Thé Victorian Naturalist Volume 119 (1) February 2002 Published by The Field Naturalists Club of Victoria since 1884 From the Editors Some changes have been made to the Guidelines for Authors that appear at the end of this issue. Authors are asked to carefully read the guidelines and consult the most recent issue of the journal when preparing a manuscript for publication. The Victorian Naturalist would not be successful without the enormous amount of time and effort given voluntarily by a large number of people who work behind the scenes. One of the most important editorial tasks is to have papers refereed. The Editors would like to say thank you to those people who refereed manuscripts during 2001: Robyn Adams Tom Darragh Richard Hobbs Noel Schleiger David Ashton Xenia Dennett Sheila Houghton John Seebeck Ken Bell Joan Dixon Laurie Laurenson Melody Serena Andrew Bennett Kelvyn Dunn Richard Loyn Rick Shine David Branagan Clem Earp Brian Malone Letitia Silberbauer David Britton lan Endersby Peter Menkhorst Dianne Simmons Barry Butcher Anthea Fleming John Neil lan Smales Malcolm Calder Maria Gibson Tim New David Taylor Malcolm Carkeek Ken Green John Peter Robert Wallis Rohan Clarke Clarrie Handreck Julie Phillips Anne Warren Helen Cohn John Hawking Pauline Reilly Stephen Wroe The Victorian Naturalist publishes articles for a wide and varied audience. We have a team of dedicated proof-readers who help with the readability and expression of our arti- cles. We would especially like to acknowledge Virgil Hubregtse and Michael McBain who proof read all of the manuscripts for our two McCoy special issues. For proof-read- ing of the other issues, thanks to: Tania Bennell Murray Haby Tom May Ian Endersby Virgil Hubregtse Geoffrey Paterson Jennie Epstein Genevieve Jones Gretna Weste Maria Gibson Michael McBain Sincere thanks to our book reviewers for 2001 who provided interesting and insightful comments on a wide range of books and other materials: Rod Barker Ron Fletcher Martin O'Brien Ken Bell Maria Gibson Bernadette Sinclair Joan Broadberry Pat Grey Deirdre Slattery Nick Clemann Anne Morton As always we particularly thank our authors who provide us with excellent material for publication. Our editorial advisory team continues to provide valuable advice and assistance: Ian Endersby, Ian Mansergh, Tom May and John Seebeck. On the production side, thank you to: Michael McBain, who has just retired from maintaining our internet site, Ken Bell, who prepares the annual index, Karen Dobson for printing the mailing labels, Dorothy Mahler for administrative assistance, and Printers, Brown Prior Anderson Pty Ltd, especially Steve Kitto. The Victorian Naturalist Volume 119 (1) 2002 February Executive Editor: Merilyn Grey Editors: Alistair Evans and Anne Morton Research Reports The Fish of Kororoit Creek — Stressed Relicts and City Slickers, Dy Pau GA CLO SAM UR set ee recap savin uh d Everett rer AP e UIS 4 The Mammal Fauna of Remnant Native Grasslands of the Western Basalt Plains and Northern Plains of Victoria, "yy eter lie ts (Cle a7 Bee ae Ay n TU HE RT RTRS 14 How Do Nectar Foraging Butterflies Select Flowers? O MSSE De VIII Ts, OPE certs ieee etas zi been: 21 Contributions Hooded Plover Thinornis rubricollis Chick Attacked by Conspecifics, by V Teoh and MA Weston .............. eene 27 Invertebrates of Mount McKay — a Brief Survey, by EJ Grey ........ 29 Naturalist in the The Biodiversity Blitz, by Ken Green... DO Mountains Honours Australian Natural History Medallion 2001 — Alan Bridson Cribb, by Jan Endersby................ sess. 38 Tributes Graham Martin Pizzey, by Sheila Houghton ............... nenne 39 Book Reviews Wyperfeld: Australia's First Mallee National Park, by Geoff Durham, reviewed by Sara Maroske............... eee 40 How to Identify Wildflowers of the Grampians, by Ken Woodcock, reviewed by Margaret Corrick............... sess. 44 New Guidelines for Authors at the end of this issue ISSN 0042-5184 ne ae Cover: Dr Alan Cribb, the 2001 Australian Natural History Medallion recipient, with his wife Dr Joan Cribb, (ANH Medallion recipient in 1994), Photo: Wendy Clark. Empathy Photographics. Web address: email: Research Reports The Fish of Kororoit Creek — Stressed Relicts and City Slickers Paul G Close! Abstract Kororoit Creek is a metropolitan watershed in which human disturbances may have reduced the health of aquatic fauna populations. Identifying changes in the distribution, diversity and abundance of aquatic fauna is hindered by a paucity of biological information, especially with regard to fish. Intensive surveys conducted during January 2000 quantified the species richness and abundance of fish and decapod crustacea at six sites in Kororoit Creek. A total of nine freshwater and one estuar- ine fish species was collected, of which five were native species representing approximately 50% of the native taxa expected to occur in the catchment. The relative abundance of exotic species tended to be high in the lower catchment and very low in the mid- to upper catchment. This study identifies a number of anthropogenic factors affecting aquatic fauna populations in Kororoit Creek. (The Victorian Naturalist 119 (1), 2002, 4-13) Introduction With increasing urbanisation and indus- trialisation, there is increasing pressure on the ecological integrity or ‘health’ of aquatic ecosystems (e.g. Klein 1979; Growns er al. 1998; Sonneman et al. 2001; Walsh ef al. 2001). Until recently, few investigations into the ecology of urban watersheds and their aquatic fauna have been reported, making assessment of human disturbances on these environments difficult. In particular, there is little infor- mation regarding the diversity, abundance and distribution of fish species in urban systems. Furthermore, historical fish data are often compromised by survey method- ology and design. For example, whilst the health of Kororoit Creek has been described based on macroinvertebrate pop- ulations (Papas er al. 2000) and physical and chemical characteristics such as instream and riparian habitat and water quality (Mitchell 1990; Melbourne Water 1997), previous studies of fish in the catch- ment are limited by age (McKenzie and O'Connor 1989) and geographical extent (McGuckin 1999; DNRE 2000). Nevertheless, there is increasing recogni- tion of the intrinsic value of urban streams and their associated flora and fauna. Basic biological data, such as species richness, abundance and distribution can provide important information for the conservation of values such as biological diversity, research and education, and aestheties. In an attempt to determine the health of ! Arthur Rylah Institute for Environmental Research, PO Box 137, Heidelberg, Victoria 3084 4 streams in the Melbourne area and identify priority management areas, Melbourne Water Corporation has established a stream health assessment program includ- ing ongoing monitoring programs such as the Melbourne Water Water Quality Monitoring Network, Biological Monitoring Program and the Tributary Investigation Program. These Programs combine a range of stream health indica- tors (e.g. fish and macroinvertebrate assemblages and water quality) at various temporal and spatial scales. In 1999, Melbourne Water commissioned the Arthur Rylah Institute for Environmental Research to assess the current state of fish assemblages in Kororoit Creek as part of the Tributary Investigation Program. This paper reports the species richness, abundance and distribution of fish and decapod crustacea in Kororoit Creek and identifies anthropogenic disturbances potentially impacting on the integrity of aquatic fauna populations. This provides valuable base-line information with which future monitoring events may be compared. Methods Study area Kororoit Creek catchment covers an area of approximately 250 km" (Fig. 1). Stream flow is intermittent, with zero discharge occasionally recorded at the hydrographic station near Deer Park (station number 5509) (McGuckin 1999). Although stream flow is intermittent and ephemeral in the upper reaches, Kororoit Creek is dominat- ed by long and relatively deep pools, which may provide refugia for aquatic The Victorian Naturalist Research Reports Fig. 1. Location of sites in Kororoit Creek where aquatic fauna surveys were undertaken. fauna during periods of low flow if instream habitat becomes discontinuous. The catchment relief is relatively low, with the headwaters rising just south of Gisborne at an altitude of approximately 460 m above sea level (m ASL) in basalt country of the Great Dividing Range. Vol. 119 (1) 2002 Kororoit Creek is approximately 80 km in length and flows in a south-easterly direc- tion through rural farmlands in the head- waters and mid-catchment and urban/industrial areas in the mid-catch- ment and coastal lowlands. Kororoit Creek flows into Port Phillip Bay near Altona. Research Reports Quantification of site attributes Five study reaches were selected along the length of Kororoit Creek (Fig. 1), based primarily on altitude and distance to river mouth. Within each study reach, a single survey site was established to represent the available aquatic habitat attributes, includ- ing flow type and cover elements. At site 3, an additional survey reach was established to include a reach of riffle habitat. Although riffle habitat is scarce in the mid- reaches of Kororoit Creek, riffles often sup- port different assemblages of fish species (see Matthews 1998 for a recent review). For each survey reach, the mean width and mean maximum depth (m) was calcu- lated from at least five measurements of each dimension. Spot measurements of water quality parameters were recorded within each survey reach. Water tempera- ture (°C) and electrical conductivity (uS/em at 25°C) were measured with a WTW LF 320 meter, dissolved oxygen (mg/L) with a WTW OXI 320 meter and pH with a WTW pH 320 meter. The relative abundance (% of wetted area) of hydraulic units, habitat attributes and cover elements was estimated for each survey reach. Hydraulic units at each site were defined using the following cate- gories: cascade, rapid, riffle, glide, run, pool or backwater (after Anderson and Morrison 1989; Anderson er al. 1989). Substrata were described in terms of the percentage composition of various particle size groups, namely boulder (particle size 2256 mm), cobble (64-255 mm particle size), pebble (16-63 mm particle size), gravel (2-15 mm particle size), sand (0.1-2 mm particle size) and silt/clay (particle size «0.1 mm). The relative abundance of dominant cover elements, including sub- stratum, woody debris (logs, branches), leaf litter (including bark), bank overhang, vegetation overhang and aquatic vegeta- tion, was also estimated and recorded. Aquatic fauna survey Surveys were conducted during January 2000. AIl sites (except site 2) were sur- veyed using a consistent array of several different net types including single-winged fyke nets, fine mesh larval nets (200 um mesh), and bait traps. A combination of a single cyalume light stick and a small quantity of cat food was placed in each bait trap to attract fish. The wetted time (fishing time) for each net was recorded. Site 2 and the riffle habitat at site 3 were surveyed using a two-pass bank-mounted (Smith-Root® 7.5GPP electrofishing unit) electrofishing technique with fine mesh nets blocking the downstream and upstream margins of the survey reach, Voltage settings ranged from 170 to 340 V to produce approximately 10 amps. For these sites, the length of the survey reach (m) and the electrofishing time (min; total time during which electrical current is applied to the water) taken to complete each pass were recorded. All fish and decapod crustacea collected were identified and counted. Nomenclature for fish species follows Allen (1989) and Paxton ef al. (1989), and Horwitz (1990) for decapod crustacea. Analyses Catch per unit effort, fish biomass and density Estimates of catch per unit effort (CPUE) were calculated for both netting surveys and electrofishing surveys. For netting sur- veys, CPUE was calculated for each net- ting technique and expressed in terms of the number of fish collected per hour. The wetted time for individual nets was summed to give a total wetted time and was used in the calculation of total CPUE for each site. CPUE for electrofishing sur- veys was also expressed in terms of the number of fish collected per hour using the summed time of two electrofishing passes. Estimates of biomass (g/m^) and density (fish/m^) were only calculated for elec- trofishing surveys. Results Site descriptions The five survey sites were distributed evenly throughout the catchment in terms of altitude and distance from river mouth (Fig. 1; Table 1). The uppermost site (site 5) was located near the headwaters of Kororoit Creek at an altitude of 155 m ASL and 40 km from the river mouth. Sites 4 and 3 were located in the mid- catchment at altitudes of 100 and 50 m ASL and 32 and 15 km to river mouth, respectively. Site 2 was located on the The Victorian Naturalist Research Reports Table 1. Characteristics of the stream, reach and instream habitat for each of the study sites located on Kororoit Creek. Substrata and instream cover are defined in the text. Habitat Survey Characteristics Site 5 Site 4 Site 3 Site 3 Site 2 Site 1 * * Stream Characteristics Elevation (m ASL) Distance to river mouth (km) Discharge ML/day Reach Characteristics Mean stream width (m) Mean depth (m) Water Quality Temperature (?C) Electrical conductivity (uS/cm) Dissolved oxygen (mg/L) 2 pH 7.1 Substratum (Composition %) Sheet rock - Boulder Cobble Pebble - Gravel Sand Silt Clay - Instream Cover (% of wetted area) Substrate (Rock) Logs/Log jams Branches/Branch piles Leaf litter Bank overhang Vegetation overhang Urban rubbish Aquatic vegetation Flow Type (%) Rapid/cascade Run - Riffle = Glide Pool Backwater - Reservoir/lake - Tidal t Un Un o3 tas IT Un a * denotes sites surveyed using electrofishing techniques. coastal lowlands 6 km from the river mouth at an altitude of 15 m ASL. Site 1 was located on the coastal margin, 3 km from the river mouth at an altitude of 5 m ASL. This site represented the upper limit of estuarine influence. Except for site 2, instream substrata were dominated (>50%) by finer particles, name- ly sand and silt/clay, with the remaining substrata comprised of boulders and/or cob- bles (Table 1). The substratum at site 2 comprised approximately equal proportions of silt (40%) and coarser particles of cob- bles and boulders (50% combined). Instream habitat that may provide cover for Vol. 119 (1) 2002 aquatic fauna varied between sites. At the majority of sites, cover was predominantly emergent aquatic vegetation (Typha sp. and Phragmites australis) and rocky substratum (Table 1). At sites 3, 4 and 5 cover was pre- sent in the form of overhanging banks and overhanging terrestrial vegetation. Instream woody debris (logs and branches) only con- tributed small amounts of cover and was present at all sites except site 2 (Table 1). Stream discharge was recorded for each survey site on the day of survey except for sites 4 and 1 where a suitable discharge transect could not be established. Discharge estimates varied between sites 7 Research Reports "— L——————— — —Ó QM Table 2. Freshwater native and exotic fish species previously recorded from Kororoit Creek, and their current conservation status. Species Common Name Conservation Reference Status Native Anguilla australis* Short-finned Eel CW McKenzie and O'Connor (1989) MeGuckin (1999) Galaxias maculatus* Common Galaxias CW McKenzie and O'Connor (1989) McGuckin (1999) Nannoperca australis Southern Pvgmy Perch CW DNRE (2001)' Philvpnodon grandiceps Flat-headed Gudgeon CW McKenzie and O'Connor (1989) MeGuckin (1999) Pseudaphritis urvillii* ^ Tupong CW DNRE (2001)! McGuckin (1999) Retropinna semoni Australian Smelt CW McKenzie and O'Connor (1989) Macquaria australasica Exotic Macquarie Perch Carassius auratus Goldfish Gambusia holbrooki Eastern Gambusia Tinea tinea Tench FFG listed DNRE (2001) * Freshwater migratory; ^ Translocated population; ' Recorded by Museum of Victoria; C = Common, W = Widespread ° Unpublished survey results (Cadwallader 1981); Conservation status follows DNRE (2000). and ranged from zero near the headwaters (site 5) to 3.8 ML/day at site 2 in the mid- catchment (Table 1). Water quality para- meters also varied between sites (Table 1). Dissolved oxygen was generally low, rang- ing from 2.2 mg/L at the uppermost site (site 5) to 9.0 mg/L at site 2 (Table 1). Electrical conductivity was high at all sites (71500 uS/cm) except the uppermost site (site 5) (Table 1). At all sites pH was alka- line and tended to increase slightly in alka- linity closer to the river mouth. Historical data Few fish surveys have been conducted in Kororoit Creek, with most records of species richness and distribution from McKenzie and O'Connor (1989) and MeGuckin (1999), Ten species of fish have previously been recorded in the system (DNRE 2001) (Table 2). Seven species are native, and of these, three are considered diadromous (i.e. migrate between freshwa- ter and estuarine marine habitats at particu- lar stages of their life; Table 2). The Macquarie Perch Maequaria australasica is native to Australia but is not endemic to Kororoit Creek. While 50 Macquarie Perch were stocked in 1912 at Sunshine, this species has not subsequently been recorded (DNRE 2001). A recent collection of Tupong Pseudaphritis urvillii in Kororoit Creek (McGuckin 1999) is the first record 8 of this species since 1894 by the Museum of Victoria (DNRE 2001), The only record of Southern Pygmy Perch Nannoperca australis is ftom 1934 and the specimen is held at the Museum of Victoria. Three exotic fish species have previously been recorded from Kororoit Creek (Table 2). Tench Tinca tinea were recently col- lected in Kororoit Creek for the first time since they were stocked in 1914 (MeGuckin 1999; DNRE 2001). Survey results Species distribution Aquatic fauna surveys were conducted over a period of 8 days between 17 and 25 January 2000. A total of nine species of freshwater fish was recorded, of which five (55%) were native (Table 3). Three of these native species are diadromous. One estuarine species, Tamar River Goby Afurcagobius tamarensis, was collected at the most downstream site (site 1). Two genera of decapod crustacea were collected in Kororoit Creek. Although no specimens were collected, an additional genus of decapod crustacean, Engaeus, was also recorded by the presence of their charac- teristic burrows. Four exotic fish species were collected in Kororoit Creek (Table 3) including Carp Cyprinus carpio, another new species record for Kororoit Creek. The Victorian Naturalist Research Reports DJ" RR Table 3. Relative abundance (%) of fish species and total number of decapod erustacea collected at each study site. Species Site5 Site4 Site3 Site3 Site3 Site2 Site I N N N EF EF+N EF N Teleosts Anguillidae Anguilla australis (Richardson) - 10.2 3.7 5.9 4.2 10.0 40.9 Galaxiidae Galaxias truttaceus (Valenciennes) -- -- - 2.8 F4 - Galaxias maculatus (McDowall) 4 : 4K4 78.8 23.5 47,5 10.6 Retropinnidae Retropinna semoni (McDowall) - L4 1.4 3,1 1.9 32 7.0 Cyprinidae Carassius auratus (Linnaeus) * - E r4 4.9 1.5 12,3 r4 Cyprinus carpio (Linnaeus) * - - - - - 13717 xS Tinca tinca (McDowell) * : B wa 3 Kk - v Poeciliidae Gambusia holbrooki (Girard) * - F4 r4 2.1 F4 12.8 4,2 Gobiidae Philypnodon grandiceps (McCulloch) - 87.8 93,2 24 66.8 r4 17.6 Afurcagobius tamarensis (Johnston) E - = - - - 3.5 Total Number of Fish 0 147 1036 — 425 1461 219 142 Decapod Crustacea Parastacidae Cherax destructor 149 | E | l - - Atyidae Paratya australiensis - Present Present Present Present Present Present Number of Species 1 6 8 9 10 8 10 Habitat survey characteristics are defined in Table 1. / indicate the presence of the species at low abundances (<1%). * denotes exotic species. N, netting survey. EF, electrofishing survey. Species composition and richness varied throughout the system. At most sites a range of aquatic fauna species was record- ed, except at site 5 in the upper reaches of the system where only one species, Common Yabby Cherax destructor, was collected. At the site immediately down- stream (site 4), a total of six species was recorded. Aquatic fauna assemblages were most diverse throughout the middle and lower reaches of the system (sites 1, 2 and 3). Species richness ranged from eight to ten species at each of these sites. Short-finned Eel Anguilla australis were collected at all sites except the uppermost site (site 5). The relative abundance of Short-finned Eel was greatest (approxi- mately 4096) at the most downstream site (site 1). At all other sites, the relative abundance ranged from 3.7% at site 3 to 10.2% at site 4. Spotted Galaxias Galaxias truttaceas were collected only at site 3 (12 individu- als) using bank-mounted electrofishing Vol. 119 (1) 2002 techniques. This is the first documented record of this species in Kororoit Creek. Common Galaxias Galaxias maculatus were collected at three sites located in the mid to lower catchment (sites 1, 2 and 3) with relative abundance estimates ranging from <1 to 78.8%. The highest relative abundance was recorded at sites surveyed using electrofishing techniques (sites 2 and 3). Estimates of relative abundance from netting surveys were relatively low (1194). Australian Smelt Aetropinna semoni were collected at all sites except the upper- most site (site 5). The greatest relative abundance (7%) was recorded at the most downstream site (site 1). Relative abun- dance estimates were similar (approxi- mately 3%) in the two reaches (sites 2 and 3) surveyed using bank-mounted elec- trofishing techniques. Flat-headed Gudgeon Philypnodon grandiceps were recorded at all sites except the uppermost site (site 5). Relative abundance was high (780946) at sites sur- Research Reports veyed with netting equipment (sites 4 and 3) and lowest at the electrofishing survey sites 2 and 3, Young-of-the-year fish were numerically dominant in samples from sites 3 and 4 (Close 2000). Tamar River Goby were restricted to estuarine habitats and only three individu- als were collected from the most down- stream site (site 1). Tamar River Goby comprised 3.5% of the total number of fish collected at this site. Of the exotic fish species collected, Eastern Gambusia Gambusia holbrooki was the most widespread, occurring at all sites where fish were caught. Estimates of relative abundance were generally low (<5%), except at site 2 where they con- tributed 12.8% of the total catch. Goldfish Carassius auratus exhibited a similar dis- tribution and relative abundance, being col- lected at three sites (sites 1, 2 and 3) with the highest relative abundance (12.3%) recorded at site 2. Tench were only collect- ed at two sites (sites 3 and 1) and were pre- sent in low abundance. Similarly, Carp were only collected from the two most downstream sites (sites | and 2). Catch per unit effort, fish biomass and density The results of netting and electrofishing surveys were different in terms of both species richness and species abundance, and catch per unit effort (CPUE) (c.f. Tables 4 and 5). CPUE for netting surveys at four sites ranged from 0.34 to 2.66 fish/hr (Table 4). In comparison, CPUE for electrofishing surveys conducted at sites 2 and 3 was 114.3 and 269.1 fish/hr respec- tively (Table 5). At site 3, where both net- ting and electrofishing survey techniques were employed, both these techniques recorded similar species except for Spotted Galaxias and the Common Yabby that were only collected by electrofishing (Table 5), The efficiency of the different netting techniques used in this survey varied between sites, although larval nets proved to be the most efficient netting technique at all sites (Table 4). Flat-headed Gudgeon domi- nated species abundance and CPUE for lar- val nets. At site 5, only one species, the Common Yabby, was recorded in larval nets. The only large-bodied native fish recorded in Kororoit Creek was the Short- 10 finned Eel. Other large-bodied fish present in the catchment were exotic species, name- ly Carp, Tench and Goldfish. Fyke nets rep- resented the only efficient technique to cap- ture these larger-bodied species. Discussion Species distribution and abundance The composition and species richness of aquatic fauna assemblages varied between survey sites within Kororoit Creek. In gen- eral, species richness was greatest in the mid- to lower catchment (sites 3, 2 and 1). Species richness decreased with increasing distance from the creek mouth to a mini- mum at the uppermost site (site 5) where only one species, Common Yabby, was collected. The relative abundance of exotic species in aquatic fauna populations ranged from zero to 38.8% and generally increased with increasing distance from source. The collection of Spotted Galaxias and Carp represent the first documented records of these two species in Kororoit Creek. In a recent survey of the system by McGuckin (1999), Tupong was collected in a fyke net survey near Clarkes Road, Rackbank. Tupong was the only species recently recorded in the catchment that was not collected in this study. While there are historical records of Southern Pygmy Perch and Macquarie Perch, both from the early 1900s, neither species was collected in the present study. The low abundance of the migratory Tupong recorded by McGuckin (1999) and the absence of Tupong and Southern Pygmy Perch in the present survey is of conservation concern, as the reasons for their poor representation in fish assem- blages is unknown. In Victoria, Tupong are considered diadromous, with adult fish migrating downstream to estuaries to spawn during autumn and winter ( Andrews 1996). Upstream migration of juvenile Tupong from estuaries into riverine reach- es has also been described during spring and summer. Only one instream barrier to fish movement is documented on Kororoit Creek (MeGuckin 1999). Although this barrier may allow fish passage at some high flows (MeGuckin 1999), its presence, along with other possible barriers, may contribute to the low abundance of Tupong The Victorian Naturalist Research Reports Table 4. Results of netting surveys including the number and type of netting equipment used at each site, pooled wetted time, and abundance (in parentheses) of each species collected. Catch per unit effort (CPUE) for each net type is expressed in terms of number of fish caught per hour of wetted net time. Type and Pooled Total Number of CPUE Total Number Wetted Species Fish/Decapod fish/hr CPUE of Nets Time (hrs) Crustacea fish/hr Site 1 Fyke - 5 96.7 Aa (58), Cc (7), Tt (1) 66 0.7 Mesh 3" - 1 19.3 Ca (1), Cc (4) 5 0.3 Mesh 4” - 1 19.3 Co) 2 0.1 0.82 Larval - 2 38.7 At (2), Cc (4), Gm (15), 62 1.6 Gh (6), Pg (26), Rs (10) Bait Trap - 10 193 At (3), Pg (4) 7 0.05 Site 3 Fyke - 8 156 — Aa (37), Gm (1), Pg (1), Tt (4) 43 03 Larval - 2 39 Aa (1), Pg (961), Gm (5), 987 25.3 2.66 Gh (3), Rs (14), Tt (3) Bait Trap - 10 195 Ca (1), Gm (2), Pg (4) 7 0.05 Site 4 Fyke - 9 184.5 Aa (13), Pg (4) 17 0.1 Larval - 2 41.0 Aa (2), Cd (1), Gh (1), 116 2.8 0.34 Pg (110), Rs (2) Bait Trap- 10. — 205 Pg (15) 15 0.1 Site 5 Fyke -4 69 Cd (24) 24 0.3 Larval - 2 34.5 Cd (71) 71 2.1 0.54 Bait Trap - 10 has Cd (54) 54 0.3 cae ae lf LE M) NN EE e Abbreviations denote species: Aa, Short-finned Eel Anguilla australis; At, Tamar River Goby Afurcagobius tamarensis; Ca, Goldfish Carassius auratus; Cc, Carp Cyprinus carpio, Gh, Eastern Gambusia Gambusia holbrooki; Cd, Common Yabby Cherax destructor; Gm, Common Galaxias Galaxias maculatus; Gt, Spotted Galaxias Galaxias truttaceus; Pg, Flat-headed Gudgeon Philypnodon grandiceps; Rs, Australian Smelt Retropinna semoni; Tt, Tench Tinea tinca. DG Ag came MON" CU CLAU DM i Table 5. Results of electrofishing surveys at sites 2 and 3, including electrofishing time, area sam- pled, species diversity, abundance and biomass. Estimates of fish biomass, density and catch per unit effort (CPUE) are also provided. Sample Area Species Biomass Total Density CPUE time Sampled Biomass g/m* Number fish/m* fish/hour (hrs) (m?) (g) of Fish Site 2 1.92 546 Aa (2774) 7.08 Aa (22) 0.40 114.3 Ca (406.2) Ca (27) Cc(323.7) Cc (30) Gh (15.5) Gh (28) Gm (661.7) Gm (104) Pg (4.6) Pg (1) Rs (8.1) Rs (7) Site 3 1.58 362 Aa (1773) 9.0 ^a (25) 1.2 269.1 Ca (470.3) Ca 21) Cd (7.7) Cd (1) Gh (5.3) Gh (9) Gm (960.8) Gm (335) Gt (50.7) Gt (12) Pg (2.9) Pg (10) Rs (1.3) Rs (13) o Abbreviations denote species: Aa, Short-finned Eel Anguilla australis, Ca, Goldfish Carassius aura- tus; Ce, Carp Cyprinus carpio; Gh, Eastern Gambusia Gambusia holbrooki; Cd, Common Yabby Cherax destructor; Gm, Common Galaxias Galaxias maculatus; Gt, Spotted Galaxias Galaxias trut- taceus; Pg, Flat-headed Gudgeon Philypnodon grandiceps; Rs, Australian Smelt Retropinna semoni. Vol. 119 (1) 2002 11 Research Reports Table 6. The proportion of species recorded (bold) at each site expressed as a percentage of the total number of expected species (non-bold) and the relative abundance (%) of exotic fish at each site. Site Expected native % of % exotic species expected abundance I Aa, Gau, Gm, Gt, Mm, Pa, Pg, Pm, Pu, Rs 50 20.4 2 Aa, Gau, Gm, Gt, Mm, Na, Pa, Pg, Pm, Pu, Rs 45.5 38.8 3 Aa, Cd, Gau, Gm, Gt, Mm, Na, Pa, Pg, Pu, Rs 54.5 27 4 Aa, Cd, Gau, Gm, Gt, Mm, Na, Pa, Pg, Pu, Rs 45.5 0.6 5 Aa, Cd, Gm, Na, Pa, Pg, Rs 14.3 0 * denotes migratory species. Abbreviations denote species: *Aa, Short-finned Eel Anguilla australis; Cd, Common Yabby Cherax destructor; *Gau, Pouched Lamprey Geotria australis; *Gm, Common Galaxias Galaxias maculatus; Gt, Spotted Galaxias Galaxias truttaceus; *Mm, Short-headed Lamprey Mordacia mordax; Na, Southern Pygmy Perch Nannoperca australis; Pa, Freshwater Shrimp Paratya australiensis; Pg, Flat-headed Gudgeon Philypnodon grandiceps; *Pm, Australian Grayling Prototroctes maraena; Rs, Australian Smelt Retropinna semoni; *Pu, Tupong Pseudaphritis urvillii. by inhibiting recruitment of young fish migrating upstream from estuarine areas. Southern Pygmy Perch has not been recorded in Kororoit Creek since 1934, although it has been collected in nearby tributaries of the Werribee River (DNRE 2001). Kororoit Creek is considered to have a significant amount of potentially suitable habitat (abundant submerged/ aquatic vegetation) for Southern Pygmy Perch (pers, obs.) and its absence in sam- ples from recent surveys is currently unex- plained. Impacts on the Kororoit Creek System Numerous factors potentially affect the environmental condition of Kororoit Creek, and more specifically, populations of aquatic fauna. In general, these impacts relate to the whole catchment, although there are additional disturbances that are site specific. Impacts on aquatic fauna pop- ulations in Kororoit Creek include urbani- sation and industrialisation, mainly in the mid- to lower reaches of the catehment; clearing of native riparian vegetation and the introduction of exotic plant species; bed and bank instability, mainly in agricul- tural areas in the upper catchment; barriers to fish migration; introduction of exotic species; and alteration of the natural flow regime. As with many other aquatic ecosystems in Victoria (Koehn and O'Connor 1990), habitat loss or alteration is considered a pri- mary factor that has an impact on the health of aquatic fauna populations in Kororoit Creek (Close 2000). To assess the condi- 12 tion of fish populations, a list of taxa expected to occur at each site on Kororoit Creek was compiled using available histori- cal survey data (DNRE 2001) and refined using knowledge of distribution and habitat requirements of Victorian fish species. The richness of freshwater fish species at sites located on the coastal margin (site 1) and coastal lowlands (site 2) was approximately 50% of the total expected species richness, and the relative abundance of exotic species ranged from 20.4 to 38.8% (Table 6). Similarly, approximately 50% of the species expected to occur at sites in the mid- to upper catchment (sites 3 and 4) were recorded in this study, although the relative abundance of exotic species was very low (2.7 and 0.6%, respectively), The species richness recorded from the upper catchment (site 5) in this study represented only 14.3% of what was expected to occur. No exotic species were recorded at this site. The composition of fish assemblages may vary temporally and respond to varia- tions (natural or anthropogenic) in stream discharge, water quality, habitat structure and the abundance of food as a result of variations in spawning, recruitment and recolonisation success (see Matthews 1998 for a recent review). Nevertheless, the species composition of fish assemblages recorded in this survey appears altered from that which would be expected to occur naturally in Kororoit Creek: native species richness appears reduced and exot- ic species have been introduced. Those species not recorded in the current survey which are expected to occur in the catch- The Victorian Naturalist ment are Pouched Lamprey Georria aus- tralis, Short-headed Lamprey Mordacia mordax. Southern Pygmy Perch Nannoperca australis, Tupong Pseuda- phritis urvillii and Australian Grayling Prototroctes maraena. Whilst ongoing monitoring will provide a better under- standing of the dynamics of the Kororoit Creek fish assemblage, the data discussed here, coupled with the identification of potentially numerous anthropogenic impacts on the health of Kororoit Creek, suggest that the current fish assemblage may represent stressed and relict native species as well as exotic species or ‘city slickers? which may be more resilient and resistant to disturbed environments. Acknowledgements Thanks to Melbourne Water Corporation for commissioning this study. Thanks also to Peter Fairbrother for fieldwork assistance and Rhys Coleman (Melbourne Water), the Arthur Rylah Institute internal review panel and two anony- mous referees for comments on an earlier ver- sion of the manuscript. References Allen GR (1989) Freshwater Fishes of Australia. (TFH Publications: New Jersey) Anderson JR and Morrison AK (1989) Environmental flow studies for the Wimmera River, Victoria, Part B. Fish habitat assessment. Arthur Rylah Institute for Environmental Research, Technical Report Series No 74. Department of Conservation, Forests and Lands, Victoria. Anderson JR, Hill IM and Morrison AK (1989) Environmental flow studies for the Wimmera River, Victoria. Part E. Technical appendices. Arthur Rylah Institute for Environmental Research, Technical Report Series No 77. Department of Conservation, Forests and Lands, Victoria. Andrews AP (1996) Family Bovichtidae Congolli. In Freshwater Fishes of South-eastern Australia, pp 198-200. Ed RM McDowall. (Reed Books: Chatswood) Close PG (2000) An Assessment of the Aquatic Fauna of Kororoit Creek, Victoria Consultancy report to Melbourne. Water. Department of Natural Resources and Environment, Victoria. DNRE (2000) Threatened Vertebrate Fauna in Victoria. Department of Natural Resources and Environment, Victoria, Research Reports DNRE (2001) Victorian Aquatic Fauna Database. Fish survey data for Kororoit Creek, Laverton Creek, Skeleton Creek, and the Werribee River including tributaries. Department of Natural Resources and Environment, Victoria. Growns IO, Pollard DA and Gherke PC (1998) Changes in river fish assemblages associated with vegetated and degraded banks, upstream of and with- in nutrient-entiched zones. Fisheries Management and Ecology 5, 55-69. Horwitz P (1990) A taxonomie revision of the species in the freshwater craylish genus Engaeus Erichson (Decapoda: Paratacidae). Invertebrate Taxonomy 4, 427-614. Klein RD (1979) Urbanization and stream quality impairment, Water Resources Bulletin 15, 948-963. Koehn JD and O'Connor WG (1990) Threats to Victorian native freshwater fish. The Victorian Naturalist 107, 5-12. Matthews WJ (1998) Patterns in Freshwater Fish Ecology. (Chapman and Hall: New York) MeGuckin J (1999) Fish of Kororoit Creek, Prepared for Biosis Research Pty Ltd. McKenzie JA and O'Connor WG (1989) The fish fauna and habitats of Kororoit Creek, Truganina Swamp, Laverton Creek and Cherry Lake. Arthur Rylah Institute for Environmental Research, Technical Report Series No 97, Department of Conservation, Forests and Lands, Victoria. Melbourne Water (1997) Health of Waterways Within the Port Phillip & Western Port Catchements Annual Stream Health Monitoring Report, 1997. Eds R Coleman, M Batty and V Pelttigrove, Melbourne Water Corporation, Melbourne, Mitchell P (1990) The environmental condition of Victorian streams. A report for the Department of Water Resources Victoria. Papas PJ, Nicol M and Crowther D (2000) Melbourne Water Biological Monitoring Program - 1999/2000. Consultancy report to Melbourne Water. Department of Natural Resources and Environment, Victoria. Paxton JR. Hoese DF Allen GR and Hanley JR (1989) Zoological Catalogue of Australia. Volume 7. Pisces. Petromyzontidae to Carangidae. (Australian Government Publishing Service: Canberra) Sonneman JA, Walsh CJ, Breen PF and Sharpe AK (2001) Effects of urbanisation on streams of the Melbourne region Victoria, Australia. Il. Benthic diatom communities. Freshwarer Biology 46, 535- 551, Walsh CJ, Sharpe AK, Breen PF and Sonneman JA (2001) Effects of urbanisation on streams of the Melbourne region Victoria Australia, L Benthic macroinvertebrate communities, Freshwater Biology 46, 553-565, Vale Jack Hyett Members of The Field Naturalists Club of Victoria will be saddened to learn of the death of Jack Hyett in July 2001. Jack was an honorary life member of the Club and an Australian Natural History Medallionist. A tribute to Jack will appear in a later issue, Vol. 119 (1) 2002 Research Reports The Mammal Fauna of Remnant Native Grasslands of the Western Basalt Plains and Northern Plains of Victoria Susan A Hadden' Abstraet Twenty-four native grassland remnants in the Western Basalt and Northern Plains of Victoria, Australia, were investigated to determine the composition of the mammal fauna and evaluate their habitat use. These sites included remnants that had differing levels of grazing pressure, structural attributes and floristic diversity. Mammals were assessed by pitfall trapping and systematic search- ing. Grassland characteristics, representing structure and diversity, that might affect the mammal species richness of the grassland were recorded. Five mammal species were recorded in the Western Basalt Plains and four in the Northern Plains. Sites with light grazing, open ground cover and high native plant richness favoured native mammal species. (The Victorian Naturalist 119 (1), 2002, 14-20) Introduction In many regions of Australia, only dis- junct remnants of the original forest, woodland and grassland vegetation remain within an expanse of cleared agricultural land (Kitchener ef al. 1980; Bennett 1990), Remnants are under continuing pressures from a variety of pastoral activities, includ- ing grazing, fire and pasture ‘improve- ment’. Their ability to cope with changes in management is of great interest. Because most vertebrate fauna have not successfully adapted to modified environ- ments, remaining patches of natural vege- tation are of importance to the regional conservation of the indigenous fauna (Bennett 1987a; Hadden and Westbrooke 1996), With increasing loss and fragmenta- tion of the natural habitat, determining both the consequences of habitat fragmen- tation for faunal communities and the char- acteristics of remnants that favour fauna conservation — in particular, the role of dis- turbance — is essential. Native grasslands have been identified as one of the most threatened ecosystems in Victoria (Groves 1979; DCE 1990, 1992; Lunt 1991; McDougall and Kirkpatrick 1994; Foreman 1996). Prior to European settlement they covered approximately 30% of Victoria, occurring across the western and northern plains, generally con- fined to the lowlands, below 500 m alti- tude. The western and northern plains lie within the two natural regions of the Volcanic Plains and Riverina of Victoria (Conn 1993). Grasslands may appear to be ! Centre for Environmental Management, University of Ballarat, PO Box 663, Ballarat, Vietoria 3353 Email; 14 simple-structured communities (Lunt 1991); however, they are complex at the small scale (Patton 1935). Their complexi- ty arises from their diverse floristic and faunal composition and the interaction between these elements (Lunt 1991; Morgan 1994). They have been largely cleared for agriculture because the fertile soils were suited to pasture improvement and cropping, with the structure of remain- ing grassland remnants being severely reduced by cultivation. The aim of this research was to document the occurrence and abundance of ground- dwelling mammal species in native grass- lands and relate these to the importance of vegetation structure. Methods Study sites Twenty-four grassland remnants were surveyed for ground-dwelling mammals. These sites included remnants that had dif- ferent levels of grazing pressure, structural attributes and floristic diversity. The Western Basalt Plains comprise a series of lava flows, which are interrupted in places by outcropping of other rock types. The flat to undulating basalt plains on which the community occurs cover approximately 21,000 km' of Victoria. The area is bounded by Melbourne in the east, Hamilton in the west, Beaufort to the north and Colac to the south. The average annual rainfall ranges between 500 and 800 mm, most falling between April and November. The soils of the Western Basalt Plains are described as duplex clays, with a shallow clay and humus profile overlying another The Victorian Naturalist less permeable clay layer, restricting root development and drainage (Conn 1993). The Riverine Plain of south-eastern Australia is the eastern portion of the Cainozoic sedimentary Murray River Basin dominated by Quaternary alluvial sediments, and occupies a large part of both Victoria and New South Wales (Butler et al. 1973). The Victorian portion is typically referred to as the Northern Plain, occupying approximately 25,000 km: extending from Wangaratta and Wodonga in the east to Charlton in the west (Conn 1993), It consists of a relative- ly homogeneous flat to undulating quater- nary alluvium land-form, generally receiv- ing less than 400 mm of rainfall per annum. The grasslands and grassy wood- lands occur on relatively dry and high ground, away from zones of seasonal inun- dation. The soils are typically poorly drained with a firm clay surface texture (McDougall et al. 1994; Foreman 1996). Survey methods Pitfall drifi-fence system The traps consisted of thirteen 20 litre plastic buckets buried in the ground so that the lip was flush with the ground level to form a pit. The traps were arranged in a grid system of 3 * 2 (repeated 2.5 times), 20 m apart. A drift-fence extended through the centre of each trap and extended for 2 m either side. The lower 2 cm of the fence was buried in the ground to prevent ani- mals from crossing under the fence. Holes were drilled in the bottom of each pit to prevent them from filling with water when it rained. Traps were opened for four nights during each survey period and were checked every morning and afternoon, resulting in 52 trap-nights for each site per survey period. All vertebrates trapped were identified and released at the point of cap- ture, with care being taken to minimise any distress to the animals. Mark-recapture (ear-tagging) methods were employed to obtain estimates of abundance. Systematic and opportunistic searching Systematic searching involved searching for mammals under logs, behind bark, through ground cover and in water. Any fauna seen or hand-caught were identified Vol. 119 (1) 2002 Research Reports and released. Twelve hours of searching were undertaken at each site. Assessment was undertaken from January 1995 to February 1996. Six sur- veys, approximately 8 weeks apart, were conducted at each site for each grassland region, involving 7488 trap nights and 288 hours of systematic searching. Habitat analysis The habitat variables considered as potentially being important in affecting the richness and abundance of mammal species in remnant native grassland were: * cover of cool season perennial grass; e cover of warm season perennial grass; s cover of native herbs; * cover of exotic grasses; * cover of exotic herbs; e cover of bare ground; e cover of dry litter material; e floristic composition (total, natives only and exotics only); egrazing pressure (sheep per ha and months grazed); and e invertebrate richness. The percentage cover of the seven func- tional groups described above was record- ed using the point quadrat method (Goldsmith et al. 1986). A 10 m tape mea- sure was laid out through the trapping grid and at every 10 cm point, a steel pin was lowered into the vegetation, and the func- tional group contacted by this pin record- ed. Only one functional group was record- ed per point, giving 100 point touches per grassland site. This can be interpreted as the percentage of cover for each functional group. Measurements of cover were recorded seasonally, in conjunction with the trapping session. The botanical compo- sition of the grassland site was determined from the number of vascular plants record- ed from a 5 * 5 m quadrat within the trap- ping grid, during spring. All vascular plants were identified and recorded. The number of sheep per hectare and the number of months the paddocks are grazed per year defined the grazing pressure, Information about these variables was obtained directly from the relcvant landowners. Invertebrate richness was estimated based on the number of invertebrate orders 15 Research Reports at each site. Invertebrates were sampled using small plastic cups filled with alco- hol/glycerol solution. Ten cups were placed randomly in the ground throughout the trapping site and sampled during each trapping session. Species were categorised as common or uncommon, based on records held in the Atlas of Victorian Wildlife (NRE). Faunal species were then given a classification as being rare and/or endangered based on the Atlas of Vietorian Wildlife records, Species known from less than 50, 5? latitute/longi- tude grids, were categorised as uncommon. Some variables were combined to compare particular trends in the data. The habitat variables of grazing, cover and native plant richness were classified into groups for an initial review of the data, The variable of grazing was split into lightly and heavily grazed sites and was based on the DSE lev- els and number of months grazed - those which were grazed all year round with a DSE rating of 3/ha and over were classed as heavily grazed. Those sites that were rested for at least three months of the year and with a DSE of less than 3/ha were lightly grazed sites. The variable of cover was split into open ground cover sites and dense ground cover sites, This was based on the percent- age cover of tussocks, with sites having greater than 50% tussock cover classed as dense ground cover sites and those sites with less than 50% tussock cover as open ground cover sites. The variable of native plant rich- ness was split into floristically rich sites and floristically poor sites and was based on the number of native plant species. Those sites which had more than 30 native plant species were classed as floristically rich and those with fewer than 30 native plants were classed as floristically poor. Statistical analysis Descriptive statistics were used to list and describe the mammal composition of the native grassland sites. They were used to outline the characteristics of the fauna and to investigate general similarities and differences between the grassland sites. Results Two native mammal species were identi- fied within the 24 remnants of native grassland, with both represented in the Western Basalt Plains and one in the 16 Northern Plains. The Fat-tailed Dunnart Sminthopsis crassicaudata was found in both grassland regions, whilst the Common Dunnart S. murina was only encountered on the Western Basalt Plains with just a single capture at one site, Three exotic species, the Brown Hare Lepus capensis, House Mouse Mus musculus and European Rabbit Oryctolagus cuniculus, were recorded in both regions. Tables | and 2 record the abundance of faunal species recorded within each remnant, for each region. Because the European Rabbit and Brown Hare were sighted only and not trapped, accurate abundance levels could not be determined; their presence at a site is indicated by +. All further results and discussion are based on the native species. Site occurrence of native mammals Fat-tailed Dunnarts were recorded at every site in the Northern Plains (100%) and seven of the 12 sites in the Western Basalt Plains (58%) (Tables 1 and 2). The single record of the Common Dunnart was at a site in the Western Basalt Plains where Fat-tailed Dunnarts were also recorded. Five of the 12 sites in the Western Basalt Plains revealed no native mammals. Site occurrence of the House Mouse The introduced House Mouse occurred at five sites on the Western Basalt Plains (42%) and eight sites on the Northern Plains (67%). Native mammals in relation to site characteristics and previous information The most common marsupial, Fat-tailed Dunnart, was abundant at a number of floristically rich sites, but was also found in high numbers on degraded grassland remnants and in exotic pastures. This species has adapted to altered grassland conditions, Found living under stone walls and rock piles, the species was observed to use wolf spider holes on the Northern Plains. It is considered to be a common and widespread species with few concerns about its conservation status. However, at a number of grassland sites around Melbourne, the species has disappeared from areas where it was once in high abun- dance (Colin Hocking pers. comm.). Very few recaptures were made in this study, and the species may warrant careful survey 'The Victorian Naturalist Research Reports Table 1. Mammal species recorded from grassland remnants of the Western Basalt Plains, with numbers of captures during 7488 trap nights. + present but abundance levels not determined; * intro- duced species. Species Site Family Dasyuridae Sminthopsis crassicaudata [Q5 9 3 Sminthopsis murina - - - - Family Muridae Mus musculus* - - = 2 Family Leporidae Lepus capensis* - t B + Oryctolagus cuniculus* — - = + 1 pes ML es ee eo - E b 1 À : € d i eae eee 2 b n^ t + E + + + + E 4 + E 4 n n Table 2. Mammal species recorded from grassland remnants of the Northern Plains, with numbers of captures during 7488 trap nights. + present but abundance levels not determined; * introduced species. Species Family Dasyuridae Sminthopsis crassicaudata EL 7 S 7 Family Muridae Mus musculus * - - - - Family Leporidae Lepus capensis* - - - - Oryctolagus cuniculus* — - - + - over the coming years to assess fluctua- tions in population numbers and status. The second species, Common Dunnart, is considered uncommon throughout Victoria despite its name (Morton 1995). All other records for this species are in woodlands (Menkhorst 1995; Morton 1995) so this record from grassland suggests that the species may occupy habitats outside its previously known range. Mammal abundance and grazing pressure The relative abundance of the Fat-tailed Dunnart was higher on lightly grazed sites than on heavily grazed sites. The differ- ence was more pronounced on the Western Basalt Plains (p = 0.002) and not signifi- cant on the Northern Plains (p — 0.241). 'The opposite was observed for the House Mouse which was more abundant on heav- ily grazed sites. There were no records of the species on the lightly grazed sites of the Western Basalt Plains. This difference was significant for the Western Basalt Vol. 119 (1) 2002 Site 5 6 vi 8 9 10) de 2 6 3 5 6 7 4 10 8 3 2 4 3 2 3 2 1 n 4 H + i i 4 + E 4 - ; z : = x Plains (p = 0.001) but not for the Northern Plains (p = 0.156). Mammal abundance and ground cover The Fat-tailed Dunnart was more abun- dant in the open vegetation cover sites than in the dense vegetation cover sites. The difference was more pronounced in the Western Basalt Plains, but not significant in either region (p = 0.196 and 0.278 respectively). The House Mouse showed a different response to ground cover in the two regions. On the Western Basalt Plains, sites with a dense ground cover supported significantly higher numbers of House Mouse (p = 0.003), whereas on the Northern Plains, sites with open ground cover supported higher numbers of House Mouse (p = 0.141). Mammal abundance and plant species richness The Fat-tailed Dunnart was more com- mon at the richer native plant sites than at sites which were floristically poor. The dif- 17 Research Reports ferences observed on the Western Basalt Plains were significant (p — 0.002), but not on the Northern Plains. There were higher numbers of House Mouse on floristically poor sites than on those which were floris- tically rich. The differences observed on the Western Basalt Plains were significant (p = 0.003), but not on the Northern Plains. Discussion The mammal fauna Few mammal species were recorded on native grassland sites on either the Western Basalt Plains or the Northern Plains, with just one native mammal species, Fat-tailed Dunnart, occurring widely in both regions. Fat-tailed Dunnarts were found to be wide- spread and common in both native grass- lands and exotic pastures. Other mammal species, including introduced Brown Rat Rattus norvegicus and native Swamp Rat R. lutreolus (J Seebeck pers. comm.), have been recorded in grasslands, particularly on the Western Basalt Plains, but were not encountered during this survey. The Fat- tailed Dunnart has a broad geographical dis- tribution, occurring across southern Australia in a variety of vegetation habitats, including open woodland, low shrublands of saltbush and bluebush, tussock grasslands and gibber plains (Morton 1995). It inhabits only lowland areas in the western half of Victoria (Menkhorst 1995). Morton (1995) and Menkhorst (1995) state that unlike most native mammals in Victoria, the Fat-tailed Dunnart appears not to have been greatly disadvantaged by early agricultural develop- ments, and populations survive on improved pasture throughout the Volcanic Plains, Otway Plains, Wimmera and Riverina. Morton (1978a) states that the species is pre- dominately an animal of sparse grassland and open shrubland where there is a signifi- cant component of bare ground. From this information on the species, it was expected that captures of Fat-tailed Dunnart would be mainly confined to grassland sites with bare ground a significant component. The Common Dunnart was found at one site from the Western Basalt Plains and despite its vernacular name, is not common in Victoria. It is most commonly found in woodland, open forest and heathland but has also been recorded near rainforest veg- etation (Fox 1995). Sites of Common 18 Dunnart are characterised by sparse shrub and ground cover (<50%), but often with dense leaf and bark litter (Menkhorst 1995). This species has not previously been recorded from grassland vegetation and this record provides a major range extension for the species. The site near Colae is close to woodland vegetation, which may provide an explanation for this record. Factors influencing abundance of the Fat-tailed Dunnart The abundance of the Fat-tailed Dunnart appeared to be influenced by a number of habitat characteristics and it was more common on sites that were lightly grazed. This suggests that high levels of grazing may affect the species’ abundance, by reducing the availability and quality of ground cover. Sites which had an open ground vegetation cover tended to support greater numbers of Fat-tailed Dunnarts than those which were structurally dense. Because the species is an active forager of insects and other invertebrates, open spaces for hunting prey may be extremely impor- tant, Dense vegetation cover at ground level would severely limit the ability of the species to move. However, the need for cover is also important for protection from raptors, foxes and cats and for shelter from adverse weather conditions (Birney ef al. 1976; Abramsky et al. 1979; Grant er al. 1982; Alder 1985; Clark et a/. 1989; Bowles and Copsey 1992). Although bur- rows in the soil (Northern Plains) and under rock (Western Basalt Plains) are vital for Fat-tailed Dunnarts, some form of tussock cover is required. Selection of sites with open ground cover but with tussock cover minimises the detection by aerial predators. Potential predators of Fat-tailed Dunnarts, and other native mammals, include intro- duced Dog Canis familiaris; Fox Vulpes vulpes; Cat Felis catus; native Brown Goshawk Accipiter fasciatus; Grey Goshawk 4. novaehollandiae; Wedge-tailed Eagle Aquila audax and Whistling Kite Haliastur sphenurus (Bennett 1987b). On grasslands, tussock cover is most effectively provided by scattered tussock grasses Poa spp. on the Western Basalt Plains and wal- laby grasses Austrodanthonia spp. on the Northern Plains. The Victorian Naturalist Cover is also important to the Fat-tailed Dunnart for diurnal shelter, and may ame- liorate local weather conditions. The Fat- tailed Dunnart constructs nests within tus- socks or other dried plant material beneath rocks and within cracks in the soil. Sites with a greater richness of native plants sup- ported more Fat-tailed Dunnarts. Although the species was found at every site on the Northern Plains and over half of the Western Basalt Plains sites, as well as on all exotic pasture sites, relative abundance did have a slight correlation with native species richness. The more floristically rich sites, which are most likely to be more intact, will presumably support greater numbers of animals. As invertebrates are still found in high numbers on more floris- tically depauperate sites, food resources are still adequate to support Fat-tailed Dunnarts but may not be able to do so in the long term. Such sites may only provide àn extension of marginal habitat from a core grassland area — an area which is used for foraging, but not as a permanent living site. Fat-tailed Dunnarts have been found to have a preference for loose scattered rocks in grassland remnants (Mathieson 1987). Rock piles in grassland areas did provide some habitat; however, those on agricultur- al land did not (Mathieson 1987). Areas with numerous, scattered rocks provide more potential nesting sites. Because the species tends not to be territorial, the pres- ence of numerous scattered rocks may help in the migration of individuals between areas for both breeding and exploitation of available food resources (Morton 1978a, b, €). In this study, the Fat-tailed Dunnart was found living under stone walls and rock piles, and was observed using wolf spider holes on the Northern Plains. Micro-habitat use by this species at grasslands reflects the need for three important requirements: l. open ground cover for actively forag- ing for invertebrate food items; 2. tussock cover for diurnal shelter and predator avoidance; and 3. floristic diversity. Factors influencing abundance of the House Mouse The relationship between habitat variables and the introduced House Mouse contrast- ed with the Fat-tailed Dunnart. House Mice Vol. 119 (1) 2002 Research Reports are highly fecund and adaptable, and have been described as the ultimate mammalian *weed' (Menkhorst 1995). They have exploited a wide range of habitat types across Australia. In natural vegetation, House Mice rely heavily on their ability to construct burrows or to shelter beneath rocks or logs, and their distribution is there- fore largely determined by characteristics of the soil (Menkhorst 1995). The species has excellent dispersal and short-term colonising abilities and usually occupies unfilled niches (Braithwaite and Gullan 1978), It is a primary coloniser after distur- bance but once vegetation is suitable for native mammal species, populations of House Mice rapidly decline. Numbers of House Mice on both the Western Basalt Plains and Northern Plains were higher on heavily grazed sites and on sites which were floristically poor. This supports the findings of Hadden and Westbrooke (1996), who found numbers of exotic species higher on more degraded, heavily grazed and weedy Buloke woodland sites. The Northern Plains sites with an open ground cover supported greater numbers of mice than sites with closed ground cover. On the Western Basalt Plains, sites that had a dense vegetation cover supported more individuals. It may be that, on the more intact grassland sites, the House Mouse is unable to compete effectively with the Fat- tailed Dunnart, while on more degraded and depauperate sites, the Fat-tailed Dunnart is less favoured, thus enabling the House Mouse to be the dominant species. Fox and Pople (1984) have stated that House Mice are apparently unable to com- pete successfully with small native mam- mals. Abramsky et al. (1979) reported that native mammals remained on natural short- grass prairie and only the exotic mammals occurred in completely modified areas. Management implications Conservation of native mammals The Fat-tailed Dunnart was located across a range of grassland types of the Western Basalt Plains and Northern Plains. However, very few recaptures were made. It is not known if populations of Fat-tailed Dunnarts are secure on these grassland rem- nants. The Common Dunnart was recorded at one site on the Western Basalt Plains. 19 Research Reports Given that this species is uncommon and has not previously been recorded in grass- land vegetation, survey work to attempt to locate more individuals is warranted. Acknowledgements The author would like to thank the editorial assistance of Martin Westbrooke, John Seebeck and Andrew Bennett. Thankyou to the land-hold- ers and their wonderful grasslands on which many a day was spent searching ~ they are beau- tiful places: Ian and Trish Taylor, Kevin and Jenny Blake, Cam and Cathy Nelson, Claire and Jamie Dennis, Janet and Lochy Gordon, Angus and Sally Ramsay, lan and Jill Buchanan, Jack and Jean Wishart, Dorothy Davies, George McGillivray, Wendy Rolfe, Don Glasson, Laurie Boyd and Greg Rankin. Fauna survey was ĉon- ducted under the Department of Natural Resources and Environment Research Permits RP-94-173 and RP-95-199. The research also received approval from the University of Ballarat Animal Ethies Experimentation Committee. References Abramsky Z, Dyer MI and Harrison PD (1979) Competition among small mammals in experimentally perturbed areas of the shortgrass prairie. Ecology 60, 530-536. Alder GH (1985) Habitat selection and species interac- tions; an experimental analysis with small mammal populations, Oikos 45, 380-390. Bennett AF (19872) Conservation of mammals within a fragmented forest environment: the contributions of insular biogeography and autecology. In Nature var- servation. the role of remnants of native vegetation, pp 41-52. Eds DA Saunders, GW Arnold, AA Burbidge and AJ Hopkins. (Surrey Beatty and Sons: Chipping Norton) Bennett AF (1987b) Biogeography and conservation of mammals in a fragmented forest environment in south-western Victoria, (Unpublished PhD thesis, University of Melbourne) Bennett AF (1990) ZJubitat corridors: their role in wildlife management and conservation. Department of Conservation and Environment/Arthur Rylah Institute for Environmental Research Victoria, Birney EC, Grant WE and Baird DD (1976) Importance of Vegetative cover to cycles of Microtus populations. Ecology 57, 1043-1051. Bowles JB and Copsey AD (1992) Small mammal abundance us a function of herbaceous cover type in south central Iowa. Prairie Naturalist 24, 109-119. Braithwaite RW and Gullan PK (1978) Habitat selection by small mammals in a Victorian heathland, Australian Journal af Ecology 3, 109-127, Butler BE, Blackburn G, Bowler JM, Lawrence CR, Newell JW and Pels 8 (1973) 4 geomorphic map of the Riverine pluin of south-eastern Australia. (Australian National University Press: Canbetra) Clark BK, Kaufman DW, Finck EJ and Kaulman GA (1989) Small mammals in tall-grass prairie: patterns associated with grazing and burning. Prairie Naturalist 21, 177-184. Cann BJ (1993) Natural regions and vegetation of Victoria, In Flora of Victoria Volume 1 Introduction, pp 79-158. Eds DB Foreman and NG Walsh. (Inkata Press: Melbourne) DCF (1990) Remnant nutive grasslands und grassy woodlands of the Melhourne area. Department of Conservation and Environment Victoria 20 DCE (1992) Draft conservation program for native grasslands and grassy woodlands in Victoria. Department of Conservation and Environment Victoria. Foreman PW (1996) Ecology of native grasslands on Victoria's Northern Riverine Plain, (MSc thesis, La Trobe University, Bundoora) Fox BJ (1995) Common Dunnart Sminthopsis murina. In The Mammals of Australia, pp 150-151. Ed R Strahan (Australian Museum/Reed Books: Sydney) Fox BJ and Pople AR (1984) Experimental confirma- tion of interspecific competition between native and introduced mice. Australian Journal of Ecology 9, 323-334. Goldsmith FB, Harrison CM and Morton AJ (1986) Description and analysis of vegetation, In Methods in Plant Ecology, pp 437-525. Eds PD Moore and SB Chapman. (Blackwell Scientific Publications: Oxford) Grant WE, Birney EC, French NR and Swift DM (1982) Structure and productivity of grassland small mammal communities related to grazing-induced changes in vegetative cover. Journal of Mammalogy 63, 248-260, Groves RH (1979) The status and future of Australian grasslands. New Zealand Journal of Ecology 2, 76-81. Ifadden SA and Westbrooke ME (1996) Habitat rela- tionships of the herpetofauna of remnant buloke woodlands of the Wimmera Plains Vietoria. Wildlife Research 23, 363-372. Kitchener DJ, Chapman A, Dell J, Muir BG and Palmer M (1980) Lizard assemblage and reserve size and structure in the Western Australian wheatbelt - some implications for conservation. Biological Conservation 17, 25-62. Lunt ID (1991) Management of remnant lowland grass- land and grassy woodland for nature conservation: a review. The Victorian Naturalist 98. 56-66, Mathieson G (1987) The distribution and abundance of the fat-tailed dunnart on the western Plains of Victoria. Ballarat College of Advanced Education, Mt Helen, Ballarat. McDougall K and Kirkpatrick JB (1994) Conservation of lowland native grassland in south-eastern Australia, (Worldwide Fund for Nature Australia: Canberra) McDougall K, Appleby M and Barlow T (1994) Western Busalt Plains Lake Omeo Murray Valley Riverine Plains and the Wimmera. In Conservation of lowland native grassland in south-eastern Australia, p 44-112, Eds K McDougall and JB Kirkpatrick, (Worldwide Fund for Nature Australia: Canberra) Menkhorst PW (1995) Mammals of Victoria Disiribution, Ecology and Conservation. (Oxford University Press: Melbourne) Morgan JW (1994) The ecology of grasses and grass- land in lowland Victoria. The Victorian Naturalist 111, 87-93. Morton SR (1978a) An ecological study of Sminthopsis crussicuudata (Marsupiala; Dasyuridae) 1, Distribution study areas and methods. dustralian Wildlife Research 5, 151-162. Morton SR (1978b) An ecological study of Sminthopsis crassicaudata (Marsupiala: Dasyuridae) HL, Behaviour and social orgainsation, Australian Wildlife Research 5, 163-182. Morton SR (1978c) An ecological study of Sminthopsis crassicaudalu (Marsupiala: Dasyuridae) Ill. Reproduction and life history, Australian Wildlife Research 5, 183-211. Morton SR (1995) Fat-tailed Dunnart Sminthopsis cras- vicaudala, In The Mammals of Australia, pp 130-131. Ed R Strahan. (Australian Museum/Reed Books: New South Wales) Patton RT (1935) Ecological studies in Victoria Part 1V basall plains association, Proceedings of the Royal Soview of Victoria 48, 172-191, The Victorian Naturalist Research Reports How Do Nectar Foraging Butterflies Select Flowers? Melissa B Nunn' Abstract Nectar foraging tendencies of two species of butterfly was experimentally investigated using charac- teristics of flowers that may influence selection of nectar resources. Potentially influential character- istics of nectar flowers were simulated in various combinations in a controlled laboratory situation. Wild-caught butterflies were captured for use in the experiments. The two species preferred different combinations of factors, potentially reflecting their natural foodplants. Common Grass-blue Zizina labradus visited small white flowers most frequently, a combination of factors displayed by known foodplants. Australian Painted Lady Vanessa kershawi preferred to feed on yellow, medium or large flower combinations that match the flowers of Capeweed Arctotheca calendula and some other observed foodplants. The position of the experimental flower on the ‘stem’ was not a significant contributor to flower selection; however, flower size did contribute, There was a positive relation- ship between the size of the butterfly and that of the flower chosen. In the wild, this may reflect not only the flower's ability to support the weight of the butterfly, but also the amount of nectar supplied by the flower, (The Victorian Naturalist 119 (1), 2002, 21-27) Introduction Butterflies are the most studied of the invertebrates, yet there is still much to dis- cover about their ecology, behaviour and general biology. The focus of research is generally on rare or exotic species, and lit- tle information is known on the more com- mon species (Kitching and Scheermeyer 1999), Definitive studies of ecology and behav- iour are lacking for common species such as Yellow Admiral Vanessa itea, Australian Painted Lady Vanessa kershawi and Common Grass-blue Zizina labradus, which occur frequently where this study was conducted. Butterflies feed solely on a liquid diet consisting of plant nectar and sometimes water or other fluids (Braby 2000). The preferred source of nectar for butterflies is nectar-bearing flowers. The nectar that is produced by plants contains two of the most vital ingredients for obligatory feed- ers such as butterflies: carbohydrates and protein (Brackenbury 1995). Butterflies, with their specialised narrow tubular pro- boscis, are able to access carbohydrates and proteins contained in nectar by capil- lary action (CSIRO 1991). Vanessa kershawi generally appears in late August and early September in the Ballarat region and is usually the first adult butterfly to be seen each season (G Ambrose pers. comm. 2000). Zizina Centre for Environmental Management, University of Ballarat, Ballarat, Victoria 3353 Vol. 119 (1) 2002 labradus is more often found in gardens, lawns, pastures, and weedy areas than in bushland (Coupar and Coupar 1992). They are common in many suburban areas, including Ballarat. Insects locate nectar-bearing flowers by means of visual cues rather than by smell or touch. The attraction is so powerful that butterflies will be attracted to flowers that are placed in an artificial setting. These visual cues attract the butterfly to the mouth of the corolla. Nectar guides (mark- ings on flowers) provide a way of guiding the proboscis of the butterfly toward the nectaries (organs that secrete nectar), Nectar guides may reflect strongly in the ultraviolet section of the light spectrum in which butterflies are sensitive (Brackenbury 1995). Ford (1985) has suggested that smaller nectarivorous bird species are more mobile than larger species and perch on flowers on the end of branches without breaking them. The smaller bird species are also more acrobatic and are able to hover above the flowers on the tips of the branches and feed. Butterflies may mirror this behav- iour, whereby smaller butterflies may pre- fer flowers on the tips of stems. It is documented that sometimes different butterfly species prefer different flowers (Clyne 2000; Braby 2000). However, over 100 species of butterflies feeding on Lantana Lantana camara have been observed, which suggests that butterflies may also be opportunistic. The aims of this 21 Research Reports study were to use artificial flowers to dis- cover which characteristics of flowers attract two butterfly species, and to com- pare the findings to known foodplants and their characteristics. It was expected that the butterflies in the study would also pre- fer a particular group of flowers. Methods Preparation Two butterfly species, Vanessa kershawi and Zizina labradus, were used in the examination of three important flower characteristics. These were chosen based on the literature (Brakenbury 1995; Coupar and Coupar 1992). These characteristics were size, colour and the position on the plant where flowers grow. Artificial plastic flowers were used and the sizes (small, medium and large) were scaled to known nectar source species from the daisy family Asteraceae. The artificial flowers were 2.5, 4.0 and 6.0 cm in diameter respectively. The paint colours chosen for the study included three that were common in the Ballarat region in September, namely white, yellow and purple. Two positions were chosen to represent flowers that grow close to the main trunk of the plant and flowers that grow on the tips of the plant. A cage was constructed by modifying an old plywood finch cage. The sides and roof were cut out and replaced by fibreglass fly- wire, with the exception of one side that was draped with muslin. This enabled access to the inside of the cage and was knotted when not in use. The frame of the cage was painted white so that it provided a light coloured backdrop against which butterfly activity could be seen clearly, The artificial flowers were drawn on ice- cream container lids in the shape of flow- ers from the Asteraceae family. These were then coloured with acrylic paints. Acrylic paints were used because they dry quickly, are odourless and non-toxic. They also do not run into the nectar solution on contact. Four millimetre plastic hose was sliced to produce thin plastic rings that acted as nectar cups. These were glued to the centre of the flowers with non-toxic glue. Three timber frames were construct- ed to hold the flowers and to simulate posi- tions on a plant where the flowers might grow. The design of the timber frame used 22 in the study is shown in Fig. 1. Small nails were used to hold the flowers to the frames and the glue used on the nectar cups was used to seal the centres of the flowers against leakage of nectar. Yellow cotton wool was then packed tightly into the nec- tar cups to absorb the nectar, preventing drowning of the butterflies whilst still allowing aecess. Nectar Artificial nectar was produced using a recipe used at Melbourne Zoo's Butterfly House. The nectar used in this study and in a study conducted by Harris (1993) con- tained approximately 15 percent sugars. The recipe (see below) was halved to make one litre of nectar. This formula makes enough nectar to feed about 800 butterflies for 24 hours. The recipe used by the Melbourne Zoo's butterfly house comprises 500 ml of puri- fied water (boiled), with 130 g of sucrose and 95 g of glucose or dextrose added and stirred until they were dissolved. 200 g of liquefied fructose (approximately 130 g when crystallised) were added and stirred in until dissolved. 500 ml of cold purified water and half a teaspoon of honey were added and the solution and stirred. Cold purified water was added to take the quan- tity up to two litres. The different types of sugars are from various plant sources, each supplying dif- ferent molecular structures and nutrients. Fig. 1. The design of the timber frame on which the artificial flowers were placed during the study. The base and main trunk were made of 25 mm * 19 mm pine painted green. The three branches were made from dowel 10 mm in diameter. The dowel represents the branch of a plant and the flower placed closer to the centre of the dowel represents flowers close to the trunk, 'The Victorian Naturalist The addition of honey is thought to be the vital ingredient that provides the butterflies with the essential nutrients that can sustain them over a long period. Honey contains Vitamin C, protein and small quantities of nitrogenous compounds, minerals, organic acids and lipids (Winston 1987). The but- terflies at the Melbourne Zoo spend their entire lives on this formula. Capture of butterflies Butterflies were captured on sunny days in early September when they first began to emerge. Optimal capture numbers were on days that had followed one or two fine, warm days. The capture sites included gar- dens in town and an open area on the Ballarat University campus at Mount Helen that has both native and exotic vegetation. An insect net was used to capture the butter- flies. Undamaged specimens were retained and put into a container with a muslin insert in the lid. The butterflies were not fed for 48 hr before any sampling to encourage hunger. Sixty-seven individuals were cap- tured during the study, 35 of which were F. kershawi and 31 Z. labradus. Foraging observations Observations were undertaken on four occasions, 48 hours after capture. The study cage was placed in a glasshouse that provided a warm and humid environment, which encouraged butterfly activity. The glasshouse was connected to a thermostat, which was kept at around 25°C. Each observation period took one hour, which was the optimum time discovered from a pilot study. One hour was enough time for each butterfly to feed three or four times and was brief enough to allow the nectar to stay moist. Data analysis Data were analysed using the software package SPSS 10 for Windows. Univariate ANOVA test was used to test for signifi- cance between the categories of data (Coakes and Steed 2001; Kitchens 1998). The ANOVA statistic is used to examine the difference between the means of forag- ing frequencies for the two species, and to determine whether they are significantly different. Profile plots and ANOVA were used to see if there were any interactions between the characteristics studied, Vol. 119 (1) 2002 Research Reports Limitations Other variables or characteristics that may influence the frequency of visits such as nectar volume, shape of flower and ultraviolet reflectivity were not tested. The brief nature of the study limited the num- ber of variables that could be tested. It was decided only to test what were thought to be the most influential factors including size, colour and position, allowing these variables to be thoroughly examined in the time allocated. All taxonomic names in this paper follow that of Braby (2000) for butterflies and Ross (2000) for vascular plants. Results The flower characteristics preferred by each butterfly species are shown in Figs 2, 3 and 4. Vanessa kershawi visited yellow flowers more often than white or purple flowers. Response to colour itself, when tested for both species, showed no signifi- cant difference of frequencies compared to the other factors (F — 5.907, p — 0.064). This indicates that there was no particular colour preference overall for both species. There was, however, a colour-species interaction evident, which indicates that each species tended to prefer a particular colour (F = 9.559, p = 0.030). The majority of flowers visited by E. ker- shawi were large or medium in size. As shown in Fig. 4, V. kershawi also tended to visit flowers that were positioned close to the trunk of the plant more often than those positioned on the tips of the branches. However, there was no significant differ- ence found between the use of the two positions on the plant (F = 1.113, p 0.402). Zizina labradus significantly favoured white flowers (F = 9.559, p = 0.030; Fig. 3), with the purple and yellow flowers being less frequently visited. There was also a significant preference for small flowers (F = 8.72, p = 0.041), with the medium and large flowers much less often visited (Fig. 2). There appeared to be a slight preference for flowers positioned on the tips of the branches, but the difference was not significant (F — 3.692, p — 0.195). Vanessa kershawi tended to visit medium sized yellow flowers that were positioned on the trunk more frequently than any 23 Research Reports 20 Frequency of visits/hour. — | aessa kershawi O Zizina labradus small medium large Flower characteristic 20 15 Frequency of visits/hour. . 2. Frequency of visits for Vanessa kershawi and Zizina labradus with respect to flower size. yellow purple | WB anessa | | | kershawi | | O Zizina labradus | | n= | H (er -— white Flower characteristic Fig. 3. Frequency of visits for Vanessa kershawi and Zizina labradus with respect to colour of flower. other combination of characteristics (Table 1). Flowers that were not visited at all included large purple trunk, small white trunk and medium white branch flowers. Zizina labradus tended to visit small, white flowers (Table 2). Use of the two small white combinations were significantly dif- ferent from the other combinations. The flowers that were not visited at all were the purple, medium and large flowers posi- tioned on the branch. The characteristics that had the strongest association with visiting frequency were the colour and size of the flower. This sug- gests that each species has a preference for particular characteristics in these groups of 24 factors. This is also evident from Figs 2 and 3. The position of the flower on the plant had little influence on visit frequency. Discussion Vanessa kershawi visited yellow flowers most often. These flowers were mostly medium or large. It is evident that flowers with combinations of traits that V. kershawi was observed to feed on in this study may match such species as Capeweed Arctotheca calendula, Daisies Euryops sp. and Everlasting Daisies Bracteantha sp. Low (2000) details some butterfly species found to have fed on such species of food- plants. Foliage of these plants is also eaten The Victorian Naturalist 16 d 8 14 3 12 un i0 - o 6 Le] 3 4 g 2 = 9 eee trunk Research Reports Wl anessa kershawi O Zizina labradus branch Flower characteristic Fig. 4 Frequency of visits for Vanessa kershawi and Zizina labradus with respect to flower position. by the butterfly's larval stages (Braby 2000). Smooth Cats Ear Hypochoeris glabra and Hairy Hawkbit Leontodon taraxacoides are also abundant introduced yellow flowered daisies in the region. They flower over many months and are common- ly visited by V. kershawi for nectar (G Arnbrose pers. comm. 2000). Capeweed is a weed of agricultural areas and is more often encountered by butterflies (Low 2000) near Ballarat than their native larval hostplants, members of the family Asteraceae. Zizina labradus showed a significant preference for white flowers. This agrees with the reports by Clyne (2000) and Common and Waterhouse (1972) of butter- flies feeding on flowers with similar char- acteristics. Such flowers include Lawn Daisy Bellis perennis, Clover Trifolium subterraneum and native peas. The size of these flowers is similar to that of the small flower in this study, which could explain the preference for small flowers. Small, white flowers were the most visited of all the combinations, and were significantly different from the other combinations, although not from each other. This indi- cates that there is no preference by Zizina labradus to the positioning of flowers on the trunk or branch. Vanessa kershawi visited large and medi- um flowers with a slight but not significant preference for the trunk. G Ambrose, (2000 pers. comm.) suggests that flowers that are pollinated by small butterflies may Vol. 119 (1) 2002 not be able to support the weight of larger butterflies. Therefore the larger of these two butterflies may find the larger flowers offer a more stable support when feeding. Main (1981) suggests that the larger the flower, generally the more nectar it pro- duces, and that bigger flowers can support larger birds both by the quantity of nectar and by the strength of the flower. This can also be applied to butterflies. Larger flow- ers usually have a larger nectar reward than smaller flowers, making them more attractive to larger species of nectar forag- ing fauna (Paton 1985). However, Dunn (1999) lists several very large butterflies feeding on small flowers of Lantana, and highlights a low yield of nectar per flower. The larger butterfly would need more ener- gy to sustain itself; it would therefore tend to visit the flowers that were more likely to contain larger rewards in a field situation. The body size of V. kershawi was much larger than the small flowers in the study. The results suggested that the bigger the flower, the more likely it was to be visited on the trunk. Under normal circumstances, a larger flower with sturdier support would offer these butterflies a more stable feed- ing platform (Main 1981). There may be two possible explanations for the feeding patterns observed in this study. Thompson (1999) suggests that but- terflies tend to be specialised in their choice of nectar and host plant. This sug- gests that they may be predisposed to 25 Research Reports Table 1. The number of visits per hour made by Vanessa kershawi to each flower combination. Table 2. The number of visits per hour made by Zizina labradus to each flower combination. Colour Size Trunk Branch Colour Size Trunk Branch yellow 5 LS 2.25 yellow 5 2.25 2.5 m §.25 2.25 m 1 0.75 | 4.25 2.75 | 0.75 0.25 purple S L25 0.25 purple 8 l 2,25 m 0.25 0.75 m 0.75 0 | 0 l | 0.75 0 white S 0 0.5 white 5 Su 59/5 m | 0 m | 1.5 | 1.25 0.25 l 0.25 1.25 select the flower types or characteristics that optimise their foraging efficiency. As the preferences for natural hostplants match the preferences of the flowers in the study, it may be likely that these recorded preferences are adaptive for the butterfly species used in this study. When foraging for nectar, butterflies sometimes exhibit constancy (preference for a particular species previously visited) and often ignore rewarding flowers of dif- ferent species (Goulsen e/ al, 1997), Nectar rewards were constant for all flow- ers during this experiment and so did not contribute to the observed differences in foraging frequencies. Darwin (1859) described how the learning of handling skills by a butterfly for one flower inter- feres with the learning of handling skills for another. Handling skills are skills that a butterfly has had to learn to feed from a flower. For example, a butterfly may have to perform mid-flight ‘acrobatics’ to feed from a particular tubular flower, or must land on a certain area of another flower to avoid falling off. The butterflies possibly visited flowers similar to those with which they were familiar and did not need to learn such handling skills, in the short time of the study. The reflectivity of the paint on the flow- ers Was not tested in this study. The effect of ultraviolet reflectivity of the flowers on frequency of visits is not known. However, it is known that visual cues are used to atiract butterflies to flowers (Brackenbury 1995). Colouration of the artificial flowers was simple, without any ultraviolet pattern- ing, Nectar guides were not provided nor were patterns that may be visible on flowers under ultraviolet light, Zizina labradus visits 26 purple flowers in the wild, including those of Cullen, Hardenbergia and Hovea spp., which may or may not have ultraviolet pat- terning (Clarke and Lee 1987). The methods used were novel and impro- vised because there has been limited study in this area. There has been no benchmark method for this particular area of research and methods were chosen according to their expected suitability. Other variables may contribute to the selection of nectar plants, such as the time of day, size and type of nectar reward, shape of flower, ultraviolet reflectivity and possibly pollen volume. Further study should endeavour to answer these questions. Conclusion Vanessa kershawi and Zizina labradus prefer flowers that exhibit a different com- bination of characteristics. The characteris- tics preferred by V. kershawi include yel- low, medium or large flowers and Z. labradus, white, small flowers, These combinations of characteristics tend to match those of the butterflies’ known foodplants. Acknowledgements Vhanks to Graeme Ambrose who supervised this project, and gave me feedback on the develop- ment of this manuscript, and to the anonymous reviewer who read and commented on the manu- script. References Braby MF (2000) The butterflies of Australia: Their Identification, Biology and Distribution, Vol 1. (CSIRO Publishing: Melbourne) Brackenbury J (1995) Insects and Flowers; A Biological Partnership. (Blandford: United Kingdom) Clarke I and Lee H (1987) Name That Flower: The Identification of Flowering Plants, (Melbourne University Press; Burwood) The Victorian Naturalist Clyne D (2000) Attracting Butterflies to Your Garden. (Reed New Holland: Sydney) Coakes SJ and Steed LG (2001) SPSS Analysis Without Anguish, (John Wiley and Sons: Milton) Coupar P and Coupar M (1992), Flying Colaurs Common Caterpillars, Butterflies, and Moths of South-eastern Australia, (New South Wales University Press: Kensington) CSIRO (1991) The Insects of Australia, A Texthook for Students and Research Workers, Division of Entomology, CSIRO. (Melboume University Press: Carlton South) Darwin C (1859) The Origin of Species, (New Collier: New York) Ford HA (1985) A synthesis of the foraging ecology and behaviour of birds in eucalypt forests and wood- lands. In Birds of Eucalypt Forests and Woodland: Ecology, Conservation and Management, pp 249- 254, Eds A Keast, H Recher, H Ford and D Saunders. (Surrey Beatty and Sons Pty Ltd/RAOU: Chipping Norton) Goulson D, Stout JC and Hawson SA (1997) Can flower constancy in nectaring butterflies be explained by Darwin's interference hypothesis? Oecologica 112, 225-231. Harris J (1993) The life history of the Australian Admiral butterfly, Vanessa itea, in the Ballarat dis- trict. (Student report, Biological Resource Management, Ballarat University College, Ballarat) Kitchens LJ (1998) Exploring Statistics: 4 Modern Intraduction to Data Analvsis und Inference. Duxbury Press: California) Contributions Kitching RL and Scheermyer E (1999) Foreword. In Biology of Australian Butterflies, pp xv-xvi. Eds RI Kitehing, E Scheermeyer, RE Jones and NE Pierce. (CSIRO Publishing: Collingwood) Low T (2000) Flutterby, butterfly. Nature Australia Winter 2000, 24-25. Main AR (1981) Plants as animal food. In The Biology of Australian Plants, pp 342-360. Eds JS Pate and AJ McComb. (University of Western Australia Press: Nedlands, Western Australia) Paton DC (1985) Food supply, population structure, and behaviour of New Holland Honeyeaters Phylidonyriss novaehollandiae in woodland near Horsham, Victoria. In Birds of Eucalypt Forests and Woodland: Ecology, Conservation and Management, pp 124-137. Eds A Keast, H Recher, H Ford and D Saunders, (Surrey Beatty and Sons Pty Limited/ RAQU: Chipping Norton) Ross JH (2000) (ed) 4 Census of the Vaseular Plants of Victoria, 5 ed. (Royal Botanic Gardens of Victoria: Melbourne) l'hompson JN (1999) What we know and do not know about coevolution: insect herbivores and plants as a test case, In Herbivores: Between Plants and Predators, pp 730, Eds H Of, VK Brown, and RH Drent, (Blackwefl Science Ltd: Oxford) Winston ML (1987) The Biology of the Honey Bee. (Harvard University Press: Cambridge) Hooded Plover Thinornis rubricollis Chick Attacked by Conspecifics V Teoh' and MA Weston We report an observation of adult Hooded Plovers Thinornis rubricollis attacking a flightless chick at Mornington Peninsula National Park. The chick was not seen again, and apparently did not sur- vive to fly, although it is not known whether the attacks contributed to its pre- sumed death. Causes of mortality in Hooded Plover chicks are poorly known, although mortality rates are high (Weston 1998a, 2000). The eastern population of this species is threatened, and is classified as Vulnerable (Garnett and Crowley 2000). Consequently, any observations of the dan- ! Mornington Peninsula National Park, Parks Victoria, Hinton Street, Rosebud, Victoria 3939 * Threatened Bird Network, Birds Australia National Office, 415 Riversdale Road, Hawthorn East, Victoria 3123 Email; m.weston@) Vol. 119 (1) 2002 gers that chicks may encounter are note- worthy. On 30 December 2000 one of us (VT) was conducting a foot patrol along the ocean beaches in the Mornington Peninsula National Park, between Sorrento and Portsea, Victoria. At the Franklin Road access track (38?20' S, 144?43' E), at Portsea, a pair of adults attending a young chick was observed (the chick was between 17 and 24 days old). This area is used by flocks in winter, and by small flocks during the breeding season (B Dowling pers. comm.). A group of six adults was close to the pair and chick. The pair attending the chick was aggressive towards the nearby flock, and a number of short aerial chases were observed. In the 27 Contributions confusion, the chick was temporarily sepa- rated from its defending parents. Adults from the flock ran directly at the chick, and the chick ran away from them. Adults from the flock also began ‘dive-bombing’ the chick by flying low and directly at it. About four such ‘diye-bombs’ occurred, and the chick was struck twice. The chick fell over on each occasion, and each strike caused feathers to be dislodged from the chick. Each time the chick was struck the attacking adult landed and chased it on [oot until a parent intervened. During these attacks the chick piped continuously. It seemed that the attacks would continue, so when three adults from the flock aggres- sively approached the chick, VT intervened in order to give the chick a chance to find shelter (these birds were part of an inten- sively managed population; see Dowling and Weston 1999), The chick managed to hide. It was evident that the aggression continued between the parents and the flock after observations ceased. Although the parents were seen on two subsequent visits (on 5 January 2001 and 18 January 2001), the chick apparently did not survive to fledge as it was not seen again. No other reports of such aggression to chicks are known to us (Marchant and Higgins 1993). Weston (2000) observed broods for more than 270 hours and never recorded any such attacks. In an intensive 9-year study in the National Park, no such attacks have been recorded until now (Dowling and Weston 1999; B Dowling and M Urquhart pers. comms). The aggres- sive defence by the parents is common; brood-rearing parents repel intruding con- specifics vigorously, with one observation of a parent *dive-bombing' and striking an intruding adult (Weston 1998b). The cause of this aggression is unknown, but we speculate that displacement of the flock occurred, such that territorial aggres- sion escalated to the point where the chick was attacked. The pair had been in the area since 23 November 2000, and in early December a l'emporary Beach Closure had been implemented, so the territory seemed spatially stable. Observations of colour- banded birds have shown that birds in flocks consist of non-breeders and some- times include off-duty, and presumably territorial, breeding birds (MAW pers. 28 obs.). The observations occurred on a busy Saturday, and so recreationists (or VT) may have displaced the birds, and caused them to concentrate into one area, Disturbance by humans displaces some birds, including those with broods (Hockin et al. 1992; Brown and Morris 1995; Hill et al. 1997; Lord et al. 1997). Displace- ment of breeding Black Skimmers Rynchops niger to nearby less-disturbed areas has caused nesting density to increase, and this may have caused an increased number of territoríal disputes which could compromise the survival of chicks (Safina and Burger 1983). A similar displacement, albeit over a shorter time- span, may have lead to the extreme aggres- sion reported here. Acknowledgements Thanks to B Dowling and M Urquhart (Parks Victoria), J Peter (Birds Australia), Anne Morton (Assistant Editor) and an anonymous referee for their comments on, and contributions lo, the publication of this note. The Threatened Bird Network is funded by the Natural Heritage Trust. References Brown KM and Morris RD (1995) Investigator distur- bance, chick movement, and aggressive behaviour in Ring-billed Gulls. Wilson Bulletin 107, 140-52. Dowling B and Weston MA (1999) Managing a breed- ing population of the Hooded Plover Thinornis rubri- collis in a high-use recreational environment. Bird Conservation International 9, 255-70, Garnett S and Crowley G (2000) The Action Plan for Australian Birds. (Environment Australia Canberra) Hill D, Hockin D, Price D, Tucker G, Morris R and Treweek J (1997) Bird disturbance: improving the quality and utility of disturbance research. Journal of Applied Ecology 34, 275-88. Hockin D, Ounsted M, Gorman M, Hill D, Keller V and Barker MA (1992) Examination of the effects of disturbance on birds with reference to its importance in ecological assessments. Journal of Environmental Management 36, 253-86. Lord A, Waas JR and Innes J (1997) Effects of human activity on the behaviour of northern New Zealand Dotterel Charadrius obscurus aquilonius chicks. Biological Conservation 82, 15-20. Marchant S and Higgins PJ (1993) Handbook of Australian, New Zealand and Antaretic Birds. Volume 2. Raptors to Lapwings. (Oxford University Press: Melbourne) Safina C and Burger J (1983) Effects of human distur- bance on reproductive success in the Black Skimmer, Condor 85, 164-71. Weston MA (19982) Nankeen Kestrel takes Hooded Plover chick, Australian Bird Watcher V7, 266-7. Weston MA (1998b) Some undescribed aggressive behaviours, displays and calls of the Hooded Plover in Western Australia. West Australian Naturalist 22, 105-14. Weston MA (2000) The effect of human disturbance on the breeding biology of Hooded Plovers. (Unpublished PhD Thesis, University of Melbourne) 'The Victorian Naturalist Contributions Invertebrates of Mount McKay — a Brief Survey EJ Grey! Abstract This note reports the results of a brief, small-scale survey of terrestrial invertebrates near Mount MeKay in north-east Victoria conducted in October 1999. Survey areas, in this sub-alpine zone, included Open Heathland, Tussock Grassland and small Snow Gum Eucalyptus pauciflora patches. The invertebrates were collected in pitfall traps and by hand and the greatest numbers were taken in the more open sites that were exposed to sunshine. (The Victorian Naturalist 119 (1), 2002, 29-35) Introduction A combined Field Naturalists Club of Victoria and Victorian National Parks Association expedition to Mount McKay was held over the period 29 October- 2 November 1999. The purpose was to increase appreciation and knowledge of the ecology, geology, flora and fauna of the area in view of its proposed excision from the Alpine National Park, a decision that has since been rescinded (Parliament of Victoria 2001). A small-scale survey of terrestrial inver- tebrate fauna was undertaken as part of the expedition. Two sites were sampled by pit- fall trapping, and direct hand collecting was carried out over several areas around Mount McKay. At the time of the expedition, inverte- brate activity would have just started to increase after the winter months. From this point of view a later time, perhaps January, would have produced greater numbers (Green 1997). A short search of the literature indicated there were few studies of ground dwelling invertebrates of the Australian high coun- try. The most comprehensive general dis- cussion of invertebrates in these areas is by Green and Osborne (1994), while Green (1997) details survey results from pitfall trapping over a lengthy period in the Snowy Mountains, particularly emphasis- ing the seasonal and altitudinal variations. Osborne et al. (1978) listed invertebrates collected from the snow surface in Kosciusko National Park and Green (1982) reported the results of pitfall trapping beneath the snow, from the same area. A survey of ‘sub-alpine woodland’ con- ducted in 1973/1974 in Victoria listed 51 invertebrate families from 7 orders (Land 8 Woona Court, Yallambie, Victoria 3085 Vol. 119 (1) 2002 Conservation Council 1977), and Swarbrick (1946) gives notes on some of the 50 species of insects collected by hand at Mt Buffalo over a period of two weeks. Methods Mount McKay forms part of the Bogong High Plains in the Victorian High Country and lies approximately 2 km south of Falls Creek Village. Vegetation varies from Open Heathland through Closed Heathland to Tussock Grassland with small patches of Snow Gums. Rocky outcrops are also a feature. The two sites chosen for pitfall trapping each comprised three distinct vegetation types: Il. Snow Gum Eucalyptus pauciflora patches with exposed granite outcrops. Open Heath species also occurred with grassy, open spaces between shrubs. 2. Open Heath with Phebalium squamulo- sum subsp. alpinum (in flower) and Mountain Beard Heath Leucopogon hookeri. Other species most likely pre- sent but not identified would have includ- ed Grevillea australis, Alpine Hovea Hovea montana, and Alpine Orites Orites lancifolia (Bogong High Plains, Vegetation Map and Guide to Alpine Flora, Pretty Valley Sheet); 3. Tussock Grassland with Soft Snow Grass Poa hiemata and Ranunculus sp. (in flower) (Bogong High Plains Vegetation Map and Guide to Alpine Flora; Willis er al. 1975). The two sites were located near access roads to the east of Mount Mckay and both had elevations c. 1500 m ASL. The first site established (site A in this article) was locat- ed at 36"52738" S 147?14'45" E, and the second (site B) at 36?52'54" S 147*15'01"E. At each site, the three distinct habitat types 29 Contributions were a short distance apart, separated by some 20-30 m and with little difference in altitude. Direct hand collecting was done at a number of areas around the vicinity of Mount McKay. The results section records where the specimens were found. At the pitfall trapping sites A and B, three lines of six traps were set with one line in each habitat type. Each line was numbered: 1, Snow Gum patch; 2, Open Heathland; 3, Tussock Grassland. Plastic coffee cups of 200 ml capacity, height 80 mm and top diameter 72 mm were used for the traps. Each trap was dug in flush with the ground and 30 ml of preserving fluid was placed in each. The preserving fluid was a 50/50 mixture of ethylene glycol and 70% ethanol. The pitfall traps were open for four days from 28 October (the day they were dug in) to 1 November 1999, The weather during this period was vari- able with cool, sunny days, one night with severe frost, and some rain. A maximum/ minimum thermometer and a rain gauge were set up at Site A, The thermometer was suspended from a Snow Gum branch, and the rain gauge was attached to a star picket. Over the sampling period, the recorded shade temperature range was —3° to *13*C and 40 mm of rain fell. The weather observations for Site A were assumed to apply to Site B as the sites were less than one kilometre apart, had westerly aspects and were roughly at the same elevation. For comparison, weather data for the months of October and November 1999 were obtained from the Bureau of Meteorology for Mt Hotham, the nearest recording site (Table 1). Mt Hotham is sit- uated c. 15 km south-west of Mt McKay and has an elevation of 1849 m, which is approximately 350 m higher than the site at Mt McKay. Hand collection was carried out at ran- dom and no attempt was made to regulate the time spent in this activity, or the num- ber of people involved. Invertebrates were collected from vegetation, under rocks and from streams, and each person kept a note of the habitat for each sample. At a later date, identification of ants was to genus (species or species group where possible); beetles and spiders to family 30 ——— €—— a — - Table 1. Mt Hotham Weather Station, Data for October and November 1999. Oct Noy 1999 1999 Mean daily maximum 8.0 8.1 temperature "C Mean daily minimum 1.8 1.4 temperature °C Highest temperature °C 15.6 15.4 Lowest temperature °C -54 -6.5 Mean monthly rainfall mm 292 137.6 level, and all other invertebrates to order (sometimes class or phylum), The keys used for identification included: ants (Andersen 1991; Greenslade 1979; Shattuck 1999); beetles (Moore 1980); spi- ders (Davies 1986); and all other inverte- brates (Harvey and Yen 1989), Results The material trapped in each of the six traps per line was pooled to give one sam- ple for that site, e.g. A1 contains all mater- ial from the six traps in the Snow Gum patch at Site A. Table 2 is a list of the total numbers of invertebrates per pitfall trap line. The most numerous groups were found in "Other orders’, and while Flies (Diptera) made up most of the numbers, Springtails (Collembola) were very abundant at site Bl with an estimated number of 10,000 individuals (see note in Table 6). The numbers of Ants (Hymenoptera) caught in the pitfall traps are shown in Table 3. The ants were identified to genus (indicated as sp.), to species group (as shown by species in inverted commas) or, in some cases, to species. A total of eight genera from four sub- families was recorded from the pitfall traps. The largest number were from the Dolichoderinae (92%) with one species group Anonychomyrma ‘itinerans’ making up 96% of the sub-family. The Dolichoderinae are generalist preda- tors and favoured the Open Heath and Tussock Grassland habitats. These ants are characteristic of open and sunny places (Andersen 1991). However, the large num- bers found in the Tussock Grassland (site A3) may be associated with a large nest (or nests) or a foraging trail. Shattuck (1999) notes that nest sizes for Anonychomyrma The Victorian Naturalist Contributions e T———— A-——————————— — «€ € Table 2. Total numbers of invertebrates collected in pitfall traps. Habitat Snow Gum Patch Open Heath Tussock Grassland Site Al Bl A2 B2 A3 B3 Ants (Hymenoptera) 18 7 52 40 259 5 Beetles (Coleoptera) 19 13 40 33 23 15 Spiders (Araneae) 5 4 17 3 20 15 Other Orders 285 10,293 367 500 267 324 Table 3. Total ants (Hymenoptera:Formicidae) in the pitfall traps. Habitat Snow Gum Patch Site A1 B1 Open Heath Tussock Grassland A2 B2 A3 B3 Myrmicinae Aphaenogaster sp. - Monomorium sp. - Pheidole sp. 6 - Ponerinae Amblyopone australis - - Dolichoderinae Anonychomyrma ‘itinerans’ - - Iridomyrmex sp. 12 - Formicinae Plagiolepsis sp. - | Prolasius sp. - l un D si N 1 D LE TOT o aaa ‘itinerans’ range from 500 to tens of thou- sands of workers. The maximum temperature of 13°C recorded during the survey is at the lower level for ant functioning with 10°C being the limit for any functioning at all (Hólldobler and Wilson 1990, 1994). Therefore, the two Dolichoderinae genera must have adapted to foraging in these cool conditions, although the temperatures at the ground surface and certainly within the nest would have been higher than the shade temperatures measured. On the other hand, specialist cool climate ants, in this case Monomorium, Plagiolepsis and Prolasius, were not notably abundant in this survey (Andersen 1990). Table 4 lists the beetles (Coleoptera) found in the pitfall traps. Identification was to fam- ily level. However, the key used (Moore 1980) was not applicable for beetles smaller than 3 mm, and so were classed as *undeter- mined' specimens. The beetle families found in this survey can be divided into two main groups. The first group is those adults and larvae that rely on living prey or carrion for food. These are the predators — the Ground Beetles (Carabidae), Pselaphidae and Rove Beetles (Staphylinidae) — and are the most Vol. 119 (1) 2002 numerous group, making up 69% of the total number of beetles collected. The Ground Beetles were the most abundant family and most were found in the Open Heath and Tussock Grassland. These bee- tles (and their larvae) feed on smaller and weaker insects as well as on larvae of other invertebrates. They use their strong jaws for seizing, tearing and crushing their vic- tims (Hawkeswood 1987). The second group is the herbivores, which encompass those that, as adults or larvae, feed on living, as well as dead or decaying plant material — Longicorn Beetles (Cerambycidae), Leaf Beetles (Chrysomelidae) and Weevils (Curculion- idae). Click Beetles (Elateridae) can be included in both groups since larvae of some mem- bers of this family are plant feeders while others eat insect larvae (Mathews 1985). Pitfall trapping favours the ground dwelling families, hence larger numbers of Ground Beetles, Rove Beetles and Weevils (Green and Osborne 1994). The greatest spider abundance came from the Open Heath and Tussock Grassland habitats. Most of the spiders caught in the pitfall traps were from ground-dwelling families and this reflects the method used 31 Contributions Table 4. Total beetles (Coleoptera) in the pitfall traps. Habitat Snow Gum Patch Open Heath Tussock Grassland Site Al Bl A2 B2 B3 Family Carabidae (Ground Beetles) 5 6 31 26 17 5 Cerambycidae (Longhorn Beetles) 4 - | - - - Chrysomelidae (Leaf Beetles) - 1 - - - 3 Curculionidae (Weevils) - 3 6 6 l 3 Elateridae (Click Beetles) l - j! - - Pselaphidae - - - - - 2 Staphylinidae (Rove Beetles) 5 2 - - - - Undetermined 5 - 2 - 5 2 Table 5. Total spiders (Araneae) in the pitfall traps. Habitat Snow Gum Patch Open Heath Tussock Grassland Site B1 A2 B2 A3 B3 Family Mygalomorphae Hexathelidae - - - 1 * - Nemesiidae 2 - - - - - Araneomorphae Gnaphosidae = - 10 - - l Hadrotarsidae - - - - - Lycosidae (Wolf Spider) - 2 7 D l 6 Miturgidae 2 - - 18 8 for sampling. Spiders that spend their lives above ground level — the web builders and other foliage-dwelling species — are unlike- ly to be found in pitfall traps. Table 5 lists, in families, the spiders found. Three families, the Gnaphosidae, Miturgidae and Lycosidae, comprised the bulk of the specimens. All of these fami- lies are active, open-range hunters preying on a variety of invertebrate fauna including crickets, locusts and other spiders (Brunet 1996). The single member of the Hexathelidae comes from the family that includes the Sydney Funnel Web spider, but our speci- men is not this species. Table 6 gives an indication of the variety of invertebrate fauna found by pitfall trap- ping. Only adults from all the orders were found in the traps, and larvae were notice- ably absent. Most of the material was iden- tified to order level, although one cen- tipede could only be identified to class. The flies (Diptera) and mites (Acarina) were the most abundant orders, although at one site in the Snow Gum Patch habitat an estimated 10,000 springtails (Collembola) were collected. Mites and Collembola have both been recorded in large numbers in alpine areas (Green and Osborne 1994; 32 McKeown 1942) and possibly the rain at the time of the survey influenced the num- bers of Collembola from site B1. The large number of flies (Diptera) are difficult to explain, although the cold to cool weather may have inhibited their fly- ing and kept them on the ground. Although opportunistic and unregulated, hand collecting (from foliage, under litter and rocks, and in one case from a stream), discovered members of the orders shown in Table 7. The Wolf Spider (Lycosidae) was teased from its burrow with a grass stem, the bur- row sealed with a knife and the spider cap- tured on the ground surface. Further observations One interesting observation was the num- ber of mating pairs of the Mountain Spotted Grasshopper Monistria concinna that were seen on roads and in the bush while inspecting pit-fall traps and during hand collecting. These are large grasshop- pers with bright yellow spots on the body and a pale streak extending from the body to under the eye. The female is nearly dou- ble the length of the male and both are ‘brachypterous’, i.e. lacking functional wings (Green and Osborne 1994), The 'The Victorian Naturalist Contributions Table 6. Total ‘other invertebrates’ in the pitfall traps. Habitat Site Al Snow Gum Patch B1 Tussock Grassland B3 Open Heath A2 B2 A3 Order/Phylum Acarina (Mites) Amphipoda (Amphipods) Phylum - Annelida (Worms) Blattodea (Cockroaches) Class - Chilopoda (Centipedes) Lithobiida (Centipedes) Collembola (Springtails) Diplura (Diplurans) Diptera (Flies) Haplotaxida (Earthworms) Hemiptera (Bugs) Hymenoptera (Wasps, Bees) Isopoda (Slaters) Opilionida (Harvestmen) Orthoptera (Grasshoppers) Platyhelminthes (Flatworms) Polydesmida (Millipedes) Polyzoniida (Millipedes) Sphaerotheriida (Millipedes) Symphyla (Symphylans) Undetermined 3 ON to © t =u a NULU Bee iii anma 1a 4 ae rDNYeMNwohw *—,. = i (34 to cee et 45:98 1 Wh 1 tt i tm o j| NNS: ' ' [ D — le j 1 Ha * estimated by counting a fraction of the sample and multiplying to arrive at an approximate total. Mountain Spotted Grasshopper has the ability to overwinter at any stage of devel- opment from the third instar to adult by entering diapause. This is the reason for such an early appearance of adult Mountain Spotted Grasshoppers and their mating at this time. Another part of our work took us into sphagnum bogs in Pretty Valley at the headwaters of Pretty Valley Creek. Here we noticed two types of terrestrial inverte- brates living in a wet environment. The first was the presence in the sphagnum beds of a number of spider holes, which were 30-40 mm diameter and closed with a dome-shaped web. These were taken to be the retreats of Wolf Spiders (Lycosidae), and Main (1984) notes that *some species occur in bogs'. The only other likely spider family to be found in this situation would be the Water Spiders (Pisauridae) and, in particular, the genus Dolomedes. However, these spiders do not build a retreat or bur- row (Main 1984). The second was the surprising presence of many ant nests in the bogs. These con- sisted of mounds constructed of vegetation fragments, largely sphagnum moss, that were raised above the water level. Mounds Vol. 119 (1) 2002 are usually built as an aid to regulating the colony temperature and moderating extremes, an advantage in this situation (Hólldobler and Wilson 1990). These ants were members of the genus /ridomvrmex (sub-family Dolichoderinae), a large genus noted for occupying both *the driest and the wettest of snow country environments’ (Green and Osborne 1994). It is interesting to note that the ant species from the Dolichoderinae found in the pitfall traps did not appear to have built mounds as none was sighted and they are normally quite visible. Discussion In spite of the cool weather and early (for invertebrates) season, a variety of inverte- brates from 25 orders were recorded in this brief survey. Thus, the indication is that a rich and diverse invertebrate fauna inhabits this area. Further detailed surveys over longer periods and including summer would be necessary before firm conclu- sions can be made about the invertebrate fauna of Mt McKay. The results of a survey of invertebrates from a low sub-alpine (1680 m ASL) site in the Snowy Mountains were given in 33 Contributions Table 7. Specimens caught from hand collection. Habitat key: UR, under rock; OV, on vegetation; RS, at road-side; IC, in cascade; OH, open heath; FB, from burrow. Order Family Genus/Species Habitat/Location Group/Species UR OV RS IC OH FB Amphipoda = = t I - - Araneae Araneidae - 1 - - - = Gnaphosidae 1 - - - z Lycosidae T E - ^ ^ I Micopholcommatidae l - - - - - Miturgidae ^ 2 à g a T Nicodamidae | 2 = ^ ^ Symphytognathidae - l - - - - Zodariidae [: 3 1 L s - Blattodea 4 2 1 é 5 À Coleoptera Carabidae 6 = z - z : Chrysomeledae - 1 - z s E Curculionidae l - - - = < Tenebrionidae | z : 3 = z Diptera E l z 4 - H Ephemeroptera (larva) E E 1 x Z Hymenoptera Formicidae Amblyopone 10 - - - - - Hypoponera l - - - - 3 Anonychomyrma 'itinerans ' 9 - = z 13 - Myrmecia pilosula - - - - 7 2 Isopoda l * " E E T Odonata (nymphal case) 4 1 L > = x Orthoptera t 6 " 2 = " Hemiptera = 3 2 = - 2 Plecoptera (larva) 3 z 2 1 es " Polydesmida 2 1 2 = = £ Green (1997). Table 8 compares the results, for selected groups, from this study with those from the work at Mt McKay. It is interesting that the two sets of results are quite comparable, despite the difference in total numbers, and emphasise the influence of Collembola on invertebrate fauna com- position in these areas. One interesting question that further work on ants might answer is why in this survey there was a virtual absence of cold climate specialists species (Monomorium spp., Notoncus spp. and Prolasius spp.). From previous studies (Andersen 1990) these would have been expected to make up a substantial proportion of the ant fauna. Another point relating to ants which requires further work is to understand how the ant communities are interrelated at Mt McKay. Other work has indicated that Dolichoderinae species, which include Anonychomyrma and Iridomyrmex, play a less dominant role and are less abundant in cooler climate communities (Andersen 1990). In these communities, cold climate 34 Table 8. Comparative results from two inverte- brate studies shown as percentage contribution by numbers for selected groups. % Contribution Low sub- Mt McKay alpine area (1999) (Green 1997) Coleoptera 1.3 d Hymenoptera 2.1 3.0 Araneae 1.8 0.5 Collembola 80.1 79.4 Diptera 9.6 12.9 Acarina 1.1 Les Total 1,068 12,616 species and opportunists such as Rhytidoponera spp. and Paratrechina spp. are the most common ants. The results from this survey do not bear this out and possibly a different community organisa- tion exists at Mt McKay where Dolichoderinae were found to be the most abundant family. The results of this limited survey give some indication that the Mt McKay habitat The Victorian Naturalist is relatively undisturbed because of the absence of opportunistic ant species that are characteristic of disturbed areas (Andersen 1990). However, additional work on this point is also needed, Acknowledgements The collecting was done under Flora and Fauna Permit Number 10000715. Thanks are due to members of the Field Naturalists Club of Victoria and Victorian National Parks Association who helped with the fieldwork and subsequent identification, and to lan Bell for providing weather bureau data. Special thanks go to Erich and Elsbeth Sacco and Patricia Grey for their assistance in setting up the pit-fall lines. An early draft of this article was much improved by the comments of an anonymous referee. References Andersen AN (1990) The use of ant communities ta evaluate change in Australian terrestrial ecosystems: a review and a recipe. Proceedings of the Ecological Society of Australia 16. 