced. Diprotodons were graviportal animals in having their weight transmitted to pillar-like limbs in the manner of elephants. The olecranon process of the ulna is deflected outward to allow full extension of the forelimb as is characteristic of this type of locomotory suspension. Diprotodon's nasal region is similar to that of Zygomaturus in having a high, flange-like premaxillary septum, presumably for the attachment of powerful levator labii muscles, and the nasals are somewhat retracted suggesting a high degree of facial mobility in the region. A deep fossa is developed in the maxilla, presumably to accommodate powerful maxillolabialis muscles. This muscular complex apparently complemented the extremely long procumbant, spatulate upper and nearly horizontal, chisel-like lower incisors in a powerful cropping mechanism (Archer & Bartholomai 1978). Diprotodon minor was originally described from teeth found at Darling Downs (de Vis 1888). Subsequent finds come from a wide area of southeastern Australia. The dentary, upper PLEISTOCENE MEGAFAUNA - 1103 Figure 19. Dentitions of Pleistocene “diprotodontoids": A, upper and lower cheek teeth of Diprotodon, B, ibid. lower teeth in side view; C, upper and lower cheek teeth of Zygomaturus trilobus; D, buccal view of upper and lower cheek teeth of Zygomaturus (note higher crowns and narrower mid-valleys in Diprotodon);, E, upper and lower cheek teeth of Palorchestes azeal inset: unwom P3: note also worn, obscured crown morphology of Zygomaturus p3: F, incisor of Palorchestes azeal [Me, metacone Pa, paracone; Pr, protocone, Hid, hypolophid; Med, metaconid; prd, protoconid]. (After Owen 1877, Woods 1958, Banks et al. 1976, Archer 1984). 1104 - MURRAY incisors, assorted molars and isolated postcranial elements suggest that Diprotodon minor was about one-third smaller than D. optatum. Figure 20. Comparison of Pleistocene "nototheriine" and zygomaturine dentaries; A, Nototherium inerme, B, undescribed "pygmy" zygmaturine from New Guinea; note lophid orientation. (After Woods 1968; photo of zygomaturine, courtesy of Philip Walker). The conspicuous and durable bones and teeth of Diprotodon make it the most likely megafaunal species to occur in post-Pleistocene sediments, because they would tend to survive reworking and because of the tendency for prehistoric aboriginal people to "souvenir" them. This is not to deny the possibility that Diprotodon survived longer than any other megafaunal species, but is mentioned as an alternative explanation as to why this genus, more often than any other large extinct form, is sometimes associated with terminal Pleistocene and early PLEISTOCENE MEGAFAUNA - 1105 Figure 21. Comparison of diprotodontid postcranial elements: A, scapula of Diprotodon optatum, B, Zygomaturus trilobus (tasmanicum), C, humerus of Diprotodon optatum, D, Zygomaturus trilobus; E, femur of Zygomaturus trilobus (tasmanicum) arrow points to "Owen's line"; F, Diprotodon optatum, G, innominate of Diprotodon optatum, H, Zygomaturus, I - J, foot of Diprotodon [Na, navicular, V; metatarsal I; En, entocuneiform; As, astragalus]. (After Owen 1877; Merrilees & Porter 1979; Archer 1984). 1106 - MURRAY Holocene sediments. Diprotodon has also been "recognized" from time to time in aboriginal rock art, the most recent discovery being from Laura, north Queensland. Nototherium inerme (Owen 1845) is a poorly known, medium-sized Pleistocene notothere also requiring revision. Judging from its dentaries, it was slightly smaller than Zygomaturus trilobus. The dentary is less robust and the ascending ramus is lower and narrower than in Zygomaturus. Also, the more closely approximated lophids are obliquely crescentic, the symphysis is longer and narrower and the P3 is substantially smaller. Undoubted Nototherium fossils appear to be confined to certain Queensland local faunas. Order Diprotodontia Owen 1866 Family Palorchestidae (Tate 1948) Archer and Bartholomai 1978 Genus Palorchestes Owen 1873 Marsupial "Tapirs" (Figs 3, 19; Table 6). Palorchestine palorchestids are rare fossils throughout their long Tertiary and Quaternary record. The earliest palorchestid is recorded from the Late Oligocene Geilston Bay Local Fauna (Tedford et al. 1975). Palorchestines with an apparently complete suite of Palorchestes autapomorphies are present in the medial Miocene Bullock Creek Local Fauna in the form of lamb-sized Propalorchestes novaculacephalus (Murray 1986). As is often the case with highly apomorphic forms, palorchestines retain many equally plesiomorphic features in the cranial base suggesting a close relationship with Ngapakaldia. Among these features are the retention of a large squamosal epitympanic fenestra and a squamosal dorsal process of the tympanic cavity, but in Propalorchestes, it is floored by a large ventral alisphenoid tympanic wing that may have been closed-off posteriorly, in contrast to more derived diprotodontids and later palorchestids which have lost the alisphenoid wing. In comparison with living diprotodontians, Propalorchestes resembles both kangaroos and wombats about equally, depending upon how much weight the various isometric distortions of the cranial base structures are given to the interpretation. This technical indulgence is no mere digression, because on the basis of its dentition, Palorchestes azeal was originally thought to be a giant kangaroo (Owen 1877, Tate 1948, Raven & Gregory 1948) and even after Woods (1958) recognized the diprotodontid affinity of palorchestids, Archer was willing to entertain the notion that palorchestids might have some special relationship with macropodoids after all (Archer 1984). At present, they are snuggled among the Vombatiformes (Aplin & Archer 1987). A single species Palorchestes azeal (Owen 1873) is associated with the Late Pleistocene megafauna. Perhaps, significantly, the two earlicr species known (P. painei, Late Miocene; P. parvus, Early to mid-Pliocene) do not appear to overlap temporally and show a gradual trend of increased body size and molar crown height and complexity through time. The dentition of P. azeal is distinguished by the presence of well-developed fore and mid links on the molars and a simple, 3-cusped upper third premolar (Fig. 19). The cranium is remarkable for its drastically reduced and retracted nasals, which in conjunction with conspicuous fossae for large nasomaxillolabialis muscles and narrow, protracted rostrum Iead to the conclusion that ithada trunk at least as well developed as that of placental tapirs (Bartholomai 1978; Figs 1,3). The dentaries are slender and kangaroo-like in having a sinuous profile to the inferior border. The long, narrow deeply-grooved mandibular symphysis is associated with a slender protrusible tongue like that of giraffes. Its broad, spatulate lower incisors lie almost parallel to its strongly developed diastemal crests, indicating their probable use in stripping leaves or cropping clumped vegetation. Details of its postcranial skeleton await publication. Archer (1984) makes note of its powerful forelimbs equipped with large, laterally compressed claws. What little is known of these large animals, which probably weighed 350-400 kg, suggests that they may have been the approximate Australian community equivalents of certain American giant ground sloths. PLEISTOCENE MEGAFAUNA - 1107 The fossil remains of Palorchestes azeal date from >30,000 to >50,000 yBP. A good association of P.azeal material with wood fragments at Pulbeena Swamp, northwestern Tasmania yielded a 14C determination of about 54,000 yBP (Banks et al. 1976). Murray & Chaloupka (1984) described a spectacular rock painting in the Arnhem Land escarpment region that resembles some reconstructions of Palorchestes (P1. 1). 0 im T— 1 of pf os) ST) ade f Figure 22. Restorations of A, Diprotodon optatum and B, Zygomaturus trilobus. Order Diprotodontia Owen 1866 Family Thylacoleonidae Gill 1872 Genus Thylacoleo Owen 1858 Marsupial "Lions" (Figs 23, 24; Pls 5, 6; Table 7). Marsupial lions were predaceous and scavenging marsupials convergent with placental cats, analogous with and no less remarkable than the convergence of the South American borhyaenid Thylacosmilus with the 1108 - MURRAY Figure 23. Marsupial lion, Thylacoleo carnifex : A, drawing of a restoration by Rod Wells, Flinders University; B, restoration of manus, note large, hooded pollical claw, C, lingual view of dental apparatus; note reduced canines and premolars; hypertrophied, shearing P3 complex and robust incisors. (After Owen 1877, Wells & Nichol 1977). PLEISTOCENE MEGAFAUNA - 1109 placental sabre-toothed "tigers". Thylacoleonids are represented in the Middle Miocene by two genera, Priscileo (Rauscher 1987) and Wakaleo (Clemens & Plane 1974). Compared to the leopard-sized Pleistocene Thylacoleo carnifex (Owen 1858), these are small forms ranging from the size of a large possum (Priscileo) to kelpie or dingo-sized (Wakaleo). Both Priscileo and Wakaleo show incipient enlargement of the sectorial third premolar to form a shearing complex analogous to the placental carnassial set and reduction of the molar row. They also differ sufficiently by the mid-Miocene to separate them into two distinct subfamilies, the Thylacoleoninae and Wakaleoninae (Murray, Wells & Plane 1987). Although the general trends of thylacoleonid dental evolution are well documented by these forms (Archer & Rich 1982), interpretations of the morphological details of the cranial base will ultimately determine their relationship to other diprotodontians. This is important, because for many years T. carnifex was considered to be a gigantic phalangeroid on the basis of its laniary incisors, sectorial premolars, simple molars and other, phenetic similarities (Broom 1898). Details of the cranial base of Thylacoleo say otherwise. Picking up from observations by Winge (1941) and Woods (1958), Aplin recognized that Thylacoleo is decidely more wombat-like than phalangeroid-like and accordingly has placed it among the Vombatiformes (Aplin & Archer 1987). Consequently, the tabloid headlines will now read "giant killer wombat” instead of "giant killer possum". The striking similarity of the cranial base of Thylacoleo to Vombatus and the additional synapomorphic feature of frontal-squamosal contact almost closes the case. Almost, because the very phalangerid-like W. vanderleueri possesses a well-developed alisphenoid ventral tympanic process and lacks frontal-squamosal contact on the cranial wall. Thus, at least some of the major potential vombatimorph synapomorphies may merely be convergences (Murray, Wells & Plane 1987), and it seems that the relationship between the wakaleonines and the thylacoleonines is a distant one. The extreme variability in body size of Thylacoleo carnifex (Archer & Dawson 1982) makes it difficult to determine a typical weight for the species. The New England specimen, about 1.25 m long from nasals to sacrum, produces a calculated weight of 68 kg. Some large crania indicate that live weights of >100 kg were likely. The major morphological and adaptive features of Thylacoleo carnifex are well known (Woods 1956, Wells & Nichol 1977, Horton & Wright 1981, Finch 1982, Finch & Freedman 1982, Wells et al. 1982). T. carnifex was a powerfully built animal with generalized, if not slightly long limb proportions, not far removed, in fact, from a placental lion or leopard (Fig. 23; Pl. 6; Table 8). The pollex was equipped with a large, hooded claw and stout, curved claws were present on the remaining manual digits, proportioned like a phalangerid. There is no indication that they were digitigrade like felids. The opposable, large-clawed pollex and their apparent association with woodland habitats has led to the suggestion that they were semi-arboreal (Pledge 1977). Although there is general agreement that Thylacoleo was carnivorous, its capability as a predator has been cast in doubt, most recently by Horton & Wright (1981), who portray it as a scavenger. This conclusion seems unlikely in a community with so few other predators upon which a large mammalian scavenger must depend for regular kills. A large and powerful beast equipped with a beak-like piercing incisor complex, Thylacoleo was probably an efficient and formidable predator. Thylacoleo carnifex has widespread occurrence in Late Pleistocene deposits in Australia and Tasmania, but is unknown from New Guinea. It was among the longer-surviving Pleistocene megafauna, occurring in assemblages such as that at Lanceficld, Victoria. Murray & Chaloupka (1984) illustrated some Thylacoleo-like rock paintings from the Arnhem Land escarpment region of the Northern Territory. Figure 24. Restoration A, and postcranial skeleton of Thylacoleo carnifex : B, scapula; C, humerus; D, radius; E, ulna; F, innominate; G, femur; H, fibula; I, tibia. (After Finch 1971; Wells & Pledge 1983; measurements courtesy of Dirk Megirian, Northem Territory Museum and R. Wells Flinders University). 1110 - MURRAY PLEISTOCENE MEGAFAUNA - I111 Order Diprotodontia Owen 1866 Family Potoroidae (Gray 1821) Pearson 1950 Subfamily Hypsiprymnodontinae Pearson 1950 or Subfamily Propleopinae Archer and Flannery 1985 Genus Propleopus De Vis 1888 Giant Rat-Kangaroos (Figs 25-27 Table 8). Omnivorous and perhaps carnivorous rat- kangaroos have been present since the mid-Miocene (Archer 1984). If for no other reason, they are potentially important to palaeoecologists as possible members of the apparently depauperate large predatory carnivore guild in Australian megafaunal communities. The notion of predatory potoroid kangaroos was created by both Archer (1984) and Flannery (1984) on reflection of the habits of living potoroids and their possession of large, serrated shearing premolars, and I can think of no reasonable argument to oppose the idea. Propleopus oscillans (de Vis 1888) was about the size of an adult male living Grey Kangaroo (Macropus giganteus); a fair estimate of its live weight is between 40 and 60 kg. Propleopus are rare fossils compared to other large kangaroo species, which lends Eltonian support to the likelihood of their carnivory. For this reason, they are incompletely known, especially postcranially. Pledge (1981) described a right humerus, and there is an undescribed nearly complete cranium from Victoria Cave (Rod Wells, pers. comm.) (Fig. 25). Otherwise, the species is recognized by its large, distinctive serrated third premolars and its low-crowned, simple bunolophodont molars. A second species, P. chillagoensis (Archer & Bartholomai 1978) is of doubtful Pleistocene age. Another, definitely Pleistocene species from Wellington Caves, New South Wales awaits formal description. Potoroid kangaroos differ from macropodid kangaroos in a number of important features, among these are the large, extensive masseteric canal and squamosal-frontal contact on the lateral braincase wall. Propleopines differ from their diminutive hypsiprymnodontine relatives in having a larger and more anteriorly positioned metaconid on M2 and in having separate anterior ends of the masseteric and dental canals. Archer & Flannery's (1985) diagnosis of this subfamily division is probably based on structures under allometric control. So little is known about the postcranial skeleton of Propleopus that we can only speculate on its locomotor behaviour by way of its close relationship to the living musk-rat kangaroo, Hypsiprymnodon moschatus. Hypsiprymnodon is the most primitive of the living kangaroos in retaining the hallux, although it also expresses the major macropodoid synapomorphies of the foot, which include a stepped articulation of the calcaneo-cuboid joint and elaborations of the tibia-astragalar and astragalo-calcaneal joints in relation to bounding locomotion. Potoroids are typically quadrupedal bounders, but are capable of short bursts of bipedal saltation (Buchmann & Guiler 1974). Order Diprotodontia Owen 1866 Family Macropodidae Gray 1821 Subfamily Sthenurinae Glauert 1926 Genus Sthenurus Owen 1838 Genus Procoptodon Owen 1845 Genus Troposodon Campbell 1973 Subfamily Macropodinae (Pearson 1950) Genus Bohra Flannery and Szalay 1982 Genus Protemnodon Owen 1874 Genus Wallabia Desmarest 1803 Genus Macropus Shaw 1789 1112 - MURRAY Kangaroos and Wallabies (Figs 25-35; Pls 7, 8; Tables 9-14). The identification of Late Pleistocene kangaroos has become a specialist field because of the diversity and phyletic complexity of the group. Stirton (1963), Tedford (1966), Bartholomai (1972,1973, 1975) and Flannery (1984) have clarified many aspects of macropodid relationships that have been in a confused state since the time of Owen's monograph (1877) and the pioneering work of de Vis (1888). Perhaps the only advantage in writing a chapter devoted to the large extinct Pleistocene marsupials is that the established macropodid subfamilies are not quite as difficult to define synchronously as they are working back through time, and the systematically troublesome smaller extant kangaroo species can be ignored. The macropodid kangaroos represent the largest radiation of marsupials still in existence, even though the diversity of the family was greatly diminished by the beginning of the Holocene. From the genus Macropus alone, at least eight species became extinct by about 15,000 years ago. M. titan and M. ferragus were the giants among the "true" (macropodine) kangaroos (Table 9). M. ferragus, a giant Euro, may have stood 2.5 m tall and weighed over 150 kg. M. titan, an almost equally large Late Pleistocene kangaroo, was closely related to the living Grey Kangaroo (M. giganteus) (Tedford 1967). Marshall & Coruccini (1978) concluded that many of these "giant" forms represent large morphs of "dwarfed" extant species. M. siva, for example, appears to be a large racial form of the living M. agilis and several, perhaps synonomous species (M. cooperi and M. altus) may represent larger Pleistocene conspecifics of M. (Osphranter) robustus (Marshall 1973, Main 1978). Bartholomai (1973) remarked that M. birdselli differs from M. titan only in the length of the diastema, a highly variable character. Obviously there is some synonomy due primarily to the fragmentary nature of the material. A large number of Pleistocene species of Macropus are found only in the Darling Downs and Wellington caves local faunas, including M. rama (similar in size and morphology to the Grey Kangaroo) and M. gouldi, (Figs 15-16 of Pl. 23 in Owen 1874; the type has been lost), the distinctive M. piltonensis with unique dental characters and M. thor, which closely resembles the living M. parryi (Bartholomai 1975). A "giant" tree kangaroo, Bohra paulae, identified from postcranial elements in Wellington Caves deposits, may have weighed about 50 kg (Flannery & Szalay 1982). The more common and, therefore, important Late Pleistocene macropodines (Macropus spp.) can be subdivided into three subgenera: 1) the Osphranter group (Reds and Euros) having an inflated rostrum, narrow dentaries with a conspicuous subalveolar excavation, a posterior groove in the lower molars, upper molars with a weak forelink and a U-shaped occlusal profile of the upper incisors; 2) the Prionotemnus group, (e.g. Rufous and Toolache wallabies) having a narrow rostrum and dentaries deepened below the anterior cheek tooth row and 3) the Macropus group (Grey kangaroos) with the upper incisors forming a V-shaped occlusal outline and strong forelinks on the upper molars (Bartholomai 1973). The genus Protemnodon ("giant wallabies") (Table 10) contains at least three Australian and one New Guinea species (Table 11). P. anak was about the size of a Grey kangaroo; the New Guinea species P. otibandus was slightly smaller. Protemnodon brehus and P. roechus were usually much larger, but considerable size overlap occurs among all known Protemnodon species, and it is an untrustworthy criterion for separating them. At least some of the Protemnodon species were compactly built kangaroos with powerful upper limbs, short, broad feet and elongated skulls lacking the characteristic downgrowth of the snout found in modern Macropus species (Bartholomai 1973). Postcranial elements collected by Merrilees (1973) from Lake Tandou indicate that although the cranial and body length of P. brehus equals that of Macropus fuliginosus, its femur and tibia are both shorter. Wallabia bicolor, the living Figure 25. Pleistocene macropodoid dentaries: A, Propleopus oscillans; B, Protemnodon anak, C, Sthenurus andersoni; D, Sthenurus atlas; E, Macropus coopert; F, Macropus ferragus; G, Macropus titan; H, Troposodon minor; I, Sthenurus oreas; J, Sthenurus pales; K, Procoptodon pusio; L, Macropus birdselli. (After Owen 1877, Tedford 1967, Bartholomai 1973, Marshall 1973), PLEISTOCENE MEGAFAUNA - 1113 1114 - MURRAY Swamp Wallaby has been tentatively linked to this group, although serological evidence and the fact that they will hybridize with M. agilis weighs heavily against this (Bartholomai 1975, Archer 1984). The Sthenurinae (Tables 11-13) comprise a large subfamily of entirely extinct, browsing kangaroos, characterized by short, deep skulls and extreme reduction of metatarsal V to a small splint (Tables 12-15). These are medium to large kangaroos that can be further divided into two distinct subgenera: a short-faced (brachycephalic) group Sthenurus (Simosthenurus) and a long-faced (dolichocephalic) S. (Sthenurus) group. They can also be divided into long-footed and short-footed forms with equally satisfying results (Bartholomai 1963; Merrilees 1965a, 1968a, Tedford 1966, Wells & Murray 1979). Pledge (1980a) recommends that the subgenera be given full generic rank. Sthenurines have highly distinctive molar teeth characterized by low crowns, sharp, straight lophs and poorly developed midlinks. The premolars, in contrast to the long, blade-like sectorial pair in Protemnodon, are typically broad and worn flat on the occlusal surface. Sanson (1976) considers the dolichocephalic sthenurines to represent a parallel trend with macropodines toward grazing. Procoptodon goliah (P\. 7; Table 14) was probably the largest kangaroo species, standing over 2,5 m tall and weighing perhaps, 200 kg. The size of individuals from different localities varies on a Cline from west (Lake Menindee, where they are largest) to east (Darling Downs where they are smallest) (Marcus 1976). Currently placed among the sthenurines on the basis of numerous synapomorphies of the feet and cranium, Sanson (1976) argues that these may be parallel features and places them within the Macropodinae. He also considers them to be grazers rather than browsers. The massive, squarish crania of Procoptodon spp., having distinctly straight, parallel molar rows and peg-like, reduced upper incisors, are matched to short, deep dentaries with high ascending rami, short diastems, elaborate, broad, high-crowned molars, crushing third premolars and small, lanceolate-crowned incisors. P. goliah had long forelimbs that may have been used to pull down branches to reach the foliage (Tedford 1967). Alternatively, they may reflect an habitually quadrupedal locomotor pattern associated with grazing. There are currently four Pleistocene Procoptodon species, P. goliah, P. rapha, P. pusio and P. texasensis, given in order of descending body size and complexity of dentition (Owen 1874, Tedford 1967, Marcus 1976, McIntyre & Hope 1978, Sanson et al. 1980). An uncommon Pleistocene genus, Troposodon, is considered to be a sthenurine on the basis of its molar morphology (Flannery 1984). A comprehensive element by element key to the identification of each Pleistocene fossil kangaroo species is not possible within the confines of this chapter. This chapter, instead, best serves the interest of the reader as a guide to where and equally important, how to look for the answer. Essential works on Pleistocene kangaroos are Stirton (1963), Bartholomai (1973, 1975), Tedford (1966, 1967) and Marcus (1976), Macropodid skeletal material is highly distinctive and every element bears the stamp of the specialized locomotor adaptations unique to the group. However, the fossil record is selective, and certain elements are more often preserved than others. Of these elements, certain structures are more informative than others. The commonest and most informative kangaroo skeletal structures are their teeth and the cuboid, calcaneus and metatarsal IV elements of the foot. Given the above limitations, the following discussion concentrates on these. Figure 26. Pleistocene macropodid appendicular elements: A, humerus of Macropus sp.; B, Sthenurus sp.; C, Procoptodon goliah, D, Propleopus oscillans; E, femur of Macropus titan; F, Simosthenurus sp.; G, Procoptodon goliah; H, ulna of Protemnodon otibandus; I, Simosthenurus sp.; J, Procoptodon goliah; K, tibia of Macropus titan; L, Protemnodon; M, Simosthenurus; N, Procoptodon goliah. (After Tedford 1967, Plane 1967, Merrilees & Porter 1979, Pledge 1980a, 1981). PLEISTOCENE MEGAFAUNA - 1115 1116 - MURRAY Macropus molars are long, narrow and high-crowned with thick enamel and well-developed midlinks, The molars erupt successively and drift mesially throughout the lifetime of an individual. The third premolars are sectorial, usually possessing a posterolingual cuspule or thickening and the cheek-tooth rows are distinctly arched. In addition to being larger than M. titan, the P3 of M. ferragus has a detached or angled posterior lobe and the previously mentioned Osphranter characters. M. cooperi was smaller than M. ferragus but larger than the living Euro, and is further distinguished from M. robustus by its larger P? and stronger forelinks on the upper molars and from M. ferragus by its lower molar crowns and straighter disposition of the longitudinal crest of the P3 (Bartholomai 1975). The metatarsal IV's of both M. titan and M. ferragus are enormous compared to those of M. giganteus or M. robustus. Very large, typically Macropus metatarsal IV's are almost certain to belong to one or the other of these species. The metatarsal IV of M. ferragus is similar to M. fuliginosus proximally and not as elongated anteroposteriorly as M. giganteus. The proximal plantar surface is relatively larger than in any living species, and the plantar crest is relatively stronger than in any species of Macropus, living or fossil (Tedford 1967). Large Protemnodon species are distinguished from large Macropus species by their long, robust, deeply rooted blade-like permanent premolars, absence of a forelink on the upper molars and the presence of a strong anterior ridge from the paracone to the anterior cingulum. The immediate impression given by Protemnodon dentitions is a greater symmetry of the lophs and lophids, especially when worn, and the smooth, broad concave surfaces of the backs of the lophs and the front of the lophids, a feature related to the less steep ascent of the lophs or lophids from the median valley. The cheek tooth rows are straight rather than arched, as in Macropus, with less anteromedial torsion of the horizontal ramus. In general, there is less curvature of the occlusal surfaces of the tooth rows and the wear gradient is less "twisted." Protemnodon spp. lower incisors are broadly U-shaped, approaching in form those of Palorchestes, with which this genus has been confused in the past (Woods 1958). Protemnodon anak differs from P. brehus in its smaller size and narrower P? with a more concave labial surface. The P3 of P. brehus is more flexed than in that P. anak, and the lower molars have a less well-developed posterior cingulum (Bartholomai 1973). Protemnodon roechus differs from the other two species in lacking prominent vertical ridges on the lower permanent premolar, and the upper is crescent-shaped in occlusal view with oblique, rather than vertical transecting ridges. The crown bases of the lower molars are swollen, and the upper molars usually have a small tubercle at the lingual extremity of the median valley. The construction and orientation of the calcaneum and astragalus of Protemnodon are basically similar to Macropus, although relatively more massive (Stirton 1963, Tedford 1967). The astragalus is distinguished from Macropus by its massive head and relatively narrower width across the trochlea. The calcaneum is relatively shorter and broader than in Macropus, and both the peroneal tubercle and the sustentaculum tali are more prominent and broader. The cuboid is very similar to Macropus and should be distinguished by specimen comparison. The metatarsal IV is extremely short and broad with a posteriorly elongated plantar facet and relatively larger facets for the fifth metatarsal. The plantar crest is sharper than in Macropus, and the second and third metatarsal grooves are more deeply excavated. The Sthenurinae are distinguished from other macropodids by their often omamented, low molar crowns with nearly straight, thinly enamelled lophs, low, weak midlinks, short, deep dentaries, nearly straight tooth rows and broad, swollen permanent premolars. The dolicho- cephalic sthenurines usually have more distinct, higher midlinks and less ornamentation Figure 27. Occlusal views of cheek dentitions of macropodids (upper below): A, Propleopus oscillans; B, Troposodon minor, C, Protemnodon anak, D, Protemnodon brehus; D, Protemnodon roechus; F, Macropus ti.an; G, Osphranter cooperi; H, Macropus ferragus: K, Procoptodon pusio. (After Tedford 1967, Bartholomai 1973, Marshall 1973, Bartholomai 1975). PLEISTOCENE MEGAFAUNA - 1117 aD & BUDE 1118 - MURRAY Figure 28. Restored macropodid skulls: A, Protemnodon anak; B, Protemnodon roechus; C, Macropus titan; D, Sthenurus gilli; E, Protemnodon anak, F, Macropus titan; G, Procoptodon goliah; H, Procoptodon rapha. D-F, occlusal view of lower incisors and symphyseal morphology. (After Tedford 1967, Bartholomai 1973 in Owen). of the molar crowns than the brachycephalic species. The short-faced Simosthenurus subgenus is Characterized by a "macrodont" and a "microdont" species complex. The macrodont complex is composed of three dentally similar species §. occidentalis, S. orientalis and S. brownei. If entire dentaries are present, S. brownei can be distinguished from the other two macrodont species by its much deeper horizontal ramus posterior to M4, The lower permanent premolar of S. brownei is shorter and has finer crenulations than S. occidentalis (Merrilees 1968a). S. vrientalis differs from S. occidentalis in its larger size, extension of the mandibular symphysis posterior to P3 and its larger P3 relative to the molars (Tedford 1966). The crania of these PLEISTOCENE MEGAFAUNA - 1119 species are extremely broad across the zygomatic arches and have remarkably short, narrow rostra, although S. brownei has a much broader narial aperture than the others. The microdont Simosthenurus species are S. gilli and S. maddocki. S. maddocki is similar in mandibular form and dentition to S. gilli, but it appears to have been a much larger and very different animal. The permanent lower premolar of §. maddocki is much narrower relative to length than S. gilli, and the dentary is readily identified by its possession of an exceptionally long, deep and slightly obliquely oriented subalveolar sulcus (buccinator sulcus) that commences at the base of P3 and extends posteriorly to between Mz and M3_ The lower incisors are narrow as in S. gilli but more procumbant. S. gilli is the smallest of the sthenurine kangaroos. It can be distinguished from S$. maddocki by its sparser and coarser molar ornamentation and its relatively longer, narrower cranium in addition to the previously mentioned characters (Wells & Murray 1979), Figure 29. Comparison of sthenurine crania: A, brachycephalic sthenurine Sthenurus maddocki; B, compared with dolichocephalic sthenurine, Sthenurus atlas. (After Pledge 1980b, Pledge 1989a). Virtually complete skeletons of Simosthenurus have been recovered by Neville Pledge and a cave diving team from a drowned cave near Tantanoola, South Australia (Pledge 1980a). These unique specimens show that there are many important differences between sthenurine and macropodine postcranial skeletons. Sthenurines have more robust femora with a relatively 1120 - MURRAY greater diameter and stronger curvature of the diaphysis. The tibiae are also robust and relatively shorter than in Macropus spp. The scapulae are shorter and much broader, with a stouter, longer acromial process and relative reduction of the supraspinatus fossa. The innominates differ from Macropus and Protemnodon in having broader ilia, a short pubic ramus and a more acute upward flexion of the ischium. These features indicate that there were some fundamental locomotor and postural differences between sthenurines and macropodines. D Figure 30. Outline drawings of the lateral aspect of skulls of brachycephalic sthenurines (Simosthenurus): A, Sthenurus occidentalis; B, Sthenurus maddocki; C, Sthenurus orientalis; D, Sthenurus gilli, E, Sthenurus brownei. Nasal aperture shapes compared. F, Sthenurus occidentalis, G, Sthenurus brownei; H, Sthenurus maddocki. Symphyseal outlines of dentaries compared: I, Sthenurus occidentalis, J, Sthenurus maddocki; K, Sthenurus gilli. (After Pledge 1980a). PLEISTOCENE MEGAFAUNA - 1121 B 0 50cm Sen |-eepemnens | A, Sthenurus occidentalis, B, Procoptodon Figure 31. Restorations of short-faced browsing kangaroos: goliah. 1122 - MURRAY alk DS Figure 32. Occlusal views of upper and lower check dentitions of Sthenurine kangaroos (uppers below): A, Sthenurus brownei; B, Sthenurus oreas, C, Sthenurus gilli; D, Sthenurus maddocki; E, Sthenurus pales, F, Sthenurus occidentalis, G, Sthenurus orientalis, H, Sthenurus atlas; I, Sthenurus andersoni; J, Sthenurus tindalei. (After Merrilees 1965, Tedford 1966, Merrilees 1967, Wells & Murray 1979). PLEISTOCENE MEGAFAUNA - 1123 . - Figure 33. Pleistocene macropodoid limb girdle elements: A, scapula of Macropus sp.; B, Sthenurus occidentalis; C, Procoptodon goliah; D, innominate of Macropus sp.; E, Sthenurus sp.; F, Procoptodon goliah. (After Tedford 1967, Merrilees & Porter 1979, Pledge 1980). Two other, short-faced sthenurines include the gigantic S. pales and the S. occidentalis- sized S. oreas. Sthenurus pales is conspicuously larger than any other Simosthenurus species, and is also distinguished by possessing higher crowned cheek teeth, particularly the p3- Due to its large size, it may become confused with the larger long-faced sthenurines, but it can be readily differentiated from them on the basis of dental morphology. The plesiomorphic Sthenurus oreas was about the same size as S. occidentalis, distinguished by its shallower dentary and narrower and smaller P3 relative to the molars, in conjunction with the simplicity and coarseness of the ornamentation. It shares, with long-faced sthenurines, relatively high molar crowns, stronger links and coarse, simple ornamentation that is considered structurally intermediate between the Sthenurus subgenera and perhaps the genus Procoptodon (Tedford B, Macropus titan; [Ca, calcaneus; cuneiform and entocuneiform, IV, metatarsal IV]. 1124 - MURRAY 1966). In some respects it resembles the smallest of the long-faced forms Sthenurus atlas, but no more so, perhaps, than Simosthenurus maddocki; hence some caution in raising their subgeneric status is justified. The named species of long-faced sthenurines overlap in morph- Figure 34. Foot structure (restored) of Pliocene and Pleistocene macropodids: A, Protemnodon otibandus; C, Macropus ospranter sp.; D, Simosthenurus sp.; E, Procoptodon goliah; F, As, astragulus; V, metatarsal V; Me, mesectocuneiform = fused ectocuneiform, meso- (Plane 1967, Tedford 1967, Marshall 1973, Owen 1977). PLEISTOCENE MEGAFAUNA - 1125 ology and size. Sthenurus tindalei and an even larger unnamed species (R. Wells, pers. comm.) are the largest sthenurines, rivalling Procoptodon goliah and Macropus ferragus (Tedford 1966). Similar to S. atlas is S. andersoni, which has higher crowned upper molars and a narrow, more elongated P3_ Because S. tindalei is unlikely to be confused with any form other than S. pales, it can be distinguished from the latter by its slightly smaller, lower eee P3 that bears a continuous lingual crest around the anterior end of the tooth (Tedford The genus Procoptodon is the morphological extreme of the brachycephalic sthenurines in having massive, short, broad, high skulls reminiscent of the now extinct New World glyptodonts. Procoptodon material is instantly recognizable from its massiveness, its distinctive, large lophodont molars with high complex links, its short, broad premolars and its diminutive incisors. Procoptodon rapha and P. pusio separate out reasonably well on standard molar crown dimensions (Marcus 1976; Table 14). P. pusio and P. texasensis have the simplest molar crown morphologies and smallest dimensions of the Pleistocene genera. The yak me Procoptodon texasensis is the most plesiomorphic species of the genus (Archer Troposodon is a rare Pleistocene form that survives as a remnant of the Pliocene kangaroo radiations. It may be related to the sthenurines (Flannery 1984), and the two species of Pleistocene Troposodon (T. kenti and T. minor) are, thus, appropriately mentioned in this context. These are medium-sized kangaroos with strongly tapered dentaries, low-crowned molars and low, simple blade-like permanent premolars. The upper premolars are distinctively L-shaped due to the off-set of a prominent distolingual cuspule. The pes elements of the sthenurines are as diagnostic of the group as their dentition. The calcaneum, astagalus, cuboid and metarsal IV of Procoptodon and Sthenurus (Simosthenurus) are very similar and readily distinguished from those of large Macropus. The calcaneum is proportionally broader, and the tuber calcaneus wider than in Macropus. The plantar surface tapers more rapidly posteriorly, becoming continuous with the posterior margin of the cuboid facet. The sustentaculum tali extends further anteriorly and is broader than in Macropus, the tarsal groove describing a deep, narrow sulcus along its base. Compared to Macropus, the cuboid facet is more expanded distally, and the anterior portion of the facet is not as strongly stepped. The anterior calcaneal facets of the cuboid reflect the shallowly-stepped articulation; the astragalar facet is relatively larger, and the plantar process is not set off laterally by a deep groove as seen in typical Macropus (Tedford 1967). The metatarsal IV is relatively short and broad, although less compact than that of Protemnodon. The distal articulation is wide, with a low keel restricted to the ventral surface. The dorsal surface is somewhat flattened distally, deepening proximally to a sub-triangular section. The plantar surface is large and bears a conspicuous facet for the plantar sesamoid. A deep, short, roughend plantar crest extends about one-third of the length of the bone. The sulci for metatarsals II and III are small and ventrally disposed. The fifth metatarsal facet is short and tapers distally, often retaining a remnant of the splint-like vestige that is partially ankylosed to the shaft of the fourth. Interestingly, the dolichocephalic sthenurines differ from the brachycephalic forms in being more Macropus-like in precisely those characters that distinguish the group as a subfamily (Tedford 1966). PLEISTOCENE FAUNAS The Australian Pleistocene regional faunas closely correspond with the modern zoogeographic sub-regions, presumably because the major drainage systems and precipitation regimes have not drastically changed since the late Tertiary. While it is tempting to redefine these regions by superimposing palacontologist's names over the existing drainage pattern 1126 - MURRAY nomenclature, I have mercifully opted instead for a bland geographic nomenclature (Figs 35, 36; Table 15), PLEISTOCENE MODERN (Whitley 1959) 1) Northern Leichardtian 2) Northeastern Jardinean/Krefftian 3) Eastern Lessonian 4) Southeastern 2 = 5) Tasmanian Tobinian 6) Central Mitchellian/Sturtian 7) Southwestern Vilaminghian/Greyian IRE ag sag P-RORR aR 10 11 ” $444 — 47 49 Figure 35. Australian Late Pleistocene megafauna reconstructions; Key: 1, Palorchestes azeal: 2, Zygomaturus trilobus; 3, Diprotodon optatum,; 4,D. minor; 5, Nototherlum inerme,; 6, Thylacoleo carnifex; 7, Phascolonus gigus; 8, Ramsayia curvirostris; 9, Phascolomys magnus; 10, P. medius; 11, Vombatus hacketti; 12, Phascolarctos cinereus/stirtoni, 13, Propleopus oscillans; 14, Procoptodon goliah; 15, P. rapha; 16, P. pusio; 17, Sthenurus brownei, 18, S. maddock; 19, S. occidentalis; 20, S. orientalis; 21, S. gilli; 22, S. atlas; 23,8. tindalei; 24, S. pales; 25, S. oreas; 26, S. andersoni; 271, Troposodon minor, 28, Wallabia indra; 29, Protemnodon brehus; 30, P. anak, 31, P. roechus; 32, Macropus ferragus; 33, M. titan; 34,M. siva; 35, M. cf. Siganteus, 36,M. rama; 37,M. thor; 38, M. piltonensis; 39, M. eouldi: 40, M. stirtoni; 41, Bohra paulae; 42, Sarcophilus spp.; 43, Zaglossus hacketti; 44, Z. ramsayi; 45, Aboriginal man for scale; 46, Flamingo; 47, Progura naracoortensis; 48, P. gallinacea; 49, dromomithid: 50, Megalania prisca; 51, Wanambi naracoortensis; 52, Meiolania spp. PLEISTOCENE MEGAFAUNA - 1127 Each regional fauna is characterized by the presence or absence of a suite of megafauna species. The Northern regional fauna is poorly known, but appears to be somewhat depauperate, as the modern monsoon-effected faunas are today. It is known from poorly sampled local faunas at Riversleigh, Queensland; Victoria R., Northern Territory; and the Kimberleys, Western Australia. The habitat was probably monsoonal savanna-woodland as it is today. Protemnodon brehus, Zygomaturus trilobus and Diprotodon sp. have been identified as well as a small Tasmanian devil morph. ROP NORTHEASTERN > ad h Tacha CENTRAL S Rais =“ EASTERN a A_ wd SOUTHWESTERN YALL TASMANIAN Figure 36. Regional Late Pleistocene faunas; see Fig. 35 for key to species. The Northeastern regional fauna was the most species-rich. The large number of local faunas sample a wider time-range than other regions, except perhaps, for the Central region. The habitat was principally open grassland with patchy scrub and riparian woodland. This regional fauna contains all the known species of Procoptodon and many species of Macropus not recorded elsewhere (Longman 1924, Bartholomai 1975). The Eastern regional fauna is the most widespread and, therefore, the most typical Pleistocene community. It was continuous with a broadly ecotonal and geographically transitional Southeastern regional fauna, Tasmanian regional fauna and Southwestern regional fauna. This was a complex ecotone of shrubby sclerophyll forest, savanna woodland, dry 1128 - MURRAY grassland and heath occurring locally as vegetational mosaics in relation to a complex topography (Frank 1972, Marcus 1976, Sanson et al. 1980. The Tasmanian and Southwestern regions can be viewed as representing isolated extremes of the Eastern biome. The eastern fauna contains fewer species of Procoptodon and Macropus but more species of Sthenurus (Simosthenurus). Although Phascolonus gigas is not present, other vombatids (Phascolomys spp., Ramsayia spp.) are well represented. The Southeastern regional fauna is distinguished by the presence of Sthenurus maddocki and Sthenurus gilli, which are rare or absent in the eastern region. It also contains Sthenurus brownei, a species also common to the Southwestern regional fauna, but absent from Tasmania, Victoria and New South Wales (Gill 1957, Merrilees 1965, 1968, Flood 1973, Erry & Flannery 1978, Wells et al. 1984). The Tasmanian regional fauna is distinguished by its lack of many common genera and species, among them Diprotodon (known however, from King island, Bass Strait) Propleopus, Phascolonus spp., Nototherium and Procoptodon. A single specimen of S. gilli was identified from the Montague Local Fauna, otherwise dominated by the ubiquitous S. occidentalis. On the other hand, the Tasmanian megafauna shows no obvious signs of morphological endemicity, in contrast to the Southwestern region. Eastern Tasmania was predominantly lightly wooded grassland and western Tasmania was predominantly grassland in the north grading to forested mosaic grasslands to the south (Colhoun 1975, Colhoun et al. 1977, 1979, Goede et al. 1978, Goede & Murray 1979, Murray et al. 1980). The Southwestern regional fauna contains several endemics, including a large tachyglossid and a wombat. Its sthenurine fauna is restricted to two species, and many other macropodines characteristic of the adjacent faunas are absent. The region was clearly isolated to some extent during the Late Pleistocene, presumably by arid land to the north and the Nullarbor Plain to the east. A complex late Quaternary ecological succession has been documented for the Cape Naturaliste region (Dortch & Merrilees 1973, Balme et al. 1978, Merrilees 1979, Porter 1979). The Pleistocene faunal material from local caves Suggests that a woodland-heath-forest association was present throughout the Pleistocene. The shrub communities were replaced by forest about 20,000 years ago. The Central region exemplifies an extensive semiarid region characterized by open woodland with light mulga scrub and grass cover, with riparian woodland communities along perennial watercourses and shallow lakes, transitional to monsoonal savanna woodland to the north and grading into open shortgrass plains and saltbush steppe to the northwest and northeast. This is an enormous region comprised of large and small lakes and the western Murray-Darling drainage in South Australia, New South Wales and Victoria. The region contained many characteristic open country species which include giant Osphranter spp. large dolichocephalic sthenurines (S. tindalei), Procoptodon goliah, Phascolonus gigas and Diprotodon spp. With the exception of the Tasmanian and Southwestern regions, a number of non- mammalian megafauna are important members of these Late Pleistocene communities. The Northeastern and Eastern regional faunas contain the Giant monitor, Megalania prisca, Horned turtles, Miolania spp. The large python, Wonambi naracoortensis, and the dromornithid, Genyornis newtoni, are represented in the Central and Southeastern regional faunas. PALAEOBIOLOGY DEFINING A MEGAFAUNA COMMUNITY Ideally, complete, individual communities based on information from local faunas should form the basis of such an investigation (cf. Tedford 1967, Balme et al. 1978). For the PLEISTOCENE MEGAFAUNA - 1129 purposes of this introduction, a synthetic community, based on the large vertebrates common to most regional faunas must suffice, thus reflecting the introductory notes of this chapter in which a "typical" Australian megafaunal community was constructed. This brief and greatly oversimplified modelling exercise attempts to synthesize inferences from body weight estimations, functional anatomy, systematics and behaviour into a construct against which the various causal factors of Pleistocene extinction might be examined. Figure 37. Scaled skeletal restorations of Australian megafauna to provide a visual impression of probable weight relationships. The human skeleton represents 177 cm stature and body mass of 80 kg. Skeletal robusticity is correlated with increased body mass on the order of Y = 0.061 x 1.09 (Schmidt- Neilsen 1984): A, Megalania prisca redrawn with slight modifications from T. Rich & B. Hall, (Aust. Nat. Hist. 19, 1979; B, Simosthenurus occidentalis drawn from a photograph in R. Wells & N. Pledge Chap. 16: Vertebrate Fossils, Natural History of the Southeast, R. Soc. So. Aust., 1983; C, Phascolonus gigas, restoration based on proportions in E. Stirling, Mem. R. Soc. So. Aust.1 (4) 1913; D, Zygomaturus sp., drawn from a photograph of specimen in the Tasmanian Museum, Hobart; E, Procoptodon goliah restoration based on proportions in R. Tedford, Univ. Calif. Publs. geol. 64, 1967; F, Genyornis newtoni after P. V. Rich & E. M. Thompson 1982; G, Diprotodon optatum, drawn from photograph of Australian Museum specimen, Sydney; H, Macropus titan, based on proportions in R. Owen, Extinct Mammals of Australia, 1877; photograph in R. Wells & N. Pledge in Chap. 15: Vertebrate Fossils, Natural History of the Southeast, R. Soc. So. Aust., 1983; I, Thylacoleo carnifex (restoration based on a photograph in R. Wells & N. Pledge in Chap. 16: Vertebrate Fossils, Natural History of the Southeast, R. Soc. S. Aust., 1983). THE SIGNIFICANCE OF BODY WEIGHTS The estimated body weights of inferred Australian ecological equivalents with those of North America, where the megafauna is well documented, makes an interesting comparison. Australia is defined as a connected land mass, which includes the islands of Tasmania and New Guinea. North America is the contiguous land area of Canada, the United States and Mexico to the Tropic of Cancer. In spite of the considerable difference in land area (Australia: 7.7 X 106 1130 - MURRAY km2; North America: 24 X 106 km2), both continents supported a relatively similar number of megafaunal species that attained at least 40 kg body weight. Figure 38. Scaled skeletal restorations of examples of Late Pleistocene North American megafauna with human skeleton (height = 177 cm) for comparison: A, Castoroides, giant beaver, redrawn, Romer, Vertebrate Paleontology Univ. Chicago Press, 1967; B, Mammut americanus, Mastodon, based on proportions given for a Benton County Missouri U.S.A. Specimen recorded in A Guide to the Fossil Mammals and Birds in the British Museum of Natural history, 1909, skeleton redrawn from A. Romer, Vertebrate Paleontology, 1967; C, Bison sp., example of a Late Pleistocene bison, (redrawn from A, Romer, Vertebrate Paleontology, 1967); D, Panthera atrox, American Lion, based on data in Anderson (1984) and Anderson, pers. comm.; E, Eremotherium mirabil, Giant ground sloth, drawn from a photograph of a specimen from the Daytona Beach Bone Bed on display in the Daytona Beach Museum of Arts and Sciences, Daytona Beach Florida U.S.A.; F, Nothriotheriops shastense, Shasta ground sloth (redrawn from A. Romer, Vertebrate Paleontology, 1967). The pooled estimate of the mean body mass of the Australian mammalian megafauna, constituting 35 species >40 kg is 196 kg. The North American megafauna, constituting 44 species >40 kg is 595.4 kg, approximately three times heavier than that of Australia (Figs 37- 39; Tables 16-19). In North America, there is a 27% survival rate of post-Pleistocene mammals >40 kg compared to only 15% in Australia. If it can be assumed that the long-term, overall productivity of a continent has some relationship to its area, then the factor of three difference between land area and the body mass of the megafaunal species might serve as an PLEISTOCENE MEGAFAUNA - 1131 | empirical estimator for relative scaling of body sizes in terms of community structure. These estimations are extremely crude and are intended to demonstrate no more than an approximate order of magnitude. Because there is no real demarcation between the extinct megafauna and large living mammals (>40 kg) they are included as "surviving megafauna". The Australian surviving megafauna (>40 kg) comprise six species with a pooled mean adult male weight of 55 kg. North American survivors include sixteen species (>40 kg) having a pooled mean weight of 295 kg. If the arbitrary megafauna weight definition is divided by three (=13.3 kg) the lowered Australian rubicon includes a total of 13 Australian surviving megafauna with a mean pooled weight of 30.9 kg, which exactly equals the 27% survivorship of North America. Coincidental? Probably, given the nature of the assumptions and imprecision of the estimations. However, when the entire Australian megafauna is adjusted by this factor, its species much more closely approximate the trophic structure of Pleistocene North America, both qualitatively and quantitatively (Table 20). This strongly suggests that the absolute weight equivalents of North American mammals should not be used as populational analogues. Large Australian marsupials such as Diprotodon were probably the trophic and populational equivalents of proboscidians rather than rhinos; zygomaturines were the populational equivalents of rhinos, not American bison. PATTERN OF SPECIATION Prolific Pleistocene speciation in Australia can be inferred by comparison with North America. There were 19 genera and 35 species of Australian megafauna compared to 42 genera and about 44 species for North America. The Rancholabrean megafauna was predominatly monogeneric, while in Australia a small number of megafaunal genera had speciated very prolifically and finely, implying very narrow niche insinuations (Fig. 39). The tendency for high speciation among the Australian megafauna supports the proposition that high diversification of the community is a strategy for attaining maximum control of the comparatively smaller amount of energy available to it, this being accomplished at the expense of maintaining high population densities. In other words, population densities of large herbivores in Australia were comparatively low in order to accommodate an energy-extraction strategy of species-richness within an oligotrophic ecosystem. As pointed out, it appears likely that the largest Australian marsupials were bound by population restrictions analogous to the largest of placental herbivores (mammoths, giant sloths) rather than populations attained by placentals of approximately the same actual weight. Consequently, populations of the larger herbivorous marsupials were generally lower than would be attributed to them on the basis of absolute weights of placental analogues. DWARFING The greater the extent of speciation, the more bound-up and secure the available energy. An important aspect of this speciation is the evolution of a range of body sizes adjusted to the productivity limitations of the habitat. In a general sense, body size in mammals is a function of the rate of energy turnover in the system. Large mammals store energy longer than small ones, contributing to stability. This is the principle behind the high degree of speciation in Australia in comparison with North America and provides a likely explanation for the great discrepancy in the mean weight of the surviving megafauna in Australia (30.9 kg) compared to North America (295 kg). The dwarfing phenomenon is documented in certain lineages of Late Pleistocene macropodids. The biological function of dwarfing is to increase the local population density of 1132 - MURRAY a species. According to Dameth (1981) change in body size offers no direct energetic advantages in the relationship of population density to body mass where DR = W- 0.75 North America Australia 15 N genera and species 10 15-35 40-100 100-350 350-1500 1500-3000 35-115 115-500 500-1000 Wt. kg. Figure 39, Paired histograms of numbers of genera and species of extinct megafauna grouped by weight categories, demonstrating similarity in the distribution of body weights through both North American and Australian communities. The mean body weight of the North American megafauna is approximately three limes greater than that of Australia’s. Note the discrepancy in numbers of species (although some of the North American species are disputed or unassigned) but similarity in the distribution of genera by weight. PLEISTOCENE MEGAFAUNA - 1133 (D=population density, R=metabolic requirements and W=body mass). Because there is no direct energetic advantage gained by the reduction of body size, a gradual reduction in habitat productivity due to climatic change should result in a decline in the local population density rather than a reduction inthe body size. Late Pleistocene dwarfing appears instead, to be associated with an acceleration of the energetic turnover in the habitat due to perturbations for which accelerated sexual maturity and increased reproductive rates and perhaps opportunistic reproductive patterns are more suitably adaptive. Because body-size is an important adjunct to many feeding adaptations, dwarfing is not a possibility open to all species (Fig. 40). Certain specialized browsers cannot continue in their characteristic niches because their large bodies are an essential physical and physiological adjunct to the adaptation. The grazing macropodine kangaroos however, were able to scale-down without shifting their adaptive zone, although some species exclusion and accommodative downward sliding of the already suitably small kangaroos is an expected and, indeed, observable phenomenon (Marshall & Corrucini 1978, Horton 1980, 1984). PREDATOR DIVERSITY From the foregoing, it may be inferred that the populations of the Australian megafauna were too sparse to support a high diversity of large mammalian carnivores. Thylacoleo carnifex is the only large "felid" equivalent and Thylacinus cynocephalus is the only proxy large "canid". Even with the addition of Propleopus oscillans to the predator guild, the poor recruitment of large carnivores must be a reflection of the limited biomass and low standing crop of large herbivorous species. Such a system would provide an optimum support base for carnivore-scavengers such as Megalania prisca and crocodiles. The lack of highly specialized scavenging birds (e.g. vultures) and large, hyena-like mammalian scavengers (Australian avian scavengers are largely opportunistic) may relate to the low mortality rate. In the absence of a high biomass with nightly predator kills (Serengeti-type) a lower biomass of megamarsupials suffering periodic catastrophic mortality (drought) would be better suited to low metabolic reptilian scavengers. BEHAVIOUR AND INTELLIGENCE Locomotor Behaviour The thick-set browsing kangaroos (Sthenurinae) differ anatomically from the equally large but more lightly built macropodine kangaroos. The distinguishing functional features relate to the mechanism of the thigh. In Simosthenurus the semimembranosus muscles have a more acute line of action across the hip joint than in macropodines, created by the upward sweep of the ischial tuberosity of the pelvis (Fig. 41). The femur in Simosthenurus is also relatively longer, and with regard to the retraction of the femur, the gluteus medius is longer, and provided with a much broader attachment to the ilium. Simosthenurus, therefore, had a more powerful and faster retracting mechanism of the hip than Macropus spp. However, its lower limb segment was relatively shorter, resulting in a "lower-geared" system. It appears that the locomotion of Simosthenurus was optimally suited for short bursts of rapid bounding. Small macropodines show conditions somewhat similar to Simosthenurus. This is a predictable relationship because their strategy for escape from predators is a short sprint for cover. The peculiar limb proportions of Simosthenurus suggest that it could have been habitually quadrupedal during slow locomotion. Procoptodon, being very large and long-limbed, may have been considerably faster than Simosthenurus but perhaps less capable of sustaining a 1134 - MURRAY sprint unless it was able to unload heat very efficiently. Its hindlimb was also much more "high-geared," and thus it was probably a slow starter. Figure 40. Dwarfing phenomenon in Australian Late Pleistocene megafauna: A, Macropus titan; B, Macropus cooperi compared with Macropus robustus,; C, Sarcophilus laniarius with S. harrissii; D, Wallabia indra with W. bicolor; E, Phascolarctos stirtoni with P. cinereus; F, Macropus siva with M. agilis. (After Murray 1984a). Protemnodon exhibits another unique macropodid locomotor system. It also had a "low- geared" hind limb with rebust proportions of the femur, tibia and fibula. Its foot was broader and shorter than that of any other macropodid except for tree kangaroos. The out-lever to in- lever proportions of the foot of P. otibandus is 1:3.8 compared with between 1:4.3 to 1:4.7 of other macropodines. The stocky hindlimb array and the short, broad feet of Protemnodon PLEISTOCENE MEGAFAUNA - 1135 suggest that it may have required a great deal of energy to initiate a rapid locomotor mode and to sustain it for any appreciable distance. This assertion depends upon the degree of elastic recoil of the achilles tendon, and the assumption of course, that Protemnodon locomotion was similar to that of Macropus. Figure 41. Hind limbs of: A, Macropus giganteus; B, Simosthenurus occidentalis; and C, Thylogale billardieri, not to scale; size adjusted to tibia length. The diprotodontids were plantigrade, graviportal species. The short lever of the olecranon process in both Zygomaturus and Diprotodon indicate that the line of action of the medial head of the triceps was inserted close to the joint, yielding little torque, but fast retraction of the forearm. In common with placental graviportal herbivores, the olecranon was deflected posteriorly and the ulna and radius were both large and free for weight-bearing. The shoulder musculature was highly developed. The scapulae of both genera have large acromion processes and wing-like extensions of the axillary border producing powerful but restricted movements in relation to the stabilization of the upper segment of the forelimb (Fig. 42). The hind limbs featured “high-geared" retraction of the knee joint as inferred from the short ischial tuberosities (Fig. 43). The broad ilia reflect short, massive gluteus medius muscles. In-lever to out-lever proportions of the feet indicate weak leverage, characteristic of graviportal beasts. The femur of Diprotodon is relatively long in proportion to the inferior segment of the limb. This may have yielded a greater velocity of retraction of its hind limb. These beasts were probably capable of a sustained, smooth and efficient, but comparatively slow, maximum- speed gait. 1136 - MURRAY The limbs of the giant wombat, Phascolonus gigas, are structurally similar to its nearest living relative, Vombatus ursinus. The olecranon process forms a long and superiorly directed lever arm characteristic of scratch-digging fossors. Both the scapular acromion and the deltoid tuberosity of the humerus attest to large, well-developed deltoid muscles. The morphology of the giant wombat's scapula is in marked contrast to that of Diprotodon in having a long, straight axillary border, like that of the living wombat. The hind-limb of the giant wombat is also similar to that of the living forms in having a comparatively long and upward-flexed ischial tuberosity. This effectively lengthens the hamstrings while simultaneously keeping their line of action close to the hip joint. Both the manus and the pes have comparatively longer in-levers than those in the diprotodontids. Thus, it appears that P. gigas was anatomically suited for digging, although its size would make it the largest tunnelling mammal ever known. Its locomotor capabilities would have been similar to the living wombats, which are effective short-distance sprinters with speeds up to 40 km having been recorded. A Figure 42. Comparison of forelimbs of: A, Vombatus ursinus; B, Zygomaturus trilobus; C, Diprotodon optatum; D, Phascolonus gigas; not to scale, size adjusted to humerus length. Of the known Australian marsupial carnivores, only the thylacine Thylacinus cynocephalus, may have been capable of sustained cursorial pursuit predation of larger animals. Even in this case, the thylacine's hunting prowess would have been severely limited without the social component of pack hunting. We lack direct evidence of pack hunting in thylacines, but rock paintings from Arnhem Land, Northern Territory depict human beings surrounded by thylacine packs, suggesting the possibility that this dog-like marsupial may have been a social hunter over part of its extensive range. Keast (1982) discusses the cursorial adaptations of the thylacine suggesting that it was not as cursorial as the placental wolf. Werdelin (pers. comm.) argues against the cursorial pursuit mode of hunting by Thylacinus, based on functional grounds, and instead, favours an ambush mode of hunting similar to that of foxes. The marsupial lion, Thylacoleo carnifex, has an overall lion-like visage, but lacks many of the cursorial specializations of the large placental cats. In comparison with the lion, the limbs PLEISTOCENE MEGAFAUNA - 1137 are remarkably similar, but the inferior limb segments of the marsupial lion are relatively heavier (Figs 44, 45). The fibula, which is reduced to a thin splint in the lion is robust in Thylacoleo. The forelimbs bear the greatest similarity, possibly due to their similar roles in predation. The greatest differences are in the structure of the manus and pes. The lion is highly digitigrade, with elongated metacarpals and metatarsals, In Thylacoleo the metacarpals are broad and short, and, in particular, the metatarsals are much shorter and the entire foot is relatively smaller. The in-lever (calcaneus) of Thylacoleos's foot is relatively much shorter than that of the lion. The propulsive thrust of the hindlimb of Thylacoleo was probably greatly inferior to that of the lion. The marsupial lion was, therefore, principally an ambush hunter with a limited pursuit capability. Figure 43. Comparison of the hind limbs of: A, Vombatus ursinus, B, Zygomaturus trilobus; C, Diprotodon optatum, D, Phascolonus gigas; not to scale, size adjusted to femur length. Brain Size The estimation of brain size relative to body size depends on the determination of a satisfactory allometric adjustment that allows comparison of the enormous range of mammalian body forms. Jerison (1973) argues that increased brain size in mammals may be at least partly related to a positive feedback relationship between predators and prey, concluding that the actual functions that developed from this interaction was the perceptual equipment necessary for flexible response. Given the apparently low level of predator-prey interaction among Australian marsupials in combination with their relatively small-brained didelphoid ancestors, the rate of encephalization would be predictably lower in Australidelphians. Using Jerison’s (1973) allometric formula EQ=E /0,12P2/3 (where EQ = encephalization quotient; E = brain weight; P = body weight), the average Australian marsupial brain (Encephalization quotient) is about two-thirds that of the average placental. Of course, included among the placental sample are the exceptionally large primate brains, and both Jerison's (1973) allometric formula and Crile & Quiring's (1940) data base have certain flaws. These calculations, however, seem to support the direct anatomical observations, that is, marsupials have relatively smaller brains than placentals (Fig. 46; Tables 21,22). 1138 - MURRAY Figure 44. Comparison of the forelimb structure of: A, placental lion, Panthera leo, and B, Thylacoleo carnifex. Intelligence Some possible differences in intelligence between placentals and marsupials appear to be reflected in learning and discrimination tests. In a series of simple discriminations, the Red Kangaroo performs favourably with that of a house mouse (Mus musculus) but was generally inferior to many other eutherians tested (Neuman 1961). Munn (1964) concludes that Australian marsupials are capable of only moderate improvement on discrimination tests. Kirkby (1977) found that the discriminatory powers of the Brushtail Possum (Trichosurus vulpecula) was greatly inferior to that of placentals. Tindale-Biscoe (1973) suggests that one possible explanation for the poor australidelphian discriminatory responses is slower neural responses associated with a lower metabolism. Both the brain-size calculations and intelligence PLEISTOCENE MEGAFAUNA - 1139 intelligence testing methods have been severely critici i y criticized but appear to be supporte phylogenetic considerations (Lillegraven et al. 1987). ~ Dah aa Figure 45. Comparison of the hind limb structure of: A, placental lion Panthera leo, and Thylacoleo carnifex. While these studies suggest that there are important differences in encephalization and discriminatory behaviour under certain circumstances between marsupials and placentals, their actual adaptive significance is not well understood. Without a doubt, the neural adaptations of marsupials are as refined relative to their particular adaptive zones as those of placentals. The difference in marsupial and placental mental capability only becomes relevant in the context of entirely novel conditions, such as the introduction of placental predators. 1140 - MURRAY 0 5cm Figure 46. Comparison of the endocranial cavities of : A, Sarcophilus harrisii (Tasmanian devil) and B, a young wolverine (Gulo luscius); the skulls have equal-sized visceral components but differ markedly in the size of the neurocranium. Defensive Structures and Morphological Differentiation Australian marsupials lack highly developed defensive and offensive structures like horns, antlers and tusks, characteristic of many herbivorous placentals. Of the Late Pleistocene species, only Zygomaturus trilobus has any indication of the development of defensive horns or knobs on its head. A Pliocene genus, Euryzygoma dunense, had elongated masseteric processes resembling the laterally projecting zygomatic processes of American Oligocene entelodonts. Many giant marsupial species had large claws, and certain large diprotodontians had large incisor teeth that could have been used defensively, but for the most part, these appear to be primarily associated with feeding. Kangaroos are moderately effective defensively in being able to strike out with their huge hind feet while balancing on their tail. This is a proven strategy for a single predator but would not have the required mobility to keep several PLEISTOCENE MEGAFAUNA - 1141 predators from eventually reaching it from behind, and particularly vulnerable is the tail itself, that when apprehended would completely unbalance the kangaroo's defensive capabilities. Associated with the lack of elaborate defensive specializations is a general morphological uniformity or paucity of major adaptive zone level of differentiation in the Marsupialia in general, in comparison to the placentals. There are no flying marsupials or marsupial whales, seals or otters, but there are adaptations that represent rudimentary steps along some of these evolutionary pathways. The pattern of differentiation is quantitatively similar to that of placentals, but qualitatively, the differentiation is generally less radical. Thus, the extensive speciation of the sthenurine kangaroos is composed of very similar forms. Whatever the cause of Late Pleistocene extinction, the factors effecting one of the dozen or so species, for example, the genus Sthenurus, appear to have been equally detrimental to all of them. Reproduction This is the most fundamental element in understanding the nature of marsupial speciation and ultimately of Pleistocene extinction. All that has been previously mentioned about speciation, body weights and population sizes of the Australian megafauna can be reformulated and explained in terms of the marsupial pattern of reproduction. The uniquely marsupial reproductive pattern is basic to their comparative lack of differentiation (morphological conservatism) and more importantly, in terms of extinction phenomena, their relative lack of chromosomal (karyotypic) diversity (Lillegraven et al. 1987). According to Lillegraven et al. (1987), the comparative lack of genotypic differentiation and lower encephalization in marsupials are related to the degree of connection between energetics and reproduction. In marsupials, fecundity, gestation period and postnatal growth rates are largely independent of body mass and metabolic rates. Eutherians have metabolically-linked reproductive pattems that involve rapid and prolonged intra-uterine development which appears to be correlated with relatively larger brain-size and complexity, longevity, gregariousness and chromosomal diversity. On the less theoretical side, there is less extreme sexual dimorphism among the extinct megafaunal marsupial genera, whereas the larger surviving megafauna (macropodine kangaroos) are highly dimorphic. Although this point requires more detailed investigation, it has important implications in relation to energetics and reproductive rate as obvious advantages are accrued in the shorter period of sexual immaturity resulting in increased reproductive turnover. Extreme sexual dimorphism is only possible in forms that have less investment in their body size for obtaining and processing food. If extreme sexual dimorphism were an option for population-stressed diprotodontids and short-faced browsing kangaroos, it would have been present. As with dwarfing, their potential for dimorphism was constrained by the close relationship of a particular body size to their respective feeding specializations. CONCLUDING REMARKS Understanding the interaction between man and the environment and the effect of environmental changes on biological communities is one of the most important of the contemporary scientific issues confronting us today. The Pleistocene extinction problem undoubtedly has some bearing on this. Unfortunately, the compelling attraction of certain “causes” have found their way into scientific issues, where they offer little or no insight. The evidence that marsupials may not have been as intelligent or that their mode of reproduction places significant constraints on their diversification might offend and the notion that aboriginal hunters may not have been conservation-minded will be obstinately denied by those committed to the idea. Climatic change is a conveniently neutral causal factor that can extinguish a megafauna without any emotive connotations. 1142 - MURRAY In the first place, without being able to determine from scientific evidence, any specific causal mechanism, the agency or agencies responsible for extinction remain aloof. In order to implicate human activities, there must be some evidence of their association with the megafauna. This we have in both circumstantial (temporal overlap) (Merrilees 1968b, Dortch & Merrilees 1973, Bowler 1976, Chaloupka 1977, Hope et al. 1977, Murray & Chaloupka 1984) and direct (artifact associations) forms (McIntyre & Hope 1978, Archer et al. 1980). If climatic extremes, particularly drought, is responsible, then there must be supporting evidence also. This evidence is present from sites about 25,000 years old at Lancefield (Gillespie et al. 1978) and Lake Menindee (Tedford 1967). The evidence does not seem to support a "Bow- wave" or "Blitzkreig" effect as proposed by Martin (1984), but this does not rule out the possibility that aboriginal man was involved in the megafauna extinctions (Jones 1968, 1979). The arrival of Homo sapiens on the Australian continent is the only new element in the evolution of Australian communities since the invasion of murid rodents in the Pliocene. Episodic droughts severe enough to result in ecological tethering such as proposed for Lancefield (Horton 1978) have been occurring in Australia since the Late Miocene (Woodbume 1967; Murray, in prep.). These droughts did not result in the extirpation of the megafauna then, and there seem to be no compelling reasons why drought alone should have become any more effective eight million years later. The foregoing palaeobiological arguments suggest that the Australian megafauna was, if anything, extremely well adjusted to the drying conditions of the later Tertiary and that many of their specialized locomotor and feeding mechanisms, the increased body size of bulk feeding browsers, the trophic and population structure of their communities and the pattern of speciation also made them highly vulnerable to almost any introduced perturbation, particularly that of predator pressure. The precise nature of these ecological disturbances is not known. The use of fire by aboriginal man has been implicated (Merrilees 1968b), but it would have the same drawback as the idea of the Bow-wave effect of hunting that if it were the primary agency of extinction, effective extirpation would be almost immediate. However, if the population of the megafaunal species was relatively low and if they were comparatively slow-reproducing, those specialists among which body size was an important aspect of their feeding adaptation were unable to respond to higher population demands by decreasing their body size were more at risk to predator pressure than others. It is, therefore, not difficult to imagine that a gradual attrition of these populations by hunting could eventually lead to their extinction. Of the various preferred scenarios, this would seem to account for the differential nature of the extinction pattern better than any drought or fire ecology argument, If extinction by population attrition through hunting were the case, we would expect to find archaeological sites with some associated megafauna and palaeontological assemblages that reflect a gradually diminishing megafauna element from 50,000 yBP to the Holocene. If drought were the primary causal agency of extinction, then it must be proven that the potentially enormous refugia in Australia were severely and equally affected, presumably to the extent that no animal over 40 kg was able to survive, The late persistence of megafauna in the very Late Pleistocene or early Holocene could be taken as a clear refutation of the drought hypothesis. If the firing of the bush by aboriginal people was responsible, its pattern should not differ from that of the "Bow-wave" Overkill model, for if the megafauna made an initial adaptation to it, as twenty thousand years of overlap with aboriginal man in Australia seems to imply, there is no direct support for the idea. However, it is possible that the necessarily detrimental ecological modifications of the environment took some twenty thousand years to fully establish, and the final energetic circumstances could not be endured by the megafauna. More succinctly, the cause of megafaunal extinction was probably due to a combination of all the above agencies, but without the influence of aboriginal man, the megafauna would have survived until the arrival of the Europeans. PLEISTOCENE MEGAFAUNA - 1143 SUMMARY The study of Late Pleistocene megafauna in Australia was initiated by the British anatomist Richard Owen in the mid-19th Century. His monumental two-volume work (1877) is a tribute to the brilliance of the old anatomist, as is still stands as the single most complete and valuable reference on the subject. Since the 1950's, the palaeontological and geochronological background to the evolution of the Australian Pleistocene megafauna has been substantially enriched by new discoveries. Subsequent systematic investigations have also clarified the taxonomic relationships of some groups, although much remains to be done. At the present time, the major mammalian constituents of the Australian Late Pleistocene community are identified with sufficient precision that more detailed studies of Pleistocene communities and broader comparisons can be anticipated. Of the monotremes, there are two genera and three species of large echidnas. The dasyurids have one large-bodied genus, Sarcophilus, with one relative megafaunal subspecies, S. laniarius dawsoni, The thylacines are reduced to a single Pleistocene species, Thylacinus cynocephalus. Koalas are represented by a slightly larger Pleistocene morph, Phascolarctos stirtoni. The large wombats are still in a somewhat ambiguous state. It appears that there is a single, very large form, Phascolonus gigas, and a medium-sized Ramsayia-group composed of one or two species. A third large-bodied genus, Phascolomys, contains a single species, P. medius, that was about half again larger than the living Lasiorhinus or Vombatus. The marsupial tapirs, Palorchestes spp., have been reduced to a single Late Pleistocene species, P. azeal. The presence of P. parvus at Strathdownie Cave may be a misidentification, or, perhaps, not all of the Strathdownie material is Late Pleistocene in age. These are rare and poorly represented fossils about which little is known. They are among the largest marsupials which include the marsupial rhinoceros, Zygomaturus trilobus, and the marsupial proboscidian analogue, Diprotodon spp. There may be two distinct Pleistocene species of Diprotodon. A single "nototheriine" Nototherium inerme, survived into the Late Pleistocene. "Pygmy" zygomaturines have been recorded from Late Pleistocene cave localities in New Guinea. The marsupial lions, although highly variable in size, appear to represent a single species, Thylacoleo carnifex. They represent the largest Australian mammalian carnivores. The suggestion of a scavenger status for the species in unsupportable due to the absence of any other primary carnivore to make kills. Because the carnivore recruitment in megafaunal communities appears to be remarkably low, it has been proposed that the giant rat-kangaroos, Propleopus, may have been at least an opportunistic predator. The macropodoid megafaunal complex was an enormous radiation, of which the genera Macropus and Sthenurus each contain at least a dozen species. Procoptodon goliah was the largest Late Pleistocene kangaroo, attaining an estimated weight of between 150 and 200 kg. In terms of absolute weights, the Australian megafauna were comparatively small-sized compared to the North American, Eurasian and African megafaunas. The mean body weight of the Australian megafauna over 40 kg is about one-third that of the North American megafauna. The pattern of speciation of the Australian megafauna also differs from that of North America in that there were few genera and many finely differentiated species in Australia compared to the predominantly monospecific but large number of genera in North America. The Australian marsupials evolved few specialized defensive and offensive structures and appear to have been less fleet than the placental cursorial specialists. Anatomical and behavioural evidence suggest that the marsupial megafauna may not have evolved as high a flexibility of response to predators as the larger herbivorous placentals. The Australian megafauna had been adapting to cyclic drought for at least 8 million years. Many of their morphological specializations related to the marginal conditions of a semiarid climate and pedological senility. 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Tachyglossus cf. T. aculeatus Zaglossus ramsayi Zaglossus hackett Condylobasal Length of skull - 165.0 - Length of Beak - 89.3 = Length of Humerus 54.0 64.8 - Length of Radius - 76.0 100.0 Length of Femur 57.0 72.0 126.0 Length of Tibia - 87.7 112.0 Table 2. Mean dimensions (mm) of the cheek teeth of giant devil, Sarcophilus laniarius (data from Dawson 1982a). p> Ps) M2 Mp) M3 Mz” M4 Mg Ms Mg Length 6.7 6.1 0 12.3 9.9 13.7 11.6 14. Width 3 1 10.0 6.9 11.0 7.2 Table 3. Mean dimensions (mm) of the cheek teeth of Late Pleistocene thylacines, Thylacinus cynocephalus, from Wellington caves (data from Dawson 1982b). Table 4. Mean dimensions (mm) of lower molars of vombatid, Phascolomys medius, compared with Vombatus ursinus (data from Marcus 1976). Phascolomys medius Vombatus ursinus Depth of Mandible at M2 - M3 43.9 32.4 M2 Length 14.3 11.6 M2 Anterior Width 8.1 6.1 M2 Posterior Width M3 Length M3 Anterior Width M3Posterior Width Mg Length Mg Anterior Width M4Posterior Width Ms Length Ms Anterior Width Ms Posterior Width M2 - Mg Length PLEISTOCENE MEGAFAUNA - 1151 Table 5. Mean dimensions (mm) of upper cheek teeth of Zygomaturus trilobus and Diprotodon optatum (data from Owen 1877). p> Length P? Width M2 Length M2 Anterior Width M2 Posterior Width mM? Length M? Anterior Width M?> Posterior Width m4 Length m4 Anterior Width M4 Posterior Width M> Length M> Anterior Width M> Posterior Width Zygomaturus trilobus 28.7 24.5 31.5 29.8 31.2 37.6 35.5 33.5 44.3 38.5 35.0 43.8 37.6 29.2 Diprotodon optatum 24.6 21.5 38.4 32.3 35.1 47.5 40.3 41.1 57.5 45.6 43.6 54.2 44.9 37.8 Table 6. Mean dimensions (mm) of upper cheek teeth of Late Pleistocene palorchestid, Palorchestes azeal, compared with Pliocene (?Pleistocene) Palorchestes parvus (data drom Woods 1958). Palorchestes azeal p> Length p>? Width M2 Length M? Width mM? Length M? Width m4 Length M4 Width M> Length M> Width 19.5 18.5 26.3 21.9 26.8 23.2 27.0 22.6 27.7 22.0 Palorchestes parvus 16.8 14.5 19.6 15.5 20.1 16.3 21.0 16.6 23.7 16.6 1152 - MURRAY S606 Table 7. Mean dimensions (mm) of Thylacoleo carnifex cheek teeth (data from Archer & Dawson 1982). P3 p3 M2 M2 P3+Mz P>+ M3 Length 39.2 49.8 14:2 14.2 51.8 47.2 Width 14.0 14.7 10.0 9.3 . : —aeG=—uaeR60o020o773°0 SSS Table 8. Mean dimensions (mm) of lower cheek dentitions of the giant rat-kangaroo, Propleopus oscillans (data from Pledge 1980a). Propleopus oscillans P3 Length 14.2 P3 Width 9.5 M2 Length 9.7 M2 Anterior Width 9.2 M2 Posterior Width 9.0 M3 Length 10.9 M3 Anterior Width 9.9 M3 Posterior Width 10.2 Mg Length 11.4 Mg Anterior Width 10.5 M4 Posterior Width 9.8 Ms Length 11.0 Ms Anterior Width 9.7 Ms Posterior Width 8.5 Sss“(3.:"e“a“[CTV"—ve0NENMa—CEKe0—™“™Nn@awqoooooooooeoeeeeeeee Table 9. Mean dimensions (mm) of lower cheek teeth of large Late Pleistocene Macropus species (data from Bartholomai). Macropus titan Macropus ferragus Macropus cooperi P3 Length 7.4 9.0 P3 Width 4.0 4.0 3.0 M2 Length 13.0 - - M2Width 7.6 8.3 > M3 Length 14.5 16.9 13.2 M3 Width 9.0 9.7 ‘ Mg Length 16.5 18.8 15.3 Mg Width 9.7 11.1 - Ms Length 17.5 20.8 17.4 Ms Width 10.3 11.4 9.0 Table 10. Mean dimensions (mm) of lower check teeth of Late Pleistocene Protemnodon species (data from Bartholomai 1973). Protemnodon anak Protemnodon brehus Protemnodon roechus P3 Length 16.5 16.7 16.5! 17.7 20.0! 18.8 P3 Width $7 5.4 6.4 7.1 7.3 7.0 M2 Length 10.5 12.0 13.4 13.5 13.1 13.3 M2 Width 7.5 Ay | - 9.9 - 9.4 M3 Length 13.4 13.9 15.3 16.3 16.2 16.1 M3 Width 953 9.3 10.6 11.5 - 11.3 PLEISTOCENE MEGAFAUNA - 1153 M4 Length 16.2 15.5 17.9 18.2 18.9 18.5 Mg Width 10.5 10.4 12.1 12.6 12.4 12.5 Ms Length 17.2 16.5 19.7 19.2 20.0 19.7 Ms Width - 10.8 12.3 12.7 12.3 12.6 1 holotypes Table 11. Mean dimensions (mm) of lower cheek teeth of occidentalis group of Simosthenurus (leaf-eating kangaroos) (data from Merrilees 1965, Tedford 1966). S. occidentalis S. brownei S. orientalis P3Length 16.7 14.4 17.0 P3 Anterior Width 7.8 9.61 8.1 P3Posterior Width 9.9 - 10.0 M>) Length 12.1 10.2 13.1 M2 Anterior Width 9.0 9.1} 10.3 M? Posterior Width 9.4 - 10.6 M3 Length 12.8 11.1 14.3 M3 Anterior Width 10.1 9.91 11.6 M3 Posterior Width 10.1 - 11.9 Mg Length 13.1 11.6 15.6 Mg Anterior Width 10.4 10.2! 12.5 Mg Posterior Width 10.4 - 12.6 Ms Length 12.1 11.3 14.6 Ms Anterior Width 10.3 10.3! 12.7 Ms Posterior Width 9.5 - 12.1 1 maximum width ———————————————=—========— Table 12. Mean dimensions (mm) of lower cheek teeth of microdont leaf-eating kangaroo, Simosthenurus gilli and S. maddocki (data from Merrilees 1965, Wells & Murray 1979)). Sthenurus maddocki Sthenurus gill P3 Length 15.9 14.4 P3 Maximum Width 8.2 8.6 M2 Length 10.3 8.8 M2 Maximum Width 8.6 8.0 M3 Length 11.1 9.7 M3 Maximum Width 9.3 8.5 Mg Length 12.0 10.1 Mg Maximum Width 10.2 9.2 Ms Length 11.7 9.7 Ms Maximum Width 10.2 9.3 ———— i eee Table 13. Mean dimensions (mm) of lower cheek teeth of dolichocephalic sthenurines, Sthenurus (data from Tedford 1966). S. tindalei S. atlas S. andersoni S. oreas P3 Length 18.7 16.8 14.5 14.2 P3 Anterior Width 8.2 6.5 6.1 6.9 P3 Posterior Width 9.7 8.2 FA 8.5 M2 Length - 12.3 11.1 13.3 1154 - MURRAY M2 Anterior Width - 9.2 8.8 9.9 M2 Posterior Width < 9.5 8.9 10.2 M3 Length - 13.6 12.7 14.8 M3 Anterior Width - 10.5 9.7 11.0 M3 Posterior Width 13.6 10.4 10.0 11.2 Mg Length 17.0 14.8 13.9 16.4 Mg Anterior Width - - 11.0 12.2 Mg Posterior Width - 11.4 10.7 12.2 Ms Length 16.4 14.0 12.6 - Ms Anterior Width 13.6 11.9 11.1 - Ms Posterlor Width 11.4 10.5 9.6 - Seen ee eee ee Table 14. Mean dimensions (mm) of lower check teeth of Procoptodon species (data from Marcus 1976). P. goliah P. rapha P. pusio P3 Length 14.1 15.2 10.0 P3 Anterior Width 8.6 7.9 5.6 P3 Posterior Width 11.0 11.0 6.6 M2 Length 18.3 17.9 13.7 M2 Anterior Width 13.9 13.1 10.1 M2 Posterior Width 14.7 13.3 10.4 M3 Length 22.2 21.8 16.5 M3 Anterior Width 16.9 15.2 11.8 M3 Posterior Width 16.5 14.9 11.7 Mg Length 24.7 23.5 18.5 Mg Anterior Width 18.5 16.2 12.7 M4Posterior Width 17.7 15.8 12.6 Ms Length 24.9 23.3 18.0 Ms Anterior Width 18.0 15.3 12.7 Ms Posterior Width 16.7 14.9 11.8 eee SSS SS Table 15. Check list of Pleistocene occurrences of Australian mammalian megafaunal species by state. Qid. N.S.W Vic. Tas. S.A. W.A. Tachyglossidae Zaglossus ramsayi Xx x xX ».4 Xx Zaglossus hacketti Dasyuridae Sarcophilus laniarius Xx Xx Xx Xx xX ? Thylacoleonidae Thylacoleo carnifex x Xx XxX Xx X Thylacoleo sp. Vombatidae Phascolonus gigas x Ramsayia curvirostris Phascolomys magnus Phascolomys medius Vombatus hacketti ».4 Phascolarctidae Phascolarctos stirtoni Xx Palorchestidae Palorchestes azeal Xx Palorchestes parvus Diprotodontidae x x ~_ x x x mK mM xx ~< ~ > x x x Diprotodon minor x x 4 4 Diprotodon optatum X xX xX x X ? Zygomaturus trilobus X X xX ? X xX Zygomaturus ?tasmanicum 4 X xX Nototherium inerme PLEISTOCENE MEGAFAUNA - 1155 Macropodidae Propleopus oscillans Wallabia vishnu Protemnodon anak Protemnodon brehus Protemnodon roechus Troposodon minor Macropus siva Macropus rama Macropus gouldi Macropus piltonensis Macropus thor Macropus birdselli Macropus titan Macropus ferragus Macropus stirtoni Macropus pearsoni Sthenurus andersoni Sthenurus atlas Sthenurus oreas Sthenurus tindalei Sthenurus pales Sthenurus occidentalis Sthenurus brownei Sthenurus gilli Sthenurus orientalis X Sthenurus maddocki Procoptodon goliah Xx Procoptodon rapha x x x ~ MRK KM ~~ KM OM ta ~~ OM > mK M bas ~*~ mm ~_ > DS OM DE Od OK KOK OK OK OK OK OK OK OO OM ) mx KK OM mK OK OK * pa Et idl i i i ia! KK Procoptodon pusio Procoptodon texasensis OOOO Table 16. Data base from which the estimation of body mass of megafauna was derived; < indicates underestimation of upper limit of body mass range; cranial and dentary lengths can be used as a crude estimator of body length; (~ Body length = 4.5 x 5.0 x cranial length; ~ Body length = 7.0 x dentary length, see Jerison, 1973). Range of Supplementary Estimators Range Estimated Head-Body (mm)(example) Mass (kg) Length (M) Cranial Dentary 0.025 L3 - 0.035 L3 Length Length Sarcophilus laniarius 0.7-0.8 140 129 8.6-17.9 Propleopus oscillans 0.9-1.1 187 150 18.2-46.5 Sthenurus atlas 1.0-1.1 180 180 25.0-46.5 Sthenurus occidentalis 1.0-1.15 185 140 25.0-53.2 Sthenurus orientalis 1.0-1.2 190 140 25.0-60.0 Sthenurus gilli 0.8-0.9 163 115 12.8-25.5 Sthenurus maddocki 1.0-1.2 190 140 25.0-60.0 Procoptodon pusio 1.1-1.25 - 140 33.0-68.0< Procoptodon rapha 1.15-1.3 235 165 38.0-76.9< Procoptodon goliah 1.2-1.6 244 180 43.2-143.3 Protemnodon anak 1.1-1.3 230 155 33.0-76.9 Protemnodon brehus 1.2-1.5 250 155 43.2-118.0 Protemnodon roechus 1.3-1.5 260 190 54.9-118.0 Macropus titan 1.3-1.5 265 170 54.9-118.0 Thylacoleo carnifex 1.02-1.25 230 135 26.5-68.0 Phascolonus gigas 1.5-1.8 370 280 84.4-204.1 Ramsayia magna 1.0-1.2 - 160 25.0-60.0 Phascolonus medius 0.875-1.0 - 140 16.7-35.0 Palorchestes azeal 2.0 384 - <280 Nototherium inerme 2.0 - 370 <425 Zygomaturus trilobus 2.15-2.4 480 345 248.5-483 Diprotodon optatum 2.9-3.2 680 450 609.0-1146.9 Megalania prisca 3.0-3.6 - - 675.0-1632.3 1.5 - - 84.0-118.0 Genyornis newtoni ao. 1156 - MURRAY —— ——___.