347-357. Andersen AN (1991) The Ants of Southern Australia: A Guide ta the Bassian Fauna. (Commonwealth Scientific and Industrial Research Organisation: East Melbourne) Bogong High Plains Vegetation Map and Guide to Alpine Flora, Pretty Valley Sheet. (ND) (Victorian Conservation Trust) Brunet B (1996) Spiderwatch: A Guide to Australian Spiders, (Reed Books: Australia) Davies VT (1986) Australian Spiders: Collection, Preservation and Identification. (Queensland Museum Booklet 14) Green K (1982) Notes on winter-active invertebrates beneath the snow. The Victorian Naturalist 99, 144- 146. Green K (1997) Inter-annual, seasonal and altitudinal differences in invertebrate activity in the Snowy Mountains. The Victorian Naturalist 114, 222-229. Contributions Green K and Osborne W (1994) Wildlife of the Australian Snow Country. (Reed Books: Chatswood) Greenslade PJM (1979) 4 Guide to Ants of South Australia. (South Australian Museum: Adelaide) Harvey MS and Yen AL (1989) Worms 10 Wasps: An Illustrated Guide to Australia's Terrestrial Invertebrates. (Oxford University Press; South Melbourne) Hawkeswood T (1987) Beetles of Australia. (Angus and Robertson: Sydney) Hólldobler B and Wilson EO (1990) The Ants. (The Belknap Press of Harvard University Press: Massachusetts) Hólldobler B and Wilson EO (1994) Journey to the Ants. (The Belknap Press of Harvard University Press: Massachusetts) Land Conservation Council (1977). Report on the Alpine Study Area. (Land Conservation Council: Melbourne) Main BY (1984) Spiders. (William Collins Pty Ltd: Sydney) Mathews EG (1985) 4 Guide to the Genera of Beetles of South Australia. Part 4. (South Australian Museum: Adelaide) McKeown KC (1942) Australian Insects, (Royal Zoological Society of New South Wales: Sydney) Moore BP (1980) A Guide to the Beetles of South- Eastern Australia. (Australian Entomological Press: Sydney) Osborne W, Preece M, Green K and Green M (1978) Gungarton: A Winter Fauna Survey above 1500 metres. The Victorian Naturalist 95, 226-235. Parliament of Victoria (2001) Land (Further Revocation of Reservations) Act 2001. Shattuck SO (1999) Australian Ants; Their Biology and Identification. (Commonwealth Scientific and Industrial Research Organisation; Collingwood) Swarbrick E (1946) Notes on insect life at Mt Buffalo, The Victorian Naturalist 63, 19-23. Willis JH, Fuhrer BA and Rotherham ER (1975) Field Guide to the Flowers and Plants of Victoria. (AM and AW Reed Pty Ltd: Sydney) Vale Alexander Clifford Beauglehole OAM Club members will be saddened to learn of the death of Cliff Beauglehole in January 2002. Cliff made enormous contributions to our knowledge of the distribution and conservation of Victorian plants. He was also a recipi- ent of the Australian Natural History Medallion. A tribute to Cliff will appear in a later issue. For assistance with the preparation of this issue, thanks to Karen Dobson (label printing), Dorothy Mahler (administrative assistance) and Phil Bock (web page). Vol. 119 (1) 2002 ta Un Naturalist in the Mountains The Biodiversity Blitz There is something, very satisfying about seeing a group of experts in their own fields enthused by being together with like-minded people, their only task to go out and explore. This was the scene at Kosciuszko National Park on the weekend of 12-13 January when a ‘Biodiversity Blitz’ was held over 24 hours. It was the first major event held in Australia to cele- brate the International Year of Mountains. The concept of a Biodiversity Blitz origi- nated in Germany, where it is a common event, and spread to Switzerland in 2000, where it was sponsored by the German journal Gea. The task is to document every species of living thing within a defined area over a 24 hour period. The Swiss event “Alp Blix’ was held near Chur and was organised by Jürg Müller from the Natural History Museum at Chur (well worth a visit!). I arrived at Chur after the event but the continuing enthusiasm of Jürg and the results published in full colour in ‘Geo’ sparked my interest. Because we needed accommodation and because it is the International Year of Mountains, the blitz was set up to look at the biodiversity between our accommoda- tion at Thredbo at 1400 m altitude and the summit of Mt Kosciuzsko at 2228 m - a total of 27 square kilometres, rather big but at least it had something for everybody. Getting so many experts together in one place for one weekend involved a lot of organisation, not made easier as the date approached by the fires that started in NSW around Christmas and took myself and most of the local National Parks and Wildlife Service staff out of the running for a good part of the time. There were logistical problems too; how to find a punt and then get it onto Australia’s highest water body Lake Cootapatamba. Victoria's Department of Natural Resources and Environment solved the first problem and Brian Timms, who has worked on the lakes for many years, pro- vided the muscle for the latter. In all, 71 people participated, with experts in birds, bats (and other beasts), reptiles and frogs, fish, insects, collembola, 36 aquatic fauna and flora, soil invertebrates, snowbank invertebrates, spiders, velvet worms, vascular plants, horticultural plants, fungi, mycorrhizal fungi, lichens, mosses, liverworts and snow algae. The public was invited to participate and vol- unteers were on hand to help with sam- pling and also to enjoy the ‘show and tell’ held in the Thredbo Community Hall at the completion of the 24 hours. Timing was always going to be a prob- lem; there is, for example, a predictable sequence of insect emergence in the moun- tains and many adults are gone long before others emerge. We were never going to be in the right place at the right time for everything - the annual grasshoppers Kosciuscola had only reached their first instar whereas the Mountain spotted Grasshoppers Monistria concinna were well represented by all instars. Many of the herbs were in flower but we were about three weeks too early for the grasses. Following the early spring thaw in the mountains, the following cool stretch right up to snowfalls on Boxing Day meant that snowbanks were still large and, with the sun shining on them, snow algae were blooming and warm conditions and strong winds just before the blitz dumped many insects on the snow surface ready to be collected. Warm nights also aided the entomologists with their insect traps. Some species were easy to tick off (Crimson Rosellas and Snow Gums were never going to be a problem!). Ticking off the Platypus was a simpler job than expect- ed with a visit to the pool just below the 1 A Y Lake Biologists sorting the catch. from Cootapatamba, The Victorian Naturalist Brian Timms leads out with the Victorian punt above Lake Cootapatamba. Thredbo Community Centre which result- ed in a sighting within two minutes. To complete the monotremes, an Echidna wandered across the village green through groups of holiday makers. Even when sur- rounded by people it didn't go into its defensive dig-in mode but carried on its way. Among the rarer species, Mountain Pygmy-possums and a Broad-toothed Rat were caught on the summit of Mt Kosciuszko. Just down from the summit in the cross-drains beneath the walking track, the Mountain Galaxias Galaxias olidus showed which was Australia's highest fish. One intrepid researcher was given the task of documenting the feral fish using a dry fly (Brown Trout were confirmed). Bats presented à problem. It was easy enough to set harp traps in flightways through the trees but above the treeline anabat detectors had to be used. The Lesser Long-eared Bat, Chocolate Wattled Bat and Southern Forest Bat were all caught and the White-striped Freetail Bat and Gould's Wattled Bat were identified from their calls. Dead male alpine funnel webs were brought in by the public, their bodies are a common sight in January (nearly as com- monly seen as the males at night in December as they wander across the grass- land in search of females). It took a little more effort to find live funnel webs, but a live female was keen to demonstrate the difference between modern and primitive spiders. Primitive spiders have a vertical Naturalist in the Mountains bite and have to strike like snakes whereas modern spiders bite horizontally. Ted Edwards, who spent ten or so days in the area, collected an estimated 400 moth species including one last caught in 1922. Another moth was previously collected only once from Kosciuszko, the remaining specimens known only from Tasmania and Mt Buffalo. One new species was found, and another moth of interest was a larva of a Bogong Moth which turned up in a soil sample. Other insects of interest were para- sitic flies found remote from their hosts. Among rarities, with a little adjustment of the boundaries, we were able to include one of the last ten known ponds in NSW containing the endangered Alpine Treefrog Litoria verreuxii alpina, but it has been a long time since a Corroborree Frog has been seen anywhere near the search area. Thanks to the work of Alec Costin er al. (their Kosciuszko Alpine Flora was reviewed in volume 118 of The Victorian Naturalist), there were no surprises among the native vascular plants but we await the identification of mosses, lichens and liver- worts where there may be some new species. A report on the event with species lists will be published in time for the International Year of the Mountains Conference in November this year. Published by the Cooperative Research Centre for Sustainable Tourism (Griffith University) and the Australian Institute of Alpine Studies, it will contain the methods and the locations and where possible, a complete species list as well as any inter- esting findings to come out of the blitz. Despite the complexity of the organisa- tion it was good once again to participate in an effort to document simply what is out there as I creep towards my 25" anniver- sary of naturalising in the mountains. Ken Green National Parks and Wildlife Service PO Box 2228, Jindabyne, NSW 2627 Editors’ Note: To help celebrate the United Nations International Year of Mountains, Ken Green will be our ‘Naturalist in the Mountains’ during 2002. We look forward to publishing Ken's contributions about our mountain environments throughout the year, Vol. 119 (1) 2002 37 Honours Australian Natural History Medallion 2001 Alan Bridson Cribb The winner of the 2001 Australian Natural History Medallion was Dr Alan Cribb, nominated by The Queensland Naturalists' Club for an outstanding con- tribution to natural history over a period of fifty years, culminating in his publication of the field guide Seaweeds of Queensland. The nomination was support- ed by The Royal Geographical Society of Queensland for Dr Cribb's contribution to four major expeditions, being involved in research project selection, overseeing the quality of submitted reports and refereeing submitted papers. He attended the expedi- tions to Cape York in the Wet Season and to the Lawn Hill National Park. Alan Bridson Cribb graduated with a BSc from the University of Queensland in 1948 and subsequently gained a Masters degree and PhD from the same university. From the year of his graduation until 1988 he held positions at the University of Queensland except for a short time with CSIR Fisheries early in his career. He was in turn, demonstrator, lecturer, senior lec- turer and finally Head of the Botany Department. Dr Cribb is an authority in marine and freshwater algae concentrating on system- atics of the Queensland flora, marine and terrestrial vegetation of the southern part of the Great Barrier Reef, and marine fungi. Voucher specimens from his research form the bulk of the reference collection at the Queensland Herbarium. In association with his responsibilities for teaching the principles of botany and biol- ogy of terrestrial plants, Alan Cribb has contributed significantly to the documen- tation of the distribution of Queensland flora by the provision of numerous check- lists of plants for the National Parks and Wildlife Service. Many of these record new species or extensions of range. His work on the Great Barrier Reef led to a scheme of classification for the intertidal reef and several papers on the algal ecolo- gy of the area. 38 Dr Cribb has recorded his considerable research activities in a total of 149 papers and articles, 134 as sole author, and pub- lished six books, four jointly with his wife, Joan. His two books are Marine Algae of the Southern Great Barrier Reef Part I. Rhodophyta and the Seaweeds of Queensland, He has described a number of new species (24 algae, 14 marine fungi, one flowering plant). Alan and his wife kindled the current interest in native food which had hitherto been overlooked by the scientific community and general public. In 1997 the Queensland Natural History Award was presented to Dr Cribb for his many contributions toward awareness and knowledge of natural history in Queensland. In addition to his academic achievements he introduced a course at the University of Queensland especially to provide an appreciation of botany for non- scientists. This theme was always present in his talks to natural history groups and to the public through radio and newspaper articles, He has led many field excursions for the Queensland Naturalists’ Club and other groups and is a much appreciated exhibitor at Club meetings. In retirement since 1988, he has continued to promote public awareness of the contribution of plants to human welfare and their impor- tance and role in biodiversity. Dr Cribb has held membership of a num- ber of professional and natural history societies within the State, nationally and internationally. This included the positions of Editor and President for the Queensland Naturalists’ Club and twenty years on the council of the Great Barrier Reef Committee. He was elected Fellow of the Phycological Society (India). In the area of conservation, Alan Cribb has put his expertise to good use by preparing submissions to relevant authori- ties. These have included reports and evi- dence to the Royal Commission on Petroleum Drilling on the Great Barrier Reef, the zoning of the Capricornia sec- 'The Victorian Naturalist tion of the Great Barrier Reef Marine Park, and the revegetation of North Stradbroke Island after sand mining. There are many people, not only mem- bers of the QNC but also the public in general, who are indebted to Dr Alan Cribb for new knowledge and understand- ing of natural history. For his contribu- Tribute tions to botany, marine biology and con- servation, he is a worthy recipient of the 2001 Australian Natural History Medallion. Ian Endersby 56 Looker Road Montmorency, Victoria 3094 Graham Martin Pizzey 4 July 1930 — 12 November 2001 i A note of sadness was struck at the pre- sentation of the Australian Natural History Medallion on 12 November 2001, when Tom May, after welcoming some previous Medallionists, announced that Graham Pizzey had died that day. Graham Pizzey was awarded the Australian Natural History Medallion in 1986, in recognition of his long involvement with natural histo- ry and conservation, and his work in shar- ing this knowledge, through words and photographs, with the general public. He contributed a regular natural history col- umn to The Age from 1954 to 1965 and to The Herald from 1965 to 1983, The impor- tance of ecology and the need for conser- vation were reflected in the address he gave to the Club on receiving the Medallion. Too many people were unaware of the natural world, being focussed on material things, and the gap between them and those that appreciated it was wide, and he emphasised the need to develop a ‘land ethic’? whereby people saw themselves as belonging to the land rather than its being something to be exploited. Graham Pizzey played a significant part in the campaign to protect the Little Desert in the late 1960s, and in the conservation movement which culminated in the estab- lishment of the Land Conservation Council in 1971, which led to a great increase in protected land across the State. He was a member of the National Parks Authority from 1967-1971. In 1981 he was appointed Vol. 119 (1) 2002 warden of the wildlife sanctuary at Coolart, on Westernport Bay, greatly appreciating the opportunity of involving the public in the development of this important wetlands site. Following this, in 1984, he and his wife, Sue, began a search which led ultimately to their acquiring a piece of natural bushland near Dunkeld, in the Grampians, where, as he described in articles in The Age, they could live and observe nature, and provide an opportunity for paying guests to share in this experience. Although the move to Dunkeld meant that Graham no longer participated in many of the organisations with which he had been involved, he continued as hon- orary ornithologist to the Museum of Victoria, and up until the time of his death he was working on the protection of the Brolga in western Victoria. Birds were Graham Pizzey's major inter- est and his authoritative book, 4 Field Guide to the Birds of Australia, meticu- lously researched and illustrated over 15 years, was published in 1980. It ran to 14 editions; the latest, completely revised, appeared in 1997 and became a bestseller. Graham Pizzey was a member of the Field Naturalists Club of Victoria from 1962 to1994, Sheila Houghton 12 Scenic Court, Gisborne Victoria 3437 39 Book Review Wyperfeld: Australia's First Mallee National Park by Geoff Durham Publisher: Friends of Wyperfeld National Park Inc., Elsternwick, Victoria, 2001. Paperback, viii + 200 pp (including maps, black & white, and colour photographs, and eleven appendices). ISBN 0 646 40101 7. RRP $25.00. On the cover of this book is a picture of the setting sun silhouetting a kangaroo and her joey. Red light catches the hair around her body and the grass at her feet, broken up only by the long shadows cast by tree trunks behind her. It is a scene recalled with plea- sure by campers in any of the Mallee national parks of northern Victoria. The solitude, and remoteness, the ancient land- scape, the regular sightings of large fauna, the colourful sunsets followed by brilliant starry skies on clear nights are all attractions to travel to these wonderful places. Wyperfeld National Park was, as the title of the book says, Australia's first Mallee national park. It started life as a 9,600 acre (3,885 ha) reservation in 1909 and has been added to a dozen times subsequently, with the latest addition in 1992, making it, at 357,097 ha, the third largest national park in Victoria (behind the Alpine and Murray- Sunset National Parks). Wyperfeld lies in thé north-western part of Victoria in an area known as the Mallee and is dominated by Mallee vegetation. The original section of the Park was in the parish of Wyperfeld but the origin of that name is obscure. My father, lan Maroske, was a member of the Committee of Management of Wyperfeld National Park (later Advisory Committee) from 1959 to 1993 when he retired as Chairman. He joined after curiosity about the large blanks on maps of north-western Victoria led him to explore the area. In his more than thirty years of service he visited the Park numerous times and his delight in what he saw never dimmed, nor his wish to share that plea- sure with others. His papers on the Park are now held at the State Library of Victoria, and include information for a book that he was never able to publish. If he had lived to see the use that Geoff Durham has made of these and other mate- rials he would have been very gratified. 40 Wyperfeld: Australia’s First Mallee National Park is as handsome, accessible, concise and informative a manual as any- one could wish to see, and one that no visi- tor to the Park will wish to be without. Durham has presented an absorbing story of the Park in 15 chapters accompanied by numerous photos, maps and diagrams, all carefully laid out by Leon Costermans. There are eleven appendices at the end of the book (including lists of plants and ani- mals and an explanation of place names), a bibliography and a comprehensive index. The first part of the book deals with the history of the Park, It includes information on diverse topics such as the land, its peo- ple and wild life, which Durham weaves together skilfully into a sustained narra- tive. The Wotjobaluk were dispossessed of their land when the first settlers arrived in the area in 1848. Within 50 years Wotjobaluk culture was shattered and the land also changed irrevocably. The birds, however (including the Mallee Fowl), were still sufficiently abundant at the end of the century to attract the notice of field naturalists and these visitors were the dri- ving force in getting the first piece of land reserved as a park in 1909. Durham's chapters on natural history are particularly good. In chapter four he describes the three seasons of the Park, dry, cold and breeding, and the ways in which organisms have adapted to live through them. Settlement has more often than not disrupted these relationships. Exotic pests, large bush fires, reduced water flows and so on have all created management prob- lems. For example, Cypress Pines burnt out around Lake Brimin in 1946 showed no signs of regenerating naturally due to over- grazing by rabbits as well as kangaroos. They have been replanted by hand and net- ted to protect them, the nets only recently having been removed. 'The Victorian Naturalist In part two of the book, four distinctive regions of the Park are described in detail: the flood plain, Pine Plains, the eastern interface and the western wilderness. The flood plain is the termination of the Wimmera River and splits the Park in two from south to north. Floods are now rare in the Park and one of my cherished memo- ries is of swimming in Outlet Creek in 1976 (the last time that water reached the Park). The northern most point of the flood plain is Wirrengren Plain which is part of Pine Plains. The land to the east of the flood plain is a strong-hold of the Mallee Fowl and to the west is a wilderness which almost doubled the size of the Park when it was incorporated in 1991. Part three of the book consists of general visitor information. It details facilities at Wonga Camp Ground and Casuarina Camp Ground in the Park, and in nearby settlements. The established walks and dri- ves in the Park are sufficiently numerous and various to suit most kinds of visitors. Maps and some notes (especially for the drives) are provided in the book and com- plement the information sheets produced by Parks Victoria. Additional information on the Park can be found using the bibliog- raphy at the back of the book, or making a trip to the Information Centre at Wonga Camp Ground. Book Review I have many wonderful memories of Wyperfeld National Park. As a child I recall the approach through seemingly interminable cleared land to the south. At last the rustic gateway (no longer extant) would appear in front of the car and we would pass through into the bush with evi- dence of European settlement rapidly receding. We followed a ribbon of Black Box along the course of Outlet Creek to Wonga Camp Ground on the lookout for kangaroos and emus. There we were often met by the Park's first Ranger Rudd Campbell who always had some pepper- mints for my brother and sister and me. Wyperfeld is not a place of dramatic vis- tas like Mt Buffalo or Wilsons Promontory, but its landscape is attractive. This wonder- ful book will make an important contribu- tion to increasing appreciation of the Park. It is, as it says of itself, *an invitation, an introduction and a practical guide with background information to enhance every visit’. It was published by the Friends of Wyperfeld National Park and will make the Park many new friends. | will have it, open, in my hand on my next visit to the Park, which I hope will be very soon. Sara Maroske 1 Wastell Street Northcote, Victoria 3070 Footnote: The book's editor, Leon Costermans, wishes to record some corrections to minor errors which occurred in the production process. Page 43: The caption for photo 6 should read *6 Copper Stag beetle (Lamprima varians) Where Stipa is given in the text as the genus for Spear-grass species, this is synonymous with the more recent Austrostipa S.W.L. Jacobs and J. Everett (1996), as given in the plant list on page 152. Page 111: The photo caption should read *An overnight bushwalking group at Wonga Lake’, (Round Lake is not ringed by Red-gums!). Page 136: Under Walks, delete the word ‘Track’ in *... south-west to Outlet Creek Track ...". Page 139: In the paragraph under Day visitors, replace the last sentence with ‘From here, the gravel road is usually reasonable for two-wheel drive vehicles for 10 km northwards’. Page 156: Under Epacridaceae, the common name for Brachyloma ericoides subsp. ericoides should read Brush Heath. (Pink Beard-heath’ is Leucopogon ericoides which is not recorded north of the Little Desert). Page 171: After Silver Gull (Larus novaehollandiae), delete the code +A’. Page 190: In the Bibliography, add: Cogger, H.G. 2000, Reptiles & Amphibians of Australia, 6th edn, Reed New Holland, Sydney. This is referred to on page 168. In the index, several page references are in error by one page, due to last-minute layout adjustments. Vol. 119 (1) 2002 July 2001 41 Guidelines for Authors — The Victorian Naturalist Submission of all Manuscripts Authors may submit material in the form of research reports, contributions, naturalist notes, letters to the editor and book reviews. A Research Report is à succinct and original sci- entific paper written in the traditional format including abstract, introduction, methods, results and discussion. A Contribution may consist of reports, comments, observations, survey results, bibliographies or other material relating to nat- ural history. The scope of a contribution is broad and little defined to encourage material on a wide range of topics and in a range of styles. This allows inclusion of material that makes a contribution to our knowledge of natural history but for which the traditional format of scientific papers is not appropriate. Research reports and contributions must be accompanied by an abstract of not more than 200 words. The abstract should state the scope of the work, give the principle findings and be complete enough for use by abstracting services. Research reports and contributions will be refereed by external referees. Naturalist Notes are generally short, personal accounts of observations made in the field by anyone with an interest in natural histo- ry. These may also include reports on excur- sions and talks, where appropriate, or comment on matters relating to natural history. Letters to the Editor must be no longer than 500 words. Book Reviews are usually commissioned, but the editors also welcome enquiries from poten- lial reviewers, Submission of a manuscript will be taken to mean that the material has not been published, nor is being considered for publication, elsewhere, and that all authors agree to its submission. Three copies of the manuscript should be pro- vided, each including all tables and copies of figures. Original artwork and photos can be withheld by the author until acceptance of the manuscript. Manuscripts should be typed, dou- ble spaced with wide margins and pages num- bered, Please indicate the telephone number (and email address if available) of the author who is to receive correspondence. Electronic versions of the manuscript are only required upon resubmission after referees" com- ments have been incorporated. Documents should be in Microsoft Word for Windows v2 to ensure compatibility with the typesetting software Quark Xpress. Other PC formats may be accepted (e.g. RTF or later versions of MS Word), but addition- al type-setting time is required with the subse- quent delay of publication. Taxonomic Names Cite references used for taxonomic names. References used by The Victorian Naturalist are listed at the end of these guidelines. Abbreviations The following abbreviations should be used in the manuseript (with italics where indicated): er al.; pers. obs.; unpubl. data; and pers. comm. which are cited in the text as (RG Brown 1994 pers. comm. 3 May). Use *subsp.' for subspecies. Units The International System of Units (SI units) should be used for exact measurement of physi- cal quantities. Figures and Tables All illustrations (including photographs) are considered as figures and will be designed to fit within a page (115 mm) or a column (55 mm) width. It is important that the legend is clear- ly visible at these sizes. For preference, pho- tographs should be of high quality/high contrast which will reproduce clearly in black-and-white, They may be colour slides, colour or black-and- white prints. Line drawings, maps and graphs may be computer generated or in black Indian Ink on stout white or tracing paper. The figure num- ber and the paper's title should be written on the back of each figure in pencil. Computer-generated figures should be submitted as high-quality TIFF or encapsulated postscript (EPS) files of at least 600 dpi, either separately on dise or embedded into a MS Word document. Low-resolution JPG files will not be accepted, Tables must fit into 55 mm or 115 mm. If using a table editor, such as that in MS Word, do not use carriage returns within cells. Use tabs and not spaces when setting up columns without a table editor. All figures and tables should be referred to in the text and numbered consecutively. Their captions must be numbered consecutively (Fig. 1, Fig. 2, etc.) and put on a separate page at the end of the manuscript. Tables should be numbered consecu- tively (Table 1, Table 2, ete.) and have an explana- tory caption at the top. Please consult the editors if additional details are required regarding document formats and image specifications. Authors who are not computer liter- ate should contact the editors to make special arrangements. Journal Style Authors are advised to note the layout of head- ings, tables and illustrations as given in recent issues of the Journal. Single spaces are used afler full stops, and single quotation marks are used throughout, In all papers, at the first reference of a species, please use both the common name and binomial, However, where many species are mentioned, à list (an appendix at the end), with both common and binomial names, may be preferred. Lists must be in taxonomic order using the order in which taxa appear in the references recommend- ed below. The journal uses capitalised common names for species followed by the binomial in italics without brackets, e.g. Kangaroo Grass Themeda triandra. References References in the text should cite author and year, e.g. Brown (1990), (Brown 1990), (Brown 1990, 1991), (Brown 1995 unpubl. ), (Brown and Green 1990), (Brown and Green 1990; Blue 1990; Red 1990). If there are more than two authors for a paper use Brown ef al. (1990). These should be included under References. in alphabetical order, at the end of the text (see below). The use of unpublished data is only accepted if the data is available on request for viewing. Pers, obs. and pers. comm. should not be included in the list of references. Journal titles should be quoted in full. Leigh J, Boden R and Briggs J (1984) Extinct and Endangered Plants of Australia. (Macmillan: South Melbourne) Lunney D (1995) Bush Rat. In The Mammals of Australia, pp 651-653. Ed R Strahan. (Australian Museum/Reed New Holland: Sydney) Phillips A and Watson R (1991) Xanthorrhoea: consequences of ‘horticultural fashion’. The Victorian Naturalist 108, 130-133. Smith AB (1995) Flowering plants in north- eastern Victoria. (Unpublished PhD thesis, University of Melbourne) Wolf L and Chippendale GM (1981) The natural distribution of Eucalyptus in Australia. Australian National Parks and Wildlife Service, Special Publications No 6, Canberra. Other methods of referencing may be acceptable in manuscripts other than research reports, and the editors should be consulted. For those using the bibliographic software ‘EndNote’, a style guide for The Victorian Naturalist will be avail- able shortly on our website. For further informa- tion on style, write to the editors, or consult the latest issue of The Victorian Naturalist or Stvle Manual for Authors, Editors and Printers (Australian Government Publishing Service: Canberra). Manuscript Corrections Authors can verify the final copy of their man- uscript before it goes to the printer. A copy of their article as ‘ready for the printer’ will be sent and only minor changes may be made at this stage. Complimentary Copies After publication of an article in the journal, five complimentary copies of that issue are sent to the author(s) for each paper. Authors of Naturalist Notes and Book Reviews will receive two complimentary copies of the journal. Additional copies of The Victorian Naturalist: 25 copies, $50.00 (+ postage); 50 copies, $90.00 (+ postage), including GST. Additional copies must be ordered before printing. Checking species names is the responsibility of authors. The books we would like used as references for articles in The Victorian Naturalist are listed below. Authors should refer to the source used for species names in their manuscripts. In every case, the latest edition of the book should be used, Mammals — Menkhorst PW (ed) (1995) Mammals of Victoria: Distribution, Ecology and Conservation. (Oxford University Press: South Melbourne) Reptiles and Amphibians ~ Cogger H (2000) Reptiles and Amphibians of Australia, 6 ed. (Reed Books: Chatswood, NSW) Insects — CSIRO (1991) The Insects of Australia: a textbook for students and research workers. Vol I and TH. (MUP: Melbourne) Birds - Christidis L and Boles W (1994) The Taxonomy and Species of Birds of Australia and iis Territories. Royal Australian Ornithologists Union Monograph 2. (RAOU: Melbourne) Plants - Ross JH (ed) (2000) 4 Census of the Vascular Plants of Victoria, 6 ed. (Royal Botanic Gardens of Victoria: Melbourne) The Editor Please submit manuscripts and enquiries to: The Victorian Naturalist Locked Bag 3, P.O. Blackburn, Victoria 3130 Phone/Fax (03) 9877 9860. Email Web address: http://www. How to Identify Wildflowers of the Grampians by Ken Woodcock Publisher: Tke Community Association of Halls Gap Inc. RRP $10.50 This is an unusual little book illustrated with 150 very small colour drawings and minimal text. There are six illustrations on each page and species are grouped accord- ing to flower colour. This presents some problems in grouping the blue, violet, mauve and pink species, where the subtle colour differences are notoriously difficult to describe or reproduce. The descriptions are brief with one or two important fea- tures arrowed on the drawing. Both the common and botanical names are given but any technical or botanical terms are entirely avoided. This makes it easy for beginners in wildflower study and should enable recognition at least to genus. However problems may occur in differen- tiating the species in genera such as Hibbertia or in the pea flowers, where sub- tle differences in leaf characters can be critical. For example no mention is made of the leaves being in very obvious oppos- ing pairs (decussate) in Eutaxia. This char- acter is easy to see and distinguishes Eutaxia from all other yellow or orange flowered peas in the Grampians. A note or sketeh of the legume shape would also have been helpful in sorting out the peas. Keeping abreast of changing nomencla- ture is a problem for both authors and nat- uralists. This should not deter beginners from learning about native plants; even the most knowledgeable of naturalists are rarely completely up to date. An addendum paragraph after the index lists some recent changes; however Leionema bilobum is still the valid name for what was formerly Phebalium bilobum. The illustration of Utricularia is presumably U. dichotoma, not U. uniflora that is an East Gippsland species, This very elementary and relatively cheap little book could be useful to those totally unfamiliar with wildflowers and would probably enable them to recognise many of the common flowers, at least to genus. Anyone seeking more information would need to refer to one of the several other more detailed and comprehensive books dealing with Grampians plants. Margaret Corrick 7 Glenluss Street Balwyn, Victoria 3103 The Field Naturalists Club of Victoria Inc. Reg No A0033611X Established 1880 In which is incorporated the Microscopical Society of Victoria OBJECTIVES: To stimulate interest in natural history and to preserve and protect Australian flora and fauna. Membership is open to any person interested in natural history and includes beginners as well as experienced naturalists. Registered Office: FNCV, 1 Gardenia Street, Blackburn, Victoria 3130, Australia. Postal Address: FNCV, Locked Bag 3, PO Blackburn, Victoria 3130, Australia. Phone/Fax (03) 9877 9860; International Phone/Fax 61 3 9877 9860. Patron John Landy, MBE, The Governor of Victoria OPI Ve Victorian Naturalist Volume 119 (2) April 2002 Published by The Field Naturalists Club of Victoria since 1884 Birds of Box Hill by Tess Kloot with illustrations by Nicolas Day Publisher: Victorian Ornithological Research Group, 2000. RRP $18.00 (* $2 postage per copy) (Order from VORG, 133 Graydons Road, Moorooduc, Victoria 3933) The Birds of Box Hill derives from a study undertaken by the Victorian Ornithological Research Group (VORG) between 1988 and 1991, and it is refresh- ing to see amateur research organizations publishing the fruit of their work in a man- ner accessible to the public. This book cer- tainly has a lot in it that will appeal, espe- cially to the residents of Box Hill and other eastern suburbs of Melbourne. The VORG survey arose from a desire to compare the avifauna of Box Hill in the late 1980s with that recorded by one Robert Hall, a local naturalist, in the 1890s, when Box Hill was a sparsely populated area. The book not only presents a guide to the birds found in the Box Hill area but also presents the reader with an idea of the abundance of each species and will be useful for genera- tions to come as a base-line of the avifauna of an established suburb. When Robert Hall was conducting his original surveys the area was mainly a collection of farms with much remnant vegetation - times have certainly changed. The first part of the book is basically a field guide to the birds of Box Hill, with concise, pertinent text and excellent black and white illustrations from Nicolas Day. However the use of colour would have been far more desirable in an identification guide aimed at novices. In all a respectable 78 species were recorded on a regular basis and are illustrated, with eight being introduced. The thirty-seven species that were infre- quently recorded during the VORG survey (seen four times or less) include some very interesting and exciting sightings such as Swift Parrot, Baillon’s Crake, Rufous Songlark and some obvious escapees such as Budgerigar and Zebra Finch. These species are not illustrated which I think is entirely appropriate if the field guide por- tion of this book is aimed at novices. The chapter on Selected Birdwatching Areas of Box Hill gives a good guide to these areas although this chapter and those on Parks and Gardens of Box Hill and Birds Recorded in Selected Areas could have been combined. I really enjoyed read- ing the chapters on the history of Box Hill and on Robert Hall's work. Lots of inter- esting snippets and facts can be gleaned from this book. I particularly liked the list of birds recorded at the end of the 19" cen- tury which includes their common name of the time, for example Sordid Woodswallow (Dusky Woodswallow), Funeral Cockatoo (Yellow-tailed Black Cockatoo), and Rose Hill Parrot (Eastern Rosella). I have one major quibble with the book given that there are chapters on Attracting Birds to your Garden, Robert Hall (1867- 1949) One Hundred Years On, and The History of Box Hill (which includes the origin of the suburb's name) there is very little prominence given to the vegetation of the area and its change over the past centu- ry. | am none the wiser after reading this book about the original flora of this area. Although given the loss of woodland bird species (White-winged Chough, Diamond Firetail, Regent Honeyeater, Spotted Quail-thrush, Brown Treecreeper and Speckled Warbler for example) in the past hundred years it is presumed that a large part of the area was open eucalypt (box) woodland with a grassy understorey. All up a terrific little book that will hope- fully appeal to residents of Melbourne’s middle eastern suburbs and those of us who have a deeper interest in the changes in Victorian avifauna wrought over the last hundred years. If it inspires only some Box Hill residents to take more interest in their natural surrounding, which it will, it should be considered a great success. Stuart Dashper 13 Ryan Street East Brunswick Victoria 3057 The Victorian Naturalist Volume 119 (2) 2002 S April Executive Editor: Merilyn Grey Editors: Alistair Evans and Anne Morton Index to Volume 118, 2001 is in the centre of this issue Research Reports A Herpetofauna Survey of the Victorian Alpine Region, with a Review of Threats to These Species, by Nick Clemann.....48 The Mammals of Parker River Inlet, Otway National Park, DY MAIV ESRO ORANA PUMEBPÓPelt IE Ao eiae eee oh 60 Contribution Habitat of the Endangered Hibbertia procumbens (Labill.) DC (Dilleniaceae) from the Central Coast of New South Wales, MEP BH auo Eee TU Ie in Pro oie a eria rur does 69 Naturalist Notes Wingan Wilderness, by Ron Fletcher................sceeeenenee 74 Naturalist in the Mountains The Changing Mountains, by Ken Green .............. eee 76 Tributes Jack Hyett OAM, by Cecily Falkingham ................. ee 78 Alexander Clifford Beauglehole, by Margaret Corrick Book Reviews Birds of Box Hill, by Tess Kloot with illustrations by Nicolas Day, reviewed by Stuart Dashper ................. eene 46 Wild Solutions: How Biodiversity is Money in the Bank, by Andrew Beattie and Paul Ehrlich, reviewed by TR New ......... 58 A Field Companion to Australian Fungi, by Bruce Fuhrer, PEVIGVIEE DV EHV) FORK A IE rea aan aridis ccc ES 79 Wildflowers of Sydney and Adjoining Areas, by Alan Fairley, reviewed by Cecily Falkingham................. eter 83 ISSN 0042-5184 oo Cover: Tall Everlasting Helichrysum elatum photographed by Ron Fletcher at Wingan Inlet. See Naturalist Note on page 74. Web address: email: Research Reports A Herpetofauna Survey of the Victorian Alpine Region, with a Review of Threats to These Species Nick Clemann! Abstract A wide-ranging survey of the reptiles and frogs of the Victorian alpine region was conducted in sum- mer and early autumn 2001. Eight habitat ‘types’ that were easily discernible in the field were identi- fied, and randomly-positioned sites chosen in these habitats. Surveys of these sites were conducted using ‘active search’ techniques, and results bolstered with incidental records, Three frog and eleven reptile taxa were recorded across all areas and habitat types. Notable records included a range exten- sion for the threatened Alpine Bog Skink Pseudemoia cryodroma, and the collection of specimens of undescribed lizards from the genus Egernia from the Bogong High Plains, Davies Plain and Mt Bogong, Threats to Victorian alpine herpetofauna are discussed, as is the dramatic decline in many areas of the Alpine Tree Frog Litoria verreauxii alpina. (The Victorian Naturalist 119 (2), 2002, 48-58) Introduction The herpetofauna (reptiles and frogs) of the alpine region of Victoria is largely endemic to alpine areas, the general ecolo- gy of these taxa is poorly understood, and they face a suite of threatening processes, The aim of this project was to refine our understanding of the habitat associations of these taxa, and the processes that threaten them. To this end, a broad-scale field sur- vey and a detailed literature search were carried out. The alpine region of Victoria embraces the highest plateaux in the State, and extends from the Mt Cobberas area near the border with New South Wales in the north- east, along the top of the Great Dividing Range, to the Mt Baw Baw area in the south-west. This region can be crudely defined as commencing at about 1200 m altitude, and extending to the highest point in Victoria, the summit of Mt Bogong at 1986 m. It receives a consistent snow cover during winter months. The alpine region contains several species of threatened herpetofauna. This fauna (with threatened categories according to NRE (2000) in parentheses) includes: Alpine Tree Frog Litoria verreauxii alpina (listed as Vulnerable nationally on Australian and New Zealand Environment and Conservation Council (ANZECC 1999) and Endangered Species Protection Act 1992 lists, and Critically Endangered in Victoria), the Baw Baw Frog Philoria frosti (Vulnerable on the ANZECC list, Critically Endangered in Victoria), Alpine Water ' Arthur Rylah Institute for Environmental Research, Department of Natural Resources and Environment, PO Box 137, Heidelberg, Victoria 3084 48 Skink Eulamprus kosciuskoi (Critically Endangered), Alpine She-oak Skink Cyclodomorphus praealtus (Endangered), Alpine Bog Skink Pseudemoia cryodroma (Vulnerable, and endemic to Victoria) and Glossy Grass Skink Pseudemoia rawlinsoni (Lower Risk — Near Threatened). With the exception of the Glossy Grass Skink, these species are restricted to alpine areas. In addition to these species, two undescribed taxa of the scincid genus Egernia occur in the region. Draft Action Statements have been developed for the Alpine Water Skink (Meredith et al. in press) and Alpine She- oak Skink (Clemann in press). The biology and ecology of these species are poorly known, as are the processes that threaten them. Plausibly, these threats include grazing and trampling of habitat by cattle, feral horses and deer, predation by introduced carnivores such as cats and foxes, habitat modification or destruction due to development (e.g. ski resort infra- structure, walking and vehicular tracks). recreational activities or the invasion of weeds, illegal collection, inappropriate fire regimes and global warming due to the effect of greenhouse gases. This latter process is of particular concern for alpine fauna; under an enhanced greenhouse sce- nario, considerable contraction of alpine habitat may occur, with little or no oppor- tunities for emigration to other suitable locations. Whilst the Alpine Tree Frog is known to have suffered major declines throughout much of its range (Gillespie et al. 1995; Hunter ef al. 1997), the current status of alpine reptiles is poorly known. However, some of these species may also The Victorian Naturalist have declined due to one or more of these processes. The alpine region of south-eastern Australia contains other threatened alpine vertebrate species: Southern Corroboree Frog Pseudophryne corroboree (Endan- gered in NSW), Northern Corroboree Frog P, pengilleyi (Vulnerable in New South Wales), and the Mountain Pygmy Possum Burramys parvus (Vulnerable on the ANZECC list, Endangered in Victoria). Several vegetation communities, namely the Alpine Bog Community, Alpine Snowpatch Community and Fen (Bog pool) Commun- ity, are also listed on Schedule 2 of the Victorian Flora and Fauna Guarantee Act 1988 (FFG). Also listed on the FFG as a potentially threatening process is soil ero- sion and vegetation damage and disturbance caused by cattle grazing. Methods Study areas Study areas were selected to represent alpine areas across north-eastern Victoria that were relatively accessible and have a continuing history of human presence, and thus were likely to contain a considerable degree of anthropogenically-generated dis- turbance. Examples of the processes that typify such disturbances include mining, recreational pressure, resort development, stock and feral herbivore grazing and tram- pling, and track and road construction. Logistic and time constraints restricted sur- veys to plateaux with relatively easy access. As such the following areas were chosen for surveys: Mt Buller/Mt Stirling, the Dargo High Plains, Davies Plain, Dinner Plains, Falls Creek/Bogong High Plains, the Howitt Plains, Lake Mountain, Mt Bogong and Mt Buffalo. Several of these *areas' are generic terms for series of alpine plains. For example “Howitt Plains’ incorporates areas such as Bryces, Snowy and Bennison Plains; ‘Dinner Plains’ incorporates areas such as Flourbag, Horsehair and Emu Plains; and ‘Dargo Plains’ incorporates areas such as Gow, Lankey, Treasure, Halfway and One Pole Plains. Habitat Eight broad habitat types that were easily identified in the field (bog, cleared and/or disturbed, tussock grassland, rocky grass- Vol. 119 (2) 2002 Research Reports land, heathland, montane dry woodland, Snow Gum Eucalyptus pauciflora wood- land and Rocky Outerop Shrubland/Herb- land Mosaic — this last habitat type is spe- cific to the Mt Buffalo area) were chosen for general herpetofauna surveys, and an effort made (where possible) to sample two sites in each habitat type in each area. Although most of these sites showed vary- ing degrees of disturbance, sites classified as *cleared/disturbed’ were usually grossly modified. These sites included areas such as cattle yards, ski runs, and areas used for rock or gravel extraction or surrounding human developments such as huts and carparks. These eight habitat types often were not strictly discrete, and considerable variation and overlap between habitat types was evi- dent. For example, ‘heathland’ sites were often found to surround bogs. This meant that, whilst surveying a ‘bog’ site, this site would grade into heath (and vice versa), often with dense Epacris sp. in the inter- grade zone. ‘Grasslands’ were often a com- bination of tussock grass, herbfields and very low (usually < 30 cm high) heath. Snow Gum woodland, whilst always domi- nated by an overstorey of Snow Gum, var- ied markedly in understorey and ground- storey composition. For example, some Snow Gum woodland sites contained extremely dense, head-high heath, others contained a low, tussock grass groundcover, and many were intermediate between these extremes. Similarly, some Snow Gum sites contained numerous, large rock outcrops, whilst others were devoid of rocks. Site selection Within each survey area (‘Study areas’ above) a series of random grid points was generated and plotted onto maps. Once in the field, these grid points were considered potential sites, and were visited (with emphasis on those sites within a reason- able walking distance from roads and tracks) and systematically surveyed until two sites had been sampled in each habitat type in each area. All other grid points were then disregarded. Using this system- atic approach, grid points that occurred in habitats that had already been adequately surveyed were also disregarded. Wherever possible, all sites were located more than 49 Research Reports one km from any other site. Not all habitat types were detected in each area, In some areas it was only possible to locate enough habitat to survey one site in some habitat types. Also, in some areas it was necessary to select habitat in a non-random manner, because there were only one or two patch- es of this localised habitat in some general survey areas, Survey techniques Within each site a time-constrained (20 minute) ‘active search’ limited to the appropriate habitat type was conducted between the hours of approximately 0800- 1830 daylight savings time. This technique involved noting all basking or active rep- tiles, and any frog calling activity. Rocks and logs were rolled, soft logs were cleaved, loose bark was peeled, and litter and gravel sifted to detect sheltering ani- mals. At each site the habitat type and any obvious disturbance were noted, and gen- eral weather variables such as temperature. cloud cover and wind velocity were recorded, This application of a single survey tech- nique for a variety of taxa has obvious lim- itations, including failure to detect particu- larly cryptic species, and a high likelihood of underestimating the abundance of Species that are difficult to detect during active searching. For example, species that prefer dense tussock grass habitat are usu- ally very difficult to detect or capture (for confident identification) using this tech- nique. Thus, the following results provide only a coarse index of abundance. Results Three frog taxa (Alpine Tree Frog, Common Froglet Crinia signifera and Victorian Smooth Froglet Geocrinía victo- riana) and 12 reptile taxa were recorded either during surveys or incidentally (Table 1). Several threatened taxa were also recorded, and these included the Alpine Iree Frog on the Dargo Plains and Mt Bogong, Alpine Water Skink on Davies Plain and the Bogong High Plains north- east of Falls Creek, and Alpine Bog Skink in the Buller/Stirling, Davies Plain, Howitt Plains, possibly Mt Buffalo (see below) and Lake Mountain areas. This latter local- ity represents an extension of the known range of this species. 50 Several specimens of Pseudemoia could not be confidently assigned to a particular species. In particular, there was confusion regarding intermediate colouration and mor- phology between specimens of P. eryodro- ma and P. pagenstecheri. Voucher speci- mens of these taxa from these areas were sent to the South Australian Museum (whose staff described these taxa) for resolu- tion. Despite this, some specimens from Mt Buffalo could not be confidently identified. Specimens of undescribed lizards from the genus Egernia were collected on the Bogong High Plains (Ruined Castle south of Falls Creek), Davies Plain and Mt Bogong. Additionally, a gravid female had been collected on Mt Buffalo in December 1997, and one of this lizard's offspring has been sent to the South Australian Museum for taxonomic study, along with the Fgernia and Pseudemoia specimens col- lected during the present study. The Alpine She-oak Skink was not recorded during this study, despite surveys and incidental searches in localities from which this species had previously been recorded (Lankey Plain on the Dargo High Plains, Ruined Castle and Basalt Hill on the Bogong High Plains and several locali- ties in the vicinity of Mt Hotham) (Schulz et al. 1995; Heinze 1997: Schulz and Mansergh 1997; Atlas of Victorian Wildlife database). Two taxa were recorded from only a sin- gle area. The Victorian Smooth Froglet was detected in the Mt Buller/Mt Stirling area, and the Black Rock Skink Egernia saxatilis intermedia was detected on Mt Buffalo (Table 1). The Alpine Water Skink was detected only on Davies and the Bogong High Plains. Conversely, the Southern Water Skink Eulamprus tympa- num was detected at eight of the nine areas, and Tussock Skinks Pseudemoia pagenstecheri were recorded at seven, Davies Plain yielded the highest number of taxa (not including taxa not identified to species level) during this study, with 10 species, whilst nine were recorded on the Howitt Plains (Table 1). All of the other areas returned between five and eight species, The mean number of reptile species recorded for each habitat type was four (4.4 when Rocky Outerop Shrubland/ The Victorian Naturalist Research Reports 8 S S IS S IS S S IS z * V prours pernusprar y - - S - - - S S - - - - -MUIYS SsE1r) paynuapiun ‘ds plowapnasg - - I S - IS I - S - - - xubjS S,joouedS —— 1422uads plowapnasg 142t[2218u28 Dd s IS 3 IS IS IS > S * JUS 3[96ssnp ptauiapnosq. 1ixnpalsp2a.4ua : S IS x IS S IS IS T x i Š JUDIS SSEJD) Uno Diouapnosq à - S S - - S - IS ON T mA MUIYS Sog auldjy Duopod? niouapnasq - - - S - - I - - - - - YUS S,ANUSAODD — 144742402 SRH2UI2802AIN UPS - - - | - - - - - - - - Jaw A\ pounuopru[] ‘ds snudunjng I - IS IS IS IS IS IS IS - - - JUs Jae uleupnos — uunupdu«tQ snadunjnz - - - - IS - IS - - jeiq ET pug 115 NULYS 1938 AA djy — 70ysni2s0y sn.dum]ng Dipouio1ul IS Š E z - t E 4 : 3 sí E YULYS YOoY x»eIg SIJMOXDS DIMAS] al I - - S - I = - - - - DU439;] poquosepu[] "ds puiasy JUIS z E s S E = S > - = - x poui-oo1t] waseq ida.dadnp pupissog z S : E | = S = S E - = ayeus peddi]l-aq, — saprouo402 DDPS 2 = - S l S E I l = - - peeureddo? puryysiy 1&psiuDa sdpjaajsnp sapyday 1918014 s * E 3 J t = 3 I - = - yloows ULLOA DUDL40]O1A DIUIAIOAL S z S IS S S S r - - H - 131/8014 uouruo ^) DA2[tu8is DID puido A I 3 - : - E IS > ON F pug wo 801, 3911 outd[y IXHD2.12A DLLONT sSoaq Jg sog wyw sumi dH Sog wed sued NS IN HN. eT DIMOH /seg uug someq oiweq Amg “S'Y DAA sms 9ure N vwu sai ads OO TT OEE 's&oAuns JUdWAAISY Anso10;] [PUOISAY uerio1ot A, ISPY YHON ay} Bump L661 Joquiasag parooj[oo ajewiay jo 3urids]jO, "sp10221 [ejuaprour “J ‘(sanbiuysay Kəans jo uoneue[dxo ue 10] spoylapy aes) Kaans pesiprep -uejs € BULINP pop10224 *S :142t2218U22Dd q Woy poyenuo13]]Ip Apuoptjuoo aq 01 ejqeun suouiroods :4quo uonporgmuept opqeqoad *; 'opeping I ‘mg ‘Suosog W ‘Bog IW :urejunoJA| aye] WN JLT ‘sued NIMOH ‘suwed WIMOH :dH SuosSog/sie4 ‘JH Sog/sj[e4 ‘meld Jouur] ‘ueg JOUUIG ESI “SDIARQ] ‘suwed ose] *sure[q ose ‘Buysa “ANS /[[Ng :Aoy Kue] (un JO yunou o[qeuosvo:, e ui paredoud aq snu juouiye]s uonoy ue ‘OJA E uo pasi] SI ssaooud BULUP) 10 AWUNUULUOD *uoxe) V a2u0) n). IYI uo PASI] ade Teu) exe) 10} sjuauiaje1s uonoy Jo sns — ‘S'y "(uonesrao| sm Japun pasi] exe soyouap J 8861 Jo 2opmipApnz) DUNDA pup DAO] WENO — HAA "epqerou[nA MA :posrasuepug ÁLNI ‘pug WD :(000c) AUN 01 Surpsoooe snqeys JUBAD]AL TIDY] YUM ^ELIO]IOLA ur peusjear se PASI ME IYL exe] — snjejs "Ayeoo| peoJq YOR uli ‘uo eurdje ueno ay) jo SABAINS Suunp papiosal saioads jeuneyoradiay "I emer OO eee te 51 Vol. 119 (2) 2002 Research Reports Herbland Mosaic, found only on Mt Buffalo is disregarded). Both the Southern Grass Skink Pseudemoia entrecasteauxii and Tussock Skink were recorded in six habitat types, and the Southern Water Skink in five (Table 2). Species recorded in only one habitat type include Coventry's Skink Niveoscincus coventryi, Black Rock Skink and Egernia sp. (although these undescribed taxa were also incidentally recorded in Snow Gum woodland). The Alpine Water Skink was recorded in two habitat types (bog and heathland), although they show considerable overlap. Bog habitat yielded the highest number of reptile species (six) across all areas, whilst heathland and rocky grassland returned five species (Table 2). Other habi- tat types yielded three or four species, with the exception of Rocky Outcrop Shrub- land/Herbland Mosaic (one species from two siles on Mt Buffalo). lhe largest reptile occurring in the alpine region, the Highland Copperhead Austre- laps ramsayi, was recorded at five of the eight study areas. This species occasional- ly reaches considerable densities for a top- order predator, with up to four adults recorded in areas of approximately 1600 m` during this study. These high den- sities were noted where there was also a high abundance of scincid lizards, particu- larly Southern Water Skinks. Discussion During this study the Alpine Tree Frog was not detected at several localities such as Lake Mountain and the Howitt, Davies and Bogong High Plains where it was once known to be abundant and where many specimens of this subspecies in the Museum Victoria collection originate (Atlas of Victorian Wildlife database). Most of these specimens were collected in the 1960s and '70s. The last records of this frog from Lake Mountain and Davies Plain were from 1993 and 1994, respectively (Atlas of Victorian Wildlife database). Whilst intensive frog surveys have been conducted during the breeding season of the Alpine Tree Frog on Mt Baw Baw (where this taxa was once abundant) for the last six years, no specimens have been detected, suggesting that this frog no longer occurs in this area, 52 The apparent declines detected in the pre- sent study accord with those detected by other authors. The population status of this taxon was reviewed in 1995 (Gillespie er al. 1995), at which time it appeared that it had suffered major population declines in the Australian Capital Territory and Kosciusko National Park in New South Wales. Subsequent surveys funded by the Alps Liaison Committee confirmed major declines in this region of its range, but did not adequately assess the taxon’s status in Victoria. Other targeted frog surveys con- ducted on Mt Baw Baw (G Hollis unpubl. data) and Lake Mountain (B Malone pers. comm.) indicate that the taxon has disap- peared from these parts of its former range. Osborne et al. (1999) suggest that the Alpine Tree Frog is in immediate danger of extinction in New South Wales and is highly threatened in Victoria. Current knowledge of the status of the Alpine Tree Frog and the nature of declines has been reviewed recently (Osborne er al. 1999). It is clear that these declines have occurred concurrently with those in all other endemic alpine frog taxa (Philoria frosti, Pseudophryne corroboree, P. pengillevi, Limnodynastes dumerilii fryi). However, it is still unclear what the causes of these declines are. Possible causes include changes in climate and increased ultraviolet radiation. The disease Chytridiomycosis, caused by a fungal pathogen, has recently been implicated in the decline of numerous frog species, including taxa closely related to the Alpine Tree Frog (Berger er al. 1999), and may yet be found to be contributing to the decline of the taxon. Post-European settlement impacts, such as grazing and fire regimes have also been implicated (Gillespie er al. 1995), Recent evidence from North America (Kiesecker ef al. 2001) suggests that synergistic affects of several processes may cause the decline of some amphibian species. In particular, Kiesecker er al. (2001) have shown a pattern whereby cli- mate change has reduced water levels at some oviposition sites, causing high mor- tality of embryos by increasing their expo- sure to UV-B radiation (which is increasing due to ozone depletion) and, consequently, increasing embryo vulnerability to infec- tion by pathogens. The Victorian Naturalist PH ch Repe Researc sted este 5) tone l ng threatening ie et a ving t pulat iillespie lowing 8 pop ille jl fecting { G the fc affec soe tle and ; sare "rog: cattle a Wines en Tree ag by "likely to proc S iare habita es is li breed- ei Pr e re pe RP S * tra sibly ine T anage Uds Stacie poss yy Alp ad nmn a NES destroy itat; ion al ic faci he 28 i abi clic tric |t AED 5 ( bog ing h stru elec duced il- eo 22 S= i (S ia “ot hyd as re s avai ME f : as rec os 8 gene Se 3 et of ireas hz ites B55 2 Ad Vas cer Ct ment n f breeding Y likely En [5] i 2 NN cies; is li FS 232 x Vt m dE tabes Suse n E val i 1n e num the s 'elopt advei at: Sg PI FE ble to rt dev taxon f habita de be St mt She iN > tax ne itud EE Su ur. fen to al h uo ricted s i as a NS ough MS Tog i: e chang sE& i thr ts f ate ad $3 Ex = B due to Ave this clima hance 2-58 v SE 4 ributic SERM to > er $534 Ss ig pe susceptible 1o tn ide TEE c i susc ] wi | inclu m 2 ae Sens be s ciatec ffect; ats 1 ional EST yos CN 5S0 see reg ae 3 5 ES Dag ER house tial th reer eed os i reen ETUC A LE OCIA Pose Bc. o E p nt for | act of wild- UE 9 s zz US ‘othe met and as o 52: = 2. cme lop rea act Sage ne Sosa > imp: x 3 ae 2 ti infastrct es f habitat am j i : a a t CE Ere i Ax ding, a exity o 'equire PEDES E toag plex ical re and eyes FEIER = fire. iral cot a sta PS. nd 2258 = E er Sture itn a = 9 v CE c struc ite, e e 1 E e = ! neo mu "n cited / reptil Browr and V as ches has bee r many (e.g. dden )01). X = r^ ds en = Y $9 E "LE ment fo gui Ha wn ae in 22 22 ay as ci mmu 199% 16: Bro / Stock at 3285 Be acg cH nett > 199 EAP by habit: "ed oe E: o- Tes Wesibrooke tramp cu direct B PESE " Li les 1d Y d T TEE SEA api ar region E, destruc 3832 3 E ilpine idoal eie dp: E H - Ms Je city ation, e n 3s $5. Ez the plexity A rie com is DopE gs B i BO of sola a (soi uch, B28 DS —-— | : ° SS 2 32 E € O nTa ERA d and 2). 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Vo Research Reports ilf: Lars: om Vig, L Alteration of vegetation structural complexity by cattle grazing and trampling on the Howitt Plains, Heavy gazing and trampling inside the fenced area has profoundly modified the structural integrity of the tussock grassland * Alpine Water Skink (Meredith er al in press); and * Alpine Bop Community (NRE in prep.). Similarly, soil erosion and vegetation dam- ape assoctited with grazing are the primary processes currently threatening the Alpine Bog Community, Alpine Snowpatch Community and l'en. (Bog pool) Community, all of which have been listed as threatened on Schedule 2 of the PEG, Ihe Alpine Water Skink is restricted to alpine sphagnum mossbed-heath associa- tions (that forms "bog! and some “heath. land? habitat as defined in the present study) along drainage lines and small streams, This habitat type is particularly susceptible to damage by cattle seeking water and grazing on the palatable sedge Carex gaudichaudiana (McDougall 1982, 1989; NRE in prep). Severe habitat degra- dation caused by grazing and trampling has been noted at several sites where this lizard occurs (Meredith er a/ in press; pers, obs. Pig. 3). Whilst cattle typically only graze on the sedge in late summer (van Rees 1984), Me Dougall (1989) found that this short exposure to cattle was suffi- vient to severely damage bog margins, 54 l'videnee of extensive trampling of this habitat by cattle is obvious in all areas where cattle graze in the Victorian alps (Wahren ef al, 1999; pers, obs.); This dam- ape may eventually exclude the Alpine Water Skink from these habitats. Other authors (Coventry and Robertson. 1980; Mansergh 1982) have also highlighted this threat to the habitat of the Alpine Water Skink, The Alpine Water Skink occurs in the stream/bog system along Nelse Creek, north-east of Falls Creek. Within these bogs the lizards use the cornice-like sphag- num overhanging the water as basking sites, When approached, they frequently drop from this overhang into the water and retreat beneath the overhang to avoid cap- ture, This sphagnum margin is usually destroyed by cattle seeking water and Tod- der (NRE in prep.: pers. obs.; Pig. 4). McDougall (1989: 8) notes that “the grow- ing edge of the layer bordering pools is most susceptible to dislodgment and destruction by trampling’, Trampling is likely to destroy a vital habitat component lor these lizards, The Alpine Water Skink has been recorded on the Bogong High The Victorian Naturalist Plains both north of Rocky Valley Storage, where grazing has been excluded since 1991, and south of this dam where grazing continues. During the present study we detected this species in bog habitat in this northern area, but did not detect it in the currently grazed areas to the south. Further work is needed to compare this species’ persistence and abundance in these areas. Such work will further illuminate the Alpine Water Skink’s response to grazing. and its response to removal of grazing. Less obvious than the highly visible dam- age stock often cause to bogs, is alteration to the hydrology of stream and bog sys- tems caused by trampling. This impact can result in channelling and resultant lowering of the water table (LCC 1982). Bog sys- tems and the peat soils derived from them are dependent on a high water table. As these peat soils dry out they become sus- ceptible to erosion; thus grazing within these zones causes high levels of damage leading in the past to these areas being pro- gressively withdrawn from grazing (LCC 1982). Of the broad habitat types surveyed for this study, bog was the most species rich for reptiles, and is probably the most threatened habitat in the region. The impacts to resident herpetofauna of this habitat degradation have not been quanti- lied, but may be severe. The Alpine She-oak Skink was not recorded during this study. This cryptic skink, which may be common at some localities, is often difficult to detect, and detection may require the right weather conditions (P Robertson pers. comm.). Schulz and Mansergh (1997) note the uncertainty associated with detection of this species; searches by these authors in the same places in different years have yielded considerably different results. This species has been recorded at only three broad localities within Victoria, two of which are in alpine resorts (in the vicinity of Mt Hotham and Falls Creek Alpine Resorts), where its habitat is subject to ongoing disturbance due to recreational activities and slashing of native vegetation during grooming of ski runs (Schulz et al. 1995; Schulz and Mansergh 1997; Clemann in press; D Heinze pers. comm.). Slashing may be sufficient to destroy the structural integrity of Alpine She-oak Vol. 119 (2) 2002 Research Reports Fig. 2. Alteration of vegetation structural com- plexity by cattle grazing and trampling in the Mt Stirling area. The area in the top of the pho- tograph is a cattle exclusion zone. The structure of the vegetation in the foreground (outside of the cattle exclusion zone) has been profoundly modilied by cattle grazing. Skink habitat (D Heinze pers. comm.). Habitat of this species at Basalt Hill near Falls Creek is also subject to cattle grazing in summer, as is the third broad locality at which it has been detected (Lankeys Plain). Cattle graze on species of tussock grass that are important components of Alpine She-oak Skink habitat (van Rees 1984). The Alpine Bog Skink occurs in grass- land, Snow Gum woodland and heath- lands, yet is most abundant in bogs and boggy creeks (Hutchinson and Donnellan 1992; pers. obs.). Its occurrence in these habitats is often marginal, overlapping with the Tussock Skink and Southern Grass Skink. Despite this sympatry, the Alpine Bog Skink tends to occur in wetter microhabitats than the Tussock Skink, and in more open areas than the Southern Grass Skink (Hutchinson and Donnellan 1992: pers. obs.). The occurrence of the Alpine Bog Skink on Davies Plain, close to the New South Wales border, suggests that it may yet be detected in similar habi- tat over the border. The Southern Grass Skink and the Tussock Skink were frequently recorded during this study; each was recorded in six habitat types, within six and seven of the broad study areas, respectively. This reflects their widespread and abundant nature in the alpine region. The taxonomy of lizards in this genus has only recently been clarified by using eletrophoretic, karyotopic and morphological data (Hutchinson and Donnellan 1992), 55 Research Reports A^ : AEN c s Fig. 3. Damage in bog habitat on Davies Plain caused by cattle trampling. Nearby undamaged habitat is occupied by the Alpine Water Skink. Unfortunately, considerable variation and overlap in colouration and morphology exists between alpine taxa within this genus (particularly P. pagenstecheri and P. cryodroma), confounding the identification of some specimens in the field. Tentative identification of some specimens collected during this study required confirmation by Dr Mark Hutchinson (South Australian Museum), In the absence of further elec- trophoretic testing, the identification of some specimens (notably those from Mt Buffalo) remains uncertain. Davies Plain was the most species rich (10 taxa) of the broad areas surveyed in this study. Threatened species recorded in this area included the Alpine Water Skink and Alpine Bog Skink (historically, the Alpine Tree Frog also occurred on this plain). The unidentified Egernia species recorded on this plain (and throughout the alpine areas) are significant fauna, and are likely to be candidates for future listing as threatened taxa (P Robertson pers. comm.). Thus, Davies Plain is of particular value for threatened alpine herpetofauna. Despite this, the area remains subject to cattle graz- ing, and is one of the strongholds for feral horses in the Victorian alps. Many horses were observed on this plain during two days of fieldwork. Whilst horses on the Bogong High Plains represent an isolated population, those on Davies Plain are members of a population extending from Thredbo in New South Wales to the Buchan River in Victoria (M Walters pers. comm.). Both cattle and horses are causing considerable damage to bog habitat on Davies Plain, suggesting that their man- 56 LÀ FTT .- AX p p - Fig. 4. Damage caused by cattle to the margin of a wet area that was once a bog/stream com- plex on the Bogong High Plains. agement should be an urgent priority in this area. There is a growing body of evidence that cattle grazing has a significant detrimental effect on alpine habitats (references cited throughout this discussion) and, conse- quently, a deleterious effect on terrestrial alpine fauna. In particular, grazing has a devastating impact on wet vegetation asso- ciations in alpine areas that are important habitat for the Alpine Bog Skink, and vital for the Alpine Water Skink, and Wahren et al. (1999; 165) note that ‘continued graz- ing by cattle is not compatible with the conservation objectives for this vegetation type’. This damage has long been recog- nised (Costin 1958), and it is now clear that grazing in alpine areas places at con- siderable risk the conservation value of the region. The only way of ensuring the con- tinued existence of several terrestrial verte- brates and the integrity of some plant species and communities may be to control densities of cattle and horses, or remove them from certain areas. Williams et al. (1997) summarised the damage caused by cattle grazing on the Bogong High Plains (including the facilitation of weed inva- sion), and recommended the removal of cattle from these plains. The fact that cattle have been successively excluded from parts of the high plains (e.g. northern Bogong High Plains, Mts Bogong, Hotham and Feathertop) for conservation purposes is indicative of the damage stock have caused in these areas, The revegetation and recovery of areas after cattle or other stock have been removed is an extremely slow process owing to the harsh nature of the The Victorian Naturalist alpine climate and the low mineral content of soils (Downes 1961; Bridle and Kirkpatrick 1999). In fact, some alpine wetlands may take decades or even hun- dreds of years to recover from the impact of livestock incursion (Wahren er al. 1996). The last grazing leases were with- drawn from Kosciuszko National Park in 1969, but rehabilitation of habitat damaged by cattle is still needed today (Scherrer and Pickering 2001). Consequently, grazing pressure should be eliminated from these areas sooner rather than later. Implicit in the need to remove grazing from some areas is the need for habitat rehabilitation. A major consideration of such rehabilita- tion is that the costs of these activities are usually borne by organisations different from those responsible for the damage. Thus the benefits of grazing go to private individuals, whilst the cost of reparation is borne by the public (Scherrer and Pickering 2001). The impact of introduced predators such as foxes and cats on alpine herpetofauna has not been quantified; however, observa- tions of foxes in some alpine areas has shown that they prey on a range of reptile species, including the Alpine Water Skink (R Martin pers. comm.). Such impacts are likely to be particularly devastating for species with very small geographic ranges (such as the Alpine She-oak Skink), those with a high degree of habitat specificity, particularly those occupying narrow, often linear habitats (such as the Alpine Water Skink), and those whose populations are diminished or stressed due to other threat- ening processes. Similarly, domestic pets may be a threat to the Alpine She-oak Skink in the vicinity of the Mt Hotham and Falls Creek villages. Climate change (i.e. *global warming") may pose a considerable threat to alpine organisms. Whilst some taxa may be able to migrate to higher altitudes to maintain their preferred climate, others will not, and species already at the top of their possible altitudinal distribution are likely to be replaced by other species moving up (Hughes and Westoby 1994). As climate conditions change, generalist species may have a greater capacity to occupy, reinvade or outcompete specialist congeners (Bennett ef al. 1991). Vol. 119 (2) 2002 Research Reports Acknowledgements John Silins. Simon Scott and Cassie Wright pro- vided enthusiastic and helpful field assistance, and made field work considerably more enjoy- able. Throughout the project, staff from Parks Victoria and NRE regional staff provided vital local knowledge and facilitated access to all areas. In particular | thank Jeff Carboon and Ron Riley from Parks Victoria. Similarly, staff from the Lake Mountain Alpine Reserve assist- ed with local knowledge and the provision of access to this area. Mark Hutchinson (SA Museum) confirmed the identities of' several specimens collected during this project, and pro- vided useful dialogue about the distribution and ecology of various species. John Coventry (Museum Victoria) and Peter Robertson (Wildlife Profiles Pty Ltd) also provided useful feedback during the project. Michelle Walters (Australian National University) provided valu- able information on feral horses. Marcus Whitby provided the Egernia specimen from Mt Buffalo, Geoff Brown and David Choquenot (ARI) supervised this project and assisted with critiques of the manuscript, lan Mansergh, Graeme Newell and Tim Clancy (all NRE) also provided valuable comments on the manuscript. | thank Professor Richard Shine (University of Sydney) for reviewing the manuscript and sug- gesting improvements, References ANZECC (1999) Threatened Australian Fauna. Australian and New Zealand Enyironment and Conservation Council. Bennett S, Brereton R, Mansergh Il, Berwick S, Sandilord K and Wellington C (1991) The potential effect of the enhanced greenhouse climate change on selected Victorian fauna. Arthur Rylah Institute Technical Report Series No 123, Berger L, Speare R and Hyatt A (1999) Chytrid fungi and amphibian declines: overview, implications and future directions In Declines and Disappearances of Australian Frogs, pp 23-33. Ed A Campbell. (Biodiversity Group, Environment Australia: Canberra) Bridle KL and Kirkpatrick JB (1999) Comparative effects of stock and wild vertebrate herbivore grazing on treeless subalpine vegetation, Eastern Central Plateau, Tasmania. Australian Journal of Botany 47, 817-834, Brown G W (2001) The influence of habitat distur- bance on reptiles in a Box-Ironbark eucalypt forest of south-eastern Australia, Biodiversity and Conservation 10, 161-176, Brown G and Bennett A (1995) Reptiles in rural envi- ronments. The distribution, habitat requirements and conservation status of the reptile fauna of the Murray-Darling Basin Area in Victoria. Report to the Murray-Darling Basin Commission, Department of Conservation and Natural Resources, Heidelberg, Victoria. Clemann N (in press) Action Statement for the Alpine She-oak Skink Cyelodomorphus praealtus. Department of Natural Resources and Environment, Melbourne. Costin AB (1958) The grazing factor and the mainte- nance of catchment values in the Australian Alps. CSIRO Australia Division of Plant Industry Technical Paper No 10 57 Book Review Coventry AJ and. Robertson P (1980) New records of seineid lizards trom Victoria. The Vietortan Naturalist 97, 190-193, Downes RG (1961) The Victorian High Plains — the environment and its use, Proceedings of the Royal Noviety of Victoria 75, 339-347, Gillespie GR, Osborne WS and McElhinney NA (1995) The conservation status of frogs in the Australian alps, a review. A report to the Australian Alps Liaison Committee, Department ol Conservation and Natural Resources, Heidelberg, Victoria and Applied Ecology Research Group, University of Canberra, Belconnen, ACT. Hadden SA and Westhrooke ME (1996) Habitat rela- tionships of the herpetofauna of remnant Buloke woodlands of the Wimmera Plains, Vietoria, Wildlife Research 23, 363-372 Heinze D (1997) Notes on a new survey technique in locating the Alpine She-oak Skink Cvelodomorpliis praealtus in the Mt Hotham area, Victoria. Zhe Victorian Naturalist Wd, 176-177 Hughes L and Westoby M (1994) Climate change and conservation policies in Australia, coping with change that is far away and not yet certain, Z'uci/ic Conservation Biology V, 308318, Hunter D, Osborne WS and Smith MJ (1997) Distribution and abundance of the Alpine Tree Frog (Litoria verreauxit alpina) in the Australian alps national parks, report on the first seasons survey (1996-97), Heritage Unit Snowy Mountains Region, NSW National Parks and Wildlife Service Hutehinson MN and Donnellan SC (1992) Taxonomy and genetic variation in the Australian lizards of the penus Pseudemoia (Scincidae; Lygosominae). Journal of Natural History 26, 215-264 Kiesecker IM, Blaustein AR and Belden LK (2001) Complex causes of amphibian population declines. Nature 410, 681-084, LCC (1982) Report on the Alpine Study Area. Land Conservation Council, Victoria Manserph | (1982) Notes on the range extension of the Alpine Water Skink (Sphenomorphus koseiuskor) in Victoria. The Victorian Naturalist 99, 123-124 MeDougall KL (1982) The alpine vegetation of the Bopgong High Plains. Environmental Studies Publication No 357, Ministry for Conservation, Victoria McDougall KI. (0989) The effect of excluding cattle Itom a mossbed on the Bogong High Plains, Victoria Arthur Rylah Institute for Environmental. Research, Vechnical Report Series No 95 Meredith C, Hudson $, Robertson P and Clemann N (in press) Action Statement for the Alpine Water Skink Eulamprus kosciuskoi. Department of Natural Resources and Environment, East Melbourne, NRE (2000) Threatened vertebrate fauna in Victoria 2000, a systematic list of vertebrate fauna considered extinct, at risk of extinction or in major decline in Victoria. Department of Natural Resources and Environment, Fast Melbourne. NRE (in prep.) Alpine Hog Community. Flora and Fauna Guarantee Action Statement, Parks, Flora and Fauna Division, Department of Natural Resources and Environment, East Melbourne, Osborne W, Hunter D and Hollis G (1999) Population declines and range contraction in Australian alpine frogs. In Declines and Disappearances of Australian Frogs, pp. 145-157. Ed A Campbell. (Biodiversity Group, Environment Australia; Canberra) Scherrer P and. Pickering CM (2001) Effeets of praz- ing, tourism and climate change on the Alpine Vepetation of Kosciuszko National Park, The Victorian Naturalist 118, 93-99, Schulz M, Alexander J and Mansergh 1 (1995) Notes on the Alpine She-oak Skink Cre/odomorphus praealtus in the MU Hotham Area, alpine Victoria with a deseription of a potential new survey tech- nique. The Victorian Naturalist 112, 219-220, Schulz M and Mansergh 1 (1997) New location for the Alpine She-ouk Skink Cyelodomorphus praealtus in Victoria, The Victorian Naturalist 114, 178-179 van Rees H (1984) Behaviour and diet of free-ranging cattle on the Bogong High Plains Victoria. Department of Conservation, Forests and Lands, Victoria. Report No 409 Wahren CH, Williams KJ and Papst WA (1996) The ecology of wetlands and snow patehes on the Bogong High Plains. Report to the Australian Heritage Commission and the Victorian Department of Natural Resources and Unvironment. National Estate Grants Program project No 710. Wahren CH, Williams RJ and Papst WA (1999) Alpine and subalpine wetland vegetation on the Bogong High Plains, south-eastern Victoria. duszralian Journal of Botany AT, 105-188. Williams RJ, Papst WA and Wahren CH (1997) The impact of cattle grazing on alpine and subalpine plant communities of the Bogong High Plains, Unpublished report to the Department of Natural Resources and Environment. Wild Solutions: How Biodiversity is Money in the Bank by Andrew Beattie and Paul Ehrlich Publisher: Melbourne University Press, 2001. 239 pp. ISBN 0 522 84986 5. $49.95, Loss of biodiversity — the wealth of nat- ural variety on our planet - is one of the greatest concerns of modern times. In a world driven largely by pragmatic deci- sions, evaluating and communicating the richness and. variety of living organisms is an important basis for conservation. Wild 58 Solutions is written by two eloquent con- servation ecologists to help convey the potentially tangible values of organisms that are most commonly regarded as pas- sengers in wider conservation endeayour, namely the invertebrates, microorganisms and ‘lower’ plants. Beattie and Ehrlich The Victorian Naturalist demonstrate the immense importance of these organisms, and their incredible spec- trum of largely unexplored benefits to (and uses for) humanity, together with their variety and vital roles in ecological sus- tainability, Collectively, invertebrates have ‘solved’ many of the problems of survival in complex or extreme enyironments that still challenge human ingenuity, and study- ing how they have done this may provide valuable clues for human wellbeing. The breadth of examples used is impressive, and the simplified language renders the book accessible to general readers whose knowledge of invertebrates may be limit- ed. Christine Turnbull’s clear line draw- ings of many of the organisms discussed are also helpful and appealing. Indeed, from some points of view, the efforts to write in yery general terms are occasionally frustrating, in that highly complex scientific stories are presented very simplistically and the sense of wonder we should feel at their intricacy tends to ‘get lost! The information presented here is too important to be taken for granted. Nevertheless, the reader will surely appre- ciate the authors’ attempts to summarise such a vast compass in this form. Their key message is that we must be induced to value and develop the concept of ‘natural capital’ before its value is destroyed, and that natural capital is the very organisms that we usually overlook or deride. The loss of biodiversity can be attributed large- ly to three categories of human activity: overpopulation, overdevelopment and overexploitation. One important message (p. 224) is that *we can never predict what species or populations are going to be use- ful or even desperately important in the future', and consequently the arguments sometimes advanced on redundancy of many taxa (so that these are then function- ally dispensable in terms of pragmatic human values) are very poorly founded in present knowledge. Curtailing losses of taxa from human activities may well be the key to our future survival. The book consists of 13 main chapters, and a list of further reading, which usefully Vol. 119 (2) 2002 Book Review augments the main content. Chapter I commences with an apt quotation from Antonie van Leewenhoek (1632-1723) ‘All we have yet discovered is but a trifle in comparison with what lies hid in the great treasury of nature’, a sentiment acknowledged by many modern commen- lators and sobering in relation to the assumptions we tend to make in our deal- ings with life on earth. The history of dis- covery of invertebrates and microorgan- isms continually shows the uncertainties we face in trying to define their richness even within an order of magnitude. More specific themes are then developed, cover- ing most major ecosystems, and stressing the uniqueness and intricacies of the inter- actions between taxa and the ways in which study of living organisms provides lessons for human technological enterprise in virtually any field of endeavour including pharmaceutical/medical benefits, robotics, chemical engineering (bio- mimicry), biological monitoring, recycling materials, and the wide variety of other ecosystem services. Use of bacteria to help clear up diesel spills in soils or feeding on old car tyres and noxious agricultural chemicals; of bull ant secretions as antibi- otics; of spider silks as models for light- weight body armour; of velvetworm ‘spit’ as rapid-setting glue and correspondingly rapid solvents for it; and of tardigrades as producers of antifreeze are amongst the numerous tantalising issues discussed. The potential list of such benefits is both end- less and fascinating. Much of this book induces an increasing. sense of wonder at the possibilities lor people to ‘capitalise’ on such values of natural biodiversity, and the urgency to do so. The authors convey powerfully that we lose biodiversity at our peril, and the book is a valuable contribution to the conserva- tion debate, Read it, and spread its mes- sages as widely as you can! TR New Department of Zoology La Trobe University, Victoria 3086 Research Reports The Mammals of Parker River Inlet, Otway National Park ME Westbrooke! and PT Prevett' Abstract Studies of small mammals at Parker River Inlet from 1985-95 have demonstrated the presence of ten species of small mammals, Trapping, spotlighting and incidental sightings have shown that a further 18 species of mammals occur within an area of 200 ha. Pseudomys fumeus and Antechinus minimus, recorded in this survey, are rare and restricted in Victoria, The species richness of the area is related to the heterogeneity of the vegetation, with twelve vegetation types being identified in the study area. The occurrence of the more abundant small mammals, Rattus fuscipes, Rattus lutreolus, Mus musculus and Antechinus swainsonii, is correlated with vegetation structure and floristies. Causes of fluctuations of the populations of the exotic species M. musculus and Rattus rattus are considered. Management recommendations, which reflect the high significance of faunal habitat in the area, are made with the aim of minimising human impact. (7he Victorian Naturalist 119 (2), 2002, 60-68) Introduction Botanically, the Otways, in particular the Cape Otway/Parker River area, is consid- ered significant as an isolated western extremity of a vegetation type much more extensive in eastern Victoria and Tasmania (Carr 1971). Preliminary surveys in 1982 and 1983 at Parker River Inlet, located in the southwest corner of the main block of Otway National Park (Fig. 1), revealed the presence of six species of small mammals, and sufficient interest was generated to warrant a more extensive, long-term study. At the mouth of Parker River, sandstone cliffs give way to dune limestone cliffs, outcrops and stable dunes (Fig. 2). The lower course of Parker River. is aligned along a fault. The estuarine sector has developed where the fault zone crosses the coast, allowing the stream to cut a wider valley in the fractured rock. The estuarine sector is short and largely filled by a tidal delta of in-washed sand (Rosengren 1984). Parker River enters the estuarv over a series of cascades and small falls. Elevated areas receive abundant rains, falling main- ly between autumn and early summer, Rainfall at Cape Otway averages 890 mm per annum, but rises to twice this figure on the Parker Ridge. The combination of these elements has resulted in both floristic and structural diversity of vegetation with a great variety of associations being repre- sented within a small area around Parker River Inlet. Data presented relates to an area of 200 ha located either side of the lower reaches of Parker River. ' Centre for Environmental Management, University of Ballarat, PO Box 663, Ballarat, Victoria 3353 60 Methods Small mammal trapping A trapping grid was established at Parker River Inlet. It comprised 100 trap locations 20 m apart encompassing an area of approximately 5 ha of diverse topography and vegetation. One trap was placed at each site. Small folding mammal traps 33 10 x 10 cm (Elliott Scientific Equip- ment, Upwey, Victoria) were baited with a mixture of peanut butter, rolled oats and honey. Sites were trapped for three consec- utive nights on 14 occasions from April 1985 to October 1988, a total of 4200 trap nights. Traps were cleared and reset each morning. Animals caught were identified, sexed, weighed to the nearest gram and marked with numbered fingerling tags (National Band and Tag Co. No. 1) on the ear. Recording of other mammal species From April 1985 to March 1995 inciden- tal observations were made of other mam- mals occurring in the vicinity of the Inlet within the area shown on Fig. 1. In March 1989 a Harp Trap was set at the bridge over Parker River, 1 km from the inlet, for three consecutive nights to trap insectivo- rous bats. Vegetation assessment At each trap site on the small mammal grid, the structure and floristies of the veg- etation were assessed and related to the occurrence of the more frequently trapped species, The vegetation of the surrounding area was also surveyed. 'The Victorian Naturalist NSW VIC Melbourne NATIONAL eo Crayfis Seal Point Point Franklin Research Reports Blanket Bay PARK Point Lewis A Trap Grid Study Area Pz 0 0.5 1 — m kilometres Fig. 1. Location of study site at Parker River, Otway National Park, Victoria. Results Vegetation Eleven vegetation associations were identi- fied in the area around the lower reaches of Parker River (Fig. 3). Seven of these were represented within the trapping grid and are marked *. Taxonomy is according to Ross (2000). *Eucalyptus globulus tall open-forest (Gully) Tall open forests dominated by Blue Gum Eucalyptus globulus, with a range of associated shrub species including Hazel Pomaderris Pomaderris aspera, Prickly Currant-bush Coprosma quadrifida and Privet Mock-olive Notelaea ligustrina. The Vol. 119 (2) 2002 ground layer was dominated by ferns including Common Maidenhair Adiantum aethiopicum, Hard Water-fern Blechnum procerum, Common Ground-fern Culcita dubia and Spreading Fan-fern Sticheris lobatus. Eucalyptus obliqua open-forest Open forest dominated by Messmate Æ. obliqua, to 20 m.with an understorey of shrubs to 2m. Shrub species include Heath Tea-tree Leptospermum myrsinoides, Lance Beard-heath Leucopogon lanceola- tus, Prickly Moses Acacia verticillata and Large-leaf ^ Bush-pea Pultenaea daphnoides. 61 Research Reports PT es Ad r A Fig. 2. Parker River Inlet, Otway National Park. Vi *E, obliqua/E. globulus open forest (Open Forest) Open forest dominated by £. obliqua and E. globulus. An open understorey of Poa spp. with Austral Bracken Preridium escu- lentum, Spiny-headed Mat-rush Lomandra longifolia subsp. longifolia, Snowy Daisy- bush Olearia lirata, A. verticillata and Sweet Bursaria Bursaria spinosa. *'Otway messmate' low open-forest (L. Open Forest) Low open forest of the hybrid Otway Messmate with an understorey dominated by Tussock Grass Poa labillardieri, L. longifolia subsp. longifolia, and P. escu- lentum, Scattered shrubs include Coast Beard-heath Leucopogon parviflorus and Silver Banksia Banksia marginata. Eucalyptus viminalis woodland On undulating stabilised dunes between the lighthouse road and Blanket Bay Road occurs a woodland of Manna Gum Æ. vimi- nalis with a sparse shrub layer of A. verti- cillata and B. spinosa, with a ground layer dominated by P. /abillardieri and L. longi- folia. Leptospermum continentale/Melaleuca squarrosa tall closed-shrubland In more or less sheltered coastal gullies to the west of Parker River a dense closed 62 ctoria. shrubland of Scented Paperbark Melaleuca squarrosa and Prickly Tea-tree Lepto- spermum continentale occurs. The ground layer is sparse or absent. Closed heathland On flat poorly drained areas along the Blanket Bay Road a closed heath of Scrub Sheoak A/locasuarina paludosa, Dwarf Sheoak A. pusilla, Prickly Tea-tree L. con- tinentale and B. marginata occurs. Other associated species include Austral Grass- tree Xanthorrhoea australis, Common Heath Epacris impressa and members of the Restionaceae. There is an occasional overstorey of Bog Gum Eucalyptus kitso- niana. *Low open heathland (Heath) Areas on the dune limestone cliffs are dominated by 7. parviflorus. This varies from small stunted shrubs less than | m tall in exposed sites to 3 m in more shel- tered situations. Leucopogon parviflorus was generally an overstorey to either P. labillardieri or Buffalo Grass Stenotaph- rum secundatum but, where associated with L. continentale, Manuka Leptosper- mum scoparium and B. marginata, an almost impenetrable thicket existed, excluding any ground layer. Scattered stands of Drooping Sheoak Allocasuarina verticillata also occur. The Victorian Naturalist , À Point Franklin 0 0.5 1 kilometres hs f Research Reports L.continentale/ = Leucopogon parviflorus Low Open Shrubland Parker River Inlet Eucalyptus globulus Tall Open Forest 2 L.continentale / Allocasuarina spp E.obliqua C Tall Open Forest Closed Heath Disturbed E.obliqua Low Heath t RUP Coastal Dune Grassland / Shrubland E.obliqua / E.viminalis Open Forest Grazed is Grassland / Herbland Otway Messmate Low Open Forest MES: australis Grassland E viminalis Woodland k E. kitsoniana Restricted occurence “Leptospermum continentale Closed Heath — / Melaleuca squarrosa Tall Closed Shrubland m Study Site Ses Fig. 3. Vegetation communities of Parker River, Otway National Park, Victoria. *Coastal dune complex (Dune) Marram Grass Ammophila arenaria and Hairy Spinifex Spinifex hirsutus provide the major stabilizing vegetation on the sea- ward dunes. Associated species include P. esculentum and Knobby Club-rush /solepis nodosa. Sea Rocket Cakile edentula is apparently the first species to colonise the sand of the open beach but this may be the result of large-scale sand movements. *Phragmites australis grassland (Phrag) Common Reed Phragmites australis dominates a stretch alongside Parker River between the waterfall and the beach. Poa labillardieri occurs with it except where inundated with water. Vol. 119 (2) 2002 *Tussock grassland (Grass) Poa labillardieri, forms dense stands to | m in height with S. secundatum. Poa labil- lardieri was the dominant species in low- lying areas, whereas S. secundatum occurs as the dominant species on level areas between the dune system and the first dune limestone cliff. In this situation the Buffalo Grass has been grazed by roaming cattle to produce a low, even lawn, interspersed with other grass species such as Hare's Tail Lagurus ovatus, Slender Tussock- grass Poa tenera, Cocksfoot Dactylis glomerata, Yorkshire Fog Holcus lanatus and Tall Fescue Festuca arundinacea. 63 Research Reports Captures/ 100 trap nights 14 42 | R. fuscipes R. lutreolus R. rattus M. musculus A. swainsonii Species E 1985 B 1986 1987 B 1988 Fig. 4. Mammal captures/100 trap nights, Parker River Inlet, Victoria. Small mammals Nine species of small mammal were recorded: Swamp Rat Rattus lutreolus, Black Rat Rattus rattus, Bush Rat Rattus Juscipes, Smoky Mouse Pseudomys Jumeus, House Mouse Mus musculus, Agile Antechinus Antechinus agilis, Swamp Antechinus Antechinus minimus, Dusky Antechinus Antechinus swainsonii and White-footed Dunnart Sminthopsis leucopus. A single dead specimen of Southern Brown Bandicoot /soodon obesu- lus was also found. Relative abundance of the more frequently occurring species over the four years based on captures per 100 trap nights is shown in Fig. 4. The occur- rence of the small mammal species in the seven vegetation types represented on the trapping grid is shown in Table 1. Other mammals During the period of the study incidental observations of ten larger mammal species 64 were made together with five bat species trapped in March 1989 (Table 2). Discussion Small mammals frequently captured at Parker River Inlet were R. fuscipes, R. lutreolus, M. musculus and A. swainsonii. Pseudomys fumeus, although only trapped twice is a significant record for the area since it has been infrequently recorded in the Otways. Antechinus minimus is listed as rare in Victoria because it is found only in small isolated populations. There are only two previous records of Sminthopsis leucopus from the Cape Otway area. The appearance and later disappearance of a population of R. rattus is of interest and may be related to changes in use in the area. Rattus fuscipes is a widespread and com- mon species, being found in sub-alpine woodland, coastal scrub, eucalypt forest and rainforest. It is nocturnal, preferring The Victorian Naturalist Research Reports =i 4 IL tcc —— — — Table 1. Relationship of small mammals to vegetation types. o, not recorded; +, occasional; #, fre- quent. * denotes exotic species. Taxonomy according to Menkhorst (1995). Grass Phrag Dune Heath L.Open Open Gully Forest Forest Rattus fuscipes E = + # # # E Rattus lutreolus # # 4 # + + + *Rattus rattus + + + + o o o Pseudomys fumeus o o o o ir 4 o *Mus musculus # # # # E ! o Antechinus swainsonii — o o + + [ E Antechinus agilis o o o + + ! + Antechinus minimus + + o o o + [U Sminthopsis leucopus o o o o 4 + o ce ee (AE Table 2. Species of larger mammals and bats recorded adjacent to Parker River Inlet. * denotes exot- ic species. eS Species Evidence Location Ornithorhynchus anatinus Tachyglossus aculeatus Wallabia bicolor Phascolarctos cinereus Trichosurus vulpecula Pseudocheirus peregrinus Petaurus australis Petaurus breviceps Acrobates pygmaeus Isoodon obesulus *Vulpes vulpes Diurnal observation Diurnal observation Diurnal observation Diurnal observation Nocturnal observation Nocturnal observation Nocturnal observation Nocturnal observation Nocturnal observation Carcass Scats, prints Parker River Open Forest Widespread Woodland Open Forest Open Forest Tall Open Forest Tall Open Forest Tall Open Forest Open Forest Dunes Vespadelus darlingtoni Harp trap Tall Open Forest Vespadelus regulus Harp trap Tall Open-forest Chalinolobus morio Harp trap Tall Open Forest Chalinolobus gouldii Harp trap Tall Open Forest Nyctophilus geoffroyi Harp trap Tall Open Forest Falsistrellus tasmaniensis Hydromys chrysogaster Arctocephalus pusillus doriferus areas where there is dense ground cover. Although non-fossorial, it excavates bur- rows under stumps, logs, bushes and clumps of grass (Warneke 1971). In spite of having broad habitat preferences (Hall and Lee 1982), several studies have shown it to be associated with dense cover and structually complex vegetation types (Leonard 1970; Warneke 1971; Braithwaite er al, 1978). Rattus fuscipes has been shown to be adversely affected by fire (Fox 1982) and, in the Otways, it was absent for three years of post-fire succes- sion (Rogers 1991). The results of this study associate R. fuscipes with dune com- plex vegetation with dense ground cover. Thus it appears that friable soils, which provide favourable conditions for burrow- ing and support a rich microfauna of Vol. 119 (2) 2002 Harp trap Cage trap Diurnal observation Tall Open Forest Parker River Parker River Inlet arthropods and other animals, are a major habitat requirement. Rattus lutreolus has been described as a rodent of heath, grass or sedge. Catling (1986) pointed out that, whilst R. fuscipes is primarily a forest species, R. lutreolus is considered to be a wet heath species that inhabits areas of thick vegetative cover. Catling (1986) identified dietary dilTer- ences as the reason that R. lutreolus pre- cedes R. fuscipes post-fire. Rattus lutreolus is predominantly a herbivore, feeding on sedges, mosses, fungi, some herbs, seeds and insects (Seebeck 1995a), whilst A. fuscipes is omnivorous, eating insects and plant material (Seebeck 1995b). R. lutreo- lus was trapped most frequently in the heath and tussock grassland, sites that had a dense ground layer and a generally 65 Research Reports sparse overstorey. This species was fre- quently encountered in the coastal dune complex, often adjacent to the beach. Mus musculus is an introduced species existing in large populations where appro- priate food is available, and is an oppor- lunistic and omnivorous species (Watts and Aslin 1981). Norton (1987) pointed out that at several heathland sites, the species showed clear habitat preferences for similar floristic groups. In dry heath- land in north-easten Tasmania captures of House Mice were positively correlated with floristic richness and negatively cor- related with vegetation cover less than 50 cm high. Floristically diverse habitats could provide a range of food resources throughout the year, support year-round breeding and result in a rapid population increase. Rapid population growth is well documented for this species (Newsome 1969). Mus musculus was most commonly trapped within the heath and low open-for- est, this preference perhaps reflecting suit- ability of the soil for burrowing, or related to plant diversity and the greater range of food sources throughout the year. Data support a significant decline in the popula- tion of this species over the four years of the study at Parker River. This may be a result of decline post fire, as has been reported by Newsome (1995). He suggest- ed a decline 3-4 years post-fire together with a return of populations of native rodents. The last fire in this locality, imme- diately to the north-west of the study area, was at least ten years prior to this study. Antechinus swainsonii is a small ground- dwelling marsupial. According to Dickman (1995), the preferred habitats of A. swain- sonii have a dense understorey of fern or shrub. Although Dickman (1995) believed the species to be a soil-fossicking insecti- vore, Hall (1980) regarded A. swainsonii as a generalist and an opportunistic feeder. During the winter, nests are excavated in creek banks or just below the soil surface, often under the cover of decaying logs or grass (Dickman 1995). Antechinus swain- sonii was trapped only in the gully and on the medium slopes and ridge within the open forest communities. Whilst A, minimus is listed as rare in Victoria because it is found only in small isolated populations which are thus vulner- 66 able to threats such as wildfire and feral predators (Menkhorst 1995), recent studies have shown populations along the Otway coast (Westbrooke et al. 1995) and Port Campbell National Park (Twyford 1997). Whilst there are only two previous records of S. leucopus from the Cape Otway area, this may be the result of low capture rates for this species rather than rarity. Its con- servation status nonetheless remains unclear (Menkhorst 1995). Pseudomys fumeus is uncommon or rare throughout its Victorian range (Menkhorst 1995), and was described by Brazenor (1934) from two specimens taken at Olangolah near Beech Forest in the Otway Ranges of south-western Victoria, Another specimen was collected in the same area in 1937. One specimen was trapped at the mouth of Parker River in 1980 and two were captured at Blanket Bay to the east in 1985. Cockburn (1981) suggested that the habitat preferences of P. fumeus reflected seleetion for those areas providing a year- round source of high quality food, rich in nitrogen and, further, suggested that post- fire succession producing an understorey rich in peas and wattles is essential for its continued survival. In this study the two specimens were trapped in low open-forest vegetation, a trapping rate of approximately one per 500 trap nights for this communi- ty. Low trapping rates are common for this species and a number of reasons for this have been suggested. Menkhorst and Seebeck (1981) noted that population den- sities of P. fumeus were generally low, possibly due to its preference for drier hill- sides with a heath understorey. Even at such sites the species may never develop high population densities. Pseudomys fumeus is considered to require careful monitoring, principally because of succes- sional changes in vegetation communities and therefore change in habitat suitability to the species (Menkhorst 1995). Rattus rattus was introduced to Australia from Europe. It is generally considered to be a vagrant in undisturbed Australian veg- etation and is more usually associated with disturbed situations in coastal Australia. Settlement on Parker Hill and camping at Parker River Inlet may have provided the required disturbance for the small popula- tion of R. rattus that occurred there. A The Victorian Naturalist large percentage of the captures were on the periphery of the flat grassland used by campers and grazed by livestock. These habitats of dense Buffalo Grass, heath or tussock grass may have provided suitable nest sites. Rattus rattus has not been cap- tured at Parker River Inlet after 1986. Factors that may have influenced this are: (1) reduced use of the inlet for camping since the establishment of the National Park and the closure of the inlet access track to vehicles; (ii) continued euthanasia of specimens trapped on a regular basis from what may have been a population not well estab- lished. Other species recorded in this study are unremarkable in themselves but the very high species richness of mammals, 25 native and three exotic, within an area of 200 ha, makes the area highly significant. Four further native species, Cercartetus nanus, Potorous tridactylus, Dasyurus maculatus and Miniopterus schreibersii have been recorded within 2 km of the inlet. Management implications This study at Parker River Inlet has demonstrated the association of different mammal species with particular vegetation types. Consequently, concern is expressed for the management of the area. Clearing of woodland for grazing has occurred from Point Franklin to Cape Otway. Pastures are unimproved and were used for grazing cattle, which wandered freely over large areas of pasture, wood- land and dune. These cattle have altered the vegetation of the cliffs by trampling, initiating and aggravating erosion, and facilitating the spread of exotic weeds such as Stenotaphrum secundatum and Lagurus ovatus. Despite being established as a National Park in July 1981, cattle were not excluded until the purchase of a block of private land to the west of the inlet, in 1985. At the inlet of Parker River, live- stock had reduced areas of the coastal heath and tussock grasslands to lawns of exotic grass species. These open spaces on level ground and close to the sea attracted many campers. Native plant species such as Spinifex hirsutus are susceptible to dam- age by trampling. Spinifex hirsutus, Vol. 119 (2) 2002 Research Reports spreading by rhizomes, quickly colonises recent sand accretions to the dunes. However, the rhizomes are broken easily under the loose sand when trampled, and many areas have become devoid of this valuable stabilizing species (Anon 1981). The stability of coastal dunes in southern Australia has been maintained by hand- planting of the vegetatively propagated Ammophila arenaria, introduced to Australia from Western Europe and this is well established. Cattle selectively graze the native S. hirsutus in preference to the exotic A, arenaria (pers. abs.). A number of other exotic species occur in the dis- turbed communities of the inlet and at least two have become established within the period of this study, i.e. Cape Gooseberry Physalis peruviana and Sea Spurge Euphorbia paralias. The preferred habitat of P. fumeus, ridge- top sclerophyll forest with a diverse under- storey of heath dominated by legumes (Menkhorst and Seebeck 1981), is regener- ated by fire and Cockburn (1995) suggests that it is dependent upon post-fire succes- sion for its continued survival. He also considered the species to be in danger of extinction. This study has confirmed the presence of P. fumeus within the Otway National Park and appropriate manage- ment procedures should be considered along with the needs of other small mam- mal species. A notable absentee from the area is the Broad-toothed Rat Mastacomys fuscus. According to Menkhorst (1995), the species has been found in dense Poa grass- land beside Parker River and on dunes within 50 m of the sea, No specimens were recorded at Parker River Inlet despite trap- ping between 1985 and 1989 in locations where it might be expected. Mus musculus becomes abundant and ubiquitous about 18 months after a bush- fire, at a time when native species of rodent have become rare. The outbreak can last up to 3-4 years, with M. musculus dis- appearing as populations of native rodents begin increasing again (Newsome 1995). A controlled burn was carried out in open forest at Blanket Bay, 4 km east of this study site in January 1990. This has pro- vided the opportunity to assess changes in the small mammal populations following 67 Research Reports fire at a site similar to parts of the trapping grid used for this study (Westbrooke and Prevett 2000). It is apparent that major disturbances through the activity of man or roaming livestock are detrimental to both the plant and animal communities at Parker River Inlet. Such degradation of habitats may favour the exotic mammal species R. ratius and M. musculus (Watts 1995; Newsome 1995), Acknowledgments We would like to acknowledge the assistance and cooperation of staff of DNRE, Colac Region, and in particular Alan Rampel, Senior Ranger, Otway National Park. References Anon (1981) 4 study of the land in the catchment of the Otway Range and adjacent plains. (Soil Conservation Authority: Kew) Barnett JL, How RS and Humphreys WE (1976) The use of habitat components by small mammals in east- ern. Australia. Australian Journal of Ecology 3, 277- 85. Braithwaite RW, Cockburn A and Lee AK (1978) Resource partitioning by small mammals in lowland heath communities of south-eastern Australia. Australian Journal of Ecology 3, 423-45. Braithwaite RW and Lee AK (1979) The ecology of Rattus lutreolus in a Victorian heathland population, Austrulian Wildlife Research 7, 173-79. Brazenor CW (1950) The Mammals of Victoria. (Brown, Prior and Anderson: Melbourne) Carr GW (1971) Vegetation of the Parker River, Cape Otway Region. Geelong Naturalist 8, 66-73. Catling PC (1986) Ratus Iutreolus, colonizer of heath- land after fire in the absence of Pseudomys species? Australian Wildlife Research 13, 127-39. Cockburn A (1981) Population regulation and disper- sion of the Smoky Mouse, Pseudomys fumeus, | Dietary determinants of microhabitat preference. Australian Journal of Ecology 6, 231-54. Cockburn A (1995) Smoky Mouse Pseudomys fumeus. In The Australian Mammals. Robertson; Sydney) Dickman CR (1995) Dusky Antechinus Antechinus swainsonii, In The Australian Museum Complete Book of Australian Mammals. Ed R Strahan. (Angus and Robertson: Sydney) Emerson er al. (1975) Ecological distribution of the vertebrate animals of the volcanic plains — Otway Range area of Victoria. Victoria Fisheries and Wildlife Division, Wildlife Paper No 6. Fox BJ (1982) Fire and mammalian secondary succes- sion in an Australian coastal heath, Ecology 63, 1332-41. Ed R Strahan. (Angus and Hall 5 (1980) The diets of two coexisting species of dnivchinus (Marsupialia: Dasyuridae). Australian Wildlife Research 7, 365-78. Mall S and Lee AJ (1982) Habitat use by two species of AAnrechinus and Rattus Juscipes in tall open forest in Southern Victoria In Carnivorous Marsupials, pp 209-20. Ed M Archer. (Royal Zoological Society of New South Wales: Sydney) 68 Australian Museum Complete Book of Hockings M (1981) Habitat distribution and species diversity of small mammals in south-east Queensland in relation lo vegetation structure, Australian Wildlife Research 8, 99-108, Leonard B (1970) Effects of control burning on small mammal poru alons; 2" Fire Ecology Symposium Papers, pp 1-14. Forests Commission of Victoria: Melbourne. Menkhorst PW (1995) Mammals of Victoria: distribu- tion, ecology and conservation. (Oxford University Press: Melbourne) Menkhorst PW and Seebeck JI (1981) The distribu- tion, habitat and status of Pseudomys fumeus, Brazenor (Rodentia: Muridae). Australian. Wildlife Research 8, 87-96 Newsome AE (1995) House Mouse Mus musculus. In The Australian Museum Complete Book of Australian Mammals. Ed R Strahan. (Angus and Robertson: Sydney) Newsome AE (1969) A population of house mice tem porarily inhabiting a South Australian wheathield. Journal of: Animal Beology 38, 341-59. Norton TW (1987) The ecology of small mammals in northeastern Tasmania II. Pseudomys novaehollandi- ue and the introduced Mus musculus. Australian Wildlife Research 14, 534-41. Robinson AC (1975) Some aspects of the population ecology of the bush rat, Rattus /uscipes, (Waterhouse). In Barnett ef ul. (1978) The use of habitat components by small mammals in eastern Australia. dustralian Journal of Ecology 3, 277-285. Rogers LM (1991) The effects of post-fire succession on small mammals of the Otway National Park. Undergraduate project report, Ballarat University College, Mt Helen. Rosengren N (1984) Sites of geological and geomor- phological significance in the Shire of Otway. Department of Geography: University of Melbourne. Ross JH (ed) (2000) A Census of Vascular Plants of Victoria, 5 ed, (Royal Botanic Gardens: Melbourne) Seebeck JH (19954) Swamp Rat, In Mammals of Victoria: distribution, ecology and conservation. Ed PW Menkhorst. (Oxford University Press: Melbourne) Seebeck JIL (1995b) Bush Rat, In Mammals of Victoria. distribution, ecology and conservation, Ed PW Menkhorst, (Oxford University Press: Melbourne) lwyford KL (1997) Habitat relationships of small mammals at Port Campbell National Park, Victoria, Australian Mammology 20, 89-98. Warneke RM (1971) Field study of the Australian Bush Rat, Ruitus fuscipes, (Rodentia: Muridae). Wildlife Contributions Victoria 14, 1-115. Watts CHS (1995) Black Rat. In The Australian Museum Complete Book of Australian Mammals. Ed R Strahan, (Angus and Robertson; Sydney) Watts CHS and Aslin HJ (1981) The Rodents of Australia. (Angus and Robertson: Sydney) Westbrooke ME and Prevett PT (2000) Post fire suc- cession of small mammals in coastal woodland at Blanket Bay, Otway National Park, Victoria, Australia. 13th Conference on Fire and Meteorology, Lorne, October 27-31, 1996. Westhrooke ME, Burns D, Gibson M, Kerr M and Prevett P (1995) The Fauna and Flora of Coastal Sites in the Otway National Park, Report to the Department of Conservation and Natural Resources. Centre for Environmental Management, University of Ballarat, The Victorian Naturalist Contributions Habitat of the Endangered Hibbertia procumbens (Labill.) DC (Dilleniaceae) from the Central Coast of New South Wales Stephen AJ Bell' Abstract Hibbertia procumbens (Labill.) DC (Dilleniaceae) is currently listed as an endangered species under the NSW Threatened Species Conservation Act 1995. This species is extremely rare in New South Wales, with only two records now known for the whole of the State; it is more common in Victoria, where populations are concentrated in the coastal districts, and in Tasmania, Future taxonomic revi- sion may possibly differentiate the New South Wales specimens from those in the more southern States. A new population of Hibhertia procumbens is described here for Bumble Hill on the Central Coast of New South Wales. Habitat details are provided for this and the only other known New South Wales location at Strickland State Forest. A conservation risk code for the New South Wales populations is suggested, following the system of Briggs and Leigh (1996), Additional searches for Hibbertia procumbens in New South Wales should be made within appropriate habitat both in and outside conservation reserves in the northern Sydney Basin region, to ascertain the conservation sta- tus of the species and to assist taxonomic revision. (The Victorian Naturalisi 119 (2), 2002, 69-74) Introduction Hibbertia procumbens (Labill.) DC (Dilleniaceae) is a very rare, summer-flow- ering, prostrate shrub growing in scrubby heath on sandy soils in New South Wales, Victoria (Harden and Everett 1990), and Tasmania (H Toelken, pers. comm. ). Currently, H. procumbens is listed as endangered in Schedule | of the NSW Threatened Species Conservation Act 1995, although nationally it is not consid- ered rare (Briggs and Leigh 1996). In New South Wales, Harden and Everett (1990) note that this species has been recorded only from the Mangrove Mountain area of the Central Coast botanical subdivision. In Victoria, H. procumbens is locally com- mon in coastal heathland and heathy woodland, with a discontinuous distribu- tion from the Portland area, Otway Ranges, Anglesea, Western Port (including French and Phillip Islands), Cape Paterson, Wilsons Promontory, near Traralgon and at a few sites east of Orbost (N Walsh, pers. comm.). The species is also reported to be locally common in Tasmania (H Toelken, pers. comm.). There is some taxonomic uncertainty regarding the correct placement of the New South Wales specimens within this group. The disjunct occurrence in New South Wales of what is currently described as H. procumbens from populations in Victoria and Tasmania may suggest that a Fasteoast Flora Survey, PO Box 216, Kotara Fair NSW 2289 Vol. 119 (2) 2002 different taxon is involved. In any case, the New South Wales specimens are recog- nised as problematic, and will require taxo- nomic resolution in the future (H Toelken, pers. comm.). Under current legislation in New South Wales, H. procumbens is con- sidered endangered, in recognition of the paucity of records and its apparently high- ly restricted range. This paper reports on a new population of H. procumbens located during vegeta- tion surveys undertaken in Wyong Shire on the Central Coast of New South Wales (Bell in prog.). The site near Bumble Hill on the edge of the Somersby Plateau was recognised as being highly significant for the State, and the opportunity is taken here to document the habitat attributes in this area. The only other known population in New South Wales was also re-visited in order to compare and describe the habitat there. Previously known records in New South Wales Previously, /7. procumbens was known from only one collection in New South Wales, made in Strickland State Forest at Mangrove Mountain near Gosford in October 1991 (P Hind, pers. comm.). This is despite the relatively extensive vegeta- tion survey work that has been carried out in the Sydney region over recent decades. Although present within this State Forest, there is currently no known representation 69 Contributions of this species within formal conservation reserves, The existing site in Strickland State Forest is approximately 15 km south- east of the new location at Bumble Hill, Hibbertia procumbens was also collected in December 1998 during searches for the endangered herb Prostanthera junonis on behalf of the NSW National Parks and Wildlife Service (S Douglas, pers. comm.). Identification was not possible at this time due to a lack of fertile material, and a cut- ling was propagated to provide flowering material for later identification. It was only while assessing the status of threatened flora in the Gosford City Council area that the identity of the unknown //. was con- firmed (Douglas and Burcher in prep.). This was verified in August 2001 when fertile specimens were observed in the field. Habitat at Bumble Hill The Bumble Hill record was made in November 2000, within a Banksia ericifo- lia var. ericifoliu-Angophora hispida serub/heath on skeletal sandy soils derived from Triassic Hawkesbury sandstone (see Appendix | for common names and authorities of all plant species discussed in the text). Soils have been mapped at this location as part of the Lambert (la) soil landscape, which consists of a loose, stony, brown, sandy-loam topsoil with apedal, single-grained structure and a porous sandy fabric, over a yellowish-brown clayey-sand subsoil with apedal massive- to-weakly pedal structure, and a porous earthy fabrie (Murphy 1993). The site is located on a mid-to-upper exposed slope (aspect 355°), on a gently sloping sandstone bench (8°), and at an elevation of 90 m ASL. Structurally, the vegetation is com- posed of a tall shrub layer 2-3 m in height and 20-40% cover, dominated by Angophora hispida, Banksia ericifolia var. ericifolia and Leptospermum trinervium. Below this at a cover of 50-60% is a 1 m laver of shrubs dominated by Banksia eri- cifolia var. ericifolia, Hakea teretifolia and Banksia oblongifolia. Ground layer vegeta- tion merges with the shrub laver, and is dominated by Lepyrodia scariosa. Ptilothrix deusta and Actinotus minor. The site appeared to have been burnt approxi- » mately 3-5 years prior to survey. Initially, 70 a population of around a dozen plants was estimated for this site, but subsequent searches for the species in adjacent areas during October 2001 revealed a much larg- er population of between 100-150 plants. Other associated species within the scrub/heath included (in decreasing order of relative abundance) the shrubs Pultenaea ferruginea var. ferruginea, Petrophile pulchella, Baeckea diosmifolia, Acacia linifolia, Phyllota phylicoides, Bossiaea heterophylla, Lambertia formosa, Hibbertia aspera, Platysace linearifolia, Hakea dactyloides, Acacia sp. B, Grevillea buxifolia subsp. buxifolia, Acacia suave- olens, Epacris pulchella, Leucopogon esquamatus, Dillwynia sericea and Bossiaea scolopendria; the herbs Mitrasacme polymorpha, Patersonia sericea, Stackhousia nuda. Dampiera stricta, Phyllanthus hirtellus, H. riparia and Scaevola ramosissima; and the graminoids Anisopogon avenaceus, Cyathochaeta diandra, Xanthorrhoea resinifera, Lomandra obliqua, Schoenus lepidosperma subsp. pachylepis. Xyris complanata, Aristida vagans and Lomandra glauca. The small fern Lindsaea linearis and thè terrestrial orchid Cryptostylis erecta were also present. Habitat at Strickland State Forest Efforts were made to revisit the location of the Strickland State Forest record in July and August 2001. Notes accompany- ing the original collection in 1991 included a description of the habitat as ‘Banksia eri- elfolia-Allocasuarina distyla open scrub, on skeletal sandy soil with rocks’. The site reference co-ordinates provided did not correspond with the deseription of the area (inaccurate by approximately 5 km), which indicated that the site was ‘along track to Banksia Picnic Area, off Dog Trap Road. Strickland State Forest’, Consequently, a search of the general area around the Banksia Picnic Area managed to locate suitable habitat and plants of H. procum- bens. While detailed counts were not made at this site, it was estimated that a popula- tion of perhaps 100-200, possibly up to 300 plants, occurs here. The Strickland State Forest population is probably the larger of the two known New South Wales sites. The Victorian Naturalist Like Bumble Hill, the Strickland State Forest population occurs within a serub/ heath of Banksia ericifolia var. ericifolia and some Angophora hispida, on skeletal sandy soils derived from the Triassic Hawkesbury sandstone series. Murphy (1993) has mapped the soils at this site as forming part of the Sydney Town (st) soil landscape, although the description of both the soils and the vegetation provided by Murphy (1993) suggest that the area in question is in fact a small unmapped occurrence of the Lambert (la) landscape (see above description). As at Bumble Hill, the site occurs on a gentle upper slope (7") but at an aspect of 164° and an elevation of 180 m ASL. Structurally, the vegetation consists of a tall shrub layer (4-5 m, 10 % cover) of stunted Eucalyptus haemastoma and Banksia ericifolia var. ericifolia, with some Leptospermum trinervium and Angophora hispida also apparent. Below this, a combined shrub/ground layer up to 2 m in height and 50-80 % cover occurs, dominated by Grevillea speciosa, Dillwynia sericea and Banksia ericifolia var. ericifolia. Other species present in the area included (in decreasing order of relative abundance) the shrubs Banksia oblongifolia, Persoonia isophylla, Leucopogon esquamatus, Bossiaea scolopendria, Bauera microphyl- la, Hibbertia cistiflora subsp. cistiflora, Hakea teretifolia, Epacris pulchella, Pultenaea elliptica, Baeckea diosmifolia, Hakea dactyloides, Acacia suaveolens, Platysace linearifolia, Petrophile pulchel- la, Persoonia lanceolata, Leptospermum polvgalifolium subsp. polygalifolium, Grevillea buxifolia subsp. buxifolia, Philotheca buxifolia subsp. obovata, Hibbertia empetrifolia subsp. uncinata; the herbs Actinotus minor, Xanthosia tridenta- ta, Drosera auriculata, Gompholobium glabratum; the graminoids Leptocarpus tenax, Lepyrodia scariosa, Ptilothrix deusta, Xyris complanata, Patersonia sericea, Lepidosperma filiforme, Xanthorrhoea resinifera, Cyathochaeta diandra, Schoenus lepidosperma subsp. pachylepis; and the ferns/allies Selaginella uliginosa, Schizaea bifida and Lindsaea linearis. Allacasuarina distyla was not observed, although Allocasuarina littoralis was in the general area. Vol. 119 (2) 2002 Contributions Conservation and Management Populations of H. procumbens at both Bumble Hill and Strickland State Forest represent the only known records for New South Wales. Both populations occur on the edge of the Somersby Plateau, an undulating plateau of Triassic Hawkesbury sandstone forming a northerly extension of the Hornsby Plateau (Murphy 1993). Neither site occurs within formal conserva- tion reserves, although use of that part of Strickland State Forest for timber produc- tion is unlikely, Within New South Wales, both the northern and southern limits of distribution are represented by these two Sites, covering a geographical range of only 15 km, This area is also known for other taxa of interest in the M. genus (e.g. Hibbertia empetrifolia subsp. uncinata), including some as yet undescribed species, which require further investigation (H Toelken, pers. comm.). In the context of regional vegetation communities in which this species is found, the descriptions of habitat for the two locations fit closely with the Hawkesbury Coastal Banksia Woodland of NPWS (2000), This vegetation type is spo- radically distributed around the NSW Central Coast on Hawkesbury sandstone derived soils (particularly the Lambert soil landscape), and hence there is considerable potential for other populations of H, procumbens to occur in the region, NPWS (2000) have mapped 5732 ha (extant) of this vegetation type in the Central Coast area. Much of this already occurs within conservation reserves managed by the NSW National Parks and Wildlife Service, including Brisbane Water, Dharug, Popran and Yengo National Parks, and Parr State Recreation Area. Consequently, potential habitat for the species does not appear to be immediately threatened. Several State Forests managed by State Forests of New South Wales also contain this habitat (e.g. Strickland State Forest and Ourimbah State Forest). Although listed on Schedule 1 of the NSW Threatened Species Conservation Act, H. procumbens does not have an offi- cial conservation risk code under the Briggs and Leigh (1996) system, most likely due to the extent of populations in Victoria and Tasmania. Given the distance 71 Contributions between the New South Wales and more southern populations, further taxonomic revision of this group will probably ulti- mately recognise two distinct taxa. Consequently, it is suggested that (at least for New South Wales) this species be given a code of 3E, indicating an endan- gered species with a known geographical range of greater than 100 km, but with no known representation within formal con- servation reserves. Should taxonomie revi- sion determine that the New South Wales specimens are in fact distinct from those in the southern States, then a risk code of 2E would be more appropriate. For New South Wales, a regional code of 57 (Central Coast botanical subdivision) should also be included. The floristic composition of /7. proeum- bens habitat on the Central Coast of New South Wales is heavily influenced by fire, particularly in relation to fire frequency and intensity (Bradstock ef a/, 1997). Management strategies for habitat known to support H. procumbens are therefore likely to revolve around appropriate fire regimes, although specific research is required to confirm this. The fire response mechanism for other Hibbertia species in the Sydney region predominantly involves resprouting from basal shoots, although high intensity fire has been reported to kill some species (Benson and McDougall 1995). Observations made in the field sug- gest that M. procumbens would resprout fol- lowing fire, since specimens growing on trail margins in Strickland State Forest were noted to have resprouted from basal shoots following trailbike disturbance. Weed invasion is a concern for the Strickland State Forest population. Surrounding habitat is being invaded by the exotic Pinus radiata while trail margins are also affected by invasion of exotic Whisky Grass Andropogon virginieus. Appropriate management of the powerline access trail along which several specimens occur is paramount. Erosion, sedimentation and the introduction of non-indigenous fill such as basaltic road-base are currently undermin- ing the integrity of the general habitat, and promoting weed invasion. At Bumble Hill, similar threats are not yet apparent, although the site is on private land in close proximity to a main road, 72 Future survey of heath and scrub vegeta- tion on Hawkesbury sandstone geology within this part of the Sydney region should include diligent searches for H. procumbens, particularly on and around the Somersby Plateau. It would also be desirable for dedicated searches to be made within appropriate habitat in existing conservation reserves in the region to ensure that long term conservation of the species is secured. Further collection of specimens and lodgement at national herbaria is also required to assist in taxo- nomic revisions of this taxon. Acknowledgments Wyong Shire Council is acknowledged for fund- ing the Shire-wide vegetation survey in 2000- 2001, during which the Bumble Hill population was discovered. Assistance in the field was ably provided by Jedda Lemmon, while confirmation of Hibbertia procumbens specimens from Bumble Hill and Strickland State Forest was undertaken by stalf at the National Herbarium of NSW. Neville Walsh (National Herbarium of Victoria) kindly provided location details and general information for Victorian populations, while Hellmut Toelken (State Herbarium of South Australia) provided comments on taxono- my and distribution of this difficult taxon. Peter Hind (National Herbarium of New South Wales) provided information on NSW collections. Travis Peake commented on the manuscript and encouraged further searching for the Strickland State Forest population. Steve Douglas also commented on the manuscript and provided use- ful information on the Strickland State Forest population. References Bell SAJ (in prog.) Classification and mapping of the vegetation of Wyong Shire. Eastcoast Flora Survey, Unpublished report and map to Wyong Shire Council, Benson D and MeDougall L (1995) Ecology of Sydney plant species. Part 3. Dicotyledon families Cabombaceae to lupomatiaeeae. Cunninghamia 4. 217-431, Bradstock RA, Tozer MG and Keith DA (1997) Effects of high frequency fire on floristic composition and abundance in a fire-prone heathland near Sydney Australian Journal of Botany 45, 641-655. Briggs JD and Leigh JH (1996) Rare or Threatened Australian Plants, rev ed. (CSIRO: Ausiralia) Douglas SM and Burcher P (in prep.) Gosford Cin Council threatened biota profiles and assessment guidelines. ESP Ecological Surveys and Planning Creswick with AES Environmental Surveys Cowan. Harden GJ (Ed) (1990-1993) Flora of New South Wales Volumes 1-4. (UNSW Press: Kensington) Harden GJ and Everett J (1990) Dilleniaceae. In Flora of New South Wales Volume 1, pp 293-303. (UNSW Press: Kensington) Harden GJ and Murray LJ (2000) Supplement to Flora of New South Wales Volume 1. (UNSW Press: Kensington) The Victorian Naturalist Kodela PG and Tindale MD (2001) Acacia sp. B. Flora of Australia, 11A, 223. Murphy CL (1993) Soil Landscapes of the Gosford- Lake Macquarie 1:100 000 Sheet Report. Department of Conservation and Land Management. National Parks and Wildlife Service (2000) Vegetation survey, classification and mapping: Lower Hunter Contributions and Central Coast region. A project undertaken for the Lower Hunter and Central Coast Regional Environmental Management Strategy by CRA Unit, Sydney Zone, NPWS. Appendix 1. Scientific and common names of species mentioned in text. Nomenclature generally follows Harden (1990-1993) and Harden and Murray (2000), except where recent revisions have been published. Common Name Forked Comb Fern Family Species and Authority Class Lycopsida (Clubmosses and quillworts) Selaginellaceae Selaginella uliginosa (Labill.) Spring - Class Filicopsida (Ferns) Schizaeaceae Schizaea bifida Willd. Lindsaeaceae Lindsaea linearis Sw. Class Coniferopsida (Conifers) Pinaceae Pinus radiata D.Don * Class Magnoliopsida (Flowering Plants) Subclass Magnoliidae (Dicotyledons) Screw Fern Radiata Pine Dilleniaceae Hibbertia procumbens (Labill.) DC - Hibbertia cistiflora Wakef. Subsp. cistiflora — - Hibbertia aspera DC Hibbertia empetrifolia (DC) Hoogland subsp. uncinata Toelken Hibbertia riparia (R.Br. ex DC) Hoogland - Euphorbiaceae Phyllanthus hirtellus F. Muell ex Muell. Arg. Thyme Spurge Droseraceae Drosera auriculata Backh. ex Planchon - Casuarinaceae Allocasuarina distyla (V ent.) L.Johnson = Allocasuarina littoralis (Salisb.) L.Johnson Black She-oak Baueraceae Bauera microphylla Sieber ex DC. - Proteaceae Persoonia lanceolata Andrews - Persoonia isophylla L.Johnson and P. Weston. - Petrophile pulchella (Schrader) R.Br. - Grevillea buxifolia (Smith ) R.Br. subsp. buxifolia Grey Spider Flower Grevillea speciosa (Knight) Me Gillivray Red Spider Flower Hakea teretifolia (Salisb.) Britten - Hakea dactyloides (Gaertner) Cav. - Lambertia formosa Smith Banksia oblongifolia Cav. Mountain Devil Banksia ericifolia L. f. var. ericifolia Myrtaceae Angophora hispida (Smith) Blaxell Dwarf Apple Eucalyptus haemastoma Smith Broad-leaved Scribbly Gum Leptospermum trinervium (Smith) J. Thompson Leptospermum polygalifolium Salisb. subsp. polygalifolium Baeckea diosmifolia Rudge Rutaceae Philotheca buxifolia subsp. obovata (G.Don.) Paul G. Wilson - Fabaceae: Mimosoideae Acacia linifolia ( Vent.) Willd. Flax-leaved Wattle Acacia suaveolens (Smith) Willd. Sweet Wattle Acacia sp. B (Kulnura form of A. terminalis) - Fabaceae: Faboideae — Gompholobium glabratum Sieberi ex DC. Dainty Wedge Pea Phyllota phylicoides (Sieber ex DC.) Benth. Heath Phyllota Pultenaea elliptica Smith Pultenaea ferruginea Rudge var. ferruginea — - Dillwynia sericea Cunn. Bossiaea scolopendria (Andrews) Smith - Bossiaea heterophylla Vent Vol. 119 (2) 2002 Naturalist Notes Appendix 1, (cont.) Family Species and Authority Common Name Epacridaceae Epacris pulchella Cay. Leucopogon esquamatus R.Br. - Goodeniaceae Dampiera stricta (Smith) R.Br. E Scaevola ramosissima (Smith) K.Krause - Lamiaceae Apiaceae AXanthosia tridentata DC Prostanthera junonis B.J.Conn Actinotus minor (Smith) DC Somersby Mintbush Lesser Flannel Flower Platysace linearifolia (Cav.) Norman - Loganiaceae Stackhousiaceae Subclass Liliidae (Monocotyledons) Lomandraceae Xanthorrhocaceae Mitrasacme polymorpha R.Br. - Stackhousia nuda Lindley Lomandra obliqua ( Thunb.) J.F.Macbr. E Lomandra glauca (R,.Br.) Ewart Xanthorrhoea resinifera (Sol. ex Kite) Pale Mat-rush E.C.Nelson and D.J.Bedford - Patersonia sericea R.Br. Cryptostylis erecta R.Br. Xyris complanata R.Br. Iridaceae Orchidaceae Xyridaceae Cyperaceae ‘Tartan Tongue Orchid Schoenus lepidosperma (F.Muell.) K.L.Wilson subsp. pachylepis (S.T. Blake) K.L.Wilson - Lepidosperma filiforme Labill, - Ptilothrix deusta (R.Br.) K.L.Wilson - Cyathochaeta diandra (R.Br.) Nees - Restionaceae Lepyrodia scariosa R.Br, Leptocarpus tenax (Labill.) R.Br. Poaceae Andropogon virginicus L. Aristida vagans Cav, Anisopogon avenaceus R.Br. p Whisky Grass Three-awn Speargrass Oat Speargrass * non-native species ‘a distinct form of Acacia terminalis (Salisb.) J.F. Macbr, l la as Acacia sp. B (Kodela and Tindale 2001). recognised in Flora of Australia Volume Wingan Wilderness Tucked away about half way along the coastal strip that forms the Croajingalong National Park in East Gippsland, and accessible by way of the West Wingan Road, is a very secluded section of the Park at Wingan Inlet (Fig. 1). In recent years the road in, about 18 km east from Cann River and extending 34 km south from the Princes Highway, has been upgraded so that in normal conditions any standard vehicle can have access. The road is not suitable for caravans, but is quite adequate for trailers. If in doubt, inquiries should be made at the Parks Victoria Office in Cann River. During holiday peri- ods, it is necessary to book camping sites. This particular area, with well appointed camping sites, is a favorite destination for fishermen, but hikers, bird watchers and botanists will all find much of interest. Lyrebirds and reptiles of various sorts 74 were among some of the more obvious examples of the wildlife. I would like to share three observations. Near the entrance to the camping area is à stand of the Tall Everlasting Heli- chrysum elatum (front cover), which in Victoria is confined to East Gippsland. It is usually found in damp areas, and often Fig. 1. Wingan Inlet. The Victorian Naturalist Fig. 2. Lilac Lily Schelhammera undulata. along watercourses, in dry sclerophyll forests. The dominant tree in this particular location is Red Bloodwood Corymbia gummifera (formerly Eucalyptus gum- mifera) at its southern limit. Tall Everlasting is a spectacular plant when flowering, usually during the Spring. Up to two metres high, the rather woolly stems support large heads of flowers sur- rounded by shining white bracts. Usually tucked away in moist shady spots beneath the understorey, but very visible because of its distinctive coloration, is the Lilac Lily Schelhammera undulata (Fig. 2). This is the sole representative of the genus in Victoria and is confined in this State to near Orbost and to far East Gippsland. All of the many specimens seen around Wingan Inlet were procumbent, the flower parts making a strong contrast with the dark green foliage. Of about 140 species of Srylidium found in Australia, ten occur in Victoria. Many of these are small herbs, most with flowering stalks less than 30 cm long. Generally the more spectacular members of the genus are Naturalist Notes Fig. 3. Tree Trigger-plant Stvlidium laricifolium. found in Western Australia, but the Tree Trigger-plant Stylidium laricifolium (Fig. 3), confined in Victoria to the Wingan Inlet area, with stalks up to 150 em crowned with a panicle of usually white flowers, is as noteworthy as any of them, The foliage is crowded along the stem, the young plants in particular appearing very much like conifer seedlings and this indi- cates the origin of the specific name, which is derived from the Latin ‘larix’, meaning *larch', a European conifer. These are but three of the many attrac- tions of river, bush, lake and beach at Wingan Inlet. Ron Fletcher 28 Marjorie Ave Belmont, Victoria 3216 For assistance with the preparation of this issue, thanks to Kate Smith (desktop publishing), Karen Dobson (label printing), Dorothy Mahler (administrative assistance) and Phil Bock (web page). Vol. 119 (2) 2002 Naturalist in the Mountains The Changing Mountains When all else is change, mountains seem so solid. However, we should expect mountains to change: change was after all what formed them. I recall one geomor- phologist questioning a land manager's assertion that one aim of management was to halt erosion in the mountains — erosion, he pointed out, is a natural process, one that is important in building mountains in the first place. These changes take place over many millennia. However, we are less prepared for changes that occur within our own lifetimes. My thoughts turned to this topic of change as I celebrated 25 years of naturalising in the Snowy Mountains in early March this year with a walk into Blue Lake to copy that first exposure to the mountains with Will Osborne in 1977. On that occasion | saw a Peregrine Falcon and Black-shouldered Kites (neither commonly seen since at that altitude — I guess I was just lucky) and though ticking off ravens, 1 hardly noticed the pipits. Now 1 mentally tick off these birds, eyes open for the occa- sional patrolling kestrel or introduced sky- lark displaying and ears open for the hid- den Australian Raven tucked away amongst the hundreds of Little Ravens, Flame Robins in season (spring) and Pacific Black Ducks in summer and low down near the treeline, White-browed Scrubwrens are all searched for and ticked. These are species that were always here but my laboriously gained expertise now leads me to expect them. But what of the things that weren't there? Brumbies have become a major feature of the alpine zone in just a few years; certainly when I com- pleted field studies for my PhD the pad up to the South Ramshead was walkers only (with the occasional fox), now it is a major horse trail from Dead Horse Gap. Yarrow or Milfoil has spread across the mountains wherever disturbed ground has given it a toehold, and pigs are now commonly found higher than ever before. Weather always changes from what you remember (even if it doesn't really). One local recalled the oft-repeated “summers aren't as hot as they used to be. When we 76 were kids we would be swimming all the time.’ The difference is that now we are a bit more selective about the temperature needed before we would go for a swim. In the same way show was always deeper as a kid (but then again our legs were shorter!). Leaving aside faulty memories, there have been documented changes in the climate (covered in the book Snow: a Natural History; an Uncertain Future) and some memories... | do recall in the 1970s people ice skating on Sponars Lake; now I haven't seen that for a time! Other changes, possi- bly associated with climate warming, have been the loss of frogs; the decline of Baw Baw Frogs in Victoria and Alpine Tree Frogs both there and here in the Snowies. We have just completed the annual popula- tion monitoring of Southern and Northern Corroboree Frogs; the Southern has declined alarmingly and may have little future except in captive breeding at the Amphibian Research Centre in Victoria (along with the one remaining Spotted Iree Frog from north of the border). So far, the Northern Corroboree Frog is a bit better off. Is this change all doom and gloom? There are some positives, the change from the broadscale fuel reduction burning in the mountains and the regeneration of the Snow Gums that used to scar the side of the Grey Mare. Following intensive winter fox baiting to protect the Mountain Pygmy Possum there has been a sighting of a Spot- tailed Quoll in the winter snow and the finding of a quoll latrine high above the treeline near Thredbo, reminding me that Richard Helms in 1896 recorded traces of quolls as being abundant in the vicinity of Bogong Moth aestivation sites. Another positive change has been the added interest in the mountains. When I began my natu- ralising there was very little support for mountain research and very little interest, The number of researchers involved with the Australian Institute of Alpine Studies and the numbers that turned up at the Biodiversity Blitz (see last edition) are heartening evidence of a renewed interest. The Victorian Naturalist It is tempting on an anniversary to reflect on these long-term changes that have taken place, but always of interest are the changes on a smaller scale; these are the ones | love to observe, particularly in this season. Autumn is possibly the time of greatest change — leading to that funda- mental difference between summer and winter: the presence of snow. It is the peri- od when animals like the Mountain Pygmy Possum have to put on the weight neces- sary to get them through to spring (and they are often into hibernation well before the first snow comes). Other animals are shuffling their lives about. Bush Rats deep- en their burrows to push them into warmer depths for winter. Despite the well known post-breeding die-off of the male Antechinus it is the autumn that is the most challenging for most Antechinuses at high- er elevations with heavier animals losing weight through the autumn, and lighter animals exiting the population. Insects have to lay their eggs before the summer runs out (this is helped in the Alpine Thermocolour Grasshopper by daily changes in body colour to make the best use of the available heat energy of the sun) while those insects that are to overwinter must start to synthesise cryoprotectants (antifreeze and the like) from sugars. Birds flitting over in twittering flocks are Yellow-faced Honeyeaters, the most con- spicuous of the emigrant birds in the Naturalist in the Mountains mountains. The migration of the Bogong Moths back to their natal sites is a less co- ordinated and spectacular event than their arrival, with numbers seemingly melting away over the weeks. For most reptiles and frogs their winter is going to be similar to the insects, a simple case of fattening up, finding a protected hibernaculum and sit- ting it out, However, for the Corroboree Frogs, their eggs are sitting awaiting the rains that will enable eggs to hatch and the tadpoles to move from their nests in sphag- num moss into the ponds for the winter. Plants too are hardening for the winter, recovering resources from above-ground tissue, a fact attested to by the changing colours in the mountain heaths. Seed matu- ration is completed and cold hardiness increases with decreasing temperature in much the same way as in the insects. Spring may seem a time of major change but it is not so absolute as autumn, The spring thaw is incomplete. winter snow may persist as snowdrifts into March or April, but in autumn we are awaiting that one day when the change becomes absolute, a summer landscape changing subtly into autumn suddenly becomes a winter landscape. Ken Green National Parks and Wildlife Service PO Box 2228 Jindabyne, NSW 2627 One Hundred Years Ago AMONG THE BIRDS OF WESTERN AUSTRALIA, By ROBERT HALI On Emus - Emus can swim rivers if necessary, so there would be no impediment on that account, A curious incident in the domesticated habits of this bird occurred under the notice of Mr, Price Fletcher, who described it to me in the following terms : —"A little three-year-old child was trailing a small tin horse and cart, when along came an Emu and swallowed all but half the string. The remaining half dangled from its beak for half the day unitl cut sufficiently short to allow it to swallow what had been an irritation for hours. Both child and Emu were considerably aston- ished, Tame Emus are by no means desirable pets, for strange horses when tied to fences will get terribly frightened by the prying bird, and eventually do damage to property. Emus are said to be a nuisance among the flocks, as young lambs will follow any large quickly moving object and thus get led away by Emus in broad areas. By this means lambs soon lose their “dames” and themselves. In addition the Emu seems to take a delight in chasing both lambs and mothers.” From The Victorian Naturalist XVI, p 165, March 1902 Vol. 119 (2) 2002 TI Tribute Jack Hyett oam (1915-2001) Naturalist, teacher, author, family man and friend When asked to write this tribute to the late Jack Hyett, | went first to his books on my shelves, Out fell a collection of news- paper articles, photographs, poems and tributes [rom various natural history maga zines, Jack had given me the poems many years apo written by other authors but expressing: his love for the bush. Enclosed with the poetry was an article written by the late JA Leach MSc at a time when 1 was about to launch. into a teaching career myself in primary and secondary schools, The last paragraph of the article states "be happy if your pupils are discover ing things you know nothing about, for as Libert Bailey, the eminent nature-study apostle, tells us truly that the best teacher of nature-study is the one whose pupils farthest outrun him.’ Jack was a modest man who made light of his staggering number of achievements. He possessed a well-modulated speaking, voice and a slow smile which widened into a huge prin when re-living some of his best bush experiences, A local newspaper (1959) wrote up the ceremony al a primary school in Blackburn to honour him on the publication of the book A Bushiman's Year. The article quotes ‘a book which he wrote during his school holidays! Jack mentioned on this day he was rushed by excited youngsters for his autopraph and many congratulations on the days leading up to the ceremony - 1 can imagine the wry chuckle as he said ‘I must agree it has only been since they discov- ered they would be let out of school half an hour early so this function could be held.’ Lucky were the children whom he taught in several primary schools, especially one: teacher rural schools, IFT had been fortu- nate to have had even ONE teacher like Jack during primary school! It was not to be, Jack's arithmetic classes were cheerful- ly interrupted by students to point out birds in the school ground, tortoises were watched during lessons to observe how they breathed, frogs, lizards and insects brought into class by students were weleome diversions both to students and teacher, l'ven a rounder game was abandoned com- 78 pletely to collect and study a wattle goat moth found by one of the girls, These and other wonderful stories are described in 4 Bushman's Year (1959), with an introduc- tion by the late Alan Marshall, and A Bushman's Harvest (1961), Jack pays trib- ute to his father ‘whose interest in the bush and its creatures inspired mine.’ IT you are lucky these two books can still be found in some second-hand bookshops. Jack with his chosen profession of teach- ing went on to inspire so many children, very much as the late Crosbie Morrison had done with his radio shows and Wildlife magazines. Jack's teaching career never really ended, as many of us were to benefit from his CAE courses on Bird Study in Australia, Also his students at the teachers’ college will remember his unique style, | remember one evening class at a Box Hill eollege when he enthusiastically raced to the board and illustrated the skele- tal structure of a gannet's body, explaining how when they hit the water when fishing, sometimes from a great height, their skull structure and bone density protects them from injury. He then proceeded to draw other birds and how they survive in the wild. Every adult in the room had his full attention, As an observer of detail in the natural world he excelled, He was a member of the Bird Observer's Club of Australia from 1933 and recruited many of us to join the club during his lee- tures. When Jack led an excursion for the club you could be sure of large crowds and very long convoys, For seven years he was involved in mammal and bird surveys of Wilsons Promontory. He was Foundation President of the Victorian Ornithological Research Group (VORG), The Ringwood Field Naturalists Club, of which he was a founding member, nominated him for the Australian Natural History Medallion, which he received in 1985. He was awarded the medal of The Order of Australia (1997) for his contribu- tion to conservation and the environment, and Honorary Life membership in May 1999 to the Field Naturalists Club of Victoria. 'The Victorian Naturalist | His achievements and awards in natural history study are widespread and many, and include his legacy of books written on a wide range of natural history topics. His talks given to many Field Naturalists and Bird Observer Clubs are legendary. This tribute barely scratches the surface of his many achievements. A recent photo of Jack appears in The Vie Nat 116 (5), 158. Book Review As à teacher he inspired and enthused. His love of poetry, the classics, overseas and interstate travel made for many fasci- nating discussions, and he was always a loyal and caring friend and a top naturalist. Cecily Falkingham 27 Chippewa Avenue Donvale, Victoria 3111 A Field Companion to Australian Fungi by Bruce Fuhrer Publisher: Blooming Books, 2001 revised edition, paperback, colour photographs. ISBN 1876473401. RRP 824.95 The first edition of A Field Companion to Australian Fungi appeared in 1985, and has been reprinted in 1993 with some minor changes to names inserted as an errata sheet. Bruce Fuhrer's books are well known to us all for their wonderful pho- tographs. Consequently, this revised edi- tion of the out of print and very popular earlier edition has been anticipated keenly for some time, The demand for books such as this attests to the increasing awareness of fungi and related groups by many mem- bers within our community. This inereas- ing awareness of fungi and cryptogams has been fostered and encouraged by the quali- ty of Bruce's works on the subject. These publications have provided an introduction to groups of organisms about which there was formerly little readily available illus- trated literature. This heightened interest by an increasing number of people has facilitated community mapping and survey schemes for fungi, such as those conducted during naturalist clubs" surveys and forays and Fungimap. The obvious major difference between this revised edition and the previous one is that the new edition has a soft cover and Mycena epipterygia replaces M. sanguinolenia on the front cover photograph. As a result of the new sofl-cover format, the book is slightly smaller than that of the hard cover edition, lighter and somewhat pliable so that it rests more comfortably in the hand. A Field Companion to Australian Fungi: Revised Edition maintains the same format Vol. 119 (2) 2002 as the previous edition and commences with a short discussion about mycological characters, classification, ecology, names and other aspects such as distribution and edibility as well as a simple, visual key. However, while there is an extension to the "Acknowledgements! there is sadly, no other change to the introductory text. The arrangement of species included in the book follows that of the major groups pre- sented in the visual key and this arrange- ment permits a novice to quickly find whether a particular fungus is described. The gilled fungi group has the greatest number of species documented and illus- trated with photographs and these repre- sent approximately 32 genera. The species range from the captivating little Mycena austrororida to the larger and much more robust Cortinarius radicatus. The other groups represented are coral fungi, poly- pores, puffballs, stinkhorns, spine fungi, leather and shelf fungi, jelly and cup fungi. The revised edition presents over 150 photographs of the same 138 species of commonly occurring fungi in the previous edition, and these exquisite photographs remain the great strength of this book. It is disappointing that no new photographs and no new taxa have been included in this revised edition. Here was a wonderful opportunity to increase the number and range of species featured and to illustrate the extremes of the range of morphological variation and colour that is found in some of the species such as Colus hirudinosus or 79 Book Review Dermocybe cramesina. Photographs dis- playing the range and change of colours as some species mature, for example, the pur- ple tones of Cortinarius archeri that turn brown with age would be a useful adjunct, and reduce the likelihood that speeies will be confused with others. The images are supplemented with thumbnail sketches in the text of each species, but this informa- tion is often too brief and lacking in diag- nostic detail to really elucidate and con- firm identification. The revised edition of A Field Companion to Australian Fungi is there- fore essentially the same as the edition that it replaces, except that the ‘errata’ pub- lished with the 1993 reprint, have been incorporated in the text and the names of a further 17 taxa in the previous edition have also been updated or corrected. These updates include the transfer of some of the Cortinarius species into the genus Dermocybe, and the use of the genus Laccocephalum for the sclerotia-forming polypores; for example, Polyporus mylittae is now recognised as L. mylittae, as are P. tumulosus and P. sclerotinius, recognised as L. tumulosus and L. selerotinius respec- tively. Although the new names appear in the ‘Index’, they have not been cross-refer- enced to the older names, and the syn- onymy similarly does not appear within the text for each species, The incorporation into this new edition of labelled illustrations to outline the princi- ple fungal morphological characters listed in the visual key would have enhanced the utility of the edition. As would the inclu- sion of terms such as glutinous, habitat, parasite, troop and spore print in the glos- sary to cover the use of these terms in the text. A further suggestion would be to update the list of suggested reading materi- al as the present list has not been updated to include the more recent important mycological works, such as Bougher and Syme (1998), Grgurinovic (1997), nor the revised edition of Young (1994). While these works are perhaps at the more *pro- fessional’ end of the spectrum for some, they are often the only remaining current resources to use that are specifie to the Australian mycological flora. What is so important about books such as this is that many people rely on them to 80 identify fungi in the field by trying to match the fungi with the photographs. It is a wonderful sensation to succeed. Often these books are the sole source of readily accessible information for the Australian mycological flora and they perform a very important role in educating, encouraging and fostering interest in these neglected groups of organisms. In the case of fungi, there is now an increasing understanding that fungi are a vital component of nearly every ecosystem and there is a genuine thirst for knowledge about them. This demand for information needs to be satis- fied and here was an opportunity to do so. A Field Companion to Australian Fungi is one of the first books that I reach for when trying to decipher the mysteries encountered during my rambles through the forests, As an avid consumer of won- derfully illustrated books such as this, | hope that further editions will expand the number of species featured and include more descriptive text so that we can expand our knowledge. Many a time of what would otherwise have been an aim- less ramble in the bush has been trans- formed into a treasure hunt as 1 have eagerly looked for fungi, The book has opened my eyes, and we are indebted to Bruce Fuhrer for making a new edition available to those who do not already own a copy of the previous edition. My com- ments ‘for more’ are a reflection of how beneficial | have found the previous edi- tion and my frustration in not having access to more of these wonderful pho- tographs of an even greater number of species. We rely on the author to take up the challenge and to provide us with the tools to increase our understanding of these vital components of the natural world. References Bougher NL and Syme K (1998) Fungi of Southern Australia. (University of Western Australia Press; Nedlands, WA) Grgurinovie CA (1997) Larger Fungi of South Australia. (The Botanie Gardens of Adelaide and State Herbarium and The Flora and Fauna of South Australia Handbooks Committee: Adelaide) Young T (1994) Common Australian Fungi. 3 ed. (University of New South Wales Press: Sydney) Jenny Tonkin Plant Sciences and Biodiversity Royal Botanic Gardens, Birdwood Avenue South Yarra, Victoria 3141 The Victorian Naturalist Tribute Alexander Clifford Beauglehole 26 August 1920 — 19 January 2002 Cliff was the youngest of the three sons of Richard and Margaret Beauglehole, dairy and potato farmers at Trewalla, near Portland. Soon after Cliff was born the family moved to a mixed farm at Gorae West where Cliff attended the nearby country school, travelling each day on horseback down a bush track. Through nat- ural curiosity and encouragement from his parents he soon developed a good knowl- edge of the natural history of his area. By the time he left school he could scientifi- cally name about 60 species of local orchids and had begun sending specimens to WH Nicholls, a leading orchid specialist of the period. During the 1940s he discov- ered three previously undescribed species. Soon after leaying school he began a sys- tematic botanical survey of the Portland area, listing over 750 species, almost dou- ble the number then recorded. In 1949 Cliff married Hilda Oakley. He was able to buy the farm at Gorae West and subsequently their daughters Valerie and Yvonne were born. From the outset Hilda took a keen interest in, and often helped with, Cliff's projects. Her assistance in run- ning the farm was invaluable in enabling him to give time to his explorations, Early in 1950 Cliff began a study and col- lection of the local native bees, in associa- tion with the entomologist Tarlton Rayment’, This resulted in the recognition of 30 new species, three of which were named after the collector and five after the district. He also worked on wasps with Tarlton Rayment and on ants with John McAreavy. Cliff's interest in birds led to the collec- tion and recording of beach washed sea birds from Discovery Bay. Between 1951 and 1963 almost 5000 carcases were col- lected by Cliff and his helpers including 950 in one day in August 1959. The skele- tons were prepared by natural decomposi- tion of the flesh and were eventually donated to museums in Australia and the United States. During the 1950s Cliff and Fred Davies of Portland commenced an extensive sur- vey of bone deposits in the many limestone Vol. 119 (2) 2002 caves of the area. Cliff had long been aware of the significance of these and was con- cerned at the damage being done to the caves through rubbish dumping and road works. In 1963 Cliff and Fred, together with a team of local naturalists, started the excavation of McEachern’s Death Trap Cave. Several tons of cave sediments were sieved and the identifiable remains of some 2,000 animals were recovered. In 1964-5 Norman Wakefield? became involved in the excavation. The assessment of this material added immensely to the knowledge of the faunal succession of the area. Throughout these years, Cliff continued his botanical explorations, extending his field to include the non-vascular plants. He covered the whole of the south-west area of Victoria in search of mosses, liverworts, lichens and fungi. He also studied and col- lected the marine and freshwater algae of his area. He had an amazing ability to rec- ognize new or rare species and his collec- tions are proving a treasure house for pre- sent day taxonomists, During the 1960s Cliff widened his hori- zons still further and undertook two trips to Lord Howe Island, one long trip through the Northern Territory and West Australia and three shorter trips in central Australia. On each occasion he brought home large collections of specimens, In 1967 he embarked on a full-scale botanical survey Cliff men uot: in the 1950s. Photo by LG Chandler. 81 Tribute of the Grampians. During the 1940s he had made several trips by motor-bike to some of the remoter areas of the Victoria Range and believed that, in spite of a good deal of work done by others, there was still much to be discovered. Cliff was already corre- sponding with Jim Willis at the National Herbarium and had accompanied him on field trips in the Grampians and Portland area. Jim's encouragement in the Grampians survey also led to the first offi- cial recognition of Cliff's work, when he received a grant from the Maud Gibson Gardens Trust. Following this first survey Cliff worked for the National Parks Service in Western Victoria. He then moved on to a study of East Gippsland and eventually completed plant surveys of the whole of Victoria. This work was subsidised by the Land Conservation Council of Victoria who published his results in the form of conser- vation recommendations. Cliff subsequent- ly published complete checklists for the whole State. He received some financial support from the Western Victorian Field Naturalists’ Clubs Association and from individual clubs and kindred associations. He also received a substantial grant from the Utah Foundation (USA) toward the alpine area surveys, and a grant from Alcoa Australia for work on their smelter site in Portland. He was influential in inspiring many country naturalists to con- tinue to monitor their environment, enabling them to report reliably on conser- vation issues. Botanists throughout Australia and many from overseas knew Cliff personally, He willingly gave time to guiding and assist- ing visitors doing fieldwork in his area. His friends and associates have lasting memories of expeditions with Cliff. His boundless energy and enthusiasm and his wide knowledge of the environment were exhilarating. Lunch breaks provided an opportunity to study marauding insects and to watch birds. His keen eye for different or unusual plants and his meticulous care of his specimens were an inspiration and example to less experienced field workers. Above all he will be remembered for the diversity and quality of his collections, numbering over 90,000, which have been lodged in herbaria all over Australia and 82 Taxa named after Cliff. Vascular Plants Bassia beaugleholei Ising Caladenia beaugleholei D.Jones Calonema beaugleholei D.L.Jones Epilobium brunnescens subsp. beaugleholei K.R.West & P.H.Raven Lobelia beaugleholei D.E.Albrecht Prasophyllum beaugleholei W.H.Nicholls Solanum beaugleholei D.E.Symon Stylidium beaugleholei 1.H. Willis Utricularia beaugleholei R.J.Gassin Villarsia unbricola var. beaugleholei H.1.Aston Marine alga Helminthoclada beaugleholei Womersley Moss Phascum beaugleholei \.G.Stone Lichen Heterodea beaugleholei Filson Bees Exoneura cliffordiella Rayment Hylaeus cliffordiellus Rayment Megachila cliffordii Rayment overseas. These will continue to be an invaluable resource and a permanent memorial to his dedication. Cliff participated with local naturalists in many campaigns for environmental con- servation. Their efforts were rewarded when the Mount Richmond and Lower Glenelg National Parks were gazetted. He was actively involved in the formation of the Western Victorian Conservation Committee that led the battle for the preservation of the Little Desert. He was a foundation member of the Portland Field Naturalists Club and of the Western Victorian Field Naturalists Clubs Association, a member of the National Parks Association and of the Bird Observers Club, In 1982 he became an Honorary Member of the Field Naturalists Club of Victoria in recognition of 40 years continuous membership. In 1971 he was awarded the Australian Natural History Medallion’ and in 1984 the Medal of the Order of Australia. Cliff is survived by his wife, two daugh- ters, seven grandchildren and two great- great grandchildren. ! Bees of the Portland District (1953), Tarlton Rayment The Victorian Naturalist 84, 363-83 (1967) The Victorian Naturalist 88, 344-46 and 360-361 (1971) Margaret Corrick 7 Glenluss Street Balwyn, Victoria 3103 The Victorian Naturalist Book Review Wildflowers of Sydney and Adjoining Areas by Alan Fairley Publisher: Bloomings Books 2001. 268 photographs, ISBN 187647338X, RRP $32.95 The blank space on top of the cover of this book should read *A Field Guide to the Wildflowers of Sydney and Adjoining Areas’. Perhaps this was a publisher deci- sion and not the author's. This compact, easy-to-use book is just perfect for the rain coat, parka or rucksack pocket. The alphabetical layout is quick and easy to use in the field, although botanical groupings can be difficult if one is not sure of the family, e.g. a typical page layout is: Acacia binervata Two-veined Hickory Family Mimosaceae This is followed by a coloured photo, description, flowering period, distribution, habitat, notes, similar species and specific sites. In other words all you need to know from a Field Guide. If 1 had possessed Alan’s book on previ- ous trips to Kuring-gai Chase, Royal National Park and Lane Cove National Park, my plant identification would have been much easier with so many of the commonly seen species all in one book. On my first trip to the above-mentioned places, | was just learning botany and | remember juggling at least three books, cross-referencing and burning the midnight oil. For this reason I think Alan's book will suit the beginner as well as the more expe- rienced plant lover. All photographs have been taken by the author, in situ, without flashlight. Most photos are adequate for identification with some outstanding photos of Telopea spe- ciosissima, the calistemons, banksias, Philotheca, Correa and Thysanotus tuberosus. I was disappointed that some of the small- er flowers were not filmed with a close-up lens, i.e. Rulingia hermanniifolia, Micromyrtus ciliata, Grevillea buxifolia, Hardenbergia violacea and the baeckias. The author mentions the twisted labellum in Prerostylis curta but has photographed the back and side of two specimens. The Vol. 119 (2) 2002 same with Prerostylis concinna, where the deeply notched labellum is mentioned but not shown. Drosera spathulata and Caleana major could have been sharper and larger. Identification of eucalypt species would have been easier with close- up photos of fruits on all species. The small insert photo, showing in some instances canopy or trunk, are not helpful in identification. The author states that his book Wild- flowers of Sydney aims to encourage an appreciation of the floral beauty and vari- ety of this area, but I was a little disap- pointed that none of the beautiful grasses in full bloom were included. Attention to these few minor drawbacks of the book in my view could have improved an already fantastic Field Guide to some of the most beautiful and accessi- ble areas not far from Sydney. A map of Sydney and adjoining areas is provided and all the places mentioned in the book are shaded green. This works well with site information specified on each page for every plant described. The references and further reading will be much appreciated by the reader and the glossary is what you would expect from an experienced naturalist, bushwalker and author of 25 books. This book is not just for the resident or visitor to Sydney it also contains 122 Victorian species and 153 Queensland species which also occur in Sydney and adjoining areas. Only 34 are restricted in their distribution to the Sydney region. I would highly recommended the pur- chase of this great, compact little book, bulging with information to anyone plan- ning a trip to Sydney or adjoining areas. Cecily Falkingham 27 Chippewa Avenue Donvale, Victoria 3111 The Field Naturalists Club of Victoria Inc. Reg No A0033611X Established 1880 In which is incorporated the Microscopical Society of Victoria OBJECTIVES: To stimulate interest in natural history and to preserve and protect Australian flora and fauna. Membership is open to any person interested in natural history and includes beginners as well as experienced naturalists. Registered Office: FNCV, 1 Gardenia Street, Blackburn, Victoria 3130, Australia. Postal Address: FNCV, Locked Bag 3, PO Blackburn, Victoria 3130, Australia. Phone/Fax (03) 9877 9860; International Phone/Fax 61 3 9877 9860. Patron John Landy, MBE, The Governor of Victoria Key Office-Bearers President: Ms WENDY CLARK, 97 Pakenham Street, Blackburn 3130. 9877 9266 Vice Presidents: DR NOEL ScHLEIGER, | Astley Street, Montmorency 3094. 9435 8408 and DR ALAN YEN, 52-54 Brushy Park Road, Wonga Park, 3115. 9722 1665 Hon. Secretary; MRS ANNE MORTON, 10 Rupicola Court, Rowville 3178. 9790 0656 Hon. Treasurer: Ms BARBARA BURNS, 16 Montclair Court, Templestowe 3106, 9846 2608 Subseription-Secretary: FNCV, Locked Bag 3, PO Blackburn 3130. 9877 9860 Executive Editor, The Vic. Nat.: MRS MERILYN GREY, 8 Martin Road, Glen Iris 3146, 9889 6223 Editors, The Vic. Nat.: MR ALISTAIR EvANS, 28 Chandler Road, Glen Waverley 3150. 8505 4339 and Mrs ANNE MORTON, as above. Librarian: Mrs Sneit.A HOUGHTON, FNCV, Locked Bag 3, PO Blackburn 3130, AH 5428 4097 Excursion Co-ordinator: MR DENNIS MELTZER, 8 Harcourt Avenue, Caufield 3162. 9523 1853 Book Brokerage: MR RAY Wntrk, 9 Longtown Court, Craigieburn 3064. AH 9308 3770 Newsletter Editors: DR NOEL SCHLEIGER, as above, MR KEITH MARSHALL, 8/423 Tooronga Road, Hawthorn East 3123. 9882 3044, and MRS JOAN BROADBURY, 2 Shaun Court, Templestowe 3106, 9846 1218 Conservation Coordinator: MR Jim WALKER, 167 Balaclava Road, Caulfield 3162. 9527 5601 Group Secretaries Botany: Ms KAREN DOBSON, 58 Rathmullen Road, Boronia 3155. BH 9877 9860 Geology: Mr Ron HAMSON, 5 Foster Street, McKinnon 3204, 9557 5215 Fauna Survey: Ms Soputt: SMALL, 107 Bondi Road, Bonbeach 3196, AH 9772 2848 Marine Research: MR MICHAEL Lyons, 18 High Street, Nunawading 3131. AH 9877 3987 Microscopical: MR RAY POWER, 36 Schotters Road, Mernda 3754. 9717 3511 MEMBERSHIP Members receive The Victorian Naturalist and the monthly Field Nat News free. The Club organis- es several monthly meetings (free to all) and excursions (transport costs may be charged). Field work, including botany, mammal and invertebrate surveys, is being done at a number of locations in Victoria, and all members are encouraged to participate. YEARLY SUBSCRIPTION RATES — The Field Naturalists Club of Victoria Inc. First Member Metropolitan $44 Concessional (pensioner/student/unemployed) $33 Country (more than 50 km from GPO) $30 Junior (under 18) $16 Overseas AU$65 Additional Members Adult $16 Junior $6 Institutional Australian Institutions $55 Overseas Institutions AU$65 Schools/Clubs $35 Send to: FNCV, Locked Bag 3, PO Blackburn, Victoria 3130, Australia, Printed by Brown Prior Anderson, 5 Evans Street, Burwood, Victoria 3125. The Victorian Naturalist Volume 119 (3) June 2002 Murray River Special Issue Part One rU Published by The Field Naturalists Club of Victoria since 1884 Ga! “aw | F.N.C.V, Introduction — Murray River Special Issue Terry Hillman* Australia’s major river; a resource criti- cal to our national rural production; a beautiful and sometimes unique landscape; an ecosystem under threat — the Murray is all of these. The Murray Darling system drains about '/, of Australia’s surface but, despite its size, flow volumes are small reflecting the arid nature of most of its catchment. The average annual (natural) discharge from ihe system is equivalent to 16-17 hours’ flow from the Amazon. The Basin sup- ports nearly half of Australia’s rural pro- duction. On average, water use (almost all irrigation) removes around % of the Murray's water before it reaches the sea' and dams and weirs drastically change the pattern of flow. Two other key aspects of the Murray's flow are variability (*droughts and flood- ing rains’) and unpredictability. These con- ditions favour organisms adapted to peri- ods of wet and dry extremes with little sea- sonal or inter-annual reliability". Many of the papers in this special issue of The Victorian Naturalist deal with organisms or whole systems (e.g. River Red Gums, turtles, and floodplain wetlands) which depend on rainfall or flow cues to initiate vital functions. Again, the effects of flow regulation are significant here, Beauty is, of course, personal and ascribed by the ‘beholder’ but “wetness and dryness’ must surely contribute much to what is beautiful in the Murray land- scape and the response of its organisms to these forces provides what is characteristic and sometimes unique, In natural resources it is a common mis- take to confuse ‘use’ with ‘management’, and most of what we have termed manage- ment in the Murray to this point in time has really been the development of more effi- cient ways of using the resource. ' Department of Environmental Management and Ecology, La Trobe University. PO Box 821, Wodonga, Victoria 2689 Management implies knowledge. If we set out to manage a natural resource we need to know how it works — which means in this case that we need an understanding of the *Murray ecosystem’, its key organisms, its flow-related processes, its biodiversity and the factors supporting it. This special issue provides knowledge at all these levels. Current knowledge regarding fish, terrestri- al vertebrates, and invertebrates (aquatic and terrestrial) is provided. The significance of the floodplain as a functional part of the river is recognised through papers on Red Gum forests, their fauna and the signifi- cance of fallen timber, and on floodplain wetlands. Geomorphology and connectivity with wetlands are two important flow-relat- ed issues discussed. Diversity at every level from fish to microinvertebrates is ‘show- cased’ and includes a useful key to tadpoles and a fascinating introduction into how bio- diversity is maintained using the example of niche segregation by turtle species. This special issue of The Victorian Naturalist represents a valuable and acces- sible compendium of knowledge about the Murray. For those who remember the Royal Society of Victoria symposium on the Murray Darling held in October 1977 (1 do, sadly) it is instructive to see how far we have developed in knowledge and emphasis over the past 25 years. Compendia are usually shelved for future reference as a need arises. These papers should be read now. We are facing impor- tant decisions regarding the management of the Murray — particularly flow regula- tion — and the community (regional and national) will need to form an opinion regarding the trade-off between water for production and water for supporting the Murray ecosystem. This special issue will provide an ecological basis on which such an opinion can (and should) be formed. ' Reducing the output to 4-5 hours of “Amazon flow’. * Note that the enforced reliability of seasonal flow, resulting from river regulation, tends to remove the competitive advantage which such adaptation would otherwise provide. The Victorian Naturalist Volume 119 (3) 2002 Murray River Special Issue Part One June Executive Editor: Merilyn Grey Editors: Alistair Evans and Anne Morton This issue is dedicated to Natalie Joanne Smith (31 May 1974 — 22 July 2002) AGU OME gt ed IDE e e 68i HA HEAR aay nor ente 86 National Parks and Reserves on the Murray River: an Historical Perspective, D ROI TS TOS Pee cent Ae UO ER EET ette 88 Geomorphology of the Murray River Basin, by Noel Schleiger sss B5 Floodplain Wetlands: the Jewels of the Murray River, by Rhonda Butcher moet ee T e ee. t ed ip NIA icto f Rae e E A Da E ve LED QD) eo RS AER Cor 102 Habitat Change in River Red Gum Floodplains: Depletion of Fallen Timber and Impacts on Biodiversity, by Ralph Mac Nally, Andrea Ballinger ana GYegory HOPrOGQEs Lese ees ereo repr stein deenen ntar apye n eben doin Ih ttm eaten etta 107 Vertebrate Fauna of Barmah Forest, a Large Forest of River Red Gum Eucalyptus camaldulensis on the Floodplain of the Murray River, by Richard H Loyn, Linda F Lumsden and Keith A Ward ............. eee 114 The Distribution and Conservation Status of the Reptile Fauna of the Murray River Region in Victoria, by Geoff Brown........... eee 133 Tadpoles of South-eastern Australia: a Guide with Keys, by Marion Anstis, Veyicweo- Uy ANUS MAT IH E he A caseus eee Re Te ETC EET TENES UE NEST UNE Gn Me Ln 144 Rivers as Ecological Systems: The Murray-Darling Basin, edited by WJ Young, reviewed by Gerry Quinn............... reete 147 ISSN 0042-5184 ML Cover: Morning reflections on a Murray River billabong near Mildura. Photo by Anne Morton. Web address: email: Murray River Special Issue National Parks and Reserves on the Murray River: an Historical Perspective Daniel Catrice' Abstract Attempts to establish national parks and reserves along the Murray River occurred late in the history of Victoria's conservation movement. For much of its recent history the Murray has been made to serve industry and agriculture. The first timber reserves and State forests, which had been set aside from 1869, confirmed a pattern of exploitation which went largely unquestioned until well into the twentieth century. This article looks at settlement and land-use along the Murray and the efforts of conservation groups to protect the lands bordering the river from unregulated development. It con- cludes with a brief historical overview of the key parks and reserves along the river — Hattah- Kulkyne, Murray-Sunset and Alpine National Parks; Barmah State Park; and Murray Kulkyne Park. (The Victorian Naturalist 119 (3), 2002, 88-94) Introduction The Murray River is the main stream of Australia's greatest and most important river system. It rises in the Australian Alps just below Mt Kosciuszko and enters the sea in South Australia. For 1800 km of its length it forms the border between New South Wales and Victoria. This journey takes the river through some of Victoria's most significant and diverse natural land- scapes, from wild forested gorges, through riverine plains and majestic Red Gum forests, to semi-arid desert country. Sadly, the river has been taken for grant- ed for most of its recent history. By the 1840s most of the river frontage had been taken up by land-hungry squatters for whom the river was a source of water and, later, a convenient transport route for pro- duce and supplies. The floodplain forests were exploited as a timber resource and the country beyond was partitioned into farms and grazing runs. To promote agricultural settlement the river was dammed and its waters diverted for irrigation projects. The Murray is now a regulated river. Weirs and dams have ensured water in the Murray all year round, but these have turned the river into a series of connected pools. The conservation movement turned its attention to the Murray relatively late. The first national park along the river, Hattah Lakes, was reserved only in 1960, and today there are still only a scattering of conservation reserves. Groups like the Field Naturalists Club of Victoria and the Royal Australasian Ornithologists Union Department of Natural Resources and Environment, PO Box 41, East Melbourne, 3002 Email 88 began to show interest in the Murray from the early 1900s, and with the assistance of sympathetic officers in the Fisheries and Wildlife Department and the Forests Branch of the Lands Department, impor- tant areas like the Kulkyne and Barmah forests were managed with greater care. This growing enthusiasm for nature emerged from a sense that too much had been lost in the years since white settle- ment. As one writer observed: ‘Nature, as if offended, withdraws half her beauty from the land; the pasture gradually loses its freshness, some of the lakes and rivers run low, others become wholly dry. The wild animals, the former peaceful denizens of the soil, are not more to be found, and the explorer, who has gazed on the district in its first luxuriance, has seen it as it never can be seen again’ (Henry W Haygarth 1848, cited in Dingle 1984: 138). Over time, conservation groups became more vocal in their demands for the estab- lishment of national parks to preserve areas of ‘unspoilt nature’. This article investigates some of the human impacts of settlement and land-use along the Murray and reviews the various efforts to protect land and resources in the face of the rapid, some- times devastating changes worked upon the landscape since European settlement, Exploration and settlement The first Europeans to see the Murray River were the exploration party led by Hamilton Hume and William Hovell. They crossed the river near Albury in 1824, naming it the Hume. Just six years later the explorer Charles Sturt renamed it the Murray in honour of Sir George Murray, The Victorian Naturalist then British Secretary of State for the Colonies. Always with an eye to the future, Sturt saw the Murray as a river highway helping to open up vast tracts of the Australian outback. After Sturt came Major Thomas Mitchell who crossed the Murray at Robinvale in 1836. Like Sturt, Mitchell believed the river should be made to serve a purpose. Travelling down the river towards Swan Hill he noted ‘grassy plains bounded by sand hills on which grew pines’ and predicted, accurately, that the area would be favourable for cereal crops, grazing or irrigation (Bardwell 1990: 23). Explorers like Hume and Hovell and Major Mitchell travelled with an eye for new pasture, so it is not surprising that squatters soon followed in their footsteps. The Murray River promised a near perma- nent water supply, natural pasture and a good supply of timber. Within ten years of Mitchell's expedition, squatters had taken up most of the river frontage. Edward Curr, a Tasmanian merchant and landowner, established a run at Barmah in 1841. Curr later wrote that the land was flooded for several months of the year, but then *abounded ... with excellent sheep feed, in the shape of couch grass, young reeds and so on’. It was, he said, ‘usually as green as an emerald from November to March when [other] pastures were with- ered and dried’ (Curr 1965: 76). From the outset, settlers drastically changed the environment, Trampling by stock compacted delicate vegetation and soil, muddied and eroded precious water- courses, and introduced and spread new grasses. Cattle selected the most palatable species, which led to a decline in the density and diversity of native plants. They devoured the fine fuels that carried fire, leading to the invasion of native grasslands by scrub. They spread exotic weeds in fur and dung. They removed seed heads and flowers, which disrupted plant reproduction. After the squatters came selectors, encour- aged by a series of Land Acts which had been enacted in the 1860s. Selectors who took up land were required by the govern- ment to ‘improve’ their selections by clear- ing vegetation. They did this with indis- criminate zeal, spurred on by the need to render every acre productive. Ringbarking was the cheapest form of clearing as one Vol. 119 (3) 2002 Part One contributor to The Victorian Naturalist found when he visited the country between Kulkyne Station and Mournpall in 1914: ‘twenty years previous to our visit these trees [Black Box Eucalyptus largiflorens| had been ringed, and the resulting conse- quences were acres of bare, wind-swept earth, destitute of aught green, and a bewil- dering interlacement of fallen trunks, and limbs that would appall even an old-time South Gippsland pioneer’ (The Victorian Naturalist 31, 1914). Settlers also made extensive use of River Red Gum Eucalyptus camaldulensis for huts and fences, and despite a proclama- tion that all Murray Pine Callitris spp. within ten miles of the river was to be left untouched, by 1875 the local forester at Barmah reported that all of the Murray Pine stands at Barmah Island had been removed (Hibbins 1991). Land clearing upset the ecological bal- ance. In 1858, the naturalist Gerard Krefft explored the lower Murray and Darling Rivers with Victorian Government Zoologist William Blandowski. Krefft noted that the Rabbit-rat Conilurus albipes, Gray's jerboa Kangaroo or Burrowing Bettong Bettongia lesueur graii and several other species of marsupial had become rare or extinct on the Victorian side of the Murray (Dingle 1984). Ironically, others complained that the kangaroo ànd possum were multiplying at an astounding rate, due in part to the decimation of Aboriginal tribes who had hunted them for food. Some of the earliest settlers looked back in later years and lamented the changes that they saw. Edward Curr decided that ‘fences and tree-ringing have not improved the scene’ nor could he enthuse over progress when old forests along the Murray were ‘fast being converted by steam sawmills into railway sleepers’. Fle remembered with regret ‘the primitive scene, the Black with his fishing canoe, the silence, the gum- trees’ (cited in Dingle 1984; 138). ‘The Nile of Australia’ Navigation was the first commercial use of the Murray. River boats began operating on the Murray as early as 1853, carrying supplies inland and returning with pro- duce, They opened up remote areas for set- tlement and helped to make the pastoral 89 Murray River Special Issue and agricultural industry more profitable. They were also able to carry goods more efficiently than bullock dray. So great was the promise of river transport that some began to talk of the Murray as * The Nile of Australia’ or “The Mississippi of New Holland’ (Davies 1978: 34), By the 1870s up to thirty steamers and as many barges worked the Murray, Darling and Murrumbidgee Rivers. The bulk of the Riverina woolclip was thus transported southwards through the ports of Echuca and Swan Hill (Priestley 1984: 59). Smaller steamers worked the ‘top end? ports of l'ocumwal and Albury. Over the next thirty years the railways slowly robbed the river trade of the bulk of its traffic, By the mid- 1930s it had virtually ceased. l'o meet the river boats" need for fuel, vast quantities of Buloke Casuarina luehmannii, River Red Gum and Black Box were cul. Early steamers consumed wood at the rate of about one ton every eight hours; later, more powerful steamers Ronald East of the State Rivers and Water Supply Commission stands astride the Murtay River near Nyah State Forest during the drought of 1923, (Picture Collection, State Library of Victoria) 90) had a wood consumption of one ton per two hours (Davies 1978: 46), Strenuous efforts were also made to clear the river of ‘snags’, the fallen trees and limbs which fell into the water. This assisted navigation but had a marked effect on native fish, par- ticularly Murray Cod Maceullochella peeli, which used fallen trees as shelter and breeding habitat. Fish numbers declined dramatically during this period, from 29.064 kilograms netted in 1835 to only 4273 kilograms taken from the same areas in 1896 (Mackay and Eastburn 1990), Irrigation Irrigators began tapping the waters of the Murray in the 1870s. Headworks were constructed to divert water from the Murray near Gunbower Creek and an oft- take supplied the Cohuna, Kerang and Koondrook districts. The dry years which began in 1877 saw other growers clutch at the promise of irrigation. They were assist- ed by the government which assumed con- trol over all the natural water resources in the State in [886 (Eastburn 1990). The most audacious irrigation project took shape at Mildura. In 1884 Canadian- born brothers George and Ben Chaffey were invited by the Victorian government to establish an irrigation settlement on the Murray (Davies 1978). The Chaffeys were granted 50,000 acres of rabbit-infested land which they cleared, subdivided and serviced with water channels. Huge pumps were placed in 1889 at Psyche Bend where water was drawn from the Murray and pumped to Kings Billabong. From there. through a series of pumps and open chan- nels it was distributed throughout the area, At Psyche Bend the steam engine drove three centrifugal pumps, each delivering 8000 gallons of water per minute. Ultimately, irrigation along the Murray was not the success it was envisaged by government or farmers. Environmentally, it was disastrous, The waste of water through evaporation and seepage was enormous. Worse still was the effect of clearing and ploughing on vast areas inland from the river, This allowed rain to run straight into the subsoil raising the water table and bringing saline groundwater close to the soil surface. The introduction of irrigation water exacerbated the problem. Irrigation- 'The Victorian Naturalist induced salinisation was recorded at Mildura as early as 1895 (Eastburn 1990). By 1911 it appeared near Cohuna and Kerang. Today it affects virtually all regional settings along the river, including the highlands, the riverine plain and the mallee of the Murray-Darling Basin. Timber reserves and state forests The first attempts to control land and resources along the Murray came in 1865 when the Victorian government gave itself the power to proclaim reserves for the ‘preservation and growth of timber’ (Wright 1989: 107). By the close of the decade 276,116 acres had been set aside as state forests and timber reserves, including the Barmah Forest of 19,600 acres, created in 1869 (Wright 1989). Further reserves were created at places like Gunbower Island, Nyah and Walpolla, partly to halt the damage being done to River Red Gum forests as a result of unregulated harvest- ing, but also to secure a valuable economic resource. These developments were not motivated by ecological intent. Government action was propelled largely by utilitarian con- cerns. Red Gum forests along the Murray continued to be heavily exploited for mill logs. During the nineteenth century, sawmillers had only to pay £15 to set up a mill in the forest, and for £10 for cartage and £5 for each man employed in felling timber, he could fell the pick of the trees in the forest (Fahey 1987). In the Barmah Forest the Red Gum trade flourished, prompting one observer to claim that the timber was an ‘object of worship on the Murray’: The mills declare dividends because of it; the sleeper-cutter keeps the pot boiling in return for his daily sweat upon it. The bullock driver draws his Saturday night beer from it. The axeman’s camp in the bush is kept supplied in tucker by it. The barge- master, the deck hand, and the skip- per of the river tramp knows its value well (Brady 1912, cited in Hibbins 1991; 38). The 1901 Royal Commission on State Forests and Timber Reserves reported crit- ically on the use and management of the Vol. 119 (3) 2002 Part One f -— A load of Red Gum timber arrives at the Evans Bros sawmill in Echuca, 1923. (Historic Places Section, DNRE) Barmah Forest. The Commission noted that the forest had been cut over several times, and that at the current rates of cut- ting, the forest would not yield five years’ supply (Fahey 1987). A similar pattern of use developed in most of the Red Gum forests along the river. By 1932 the district forester at Swan Hill report- ed that all the red gum at Annuello, Mamboing and Toll Toll had been cut out (‘Hattah-Kulkyne National Park? Resource Collection File F/C: 3/1). It took many decades for the State's forests to be placed under more effective manage- ment. Although a series of bills specifical- ly for forest legislation were introduced into parliament, in 1879, 1881, 1887 and 1892, none was enacted. Finally, in 1907 a Forests Act was passed, which provided for the establishment of a State Forests Department under a Minister of Forests. A Conservator of Forests was appointed, with appropriate supporting staff and power to declare permanent forest reserve (Moulds 1991). Over the next decade, sev- eral initiatives were undertaken, including improvement works on the forest estate, the establishment of hardwood plantations and improved fire protection measures. From the 1920s foresters based at Ouyen, Swan Hill, Nyah and Mildura made attempts to re-alforest native pine areas. Unfortunately, until the 1960s these efforts were largely unsuccessful. In the Barmah Forest, thinning and coppice treatment was carried out in the 1920s and 1930s. Foresters also experimented with non- indigenous species. At the Timberoo Forest in the 1930s Red Ironbark Eucalyptus sideroxylon and Silky Oak Grevillea robus- 91 Murray River Special Issue ta were trialed (*Hattah-Kulkyne National Park’ Resource Collection File). Foresters were often the first advocates for conservation. It was at their insistence, during the 1930s, that settlers in the Hattah-Kulkyne area were forbidden to remove native pines from their selections. In the Barmah Forest in the 1940s foresters and scientists began to re-assess the impact of grazing. Forester, WP Tingate drew attention to the damage done to saplings by cattle, “When grass was dry’ he said, *cat- tle would eat anything green'. Tingate's concerns were echoed by his colleague, Stan Duncan, who observed in 1950 that there was little hope for widespread re- generation of the forest until grazing was discontinued. The Forests Commission acted on this advice and in 1950 Barmah West, Yalca and portions of Yielima were closed to cattle (Fahey 1987). Water reserves Another government concern of the 1870s and 1880s was the need to protect water resources from the designs of squat- ters and selectors. Thus, in 1881 all unalienated land within one to one-and-a- half chains of the colony's *Rivers, Rivulets, Creeks, Channels, Aqueducts, Lakes, Reservoirs, Swamps, Inlets, Loughs and Straits’ was reserved (Wright 1989: 224). The order ensured the Murray River water frontage was retained in public own- ership and today this corridor forms the basis of the Murray River Reserves man- aged by Parks Victoria. National parks For many conservation-minded people, the creation of State forests and Crown land reserves was not enough. Towards the end of the nineteenth century a growing body of scientific opinion became increas- ingly vocal in their demands for the protec- tion of wildlife and the establishment of national parks. In the broader community too there was a growing awareness of the natural world. Changing recreation pat- terns brought about by extensions to the rail network and the emergence of field naturalist and bushwalking clubs awak- ened people to the beauties of nature. The Field Naturalists Club of Victoria (FNCV) was one of the first supporters of national parks. Established in 1880, the 92 FNCV combined the desire for open air recreation with an interest in the natural environment. The Club instituted walking and camping expeditions in which the observation of wildlife and the collection of botanical specimens were important activities. The FNCV was soon joined by other societies, including the Wattle Club, the Royal Australasian Ornithologists Union, and the Bird Observers Club. This small but committed conservation move- ment, led by influential spokesmen like Baldwin Spencer and Sir James Barrett, began to exert pressure on the government to protect Victoria's bushland. In 1914, the FNCV became interested in the Hattah Lakes system near Mildura. At its meeting on 14 December the Club decided to write to the Fisheries and Game Department and request that the area be pro- claimed a sanctuary for native game. Native game sanctuaries were proclaimed under the Game Act of 1890 and made it unlawful for any person to kill any native game within a designated area and specifically mentioned by proclamation (Mahon 1992). Of particu- lar concern to the FNCV was the practice of punt-gun shooting on Lake Mournpall. Speaking for the resolution, JG O'Donoghue reported on a recent visit to the Lake where he claimed that, after a single discharge of the gun used by one individual, as many as 72 pairs of ducks had been ‘picked up’ (The Victorian Naturalist 1915: 31). The resolu- tion was supported by the Inspector of Fisheries and Game, Mr F Lewis, and in 1915 an extensive area embracing parts of Chalka Creek, Lakes Hattah, Little Hattah, Mournpall and Brockie, together with all land within half a mile of the creek and lake, was proclaimed a sanctuary for native game (The Victorian Naturalist 1915: 32). In 1919, about 3620 acres were reserved as the Kulkyne State Forest, and an addi- tional 77,470 acres were dedicated in 1924, A Kulkyne National Park was first pro- posed in 1938 when Mr LG Chandler of Red Cliffs outlined to the Ornithologist’s Union and the FNCV the desirability as a national park of the Kulkyne State Forest and an area of Crown land to the west. A committee of the Union investigated the request and decided that the proposal was premature because of the then unsatisfacto- ry administration of national parks in The Victorian Naturalist Victoria. The Union recommended instead that the area should be added to the State forest and administered as an area for the conservation of mallee fauna and flora. The government agreed to the request and 42.000 acres were added to the State Forest in 1941. At the same time, the whole Kulkyne State Forest was declared a sanc- tuary for native game (*Hattah-Kulkyne National Park” Resource Collection File). In 1956, after a long campaign by the FNCV and the Victorian National Parks Association (VNPA), the Victorian gov- ernment passed Australia's first legislation for the control of national parks. The National Parks Act created a National Parks Authority, one of the nation's first statutory bodies to oversee the manage- ment of national parks. While the 4cr provided for the manage- ment of national parks, it did not make adequate provision for the selection of new areas which were required in order to give a broad representation of ecosystems with- in the State. The VNPA recognised that the State's network of national parks was far from being a representative sample of ecosystems. A survey by the Association revealed that a considerable portion of the sixty-two ‘vegetational alliances’ identi- fied were not protected in existing reserves (Frankenberg 1971). The Kulkyne State Forest included important areas of the *Saltbush, Bluebush’ alliance comprising low shrubland and low open-shrubland. In 1959 the VNPA submitted an extensive report to the government requesting the reservation of the entire forest as a national park (VNPA Newsletter, October 1959). Consequently, in 1960 an area of approx- imately 18,000 hectares, including Lake Hattah was reserved as Hattah Lakes National Park. In 1980 the surrounding State forest which had previously been held under grazing lease was incorporated to form the Hattah-Kulkyne National Park of 48,000 hectares. Since 1970 the reservation of new national parks and conservation reserves has been based on recommendations by the Land Conservation Council (LCC), now the Environment Conservation Council. The LCC was created in the aftermath of the Little Desert dispute when, in the face of concerted public opposition, the government abandoned Vol. 119 (3) 2002 Part One its plans to open up areas of the Little Desert for farming. The dispute led to the reservation of the Little Desert as a national park, but more importantly it convinced the Government that a more systematic system of land-use planning was required to balance the competing claims for uncommitted Crown land. The outcome was the Land Conser- vation Act 1970 which established a Land Conservation Council to make recommenda- tions to the Government on the balanced use of public land in Victoria. The Little Desert dispute was a watershed in the history of the conservation movement in Victoria. It changed forever the method by which decisions were made about the future use of Crown land. It also revealed the extent of public support for conservation, shaped new attitudes about the environment, and helped the conservation movement to refine its campaign techniques. By 1978, the Land Conservation Council had completed reports on fourteen investi- gation areas, although only two of these reports covered areas adjoining the Murray: North East 1 (1973) and Mallee (1977), LCC recommendations led to the reserva- tion of 20 new parks under the National Parks Act 1978, increasing the area reserved under the Act from 283,000 hectares to 774,000 hectares. Only one park along the Murray was included under the new legislation. The Murray Kulkyne Park, comprising 1550 hectares of Murray River lloodplain, was proclaimed as a result of the 1977 LCC investigation into the Mallee study area. In 1990 the Park was increased in size to 3530 hectares with the addition of the Liparoo Block and renamed Murray Kulkyne Regional Park. In 1982 Barmah Forest was declared a wetland of international importance under the Ramsar Convention, the international treaty to protect wetlands, and in 1987 the LCC recommendation of 1985 to create the Barmah State Park of 7,900 hectares was finally implemented. The park com- prised two sections: the first incorporating wetlands and forests at Top Island, War Plain and Barmah Lakes; the second cov- ering a drier forest of River Red Gum, Grey Box Eucalyptus microcarpa, Yellow Box Eucalyptus melliodora and Black Box Eucalyptus largiflorens. 93 Murray River Special Issue Two of the largest parks along the Murray River protect vastly different ecosystems. After decades of argument and debate, a series of national parks in the alpine area were reserved by the Victorian government in 1979, These parks, which included the Cobberas-Tingaringy National Park along the headwaters of the Murray, were joined in 1989 as the Alpine National Park. Two years later, Murray Sunset National Park of 633,000 hectares was declared in the semi- arid desert country beyond Mildura. The park is the second largest national park in Victoria after the Alpine National Park and was proclaimed, appropriately, on World Environment Day. 'The declaration of a new national park on the international day recognising the importance of the environment is an indi- cation of the changing value we place on the land and the wildlife it sustains. The Murray River continues to support agricul- ture and industry, but it is also widely val- ued for its natural and cultural values. The river is still beset by environmental prob- lems, including salinity, erosion, soil acidi- ty and habitat loss, but in the national parks and conservation reserves along the river, nature now comes first. Acknowledgements I am indebted to Peter Menkhorst of the Parks Flora Fauna Division, Department of Natural Resources and Environment, for correctly iden- tifying Gray's jerboa Kangaroo as an early name for what is now the eastern subspecies of the Burrowing Bettong Bettongia lesueur graii. | am also grateful to Linden Gillbank of the History and Philosophy of Science Department, University of Melbourne, for editorial comment; References Bardwell $ (1990) The Major Mitchell Trail: Exploring Australia Felix, (Department of Conservation, Forests and Lands: Victoria) Curr EM (1965) Recollections of Squatting in Victoria, then culled the Port Phillip District, from 1841 to 1851. (Melbourne University Press; Melbourne) Davies PS (1978) Man and the Murray, a Press: Sydney) Dingle T (1984) The Victorians: Settling. (Fairfax, Syme & Weldon: Sydney) Eastburn D (1990) The River Murray: History at a Glance. (Murray-Darling Basin Commission; Canberra) Fahey C (1987) Barmah Forest: a History of the Barmah Forest. (Department of Conservation, Forests and Lands: Victoria) Frankenberg J (1971) Nature Conservation in Victoria: à Survey. (Victorian National Parks Association) *Hattah-Kulkyne National Park’ Resource Collection File F/C: 3/1, Historic Places Section, Department of Natural Resources and Environment. Hibbins GM (1991) Barmah Chronicles. (Lynedoch Publications) Mackay N and Eastburn D (eds) (1990) The Murray. (Murray Darling Basin Commission: Canberra) Mahon G (1992) 4m Appraisal and Review of Sanctuaries and Wildlife Reserves Systems in Victoria, (Department of Conservation and Environments Victoria) Moulds F (1991) The Dynamic Forest: A History of Forestry and Forest Industries in Victoria, (Lynedoch: Richmond) Priestley S (1984) The Victorians: Making Their Mark (Fairfax, Syme & Weldon; Sydney) The Victorian Naturalist, various issues (full citations in text). Wright R (1989) The Bureauerat's Domain: Space and the Public Interest in Victoria, 1836-84. (Oxford University Press: Oxford) (NSW A THOUSAND MILES ON THE By OW Rosenhain Read before the Field Naturalists’ Club of Victoria, 16th April 1917 The squatter in the early days set about in a ruthless fashion ringing trees, with- out let or hindrance—to do this work must have cost many thousands of pounds; and now you see these dead monarchs of the forest for hundreds of miles on the river front, and extending back as far as the eyes can reach, one mass of white, dead timber. In places the fallen timber is so thick that cattle cannot penetrate. After taking in sufficient fuel, a start was made for Barham Sawmills. This is a large mill on the New South Wales side, owned by the Barham Sawmilling Co. On account of the river being very low for many months previously, a fairly large stock of timber had accumulated, and they estimated there were about 1,000,000 superficial feet of timber stacked there. The manager told me that timber was becoming very scarce, and it hardly pays now to do the cutting. The nearest trees that can be felled are about ten miles from the mill. From The Victorian Naturalist XXXIV (4), August 1917, pp 49-58. The Murry River in The Victorian Naturalist RIVER MURRAY 94 The Victorian Naturalist Part One Geomorphology of the Murray River Basin Noel Schleiger' Abstract The Murray River is an exotic stream, Since Cretaceous time it has been both a betrunked and, more recently in the Pliocene, an engrafted river system. Since the Pliocene, the direction of the course of the Murray has been influenced by upfaulting and jointing of the rocks over which it flows. Geomorphological features such as the valley-in-valley structure, sharpened spurs, valley scroll deposits, incised meanders and valleys, bahadas and prior streams are the direct consequences of uplift, where the river rejuvenates its valley to reach its former base level in its mountain, valley or plain tract. Features of the plain tract are sinuous meanders, because of low gradients, with levee banks, ox-bow lakes, lagoons, anabranches, effluents and distributaries. Saline ground water entering the Murray River has created problems for water management of the Murray. Part of this is due to irrigation of soils developed on a salty sea bed in late Miocene and in part due to salty aquifers being cut by the Murray bed. Aeolian features in the semi-arid areas of the Riverine Plain of the Mallee and Wimmera involve parna deposits, deflated playas, parabolic sand dunes on the Lowan Sand for- mation and luneties on the eastern shores of drying lakes. These are the product of a more arid cli- mate in the Pleistocene through to the present day. (The Vietorian Naturalist 119 (3), 2002, 95-101) The Murray River is an exotic stream The Murray River is the major river in Australia. It drains an area of more than 1,020,000 km? and is 2560 km long from source to sea. When combined with the Darling River, the tract is 5250 km, the fourth largest in the world after the Nile, the Amazon and the Mississippi-Missouri system (Twidale 1968). The average runoff per unit area is only 4% of that of the Danube Basin in Europe, which emphasizes the arid or semi-arid nature of the catchment. While the average rainfall over the whole catchment is 425 mm per annum, only 5% of the total catchment exceeds 750 mm per annum. Most of the high rainfall is over the Kosciuszko and Victorian alpine plateaus. The Murray is thus an allogenic or exotic stream, for it rises in high rainfall areas. giving it sufficient flow to pass through the semi-arid desert regions of the Victorian and South Australian Mallee, where it has no tributaries, to reach the sea at Goolwa on the Coorong. Over this tract, water loss is mainly by evaporation and partly by downward percolation into the porous rocks of its bed and banks. Lake Victoria has an annual evaporation rate of 1500 mm, yet its annual rainfall can vary from 250 to 875 mm. The Murray Gulf The Murray River, as we know it today, developed in the Pliocene Period 2.5 Mya ‘| Astley Street, Montmorency, Victoria 3094 Vol. 119 (3) 2002 (millions of years ago) (Twidale 1968). When Australia began drifting from Antarctica 65 Mya (White 1999) much of Vietoria south of the Great Dividing Range was successively transgressed by shallow seas. Also at that time, the Murray Gulf, occupying the south-west part of the Murray-Darling Basin, was inundated by the sea. Hills (1975) referred to these shallow transgressions as formed by general down- warping or epeirogenie movements (from the Greek epeiros = mainland or conti- nent). Such movements can be simple uplift or depression, tilting or broad warp- ing which affect wide regions rather than narrow belts (see Fig. 1). Within the Murray Gulf, marine sediments began from Middle Palaeocene and contin- ued through to late Miocene when the sea retreated in response to the epeirogenic uplift of the bordering highlands. ^ series of parallel to sub-parallel stranded coastal ridges successively devel- oped as the sea retreated over a period of falling high sea levels. Stratigraphy of the Murray Gulf A detailed stratigraphy of the Murray Basin is described by Lawrence and Abele (1988). Figs 2 and 3 summarise the struc- ture and relative ages of the sedimentary groups and members. The Australian depo- sitional stages and the foraminiferal zones which date them are indicated in the right- hand column of Fig. 3. 95 Murray River Special Issue T =e. L. New South Wales . Loxton Mildura —- i Adelaide = ^ * v4 SON — Murray Basin De ul E EM m Goolwa Ser-]— M Riverine Plain Marine Sedimentation Padiloisvay Horst Great Dividing Range PETEN LB 3 -* y * v. dtp s —— ta Last » RS ga "S *" a z e aS "a - bd y 3 t . Tr% "diea iai] NN Manangatang «7 1 ies . * Riverine Plain re e Mr HN. — . — e TOM, oe ù M " ' x" Kerang- >g Pee ae 0 100 200 kms | Fig. 1. The Murray Gulf from Palaeocene to Miocene time. The rivers enter the Gulf via separate mouths. The local changes of lithology (facies changes) across the Murray Basin from South Australia and Victoria make it diffi- cult to give decisive orders of age for some units. The facies changes from west to east are the consequence of the gradual shal- lowing of the Gulf. In general, the Renmark group is the old- est, ranging in age from mid-Palaeocene to mid-Miocene. The Ettrick Marl, and the Geera Clay to the east and on the same stratigraphic level, overlie the Renmark group. The lower part of the Geera Clay is the lateral equivalent of the Ettrick Marl. The Duddo Limestone overlies the Ettrick Marl and merges into the upper part of the Geera Clay. The Winnambool Formation overlies both the Geera Clay and the Ettrick Marl. Finally, in late Miocene, the Bookpurnong Beds marked the end of marine sedimentation in the Murray Basin. In the Pliocene, terrestrial deposition then 96 followed. Two units highlight this environ- ment: the Torrumbarry Clay and the Calivil Sand. The Torrumbarry Clay Lawrence (1975) described this member in the Echuca North No 1 Bore (Fig. 2) from 58 to 77 m. It consists of white kaolinitic clay up to 30 m thick. It overlies the Calivil Sand and is overlain by the Quaternary Shepparton Formation. It was deposited in lakes and on the alluvial plains. The Calivil Sand Macumber (1972) described this member in the Calivil No 2 Bore between 86 m and 105 m. It overlies unconformably the Palaeozoie bedrock or disconformably on the Renmark Group. The Calivil Sand is of grey, poorly sorted quartz sand and gravel with a white kaolinite matrix, Quite often the member is auriferous and may contain The Victorian Naturalist Part One a 2004 BookpumongBeds P | Winnamboo! Formation Pre- Tena B — ll Fig. 2. The structure of the Murray Basin, following a west to east cross section from the South Australia border to Echuca, with eight key boreholes supplying the stratigraphy (from Lawrence 1975). -200 ifs sagnir Fault 7, diatoms and plant impressions, and forms buried fan deltas up to 45 m thick. For more detail see Bowler and Macumber (1968) and Lawrence and Abele (1988). Features of the Murray River The mountain, valley and plain tracts of the Murray River exhibit a variety of geo- morphic features which are discussed below. Betrunked and engrafted river systems Fig. 1 shows the extent of the Murray Gulf in relation to present day streams. Prior to the incursion of the Murray Gulf, the ancestors of the present day streams would have entered the sea, depending on their position then, as one river system as at present. Once the Murray Gulf was established, these streams would have debouched into it by separate mouths, e.g. Fig. 1 shows the Murrumbidgee and Darling as a betrunked river system. In the Pliocene, when the sea retreated, the Murray and Murrumbidgee joined as one. At Wentworth, the Darling joined the Murray to complete the system, and then flowed across the former sea bed to be deflected by the elevated Flinders-Lofty block to reach the sea at Goolwa, South Australia on the Coorong. This stream sys- tem is an engrafted river system for the Murray and its tributaries engrafied a new course over the former sea bed, the slope of which must have been to the north-west, then westerly and finally southerly. Twidale (1968) shows the Murray River deflected by the Morgan fault. The Murray was defeated at Morgan, deflecting it in a southerly direction to Goolwa (Fig. 4a). Vol. 119 (3) 2002 Defeated stream The Cadell Tilt Block The diversion of the Murray River north- east of Echuca is an example of a defeated stream. Harris (1938) describes ‘the great bend of the Murray River makes to the south when about 48 km NE of Echuca'. His fig. 1 shows the Cadell Tilt Block uplifted along the Cadell Fault which runs north-north-east along the Colbinabbin Range of Cambrian greenstones to Deniliquin. The now dry segment of Green Gully which crosses the westerly-tilted uplifted- block from Mathoura is known as a wind gap. The Moira Marshes at the base of the Cadell Tilt Block, with its outerop of allu- vium, marks the ponding of the Murray just west of its diversion point (Hills 1975; Bowler and Macumber 1968). The North West Bend at Morgan, SA There is much debate among geologists about whether the southerly deflection of the Murray at Morgan is the result of defeat faulting on the eastern margin of the Lofty Ranges. Twidale (1968) states ‘the Murray makes a sharp turn southward in response to a series of low north to south fault escarpments located within the Murray plain’ between Morgan and Blanchetown which appears to be a com- plex but well marked fault zone. Williams and Goode (1978) proposed that before uplift of the Lofty and Flinders Ranges an ancient Murray River extended across the line of these ranges to a major delta in the Spencer Gulf. Brown and Stephenson (1991) have made a compre- hensive study of the Murray Basin and 97 Murray River Special Issue Age Epoch Series Stratigraphic units (Mya) T. 18 |Pliocene | Upper Parilla Sand Lower ~ z Bookpurnong Beds 2 Upper 10.5 15 Miocene Middle Winnambool | Formation | d Lower 23.5 Ü er Oligocene ir 32 Lower 37.5 Upper Renmark 3 Eocene 43 Middle Group ds Lower 53.5 Upper 56 Paleocene Middle 62 Lower 65 Shepparton Fm Foram Australian stages Key Foraminifera zones 14 Kalimnan Cheltenhamian Torrumbarry 1 Mitchellian Clay 3 12 11 Bairnsdalian Orbiculina universa 10 O.suturalis 9 Balcombian Praeorbiculina glomerosa cunia Batesfordian ^ Globigerinoides sicunus Longfordian G. trilobus 5 3 Globoquadrina dehiscens 1 2 Janjukian TW Globigerina euapertura Guembolitria stowensis Aldingan Wangerippian Fig, 3. Geological age-correlation chart of the stratigraphic units of the Murray Basin. argue that this event was unlikely in the Cainozoic era. The evidence of borelogs suggests that the precursor to the modern Murray emptied into the Buccleuch Embayment at least from the Eocene. Therefore, if Williams and Goode (1978) are correct, the trans-Lofty tract would be in the Cretaceous or earlier. For more detail on this debate see Brown and Stephenson (1991). These authors argue that in the late Miocene a marine transgres- sion which persisted into the early Pliocene to the mouth of the Murray was located near the geographic centre of the Murray Basin. This mouth migrated west- erly along the course of the present Murray River as the sea began retreating from the basin. About 2-5 Mya tectonism in the western Murray Basin led to the formation of Lake Bungunnia which ponded the Murray at Morgan (Fig. 4c). About 0.7 Mya the lake waters retreated and the Murray proceeded along a southerly down- stream course from Morgan following a glacial sea level drop. Brown and Stephenson (1991) stress that the western mouth hypothesis did not occur for the ancient Murray at any time within 98 the Cainozoic. So whether the Murray River at Morgan is a defeated stream is a paradox, as it has all the features of one. Anastomosing streams There are streams along the Murray in its riverine plain which form a network of widely spaced streams, large enough and long enough to rank a name. These streams have diverged from the Murray to join it further downstream, e.g. Gunbower Creek and Barr Creek. Such streams are known as anabranches. Another type of diverging channel may terminate in a shallow lake or swamp. This is known as an effluent, e.g. Chalka Creek in the Hattah-Kulkyne National Park termi- nates in part at Lake Lockie one of the Hattah Lakes. In North West Victoria near the border with NSW and SA, Lake Victoria terminates Rufus River, which leaves the Murray and flows northerly. Toole Creek actually leaves the Murray River in NSW and joins the Wakool River in the Riverina. This is a distributary stream. These anastomosing streams have levee banks built up on either side of the stream at flood time. During flood time, erosion The Victorian Naturalist through a levee bank can allow the distrib- utary to take an entirely new course as the channels are split and shifted. This allows a large area to be covered very thickly with alluvium, as occurs between Kow Swamp and Lake Charm. Valley-in-valley structure Between Mannum and Morgan in South Australia, the Murray Valley shows valley- in-valley structure, which suggests there are two base levels due either to epeirogenic uplift of the area, or in response to a drop in sea level. The first base level was a valley cut in the mature landscape before uplift or sea level lower- ing. The second base level is the stream today, a valley incised in the former valley. The first base level was cut in Pliocene times, for Twidale (1968) reports small outcrops of cross-bedded sandstones 6-7.5 m thick scattered over the cliff tops. There is an oyster bed at the base of the cross- bedded sandstone of Pliocene age. These Pliocene sediments have not been formed outside the confines of the wider valley, and were laid down in a narrow estuary, far inland up what is now the Lower Murray Valley. Influence of bedrock jointing Geomorphologically, joints are important as they form lines of weakness which can be exploited by weathering agents, espe- cially water and wind. The pattern and spacing of the joint pattern (i.e. the texture of the joint system) are imposed on the pattern of relief. The geometry and spacing of joints vary within the same rock and certainly from one rock to another. The Miocene calcarenite (sandy limestone) forming the Murray cliffs markedly show joint blocks exposed in the cliffs, This joint pattern has been picked out by the Murray in SA (Fig. 4a, b). Sharpened spurs and valley scrolls The Murray reaches maturity when the amplitude of its meander belt is equal to the width of its valley floor. The Murray has incised a valley through the hills, where it is still cutting laterally into its banks to form accentuated or sharpened spurs, then swings away to the other side and laterally corrades hills on the other side. In so doing it deposits valley plain Vol. 119 (3) 2002 Part One Ancestral Darling River -5 7777408 Ancestral Lachlan River Lake Hii marsh (€) ; d Fig. 4. (a) The Murray River deflected southerly by the Morgan Fault (after Firman 1966). (b) Directional control of the Murray tract by joint- ing in the Miocene sediments (enlargement of the frame in a) (after O'Driscoll 1960). (c) Palaeodrainage of Murray Basin in late Pliocene to early Pleistocene (2.5-0.7 Mya). The Murray system engrafted partly across the old sea floor to enter Lake Bungunnia. After 0.7 Mya an exit drainage line developed west of the Pinnaroo Block to drain the lake into the Southern Ocean and hence the modern Murray tract (after Brown and Stephenson 1991). alluvium between the two zones of lateral corrasion marked by the sharpened spurs. These zones of alluvial deposition are known as valley scroll deposits (Hills 1975). Alluvial fans or alluvial cones The Murray shows valley-in-valley struc- ture west of Wodonga. Tributaries entering the upper terraces of the Murray drop their sediment on approaching the Murray in the form of a flat cone. If several tributaries build alluvial cones side-by-side, an allu- vial apron will form sub-parallel to the upper edge of the terrace. This is known as a bahada (Holmes 1969). If uplift contin- ues or the Murray corrades its bed vertical- 99 Murray River Special Issue ly lower, the tributary incises the flood plain and may even build another alluvial cone at a lower level (Hills 1975). Parna deposits Parna is a wind blown silt deposited in many parts of southern Australia by rain after dust storms, especially in the Pleistocene when the climate was more arid. Wide areas of the Murray Basin are covered at the surface with a layer of clay- loam called parna. It is like the loess of China but of a pallid grey colour around Melbourne. Areas of consistent loss of dust and sand are said to be deflated. In the northern plains are small barren swales, or ‘scalded’ areas which are believed to be formed by the deflation of salt-affected soils during dust storms. Mostly sand is moved by saltation with jumps at about 25 to 30 em above the sur- face. Strong gale-force winds carry sand along the ground, forming aeolian sand rip- ples with wave lengths of 9 to 12 cm. Such sand can blast and polish heavier pebbles and wear flat, sloping surfaces on them. These pebbles are known as ventifaets. Lakes and lunettes Hills (1940) was the first to document lunettes. These are crescent-shaped ridges on the eastern shores of lakes. They were first described by Major Thomas Mitchell from Green Lake and Dock Lake near the Grampians in Western Victoria. They are widespread in Australia south of latitude 32S, and there are even some in Tasmania. They differ from sand dunes in consisting wholly of clay-loam on the eastern shores of lakes in semi-arid areas. The summit is broadly rounded. The highest part is closer to the lake shore than the outer margin (horns). They curve parallel to the smooth curve of the lake shore on the eastern side. They are due to beach erosion by westerlies when the lake level is seasonally low, In cross section, lunettes are ty yee asym- metrical, with the steeper slope Í facing the lake. The bedding in lunettes is generally parallel to the surface apart from where it is truncated on the lake-facing side. Lunettes are built of granular aggregates of clay and silt on the lake floor when the water dries up, leaving salts accumulated on the lake bed as pellets of clayey materi- al. Clay pellets driven by the prevailing 100 west and south-west winds mantle over the accumulating dune. The majority of Victorian lunettes, including many exam- ples between Kerang and Swan Hill, are believed to have formed between 15,000 and 17,500 ya (Bowler and Macumber 1968). Around Boort, the younger ages of lunettes suggest that the special conditions for lunette formation did not occur there until later. In some lakes, younger lunettes formed in sequence as the lake shore shrank back, or several smaller lakes formed within the one larger basin. Salinity in the Murray River Lakes consistently fed by streams, yet inadequate to cause the lake to overflow, accumulate all salts brought in so that their waters become highly saline. When these lakes dry out they become clay pans or playas. If they are salty, yielding crystals of halite (sodium chloride) and gypsum (hydrated calcium sulphate), then they are salinas, e.g. Lake Tyrell near Sea Lake on the floor of the Murray Basin. In the Wentworth-Mildura area of the Murray and in South Australia between Renmark and Morgan, groundwater from springs seeps into the bed of the river. Below normal river level the springs are not visible. Some of these waters are saline. Attempts are being made in the Sunraysia area to intersect these saline aquifers and stop them from entering the Murray. The saline water is pumped into playas, where it is evaporated and the salt is harvested. This has minimized saline water entering the Murray in the Mildura area. Summary The geomorphic features described in the Murray Basin are of two types: tectonic structures, which have influenced the direction of the Murray tract; and semi- arid features involving aeolian and fluvi- atile processes due to the exotic nature of the river system. Tectonic structures Both epeirogenic movements and local- ized faulting have been active over the his- tory of the Murray Basin. Epeirogenic movements are responsible for the betrunked and engrafted river system at the commencement and completion respec- tively of the Murray Gulf transgression. The Victorian Naturalist Faulting of uplifted blocks such as Cadell and the Morgan faults has been effective in diverting the course of the Murray. Joint directions have been responsible for the zig-zag course of the Murray in South Australia. In its mountain and valley tract upstream from Wodonga, valley-in-valley structure has produced river terraces in response to either lowering of sea level or epeirogenic uplift of broad areas. In such a situation, fault aprons and bahadas can result from higher bankful discharge and runoff. Incised streams, valley scrolls, and sharpened spurs are common in uplifted, rejuvenated areas of north-east Victoria and South Australia. Semi-arid features Fluviatile features The lack of tributaries joining the Murray is a feature of the Mallee and Wimmera. The Loddon and the Avoca Rivers fail to reach the Murray. Due to the gentle slopes, levees and sinuous meandering with ox- bow lakes, lagoons and cut off meanders are numerous. Anabranches, effluents and distributaries are common between Echuca and Renmark (Fig. 5). Aeolian features Parna from the precipitation of rain fol- lowing dust storms, parabolic dunes on the Quaternary Lowan Sands, as well as lunettes on the eastern margins of lakes, and swamps testify to the dominance of wind in the dry summers from the Pleistocene through to modern times. Irrigation and movement of saline ground water into the Murray have increased the salinity of the Murray since European set- tlement. The problem is complex and cost- ly to solve. On the positive side, the Murray Basin could be important for the harvesting of earth resources in the 21" century. Heavy minerals, e.g. magnetite and ilmenite, are in evidence from prospecting projects. As well, granite and good quality gravel, lime, sand and clay deposits may lay the basis for building and engineering projects. Acknowledgements The author appreciated the help of Dr Ken Bell with aspects of the manuscript. Roger Pierson of Deakin University helped with key references. Dorothy Mahler helped with typing and layout of manuscript. Vol. 119 (3) 2002 Part One Gunbower Creek Kow Swamp Fig. 5. Anabranches, effluents and distributaries in the plain tract of the Murray. References Bowler JM and Macumber PG (1968) The Riverine Plain in Northern Victoria. In A Regional Guide to Victorian Geology Excursion No 13, pp 133-144. Eds J McAndrew and MAH Marsden. Brown CM and Stephenson AF (1991) Geology of the Murray Basin Southeastern Australia, BMR Bulletin 235. Bureau of Mineral Resources, Canberra, Firman JB (1966) Stratigraphy of the Chowilla Area in the Murray Basin: Quarterly Geological Notes. Geological Survey of South Australia 28, 1-47. Harris WJ (1938) The Physiography of the Echuca District. Proceedings of the Royal Society of Victoria 51, 45-60. Hills ES (1940) The lunette: a new form of aeolian ori- gin. Australian Geographer 3, 15-21. Hills ES (1975) Physiography of Victoria ~ An Introduction to Geomorphology. (Whitcombe and Tombs: Australia) Holmes A (1969) Principles of Physical Geology. (Thomas Nelson & Sons Ltd: London) Lawrence CR and Abele C (1988) The Murray Basin. In Geology of Victoria, Eds JG Douglas and JA Ferguson. (Victorian Division Geological Society of Australia Ine: Melbourne) Lawrence CR (1975) Geology, Hydrodynamics and Hydrochemistry of the Southern Murray Basin. Memoir 30, Mines Department, Victoria, Australia, Macumber PG (1972). Progress report on the Groundwater Survey of the Avoca and Loddon Valleys. Progress Report of the Geological Survey of Victoria. McAndrew J and Marsden MAH (1968) 4 Regional Guide to Victorian Geology. Geology Department, University of Melbourne, Melbourne. O'Driscoll EPD (1960) The Hydrology of the Murray Basin Province in South Australia. Bulletin of the Geological Survey of South Australia 35. Parkin LW (1969) Handbook of South Australian Geology. (Geological Survey of South Australia: Adelaide) Stephenson AE and Brown CM (1989) The ancient Murray River System. BMR Journal of Geology and Geophysics 11, 387-395. Twidale CR (1968) Geomorphology with Special Reference to Australia. (Nelson: Melbourne) White ME (1999) Reading the Rocks. (Kangaroo Press: Australia) Williams GE and Goode ADT (1978) Possible western outlet for an ancient Murray River in South Australia. Search 9, 442-447. 