___ ee Table 17. Single significant figure body weight estimations of extinct Australian megafauna species; line indicates arbitrary 40 kg cutoff for comparison with North American mega fauna. These estimations are derived primarily from the data base in Table 17, with slight upward or downward adjustments based on analogies with living species and proportional peculiarities, offered as “average” body mass estimations. Obviously this is not a precise measure; it is an attempt to present an approximate figure for comparison with other continental Pleistocene megafauna based on an objective methodology. Genus & Species Est. Male Genus & Species Est. Male Weight (kg) Weight (kg) Zaglosus ramsayi 10 Macropus stirtont 65 Sarcophilus laniarius 15 Macropus birdselli 70 Zaglossus hacketti 20 Protemnodon brehus 75 Sthenurus gilli 25 Procoptodon pusio 75 Warendja wakefteldi 30 Protemnodon roechus 85 Phascolonus medius 36 Macropus ferragus 85 Vombatus hacketti 35 Macropus titan 85 Troposodon minor 45 Procoptodon rapha 90 Propleopus oscillans 45 Sthenurus pales 90 Bohra paulae 45 Sthenurus tindalei 90 Thylacoleo carnifex 45 Genyornis newtoni 100 Sthenurus atlas 50 Procoptodon goliah 120 Sthenurus anderson 50 Phascolonus gigas 150 Sthenurus occidentalis 50 Palorchestes parvus 250 Protemnodon anak 50 Palorchestes azeal 300 Sthenurus maddocki 55 Zygomaturus ?tasmanicum 450 Sthenurus oreas 55 Nototherium inerme 450 Sthenurus brownei 60 Zygomaturus trilobus 500 Sthenurus orientalis 60 Diprotodon minor 850 Macropus pearsoni 60 Megalania prisca 1000 Ramsayia magna 60 Diprotodon optatum 1150 eee EE... Table 18. North American megafauna body mass estimates expressed as a single significant figure for comparison with Australia's megafauna. The majority of these species are thought to be Rancholabrean equivalent (Late Pleistocene). Genus & Species Est. Male Genus & Species Est. Male Weight (kg) Weight (kg) Stockoceros sp. 1 40 Navahoceros 225 Stockoceros sp. 2 40 Panthera atrox 235 Mylohyus 40 Glyptotherium floridanus 280 Hydrochoerus 45 Holmesina 280 Saiga 50 Bootherium 300 Dasypus bellus 60 Tapirus veroensis 330 Tetrameryx 60 Equus sp. 350 Acinonyx 65 Megalonyx jeffersoni 370 Miracinonyx 65 Symbos cavifrons 400 Canis dirus 65 Euceratherium collinum 450 Neochoerus 80 Arctodus simus 720 Hemiachenia 100 Cervalces sp. 850 Palaeolama 100 Bison priscus 850 Blastoceros 145 Alces latifrons 1000 Ovis 150 Bison latifrons 1000 Casteroides 150 Glossatherium sp. 1100 Tremarctos 150 Camelops hesternus 1100 Platygonus 150 Titanotylops sp. 1500 Nothrotheriops shastense 180 Eremotherium mirabil 2500 Sangamona fugitiva 180 Mammut americanus 3000 Smilodon californicus 225 Mammuthus primigenius 3000 Homotherium simum 225 Mammuthus jeffersoni 4000 ee _____ PLEISTOCENE MEGAFAUNA - 1157 SSO Table 19. Indices and coefficients derived from comparisons of estimated body masses (mean) and continental areas from which the following observations can be recognized: 1, the pooled body mass of the Australian megafauna was on the order of one-third that of the North American; 2, based on the arbitrary equal to or greater than 40 kg megafauna definition ( Martin's line"). The North American "surviving megafauna" is about 5 times greater in average body mass than that of Australia; 3, adjusting the definition of megafauna in Australia by a factor of 0.3, the number of “surviving megafauna” in Australia becomes equivalent to that of North America (27%). This suggests that the correct magnitude of trophic comparisons of species by body weight should include Australian species considerably smaller than 40 kg body mass. 1. Mean Body Mass of Extinct Megafauna Number of Species Mean Body Mass Coefficient Mean N.A./Mean Aust. North America 44 595.4 kg 3.04 Australia 35 196.0 UNE EE 2. Mean Body Mass of "Surviving" Megafauna >40 kg. Number of Species Mean Body Mass % Survival Coefficient North America 16 295 kg 21% 5.4 Australia 6 55 kg 15% i 3. Mean Body Mass of "Surviving" Megafauna Using a Factor of 3 to Derive Relative Weight Categories. Number of Species Mean Body Mass % Survival Coefficient North America 16 295 27% 9.5 Australia 13 30.9 271% 4. Megafauna Weight/Area Index Number of Species Mean Body Mass Continent Area Index North America 44 595.4 kg 4.4 x 10° km? 0.41 Australia 35 196.0 kg 7.7 x 10° km? 0.39 ee ____..__e ES Table 20. Examples of Australian ecological (Eltonian) analogs classified by relative equivalent categories of body mass adjusted by a factor of 0.3. NORTH AMERICA AUSTRALIA 40 - 100 kg 15 - 35 kg Canis Sarcophilus Dasypus Zaglossus Noechoerus Phascolonus Hydrochoerus Vombatus TT >100 - 350 kg >35 - 115 kg Platygonus Propleopus Panthera Thylacoleo Castoroides Ramsayia Palaeolama Troposodon, Sthenurus Nothrotheriops Simosthenurus Sangamona, Navahoceras Protemnodon cervids, bovids (grazers) Macropus Glyptotherium, Holmesina Phascolonus nnn >350 - 1500 kg >115_ - 500 kg Procoptodon Megalonyx (folivorous browser) Tapirus (large browser) Palorchestes 1158 - MURRAY Zygomaturus Nototherium Glossatherium a ee aE >1500 - 3000 kg >500-1000 kg Camelops, Titanotylops (grazer - browsers) Diprotodon Eremotherium, Mammut (browsers) Diprotodon EE... eee —————— Table 21. Encephalization quotients for some living Australian marsupials for comparison with placentals (EQ formula from Jerison, 1973). Sample mean EQ for Australian marsupials = .57. (Data from Haight & Nelson 1987). Common Name Scientific Name Body Mass Brain EQ= P (kg) Mass EO x 0.12p 2/3 E(g) Marsupial Mouse Antechinus swainsonit .054 95 55 Brown Bandicoot Isoodon obesulus 925 4.95 .43 Native Cat Dasyurus viverrinus 1.320 6.10 -42 Tiger Cat Dasyurus maculatus 3.000 10.40 -42 Tasmanian Devil Sarcophilus harrisii 5.100 13.50 -38 Sugar Glider Petaurus breviceps 0.116 2.95 1.03 Brush-Tailed Possum Trichosurus vulpecula 3.150 13.00 50 Spotted Cuscus Phalanger maculatus 4.000 17.10 57 Common Wombat Vombatus ursinus 16.100 48.10 .63 Rat Kangaroo Potorous tridactylus 1.460 12.00 -78 Pademelon Thylogale billardierii 4.900 22.50 .65 Grey Kangaroo Macropus giganteus 34.530 61.40 48 Table 22. Encephalization quotients of placental mammals (EQ formula from Jerison 1973). Sample mean EQ for placentals = 0.95. (Data from Crile & Quiring (1940). Common Name Scientific Name Body Mass Brain EQ= P (kg) Mass E/0 x 0.12p 2/3 E(g) Racoon Procyon lotor 4.38 41.0 1.28 Coatimundi Nasua narica 6.25 44.2 1.08 Brown Bear Ursus arctos 197.0 407.0 1.00 Dog Canis familiaris 12.47 81.5 1.20 Wolf Canis lupus 22.68 119.0 1.24 Hyena Crocuta crocuta 43.50 168.0 1.30 Jaguar Felis onca 34.47 147.0 1.16 Leopard Felis pardus 48.00 135.0 85 Lion Felis leo 124.00 229.2 -77 Hare Lepus arcticus 1.90 14.4 -78 Agouti Dasyprocta punctata 3.63 21.8 78 Beaver Castor canadensis 5.83 29.5 .76 Norway Rat Rattus norvegicus .20 1.6 39 Capybara Hydrochoerus isthimus 27.70 52.2 48 Tapir Tapirus indicus 201.00 265.0 64 Rhinoceros Rhinoceros bicornis 763.00 666.0 66 Horse Equus caballus 461.70 618.0 .86 Hippopotamus Hippopotamus amphibius 1351.00 720.0 -49 Deer Odocoileus virginianus 61.50 209.0 1.12 Bush Buck Tragelaphus scriptus 34.50 139.0 1.09 Giraffe Giraffa camelopardalis 529.00 680.0 -87 Hyrax Procavia capensis 3.50 19.2 69 Elephant Loxodonta africanus 6700.00 5700.0 1.34 Vervet Monkey Cercopithecus aethiops 4.00 61.5 2.05 PLEISTOCENE MEGAFAUNA - 1159 PLATES Plate 1. Drawing of the skull of the giant wombat, Phascolonus gigas. (After a photograph in Pledge 1980b). Plate 2. Drawing of the skull of Zygomaturus trilobus. (After Owen 1877). Plate 3. Drawing of the skull of Diprotodon optatum, from a specimen in the Australian Museum, Sydney. Plate 4. Amhem Land rock art and artist's reconstruction of the Marsupial Tapir, Palorchestes. Plate 5. Drawing of skull of Thylacoleo carnifex. (After Owen 1877). Plate 6. Steps in the reconstruction of the now extinct Thylacoleo: A, muscle overlay; B, final reconstruction. Plates 7, 8. Reconstruction of Procoptodon; drawing of skull of Procoptodon goliah. (Tedford 1967). 1160 - MURRAY PLATE 1 PLATE 3 PLEISTOCENE MEGAFAUNA - 1161 PLATE 4 1162 - MURRAY PLATE § PLATE 6 PLATE 7 PLEISTOCENE MEGAFAUNA - 1163 PLATE 8 1164 - MURRAY Palorchestes azael and Palorchestes parvus, a large and a small Palorchestes, were amongst the most bizarre of marsupials in Australia. The large form was as large as a bull and may have ripped off the bark of trees in order to feed. It has extremely powerful forearms, massive claws and a cranial morphology that suggests it may have had a trunk. (From Rich & van Tets 1985, with permission of The Museum of Victoria). CHAPTER 25 THE AUSTRALASIAN MARINE VERTEBRATE RECORD AND ITS CLIMATIC AND GEOGRAPHIC IMPLICATIONS R. Ewan Fordyce! IMtrOMUCHON: «02.2.5 seccsvceenvsenvcag sepecies 1166 BitdSs, ce¢siifed eilediscetentest eyes. eee 1175 Procedures and Problems............. 1166 Summary of the Stratigraphic Climates, Geography and Record of Penguins.......... 1175 Biogeography..............seseeeees 1167 Interpretation of the Penguin Climate and Its Influence on REGCOTO) craisinreeestoectzennyie' 1176 Marine Vertebrates........... 1167 Marine Mammals ...............+.+806 1178 Geography and Its Influence on SULOMIA « cvcisegesistagdesosseestoneses 1178 Marine Vertebrates........... 1170 Seals: the Stratigraphic Record Biogeography and and Its Interpretations....... 1178 Zoogeography..............066 1170 Cetacea: the Stratigraphic The Australian Marine Vertebrate Record and Its Record and Its Implications.....1172 Interpretation............. 1179 Marine Reptiles:s.s,c.ccenesssseceeeses’ 1172 The Stratigraphic Record... 1179 The Australian Cretaceous Interpretation of the ReCord supe ha tehsess big oes te 1172 RECOM. ...decsascerereosse 1183 The New Zealand Cretaceous References ...icssecevecseiseevedestegerecessess 1185 RECOM cette ss sone Sete 1173 Interpretation of the Australian CIetaCCOUS........ceceeeeeeeee 1174 The Australasian Tertiary Recordhs 22. eo. Re eee 1175 nnn EEE 1 Department of Geology, University of Otago, Dunedin, New Zealand. 1166 - FORDYCE INTRODUCTION The distribution of animals, including marine vertebrates, is controlled markedly by geography (that is, the distribution of land and sea), and climate. Why study the spatial distribution of fossils? Range disjunction, or allopatry, nearly always precedes evolutionary differentiation. Therefore, our knowledge of the factors that influence the distribution of living animals, together with palaeogeography and palaeoclimatology, may allow us to interpret the interaction between palaeobiogeography and major evolutionary change (e.g. adaptive radiation, extinction). The aim here is to consider the fossil record of some Australasian marine vertebrates and its climatic and geographic implications. This article consists of three sections: 1. An outline of procedures and problems encountered in interpreting the relationship between fossils, palaeoclimates, and palacogeography. 2. A review of the theoretical ways in which changing geography and climate could affect marine vertebrates. Useful general references for this section are Valentine (1973), Frakes (1979), Cocks (1981), Forey (1981). 3. A summary and analysis of the Australasian marine vertebrate record, which covers the Cretaceous and Tertiary of Australia and New Zealand. The earlier record is known too poorly to warrant inclusion here. Fish are not discussed, as they are covered elsewhere in this volume (in chapters by Long, Turner, A. Kemp and N. Kemp, this volume). A more detailed discussion of New Zealand fossil vertebrates (Fordyce 1982a and this volume) is also included in this volume. This section is complemented by a useful selection of articles in a symposium volume edited by Ballance (1980). This chapter is only slightly changed over that of Fordyce (1982a) and has been reproduced with permission of the editors. PROCEDURES AND PROBLEMS Theoretically, one could analyse the palaeoclimatic and palaeogeographic implications of fossil marine vertebrates as follows: 1. Establish that the taxon under study is monophyletic (that is, descended from a single common ancestor); or, if a whole fauna is studied, that the fauna is adequately defined. This goes hand in hand with the assumption that the fossil record of the study taxon is reasonably complete, 2. Assume, on the basis of knowledge of living representatives of the taxon under study, that the extant animals possessed a range of responses to climate and geography similar to those of their living relatives. Alternatively, if there are no close living relatives, one would have to determine the animals’ possible interactions with their physical environment by analogy with unrelated animals that possess similar body structures. 3. Given these assumptions, one could then look at patterns of geographic and stratigraphic change in morphology, diversity and distribution of the taxon under study. Changing patterns might indicate changes in palaeoclimate and palaeogeography, and could support (or be supported by) inferences about paleoclimate and paleogeography, obtained by other methods (for example, stable isotopes and plate tectonics). 4. Finally, but very rarely, could come the most exciting part of this type of study: to wa a causal relationship between biotic events and palaoclimatic and palaeogeographic change. Alternatively, one can work the other way, by proposing a causal relationship between biotic and geological events (4, above), then testing this hypothesis by working through points THE AUSTRALASIAN MARINE VERTEBRATE RECORD - 1167 1-3 above. In fact, this is probably the way most people work, whether consciously or unconsciously. Although this procedure appears simple enough, it is actually fraught with problems. The systematic hurdle is the first and often most difficult to overcome. Different systematists always have different ideas as to what constitute either monophyletic taxa (both in theory and practice; see for example, Cracraft & Eldredge, 1979) or faunas. At least for the group I am currently working on (Cetacea - whales, dolphins, and porpoises), most of the type-specimens described anywhere more than about twenty years ago are based on specimens so incomplete as to defy reasonable diagnosis. This reflects the fact that well-preserved specimens, which are vital for good taxonomy, are uncommon (cetacean species in the past, as in the present, have small populations relative to other animals). It is rare that any fossil cetacean species can be demonstrated unequivocally to occur at two or more separate localities. The same probably applies to most fossil vertebrates. In fact, the incompleteness of the record is a universal problem in palaeontology: the presence of a fossil provides positive evidence, but the absence of a fossil does not necessarily constitute negative evidence. The functional morphology of species and analysis of adaptations to different physical environments (2, above) are not considered here. (For reading on this topic, see, for example, Hildebrand 1974 and Raup & Stanley 1978). Accurate stratigraphic correlation is essential in determining contemporaneity of fossils in different localities before patterns of biological change be established and correlated with accurately dated changes in the physical environment, However, precise correlation is rarely achieved. For example, the Oligocene was a time of major oceanic climate change, and, therefore, perhaps a major time of change for marine vertebrates, yet biostratigraphic problems prevent accurate correlation between Australasia and the type-localities of the Oligocene in Europe. Other problems arise: could the biostratigraphic indicators have been influenced by the palaeoenvironmental changes that they are being used to study? There is always a danger of circular reasoning. Again, the absence of fossils in an area can be interpreted in more than one way. We can never be absolutely certain about causal relationships between biotic and physical events, Many supposedly linked events are probably just coincidental, and many supposedly unrelated events could be causally linked. In a few cases, synchroneity of change (whether evolution or extinction) in a multitude of taxa could indicate a single causal event, for example, the extinction of large reptiles at the end of the Cretaceous (Alvarez et al. 1980, Hsu 1980, discussed below), and the invasion of North American terrestrial mammals into South America in the latest Pliocene, when the Panamanian land bridge was established (Marshall et al. 1979), Usually, however, the fossil record of a group and its relation to the changing physical environment can be interpreted in radically different ways, for example, in the case of marine mammals and Oligocene climates discussed by Lipps & Mitchell (1976) and Fordyce (1980b), and in the general way that fossils used to counter the notion of continental drift before the late 1960's were used subsequently as evidence that drift had occurred. And, in most cases, no causal relationship can be established at all. I could continue to discuss these problems, but I think that it is appropriate to conclude this section, and to preface the next, with a quote from Pielou (1981): "an explanation for any given disjunction [whether it reflects paleogeography or palaeoclimate] is more likely to be obtained by common-sense than by abstract theorizing." CLIMATES, GEOGRAPHY AND BIOGEOGRAPHY CLIMATE AND ITS INFLUENCE ON MARINE VERTEBRATES What is climate? Temperature and light constitute probably the most important features of the marine climate. Other phenomena, such as wind, salinity, water density, currents, tides and 1168 - FORDYCE waves, also could be regarded as part of the marine climate, but their influence on observable patterns among fossil marine vertebrates generally is known too poorly to warrant discussion here. All features of the marine climate ultimately are controlled by solar energy, and all interrelate in complex feedback loops with all other physical features of the world (for example, terrestrial climates, geography; see Fig. 1). For reviews of past climates, see Frakes (1979), and Frakes & Rich (this volume). <— o ridge GLOBAL orogeny = HORA, iia ki rate CHANGING pitiendate r Ne GEOGRAPHY Events 5 iu Sh jae < Physical Pa Effects change in es variance or dispersal events Barriers Dispersal Routes faunal separation «——————_——»_ faunal mixing faunal divergence «—_________» faunal convergence allopatric speciation «—________» sympatric speciation ecological convergence «> ecological divergence, competition, extinction Ecological oer Effects on direct consequences General Biotic Changes «—___—_—_ Regression Transgression Y phyletic size eliminate <———— habitat —————_»_ increase K-r strategies smaller ~—————_ faunal province -» larger diversity less ~—________ shallow shelves -» more |______» radiation & extinction isolated ~—____. deep basins ——» united increase? ~—_—— salinity —————» decrease? less {stratigraphic | more complete ~ \ record j > complete (erosion) enhanced extinctions ~ bias & initial appearances Figure 1. Environmental factors affecting marine vertebrates. A uniformitarian approach is used generally in interpreting the effects of climate on fossil marine vertebrates (although this does not preclude catastrophic explanations). Simply stated, modem climates vary, modern climates affect animals, and animals respond to climates, and these observations help us to interpret the fossil record and its relationship to past climates. Below, I consider this in more detail. Climate varies, both spatially and temporally, on an immense scale. This article will not consider past climatic variation on the small scale, for example, the diurnal or seasonal changes that often are recorded as growth layers in the fossil hard tissues of one individual. Larger changes in the past, such as variations over tens of kilometres or over tens of years are only THE AUSTRALASIAN MARINE VERTEBRATE RECORD - 1169 really important in order for us to get some idea of what is (or was) normal on a geologically meaningful scale. The changes that are important when considering longer-term changes in biological evolution are the changes over time of the conspicuous modern latitudinal (polar to equatorial) gradients. Variation in the marine climate is caused by two inter-relating factors: firstly, solar changes, which we can measure today but really can not infer for the past, and, secondly, geological (and extraterrestrial) changes which influence the manner in which solar energy reaches the sea, and which we believe we can infer from the past. Below are some examples of factors that may cause climate variation (see Frakes 1979 for further discussion). 1. Polar ice. The amount of polar ice, which affects global heat budgets, reflects cold and available precipitation. Polar cooling probably results from thermal isolation of the poles, é.g. by palaeooceanic changes such as the development of the Circum Antarctic Current, and the relative distribution of land to sea. 2. Distribution of land to sea. Local effects are relatively well known, but global effects are less certain. Changes in continental arrangement may result in the formation of "supercontinents", with very "continental" climates on land and in surrounding seas (i.e. hot summers, cold winters). Fragmentation of supercontinents may result in smaller land areas with more “oceanic" climates (i.e. warm summers, mild to cool winters). Continental movements have allowed circulation changes to develop, e.g. the separation of the southern continents from Antarctica allowed establishment of the Circum Antarctic Current (Kennett 1977), and the formation of the Panama Isthmus may have resulted in circulation changes in the Atlantic, which led to formation of the Arctic ice cap (Arthur 1979: 1482). The distribution of land to sea can also reflect eustatic, or global, sea-level changes, which in turn may be caused by changes in the volumes of polar ice and mid-oceanic ridges. More localised sea-level changes can be caused by minor changes in the earth's radius (Morner 1981) and by local tectonics. 3. Volcanism, The amount of volcanic dust in suspension in the atmosphere will influence the amount of energy reaching the earth (see also 7). 4. Carbon dioxide. This is normally distributed in equilibrium between air and sea. Anything that changes this distribution, e.g. changes in carbonate pathways or in the biological production of CO, will affect global temperatures, for CO2 absorbs infrared radiation that otherwise is reflected from earth. Increased atmospheric CO? will cause increased surface temperature - the "greenhouse effect". 5. Magnetic reversals, In fact, there is no positive evidence of the correlation of reversals and climate change, and some biological events which were thought previously to be linked with reversals via climate change now appear not to have been (¢.g. Plotnick 1980). 6. Geothermal events. The level of activity of geothermal fields in deep sea rift zones could significantly affect local marine climates (Macdonald & Luyendyk 1981), although it is unlikely that such events would have widespread effects. 7. Extraterrestrial events. Any event which, like volcanism, produced particles that blocked out solar radiation could influence the amount of solar energy reaching the earth's surface. Asteroid and cometary impact (Alvarez et al. 1980, Hsu 1980) and tectite belts (O'Keefe 1980) may constitute such events. Poisoning, following asteroid impact (Hsu 1980) also could lead to climate changes via its influence on the plants involved in the CO? pathway. 8. Milankovitch parameters. Changes in earth orbit (Frakes 1979: 9) will affect the availability of solar radiation. What are the results of climate change? As regards global geography, the amount of global ice dictates the amount of shallow marine shelf available via eustatic effects. Note, however, that there is a feedback mechanism: the relative amount of marine shelf may influence global heat budgets (large expanses of water tend to ameliorate the climate of adjacent land) and thus 1170 - FORDYCE polar ice volume. All climate changes affect biotas, although only the effects of temperature can be determined very easily. Climate changes may be direct or indirect, and density dependent or independent. For example, temperature may directly affect metabolism, and hence distribution, in many species (less so for endothermic marine mammals and birds than for ectothermic reptiles and fish). Temperature and light may affect the distribution of food, and thus, indirectly influence vertebrate distribution. Climatic changes which act independent of population size or density are those such as temperature when it directly affects metabolism, and poisons. Alternatively, climate change may have density dependent effects, e.g. any change that affects the availability of food or habitat, the impact of which may vary depending on species population density. Examples of the possible relationships between climate change and the evolution of marine vertebrates will be given below. GEOGRAPHY AND ITS INFLUENCE ON MARINE VERTEBRATES Geography is the form of the earth's surface. Here, only the largest (i.e. continental-scale) features need concern us. The subtleties of development of global geography are covered in many general geology texts (e.g. Holmes 1978, Cocks 1981) and are not considered here. As was the case for climate, above, a uniformitarian approach is used in interpreting the effects on marine vertebrates of changing geography. Geography changes through time. The study of plate tectonics over the last fifteen years or so has given us a radically new insight into changing geography, including the formation of new oceans and new barriers important to this discussion. Plate tectonic and climatic changes, and perhaps changes in earth radius, all affect eustatic (global) sea level changes which, in turn, affect the amount of physical habitat (e.g. shallow marine shelf) available to marine biotas. Local tectonics may result in local transgressions and regressions, which locally dictate habitat availability. Geographic change affects both climate and biotas. Changing land to sea distribution, mentioned earlier, can result in large-scale fluctuations in heat budgets (e.g. the physical, then oceanic, then thermal, isolation of Antarctica). Changing geography can affect marine biotas indirectly, via climate changes, or directly, by way of changes in barriers and dispersal routes (Hallam 1981). The general effects of climate changes on biotas were outlined above, and biogeography is considered below. BIOGEOGRAPHY AND ZOOGEOGRAPHY Biogeography is the study of the distribution of all living organisms, and zoogeography is the study of the distribution of animals. Distribution patterns vary enormously in scale, from local distribution (i.e. species ecology) through regional distribution (patterns from tens to hundreds of kilometers) to geographical, or global patterns. Whatever is studied, and whether fossil or living, it is critical to sample over a time-span that is short enough to be meaningful. It is pointless to use so long a time-span that data are lumped and trends cannot be seen. As with climate and geography above, a uniformitarian approach is used in palacozoogeography. The distribution of animals changes spatially over the short times during which we can observe al present, and it is assumed that this also occurred over geologic time. At any given time (at present), the distribution of any species will reflect the vagility (or ability to move) of individuals within the limits of the possible maximum range as defined by limiting factors (e.g. food and climate). Temporal changes in distribution will reflect many different factors, such as climate and geographic change (e.g. Hallam 1981), and evolutionary- ecological change (adaptive radiation or extinction, which may be linked to climate and geography). THE AUSTRALASIAN MARINE VERTEBRATE RECORD - 1171 REPTILES CHELONIA whe CROCODILIA a - PLESIOSAURIA - Plesiosauroidea Pliosauroidea _ ICHTHYOSAURIA fling MOSASAURIDAE SR, BIRDS SPHENISCIFORMES MAMMALS SIRENIA a, CARNIVORA Otariidae Phocidae CETACEA Archaeoceti “ies. Odontoceti >>>>>>S——_——EL——EEEEESESEESESESSSSS Table 2. New Zealand Cretaceous and Tertiary marine reptiles and their stratigraphic distribution. Based on Fordyce 1982a. Otaian (Early Miocene) Cheloniidae n. sp. Buckeridge 1982 Whaingaroan (Early Oligocene) Chelonia genus and species indet., Fordyce, 1979. Teurian (Early Palaeocene) ? Chelonia genus and species indet. Fordyce, 1979. Haumurian (latest Cretaceous) Mauisaurus haasti Hector, 1894, Welles & Gregg 1971 (Plesiosauroidea, Elasmosauridae) Elasmosauridae genus and species indet., Welles & Gregg 1971 (Plesiosauroidea) Polycotylidae genus and species indet., Welles & Gregg 1971 (Pliosauroidea) Tylosaurus haumuriensis (Hector, 1874), Welles & Gregg 1971 (Squamata, Mosasauridae) Taniwhasaurus oweni Hector, 1874, Welles & Gregg 1971 (Squamata, Mosasauridae) Prognathodon waiparaensis Welles & Gregg, 1971 (Squamata, Mosasauridae) Mosasaurus mokoroa Welles & Gregg, 1971 (Squamata, Mosasauridae) Piripauan-Haumurian (Late Cretaceous) Moanasaurus mangahouangae Wiffen, 1980 (Squamata, Mosasauridae) Protostegidae genus and species indet., Wiffen 1981 (Chelonia) Motuan (late Early Cretaceous) Ichthyosauria genus and species indet., Fleming et al. 1971 (Stenopterygiidae) ES65VGaP=a==NweaN—aoaoaoazqelqwqyvveeanananaeaea_e_e_l_emememlmlee—e_eeee At least three species of plesiosaur and five species of mosasaur are known from the Haumurian Stage (Maastrichtian, latest Cretaceous) and, in one case, the Piripauan Stage (Campanian, Late Cretaceous) of New Zealand. Welles & Gregg (1971) reviewed in detail the many nominal species that had been described up to 1971. Wiffen (1980) established a new genus and species, Moanasaurus mangahouangae, for one specimen from a recently-discovered rich vertebrate site in the North Island, and recently also described an indeterminate species of protostegid turtle (Wiffen 1981). Latest Cretaceous elasmosaurid and mosasaurid teeth were mentioned by Keyes (1981). The New Zealand fauna is interesting for two reasons. Firstly, it is one of the most diverse, and promises to become one of the best known, latest Cretaceous large marine reptile faunas. Secondly boundary facies changes and unconformities are as marked as those in many other localities. Thus, the New Zealand record eventually may help refine interpretation of the Cretaceous Tertiary boundary event discussed below. Interpretation of the Australian Cretaceous Record None of the Australian Cretaceous marine reptile records has been shown to be of great palaeozoogeographic importance. However, they do support the hypothesis that a catastrophic event caused massive and worldwide terminal Cretaceous extinctions of large reptiles and many other marine and terrestrial animals. Many hypotheses have been proposed to account for the THE AUSTRALASIAN MARINE VERTEBRATE RECORD - 1175 extinctions, for example, a single cause or a random or cyclical coincidence of causes such as warming, regression, lower continental relief and aridity, decreased oceanic nutrients, salinity changes, magnetic reversals, increased vulcanism, a supernova, and impact of an extraterrestrial body. The most recently proposed, that extinctions were caused by the impact of an extra terrestrial body, also seems to be the most plausible. Such an impact could account for the recently recognized anomalous enrichment of rare earth elements right at the Cretaceous - Tertiary boundary. Alvarez et al. (1980) proposed that a large asteroid collided with the earth, and the impact generated a vast amount of dust which, once it reached the upper atmosphere, drastically reduced the amount of solar energy reaching the earth's surface. A consequent radical decrease in photosynthesis eventually would have resulted in massive extinctions. Hsu (1980) proposed, in an alternative model, that the impact of a comet generated cyanides and heat. Cyanide would have caused poisoning of marine biotas which, in turn, would have upset CO? equilibrium. Increased atmospheric CO? resulted in "greenhouse" heating, which affected both plankton and terrestrial plants, and led to massive extinction. For references on the Cretaceous - Tertiary extinctions in addition to those mentioned above, see Haq (1981) and Herman (1981). The Australasian Tertiary Record The published record of Australasian Tertiary marine reptiles is inconsequential. It is worth noting that old New Zealand records of large marine reptiles supposedly from the basal Tertiary are incorrect (Welles & Gregg 1971; Fordyce 1979), and this lends weight to the extinction hypotheses mentioned above. Two marine turtles are known from fragments, as yet not formally described, from the Palaeocene and Lower Oligocene of New Zealand (Fordyce 1979). The description of a new species of cheloniid is in press (Buckeridge 1982). A supposed crocodile from the New Zealand Tertiary was mentioned in print over a hundred years ago, but has been shown to be a whale (Fordyce 1979). BIRDS Penguins (Order Sphenisciformes) constitute by far the most important group of Australian marine birds, and they are the only ones discussed here. Other Australasian marine birds are discussed elsewhere in this volume (Rich & van Tets 1982, Fordyce 1982). Important recent references on Australasian fossil penguins are those of Jenkins (1974) and, particularly, Simpson (1975). Simpson reviewed all major papers on Australasian fossils (e.g. those of Marples 1952, and Simpson 1957, 1970, 1971a). The Australasian stratigraphic record shown in Tables 3 and 4 is derived from these articles. Summary of the stratigraphic Record of Penguins The stratigraphic record of penguins extends from the Late Eocene to Recent, and is exclusively Southern Hemisphere. Fossils are known from South Africa, South America and the Antarctic Peninsula, as well as Australia and New Zealand. The earliest known specimens are structurally similar to later penguins, and thus provide little clue as to the nature of their ancestors. Australasian Late Eocene species are very large, and apparently are similar to those from Antarctic Peninsula (see below). Only two indeterminate species have been reported from the Oligocene of Australia (Table 3), whereas the New Zealand fauna (Table 4) is diverse and well preserved. At least 13 species are known, of which four are Early Oligocene and nine Late 1176 - FORDYCE —>>Il"™"l"liII—SI—S i S____—=a=——__ Table 3. Australian fossil penguins (Sphenisciformes) and their stratigraphic distribution. Based mainly on Simpson (1975) : 22) and Jenkins (1974). Zone correlations follow Abele et al. (1976: Table 8.1). Cheltenham (latest Miocene) or older ? Pseudaptenodytes minor Simpson, 1970 Pseudaptenodytes macraei Simpson, 1970 Spheniscidae genus and species indet., Simpson 1970 Longfordian (Globigerinoides trilobus trilobus zone, Jenkins 1974 : 292; Early Miocene) Anthropodytes gilli Simpson, 1959 Janjukian (Globigerina labiacrassata zone?, Jenkins, 1974 : 292; early Late Oligocene) Spheniscidae genus and species indet. (2), Glaessner, 1955; Simpson 1957 Aldingan (Late Eocene) Anthropornis nordenskjoeldi Wiman, 1905 (= Pachydyptes simpsoni Jenkins, 1974; R.J.F. Jenkins, pers. comm.) Palaeeudyptes sp., Finlayson 1938, Glaessner 1955, Simpson, 1971a: 344, Jenkins 1974. aaaaananananjap2jowsxwx#w00——=0—0—0—— Oligocene in age. As with Cetacea (see below), the Duntroonian (early Late Oligocene) was a time of high diversity. The Australasian Miocene record is poor, particularly during the Middle Miocene. No species of unequivocal Miocene age have been described from New Zealand, and, from Australia, only one Middle Miocene and two latest Miocene species have been reported. A few specimens of modern appearance are known from the Plio-Pleistocene of New Zealand. Interpretation of the Penguin Record Because penguins and dolphins share some ecological attributes (they are endothermic marine carnivores and overlap in size), it would be expected that penguins would have been influenced by climatic and geographic changes similar to those that influenced cetacean evolution. These factors are discussed below, under Cetacea, and thus will not be elaborated on here (see also comments by Simpson 1975: 37). There is certainly scope for further investigation of parallels between penguin and cetacean evolution, for example, the high early Late Oligocene diversities in both groups and their possible palaeoclimatic implications. Temperature adaptations of penguins have been discussed widely by other authors, particularly from the point of view of correlation of temperature with body size. It is possible that penguins always have been even more cold-adapted than Cetacea, for the restriction of penguins to the Southern Hemisphere suggests that tropical warm waters have always reinforced an anti- tropical distribution. Simpson (1975: 38; cf. Jenkins 1974) considered it probable that known Eocene-Miocene penguins were adapted to markedly higher environmental temperatures than most Recent penguins, but it is difficult to reconcile this notion with the evidence of apparently marked antitropical distributions or of low temperatures during Early Oligocene (see section on Cetacea for discussion; also Fleming 1979; Fig. 13). More fossils and more palaeotemperature data are needed in order to further elucidate the relationships between penguin evolution and palaeoclimates. Penguin palaeozoogeography has been discussed only in fairly general terms. Simpson (e.g. 1971b: 384, 1975: 39) stressed that marked similarities exist at the generic level between Late Eocene penguins from New Zealand and those of supposed Late Eocene age from Seymour THE AUSTRALASIAN MARINE VERTEBRATE RECORD - 1177 Table 4. New Zealand fossil penguins (Sphenisciformes) and their stratigraphic distribution. (Based mainly on Simpson 1975 ; 23). Okehauan (Pleistocene) Megadyptes antipodes (Hombron & Jaquinot), Fleming 1979 : 75. Pleistocene (stage unspecified) Eudyptula minor (Forster), Grant-Mackie & Simpson 1973 : 441. Otaian (Early Miocene) - Waipipian (Late Pliocene) (see text) Aptenodytes ridgeni - Simpson, 1972 Pygoscelis tyreei Simpson, 1972 Marplesornis novazealandiae (Marples, 1960) Waitakian (late Late Oligocene) Platydyptes amiesi Marples, 1952 Korora oliveri Marples, 1952 Duntroonian (early Late Oligocene) Palaeeudyptes sp. (2), Simpson 1971a, 1975 Duntroonornis parvus Marples, 1952 Archaeospheniscus lopdelli Marples, 1952 Archaeospheniscus lowei Marples, 1952 ? Platydyptes marplesi Simpson, 1971a Duntroonian or Whaingaroan (Late or late Early Oligocene) Genus and species indet. (3), Grant-Mackie & Simpson 1973 Whaingaroan (Early Oligocene) to Waitakian? Palaeeudyptes antarcticus Huxley, 1859 Runangan (late Eocene) Pachydyptes ponderosus Oliver, 1930 Palaeeudyptes marplesi Brodkorb, 1963 Palaeeudyptes sp. (2), Simpson 1971a, 1975 (includes one species reworked into Waitakian). ee ___ ee Island, Antarctic Peninsula, but noted that no conspecifics are known (unfortunately, synapomorphies were not identified.) He suggested that specific differences could reflect one or all of the factors of different geological age, wide geographic separation, and ecological differences (e.g. temperature adaptations). However, Zinsmeister (1979) concluded that molluscan faunas from New Zealand and Seymour Island show evidence of gradual isolation from the Palaeocene onwards, and indicate the complete isolation of Seymour Island from Australasian influence before the Late Eocene. The discovery of accurately dated and more- complete fossil penguins may help resolve the nature of Australasian-Seymour Island relationships. 1178 - FORDYCE MARINE MAMMALS Fossil Cetacea (whales, dolphins and porpoises) constitute the most conspicuous Australasian fossil marine mammals, and thus are dealt with in some detail. First, however, I will consider the two other groups represented as fossils: the sea-cows and seals. Sirenia The only Australian fossil sea-cow (Order Sirenia - manatees, dugongs) reported in the literature appears to be a scrap of skull on which was based the name Chronozoon australe de Vis, 1883. The specimen, which is from the fresh-water Pliocene Chinchilla Drift, Darling Downs, New South Wales, appears to be indeterminate (Reinhart 1976). Fossil and extant sirenians are known to be both fresh-water and marine, but which habitat the Australian fossil normally occupied is unknown. Seals: the Stratigraphic Record and its Interpretation Seals (Order Carnivora) encompass fossil and living true (or earless) seals, walruses, fur- seals and sea lions. The true seals constitute the Family Phocoidea (sometimes placed in a Superfamily Phocoidea), while the walruses (Family Obedenidae; not considered here) and fur- seals and sea-lions (Family Otariidae) and other extinct groups are placed in the Superfamily Otarioidea. Formerly, phocids and otariids were united in the Order Pinnipedia, but it is known now that many similarities between phocids and otariids are convergent, and these two groups are best placed within the Carnivora (e.g. Tedford 1977). There is not yet consensus on the taxonomic ranks of phocids and otariids. Fur-seals and sea-lions, which were reviewed recently by Repenning and Tedford (1977), are represented in Australasia only as relatively young fossils. Partly on these grounds, it has been proposed that otariids entered Southern Hemisphere waters as recently as the Early Pleistocene (Repenning and Tedford 1977, Repenning et al. 1979). Gill (1968) discussed the occurrence and palaeoclimatic significance of the skull of a fossil sea-lion, Neophoca cinerea, from the Late Pleistocene of Queenscliff, Victoria. The specimen originally was described by McCoy (1877) as a new species, Arctocephalus williamsi. Gill noted that the extant Australian sea- lion, N. cinerea, presently lives in South and Western Australia waters to the north of and warmer than those of Queenscliff, where the fossil was found. For this reason, he suggested that the fossil occurrence could be interpreted as evidence of a southern migration during a phase of interglacial warmth. Equally as likely, however, is that this single occurrence represents a chance extralimital record, and is of no palaeoclimatic importance. A Late Pleistocene species of Neophoca has been found in New Zealand (Fleming 1968). Another New Zealand otariid, named _Arctocephalus caninus by Berry (1928), was thought for some time to be of Pliocene age. In fact, it is a subrecent specimen (under 1,000 years old; Weston et al. 1973) of the extant sea-lion, Phocarctos hookeri. To conclude this section on otariids, it is noteworthy that the future discovery of only accurately dated pre-Pleistocene otariid from Australasia could allow radical revision of the models of otarioid palaeozoogeography discussed by Repenning & Tedford (1977) and Repenning er al. (1979), Discoveries made over the last few years in Peru and South Africa (de Muizon & Hendey 1980), and within the last year in Australia, indicate that the history of true seals (Phocidae) in the Southern Hemisphere extends back further and is more complex than recognized formerly. The Australian specimens, which have not been described yet, encompass a few diagnostic bones, mostly discovered by Timothy F. Flannery, that are held by the National Museum of Victoria (NMV). These include P41759, two fused, eroded sacral vertebrae (from Beaumaris); THE AUSTRALASIAN MARINE VERTEBRATE RECORD - 1179 P160399, a relatively complete right temporal (Beaumaris; see Fig. 3B); P160433, eight vertebrae and four ribs (Beaumaris); and P160441, incomplete right temporal (from Hamilton). Another specimen, P16198 (an isolated tooth; Beaumaris) was listed by Gill (1957: 181) as the tooth of a squalodontid cetacean, but it may be a phocid incisor. The provenance of none of these specimens is in doubt. All the Beaumaris specimens (see Gill 1957: text-fig. 11, for map) came from within or just above a nodule bed at the base of the Black Rock Formation (sensu Abele et al. 1976: 241). The age is probably Cheltenhamian, possibly Kalimnan, latest Miocene-earliest Pliocene. The Hamilton specimen, P160441, was from a coquina (Gill 1957): Fig. 6) within the Grange Burn Formation (sensu Abele et al. 1976: 215), near locality 8 of Gill 1957: Fig. 3. The age is probably Kalimnan. The Grange Burn Formation is succeeded by basalt that has been dated at about 4.45 myBP (revision of Turnbull er al. 1965, by T. H. Rich, pers. comm). Of the above specimens, only the two temporals are definitely phocid; the other material is probably phocid, but this has yet to be demonstrated. The two temporals (Fig. 4) appear to be very similar to those of the only described Southern Hemisphere temperate fossil, the South African Early Pliocene monachine, Homiphoca capensis (Hendey & Repenning, 1972) (see also de Muizon & Hendey 1980). The exact relationships of the Australian specimens have yet to be determined. If they do belong in or close to Homiphoca, this indicates an important range extension, and, whatever the affinities, the specimens are the first significant fossils reported from the Indo-Pacific region. Presumably, the main dispersal mechanism of such forms in the Southern Hemisphere was by means of the Circum-Antarctic Current. The most significant described fossil phocid from New Zealand is the mandible of a Ross seal, Ommatophoca rossi, of Early Pleistocene age (King 1973). The extant Ross seal lives in pack ice around Antarctica, and this far northern Early Pleistocene record supports evidence provided by other fossils that the New Zealand climate at that time was much colder than at present. Other fossil phocids were mentioned by Fleming (1968; see also Fordyce, this volume). For further reading on the evolution and palaeozoogeography of seals, see Ray 1977, Repenning 1977, Repenning &Tedford 1977, Repenning et al. 1979, and Tedford 1977. Cetacea: the Stratigraphic Record and its Interpretation Cetacea (whales, dolphins, porpoises) have a relatively good record in Australasia, although much of this is still undocumented. Tables 5 and 6 summarise the stratigraphic record, based both on published records and unpublished observations (those in Table 6 based on Fordyce 1982a). The tables give all necessary references to systematics and stratigraphic distribution, and only the more important references will be given in the text below. The discussion here will consider general trends in the global record of Cetacea from the Eocene to Recent, with Australasian examples, then will consider palaeogeographic and palaeoclimatic implications of the record. Some basic features of cetacean biology, which it is necessary to understand in order to interpret fossils, are not outlined here, but are summarised, for example, in Fordyce (1980a) and references therein. The Stratigraphic Record The oldest and most primitive whales, Suborder Archaeoceti - archaic toothed whales, probably arose from an early ungulate group, the Mesonychidae. The earliest archaeocetes are the protocetids, which are represented by teeth anda few skull and postcranial fragments from 1180 - FORDYCE Table 5. Some Australian fossil Cetacea and their stratigraphic distribution. (Based on Fordyce 1982b and personal observations, or on references cited). Holocene ; Delphinus delphis; Gill 1965 (Odontoceti, Delphinidae) Age uncertain, but possibly Kalimnan (Early Pliocene) Scaptodon lodderi Chapman 1918 (Odontoceti, Physeteridae) Cheltenhamian to Kalimnan (latest Miocene to Early Pliocene) Physetodon baileyi McCoy 1879 (Odontoceti, Physeteridae) Scaldicetus macgeei Chapman 1912 (Odontoceti, Physeteridae) Scaldicetus lodgei Chapman 1917 (Odontoceti, Physeteridae) cf. Physeter sp., Fordyce 1982b (Odontoceti, Physeteridae) "Steno" cudmorei Chapman 1917 (Odontoceti, Delphinidae) Mesoplodon longirostris (Cuvier 1823) (= Mesoplodon compressus = ? Belemnoziphius compressus Auct.), Chapman 1917, Glaessner 1947 (Odontoceti, Ziphiidae) Mesoplodon spp. (2 or more), (Odontoceti, Ziphiidae) “Ziphius sp., Sutherland and Kershaw 1971 : 159 (Odontoceti, Ziphiidae) Odontoceti genus and species indet. (1 or more) cf. Megaptera sp. (Mysticeti, Balaenopteridae) cf. Balaenoptera spp. (2 or more) Mysticeti, Balaenopteridae) cf. Balaena sp., Gill 1957 : 181 (Mysticeti, Balaenidae) Batesfordian-Balcombian (latest Early to early Middle Miocene) Rhabdosteidae genus and species indet. (Odontoceti) Longfordian (Early Miocene) Squalodontidae genus and species indet. Prosqualodon davidis Flynn 1923, Flynn 1948 (Odontoceti, Squalodontidae) Physeteridae genus and species indet. Cetotheriidae genus and species indet. (= "Aglaocetus ? sp. nov." of Glaessner 1955) (Mysticeti) Janjukian (Late Oligocene to earliest Miocene) Mammalodon colliveri Pritchard 1939 (provisionally Mysticeti Family incertae sedis) Metasqualodon harwoodi (Sanger 1881); Pledge and Rothausen 1977 (Odontoceti, ? Squalodontidae) Parasqualodon wilkinsoni (McCoy 1866) (possibly conspecific with Prosqualodon davidis); (Odontoceti, Squalodontidae) "Squalodon" gambierensis Glaessner 1955 (Cetacea incertae sedis). —uquqoqKFR>>5S& ccc Middle Eocene sediments of the Tethys Sea. No protocetids, nor any Middle Eocene whales, have been reported from the Southern Hemisphere. A more advanced family of archaeocetes, the Basilosauridae (or zeuglodons), was the dominant Late Eocene group. Basilosaurids are well known as a result of Kellogg's (1936) work on predominantly Northern Hemisphere material. The only reasonably well identified and reasonably well dated Southern Hemisphere archaeocete is as-yet undescribed specimen of aff. Dorudon of Late Eocene age, from New Zealand (Fordyce 1979: 739). Other specimens from New Zealand may represent Late Eocene archaeocetes (Fordyce 1980b: 325). Neither unequivocal archaeocetes nor Eocene Cetacea have yet been reported from Australia. THE AUSTRALASIAN MARINE VERTEBRATE RECORD - 1181 Late Oligocene Cetacea are very rare, and all are problematic forms. The only taxon of as- yet undisputed Early Oligocene reported outside Australasia appears to be the Ukrainian archaeocete Platyosphys Kellogg, 1936. At least three Early Oligocene taxa are known from New Zealand: one mysticete and two toothed Cetacea of uncertain age by Keyes (1973), but descriptions of the other taxa have not been published formally. Two Australasian specimens, both single isolated teeth, constitute the holotypes or named species or uncertain late Early to early Late Oligocene age (for ages, see Pledge & Rothausen 1977: 287, and Fordyce 1980a: 33). "Squalodon” serratus Davis, 1888, is from New Zealand while "S.” gambierensis Glaessner 1955, is from South Australian. Glaessner (1955, 1972) indicated little doubt about the validity of assignment to Squalodon (which, in the strict sense is known only from advanced squalodontids from the North Atlantic and European Miocene), and this potentially has important biogeographic implications (mentioned below). The start of the Late Oligocene saw the worldwide, seemingly sudden appearance of diverse faunas of odontocetes (modern toothed whales) and mysticestes (baleen whales) (for reviews see Whitmore & Sanders 1977, Fordyce 1980b). Species diversity, based on the minimum known number of species, jumped from about four in the Early Oligocene to perhaps 30 in the early Late Oligocene and about 45 in the later Late Oligocene (pers. obs.). Many of these Late Oligocene species are Australasian). The New Zealand earlier Late Oligocene fauna (Duntroonian Stage; see Stevens 1980 for correlation) is diverse, It includes one supposed archaeocete (Kekenodon onamata), at least two odontocetes, and at least four mysticetes (Table 6). The later Oligocene fauna (Waitakian stage, which possibly may be partly earliest Miocene) encompasses at least eight species of odontocete (including Squalodontidae, possible Kentriodontidae and possible Rhabdosteidae) and at least two mysticetes, including Mauicetus parki. The abundance of fragmentary and mostly unstudied specimens of Duntroonian - Waitakian age indicates that actual species diversity in New Zealand at this time eventually will be found to be much higher than the present published record suggests. Valid, described Australian species of Late Oligocene age (equals local Janjukian Stage) encompass only three toothed Cetacea (Table 5.). Of these, Mammalodon colliveri (a proto-mysticete?; Fordyce 1982b) is of very latest Oligocene or earliest Miocene age, and Parasqualodon wilkinsoni may be conspecific with the earliest Miocene Prosqualodon davidis. A higher species diversity than this for the Australian Late Oligocene is suggested by the presence of other undescribed taxa in museum coilections (e.g. Cetotolites spp. of McCoy 1879), the names of which, incidentally, are almost certainly nomina dubia, and described material refereed to established species (e.g. some specimens mentioned by Hall 1911). On a global scale, Neogene and Quaternary Cetacea generally are known much better than their Palaeogene antecedents. One could generalise that the Oligocene, as well as being the time of first appearance of odontocetes and mysticetes, was a time of radical ecological experimentation that resulted in many bizarre forms. In contrast, the Neogene saw a gradual modemisation and a reduction in family diversity, as families which have persisted to the present established themselves rapidly, presumably at the expense of other forms. For example, the fossil record of many extant families (¢.g. Physeteridae, Ziphiidae, Platanistidae and Balaenidae in the Early Miocene; Delphinidae, Phocoenidae, Stenodelphidae, and Balaenopteridae in the Middle Miocene; Barnes 1977, Fordyce 1980b and personal observations) indicates the rapid establishment of modern forms by the Middle Miocene, with radiations occurring in the Early Miocene, if not the latest Oligocene, Some taxa of "archaic" appearance, e.g. Squalodontidae and Rhabdosteidae, were widespread during the Miocene but disappeared by the Pliocene, and no unequivocal archaeocete is known from the Neogene. Miocene Cetacea probably constitute the greatest number of named taxa (see Orr & Faulhaber 1975: Fig. 4), and this could give the impression that they are very well known. However, many named species are based on fragmentary types, and are probably nomina dubia. For example, the recent 1182 - FORDYCE a EE EEE ee Table 6. Some New Zealand fossil Cetacea and their stratigraphic distribution. (Based on references cited in Fordyce 1982a and this volume). Holocene and Pleistocene, states uncertain. Berardius sp. (B.. arnuxii) Odontoceti, Ziphiidae) Nukumaruan (Early Pleistocene) cf. Orcinus sp. (Odontoceti, Delphinidae) Balaenidae? genus and species indet. (Mysticeti) Opoitian (Early Pliocene) to Nukumaruan (Early Pleistocene) Delphinus aff. delphis (Odontoceti, Delphinidae) cf. Pseudorca sp. (Odontoceti, Delphinidae) Physeteridae genus and species indet. (Odontoceti) Opoitian (Early Pliocene) Balaenopteridae genus and species indet. (Mysticeti) Miocene and/or Pliocene, stages uncertain Delphinidae genus and species indet. (Odontoceti) Balaenidae genus and species indet. (Mysticeti) cf. "Plesiocetus" dyticus Cabrera (=mysticete “allied to Balaenoptera", Hector 1881) (Mysticeti). Late Miocene or late Middle Miocene, stage uncertain Ziphiidae genus and species indet., Fordyce and Cullen 1979 (Odontoceti) Altonian (late Early Miocene) Phocaenopsis mantelli Huxley 1859 (Odontoceti, ?Rhabdosteidae) Otaian-Altonian (Early Miocene) Tangaroasaurus kakanuiensis Benham 1935a (Odontoceti, ?Squalodontidae) Waitakian-Otaian (late Late Oligocene-Early Miocene) Rhabdosteidae? genus and species indet. (Odontoceti) Waitakian (late Late Oligocene) “Prosqualodon" hamiltoni Benham 1937b (possibly includes “Sgualodon" andrewi Benham, 1942 (Odontoceti, Squalodontidae). "Prosqualodon" marplesi Dickson 1964 (Odontoceti, ?Squalodontidae) "Microcetus" hectori Benham, 1935b (Odontoceti, ?S qualodontidae) Prosqualodon aff. davidis (Odontoceti, Squalodontidae). cf. Phoberodon sp. (Odontoceti, Squalodontidae) Kentriodontidae genus and species indet. (Odontoceti) Odontoceti genus and species indet. (= "Squalodon" andrewi Benham 1942: "Clarendon teeth") Mauicetus parki (Benham 1937a) (Mysticeti, Cetotheriidae) "Mauicetus" brevicollis Marples, 1956 (Mysticeti, Family incertae sedis) Duntroonian (early Late Oligocene) Kekenodon onamata Hector 1881 (Cetacea Incertae sedis) Austrosqualodon trirhizodonta Climo & Baker 1972 (Odontoceti, ?Squalodontidae) "Microcetus" aff. hectori (Odontoceti, ?Squalodontidae) “Mauicetus" lophocephalus Marples 1956 (Mysticeti, Family incertae sedis) "Mauicetus" waitakiensis Marples 1956 (Mysticeti, Family incertae sedis) THE AUSTRALASIAN MARINE VERTEBRATE RECORD - 1183 Mysticeti genus and species indet., Fordyce 1982a. Whaingaroan-Duntroonian (Early to Late Oligocene) "Squalodon" serratus Davis 1888 (Cetacea incertae sedis) Whaingaroan (Early Oligocene) Cetacea genus and species indet., at least 2 species, including that described by Keyes 1973 Mysticeti genus and species indet. Bortonian-Runangan (Middle to Late Eocene; probably Runangan, Late Eocene) aff. Dorudon sp. (Archaeoceti, ?Basilosauridae) thorough and useful appraisal by Barnes (1977) of Californian Neogene Cetacea indicates both the need for revision of previously-named taxa and the presence of many new species. This cautions against undue generalising about the Neogene record. Cetacea from New Zealand Neogene (Table 6) have been studied relatively less than either those from the New Zealand Oligocene or Australian Neogene, and thus warrant little discussion. Described specimens encompass a squalodontid, a possible rhabdosteid (both Early Miocene) and an indeterminate Middle or Late Miocene ziphiid. Many undescribed specimens have been collected (Table 6, see also discussion of New Zealand fossil vertebrates by Fordyce 1982a and this volume), and there is great potential for future research. Australian Neogene Cetacea encompass described species that range from important complete and informative specimens to indeterminate fragments (Fordyce 1982a). Prosqualodon davidis (Early Miocene, Tasmania; Flynn 1948) is one of the best-known species of Squalodontidae. The only supposed cetothere reported from Australia, "Ag/aocetus? sp. nov.” of Glaessner (1955) also may be of Early Miocene age. Two undescribed specimens, a large squalodont and a sperm-whale (Physeteridae) have been collected from Batesford Quarry (Longfordian, Early Miocene). Fragmentary specimens of small dolphins from the Middle Miocene fluviatile-lucustrine Namba Formation of Lake Frome area represent an indeterminate species of extinct "river-dolphin", Rhabdosteidae. Latest Miocene assemblages from Beaumaris and Grange Burn (near Hamilton), Victoria, are more or less contemporaneous and identical and can be considered together. The age of this fauna was discussed earlier, under the section on phocid seals, The cetacean fauna is probably the most diverse yet known from Australia, although study is difficult because nearly all specimens are broken and eroded, and thus often not comparable. A list of known taxa is as follows: (see also Table 5) beaked whales, Ziphiidae, known from rostra (Chapman 1917; see also Glaessner 1947); large and small sperm whales, Physeteridae, known from teeth, earbones, and skull fragments (three described nominal species based on isolated teeth, and a species close to the extant Physeter macrocephalus); small odontocetes represented by teeth, mandibles and earbones, including "Steno" cudmorei Chapman, 1917 (Delphinidae; probably not congeneric with extant species of Steno); at least one species of rorqual or fin-whale, Balaenopteridae, known from skull fragments and eroded earbones; and at least one species of right whale, Balaenidae, known from eroded earbones. A similar, but younger fauna, from the Middle Pliocene of Flinders Island, is also under study at present. It includes ziphiids (at least one species of Mesoplodon, physeterids (cf. Physeter macrocephalus), and balaenopterids. Interpretation of the Record Outlined below are some of the palaeogeographic and palaeoclimatic implications of the Australasian cetacean record. More detailed discussion was presented by Fordyce (1980b) and 1184 - FORDYCE implications of the global record were considered by Barnes & Mitchell (1978) and Lipps & Mitchell (1976). Archaeocetes apparently reached New Zealand by the Late Eocene. Why, therefore, have they not yet been reported from Australia? The paucity of Southern Hemisphere Eocene Cetacea is difficult to interpret. It is unlikely that tropical warm waters formed an equatorial barrier to dispersal, such as may effect living Cetacea, because Cetacea appear to have evolved in the relatively warm waters of the Tethys. Furthermore, the absence of any significant polar ice cap suggests that latitudinal climatic gradients were less pronounced than later in the Tertiary. The Early Oligocene cetacean record is truly problematic. The sudden appearance of diverse faunas of odontocetes and mysticetes about the start of the Late Oligocene indicates that the Early Oligocene was probably the time of origin and initial rapid diversification of the earliest representatives of the modern whales. Mysticetes and odontocetes are unlikely to have appeared before the Oligocene, as their structural, and probably phyletic, antecedents were the dorundontines - a Late Eocene group. Why, then, is the Early Oligocene record so poor? Simpson (1945) suggested that the absence of fossils representing some important stages of cetacean evolution might reflect the fact the evolution occurred (for example, during the Early Oligocene) in open ocean basins. However, the frequency with which extant open-ocean species strand suggests that nearly all species should have a significant fossil record in proximal marine sediments. This suggests that the lack of Early Oligocene Cetacea is probably a preservation bias. It is known that a massive worldwide regression occurred very early in Late Oligocene (at about 29 million years ago). This probably resulted in the worldwide erosion of much of the proximal lower Oligocene, in which cetacean fossils were preserved. Thus, the absence of many fossils is still compatible with the idea that odontocetes and mysticetes arose during the Early Oligocene. Incidentally, a large sea-level drop in the Late Oligocene has important ecological implications, which are considered briefly in the conclusion of this article. A climatic-change model can be used to explain the origins of the ancestors of modern whales (Fordyce 1980b). In order to understand this, it is necessary to briefly consider the adaptations of modern whales and the record of palaeoclimate change. Modern toothed whales, the odontocetes, are active predators that catch single prey. They navigate and hunt by means of echolocation, using high-frequency sound. The ability to echolocate is reflected in unique skull-structures in living odontocetes, and the presence of similar structures in the skulls of Oligocene odontocetes indicates that they, too, echolocated. Mysticetes, conversely, are filterfeeding predators that strain their food in bulk from the water, and are not known to echolocate. The filterfeeding mechanism is formed by baleen, the presence of which is concomitant with a skull structure unique to mysticetes. Such a structure is present also in Oligocene mysticetes, which indicates that they, like extant species, filterfed. These divergent feeding strategies appear to have evolved in the Early Oligocene. Archaeocetes, from which odontocetes and mysticetes evolved, lack any structures which could be interpreted as adaptations for filter-feeding or echolocation. It is evident from this that a model for the evolution of odontocetes and mysticetes must consider changes in food resources as a primary factor, and such a model is outlined below. Global oceans appear to have been relatively warm during the Late Eocene. In the very latest Eocene, however, there was a dramatic drop in Southern Ocean bottom water temperature of 4-5°C, and global temperatures generally fell (Savin 1977). This gives a clue to the chain of events that influenced the evolution of odontocetes and mysticetes. Progressive physical isolation of Antarctica during the Early Tertiary resulted in thermal isolation, which allowed significant ice buildup on Antarctica by about the latest Eocene, Antarctica cooling resulted in the development of the psychrosphere - cold, nutrient-rich deep water which today originates at Antarctica to flow north into all major oceans of the world. The development of the THE AUSTRALASIAN MARINE VERTEBRATE RECORD - 1185 psychrosphere had many effects (e.g. Kennett & Shackleton 1976, Keigwin 1980). The Southern Oceans cooled dramatically. There was also general global cooling, probably as a consequence of northward flow of the psychrosphere. The presumably novel nutrient-carrying capacities of the psychrosphere probably caused major regional changes in nutrient turnover. Polar cooling resulted in enhanced latitudinal thermal gradients which, in tum, may have led to increased oceanic current activity. Most importantly, it seems that regional (southern?) productivity changes, which resulted from changing nutrient cycles, resulted in the formation of many new niches, and thus triggered the evolution of odontocetes and mysticetes (characterised by new and divergent feeding adaptations) early in the Oligocene. For a more detailed climate change, see Fordyce (1980b). Similar models for marine mammal evolution were also discussed by Gaskin (1976) and Lipps & Mitchell (1976). Southern oceanic climates modemised rapidly late in the Oligocene and in the Neogene (e.g. Kennett 1980). The record of some fossil Cetacea is consistent with the notion of the early development of a distinctive Southern (Austral) fauna. For example, closely related species of Prosqualodon (sensu stricto) have been recorded from the earliest Miocene of New Zealand. These are compatible with other evidence that the Circum-Antarctic Current was well established before the Early Miocene. In view of our presently limited knowledge of other Australasian Neogene Cetacea, little else can be said about palaeoclimatic and palaeogeographic implications. Perhaps the one exception is the case of the Middle Miocene rhabdosteids from the Lake Frome area, which are interesting because they indicate external drainage of this region to the sea in or before the Middle Miocene. They also indicate that the occupation of fluviatile-lacusirine environments is not unique to the four extant species of "river dolphins". The relationships, and hence palaeozoogeographic implications, of these dolphins are uncertain. Rhabdosteids are known primarily from the Northern Hemisphere Miocene, but also from South America and possibly New Zealand. The discovery of more-complete Australian rhabdosteids may allow us to tell if they are part of a distinctive southern fauna, or if they are more closely related to northern rather than to known southern species. The nature of the relationships between Northern and Southern Hemisphere Cetacea (primarily extant species) was discussed in detail by Davies (1963). He observed that many Cetacea have antitropical distributions; that is, they are discontinuously distributed on either side of the warm waters of the equator. Sometimes equatorial waters separate different populations of one species while in other cases, closely related (sister) species are allopatric. Davies proposed that changes in the extent of equatorial water during the Pleistocene would have allowed variable interchange between north and south, with maximum exchange occurring during the maximum (glacial) reduction in extent of tropical waters. Postglacial warming would have resulted in the reestablishment of tropical barriers and renewed separation of northern and southern faunas. This model accounts plausibly for the distribution of many extant species and although Davies did not discuss this, it can probably be applied to the fossil record. No Oligocene to Pleistocene southern cetacean appears to have reported to be conspecific with any northern species. In fact, most Southern Hemisphere records of species that have been placed in Northern Hemisphere genera are probably misidentifications (e.g. "Squalodon" spp. from Australasia), and this strengthens the possibility that transequatorial exchange has been limited since perhaps the Oligocene. Only once we have a much better idea of the southern record, however, will it be possible to make any informed comments on this. REFERENCES ABELE, C., GLOE, C.S., HOCKING, J.B., HOLGATE, G., KENLEY, P.R., LAWRENCE, C.R., RIPPER, D., & THELFALL, W.F., 1976. Tertiary. In Geology of Victoria. J.G. Douglas and J.A. Ferguson , eds., Geol. Soc. Aust. Special Pub. 5. 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The terminal Eocene event: formation of a ring system around the Earth? Nature 285 (5763): 309-311. OLIVER, S.L., 1930. New Zealand Birds. Fin Arts, Wellington. ORR, W.N. & FAULHABER, J., 1975. A middle Tertiary cetacean from Oregon. N. W. Sci. 49: 174-181. OWEN, R., 1882. On an extinct chelonian reptile (Notochelys costata, Owen) from Australia. Q. J. geol. Soc. London 38: 178-183. PATTERSON, C., 1981. The development of the North American fish fauna - a problem of historical biogeography. In The Evolving Biosphere. P.L. Florey, ed., Brit.Mus. (Nat.Hist.) London: 265-281. PERSSON, P.O., 1960. Lower Cretaceous plesiosaurians (Rept.) from Australia. Lunds Universitets Arsskrift (2) 56 (12): 1-23. PERSSON, P.O., 1963. A Revision of the classification of the Plesiosauria with a synopsis of the are ec and geographical distribution of the group. Lunds Universitets Arsskrift (2) 59 (1): 1- THE AUSTRALASIAN MARINE VERTEBRATE RECORD - 1189 PERSSON, P.O., 1963. A Revision of the classification of the Plesiosauria with a synopsis of the veda i: and geographical distribution of the group. Lunds Universitets Arsskrift (2) 59 (1): 1- PIELOU, E.C., 1981. Cross currents in biogeography. (Review of G. Nelson & D.E. Rosen, Vicariance Biogeography. A critique.). Science 213: 324-325. PLEDGE, N.S. & ROTHAUSEN, K., 1977. Metasqualodon harwoodi (Sanger, 1881) - a redescription. Rec. S. Aust. Mus. 17: 285-297. tet aang 1980. Relationship between biological extinctions and geomagnetic reversals. Geology 8: PRITCHARD, G.B., 1939. On the discovery of a fossil whale in the older Tertiaries of Torquay, Victoria. Victorian Nat. 55: 151-159. ate D.M. & STANLEY, S.M., 1978. Principles of Paleontology. 2nd Ed. W.H.Freeman & Co., San rancisco. RAY, C.E., 1977. Geography of phocid evolution. Syst. Zool. 25: 391-406. pean are: 1976. Fossil sirenians and desmostylids from Florida and elsewhere. Bull. Fla. St. Mus. REPENNING. C.A., 1977. Adaptive evolution of sea lions and walruses. SSyst. Zool. 5: 375-390. REPENNING, C.A., RAY, C.E. & GRIGORESCU, D., 1979. Pinniped biogeography In Historical Biogeography Plate Tectonics and the Changing Environment. J. Gray & A.J. Boucot, eds., Oregon State Univ. Press: 357-369. Prete. C.A. & TEDFORD, R.H., 1977. Otarioid seals of the Neogene. U.S. Geol. Sur. Prof. Pap. 992: RICH, P.V. & VAN TETS, G., 1982. The fossil birds of Australia and New Guinea. Their biogeographic, phylogenetic and biostratigraphy input. In: Fossil Vertebrate Record of Australasia. P.V.Rich & E.M. Thompson, eds., Monash University Offset Printing Unit, Clayton. SANGER, E.B., 1881. On a molar tooth of Zeuglodon from the Tertiary beds on the Murray River near Wellington, S.A. Proc. Linn. Soc. N.S.W. 5: 298-300. SAVIN, S.M., 1977. The history of the Earth's surface temperature during the past 100 million years. Ann. Rev. Earth Plant Sci. 1977 (5): 298-300. SIMPSON, G.G., 1940. Mammals and land bridges. J. 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SUTHERLAND, F.L. & KERSHAW, R.C., 1971. The Cainozoic geology of Flinders Island, Bass Strait. Pap. Proc. R. Soc. Tas. 105: 151-175. TEDFORD, R.H., 1977. Relationship of pinnipeds to other carnivores (Mammalia). SSyst. Zool. 25: 363- 374. TEICHERT, C. & MATHESON, R.S., 1944. Upper Cretaceous ichthyosaurian and plesiosaurian remains in Western Australia. Aust. J. Sci. 6: 167-170. TURNBULL, W.D., LUNDELIUS, E.L. & McDougall, K., 1965. A potassium-argon dated Pliocene marsupial fauna from Victoria, Australia. Nature 206: 816. VALENTINE, J.W., 1973. Evolutionary Paleoecology of the Marine Biosphere. Prentice-Hall, Englewood Cliffs, N.J. WELLES, S.P. & GREGG DR., 1971, Late Cretaceous marine reptiles of New Zealand. Rec. Canterbury Mus. 9: 1-111. WESTON, R.J. REPENNING, C.A. & FLEMING, C.A., 1973. Modern age of supposed Pliocene seal Arctocephalus caninus Berry (=Phocarctos hookeri Gray) from New Zealand. N. Z. J. Sei. 16: 591- 598. WHITMORE, F.C. & SANDERS, A.E., 1977. Review of the Oligocene Cetacea. Syst. ool. 25: 304-320. WIEFEN, J., 1980. Moanasaurus, a new genus of marine reptile (Family Mosasauridae) from the Upper Cretaceous of North Island, New Zealand. N.Z. Ji. Geol. Geophys. 23: 507-528. 1190 - FORDYCE WIFFEN, J., 1981. The first Late Cretaceous turtles from New Zealand. N.Z. JI. Geol. Geophys. 24: 293- 300. ZINSMEISTER, W.J., 1979. Biogeographic significance of the Late Mesozoic and Early Tertiary molluscan faunas of Seymour Island (Antarctic Peninsula): the final breakup of Gondwanaland. In Historical biogeography, plate tectonics and the changing environment. J. Gray & A.J.Boucot, eds., State University: 349-355 Oregon CHAPTER 26 A NEW LOOK AT THE FOSSIL VERTEBRATE RECORD OF NEW ZEALAND R. Ewan Fordyce! TV GOPUCHON c-... 2: .sstsnnndnrasregeseeswenge sede 1192 Approach and Geographic Scope........... 1192 COMVENTIONS <<..cccesevertenenscrnentnserioesense 1195 AbDDreviatiOns.............cceeeeeeeeeeeeeeeeeeees 1195 Tiiter atures 2 cacditecadesdshovacuigentedee paSeinde 1195 Collection, Preparation and Curation .....1197 New Zealand Stratigraphy................006+ 1199 The Stratigraphic Record of VETLCDIaleS..... eee eeeeeeceeeeneeeeeeenees 1203 Systematic Summary of New Zealand Fossil Vertebrates..............:.666 1215 Fish: OVervieW...........:s::seeeeeeeeeees 1215 PIACOdEIMS 2.02.2... cee eeeeeeeeeeeeeseeees 1215 Chondrichthyes..............::s::sseeeeeeee 1215 FOLEOSIS. .d.ccscccsvssyteandedactacses cabeast’s 1218 Amphibia: Overview ................06++ 1220 Subfossil Frogs: Leiopelmatidae.....1221 Reptilia: Overview..............ceseeeee 1221 TUPtleS: sis ssccssertoushecaiectacscesabetee 1222 IchthyOSaufls............sceeeeseeeeeeeeeeeee 1223 Plesiosaurs (Sauropterygia)............. 1225 Tuatara (Sphenodonta =Rhynchocephalia)................... 1227 Mosasaurs and Other Lizards (Squamata) ...........eecceseeseeeesees 1228 Crocodiles (Crocodylia)..............06+5 1229 Dinosaurs (Saurischia and Ornithischia)................:csseeeeeee 1230 Pterosaurs (Pterosauria)...........2.0006 1230 Miscellaneous and Problematic Records of Reptiles................5. 1230 AveS: OVECLVICW ........0..ceece eee eeeeees 1231 A Miscellany of Tertiary Birds........ 1231 Bony-Toothed Pelicans (Pelagornithidae).................006+ 1234 Moas - Dinornithiformes ............... 1236 Other Late Quaternary Bird............. 1241 Penguins (Sphenisciformes) ........... 1243 Mammalia ..........:eceeeeseeeeeeeeeeeeeees 1250 Seals - Pinnipedia ...............066+ 1250 Otartidae ...........ceeeeeee seco ees 1250 Phocidac............seseeeeeeeeees 1252 Other Records..............0066 1252 Whales, Dolphins, Porpoises - ct: |<; «tO a 1253 Archaeoceti .........0.eeceeee ees 1253 Problematic Cetacea........... 1254 MYSIICCi...... eee eee eee ee eeees 1254 OdONtOcetl ..........cceseeeeeeees 1258 Other Work..........2.:0seeeeees 1262 Broader Issues in New Zealand Vertebrate Palaeontology.......... 1263 Interpreting the Record ..............26 1263 Approaches to Taxonomy ............. 1263 Completeness of Records............++ 1263 New Zealand Type Specimens......... 1264 EXtiMCtiOn,..........:sssseeeseceeeeseeeseees 1265 Palaeozoogeography.........cceeceee 1267 Acknowledgements ...........s0ssessseeeeeeers 1269 REfCPENCES: oe ccveenveveiedvestentesved dates eaeene 1269 PP PORTIS Ts cicecteveseedaayyecertrniecabestcees 1296 PIA ao tateeceedaicnaaaaetenesatsereeees 1314 1 Department of Geology, University of Otago, Dunedin, New Zealand. 1192 - FORDYCE INTRODUCTION New Zealand has long been known to have an unusual modern biota which, like that of Australia, reflects evolution in relative isolation. Indigenous vertebrates, although not diverse, are a conspicuous clement of the biota, and there has been a great deal of interest in their origins. This article reviews New Zealand's fossil and recently extinct vertebrates. The fossil and recently extinct vertebrates have been the subject of study for just 150 years by scientists in New Zealand and overseas (Figs 1, 2). Most effort has concentrated on moas, species of large, flightless, recently-extinct ratite birds which have aroused considerable public and scientific interest. Ironically, most of these birds disappeared so recently that in many ways they can be regarded as members of the extant fauna. Other groups which might be more revealing about ancient New Zealand have received less attention, perhaps because pre-Holocene higher vertebrates are less common. There was a flurry of early work last century (1860s- 1880s) on marine vertebrates, but this was followed by a long hiatus. The work of Marples in the 1940s perhaps properly signalled a renewed professional treatment of vertebrate fossils by resident paleontologists. The prospects are better now for vertebrate palaeontology in New Zealand than for many years for two reasons. Firstly, there is an increasing public awareness in larger "educational" fossils such as dinosaurs and in scientific issues such as extinction, long-term environmental change, and plate tectonics. Secondly, there seems to be increasing interest from palacontologists overseas in what the New Zealand fossil vertebrate fauna might tell about the evolution of life in the southwest Pacific. The general approach here follows my previous review (Fordyce 1982c), which is expanded and revised. My account is perhaps biased because of an avowed interest in marine mammals and in South Island geology. Nonetheless, I have kept the text as wide-ranging as possible. Most of the specimens discussed represent the diverse and sometimes abundant marine vertebrates, which have been recovered from the relatively complete sequence of Late Cretaceous to earlier Pleistocene marine sediments and a few older rocks. The enormous topic of the extinct moa and other Holocene birds is summarised briefly. Millener (this volume) gives a more detailed review. APPROACH AND GEOGRAPHIC SCOPE The aim of this article is to give a broad review of fossil vertebrates from New Zealand ina manner useful to both undergraduate students and those with more specialised interests in vertebrates, Thus, it considers the history of study, stratigraphy, preparation and curation, aspects of morphology or systematics of major groups (under the traditional subdivisions of fish, amphibians, reptiles, birds and mammals), evolution, extinction and zoogeography. Published discussion of the latter three topics deals mainly with extant terrestrial birds, frogs, and the tuatara, and is generally presented in broader context. Examples of more general accounts that cover these latter topics include those of Cochrane (1973), Stevens (1985), Stevens et al. (1988) and comments in McKenzie (1987) and Wards (1976). Understandably, many articles on broader aspects of New Zealand's vertebrates are necessarily based on little fossil evidence and much speculation. There is not space to give for all major groups details of morphology, approaches to describing and diagnosing species, philosophy of classification, and inferred ecology; rather, these are covered by some of the references cited. This review presents some unpublished information which might better appear in formal taxomomic works than in a general review. I have included this material to indicate more realistically the potential breadth of New Zealand vertebrate palaeontology, and to caution about possible errors or misinterpretations in past published articles, This saves the need to cover unproductive ground. FOSSIL VERTEBRATES OF NEW ZEALAND - 1193 F W Hutton J von Haast J Hector Figure 1. Some contributors to the study of New Zealand fossil vertebrates. (Sketch of Hector by J.D. Campbell; others by Jane Kerr). 