101 Murray River Special Issue Floodplain Wetlands: the Jewels of the Murray River Rhonda Butcher! and Michael Reid’ Abstract Wetlands and billabongs of the Murray River floodplain are intimately connected with the main- stream, and whilst this may imply a degree of similarity, work over the past 20 years has shown that this is not necessarily the case. While billabongs are formed by the river, the physical and chemical gradients of the river and floodplain wetlands are quite different and thus the biological communities are quite different. This paper briefly describes some of the ecological differences between the main- stream and the floodplain wetlands touching on the importance of connectivity, disturbance, and the variability of the floodplain communities. (The Victorian Naturalist 119 (3), 2002, 102-107) Introduction Seasonally or intermittently flooded wet- lands and billabongs are common in flood- plain ecosystems and are important func- tional components of the Murray River (Fig. 1; Hillman 1986). Over 7000 wet- lands covering an area greater than 200,000 ha have been mapped along the length of the Murray River downstream of Hume dam, with half of that area constitut- ing floodplain wetlands (Pressey 1990). Billabongs are probably one of the best- known aquatic habitats in Australia, and are a major feature of the 300 kilometre long, confined floodplain from the Hume dam to Tocumwal. Downstream of Tocumwal tectonic activity, principally uplift of an area known as the Cadell block around 60,000 years ago (Page et al. 1996) has contributed to the formation of three major alluvial fans: the Barmah, Wakool and Gunbower. Frequent flooding of these low-lying fans has led to the development of extensive floodplain wetland forest (Young and Hillman 2001 ). In 1986 Terry Hillman published a book chapter simply entitled *Billabongs" in which he highlighted the diversity and pro- ductivity of billabong communities and demonstrated their distinctiveness from those of the mainstream Murray River. He lamented our lack of understanding of these systems, and whilst our understand- ing of the ecology of billabongs and other floodplain wetlands remains limited, it has improved. Billabongs have a unique place in Australian folklore, and they, along with other floodplain wetlands, have been the ‘School of Biological Sciences, PO Box 18, Monash University, Victoria 3800 * National Institute of Water and Atmospheric Research, PO Box 8602, Christchurch, New Zealand 102 focus of considerable scientific interest and research in the past 15 years. Billabongs are floodplain wetlands that are formed by the geomorphic action of the stream, Most billabongs are old sec- tions of the main channel formed by mean- der cutoff or channel avulsion. Some may even act as anabranches during periods of high flow. Cut-off meanders can be quite deep thus forming unique deep-water bill- abongs, which can retain water for much longer than most floodplain wetlands. Other smaller billabongs may be formed in floodplain depressions such as scroll swales or when smaller tributaries dry out to a series of pools. Superimposed upon this variety of form is that created by the process of sediment deposition, which leads to a mosaic of billabongs of various shapes and depths across the floodplain. The process of infilling appears, in many cases, to be very slow, meaning that indi- vidual billabongs can be very old. Radiocarbon dating of billabongs on the Murray River suggests that they have been in existence for up to 7000 years (Ogden ef al. 2001). Even more impressive, dating of two billabongs on the Goulburn River indicates they were cut off from the main- stream over 12,000 years ago — these bill- abongs remain more than three metres deep (Ogden et al. 2001; Reid in press). Floodplain wetlands have been variously categorised according to a number of sys- tems, but mainly reflect the water regime. They can have water for varying lengths of time, and are generally characterised as being shallow, less than 2 m deep. The ele- vation of the floodplain is generally only a few metres and the lower areas will be prone to more frequent flooding events. The Victorian Naturalist Issues of connectivity One of the features of natural floodplain ecosystems is the degree to which water and other materials move between the mainstream, floodplain wetlands and the terrestrial floodplain. Since European set- tlement and regulation of the Murray River there has been a physical and biotic separa- tion of the components of the floodplain, mainly through alteration of the flooding regime. The connectivity of the system has been disrupted. Four dimensions of connectivity are apparent in a river system as ít flows from its headwaters to the sea. The first is the longitudinal or upstream-downstream dimension. The second is the lateral move- ment of water from the river channel into the terrestrial environment, such as occurs in floodplain areas. The third is the subsur- face movement of water through porous material in the streambed both laterally and vertically into the substrata. The final dimension is temporal, reflecting the change in the physical dimensions of the various components of the river-floodplain system through the seasons and with the advent of floods and droughts. Most stream biota have distinct prefer- ences for specific conditions and will live, or be most abundant, where they have the greatest chance of surviving and reproduc- ing. For example, some invertebrates are adapted to living in the cool, highly oxy- genated riffle areas of uplands streams. Murray Cod prefer the warmer lowland reaches. They have been shown to like par- ticular snags and are quite content to wan- der over the floodplain when there is a flood. Leeches prefer the still waters of floodplain wetlands (and farm dams in the absence of natural wetlands), and River Red Gums require certain periods of inun- dation in order to germinate, Some biota will occur in different areas of a floodplain system at different stages of their life histo- ry, a feature that highlights the importance of connectivity across floodplain systems. From the headwaters of a river to the river mouth a number of physical and chemical features change. Channel gradi- ent, mean particle size of the substrate and shading by riparian vegetation all decrease as you move downstream. On the other hand, mean flow and discharge, channel Vol. 119 (3) 2002 Part One Fig. 1. River Red Gum forest in flood at Barmah. Photo by Lindy Lumsden. width and sinuosity all inerease. In the water column, downstream decreases occur in dissolved oxygen concentration, the amount of coarse particulate organic matter and the degree of variation in water temperature, whilst turbidity, salinity, dis- solved organic matter, nutrient concentra- tions and mean water temperature each tend to increase (Boulton and Brock 1999). The overriding influence is the directional flow of the water. lhe physical and chemical environment of floodplain wetlands and billabongs is deter- mined by the water regime: when they have water (summer, winter, spring), when it arrived, how long the water stayed and how much water is present. The timing and dura- tion of the flood pulse is a key factor in dri- ving wetland biota life cycles (Reid and Brooks 2000; Young 2001). Wetlands and billabongs are relatively closed systems and lack the longitudinal gradient seen in rivers. Events which affect the physical and chemi- cal environments of these systems can, and do, occur at different times and rates (e.g. flooding/drying) even in quite geographical- ly close systems (Boon et al. 1990; Boulton and Brock 1999), Water chemistry has been shown to reflect a cyclic pattern closely attuned to the hydrological regime. Thus, flooding leads to dilution of wetland waters. This is followed by gradual concentration, which becomes extreme in periods of drought. Associated with these changes are biotic patterns that also affect the nutrient cycling patterns. Considering this, billabong and floodplain wetlands are highly variable, rich and, at times, extreme environments (Hillman 1986; Boon et al. 1990; Reid and Brooks 2000). 103 Murray River Special Issue Biological processes — primary produc- tion and the microbial loop When water arrives it triggers the release of a pulse of nutrients from the sediments. At the same time plants and algae germinate Irom the seed bank in the sediment of the wetland and begin to grow. The nutrients provide food for the bacteria, which then begin to break down the terrestrial organic material that has been inundated. The microbial loop is a very important compo- nent of wetland function. It was once thought that bacterias main role in ecosys- tems was as decomposers of dead and dying matter, thus making the nutrients available to other consumers. However, research has shown that microbes are actually a food source in themselves and form part of the food web, thus the term microbial loop has become popular. Biota which feed on bacte- ria include protozoans, such as small flagel- lates and ciliates, and rotifers which are in turn eaten by bigger invertebrates, and so on (Boulton and Brock 1999). The main groups of primary producers include both micro and macroscopic forms. The macroscopic primary producers are the water plants, which include both submerged and emergent forms that grow in shallow areas. The distribution of aquat- ic plants is strongly determined by water depth and clarity because they are limited by light availability. The microscopic pri- mary producers include two major groups, the periphyton, which grow attached to the sediments and other submerged surfaces (e.g. woody debris, plants) and the phyto- plankton, which occur in the water col- umn. In the Murray River and the associat- ed deep billabongs today. the bulk of pri- mary productivity appears to be carried out by phytoplankton (Ben Gawne pers. comm.; Reid ef al. in press), However, there is evidence from the sedimentary records of several Murray River billabongs that prior to the arrival of Europeans aquat- ic plants and periphvton were much more important primary producers (Ogden 2000; Reid er al. in press). Habitat zones within wetlands and asso- ciated invertebrate assemblages Generally wetlands can have up to four readily identified habitats or microhabi- tats: the water surface, the open water 104 zone, the profundal zone and the littoral zone, The littoral or edge zone is characterised by relatively coarse sediments and a com- plex habitat structure. The complex struc- ture arises because large plants can grow in this zone as it usually equates to the euphotic zone, which is defined as the depth to which light penetrates in the water column to sustain/support photosynthesis. An abundance of woody debris often con- tributes further to the habitat complexity of this zone. The littoral zone is generally the most biologically diverse region within a wetland. For this reason, along with more practical reasons related to access, this zone is often the focus of biological study. The region of the wetland that lies beyond the euphotic zone is known as the profun- dal zone. There is not sufficient light at this depth to support photosynthesis so no plants grow here. Bacteria, detrivores and the animals that feed on them predominate within this zone. The sediments are gener- ally finer and there is less structural diversi- ty than in littoral areas. The separation between littoral and profundal zones is highly variable, and in many shallow clear water wetlands a true profundal zone may not exist (Boulton and Brock 1999), The air-water interface or the neuston of the water surface supports a number of spe- cialised biota, Virtually all of the biota adapted to the neuston are predators, and come mainly from the Hemiptera (bugs) and the Coleoptera (beetles). Some biota are tem- porary members of the neuston as they are air breathers. These include the culicid mos- quito larvae, diving beetles, and other bugs. Because these animals are air breathers it is believed they are relatively tolerant of poorer water quality, especially low oxygen levels (Boulton and Brock 1999), The open water column is often referred to as the pelagic or limnetic zone. Invertebrates found in the open water zone can be divided into the nekton, generally macroscopic organisms that are strong, active swimmers, and the zooplankton, smaller organisms that are generally weak- er swimmers or that passively drift or float within the water column. Many zooplank- ton such as rotifers, water fleas and cope- pods are grazers, and can be found in large numbers in the water column (Boulton and The Victorian Naturalist Brock 1999). The nekton includes the fish and the larger invertebrates, such as many bug and beetle species, that feed on the zooplankton or on each other. The micro-invertebrates of floodplain wetlands and billabongs are particularly well known due to the efforts of Russ Shiel and his colleagues. A considerable body of taxonomic and ecological work has shown that, not only are there large numbers of species present in these habitats, but that many which were thought to belong to cos- mopolitan species are actually endemic to Australia. The most diverse billabong assemblages are not planktonic, but are epibenthic and epiphytic in the littoral zone (Hillman and Shiel 1991; Green and Shiel 1992: Shiel 1995; Shiel er al. 1998). How changes in the water regime affect biota and the broader functioning of the floodplain ecosystem are questions on which considerable work has focused. A number of studies suggest that wetland invertebrate communities are affected by periodicity, seasonality and duration of flooding (Boulton and Lloyd 1992; Nielsen et al. 1999; Quinn ef al. 2000). However, the mechanisms driving the observed pat- terns are likely to be complex. For exam- ple, a recent study by Quinn ef al. (2000) compared the changes in invertebrate com- munities of temporary and permanent wet- lands on the Murray (regulated) and Ovens (unregulated) floodplains over time fol- lowing flooding. They found that distinc- tions between permanent and temporary wetlands were clear and persistent for Murray wetlands but that no distinction could be made between temporary and per- manent wetlands on the Ovens floodplain, even for the samples taken just one month after flooding. This suggests that some of the mechanisms linking biota and flooding regimes operate at large spatial scales. One area of great interest is how changing flooding regimes may affect the emergence (hatching) of resting stages of invertebrates and plants from floodplain sediments fol- lowing inundation. The low and unpre- dictable rainfall that characterises much of the Murray-Darling basin means that aquat- ic organisms must be able to persist through long dry periods. Many do so by producing desiccation-resistant eggs or seeds that can lie dormant in dry soil or sediment for many Vol. 119 (3) 2002 Part One years. Studies in Australia (Boulton and Lloyd 1992; Jenkins and Briggs 1997) and overseas (Hairston and De Stasio 1988; De Stasio 1989; Hairston et al. 1995) show that eggs estimated to be up to 300 years old can hatch under suitable conditions. The long lived nature of the egg and seedbanks pro- vide not only the refuges from extended periods of drying or drought but also a means of maintaining genetic, phenotypic, species and community diversity (Ellner and Hairston 1994; Hairston er al, 1996; Leck and Brock 2000). However, despite this apparent resilience, several experimen- tal studies have shown that spatial variation in the number and variety of invertebrates emerging from flooded sediments can be partly attributed to variation in the flooding history of those sediments (Boulton and Lloyd 1992; Boulton and Jenkins 1998; Nielsen er al. 2000). Thus, changes in flooding regime associated with river regu- lation appear to have the potential to affect the viability of the egg bank and hence the abundance and diversity of emergent com- munities. Concluding remarks One of the main controlling elements in structuring aquatic communities is distur- bance. In Australia we have high natural disturbance with frequent floods and droughts, which are believed to be one of the major determinants of aquatic commu- nity structure. Human disturbance com- pounds environmental change and is super- imposed upon natural variability. Virtually all of our rivers and streams have had their [low regime altered in some manner, usual- ly by diversions or dams. Altered volumes and seasonality of flows radically change the natural settings of rivers and streams and the delivery of water to the floodplain and its associated wetlands. These changes have, in turn, been implicated in the loss of native species and an increase in invasive exoties that are apparently better suited to the new conditions (Stanford 1996). The cumulative effect of these distur- bances is the decoupling of the complex interactive pathways that are characteristic of the four dimensions of connectivity along rivers in large basins (Stanford 1996). River regulation is just one example. It decouples the longitudinal and lateral 105 Murray River Special Issue dimensions of rivers. In the Murray, for example, we have whole sections of river that have been converted from flowing lotic environments to a series of lentic weir pools. The weir pools act as a migration barrier for fish and other animals, they act as flood and nutrient sinks and they can stimulate biophysical consistency in down- stream sections of the river. A difficulty associated with disturbance is identifying causality. Particularly in lowland and mid- land reaches of rivers, attributing alter- ations in aquatic community structure to any one disturbance is quite difficult. Increased salinity, increased turbidity and sedimentation, alterations to flow regimes und water quality are all things that tend to happen together, so separating out one cul- prit can be quite a challenge at times. Billabong and wetland environments are extremely variable and this heterogeneity is also reflected in the biotic community, Even when the floodplain is inundated and would appear on the surface to be a homogeneous single wetland environment, environmental patchiness still exists as different biota respond differently to the flood event. This variability makes the life of a natural resource manager quite difficult. For exam- ple if a manager is trying to assess the impact of an environmental water allocation to a floodplain system, the scale at which vari- ables are measured and recorded will have a great influence on what information can be gained. Biota operate and respond at differ- ent scales and rates: this spatial and temporal variability is a critical feature of all wetland environments and needs to be carefully con- sidered when undertaking any ecological assessment of a wetland (Weins 1989; Schneider 1994; Butcher ef al. in prep). Floodplain wetlands and billabongs form the aquatic component of the floodplain and have distinet differences in the physi- cal and chemical gradients and in the bio- logical processes and communities com- pared to the mainstream. It is easy to think of them as separate entities, but all three major components (terrestrial floodplain, aquatic floodplain habitat and the main- stream) of floodplain river systems such as the Murray are interdependent, They are highly complex and variable, fascinating environments: jewels that we should learn to appreciate and treasure. Acknowledgements We would like to thank Drs Russ Shiel and Daryl Nielsen for information and comments on various sections of this paper, References Boon PL Frankenburg J, Hillman TJ, Oliver RL and Shiel RL (1990) Billabongs. In The Murray, pp 183- 200. Rds N MacKay and D Eastburn, (Murray Darling Basin Commission: Canberra) Boulton AJ and Lloyd LN (1992) Flooding frequency and invertebrate emergence from dry floodplain sedi- ments of the River Murray, Australia. Regulared Rivers: Research and Management 7, 137-151. Boulton AJ and Jenkins KM (1998) Flood regimes and invertebrate communities in floodplain wetlands, [n Wetlands in a dryland: Understanding for manage- ment, pp 137-146. Ed WD Williams (Environment Australia, Biodiversity Group: Canberra) Boulton AJ and Brock MA (1999) Australian Freshwater Ecology: Process and Management. (Gleneagles Publishing: Glen Osmond, SA) Butcher RJ, Davis JA and Lake PS (in prep). Assessing biodiversity in Australian wetlands: Trials and tribu- lations. De Stasio BT Jr (1989) The seed bank of a freshwater crustacean copepodology for the plant ecologist, Ecology 70, 1377-1389. Ellner $ and Hairston NG Jr (1994) Role of overlap- ping generations in maintaining genetic variation in a lluctuating environment. The American Naturalist 143, 403-417, Green JD and Shiel RJ (1992) Australia’s neglected freshwater microfauna. Australian Biologist 5, 118- 123 J. Hairston NG Jr and De Stasio BT Jr (1988) Rate of evolution slowed by a dormant propagule pool. Nature 336, 239-242. Hairston NG Jr, Kearns CM and Ellner SP (1996) Phenotyphie variation in a zooplankton egg bank. Ecology 77, 2382-2392. Hairston NG Jr, Van Brunt RA Jr. Kearns CM and Engstrom DR (1995) Age and survivorship of dia- pausing eggs in a sediment egg bank. Ecology 76, 1706-171. Hillman TJ (1986) Billabongs. In Limnology in Australia, pp 457-470. Eds P DeDeckker and WD Williams. (CSIRO: Melbourne and Dr W Junk: Dordrecht) Hillman TJ and Shiel RJ (1991) Macro- and micro- invertebrates in Australian billabongs. Verh. International Verein. Limnol 24, 1581-1587. Jenkins K and Briggs S (1997) Wetland invertebrales and flood frequency on lakes along Teryaweynya Creek, NSW National Parks and Wildlife Service. Leck MA and Brock MA (2000) Ecological and evolu- tionary trends in wetlands: Evidence from seeds and seed banks in New South Wales, Australia and New Jersey. USA. Plant Species Biology 15, 97-112. Nielsen DL, Hillman TJ and Smith FJ (1999) Effects of hydrological variation and planktivorous competition on maeroinvertebrate community structure in experi- mental billabongs. Freshwater Biology 42, 427-444, Nielsen DL, Smith FJ, Hillman TJ and Shiel RJ (2000) Impact of water regime and fish predation on zoo- plankton resting egg production and emergence. Journal af Plankton Research 22, 433-446, Ogden RW (2000) Modern and historical variation in aquatic macrophyte cover of billabongs associated with catchment development. Regulated Rivers: Research and Management 16, 497-512. Ogden R, Spooner N, Reid M and Head J (2001) Sediment dates with implications for the age of the conversion from palaeochannel to modern fluvial activity on the Murray River and tributaries. Quaternary International 83-85, 195-209. Page K, Nanson G and Price D (1996) Chronology of Murrumbidgee River palaeochannels on the Riverine Plain, southeastern Australia. Journal of Quaternary Science 11, 311-326. À Pressey RL (1990) Wetlands. In The Murray, pp 167- 182. Eds N MacKay and D Eastburn, (Murray Darling Basin Commission: Canberra) Quinn GP, Hillman TJ and Cook R (2000) The response of macroinvertebrates to inundation in floodplain wetlands: a possible effect of river regula- tion? Regulated Rivers: Research and Management 16, 469-477. Reid MA (in press). A diatom-based palaeoecological study of two billabongs on the Goulburn River flood- plain, south-east Australia, Proceedings of the 13th International Diatom Symposium, Curtin University, Perth. Australia, Reid MA and Brooks JJ (2000) Detecting effects of environmental water allocations in wetlands of the Murray-Darling Basin, Australia, Regulated Rivers Research and Management 16, 479-496, Reid MA, Fluin J. Ogden RW, Tibby J and Kershaw AP (in press). Long-term perspectives on human impacts on floodplain-tiver ecosystems, Murray- Part One Darling Basin, Australia. Proceedings of the International Association of Theoretical and Applied Limnolagy, 28. Schneider DC (1994) Quantitative Ecology: Spatial and Temporal Scaling. (Academic Press: San Diego) B RJ (1995) Billabongs, Australasian Science 16, 10-13. Shiel RJ, Green JD and Nielsen DL (1998) Floodplain biodiversity: why are there so many species? Hydrobiologia 387, 39-46. Stanford JA (1996) Landseapes and catchment basins. In Methods in Stream Ecology, pp 3-22. Eds FR Hauer and GA Lamberti. (Academic Press: San Diego) Wiens JA (1989) Spatial Scaling in Ecology. Functional Ecology 3, 385-397. Young WJ and Hillman TJ (2001) A tale of two rivers In Rivers as ecological systems. The Murray Darling Basin. pp 101-135. Ed WJ Young. (Murray Darling Basin Commission: Canberra) Young WJ (ed) (2001) Rivers as Ecological Systems The Murray Darling Basin. (Murray Darling Basin Commission: Canberra) Habitat Change in River Red Gum Floodplains: Depletion of Fallen Timber and Impacts on Biodiversity Ralph Mac Nally', Andrea Ballinger’ and Gregory Horrocks! Abstract Pallen timber, or coarse woody debris, is a major habitat structural element for animals and plants throughout forested areas worldwide, Fallen timber yolumes have been massively manipulated both through direct means (fire-wood collection, fuel reduction) and through indirect activities (silvicultur- al management preventing trees reaching senescence). Work in our laboratory has focused on assess- ing the extent of fallen timber depletion in River Red Gum Eucalyptus camaldulensis Noodplain forests of the southern Murray-Darling Basin. We estimate that contemporary fallen timber loads average about 16% (about 19 tonne/ha) of loads prior to European settlement. We also have been investigating relationships between fallen timber loads and biodiversity of both vertebrates and inver- tebrates. Our observational and experimental results indicate that loads at least twice current levels exert a positive influence on a number of ecologically critical species (c.g. Yellow-footed Antechinus Victorian Naturalist 119 (3), 2002, 107-113) Introduction Ecological problems have become increasingly evident in lowland rivers, mostly resulting from human-induced habi- tat changes in the streams, their riparian zones, floodplains and in the broader catch- ment (Dexter et al. 1986; Harding and Winterbourn 1995; Harding ef al. 1998, 1999), Many human impacts have resulted in simplified habitats. Simplification has involved diminution of variability and magnitude of important ecological process- es, as well às changes in structural attribut- | Australian Centre for Biodiversity Analysis, Policy and Management School of Biological Sciences, PO Box 18, Monash University, Victoria 3800 Vol. 119 (3) 2002 Antechinus flavipes, Brown Treecreeper Climacteris picumnus). Therefore, restoration targets of 40—50 tonne/ha seem reasonable objectives for mana ging this critical element of habitat structure. (The es of habitats. One example of the former is river regulation, which reduces flow vari- ability and may even reverse seasonal flow patterns (Close 1990; Lake 1995; Ward and Stanford 1995). In terms of habitat struc- ture, one of the most striking impacts on floodplains has been the general reduction of structural variety, especially loss of mature trees, ground cover and natural litter or ‘debris’. Here, we focus on the loss of fallen timber (also known as coarse or large woody debris) from floodplain habitats and evaluate effects of loss on biodiversity, Fallen timber on floodplains is ecologi- cally important because it: (1) yields struc- tural habitat for fauna during both dry peri- 107 Murray River Special Issue ods (e.g invertebrates, non-aquatic verte- brates, Hawkins er al. 1983, Stanhope et al. 1987) and during inundation (e.g. fish, aquatic invertebrates and microorganisms; Bryant 1983; Thorp et a/. 1985; O'Connor 1991; Fausch and Northcote 1992); (2) may be a nutrient source for invertebrates, flora and fungi (Bilby 1981; Culp et al. 1996; Edmonds and Marra 1999); and (3) traps fine debris, in-flowing nutrients and sedi- ment, producing complex microhabitats for animals (Harmon ef al. 1986; Andrus et al. 1988; Aumen 1990; Naiman and Décamps 1997). Thus, fallen timber provides shelter and nutrition for many invertebrates, rep- tiles, small mammals and fishes. The paper is divided into sections cover- ing the current status of fallen timber on floodplains of the Murray River and its major tributaries in Victoria and New South Wales, and how that status might relate to pre-European fallen timber loads, We then discuss results of some observa- tional and experimental studies involving the responses of terrestrial invertebrates and vertebrates to the presence of fallen timber in floodplain habitats. Fallen timber—now and then In River Red Gum Eucalyptus camaldu- lensis forests of the Murray-Darling Basin on public land alone, c. 115,000 tonne of firewood and e. 122,000 tonne of timber (including wood chips) are legally removed annually (Crabb 1997). The total forested area also is much contracted. It appears that in the past, floodplain forests were more open with fewer trees per unit area. These forests probably had a substantially greater number of large, senescent trees (Parkinson and Mac Nally 2000), which produce the greatest volumes of woody debris through natural bough abscission and tree death (Jacobs 1955). Centuries-long silvicultural exploitation has led to a virtual absence of large, old trees. Thus, recruitment of fallen timber also is much reduced. These obser- vations suggest that fallen timber is now much depleted in floodplain forests of the southern Murray-Darling Basin, but what is the magnitude of that depletion? To assess current fallen timber loads, we used a combination of aerial surveys and ground-truthing (Mac Nally et al. in press b). Some 2442 km of the 2987 km of the 108 reaches were surveyed in this way: Murray (Albury to Murray Bridge), Murrumbidgee (downstream of Wagga Wagga), lower Darling (downstream of Menindee), Lachlan (Hillston to Murrumbidgee con- fluence), Wakool (downstream of the Edward River), Edward (Deniliquin to Wakool confluence), Darling Anabranch (downstream of Popilta), lower Goulburn (downstream of Nagambie), Loddon (Bridgewater to Little Murray confluence), Campaspe (Lake Eppalock to Murray con- fluence) and Avoca (downstream of Charlton) rivers, Much of the residual 18% (Gunbower Island, Barmah forest, Millewa forest, lower Goulburn south of Nathalia, lower Ovens floodplain around Peechelba) was too thickly forested to survey trom the air. The thickly forested areas were sur- veyed using at least thirty 0.5 ha plots in each named area, Surveys were conducted on both public land and on private lease- hold properties on the floodplains. Fallen timber estimates from the aerial survey Fallen timber loads on more than half of the surveyed area were estimated from aeri- al-survey data (119,480 ha). We found that the average fallen timber density was about 19 tonne/ha. This figure is a little less than the complete complement of timber of three, one-metre diameter (at breast height) River Red Gum trees spread over each ha (c. 21 tonne/ha). The 19 tonne/ha value is consistent with the mean of the ground- truthed sites, which was 22 tonne/ha. The total amount of fallen timber on the flood- plain outside of the forest blocks was about 2,262,900 + 100,000 tonne. Fallen timber in the major forest blocks Barmah had the greatest density of fallen timber on the southern Murray-Darling floodplain, averaging over 24 tonne/ha. The average in the lower Goulburn area was about half of the Barmah value. and the other areas were between these extremes. The estimated amount of fallen timber at Barmah is about 741,900 tonne, but may be as little as 565,700 tonne or as much as 957,700 tonne given the uncer- tainties in the estimation process. In the five forest-block areas, comprising 101,600 ha, the mean estimate is 1,912,200 'The Victorian Naturalist tonne of fallen timber. The range of esti- mates was 1,483,300 tonne to 2,393,500 tonne. This wide range is due to the small areas of each forest actually surveyed using transects in the forest blocks: between about 0.1% in Barmah and Millewa (hence confidence limits of about 25% of the mean) and, at most, 0.6% on the Ovens floodplain. Total fallen timber load estimates Combining results from the blocks and aerial survey, the total fallen timber on the southern Murray-Darling floodplain that we surveyed was about 4,175,100 tonne, with 9595 confidence limits of 3,645,000 to 4,753,600. Average density of fallen timber is about 19 tonne/ha. Pre-European levels of fallen timber on floodplains An exhaustive examination of plans, forestry records and historical literature sug- gests that the structure of River Red Gum communities has changed considerably. However, there are virtually no early histori- cal data pertaining to River Red Gum forests, and relatively little is known of the dynamics of woody debris in these environ- ments. In lieu of historical information, a useful surrogate approach is identification of sites at which modifications following European settlement have been minimal— such sites may yield the best picture of pre- European fallen timber loads. Robinson (1997) found that standing crops of live trees, fallen timber and stags were all signifi- cantly higher in inaccessible, old-growth areas than in managed areas in the Millewa State Forest, southern New South Wales. Levels of fallen timber were about five-fold higher in old-growth areas (125 tonne/ha), while the values for managed areas were comparable to those reported here (20-30 tonne/ha). There appear to be very few other existing sites upon which to base hístorical estimates, given the relative accessibility of the floodplains and the demand for firewood and timber over the past two centuries. We think that Robinson's figure is a reasonable one because it was not greatly different from the maximum load (95 tonne/ha) we record- ed in 516 half-hectare transect surveys along the Murray River and tributaries. The figure also is low by comparison with overseas Vol. 119 (3) 2002 Part One loads (Maser and Sedell 1994), so it is unlikely to be a gross overestimate. If the old-growth-site data of Robinson's (1997) study are representative of pre- impact levels, then a fallen timber density of about 125 tonne/ha probably is reason- able. Such a density implies a loss of between 23.000,000 and 24,000,000 tonne for the 221,080 ha considered here, or the equivalent of 3.3 to 3.4 million River Red Gums of one-metre trunk-diameter in the form of fallen timber. This amounts to the total timber standing on 115,000 ha of mature, old-growth River Red Gum forest given representative standing-timber woodloads in contemporary, managed forests (200-300 tonne/ha), which is about the amount of standing timber on over half of the area that we measured! Loss of fallen timber: impacts on biodiversity Our concern about fallen timber loads in the floodplain forests is mostly to under- stand how broad-scale, intensive change in a major structural element of habitats affects the capacity of animals (and plants) to persist, To address this question, we have used a number of observational and experimental methods to try to link biodi- versity with different fallen timber loads in three main areas of the southern Murray- Darling Basin with extensive remnant River Red Gum forests: Gunbower Island, Barmah Forest and the Ovens River flood- plain (all in northern Victoria, Australia). The first two forests lie along the Murray River itself, while the latter straddles a major, essentially unregulated tributary of the Murray River. Terrestrial invertebrates Due to their comparatively small physi- cal size and limited mobility, terrestrial invertebrates may exhibit strong responses to localized habitat changes. Invertebrates also represent the vast majority of biodi- versity (Sala 2000). These features make invertebrates important subjects for research on the impacts of habitat-structur- al change. However, given that most inver- tebrate species respond at localised scales (Hansen 2000), the impact of any localised variability in habitat is potentially much greater than for more mobile species, such 109 Murray River Special Issue as birds, that can *even out’ small-scale environmental change by moving to near- by or more distant locations (Mac Nally in press). Thus, the invertebrate assemblage at any given point locality is the product of a complex array of interacting factors, of which fallen timber load is just one. In addition, the sheer variety of invertebrates makes it difficult to adequately character- ize invertebrate assemblages (Colwell and Coddington 1994). Through our attempts to study invertebrates in River Red Gum forests, we have encountered some novel aspects of these problems. The invertebrate fauna of Murray Basin red gum forests reflects the geographic position- ing of the forests. A large component of the fauna is composed of typical dry-sclero- phyll-forest species (e.g. Promecoderus spp. [Coleoptera: Carabidae], Matthews 1980), but there are also riparian-zone specialists (e.g. Tachys spp. [Coleoptera: Carabidae], Matthews 1980, Dolomedes sp. | Araneae: Pisauridae]), arid-zone faunal elements (e.g. Rhytisternus spp. [Coleoptera: Carabidae], Matthews 1980; Neostorena sp.), as well as widespread species (e.g. Rhytidoponera metallica (Smith) |Hymenoptera: Formicidae], Lycosa pseudospeciosa Framenau and Vink [Aranae: Lycosidae]). There are also many undescribed species for which biogeographic affiliations cannot be attributed at this time. We find that the various elements of this diverse fauna respond to habitat change dif- ferently. For example, the removal of fallen timber often results in forest-floor habitat that is drier and more open, which favours arid-zone species. Zodariid spiders (*knob- ble" spiders; Shield 2001), which are arid- zone specialists (Churchill 1998), increase in abundance and diversitv in areas with reduced fallen timber loads. In contrast, certain species of lycosid or wolf spiders are restricted to areas with relatively high fallen timber loads. Thus, while the species comprising invertebrate assemblages, and their relative abundance, differ with amounts of and proximity to, fallen timber, no reduction in biodiversity per se has been identified in areas where fallen timber had been removed. We need to be wary of using species richness alone as a measure of ecological change when shifts in assem- 110 blage structure may be more informative and indicative of system change. Those areas of the forest that have been most affected by removal of fallen timber generally are the same areas that now flood very infrequently under current flow regimes. The confounding of flood-prone- ness with fallen timber load makes teasing out the particular role of fallen timber in affecting biodiversity challenging. Focusing on the response of obligate saproxylic species (dead-wood specialists) is one strat- egy for getting a clearer signal of the impact of removal of fallen timber. This method has been used successfully in the boreal forests in Europe and North America, where saproxylic species, particularly coleopter- ans, represent a major faunal component (Harmon er al. 1986; Jonsson and Jonsel 1999; Schiegg 2000). These highly special- ized beetles either feed directly on rotting timber, or on fungi growing on logs. Despite extensive sampling in River Red Gum forests, we trapped very few obligate saproxylic species. The low numbers of these species may be due to an unsuitable combination of regular forest flooding and the unpalatability of River Red Gum timber. However, despite the paucity, we found fallen timber to be an important factor influ- encing the composition of coleopteran assemblages in River Red Gum forests. Thus, rather than being a critical resource to a limited range of highly specialized taxa, fallen timber in River Red Gum forests has an important ecological function by provid- ing habitat-structural complexity to a wide range of more generalized species. Terrestrial vertebrates We have investigated the responses of ter- testrial vertebrates (mammals, birds, rep- tiles and frogs) to differences in fallen tim- ber loads in the three major forests (Gunbower Island, Barmah, Ovens flood- plain; Mae Nally er al. 2001). In each for- est, seven graded (by fallen timber loads: 1.4-60.2 tonne/ha) sites were investigated over two years. These sites were chosen to reflect the maximum observed range in cur- rent loads in the forests. Our results showed that the only native, terrestrial mammal (Yellow-footed Antechinus Antechinus flavipes) occupied sites in significantly The Victorian Naturalist higher densities when fallen timber loads exceeded 45 tonne/ha. Ground-dwelling birds and those using fallen timber are more prevalent, and in richer diversities, in the vicinity of accumulations of woody debris. Overall, fallen timber loads did not appear to relate significantly to avian pat- terns apart from at the local scale (i.e. near wood accumulations). Neither frogs nor reptiles seemed to be influenced by fallen timber loads. There were very few reptiles, which may reflect broad-scale depletion of fallen timber from these habitats; similar impacts are evident in wood-depleted box- ironbark forests immediately to the south of the floodplain forests in northern Victoria (Bennett er al. 1998; Bennett er al. 1999). We also have conducted a reasonably large-scale manipulation of fallen timber loads to study causal relationships between loads and the occurrence of birds and mammals. About 1000 tonne of wood were redistributed after one year’s prior moni- toring to effect eight different experimental treatments in 34 one-hectare plots (Mac Nally 2001). We have established a rapid response of a near-threatened (Garnett and Crowley 2000), wood-dependent species of bird, the Brown Treecreeper Climacteris picumnus, whose densities increased sub- stantially in all treatments with fallen tim- ber loads exceeding 40 tonne/ha (Mac Nally ef al. in press a). This value is about twice the basin-wide average for flood- plains of the southern Murray-Darling Basin, It is important to conduct further work to see whether the reproductive per- formance of the birds also increases in a corresponding fashion (Walters ef al. 1999). While analyses and studies are con- tinuing, our results suggest that the Yellow-footed Antechinus has a similar preference for sites with loads exceeding 40 tonne/ha, which is consistent with our results from the observational program. Given the restricted breeding season and the retention of pouched young, we should soon be able to assess whether more wood translates into more antechinuses. Conclusions Implications for restoration There are two main avenues to approach- ing habitat restoration. The first is to restore a system to its pre-impact state Vol. 119 (3) 2002 Part One (Ward er al. 1999: Lake 2001), which we know little about directly. If Robinson's (1997) data are representative of pre-impact levels, then a fallen timber load of about 125 tonne/ha may be a reasonable figure. This load implies a restoration target of 27,635,000 tonne alone for the 221,080 ha considered here, The magnitude of this objective is such that it would take many decades just to be able to grow a supply of new timber to fell for this purpose! Another approach is to try to reinstate ecological function, Por example, our objective has been to relate woodloads to the diversity of animals. We need to recog- nise that this restricted objective addresses only biodiversity aims, so that ecosystem processes such as nutrient fluxes and pri- mary and secondary productivity are not explicitly considered. Nevertheless, a load averaging about 40-50 tonne/ha seems to be the best target l'or biodiversity outcomes given our results (Mac Nally er al. 2001; in press a). Moreover, this figure is much more logistically feasible than the 125 tonne/ha suggested by Robinson's (1997) study—at least in the foreseeable future— for restoration of fallen timber on flood- plains, and may be achieved in relatively few decades. Restoring the ecological integrity of the lowland floodplains of the Murray-Darling basin must involve the return of the rivers and riverine environments to something nearer their pre-European-settlement con- dition, One of the main components of the structural complexity of floodplains, fallen timber, is effectively missing over vast areas. Restoration will be a Herculean task for many reasons, most especially because of the lack of replacement timber. Thus, not only does fallen timber need to be rein- stated, but there needs to be a massive expansion of forested habitat on the flood- plains to service the ecological well-being of the floodplains. In the shorter term, thought needs to be given to developing a management strategy for restoring fallen timber. For example, given a limited amount of material, how can it be best placed to begin the long road to recovery? Are flood runners to be preferred given their greater significance to both inundated and dry-phase fauna? How specific are 111 Murray River Special Issue animals in their use of fallen timber in terms of its location on the floodplain? Is it best to augment existing accumulations or is it more effective to more widely and thinly distribute the fallen timber? The woody debris story is only at the begin- nings of its rudimentary course, but our work has established that the task is a huge one because of the severity of the changes that have been wrought since European settlement. Caution: floodplain vs in-stream fallen timber loads Much of the river-restoration literature concentrates on in-stream fallen timber, ‘snags’, which are perceived to be critical elements for fish, macroinvertebrates, algae and ‘biofilm’. Our focus on flood- plain fallen timber should help to place the snag problem in perspective. What are the relative merits of fallen timber on flood- plains and in channels? There are surpris- ingly few measurements of natural loads of in-stream fallen timber in Australian rivers, especially for lowland rivers (Marsh et al. 1999). Marsh et al. (1999) estimated in-stream fallen timber loads in the Edward River to be 90 + 60 tonne/ha (0.015 m'/m^). Given that floodplains cover much greater areas than the associat- ed rivers (rivers usually <100 m wide), the severity of fallen timber depletion from floodplains seems to be at least an order of magnitude worse than in-stream de-snag- ging. This is a critical point should restor- ing snags to rivers remove fallen timber from floodplains. This would be a severe and certainly misguided case of robbing Peter to pay Paul. Fallen timber manage- ment in floodplains and in the associated channels must be considered in a unified way (Mac Nally and Parkinson 1999), Acknowledgements We thank the Murray-Darling Basin Commission (Project R7007), the Australian Research Council (Grant Nos F19804210, A19927168) and the Victorian Department of Natural Resources and Environment for funding this work. We are grateful for the many persons who assisted in the collection of these data and in the logistics of setting up the experiments; the most important contributors were: Amber Parkinson, Chris Tzaros, Lawrie Conole, Matthew Young, Robert Price, Keith Cherry, Darren Ward and Nick Giles. 112 References Andrus CW, Long BA and Froechlich HA (1988) Woody debris and its contribution to pool formations in a coastal stream 50 years after logging. 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For assistance with the preparation of this issue, thanks to Kate Smith (desktop publishing), Ann Williamson (label printing) and Dorothy Mahler (administrative assistance). Vol. 119 (3) 2002 113 Murray River Special Issue Vertebrate Fauna of Barmah Forest, a Large Forest of River Red Gum Eucalyptus camaldulensis on the Floodplain of the Murray River Richard H Loyn', Linda F Lumsden’ and Keith A Ward Abstract Barmah Forest is part of the largest River Red Gum forest in the world, and several studies have examined aspects of its vertebrate fauna in recent decades. This paper summarises this work and gives an overview of the forest fauna along with some historical information and comments on pos- sible effects of management practices. Altogether 35 mammal, 205 bird, 20 reptile, 10 frog and 28 fish species have been recorded in or near Barmah Forest. Bats constitute a high proportion of the mammal species. Arboreal mammals are represented by several species in generally low numbers. The only native rodent is the aquatic Water Rat, and the only small native ground-dwelling mammal is partly arboreal (Yellow-footed Antechinus). The most numerous ground-dwelling birds are those that can also feed from other substrates during floods (e.g. Brown Treecreeper). Three bird species (White-plumed Honeyeater, Striated Pardalote and Brown Treecreeper) form a high proportion of individuals in the bird community (40%). Canopy feeding insectivores are patchily distributed and their numbers are negatively correlated with aggressive White-plumed Honeyeaters, which even dominate on box ridges, Hollow-nesting birds form a high proportion (34%) of individuals in the bird community. The forest is an important habitat for several threatened species, and for large num- bers of waterbirds, fish and frogs that breed there during floods. Deep spring foods provide the best breeding conditions for many of these species. River regulation, grazing and logging have all con- tributed to a range of historical changes, Mostly anecdotal evidence suggests loss of some mammal and bird species and more recent declines in certain waterbirds, frogs and snakes. The fish fauna is now heavily dominated by introduced species, (The Victorian Naturalist 119 (3), 2002, 114-132) Introduction River Red Gum Excalyptus camaldulensis is one of the most widespread eucalypt species in Australia, commonly growing beside rivers and in ephemeral watercourses and floodplains over much of the continent (Costermans 1981; Groves 1981). It occurs as linear strips along inland rivers with more extensive stands of forest or woodland in temperate areas, including the banks and floodplain of the Murray River. The most extensive remaining stand is the Barmah- Millewa Forest (60,000 ha), straddling the Murray River between Echuca, Deniliquin and Tocumwal (Dexter 1978; Murray Darling Basin Commission 2000). Despite the wide occurrence of River Red Gum forests and woodlands, little has been published on the vertebrate fauna inhabit- ing this distinctive forest type. This paper describes aspects of the vertebrate fauna of Barmah Forest. It is based mainly on multi- ! Arthur Rylah Institute, Department of Natural Resources and Environment, 123 Brown Street Heidelberg, Victoria 3084 Institute l'or Sustainable Irrigated Agriculture, Department of Natural Resources and Environment, Tatura, Victoria 3616 Author for correspondence: Richard Loyn Email Richard. 114 ple visits from 1977-80 (Chesterfield et al. 1984); intermittent observations by the authors in subsequent years; data collected during fauna studies in the 1990s (Bennett et al. 1994: Brown and Bennett 1995; Lumsden er al. 1995); results from moni- toring projects undertaken by the Barmah- Millewa Forum (Maunsell Melntyre 2000; Ward ef al. 2000; Ward 2001, in prep.; Webster 2001, in prep.); other miscella- neous documents (e.g. Cadwallader 1977); records in the Victorian Atlas of Wildlite and personal communications from natural- ists. The paper aims to give an overview with details of selected studies only (e.g. quantitative area searches for land birds). The latter information has been reported previously (Chesterfield et al, 1984), but not analysed or presented in a widely avail- able form. The paper focuses mainly on the Victorian side of the river, but mentions some known contrasts relating to the New South Wales side. Barmah Forest The forest covers 29,500 ha in Victoria, within the traditional land of the Yorta Yorta people. It is a Ramsar listed wetland, and sections were declared State Park in The Victorian Naturalist 1987, with Reference Areas at Top Island and Top End (LCC 1985). The forest is dominated by River Red Gum over most of this area, and periodic floods play a crucial role in maintaining the health of these ecosystems (Fig. 1; Bren and Gibbs 1986; Dexter et al. 1986; Bren 1988; MDBC 2000). Stands of Grey Box E. microcarpa and Yellow Box Æ. melliodora grow on raised sandy ridges, and Black Box Æ. largiflarens occupies some low-lying ephemeral swamps, and the fringe of the forest block. Understorey vegetation is mostly open and dominated by grasses, with a high proportion of introduced weeds (Chesterfield ef al. 1984: Frood and Ward in prep.). Scattered shrubs occur especially on box ridges (where some species such as Silver Banksia Banksia marginata are rep- resented only on the New South Wales side) and on riverbanks. Silver Wattles Acacia dealbata and thickets of introduced Blackberries Rubus fruticosus and Willows Salix spp. grow mainly on riverbanks. Various aquatic plants dominate ephemeral swamps in low-lying areas, with extensive beds of Moira Grass Pseudoraphis spinescens forming on treeless floodplains as floods recede (Chesterfield 1986: Ward 1991, 1994), Cattle have been allowed to graze on the Victorian side for many years, and have impacted on swamp vegetation, with Giant Rush Juncus ingens prospering at the expense of Common Reed Phragmites dus- tralis and Cumbungi Tvpha angustifolia (Chesterfield 1986). Sheep have grazed on the New South Wales side. Grazing has been reduced in recent years. Logging has pro- ceeded on both sides of the river for many years, with railway sleepers being a major product (Dexter 1978; Chesterfield 1986). Limited logging continues in the State Park (DCE 1992). Varying proportions of the forest are inun- dated when the river overflows its banks. The natural season for flooding is late win- ter and spring, following winter rain and snow melt in the mountains. Since the 1930s, the river has been regulated by con- struction of dams near Albury-Wodonga (Hume Dam, 1934) and Dartmouth (1980), and a weir at Yarrawonga (1939). The main aim of regulation has been to store water at peak flows and release it during summer- Vol. 119 (3) 2002 Part One Fig. 1. Flooded River Red Gum forest. Photo by Lindy Lumsden. autumn for use by irrigation farmers. Hence there has been a reduction in the extent and frequency of winter-spring floods and an increase in summer-autumn flows to low- lying areas. The dam at Dartmouth was also intended to provide a capacity for flushing the river to control salinity problems down- stream. Flows of water through the forest are further regulated by means of sluice gates on most creeks and major flood run- ners (distributary channels). Methods In the early stages of this study, all parts of the forest were explored to gain a gener- al picture of the fauna and its distribution. Quantitative data on land birds were obtained on six sites by searching areas of 4 ha (200 200 m) for an hour each in October-November 1977 (a dry year, no flooding) and October-November 1978 (a wet year, with floodwater lying over about half the forest at the time of the survey). A canoe was used to gain access in 1978, but the surveys were conducted on foot (wad- ing in water up to neck-deep at one site), 115 Murray River Special Issue The data were analysed by grouping species into guilds, and examining effects of sites (6) and years (2) using analysis of variance (assuming no interaction between sites and years). Five of the sites were in stands of River Red Gum on the flood- plain, and one was on a sand-ridge domi- nated by mature Grey Box with some Yellow Box. Four of the River Red Gum stands were mature and three of them con- tained many large old hollow-bearing trees. The fourth site (Barmah Island) con- tained mature trees but few old living vet- erans, as intensive silvicultural treatments had killed such trees by ringbarking and poisoning over several decades. The fifth Red Gum site (burnt) was regenerating from a severe wildfire that burned ~30 ha ten years before the study, and most of the few old trees were dead. Water birds were counted at various times during this period, and attempts were made to count colonial breeding water birds in each of these years. Small mam- mals were trapped at five sites in three sea- sons, using folding aluminium traps and small wire-cage traps (1280 trap-nights) and harp traps and mist-nets for bats (at four water-holes in January 1980) (Chesterfield et al. 1984). Seats and signs were recorded, and spotlight surveys were conducted on foot and from vehicles. As part of a broad scale study of verte- brate fauna of the Northern Plains in the early 1990s (Bennett et al. 1998) five sites within Barmah Forest were sampled for bats and arboreal mammals. Harp traps were set for bats at each site for two nights. Spotlighting was undertaken on foot by intensively searching a 1 ha plot for 45 minutes, on two consecutive nights, Colonial breeding water birds were counted from the air in most years since the 1980s when there was a spring flood (Ward 1993, 1996; Ward et al. 2000), with ground truthing where possible. Earlier records from 1955-1979 were collated by Cowling and Lowe (1981). The first in-depth amphibian survey for Barmah Forest was conducted in 2000/01 (Ward 2001). Frogs and their breeding attempts were surveyed at night on a monthly basis between September and February by documenting vocalising species plus undertaking some limited 116 ground searches at approximately 20 sites throughout the forest. Breeding attempts were primarily recorded from tadpoles col- lected from dip-net samples. This program has continued into 2001/02, with monitor- ing undertaken at various months through- out the year (Ward 2002). The Department of Natural Resources and Environment has undertaken a variety of fish surveys in and adjoining the forest (McKinnon 1997; Stuart ef al. 2001). Additional monitoring programs have been established by the Barmah-Millewa Forum to survey waterbirds and land birds (R Webster pers. comm.) and frogs (Ward 2001, 2002). The Atlas of Victorian Wildlife (NRE 2001) was consulted for recent and histori- cal records of all species, examining all 5- minute grid cells that overlapped the forest. Results Mammals A total of 26 species of native mammal and nine species of introduced mammal has been recorded in or near the forest in recent times (Appendix 1). No exclusively terrestrial native small mammals occur in Barmah Forest. The Yellow-footed Antechinus is widespread, although uncommon, and spends time on the ground as well as being arboreal. This species was trapped in low numbers (14/1280 trap-nights on the early survey) and several were seen during the day for- aging from branches of River Red Gums. The only other small mammal trapped on the early survey was the introduced House Mouse (5/1280 trap-nights). Even the nor- mally common and widespread Echidna is rarely seen in Barmah Forest, The two native aquatic mammals (Platypus and Water Rat) are present in the river and creeks, though only the latter is common. Eastern Grey Kangaroos are common and conspicuous throughout the forest, with concentrations often occurring in and near extensive grass plains. White individuals are seen occasionally. The Black Wallaby has only recently been recorded within Barmah Forest with the first record on the Atlas of Victorian Wildlife from 1994. This species has recently expanded its range into western and northern Victoria (Menkhorst 1995). Common introduced ground- 'The Victorian Naturalist dwelling mammals include European Rabbits (in fluctuating numbers, e.g. more in 1980 than 1977), Brown Hares, Red Fox, Feral Cat (mainly on forest margins), Feral Horse (several herds of ‘brumbies’, mainly in central and western parts of the forest) and Feral Pig (especially in swamps in the west of the forest). There have been recent records of Sambar Deer, perhaps illegally released, but it is not known if they have established a population. Seven species of arboreal mammals inhabit Barmah Forest. Common Brushtail Possums are common among River Red Gums while Common Ringtail Possums occur on the box ridges. For example, dur- ing the 1991 survey Common Ringtail Possums were recorded at densities of 5-7 animals per ha at the two sites in box woodlands, while none was recorded at the three Red Gum sites. Sugar Gliders are scarce, and mainly found near riverbanks with Silver Wattles. This area is close to the inland edge of their range and Sugar Gliders appear to be uncommon compared to elsewhere in their distribution. Squirrel Gliders are also rare with only two records from the forest: two animals were observed on a Yellow Box rise on Long Plain Track in 1982 (J Alexander pers. comm.). and one was observed on Barmah Island in 1978. The semi-arboreal Brush- tailed Phascogale is also rarely recorded in the forest with only three records on the Atlas of Victorian Wildlife, all from the early 1980s. More recently, one individual was observed in 1991 on a mature Red Gum within semi-open Red Gum forest in the Barmah Lake day visitor area (PG O'Connor pers. comm.). The Feathertail Glider has been recorded only once from the forest (in 1999: L Conole pers. comm.). The small size and cryptic nature of this species makes it difficult to detect, and it is likely to occur more widely in the forest than this one record would suggest. Koalas have been re-introduced into the forest as part of a state-wide translocation program. Bats comprise the largest proportion of the native mammal fauna of Barmah Forest, with one species of flying-fox and |2 species of insectivorous bats recorded (Appendix 1). Little Red Flying-foxes are irregular summer visitors, at times form- ing camps of ~200 in trees near Barmah Vol. 119 (3) 2002 Part One Fig. 2. The Gould's Lond-eared Bat Nyetophilus gouldi was recorded at consider- ably higher rates in Barmah Forest than else- where in the Northern Plains. Photo by Lindy Lumsden. Lake, drinking from nearby creeks (Loyn 1981) and feeding on River Red Gum blossom. The only camp regularly used by this species in Victoria is at the nearby town of Numurkah, where up to 2000 individuals congregate over summer. Barmah Forest has a high diversity of insectivorous bats with all but one species known from the Northern Plains occurring there. The one exception is the Greater Long-eared Bat Nyctophilus timoriensis (Fig. 2), which has been recorded from a single individual in Black Box woodland south-west of Echuca (Lumsden 1994). While most species occur in a range of veg- etation types, the Southern Myotis is restricted to riparian forests, as it forages exclusively over water, catching aquatic insects and small fish (Menkhorst 1995). This species was caught on Barmah Island during the early surveys, and has been recorded in NSW along the Murray River at the Barmah Bridge (Law and Anderson 1999), Capture rates of insectivorous bats during the 1990s surveys. were higher in Barmah Forest than the mean for all the sites in the Northern Plains. Some species were recorded at markedly higher rates within Barmah, in particular the Gould’s Long- eared Bat, which is close to the inland limit of its distribution in this area. The Southern Freetail Bat, Little Forest Bat and Gould’s Wattled Bat also had high capture rates within Barmah. The Southern Forest Bat, which is common throughout much of Victoria, is rare in this region. 117 ‘ial Issue Pec 7 Murray River S £I 0 ol 0 0 Ss 0 0 I BIOL M SPHQ TEA Ol €I 9'c ço €0 rd I ce t J&L A (SXEMA [our aid) se1oArue;) i LI Es Sr 0 $9 0 0 0 [£0] (1 se1oAnoesur &a1ojs1opur) SI tI 9T Se $0 C 0 Str t oL S Sia al poss SE ec re eL 6 € ES 0 c [8901 DO punoj5 uado uio 23710] Jey} SAIOANIASUT Is LL Sel 8 I SII Sc 87 3l [RIOT N S9JOAHEJOSN| Ol 8 8I ST £0 £ £0 Sc I [£0] D S9JOATOSSUPTSTIEJ9HSE) I t UO 0 SI 0 0 0 £0 [R101 4 SMOMBNIY OL Is 6L 8 Ic gs 9I SI S8 oL səroanoəsur Suisg10]-Adoue;) LE ST gs L T cl I v S 0L g se10Aroosur surse10]-xrg SI LI pf Stc £0 L ST € £t [ROL y S91OATJ29SUI [ELIO V ELE PEG out Lee Tél tty 0'9I 6'0c [rs Sp1tq pue| % Se SI9}SOU MOT]OH t6 69 OSI StI L ET S £6 TT SmĪmojpoy 994} ur 4S3U Jey} spriq pug CST OST 6cr tr FIE FTE IE LY lr Spiiq pue'T S9T OST Sr £t FOE 8s I£ Ly cr Sp1tq IV Ly cL E $9 0 Tl T 69g 5 N ojo ouo] pawinyd-aiy y Lc TC £y St s B t 0 8 4q 3 Hopped PYS 9 E So SI I 50 0 0 sal 4 g 1odoo15921] pereoti-onu y LC 6l rr os 0 er 0 eS Se 4 d Jedaemeer UMO1g t 8 SI 0 0 ex 0 ST I V ^O[[EMSpOO AA Áxsnqg LI H 6'0 er 9 £0 ST 0 0 50 uarw- neq qiadns € 8 9I 0 0 $9 0 0 0 n UolMQnios paAQOJ-STIU AS 3 9 £I So cl 0 S 0 0 DO I[rquyog , pdummu-rng Il s 60 0 Sr 0 oe 0 0 D [Iquiot p PERS lI 6 VI ST £ 0 gs 0 0 3. 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Three black-and-white birds that have become common in farmland (Australian Magpie, Magpie-lark and Willie Wagtail) are widespread through the forest, especial- ly in open grassy stands of River Red Gum. Emus are conspicuous, especially in and near grass plains and swamps, Hollow- nesting birds form a high proportion of the T = bird community, contributing means of 34% of individuals in mature stands of River Red Gum or Grey Box and up to 54% of individuals on some sites (Table 1). Box ridges support a surprisingly similar fauna to the River Red Gum stands. White- plumed Honeyeaters are less dominant but still the most common honeyeater (Table |). Some small insectivores are more common than in River Red Gum stands, including Yellow Thornbills and White-winged Trillers. A few common farmland birds favour box ridges, including Galahs and Yellow-rumped Thornbills (mainly in Yellow Box), though the latter species has apparently increased and is now common on treeless plains and among adjacent River Red Gums (L Conole pers, comm.). Hooded Robins are scarce inhabitants of box ridges, as are Gilbert's Whistlers and Striped Honeyeaters on the NSW side. Many other species are localised, and some are associated with particular habi- tats such as box ridges or riverbanks (Appendix 2). Open-country species such as Richard's Pipits, Singing Bushlarks and Brown Songlarks are found only on tree- less flood-plains, when conditions are suit- able (e.g. after floods). Noisy Miners are found only in small patches of River Red Gum on edges of treeless plains, and in Vol. 119 (3) 2002 Part One roadside trees outside the forest. White- browed Scrubwrens are found mainly in beds of rushes Juricus spp. in swamps, and locally elsewhere (e.g. on riverbanks and in fallen branches on logged coupes). Beds of Giant Rush are the main habitat for Little Grassbirds and support high densi- ties of Superb Fairy-wrens, though the lat- ter are common in a wide range of habitats. Red-browed Finches are locally common in thickets of Blackberry and other species along the riverbank. Other species are widespread but scarcer than in more varied forests outside the floodplain: they include two that forage from the bark of upper branches ( Varied Sittella and Brown-head- ed Honeyeater) and a group of small insec- tivores such as Brown Thornbill and Striated Thornbill. Several species are more common in road- side vegetation, farmland or forest patches outside the forest than in the forest itself, including Noisy Miner, Pied Butcherbird and Grey-crowned Babbler (Appendix 2). Bush Stone-curlews inhabit patches of rem- nant woodland outside the forest, and are rare within the forest. Gilbert's Whistlers and Striped Honeyeaters are resident in low numbers on box ridges on the NSW side (P Maher pers. comm.) but rare on the Victorian side. Speckled Warblers occur in a rarely grazed patch of shrubby River Red Gum forest near Nathalia, but apparently not in Barmah Forest. Chestnut-rumped Thornbills occur in a swamp dominated by Tangled Lignum Muehlenbeckia florulenta near Nathalia, and are rare in the forest where lignum is scarce. Several species char- acteristic of dry environments occur in small numbers outside the forest ( Appendix 2). Introduced land bird species Four introduced bird species have been observed within the forest: Blackbird (in Blackberry thickets on riverbank, and near- by gardens); European Goldfinch (occasion- al birds, feeding mainly from introduced Asteraceae seeds but once reported taking nectar from box blossom; H Marshall pers. comm.), House Sparrow (groups locally around cattle yards) and Common Starling (breeding in tree hollows near Barmah Lake in spring; flocks sometimes feeding around drying lakes in summer). These and other species are more common in farmland and 119 Murray River Special Issue towns outside the forest (Appendix 2), and a fifth species (Eurasian Tree Sparrow) occurs in small numbers at Nathalia. A sixth species, Common Myna, has recently reached Nathalia (2002), as part of its gen- eral range expansion, but has not been recorded in the forest. Quantitative data from dry and wet years Numbers of individuals of all species observed on the six study sites in a dry year and the following wet year are shown in Table 1, by species and grouped into guilds. Total numbers of land birds were remarkably similar in the two years. However, the most numerous species (White-plumed Honeyeater) was substan- tially more common in the dry year (1977), and species diversity was correspondingly higher in the wet year (1978). Water birds were present on these sites in 1978, but not in 1977 (Table 1). Other guilds showed little difference between the two years, except for canopy foragers which were markedly more common in 1978 than 1977 (Table 1). This difference was highly significant (p — 0.003). Total numbers of land birds were very similar between sites (Table 1) and differ- ences were not significant (p = 0.375). However, substantial differences were evi- dent for particular guilds (Table 1), includ- ing canopy foragers (p < 0.001), aerial for- agers (p = 0.046), bark foragers (p = 0.013), hollow nesters (p = 0.045) and nec- larivores (p = 0.056), Nectarivores were most numerous on Barmah Island in the west of the forest, and scarce in the recent- ly burnt site and the dry site at Top Island. This guild was dominated by White- plumed Honeyeaters. Bark foragers (main- ly treecreepers) were most numerous at Boals Deadwoods, which contained many large old River Red Gums (dead and alive) among low-lying swamp vegetation. Hollow-nesters were most numerous at Boals Deadwoods and Gulf, and least numerous at Barmah Island and the burnt site, where most old trees had been killed by silviculture and fire respectively. This guild included the treecreepers and a wide range of parrots and other species, but was dominated by Striated Pardalotes. Canopy foragers were most numerous at the recent- ly burnt site and at Top Island, in the drier 120 eastern part of the forest. The abundance of canopy foraging insectivores was nega- tively related to the abundance of White- plumed Honeyeaters across the sites and years (r = -0.76, p < 0.001, n= 12). Water birds When the forest floods, the treeless plains become lakes and are populated by vast flocks of water birds. During a major flood, the treed parts of the forest provide breeding habitat for hundreds of ducks, mainly of three common species (Grey Teal, Pacific Black Duck and Australian Wood Duck), most of which nest in hollow trees. The swamps attract a greater diversi- ty of species, including Black Swans and a wide range of ducks, grebes and other birds. Flocks of Australian Pelicans may gather on treeless plains, though breeding has not been proved for that species. The most spectacular breeding colonies are those of the communally breeding birds such as ibis and cormorants. In the major floods of 1973-75, it was reported that hundreds of thousands of ibis bred at several distinct colonies in the forest (Chesterfield er al. 1984). In subsequent years, hundreds or thousands of pairs have bred during spring floods, numbers vary- ing with water depth. Beds of Giant Rush and sometimes Common Reed are the favoured habitat, and are typically flat- tened by the ibis to make nesting plat- forms. Straw-necked Ibis form dense colonies and Australian White Ibis gener- ally form groups of smaller sub-colonies. Little Pied Cormorants nest colonially in River Red Gum trees, often in association with small numbers of Little Black Cormorants. Great Cormorants and Darters have nested locally in some years, select- ing large River Red Gums near creeks, White-necked Herons regularly nest in small colonies, usually fewer than ten pairs, in tall River Red Gums. Yellow- billed Spoonbills sometimes nest singly in tall River Red Gums, or they may nest close to colonies of cormorants or White- necked Herons. Great Egrets regularly nest in large River Red Gums on the New South Wales side of the river during spring floods. Previously they nested on the Victorian side at Black Swamp until 1964, and near- The Victorian Naturalist by at Bullock Creek in 1966, 1968 and 1969 (Chesterfield et al. 1984). Small numbers of Little Egrets and Intermediate Egrets are sometimes seen with them, and both species have bred in the forest in the past (see Historical Changes below). Nankeen Night Herons also periodically nest on the NSW side of the river, with colonies of 2000-3000 nests having been recorded at Porters Plain during the flood- ing of 2000/01 (Webster 2001). Most breeding occurs in spring, and win- ter floods rarely induce extensive breeding in the forest. In contrast, winter rains may induce flooding in nearby pasture, and floodwaters sometimes attract substantial numbers of waterbirds including some that rarely visit the forest itself, e.g. Red- necked Avocet. Many ducks and other waterbirds have bred on these floodwaters. When floods recede from the forest, open muddy shores can attract small waders including Palaearctic migratory species such as Latham's Snipe and Common Greenshank. However, there is usually too much vegetation to provide good habitat for most migratory species. and numbers observed are generally low. Reptiles Twenty species of reptile have been recorded in Barmah Forest incuding two tortoises, two geckoes, six skinks, three other lizards and seven species of snakes (Appendix 3). Yellow-bellied Water Skinks are conspicuous among River Red Gums, and Boulenger's Skinks are com- mon on box ridges (P Brown pers. comm. ). Tortoise nests are often raided by Red Foxes, with eggshells and footprints remaining as evidence. Historical records up until the 1970s listed snakes in the Barmah Forest as being very common (as per review by Leslie 1995). However, numbers have greatly decreased since this time, to the point where snakes are now uncommon. The Red-bellied Black Snake is the most commonly observed snake in Barmah Forest today, though Eastern Tiger Snakes may have once been more common (Leslie 1995). Eastern Brown Snakes are also occasionally seen, along with some rarer and more cryptic species (Appendix 3). Carpet Pythons favour the drier Box ridges. Vol. 119 (3) 2002 Part One Frogs Ten species from two families of amphib- ians have been confirmed to reside in or near Barmah Forest (Appendix 4). Hylidae is represented only by Peron's Tree Frog, while Leptodactylidae is represented by the Southern Bullfrog, Barking Marsh Frog, Spotted Marsh Frog, Giant Bullfrog, Common Spadefoot Toad, Bibron's Toadlet, Plains Froglet, Common Froglet and Sloane's Froglet. Common Spadefoot Toad and Bibron's Toadlet are recent new records for the forest, extending the known range of the latter species. There is a single record of the criti- cally endangered Giant Bullfrog from the farmland area just south of Barmah Forest. A species formerly listed as occurring in Barmah Forest, the Warty Bell Frog Litoria raniformis, was not found to occur in the for- est and the single original record was found to be erroneous (P Robertson pers. comm.). Well vegetated, shallowly-flooded wet- lands have been found to contain the high- est numbers of vocalising and breeding frogs. However, ephemeral rain-filled depressions were also found to be signifi- cant, and the two new species records for the forest came from such locations. Creeks and rivers generally support the lowest numbers of frogs ( Ward 2001, 2002). Fish Twenty-eight species of fish have been recorded in the vicinity of Barmah Forest, with ten of these being exotic (Appendix 5). Native fish, particularly large “commer- cial' species such as Murray Cod and Golden Perch, were known to be particular- ly plentiful in the mid-1800s to the early 1900s when commercial fishing was under- taken in the Murray River and adjoining Barmah-Moira Lakes, However, significant decreases in catches were recorded by the 1890s, and Golden Perch replaced Murray Cod as the most common species (Ross 1892, cited in Leslie 1995). Carp and Redfin were introduced to lagoons in the Deniliquin district in 1884 and goldfish were in fountains in Echuca in the 1890s (Leslie 1995). Even without deliberate release into the adjoining waterways, floodwaters would cause an inevitable introduction into the river system. 121 Murray River Special Issue By 1993, a fish study in Moira Lake failed to locate a single ‘commercial’ species of fish (Gerkhe and Brown, cited in Leslie 1995). Instead, Carp dominated the waterways. Although other studies have found populations of Murray Cod, Golden Perch and Silver Perch to persist in Barmah Forest, some native species have declined so much that they are now rarely encoun- tered in the area (McKinnon 1997; Sivakumaran and Brown 2001). Such species include River Blackfish, Freshwater Catfish and Macquarie Perch. Furthermore, Carp have been found to spawn so prolifi- cally in the shallow vegetated wetlands within Barmah Forest that the region may be a major point source breeding location with- in the Murray system (Stuart er al, 2001), Threatened Species Of the mammal species recorded in Barmah Forest, three are listed as threat- ened (Appendix |). Within Victoria the endangered Squirrel Glider is found only in the Northern Plains and adjacent Box- Ironbark region. It occurs in either box woodlands with more than one species of eucalypt, or in River Red Gum forests with an understorey of wattles (Menkhorst er al. 1988). Areas that contain à number of tree species appear important to provide food resources throughout the year. Two of the three sightings within Barmah Forest have been in mature Yellow Box woodlands, Ihe Brush-tailed Phascogale is listed as vulnerable in Victoria with its core distrib- ution through the box-ironbark forests inland of the Divide (Menkhorst 1995), Phere are few observations from Red Gum forests. Further information is required on this species to ascertain its status and dis- tribution within Barmah Forest. Nine land bird species listed as endan- gered in Victoria (NRE 2000) have been observed in or near Barmah Forest (Appendix 2), but most appear to be vagrants or rare visitors to the general area. Three threatened species may have impor- tant habitats within the forest: Barking Owl, Superb Parrot and Grey-crowned Babbler. The forest is one of the few breeding habitats for Superb Parrots in the State (Chesterfield er al, 1984; Webster 1988; Garnett and Crowley 2000), Barking Owls have been recorded on few occa- 122 sions, and are likely to be resident in small numbers. Grey-crowned Babblers have declined within the forest and are now more often seen at, roadsides outside the forest (Chesterfield et al. 1984; Robinson 1994; Garnett and Crowley 2000). A small group persisted on Top Island until at least 1979 (Chesterfield et al. 1984). Several waterbird species are currently listed as threatened (NRE 2000) on the basis of restricted breeding colonies. This approach is currently being revised. Barmah Forest is sometimes one of the few breeding colonies in the State for Great Egrets, and has been of even greater importance for other species of egret (see Historical Changes, below). The forest may sometimes be an important breeding habitat for two threatened and poorly known non-colonial waterbirds with cryp- tic habits, Australasian Bitterns inhabit beds of Giant Rush, and several may be heard booming in the forest during floods (Chesterfield et al. 1984). Little Bitterns prefer beds of Cumbungi or Common Reed, and may be found on Top Island and Boals Deadwoods during floods, as well as beside farm dams outside the forest. Two or three pairs of White-bellied Sea Eagles breed in the forest. Two reptile species (Carpet Python and Woodland Blind Snake), one amphibian (Giant Bullfrog) and six fish species (Silver Perch, Trout Cod, Murray Cod, Golden Perch, Macquarie Perch and Freshwater Catfish), are listed as threat- ened in Victoria (Appendices 3-5). As dis- cussed above, some of the fish are now rare or absent and the Giant Bullfrog is known only from just outside the forest. Discussion There is currently a very low diversity and abundance of terrestrial mammals in Barmah Forest. This may be a natural occurrence, as the pattern of regular flood- ing would result in inhospitable conditions unless species were able to climb trees or find high points on which to escape. In areas where there are alternative vegetation types on higher ground (e.g, Black Box woodlands around the edge of the forest, Yellow Box woodlands on sandy rises) these may be important refuges for indi- yiduals to shift into to escape the inunda- The Victorian Naturalist tion. Where clearing has extended right up to the edge of the Red Gum, this may limit the options for small mammals and hence influence their survival. The low diversity may also be a result of management changes since European settlement. There is evidence to suggest that other species of terrestrial mammals once occurred in this region (see below). Grazing and trampling by domestic and feral animals may have reduced the quality of habitat for these species, and increased predation from introduced predators may also have con- tributed to their demise. In most areas of Victoria, native rodents are usually a prominent component of the small mammal fauna (Menkhorst 1995). However, in Barmah Forest the semi- aquatic Water Rat is the only species of native rodent present. It is likely that sev- eral other species of rodents once occurred in the Northern Plains, but are now extinct (see Historical Changes, below). Compared to the Grey Box woodlands of the Northern Plains, the Red Gum forests have higher densities of Common Brushtail Possums, but lower densities of Common Ringtail Possums. All the arboreal and semi-arboreal mammals found in the region require tree hollows in which to nest and are more abundant in areas with higher densities of large old trees with hollows. The extensive area of Red Gum woodland in Barmah Forest provides important habitat for bats within the region. Recent studies of the roosting and foraging requirements of the Lesser Long-eared Bat and Gould's Wattled Bat found that individuals fed in remnant vegetation within the rural land- scape, but roosted within Barmah Forest (Lumsden et al. 2002). Both species were highly selective of the types of trees in which they roosted, with Gould's Wattled Bats selecting very large live River Red Gums (Lumsden er al. in press). In contrast Lesser Long-eared Bats roosted predomi- nantly in dead trees, and the females select- ed large old ring-barked Red Gums as maternity sites to raise their young. Entrances were usually narrow fissures which provided protection from predators and competitors. Individuals regularly shift- ed roost sites with subsequent roosts close together. This behavioural pattern requires a high density of suitable roost sites within a Vol. 119 (3) 2002 Part One small area to support a colony of bats (Lumsden and Bennett 2000). Although the proportion of large trees is lower in Barmah Forest than in remnants within farmland due to timber harvesting (Bennett er al. 1994), the area of forest is much larger and hence there are more suitable roost sites overall. Both species selected areas of the forest that had high densities of their preferred roost trees (Lumsden er al, 2002). As a habitat for land birds, the stands of River Red Gum appear to be quite similar to less extensive stands elsewhere along the Murray River. Birds that nest in tree hollows are substantially more common than in other forest types (Loyn 1985), reflecting the age of many of the veteran trees and their tendency to form hollows through dropping branches. Ground-feed- ing birds respond positively to the amount of coarse woody debris (Mae Nally er al. 2001). Birds that feed from open ground are common if they can use alternative substrates during floods (e.g. Brown Treecreeper and Buff-rumped Thornbills feeding from bark, and Superb Fairy-wrens among aquatic plants), while obligate ground feeders are scarce or confined to box ridges (Chesterfield er al. 1984; Loyn 1985). This is analogous to the current sit- uation with small native mammals, of which the only remaining species ( Yellow- footed Antechinus, discussed above) can forage both from the ground and trees. Perhaps the deduced loss of mammal species from Barmah Forest owes more to clearing of adjacent box woodlands, than to changes within the forest itself. White-plumed Honeyeaters dominate the bird fauna of the River Red Gum stands, and appear to exclude small insectivores through territorial aggression. This may account for the patchy distribution of small insectivores such as thornbills in the forest. The typical honeyeaters of box-ironbark forests are Fuscous Honeyeaters Lichenostomus fuscus and Yellow-tufied Honeyeaters £L. melanops (Loyn 1985; Silveira et al. 1997), but they are absent from box ridges in Barmah Forest, perhaps because White-plumed Honeyeaters are so prevalent. Recent data from a large group of study sites among the River Red Gums in the forest (Mac Nally ef al. 2001) include White-plumed Honeyeater as the fifth most common species (not the 123 Murray River Special Issue first as in earlier work), and two small insec- tivores (Weebill and Yellow-rumped Thornbill) featured in the top four. This may suggest a recent change in the dominance of White-plumed Honeyeaters and supports the notion of an inverse relationship between numbers of small insectivores and White- plumed Honeyeaters. Historical changes One of the earliest European settlers in the Northern Plains was Edward Curr who occupied a pastoral run near the junction of the Murray and Goulburn Rivers in the 1840s (Curr 1883). He described the abo- riginal women digging out rats for food and referred to ‘kangaroo-rats’ and ‘field- rats’. Unfortunately, as no specimens were collected we cannot determine which species these may have been. The Lesser Stick-nest Rat Leporillus apicalis, a native rodent that builds large nests of sticks, was recorded in the Mallee region of Victoria in 1857 (Wakefield 1966) and may also have been in this area, It is interesting to speculate whether ‘Rat Castle Creek” in Barmah Forest was named after this species. Several species of small macrop- ods have disappeared from the Northern Plains. The Rufous Bettong 4epyprymnus rufescens and Bridled Nailtail Wallaby Onychogalea fraenata were recorded from Red Gum forests, downstream of Barmah (near Gunbower) in the 1850s (Wakefield 1966) and may also have been present in Barmah Forest. Both these species are now extinct in Victoria (Menkhorst 1995). Among land birds, both Bell Miners and Crested Bellbirds were reported at Barmah Forest in the 19" century (Curr 1883; Blakers et al. 1984; Chesterfield er al. 1984) and no longer occur in the region. Several honeyeaters occur erratically in or near the forest, and Blue-faced Honeyeaters may have declined through persecution by fruit growers. White-throated Treecreepers were apparently rare before the 1940s and are now common, perhaps because of increases in stand density with regeneration after log- ging (Chesterfield et al. 1984). Pied Currawongs have increased over the same period, as winter visitors mainly to the forest edge. Long-billed Corellas increased during the 1970s. Recent data (Mac Nally et al. 2001) and Atlas records (Appendix 2) sug- 124 gest that Yellow-rumped Thornbills have increased since the 1970s and early 1980s when they were scarce in the forest (Chesterfield e¢ a/. 1984). Restless Flycatchers may have declined and only two were observed during recent studies (L Conole pers. comm.). Many other changes may have occurred, but gone unnoticed or undocumented. Changes in populations of water birds may be readily noticed by visiting natural- ists, but hard to interpret because of the mobility of these birds, and the great varia- tions expected from year to year with dif- ferent flood patterns. Magpie Geese were common in the 19" century (Chesterfield et al. 1984) and disappeared from Victoria until recent reintroductions. Brolgas were also common in the 1890s (Leslie 1995). Hundreds of Brolgas displayed and nested on War Plain in the 1920s (Tom Galloway in Chesterfield et a/. 1984), and the species is now much reduced, with a pair nesting in nearby farmland but rarely visiting the forest. A great diversity of breeding water- birds was recorded by Norman Favoloro in the 1930s (in Chesterfield et al. 1984), including Whiskered Terns. Hoary-headed Grebes and Baillon's Crakes. Verbal records from various sources suggest that Intermediate Egrets were the most numer- ous egret breeding in the forest before the 1940s (Chesterfield er a/. 1984), and they are now the rarest. Hundreds of egrets bred at Black Swamp during floods at the time, whereas now breeding is more common at Algeboia Plains on the NSW side, and involves greatly reduced numbers, mainly of Great Egrets. Ibis now breed in lower numbers than they did in the peak floods of the early 1970s. Plumed Whistling- Ducks and Cattle Egrets colonised the region in the early 1970s, but are found mainly in surrounding farmland, Azure Kingfishers became temporarily scarce in the late 1970s, perhaps because of the proliferation of European Carp and con- sequent turbidity in many creeks (Chesterfield et al. 1984). However, they recovered quickly and were again a common feature of the river and creeks in the 1980s. Many factors have been implicated in the decline of frogs, reptiles and fish. These include commercial fishing pressures, com- petition and predation from introduced The Victorian Naturalist species (e.g. fox predation on tortoise eggs or Mosquitofish predation on frog eggs and larvae), structural alterations to habitat (through grazing pressure and altered flow regimes), reduction of instream habitat (such as through extensive de-snagging opera- tions). and altered flooding regimes (com- mensurate with river regulation in the mid- 19305). Changes in habitat have occurred, espe- cially on the swamps, through combined effects of river regulation and grazing. Trees are encroaching on some previously open plains and dying back on others (Chesterfield 1986). Beds of Giant Rush have tended to increase at the expense of Cumbungi or Common Reed, which are more palatable to cattle (Chesterfield 1986). Management Deep spring floods clearly provide breed- ing conditions for waterbirds, and their fre- quency and extent have declined with river regulation. It will be a special challenge to provide adequate flows with increasing demands for water use in the Murray Darling catchment (MDBC 2000). Flood patterns are important for all aspects of the forest's ecology, including vegetation (Bren and Gibbs 1986; Chesterfield 1986; Ward 1991, 1994; Blanch et al. 1999), health of trees (Dexter er a/. 1986), fish (McKinnon 1997; Gehrke and Harris 2001), and waterbirds (Leslie 2001). A specific allocation of environmental water has been provided for the Barmah-Millewa forest from the regulated river system, and is primarily used to allow waterbirds (and flora and other fauna when known to be necessary) to complete breeding attempts (Leslie and Ward in press). Old hollow-bearing trees are locally con- spicuous, especially along the river (Newton-John 1992), although they occur at lower densities in the forest compared to many remnants in farmland (Bennett er al. 1994). Logging and firewood collection have been reduced in recent years, and this should facilitate efforts to maintain the supply of hollows and replenish coarse woody debris at sustainable rates. Grazing has contributed to major changes in wet- land vegetation (Chesterfield 1986), and planned reductions in grazing should help Vol. 119 (3) 2002 Part One reverse some of those changes, with bene- fits to certain water birds and land birds. The ecosystem is highly complex, and a system of regular monitoring and adaptive management is needed to deal with the unexpected changes that can confidently be expected in future. Acknowledgements Many people contributed to the studies and observations that formed the basis of this paper. We are grateful to all, although there are too many to mention individually, Several col- leagues have worked closely with us at different times, including Andrew Bennett, Geoff Brown, Evan Chesterfield, Malcolm Macfarlane and John Silins. The studies were funded by NRE, and logistic help was provided trom the Forests Office at Nathalia. Specific information for this paper was supplied by Andrew Corrick and Barbara Baxter (Atlas of Victorian Wildlife) and Tarmo Raadik (Aquatic Fauna Database). Lawrie Conole (Ecology Australia) provided some recent observations and Michael Scroggie (NRE) made useful comments on a draft. Anne Morton invited us to write this paper. Many thanks to all. References Bennett A, Brown G, Lumsden L, Hespe D, Krasna § and Silins J (1998) Fragments for the Future, Wildlife in the Victorian Riverina (the Northern Plains), (Department of Natural Resources and Environment: East Melbourne) Bennett AF, Lumsden LF and Nicholls AO (1994) Tree hollows as a resource for wildlife in remnant wood- lands; spatial and temporal patterns across the north- ern plains of Victoria, Australia. Pacific Conservation Biology V, 222-235, Blakers M, Davies SJIF and Reilly PN (1984) The Atlas of Australian Birds. (Melbourne University Press: Melbourne) Blaneh SJ, Ganf GG and Walker KF (1999) Tolerance of riverine plants to flooding and exposure indicated hy water regime. Regulated Rivers: Research and Management 15, 43-62. Bren LJ (1988) Flooding characteristics of a riparian red gum forest. Australian Forestry 51, 57-62. Bren LJ and Gibbs NL. (1986) Relationships between flood frequency, vegetation, and topography in a river red gum forest, Australian Forest Research 16, 357-370, Brown GW and Bennett AF (1995) Reptiles in rural environments. The distribution, habitat requirements and conservation status of the reptile fauna of the Murray-Darling Basin area in Victoria. A report to the Murray-Darling Basin Commission. Department of Natural Resources and Environment; Heidelberg. Cadwallader PL (1977) 1.0. Langtry's 1949-50 Murray River Investigations. Fisheries and Wildlife Paper No 13, Fisheries and Wildlife Division, Victoria. Chesterfield EA (1986) Changes in the vegetation of the river red gum forest at Barmah, Victoria. Australian Forestry 49, 4-15. Chesterfield EA, Loyn RH and Macfarlane MA (1984) Flora and fauna of Barmah State Forest and their management, Research Branch Report 240, Forests Commission, Victoria. 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(Environment Australia: Canberra) 126 Lumsden LF, Bennett AF, and Silins JE (2002) Location of roosts of the lesser long-eared bat Nyctophilus geoffroy! and Gould's wattled bat Chalinolobus gouldii in a fragmented landscape in south-eastern Australia, Biological Conservation 106, 237-249, .umsden LP, Bennett AF and Silins JE (in press) Selection of roost sites hy the lesser long-eared bat Nyerophilus geoffrayi and Gould's wattled bat Chulinalobus gouldii in south-eastern Australia, Journal of Zoology. Mac Nally R. Parkinson A, Horrocks G. Conole L and Tzaros € (2001) Relationships between terrestrial ver- tebrate diversity, abundance and availability of coarse woody debris on south-eastern Australian floodplains, Biolugieal Conservation 99, 191-205. Maunsell McIntyre Pty Ltd (2000) Bird breeding, rain- fall and floods. Report to the Barmah-Millewa Forum. McKinnon 1.4 (1997) Monitoring of fish aspects of the flooding of Barmah Forest, Final report to the Murray Darling Basin Commission for Natural Resources Management Strategy Project VOT4, Marine and Freshwater Resources Institute, Queenseliff- Murray Darling Basin Commission (2000) The Barmah-Millewa Forest Water Management Strategy, Murray Darling Basin Commission: Canberra, Menkhorst PW (ed) (1995) Mammals of Victoria. Distribution, Ecology and Conservation. (Oxford University Press: Melbourne) Menkhorst PW, Weavers BW, and Alexander JSA (1988) Distribution, hubitat and conservation status of the Squirrel Glider Petaurus norfoleensis (Petauridae: Marsupialia) in Victoria, Australian Wildlife Research 15, 59-71. Newton-John J (1992) Arboreal habitat hollows in River Red Gum (4. camaldulensix) in the Barmah Forest. Unpublished report, Department of Forestry. University of Melbourne. 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Note that numbers of Atlas records may give a false impression of the abundance of species subject to special survey effort (e.g. Koalas), while introduced species tend to be under- recorded, + indicates personal communication. Threatened species categories: End, endangered; Vul, vulnerable; LRnt, lower risk, near threatened (NRE 2000). I, introduced to Australia. Common name Scientific name Atlas records in or Threatened status near Barmah Forest in Victoria Short-beaked Echidna Platypus Yellow-footed Antechinus Brush-tailed Phascogale Common Brushtail Possum Feathertail Glider Sugar Glider Squirrel Glider Common Ringtail Possum Eastern Grey Kangaroo Black Wallaby Koala Little Red Flying-fox Southern Freetail Bat Eastern Freetail Bat White-striped Freetail Bat Gould's Wattled Bat Chocolate Wattled Bat Southern Myotis Lesser Long-eared Bat Gould's Long-eared Bat Inland Broad-nosed Bat Large Forest Bat Southern Forest Bat Little Forest Bat Water Rat House Mouse Black Rat Red Fox Cat (feral) Horse (feral) Sambar Deer Pig (feral) Brown Hare European Rabbit Vol. 119 (3) 2002 Tachyglossus aculeatus Ornithorhynchus anatinus Antechinus flavipes Phascogale tapoatafa Trichosurus vulpecula Acrobates pygmaeus Petaurus breviceps Petaurus norfolcensis Pseudocheirus peregrinus Macropus giganteus Wallabia bicolor Phascolarctos cinereus Pteropus scapulatus Mormopterus sp. Mormopterus sp. Tadarida australis Chalinolobus gouldii Chalinolobus morio Myotis macropus Nyctophilus geoffroyi Nyctophilus gouldi Scotorepens balstoni Vespadelus darlingtoni Vespadelus regulus Vespadelus vulturnus Hydromys chrysogater Mus musculus Rattus rattus Vulpes vulpes Felis catus Equus caballus Cervus unicolor Sus scrofa Lepus capensis Oryctolagus cuniculus [m r2 T NU OU — - wae wey ba OCONMOoWst Vul End LRnt 127 Murray River Special Issue Appendix 2. Birds of Barmah Forest. Note that records from imprecisely defined locations do not generally appear as 5-minute Atlas records and are marked +: this applies mainly to records before the 1990s. AR, Atlas records in or near Barmah Forest; BLHab, broad local habitats; FL Hab, finer local habitats; MS, migratory status; TSVic, threatened status in Victoria. Broad and fine habitats: W, water bird (v, among dense vegetation; m, mainly on bare mudflats; sv, in lightly vegetated swamps; 0, in open water; t, nesting in or among trees; s, nesting colonially in swamps when flood- ed; r, along river; f, mainly in farmland or farm dams outside forest). F, forest or woodland bird (rg, mainly in red gum; b, mainly in box; s, most common in or near swamps or riverbanks; p, most com- mon on treeless plains within the forest; rd, more common along roadsides or in remnant vegetation outside the forest; g, more common in gardens outside the forest; no symbol, widespread). O, open country species, usually found outside the forest (gp, mainly near gravel pits). Migratory or other temporal status: S, mainly summer visitor (e.g. Sept-April); W, mainly winter visitor (March-Sept): V, vagrant or rare visitor; X, extinct, not recorded since 19th century. Threatened or introduced sta- tus: CrEn, critically endangered; End, endangered; Vul, vulnerable; LRnt, lower risk, near threat- ened; DD, data deficient: I. introduced to Australia. *, reeds or cumbungi; t, rushes. Common Name Scientific Name AR BLHabFLhab MS TSVic Emu Dromaius novaehollandiae 44 F S Stubble Quail Coturnix pectoralis 4 [9] Brown Quail Coturnix ypsilophora 3 F s DD Painted Button-quail Turnix varia 15 F Peaceful Dove Geopelia striata 84 F TE Diamond Dove Geopelia cuneata 2 tà TE V. Vul Common Bronzewing Phaps chalcoptera 27 F b Crested Pigeon Ocyphaps lophotes 42 O Buff-banded Rail Gallirallus philippensis 4 WwW V Spotless Crake Porzana tabuensis | W y Australian Spotted Crake Porzana fluminea + W v Baillon's Crake Porzana pusilla + W V S Black-tailed Native-hen Gallinula ventralis 2 W v Dusky Moorhen Gallinula tenebrosa 14 W r Purple Swamphen Porphyrio porphyrio 16 W v Eurasian Coot Fulica atra 3 W o Bush Stone-curlew Burhinus grallarius T F rd Great Crested Grebe Podiceps cristatus 4 W o Australasian Grebe Tachybaptus novaehollandiae 6 WwW o Hoary-headed Grebe Poliocephalus poliocephalus 1 W o Great Cormorant Phalacrocorax carbo 52 W t Little Black Cormorant Phalacrocorax sulcirostris 44 WwW t Pied Cormorant Phalacrocorax varius 8 W o LRnt Little Pied Cormorant Phalacrocorax melanoleucos 80 W t Darter Anhinga melanogaster 21 W rt Australian Pelican Pelecanus conspicillatus 37 W Whiskered Tern Chlidonias hybridus 8 WwW SV S LRnt Silver Gull Larus novaehollandiae 5 W o Black-winged Stilt Himantopus himantopus t W sv Red-necked Avocet Recurvirostra novaehollandiae + W sv/o/f Red-kneed Dotterel Erythrogonys cinctus | W SV Masked Lapwing Vanellus miles 39 W.O m Banded Lapwing Vanellus tricolor | O Red-capped Ployer Charadrius ruficapillus + W m Black-fronted Dotterel Elseyornis melanops 15 W m Common Greenshank Tringa nebularia ] W m S Sharp-tailed Sandpiper Calidris acuminata i W SV S Red-necked Stint Calidris ruficollis i W m S Latham's Snipe Gallinago hardwickii 3 W v S Brolga Grus rubicunda 2 W f Vul Glossy Ibis Plegadis falcinellus 1 W SV Vul Australian White Ibis Threskiornis molucca 85 W s Straw-necked Ibis Threskiornis spinicollis 63 W s Royal Spoonbill Platalea regia 24 W t Vul Yellow-billed Spoonbill Platalea flavipes 44 W t Little Egret Egretta garzetta 4 W t CrEn Intermediate Egret Ardea intermedia 2] Ww t; SV CrEn 128 The Victorian Naturalist Part One Common Name Scientific Name AR Great Egret Ardea alba 59 Cattle Egret Ardea ibis T White-faced Heron Egretta novaehollandiae 90 White-necked Heron Ardea pacifica 52 Nankeen Night Heron Nycticorax caledonicus 31 Little Bittern Ixobrychus minutus 3 Australasian Bittern Botaurus poiciloptilus 5 Australian Wood Duck Chenonetta jubata 70 [Magpie Goose] Anseranus semipalmata + Black Swan Cygnus atratus 42 Plumed Whistling-Duck Australian Shelduck Pacific Black Duck Chestnut Teal Grey Teal Australasian Shoveler Pink-eared Duck Freckled Duck Hardhead Blue-billed Duck Musk Duck Spotted Harrier Swamp Harrier Brown Goshawk Collared Sparrowhawk Wedge-tailed Eagle Little Eagle White-bellied Sea-Eagle Whistling Kite Black Kite Black-shouldered Kite Grey Falcon Australian Hobby Peregrine Falcon Black Falcon Brown Falcon Nankeen Kestrel Southern Boobook Barking Owl Barn Owl Musk Lorikeet Sulphur-crested Cockatoo Major Mitchell’s Cockatoo Little Corella Long-billed Corella Galah Cockatiel Superb Parrot Crimson (Yellow) Rosella Eastern Rosella Red-rumped Parrot Blue Bonnet Budgerigar Tawny Frogmouth Australian Owlet-nightjar Dollarbird Azure Kingfisher Laughing Kookaburra Sacred Kingfisher Red-backed Kingfisher Rainbow Bee-eater White-throated Needletail Vol. 119 (3) 2002 Dendrocygna eytoni Tadorna tadornoides Anas superciliosa Anas castanea Anas gracilis Anas rhynchotis Malacorhynchus membranaceus Stictonetta naevosa Aythya australis Oxyura australis Biziura lobata Circus assimilis Circus approximans Accipiter fasciatus Accipiter cirrhocephalus Aquila audax Hieraaetus morphnoides Haliaeetus leucogaster Haliastur sphenurus Milvus migrans Elanus axillaris Falco hypoleucos Falco longipennis Falco peregrinus Falco subniger Falco berigora Falco cenchroides Ninox novaeseelandiae Ninox connivens Tyto alba Glossopsitta concinna Cacatua galerita Cacatua leadbeateri Cacatua sanguinea Cacatua tenuirostris Cacatua roseicapilla Nymphicus hollandicus Polytelis swainsonii Platycercus elegans flaveolus Platycercus eximius Psephotus haematonotus Northiella haematogaster Melopsittacus undulatus Podargus strigoides Aegotheles cristatus Eurystomus orientalis Alcedo azurea Dacelo novaeguineae Todiramphus sanctus Todiramphus pyrrhopygia Merops ornatus Hirundapus caudacutus — H A MO RJ Ov — -F —1 03 C Un 1 t9 Os — ONNA — Ww 9 UJ F2 SO — — NN Un e 3 ——t WO o6 J BLHabFLhab MS TSVic zeseces222292229222752 zo 5700£Zu1mm- -uOommoooc"nu m 75 -— MS o an modo E rg rg un End Vul End End End Vul End Vul Vul Vul End End End Vul End 129 Murray River Special Issue Common Name Scientific Name AR BLHabFLhab MS TSVic Fork-tailed Swift Apus pacificus | FO S Pallid Cuckoo Cuculus pallidus 19 F S Fan-tailed Cuckoo Cacomantis flabelliformis 16 F S Horsfield's Bronze-Cuckoo | CArvsococeyx basalis 22 F S Shining Bronze-Cuckoo Chrysococcyx lucidus 1] p S Black-eared Cuckoo Chrysococeyy osculans F F S Welcome Swallow Hirundo neoxena 132 O,W White-backed Swallow Cheramoeca leucosternus 2 O gp Tree Martin Hirundo nigricans 47 in rg S Fairy Martin Hirundo ariel 6 Q,W 1 S Grey Fantail Rhipidura fuliginosa 164 F Rufous Fantail Rhipidura rufifrons | P SV Willie Wagtail Rhipidura leucophrys 220 FO TE Leaden Flycatcher Myiagra rubecula 9 F rg S Restless Flycatcher Myiagra inquieta 58 F Jacky Winter Microeca fascinans 168 F Scarlet Robin Petroica multicolor 29 F Red-capped Robin Petroica goodenovii 73 F Flame Robin Petroica phoenicea 22 FO p W Pink Robin Petroica rodinogaster + b WV Hooded Robin Melanodryas cucullata 4 i b Golden Whistler Pachyeephala pectoralis 29 F W Rufous Whistler Pachycephala rufiventris 155 E S Gilbert’s Whistler Pachycephala inornata 5 F b Grey Shrike-thrush Colluricincla harmonica 283 F Magpie-lark Grallina cyanoleuca 112 P,O rg Crested Shrike-tit Faleunculus frontatus 9] r [Crested Bellbird] Oreoica gutturalis t F X Black-faced Cuckoo-shrike Coracina novaehollandiae 141 F White-bellied Cuckoo-shrike Coracina papuensis 2 F Ground Cuckoo-shrike Coracina maxima + oO p V White-winged Triller Lalage sueurii 29 F S Grey-crowned Babbler Pomatostomus temporalis 16 F rg, rd End White-browed Babbler Pomatostomus superciliosus 3 E b White-fronted Chat Epthianura albifrons 3 O,W p Crimson Chat Ephthianura tricolor + [9] p SV Southern Whiteface Aphelocephala leucopsis i [9] edge Speckled Warbler Crhonicola sagittata * F rd Western Gerygone Gerygone fusca 60 F S Weebill Smicrornis brevirostris 202 F Striated Thornbill Acanthiza lineata 53 F Yellow Thornbill Acanthiza nana 61 F b, g Brown Thornbill Acanthiza pusilla 7 F s Buff-rumped Thornbill Acanthiza reguloides 169 F Chestnut-rumped Thornbill Acanthiza uropygialis + F lignum Yellow-rumped Thornbill Acanthiza chrysorrhoa 121 O g White-browed Scrubwren Sericornis frontalis 32 E s Brown Songlark Cincloramphus cruralis 7 [9] S Rufous Songlark Cincloramphus mathewsi 35 F rg S Little Grassbird Megalurus gramineus 7 W v Clamorous Reed Warbler — Acrocephalus stentoreus 28 W v S Superb Fairy-wren Malurus cyaneus 195 F 8 White-breasted Woodswallow Artamus leucorynchus 35 FW TE S Masked Woodswallow Artamus personatus | F S White-browed Woodswallow Artamus superciliosus 28 i s Black-faced Woodswallow Artamus cinereus | [9] Dusky Woodswallow Artamus cyanopterus 139 Ẹ S Varied Sittella Daphoenositta chrysoptera 36 E Brown Treecreeper Climacteris picumnus 362 F White-throated Treecreeper Cormobates leucophaeus 299 F Mistletoebird Dicaeum hirundinaceum 92 F Spotted Pardalote Pardalotus punctatus 4l F W Striated Pardalote Pardalotus striatus 347 F 130 The Victorian Naturalist Common Name Scientific Name AR Part One BLHabFLhab MS TSVic Silvereye White-naped Honeyeater Black-chinned Honeyeater Brown-headed Honeyeater Painted Honeyeater White-plumed Honeyeater [Bell Miner] Noisy Miner Red Wattlebird Striped Honeyeater Regent Honeyeater Blue-faced Honeyeater Noisy Friarbird Little Friarbird Richard's Pipit Singing Bushlark Diamond Firetail Zebra Finch Red-browed Finch Olive-backed Oriole White-winged Chough Pied Currawong Pied Butcherbird Grey Butcherbird Australian Magpie Australian Raven Little Raven Common Blackbird House Sparrow Eurasian Tree Sparrow European Goldfinch Common Starling Common Myna Zosterops lateralis Melithreptus lunatus Melithreptus gularis Melithreptus brevirostris Grantiella picta Lichenostomus penicillatus Manorina melanophrys Manorina melanocephala Anthochaera carunculata Plectorhyncha lanceolata Xanthomyza phrygia Entomyzon cyanotis Philemon corniculatus Philemon citreogularis Anthus novaeseelandiae Mirafra javanica Stagonopleura guttata Taeniopygia guttata Neochmia temporalis Oriolus sagittatus Corcorax melanorhamphos Strepera graculina Cracticus nigrogularis Cracticus torquatus Gymnorhina tibicen Corvus coronoides Corvus mellori Turdus merula Passer domesticus Passer montanus Carduelis carduelis Sturnus vulgaris Acridotheres tristis to us N 4 LJ UJ T + UDA —oO85tJ2'.52t2— OH un F g E WV F F F b SV Vul F E X Ẹ rd F V F b, NSW F V F F S F rg S O0 p [9] p S F b O p s FẸ rg S F F W pi rd B rd FO rg i O p g I (8) g I O g, Nathalia l oO g I O,W l O g, Nathalia I Appendix 3. Reptiles of Barmah Forest. Threatened species categories: End, endangered; Vul, vul- nerable; LRnt, lower risk, near threatened; DD, data deficient (NRE 2000). Common name Scientific name Atlas records in or near Barmah Forest Threatened status in Victoria Common Long-necked Tortoise Murray River Tortoise Wood Gecko Marbled Gecko Olive Legless Lizard Eastern Bearded Dragon Tree Goanna Carnaby's Wall Skink Large Striped Skink Garden Skink Yellow-bellied Water Skink Grey's Skink Boulenger's Skink Peters's Blind Snake Woodland Blind Snake Tiger Snake Red-bellied Black Snake Eastern Brown Snake Bandy Bandy Carpet Python Vol. 119 (3) 2002 Chelodina longicollis Emydura macquarii Diplodactylus vittatus Phyllodactylus marmoratus Delma inornata Pogona barbata Varanus varius Cryptoblepharus carnabyi Clenotus robustus Lampropholis guichenoti Eulamprus heatwolei Menetia greyii Morethia boulengeri Ramphotyphlops bituberculatus Ramphotyphlops proximus Notechis scutatus Pseudechis porphyriacus Pseudonaja textilis Vermicella annulata Morelia spilota metealfei DD Vul LRnt End 131 Murray River Special Issue Appendix 4. Amphibians of Barmah Forest. Threatened species categories: CrEn, critically endan- gered; DD, data deficient (NRE 2000). Common name Atlas records in or Threatened status near Barmah Forest in Victoria Scientific name Peron's Tree Frog Litoria peroni 70 Southern Bullfrog Limnodynastes dumerili 59 Barking Marsh Frog Limnodynastes fletcheri 8 DD Giant Bullfrog Limnodynastes interioris l CrEn Spotted Marsh Frog Limnodynastes tasmaniensis 118 Common Spadefoot Toad — Neobatrachus sudelli 8 Bibron's Toadlet Pseudophryne bibroni | Plains Froglet Crinia parinsignifera 62 Common Froglet Crinia signifera 54 Sloane’s Froglet Crinia sloanei E Appendix 5. Fish of Barmah Forest. Threatened species categories in Victoria: CrEn, critically endangered; End, endangered; Vul, vulnerable; DD, data deficient (NRE 2000), I, introduced to Australia. Common name Scientific name Threatened status in Victoria Silver Perch Bidvanus bidyanus CrEn Goldfish Carassius auratus I Common Carp Cyprinus carpio I River Blackfish Gadopsis marmoratus Broadfin Galaxias Galaxias brevipinnis Flat-headed Galaxias Galaxias rostratus DD Mosquitofish Gambusia holbrooki I Western Carp Gudgeon Hypseleotris klunzingeri Carp Gudgeon (*2 spp.) Hypseleotris spp. Trout Cod Maccullochella macquariensis CrEn Murray Cod Maccullochella peelii peelii Vul Golden Perch Macquaria ambigua Vul Macquarie Perch Macquaria australasica End Crimson-spotted Rainbowfish Melanotaenia fluviatilis DD Oriental Weatherloach Misgurnus anguillicaudatus l Short-headed Lamprey Mordacia mordax Southern Pigmy Perch Nannoperca australis Bony Bream Nematalosa erebi Rainbow Trout Oncorhynchus mykiss I English Perch Perca fluviatilis | Flat-headed Gudgeon Philypnodon grandiceps Australian Smelt Retropinna semoni Atlantic Salmon Salmo salar | Brown Trout Salmo trutta l Freshwater Catfish Tandanus tandanus Vul l'ench Tinca tinca l Carp * Goldfish hybrid | The Murray River in The Victorian Naturalist Mr. JG O'Donohue said that the manager of the Kulkyne Station, in a recent letter to him, mentioned that thousands of cormorants of several species were nesting at the present time in the Mournpoul sanctuary. In these particular locali- ty these birds were not hitherto known to breed so late in the season. NATURAL HISTORY NOTES From The Victorian Naturalist XXXII (2), 18 June 1916. The Victorian Naturalist Part One The Distribution and Conservation Status of the Reptile Fauna of the Murray River Region in Victoria Geoff Brown' Abstract The lands surrounding the Murray River, from source to South Australia, support a remarkable diver- sity of terrestrial reptiles, At least ninety-four species, representing nine families, are known from the environs of the Murray River in Victoria, and this fauna consists of a blend of arid-adapted elements from the north-west with temperate elements from the east. Species richness and diversity of regional reptile assemblages tends to increase along the gradient from cool mesic (Eastern Highlands) to warm dry regions (Mallee). Skinks are the dominant component (44%) of the overall reptile fauna in terms of number of species. Skinks also exhibit a distinct decline in proportional species composition along the environmental gradient from the east to the north-west, in contrast with dragons, geckoes and leg- less lizards. reptile families that show a steady increase in their proportional representation. Twenty- four reptile species known from the Murray River area are considered threatened in a national or state (Victoria or New South Wales) context, and at least another 18 species are considered locally threat- ened, The majority of these threatened species are found in the north-west of the state, and most are classified as such because they are either at the limit of their distributional range in northern Victoria, and consequently occur only rarely, or because they are habitat specialists and considered to be disad- vantaged by habitat change or loss. The major determinants of reptile occurrence (and decline) are briefly discussed. (The Victorian Naturalist 119 (3), 2002, 133-143) The Murray River The Murray River is one of Australia's great rivers and, together with the Darling River, forms the catchment for a vast por- tion of south-eastern continental Australia. The headwaters of the Murray River rise in the Great Dividing Range at about 1430 m on the New South Wales-Victoria border and then flow westwards for 2530 km to the Southern Ocean in South Australia (Young and Hillman 2001). Within Victoria the Murray River tra- verses a range of climatic zones (or *natur- al’ regions, after Conn 1993) over approxi- mately 1900 km, extending from the high- altitude Eastern Highlands at its source, through the flat riverine plains of the Riverina region of north-central Victoria, to the Murrày Mallee in the semi-arid north-west of the state, This environmental gradient is reflected in the climate, in increasing temperature and decreasing rainfall along a southeast-northwest axis, as well as in vegetation patterns and fauna assemblages. The vegetation along the Murray River ranges from montane forests and alpine woodlands of the mesic high- lands of the Great Dividing Range in the east, through dryland and riverine wood- lands (typically dominated by Black Box Eucalyptus largiflorens, Grey Box E. micro- Anhur Rylah Institute for Environmental Research, Department of Natural Resources and Environment, 123 Brown Street, Heidelberg, Victoria 3084 Vol. 119 (3) 2002 carpa or River Red Gum £. camaldulensis) of the plains of the Riverina, to the semi-arid habitats on dune-fields in the Mallee, The dominant land use along the Murray River flood-plain is agriculture. Over the last century widespread clearing has enabled intensive and extensive cropping and graz- ing across large areas, particularly in the Riverina. Timber harvesting on public land is carried out, mostly in the highlands and riverine forests of the Riverina, although the target species and the purposes for which they are harvested vary. Fuelwood (dead and down material) is also a relatively important industry, for both commercial operators and individual licensees. While sections of the Murray River area, notably the mallee habitats in the north- west and the open forests of the Eastern Highlands, are relatively well vegetated, much of the remaining plains have suf- fered extensive clearing, such that only a small and highly fragmented vegetation mosaic now exists. This mosaic includes mallee or woodland associations and con- sists principally of linear remnants along streamsides and roadsides, a handful of rel- atively large blocks that are typically river- ine State Forests or State Parks, and a myr- iad of small vegetation parcels, generally located on private land. The amount of suitable habitat within the Murray River catchment, and its current management, 133 Murray River Special Issue has undeniable implications for the effec- tive conservation of reptiles. Species composition and distribution of reptiles along the Murray River Ninety-four species of reptile, represent- ing nine families, are known from the environs of the Murray River in Victoria (Table 1). These families include tortoises (3 species), dragons (9), geckos (9), legless lizards (8), skinks (41), goannas (2), pythons (1), blind snakes (4) and elapid snakes (17) (Atlas of Victorian Wildlife, NRE). These species incorporate an extremely diverse array of sizes, life- forms, habitat requirements and distribu- lions. Taxonomy for reptiles in this paper follows Cogger (2000), except for Hooded Scaly-foot Pygopus schraderi, which fol- lows James et al. (2001) . This reptile fauna consists of a blend of arid-adapted elements in the north and west with temperate elements from the south and east. There is à strong trend of increasing. species richness and increased diversity of taxonomic composition of regional reptile assemblages along the gradient from cool mesic to warm dry regions. Skinks are the most Conspicuous component of the overall fauna in terms of both numbers of species and life-forms, They comprise 44% of the reptile species known from the area, and exhibit a marked decline in proportional composition of the reptile assemblage along the environmental gradient from the Eastern Highlands in the east (68%), to the Mallee region in the north-west (44%) (Table 1). A contrasting trend is apparent for dragons, geckos and legless lizards, reptile families that show a steady increase in their propor- tional representation in the species assem- blage along the same environmental gradi- ent. The highlands in the east exhibit the lowest species richness (27%). Reptiles of the Murray River can be cate- gorised into several groups, each of which reflects a distinctive distribution. Two major groups represent species that are rel- atively widespread across the region, One group, including species such as Common Long-necked Tortoise Chelodina longicol- lis, Large Striped Skink Crenotus robustus, Boulenger's Skink Morethia houlengeri, Stumpy-tailed Lizard Trachydosaurus rugosus and Common Sealy-foot Pygopus 134 Fig. 1. The Regal Striped Skink Crenotus regius is an agile terrestrial skink that, in Victoria, is found in semi-arid grasslands and woodlands of the north-west. lepidopodus, occurs in the Mallee and plains, but with few representative species in the highlands. The second group, which embraces such species as Tree Dragon Amphibolurus muricatus, Blotched Blue- tongued Lizard Tiliqua nigrolutea, Garden Skink Lampropholis guichenoti and Red- bellied Black Snake Pseudechis porphyria- cus, occurs widely in the highlands and plains, but not in the Mallee. The other groups have a more limited dis- tribution across the region. A group of species occur only in the Mallee (e.g. Mallee Dragon Ctenophorus fordi, Regal Striped Skink Crenorus regius (Fig. 1), Coral Snake Simoselaps australis, Mueller's Skink Lerista muelleri) and at the other end of the environmental gradient are those species that occur primarily within the highlands (e.g. Mountain Dragon Tympanocryptis diemensis, White's Skink Egernia — whitii, Delicate Skink Lampropholis delicata, | Highland Copperhead Austrelaps ramsayi). The Tessellated Gecko Diplodactylus tessellatus is an example of a true arid-zone species (Rawlinson 1971) that is found only in the extreme north-west. Its distribution in Victoria is marginal to its main occurrence in the drier interiors of the eastern and cen- tral Australian states (Cogger 2000), and follows the Murray River corridor (Atlas of Victorian Wildlife). Conversely, the Garden Skink and the Eastern Water Skink Eulamprus quoyii are true mesic species which also appear to use the mesic environ- ments of the Murray River and Darling River respectively, to extend their main dis- tributions from eastern Australia. The The Victorian Naturalist Eastern Water Skink is known in Victoria only from the Mallee around the confluence of the Darling and Murray Rivers. Overall, the Murray River reptile fauna includes three aquatic species (3%), all tor- toises, 65 species (69%) that are consid- ered terrestrial, seven arboreal (7%) species, eight species (9%) that are semi- arboreal, and 11 species (12%) that are fossorial (Table 1). The proportion of species categorised as terrestrial (e.g. many skinks and elapid snakes) systematically decreases from east to west. Conversely, the proportion of fossorial species and, to a lesser extent, those categorised as arboreal, increases from east to west. Fossorial species in the Murray River area consist of several species of legless lizards, the skink genera Hemiergis and Lerista, blind snakes and two species of uncommon elapid snakes, Most of these species are restricted to the Mallee. Conservation status of reptiles The conservation status of many reptiles in rural environments of Victoria, outside of the highlands, is alarming - while a small number of species (e.g. Marbled Gecko Christinus marmoratus, Boulenger's Skink) are relatively widespread and com- mon, most species are patchily distributed (restricted to isolated remnant vegetation) and occur in very low numbers (Brown and Bennett 1995). There has been a wide- spread decline and local extinction of rep- tiles in the rural environment. Overall, at least 94 reptile species have been recorded from the Murray River area, about one-quarter of which (25 species) are considered officially threatened in a national or state ( Victoria or New South Wales) con- text (Table 1). At least another 18 species are considered locally threatened, on the basis of limited distribution and relatively low numbers of records (see Table 1). These threatened Victorian reptile species include a locally extinct species, the Small- scaled Snake Oxyuranus microlepidota, two species that are ‘Critically Endangered’, seven that are ‘Endangered’, five that are ‘Vulnerable’, eight that are ‘Lower Risk — near threatened’ and another that is *Data Deficient’ (Table 1). The Common Death Adder Acanthophis antarcticus was also considered extinct in Victoria until recently, Vol. 119 (3) 2002 Part One when an individual was recorded in the north-west corner of the state (Atlas of Victorian Wildlife, NRE). The majority (18) of these threatened species are found in the north-west of the state, whilst three are known from the Eastern Highlands and twelve from the Riverina. Many of these species are classified as threatened because they are at the limit of their range in northern Victoria, and conse- quently occur only rarely. For example, species such as Tessellated Gecko, Beaked Gecko Rhynchoedura ornata, Hooded Scaly-foot Pygopus schraderi, Desert Skink Egernia inornata, Yellow-faced Whip Snake Demansia psammophis and Western Brown Snake Pseudonaja nuchalis all have broad continental distrib- utions, yet extend only marginally into Victoria, Conversely, the Striped Legless Lizard Delma impar and Alpine Water Skink Eulamprus kosciuskoi are examples of threatened species that are typically confined to more mesic environments of south-eastern Australia. Some of these threatened species, includ- ing the Striped Legless Lizard, Hooded Scaly-foot, Murray Striped Skink Crenotus brachvonyx, and Carpet Python Morelia spilota metcalfei, are classified because they are habitat specialists and considered to be detrimentally affected by habitat change or loss (Robertson ef al. 1989; Cogger et al. 1993). The Striped Legless Lizard, for example, is in a demonstrable state of decline because it is restricted to a particular habitat, native grassland, which has become exceedingly limited im area and is fragmented and prone to further reduc- tion (CNR 1992: Dorrough and Ash 1999). Two species, the Hooded Sealy-foot and the Alpine Water Skink, are considered ‘Critically Endangered’ in Victoria. The occurrence in Victoria of the Hooded Scaly-foot is known from three historical (undated) museum records, two records from the Riverina in the 1990s (Atlas of Victorian Wildlife, NRE) and most recent- ly from the vicinity of Terrick Terrick National Park (P Robertson pers. comm. ). At the opposite end of the environmental gradient, the Alpine Water Skink is known from a few localities, generally in alpine bogs, in the Eastern Highlands (Atlas of Victorian Wildlife, NRE). 