1194 - FORDYCE |W Keyes Figure 2. Some contributors to the study of New Zealand fossil vertebrates. (Sketches by Jane Kerr). FOSSIL VERTEBRATES OF NEW ZEALAND - 1195 The references cited are more comprehensive than those presented earlier (Fordyce 1982c). Some minor references are omitted. It is possible that there are some major omissions, and I will be grateful to receive any comments on these. This article deals with fossils from New Zealand proper (Fig. 3): the North Island, South Island, Stewart Island, and the Chatham Islands (not illustrated), The use and capitalisation of geographical names follows those given by Wards (1976) or names cited in articles on New Zealand fossil vertebrates. McKenzie (1987) gave a useful atlas and gazetteer. CONVENTIONS This review uses some widely accepted scientific conventions which provide a useful guide to the status and origins of many names. Scientific names of many New Zealand species are given as a formal binomen. The binomen (two-part name) has a generic name first and a species name second, and these are always underlined. An example is Prognathodon waiparaensis Welles & Gregg, 1971. In this case, Welles and Gregg proposed the new name Prognathodon waiparaensis in 1971. In other cases, a species may have been redescribed and placed in a different genus than used by the original author(s). The name of the author is then placed in parentheses. For example, Mauicetus parki (Benham, 1937a) is a species described originally by Benham in 1937 as Lophocephalus parki and later placed in the genus Mauicetus. These taxonomic procedures, together with a useful glossary of taxonomic terms, were covered in more detail by Ride et al. (1985). Formal names of rock units are capitalised, e.g. Otekaike Limestone, while informal units (those not yet properly defined and diagnosed in scientific literature) are not, €.g. Maungataniwha sandstone. Formal stratigraphic subdivisions are capitalised (e.g. Early Oligocene), while informal subdivisions are not (e.g. earliest Miocene, Middle Pliocene). It appears to be ubiquitous in New Zealand to use the spellings Cenozoic and paleo- (as in paleontology), but these conventions have had to be abandoned temporarily in this contribution because of editorial requirements. ABBREVIATIONS The following abbreviations are used here for New Zealand institutions which hold significant collections of fossil vertebrates: AUGD - Department of Geology, University of Auckland, Auckland; CM - Canterbury Museum, Christchurch; NMNZ - National Museum of New Zealand, Wellington; NZGS - New Zealand Geological Survey, Lower Hutt; OM - Otago Museum, Dunedin; and OUGD - Geology Museum and Department of Geology, University of Otago, Dunedin. Webby et al. (1984) gave a guide to New Zealand institutions that hold fossils, but this gave little insight into the fossil vertebrate collections of New Zealand. LITERATURE The most useful sources of literature on New Zealand fossil vertebrates (apart from that in the earlier version of this article), including relevant aspects of geology and zoology (Fordyce 1982c), are the bibliographies of Adkin & Collins (1967) and Warren et al. (1977), together with the indexes by Jenkins (1976, 1982). Noteworthy older works are those of Hamilton (1903a, 1910), and Thomson (1913). The comprehensive, but un-indexed, bibliography of fossil vertebrates by Romer et al. (1962) is also valuable. Other bibliographies of vertebrate palaeontology which list papers published from 1929 (but are incomplete for New Zealand articles) include those of Camp & Allison 1961, Camp & 1196 - FORDYCE Vanderhoof 1940, Camp et al. 1942, 1949, 1953, 1964, 1968 and 1972, Green et al. 1979, and Gregory et al. 1973 and 1981. Not all modern bibliographies are available in New Zealand. Such bibliographies are usefully supplemented by the Zoological Record, Science Citation Index, and the Geological Society of America Bibliography and Index of Geology Exclusive of North America, which was succeeded by the American Geological Institute Bibliography and Index of Geology. Dargaville NX ze ay Patoka Pahi O > Mangahouanga Stream 2 Ohope Lew4 Waik: . Tokomaru Bay Kaawa Creek Ror Seay ‘ Raukumara Ponganui Creek Glen Masse b, * Meurant Island olulara : Te Kauri 0 Waitomo Marakopa Kiritehere Waikawau Creek Taihape Hanaroa R. Tangarakau Waipunga Atene Te Pohue Waihi Beach Napier Nukumaru Matapiro Otokoa Stream Wanganul Cape Kidnappers Stephens Island Waipukurau Puponga Paturau Coonoor Aorere River 2 Hukanui ‘ ¥ Tinui district Nelson Takaka OM Wairoa " Martinborough Murchison = Manaroa Charleston _— Ward Punakaiki Reefton Greymouth —— Kaikoura Waimea Haumuri Bluff Pascal Cheviot arama Gore Ba’ Cc a oe Mot : Waipara River middle gorge astle Hill basin otunau Weka Pass Mt Potts Glenafric__ Curiosity Shop Waipara River lower gorge St Bathans Wharekuri, Aviemore Karetu Quarry Bannockburn ail Hakataramea Nevis Valley Ss et Wakatipu Duntroon, Kokoamu_ juganara Oamaru gapa a Kakanui Awamoa, Rifle Butts SK BKanut Moeraki # hag Point : faa Waikoualti Middlemarch ts 5 Caversham Kg Burnside Ceendsn, Milburn S okomairiro aaa Nugget Point F- im Otamita Stream Balfour \4 Clifden 0 250 km Figure 3. Some older fossil vertebrate sites in New Zealand. Only a few Late Quaternary sites are shown, and the Chatham Islands are not shown. Parengarenga Harbour Oruwharo River FOSSIL VERTEBRATES OF NEW ZEALAND - 1197 Local periodicals which were searched for articles include the Transactions and Proceedings of the New Zealand Institute and its successors, the Transactions..., Proceedings..., and Journal of the Royal Society of New Zealand; New Zealand Journal of Science and Technology; New Zealand Journal of Geology and Geophysics; New Zealand Journal of Science; and various publications of the New Zealand Geological Survey (Reports of Geological Explorations, Bulletins, Paleontology Bulletins, Memoirs, Reports, and Records). I did not attempt to thoroughly cover the periodicals issued by other local organisations (e.g. museums, natural history societies). More has been published on New Zealand fossil vertebrates than is cited here in the text, although most references not cited are mostly those on Quaternary birds (innumerable titles). Page numbers are cited for the many articles that contain only brief or incidental comment which might otherwise be overlooked because the title does not indicate that they deal with palaeontology. Some theses for higher degrees contain relevant material. I have cited some of these even though they are not strictly publications, but have not referred to (or, in some cases, even read) the body of the text to get information for this review. Information in such theses is best left for the authors to publish. Besides, such items have no standing in nomenclature, and are difficult to consult. Similarly, I have cited as few unpublished reports as possible, and mostly have mentioned only those that have already been cited in the literature. There is no thorough published bibliography of New Zealand fossil fish. Bibliographies compiled for other groups include those of Welles & Gregg 1971 (marine reptiles), Archey 1941 and Hamilton 1894 (moas), Simpson 1971a (penguins), Oliver 1955 (other birds) and Fordyce 1980b (cetaceans). The bibliography of this review contains those references cited in the text and a few incidental titles. Full citations of the authors of extant species are not always given in the text, and these articles are not cited in the bibliography. Useful overviews of fossil vertebrates are available from a number of sources. Other chapters in this volume give an Australasian perspective, and a great deal of local information was presented by contributors to Archer & Clayton (1984). Carroll (1988) provided a key reference for this review, and the older work by Romer (1966) still has more than historic value. COLLECTION, PREPARATION AND CURATION Many New Zealand fossil vertebrates have been damaged (or are still being damaged!) by improper collection, preparation and curation. This probably reflects a general lack of local experience in collecting large fossils. Fortunately, recent books by Rixon (1976) and Croucher & Woolley (1982) outline modern palacontological techniques applicable to work on New Zealand fossil vertebrates. The handbook of Kummel & Raup (1965) deals little with vertebrates specifically, but discusses many basic prob!ems. The Society of Vertebrate Paleontology Newsletter often mentions new techniques, and the journals Curator and The Geological Curator sometimes contain useful articles. A brief summary of important techniques follows, and the chapter by Whitelaw & Kool in this book gives more details. Further information can be supplied upon request. The Department of Geology at the University of Otago, which currently has the best equipped laboratories in New Zealand for preparation of fossil vertebrates, is open to visits from anyone interested in techniques. New Zealand fossil vertebrates are covered under an Antiquities Act, and legal controls affect the export of specimens. At present it is possible for private individuals to collect and maintain private collections in New Zealand. For posterity, rare or unusual specimens are best curated in an institution that can provide maximum public and scientific access. It is essential that field data are recorded for each specimen collected. Collectors are urged strongly to record vertebrate finds in the Fossil Record File maintained by the Geological 1198 - FORDYCE Society of New Zealand, and it is mandatory to provide a fossil record number for some purposes (e.g. publication in some journals), Curators in University geology departments, the Geological Survey and museums can provide details. A detailed account of the file was given by Sudlow & Edwards (1982). Most pre-Quaternary vertebrates should be plaster jacketed fully (e.g. Rixon 1976: 41-53) during excavation. This is particularly so for large or fragile specimens, those from relatively uncemented sediments, or those from shattered or jointed rocks. It is tempting to consolidate relatively uncemented matrix (e.g. greensand) in the field, but most New Zealand specimens are too damp for consolidants to work well. Small concretions generally do not need to be jacketed. Bones can be excavated in the field with needle, probe, toothbrush, paint-scraper, knife, awl, hammer, cold chisel, and crowbar, depending on the nature of the matrix and specimen. For efficient use of time and resources, a combination of chainsaw with masonry blade, rotary percussion rock drill, and compressed air tools (chipping hammers, air scribes) are attractive for large scale work. Consolidants and glues must be used on most bones during laboratory extraction and preparation. It is important to use agents whose action can be reversed e.g. water-based glues (PVA - polyvinyl acetate - emulsion) or acetone-based glues and consolidants (polyvinyl butyral - PVB, e.g. "Mowital" tradename). Polyesters and epoxies, which are strong but more or less irreversible, should not be used unless it is certain that preparation is complete. A summary on the application of these chemicals follows (based on Fordyce 1989c), and further comment is given in the chapter by Whitelaw & Kool in this volume. PVA emulsion - glue and consolidant: water-based; can be put on damp fossils; thinned solutions do not penetrate well; flexible; not resistant to acetic acid; reversible (use acetone). PVB in acetone - consolidant, but thick solution works as a glue; should not be put on damp fossils; thinned solutions penetrate well, especially if dissolved in an acetone: ethanol mix; limited flexibility; reasonable resistance to acetic acid; reversible (use acetone). Polyethylene glycol (carbowax, e.g. molecular weight 4000) - consolidant; water- compatible, so molten wax or thick aqueous solution can be put on damp fossils; molten wax penetrates a limited extent unless the fossil is heated; inflexible; not resistant to acetic acid; reversible (use water or heat). Polyester resin (fibreglass resin) - glue and consolidant: organic base, with catalyst; works as a glue for larger surfaces; should not be put on damp fossils; solutions penetrate well especially if thinned slightly; limited flexibility; good resistance to acetic acid; caution irreversible, Epoxy resin (¢.g. "Araldite") - glue: organic base, with catalyst; works as an excellent glue for small or larger surfaces; should not be put on damp fossils; limited flexibility; poor resistance to acetic acid; more or less irreversible, but can be broken down slowly by acetic acid. Cyanoacrylate (e.g. “Superglue") - glue: organic, ready to use without mixing (catalysed by residual water on surfaces to be glued); sets in a few seconds; good for field use, since it is compatible with moisture in fossils; partly reversible, using acetone; limited flexibility and resistance to acid; comes in several grades: 1, fast-setting, 2, slower, thicker, gap-filling form (can be accelerated with suitable accelerant). Expensive, but can be bought in bulk. Mechanical preparation may be carried out by hand with hammer, chisels and dental tools, Pneumatic dental drills, airscribes (see Fordyce 1985c for outline of extended shanks for airscribes), chipping hammers, and grinders allow faster and more efficient preparation. Fossils can be extracted with acetic acid (Rixon 1976) which can be very effective, but expensive for large blocks. Concentrated acid is dangerous to human tissues; these and other organic reagents (such as organic solvents) can induce allergic reactions (or worse) in some people. Residual dilute acid can damage fossil bones, if the specimen is not neutralised in dilute ammonia FOSSIL VERTEBRATES OF NEW ZEALAND - 1199 solution and if it is not washed at least as long as the specimen was in acid (with multiple changes of water). (See also the chapter by Whitelaw & Kool in this volume). Specimens can be stored most safely in a plaster or fibreglass cradle, which allows even distribution of weight and prevents breakage. Cotton wool and its fibres catch projections. Polystyrene foam sheet and foam rubber or plastic are more useful for storing medium-sized fossils. Cardboard boxes or glass vials are suitable for many smaller specimens. NEW ZEALAND STRATIGRAPHY New Zealand's sedimentary rocks, predominantly marine, range in age from Precambrian to Recent (Fig. 4). The traditional view of New Zealand geology, as outlined in Suggate et al. (1978) and commonly encountered in literature before the 1980s, long recognised three major phases of sedimentation during the Phanerozoic. These phases supposedly spanned from the Late Precambrian to the Early Devonian, from the Carboniferous to the Late Jurassic or Early Cretaceous and from the Late Cretaceous to Quaternary. Apparent breaks between these three sequences were thought to represent orogenies, the Tuhua Orogeny (Devonian), the Rangitata Orogeny (earlier Cretaceous), and the Kaikoura Orogeny (Quaternary). Research over the last decade, using a paradigm of a mobile earth, has overturned the notion of a simple broadly three-fold sequence. There is strong evidence that rocks older than about mid Cretaceous represent many independent terranes, "microplates" of tectonically-bounded but otherwise unified lithostratigraphic sequences (Bishop et al. 1984, Howell 1980). What were thought to be units deposited more or less in sequence (Suggate et al. 1978) cannot be shown to have been originally juxtaposed, even though they are now. Some of the terranes indeed could be far-travelled. It is understandable that because of modern physical proximity these adjacent terranes were originally interpreted as contiguous. The recognition of terranes throws doubt on the idea of a widespread earlier Cretaceous "Rangitata Orogeny", and the older Tuhua Orogeny is best abandoned. The Kaikoura Orogeny might now be seen as encompassing the events that stemmed from the migration of the Australian-Pacific plate boundaries into the New Zealand area in the Neogene. In summary, there are few published reports of early Palaeozoic vertebrates from New Zealand (Fordyce 1982c wrongly stated none). Triassic to Late J urassic rocks have yielded (and continue to yield) rather more, and there is great potential fer more discoveries. Vertebrates are most common, although still little documented, in marine rocks of Late Cretaceous to Quaternary age. This review concentrates on the Late Cretaceous-Cainozoic record. Stratigraphy of New Zealand sedimentary rocks relies largely on biostratigraphy based on marine invertebrates. Spores and pollen are used to a lesser extent. Local stage names are not applied to the earlier Palaeozoic, but are used from the Permian onwards. The few relevant pre- Late Cretaceous stages mentioned here are given with their international correlations. Late Cretaceous and Cainozoic stages and their correlations are shown in Fig. 5. The sequence of these younger stages is unequivocal (Finlay & Marwick 1940, Hornibrook et al. 1989, Hoskins 1982). Although there is still debate about the definition of some stages and the international correlations of their boundaries, this is one of the most precisely subdivided marine Cainozoic sequences in the world. Some problems exist with local stages, however. The stages were based originally on locally abundant fossils with little regard to detailed overseas correlations. New Zealand has been rather isolated in mid temperate latitudes since the early Cainozoic, and the fossil biota reflects this. It has been difficult to establish correlations because of firstly, the endemic element in the biota and, secondly, diachronous ranges in those taxa that also occur elsewhere. Thus, it is difficult to match precise stratigraphic ranges for most New Zealand taxa with ranges in nearby Australia, with localities nearer the equater. The problem is worse for more- 1200 - FORDYCE distant northern temperate latitudes where type localities for stages of the Cainozoic are to be found. Ceno. Agnatha Teleostomei Amphibia Reptilia Aves Mammalia Jurassic |Cretaceou Elasmobranchiomorpha Carb. Permian Trias. Devonian terrane boundaries marked by vertical lines e vertebrate horizon WY ; GY terrane Cambrian Buller Brook Street Caples Rakaia Pahau Murihiku Takaka DunMtMaita | [orlesse Figure 4. Summary of spatio-temporal distribution of New Zealand tectonostratigraphic terranes, and distribution of main vertebrate groups. (Terranes are simplified from those shown by Bishop et al. 1985). FOSSIL VERTEBRATES OF NEW ZEALAND - 1201 INTERNATIONAL N Z Stage Mp SUBDIVISIONS 7a — Mangpanian Waipipian D SS Selected vertebrate-bearing units loess, swamp and dune deposits, gravel Kai-iwi Gp Waipaoa "Series" Tewkesbury Fm Te Aute Lst Tangahoe Mst Waiourr'Em Kaawa Shellbed Greta Siltstone Tongaporutuan Longford Fm Kaikorai Valley leaf beds Waiauan Lillburnian Duntroonian Whaingaroan Runangan | Porangan | Teurian Haumurian Chatham Rise phosphorites Double Corner Shellbeds Nga Pari Fm Southburn Sand Manuherikia Gp Rifle Butts Fm Bluecliffs Silt Gee Greensand Milburn Lst Te Akatea Siltstone Otekaike Lst Te Kuiti Gp Weka Pass Stone Waitomo Sst Takaka Lst Abel Head Fm Kokoamu and Wharekuri Gsds and equivalents Parengarenga Gp 20 Waikawau Fm Tarakohe Mst 30 Glen Massey Fm Whaingaroa Siltstone McDonald Lst OLIGOCEN 40 Kaiata Mst Burnside Mst Waihao Gsd Pahi Gsd Tapui Glauconitic Sst 50 Abbotsford Mst EoOoceENE [mea [i Waipara Gsd AmuriLst (time transgressive) Kauru Fm Moeraki Fm 60 PALEOCENE "Lingula beds” Katiki Fm Laidmore Fm 70 Conway Siltstone "Maungataniwha sst" Figure 5. New Zealand latest Cretaceous and Cainozoic stages, approximate correlations, and examples of some vertebrate-bearing units. This figure does not use all the revised nomenclature suggested by Browne & Field (1985) and Field & Browne (1986). Examples of specific correlation problems include those associated with the Eocene- Oligocene and Oligocene-Miocene boundaries. These boundaries are difficult to correlate to New Zealand because the main biostratigraphic markers (planktonic foraminifera) seem to have 1202 - FORDYCE diachronous ranges. The problem is more broadly illustrated by comparing correlations shown for the Landon Series (Fig. 5) and the Oligocene by Stevens (1980b), Hardenbol & Berggren (1978), Loutit & Kennett (1981), and Vail & Hardenbol (1979). Kellogg (1956) summarised one view of the stratigraphic implications of fossil Cetacea largely from the Landon Series. In another example, Warren & Speden (1977) discussed correlation problems of the Piripauan and Haumurian Stages. Irrespective of these issues, New Zealand Cainozoic stages are cited throughout the text in order to indicate precise ages. International correlations are more equivocal. There are several general guides to New Zealand geology that might interest vertebrate palaeontologists. Suggate et al. (1978) provided an account, from the viewpoint of the New Zealand Geological Survey, which contains a broad summary of lithostratigraphy. Some interpretations in this work are now widely acknowledged to be outdated. The series of 1:250,000 geological maps produced by the New Zealand Geological Survey for all of New Zealand is valuable, although dated in places (the rocks have not changed, but more detail has been added). Brown et al. (1968) presented a general review which is reasonably available overseas but which is also now outdated, alarmingly sc in places. Fleming (1979), in a revision of an earlier classic paper (1962a, and see Fleming 1949 and 1975), provided a useful summary of the geology of New Zealand from a palaeontologist's point of view. Stevens (1980c, 1983) interpreted New Zealand history in the light of plate tectonics and continental drift, but provided little information on lithostratigraphy or biostratigraphy. Stevens (1985) also reviewed New Zealand's changing geography from the Cambrian to present. Lillie (1980) and Gage (1980) discussed the stratigraphy and geological evolution of New Zealand; Lillie's account gives a particularly good guide to lithostratigraphy. Carter (1988) gave a singular account of Cretaceous-Cainozoic stratigraphy noteworthy for its treatment of nomenclature. Thornton (1985) provided a very readable field guide, and Burrows (1978), Beu et al. (1987) and Gage (1979) summarised Quaternary geology. Lithostratigraphic names are regarded by palaeontologists as important tools for information retrieval. Most local stratigraphic names were discussed in the lexicon edited by Fleming (1959b) or in the more recent and, regretfully, abbreviated, lexicon compiled by McGregor (1987). As parts of the Cretaceous-Cainozoic project of the New Zealand Geological Survey have been completed, it has been suggested that some old or long-used names should be synonymised or abandoned. Articles that discuss lithostratigraphy for some of the Cretaceous- Cainozoic project areas include those of Browne & Field (1985), Field & Browne (1986) and H.J. Campbell et al. 1988. Some of the names used in these latter articles are used in this review, but it was not possible to change all. The application of some names could be debated, and it is likely that there will be disputes about the correct name(s) to apply for some years yet. Few names can be gleaned from the New Zealand Geological Survey 1: 250,000 geological maps which cover the country and otherwise provide a standard reference. Cainozoic and many Mesozoic rocks are mapped therein as stages, while lithostratigraphic units are cited for the Lower Palaeozoic and sporadically for younger rocks, Indeed, formation names are still not widely used, or in some cases even established for some areas. For example, the enormous body of Torlesse rocks which forms much of the axis of the South Island is largely too complex structurally to yield sequences complete enough on which to clearly define and diagnose formations, The Southland Syncline, for which many Permian-Jurassic stage boundaries are known well, is lithologically too monotonous in places to allow different formations to be recognised clearly (e.g. in Triassic volcanogenic sediments). FOSSIL VERTEBRATES OF NEW ZEALAND - 1203 THE STRATIGRAPHIC RECORD OF VERTEBRATES EARLY PALAEOZOIC Palaeozoic rocks older than Permian crop out only in the South Island. Cambrian, Ordovician, and Silurian marine rocks appear not to have yielded vertebrates. No non-marine units of this age have been identified positively. Cambrian and Ordovician rocks have been studied for acid-insoluble microfossils (e.g. Simes 1977), but no bone has been reported. Most Lower Palaeozoic strata are deformed and metamorphosed. This, together with the lack of serious attention from vertebrate palaeontologists, makes it seem unlikely that they will yield vertebrates. Nevertheless, recent work on microvertebrates recovered from acid-insoluble residues Overseas suggests that any finds might have profound biogeographic implications, and careful prospecting seems warranted. For reviews of fossiliferous Lower Palaeozoic rocks, see Cooper (1968, 1979, 1989) Cooper & Bradshaw (1985) and Suggate et al. (1978). DEVONIAN Marine Devonian rocks in the Baton and Reefton districts of the South Island have yielded good invertebrate faunas but no significant bone. Jenkins (1967) reported "what appear to be vertebrate fragments" from Waitahu River, Reefton. Later, Macadie (1985) identified fragmentary bones of a possible arctolepid arthrodire ("resemble[s] Actinolepis"), acanthodians and palaeoniscids from the Reefton sequence. An indeterminate bone fragment is also held in the Canterbury Museum, Christchurch (M.A. Bradshaw, pers. comm.). Limestone in Lankey Creek and mudstones in the Waitahu River near Reefton are lithologically similar to the units of eastern Victoria from which fish have been collected, and could most profitably be prospected. Articles on Devonian rocks were presented recently by Bradshaw & Hegan (1984) and Cooper & Bradshaw (1985); see also Suggate (1957). CARBONIFEROUS The Carboniferous is known in New Zealand only by. conodont-bearing marine marble associated with Torlesse-like rocks at Kakahu, South Canterbury (mentioned widely, most recently by Hitching 1979). It is not clear whether the blocks of marble are autochthonous. D.G. Jenkins & T.B.H. Jenkins (1971) stated that "rare fish scales" were present in conodont- bearing acid-insoluble residues from the marbles. No vertebrates have been identified formally, but further study seems justified. PERMIAN Widespread fossiliferous marine Permian rocks in Southland and Nelson have been studied quite thoroughly by geologists familiar with invertebrate fossils, yet no significant bone has been reported. The lack of identified bone may well represent observer bias, since Permian sequences (as with most other Palaeozoic rocks) have yet to be prospected systematically by vertebrate palaeontologists. Wood (1956: 45, fig. 24E) noted the presence of an apparent lepidosteid (gar) fish scale (New Zealand Geological Survey collections) in rocks of Arthurton Group, Gore district. H.J. Campbell (pers comm., 1988) recently found fish scales in rocks of the Permian Takitimu Group, western Southland. 1204 - FORDYCE TRIASSIC AND JURASSIC Triassic rocks in the South Island are included traditionally in two major sequences, the relatively fossiliferous Murihiku Supergroup and the sparsely fossiliferous Torlesse Supergroup. Torlesse rocks also occur in the North Island. Both sequences are predominantly marine, and both also encompass Jurassic strata. The Torlesse Supergroup, for which nomenclature has long been in a state of flux (e.g. Andrews et al. 1977), is probably formed by a sequence of terranes (Bishop et al. 1984, Howell 1980, Retallack 1987), and it has been suggested that parts of the Torlesse may have been deposited at low latitudes in the Northern Hemisphere. Few vertebrates are known from either the Murihiku or Torlesse sequences. Reviews of geology and palaeontology include those of Andrews et al. (1979), Begg et al. (1985), H.J. Campbell & Johnston (1984), J.D.Campbell (1985b), Campbell & Warren (1965) and Speden (1975, 1976). Occasional incidental reference has been made to fish, but no reliable identifications to species level have been published. T.B.H. Jenkins & D.G. Jenkins (1971) found teeth in acid- insoluble residues of Warepan (Late Triassic) age from Okuku, North Canterbury, and Bradshaw (1977) reported fish vertebrae from Arthurs Pass (New Zealand Geological Survey collections), also probably of Warepan age. Strong (1984) mentioned microscopic teeth from Triassic sediments at Roaring Bay, Nugget Point. HJ. Campbell & Cave (1987) noted fish remains from the Otamitan of the Rolleston Range, Rakaia Valley. Marden et al. (1988: 392) reported elasmobranch remains from the Oretian of Ruahine Ranges. Teeth of "labyrinthodont" appearance, of uncertain affinities, have been found at Nugget Point, South Otago (Hector 1878, 1886) and Wairoa, Nelson (Worley 1894). The Nugget Point specimens could represent ichthyosaurs, which are known from recent finds in pebbly sandstone of Otamitan Stage at Roaring Bay (J.D. Campbell 1987; fossils in Geology Museum, University of Otago). McKay (1877b) reported “saurians" from Roaring Bay. Positively identified ichthyosaurs are known from Mt Potts, Canterbury, and the Hokonui Hills, Southland (J.D. Campbell 1965, Fleming et al. 1971; see also e.g. Anon. 1878b; Haast 1887; Hector 1874, 1877c, 1878; McKay 1878; Trechmann 1918; Wilckens 1927). Vertebrate remains, including ichthyosaurs and other unspecified reptiles, occur in Torlesse rocks in southern North Island (H.J. Campbell 1982, Stevens 1974). H.J. Campbell et al. (1984: 283, 285; see also 1980) mentioned an undetermined small limb bone, possibly that of a reptile, of Permian (or Triassic) age from Stephens Formation of Stephens Island, Marlborough. The specimen appears to have been lost when sent to the U.S.A. for identification (E.H. Colbert, pers. comm.). Of incertain age and relationships is a large vertebrate, presumably a reptile, zecently collected from the lower Triassic (or uppermost Permian) marine tuffaceous sandstone at Mossburn, Southland (Aitcheson et al. 1988). The specimen, which is in the Geology Museum collections (University of Otago), is under preparation at present. Jurassic rocks are widespread, often conformable over the Triassic, but there are no significant published reports of vertebrates. The only specimen reported is the poorly preserved incomplete shaft of a long bone (New Zealand Geological Survey collections) of Jurassic age, from Marybank Formation, Nelson (Johnston et al. 1980; 1987: 286, "resembles...reptilian rib"). The specimen, which lacks condyles, has not been identified formally. Some outcrops of terrestrial Jurassic sediment have well-preserved Icaf floras. Localities include Curio Bay on the Catlins Coast in Southland, and Kawhia in Southwest Auckland. Curio Bay exposures include possible channelled floodplains and palacosols in which terrestrial vertebrates might be preserved, although field work by M.S. Pole and others (Department of Geology, University of Otago) have not revealed bone. Further prospecting, especially in the nonmarine Jurassic (e.g. axis of the Southland Syncline), would seem warranted, but the lack of good shelly fossils FOSSIL VERTEBRATES OF NEW ZEALAND - 1205 Suggests that conditions in fresh water environments may have been too acidic for bone to preserve. INTERNATIONAL Approximate timing of oceanic, Ma SUBDIVISIONS NZ Stage climatic and geographic events -X—tastlectiian EXT Mangpanian——] Waipipian Opoitian Kapitean Tongaporutuan Waiauan | —Lilburnian _ Duntroonian Whaingaroan Runangan | _Porangan | Teurian Haumurian increasing Milankovitch cycle amplitude terrestrial glaciation in S temperate regions Panama seaway closed - changed Pacific zoogeography increase in Antarctic glaciation Messinian crisis major southen cooling; regression 10 first? significant movement on Alpine Fault cooling; E Antarctic ice sheet buildup subtropical-tropical climate; global thermal maximum; high sea level evidence of local tectonism in NZ warming Oo C ECE LY | 20 reduction in Antarctic ice? Circum-Antarctic flow and zoogeographic distributions established extensive shallow shelf seas; minimal terrigenous sedimentation major sea level drop and/ or change in NZ tectonics peak marine transgression; minimal NZ land area; possible reduced terrestrial diversity?; ?archipelago broad marine regression and increasing land area with gradual then accelerating orogeny 30 major cooling and/or accumulation of Antarctic ice; subantarctic cooling cooling of southern surface and bottom waters; psychrosphere developed; Antarctic Convergence developed, affecting NZ waters? ? time of split, NZ-Australian ratites warm equable climates; southern convergences not developed; Antarctica relatively warm. OLIGOCENE | eary | tte | 40 50 EoOoceENE oO 60 PALEOCENE Cretaceous-Tertiary boundary extinctions steady marine transgression reduces land area 70 peneplained NZ, with complement of reptiles and birds, podocarps and beeches, separated from Antarctica and Australia about mid Cretaceous Figure 6. Summary of inferred major environmental changes in New Zealand in the latest Cretaceous and Cainozoic. 1206 - FORDYCE [ ] Quaternary BB Late Cretaceous - Tertiary VA) older than Late Cretaceous Figure 7. Distribution of later Cretaceous and Cainozoic ("Notocene") rocks in New Zealand. (After Suggate ef al. 1978). THE CRETACEOUS-CAINOZOIC SEQUENCE Upper Cretaceous rocks rest unconformably on basement over much of New Zealand. Such younger Cretaceous sediments, as typified by those of Canterbury and Otago, are compositionally more mature (quartz-rich) than the Torlesse-like older Cretaceous. They often include quartzose nonmarine sands and gravels succeeded by marginal marine coal measures. FOSSIL VERTEBRATES OF NEW ZEALAND - 1207 These sediments, and overlying more distal and terrigenous-poor sediments, indicate the Start ofa broad transgression which continued without significant break into the middle of the Cainozoic, about the Whaingaroan Stage. This broad transgression was followed by a more rapid Miocene to Recent regression (Fig. 6), which marked uplift associated with the start of the Kaikoura Orogeny and the movement of the boundary of the Australian and Pacific plates into the New Zealand region. Relative fluctuations in sea-level, marked in the field by alternations between more distal and more proximal sediments, were probably superimposed on this broad transgressive-regressive sequence (e.g. Vella 1967; see also Haq et al. 1987, Loutit & Kennett 1981, Vail & Hardenbol 1979) . The thick, widespread Cretaceous-Cainozoic sequence (Figs 5, 7), the Notocene of Thomson (1917), includes the main source horizons for vertebrates. Because there are many records of vertebrates, the account below is only a guide. Earlier Cretaceous Earlier Cretaceous rocks have been regarded traditionally (e.g. Suggate et al. 1978) as part of a different depositional sequence from later Cretaceous rocks, which are usually conformable with the overlying Cainozoic. A variably developed stratigraphic gap somewhere in the middle of the Cretaceous was long interpreted as evidence of the Rangitata Orogeny, but it is now regarded as marking the base of a regionally widespread sedimentary sequence that caps an amalgam of terranes and extends up to the Quaternary (fig. 4). In some areas, the upper part of the Torlesse sequence is lithologically similar to quartzo-feldspathic sediments of the Jurassic and Triassic, and is of Early Cretaceous age. Few vertebrates have been reported from the Torlesse-like earlier Cretaceous. One, however, is Chapman's (1918) Diplomystus coverhamensis from Cover Stream, in the Kaikoura ranges, and others might be expected. Localised fluvio-lacustrine sediments of roughly mid Cretaceous age, such as the Hawks Crag Breccia of Buller (Nathan 1978) and Kyeburn Formation of Otago (Bishop & Laird 1976, Bishop 1979) have yet to be prospected extensively for bone. Large bones might be expected in coarser infills of channels and scours in these lithologies. Finer-grained units such as the Ohika Formation (lateral equivalent of Hawks Crag Breccia), parts of the Kyeburn Formation, and parts of the Gridiron Formation (Suggate 1958, Crampton 1988) of the Clarence Valley and nearby areas could also yield bones and, if suitable shallow water or floodplain facies are present, footprints. Further study is needed. Productive nonmarine environments might be expected from the broader setting of these units, which may have developed in broad fault- bounded depressions associated with the initial rifting of New Zealand from other segments of Gondwana. Traditionally the sediments have been identified as synorogenic (Laird 1980). Late Cretaceous Upper Cretaceous strata (Mata Series; Maastrichtian) have yielded locally abundant marine vertebrates (Fig. 8). The best-known traditional localities are in the "saurian beds", better recognized as Conway Formation of Browne & Field (1985; = Laidmore Formation of some authors) of north-eastern South Island. This horizon occurs at Waipara River and the Cheviot area in North Canterbury, and extends northwards to Haumuri Bluff in Marlborough. Plesiosaurs and mosasaurs are known from these sites (Fleming 1963a, Fleming et al. 1959, Gage 1969, Haast 1862 and 1871, Hector 1877, Hutton 1877, McKay 1877a, 1877e, 1883, 1892, Park 1888, 1913, Warren & Speden 1977, Welles & Gregg 1971, Wellman 1959, Wilson 1963, Woods 1917). Most of the specimens are in the collections of the Canterbury Museum (Christchurch), National Museum (Wellington), and New Zealand Geological Survey (Lower Hutt). 1208 - FORDYCE CRERICA 7 (SOUTH) tenes 1 ZAMERICA) al Mangahouanga Stream, possible reconstruction of south west Pacific, after Stevens Haumuri Bluff some New Zealand localities for Cheviot. Late Cretaceous reptiles tail vertebra of possible theropod dinosaur mosasaur body outlines after Colbert Figure 8. Some New Zealand localities for Late Cretaceous reptiles. (After Fordyce 1986). Recently, Joan Wiffen collected and described a vertebrate fauna from informally-named "Maungataniwha sandstone", at Mangahouanga Stream, Hawke's Bay. The age is uncertain Piripauan or Haumurian stage (Moore 1987, Crampton 1989). Wiffen (1980,1981a, 1981b, FOSSIL VERTEBRATES OF NEW ZEALAND - 1209 1983, 1984, 1986, Wiffen & Moisley 1986, Molnar & Wiffen 1988) described some of the plesiosaurs, mosasaurs, turtles, a pterosaur and fish from Mangahouanga Stream. Molnar (1981; see also 1980) described the caudal vertebra of a probable theropod dinosaur from this locality, and Wiffen & Molnar (in press) are to report the discovery of ornithopod remains. Molnar & Scarlett (1984) documented the phalanx of a large bird or dinosaur. The fossils are in the New Zealand Geological Survey collections (Keyes 1984, 1989). A recently-studied Cretaceous vertebrate site is at Shag Point, North Otago (Fordyce 1983c, 1986, 1987b), where plesiosaurs and mosasaurs occur. The fossils, including those in the Geology Museum collections (University of Otago; Fig. 9; Pl. 1) have been found in mudstones of the Katiki Formation, Haumurian Stage (latest Cretaceous). This is the most southern site known at present for Late Cretaceous marine reptiles in New Zealand. Other localities for Late Cretaceous vertebrates include many where isolated bones have been collected. At the Waimakariri Gorge, "Lingula beds" (Keyes 1981a), of Teurian age in part as well as Haumurian, have yielded chondrichthyans, elasmosaurs, and an undescribed avian tarsometatarsus (collections include those at New Zealand Geological Survey, Lower Hutt; Geology Museum collections, University of Otago, and the Department of Geology, University of Auckland). Vertebrates from a phosphatic horizon in unconsolidated quartz sands (Conway Formation?) near Cheviot, North Canterbury, inclade fish, reptiles, and a fragment of avian femur (New Zealand Geological Survey, Lower Hutt and Geology Museum collections, University of Otago) (Keyes in Feldmann 1984: 283). North Island localities include those in southern Hawke's Bay (Adams 1983a and 1983b; fish), and Kaipara Harbour in Northland (Evans 1983 and 1986: table 1; fish). Cainozoic: Palaeocene Few bones are known from the Palacocene (Teurian Stage, Dannevirke Series). The only formally described specimen seems to be a possible turtle bone from Ward, Marlborough (Fordyce 1980a; New Zealand Geological Survey collections). Undescribed bird and possible reptile bones are known from Moeraki Formation, Moeraki (Hamilton 1902, Mantell 1850; Geology Museum collections, University of Otago). From the Waipara Greensand, North Canterbury comes a probable primitive penguin (New Zealand Geological Survey collections; Fordyce et al. 1986). An undescribed turtle and an undescribed fragment of bird are known from Chatham Island (New Zealand Geological Survey collections). There is an unsubstantiated record of a plesiosaur also from Waipara Greensand (McKay 1877e: 37; see Fordyce 1980a, Welles & Gregg 1971: 103). Bone was discovered recently in shallow marine sediments of the Wangaloa Formation, by J.D. Stilwell and others (Department of Geology, University of Otago), at Wangaloa in South Otago. Material includes shark and chimaerid teeth, and scraps of bone apparently not those of fish. The age is uncertain. The dominant fossil assemblage, of shallow water invertebrates, is used to define the Wangaloan stage. The lack of age-diagnostic microfossils means that the age can be defined only as latest Cretaceous or earliest Palaeocene. The depositional setting of this unit (see Lindqvist 1986) is similar to units on Seymour Island, Antarctic Peninsula, which have yielded Eocene terrestrial vertebrates, and more field work is needed. Gage (1957: 28) mentioned fish teeth and vertebrae of Wangaloan (probable Palaeocene) age from marginal or shallow marine Kauru Formation, North Otago, and other specimens from this site and a similar lithology at Waihao River (South Canterbury) are also in the Geology Museum, 1210 - FORDYCE Figure 9. Reconstruction (by Craig Jones) of part of skeleton of plesiosaur from North Otago; specimen in the Geology Museum collections, University of Otago, scale bar, approx. 1 m. FOSSIL VERTEBRATES OF NEW ZEALAND - 1211 University of Otago. Field & Browne (1986) also mentioned fish teeth from Kauru Formation, as they defined it (a unit of broader geographic distribution than envisaged by Gage). Other Suitable rocks and areas for future prospecting could include Katiki and Moeraki formations in North Otago, and other shallow-water transgressive sediments further north in eastern South Island. No vertebrates appear to have been reported from the thick distal mudstones of the Whangai and Wanstead formations of Dannevirke area (Lillie 1953, Suggate etal. 1978), although marine fish might be expected. None has been described from any of the extensive marginal marine coals (Cretaceous and Eocene, as well as Palaeocene) of both the North and South Islands. Cainozoic: Eocene Bones are rare in the Lower Eocene (upper Dannevirke Series), as for the Palaeocene. This may reflect a collecting bias, since calcified body fossils of invertebrates are uncommon in these rocks, and macropalaeontologists historically have concentrated on Bortonian and younger Cainozoic rocks. It is possible that vertebrates have been recovered from rocks of this age but that the age has not been recognized. Shallow water marine sediments in which bones might be expected have an invertebrate fauna which, like that of Wangaloa Formation, is not particularly age-diagnostic, and bones from the upper Dannevirke Series might not be recognized as of this age. A fish skull, the type-specimen of "Portheus" dunedinensis Chapman, 1934, comes from the Abbotsford Mudstone, Heretaungan Stage (Dannevirke Series) near Abbotsford Railway Station, Dunedin district (Geology Museum, University of Otago collections). This appears to be the only formally described earlier Eocene macrovertebrate. Sediments of Bortonian Stage (Arnold Series) and younger, however, have yielded fish otoliths (Schwarzhans 1980, 1984: 9; types in New Zealand Geological Survey collections, Lower Hutt). Fish teeth, vertebrae and scales are known from South Canterbury-North Otago (Geology Museum collections, University of Otago), and a large fish skull was found at Hampden (New Zealand Geological Survey collections, Lower Hutt). Penguins include types of Palaeeudyptes marplesi and Pachydyptes ponderosus (see Simpson 1971a and Table 6) and cetaceans (aff. Dorudon and other specimens; Fordyce 1985b and Table 7). Marshall (1917: 439) mentioned an apparent reptile, still undescribed, from Opahi Group of Northland (see also Fordyce 1980a: 740). Turtles are represented by specimens from the Pahi Greensand at Pahi, Kaipara Harbour (Department of Geology, University of Auckland collections), the Kaiata Mudstone at Woodpecker Bay in Westland, and the upper ?Abbotsford Mudstone at Boulder Hill near Dunedin. The latter two specimens, of Kaiatan or possibly Bortonian age, are in the Geology Museum collections, University of Otago; they are discussed below. Future prospecting is certain to reveal other Eocene vertebrates; likely horizons and localities could include productive ones mentioned above as well as others: the Pahi Greensand (Northland), the time-transgressive Amuri Limestone (North Canterbury and Marlborough), Kaiata Formation (North Westland-Buller), Iron Creek Greensand (North Canterbury), Waihao Greensand and Tapui Glauconitic Sandstone (South Canterbury-North Otago), and Hampden Formation (North Otago). In general, shallow marine Eocene rocks seem exposed poorly in the North Island, but deep water sediments might yield undisturbed articulated skeletons. The prospects for Paleogene nonmarine vertebrates seem poor. The most likely horizons in which specimens might have been buried originally are the marginal-marine to non-marine coal-measures of Eocene age (and older) which occur widely throughout New Zealand (e.g. Westland, Southland, Waikato). They have been worked extensively for coal, but have yet to provide any significant vertebrate remains. Indeed, not one bird has been reported from these coals. Recent authors have noted, following Fleming (1962a: 93), that depositional environments may have been too acidic to allow bone to preserve, although this suggestion is 1212 - FORDYCE countered by the sporadic preservation of calcareous shells (e.g. Hyridella). Most nonmarine sediments, even those of the Paleogene, when presumably there was no suggestion of axial uplift on what is now New Zealand, are very much proximal. Most occur today within a short distance of the axial mountains and thus have been subject to recent tectonism. At the outcrop level, this has resulted in sheared, faulted sediments which have generally been leached thoroughly by percolating ground water, The above problems aside, fossiliferous shallow marine rocks, such as Tapui Glauconitic Sandstone, and non-marine rocks, such as Papakaio [= Taratu] Formation in North Otago and South Canterbury may also be good prospects for terrestrial vertebrates. Tapui sediments appear locally similar to shallow marine mammal-bearing strata on Seymour Island, Antarctica (Woodbume & Zinsmeister 1984), and Papakaio silts have yielded an insect fossil (Aitchison et al, 1983), thus attesting to an environment favourable for the preservation of noncalcareous fossils other than plants. Cainozoic: Oligocene Vertebrates are relatively common in Oligocene and Neogene rocks, and this review will consider only a few localities. Oligocene sequences (Landon Series) are generally thin and calcareous, with biogenic and authigenic sediments common but little terrigenous material. They were deposited about the peak of a broad Cainozoic marine transgression, when land that might have supplied terrigenous sediment was probably of low relief and/or distant. Few earlier Oligocene vertebrates (Whaingaroan Stage) are known, These include: penguins, from the Whaingaroa Siltstone (south-west Auckland); mysticete cetaceans and fish, from the calcareous mudstone of Nile Group (near Karamea); and a cetacean, from the time- transgressive foraminiferal ooze of Amuri Limestone (Waikari; Fordyce 1989a). These fossils come from the rather characteristic fine-grained, biogenic and terrigenous-poor, distal facies of the Early Oligocene, Sharks, turtles, penguins, and cetaceans (Keyes 1973) occur in bryozoan- rich McDonald Limestone (Oamaru district), a presumably shallow water unit which formed from reef debris that accumulated on one or more local highs. It is possible that coarser, more proximal marine sediments, which should have preserved more-common vertebrates, were eroded away by the event(s) that formed the widespread mid-Oligocene "Marshall Unconformity". Later Oligocene strata of the Duntroonian and Waitakian Stages (the latter Early Miocene in part if not in whole) are rather well-known, as they are an important New Zealand-wide commercial source of lime. Much of the Upper Oligocene limestone is flaggy limestone, which has probably undergone significant diagenesis upon burial, and which has yielded rather few vertebrates. Fish, penguins and cetaceans are known from these rather well-cemented rocks near Te Kuiti (e.g. Grant-Mackie & Simpson 1973, Nelson 1978), Westhaven Inlet in North- west Nelson, and Punakaiki in Westland (Geology Museum collections, University of Otago). Rather soft and less-cemented bioclastic limestone and greensands on the eastern side of the South Island are often rich in macrofossils. Such units have probably undergone shallow burial at most, in contrast to the more flaggy horizons. Faunas include sharks, bony fish, penguins (and rarely other birds) and cetaceans. Bones are locally conspicuous at the base of the Duntroonian Stage at the "Marshall Unconformity" (Carter & Landis 1972 and 1982); they are sometimes associated with phosphate nodules and may represent lag deposits. Indeed, some concentrations within the greensands may reflect fluctuating sea levels (Fordyce 1987a). The Kokoamu Greensand and Otekaike Limestone and their lateral equivalents have been the source of most of the fossil penguins and cetaceans described from New Zealand (Fordyce 1980b, 1980c, 1983d, 1985d, 1987a, 1987b, Fordyce & Jones 1989). The flaggy Milburn Limestone of South Otago was a noteworthy early source of vertebrates, probably because of large lime FOSSIL VERTEBRATES OF NEW ZEALAND - 1213 and phosphate works in the area (Andrew 1906, Hamilton 1903, Park 1903, and other references mentioned by Fordyce 1980b). Cainozoic: Miocene The Miocene, which is represented by the Waitakian Stage in part, and the Pareora, Southland and Taranaki Series, saw the acceleration of a broad regression that ended late in the Neogene with the uplift at the peak of the Kaikoura Orogeny. Sediments are generally thicker than those of the Oligocene, with an increasing terrigenous component that effectively dilutes the vertebrate fossils. Distal and proximal marine rocks and terrestrial rocks are exposed on land. Often the earlier Miocene sediments are fine-grained and calcareous, such as the Tokama Siltstone (as defined by Field & Browne 1986). This unit encompasses the Grey Marls of North Canterbury, and the Bluecliffs Silt-Riflebutts Formation of South Canterbury-North Otago. Coarser and presumably more proximal sediments occur higher in the column (e.g. Brechin Formation and Double Corner Shellbed unit of Tokama Siltstone, of Canterbury). There are important richly fossiliferous biogenic sequences in some areas, for example, Southland (Wood 1969). However, increasing tectonism during the Miocene allowed localised patterns of deposition to develop in progressively more-isolated basins, so that it is difficult to generalise much more about patterns. Localities in Northland, Wairarapa, East Coast, North Canterbury, South Canterbury, North Otago, and Southland have yielded teleost otolith faunas of Otaian Altonian, Lillburnian, Waiauan and Tongaporutuan ages (Grenfell 1981, 1983, 1984, Schwarzhans 1980, 1984). Sharks, birds (penguins, pelagornithids) and cetaceans are known from the Greta Siltstone, a rather ill-defined unit in North Canterbury which has been mapped as Miocene-Pliocene (Gregg in Suggate et al. 1978: Fig. 7.77, Wilson 1963) and may range from Clifdenian to Mangapanian (Browne & Field 1985). The vertebrates, which appear to have been recognised as early as 1866 (Hector 1867a: 8), commonly occur in concretions, which are known to have been reworked in some cases from older units. The concretions range in age from Otaian- Altonian (Early Miocene) to Waiauan-Tongaporutuan (Late Miocene) and Waipipian (Late Miocene) (Lewis 1976). The concretions are often dolomitised, thus making it difficult to extract age-diagnostic microfossils. This area is favoured by amateur collectors (Anon. 1979). Sharks’ teeth, teleost otoliths and rare cetacean bones occur in the Southburn Sand (Altonian), Tokama Siltstone/Riflebutts Formation (Otaian-Altonian), Gee Greensand (Waitakian-Otaian), Caversham Sandstone (Otaian) and Clarendon Sand (Otaian) of South Canterbury to South Otago districts. Collections include those in the Geology Museum, University of Otago (Fordyce 1980b, Fordyce et al. 1985, Gage 1957). Faunas in the extensive bryozoan limestones and associated sediments of Southland include teleost otoliths and sharks’ teeth (Fleming et al. 1969). The oldest significant Cainozoic terrestrial bone assemblage is that of waterfowl from the Manuherikia Group near St Bathans, Central Otago (Douglas et al. 1981; see also McKay 1894, 1897). The Manuherikia Group is of Altonian age, Early Miocene (Douglas 1977, 1986). Specimens are housed in the Geology Museum, University of Otago. Fragmentary unidentified terrestrial bird bones also occur in a limestone, a possible lateral equivalent of Manuherikia Group to the northeast in the Waitaki Valley (specimens in Geology Museum, University of Otago). The sparse fossil fauna of the paralic to non-marine Longford Formation of Murchison district includes a bird footprint ("kiwi") of latest Miocene age (Mildenhall 1974). 1214 - FORDYCE Cainozoic: Pliocene Pliocene rocks are generally not as widespread as those of the middle Cainozoic, as the seas had moved off much of what is now New Zealand. There are few significant vertebrate sites in the South Island other than the coastal North Canterbury Greta Siltstone sequences, mentioned above, and blue-grey siltstones of the Blue Bottom Group, Westland (birds, cetaceans). Of note is a possible bony-toothed pelican femur from the Nukumaruan (latest Pliocene-Early Pleistocene), Motunau, North Canterbury (Canterbury Museum collections, Christchurch), A moa, the type of Anomalopteryx antiquus Hutton, 1892, came from below Pliocene lavas at Timaru (Forbes 1891a), and other earlier Pliocene or possibly latest Miocene moas are known (see below). Pliocene sandstones, siltstones and, locally, limestones are widespread in the North Island. Schwarzhans (1980, 1984) described teleost otoliths from Opoitian and Waitotaran sediments in the North Island. Grant-Mackie (1983) mentioned shark teeth from Kaawa. McKee (1984, 1985, 1986, 1987a, 1987b, 1988) noted the presence of sharks, a "bony-toothed" pelican, a penguin and a dolphin in Waipipian sediments at Hawera, while McKee & Fordyce (1987) documented a delphinid mandible from the Waipipian of Waihi Beach. The "Te Aute Limestone" (Opoitian-Nukumaruan, Pliocene-Early Pleistocene; Beu et al. 1980) of Hawkes Bay region has yielded a few undescribed and well-preserved vertebrates including a skull of a delphinoid, cf. Pseudorca sp. (National Museum of New Zealand collections). Bearlin (1985; see also Gaskin 1972: Fig. 3) figured a skull of the mysticete whale, cf. Balaenoptera sp. (National Museum of New Zealand collections), from Opoitian mudstones in Taihape. The North Island localities have been prospected little specifically for vertebrates, and further study seems timely. Galaxiid fish from the Dunedin district were stated to be of Pliocene age (McDowall 1976), but they are probably from the Miocene (see J.D. Campbell 1985a for age). Cainozoic: Quaternary There are few Quaternary vertebrates clearly older than Holocene, that is, from Wanganui Series sediments other than the Haweran Stage (sensu Beu et al. 1987). Most of the Quaternary vertebrates are Holocene (Haweran) birds, extracted from widespread post-glacial sediments (e.g. loess, peat, mud, dunes; Brewster 1987, Forrest 1987, McCulloch 1985, Marwick 1937) that are within the roughly 36,000 year range of radiocarbon dating. Millener (this volume) gives more details. There are a few records of moa-bearing sequences dated at about 10 000 yBP, for example, Pyramid Valley (Scarlett 1955a) and Waipara (M. G. Harris material, Geology Museum collections, University of Otago). An older sequence, quoted as about 36,000 yBP, is the Cape Wanbrow (Oamaru) deposit (Grant-Mackie & Scarlett 1973). This fauna includes birds, tuatara, and seals. Older Pleistocene vertebrates in New Zealand are rare. Outcrops are restricted, and are difficult to date because there are fewer biostratigraphic markers than earlier in the Cainozoic, Fleming (1953) described the geology of the Wanganui district, whence came bones of fish, moas including material referred to Dinornis robustus, the yellow-eyed penguin (Megadyptes antipodes), and an undescribed otariid seal, all from the Nukumaruan (latest Pliocene-Early Pleistocene) or Okehuan (Fleming 1953: 156, 175, 209, 1979: 75, Marshall 1919, Park 1887a). King (1983a) recently described an extinct new species of sea lion, Neophoca palatina, based on a skull from Castlecliffian sediments at Ohope. Dolphin vertebrae (Geology Museum, University of Otago) were found at Mowhanau Beach, Wanganui district, in the base of the Kai-Iwi Siltstone; the specimens are probably of later Castlecliffian age (Late Pleistocene). Fleming (1978) gave an overview of Quaternary faunal history. FOSSIL VERTEBRATES OF NEW ZEALAND - 1215 SYSTEMATIC SUMMARY OF NEW ZEALAND FOSSIL VERTEBRATES FISH: OVERVIEW The term "fish" is widely thought to describe a natural group of vertebrates, but it is an artificial term of convenience which describes a nonmonophyletic (strictly paraphyletic) group. Fish include all vertebrates except the tetrapods. Typically, they encompass jawless fish (Agnatha; no reported New Zealand fossil records), placoderms, sharks and rays (chondrichthyes), spiny sharks (acanthodians), bony fish (actinopterygians, including teleosts or true bony fish), coelocanths (crossopterygians; no reported New Zealand records) and lungfish (dipnoans; no reported New Zealand records). The characteristics of many of these groups are discussed elsewhere in this volume, and are summarised in a variety of texts (e.g. Carroll 1988, Colbert 1980, Romer 1966) and more advanced articles. Only Chondrichthyes and teleosts are reasonably common in New Zealand, and almost all are Cretaceous and Cainozoic (Table 1). None of the reported pre-Cretaceous fish appears to have been described formally, and careful research would probably expand the record significantly. Although fossil fish are relatively abundant in New Zealand, they have received rather less attention than have the reptiles, birds and mammals. There are many incidental references in literature to field occurrences of scales, teeth, and isolated bones, but there are rather few formal descriptions published. Noteworthy older articles include the major works by Davis (1888a; the first major review) and Chapman (1918), and smaller articles by Newton (1876; on chimaeroids), Hector (1881b, 1894), Davis (1886, 1888b, 1894), Chapman (1934), Chapman & Pritchard (1904), Frost (1924, 1928, 1933; on otoliths), Marples (1949a) and Stinton (1957). These, and more-recent works, are discussed below. PLACODERMS It has been known since 1967 that scraps of fish occur in the Devonian at Reefton. Recently Macadie (1985) observed that the fauna includes an arctolepid arthrodire (a primitive placoderm) that "resemble[s] Actinolepis". Macadie reported scales and bone fragments of arthrodires (another placoderm group), and of two teleostome groups, palaeoniscids and acanthodians. Further study, especially field work, could be rewarding. CHONDRICHTHYES Chondrichthyes - sharks, rays, elephant fish and relatives (Carroll 1988: Fig. 5.2) - are fairly well represented in Late Cretaceous and younger New Zealand sediments. There are no significant formal descriptions of older material. Sharks, in particular, have received considerable attention from amateurs because of the spectacular appearance and often good preservation of their teeth. Early work, both in New Zealand and elsewhere, resulted in a proliferation of names as each new tooth form was given a new species name. At present many old names are being synonymised. Mr I.W. Keyes (New Zealand Geological Survey) has done a great deal to review New Zealand fossil sharks and rays. Articles published include a revision of New Zealand records of species of Carcharodon, sensu lato (Fig. 10) (Keyes 1971, 1972) related to the living great white shark. The very large robust triangular teeth of the extinct C. megalodon (= 1216 - FORDYCE Procarcharodon megalodon of some authors) are known from the Whaingaroan to Opoitian in both the North and South Islands. C. auriculatus (extinct) ranges from Porangan to Altonian, and possibly Mangapanian. The extant C. carcharias ranges in New Zealand from Opoitian to Recent. Keyes (1977) reported the first Southern Hemisphere record of the sawfish Onchopristis dunklei (Batoidea - skates and rays). This ganopristine sawfish is known from elongate rostral teeth (Fig. 10) extracted, using acid, from richly fossiliferous Piripauan (to Haumurian?; Maastrichtian, Late Cretaceous) shallow marine sediments at Mangahouanga Stream, Te Hoe River, Hawke's Bay. The local record significantly post-dates the youngest (Cenomanian) northern hemisphere records. Keyes (1979) proposed a new genus of sawshark, /kamauius (Fig. 10) (Pristiophoridae) for Pristiophorus ensifer (Davis). The gracile elongate barbed rostral teeth are reasonably common in local Late Eocene to Early Pleistocene marine sediments. Keyes suggested that previous reports of the related Pliotrema (also Pristiophoridae) from New Zealand are incorrect. Keyes (1982) also reviewed the related Cainozoic sawshark Pristiophorus lanceolatus (Davis). This smooth-toothed species also has a long range: Keyes reported it from the Middle Eocene to Pleistocene of New Zealand, and the Early Miocene to Early Pliocene of Australia. The first New Zealand records of the genera and species Megascyliorhinus cooperi, Centrophorus squamosus, and Scymnorhinus [= Dalatias] licha were reported by Keyes (1984a), who based the identifications on isolated teeth. All species are rather common, but are small and only collected easily by screen-washing, a technique little-used in New Zealand before. The extinct Megascyliorhinus cooperi (Scyliorhinidae - "catsharks"), which has "long, reflexed, conical, flat-rooted teeth", ranges from Whaingaroan to Haweran. The extant Centrophorus squamosus (Squalidae - "spiny dogfish") has a Haumurian to Mangapanian record in New Zealand. Scymnorhinus [also known as Dalatias] licha (extant; deep water) includes Bortonian to Mangapanian records. Keyes also reviewed records of Eocene elasmobranchs from Chatham Island (Keyes 1987), and commented on the stratigraphy of Late Cretaceous and Palaeocene species (Keyes 1981a; identifications in Feldmann 1984; appendix in Wiffen 1980: 527), Few recent contributions have been made by other authors. Grant-Mackie (1982) reported the discovery of an articulated vertebral column, apparently from a shark, from the Whangarei Limestone, Bream Bay, The specimen has not been described formally. Similar material is known from the Landon Series of South Canterbury and Otago (fossils in Geology Museum, University of Otago). Pfeil (1983) described a new species of Pseudoechinorhinus from the Waimakariri "Lingula beds" (Teurian in part) and also (1984) listed 12 species of elasmobranchs represented by teeth of possible Waitakian or younger age, from Chatham Rise. Figure 10. Chondrichthyan fossils from New Zealand. A, B, [kamauius ensifer (Davis); specimen in the Geology Museum collections, University of Otago, scale bar, 10 mm.; C, D, Lamna sp., specimen in the Geology Museum collections, University of Otago;, scale bar, 10 mm; E, Myliobatis sp., specimen in the Geology Museum collections, University of Otago, scale bar, 10 mm; F, Onchopristis dunklei, after Keyes 1977, scale bar, 10 mm; G, H, Dasyatis sp., specimen in the Geology Museum collections, University of Otago, scale bar, 1 mm; I, Heptranchias sp., specimen in the Geology Museum collections, University of Otago;, scale bar, 10 mm; J, Lamna sp., specimen in the Geology Museum collections, University of Otago, scale bar, 5 mm.; K, Carcharodon megalodon; specimen in the Geology Museum collections, University of Otago, scale bar,10 mm. FOSSIL VERTEBRATES OF NEW ZEALAND - 1217 ~>CECe Gecee- == — 1218 - FORDYCE Gregory et al, (1979; 1983) described fossil traces that may have been made by eagle rays, probably Myliobatis sp. Toothplates of Myliobatis sp., usually worn, occur in sandy facies of Cainozoic age (e.g. Fig. 10), but they have not received serious attention in New Zealand. TELEOSTS Otoliths Teleost otoliths were first studied over 50 years ago (Frost 1924, 1928, 1933) but, apart from the work of Stinton (1957) it is only recently that they have been restudied seriously. Schwarzhans (1980) completed a Ph.D. thesis on local Cainozoic otoliths which was recently translated into English (Schwarzhans 1984). The roughly \60 nominal species described were from mostly shallow-water sequences of Eocene or younger age, and some material was from slage stratotypes. The taxonomic status of some species is not clear, as they are described in open nomenclature under form-genus with the suffix -arum (see editorial note by Simes in Schwarzhans 1984: 2, and Patterson 1987). In this case, such form genera are merely taxa of nomenclatural convenience, and are used to hold specics that are thought to be new but for which generic affinities are uncertain. Schwarzhans (1981a) gave further information on the taxonomy of local species, and (1981b) published a summary of otolith palacozoogeography of the New Zealand - South Australian region. The narrative historical zoogeography is interpreted in light of changing continents and oceanic currents. Grenfell (1984; abstracts published 1981, 1983) described an otolith fauna from Otaian- Altonian (Early Miocene) Parengarenga Group of Northland, which included 55 species in 22 families. The fauna is predominantly deeper-water, and is dominated by the families Congridae, Sternoptychidae, Myctophidae, Moridae, Bregmacerotidae, Macrouridae, Hoplichthyidae and Gobiidac. The many genera identified on the basis of otoliths are listed in Table 1. There is probably great potential for more work on otoliths, especially if detailed stratigraphic research can be done, for example, through a succession of stages at one locality. The existence of effectively a dual classification scheme, for otoliths on one hand, and taxa known from complete skeletons on the other, is an impedi nent to phylogenetic studies using fossils. Marine Teleost Skeletons Marine teleost fossils, other than those known from otoliths, have been studied little. Chapman (1918) described a new species, Diplomystus coverhamensis, from Cover Stream, Marlborough (?Ngaterian, late Early Cretaccous). He discussed ?Thrissopater sp. (Sawpit Gully, Marlborough; Cretaccous or Early Tertiary) and Scombroclupea sp. (Weka Pass, Canterbury; probably Duntroonian, Late Oligocene). Chapman (1934) later described two new species: "Portheus" dunedinensis, trom Abbotsford, Dunedin, Heretaungan Stage (Early Eocene; Geology Muscum collections, University of Otago) and Eothyrsites holosquamatus, from Burnside, Dunedin, Bortonian-Runangan Stages (Late Eocene). The generic identification as Portheus |strictly, Portheus = Xiphactinis), is unlikely, since the order Ichthyodectiformes is only known from the Mesozoic. Chapman's work on fossil taxa other than teleosts (e.g. foraminifera, chondrichthyans and cetaceans) is not regarded as reliable, and a review of his research on teleosts seems long overdue. Wiffen (1983) described a relatively complete specimen of the clupeiform, Pachyrhizodus caninus (Clupeitormes: Pachyrhizodontidae). This was from informally-named Maungataniwha sandstone (Piripauan or Haumurian, Late Cretaceous), at Mangahouanga Stream, Hawke's Bay. FOSSIL VERTEBRATES OF NEW ZEALAND - 1219 Material of this large pachyrhizodontid includes elements of the skull, jaws i Carroll (1988) placed Pachyrhizodus in the Elopiformes. ie aac) ie Some groups that might be expected to be identified from distinctive elements have been listed rarely. For example, the beaks or rostra of billfish (swordfish, marlin) seem not to have been mentioned since the record of Parker (1892). An incomplete beak, not yet identified formally, was recovered recently from the Otekaike Limestone of Waitakian Stage at Otiake (Late Oligocene-earliest Miocene; Geology Museum collections, University of Otago). Most institutions that house local fossils hold potentially important skeletal fish material. For example, there is an undescribed flatfish in the New Zealand Geological Survey, collections at Lower Hutt, and there are Cretaceous and Cainozoic teleosts in the Geology Museum at University of Otago. In the course of field work mostly. on the middle Cainozoic, I have occasionally noted articulated or little-disturbed fossils (e g. Landon Series, Oligocene: near Karamea, Kaikoura, Rangitata River, Waihao River, and various localities in North Otago). There seems to be scope for further studies on marine teleost skeletal fossils from the Cretaceous-Cainozoic sequences, but whether such studies would be appropriate for higher degree theses is uncertain. Studies of otoliths could be expanded beyond the valuable contributions of Schwarzhans and Grenfell. Freshwater Fish The few fresh-water fish reported in print are all from the Cainozoic and all those mentioned in the literature appear to be species of galaxiids. These are typically small, slender, primarily fresh-water fish (Fig. 11) with cool-temperate Southern Hemisphere distributions. McDowall (1970, 1978) reviewed extant New Zealand galaxiids. McDowall (1976) briefly reviewed the best-known previous fossil discoveries, from Otago, which had been discussed by Oliver (1936), Stokell (1945, 1972) and Whitley (1956a, 1956b: 34, as Galaxias kaikorai n. sp.). McDowall concluded that fish from Kaikorai Valley, near Dunedin (Geology Museum, University of Otago) probably represent the extant species Galaxias brevipinnis (Fig. 11). Autapomorphies (evolutionary novelties diagnostic at species level), however, were not listed, and some doubt must remain about the identifications. McDowall cited the age as Pliocene, and this has been followed by others (e.g. Carroll 1988: 605, Patterson 1967), although J.D. Campbell (1985a) indicated that plant fossils from Kaikorai Valley are probably Late Miocene in age. McDowall also observed that galaxiids of probably Taranaki-Waitotaran age (Late Miocene-Late Pliocene) are known from Foulden Hills, near Middlemarch, Otago (Geology Museum, University of Otago). According to McDowall, the Foulden Hills fossils probably represent the extant species Galaxias vulgaris. McDowall noted that a supposed record of Oligocene Galaxtas from New Zealand (Romer 1966: 356) is wrong. Other fresh-water fish from lacustrine-fluvial Tertiary sediments in Central Otago have been mentioned in print (e.g. Park 1906, 1908, Ferrar 1927, 1929, Douglas 1986, Douglas et al. 1981 - Geology Museum collections, University of Otago), and other material from St Bathans and Bannockburn is in the Geology Museum collections. None of these fossils has been described formally yet. Oliver (1928: 287) mentioned fossil fish similar in size to extant species of Gobiomorphus (Galaxiidae). The fossils were obtained from the "Waipaoa Series" near Ormond, Gisborne district, Hawke's Bay, and are probably Castlecliffian in age (Late Pleistocene; Suggate in Suggate et al. 1978: 566). These specimens appear not to have been described. 1220 - FORDYCE Figure 11. Galaxiid fossil from Dunedin, Galaxias sp.; specimen in the Geology Museum collections, University of Otago, scale bar, 10 mm. (Body outline of Galaxias brevipinnis (length 185 mm) after McDowall). Galaxiid historical zoogeography has been discussed widely, without any significant reference to fossils. References include those of Allan (1956) and McDowall (1978, 1980a). Incidental Records of Fish Many records of the occurrences of fish have been made incidental to work on Cretaceous- Cainozoic marine rocks. The records, which attest to the abundance of fossils and the potential for future work, include those of Adams (1983a and 1983b), Bell & Clark (1909: pl. 12), Boreham (in Gage 1970: 554-555), Buchanan (1870: 165), Buckeridge (1984), Evans (1983 and 1986), Ferrar (1925; 38 and 1934: 33, 36), Fleming (1953: 192), Fordyce et al. (1985), Fraser & Adams (1907: 55), Gage (1970: 515), Gair (1959: 274), Gudex (1918: 245-253), Haast (1879: 306-307, 311), Hector (1881b), Henderson (1917: 94), Henderson & Grange (1926: 54), Hutton (1887a: 399, and 1888a: 260), Mantell (1850: 329), McKay (1877d: 161, 1881a: 63, 68 and 70, 1881b: 82, 1888: 47 and 1890: 155-160), McKee (1984), Marwick (in Ongley 1939: 59, 61), Ongley & MacPherson (1928: 41, 48), Park (1886: 167, 1887a: 57, 1887b: 172-173, 1887c: 226), Parker (1897), Purnell (1875: 453), Purser (1961: 12-13), Rodgers & Grant-Mackie (1978), Smith (1877: 576), Speight & Jobberns (1928: 223), Suter (1921: 35), Thomson (1919: 314, 316, 1926a: 349), Uttley (1916: 21), Warren & Speden (1977: 22) and Wells (1987: 107). This list is not necessarily comprehensive, since many other minor references are likely to be in the literature. AMPHIBIA: OVERVIEW Amphibians were dominant and diverse terrestrial vertebrates for a time in the Paleozoic (Carroll 1988), yet there is a negligible fossil record in New Zealand. Indeed, no pre- Quaternary amphibians have been positively identified from New Zealand. "Labyrinthodont" teeth from the Triassic (Hector 1886, Worley 1894) could represent amphibians, but are more likely to represent ichthyosaurs (see below), and the whereabouts of the specimens is unknown, so their identity cannot be checked. It is possible that pre-Quaternary amphibian remains eventually will be found in New Zealand (e.g. in freshwater Miocene sediments of the Manuherikia Group, Central Otago) but generally the lack of nonmarine sediment, and the induration and deformation of Tertiary and older sediments counts against significant discoveries. FOSSIL VERTEBRATES OF NEW ZEALAND - 1221 SUBFOSSIL FROGS: LEIOPELMATIDAE Three extant species of the endemic anuran genus Leiopelma (Leiopelmatidae, ?Lemnanura) comprise some of the most unusual elements of the New Zealand terrestrial vertebrate fauna. Leiopelma species are more semi-terrestrial than amphibious, and are limited in distribution. They have been interpreted widely as a relict Gondwanan or archaic element of the New Zealand biota, and have stimulated a great deal of discussion (e.g. Craw 1985, Fleming 1979: Fig. 32, Robb 1986, Stevens 1985: 56) even in the absence of fossils older than Holocene. Leiopelma is now much better understood than formerly as a result of the detailed modern work by Worthy (1987a, 1987b). Worthy recognized the following species: 1, L. archeyi, extant, Coromandel. 2, L. auroraensis, extinct; subfossil in South Island (Fiordland) only. 3, L. hamiltoni, extant, Marlborough Sounds; subfossil elsewhere in South Island. 4, L. hochstetteri, extant, northern North Island; also subfossil in South Island. 5, L. markhami, recently extinct, North and South Islands. 6, L. waitomoensis, extinct; subfossil in North Island only. Worthy's work includes synoptic descriptions of the species based on osteology, osteological comparisons of species, useful illustrations of bones, comparisons between Ascaphus and Leiopelma, a cladistic analysis of Leiopelma, and a discussion of zoogeography. The article also deals with the subfossil bones reported by Bull & Whitaker (1975) from Paturau (Nelson), Martinborough and Coonoor (Wellington), Patoka and Hukanui (Hawke's Bay) and Waitomo (Auckland) and by Bell (1978). The literature reviewed by Worthy obviates the need for detailed references herein. According to Worthy, Leiopelma is a monophyletic genus of probable Gondwanan origin, which encompasses two clades, a L. archeyi - L. hamiltoni - L. waitomoensis group and a L. markhami - L. auroraensis - L. hochstetteri group. The two groups may have diverged some 15 million years ago (Worthy 1987b: 409). Worthy's work considered little about constructional morphology, and there may be scope for study here. Worthy (1987b) discussed the palaeoecology of all species. Modern distributions are more restricted than those of late Holocene fossils, and ranges may have contracted significantly within the last 1000 years. The formerly widespread species were larger in body size in the south. There is potential for further work on Leiopelmatidae. No significant subfossils have been found along the east of the South Island, and karst districts might well be searched, Older (Tertiary) fossils might be expected in fluvio-lacustrine sediments, thus, it could be productive to prospect in sediments such as those from the Miocene Manuherikia Group of Central Otago (e.g. Douglas 1986). So far, concentrate from this unit (Geology Museum, University of Otago) has yielded teleost and avian fossils down to microscopic sizes, but no frog bones. REPTILIA: OVERVIEW The fossil reptile record in New Zealand has long appealed to those interested in marine reptiles, and within the last few years nonmarine fossils have increased the diversity. Subclasses or orders of reptiles (classification after Carroll 1988) are represented locally as follows: Anapsida (extinct): no records. Chelonia - turtles (extant): marine, Cretaceous and Tertiary; see below. Ichthyosauria (extinct): Triassic, Cretaceous; see below. Sauropterygyia (extinct): Cretaceous; see below. Placodontia (extinct): no records. Diapsida (Araeoscelida, Choristodera, Thalattosauria, Eosuchia; extinct): no records. Sphenodonta (=Rhynchocephalia) (extant): Holocene; see below. Squamata (extant): marine, Cretaceous; nonmarine, holocene; see below. 1222 - FORDYCE Protosauria (extinct): no records. Trilophosauria (extinct): no records. Rhynchosauria (extinct): no records. Thecodontia (extinct): no records. Crocodylia (extant): no certain records; see below. Pterosauria (extinct): Cretaceous; see below. Omnithischia (extinct); Cretaceous; see below. Saurischia (extinct): Cretaceous; see below. Synapsida (extinct): no records. By far the best known of the New Zealand fossils are two extinct fully marine groups from the Late Cretaceous, the plesiosaurs and mosasaurs, Mesozoic ichthyosaurs and Cretaceous and Tertiary turtles are known from scattered remains in marine rocks. Two species of dinosaur and a probable pterosaur are known, but otherwise the only terrestrial reptile fossils are Holocene. These groups are discussed below, and their records are summarised in Table 2. TURTLES (CHELONIA) The few fossil turtles found in New Zealand are from marine rocks, and there is little to suggest that terrestrial or freshwater turtles might be expected in the fossil record. Since the taxonomy of our local chelonians is understood poorly, the specimens are listed below in order of decreasing age. All are from the the Cretaceous-Cainozoic sequence. Starting points for further reading are articles by Gaffney (1981, 1984) Wiffen (1981a) described chelonian plastron and carapace fragments from the informally- named Maungataniwha sandstone, of Piripauan (possibly Haumurian) age (Late Cretaceous), Mangahouanga Stream, Hawke's Bay. The bones appear to represent an indeterminate genus and species of Protostegidae. This family includes mainly large taxa from the marine Cretaceous (e.g. Protostega) of the Northern Hemisphere. Gaffney (1984) listed derived characters (synapomorphies, or evolutionary novelties) of the family as including large stellate plates in the hyoplastra and hypoplastra. With Dermochelyidae, protostegids have very reduced dermal bone. Protostegids seem not to have been reported previously from the Southern Hemisphere. Fordyce (1980a) described the shaft of an incomplete limb bone, possibly a turtle humerus, from the Amuri Limestone Formation (Teurian, Palaeocene), Ward, Marlborough (New Zealand Geological Survey collections), Derived characters were not identified explicitly; the provisional identification was reached through comparisons with figures provided by Romer (1956). Strangely, the bone has large, possibly pathological, openings in what appear to be the anterior and posterior faces. Another Teurian (Palaeocene) turtle, also undescribed, is known from an opalised tuff, possibly the Red Bluff Tuff of H.J. Campbell et al. (1988), on Chatham Island. The specimen includes long bones and carapace plates (New Zealand Geological Survey collections, Lower Hutt). At least three turtles are known from rocks of the Arnold Series. The partial carapace and limb bones of a large turtle were collected recently by A. Kadar and B. Spdrli from the Pahi Greensand, Opahi Group (Kaiatan, Late Eocene), on the shore platform at Pahi Peninsula, Northland (Department of Geology collections, University of Auckland). The specimen is currently (1989) under study at the Department of Geology, University of Otago. Marshall (1917: 439) previously mentioned a reptile, still undescribed, from Opahi Group of Northland (see also Fordyce 1980a: 740), but the whereabouts and identity of the fossil are unknown. Another Eocene turtle was collected as a concretion by J. Goedert, from the Kaiata Mudstone (probably Kaiatan, Late Eocene), near Woodpecker Bay, Westland. The small specimen (Geology Museum collections, University of Otago) has only been prepared enough to reveal FOSSIL VERTEBRATES OF NEW ZEALAND - 1223 that it includes carapace or plastron and limb elements. Of similar age is a recently discovered large humerus, provisionally identified as that of a turtle, from a Bortonian or Kaiatan mudstone at Boulder Hill, near Dunedin (Geology Museum collections, University of Otago). _ Fordyce (1980a) mentioned undescribed bones of one individual, including fragments of limbs and skull, and carapace or plastron (Canterbury Museum, Christchurch), apparently quarried from a bryozoan limestone in the Oamaru district. Collection details are unknown, but the style of the display case for the shell elements suggests late 1800s. Indeed, Hutton (1900b: 227) mentioned that New Zealand Tertiary reptiles on display at Canterbury Museum, Christchurch "are represented by the bones of a turtle". The fossil was probably from the McDonald Limestone (Runangan-Whaingaroan, latest Eocene-Early Oligocene), since the lithologically similar but older Totara Limestone was quarried little for building stone. This specimen was mentioned briefly by Marples (1949a: 104). Buckeridge (1981) described a small femur, presumably that of a marine turtle, collected from the Waikawau Formation (Otaian, Early Miocene) at Port Waikato (Department of Geology collections, University of Auckland). He assigned it to a new species, ?Lepidochelys waikatoica (Cheloniidae), even though the femur could not be placed positively at the generic level. Such an action emphasises the possible value of nomenclature in communication but not in identifying relationships. Alternatively, such material might better be described as Cheloniidae genus and, therefore, species indeterminate. Other published records of bones identified as those of Cainozoic reptiles have included at least one of turtles (Hector 1876: 53, McKay 1877c:111), but the identity of none of these is certain (Fordyce 1980a). The above records suggest that more finds should be made. Surprisingly, some vertebrate-bearing units which have been studied intensively (e.g. Kokoamu Greensand, Otekaike Limestone) have not yielded chelonians. The turtles have not been the subject of a unified study by one individual, and a review seems timely. ICHTHYOSAURS (ICHTHYOSAURIA) New Zealand records of these highly specialised, dolphin-like marine reptiles (Fig. 12) are rare. No relatively complete specimens are known. Local records were reviewed briefly by J.D. Campbell (1965) and Fleming et al. (1971). The supposed Tertiary ichthyosaur, Tangaroasaurus kakanuiensis Benham 1935a, is probably an Early Miocene shark-toothed dolphin (Camp 1942, Fordyce 1978). Previous Work Campbell (1965) figured the partial jaws and teeth of a medium-sized indeterminate genus and species of ichthyosaur from Otamitan (Late Triassic) sediments at Otamita Stream,Hokonui Hills, Southland. Charig (in J.D. Campbell 1965) indicated that the specimen exhibits some of the characters of the Family Shastasauridae. Figure 12. Some Mesozoic reptiles from New Zealand. A, reconstruction of the skull of Prognathodon waiparaensis, after Welles & Gregg, lower jaw is about 1110 mm long; B, reconstruction of plesiosaur, Mauisaurus haasti (top) and mosasaur, Prognathodon waiparaensis (bottom), after Welles & Gregg; C, vertebrae of indet. small mosasaur, specimen in the Geology Museum collections, University of Otago, scale bar, 50 mm; D, exterior surface of left hypoplastron plate of protostegid turtle, after Wiffen, scale bar, 20 mm; E, reconstruction of an ichthyosaur, Platypterygius sp., after McGowan. 1224 - FORDYCE FOSSIL VERTEBRATES OF NEW ZEALAND - 1225 Campbell (1965) also considered the status of Jchthyosaurus australis Hector, 1874 (not of McCoy 1867), which later was reviewed in more detail by Fleming et al. (1971). I. australis is based on vertebrae from the Torlesse Supergroup, Oretian Stage (Late Triassic), near Mt Potts, central Canterbury (see Campbell & Force 1972). Fleming et al. concluded that /. australis actually represents an indeterminate genus and species of ichthyosaur. Fleming ef al. also reported that several other supposed ichthyosaurs had been collected from the Mt Potts area. It may have been specimens from Mt Potts to which Hector (1879b: 77) referred. New records of presumed ichthyosaurs from three localities in the Makirikiri Formation (Motuan, Early Cretaceous) of the Tinui district, east Wellington (Fleming et al. 1971) are the first from the North Island. All three specimens, unfortunately, are indeterminate. Stevens (1974: 17, 20) reported a single ichthyosaur vertebra of presumably Triassic age, from Houghton Bay, Wellington. Stevens also stated (1985: 57) that ichthyosaurs occur in the Jurassic, but did not give details. Fleming et al. (1971) mentioned the "teeth having Labyrinthodont characters” reported by Hector (1886, 1880c) and Worley (1894) from unspecified formations (probably Triassic) at Nugget Point, South Otago, and Wairoa district, Nelson. These could represent ichthyosaurs, but could also have been amphibian teeth. The specimens were never described formally, and their whereabouts are unknown, so their identity is uncertain. Park (1904) reported fragmentary possible ichthyosaur remains from near Nelson. New Records Professor J.A. Grant-Mackie reported (pers. comm.) that an undescribed fragment of ichthyosaur rostrum of presumed Late Cretaceous age was collected near Dargaville, North Auckland (Department of Geology collections, University of Auckland). The only Cretaceous ichthyosaurs known, according to McGowan (1972a), are species in the genus Platypterygius (Family Stenopterygiidae, according to Romer 1966; Leptopterygiidae according to Carroll 1988). Whether this New Zealand specimen belongs here is uncertain. Ichthyosaur vertebrae were collected recently from a pebbly sandstone (Otamitan Stage) near Nugget Point, South Otago (Fordyce cited in J.D. Campbell 1987; Geology Museum collections, University of Otago). J.D. Campbell and J.G. Begg also collected a tooth and a series of ichthyosaur vertebrae from a pebbly sandstone (Etalian Stage, Middle Triassic) at Etal Stream, Southland (Geology Museum collections, University of Otago). None of these specimens has been prepared or described. PLESIOSAURS (SAUROPTERYGIA) Plesiosaurs are wholly aquatic, extinct reptiles. Later Mesozoic taxa represent two main groups: the plesiosauroids, with a small head and long neck, and the pliosauroids, with a large head and short neck. Both have oar-like limbs, and appear to have been quite streamlined. General reviews were given by Carroll (1988) and Romer (1956, 1966), and more detailed works are those of, for example, Brown (1981) and Persson (1963). Plesiosaurs are perhaps the most conspicuous of New Zealand's fossil reptiles (e.g. Figs 8, 9; Pl. 1). Together with mosasaurs, the Late Cretaceous plesiosaurs were the subject of a comprehensive review by Welles & Gregg (1971), who covered taxonomy, stratigraphy and history of study. Previous Work Welles & Gregg (1971) presented a detailed history of discovery and description, and a chronological review of previous discoveries; this information is not repeated in full here. As 1226 - FORDYCE might have been expected, Alexander McKay was an important early collector. Most of the specimens were described by Hector (e.g. Hector 1874, 1877b, Knight 1875), Haast (e.g. 1870) and Owen (e.g. 1861) between about 1860 and 1890. There was no important systematic work carried out between the 1890's and the late 1960's, when Welles & Gregg initiated their studies, although New Zealand specimens were mentioned in review articles (e.g. Persson 1963). More recent work is mentioned below. Localities and Age Welles & Gregg (1971; see also McKay e.g. 1877a, 1877e) indicated that nearly all specimens of Late Cretaceous marine reptiles known from New Zealand had been collected from three localitics in North Canterbury (Fig. 12). The source horizon is mostly or wholly the Conway Formation as used by Browne & Field (1985) and Warren & Speden (1977), which is equivalent in part or whole to the Laidmore Formation and "Saurian Beds" of older authors. This unit is of Haumurian (latest Cretaceous) age. Localities include the upper gorge of Waipara River (see Clark 1861, Haast 1870, Hood 1870, Hutton 1894, McKay 1877a), the Cheviot district (see Hector 1893, Henderson 1921, Keyes in Feldmann 1984, Knight 1874) , and Haumuri Bluff (see Hector 1870b: 198, 1873b: 5, Knight 1874, McKay 1877a, and Warren & Speden 1977). More recent work has presented new information on occurences of Late Cretaceous plesiosaurs. Warren and Speden (1977: Table 2, p. 22) documented the stratigraphic distribution of plesiosaurs in the region of Haumuri Bluff and also discussed the stratigraphy of the Late Cretaceous Piripauan and Haumurian Stages. Wiffen (1981la: 527; Wiffen & Moisley 1986) noted that plesiosaur remains (now New Zealand Geological Survey collections, Lower Hutt) had been found at Mangahouanga Stream, The published records (e.g. Fordyce 1980a, 1987b, Hornibrook 1962, Keyes 1981a, Welles & Gregg 1971) emphasise that, despite early reports to the contrary (McKay 1877e: 37, Thomson 1920), no New Zealand plesiosaur is known positively to be younger than Haumurian (latest Cretaceous). Reports of plesiosaur- like teeth from the Tertiary on the northern shores of Lake Wakatipu (Hector 1880a: 10, McKay 1881d: 145, 1894: 13) probably refer to cetacean tecth (Benham in C.O. Hutton 1939). The oldest local record of a supposed plesiosaur is that of a small problematic bone from Oretian (Late Triassic) rocks at Marakopa, southwest Auckland (Campbell 1965). The identification of the specimen, by W.E. Swinton, according to the specimen label (in the Geology Museum collections, University of Otago), has not been confirmed. Undescribed Specimens Keyes (1981la) mentioned undescribed clasmosaur teeth from sediments of probable Haumurian age in part, the "Lingula bed", at Otarama, on the Waimakariri River, Canterbury. Neil Fowke collected much of the postcranial skeleton of a juvenile plesiosaur from Waipara in about 1974, The prepared but undescribed specimen (now in the Geology Museum, University of Otago) appears to have scale or skin impressions preserved. The most recently recognised plesiosaur locality in New Zealand is Shag Point, North Otago, whence a relatively complete ¢. 7 m long specimen was recovered. The fossil is in the Geology Museum collections, University of Otago (Fig. 9; Pl. 1; Fordyce 1983c, 1986, 1987b: 73). Taxonomy Many names have been proposed for the New Zealand specimens (Table 3). Welles & FOSSIL VERTEBRATES OF NEW ZEALAND - 1227 Gregg (1971) and Wiffen & Moisley (1986) recognised five species. Of these, the elasmosaur Mauisaurus haasti Hector, 1874 (see also Hector 1873b) (Plesiosauroidea) derives its identity ultimately from the lectotype pelvis and paddle, although other elements, from both the classic oe Island localities and Mangahouanga Stream, have been referred to it. The skull is unknown. Tuarangisaurus keyesi Wiffen & Moisley, 1986 (Plesiosauroidea: Elasmosauridae) is known only from the well-preserved holotype skull and apparently associated cervical vertebrae from Mangahouanga Stream. The species lacks the range of associated postcranial elements that would allow easy comparison with many other nominal species. Wiffen & Moisley referred some postcranial elements to it. Welles & Gregg (1971) also recognized two indeterminate species, an elasmosaur (Plesiosauroidea), which encompasses 6 nominal species of older authors, and a polycotylid (Pliosauroidea), which encompasses 5 nominal species of older authors. Wiffen & Moisley (1986), however, recognized only the family Pliosauridae, to which they referred Mangahouanga Stream specimens and the indeterminate polycotylid of Welles & Gregg. In the use of the family Pliosauridae they presumably followed Brown's (1981) abandonment of Polycotylidae. Future Work It is difficult for those other than specialists on plesiosaur taxonomy to assess the relationships of the New Zealand species, since the "evolutionary taxonomy" of the plesiosaur workers has rarely provided explicit reasons for clustering specimens and species. Indeed, all the published "diagnoses" are really synoptic descriptions which say little about similarities and differences. One looks in vain for details of derived characters. Regrettably, these criticisms can and should be aimed at much of the work on local fossil vertebrates. Future work on New Zealand plesiosaurs might, therefore, usefully reassess relationships of described specimens cladistically. The eventual description of specimens such as the large articulated plesiosauroid from Shag Point may resolve the identity of nominal species based on non-comparable elements. Further field work in promising localities (e.g. Northland, Raukumara Peninsula, and eastern South Island) must eventually turn up new material. TUATARA (SPHENODONTA = RHYNCHOCEPHALIA) There are no fossil records of the tuatara (Sphenodon punctatus; Fig. 13), New Zealand's largest and best-known extant reptile. Reviews of tuatara biology were given recently by contributors in Newman (1982), in particular Dawbin (in Newman 1982: 152-3, on palaeontology, and p. 164-5 on the skeleton). For figures of tuatara bones, see especially Romer (1956, e.g. figs 60, 62, 63, 108); figures of odd bones were given, e.g. by T.H. Rich et al. (1979) and Scarlett (1972b). Crook (1975) cited a personal communication from T.H. Rich which indicated that Miocene fossils of tuatara had been discovered, but these specimens are known now to be Recent, probably younger than 1,000 years, and definitely no older than 10,000 years (T.H. Rich et al. 1979). Grant-Mackie & Scarlett (1973: 92) stated that the oldest tuatara bones known are those from the Hillgrove Formation near Oamaru, North Otago. The age was given as Oturian, or Last Interglacial, with a radiocarbon date of approx. 36,000 years old (at about the effective limit of radiocarbon dating) . M.S. Pole (pers. comm.) reports that tuatara bones occur sporadically in Late Quaternary horizons in Central Otago. 1228 - FORDYCE Figure 13. Skull and body outline of extant Tuatara, Sphenodon punctatus. Skull after Romer, body outline after Crook. Skull about 55 mm long. Future work could involve prospecting in nonmarine Tertiary rocks, as suggested herein for other terrestrial vertebrates. The youngest fossil records of Sphenodonta (rhynchocephalians) other than the New Zealand Quaternary records are from the Cretaceous of North America (Throckmorton ef al. 1981). However, there are enough differences between the Cretaceous species and the living tuatara that the latter probably should not be called a living fossil (Benton 1986). MOSASAURS AND OTHER LIZARDS (SQUAMATA) Lizards There is no published record of significant fossils of terrestrial lizards, although bones are known from cave deposits (Hutton 1899a, Worthy 1984) and occur in other Holocene sediments (Gill 1985, Rich et al. 1979, Worthy 1987c). Any search for Cainozoic terrestrial reptile fossils might profitably screen-wash finer-grained fluvial and lacustrine sediments. As with tuatara, reviews of the biology of extant indigenous lizards were given by contributors in Newman (1982) and by Robb (1986). These and other works include discussion about the historical origins and zoogeography of New Zealand's terrestrial reptiles. Whitaker & Thomas (1989) gave a guide to literature about New Zeeland lizards which lists articles on subfossil lizards. Snakes There are no reports of fossil snakes. The occasional modern occurrences of sea-snakes (Robb 1986) suggest that fossil sea-snakes might be expected in more northern marine sediments. New Zealand has extant land vertebrates, as well as fossils (e.g. Theropoda), whose ancestors must have been present here since New Zealand separated from adjacent landmasses about the middle Cretaceous. This was some time after the earliest snakes appeared, so New Zealand may well have had fossil land snakes (as well as fossil mammals - see below) which did not persist to the present. The absence of snakes from New Zealand's modern vertebrate FOSSIL VERTEBRATES OF NEW ZEALAND - 1229 fauna and/or the fossil record has been mentioned elsewhere (e.g. Fleming 1962a: 65, Caughley 1964: 51, Stevens 1980a: 174). Mosasaurs Mosasaurs, large aquatic Late Cretaceous reptiles, are the only members of the Squamata known as fossils in New Zealand. Mosasaurs were reviewed by Welles & Gregg (1971) who summarised the history of collection and study. Mosasaur Taxonomy Welles & Gregg recorded five species, all from Haumuri Bluff, Cheviot, and Waipara. Two tylosaurines are known. The large Tylosaurus haumuriensis (Hector, 1874) has a skull reportedly longer than 1 m. Taniwhasaurus oweni Hector, 1874, is known only from the lectotype skull of an old individual. Prognathodon waipuraensis Welles & Gregg, 1971, a plioplatycarpine, is represented only by the holotype (Fig. 12). This also apparently has a skull longer than 1 m. A species of mosasaurine, Mosasaurus mokoroa Welles & Gregg, 1971, also represented only by the holotype, has a skull some 700 mm long. A fifth, indeterminate, species includes specimens referred to 3 nominal species. Many of the old names proposed by Hector, Hutton and Owen for both mosasaurs and plesiosaurs are synonyms of the above or are nomina vana (Table 2), according to Welles & Gregg. More recently, Wiffen (1981) described a new genus and species of mosasaurine, Moanasaurus mangahouangae, based on a single specimen which includes a skull, vertebrae, paddle and ribs. The fossil came from the informally-named Maungataniwha sandstone, of Piripauan (or possibly Haumurian) age, at Mangahouanga Stream on Te Hoe River, Hawke's Bay. It is the first mosasaur to be described from the North Island. Recently Wright (1989) convincingly argued that Moanasaurus is a junior synonym of the problematic genus Mosasaurus. In doing so, Wright reiterated the need for clear diagnoses of new taxa. New Records of Mosasaurs Keyes (1981a) mentioned that mosasaur teeth occur in a probable Haumurian unit, the "Lingula bed", at Otarama, on the Waimakariri River in Canterbury. Vertebrae from both small (probably juvenile) and large mosasaurs are known from sandstones and siltstones of the Katiki Formation near Shag Point, North Otago (Fordyce 1987b; Geology Museum University of Otago, Fig. 12). These fossils, not identified to spesies level, appear to be the most southerly records of mosasaurs in New Zealand. Future Work on Mosasaurs The comments above, under plesiosaurs, apply to mosasaur work as well. In particular, cladistic analyses might reveal more about the relationships of the New Zealand species with overseas taxa. All the New Zealand species are described as endemic, and one or two are placed in apparently monotypic genera. However, as with other vagile nektic vertebrates, there could be close affinities with taxa overseas. CROCODILES (CROCODYLIA) Reports of fossil crocodiles from New Zealand appear to be erroneous. Welles & Gregg (1971) noted the uncertain identity of Crocodilus novaezealandiae Hector, 1886 (1874: 334), which was based on vertebrae of Haumurian (latest Cretaceous) age from Haumuri Bluff, southern Marlborough. Procoelous vertebrae from Waipara, identified as crocodilian by Hood (1870) and Haast (1870), may well have been those of mosasaurs. Haast (1879: 311; see also Hutton 1887b, McKay 1887b) listed "Teeth of Crocodilus sp. Waihao" from the “Oamaru Formation", South Canterbury. These teeth are not reptilian but 1230 - FORDYCE are similar to those of species of the cetacean genus Dorudon (see Fordyce 1985b, and section on Cetacea). DINOSAURS (SAURISCHIA AND ORNITHISCHIA) The apparent absence of dinosaur fossils in New Zealand was long regarded as sufficient reason not to look for them or at least to assume that the absence was real. Indeed, discussions of the New Zealand vertebrate fauna often stressed the lack of dinosaurs (e.g. Fleming 1962a: 93, with a caution that the lack of evidence does not always provide evidence of absence; Stevens 1983: 53). Thus, it was of great interest when a single caudal vertebra (Fig. 8) of an indeterminate species of apparent theropod dinosaur was discovered recently by Joan Wiffen at Mangahouanga Stream. The vertebra was described and discussed by Molnar (1981; see also 1980), who noted that it resembles those of theropods, although ornithopod affinities cannot be dismissed. Like the other vertebrates from the same site described by Wiffen (e.g. 1980, 1981a, 1981b, 1983) the bone is of Piripauan or Haumurian age (Late Cretaceous). Molnar's (1981) description includes a provocative discussion of home range, land area and population size. Wiffen (1981a: 527) indicated that a phalanx of a bird or theropod was found at Mangahouanga Stream. This is presumably the specimen described by Molnar & Scarlett (1984) as that of a Late Cretaceous terrestrial bird or dinosaur. Scarlett recently indicated that he now considers the phalanx to be that of a dinosaur (cited by B. McCulloch in an informal newsletter, the Letter of information of the Society of Avian Paleontology and Evolution 1: 10, 1987). In the same article Scarlett indicated that an ornithopod dinosaur is now known from Mangahouanga Stream, This is probably the specimen described by Wiffen & Molnar (in press) as the partial ilium of a Dryosaurus-like ornithopod. PTEROSAURS (PTEROSAURIA) Wiffen & Molnar (1988; Wiffen 1986) reported that the distal end of a left ulna of a pterosaur was recovered from Mangahouanga Stream. The bone is presumably of Piripauan or Haumurian age (Late Cretaceous). The individual was estimated to have a wing span of 3.75 m (Wiffen 1986). The inferred palaeolatitude is further south than any previously reported find of pterosaurs. It is reasonable to expect other specimens to be found in New Zealand, probably in nonmarine or proximal marine sediments. Pterosaurs are one of the few groups that, perhaps Surprisingly, have attracted no previous comment in the literature about local palaeozoogeography. Most attention has focussed on terrestrial taxa, rather than volant groups. MISCELLANEOUS AND PROBLEMATIC RECORDS OF REPTILES There are other records of large bones, presumably reptilian, from Mesozoic rocks, but the identity of these is uncertain (e.g. specimens in collections of the Geology Museum at University of Otago, New Zealand Geological Survey, and Victoria University, Wellington). Most rocks older than Late Cretaceous are so well cemented with silica and/or zeolites that much effort is needed to prepare what are usually isolated bones, with little guarantee of extracting diagnostic elements. Comments on some occurrences follow. One specimen which may ultimately prove identifiable is that of a large vertebrate, probably a reptile, from the Lower Triassic (or uppermost Permian) at Mossburn, Southland. The specimen, discovered by paleontologists from the New Zealand Geological Survey, was recovered for the Geology Museum, University of Otago. It covers perhaps 1.5 m2 of bedding FOSSIL VERTEBRATES OF NEW ZEALAND - 1231 plane, and includes ribs and fragments of vertebrae. It is being prepared at present (1989). The setting of the vertebrate was mentioned briefly by Aitcheson et al. (1988). Johnston et al. (1980; 1987: 286) reported the incomplete shaft of a long-bone of apparent Jurassic age, from Marybank Formation at Nelson. The bone is very weathered and lacks condyles. Its identity is uncertain. HJ f Campbell et al. (1984: 283) mentioned a small bone of a tetrapod from the Permian (or Triassic) of Stephens Island, Cook Strait. Dr. E.H. Colbert (pers. comm., and cited in H.J.Campbell et al. 1984: 283) reported that it may be a leg bone with "very much the appearance of a Triassic reptile", but no diagnostic features were listed. The specimen was lost about the time it was sent to the American Museum of Natural History, New York for identification (E.H. Colbert, pers. comm.), thus continuing the history of New Zealand specimens lost to or in overseas institutions (see also Haast 1870: 189, last para.; Welles & Gregg 1971). Since it was incomplete, and was not identified formally, it is debatable that it should be cited as evidence of a possible Triassic age (cf. H.J.Campbell et al. 1984: 288). An anonymous author, almost certainly Hector (in McKay 1877g: 41) referred to the tooth of a "megalosauroid . . . land saurian", apparently from the upper gorge of the Waipara River (probably from the Laidmore Formation, Late Cretaceous). The specimen, which has not been described, could have been the tooth of a marine reptile. Haast (1870: 189) also referred to the "distal or lower part of the femur", possibly from a terrestrial reptile, from the Waipara region. It is an understatement to say that further discoveries of terrestrial reptiles will be awaited with interest. AVES: OVERVIEW Extinct birds are the best known of New Zealand's subfossil and fossil vertebrates, as the literature and museum collections attest. Almost all of the many described species are from the Quaternary. Indeed, few appear to be older than about 10,000 years. In contrast to the recently extinct birds, there are a few species, mostly known from single specimens, older than Late Pleistocene (Fig. 14). The fossil and/or recently extinct avifauna can be considered under these subject headings, used below: a miscellany of Tertiary birds, bony-toothed pelicans - Pelagornithidae, penguins - Order Sphenisciformes, moas, and Late Quaternary birds other than moas. General references useful for this section include those by Feduccia (1980), and Olson (1985), and, on Australasian birds, Millener (this volume), Rich (1982), Rich &Van Tets (1982, 1984), Williams (1973) and Williams & Millener (1981). A MISCELLANY OF TERTIARY BIRDS New Zealand's pre-Quaternary birds other than penguins, bony-toothed pelicans and moas include few specimens, mostly incomplete and formally undescribed. Since most are, therefore, of uncertain affinities, they are considered here according to geological age, rather than taxonomic placement (Fig. 14). 1232 - FORDYCE ms INTERNATIONAL N Z Stage 0 SUBDIVISIONS _/Haweran_| abundant bird bones ~10 000 yr bp - present moa, Wanganui odontopterygian?, North Canterbury; moa, Wanganui Mangpanian , ; 4 penguin, Tereingaorinis, Hawkes Bay D odontopterygian, Hawera 0 penguin, Kapitea Creek; moa, Taranaki 10 Tongaporutuan "kiwi" footprint, Murchison 20 30 40 50 60 70 1 O C E N M z Ww oO @) Oo i 1@) uw z et) Oo (e) WW PALEOCENE Lillburnian Clifdenian Duntroonian Runangan Kaiatan Bortonian Porangan Heretaungan Mangaorapan Waipawan Teurian Haumurian odontopterygian, North Canterbury Greta Siltstone fauna (age?), North Canterbury, includes Aptenodytes, Pygoscelis, Marplesornis, and Pseudodontornis waterfowl, St Bathans Otekaike Limestone fauna: penguins- Korora, Platydyptes ; also undetermined non-sphenisciform seabirds Kokoamu Greensand fauna: penguins - "Palaeeudyptes", Archaeospheniscus, Duntroonornis and incertae sedis - Manu indet. penguin, Glen Massey large penguins, including Pachydyptes, Oamaru district early penguins (e.g."Palaeeudyptes" ), Burnside undescribed "proto-penguin", Waipara undescribed wing-propelled diver, Moeraki undescribed volant bird, Chatham Island undescribed bird, Waimakariri undescribed diver, Cheviot possible bird (probably dinosaur), Mangahouanga no certain bird records in New Zealand older than late Haumurian Figure 14. Guide to stratigraphic occurrence of older bird fossils from New Zealand. Olson (1985: 81) commented, presumably about avian paleontology in other lands, that "The idea that every scrap of fossil bird bone is a priceless gift to be treasured with veneration and treated as if diagnostic has infected avian palaeontology down to the present." Some evidence of this is apparent in the plethora of names applied to moas and other Quaternary birds from New Zealand. With this in mind, it is possibly fortunate that Tertiary and older birds are FOSSIL VERTEBRATES OF NEW ZEALAND - 1233 rare enough in New Zealand to have discouraged much study. Nonetheless, some of the undescribed specimens listed below should be described formally in future. They may form important geographic and/or stratigraphic records even if they are too incomplete to warrant the formal naming of new species. Cretaceous-Palaeocene Records The geologically oldest bird bones are undescribed. Keyes (1981a) mentioned that an avian tarsometatarsus (New Zealand Geological Survey collections) was found associated with sharks and invertebrates in lower Teurian (basal Palaeocene) or possibly Haumurian (latest Cretaceous) marine sandstones of the "Lingula bed" at Otarama, Waimakariri River, Canterbury. Fleming (1979: 40) had noted earlier that it might be of Cretaceous age. The bone has been under study by J. Cracraft for some time. Earlier, an anonymous author, probably Hector (in McKay 1877g: 41), had referred to a possible bird bone from this or a nearby locality. A broken distal end of a left femur came from Haumurian (latest Cretaceous) shallow marine sands near Cheviot, North Canterbury (New Zealand Geological Survey collections, Lower Hutt). The specimen has a marked angle in the shaft as seen in external view, reminiscent of that seen in the North American Late Cretaceous diver Baptornis. It also has a solidly-built shaft with only a small pneumatic cavity, and may well represent a flightless form. It is currently under study at the Department of Geology, University of Otago. Molnar & Scarlett (1984) described the isolated large phalanx of a what may be a bird collected by Joan Wiffen from the Piripauan or Haumurian (Late Cretaceous) of Mangahouanga Stream in Hawke's Bay. The element could not be assigned to any known taxon of bird, and may represent a dinosaur. (See above, under reptiles.) Two fragmentary specimens from the Moeraki Formation at Moeraki, North Otago are probably Teurian, Palaeocene. Both are in the Geology Museum collections, University of Otago. One is a crushed distal portion of a right tibiotarsus (Fig. 16) from a large individual (condyle width exceeds 30 mm). The specimen has not yet been identified formally, and it it is not known whether it represents a marine or non-marine species. or whether volant or flightless. McKenzie & Hussainy (1968) referred to this as "a possible Cretaceous bird fossil, now accepted as Palaeocene in age, from Moeraki". The second is a newly prepared specimen (coracoid, fragment of head of humerus, scapula) also from Moeraki and also possibly from a wing-propelled diver (Fordyce & Jones 1987, 1990) Previously, Mantell (1850: 326, Fig.7) reported the discovery of an apparent bird bone at Moeraki. Another Palacocene bird is represented by an undescribed and unprepared fragment of the proximal end of a radius, from the Tahatika Grit (Teurian), Chatham Island (New Zealand Geological Survey collections, Lower Hutt). The bone is pneumatic, and probably came from a larger volant species. Its relationships are still uncertain. There are no noteworthy Eocene records of birds other than penguins, which are discussed below. Oligocene Apart from penguins, few younger Tertiary birds are known from New Zealand. Marples (1946) described a new genus and species, Manu antiquus, based on a furcula from the "Maerewhenua Greensand" [= Kokoamu Greensand Formation of Gage 1957; Duntroonian, Late Oligocene] near Duntroon, North Otago. Marples regarded the holotype as similar to albatrosses (Procellariiformes: Diomedeidae), although he did not clearly refer it to this family. He also described and figured two incomplete isolated femora, which he speculated could be related to M. antiquus. One femur was from a limestone of apparent Duntroonian age, while the other was of uncertain provenance. No one seems to have formally revised Marples' 1234 - FORDYCE species, nor reported other non-penguin bird remains from Duntroonian greensands. Some authors (e.g. Kinsky 1970, and, by implication, Williams 1973: 304) have listed M. antiquus as an undoubted albatross. Olson (1985: 208) stated that the species differs considerably from albatrosses. I have carried out extensive field work on the Kokoamu Greensand and Otekaike Limestone and their lateral equivalents (e.g. Fordyce 1987a), with the recent assistance of Andrew Grebneff and Craig Jones, but have found few birds other than abundant penguins. A battered small but rather robust tibiotarsus, apparently not that of a penguin, was found associated with a cetacean skull from the Kokoamu Greensand (Duntroonian; Late Oligocene) at the Waihao River, Waimate district (fossil in Geology Museum, University of Otago). A small, well preserved pneumatic and non-sphenisciform femur was found in the Otekaike Limestone (Duntroonian- Waitakian; Late Oligocene-earliest Miocene), Hakataramea Valley. This specimen, in the Geology Museum at University of Otago, has not yet been identified. Miocene Potentially one of the most important fossil bird sites ever found in New Zealand was discovered in 1980 in Central Otago by Jon Lindqvist and Barry Douglas (Douglas et al. 1981; see also Cotton 1919, Douglas 1986, McKay 1894). I made extensive further collections from the source horizon, lacustrine sandy mudstones of the Manuherikia Group (Altonian, Early Miocene) near Saint Bathans. Isolated avian elements include tarsometatarsals, humeri, ulnae and metacarpals, probably anatid (Fig. 16), none of which has been identified positively to order yet. Broken eggshell is also present. Material is held in the Geology Museum, University of Otago. Further fieldwork and the formal description of the vertebrates is planned. Fragmentary bird bones were recovered recently from fresh-water limestone in the Waitaki Valley some 50 km northeast of Saint Bathans. The bones are associated with coal measures of uncertain Southland-Taranaki (Middle to Late Miocene) age. The fossils are held in the Geology Museum, University of Otago. Mildenhall (1974: 47) figured a fossil "kiwi" footprint from Miocene mudstones near Murchison. The specimen (New Zealand Geological Survey collections) was from the predominantly non-marine Longford Formation (Fleming 1979: 66) and is of Tongaporutuan- Kapitean (Late Miocene) age (1.W. Keyes, pers.comm.). The real identity of the specimen is uncertain. Hutton (1899b) also described a footprint of a "kiwi-like bird” from a sandstone slab at Manaroa, Pelorus Sound. As the rocks around Manaroa are metamorphic, it is likely that the specimen either is Holocene or that it came originally from elsewhere, BONY-TOOTHED PELICANS (PELAGORNITHIDAE) "Bony-toothed" pelicans (Pelicaniformes: Family Pelagornithidae) have attracted some attention in the world literature in the last few years. Because of their superficially unusual appearance, these birds are sometimes placed in a suborder Odontopterygia or in their own order, Odontopterygiformes. Harrison & Walker (1976) reviewed the group, as did Olson (1985: 194-201; see also Steadman 1981), who provided comments on the former work. Cracraft (1985) gave a cladistic overview of the Pelicaniformes without commenting on the Pelagornithidae. Three pelagomithid specimens have been described from New Zealand, A new species, Pseudodontornis stirtoni Howard & Warter, 1969, was established for a partial skull found in a loose concretion of "Greta Siltstons" (sensu Lewis 1976) at Motunau Beach, North Canterbury (see also Gregg 1974), A badly crushed femur associated with the skull presumably belongs to the same individual. Howard & Warter placed the species in the genus Pseudodontornis, previously reported from the Miocene of eastern North America, and in the family Pseudodontornithidae, Harrison & Walker (1976) transferred P. stirtoni to a new FOSSIL VERTEBRATES OF NEW ZEALAND - 1235 genus, Neodontornis, retained in the Pseudodontornithidae. Unlike Howard & Warter (1969), but following Howard (1957), they recognized the bony-toothed pelicans as a distinct order, Odontopterygiformes. In contrast, Olson (1985) suggested that all bony-toothed pelicans belong in a single family of Pelicaniformes, the Pelagornithidae. Figure 15. Tertiary birds from New Zealand. A, reconstruction of Pseudodontornis stirtoni; redrawn from photo in Rich and Berra (1980, Pl. 1); B, ?anatid metacarpal from the Early Miocene, St Bathans, specimen in the Geology Museum collections, University of Otago, scale bar, 10 mm; C, ?anatid tarsometatarsus from the Early Miocene, St Bathans, specimen in the Geology Museum collections, University of Otago, scale as for Fig. 16 B; D, ?anatid coracoid from the Early Miocene, St Bathans, specimen in the Geology Museum collections, University of Otago, scale as for Fig. 16 B; E, crushed tibiotarsus, with tendinal bridge lost, of indet. large bird, Palaeocene, Moeraki, specimen in the Geology Museum collections, University of Otago, scale bar = 50 mm. (Figs B-E by Jane Kerr). Howard & Warter indicated that the holotype of P. stirtoni could range in age from Early Miocene (stage unspecified) to probably no later than Waitotaran (Late Pliocene). Scarlett (1972a) cited a probable Waitotaran age, and Fleming (1979: 69) indicated no doubt about a Late Pliocene age. It is possible that the concretion which encased the holotype was remanié, and came from the Nukumaruan (latest Pliocene-Early Pleistocene) debris flows at Motunau described by Lewis (1976). Lewis noted that the debris flows contain fossiliferous clasts of "Greta Siltstone" (sometimes containing vertebrates, pers. obs.) of Waipipian (early Late Pliocene), Waiauan to Tongaporutuan (Late Miocene) and Otaian to Altonian (Early Miocene) age (see also Suggate et al. 1978: figs 7.77 and 8.15.) This cautions against citing a definite age for P. stirtoni. The reconstruction of P. stirtoni given here (Fig. 15) is based on a figure published by Rich & Berra (1980). Scarlett (1972a) described the proximal (not distal) part of a right humerus as probably that of a pelagornithid. The bone was from sediments of probably Waiauan (early Late Miocene) 1236 - FORDYCE age, possibly the Double Corner Shellbed unit of the Tokama Siltstone, near the mouth of Waipara River, North Canterbury. Harrison & Walker (1976) referred Scarlett's specimen tentatively to Pelagornis miocaenus Lartet, 1857 (placed by them as Odontopterygiformes: Pelagornithidae), which was described from the Middle Miocene of France. More material would be needed to confirm this identification, and thereby its biogeographic implications. McKee (1985) described a humerus and radius assigned to the family Pelagornithidae, to which Pseudodontornis belongs. The specimens are from Tangahoe Formation (Waipipian, "middle" Pliocene) near Hawera. The bones cannot be identified positively to species at present. A possible younger record is provided by an isolated femur (Canterbury Museum, Christchurch collections) which I collected from the Nukumaruan (latest Pliocene-Early Pleistocene) at Motunau, North Canterbury. The femur compares closely with the femur associated with the holotype of P. stirtoni; it may represent an indeterminate pelican or one of the youngest global records of pelagornithids. MOAS - DINORNITHIFORMES Introduction Moas are the extinct large flightless birds (Fig. 16) which are probably the best-known of New Zealand's extinct vertebrates. They were first introduced to science by Richard Owen (1840, 1843, 1844b, 1879, and other publications), who successfully employed Cuvier's “principle of correlation" to predict that a scrap of femur represented a hitherto unknown large "struthious" bird. The story of the late Quaternary moas and other birds is a complex one, equal in magniiude or larger than that of all the other New Zealand fossil vertebrates, and is better detailed elsewhere. I cover only a few aspects here for the sake of completeness in an account of New Zealand fossil vertebrates. In particular, I have not attempted to incorporate information from the archaeological literature. The reader is referred to the literature summarised below for details. Recent popular accounts of moas include those by Brewster (1987), Falla (1974) and McCulloch (1982). A starting point amongst more technical articles was provided by Anderson (1984), Cassels (1984), Trotter & McCulloch (1984) and Worthy (1987d, 1988a, 1988c, 1989a, 1989b, 1989c). For a guide to the earlier literature on moas, see references in Anderson (1984), Cassels (1984), Trotter & McCulloch (1984) and especially in Archey (1941) and Oliver (1949). The work of Owen provides a monumental historic series; publications on moas include those of Owen 1840, 1843a, 1843b, 1844a, 1844b, 1846, 1848a, 1848b, 1856, 1865, 1866, 1870a, 1871, 1873, 1879, 1883a, and 1883b. The unindexed bibliography of Romer et al. (1962) contains more references for varied authors, few of which are included here. Taxonomy Moas (Order Dinornithiformes) and the extant kiwis are allied conventionally with the ratites, traditionally accepted as a monophyletic group of Austral flightless palaeognathous birds (e.g. Cracraft 1974b, Rich & Balouet 1984, Sibley & Ahlquist 1981). Two subdivisions of Dinornithiformes are commonly recognized. Some authors use two subfamilies within one family, Dinornithidae: Dinornithinae (greater moas), and the Anomalopteryginae (lesser moas) (Cracraft 1976a, Worthy 1988e). Conversely, these taxa have sometimes been given separate family status as Dinornithidae and Emeidae [= Anomalopterygidae] (Brodkorb 1963, Worthy 1989e). FOSSIL VERTEBRATES OF NEW ZEALAND - 1237 reconstruction of Aptornis otidiformis, after C, skull of Euryanas Late Quatemary birds from New Zealand. A, f Dinornis giganteus, after Wilson in Swinton (1975); Figure 16. Some Oliver; B, reconstruction o finschi, after Van Beneden (1876). The species of moa listed in Table 4 are those that were regarded as distinct by Cracraft (1976a), with later emendations. Millener (1982) suggested that Anomalopteryx owent be synonymised with A. didiformis (sce also Worthy 1987d, 1988a). Worthy (1989e) reinstated Pachyornis australis. This classification reduces markedly the number of species recognised by 1238 - FORDYCE earlier authors, such as Archey (1941) and Oliver (1949). It has been criticized in passing by some other workers (e.g. Trotter & McCulloch 1984) but a detailed critique dealing with all species has not appeared. The most readily available summaries of the primary literature on moa taxonomy include articles by Archey (1941), Brodkorb (1963), and Oliver (1949), Other articles which touch on one or more species include those by, for example, Caughley (1977), Cracraft (1976a, 1976b, 1976c), Kinsky (1970), Oliver (1955), Scarlett (1972b, 1975), Worthy (1987d, 1988a, 1988c, 1989a, 1989b, 1989c, 1989e) and Yaldwyn (1959, 1979). Recent studies have concentrated on diagnosing the species of moa more accurately than before (e.g. Cracraft 1976b, 1976c; Worthy 1987d), but there is scope for more work. The fragmentary nature of early type specimens (such as Dinornis novaezealandiae Owen, 1843) makes it difficult to tell whether the types really are conspecific with the more complete specimens on which many working definitions of species are based. This is a common problem for nineteenth century types that are inadequate by modern standards (see comments herein on the fossil penguin Palaeeudyptes antarcticus), and can be resolved several ways. Some workers tacitly accept that the types are conspecific with better material, and use the names attached to the types. In such cases, the matter of whether the type really is conspecific with referred material is barely addressed. Alternatively, sophisticated biometrical analyses, which can perhaps quantify subtle differences in degree, may help decide whether a type and referred specimen are likely to be conspecific. In my opinion, however, it seems better to determine differences in kind (presence-absence differences), using derived characters to justify clustering. If such characters are absent on the types attached to long-used names, should the names be regarded as nomina dubia? (names of dubious or doubtful application). Many workers might disagree with such an approach, and here immunological techniques (Lowenstein 1986) or comparisons of DNA (Wilson et al. 1987) might well be applied to moas to resolve questions of the identity of important specimens. Morphology Moa anatomy is discussed in many works, such as the taxonomic articles listed above, and illustrations of moa bones abound. Owen (1879, vol. 2; a synopsis of earlier works) provided many figures. The papers of Archey (1941) and Oliver (1949) give a range of figures. Scarlett (1972b; see also 1975) provided a general atlas of bones which includes many figures of moa, as well as other bird bones that might be encountered in Holocene sediments. Worthy (1988c) produced a valuable illustrated guide to leg bones. Worthy (1987d) and Yaldwyn (1979) also gave figures and comments on describing morphology. More recent articles on functional morphology include those of Alexander (1983a, 1983b, 1985), Reif & Silyn-Roberts (1987) and Worthy (1987d). All these deal with the legs. There seems to be scope for further studies, particularly those that approach the broader topic of constructional morphology. Early Fossil Records of Moas It is likely that moas have inhabited New Zealand since the Cretaceous (see a host of references including, e.g. Fleming 1979, Hutton 1873, Stevens 1980a), or Eocene at the latest (Sibley & Ahlquist 1981), but no fossils clearly older than Pliocene are known. Moa bones are rare in Pliocene and younger marine rocks, so it seems unlikely that older Tertiary marine rocks will be a significant source of bones. The most likely environments for fossilisation are those represented by rare, completely non-marine sequences (e.g. Manuherikia Group, Saint Bathans). The transgressive and regressive coal-measures that commonly bound local Cainozoic marine sequences might yield bones, although they may have been deposited in FOSSIL VERTEBRATES OF NEW ZEALAND - 1239 conditions too acidic for bones to preserve normally. Ironically, peat swamps have provided some of the best selections of stratigraphically young moas (see e.g. accounts by Haast1869a, 1874b, 1874c; McCulloch 1985; Scarlett 1969b). Other comments on possible Tertiary localities were given by T.H. Rich (1975). Tertiary fossils of moas are known, despite Olson's (1985) suggestion that there are no confirmed records. The oldest fossil record published appears to be that mentioned by Oliver (1949: 65, 1955: 574), who stated that bones of Pachyornis mappini Archey, 1941, had been found in Pliocene "papa rock" (mudstone) at Maungapurua, Taranaki. Fleming (1962a: 81) gave the age as Kapitean. Oliver also mentioned that bones of P. mappini had been found in the Pliocene at Nuhaka, Te Aute, Hawke's Bay. Fleming (1979: 66) commented that if the bones really do represent the Recent species P. mappini, they suggest either that speciation amongst moas was well advanced before the Pliocene, or that the bones are of Quaternary age. However, as little is known of rates of evolution amongst moas, the similarity of the fossil bones with those of a Recent species does not necessarily support a younger age. Forbes (1891a) reported bones from clay which underlies basalt at Gleniti Valley, Timaru, South Canterbury. The bones included the holotype of Anomalopteryx antiquus Hutton, 1892 [= A. didiformis (Owen, 1844a); fide Cracraft 1976a]. Matthews & Curtis (1966) cited a radiometric date of 2.47+.0.37 myBP for the Timaru basalt, which suggests that the moa bones are no younger than Late Pliocene. Drs P.R. Millener & J.A. Grant-Mackie cautioned (pers. comm.), however, that it is not clear that these bones were truly in situ. No other bones have been reported from this locality, and it is possible that the clay under the basalt might be a fissure-fill (although Forbes’ sketch of the outcrop argues against the latter). To counter these suggestions, pre-Pleistocene records of moas should be expected, and we should not have preconceived ideas about the likely specific identity of such specimens. Amino acid racemization (Weston et al. 1973) may resolve such problems about age, and immunological tests might elucidate relationships. Park (1887a: 63) mentioned moa bones from the Butlers Shell Conglomerate (Okehauan) of Wanganui area (see Fleming 1953: 175, and pp. 156, 209 for other occurrences). Marshall (1919) described a partial femur, apparently of Dinornis robustus Owen, 1846 [= D. novaezealandiae Owen, 1843; fide Cracraft 1976a], from Nukumaru Beach, near Wanganui. The specimen was from the Tewkesbury Formation (Fleming 1953: 156), and thus is of Nukumaruan (latest Pliocene-Early Pleistocene) age. Fleming (1953: 140) stated that the moa egg identified by Oliver as that of Anomalopteryx didiformis from Tokomaru (= Kaiiwi?; Oliver 1949: 43, 45) is probably reworked. Fleming discounted a Nukumaruan (latest Pliocene-Early Pleistocene) age. Eggs and eggshell are common in younger sediments (e.g. Archey 1941, Field 1885, Hector 1867, Simpson 1955). Hill (1889) noted the occurrence of supposed moa feathers from near Ormond, Gisborne district, Hawke's Bay. They may have been from the "Waipaoa Series" (Castlecliffian, Late Pleistocene; Suggate in Suggate et al. 1978: 566). Moa bones are known from the sea floor around New Zealand (Fleming 1963c, Keyes & Froggatt 1978). These are of unknown age, and could represent specimens washed in from rivers or animals that lived on a then enlarged coastal plain during a phase of low (glacial) sea level. Footprints Moa footprints have been mentioned or figured, for example, by Benham (1913), Collen & Vella (1984), Hill (1895), McKay (1877d: 116), and Oliver (1949: 24-25). There seems to have been no serious analysis of tracks in the manner seen for some extinct tetrapods elsewhere (e.g. dinosaurs), where aspects of gait have been inferred from footprints. 1240 - FORDYCE Late Pleistocene and Holocene Moas - Geography and Stratigraphy Much early literature (see Archey 1941 and Oliver 1949 for summaries) contains only incidental or anecdotal comment on geographic distribution and stratigraphy. This probably reflects the early inconsistent application of place names, lack of detailed maps, and absence of an accurate Quaternary stratigraphy. Recent articles, some of which present important radioisotopic dates, include those by Bell & Bell (1971), Brewster (1987), Burrows (1980b), Cody (1979), Falla (1974; general review), Grant-Mackie & Scarlett (1973), Fleming (1963c), Grant-Mackie (1965, 1979), Gregg (1972), Keyes & Froggatt (1978), McCulloch (1982; general review), McCulloch & Trotter (1979), Medway (1971), Millener (1986), Millener & Templer (1982), Nelson & Grant-Mackie (1980), Scarlett (1969b, 1972b; see other papers listed by Anderson 1979 and Millener 1980c) and Worthy (1983, 1984, 1987d, 1988a, 1989a, 1989c, 1989e, Worthy & Mildenhall 1989). Ecology and Behaviour Attention has focused recently on ecology and behaviour. Burrows (1980a, 1980b; Burrows et al. 1981, Burrows & Drake 1982, all on diet) concluded that moas were browsers that lived along forest margins where they ate vegetation, including twigs of woody plants. Hamel (1979) commented on inferred breeding behaviour. Hayward (1978; see also Smalley 1979) discussed gizzard stones, and commented that moas may have been New Zealand's oldest rockhounds. In fact, Cretaceous marine reptiles also carried gizzard stones. Older references on gizzard stones include those of Hamilton (1892) and Hill (1890). Greenwood & Atkinson (1977; see also Atkinson & Greenwood 1982) suggested that moa browsing behaviour might account for the diversity in New Zealand of divaricating plants, plants in which the stems are typically slender, leaves small and twigs at a high angle to the stem. This suggestion was countered by McGlone & Webb (1981), and the matter of interaction between divaricating plants and moas is still not clear. Evolution and Extinction Specifics of moa evolution have been discussed rarely, but the broader relationships have been reviewed widely and inconclusively. For example, Cracraft (1974b) identified synapomorphies that cluster moas and kiwis together with other ratites. Rich & Balouet (1984) also united moas and kiwis, but cautioned that ratite interrelationships are not understood well. They suggested that a longer fossil record might help resolve the relationships of moas and kiwis. Patterson (1981b) cautioned, however, that the fossil record may never help resolve relationships for many groups. Fleming (1980a) drew attention to the now discredited record of a supposed ratite from New Caledonia; this megapode Sylviornis (see Poplin et al. 1983), intially was a candidate for the possible sister taxon to moas. Sibley & Ahilquist (1981) assumed that ratites, and moas and kiwis, are monophyletic. Olson (1985: 96- 97) cautioned that the palaeognathous palate, used for so long to diagnose ratites, may be a shared primitive feature (see also Olson in James & Olson 1983: 40). Houde (1986) suggested that ostriches and kiwis are not necessarily related to other ratites including moas; kiwis may have evolved from volant palaeognaths that flew to New Zealand. These explicit or implied problems of higher taxonomy are similar to those encountered in other relatively derived groups (e.g. penguins, cetaceans). Ecological radiations often take place with the occupation of new habitats and with the evolution of structures radically different from older taxa, so that all FOSSIL VERTEBRATES OF NEW ZEALAND - 1241 ae are highly derived in comparison to likely sister groups, and homologies are difficult to ine. With the admitted benefit of hindsight, it seems odd that early workers did not question the likelihood of some 26 species of moa evolving in New Zealand. Enviromental heterogeneity has long been regarded as important in evolutionary processes, yet New Zealand would seem to lack the ecological opportunities of larger landmasses. Indeed, Olson (1985: 102) commented that it is difficult to explain currently accepted species diversities of moas, since speciation has not produced comparable diversity amongst other terrestrial avian groups. This lack of diversity amongst other groups may be apparent rather than real; note, for example, the new and perhaps unexpected species of Leiopelma described recently by Worthy (1987a). The role of altitudinal segregation of moa niches has been addressed little, but Worthy (1989c) gave some comments on montane distributions. The question of moa extinction has long been discussed. The two main hypotheses are that extinctions were caused by changing climate or vegetation patterns, or by humans. The former explanation was widely accepted until the advent of accurate radiocarbon dating, which showed that most species overlapped temporarily with humans. Discussion includes that in articles by Anderson (1982, 1984), Cassels (1982, 1984), Cracraft (1980b), Duff (1964), Falla (1974), Fleming (1962c, 1969, 1973, 1979), Holdaway (1989), McCulloch (1982), Scarlett (1969b, 1974), Simmons (1968), and Trotter & McCulloch (1984), Some mummified specimens (e.g. Brewster 1987, Forrest 1987; but cf. Worthy 1989a) and young radiocarbon dates reinforce the idea of recent extinction. Millener (1981b) suggested that many North Island reports of moas and other birds from middens may be of bones eroded from underlying ossiferous dunesands. If this is so, such bones presumably were mixed subsequently with midden waste by downslope sate movement before collection, and may not have been derived originally from the middens. OTHER LATE QUATERNARY BIRDS Many Late Pleistocene-Recent birds (Fig. 16) are known apart from moas. Some of these are listed in Table 5, which is based on published literature (other than archaeological works), initially that of Brodkorb (1963, 1964, 1967, 1971, 1978). The table lists extant New Zealand species which have a non-archaeological subfossil or fossil occurrence, and incorporates subfossil and fossil birds from the Chatham Islands listed by R.J.Scarlett (in Fordyce 1982c). The literature on these species is much more extensive than indicated by the citations in the table. Subfossil, according to Kinsky (1970), encompasses species that became extinct before about 1800 A.D. Thus, some species are included that are extant now only outside New Zealand. Faunal Composition At present, sea-birds and waterfowl predominate over forest birds, but it is likely that more species of the latter will be found as work progresses. Cave faunas, in particular, give great promise. Fleming (1962a: 93) commented that acid soils may well have destroyed evidence of older terrestrial fossils, and this could explain the lack of fossil bush birds from other than cave deposits. Recent work on cave faunas includes that of Millener (1983a, Millener & Templer 1982), and Worthy (1984, 1987a, especially figs 1 and 2, 1987b; Worthy & Mildenhall 1989). 1242 - FORDYCE History of Work As was the case for the moas, I do not intend to review the early history of work on ..ew Zealand's non-ratite Quaternary birds. Some idea of this can be obtained from Brodkorb's various catalogues and the New Zealand entries in Romer et al. (1962). Among the most noteworthy recent work is that of R.J. Scarlett, former osteologist at the Canterbury Museum, Christchurch, whose contributions span at least 30 years. Bibliographies of Scarlett's works were published by Anderson (1979) and Millener (1980c). Other non-archaecological work on faunas (cf. taxonomic articles - see Table 5) includes both general and detailed comments. Examples include the articles of Bourne (1967), Dawson (1949, 1958a, 1958b, 1959, 1961), Falla (1941), Grant-Mackie & Scarlett (1973), Horn (1983), Medway (1967, 1971, 1974), P. Millener (National Museum of New Zealand),who started studies on the North Island Quaternary avifauna in the late 1970's (Millener 1979, 1980b, 1981b - unpublished Ph.D.thesis, 1983a, 1983b, 1984, 1986, 1988b; Millener & Templer 1982; see also Cody 1979), Olson (1975, 1977a, 1977b, 1984, 1985), Paulin (1973), Reid & Williams 1975, T.H. Rich ef al. (1979), Worthy (1982, 1984, 1988b, 1989d, 1989e), Worthy & Mildenhall (1989) and Yaldwyn (1956, 1958). Amongst older works, that of Forbes (1891a, 1891b, 1882a-1892i, 1893a-1893c; see Dawson 1958b) stands out as a series that was published quickly over a short time and thus has caused problems in nomenclature. R. Holdaway (University of Canterbury) is currently working on the avifauna associated with Harpagornis (Holdaway 1989). Taxonomy A limited selection of references to systematics of Late Pleistocene-Recent New Zealand species is given in Table 5. Brodkorb (1963, 1964, 1967, 1971, 1978) listed many references to early systematic articles, and also gave an idea of stratigraphic and geographic distribution. Stratigraphy and Geographic Distribution There is little good information about stratigraphy other than in a few recent articles. This reflects several problems. Late Quaternary biostratigraphy has had a slow development, although palynology now makes important contributions. Other techniques, such as amino acid racemization, have promise. Many collectors have not been trained in the need for stratigraphic rigour, and old collections in particular lack stratigraphic data. Cave deposits contain material of mixed origin and age. Radiocarbon dating techniques are expensive and destructive, although tandem accelerator mass spectrometry promises to be less destructive. The lack of good stratigraphic information largely precludes temporal analyses, such as studies of changing geographic patterns amongst the local birds. Nonetheless, there have been some laudable attempts to make sense of the record (Beauchamp & Worthy 1988, Mills et al. 1984, 1988). Most of the references in Table 5 also mention stratigraphy and geography. For further information, see particularly Grant-Mackie & Scarlett (1973), Fieming (1979), Gregg (1972), Millener (1981a; bibliography of cave occurrences), Rich et al. (1979), Scarlett (e.g. 1955, 1969, 1972; see also Anderson 1979 and Millener 1980c), and Worthy & Mildenhall (1989). Evolution, Zoogeography and Extinction The comments on moa evolution, above, apply very much to the other birds. Most previous studies are descriptive and deal with morphology or faunas. There have been few critical accounts of evolution at the species level or of issues in macroevolution based on FOSSIL VERTEBRATES OF NEW ZEALAND - 1243 subfossil or fossil material. Worthy (1988b) discussed the Holocene origin of flightlessness in the extinct Euryanas finschi, and other flightless species surely warrant attention. In general, the most significant contributions to understanding of evolution of neospecies with a subfossil record are based on studies of extant birds; examples are Turnagra capensis, discussd by Olson et al. (1983), anatids including New Zealand taxa by Livezey (1986), Acanthisittidae by Sibley et al. (1982), and kiwis by e.g. de Boer (1980) and Calder (1979). Regional (as opposed to local) zoogeography has been discussed widely, recently in terms of vicariance biogeography and earlier in terms of dispersalist biogeography. Probably the best- known broader contributions on the evolution of New Zealand's avifauna are those of Fleming (1962a - see 1949 for early version, 1962b, 1973, 1974, 1976, 1977, 1979), Cracraft's general reviews (1973a, 1976, 1980a) have stressed the role of vicariance in the evolution of the avifauna, but a detailed species-by-species consideration of the zoogeography and evolution of New Zealand birds has yet to be compiled. Richard Holdaway (Holdaway 1989) is presently looking at the recent history of the New Zealand avifauna in terms of island-area biogeographic theory. This work involves a long- overdue study of the chronology of recent extinctions PENGUINS (SPHENISCIFORMES) These medium-sized to large amphibious birds are skilled underwater fliers restricted today and apparently in the past to the Southern Hemisphere. There they inhabit mostly cool- temperate waters, and indeed they may have originated in the south. New Zealand has long been an important area for the study of both extant and extinct penguins; the first fossil penguin known to science was discovered near latitude 45°S in North Otago, and middle Cainozoic penguins are diverse and abundant. For general references on penguins, see Simpson (1976) and Stonehouse (1975). Fordyce & Jones (1990) gave a brief overview of New Zealand and other fossil penguins. Taxonomy and Morphology The fossil species reported from New Zealand are listed in Table 6, and a brief history of their description is given below. Noteworthy reviews of the taxonomy and morphology of local fossil penguins are those by Marples (1952; 1974 - short account) and Simpson (1971a, 1972a, 1975). Illustrations of some New Zealand fossil penguins are given in Figs 17, 18; Pl. 2. As with other groups in this review, the morphology of the New Zealand fossil species is not detailed here. As might be expected with a morphologically conservative group, taxonomically important characters are more subtle differences in degree than in kind (e.g. Olson 1985: 216). Approaches to Taxonomy Some problems of taxonomy were discussed by Fordyce & Jones (1990). In summary, few reasonably complete skeleton or skulls of fossil penguins are known (e.g. Fig. 17). Limb bones, which are robust and non-pneumatised, preserve well, are easy to recognise and have been used widely as type-specimens, but they occur commonly as isolated specimens. Indeed, the first species of fossil penguin described, Palaeeudyptes antarcticus Huxley, 1859a (see also Huxley 1859b-1859d), is known only from an isolated tarsometatarsus (Fig. 18) of uncertain age, possibly Late Oligocene, from Kakanui. The skeletal structure of P. antarcticus is unknown, however, as no other tarsometatarsus identical to that of the type specimen has been found associated with a skeleton. The types of many nominal species described since 1859 1244 - FORDYCE Cc» ch Figure 17. Relatively complete skeleton of "Palaeeudyptes"-like penguin from the Late Oligocene, South Canterbury, specimen in the Geology Museum collections, University of Otago, scale bar, 1 m. (Drawn by Craig Jones). FOSSIL VERTEBRATES OF NEW ZEALAND - 1245 \, | Palaeeudyptes antarcticus Altonian Duntroonian Whaingaroan Runangan Bortonian ih | ) } L| tyr i Korora oliveri SNA00IN LAO Lr new species? 3 new species? 2 ANS90DI10 AINA004 |} \ \ ! ¥ | Let “Palaeeudyptes" marplesi | sf \(\ | / Figure 18. Penguin tarsometatarsi as an index of species diversity; all the new specimens are in the Geology Museum collections, University of Otago, scaie bar, 50 mm. (Tarsometatarsi drawn by Craig Jones. Ages shown are approximate only) have included the tarsometatarsus, which is not surprising since this is a robust leg element that preserves well. Because the tarsometatarsus has been used widely in this way, it is easy to make comparisons with P. antarcticus. However, the results of such comparisons are often ambiguous. To cluster nominal species into higher taxa on the basis of "overall similarity” of tarsometatarsi (let alone inferred age, geographic distribution or other non-taxonomic criteria) will not necessarily result in the recognition of natural groups. Fordyce & Jones (1990) noted that preliminary computer-aided cladistic analysis (using a cladistic program, PAUP) of this bone provided, rather predictably, many alternative equally parsimonious cladograms. These reflect: 1) the basically conservative form of this element; 2) a lack of good information about ontogenetic, intra- and interspecific variation in extant species; 3) problems in identifying character polarities; 4) the likelihood of widespread homoplasies. Accordingly, nominal taxa which derive their identity from P. antarcticus, that is, other supposed species of Palaeeudyptes, are not well founded. In general, should names that are poorly based by modern standards be used? Fordyce (1988a), in reference to fossil whales, followed others in suggesting that they should not. Many evolutionary taxonomists would disagree with such a strict reliance on morphology, and R.J.F. Jenkins (1980), for example, suggested that P. antarcticus poses problems "because it is unlocated stratigraphically", not because it is morphologically rather uninformative. Despite the widespread use of the tarsometatarsus in fossil penguin systematics, the form of the element may be determined more by functional and structural (fabricational) constraints than by phylogenetic ones. Although it may indicate body form, perhaps the tarsometatarsus alone is not the most appropriate indicator of phylogeny. It should be possible to better define and diagnose the species involved where tarsometatarsi are associated clearly with other bones. 1246 - FORDYCE History of Research Literature on the systematics of New Zealand fossil penguins, outlined in the following chronological guide, spans 130 years. Huxley published the first account of a fossil penguin, Palaeeudyptes antarcticus (Fig. 18), in 1859 (Huxley 1859a-1859d,1899). Hector (1870a) announced the discovery of bones referred to P. antarcticus from Seal Rock, near Punakaiki, North Westland, and later described the fossils in some detail (Hector1872). Hector (1873a) also reported the discovery of bones, supposedly those of P. antarcticus, from near Oamaru. Hector's specimens were assigned subsequently to other species (Simpson 1971a). Other occurrences of fossil penguins, all identified as P. antarcticus or Palaeeudyptes, were mentioned sporadically in the literature late last century. Hector (1876: 53), for example, stated that part of a skeleton was recovered from Seal Rock, near Punakaiki. McKay (1877a: 585) reported bones from a greensand conglomerate at Amuri (Haumuri) Bluff (possibly the occurrence mentioned by Hector 1877a). Haast (1879: 311) observed that P. antarcticus had been discovered in rocks of the "Oamaru Formation" (probably Oligocene calcareous sediments) at Curiosity Shop (Rakaia River) and Broken River (Castle Hill Basin), both in Canterbury. McKay also mentioned specimens from Castle Hill Basin (McKay 1881a:70) and Curiosity Shop (McKay 1881b:82). Hector (1884: 539) reported “the giant fossil penguin" bones from a limestone at Kaipuhe, North-west Nelson. Hutton (1885b: 272, 1885c: 549) documented the apparent presence of Palaeeudyptes in the Weka Pass Stone and at Curiosity Shop. McKay (1887a: 90) also reported bones of Palaeeudyptes from the Weka Pass Stone, North Canterbury. Hector (in McLeod 1904: 524) commented that bones were recovered from limestone in a cave at Greymouth. These obscure references appear not to have been discussed by later authors, such as Marples (1952) and Simpson (1971a). The identity of most of the specimens is unknown, Minor incidental references were made to fossil penguins early this century (e.g.Henderson 1917; 94), but it was not until 1930 that the first important systematic article appeared, Oliver (1930) described two new species, Pachydyptes ponderosus and Pachydyptes novaezealandiae, the latter now placed in Platydyptes (see Simpson 1971a). Ovey (1939) commented on the ages of some New Zealand specimens. Simpson (1946) briefly reviewed New Zealand occurrences, but provided no new interpretation of systematics. A new phase in the study of New Zealand fossil penguins (and, incidentally, whales) was initiated by B.J. Marples, former Professor of Zoology at University of Otago. Marples (1946) menwioned that he had recently discovered fossil penguin bones, and later (Marples 1949a) indicated that work was in progress on New Zealand specimens, In his brief review of New Zealand vertebrate palacontology, Marples(1949a) employed the generic names Archaeospheniscus, Duntroonornis, and Platydyptes for the first time, but these names were nomina nuda (improperly established names; see Ride ef al. 1985) until validated in 1952. Marples (1952) reviewed Palaeeudyptes antarcticus, Pachydyptes ponderosus, and Pachydyptes novaezealandiae (which he transferred to a new genus, Platydyptes), and also described the new species Platydyptes amiesi, Archaeospheniscus lowei, Archaeospheniscus lopdelli, Dunitroonornis parvus and Korora oliveri. A brief summary of this paper was given by Oliver (1955). Marples (1960) described a new species, Palaeospheniscus novaezealandiae, based on a relatively complete skeleton from Motunau. This species is now placed in Marplesornis. Ina later contribution, Marples & Fleming (1963) reported the discovery of the first fossil penguin (an indeterminate, incomplete femur) from the North Island. Simpson (1971a) presented a thorough review of New Zealand's pre-Pliocene penguins, in which he described the new species ?Platydyptes marplesi and discussed penguin localities and Stratigraphy. He also discounted the Heretaungan (Early Eocene) age reported for the earliest New Zealand penguins (see, e.g. Fisher 1967; 734). Simpson (1972a) later considered the FOSSIL VERTEBRATES OF NEW ZEALAND - 1247 North Canterbury specimens of supposed Pliocene age. He established a new genus, Marplesornis, for Palaeospheniscus novaezealandiae, and described two new species referrable to living genera, Pygoscelis tyreei and Aptenodytes ridgeni. Grant-Mackie & Simpson (1973) redescribed the penguin originally described by Marples & Fleming (1963), and also described new finds from Oligocene rocks south of Auckland. All of the North Island specimens represent indeterminate genera and species. Simpson's (1975) review of all fossil penguins provides a useful general summary of the New Zealand fossils, even though it presents no new information on their systematics. This work is supplemented by general comments in Simpson (1976, 1978: 231). Scarlett (1983) described a new species, Tereingaornis moisleyi, based on wing elements from the Waipipian (mid Pliocene) of Te Reinga Falls, Wairoa River, Hawkes Bay, North Island. Scarlett originally intended to refer the material to Spheniscus, but ultimately employed a new genus because of a referee's suggestion that Spheniscus should not be expected in New Zealand. McKee (1986, 1987a) described other material which he referred to the species. Minor comment on the systematics of New Zealand species has appeared in articles on the systematics of fossil penguins from other countries. These articles include those by R.J.F. Jenkins (1974, 1980), Lowe (1933, 1939), Marples (1953), Olson (1985) and Simpson (1957, 1971b, 1972b, 1979). New Specimens Fossils collected since Simpson's major review of New Zealand taxa include specimens potentially useful in the study of penguin phylogeny (Fordyce & Jones 1987, 1988 - both abstracts, and 1990 review; Fig. 19). A few are mentioned below. A penguin-like bird (New Zealand Geological Survey collections) discovered recently in the Waipara Greensand, North Canterbury, is probably of Teurian or Waipawan age (Palaeocene or Early Eocene). Elements include the interorbital region, mandibles, coracoids, scapula, furcula, radius, ulna, synsacrum, vertebrae, and ribs (Pl. 2), which were mentioned briefly in a short note (Fordyce et al. 1986). The fossil is probably a penguin, although it could represent some other wing-propelled diver. Relationships are still uncertain, because of unresolved character distributions and polarities. Isolated elements, including partial humeri of a Pachydyptes-sized bird, are known from Parkside Quarry at Weston, near Oamaru (Geology Museum collections, University of Otago). The horizon is the McDonald Limestone, of Runangan - Whaingaroan age (Late Eocene - Early Oligocene). A suite of specimens (Geology Museum collections, University of Otago) has been found in the Kokoamu Greensand and its lateral equivalents in the Waitaki Valley and nearby areas. They are of possible late Whaingaroan and certain Duntroonian age (late Early - Late Oligocene). One includes much of a skeleton (Fig. 17): rostrum, quadrates, vertebrae, humerus, radius, ulna, more-distal wing elements, a partial synsacrum, femora, tibiotarsus, tarsometatarsus, phalanges and unguals from near Waimate (Geology Museum collections, University of Otago). Another is a newly discovered and still unprepared second skeleton from this site, and articulated elements (generally two or more limb bones) are known from varied localities. Assessments of comparable elements suggest that at least 3 new species (Fig. 18) are represented. Also from the Waitaki Valley area are a few specimens (Geology Museum collections, University of Otago) from the Otekaike Limestone, upper Duntroonian - Waitakian Stages (Late Oligocene - earliest Miocene). These include a small humerus and ulna similar in 1248 - FORDYCE INTERNATIONAL NZ No. PENGUIN SPECIES Ma SUBDIVISIONS Stage 10 QUATERNARY puios (bate CENE Early Tongaporutuan Walauan Lillburnian Clifdenian Altonlan Waltaklan Duntroonian Whalingaroan Runangan Bortonlan Porangan Heretaungan Teurlan Figure 19. Summary of species-level diversity over time of penguins and possible penguins from New Zealand. 10 <— ages uncertain 20 Early 30 40 50 Ww z Ww 1) Oo = ud z Ww oO ce) oS _ fe) Ww z Ww oO fe) Ww <@— ages uncertain 60 PALEOCENE FOSSIL VERTEBRATES OF NEW ZEALAND - 1249 size and profiles to Eudyptula minor (extant Little Blue penguin), a humerus, and articulated hindlimb elements from a larger bird. Stratigraphic and Geographic Distribution _ Middle Cainozoic marine rocks of Otago and South Canterbury, in the South Island, have yielded a remarkable number of fossil penguins (mostly in Otago Museum collections and in Geology Museum collections, University of Otago; Fig. 19). Details appear in Table 5. In summary, the most productive units and localities include the Burnside Marl (Kaiatan, Late Eocene) and the Concord Greensand (Duntroonian-Waitakian, Late Oligocene-earliest Miocene) at Burnside Quarry, Dunedin; the Totara Limestone (Runangan, Late Eocene) and the McDonald Limestone (Runangan-Whaingaroan; Late Eocene-Early Oligocene) near Oamaru; the condensed sequence of the Kokoamu Greensand (late Whaingaroan-Duntroonian; late Early-Late Oligocene) and the Otekaike Limestone (late Duntroonian-Waitakian, Late Oligocene-earliest Miocene) in the Duntroon, Wharekuri and Waimate districts. Surprisingly, no penguin fossils seem to have been found in the southern South Island in rocks younger than Waitakian Stage (latest Oligocene-Early Miocene), for example, otherwise richly-fossiliferous units such as the Gee Greensand, the Tokama Siltstone (encompasses Riflebutts Formation and Bluecliffs Silt) the Caversham Sandstone, and the Southburn Sand. Other information on the stratigraphy of New Zealand penguins appears in the major systematic articles listed previously, especially Simpson (1971a, 1972a - but see comments above on stratigraphy around Motunau - and 1975; also cf. Fisher 1967 and Simpson 1970). Zoogeography The palaeozoogeography of New Zealand fossil penguins has been discussed widely, often in association with comments on likely habitat preferences and palaeoecology. References include those of Baubier (1919), Cracraft (1973), Fleming (1979, 1980b), Fordyce (1982b), R.LF. Jenkins (1974, 1980), Marples (1962), Rich (1975a, 1975b, 1979), Simpson (1975), Stevens (1980a) and Stonehouse (1969). Similarities between Late Eocene penguins of New Zealand, Australia, and Seymour Island (Antarctic Peninsula), and Oligocene penguins of New Zealand and South America were noted or implied, for example, by R.J.F. Jenkins (1974), Marples (1963), Millener (1988a), Rich (1979) and Simpson (1971b, 1972). Discussion of zoogeography rests entirely on taxonomy, and, because penguin taxonomy has been based on traditional "evolutionary taxonomy" rather than "phylogenetic systematics" (cladistics), it is difficult to evaluate palaeozoogeographic hypotheses at present. Nonetheless, it is startling to handle roughly contemporaneous specimens from New Zealand and Seymour Island and find few if any significant differences between them. Penguins, Palaeotemperatures and Gigantism The topic of penguin palaeoecology has dealt mostly with the possible relationships between body size and the physical climate. There has been much discussion, some rather fanciful, about the size of New Zealand and other fossil penguins (see Simpson 1975 for a summary), and this is important in systematics as well as palaeoecology. Because fossils (particularly complete skeletons) are relatively rare, there is little information available on ontogenetic and intraspecific variation in size. Yet, size is widely regarded as taxonomically important. Sizes of fossil penguins are extrapolated from isolated bones on the basis of ratios derived from extant species. Are such extrapolations reliable? There is little evidence of radical 1250 - FORDYCE variation in gross morphology amongst early penguins, but the lack of complete specimens means that we have no idea if body proportions did differ from those of extant species, for example, because of different ecology. Further study is required. Simpson suggested, possibly because of the similar body sizes of the organisms involved, that large penguins disappeared through ecological displacement by cetaceans and seals. MAMMALIA New Zealand is noted for its lack of terrestrial mammals. The only extant indigenous mammals, other than marine mammals, are three species of bat. Mystacina tuberculata and M. robusta are the sole members of the endemic family Mystacinidae and Chalinolobus tuberculatus belongs in the Vespertilionidae. All are known from a few subfossil occurrences (e.g. Holdaway 1989, Millener 1980b) but have no significant fossil record. Other terrestrial mammals known to have been introduced by man (the dog, Canis familiaris, and the rat, Rattus exulans), which sometimes occur in middens, are not discussed. The only mammals considered in detail here are marine mammals, the cetaceans and seals. It is possible that terrestrial mammals once lived in New Zealand, and it would seem appropriate to explore likely fossiliferous horizons. It was long thought that the absence of older mammal fossils from Australia indicated a short history of mammals there, but the recent discovery of a mid Cretaceous monotreme (Archer et al. 1985) indicates otherwise. The presence of theropod and omithopod dinosaurs in the New Zealand fossil fauna supports the idea of physical links with Australia until or about the middle of the Cretaceous, and the ancestors of other faunal elements are regarded widely as having reached New Zealand before the split with Australia-Antarctica: Sphenodon, Leiopelma, Dinornithiformes, and many plants. Placental mammals may have reached New Zealand then. The absence of Recent mammals or younger fossils could reflect such events as reduced land area during the middle Cainozoic, fragmentation of land into an archipelago, or climatic extremes during the late Cainozoic. Seals: Pinnipedia Seals are amphibious carnivores that encompass two main groups: true seals (Phocoidea; traditionally Phocidae and Odobenidae), and fur-seals and sea-lions (Otarioidea: Otariidae). Nomenclature, especially the number of higher taxa and their ranks, is in a state of flux, particularly as Wyss (1987, 1988) reassessed relationships and suggested that seals are monophyletic. For other recent reviews of these groups, see Berta & Deméré (1986), King (1983b), de Muizon (1981), Repenning & Tedford (1977; includes many figures of bones), and Repenning et al. (1979). Illustrations of seal bones, which may help in identifying fossils, have been provided in many articles. For examples, see de Muizon (1981), Repenning & Tedford (1977), and Scarlett (1972b). New Zealand fossils represent both phocids and otariids. None of the published specimens is certainly older than Pleistocene. The few specimens known were reviewed by Fleming (1968), and further commen was provided later by King (1973) and Weston et al. (1973). The outline below is based mainly on these articles. Otariidae A supposed new species of Otariidae, Arctocephalus caninus Berry, 1928, was established from a mandible of supposed Opoitian (Early Pliocene) age from near Cape Kidnappers, Hawke's Bay. Weston et al. (1973) demonstrated that the mandible is probably less than 1000 years old. It probably represents the extant Phocarctos hookeri - Hooker's sea-lion (Berry & FOSSIL VERTEBRATES OF NEW ZEALAND - 1251 King 1970, Beu & Grant-Taylor 1975, Weston et al. 1973). An "almost complete skull" from Figure 20. Fossil pinnipeds and cetaceans from New Zealand. A, Lateral view of fossil mandible of Ross seal, Ommatophoca rossi, latest Pliocene, after King (1973); scale bar, 20 mm, body outline, after Walker 1975, shows living Ross seal; B, dorsal view of reconstruction of skull of "Prosqualodon” hamiltoni Benham, after Fordyce (1978), scale bar, 200 mm; C, dorsal view of reconstruction of skull of "Prosqualodon" marplesi, after Dickson, scale bar, 200 mm. Rostrum may have been longer than shown. 1252 - FORDYCE Castlecliffian (Upper Pleistocene) sediments, Ohope, near Whakatane, represents another otariid, which King (1983a) recently described as the new species Neophoca palatina, placed in a formerly monotypic genus. King gave detailed comparisons, but did not explicitly identify synapomorphies which might be of use in otariid systematics. A third otariid is represented by four as-yet undescribed thoracic vertebrae collected before 1887 from the Butlers Shell Conglomerate (Okehuan, Early Pleistocene), near Kai-iwi, Wanganui (Fleming 1953:175, 1968). Park (1887a: 63) suggested that the vertebrae may have been derived from older sediments, but the reason for this idea is not clear. I have not examined the specimen. Phocidae King (1973) described a mandible of the extant phocid, Ommatophoca rossi (Fig. 20), from limestone (Hautawan, Late Pliocene) near Napier. The Ross Seal now occurs mainly in pack- ice around Antarctica. This fossil record represents a marked range extension which may have been a response to expanded cool water belts in the Southern Ocean. Another phocid is represented by a few skull fragments of probable Nukumaruan (latest Pliocene or Early Pleistocene) age from near Waipunga, Hawke's Bay. The skull originally was complete, but was broken by its discoverers (Fleming 1968). Fleming noted that J.A.Berry had concluded that the fragments are those of a species in a new genus close to the extant elephant seals, Mirounga . Other records There are only a few other records apart from those listed by Fleming (1968). Of older possible records, Park (1910: 128) stated that "bones and vertebrae" of a seal were collected from blue estuarine mudstone (Burnside Marl, mainly Kaiatan, but Bortonian and Runangan in part, Middle and Late Eocene) near Dunedin. This record was mentioned without further discussion by Service (1934) and Paterson (1941). Marples (1949a) stated that the bones, which were never described, appear to have been lost. If mammalian, this supposed seal was probably cetacean (see discussion below), but it is possible that it could have been a penguin or teleost. Mutch (in Suggate et al. 1978: 520) stated that the remains of seals had been found in the basal Clarendon Sand (Otaian, Early Miocene) near Milburn, South Otago. The identity and whereabouts of these specimens are unknown, and this seems a dubious record. I have examined the "vertebra from the upper miocene beds at Castle Hill, which appears to belong to the tail of a seal" (Hutton 1900b: 227). It is probably Oligocene in age, and may be from a small odontocete. Hutton (1885a: 212) stated that a "skull of a large Sea Elephant" (Mirounga sp.) had been found in Pleistocene gravels near Oamaru, Hector (1880b) also mentioned Mirounga sp., presumably Quaternary. Grant-Mackie & Scarlett (1973:98) listed bones of the extant species, Arctocephalus forsteri, from the Hillgrove Formation (Oturian, Last Interglacial, ¢. 36,000 years old) near Oamaru, and J.A. Grant-Mackie (pers. comm.) reported recently that bones of elephant seals, Mirounga sp., have been identified provisionally from these strata. Whitten (1973, unpublished thesis, per J.A,Grant-Mackie, pers. comm.) collected a small bone, apparently of a phocid seal, from the Tangahoe Formation (Waipipian, Late Pliocene) on the coast west of Hawera. What appears to be part of a seal flipper is known from apparent Late Miocene rocks near Mangaweka (Department of Geology collections, University of Auckland). These specimens have not been described formally yet. Other authors have indicated the presence of supposedly fossil seals in New Zealand (e.g. Mantell 1850: 337, Kellogg 1922: 107-108, table at page 46). These almost certainly are specimens from archaeological sites. Inasmuch as Miocene phocids now are known from Victoria, Australia (Fordyce & Flannery 1983), other finds of pre-Pleistocene seals can be expected in New Zealand. FOSSIL VERTEBRATES OF NEW ZEALAND - 1253 Whales, Dolphins, Porpoises: Cetacea New Zealand fossil Cetacea are diverse, and locally abundant (Figs 20-23). For many years they were little studied, were regarded as difficult to work with, and were considered an impediment to better things. For example, J. Marwick (in letter to H.D. Skinner, 26 July 1938; letter in Otago Museum) commented ". . . the bones are too fragmentary to be identified other than marine mammal. . . I don't think the specimen is worth keeping, even if the locality were known for certain. Best build up that low place at the back of the section". Cetacean fossils are perhaps most conspicuous in thin calcareous sediments of the Landon Series (Oligocene), and are known to range back to the Late Eocene in New Zealand. Most of the described species are of Late Oligocene age, but there are noteworthy Early Oligocene and Neogene records. The fossil cetacean fauna has not been the subject of monographic treatment, although an unpublished thesis (Fordyce 1978, 1979c) reviewed the morphology and systematics of many specimens. A guide to the history of study up to 1978 was given by Fordyce (1980a). More recent work has been mostly that of Bearlin (1985, 1987a, 1987b, 1988) and Fordyce (e.g. 1977a, 1979a, 1982a, 1983a, 1984a, 1985a, 1985b, 1985d, 1987a, 1987b, 1988b, 1989a, 1989b). Some of these recent summaries cover new finds that have not been described formally yet. Otherwise, most of the published information comprises either incidental records, or older descriptions which require revision in the light of modern concepts of systematics. Many identifications remain suspect (including a few of Fordyce 1978), largely because of the difficulty involved in making comparisons with taxa described overseas. All three cetacean suborders are represented in New Zealand: Archaeoceti (extinct; paraphyletic group), archaic toothed whales; Odontoceti (extant), modern toothed whales, dolphins and porpoises; and Mysticeti (extant), filter-feeding baleen whales. The systematic a of the more important specimens are summarised in Table 6 and are discussed in the text below. Archaeoceti (Archaic Toothed Whales) There are provisional records of Archaeoceti from New Zealand, but clearly diagnostic skull remains have not been found yet. One individual is represented by two teeth reminiscent of those of the Northern Hemisphere genus Dorudon (Fig. 22). The teeth, originally identified by Haast (1879: 311) as those of a crocodile, were probably from the Waihao Greensand, Bortonian-Kaiatan Stages (Middle-Late Eocene) at Waihao River, South Canterbury (Fordyce 1985b). Park (1910: 128) noted that undescribed "bones and vertebrae" of a "seal" had been found in the Burnside Mudstone (Bortonian-Runangan, Middle-Late Eocene) at an unspecified site (probably Burnside Quarry) near Dunedin. As odontocetes and mysticetes probably did not evolve until the Early Oligocene, and seals not until late in the Oligocene, it is possible that the "seal" was an archacocete (Fordyce 1980c: 325). The problematic cetacean Kekenodon onamata Hector, 1881a, is known positively only from the holotype skull fragments (Fig. 21) from the Wharekuri Greensand, Whaingaroan or Duntroonian Stage (Early or Late Oligocene; Marwick 1959), at Wharekuri, North Otago. The most detailed description of the holotype is that of Kellogg (1936). Other specimens have been referred to the species, but either these are known to represent other species of Cetacea (e.g. the specimens discussed by Hector 1894: 119 and McKay 1882a: 67-68, 1882b: 103-104) or their identity is unknown (e.g. specimens mentioned by Gudex 1918: 253, 258, Hutton 1888a: 259, and Park 1905, 1910: 129, and 1911: 545-548). Kekenodon onamata has been identified as an archacocete (e.g. Hector 1881; Kellogg 1936; Fordyce 1979b, 1980c), although recently this status was questioned (Barnes & Mitchell 1978, Fordyce 1982c). The holotype does not exhibit characters that presently warrant its placement in the Odontoceti or Mysticeti, but is too incomplete to place confidently. It is more specialised than other species normally placed 1254 - FORDYCE in Archacoceti, but is retained there provisionally in the Basilosaurinae as a late-persisting relict species (cf. Fordyce 1982c: 669). Problematic Cetacea Marples (1949b) described a large natural cranial endocast probably from the Milburn Limestone (Waitakian, Late Oligocene-earliest Miocene) from the Milburn area, South Otago. Marples believed that the endocast represented an archacocete-like cetacean, but until more comparative material is available, odontocete or mysticete affinities cannot be discounted. Mysticeti (Baleen Whales) - Problematic Mysticetes Mysticetes are usually thought of as toothless, and such representative baleen whales are discussed below. However, some toothed fossil taxa are known. For some time these were allied with Archacoceti or Odontoceti because of the plesiomorphic presence of teeth. The only family currently available for toothed mysticetes is the Aetiocetidae, which is not yet reported formally from New Zealand and is strictly known so far from only two north-east Pacific species. The toothed taxa which occur in New Zealand probably do not belong here. B AA \ \ f F a aan Mn (\ ' *)y Pay ‘yee WG Figure 21, Harbones of fossil Cetacea from New Zealand. A, periotic of Kekenodon onamata Hector, ventral view, from Fordyce (1978) scale bar, 10 mm; B, periotic of Kekenodon onamata Hector, dorsal view, from Fordyce (1978), scale bar, 10 mm; C, tympanic bulla of "Mauicetus" lophocephalus Marples, internal view, from Fordyce (1978), scale bar,1O mm; D, periotic of Mauicetus parki (Benham), ventral view, scale bar, 10 mm; E, periotic of new species of Mysticeti (= Kekenodon onamata of Benham), ventral view, from Fordyce (1978), scale bar,10 mm. F, Periotic of new species of Mysticeti (= Kekenodon onamata of Benham), dorsal view, from Fordyce (1978), scale bar, 10 mm; G, periotic of "Prosqualodon" hamiltoni Benham, ventral view, from Fordyce (1978), scale bar, 10 mm; H, periotic of "Prosqualodon" hamiltoni Benham, ventral view, from Fordyce (1978), scale bar, 10 mm. The primitive toothed mysticete Mammalodon colliveri is known from the holotype skull and other material from the Jan Juc Formation, latest Oligocene, Victoria, Australia (Fordyce 1984a, and manuscript A). It is not an aetiocetid, but represents a group of bizarre small mysticetes in which the rostrum is short. Recently, two New Zealand localities in the FOSSIL VERTEBRATES OF NEW ZEALAND - 1255 eee Greensand (Duntroonian, Late Oligocene) have yielded remains of a Mammalodon- like cetacean (Geology Museum collections, University of Otago). One specimen, an incomplete periotic from Waihao River (South Canterbury), closely matches Australian ) material, and could be conspecific with M. colliveri . Another, a fragment of skull, teeth and a bulla from Hakataramea from (South Canterbury), is less certainly Mammalodon. A third toothed specimen, collected recently from Waihao River (South Canterbury) and still not fully prepared, has denticulate heterodont teeth reminiscent of those of some dorudontine archaeocetes. The periotic has features that are difficult to interpret cladistically but which are seen both in Mammalodon and Kekenodon. This specimen probably represents Figure 22. Teeth of fossil Cetacea from New Zealand. A, cf. Dorudon sp., of Fordyce (1985b), lingual view, from Fordyce (1978), scale bar, 10 mm; B, "Squalodon" serratus Davis, buccal view, from Fordyce (1978), scale bar, 10 mm. C, "Squalodon" serratus Davis, anterior view, from Fordyce (1978), scale bar, 10 mm; D, ?Mysticeti indet. (= protosqualodont of Keyes 1973), anterior cheek-tooth, lingual view, from Fordyce (1978), scale bar, 10 mm; E, ?Mysticeti indet. (= protosqualodont of Keyes 1973), posterior cheek- tooth, buccal view, from Fordyce (1978); scale bar,10 mm.; F, Tangaroasaurus kakanuiensis Benham, cheek- tooth, anterior view, from Fordyce (1978), scale bar, 10 mm; G, Tangaroasaurus kakanuiensis Benham, cheek-tooth, lingual view, from Fordyce (1978), scale bar, 10 mm. 1256 - FORDYCE another taxon of toothed mysticete. The teeth are larger and smoother than, but are otherwise similar to those of another probable toothed mysticete (Fordyce 1985d, 1989a), known only from a partial mandible which retains apparent homologues of archaeocete premolars P1 to P4 and molar 1. The cylindrical jaw and lack of symphysis at P1 level suggest mysticete affinities, although odontocete affinities were mentioned previously (Fordyce 1980c). The jaw is from the lower Whaingaroan (earlier Oligocene) Amuri Limestone, which may make it one of the oldest known mysticetes. Other specimens are even more problematic. One, "Squalodon" serratus Davis, 1888a, is known only from the holotype, an isolated cheek-tooth (Fig. 22). This was probably from the Omihi Formation (possibly Weka Pass Stone Member, later Whaingaroan-Duntroonian) at Karetu River, North Canterbury. The holotype, which Glaessner (1972) redescribed, exhibits no features that indicate previously suggested close relationships with either Squalodon spp. in the strict sense (cf. Glaessner 1972) or Kekenodon onamata, and "Squalodon" serratus is probably a mysticete. The isolated holotype tooth is similar to one from an incomplete specimen from Oregon, north-east Pacific (Fordyce 1980d), and the Oregon specimen in turn has skull features reminiscent of Mammalodon colliveri. Keyes (1973) described two "protosqualodont" teeth from the McDonald Limestone, near Oamaru. ‘The source horizon is probably Whaingaroan Stage (Early Oligocene), but could be Runangan (latest Eocene). Fragments of skull and two more teeth of this specimen (Fig. 24; Fordyce 1978) have not been properly described yet. The specimen is probably a primitive mysticete. In turn, it is similar to the Oregon specimen mentioned above. Whether the similarities between these fossils are derived characters that indicate close relationships, or whether they are primitive or homoplasous characters, is uncertain. Family Cetotheriidae Cetotheres comprise a diverse range of toothless carly mysticetes which have been classified together mainly because they lack characters typical of extant mysticetes but are more derived than the toothed mysticetes. Cetotheres differ from Balaenopteridae (extant) in the primitive lack of an abruptly depressed supraorbital process. The family, therefore is strictly nonmonophyletic, and requires revision. Family Cetotheriidae is used here more broadly than by Fordyce (1982c), which acknowledges both the nomenclatural convenience of the group and the difficulty of revising it. There are many Oligocene to earliest Miocene cetotheres from New Zealand, but there are no significant younger Neogene records (Bearlin 1985, 1988). The first formally named New Zealand species, Mauicetus parki (Benham, 1937a) is known only from the holotype, an incomplete skull and earbone (Fig. 23) in the Geology Museum collections, University of Otago. The holotype probably came from the Milburn Limestone (Waitakian, Late Oligocene- earliest Miocene), at or near Milburn, South Otago. Benham (1937a, 1939, 1942) referred many other specimens to M. parki but none is demonstrably conspecific (see Fordyce 1980b: 28-32). M. parki is primitive amongst Mysticeti in its relatively long intertemporal region and is one of the older mysticetes described (Fordyce 1980c, Rothausen 1971). The species does seem to represent a distinct genus, in contrast to the suggestion of Glaessner (1955). Marples (1956) described three new species which he referred to Mauicetus. These species are based on rather incomplete specimens, and their relationships are not clear. Recently, however, more Oligocene mysticetes have been collected from the Kokoamu Greensand (Fordyce 1987b, manuscript A), and these should help resolve some of the problems in taxonomy. The Kokoamu Greensand is mostly of Duntroonian (Late Oligocene) age but is locally late Whaingaroan (later Early Oligocene), Information about this important unit was given by, for example, Fordyce et al. (1985), Gage (1957, 1959) and Hornibrook (1966). "Mauicetus" lophocephalus Marples, 1956, is known only from the holotype skull (Fig. 25; now lost), mandible, carbones (Fig, 21), vertebrae, and forelimb elements, which came FOSSIL VERTEBRATES OF NEW ZEALAND - 1257 from the Kokoamu Greensand near Duntroon, North Otago. "M." lophocephalus is not congeneric with M. parki, the type-species of the genus (Benham 1939), is more primitive than this species, and is more primitive than other species usually assigned to the Cetotheriidae. Fordyce (1982c) placed it in family incertae sedis (of uncertain relationships at family level), but, for reasons mentioned above, Cetotheriidae is used here. Another species, "Mauicetus" waitakiensis Marples, 1956, is known positively only from the holotype skull fragments, earbones, and a few vertebrae. These were also from the Kokoamu Greensand at Kokoamu, near Duntroon, North Otago. It represents a species similar to and possibly congeneric with "M." lophocephalus, and it appears not to be congeneric with M., parki. Marples’ third species, "Mauicetus" brevicollis Marples, 1956, is known only from the holotype vertebrae and limb fragments, which came from the Otekaike Limestone (Gage 1957; Waitakian, latest Oligocene-earliest Miocene), west of Duntroon, North Otago. This species lacks skull bones or earbones, which makes comparisons difficult. It is not clearly congeneric with Mauicetus parki,"M." lophocephalus or "M." waitakiensis, but it will be difficult to diagnose the species or determine its relationships until a skull is found. At present, the relationship of "M." brevicollis to other specimens from the Duntroonian or Waitakian (Fordyce 1980b, 1983d, 1987b) is uncertain. Many new mysticetes have been collected from the Kokoamu Greensand and laterally equivalent sediments, mainly in south-eastern South Island (Fordyce 1987a, 1989b, and manuscript A) but only a few have been mentioned in print. These specimens indicate an unsuspected early diversity amongst mysticetes, and should ultimately expand the record of mysticetes significantly. Several skulls are known. Of note is one large skull with an original length estimated at 2 m, which has well-developed vascular grooves for baleen, forward-placed nares and long parietals (Geology Museum collections, University of Otago). This skull (figured in Fordyce manuscript A) is reminiscent of Marples’ reconstruction of "Mauicetus" lophocephalus, but is not conspecific. Other skulls are known. The as-yet unpublished study of the periotics and/or bullae of these species (e.g. Fig. 23) indicates the presence in the Kokoamu Greensand, laterally equivalent greensands, and basal Otekaike Limestone, of at least thirteen cetothere species that differ from "M." lophocephalus (Fordyce 1978, 1987a, 1989b). These are not clearly conspecific with "M." waitakiensis either. Two of these mysticetes were described in part by Benham (1937c) who identified them wrongly as Kekenodon onamata. Both specimens were collected by McKay (1882a, 1882b; see Fordyce 1980b). Benham's specimen "2" was misidentified by Fordyce (1980c: 327) as a balaenid. Some of these thirteen species might ultimately be placed in families other than Cetotheriidae sensu stricto. Another undescribed mysticete is represented by mandibles and skull fragments from the Abel Head Formation (Duntroonian, Late Oligocene), at Puponga. This was identified by Whitmore & Sanders (1977) as a probable cetothere, Fordyce (1980c: 326-7) briefly mentioned the incomplete rostrum of an as-yet undescribed mysticete from Whaingaroan (Early Oligocene) limestones in southeast Nelson. This provides a firm early record of baleen-bearing mysticetes. Other undescribed specimens, from the basal upper Whaingaroan part of the Kokoamu Greensand, may be equally as old. Family Balaenopteridae Rorquals (Middle Miocene to Recent) are represented by at least two skulls from the Neogene (Bearlin 1985, 1988; Fordyce 1980b). Hector (1881a) mentioned one in abstract, where he identified it as similar to Balaenoptera and stated that it was from the Miocene of Westland (Fig. 23). Neither the age nor the locality is known certainly. Bearlin (1985) identified it as a species of Balaenoptera, and discounted relationships (¢f. Fordyce 1982a) with the cetothere "Plesiocetus" dyticus Cabrera, 1926 from South America. 