135 Murray River Special Issue Several other species that occur in the Murray River area of Victoria have appar- ently declined over recent years or are per- ceived to be threatened, especially by habitat loss or modification. Although abundant where it occurs, the Mallee Dragon appears to be restricted in Victoria to mallee habitat containing Triodia (Sadlier and Pressey 1994). Triodia is an important habitat requirement for other species, notably Brooks’s Striped Skink Ctenotus brooksi, Obscure Skink Morethia obscura and Western Blue-tongued Lizard Tiliqua occip- italis, which show only a limited or patchy distribution in the state. In general, the greatest threats to reptiles (i.e. those affecting the largest number of reptile species nationally) are habitat clear- ance, habitat modification, overgrazing by stock, urban development, and predation by introduced predators (Cogger et al. 1993). Brown and Bennett (1995) found that the majority of reptile species in the Victorian Riverina, the most alienated natural region through which the Murray River flows, occurred in very low numbers or showed a patchy distribution. Their data, when cou- pled with existing distribution records and available biological and ecological data, signal low survival status and hence seri- ous concern for the long-term security of the reptile assemblage of this region. Although some reptile species are natural- ly rare in the Riverina, some are also rare because they are likely to have suffered more than others from the effects of clear- ing or disturbance. Large species, such as Tree Goanna Varanus varius (Fig. 2) and some of the elapid snakes (e.g. Tiger Snake Notechis scutatus, Red-bellied Black Snake), which have relatively large home ranges (in the order of hectares) are likely to be excluded from patches that are small and isolated. These larger species have naturally low densities, and therefore are especially prone to reduction in suitable habitat. The Tree Goanna, a solitary species known to inhabit only forest and woodland communi- ties, typically shows a strong affinity with specific trees within its home range, which provide hollows for shelter (Greer 1989) and basking sites. Hence, timber harvesting is also likely to disadvantage this species. Some of the small reptile species, especially skinks and legless lizards, are adversely 136 Fig. 2. Juvenile Tree Goanna Varanus varius, a large semi-arboreal species that is found in for- est or woodland environments across much of Victoria. affected by the modification of the structure of the ground-level strata (Brown and Bennett 1995). Grazing, the commercial collection of firewood, and the removal of litter and timber debris by land-holders are all common prac- tices along the Murray River, particularly in the Riverina, and all involve the removal or alteration of elements of the ground-layer that many reptile species require for shelter, forag- ing or reproduction sites. Processes influencing the distribution and conservation status of species The major impact of land use along the Murray River within Victoria has undoubt- edly been the dramatic reduction in forest cover. This has been particularly acute in the Riverina, where forest cover dimin- ished by 8495 in the period 1869-1987 (Woodgate and Black 1988). A major con- sequence of this extensive clearing across the Basin has been the fragmentation and isolation of remnant vegetation, such that an array of different-sized patches now pepper the landscape. Many of these patch- es are small, less than 10 ha, and isolated, For the reptiles (and indeed, all fauna), the The Victorian Naturalist Part One —————M————————M—MMMÀÀ € —— À————— ee u ^ ^ L ƏAJLN prezi] sso[827] wayinosg si[pDAIsnp Duija(] H ^ ^ E spuejyeay *oa[e]o pezig- AA pasou-xutq DILinDul pisDadp spatzrT sso[32] IN ^ "E L 15210) Aap ‘spueysseis *spue|poow ‘spjayaunq ON22r7) po[re1-Noru |. npn snanpsipoowuapur) di u q A di puv[poo^ JULISALI *pue|poo^ yeg 0920 paxgag puto DAnpaotj2utpar IN ^ L spuejqnays *spue[pooA *spue[tpeou *se[[E]N. 0220 paprag unapwupp UNISDINT spuejqnaus E ^ L SULIAALI *spuv|sse13 *aoj[eur podouau OxX22r) s. aou&g 190Ulq DIJOuOA4912H u ^ guy spuejpoom *spur[sseJ3 ‘aapje podouau ead al], DIDSALIDA DAAYAD W » ^ ^ L 15210] Alp *spuev[poo^ ‘spjayaunq OYIOD poo M snipura snyQvpordiq] Ri yI ^ ^ Wi spue|pooA pue spuv[qnaus aULaAry Ox22r) poaiejjessa |. snyppyjassay snj&onpojdiqg DN ^ ^ guv spue|poo^ ‘puejyweoy ‘spjayaunqd ox2ar)po[mj-Aulds wayinog — szpoucorur snyGvpojdiqg ^ ^ ^ p guv 2a] [PLU pue 15210; Alp *pue[poo^ auLiaary 03227) paqe SHIDAOULADUL SHUTISLAU) 82304227) paul] 1 y zi ^ T puejqnaus aidures *pur[sse18 yeay IAL UOPA(] ssapeg pour] vivaury suduasoupdu y ^ VL puejpoom oupjuour *js210] AA uogeX umunoJq — sisuouolp sudiooundwAy puejqnaus podouauo ‘pueg IN ^ VI [PAM [NOLSE *pue|sseis *pue[poow IAL uose(] papag [e.rnua 5d321J1A P40BO,q. 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NULYS xoossn] — 140n221su28bd prowapnasg IN A ^ 2h s}saio} Cap pue 2uejuo]q yuixS SSLN uloQmos — nxmparspooagua DIOUODHOS A a y A ^ t spuejipeay jam audy y yurys Sog əurdqy puro4podu2 piOluapnasq N ^ ^ Ab S]saio} Alp pug jsrour *ouejuojq NuINS s, &nu240)) TA4IUA02 SHJUIOSODAINI IN Y ^ ^ i spue[uqieou *sjsau0] Ap pue Istotu ‘aueyuoy MULYS s, KOI] 1 020DM SNIWIISOUUÐON D44 99H MSN HA WN HA A IN pajsr] snjejs uortA9suo) uonnq.m]s«q ur10J-9)!T jyenqeg peoagr 3UIEN uou) samads —— uoa | AQEL ———————————————————————————————————————————————————————————— M——'Á 139 Vol. 119 (3) 2002 Murray River Special Issue immediate consequences are twofold: there is an overall reduction in the total amount of habitat that is available, and hence the overall size of regional populations; and secondly, the ability of species to persist in the developed landscape largely depends on their capacity to use small and isolated remnant habitats. Brown and Bennett (1995), using reptiles of the Victorian Riverina as their focus, found that the distribution and abundance of reptiles in the rural environment is influ- enced by a number of factors, operating at different levels, including climate, land- scape factors, major habitat types, micro- habitat, grazing and timber removal. These are explored briefly below, Climatic gradient The environmental gradient (reflected in climate and vegetation) provides the over- riding natural factor affecting reptile distri- bution. This is most conspicuously mani- fested in the biogeographical trend of inereasing species diversity and abundance from the mesic east to drier, warmer habi- tats in the west. Reptiles are ectothermic, relving on external heat sources to deter- mine body temperature, and using behav- ioural and physiological mechanisms to regulate it. As a consequence, more reptile species are found in arid and semi-arid habitats than temperate ones; arid zones in Australia support an extraordinary diversi- ly of reptiles, in part because of their phys- iological and ecological adaptations to a dry, warm environment (Pianka 1986; Bradshaw 1986; James and Shine 2000). Landscape factors The pattern of remnant vegetation in the rural landscape influences the distribution of reptiles in several ways. Most species of reptiles depend on remnant areas of habitat and rarely occur in cleared farm- land. Remnant vegetation displays great variation in its reptile fauna, and linear remnants, particularly roadside vegetation, typically yield the highest reptile densities and richness. This is partly attributable to the typically greater degree of substrate complexity on roadsides (compared with other remnant types), a result of the low levels or absence of grazing and the clear- ing of vegetation and coarse woody debris. Roadsides are usually managed by 140 is a terrestrial lizard that is generally restricted in Victoria to woodlands and shrublands in the north-east. government agencies (Brown and Bennett 1995), The Murray-Darling Basin overall, and in Victoria particularly, has suffered an extra- ordinary degree of habitat loss (Woodgate and Black 1988; MDBMC 1987; Goldney and Bowie 1990), an unfortunate conse- quence of which, at least for wildlife, is the creation of a more homogeneous landscape. Importantly, most of this clearing was undertaken on freehold land, and freehold land in this area now has less than 296 tree cover (Land Information Group, NRE). The effects on reptiles of clearing some vegetation communities are indisputable. In mallee vegetation, for instance, 70-95% of the original herpetofauna has been perma- nently lost from areas that have been cleared (Rawlinson 1981; Cogger 1989). Another landscape factor which has a con- siderable impact on many species, particular- ly those that have small home ranges or are relatively immobile, is isolation (or degree of connectedness) of suitable habitat. The major impacts for reptiles arising from isolation appear to be a reduction in species numbers, à greater incidence and persistence of generalist species and an increased vulnerability to habi- tat disturbance or degradation. Recent studies have shown that even common species that are considered habitat generalists are affected by habitat clearance and the subsequent isola- tion of populations (Sarre 1995), The fragmentation process affects reptiles primarily by progressive reduction in the amount of suitable habitat and the associated increase in the degree of isolation shown by many of these fragments. Also, fragmented remnants in farmland are more vulnerable to disturbance and degradation across edges. The Victorian Naturalist Major habitat type Major habitat types provide another factor affecting reptile occurrence. In the Victorian Riverina for instance, Black Box woodlands support more reptile species and families and reveal greater reptile densities, than River Red Gum forests (Brown and Bennett 1995). Although the major habitat types are correlated, in part, with the envi- ronmental gradient, some importance can be attributed to their influence as determi- nants of reptile distribution and abundance. River Red Gum forests are noticeably depauperate in terrestrial reptile species; those species typically resident are relative- ly large, generalist species (Yellow-bellied Water Skink Eulamprus heatwolei, Tree Goanna, Tiger Snake, Red-bellied Black Snake) or arboreal species (Marbled Gecko, Carnaby's Wall Skink Cryptoblepharus carnabyi, Tree Skink Egernia striolata, Carpet Python) regularly recorded in semi- aquatic and flood-prone environments, usu- ally in low numbers (LCC 1983; Brown and Bennett 1995). River Red Gum forest domi- nates watercourses and low-lying areas vul- nerable to periodic flooding across the riverine plains. It is probably because this forest type experiences regular inundation that the proportion of terrestrial reptile species is relatively low, and that most fos- sorial species have rarely been recorded. Microhabitats Microhabitat characteristics are important determinants of reptile occurrence, after accounting for the environmental gradient. Generally, greater reptile numbers are cor- related with increased structural hetero- geneity, particularly in the ground-level and shrub strata, Open grazed grassland, or heavily-grazed woodland with bare ground are likely to support few, if any, reptiles. Structural complexity near ground-level is clearly important to many reptile species, including a range of skinks (Downey and Dickman 1993; Hutchinson 1993), legless lizards (Rauhala 1993; Robertson and Edwards 1994) and elapid snakes (Shine 1987; Schwaner 1991). For example, the value of even modest vegetation cover for the habitat generalist Boulenger's Skink emerged during drought conditions in west- ern New South Wales (Henle 1989). Microhabitat is known to be an important element of niche partitioning in fossorial/ Vol. 119 (3) 2002 Part One terrestrial species, even more so than broad habitat type. To illustrate, the Spotted Burrowing Skink Lerísta punctatovittata is an arid-zone resident and a habitat general- ist for which abundance has been correlated with litter build-up and other ground-level substrates, such as timber and discarded corrugated iron, that afford shelter (Henle 1989). Other fossorial/terrestrial reptile species have also shown strong connections with various components of the terrestrial microhabitats, such as bark that has been shed naturally or piled following forestry activities (Bynoe’s Gecko Heteronotia binoei; Bustard 1968a), well-developed lit- ter (Three-toed Skink Hemiergis decresien- sis; Robertson 1981), litter depth and pro- portions of bare ground and grass sub- strates (Coventry’s Skink Niveoscineus coventry’; Brown and Nelson 1993). A number of arboreal or semi-arboreal reptile species occur along the Murray River, and all require, to varying degrees, elevated microhabitats as foraging, basking or shelter sites, These species include geckos, dragons, skinks and goannas, and while some of them (e.g. some dragons, Sand Goanna Varanus gouldii) are flexibly arboreal, other species seem to be depen- dent on elevated microhabitats. For exam- ple, numbers of the strictly arboreal gecko Tree Dtella Gehyra variegata in western New South Wales are strongly correlated with the size, shape and density of Black Box (Henle 1990). Modification of the microhabitat is clear- ly one of the most important processes gov- erning reptile occurrence and abundance, and can arise in myriad different ways (e.g. fire, introduced animals, salinity changes, recreational impacts, altered water regimes, pollutants and biocides). However, the two activities that arguably have the most influ- ence on habitat structure in rural environ- ments along the Murray River are grazing and timber removal (both standing timber and coarse woody debris). Grazing Though few studies exist which examine the effects of different grazing regimes on reptile occurrence and density, the limited evidence suggests that excessive grazing has a significant impact on many terrestrial reptiles, both in Australia (where much of the evidence is inferential) (Recher and 141 Murray River Special Issue Lim 1990; Cogger ef al. 1993; Scougall et al, 1993; Smith er al. 1996; Brown 2001) and overseas (Busack and Bury 1974; Jones 1981; Brooks 1999). Grazing affects the microhabitat principally through the simplification of the understorey and fround-layer, seen in lowered structural and floristic diversity, altered floristic composition and soil disturbance. Species which live underground (e.g. Aprasia spp., Ramphotyphlops spp., Coral Snake, Bandy Bandy Vermicella annulata) or forage in the sub-soil and litter layers (e.g. Hemiergis spp., Lerista spp.) are likely to be most affected by impacts such as soil compaction and soil erosion. Timber removal Timber extraction clearly disadvantages those arboreal species that depend on elevat- ed sheltering, basking and foraging sites (e.g. many geckos, Tree Skink, Tree Goanna) simply through the reduction of suitable habitat, The Tree Goanna, for example, uses tree hollows for shelter, exposed trunks and branches for basking, and includes eggs or nestlings of tree-nesting birds in its diet (Greer 1989; Green and King 1993). While limber extraction adversely affects a number of reptile species, this practice is known to benefit some species. For example, stumps resulting from the harvesting of Callitris eventually provide suitable microhabitats for Bynoe's Gecko and Tree Dtella, relatively widespread gecko species that are able to exploit the apertures that form between the bark and the stump (Bustard 1968b). Many terrestrial species which rely on fallen timber for cover, activity and breed- ing sites are also disadvantaged by fire- wood removal. Eleven species were found to exploit Jogs in the Riverina (Brown and Bennett 1995); many species closely asso- ciated with them either for shelter or activ- ity sites (e.g. Carnaby’s Wall Skink, Garden Skink). The value of logs for a number of terrestrial and/or arboreal reptile species is well known (Webb 1985; Greer 1989). The decline of the Carpet Python in the semi-arid region of Victoria and New South Wales has been attributed to a num- ber of different processes, amongst them the loss of hollow-bearing trees due to tim- ber extraction, and firewood collection (Sadlier 1994; Shine and Fitzgerald 1996), 142 Conclusions In summary, habitats along the Murray River are diverse and this is reflected in the wonderful variety of reptiles that are known from the river’s environs. Whilst the conservation status for many of these species is stable in Victoria, a substantial number of species are considered threat- ened. The threats to reptiles generally vary according to land management practices along the river’s course. What remains constant, however, is that the responsibility for ensuring the survival of reptiles, indeed all native fauna, is ours. Acknowledgements This paper benefited from the scrutiny of Rick Shine (University of Sydney), Nick Clemann, Paul Close and Phoebe Macak (all Arthur Rylah Institute for Environmental Research) and the provision of information by Peter Robertson (Wildlife Profiles Pty Ltd), the Atlas of Victorian Wildlife and Land Information Group (both NRE). Much of what is presented here was stimulated by discussions and collaborative research with ecologists, particularly Dr Andrew Bennett (Deakin University). References Bradshaw SD (1986) Ecophysiology of Desert Reptiles. (Academic Press; Sydney) Brooks M (1999) Effects of protective fencing on birds, lizards, and Black-tailed Hares in the western Mojave Desert, Environmental Management 23, 387-400. Brown GW (2001) The influence of habitat disturbance on reptiles in a Box-lronbark eucalypt forest of south-eastern Australia. Biodiversity and Conservation 10, 161-176. Brown GW and Bennett AF (1995) Reptiles in rural environments. The distribution, habitat requirements and conservation status of the reptile fauna of the Murray-Darling Basin area in Victoria. A report to the Murray-Darling Basin Commission, Department of Natural Resources and Environment, Heidelberg. Brown GW and Nelson JL. (1993) Influence of sucees- sional stage of Eucalyptus regnans (Mountain Ash) on habitat use by reptiles in the Central Highlands, Victoria. Australian Journal of Ecology 18, 405-417. Busack SD and Bury RB (1974) Some effects of off-road vehieles and sheep grazing on lizard populations in the Mojave Desert. Biological Conservation 6, 179-183. Bustard HR (19682) The ecology of the Australian gecko Heteronotia hinoei in northern New South Wales. Journal of Zoology 156, 483-497, Bustard HR (1968b) The ecology of the Australian gecko Gehyra variegata in northern New South Wales. Journal of Zoology 154, 113-138, CNR (1992) Striped Legless Lizard Delma impar. Action Statement No 17, Department of Conservation and Natural Resources, Victoria, Cogger HG (1989) Herpetofauna. In Mediterranean Landseapes in Australia, pp 250-265, Eds JC Noble and RA Bradstock. (CSIRO: Melbourne) Cogger HG (2000) Reptiles and Amphibians of Australia, (Reed New Holland: Sydney) Cogger HG, Cameron EE, Sadlier RA and Eggler P (1993) The Action Plan for Australian Reptiles. (Australian Nature Conservation Ageney: Canberra) Conn BJ (1993) Natural regions and vegetation of 'The Victorian Naturalist Victoria. In Flora of Victoria. Vol 1, Introduction, pp 79-158. Eds DB Foreman and NG Walsh (Inkata Press: North Ryde) Dorrough J and Ash JE (1999) Using past and present habitat to predict the current distribution and abundance of a rare cryptic lizard, Delma impar (Pygopodidae). Australian Journal of Ecology 24, 614-624. Downey FJ and Dickman CR (1993) Macro- and mierohabitat relationships among lizards of san- dridge desert in central Australia, In Herpetology in Australia. A Diverse Discipline, pp 133-138, Eds D Lunney and D Ayers (Royal Zoological Society of New South Wales: Mosman) Goldney DC and Bowie LIS (1990) Some management implications for the conservation of vegetation rem- nants and associated fauna in the central western region of New South Wales. Proceedings of the Ecological Society of Australia Y6, 427-440. Green B and King D (1993) Goanna: The Biology of Varanid Lizards. (Southwood Press: Marrickville) Greer AE (1989) The Biology and Evolution of Australian Lizards. (Surrey Beatty and Sons: Chipping Norton) Henle K (1989) Population ecology and lile history of the diurnal skink Morethia houlengeri in arid Australia. Oecologia 78, 521-532. Henle K (1990) Population ecology and life history of the arboreal gecko Gehyra variegata in arid Australia. Herpetolagical Monographs 4, 30-60. Hutchinson MN and SC Donnellan (1988) A new species of scincid lizard related to Leia/apisma enire- casteauxii, from south eastern Australian. Transactions af the Royal Society of South Australia 112, 143-51. Hutchinson MN and SC Donnellan (1992) Taxonomy and genetic variation in the Australian lizards of the genus Pseudemoia (Scincidae: Lygosominae). Journal of Natural History 26, 215-264. Hutchinson MN (1993) Family Seincidae. In Fauna of Australia, Vol 24 Amphibia and Reptilia, pp 261- 279, Eds CJ Glasby, GJB Ross and PL Beesley. (Australian Government Printing Service: Canberra) IUCN (1994) [UCN Red List Categories. (Gland: IUCN) James BH, Donnellan SC and Hutchinson MN (2001) Taxonomic revision of the Australian lizard Pygopus nigriceps (Squamata: Gekkonoidea), Records of the South Australian Museum 34, 37-52. James CD and Shine R (2000) Why are there so many coexisting species of lizards in Australian deserts? Oecologia 125, 127-141. Jones KB (1981) Effects of grazing on lizard abun- dance and diversity in Western Arizona, The Southwestern Naturalist 26. 107-115. LCC (1983) Report on the Murray Valley area. Land Conservation Council, Melbourne. MDBMC (1987) Murray-Darling Basin Environmental Resources Study. Murray-Darling Basin Ministerial Council, NRE (2000) Threatened vertebrate fauna in Victoria 2000; a systematic list of vertebrate fana considered extinct, at risk of extinction or in major decline in Victoria. (Department of Natural Resources and Environment; East Melbourne) Pianka ER (1986) Ecology and Natural History af Desert Lizards. (Princeton University Press: New Jersey) Rauhala MA (1993) Above ground movements and new information on habitat of Aprasia parapuchella revealed by pitfall trapping, Herpetofauna 23, 30-31. Rawlinson PA (1971) Amphibians and reptiles of Victoria. Reptiles. In Victorian Year Book, pp 11-36. (Government Printer: Melbourne) Rawlinson PA (1981) Conservation of Australian amphibian and reptile communities. In Proceedings of the Melbourne Herpetological Symposium May Vol. 119 (3) 2002 Part One 19-21, 1980, pp 127-138. Eds CB Banks and AA Martin. (Zoological Board of Victoria: Parkville) Recher HF and Lim L (1990) A review of current ideas of the extinetion, conservation and management of Australia’s terrestrial vertebrate fauna. Proceedings of the Ecological Society of South Australia 16, 287-301. Robertson P (1981) Comparative reproductive ecology of two south-eastern Australian skinks, In Proceedings of the Melbourne Herpetological Symposium May 19-21, 1980, pp 25-37. Eds CB Banks and AA Martin, (Zoological Board of Victoria: Parkville) Robertson P, Bennett AF, Lumsden LF, Silveira CE, Johnson PG, Yen AL, Milledge GA, Lillywhite PK and Pribble HJ (1989) Fauna of the Mallee study area north-western Victoria. Arthur Rylah Institute for Environmental Research Technical Report Series No 87. Department of Conservation, Forests and Lands, Victoria, Robertson P and Edwards S (1994) Conservation biolo- £y of the mallee Worm-Lizard (Aprasia aurita). An initial investigation. Report to the Department of Conservation and Natural Resources and Australian Nature Conservation Agency. Sadlier RA (1994) Conservation status of the reptiles. and amphibians in the Western Division of New South Wales — an overview. In Future of the Fauna of Western New South Wales, pp 161-167. Eds D Lunney, S Hand, P Reed and D Butcher. (Royal Zoological Society of New South Wales: Mosman) Sadlier RA and Pressey RL (1994) Reptiles and amphibians of particular conservation concern tn the western division of New South Wales: a preliminary review, Biological Conservation 69, 41-54, Sarre § (1995) Size and structure of populations of Oedura reticulata (Reptilia: Gekkonidae) in wood- land remnants: implications for the future regional distribution of a currently common species, Australian Journal of Ecology 20, 288-298. Schwaner TD (1991) Spatial patterns in Tiger Snakes (Notechis ater: Elapidae) on offshore islands of south- ern Australia. Journal of Herpetology 25, 278-283. Scougall SA, Majer JD and Hobbs RJ (1993) Edge effects in grazed and ungrazed Western Australian wheatbelt remnants in relation to ecosystem recon- struction, In Nature Conservation 3, Reconstruction of Fragmented Ecosystems, pp 163-178. Eds DA Saunders, RJ Hobbs and PR Ehrlich (Surrey Beatty and Sons: Chipping Norton) Shine R (1987) Intraspecific variation in thermoregula- tion, movements and habitat use by Australian Blacksnakes, Pseudechis porphyriacus (Elapidae). Journal of Herpetology 21, 165-177. Shine R and Fitzgerald M (1996). Large snakes in a mosaic rural landscape: the ecology of Carpet Pythons Morelia spilota (Serpentes: Pythonidae) in coastal east- ern Australia, Biological Conservation 76, 13-122. Smith GT, Arnold GW, Sarre S, Abensperg-Traun M und Steven DE (1996) The effects of habitat frag- mentation and livestock-grazing on animal communi- ties in remnants of gimlet Eucalyptus salubris wood- land in the Western Australian wheatbelt. I. Lizards. Journal of Applied Ecology 33, 1302-1310. Webb GA (1985) Habitat use and activity patterns in some southeastern Australian skinks, In Biology of Australasian Frogs and Reptiles, pp 23-30. Eds G Grigg, R Shine and H Ehmann (Royal Zoological Society of New South Wales) Woodgate P and Black P (1988) Forest Cover Changes in Victoria 1869-1987. (Department of Conservation, Forests and Lands: Melbourne) Young WJ and Hillman TI (2001) The Murray River to the Darling River junction, In Rivers as Ecological Systems. The Murray Darling Basin, pp 101-131. Ed WJ Young, (Murray Darling Basin Commission: Canberra) 143 Murray River Special Issue Tadpoles of South-eastern Australia: a Guide with Keys by Marion Anstis Publisher: Reed New Holland, Frenchs Forest 2002, 281 pp, ISBN 1876334630. RRP $59.95 In the context of the Murray River, or indeed of any and all aquatic habitats in south-eastern Australia, this is the book I wish I'd written! But I didn't; and even if I had I wouldn't have been able to do it half as well as Marion Anstis has, Australian herpetology has been extraordinarily enriched by contributions from people with- out primary training in the field: such shin- ing examples as Mike Tyler, Eric Worrell, George and John Cann, John Coventry and Charles Tanner come readily to mind. And now Marion Anstis has joined that distin- guished company, with a flourish! Studying frog life histories has been a spare-time occupation for Marion, a full-time music teacher, for the years of field and laboratory work, photography, drawing and writing that went into the book. What if she had been in a position to pursue her passion for tadpoles full-time? — I dare say we would now be in a position to savour her books on the tadpoles of Australia, the southern hemi- sphere or the world... The subtitle of Marion's book — 4 Guide with Keys — sums up its outstanding strength: it responds comprehensively to the naturalist's need for assistance in iden- tifving tadpoles. If you want to know more about how tadpoles work, their anatomy and physiology, their behaviour, ecology and evolution, then you can turn to Roy McDiarmid and Ron Altig’s encyclopaedic Tadpoles: The Biology of Anuran Larvae (University of Chicago Press, 1999), But if your interest is in your local tadpoles, the sorts of places to find them in, how they develop, and most particularly the sorts of frogs they'll turn into, then Marion's book is the very one you’ve been waiting for, Tadpoles, it must be acknowledged, are difficult to identify; undoubtedly that’s why it’s taken so long for us to come to terms with them. For the taxonomist the saving grace of tadpoles is the mouth structure, of which more in a moment. For the rest, they are seriously deficient in 144 measurable or countable things such as appendages, scales, fin rays or body seg- ments; you have to rely on much less quantifiable characters, including body shape and form, fin depth and eye position. Very occasionally a tadpole has a bizarre, the-only-one-of-its-kind characteristic: the Glandular Frog Litoria subglandulosa of northern New South Wales provides one such example. For the most part, however, tadpoles are tadpoles are tadpoles. But their mouths are truly a marvel, the more so because not a vestige of the larval mouth structure remains in the frog, which has pretty regular jaws and teeth much more resembling yours or mine. Most commonly in tadpoles the jaws have a beak-like configuration, rather like that of a squid or octopus; they're made of keratin (horn) and are jet-black, with serrated edges. Surrounding them, typically, is a fleshy, folded disc, roundish or oval in out- line, fringed by a single row or multiple rows of short papillae. The area between the jaws and the papillary fringe bears a number of rows of tiny, keratinous teeth, giving the appearance of a series of minia- ture black combs. The size and shape of the jaws, the disposition of the papillae and, most particularly, the number of rows of teeth and their arrangement, show con- sistent variations among species, meaning that the details of mouth structure are usu- ally the most useful attribute of tadpoles for the identifier to home in on. And I guarantee that your first glimpse of a tad- pole's mouth structure will absolutely delight you with its neatness, its complexi- ty, its symmetry. The downside? — it’s too small to really appreciate without a hand- lens or — vastly better — a stereoscopic microscope. Even then you need to gently manipulate the mouthparts if you want to be sure of seeing the fine details properly. (The lower photograph on p 141 of the book gives you a good idea of how much — or how little! — of the mouth structure you can The Victorian Naturalist discern just by inspection. And the drawing below reveals what it’s really like.) What all this means, in the end, is that mere descriptions of tadpoles, no matter how good they are, are not going to unrav- el the mysteries of their identity. You need a key, and you need copious, excellent illustrations. 1 don't think you could ask any tadpole book to fulfil those prescrip- tions with greater inclusiveness, elegance and accuracy than Marion’s has achieved, More than that, she has squarely confront- ed the problem that tadpoles change so much throughout their development that what will suffice to identify them at one stage will be of no use whatever at another. The magical mouth morphology, for instance, is not fully expressed in early lar- vae, so it isn't of much help. But you may well be put on the right track by, say, the presence or absence of external gills in à very early stage, structures which vanish altogether as the tadpole grows. So something over one-sixth of the book is devoted to two very substantial and detailed keys, one to tadpoles and the other to eges and embryos. To prevent the tad- pole key from becoming too unwieldy, tad- poles are first classified into 17 general body types and their mouths (or *oral discs’) into 15. These are individually illus- trated with line drawings; so when you encounter in the key ‘Body type 10, oral disc type 8° (for instance), you can find out at once what you should expect to see. But there are also plentiful illustrations of other features of tadpoles: the position of the eyes, the shape of the body and tail, the locations of the spiracle (opening of the gill chamber) and the anus, the various pigmen- tation patterns, and so on, Similarly, for the egg and embryo key, there are colour pho- tographs of egg-masses and drawings of egg and embryonic features. Preceding the keys there is a general introductory section covering the classifi- cation of frogs, methods of collecting and caring for tadpoles (with reminders about legal and ethical constraints), issues relat- ing to the conservation of frogs and tad- poles, and — perhaps most useful of all — an illustrated account of the stages of tadpole development, from Stage | (newly fertil- ized egg) to Stage 46 (newly metamor- phosed froglet). The staging system is a Vol. 119 (3) 2002 Part One standard one developed by American authors, but Marion has adapted it to better fit the local scene, and included extra drawings which illustrate some of the vari- ation among Australian species, If you're describing tadpoles or taking measure- ments of their dimensions, it's crucial to note what stage they're at, and on pages 13-19 you'll find the means to do so. The bulk of the book (190 pages) consists of species accounts; no less than 84 of the 89 species and subspecies of frog known to occur in New South Wales, Victoria and Tasmania are included. Since more than half of them were barely known or com- pletely unknown before Marion's work, this is indeed a remarkable accomplishment. What is just as meritorious is that there are colour photographs of living tadpoles of all but three forms. Each account is headed with a colour photograph of an adult frog and a distribution map of the species; then follow descriptions of breeding sites, eggs, embryonic and larval development, tadpole behaviour, metamorphosis and similar species. The tadpole photographs usually include several views and sometimes sever- al stages (the Holy Cross Toad Notaden bennetti and the Red-crowned Toadlet Pseudophryne australis are good examples; even though the caption of the P. australis photo is awry!). And even if you don't like tadpoles much you'll have to admit that some of them are simply gorgeous to look at: the Dwarf Tree Frog Litoria fallax on p 117, for example, or Haswell's Froglet Paracrinia haswelli on p 234. As well as the photos there are excellent drawings, first of a tadpole in left lateral view (to show the position of the spiracle, which is an impor- iant aid to identification, but rarely shows up in photos) and, second, of the oral disc. Although I don't believe tadpoles will ever be easy to identify, | do think that if you take full advantage of all the explanatory and illustrative material that accompanies Marion's keys, and if you make yourself generally familiar with the species accounts, you'll have a better chance than people any- where else in the world of establishing what sort of frog the particular tadpole in your sights is going to turn into. Errors and inconsistencies are few and minor as far as | can see. Tasmania's Moss Froglet is listed as Brvobatrachus nimbus; 145 Murray River Special Issue it should (according to the latest opinion) be included in Crinia. Here and there a spot on a distribution map has gone astray: for instance the Victorian Smooth Froglet Geocrinia victoriana has acquired an out- lier population near Jerilderie, NSW, and an even more remote one somewhere in the vicinity of Sydney! On the other hand, Banjo Frogs Limnodynastes dumerilii, cor- rectly said to occur on Flinders Island, Tasmania, don't feature there on the map, and their occurrence on King Island, Tasmania, is overlooked altogether. Although there is a Glossary on p 8, you'll search it in vain for such technical terms as adhesive organ, pronephric bulge, and sto- modaeal pit. And finally — in the interests of user-friendliness — | would have liked the page-headings to be more informative. Quite frequently, in the species accounts, you'll find yourself looking at a page of text and illustrations with the species name inconspicuous or absent: pages 134, 136 and 138-139 are a few among many exam- ples. It means that if you're flipping through the book and glimpse a tadpole or mouth like the one you're trying to identi- fy, you then have to turn back a page to find the name. Use of species names as page-headings would have avoided this minor inconvenience. In sum, then, if you want to take advantage of the fact that — at last! — being able to iden- lify south-eastern Australian tadpoles is a realistic prospect, this is the book you sim- ply must have. Even if you're not a tadpole enthusiast, you may buy the book (as one friend has done) not for its usefulness, but just because it’s such an outstanding exam- ple of how attractive modern field guides can be. In either case, warmest congratula- tions to Marion Anstis on a truly invaluable piece of work. Additional commendations to the Australian Biological Resources Study, to Rio Tinto and to the World Wide Fund for Nature, all of whom supported Marion’s research and the production of the book. Well done, Reed New Holland, too, for achieving a quality of production that matches the quality of the research, and for holding the price at a reasonable level. And my favourite tadpole? — the one fea- tured on pp 130-132, the Heath Frog Litoria littlejahni. Why? Well, for one thing my respected mentor and colleague Murray Littlejohn and | were the first to study the life history and describe the tad- pole of this species. That it was named for Murray, the person who has done more than anyone else to enrich our knowledge of Victorian frogs, is particularly pleasing. If it’s permissible to dedicate a book review then I dedicate this one to him, on the occa- sion of a milestone birthday that he achieves on the very day that I’m writing this. But finally, the Heath Frog tadpole is just a delightful animal — big, velvety- black, always active (Marion describes it as ‘agile’), easy to feed and care for, and near- ly always successfully reaching metamor- phosis in suitable captive conditions. If only every home could have one! Angus Martin Senior Associate in Zoology Department of Zoology University of Melbourne Victoria 3010 Email biotica( he tadpole of Peron's Tree Frog Literia peronii, a common and abundant species in eastern and northern Victoria, including the Murray Valley. Photos by Marion Anstis. 146 'The Victorian Naturalist Part One Rivers as Ecological Systems: The Murray-Darling Basin Edited by WJ Young Publisher: Murray-Darling Basin Commission, 2001. GPO Box 409, Canberra, ACT 2061 Paperback, 336 pp. colour illustrations, 860. ISBN 1876830034 This ambitious book aims to summarise our knowledge of the ecology of the river systems of the Murray-Darling Basin, especially the effects of flow and flow change in these ecosystems. This is a laud- able and timely objective as the availabili- ty and quality of water for irrigation, con- sumption and the environment is one of the major resource management issues cur- rently facing Australia and the world. Overall, the book achieves this aim, pro- viding a comprehensive summary of scien- tific and other literature related to the Murray-Darling Basin up to about 1999, ] use the word summary rather than review deliberately here because review implies some critical evaluation and this book tends to report other people's results uncritically. The book seems to have been edited very consistently; the chapters are cross-referenced with no obvious changes in style between them, although the level of detail does vary between chapters. The contributing authors generally represent scientists with considerable expertise on their particular topic within the Basin, The book is also a remarkable collection of photographs of physical and biological characteristics of the Murray-Darling Basin. These photographs would make a very valuable resource for educators, both secondary and tertiary, if they were avail- able in electronic form. I urge the Murray Darling Basin Commission to consider releasing a CD based on the book. The range of topics covered is impressive and appropriate. The Introduction claims that ‘It presents, for the first time, a compre- hensive conceptual model for the major rivers of the basin ..." (page vii), This model is really the first part of the book (Understanding river systems) and while the material required for a conceptual under- standing is included, there is not really any model, even informal, presented. The second part of the book deals with specifics of land- scapes, flows and biota. Some of these chap- Vol. 119 (3) 2002 ters are the best summaries of relevant infor- mation for the Murray-Darling Basin avail- able; in particular, | found the section on large plants very useful. Like any book of this type, especially one with numerous authors across different chapters, there are some things that don't work so well, I have already mentioned the lack of critical evaluation of the literature. Similarly, there is usually no distinction made between information based on pub- lished data versus information based on observation versus information based on pure speculation. It is not that any of the information is obviously incorrect but that it is presented with no indication of the uncer- tainty associated with it. The chapters also vary quite a bit in the amount of detail and quantitative information provided. For example, chapter 4 (Landscapes, climates and flow regimes) is detailed with flow duration curves and hydrographs provided. In contrast, chapter 2 (River flow, process- es, habitats and river life) is very descrip- tive, even though details such as cross-sec- tions illustrating changes in river morpholo- gy would have been really helpful. There are also a few minor annoyances with the way the book is structured. There are no summaries of main points at the end of each chapter so main messages in each chapter tend to be lost. It is also an awkward book to cite because authors are associated with both chapters (e.g. Chapter 1) and sections within chapters (e.g. Chapters 5 and 6). In the end, the main difficulty this book will face is finding its target audience. It is clearly not a ‘coffee table’ book designed for the general publie, neither is it a text- book suited for a university course in river ecology, although I would imagine both these groups would find parts of the book very informative. It seems designed for professionals in a range of fields who are associated with the science or management of our river systems. Specialist ecologists or hydrologists will find useful information 147 throughout, and agricultural scientists, economists, engineers, etc. will find the book a valuable summary of the effects of flows on river ecology. My final comment, which is not meant to devalue the book in any way, is that | hope that parts of this book are quickly out of date. This will mean that research on the effects of flow on riverine ecosystems, and the Murray- Darling Basin in particular, is continuing and our knowledge base is improving. Despite the confident tone in some sec- tions of this book, our limited understand- ing of the links between flow and river ecology is still a major constraint on suc- cessful management of one of Australia's most important resources, the rivers of the Murray Darling Basin. Gerry Quinn CRC for Freshwater Ecology School of Biological Sciences Monash University, Victoria 3800 The Field Naturalists Club of Victoria Inc. Reg No A0033611X Established 1880 In which is incorporated the Microscopical Society of Victoria OBJECTIVES: To stimulate interest in natural history and to preserve and protect Australian flora and fauna. Membership is open to any person interested in natural history and includes beginners as well as experienced naturalists. Registered Office: FNCV, 1 Gardenia Street, Blackburn, Victoria 3130, Australia. Postal Addre : FNCV, Locked Bag 3, PO Blackburn, Victoria 3130, Australia. Phone/Fax (03) 9877 9860; International Phone/Fax 61 3 9877 9860, Patron John Landy, mgr, The Governor of Victoria Key Office-Bearers President: Ms WENDY CLARK, 97 Pakenham Street, Blackburn 3130. 9877 9266 Vice Presidents: DR NoEL SCHLEIGER, | Astley Street, Montmorency 3094, 9435 8408 and DR ALAN YEN, 52-54 Brushy Park Road, Wonga Park, 3115, 9722 1665 Hon. Secretary; MRS ANNE MORTON, 10 Rupicola Court, Rowville 3178, 9790 0656 Hon. Treasurer: Ms BARBARA BURNS, 16 Montclair Court, Templestowe 3106, 9846 2608 Subscription-Secretary: FNCV, Locked Bag 3, PO Blackburn 3130. 9877 9860 Executive Editor, The Vic. Nat.: M&S MERILYN GREY, 8 Martin Road, Glen Iris 3146. 9889 6223 Editors, The Vie, Nat.: MR ALISTAIR EVANS, 3/1778 Dandenong Road, Clayton 3168, 8505 4339 and Mrs ANNE Morton, as above. Librarian: MRS SurirA HOUGHTON, FNCV, Locked Bag 3, PO Blackburn 3130, AH 5428 4097 Excursion Co-ordinator: MR DENNIS MELTZER, 8 Harcourt Avenue, Caufield 3162. 9523 1853 Book Brokerage: MR RAY Wirte, 9 Longtown Court, Craigieburn 3064. AH 9308 3770 Newsletter Editors: MRS JOAN BROADBERRY, 2 Shaun Court, Templestowe 3106. 9846 1218 and DR NOEL SCHLEIGER, as above, Conservation Coordinator: MR Jim WALKER, 167 Balaclava Road, Caulfield 3162, 9527 5601 Group Secretaries Botany: MS KAREN DonBSON, 58 Rathmullen Road, Boronia 3155. BH 9877 9860 Geology: MR Rog HAMSON, 5 Foster Street, McKinnon 3204. 9557 5215 Fauna Survey: Ms Sopit SMALL, 107 Bondi Road, Bonbeach 3196, AH 9772 2848 Marine Research: MR MicttAkt. LYONS, 18 High Street, Nunawading 3131, AH 9877 3987 Microscopical: MR RAY PowrR, 36 Schotters Road, Mernda 3754. 9717 3511 MEMBERSHIP Members receive The Victorian Naturalist and the monthly Field Nat News free. The Club organis- es several monthly meetings (free to all) and excursions (transport costs may be charged). Field work, including botany, mammal and invertebrate surveys, is being done at a number of locations in Victoria, and all members are encouraged to participate, Printed by Brown Prior Anderson, 5 Evans Street, Burwood, Victoria 3125, The Victorian Naturalist Volume 119 (4) August 2002 Murray River Special Issue Part Two Published by 'The Field Naturalists Club of Victoria since 1884 The Murray River in The Victorian Naturalist NOTES OF A SHORT COLLECTING EXCURSION TO THE UPPER MURRAY By Messrs C French and D Best Read before the Field Naturalists" Club of Victoria, Nov 17 1884 In crossing a paddock, close to the railway line, we found quantities of a small but pretty composite, the name of which, with those of the other plants collected, have been identified and named by the kindness of Baron von Mueller. Some of the plants here collected, as also portion of those from Mulwala, he found to be of interest, and a complete list of all our specimens appears as an addendum to this paper. Turning over some logs, we were fortunate in finding a few specimens of a very handsome beetle, Carenum sp. which were the first of the kind taken by us. We had not proceeded far before we came across a couple of the large Iguana (Hydrosaurus varius) common to the district, one being beautifully marked with yellow bands; but feeling sure of getting some on the day of our intended depar- ture we did not attempt to capture it, which we now regret, as we did not again see a similar one, although we did many of the plain coloured, and of these we brought down two; the former although only a variety is much rarer than the latter. We drove towards the Murray pine scrubs ... a halt was here made, and a cock- roach hunt suggested and improvised. This, we can assure our friends, was no ordinary cockroach hunt, for these bulky and somewhat repulsive looking fel- lows, burrow to a depth of nearly 2ft. into the sand, and forcibly reminded us of a wombat hunt on a small scale. We were fortunate enough, after digging for our bare lives, to find some of these Titanic cockroaches, which were speedily bot- tled up for our collections. Proceeding along we came across our first Quandong tree, Santalum acumina- tum, which to our great delight had a few ripe fruit on the top branches. The Quandong here seems to be fast dying out, the cause being generally attrib- uted to the clearing off for the improvement of the runs for sheep. | We] afterwards did a little botanising in the surrounding pine scrubs, collecting a few orchids, amongst them being Prerostylis rufa, var. Mitchelli, this being considered somewhat of a rarity here. Prom The Victorian Naturalist 1 (13), January 1885, pp 135-139. The Murray River in The Victorian Naturalist WANDERINGS ON THE MURRAY FLOOD-PLAIN By JG O’ Donohue Read before the Field Naturalists’ Club of Victoria, 8th February 1915 Whilst ranging through the Mallee we realized, at a very early stage in our pere- grinations, that caution had to be exercised in the choice of a site whence to view a foraging bird, At every few yards the extensive and crater-like nests of the Myrmecia nigricipes were to be encountered, These ants appeared to be always spoiling for fight, and if one of us inadvertently approached within half a dozen yards of a citadel, or, for that matter, allowed his shadow to fall upon it, out they would pour in myriads, and, with gaping mandibles, skirmish over a large area in quest of the offender. From The Victorian Naturalist XXXI (2), 10 June 1915, pp 25-35. The Victorian Naturalist Volume 119 (4) 2002 Murray River Special Issue Part Two August Executive Editor: Merilyn Grey Editors: Alistair Evans and Anne Morton Fish of the Murray River, by John Koehn .............. eret 152 Niche Segregation between Three Species of Freshwater Turtle in a Large Billabong During Flood, by Catherine E Meathrel, Phillip J Suter and Noda cA OTs eeu edet RERUM es We Ee ee er TRES HS AIRSS EM dg eras 032 160 Invertebrates of the River Red Gum Forests of the Murray River, by Andrea Ballinger and Alan L Yen ........... eese 174 A Preliminary Survey of the Arboreal Invertebrate Fauna of Two River Red Gum Trees Eucalyptus camaldulensis near the Murray River, by Alan L Yen, Simon Hinkley, Peter Lillywhite, John Wainer and HEAT en ode ena BA Hg Pues creep iR ua PLES LED eder TER Tenere PARIT 180 Aquatic Macroinvertebrates of the Murray River, by Phillip J Suter and EGRE PLWH TALE Utd UIN ASR: NAD a 186 The Swamp Yabby (Cherax sp.) of the Murray River Catchment, by Geoffrey N Edney, Dale G McNeil and Susan H Lawler ............. ees 200 Murray River Microfauna, by Russell J Shiel.................. eee 205 ISSN 0042-5184 Cover: Sweeping bend of the Murray River near Mildura. Photo by Anne Morton. Web address: email: Murray River Special Issue Fish of the Murray River John Koehn' Abstract Fish are an integral component of the Murray River, contributing to its biodiversity, ecology and cul- tural heritage, as well as providing commercial and recreational fishing opportunities, Fish are an important way of connecting the community to the river system, The number of species in the Murray River is low by world standards; species range from the large, well known Murray Cod to smaller, lesser known species, such as Australian Smelt. Seven fish species are considered to be nationally threatened, with several other species threatened on a regional basis. Many of the threats to the fish species relate to the use of water and its associated infrastructure. Changes to flows, barri- ers to fish passage, cold water pollution, snag removal and habitat alterations, commercial and recre- ational utilisation, and interactions with introduced fish species have all contributed to the decline in fish populations. Many of these threats are currently being addressed or under consideration for changed management regimes to reduce their impact. Issues such as the provision of more water for improved environmental flows will pose ongoing challenges. The restoration of riverine ecological processes is a key way by which fish populations may be restored, and this needs to be undertaken with the support of the community. (The Victorian Naturalist 119 (4), 2002, 152-159) Introduction Although they largely remain hidden under the water surface, fish are an integral part of the fauna of any river system, This is no more so than in the Murray River, where the legendary ‘mystique’ of large species such as Murray Cod Maecullo- chella peelii peelii transforms their impor- tance from being merely fish species to becoming important components of our folk lore and cultural heritage. Fish pro- vide a major way in which the community can be connected to the river and its fauna (Sinclair 2001). Whilst Murray Cod are well known because of their size and status as a species of commercial and recreation- al significance, there are many other species which are also important but lesser known. Fish are an important component of the biodiversity, ecology and culture of the Murray River. The native fish and their status The number of fish species in the Murray River is relatively low by world standards, totalling only about 30 native species (Table 1), several of which are restricted to the lower river zones and associated with marine or estuarine reaches. Whilst this number of species may be expected of a ! Cooperative Research Centre for Freshwater Ecology, Arthur Rylah Institute for Environmental Research, Department of Natural Resources and Environment, 123 Brown Street, Heidelberg, Victoria 3084 Email John.Koehn( 152 river with a relatively low overall dis- charge, it can be compared to the more than 1300 fish species described for the Amazon Basin (Cadwallader and Lawrence 1990) and highlights the impor- tance of the need for conservation of indi- vidual species. The majority of the species is widespread along the river, although some have distributions more suited to either the upper or lower zones. For exam- ple, Two-spined Blackfish Gadopsis bispinosus occurs in the higher reaches, whilst species such as the Bony Herring Nematolosa erebi are only found in the mid and lower river zones. A further group of seven diadromous species, which require access to marine/estuarine waters to complete part of their life cycles, are found in the lower zones of the river. These species include the Pouched and Short-headed Lampreys; Geotria australis and Mordacia mordax, Short-finned Eel Anguilla australis, Common Galaxias Galaxias maculatus, Tupong Pseuda- phritis urvilii, Estuary Perch Macquaria colonorum and Blue-spot Goby Pseudo- gobius olorum. Other essentially marine species such as Mulloway Argvrosomus hololepidotus would also have entered the lower, estuarine river reaches more fre- quently in the past. The exact number of fish species present is not really known, with the taxonomy of several groups undergoing revisions, including the hardyheads (Atherinidae), The Victorian Naturalist Part Two Table 1. Species list (From Pierce 1988 and Cadwallader and Lawrence 1990) and conservation sta- tus for freshwater fish of the Murray River. EPBC, Environment Protection and Biodiversity Conservation Act 1999, Protection Act; ASFB, Australian Society for Fish Biology 2001 listing; CE, critically endangered; E, endangered; V, Vulnerable; Epop, endangered population in New South Wales; FFG, listed under the Flora and Fauna Guarantee Act, Victoria. P, New South Wales Protected species (i.e. no take); (P), Protected from commercial take; UC, under consideration. Common name Scientific name Listing Vic NSW Native freshwater species River Blackfish Gadopsis marmoratus DD Two-spined Black fish Gadopsis bispinosus Broad-finned Galaxias Galaxias brevipinnis Flat-headed Galaxias Galaxias rostratus V DD Mountain Galaxias Galaxias olidus DD Murray Cod Maccullochella peelii peelii UC V, FFG Trout Cod Maccullochella macquariensis E CE CE, FFG EP Golden Perch Macquaria ambigua V Macquarie Perch Macquaria australasica E E ERE AE’ Silver Perch Bidyanus bidyanus V CE PEG VP Southern Pygmy Perch Nannoperca australis V Australian Smelt Retropinna semoni Freshwater Catfish Tandanus tandanus V V.FFG (P) Bony Herring Nematalosa erebi Southern Purple Spotted Mogurnda adspersa E CE, FFG Epop Gudgeon Western Carp Gudgeon Hypseleotris klunzingeri Midgeley’s Carp Gudgeon Hypseleotris spp. Flat-head Gudgeon Philypnodon grandiceps Dwarf Flat-head Gudgeon — Philypnodon sp. FFG Crimson Spotted Melanotaenia fluviatilis DD, FFG Rainbowfish fluviatilis Murray Hardyhead Craterocephalus V E,;EPG Œ stercusmuscarum fluviatilis Agassiz’s Chanda Perch Ambassis agassizi Native diadromous species Short-headed Lamprey Pouched Lamprey Short-finned Eel Common Galaxia Mordacia mordax Geotria australis Anguilla australis Galaxias maculatus Ex, FFG Epop Tupong Estuary Perch Blue-spot Goby Pseudaphritis urvillii Macquaria colonorum Pseudogobius olorum Introduced species Brown Trout Rainbow Trout Salmo trutta Oncorhynchus mykiss Carp Cyprinus carpio Tench Tinca tinca Goldfish Carassius auratus Redfin (English Perch) Perca fluviatilis Gambusia Gambusia holbrooki Weatherloach Misgurnus anguillicaudatus galaxiids (Galaxiidae) (T Raadik pers. comm.) and gudgeons (Eleotridae), which include hybrid species (Bertozzi et al. 2000). New genetic techniques are also being used to investigate several other species and these taxonomic revisions could result in the description of new species. Eight introduced species are also Vol. 119 (4) 2002 present in the Murray River. One addition- al native species, the Broad-finned Galaxias Galaxias brevipinnis, is now pre- sent in the upper and mid reaches where it has been introduced from east coast rivers through flows from the Snowy Mountains Scheme (Waters et al. 2002). This normal- ly diadromous coastal species appears to 153 Murray River Special Issue be completing its life cycle landlocked in Ireshwater, as occurs in the highland lakes in Tasmania (Fulton 1990). Fish species range in size from the Murray Cod, which is Australia’s largest freshwater lish (recorded up to 113 kg), to smaller species such as the Australian Smelt Retropinna semoni which weighs only a few grams. Photographs, illustra- ions and detailed information on these fish species can be found in the following texts: Cadwallader and Backhouse (1983), Merrick and Schmida (1984), Koehn and O'Connor (1990a), McDowall (1996) and Allen et al. (2002). It has been recognised that most native fish species in the Murray River have suf- fered major declines (c.g. Cadwallader 1981; Cadwallader and Gooley 1984), The causes of such declines have been dis- cussed by many authors (e.g. Cadwallader 1978; Koehn and O'Connor 1990b; Kearney et al. 1999). There is concern about the long-term future of many species, with seven already being consid- ered nationally threatened (Table 1), including the eritically endangered ‘Trout Cod Maceullochella macquariensis (Fig. 1) (Australian Society for Fish Biology 2001). The natural range of this species is now restricted to about 120 km of the Murray River, immediately downstream of Lake Mulwala, Whilst this species has been stocked from hatcheries into the upper Murray River and other sites, these fish have not yet formed self-sustaining populations. Many other species have reduced or fragmented ranges and are list- ed as threatened in either NSW or Victoria (Table 1). Concern has been expressed at the status of many of these species in South Australia (Pierce 1988). l'he capture of Trout Cod and Silver Perch is now prohibited in both New South Wales and Victoria, Of particular commu- nity concern is the decline of many ‘fag- ship’ species such as Murray Cod, Trout Cod, Silver Perch Bidvanus bidvanus and Catfish Tandanus tandanus. These species are readily identified by the public, and their loss indicates that all is not well with the health of the river. The fish community in the lower Murray River has been listed us endangered in New South Wales (New South Wales Fisheries 2002) and under the 154 Vig. L. Trout cod Maceullochella macquariensis is now critically endangered. The only remain- ing natural recruiting population occurs in the Murray River, downstream of Lake Mulwala. Flora and Fauna Guarantee Act in Victoria ( Commercial fisheries for species such as Murray Cod, Golden Perch Maequaria ambigua, Silver Perch and Catfish have all been greatly reduced or ceased (Reid ef al. 1997). Recreational angling remains popu- lar and many native species such as Murray Cod and Golden Perch are keenly sought. Lake Mulwala provides one of Australia's premier Murray Cod fisheries but eod from it appear to use both the Murray and Ovens rivers upstream for spawning (Koehn 1996). This highlights the importance of tributary streams to the fish of the Murray River system. Fish habitats, needs and threats The state of fish habitats and threats to them vary along the river. Recent scientific assessments of flow and environmental impacts along the Murray River (Thoms ef al, 2000; Jensen er al, 2000) highlight how threats ehange through the reaches (Table 2). For example, cold water pollution is an issue downstream of Lake Hume and Dartmouth Dam (on the Mitta Mitta River) and barriers to fish passage more an issue in the lower reaches. Many of the threats are related to the human use of water and associated infra- structure and the issue of environmental flows was à reoccurring one. In essence, fish need instream structural habitat and access to it, suitable water conditions in terms of quantity and quality and a functioning ecosystem to provide food resources. The native fish present in the Murray River could be described generally as a ‘warmwater’ species assemblage. Water The Victorian Naturalist Part Two Table 2. Major threatening processes for fish in the Murray River summarised from Thoms er al. (2000) and Jensen ef al. (2000). Reach Major threatening processes relating to fish Dartmouth Dam to Lake Hume Constant flows, unseasonal high flows, reduced flooding, unseasonal water temperatures, reductions in snags Lake Hume to Tocumwal Constant flows, unseasonal high flows, reduced flooding, unseasonal water temperatures, reductions in snags Tocumwal to Torrumbarry Unseasonal high flows, reduced flooding, constant flows, reductions in snags Torrumbarry to Wentworth Reduced flows variation and flooding, reductions in snags, constant flows, barriers to fish passage, increased turbidity Wentworth to Wellington Reduced flooding, barriers to fish passage, reductions in snags, possible fish health impacts from Lake Victoria. Lower lakes and Coorong temperature is important for the function- ing of fish populations, particularly for reproduction, larval survival and optimal growth. The release of cold water from low level outlets in impoundments poses a major problem to warmwater fish, restrict- ing the success of spawning and may have detrimental effects on metabolic function and growth rates (Koehn 2001). This is highlighted in the upper zones of the Murray River where high volume, cold water irrigation releases occur from the low-level outlets of Dartmouth Dam and Hume Dam. Three species of warmwater native fish (Trout Cod, Macquarie Perch Macquaria autralasica and Murray Cod) have disappeared from the reaches of the Mitta Mitta River downstream of the Dartmouth Dam. It is likely that recruit- ment of these species has not been possible due to cold water releases during the spawning season of this species (Koehn er al. 1995). Low water temperatures from Lake Hume is likely to continue to restrict Murray Cod recruitment in the river down- stream, The Murray River also receives water of unknown temperatures from the Snowy Mountains Scheme (Jacobs 1990). Cold water does however favour intro- duced species such as Brown and Rainbow Trout Salmo trutta and Oncorhynchus mykiss that can prey on smaller native species. Reproductive strategies vary among species. Some species such as Golden Perch and Silver Perch produce up to 500,000 eggs which are laid in the water column and left without care by the par- ents. In contrast, species such as the River Blackfish Gadopsis marmoratus lay only a few hundred adhesive eggs on a wood sub- Vol. 119 (4) 2002 Reduced freshwater flows, barriers to fish passage strate that are dependent on parental care. It has often been contended that many fish species have their recruitment aided by flooding, being able to exploit the high food availability on floodplains in times of floods, Whilst there is little evidence for use of the floodplain (Humphries et al. 1999), nutrients from the floodplain can be released during flooding and support an increase in production of algae, aquatic plants, zooplankton and other invertebrates that provide rich food sources for juvenile fish (Gehrke 1991). Reduced flooding, together with diminished flow levels could significantly decrease juvenile habitat availability and food production areas. A further complication is the clearance and replacement of native vegetation with flood intolerant exotic crops and pastures. Under such conditions, floodwaters rapidly become de-oxygenated as microbial com- munities decompose the flooded vegeta- tion. This may adversely affect the survival of certain fish species, particularly when movement to other areas is restricted (Gehrke 1991; McKinnon and Shephead 1995). Fish can be mobile, and many have a need to move widely throughout the river system. Species such as Golden Perch are mobile (Koehn and Nicol 1998), with some individuals migrating over 1000 km (Reynolds 1983). It has recently been dis- covered that high numbers of juvenile fish of species, such as Silver Perch, also move upstream (Mallen-Cooper et al. 1996), pre- sumably to recolonise. Species, such as Murray Cod, which were previously thought to be sedentary have been shown to undertake pre-spawning migrations (Koehn 1997), Whilst these species may be 155 Murray River Special Issue able to survive and reproduce even if such movements are not able to take place, their ability to recolonise and their ultimate sur- vival and distribution over the longer term may be detrimentally affected. Lake Hume, Lake Mulwala and Torrumbarry Weir all pose barriers as do the many locks and weirs in the river downstream of Euston. Many other species, especially those in the lower zones of the river, have parts of their life cycle that must be completed in saline water (normally the sea) and hence have to migrate to complete their life cycles. Barriers at the barrages (Murray mouth) prevent movements to and from the sea as well as preventing the occasional entry of many marine species. Some migrations are understood to occur in a particular season, for a particular reason, e.g. for spawning, and may often be affect- ed by changes to flows. However, our understanding is not complete for all movements, Hence fish passage should be available to all species throughout the year. Aggregations of fish migrating upstream often occur immediately downstream of barriers (weirs and dams) making these fish very susceptible to capture by anglers. Increases in water levels, both large and small, can stimulate the movement of fish (Mallen-Cooper e al, 1996). Reductions in flooding may restrict such movements, as might constant flow levels. The limiting of cues and the barriers to movement may affect spawning success and the distribu- tion of species. Sudden reductions in flow levels can also lead to the stranding of lish. Another form of fish movement is the drift of larvae (Koehn and Nicol 1998; Humphries and Lake 2000; Humphries et al. in press), This has the purpose of recolonisation and distribution of off- spring, and can be affected by altered flow rates and impounded waters. High irriga- tion flows during early summer may mean that larvae are carried greater distances than. would have occurred naturally. Impounded waters can trap larvae and pre- vent their distribution downstream. Such effects can alter the structure of fish popu- lations. Larvae can also be transferred into irrigation channels where they are unlikely to survive (Koehn and Nicol 1998). Fish numbers are often related to the 156 amount of habitat available. Of course there must also be access to this habitat, which can be blocked by barriers. Snags or large woody debris are the major form of structural habitat in lowland rivers and are widely used by many species (Koehn 1993; Koehn and Nicol 1998). The use of this habitat by species such as Murray Cod has long been recognised (Koehn 1997). Snag removal has been widespread throughout the river, with snag numbers now considerably less than those that occurred naturally. Snags are used as home sites for territory formation, predator avoidance and prey detection. They offer protection from high water velocities, and are sources of food and spawning sites for many species. Snag removal has caused a major loss of fish habitat. Many other floodplain habitats, such as billabongs and wetlands, have also been degraded, removed or made inaccessible. Habitats in the form of pools and scour holes can also be lost through infilling by sedimentation, Removal of snags and bank erosion can lead to a more uniform channel without a diversity of habitats. Variations in depth and velocities are also important to provide the suitable habitat for all species throughout their life cycle, and the presence of snags promotes such habitat diversity. Eight introduced fish species are also pre- sent in the Murray River. Of these, Carp Cyprinus carpio, Redfin Perca fluviatilis and Gambusia Gambusia holbrooki are the most widespread. Carp receive the most public attention and are often blamed for many of the ills of the river. Recent reviews (e.g. Koehn er al. 2000) indicate that they are typical invasive species, which are tough and well adapted to making the most of already degraded riverine environments. With minimal predation pressure from reduced populations of native species such as Murray Cod and Golden Perch, Carp populations have expanded rapidly. Now in large numbers they contribute to water tur- bidity, uproot aquatic plants and utilise large amounts of habitat space. It is esti- mated they make up 90% of fish biomass in many reaches of the Murray River (Harris and Gehrke 1997). The introduced salmonid species (mainly Brown and Rainbow Trout) are restricted mainly to the upper river zones (above The Victorian Naturalist Lake Mulwala) and are keenly sought by some anglers, Together with Redfin, these species are formidable piscivores, which can impose predation pressure on smaller native fish species. Redfin populations appear to be reduced in many areas com- pared with the past (Cadwallader 1977), but this species persists throughout the river, particularly in still waters. Gambusia have been implicated in the harassment of fish through fin nipping and potential pre- dation of eggs (Cadwallader and Backhouse 1983), but their impact on native species is not known. Goldfish Carassius auratus are common, often in high numbers in the lower river reaches. Oriental Weatherloach Misgurnus anguillicaudatus are an aquarium species now present in the Murray River from Lake Mulwala to Barmah. Their distribu- tion has increased downstream from the Ovens River. The impacts of this hardy species, which can survive in damp mud, is not known. Other introduced species such as Roach Rutilus rutilus, Atlantic Salmon Salmo salar and Brook Trout Salvelinus fontinalis have been recorded in the Murray-Darling Basin (Cadwallader and Lawrence 1990). Whilst not yet present in the Murray River, the coastal species Spotted Galaxias Galaxias truttaceus has also recently been recorded in the Campaspe River (P Humphries pers. comm.), presumably after a translocation. Many of the fish species of the Murray River are or have been sought after for their commercial or recreational significance. Commercial fishing has undoubtedly taken a toll on numbers of some fish species in the past (Rowland 1989). Today however, most catch is from recreational take and this is not well quantified. Commercial native fin fishing now only continues in South Australia and this is likely to be reduced or phased out in the near future. The reduction of species other than those sought by fishers indicates that this was not the only cause for the decline of Murray River fish species. Conservation efforts and the future A Fish Management Plan for the Murray River was initiated in 1991 (Lawrence 1991) outlining management action to be taken to improve fish populations. This Vol. 119 (4) 2002 Part Two plan is to be superseded by a Native Fish Strategy (Murray Darling Basin Commission 2002) which will address key components for the restoration of native fishes across the Murray-Darling Basin, including the Murray River, over a 50 year time frame. Recently, the river has been assessed in relation to environmental flows and other threats, with many options for actions being canvassed (Thoms er al. 2000; Jensen et al. 2000). Several of the options discussed, together with other management actions, are already planned or under way. Some of these actions can be initiated readily whilst others must be structured over the longer term. The provi- sion of better environmental flows was one recommendation which was seen to have the most benefit for the whole river (Roberts et al. 2001) and negotiations to improve environmental water allocation and its delivery are being undertaken through many different forums. Options are now being considered for the remediation of cold water releases from Lake Hume. A fish lift has been installed at Lake Mulwala to assist with fish passage past that structure and a fully operational fishway has been installed at Torrumbarry weir (Mallen-Cooper et al. 1995). There is anecdotal evidence of increased numbers of Silver Perch upstream of Torrumbarry following the installation of that fishway. Modifications to existing. poorly function- ing fishways and the construction of new fishways are intended for all structures downstream of Torrumbarry including the Barrages at the river mouth (J Barrett pers. comm. ). A considerable amount of research has been undertaken in the Murray River to improve our ecological knowledge of fish in this ecosystem. The general movements and habitat use of Murray Cod, Trout Cod and Golden Perch have been investigated (Koehn and Nicol 1998). Particular emphasis has been placed on investigating the downstream movements of fish, espe- cially Golden Perch, with respect to inter- ference to this type of movement caused by weirs (J O'Connor unpubl. data). Study of the downstream movement of fish lar- vae has also been undertaken. A resnag- ging project (adding large woody debris) has been undertaken downstream of Lake 157 Murray River Special Issue Mulwala to provide additional habitat for Trout Cod and other species. This project has determined the structure and pattern of snags and is currently monitoring recoloni- sation by fish and macroinvertebrates. Study of movements and recruitment of carp around Barmah has highlighted this area as a likely key source of recruitment for the river (Stuart ef al. 2001). This new information has been included in a new carp management plan for the area. National recovery plans have been pre- pared for Trout Cod (Brown et al. 1998), Silver Perch (Clunie and Koehn 20002) and Freshwater Catfish (Clunie and Koehn 2000b). Whilst the latter two plans are yet to be implemented, the ecology of Trout Cod has been investigated and monitoring of the Murray River population undertak- en. Recent data indicate that this popula- tion is at least stable and may be expand- ing downstream. The provisions of fish passage at Lake Mulwala may allow this species to colonise the lake and expand its population upstream into the Ovens and Murray Rivers. Ideally, this would link the population to the fish currently being stocked in the Ovens River as part of the national recovery plan. The restoration of ecological processes, such as migration, recruitment and organie production and cycling, must be recog- nised as key components for restoring the Murray River. With these processes in place, the fish populations then have a chance to re-establish and inerease. This ecosystem approach to management must include the tributaries and catchments of the river. Ultimately, the management of the river must include and be supported by community ownership. As a result of increased knowledge and recent and intended management actions, there are some positive signs for fish in the Murray River. The provision of fish pas- sage throughout the river will allow the entry of some marine species, allow species with marine life stages to recolonise the river successfully and allow migratory fish within the river to move and recolonise freely. This should improve the distribution of species such as Tupong, and Silver Perch. More natural water tempera- tures downstream of Lake Hume can only be a positive for the recruitment of warm 158 water species such as Murray Cod and Golden Perch. The provision of fish pas- sage at Lake Mulwala may allow the Trout Cod and Silver Perch populations down- stream to establish in the lake and rivers upstream. Additional water to meet envi- ronmental needs is still required to provide adequate environmental flow conditions to restore some of the key flow components, which maintain ecosystem processes. This will remain one of the biggest challenges for the restoration of fish populations in the Murray River. Acknowledgements The author wishes to thank Simon Nicol and Paul Humphries for comments on the manu- script. References Allen GR. Midgley SH and Allen M (2002) A Field Guide ta the Freshwater Fish of Australia. (Westem Australian Museum: Perth) Australian Society for Fish Biology (2001) Conservation status of Australian fishes — 2001. Australian Society for Fish Biology Newsletter 31, 37-41, Berlozzi T, Adams M and Walker KF (2000) Species boundaries in carp gudgeons (Eleotridae: Hypseleotris) from the River Murray, South Australia: evidence for multiple species and exten- sive hvbridization. Marine and Freshwater Research 51, 805-815. Brown AM, Nicol S and Koehn JD (1998) Trout cad Recovery plan - Major project review Report. Internal report to Environment Australia, Department of Natural Resourees and Environment, Melbourne, Cadwallader PL (1977) J,O. Langtry’s 1949-50 Murray River investigations. Fisheries and Wildlife Paper Victoria No 13, Cadwallader PL. (1978) Some causes of the decline in range and abundance of native fish in the Murray- Darling River System. Proceedings of the Royal Society of Victoria 90, 211-224. Cadwallader PL (1981) Past and present distributions and translocations of Macquarie perch Macquaria australasica (Pisces: Pereichthyidae), with partieular reference to Victoria. Proceedings of the Royal Society of Victoria 93. 23-30. Cadwallader PL and Backhouse GN (1983) 4 Guide ta the Freshwater Fish of Victoria. (Government Printer: Melbourne) Cadwallader PL and Gooley GJ (1984) Past and pre- sent distributions and translocations of Murray cod Maceullochella peeli and trout cod M. macquariensis (Pisces: Percichthyidae) in Victoria. Proceedings of the Royal Society of Victoria 96, 33-43. Cadwallader PL and Lawrence B (1990) Fish, In The Murray, pp 317-63. Eds N Mackay and D Eastburn, (Murray Darling Basin Commission: Canberra) Clunie P and Koehn J (2001a) Silver Perch: A Recovery Plan. Final report for project R8002 to Murray-Darling Basin Commission: Canberra. Clunie P and Koehn J (2001b) Freshwater catfish: A Recovery Plan. Final report for project R8002 to Murray-Darling Basin Commission: Canberra. Fulton W (1990) Tasmanian Freshwater Fishes, Fauna of Tasmania Handbook No 7, (University of Tasmanian and Inland Fisheries Commission of The Victorian Naturalist Tasmania: Hobart) Gehrke PC (1991) Avoidance of inundated floodplain habitat by larvae of golden perch (Macquaria ambigua: Richardson): Influence of water quality or food distribution? Australian Journal of Marine and Freshwater Research 42, 707-19, Harris JH and Gehrke PC (1997) Fish and Rivers in Stress — The NSW Rivers Survey, (NSW Fisheries Office of Conservation and the Cooperative Research Centre for Freshwater Ecology: Cronulla) Humphries P and Lake PS (2000) Fish larvae and the management of regulated rivers. Regulated Rivers- Research and Management 16, 421-432, Humphries P, Koehn JD and King AJ (1999) Fishes, flows and floodplains; links between Murray-Darling freshwater fish and their environment, Environmental Biology af Fishes 56, 129-151. Humphries P. Serafini LG and King AJ (in press). River regulation and fish larvae; variation through space and time. Freshwater Biology 47, 1-25. Jacobs T (1990) Flow regulation. In The Murray. pp 39-61. Eds N Mackay and D Eastburn. (Murray Darling Basin Commission: Canberra) Jensen A, Good M, Harvey P, Tucker P and Long M (2000) River Murray barrages environmental flows: An evaluation of environmental flow needs in the lower lakes and Coorong. (Murray-Darling Basin Commission: Canberra) Kearney RE, Davis KM and Beggs KE (1999) Issues affecting the sustainability of Australia’s freshwater fisheries resources and identification of research strategies, Project No 97/142. Final report, May 1999, Koehn JD (1993) Fish need trees. The Victorian Naturalist 110, 255-257. Koehn JD (1996) The key criteria to sustaining the wild stock Murray cod fishery in Lake Mulwala, In Proceedings af the Second World Fisheries Congress Volume 1. Developing and Sustaining World Fisheries Resources: The State of Science and Management, Brisbane July [996, pp 119. Eds DA Hancock and JP Beumer. (CSIRO: Collingwood) Koehn JD (1997) Habitats and movements of freshwa- ter fish in the Murray-Darling Basin. In 7995 Riverine Environment Research Forum, Proceedings of the inaugural Riverine Environment Research Forum of MDBC Natural Resource Management Strategy funded projects, held 4-6 October 1995 in Attwood, Victoria, pp 27-32. Eds RJ Banens and R Lehane. (Murray-Darling Basin Commission: Canberra) Kochn J (2001) Ecological impacts of cold water releases on fish and ecosystem processes. In Thermal pollution af the Murray-Darling waterwavs: Workshop held af Lake Hume, 18-19 June 2001: Statement and recommendations plus supporting papers, pp 7-11. Ed B Phillips. (Inland Rivers Network and World Wide Fund for Nature: Sydney) Koehn J and Nicol S (1998) Habitat and movement requirements of fish. In 7996 Riverine Environment Rexearch Forum. Proceedings of the inaugural Riverine Enviranment Research Forum, Brisbane, October 1996, pp 1-6, Eds RJ Banens and R Lehane. (Murray-Darling Basin Commission: Canberra) Koehn JD and O'Connor WG (19904) Biological Information for Management of Native Freshwater Fish in Victoria. (Government Printer: Melbourne) Koehn JD and O'Connor WG (1990b) Threats to Victorian native freshwater fish. The Victorian Naturalist 107, 5-12. Part Two Koehn JD, Doeg TJ, Harrington DJ and Milledge GA (1995) The effects of Dartmouth Dam on the aquatic fauna of the Mitta Mitta River. Report to the Murray- Darling Basin Commission. Koehn JD, Brumley AR and Gehrke PC (2000) Managing the Impacts of Carp. (Bureau of Resource Sciences; Canberra) Lawrence BW (1991) Fish Management Plan (Murray-Darling Basin Commission: Canberra) Mallen-Cooper M, Stuart IG, Hides-Pearson F and Harris JH (1995) Fish migration in the Murray River and assessment of the Torrumbarry fishway- Final report to the Murray-Darling Basin Commission for NRMS project N002, McDowall RM (Ed) (1996) Freshwater Fishes in South-Eastern Australia. (Reed: Sydney) McKinnon LJ and Shephead N (1995) Factors con- tributing to a fish kill in the Broken Creek, The Victorian Naturalist 112, 93-99. Merrick JR and Schmida EG (1984) Australian Freshwater Fishes. (Griffin Press; Netley South Australia) Murray-Darling Basin Commission (2002) Draft Native Fish Strategy for the Murray-Darling Basin. (Murray-Darling Basin Commission: Canberra) New South Wales Fisheries (2002) Species impact Statement on Fishing in the Lower Murray River Catchment, Public consultation document May 2002^, New South Wales Fisheries: Sydney. Pierce BE (1988) Improving the status of our river Murray fishes ~a discussion paper on the potential of co-operalive management. In Proceedings of the Workshop on Native Fish Management, pp 7-19. (Murray-Darling Basin Commission: Canberra) Reid DD, Harris JH and Chapman DJ (1997) NSW inland commercial fishery data analysis, PRDC pro- ject No 94/027 Report. Reynolds LF (1983) Migration patterns of five fish species in the Murray-Darling River system. Australian Journal of Marine and Freshwater Research 34, 857-871. Roberts J, Bourman B. Close A, Erdmann B, Hillman T. Jones G; Gant G. Geddes M, Koehn J, Newman B. Paton D, Suter P and Thoms, M (2001) Scientific panel assessment of modelled flow and technical options for the River Murray. A report to the Murray- Darling Basin Ministerial Council. Rowland SJ (1989) Aspects of the history and fishery of the Murray cod, Maccullochella peeli (Mitchell) (Percichthyidae). Proceedings of the Linnaean Society of New South Wales 111, 201-213. Sinclair P (2001) The Murray, A River and its People. (Melbourne University Press: Carlton South) Stuart 1, Jones M and Koehn J (2001) Targeting spawn- ing habitats to control carp populations. In /2" Australian Vertebrate Pest Conference, Melhourne, Victoria, 21-25 May 2001, Proceedings, pp 178-183. (Natural Resources and Environment: Victoria) Thoms M, Suter P, Roberts J, Koehn J, Jones G, Hillman T and Clase A (1998) Murray River - Dartmouth to Wellington and the Lower Darling River. Report of the Murray Scientific Panel on Environmental flows, Murray-Darling Basin Commission, Canberra, Waters JM, Shirley M and Closs GP (2002) Hydroelectric development and translocationof Galaxias brevipinnis: à cloud at the end of the tun- nel? Canadian Journal of Fisheries und Aquatic Seiencey 59, 49-56, For assistance in preparing this issue, thanks to Kate Smith (desktop publishing), Ann Williamson (label printing) and Dorothy Mahler (administrative assistance). Vol. 119 (4) 2002 159 Murray River Special Issue Niche Segregation between Three Species of Freshwater Turtle in a Large Billabong During Flood Catherine E Meathrel', Phillip J Suter' and Nada M Radford' Abstract During the summer of 1996/97 habitat and dietary overlap of three species of freshwater turtle, Chelodina longicollis, C. expansa and Emydura macquarii in Lake Moodemere, a large billabong in north-east Victoria, were studied to assess their level of niche segregation. Lake Moodemere was inundated by flood waters and was connected to the Murray River for the first four weeks of the study. Five separate habitat types of varying complexity were identified within the billabong, rang- ing from open water to dense reed beds. All three species of turtle preferred the more complex habi- tats in which to forage, but very few turtles contained food. During times of flood, all turtles appeared to become opportunistic and consumed any food items available. Prey refugia were unim- portant during times of flood. (The Victoriam Naturalist 119 (4), 2002, 160-173) Introduction The biodiversity of billabongs is greater than that of the parent river with which they are associated, and this is thought to be promoted by high productivity and environmental variability (Hillman 1986). The high levels of productivity of lower- order organisms in billabongs provide a plentiful food supply for higher-order con- sumers such as waterfowl, carnivorous fish and freshwater turtles (Carpenter ef al. 1985). Turtles are an important element in the dynamics of Australian freshwaters. They occupy a complex trophic role, feed- ing on a large variety of plants, animals and microbes and via overland migrations can enter temporary water bodies that are inaccessible to other aquatic vertebrates (e.g. fish) (Chessman 1978), Three species of turtle (family Chelidae) occur on the floodplain of the Murray River — the Eastern Snake-necked Turtle Chelodina longicollis (Shaw), the Broad- shelled River Turtle Chelodina expansa (Gray) and the Murray Turtle Emydura macquarii (Gray). Table 1 summarises the major differences between these three sympatric species (information taken from Goode 1967; Goode and Russell 1968; Legler 1978; Chessman 1983, 1984, 1988; Georges 1984; Georges ef al. 1986; Kennett and Georges 1990; Legler and Georges 1993; Cogger 1996). Most research into the ecology of C. ' Department of Environmental Management and Ecology, La Trobe University, Wodonga, Victoria 3690 Author for correspondence: Catherine Meathrel Email 160 longicollis, C. expansa and E. macquarii has been species-specific and comparative between rivers and billabongs (Chessman 1988; Kennett and Georges 1990). Limited previous research on sympatric chelids has suggested some degree of habitat and dietary overlap in the prey consumed, especially between the long-necked species (Chessman 1988; Legler and Georges 1993). There remains a paucity of quantitative research detailing the turtles* ecology. Analyses of community dynamics depend on measurements of how organ- isms utilise their environment (Krebs 1989). The choice of niche by freshwater turtles is likely to be influenced by varying degrees of intra- and interspecific competi- tion, The measurements of niche parame- ters of one species or population may be compared to that of another species or pop- ulation. Food is one of the most important dimensions of the niche and the analysis of dietary preference of an organism is strongly related to the niche specifications of that organism (Krebs 1989). The three species of Murray River turtles all occurred in a large, permanent billabong on the Murray floodplain, Lake Moodemere, north-eastern Victoria. To assess competition between the three species of turtles two interactive niche dimensions were analysed (habitat and diet) over a four-month period from October 1996 to January 1997. Lake Moodemere was flooded at the start of the research. The billabong was connected to the Murray River (usually separated by The Victorian Naturalist Part Two Table 1. Comparison of the habits and size of the three turtle species found in the River Murray. Species Chelodina expansa Chelodina longicollis Emydura macquarii Range central and coastal Queensland Feeding strategy obligate carnivore on motile prey, especially Hemiptera, fish and decapod crustaceans Preferred aquatic habitat Egg-laying season permanent late autumn Nest substrate heavy soils Murray-Darling system, Coastal and inland waterways from Queensland to South Australia opportunistic carnivore including carrion, decapod crustaceans and benthic invertebrates shallow, ephemeral billabongs early summer heavy soils South Australia through Murray-Darling system to inland and northern NSW omnivore, scavenger, especially on periphyton large, permanent early summer light sands Position within top bottom middle the water column Distance found moderate high low from parent river Average adult 43 25 3l carapace length (cm) Neck morphology long long short about 150 m) for the first month of the study and, as river levels subsided, the bill- abong became isolated, Turtles were cap- tured in a number of different habitat types of varying complexity in order to test the null hypothesis that there would be no spa- tial overlap between the species. The null hypothesis that there would be no dietary overlap between species in any habitat type was tested by assessment of the type and abundance of prey available to each chelid species and this was compared with the prey actually consumed. Methods Study site Lake Moodemere is a crescent shaped, ox-bow billabong situated 5 km west of Rutherglen in north-eastern Victoria (36° 03° S, 146° 23° E) that receives an annual rainfall of between 500-600 mm (Land Conservation Council 1983). Lake Moodemere was chosen for this study because large numbers of each species of turtle had been caught during the previous summer by researchers from La Trobe University. On average, the billabong is 600 m wide and 2 km in length with a surface area of approximately 0.86 km’. Because a 150 m channel to the Murray River was dug for water regulation, the billabong never dries Vol. 119 (4) 2002 out (Land Conservation Council 1983). Lake Moodemere is therefore classified as a perennial billabong (mean annual depth of 1.2 m) although surface area and depth vary seasonally and annually. At peak flooding in October 1996, the billabong measured 1.8 by 5.1 km, had reached 10 kn? in area and was, on average, 3.8 m deep. The billabong is surrounded by a commu- nity of closed grasslands and tall open forest dominated by River Red Gums Eucalyptus camaldulensis. Common species surround- ing the billabong and its periphery are Giant Rush Juncus ingens, bulrush Schoenoplectus sp., Common Reed Phragmites australis, spike-rush Eleocharis sp., milfoils Myriophyllum spp., Floating Pond Weed Potamogeton tricarinatus, flat-sedge Carex sp. and Water Ribbons Triglochin procerum (Land Conservation Council 1983). Classification of habitat types In total, five distinct habitat types were determined for investigation (Table 2). These habitats were chosen on the basis of turtle prey refugia. For analysis, habitats were ranked by complexity. Habitat com- plexity was assessed on the basis of sub- jective estimations of the surface area available to turtle prey. It was assumed that the greater the surface area available, 161 Murray River Special Issue Table 2. Classification of habitat complexity within Lake Moodemere, Victoria. * Reed beds con- tained areas of 1-5m' of open water within the reed bed. ** No areas of open water present. Habitat Habitat Relative width of Relative abundance Reed bed Complexity type stems or branches of stems or branches width (m) ranking | Open water Nil Nil 0 I 2 Woody debris Broad Low 0 a 3 Reed bed Narrow Low 2-3 3 4 Reed bed Narrow Medium 18 -= 20* 4 5 Reed bed Narrow High 20.—25** 5 the higher the complexity of the habitat, and the greater the number of prey items available to turtles. Estimations of surface area were calculated by the approximate width of reed stems or snags, multiplied by the relative abundance of the given refuge (reeds or snags). Water depth and tempera- ture were measured in each habitat type during each sampling trip. Assessment of prey in the habitat types Samples of potential prey were collected from each habitat type during each trip. Invertebrates and small fish were collected from the water column, substrate and among refuge-type reed beds or snags to ensure a reasonable sample through the habitats. All reference samples were col- lected using a 200 jtm mesh dip net with a mouth dimension of 0.29 * 0.25 m. All sweeps were for 20 seconds using a vigor- ous and continuous action. Invertebrates within the water column were collected by walking forward, so as not to collect organisms stirred up from the substrate, with the dip net circling up and down, back and forth. Invertebrates within the sub- strate were collected by walking backward and kicking up the substrate while circling the dip net 10 em above the bottom. Reed beds were sampled for invertebrates and fish by vigorously thrusting the dip net amongst the reeds using an up, down and around motion. Invertebrates and fish asso- ciated with submerged branches were sam- pled by agitating the surface of the branch- es with the leading edge of the dip net. Specimens were preserved in 70% alcohol and later identified to order or family and counted. Only presence and absence of taxa were used for comparison with those found in the gut of turtles as the sweep net sampling method did not resemble turtles? hunting actions. 162 Collection and processing of turtles Lake Moodemere was sampled continu- ously for turtles on two consecutive days each month from October to December and twice in January. Each field trip was conducted continuously between 10:00 hr and 13:15 hr the following day. This allowed each net in each habitat to be in the water for a total of 24 hours. All turtles were caught under the authority of the Victorian Department of Natural Resources and Environment (permit num- ber RP-96-147) and the La Trobe University Animal Experimentation Ethics Committee (permit number LSC 9624). Habitat preference for each species of turtle was measured by the abundance of each species captured in the five habitat types, Within each habitat in Lake Moodemere, two standard design fyke nets were placed randomly. Only areas that included the habitat type for at least 10 m either side of the net were sampled. Previous researchers have caught turtles using baited nets (Georges 1982; Georges et al. 1986; Bjorndal 1991). However, bait- ed nets were not used in this study because it was thought that baits would attract tur- tles and cause an artificial habitat shift. Nets in all five habitat types were checked and cleared every four hours. Once captured, turtles were returned to the shore in water-filled bins. There, all turtles were etched on the edge of a scute for recognition of having been captured. This ensured that no one turtle was sampled more than once for its gut contents. The first ten turtles above 15 em carapace length for each species per trip were sam- pled for dietary analysis using stomach flushing (Legler 1977). This procedure took place as soon as possible, lasted approximately two minutes per turtle and always occurred within one hour of collec- The Victorian Naturalist tion. Stomach contents were preserved in 70% alcohol. Once their stomach contents had been sampled, turtles were held until the next visit to their site of capture (i.e. maximum holding time of 4 hr). Turtles were not released immediately, as this would have required excessive disturbance in the vicinity of other nets. In the laboratory, gut samples from tur- tles were examined under a stereo-micro- scope. Sand was assumed to have been accidentally ingested by turtles and was not included in the analysis of food items. Turtles that yielded no digesta were assumed to contain no material in the gut and were excluded from the analysis (fol- lowing Georges 1982). Percentage compo- sition by number, mass and frequency of occurrence were used to evaluate the rela- tive importance of different foods eaten by turtles. The numerical method involved counting the number of items belonging to each taxonomic group. Aquatic insects and small crustaceans usually remained intact and were easy to count. Items that did not occur as discrete units (such as filamentous algae and carrion) could not be counted and were omitted from the numerical analysis. The diet of a turtle was assessed by combining the percent numeric, mass and frequency of food items in the stomach of a turtle and calculating an Index of Relative Importance (IRI) (Pinkas 1971) as follows: Numerical percentage . occurrence of FC, in I, — er 49 voa ae? dr qr DD 0 total occurrence of all FC for all J 100 Mass percentage . mass of FC, in I, - total mass of all FC for all l 100 Frequency of occurrence percentage _ total proportional occurrence of FC, — 100 total proportional occurrence for all FC where FC, and I, are food category and individual number ‘n’ respectively. The IRI gives the relative occurrence of the items in the diet for the numerical or mass value of a food type. In total, 45 different categories were counted from stomach samples (Table 3). For analysis, these 45 categories were pooled into 12 (for turtles) and 11 (for ref- Vol. 119 (4) 2002 Part Two Table 3. Stomach content items found in Chelodina expansa, C. longicollis and E. mac- quarii sampled in Lake Moodemere, Victoria. a, adult; |, larval stage. Aquatic plants Aquatic and terrestrial plant debris Aquatic invertebrates Aschelminthes: Nematoda Annelida Hirudinea Oligochaeta Arachnida Arthropoda: Crustacea Cladocera Copepoda Decapoda Atyidae: Paratya australiensis Palaemonidae Parastacidae: Cherax destructor Arthropoda: Insecta Coleoptera (a) Dytiscidae (a) Hydrophilidae (a) Coleoptera (1) Diptera (a) Diptera (1) Ephemeroptera (1) Hemiptera (a) Corixidae Notonectidae Mesoveliidae: Mesovelia sp. Odonata (1) Plecoptera (1) Trichoptera (1) Mollusca Bivalvia Gastropoda Terrestrial invertebrates Arachnida Insecta Lepidoptera (1) Vertebrates; Chordata Teleostomi: Cyprinidae Cyprinus carpio and Carassius auratus Eleotridae sp. Mucous and undetermined erence collections) functional groups. These functional groups were based on general location and size of food items in relation to assumptions of how a turtle would distinguish them. Pooled groups only took into account organisms that were relatively similar in size and generally remained in the same area (as per Williams 1980 and Ingram et al. 1997). Aquatic plants were separated from the rest of the plant debris found because these items were fleshy and of bite-sized pieces of stems and shoots. All other plant material, including terrestrial River Red Gum leaves, 163 Murray River Special Issue Table 4. Functional grouping of organisms found in the stomachs of turtles and reference collec- tions, Lake Moodemere, Victoria. Functional group Invertebrates Hirudinae Trichoptera larvae Plecoptera nymphs Odonata nymphs Benthic organisms Justification All either crawl, sprawl or climb across (or just a centimetre above in the case of freshwater worms) the benthos Ephemeroptera nymphs Oligochaeta Terrestrial insects Diptera adults Surface film organisms Mesoveliidae adults Littoral/pelagic/surface adult insects Hemiptera Littoral/pelagic/surface larval inseets Coleoptera Littoral/pelagic/surface and benthic adult insects Coleoptera Cladocera Copepoda Pelagic zooplankton Pelagic — active movement Littoral and mobile Littoral and sedentary Mollusea Fish larvae and adults Decapod crustaceans All occur at or near the surface of the water Adults move throughout the water column Larvae move throughout the water column Adults move throughout the water column and on the benthos Zooplankton throughout the water column Fish throughout the water column Occur on plants and substrate in the littoral zone Occur on plants and substrate in the littoral zone reed stems and small grass-like plant mater- ial, was termed plant debris. Aquatic invertebrates were grouped into functional groups as described in Table 4. Benthic invertebrates included: Hirudinea, Oligochaeta, Ephemeroptera nymphs, Odonata nymphs, Plecoptera nymphs, Trichoptera larvae, because all either crawl, sprawl or climb across the benthos (Williams 1980; Ingram ef al, 1997). Invertebrates associated with the surface included Diptera adults, adults of the family Mesoveliidae (Hemiptera) and all terrestrial invertebrates that had fallen onto the water. Except for Mesoveliidae, all other Hemiptera adults were swim- mers and moved about the water column in the littoral, pelagic and surface zones. For this reason Hemiptera adults were kept as a separate functional group. Diptera larvae were kept separate as a group as not all occur near the surface; some can be found associated with the benthos. Coleoptera adults remained as a separate group because, although they were associated with the littoral and pelagic zones like Hemiptera, they were also associated with the benthos. Coleoptera larvae were retained as a sep- 164 arate group for this reason as well but they were not grouped with the adults as they occupy different niches. Cladocera and Copepoda were grouped as zooplank- ton. The decapod crustaceans, Atyidae, Palaemonidae (shrimps and prawns) and yabbies Cherax destuctor were all grouped together. The Mollusca (Bivalvia and Gastropoda) was classed as a distinct group. All fish adults and fish larvae were grouped because both were active within the water column. Analyses of the dietary data were per- formed using hierarchical clustering and ordination programs in the numerical analysis package PATN (Belbin 1992), Similarity of diet was assessed using the Bray-Curtis dissimilarity measure clus- tered using Unweighted Pair Group ArithMetic Averaging (UPGMA ). Hierarchical clustering was used because with a small to moderate data set (0 — 100), most relationships could be determined from a single dendogram (Belbin 1992), Resultant groups were confirmed by exam- ining their positions in ordination space using Semi-Strong Hybrid multidimen- sional scaling (SSH). This grouped turtles or habitats into three dimensions. The Victorian Naturalist The dietary indices of niche breadth and dietary overlap were calculated. Niche breadth was calculated using Levins’ mea- sure, B = 1/2 p, where p = proportion of a food item | to # in a species (Levins 1968, cited in Krebs 1989), to assess the uniformi- ty of distribution of dietary food items among the turtle species. Levins’ measure was minimal when a turtle species con- tained only one food type (minimum niche breadth, maximum specialisation). The range of B was from 1 to n, where 7 was the total number of food types. To standardise niche breadth to generate By, B was expressed on a scale from 0 to 1.0, and was calculated by dividing B by the total num- ber of food types (i.e. B4 =(B- 1)/(n- 1)). Dietary overlap was calculated using Horn’s index (R, Horn 1966) because it minimised biases associated with human observations of resource categories that animals may not distinguish (Krebs 1989) and was calculated as: Ro r1 (x (Pj + Pik) log.pj; y Pr) -È Pi log.p;, * X pj, log,pj) / 21082 Data were analysed using either PATN or the SPSS statistical package (SPSS Inc. 1993) and all tests followed Sokal and Rohlf (1995). All means are presented + 1 standard error unless otherwise stated. Results Lake Moodemere changed in depth sig- nificantly (one-way ANOVA, Fs jo = 60.27, p < 0.001; Fig. 1) over the summer of 1996/97. The water level during October was at its highest when floods covered the region. An extra 2.8 m of 51 -— " riv E = E gai 5 $ e?| T E] n = | ? 1 : i2 ae. 04 uu = E - " Sap Oct Now Dec marly Jan — (aie Jan Sampling trip Fig. 1. Mean (+ | se) water depth at Lake Moodemere, Victoria during the 1996/97 turtle breeding season. Vol. 119 (4) 2002 Part Two water covered the billabong and joined it to the Murray River. In November the lake became isolated from the river and the water level was approximately 0.5 m above December and January levels. From December to late January the water levels decreased a further 0.2 m, Temperature increased gradually from October (17.2 + 0.3*C) to late January (27.4 + 0.5°C) (F; j4 = 326.57, p= 0.0001). There was a significant difference in the number of freshwater turtles caught at intervals during the 1996/97 breeding sea- son (x? = 91.252, df= 3, p < 0.001). Only one C. longicollis was caught during October and three of this species in November. Most turtles were caught in early January (n = 46). During late January, turtle numbers decreased slightly (n = 31) but still exceeded the numbers caught in October and November. The number of turtles caught in each habitat was dependent on habitat complex- ity (x^ = 42.021, df= 1, p < 0.001; Table 5), Turtles were caught most often in habi- tat five (highest complexity) and the least often in habitat one (lowest complexity). The total number of turtles caught per habitat was positively related to complexi- ty (linear regression: y = 0.675x + 0,275; p= 0.01). The coefficient of determination, however, was low. Only 15% of the varia- tion in turtle numbers caught could be explained by habitat complexity. Prey availability and habitat complexity The UPGMA classification enabled recognition of three habitat groups with a dissimilarity of 0.87 and showed a seasonal separation (Fig. 2). Group | consisted of all habitats during the flood and open water (lowest complexity) samples plus habitat five late in the season (highest complexity). Within the main cluster of this group was a tighter cluster of the open water habitats and habitat four and five of the November sampling. This indicated a strong similarity between the low complexity habitats and flooded habitats. This group was largely formed due to the greater amount of zoo- plankton present. Group two contained only habitat four, collected in December. This sample split was largely due to the high abundance of benthic invertebrates and the presence of aquatic Acarina and 165 Murray River Special Issue Mollusca. Group three contained the late season samples from habitats of greater complexity. A greater amount of fish and Decapoda at this time of sampling were responsible for this grouping. These groupings were confirmed by SSH ordination (Fig. 3). The stress for the three- dimensional plot was 0.067 and was accepted as a very good fit (Belbin 1992). For ease of presentation, the figure shows the three-dimensional configuration of ref- erence samples as projected into the first two dimensions (first two axes). Group one clustered closely and indicated a strong association while group 3 was more broad- ly spaced. Dietary preference of turtles Stomach contents were flushed from a total of 15 C. expansa, 17 C. longicollis and 24 K. macquarii in Lake Moodemere between October 1996 and January 1997. The major component of food found in all species was plant debris representing >80% for all species (Fig. 4). The next most abun- dant food category in the diet of turtles was fish. Fish constituted approximately 20% of C. expansa’s diet and a minimal percentage in the other two species. Emyvdura mac- quarii was the only species to contain a minimal amount of aquatic plants. The remaining, food categories were trivial to the overall proportion of dietary items con- sumed by each species of turtle. All three groups contained the larger lood categories such as Decapoda and fish. 0., 01l 0.2093 0.52 | | Mab tat 3, Nov Habitats, bale Jan Habirat2,Nov llabitat4, Nov Habitats, Noy | Habiratl,Late Jan | | Habitat, Nov | Habitat h, barby dan | | Habitat, per Habitata, Barly Jan Habitatbe, Late Jan Habitatz,Early dan Habitat4d, arly dan | Habirats, Barly Jan | | MHabitat3,Late Jan I | Habitat4, bate Jan | | 0.0141 ) bray-( Table 5. l'requencies of freshwater turtle species caught in Lake Moodemere, Victoria 1996/97 turtle breeding season. Habitat com- plexity is ranked from 1, lowest to 5, highest. Habitat Species 15.2. Be MS 3Edfal Chelodina (0 ae? 3 5 —:5 IO expansa C. longicollis 0 5 i 20) fe 425 Emydura eee 6 22 48 macquarii Total 2- 4. 15.21. 40.92 There was a significant difference in the amount of fish, Hemiptera and Coleoptera larvae between species (one-way ANOVA, E554 = 5.50, p € 0.01, F554 = 3.89, p < 0.05, Fz s; = 4.76, p = 0.05). Chelodina expansa consumed more fish than both C. longicollis and E. macquarii; C. longicollis consumed more Hemiptera and Coleoptera than E. maequarii (p < 0.05, Scheffé's post-hoc tests). The UPGMA analysis produced three groups at a level of 0.35 dissimilarity (Fig. 5). This low level of dissimilarity and each species occurring in each group indicated a high level of similarity of diet. The ordina- tion plot for the analysis of turtles versus [ood categories eaten supported the group- ings of the dendogram once food types responsible for the groupings were known (Fig. 6). The stress for the three-dimen- sional plot was 0.123 and accepted as a good fit (Belbin 1992). 2500 +0348 1.2 "urtis Dissimilarity Fig. 2. Dendogram based on turtle food found within habitats over the 1996/97 season, from a Bray- Curtis association. 