1258 - FORDYCE Figure 23. Dorsal views of skulls of fossil Mysticeti from New Zealand. A, "Mauicetus" lophocephalus Marples, after Marples (1956), scale bar, 500 mm; B, cf. Balaenoptera sp. (of Hector), reconstruction by Bearlin (1987a), scale bar, 500 mm; C, Balaenoptera sp. (of Bearlin 1985), after Bearlin (1985), scale bar, 500 mm. The second specimen is a relatively complete skull (National Museum of New Zealand collections) from Opoitian (Early Pliocene) mudstone of the Waiouru Formation in Taihape. Bearlin (1985) indicated that this may represent a new genus and species close to Balaenoptera, but later (1988) identified it as a probable new species of Balaenoptera (Fig. 23). Previously, Gaskin (1972: Fig. 3) identified it as a cetothere. Balaenopterids are represented by at least one indeterminate earbone from Chatham Rise phosphorites, which are of Middle or Late Miocene age (Fordyce 1984b). Family Balaenidae Right whales (Early Miocene to Recent) have not been described formally from New Zealand. No positively identified specimens are known, in contrast to the rather common occurrences in Australia (Bearlin 1985, Fordyce 1982b). Kingma (1971: Fig. 24) figured the isolated mandible of a large mysticete, possibly a balaenid, in Nukumaruan (latest Pliocene- Early Pleistocene) gravels at Matapiro, Hawke's Bay. An undescribed mysticete periotic and associated bone scraps from Middle-Late Miocene mudstone (stage uncertain) at Gore Bay, previously thought to represent a balaenid (Fordyce 1982c), appears to be a balaenopterid (Bearlin 1987). The supposed balaenid of Duntroonian age (Late Oligocene), mentioned by Fordyce (1980c: 327) was misidentified. Odontoceti - Family Agorophiidae Primitive odontocetes of the type traditionally classified in the Family Agorophiidae have not been reported from the southwest Pacific, Conversely, many specimens occur in Oligocene rocks in the north-east Pacific (Oregon and Washington States) and those bordering the west FOSSIL VERTEBRATES OF NEW ZEALAND - 1259 Atlantic. Their absence from otherwise fossiliferous rocks in New Zealand could reflect biases in collecting and preservation, or real differences between northem and southern faunas. Family Squalodontidae "Shark-toothed dolphins", usefully reviewed by Rothausen (1968; see also Pledge & Rothausen 1977), are represented by at least three species in New Zealand (Table 6). Other nominal species of Squalodontidae cannot be referred positively to family at present, but some probably do represent Squalodontidae. "Prosqualodon" hamiltoni Benham, 1937c, is known with certainty only from the lectotype skull (Figs 20, 21) and associated elements of Waitakian (Late Oligocene-earliest Miocene) age, reportedly from Caversham, in Dunedin (Fordyce 1980b). "Prosqualodon" hamiltoni had a relatively long and broad rostrum, and probably does not belong to Prosqualodon in the strict sense (Fordyce 1980b, 1980c, Rothausen 1970). "Prosqualodon" hamiltoni may be the unspecified New Zealand squalodontid which Dal Piaz (1977) suggested was related to a new species of Italian squalodontid. "Squalodon" andrewi Benham, 1942 is a problematic species based on an inadequate type from the Milburn Limestone (Waitakian, Late Oligocene-earliest Miocene), at Milburn (Andrew 1906). The species, as represented by the holotype, could be conspecific with "P." hamiltoni. However, since the type of "S." andrewi is poor, the name is probably a nomen dubium - a name of uncertain application. Benham referred other material to the species, but none of the referred material is clearly conspecific with the holotype. For example, the strongly ornamented nominal paratype teeth referred to "Squalodon" andrewi represent another cetacean, possibly a species of Prosqualodon. Another squalodontid which is close to or conspecific with the Tasmanian Prosqualodon davidis, is represented by isolated teeth apparently from the Milburn Limestone (Waitakian, Late Oligocene-earliest Miocene), in South Otago (Fordyce 1984a: Fig. 20). Isolated cetacean teeth are generally difficult to identify, but in this case the teeth are strikingly similar in size, shape and ornament to those of Prosqualodon davidis Flynn, 1923 (Early Miocene, Tasmania; Flynn 1948). Prosqualodon davidis in turn may be conspecific with Prosqualodon australis from the Late Oligocene-Early Miocene of Patagonia (M.A. Cozzuol, pers. comm.). Long-beaked Squalodontidae are represented by an undescribed large skull and jaws from the Otekaike Limestone, Waitakian Stage, near Duntroon (Late Oligocene-earliest Miocene). The specimen, which was figured by Fordyce (manuscript B), is in the Geology Museum collections, University of Otago. Two species known from incomplete jaws and robust, heterodont teeth are referred provisionally to the Squalodontidae. However, it will not be possible to positively identify the family until complete skulls are discovered. Tangaroasaurus kakanuiensis Benham, 1935a, is known only from the holotype teeth (e.g. Fig. 22) and jaws. These came from the Rifle Butts Formation (= Tokama Siltstone; Otaian or Altonian, Early Miocene), Kakanui, North Otago. Benham originally described the specimen as an ichthyosaur (see Anon. 1935a, Camp 1942, Heune 1936). A second possible squalodontid is represented by a fragment of mandible with supernumerary teeth, described by Fordyce (1983a). This is from the Milburn Limestone (Waitakian, Late Oligocene-earliest Miocene), South Otago, and is in the Geology Museum collections, University of Otago. Another specimen, part of a large rostrum (Otekaike Limestone, Ngapara, North Otago), was listed as a possible squalodontid ("P hoberodon-like species" of Fordyce 1982c). However, this is more likely to represent a physeterid (sperm whale). ae described nominal species of Squalodontidae may belong in that family, or may represent other heterodont, early odontocetes. They are placed in Squalodontidae in Table 6 merely for convenience. Of these, Microcetus hectori Benham, 1935b (Anon. 1935b), was based on a right mandible, which Benham identified as the left maxilla. It was collected by 1260 - FORDYCE McKay (1882b) from the Otekaike Limestone, Waitakian Stage (Late Oligocene-earliest Miocene), probably from near the Otekaike River or near Wharekuri, North Otago. The mandible was associated with a skull (Fordyce 1980b: 16), which was prepared in 1986 but has not been described yet. Rothausen (1961) noted that "M." hectori is probably not congeneric with Microcetus in the strict sense, and I support this conclusion. Undescribed teeth, a periotic, skull fragments and vertebrae collected by Marples from the Kokoamu Greensand (Duntroonian, Late Oligocene), Duntroon, North Otago, may represent a species ancestral to "M." hectori. This specimen was briefly mentioned by Fordyce (1980c: 327). The structure of the holotype teeth of "M"." hectori, and of the teeth and periotic of the older specimen, is unlike those of more-typical squalodontids (e.g. species of Squalodon), and the specimens may not be Squalodontidae. Nomenclature is further complicated by the observation that "M." hectori could be conspecific with the contemporaneous, possibly topotypic, and similar sized species "Prosqualodon" marplesi Dickson, 1964. Comparisons are difficult because there are not enough common elements preserved. "P." marplesi was based on a rather complete skull (Fig. 20) and associated elements from the Otekaike Limestone (Waitakian), near Otekaike River, North Otago. The dotted reconstruction on Figure 20 is speculative, and there is no clear idea of the length of the rostrum. No referred specimens have been described. The holotype appears not to represent a species of Prosqualodon (sensu Stricto) (Fordyce 1980b, 1980c). It does not show any features that indicate clear affinities with Squalodontidae. Austrosqualodon trirhizodonta Climo & Baker, 1972, is known only from the holotype mandibles from the Abel Head Formation (Duntroonian), Puponga, Northwest Nelson. Climo & Baker assigned the species to the Squalodontidae because its empty tooth sockets indicate a heterodont dentition (plesiomorphy), but the incomplete holotype mandibles exhibit no squalodontid features. A relatively complete skull which lacks teeth and mandibles was collected from the nearby Aorere River, but whether it is related to A. trirhizodonta is uncertain. The skull is in the Geology Museum collections, University of Otago. Park (1890) also mentioned fossil Cetacea from Aorere area. Family Eurhinodelphidae Eurhinodelphids (for a time called Rhabdosteidae), which are typically small to medium- sized odontocetes with medium to long rostra, may be represented by at least two specimens. Phocaenopsis mantelli Huxley, 1859a (see also 1859b-1859d), is known only from the holotype, an isolated humerus from the Rifle Butts Formation (= Tokama Siltstone; Altonian, Early Miocene) at Awamoa or Old Rifle Butts, near Oamaru. Previously the species was identified wrongly as a porpoise (family Phocoenidae) of Pleistocene age (Walker 1975). Eurhinodelphid affinities are not certain, and the species is best placed family incertae sedis until new material is found (Fordyce 1982a; also see Abel 1905). Earbones and skull fragments of a small odontocete from the Waima Formation (Waitakian or Otaian, latest Oligocene or Early Miocene) at Kaikoura, Marlborough, probably represent a eurhinodelphid. This specimen, which is in the Canterbury Museum collections, had been identified as a kentriodontid (Fordyce 1980c: 328) because of its similarity to eurhinodelphid material described overseas and there misidentified as kentriodontid. It is possible that some worn periotics from Chatham Rise, which Fordyce (1984b) identified provisionally as ziphiid, are from eurhinodelphids. Family Ziphiidae Beaked whales (Ziphiidae) are represented by several specimens. Fordyce & Cullen (1979) described a worn ziphiid mandible recovered by dredging from the sea-floor on the Chatham Rise, east of the South Island. The mandible is not identifiable to generic level. It is probably of Middle or Late Miocene age. At least two ziphiid periotics (including cf. Hyperoodon sp.) are also known from the Chatham Rise (Fordyce 1984b), and undescribed ziphiid rostra with FOSSIL VERTEBRATES OF NEW ZEALAND - 1261 ossified mesethmoids were recently (mid-1988) dredged from the Rise. Hector (in Gray 1871) mentioned that skulls of the extant genus Berardius (species not stated) were relatively common in "the old alluvial deposit" from unspecified localities, and Dieseldorff (1901) mentioned a skull of Ziphius, but none of these specimens nor their locality and age appear to have been described. Family Physeteridae Sperm whales are known only from a few isolated elements. A worn tooth is reportedly from the Te Aute Limestone at Waipukurau, Hawke's Bay (Fordyce 1978; Canterbury Museum, Christchurch collections). It is probably of Mangapanian age (Late Pliocene; Beu et al. 1980), Isolated teeth which match those of form-genus Scaldicetus are known from Middle or Late Miocene phosphorites on the Chatham Rise (Fordyce 1984b). : Part of a large rostrum from the Otekaike Limestone (Waitakian, latest Oligocene - earliest Miocene) near Ngapara in North Otago, probably represents an early sperm whale. The specimen was earlier listed as a possible squalodontid ("Phoberodon-like species" of Fordyce 1982c) because it has remnants of a heterodont dentition. Its large size and the thick layers of cementum on the incomplete teeth strongly suggest physeterid affinities. This raises the question as to whether the fragment of mandible with supernumerary teeth (Milburn Limestone, South Otago) described by Fordyce (1983a) might also be a physeterid. Family Kogtidae Pygmy sperm whales, which are sometimes placed as a subfamily of Physeteridae, have been reported only recently from New Zealand. Only one specimen is known, a periotic from Middle or Late Miocene phosphorites on Chatham Rise (Fordyce 1984b, and figure in manuscript A). It is possible that this or some other Chatham Rise specimens are younger than Late Miocene, since bones may have accumulated on the rise over millions of years. Family Kentridontidae Family Kentridontidae was resurrected by Barnes (1978) to encompass dephinoids which have essentially symmetrical crania and from which the true dolphins (Delphinidae; below) apparently arose. There are three possible New Zealand records. One specimen, a partial skull with procumbent teeth, mandibles and earbones represents an undescribed species probably in the genus Kentriodon. It was found in the Te Akatea Siltstone (Waitakian, latest Oligocene - earliest Miocene), just south of Port Waikato, Auckland (Grant-Mackie 1970; Department of Geology collections, University of Auckland). This Kentriodon-like specimen includes part of a natural endocranial cast similar to the "odontocete-like" cetacean endocranial cast described by Marples (1949b). The latter cast was from the Milburn Limestone (also Waitakian), Milburn, South Otago. A third specimen is represented by a recently prepared skull (lacking part of the rostrum), periotic, part mandible, and vertebrae, from the coast between Cape Farewell and Kahurangi Point, northwest Nelson. The fossil, which is in the Geology Museum collections, University of Otago, is from the Kaipuke Siltstone, and is probably of Otaian age (Early Miocene). Isolated periotics and tympanic bullae from Chatham Rise, east of New Zealand, may represent Middle or Late Miocene kentriodontids (Fordyce 1984b), but I have not yet been able to distinguish these specimens positively from those of Delphinidae, since earbones of the two families intergrade in morphology. One supposed kentriodontid from Kaikoura, in Marlborough (Fordyce 1980c: 328) is probably a eurhinodelphid (see above). Family Delphinidae True dolphins are distinguished from kentriodontids by their asymmetrical crania and more extensive basicranial air sinuses (Barnes 1978). They have an increasingly significant New Zealand record. For example, at least four species, probably all extinct, are known from earbones derived from Middle or Late Miocene phosphorites on Chatham Rise, east of New 1262 - FORDYCE Zealand (Fordyce 1984b). The assemblage from the Rise also includes unphosphatised specimens that are likely to be younger than Miocene. Weston et al. (1973) mentioned a partial scapula of probable Waipipian (Late Pliocene) age from Atene, Wanganui, which was identified as that of Tursiops sp. The specimen is probably too incomplete to allow its accurate identification (Fordyce 1978). McKee & Fordyce (1987) described a jaw similar to that of Delphinus or Stenella from the Pliocene of Waihi Beach, Taranaki. Amongst undescribed fossils, a tooth similar to those of the extant killer whale, Orcinus orca, was collected from the Greta Siltstone (Nukumaruan, latest Pliocene-Early Pleistocene) at Motunau, North Canterbury. The worn cranium of a Globicephala-like broad-beaked delphinid was found in a float concretion at Glenafric, near Motunau. The age is uncertain, but the likely source sediments in the immediate area are no younger than Miocene. Both fossils are in Canterbury Museum collections, Christchurch. The small, partial basicranium of another possible delphinid is also known from this site (Geology Museum collections, University of Otago). A skull of Delphinus aff. delphis from blue clays (Waitotaran) at Waihi Beach, near Hawera (F.M. Climo, pers. comm.) has not been described formally yet. An undescribed skull, possibly that of a species close to the extant false killer whale, Pseudorca crassidens, is known from the Te Aute Limestone (Opoitian-Nukumaruan, Late Pliocene-Early Pleistocene; National Museum of New Zealand collections) at Napier. Other delphinid fossils are in the collections of the Geology Museum (University of Otago), Canterbury Museum, National Museum of New Zealand, New Zealand Geological Survey, and Department of Geology collections, University of Auckland. Family Phocoenidae Porpoises (Phocoenidae) are known provisionally from a single periotic of an unknown species from Middle or Late Miocene phosphorites on Chatham Rise, east of New Zealand (Fordyce 1989b). Fordyce (1984b) identified the specimen provisionally as Kentriodontidae or Delphinidae indeterminate. Other Families of Odontoceti There are not yet any certain fossil records of families Plantanistidae, Lipotidae, Iniidae, or Pontoporiidae from New Zealand. There is no reason to expect to find them, since fossil and extant representatives of these groups are found far from the Southwest Pacific. Other Work There are many other incidental references to local fossil Cetacea, many of which were listed by Fordyce (1980b) together with brief comment on the content of the articles involved. These references give information about localities and taxonomy. Examples include those of Adams (1910), Anon. (1873), Anon. (1875), Anon. (1878a), Benson (1968), Carlson et al. (1980), Dal Piaz (1977), Fordyce (1977b, 1983b, 1988b, 1989b, manuscript A, manuscript B), Gage (1952), Grange (1927), Gregg (1959), Hall (1911), Hamilton (1903b and 1904), Hector (1876a, 1882a, 1882b, 1887, 1889, 1892a, 1892b, 1900), Henderson & Grange (1926), Hill (1900), Hochstetter (1864; see Fleming 1959a), Hornibrook (1966), Hutton (1888b, 1900a), Hutton & Ulrich (1875), Kellogg (1923), McKay (1877b, 1877f, 1877g, 1881d), Marshall (1910, 1912a, 1912b), Mason (1941), Morgan (1911), Park (1890, 1918, 1921, 1923), Speden & Keyes (1981), Speight (1912), Speight & Wild (1918), Stromer (1915), J.A. Thomson (1906, 1920, 1926b), J.T. Thomson (1874), and Ward & Lewis (1975). FOSSIL VERTEBRATES OF NEW ZEALAND - 1263 BROADER ISSUES IN NEW ZEALAND VERTEBRATE PALAEONTOLOGY INTERPRETING THE RECORD Most palaeontologists are more interested in broader patterns of the fossil record than in minor details. Indeed, developments in macroevolution promise to increase both public and scientific interest in palaeontology. However, the New Zealand fossil vertebrate record has so far contributed few specifics to discussion of macroevolution. Potentially, the New Zealand fossils might help interpret aspects of evolution, extinction, and their possible correlation with environmental change such as changing sea-levels (Vail & Hardenbol 1979, Vella 1967), temperatures, elevation (Fleming 1963b) and geography (Fig. 6). There is great scope for speculative interpretation, in the absence of a detailed vertebrate record more typical of some northern continents, although in fairness much of the past speculation has probably usefully explained known patterns and directed future work. More modern examples that discuss specifically New Zealand fossil vertebrates include articles by Schwarzhans (1980, 1981b, 1984, on fish), Simpson (e.g. 1975, on penguins), Fordyce (e.g. 1979a, 1979b, 1980c, on Cetacea), Fordyce & Jones (1989, on penguins) and Fleming (many articles, listed by Keyes 1987, mostly based on neospecies). Quaternary birds, in particular, have got a lot of attention. I do not intend in this review to cover specific case studies, but touch on a few general points of interpretation. APPROACHES TO TAXONOMY Some general aspects of systematics are relevant here, since they govern approaches to the local fossil, recently extinct and extant vertebrates. For example, few local palaeontologists have considered principles of cladistics in their work (but cf. Fordyce & Jones 1989, Worthy 1987a: Fig. 40). Most taxa, therefore, have been defined by an amalgam of primitive and derived characters (for a recent example see Wiffen & Moisley 1986: 213-4, 250). These definitions of taxa have been supported at times by non-morphological attributes, such as inferred ecology and inferred geographic distribution. For example, Fleming (in Newman 1982: 342) commented on the role of likely geographic distribution in making taxonomic decisions, as did Scarlett (1983: 419) when establishing a new genus, and Worthy (1987a) commented on the geography of Ascaphidae and Leiopelmatidae. Stratigraphic range seems not to have been used as an integral part of definitions of New Zealand fossil vertebrate taxa. Presumably, while some commonly discussed groups are monophyletic, others are paraphyletic or polyphyletic. Caution may be required, then, in interpreting the record of many commonly accepted taxa. COMPLETENESS OF RECORDS Many higher taxa have marked gaps in their stratigraphic records. Are the gaps real (taxa have not been in the New Zealand region), or are they a result of biased study? For example, Keyes (1984) noted new local records of chondrichthyan taxa that are really quite common but were not recognized because they are small and best recovered by screening. Few teleostean skeletons have been described. No local pre-Quaternary specimens of Sphenodon or Leiopelma are known, and there are a few scraps of pre-Quaternary moa, yet ancestors of these taxa are thought widely to have been represented in New Zealand since the Mesozoic (Cracraft 1975, 1264 - FORDYCE 1980a, Fleming 1979, Hutton 1873). Were terrestrial mammals once present? Amongst the rather better represented marine vertebrates, there are many Palaeogene penguins but few that are stratigraphically well-placed from the Miocene. Odontocete and mysticete cetaceans, which have a good local Late Oligocene record, probably evolved during the Early Oligocene (Fordyce 1980c). It is ironic that Cetacea of this apparently important age are known poorly locally and globally (e.g. Fordyce manuscript A). And, we are profoundly ignorant about the stratigraphic distribution of New Zealand fossil vertebrates in units older than the relatively complete later Cretaceous-Cainozoic sequences (Fig. 4). NEW ZEALAND TYPE SPECIMENS New Zealand workers, like those from some other former colonies, face the problem of type specimens that are housed overseas. Some moas, Cretaceous reptiles and one cetacean, for example, are currently in Britain where they may well be curated more securely than some New Zealand collections are at present. Regretfully, material has not only gone overseas permanently for study but some important specimens have been lost in transit or upon arrival overseas. Examples include Cretaceous reptiles (see Welles & Gregg 1971), an apparently rather complete skeleton of a Neogene penguin from North Canterbury (R.J. Scarlett, pers. comm.), and the Permo-Triassic reptile long bone from Stephens Island which was sent to Colbert (see above), New Zealand institutions, including those museums with a statutory requirement to house types, at times have been no more responsible, because of a lack of funds and staff and perhaps because the short history of study here has instilled little appreciation of vertebrate fossils. Thus, parts of the holotypes of the cetaceans Kekenodon onamata, Mauicetus lophocephalus and Tangaroasaurus kakanuiensis have been lost (Fordyce 1980b), and some material has been poorly curated. Many type-specimens of New Zealand fossil vertebrates are inadequate because they are dubiously diagnostic or are incomplete. They are, therefore, easily misinterpreted. Some of these have been alluded to above, and other examples abound. Stinton (1957), for example, reported fossil ice-fish, Notothenia, from New Zealand. This identification was rightly regarded as important (Holdgate 1970: 352), but it is a misidentification (Schwarzhans 1984). Many holotypes of nominal species of moa are based on one or a few elements (e.g. Archey 1941, Brodkorb 1963, Oliver 1949), The holotype of the penguin Palaeeudyptes antarcticus is an isolated tarsometatarsus of uncertain (?Oligocene) age. No other specimens of this species are known, so the relationships of P. antarcticus to all other fossil penguins are debatable. Nonetheless, Hector referred many other specimens to this species, and other species have been identified as congeneric with P. antarcticus. The Late Oligocene seabird, Manu antiquus, is based on a furcula, and its affinities are uncertain. Cetaceans include dubiously diagnostic elements such as teeth (e.g. "Squalodon" andrewi), forelimb fragments (e.g. Phocaenopsis mantelli), and frustratingly incomplete skulls (Mauicetus parki). Such nominal species based on incomplete specimens are sometimes identifiable at all taxonomic ranks down to species, but there are many cases where affinities are vague even at ordinal level (see comments by Fordyce 1988a), Such uncertainty reflects ignorance about homologies and thus about the taxonomic significance of characters, and reflects the undiagnostic nature of many types. Biochemical techniques (e.g, comparisons of amino acids, immunological comparisons; Lowenstein 1986, Wilson ef al. 1987) show promise for helping determine the biological affinities, and thus the nomenclatural problems, of many fragmentary types. These techniques could be used to see whether incomplete types (of little value other than as name-bearers) are likely to be conspecific with more complete specimens which are useful in interpreting the biology of species. In the meantime, the palacontologist must decide whether such names are based on such incomplete types that they are nomina dubia - names of uncertain biological affinities. Cladistic approaches to palacontology will focus further attention on such types. FOSSIL VERTEBRATES OF NEW ZEALAND - 1265 Uncertainties about systematics of New Zealand fossil vertebrates reflect a lack of good specimens in most groups. For marine vertebrates, for example, many fish are known only from otoliths, which may be classified differently than complete skeletons. Fossil penguins are known by many isolated bones but few partial skeletons. Recent local discoveries of articulated specimens may eventually solve this problem, but at present it is difficult to deal with incomplete specimens such as fragmentary bird bones (Manu antiquus, above) and isolated teeth of Cetacea which may have some stratigraphic, geographic or ecological value. Isolated fragments are difficult to deal with cladistically since we rarely have much idea of the polarities and thus the potential value of many characters. Thus, comparisons can be based on little more than gross similarity. This approach may allow one to eliminate the taxa to which a scrappy specimen does not belong. However, it will not necessarily allow specimens to be placed in clades, especially at, say, genus or species level. Some higher taxa (e.g. families, suborders) are not well defined, and this makes it hard to place some specimens (see comments by Fordyce 1989a). For example, amongst Cetacea, the Suborder Archaeoceti is paraphyletic, as it does not encompass all descendants of the most recent common ancestor of the group. Archaeocetes are conventionally defined as Cetacea that lack the derived characters of odontocetes and mysticetes (e.g. Barnes & Mitchell 1978). Thus, they are defined by default. Many otherwise problematic Cetacea are referred to the Odontoceti or Mysticeti because they seem more derived than archaeocetes, but the recent discovery of remingtonocetids is a reminder that highly specialised archaeocetes can be encountered. Ratites form another widely recognised group which, in contrast to traditional views, may be polyphyletic (Houde 1986, James & Olson 1983). EXTINCTION The global fossil record indicates that extinction of species is the rule. Most species seem to have disappeared without evolving into others. Despite its acknowledged importance in paleobiology, there has been little discussion of extinction amongst New Zealand fossil vertebrates other than moas. Causes of Extinction The last decade has seen renewed interest in general processes of extinction over geological time and their role in evolution. Many sorts of environmental change have been identified as important causes of extinction, For example, large scale habitat loss, perhaps through changes in climate or sea-level, may be critical. Attention has focused on the role of the transgression which affected New Zealand from the later Cretaceous to about the middle of the Cainozoic (e.g. Rich & Rich 1982). But interpretations differ about the extent of land at peak transgression, and this is important since the absolute area available possibly affected evolution of faunas. Alternative Oligocene reconstructions are those of Fleming (1962a, 1979) and of Kamp (1986). How much loss of area is too much for a particular taxon to cope with, and do area models of biogeography adequately explain diversity changes? Presumably, profound habitat loss would lead to reduced population size, so that a genctic bottle-neck was reached to prevent effective interbreeding. What constitutes a minimum effective population size is uncertain, and for how many generations must populations be at low levels before bottle-neck effects act? Breeding programmes with extant endangered New Zealand taxa, admittedly mostly distinct only as subspecies, suggest that small isolated populations can be maintained adequately over some years, these examples, however, are short even in terms of ecological time. One of the main problems with such broad explanations is that they are so general as to explain little about the disappearance of individual species. 1266 - FORDYCE It is axiomatic that extinctions will result if environments change more quickly than species can change, but this explanation tells little. So-called "genetic senescence and the sporadically revived idea of orthogenesis (e.g. Grehan 1984) have been suggested as possible explanations of inability of organisms to keep pace with environmental change, although they do not seem to have been applied seriously to New Zealand fossil vertebrates. Such ideas have been used as well to explain the persistence of apparently ancient and morphologically conservative taxa, but I am unaware of examples amongst the vertebrates where orthogenesis has provided a better explanation of apparent tightly constrained evolution than has critical analysis of clades and interpretation in light of constructional morphology. Sorts of Extinction Phyletic extinction (pseudoextinction), where one species becomes extinct as it evolves into another, seem not to have been recorded for New Zealand fossil vertebrates. Marine teleosts, well represented by otoliths, might reveal extinction associated with such ancestor-descendant relationships. Schwarzhans (1980, 1984) alluded to such relationships, as shown by otoliths, but did not provide details. Examples of individual extinction (of a single species) abound amongst many recently extinct local species, e.g. huia (Heteralocha acutirostris) and piopio (Turnagra capensis), and individual extinctions have been discussed widely in the literature (e.g. Anderson 1984, Diamond & Veitch 1981, Fleming 1962b, 1962c, 1969, Holdaway 1989, McDowell 1969, Millener this volume, Williams 1960, 1962, 1964, 1973), There are no clearly documented examples for fossil vertebrates in the New Zealand literature. No fossil taxa are known well enough to say that a perceived (apparent) absence above a particular horizon is a real absence which indicates the extinction of the species. Only those fossil taxa that are sampled over close stratigraphic intervals through relatively invariant facies and over a wide geographic range (e.g. marine teleosts, and some continental mammals elsewhere) might provide conclusive examples. However, one might expect this type of extinction to have been the rule in New Zealand. There is evidence of local extinction (change in range) for some species. For example, the extant Takahe (Porphyrio mantelli) has experienced a major recent range contraction (Beauchamp & Worthy 1988, Mills eg al. 1988), and the extant Ross Seal (Ommatophoca rossi), which is an obligate ice-dweller in Antarctica, occurs as a Late Pliocene fossil in New Zealand (King 1973). Taxonomic extinction affects many or all members of a taxon, and is not necessarily coincidental with other extinctions. A taxon could disappear, however, as part of a mass extinction, €.g. moas. Taxonomic extinction could result from climate changes and changing geography, and ecological displacement through competition could also be important. New Zealand examples include moas (Dinornithiformes), and the tuatara (Sphenodon) is the last of the Sphenodonta, a taxon extinct elsewhere, The disappearance of moas was probably part of a mass (or ecological) extinction. Such events see the coincident extinction of many unrelated groups in response to a single cause, or perhaps coincident causes, and are often followed by ecological replacements. The role of humans in the extinction of moas seems clear enough in New Zealand (Holdaway 1989) where it might be called overkill, but climatic change has been invoked to account for the disappearance of some large Quaternary land vertebrates elsewhere (see Murray, this volume). There appears to have been continued invasion by Australian species during the Quaternary, which might indicate unfilled ecological opportunities, and/or a lack of resistance to invasion and perhaps indicates a depauperate earlier Quaternary avifauna. Fleming (1962b) touched on the historical context of invasions, Moas were discussed by Anderson (1984), Cassels (1984) and Trotter & McCulloch (1984) (see also references cited under moas, above) FOSSIL VERTEBRATES OF NEW ZEALAND - 1267 The mass extinction at the Cretaceous-Tertiary boundary, which affected m worldwide, is reflected amongst local vertebrates. tn New Zealand no aeons care ichthyosaurs or representatives of some key invertebrate groups are clearly found above the boundary. The reports by McKay (1877e: 37) and Thomson (1920: 346) of plesiosaurs from above the boundary at Waipara have not been substantiated. There is scope for more study on marine vertebrates, especially fish. Studies are likely to be complicated because of problems of biostratigraphy in the common nearshore marine facies, in which good age-diagnostic species may be rare. Extraterrestrial object impacts have recently been invoked as a possible cause of the extinctions, see innumerable recent articles including those by Alvarez et al. (1980), Jablonski (1984), Nitecki (1984), and Officer et al. 1987.. PALAEOZOOGEOGRAPHY Studies of the geographic distribution of fossils tell much about evolutionary processes, past geographies, and ancient environments, given that environment controls distribution. Studies can be on an outcrop, local, regional or global scale. Results of such studies may indicate change in continental arrangement, in climate or in the evolution of clades. Problems arise because palaeobiogeography relies on information from diverse sources. For example, species and higher taxa are the raw data of zoogeography, but different taxonomists may classify the same organism in different ways depending on their preference for phenetics, evolutionary systematics, cladistics or other approaches. Furthermore, the taxonomy of many New Zealand vertebrates has not been reviewed recently. It can be difficult to assimilate the results of studies based on “evolutionary taxonomy", in contrast to cladistics, where characters, polarities and their significance must be stated explicitly. Thus, it is difficult at present to assess previous hypotheses about the origins of many taxa. For example, moas and kiwis are of uncertain relationships with other ratites, and the ratites are not known positively to be monophyletic (Houde 1986, P.V. Rich 1982, cf. Cracraft 1974b). New Zealand ratite zoogeography, formerly discussed by Cracraft (1980a) and others, requires further study. Conflicts also arise in biostratigraphy and thus in the timing of events in palacobiogeography. Examples were given above. The fossil record for vertebrates is probably quite biased geographically. A map of occurrences of a fossil species will generally show a map of outcrops or even a single outcrop. Such a map may not represent the range of the species as a whole, especially for taxa that are rare. For example, large vertebrates, such as whales, are conspicuous in outcrop but are rare, and the distribution maps for such taxa will show a single occurrence. In contrast, many invertebrates are inconspicuous yet common at one or a number of localities. Absence of evidence is not the same as evidence of absence. Factors Controlling Distribution The little that is known about the New Zealand fossil record suggests that it has its share of endemic taxa. Indeed, few fossil species known in New Zealand have been recorded elsewhere. One could claim that the record is biased for some taxa, such as cetaceans and perhaps some marine reptiles which were probably rather vagile and should have been recorded elsewhere. But why are some taxa not more cosmopolitan? It is usually stated that interacting biological, physical and geological factors govern distributions, but this general explanation actually explains very little. Amongst physica (e.g. the Tasman Sea, topography (e.g. walter depth, elevation on | temperatures, Or seasonality), and currents. G 1 factors, barriers that conspicuously limit distribution include distance the effects of which have been discussed widely for local vertebrates), and), temperature (e.g. absolute limits, range of eological factors, such as the timing and nature of 1268 - FORDYCE tectonic movements, must also have played a role. New Zealand has been isolated since about the mid-Cretaceous, by which stage dinosaurs, flightless birds and other terrestrial vertebrates perhaps got here. Does the absence of snakes and land mammals reflect early isolation? Biological processes interact in a complex fashion with physical and geological factors. Examples include the relationship between biological diversity and habitat area, and the link between the evolution of species and geographic change, Empirical observations on island biotas (e.g. birds) suggest that the diversity of species bears some constant relationship to habitat area (Case & Cody 1987, Hoffman 1985) Given this, changes in habitat area should influence evolution and extinction (e.g. Rich & Rich 1982). Such changes in area should be expected through sea-level change during the broad transgression from the Cretaceous to the Oligocene, and through uplift associated with continental collision. It has long been thought that the evolution of species relates to geographic change. Intraspecific geographic variations can be influenced by incipient barriers. The range of a species may be disrupted physically, so that originally contiguous populations are split and genetically isolated from each other. Indeed, whole biotas may be disrupted in this way by abiotic vicariant (continental fragmentation) events, and this probably happened in proto-New Zealand about the mid Cretaceous. Populations may then diverge so that sister species are thus formed through allopatric speciation. Possible New Zealand examples of allopatric speciation include those of the extant kea and kaka, Nestor spp. (Fleming 1979; see also Lambert 1982), but until recently there has been little discussion of fossil vertebrates other than passing mention of possible north-south species pairs of moas (Worthy 19874). Evolutionary divergence might also follow dispersal events, where members of a single species disperse to previously unoccupied areas. The large number of indigenous birds that have apparent close (congeneric or even conspecific) relatives in Australia, and historical evidence of successful invasions, suggest ongoing trans-Tasman dispersal. Presumably, sister species in New Zealand have diverged from Australian counterparts since dispersal (e.g. Falla 1953, Fleming 1962b). There are important questions to address here: has this process been significant in the distant past, what has prevented gene flow across the Tasman after such dispersal events and why has New Zealand not been more resistant to the invasion of new species? Amongst the more important, and certainly the most readable, articles on the influence of changing geography on the evolution of New Zealand's biota are those by Fleming (e.g. 1962a, 1975, 1979, and others listed by Keyes 1981b and 1988). Fleming's approach to historical biogeography was mostly, but certainly not wholly, that of the dispersalist, which emphasises that animals are vagile and that multiple, separate, long-distance dispersal of individuals occurs to aliow new habitats to be colonised. Dispersal events plausibly account for the origins of many of New Zealand's fossil and extant marine invertebrates and vertebrates, and many extant and extinct birds. Vicariance events, in contrast to dispersal, occur when abiotic changes (e.g. continental fragmentation) result in a disjunction in the ancestral range of relatively sedentary animals that might not disperse easily. There seems little doubt that vicariance events did account for the origin of some species in New Zealand's extant fauna (e.g. Leiopelmatidae, Sphenodon), but this has received little discussion until recently (e.g. Caughley 1964, for pre- drift interpretations). Although dispersal and vicariance together might account for the origins of New Zealand's biota, this has been ignored or underemphasised by some vociferous disciples of pure dispersal (who are becoming increasingly rare), of pure vicariance (who are becoming increasingly common), and of panbiogeography (who seem to disown all others). Some would argue that panbiogeography holds the key to resolving problems in the historical biogeography of New Zealand, but I am unaware of any serious discussion of fossil vertebrates, especially the marine vertebrates, that contribute in such a large way to the local record. Local approaches to panbiogeography were revealed by contributors in Craw & Gibbs (1984; for review see Stoddart 1985). For discussion of more theoretical aspects of New Zealand biogeography, see, e.2. FOSSIL VERTEBRATES OF NEW ZEALAND - 1269 Caughley (1964), Cracraft (1973, 1974a, 1980a), Craw (1978, 1980, 1985), McDowall (1980a, 1980b), McGlone (1985), Worthy (1987a) and many references cited in these papers. It must be stressed that hypotheses in historical biogeography stand or fall on taxonomy and, to a lesser extent, stratigraphy. For example any track analyses in biogeography which consider only the "similarity" of species involved, are more debatable than "cladistic vicariance" hypotheses for reasons discussed by Patterson (1981a). Finally, it seems appropriate to heed a comment by Pielou (1981): " an explanation for any given disjunction (whether it reflects palaeogeography or palaeoclimate) is more likely to be obtained by common-sense than by abstract theorising”, References on evolution, extinction and biogeography of the New Zealand biota include articles by Caughley (1964), Cracraft (1975), Diamond & Veitch (1981), Fleming (1949, 1962b, 1963d, 1975, 1976a, 1976b, 1980b), Forbes (1893c), Fordyce (1980c, manuscript A), Gaskin (1975), Hutton (1872), Keast (1971), Molnar (1981), McDowall (1969, 1973), P.V. Rich (1975a, 1975b, 1979), Scarlett (1957), Simpson (1975) and Stevens (1973, 1976, 1980a), other contributors in Ballance (1980) as well as those listed above. ACKNOWLEDGEMENTS A compilation such as this reflects inputs from diverse sources, and it is difficult to acknowledge all of them adquately. Were it not for the efforts of a long list of sharp-eyed prospectors and collectors over a span of 150 years, this review could not have been produced. I thank many colleagues, especially Doug Campbell, Hamish Campbell, Mario Cozzuol, the late Charles Fleming, Neil Fowke, Jack Grant-Mackie, Andrew Grebneff, Craig Jones, Ian Keyes, Dave MacKinnon, Phil Millener, Pat Rich, Tom Rich, Ron Scarlett, and Frank Whitmore, for their general interest in discussing and/or commenting on New Zealand fossil vertebrates over the years, or for comments on the manuscript. Chris Paulin gave useful comment on the table of fish. The following institutions provided longer-term research facilities: the University of Canterbury, the National Museum of Natural History (Smithsonian Institution), Monash University, the Museum of Victoria, and, most importantly, the University of Otago. In addition, I acknowledge valuable access to the collections of, and the loan of specimens from, the Department of Geology at Auckland University, the New Zealand Geological Survey, the National Museum of New Zealand, Canterbury Museum, and Otago Museum. Work reported here was supported variously by a New Zealand University Grants Committee Postgraduate Scholarship, a grant in aid from New Zealand Geological Survey, a Smithsonian Institution Postdoctoral Fellowship, a Monash University Postdoctoral Fellowship (all 1975-1982), and more recently the Research Committee of the University of Otago (1982-1991), the National Geographic Society (1987-1991), and the New Zealand Lottery Board (1988-1990). Important preparation was carried out by Andrew Grebneff and Craig Jones, with help from others including David Bevin, Lew Kerr, Stuart Munro, Fiona Rayns and David Wood. I thank Robert Bearlin, Craig Jones, Brian Jamieson, Jane Kerr and Fiona Rayns for help with illustrations and/or literature. June Crawford and Adrien Dever helped with typing. REFERENCES Brackets [ ] enclose explanatory notes for some articles. Articles not seen are asterisked *. ABEL, O., 1905. Ein Stammtype der Delphiniden aus dem Miocin der Halbinsel Taman. Jahrbuche der geologischen Reichsanstalt, Wien 1905: 375-392. [Phocaenopsis mantelli] ADAMS, A.G., 1983a. Upper Cretaceous stratigraphy of southern Hawkes Bay. [Abstract.] Geological Society of New Zealand annual conference 1983, programme and abstracts. Geol. Soc. N. Z. Miscell. Pub. 30A. [unpaginated] 1270 - FORDYCE ADAMS, A.G., 1983b. The fauna of the "Tapuaeroa facies’ of southern Hawkes Bay. [Abstract.] Geological Society of New Zealand annual conference 1983, programme and abstracts. Geol. Soc. N. Z. Miscell. Pub.30A. [unpaginated] ADAMS, J.H., 1910. 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The kiwi and egg design evolution as a package deal. Bioscience 29: 461-467. CAMP, C.L., 1942. Ichthyosaur rostra from Central California. J. Paleont. 16: 362-371. [N.Z. fossil Cetacea.] CAMP, C.L. an H.J., 1961. Bibliography of Fossil Vertebrates 1949-1953, Geol. Soc. Am. Mem. 84: = 1-532. CAMP, C.L. & VAN DER HOOF, V.L., 1940. Bibliography of Fossil Vertebrates 1928-1933. Geol. Soc, Am. Sp. Pap.27: 1-503. CAMP, C.L., ALLISON, H.J. & NICHOLS, R.H., 1964. Bibliography of Fossil Vertebrates 1954-1958. Geol. Soc, Am. Mem. 92: 1-647. CAMP, C.L., ALLISON, H.J., NICHOLS, R.H. & MCGINNIS, H., 1968. Bibliography of Fossil Vertebrates. Geol. Soc. Am. Mem. 117: 1-644. CAMP, C.L., NICHOLS, R.H., BRAJNIKOV, B., FULTON, E. & BAISKAI, J.A., 1972. Bibliography of Fossil Vertebrates 1964-1968. Geol. Soc. Am. Mem. 134: 1-1119. CAMP, C.L., TAYLOR, D.N. & WELLES, S.P., 1942. Bibliography of Fossil Vertebrates 1934-1938. Geol. Soc. Am. Sp. Pap. 42: 1-663. CAMP, C.L., WELLES, S.P. & GREEN, M., 1949. Bibliography of Fossil Vertebrates 1939-1943. Geol. Soc. Am. Mem. 37: 1-371. FOSSIL VERTEBRATES OF NEW ZEALAND - 1273 CAMP, C.L., WELLES, S.P. & GREEN, M., 1953. Bibliography of Fossil Vertebrates 1944-1948. Geol. Soc. Am. Mem. 57: 1-465, CAMPBELL, H. J., 1982. Halobia (Bivalvia, Triassic) and a gastropod from Torlesse Supergroup rocks of Wellington, New Zealand. N. Z. JI. Geol. Geophys. 25: 487-492. CAMPBELL, H. J., ANDREWS, P. B., BEU, A. G., EDWARDS, A. R., HORNIBROOK, N. DE B., LAIRD, M. G., MAXWELL, P. A. & WATTERS, W. A., 1988. Cretaceous-Cenozoic lithostratigraphy of the Chatham Islands. J. R. Soc. N. Z. 18: 285-308. CAMPBELL, H.J, & CAVE, M., 1987. Good Murihiku Otamitan in the Torlesse, as expected. [Abstract.] Geological Society of New Zealand annual conference 1987, programme and abstracts. Geol. Soc. N. Z. Misc. Pub. 37A [unpaginated] [Triassic fish, reptile bones]. CAMPBELL, H.J., COLEMAN, A.C., JOHNSTON, M.R. & LANDIS, C.A., 1980. The geology and age of the Stephens Formation (Maitai Group) exposed on Stephens Island. [Abstract.] Geological Society of New Zealand annual conference 1980, programme and abstracts. Geol. Soc. N. Z. Misc. Pub. 27A: 24. CAMPBELL, H.J., COLEMAN, A.C., JOHNSTON, M.R. & LANDIS, C.A., 1984. Geology of Stephens Island oy a] age of Stephens Formation. N. Z. JI. Geol. Geophys. 27: 277-289 [Permian or Triassic ?reptile]. CAMPBELL, H.J. & JOHNSTON, M.R., 1984. Fossil localities of the Richmond Group (Triassic) of Nelson. N. Z. Geol. Surv. Rept. 106: 1-96 [Bone localities]. CAMPBELL, J.D., 1965. New Zealand Triassic saurians. N. Z. JI. Geol. Geophys. 8: 505-509. CAMPBELL, J.D., 1985a. Casuarinaceae, Fagaceae, and other plant megafossils from Kaikorai Leaf Beds (Miocene), Kaikorai Valley, Dunedin, New Zealand. N. Z. JI. Bot. 23: 311-320. CAMPBELL, J.D., 1985b. Correlations of the New Zealand Triassic succession. Albertiana 3: 8-20. CAMPBELL, J.D., 1987. Notes on the Triassic-Jurassic stratigraphy of south Otago, including the Kaka Point and Nugget Point coastal region. Geological Society of New Zealand annual conference 1987, one-day field trips [guidebook]. Geol. Soc. N. Z. Mis. Pub. 37B: 52-66 [Ichthyosaur locality]. CAMPBELL, J.D. & FORCE, E.R., 1972. Stratigraphy of the Mount Potts Group at Rocky Gully, Rangitata Valley, Canterbury. N. Z. JI. Geol. Geophys. 15: 157-167. CAMPBELL, J.D. & WARREN, G., 1965. Fossil localities of the Torlesse Group in the South Island. Trans. R. Soc. N. Z. (Geol.) 3: 99-137. CARLSON, J.R., GRANT-MACKIE, J.A. & RODGERS, R.A., 1980. Stratigraphy and sedimentology of the Coalgate area, Canterbury , New Zealand. N. Z. JI. Geol. Geophys. 23: 179-192 [Cetacean bone]. CARROLL, R.L., 1988. Vertebrate Paleontology and Evolution. Freeman, New York. CARTER, R.M., 1988. Post-breakup stratigraphy of the Kaikoura Synthem (Cretaceous-Cenozoic), continental margin, southeastem New Zealand. N. Z. JI. Geol. Geophys. 31: 405-429. CARTER, R.M. & LANDIS, C.A., 1972. Correlative Oligocene unconformities in southem Australasia. Nature 237: 12-13. CARTER, R.M. & LANDIS, C.A., 1982. Oligocene unconformities in the South Island. J. R. Soc. N. Z. 12: 42-46. CASE, T.J. & CODY, M.L., 1987. Testing theories of island biogeography. Am. Sci. 75: 402-410. CASSELS, R., 1982. Moas: a review of current research issues. J5th Pacific Science Congress, abs.: 35. CASSELS, R., 1984. The role of prehistoric man in the faunal extinctions of New Zealand and other Pacific Islands, In Quaternary Extinctions - A Prehistoric Revolution. P.S. Martin & R.G. Klein, eds., Univ. Arizona Press, Tucson: 741-767. CAUGHLEY, G.C., 1964. Does the New Zealand vertebrate fauna conform to zoogeographic principles? Tuatara 12: 49-56. CAUGHLEY, G.C., 1977. The taxonomy of moas. Tualara 23: 20-25. CAUGHLEY, G.C., 1988. The colonisation of New Zealand by the Polynesian. J. R. Soc. N. Z. 18: 245- 270. CHAPMAN, F., 1918. Descriptions and revisions of the Cretaceous and Tertiary fish-remains of New Zealand. N. Z. Geol. Surv, Palaeo. Bull. 7: 1-43. CHAPMAN, F., 1934. Descriptions of fossil fish from New Zealand. Trans. R. Soc. N. Z. 64: 117-121. CHAPMAN, F. & PRITCHARD, G.B., 1904. Fossil fish remains from the Tertiaries of Australia. Part 1. Proc. R. Soc. Victoria (n.s.) 17: 267-297. CLARK, W.B., 1861. Recent Geological Discoveries in Australasia. 2nd ed. Joseph Cook, Sydney [Cretaceous reptiles]. CLIMO, F.M. & BAKER, A.N., 1972. A new shark-toothed dolphin (Cetacea: Squalodontidae) from the Upper Oligocene of New Zealand. J. R. Soc. N. Z. 2: 61-68. COCHRANE, G.R., 1973. The general environment and biogeography. In The Natural History of New Zealand. G.R. Williams, ed., AH. & A.W. Reed, Wellington: 1-27. [General comments on vertebrates]. CODY, A.D., 1979. Ratite [sic] Hole, Canaan. N. Z. Speleo. Bull. 6: 197-199. COLBERT, E.H., 1980. Evolution of the Vertebrates. (3rd edn.) Wiley, New York. COLLEN, J.D. & VELLA, P., 1984. Hautotara, Te Muna and Ahiaruhe Formations, middle to late Pleistocene, Wairarapa, New Zealand. J. R. Soc. N. Z. 14: 297-317. [Moa footprint, Pleistocene.] 1274 - FORDYCE COOPER, R.A., 1968. Lower and Middle Paleozoic fossil localities of North-West Nelson. Trans, R, Soc. N. Z. (geol.) 6: 75-89. COOPER, R.A., 1979. Lower Paleozoic rocks of New Zealand. J. R. Soc. N. Z. 9: 29-84, COOPER, R.A. & BRADSHAW, M.A., 1985. Lower Paleozoic of Northwest Nelson. Guide book 2, Homibrook Symposium, Christchurch, New Zealand, December 1985. Geol. Soc. N. Z. Misc. Pub. 33C: 1- 42. COTTON, C.A., 1919. Problems presented by the Notocene Beds of Central Otago. N. Z. J. Sci. Tech. 2: 69- 72. [Fossil bird bones.] CRACRAFT, J., 1973. Continental drift, paleoclimatology and the evolution and biogeography of birds. J. zool. 169: 455-545. CRACRAFT, J., 1974a. Continental drift and vertebrate distribution. Ann. Rev. Ecol. Sys. 5: 215-261. CRACRAFT, J., 1974b. Phylogeny and evolution of the ratite birds. /bis 116: 494-521. CRACRAFT, J., 1975. Mesozoic dispersal of terrestrial faunas around the southern end of the world. Mém. Mus. Hist. Nat. (n. s. A), zool. 88: 29-54. CRACRAFT, J., 1976. Avian evolution on southern continents. Influences of paleogeography and paleoclimatology. In Proceedings of the International Ornithological Congress 16, Canberra, Australia, August 12-17, 1974. HJ. Frith & J.H. Calaby, eds., Australian Academy of Sciences, Canberra, 40-52. CRACRAFT, J., 1976a. The species of moas (Dinornithidae). Smithson. Contr. Paleobio, 27: 189-206. CRACRAFT, J., 1976b. The hind limb elements of the moas (Aves, Dinomithidae) a multivariate assessment of size and shape. J. Morph. 150: 495-526. CRACRAFT, J., 1976c. Co-variation patterns in the postcranial skeleton of moas (Aves, Dinomithidae) - a factor analytic study. Paleobiology 2: 166-173. CRACRAFT, J., 1980a. Biogeographic patterns of terrestrial vertebrates in the Southwest Pacific. Palaeogeog. Palaeoclim. Palaeoecol 31: 353-370. CRACRAFT, J., 1980b. Moas and the Maori. Nat. Hist. 89: 28-37. CRACRAFT, J., 1985. Monophyly and phylogenetic relationships of the Pelecaniformes: a numerical cladistic analysis. Auk 102: 834-853. CRAMPTON, J.S., 1988. Stratigraphy and structure of the Monkey Face area, Marlborough, New Zealand, with special reference to shallow marine Cretaceous strata. N. Z. Jl. Geol. Geophys. 31: 447-470. CRAMPTON, J.S., 1989. A late Cretaceous near-shore rocky substrate macrofauna from northem Hawkes Bay, New Zealand. N. Z. Geol. Surv. Rec, 35; 21-24. CRAW, R.C., 1978. Two biogeographical frameworks: implications for the biogeography of New Zealand. Tuatara 23: 81-114. CRAW, R.C., 1980. McDowall on biogeography: a reply. Geol Soc, N. Z. newsletter 49: 49-51. CRAW, R.C., 1985. Classic problems of Souther Hemisphere biogeography reexamined. Panbiogeographic analysis of the New Zeland frog, Leiopelma - the ratite birds and Nothofagus. Zeitsch. Zool. System. Evolutionsfors. 23: 1-10. * CRAW, R.C. & GIBBS, G.W., eds., 1987. Croizat's "Panbiogeography" and "Principia Botanica". Tuatara 27: 1-75. CRAW, R.C. & WATT, J.C., 1987. An Upper Cretaceous beetle (Coleoptera) from Hawkes Bay, New Zealand. J.R. Soc. N. Z. 17; 395-398. [Shark, p. 396.] CROOK, LG., 1975. The tuatara. In Biogeography and Ecology in New Zealand. G. Kuschel, ed., Junk, The Hague, 331-352. CROUCHER, R. & WOOLLEY, A.R., 1982. Fossils, Minerals and Rocks. Collection and Preservation. British Museum (Natural History), London. DAL PIAZ, GIORGIO, 1977. Gli Odontoceti del Miocene Bellunese. Parti Quinta-Decima. Cyrtodelphis, Acrodelphis, Protodelphinus, Ziphiodelphis, Scaldicetus. Memorie dell ‘Istituto Geologico della R. Université di Padova pubblicate dal Prof G. Dal Piaz. [originally prepared for publication in 1916] [Comparisons with N.Z. taxa.] DAVIS, J.W., 1886. On some fish remains from the Tertiary strata of New Zealand. (Abstract). Q. J. Geol Soc. Lond. 42: 4-5, DAVIS, J.W., 1888a. On fossil fish remains from the Tertiary and Cretaceo-Tertiary formations of New Zealand. Trans. R. Dublin Soc. 4(2): 1-56. DAVIS, J.W., 1888b. Note on a species of Scymnus from the Upper Tertiary formation of New Zealand. Geol. Mag. 5(3): 315-316, DAVIS, J.W., 1894. Report on the fossil-fish remains of New Zealand, with critical notes by Sir J. Hector. N. Z. Geol. Sur. Rep. Explor. 1892-93, 22: 93-120. DAWSON, E.O., 1949. Subfossil bird remains from Lake Grassmere. N. Z. Bird Notes 3: 132-133. DAWSON, E.O., 1952. Subfossil Nestor (Psittacidae) from New Zealand. Emu 42: 259-272. DAWSON, E.O., 1958a. Advances in the knowledge of the small subfossil birds of New Zealand, and their biogeographical significance. 15th International Congress Zoology, London, 5, pap. 22.* DAWSON, E.O., 1958b. Rediscoveries of the New Zealand subfossil birds named by H.O. Forbes. [bis 100: 232-237. FOSSIL VERTEBRATES OF NEW ZEALAND - 1275 mais aa 1959. The supposed occurrence of kakapo, kaka and kea in the Chatham Islands. Notornis DAWSON, E.O., 1961. An extinct sea eagle in the Chatham Islands. Notornis 5: 171-172. DIAMOND, J.M. & VEITCH, C.R., 1981. Extinctions and introductions in the New Zealand avifauna: cause and effect? Science 211: 499-501. DICKSON, M.R., 1964. The skull and other remains of Prosqualodon marplesi, a new species of fossil whale. N. Z. Jl Geol. Geophys. 7: 626-635. DIESELDORFF, A., 1901. Beitrége zur Kenntniss der Gesteine und Fossilen der Chathaminseln, sowie einiger Gesteine und neuer Nephritfundorte NeuSeelands. Inaugural dissertation, Marburg. [Ziphius skull - fossil?, p. 57.] DOUGLAS, BJ, 1977. Lignite resources and Cainozoic Manuherikia Group sediments in Central Otago. Geological Society of New Zealand annual conference 1977, one-day field trips [guidebook]. Geol. Soc. N. Z. Misc. Pub. 22B: D1 - D16. mre ey B.J., 1986. Lignite resources of Central Otago. N. Z. Energy Res. Develop. Comm. Pub. P104: DOUGLAS, B.J., LINDQVIST, J.K., FORDYCE, R.E. & CAMPBELL, J.D., 1981. Early Miocene terrestrial vertebrates from Central Otago. Geol. Soc. N. Z. newslett. 53: 17. DUFF, R., 1964. The problem of moa extinction. R. W. Stiles, Nelson. EVANS, R.B., 1983. Aspects of Cretaceous palaeoecology in Northland [Abstract.] Geological Society of New Zealand annual conference 1983, programme and abstracts. Geol. Soc. N. Z. Misc. Pub. 30A. [unpaginated.] [Fish fragments.] EVANS, R.B., 1986. Geology and paleoecology of Cretaceous rocks in northern Kaipara, N. Z. N.Z. JI. Geol. Geophys. 28: 609-622. [Fossil fish.] FALLA, R.A., 1941. Report on excavations at Pyramid Valley swamp, Waikari, North Canterbury. The avian remains. Rec. Canterbury Mus. 4: 339-353. FALLA, R.A., 1953. The Australian element in the avifauna of New Zealand. Emu 53: 36-46. FALLA, R.A., 1954. A new rail from cave deposits in the North Island of New Zealand. Rec. Auckland Instit. Mus. 4: 241-244. FALLA, R.A., 1974. The moa. In New Zealand's Nature Heritage 1. R. Knox, ed., Hamlyn, Wellington: 69- 74. FEDUCCTIA, A., 1980. The Age of Birds. Harvard University Press, Cambridge. FELDMANN, R.M., 1984. Haumuriaegla glaessneri n. gen. and sp. (Decapoda; Anomura; Aeglidae) from Haumurian (Late Cretaceous) rocks near Cheviot, New Zealand. N. Z. Ji. Geol. Geophys. 27: 379-385. [Comments by Keyes on fossil sharks.] FELDMANN, R.M. & BEARLIN, R.K., 1988. Linuparus korura n. sp. (Decapoda: Palinura) from the Bortonian (Eocene) of New Zealand. J. Paleont. 62: 245-250. FERRAR, H.T., 1925. The geology of the Whangarei-Bay of Islands subdivision, Kaipara division. WN. Z. Geol. Surv. Bull. n.s. 27: 1-134. FERRAR, H.T., 1927. St Bathans subdivision. Ann. Rep. N. Z. Geol. Surv, 1927: 9-11. FERRAR, H.T., 1929. The soils of irrigation areas in Otago Central. WN. Z. Geol Surv. Bull. n. s, 33: 1-42. FERRAR, H.T., 1934. The geology of the Dargaville-Rodney subdivision, Hokianga and Kaipara Divisions. N. Z. Geol. Surv. Bull. ns. 34: 1-86. FIELD, B. D. & BROWNE, G.H., 1986. Lithostratigraphy of Cretaceous and Tertiary rocks, southern Canterbury, New Zealand. N. Z. Geol. Surv. Rec. 14: 1-55. FIELD, H.C., 1885. A fossil egg. N. Z. J. Sci. 2: 325-326. FINLAY, H.J. & MARWICK, J., 1940. The divisions of the Upper Cretaceous and Tertiary in New Zealand. Trans. R. Soc. N. Z. 70: 77-135. [Cetacea, p.87.] FISHER, J., 1967. Aves. In The Fossil Record. W.B. Harland et al., eds., Geological Society of London, London: 733-762. FLEMING, C.A., 1949. The geological history of New Zealand (with reference to the origin and history of the fauna and flora). Tuatara 2: 72-90. FLEMING, C.A., 1953. The geology of Wanganui subdivision. N. Z. Geol. Surv. Bull. ns. 52: 1- 362. (Fish p. 192; moa, p. 140, 156-9, 209, 280, 285; seal, p. 175.] FLEMING, C.A., 1959. Translator and editor of F. von Hochstetter, Geology of New Zealand. Contributions to the geology of the Provices of Auckland and Nelson. Government Printer, Wellington. FLEMING, C.A., ed., 1959. Oceania. Fascicule 4. New Zealand. Lexique Stratigraphique International, 6. Centre National de la Recherche Scientifique, Paris. 1-527. [Many entries by different authors on vertebrate-bearing units, some of which briefly mention vertebrates; some entered separately herein.] FLEMING, C.A., 1962a. New Zealand biogeography. A paleontologists approach. Tuatara 10: 53-108. [Mentions vertebrates.] FLEMING, C.A., 1962b. History of the New Zealand land bird fauna. Notornis 9: 270-274. FLEMING, C.A., 1962c. The extinction of moas and other animals during the Holocene period. Notornis 10: 113-117. 1276 - FORDYCE FLEMING, C.A., 1963a. Macrofossils, Haumurian and Teurian stages. In Wilson, D.D., 1963. The geology of Waipara subdivision. N. Z. Geol. Surv. Bull. n.s. 64: 25-6, 28-9. [Mentions vertebrates.] FLEMING, C.A., 1963b. Age of the alpine biota. Proc. N. Z. Ecol. Soc. 10: 15-18. [Mentions vertebrates. | FLEMING, C.A., 1963c. A moa-bone from the sea-floor in Cook Strait. Rec. Dom. Mus. 4: 231-233. FLEMING, C.A., 1963d. The nomenclature of biogeographic elements in the New Zealand biota. Trans. R. Soc. N. Z. (gen.) 1: 13-22. FLEMING, C.A., 1968. New Zealand fossil seals. N. Z. Jl. Geol. Geophys. 11: 1184-1187. FLEMING, C.A., 1969. Rats and moa extinction. Notornis 16: 210-211. FLEMING, C.A., 1973. Birds (and other animals) in New Zealand. In The New Zealand Quaternary: An Introduction. G.D. Mansergh, ed., INQUA Guidebook, 9th INQUA Congress, Christchurch, New Zealand: 33-46. [Mentions vertebrates. ] FLEMING, C.A., 1974. The coming of the birds. In New Zealand's Nature Heritage 1(3). R. Knox, ed., Hamlyn , Wellington: 61-68 FLEMING, C.A., 1975. The geological history of New Zealand and its biota. In Biogeography and Ecology in New Zealand. G. Kuschel, ed., Junk, The Hague: 1-86. FLEMING, C.A., 1976a. New Zealand as a minor source of terrestrial plants and animals in the Pacific. Tuatara 22: 30-37. FLEMING, C.A., 1976b, Gondwana genesis. Aust. Nat. Hist, 18: 346-349. FLEMING, C.A., 1977. The history of life in New Zealand forests. N. Z. J. Forest. 22: 249-262. [Mentions vertebrates. ] FLEMING, C.A., 1978 (1979). Quaternary faunal history. In The Geology of New Zealand. Suggate, R.P., Stevens, G.R. & Te Punga, M.T., eds., Goverment Printer, Wellington: 722-723. [Seals, birds.] FLEMING, C.A., 1979. The Geological History of New Zealand and Its Life. Auckland University Press. Auckland. [See McDowall 1980] [Many incidental references to vertebrates] FLEMING, C.A., 1980a. New ratite from New Caledonia [Review]. Notornis 27: 407-408. [Implications for evolution of New Zealand ratites.] FLEMING, C.A., 1980b. Evolution of the South Pacific marine biota: the expanding fossil record. N. Z. D.S1IR. Inform. Ser.137: 5-26. [Mentions vertebrates.] FLEMING, C.A., Gregg, D.R. & Welles, S.P., 1971. New Zealand ichthyosaurs - a summary, including new records from the Cretaceous. N. Z. Jl. Geol. Geophys. 14: 734-741. FLEMING, C.A., HORNIBROOK, N. DE B. & WELLMAN, H.W., 1959. Haumurian Stage. In Oceania. Fascicule 4. New Zealand. Lexique Stratigraphique International, 6. C.A. Fleming, ed., Centre National de la Recherche Scientifique, Paris: 120-122. [Mosasaurs.] FLEMING, C.A., HORNIBROOK, N. DE B. & WOOD, B.L., 1969. Geology of the Clifden section. In Geology of the Tuatapere subdivision, westem Southland. N. Z. Geol. Sur. Bull. 79: 71-117. [Source horizons for otoliths p. 82, 84, 88.] FLYNN, T.T., 1923. A whale of bygone days. Aust. Mus. Mag. 1: 266-272. FLYNN, T.T., 1948. Description of Prosqualodon davidi Flynn, a fossil cetacean from Tasmania. Trans. Zool. Soc. Lond. 25: 153-197. FORBES, H.O., 1890. Remarks on the shoulder girdles of Aptornis and Cnemiornis. Trans. N. Z. Inst. 22: 545. FORBES, H.O., 1891a. On avian remains found under a lava-flow near Timaru, in Canterbury. Trans. N. Z. Inst. 23: 366-373. FORBES, H.O., 1891b. Some extinct birds of New Zealand. The Christchurch Press 48 (8000): 2. [Article mentions Cnemiornis novae-zealandiae; cited by Brodkorb 1964: 218; title fide Dawson.] FORBES, H.O., 1892a. Evidence of a wing in Dinornis. Nature 45: 257. FORBES, H.O., 1892b. New extinct rail. Nature 45: 416. FORBES, H.O., 1892c. On a recent discovery of the remains of extinct birds in New Zealand. Nature 45: 416-418; Science 19: 163-165. FORBES, H.O., 1892d. Aphanapteryx in the New Zealand region. Nature 45: 580-581. FORBES, H.O., 1892e. Preliminary notice of additions to the extinct avifauna of New Zealand (Abstract). Trans. N. Z. Inst. 24: 185-189. FORBES, H.O., 1892f. Aphanapteryx and other remains in the Chatham Islands. Nature 46: 252-253. FORBES, H.O., 1892g. Remarks on a series of extinct birds of New Zealand, recently discovered. Rep. British Assoc. 1892: 760. FORBES, H.O., 1892h. Exhibition and remarks on the osteological remains of birds from the Chatham Islands, and description of the new genera Diaphorapteryx and Palaeocorax. Bull. Br. Ornith. Club 1: 21-22. FORBES, H.O., 1892i. [Remarks on Diaphorapteryx, Aphanapteryx and Palaeocasuarius.]. Bull. Br. Ornith. Club 1: 50-51. FORBES, H.O., 1893a. A list of the birds inhabiting the Chatham Islands. /bis 5(6): 521-546. FORBES, H.O., 1893b. Mr H.O. Forbes's discoveries in the Chatham Islands. Nature 48: 74-75, 126. FOSSIL VERTEBRATES OF NEW ZEALAND - 1277 FORBES, H.O., 1893c. The Chatham Islands; their relation to a former southern continent. Suppl. Pap. R. Geogr. Soc. 1893: 607-637. FORDYCE, RE, 1977a. The development of the Circum-Antarctic Current and the evolution of the Mysticeti (Mammalia: Cetacea). Palaeogeog. Palaeoclim. Palaeoecol. 21: 265-271. maar odes 1977b. Paleobiology of New Zealand fossil whales and dolphins. Geol. Soc. N. Z. newslett. FORDYCE, R.E., 1978. The Morphology and Systematics of New Zealand Fossil Cetacea. Ph.D. Thesis, the Library, Univ. Canterbury, Christchurch: 1-701. FORDYCE, R.E., 1979a. Cetacean evolution and late Paleogene environments of the Southern Oceans. [Abstract]. 491h ANZAAS Conf, Proc. 1: 152. FORDYCE, R.E., 1979b. A review of Austral archaeocete whales [Abstract.] Geological Society of New Zealand annual conference 1984, programme and abstracts. N. Z. Geol. Soc. Misc. Pub. 23A. [unpaginated]. FORDYCE, R.E., 1979c. The morphology and systematics of New Zealand fossil Cetacea. (Abstract of coed ane the Library, University of Canterbury, Christchurch, 701 p.). N. Z. Jl. Geol. Geophys. FORDYCE, R.E., 1980a. Records of two Paleogene turtles and notes on other Tertiary reptilian remains from New Zealand. N. Z. Jl. Geol. Geophys. 22: 737-741. FORDYCE, R.E., 1980b. The fossil Cetacea of New Zealand (A catalogue of described papers and species with an annotated literature guide and reference list). N. Z. Geol. Surv. Rep. 90: 1-60. FORDYCE, R.E., 1980c. Whale evolution and Oligocene Souther Ocean environments. Palaeogeog. Palaeoclim. Palaeoecol. 31: 319-336. FORDYCE, R.E., 1980d. Fossil whale studies - a progress report. [Abstract.] Geological Society of New Zealand annual conference 1980, programme and abstracts. Geol. Soc. N. Z. Misc. Pub. 27A: 37. FORDYCE, R.E., 1982a. Redescription of Early Miocene dolphin Phocaenopsis mantelli Huxley, 1859 (Odontoceti incertae sedis). N. Z. J. Geol. Geophys. 24(4): 563-568. FORDYCE, R.E., 1982b. The Australasian marine vertebrate record and its climatic and geographic implications. In The Fossil Vertebrate Record of Australasia. P.V. Rich & E.M. Thompson, eds., Monash University Offset Printing Unit, Clayton: 595-627. FORDYCE, R.E., 1982c. The fossil vertebrate record of New Zealand. In The Fossil Vertebrate Record of Australasia. P.V. Rich & E.M. Thompson, eds., Monash University Offset Printing Unit, Clayton: 629- 698. FORDYCE, R.E., 1983a. Dental anomaly in a fossil squalodont dolphin from New Zealand, and the evolution of polydonty in whales. WN. Z. J. Zool. 9: 419-426. FORDYCE, R.E., 1983b. Biogeography and evolution of Paleogene cetaceans in the Pacific [Abstract]. Bull. Marine Sci. 33: 778-779. FORDYCE, R.E., 1983c. The North Otago plesiosaur. Geol. Soc N. Z. newslett. 61: 47-48. FORDYCE, R.E., 1983d. A summary of recent discoveries of pre-Quatemary vertebrates in southem New Zealand. [Abstract.] Geological Society of New Zealand annual conference 1983, programme and abstracts. Geol. Soc. N. Z. Misc. Pub. 30A. [unpaginated.] FORDYCE, R.E., 1984a. Evolution and zoogeography of cetaceans in Australia. In Vertebrate Zoogeography and Evolution in Australasia. M. Archer & G. Clayton, eds., Hesperian Press, Carlisle: 929-948. FORDYCE, R.E., 1984b. Preliminary report on cetacean bones from Chatham Rise (New Zealand). Geol. Jahrb. D 65: 117-120. FORDYCE, R.E., 1985a. The history of whales in the Southem Hemisphere. In Studies of Sea Mammals in South Latitudes. J.K. Ling & M.M. Bryden, eds., South Australian Museum, Adelaide: 79-104. FORDYCE, R.E., 1985b. Late Eocene archaeocete whale (Archaeoceti: Dorudontinae) from Waihao, South Canterbury, New Zealand. N. Z. JI. Geol. Geophys. 28: 351-357. FORDYCE, R.E., 1985c. Tips on fossil preparation. Geol. Soc. N. Z. neswlett. 70: 83-84. FORDYCE, R.E., 1985d. Marine mammal evolution in the Southwest Pacific. N. Z. Geol. Surv. Rec. 9: 47- 49. FORDYCE, R.E., 1986. The Otago plesiosaur: what might one learn from fossils? N. Z. Sci. Teacher 51: 16-19. FORDYCE, R.E., 1987a. The Cenozoic-Cretaceous of North Otago. Geological Society of New Zealand annual conference 1987, one-day field trips [guidebook]. Geol. Soc. N. Z. Misc. Pub. 37B: 67-84. FORDYCE, R.E., 1987b. New finds of whales from the Kokoamu Greensand. [Abstract.] Geological Society of New Zealand annual conference 1987, programme and abstracts. Geol. Soc, N. Z. Misc. Pub. 37A. [unpaginated] . FORDYCE, R.E., 1988a. Taxonomic status of Victorian fossil whales assigned to the genus Cefotolites McCoy, 1879. Mem. Mus. Vict. 49: 59-65. FORDYCE, R.E., 1988b. Evolution. In Whales, Dolphins and Porpoises. R.J. Harrison and M.M. Bryden, eds., Weldons, Sydney: 14-23 1278 - FORDYCE FORDYCE, R. E., 1989a. Problematic Early Oligocene toothed whale (Cetacea, ?7Mysticeti) from Waikari, North Canterbury, New Zealand. N. Z. Jl. Geol. Geophs. 32: 385-390. FORDYCE, R.E., 1989b. Origins and evolution of Antarctic marine mammals. LGeol. Soc. Lond. sp. publ. 47: 269-281. FORDYCE, R.E., 1989c. Consolidants and glues for the field and laboratory. Geol. Soc. N. Z. newslett. 86: 80-82. FORDYCE, R.E., manuscript A. Evolution and zoogeography of cetaceans around Australia and New Zealand. Submitted for publication in second edition of M. Archer and G, Clayton, eds., Vertebrate Zoogeography and Evolution in Australasia, 2nd. ed. FORDYCE, R.E., manuscript B. Fossil whales, dolphins and porpoises. Submitted to Earth Sct.. FORDYCE, R.E. & CULLEN, D.J., 1979. A Miocene ziphiid whale (Odontoceti: Cetacea) from central Chatham Rise, east of New Zealand. N. Z. Oceanogr. Inst. Rec. 4: 45-53. FORDYCE, R.E. & FLANNERY, T.F., 1983. Fossil phocid seals from the Late Tertiary of Victoria. Proc. R. Soc. Vict. 95: 99-100. FORDYCE, R.E., HORNIBROOK, N. DE B. & MAXWELL, P.A., 1985. Field trip guide to Cenozoic geology of North Otago and South Canterbury. Guide book 2, Homibrook Symposium, Christchurch, New Zealand, December 1985. Geol. Soc. N. Z. Misc. Pub. 33B: 1-50. FORDYCE, R.E. & JONES, C.M., 1987. New fossil penguin material from New Zealand. [Abstract.] Geological Society of New Zealand annual conference 1987, programme and abstracts. Geol Soc. N. Z. Misc. Pub. 37A. [unpaginated.] FORDYCE, R.E. & JONES, C.M., 1988. New fossil penguin material from New Zealand and the early history of penguins. In First International Conference on Penguins, Programme and Abstracts. Davis, L.S. & Darby, J.T. (compilers), Univ. Otago, Dunedin: 30. FORDYCE, R. E. & JONES, C. M., 1990. The history of penguins, and new fossil penguin material from New Zealand. Davis, L. S.; Darby, J. D., eds., Penguin Biology. Academic Press, in press. FORDYCE, R.E., JONES, C.M. & FIELD, B.D., 1986. The world's oldest penguin? Geol. Soc. N. Z. newslett. 74: 56-57. FORREST, R.M., 1987. A partially mummified skeleton of Anomalopteryx didiformis from Southland. J. R. Soc. N. Z. 17: 399-408. FRASER, C. & ADAMS, J.H., 1907. The geology of the Coromandel subdivision, Hauraki, Auckland. WN. Z. Geol. Surv. Bull. ns. 4: 1-154. FROST, G.A., 1924. Otoliths of fishes from the Tertiary formations of New Zealand. Trans. N. Z. Instit. 55: 605-614. FROST, G.A., 1928. Otoliths of fishes from the Tertiary formations of New Zealand, and from Balcombe Bay, Victoria. Trans. N. Z. Instit. 59: 91-97. FROST, G.A., 1933. Otoliths of fishes from the Tertiary formations of New Zealand. Trans. N. A. Instit. 63: 133-141. GAFFNEY, E.S., 1981. A review of the fossil turtles of Australia. Am, Mus. Novit. 2720: 1-38. GAFFNEY, E.S., 1984. Historical analysis of theories of chelonian relationship. Syst. Zool. 33: 283-301. GAGE, M., 1952. The Greymouth coalfield. N.Z. Geol. Surv. Bull. ns. 45: 1-240. [Cetacea, p. 49.] GAGE, M., 1957. The geology of Waitaki subdivision. N. Z. Geol. Surv. Bull. ns. 55: 1-135. [Mentions vertebrates. ] GAGE, M., 1959. Kokoamu Greensand, In Océanie. Fascicule 4. New Zealand. Lexique Stratigraphique International, 6. C.A. Fleming, ed., Centre National de la Recherche Scientifique, Paris: 178-179. [Cetacean bones.] GAGE, M., 1969. Rocks and landscape. In The Natural History of Canterbury. G.A. Knox, ed., A.H. & A.W. Reed, Wellington: 25-43. GAGE, M., 1970, Late Cretaceous and Tertiary rocks of Broken River, Canterbury. N. Z. Jl. Geol. Geophys. 13; 507-559. GAGE, M., 1979. Ice age earth: New Zealand was strictly for birds and bats. Geol. Mag. 51: 838-843. GAGE, M., 1980. Legends in the Rocks. Whitcoulls, Christchurch: 1-426, GAIR, H.S., 1959. The Tertiary geology of the Pareora district, South Canterbury. N. Z. Jl. Geol. Geophys. 2: 265-297. [Sharks' teeth, p. 274] GASKIN, D.E., 1972. Whales, Dolphins, and Seals, with Special Reference to the New Zealand Region. Heinemann, London. [Pliocene balaenopterid whale.] GASKIN, D.E., 1975. Reconsideration of New Zealand biogeographical problems with special reference to the Mesozoic. Mém. Mus. Hist. Nat. (n.s. A), Zool. 88: 87-97. GILL, B.J., 1985. Subfossil bones of a large skink (Reptilia: Lacertilia) from Motutapu Island, New Zealand. Rec, Aukland Mus. 22: 69-76. GLAESSNER, M.F., 1955. Pelagic fossils (Aturia, penguins, whales) from the Tertiary of South Australia. Rec. S§. A. Mus. 11: 353-372. [New Zealand Cetacea.] GLAESSNER, M.F., 1972. Redescription of the tooth of an Oligocene whale from North Canterbury, New Zealand. Rec. Canterbury Mus. 9: 183-187. FOSSIL VERTEBRATES OF NEW ZEALAND - 1279 GRANGE, L.IL., 1927. The geology of the Tongaporutu-Ohura subdivision, Taranaki division. N. Z. Geol. Surv. Bull. ns. 31: 1-63. GRANT-MACKIE, J.A., 1965. Ancient life of the Auckland area. In Science in Auckland, L.O. Kermode, ed., Handbook, New Zealand Science Congress 11. Royal Society of New Zealand: 20-27. [Moas, p. 27.] eee J.A., 1970. Some new vertebrate finds in the Te Kuiti Group. Geol. Soc. N. Z. newslett. GRANT-MACKIE, J.A., 1979. Ancient life of the Auckland area. In Natural History of Auckland: An Introduction P.J. Brook, ed., Auckland War Museum Handbook: 17-25. [Quaternary birds.] GRANT-MACKIE, J.A., 1982. An articulated shark vertebral column. Geol. Soc. N. Z. newslett. 56: 7. GRANT-MACKIE, J.A., 1983. Port Waikato area. Field trip guides. Geol. Soc. N. Z. Misc. Pub. 30B: 82-91 {Sharks, p. 84] GRANT-MACKIE, J.A. & SCARLETT, R.J., 1973. Last interglacial sequence, Oamaru. Guidebook for Excursion 7, 9th INOUA Congress, Christchurch, New Zealand: 87-99. GRANT-MACKIE, J.A. & SIMPSON, G.G., 1973. Tertiary penguins from the North Island of New Zealand. J. R. Soc. N. Z. 3: 441-452. GRAY, J.E., 1871. Notes on the Berardius of New Zealand. Mag. Nat. Hist. 8(4): 115-117. GREEN, M., PRINGLE, J.E. & ZIDEK, J., 1979. Bibliography of fossil vertebrates 1973-1977. Dakoterra 1. GREENWOOD, R.M. & ATKINSON, I.A., 1977. Evolution of divaricating plants in New Zealand in relation to moa browsing. N. Z. Ecol. Proc, 24: 21-23. GREGG, care 1959. Stratigraphy of the Lower Waipara Gorge, North Canterbury. N. Z. Jl. Geol. Geophys. 2: 501-527. GREGG, D.R., 1972. Holocene stratigraphy and moas at Pyramid Valley, North Canterbury, New Zealand. Rec. Canterbury Mus. 9: 151-158. GREGG, D.R., 1974. Sea dragons of the Mesozoic. In New Zealand's Nature Heritage 1. R. Knox, ed., Hamlyn, Wellington: 84-88. GREGORY, J.T., BAISKAI, J.A., BRAJNIKOV, B. & MUNTHE, K., 1973. Bibliography of fossil vertebrates 1969-1972. Geol. Soc. Am. Mem. 141: 733 p. GREGORY, J.T. et al., 1981. Bibliography of Fossil Vertebrates 1978. American Geological Institute, Washington. GREGORY, M.R., BALLANCE, P.F., GIBSON, G.W. & AYLING, A.M., 1979. On how some rays (Elasmobranchia) excavate feeding depressions by jetting water. J. Sed. Pet. 49: 1125-1130. [Trace fossils.] GREGORY, M.R., BALLANCE, P.F. & GIBSON, G.W., 1983. Fossil analogues of modem ray feeding hollows - further examples and additional comments. [Abstract.] Geological Society of New Zealand annual conference 1983, programme and abstracts. N. Z. Geol. Soc. Misc. Pub. 30A. [unpaginated.] GREHAN, J.R., 1984. Evolution by law: Croizat's "Orthogeny" and Darwin's "Laws of Growth". Tuatara 27: 14-19. GRENFELL, H.R., 1981. An introduction to the study of fish otoliths (ear stones), Geological Society of New Zealand annual conference 1981, programme and abstracts. Geol. Soc. N. Z. Misc. Pub, 29: 39. GRENFELL H.R., 1983. Lower Miocene teleost otoliths from New Zealand. Bull. Mar. Sci, 33: 779. GRENFELL, H.R., 1984. Early Miocene teleost otoltihs from Parengarenga Harbour, New Zealand. N. Z. J. Geol. Geophys. 27: 51-96. GUDEX, M.C., 1918. The succession of Tertiary beds in the Pareora district, South Canterbury, Trans. N. Z. Instit. 50: 244-262. [Vertebrates, p. 245 ff] GURR, L., 1952. A skeleton of Notornis hochstetteri Mayer from Waitati, Otago, and notes on distribution of the bird in the South Island, New Zealand Trans. R. Soc. N. Z. 80: 19-21. HAAST, J., 1862. Notes on the geology of the Province of Canterbury, New Zealand N. Z. Govt. Gazette, Prov. Canterbury 9(18): 121-131 HAAST, J., 1869a. On the measurements of Dinornis bones, obtained from excavation in a swamp situated at Glenmark, on the propety of Messrs Kermode and Co., up to 15 February 1868. Trans. N. Z. Instit. 1: 80-89. HAAST, J., 1869b. Saurier der Tertiarformation Neuseelands. Verhandlung. Geol. Reichsanst., Wien 1869: 350-351. * HAAST, J., 1870. Notes on a collection of saurian remains from the Waipara River, Canterbury, in the possession of J.H. Cockbum Hood, Esq. Trans. Proc. N. Z. Instit. 2: 186-189. HAAST, J., 1871. On the geology of the Amuri district in the provinces of Nelson and Marlborough. N. Z. Geol Surv. Rept. Geol Explor. 1870-1 {6}: 25-46. [Ichthyosaurs,] HAAST, J., 1872. Notes on Harpagornis moorei, an extinct gigantic bird of prey, containing description of femur, ungual phalanges, and rib. Trans. N. Z. Instit. 4: 192-196. HAAST, J., 1874a. Remarks on the extinct birds of New Zealand. Ibis 4(3): 209-220. HAAST, J., 1874b. On Harpagornis, an extinct genus of gigantic raptorial birds of New Zealand. Trans. N. Z. Instit. 6: 62-75. HAAST, J., 1874c. Presidential address. Trans. N. Z. Insut. 6: 419-432. 1280 - FORDYCE HAAST, J., 1879. Geology of the Provinces of Canterbury and Westland, New Zealand. A Report Comprising the Results of Official Explorations. Times Office, Christchurch: 1-486. HAAST, J., 1884. On the leg bones of a new species of [fossil] kiwi. Trans. N. Z. Instit. 16: 576-577. HAAST, J., 1886a. On Megalapteryx hectori, a new gigantic species of apterygian bird. Trans. Zool. Soc. Lond. 12: 161-169. HAAST, J., 1886b. On Dinornis oweni, a new species of the Dinornithidae, with some remarks on D. curtus. Trans, Zool. Soc. Lond. 12: 171-182. HAAST, J., 1887. Notes on the age and subdivision of the sedimentary rocks in the Canterbury mountains, based upon the palacontological researches of Professor Dr. C. Baron von Ettingshausen in Gratz (Austria). Trans. N. Z. Instit. 19: 449-451. [Mt Potts reptiles.] HALL, T.S., 1911. On the systematic position of the species of Squalodon and Zeuglodon described from Australia and New Zealand. Proc. R. Soc. Vict. ns. 23: 257-265. HAMEL, G.E., 1979. The breeding ecology of moas. In Birds of a Feather. A. Anderson, ed., New Zealand Archaeological Association Monograph: 61-66. HAMILTON, A., 1892. Notes on moa gizzard-stones. Trans. N. Z. Instit. 24: 172-175. HAMILTON, A., 1893. On the fissures and caves at the Castle Rocks, Southland; with a description of the remains of the existing and extinct birds found in them. Trans. N. Z. Instit. 25: 88-106. HAMILTON, A., 1894. Materials for a bibliography of the Dinomithidae, the great extinct birds of New Zealand, usually called moas. Trans. N. Z. Instit. 26: 229-57. HAMILTON, A., 1902. On the septarian boulders of Moeraki, Otago. Trans. N. Z. Instit. 34: 447-451. [Reptile bone.] HAMILTON, A., 1903. List of papers on the geology of New Zealand. Trans. N. Z. Instit.35: 489-546. [ Vertebrates.] HAMILTON, A., 1903. [Exhibited fossil cetacean teeth from Milbum.] Trans. N. Z. Instit. 35: 567. HAMILTON, A., 1904. Notes on a small collection of fossils from Wharekuri, on the Waitaki River, North Otago. Trans. N. Z. Instit. 36: 465-467. [Kekenodon onamata locality.] HAMILTON, A., 1910. The present position of New Zealand palaeontology: with a list of papers on the palaeontology of New Zealand, including the titles of those stratigraphic papers containing important lists of fossils. Trans. N. Z. Instit. 43: 46-63. [Vertebrates. ] HARDENBOL, J. & BERGGREN, W.A., 1978. A new Paleogene numerical time scale. Contributions to the geologic time scale: AAPG Stud. Geol.6 213-234. HAQ, B.U., HARDENBOL, J. & VAIL, P.R., 1987. Chronology of fluctuating sea levels since the Triassic. Science 235: 1156-1166. HARRISON, C.J. & WALKER, C.A., 1973. An undescribed extinct fish eagle from the Chatham Islands. /bis 115: 274-277. HARRISON, C.J. & WALKER, C.A., 1976. A review of the bony-toothed birds (Odontopterygiformes) with descriptions of some new species. Tertiary Res. Sp. Pap. 2: 1-62. HARRISON, C.J. & WALKER, C.A., 1978. The invalidity of Pleistocene records of wandering albatross Diomedia exulans. Ibis 120: 229-230. HAYWOOD, B.W., 1978. Moas, the first rockhounds of New Zealand - evidence from Kawerua. Tane 24: 159-172. [Moa gizzard stones.] HECTOR, J., 1867. Abstract Report on the Progress of the Geological Survey of New Zealand During 1866- 7. Government Printer, Wellington. HECTOR, J., 1867. Notice of an egg of the great moa (Dinornis gigantea) containing remains of an embryo, found in the province of Otago, New Zealand. Proc. Zool. Soc. Lond. 1867: 991-992.* HECTOR, J., 1870a. Preliminary notes on the bones of a fossil penguin (Abstract). Trans. N. Z. Instit. 2: 403. HECTOR, J., 1870b. Catalogue of the Colonial Museum, Wellington, New Zealand. Government Printer, Wellington. 1-235. [Ichthyosaurs, plesiosaurs, p. 198.] HECTOR, J., 1872. On the remains of a gigantic penguin (Palaeeudyptes antarcticus, Huxley) from the Tertiary rocks on the west coast of Nelson. Trans. Proc. N. Z. Instit. 4: 341-346. [= Palaeeudyptes sp. of others.] HECTOR, J., 1873a. Further notice of bones of a fossil penguin (Palaeeudyptes antarcticus, Huxley). Trans. Proc. N. Z. Instit. 5: 438-439. [=Pachydyptes ponderosus.] HECTOR, J., 1873b. [Introduction]. New Zealand Colonial Museun and Laboratory 8th annual report: 3-7. [Mauisaurus, Quatemary birds | HECTOR, J., 1874. On the fossil Reptilia of New Zealand. Trans, Proc. N. Z. Instit. 6: 333-358. HECTOR, J., 1875. Exhibition of a pelvis of Harpagornis moorei, from Otago, New Zealand. Proc. R. Soc. Lond. 1875: 470. HECTOR, J., 1876. Note [on stratigraphy] in H. Woodward, On a new fossil crab from the Tertiary of New Zealand. Q. J. Geol. Soc. Lond. 32: 53-56. [Turtle, penguin.] HECTOR, J., 1877a. The Ototara series, New Zealand. Geol. Mag. decade 2, 4: 135. [Penguins.] FOSSIL VERTEBRATES OF NEW ZEALAND - 1281 HECTOR, J., 1877b. Progress reports, 1873-74. N. Z. Geol. Sur. Rep. Geol. Explor, 1873-74 [8b]: i-xx. [Cretaceous reptiles.] HECTOR, J., 1877c. Progress report. N. Z. Geol. Surv. Rep. Geol. Explor. 1876-77 [10]: iii-xx. HECTOR J., 1878. Progress report. N. Z. Geol. Surv. Rep. Geol. Explor. 1877-78 [11]: i-xv. HECTOR J., 1879. Handbook of New Zealand. Sydney International Exhibition, 1879. Lyon & Blair, Wellington: 1-105. [Mesozoic reptiles p. 21.] HECTOR, J., 1880a. Palaeontology. New Zealand Colonial Museum and Laboratory 15th Annual Report: 8- 10. [Cretaceous reptiles, penguins.] HECTOR, J., 1880b. Appendix to official catalogue. New Zealand Court. International Exhibition, Sydney, 1879. Government Printer, Wellington: 2-43, 47-50. [Reptiles p. 5, 13; penguins p. 42.] HECTOR, J., 1880c. On the geological formations of New Zealand compared with those of Australia. J. R. Soc. N. S. W. 13: 65-80. [Reptiles p. 72, p. 77.] ee ie Notes on New Zealand Cetacea, Recent and fossii (Abstract). Trans N. Z. Instit 13: HECTOR, J., 1881b. [Fossil teeth of fishes (Aqualidae) and spines of Raiidae from Te Aute, exhibited.] (Abstract). Trans. N. Z. Instit. 13: 456. HECTOR, J., 1882a. Progress report, 188], N. Z. Geol. Sur. Rep. Geol Explor. 1881 [14]: ix-xxxii. HECTOR, J., 1882b. Fossil cetaceans. (Abstract). Trans. N. Z. Instit. 14: 545, HECTOR, J., 1883. Progress report, 1882. N. Z. Geol. Surv. Rep. Geol. Explor. 1882 [15]: ix-xxx. [Cretaceous reptiles] HECTOR, J., 1884. New Zealand Institute fifteenth annual report. Trans. N. Z. Instit. 16: 535-544. [Penguin, p. 539.] HECTOR, J., 1886. Detailed Catalogue and Guide to the Geological Exhibits. New Zealand Court, Indian and Colonial Exhibition, London, 1886. Government Printer, Wellington: 37-101. [Cretaceous reptiles] HECTOR, J., 1887. Catalogue of geological models, casts of fossil reptiles and ethnological articles offered for exchange. New Zealand Colonial Museum and Laboratory 22nd Annual Report: 33-36. [Cetacea, Cretaceous reptiles] HECTOR, J., 1889. Casts of fossils, etc. New Zealand Colonial Museum and Laboratory 23rd Annual Report: 3-6. [Cetacea, Cretaceous reptiles] HECTOR, J., 1892a. Index to fossiliferous localities in New Zealand [1-764]. N. Z. Geol. Surv. Rep. Geol. Explor. 1890-91 21: 120-145. HECTOR, J., 1982b. Index to fossiliferous localities according to the countries in which they occur. UN. Z. Geol. Sur. Rep. Geol. Explor. 1890-9] 21: 146-178. HECTOR, J., 1893. Geological report. In The Cheviot Estate: Particulars, Terms and Conditions of Disposal and Occupation of 33,474 Acres. Government Printer, Wellington: 6-15. [Cretaceous reptiles. ] HECTOR, J., 1894. Critical notes on Mr Davis’ paper. In J.W. Davis. Report on the fossil fish remains of New Zealand. N. Z. Geol. Surv. Rep. Geol. Explor. 1892-1893 22: 115-120. HECTOR, J., 1897. Notes on moa-bones in gold-drift. Trans. Proc. N. Z. Geol. Instit. 29: 607-608. HECTOR, J., 1900. Fossil bones (cetacean), from Hangaroa River, near the Gisborne-Rotorua stock-track. Trans. Proc. N. Z. Geol. Instit. 32: 424. [authored by Smith, S.P., 19007] HECTOR, J., 1902. On the distribution of moa remains in New Zealand. Trans. Proc. N. Z. Geol. Instit. 34: 562-563. HENDERSON, J., 1917. The geology and mineral resources of the Reefton subdivision, Westport and North Westland Divisions. N. Z. Geol. Surv. Bull. n.s. 18. 1-232. [Penguins, sharks, p. 94] HENDERSON, J., 1921. Notes to accompany a geological map of the Cheviot district. N. Z. J. Sci. Tech. 4: 24-30. [Cretaceous vertebrates.] HENDERSON, J. & GRANGE, L.I., 1926. The geology of the Huntly-Kawhia subdivision, Pirongia and Hauraki Divisions. N. Z. Geol. Surv. Bull. ns. 28. 1-112. [Cetacea, p. 51; shark, p. 54; "mammal", p- 56.) HEUNE, F. F. VON, 1936. [Review of Benham 1935a.] Neues Jahrbu. Mineral. Geol. Paldontol. 1936: 538- 539. ; HILL, H., 1889. Discovery of fossil moa feathers in rocks of Pliocene age. Trans. N. Z. Instit. 21: 318- 320. HILL, H., 1890. Descriptive geclogy of the district between Napier and Ruapehu Mountain via Kuripapanga and Erewhon. Trans. N. Z. Instit. 22: 422-429. [Moa gizzard stones.] HILL, H., 1895, On the occurrence of moa footprints in the bed of the Manawatu River, near Palmerston North. Trans. N. Z. Instit. 27: 476-477. -s HILL, H., 1900. On the geology of the district between Napier and Puketitiri. Trans. N. Z. Instit. 32: 183- 188. [Cetacea.] HITCHING, K.D., 1979. Torlesse geology of Kakahu, South Canterbury. N. Z. Jl. Geol. Geophys. 22: 191- 197. [Carboniferous fish fragments.] 1282 - FORDYCE HOCHSTETTER, F. VON, 1864. Geologie von Neu-Seeland. Beitrige sur Geologie der Provinzen Auckland und Nelson. Reise der 6sterreichischen Fregatta Novara um die Erde. Geologischer Theil. 1. * [See Fleming 1959a.] HOFFMANN, A., 1985. Island biogeography and palaeobiology: in search for evolutionary equilibria. Geol. Rev. Cambridge Phil. Soc. 60: 455-471. HOLDGATE, W.M., ed., 1970. Antarctic Ecology, Vol. 1. Scientific Committee on Antarctic Research. Academic Press, London: 1-604. HOLDAWAY, R.N., 1989. New Zealand's pre-human avifauna and its vulnerability. N. Z. J. Ecol. Suppl. 12: 11-25. HOOD, T.H.C., 1870. Geological observations on the Waipara River, New Zealand. Q. J. Geol. Soc. Lond. 26: 409-413. [Plesiosaurs] HORN, P.L., 1983. Subfossil avian deposits from Poukawa, Hawkes Bay, and the first record of Oxyura australis (Blue-billed duck) from New Zealand. J. R. Soc. N. Z. 13: 67-78. HORNIBROOK, N. DE B., 1962. The Cretaceous-Tertiary boundary in New Zealand. N. Z. JI. Geol. Geophys. §: 295-303. [Elasmosaurs] HORNIBROOK, N. DE B., 1966. The stratigraphy of Landon (or Boundary) Creek, Oamaru. N. Z. JI. Geol. Geophys. 9: 458-470. [Cetacean ear bone, p. 467] HOSKINS, R.H., ed., 1982. Stages of the New Zealand marine Cenozoic: a synopsis. N. Z. Geol. Surv. Rep. 107: 1-74. HOUDE, P., 1986. Ostrich ancestors found in the northern hemisphere suggest new hypothesis of ratite origins. Nature 324: 563-565. HOWARD, H., 1957. A gigantic "toothed" marine bird from the Miocene of California. Bull. Dept. Geol. Santa Barbara Mus. Nat. Hist. 1: 1-23. HOWARD, H., 1964. Fossil Anseriforms. In The Waterfowl of the Werld, Vol. 4. J. Delacour, ed, Country Life Ltd., London: 259-280. HOWARD, H. & WARTER, S.L., 1969. A new species of bony toothed bird (Family Pseudodontomithithidae) from the Tertiary of New Zealand. Rec. Canterbury Mus. 8(4): 345-357. HOWELL, D.G., 1980. Mesozoic accretion of exotic terranes along the New Zealand segment of Gondwanaland. Geology 8: 487-491. HUTTON, C.O., 1939. The Bob's Cove Tertiary beds and the Moonlight Thrust -fault. Trans. R, Soc. N. Z. 69: 73-88. [Cetacea, p. 77.] HUTTON, F.W., 1872. On the geographical relations of the New Zealand fauna. Trans. N. Z. Instit. 5: 227- 256. [Vertebrate origins.] HUTTON, F.W., 1873. Synopsis of the younger formations of New Zealand. Q. J. Geol. Soc. Lond. 29: 372-379. [reptiles] HUTTON, F.W., 1877. Report on the geology of the northeast portion of the South Island, from Cook Strait to the Rakaia. N. Z. Geol. Surv. Rep. Geol. Explor. 1872-73 [8a]: 27-58. [plesiosaurs] HUTTON, F.W., 1885a. Sketch of the geology of New Zealand. Q. J. Geol. Soc. Lond. 41: 191-220; N. Z. Jour, Sci. 2: 435-449, 486. [Reptiles, p. 204-206; Cetacea, p. 207, 210; Phocidae, p. 212]] HUTTON, F.W., 1885b. On the geological position of the "Weka-Pass Stone" of New Zealand. Q. J. Geol. Soc, Lond. 41: 266-278. [Reptiles, p. 266; penguins, p- 272] HUTTON, F.W., 1885c. On the correlations of the "Curiosity Shop Bed" in Canterbury, New Zealand. Q. J. Geol. Soc. Lond. 41: 547-564. [Penguins p. 549, Cetacea p. 554] HUTTON, F.W., 1887a. On the geology of the Trelissick or Broken River Basin, Selwyn County. Trans. N. Z. Instit. 19: 392-412. [Fish p. 399, plesiosaur p-. 401) HUTTON, F.W., 1887b. Note on the geology of the Valley of the Waiho [sic] in South Canterbury. Trans. N. Z. Instit. 19: 430-433. ["Crocodile” teeth, p. 431.] HUTTON, F.W., 1888a. On some railway cuttings in the Weka Pass. Trans. N. Z. Instit. 20: 257-263. [Fish, Cetacea p. 260] HUTTON, F.W., 1888b. On some fossils lately obtained from the Cobden Limestone at Greymouth. Trans. N. Z. Instit. 20: 267-269. [Cetacea, p- 268} HUTTON, F.W., 1891. On the classification of the Moas (Abstract). N. Z. J. Sci. (new issue) 1: 247-249. HUTTON, F.W., 1892. The moas of New Zealand. Trans. N. Z. Instit, 24: 93-172. HUTTON, F.W., 1894. On a new plesiosaur from the Waipara River. Trans. N. Z. Instit. 26: 354-358. [=1895?] HUTTON, F.W., 1895. Guide to the Collections in the Canterbury Museum, Christchurch, New Zealand. Christchurch. 1-233. * [Reptile ] HUTTON, F.W., 1897. The moas of the North Island of New Zealand. Trans. N. Z. Instit. 29: 541-557. HUTTON, F.W., 1899a. On a supposed rib of the kumi, or ngarara. Trans. N. Z. Instit. 31: 485. HUTTON, F.W., 1899b. On the footprint of a kiwi-like bird from Manaroa [Pelorus Sound]. Trans. N. Z. Instit. 31: 486. HUTTON, F.W., 1900a. The geological history of New Zealand. Trans. N. Z. Instit. 32:159-183. (Reptiles, p 166, 169; Cetacea, p. 170] FOSSIL VERTEBRATES OF NEW ZEALAND - 1283 HUTTON, F.W., 1900b. Guide to the Collections in the Canterbury Museum, Christchurch, New Zealand. 2nd : ed. Canterbury Museum, Christchurch. [Reptiles, including wile] HUTTON, F.W. & ULRICH, G.H.F,, 1875. Report on the Geology and Goldfields of Otago, Mills, Dick and ; Co, Dunedin: 1-244. [Plesiosaur, p. 46 ; Cetacea, p.51.] HUXLEY, T.H., 1859a, On a fossil bird and a fossil cetacean from New Zealand (abstract). Annal. Mag. Nat. Hist. 3(3): 509-510, [Phocaenopsis mantelli, Palaeeudyptes antarcticus.] HUXLEY, T.H., 1859b. On a fossil bird and a fossil cetacean from New Zealand. Q. J. Geol. Soc. Lond. 15: 670-677. [Phocaenopsis mantelli, Palaeeudyptes antarcticus.] HUXLEY, T.H., 1859c. On a fossil bird and a fossil cetacean from New Zealand (abstract). Lond. Edinburg. Dublin Phil. Mag. J. Sci. (series 4) 17: 375. [Phocaenopsis mantelli, Palaeeudyptes antarcticus.