166 The Victorian Naturalist * group * oe | wunup 2 pa ri á group * DA + N n2| * wn rs x Us iE 5 FA üs 1 5 n w ELI UR n T - mI axis 1 Fig. 3. SSH ordination plot in two-dimensions based on turtle food found within habitats from a Bray-Curtis association. Stress — 0.067. Group one turtles clustered broadly, indi- cating a broad association between the tur- tles. The broad clustering on the ordination plot supported the high level of dissimilarity shown in the dendogram within this first group than the other two. This first group was responsible for a greater amount of food in the categories — plant debris, zoo- plankton and surface invertebrates. The tur- tles within this group had been eating more, and the variation of food eaten was reflected by the higher level of dissimilarity between turtles. Groups two and three were tightly clus- tered on the ordination plot and indicated a close association between stomach con- tents of these turtles. Turtles within these two groups contained very little in their stomachs. They separated out on the den- dogram because each contained slightly different food categories. Group two included aquatic plants and benthic inver- tebrates, and group three included very low amounts of fish, plants, aquatic plants, zooplankton and benthic invertebrates. The majority of turtles were in group three and indicated that most turtles did not contain very much, if any, food in their stomachs. On a scale of 0 to 1, the Levins’ value for niche breadth was low for all species. Chelodina longicollis had the most spe- cialised diet with a niche breath of 0,0039. Emydura macquarii had a niche breadth of 0.0085, whereas C. expansa had the broad- est (albeit still low) breadth of 0.0424. The dietary overlap between C. expansa and C. longicollis (R, = 0.9329) was high; so too, was the overlap between C. expansa and E. macquarii (R, = 0.9244). This indicated that a number of similar Vol. 119 (4) 2002 Part Two food types were shared. C. /ongicollis and E. macquarii had the least overlap between their dietary niches (R, = 0.1939). Discussion The number of turtles captured in this study was known to be lower than actual turtle numbers in the billabong, but were assumed to be a reflection of actual turtle abundance. The number of turtles caught could have been affected by a number of factors: being washed away by the flood, decreased net effectiveness with higher volumes of water, low temperatures and/or absence due to migration. Turtles are ectotherms and consequently have a body temperature close to that of their environment (Begon ef al. 1990). During lower temperatures in October, tur- tles may have been less active throughout the water column due to their reduced metabolism (Parmenter 1981, Zimmerman and Tracy 1989), During the flood, the five habitats studied within Lake Moodemere were completely submerged. No reeds or snags were visible when the water depth reached 4.1 m and the submerged refugia no longer provided invertebrates with a substrate close to the water's surface. Williams (1980) has shown that many aquatic invertebrates move along or amongst the protective veg- etation to the water's surface to breathe. Increased water levels and flow rates meant that these animals were probably swept away, or were more vulnerable to preda- tion. However, given the large dilution effect of the flood, turtles were most likely unable to find prey in the deeper waters. Hence, turtles may have moved to the shal- lower habitats, leaving the main body of the billabong (the area of netting) in search of prey. In November, the number of turtles caught remained low yet the water temper- ature within the billabong had increased and the water level had returned almost to normal, as indicated by water marks on the tree lines and reed beds. The bottom of the main body of the billabong was cooler and turtles may have sought warmer water in which to forage where the ectothermic invertebrates may have been more abun- dant (Chapman et al. 1996). When the water level receded, some turtles were 167 Murray River Special Issue 100 5 = 80 | — = [^] E S | SR OD o | heather A [m Aquatic Plants | [e] ElFish | EE 3 Plant Debris | He [s] S & 2 - 0^ = C. expansa C. longicollis E. macquarii n=15 n=17 n=24 Fig. 4. Cumulative proportional IRI values of diet items in the three turtle species (Chelodina expansa, Chelodina longicollis and Emydura macquarii) from Lake Moodemere, Victoria during the 1996/97 breeding season, stranded in smaller pools of water and were observed to cross land to return to the billabong. Crossing back to the permanent billabong was gradual as the smaller pools dried up and/or became devoid of food resources before larger pools. The number of turtles caught in Lake Moodemere was maximal during January. This was probably the result of three fac- tors: increased water temperature, increased immigration and decreased water level. The warm water in the main section of the billabong may have increased the activity levels of turtles, making them more apt to encounter a net during move- ment. Also, the immigration of turtles (Graham et al. 1996) from ephemeral bill- abongs (that were becoming too warm or too dry) into the main billabong would have increased turtle abundance within Lake Moodemere and hence, the probabili- ty of capture. Finally, an increase in the number of turtles moving around in the water column, coupled with the decreased water levels, would have increased the catchability of turtles. Shallower areas in which turtles were thought to have occurred in the cooler October and November months were, in January, probably unfavourable habitats for turtles due to very warm and hypoxic water (Chapman er al. 1996). Turtles that 168 had been using the shallower outer region of the billabong earlier in the season may have moved back into the main water body of the billabong in January. The turtles could now perhaps sustain a higher meta- bolic rate. Collections taken during this study indicated that invertebrates and fish were most abundant among the reeds and snags by this time. Consequently, the need for turtles to seek out other areas in which to forage may have become unnecessary. No turtles were recaptured over the dura- tion of this study, either from their original habitat of capture, or any other habitat. This suggested that turtles disperse widely throughout the billabong, and showed no habitat preference. Given the fluctuations in water level and temperature of Lake Moodemere during the 1996/97 turtle breeding season, it seems reasonable to suggest that preferences may not have been detected simply on the basis of the billabong being so dynamic. In years of greater billabong stability (i.e. non-flood years), habitat partitioning by turtles may be evident given enough netting over a variety of habitats. After flooding, none of the turtle species appeared to have a preference for any partic- ular habitat type. This suggested that all three species of turtle shared the same habi- lats within Lake Moodemere, and that the 'The Victorian Naturalist .longi Indiv01 .mnacqu Indiv28 -macqu Indiv37 -macqu Indiv36 Part Two H N o D x m [m — c © [s longi Indiv02 longi Indiv44 expan Indiv07 -macqu Indivi5 macqu Indiv21 expan Indiv05 -macqu Indiv09| .macqu Indiv14| macqu Indiv55 [ .macqu Indivli3 | expan Indiv08 -macqu Indivll — longi Indiv20 | longi Indiv30 - | .expan Indiv35 | | .expan Indivi9 "uS expan Indiv25 I .expan Indiv32 A macqu Indiv06 .macqu Indiv18 l macqu Indiv48| | .macqu Indiv29 | | longi Indiv34 | | macqu Indiv27_ -macqu Indiv12 longi Indiv03 -longi Indivl7 1 macqu Indiv22 .longi Indiv31] .longi Indiv46 [| longi Indiv45 T expan Indiv42 - longi Indiv51 | longi indiv33 longi Indiv40 macqu Indiv53 | longi Indiv26 macqu Indiv04 T .macqu Indiv10 | expan Indiv38 - I | | longi Indiv43 | expan Indiv41 | oo60BHNOSOO090000N80058O555o000o00to0httboionoo0nmio 2 arc „expan Indivl6 expan Indiv47 I .macgu Indiv24 .macqu Indiv50 | .macqu Indiv23 .expan Indiv39 .macqu Indiv49 — longi Indiv54 | expan Indiv56 | .expan Indiv52 QOO00o0t mA [ | 0.0036 0.3189 0.6341 | | | | | | | | | | | 0.9494 1:2647 Do Bray-Curtis Dissimilarity Fig. 5. Dendogram of turtles versus food eaten based on a Bray-Curtis association. C. /ongi — Chelodina longicollis, C. expan — C. expansa and E. macqu — Emydura macquarii. niche requirements of each individual species were met within these shared habi- tats. Turtles were caught more frequently within the medium to high reed bed areas with higher complexities, compared to open water areas of a billabong. This sug- gested that there were favourable condi- tions for turtles in areas associated with higher habitat complexities and a greater amount of prey. Unfortunately, the ordina- Vol. 119 (4) 2002 tion of turtles by habitat type (Fig. 6) did not support this assumption, probably due to the limited number of dietary samples taken from each of the five habitats. The reference collections of prey types were not distinguishable by habitat groups but rather by seasonal groups (Fig. 3), and suggested that although the same food cate- gories were generally found within each habitat, their abundances varied temporally. Plant debris was the dominant food item 169 Murray River Special Issue E ia Ob A + n P * a a $a H £55 eg 3 à ees a = odds as. od Bees es or —— 14 ] o" ee" ^ 05 15 a ° an EE a * h N 45 Bu * E: e Group ! 4 @Group2 * A A Group 3 [72] IE: + = * x SSH Axis 1 Fig. 6. SSH ordination plot in two-dimensions based on turtle diet from a Bray-Curtis association. Stress — 0.123. in the stomachs of all species of turtle sam- pled from Lake Moodemere, even surpris- ingly, the obligate carnivore Chelodina expansa. Plant debris included reed stems and small particles such as seeds from ter- restrial and aquatic plants. This material is primarily cellulose and, being difficult to digest, yields little nutritional value, Georges (1982) studied the diets of fresh- water turtles in eastern Australia and con- sidered this plant material to be unimpor- tant and eliminated the food category from further analysis. Yet the ubiquitous pres- ence of plant debris in the diet of turtles from Lake Moodemere suggested that some value must be gained (Bjorndal 1989). Vogt and Guzman Guzman (1988) studied the dietary preferences of freshwa- ter turtles in Mexico. There, turtles retained a large proportion of plant debris in their diet (more than any other food type), especially when co-existing with other species of turtle. This same study also found that the absence of one species of turtle in a water body influenced the diet of the remaining species, with the domi- nant food source shifting from plant debris to insects. It seems sensible to suggest the presence of plant material in the diet of turtles may mirror a balance between 170 quantity and quality. Turtles may sate themselves on plants when food of higher nutritional value (invertebrates) is less abundant. Conversely, plant debris may be passively ingested while turtles forage for benthic or littoral invertebrates (Legler 1978). The presence of plant debris in the obligate carnivore, C, expansa, may sim- ply have resulted from passive ingestion. Metabolic and digestive rates in reptiles vary in a mass-specific and thermal depen- dent manner such that gut passage time will affect the interpretation of stomach contents (Coulson and Coulson 1986). Smaller prey, such as zooplankton or insects, and softer bodied prey, such as shrimps Paratya australiensis, digest faster than larger or more indigestible prey. This implies that, if turtles are feeding on small- er, more easily digestible prey, they will be under-represented in the sample (Bjorndal and Bolten 1992). Paratya australiensis filter-feed on reeds and/or snags (Pringle e/ al. 1993) and the higher proportion of plant debris from reed remains may be linked to turtles passively ingesting reeds while feeding on shrimps. Fish rated highly on the index of relative importance (IRI) scale, presumably because of their mass. Fish matter, though 'The Victorian Naturalist highly digestible, was more abundant than smaller prey in the diet of the obligate car- nivore, C. expansa. Research by Legler (1978) demonstrated that, when all species co-oecur in highly-productive, ephemeral billabongs, resources are partitioned. Fish and shrimp are consumed primarily by the carnivorous species, with the omnivores concentrating on invertebrates and aquatic plants. When the turtles migrate back into more permanent billabongs, such as Lake Moodemere, resource levels are relatively lower and prey items are no longer parti- tioned (Chessman 1978). After fish, the next most common dietary item sampled from Lake Moodemere tur- tles was aquatic plants. Interestingly, Æ. macquarii is the only omnivorous turtle in this billabong, and the only species observed directly to eat aquatic plants. This is consistent with the findings on the diet of this species by Chessman (1986). After aquatic plants, the next most com- monly occurring, item in the diet of turtles from Lake Moodemere was aquatic inseets. Adults of both Coleoptera and Hemiptera trap air beneath their hard, shell-like forewings (elytra) and in between microscopic, hydrofuge hairs on the body. The entrapped bubble of air may last several hours to days at low tempera- tures (Ingram et al. 1997). At the start of this study, the lower water temperatures would have meant that the activity of these diving beetles and bugs would have been less, owing to both their ectothermic exis- tence and that a given amount of entrapped air would have lasted longer. As the water temperature increased towards summer, trips to the surface for oxygen replenish- ment by these insects would have increased in frequency, thereby increasing the time vulnerable to predation by turtles. Species of Coleoptera and Hemiptera known to stay under water permanently (Elmidae, Hydraenidae, Naucoridae) (Ingram e al. 1997) were not found in stomachs sampled during this study, Corixidae, Notonectidae and Nepidae are totally aquatic families of Hemiptera, liv- ing within the water column (Williams 1980). These families come to the surface to renew air supplies, with the Corixidae and Notonectidae being very active. Mesoveliidae are associated with the sur- Vol. 119 (4) 2002 Part Two face film or on floating aquatie plants (Williams 1980). Of the Hemiptera found in stomach samples of turtles from Lake Moodemere, all were found in the water column or near the surface. Overall, then, the diet samples taken from turtles in Lake Moodemere suggested that resources were shared over all habi- tats, The high proportion of plant debris in their diets indicated that most turtles were essentially omnivorous, eating solter-bod- ied animals and passively ingesting plants, However, caution must be exercised when suggesting the method of prey selection based on so few samples. Also, sampling was conducted over a 24 hour period on five oceasions. There is no information in the literature regarding how frequently tur- tles feed in the wild. Clearly, samples from daily foragers would differ from those of weekly foragers. Hence, the samples obtained in this study may not truly indi- cate the degree of resource partitioning between these species. All of the turtle species occupying, Lake Moodemere showed an extremely narrow niche breadth and a high degree of dietary overlap, which suggested that turtles were competing for a limited resource, in this case food, The relationship between com- petition and niche overlap is complex (Krebs 1989). For instance, zero niche overlap does not mean that interspecific competition is absent. Conversely, niche overlap does not always imply competi- tion. In many cases niche overlap is only used as a deseriptive measure of communi- ty organisation (Krebs 1989). However, high overlap occurs in both diet and habitat during periods of resource scarcity if ani- mals do not disperse widely, On a niche breadth scale of 0 to 1, all tur- tle species in this study would he classified as dietary specialists. Recall, however, that C. expansa is an obligate carnivore, €. longicollis is an opportunistic carnivore and E. maequarii is an generalist omnivore in ephemeral billabongs or when all species do not co-occur within a given habital (Chessman 1983, 1984, 1986), Assuming that sufficient samples were obtained dur- ing the study to show the degree of dietary specialisation of each turtle species, if would seem that there was a low diversity of prey species available to the turtles, This 171 Murray River Special Issue may have resulted from the post-flooding dilution effects making only certain prey taxa vulnerable to predation. Given the high degree of dietary overlap found between the turtles in Lake Moodemere, a particular type of food may have been a limiting resource. Dietary overlap was highest between the two carni- vores (Chelodina expunsa and C. longicol- lix), as expected. It was also high between the obligate carnivore (C, expansa) and the omnivore (E. maequarii). Interestingly, dietary overlap was lowest between the opportunistic carnivore (C. /ongicollis) and the omnivore. Relative to other billabongs, Lake Moodemere is lacking in macro- phytes (pers. obs.). Therefore, it was possi- ble that the omnivore shifted toward a more carnivorous diet, partitioning the ani- mal prey between all three turtle species. When food is both diverse and abundant within the billabong, in this case after the flood, interspecific competition for food resources may be lessened. Too few turtles were sampled during and immediately after the flooding event to discern if inter- specific competition was reduced at that time, When water levels dropped and the temperature within the billabong increased, a substantial number of turtles were cap- tured (n — 54). The high degree of dietary overlap, suggesting competition for food, may have been an artefact of competition with other predators at the billabong, Other major consumers of zooplankton and maeroinvertebrates in billabongs include several species of water birds and native and introduced fish (Hansson et al. 1978; Bunn and Boon 1993). Lake Moodemere is considered to have an over abundance of Red-fin Perca fTuviatus (G Closs pers, comm.); many small members of this species were caught in this study. he perch population is considered density- dependent because there were many stunt- ed individuals. As for many density-depen- dent fish, their large numbers and reduced size result from high levels of both inter- and intraspecific competition (Liebold 1996). Studies on the diets of fish in bill- abongs (Harris 1985; Barlow er al. 1986; Rowland 1992 in Ingram er al. 1997) have shown that fish commonly eat Coleoptera, Diptera, Hemiptera, Odonata and Trichoptera, all of which are eaten by tur- 172 tles. Competition from Red-fin and occa- sional Golden Perch Macquaria ambigua may decrease the amount of food available to turtles, forcing the turtles to seek non- preferred foods. This may have bee reflected in the amount of plant debris. The majority of turtles caught in Lake Moodemere contained very little in their stomachs, reflecting the limit in food avail- ability. Turtles that had empty stomachs clustered more tightly on the ordination plots and dendograms simply because they were empty. The turtles with more food items in their stomachs tended to eat a wider variety of food types, rather than specialise, although their niche breadths were still quite low. This explains why there was no separation of turtle species on the dendograms, because only nine indi- viduals contained a substantial amount of food. Given the limited sample size, it was decided to include the rarer food types in the diet of turtles. Exclusion of rarer taxa may have reduced ‘noise’ around patterns seen in the dendogram and ordination plots (Faith and Norris 1989), but the end result would, most likely, not have changed. The spread of all three species throughout the dendograms groups indicated that all three species of turtle were eating essential- ly the same food, from the same habitats, Turtles did not appear to favour any one particular habitat type or prey item, The habitat and prey selectivity displayed by turtles in this study may not reflect the present conditions, but those learned prev i- ously, For instance, the three species of turtles may have shared resources in this study, not as a reflection of the current post-flood conditions when resources were presumably abundant, but as a reflection of other seasons. In these perhaps more ‘typi- cal years, water levels are lower, habitat diversity is lower and food resources may be limited. As such, the turtles may over- lap in time, space and the utilisation of all resources in this closed system. 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(Co-operative Research Centre for Freshwater Ecology: Albury) Kennett RM and Georges A (1990) Habitat utilisation and its relationship to growth and reproduction of the eastern long-necked turtle, Chelodina longicollis (Testudinata: Chelidae), from Australia. Herpetologica 46, 22-33. Krebs CJ (1989) Ecological Methodology. (Harper Collins: New York) Land Conservation Council (1983). Report on rhe Murray Valley area. (Land Conservation Council: Melbourne) Legler JM (1977) Stomach flushing: a technique for chelonian studies. /Jerpetologica 33, 281-284. Legler JM (1978) Observations on behaviour and ecol- ogy in an Australian turtle, Chelodina expansa (Testudines: Chelidae). Canadian Journal of Zoolagy 56. 2449-2453. Legler JM and Georges A (1993) Family Chelidae. In Fauna of Australia. Volume 24. Amphibia and Reptilia, pp 142-152. Eds C Glashy, G Ross and P. Beesley. (Australian Government Publishing Service; Canberra) Leibold MA (1996), A graphical model of keystone predators in food webs; trophic regulation of abun- dance, incidence and diversity patterns in communi- ties, American Naturalist 147, 784-812. Parmenter RR (1981) Digestive turnover rates in fresh- water turtles: the influence of temperature and body size. Comparative Biochemistry and Physiology 70A, 235-238. Pinkas L (1971) Food habits study. Fish Bulletin 152, 5-10. Pringle CM, Blake GA, Covich AP, Buzby KM and Finley A (1993) Effects of omnivorous shrimp in a montane tropical stream: sediment removal, distur- bance of sessile invertebrates and enhancement of understorey algal biomass, Oecologia 93, 1-11. Sokal RR and Rohlf FJ (1995) Biometry, 3 ed. (WH Freeman: New York) SPSS Incorporated (1993) SPSS For Windows, (SPSS: Chicago). Vogt RC and Guzman Guzman $ (1988) Food parti- tioning in a neotropical freshwater turtle community. Copeia 1988, 37-47. Wellborn GA, Skelly DK and Werner EE (1996) Mechanisms creating community structure across a freshwater habitat gradient. Annual Review of Ecology and Systematics 27, 337-363. Williams WD (1980) Australian Freshwater Life: the Invertebrates of Australian Inland Waters, revised ed, (The Macmillan Company of Australia: Melbourne) Zimmerman LC and Tracy € (1989) Interactions between the environment and ectothermy and her- hivory in reptiles, Physiological Zoology 62, 374- 409. 173 Murray River Special Issue Invertebrates of the River Red Gum Forests of the Murray River Andrea Ballinger! and Alan L Yen’ Abstract The Murray River is surrounded by River Red Gum forests for much of its length. These forests are habitat toa rich and diverse invertebrate fauna, both in the dominant River Red Gum trees and in the surrounding ground layer, A brief introduction is provided to some of the important ecological roles played by invertebrates in these forests, The responses of some of these invertebrates to flooding is discussed, (He Victorian Naturalist 19 (4), 2002, 174-179) Introduction River Red Gum Zuealyprus eamaldulen sis forests are a dominant feature of the Murray River floodplains. Yen er al (2002) recorded 6,666 invertebrates from over 450 species when the canopy of two individual trees was sprayed with inseeti- cide, What do all these invertebrates do? While inventory of the invertebrate fauna is an essential first step in understanding, what they do and how they interact with ench other, there is still much to be done before we have a clear understanding of the structure and function of the inverte brate Fauna; Yet, with the limited informa tion available and with research currently in progress, we ean still outline some of the important roles that invertebrates play in these Forests, In this paper we provide examples of invertebrate fauna typical of River Red Guin forest and present a guild approach as a means ol coping with the sheer diversity of arthropods, We then use flooding as an example of how the guild approach can be used to understand the impact of ecolopi- cal processes on invertebrate assemblages, Invertebrates of the River Red Gum tree The canopy invertebrate fauna ol Æ camaldulensis is dominated by herbivorous insects and their associated parasitoids and predators, There are, however, other types of invertebrates present, such as pollinators and scavengers, The invertebrates on River Red Gum ean be grouped into three broad types; (1) species that feed on River Red Gums; (2) species that feed on other inver- (ebrates; and (3) the remainder, The follow- ing information is based on Moore (1966), Morgan (1986), Stone and Bacon (1994), School of Biological Setences, Monash: University, Clayton, Victori SOQ 52-54 Brushy Park Road, Wonga Park, Vietora 5115 174 Collett (2001), Yen (unpubl. data), and Ballinger (unpubl, data). Species that feed on River Red Gums Foliage (leaf) ehewers are insects that bite off whole chunks of leaf. There is a range of species, primarily amongst the beetles (such as the chrysomelid Paropsis atomaria, the scarab Anoplognathus montanus, the wec- vils Gonipterus spp.), as well as tree crick- ets, Black masses of the pergid sawfly Perga dorsalis are often seen moving on the trees in search of suitable foliage. Other chewing-type insects feed differ- ently on the leaves, Some insects, predom- inantly the caterpillars of several species of moth, only feed on one surface of the leal; their feeding exposes the leaf veins to give the appearance of a skeleton. One of the most common caterpillars to feed in this way is the Gumleaf Skeletoniser, Uraba lugens. A variation of this feeding behav- iour involves moth larvae that bind two leaves together with silk and skeletonise the leaves on the inner surfaces, Leaf miners feed between the upper and lower epidermis of leaves, The adult female oviposits into the leaf, and the larvae feed as they move through the tissue, The feed- ing produces an often species-characteristic pattern on the leaf) Most leaf miners are flies or moths, Examples include the agromyzid fly Japanagromyza eucalvpti and the ineurvariid moth Perthida sp. Gall-inducing insects also lay eggs into the plant tissue, However, unlike leaf min- ers, ovipositing gall-inducing insects release chemicals that induce the plant to produce extra tissue, which the developing larvae then feed on, The shape of the gall is usually characteristic of the species, Gall-inducing insects generally belong to The Victorian Naturalist the flies, wasps and true bugs. Examples are the fly Fergusonina sp. (Fergusoninidae) and the coecoid 4piomorpha frenchi (Eriococcidae). The Hemiptera (or true bugs) use stylet- like mouthparts to feed, Some are sap- suckers on leaves, such as the white lace lerp, Cardiaspina albitextura while others, such as the scale insect, Eriococcus cori- aceus, feed on twigs. Leafhoppers (Cicadellidae) are especially common on River Red Gums, and include the wafer- thin nymphs of Stenocotis spp. High numbers of invertebrates are found when the River Red Gum flowers. Adults of many species depend upon nectar and pollen, although their immature stages have completely different feeding habits: buprestid beetle larvae are wood borers, ich- neumonid wasp larvae are predators, and calliphorid fly larvae are carrion feeders. Other visitors include thrips (Phlaeothrips spp.). flower wasps, and ants. One of the visitors that arrived after European settle- ment is the Honey Bee Apis mellifera. The bark of River Red Gums is shed, but not completely detached from the tree, pro- viding ideal habitat for subcortical fauna (Baehr 1990). Bark probably functions pri- marily as a protective environment, rather than acting as a direct source of food. Many foliage active invertebrates (herbi- vores, predators, parasitoids) may shelter beneath the bark. The main insects that feed on bark are bark beetles and ambrosia beetles that leave carvings, scribbles or galleries on the wood beneath the bark (New 1988). Insects that feed on the wood of the liv- ing tree are not as commonly seen because of their habitat. They are generally the immature stages of longicorn (in branches and trunk) and buprestid beetles (in twigs and branches) or cossid and hepialid moths. They bore through the timber, leav- ing galleries that can be used by fungal and detritus feeders. The larvae of longicorn and buprestid beetles can be parasitised by ichneumonid and braconid wasps or preyed on by clerid and cucujid beetles. Root feeders include the larvae of scarab beetles, such as Heteronyx and Anoplognathus, and of the giant ghost moth Trictena atripalpis. The ends of the empty brown pupal cases of the latter are Vol. 119 (4) 2002 Part Two often found protruding from the ground beneath the canopy. Species that feed on other invertebrates These can be divided into two groups: predators and parasitoids. The main insect predators in the canopy include: cantharid beetles, mantids and neuropterans (which use mandibles to chew their prey), asilid flies and reduviid bugs (which use stylet- like mouthparts). Spiders are abundant under bark, particularly Clubiona spp. (Clubionidae), and various jumping spiders (Salticidae), White-tailed spiders, Lampona cylindrata (Lamponidae) are common, and are thought to prey on the numerous sac spiders (Brunet 1994), Family groups of the social huntsman, Delena sp. (Sparassidae) are found under larger sheets of bark, There are certain groups of carabid beetle that rely on the subcortical habitat provided by the bark of River Red Gums (Baehr 1990), such as Sphallomorpha sp., which is believed to prey on ants moving up and down the trunk (Matthews 1980), Other non-insect predators include: pseudoscorpions, the scorpion Lyehas marmoreus and cen- tipedes. Many predators are highly mobile and can move freely within and between trees. The Gumleaf Skeletoniser, is a good example of how much diversity can be associated with an individual species, Austin and Allen (1989) recorded 22 para- sitoid species supported by the immature stages of the Gumleaf Skeletoniser. The eggs of the Gumleaf Skeletoniser may be parasitised by a small wasp, Trichogramma sp. There may be egg predators such as the predatory mite Microsmaris goannae (Erythraeidae). There are larval parasitoids such as ichneumonid and chalcid wasps and tachinid flies (Campbell 1962). To complete the complex, there could also be pupal parasitoids such as the chalcid wasp Brachymeria rubripes. Other invertebrates The remainder of the invertebrates include species that scavenge upon detri- tus, fungal feeders (such as booklice), for- agers (e.g. ants such as Crematogaster sp. seeking the honeydew exudations of sap- sucking insects or nectar), and accidental 175 Murray River Special Issue visitors (species that use the tree for shel- ter, such as adult stages of aquatic insects), Some invertebrates also use microhabitat features, such as bird nests and tree hol- lows, Bird nests provide shelter for beetles, fies, thrips and moths. There are ectopara- sites such as ticks and lice associated with the vertebrates, River Red Gums can have parasitic mistle- toe plants on them. One of the interesting associations is the feeding on mistletoe by larvae of the lyeaenid butterfly, Ogyris olane, These caterpillars are attended by ant species from genera such as /ridomprmex, Camponotus, Crematogaster, Monomorium, Podomyrma, Ochetellus, Anonvehomyrma and lroggattella (Eastwood and Fraser 1999), Many of these ant species have pround-layer nests, so their movement between the nest and the canopy is an important link between these two strata, Invertebrates of the ground and soil lay lhe diversity seen in the arboreal fauna extends to [orest-Hoor invertebrate assem- blages, Although the ground layer is not as rich in herbivorous species as the canopy, there are many species ol more mobile her- bivores, such as grasshoppers, as well as the subterranean root feeders mentioned previously, The pround layer has many microhabitat features that provide habitat for invertebrates, These include coarse woody debris, logs, and rocks, Some of these ean be microcosms of their own, with a diverse tauna, but very different com- pared to the canopy fauna, There are more detritivores, scavengers, seed removers and predators active on the ground. Fallen leaves, twigs and bark form a layer of organie litter on the forest floor, Although the litter laver in River Red Gum forest is not as deep as in wetter Forests (Glazebrook and Robertson 1999), the decaying organic matter is still an important resource to many invertebrates, Many small beetles, such as silvanids, feed on the moulds growing on the litter (Matthews 1992), Moths in families such as the oechophorids have specialised to feed on dead leaves, thus forming an important first step in the recy- cling process, There are numerous other detritivores, such as cockroaches and Ties, as Well as a very rich micro-invertebrate Fauna dominated by mites and springtails. 176 Many species of ants nest underground or in logs, so their foraging, activity is greater within this stratum. Ants are a major scav- enping and predatory group, but some species are also important seed removers, he role of ants in seed dispersal is likely to be relatively limited in River Red Gum forest because these forests are largely devoid of the shrubby understorey plants, such as Acacia spp., which typically have seeds adapted to dispersal by ants, Instead, the main seeds available would be those of River Red Gums and grasses. The green- head ant, Rhytidoponera metallica, one of the most commonly trapped ants in River Red Gum forest, is recognized as an important seed remover in other dry scle- rophyll forests (Drake 1981, Hughes and Westoby 1992), Seeds of shrubs adapted to dispersal by ants tend to have hard coat- ings that are not penetrated by the mandibles of A. metallica (Rodgerson 1998), In contrast, Drake (1981) identified Eucalyptus spp. seeds with relatively weak coats as being vulnerable to being eaten by R, metallica. Thus, the role of ants in River Red Gum forest may be one of seed eaters rather than seed dispersers, Given the abundance of logs in River Red Gum forests, wood feeding invertebrates are not as common as might be expected. The reasons for this are discussed in Mac Nally er al, (2002), In areas that do not flood regu- larly, termites (Coptotermes sp.) are very abundant in fallen timber, Saproxylic beetles found in River Red Gum forest include Avion spp. (Bostrichidae), which bore into the sapwood (CSIRO 1991), Like bark, logs provide shelter, rather than a direct food souree, to numerous species. Many ants, including, — Zridomyrmex spp. and Monomorium spp., nest in rotting logs. lhe subterranean stratum is home to many detritivores, predators, and immature stages of canopy species. The soil species perform several important functions, including burrowing (which assists soil aeration and water percolation) and mixing of decomposing organic matter, The important groups of soil animals include earthworms, spiders, beetle larvae and moth larvae, Living in à burrow potentially confers an advantage in a semi-arid envi- ronment, because temperature and humidi- ty tend to be moderated in the burrow, The Victorian Naturalist However, it is likely that flooding prevents burrowing taxa obtaining great diversity in River Red Gum forest. The burrowing wolf spider Lycosa leuckartii is found in relatively open areas that flood infrequent- ly. The beetle Clivina quadratifrons (Carabidae) is captured in pitfall traps in damp areas. Its powerful forelegs are used for burrowing in sand (Matthews 1980). Guilds Mac Nally et al. (2002) and Yen er al. (2002) emphasize the sheer diversity of invertebrates found in River Red Gum for- est. The composition of invertebrate assemblages is not static, but varies both spatially and temporally. Yen ef al. (2002) found that there was considerable seasonal turnover of species on two individual trees located in close proximity to each other. While acknowledging the limitations of pitfall trapping, Mac Nally et al. (2002) found the composition of ground-dwelling invertebrate assemblages to vary between seasons and years, as well as in response to forest-floor characteristics. It is most likely that there is considerable species turnover associated with time (day/night, seasonal), habitat condition (tree age, tree flowering, soil moisture, organic litter loads on forest floor), in space (both on highly-localized and broader scales e.g. between individual trees, and between trees in different geo- graphical locations), environmental change (floods, drought) and anthropogenic fac- tors (clearing, grazing, fragmentation, inappropriate fire). Yen et al. (2002) identified the canopy invertebrates trapped, to species using the usual taxonomic characters that separate them at the class, order, family and species levels, However, with such a large number of invertebrate species and with changes in the composition of the fauna, it is difficult to describe what each invertebrate species is doing in River Red Gum forests. This can be overcome to a certain extent by assessing the ecological functioning of the invertebrates. As many closely related species fulfill similar ecological roles, invertebrates can be classified according to guilds as defined by Root (1967): ‘groups of species that exploit the same class of environmental resources in a similar way.’ Moran and Southwood (1982) developed a Vol. 119 (4) 2002 Part Two guild classification for arboreal insects in the United Kingdom. The major guilds that they defined are (1) phytophages (plant feeders), divided into (1a) chewers and (1b) sap-suckers; (2) epiphytic fauna; (3) scav- enging fauna (excluding ants, but including nectarivores); (4) predators, divided into (4a) insect predators and (4b) other preda- tors (excluding ants); (5) parasitoids; (6) ants; and (7) tourists. This idea has been extended to arboreal invertebrates in Borneo (Stork 1987) and Australia (Yen 1989; Abbott et al. 1992; Peters ef al. 2001), although Abbott ef al. (1992) and Peters et al. (2001) modified the guild definitions to suit their particular studies, The use of guilds permits examination of how groups of animals, not necessarily taxonomically related, utilise a resource. For example, a possum that chews the leaves of a particular species of eucalypt may be placed in the same guild as a leaf chewing species of bee- tle. A particular species can change guilds in different life cycle stages. For example, the larvae of buprestid beetles feed on wood in the trunk (guild 1a), while the adults feed on flowers of the tree (guild 3). Invertebrate response to inundation Under natural conditions, River Red Gium forests are characterized by frequent flood- ing, with extensive areas of forest inundated for prolonged periods. Those invertebrates usually found on the forest floor must either move to higher ground or ascend the trunks and/or canopy of River Red Gums. Thus, ground-dwelling guilds in River Red Gum forest are expected to display relative niche plasticity and high mobility compared to their counterparts in less variable habitats. Regulation of the Murray River has sub- stantially reduced the frequency and extent of flooding. Flood mitigation potentially alters the structure of ground-dwelling invertebrate guilds, allowing species not adapted to inundation to invade. In addition, many species regarded as canopy inhabi- tants spend some part of their life cycle on the forest floor, and hence are affected by alterations in flood regime, The next section of this paper examines how changes created by flood reduction ramify throughout all the guilds, demonstrating that various guilds are profoundly interconnected elements of a single ecosystem, 177 Murray River Special Issue In spring/summer 2000 the Barmah Forest experienced major flooding for the first time in several years. Immediately fol- lowing the recession of floodwaters, we sampled ground-dwelling, invertebrates al different localities throughout the forest that had been subjeet to inundation of varying extents. The fauna on sites that had been extensively flooded was very dif- ferent from the fauna of sites that experi- enced moderate or minor/no flooding. Predatory carabids (ground beetles) com- prised only 4% of the beetle fauna trapped on sites which experienced minor or no flooding, compared with 63% on sites which experienced extensive flooding. Similarly, numbers of wolf spiders (Lycosidae) increased dramatically in areas that had recently been inundated for prolonged periods, Wolf spiders and cara- bid beetles comprise a guild of ground- dwelling, generalist predators. The domi- nance of this guild immediately following emersion is likely to reflect an inerease in both live prey and carrion availability resulting from aquatic taxa becoming stranded by receding floodwaters, Many carabids are adapted to hunt in the riparian zone, l'or example, Cutadromus lacor- dairei, a common species on llood-prone sites, has been recorded preying upon frogs (Littlejohn and Wainer 1978). Several ol the dominant woll-spider species trapped on sites soon after lloodwaters receded also are associated with the edge of water- ways, such as Artoria howquaensis (Framenau submitted). In order to exploit this short-term inerease in prey availability, wolf spiders and cara- bid beetles must be able to colonize areas rapidly as floodwaters recede. All carabids captured in areas that experienced exten- sive flooding were fully winged, and hence potentially capable of quickly dispersing into new areas by flight. However, vertical migration, onto tree trunks, or into the canopy, also represents an important flood- survival strategy for wolf spiders and cara- bids, We trapped invertebrates on tree trunks in both flooded and dry areas of for- est, During periods when the forest floor was inundated, searching under sheets of bark on trees standing in floodwater revealed high numbers of invertebrates. In addition to the usual subcortical fauna, such 178 as pancake spiders (Hemicloea spp.) and sac spiders (C/ubiona spp.), specimens of a number of species commonly trapped on the ground in newly emersed areas were collected, including small wolf spiders (e.g. Artoria howquaensis) and carabids (e.g. Catadromus lacordairei), Thus, many species that are typically thought of as ground-dwelling may utilize arboreal habi- tat when necessary. Since much terrestrial prey must also climb to avoid rising flood- waters, tree trunks potentially provide rich pickings to the generalist-predator guild during the inundation phase. Other general- ist predators, such as marbled scorpions, house centipedes, earth centipedes and scolopendrid centipedes are commonly trapped on both the forest floor and on tree trunks in River Red Gum forest. Ants, as a guild, potentially demonstrate the greatest plasticity in terms of habitat usage in response to flooding. The ground- foraging ant fauna of River Red Gum for- est is not particularly diverse, with only about seven species being commonly pit- fall trapped in Barmah forest, including: Iridomyrmex sp., Rhytidoponera metallica, Camponotus sp. and Paratrechina sp. Although these species usually nest on the ground, or in rotting logs, when the forest floor flooded all common species were found to shift the nest, complete with reproductives, larvae and pupae to under bark on tree trunks. Again, vertical migra- tion enabled rapid recolonisation of areas following the recession of floodwaters, Although ant activity was temporarily reduced by about half in areas that had recently experienced extensive flooding, ants were still pitfall trapped in high num- bers on such sites, Flooding also impacts on other guilds. Inundation produces changes in canopy structure, with increased leaf longevity and size (Stone and Bacon 1995), This poten- tially impacts on phytophagous guilds. In addition, increased soil moisture resulting from flooding is known to control popula- tions of the Gumleaf Skeletoniser Uraba lugens (Campbell 1962). Thus, the effects of flooding are manifold and extend to all areas of River Red Gum forest and to the invertebrates that live there. A guild approach to invertebrates lets us consider the ecological processes in River Red Gum The Victorian Naturalist forest without being overwhelmed by the great biodiversity. Acknowledgements The Murray-Darling Basin Commission provid- ed funding for research on forest-floor inverte- brates in River Red Gum forest. Thanks to Volker Framenau (The University of Melbourne) and Martin Baehr (Munich Museum) for kindly identifying the wolf spiders and carabid beetles collected. Ralph Mac Nally and PS Lake provided doctoral supervision to Andrea Ballinger. References Abbott I, Burbidge T, Williams M and Van Heurck P (1992) Arthropod fauna of jarrah (Eucalyptus mar- winata) foliage in Mediterranean forest of Western Australia: Spatial and temporal variation in abun- danee, biomass, guild structure and species composi- tion. Australian Journal of Ecology 17, 263-274. Austin AD and Allen GR (1989) Parasitoids of Uraba lugens Walker (Lepidoptera: Noctuidae) in South Australia, with description of two new species of Braconidae. Transactions of the Royal Society of South Australia 113, 169-184, Baehr M (1990) The carabid community living under the bark of Australian eucalypts. In The Role of Ground Beetles in Ecological and Environmental Studies, pp 3-11. Ed NE Stork (Intercept Ltd: Hampshire) Brunet B (1994) The Silken Web: A Natural History of Australian Spiders, (Reed New Holland; Sydney) Campbell KG (1962) The biology of Rosella [ugens (Walk,), the Gum Leaf Skeletoniser moth, with par- ticular reference to the Eucalyptus camaldulensis Dehn. (River Red Gum) forests of the Murray valley region. Proceedings of the Linnean Society of New South Wales 87, 316-338. Collett N (2001) Biology and control of psyllids, and the possible causes for defoliation of Eucalyprus vamldulensis Dehnh, (River Red Gum) in south-east- ern Australia. Australian Forestry 64, 88-95, CSIRO Division of Entomology (1991) The Insects of Australia: a textbook for students and research work- ers, 2 ed, Volume IL. (Melbourne University Press: Melbourne) Drake WE (1981) Ant-seed interaction in dry sclero- phyll forest on North Stradbroke Island, Queensland, Australia: Australian Journal of Botany 29(3), 293- 310. Eastwood R and Fraser AM (1999) Associations between lycaenid butterflies and ants in Australia. Australian Journal of Ecology 24, 503-537. Framenau VW (submitted) Revision of the wolf spider genus Artoria Thorell with the description of six new species from floodplain habitats in Victoria, South- eastern Australia (Araneae, Lycosidae). Glazebrook HS and Robertson Al (1999) The effect of flooding and flood timing on leaf liter breakdown rates and nutrient dynamies in a River Red Gum Part Two (Eucalyptus camaldulensis) forest. Australian Journal of Ecology 24, 625-635, Hughes L and Westoby M (1992) Fate of seeds adapted for dispersal by ants in Australian selerophy!l vegeta- tion. Ecology 73, 1285-1299. Littlejohn MJ and Wainer JW (1978) Carabid beetle preying on frogs, The Victorian Naturalist 95, 251- 352. Mae Nally R, Ballinger A and Horrocks G (2002) Habitat change in River Red Gum floodplains: fallen timber and biodiversity. The Victorian Naturalist 119, 102-108. Matthews EG (1980) 4 Guide to the Genera of Beetles of South Australia; Part 1 Archostemata and Adephaga. (South Australian Museum: Adelaide) Matthews EG (1992) 4 Guide to the Genera of Beetles of South Australia: Part 6 Polyphaga, Lymexyloidea, Cleraidea and Cucujaidea. (South Australian Museum: Adelaide] Moore KM (1966) Observations on some Australian forest insects, 22. Notes on some Australian leaf- miners. The Australian Zoologist 13, 303-349, Moran VC and Southwood TRE (1982) The guild comosition of arthropod communities in trees. Journal of Animal Ecology 51, 289-306. Morgan FD (1986) Forest insects. In The Ecology of the Forests and Woodlands of South Australia, pp 54-67. Ed HR Wallace. (Government Printer: Adelaide) New TR (1988) Associations between insects and plants (New South Wales University Press: Kensington) Peters PJ, Read J and Sanson GD (2001) Variation in the guild composition of herbivorous insect assem- blages among co-occurring plant species, Australian Joural of Ecolagy 26, 385-399, Rodgerson I, (1998) Mechanical defense in seeds adapted for ant dispersal. Ecology 79, 1669-1677. Root, RB (1967) The niche exploitation pattern af the blue-gray gnateateher. Ecological Monograplis 37, 317-350. Stone C and Bacon PE (1994) Insect herbivory in a River Red Gum (Eucalyprus camaldulensis Dehnh.) forest in southern New South Wales. Journal Australian Entomological Society 33. 51-56. Stone € and Bacon PE (1995) Leaf dynamics and insect herbivory in a Eucalyptus camaldulensis forest under moisture stress, Australian Journal of Ecology 20, 473-481. Stork NE (1987) Guild structure of arthropods fram Bornean rain forest trees. Ecological Entomology 12, 69-80, Yen AL (1989) Overstorey invertebrates in the Big Desert, Victoria. In Mediterranean Landscapes in Australia; Mallee Ecosystems and their Management, pp 285-299. Eds JC Noble and RA Bradstock (CSIRO: East Melbourne) Yen AL, Hinkley S, Lillywhite P, Wainer J and Walker K (2002) A preliminary survey of the arboreal inver- lebrate fauna of two River Red Gum trees Eucalyptus camaldulensis near the Murray River. The Victorian Naturalist 119, 180-185- THE STORY OF THE MURRAY RIVER By AS Kenyon, Melbourne Those interested in the Murray River story should read The Nile of Australia, by David John Gordon; Paving the Way, by Simpson Newlands; Half-crown Bob, by Price Warung, and Knocking About, by August Pierce. From The Victorian Naturalist LIX (1), 8 May 1942, pp 16-19. Vol. 119 (4) 2002 179 Murray River Special Issue A Preliminary Survey of the Arboreal Invertebrate Fauna of Two River Red Gum Trees Eucalyptus camaldulensis near the Murray River Alan L Yen", Simon Hinkley', Peter Lillywhite', John Wainer" and Ken Walker' Abstract In February and October 1999, the canopy and bark invertebrates from two individual River Red Gum Eucalyptus camaldulensis trees in the Moira State Forest NSW were collected. A total of 458 morphospecies was collected from the canopy and 69 morphospecies from beneath the bark. In view of the wide distribution of River Red Gum across Australia, this preliminary survey suggests that there is a high level of invertebrate biodiversity associated with this tree species. (The Victorian Naturalist 119 (4), 2002, 180-185) Introduction Many eucalypt species have a diverse invertebrate fauna, primarily insects, asso- ciated with them (Majer eż al. 1997). There is considerable information available on a few of these insect species, particularly those that have attained pest status, but there have been relatively few studies on the total fauna. One of the common land- scape components associated with the Murray River is the River Red Gum Eucalyptus camaldulensis Dehnh. A pilot study, in an attempt to document the inver- tebrate fauna of a single River Red Gum tree, is reported here. There is considerable seasonal variation in the composition of the invertebrate fauna, so the project involved assessing individual trees at dif- ferent times of the year. River Red Gum is a widespread species, probably the most widely naturally distrib- uted species of eucalypt aeross Australia (Chippendale 1988). Invertebrate studies on River Red Gum have involved studies of pest species such as the Gum Leaf Skeletoniser Moth Uraba lugens (Campbell 1962) and psyllid bugs (Collett 2001) to estimates of the amount of insect herbivory on foliage (Stone and Bacon 1994), There are no published studies on the composition of the arboreal inverte- brate fauna associated with this species. ' Museum Victoria, GPO Box 666E, Melbourne, Victoria 3001 52-54 Brushy Park Road, Wonga Park, Victoria 3115 3/17 Fisher Street, East Malvern, Victoria 3145 180 Methods Field work was conducted in the Moira State Forest (off Coolamon Road), Riverina Region, New South Wales (35*52'46" S 144*55'36" E). Sampling was undertaken on two occasions: 8-10 February 1999 and 6-7 October 1999, [n February, a River Red Gum was selected, sampled and then felled to take foliage and wood samples. In October, the invertebrate fauna of a nearby tree was sampled. This tree was not felled for foliage and wood samples. Arboreal invertebrates Arboreal invertebrates were collected by spraying the canopy with synthetic pyrethroid Reslin® (manufactured by Wellcome) diluted 1:40 with water. The insecticide was applied with an engine dri- ven spraying machine (Stihl& SG17 Electronic backpack sprayer) that dispels droplets of insecticide. The operator was elevated to a height of up to 15 m with a cherry picker. Spraying was conducted early in the morning (about 0700) in order to utilise rising warm air currents. Spraying the whole tree took about one hour. Pyrethroid insecticides work as knock- down insecticides; insects succumb to the insecticide after contact. The active life of the insecticide is measured in terms of a few seconds after exposure to sunlight. The sprayed invertebrates fell from the canopy, and were collected by placing a continuous layer of plastic sheeting beneath the canopy. The invertebrates were lett to fall for an hour after cessation of spraying, and then the invertebrates on The Victorian Naturalist the sheets were collected by forceps or paint brushes. This continued for 4 hours after spraying, after which there were no more invertebrates falling on to the sheets. The first tree was sprayed in fine weather on 9 February 1999, A tree approximately 23 m in height, single trunk, with a good head of foliage was used. One of the con- ditions for the permit was that the tree was not very old (less than 1.5 m dbh), did not have tree holes or pipes, and was not of Aboriginal cultural significance. The tree had only one mistletoe plant. The tree was estimated to be about 80 years old by New South Wales Forest Commission staff. A similar sized tree was sprayed on 7 October 1999 using the same regime. This tree was located approximately 100 m from the February tree. Bark invertebrates Invertebrates dwelling beneath the bark were collected by direct searching before spraying. The bark was peeled off from ground level to a height accessible with a step ladder (about 3-4 m). Invertebrates were collected with forceps or paint brushes. Invertebrates from other microhabitats The leaf litter and woody debris beneath the canopy of the tree was raked over and invertebrates were collected by forceps before spraying. Two samples of litter, each from ground area of approximately | * | m, were brought back to the laboratory for extraction in Tullgren Funnels (heat funnels). Samples were left in the Tullgren Funnels for 5 days. The soil directly beneath the litter searched was raked and dug up to a depth of 10 em for inverte- brates. Invertebrates were collected using forceps. Only a small number of inverte- brates were collected in February using this technique, so it was not repeated in October. Several samples of timber (trunk and branches) were taken back to the labo- ratory to see if any invertebrates emerged. The timber was kept for 12 months. Leaves were also kept, but little emerged from these samples. Identification All specimens were sorted initially to a higher taxonomic level - generally to the ordinal level. However, millipedes and centipedes were identified only to Class, Vol. 119 (4) 2002 Part Two and Hymenoptera was divided into ants and non-ants (mainly wasps). Specimens were then identified to the morphospecies level. In some groups (Coleoptera, Neuroptera, Diptera and Lepidoptera), immature stages were treated as separate from adults. Specimen sorting and storage All material was labeled and stored either in 70% ethanol or pinned. Specimens are to be initially used as part of a Museum Victoria exhibition on River Red Gum bio- diversity, after which it will be deposited into the Museum collection, Results and discussion Total invertebrate fauna A total of 8456 invertebrates, identified into 547 morphospecies from 24 orders, was collected from the two trees with all the collecting techniques (Yen 2000). Results presented in detail here are only the canopy and bark samples because the other microenvironments were probably under- sampled. The identification of specimens to morphospecies may result in the double counting of certain species if (1) immature and adult stages of the same species are considered different morphospecies, or (2) if there is marked sexual dimorphism which has not been considered. The potential effects of distinguishing immature and adults as different morphos- pecies can be estimated when the number of morphospecies collected from the canopy is considered (Table 1). The spraying resulted in 458 morphospecies, of which 31 were larval morphospecies. Consequently, 31/458 (6.8%) of morphospecies, were lar- vae, When the number of individuals is con- sidered, 316/6666 (4.7%) were larvae, For the bark fauna, the percentages are 11,60% (8/69) for morphospecies or 0.7% (8/1175) for individuals (Table 1). Canopy invertebrate fauna In February 1999, a total of 297 morphos- pecies, represented by 4092 individuals from 19 orders, was collected from the canopy spraying, and 260 morphospecies (2574 indi- viduals) were collected in October. A total of 458 morphospecies (6666 individuals) was obtained from the two trees (Table 1), The most dominant invertebrate groups in terms of number of morphospecies were 181 Murray River Special Issue SLIT 69 TII 09 r9 LI 9999 8st YLST 097 c60t L6T IJOL I I I I 0 0 904 T6 YLT os TEI pS 190 - eraydouswAy 1$9 8 819 9 t£ v OTSI SI SII 8 LOZI al sue - viaydousw AH € € € £ 0 0 6L 61 9c al ES 01 Lae] exoydopido' 0 0 0 0 0 0 £c I 9p I L I e1oydopido'T 0 0 0 0 0 0 6 I 0 0 6 I oeA1e| vJoidiq] 0 0 0 0 0 0 SLOTI eL SIs 9c 09€ tS eioidiq 0 0 0 0 0 0 € l 0 0 E I elajdisda.ns S S S S 0 0 DOS Ol cLI 8 pis r oeA1e| e191doo[o) 01 9 6 € I I 06€1 78 SOL £c S79 ep v1odoo[o7) 0 0 0 0 0 0 C I G I 0 0 avae] e19)dounoN. 0 0 0 0 0 0 9 £ r (á te T esazdoməN I I 0 0 I l 69€ S ET € OPE ? v1oydouesÁu J, 8I 0I SI 8 € [^ (aul L8 vL LC 979 89 vodiuioH € I 3 I 0 0 CE C Oe C 0 0 v1oydooosq 0 0 0 0 0 0 I I 0 0 I I vapoyeuuseyg T rs c (d 0 0 Or L SI £ ST S vJo)douQo 0 0 0 0 0 0 I I 0 0 I I €opojuejA 0 0 0 0 0 0 8 € c l 9 T vaponeyg 0 0 0 0 0 0 SI DM 0 0 SI a ejeuopo 0 0 0 0 0 0 Ü I C I 0 0 vjnuesAu L €I 5 £I € 0 0 C C I I I I e[oquis[[07) COE T £0€ € 0 0 0 0 0 0 0 0 epodojdiq I I I I 0 0 0 0 0 0 0 0 vpodo[nj 6c L CC 9 L ra 6vc Y 6I I OET E€ BULIBOV 6S I 8S I I I ce [^ TI T Ic I epruordsoosopnasd vc I vc l 0 0 0 0 0 0 0 0 epruordioog cS LI ve SI 8I 9 OTT Ot SL 8c PSI yc SESugly sjenpraipuy — somodgs s[enprarpu] somodgs sjenpiaipuy = somodgs s[enprarpu] sorodgs s[enprampu sorodgs s[enprampu sorodg 180 L 4909330 &1en.qo,q [eor 4900320 &1enaqoq yeg Adour) 19p40 "4req pue Adoues umo pay J9AT3| WOI soje1qojioAur JO s[enprArpur pue soroods jo siequinN `J AQEL The Victorian Naturalist 182 Part Two Table 2. Number of species of invertebrates collected only in February, only in October and in both February and October (total). Order Canopy Bark February October Total February October Total Araneae 12 16 12 2 11 4 Scorpionida 0 0 0 0 | 0 Pseudoscorpionida 0 1 l 0 0 | Acarina 3 l 0 l 5 | Chilopoda 0 0 0 0 l 0 Diplopoda 0 0 0 0 2 0 Collembola l l 0 0 3 0 Thysanura 0 l 0 0 0 0 Odonata 3 0 0 0 0 0 Blattodea 2 l 0 0 0 0 Mantodea 1 0 0 0 0 0 Orthoptera 4 2 | 0 2 0 Phasmatodea | 0 0 0 0 0 Psocoptera 0 2 0 0 l 0 Hemiptera 59 19 9 2 8 0 Thysanoptera 2 | 2 l 0 0 Neuroptera l l | 0 0 0 Neuroptera larvae 0 | 0 0 0 0 Coleoptera 29 37 16 | D 0 Coleoptera larvae 2 6 2 0 5 0 Strepsiptera | 0 0 0 0 0 Diptera 29 21 25 0 0 0 Diptera larvae l 0 0 0 0 0 Lepidoptera 0 0 1 0 0 0 Lepidoptera larvae 7 9 3 0 3 0 Hymenoptera - ants i 3 S 2 4 2 Hymenoptera - other 42 38 12 0 | 0 Total 207 161 90 9 52 8 bugs (Hemiptera), flies (Diptera), wasps (Hymenoptera), beetles (Coleoptera), spi- ders (Araneae), and ants (Hymenoptera) in February (Table 1), and in October the descending order of dominance was beetles, flies, wasps, spiders and bugs (Table 1). In terms of numbers of individuals, the most dominant groups were ants, beetles, bugs, flies, thrips (Thysanoptera) and mites (Acarina) in February (Table 1), while bee- tles, flies, bugs and wasps dominated the October sample (Table 1). The reduction in numbers of ants between February and October was most marked. Bark invertebrate fauna In February 1999, a total of 17 morphos- pecies, represented by 64 individuals from 14 orders, was collected from beneath the bark, and 60 morphospecies (1111 individ- uals) were collected in October. A total of 69 morphospecies (1175 individuals) was obtained from the two trees (Table 1). At the morphospecies level, the dominant groups were spiders and ants in February, Vol. 119 (4) 2002 and spiders, bugs, mites, beetles, and ants in October (Table 1). When the number of individuals under bark is considered, the dominant groups in February were ants, spiders and mites (Table 1). In October, the ants still dominated the bark fauna, followed by millipedes (Diplopoda) and pseudoscorpions (Pseudoscorpionida) (Table 1). It is interest- ing to note that only seven invertebrate orders were collected under bark in February compared to 14 orders in October. Differences between February and October Of the 458 morphospecies collected from the canopy, 207 were collected only in February, 161 only in October, and 90 (19.7% of morphospecies) were collected in both February and October. Of the 69 morphospecies collected from beneath bark, nine were collected only in February, 52 only in October, and eight (11.6% of morphospecies) were collected in both February and October (Table 2). 183 Murray River Special Issue Table 3. Number of species only on canopy or on bark, or on both canopy and bark (C^ B). Order Canopy Bark C+B Araneae 33 10 7 Scorpionida 0 1 0 Pseudoscorpionida 1 0 | Acarina | 4 3 Chilopoda 0 l 0 Diplopoda 0 2 0 Collembola | 2 | Thysanura l 0 0 Odonata 3 0 0 Blattodea 3 0 0 Mantodea | 0 0 Orthoptera 6 1 l Phasmatodea l 0 0 Psocoptera 2 I 0 Hemiptera 81 4 6 Thysanoptera 4 0 | Neuroptera 3 0 0 Neuroptera larvae I 0 0 Coleoptera 80 5 2 Coleoptera larvae 9 4 | Strepsiptera 1 0 0 Diptera 85 0 0 Diptera larvae | 0 0 Lepidoptera | 0 0 Lepidoptera larvae 18 l 0 Hymenoptera - ants 7 0 8 Hymenoptera - other 92 1 0 Total 436 37 31 The total numbers of individuals collected from the canopy in February was 4092 compared to 2574 in October (Table 1). The increase was due to more spiders (154 in February: 75 in October), mites (230:19), bugs (646:474) and significantly, ants (1201:115). In contrast, there were more beetles (625:765) and non-ant Hymenoptera (132:274) in October. For the fauna beneath bark, the number of individuals in October was 1111 compared to 64 in February. Practically all invertebrate orders had more individuals beneath bark in October, and the major components were spiders, scorpions, pseudoscorpions, millipedes and ants. These seasonal differences may be attrib- utable to seasonal activity patterns in the different invertebrate groups. Some may simply have been more active at one time of the year, while others may have been utilis- ing different microhabitats or had different patterns of seasonal development. Some species may be inhabiting the soil or litter layers during one season and move into the 184 bark and canopy in another; this could occur for groups such as scorpions and ants. Links between canopy and bark A total of 436 morphospecies were col- lected only from spraying the canopy, 37 morphospecies collected only from beneath bark, while 31 morphospecies were found in both canopy and bark sam- ples (Table 3). However, the canopy spray- ing could have sampled bark invertebrates from further up the tree. River Red Gum invertebrate diversity Stone and Bacon (1994) studied insect herbivores in River Red Gum forests in the nearby Gulpa Island State Forest (NSW). They found 49 species of phytophagous insects in the canopy, and the dominant orders were the Phasmatodea, Hemiptera, Thysanoptera, Coleoptera, Diptera, Lepidoptera and Hymenoptera, In our study, Phasmatodea and Lepidoptera occurred in very low numbers. Majer er al. (2000) used canopy knock- down on four species of eucalypts: Eucalyptus creba and E. moluccana in east- ern Australia and E. marginata and E, calo- phylla in western Australia. They found 27 orders of invertebrates; 967 morphospecies in eastern Australia and 687 morphospecies in western Australia. Their method differed in that their sampling regime involved spraying 10 trees of each species and collec- tions were made with 10 * 0.5 m° funnel- shaped nets under each tree. The procedure was repeated seasonally for four seasons. The larger number of morphospecies col- lected by Majer er al. (2000) may be attrib- utable to the larger number of eucalypt species in their study, more intensive sea- sonal sampling, and geographical differ- ences in the fauna. Eucalyptus camaldulensis is the most widely naturally-occurring species of euca- lypt in Australia. Our study involved two individual trees in one locality, and even allowing for over-estimation of number of morphospecies by distinguishing between immature stages and adults, some 458 mor- phospecies were collected from the canopy and 69 morphospecies from beneath the bark. We could expect this number to increase substantially if the study was repeated to allow for species turnover asso- The Victorian Naturalist ciated with seasonal changes, changes in the state of the tree (e.g. flowering), differences between individual trees in the same area, differences between geographical locations, differences between extreme environments (temperate versus arid), and allowing for the fact that the fauna dwelling within the tim- ber is under-represented. Since European settlement, River Red Gum woodlands have undergone a range of environmental changes such as timber har- vesting, fragmentation, and altered hydrol- ogy regimes. If the effects of these and other changes on the invertebrate fauna of River Red Gums is to be understood, basic information on the composition of the invertebrates associated with River Red Gums over a broad range is required. Acknowledgements The authors wish to thank the following Museum staff and volunteers for assisting with field work: John Coventry, Ross Field, Alan Henderson, Rhys Jones, Carolyn Rasmussen, Chris Rowley, Dean Smith and Rodney Start. The New South Wales Forest Commission pro- vided logistic support in terms of staff assis- tance, chain saw work and use of the cherry Part Two picker, and we wish to thank Geoff Heagney, Nick Saunders, David Leslie, Lisa Whiting, Wayne O'Brien and Paul Childs for their help. The project was undertaken under the conditions of the State Forests of New South Wales Special Purposes Permit No 05352 issued to AL Yen. References Campbell KG (1962) The biology of Roselia lugens (Walk), the gum-leaf skeletonizer moth, with partic- ular reference to the Eucalyptus camaldulensis Dehnh. (River Red Gum) forests of the Murray val- ley region, Proceedings of the Linnean Society of New South Wales 87, 316-338. Chippendale GM (1988) Eucalyptus, Angophora (Myrtaceae), Flora of Australia 19. (Australian Government Publishing Service; Canberra) Collett N (2001) Biology and control of psyllids, and the possible causes for defoliation of Eucalyptus camaldulensis Dehnh. (River Red Gum) in south- eastern Australia. Australian Forestry 64, 88-95. Majer JD, Recher HF and Ganesh S (2000) Diversity pat- terns of eucalypt canopy arthropods in eastern and western Australia, Ecological Entomology 25, 295-306. Majer JD, Recher HF, Wellington AB, Woinarski JCZ and Yen AL (1997) Invertebrates of eucalypt forma- tions, In Eucalypt Ecology: Individuals to Ecosystems, pp 278-302. Eds J Williams and JCZ Woinarski. (Cambridge University Press; Cambridge) Stone C and Bacon PE (1994) Insect herbivory in a River Red Gum (Eucalyptus camaldulensis Dehnh.) forest in southern New South Wales. Journal of the Australian Entomological Society 33, 51-56. Yen AL (2000) Biodiversity in River Red Gum. The Bush Telegraph May-July 2000, 7. The Murray River in The Victorian Naturalist NOTES ON A COLLECTING TRIP TO THE MURRAY AND LODDON RIVERS By C French, Jun. Read before Field Naturalists’ Club of Victoria, 11 January 1897 4th November. — Drove to Salt Lake and caught a couple of Lizards—a Monitor and a lace Lizard, or Iguana; on the latter were noticed a great many ticks similar to the ones found on Opposums and Native Bears. Bee-eaters were seen in numbers, but they were only just commencing to tunnel, and none had eggs. Orange-fronted Ephthianuras were seen in fairly numerous quantities, but though some hours were spent searching round the edges of this lake amongst the Salicornia bushes, only one nest was taken... Much to our gratification a nest of Chestnut-eared Finch was found underneath and attached to a Brown Hawk's nest. 10th November — crossed into New South Wales to work some swampy coun- try ... birds were numerous, amongst which the following were conspicuous: Painted and New Holland Snipe, Dottrel (of four species), Rails (of two species), Bee-eaters, Ibis, Black-tailed Tribonyx, &c. Altogether upwards of 100 different species of birds were noticed. Plants to the number of about seventy were collected, in flower, which was a very fair collec- tion, considering the dry season. Beetles were fairly numerous, about eighty species being collected. Appended are lists of the specimens obtained on our excursions. From The Victorian Naturalist XM (10), January 1897, pp 127-134. Vol. 119 (4) 2002 185 Murray River Special Issue Aquatic Macroinvertebrates of the Murray River Phillip J Suter' and John H Hawking This article is dedicated to the memory of Prof WD (Bill) Williams (1936-2002) whose early books on the aquatic invertebrates of Australian inland waters stimu- lated interest and research on the ecology of these important groups. Abstract The aquatie macroinvertebrate fauna of the Murray River is presented based on surveys and scientif- ic literature. Insects dominate the aquatic macroinvertebrate fauna but the non-insect groups such as the crustaceans, molluscs, worms and other primitive classes are also well represented, The distribu- tion of the fauna is discussed in relation to the four physical and biological zones of the river; the Headwater, Riverine, Mallee and Lower Murray tracts. The biology and ecology of many groups is documented and, where possible, the impacts of human influences on the invertebrates of the Murray River are given. (The Vietorian Naturalist 119 (4), 2002, 186-200) Introduction The aquatic invertebrates are to a certain extent the forgotten fauna of the Murray River. With the exception of the Murray River crayfish and of course the nuisance insects such as mosquitoes the aquatic invertebrates come a distant second to the more obvious aquatic icons such as Murray Cod, Golden Perch, Macquarie Perch and other native fish. However, the aquatic invertebrate fauna are an important component of a healthy functioning river and should not be viewed as just a part of the food supply for fish. The aquatic macroinvertebrates are an essential compo- nent of a functioning aqualic ecosystem. They are primarily decomposers with her- bivores and predators making up the func- tioning feeding groups (Bolton and Brock 1999). Their feeding activities mobilise carbon and energy from plants through to the higher aquatic orders. In addition the aquatic macroinvertebrates have been used successfully as indicators of water quality and river condition (Norris ef al. 2001). The aquatic macroinvertebrate fauna of the Murray River as a whole were not examined systematically until 1980 when the then River Murray Commission com- menced their biological monitoring pro- gramme which is still ongoing today. Over Department of Environmental Management and Ecology, La Trobe University Albury/Wodonga Campus, Cooperative Research Centre for Freshwater Ecology, PO Box 821 Wodonga, Victoria 3689 ' Murray Darling Freshwater Research Centre, Cooperative Research Centre for Freshwater Ecology, PO Box 921 Albury, NSW 2640 186 430 macroinvertebrates taxa were recorded from the Murray River between Jingellic and Lake Alexandrina during 1980-1985 (Bennison ez al. 1989). Insects dominated the aquatic invertebrates with crustaceans, molluses and worms also well represented. Sources of information for this paper include (Bennison er al. 1989; Boulton and Lloyd 1991; Suter er al. 1993) and person- al observations by the authors, Throughout the paper reference will be made to the highly modified flow regimes caused by the consumptive use of water from the river. This has undoubtedly influenced the macroinvertebrate composition and distrib- ution (Geddes 1990; Walker 1990), but detailed discussion of these effects is beyond the scope of this paper. An excel- lent presentation of the hydrological and geomorphological structural changes to the river can be found in Thoms er al. (2000). The Murray River physically and biolog- ically can be divided into four major zones or tracts (Bennison ef al. 1989; Thoms et al, 2000) (Fig. 1); ethe Headwaters tract reaches from the Murray's source to Albury. The gradient of the river is steep and the streams are domi- nated by cobble, boulder and sand sub- strates with little organic material. This zone includes the alpine areas down to the foothills (Fig. 2); * ihe Riverine tract reaches from Albury to the junction of the Edwards River. The gradient is low, the substrate is dominated by sand and silt with moderate levels of organie material and the river flows across 'The Victorian Naturalist South Australia : i Darling River | Murray River \ l \ i 1 | | ren af + i \ Mallee -— Tract N. ow Q Murray | TAM Tract | ! Victoria \ Part Two New South Wales Lachlan River Murrumbidgee River Riverine Tract 5 | A Murray River | p | I A. | ‘a | Headwater~ Tract E Fig. 1. The four physical and biological tracts of the Murray River. a broad floodplain and is multi-channelled with extensive floodplain wetlands; ethe Mallee tract reaches from the Edwards junction to the Darling junction. The low gradient continues, and the sub- strate is sand and silt with moderate levels of organic material. Throughout this tract the river flows along a single narrow watercourse; and ethe Lower Murray tract reaches down- stream of the Darling junction to the Murray mouth (Fig. 3). The river gradient is the lowest in this tract, the substrate is dominated by sand and silt with moderate levels of organic material, and the river is now highly regulated with locks and weirs which have altered the characteristics of the river from lotic to lentic. € 2 Fig. 2. Headwater tract near Jingellic. Vol. 119 (4) 2002 This paper provides an overview of the aquatic macroinvertebrate fauna of the Murray River, including both the main channel and the floodplain wetlands that together constitute the ecological compo- nent and integrity of the river, and relates their distribution to these zones. Cnidaria The Cnidaria is represented in the Murray River by at least three genera, two hydrozoans (Hydra and Cordylophora) and the freshwater jellyfish Craspedacusta sowerbyi. The solitary hydroid Hydra is found in the Riverine, Mallee and Lower Murray Tracts but the colonial hydroid Cordylophora appears restricted to the Lower Murray Tract (Bennison ef al. Fig. 3. Lower Murray tract in South Australia. 187 Murray River Special Issue 1989). Both these genera occur on logs and other such stable substrates. Their distribu- tion may be greater than the artificial sub- strate data suggests but other sampling methods used in rivers may limit the ade- quacy of collections. The freshwater jellyfish Craspedacusta sowerbyi has been recorded in the Hume reservoir but it is rarely seen because it is small (25 mm diameter) and almost trans- parent. This limited distribution in the Murray system may be a product of sam- pling effort. Little is known about this species although Williams (1980) recorded that it is usually found floating near the surface of large freshwater lakes and reser- voirs. Turbellaria (Flatworms) Flatworms are recorded throughout the river from the headwaters to Lake Alexandrina. In the headwaters Spathula sp., a very dark animal, is commonly found on rocks. Ball (1977) recorded that all species of Spathula are found in cool, well oxygenated mountain water. Cura pingus is a lowland species and has been recorded from above Lake Hume to the end of the Murray River. The taxonomy of this group is limited and formal identification requires serial sectioning of properly preserved ani- mals (St Clair et al. 1999), It is highly like- ly that there are more species than these two in the Murray, particularly in the Headwater tract (St Clair et al. 1999). Temnocephalidea The temnocephalans are small oval- shaped animals with 2-6 apical tentacles. The temnocephalans are ectosymbionts on freshwater crayfish. Some species live on the carapace of these large crustaceans and others in the gill chamber where they feed on small insect larvae, rotifers and nema- todes, and algae (Williams 1980). An indi- vidual crayfish can often have multiple species on its body. A study by Cannon and Sewell (1994) suggested that each crayfish species had a distinct temnocepha- lan fauna associated with it. The taxonomy of this group is currently being revised. At least nine species have been recorded from the Murray River with Temnocephala caeca in the Headwater tract and Temnoce- phala chaeropsis mainly trom the Mallee and Lower River tracts. 188 Fig. 4. Tubificid worm Branchiura sowerbyi. Nematomorpha (Horsehair worms) Adult horsehair worms, genus Gordius, have been recorded in pools in the Headwater and Riverine tracts of the Murray River down to Corowa. The larvae and juveniles are parasitic in terrestrial invertebrates (insects) where they encyst after being eaten and later break out of the host as an adult when the host is near water (Williams 1980). Annelida (Worms and leeches) The oligochaetes (segmented worms) are common throughout the Riverine, Mallee and Lower Murray tracts. Worms do occur in the Headwater tract, but numbers are generally low. Bennison er al. (1989) only identified the worms as non-tubifids and tubificids. The non-tubificid worms were abundant in the Riverine and Mallee tracts particularly in the depositional zones where organic material accumulates. The tubificid worms were low in abundance along the length of the river suggesting very low levels of organic pollution. One of the most noticeable tubificid worms is Branchiura sowerbyi, a distinctive hairy- gilled worm recognised by the posterior half having conspicuous gills (Fig. 4). It is common but not abundant in all tracts downstream of Albury occurring in deposi- tional zones where there is a build up of fine organic material. The leeches were represented by two families, Glossiphoniidae and Richard- sonianidae. The Glossiphoniidae are small translucent leeches that prey on inverte- brates particularly freshwater gastropods (Williams 1980) and are low in abundance in the Headwater, Mallee and Lower Murray tracts. The larger Richard- sonianidae were rare in the river and were only recorded in the Lower Murray tract. 'The Victorian Naturalist Part Two Fig. 5. Murray River Mussel A/athyria jacksoni. Mollusca (Snails and mussels) The molluscs are well represented in the Murray River with 5-10% of the communi- ty composition in the main channel of the Headwater tract, but they decline to less than 5% in the Riverine, Mallee and Lower Murray tracts (Bennison ef al. 1989). The distribution of many species may have changed since regulation of the Murray began in the early 1900s (Sheldon and Walker 1993), Bivalvia (Mussels, pea-clams) The small bivalves Sphaerium sp., Pisidium sp. and Corbiculina australis occur in the main channel of the river with Sphaerium most abundant above Lake Hume, Pisidium in the headwater streams and C. australis along the length of the river from the headwaters to Lake Alexandrina. Two large bivalve molluscs are associat- ed with the Murray River. The common riverine mussel Alathyria jacksoni (Vig. 5) occurs in the main stream channel in areas with flow, and the floodplain mussel Velesunio ambiguus is found in the slow or still waters of backwaters and billabongs. In the Lower Murray tract the hydrology has been highly modified by the presence of locks and weirs resulting in stationary/slow flowing reaches rather than a natural flowing river. Walker (1990) sug- gested that this change has provided the opportunity for Velesunio ambiguus (the floodplain species) to invade the main channel of the river at the expense of Alathyria jacksoni (the riverine species). Velesunio ambiguus lives in the calm waters behind the weirs and A. jacksoni in the turbulent waters below the weirs (Walker 1990). A population of a third species of mussel A. condola exists below Lake Mulwala. Vol. 119 (4) 2002 Fig. 6. Gastropod snail. The mussels have a larval stage (glochidia) which is parasitic on fish (Walker 1990) and it is most likely that A. condola has colonised the Murray on fish migrating from the Murrumbidgee River via the Mulwala Canal. Gastropoda (Snails) About 18 species of gastropod molluses or snails (Fig. 6) have been recorded from the lower Murray River and were abundant in the first half of the 20" century (Sheldon and Walker 1993). Recent work along the lower reaches suggests that many species have very low abundances or no longer occur (Bennison ef al. 1989; Boulton and Lloyd 1991; Sheldon and Walker 1993). One such species, Notopala sublineata hanleyi, is a live bearing snail that was common from the lower Murray but now appears extinct in the river. However, an extant population was reported by Sheldon and Walker (1993) taking up residence in the Kingston and Loveday irrigation pipelines near Barmera, South Australia. Sheldon and Walker (1993: 298) suggest that ‘this is possibly the last surviving pop- ulation of N. hanleyi’. In addition a num- ber of other species of snails have a greater abundance in pipelines than in the lower river, including, Ferrissia petterdi, Gabbia australis, Glyptophysa aliciae, Thiara balonnensis and *Angobia angasi’. All these species are detritivores feeding on organic and microbial accumulations and the inside of the pipelines provides ideal habitat compared with the highly regulated lower Murray River (Sheldon and Walker 1993). The pipelines provide the variabili- ty of wetting and drying that once occurred in the lower Murray, but does not occur now due to regulation. This refuge in the irrigation pipelines is also a nuisance for irrigators as the snails can block sprinklers 189 Murray River Special Issue and drip irrigation lines. The sculptured snail Thiara balonnensis still occurs in the river from Lake Mulwala to South Australia but is now rare in the lower reaches of the river except in the irrigation pipelines. The freshwater limpet Ferrissia petterdi is still common throughout the Murray and its flood plain being found in fast flowing waters as well as in billabongs and backwaters. There are seven species of the family Planorbidae represented along the Murray, with riverine and floodplain species. Glyptophysa gibbosa, Isidorella hainesii, Glyptophysa aliciae, Bayardella cosmeta are found mainly in the river, whereas Gyraulus meridionalis, G. tasmanicus and Helicorbis australiensis are more common in the backwaters and billabongs. The riverine species have helicoil shells (nor- mal coiled snail) and the floodplain species have flat, ammonite-like shells. These snails all graze on aquatic plants. Glyptophysa gibbosa, Isidorella hainesii, Gyraulus meridionalis, Helicorbis aus- traliensis, Glyptophysa aliciae and Bayardella cosmeta, occur along the length of the Murray whereas G. fasmani- cus only occurs in streams of the upper Headwater tract. Regulation has been implicated in the loss of aquatic plants in the Murray River (Thoms et al. 2000) par- ticularly where there is raised turbidity reducing light availability (Lower Murray tract) and river bank erosion (Riverine, Mallee and Lower Murray tracts). This reduction of aquatic plants in the main channel may also have affected the distrib- ution of the planorbid snails. In floodplain wetlands where the aquatic plants are still abundant the planorbid snails still can be found. A number of introduced gastropod snails have successfully colonised the Murray River. Physa acuta, a snail introduced from Europe or North America, was known from only the lower Murray prior to 1970 (Smith and Kershaw 1979). However, this species has spread the length of the Murray and now competes with the planorbid snails and in many cases has replaced the native species. Bennison ef al. (1989) recorded the planor- bid snails /sidorella sp. and Physastra gib- bosa downstream of the Hume weir until 190 Fig. 7. The water mite Peza ops 1980 after which it was replaced by Physa acuta. Potamopyrgus niger was introduced from New Zealand and occurs in the lower Murray tract. It is possible that this species will also become widespread throughout the Murray and its tributaries. Arachnida (Water mites) Water mites are a common fauna of the Murray River and its floodplain wetlands but are not well documented because they are difficult to identify. Reliable identifica- tion of water mites of the Headwater tract has shown that there are representatives of three major groups: Hydracarina, Halacaroidea and Oribatida. The last two groups are few in number with only single species of each group being recorded, whereas the Hydracarina are abundant and diverse. An unknown species of Orabatida is commonly collected from gravel beds in the river, Also commonly collected is the halacaroidean Peza ops, a terrestrial-like mite, whose gnathosoma has a long, curved, slender rostrum, with the pedipalps inserted above the rostrum (Fig. 7). The common Hydracarina are Coaustralio- bates, Austroliobates, Killimobates, Flabellifrontipoda. Hydroma and Unionicola, Watermites are also common in floodplain wetlands with over 20 mor- pho-species recorded from wetlands along the Murray in South Australia (Suter ef al. 1993). Water mites have also been found para- sitising the freshwater mussels, with six species being associated with Velesunio ambiguus and 3 of those with Alathyria The Victorian Naturalist z + " * Fig. 8. The Common Yabby Cherax destructor jacksoni. Five species of the genus Unionicola have only been recorded from the Murray in South Australia. The sixth, Unionicolopsis opimipalpis, has been found on V. ambiguus collected from the Murray River near Albury (Viets 1980). Crustacea (Shrimp, yabbies and crabs) The erustaceans are a major component of the aquatie invertebrate fauna of the Murray River, and are the dominant inver- tebrate group in the lowland tracts of the river. In the Headwater, Riverine and Mallee tracts the Crustacea represent between 2-5% of the aquatic invertebrate community, but in the Lower Murray tract the proportion of crustaceans increases to 10-15% of the macroinvertebrate commu- nity (Bennison et al. 1989). Amphipoda (Sideswimmers, scuds) The amphipods, side swimmers or scuds, are small fast swimming crustaceans that have a very distinct distribution in the Murray River. Generally they are rarely found in the main channel upstream of the Darling River junction. Amphipods become a major component of the lower river fauna in South Australia with Austrochiltonia spp. and two species of gammarid amphipods reaching high abun- dances downstream of Morgan. Decapoda (Yabbies, crayfish, shrimps and prawns) Shrimps and prawns are represented along the Murray River by three species, Paratya australiensis, Macrobrachium australiense and Caridina mecullochi. AN three species occur in both the main chan- nel and floodplain wetlands. Paratya becomes more abundant in the main chan- nel in the lower sections of the river sys- tem and this could be a response to altered Vol. 119 (4) 2002 Part Two Ihe Murray Crayfish Euustacus Fig. 9. armatus. flow regime due to the presence of locks and weirs, In contrast, Macrobrachium is more prevalent in the foothills of the Headwater tract. Caridina is rare at all sites along the river. The Murray River has two species of freshwater crayfish, the Common Yabby Cherax destructor (Fig. 8) and the Murray River Crayfish Euastacus armatus (Fig. 9). Both species are omnivores feeding on detritus, algal biofilm and carrion. The yabby is the smaller of the two species (7250 g in weight; Geddes 1990) and is common in billabongs, backwaters and other wetlands on the floodplain. Following floods, numbers can increase rapidly and large numbers are caught from wetlands along the floodplain. Cherax destructor now occurs in the main channel of the river in the Lower River tract where the locks and weirs have changed the flow regime from a river to a series of long nar- row lakes. The Murray River crayfish is the second largest freshwater crayfish in the world (reaching up to 3 kg in weight; Geddes 1990) second only to the giant freshwater crayfish As/acopsis gouldi from Tasmania. It lives in the main channel of the river and tributaries where flow rates are higher. Geddes (1990) noted that C. destructor is adapted to slow flowing, warm water and is active in the warmer months (September to May) whereas, Æ. armatus is adapted to cool waters and strong. flowing rivers and is active in the cooler months (May to October) when oxygen concentrations are high. The occurrence of the two species in the Murray River follows a similar pattern to the mussels with the riverine species (X. armatus) being replaced by the floodplain species (C. desiructor) in those sections of 191 Murray River Special Issue the river which are controlled by the locks and weirs, Geddes (1990) suspects that natural populations of E. armatus are now extinct in South Australia. The distribution of the Murray River crayfish is also influ- enced by fishing pressure and habitat mod- ification. Snags in the Murray River pro- vide large stable substrates for macroinver- tebrates and both number of species and abundance is higher on snags than on the associated river bed (Lloyd et al. 1991). The removal of over 13 million snags from the river (Thoms ef al. 2000) not only has affected the fish populations but also the macroinvertebrates, and most probably the Murray River crayfish. The small spider crab Amarinus lacustris is commonly found in streams with elevat- ed salinities. This species is only found in the lower Murray downstream of Murray Bridge where it lives in the roots of the willow trees that dominate the riparian zone. Syncarida The syncarids are primitive crustaceans that lack a carapace over their thorax and although extinct syncarids were marine inhabitants all living forms are now restricted to fresh waters (Williams 1980). A single specimen of a syncarid crustacean Koonunga sp. has been recorded from the Murray River near Albury. Syncarids of this genus are usually associated with deep hyporheic gravels, and so are rarely found in rivers unless washed out during high flows. Isopoda Two species of isopod occur in the Murray River, Heterias pusilla and Tachaea picta. H. pusilla is a small isopod which lives in fine organic deposits in the Riverine, Mallee and Lower Murray tracts. They are occasionally recorded from the upper catchment, but they generally are rare. Tachaea picta has a more restricted distribution occurring only in the Lower Murray tract downstream of the Darling junction, but rarely downstream of Morgan. The distribution of Tachaea is usually restricted to the Darling River where it is parasitic on shrimps and prawns, During Darling River flood, Tachaea picta is washed into South 192 Australia and becomes common in the lower Murray River. Insecta The insects are the dominant macroinver- tebrate fauna in the Murray River repre- senting over 70% of the communities in the main channel and wetlands in all tracts. Ephemeroptera (Mayflies) The mayflies are a primitive order of insect with an aquatic nymphal stage and two terrestrial winged stages, the subimago and imago or spinner. They are diverse in the Murray River with over 20 species being recorded along its length but they represent less than 5% of the aquatic com- munity. The number of species present declines along the river’s length with approximately 15 species in the Headwater tract, less than ten species at Albury and downstream in the Riverine tract and only four species downstream of the Darling River junction. This reduction in taxa can also be seen at the generic level with Coloburiscidae (Coloburiscoides) Onisci- gastridae (Tasmanophlebia) Baetidae (Edmundsiops) Caenidae (/rpacaenis and Tasmanocoenis) and the Leptophlebiidae (Atalophlebia, Nousia, Koorrnonga, Ulmerophlebia, Neboissophlebia and Austrophlebioides) common in the Headwater tract. In the Riverine tract downstream of Albury only Atalophlebia, Neboissophlebia, Edmundsiops, Irpacaenis and Tasmanocoenis are found. Atalo- phlebia, Cloeon and Tasmanocoenis are the only genera that occur in the Lower Murray tract. The reduction of taxa may reflect a natural gradient from upland to lowland river conditions as Coloburis- coides, Edmundsiops, Nousia, Koor- rnonga, Austrophlebioides and Neboisso- phlebia all occur in cool, highly oxygenat- ed flowing streams that are usually associ- ated with upland reaches. The genera Atalophlebia, Cloeon and Tasmanocoenis are more commonly associated with warm, slow flowing habitats. Pardo et al. (1998) recorded a decline in mayfly diversity in the Mitta Mitta River downstream of Dartmouth dam (11 species) compared with an unregulated trib- utary (17 species). There were fewer lep- tophlebiid mayflies in the regulated com- The Victorian Naturalist pared with the unregulated river. They argued that the pattern of flow and cold water releases in summer in the regulated Mitta Mitta Rivers adversely affected the mayfly community. The relative abundance of nymphs of Coloburiscoides was not dra- matically affected by the regulated flows (21% in unregulated and 27% in regulated), but Edmundsiops hickmani declined from 53% to 13% (Pardo et al. 1998). These two species are restricted to the fast flowing mountain streams where they are found on rocks or on logs in the fast flowing water. Coloburiscoides wedge their bodies between rocks using the spines on their gills as anchors (Dean and Suter 1996) and use the long hairs on their legs and mouth- parts to trap particles of organic material flowing by in the fast flowing water. The two genera of the Baetidae recorded in the Murray River, Edmundsiops and Cloeon, occupy the lotic and lentic habitats respectively. Edmundsiops is restricted to the upper catchment, whereas Cloeon is associated with the lower tracts in station- ary waters and wetlands particularly in beds of aquatic plants. The nymphs of the Oniscigastridae (Tasmanophlebia) occur in standing waters and slow flowing reaches of rivers and streams from the mountains to near sea level. They are normally found on sandy substrates (Dean and Suter 1996), but they do not occur downstream of Albury in the Murray. The caenid mayflies, the smallest mayflies in Australia, are found along the river's length and also in the floodplain habitats, These mayflies are detritivores and live in silt and sand particularly on logs and in leaves on the bottom. They are rarely seen as they emerge from the river to fly as dusk falls and they only fly for a short period, maybe two to three hours, during the night. Swarms may continue all night but emergence ceases as the sun starts to rise. Dawn swarms continue for an hour or two after sunrise. The caenids are poor fliers and dispersal is also restricted. Five species are commonly found along the Murray River. /rpacaenis deani and an undescribed species Tasmanocoenis sp. B is found in the Headwater tract down to Albury; Tasmanocoenis sp. B, Tasmano- coenis tillyardi, Tasmanocoenis tonnoiri Vol. 119 (4) 2002 Part Two and Tasmanocoenis arcuata occur from Albury downstream to Echuca; and Tasmanocoenis tillyardi and Tasmano- coenis arcudta are common in the Riverine, Mallee and Lower Murray tracts. The two headwater species /. deani and Tasmanocoenis sp. B appear to be influ- enced by inter-basin transfers of water from the Snowy River catchment. Irpacaenis deani has higher abundances above the transfer point at Khancoban and Tasmanocoenis sp. B increases down- stream of the transfer point (McInerney 2000). In years when transfer volumes are high Tasmanocoenis sp. B abundances increase and years when transfer volumes are low favours /rpacaenis deani. Odonata (Damselflies and dragonflies) The dragonflies and damselflies have aquatic larval stages and terrestrial adults, Sixteen species of damselflies and 28 species of dragonflies have been recorded from the Murray River and its floodplain. They represent less than 5% of the macroinvertebrate community in the main channel of the river (Bennison ef al. 1989), but up to 10% in the wetlands. Many of the species are obligate stream-dwellers, restricted to the flowing part of the river channel. However, downstream from Echuca the river flow has been reduced by the construction of many locks which form large impoundments of still-waters which have allowed colonisation by standing water species. In the montane section of the Headwater tract the damselflies (Zygoptera) are restricted to three species, Austro- argiolestes calcaris, A. icteromelas and Synlestes weyersii. The fauna changes after Khancoban to a valley fauna, with Nososticta solida and Rhadinosticta sim- plex the dominant damselflies down the length of the river with Pseudagrion aure- ofrons from Lake Mulwala to South Australia. The floodplain wetlands contain standing water species Xanthagrion ery- throneurum, Austrolestes analis, A. leda, Ischnura heterosticta and I. aurora. The dominant species of dragonflies (Anisoptera) in the upper montane reaches of the Headwater tract are dustroaeschna flavomaculata, and Synthemis eustalacta the larvae of which survive the winter 193 Murray River Special Issue snow conditions. Below the snow line the dragonfly fauna is characterised by the gomphids Austrogomphus guerini, Hemigomphus gouldii, the aeshnids, Austroaeshna atrata, A. inermis, A. pul- chra and the synthemistid, Eusynthemis brevistyla. The fauna changes after Khancoban to a valley Austroaeschna unicornis, Austrogomphus ochraceus, Apocordulia macrops, Cordulephya pygmaea and Eusynthemis virgula. Austroaeschna unicornis ranges from the Khancoban valley reach through to South Australia, whereas the other species are only common to above Lake Mulwala, except for 4. macrops which has been recently collected from the Barmah Forest, near Mathoura (Hawking unpubl, data). The gomphid A. ochraceus is replaced by its congener 4. australiae from Lake Mulwala to the lower reaches in South Australia. Memicordulia tau is very abundant in the lakes and locks but it also found along the total length of the river. The opportunistic species, Hemianax papuensis (Fig. 10), Orthetrum cale- donicum, Diplacodes bipunctata and D. haematodes, can be found in the slow flowing and backwater areas of the lower Murray now occurring in both the wet- lands and main channel. Plecoptera (Stoneflies) Stoneflies are cold water adapted and the nymphs of most stoneflies occur through- out winter and spring, and are rarely found during summer. McInerney (2000) record- ed reduced abundance of stoneflies in spring to summer as they emerged to terres- trial adults. Stoneflies are generally found in fast flowing cool water streams and rarely oceur in wetlands on the floodplain. av. Fig. 10. Larva of the dragonfly Hemianax papuensis, 194 fauna of Therefore they are almost all restricted to the Headwater tract where their relative abundance is less than 5% of the macroin- vertebrate community. Stoneflies do occur in the Riverine tract in areas of fast flows and usually a constricted river channel (e.g. the Barmah Choke). The Murray River fauna has representatives from four fami- lies, with the Gripoterygidae being domi- nant with at least 15 species in the genera Dinotoperla, Riekoperla, Newmanoperla, Illiesoperla and Leptoperla. MclInerney (2000) recorded abundant Dinotoperla ser- ricauda and Riekoperla rugosa down- stream of the Khancoban pondage due to the reduced temperature of the water from the Snowy inter basin transfer. Downstream of Albury stoneflies are rare with Dinotoperla serricauda being record- ed in the Mallee tract where the velocity of water is high. In the lower river tract only one species has been found. Dinotoperla evansi was recorded in the Murray River near Murray Bridge. This warm water species also lives in farm dams (Suter and Bishop 1990) and may well have colonised the lower Murray from this source, The other families represented are the Austroperlidae, Notonemouridae and Eustheniidae. The Eustheniidae are preda- tory stoneflies and are represented by three genera, Cosmioperla, Thaumatoperla and Eusthenia. These large insects are only found high in the headwaters of the upland tributaries of the Murray River. Also only in the headwater tributaries are the Notonemouridae (Austrocerca tasmanica) and the Austroperlidae (Austropentura vic- toriae, and Acruroperla atra). Acruroperla atra is found associated with accumula- tions of dead leaves or leaf packs in pools in the upper catchment. Megaloptera (Dobsonflies) The Corydalidae are large (up to 50 mm) predatory aquatic insects with a short lived terrestrial adult. They are represented in the Murray River by a single species Archichauliodes (Riekochauliodes) gut- tiferus (Walker) which is restricted to the Headwater tract where the river is fast flowing and the substrate is dominated by rocks and cobbles overlying sand. Archichauliodes larvae can also be found under rocks in dry stream beds in upper catehment intermittent streams. The Victorian Naturalist Fig. 11. A backswimmer (Notonectidae). Hemiptera (True bugs) Aquatic bugs are characteristic of still waters and backwaters, and so are often associated with wetlands rather than rivers. In the Murray over 30 species are recorded from along the bank edge of the main river usually in areas where flows are slow but their relative abundance is less than 5%. The aquatic bugs are nearly all predators and consume gaseous oxygen from the air rather than dissolved oxygen from within the water. They lay their eggs in or on plants or attached to a firm substrate (Lansbury and Lake 2002) and the females of one genus of giant water bugs (Belostomatidae: Diplonychus) lay their eggs on the back of the males (Hawking and Smith 1997). The aquatic bugs occupy two distinct habitats, being either fully aquatic or surface dwellers. The fully aquatic bugs are dominated by the water boatmen (Corixidae), with Micronecta, Sigara, and Agraptocorixa the most common genera, and the backswim- mers (Notonectidae; Fig. 11) represented in the Murray River by Anisops and Enithares. Micronecta annae is common along the whole length of the river and in floodplain wetlands. M. gracilis and M. robusta are also common in the Riverine, Mallee and Lower Murray tracts. In the main channel of the Murray, Sigara sublaevifrons and Agraptocorixa hirtifrons appear restricted to the Headwater tract, but it is widespread in wetlands from Albury to South Australia (Suter et al, 1993). Sigara truncatipala is restricted to the Lower Murray tract where- as Agraptocorixa eurynome was throughout the river's length. Four other families, Nepidae, Naucoridae and Belostomatidae (Fig. 12) and Pleidae Vol. 119 (4) 2002 Part Two Fig. 12. The giant water bug Diplonychus eques (Belostomatidae). are also fully aquatic and occur in the Murray, but usually are rare and mainly associated with floodplain wetlands. The Nepidae are represented by the water scor- pion (Laecotrephes tristis) and the needle bug (Ranatra dispar). These are large species (up to 50 mm) with a long respira- tory tube extending from their abdomen which enables them to hunt below the water surface and breath air through the tube which they extend beyond the surface tension of the water. The giant water bug Diplonychus eques (Belostomatidae) and the creeping water bug Maucoris congrex (Naucoridae) are also quite large (>15 mm long) and occur in macrophytes particular- ly in floodplain wetlands. As the name suggests the pygmy backswimmers (Pleidae) are quite small (<2.5 mm) which makes this group rarely seen, but they do occur in wetlands along the Murray. The surface dwelling bugs include the water striders Tenagogerris, Rheumato- metra, and Limnogonus (Gerridae), the small water striders Microvelia (Veliidae), the water — treaders Mesovelia (Mesoveliidae) and the water measurers Hydrometra (Hydrometridae). These taxa occur in both the main channel and flood- plain wetlands of the Murray River. Tenagogerris euphrosyne and Rheumato- metra philarete occur in the Headwater tract and Limnogonus sp in the Riverine, Mallee and Lower river tracts. Microvelia oceanica occurs in the Riverine tract, Microvelia peramoena along the full length of the river including floodplain wetlands and Mesovelia hungerfordi is found in all tracts of the Murray both in the river and its wetlands. 195 Murray River Special Issue Neuroptera (Lacewings) There are two families of lacewings that oecur in the Murray River, the Osmylidae and the Sisyridae. The osmylids (Kempynus sp.) are often found on large rocks and boulders in the splash zone in small upland streams, and have not been recorded downstream of Jingellic. The sisyrids or sponge flies (Sisyra sp.) occur in the Murray but are rarely found as they live in sponges on logs or rocks. Sponge- flies lay their eggs on vegetation overhang- ing a stream and the emergent larvae drop to the water and swim to a freshwater sponge. The larvae use their long straight jaws to probe the sponge tissue and feed on the contents (New 1991). They have been collected from logs in the Barmah- Millewa forest but may be more wide- spread, wherever sponges occur. Coleoptera (Beetles) Bennison ef al. (1989) recorded the bee- tles as the second most species rich group of aquatic macroinvertebrates in the Murray River. Over 90 species were recorded with greatest richness in the Headwater and Riverine tracts. The beetles represented 15- 2095 of the composition of the macroinver- tebrate community in the Headwater tract, less than 1594 in the Riverine tract, less than 394 in the Mallee tract and less than 1096 in the Lower Murray tract. Both the riffle bee- tles (Elmidae) and tiger beetles (Dytiscidae) dominated the Headwater tract but many species of the tiger beetles were also com- mon in the Riverine, Mallee and Lower Murray tracts, particularly in the floodplain wetlands. The riffle beetles can be found feeding on algae attached to logs and rocks in fast flowing streams in the upper catchment where they are both abundant and species rich. The headwater streams have at least 10 species within the genera Kingolus, Simsonia, Notriolus and Austrolimnius. Downstream of Albury the numbers of species and genera declines with only Kingolus, Austrolimnius and Coxelmis (total of five species) in the Riverine tract and only a single species of Kingolus and Coxelmis in the Mallee and Lower Murray tracts. In the lower gradient stretches of the Murray the elmids are found associated with logs and snags. 196 The predatory diving/tiger beetles (Fig. 13) are very active hunters that use gaseous oxygen to breathe and therefore must return often to the water surface to replenish their oxygen supply. They are usually associated with pool or pond habi- tats, Tiger beetles range from small (<5 mm), medium (5-15 mm) to large (15-34 mm). The small species in the Murray River include Antiporus with three species in the headwaters (4. blakei, A. femoralis and A. gilberti), but only a single species, A. gilberti, downstream of Albury. Liodessus gemellus, L. amabalis and Sternopriscus multimaculatus occur in the Lower Murray tract, whilst Limbodessus compactus and Allodessus bistrigatus are found along the full river's length. The medium sized tiger beetles include Rhantus suturalis found in the Headwater and Riverine tracts only, and the wide- spread Eretes australis and Megaporus sp that are found in wetlands in all tracts and occasionally in the main channel. The large predatory diving beetles Cybister sp has only been recorded from the Mallee tract. Diptera (True flies) The true flies are the most species rich of the aquatic insects in the Murray River with 158 different species recorded by (Bennison ef al, 1989). It is likely that the number of species of dipterans is higher than this due to the improvements in the taxonomic literature since the study. The flies represented between 20 and 30% of the total species composition in the Headwater tract, but increased their domi- nance in the Riverine and Mallee tracts with 40 to 50% of the total species rich- ness. In the lower Murray tract the impor- Fig, 13. The tiger beetle Sternopriseus (Dytiscidae). The Victorian Naturalist tance of the dipterans declined to between 30 and 40%. Adults of the biting midges (Ceratopo- gonidae), blackflies (Simuliidae) and mos- quitoes (Culicidae) are the main nuisance insects associated with the river. The lar- vae of the ceratopogonids are found along the length of the Murray, but there are more species in the Riverine and Mallee tracts than in the Headwater or lower Murray tracts. These animals are more fre- quently found in the drying mud of wet- lands and in the lower Murray in saline seepages along the cliffs near irrigation areas where they can cause significant nui- sance value (e.g. Loxton; Suter unpub- lished data). The blackflies are usuallv associated with flowing water and firm sta- ble substrates like rocks and logs. There are few species in the Murray all upstream of Swan Hill, with Austrosimulium furio- sum in the Headwater tract, Austro- simulium montanum, A. bancrofti, Simu- lium ornatipes and Simulium nicholsoni in the Riverine tract. Mosquitoes are rare in the main channel of the Murray River, but they do breed on the floodplain particular- ly following floods when water becomes trapped in isolated pools and ponds. The non-biting midges (Chironomidae) are the most diverse of the dipterans, and are found in all habitats along the length of the river. There are predatory midges (Tanypodinae), organic feeders (Chironominae, blood worms), filter feed- ers (Chironominae, Tanytarsini) and wood borers (Chironominae). The wood borer Stenochironomus watsoni is found in all iracts of the river associated with logs and submerged bark [rom riparian trees. Many of the filter feeders (Kiefferulus martini, Rheotanytarsus spp. and Tanytarsus spp.) also are associated with logs and snags where they build tubes from which they can catch organic material flowing past. Rheotanytarsus spp., which are only found in the Headwater tract, construct a silk net attached to its tube to trap its food. The Chironominae dominate the Riverine, Mallee and Lower Murray tracts. An interesting observation was made by Pettigrove (1989) that the larvae of Procladius paludicola showed abnormali- ties of the mouthparts in the Mallee region of the Murray River. Similar abnormalities Vol. 119 (4) 2002 Part Two have been shown to be associated with exposure to chemicals such as heavy met- als and pesticides (Madden er al. 1995; Madden ef al. 1992: Warwick 1990). In the lower Murray tract P. paludicola is rare in the main channel of the river, but is the major predacious midge in saline evapora- tion basins and other wetlands on the floodplain (Suter et al. 1993; Suter et al. 1995). This species is also abundant in rice fields and with Chironomus tepperi can attain very high numbers and become a nuisance insect. Chironomus tepperi is an early coloniser of wetlands following floods and can attain very high numbers providing a primary food supply for native waterfowl (Maher and Carpenter 1984). However, in rice fields these large num- bers can cause damage to the rice crop (Stevens 1995) thereby escalating these beneficial insects to an economic nuisance, The rapid colonisation and population growth of C. tepperi in floodplain wetlands and rice fields appears associated with the high levels of organie material present in the sediment (Suter er a/. 1995). Trichoptera (Caddisflies/Casemoths) The caddisflies have a terrestrial stage that resembles a moth, but the larvae are aquatic and construct a diverse array of cases in which they live. In the main channel of the Murray the caddisflies represent approxi- mately 1596 of the aquatic community in the Headwater tract and between 5-15% in the Riverine, Mallee and Lower Murray tracts (Bennison ef al. 1989). Although they are found in a wide range of habitats the greatest number of species occur in cool flowing streams and as such have a very distinct upper catchment distribution in the aquatic macroinvertebrate community of the Murray River. At least 12 families (Atriplectididae, Calamoceratidae, Calocidae/Helicophidae, Conoesucidae, Ecnomidae, Hydrobiosidae, Hydropsychidae, Hydroptilidae, Leptocer- idae, Limnephilidae, Odontoceridae, Philorheithridae) with 730 species of caddis- flies are recorded from the Headwater tract whereas the Riverine, Mallee and Lower Murray tracts have only 3 families present (Ecnomidae, Hydroptilidae and Leptoceridae) with fewer than 15 species. The caddisflies are sensitive to environ- mental change, particularly in the high 197 Murray River Special Issue quality waters of the upper catchment. They have a diverse range of habitat use and diet and so alteration to water quality, hydrology or addition of pollutants affects their community structure. McInerney (2000) found that there was a reduction of the community structure of the caddisflies as a response to the inter-basin transfer of water from the Snowy Scheme. The preda- cious caddisflies Taschorema evansi and Ecnomina sp. show a reduction in abun- dance downstream of the inter-basin water transfer while the leptocerid caddisflies Triplectides ciuskus and Triaenodes sp. became more abundant downstream of the inflows. The diet of larval caddisflies can be divided into three main types based on method of collection of food (Neboiss 1991). There are the net spinners, (Hydropsychidae) that construct silken retreats with a silk net at the entrance used to capture organic particles carried past in the current. The Hydropsychidae (Fig. 14) are almost restricted to the Headwater tract where three species of Cheumatopsyche and one species of Diplectrona occur. However, Cheumatopsyche also occurs downstream of Hume and Yarrawonga weirs where there is fast flowing water. The case makers (Calamoceratidae, Calocidae, Helicophidae, Conoesucidae, Hydroptilidae, Leptoceridae, Limno- philidae, Odontoceridae and Philorheith- ridae) shred and chew on leaves, or graze on algae. The Leptoceridae is the most species rich family in the Murray. In the headwaters at least 12 species are found mainly in the genera Notalina (5 spp.) Triplectides (4 spp.), Oecetis (2 spp.) and Triaenodes (1 sp.). Triplectides australis and Triplectides australicus occur along the length of the Murray with T. australis mainly in the main channel and T. australi- cus in the floodplain wetlands. Lectrides varians, an endemic species to South Australia, occurs in the lower Murray near Murray Bridge. The third group include the free living Ecnomidae and Hydrobiosidae. Species in these families are predators. The ecnomids occur throughout the river and its flood- plain, but at the species level there are dis- tinct changes from headwaters to Lake Alexandrina. In the headwaters three 198 "E i» & - Pip has" na " 4 Fig. 14. Larva of the Hydropsychidae (Tri- choptera). species occur with Eenomus pansus, E. continentalis, and Ecnomina F sp. AV9 (Cartwright 1997) common in the rivers and streams, but downstream of Albury Æ. pansus is only found in the Riverine and Mallee tracts. In the Albury area E. pansus occurs in the main channel of the river and E. turgidus and E. cygnitus are found in wetlands on the floodplain. In South Australia E. pansus and E, russellius are both in the main channel and E. turgidus occurs with E. pansus in the wetlands. Lepidoptera (Aquatic moths) Moths of the family Pyralidae, subfamily Nymphulinae (Fig. 15), are the only lepi- dopteran group to have aquatic larvae or aquatic caterpillars (Hawking 2001), The taxonomy of this group is still in its infan- cy although recent work has enabled dif- ferent species to be recognised (Hawking 2001). Five species of pyralid are found along the Murray River. One species inhabits rocks in the fast flow regions of the Headwater tract. The larvae construct silk retreats on rocks and feed on the attached algae on the rock surface. In con- trast the other four species are found on macrophytes. Three species occur in the ribbonweed beds (Vallisnera) in the fast flow of the upper Murray from Khancoban to Yarrawonga. They construct a case of Vallisnera strips attached to the plant leaf blades. One species is restricted to the pondweed Potamogeton in the slow flow- ing areas. The larvae construct a case by cutting a section of leaf and folding it back onto the leaf. This species is common in the Potamogeion beds of lower Murray River from Echuca to Woods Point. 'The Victorian Naturalist Fig. 15. Pyralid larva in its case (Nymphulinae). Conclusion This paper has attempted to give an overview of the aquatic macroinvertebrate fauna of the Murray River without attempting to give an assessment of the condition of the river. Norris et al. (2001) recently concluded that the macroinverte- brate communities along the Murray River from Dartmouth Dam to Lake Alexandrina were in poor condition. They also high- lighted the absence of pristine or minimal- ly modified sites in lowland rivers in the Murray Darling Basin and recommended caution in the interpretation of the results. The current distribution of the macroinver- tebrates has certainly been modified hy the influence of regulation, particularly in the Lower Murray tract where the river now is a series of narrow lakes and some species have benefited at the expense of others (e.g. the yabby replacing the Murray cray- fish), and introduced species have success- fully invaded the river (e.g. Physa acuta). However, it is not possible to determine the extent of modification of the inverte- brate fauna because there are only limited data prior to construction of the locks and weirs. In addition, the other lowland rivers in the Murray Darling Basin with which the Murray communities could be com- pared are also affected by regulation. This lack of a reference condition limits the ability to assess the condition of the Murray but we are now in the position to monitor the effects of management deci- sions (e.g. environmental flows) on the aquatic macroinvertebrate communities of the Murray River. Vol. 119 (4) 2002 Part Two References Ball IR (1977) A monograph of the genus Spathula (Platyhelminthes: Turbellaria: Tricladida). Australian Journal af Zoology, Supplementary Series 47, 1-43, Bennison GL, Hillman TJ and Suter PJ (1989) Macroinvertebrates of the River Murray (Survey and Monitoring: 1980-1985); Water Quality Report No 3. Murray Darling Basin Commission, Canberra, Boulton AJ and Lloyd LN (1991) Macroinvertebrate assemblages in floodplain habitats of the lower River Murray, South Australia. Regulated Rivers Research & Management 6, 183-201. 