| HUXLEY, T.H., 1859d. [= Anon. 18592] [Abstract of description of Phocaenopsis mantelli, Palaeeudyptes antarcticus|. Neues Jahrbu. Min. Geognos. Geol. Petrefateten-kunde 1859: 495, HUXLEY, T.H., 1899. On a fossil bird and a fossil cetacean from New Zealand. The Scientific Memoirs of Thomas Henry Huxley, 2: 157-165. [Phocaenopsis mantelli, Palaeeudyptes antarcticus.] HUXLEY, T.H., 1899. On a fossil bird and a fossil cetacean from New Zealand. The Scientific Memoirs of Thomas Henry Huxley, 2: 157-165. [Phocaenopsis mantelli, Palaeeudyptes antarcticus.] JABLONSKI, D., 1984. Keeping in touch with mass extinctions. Paleobiology 10: 139-145. JAMES, H.F. & OLSON, S.L., 1983. Flightless birds. Nat. Hist. 1983 (9): 30-40. JENKINS, D.G., 1967. Conodonts in New Zealand. N. Z. JI. Geol. Geophys. 10: 302-303. JENKINS, D.G., 1968. New Zealand Triassic conodonts. WN. Z. JI. Geol. Geophys. 11: 1238. [Fish fragments.] JENKINS, D.G. & JENKINS, T.B.H., 1971. First diagnostic Carboniferous fossils from New Zealand. Nature 233: 117-118. [Fish fragments.] aia +5 re 1976. Index to 'Bibliography of New Zealand Geology to 1950’. N. Z. Geol. Surv. Bull. n.s. : 242 p. JENKINS, D.L., 1982. Index to 'Bibliography of New Zealand Geology 1951-1969". N. Z. Geol. Surv. Bull. ns. 93A. 208 p. JENKINS, R.J.F., 1974. A new giant penguin from the Eocene of Australia. Palaeontology 17: 291-310. JENKINS, R.J.F., 1980. Taxonomy and biogeography of early penguins. (Abstract). Programmes and abstracts, Fourth Australian Geological Convention, Hobart, 14-18 January, 1980: 85. JENKINS, T.B.H. & JENKINS, D.G., 1971. Conodonts of the Haast Schist and Torlesse Groups of New Zealand. N. Z. Jl. Geol. Geophys. 14: 782-794. [Triassic fish fragments.] JOHNSTON, M.R., RAINE, J.I. & WATTERS, W.A., 1980. Composition, age and structure of the Brook Street Volcanics, Nelson. [Abstract.] Geological Society of New Zealand annual conference 1980, programme and abstracts. Geol. Soc. N. Z. Misc. Pub. 27A: 56. [Triassic or Jurassic bone.] JOHNSTON, M.R., RAINE, J.I. & WATTERS, T., 1987. Drumduan Group of east Nelson, New Zealand: plant- bearing Jurassic arc rocks metamorphosed during terrane interaction. J. R. Soc. N. Z. 17: 275-301. KAMP, P.J.J., 1986. The mid-Cenozoic Challenger Rift system of western New Zealand and its implications for the age of Alpine fault inception. Geol. Soc. Am. Bull, 97: 255-281. KARRER, C., 1971. Die Otolithen der Moridae (Teloeosei, Gadiformes) und ihre systematische bedeutung. Zoologische Jahrbiicher. Abteil. Syst., Okol. Geograp. Tier 98(2): 153-204. [N.Z. fossil taxa.] KEAR, J. & SCARLETT, R.J., 1970. The Auckland Islands merganser. Wildfowl 21: 78-86. KEAST, A., 1971. Continental drift and the evolution of the biota on southern continents. Q. Rev. Biol. 46: 335-378. [Comments on N.Z. Recent biota.] KELLOGG, A.R., 1922. Pinnipeds from Miocene and Pleistocene deposits of California. Univ. Calif. Publs. Bull. Dept. Geol. Sci. 13(4): 23-132. KELLOGG, A.R., 1923. Description of two squalodonts recently discovered in the Calbert Cliffs, Maryland; and notes on the shark-toothed dolphins. Proc. U. S. natn. Mus. 62(16): 1-69. [Key includes N.Z. fossil taxa.] KELLOGG, A.R., 1936. A review of the Archaeoceti. Carnegie Instit. Wash. Pub. 482: 1-366. [Kekenodon onamatia.] KELLOGG, A.R., 1956. Distribution and supposed age relationships of New Zealand cetaceans. In Proceedings of the Eighth Pacific Science Congress 2, P.E. Cloud, ed., Provisional correlation of selected Cenozoic sequences in the western and central Pacific: table 1 KEMP, N.R., 1978. Detailed comparisons of the dentitions of extant hexanchid sharks and Tertiary hexanchid teeth from South Australia and Victoria, Australia (Selachii: Hexanchidae). Mem. natn. Mus. Vict. 39: 61-83. [N.Z. fossil taxa mentioned.] KEYES, I.W., 1971. Our largest fossil sharks. N. Z. Lapidary 5: 4-7. KEYES, I.W., 1972. New records of the elasmobranch C. megalodon (Agassiz) and a review of the Genus Carcharodon in the New Zealand fossil record. N. Z. Jl. Geol. Geophys. 15(2): 228-242. KEYES, I.W., 1973. Early Oligocene squalodont cetacean from Oamaru, New Zealand. N. Z. J. Marine Sci. Freshwater Res. 7: 381-390. 1284 - FORDYCE KEYES, I.W., 1975. Fossil sharks. In New Zealand's Nature Heritage 4(52). R. Knox, ed., Hamlyn , Wellington: 1442-1444. KEYES, I.W., 1977. Records of the Northern Hemisphere Cretaceous sawfish genus Onchopristis (Order Batoidea) from New Zealand. N. Z. Jl. Geol. Geophys. 20(2): 263-272. KEYES, LW., 1979. Ikamauius, new genus of fossil sawshark (Order Selachii, Family Pristiophoridae) from the Cenozoic of New Zealand. N. Z. JI. Geol. Geophys. 22(1): 125-130. KEYES, I.W., 1981a. The Waimakariri River (Otarama) vertebrate ("Lingula") horizon: its significance and the saga of its age determination. Geol. Soc. N. Z. newslett. 53: 33-38. KEYES, I.W., 1981b. Bibliography of Charles Alexander Fleming 1936 to December 1980. N. Z. Geol. Surv, Rep. 95: 1-64. [Lists articles on fossil vertebrates, origins of New Zealand vertebrates.] KEYES, I.W., 1982. The Cenozoic sawshark Pristiophorus lanceolatus (Davis) (Order Selachii) of New Zealand and Australia, with a review of the phylogeny and distribution of world fossil and extant Pristiophoridae. N. Z. JI. Geol. Geophys. 25: 459-474. KEYES, I.W., 1984a. New records of fossil elasmobranch genera Megascyliorhinus, Centrophorus, and Dalatias (Order Selachii) in New Zealand. N. Z. Jl. Geol. Geophys. 27: 203-216. KEYES, I. W., 1984. Joan Wiffen and the Mangahouanga Stream reptiles: a profile. Geol. Soc. N. Z. newslett. 63: 29-32. KEYES, I.W., 1987. Eocene elasmobranchs from Te Whanga Lagoon, Chatham Island. Geol. Soc. N. Z. newslett. 77: 31-35. KEYES, I.W., 1988. Bibliography of Charles Alexander Fleming (part II), 1981 to 1988. N. Z. Geol. Surv. Rep. G123: 1-21. KEYES, I. W., 1989. Mosasaurs, a marine equivalent of dinosaurs. Resource Res. D.S.I.R. 16: 1-2. KEYES, I.W. & FROGGATT, P., 1978. A second record of a moa bone from the sea floor of Cook Strait, New Zealand. N. Z. Jl. Geol. Geophys. 21: 663-664. KING, J.E., 1973. Pleistocene Ross Seal (Ommatophoca rossi) from New Zealand. N. Z. J. Marine Freshwater Res. 7: 391-397. KING, J.E., 1983a. The Ohope skull - a new species of Pleistocene sea lion from New Zealand. N. Z. J. Marine Freshwater Res. 17: 105-120. [Neophoca palatina, new species.] KING, J.E., 1983b. Seals of the World. British Museum (Natural History), London. KINGMA, J.T., 1971. The geology of Te Aute subdivision. N. Z. Geol. Surv. Bull. 70: 1-173. [balaenid fossil, p. 83] KINSKY, F.C., (Convener), 1970. Annotated Checklist of the Birds of New Zealand. Omithological Society of New Zealand, A.H. & A.W. Reed, Wellington. 1-96. [Lists some Quatemary birds.] KNIGHT, C., 1874. On the teeth of the Leiodon. Trans. N. Z. Instit. 6: 358-364. KUMMEL, B. & RAUP, D., eds., 1965. Handbook of Paleontological Techniques. Freeman, San Francisco. LAMBERT, D.M., 1982. Darwinian views and patterns of speciation in New Zealand or, what's adaptive about a radiation? Tuatara 25: 41-47. [Kea and kaka evolution.] LARTET, E., 1857. Note sur un humérus fossile d'oiseaux, attribué 4 un trés grand palmipéde de la section des longipennes. C. R. Sean. Acad. Sci. Paris 44: 736-741. LEWIS, D.W., 1976. Subaqueous debris flows of early Pleistocene age at Motunau, North Canterbury, New Zealand. N. Z. Jl. Geol. Geophys. 19: 535-567. [Bones in Tertiary clasts in debris flows.] LILLIE, A.R., 1953. The geology of the Dannevirke subdivision. N. Z. Geol. Surv. Bull. n.s. 46: 1-156. LILLIE, A.R., 1980. Strata and Structure in New Zealand. Tohunga Press, Parnell. LINDQVIST, J.K., 1986. Teredinid-bored Arancariaceae logs preserved in shoreface sediments, Wangaloa Formation (Paleocene), Otago, New Zealand. WN. Z. JI. Geol. Geophys. 29: 253-261. [Potential vertebrate-bearing lithologies.] LIVEZEY, B.C., 1986. A phylogenetic analysis of Recent anseriform genera using morphological characters. Auk 103: 737-754. LOUTIT, T.S. & KENNETT, J.P., 1981. New Zealand and Australian Cenozoic sedimentary cycles and global sea-level changes. Am. Assoc. Petrol. Geol. Bull. 65: 1586-1601. LOWE, P.R., 1933. On the primitive characters of the penguins and their bearing on the phylogeny of birds. Proc. Geol. Soc, Lond, 1933: 483-538. [Fossil penguins.] LOWE, P.R., 1939. Some additional notes on Miocene penguins in relation to their origin and systematics. Ibis (14) 3: 281-294. LOWENSTEIN, J.M., 1986. Molecular phylogenetics. Ann. Rev. Earth Planet. Sci. 1986 14: 71-83, LYDEKKER, R., 1889. Catalogue of the Fossil Reptilia and Ampibia in the British Museum (Natural History). Part IJ. Containing the orders Ichthyopterygia and Sauropterygia. British Museum (Natural History), London. [Mixosaurus hectori.] LYDEKKER, R., 1891. Catalogue of the fossil birds in the British Museum (Natural History). British Museum (Natural History) London. [N.Z. subfossil taxa.] MACADIE, I., 1985. Devonian fossil fishes of Reefton, New Zealand. N.Z. Geol. Surv. Rec. 9: 73-75. MCCOY, a 1867. On the occurrence of Ichthyosaurus and Plesiosaurus in Australia. Mag. Nat. Hist. 19(3): 355-356. FOSSIL VERTEBRATES OF NEW ZEALAND - 1285 MCCULLOCH, B., 1982. No moa. Canterbury Museum, Christchurch. MCCULLOCH, B., 1985. Pyramid Valley moa swamp. Geol. Soc. N. Z. newslett. 68: 25-28. MCCULLOCH, B. & TROTTER, M.M., 1979. Some radiocarbon dates for moa remains from natural deposits. N. Z. Jl. Geol. Geophys. 22: 277-280. MCDOWALL, R.M., 1969. Extinction and endemism in New Zealand land birds. Tuatara 17: 1-12. MCDOWALL, R.M., 1970. The galaxiid fishes of New Zealand. Bull. Mus. Comp. Zool. 139: 341-431. MCDOWALL, R.M., 1973. Zoogeography and taxonomy. Tuatara 20: 88-96. [Moas.] cake G are ee 1976. Notes on some Galaxias fossils from the Pliocene of New Zealand. J. R. Soc. N. Scat oe R.M., 1978. New Zealand Freshwater Fishes. A Guide and Natural History. Heinemann, uckland. MCDOWALL, R.M., 1980a. Fresh water fishes and plate tectonics in the Southwest Pacific. Palaeogeog. Palaeoclim. Palaeoecol. 31: 337-352. MCDOWALL, R.M., 1980b. Where New Zealand was and what lived here - Precambrian to present. A review of "The Geological History of New Zealand and its Life", by C.A. Fleming. Geol. Soc. N. Z. newslett. 48: 49-53. [See Craw 1980.] iets 1985. Plant biogeography and the late Cenozoic history of New Zealand. N. Z. J. Bot. MCGLONE, M.S. & WEBB, C. J., 1981. Selective forces influencing the evolution of divaricating plants. N. Z. J. Ecol. 4: 20-28. MCGOWAN, C., 1972. The systematics of Cretaceous ichthyosaurs with particular reference to the material from North America. Contri. Geol. Univ. Wyoming 11: 9-29. MCGREGOR, E. (Compiler), 1987. Bibliographic index of New Zealand stratigraphic names to 31 December 1986. N. Z. Geol. Sur. Bull. 102. MCKAY, A., 1877a. On the reptilian beds of New Zealand. Trans. N. Z. Instit. 9: 581-590. [Reptiles; penguin, p. 585.] MCKAY, A., 1877b. Reports relative to collections of fossils in south east district of the Province of Otago. N. Z. Geol. Surv. Rep. Geol. Explor. 1873-74 8b: 59-73. [{Cetacea, p, 60, 62.] MCKAY, A., 1877c. Reports relative to collections of fossils made on the West Coast district, South Island. N. Z. Geol. Surv. Rep. Geol. Explor. 1873-74 8b: 74-115. MCKAY, A., 1877d. Reports relative to collections of fossils made in the East Cape district, North Island. N. Z. Geol. Surv. Rep. Geol. Explor. 1873-74 8b: 116-164. [Reptiles, sharks] MCKAY, A., 1877e. Report on Weka Pass and Buller Districts. MN. Z. Geol. Surv. Rep. Geol. Explor. 1874- 76 9: 36-42. [Reptiles] MCKAY, A., 1877f. Report on Kaikoura Peninsula and Amuri Bluff. N. Z. Geol. Surv. Rep. Geol. Explor. 1874-76 9: 172-184. [Reptiles, sharks] MCKAY, A., 1877g. Oamaru and Waitaki districts. N. Z. Geol. Surv. Rep. Explor. 1876-77 10 : 41-66. (Reptile, bird, p. 41; Cetacea, p. 44, 48.] MCKAY, A., 1878. Report relative to the collection of fossils from the Mount Potts Spirifer Beds. N. Z. Geol. Surv. Rep. Explor. 1877-78 11: 91-109. [Triassic reptiles, p. 99] MCKAY, A., 1881a. Of (On) the Trelissic Basin, Selwyn County. WN. Z. Geol. Surv. Rep. Explor. 1879-80 13: 53-74. [Cetacea, p. 70.] MCKAY, A., 1881b. Curiosity Shop, Rakaia River, Canterbury. (Notes to accompany a collection of fossils from that locality.) N. Z. Geol. Surv. Rep. Explor. 1879-80 13: 75-82. [Sharks, penguins, p. 82.] MCKAY, A., 1881c. On the Motunau District, Ashley County. N. Z. Geol. Surv. Rep. Explor. 1879-80 13: 108-118. [Reptiles, p. 116.] MCKAY, A., 1881d. District west and north of Lake Wakatipu. N. Z. Geol. Surv. Rep. Explor. 1879-80 3: 118-147. [Plesiosaur-like teeth, p. 145.] MCKAY, A., 1882a. Geology of the Waitaki Valley and parts of Vincent and Lake Counties. N. Z. Geol. Surv, Rep. Explor. 1881, (14): 56-92. [Kekenodon onamata.] MCKAY, A., 1882b. On the younger Deposits of the Wharekauri Basin and the lower Waitaki Valley. New Zealand Geological Survey report of geological explorations 1881 4: 98-106. [Kekenodon onamata.] MCKAY, A., 1883. On a deposit of moa bones near Motunau, North Canterbury. N. Z. Geol. Surv. Rep. Explor. MCKAY, A., 1886. On the geology of the eastern part of Marlborough Provincial District. N. Z. Geol. Suv. Rep. Geol. Explor. 1885 17: 27-136. (Reptiles, p. 71 ff.] MCKAY, A., 1887a. On the junction of the Amuri Limestone and Weka Pass Stone, Weka Pass, North Canterbury. N. Z. Geol. Surv. Rep. Explor./886-87 18: 78-91. [Reptiles, p. 89; penguin, p. 90.] MCKAY, A., 1887b. On the identity and geological positions of the greensands of the Waihao Forks, Waihao Valley, South Canterbury, N. Z. Geol. Surv. Rep. Geol. Explor. 1886-87 18: 91-119. [Crocodilus sp., p. 113, 118.] MCKAY, A., 1888. On the geology of the northem district of Auckland. N. Z. Geol. Surv. Rep. Geol. Explor. 1887-88 19: 37-57. [Fish, reptiles p. 47.) 1286 - FORDYCE MCKAY, A., 1890. On the geology of Marlborough and the Amuri district of Nelson. (Part 1). WN. Z. Geol. Surv. Rep. Geol. Explor. 1888-89 20: 85-185. [Fish, reptiles p. 155 ff] MCKAY, A., 1892. On the geology of the middle Waipara and Weka Pass Districts, North Canterbury. N. Z. Geol. Surv. Rep. Geol. Explor. 1890-91 21: 97-103. [Reptiles, p. 99 ff] MCKAY, A., 1894. Geological reports on the older auriferous drifts of Central Otago. Appendix to the Journal of the House of Representatives, New Zealand, C-4: 1-48. MCKAY, A., 1897. Reports on the older auriferous drifts of Central Otago. 2nd ed. Government Printer, Wellington: 119 p. MCKEE, J.W.A., 1984, Recent discoveries of middle Pliocene vertebrates from Hawera, south Taranaki. [Abstract.] Geological Society of New Zealand annual conference 1984, programme and abstracts. Geol. Soc. N. Z. Misc. Pub. 31A. [unpaginated]. MCKEE, J.W.A., 1985. A pseudodontorn (Pelecaniformes: Pelagornithidae) from the middle Pliocene of Hawera, Taranaki, New Zealand. N. Z. J. Zool. 12: 181-184. MCKEE, J.W.A., 1986. A Pliocene penguin from Hawera, Taranaki. [Abstract.] Geological Society of New Zealand annual conference 1986, programme and abstracts. Geol. Soc. N. Z. Misc. Pub. 35A: 78. MCKEE, J.W.A., 1987a. The occurrence of the Pliocene penguin Tereingaornis moisleyi (Sphenisciformes: Spheniscidae) at Hawera, Taranaki, New Zealand. N.Z. J. Zool. 14: 557-561. MCKEE, J.W.A., 1987b. Mid-Pliocene marine vertebrates from the South Taranaki region of New Zealand. [Abstract.] New Zealand Marine Sciences Society annual conference 1987, abstracts. N. Z. Marine Sci. newslett. 30: 29. MCKEE, J.W.A., 1988. The Pliocene penguin - Tereingaornis moisleyi, distribution and predation by other vertebrates. In First International Conference on Penguins, Programme and Abstracts. Davis, L.S. & Darby, J.T. (compilers), University of Otago, Dunedin: 39. MCKEE, J.W.A. & FORDYCE, R.E., 1987. Dolphin mandible (Delphinidae) from the Waipipian Stage (Pliocene), Waihi beach, Taranaki, New Zealand. N. Z. Jl. Geol. Geophys. 30: 321-323. MCKENZIE, K.G. & HUSSAINY, S.U., 1968. Relevance of a freshwater cytherid (Crustacea, Ostracoda) to the continental drift hypothesis. Nature 220: 806-808. MCKENZIE, D. W., ed., 1987. Heinemann New Zealand Atlas. Heinemann and Department of Survey and Land Information, Auckland. MCLEOD, H.N., 1904. Some caves and water passages in Greymouth district. Trans. N. Z. Instit. 36: 479- 480: 523-524. [Penguins.] MANTELL, G.A., 1850. Notice of the remains of the Dinornis and other birds, and of fossils and rock- specimens, recently collected by Mr Walter Mantell in the Middle Island of New Zealand; with additional notes on the Northern Island. With note on fossiliferous deposits in the Middle Island of New Zealand, by E. Forbes. Q. J, Geol. Soc. Lond. 6: 319-343. [Miscellaneous references, p. 325, 329, 337] MARDEN, M., SIMES, J.E. & CAMPBELL, H.J., 1988. Two Mesozoic faunas from Torlesse Melange terrane (Ruahine Range), New Zealand, and new evidence for Oretian correlation. N. A. JI. Geol. Geophys. 30: 389-399. [Elasmobranchs.] MARPLES, B.J., 1946. Notes on some neognathus bird bones from the Early Tertiary of New Zealand. Trans. R. Soc. N. Z. 76: 132-134. MARPLES, B.J., 1949a. Vertebrate palaeontology in New Zealand. Tuatara 2: 103-108. MARPLES, B.J., 1949b, Two endocranial casts of cetaceans from the Oligocene of New Zealand. Am. J. Sci. 247: 462-471. MARPLES, B.J., 1952. Early Tertiary penguins of New Zealand. N, Z. Geol. Surv. Bull. 20; 1-66. MARPLES, B.J., 1953. Fossil penguins from the mid-Tertiary of Seymour Island. Falkland Island Dep. Surv. Sct, Rep. 5: 1-15. MARPLES, B.J., 1956. Cetotheres (Cetacea) from the Oligocene of New Zealand. Proc. Zool. Soc. Lond. 126: 565-580. MARPLES, B.J., 1960. A fossil penguin from the Late Tertiary of North Canterbury. Rec. Canterbury Mus. 7: 185-195, MARPLES, B.J., 1962. Observations on the history of penguins. In The Evolution of Living Organisms. G.W. Leeper, ed., Melbourne University Press, Melbourne: 408-416 MARPLES, B.J., 1974. Fossil penguins. In New Zealand's Nature Heritage 1. R. Knox, ed., Hamlyn , Wellington: 142-144. MARPLES, B.J. & FLEMING, C.A., 1963. A fossil penguin bone from Kawhia, New Zealand. N. Z. JI. Geol Geophys. 6: 189-192. MARSHALL, P., 1910. Palaeontology. In The geology of the Whatatutu subdivision, Raukumara Division, Poverty Bay. J.H. Adams, N. Z. Geol. Surv. Bull. n.s. 9: 21-23 MARSHALL, P., 1912a. New Zealand and adjacent islands. Handbuch der Regionalen Geologie Herausgegeben 5 (7, 1): 1-79. [Reptiles, Cetacea] MARSHALL, P., 1912b. Geology of New Zealand. Government Printer, Wellington. [Vertebrates, p. 193.] FOSSIL VERTEBRATES OF NEW ZEALAND - 1287 babes ve P., 1917. Geology of the central Kaipara. Trans. N. Z. Instit. 49: 433-450. [Reptile bone, p. MARSHALL, P., 1919. Occurrence of fossil moa-bones in the Lower Wanganui strata. Trans. Proc. N. Z. Instit, 51: 250-253. MARWICK, J., 1937. Mudholes containing moa bones at Upokongaro. N. Z. J. Sci. Tech. 19: 329-336. MARWICK, J., 1959. Kekenodon beds. In Océanie. Fascicule 4. New Zealand. Lexique Stratigraphique International, 6. C.A. Fleming, ed., Centre National de la Recherche Scientifique, Paris: 173. MASON, B.H., 1941. The geology of Mount Grey district, North Canterbury. Tran. R. Soc. N. Z. 71: 103-127. [Cetacean bone, p. 116-7.] mise Sa? aot CURTIS, G.H., 1966. Date of Pliocene-Pleistocene boundary in New Zealand. Nature MEDWAY, D.G., 1967. Avian remains from new caves in the Taumatamaire district. Notornis 14: 158-160. MEDWAY, D.G., 1971. Subfossil avian remains from the Awakino-Mahoenui area. Notornis 18: 218-219. MEDWAY, D.G., 1974, Extinct birds. In Birds in New Zealand. C.J.R. Robertson, ed., A-H. & A.W. Reed, Wellington: 111-120. MILDENHALL, D.C., 1974. The record of the rocks. In New Zealand's Nature Heritage 1. R. Knox, ed., Hamlyn, Wellington,: 43-46. [Miocene "kiwi" footprint.] MILLENER, P.R., 1979. Aspects of the distribution of the Late Holocene avifauna of the North Island, New Zealand. [Abstract.] Geological Society of New Zealand annual conference 1984, programme and abstracts. Geol. Soc. N. Z. Misc. Pub. 23A. [unpaginated]. MILLENER, P.R., 1980a. The taxonomic status of extinct New Zealand coots, Fulica chathamensis subspp. (Aves: Rallidae). Notornis 27: 363-367. MILLENER, P.R., 1980b. Sub-fossil remains. In Metro Cave. A Survey of Scientific and Scenic Resources, P.W. Williams, ed., New Zealand Forest Service Unpublished Report: 13-21. MILLENER, P.R., 1980c. Review [of A. Anderson (Ed.). Birds of a Feather. N. Z. Archaeol. Assoc. Monogr. 2]. J. Polynesian Soc. 89 (3): 373-378. MILLENER, P.R., 198la. The subfossil distribution of extinct New Zealand coots, Fulica chathamensis subspp. (Aves: Rallidae). Notornis 28: 1-9. MILLENER, P.R., 1981b. The Quaternary avifauna of the North Island, New Zealand. Ph.D. Thesis, Univ. Auckland. [See Millener 1984.]* MILLENER, P.R., 1982. And then there were twelve: the taxonomic status of Anomalopteryx owent (Aves: Dinomithidae). Notornis 29: 165-170. MILLENER, P.R., 1983a. Research on the subfossil deposits of the Honeycomb Hill cave system, Oparara. Art Gall, Mus. Assoc. news 14: 14-15. MILLENER, P.R., 1983b. Tyto alba (Aves: Strigidae): a deletion from the New Zealand subfossil record. Notornis 30: 15-21. MILLENER, P.R., 1984. The Quaternary avifauna of the North Island, New Zealand. (Abstract of Ph.D. Thesis, the Library, University of Auckland, Auckland, 897 p). N.Z. Jl. Geol. Geophys. 27: 99-100. MILLENER, P.R., 1986. Otiran subfossil vertebrate beds in Honeycomb Hill Cave, Oparara, Northwest Nelson State Forest Park. [Abstract.] Geological Society of New Zealand annual conference 1986, programme and abstracts. Geol. Soc. N. Z. Misc. Pub. 35A: 79. MILLENER, P.R., 1988. Lower Tertiary penguins from Seymour Island, Antarcti Peninsula. In First International Conference on Penguins, Programme and Abstracts. Davis, L.S. & Darby, J.T. (compilers), Univ. Otago, Dunedin: 41. MILLENER, P.R., 1988. Contributions to New Zealand's Late Quatemary avifauna. 1: Pachyplichas, a new genus of wren (Aves: Acanthisittidae) with two new species. J. R. Soc. N. Z. 18: 383-406. MILLENER, P.R. & TEMPLER, C.J., 1982. The subfossil deposits of Paryphanta (Mac's Quarry) Cave, Waitomo. J. R. Soc. N. Z. 11: 157-166. MILLS, J. A., LAVERS, R. B. & LEE, W. G., 1984. The takahe - a relict of the Pleistocene grassland avifauna of New Zealand. N. Z. J. Ecol. 7: 57-70. MILLS, J.A., LAVERS, R.B. & LEE, W.G., 1988. The post-Pleistocene decline of takahe (Notornis mantelli): a reply. J. R. Soc. N. Z. 18: 112-118. MISKELLY, C.M., 1987. The identity of the hakawai. Notornis 34: 95-116. [Subfossil snipe.] MOLNAR, R.E., 1980. Reflections on the Mesozoic of Australia. Mesozoic Vertebrate Life 1: 47-60, MOLNAR, R.E., 1981. A dinosaur from New Zealand. Proceedings, fifth international Gondwana Symposium, Wellington, New Zealand, 11-16 February 1980: 91-95. MOLNAR, R.E. & SCARLETT, R.J., 1984. Terrestrial bird or dinosaur phalanx from the New Zealand Cretaceous. N. Z. J. Zool. 11: 271-275. MOORE, P.R., 1987. Stratigraphy and structure of the Te Hoe-Waiau River area, western Hawkes Bay. N. Z. Geol. Surv. Rec. 18: 4-12. MORGAN, P.G., 1911. The geology of the Greymouth subdivision, North Westland. N. Z. Geol. Surv, Bull. ns. 13: 1-15. [Cetacea, p. 70, 73.] 1288 - FORDYCE MUIZON, C. DE, 1981. Les vertébrés fossiles de la Formation Pisco (Pérou). Premiére partie: Deux nouveaux Monachinae (Phocidae, Mammalia) du Plioctne de Sud-Sacaco. Inst. Fr. Etudes Andines, Mem. 6 [=Travaux de l'Institut Francais d'Etudes Andines (Lima) 22]. 150 p. NATHAN, S., 1978. Sheets S31 and part S32. Buller-Lyell. Geological Map of New Zealand 1: 63360. Department of Scientific and Industrial Research, Wellington. map + 32 p. NELSON, C.S., 1978. Stratigraphy and paleontology of the Oligocene Te Kuiti Group, Waitomo County, South Auckland, New Zealand. N. Z. JI. Geol. Geophys. 21: 553-594. [Cetacea, p.587 ff] NELSON, C.S. & GRANT-MACKIE, J.A., 1980. Significance of carbonate concretionary growths on a moa bone in holocene tidal flat deposits beneath Auckland City, New Zealand. Rec. Auckland Instit. Mus. 17: 105-112. NEWMAN, D.G., ed., 1982. New Zealand herpetology. Proceedings of a symposium held at the victoria University of Wellington 29-31 January 1980. N. Z. Wildlife Serv. Occ. Pub. 2. 1-495. [Many articles on extant amphibians and reptiles; some discussion of historical ongins.] NEWTON, E.T., 1876. On two chimaeroid jaws from the Lower Greensand of New Zealand. Q. J. Geol. Soc. Lond. 32: 326-331. NITECKI, M.H., ed., 1984. Extinctions. University of Chicago Press, Chicago. OFFICER, C. B., HALLAM, A., DRAKE, C. L. & DEVINE, J. D., 1987. Late Cretaceous and paroxysmal Cretaceous/Tertiary extinctions, Nature 326: 143-149. OLIVER, W.R.B., 1928. The flora of the Waipaoa Series (Later Pliocene) of New Zealand. Trans. N. Z. Instit. 59: 287-303. [Gobiomorphus fossils.] OLIVER, W.R.B., 1930. New Zealand Birds. Fine Arts, Wellington. [Fossil penguins and Quaternary birds.] OLIVER, W.R.B., 1936. The Tertiary flora of the Kaikorai Valley, Otago. Trans. R. Soc. N. Z. 66: 284- 304. OLIVER, W.R.B., 1949. The moas of New Zealand and Australia. Dominion Mus. Bull. 15: 1-206. OLIVER, W.R.B., 1955. New Zealand Birds (2nd edition). A.H. & A.W. Reed, Wellington (1974 Reprint). 1- 661. [Fossil penguins and Quatermary birds.] OLSON, S.L., 1975. A review of the extinct rails of the New Zealand region (Aves, Rallidae). natn, Mus. N. Z. Rec. 1: 63-79. OLSON, S.L., 1975. The fossil rails of C.W. De Vis, being mainly an extinct form of Tribonyx mortierii from Queensland. Emu 75: 49-54. [N.Z. species, p. 52] OLSON, S.L., 1976. [Letter in response to Scarlett, on Gallirallus hartreei.) Notornis 23: 79. OLSON, S.L., 1977a. A synopsis of the fossil Rallidae. In Rails of the World: A Monograph of the Family Rallidae, By S. Dillon Ripley. David R. Godine, Boston: 339-373. OLSON, S.L., 1977b. Notes on subfossil Anatidae from New Zealand, including pink-eared duck Malacorhynchus. Emu 77: 132-135. OLSON, S.L., 1984. The relationships of the extinct Chatham Island eagle. Notornis 31: 273-277. OLSON, S.L., 1985. The fossil record of birds. In Avian Biology 8, D.S. Famer, J.R. King & K.C. Parkes, eds., Academic Press, New York: 79-252. OLSON, S.L., 1986. Emendation of the name of the fossil rail Rallus hodgeni Scarlet. Notornis 33; 32. OLSON, S.L., PARKES, K.C., CLENCH, M.H. & BORECKY, S.R., 1983. The affinities of the New Zealand passerine genus Turnagra. Notornis 30: 319-336. ONGLEY, M., 1939. The geology of the Kaitangata-Green Island subdivision, Eastern and Central Otago Divisions. N. Z. Geol. Surv. Bull. n.s. 38: 1-90. [Fish, p. 51, 55, 59, 61.] ONGLEY, M. & MACPHERSON, E.O., 1928. The geology of the Waiapu subdivision, Raukumara division. N. Z, Geol. Surv. Bull, n.s. 30: 1-79. [Fish, p. 41, 48.] OVEY, C.D., 1939. Note on the geological age of Pachydyptes novae-zealandiae and Palaeeudyptes antarcticus. Ibis 3 (14): 294-296, OWEN, R., 1840. On the bone of an unknown struthious bird from New Zealand. Proc, Zool. Soc. Lond. 1839: 169-171. OWEN, R., 1843a. Notice of a fragment of the femur of a gigantic bird of New Zealand. Trans. Zool. Soc. Lond.: 29-32. OWEN, R., 1843b. [On the moa anatomy and nomenclature.] Proc. Zool. Soc. Lond. 3: 1-2, 8-10, 19, 144- 146. OWEN, R., 1844a. On Dinornis, an extinct genus of tridactyle struthious birds, with descriptions of portions of the skeleton of five species which formerly existed in New Zealand. (Part I). Trans. Zool. Soc. Lond. 3: 235-275. OWEN, R., 1844b. On Dinornis novae-zealandiae. Proc. Zool. Soc. Lond. 11: 144-146. OWEN, R., 1846. On the Dinornis (Part II), descriptive of parts of the skeleton transmitted from New Zealand since the reading of Part 1 Proc, Zool. Soc, Lond. 14: 46-49, OWEN, R., 1848a. On the remains of the gigantic and presumed wingless or terrestrial birds of New Zealand (Dinornis and Palapteryx), with indications of two other genera (Notornis and Nestor). Proc. Zool. Soc. Lond. 16: 1-10. FOSSIL VERTEBRATES OF NEW ZEALAND - 1289 OWEN, R., 1848b. On Dinornis (Part III), containing a description of the skull and beak of that genus and of the same characteristic parts of Palapteryx and of two other genera of birds, Notornis and Nestor forming part of an extensive series of omithic remains discovered in the North Island of New Zealand. Proc. Zool. Soc. Lond. 3: 345-378. OWEN, R., 1856. On Dinornis (Part VII): containing a description of the bones of the leg and foot of the Dinornis elephantopus, Owen. Proc. Zool. Soc. Lond. 24: 54-61. OWEN, R., 1861. On the remains of a plesiosaurian reptile (Plesiosaurus australis) from the Oolitic Formation in the Middle Island of New Zealand. Geologist 4: 444-445. (see also Report of the British Association for the Advancement of Science 186]: 122-123; 1862.) OWEN, R., 1865. Tenth memoir on the extinct dinornithine birds of New Zealand. Proc. Zool. Soc. Lond. 1865: 438. [Abstract of Owen 1866.] OWEN, R., 1866. On Dinornis (Part X): containing a description of part of the skeleton of a flightless bird indicative of a new genus and species (Cnemiornis calcitrans, Ow.). Trans. Zool. Soc. Lond. 5: 395-404 OWEN, R., 1870a. On Dinornis (Part XIV): containing contributions to the craniology of the genus, with a description of the fossil cranium of Dasornis londinensis, Ow., from the London clay of Sheppey. Trans. Zool. Soc. Lond. 7: 123-150. OWEN, R., 1870b. Notice of some saurian fossils discovered by J.H. Hood, Esq., at Waipara, Middle Island, New Zealand. Geol. Mag. 7: 49-53. OWEN, R., 1871. On Dinornis (Part XV): containing a description of the skull, femur, tibia, fibula, and metatarsus of Aptornis defossor, Owen, from near Oamaru, Middle Island, New Zealand; with additional observations on Aptornis otidiformis, on Notornis mantelli, and on Dinornis curtus. Trans. Zoot. Soc. Lond. 7: 353-380. OWEN, R., 1873. The earliest discovered evidence of extinct struthious birds in New Zealand. Geol. Mag. 10: 478. OWEN, R., 1879. Memoirs on the extinct wingless birds of New Zealand, with an appendix on those of England, Australia, Newfoundland, Mauritius and Rodriguez. London, Vol. 1: 1-465. Vol. 2: 1-128 pls. OWEN, R., 1883a. On Dinornis (Part XXIII): containing a description of the skeleton of Dinornis parvus, Owen. Trans. Zool. Soc. Lond. 11: 233-256. OWEN, R., 1883b. On Dinornis (Part XXIV): containing a description of the head and feet, with their dried integuments, of an individual of the species Dinornis didinus, Owen. Trans. Zool. Soc. Lond. 11: 257- 261. PARK, J., 1886. On the Kaipara district. N. Z. Geol. Surv. Rep. Geol. Explor. 1885 17: 164-170. [Shark p. 167.) PARK, J., 1887a. On the geology of the western part of Wellington Provincial district, and part of Taranaki. N. Z. Geol. Surv. Rep. Geol. Explor. 1886-87 18: 24-73. [Vertebrates p. 31, 57, 63.] PARK, J., 1887b. On the upper Wanganui and King-Country. N. Z. Geol. Surv. Rep. Geol. Explor. 1886-87 18: 167-182. [Fish p. 172, 173.] PARK, J., 1887c. Kaipara and Wade districts, Auckland. N. Z. Geol. Surv, Rep. Geol. Explor. 1886-87 18: 219-229. PARK, J., 1888. On the geology of Waipara and Weka Pass Districts. N. Z. Geol. Surv. Rep. Geol. Explor. 1887-88 19: 25-35. [Reptiles, p. 30-31.] PARK, J., 1890. On the geology of Collingwood County, Nelson. N. Z. Geol. Sur. Rep. Geol. Explor. 1888- 89 20: 186-243. [Cetacea, p. 239, 241.] PARK, J., 1903. On the geology of the rock phosphate deposit of Clarendon (Otago). Trans. N. Z. Instit. 35: 391-402. [Cetacea p. 395.] PARK, J., 1904. On the Jurassic age of the Maitai Series. Trans. N. Z. Instit. 36: 431-436. [Reptiles] PARK, J., 1905. On the marine Tertiaries of Otago and Canterbury, with special reference to the relations existing between the Pareora and Oamaru Series. Trans. N. Z. Instit. 37: 489-551. [Kekenodon onamata.} PARK, J., 1906. The geology of the area covered by the Alexandra Sheet, Central Otago division. N. Z. Geol Surv. Bull. n.s. 2: 1-52. PARK, J., 1908. The geology of the Cromwell subdivision, Western Otago division. N. S. Geol. Surv. Bull. n.s. 5: 1-92. PARK, J., 1910. The Geology of New Zealand. An Introduction to the Historical, Structural, and Economic Geology. Whitcombe & Tombs, Christchurch. [Many mentions of vertebrates.] PARK, J., 1911. The unconformable relationship of the Lower Tertiaries and Upper Cretaceous of New Zealand. Geol. Mag. 8: 539-549. [Kekenodon onamata localities p. 545, reptiles p. 547.] PARK, J., 1913. Classification of younger stratified formations of New Zealand. Geol. Mag. 10: 438-440. [Reptiles, p. 439.] i. PARK, J., 1918. The geology of the Oamaru district, North Otago (Eastern Otago division). N. Z. Geol. Surv. Bull. n.s. 20: 1-124. [Cetacea p. 15-17.] 1290 - FORDYCE PARK, J., 1921. Geology and mineral resources of westem Southland. N. Z. Geol. Surv. Bull. n.s. 23: 1- 88. [Cetacea, p. 51.] PARK, J., 1923. On the discovery of the Liothyrella boehmi greensand band at Flume Creek, Waitaki Valley. Trans. N. Z. Instit. 54: 80-82. [Cetacea.] PARKER, T.J., 1882. On the skeleton of Notornis mantelli. Trans. Proc. N. Z. Instit. 14: 245-258. PARKER, T-.J., 1892. Exhibit of fossil swordfish.Trans. Proc. N. Z. Instit. 24: 713. PARKER, T.J., 1897. [Recent additions to the Museum]. Trans. Proc. N. Z. Instit.29: 629. [Shark teeth.] PATERSON, O.D., 1941. The geology of the lower Shag Valley, N.E. Otago. Trans. R. Soc. N. Z. 71: 32- 58. ["Seal" from Eocene p. 41.] PATTERSON, C., 1967. Subclass Teleostei. In The Fossil Record. Harland, W.B. et al., eds, Geological Society of London, London: 654-675. [Galaxiidae, p. 658.] PATTERSON, C., 198la. The development of the North American fish fauna - a problem of historical biogeography. In The Evolving Biosphere. P.L. Forey, ed., British Museum (Natural History), London: 265-281. PATTERSON, C., 1981b. Significance of fossils in determining evolutionary relationships. Ann. Rev. Ecol. System, 198] 12: 195-233. PATTERSON, C., 1987. Otoliths come of age [Review, of Otolithi Picium, by D. Nolf]. J. Vert, Paleo. 7: 346-348. [Comments on otolith nomenclature. ] PAULIN, C.D., 1973. Sub-fossil remains from two limestone caves in North Taranaki. Mauri ora 1: 95-98. PERSSON, P.O., 1963. A revision of the classification of the Plesiosauria with a synopsis of the stratigraphical and geographical distribution of the group. Lunds Universitets Arsskrift N.F.2, 59: 1- 60. [N.Z. taxa.] PFEIL, F.H., 1983. Zahnmorphologische Untersuchungen an rezenten und fossilen Haien der Ordnungen Chlamydoselachiformes und Echinorhiniformes. Palaeoichthyologica 1: 1-315. [New N.Z. shark taxa.] PFEIL, F.H., 1984. Neoselachian teeth collected from phosphorite-bearing greensand on Chatham Rise east of New Zealand. Geol. Jahrbuch D 65: 107-115. PIELOU, E.C., 1981. Crosscurrents in biogeography. (Review of G. Nelson and D.E. Rosen, Vicariance Biogeography. A critique). Science 213: 324-325. PLEDGE, N.S. & ROTHAUSEN, K., 1977. Metasqualodon harwoodi (Sanger, 1881) - a redescription. Rec. S. A. Mus. 17: 285-297. POPLIN, F., MOURER-CHAUVIRE, C. & EVIN, J., 1983. Position systématique et datation de Sylviomis neocaledoniae, mégapode géant (Aves, Galliformes, Megapodiidae) éteint de la Nouvelle-Calédonie. C. R. Sean. Acad. des Ses. Ser. 3, sciences de la vie 297: 99-102. PURNELL, C.W., 1875. On the Wanganui Tertiaries. Trans. N. Z. Instit. 7: 453-457. [Fossil fish p. 435.] PURSER, B.H., 1961. Geology of the Port Waikato region. N. Z. Geol. Surv. Bull. n.s. 69: 1-36. [Sharks p- 12, 13.] REICHENBACH, H.G.L., 1852. Avium Systema Naturale. Das Naturliche System der Vogel. Berlin. REID, B. & WILLIAMS, G.R,, 1975. The kiwi. In Biogeography and Ecology in New Zealand. G. Kuschel, ed., Junk, The Hague: 301-330. REIF, W-E. & SILYN-ROBERTS, H., 1987. On the robustness of moa's leg bones. An exercise in functional morphology of extinct organisms. Neues Jahrbuch Geol. Paldontol, 1987: 155-160. REPENNING, C.A. & TEDFORD, R.H., 1977, Otarioid seals of the Neogene. U.S. Geol. Surv. Prof. Pap. 992; 1-93. [N.Z. records reviewed.] REPENNING, C.A., RAY, C.E. & GRIGORESCU, D., 1979. Pinniped biogeography. In: Historical Biogeography, Plate Tectonics, and the Changing Environment. J. Gray & A.J. Boucot, eds., Oregon State University Press, Corvallis: 357-369. RETALLACK, G. J., 1987. Triassic vegetation and geography of the New Zealand portion of the Gondwana supercontinent. Am. Geophys, Union Geophys. Mono. 41: 29-39. RICH, P.V., 1975a. Antarctic dispersal routes, wandering continents, and the origin of Australia’s non- passeriform avifauna. Mem. natn. Mus. Vict. 36: 63-126. RICH, P.V., 1975b. Changing continental arrangements and the origin of Australia's non-passeriform continental avifauna. Emu 75: 97-112. RICH, P.V., 1979. Fossil birds of old Gondwanaland: a comment on drifting continents and their passengers. In Historical Biogeography, Plate Tectonics and the Changing Environment. J. Gray & A.J. Boucot, eds., Oregon State University Press, Corvallis: 321-332. RICH, P.V. & BALOUET, J.C., 1984. Waifs and strays of the world: the ratites visited one more time. In Vertebrate Zoogeography and Evolution in Australasia. M. Archer & G, Clayton, eds., Hesperian Press, Carlisle: 447-455. RICH, P.V, & BERRA, R,, 1980. Bird history - the first one hundred million years. Aust. Nat, Hist. 19: 392- 397. RICH, P.V. & SCARLETT, R.J., 1977. Another look at Megaegotheles, a large owlet nightjar from New Zealand. Emu 77: 1-8. FOSSIL VERTEBRATES OF NEW ZEALAND - 1291 RICH, P.V. & VAN TETS, G.F., 1981. The fossil pelicans of Australasia. Rec. S. A. Mus. 18: 235-264. RICH, P.V. & VAN TETS, G.F., 1982. Fossil birds of Australia and New Guinea: their biogeographic, phylogenetic and biostratigraphic input. In The Fossil Vertebrate Record of Australasia. P.V. Rich & E.M. Thompson, eds., Monash University Offset Printing Unit, Clayton: 235-384. RICH, P.V. & VAN TETS, G.F., 1984. What fossil birds contribute towards an understanding of origin and development of the Australian avifauna. In Vertebrate Zoogeography and Evolution in Australasia. M. Archer & G. Clayton, eds., Hesperian Press, Carlisle: 421-446. RICH, T.H., 1975. Potential pre-Pleistocene fossil tetrapod sites in New Zealand. Mauri ora 3: 45-54. RICH, T.H.V, & RICH, P.V., 1982. Search for fossils in New Zealand and Australia. Nat. Geog. Soc. Res. Rep. 14: 557-568. RICH, T.H.V., RICH, P.V., FORDYCE, R.E., GATEHOUSE, P. & SCARLETT, R.J., 1979. A deceptive terrestrial vertebrate fossil site on the Waipara River, North Canterbury, New Zealand. In Birds of a Feather. A. Anderson, ed., N.Z. Archaeol. Assoc. Mono.: 25-52. RIDE, W. D. L., SABROSKY, C. W., BERNARDI, G. & MELVILLE, R. V., eds., 1985. International Code of Zoological Nomenclature. International Trust for Zoological Nomenclature, London. RIXON, A.E., 1976. Fossil Animal Remains: Their Preparation and Conservation. Athlone, London. ROBB, J., oe New Zealand Amphibians and Reptiles in Colour. Collins, Auckland. (Origins, general account. RODGERS, K.A. & GRANT-MACKIE, J.A., 1978. Aspects of the Geology of the Port Waikato Region. Department of Geology, University of Auckland, Auckland: 1-99. [Sharks, p. 63, 66.] ROMER, A.S., 1956. Osteology of the Reptiles. University of Chicago Press, Chicago. ROMER, A.S., 1966. Vertebrate Paleontology (3rd edn.). University of Chicago Press, Chicago. [General text.] ROMER, A.S., WRIGHT, N.E., EDINGER, T. & VAN FRANK, R., 1962. Bibliography of fossil vertebrate exclusive of North America, 1509-1927. Geol. Soc. Am. Mem. 87. vols. 1 and 2: 1-1544. ROTHAUSEN, K., 1961. Uber Microcetus, einen kleinen Squalodontiden aus dem Oberoligozan. Neues Jahrbuch Geol. Paldont. Abhandlung. 112: 106-118. ROTHAUSEN, K., 1968. Die systematische Stellung der europdischen Squalodontidae (Odontoceti: Mamm.). Paldontolog. Zeitschrift 42: 83-104. ROTHAUSEN, K., 1970. Marine Reptilia and Mammalia and the problem of the Oligocene-Miocene boundary. Giornale di Geologia 35(2): 181-189. ROTHAUSEN, K., 1971. Cetotheriopsis tobieni n.sp., der erste paliogene Bartenwale (Cetotheriidae, Mysticeti, Mamm.) nérdlich des Tethysraumes. Abhandlung. Hessischen Landesamtes Bodenforsch. 60: 131-148. ROTHSCHILD, W., 1907. Extinct birds. London. SCARLETT, R.J., 1953. A sub-fossil hawk from New Zealand. Rec. Canterbury Mus. 6: 245-252. SCARLETT, R.J., 1955a. Further report on bird remains from Pyramid Valley. Rec. Canterbury Mus. 6: 261- 264. SCARLETT, R.J., 1955b. A new rail from South Island swamps in New Zealand. Rec. Canterbury Mus. 6: 265-266. SCARLETT, R.J., 1957. Former faunal areas: some sub-fossil evidence. Proc. N. Z. Ecol. Soc. 4: 17-18. SCARLETT, R.J., 1962. Sub-fossil records of the Little Grey Kiwi in the North Island. Notornis 10: 84. SCARLETT, R.J., 1966. A pelican in New Zealand. Notornis 13: 204-217. SCARLETT, R.J., 1968a. An owlet nightjar from New Zealand. Notornis 15: 254-256. SCARLETT, R.J., 1968b. A second North Island locality for Pachyornis elephantopus (Owen). Notornis 15: 36. SCARLETT, R.J., 1969a. The occurrence of the Musk Duck, Biziura lobata (Shaw), in New Zealand. Notornis 16: 57-59. SCARLETT, R.J., 1969b. Moas and other extinct birds. In The Natural History of Canterbury. G.A. Knox, ed., A.H. & A.W. Reed, Wellington: 565-568. SCARLETT, R.J., 1970a. A small woodhen from New Zealand. Notornis 17: 68-74. SCARLETT, R.J., 1970b. The genus Capellirallus. Notornis 17: 303-319. SCARLETT, R.J., 1972a. Bone of a presumed odontopterygian bird from the Miocene of New Zealand. N. Z. Jl. Geol. Geophys 15: 269-274. SCARLETT, R.J., 1972b. Bones for the New Zealand archaeologist. Canterbury Mus. Bull. 4: 1-69. SCARLETT, R.J., 1974. Moa and man in New Zealand. Notornis 21: 1-12. SCARLETT, R.J., 1975. Thyroid bones of moas. Rec. Canterbury Mus. 9: 247-258. SCARLETT, R.J., 1976a. Short-tailed shearwater a new sub-fossil record from the Chatham Islands. Notornis 23: 266. SCARLETT, R.J., 1976b. Extinct rails [Letter]. Notornis 23: 78. SCARLETT, R.J., 1979. [Letter on rails]. Notornis 26: 99. SCARLETT, R.J., 1983. Tereingaornis moisleyi - a new Pliocene penguin. N. Z. Jl. Geol. Geophys. 26: 419-428. 1292 - FORDYCE SCHWARZHANS, W., 1980. Die tertiare teleosteer-fauna Neuseelands, rekonstruiert anhand von Otolithen. Berliner Geowissenschaft. Abhandlun. (A) 26: 1-211. SCHWARZHANS, W., 198la. Vergliechende morphologische Untersuchungen an rezenten und fossilen Otolithen der Ordnung Ophidiiformes. Berliner Geowissenschaft. Abhandlung. (A) 32: 63-122. [Mentions N.Z. records.] SCHWARZHANS, W., 1981b. Paldobiogeographische Analyse der tertiaren Fischfauna von Neuseeland und Sud-Australian. Geol. Rundsch. 70: 596-610. SCHWARZHANS, W., 1984. Fish otoliths from the New Zealand Tertiary. N. Z. Geol. Surv. Rep. 113: 1- 269. [Translation, with annotations, of Schwarzhans 1980.] SERVICE, H., 1934. The geology of the Goodwood district, North-east Otago. N. Z. J. Sci. Tech. 15: 262- 279. SIBLEY, C.G. & AHLQUIST, J.E., 1981. The phylogeny and relationships of the ratite birds as indicated by DNA-DNA hybridization. In Evolution Today. Proceedings of the Second International Congress of Systematic and Evolutionary Biology. G.G.E. Scudder & J.L. Reveal, eds., Carnegie-Mellon University, Pittsburgh: 301-335. SIBLEY, C.G.,WILLIAMS, G.R. & AHLQUIST, J.E., 1982. Relationships of New Zealand wrens as indicated by DNA-DNA hybridization. Notornis 29: 113-130. SIMES, J., 1977. Extraction of insoluble microfossils from limestone. N. Z. Geol. Surv. Rep. 82: 1-18. SIMMONS, D.R., 1968. Man, moa and the forest. Trans. R. Soc. N. Z. (gen.) 2: 115-127. SIMPSON, G.G., 1946. Fossil penguins. Bull Am. Mus. Nat. Hist. 87: 1-100. [Mentions N.Z. taxa.] SIMPSON, G.G., 1957. Australian fossil penguins, with remarks on penguin evolution and distribution. Rec. S. A. Mus. 13: 51-70. [Mentions N.Z. taxa,] SIMPSON, G.G., 1970. Ages of fossil penguins in New Zealand. Science 168: 361-362 SIMPSON, G.G., 1971a. A review of the pre-Pliocene penguins of New Zealand. Bull. Am. Mus. Nat. Hist. 144; 321-378. SIMPSON, G.G., 1971b. A review of fossil penguins from Seymour Island. Proc. R. Soc. Lond. B 178: 357- 387. [Mentions N.Z. taxa.] SIMPSON, G.G., 1972a. Pliocene penguins from North Canterbury, New Zealand. Rec. S. A. Mus. 9: 159- 182. SIMPSON, G.G., 1972b. Conspectus of Patagonian fossil penguins. Am. Mus. Novit. 2488: 1-37. [Mentions N.Z. taxa.] SIMPSON, G.G., 1975. Fossil penguins. In The Biology of Penguins. B. Stonehouse, ed., MacMillan, London: 19-41. SIMPSON, G.G., 1976. Penguins Past and Present, Here and There. Yale University Press, New Haven: 1- 150. [Mentions N.Z. taxa.] SIMPSON, G.G., 1978. Concession to the Improbable. Yale University Press, New Haven. [Mentions N.Z. penguin taxa p. 231-234.] SIMPSON, G.G., 1979. A new genus of late Tertiary penguin from Langebaanweg, South Africa. Ann. S. Af. Mus. 78: 1-9, SIMPSON, L.O., 1955. A note on a green moa egg from Chatto Creek, Central Otago. Trans. R. Soc. N. Z. 83: 223-226. SMALLEY, I., 1979. Moas as rockhounds. Nature 281: 103-104. SMITH, S.P., 1877. Sketch of the geology of the northern portion of Hawke Bay. Trans. N. Z. Instit. 9: 565-576. [Fish p. 576.] SPEDEN, 1.G., 1975. Additional fossil localities of the Torlesse rocks of the South Island. N. Z. Geol. Surv. Rep. 69: 1-37. [Vertebrates, p. 9, 1, 12, 14, 15, 18] SPEDEN, L.G., 1976. Fossil localities in Torlesse rocks of the North Island. J. R. Soc. N. Z. 6: 73-91. SPEDEN, I.G. & KEYES, I.W., (Compilers) 1981. Ilustrations of New Zealand fossils. D.S.LR. Inform. Ser. 150: 1-109, SPEIGHT, R., 1912. A preliminary account of the Lower Waipara Gorge. Trans. N. Z. Instit. 44: 221-233. [Cetacea, p. 231] SPEIGHT, R. & JOBBERNS, G., 1928. A definite break in the Tertiary sequence in North Canterbury. Trans. N. Z. Instit, 59: 213-231. [Reptiles, sharks, p. 223] SPEIGHT, R. & WILD, L.J., 1918. The stratigraphical relationship of the Weka Pass Stone and the Amuri Limestone. Trans. N. Z. Instit. 50: 65-93. [Cetacea, p-. 79, 82] STANLEY, S.M., 1984. Marine mass extinctions: a dominant role for temperatures. In Extinctions. M.H. Nitecki, ed., University of Chicago Press, Chicago: 69-117. STEADMAN, D.W., 1981. Review [of Harrison and Walker 1977, Birds of the British Upper Eocene]. Auk 98: 205-207. STEVENS, G.R., 1973. The paleogeographic history of New Zealand. New Zealand Entomology 5 (3,4): 230- 238. [Vertebrates mentioned briefly.] STEVENS, G.R., 1974. Rugged Landscape. A.H. & A.W. Reed, Wellington: 1- 286 p. [Ichthyosaurs p 16, 20) FOSSIL VERTEBRATES OF NEW ZEALAND - 1293 STEVENS, G.R., 1976. Mesozoic biogeography of the South-west Pacific and its relationship to plate tectonics. International Symposium on Geodynamics in South-West Pacific, Noumea. Editions Technip. Paris 1977: 309-326. [General discussion of terrestrial vertebrates] STEVENS, G.R., 1980a. Southwest Pacific faunal palaeobiogeography in Mesozoic and Cenozoic times: a review. Palaeogeog. Palaeoclim. Palaeoecol.31: 153-196. STEVENS, G.R., 1980b. Geological time scale. Geol. Soc. N. Z. Misc. Pub. [chart]. STEVENS, G.R., 1980c. New Zealand Adrift. A.H. & A.W. Reed, Wellington, STEVENS, G.R., 1983. Our Wandering Islands: a New Zealand View of the Theory of Continental Drift. Cawthron Institute, Nelson. STEVENS, G.R., 1985. Lands in Collision. Discovering New Zealand's Past Geography. DSIR, Wellington. {Generalised narrative; mentions vertebrates.] STEVENS, G. R., MCGLONE, M. S., MCCULLOCH, B. & WARD, V., 1988. Prehistoric New Zealand. Heinemann Reed, Auckland. alee F.C., 1957. Teleostean otoliths from the Tertiary of New Zealand. Trans. R. Soc. N. Z. 84: 513- 17. STODDART, D.R., 1985. Review [of R.C. Craw & G.W. Gibbs, eds, Croizat's "Panbiogeography" and "Principia Botanica": search for a novel biological synthesis. Tuatara 27(1)]. J. Biogeogr. 12: 382- 383. STOKELL, G., 1945. The systematic arrangement of the New Zealand Galaxiidae. Part I - generic and sub- generic classification. Trans. R. Soc. N. Z. 75: 124-137. [Brief mention of fossils.] STOKELL, G., 1972. Freshwater and diadromous fishes of New Zealand. Bull. Canterbury Mus. 5: 1-48. {Brief mention of fossils.] STONEHOUSE, B., 1969. Environmental temperatures of Tertiary penguins. Science 163: 673-675. STONEHOUSE, B., ed., 1975. The Biology of Penguins. MacMillan, London. STROMER, E., 1915. Literatur tiber fossile Cetacea seit 1910. Neues Jahrbuch Min.Geol.,Paldontol. 1915: 131-138. [New Zealand records p. 134.] STRONG, C.P., 1984. Triassic foraminifera from Southland Syncline, New Zealand. WN. Z. Geol. Surv. Palaeontol. Bull. 52: 1-37. SUDLOW, M.C. & EDWARDS, A.R., 1982. Fossil record manual - 2. N. Z. Geol. Surv. Rep. 101: 52. SUGGATE, R.P., 1957. The geology of the Reefton subdivision (Reefton Sheet, S 38). N. Z. Geol. Surv. Bull. 56: 1-148. SUGGATE, R.P., 1958. The geology of the Clarence Valley from Gore Stream to Bluff Hill. Trans. R. Soc. N. Z. 85: 397-408. SUGGATE, R.P., STEVENS, G.R. & TE PUNGA, M.T., eds., 1978 (1979). The Geology of New Zealand. Government Printer, Wellington. 2 vols. SUTER, H., 1921. Lists of New Zealand Tertiary Mollusca. N. Z. Geol. Surv. Palaeontol. Bull. 8: 1-107. (Shark p. 35] SWINTON, W.E., 1975. Fossil Birds. (3rd edn.) British Museum (Natural History), London. THOMSON, J.A., 1906. The gem gravels of Kakanui; with remarks on the geology of the district. Trans. N. Z. Instit. 38: 482-495. [Cetacea p. 490] THOMSON, J.A., 1913. Materials for the palaeontology of New Zealand. N. Z. Geol. Surv. Palaeontol. Bull. 1: 1-104. [Many references] THOMSON, J.A., 1917. Diastrophic and other considerations in classification and correlation, and the existence of minor diastrophic districts in the Notocene. Trans. Proc. N. Z. Instit. 49: 397-413. THOMSON, J.A., 1919. The geology of the middle Clarence and Ure valleys, east Marlborough, New Zealand. Trans. Proc. N. Z. Instit. 51: 289-349. [Fish p. 314, 316.] THOMSON, J.A., 1920. The Notocene geology of the Middle Waipara and Weka Pass district, North Canterbury, New Zealand. Trans. Proc. N. Z. Instit. 52: 322-415. [Reptiles, p. 346; Cetacea p. 355, 363.) THOMSON, J.A., 1926a. Geology of fossil localities near Waipukurau, Hawke's Bay. Trans. N. Z. Instit. 56: 347-354. [Fish p. 349.] THOMSON, J.A., 1926b. Marine phosphatic horizons in the Tertiary limestones and greensands of South Canterbury and North Otago, and brachiopod evidence as to their age. N. Z. J. Sci. Tech. 8: 143-160. THOMSON, J.T., 1874. On the glacial action and terrace formaticns of South New Zealand. Trans. N. Z. Instit. 6: 309-332. [Cetacea p. 310] THORNTON, J., 1985. Field Guide to New Zealand Geology. An Introduction to Rocks, Minerals and Fossils. Reed Methuen, Auckland. [Mentions vertebrates.] THROCKMORTON, G. S., HOPSON, J. A. & PARKS, P., 1981. A redescription of Toxolophosaurus cloudi Olson, a Lower Cretaceous herbivorous sphenodontid reptile. J. Paleontology 55: 586-597. TRECHMANN, C.T., 1918. The Trias of New Zealand. Q. J. Geol. Soc. Lond. 73: 165-246. [Ichthyosaurs, p- 176] 1294 - FORDYCE TROTTER, M.M. & MCCULLOCH, B., 1984. Moas, men and middens. The demise of the Dinomithiformes. In Quaternary Extinctions - a Prehistoric Revolution. P.S. Martin & R.G. Klein, eds., University of Arizona Press, Tucson: 708-727 UTTLEY, G.H., 1916. The geology of the neighbourhood of Kakanui. Trans, N. Z. Instit. 48; 19-27. [Shark teeth p. 21.] VAIL, P.R. & HARDENBOL, J., 1979. Sea level changes during the Tertiary. Oceanus 22: 71-79. VELLA, P., 1967. Eocene and Oligocene sedimentary cycles in New Zealand. N. Z. Jl. Geol. Geophys. 10: 119-145, WALKER, E.P., 1975. Mammals of the World. (3rd ed.) Johns Hopkins Press, Baltimore. [Cetacea p. 1083.] WARD, D.M. & LEWIS, D.W., 1975. Paleoenvironmental implications of storm-scoured ichnofossiliferous mid Tertiary limestones, Waihao district, South Canterbury, New Zealand. N. Z. Jl. Geol. Geophys. 18: 881-908. [Mentions Cetacea.] WARDS, 1, ed., 1976. New Zealand Atlas. A.R. Shearer, Government Printer, Wellington. WARREN, G. & SPEDEN, IG., 1977, The Piripauan and Haumurian stratotypes (Mata Series, Upper Cretaceous) and correlative sequences in the Haumuri Bluff district, South Marlborough. WN. Z. Geol. Surv. Bull. 92: 1-60. [Mentions fish and reptiles.] WARREN, G., SPEDEN, I., HODDER, P. & SEARLE, E.J., 1977. A bibliography of New Zealand Geology, 1951-1969. WN. Z. Geol. Surv. Bull. 93. WEBBY, B. D., MCNAMARA, K. J., COOPER, R. A. & KEYES, I. W., 1984. Palaeontological collections in Australia and New Zealand. Nomen nudum 13: 39-62. WELLES, S.P. & GREGG, D.R., 1971. Late Cretaceous marine reptiles of New Zealand. Rec. Canterbury Mus. 9: 1-111. WELLS, P.E., 1987. The stratigraphy and structure of the Mt Bruce area, northem Wairarapa, North Island, New Zealand. J. R. Soc. N. Z. 17: 1101-113. [Fish teeth, Tongaporutuan, p. 107;] WELLMAN, H.W., 1959. Divisions of the New Zealand Cretaceous. Trans. R. Soc. N. Z. 87: 99-163. (Cretaceous reptiles] WESTON, R.J., REPENNING, C.A. & FLEMING, C.A., 1973. Modern age of supposed Pliocene seal, Arctocephalus caninus Berry (= Phocarctos hookeri Gray) from New Zealand. N. Z. J. Sci. 16: 591-598. WHITAKER, A. H. & THOMAS, B., 1989. New Zealand Lizards: an Annotated Bibliography. New Zealand Ecology Division, Lower Hutt. WHITLEY, G.P., 1956a. New fishes from Australia and New Zealand. Proc. R. Zool. Soc. N. S. W. 1954- 55: 34-38. [Galaxias.] WHITLEY, G.P., 1956b. The story of Galaxias, Aust. Mus. Mag. 12: 30-34. WHITMORE, F.C. & SANDERS. A.E., 1977. Review of the Oligocene Cetacea. System. Zool. 25: 304-320. [Brief mention of N.Z. taxa.] WIFFEN, J., 1980. Fossils from an Upper Cretaceous outcrop. [Abstract.] Geological Society of New Zealand annual conference 1980, programme and abstracts. Geol. Soc. N. Z. Misc. Pub. 27A: 100. WIFFEN, J., 1981a. Moanasaurus, a new genus of marine reptile (Family Mosasauridae) from the Upper Cretaceous of North Island, New Zealand. N. Z. JI. Geol. Geophys. 23: 507-528. WIFFEN, J., 1981b. The first Late Cretaceous turtles from New Zealand. N. Z. JI. Geol. Geophys. 24(2): 292-300. WIFFEN, J., 1983. The first record of Pachyrhizodus caninus Cope (Order Clupeiformes) from the Late Cretaceous of New Zealand. N. Z. JI. Geol. Geophys. 26(1): 109-119. WIFFEN, J., 1984. Late Cretaceous terrestrial fossils from Mangahouanga and their significance to New Zealand's paleontological history. [Abstract.] Geological Society of New Zealand annual conference 1984, programme and abstracts. Geol. Soc. N. Z. Misc. Pub. 31A. [unpaginated.] WIFFEN, J., 1986. Flying reptiles from the Late Cretaceous. [Abstract.] Geological Society of New Zealand annual conference 1986, programme and abstracts. Geol. Soc. N. Z. Misc. Pub. 35A: 113. WIFFEN, J. & MOISLEY, W.L., 1986. Late Cretaceous reptiles (families Elasmosauridae, Pliosauridae) from the Mangahouanga Stream, North Island, New Zealand. N. Z. JI. Geol. Geophys. 29: 205-252. WIFFEN, J. & MOLNAR, R.E., 1988. First pterosaur from New Zealand. Alcheringa 12: 53-59. WIFFEN, J. & MOLNAR, R.E., in press. An Upper Cretaceous ornithopod from New Zealand. Geobios. WILCKENS, O., 1927. Contributions to the palaeontology of the New Zealand Trias. N. Z. Geol. Surv. Bull. 12: 1-65. [Ichthyosaur, p. 51] WILLIAMS, G.R., 1960. The takahe (Notornis mantelli Owen, 1848): a general survey. Trans. R. Soc. N. Z. 23a5-258. [Comments on subfossils.] WILLIAMS, G.R., 1962. Extinction and the land and freshwater-inhabiting birds of New Zealand. Notornis 10: 15-32. WILLIAMS, G.R., 1964. Extinction and the Anatidae of New Zealand. In The Wildfowl Trust Research and Conservation Overseas: 140-146, WILLIAMS, G.R., 1973. Birds. In The Natural History of New Zealand. G.R. Williams, ed., AH. & A.W. Reed, Wellington: 304-333. [Fossil and subfossil birds, p. 304] FOSSIL VERTEBRATES OF NEW ZEALAND - 1295 WILLIAMS, G.R. & MILLENER, P.R., 1985. The origin and evolution of New Zealand birds. In Complete Book of New Zealand Birds. C.J.R. Robertson, ed., Reader's Digest and Reed Methuen, Sydney: 32- 33. Sane oi 3 ae H. & PRAGER, E. M., 1987. Molecular time scale for evolution. Trends Genet. WILSON, D.D., 1963. The geology of Waipara subdivision. N. Z. Geol. Surv. Bull. 64: 1-122. WOOD, B.L., 1956. The geology of the Gore subdivision. N. Z. Geol. Surv. Bull. 53: 1-128. ["Lepidosteid" fish, p. 45; fish, p. 93; moa, p. 94]] wae? rea 1969. Geology of the Tuatapere subdivision, western Southland. N. Z. Geol. Surv. Bull. 79: WOODBURNE, M.O. & ZINSMEISTER, W.J., 1984. The first land mammal from Antarctica and its biogeographic implications. J. Paleontology 58 (4): 913-948. WOODS, H., 1917. The Cretaceous faunas of the north-eastem part of the South Island of New Zealand. N. Z. Geol. Surv. Palaeontol. Bull. 4: 1-4. [Cretaceous marine reptiles.] WORLEY, W.F., 1894. Geology of Nelson. Trans. N. Z. Instit. 26: 414-421. {Labyrinthodont? teeth.] WORTHY, T.H., 1982. Subfossil remains from the Fred Catchment, Waitomo. N. Z. Speleo. Bull. 7: 46-48. WORTHY, T. H., 1983. Moa and Other Subfossils: a Glimpse of the Prehistoric New Zealand Fauna. Waitomo Caves Museum Society, Waitomo Caves: 20. sab i 1984. Faunal and floral remains from Fl, a cave near WAITOMO. J. R. Soc. N. Z. 14: WORTHY, T.H., 1987a. Osteology of Leiopelma (Amphibia: Leiopelmatidae) and descriptions of three new subfossil Leiopelma species. J. R. Soc. N. Z.17: 201-251. WORTHY, T.H., 1987b. Palaeoecological information conceming members of the frog genus Leiopelma: Leiopelmatidae in New Zealand. J. R. Soc. N. Z. 17: 409-420. WORTHY, T.H., 1987c. Osteological observations of the larger species of the skink Cyclodina and the subfossil occurrence of these and the gecko Hoplodactylus duvaucelii in the North Island, New Zealand. N. Z. J. Zool. 14: 219-229. WORTHY, T.H., 1987d. Sexual dimorphism and temporal variation in the North Island moa species Euryapteryx curtus (Owen) and Pachyornis mappini Archey. natn. Mus. N. Z. Rec. 3: 59-70. WORTHY, T.H., 1988a. A re-examination of the moa genus Megalapteryx. Notornis 35: 99-108. WORTHY, T.H., 1988b. Loss of flight ability in the extinct New Zealand duck Euryanas finschi. J. Zool. 215: 619-628. WORTHY, T.H., 1988c. An illustrated key to the main leg bones of moas (Aves: Dinomithiformes). natn. Mus. N. Z. Misc. Ser. 17: 1-37. WORTHY, T. H., 1989a. Mummified moa remains from Mt Owen, northwest Nelson. Notornis 36: 36-38. WORTHY, T. H., 1989b. Number of presacral vertebrae in Dinornis. Notornis 36: 170. WORTHY, T. H., 1989c. Moas of the subalpine zone. Notornis 36: 191-196. WORTHY, T. H., 1989d. The glossohyal and thyroid bone of Aptornis otidiformes. Notornis 36: 248. WORTHY, T. H., 1989e. Validation of Pachyornis australis Oliver (Aves; Dinomithiformes), a medium sized moa from the South Island, New Zealand. N. Z. Jl. Geol. Geophys. 32: 255-266. WORTHY, T. H. & MILDENHALL, D. C., 1989. A late Otiran-Holocene paleoenvironment reconstruction based on cave excavations in northwest Nelson, New Zealand. N. Z. Jl. Geol. Geophys. 32: 243-253. WRIGHT, K.R., 1989. On the taxonomic status of Moanasaurus mangahaouangae Wiffen (Squamata: Mosasauridae). J. Palaeontology 63: 126-127. WwYSS, A.R., 1987. The walrus auditory region and the monophyly of pinnipeds. Am. Mus. Novit. 2871: 1- 31. WYSS, A., 1988. On "retrogression” in the evolution of the Phocinae and phylogenetic affinities of the Monk Seals. Am. Mus. Novit. 2924: 1-38. YALDWYN, J.C., 1956. A preliminary account of the sub-fossil deposits of the Martinborough Caves. Rec. Dom. Mus. 3: 1-7. YALDWYN, J.C., 1958. Notes on the environment and age of the sub-fossil avifauna of the Martinborough Caves. Rec. Dom. Mus. 3: 129-135. YALDWYN, J.C., 1959. Recent name changes in the moa genus Dinornis. J. Polynesian Soc. 68: 80-82. YALDWYN, J.C., 1979. The types of W.RB. Oliver's moas and notes on Oliver's methods of measuring moa bones. In Birds of a Feather, A. Anderson, ed., N. Z. Archaeolog. Assoc. Mono. 2: 1-24 1296 - FORDYCE APPENDIX I Table 1. Genera of fish reported as fossil from New Zealand. Classification based on Ayling & Cox (1982), Grenfell (1984), Romer (1966) and Schwarzhans (1980, 1984). Not all older names (e.g. of Frost) have been synonymised herein; see Schwarzhans (1984: 217-223). Authors of genera are not cited unless the genus was described from New Zealand. Selected references to descriptions and/or age follow the generic names. Only the more significant unpublished records are included. Repository cited only for specimens not previously mentioned in print. Class CHONDRICHTHYES ORDER SELACHII Family Heterodontidae - horn sharks Heterodontus [= Cestracion, Romer 1966]; Chapman 1918, "Miocene"; Keyes 1987, Bortonian-Runangan (Middle-Late Eocene). Synechodus,; Chapman 1918, "Cretaceous" (Romer 1966 cites "Eocene"); Keyes in Wiffen 1981a, Piripauan or Haumurian (Late Cretaceous), Keyes1981a, Teurian (Paleocene) Family Odentaspididae - sand sharks Eugomphodus [includes Odontaspis, Carcharias]; Davis 1888b; Chapman 1918, "Oligocene, Miocene, Lower Pliocene"; Keyes in Wiffen 1981a, Piripauan or Haumurian (Late Cretaceous); Keyes 1987, Mangaorapan-Runangan (Early-Late Eocene); Pfeil 1984, ?Waitakian (latest Oligocene-earliest Miocene). (Romer 1966 cites "Upper Cretaceous") Family Hexanchidae - cow sharks, six gill sharks Hexanchus; Romer 1966, "Upper Cretaceous” (includes in part Notidanus of Chapman 19187). Notorynchus; Chapman 1918 ("Notidanus"); Kemp 1978,"Miocene”; Keyes in Wiffen 1981a, Piripauan or Haumurian (Late Cretaceous); Keyes 1981a, Teurian (Paleocene); Keyes 1987, Bortonian-Runangan (Middle-Late Eocene). Family Carcharhinidae [= Carchariidae] - requiem sharks Galeocerdo, Davis 1888b, Chapman 1918; Oligocene, Miocene, Pliocene (I.W. Keyes records, pers. comm.) Scapanorhynchus; Davis 1888, Chapman 1918, "Upper Cretaceous". Family Lamnidae [= Isuridae] - mackeral sharks Carcharodon (sensu lato); Keyes 1971, 1972, 1975, 1987, various stages from Porangan to Castlecliffian (Middle Eocene- Late Pleistocene); Pfeil 1984, ?7Waitakian (latest Oligocene-earliest Miocene). Tsurus; Chapman 1918, "Cretaceous, Miocene" (Romer 1966 cites "Pliocene"); Pfeil 1984, ?Waitakian (latest Oligocene- earliest Miocene). Lamna; Chapman 1918, “Cretaceous, Eocene, Miocene"; Keyes 1987, Mangaorapan-Runangan (Early-Late Eocene). Family Scyliorhinidae - catsharks Megascyliorhinus, Keyes 1984, Whaingaroan (Early Oligocene)-Recent; Pfeil 1984, ?Waitakian (latest Oligocene-earliest Miocene) Family Squalidae - spiny dogfishes (includes Dalatlidae - spineless dogfishes of some authors) Centrophorus; Keyes 1981a, 1984, ?Haumurian (Late Cretaceous), Teurian (Paleocene), Bortonian (Middle or Late Eocene) sporadically to Recent, Pfeil 1984, ?Waitakian (latest Oligocene-earliest Miocene) Scymnorhinus [= Dalatias]; Keyes 1984, Bortonian (?Middle or Late Eocene) sporadically to Recent; Pfeil 1984, ?Waitakian (latest Oligocene-earliest Miocene) Squalus; Keyes 1981a, Teurian (Paleocene); Keyes in Wiffen 1981a and in Craw & Watt 1987, Piripauan or Haumurian (Late Cretaceous). Family Echinorhinidae - bramble sharks Pseudoechinorhinus Pfeil 1983; Teurian (Paleocene) FOSSIL VERTEBRATES OF NEW ZEALAND - 1297 Family Pristiophoridae (see Keyes 1979 for discussion) aa apace ch 1979, Bortonian-Nukumaman (Late Eocene-Late Pliocene; full range of stages shown by Keyes 1982: ig. Pristiophorus; Chapman 1918, "Miocene, Pliocene"; Keyes 1987, Mangaorapan-Runangan (Early-Late Eocene); Pfeil 1984, ?Waitakian (latest Oligocene-earliest Miocene). (Report by Keyes 1981a of Pristiophorus from Paleocene is erroneous; Keyes 1982) Family Squatinidae Squatina; Keyes 1981a, Teurian (Paleocene) ORDER BATOIDEA Family Sclerorhynchidae Onchopristis; Keyes 1977, Piripauan or Haumurian (Late Cretaceous) Family Dasyatidae Dasyatis; Pfeil 1984, ?)Waitakian (latest Oligocene-earliest Miocene). Unpublished records are known, I.W. Keyes pers comm., e.g. Altonian (Early Miocene), based on OUDG collections. Family Myliobatidae - eagle rays Myliobatis; Davis 1888a, Chapman 1918, “Tertiary, Miocene”; Hector 1881b. Unpublished records include Bortonian (Middle? or Late Eocene), Otaian and Altonian (both Early Miocene), e.g. OUDG collections. On ray trace fossils, see Gregory et al. 1979, 1983. ORDER CHIMAERIFORMES Family Chimaeridae - ghost sharks Chimaera; Romer 1966, "Tertiary". Original source not found. Ischyodus, Newton 1876, "Cretaceous"; Keyes in Wiffen 1981a, Piripauan or Haumurian (Late Cretaceous); Family Callorhinchidae - elephant fishes Callorhynchus; Newton 1876, "Cretaceous"; Keyes in Wiffen 1981a, Piripauan or Haumurian (Late Cretaceous); Keyes 1981a, Teurian (Paleocene); Wangaloan (latest Cretaceous or earliest Paleocene), based on OUDG collections. Class OSTEICHTHYES ORDER ELOPIFORMES Family Elopidae Elops [? = Chloropthalmus; Schwarzhans 1984: 47, 218]; Frost 1924, 1928, "Oligocene or Miocene” Pterothrissus, Schwarzhans 1984, Mangaorapan - Heretaungan (Early-Middle Eocene) Family Pachyrhizodontidae Pachyrhizodus, Wiffen 1983, Piripauan or Haumurian (Late Cretaceous) Thrissopater?; Chapman 1918, "Cretaceous" ORDER ANGUILLIFORMES Genus uncertain; includes otoliths in OUGD collections, Altonian (Early Miocene). Family Heterenchelyidae Heterenchelys; Stinton, 1957, Lillbumian-Waiauan (Middle-Late Miocene). (Schwarzhans 1984 placed material in Gnathophis.) Heterenchelyidarum;, Grenfell 1984, Otaian-Altonian (Early Miocene) Family Congridae - conger eels Conger; Romer 1966, "Miocene" (possibly specimens described by Frost 1933) Congridarum; Grenfell 1984, Otaian-Altonian (Early Miocene); Schwarzhans 1984 Gnathophis; Grenfell 1981 (but not cited by Grenfell 1984); Schwarzhans1984, Manzaorapan - Heretauangan (Early Eocene) sporadically to Opoitian (Pliocene) 1298 - FORDYCE Maxwelliella Schwarzhans, 1980 (1984); Mangaorapan/Heretauangan (Early Eocene) Pseudoxenomystax, Schwarzhans1984, Opoitian (Pliocene) Scalanago; Schwarzhans1984, Mangaorapan - Heretauangan (Early Eocene) Genus indet.; Schwarzhans 1984, Kaiatan (Late Eocene), Waitakian (latest Oligocene-earliest Miocene), Clifdenian and Lillbumian (Middle Miocene) Family Ophichthidae - snake eels Mystriophis?; Stinton 1957, Clifdenian (Middle Miocene) ORDER CLUPEIFORMES Family Clupeidae - herrings Anchoa; Schwarzhans1984, Altonian (Early Miocene) Diplomystus, Chapman 1918, “Cretaceous” Scombroclupea; Chapman 1918, "Eocene" Genus indet.; Schwarzhans 1984, Altonian (Early Miocene) ORDER SILURIFORMES Family Ariidae Tachysurus, Schwarzhans1984, Opoitian (Pliocene) ORDER OSTEOGLOSSIFORMES Family Ichthyodectidae Xiphactinus [= Portheus; Romer 1966}; Chapman 1934, "Upper Cretaceous" ORDER SALMONIFORMES Family Argentinidae Argentina; Schwarzhans1984, Waitakian (latest Oligocene), Altonian , (Early Miocene) Family Galaxiidae - whitebaits Galaxias; McDowall 1976, Miocene; Pliocene records unsubstantiated Family Photichthyidae - lighthouse fishes Polymetme; Schwarzhans1984, Altonian (Early Miocene) Family Gonostomatidae Gonostoma; Schwarzhans1984 [as Gonostomatidae], Altonian (Early Miocene) Family Auloplidae Aulopus, Schwarzhans1984, Mangaorapan - Heretauangan (Early Eocene) Family Myctophidae - lantern fishes Benthosema; Grenfell 1981, Otaian (Early Miocene) (but not cited by Grenfell 1984); Schwarzhans 1984, various stages from Altonian (Early Miocene) to Tongaporutuan (latest Miocene) Bolinichthys; Schwarzhans1984, Lillbumian (Middle Miocene) Diaphus; Grenfell 1984, Otaian (Early Miocene); Schwarzhans 1984, various stages from Whaingaroan (Early Oligocene) to Tongaporutuan (latest Miocene) Diogenichthys; Schwarzhans1984, Altonian (Early Miocene) Hygophum; Grenfell 1984, Otaian-Altonian (Early Miocene); Schwarzhans 1984, Altonian (Early Miocene), Tongaporutuan (latest Miocene) Lampanyctodes; Grenfell 1984, Otaian (Early Miocene); Schwarzhans 1984, Clifdenian (Middle Miocene), Tongaporutuan (latest Miocene), Opoitian (Pliocene) FOSSIL VERTEBRATES OF NEW ZEALAND - 1299 Lampanyctus; Stinton 1957, Lillbumian-Waiauan, Tongaporutuan (Middle-Late Miocene) (identification = Lampanyctodes, fide Schwarzhans 1984: 62) Lampichthys, Schwarzhans 1984, Tongaporutuan (latest Miocene) Myctophidarum, Grenfell 1984, Otaian-Altonian (Early Miocene) Myctophum [= Scolepus; Romer 1966]; Frost 1928, 1933, Stinton 1957, Clifdenian (Middle Miocene) (see comments by Schwarzhans 1984: 59) Notoscopelus; Schwarzhans 1984, Altonian (Early Miocene), Tongaporutuan (latest Miocene), Opoitian (Pliocene) Symbolophorus; Grenfell 1984, Otaian-Altonian (Early Miocene); Schwarzhans 1984, Tongaporutuan (latest Miocene), Opoitian (Pliocene) Family Sternoptychidae - hatchet fishes Maurolicus; Grenfell 1981, 1984, Schwarzhans1984, Otaian-Altonian (Early Miocene) Polyipnus, Grenfell 1984, Otaian-Altonian (Early Miocene) Family Chlorophthalmidae - greeneyes Chlorophthalmus; Grenfell 1984, Otaian-Altonian (Early Miocene); Schwarzhans 1984, Kaiatan (Late Eocene), Duntroonian (Late Oligocene), Waitakian (latest Oligocene-earliest Miocene), Altonian (Early Miocene) Family Scopelarchidae - pearleyes [Schwarzhans 1984 used Scopelosauridae] Scopelarchus; Grenfell 1984, Otaian (Early Miocene); Schwarzhans 1984, Kaiatan (Late Eocene) ORDER LOPHIIFORMES Family Lophiidae ?Lophius; Grenfell 1984, Altonian (Early Miocene) ORDER GADIFORMES Family Moridae - morid cods (sensu lato, as used by Romer 1966; see Karrer 1971. See Schwarzhans 1984 for alternative ordinal position.) Actuariolum; Karrer 1971; Grenfell 1984, Otaian-Altonian (Early Miocene); Schwarzhans 1984, Waitakian (latest Oligocene-earliest Miocene), Altonian (Early Miocene), Clifdenian (Middle Miocene) Austrophycis; Schwarzhans 1984, Altonian (Early Miocene) Laemonema; Schwarzhans 1984, Lillbumian (Middle Miocene) Lotella; Grenfell 1984, Altonian (Early Miocene) Physiculus, Grenfell 1984, ?Otaian, Altonian (Early Miocene) Raniceps; Frost 1924, “Miocene” [? = Euclichcthys, fide Schwarzhans 1984: 217] Tripterophycis; Schwarzhans 1984, Kaiatan (Late Eocene) Family Melanonidae - pelagic cods Karrerichthys Schwarzhans, 1984 (= Melanonidarum), Grenfell 1984, Otaian (Early Miocene); Schwarzhans 1984, Tongaporutuan (latest Miocene) Family Bregmacerotidae Bregmaceros, Romer 1966, "?Eocene"; Grenfell 1984, Otaian-Altonian (Early Miocene); Schwarzhans 1984, Kaiatan (Late Eocene), Clifdenian (Middle Miocene) Family Bythididae - cuskeels Oligopus; Grenfell 1984, Otaian-Altonian (Early Miocene) Bythitidarum, Grenfell 1984, Otaian (Early Miocene) Saccogaster, Schwarzhans 1984, Opoitian (Pliocene) Genus indet.; Schwarzhans 1984, Clifdenian (Middle Miocene) 1300 - FORDYCE Family Euclichthyidae Euclichthys; Grenfell 1984, Otaian-Altonian (Early Miocene); Schwarzhans 1984, Kaiatan (Late Eocene), Altonian (Early Miocene) Family Gadidae (= Family incertae sedis of Grenfell 1984) Gadiculus, Schwarzhans 1984, Altonian (Early Miocene) Gadus; Frost 1924, "Miocene" Macruronus; Schwarzhans 1984, Duntroonian (Late Oligocene), Altonian (Early Miocene), Tongaporutuan (latest Miocene), Opoitian (Pliocene) Merluccius; Frost 192A, "Miocene" [? = Macruronus, fide Schwarzhans 1984: 218] Micromesistius; Schwarzhans 1984, Opoitian (Pliocene) Family Carapidae - pearlfishes [= Ophidiiformes, fide Schwarzhans 1984] Carapus [= Fierasfer, = Jordanicus; Romer 1966]; Frost 1924, Stinton 1957, Clifdenian (Middle Miocene); Grenfell 1984, Otaian-Altonian (Early Miocene); Schwarzhans 1984, Waitakian (latest Oligocene-earliest Miocene), Altonian (Early Miocene) Family Macrouridae - rattails, grenadiers [= Coryphaenidae; Romer 1966] Bathygadus, Grenfell 1984, Otaian (Early Miocene) Coelorinchus, Grenfell 1984, Otaian-Altonian (Early Miocene); Stinton 1957, Clifdenian and Waitotaran (Middle Miocene and Late Pliocene); Schwarzhans 1984, various stages from Duntroonian (Late Oligocene) to Waitotaran (Pliocene). Romer 1966 included this genus in Scombridae but cited no New Zealand record) ?Hymenocephalus, Grenfell 1981 (but not cited by Grenfell 1984) Lepidorhynchus, Grenfell 1984, Otaian-Altonian (Early Miocene); Schwarzhans 1984, Tongaporutuan (latest Miocene), Opoitian (Pliocene) Macrouridarum, Grenfell 1984, Otaian (Early Miocene) Macrourus; Frost 1924, 1928, 1933, "Miocene" Macrurulus Schwarzhans, 1980; Schwarzhans1984, Mangaorapan - Heretauangan (Early Eocene), Bortonian (Late Eocene) Maorigadus Schwarzhans, 1980, Schwarzhans1984, Mangaorapan - Heretauangan (Early Eocene) Nezumia,; Schwarzhans 1984, Tongaporutuan (latest Miocene) Trachyrincus, Grenfell 1984, Otaian (Early Miocene); Stinton 1957 and Schwarzhans1984, Tongaporutuan (Late Miocene) Ventrifossa; Schwarzhans1984, Altonian (Early Miocene), Tongaporutuan (Late Miocene) Family Ophiidae - lings [Ophidiiformes, fide Schwarzhans1984] Ampheristus; Schwarzhans1984, Mangaorapan - Heretauangan (Early Eocene) Genypterus,; Schwarzhans1984, Opoitian (Pliocene) Monomitopus, Schwarzhans1984, Kaiatan (Late Eocene), Tongaporutuan (Late Miocene) Neobythites,; Schwarzhans1984, Waiauan (Middle Miocene) Nolfophidion; Schwarzhans1984, Bortonian (Late Eocene) Ophidium; Frost 1924, "Miocene-Pliocene" Ophidiidarum; Frost 1924, "Miocene" Sirembinorum, Grenfell 1984 (as Sirembo in Grenfell 1981), Altonian (Early Miocene) Genus indet.; Schwarzhans 1984, Lillbumian (Middle Miocene) ORDER LOPHITFORMES Family Ogcocephalidae 2Dibranchus; Schwarzhans1984, Kaiatan (Late Eocene) FOSSIL VERTEBRATES OF NEW ZEALAND - 1301 ORDER BERYCIFORMES Family Melamphaeidae - bigscale fishes Melamphaes; Grenfell 1984, Otaian (Early Miocene); Schwarzhans1984, Tongaporutuan (Late Miocene) ?Scolpeloberyx;, Schwarzhans1984, Tongaporutuan (Late Miocene) Family Trachichthyidae - rougheyes Egregioberyx Schwarzhans,1980; Schwarzhans1984, Bortonian (Late Eocene) Hoplostethus; Grenfell 1984, Otaian-Altonian (Early Miocene); Schwarzhans1984, Tongaporutuan (latest Miocene), Opoitian (Pliocene) Paratrachichthys; Grenfell 1984, Altonian (Early Miocene); Schwarzhans1984, Waiauan (Middle Miocene) Trachichthodes, Schwarzhans1984, Kaiatan (Late Eocene) Family Berycidae - alfonsinos Centroberyx; Grenfell 1984 (as Trachichthodes, Grenfell 1981), Otaian-Altonian (Early Miocene) Family Holocentridae Adioryx; Schwarzhans1984, Mangaorapan - Heretauangan (Early Eocene) Genus indet.; Schwarzhans 1984, Bortonian (Late Eocene) ORDER ZEIFORMES Family Caproidae Antigonia; Schwarzhans1984, Bortonian (Middle Eocene) ORDER INCERTAE SEDIS [SEE COMMENTS BY SCHWARZHANS1984] Family Platycephalidae Platycephalus; Schwarzhans1984, Bortonian (Middle Eocene), Duntroonian and Waitakian (Late Oligocene-earliest Miocene) Family Mugiloididae Parapercis; Schwarzhans 1984, Duntroonian, Waitakian (Late Oligocene-earliest Miocene), Altonian (Early Miocene), Clifdenian (Middle Miocene) (includes Cottus of Frost) Family Uranoscopidae Uranoscopus, Schwarzhans1984, Bortonian (Middle Eocene) Family Leptoscopidae Leptoscopus; Schwarzhans 1984, Waitakian (latest Oligocene-earliest Miocene), Altonian (Early Miocene), Tongaporutuan (latest Miocene) Family Hemerocoetidae Hemerocoetus, Schwarzhans 1984, Altonian (Early Miocene), Opoitian (Pliocene) Krebsiella Schwarzhans, 1980; Schwarzhans1984, Bortonian (Late Eocene), Waitakian (latest Oligocene-earliest Miocene) Waitakia Schwarzhans, 1980; Schwarzhans1984, Duntroonian (Late Oligocene), Altonian (Early Miocene) ORDER SCORPAENIFORMES Family Cottidae - sculpins Cottus, Frost 1928, "Oligocene or Miocene" 2Cottoideorum; Grenfell 1981, ? = ?Cotteidei genus indet. of Grenfell 1984, Otaian and/or Genus indet.; Schwarzhans 1984, Cottidarum; Grenfell 1981, ? = ?Cotteidei genus indet. of Grenfell 1984, Otaian and/or Altonian (Early Miocene) Genus indet.; Schwarzhans 1984, Kaiatan (Late Eocene), Altonian (Early Miocene) Family Cyclopteridae Cyclopterus; Frost 1933, "Miocene" 1302 - FORDYCE Family Hoplichthyidae - ghost flatheads Hoplichthys; Grenfell 1984, Otaian-Altonian (Early Miocene) Praehoplichthys Schwarzhans, 1980; Schwarzhans 1984, Bortonian (Middle Eocene), Kaiatan (Late Eocene) Family Trichodontidae [as placed by Schwarzhans 1984; relationship to Trachinidae, below, uncertain.] Trichodon; Schwarzhans 1984, Altonian (Early Miocene) ORDER PERCIFORMES Family Percidae Percaletes; Romer 1966, "Miocene". Original source not found. Family Ambassidae Dapalis,; Schwarzhans 1984, Mangaorapan - Heretaungan, Bortonian (Early-Middle Eocene) Family Sparidae - breams Dentex; Frost 1924, 1928, "Miocene"; Schwarzhans 1984, Mangaorapan- Heretaungan (Early-Middle Eocene) Pagellus; Frost 1928, "Miocene" Sargus; Chapman 1918, "Miocene" Family Serranidae - groupers, sea perches Serranus; Frost 1924, “Miocene” Genus indet.; Schwarzhans 1984, Bortonian (Middle Eocene), Altonian (Early Miocene) Family Labridae - wrasses Labrodon; Chapman 1918, "Miocene" (Paleocene-Pliocene, according to Romer 1966) Labridarum (as Pseudolabrus; Grenfell 1981); Grenfell 1984, Otaian (Early Miocene) Family Nototheniidae - icefishes Notothenia; Stinton 1957, Lillburnian-Waiauan (Middle-Late Miocene) (Misidentification, according to W. Schwarzhans, pers. comm. and Schwarzhans 1984: 14) Family Trachinidae Trachinus; Frost 1924, "Miocene" Family Gempylidae - snake mackerels Eothyrsites; Chapman 1934, "Oligocene" Family Epigonidae [ = Apogonidae, cardinalfishes, fide Ayling & Cox (1982); = Lactariidae in part, fide Schwarzhans 1984: 192.] Epigonus; Grenfell 1984, Altonian (Early Miocene); Schwarzhans 1984, Clifdenian (Middle Miocene) Family Apogonidae Apogonidarum, Grenfell 1984, Altonian (Early Miocene) Family Acropomatidae [ = Lactariidae in part, fide Schwarzhans 1984: 192.] Acropoma; Grenfell 1984, Otaian-Altonian (Early Miocene); Schwarzhans 1984, Duntroonian and Waitakian (Late Oligocene-earliest Miocene), Altonian (Early Miocene), Clifdenian (Middle Miocene) Genus indet.; Schwarzhans 1984, Kaiatan (Late Eocene) Family Lactariidae [includes Acropomatidae, Epigonidae, Scombropidae in part; Schwarzhans 1984: 192.) Lactarius, Grenfell 1984, Otaian-Altonian (Early Miocene); Schwarzhans 1984, Duntroonian and Waitakian (Late Oligocene-earliest Miocene), Altonian (Early Miocene), Clifdenian (Middle Miocene), Opoitian (Pliocene) Neoscombrops; Schwarzhans 1984, Mangaorapan - Heretauangan (Early Eocene) FOSSIL VERTEBRATES OF NEW ZEALAND - 1303 Paralactarius Schwarzhans, 1980; Schwarzhans 1984, Mangaorapan - Heretauangan (Early Eocene), Kaiatan (Late Eocene), Whaingaroan (Early Oligocene), Waitakian (latest Oligocene-earliest Miocene) Family Sillaginidae Sillago; Schwarzhans 1984, Bortonian (Middle Eocene), Altonian (Early Miocene) Family Gerreidae ?Gerreidarum; Grenfell 1984, Altonian (Early Miocene) Family Pomadasyidae Pomadasyidarum; Grenfell 1984, Early Miocene Genus indet.; Schwarzhans 1984, Mangaorapan - Heretaungan, (Early Eocene) Waitakian (latest Oligocene-earliest Miocene), Altonian (Early Miocene) Family Cepolidae - bandfishes Cepola; Grenfell 1984, Altonian (Early Miocene) Family Mugiloididae - weevers, grubfish Parapercis; Frost 1924, "Oligocene"; Grenfell 1984, Otaian-Altonian (Early Miocene) Genus indet.; Schwarzhans 1984, Bortonian (Middle Eocene) Family Scombridae Genus indet.; Schwarzhans 1984, Altonian (Early Miocene) Family Gobiidae - gobies Gobiidarum (?as Gobius; Grenfell 1981); Grenfell 1984, Altonian (Early Miocene) Family Eleotrididae - gudgeons Gobiomorphus, Oliver 1928, Castlecliffian (Late Pleistocene) Paradiplospinus; Grenfell 1984, Otaian-Altonian (Early Miocene) Family incertae sedis Percidarum; Stinton 1957, Tongaporutuan (Late Miocene) ORDER PLEURONECTIFORMES Family incertae sedis Genus uncertain; includes skeletal material in NZGS collections, age uncertain. Family Bothidae - lefteye flounders Arnoglossus;, Grenfell 1984, Otaian-Altonian (Early Miocene); Schwarzhans 1984, Kaiatan (Late Eocene), Waitakian (latest Oligocene-earliest Miocene), Altonian (Early Miocene) Genus indet.; Schwarzhans 1984, Altonian (Early Miocene) Family Soleidae Achirus, Schwarzhans 1984, Lillbumian/Waiauan (Middle Miocene) Solea; Frost 1928, "Miocene" Soleidarum; Grenfell 1981 (but not cited by Grenfell 1984) Family Eucitharidae Citharus; Frost 1928, "Miocene" [? = Trachiniodei indet. , fide Schwarzhans 1984: 218] Pleuronectidarum; Frost 1924, "Miocene" ORDER TETRAODONTIFORMES Family Trigonodontidae Trigonodon, Romer 1966, "Miocene". Original source not found. 1304 - FORDYCE Incertae_ sedis Sparidarum; Frost 1924, "Miocene" ooo—————a—a—e—e——a OOOO ~~ ———[—EOSSEEEESEEEE——————E Table 2. Fossil Reptilia recorded from New Zealand. Taxa listed here as incertae sedis will probably be placed firmly after more detailed study, and it should not be assumed that currently uncertain relationships are irresolvable. Only the more significant unpublished records are included. Repository cited only for specimens not previously mentioned in print. Order CHELONIA Chelonia Incertae sedis Family, genus and species indet. (Fordyce 1980a), Teurian (Palaeocene), Ward. Family, genus and species indet., 7Teurian (?Palaeocene). Chatham Island. See text. NZGS collections. Family, genus and species indet., Bortonian or Kaiatan (Late Eocene), Boulder Hill. See text. OUGD collections. Family, genus and species indet., ?7Kaiatan (Late Eocene), Woodpecker Bay. See text. OUGD collections. Family, genus and species indet., Kaiatan (Late Eocene), Pahi. See text. AUGD collections. Family, genus and species indet. (Fordyce 1980a, Marples 1949a); Runangan-Whaingaroan (latest Eocene - Early Oligocene), Oamam. Protostegidae Genus and species indet. (Wiffen 1981); Piripauan or Haumurian (Late Cretaceous), Mangahouanga Stream. Cheloniidae "Lepidochelys" waikatoica Buckeridge 1981; Otaian (Early Miocene), Port Waikato. Order SQUAMATA Mosasauridae (all Late Cretaceous) (synonymies follow Welles & Gregg 1971) Mosasaurus [= Moanasaurus?] mangahouangae (Wiffen, 1980). Holotype: skull, vertebrae, paddle bones; Piripauan or Haumurian, Mangahouanga Stream. Keyes 1989, Wright 1989. Mosasaurus mokoroa Welles & Gregg, 1971. Holotype: skull, vertebrae; Haumurian, Cheviot. Includes Taniwhasaurus oweni Hector, 1874, in part, and Leiodon haumuriensis of Hutton 1895. Prognathodon waiparaensis Welles & Gregg, 1971. Holotype: skull, vertebrae, ribs; Haumurian, Waipara. Taniwhasaurus oweni Hector,1874. Lectotype: skull, jaws; Haumurian, Haumuri Bluff. Tylosaurus haumuriensis Hector, 1874. Lectotype: skull and jaws; Haumurian, Haumouri Bluff. Genus and species indet. of Welles & Gregg 1971; includes Mauisaurus haasti Hector, 1874 (in part), Leiodon haumuriensis Hector, 1874 (in part), Taniwhasaurus oweni Hector, 1874 (in part); Haumurian, Waipara and Haumuri Bluff. Undetermined material includes fossils from Shag Point, OUGD collections. Order SPHENODONTA Sphenodontidae Sphenodon punctatus (Gray). Late Pleistocene to Recent, various localities; Rich et al, 1979. Order SAURISCHIA Theropoda incertae sedis Theropoda genus and species indet. (Molnar 1981); Piripauan or Haumurian (Late Cretaceous), Mangahouanga Stream. FOSSIL VERTEBRATES OF NEW ZEALAND - 1305 Order ORNITHISCHIA Ornithopoda incertae sedis Omithopoda genus and species indet. (Wiffen & Molnar in press); Piripauan or Haumurian (Late Cretaceous), Mangahouanga Stream. Order SAUROPTERYGIA Plesiosauroidea (synonymies follow Welles & Gregg 1971; see Brown 1981 for altemative classification.) Elasmosauridae Mauisaurus haasti Hector, 1874. Lectotype: pelvis, paddle; Haumurian (Late Cretaceous), Jed River near Gore Bay. Includes Plesiosaurus australis of Hector 1874 (in part), Mauisaurus brachiolatus Hector, 1874, Cimoliosaurus caudalis Hutton, 1894 and Mangahouanga Stream specimens discussed by Wiffen & Moisley 1986. Tuarangisaurus keyesi Wiffen & Moisley, 1986. Holotype: skull and apparently associated vertebrae; Piripauan or Haumunan (Late Cretaceous), Mangahouanga Stream. Genus and species indet. of Welles & Gregg 1971; Haumurian (Late Cretaceous), Waipara and Haumuri Bluff. Includes Plesiosaurus australis Owen, 1861 (in part), Plesiosaurus crassicostatus Owen, 1870b (in part), Plesiosaurus hoodi Owen, 1870b, Plesiosaurus holmesi Hector, 1874 (in part), Plesiosaurus mackayi Hector, 1874, and Mauisaurus haasti Hector, 1874 (in part). Undetermined material includes fossils from Shag Point, OUGD collections; Figs. 11, 12. Plesiosauroidea: Polycotylidae Genus and species indet. of Welles & Gregg 1971; Haumurian (Late Cretaceous), Waipara and Haumuri Bluff. Includes Plesiosaurus australis Owen, 1861, Plesiosaurus crassicostatus Owen, 1870b (in part), Plesiosaurus holmesi Hector, 1874 (in part), Plesiosaurus traversi Hector, 1874, and Polycotylus tenuis Hector, 1874 (in part). Plesiosauria incertae sedis Genus and species indet. of Welles & Gregg 1971; Haumurian (Late Cretaceous), Waipara and Haumuri Bluff. Includes Polycotylus tenuis Hector, 1874 (in part), and Mauisaurus haasti Hector, 1874 (in part). Genus and species indet. of Campbell 1965; Oretian (Late Triassic), Marakopa. Dubious identification; ordinal position uncertain. Order ICHTHYOSAURIA Ichthyosauria incertae sedis Genus and species indet.; Etalian (Middle Triassic), Etal Stream. See text. OUGD collections. Genus and species indet. of Campbell 1965; Otamitan (Late Triassic), Otamita Stream. (Shastasauridae?). Genus and species indet., Otamitan (Late Triassic), Nugget Point. See text. OUGD collections. Genus and species indet. of Fleming et al. 1971; Oretian (Late Triassic), Mt Potts. Includes Ichthyosaurus australis Hector, 1874, Ichthyosaurus pottsi Hector, 1886, and Mixosaurus (2) hectori Lydekker, 1889. Genus and species indet. of Fleming ef al. 1971, Motuan (Early Cretaceous), Tinui (possibly Stenopterygiidae). Genus and species indet.; ?Late Cretaceous, Dargaville. See text. AUGD collections. ———— SS _ —S ____ eee Table 3. Summary of species of moas (Dinomithiformes) recognised by Cracraft (1976a), Millener (1982), and Worthy (1987d, 1988a). See text for other recent references. Emeldae [= Anomalopterygidae = Dinornithidae: Anomalopteryginae] Anomalopteryx Reichenbach, 1852. A. didiformis (Owen, 1844a). Synonyms: A. parvus (Owen, 1883a), A. antiquus (Hutton, 1892), A. oweni (Haast, 1886b). See Millener 1982. Megalapteryx Haast, 1886a. M. didinus (Owen, 1883b). Synonym: M. hectori Haast, 1886a, M. benhami Archey, 1941; see Haast 1884, Worthy 1988a. Pachyornis Lydekker, 1891. 1306 - FORDYCE P. australis Oliver, 1949. See Worthy 1989e. P. elephantopus (Owen, 1856). Synonym: P. murihiku Oliver, 1949; see Scarlett 1968b, Worthy 1989e. P. mappini Archey, 1941. Synonym: P. septentrionalis Oliver, 1949; see Worthy 1987d. Eurapteryx Haast, 1874b. Synonym: Zelornis Oliver, 1949. E. curtus (Owen, 1846). Synonyms: E. exilis Hutton, 1897, E. tane Oliver, 1949. E. geranoides (Owen, 1848). Synonyms: E. gravis (Owen, 1870a), Zelornis haasti (Rothschild, 1907). Emeus Reichenbach, 1852. E. crassus (Owen, 1846). Synonym: E. huttonii (Owen, 1879). Dinornithidae [= Dinornithinae of some authors] Dinornis Owen, 1843. D. struthoides Owen, 1844a. Synonyms: D. gazella Oliver, 1949; D. torosus Hutton, 1891. D. novaezealandiae Owen, 1843. Synonyms: D. ingens Owen, 1844b, D. robustus Owen, 1846, D. hercules Oliver, 1949. D. giganteus Owen, 1844a. Synonym: D. maximus Owen, 1867 [= 1866]. Table 4. Guide to species of Late Quatemary birds recorded from New Zealand, other than moas (Dinomithiformes) and penguins (Sphenisciformes). Full authorships are not cited for extant species. Based on Brodkorb (1963, 1964, 1967, 1971, 1978), Scarlett in Fordyce 1982c and the limited selection of references cited; this is not intended to be a comprehensive guide to literature. Recent literature is mentioned in the text. APTERYGIFORMES - kiwis Apterygidae Apteryx australis Shaw; Scarlett 195Sa. Apteryx haastii Potts; Lydekker 1891. Apteryx owenii Gould; Scarlett 1962. Pseudapteryx gracilis Lydekker 1891. PODICIPEDIFORMES - grebes Podicipedidae Podiceps rufopectus (Gray); Scarlett 1955a, 1969b. Podiceps cristatus (Linnaeus); Hom 1983. PROCELLARIIFORMES - albatrosses, petrels Diomedeidae (see Boume 1974, as well as references below). Diomedea exulans Linnaeus; Harrison & Walker 1978. Diomedea chlororhynchus Gmelin; Lydekker 1891. Procellariidae (see Bourne 1974, as well as references below). Pterodroma hypoleuca (Salvin); Millener 1980b. Pterodroma inexpectata (Forster); Worthy & Mildenhall 1989. Pterodroma cookii (Gray); Worthy & Mildenhall 1989. Macronectes giganteus (Gmelin); Boume 1974, Lydekker 1891. Puffinus tenuirostris (Temminck); Scarlett 1976a. Puffinus cf. P. assimilis Gould; Millener 1980b. FOSSIL VERTEBRATES OF NEW ZEALAND - 1307 Puffinus gavia (Forster); Grant-Mackie & Scarlett 1973, Millener 1980b, Worthy & Mildenhall 1989. Puffinus griseus (Gmelin); Grant-Mackie & Scarlett 1973. Pachyptila turtur (Kuhl); Millener 1980b, Worthy & Mildenhall 1989. Pachyptila sp., Grant-Mackie & Scarlett 1973. Pelecanoides urinatrix (Gmelin); Worthy & Mildenhall 1989. Pelecanoides sp.; Rich et al. 1979. Hydrobatidae Pelagodroma marina (Latham); Millener 1980b. PELECANIFORMES .