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Ed P Cranston, (CSIRO Publications: East Melbourne) Madden CP, Suter PJ Nicholson BC and Austin AD (1992) Deformities in chironomid larvae as indicators of pollution (pesticide) stress. Netherlands Journal of lguatie Ecology 26, 551-557 Maher MT and Carpenter SM (1984) Benthic studies of waterfowl breeding habitat in south-western New South Walaes. I. Chironomid populations. Australian Journal of Marine and Freshwater Research 35, 97-110. McInerney, PJ (2000) The effects of inter-basin water transfer from the Snowy River to the Swampy Plain and Murray Rivers on the Ephemeroptera, Plecoptera and Irichoptera. (Unpublished Honours thesis, La Trobe University, Wodonga) Neboiss A (1991) Trichoptera. In The inseets of Australia, pp 787-816. (Melbourne University Press: Melbourne) New TR (1991) Neuroptera, In The Insects of Australia, pp 525-542, (Melbourne University Press: Melbourne) Norris RH, Liston P, Davies N, Coysh J, Dyer F, Linke S, Prosser | and Young B (2001) Snapshot of the Murray- Darling Basin River Condition, (Murray Darling Basin Commission: Canherra) Pardo 1, Campbell 1C, and Brittain JI: (1998) Influence of dam operation on mayfTy assemblage structure and lile his- tories in two south-eastern Australian streams. Regulated Rivers Research & Management 14, 285-295 199 Murray River Special Issue Pettiprove V (1989) Larval mouthpart deformities in Procladius paludicola Skuse (Diptera: Chironomidae) from the Murray and Darling Rivers, Australia Hydrobiologia VIS, 111-117, St Clair R, Doep | and Winsor L (1999) A survey of Spatula tryssa Wall and other freshwater flatworms in the Victorian Alps with an evaluation of the conserva- tion status of each species, Proceedings of the Royal Societv of Vietoria 111, 43-49, Sheldon F and Walker KE (1993) Pipelines as a refuge for freshwater snails, Regulated Rivers Research & Management 8, 295-299, Smith, BJ and Kershaw RC (1979) Field Guide to the Non-marine Molluses of South-castern Australia (Australian University Press: Canberra) Stevens MM (1995) Biology and control of. Chironomus tepperi Skuse, a pest of rice in New South Wales, In Chironomids: Prom genes to ecosystems, pp 235-239, Ed P Cranston, (CSIRO Publishers: East Melbourne) Suter PJ and Bishop JE (1990) Stoneflies (Plecoptera) ol South Australia, In Mayv/lies and Stoneflies: Life Histories and Bioloyy, pp 189-207. Ed 1 € Campbell (Kluwer Academie Publishers: Dordrecht) Suter PJ, Goonan PM, Beer JA and Thompson TH (1993) | biological and physico-chemical monitoring study of wetlands from the River Murray flood plain in South Australia. (Australian Centre for Water Quality Research: Adelaide) Suter PJ, Goonan PM, Beer JA and Thompson TB (1995) The response of chironomid populations to flooding and drying in flood plain wetlands of the lower River Murray in South Australia, In Chironomids: From genes to ecosystems, pp 185-195. Ed P Cranston, (CSIRO Publishers: Fast Melbourne) Thoms M, Suter P, Roberts J, Koehn J, Jones G, Hillman T and Close A (2000) Report of the River Murray Scientific Panel on Environmental Flows, River Murray Dartmouth to Wellington and the Lower Darling River. Murray-Darling Basin Commission, Canberra, Viets KO (1980) New Unionicolidae (Acari, Hydrochnellae) from Australia. Transactions of the Royal Society of South Australia 104, 27-40. Walker KF (1990) Mussels, In The Murray, pp 309-307. Eds N Mackay and D Eastburn. (Murray Darling Basin Commission: Canberra) Warwick WF (1990) The use of morphological deformi» fies in chironomid larvae For biological effects monitor- Institute, Saskatoon, Williams WD (1980) Australian Freshwater Life; The invertebrates of Australian inland waters. (Macmillan Company of Australia Pty Ltd: South Melbourne) The Swamp Yabby (Cherax sp.) of the Murray River Catchment 1 Geoffrey N Edney', Dale Gi McNeil and Susan H Lawler Abstraet The Swamp Yabby has been recently collected from Barmah State Forest, the Ovens River, Victoria and Deniliquin, NSW. Here we present the species in general terms and provide figures for identili- cation, The Swamp Yabby differs from other Cherax species both in morphology and ecology. This animal resides primarily in burrows rather than the river. Burrowing Cherax were previously unknown in Victoria. (The Fierarian Naturalist 119 (4), 2002, 200-204) Introduction lhe Swamp Yabby has been known to locals, fishermen, rangers and scientists for some time but remains undeseribed, despite specific promotional efforts by the Victorian Department of Natural Resources and Environment who even releused a range of material identifying the Swamp Yabby as a conservation priority, Ihe species is called Cherax sp. C in the preliminary key by Horwitz (1995), A full description cannot be achieved however, primarily due to the lack of specimens col- lected, and importantly, the absence of a female specimen, This prevents any taxo- ' Edney Ecological Services, 61 Wilson Street, Wodonga, Vietoria 3690 ` Department of Environmental Management and Leology, La Trobe University, PO Box 821, Wodonga, Victoria 3689, and The Cooperative Research Centre for Freshwater Ecology, Albury, New South Wales Email 200 nomic description, leaving the species without conservation status. We have collected Swamp Yabbies (Cherax sp.) trom three locations, the Ovens River floodplain in Victoria and the Murray and Edward/Gulpa floodplains in New South Wales. Specimens were col- lected from the Ovens near Wangaratta and the Edward/Gulpa near Deniliquin through excavation of burrows. Depending on the water table, crayfish were located in burrows up to one metre in depth, whilst some large burrows were excavated to a depth of over a metre without locating a specimen. During a very minor flood on the Murray floodplain at Barmah, Swamp Yabbies were collected using submerged, baited hoop nets, Other investigators have reported collect- ing Swamp Yabbies from two more The Victorian Naturalist Fig. 1. The collecting site in the Barmah State Forest. a) The small stream in which the Cherax sp. were captured. b) The burrow entrance of Cherax sp. Note the cattle hoofprints trampling the burrow entranee. Matchbox indicates size. Victorian tributaries of the Murray; at Lake Nagambie, on the Goulburn River, south of Shepparton (Royal 2002) and Lake Nillahcootie, near Mansfield on the Broken River (Brian Woodbridge pers. comm.). This suggests that their range covers not only the floodplains of the Murray and its associated anabranches, but also the three most significant Murray tributaries of north-eastern Victoria. Description of collections Eleven specimens were examined (Table 1). Three were caught in open water in the Barmah State Forest, Victoria, and seven were dug from burrows near the Ovens River, Victoria, and the Murray River at Deniliquin, New South Wales. An addi- tional juvenile specimen was kindly pro- vided by Brian Woodbridge of the Murray River Aquarium in Echuca, Victoria, who successfully bred them in captivity. The Barmah State Forest site was a low dry floodplain with a small, slow-flowing creek at its centre. Cattle were grazing in the area, These crayfish were found in Vol. 119 (4) 2002 Part Two Fig. 2. The collecting site near the Ovens River. At this site Cherax sp. was collected in a Red Gum floodplain forest. water that was 10-20 cm deep and they were caught late at night. Nearby burrows were clearly visible (Fig. 1). The burrows at the Ovens River were on elevated land between billabongs. This land would be underwater only during flood events and is usually about two to three metres above the water level. It is currently used for cattle grazing. The chimneys (entrances to Swamp Yabby burrows) at the Ovens River were 30-40 m from the closest billabong (Fig. 2). Identification The Swamp Yabby has a unique mor- phology and is easy to recognise. Anecdotal evidence suggests a community awareness of a ‘large black yabby with huge claws'. An unknown ranger at Barmah State Forest called the animals ‘Moonclaws’, in response to its large, cres- cent shaped claws. The species is easily recognised by its claws, which are very broad and have a paddle-like protrusion (Fig. 3). It is also often larger than Cherax destructor col- lected from the same site. Three Swamp Yabbies from Barmah showed occipital carapace lengths (OCL) of 70, 70 and 75 mm, while we caught over fifty C. destruc- tor, the largest of which was 60 mm OCL. We expect that larger specimens of both species occur. Sympatric crayfish species The Swamp Yabby does not occur in iso- lation. It coexists with the Common Yabby C. destructor throughout its entire range, and with the Murray River Crayfish Euastacus armatus throughout most of its 201 Murray River Special Issue Table 1, Swamp Yabbies examined by the authors. Sizes are given in mm OCL (occipital carapace length: from the eye to where the carapace joins the tail). ' at 2 years of age Site Sex Number Size range Collected by collected (*raised by) Murray River at Barmah State Forest, Victoria male 3 70-75 GNE Ovens River, Wangaratta, Victoria male 2 50-60 GNE & DGM Edward/Gulpa Junction, Deniliquin, NSW male 5 50-70 DGM Murray River Aquarium, Echuca, Victoria male | 34! BW* range. It is sympatric with the burrowing species Engaeus lyelli and Engaeus cymus (Horwitz 1990), and with the genus Geocharax (Tyler et al. 1983), Behaviour, inter- and intra-specific competition From our observations, it seems that the Swamp Yabby is more aggressive than C. destructor and is likely to outcompete it in the wild. When divided by a barrier within the same aquarium, the Swamp Yabbies made extreme exertions to breech the bar- rier. When no barrier was provided, C destructor were immediately attacked and swifily killed unless they left the water via an emergent stick or rock. Swamp yabbies also exhibit strong intraspecific aggression. Four Swamp Yabbies were placed in aquaria (160 x 40 cm), and isolated in four small burrows separated by dry earth barriers. After the first night the smallest individual had been cut in half and only one individual survived the first week. This individual subsequently survived in the aquarium for over a year. Swamp yabbies appear to have quite a soft carapace compared with C, destructor. Although this may be an adaptation to bur- rowing, it is surely a disadvantage during intraspecific competition. There was no evidence of cannibalism after death from these competitive bouts. The degree of habitat partitioning between Swamp Yabbies and C. destructor in the wild is uncertain. Cherax destructor were never found in Swamp Yabby bur- rows although they did exist in shallow simple burrows in the same dry billabong as the Swamp Yabby. Only single speci- mens of Swamp Yabbies were found with- in each burrow, suggesting a non-colonial burrowing system. Crayfish burrows Australian freshwater crayfish burrows 202 (a) PN = c^ (b) "ig. 3. a) The Swamp Yabby (Cherax sp.). b) To identify a Swamp Yabby, the width of the claw (B) is more than 50% of the length (A), and a paddle (C) is present on the claw. have been classified by Horwitz and Richardson (1986). Three types are recog- nised: burrows opening below the water surface in a permanent water body, bur- rows connected to the water table but not to a stream or lake and burrows independent of the water table. Ellen Clark anticipated this scheme with her terms aquatic, semi- aquatic and terrestrial (Clark 1936). The genus Cherax is known to construct burrows which are always connected either to a permanent water body or to the water table (Horwitz and Richardson 1986). There are three burrowing Cherax known from Queensland: C. punctatus, C. robus- tus and C. cartalacoolah (Short 1993). All of them are smaller than the Swamp Yabby and burrow in sandy substrates. The bur- rows of Cherax plebejus, from southwest The Victorian Naturalist Western Australia, descend vertically to a small chamber where one often finds a male and a female (Horwitz and Knott 1983), Burrowing by the Swamp Yabby The Swamp Yabby constructs a burrow that is always connected to a permanent watercourse or to the water table (Type 2 as described by Horwitz and Richardson 1986). Some entrances were freshly sealed with mud indicating the presence of water within the burrow system. The Swamp Yabby appears to remain in its burrow for much of the time. The burrow covers more than one cubic metre and could be much larger underground. A surface chimney leads to a tunnel which descends for a short distance and then will branch or join a chamber. The burrow has several chambers which are about the size of a football. Some are used for storing water. There are often multiple tunnels connecting chambers and several surface holes. Burrows of the Swamp Yabby can be distinguished from those of C. destructor and Engaeus by the sheer size of the entrance hole: usually 5-8 cm in diameter vs 1-2 cm for Engaeus and generally <4 em for C. destructor. To date we have only collected males, and other workers have confirmed an extremely skewed sex ratio (Tarmo Raadik and Brian Woodbridge pers. comm.). The reasons for this are unknown. It is possible that there is some sexual habitat segrega- tion, however current collecting techniques may somehow be biased towards finding males. Females may live in extremely deep burrows and remain non-emergent during small floods. Associated fauna Burrowing crayfish are known to support a large and often unique fauna termed the ‘pholeteros’. Their burrows are refuges for other animals during drought. We have observed an Engaeus lyelli and a large number of the frogs Limnodynastes tas- maniensis in burrows during our excava- tions. The burrows of other crayfish often support faunal assemblages (Horwitz and Knott 1981; Suter and Richardson 1977). In addition, the crayfish themselves sup- port a diverse ectofauna, which are animals that live on their shells, tails and gills. Vol. 119 (4) 2002 Part Two ^A oF T Fig. 4. A Swamp Yabby surrounded by ectosymbiotic worms Temnosewellia minor. Photo by Karli Hawking. Temnocephalans (Fig. 4) are ecto-symbi- otic worms that lay eggs under the tailfins and live on the carapace of crayfish (Cannon 1991; Cannon and Sewell 1994, 1995: Sewell and Cannon 1995, 1998), They filter feed and are attached by a large caudal sucker. Large numbers of temno- cephalans were observed on all Swamp Yabbies collected. Some of these were sent to Lester Cannon of the Queensland Museum, who identified them as Temnosewellia minor, a species known to be common on Cherax in the Murray River catchment. Temnocephalans are turbellari- an flatworms known to be symbiotic on freshwater crayfish throughout Australia (Cannon 1991), The worms are nearly as variable as their hosts, and may be species specific in many cases (Cannon and Sewell 1994). Impacts and conservation All of our sites were grazed by cattle. The soil showed extensive disturbance from trampling and grazing. There is anec- dotal evidence that cattle impact heavily on Swamp Yabbies and many Swamp Yabby burrows were found within hoof- prints and with flattened chimneys. Crayfish chimneys were scarce in the open and more common around fallen logs and roots. These habitats provide protection from soil disturbance such as during floods or trampling, and may provide a food source, attracting invertebrates during decomposition. In 1936 farmers were complaining about losing cattle and horses in *crab-hole coun- try’ near Benalla, Victoria (Clark 1936), and anecdotal evidence suggests that these complexes were always ploughed in for safety. Although the species responsible 203 Murray River Special Issue has never been identified, similar collapses have been reported due to extensive bur- rowing by Engaeus (Clark 1936). The Benalla area, however, is now known to be central to the Swamp Yabby distribution and it is possible that these ‘crab’ hole areas may have been the result of large aggregations of Swamp Yabby burrows. Furthermore, the Murray, Edward/Gulpa, Broken, and Goulbourn Rivers are all highly regulated. High winter and spring flows, that would have traditionally Mood- ed Swamp Yabby habitats no longer occur. Ihe effect of these impacts on Swamp Yabbies and their habitat warrants further investigation. The Ovens River, which remains mostly unregulated, provides a good opportunity to observe Swamp Yabby habitat in à more natural flooding regime. The destruction of such large bur- row complexes, and the deterioration of natural flow conditions suggest that past land practices may have had a large impact on Swamp Yabby habitat. *Crab-hole country’ is virtually gone now from the Benalla area. It is now difficult to ascertain how these land practices may have impact- ed upon Swamp Yabby populations in the past and how these may have affected its distribution and ecology, Disturbance has been shown to affect crayfish populations elsewhere in Australia (Growns 1995), and it is possible that many former populations have disappeared due to human disturbance. It should also be noted that the large complex of chim- neys which first drew our attention to the presence of the Swamp Yabby on the Ovens River was graded to make a drainage channel during roadmaking activ- ities in 1998. Although some burrows still persist there, it is clear that current land use also has an impact upon the Swamp Yabby and its habitat. Acknowledgements We'd like to thank Brian Woodbridge of Murray River Aquarium, Echuca, for the juvenile Swamp Yabby and his observations, l'armo Raadik of the Department of Natural Resources and Environment for his observations, Lester Cannon for identifying the temnocephalan worms, and Karli Hawking for photographing them. Thanks to De Adam Campbell for assist- ing with specimen collection and extremely brave assistance during burrow excavation Also 204 thanks to an anonymous reviewer for their com- ments. Extra big thanks to the Campbell and Williamson families for their hospitality, access to their properties, and the use of their shovels. These crayfish were collected under research permits from the Victorian Department of Natural Resources (RP:-562) and New South Wales Fisheries (F96/187HP). References Cannon LRG (1991) Temnocephalan symbionts of the freshwater cray fish Cherax quadricarinatus from northern Australia, Hydrobiologia 227, 341-347. Cannon LRG and Sewell KB (1994) Symbionts and biodiversity. Memoirs of the Queensland Museum 36, 33-40. Cannon LRG and Sewell KB (1995) Craspedellinae haer, 193] (Platyhelminthes; Temnocephalida) ectosymbionts from the branchial chamber of Australian crayfish (Crustacea: Parastacidae). Memoirs of the Queensland Museum 38, 397-418. Clark FE (1936) The freshwater and land erayfishes of Australia. Memoirs of the National Museum of Victoria 10, 5-58. Growns LO (1995) dsracopsis gouldi Clark in streams of the Gow Range, Northern Tasmania: the effects of catchment disturbance. Papers and Proceedings of the Roval Society of Tasmania 129, 1-6. Horwitz P (1990) A taxonomic revision of species in the freshwater crayfish genus Engueus Erichson (Decapoda: Parastacidae), Jnyertebrate Taxonomy 4, 327-614. Horwitz P (1995) 4 preliminary key to the spectes of Decapoda (Crustacea, Malacostraca) found in Australian inland waters. Identification Guide No 5 (Co-operative Research Centre for Freshwater Ecology: Albury) Horwitz P and Knott B (1981) The faunal assemblage in freshwater crayfish burrows in sedgeland and for- est at Lightning Plains, Western Tasmania. Papers und Proceedings of the Royal Society of Tasmania 125, 29-32. Horwitz P and Knott B (1983) The burrowing habit of the koonac Cherax plebejus (Decapoda: Parastacidae). Western Australian Naturalist 15, 113- 117 Horwitz PHJ and Richardson AMM (1986) An ecolog- ical classification of the burrows of Australian Freshwater Crayfish, Australian Journal of Marine and Freshwater Research 37, 237-242. Royal D (2002) www.eray Sewell KB and Cannon LRG (1995) A scanning elec- tron microscope study of Craspadella sp. trom the branchial chamber of redelaw crayfish, Cherax quadricarinatus, from Queensland, Australia. Hydrobiologia 305, 151-158. Sewell KB and Cannon LRG (1998) New temnoceplia- lans from the branchial chamber oF Australian Euastacus and Cherax hosts, Proceedings of the Linnean Society of New South Wales 119, 21-36. Short J (1993) Cherax cartalacoolah, a new species of freshwater crayfish (Decapoda, Parastacidae) trom Northeast Australia. Memoirs of the Queensland Museum 33, 55-59, Suter PJ and Richardson AMM (1977) The biology of two species of Angaeus (Decapoda: Parastacidae) in Tasmania H1. Habitat, food, associated fauna and dis- tribution. Australian Journal af Marine and Freshwater Research 28, 95-103. Tyler MI, Twidale CR, Ling IK and Holmes JW (1983) Natural History of the Southeast. (Royal Society of South Australia Inc) The Victorian Naturalist Part Two Murray River Microfauna Russell J Shiel' Abstract The microfauna of the Murray and tributaries is a speciose, albeit neglected, component of the river- ine biota. The community derives from diverse in-stream ,and, seasonally, off-stream sources. There are regional differences in species composition - tributaries may contribute different taxa to the mainstream river. A mixed assemblage of protists, rotifers and microcrustaceans persists into the lower Murray, with longitudinal changes in species composition during long travel times to the river mouth. Effects of river regulation, land use and salinisation on microfaunal biodiversity are sum- marised. (The Victorian Naturalist 119 (4), 2002, 205-211) Introduction In marked contrast to the recent surge of research activity on macroinvertebrate tax- onomy and ecology in the Murray-Darling Basin, spurred by river health initiatives and pressure for biodiversity information, the microfauna of Murray-Darling waters remains largely neglected. Microfauna reg- ulate bacterial and algal abundance, and occupy important links in food chains for higher order consumers such as macroin- vertebrates, fish and birds. In most Australian freshwater ecosystems, but par- ticularly in the Murray-Darling system, these connections have been under-esti- mated or ignored (Green and Shiel 1992), What little information exists on the microfaunal component of the Murray River and tributaries derives largely from a few local studies. Species composition and successional events in littoral microcrus- tacea from a year-long study of a Goulburn River billabong were documented by Shiel (1976). The zooplankton of Lake Hume was reported by Walker and Hillman (1977), that of several other impoundments by Powling (1980). A basin-wide survey, published in part by Shiel er al. (1982), demonstrated the disparate nature of the microbiota of the west-flowing Murray River and the south-flowing Darling River. The former contained a cool-temperate microcrustacean-dominated lacustrine (limnoplankton) assemblage, attributed to the serially-impounded nature of the Murray River, the latter a true riverine (potamoplankton) community dominated by rotifers, many of which are warm- stenotherms or tropical in affinity. The role of turbidity in structuring zoo- Department of Environmental Biology, The University of Adelaide, South Australia 5005 Vol. 119 (4) 2002 plankton communities in Lake Alexandrina, at the Murray mouth in South Australia, was examined by Geddes (1984). Boon ef al, (1990) reviewed infor- mation on upper Murray billabong ecolo- gy, including microbiota, for the Murray- Darling Basin Commission volume *7/e Murray’; information on riverine zoo- plankton was reviewed for the same vol- ume (Shiel 1990). Other relevant and more recent studies include: invertebrate emer- gence from flooded sediments (Boulton and Lloyd 1992), rapid responses to flood events by billabong rotifer assemblages (Tan and Shiel 1993), Lakes Hume and Dartmouth zooplankton in the context of biomanipulation (Matveev and Matveev 1997), heterogeneity of habitat and micro- faunal biodiversity across ephemeral wet- lands (Shiel er al. 1998), fish predation on zooplankton (Nielsen ef al. 2000a, b) and the role of propagules in sediments (Langley et al. 2001; Nielsen er al. 2002; Shiel et al. 2001; Skinner er al. 2001). Composition of Murray River microfauna Three broad groups of microinvertebrates comprise the bulk of pelagic and littoral communities in Murray-Darling waters, viz. protists (Protista), rotifers (Rotifera) and a suite of microcrustacea dominated by copepods (Crustacea: Copepoda), cladocerans (Crustacea? Branchiopoda: Anomopoda/Ctenopoda) and (occasional- ly) ostracods (Crustacea: Ostracoda). Other groups occurring in microfaunal samples include larvae or smail adults of various insects, particularly Diptera and Hemiptera, and water mites (most often Hydracarina or Oribatida). These latter groups may be abundant seasonally and be important in structuring microfaunal 205 Murray River Special Issue assemblages through food web interac- tions, however, for the purposes of this review, only the major groups are treated further. Protista: Protists (or protozoa, unicellular heterotrophs) include flagellates, ciliates and amoebae, both naked and testate. They are commonly the numerically dominant animals in any sample taken from Murray River standing (lentic) or slow-flowing (lotic) waters. Protists are under-represent- ed in rapidly-flowing lotic waters; they are relatively fragile, and do not survive. Protists, remarkably, have received only cursory mention in Murray River ecologi- cal studies, if they are mentioned at all. 'The lack of study of Australian ciliates, for example, was regarded as ‘regrettable and somewhat astonishing’ when an endemic Murray River loricate ciliate was described (Foissner and O' Donoghue 1990). The age of the continent and the potential for isola- tion to drive speciation events were seen as significant in predicting a diverse indige- nous protist community. ^ suggestion that Australian protist assemblages may differ from those of the northern hemisphere was made by Laybourn-Parry et al, (1997), who collect- ed S/entor, a mixotrophic (photosynthetic) ciliate, from two Murray-Darling reser- voirs (Tuggeranong, ACT and Hume, NSW). Stentor blooms colouring the water black have long been reported from Murray River waters (e.g. as 'cf. Climacostomum in Walker and Hillman 1977), where densities >50,000 I^ have been recorded (cited in Laybourn-Parry ef al. 1997). Stentor is uncommon in northern hemisphere waters, where it is subjected to heavy predation by, inter alia, cyclopoid copepods. The latter are rare in Murray River reservoirs, which tend to be domi- nated by herbivorous calanoid copepods (see below), hence predation pressure on Stentor appears to be low. Stentor also reaches bloom populations seasonally in some Murray River billabongs (cf. Fig. 1, Shiel 1990). Further evidence for distinctive protist assemblages comes from a recent study of testate amoebae in the upper Murray catch- ment (Meisterfeld and Tan 1998). They reported a rich testate community in the 206 à —— E d Fig. 1. S/entor cf. amethystinus in Ryan's #1 billabong, Murray River floodplain near Bonegilla, Victoria. Photo by Russell Shiel. environs of Lake Catani, Mt Buffalo, with 89 taxa, 34 of them new to Australia, record- ed from eight Sphagnum/sediment samples. Six of the testates were noted as ‘strictly Gondwanan' in distribution. Several others were undescribed and possibly Australian endemics. New records of naked amoebae (Heliozoa) also were reported from ponds in the Mt Buffalo region (Mikrjukov and Croome 1998), Given that almost half of the amoebae reported in these two small surveys were new to the Australian fauna, it would seem that a diverse and unrecorded protist fauna awaits discovery! The only group of protists which has been studied intensively in Murray River waters is the freshwater Acanthamoeba Naegleria, particularly in the lower Murray in South Australia, from which Adelaide and other regional centres draw drinking water, As the causative organism of amoebic meningitis, Naegleria, and other pathogenic protists such as Giardia, are continuously monitored by the Australian Water Quality Centre at Bolivar, South Australia. Given the paucity of studies on protists in Murray-Darling waters, little can be said of their potential for bioindication or their biodiversity in any of the Basin's waters, which is remarkable given the level of research effort applied to protists else- where (see, for example, Foissner and Berger 1996). The Victorian Naturalist a s - a aa = Fig. 2. Collecting sediment cores from Ryan's 33, Bonegilla. Photo by Russell Shiel. Rotifera: Rotifers, the smallest metazoans, with most «200 um in size, are commonly the most abundant microfauna after pro- tists. More than 600 of the 720 rotifer species now known from Australia have been recorded from Murray-Darling waters (Shiel unpubl. data). The greatest rotifer biodiversity is found in ephemeral waters, where 7100 co-occurring species have been collected in single net tows (Shiel er al. 1998). Billabongs also support rich rotifer assemblages by virtue of the vege- tated, partitioned habitat; 2350 microfau- nal species, including 7200 rotifer spp., have been recorded from an ephemeral pool over more than 20 years of sampling (Langley et al. 2001; Shiel er al. 2001). More commonly, a collection will contain 5-50 rotifer spp., depending on structural complexity of the habitat — densely vege- tated and therefore partitioned billabongs have more species than does the open water of reservoirs and rivers. Floating and submerged vegetation provides some pro- tection from visual predators. Rotifers occupy all feeding niches in such parti- tioned habitats — detritivores, bacteri- ovores, herbivores, carnivores and para- sites, Suites of each of these feeding groups may co-occur. For example, several co-occurring species of Brachionus, Filinia, Keratella or Trichocerca may overcome the problem of competition for resources by taking different size food items. Experimental evidence suggests that even bacteria may be partitioned in a simi- lar manner, by size, morphology or chem- istry (Boon and Shiel 1990). Rotifers are able to persist in ephemeral habitats by production of resistant resting eggs, which Vol. 119 (4) 2002 Part Two 4500, F = 66.09 (p < 0.001) 12 " 5 1000} [7] D p 14 $ 500 1:25 12 0 pH6.28 pH632 pH675 pH641 Fig. 3. Resting egg counts in sediments from three flood frequencies: annual, biennial and every c. 25 years (from Shiel eż al. 2001). remain in dry sediment until rewetting and appropriate cues to hatching. All resting eggs do not respond to the same cues, hence there is a succession of hatching events, with concomitant compositional changes the longer a previously dry habitat is flooded (Tan and Shiel 1993). Fig. 2 shows collection of dry sediment from the previously-wetted margin of Ryan’s #3, a shallow ephemeral pool on the floodplain of the Murray River adjacent to Ryan's #1, a permanent billabong. Resting stages counted from 1 mm slices of 1 em diame- ter cores taken from these sites showed significant differences in density (Fig. 3), up to 1200 cm’, with highest densities at the margin of Ryan’s #3, the biennially flooded (ephemeral) site (Shiel er al. 2001). Microcrustacea: Of the three main groups of microcrustaceans abundant in Murray River waters, copepods tend to predomi- nate, with cladocerans either perennial in low numbers or markedly seasonal, when they may reach high densities. Ostracods, except in salinized waters, tend to be rare incursions from the littoral, their preferred habitat. Most abundant copepods in reser- voirs and billabongs, and also often in weir pools and downstream reaches of the Murray and tributaries, are calanoids of the southern hemisphere family Centro- pagidae, commonly Boeckella and Calamoecia species, with Hemiboeckella species in ephemeral waters, and (rarely) the usually-coastal Gladioferens in down- stream sites such as Lake Cullulleraine. Two species of the northern affinity Diaptomidae occur across northern 207 Murray River Special Issue Australia, and may extend into the north of the Murray-Darling, Basin (ef. Bayly 1966), Of about 50 centropapid species known from Australia, the most common in Murray River waters, and across southern Australia generally, is Boeckella triarticu lata, which occurs across a wide range ol habitat types (Bayly 1992), In fish-free ephemeral habitats the large (4 mm) 8 major may be a seasonal predator on other plankters (Green ef ul. 1999), with B pseudochelae and. Hemiboeckella searli also common in ephemeral waters, Billabong species include Bo /Tuvialis, B minuta and Bo symmetrica, which may co occur with one or more Calamoecia species, commonly C, ampulla or C lucasi, Two or three co-occurring calanoids in a habitat is usual, four or five less so, and six is rare, Notably, salinized waters of mid-Murray regions around Keranp/Swan Hill have halophile ealanoids, Calamoecia salina or C, elitel lata, suggesting a much longer evolution ary history of salinization than that induced by human activities in the region in the last 200 years, Cyclopoid copepods are less well known in Murray River waters, They are not com- mon or abundant in the open water of reservoirs or rivers, but ean be seasonally speeiose and abundant in billabongs and ephemeral waters, They fill both herbivo- rous and carnivorous niches, prey includ- ing rotifers, other copepods, eladocerans and occasionally, small macroinverte- brates, ep, mussel glochidia (juveniles). Most species are from the Family Cyelopidae, and about 100 spp, are known from the continent, Common genera are lustralocvelops (a large predator), Zuev- clops, Mesocyelops, and Microevelops he latter two genera are the most speciose based on present taxonomie information (ep, Holynska 2000), As for calanoids, two or more species co-occurring at a site is common, often markedly different in sive, thereby reducing competition, A third group of copepods, the harpacti- cords, are benthie in habit, rarely collected in open water, and poorly studied in Australasia, Contliocamptus species appear to be the most common in Murray River billabonys and ephemeral waters, associat 208 ed with sediments and vegetation (cf. Hamond 1987), Plankton collections are usually dominat- ed by juveniles of the resident copepods, both nauplii and copepodite stages, and this presents a major taxonomie impedi- ment to biodiversity studies, Not only does a researcher have to determine the species present, but also may need to discriminate the life stages, This is not an easy task when three or four species co«occur, and samples may include several copepodite und sub-adult instars, with one sex or the other required for species determination. Juveniles also tend to predominate in downstream river reaches; adults apparent- ly are able lo avoid outflows from weir pools or reservoirs, Cladocerans (water Neas’) may make up a significant part of microfiunal communi- ty diversity in shallow vegetated habitats, but less so in open water of reservoirs and rivers, where their size renders them sus- ceptible to predation by macroinverte- brates and fish, More than half of the e, 200 spp. of eladocerans now known from the continent occur in Murray-Darling waters, The family Chydoridae is the most diverse, and in excess of 100 species have been recorded from Australia, with more than half of them endemie (Shiel and Diekson 1995), More than 20 species of chydorids co-occurred in a Goulburn bill- abong (Shiel 1976) where they filled detri- livore and herbivore niches; Many chy- dorids are adapted to scraping biofilms from surfaces, hence are littoral or epiphyt- ie in habit, Only species of Chvedorus tend to be collected in open water, and then associated with filamentous algal blooms Where they collect food by seraping along filaments, Only a few other eladoceran families have truly planktonic representatives in Murray River waters: Bosminag (Bosmin- idac) is common in reservoir and river plankton, as is Diaphanosoma (Sididae), and seasonally, Moina (Moinidae), Daphnia (Daphnidae), one of the larger cladocerans, tends to be seasonal in bill- abongs and ephemeral habitats, or perenni- al in low numbers in reservoirs, where it is probably subjected to heavy predation pressure, Smaller daphnids, such as Ceriodaphnia, are more often collected in The Victorian Naturalist plankton tows. Other daphnid genera — Simocephalus, Scapholeberis — are bill- abong/shallow water dwellers. One daph- nid genus, Daphniopsis, is a halophile, occurring in salinized waters throughout the Basin. Species of other families of cladocerans — Macrothricidae, Ilyocryp- tidae and larger sidids (e.g. Latonopsis) are usually found in shallow, vegetated habi- tats, particularly regularly inundated ephemeral pools. Notably absent from Australia, possibly evolving after the breakup of Gondwana, are the northern hemisphere predatory cladoceran families Cercopagidae, Leptodoridae and Polyphemidae, which are important “structurers’ of plankton communities in northern hemisphere waters (Shiel and Dickson 1995; cf. Rivier 1998). Species of Podonidae are reported from coastal/marine waters around Australia but not from inland Australia (Smirnov and Timms 1983). Ostracods, which include detritivores, herbivores and predators, occasionally are abundant in collections from billabongs and ephemeral pools. In some billabongs, five or six species of ostracods is not unusual — large species (e.g. Australo- cypris, Mytilocypris) may co-occur with smaller (e.g. Cypretta, Limnocythere, Newnhamia). Ostracods rarely appear in open water collections. Sources of microfauna in the mainstem rivers In Murray River waters there is no exper- imental evidence to demonstrate the contri- bution of headwater reservoir limnoplank- ton to downstream rivers, nor of contribu- tions from floodplain lentic waters. From circumstantial evidence in the studies cited earlier, and from studies of river microfau- na elsewhere (e.g. Baranyi et al. 2002), the persistent microfaunal community in downstream reaches reflects disparate con- tributions from upstream impoundments, floodplain waters which may at times have a connection to the river, regions of slow- flow such as backwaters or braided chan- nels, waste stabilization ponds from river- side communities which may discharge into Murray tributaries, in fact any stand- ing water which connects to the river at any time. Vol. 119 (4) 2002 Part Two Geographical differences in source waters, regionalism in the microfauna and regional rainfall events will influence what particular assemblage is being inoculated into tributaries. Downstream weirs and locks on the Murray River provide low- or no-flow conditions and a longer retention time, which permits reconstitution of a microcrustacean assemblage. This is referred to in European studies as ‘age’ of the water, with rotifers dominating in waters of low ‘age’ (e.g. short retention- time storages such as Lake Mulwala) and microcrustacean assemblages appearing in waters of greater ‘age’ (e.g. long retention- time storages such as Lakes Dartmouth and Hume) (cf. Baranyi er al. 2002). What this phenomenon reflects is the life cycle of the respective microfauna. At ambient temperatures in Murray River trib- utaries, rotifers are reproducing in days, microcrustacea in weeks. Rotilers are able to get through their life cycles in the short retention-time storages, microcrustacea are not. The latter require stable conditions for a longer period to reach adult reproductive stages and are unable to complete life cycles in turbulent or rapid through-flow storages. This life cycle disparity is the basis for the differences noted earlier (Shiel er al, 1982) between Murray and Darling microfauna, The microfauna of the Murray traverse a series of lentic or at least slow-flowing weir pools; those of the Darling below the headwater rivers a lotic system, at least until Menindee Lakes. Unlike the Murray system, which has an extensive network of lentic waters — a het- erogeneous array of billabongs (Hillman 1986), intermittently flooded Barmah- Millewa Forest waters, the Macquarie Marshes, irrigation returns from tributary systems — the Darling is deeply incised (up to 10 m) into its floodplain, and lacks these sources of lentic microfauna, It remains a lotic, largely unimpeded system, albeit one of low flow, Notably, a rotifer-dominated river micro- fauna (Brachionus, Keratella and Synchaeta dominants among 22 rotifer species) was collected from the Murray River near Morgan early in 2002 (MC Geddes pers. comm.), over 20 years after a very similar autumn river plankton was reported from the same reaches of the 209 Murray River Special Issue lower Murray (Shiel et al. 1982). Despite widely publicised alterations to the flow regime, abstractions, declining water quali- ty, the spread of carp and other deleterious effects of human interference with Murray waters, the microfauna appears remarkably little changed. Twenty years may be insignificant in the time frame of the Basin's ecological evolution. Biogeography/endemism Microfaunal biogeography is subject to two interpretations — that of the *cosmopoli- tanists', for whom everything is every- where, and the ‘regionalists’, for whom it is not. Many of the microfauna species found throughout Murray River waters are the same species found in rivers and lakes everywhere; they are indeed cosmopolitan. But some are not. If they occurred world- wide, surely they would have been recorded in some 300 vears of microfaunal research in the northern hemisphere, As noted earlier, the protists remain enig- matic. A small block of rotifers are more restricted, Gondwanan or Australasian on present distribution information. About 13- 15% of rotifers are Australian endemics, or possibly more correctly ‘Australasian’; some Brachionus species previously thought to be indigenous have been report- ed from Thailand (Sanoamuang er al. 1995). Most of the apparently indigenous rotifers are known from only one or a few habitats, primarily billabongs or small ephemeral waters, and appear to be restricted to them. The implication that they are thus endangered by loss of habitat is clear, but loss of species remains undoc- umented for the continent. Cladocerans presently stand at c. 48% endemism, but this figure is likely to increase when taxa carrying ‘northern hemisphere’ names are examined more closely using modern methods (Shiel and Dickson 1995). The work of Bayly (cited in Bayly 1992) indicates that the level of endemism in the Australian calanoids approaches 90%, Cyclopoids are less intensively studied, but evidence to date (e.g. Holynska 2000) suggests that greater endemism will be revealed as the Australian ‘cosmopolitan’ species shed their ‘European’ names, 210 The future? In the Murray-Darling Basin, as in salin- izing wetlands in the southwest of Western Australia and in other degraded wetlands on continental Australia and Tasmania, species diversity is inversely related to salinity. The diverse microbiota of fresh waters is replaced by a halophile or halo- biont assemblage tolerant of the new con- ditions. The new taxa may even be more abundant than the assemblage they replaced, but they are invariably less spe- ciose. For example, the 100-species rotifer assemblage of upper Murray billabongs is replaced by one or two species of Brachionus/Hexarthra around Kerang, and the multispecies assemblage of Boeckella/ Calamoecia/Hemiboeckella of upper Murray billabongs is replaced by Calamoecia salina or C. clitellata in the salinized downstream lakes. In the human time frame this decline in biodiversity is well documented for macrofauna . What is not documented is the loss of species at the microfaunal level due to loss of habitat. With greater than 70% of billabongs now gone from some floodplain reaches (e.g. Goulburn River downstream of Eildon), how many species previously found only in those billabongs are now lost? Persistence of propagules in sediments, despite the loss of wetlands, may be used to counter the suggestion that microfaunal Species are being lost at an increasingly rapid rate. But as mentioned earlier, resting stages may have specific cues for emer- gence, and habitat changes such as salin- ization may remove these cues. Decreased flooding frequency may exceed the life expectancy of a propagule — resting stages have a finite life, be it decades or perhaps centuries, Further, propagules evolved to resist desiccation, not trampling by cattle, or tractor and plough. The introduction of exotic planktivorous fish (e.g. Gambusia), either deliberately or accidentally, must also have had a profound impact on micro- faunal populations. In summary, it is evident that microfau- nal heterogeneity persists in the more pris- tine (upper) Murray-Darling floodplain waters, and it is the floodplain which is the source of the biodiversity, not the reser- voirs, which are relatively recent in an evolutionary time-frame, nor the rivers, The Victorian Naturalist which transport microfauna and propag- ules. With loss of the more pristine wet- lands due to agriculture, salinization, or other causes, the microfauna is lost, as ulti- mately, if not replenished, is the bank of cysts, resting eggs and ephippia in the sed- iments. References Baranyi C, Hein T, Holarek C, Keckeis S and Schiemer F (2002) Zooplankton biomass and community struc- ture in a Danube River floodplain system: effects of hydrology. Freshwater Biology 47, 473-482. Bayly IAE (1966) The Australian species of Diapromus (Copepoda: Calanoida) and their distribution. Australian Journal of Marine and Freshwater Research 17, 123-134. Bayly IAE (1992) The non-marine Centropagidae (Copepoda: Calanoida) of the world, Guides to the identification of the microinvertebrates of the conti- nental waters of the world 2, 1-30. (SPB Academic Publishers, The Hague) Boon PI and Shiel RJ (1990) Grazing on bacteria by zoo- plankton in Australian billabongs. Australian Journal of Marine and Freshwater Research 41, 247-257, Boon PI, Frankenberg J, Hillman TJ, Oliver RL and Shiel RJ (1990) Billabongs. In The Murray, pp 183- 198, Eds N Mackay and D Eastburn, (Murray- Darling Basin Commission: Canberra) Boulton AJ and Lloyd LN (1992) Mean flood recur- rence frequency and inyertebrate emergence from dry sediments of the Chowilla floodplain, River Murray, Australia. Regulated Rivers; Research and Management 7, 137-151. Foissner W and Berger 11 (1996) A user-friendly guide to the ciliates (Protozoa, Ciliophora) commonly used by hydrobiologists as bioindicators in rivers, lakes and waste waters, witli notes on their ecology. Freshwater Biology 35, 375-482. Foissner W and O'Donoghue PJ (1990) Morphology and infraciliature of some freshwater ciliates (Protozoa: Ciliaphora) from Western and South Australia, Javertebrate Taxonomy 3, 661-69. Geddes MC (1984) Seasonal studies on the zooplankton of Lake Alexandrina, River Murray, South Australia, and the role of turbidity in determining zooplankton community structure. Australian Journal of Marine and Freshwater Research 38. 417-426, Green JD and Shiel RJ (1992) Australia’s neglected fresh- water microfauna. Australian Biolagist 5, 118-123. Green JD, Shiel RJ and Litter RA (1999) Boeckella major (Copepoda: Calanoida): a predator in Australian ephemeral pools. Archiv fiir Hydrobiologie 145, 181-196. Hamond R (1987) Non-marine harpacticoid copepods of Australia. I. Canthocamptidae of the genus Cunrhocamptys Westwood, s. lat. and Fibulacamptus, gen. nòva, ard including the description of a related new species of Canthocamptus from New Caledonia. Invertebrate Taxonomy 1, 1023-1247. Hillman TJ (1986) Billabongs, In Limnology in Australia, pp 457-470, Eds P De Deckker and WD Williams. (CSIRO/Iunk BV: Melbourne/Dordrecht) Holynska M (2000) Revision of the Australasian species of the genus Mesocyclops Sars, 1914 (Copepoda, Cyclopidae). Annales Zaologici 50, 363- 447, Langley JM, Shiel RJ, Nielsen DL and Green JD (2001) Hatching from the sediment egg-bank or aeri- al-dispersing? - the use of mesocosms in assessing rotifer biodiversity, Hydraohiologia 446, 203-211. Layhourn-Parry J, Perriss SJ, Seaton GGR and Vol. 119 (4) 2002 Part Two Rohozinski J (1997) A mixotrophic ciliate as a major contributor to plankton photosynthesis in Australian lakes. Limnology and Oceanography 42, 1463-1467. Matveev V and Matveev L (1997) Grazer control and nutrient limitation of phytoplankton biomass in two Australian reservoirs. Freshwater Biology 38, 49-65. Meisterfeld R and Tan L-W (1998) First records of tes- tate amoebae (Protozoa: Rhizopoda) from Mount Buffalo National Park, Victoria: preliminary notes. The Victorian Naturalist 115, 231-238. Mikrjukov K and Croome R (1998) Observations of heliozoans in ice-covered ponds on Mount Buffalo. The Victorian Naturalist 115, 239-241, Nielsen DL, Smith FJ, Hillman TJ and Shiel RJ (2000a) Impact of water regime and fish predation on zooplankton resting egg production and emergence. Journal of Plankton Research 22, 433-446. Nielsen DL, Hillman TJ, Smith FJ and Shiel RJ (2000b) The influence ofa planktivorous fish on zoo- plankton assemblages in experimental billabongs. Hydrobiologia 434, 1-9. Nielsen DL, Smith FJ, Hillman TJ and Shiel RJ (2002) Ihe influence of seasonality and duration of flooding on zooplankton in experimental billabongs. River Research and Applications 18, 227-237. Powling 1) (1980) Limnological features of some Victorian reservoirs. In An ecological basis for water resource management, pp 332-342. Ed WD Williams. (ANU Press: Canberra) Rivier IK (1998) The predatory Cladocera (Onychopoda: — Podonidae, Polyphemidae, Cercopagidae) and Leptodorida of the world. Guides to the identification af the microinvertebrates of the continental waters of the world 13, 1-213. (Backhuys Publishers: Leiden) Sanoamuang L, Segers H and Dumont H (1995) Additions to the rotifer fauna of south-east Asia: new and rare species from north-east Thailand, Hydrabiolagia 313/314, 35-45, Shiel RJ (1976) Associations of Entomosiraca with weedbed habitats in a billabong of the Goulburn River, Victoria, Australian Journal of Marine and Freshwater Research 27, 533-49. Shiel RJ (1990) Zooplankton, In The Murray, pp 275- 284. Eds N Mackay and D Eastburn. (Murray- Darling Basin Commission: Canberra) Shiel RJ and Dickson JA (1995) Cladocera recorded from Australia. Transactions of the Royal Society of South Australia 119, 29-40. Shiel RJ, Green JD and Nielsen DL (1998) Floodplain biodiversity: Why are there so many species? IHydrobiologia 387, 39-46. Shiel RJ, Green JD and Tan L-W (2001) Microfaunal and resting stage heterogeneity in ephemeral pools, upper River Murray floodplain. International! Vereinigung fiir Theoretische und Angewandte Limnologie, Verhandlungen 27, 3738-3741. Shiel RJ, Walker KF and Williams WD (1982) Plankton of the lower River Murray, South Australia. Australian Journal of Marine and Freshwater Research 33, 301-327, Skinner R, Sheldon F and Walker KF (2001) Propagules in dry wetland sediments as indicators of ecological health; effects of salinity. Regulated Rivers: Research and Management 17, 191-197, Smimov NN and Timms BV (1983) A revision of the Australian Cladocera (Crustacea): Records of the Australian Museum, Supplement Y, 1-132. Tan L-W and Shiel RJ (1993) Responses of billabong rotifer communities to inundation. Hydrobiologia 255/256, 361-369. Walker KF and Hillman TJ (1977) Limnological sur- vey of the River Murray in relation to Albury Wodonga. AWDC Albury, 211 The Field Naturalists Club of Victoria Inc. Reg No A0033611X Established 1880 In which is incorporated the Microscopical Society of Victoria OBJECTIVES: To stimulate interest in natural history and to preserve and protect Australian flora and fauna. Membership is open to any person interested in natural history and includes beginners as well as experienced naturalists. Registered Office: FNCV, | Gardenia Street, Blackburn, Victoria 3130, Australia, Postal Address: FNCV, Locked Bag 3, PO Blackburn, Victoria 3130, Australia. Phone/Fax (03) 9877 9860; International Phone/Fax 61 3 9877 9860. Patron John Landy, MBE, The Governor of Victoria Key Office-Bearers President: Ms WENDY CLARK, 97 Pakenham Street, Blackburn 3130. 9877 9266 Vice Presidents: DR Nort, SCHLEIGER, | Astley Street, Montmorency 3094. 9435 8408 and DR ALAN YEN, 52-54 Brushy Park Road, Wonga Park, 3115. 9722 1665 Hon, Secretary: MRS ANNE MORTON, 10 Rupicola Court, Rowville 3178. 9790 0656 Hon. Treasurer: Ms BARBARA BURNS, 16 Montclair Court, Templestowe 3106. 9846 2608 Subseription-Secretary: FNCV, Locked Bag 3, PO Blackburn 3130. 9877 9860 Executive Editor, The Vic. Nat.: MRS MERILYN Grey, 8 Martin Road, Glen Iris 3146. 9889 6223 Editors, The Vie, Nat: MR ALISTAIR EVANS, 3/1778 Dandenong Road, Clayton 3168, 8505 4339 and Mrs ANNE MORTON, as above, Librarian: MRS SHEILA HOUGHTON, FNCV, Locked Bag 3, PO Blackburn 3130, AH 5428 4097 Excursion Co-ordinator: MR DENNIS MELTZER, 8 Harcourt Avenue, Caufield 3162. 9523 1853 Book Brokerage: MR RAY Wire, 9 Longtown Court, Craigieburn 3064. AH 9308 3770 Newsletter Editors: MRs JOAN BROADBERRY, 2 Shaun Court, Templestowe 3106. 9846 1218 and DR NOEL SCHLEIGER, as above. Conservation Coordinator; MR JiM WALKER, 167 Balaclava Road, Caulfield 3162. 9527 5601 Group Secretaries Botany: Ms KAREN DOBSON, 58 Rathmullen Road, Boronia 3155. BH 9877 9860 Geology: MR ROB HAMSON, 5 Foster Street, McKinnon 3204, 9557 5215 Fauna Survey: Ms Sore SMALL, 107 Bondi Road, Bonbeach 3196. A11 9772 2848 Marine Research; Mr MICHAL LYONS, 18 High Street, Nunawading 3131. AH 9877 3987 Microscopical: MR RAY POWER, 36 Schotters Road, Mernda 3754. 9717 3511 MEMBERSHIP Members receive The Victorian Naturalist and the monthly Field Nat News free. The Club organis- es several monthly meetings (free to all) and excursions (transport costs may be charged). Field work, including botany, mammal and invertebrate surveys, is being done at a number of locations in Victoria, and all members are encouraged to participate. YEARLY SUBSCRIPTION RATES — The Field Naturalists Club of Victoria Inc. First Member Metropolitan $44 Concessional (pensioner/student/unemployed) $33 Country (more than 50 km from GPO) $30 Junior (under 18) $16 Overseas AUS65 Additional Members Adult $16 Junior $6 Institutional Australian Institutions $55 Overseas Institutions AUS65 Schools/Clubs $35 Send to: FNCV, Locked Bag 3, PO Blackburn, Victoria 3130, Australia. Printed by Brown Prior Anderson, 5 Evans Street, Burwood, Victoria 3125, The Victorian Naturalist Volume 119 (5) a October 2002 aN EZ DA —À | E "ublished by The Field Naturalists Club of Victoria since 1884 | | FN.CV. | Treasures from the Kingdom of Fungi by Taylor F Lockwood Publisher: Taylor Lockwood, 2001. 128 pp, 250 colour photographs. RRP $55 Available from Fungimap, Royal Botanic Gardens Melbourne, phone 03 9252 2374 The aptly titled Treasures from the Kingdom of Fungi is the long-awaited hard- bound collection of Taylor Lockwood's amazing photographs. Taylor has been pre- senting these in slide shows around the world for the past 15 years. This 128 page book contains approximately 250 colour pho- tographs of fungi, illustrating 157 taxa from 19 countries (including 25 Australian taxa). Text is limited to the preface, foreword and a brief introduction; most of the book consists of page after page of delightful photographs including many mushrooms but also a good selection of puffballs, stinkhorns, coral and bracket fungi. The images are grouped together in chap- ters that divide the book aesthetically rather than scientifically. Chapters include ‘The Span of the Rainbow’ showing fungi of every colour of the rainbow, ‘Foods of the Gods’ illustrating some of the edible fungi, and a ‘Lovers’ Lane’ of naturally- occurring, artistically-twinned examples. Each photograph is captioned merely with identification of the fungus (although some 20% are ‘unidentified’, not even to genus), and the general location where the photo- graph was taken (usually the country name only, but states are also listed for the USA examples), Taylor’s enthusiasm for the topic is clearly evident with the layout and backgrounds on each carefully designed page showing great attention to detail. Having spent many days in the field in search of perfect fungi to photograph, and having referred to many other books of field photography, I can personally attest to the difficulty of finding a good quality specimen and the skill required to capture it adequately for posterity. The broad range of superb field examples chosen as the subject matter in this book are evi- dence of Taylor's efforts *on the ground', and his technical and creative talents as photographer are clearly demonstrated in the spectacular images that result. One drawback of this book is the number of photographs labelled as ‘unidentified’. Taylor does not collect specimens to allow identification at a later date, and some of the photographs are artistic rather than scientific, and so lack all the diagnostic features required for identification. However, scien- tific presentation is not the aim of this book. Taylor's goal was to inspire interest in and appreciation of fungi, which I feel he has well and truly accomplished with this col- lection. Treasures from the Kingdom of Fungi is not a field guide or scientific text (which should have few unidentified photographs and preferably include a scale), but a brilliant ‘coffee table book’ on fungi. To produce a book without some typo- graphical or grammatical errors would be an almost impossible task. There were a small number of general mistakes in this book as well as a few names spelt incor- rectly; Cyptotrama aspratum (spelt as asprata), Mycena leaiana (incorrectly spelt leiana) and Tremella fuciformis (incorrect- ly spelt fusiformis), also in the index Boletus is spelt Bolteus, and Cladonia comes before Cladina. However, these cer- tainly do not detract from the overall high standard of presentation. The retail price of $55 for this book may seem a little high, but it is well worth con- sidering for the bounty of beautiful, high quality images. Taylor's aim ‘to inspire others into deeper appreciation of this spe- cial part of the natural world’ has been admirably achieved by superbly illustrat- ing the diversity of this often weird and wonderful kingdom. Although this is not a scientific text, I still feel it should be pre- sent on the book shelf of every mycologist and naturalist as an inspiration and delight if nothing else. Simon H Lewis Royal Botanic Gardens Melbourne Birdwood Avenue, South Yarra, Victoria 3141 Twelve Fungimap Target species àre included (most showing diagnostic features); Amanita phalloides (var. alba) p. 45; Ascocoryne sarcoides p. 106; Boletellus obscurecoccineus p. 51; Coprinus comatus p. 118; Craterellus cornucopioides p. 121; Cyptotrama aspratum pp. 37, 53: Lepista nuda p. 118; Mycena interrupta pp. 31, 42: Mycena leaiana p. 86; Podoserpula pusio p. 28; Pseudohydnum gelatinosum pp. 20, 79; Tremella fuci- formis p. 106, The Victorian Naturalist Volume 119 (5) 2002 E October F.N.C V, Executive Editor: Merilyn Grey Editors: Alistair Evans and Anne Morton Research Report — Seasonal and Altitudinal Differences in the Abundance and Species Richness of Some Macroinvertebrates in Kosciuszko National Park, Australia, by Michelle Stock Ora Cathermedanina PIREN voe retra oriens reete dans 216 Contributions Observations on the Feeding Behaviour of Uchidanurinae (Collembola: Neanuridae) in Australia, by Penelope Greenslade, Sean Moore and Roger Farrow iesirea 221 Butterfly Management Uses Pollard Walk, by Bryan T Haywood and Christopher J Wilson... ess 224 First Record of the Asian Freshwater Leech Barbronia weberi (Blanchard, 1897) (Euhirudinea: Erpobdellidae) in Australia, by Fredric R Govedich, Bonnie A Bain and Ronald W Davies .....227 Dragonfly Nymphs with Dipteran *Hitch-hikers': an Example of Phoresy Found in Dandenong Creek, DIA DORT ESSI QUU, crs Pet neh erre aderant per UIDES sete eR 229 Acacia obtusifolia — Introduction and Spread in Native Bush, a AL AET Deu uns E t Ms tom M. C c Cm Ol The Discovery of Leadbeater's Possum Gymnobelideus leadbeateri along the Woori Yallock Creek, Yellingbo, hari ato or E SRM A Pre MES EC Be ae TA AN A 233 Ooline Cadellia pentastylis F.Muell.: a Survivor, DIR OR ECL CHIE Med, A Arden e eed Meee AN eee, EO Foraminifera from Lake Corangamite, Victoria, by Ken N Bell......237 Naturalist inthe Winter Keeps Us Warm, by Ken Green... $238 Mountains Snow in Spring, by Ken Green .......... Tribute William Nigel Balcombe Quick, by Michael F Bi wb and USPC NIE CAE UTRAM... MO. een Ee MC UE 242 Book Reviews Treasures from the Kingdom of Fungi, by Taylor F Lockwood, SAU ECT bay Tat phe c (o 8 ID ECT Ye ele rei M e TUO cp EN. EN 214 Butterflies of Australia: their Identification, Biology and Distribution, by Michael F Braby, reviewed by Andrew Atkins ....244 Dragonflies of the World, by Jill Silshy, reviewed by OIOV ETE T Te pco 7 ORCC SS QI ia t3 REDDIT eee 245 Possums: The Brushtails, Ringtails and Greater Glider, by Anne Kerle, reviewed by Ken Bell .................. eere 246 ISSN 0042-5184 Cover: Dragonfly Aeshna sp. — a representative of the invertebrates covered in this issue, e.g. dragonfly nymphs (p. 229) and dragonflies of the world (p. 245). Photo by Roger Gaymer. Web address: email: Research Report Seasonal and Altitudinal Differences in the Abundance and Species Richness of Some Flying Macroinvertebrates in Kosciuszko National Park, Australia Michelle Stock! and Catherine Marina Pickering Abstract Seasonal and altitudinal effects on invertebrate abundance and the diversity of flying macroinverte- brates, including potential pollinators, were examined at an alpine, subalpine and montane site in Kosciuszko National Park, Australia. Sampling using traps consisting of sticky white balls was con- ducted at four times during the growing/flowering season (between December and March). Only insects greater than 4 mm (macroinvertebrates) were identified. Of the total of 9011 invertebrates collected the most diverse and abundant macroinvertebrate taxa were Diptera. The next most abun- dant and diverse were the Hemiptera and Hymenoptera, with few Lepidoptera and Orthoptera. There were both seasonal and altitudinal effects, with the abundance and diversity of macroinvertebrates and Diptera (74 mm) highest between December and February, corresponding to the main flowering periods. Abundance at all sites declined in March as temperatures declined. The abundance and diversity of macroinvertebrates in the alpine site was higher than expected compared to the montane site during the first three sampling periods. This differs from studies overseas that have found a decline in macroinvertebrate diversity and abundance with increasing altitude. (The Victorian Naturalist 119 (5), 2002, 216-221) Introduction Invertebrate diversity, abundance and activity have been found to decline with increasing altitude in mountain regions (Primack 1978; Arroyo er al. 1982, 1985; Inouye and Pyke 1988; Kearns 1992; Primack and Inouye 1993; Green 1997; Bingham 1998). This is thought to be due to the increasing severity of the environ- ment, with lower temperatures, less bio- mass of vegetation, longer periods of snow cover, increased risk of frosts etc. at higher altitudes (Mani 1968; Arroyo ef al. 1985; Inouye and Pyke 1988; Green and Osborne 1994). For example alpine areas are char- acterized by atmospheric cold, high atmos- pheric aridity, snow and ice, high ultra- violet radiation, large diurnal fluctuations in temperature, and rapid desiccation of delicate and soft-bodied organisms. These factors constrain the survival, growth and reproduction of invertebrates limiting their abundance and distribution in high altitude environments (Mani 1968; Arroyo et al. 1982, 1985; Green and Osborne 1994; Green 1997; Korner 1999). Invertebrate abundance, activity and diversity can also vary seasonally in sub- alpine and alpine areas, including in the Australian Alps (Inouye and Pyke 1988; ! School of Environmental and Applied Sciences, Griffith University, Gold Coast Campus, PMB 30 Gold Coast Mail Centre, Queensland 9726. Email au 216 Green 1997). For example, very few Diptera and other flying insects overwinter in alpine areas with most either there acci- dentally (lifted by air currents), or migrat- ing into the alpine for the summer, but returning to the lower areas to breed during winter (Mani 1968; Green and Osborne 1994), During the snow free period insect activity can vary with weather conditions, particularly temperature, and wind, This can result in seasonal and diurnal variation in the abundance and diversity of pollina- tors in alpine sites (Arroyo er al. 1985; Inouye and Pyke 1988; Bergman er al. 1996; Green 1997), The most common type of insects in the alpine region of Kosciuszko National Park are Orthoptera (crickets and grasshoppers), Coleoptera (beetles), Hemiptera (bugs), Lepidoptera (butterflies and moths), Diptera (flies) and Collembola (springtails) (Inouye and Pyke 1988; Green and Osborne 1994; Green 1997). The main potential pollinators of the Kosciuszko alpine flora are thought to be the Diptera with 60 species visiting flowers (Inouye and Pyke 1988). Hymenoptera (33 species), along with several species of Lepidoptera and Coleoptera, were also found on flowers (Inouye and Pyke 1998). Unlike other alpine areas, there is a lack of social bees and other types of specialist pollinators in the Australian Alps and in New Zealand The Victorian Naturalist alpine areas matching an apparent lack of specialist pollination syndromes (Primack 1978; Inouye and Pyke 1988; Pickering 1997). The decline in the abundance and diversity of insect pollinators in subalpine and alpine environments is thought to have influenced pollination syndromes, timing of flowering and duration of stigmatic receptivity of alpine plants (Arroyo et al. 1982, 1985; Inouye and Pyke 1988; Kearns 1992: Totland 1993; Bergman ef al. 1996; Bingham 1998; Pickering 1997; Korner 1999), The aim of this study was to examine if altitude and seasonality affected the diversity and abundance of some flying macroinverte- brates in Kosciuszko National Park. [t would be expected that the abundance of inverte- brates including pollinators varies within a flowering season, with the highest abun- dance in the warmest months (January- February in Australia). Peak flowering in the alpine region of Kosciuszko National Park also occurs in the warmest months, although some species flower early in the season, soon after snow-melt or later in the season, often in March (Costin et al. 2000; pers. obs.). At lower altitudes insect numbers could peak earlier in the season during spring, when most plants are flowering. Numbers could also remain higher for longer, as temperatures are higher on aver- age, and do not fall as fast late in the grow- ing season (March-April; Green and Osborne 1994), It would also be expected that at higher altitudes macroinvertebrate activity/abundance would be lower than at subalpine or montane sites at any given time. Methods Study site Macroinvertebrate diversity and abundance was sampled using passive traps consisting of white Styrofoam balls (11 cm diameter) coated in Tangle Trap® (modification of method by Prokopy 1968) attached to 2 mm diameter wire, with the balls posi- tioned approximately 5 cm above the vege- tation. Traps were placed at three altitudes in Kosciuszko National Park, New South Wales. The lowest altitude site was in the Eucalyptus woodland (montane vegetation zone) 1400 m ast near Sawpit Creek, The next site was in subalpine heath near Prussian Creek below Smiggin Holes Vol. 119 (5) 2002 Research Report (1640 m ASL) and the final site was in tall alpine herbfield in the alpine region above Charlotte Pass Village on Mt Gutherie (1860 m ASL). Sampling occurred four times during the flowering season. Initial sampling was on 18-20 December 1998 when all sites had been snow free for several weeks and tem- peratures were starting to increase, Sites were sampled again on 16-18 January 1999 at the peak of the alpine flowering season. The third sampling period was 1-3 February 1999 when flowering was declining at all sites. The final sampling was 27-29 March 1999 when flowering was finished and cli- matic conditions were less favorable for insect activity. At each site one passive trap was ran- domly placed along each of five 30 m tran- sects approximately 50 m apart. The traps were left for two days. Invertebrates greater than 4 mm in length were collected and identified to morphospecies in the field laboratory. It was not feasible to iden- tify invertebrates less than 4 mm in the field laboratory. Statistical analysis Effects of altitude and season on species richness and abundance were examined by two-way analysis of variance using SPSS 10.00 (Coakes and Steed 2001), However, due to the relative lack of spatial dispersal of the traps at each altitude, the altitudinal effect must be interpreted with caution. To satisfy the assumptions of the analysis the total number of invertebrates, total number of Diptera, and number of invertebrates >4 mm data were transformed using a natural log (x + 1) transformation, Tukeys post hoc test was used to compare means at each time and site. Results Diversity and abundance A total of 9019 invertebrates was collect- ed over the four sampling periods at the three sites, For macroinvertebrates (2490 >4 mm), the most common were Diptera (flies 69%; Table 1). The other groups of macroinvertebrates in decreasing abundance were Hemiptera (bugs ~11.5%), Hymenoptera (bees and wasps ~11%), Lepidoptera (moths ~4%), Orthoptera Á (grasshoppers ~4%), Blattodea (cockroach- 217 Research Report es — less than 1%), Arachnida (spiders — less than 1%) and Coleoptera (beetles — less than 1%). Approximately 76% of the inver- tebrates caught were smaller than 4 mm (Table 1) and were not identified. Diptera were the most diverse macroin- vertebrates as well as the most abundant (Table 2). There were 31 morphotaxa rep- resenting at least 10 families. Hymenoptera were represented by three bee morphotaxa and four wasp morphotaxa. Within the Lepidoptera there were five morphotaxa, with at least one representative of the Oecophoridae, Geometridae and Noctuidae families. There were four Orthoptera mor- photaxa, one type of Blattodea, one type of Coleoptera, and two types of Hemiptera. Effect of altitude and time The total number of invertebrates varied seasonally at each of the three altitudes with a clear decline in invertebrate num- bers in March compared to earlier in the season (Fig. 1). There were significantly more invertebrates collected in December in the alpine site than at any other time at any altitude (Fig. 1; two-way ANOVA, effect of time by altitude interaction, df — 6, F — 19.819, p « 0.001). The peak num- ber of invertebrates was highest in January for both the subalpine and montane sites. The data for just the small invertebrates (less than 4 mm) showed the same pattern as for total invertebrates. The largest number of invertebrates was found on traps in the alpine site in December, and there was a decrease in the number of invertebrates caught at the three altitudes in March (Table 3; two-way Table 1. Number of invertebrates belonging to different orders trapped at the three altitudes (montane, subalpine and alpine sites) in Kosciuszko National Park during the 1998/1999 growing/flowering season. Invertebrate Total % all % order number invert. >4mm Micro- and meso- invertebrates 6931 76.85 Diptera 1432 15.88 68.58 Hemiptera 240 2.66 11.49 Hymenoptera 226 2.5] 10,82 Lepidoptera 87 0.96 4.17 Orthoptera 84 0.93 4.02 Blattodea 10 0.11 0.48 Arachnidae 8 0.09 0.38 Coleoptera l 0.01 Total 9019 218 ANOVA, effect of time by altitude interac- tion, df= 6, F = 12.733, p < 0.001). The data for Diptera only also showed the same pattern, There was a significant interaction between altitudes and times (Table 4; two-way ANOVA, effect of time by altitude interaction, df= 6, F = 6.378, p < 0.001). The number of Diptera also declined dramatically in March at all alti- tudes (Table 4). There was considerable variation in diversity of macroinvertebrates at the dif- ferent altitudes and times (Fig. 2; two-way ANOVA, effect of time by altitude interac- tion, df = 6, F = 3.835, p = 0.003). All three altitudes showed a relatively constant number of morphospecies between December and February, with a clear decrease in March (Fig. 2). Discussion The abundance and diversity of inverte- brates was lower at the end of the grow- ing/flowering season in March than in December and January at all three alti- Table 2. Diversity of insects trapped at the three altitudes during the 1998/1999 flowering season at Kosciuszko National Park. Order Diptera Family No. morphotaxa Total 31 Muscidae Tachinidae Calliphoridae Syrphidae Tabanidae Asilidae Tipulidae Simulidae Tephritidae Culicidae Unknown Total Anthophoridae Ichneumonidae Unknown Total Oecophoridae Geometridae Noctuidae Unknown Total Acrididae Pyrgomorphidae Total ‘Total Cleridae Total Cicadidae Unknown = — n= co ae eal ee ge a ON OS ee eos gn aloo Hymenoptera Lepidoptera Orthoptera Blattodea Coleoptera Hemiptera The Victorian Naturalist 800 200 — = ur = x 0 IE December January February March Mean number of invertebrates per trap b e © Alpine 800 200 == i Mean number of invertebrates per trap E vw 0 == December January February March Subalpine & $ 600 = s 2 2 400 B 200: p A dr s E! E] z December January February March Montane Fig. 1. Mean and standard error of the total number of macroinvertebrates per trap at four times during the flowering season at three alti- tudes in Kosciuszko National Park. tudes. This pattern is consistent with other studies in alpine and subalpine sites in Kosciuszko National Park that used differ- ent sampling methodologies (Inouye and Pyke 1988; Green 1997), as well as with studies of alpine and subalpine environ- ments elsewhere in the world (Arroyo ez al. 1982, 1985; Primack and Inouye 1993; Bergman et al. 1996; Bingham 1998). The reduction in invertebrate numbers in March is likely to be due to factors such as lower temperatures at the end of the flow- ering season. Factors such as temperature, wind speed and light levels have all been found to affect insect activity, including in sites close to those used in this study (Primack 1978; Arroyo et al. 1985; Inouye and Pyke 1988; Primack and Inouye 1993; Bergman er al. 1996). These changes in invertebrate numbers are likely to affect Vol. 119 (5) 2002 Research Report E 5 È g 8 Bg S d 5 e EN 5 E o» 0 December January February March Alpine 14 a Eam f & 10 pee Bs " DR 5 $ 6 ij Ss 4 = 2 EL 0 December January February March Subalpine e T. Mean diversity per trap December January February March Montane Fig. 2. Mean and standard error of the diversity of macroinvertebrates per trap at four times dur- ing the flowering season at three altitudes in Kosciuszko National Park. the potential for insect pollination for those few alpine plants that flower late in the season (Arroyo et al. 1985; Inouye and Pyke 1988; Primack and Inouye 1993; Bergman eft al. 1996). The bulk of the flowering in the Kosciuszko alpine occurred in December and January, when macroinvertebrate diversity was high. By March, however, when only a few species were flowering (e.g. Mueller's Snow-gen- tian Chionogentias muelleriana), most plants had finished releasing their seeds and insect diversity had decreased to only one morphospecies (a hymenopteran). The high abundance and diversity of macro-Diptera compared to other orders of macroinvertebrates found in this study are consistent with observations in nearby sites. Diptera were the most diverse (31 species, at least 10 families) and abundant 219 Research Report E AO E L o Å o o aM A Table 3. Mean (and standard error) of the number of <4 mm invertebrates trapped at each sampling period at alpine, subalpine and montane sites. Sampling date Alpine Subalpine Montane Total 20 December 1998 469 + 109 11248 110 218 2302-57 18 January 1999 73414 120 + 24 166+ 46 120+ 19 3 February 1999 314 18 66 + 24 121 +43 824-18 29 March 1999 2341 1528 TO SIED 34-210 Total 168 + 54 78 + 13 117417 120+ 19 TES Ss eh a Se TN aT LES Saas wen ae EES Te, Table 4. Mean (and standard error) of the number of Diptera trapped at each sampling period at alpine, subalpine and montane sites. Sampling date Alpine Subalpine Montane Total 20 December 1998 75 +27 143 34 - 10 41-11 18 January 1999 2943 31+7 2347 2843 3 February 1999 27-6 194-5 245 23-3 29 March 1999 0 1441 942 aem Total 33 10 16-3 2244 2443 taxa (69% of insects greater than 4 mm) in the study presented here. Inouye and Pyke (1988) also found that Diptera were the most abundant and diverse flower visitor, with a total of 60 species of Diptera, belonging to 18 families visiting flowers from a range of species. The most abun- dant flower visitors were Diptera, account- ing for 62.3% of flower visitors, followed by Hymenoptera (30.8% flower visitors), then Lepidoptera (11.2%) and Coleoptera (1.9%) (Inouye and Pyke 1988). Several studies have shown that species richness decreases with increasing altitude (Mani 1968; Arroyo er al, 1985; Primack and Inouye 1993; Green 1997; Bingham 1998), From this, it was expected that there would be a greater diversity of taxa in the montane site, than the alpine and subalpine sites. This was not the case. Overall there were forty-three morphospecies of macroin- vertebrates in the alpine, thirty-three in the subalpine and forty in the montane site. In addition, during peak flowering in the alpine, there were either more or similar numbers and diversity of macroinvertebrates than in the subalpine and montane sites. Therefore, it could be that there are quite high numbers of macroinvertebrates, partic- ularly Diptera, available to act as pollinators at the time of peak flowering in the alpine. The results obtained in this study should be viewed with some caution, as they could be due to site specific factors, and hence may not be representative of a general trend with altitude. Also, the diversity data only applies 220 lo insects greater than 4 mm and hence does not reflect total invertebrate diversity. The relative dominance of Diptera amongst alpine insect fauna, particularly among potential pollinator suites, has been found in a range of alpine regions (Inouye and Pyke 1988; Kearns 1992: Totland 1993). It is thought, in part, to be due to Diptera numbers not declining, or not declining as fast with increasing altitude as the abundance and diversity of other insect groups, such as bees (Primack 1978; Arroyo et al. 1982, 1985; Kearns 1993). For exam- ple, the diversity of Diptera was higher at high and mid elevations than at low eleva- tions in study across an altitudinal gradient in the Rocky Mountains, USA (Kearns 1992). The abundance of Diptera did not decline with increasing altitude, unlike other groups of insects (Kearns 1993), resulting in the increasing importance of Diptera as pol- linators at higher altitude. Similar patterns have been found in some other alpine regions (Primack and Inouye 1993; Totland 1993) with Diptera abundance and diversity found to be fairly constant or declining more slowly across altitudinal gradient. The effect of this is that at higher elevations, which often have fewer bees and other specialized pollinators, Diptera were most common (Arroyo ef al. 1982; Primack and Inouye 1993). In the study presented here, Diptera were also found to be the most diverse and abundant insects in the alpine zone, adding support to their prominence as potential pol- linators in such environments. The Victorian Naturalist Acknowledgements Thanks to New South Wales National Parks and Wildlife Service for access to the site, and to Janice Harrington, Karen Rudkin and Kylie Catteral for their assistance in the field. References Arroyo MTK, Primack R and Armesto J (1982) Community studies in pollination ecology in the high-temperate Andes of central Chile, I: Pollination mechanism and altitudinal variation. American Journal of Botany 69, 82-97. Arroyo MTRK. Armeston JJ and Primack RB (1985) Community studies in pollination ecology in the high temperate Andes of central Chile. II: Effects of tem- perature on visitation rates and pollination possibili- ties, Plant Systematics and Evolution 149, 187-203. Bergman P, Molau U and Homgren B (1996) Micrometeorological impacts on insect activity and plant reproductive success in an alpine environment, Swedish Lapland. Arctic and Alpine Research 28, 196-202. Bingham RA (1998) Efficient pollination of alpine plants. Nature 391, 238-239. Coakes SJ and Steed LG (2001) SPSS Analysis Without Anguish, (Wiley: New York) Costin AB, Gray M. Totterdell CJ and Wimbush DJ (2000) Kosciusko Alpine Flora. (CSIRO: Collingwood) Green K (1997) Inter-annual, seasonal and altitudinal differences in invertebrate activity in the Snowy Mountains. The Victorian Naturalist 114, 222-229. Green K and Osborne W (1994) Wildlife af the Contributions Australian Snow Country, (Reed Books; Chatswood) Inouye DW and Pyke GH (1988) Pollination biology in the Snowy Mountains of Australia: Comparisons with montane Colorado, USA. Australian Journal of Ecology 13, 191-210. Kearns CA (1992) Anthophilous fly distribution across an elevation gradient. American Midland Naturalist 127, 172-182. Korner C (1999) Alpine Plant Life: Functional Plant Ecology of High Mountain Ecosystems. (Springer: Berlin) Mani MS (1968) Ecalogy and Biogeography of High Altitude Insects. National Library of Australia, Series Entomologica 4. Pickering CM (1997) Reproductive strategies and con- straints of alpine plants as illustrated by five species of Australian alpine Ranunculus. Opera Botanica 132, 101-108. Primack RB (1978) Variability in New Zealand mon- tane and alpine pollination assemblages. New Zealand Journal of Botany 1, 66-73. Primack RB and Inouye DW (1993) Factors affecting pollinator visitation rates: a biogeographic compari- son. Current Sciences 65, 257-262, Prokopy RJ (1968) Sticky spheres for estimating apple maggot adult abundance, Journal of Economic Entomology 61, 1082-1085, Totland O (1993) Pollination in alpine Norway: flower- ing phenology, insect visitors, and visitation rates in two plant communities. Canadian Journal of Botany 71, 1072-1079. Observations on the Feeding Behaviour of Uchidanurinae (Collembola: Neanuridae) in Australia Penelope Greenslade!', Sean Moore’ and Roger Farrow’ Abstract Two observations of feeding on the plasmodial stage of a slime mould (Mycetozoa) in Eucalyptus forest in Victoria and Tasmania by species of the log-inhabiting Uchidanurinae are documented. It is suggested that feeding on Protozoa may be much more common in members of the Neanuridae than is currently considered, The Uchidanurinae are of conservation significance as they tend to be inhab- itants of old growth vegetation, highly diverse in south-eastern Australia and Tasmania and very sus- 2, 221-223) ceptible to human impacts. (The Victorian Naturalist 119 (5), 2002, 22 Introduction The Uchidanurinae are among the largest and most spectacular Collembola. Individuals may be up to 10 mm long and are dark blue, grey or black with a flattened, seg- mented body furnished with lobes and digita- tions often conspicuously tipped with orange or yellow. The animals live in or under old decaying logs in old growth forests or in heathland undisturbed by fire for long peri- ods, and unlike most other Collembola, lack a jumping organ. Although only three Australian species have been described so ! Division of Botany and Zoology, Australian National University, Canberra, ACT 0200 1 7 Girdwood Road, Boronia, Victoria 3155 ' Tilembeya Consulting, 777 Urila Road, Queanbeyan, NSW 2620) Vol. 119 (5) 2002 far, collections from south-east Australia and Tasmania indicate that about thirty species can be distinguished on gross morphology and it is likely that a much larger number of cryptic species exist (Greenslade 1991, 1993). The subfamily is also found in New Zealand, New Caledonia and parts of south- east Asia and is considered to be Gondwanan in origin (Greenslade 1991). Based on their mouthparts, Collembola can be divided into two groups. The first group possesses a mandible with a toothed molar plate while the second group has a simpler mandible without a toothed molar plate. Observations made on easily cultured species from families belonging to the first 221 Contributions group suggest that Collembola have rela- tively unspecialised feeding habitats and consume fungi, bacteria and other microor- ganisms, with some preferences for certain fungal species, possibly based on nutrition- al value (Hopkins 1997). However, by defi- nition, easily cultured species are likely to show relatively generalised feeding prefer- ences so the unspecific nature of feeding habits may not be as widespread as these observations indicate (Greenslade 1993). Families lacking the molar plate, such as the Neanuridae to which the Uchidanurinae belong, show a greater morphological varia- tion in mouth parts, suggesting that a range of specialised feeding habits may be a char- acteristie of this group. It is known that sev- eral species of Neanurinae, a closely related subfamily, have been kept alive for long periods as long as temperatures are kept low and moisture regimes high, but feeding and reproductive behaviour were never observed in culture (L Deharveng pers. comm.). The Uchidanurinae are typical of the Neanurinae in that individuals have been kept at a tem- perature of 4°C for over five months, but feeding on microorganisms such as bacteria, yeasts or fungi was never observed nor were any eggs seen (P Greenslade pers. obs.). In addition, studies of the alimentary canals of Neanurinae have failed to find any identifi- able contents (L Deharveng pers. comm. ). Observations Two independent observations in the field have been made of Uchidanurinae feeding in natural undisturbed environ- ments. In both cases a number of individu- als were observed during the day feeding, on the plasmodial stage of a yellow slime mould, probably Fuligo septica. The first observation was made by R. Farrow in tall wet sclerophyll forest in the Florentine Valley, southwest Tasmania, in February 1992. Farrow photographed two individu- als apparently feeding on a conspicuous yellow slime mould growing on the lower side of a well-rotted log, possibly of a Eucalyptus species, in deep shade about midmorning. The second set of observa- tions were made by S Moore on both the 29 July, 2001 and the 5 August, 2001, at the same site in semi-open eucalypt forest in Kinglake National Park, northeast of Melbourne, Victoria. These animals were 222 feeding on the slime mould growing on the outside of a rotting log, possibly Acacia sp., in eucalypt forest with an understorey of bracken Preridium esculentum, Again, the observations were made during the day. On the first occasion, two individuals were noted at 2 pm feeding in overcast, calm and wet conditions at a temperature of approximately 12°C. On the second occasion, ten individuals were observed at 10 am in overcast, calm and damp condi- tions at a temperature of approximately 8°C, This site was extremely humid, being adjacent to a rainforest gully. Photographic records of both observations were made and specimens were collected, The two species were different and belonged to two different available genera in the Uchidanurinae. The Tasmanian species belonged to Acanthanura sp, cf. dendyi (Lubbock 1899) and the Victorian species to Womersleymeria sp. bicornis group (Womersley 1940), but cannot be identi- fied further until a revision of the subfami- ly in Australia can be carried out. Specimens of both slime mould and Collembola from the Kinglake National Park were retained for examination in cul- ture but proved difficult to observe under a normal microscope light. Discussion Slime moulds are found on shed bark, well-rotted logs and in leaf litter, mainly in moist environments. They are most easily cultured from cut bark and survive desic- cation and rehydration (Stephenson and Stempen 1994). All collections of Uchidanurinae from forests have been made from similar habitats, that is either within or under logs or in leaf litter with an abundant bark content. Individuals are usu- ally collected from just under bark on logs or between bark and the thick layer of moss growing on it. Slime moulds were, in the past, consid- ered to be closely related to fungi, as indi- cated by the scientific name, Myxomycetes. However they are now considered to have a closer relationship and ancient ancestry with Protozoa, and are more correctly referred to as Mycetozoa (Wheeler 1984). Although soil Protozoa have sometimes been record- ed as food of Collembola there have been no direct data to support the suggestion. In The Victorian Naturalist fact, reviews of feeding in Collembola usu- ally fail to mention Protozoa (Christiansen 1964) or mention them but give no support- ing reference (Rusek 1998). Andren and Schnurer (1985) assume Protozoa constitute a considerable proportion of the diet of Folsomia fimetaria (Isotomidae), as only a small percentage of the animals’ growth could be accounted for by fungi, but direct evidence was lacking. Although Ing (1967) recorded adventitious Collembola probably feeding on slime moulds in culture, the only published observation of an identified collembolan species feeding on the plas- modial stage of Mycetozoa is that of Chassain (1973). He observed feeding of Neanura muscorum Templeton (Neanuri- dae: Neanurinae) on two species of slime moulds, Dictydiaethalium plumbeum Rost and Trichia varia (Pers.). Chassain (1973) also noted that when the slime mould trans- forms to the sporulation phase, some Collembola become trapped and die. A number of other organisms, Coleoptera, Diptera and Acari (Blackwell 1984; Wheeler 1984; Lawrence and Milner 1996) have been reported as forming an associa- tion with slime moulds (Frederick 1990) but rarely with the plasmodial stage since most species feed on mature sporocarps. The Uchidanurinae are nearly all heavily pigmented and have eight ocelli on each side of the head. This is suggestive of diur- nal activity in these organisms as nocturnal species normally have reduced ocelli and reduced pigment of the body. However, foraging during the day of cryptic, humid log-inhabiting species might not be expect- ed because these animals would be vulner- able to the lower humidities found outside the log habitat. It is significant that the diurnal activity recorded here was at a time when light intensity in these forests was low and at sites where humidities were particularly high. Observations have also been made of a different species foraging during the day on the surface of a rotting log in rainforest at Cooloola National Park, Queensland (P Greenslade pers. obs.). We suggest that as all members of the sub- family Uchidanurinae have very similar mouthparts, they may be specialist feeders on slime moulds. This would explain not only the observations recorded here, but also the difficulty of culturing these animals and Vol. 119 (5) 2002 Contributions also explain their preferred habitat under the bark of rotting logs. Moreover, the literature indicates that the feeding habitats of the family Neanuridae are still unknown because identifiable gut contents are not nor- mally observed in mounted specimens, Our observations, together with those of Chassain (1973), indicate that it is possible that other members of the family Neanuridae may also show a preference for or feed exclusively on slime moulds and perhaps even more commonly on other Protozoa. Acknowledgements The authors would like to thank the anonymous referee for the suggestions of improvements to the manuscript. References Andren O and Schnurer J (1985) Barley straw decom- position with varied levels of microbial grazing by Folsomia fimetaria (L) (Collembola, Isotomidae), Oecologia 68. 7-62. Blackwell M (1984) Myxomycetes and their arthropod associates. In Fungus-Insect relationships: Perspectives ia Ecology and Evolution, pp, 67-90, Eds Q Wheeler and M Blackwell. (Columbia University Press: New York) Chassain M (1973) Capture d'un insecte Collembola par deux Myxomycetes. Documents mycologiques Lille 8, 37-38. Christiansen K (1964) Bionomies of Collembola Annual Review of Entomology 9, 147-178, Prederick L (1990) Phylum Plasmodial Slime Molds Class Myxomycota, In Handbook of Protoctista! the structure, cultivation, habitats and life eycles of the eukaryotic microorganisms and their descendants exclusive of animals, plants and fungi, A guide to the algae, ciliates, Foraminifera, sporazou, water molds, slime molds and the other protoetists, pp. 467-483. J. Eds O Corliss, M Melkonian and DJ Chapman. (Jones and Bartlett Publishers: Boston) Greenslade P (1991) Notes on Australian Uchidanurinae (Collembola: Neanuridae). In Advances in Management and Conservation of Soil Fauna, pp. 63-65, Eds GK Veeresh, D Rajagopal and CA Viraktamath. (Oxford/IBH Publishing Co. Pvt. Lid: New Delhi) Greenslade P (1993) Collembola, In 7nsects o/ Australia, pp. 252-264. Ed C SIRO. (Melbourne University Press: Melbourne) Hopkins $ (1997) Biology of the Springtails (Insecta: Collembola). (Oxford University Press: Oxford) Ing B (1967) Myxomycetes as food for other organsisms. Proceedings of the South London Entomological and Natural History Society 1967, 18-23, Lawrence JF and Milner RJ (1996) Associations between arthropods and fungi. In Fungi of Australia Volume 1B. Introduction -= Fungi in the Environment, pp. 137-200. Eds K Mallett and € Greurinoyie. (Australian Biological Resources Study: Canberra) Rusek J (1998) Biodiversity of Collembola and their functional role in the ecosystem. Biodiversity and Conservation 7, 1207-1219, Stephenson SL. and Stempen H (1994) Myxomycetes: A Handbook of Slime Moulds. (Timber Press: Portland, Oregon) Wheeler Q (1984) Evolution of slime mold feeding in lviodid beetles, In F'ungus-Insecr relationships Perspectives in Ecology and Evolution, pp. 446-477. Eds Q Wheeler and M Blackwell. (Columhia University Press; New York) 223 Contributions Butterfly Management Uses Pollard Walk Bryan T Haywood' and Christopher J Wilson Abstract South Australia's first set of butterfly walks was conducted in the Penambol Conservation Park from 13 November 2000 to 25 April 2001, A simple survey technique devised by Pollard (1977) was used to record the changes in abundance of common and rare butterflies during a weekly transect walk, l'en butterfly species were recorded during the survey period with 4 species being regionally threat- ened species. The survey technique has great relevance for the survey and management of threatened species in many terrestial environments with the assistance of volunteers also important for its suc- cess. The presence and absence of particular species in specific habitats can also be objectively used as a guide to overall habitat health and condition. (The Victorian Naturalist 119 (3), 2002. 224-226) Introduction A simple survey technique to observe and record the abundance in butterfly fauna was devised by Pollard (1977) as a method for assessing the changes in the abundance of butterflies, The method was first developed at Monks Wood Experimental Station (UK) to enable a person (with relatively little experience) to assess the changes in abun- dance of butterflies in their locality. Endersby (1994) and Brooks (1993) high- lighted the use of the Pollard walk for counting insects, especially dragonflies, suggesting minor modifications to reflect local conditions but overall finding the tech- nique repeatable and very effective. Staff of the Department for Environment and Heritage (DEH) in South Australia, with the assistance of local volunteers, want to fur- ther highlight the suitability of the Pollard walk as a tool for the management of butter- fly species and as a component in assessing remnant vegetation health. The Pollard walk, ‘the first of its kind in South Australia,’ was initiated in 2000/01 and is being used for surveying butterflies in the Penambol Conservation Park, South Australia, a 178 hectare reserve situated 25 km south-east of Mount Gambier in an area more commonly known as Caroline Forest. The aim of the survey was to: * highlight the simplicity of monitoring a site for butterflies using the Pollard walk; * commence the first annual Butterfly walk for South Australia; ' Department for Environment and Heritage, PO Box 1046, Mount Gambier, South Australia 5290 Email Haywood, Bryan( ' Wexford Wildfowl Reserve, North Slob, Wexford, Ireland, Email ewilson(@ealga,ie 224 *record the numbers and species of Lepidoptera present in the Penambol Conservation Park; *encourage loeal involved; * use the information collected on butterfly presence as a guide to the assessment of a habitat's health and condition. Fisher (1983) and Grund and Hunt (1997, 2000) have previously recorded the butter- fly fauna in the Lower South East includ- ing the Penambol Conservation Park area. They determined the locality as one of great potential for the discovery of various species occuring in Victoria but rare in this region. This is principally due to the fact that the Lower South East of South Australia is the westerly extension of habi- tats (and the range of flora and fauna species) occuring throughout south-eastern Australia. The habitat throughout the transect includ- ed Messmate Stringybark Eucalyptus obli- qua on deep sandy soil, Swamp Gum Æ. ovata on red loam over limestone, open cleared ground of Bracken Pteridium escu- lentum with emergent E. obliqua over intro- duced grasses and weeds, and Blackwood Acacia melanoxylon over Mat Rush Lomandra longifolia. Method The Pollard walk suitably should be undertaken from Spring to Autumn each year (Pollard 1977). As this was the first year of the walk the authors began the sur- vey from 13 November 2000 and ended on 25 April 2001. Each week during this peri- od a walk was undertaken along a fixed and segmented transect (between 1100 and volunteers to be 'The Victorian Naturalist 1600 hours). Pollard (1977) stressed the importance of undertaking a walk during optimum conditions. The weather can have considerable effect on the numbers of but- terflies seen. Therefore before each survey the temperature, approximate wind speed (Beaufort Scale) and direction and cloud cover (sunshine) were recorded. Any day during the allocated week could be chosen for the Pollard walk to allow for the best conditions. Each walk was completed at a slow pace and took on average 25 min. The walk was divided into 7 sections with each section reflecting a change in habitat. All butterfly species seen were identified and counted at a distance up to 10 m in each of the seven sections. Any un-identi- fiable butterflies were recorded as such and/or caught and later identified using Braby (2000) and/or Fisher (1978). Some uncommon and rare species were taken as specimens, mounted, labelled and stored at the Mount Gambier DEH office inverte- brate collection for future reference. Notes were also taken relating to general obser- vations, feeding plants and other fauna sighted during each walk. All data record- ed were entered into a spreadsheet and for- warded to the Biological Survey and Contributions Research section of the Department for Environment and Heritage. The habitat was assessed using a habitat assessment technique developed for the Property Management Planning program (Primary Industries South Australia 1997). The assessment process was to answer a number of simple questions as to the pres- ence and/or absence of various natural fea- tures of a habitat of that type and associat- ed wildlife. The assessment included the allocation of points for positive and nega- tive features contained within the habitat. For example the presence of understorey plants especially grasses would receive 5 points and the presence of weeds would receive 5 minus points and so on. The tally at the end of the exercise would provide an assessment of the habitat depending on the score. Results In 2000/01 a total of 10 species was recorded along the weekly walks (Table 1). The most commonly recorded butterflies were the Common Brown /Heferonympha merope merope, Common Grass Blue Zizina labradus labradus and the Klug’s Xenica Geitoneura klugii. The graph Table 1. Butterfly species recorded including conservation status for South Australia (South Australian Butterflies 1998). SA conservation ratings: U, uncommon; R, rare. Common Name Scientific Name Vanessa itea Vanessa kershaw Dispar compacte Signeta flammea Australian Admiral Australian Painted Lady Barred Grass-skipper Bright Shield-skipper Cabbage White Common Brown Common Grass Blue Klug's Xenica Shouldered Brown White-banded Grass-dart Heteronympha n Heteronympha p Table 2. Habitat assessment for each section of the Taractrocera papyria papyria Pieris rapae rapae Zizina labradus labradus Geitoneura klugii Conservation Status i 1 u ta R "rope merope enelope penelope U R walk showing the presence of rare and common species and total butterfly numbers recorded for each section during survey period. Section Habitat Value Number of Number of Total rare species common species numbers 1 High 3 5 517 2 Low | 5 86 3 Moderate 3 5 230 4 Low 2 6 93 5 Low 0 2 106 6 Moderate l 5 155 1 High 2 5 CE, Vol. 119 (5) 2002 225 Contributions 160 "s = = Common Brown r 4 — Klup's Xenica PA E L —— Grass Blue 120 ' ————— k ' u m £4 i r 8 z p` ` ry v E T y ty k t [P » eg ' " ; " ps9 80 G p ` 2g P : d 1 ww * ES " LI , ^, d 25 " p ' ` EN " A ' E & 40 t i « S ` ^' E i à \ 0 ET c Weekly dates of transect walks Fig. 1. The abundance of the three most common species recorded throughout the Pollard walk dis- playing the total for each week. shows the abundance of these three species each week during the walk (Fig. 1). The sections of the walk that received a low habitat score had fewer butterflies and/or rare species recorded. Those com- mon species recorded in these sections were normally seen in open impoverished habitats. The areas with moderate/high habitat value recorded a greater diversity and abundance including most species of conservation significance (Table 2). Conclusion Initial findings indicated that data collected using the Pollard walk could assist in identi- fying variations in the presence of rare/threatened populations of butterflies at a site. The long term trends of any monitoring program are critical to the actions undertak- en for rare/threatened species especially if the technique for the collection of data can be simplified. Pollard (1977) offers such a technique for scientific authorities and. pro- fessionals, amateur entomologists or nature enthusiasts. The contribution and assistance offered by volunteers is also a critical com- ponent to the success of a wildlife monitor- ing program like the Pollard walk. The presence of rare species in some sec- tions of the walk indicates that the habitat is of moderate/high biodiversity value. The areas of the walk in which few butterfly species were found could be an indication that the habitat is impoverished and needs attention, However with only one year's data this conclusion cannot be substantiated, 226 Acknowledgements The authors wish to thank the following individ- uals who assisted or participated in weekly walks, identification of butterflies, signage along the trail, maps for a Park brochure and slashing of walking trail: Jason Bonney, Katrina Eggleston, Zoe Griffiths, Roger Grund, Torsten Gustavsson, Jean Haywood, Toni Haywood, Brad Lay, Paul Steed, Greg Wandin, and Ann Wilson. References and Bibliography Braby MF (2000) Butterflies of Australia, Volumes | and 2. (CSIRO: Melbourne) Brooks SJ (1993) Review of a method to monitor adult dragonfly populations. Journal of the British Dragonfly Society 9, 1-4. Endersby ID (1994) Counting insects while doing the Pollard Walk. Victorian Entomologist 24, 134-135. Fisher RIT (1978) Butterflies of South Australia Lepidoptera: Hesperioidea, Papilionoidea, (Government Printer; Adelaide) Fisher RH (1983) Butterflies of the South East. In Natural History of the South East, pp 215-222. Eds MJ Tyler, CR Twidale, JK Ling and JW Holmes. (Royal Society of South Australia: Adelaide) Grund R and Hunt L (1997) New butterfly records and hew range extensions, food plant recordings and biol- ogy for some butterflies from the lower south east region of South Australia, Victorian Entomologist 27, 50-33, Grund R and Hunt L (2000) Butterfly Conservation in the Lower South East Region. (National Parks Foundation Inc: Adelaide) Pollard E (1977) A method for assessing changes in the abundance of butterflies. Biological Conservation 12, 115-134. Primary Industries South Australia (1997) How healthy is your patch of native vegetation — worksheet. In Property Management Planning — Extension Resource Manual. (PISA; Adelaide). South Australian Butterflies website (1998). 'The Victorian Naturalist Contributions First Record of the Asian Freshwater Leech Barbronia weberi (Blanchard, 1897) (Euhirudinea: Erpobdellidae) in Australia Fredric R Govedich', Bonnie A Bain' and Ronald W Davies" Abstract Two individual Barbronia weberi, an invasive species from India and southeast Asia, were collected from Common Waterweed Hydrilla verticillata purchased in June, 2001 from an aquarium supplier in Melbourne, Australia. Adult leeches were fed Tubifex sp. ad libitum and successtully reproduced under laboratory conditions (21°C). This invasive species has the potential to adversely affect the biodiversity of native Australian freshwater invertebrates and the extent of this invasion is not clear- ly known. (The Victorian Naturalist 119 (5), 2002, 227-228) Introduction Members of the family Erpobdellidae are typically freshwater predators feeding on a range of invertebrate prey including crus- taceans, insects, molluscs, and annelids. Unlike their bloodsucking cousins, these leeches lack both a proboscis and jaws and often feed by swallowing their prey whole. Erpobdellids are well known for being important sit-and-wait predators in aquatic ecosystems, with a few species being pelagic predators in the absence of fish (Blinn et al, 1987). In addition, erpobdel- lids may be important prey for vertebrate and invertebrate predators (Sawyer 1986; Davies and Govedich 2001). Barbronia weberi (Blanchard, 1897) was originally described from India and is native to south-east Asia, Java, Sumatra, Celebes, Borneo, Philippines and Afghanistan (Sawyer 1986; Sods 1966; Nesemann and Sharma 1996). It has been introduced to New Zealand, England, Brazil, and the United States of America, apparently through the aquarium trade (Mason 1976; Sawyer 1986; Pamplin and Rocha 2000; Rutter and Klemm 2001). Barbronia weberi is ofien associated with aquatic vegetation, using aquatic plants as a substrate for attachment and for the attachment of cocoons, and it is likely this species has been transported with common aquarium plants, Hydrilla verticillata (Linnaeus, 1782) and Elodea sp. Methods Two reproductively mature leeches were found on Hydrilla verticillata purchased School of Biological Sciences, Monash University, Clayton, Victoria 3800 Department of Biological Sciences, University of Calgary, 2500 University Drive NW, Calgary, Alberta, Canada TIN 1N4 Vol. 119 (5) 2002 (June, 2001) from an aquarium supplier in Melbourne, Australia. The adult leeches were fed Tubifex sp. ad libitum and main- tained in 200 ml of artificial pond water (pH = 6.96, conductivity = 31.6 uS, 21°C) for 3 months. Following the production of cocoons the adults were preserved in 7096 ethanol and examined using an Olympus SZH-10 dissecting microscope to determine their identity. Results and Discussion Barbronia weberi is distinguishable from two superficially similar Australian erpob- dellids, Vivabdella arcana Richardson, 1970 and Dineta cylindrica Goddard, 1908. Both B. weberi and V. arcana have three pairs of eyes and accessory copulatory pores (Fig. 1d) distinguishing them from D, cylindrica which has four pairs of eyes and lacks accessory pores (Fig. 1c). Barbronia weberi can be distinguished from F. arcana (Fig. la, f) based on the presence of pha- ryngeal stylets (Fig. 1b) and the absence of simple postcaeca (Fig. le). Each adult Barbronia weberi produced between 8 and 10 cocoons during a two week period and each cocoon was attached to solid substrates (aquatic vegetation, rocks or the sides of aquaria). Cocoons were produced every other day over the two weeks and each cocoon contained two or three small eggs surrounded by irans- parent fluid. Upon hatching the young were 5.6 + 0.6 mm long and 0.7 + 0.2 mm wide (relaxed), capable of feeding inde- pendently on Tubifex sp. and became reproductively mature within four months of hatching (n = 7). At reproductive matu- rity, leeches had a relaxed length of 21.5 + 3 mm and width of 2.3 £0.3 mm (n = II). 227 Contributions Adult Barbronia weberi were found attached to Hydrilla verticillata, a weedy aquatic plant that has been known to invade freshwater ecosystems. The leeches were usually attached near the base of the leaf whorls or along the stem, making them difficult to see. While most of the individual cocoons were attached to the bottom or sides of the container, some of the cocoons were laid on individual leaves. All cocoons, regardless of attachment site, eventually hatched. Both the behaviour of the parent and the attachment of cocoons to H, verticillata allow this species to be transported as both an adult and as a cocoon. This close association, at both the cocoon and adult stages, has allowed B. weberi to successfully invade many new areas via the aquarium trade (Mason 1976; Sawyer 1986; Pamplin and Rocha 2000; Rutter and Klemm 2001). The H. verticillata which contained the B. weberi had been part ofa shipment that orig- inated from a pool of locally (Melbourne) and nationally grown plants making it diffi- cult to identify the source of the B. weberi. However, all stocks of the Æ. verticillata were from Australian sources, indicating that B. weberi has been and is being main- tained in the Australian aquarium trade. When placed into an aquarium with a gravel base, individual leeches were observed to burrow into the gravel, making them virtual- ly undetectable, Like other erpobdellid leeches, B. weberi is an aquatie predator that swallows its invertebrate prey (insects, worms, etc.) whole. Being a predator with rapid development and the ability for adults and cocoons to be transported in aquatic vegetation, allows B. weberi to invade new systems where they have the potential to compete with or feed on native invertebrate species. The introduction of this invasive species could potentially have long term consequences for the biodiversity and sur- vival of native Australian freshwater fauna and the ecosystems they inhabit. Unfortunately it is not clear how many B. weber? are in Australia, or the extent of the invasion of Australian aquatic systems, and further studies need to be completed to determine the extent and effect this species is having in Australia. 228 out 1,25mm. ti crop [] b = postegeen dri some d ana n t Fig. 1. Morphological features of Barbronia weberi and Vivabdella arcana, Top left: Dissected view of the buccal cavity of V. arcana (a), without stylets and B, weberi (b) containing stylets. Bottom left; External view showing the gonopores of a typical erpobdellid (c) and the gonopores and accessory copulatory pores of B. weberi and V. arcana (d). Right: Digestive system of B. weberi (e) without post- caeca and 7. arcana (V) with posteaeca. References Blim DW, Davies RW and Dehdashti B (1987) Specialized pelagic feeding by Erpobdella montezu- ma (Hirudinea). Holaretic Ecology 1, 235-240. Davies RW and Govedich FR (2001) Annelida: Euhirudinea and aeanthobdellids, In Ecology and Systematics of North American Freshwater Inverfebrates, 2nd ed, pp 465-504. Ed JH Thorp and AP Covich. (Aeademic Press: San Diego) Mason J (1976) Studies on the freshwater and terrestrial leeches of New Zealand, 2. Orders Gnathobdelliformes and Pharyngobdelliformes. Journal of the Royal Society of New Zealand 6, 255-276. Nesemann H and Sharma S (1996) Contribution to the knowledge of the leeches of Nepal (Annelida: Hirudinea). deta Zoologica Academiae Scientiarum Hungaricae A42, 231-249, Pamplin P and Rocha O (2000) First report of Barbronia weberi (Hirudinea: Erpobdelliformes: Salifidae) from South America, Revista de Biologia Tropical 48, 723. Rutter RP and Klemm DJ (2001) The presence of an Asian leech, Barbronia weberi, in à home aquarium in south Florida (Hirudinea: Salilidae). /"lorida Scientist 64, 216-218, Sawyer RT (1986) Leech Biology and Behaviour Feeding Biology, Ecology and Systematics, Volume IL. (Oxford University Press: Oxford) Soós A (1966) Identification key to the leech (Hirudinoidea) genera of the world with a catalogue of the species. I1, Family: Erpobdellidae, Acta Zoologica Academiae Scientiarum Hungaricae 12, 371-407. The Victorian Naturalist Contributions Dragonfly Nymphs with Dipteran *Hitch-hikers': an Example of Phoresy Found in Dandenong Creek Anneke Veenstra-Quah' Abstract A phoretic association was observed between larvae of Rheotanytarsus juliae (Diptera: Chironomidae) and larvae of Austroaeschmna unicornis unicornis (Odonata: Aeshnidae) collected from one site near the headwaters of Dandenong Creek, Victoria. (The Vierorian Naturalist 119 (5), 2002, 229-231) Introduction Phoresy, from the Greek phoresis, ‘a car- rying’, is a phenomenon where an individual of one species is transported by an individ- ual of another species (Gullan and Cranston 1994). Phoresy has been observed in fresh- water ecosystems where small or slow-mov- ing animals rely on larger more mobile species for transport. There have been numerous overseas reports of dipteran lar- vae, particularly non-biting midges from the Family Chironomidae, attaching themselves to several insect orders including Ephemeroptera (White et al. 1980; Tokeshi 1986), Plecoptera (Bottorff and Knight 1987), and Odonata (Rosenberg 1972; White ef al. 1980; Dudgeon 1989), Hawking and Watson (1990) reported the first associ- ation between larvae from the chironomid genus Rheotanytarsus and the dragonfly Austroaeschna atrata in Australian waters. Chironomid larvae are popular prey items for many predators, and increasing their effective size by attaching to a larger organ- ism like a dragonfly nymph can decrease the potential number of predators capable of feeding on them (Tokeshi 1995). A phoretic association has now been observed between Rheotanytarsus juliae (Diptera: Chirono- midae) and 4ustroaeschna unicornis unicor- nis (Odonata: Aeshnidae) collected from the headwaters of Dandenong Creek, Rheotanytarsus is a widespread, tube- building genus found in flowing water (Cranston 1996). Their distinctive non- transportable cases constructed of detrital and algal material, have arm-like extensions on which the larva spins a silken web for filtering fine food particles carried by the Faculty of Science and Techonology, Deakin University, Burwood Campus 221 Burwood Highway, Burwood, Victoria 3125. Email Vol. 119 (5) 2002 current, Rheotanytarsus juliae is the most abundant species in cool temperate regions of south-eastern Australia (Cranston 1997), Austroaeschna unicornis unicornis nymphs are ambush predators, inhabiting mud or gravel substrates, crevices in rocks and logs, in both montane and lowland streams in south-eastern Australia (Hawking 1986). dustroaeschna nymphs have slow growth rates, hard cuticles with many sites suitable for attachment, and they remain stationary for long periods in mud and detritus, habitats favoured by chirono- mids (Hawking and Watson 1990). Methods The headwaters of Dandenong Creek upstream of Edgar Track in Doongalla State Forest 37° 51' S, 145?20' E were sam- pled using the rapid bioassessment method of Tiller and Metzling (1998) on 30 August 2001. At this site, the streambed was com- prised of small boulders and cobbles with large amounts of detritus present. Tree ferns and eucalypts dominated the riparian zone vegetation (Fig. 1). Invertebrates were collected by kick sam- pling for five minutes using a collecting net with mesh size 250 um, live sorted in the field, preserved in 70% ethanol, and initially identified to family level in the laboratory using published keys. Dragonfly nymphs were later identified to species level using Hawking (1986) and chirono- mids to species level using Cranston (1996, 1997). Results Of the five 4. unicornis unicornis nymphs collected from this site on Dandenong Creek, two had larval R. juliae attached, Two chironomid larvae were associated with the largest dragonfly nymph — one attached 229 Contributions Doongalla .,- .. State Forest cd T J j A x 2 | ous J I! f 2> WC sampling : site | | Dandenong” Creek T 1 ap Port Phillip \ d Bip” AL. (Carrum Fig. 1. Location and photograph of the sampling site near the headwaters of Dandenong Creek upstream of Edgar Track in Doongalla State Forest. horizontally to the tibia of the hind leg and the other near the wing pad margin (Fig. 2). The other nymph had a single case attached laterally to the first abdominal segment. Discussion The phoretic association between aeshnid dragonfly nymphs and chironomid larvae is thought to be quite common (JH Hawking 2001 pers. comm.). The headwa- ters of Dandenong Creek have been sam- pled since the late 1970s (Campbell 1978; Nuttall 1982: Ferdinands er al. 1995) and dragonfly nymphs from the family Aeshnidae have often been collected in the vicinity of the site sampled in August 2001. However, there are no published records of chironomids attached to aeshnid nymphs. This may be because the associa- tion was not noticed when samples were sorted due to the fact that the nymphs are dark brown in colour, often covered in detritus and the brown Rheotanytarsus cases may be easily overlooked. It is interesting to note that of the 41 A. atrata nymphs collected by Hawking and Watson (1990) from two sites in the upper catchment of the Kiewa River, only two had Rheotanytarsus attached, compared with five A. unicornis unicornis nymphs collected from the headwaters of Dandenong Creek and two of which had Rheotanytarsus juliae attached. 