- pelicans Pelecanidae Pelicanus novaezealandiae Scarlett, 1966 (as P. conspicillatus novaezealandiae); Archey 1931, Rich & Van Tets 1981. Phalacrocoracidae Phalacrocorax carbo (Linnaeus); Worthy & Mildenhall 1989. ANSERIFORMES - swans, ducks, geese Anatidae Anas aucklandica Gray; Worthy & Mildenhall 1989. Anas chlorotis Gray; Scarlett 1969b. Anas gibberifrons Muller; Scarlett 1969b. Anas superciliosa Gmelin; Grant-Mackie & Scarlett 1973, Millener 1980b. Anas sp., Grant-Mackie & Scarlett 1973. Aythya novaeseelandiae (Gmelin); Lydekker 1891. Biziura lobata (Shaw). Synonyms: Biziura delatouri Forbes, 1892a - see Howard 1964; Olson 1977b, Scarlett 1969a. Cereopsis sp., Rich 197Sa: 101. Chenonetta jubata (Latham); Lydekker 1891. Cnemiornis calcitrans Owen, 1865. Synonyms: Cereopsis novaezealandiae Forbes, 1891b, and Cnemiornis minor Forbes, 1891d; see Brodkorb 1964: 218; Worthy & Mildenhall 1989. Cnemiornis septentrionalis Oliver, 1955. Cygnus atratus (Latham); Dawson, 1958. Cygnus sumnerensis (Forbes, 1892e). Synonym: Cygnus chathamicus Oliver 1955; see Brodkorb 1964: 210. Euryanas finschi (Van Beneden, 1875); Van Beneden 1876, Scarlett 1969b, Worthy 1988b, Worthy & Mildenhall 1989. Hymenolaimus malacorhynchus (Gmelin); Worthy & Mildenhall 1989. Malacorhynchus scarletti Olson, 1977b; equals Malacorhynchus membranaceus (Latham) of Oliver 1955, Scarlett 1969a, and others. Mergus australis Hombron & Jaquinot,; Kear & Scarlett 1970, Olson 1977b. Oxyura australis Gould; Horm 1983. Oxyura cf. O. australis Gould; Millener 1979. Pachyanas chathamica Oliver, 1955. Tadorna variegata (Gmelin); Scarlett 1969b, Grant-Mackie & Scarlett 1973. FALCONIFORMES - birds of prey Accipitridae 1308 - FORDYCE Circus approximans Peale; Scarlett 1955a. Circus eylesi Scarlett, 1953; Scarlett 1969b, Worthy & Mildenhall 1989. Circus teauteensis Forbes, 1892e. Synonym: Circus hamiltoni Forbes, 1892e; see Brodkorb 1964: 279. Harpagornis moorei Haast, 1872. Synonym: Harpagornis assimilis Haast, 1874a; see Brodkorb 1964: 273; Hector 1875, Oliver 1955, Worthy & Mildenhall 1989. Haliaeetus australis (Harrison & Walker, 1973). Dawson 1961, Olson 1984. Falconidae Falco novaeseelandiae Gmelin; Scarlett 1955a, Worthy & Mildenhall 1989, Yaldwyn 1956. GALLIFORMES - game birds, fowl-like birds Phasianidae Coturnix novaezealandiae Quoy & Gaimard; Scarlett 1969b, Grant-Mackie & Scarlett 1973, Worthy & Mildenhall 1989. GRUIFORMES - cranes and rails. Rallidae (based on Olson 1975a, 1975b, 1977a; but see Scarlett 1976b). Gallinula (Tribonyx) hodgeni (Scarlett, 1955b). Synonym: Gallirallus hartreei Scarlett, 1970a; Scarlett 1976b. See also Olson 1976, 1986, Worthy & Mildenhall 1989. Capellirallus karamu Falla, 1954; Scarlett 1970b. Fulica chathamensis Forbes, 1892f (includes F. prisca Hamilton, 1893, as a subspecies), see also Millener 1980a, 1981a, Worthy & Mildenhall 1989. Gallirallus australis (Sparrman); Brodkorb 1967: 133, Millener & Templer 1981, Worthy & Mildenhall 1989. Gallirallus dieffenbachii (Gray); Forbes 1893a, Scarlett 1979. Gallirallus modestus (Hutton); Forbes 1893a. Gallirallus minor (Hamilton, 1893) (doubtfully distinct from the extant G. australis; Olson, 1977a); Rich et al. 1979. Gallirallus insignis (Forbes, 1892). Rallus philippensis Linnaeus; Worthy & Mildenhall 1989. Diaphorapteryx hawkinsi (Forbes, 1892b); Andrews 1896, Forbes 1892f, 1893a. Porphyrio mantelli (Owen); Beauchamp & Worthy 1988, Gurr 1952, Mills et al. 1984, 1988, Oliver 1955, Owen 1848a, Parker 1882, Worthy & Mildenhall 1989. Aptornithidae (see Oliver 1955, and Olson 1975, 1977a, 1985: 162 for status); Apteromithidae and Apertornis have priority according to Olson 1985: 162. See Forbes 1890, Worthy 1989d. Aptornis otidiformis (Owen, 1844b); Worthy & Mildenhall 1989. A. defossor Owen, 1871; Brodkorb1967: 132; Olson 1985: 163; synonymous with Aptornis otidiformis (Owen, 1844b), according to Kinsky 1970. CHARADRIIFORMES - shorebirds Haematopodidae Haematopus unicolor Forster, Forbes 1893a. Scolopacidae Coenocorypha aucklandica (Gray); Hom 1983, Millener 1981b, Miskelly 1987, Worthy 1987e, Paulin 1973, Worthy & Mildenhall 1989. Coenocorypha chathamica (Forbes, 1893a). Recurvirostridae Himantopus himantopus (Linnaeus); Scarlett 1969b. FOSSIL VERTEBRATES OF NEW ZEALAND - 1309 Laridae Larus dominicanus Lichtenstein; Grant-Mackie & Scarlett 1973. Larus sp., Grant-Mackie & Scarlett 1973. Sternidae Sterna striata (Gmelin); Grant-Mackie & Scarlett 1973. COLUMBIFORMES - pigeons Columbidae Hemiphaga novaeseelandiae (Gmelin); Scarlett 1969b, Grant-Mackie & Scarlett 1973. Hemiphaga sp., Grant-Mackie & Scarlett 1973. PSITTACIFORMES - parrots and parakeets Nestoridae Nestor meridionalis (Gmelin); Oliver 1955, Grant-Mackie & Scarlett 1973, Scarlett 1969b. Nestor notabilis Gould; Dawson 1952, Worthy & Mildenhall 1989 Nestor sp., Dawson 1952. Strigops habroptilus Gray; Worthy & Mildenhall 1989. Platycercidae Cyanoramphus novaezelandiae (Sparrman); Scarlett 1955a, Yaldwyn 1956, Millener & Templer 1981. Cyanoramphus sp., Grant-Mackie & Scarlett 1973, Worthy & Mildenhall 1989 Cacatuidae Strigops habroptilus Gray; Scarlett 1955a, 1969b, Millener & Templer 1981. CAPRIMULGIFORMES - nightjars and frogmouths Aegothelidae Megaegotheles novaezealandiae Scarlett,1968a; Rich & Scarlett 1977, Millener & Templer 1981. STRIGIFORMES - owls Strigidae Ninox novaeseelandiae (Gmelin); Scarlett 1955a, 1969b. Sceloglaux albifacies (Gray); Scarlett 1955a, 1969b, Grant-Mackie & Scarlett 1973, Millener 1983. PASSERIFORMES - songbirds Acanthisittidae Acanthisitta chloris (Sparrman), Worthy & Mildenhall 1989. Pachyplichas yaldwyni Millener, 1988. Pachyplichas jagmi Millener, 1988. Traversia lyalli (Rothschild); Worthy & Mildenhall 1989. Xenicus longipes (Gmelin); Worthy & Mildenhall 1989. Xenicus gilviventris Pelzeln, Worthy & Mildenhall 1989. Motacillidae Anthus novaeseelandiae (Gmelin); Worthy & Mildenhall 1989. Corvidae Palaeocorax moriorum Forbes, 1892f (Includes Corvus moriorum antipodum (Forbes, 1893a) as a subspecies; Brodkorb 1978: 160); Forbes 1892h, Grant-Mackie & Scarlett 1973, Scarlett 1972, Worthy & Mildenhall 1989. 1310 - FORDYCE Paradisaeidae Turnagra capensis (Sparrman); Scarlett 1955a, 1969b, Medway 1971, Worthy & Mildenhall 1989. See Brodkorb 1978: 171 and Olson et al. 1983 for systematic position. Muscicapidae Bowdleria punctata (Quoy & Gaimard); Millener 1980b. Mohoua albicilla (Lesson); Medway 1971, Millener & Templer 1981, Worthy & Mildenhall 1989. Mohoua novaeseelandiae (Gmelin); Worthy & Mildenhall 1989. Mohoua ochrocephala (Gmelin); Worthy & Mildenhall 1989. Gerygone igata (Quoy & Gaimard); Millener 1980b, Worthy & Mildenhall 1989. Rhipidura fuliginosa (Sparrman); Millener & Temple 1981; Worthy & Mildenhall 1989. Petroica australis (Sparrman); Scarlett 1955a, Yaldwyn 1956, Grant-Mackie & Scarlett 1973, Millener 1980b, Worthy & Mildenhall 1989. Petroica macrocephala (Sparrman); Worthy & Mildenhall 1989. Callaeatidae Creadion carunculatus (Gmelin); Medway 1971, Scarlett 1955a, Grant-Mackie & Scarlett 1973, Worthy & Mildenhall 1989. Heteralocha acutirostris (Gould); Medway 1971, Williams 1973. Callaeas cinerea (Gmelin); Scarlett 1955a, Medway 1967, 1971, Grant-Mackie & Scarlett 1973, Millener 1980b, Worthy & Mildenhall 1989. Meliphagidae Anthornis melanura (Sparrman); Medway 1971, Millener & Templer 1981, Worthy & Mildenhall 1989. Notiomystis cincta (du Bus); Millener & Templer 1981. Prosthemadera novaeseelandiae (Gmelin); Scarlett 1955a, Yaldwyn 1956, Grant-Mackie & Scarlett 1973, Medway 1967, 1971, Worthy & Mildenhall 1989. ————————aaaeea Table 5. Species of fossil penguin (Sphenisciformes: Spheniscidae) reported from New Zealand. Based partly on Simpson (1971a, 1972b). Palaeeudyptes Huxley, 1859a. Type-species: Palaeeudyptes antarcticus Huxley, 1859a. Nominal species also known from Australia and Seymour Island. Palaeeudyptes antarcticus Huxley, 1859a. Holotype: tarsometatarsus, stage uncertain, but possibly from remanié base of Gee Greensand, Waitakian (latest Oligocene-earliest Miocene), Kakanui. Does not include specimens referred by Hector (1872) and Marples (1952). See Fordyce & Jones 1987. "Palaeeudyptes" marplesi Brodkorb, 1963, Holotype: wing and leg bones, vertebrae, Kaiatan or Runangan (Late Eocene), Bumside, Dunedin, "Palaeeudyptes" sp(p). indet. Includes specimens referred to P. antarcticus by Hector (1872) and Marples (1952). Specimens: isolated bones of some individuals, associated limb bones of others, Runangan (Late Eocene) to Duntroonian (Late Oligocene), possibly Kaiatan to Waitakian, from Seal Rock (North Westland), Bumside, Duntroon. Pachydyptes Oliver, 1930. Type-species: Pachydyptes ponderosus Oliver, 1930. Pachydyptes ponderosus Oliver, 1930. Holotype: wing and trunk bones, Runangan (Late Eocene), Oamaru. Includes specimens identified as Palaeeudyptes antarcticus by Hector (1873) in part. Platydyptes Marples, 1952. Type-species: Pachydyptes novaezealandiae Oliver, 1930. See Fordyce & Jones 1987. Platydyptes novaezealandiae (Oliver, 1930). Holotype: wing bones and other fragments, Duntroonian or Waitakian (Late Oligocene-earliest Miocene), Oamaru. Platydyptes amiesi Marples, 1952. Holotype: wing bones, Duntroonian; possibly Waitakian (Late Oligocene-earliest Miocene), Duntroon. "Platydyptes" marplesi Simpson, 1971. Holotype: wing, leg and thorax bones, Duntroonian (Late Oligocene), probably Wharekuri. Includes Platydyptes novaezealandiae of Marples (1952) in part. FOSSIL VERTEBRATES OF NEW ZEALAND - 1311 Archaeospheniscus Marples, 1952. Type-species: Archaeospheniscus lowei Marples 1952. Species also are known from Seymour Island. amar a a lowei Marples, 1952. Holotype: wing, leg and a few trunk bones, Duntroonian (Late Oligocene), uuntroon. se aa lopdelli Marples, 1952. Holotype: mainly wing and leg bones, Duntroonian (Late Oligocene), untroon. Duntroonornis Marples, 1952. Type-species: Duntroonornis parvus Marples, 1952. Duntroonornis parvus Marples, 1952. Holotype: tarsometatarsus, Duntroonian (Late Oligocene), Duntroon. Korora Marples, 1952. Type-species: Korora oliveri Marples, 1952. Oe te Marples, 1952. Holotype: tarsometatarsus, Waitakian (latest Oligocene-earliest Miocene), Hakataramea ey. Marplesornis Simpson, 1972a. Type-species: Palaeospheniscus novaezealandiae Marples, 1960. Marplesornis novaezealandiae (Marples, 1960). Holotype: relatively complete skeleton, Miocene-Pliocene, possibly Waipipian, Waiauan-Tongaporutuan, or Otaian-Altonian, Motunau. Tereingaornis Scarlett. Type-species: Tereingaornis moisleyi Scarlett, 1983. Tereingaornis moisleyi Scarlett, 1983. Holotype: wing elements, Waipipian, mid Pliocene, Te Reinga, Wairoa River. See also McKee 1986, 1987a. Pygoscelis Wagler. Type-species: Pygoscelis papua (Forster), extant Gentoo penguin. Pygoscelis tyreei Simpson, 1972a. Holotype: partial skeleton; age as for Marplesornis novaezealandiae, Motunau. Aptenodytes Miller. Type-species: Aptenodytes patagonica Miller, extant King penguin. Aptenodytes ridgeni Simpson, 1972a. Holotype: leg bones and fragments of trunk, age as for Marplesornis novaezealandiae, Motunau. Megadyptes Milne-Edwards. Type-species: Megadyptes antipodes (Hombron & Jaquinot), extant Yellow-eyed penguin. Megadyptes antipodes (Hombron & Jaquinot), Extant around New Zealand. Okehuan (Early Pleistocene) fossils reported by Fleming (1979: 75) and J.C. Yaldwyn (pers. comm.). Holocene specimens noted by Grant-Mackie & Scarlett (1973). Eudyptula Bonaparte. Type-species: Eudyptula minor (Forster), extant Licle Blue or Fairy penguin. Eudyptula minor (Forster). Extant around New Zealand. Pleistocene fossils (stage unspecified) reported by Grant-Mackie & Simpson (1973: 441). Holocene specimens noted by Grant-Mackie & Scarlett (1973). Eudyptes Vieillot. Type species: Eudyptes chrysocome (Forster), extant Rockhopper penguin. Eudyptes pachyrhynchus Gray. Extant around New Zealand. Holocene, Grant-Mackie & Scarlett (1973). Eudyptes sp. Holocene, Grant-Mackie & Scarlett, 1973. Genus or genera and/or species indeterminate; not demonstrably congeneric with above. Genus and species indet. Femur, Whaingaroan (Early Oligocene), Motutara. Marples & Fleming, 1963; Grant-Mackie & Simpson, 1973. Genus and species indet. Leg and wing bones, Duntroonian (Late Oligocene), Te Kauri. Grant-Mackie & Simpson, 1973. Genus and species indet. Mainly leg bones, Whaingaroan (Early Oligocene), Glen Massey. Grant-Mackie & Simpson, 1973. Genus and species (5 or more species) still undetermined, of Fordyce & Jones 1987, 1988. Mostly leg and wing bones, but includes partial skeleton (Fig. 18), Duntroonian (Late Oligocene) and Waitakian (latest Oligocene-earliest Miocene). OUGD collections. a ae—emom—m—_—— 1312 - FORDYCE eee Table 6. Fossil Cetacea recorded from New Zealand. Only the more significant unpublished records are included. Repository cited only for specimens not previously mentioned in print. Suborder ARCHAEOCETI Basilosauridae Kekenodon onamata Hector, 1881a. Holotype: skull bones, teeth; ?later Whaingaroan (late Early Oligocene) or Duntroonian, Late Oligocene, Wharekuri. Provisional family assignment. aff. Dorudon sp. of Fordyce 1985b; Bortonian or Kaiatan, Middle or Late Eocene, Waihao. Provisional identification. Suborder INCERTAE SEDIS Genus and species indet. ("archaeocete-like” cetacean, Marples 1949b). Specimen: cranial endocast; Waitakian?, latest Oligocene-earliest Miocene?, Milburn? Suborder MYSTICETI Family incertae sedis "Squalodon" serratus Davis, 1888b. Holotype: tooth; late Whaingaroan or Duntroonian, late Early or Late Oligocene, Karetu River. Probably but not certainly Mysticeti. Mammalodon sp. Periotic, skull fragments, Duntroonian, Late Oligocene, Waihao and Hakataramea. Genus and species indet. of Fordyce 1989a. Specimen: mandible; Whaingaroan, Early Oligocene, Waikari. Probably but not certainly Mysticeti. Genus and species indet. ("third toothed specimen" of text). Periotic, skull fragments, Duntroonian, Late Oligocene, Waihao. Genus and species indet. ("protosqualodont" of Keyes 1973). Specimen: skull bones, teeth; Whaingaroan, Early Oligocene (possibly Runangan, Late Eocene), Oamaru. Probably but not certainly Mysticeti. Cetotherlidae Mauicetus parki (Benham, 1937a) (Benham 1939, 1942). Holotype: skull; probably Waitakian, latest Oligocene-earliest Miocene?, Milbum?. "Mauicetus” lophocephalus Marples, 1956. Holotype: skull, mandible earbones, vertebrae; Duntroonian, Late Oligocene, Duntroon. "Mauicetus" waitakiensis Marples, 1956. Holotype: skull fragments, earbones, vertebrae; Duntroonian, Late Oligocene, near Duntroon. "Mauicetus” brevicollis Marples, 1956. Holotype: vertebrae, limb fragments; Waitakian, latest Oligocene-earliest Miocene, near Duntroon. Genus and species indet. ("Kekenodon onamata .. . specimen 2" of McKay 1882b and Benham 1937c). Specimen: earbones, fragments of skull and other bones; ?later Whaingaroan (late Early Oligocene) or Duntroonian, Late Oligocene, Wharekuri. Genus and species indet. ("Kekenodon onamata . . . specimen 4" of McKay 1882b and Benham 1937c). Specimen: earbones, fragments of skull and other bones; ?later Whaingaroan (late Early Oligocene) or Duntroonian, Late Oligocene, Wharekuri. Genus and species indet. ("non-arched rostrum” of Fordyce 1980a). Specimen: rostrum and fragments of skull bones; late Whaingaroan, later Early Oligocene, Southeast Nelson. OUGD collections. Genus and >11 species indet. in addition to above (see text), ?later Whaingaroan (late Early Oligocene) or Duntroonian Kokoamu Greensand and lateral equivalents, Late Oligocene, Waitaki Valley area. Includes “large skull” of Fordyce 1987 and manuscript A. OUGD collections. Balaenidae (provisional identification) Genus and species indet. (Kingma, 1971), Nukumaruan, Late Pliocene, Matapiro. FOSSIL VERTEBRATES OF NEW ZEALAND - 1313 Balaenopteridae (provisional identification) Balaenoptera sp. of Bearlin 1985, 1988 ("cetothere" of Gaskin 1972: Fig. 3), Opoitian, Early Pliocene, Taihape. cf. Balaenoptera sp. (of Hector 1881; Bearlin 1988), Neogene, Westland. Genus and species indet., balaenopterid of Bearlin 1987; ?Middle or ?7Late Miocene, Dovedale. OUGD collections. Genus and species indet., 7Middle or ?Late Miocene, Gore Bay. OUGD collections. Suborder ODONTOCETI Family incertae sedis "Squalodon" andrewi Benham, 1942. Holotype: wom tooth, now lost; Waitakian?, latest Oligocene-earliest Miocene, Milbum. Not Squalodon, but possibly Squalodontidae; nomen dubium?. Squalodontidae "Prosqualodon" hamiltoni Benham, 1937b. Lectotype: skull; Waitakian, latest Oligocene-earliest Miocene, ?Caversham, near Dunedin. Prosqualodoa species, cf. P. davidis Flynn, 1923. Waitakian, latest Oligocene-earliest Miocene, Milburn; Fordyce 1984a. OM collections. Genus and species undetermined ("longirostral skull” of text; Fordyce ms B), Waitakian, latest Oligocene-earliest Miocene, Duntroon. OUGD collections. Tangaroasaurus kakanuiensis Benham, 1935a. Holotype: teeth, incomplete jaws; Otaian-Altonian, Early Miocene, Kakanui. Family position uncertain, but probably Squalodontidae. Genus and species indet. ("Squalodon" andrewi Benham, 1942, in part, nominal paratype). Specimen: teeth; Waitakian?, latest Oligocene-earliest Miocene?, Clarendon. Generic and family position uncertain, but possibly Squalodontidae. Genus and species indet. (squalodont with supernumerary teeth, of Fordyce 1983a), Waitakian, latest Oligocene-earliest Miocene, Milbum. Generic and family position uncertain, but probably Squalodontidae. "Microcetus" hectori Benham, 1935b. Holotype: mandible, skull; Waitakian, latest Oligocene-earliest Miocene, Otiake River or Wharekuri. Generic and family position uncertain. "Microcetus” aff. hectori, Duntroonian, Late Oligocene, Duntroon. Generic and family position uncertain. OUGD collections. "Prosqualodon" marplesi Dickson, 1964. Holotype: skull, mandibles, vertebrae; Waitakian, latest Oligocene-earliest Miocene, Otiake River. Generic and family position uncertain Austrosqualodon trirhizodonta Climo & Baker, 1972. Holotype: mandibles; Duntroonian, Late Oligocene, Puponga. Generic and family position uncertain. Genus and species indet. (odontocete of Fordyce 1987), Whaingaroan or Duntroonian, late Early or Late Oligocene, Aorere. Generic and family position uncertain. OUGD collections. Eurhinodelphidae Phocaenopsis mantelli Huxley, 1859. Holotype: humerus; Altonian, Early Miocene, Awamoa or Old Rifle Butts, near Oamaru. Probably Eurhinodelphidae, but family position uncertain, Fordyce 1982a. Genus and species indet. Waitakian-Otaian, latest Oligocene-Early Miocene, Kaikoura. Provisional identification. CM collections. Genus and species indet., Fordyce 1984b. Middle or Late Miocene, Chatham Rise. Provisional identification. Ziphiidae cf. Hyperoodon sp., Fordyce 1984b. Middle or Late Miocene, Chatham Rise. "Berardius sp.", Hector in Gray 1871. Recent?, localities unknown. Genus and species indet., Fordyce & Cullen, 1979. Middle or Late Miocene, Chatham Rise. 1314 - FORDYCE Physeteridae Genus and species indet. ("Phoberodon-like species” of Fordyce 1982b), Waitakian, latest Oligocene-earliest Miocene, Ngapara. Family identification provisional. OM collections. cf. Scaldicetus sp., Fordyce 1984b. Middle or Late Miocene, Chatham Rise. Genus and species indet., Mangapanian, late Pliocene, Waipukurau. CM collections. Kogiidae cf. Kogia sp., Fordyce 1984b. Middle or Late Miocene, Chatham Rise. Kentriodontidae Genus and species undescribed ("porpoise", Grant-Mackie 1970), Waitakian, latest Oligocene-earliest Miocene, Port Waikato. Genus and/or species undescribed, Otaian, Early Miocene, northwest Nelson coast. OUGD collections. Genus and species indet. ("odontocete-like" cetacean, Marples 1949b). Specimen: cranial endocast; Waitakian?, latest Oligocene-earliest Miocene?, Milburn? Family position uncertain, but possibly Kentriodontidae. Delphinidae Delphinus aff. delphis, Waitotaran, Late Pliocene, Waihi Beach, Hawera. Wanganui Museum collections. cf. Pseudorca sp., Waitotaran, Late Pliocene, Napier. NMNZ collections. cf. Orcinus sp. , Nukumaruan, Early Pleistocene, Motunau. CM collections. Genus and species indet. (close to Delphinus sp. or Stenella sp.; McKee & Fordyce 1987), Waitotaran, Late Pliocene, Waihi Beach, Hawera. Globicephala sp. , Neogene, Glenafric. CM collections. Genus and species indet. (21 spp. based on skulls), Neogene, Motunau. CM collections. Genus and species indet. Castlecliffian, Mowhanau Beach, Wanganui. OUGD collections. Genus and species indet. (>4 spp. based on periotics, Fordyce 1984b). Middle or Late Miocene, Chatham Rise. Phocoenidae Genus and species indet. (kentriodontid or delphinid of Fordyce 1984b). Middle or Late Miocene, Chatham Rise. PLATES Plate 1. Partly-prepared skeleton of large Late Cretaceous plesiosaur from North Otago, with Ewan Fordyce (left) and Craig Jones (right). The anterior is towards the bottom, the vertebrae run towards the bottom, and a flipper is apparent mid left; specimen in the Geology Museum collections, University of Otago. (From Fordyce 1986). Plate 2. Probable early penguin from the Palaeocene or Early Eocene, North Canterbury; from left to right, coracoid, clavicle, ulna, humems, specimen in New Zealand Geological Survey collections, smallest divisions on scale bar, 1 mm. (Photo by D.V. Weston; from Fordyce et al. 1986). PLATE 1 FOSSIL VERTEBRATES OF NEW ZEALAND - 1315 1316 - FORDYCE PLATE CHAPTER 27 THE QUATERNARY AVIFAUNA OF NEW ZEALAND Phil R. Millener! FMPOGUCHEME: fechas cee tr cerssishinsengesese 1318 PLOCEHATTITONINES sess evens shaseresvectevs 1327 New Zealand's Geologic Background...... 1318 PelecaniFORMes.S vis....cceceverecsrevekss 1327 Possible Centres of Origin, Dispersal Routes CNEONTOLMOS. cosy acinepa sativa ce oelvages 1327 and Times of Colonisation ........ 1320 PUSCUIPOTINCS ES a3 | sos anf cbtsaes tebe evens 1329 THE Fossil RECORD ac cct cous Secu cesvivsesacenes 1321 Parcons borne Sess ced o bet sscckoctal agen 1329 RAVES a eicr ie ie purictssodalaseels 1322 Galliformes. 0 cndeacsseccatiaeewsbrede 1330 Sy PRIS 2.5 sh Cldtetastrlechboateteleeny tense 1322 GrULPOTMES sco. l oa. fosca looses vives 1330 PUI cs kako cacwsehaaesysheroauednes beens 1322 CharddrifOrMess.nivetpnaieAastehansnide 1331 1117374 (2) ee SOO BOC Pe 1323 Columbiformes..............c00000eeeeees 1331 Significance of Quaternary Avifaunal PSIMACTFOTMOSS: ssccw flag sieisde sees setts 1331 PRCA NIE, 4 test ret died avandtoabearactnake 1323 CuculifOrmes..........cseeceecceeeeeeeeeees 1332 The New Zealand Quaternary Avifauna: a Caprimulgifornes reds cnatscaaseanes 1332 Resumé of its Composition, SOMSUOTIMNEE ie eesaahaaseestisctawdondacas 1332 Distribution CoraciifOrmes ...........ceccseeeeeeeeeeeeee 1332 and Relationships ...............0066 1323 PasserifOrmes ...........ssccseceseceeeeees 1333 Dinornithiformes ...............c0csc0eeeee 1325 SUMMA Ye 2 la cvednseni ele sdetaredeenctlet 1334 ADLCEY BIT ORMI GS 0... snccaverevasven senesced 1326 REPELENCES. on. cicvnstesdiedueonee'vaveeed 1334 SPNEMISCHONIMNES .6-.cevsivnreesecssdrersrer 1326 Appendix Tek, crc .ske tery. cone daioded pases 1340 Podicipediformes..........cccccceeeeees 1326 es 1 National Museum, P.O. Box 467, Wellington, New Zealand. 1318 - MILLENER INTRODUCTION Some 380 living and fossil avian taxa have been recorded from New Zealand and its outlying islands (Turbott 1990), Seventeen named and at least five as yet unnamed species are known only as Tertiary fossils, some 34 species (the exact number depending upon the classification adopted) found in Pleistocene to subrecent deposits, are presumed to have become extinct during Polynesian settlement and a further eleven, at least, have been exterminated within the last one hundred and fifty years. Of the living species, 125 (largely migrant shorebirds, wide-ranging oceanic species or wind-blown strays) do not breed in the New Zealand region. The breeding species include 91 sea and shore birds, 62 land and freshwater birds and 39 introduced birds. In terms of evolutionary history the New Zealand avifauna, fossil and living, shows some intriguing features. There are relatively few land bird species, and those are largely endemic. With some notable exceptions few groups have shown a marked degree of adaptive radiation; an unusually high proportion of the species is flightless or has weak powers of flight. A remarkable number of species have become extinct within the last 1000 years. The complexities of the origin and evolution of this largely unique avifauna must rely for their explanation on many lines of evidence, not least an adequate fossil record (see T. Rich 1975). Unfortunately, this record in New Zealand is so incomplete that it is of little use in clarifying the ancestry of the New Zealand fauna, or its geographic origins. Thus, speculation must rely largely upon indirect evidence and be guided by knowledge of fossil faunas from other areas of more complete record. NEW ZEALAND'S GEOLOGIC BACKGROUND It has been argued (Cracraft 1973) that palaeogeographic and palaeoclimatic events in the Mesozoic and Cainozoic have greatly influenced present day bird distribution and evolution, and that these events need to be considered when discussing the centres of origin and pathways of dispersal of avian groups. A succession of episodes in the geologic history of New Zealand, the nature and timing of which have profoundly influenced the development of other segments of the biota (Climo 1975, Godley 1975, Forster 1975), have been no less crucial to the evolution of its avian fauna. New Zealand, at the beginning of its geologic history, formed a segment of Gondwana, roughly equidistant between the Pacific coast of West Antarctica and the east coast of Australia (Fleming 1979). It was, thus, contiguous with other southern continents and shared to some degree their faunal and floral assemblages. Palaeontological evidence, both faunal and floral, indicates that an equable climate prevailed in both East and West Antarctica during the late Mesozoic and early Tertiary, and thus this region could have served as a dispersal route for organisms amongst the segments which later formed the southern continents (Rich 1975a). Geophysical data (Kennett 1977, Weissel, Hayes & Herron 1977) indicate that sea-floor spreading on the South-east Pacific Rise in the Late Cretaceous, and differential movement between Australia, New Zealand and Antarctica produced first the separation of New Zealand from West Antarctica (82 myBP) and then the opening of the Tasman Sea (82-60 myBP - Weissel & Hayes 1977). There is some evidence, at best equivocal, that during the Cretaceous, land may have extended north along the Lord Howe Rise to New Caledonia and south to the Campbell Plateau (Fleming 1979). The increasing isolation of the northward and eastward drifting New Zealand landmass would obviously have decreased the opportunities for dispersal of terrestrial organisms from this time on. The timing of New Zealand's separation is NEW ZEALAND QUATERNARY AVIFAUNA - 1319 particularly critical to the subsequent evolution of its avian fauna, in that separation apparently pre-dated the arrival in the Australian region of both snakes and placental mammals. Throughout the Tertiary New Zealand as part of a mobile Pacific margin became a changing archipelago as tectonically induced, small scale troughs and folds resulted in frequent changes in geography (Fleming 1979). Tertiary climates, although fluctuating considerably, were generally warm, temperate to subtropical until the Late Miocene-Pliocene deterioration which culminated in the Pleistocene ice-ages. Forests were, for much of the Tertiary, subtropical to tropical and probably clothed most of the land area. In the absence of land connections, dispersal of faunal elements to New Zealand during the Tertiary must have been dominantly trans-Tasman, undoubtedly assisted since the Oligocene by the circum-Antarctic current and its associated west wind drift (Barker & Burrell 1977). The Pleistocene was a period of marked tectonic and climatic fluctuation. Continued mountain building, which began in the Pliocene, altered topographic relief. Repeated glacial and interglacial episodes produced marked geographic, climatic and biological changes. At each interglacial, high sea-levels inundated low lying areas with the consequent separation of islands leading to varying degrees of endemism in the biota isolated upon them. Particularly in the Chatham Islands, changing Pleistocene sea-levels profoundly affected physiography. At the peak of the Upper Castlecliffian transgression the sea, which left evidence of fossil reefs on the summit of 296 m high Pitt Island (Hay et al. 1970: 52, 54) would have almost completely inundated the group. Thus much of the terrestrial biota may have been eliminated. The diverse subfossil and recent faunas of the Chathams must, necessarily, have resulted largely from adaptive radiation among post-Castlecliffian colonists (see Meredith this volume; Millener in press a). During glacial periods, retreat of the sea allowed considerable land extension and many islands previously separated during the Pliocene became again joined to the mainland. Extensive climatic change, assisted by violent volcanic activity in the North Island, decimated fauna and flora alike, although forest refugia undoubtedly persisted in many regions, especially in the north. Almost certainly, many Tertiary elements, especially those adapted to warm- temperate forest habitats, became extinct during cold phases of the Pleistocene. Some typical Australian plants, such as Eucalyptus, Casuarina and Acacia formerly well established in New Zealand, were victims of the Pleistocene decimation (Stevens 1979). The post-glacial period saw a general amelioration of climate, although some fluctuations may have been sufficiently severe to have significantly affected certain biotic elements (Fleming 1963a, McGlone & Moar 1977). Areas previously deforested became revegetated and a rapid rise in sea-level resulted in the inundation of former straits which once again became barriers to dispersal of terrestrial organisms. Shorelines readjusted to a sea which stabilized at its present level some 6,500 years ago (Thom & Chappell 1975; Gibb 1979). Except in limited alpine, arid or wetland regions and in areas subjected to recent volcanism, forest and scrub would have dominated the landscape. The arrival of man about 1,000 years ago initiated a series of ecological changes of unprecedented rapidity and magnitude. The introduction, for the first time in New Zealand's history, of carnivorous mammals - firstly Polynesian rats and dogs, then European cats, rats and mustelids - as well as the extensive clearance of indigenous forest has had a continuing, profound ecological impact upon the more ancient elements of the avian fauna especially (Fleming 1962c). 1320 - MILLENER POSSIBLE CENTRES OF ORIGIN, DISPERSAL ROUTES AND TIMES OF COLONIZATION The recent revolution in biogeography, initiated by the general acceptance of continental movement, has provided the impetus for the development of new hypotheses regarding the origins of many groups of birds, especially those with present southern distributions. Mayr (1944), Oliver (1945, 1955) and Darlington (1957) sought a Palaearctic origin, followed by southward dispersal, for most groups of birds. The implicit assumption of stable continents prevailed in these theories. It has become increasingly apparent, however, that the history and distribution of many avian families can be better reconciled with "drift" rather than "stabilist" interpretations of geological events. The persistence of land connections in the Southern Hemisphere until the Late Cretaceous and Tertiary and of climates which supported sizable forests until the late Tertiary in South America, Australia, New Zealand and the Antarctic, facilitated avifaunal interchange along both continental and archipelagic routes. Avian faunas on the major land masses became increasingly distinctive as the continents became more isolated and climates more zoned (Cracraft 1973). Cracraft (1973, 1974) has strongly supported a Gondwanan origin and dispersal for the ratites, penguins, some galliforms such as the megapodes, and the suboscines, and, with somewhat less certainty pigeons, parrots, cuckoos and their allies (see also Rich 1975a,b). Six main geographic elements have been recognized in the New Zealand avifauna (i.e. archaic, Malayo-Pacific, austral, Holarctic, Australian and cosmopolitan - see Fleming 1963b). Of those taxa inferred to have been in New Zealand long enough to be classed as archaic elements (the ratites and the two endemic families of passerines) only the ratites need have reached New Zealand directly via a southern route. Some groups, especially those of ancient dispersal, may have originated in southern (Gondwana) regions but reached New Zealand, in effect secondarily, via Australia. Equally, groups of northern (Malayo-Pacific) affinity may have come either direct from the north and/or via Australia. The southern or austral element in the avifauna consists exclusively of sea birds, especially penguins, albatrosses, petrels and cormorants, many of which have circumpolar distributions. A few New Zealand birds (the Holarctic element) are related to North Temperate forms but are absent in the intervening tropics, e.g. the Scaup (Aythya novaeseelandiae), the Merganser (Mergus australis), the Black-billed gull (Larus bulleri) and the South Island Pied Oystercatcher (Haematopus ostralegus finschi). The dominance of the Australian element in the New Zealand avifauna, especially amongst terrestrial and freshwater birds, has long been recognized (Falla 1953, Fleming 1962a, b, Williams 1962). As a result of trans-oceanic "sweepstakes" dispersal, Australia has been a prolific source of plants and animals from the early Tertiary to the present. Fleming (1962a) used the morphologic differences that distinguish New Zealand birds from their overseas relatives as a rough indication of the time that has elapsed since their first successful colonization. Despite the problems arising from changes in systematic ranking of, and differing evolutionary rates in particular groups, Fleming's yardstick, in default of other evidence, is used here. Thus, the New Zealand ratites, the moas (Dinornithidae and Emeidae) and kiwis (Apterygidae), possibly, but not necessarily (see Houde 1986), were here in the Late Cretaceous (see Sibley & Ahlquist 1972, Sibley & Frelin 1972). The two remaining endemic families, the Wrens (Acanthisittidae) and the Wattlebirds (Callaeatidae) are presumed to be early Tertiary, and the 25 endemic genera later Tertiary colonists. The New Zealand thrushes (Turnagra), formerly considered to comprise an endemic family Tumagridae have recently been placed in the Paradiseaidae (Olson et al. 1983). The endemic species of overseas genera are NEW ZEALAND QUATERNARY AVIFAUNA - 1321 probably Pleistocene arrivals whilst endemic subspecies may be no older than post-glacial; certainly well-differentiated subspecies have developed across Cook and Foveaux straits and on the Auckland Islands in less than 10,000 years. Those taxa inseparable from their overseas counterparts are probably all Holocene arrivals - many, such as the Pukeko (Porphyrio p. melanotus), Pied Stilt (Himantopus h. leucocephalus), Banded Rail (Gallirallus philippensis assimilis) and Kingfisher (Halcyon sancta vagans) to judge by their lack of subfossil records may, in fact, have colonised only within the last few hundred years. If the known historic colonists and the increasing variety of stragglers which may yet breed in New Zealand, are added to this list of inferred trans-Tasman migrants, it is clear that the composition of New Zealand's past and present avian fauna has been markedly influenced by "sweepstakes dispersal". THE FOSSIL RECORD ; The major inadequacy of the New Zealand avifaunal fossil record is that only two disparate time periods are represented: the Tertiary and the Late Pleistocene and Holocene (Fig. 1). A very limited number of taxa, representative of only three orders, have solely Tertiary records (see Fordyce 1982, and this volume); far more are known from Quaternary deposits, but the majority of them are found only in post-glacial to sub-recent deposits (Fig. 2). Fossil bones of most of the extant and recently extinct bird species known in New Zealand occur in deposits of Plio-Pleistocene to sub-recent age. The extinct species (see Brodkorb 1963, 1964, 1967, 1971, 1978) represent eight orders: one (Dinornithiformes) includes the extinct, endemic families, Dinornithidae and Emeidae; another (Caprimulgiformes) has no living New Zealand representatives but is known both living and fossil in Australasia; the remainder (Pelecaniformes, Anseriformes, Falconiformes, Gruiformes, Charadriiformes, Passeriformes) are cosmopolitan, with some living New Zealand species (Appendix I). Plio-Pleistocene deposits have so far yielded only a few isolated bones, none of them older than about 2.5 million years (Worthy et al., in prep), and all attributable to recently extinct or extant taxa; moas, of all the known genera except Megalapteryx, a kiwi (Apteryx sp.), an anseriform (Cnemiornis gracilis) and an eagle (Harpagornis moorei) have been identified (Millener 1981b). One of the few extensive collections dating from the last (Otira) glacial period is from Cape Wanbrow, Oamaru, where a transgressive shallow marine/beach/dune/loess deposit has yielded a considerable array of faunal remains (Grant-Mackie & Scarlett 1973). Some of those from the lower part of the sequence have given radiocarbon dates ranging from >26,100 (NZ3093) to >17,300 yBP (NZ 3092). Representatives of twelve orders of marine and terrestrial birds, reptiles and marine and land mollusca have so far been recovered. Honeycomb Hill Cave, northwest Nelson, is another site with subfossil deposits which are, at least in part, as old as the Otira Glacial. Here the extraordinarily diverse faunal assemblages, from which more than fifty bird species have been identified, have yielded dates ranging back to more than 20,000 yBP (Millener 1984a, Worthy 1987a, 1988a). Other terrestrial deposits, which form the major sources of subfossil remains, are largely of post-glacial age. The four main types of deposit (cave sediments, dune sands, swamp alluvium and occupation middens) are widely distributed throughout New Zealand and on some outlying islands. The total number of subfossil sites known in New Zealand exceeds 800, of which almost 550 are in the North Island (see Millener 1981b), more than 220 in the South and Stewart Islands, and some 50 in the Chathams (see Millener 1981a, Meredith this volume); Throughout this paper the term "fossil" is used for faunal remains from consolidated deposits (generally Early Pleistocene or older), while the convenient term "subfossil" is applied to all remains from essentially unconsolidated sediments (dunesands, cave silts, buried soils) typically of late-glacial or post-glacial age. 1322 - MILLENER Caves Sediments within caves, most formed within limestone (Whangarei, Waikaremoana, Waitomo, Martinborough, Karamea, Charleston, Te Anau, Otago) or marble (Takaka) but occasionally in lava (Auckland) have long been known as significant sources of subfossil faunal remains (Hamilton 1892, Bartrum 1924, Archey 1941, Oliver 1949, Yaldwyn 1956, 1958, Medway 1967, 1971, Paulin 1973). The avian species found in cave deposits are, most frequently, flightless forest-dwellers. Those found most consistently and in greatest abundance include many species of moa (e.g. Anomalopteryx didiformis), kiwis (e.g. Apteryx australis and A. owenii), rails (e.g. Gallirallus australis), ducks (e.g. Euryanas finschi), parrots (e.g. Strigops habroptilus) and passeriformes (e.g. Callaeas cinerea). Frequently sediments within caves also contain stream-washed accumulations of land snails (Dell 1955, Climo 1975), many of them species confined to forest habitats. The age of the majority of such remains is unknown but a iew radiocarbon determinations from the Waitomo region (North Island) and North-west Nelson (South Island) have yielded dates within the range 1,000-30,000 years BP (McCulloch & Trotter 1979, Cassels & Millener 1985, Worthy 1987b). Swamps Among the most prolific sources of subfossil avian remains have been peat swamps usually in, or adjacent to, limestone country. Localities such as Lake Poukawa and Te Aute in the North Island and Herbert, Enfield, Kapua and Pyramid Valley in the South Island have been amongst the most important subfossil sites so far investigated, and many of them figure prominently in the early literature (Hamilton 1889, Forbes 1892, Falla et al. 1941, Archey 1941, Oliver 1949). The vast majority of avian remains recovered from such swamps have been those of moas, although at Te Aute (Hamilton Joc. cit.), Pyramid Valley (Scarlett 1955) and Lake Poukawa (Price 1963, 1965; Horn 1980, 1983) significant numbers of carinate taxa have also been found. In the northern North Island most of the extensive peat swamps are too acidic to preserve bone material. Sedimentological and palynological data obtained from a number of stratified swamps, notably Pyramid Valley (Moar 1970, Gregg 1972), Scaiffes Lagoon (Trotter 1970) and Lake Poukawa (McGlone 1978, Pocknall & Millener 1984) have allowed interpretations of their depositional vegetational and climatic histories to be made. Bone material from only a very few swamps has so far been radiocarbon dated and as yet no ages greater than approximately 9500 yBP have been obtained (Trotter 1970, McCulloch & Trotter 1979 ), Dunes Extensive Late Pleistocene dunes exist in many parts of New Zealand, but none so far investigated appears to have maintained conditions suitable for long term preservation of bone material. Dunes developed during post-glacial time, however, in some localities have retained a remarkable array of generally well preserved avian remains, as well as those of associated reptilian and landsnail faunas. A significant feature of the faunas within such dune deposits is that they consist for the most part of species which utilise or have utilised forested habitats almost exclusively. The consistent occurrence of such species as Kaka (Nestor meridionalis), parakeets (Cyanorhamphus spp.), Kokako (Callaeas cinerea), Saddleback (Philesturnus carunculatus) and Tui (Prosthemadera novaeseelandiae), of extinct taxa with inferred forest- dwelling habits such as moas (Dinornithiformes) and rails (Rallidae) and of landsnails such as Rhytida spp. and Serpho kivi (an obligate arboreal species: Powell 1979) attest to the former existence of extensive vegetative cover at, or in close proximity to, their sites of deposition. NEW ZEALAND QUATERNARY AVIFAUNA - 1323 Radiocarbon determinations on both moa bone collagen and landsnail shell carbonate from sites on the Aupouri Peninsula, North Island, have yielded ages within the range of about 600- 6,000yBP (Millener 1981b), while those for birds from Chatham and P. H. Island dine sands range from 1500 to 8000 y.B.P. (Millener, unpubl. data). Middens Occupation middens frequently contain the discarded or worked bones of a wide variety of birds hunted by the early Polynesians. Such middens are most common on coastal dunes but are also present in inland rock shelters. Most dated sites rich in avian bones are between 400 and 800 years old (Scarlett 1974, 1979, Moore & Tiller 1975, 1976, McCulloch & Trotter 1975, Sutton 1979). In younger sites, bird remains are generally scarce (Simmons 1968). Of the 33 avian species known to have become extinct during the Polynesian period, the remains of at least 28 (including all 11 moa species) have been found in association with Archaic Maori occupation sites. However, it seems that for none of them can extinction be attributed solely to direct hunting. In addition to these extinct taxa, the remains of a considerable array of the living species have also been found in middens (e.g. Hamel 1977, Davidson 1979, Leach 1979, Scarlett 1979, Sutton 1979, Foley 1980, Cassels 1984). The species composition of midden faunas varies considerably from one site to another. Petrels (Procellariidae) and cormorants (Phalacrocoracidae) are usually the most common marine or quasi-marine birds, while of the terrestrial species, Kaka (Nestor meridionalis), parakeets (Cyanorhamphus spp.), pigeon (Hemiphaga novaeseelandiae), Weka (Gallirallus australis) and Tui (Prothemdera novaeseelandiae) are generally the most abundant. SIGNIFICANCE OF QUATERNARY AVIFAUNAL REMAINS The great quantity and variety of remains from all these subfossil sources, are unfortunately of little use in clarifying origins and evolutionary trends since the majority are geologically very recent. Nonetheless they are of considerable use in taxonomic studies and for indicating former distributions, probable times of colonization and extinction. Distributional data should be interpreted with caution, however, because the location of remains is surely more indicative of the distribution of sites with conditions suitable for the preservation of bone material, than of the actual distributions of faunal populations. Similarly due to the vagaries of chance preservation, indicated times of colonization can only be minima, and those of extinction maxima, as it is highly unlikely that one would find the first or last fossil specimens of a species. THE NEW ZEALAND QUATERNARY FAUNA - A RESUME OF ITS COMPOSITION, DISTRIBUTION AND RELATIONSHIPS New Zealand's living avian fauna contains members of eighteen orders of which all but one (Apodiformes: swifts) appear in the Quaternary fossil record. Two additional orders (Dinornithiformes: moas and Caprimulgiformes: owlet-nightjars, etc.) are known only as fossils. Key references to, and the subfossil distributions of all known taxa are given, for mainland New Zealand by Millener (1981b), and for the Chatham Islands by Meredith (this volume) and Millener (in press a); see also Table 1. Figure 1: Biostratigraphic and geomagnetic subdivisions of the Quaternary. R . vj hy) HM vi 1324 - MILLI N.Z. INTERNATIONAL S3ly¥3as ALIWV10d NOYHOENS NOYHO Salsas HOOd3 VW Enyeamvy | SSHNNYS | nvissriozuisv9 | OjlWeer VAVANLYA SN3Z00LS131d NDIO UOIU NVYANYVWNYNN INNYONYM néy 129 SN3900!I 1d | Nvinvavonww | eueey o 2 NEW ZEALAND QUATERNARY AVIFAUNA - 1325 DINORNITHIFORMES: MOAS This unique and diverse group of ratites, known to science only since 1837 (Owen 1839), has been the centre of focus for avian palaeontology in New Zealand (Archey 1941, Oliver 1949, Cracraft 1974, 1976). On biogeographic and taxonomic grounds, in the absence of fossil evidence it has traditionally been inferred that the ancestors of both moas and kiwis (Apterygiformes) were present, and flightless, on the New Zealand segment of Gondwana prior to its Late Cretaceous separation (Fleming 1975). However, more recent research (Houde & Olson 1981, Olson 1985, Houde 1986) suggests the possibility of post-separation colonisation by volant ancestors. During the Tertiary the archipelagic nature of the New Zealand landmass would have tended to encourage adaptive radiation in the group (Hutton 1892). It is possible that the dichotomy of moas into two families may have occurred during the Oligocene when marine transgression divided New Zealand into two or more disparate land masses. The proliferation into the very large number of forms known from post-glacial deposits was probably due to a later (Pleistocene) radiation (Cracraft 1976). The taxonomy of moas, especially at the species level, has been the subject of considerable research but has still to be satisfactorily resolved. Haast (1874), Archey (1941) and Oliver (1949) all admitted over 20 species, Scarlett (1972) somewhat fewer. In a major revision, Cracraft (1976) accepted only thirteen species but Millener (1982) then synonymised Anomalopteryx oweni with A. didiformis. More recently Worthy (1987a, 1988a, 1989) has reduced to synonymy Megalapteryx benhami (with M. didinus) and Dinornis torosus (with D. novaezealandiae), while resurrecting Pachyornis australis, thus leaving for current acceptance a total of eleven moa species. The degree of diversity implied by classical taxonomic schemes, in which as many as 38 species of moa were accepted, has meant that the group has long been upheld as an almost unparalleled example of adaptive radiation. Morphologically and, therefore, probably ecologically, the moas appear to have been more conservative than have been, for instance, the New Zealand rails, a group with roughly the same number of endemic genera. In hardly more than a dozen species the rails show a comparable range of variation in size and structure, and especially in bill shape, considerably greater diversity. It would seem that the more conservative classification, proposed by Cracraft and modified by Millener (1982) and Worthy (loc. cit.) reflects better the true degree of evolutionary adaptation achieved by the moas. Two of the six genera of moas appear to have been restricted, at least in Quaternary time, to the South Island. None is known from the Chatham Islands. Stewart Island records are rare, there being only one from natural dunes (Benham 1909) and few more from middens (Scarlett 1979). Most of the moas appear to have had fairly broad distributional ranges and are known from cave, swamp, dune and midden sites. Megalapteryx and Anomalopteryx appear to have been more common in steeper country, while Euryapteryx was more confined to coastal lowlands. To judge by midden occurrences Dinornis was absent from the north-eastern South Island in Polynesian times (Scarlett 1974). The apparent abundance of moa remains in early occupation sites led to the first settlers in New Zealand being called Moa-hunters. A closer assessment of the importance of moa in such sites has led to the recognition that this is an inappropriate economic designation. It appears that in no site where food resources have been analysed has moa been the mainstay of the Archaic Maori diet (Green 1975, but see McCulloch & Trotter 1984). The frequent occurrence of moa remains in swamps on what are currently open plains led early investigators to conclude that most species were predominantly inhabitants of grassland filling a niche similar to that of ungulate grazers. The similarity of moas, in size and form, to other large ratites of open country habitat (e.g. the emu, Dromaius novaehollandiae and ostrich, Struthio camelus) doubtless to some extent predicated this assumption. Many lines of evidence 1326 - MILLENER such as gizzards containing berries, fruits and shoots of forest trees (Gregg 1972, Burrows 1980, Burrows et al. 1981); moa bones associated with remains of avian and molluscan species of obligate forest habitat (Yaldwyn 1958); and palaeobotanical data indicating that most of the areas in which moa remains have been found were, until relatively recently forested (Molloy et al. 1963, Moar 1970, McGlone 1978), strongly indicate that moas were forest or forest fringe dwellers (Hamel 1979) and were much more the ecological counterparts of cassowaries than of the savannah dwelling ratites. APTERYGIFORMES: KIWIS The kiwis are amongst the most primitive and specialised of the living ratites. Some workers suggest that they, and their closest allies the extinct moas, developed from a common stock (Houde 1986). It is unknown whether the split into the two sister groups occurred before or after New Zealand's separation from Gondwana. Despite the long phyletic history of the group the living species of kiwi appear to have developed only recently, probably in the Pleistocene. No fossil kiwi bones are known before the Quaternary, although footprints attributed to this group have been found in mudstones of ?Late Miocene-?Pleistocene age (Mildenhall 1974, Fleming 1979). The only palaeospecies of kiwi so far described (Pseudapteryx gracilis Lydekker, 1891) was regarded by Reid & Williams (1975), following Storer (1960), as "the earliest known kiwi". However, Millener (1987) reduced P. gracilis to junior synonymy with Apteryx owenii and, further, indicated that far from being the “earliest ... kiwi" the specimen in question was "almost certainly no older than late Holocene." Bones of the three extant species have been found in numerous subfossil deposits, an indication that all formerly had much wider distributions than they do at present (Reid & Williams 1975). The Little Spotted Kiwi, Apteryx owenii, from subfossil evidence formerly widespread in both main islands (Scarlett 1962, 1967b), is known to have become extinct in the North Island about 1875 and now apparently survives only on Kapiti Island, to which it was introduced in 1913, SPHENISCIFORMES: PENGUINS Many of the extant species of penguin which at present inhabit the New Zealand coasts are known from Late Pleistocene to subrecent deposits. Two essentially Antarctic species (King Penguin, Aptenodytes patagonicus and Royal Penguin Eudyptes chrysolophus schlegeli) have been found in subfossil deposits of mid-Holocene age at Macquarie Island (McEvey & Vestjens 1974) while the rare, mainland-breeding Yellow-eyed penguin (Megadyptes antipodes) has been recorded subfossil from the Chathams (Millener, in press a). A. patagonicus is also known from subfossil/midden deposits on Chatham Island (Marshall et al, 1987, Millener, in press a). Scarlett (pers. comm.) has suggested that a penguin from the Oamaru fauna (Grant-Mackie & Scarlett 1973), known only from a single undescribed tibiotarsus, may be a species ancestral to Eudyptes pachyrhynchus. PODICIPEDIFORMES: GREBES The Crested Grebe (Podiceps cristatus) and New Zealand Dabchick (Poliocephalusrufopectus), the only two species of this order recorded subfossil in New Zealand, are both closely allied to Australian forms. Neither is known from deposits older than Late Holocene and, indeed, their rarity even in occupation middens indicates that both are, perhaps, very recent colonists. NEW ZEALAND QUATERNARY AVIFAUNA - 1327 PROCELLARIIFORMES: ALBATROSSES, PETRELS AND RELATED FORMS Although the Procellariiformes are an ancient group which probably originated along the Gondwana coastline in the Late Cretaceous (Harper 1978), the only pre-Quaternary fossil known from New Zealand is the very tentatively and perhaps incorrectly assigned Manu antiquus from the Oligocene. Many of the modern procellariiform families are known to have been in existence in the Miocene, and it is highly probable that the New Zealand region, close to their centre of origin, has long been occupied by representatives of the group. The living species, which form the bulk of the austral component in the New Zealand avifauna (Fleming, 1979) are predominantly of southern origin, although some such as Pterodroma hypoleuca may be of tropical affinity. The genus Procellaria is of particular biogeographic interest, as it shows close alliance to, and possibly shares a common ancestry with, the Mediterranean shearwater Calonectris (Harper 1978). Many of the 41 procellariiform species now breeding in the New Zealand region are known from Quaternary deposits. The subfossil evidence for former distributions indicates that many species, which now breed only on offshore islands, formerly did so on a number of inland mountain ranges (Millener 1980a, 1981b, 1984a). PELECANIFORMES: PELICANS, GANNETS, CORMORANTS AND RELATED FORMS Apart from the solely Tertiary record of the extinct Pseudodontornis, the fossil record of this order in New Zealand includes just one extinct taxon, Pelecanus novaezealandiae (see Rich & van Tets 1981), which has been found subfossil in various localities in both main islands (Scarlett 1966). The Phalacrocoracidae (shags, cormorants) with thirteen living species is the dominant pelecaniform family in New Zealand, and van Tets (1976) has inferred an Australasian centre of adaptive radiation and dispersal for this group. Many of the living New Zealand species of this family are known from subfossil deposits. CICONIIFORMES: HERONS AND RELATED FORMS No extinct taxa of this order are known from New Zealand. Subfossil distributions indicate that the White Heron (Egretta alba modesta) formerly had a much wider breeding range than it does at present. Okarito in South Westland has been, since breeding was first discovered there in 1865, the only known nesting area. The finding of disproportionately high numbers of mature and immature bones in subfossil dune deposits near North Cape strongly indicates that for at least a period during the late Holocene this species also bred there (Millener 1981b). Many of the ciconiiform taxa in New Zealand are inseparable from their Australian counterparts, implying that they are probably recent, certainly post-glacial colonists. The rarity of some species (e.g. bittern, Botaurus poiciloptilus and Royal Spoonbill, Platalea regia) in subfossil deposits tends to support this conclusion. Scarlett (1979) attributed a number of subfossil bones from the North Cape area to Plataiea, but these have since been found to be those of Egretta alba (Millener 1981b). Identification of subfossil bones of the Black Bittern, Jxobrychus (Dupetor) flavicollis, from Lake Poukawa (Horn 1980) is considered invalid. These bones are referrable to xobrychus novaezealandiae, the extinct New Zealand Little Bittern (Millener & Bartle, in prep.). Figure 2. Localities producing fossil birds in the late Cainozoic of New Zealand. 1328 - MILLENER 170°E 174°E 178°E 1 AUPOURI NORTHLAND South I. Chatham Is. P Stewart |. RBouity NORTH ¢Auckiaad Is. Antipodes Is. ° Campbell |. SOUTH ISLAND North Cape . Maud I. Whangarei . Takaka Auckland . Karamea Hamilton . Charleston Waitomo . Pyramid Valley Mahoenui . Okarito L. Waikaremoana 21. Christchurch L. Poukawa . Scaiffe's Lagoon Te Aute . 10. Kapiti I. . Enfield 11. Martinborough . Oamaru Cn 12. Wellington . Herbert Sy 13. Stephen I. . Te Anau Ss tewart |. 14. D'Urville |. . Dunedin CANAAN > NEW ZEALAND QUATERNARY AVIFAUNA - 1329 ANSERIFORMES: SWANS, GEESE, DUCKS The anseriform fauna, past and present, shows strong Australian affinities (Williams 1964, Livezey 1986). The various degrees of endemism shown by the New Zealand taxa indicate that colonization has been occurring over a prolonged period. The only pre-Quaternary fossil anseriform remains comprise a few, as yet undescribed, duck bones from the Miocene of Central Otago (Fordyce, pers. comm.) but subfossil remains of many of the living, and of at least seven extinct taxa are known from numerous Pleistocene to sub-recent deposits. The extinct taxa include three endemic genera; Cnemiornis; Pachyanas; and Euryanas. Cnemiornis gracilis and C. calcitrans were primitive anseriformes (see Livezey, 1989) known from the North and South Islands respectively. Pachyanas chathamica, a stoutly built duck, was restricted to the Chatham Islands while Euryanas finschi (Finsch's Duck) was widely distributed throughout mainland New Zealand. Both species of Cnemiornis were completely flightless, while neither Pachyanas nor Euryanas (contra Worthy 1988b) would seem to have been capable of powered flight. An endemic species of swan (Cygnus sumnerensis), closely allied to the Australian Black Swan (Cygnus atratus) was formerly distributed throughout mainland New Zealand, Stewart Island and the Chathams. A new species of pink-eared duck Malacorhynchus scarletti, congeneric with the Australian M. membranaceus has been described from sub-fossil remains at Pyramid Valley, South Island (Olson 1977). A musk duck, originally described by Forbes (1892) as Biziura delautouri, is known from a number of subfossil localities. Although Scarlett (1969) and Harrison & Walker (1970) assign all New Zealand specimens to the living Australian species (B. lobata), Olson (1977) suggests that the New Zealand Biziura may be at least subspecifically, if not specifically, distinct. Millener (1984b) favoured the retention of full specific status (B. delautouri) for New Zealand Biziura. Subfossil remains from Lake Grassmere, Marlborough and from two sites in the North Island (Millener 1981b) indicate that a Mergus, possibly, but not necessarily, conspecific with the recently extinct, endemic Auckland Island merganser (M. australis) was formerly present on the mainland (Kear & Scarlett 1970). Several subfossil bones of Mergus were reported (some in error) from the Chathams by Marshall et al. (1987), and this record has recently been further substantiated through the excavation, from a limestone cave near the Te Whanga lagoon, of several associated skeletons (see Millener, in press a). The Blue-billed Duck (Oxyura australis), a living Australian species, was reported as a subfossil at Lake Poukawa by Horn (1983) but my examination suggests that the material is more correctly referable to Aythya. The extant anseriforms also show varied degrees of endemism. Hymenolaimus malacorhynchus (Blue Duck) belongs to an endemic genus, Aythya and Tadorna each have one species and Anas one species and two sub-species which are endemic. The remaining ducks are inseparable from their overseas counterparts. FALCONIFORMES: FALCONS, EAGLES, HAWKS AND RELATED FORMS The oldest known New Zealand fossil falconiforms are of Pleistocene age. Three extinct taxa are known; Harpagornis moorei is an eagle which in my view is most closely related to, and perhaps should be placed in, Aguila, rather than retaining its present status as a monotypic endemic genus (see also Shufeldt 1895); Circus eylesi, an endemic species, was a harrier very much larger than C. approximans (Scarlett 1953); Haliaeetus australis (see Olson 1984) is an 1330 - MILLENER endemic species of sea-eagle from the Chatham Islands. In the absence of carnivorous mammals, these large raptors, especially Harpagornis, may have been the only significant predators of moas and other avian taxa, prior to human settlement. The living Falco novaeseelandiae (New Zealand Falcon) is widely known from deposits of Late Pleistocene to subrecent age, but the Australasian Harrier (Circus approximans) is so rarely found subfossil that it may well be a very recent colonist. GALLIFORMES: QUAIL AND RELATED FORMS The sole native galliform is the recently extinct Coturnix n. novaezelandiae, closely allied to the Australian Stubble Quail (C. n. pectoralis). The New Zealand Quail, to judge by subfossil remains, was formerly widely distributed throughout the country but is presumed to have become extinct in the 1870's (Oliver 1955). GRUIFORMES: CRANES, RAILS The Rallidae, a family with a fossil record stretching back to the Late Oligocene in the Northern Hemisphere (Olson 1985) is represented in New Zealand by a diverse assemblage of living and fossil taxa. The occurrence of at least nineteen taxa of living and recently extinct rails, covering a wide range of morphologic and, thus, taxonomic distinctiveness from endemic genera to forms inseparable from subspecies outside New Zealand, offers convincing evidence of multiple invasion via trans-oceanic dispersal during much of the Tertiary. All the extinct forms were flightless, as are most of the living ones. Diaphorapteryx hawkinsi, a particularly aberrant rail is known only from subfossil remains on the Chatham Islands. It appears to have been derived from a Gallirallus ancestor perhaps resembling G. sylvestris of Lord Howe Island (Olson 1975). Capellirallus karamu which had wings proportionately smaller than those of any known rail, and an elongated, almost kiwi-like bill, was first described by Falla (1954) from Karamu Cave, near Hamilton. It may also have been derived from the Gallirallus group, perhaps through an ancestral stage somewhat resembling G. modestus of the Chatham Islands (Olson 1975). Capellirallus is known only from the North Island (Scarlett 1970b). Gallinula (Tribonyx) hodgenorum (includes Gallirallus hartreei, Scarlett 1970a) is known from both the North and South islands (Scarlett 1970b). This flightless form was probably derived from the volant ancestor which also gave rise to G. ventralis of Australia and the flightless G. mortierii surviving in Tasmania (Olson 1975). Gallirallus dieffenbachii and G. modestus, both recently extinct, are known only from the Chatham Islands. The larger species, G. dieffenbachii, is the less modified and is therefore presumably a later colonist than G. modestus. There is clear evidence that the two species were formerly sympatric on all three islands (Chatham, Pitt, Mangere) from which they are known as subfossils (Millener, in press a). Gallirallus minor is a species which has never been properly defined or illustrated and may be merely a small variant of G. australis (New Zealand Weka). G. australis has four living subspecies and is probably an early derivative of the same stock which later gave rise to G. philippensis, a species widely distributed in the southwestern Pacific. The New Zealand form G. philippensis assimilis is no more than subspecifically separable from its Australian counterpart, and its rarity in subfossil deposits suggests that it is perhaps a recent colonist. Fulica (= Nesophalaris) chathamensis and F. prisca, very large, flightless and now extinct coots were presumably derivatives of F. atra stock (Olson 1985), The two species known from subfossil remains, F. prisca in the North and South islands and E. chathamensis in the Chatham Islands must, necessarily have become flightless independently (Millener 1980b, 198 1a). NEW ZEALAND QUATERNARY AVIFAUNA - 1331 Subfossil remains of Porphyrio (= Notornis) mantelli (Takahe) attest to its former wide distribution in both main islands of New Zealand (Williams 1960). The nominate subspecies is known only from subfossil bones in the North Island, but the South Island form (P. m. hochstetteri) still persists in very limited numbers in Fiordland. The remaining living New Zealand rails, the Pukeko (Porphyrio p. melanotus) and the crakes (Porzana spp.), to judge by their virtual absence from subfossil and midden deposits, are probably very recent colonists indeed. The aberrant Aptornis otidiformis and A. defosser which appear to have affinities with Rhynochetos jubatus, the Kagu, of New Caledonia are justifiably placed in their own family Aptornithidae (Olson 1975). Through priority a name change to Apterornis (Apterornithidae) seems likely (Olson & Zusi in prep.) CHARADRIIFORMES: WADERS, GULLS, TERNS AND RELATED FORMS Only 12 of the 59 species of Charadrii listed for New Zealand (Turbott 1990) are indigenous breeders. Members of this suborder are extremely rare in subfossil deposits, and only a single extinct species, Coenocorypha chathamica, a snipe from the Chatham Islands, is known. The endemic genus Coenocorypha belongs to a primitive group of Charadriiformes of probable Northern Hemisphere origin. Of the other species in the genus, C. pusilla, now persists only on South-east Island (Chathams) and LC. aucklandica on several subantarctic islands (see Miskelly 1987a,b, 1988, Worthy 1987b). Bones tentativelly assigned to this latter species are common in some cave deposits, particularly those in the Waitomo-Mahoenui area, North Island (Medway 1967, 1971). The two remaining endemic charadriiform genera, the Shore Plover (Thinornis) and the Wrybill (Anarhynchus), the former now restricted to South-east Island, are virtually unknown as subfossils. The two species of stilt in New Zealand possibly provide a further example of double invasion from a single stock. The Black Sult (Himantopus novaezealandiae) is an endemic species and thus assumed to be a Pleistocene colonist, while the Pied Stilt (H. Ah. leucocephalus) is conspecific with the Australian form and may well be a post-glacial immigrant (Fleming 1979). COLUMBIFORMES: PIGEONS Pigeons reach their greatest diversity in Australia and the southwestern Pacific. Because of this Cracraft (1973) and Rich (1976) have suggested a southern (Gondwanan) origin for the group. New Zealand's only living species is the Woodpigeon (Hemiphaga novaeseelandiae). Both the mainland and Chatham Island subspecies are commonly found as subfossils, especially in midden deposits. No extinct New Zealand taxa have been described, although Hemiphaga n.sp. is listed from the Oamaru fauna (Grant-Mackie & Scarlett 1973). PSITTACIFORMES: PARROTS The Psittaciformes are possibly closely allied to the Columbiformes (Cracraft 1973) and like the latter exhibit their greatest diversity in the Australasian region. All three New Zealand genera are endemic. Strigops habroptilus (Kakapo), a flightless ground parrot, is perhaps most closely related to Geopsittacus of Australia (Forshaw 1978). Bones of Strigops are amongst the most commonly found in cave deposits throughout New Zealand. The species has probably been extinct in the North Island since about 1906 (Williams 1956) and now survives naturally only in very small numbers on Stewart Island (introduced on Little Barrier and Maud Island). 1332 - MILLENER Nestor has two extant New Zealand species, the South Island alpine N. notabilis (Kea) and the much more widely distributed N. meridionalis (Kaka). Fleming (1962b) has suggested that the two forms became ecologically isolated during the early Pleistocene. There can be little doubt that N. productus of Norfolk Island is a derivative of New Zealand Nestor stock (Fleming 1979). Subfossil Nestor meridionalis bones (not subspecifically identified) are known from the Chatham Islands (Dawson 1952, 1959), while an undescribed small Nestor, doubtfully a new species, is known only from subfossil bones in the South Island (Dawson 1952, Grant-Mackie & Scarlett 1973). Based on the abundance of its bones in midden deposits it would appear that N. meridionalis was a favourite quarry of the early Maori. Cyanorhamphus is a genus for which New Zealand appears to have been the centre of dispersal (Fleming 1979), Three species are resident in New Zealand and a number of South Pacific islands have been colonised by their derivatives. Most of these insular populations are weak subspecies, but some, presumably the results of earlier colonizations, are specifically distinct. Some islands (e.g. the Chatham Islands, the Auckland Islands and the Antipodes Islands) support two species which have colonized at different times. CUCULIFORMES: CUCKOOS Two species of cuckoo are regular migrants to and breed in New Zealand, but both are rare as subfossils. The Long-tailed Cuckoo (Eudynamys taitensis) is known from two sites in the North Island and one in the South Island, while the Shining Cuckoo (Chrysococcyx lucidus) has been identified from a single site in the Chatham Islands. CAPRIMULGIFORMES: OWLET-NIGHTJARS AND RELATED FORMS Megaegotheles novaezealandiae, the only species in an extinct endemic genus, is the sole member of this order known in New Zealand. The species is most closely allied to Australian members of the order, both living and fossil (from the Miocene of New South Wales - Rich & McEvey 1977) and was first recognised and described only in 1968 (Scarlett 1968). Subfossil remains of Megaegotheles have been recorded from widespread cave and dune deposits in both main islands (Rich & Scarlett 1977). This genus has recently been included within Aegotheles by Olson, Balouet & Fisher (1989). STRIGIFORMES: OWLS Two species of owl, both with their closest relatives in Australia, are native to New Zealand. The Laughing Owl (Sceloglaux albifacies), based on its subfossil distribution, was formerly common in both the North and South Islands but has been presumed extinct since about 1915 (Williams & Harrison 1972). The Morepork (Ninox novaeseelandiae), very closely allied to the Australian Boobook Owl, is extremely rare in subfossil sites and is possibly a very recent colonist. Subfossil bones considered to be those of Tyto alba by Scarlett (1967a) have been shown to be those of Scleoglaux (Millener 1983). CORACIIFORMES: KINGFISHERS The sole New Zealand species, Halcyon sancta, is virtually unknown in subfossil sites and could well be another of the very recent colonists. It is closely allied to others of the genus in the Southwest Pacific. NEW ZEALAND QUATERNARY AVIFAUNA - 1333 PASSERIFORMES: PERCHING BIRDS Twenty-five species of native passerines are known from New Zealand and, despite the relative fragility of their bones, most are known as subfossils. Palaeocorax moriorum (New Zealand Crow) is known from subfossil remains only, in dune, swamp and midden deposits, in both mainland New Zealand and the Chathams, but has seldom been found in cave deposits. As Virtually all New Zealand caves are in relatively rugged inland country, this strongly indicates that the former distribution of the Extinct Crow was restricted to lowland, essentially coastal areas. The Stephen's Island Wren (Traversia lyalli) first discovered, but also exterminated, in 1894, the Chatham Island Fernbird (Bowdleria rufescens) not recorded since about 1900 and the Huia (Heterolocha acutirostris) last reliably reported in 1907, have become extinct within historic time. A number of other passerines, including the North Island Bush Wren (Xenicus longipes stokesi), Stead's Bush Wren (X. 1. variabilis), and both New Zealand thrushes (Turnagra capensis subspp.), are, likewise, probably now extinct (see Turbott 1990). New Zealand's endemic passerine families are of particular taxonomic interest. Recent classifications place the wrens (Acanthisittidae) with the suboscines, implying a relationship with some South American group (Raikow 1987). They may, however, have been an early arrival of Australian suboscine stock (which itself may have reached Australia via East Antarctica - Cracraft 1973) - but see Sibley et al, (1982). There have been three genera of wrens described from living specimens: Acanthisitta, Xenicus and Traversia (sometimes synonymised with Xenicus). All four species in these genera are now known from subfossil deposits in both the North and South Islands. Fleming (1979) suggested that the Rock Wren (X. gilviventris) was an alpine derivative of the forest-dwelling Bush Wren (X. longipes), thus displaying the same type of speciation pattern seen in the Nestor parrots. A new genus of acanthisittid, Pachyplichas, has recently been described from subfossil remains, there being two distinctive species one (P. jagmi) from the North Island the other (P. yaldwyni) from the South (Millener 1988). A further new acanthisittid genus (not yet formally described - see Millener & Worthy, in press) is known from two South Island subfossil locations. Various relationships have been suggested for two other endemic passerine groups. The Wattlebirds (Callaeatidae) have been placed with a group of Australian and Papuan corvid-like families (Mayr & Amadon 1951, but see also Williams 1976), while the New Zealand Thrushes are now placed in the Paradisaeidae (Olson et al. 1983). They, together with the Wrens, probably represent at least three colonisations during the Tertiary (Fleming 1962a). The majority of the remaining endemic New Zealand passerines are likely to be of Australian origin. Some of the endemic genera still show clear relationship to Australian forms (e.g. Anthornis to Meliphaga, Notiomystis to Meliornis - Fleming 1962a). Many are endemic species assigned to Australian genera (e.g. Petroica, Gerygone and Rhipidura), which themselves are the products of adaptive radiation within Australia from a limited number of ancestral sources (Sibley 1976). Fleming (1950) suggested that the New Zealand representatives of Petroica have resulted from two invasions by birds of the same ancestral stock. The robins (subgenus Miro) seem to be derived from an early, perhaps Pliocene, invasion of Petroica stock, while the tits (Petroica s. str.) represent a later, perhaps Early Pleistocene, one. A notable feature of the forest-dwelling passerines is the large number of species which have developed distinct island forms on either side of Cook and Foveaux straits or on outlying islands. Mohoua with M. albicilla (Whitehead) and M. ochrocephala (Yellowhead), Gerygone with G. igata (Grey Warbler) and G. albofrontata (Chatham Island Warbler) and Bowdleria with B. punctata (Fernbird) and B. rufescens (Chatham Island Fernbird) are three genera with specifically distinct derivatives. Some species (e.g. the Fernbird, Bowdleria punctata, and the Tit, Petroica macrocephala) have as many as five subspecifically distinct island races. 1334 - MILLENER The passerine taxa found most often in subfossil deposits are usually the larger forms, whose more robust bones render them more readily preserved. To some extent collecting techniques may also exaggerate this bias toward the larger taxa, but it would seem that in many cases the more frequent occurrence of certain species does truly reflect a greater natural abundance. The Crow (Palaeocorax moriorum), Kokako (Callaeas cinerea), Tui (Prosthemadera novaeseelandiae) and Saddleback (Philesturnus carunculatus) are the predominant passerines in natural assemblages, while the Tui, due no doubt to pronounced selectivity of hunting, is by far the most abundant in midden deposits. In contrast, the Huia (Heterolocha acutirostris), although second only to the Crow in size, is much less frequently found (see Williams 1976, Millener 1981b). SUMMARY The evolutionary development of New Zealand's avifauna has been influenced by the interplay of geologic, geographic, climatic and ecological factors. At the outset, New Zealand's position as a segment of the temperate Gondwanan supercontinent during the Mesozoic enabled it to take part in faunal and floral exchanges which occurred among the then contiguous southern continents. New Zealand's separation in the Late Cretaceous came at a time that allowed some of the archaic elements of its biota to establish themselves, but still early enough to prevent colonization by snakes and predatory mammals. New Zealand's drift north and its consequent isolation since the early Tertiary has meant that any subsequent colonization had to be entirely transoceanic. “Sweepstakes dispersal", assisted since the Oligocene by the circum-Antarctic current and its associated Westwind Drift, has long been and continues to be important for colonists of Australasian origin. The archipelagic nature of the New Zealand landmass throughout the Tertiary and Pleistocene doubtless fostered adaptive radiation and speciation, but also caused numerous extinctions amongst the original inhabitants and incoming colonists alike. The monotypic and relict nature of many of New Zealand's endemic genera is more likely an indication of Pleistocene extinction of their congeners, than of conservatism and lack of speciation in the Tertiary. The climatic extremes of the ice ages, which must have decimated the warm-adapted Tertiary biota, also provided stimulus for speciation among those elements which survived. The post-glacial fauna must have been a remarkable melange, comprizing survivors of the Pleistocene decimations and new transoceanic colonists, expanding to fill niches left vacant by those which had succumbed. This fauna with its many aberrant, specialised and frequently flightless forms had evolved in splendid isolation on arichly forested, predator-free landmass and would have been ill-adapted to survive what was to be for many of its members the final episode in their evolutionary history - the arrival of man, Man, by his extensive clearance of forests, by his introduction of mammalian predators and to some limited extent by his own predation, wrought ecological changes of such great magnitude and rapidity that almost half New Zealand's complement of terrestrial birds was exterminated in less than a thousand years. Man's influence continues to have an almost universally detrimental effect on the remaining bird fauna, although natural immigration continues to partially offset depletion. REFERENCES ARCHEY, G., 1941. The Moa. Bull. Auckland Inst. Mus. 1: 1-245. BARKER, P.F. & BURRELL, J., 1977. The opening of Drake Passage. Marine Geology 25: 15-34. BARTRUM, J.A., 1924. 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The subfossil fauna of Honeycomb Hill Cave. I. A study of Otiran deposits in the Graveyard. II: A reassessment of Megalapteryx benhami Archey. Unpubl. report, National Museum of New Zealand. WORTHY, T.H., 1987b. Subfossil Snipe (letter). Notornis 34(4): 343. WORTHY, T.H., 1988a. A re-examination of the moa genus, Megalapteryx. Notornis 35(1): 15-24. WORTHY, T.H., 1988b. Loss of flight ability in the extinct New Zealand duck Euryanas finscht. J. Zool. Soc. Lond. 215: 619-628. WORTHY, T.H., 1989. Validation of Pachyornis australis Oliver, a medium sized moa from the South Island, New Zealand. N.Z. Jl. Geol. Geophys. 32: 255-266. WORTHY, T.H., EDWARDS, A.R. & MILLENER, P.R., in press. The fossil record of moas (Aves: Dinomithiformes) older than the Otira Glaciation. J. Roy. Soc. N. Z. YALDWYN, J.C., 1956. A preliminary account of the subfossil avifauna of the Martinborough caves. Rec. Dominion Mus. 3: 1-7. YALDWYN, J.C., 1958. Notes on the environment and age of the subfossil deposits of the Martinborough caves. Rec. Dominion Mus. 3: 129-135. 1340 - MILLENER APPENDIX I AVIAN FOSSIL REMAINS FROM PLIO-PLEISTOCENE DEPOSITS OF NEW ZEALAND [SOUTH | [CHATHAM ] ISLAND || iSLANDS DINORNITHIFORMES Anomalopteryx didife-mis E Megalapteryx didinus E i+ +/4)4 Pachyornis mappini e|[+{+]+ +[] [ 1 P. australis El! [[+[+[+ P. elephantopus E| [[+[+l+[+ Emeus crassus E +/+/+/ +1) Euryapteryx curtus E[[+[+/+]+ | i| | E. geranoides Ej [+{+(+] +] |+/+|+|+ Dinornis struthoides Ell+ +)4l4ll/+4)4)4l4+ D. novaezealandiae E}[+)+{[+}+])+]+]/4]+ D. giganteus E)|+/+}+/4+][+{+]) +] + | APTERYGIFORMES Apteryx owenii [[+[+|+ +[[+ +]+]4]] A. australis +] +/+] +) [+/+] +] +] | A. haastii A | [+L [+ SPHENISCIFORMES Aptenodytes patagonicus [] + Megaayptes antipodes {| +14 + Eudyptula minor +(4+/4+ +44 +l4l4 Eudyptes cf. pachyrhynchus te: +/+ +) + +] +] PODICIPEDIFORMES Podiceps cristatus af] [+ [+[+ Poliocephalus rufopectus + +1]+ 4/4] + PROCELLARIIFORMES Diomedea exulans / epomophora +{ [+/+ za ou D. epomophora +/+ 2D. chrysostoma T [+ 2D. chlororhynchos i] + D. bulleri +/+] | Tol + D. cauta C+ t [+]+0) +/+ +/+ Phoebetria palpebrata [ {I U + Macronectes halli +/+ + Fulmarus glacialoides + Daption capense +/+ +/+] Pterodroma macroptera +\+ ry + P. lessonii + T T41 r+ [+ ?P. externa | | | +/ P. inexpectata Trel+lalel) [4l4l4+ +/+ P. neglecta a [| Ty + 4 +— 2 | f— 4 P. magentae IT | [ [+[+]+] 2P. ultima | + P. leucoptera oT Al + TT 1 P. cookii +l+[4{] [+ 1] | P. nigripennis TT [| P. axillaris th +/+ ?Halobaena caerula [+ | [ lpet NEW ZEALAND QUATERNARY AVIFAUNA - 1341 NORTH SOUTH CHATHAM | ISLAND ISLAND ISLANDS iS] S A PROCELLARIIFORMES TE dfn br] fl Pachyptila vittata +)+ +1414 ope P. salvini [| P. turtur i+]: | P. crassirostris iM TY 1 + i i+{+[+ + + + + + + + Bs ?Procellaria cinerea P. parkinsoni P. westlandica P. aequinoctialis a Puffinus carneipes [+[+ P. bulleri P. griseus fl P. tenuirostris {| ++ 44 +[+]+]+[+[+/+] +|+[+ P. gavia/huttoni P. assimilis Oceanites oceanicus Garrodia nereis Pelagodroma marina Fregetta tropica | Pelecanoides urinatrix +/+ +l4]+ PELECANIFORMES Pelecanus novaezealandiae El|+/+)/+}+ +/+ Sula bassana | ++ + + S. dactylatra + Phalacrocorax carbo +4) + +| i+ P. vari Tal tel+ aE . varlus | oe fe +] + + + | cE Bn + + + + +/+|+]+ + = b P. melanoleucos Lt | +] | Leucocarbo carunculatus i {| Stictocarbo punctatus +{+] CICONIIFORMES Egretta alba +| f+}+ + E. sacra I + Botaurus stellaris + | LO | Ixobrychus novaezelandiae E||+ + ml ANSERIFORMES Cygnus summerensis Cnemiornis calcitrans C. gracilis Pachyanas chathamica Euryanas finschi Malacorhynchus scarletti Biziura delautouri Tadorna variegata Anas superciliosa 2A. gibberifrons A. aucklandica A. rhynchotis 1342 - MILLENER —$<$< {= “= —— NORTH SOUTH CHATHAM ISLAND ISLAND ISLANDS ANSERIFORMES Hymenolaimus malacorhynchos Aythya novaeseelandiae ?Oxyura australis Mergus australis FALCONIFORMES Circus approximans C. eylesi Harpagornis moorei Haliaeetus australis Falco novaeseelandiae GALLIFORMES Coturnix novaezelandiae El] +[+ +[+ ; 2] +i + +] | GRUIFORMES a rat! Pe Gallirallus philippensis TL FRET ] G. dieffenbachii e|| | | IT | ial [+[+]+ G. modestus E|| : [ Vela] G. australis +++ +++ [T+] Capellirallus karamu Ell+ (+i +) +] ] ja ipl Diaphorapteryx hawkinsi E ater Porzana pusilla [ (+t | Tele TT +|+ P. tabuensis “T+t | [+f [+ lecieald te Porphyrio porphyrio mili +| + +{] oh {| P. mantelli ++ leit : 4} —_| jt} —+ Gallinula hodgenorum Eli t+{t+) [+l +) +{+] +] | | Fulica prisca El] [++] [[+[+[+]+ F. chathamensis Ell | Tete sled TT +[+]+ Aptornis otidiformis El|+/+{+] +1] 7 [ A. defossor E [+ +fals al CHARADRIIFORMES 7 et - Haematopus ostralegus LE} [+] Y [+ [+ [+] | Lal H. unicolor ee a H. chathamensis mime in | id Charadrius obscurus +t | Ei asa ta teak IT im Charadnus bicinctus + . . . cond a a a pains S| A eal Pa jae Thinornis novaeseelandiae mill {ff il dt aril Anarhynchus frontalis oo | | | 4 ae = rset — aa Numenius phaeopus | +) + +/+] | ; = = ’ + ++ Limosa lapponica + il lier: inet Pay . . —TT a "i ~y ‘of Arenaria interpres eee: IT el Eli (pak C. chathamica Calidris canutus Himantopus himantopus / novaezelandiae Catharacta skua ?C. maccormacki ?Stercorarius longicaudus Coenocorypha aucklandica Se Gad fea Vail cba laa bc rpsiers et TEAC na NEW ZEALAND QUATERNARY AVIFAUNA - 1343 NORTH || SOUTH | |CHATHAM ISLAND || ISLAND || ISLANDS CHARADRIIFORMES ag ca ad LF dt en Larus dominicanus LI +[+i{ [+]+/+ +/+ L. scopulinus TET [+]+tT [+]4 + T+]+ 9L. bulleri el Hydroprogne caspia [[+l+lt [ [+l+ [ Stema vittata / paradiseae TT +P S. albostriata EES eT +[+ S. nereis Tier TT = S. stnata LL | [+{+ +/4]4T] +] 4 COLUMBIFORMES Hemiphaga novaeseelandiae T[+]+]+[+][+]+]+]+ +/+) 4+ PSITTACIFORMES Strigops habroptilus +[+]+]+[[+[+]+]+ Nestor meridionalis +/+) 4) 4+!) +) 4+)4)+ +/+ N. notabilis [ +[40 [| | Cyanorhamphus novaezealandiae [[+[+[+]4+] [+/+ +|+| +/+ C. auriceps +) +/+) + +/+] + +/+ CUCULIFORMES Chrysococcyx lucidus [ TI [| +[ | Eudynamys taitensis +/+ Lt STRIGIFORMES Ninox novaeseelandiae [FGeETAeE ETT Sceloglaux albifacies E{/+/+l+l+i/+l+[+/+ +? CAPRIMULGIFORMES Megaegotheles novaezealandiae E|] +{+ +/+ CORACIIFORMES _ Halcyon sancta IL [+L [+I [+ il PASSERIFORMES - Acanthisitta chloris T +L TT eT T+] |_| Xenicus longipes LI +/+]+ +] | X. gilviventris | +| +/ | | Traversia lyalli JE] | [+ [| [+ | Pachyplichas jagmi Ell [++] | | P. yaldwyni el | TT it f+] | UT Anthus novaeseelandiae [ [[+f+f+i+]) [+l f+ip | i+i+ Bowdleria punctata | [+/+ [+] [+i] | | B. rufescens El | |_| {| |+| +/+ Mohoua novaeseelandiae Ltt | LL t+ | | | M. albicilla LI Le ia M. ochrocephala | _| Gerygone igata mut G. albotrontata LI | 1 Rhipidura fuliginosa i | Petroica macrocephala | {|| P. australis | | L 1 4 P. traversi L | | 1344 - MILLENER NORTH SOUTH. | |CHATHAM ISLAND ISLAND || ISLANDS PASSERIFORMES Notiomystis cincta [+|+ Anthornis melanura +/+) + + [+] [++] + Prosthemadera novaeseelandiae tl +l+ +[ [+ +[+1+]/ +/+ + Philesturnus carunculatus ti+}+i+] [+i titi +i Heterolocha acutirostris E +{+{+7 | | Callaeas cinerea +{+[4+[+] [+ +] 4) +1 | Turnagra capensis ET] +/+) 4+] [4+) 4+] 4+]+ Palaeocorax moriorum E|i+}+ +[4[]+ +) +) + +/+ Legend: Nomenclature follows Turbott (1990) except where more recent revisions apply Extinct species Australian species now extinct in New Zealand Identification uncertain Swamp / alluvium / colluvium Cave Dune sand / loess Midden - these data should be interpreted with caution as, especially in eroding dune-midden sites, unequivocal evidence for primary association of avian remains with midden debris is frequently lacking. mm * =Zo00a~ CHAPTER 28 VERTEBRATE FOSSIL FAUNAS FROM ISLANDS IN AUSTRALASIA AND THE SOUTHWEST PACIFIC Charles Meredith! INtrOductiONn ...... 0. cece cee cee ec eececceseuccceuscescecs 1346 Coastal Islands (tases sca deasdee Beldeciote doses 1346 The Bass Strait Islands.............c.ccccecesceeee 1346 Kangaroo Island ............cceeecccseeeecceeeeeceees 1349 Other Southeastern Coastal Islands............ 1350 Western Australian Islands...........e.ececceeee 1350 OGeariic ISAS wre Soe Use heb dood weee veloc s 1350 Norfolkelsland: :Scvctes ar, testa: Woes db 1350 Lord Howerlslangd). 23. ieeies cescssseies ovtdase 1354 Kermadec Islamds.i.c. ccc iccssaccsscd ccctevsevectede 1355 New Caledonia .............ccccsscsesecesccececesace 1355 Fig t STAM Sb, ioige Suivetesecitastitites cone sed Mestwecb ec 1355 COOK ISIAMES rst 3. deltilendts nth death sect thse tae 1355 Chatham Islands ................sccecsecececceceeees 1356 NGWZGALAT | satis sins ane sincier odteinewc ne andl Pekebhde's 1359 Macquarie Island .............ccecceeceesceeeceeeeees 1360 DUS CUSSION 3 ardor ies rere Bie 6 dele bs soe eede ceil en edou> 1360 Taxonomy and Phylogenetic Relationships. 1362 Taphonomic Studics...........ceeceeeeeeeeee scene 1362 Seabird Biogeography .............cc cece eeeeeee ees 1362 Biogeography of Insular Landbirds............. 1363 ROLERENCES cist icsse aches Satenass deodeultettecbeies cate 1365 ADDON GI cach wislvncelierat aban able abet eGoant sh bd 1369 ATC Se terpt totes 52m is Sheep lia steal salto whe te isi eM ede 1374 1 Biosis Research Pty Ltd, 127 Queens Parade, Clifton Hill, Victoria 3068), Australia. 1346 - MEREDITH INTRODUCTION The study of extant island faunas has occupied a special place in biology since the time of Wallace and Darwin, contributing significantly to modem theories of speciation, biogeography and community structure. It is, therefore, surprising that the fossil and sub-fossil faunas of islands have received little attention, even though the existence of some has been known for over a century. This is now changing. For example, recent work on the rich fossil faunas of the Hawaiian chain (Olson & James 1982a, b) and the West Indies (Olson 1978, Pregill & Olson 1981) has shown how dramatically different Late Pleistocene and Holocene island faunas can be compared to those of the present. Such studies have cast doubts on the interpretation of neontological data from islands and have generated interest world-wide in island palacontology. In this Chapter, I review the results of palacontological studies of vertebrates on Australasian and Southwest Pacific islands, discuss their relevance to a variety of biological problems, and make some suggestions for future investigations. The section on the most outstanding island fauna of the region, that of the Chatham Islands (Appendix I), is contributed by Phil Millener. The Chapter is strongly biased towards avian fossils. For the purpose of this review I classify islands into two types: (i) coastal - those that were joined to the Australian mainland during Pleistocene sea level lows, and (ii) oceanic - those that lacked such a mainland connection, The fossil faunas of New Guinea (Plane, this volume) and Tasmania (Baird, this volume) are not dealt with as they are covered elsewhere in this book and are best considered as continental faunas. The fossil faunas of New Zealand (Fordyce, this volume) and New Caledonia (Balouet, this volume) are also dealt with in detail elsewhere in this volume, but, as they are relevant to the analysis presented here, I have briefly summarised them. COASTAL ISLANDS Fig. 1 shows the localities of Australian coastal islands that have produced fossil faunas. These faunas are summarised in Appendix I. It is immediately clear that all the major sites are off the southeastern coast. This reflects the intensity of exploration in that region. The small amount of material known from the western Australian islands suggests that their systematic exploration would prove fruitful. Elsewhere, there are hundreds of islands along the Great Barrier Reef and in Torres Strait, some of which are likely to produce fossil material. Further to the north, the islands around New Guinea merit exploration. THE BASS STRAIT ISLANDS The Bass Strait islands are granitic remnants of a Late Pleistocene landbridge which connected Australia and Tasmania. They occur along two submarine ridges, the Bassian Rise in the east (the Furneaux Group and other small islands) and the King Island Rise in the west (King Island and the Hunter Group). The Bassian Rise extends from Wilsons Promontory to northeast Tasmania and is presently submerged to a depth of less than 60m along most of its length, with its greatest depth close to Victoria. The King Island Rise, extending from northwest Tasmania to King Island, is submerged to similar depths but is separated from Victoria by the western extension of the Bassian Depression (Hope 1973; Fig. 2). With rising sea levels after the Last Glacial Maximum, the Bassian Depression would have been rapidly resubmerged after only brief exposure, cutting the connection between King Island and Victoria. Around 12,000 to 13,500 years before present (yBP) the Bassian Rise would have been VERTEBRATE FOSSIL FAUNAS FROM ISLANDS - 1347 inundated by the rising sea between Flinders Island and Wilsons Promonto ry (Hope 1973). The land between King Island and northwest Tasmania would have been flooded between 10,000 and 12,500 yBP, and that between the Furneaux Group and northwest Tasmania be 10,000 yBP (Hope 1973). P mania between 8,500 and Figure 1. Map showing the location of Australian coastal islands that have produced vertebrate fossil deposits: 1, Bowen Is.; 2, Deal Is.; 3, Erith Is.; 4, Flinders Is.; 5, East Kangaroo Is.; 6, Cape Barren Isig 7, Preservation Is.; 8, Long Is.; 9, Maatsuyker Is.; 10, Hunter Is.; 11, Three Hummock Is.; 12, King Is.; 13, Kangaroo Is.; 14, Brothers Is.; 15, Salisbury Is.; 16, Houtman-Abrolhos Ids.; 17, Dirk Hartog Is.; 18, Bernier Is. Nearly all the larger islands and some of the smaller have produced Late Pleistocene and Holocene fossil material of reptiles, birds and mammals from sand-dunes, caves and swamps. The mammal material has been reviewed by Hope (1973). She found that, of the 24 species of mammals found as fossils on the islands, 14 were unknown there in historic times. None were endemic species. She concluded that the composition and past distribution of the mammal fauna was consistent with an initial colonisation of the developing landbridge in the Late Pleistocene from Tasmania, and this Tasmanian-derived fauna was then resistant to displacement by mainland elements once the landbridges finally reached Victoria. The avian material from King Island and the Furneaux Group has received little attention. Most deposits are dominated by bones of the Short-tailed Shearwater Puffinus tenuirostris, 1348 - MEREDITH Figure 2. The bathymetry of Bass Strait. which is a summer-breeding seabird, extremely abundant throughout Bass Strait. The abundance of material of this species has tended to mask the variety of other bones that are present (C. Meredith, pers. obs.). Hope's (1969) references to unidentified bird bones from most of her sites indicate that further excavations and analyses of already collected material would be profitable. Shane Parker (South Australain Museum) is presently reviewing the dwarf emu of King Island (see Parker 1984). This species, extinct soon after European colonisation, is well-represented in a number of sites on that island. Aboriginal middens on Hunter Island contain abundant bird and mammal material (Bowdler 1984, 1974, O'Connor 1982). The age of these middens varies from Late Pleistocene to less than 1,000 yBP. The birds that have been identified in these deposits are a subset of the present avifauna with the exception of a penguin, very close in size to the Rockhopper Penguin, Eudypies chrysocome, that has been described as Tasidyptes hunteri (van Tets & O'Connor 1983). Tasidyptes was present as recently as 760470 yBP and is apparently the only penguin known to have become extinct in the Holocene. It is not known if it bred on Hunter Island. The past diversity of mammals on Hunter Island was much greater than at present (Appendix I). Bowdler (1984, 1974) states that the present mammal fauna consists of at least VERTEBRATE FOSSIL FAUNAS FROM ISLANDS - 1349 three species, with one other probably recently extinct. Fifteen species occur in the midden deposits. Three of these (Cercatetus nanus, Sminthopsis leucopus, Mastacomys fuscus) are small cryptic species that might well still occur on the island but might have remained undetected. Thus, even if these three species have survived until historic times, the mammal fauna has experienced a decline of at least 50%, assuming that there has been no turnover of species. The faunal differences between the Late Pleistocene Cave Bay site and the Holocene Stockyard site indicate that mammalian species richness had declined from fourteen in the Pleistocene to ten in the Holocene, with the loss of the two largest herbivores (Macropus rufogriseus, Vombatus ursinus), the largest carnivore (Dasyurus sp.) and the largest possum (Pseudocheirus peregrinus). Aborigines were present throughout this period, at least as seasonal visitors, and it is possible that harvesting or anthropogenic habitat alteration by fire was the cause or contributed to this decline. Climatic change is unlikely as a cause, as all these species have fairly wide climatic tolerances. The decline could also represent relaxation to a new equilibrium following isolation and reduced island area, but such an interpretation is difficult to prove (see below). Close to Hunter Island is the small, rocky Albatross Island. Sealers and feather collectors have left a large pile of bones of the Shy Albatross Diomedea cauta, and the Australasian Gannet, Morus serrator, ina cave on this island. The floor of this cave seems a very likely site for sub-fossil seabird material as well (C. Meredith, pers. obs.). KANGAROO ISLAND Kangaroo Island lies west of Bass Strait, at the mouth of St Vincent Gulf, 15 km off the South Australian coast, from which it is separated by the Backstairs Passage (35 m deep) and Investigator Strait (25m deep). It was connected to the mainland through much of the Last Glacial Maximum, until rising sea levels opened the Backstairs Passage between 9,300 and 10,500 yBP and Investigator Strait between 8,800 and 9,900 yBP (Hope et al. 1977). Bones of an extinct (probably soon after European colonisation) dwarf emu have come from a number of sites on the island. Originally regarded as conspecific with Dromatus ater of King Island, this population has recently been separated as D. baudinianus by Parker (1984). It is interesting that these two flightless species are the only endemic bird species known from the southeastern Australian islands. The Seton Rock Shelter site (Hope ef al. 1977), in the south of the island, has produced a wealth of mammal, bird and reptile remains from deposits dating from more than 16,000 yBP to about 10,000 yBP. Two of the four stratigraphic units also contain evidence of human occupation. Twenty-eight species of mammal were identified from this site, only seven of which still occur on the island. Many of the extinct species are mammals of grasslands or open vegetation, a natural habitat now lacking on the island. About 40 species of birds have been identified, of which five waterbirds and eight landbirds are not known historically from the island. As with the mammals, most of the extinctions amongst the landbirds were of species typical of dry, open country. Although a number of the identifications of avian material require re-evaluation in the light of the better comparative collections now available, th overall picture is one of a decline in animal species associated with open vegetation and in faunal richness over the last 10,000 years. Hope et al. (1977) suggest that this was due to a combination of climatic change, isolation due to rising sea levels and a change in fire frequency caused by a decline in the Aboriginal population. 1350 - MEREDITH OTHER SOUTHEASTERN COASTAL ISLANDS Guano deposits on Brothers Island, in St Vincent Gulf, contained a small amount of mammal and bird material (Johns 1966; Williams 1980). The avian material was referred to Genyornis by Rich (1979), but Patterson (1983) referred it to emu Dromaius, without specifying which species. Aboriginal middens on Bowen Island, off southern New South Wales, contained six species of seabirds, all of which still occur in the area (Blackwell 1982). Blackwell's identification of Pachyptila turtur has been altered to Pachyptila sp. in Appendix I, due to the considerable difficulties of specific identification in this genus. Small numbers of seabird bones and some fur seal material have been found in archaeological deposits on Maatsuyker Island, off Tasmania (Vanderwal & Horton 1984). WESTERN AUSTRALIAN ISLANDS The collections of the Western Australian Museum holds a small amount of avian material collected from dunes and caves on Dirk Hartog Island and from North Island in the Houtman Abrolhos Archipelago, consisting of several species of seabird and some Emu eggshell. This material suggests that it would be well worthwhile to investigate these sites further and to search for others. Alex Baynes (Western Australian Museum) has collected a small number of unidentified bird bones, along with a variety of mammal bones, from Bernier Island, Shark Bay. Abundant bird bones have recently been found in spongolite on Salisbury Island in the Recherche Archipelago (A. Burbidge & N. McKenzie, pers. comm.), but only small amounts of material have been collected due to the difficulties of access to the island. Guano deposits on some of the northwestern islands are reputed to contain avian skeletal remains (R. Johnson, pers.comm.). OCEANIC ISLANDS With the exception of the Fiji group and Macquarie Island, all the oceanic islands discussed here share a similar origin, They are all remnants of a large continental block, Tasmantis (=Lord Howe Rise, Norfolk Rise, New Caledonia and New Zealand), which was joined to Austro-Antarclica during the Triassic and Jurassic, but which then began to split off in the Late Cretaceous, forming the Tasman Sea (Coleman 1980). Tasmantis was split into the Lord Howe Rise and the Norfolk Rise about 65 million years ago by the formation of the New Caledonia Basin, and, although there has been further tectonic movement, this remains the basic structure that exists today (Fig. 3). Despite this common tectonic origin, there has been a great deal of diversity in the later development of these islands, with New Zealand and New Caledonia being true continental remnants, while the Chathams are the result of vulcanism on a submerged continental plate. Norfolk and Lord Howe Islands are volcanic protrusions of submarine ridges, and Macquarie Island is a recently uplifted segment of oceanic ridge. The fossil faunas of the oceanic islands discussed below are summarised in Table 1, and localities are shown in Fig.4. NORFOLK ISLAND Norfolk Island (3,450ha) is an isolated basaltic outcrop of the Norfolk Rise, 1,370 km east of Australia, the result of Late Pliocene volcanism (Jones & McDougall 1973). Most of the island is covered by afossiliferous acidic soils, but a small coastal lowland in the southeast, VERTEBRATE FOSSIL FAUNAS FROM ISLANDS - 1351 known as Kingston, has produced fossils from sand-dunes and beach rock. Nepean Island, one kilometre offshore, is an erosional remnant of the Kingston lowlands and its eroding sand capping also contains fossils. The beach rock, a massive calcarenite tentatively dated at 1,450+90 yBP (Veevers 1976), contains scarce fragments of seabird bones. Material from the Kingston dunes is abundant and well-preserved. Four radiocarbon dates, from charcoal collected from the top of the fossiliferous layer, cluster around 800-850 yBP. These fossiliferous sands overlie a saprophytic clay from which dates of 6,870+30 yBP (Veevers 1976) and 4,400+90 yBP (Rich et al. 1983) have been obtained. There are no dates from the Nepean Island deposits. = yh aie q qa \ / \ S ( io; eur : gh ‘| fi Ss Ch ay . : be S ya ON CALEDONIA 2, lL CY foe eo U wv iN ) o \. mr 4 x : : 5 ‘ed 4 z i) s ( Be: SOUTH FlJ!l BASIN xr / re Y os SS > ¢ y J = \o/ Oe JSI1) a a’ Oe SME . \Norfolk Is. ; gyi ot x )S ~ “ / Lord Howe | Ps! has 2 | Is. / & / = ) be aie og S / | U [ £ \ Kermadec ls. Ct TASMAN SEA Eg Chatham, ae Is. 7 wie ee ee Figure 3. Map showing the present position of the submarine ridge systems in the southwest Pacific (ridges indicated by 2000m contour). 1352 - MEREDITH Table 1. Islands that have produced fossil faunas, other than those detailed in Appendix I. Unless otherwise referenced, information is from Brodkorb (1963, 1964, 1967, 1971, 1978). St Lawrence Aleutians Alaskan coastal islands Vancouver Island Anacapa/San Nichola Isla de Guadalupe - Hubbs & Jehl (1976) Hawaiian Islands - Olson & James (1982a,b) Aldabra Atoll - Harrison & Walker (1978) Galapagos - Steadman (1986, 1981) Easter Island - Carr (1980) 10. Henderson Island (Steadman & Olson 1985) 11. Tikopia (REFS) 12. Solomon Islands 14. Iceland 15. Newfoundland 16. Nova Scotia 17. Bermuda 18. Bahamas - Olson (1982) 19. West Indies - Olson (1978); Pregill & Olson (1981) 20. Fernando de Noronha - Olson (1981) 21. Ascension - Ashmole (1963); Olson (1977) 22. St Helena - Olson (1975a) 23. Seymour Island - Simpson (1975); Woodburne & Zinsmeister (1982) 24. Ellesmere Island 25. Great Britain 26. Jersey 27. Canary Islands 28. Balearic Islands 29. Corsica 30. Sardinia 31. Malta 32. Crete - Malatesta (1980) 33. Samos 35. Madagascar - Mahe (1972) 36. Reunion 37. Mauritius - Milne-Edwards (1874) 38. Rodriguez - Milne-Edwards (1874) 39. Amsterdam Island - Jouanin & Paulian (1960) 40. Sumatra 41. Java 42. Japan 43. Iki 44. Doiga-hama 45. Okinawa 46. New Guinea 8G 00.00 6 GN Ne SOUND VERTEBRATE FOSSIL FAUNAS FROM ISLANDS - 1353 Figure 4. Map of the southwest Pacific region showing those oceanic islands that have vertebrate fossil deposits: 1, New Caledonia; 2, Fiji Ids.; 3, Mangaia Is.; 4, Lord Howe Is.; 5, Norfolk Is.; 6, Kermadec Ids.; 7, Chatham Is.; 8, New Zealand; 9, Macquarie Is. The fauna from these sites comprises over 34 species of birds, two reptiles and two mammals, the Pacific Rat Rattus exulans anda vespertilionid bat (Meredith 1985b). Most of these species are known historically from the island, but six seabirds (four or five apparently once breeding on Norfolk), a small, flightless woodhen (Rallidae), the Sub-Antarctic Snipe (Coenocorypha prob. aucklandica), and several waders (Charadriiformes) are only recorded as fossils. Three of these are new species: a large booby, Sula tasmani (van Tets et al. 1988), a medium- sized gadfly petrel, Pterodroma sp., and the woodhen, Gallirallus sp. There is a single bone of the Rockhopper Penguin Eudyptes chrysocome, a sub-Antarctic breeder that occurs as sn occasional vagrant in the sub-tropics. The Pacific Rat is a species commensal with Polynesian man and has been distributed throughout the Pacific Islands by voyagers in their canoes. Although Norfolk Island was uninhabited when first sighted by Europeans in 1774, there is archaeological evidence of a former Polynesian presence (Specht 1984). The presence of the rat as a fossil below the 800 yBP charcoal band provides a minimum date for this early visitation (Meredith et al. 1985). 1354 - MEREDITH Although the fossil fauna is largely similar to the island's modern fauna, the recent loss of four or five breeding procellariiform and pelecaniform seabirds is notable. The present number of breeding species from these orders is six. As two of the currently breeding species have only colonised in the last few decades, this represents a decline of 50% or more. Recent declines in seabird faunas of this magnitude are typically shown by island fossil data, but the causes of these declines are often uncertain. Recently, archaeological studies on Norfolk Island have located the refuse dumps of the first European colony, which contain many bird bones. A preliminary analysis (Meredith & Varman, unpubl. data) shows that at least two of the locally extinct seabirds that were not recorded historically survived until European colonisation (Pterodroma pycrofti and Pterodroma new sp.). Harvesting of seabirds by these early settlers apparently caused the extinction of some species before they could be catalogued by zoologists. Further collecting may well reveal other species which were similarly affected. Predation by the Pacific Rat has often been invoked as cause of extinction in seabirds on islands, but the Norfolk Island data provide no evidence for any such predation (Meredith, in prep.). Rat bones are absent from the lower third of the fossiliferous layer in the Kingston dunes, but are commonly present in the upper two-thirds. There is no detectable difference between the composition of the fauna pre- and post-rat, nor is there any evidence of tooth marks on over 1,500 bones. Of course, the rats may have taken eggs or young birds whose bones have not survived, but the archaeological evidence and the modern fauna show that at least some seabirds, ranging in size from much smaller than the Pacific Rat to much larger, and from burrow to surface nesters, have survived 800 years sympatry with the rat. The faunal list in Appendix I contains a number of changes from the preliminary lists presented by Rich & van Tets (1982) and Rich et al. (1983). Daption capense, in the preliminary list, is in fact a misidentified carpometacarpus of Pterodroma_ new sp., and the identifications of Puffinus carneipes were, in fact, all referrable to Puffinus pacificus. Pterodroma sp. (medium) is now referred to as Pterodroma new sp., and Pterodroma sp. (small) has been identified as Pterodroma pycrofti. Pelecanoides sp. has been deleted from the list, as no material referrable to this genus has been located in the collections from the island. Columba vitiensis norfolciensis, a misidentification of Hemiphaga novaeseelandiae, should also be deleted. Plates 1-7 show a range of the fossil material from Norfolk Island. LORD HOWE ISLAND Lord Howe Island (1,300 ha) is a basaltic remnant of a Late Miocene shield volcano outcropping from the Lord Howe Rise, 700 km northeast of Sydney. Subfossil avian material has been collected from caves, sand-dunes and calcarenites on the island (Meredith, unpubl. data; van Tets ef al. 1981, van Tets & Fullagar 1977, Bourne 1974, Lambrecht 1933). Much of this material has yet to be analysed. So far, 13 species of birds have veen identified, mostly species known historically from the island. Three of the seabirds known only as fossils on Norfolk Island, P. pycrofti (listed by Rich & van Tets (1982) as Pterodroma sp. (small)), Pelagodroma marina and Sula tasmani (van Tets et al. 1988), are similarly recorded only as fossils on Lord Howe. A small penguin Eudyptula sp. (prob. minor) is represented by a variety of adult bones. Eudyptula minor has been recorded several times as a vagrant to Lord Howe, but presently only breeds in more southerly waters. Further collecting may show whether or not it once bred on Lord Howe. An endemic species of extinct horned turtle Meiolania platyceps occurs in Pleistocene calcarenites (Gaffney 1983). VERTEBRATE FOSSIL FAUNAS FROM ISLANDS - 1355 KERMADEC ISLANDS Archaeological excavations on Raoul Island, in the Kermadec group, produced material of seven seabirds, two landbirds, the Pacific Rat and the New Zealand Fur Seal (Anderson 1980). Four of the seabirds are in the genus Pterodroma, a genus which presents particular difficulties of identification, and these records need re-evaluation. For instance, the material identified as Pterodroma magentae should be further compared with material of P. solandri, and the supposed P. inexpectata material needs to be compared to a similar-sized extinct Pterodroma known as a fossil from Norfolk Island and, possibly, the Chatham Islands. NEW CALEDONIA The fossil fauna of New Caledonia is discussed in detail in Balouet's Chapter (this volume). It is one of the most interesting insular faunas in the southwest Pacific, and contains a number of fossil species that are possible Gondwana vicariants, notably a crocodile Mekosuchus inexpectatus and the large, flightless bird Sylviornis neocaledoniae, of uncertain affinities. Fossil horned turtles have also been found on New Caledonia (Meiolania sp.), and the nearby Loyalty Islands (Meiolania mackayi). An extinct varanid lizard Varanus sp. cf. V. indicus from the island is believed to be most closely allied to the New Guinea varanids. A single tooth of a large mammal, originally described as a rhinoceros, has recently been placed in the diprotodontid marsupial genus Zygomaturus (Guerin et al. 1981). Some debate, however, surrounds the identification and provenance of this tooth (Bertrand 1986; Rich et al. 1988), and it appears that it is indeed a rhinoceros. Only 15 species of birds are known as fossils, a rather low number considering the size of the present avifauna (111 species), and more will undoubtedly be found. Most of the fossils are extant or historically known species, but there are several extinct forms: Sylviornis neocaledoniae, Porphyrio kukweidi, Megapodius, and a woodhen (Rallidae) probably related to Tricholimnas lafresnayanus, amongst many others (Balouet & Olson 1989). FIJI ISLANDS The Fiji Islands are palacontologically quite unexplored, yet there is every reason to think that they are likely to have a potentially very interesting fossil fauna. The only fossils so far known are from Polynesian middens on Naiggani and Laemba islands (R.F.Baird, pers. comm.). The two species represented are an extinct large, apparently flightless pigeon and an extinct megapode. Middens, caves and dunes are widespread in the Fiji group, and further exploration is likely to be most profitable (R.F.Baird, pers. comm.). COOK ISLANDS Avian fossils have recently been located on Mangaia in the southern Cook Islands (Steadman 1985, 1987). They include all but two of the nine species currently found on the island, along with nine more extinct species, once again indicating the extent of faunal change caused by Polynesian habitat alterations. Steadman as well as C. Williams, T. Flannery, D. Roe, M. Spriggs and D. Wickler are currently carrying out investigations into the fossil faunas of a number of other Pacific islands (R.F.Baird & P.V. Rich, pers. comm.). 1356 - MEREDITH CHATHAM ISLANDS The Chatham Islands are an archipelago comprising two main islands and some twenty other smaller islands and reefs. They lie on the tropical convergence, about 850 km east of New Zealand, and have been occupied by Maoris since 800-1,000 yBP. The Chathams are part of the New Zealand continental fragment and their history dates back to a period of subsidence and volcanism in the Late Cretaceous (Hays et al. 1970). Their present physiography is largely the result of changing sea levels during the Pleistocene. During periods of low sea level, the Eocene Te Whanga Limestone developed its karst topography, and was then buried beneath the dune-bedded, quartzose Wharekauri Sands. Fluctuations in sea level produced a series of alternating sands (both marine and dune) and peats (representing periods of ameliorating climate), During periods of maximum transgression (sea level during the Nukumaruan rose to at least 285 m) the land area of the Chathams was reduced to a minute fraction of its present area, while during the Last (Otiran) Glaciation, when sea level fell to almost 120 m below present, virtually all the islands in the group were united as one. Following the Flandrian Transgression (about 2 m above sea level) in the Holocene, extensive Older Dunes formed, particularly on northern, eastern and western coasts. The development of low barrier dunes allowed the formation of the many lagoons and low-lying coastal lakes of Chatham Island, and the present configuration of the whole group was attained. H.O, Forbes discovered large numbers of sub-fossil bird bones in 1892, on which he published a series of very brief papers (Forbes 1892 a-c, 1893 a-c, 1897). His collection is in the British Museum. Despite the efforts of Dawson (1952, 1957, 1958, 1959, 1960, 1961) and Bourne (1967), this collection still remains inadequately studied and clearly warrants a complete and detailed reappraisal. In addition to Forbes' collection, that of Lord Rothschild is in part also in the British Museum, with the remainder at Tring (Andrews 1896 a-c, Rothschild 1907, Dawson 1960), while much other material is held in New Zealand (Auckland War Memorial Museum, Canterbury Museum, National Museum, Otago University Anthropology Department). Fossil material is known only from Chatham and Pitt islands, none of the others having suitable sites for bone preservation. It seems that virtually all the sand-dunes from which bones have been obtained are likely to be no older than Holocene, having developed since sea- level stabilized at its present level 5,000-6,000 yBP (Gibb 1979; Millener 1981b). Localities for many of the early collections are inadequately described or, indeed, not given at all, but it is likely that most represent non-anthropogenic accumulations, although some material is ‘rom occupation middens. Some more recent collections, particularly of seabird material, may be of recently beach-wrecked birds. Most identifiable dune sites are listed by Millener (1981a). Cave deposits are usually associated with occupation debris, indicating an age of less than 800-1,000 yBP. Although peat deposits and swamps are widespread on Chatham Island, conditions in most of them appear to have been unsuitable for the preservation of bone, possibly due to the past frequency 0: peat fires (Hays er al. 1970), and the acidity of the environment. A small collection of bones, however, has recently been obtained from a dark, peaty horizon among sand-dunes on Chatham Island (R.J. Watt, pers.comm.). In discussing the past and present avifauna of the Chathams, there are several species whose reported occurrence is extremely doubtful. It was reported that Maoris had said that a kiwi (Apteryx sp.) had once been present on the Chathams (Travers 1866), but this was later denied (Travers 1883). Gallirallus minor, only known as a fossil species, is an unsatisfactorally defined species which falls within the size range of Gallirallus dief‘enbachii (Olson 1975b), or, alternatively, may only represent a small form of Gallirallus australis (Oison 1975b, Millener 1981b). Strigops habroptilus and Nestor notabilis have both been reported from the Chathams VERTEBRATE FOSSIL FAUNAS FROM ISLANDS - 1357 (T ravers 1866; Forbes 1892b & 1893c; Dawson 1959, 1960). The verbal record of S. habroptilus was later disavowed (Travers 1883), and there is some doubt over the provenance of the supposed fossil material of this species from the Chathams. It seems most likely that this species was, like Gallirallus australis (see below), brought to the Chathams by the Maoris. Dawson (1959) considered all records of fossil N. notabilis were misidentifications of N. meridionalis. The Weka, Gallirallus australis, is known fossil from several sites, and it is possible that it was indigenous prior to its introduction in 1905. If so, it is most likely that this flightless species was brought to the Chathams by the Maoris, as it is undifferentiated from the mainland form (Olson 1975b). Its presence in Maori middens both in New Zealand and on the Chathams indicates that it was a regular food item. Twenty-seven procellariiform seabirds are known as fossils from the islands, of which 20 probably bred there. This compares with a present procellariiform fauna of 25 species, of which 14 are breeding species. This is a reduction of 30% in numbers of breeding species (Table 2). Several species recorded as fossils require further study to confirm their identification: Diomedea chlororhynchus, Phoebetria sp., Pterodroma neglecta, Pterodroma prob. magentae and Pterodroma cf. ultima. This last species, tentatively identified by Bourne (1967), may be conspecific with the extinct medium-sized Pterodroma from Norfolk Island (Meredith, pers. comm.). The pelecaniform and sphenisciform species found as fossils are the same as the present fauna, with the exception of the Emperor Penguin Aptenodytes forsteri, an Antarctic breeder, which is now only a rare vagrant to southern New Zealand. Waders (Charadriiformes) are well represented in the fossil deposits, with one extinct species present, the endemic Coenocorypha chathamica. Two skuas, Stercorarius skua and S. longicaudus have been identified from fossil material (the latter tentatively). The status of S. longicaudus in the southwest Pacific is very unclear (Harrison 1983), and it is unknown historically from the Chathams. The land and freshwater avifauna of the Chathams (both fossil and extant) is highly endemic, with two endemic genera, nine endemic species and nine endemic subspecies, out of a total of thirty-four breeding species and seven non-breeders (excluding exotics and Maori introductions). Most of these species are known as sub-fossils. The 12 known only as fossils include both endemic genera and two of the endemic species. As the passerine fossils have yet to be fully studied, these numbers should increase. A variety of material from stratified middens indicates that most, if not all, species of land and freshwater birds known only as fossils survived into, but became extinct during, the prehistoric Maori occupation. There is substantial evidence, particularly from the investigations of Simmons (1964) and Sutton (1979, 1981), that many terrestrial birds were hunted by the prehistoric Maori, but such birds do not form the major source of food at any site. In the Durham area siudied by Sutton, only three landbirds were ever recorded in numbers greater than ten individuals at any one site. Moreover, at each site the excavated midden remains probably represent several hundred years of accumulation, The most abundant avian remains at the CHA and the CHB sites (see Sutton 1979) were those of the Chatham Island Pigeon, Hemiphaga novaeseelandiae chathamensis, followed by those of Dieffenbach’s Rail, Gallirallus dieffenbachi, and Hawkin's Rail, Diaphorapteryx hawkinsi. Perhaps significantly, the first of these species, although apparently abundant in the prehistoric period, has never been common in European times, the second species became extinct about 1900, while the last, possibly mentioned in Maori legend (sce White 1897) became extinct prior to European settlement. At several sites near the Te Whanga Lagoon, bones of waterfowl, particularly of the now extinct swan, Cygnus sumnerensis, have been found in abundance in occupation middens (Forbes 1892ac, Sutton 1979). This evidence of exploitation may be significant; of the eight indigenous waterfowl recorded as fossils from the Chathams, only one is still resident there. 1358 - MEREDITH SSS_L_LL_L—LLL_L_LLLLL_— SSS —E—_———————————SS SSS S______—_ Table 2. A comparison of the procellariiform faunas of the Chatham Islands - past and present (B=breeding, V=visitor, FB?=may have formerly bred). RECORDED CURRENT SPECIES SUBFOSSIL STATUS Diomedea exulans - Vv Diomedea epomophora + B Diomedea chlororhynchus +? - Diomedea cauta + B Phoebetria sp. +? - Macronectes halli + B Daption capense + v Pterodroma lessonii + Vv Pterodroma inexpectata + V(FB?) Pterodroma ?neglecta +? > Pterodroma ?magentae + B? Pterodroma cf. ultima + -(FB?) Pterodroma nigripennis + B Pterodroma axillaris + B Pachyptila vittata + B Pachyptila turtur + B Pachyptila crassirostris + B Procellaria cinerea + V(FB?) Procellaria aequinoctialis + V(FB?) Puffinus carneipes + Vv Puffinus bulleri + V(FB?) Puffinus griseus + B Puffinus tenuirostris + Vv Puffinus gavia + V(FB?) Puffinus assimilis + B Garrodia nereis + B Pelagodroma marina + B Fregetta tropica - Vv Pelecanoides urinatrix + B This archaeological evidence indicates that reduction in numbers of land and freshwater birds, and, for some species, extinction, may have been caused directly through exploitation by the prehistoric Maori. However, it seems more probable (as has been argued by Millener 1981b, 1984 for the extinction of landbirds on mainland New Zealand) that a combination of factors was involved. Foremost among them was habitat modification and the depredations of introduced mammalian predators, followed by exploitation for food. Thirteen Chathams species failed to survive the Polynesian period. There seems little doubt that the seven species which have become extinct in the Chathams since 1840 succumbed to the even more drastic changes wrought by European settlement, while several others, whose populations have been severely diminished, and which are typically restricted to the more remote islands in the group, appear to have little chance of longterm survival. Archaeological investigations have also shown that the prehistoric Chatham Island Maoris were largely dependent upon marine and littoral resources, since, due to the climate, traditional horticulture of tropical Polynesian cultigens was impossible (Sutton 1979, 1980, 1981, 1982; Sutton & Marshall 1980). Shellfish, fish, seabirds and marine mammals were the main food VERTEBRATE FOSSIL FAUNAS FROM ISLANDS - 1359 resources utilised. Evidence from a large number of middens in the Durham area indicates that sealing was by far the most important economic activity (Smith 1977). Marine birds, particularly the fledgling young of albatrosses and petrels, were selectively and, in some cases, intensively exploited, but, despite this, were not the major source of food at any site. Although Sutton (1979) lists a considerable variety of seabirds from the Durham middens, only four species were represented by more than ten individuals per site. It is notable that the most commonly represented seabird Pterodroma sp. cf. P. magentae (over 400 individuals in sites CHA and CHB, constituting over 50% of the total bird fauna) is now the rarest of the breeding petrels in the Chathams. The diminution in numbers of this and other petrels on the islands can perhaps be attributed directly to prehistoric exploitation, although the effects of habitat modification and the introduction of mammalian predators should not be underestimated. Indeed, this last factor has been suggested as being responsible for the local extinction of mainland breeding petrel populations in much of New Zealand (Millener 1981b). The land and freshwater birds of the Chathams are, for the most part, closely related to New Zealand taxa, all but nine being inseparable from, or representing endemic subspecies of, mainland species. Diaphorapteryx seems to be a derivative from a generalised Gallirallus philippensis-type ancestor (Andrews 1896b). Later invasions of such stock gave rise to two other endemic rails, Gallirallus modestus and G. dieffenbachii (Olson 1975b). The true affinities of Pachyanas have yet to be determined, but it may prove to be a derivative of some generalised Anas-type ancestor comparable to that which gave rise to Euryanas on the New Zealand mainland. Haliaeetus is not known from mainland New Zealand, and the endemic H. australis of the Chathams is considered by Olson (1984) to be more similar to northern species of the genus, particularly H. pelagicus, than to the geographically closer H. leucogaster. Olson has suggested that the ancestor of H. australis probably colonised the Chatham Islands from the Northern Hemisphere rather than from Australasia. NEW ZEALAND New Zealand has produced abundant fossil material, and this is discussed in detail by Fordyce (this volume) and Millener (this volume). Rather than repeat this, I merely wish to emphasise a number of points relevant to the other insular faunas discussed here. New Zealand's vertebrate fauna, both fossil and recent, is dominated by birds. The only land mammals present, except for those introduced by man, are two species of bats, but there is a diverse fossil cetacean assemblage. Mesozoic, Cretaceous and Tertiary marine reptiles are known, and at least two dinosaurs. Otherwise terrestrial reptiles are only represented by relatively scarce Late Pleistocene and Recent material of the Tuatara Sphenodon, and a diverse small lizard fauna, largely of extant taxa, but also including several, as yet undescribed, extinct forms. One or more leiopelmatid frogs, larger than and not apparently referrable to any living species, are known from many subfossil sites, particularly caves. The avifauna, both fossil and modern, is rich in seabirds but depauperate in land and freshwater species, with the latter group exhibiting a high degree of endemism. Flightlessness, or reduced flying ability, is common, particularly amongst extinct species, many of which had died out before European colonisation, The moas (Dinornithiformes), the rails (Rallidae) and, to a lesser extent, the ducks and geese (Anseriformes) show a particularly high frequency of flightlessness and endemism, and have undergone varying degrees of adaptive radiation. There has been a high frequency of extinction since the Late Pleistocene (possibly only since the Late Holocene), and this has particularly affected endemic species. The reasons for these extinctions remain uncertain, but the various changes caused by the arrival of the Maoris 800-1,000 years ago are often invoked. Unfortunately, there is little direct evidence on these matters, except for the extinction of the moas, where Anderson (1983) has argued convincingly 1360 - MEREDITH on the basis of archaeological evidence for Maori hunting as the cause. Unlike most small islands, New Zealand has produced pre-Pleistocene avian fossils. Thirteen species of penguin (Sphenisciformes) are known from the Tertiary, eight of the genera among which they are distributed being endemic. Manu antiquus, possibly an albatross (Diomedeidae), is known from the Oligocene, and a false-toothed bird Pseudontornis stirtoni (Pelecaniformes) is thought to be of Mio-Pliocene age, but could in fact be Early Pleistocene (Fordyce 1982). The only evidence of Tertiary landbirds comprises an as yet undescribed assemblage from Miocene lacustrine deposits, some moa footprints and some presumed kiwi footprints. MACQUARIE ISLAND Macquarie Island is a small, subaerial projection of the submarine Macquarie Ridge. It lies about 1,000 km southeast of Tasmania. Large numbers of seabirds presently breed on the island, but, prior to the appearance of several recent adventives and introductions, only two landbirds, Gallirallus philippensis macquariensis and Cyanoramphus novaezelandiae erythrotis, were historically recorded. Subfossil material of two species of penguin, Eudyptes chrysolophus schlegeli and Aptenodytes patagonica, occurs abundantly in bone beds at Finch Creek and Bauer Bay, and has been dated at 6,100+120 yBP and 3,980+140 yBP respectively (McEvey & Vestjens 1974). These dates, however, may require revision in the light of the possibility of contamination by old carbon from the seas at these latitudes. This material is indistinguishable from skeletal material obtained from the present populations. Occasional procellariiform material is also found in these deposits, including bones of Pterodroma lessoni, juvenile Puffinus prob. griseus, and a small Puffinus similar to Puffinus gavia but too poorly represented to be confidently identified (Meredith 1985a). Vestjens (1963) collected bones of one of the two landbirds, Gallirallus philippensis macquariensis from Eagle Cave and Aurora Cave, but considered that they were probably recent remains left by sealers. Recent bones of a variety of seabirds are also present in Aurora Cave. Abundant material of Pachyptila prob. desolata of unknown age, possibly recent, occurs in a cave at Brothers Point (Meredith 1985a). DISCUSSION Islands have for many years been assumed to be unlikely sites for fossil deposition because of their small size, youthful ages and, frequently, their volcanic origins. This is clearly false, however, not only around Australia and in the southwest Pacific, but, as shown by Fig. 5 and Table 2, throughout the world. Further finds are certain, as there remain thousands of islands still unexplored by palaeontologists. Insular fossil faunas share several characteristics when compared to continental faunas. They are virtually all Late Quaternary or Recent in age. This is a reflection of a number of factors. Many islands are relatively young geologically (mid-Late Cainozoic), limiting the maximum possible age of any fossils found on them. Furthermore, most depositional Figure 5. Localities of islands that have produced significant vertebrate fossil deposits, other than those shown in Figs. 1 & 4. The numbers refer to the islands listed in Table 1. Large islands, such as Japan and England, are not included, VERTEBRATE FOSSIL FAUNAS FROM ISLANDS - 1361 1362 - MEREDITH environments prior to the Late Pleistocene are likely to have been destroyed or changed by diagenetic processes. Sand dunes built during the Last Glacial Maximum and, more recently, since the mid-Holocene (5,000-6,000 yBP) have given rise to some of the most abundant bone deposits (e.g. Chathams, Norfolk Island, Flinders Island, Hawaiian Islands). Some karstic limestones which contain fossils in caves and clefts did not develop until the Pleistocene (e.g. New Caledonia). However, the most consistent compositional difference between insular and continental fossil faunas is the dominance of birds, particularly seabirds. Ninety-two per cent of all Pleistocene procellariiform fossils are from islands, and, for the marine pelecaniforms (sulids, frigatebirds and tropic-birds), the figure is 96%. Faunas of oceanic islands are particularly biased in this way. Those of coastal islands tend to be more similar to the adjacent mainland. These differences largely reflect the biases of the modern faunal communities. Island faunas, both extant and extinct, are also characterised by the frequent presence of unusual endemic forms (e.g. flightless birds and dwarfed or gigantic forms). The study of extant insular faunas has contributed importantly to modern biological theory. The question arises: what can island palaeontology contribute? I see four main areas to which fossil data may be relevant: taxonomy and phylogenetic relationships, taphonomic studies, seabird biogeography and biogeography of insular landbirds. TAXONOMY AND PHYLOGENETIC RELATIONSHIPS Although the importance of fossil taxa in taxonomic and phylogenetic studies may be less than has been generally assumed (Patterson 1981), the high level of Quaternary and ongoing extinctions on islands means that fossil material is often of particular practical importance. Many island taxa are known only as fossils. Even with species that are still extant, many of these are absent or rare in osteological collections and the only material for comparative studies that is available may be that from fossil sites. TAPHONOMIC STUDIES The taphonomy of insular fossil sites has so far received little attention. Such sites are taphonomically interesting for several reasons. The small size of many islands and the nature of their physiography often means that ihe source area for the entombed fauna can be delimited easily and accurately, Furthermore, particularly at very recent sites, historical records of the fauna prior to any major anthropogenic disturbance can provide an accurate estimation of the size and composition of the source fauna, thus allowing depositional biases to be assessed. The frequent absence of mammalian predators and carnivores on islands suggests that some island sites could be used to provide a base line for assessing effects of such predation on preservation, by comparing them with similar continental sites where mammalian predators are present. Other sites may show the effects of the sudden introduction of mammalian predators and other exotic species by man (é.g. Rattus exulans on Norfolk Island). Penguins are among the most abundant pre-Pleistocene avian fossils in the Southern Hemisphere, but there have been no taphonomic studies done on this group. Many islands in the Southern Ocean offer excellent opportunities for such studies. SEABIRD BIOGEOGRAPHY Seabird biogeography has progressed little since the important analyses of latitudinal zonation by Murphy (1936). One of the reasons for this has been the difficulty in detecting patterns other than latitudinal ones in the distributions of many species, which are often either VERTEBRATE FOSSIL FAUNAS FROM ISLANDS - 1363 patchy, with anomalous gaps, or very localised and relictual. Already, the fossil data have begun to fill in some of these gaps and to expand the ranges of some "relics." Twenty years ago, Bourne (1965) drew attention to the importance of fossil evidence in establishing the true" distributions of seabirds, noting that whole extinct seabird communities had been found on Bermuda, St Helena, St Paul, Amsterdam Island and the Chathams. Since then, several more fossil seabirds previously unknown from these islands have been identified from St Helena (Olson 1975a) and the Chathams (Bourne 1967, this Chapter), and others have been found in the Bahamas (Olson 1982), Aldabra Atoll (Harrison & Walker 1978), the Mascarene Islands (Bourne 1976), Norfolk and Lord Howe islands (this Chapter), Easter Island (Carr 1980), the Hawaiian islands (Olson & James 1982a,b) and the Cook islands (Steadman 1985). Fossils have shown significantly larger past ranges for Pterodroma pycrofti (now relict on a few small islands off New Zealand, subfossil on Norfolk and Lord Howe islands), the hypoleuca" group of the gadfly petrels (Pterodroma hypoleuca, P. nigripennis and P.axillaris) are currently restricted to the western Pacific, their extinct sister-species P. kurodai is a Pleistocene fossil from Aldabra Atoll, Indian Ocean), Sula abbotti (now relict on Christmas Island, Indian Ocean, subfossil on the Mascarene islands) and Pterodroma cahow (now relict on Bermuda, subfossil on the Bahamas). BIOGEOGRAPHY OF INSULAR LANDBIRDS The usefulness of fossil data from islands in enabling a fuller and more accurate description of island landbird faunas in the light of high Quaternary and post-European extinction rates is obvious and uncontroversial. This is, however, one of the very few uncontroversial areas remaining in island biogeography. There is now considerable argument concerning the relative merits of dispersalist versus vicariance explanations of distribution patterns, and about the validity and usefulness of the MacArthur-Wilson equilibrium theory of island biogeography (e.g. Simberloff 1983). What does the fossil record have to say on these matters? One of the main arguments used by vicariance biogeographers against dispersalist theories is that dispersal is an historical explanation and, therefore, neither provable nor falsifiable. It is, thus, important to consider whether palaeontological (= historical) data can prove or disprove a dispersalist explanation. The ever-present problem of "the incompleteness of the fossil record" means that absence of a species from the fossil record of an island can never prove real absence from the past fauna, although it can be suggestive. For instance, the absence of the Pukeko, Porphyrio p. melanotus, a large rail, from fossil and midden deposits in New Zealand, when other species of similar size and habits are common to very common in such deposits, suggests that it may have been a recent arrival in New Zealand (Millener 1981b). The presence of a species as a fossil on an island can, under very restricted circumstances, be positive evidence of past dispersal, if it is a species that is unknown in early historical faunal lists (assuming these are adequately complete), but has recently recolonised by dispersal. Such a species is the Green-winged Pigeon Chalcophaps indica on Norfolk Island (Schodde et al. 1983). It can be argued that re-dispersal following extinction has been observed to occur in that species, and that its presence as a fossil indicates that dispersal also occurred in the past and is not simply a modern effect associated with, say, following ships or human introductions. Such an argument, however, is rather trivial, and in most such cases dispersal is likely to be accepted as the most probable (although unproven) explanation anyway. So, all in all, the palaeontologist cannot offer stronger data than the neontologist on active dispersal of species, although they may be able to provide evidence suggestive of past absence foliowed by recent dispersal. Tn the second main area of controversy, the MacArthur-Wilson equilibrium theory, it has already been claimed that fossil data from the West Indies (Pregill & Olson 1981), from Hawaii 1364 - MEREDITH (Olson & James 1982a,b) and from the Galapagos (Steadman 1986) cast real doubts on the value of this theory. Certainly the fossil data show that some late Quaternary island faunas were markedly different from those of today, both in species richness and in species composition, and that these differences may be adequately explained by climatic changes or anthropogenic effects, without the need to invoke equilibrium theories (e.g, Hope et al. 1977, Pregill & Olson 1981, Olson & James 1982a, b). While these data show that, when comparing faunal richness and composition between islands, one needs to be aware of recent prehistoric changes, the mere fact that there are changes over time in these parameters does not necessarily invalidate the equilibrium theory. The MacArthur-Wilson theory postulates an equilibrium between immigration and extinction rates which determines the number of species that are found on an island (MacArthur & Wilson 1967). Once an equilibrium state is reached, species richness should remain constant, but community composition may change due to turnover. A relatively constant number of species on an island is only evidence for equilibrium if rates of immigration and extinction do not change. In each of the examples mentioned above there has clearly been an increase in the extinction rate, and, as would be expected if the equilibrium theory applies, a decrease in species number. This is not to say that the equilibrium theory is proved, only that the fossil data are consistent with this aspect of it. If there is an equilibrium, then there should be turnover and, thus, change in species composition. There is little evidence for turnover from the fossil record, but again, due to the incompleteness of that record, it is hard to see what would constitute valid evidence. Long, fairly complete stratified fossil deposits are unlikely to be found on islands. Absences from the fossil record can only be suggestive of real absences, and not proof. Only the presence of a species in the fossil record and its current or historical absence (as discussed for dispersal) could indicate turnover, and only providing that environmental change or anthropogenic effects can be excluded. The regular relationship of species diversity (especially bird species diversity) to island area within an island chain, usually a power function, has long been used as evidence for the equilibrium theory, on the assumption that immigration and extinction rates will also vary regularly with island area. At present, the only fossil data relevant to this problem come from the Hawaian islands. A recent application of the MacArthur-Wilson theory to the extant Hawaiian avifauna (Juvik & Austring 1979) found that the relationship of both species richness of landbirds and the species richness of the endemic honeycreepers (Drepanidini) to island area was very close to that expected from the theory. Olson and James (1982b) strongly criticized this on the basis that their own fossil data showed that "the recent history of the endemic avifauna has been one of natural extinction without natural replacement", and thus modern species richness figures could not represent a saturated equilibrium situation. This criticism is certainly an important one, but it is not a damning one. Olson and James themselves argue that the effects of the Holocene extinctions were common to most, if not all, the islands, and, on each island, that the extinctions were largely confined to certain segments of the avifauna, mainly the inhabitants of the lowland forests (these forests were almost completely cleared by the Polynesians), the large, edible, flightless species, and the top predators. Furthermore, Juvik and Austring found high correlations with various habitat diversity indices as well as with area, as have a variety of studies on other islands. Could not the modern avifaunas of Hawaii simply be equilibrial subsets of a past larger fauna that was also in equilibrium, the modern faunal composition being the result of the systematic removal by man on all the islands of a certain suite of species - those of the lowland forests, those that were edible, and the large predators? Again, while raising important questions, the fossil data remain at least consistent with equilibrium theory, and certainly do not falsify it. In fact, perhaps the strongest criticism of the equilibrium theory that remains is the difficulty in VERTEBRATE FOSSIL FAUNAS FROM ISLANDS - 1365 falsifying it in any way (Simberloff 1983). Diamond (1972) introduced the term "relaxation" to describe the process of a fauna returning to equilibrium after displacement from it, following isolation and decreased island area due to Late Pleistocene sealevel rises. There is some fossil evidence for such a phenonemon, but it is restricted to large mammals whose immigration rate would decline to zero after isolation, making the equilibrium concept rather empty. Hope (1973) found that, out of a relatively diverse assemblage of herbivorous marsupials which was present when the Bass Strait islands were a united land bridge, the largest had died out completely and at present no island smaller than 1.4 sq km could support one species, while two or more species required at least 6.1 sq km. As several of the largest species (Protemnodon anak, Sthenurus occidentalis) also died out on the mainland, their extinction cannot be counted as evidence for relaxation, nor can the possible effects of human agency be ruled out. It is on this last point, the effects of man, that palacontology has made its strongest contribution to island biogeography so far, by emphasizing that most island faunas are likely to have been drastically changed following the arrival of human settlers, whatever their level of technology. The present size and composition of those faunas on islands with indigenous human populations (or at least the size and composition prior to the arrival of European man) cannot be assumed to be purely the result of natural ecological processes. As discussed above, this may or may not matter in discussing particular biogeographic questions, but from now on island biogeographers will have to be aware of the possible effects on their data of anthropogenic changes. REFERENCES ANDERSON, A., 1980. The archaeology of Raoul Island (Kermadecs) and its place in the settlement history of Polynesia. Archaeol. Phys. Anthrop. Oceania 15: 131-141. ANDERSON, A.J., 1983. 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VERTEBRATE FOSSIL FAUNAS FROM ISLANDS - 1369 APPENDIX I Australasian and southwest Pacific insular fossil faunas. An asterisk (*) after a species name indicates an identification that is regarded by this author as uncertain. (a) COASTAL ISLANDS. Flinders Island. (i) Ranga Cave (Hope 1969,1973). BIRDS - unident. biird. MAMMALS - Dasyuridae: Dasyurus viverrinus, Antechinus minimus. Peramelidae: Parameles gunnii. Vombatidae: Vombatus ursinus. Phalangeridae: Trichosurus vulpecula. Petauridae: Pseudocheirus peregrinus. Macropodidae: Potorous apicalis, Macropus rufogriseus, Macropus giganteus, Aepyprymnus rufescens, Thylogale billardieri. Muridae: Rattus lutreolus, Mastacomys fuscus, ?Sminthopsis leucopus, Pseudomys cf. novaehollandiae, Pseudomys higginsi. Otariidae: Arctocephalus pusillus. (ii) Palana dunes (Hope 1969,1973; Meredith, pers.obs.). BIRDS - Spheniscidae: unident. penguin. Procellariidae: Puffinus tenuirostris. Pelecanidae: Pelecanus conspicillatus. unident. birds. MAMMALS - Dasyuridae: Dasyurus maculatus, Sarcophilus harrisii. Peramelidae: [soodon obesulus. Macropodidae: Potorous apicalis. (ii) Unspecified dune sites (Hope 1969,1973). BIRDS - Procellariidae: Puffinus tenuirostris. MAMMALS - Tachyglossidae: Tachyglossus aculeatus. Dasyuridae: ?Antechinus minimus. Vombatidae: Vombatus ursinus. Petauridae: Pseudocheirus peregrinus. Macropodidae: Macropus rufogriseus, Thylogale billardieri. Muridae: Rattus lutreolus. Cape Barren Island. Unspecified dune sites (Hope 1973). REPTILES - Scincidae: Tiliqua nigrolutea. BIRDS - Procellariidae: Puffinus tenutrostris. MAMMALS - Peramelidae: Jsoodon obesulus. Phalangeridae - Trichosurus vulpecula. Macropodidae - Thylogale billardiert. Muridae - Rattus lutreolus. Preservation Island. Unspecified dune sites (Hope 1969,1973). REPTILES - Scincidae: Tiliqua nigrolutea. BIRDS - Procellariidae: Puffinus tenuirostris. Anatidae: Cereopsis novaehollandiae. unident. birds. MAMMALS - Dasyuridae: ?Antechinus minimus. Macropodidae: Macropus rufogriseus. Munidae: Rattus lutreolus. Unident. seal. East Kangaroo Island. Unspecified dune sites (Hope 1973). BIRDS - Procellariidae: Puffinus tenuirostris. Anatidae: Cereopsis novaehollandiae. MAMMALS - Macropodidae: Thylogale billardieri. Deal Island. Unspecified dune sites(Hope 1973). REPTILES - Scincidae: Tiliqua nigrolutea. BIRDS - Procellaridae: Puffinus tenuirostris. MAMMALS - Dasyuridae: ?Dasyurus maculatus, 7Antechinus minimus. Vombatidae: Vombatus ursinus. Phalangeridae: Trichosurus vulpecula. Macropodidae: Potorous apicalis, Macropus rufogriseus, Macropus giganteus, Thylogale billardieri. Muridae: Rattus lutreolus. Erith Island. Unspecified dune sites (Hope 1973). REPTILES - Scincidae: Tiliqua nigrolutea. BIRDS - Procellariidae: Puffinus tenuirostris. unident. spp. MAMMALS - Phalangeridae: Trichosurus vulpecula. Macropodidae: Macropus rufogriseus, Thylogale billardieri. Muridae: Rattus lutreolus. Long Island. Unspecified dune site (Hope 1973). MAMMALS - Muridae: Rattus lutreolus. Three Hummock Island. Unspecified dune site (Hope 1973). MAMMALS - Peramelidae: [soodon obesulus. Macropodidae: Potorous apicalis, Thylogale billardieri. Hunter Island. (i) Stockyard Midden (O'Connor 1982; van Tets & O'Connor 1983). REPTILES - Scincidae: Tiliqua sp. BIRDS - Spheniscidae: Eudyptula minor, Tasidyptes hunteri. Diomedeidae: Diomedea cauta. Procellariidae: Puffinus tenutrostris, Pachyptila sp.* Pelecanoididae: Pelecanoides urinatrix. Pelecanidae: Pelecanus conspicillatus. Phalacrocoridae: Phalacrocorax fucescens. Anatidae: Cygnus atratus, cf. Anas superciliosa, Aythya australis, Cereopsis novaehollandiae. Accipitridae: Haliaeetus leucogaster. Falconidae: Falco sp. Laridae: Larus pacificus, cf. Larus. Psittaciformes: unident. parrot. Cracticidae: cf. Strepera. Corvidae: Corvus sp.* Passeriformes: unident. passerines. MAMMALS - Dasyuridae: Antechinus ?minimus. Peramelidae: Isoodon obesulus. Burramyidae: Cercartetus nanus. Macropodidae: Potorous billardieri. Muridae: Hydromys chrysogaster, Rattus lutreolus, apicalis, Thylogale 1370 - MEREDITH Mastacomys fuscus, Sminthopsis leucopus, Pseudomys higginsi. Otariidae: Arctocephalus pusillus, Arctocephalus fosteri. Phocidae: Mirounga leonina. (ii) Cave Bay Cave (Bowdler 1974). BIRDS - Spheniscidae: Eudyptula minor. Procellariidae: Puffinus tenuirostris. Psittaciformes: unident. parrot. Corvidae: unident. raven. unident. birds. MAMMALS - Dasyuridae: Dasyurus sp., Antechinus sp. Peramelidae: Perameles gunnii, Isoodon obesulus. Petauridae: Pseudocheirus peregrinus. Burramyidae: Cercartetus sp. Macropodidae: Macropus rufogriseus, Thylogale billardieri. Muridae: Mastacomys fuscus, unident. rat. (iii) Muttonbird Midden (Bowdler 1974). BIRDS - Spheniscidae: unident. penguin. Procellariidae: Puffinus tenuirostris. unident. bird. MAMMALS - Dasyuridae: Antechinus sp. Peramelidae: [soodon obesulus. Macropodidae: Thylogale billardieri. Muridae: Rattus sp. (iv) Little Duck Bay (Bowdler 1974). BIRDS - Spheniscidae: unident. penguin. MAMMALS - Peramelidae: inident. bandicoot. Macropodidae: Thylegale billardiert. Muridae: Rattus sp. Otariidae: Arctocephalus pusillus. King Island. (i) Egg Lagoon (Hope 1973). MAMMALS - Diprotodontidae: Diprotodon optatum. (ii) Settlement Lagoon (Hope 1973). MAMMALS - Diprotodontidae: ?Nototherium sp. Macropodidae: Protemnodon anak. (iii) Surprise Bay (Hope 1973). MAMMALS - Macropodidae: Sthenurus occidentalis, Protemnodon anak. (iv) Unspecified dune sites (Hope 1973). REPTILES - Scincidae: ?Tiliqua nigrolutea. BIRDS - Casuariidae: Dromaius ater. Procellariidae: Puffinus tenuirostris. MAMMALS - Tachyglossidae: Zaglossus harrissoni, Tachyglossus aculeatus, Dasyuridae: Dasyurus maculatus, Antechinus minimus. Vombatidae: Vombatus ursinus. Petauridae: Pseudocheirus peregrinus. Macropodidae: Potorous apicalis, Macropus rufogriseus, Thylogale billardieri. Muridae: Rattus lutreolus, Pseudomys higginsi. Unident. seal. Kangaroo Island. N.B. For full list of localities of Dromaius baudinianus see Parker (1984). (i) Rocky River (Williams 1980). BIRDS - Casuariidae: Dromaius baudinianus. MAMMALS - Dasyuridae: Sarcophilus sp. Vombatidae: unident. wombat. Phascolarctidae: Phascolarctos cinereus. Phalangeridae: Trichosurus vulpecula. Diprotodontidae: Diprotodon sp., Zygomaturus trilobus. Macropodidae: Macropus fuliginosus, Macropus eugenii, Protemnodon sp., Sthenurus spp., Sthenurus gilli. Muridae: unident. murids. (ii) Kelly Hill caves (Williams 1980). BIRDS - Casuariidae: Dromaius baudinianus. MAMMALS - Dasyuridae: Dasyurus maculatus, Sarcophilus harrisii, Phascogale tapoatafa. Vombatidae: Lasiorhinus sp. Phascolarctidae: Phascolarctos cinereus. Phalangeridae: Trichosurus vulpecula, Petauridae: Pseudocheirus peregrinus. Macropdidae: Macropus fuliginosus, Macropus eugenit, Sthenurus cf. occidentalis. (iii) Mount Taylor Cave (Williams 1980). MAMMALS - Macropodidae: Sthenurus sp. (iv) Emu Four Hole Cave (Williams 1980). BIRDS - Casuariidae: Dromaius baudinianus. MAMMALS - Tachyglossidae: Tachyglossus aculeatus. Dasyuridae: Dasyurus viverrinnus, Sminthopsis marina, Peramilidae: Perameles sp., lsoodon obesulus. Phalangeridae: Trichosurus vulpecula. Petauridae: Pseudocheirus peregrinus. Burramyidae: Cercartetus concinnus. Macropodidae: Potorous platyops, Macropus fuliginosus, Macropus eugenii. Muridae: Rattus fuscipes, Rattus lutreolus. (v) Fossil Cave (Williams 1980). MAMMALS - Dasyuridae: Sarcophilus cf. harrisii. Vombatidae: unident. wombat. Phascolarctidae: Phascolarctos cinereus. Macropodidae: Macropus fuliginosus, Macropus eugenii, Sthenurus cf. brownei. Muridae: unident. murids. (vi) Seton Rockshelter (Williams 1980; Hope et al. 1977). REPTILES - Elapidae: unident. elapid. Varanidae: Varanus sp. Scincidae: Trachydosaurus rugosus, Tiliqua nigrolutea, cf. Egernia whitii. Agamidae: Amphibolurus spp. BIRDS - Procellariidae: Puffinus sp., Pachyptila cf. salvini*. Plataleidae: Threskiornis cf. molucca. Anatidae: ¢f. Anseranas semipalmata, Tadorna cf. tadornoides, Anas cf. superciliosa, Anas cf. castanea, Malacorhynchus membranaceus. Accipitridae: Hieraaetus morphnoides. Falconidae: Falco berigora. Phasianidae: Coturnix cf. pectoralis. Tumicidae: Turnix varia, Turnix velox. Rallidae: Gallirallus philippensis, Rallus pectoralis, Porzana cf. fluminea, Gallinula cf. mortierii, Gallinula cf, ventralis. Burhinidae: Burhinus magnirostris. Scolopacidae: Gallinago cf. hardwickii. Laridae: Larus novaehollandiae, Sterna cf. nereis. Columbidae: Ocyphaps lophotes. Platycercidae: Pezoporus wallicus, Lathamus discolor. Hirundinidae: sp. 1*, sp. 2*. Meliphagidae: unident. honeyeaters. Sylviidae: Cinclorhamphus cruralis. Grallinidae: Grallina cyanoleuca. VERTEBRATE FOSSIL FAUNAS FROM ISLANDS - 1371 Cracticidae: Gymnorhina tibicen, Strepera graculina, Strepera versicolor. Corvidae: Corvus sp.* Passeriformes: unident. passerines. MAMMALS - Dasyuridae: Dasyurus cf. geoffroyi/viverrinus, Dasyurus maculatus, Sarcophilus harrisii. Peramelidae: Perameles bougainville, Isoodon obesulus. Vombatidae: Lasiorhinus latifrons. Phalangeridae: Trichosurus vulpecula. Burramyidae: Cercartetus nanus. Macropodidae: Bettongia penicillata, Bettongia lesueur, Potorous platyops, Macropus cf. fuliginosus, Macropus greyi, Macropus rufogriseus, cf. Megaleia rufa, Logorchestes leproides, Sthenurus cf. gilli. Muridae: Hydromys chrysogaster, Rattus fuscipes, Rattus lutreolus, Mastacomys fuscus, Pseudomys occidentalis, Pseudomys australis/shortridgei. Brothers Island. Cave, western end of western island (Williams 1980). BIRDS - Casuariidae or Dromomithidae: see text. unident. birds. MAMMALS - Macropodidae: Macropus sp., Sthenurus ef. maddocki. Otariidae: Arctocephalus sp. Bowen Island. Bowen Island One Midden (Blackwell 1982). BIRDS - Spheniscidae: Eudyptula minor. Diomedeidae: Diomedea cauta. Procellariidae: Puffinus tenuirostris, Pachyptila sp.* Sulidae: Morus serrator. Phalacrocoridae: Phalacrocorax carbo. MAMMALS - Otariidae: Arctocephalus pusillus. Maatsuyker Island Unspecified midden (Vanderwal & Horton 1984), BIRDS - Spheniscidae: penguin. Diomedeidae: Diomedea cauta. Procellariidae: Puffinus tenuirostris, Pachyptila sp. Phalacrocoridae: Phalacrocorax sp. MAMMALS - Otariidae: Arctocephalus pusillus. Houtman-Abrolhos Archipelago. North Island (Alex Baines, pers.comm.). BIRDS - Phalacrocoridae: Phalacrocorax sp. unident. birds. Dirk Hartog Island. (i) North Point (Western Australian Museum collection). BIRDS - Procellariidae: Puffinus sp. Phalacrocoridae: Phalacrocorax varius. unident. birds. (ii) Herald Heights dunes (WAM collection). BIRDS - Casuariidae: emu eggshell. (iii) Cave near Herald Heights (WAM collection). BIRDS - unident. birds. Salisbury Island. Spongolite, site unspecified (A.Burbidge & N.McKenzie, pers. comm.). BIRDS - unident. birds. Bemier Island. Unspecified site (A. Baines, pers.comm.). unident. birds. ; (b) OCEANIC ISLANDS. Norfolk Island. (i) Cemetery Beach dunes (Rich et al. 1983; Meredith 1985b; van Tets et al. 1988). REPTILES - Gekkonidae: Phyllodactylus guentheri. Scincidae: Lieolopisma lichenigera. BIRDS - Procellariidae: Pterodroma solandri, Pterodroma pycrofti, Pterodroma n.sp., Puffinus pacificus, Puffinus assimlis, Pachyptila sp., Pelagodroma marina. Sulidae: Sula dactylatra, Sula n.sp. Phaethontidae: Phaethon rubricauda. Accipitidae: Accipiter cf. fasciatus. Rallidae: Gallirallus philippensis, Gallirallus n.sp. Charadriidae: Pluvialis dominica, Charadrius cf. bicinctus. Scolopacidae: Numenius phaeops, Limosa lapponica, Limosa haemastica, Coenocorypha prob. aucklandica. Laridae: Sterna fuscata. Columbidae: Hemiphaga spadicea, Gallicolumba cf. norfolcensis. Psittacidae: Nestor novaezelandiae. Cuculidae: Eudynamis prob. taitensis. Strigidae: Ninox cf. undulata. Campephagidae: Lalage cf. leucopyga. Muscicapidae: Turdus poliocephalus, Pachycephala pectoralis. productus, Cyanoramphus Acanthizidae: Gerygone cf. igata. Stumidae: Aplonis prob. fusca. MAMMALS - Muridae: Rattus exulans. Vespertilionidae: unident. vespertilionid bat (S.Hand, pers.comm.). (ii) Emily Bay (Meredith 1985b). BIRDS - Procellariidae: Pterodroma pycrofti, Puffinus assimilis, Pelagodroma marina. (iii) Nepean Island (Rich et al. 1983; Meredith 1985b; van Tets et al. 1988). BIRDS - Spheniscidae: Eudyptes chrysocome. Procellariidae: Pterodroma pycrofti, Pterodroma n.sp., Puffinus pacificus, Puffinus assimilis, Pelagodroma marina. Sulidae: Sula dactylatra, Sula tasmani. Accipitidae: Accipiter cf. fasciatus. Rallidae: Gallirallus philippensis, Gallirallus n.sp. Charadriidae: Pluvialis dominica, Charadrius cf. bicinctus. Scolopacidae: Numenius phaeops, Limosa lapponica, Calidris sp. Laridae: Sterna fuscata, Gygis alba, Anous stolidus. Columbidae: Hemiphaga spadicea, Chalcophaps indica. Psittacidae: Nestor productus, Cyanoramphus novaezelandiae. Cuculidae: Eudynamis cf. taitensis. Strigidae: Ninox cf. undulata. Campephagidae: Lalage cf. leucopyga. Muscicapidae: Turdus poliocephalus, Pachycephala pectoralis. Lord Howe Island. REPTILES - Meiolaniidae: Meiolania platyceps (see Gaffney 1983 for localities). Unspecified sites (Rich & van Tets 1982; Meredith, pers.obs.). BIRDS - Spheniscidae: Eudyptula sp. (prob. minor). Procellariidae: Pterodroma solandri, Pterodroma pycrofti, Puffinus carneipes, Puffinus pacificus, Puffinus assimilis, Pelagodroma marina, Fregetta grallaria. 1372 - MEREDITH Sulidae: Sula dactylatra, Sula n.sp. Rallidae: Tricholimnas sylvestris, Notornis alba. Columbidae: Columba vitiensis, Kermadec Islands. Raoul Island (Anderson 1980). BIRDS - Procellariidae: Pterodroma spp. (four species), Puffinus pacificus, Puffinus assimilis. Pelecanoididae: Pelecanoides urinatrix. Columbidae: unident. pigeon. Meliphagidae: Prosthemadera novaeseelandiae. MAMMALS - Muridae: Rattus exulans. Otariidae: Arctocephalus pusillus. Chatham Islands. (Compiled by P.Millener.). BIRDS - Spheniscidae: Aptenodytes forsteri, Eudyptula minor chathamensis, Eudyptes sclateri. Diomedeidae: Diomedea epomophora, Diomedea Ichlororhynchus, Diomedea bulleri, Diomedea cauta, Phoebetria sp. Procellariidae: Macronectes halli, Daption capense, Pterodroma lessonii, Pterodroma inexpecata, Pterodroma neglecta*, Pterodroma ?magentae*, Pterodroma cf, ultima, Pterodroma nigripennis, Pterodroma axillaris, Pachyptila vittata, Pachyptila turtur, Pachyptila crassirostris, Procellaria cinerea, Procellaria aequinoctialis, Puffinus carneipes, Puffinus bulleri, Puffinus griseus, Puffinus tenuirostris, Puffinus gavia, Puffinus assimilis, Garrodia nereis, Pelagodroma marina, Fregatta tropica Pelecanoididae: Pelecanoides urinatrix. Sulidae: Morus serrator, Sula sp. Phalacrocoracidae: Phalacrocorax carbo, Leucocarbo carunculatus, Stictocarbo punctatus. Anatidae: Cygnus sumnerensis, Tadorna variegata, Anas superciliosa, Anas 2gibberifrons, Anas aucklandica, Anas rhychotis, Aythya novaeseelandiae, Mergus australis, Pachyanas chathamica. Accipitridae: Haliaeetus australis, Circus approximans, Falconidae: Falco novaeseelandiae. Rallidae: Gallirallus dieffenbachii, Gallirallus modestus, Porzana tabuensis, Porphyrio porphyrio, Fulica chathamensis. Haematopodidae: Haemotopus chathamensis. Scolopacidae: Limosa lapponica, Arenaria interpres, Coenocorypha_ chathamica, Coenocorypha aucklandica, Calidris canutus. Stercorariidae: Stercorarius skua, Stercorarius Dlongicaudus, Laridae: Larus dominicus, Larus scopulinus, Hydroprogne caspia, Sterna striata. Columbidae: Hemiphaga novaeseelandiae chathamensis. Psittacidae; Nestor meridionalis, Cyanoramphus novaezelandiae, Cyanoramphus auriceps. Cuculidae: Chrysococcyx lucidus. Strigidae: Sceloglaux albifacies. Motacillidae: Anthus novaeseelandiae. Sylviidae: Bowdleria punctata. Muscicapidae: Petroica macrocephala, Petroica traversi. Meliphagidae: Prosthemadera novaeseelandiae. Corvidae: Palaeocorax moriorum, MAMMALS - seals. Varanidae: Varanus cf. indicus. CROCODILES - Eusuchia: Mekosuchus inexpectatus, BIRDS - Incertae sedis: Sylviornis neocaledoniae. Accipitridae: Circus approximans, Pandion haliaeetus. Falconidae: Falco peregrinus. Megapodiidae: Megapodius indet. Tumicidae: Turnix varia. Rhynochetoidae: Rhynochetus jubatus. Rallidae: Notornis kukwiedei, Porzana tabuensis, Tricholimnas lafrasneyanus, cf. Tricholimnas, Gallirallus philippensis. Columbidae: Ducula goliath, Ptilinopus greyt. Tytonidae: Tyto longimembris, Tyto alba. Aegothelidae: Aegotheles sayesi. Passeriformes: indet. passerines. MAMMALS - Rhinocerotidae: "Zygomaturus" diahotensis*. Muridae: Rattus exulans. Chiroptera: indet. bats. Fiji Islands. Naigani and La Kemba Islands (R.F.Baird, pers.comm.). BIRDS - Megapodiidae: megapode n.sp. Columbidae: pigeon n.sp. Cook Islands. Mangaia (Steadman 1985, 1986). REPTILES - Gekkonidae: Gehyra oceanica. BIRDS - Procellariidae: Pterodroma sp., Puffinus sp. Oceanitidae: Nesofregetta fuliginosa. Phaethontidae: Phaethon rubricauda, Phaethon lepturus. Anatidae: Anas superciliosa. Rallidae: Porzana tabuensis, Porzana rua, Gallirallus ripleyi. Laridae: Gygis alba, Columbidae: Gallicolumba sp., Ducula sp., Ptilinopus Sp. Psittacidae: Vint cf. kuhlii. Alcedinidae: Halcyon mangaia. Sylviidae: Acrocephalus kerearako. MAMMALS - Muridae: Rattus exulans. Pteropidae: Pteropus sp. Macquarie Island. (i) Finch Creek (McEvey & Vestjens 1974; Museum of Victoria collection). BIRDS - Spheniscidae: Eudyptes chrysolophus schlegeli, Aptenodytes patagonica. Procellariidae: Puffinus (small sp.), Halobaena caerulea, Pachyptila prob. desolata, Pelecanoididae: Pelecanoides cf. urinatrix. Unident. birds. (ii) Bauer Bay (McEvey & Vestjens 1974). BIRDS - Spheniscidae: Aptenodytes patagonica, Eudyptes chrysolophus schlegeli. (iii) Aurora Cave (Vestjens 1963; Museum of Victoria collection; Meredith, pers.obs.). BIRDS - Diomedeidae: Diomedea exulans. Procellariidae: Puffinus cf. griseus, Procellaria cinerea, Pterodroma lessoni, Halobaena caerulea. Stercorcariidae: Stercorcarius skua. Anatidae: Anas sp. Rallidae: Gallirallus philippensis macquariensis. New Caledonia. (iv) Eagle Cave (Vestjens 1963). For localitites, see Balouet, this volume. BIRDS - Rallidae: Gallirallus philippensis REPTILES - Meiolaniidae: Meiolania mackayi, macquariensis. Meiolania sp. (v) Brothers Point Cave (Meredith, pers.obs.). BIRDS - Procellariidae: Pachyptila prob. desolata. VERTEBRATE FOSSIL FAUNAS FROM ISLANDS - 1373 PLATES Plate 1. Top row, left to right: A, dorsal view of the cranium and rostrum of Pterodroma pycrofti (fossil, Norfolk Island); B, palmar view of the humerus of P. pycrofti (fossil, Norfolk Island); C, anterior view of the tibiotarsus of P. pycrofti (fossil, Norfolk Island); D, anterior view of the tarsometatarsus of P. pycrofti (fossil, Norfolk Island); E, lateral view of the skull of Plerodroma solandri (recent, Lord Howe Island); F, lateral view of the rostrum of P. solandri (archaeological material, Norfolk Island); G, anterior view of the tarsometatarsus of P. solandri (recent, Lord Howe Island); H, Anterior view of the tarsometatarsus of P. solandri (archaeological material, Norfolk Island). Bottom row, left to right: I, dorsal view of the skull of Puffinus pacificus (recent, Norfolk Island); J, dorsal view of the skull of P. pacificus (fossil, Norfolk Island); K, anterior view of the tibiotarsus of P. pacificus (fossil, Norfolk Island); L, palmar view of the humerus of Puffinus assimilis (fossil, Norfolk Island); M, palmar view of the ulna of P. assimilis (fossil, Norfolk Island); N, lateral view of the femur of P. assimilis (fossil, Norfolk Island). Plate 2(a). Left to right: A, palmar view of the ulna of Plerodroma sp. nov. (fossil, Norfolk Island); B, anterior view of the tarsometatarsus of Pterodroma sp. nov. (fossil, Norfolk Island); C, anterior view of the femur of Plerodroma sp. nov. (fossil, Norfolk Island); D, palmar view of the humerus of Pterodroma sp. nov. (archaeological material, Norfolk Island - note charring). Plate 2(b). Top row, left to right: F, palmar view of the humerus of Coenocorypha aucklandica (subfossil, Auckland Island); F, palmar view of the humerus of Coenocorypha prob. C. aucklandica (fossil, Norfolk Island), Bottom row, left to right: G, posterior view of the tibiotarsus of C. aucklandica (recent, Auckland Island); H, posterior view of the tibiotarsus of Coenocorypha prob, C. aucklandica (fossil, Norfolk Island); I, anterior view of the tibiotarsus of Coenocorypha prob. C. aucklandica (fossil, Norfolk Island); J, anterior view of the tibiotarsus of C. aucklandica (subfossil, Auckland Island). Plate 2(c). Top row, left to right: K, anterior view of the tarsometatarsus of Pelagodroma marina (fossil, Norfolk Island); L, posterior view of the tarsometatarsus of P. marina (fossil, Norfolk Island); M, posterior view of the femur of Fregetta grallaria (fossil, Norfolk Island); N, anterior view of partial femur of Pachyptila sp. (fossil, Norfolk Island); P, posterior view of partial femur of Pachyptila sp. (fossil, Norfolk Island), Middle row: Q, lateral view of the rostrum of Phaethon rubricauda (fossil, Norfolk Island). Bottom row, left to right: R, interior view of the coracoid of Sterna fuscata (fossil, Norfolk Island); S, palmar view of the humerus of Gygis alba (fossil, Norfolk Island). Plate 3. Top row, from left to right: A, palmar view of the ulna of Numenius phaeops (fossil, Norfolk Island); B, anterior view of the tibiotarsus of N, phaeops (fossil, Norfolk Island), C, anterior view of the tarsometatarsus of Limosa lapponica (fossil, Norfolk Island); D, posterior v iew of the tarsometatarsus of L. lapponica (fossil, Norfolk Island); E, palmar view of the humerus of Pluvialis dominica (fossil, Norfolk Island); F, anconal view of the humerus of P. dominica (fossil, Norfolk Island); G, anterior view of the tarsometatarsus of P. dominica (fossil, Norfolk Island). Bottom row, left to right: H, dorsal view of the cranium of Sula dactylatra (fossil, Norfolk Island); I, dorsal view of the rostrum of S. dactylatra (fossil, Norfolk Island); J, anterior view of the tarsometatarsus of S. dactylaira (fossil, Norfolk Island). Plate 4. Top row, left to right: A, palmar view of partial humerus of cuculid, probably Eudynamis taitensis (fossil, Norfolk Island); B, posterior view of partial femur of Eudynamis prob. taitensis (fossil, Norfolk Island); C, posterior view of partial tarsometatarsus of Eudynamis prob. taitensis (fossil, Norfolk Island). Middle row, left to right: D, palmar view of the humerus of Turdus poliocephalus (fossil, Norfolk Island); E, anterior view of the tibiotarsus of T. poliocephalus (fossil, Norfolk Island); F, palmar view of the humerus of Gerygone olivacea ( Recent, Victoria); G, palmar view of the humerus of Gerygone prob. igata (fossil, Norfolk Island); H, interior view of partial coracoid of Pachycephala prob, pectoralis (fossil, Norfolk Island). Bottom group, top to bottom: I, posterior view of the tarsometatarsus of Ninox undulata (fossil, Norfolk Island); J,. anconal view of the radius of N. undulata (fossil, Norfolk Island), K, palmar view of the humens of N. undulata (fossil, Norfolk Island). Plate 5. Top row, left to right: A, anconal view of the humerus of Cyanorahmphus novaezelandiae (fossil, Norfolk Island); B, posterior view of the tarsometatarsus of C. novaezelandiae (fossil, Norfolk Island); C, palmar view of the ulna of C. novaezelandiae (fossil, Norfolk Island); D, lateral view of the rostrum of Nestor productus (fossil, Norfolk Island); E, dorsal view of the mandible of N. productus (fossil, Norfolk Island); F, posterior view of the tarsometatarsus of N. productus (fossil, Norfolk Island). Middle row, left to right: G, palmar view of the humerus of Hemiphaga novaeseelandiae (fossil, Norfolk Island); H, lateral view of the sternum of H. novaeseelandiae (fossil, Norfolk Island). Bottom row, left to right: I, interior view of the carpometacarpus of Chalcophaps indica (fossil, Norfolk Island); J, posterior view of the tarsometatarsus of Gallicolumba jobiensis 1374 - MEREDITH (Recent, New South Wales); K, posterior view of partial tarsometatarsus of ““~/licolumba prob. norfolciensis (fossil, Norfolk Island); L, intemal view of the coracoid of G. jobiensis (Recent, New South Wales); M, intemal view of partial coracoid of Gallicolumba prob. norfolciensis (fossil, Norfolk Island). Plate 6. Top row, left to right: A, troclea for digit IV of the right tarsometatarsus of Eudyptes prob. chrysocome (fossil, Norfolk Island); B, posterior view of the distal end of the tarsometatarsus of Accipiter fasciatus (fossil, Norfolk Island); C, posterior view of the proximal end of the tarsometatarsus of A. fasciatus (fossil, Norfolk Island); D, palmar view of partial ulna of Charadrius bicinctus (fossil, Norfolk Island). lMiddle row, left to right: E, posterior view of the femur of Lalage prob leucopyga (fossil, Norfolk Island); F, posterior view of the tibiotarsus of Lalage prob. leucopyga (fossii, Norfolk Island); G, anconal view of the ulna of Aplonis prob. fusca (Recent, Lord Howe Island); H, anconal view of the ulna of Aplonis prob. fusca (fossil, Norfolk Island). Bottom row, left to right: I, posterior view of the femur of a bat (fossil, Norfolk Island); J, lower jaw of Rattus exulans (fossil, Norfolk Island); K, L, jaw bones of gecko (fossil, Norfolk Island). Plate 7. Top row, left to right: A, palmar view of the humerus of Gallirallus philippensis (Recent, Victoria); B, palmar view of the humerus of Gallirallus sylvestris (fossil, Lord Howe Island); C, palmar view of the humerus of Gallirallus sp. nov. (fossil, Norfolk Island); D, anterior view of the tarsometatarsus of Tricholimnas lafrasneyanus (Recent, New Caledonia); E, anterior view of the tarsometatarsus of G. philippensis (fossil, Norfolk Island); F, anterior view of the tarsometatarsus of Gallirallus sp. nov. (fossil, Norfolk Island). Lower, top to bottom: G, left side view of the pelvis of G. philippensis (Recent, Victoria); H, left side view of the pelvis of Gallirallus sp. nov. (fossil, Norfolk Island); I, right side view of the pelvis and string of vertebrae of G. sylvestris (fossil, Lord Howe Island). PLATE 1 VERTEBRATE FOSSIL FAUNAS FROM ISLANDS - 1375 PLATE 2 1376 - MEREDITH PLATE 3 VERTEBRATE FOSSIL FAUNAS FROM ISLANDS - 1377 1378 - MEREDITH PLATE 4 PLATE § VERTEBRATE FOSSIL FAUNAS FROM ISLANDS - 1379 1380.- MEREDITH PLATE 6 PLATE 7 VERTEBRATE FOSSIL FAUNAS FROM ISLANDS - 1381 1382 - MEREDITH Quipollornis koniberi, a primitive owlet-nightjar (Aegothelidae) from Miocene-aged sediments near Coonabarabran, New South Wales. This form, unlike its living Australian relative, was more adapted to aerial hawking for insects rather than a life closer to the ground. (From Rich & van Tets 1985, with permission of The Museum of Victoria). CHAPTER 29 THE FOSSIL VERTEBRATE RECORD OF NEW CALEDONIA Jean Christophe Balouet ! THtrOdtiCtion <.56 ects ccccses vee eda htereraedeceewtdtees 1384 Palaeontological Sites... eeeeeeeeeeeeeeeeee 1384 Loyalty Islands ...........ccccceeeeeeeeeee sees eeeeees 1385 Living or Recently Extinct Terrestrial Vertebrates Of New Caledomnta...........cc.csccccsssseeeeeeesees 1386 Extinct Fossil Vertebrates of New Caledonia.... 1388 Fossil Reptiles ...........ccccseeceeeeeeeeeeeeneeenes 1388 SqQuamatar.c.::Aciseses decneaes stp neniheatcensss 1388 ChelOmia ns reccedcby sha deawteaste steele. segs 1388 Crocodilomorphs............ceceeeeeeeeeeeees 1389 FOSSIL: Bird sid vedecescs oBhecBee usenet dedstes one dations 1390 SYLVIOTNIS v..c..cpecencnngessdesteageetedtqnestes 1390 | CAS Lg COSC ee 1392 Other Fossil Birds...........cccccecseeeeeee ees 1394 Mammals. ols. iecceveinccacnteecesseg te adeeweeesseete 1395 Extant Vertebrates of New Caledonia with a Fossil Record ............eeeeeeeeee ees 1395 Palacobiogeography.......ccccccceessreeeceeeerseeeeees 1396 Geological History of New Caledonia ........ 1396 New Caledonian Endemism and Modern Dispersal..........cccccccceeeeeceeeceeeeeseceeees 1396 CORGIUSIONS vececnecvachee deve cess soles ods ctede bacucewe cei 1397 R@FETENCES:....ccccvckescienccctedeccdencasesccesessuesnees 1399 PU ALES ors vicleiies She cloals coticolvseiteacet seen aelelndtieades Semaine 1401 nn sneer 1 Institutut de Paleontologie, Museum national d'Histoire Naturelle, 8 rue Buffon, 75005 Paris, France. 1384 - BALOUET INTRODUCTION Most of the fossil vertebrates from New Caledonia are no older than a few centuries. However, even these fossils, many discovered quite recently, differ from the living forms. Over 15,000 bones have been collected from the 17 localities known to date. Although the first finds were made in the middle of the last century (Filhol 1876), until recently little has been published on this subject (Balouct 1984a, 1987). This paper is the first synthesis of all the known information regarding the fossil vertebrate record of New Caledonia. Intense field and laboratory research on New Caledonian fossil vertebrates began in 1979, and it is now possible to report on the results of this work. This paper will discuss the main palacontological sites, some of the most interesting fossils and some of the palacobiogeographic consequences of these findings. PALAEONTOLOGICAL SITES Seventeen vertebrate bearing localities are known to date: two in the Mesozoic and fifteen in the Quaternary (Fig. 1). ( Belep 20°S Paaba © . Balabio = Diahot ii |.Ouvea Ct %& |.Tiga Pindai Cy |.Mare Teremba ae 22 Gilles e3 |.Page ; Noumea 0 100km ! LY Ww lle des Pins Walpole | | 164°E 166°E Figure 1. Major localities producing fossil vertebrates in New Caledonia and on nearby islands. The two Mesozoic localities are on the west coast of mainland New Caledonia. The fossil material from both localities is poor and fragmentary. The Carnian Volcanic Series of the Teremba Peninsula has yielded a jaw fragment and a fragment of a long bone. On Page Island (St Vincent Bay) thoracic ribs and vertebrae were found in 1980 and 1982. All of these fragments belong to ichthyosaurs. The fifteen Quaternary localities occur on the Loyalty Islands, the Isle of Pines (Fig. 2) and the mainland. FOSSIL VERTEBRATES OF NEW CALEDONIA - 1385 167°30' Calcarenites E= uplitted Reef Complex = Lateric High Plain Fossil = Bearing Sinkholes == ma Gabbros GOEg Serpentinites Peridotites Figure 2. Geology of the Isle of Pines. Main vertebrate fossil localities occur as sink hole accumulations in the uplifted reef limestone. (After Launay in Rich et al. 1981). LOYALTY ISLANDS Tiga Island has produced five fragmentary bones, collected in 1954 in phosphatic deposits (Obelliane 1958). The estimated age of these phosphates is Late Pleistocene to Holocene. The most diagnostic fragment is a centrum of a seventh cervical vertebrae (Gaffney et al. 1984) of a meiolaniid turtle. On Walpole Island a few bones were collected in 1910 of an endemic terrestrial turtle (Meiolania mackayi). These are housed in the Australian Museum in Sydney. The sedimentary history of these deposits is probably the same as Tiga's (Recy et al. 1975), making them Late Pleistocene to Holocene in age. Mare Island (Menaku) has yielded four avian bones, which have been attributed to the Rallidae and the Columbiformes. They were found in a cornice, not far from a human cemetery, and their age is unknown. Lifou Island has produced a partial human skeleton, found in 1980 on We Beach. The calcareous deposits containing it could have been deposited during the last marine transgression, 1386 - BALOUET about 2500 years ago. The specimen, that of a juvenile, is housed in the Paris Museum of Natural History. On the Isle of Pines a locality (Kanumera) was discovered in 1974 thanks to a local legend (Dubois 1976, Rich et al. 1981). Four fossiliferous sink holes are now known from this area. These contain accumulations of bones and coral reef breccia in holes that developed in the uplifted reef (Rich et al. 1981). The bones of the largest New Caledonian bird have been dated at 3470 + 210 yBP (Poplin et al. 1984). Over two tons of the fossiliferous breccia were collected during the French expeditions to Kanumera in 1980 and 1981. During a cooperative Australian-New Caledonian expedition in 1979 (Rich et al. 1981), several hundred bones were also collected. Mainland New Caledonia contains several localities that have yielded significant accumulations of vertebrate fossils in the Gilles and Pindai areas as well as a number of faunal bearing archaeological sites. Three caves in the Gilles area have produced bones. The guano-rich deposits, mainly accumulations left by bats and swifts, have yielded bones of reptiles (geckoes, scincids and Varanus), bats, rats and large quantities of bird bones, including the giant bird also collected in Kanumera (Sylviornis neocaledoniae ). Most of the small vertebrates appear to have been accumulated by owls. In the uppermost layers, rat bones are very abundant, and marine shells brought in by man, such as Arca and Ostrea,can been found. The history of the cave sediments is complex, because of rock falls and water activity in the caves. Carbon dating is in progress for the deepest, rat-bearing layers (Rattus exulans), in order to determine the timing of the first human arrival in New Caledonia. The Pindai caves are the richest mainland localities, Fossils were first discovered in 1983, and to date over 10,000 bones have been collected, out of four tonnes of sediment. The fossiliferous sediments are primarily clays, gypsum and phosphates. Bones evidently accumulated in an underground lake, which is now empty. Carbon dating on charcoals resulted ina 1750 £70 yBP (Gif 6341), Archaeological sites containing Lapita pottery in the Koumac and Nessadiou (west coast) areas have also yielded bones. These belong to reptiles (meiolaniid and the crocodile Mekosuchus), birds (including Sylviornis) and mammals (sea-cows and bats). LIVING OR RECENTLY EXTINCT TERRESTRIAL VERTEBRATES OF NEW CALEDONIA Besides introduced species, the modern fauna of New Caledonia is composed of reptiles (9 species of geckonids and 23 species of scincids), birds (111 species) and mammals (4 species of bats). The fossil fauna (Table 1) differs somewhat from the modern fauna and includes the following terrestrial vertebrates that are both endemic to New Caledonia and currently extinct: reptiles (Mekosuchus inexpectatus, a eusuchian; Meiolania mackayi, a meiolaniid) and birds (Sylviornis neocaledoniae, family incertae sedis; Megapodiidae; Porphyrio kukwiedei, Tricholimnas cf lafresnayanus, both rails; Aegotheles savesi, an aegothelid). Two other species, known from the New Caledonian subfossil record, are now extinct in New Caledonia, but are still alive in other South Pacific countries: Varanus cf indicus, a varanid which is probably specifically distinct from the New Guinea form (but for the moment the New Caledonian fossil form will be closely allied to the New Guinean form because of the lack of comparative material); and one owl (Ninox novaeseelandiae, a strigid). Some of the fossil New Caledonian species became extinct very recently. This is the case FOSSIL VERTEBRATES OF NEW CALEDONIA - 1387 rr a a EN EAR AT AE SOS Table 1: Quatemary Fossil Vertebrates from New Caledonia Taxon Pindai Gilles Kanumera Menaku Walpole Tiga REPTILIA Mekosuchus inexpectatus Meiolania Varanus cf indiccus Gekonidae Scincidae AVES Urodynamis taitensis Falco peregrinus Accipiter efficas, new species Accipiter quartus, new species Megapodius molistructor, new species Sylviornis neocaledoniae Turnix (varia) novaecaledoniae Ducula goliath Drepanoptila holosericea Columba vitiensis Chalcophaps indica Caloenas canacorum, new species Gallicolumba longitarsus, new species Halcyon sancta Tyto ? letocarti, new species Tyto alba Ninox cf. N. novaeseelandiae Aegotheles savesi Collocalia spodiopygia Collocalia esculenta Porzana tabuensis Gallirallus philippensis Tricholimnas lafresnayanus Gallinula cf. G. tenebrosa Porphyrio kukwiedei, new species Porphyrio porphyrio Rhynochetos orarius, new species X Charadrius mongolus - Pluvialis dominica - Coenocorypha? species - Anas gracilis x 5 3 Pterodrama rostrata X