230 Fig. 2. Two Rheotanytarsus juliae larvae asso- ciated with Ausiroaeschna unicornis unicornis the largest dragonfly nymph collected - one attached horizontally to the tibia of the hind leg (black arrow and inset) and the other near the wing pad margin (white arrow). Acknowledgements | would like to thank Helen Madden for the excellent dragonfly nymph portrait, Suzanne Kiss von Soly, for her kick-sampling expertise, Rebecca Joyce, an observant student who noticed that there was something unusual about one dragonfly nymph, and other students from the School of Ecology and Environment (Deakin University) Freshwater Biology class — Louise Biggs, Katie Christopher, Rebecca Pretty, Jacqueline Rosewall and Haylee Weaver, References Bottorff RL and Knight AW (1987) Ectosymbiosis between Nanocladius downesi (Diptera: Chironomidae) and Acroneuria abnormis (Plecoptera: Perlidae) in a Michigan stream, USA. Entomologia Generalis 12, 97-113. Campbell IC (1978) A biological investigation of an organically polluted urban stream in Victoria. Australian Journal of Marine and Freshwater Research 29, 275-291. Cranston PS (1996) Identification Guide to the Chironomidae of New South Wales. AWT Identification Guide Number 1, (Australian Water Technologies Pty Ltd: West Ryde, NSW) Cranston PS (1997) Revision of Australian Rheotanytarsus Thienemann & Bause (Diptera: Chironomidae) revised, with emphasis on the imma- ture stages. Invertebrate Taxonomy 11, 705-734. Dudgeon D (1989) Phoretic Diptera (Nematocera) on Zygonyix iris (Odonata: Anisoptera) from a Hong Kong river: incidence, composition and attachment sites. Archiv für Hydrobiologie 115, 433-439. Ferdinands K, Vertessy D and Smith T (1995) Biological Survey of Dandenong Creek and Associated Tributaries, Report No 8/95, (Water Ecoscience: Melbourne) Gullan PJ and Cranston PS (1994) The Insects: An Outline of Entomology, (Chapman and Hall: London) The Victorian Naturalist Hawking JH (1986) Dragonfly Larvae of the River Murray System: a Preliminary Guide to the Identification of Known Final Instar Larvae of South-eastern Australia. Technical Report No 6, Albury-Wodonga Development Corporation: Albury, Hawking JIL and Watson JAL (1990) First Australian record of chironomid larvae epizoic on larval Odonata. Aquatic Insects 12, 214-245. Nuttall PM (1982) 4 Biological Assessment af Water Quality in Dandenong Creek and its Major Tributaries, Victoria. (Dandenong Valley Authority: Dandenong) Rosenberg D (1972) A chironomid (Diptera) larva attached to a libellulid (Odonata) larva. Quaestiones Entomologicue 8, 326-336. Contributions Tiller D and Metzling L (1998) Rapid Bioussessment of Victorian Streams: The Approach and Methods of the Environment Protection Authority. Publication 604. (Environment Protection Authority: Melbourne) Tokeshi M (1986) Population ecology of the commensal chironomid Epoicocladius flavens on the may fly host Ephemera danica. Freshwater Biology 16, 23 243. Tokeshi M (1995) Species interactions and community structure. In The Chironomidae: the Biology and Ecology of Non-biting Midges, pp 297-335. Eds P Armitage. PS Cranston and LCV Pinder (Chapman and Hall; London) White TR, Weaver JS Hl and Fox RC (1980) Phoretic relationships hetween Chironomidae (Diptera) and benthic macroinvertebrates. Entomological News 91, 69-74. Acacia obtusifolia — Introduction and Spread in Native Bush David Cheal' Abstract Acacia obtusifolia has reproduced and expanded from a single introduction in the upper Yarra Valley in native bush as a result of inadvertent introduction of seed on earth-moving equipment. Initial estab- lishment was dependent on soil disturbance, but subsequent spread has been episodic and dependent on fire-promoted germination and establishment. There is no evidence of seed germination and estab- lishment in the absence of fires, The next fire may lead to a dramatic increase in both the number of A. obtusifolia plants and their local distribution. (The Victorian Naturalist 119 (5), 2002, 231-232) Many native species have spread from their former habitats following European settlement. In south-eastern Australia some of the most troublesome include Acacia longifolia (Jameson 1994), Leptospermum laevigatum (Burrell 1981; Molnar ef al. 1989; Offor 1990) and Pittosporum undu- latum (Gleadow and Ashton 1981; Gleadow 1982), but many others have been occasionally recorded as weeds or as the product of recent human-assisted spread (see Walsh and Entwisle 1994; Walsh and Entwisle 1996: Low 1999; Walsh and Entwisle 1999). Acacia obtusifolia is a tall wattle character- istically found on the slopes and low ridges of drier East Gippsland forests (Walsh and Entwisle 1996). However, the Flora Information System of the Department of Natural Resources and Environment, aise tel has an isolated record from the Upper Yarra Valley, much closer to Melbourne and grpeor innately 160 km from the nearest Gippsland record (see Walsh and Entwisle 1996: 597). This small stand is an example of recent, human-assisted spread Arthur Rylah Institute for Environmental Research, 123 Brown Street, Heidelberg, Victoria 3084 Vol. 119 (5) 2002 rather than a natural outlier. The site is at 5511CU975628 on the 1:100000 Healesville Mapsheet. In 1977 a bulldozer was hired by local residents to make an access track along à ridge approximately | km north-east of MeMahons Creek and through otherwise undisturbed forest typical of the region (Eucalyptus obliqualEucalyptus radiata dives/scattered Eucalyptus sieberi, above shrubs including Acacia mucronata, Banksia spinulosa, Hakea decurrens, Kunzea ericoides and Leptospermum conti- nentale; nomenclature follows Walsh and Entwisle 1996), The bulldozer had been most recently used in fire prevention works near Bruthen in East Gippsland and was brought to the Upper Yarra Valley on the tray of a large lorry. In the first year after the track was con- structed an unusual wattle was noted grow- ing in the disturbed earth adjacent to the track. That single shrub turned out to be an Acacia obtusifolia (Figs | and 2). In subse- quent years it grew to approximately 3-4 m tall, flowered and set seed. Despite annual searches over the next 4 to 5 years, no other A. obtusifolia was found anywhere in the 231 Contributions Fig. 1. Acacia obtusifolia at MeMahons Creek, February 2001. region (the seed that had been dropped from this one specimen did not germinate and establish in those first few years). The ridge, including this one wattle shrub (by now a small tree), was burnt in the Ash Wednesday fires of March 1983. The fire was of very high intensity (no nearby unburnt refuges and all above-ground veg- etation burnt). However, in the following years regeneration was prolific and some formerly less common shrubs increased in abundance (notably B. spinulosa and E. sieberi). The single A. obtusifolia present before the fire was killed, but a few seedlings established nearby after the fire. In February 2001 the site was revisited. There were now 14 A. obtusifolia individu- als, all growing within 4 m of the original (now dead) plant. The tallest was over 4 m tall and most of them had flowered. A few retained healthy seed in pods from the pre- vious season (seed viability was not test- ed). There were many Acacia seeds in the soil around this small stand of 4, obtusifo- lia. As A. mucronata was also common at the site, it is not known what proportion of these seeds were A. obtusifolia. The next fire may lead to a dramatic increase in both 232 Bl" p as 3 Fig. 2. A closer view of Acacia obtusijolia at McMahons Creek. the number of 4. obtusifolia plants and their local distribution. References Burrell JP (1981) Invasion of Coastal Heaths of Victoria by Leptospermum laevigatum (J. Gaertn.) F. Muell. 4ustralian Journal of Botany 29, 747-764. Gleadow RM (1982) Invasion by Pittosporum undula- tum of the forests of Central Victoria IH. Dispersal, germination and Establishment. Australian Journal of Botany 30, 185-198. Gleadow RM and Ashton DH (1981) Invasion by Pittosporum undulatum of the forests of Central Victoria |. Invasion patterns and plant morphology. Australian Journal of Botany 29, 705-720. Jameson G (1994) A case of your Longyfolia. The Victorian Naturalist 141, 145-150. Low T (1999) Feral future. (Viking: Ringwood) Molnar CD, Fletcher D and Parsons RF (1989) Relationships between heath and Leptospermum lae- vigatum serub at Sandringham, Victoria, Proceedings of the Royal Society of Victoria 101, 77-88, Offor T (1990) What future for the sandy heaths of Wilson's Promontory. The Victorian Naturalist 107, 120-123. Walsh NG and Entwisle TJ (1994) Flora of Victoria Volume 2. Ferns and Allied Plants, Conifers and Monacotyledons, (Inkata Press: Melbourne) Walsh NG and Entwisle TJ (1996) Flora of Victoria Volume 3. Dicotyledons Winteraceae to Myrtaceae. (Inkata Press; Melbourne) Walsh NG and Entwisle TJ (1999) Flora of Victoria Volume 4. Dicotvledons Cornaceae to Asteraceae. (Butterworth-Heinemann: Port Melbourne) The Victorian Naturalist Contributions The Discovery of Leadbeater’s Possum Gymnobelideus lead- beateri along the Woori Yallock Creek, Yellingbo Dan Harley' Abstract A single Leadbeater's Possum Gyrminobelideus leadbeateri was discovered denning in a nest box sit- uated along the Woori Yallock Creek, Yellingbo Nature Conservation Reserve, This is the first record of the species from this section of the Reserve, which is more than a kilometre from other sites at which the possum occurs at Yellingbo. It is likely that the individual dispersed from the Cockatoo Creek across unfavourable habitat. (The Vietorian Naturalist 119 (5), 2002, 233-235) In 1986, a small, outlying population of the endangered Leadbeater's Possum Gymnobelideus leadbeateri was discov- ered inhabiting lowland swamp forest at Yellingbo Nature Conservation Reserve (Smales 1994). Significantly, it is the only known extant lowland population, although there are historical records of the species in similar habitats from low eleva- lions in south-west Gippsland (McCoy 1867; Brazenor 1932, 1946). Yellingbo is located approximately 50 km east of Melbourne (37° 47' S, 145° 32' E). The reserve encompasses 591 ha of remnant riparian forest and comprises three separate sections that span stretches of four water- courses, the Woori Yallock, Sheepstation, Cockatoo and Macclesfield Creeks. The nearest records of Leadbeater's Possum to Yellingbo are from Ben Cairn, approxi- mately 17 km to the north-east (Owen 1963; Lindenmayer er al. 1989), and Mt Beenak, approximately 18 km to the east (Loyn and MeNabb 1982), Mountain Ash Eucalyptus regnans forest, typical of that inhabited by the species throughout its core range in the Victorian Central Highlands, occurs at both of these sites. Since the rediscovery of Leadbeater's Possum in 1961 (Wilkinson 1961), most records have come from montane ash forest above 600 m ASL. (Lindenmayer et al. 1991). Yellingbo is situated at 120 m Ast. The sites inhabited by the species at Yellingbo are dominated by Mountain Swamp Gum Eucalyptus camphora with a dense middlestorey in places, comprising Woolly Tea-tree Leptospermum lanigerum, Prickly Tea-tree L. juniperinum or Scented School of Biological Sciences, PO Box 18, Monash University, Victoria 3800. Email Vol. 119 (5) 2002 Paperbark Me/aleuca squarrosa (Harley unpubl. data). Connecting vegetation in either the canopy or middlestorey is an important attribute of Leadbeater's Possum habitat, as the species rarely descends to the ground (Harley unpubl. data). Notably, aca- cias such as Silver Wattle Acacia dealbata, a key food source for the possum in montane ash forest (Smith 1984), are absent from the sites utilised by Leadbeater's Possum for foraging at Yellingbo (Harley unpubl. data). In order to study the ecology of Leadbeater's Possum in lowland swamp forest, 150 nest boxes were installed at Yellingbo between 1995 and 2000. Coupled with the results of stagwatching surveys, the nest box results suggested that the Yellingbo population of Leadbeater's Possum is restricted to a single section of the reserve along the Cockatoo and Macclesfield Creeks (Harley unpubl. data). The possum's distribution there extends over a long, narrow corridor of forest, approximately 6 km long and typically less than 200 m wide. In contrast, Lindenmayer et al. (1993) detected the species at only one of 49 linear corridors surveyed in montane ash forest. Many of these sites contained habitat considered to be suitable for the species, leading the authors to conclude that the possum does not utilise linear corridors of forest in montane ash forest. As part of the survey to establish the dis- tribution of Leadbeater's Possum at Yellingbo, five nest boxes were installed along the Woori Yallock Creek in February 1999, They were positioned on eucalypts at a height of 3.5 m, with a south-easterly aspect. Each nest box had internal dimensions of 236 x 195 x 356 mm, 19 mm thick walls and an entrance hole of 50 mm diameter. They were locat- 233 Contributions ed at sites with habitat most resembling that occupied by Leadbeater's Possum along the Cockatoo and Macclesfield Creeks (e.g. presence of & camphora with a tea-tree middlestorey). The five nest boxes were inspected in November 1999, eight months after installation, at which lime there was no sign of use by Leadbeater's Possum, During the course of monitoring the Yellingbo nest boxes in April 2001, a sin- gle Leadbeater's Possum was found den- ning in one of the nest boxes located along the Woori Yallock Creek. This is the first record of the species along this creek, The animal was an adult male weighing 121 g and it had built a nest of shredded bark inside the nest box. It is unclear how long the individual had been resident at the site. No evidence of the species (e.g. nesting material) was found in the other four nest boxes positioned along the Woori Yallock Creek, all of which occur to the north of where the possum was discovered. On 29 December 2001, one hour after dusk, the individual was observed approxi- mately 30 m north of the nest box in which it was first discovered, eight months earlier. It was detected through imitation of Leadbeater’s Possum calls and approached to within one metre, This observation indi- cates that the individual was still resident at the site, presumably having established its territory in the immediate area. The riparian forest along the Woori Yallock Creek is dominated by Manna Gum Æ. viminalis, with an understorey of Blackwood A. me/anoxylon and pockets of Prickly Tea-tree. Much of the forest is quite open in structure. However, there are a number of small, swampy areas along the creek, where the vegetation more closely resembles that found along the Cockatoo and Macclesfield Creeks. The habitat at the site where the possum was discovered is such an area, The canopy is dominated by Mountain Swamp Gum with an under- storey of Woolly Tea-tree. More than a kilometre of partially cleared farmland separates the Cockatoo and Macclesfield Creeks from the site where the possum was discovered on the Woori Yallock Creek. The habitat that remains between the two sites is not suitable for the species, as it consists of a ridge dominated 234 by Messmate E. obliqua, and is open in structure. It is very different to the flood- plaín forest inhabited by Leadbeater's Possum along the Cockatoo and Macclesfield Creeks. Two likely scenarios could explain the ori- gin of the animal found on the Woori Yallock Creek. Either it had dispersed from Cockatoo Creek or a small, remnant popula- tion of Leadbeater’s Possum exists along the Woori Yallock Creek. The dispersal sce- nario would require the possum to have trav- elled more than 1100 m through partially cleared farmland. While seven dispersal events of this magnitude (i.e. 870-1120 m) have been detected at Yellingbo, the average dispersal distances for Leadbeater's Possums through favourable habitat along the Cockatoo and Macclesfield Creeks are 480 m for males and 450 m for females (Harley unpubl. data). At sites with few tree hollows, nest boxes can be a valuable survey technique for cryptic, arboreal mammals (Traill and Coates 1993; Soderquist et al. 1996; Ward 2000). The discovery of a Leadbeater's Possum along the Woori Yallock Creek highlights their value as a long-term sur- vey technique. One of the main benefits of nest boxes is that they can be left on site for extended periods of time, in marked contrast to the short duration of trapping surveys. They are particularly valuable in surveying for Leadbeater's Possums, because the species’ presence in an area can be established from the possums’ dis- tinctive nesting material, with no necessity for the animals to be denning in the nest box on the day of inspection. Between 1995 and 2001, twenty-seven different Leadbeater's Possum colonies deposited nesting material in [11 of the 131 nest boxes (85%) installed along the Cockatoo and Macclesfield Creeks (Harley unpubl, data). This result suggests that, at Yellingbo, if Leadbeater’s Possums are resident at a site, there is a strong likeli- hood that they will deposit nesting material in nest boxes located within their territory. Thus, the absence of nesting material from the four northernmost nest boxes, located along the Woori Yallock Creek, suggests that the species probably does not occur in this part of the reserve. However, it is pos- sible that more individuals occur in the The Victorian Naturalist immediate vicinity of the southernmost nest box that contained the possum, as an area of suitable habitat occurs here on pri- vate property adjacent to the reserve. Further surveys will be conducted along the Woori Yallock Creek to determine which of the two possible scenarios is correct. Acknowledgements Nest boxes were purchased with funds from the Holsworth Wildlife Research Fund and Australian Geographic. Barry Traill and Malcolm Macfarlane kindly donated nest boxes to the study. Financial and field support for the 2001 nest box monitoring was provided by Parks Victoria (Woori Yallock). | would partic- ularly like to thank lan Roche and Joanne Antrobus for their support of the project, and the Parks Victoria staff that assisted in the field. My thanks also go to Terry Harley, Marianne Worley and Melinda Collinson, all of whom assisted with the installation and inspection of the Yellingbo nest boxes. Marianne Worley, Alan Lill and an anonymous reviewer provided valuable comments on the manuscript. The pro- ject was conducted under Victorian Department of Natural Resources and Environment Wildlife Permit Number 10001246. References Brazenor CW (1932) A re-examination of Gymnobelideus leudbeateri McCoy. Australian Zaologist 7, 106-109, Brazenor CW (1946) Last chapter to come: a history of Victoria's rarest possum. Mild Life 8, 382-384. Lindenmayer DB, Smith AP, Craig SA and Lumsden LF (1989) A survey of the distribution of Leadbeater's Possum, Gyminobelideus leadbeateri McCoy in the Central Highlands of Victoria. The Contributions Victorian Naturalist 106, 174-178. Lindenmayer DB, Cunningham RB, Tanton MT, Nix HA and Smith AP (1991) The conservation of arbo- real marsupials in ihe Montane Ash Forests of the Central Highlands of Victoria, South-East Australia: IIT. The habitat requirements of Leadbeater’s Possum Gymnobelideus leadbeateri and models of the diver- sity and abundance of arboreal marsupials. Biological Conservation 86, 295-315. Lindenmayer DB. Cunningham, RB and Donnelly, CF (1993) The conservation of arboreal marsupials in the Montane Ash Forests of the Central Highlands of Victoria, South-East Australia, IV. The presence and abundance of arboreal marsupials in retained linear habitats (wildlife corridors) within logged forest. Biological Conservation 66, 207-221. Loyn RH and MeNabb EG (1982) Discovery of Leadbeater’s Possum in Gembrook State Forest. The Victorian Naturalist 99, 21-23, McCoy F (1867) On a new genus of Phalanger. Annals and Magazine of Natural History 3, 287-288. Owen WH (1963) Further sight records of Leadbeater's Possum. The Victorian Naturalist 79, 292-293. Smales IJ (1994) The discovery of Leadbeater’s Possum, Gymnobelideus leadbeateri McCoy, resi- dent in lowland swamp woodland. The Victorian Naturalist 111, 178-182. Smith A (1984) Diet of Leadbeaters Possum, Gymnobelicdeus leadbeateri (Marsupialia). Australian Wildlife Research 11, 265-273. Soderquist TR, Traill BJ, Faris F and Beasley K (1996) Using nest boxes to survey for the Brush-tailed Phascogale Phascogale tapoatafa. The Victorian Naturalist 113, 256-261, Traill BJ and Coates TD (1993) Field observations on the Brush-tailed Phascogale Phascogale rapoatafa (Marsupialia: Dasyuridae). Australian Mammalogy 16, 61-65, Ward SJ (2000) The efficacy of nestboxes versus spol- lighting for detecting feathertail gliders, Wildlife Research 27, 15-79. Wilkinson HE (1961) The rediscovery of Leadbeater's Possum, The Victorian Naturalist 78, 97-102. Ooline Cadellia pentastylis F. Muell.: a Survivor Ron Fletcher! Some plants lead adventurous lives. They manage to survive flood, fire, famine and even the attentions of the taxonomists. A chance meeting with one such was recently made in the small Tregole National Park, a few kilometres south of Morven on the Warrego Highway in south-central Queensland. Cadellia pentastylis is a large, attractive tree, variously described as 15-22 m tall with some as little as 5 m and the tallest at 28 m, with grey bark described as fissured or tesselated (Figs. | and 2) . It apparently flowers only spasmodically and little is known about the viability of the seed. 2% Marjorie Avenue, Belmont, Victoria 3216 Vol. 119 (5) 2002 Reproduction is often achieved by sucker- ing, regrowth from rootstock or coppice growth from stumps. The populations are widely scattered through northern New South Wales and south-central Queens- land, and the species is registered on the rare or threatened Australian plant list. Some existing stands are on private prop- erty where cooperation is sought in pre- serving populations but where there is pressure from clearing and grazing, Others are more secure in reservations in both New South Wales and Queensland (Benson 1993). Cadellia pentastylis is typical of relict populations of several species of plants such as Nothofagus, Livistonia, Casuarina, 235 Contributions ig. 1. Ooline Cadellia pentastylis, Tregole National Park, July 2001. Acacia and so on, which are scattered throughout Australia, and many of them are survivors from warmer and wetter times when rainforest covered much more of our continent. In some cases they have found niches that have some resemblance to earlier conditions and in others they have modified their habits to keep up with changing climatic conditions (White 1994). Cadellia pentastylis would appear to be one of the latter and survives in what has been described with the curious term ‘semi-arid rainforest’. Taxonomically, it has survived several changes, being first described by Ferdinand von Mueller in 1860 from a specimen col- lected near Tenterfield in Northern New South Wales (APNI), and placed in the fam- ily Malpighiaceae. Later, Jadin (1901) included C. pentastylis in the Simarou- baceae along with C. monostylis. Engler (1931) split Guilfoylia monostylis from Cadellia and established the monotypic genera Cadellia, Suriana and Guilfoylia. Cronquist (1981) placed Cadellia, Suriana, Guilfoylia and Stylobasium in a new family, the Surianaceae, and this is the classifica- tion followed in the Flora of Australia (Benson). The monotypic genus Cadellia takes its name from Francis Cadell, a pio- 236 Fig. 2. Foliage of Ooline Cadellia pentastylis, Tregole National Park, July 2001, neer river-boat captain on the Murray- Darling system during the late 1850s. His shipping company was responsible for the transport of about 16,000 specimens, botan- ical and zoological, from Mildura to Adelaide in 1858, from where they were sent on to Melbourne. Mueller had of course been actively interested in the explo- ration of the Murray-Darling Basin and vis- ited the area in 1853-54, soliciting assis- tance and making extensive collections which resulted in many specimens being shipped from the region in the subsequent decade (Orchard 1997). Acknowledgements The author is grateful to Neville Walsh, Helen Cohn and Sheila Houghton for direction to basic references, and to Linden Gillbank for an intro- duction to Francis Cadell and the Australian Plant Name Index. References and Further Reading Benson J (1993) Biology and Management of Ooline (Cadellia pentastylis) in New South Wales. New South Wales Parks and Wildlife Service, Hurstville, NSW. Chapman, AD (1991) Australian Plant Name Index, 4 vol. (Australian Government Publishing Service: Canberra) Orchard K (1997) The scientific savant in nineteenth century Australia. Mistorical Records of Australian Science 11, 389-405. White ME (1994) After the Greening. (Kangaroo Press: Kenthurst) The Victorian Naturalist Contributions Foraminifera from Lake Corangamite, Victoria Ken N Bell' Abstract Surface sediment samples collected at Lake Corangamite, Victoria, contained dead specimens of the calcareous foraminiferan Elphidium excavatum excavatum (Terquem, 1875). (The Victorian Naturalist 119 (5), 2002, 237) Foraminiferans are usually restricted to fully marine or marine brackish waters. They have been recorded from non-marine saline waters in many parts of the world (Resig 1974, and references therein). In Victoria, specimens of an unidentified, liv- ing foraminiferan were reported from a salt lake near Douglas, Western Victoria (Parr 1942) and two agglutinated species (Trochamminita irregularis Cushman and Bronnimann, Miliammina fusca (Brady )) have been found in freshwater (Bell 1983). Cann and DeDeckker (1981) reported a fauna of two species (E/phidium sp., Trochammina sp.) from the Coorong, South Australia. Lake Corangamite, which lies to the west of Colac, is the largest natural lake in Victoria. It is about 32 km long and ranges in width from 2 to |! km, giving a total area of about 250 km’, In recent geological times the lake was much larger, having an area of perhaps 1700 km' and being markedly deep- er (Currey 1964). The lake is shallow, although this, of course, varies with seasonal changes; Skeats and James (1937) give the depth as less than 1.5 m whilst Bayly and Williams (1973) give the maximum depth during the great floods of 1953 as 3.4 m. Because Lake Corangamite is a basin of internal drainage its salinity can be high, but it shows significant fluctuations with values of three times seawater (Skeats and James 1937) to 12.5 ppt in 1953 and 6.5 ppt in 1960 (Bayly and Williams 1973). The samples which contained the foraminiferans were collected (May 2001) on the northwest side of the lake near Foxhow. The calcareous benthic species Elphidium excavatum excavatum (Terquem) was present. No specimens were alive when collected and none had traces of protoplasm present. Specimens were well preserved with only slight surface frosting in a few cases 120 McCallum Road, Inverleigh. Victoria 332] Vol. 119 (5) 2002 and were present in infrequent numbers, about 10 per 200 g of sediment. This species is usually restricted to brackish or marginal marine environments such as estuaries or brackish lagoons. There seems little possibil- ity of the specimens being eroded from geo- logical sediments; the COLAC Geological Map (1973) shows no Tertiary sediments outcropping around the lake edges (although Skeats and James (1937) mention that such outcrops do occasionally occur, they give no locations), and the Pliocene Moorabool Viaduct Sands, which underlie the recent soils and lunettes in the area, consist of non- marine sands and gravels. The only recorded fossil occurrences of this taxon are two records in the New Zealand Pliocene (Hayward ef al. 1997). One would also expect more species to be present if the spec- imens were geologically derived. Whether or not these specimens represent a living popu- lation of foraminiferans in Lake Corangamite or are representatives of a tran- sient, introduced population will require more study. References Bayly LAE and Williams WD (1973) Inland Waters and their Ecology. (Longman: Melbourne) Bell KN (1983) Foraminifera in some Victorian Freshwater Streams. The Victorian Naturalist 100, 159-162. ‘ann JH and DeDeckker P (1981) Fossil Quaternary and living foraminifera from athalassic (non-marine) saline lakes, Southern Australia, Journal of Paleontalogy 55, 660-670. COLAC Geological Map (1973) 1:250000, | ed. Geological Survey of Victoria, Sheet 154-12. Currey DT (1964) The former extent of Lake Corangamite. Proceedings of ihe Royal Society of Victoria 77, 377-386. Hayward BW, Hollis CI and Grenfell HR (1997) Recent Elphidiidae (Foraminiferida) of the South- west Pacific and fossil Elphidiidae of New Zealand. Institute af Geological and Nuclear Sciences mono- graph 16, Parr WJ (1942) Foraminifera. The South Australian Naturalist 21, 1-9. Resig JM (1974) Recent foraminifera from a Hawaiian Lake, Journal of Foraminiferal Research 4, 69-76. Skeats EW and James AVG (1937) Basaltic barriers and other surface features of the Newer Basalts of Western Victoria, Proceedings of the Raval Society of Victoria 49, 245-292 ^ 237 Naturalist in the Mountains Winter Keeps Us Warm The lines from The Waste Land by TS Eliot, ‘Winter kept us warm, covering Earth in forgetful snow..." have always appealed to me for a couple of reasons, Apart [rom my enjoyment of the apparent incongruity, they have so much additional meaning to an alpine ecologist, The natural assumption about mountain environments is that they are especially harsh on animals, particularly in winter, This is more true of countries such as Australia where the fauna occupying, the mountains are not pre-adapted to the envi- ronment by reason of living at high latitude (with the attendant benefit of experiencing harsh conditions at lower altitude), Fig. 1. Antechinus swainsonii Dusky Antechinus However, one species gives us a good clue as lo when the weather is most harsh. The Dusky Antechinus Antechinus swainsonii (Fig. 1), along with others of its genus, is well known for the male die-ofT immedi- ately after breeding. Yet looking at my records gathered over the years in the mountains, and at what foxes pick up in their foraging, autumn seems by far the most dangerous time, Spring has its male die-off admittedly, and winter is a time when you would expect an insectivorous 238 mammal in the snow to do it tough, but all is not quiescent beneath the snow (see Green 1997 for what goes on with insects beneath the snow). I was doing a small mammal radio track- ing project some years ago, looking at what changes in home range were caused by snow cover, and I was alarmed at the mor- tality among my subject animals. This was irrespective of who collared the animals, whether it was | or a more experienced col- league. | looked back on the haleyon days of my PhD to when I had zero mortality in a winter radio tracking program. What | now know is that the big die-off in mountain Dusky Antechinuses is in autumn. | was merely collaring already doomed animals. In a paper published last year (Green 2001), I| looked at autumnal reduction in body weight in the Dusky Antechinus. This phe- nomenon, of a reduction in lean mass rather than a metabolisation of fat reserves (Dehnel’s phenomenon), was known previ- ously only from northern hemisphere rodents and insectivores. However, above the snowline in the Snowy Mountains, the average weight of individual Dusky Antechinuses falls by over 12% in the short period from April to May. To go and lose all this body weight put on at so much expense in foraging effort in late summer seemed inexplicable at first — after all, if there was an advantage to being small in winter, why go to so much trouble to get big in summer? The reason for this loss of Weight in autumn is not inextricably linked with the availability of food. This is appar- ent when you look at animals that have lost weight in autumn and revisit the same ani- mals in winter to find that they have put the weight back on again under the cover of snow, despite the fact that there is no increase in the amount of food available. What is happening is that the animals are undergoing a period of great thermal stress in a harsh microclimate when they are exposed to the frost and cold rain and sleet of autumn but are less stressed in winter when the snow cover keeps them warm. The evidence for this can be seen in the fact that the heavier animals (that lose a bit of weight in autumn) can be found throughout The Victorian Naturalist winter whereas the lighter animals disap- pear from the population. It is an advantage to be a lightweight under the winter snow (the less you weigh the less you have to eat to keep going and therefore the less you have to expose yourself to the elements by foraging) whereas in autumn it pays to be a heavyweight so that you have something in reserve, This autumnal thermal stress was what was killing my animals, Foxes benefit from this. You would expect that consump- tion of antechinuses would peak in spring, with foxes scavenging all the dead males. However, this is not the case. In a study I have just completed (Green in press), remains of antechinuses in scats peaked in autumn at both alpine and subalpine alti- tudes, in all three years of the study. This high autumnal mortality of small mammals due to severe thermal stress is not confined to Australia but is well known overseas, as are the ameliorating effects of snow cover. Eliot seems to have known it too. Winter kept us cool? Some species, how- ever, are more in need of keeping cool — 2*C to be exact. This is the preferred winter temperature of the Mountain Pygmy-pos- sum Burramys parvus. 1f the temperature goes above or below this then the shorter bouts of torpor (or rather the longer periods of arousal) inerease energetic demands and hence use up valuable fat reserves that have to support the animal through the winter. This is particularly the case when tempera- tures rise, causing increased body tempera- ture and hence metabolic rate. Other small mammals in the mountains, whilst not hibernating, do restrict their activ- ity. The Broad-toothed Rat Mastacomys fus- cus restricts its movements to a minimum in winter and builds large stores of grass to feed on when foraging is restricted. It also builds a large ball nest of grass on the soil Naturalist in the Mountains surface (but beneath the snow) where it takes advantage of a double layer of insula- tion (Green 1998). In contrast, the Bush Rat Rattus fuscipes tends to dig deeper burrows, and the newly excavated fans of soil coming from a rat hole are a feature of autumn beneath the bushes in the mountains. The Bush Rat and the two species of antechinus are particularly active in winter. The Agile Antechinus 1. agilis, also active under the snow, is less common above the treeline. It builds a nest in a hollow tree or rock and insulates it with leaves. In one nestbox I placed in a tree for this purpose, | counted over 1000 dry Snowgum leaves that had been carried the three metres or so up the tree trunk from the woodland floor by the resident Agile Antechinuses. The rest of the animals above the snow (such as ourselves), not Kept warm by the snow, just have to rug up for the winter or fluff up like birds (although thornbills and scrubwrens will roost beneath the snow at times). But for the small mammals an early snowfall such as we had this year was a blessing, reducing autumn to a short period and covering Earth in forgetful snow. References Green K (1997) Inter-annual, seasonal and altitudinal differences in invertebrate activity in the Snowy Mountains. The Vieforian Naturalist 14, 222-229, Green K (1998) A winter niche: the subnivean space. In Snow: A Natural History; an Uncertain Future, pp 125-140, Ed K Green, (Australian Alps Liaison Committee: Canberra.) Green K (2001) Autumnal body mass reduction in Antechinus swainsonii (Dasyuridae) in the Snowy Mountains. Australian Mammalogy 23, 31-36, Green K (in press) Altitudinal and temporal differences in the food of foxes (Fulpes vulpes) at alpine and subalpine altitudes in the Snowy Mountains, Wildlife Research, Ken Green National Parks and Wildlife Service PO Box 2228, Jindabyne, NSW 2627 Email ken,green(@inpws.nsw.goy au Special Issues The Victorian Naturalist Murray River Special Issues, Volume 119 (3 and 4) 2002 Frederick MeCoy Special Issues, Volume 118 (5 and 6) 2001 Fungi Special Issue, Volume 118 (2) 2001 Copies are available for purchase from FNCV Office, Locked Bag 3, Blackburn 3130, Victoria. Price: $5 for Murray River and Fungi Special Issues; $8.50 for McCoy (includes GST) Vol. 119 (5) 2002 239 Naturalist in the Mountains Snow in Spring In the short days of winter it is some- times difficult to find any evidence of ani- mal activity in the Snowgum woodlands, particularly on a windy day when every movement is disguised by blowing snow, flapping bark or falling leaves. The winter just past, with its early, deep snow meant that the few resident birds were easy to see, forced up out of the shrubs as these became buried in the best early snow for some years, One day, | managed to tick off ten species out of the 12 or so I could have hoped to record, by sight, sound or other evidence. But even on that day the wood- lands seemed quiet. Come spring, even with snow on the ground, the Snowgum woodlands come alive with birds, particu- larly once the Royal Grevillea Grevillea vietoriae comes into flower. It is quite interesting to follow the regular pattern of bird arrivals in this spring migration. Everything is not fixed in time though, and the timing, if not the pattern of arrivals, has changed over the years. There has been about a 30% reduction in snow cover in the Snowy Mountains over the past 45 years. This has led to interesting, responses from the birds migrating back to the mountains. There is a pattern of earlier arrival in the 1980s and/or 1990s com- pared to the 1970s. For 11 bird species for which there are sufficient data, the earliest record for nine of them was in the 1990s and the 1980s (the latter generally differ- ing by only a few days from the earliest date for the 1990s) with the time of influx into the mountains sometimes more than a month earlier than in the 1970s, Interestingly, two species showed virtual- ly no change in arrival date across the three decades. The Grey Fantail Rhipidura fuligi- nosa is probably constrained by the need for flying insects and Silvereyes Zosterops lateralis — well, who knows what local migration cues they follow? In some earlier work that | did with Will Osborne, we looked at the cues that brought in the birds. The birds that we recorded as arriving earli- er included honeyeaters that depend on the flowering of shrubs which pop out from under the snow, and birds that are largely dependent upon snow-free ground for for- 240 aging such as Australian Kestrel Falco cenchroides, Flame Robin Petroica phoenicea and the Australian Pipit Anthus australis. We built up that work from years of accumulated records, but to look more closely at the impacts of snow depth, cover, and shrub exposure and flowering | have had to undertake a weekly survey from about mid-August until the last of the strag- glers (Grey l'antails) arrive. It is interesting to make these weekly bird observations and to see these patterns fol- lowed year after year. OF course some unex- pected effects are unearthed. In spring, Flame Robins forage in the open alpine snowfields (above treeline). This means that lor a few weeks the most commonly seen robin on my rounds of the woodlands is the Pink Robin Petroica rodinogaster and another common species at this time is the Olive Whistler Pachvcephala olivacea. Other movement patterns in the mountains are of interest in spring, including the arrival of insects on the snow. These are not the annual migrants, but insects swept up into the mountains by weather patterns in which they would have been better advised not to fly. Last spring, half an hour after crossing a snow-filled pass on foot, I retraced my steps and counted the insects that had accumulat- ed in my footprints. The insects were rolling and tumbling, across the pass at a rate of at least 135 per hour (rolling and tumbling because if they had been airborne they wouldn't have accumulated in my foot- prints). Some migratory insects do get caught; the Caper White Butterfly Anaphaeis java which includes the Snowy Mountains region in its strange southerly looping migratory path is often trapped, Then, of course, there is the Bogong Moth Agrotis infusa. This appears on the snow in spring and is quickly taken up by Little Ravens Corvus mellori and Richard's Pipits. | have sometimes wondered where the moths hide during the day whilst wait- ing for their boulder pile aestivation sites to thaw out. In the classic 1950s work on the species, lan Common found temporary camps in locations such as under logs in the woodlands surrounding his study site on Mt Gingera (on the ACT/NSW border). That's The Victorian Naturalist all very well, and the moths do a similar thing in woodlands in the Snowy Mountains, but so many of the aestivation sites are well above the treeline, so where are the moths hiding so early? The clue came to me as | sat in my tent while watch- ing ravens forage in the grass and shrubs that were exposed in patches in the snow cover. Despite days of searching for what they were feeding on | could find only a few dead arctiid moth larvae, the spotted grasshoppers Monistria concinna which the birds seem to ignore, and ants. It was later while catching Bogong Moths on a cold night for studies on arsenic transport that I got confirmation of my guess. | released the moths that were excess to my needs onto the grass; they disappeared and within sec- onds I could find none. Of course, being grown-up cutworms they are probably used to hiding in grass, but | was amazed at how quickly and completely they were hidden from my searching fingers — but obviously not from the raven beaks! All through spring time the snow is slowly retreating. One thing slower to retreat is the ice on Blue Lake, the largest and deepest of the mainland glacial lakes. The ice gets to quite a reasonable thickness; | had to drill 1.4 metres to get through one September. Eventually, with the warmer weather and the pressure of incoming water from the thawing snow, the ice cover breaks up and the floating bits wash away or slowly melt. In 1970 and 1971 the ice didn’t break up until late November and there was still ice on the lake in December, whereas in 1999 it was all gone by early October. Last spring, | was on the middle of Blue Lake on 23 October and the ice was still a good 50 cm thick. In places there were patches of pink — snow algae. I didn’t think much more about it until I was in the car on my way home. Then ! recollected that Harvey Marchant's work on snow algae stated that the spores came from the soil and moved up into the snowpack once there was free liquid water, returning to the soil as soon as the snow melted. So how Naturalist in the Mountains did they get to the middle of the lake? I rang Harvey. Snow algae hadn't been recorded on Australian lake ice before — could | get a sample? The next day was thundery so | gave it a miss and went back on the 25". The lake was now either open water or watery-looking ice too thin to support me. Only about 20% of the lake could support a person on skis — this just two days after | had lunched in the middle! I was able to get out 60 m to get a sample, but it was useless for identification. Still, maybe this month ...? Reading list Common IFB (1954) A study of the ecology of the adult bogong moth Agrotis infusa (Boisd.) (Lepidoptera: Noctuidae), with special reference to its behaviour during migration and aestivation, Australian Journal of Zoology 2, 223-203, Green K and Pickering CM (2002) A scenario for mammal and bird diversity in the Australian Snowy Mountains in relation to climate change. In Mountain Biodiversity: a Global Assessment, pp 241-249. Eds C Körner and EM Spehn, (Parthenon Publishing, London) Marchant HJ (1998) Life in the snow: algae and other microorganisms. In Snow: a Natural History; an Uncertain Future, pp 83-97. Ed K Green. (Australian Alps Liaison Committee, Canberra) Osborne WS and Green K (1992) Seasonal changes in composition, abundance and foraging behaviour of birds in the Snowy Mountains. Emu 92, 93-105. Note: The trips to Blue Lake referred to above are to build up a data base of ice breakup over time as a means of monitoring regional evidence of global warming. | am interested in obtaining photographs or recollections of when ice breakup occurred in the past, A photograph of the lake with full ice on it is of no use (unless it is very late in the spring/summer), nor is a photograph of open water (unless it is very early in the spring). However, if anyone has photos of Blue Lake (with year and month recorded) with ice already breaking up then | will be able to add another year to the list, | am particularly interest- ed in 1982 (the cold year when there was not much snow) and anything pre-1970, Therefore if you, or anyone you know, has relevant dated photos | would be delighted to hear from you. 1 can he contacted at the address below. Ken Green National Parks and Wildlife Service PO Box 2228, Jindabyne, NSW 2627 Email For assistance in preparing this issue, thanks to Kate Smith (desktop publishing), Ann Williamson (label printing) and Dorothy Mahler (administrative assistance). Vol. 119 (5) 2002 241 Tribute William Nigel Balcombe Quick 6 June 1928 — 4 April 2002 Nigel Quick (often known as ‘Nige’) was born in Melbourne and grew up in the inner suburb of Toorak, He was the only child of Hilary and William Balcombe Quick, an honorary surgeon and head of the Alfred Hospital Board at Melbourne. Nige was the great great grandson of Lieutenant Colonel William Balcombe, Napoleon's jailer on the small oceanic island of St Helena in the southern Atlantic, and East India Company Representative charged with provisioning the Company's ships. Nige was educated at Melbourne Grammar School from 1938 until 1946 and it was dur- ing this time that his interest in entomology began. He made contact with Alex Burns, curator of Entomology at the National Museum of Victoria, and through this asso- ciation met other keen ‘youngsters’ and experienced amateurs who provided encour- agement, guidance and local knowledge of the fauna of the Melbourne environment. Nige went on to study science at Melbourne University but never completed his degree, instead taking employment at the engineering firm MePhersons where over an eight year period he acquired exceptional knowledge of tools and their practical use. During this period Nige, often accompa- nied by Charles MeCubbin, travelled far and wide throughout the State to collect butterflies and other insects, fish and plants, making, trips to the poorly surveyed areas of the north-west (Big and Little Deserts) and far east (East Gippsland). Around 1956, Nige left McPhersons and started his own business, setting up a plant nursery, *Dargon Hill’, which he estab- lished on an elevated site on the edge of the suburb of Glen Waverley. The nursery specialised in native plants, all of which Nige grew from seed and cuttings collect- ed on field trips. Most of the plant material came from Victoria but he made an extended trip to WA specifically to collect samples of the rich endemic flora. Nige was a pioneer in the propagation and sell- ing of native plants. In 1960, he married Gwenda Gerraty. They had two children, David and Lucinda. 242 During the 1970s the family opened a shop called ‘Gem Minerals in Syndal’. The busi- ness reflected a long interest Nige had developed in gemstones and minerals over the years while collecting plant seed. Nige joined the Entomological Society of Victoria when it was reformed in 1961, and was Vice-President from 1973 to 1976, In 1971 he began writing articles for the Victorian Entomologist, the Society’s journal. Over the ensuing 28 years he con- tributed 51 articles. He also published three papers in The Victorian Naturalist, Queensland Naturalist and Australian Journal of Entomology. Wis most produc- live period was during the early and mid- 1970s when he handled the publication of the journal and was assistant editor for sev- eral issues. Most publications dealt with the natural history of butterflies, novel methods of setting, preserving and rearing specimens, and technical aspects of the ENTRECS scheme, a computerised distri- bution database that he pioneered in the di M t [^ | = » Nigel Quick at Garfield North in the late 1990s. The Victorian Naturalist mid-1970s (well before most people had even heard of computers!). However, he also wrote on a range of other topics, including species protection and conserva- tion, book reviews and field trip reports. In 1979, he was made an Honorary mem- ber of the Entomological Society of Victoria in recognition of his pioneering work on the ENTRECS scheme. However, he subsequently resigned from the Society, mainly because of poor health, and con- tributed very few articles after 1985. In 1980, Nige and Gwen lived at Kuranda near Cairns where Nige studied the local butterflies, plants and wildlife before return- ing to Victoria in 1983. Nige served on the advisory committee of the Melbourne Zoo butterfly house in 1984, and provided advice on suitable species, breeding requirements, and the conditions needed to sustain tropical insect populations. In 1987, 4023 specimens of Australian butterflies from Nigel's private collection were incorporated with the DF Crosby collection and donated to the Australian National Insect Collection. This collection includes much important histori- cal material from areas where populations of many species are no longer extant, espe- cially in Victoria. Nige had a very wide interest in natural history, including botany, geology, ornithology and the ecological associations between animals and plants. During the early years he became an expert on Victorian native freshwater fish, and col- lected many species throughout the State. However, entomology, particularly butter- flies, remained a major preoccupation throughout his life. Nige made a signifi- cant contribution to entomology in Australia and was widely known and respected by professional entomologists. He corresponded frequently with other entomologists, assisted colleagues, stu- dents and newcomers to the field, and was very generous and helpful in passing on his knowledge, particularly in his later years. He thought deeply about his subject and was never short of scientific ideas to Vol. 119 (5) 2002 Tribute explain natural phenomena. Nige was an exceptionally gifted naturalist and a per- fectionist in all aspects, from making care- ful field observations, rearing the early stages, to preparing specimens for the col- lection, which he did with meticulous pre- cision. He was a proficient photographer and had expert working knowledge of cameras and their lenses. But he was also an excellent draughtsman and à competent wildlife artist. He painted quite a few transparent watercolour paintings of insects, and also some landscapes in oil. His current private collection, compris- ing about 40 cabinet drawers and 15 store- boxes (representing a diverse array of tem- perate and tropical butterflies, macro moths, cicadas and jewel beetles), along with his vast personal photographic library, has kindly been donated by Nigel's descendants to the Australian National Insect Collection where research workers will have ready access to study his material. Nige was courteous, respectful and elo- quent with a witty sense of humour. He was a thorough gentleman, although at times temperamental. He died quite sud- denly at the age of 73 soon after being diagnosed with cancer. A funeral service was held on 12 April 2002 at the St Andrews Uniting Church in Bunyip, fol- lowed by a graveside commital in the Bunyip Cemetary. Those of us who knew or were close to Nige were the beneficiaries of his enor- mous talent and intellect, He was the last of the older generation of lepidopterists in Victoria still active in the field. Nige will be greatly missed in the future, but his contribution to entomology will live on for a very long time. Michael F Braby' and Charles MeCubbin* ! School of Botany and Zoology Australian National University Canberra, ACT 0200 ' PO Box 248 Sale, Victoria 3850 243 Book Reviews Butterflies of A1 stralia: their Identification, Biology and Distribution by Michael F Braby Publisher: CS/RO Publishing, Collingwood, 2000, 1008 pp, 2 hardback volumes, 70 colour plates. ISBN 0643065911. RRP $195 l'or centuries enthusiasts have found Lepidoptera to be popular and accessible insects for study, Butterflies in particular depict, with their irresistible, exquisite wing. patterns and complex life histories, an interesting subject of beauty and curios- ity, They are also of scientific importance, being excellent indicator species of biodi- versity and useful for genetic research or studies in ecology and evolution. Butterflies of Australia by Michael Braby has followed the similarly titled classic publications by IFB Common and DE Waterhouse (1972 to 1981). Two volumes of this latest work represent an indication of the massive increase in information that has occurred in the last twenty years, Braby acknowledges that much of this new data has been provided by amateur researchers. Volume One begins with an introduction to the history, classification, morphology and distribution of Australian butterflies and also includes an important section on their conservation, Then follows a chapter (most- ly for amateurs) on the collection, preserva- tion and study of these insects. Following a checklist of species and subspecies recorded from the Australian region, the species accounts begin, These include three fami- lies; Hesperiidae (Skippers), Papilionidae (Swallowtails) and Peridae (Whites and Yellows), Then follows colour plates (with label data) of all species (400 plus) and many subspecies found in the Australian faunal region and peripheral political boundaries. Volume One concludes with a selection of field photographs of adult and juvenile butterflies, Volume. Two has species accounts of the remaining two families; Nymphalidae (Browns, Nymphs and Danaines) and Lycaenidae (Blues, Coppers, Hairstreaks and Metalmarks). The volume is completed with a series oF appendices including lists of larval food plants, attendant ants and a use- 244 ful glossary, A comprehensive list of refer- ences is given only in the second volume. All chapters are evenly presented with accurate information included (where known) for all families, subfamilies, gen- era and species. The systematic placement of most genera is well researched and the description of each species and genus is generally accurate. A distribution map is given for each species, and includes boundaries delimiting the subspecies. Some important additions have been inade since the publications of Common and Waterhouse, These include the use of hew common and recently established or corrected scientific names and up-to-date informative data on butterfly life histories, behaviour and distribution. Hach species’ text is accompanied by black and white photos with bar indicators emphasising specifie points of identification. Significantly, several subspecies have been ‘sunk’. With such an action, which may or may not be productive, an illustra- tion of specimens (or similar specimens) from the type locality is essential. This has not been done for species such as Zrapezites lutea in Volume One and may be mislead- ing. Similar difficulties may occur for over- seas readers, lor instance, where an Australian representative species, that may have numerous subspecies in South East Asian or Pacific Islands, cannot be identi- fied at the subspeeifie level in the text until the distribution and habitat section is seruti- nised, This is somewhat rectified by includ- ing the Australian subspecies in the check- list in Volume One, Inevitably, in such a large two-volume publication, referral between the volumes ean be cumbersome. Amateur enthusiasts would probably have expected more coloured figures of aberrations, forms and subspecies. There is certainly room on some coloured plates for this. It appears to be an oversight that the The Victorian Naturalist distinctive female of that great Australian icon, the ‘Ulysses Swallowtail’ is omitted, wheras the equally spectacular two species of Birdwing are well accommodated, shar- ing two plates. The species in some colour plates (e.g. 25 and 34) are reduced a little too far for accurate identification, These inconsistencies do not detract from the value of the publication. There are few typographical errors and the text informa- tion and photographie presentation is of a high standard. Michael Braby has produced a masterful work, which in this world of information and technology, sets the stan- dard for all other proposed publications on the butterfly fauna of this planet. The excel- Book Reviews lent quality is seen foremost as a reflection of the abilities and perseverance of the author. There are also other fine technical contributions made by ED Edwards, MS Upton and Professor JFR Kerr. Butterflies of Australia recently (and deservedly) won the prestigious 2001 Whitley Medal. It is a publication worthy of the bookshelves of all naturalists, butter- fly enthusiasts and researchers. It is to be hoped that a smaller *glove-box' edition will follow. Andrew Atkins 9 Bathurst Street Dudley, NSW 2290 Dragonflies of the World by Jill Silsby Publisher: CSIRO Publishing, 2001. Hardback, 224 pages, colour illustrations. ISBN 0643065121. 859.95 This book is an excellent introduction to the dragonfly fauna of the world and will be a valuable addition to the odonate liter- ature, This wonderfully presented colour book will interest amateur collectors through to the professional odonatologists. The author has written the book in a relaxed, easily understood, semi-technical style that makes it a delight to read. The book contains superb colour photographs of over 300 dragonfly species, some as lar- vae, and many of their habitats. It is testa- ment to the 20 years of hard work by the author photographing and studying drag- onflies in many countries. The layout and production is very pleas- ing, with colour photographs on almost every page. However, it is not just a colour book, as the chapters provide a wealth of general information on dragonflies, ranging from evolution to ecology, to conservation, The science is strengthened by having many leading odonatologists write or collaborate on many chapters. The book is well struc- tured, with 12 chapters, 11 short, covering the Introduction, Today’s Odonata, Life Cycle, The Perfect Hunting Machine, Lords of the Air, Colour Polymorphism, Territory Vol. 119 (5) 2002 and Reproduction, Habitat and Refugia, Evolutionary Riddles, Artificial Rearing, and Conservation, and a large chapter of 114 pages on Odonata Around the World. This large chapter is the backbone of the book and is where the reader is provided with an overview of the world's dragonfly fauna to the subfamily level. A general overview of each subfamily is given, as well as the ecology of the most distinctive and interesting representatives. The book also includes a very informa- tive glossary, which will be valuable for readers unfamiliar with dragonfly termi- nology. At the back is included a list of the World Dragonfly Societies, a helpful list of the bibliographies used, and indexes to both the species and to general terms. Australian odonatologists will find the many excellent photographs of 36 species found in Australia very useful. The choice of a large photograph of the dazzling Rhyothemis graphiptera on the front cover also highlights the beauty of Australia's dragonflies. The Australian fauna is well detailed and with the many photographs provides the reader with a good insight into the diversity of the Australian species. 245 Book Reviews There are a few minor errors, which is understandable when trying to cover such a large fauna. The distribution information of the caption *Tasmania's very rare Ictinogomphus dobsoni Dobson's Tiger wingspan 75 mm" (the lower photograph on page 140), is incorrect, as 7. dobsoni only occurs in the north-west of Western Australia (Watson ef al. 1991). The central photograph on page 153 (identified as a male Eusynthemis nigra) is a male Hemicordulia australiae. The third sen- tence of the first paragraph on page 190 states that ‘A second is to break up the small family Neopetaliidae, with one species to remain in Aeshnoidea while seven are transferred to Libelluloidea’ is incorrect, It should read that one species remains in the family Neopetaliidae, which is moved to the Libelluloidea, while the remaining, eight species are placed in the family Austropetaliidae and remain in Aeshnoidea (Carle and Louton 1994, Carle 1995), Also on page 190, paragraph. four heavily criticises the classification system of only Bechly and not other phylogeneti- cists, which is unnecessary, as the jury is still out in the classification case. | would recommend this wonderful colour book as a ‘must buy’ for all people interested in dragonflies. John Hawking Murray Darling Freshwater Research Centre Cooperative for Freshwater Ecology CSIRO Land and Water PO Box 921, Albury, NSW 2640 References Carle PL (1995) Evolution, taxonomy, and biogeogra- phy of ancient Gondwanian Libelluloides, with eom- ments on Anisopteroid evolution and phylogenetic systematics (Anisoptera: Libelluloidea). Odonatologlea 24, 383-424. Carle FL and Louton JA (1994) The larva of Neopetalia punctata and the establishment of Austropetaliidae faim, nov, (Qdonata), Proceedings of the Entomological Societv af Washington 96, 147-155. Watson JAL, Theischinger G and Abbey HM (1991) The Australian Dragonflies; a Guide ta the Identification, Distribution and Habitats of lustralian Odanata. (CSIRO: Canberra and Melbourne) Possums: The Brushtails, Ringtails and Greater Glider by Anne Kerle Publisher: University of New South Wales Press 2007, 128 pp. ISBN 0868404195, RRP $39.95 This is the twelfth book in the Australian Natural History Series, a series to be com- mended for bringing well-written species accounts to the general public. For the past few decades, natural history writing for the general audience has consisted of books for identification of the various taxa, with the occasional travelogue through the natural history world, or books focussed on particu- lar regions. The Australian Natural History Series from the University of New South Wales Press was a natural, and most wel- come, extension of this. With this series the facts about a species or group of related species are available to those with limited access to the scientific literature. Unlike some single-author views of a species, where the veracity of an opinion cannot be cheeked, this series employs the scientific tradition of acknowledging the sources of 246 the information, albeit in a more reader- friendly way than the usual scientific nota- tion. This makes the series useful to the pro- fessional as well as to the casual reader. The latest offering is from Anne Kerle who grew up geographically and profession- ally with possums, starting with her honours project on Mountain Pygmy Possums (cov- ered in this series by lan Mansergh and Linda Broome) before moving on to north- ern Brushtail Possums for further research. The breadth of knowledge, gained from her own research, from the scientifie work of others and from indigenous people, ts brought together in this book to give a high- ly readable and fact-filled account. The first mainland marsupial to be recog- nised as a marsupial was not a kangaroo but a possum. Cook and Banks likened the ani- mal they saw to the Brazilian Opossum (the The Victorian Naturalist first marsupial known to European science) and the name stuck - minus the ‘O°. Apart from noises on the roof or depredations to fruit and rose bushes what do we know about possums? Who would have thought that the Common Brushtail Possum, so adept at living with humans in our cities and as a pest in New Zealand could be declining here in Australia? It has disappeared from half of its pre-European range. Some of the threats to possums are covered in this book. The fur trade took four million pelts in 1906, but today the threats are more from the usual suspects: habitat clearance and ferals, including one not generally thought of, the honey bee that in one location occu- pied 25% of hollow trees making them unsuitable for possums. This book covers the thirteen species of large Australian possums in two families, the Phalangeridae (five species) and the Pseudocheiridae (eight species). Four fam- ilies are not covered and, apart from one single species treatment already published there is room for another book in this series. This book examines what is a pos- sum and how the group evolved, has gen- eral accounts of the thirteen species includ- ing distribution, scats, skulls and footprints of the better-known ones, habitat prefer- ences, food, breeding, behaviour and final- ly their interactions with humans. I had few quibbles. Figure 1.1 has Vombatidae as a suborder (rather than Book Reviews Vombatiformes) thus on p. 16 the Koala (family Phascolarctidae) is included in the Vombatidae (the wombats). On p. 19 the flying term ‘attitude’ (meaning the angle of its axes relative to the airflow) has morphed into altitude (height above sea level). Additionally (a quibble from a mountain ecologist and a lapse in an author who has studied the Mountain Pygmy Possum) on p. 52 Common Brushtail Possums have been found ‘in sub-alpine woodlands and above the snowline’ (as if sub-alpine wood- lands occur anywhere else). | also had trou- ble working out what were the units on the Y axis in Fig. 5.2. There has been some debate in wildlife circles about immunocontraception to con- trol reproduction in pest animals. This is a potential pathway in Australia to reduce numbers of foxes (a long way from where there are native populations of this species). The possibility of this technique becoming widespread in New Zealand to control pos- sums (relatively close to source native pop- ulations) may well widen the debate. In all, the book was informative and enjoyable to read and I for one will be dip- ping into it to learn more about the animals that manage to raid my grape vine the night before the grapes are ready for picking. Ken Green National Parks and Wildlife Service PO Box 2228, Jindabyne, NSW 2627 One Hundred Years Ago | Notes on a Rare Victorian Shark By Jäs. A. KERSHAW, F.E.S., Curator of the Zoological Dept., National Museum (Read before the Field Naturalists’ Club of Victoria, 14th July, 1902.) On the 2nd May last a large shark was captured in Hobson's Bay, off Williamstown, which was quite unknown to any of the fishermen and others who saw it. It was captured through becoming entangled in the nets of some local fishermen, which it damaged considerably, and unfortunately bruised itself a good deal in its powerful struggles to escape. Its captors immediately disembowled it, and had it conveyed to the city for exhibition purpos- es, where it was secured for the Museum. It proved to be a medium-sized male specimen of the Basking Shark, Cetorhinus maximus, Gunner, and measured a total length of 12 feet 11 inches. The only previous record of its occurrence in Victorian waters is that given by Sir Frederick M*Coy in the Prodromus Zoology Victoria, vol. ii, where he describes and figures a large speci- men measuring 31 feet 6 inches, which was captured in the fishermen’s nets at Portland in November 1883. This specimen was exhibited in the city for some days, but, being hot weather, it was rendered useless for museum purposes. | From The Victorian Naturalist XIX, p 62, August 7, 1902 Vol. 119 (5) 2002 247 The Field Naturalists Club of Victoria Inc. Reg No A0033611X Established 1880 In which is incorporated the Microscopical Society of Victoria OBJECTIVES: To stimulate interest in natural history and to preserve and protect Australian flora and fauna. Membership is open to any person interested in natural history and includes beginners as well as experienced naturalists. Registered Office: FNCV, I Gardenia Street, Blackburn, Victoria 3130, Australia. Postal Address: FNCV, Locked Bag 3, PO Blackburn, Victoria 3130, Australia. Phone/Fax (03) 9877 9860; International Phone/Fax 61 3 9877 9860. Patron John Landy, Ac, MBE, The Governor of Victoria Key Office-Bearers President: Ms WENDY CLARK, 97 Pakenham Street, Blackburn 3130, 9877 9266 Vice Presidents: DR Nott, SCHLEIGER, | Astley Street, Montmorency 3094. 9435 8408 and DR ALAN YEN, 52-54 Brushy.Park Road, Wonga Park, 3115. 9722 1665 Hon. Secretary: MRS ANNE MORTON, 10 Rupicola Court, Rowville 3178. 9790 0656 Hon. Treasurer; MS BARBARA BURNS, 16 Montelair Court, Templestowe 3106, 9846 2608 Subscription-Secretary: ENC V, Locked Bag 3, PO Blackbürn 3130. 9877 9860 Executive Editor, The Vic. Nat.: MRS MERILYN GREY, 8 Martin Road, Glen Iris 3146, 9889 6223 Editors, The Vic. Nat.: MR ALISTAIR EVANS, 3778 Dandenong Road, Clayton 3168. 8505 4339 and Mrs ANNE MORTON, as above. Librarian: Mrs Suri. A HouauroN, FNCV, Locked Bag 3, PO Blackburn 3130. AH 5428 4097 Excursion Co-ordinator: MR DENNIS MELTZER, 8 Harcourt Avenue, Caufield 3162, 9523 1853 Book Brokerage: Mr Ray Witte, 9 Longtown Court, C raigieburn 3064, AH 9308 3770 Newsletter Editors: MR KEITH MARSHALL, 8/423 Tooronga Road, Hawthorn East 3123, 9882 3044, Mrs JOAN BROADBERRY, 2 Shaun Court, Templestowe 3106, 9846 1218 and-DR Nort, SCHLEIGER, as above. Canservation Coordinator: MR JIM WALKER, 167 Balaclava Road, Caulfield 3162. 9527 5601 Group Secretaries Botany; MR KEITH MARSHALL, as above, Geology: MR Ron HAMSON, 5 Foster Street, McKinnon 3204. 9557 5215 Fauna Survey: Ms Sort SMALL, 107 Bondi Road, Bonbeach 3196, AH 9772 2848 Marine Research; MR MicHAEL LYONS, 18 High Street, Nunawading 3131. AH 9877 3987 Microscopical: MR RAY POWER, 36 Schotters Road, Mernda 3754. 9717 3511 MEMBERSHIP Members receive The Victorian Naturalist and the monthly Field Nat News free. The Club organis- es several monthly meetings (free to all) and excursions (transport costs may be charged). Field work, including botany, mammal and invertebrate surveys, is being done at a number of locations in Victoria, and all members are encouraged to participate. YEARLY SUBSCRIPTION RATES — The Field Naturalists Club of Victoria Inc. First Member Metropolitan $49 Concessional (pensioner/student/unemployed) $37 Country (more than 50 km from GPO) $37 Junior (under 18) $18 Family (1-2 adults, | or more under 18) $75 Overseas AU$65 Additional members $18 Institutional Australian Institutions $80 Overseas Institutions AU$90 Schools/Clubs $49 Send to: FNCV, Locked Bag 3, PO Blackburn, Victoria 3130, Australia, Printed by Brown Prior Anderson, 5 Evans Street, Burwood, Victoria 3125 \ ai E Victorian — Naturalist Volume 119 (6) December 2002 Published by The Field Naturalists Club of Victoria since 1884 From the Editors Authors are asked to carefully read the guidelines and consult the most recent issue of the journal when preparing a manuscript for publication. The Victorian Naturalist would not be successful without the enormous amount of time and effort given voluntarily by a large number of people who work behind the scenes. One of the most important editorial tasks is to have papers refereed. The Editors would like to say thank you to those people who refereed manuscripts published during 2002: Robyn Adams John Hawking Glen Saunders Andrew Bennett Paul Humphries John Seebeck Dave Britton Laurie Laurenson Rick Shine Rhonda Butcher Richard Loyn Russell Shiel Malcolm Calder Brian Malone Letitia Silberbauer Rohan Clarke Richard Marchant Dianne Simmons John Dean Peter Menkhorst John White Kelvyn Dunn John Neil Alan Yen lan Endersby Tim New Linden Gillbank Peter Robertson The Victorian Naturalist publishes articles for a wide and varied audience. We have a team of dedicated proof-readers who help with the readability and expression of our articles. Ken Bell Pat Grey Geoffrey Paterson Andrew Bennett Murray Haby John Seebeck Arnis Dzedins Virgil Hubregtse Rob Wallis lan Endersby Michael McBain Gretna Weste Maria Gibson Tom May Jenny Wilson Ken Green lan Mansergh Alan Yen Sincere thanks to our book reviewers for 2002 who provided interesting and insightful comments on a wide range of books and other materials: Andrew Atkins Ken Green Cheryl O'Dwyer Margaret Corrick John Hawking Gary Presland Stuart Dashper Simon Lewis Gerry Quinn Gwen Elliot Angus Martin Melody Serena Rodger Elliot Sara Maroske Jenny Tonkin Cecily Falkingham Tim New As always we particularly thank our authors who provide us with excellent material for publication. Special thanks to Ken Green for his ‘Naturalist in the Mountains’ series to commemorate The United Nations International Year of Mountains 2002. Our editorial advisory team continues to provide valuable advice and assistance: lan Endersby, lan Mansergh, Tom May, and John Seebeck. On the production side, thank you to: Ken Bell, who prepares the annual index, Dorothy Mahler for administrative assistance, Kate Smith, for desktop publishing, Ann Williamson, for printing the mailing labels, and Printers, BPA Print Group, especially Steve Kitto. The Victorian K Naturalist f Volume 119 (6) 2002 Aq December F.N.C V, Executive Editor: Merilyn Grey Editors: Alistair Evans and Anne Morton Research Reports A Population Study of Eastern Grey Kangaroos Macropus giganteus at Tower Hill State Game Reserve, South-western Victoria, by Eve McDonald-Madden and Graeme Coulson .......252 Potential Dispersal Agents of Higher Plants in the Kosciuszko Alpine Area, by Karen C Rudkin and Catherine M Pickering ...258 The Red Fox Vulpes vulpes L. in the Dandenong Creek Valley: Impacts on Wildlife and an Integrated Program for their Control, by A Morton, D Tagg, R Wallis and J White ................ 269 Naturalist in the Flying Spiders and Crawling Flies, by Ken Green ........................ 276 Mountains Book Reviews Grassed Up: Guidelines for Revegetating with Australian Native Grasses, hy Cathy Waters, Wal Whalley and Charles Huxtable, reviewed by Cheryl O "Dwyer ............ ss 278 Platypus: the Extraordinary Story of How a Curious Creature Baffled the World, by Ann Moyal, reviewed by Melody Serena.279 Working on Country: Contemporary Indigenous Management of Australia's Land and Coastal Regions, edited by Richard Baker, Jocelyn Davies and Elspeth Young, reviewed by Gary EP ESIAMA a. Ia. ocean Ac Etre Lr eoru nae 280 Gardening With Australian Rainforest Plants, by Ralph Bailey and Julie Lake, reviewed by Gwen and Rodger Elliot ................28 Guidelines for Authors at the end of this issue ISSN 0042-5184 a Cover: Eastern Grey Kangaroo Macropus giganteus. See Research Report on p. 252. Photo by Keith Dempster. Web address: Email Research Reports A Population Study of Eastern Grey Kangaroos Macropus giganteus at Tower Hill State Game Reserve, South-western Victoria Eve McDonald-Madden! and Graeme Coulson! Abstract Overabundance in native species has recently become an important focus for wildlife management. The negative effects of overabundant macropod populations include threats to human life or liveli- hood, depression of the density of favoured species, decline in body condition and reproduction, and a loss of equilibrium between fora and fauna, This study was undertaken at Tower Hill State Game Reserve in south-western Victoria, The population of Eastern Grey Kangaroos Macropus giganteus in the reserve is derived from a number of individuals released in 1964, and this study established that the current population totals about 150 individuals. The adult sex ratio was at parity and 71 % of females in the population were breeding, suggesting that this population has the potential for rapid increase, Further study into the population’s growth trajectory and the development of a manage- ment plan is needed to avoid problems of over-grazing and oyer-browsing. (The Victorian Naturalist 119 (6), 2002, 252-258) Introduction Overabundance in native species has recently become an important focus of wildlife management (Garrott e? al. 1993; Rodger 1998). In parts of North America, overabundance of ungulates, particularly White-tailed Deer Odocoileus virginianus and Elk Cervus elaphus, has become a major management issue in national parks and on private land (e.g. Healy er al. 1997; McShea and Rappole 1997). Some Australian species seem to be undergoing parallel growth rates to those witnessed in North America. In Australia, the Koala Phascolarctos cinereus (Martin and Handasyde 1999) and a number of macro- pod species have been identified as prob- lematie (Coulson 1998). Overabundant macropod species have been shown to have a negative effect on agricultural yields (Hill eż aZ. 1988) and can also have deleterious effects on biota in areas where grazing pressure is concentrat- ed, such as nature reserves (Neave and Tanton 1989; Coulson 1997). In particular, problems arise in populations that are closed to emigration, either by impenetrable habitat or by fencing. In the past the deliberate introduction of kangaroo populations into ! Department of Zoology, University of Melbourne, Victoria 3010 Current address: Department of Natural Resourees and Evnironment, Arthur Rylah Institute for { nvironmental Research, PO Box 137, Heidelberg, Victoria 3084 Email evememadt(ahotmail com 252 closed areas has resulted in problems due to overpopulation (see Coulson in press). This study was undertaken at Tower Hill State Game Reserve, a small reserve of native habitat, isolated from other native vegetation by expanses of cleared pasture. Over the years, macropod species includ- ing Eastern Grey Kangaroos Macropus giganteus, Black Wallabies Wallabia bicolor and Red-necked Wallabies Macropus rufogriseus (introduction unsuc- cessful), have been released into the reserve (Goldstraw 1986), In November 1964, Eastern Grey Kangaroos were rein- troduced into the reserve (Goldstraw 1986). They were initially introduced to two enclosures planted with open forest vegetation, designed to acclimatize macro- pod breeding stock before ultimate release. The initial numbers of kangaroo released seem to be unrecorded; however anecdotal observations of releases and deaths [rom 1979 to 1985 are available. Records show that 19 kangaroos were released intermit- tently over six years, with nine of those released animals dying in their enclosures before release into the reserve itself. Records of observations from outside the enclosures over the same period show a maximum number of 36 animals, Eastern Grey Kangaroos have been shown to inhabit ecotones of ample forest cover and open grassy feeding grounds (Hill 1981; Short and Grigg 1982). Due to 'The Victorian Naturalist their need for cover these kangaroos are highly restricted to areas of lateral vegeta- tion, and are reluctant to cross large areas lacking cover. The population at Tower Hill is thus effectively closed to natural emigration and immigration, owing to the expanse of surrounding open habitat. An overabundance of Eastern Grey Kangaroos at Tower Hill has the possibility to fulfill all of the problems of overabun- dance outlined by Caughley (1981). Tower Hill is an ecotourist destination, and there is concern about the possibility of injury to visitors. In addition, increased grazing pres- sure by overabundant kangaroos is likely to affect other ground dwelling herbivores and also have a negative effect on native flora, leading to decreased species diversity with- in the reserve. As has already been wit- nessed at Tower Hill with the Koala popu- lation, overabundance and the inability of animals to emigrate out of the system to find food may see an increase in mortality due to starvation. Recently, Tower Hill managers and *Friends of Tower Hill’ have become concerned about the number of kangaroos present in the reserve. Despite this, the population has never been properly surveyed. Available records are sporadic and do not account for the possibility of double counting; therefore, estimates of population size are unreliable for manage- ment assessment. The objectives of this study were firstly, to obtain an accurate population count of Eastern Grey Kangaroos in the reserve; secondly, to determine population structure with the aim of establishing the likely growth trajectory of the population; and thirdly, to assess habitat usage. Overall, the aim of this study was to provide informa- tion for the management of the population of Eastern Grey Kangaroos at Tower Hill State Game Reserve. Study area and methods Tower Hill State Game Reserve is located about 15 km northwest of Warnambool, Victoria. Tower Hill is an extinct volcanic crater of approximately 3 km diameter (Morgan 1997). The total land area of the study site is 264 ha, partitioned into the Main Island (125 ha), Fairy Island (18 ha), Hat Island (1 ha) and the crater rim (120 ha). This small reserve is isolated from other Vol. 119 (6) 2002 Research Reports areas of native vegetation by farmland pas- ture and a steep crater rim. By the end of the 19" century it was completely cleared for agriculture. In 1961, the decision was made to regenerate this area as a State game reserve. Regrowth throughout the reserve can be classified into five major vegetation types: Eucalypt forest, predomi- nantly Eucalyptus viminalis; Eucalypt woodlands, dominated by E. viminalis and E. ovata; Allocasuarina woodlands, domi- nated by A. verticillata and A. stricta; shrublands dominated by Acacia mearnsii, A. decurrens and A, melanoxylon; and grasslands. This study was conducted during May and June 1999, Sampling of the kangaroo population was undertaken using à grid system of 15 transect lines running east- west across the main island of the reserve (Fig. 1; Morgan 1997) and by 4WD along the tracks around the outer rim of the reserve. Transects were mapped out by the authors, 160 m apart (as in the Koala sur- vey of Morgan 1997) and, before data col- lection, transects were walked on the rele- vant east or west compass bearing, and marked using flagging tape. Over the course of this study, each line was walked three times, always between 1000 and 1600 hours. Odd lines were walked in succession, followed by evens, to minimise the possibility of double counting created when animals moved between lines, The observer set off from the beginning of each transect and walked at a constant speed. When a kangaroo group was observed in front of the observ- er, the following data were recorded: the number of kangaroos in the group; the dis- tance from the observer to the centre of the group (measured with a rangefinder); the compass bearing from the observer to the centre of the group; the sex, if deter- minable, of the individuals within the group, along with the reproductive status of females; and the habitat type in which the group was observed. The outer rim was sampled by observa- tion from a vehicle. Established tracks were driven in a 4WD vehicle between 1630 and 1730 hours. When a group was observed, the number of individual kanga- roos was recorded along with sex and reproductive status of females, in the hope 253 Research Reports Å 0 200 400 N remm | Metres Hat Island Main Track Transects/ Management Tracks ---- Fairy Island Tower Hill State Game Reserve Fig. 1. Map of Tower Hill showing grid system of transects (adapted from Morgan 1997). of establishing a maximum stable number for the outer rim population. If animals moved extensive distances out of sight, they were not recorded. This was done to minimise the chance of double counting. The percentage of each habitat type with- in the reserve was estimated from an aerial photo. Using | mm graph paper, habitat percentages were calculated from the num- ber of squares within the reserve occupied by each habitat. Results The population density (kangaroos/km") was estimated using the computer program MNPS (see Morgan 1986). This program 254 estimates population density and three other parameters from a set of frequency distribu- tions: a coefficient of conspicuousness (in this study 12.91 + 1.724 m), the lateral veg- etation cover (0.05317 50.007573), and the maximum direct-line distance at which species recognition is possible (dmax). The minimum detection distance was 8 m, whilst the maximum (dmax) was 300 m. The highest frequency of kangaroo groups was observed at 23 m. The sighting distance and the curve of the model fitted to those data are shown in Fig. 2. From this set of data, a density of 81.4 + 3.54 kangaroos/km' (mean + SE) was esti- mated. The population for the main island The Victorian Naturalist 25 20 Frequency a za, o Research Reports A \ L3 A A A 0 ^ 4 S22 0 50 100 150 yet 2 —18—9—42— tt th tt tt 9 tt 200 250 300 350 Distance (m) Fig. 2. Frequency distribution of sighting distances from the observer to the kangaroo groups. Triangles indicate actual data points and the line indicates the curve of best fit using the computer program MNPS (Morgan 1986). was calculated by multiplying the estimated density by the area of the main island, giv- ing an estimate of 117 individuals (Table 1). The stable number observed for the outer rim of the reserve, which was taken as the maximum number observed over the four counts, was 34 (Table 1). The overall estimate for the reserve was 151, with nar- row confidence intervals (Table 1). The minimum percentage of adult females breeding in the population was 71%. The percentage of males within the sample was 54%. A chi-squared test found that the sex ratio of adults in the popula- tion did not differ from parity (y^ = 0.00, p 7 0.05, df — 94). The pattern of percentage use of the five defined habitats by this population can be seen in Fig. 3. A chi-squared test was done comparing raw frequencies observed in each habitat with expected frequencies cal- culated from the availability of each habitat (Set | - fine conditions: x^ = 9.63, p < 0.05, df = 4; Set 2 - wet-windy conditions: X^ = 21.98, p < 0.05, df = 4; Table 2). The null hypothesis assumes that habitats were used in proportion to availability. Both analyses rejected the null hypothesis, and show that kangaroos were not using habitats in pro- Vol. 119 (6) 2002 Table 1. The population estimates (+ standard error) and 95% confidence intervals for Eastern Grey Kangaroo Macropus giganteus at Tower Hill State Game Reserve. Estimated 95% CI Population Main Island 1175 107 to 127 Maximum stable number for outer rim population 34 - Overall (for outer rim 151 141 to 161 and main island) portion to their availability. Differences between the two sets are observed within the selection of woodlands and shrublands. Set 1 shows an observed usage of shrub- lands less then expected and an increased usage of Allocasuarina woodlands in fine conditions, In comparison, set 2 shows an increased usage of shrublands and decrease in the use of eucalypt woodlands on days of wet and windy conditions (Table 2). Discussion This study shows that the population of Eastern Grey Kangaroos at Tower Hill State Game Reserve has increased from a minimum of 19, between 1979 and 1985, 285 Research Reports 45 40 Percentage 0 — Eucalypt Woodlands Allocasuarina Woodlands Shrublands Grasslands Eucalypt Forest Habitat type Fig. 3. The percentage of the five main habitats within the reserve (shaded) and the percentage of Eastern Grey Kangaroos Macropus giganteus observed within these habitats (unshaded). to an estimate of 151 in 1999, This esti- mate suggests that the population has increased dramatically. Along with this growth witnessed over the past 14 years the demographics of the population at Tower Hill suggest that there is potential for continued growth in the future. The rate of increase of a population depends upon its current age distribution and sex ratio (Bayliss 1985; Caughley et al, 1987). l'his population showed no apparent sex- biased mortality in adult individuals with the sex ratio of adults being at parity. Norbury et al. (1988) noted a female bias in Western Grey Kangaroos M. fuliginosus melanops after drought, resulting in a decreased growth trajectory, However, parity or male biased populations are thought to be indicative of growing popu- lations (Norbury eż al. 1988). The population of kangaroos at Tower Hill also had a high percentage of breeding females, with a minimum of 71% of adult females carrying young. Females with very small pouch young are extremely difficult to identify as breeding individuals; conse- quently, this figure is likely to underesti- mate the breeding potential of the popula- tion. Kangaroos may respond to changes in rate of population inerease by adjusting their rates of reproduction (Bayliss 1985; Caughley eż al. 1987). In harsh conditions, 256 kangaroos have been shown to have a dra- matically reduced fecundity (Norbury ef al. 1988). Continued growth of the Tower Hill population can be expected, as a high percentage of the females are breeding. Overabundance of any grazing or brows- ing species has the potential to be devastat- ing to the vegetation within any reserve. Research at other sites has shown that overgrazing by kangaroos can have a nega- tive effect on the structure and floristics of ground cover and on soil invertebrates and ground-dwelling birds (e.g. Neave and Tanton 1989; Coulson 1998). In these areas, removal of kangaroos had a marked effect on the regeneration of native ground vegetation and dicotyledon species (Neave and Tanton 1989; Coulson 1998), Since Tower Hill’s classification as a State Game Reserve in 1961, a great deal of effort has gone into the re-establishment of indige- nous vegetation on this once cleared site. Overgrazing by Eastern Grey Kangaroos may threaten the continued success of this revegetation effort, In this study, kangaroos actively selected habitats, although the preferences shifted depending on the environmental condi- tions. Selection, it seems, was affected by the need for shelter from the elements. For example, when environmental conditions were harsher, more time was spent in The Victorian Naturalist Research Reports Table 2. The frequency of kangaroos observed in each habitat and the expected frequency according to the proportion of the reserve occupied by each habitat type. Habitats Eucalypt Allocasuarina Shrubland Grassland Eucalypt Woodland Woodland Forest Set | (fine conditions) Observed 23 13 10 14 0 Expected 21 8 20 11 0.5 Set 2 (wet-windy conditions) Observed 7 9 37 2 0 Expected 23 8 22 2 0.5 shrublands of greater density where there is more cover than in open woodlands, Such results are important to consider when con- templating management of the reserve. Time and money should be invested in the rehabilitation and protection of areas of the reserve at greatest risk. For example, in cooler months, increased management of over-used shrubland areas may reduce the impact of kangaroo grazing in the reserve. It appears that the population of kanga- roos at Tower Hill State Game Reserve has increased dramatically and will continue to increase. The first step in assuring the effective management of the Tower Hill population should be to outline the issues within the reserve that are of management priority. With management priorities clear- ly stated, an appropriate management plan should be designed to effectively maintain these goals. The management plan should determine an optimal population size of kangaroos within the reserve. Appropriate methods of control should be investigated, and consideration given to use of concur- rent methods such as exclusion fencing, culling and fertility control. This study has been the first comprehen- sive study completed on the kangaroo pop- ulation at Tower Hill since their reintro- duction in 1964. Results have shown that numbers in the reserve have increased dra- matically and in light of the population demography, have the potential to increase further, thereby threatening the biodiversi- ty of the reserve. Further study, and devel- opment of management practices, are essential to ensure that efforts already put into the reserve by staff, Friends and the community have not been in vain. Acknowledgements We would like to thank: the Rangers of Tower Hill, Kerry Murphy and Jodie Honan, for their assistance with this project; David Morgan and Vol. 119 (6) 2002 Dustin Marshall for statistical advice; Mick Wright for his unwavering support and assistance in laying out transect tape; and Jill McDonald for her great help in all facets of this project, includ- ing the dreaded removal of transect tapes. Also thanks to Sue, Alex and Joe MeCulloch for pro- viding accommodation during this study. Our thanks must also go to Friends of Tower Hill for their financial support, All the hard work that went into this study and into this final report is dedicated to John MeCulloch. References Bayliss P (1985) The population dynamics of red and western grey kangaroos in arid New South Wales, Australia. If, The numerical response function. Journal of Animal Ecology 54, 127-135. Caughley G (1981) Overpopulation. In Problems in Management of Locally Abundant Wild Mammals, pp 7-19. Eds PA Jewell, S Holt and D Hart. (Academic Press: New Yark) Caughley G, Shepherd N and Short J (1987) Kangaroos; their Ecology and Management in the Sheep Rangelands of Australia. (Cambridge University Press; Cambridge) Coulson G (1997) Woodlands Historic Park Kangaroo Management Plan; a report to Parks Victoria. Department of Zoology, The University of Melbourne. Coulson G (1998) Management of overabundant macropods ~ are there conservation benefits? In Managing marsupial abundance for conservation benefits: Proceedings of a Symposium held at the Society for Conservation Biology Conference, Svdney, Australia, July 1998, Coulson G (in press) Overabundant kangaroo popula- tions in southeastern Australia. In Wildlife, Land, and People: Priorities for the 21st century. Proceedings of the Second International Wildlife Management Congress. Eds R Field, RJ Warren, H Okarma and PR Sievert, (The Wildlife Society: Maryland) Garrott RA, White PJ, and White CAV (1995) Overpopulation: An issue for conservation biolo- gists? Conservation Biology 7, 946-949, Goldstraw P (1986) Department of Natural Resources and Environment internal file. Healy WM, Decalesta DS and Stout SL (1997) A research perspective on white-tailed deer overabun- dance in the north eastern United States, Wildlife Society Bulletin 25, 259-263. Hill GJE (1981) A study of the habitat preferences in the Grey Kangaroo. Australian Wildlife Research 8, 245-254. Hill GJE, Barnes A and Wilson GR (1988) The use of wheat crops by kangaroos, Macropus giganteus, in southern Queensland, Australian Wildlife Research 15, 111-117. 257 Research Reports Martin R and Handasyde K (1999) The Koala: Natural History, Conservation and Management. (1 Iniversity of New South Wales Press: Sydney) MeShea WJ and Rappole JH (1997) The science and politics of managing deer within a protected area. Wildlife Society Bulletin 25, 443-446. Morgan DG (1986) Estimating vertebrate population densities by line transect methods. Me/bourne College of Advanced Education Occasional Papers No 11, March 1986 Morgan DG (1997) Tower Hill State Game Reserve Koala Population, April 1997: Report for the Department of Natural Resources and Environment, Victoria. Department of Zoology, The University of Melbourne, Neave HM and Tanton MT (1989) The effects of graz- ing by kangaroos and rabbits on the vegetation and ihe habitat of the fauna in the Tidbinbilla Nature Reserve, Australian Capital Territory. Australian Wildlife Research 16, 337-381. Norbury GM, Coulson GM and Walters BL (1988) Aspects of the demography of the Western Grey Kangaroo, Macropus fuliginosus melanops, in semi- arid north-west Victoria. Australian Wildlife Research 15, 257-566, Rodger JC (1998) Overabundance: a new issue in con- servation. In Managing marsupial abundance for conservation benefits; Proceedings of a Symposium held at the Society for Conservation Biology Conference, Svdney, Australia, July 1998. Short J and Grigg GC (1982) The abundance of kanga- roos in suboptimal habitats: wheat, intensive pastoral, and mallee. Australian Wildlife Research 9, 221-227. Potential Dispersal Agents of Higher Plants in the Kosciuszko Alpine Area Karen C Rudkin' and Catherine M Pickering" Abstract Morphology of higher plants in the Kosciuszko alpine area was investigated in order to determine probable dispersal agents. Attributes including seed and fruit morphology, presentation mechanisms and habitat for each plant were matched to ecological syndromes representing four primary dispersal agents: wind, water, animals and the plant itself, The most common probable dispersal agent was wind, followed by animal, water and parent dispersal. (The Vietorian Naturalist 119 (6), 2002, 258-268) Introduction Dispersal mechanisms in plants have been the subject of extensive theoretical and empirical research, much of which has concentrated on the anatomical structure of the dispersal unit or diaspore i.e. the seed, fruit, spores and/or vegetative parts (see reviews by van der Pijl 1982; Murray 1986). Several criteria can be used to clas- sify dispersal methods (Dansereau and Lems 1957, cited in van Rheede van Oudtshoorn and van Rooyen 1999), although the system most commonly applied is that of Ridley (1930) using the agent of transport as the criterion (e.g. van Rheede van Oudtshoorn and van Rooyen 1999). In this system, dispersal traits repre- senting ecological ‘syndromes’ are matched to the most effective dispersal agent (Ridley 1930; van der Pijl 1982). This may involve a single trait, although in most cases it is a combination of character- isties (van der Pijl 1982). For example, plants growing. in open habitats with cap- ! Griffith University, School of Environmental and Applied Sciences, PMB 50 Gold Coast Mail Centre, Queensland, 9726 ‘Email ce;, 258 sules set upon elongated stalks that open to release small mature seeds when humidity is low are considered to be wind dispersed (van der Pijl 1982). Principle transport agents of plant dias- pores are animals, wind, water and the par- ent plant itself, with the resulting dispersal mechanisms termed zoochory, anemo- chory, hydrochory and autochory respec- tively (van Rheede van Oudtshoorn and van Rooyen 1999), Wind is considered the "basic? dispersal mechanism (Sernander 1927, cited in van der Pijl 1982), although in ferns and conifers, animal dispersal was found to be dominant (van der Pijl 1982), Wind is a common dispersal mechanism in open habitats and regions characterized by severe climates and limited numbers of animal vectors (van der Pijl 1982). In regions with few animal dispersal agents, the flora may show a range of traits for wind and water dispersal (Ridley 1930). In mountainous areas, mammal, bird and insect diversity tends to decline as altitude increases (Meyer and Thaler 1995), Around Mt Kosciuszko, the largest contin- uous alpine area in Australia, there appear The Victorian Naturalist Research Reports 'Table 1. Animals of Kosciuszko alpine area with potential to act as dispersal agents for flora. R, alpine resident; S, reside in the alpine area during the warmer months only; * introduced species. Taxon Status Habits/Diet References Mammals Burramys parvus R Hibernates during winter, diet includes Mansergh et al. 1990; Mountain Pygmy- cached seeds eg. Alpine Hovea Hoved Green and Osborne possum montana and Mountain Plum Pine 1994 Podocarpus lawrencei Antechinus spp. R Small marsupial, insectivore, occurs in Dimpel 1976; Green Brown and Dusky moister areas where adequate ground cover — 1989 Antechinus of shrubs exist Mastacomys fuscus R Mainly herbivorous, takes small amounts of Carron e/ al. 1990 Broad-toothed Rat seeds, builds nests from grass Rattus fuscipes R Found in woodland, heath and grassland, Carron ef al. 1990 Southern Bush Rat in winter moves to alpine herbfield, Diet diverse including seeds, dicots taken year round, monocots in late autumn and winter Vulpes vulpes* R Diet: insects, mammals and minimal Green and Osborne Red Fox vegetable matter 1981 Birds Anas superciliosa S Found near water, feeds mainly on seeds Frith 1986 Pacific Black Duck and vegetable matter Gallinago hardwickii S Feeds in fens, bogs and wet grassland on Green and Osborne Latham's Snipe Anthus novaeseelandiae S Richard's Pipit seeds and invertebrates Tall alpine herbfield and tussock grassland, eats insects and small seeds, grass lined nest situated in thick vegetation e.g. Richea continentis Nest of grass, feeds on insects, nectar Nest of grass, feeds on insects and plant foods on the ground or in trees Nests on the ground in grass lined depression, feeds on seeds, green grass Zosterops lateralis S Silvereye and berries Sturnus vulgaris* S Common Starling Coturnix pectoralis S Stubble Quail and insects Ants Iridomyrmex spp. R Omnivorous, can be found in dry and wet habitats eg. bogs, tracks, herbfield and grassland 1994 Green and Osborne 1994 Green and Osborne 1994 Green and Osborne 1994 Cayley 1975 Green and Osborne 1994 OOO eee em to be few animal agents for seed dispersal (Table 1). In contrast, much of the area consists of wind exposed slopes or valley floors with creeks, fen or bogs (Costin ef al. 2000), providing opportunities for dis- persal by wind and water. In addition, par- ticularly in harsh environments, optimal dispersal may not require maximizing dis- tance, as the most suitable habitat may be more readily available close to the parent plant (Ellner and Shmida 1981). To better understand the role of seed dis- persal in the ecology of the Kosciuszko alpine zone, this review identifies morpho- logical dispersal characteristics for all seed plants recorded in the region and matches them to potential dispersal agents. Vol. 119 (6) 2002 Methods Study area The Kosciuszko alpine area extends from the treeline at around 1830 m above sea level to the top of Australian’s highest mountain (Mt Kosciuszko: 2228 m ASL) an area of approximately 100 km’ (Costin ef al. 2000). This area contains the most diverse alpine environment on the mainland with 204 native angiosperm taxa from 40 fami- lies, one gymnosperm species and fourteen introduced species of angiosperms (Costin et al, 2000). Plants exhibit a range of growth forms including shrubs, grasses, sedges, rushes, herbs, mats and cushions, with herbs the most dominant. 259 Research Reports Table 2. Dispersal syndrome used for alpine flora of Kosciuszko National Park for the four primary dispersal agents for seed bearing plants. Poaceae [airs present on lemma and/or palea Bearded callas Dispersal Dispersal syndrome characteristics syndrome General Anemochory — Dust-like seeds (wind) Fruit on long peduneles Peduncles elongate during fruit maturation Dry fruits that dehisce in dry air Awn present Plumose rachilla Predominantly small herbaceous species Small (- Imm), plumed, winged or ribbed sceds Hydrochory (water) Dry fruits that dehisee in moist air Floating utricle or loose seed coat Seed coat to prevent germination during transport Moist or low-lying habitat Low-growing, Zoochory Fruit berry, drupe or nut (animal) Elaiosome present on seed Small (^1 mm) and/or scabrous diaspore Moist habitat Autochory (parental plant) Diaspores without other mechanisms (Imm) Fruit or seed colour red, black or purple Burred, scabrous, hooked, or sticky diaspore Open habitats Glabrous lemma, palea and/or callas Bristled rachilla, habitat near water- course Spikelets droop at maturity, fine hairs on lemma Absence of awn and/or rachilla Barbed callas Spiked or scabrous lemma and/or palea Presence of muero Large floret (75mm), glabrous lemma Short rigid awn, bristled rachilla Explosive dehiscence of capsule or follicle Classification of dispersal syndrome Due to the number of taxa to be studied and diversity of structures associated with dispersal, classification by agent dispersal syndromes was limited to the four principal agents of dispersal (after Ridley 1930; Table 2). Criteria used to classify taxa were based on (1) seed morphology including structures attached to or enclosing, seed, (2) plant habitat, and (3) seed presentation (where on parent plant). Some difficulties were encountered in applying the criteria to the specialized structures of grasses (Poaceae); therefore, these taxa were con- sidered separately (Table 2). Morphological characteristics for the seed plants of Kosciuszko alpine area were identified from taxonomic descriptions by Costin e/ al. (2000), Harden (2000) and Walsh and Entwisle (1999), Native flora and intro- duced weed species were categorized sepa- rately. When attributes of a species could be attributed to more than one agent syndrome, a subjective decision was made as to the "most likely" dispersal agent based on the combination of attributes. Results The major potential dispersal agent was identified for each of the 205 native taxa 260 (Appendix 1) and 14 introduced species (Appendix 2). For the native taxa, the most common agent was wind (anemochory, 114 taxa), followed by animals (zoochory, 53), water (hydrochory, 34) and the parent plant (autochory 4; Fig. 1). The dominance of wind dispersed seeds was due to the prevalence of herbs with small plumed, winged or ribbed seeds (Fig. 2), which together accounted for 73 (35%) of the total native taxa. Growth forms typically associated with wet habitats such as sedges and rushes were characterized by water and animal dispersal (Fig. 2) while low-growing eush- ions and mat/herbs were wind dispersed. Taxa with shrub/subshrub growth forms (Epacridaceae) were also wind dispersed. Of the grasses, 47.8% are likely to be wind dispersed, with the remaining 52.2% divid- ed evenly between both water and animal dispersal. Animal dispersal was the deter- mined agent for the three dwarf shrubs Alpine Ballart Exocarpus nanus (Santal- aceae), Alpine Kelleria Ke/leria dieffen- bachii (Vhymelaeaceae) and Alpine Rice- Flower Pimelea alpina (Thymelaeaceae). The most probable dispersal agent of the single representative of Gymnospermae, Mountain Plum Pine Podocarpus lawrencei The Victorian Naturalist son 40% 7 30% 7 2097 Percent taxa 10" = g ' ' P Anemochory — Hydrochory Zoochory Aulochnry Fig. 1. Native taxa recorded in the Kosciuszko alpine area attributed to the four probable dis- persal agents. Anemochory = wind, hydrochory = water, zoochory = animal, autochory = parental plant. n = 205. was found to be zoochory. Seeds of this species are included in the diet of the Mountain Pygmy Possum Burramys parvus, known for their habit of caching seeds in and around nests (Table 1). Within angiosperms, seed dispersal by animals was found in four of the six monocot families (40% of taxa) and thirteen of the thirty-two dicot families (20% of taxa). Of the native taxa likely to have diaspores dispersed by animals, 57% had characteristics indicating dispersal that involved viable seed being eaten and excreted undamaged. The remaining 43.4% had sticky, hooked or burred seeds likely to be dispersed by ani- mals externally (e.g. carried on fur; Fig. 3). An alternative method for animals to carry seed externally was identified by Ridley (1930) where the small otherwise un-mechanized seeds of Juncaceae were transported from one area to another in mud sticking to the feet of waterfowl. This may be the method of seed dispersal for Juncus antarcticus, J. faleatus and J. thompsonianus in the Kosciuszko alpine area, as the plants invariably grow in marshy spots where they may come into contact with the feet or plumage of the Pacific Black Duck Anas superciliosa residing in the area over summer (Table 1). However, the small seed size, presentation mechanism and growth form of these taxa also suggests dispersal by wind. The six remaining taxa of the family Juncaceae are comprised of the genus Luzula, many of which were also found near water, and their larger seed size (1.0-1.8 mm) indicates water dispersal. Interestingly, many species of Luzula, including one Vol. 119 (6) 2002 Research Reports Agent 100 4 E autochory 04 — 80 ISSSVzoochóry m Hydrachory EE A nemochory Number of taxa Subsarub Shrub 'subshrub Ma Herb’ rub = 3 Herth/cushion Growth Porm Fig. 2. Probable dispersal agents of native taxa (in terms of growth forms) of the Kosciuszko alpine area (Costin er al. 2000). species found in this region, Luzula acutifo- lia subsp. nana, have a small fleshy out- growth of the seed coat (caruncle). These structures on Luzula multiflora were found to be attractive to ants (Ridley 1930), which transport the seeds short distances. Ridley (1930) also recorded finding Luzula inflores- cences, with seed, used as nesting material by sparrows; however, this has yet to be determined for the species considered here and is unlikely to account for the wide distri- bution of these plants as there are few bird species, and no sparrows. Herbs comprised 55.6% of all native taxa (Costin er al. 2000). Taxa from common herb families such as the Asteraceae and Apiaceae were determined to potentially be wind dispersed, as were those of Orchidaceae, Crassulaceae, Geraniaceae, Onagraceae, Gentianaceae, Scrophu- lariaceae, Plantaginaceae, Campanulaceae and Stylidiaceae (Fig. 4). Herbs also accounted for all species classed as auto- chores (mechanical self dispersal) compris- ing the three Cardamine spp. (Brassicaceae) and the Violet Viola betonicifolia subsp. betonicifolia, each characterized by explo- sive seed capsules, There were fourteen established introduced weed species in five families, and all but one were classified as wind dispersed (Fig. 5). Timothy grass Phleum pretense (Poaceae) was classified animal dispersed primarily due to the thin and dry outermost bract of the floret lemma extending as a point. Ridley (1930) cited several examples of viable seeds of this species being dispersed 261 Research Reports Animal Agent ___|Exozoochory | Endozoochory 141 Monocotyledoneae 23 12 ie Dicotyledoneae 10 9 84 23 6*4 Number of plant taxa Poaceae Juncaceae Lilliaceae Cyperaceae Santalaceae Winteraceae 4 Podocarpaceae $-- Tu umen camelis 3 8 d € B m S os 8 E! g m] Z E 5 B E cs of d EROS 5 = w - E 50 ed vd m get EL EI aM E, 3 * CX XA a E É u a [v] N Family Fig. 3. Number of taxa in each family exhibiting characteristics that indicate seed dispersal by ani- mals. Endozoochores transport seeds internally, excreting them undamaged. Seed transport on the fur or plumage of animals are class ified exozoochores. Numbers at the top of each column indicate the total number of native taxa in each family recorded in the Kosciuszko alpine area. 401 Monocotyledons 201 Number of plant taxa 101 OLS COMMO o0 9 o 9 v 9 ss 3 8 SS 3 g Akan iz. MAI VD Dum gx 8 E bese 2 TPA ature S d$ S Ww s d" = LL ucc Mar epic =EEsS eyes SI RAR ee ope? eet E SO E S or Gud ES. [el o PD E: [9] Fig. 4. Number of native herbs by family recorded in the q o y 90 o9 o O q 1 S 89 $ s 84 9 9 E 2 2 E o 0 02070 00 o O OD oO d o D E ONES ES gery I MC SL I2: S8 BU ORIS UTE ces resti CR GT ue es rd = bre B gfe & oS g rc g S Ep sD ees Se "BD Vice MS a D B oO "$$ S S x MS 3 2 6 3 O E B S e s < a SIS UE B S T ao x i=! [G) ARA oes IS Family m Dicotyledons Agent Autochory Zoochory ES Hydrochory E Anemochory Kosciuszko alpine area (Costin er a/. 2000) attributed to the four probable dispersal agents. Numbers at the top of each column indicate the total number of native taxa in each family recorded in the Kosciuszko alpine area. by cattle and horses, both of which were pre- sent in the alpine area until recently. Discussion The diversity of alpine diaspore structures and presentation at maturity presumably increase the chance of seeds being favourably dispersed (Ridley 1930). 262 However, many of the species studied in the Kosciuszko alpine area had little or no apparent adaptations for diaspore dispersal based on morphological descriptions of seed in Floras. More detailed examination of material and field work may clarify this. Complications also arose in seeds adapted The Victorian Naturalist T T 1 | | P Pr n Cee Carpi | PUMP. ces Fabaceae mm Famil Fig. 5. Number of introduced weed taxa by family recorded in the Kosciuszko alpine area (Costin et al. 2000) attributed to the probable dispersal agents. n = 14. for several agents of dispersal, or for a suc- cession of agents (Ridley 1930; van Rheede van Oudtshoorn and van Rooyen 1999). For example, feathery hairs on seed can be dispersed by wind, provide buoyancy in water, facilitate adherence to animals, and assist with anchorage to the ground during germination (Ridley 1930). It has also been demonstrated that the awn of barley is an important photosynthetic structure, sug- gesting the diaspores may have functions other than just dispersal (van der Pijl 1982). Therefore by assigning seed to a single agent, we may have underestimated animal, water and plant dispersal mechanisms. Conditions favorable for growth in alpine environments are often restricted to small micro-habitats, Seed morphologies that restrict dispersal to the vicinity of the parent plant may therefore be advantageous (van der Pijl 1982). Zohary (1962, cited in van Rheede van Oudtshoorn and van Rooyen 1999) distinguished two major categories of localized dispersal; 1) restriction of dispersal in space and 2) restriction of dispersal in time. The former includes burying of seed or formation of fruits immediately above the ground, limiting separation of seed, and the presence of sticky material (mucilage), burrs or other anchorage mechanisms on the seed. Inhibitory mechanisms of the latter include postponement of dispersal until the following season, and opening or closing of the disper- sal organ (e.g. capsule or follicle) as a func- tion of moisture. The taxonomic descriptions available did not include enough information to make determinations as to the presence or absence of these types of mechanisms, nor did they provide post-dispersal details e.g. weight, buoyancy, absorbency of seed coat, hydrophilic nature of hairs, etc. Vol. 119 (6) 2002 Research Reports This study provides information about potential dispersal mechanisms. Observations of species growing in the natural habitat are required to confirm the potential dispersal mechanisms proposed. This also includes examining the role of vegetative dispersal mechanisms such as the transport of torn-off rhizomes, stems and stolons. Based on the data presented here, however, we can con- clude that wind appears to be the most com- mon type of dispersal mechanism for the Kosciuszko alpine flora. References Carron PL, Happold DCD and Bubela TM (1990) Diet of iwo sympatric Australian. subalpine rodents Mastacomys fuscus and Rattus fuscipes. Australian Wildlife Research VT, 479-489 Cayley NW (1975) Whar Bird is That? A Guide to the Birds of Australia. (Angus and Robertson: Sydney) Costin A, Gray M, Totterdell C and Wimbush D (2000) Kosciuszko Alpine Flora. (CSIRO/Collins: Melbourne). Dansereau P and Lems K (1957) Ehe grading of dispersal types in plant communities and their ecological signifi- cance. Contributions af the Institute of Botany University of Montreal 71, 1-52. Dimpel H (1976) Research on some of the endangered marsupials. Burramys on Mount Kosciuszko, Parks and Wildlife 1, 156-158. Ellner S and Shmida A (1981). Why are adaptations for long range dispersal rare in desert plants? Oecologia 51,133-144. Frith HJ (1986) Pacific Blaek Duck, In Readers Digest Book of Australian Birds, p 152. Eds R Schodde and SC Tidemann. (Readers Digest: Sydney) Green K (1989) Altitudinal and seasonal differences in the diets of Antechinus swainsonii and A stuartii (Marsupialia: Dasyuridae) in relation to the availability of prey in the Snowy Mountains. Australian Wildlife Research 16, 581-592. Green K and Osborne W (1981) The diet of foxes Vulpes vulpes (L.) in relation to the abundance of prey above the winter snowline in New South Wales. 4usrralian Wildlife Research 8, 349-360. Green K and Osborne W (1994) Wildlife of the Snowy Country. (Reed Books: Sydney) Harden GJ (2000) Flora o] New South Wales, Volumes 1- 4. (New South Wales University Press: Kensington) Mansergh IM, Baxter B, Scotts D, Brady T and Jolley D (1990) Diet of the mountain pygmy-possum Burramys parvus (Marsupialia: Burramyidae) and other small mammals in the alpine environment at Mt, Hotham, Victoria. Australian Mammolagy 13, 167-177. Meyer E and Thaler K (1995) Animal diversity at high altitudes in the Austrian central alps. In dretic and Alpine Biodiversity: Patteras, Causes and Ecosystem Consequences. Eds F Chaplin and € Korner. (Springer- Verlag: Berlin) ray RD (ed) (1986) Seed Dispersal. (Academic Press: Sydney) Ridley HN (1930) The Dispersal of Plants Throughout the World. (Reeve: Ashford) Sernander R (1927) Zur Morphologie und Biologie der Diasporen. Nova deta Regiae Societatis Scientiarium Usaliensis, Uppsala. van der Pil L (1982) Principles of Dispersal in Higher Plants. (Springer- Verlag: Berlin) van Rheede van Oudstshoorn K and van Rooyen MW (1999) Dispersal Bialogy of Desert Plants. (Springer: London) Walsh NG and Entwistle TJ (1999) Flora of Victoria, Volumes 3 and 4. (Inkata Press: Melbourne) Zohary M (1962) Plani Life of Palestine. (Reinholt Press: London) 263 Research Reports Appendix I. Native gymnosperm and angiosperm species, subspecies and varieties recorded from the Kosciuszko alpine area including growth form and habitats as recorded by Costin er al. (2000), Habitat abbreviations: B, bog; F, fen; FMa, feldmark (Epacris-Chionohebe alliance); FMb, (Coprosma-Colobanthus) alliance; H, heath; STG, sod tussock grassland; SAH, short alpine herbfield; TAHa, tall alpine herbfield (Celmisia-Poa alliance); TAHDb, tall alpine herbfield (Brachyscome-Austrodanthonia alliance). Zoochory* indicates endozoochory; Zoochory** indi- cates exozoochory; « endemic to Kosciuszko alpine area, Species Common Name Growth Form Gymnospermae Podocarpaceae | Podocarpus lawrencei Mountain Plum-pine Shrub Angiospermae: Mononcotyledoneae Poaceae 2 Agrostis meionectes Alpine Bent Grass 3 Agrostis muelleriana Mueller's Bent Grass 4 Agrostis parviflora Hair Bent Grass 5 Agrostis venusta Graceful Bent Grass 6 Agrostis sp. Swamp Bent Grass 7 Australopyrum velutinum Mountain Wheat-grass Grass 8 dusirodanthonia alpicola Crag Wallaby-grass Grass 9 Chionochloa frigida e Ribbony grass Grass 10 Deschampsia caespitosa Tufted Hair-grass Grass ll Deyeuxia affinis Dwarf Bent-grass Grass 12 Deyeuxia carinata Slender Bent-grass Grass 13. Deyeuxia crassiuscula Coarse Bent-grass Grass l4 Deyeuxia monticola var. Mountain Bent-grass Grass monticola 15 Hierochloe submutica Alpine Holy-grass Grass 16 Poa costiniana Prickly Snow-grass Grass 17 Poa fawcettiae Smooth-blue Snow-grass Grass 18 Poa hiemata Soft Snow-grass Grass 19 Poa saxicola Rock Poa Grass 20 Rytidosperma australe Snowpatch grass Grass 2] Rytidosperma nivicola Snow Wallaby-grass Grass 22 Rytidosperma nudiflorum Alpine Wallaby-grass Grass 23 Rytidosperma pumilum Feldmark grass Grass 24 Trisetum spicatum subsp. Bristle-grass Grass australiense Cyperaceae 25 Carex archeri Archer’s Sedge Sedge 26 Carex breviculmis Short-flower Dryland Sedge Sedge 27 Carex canescens Yellow-headed Sedge Sedge 28 Carex cephalotes Button Sedge Sedge 29 Carex echinata Star Sedge Sedge 30 Carex gaudichaudiana Tufted Sedge Sedge 31 Carex hebes Dryland Sedge Sedge 32 Carex hypandra Dark Fen-sedge Sedge 33 Carex jackiana Short-flower Swamp Sedge Sedge 34 Carpha alpina Small Flower-rush Sedge 35 Carpha nivicola Broad-leaf Flower-rush Sedge 36 Isolepis aucklandica Slender Club-rush Sedge 37 Isolepis crassiuscula Alpine Club-rush Sedge 38 lsolepis habra Tufted Club-rush Sedge 39 Isolepis montivaga Mountain Club-rush Sedge 40 Isolepis subtilissima Dwarf Club-rush Sedge 41 Oreobolus distichus Fan Tuft-rush Sedge 42 Oreobolus pumilio subsp. Alpine Tuft-rush Sedge pumilio 43 Schoenus calvptratus Alpine Bog-rush Sedge 44 Uncinia compacta Compact Hook-sedge Sedge 45 Uncinia flaccida Mountain hook-sedge Sedge 46 Uncinia sinclairii Sinclair's Hook-sedge Sedge 47 Uncinia sulcata Furrowed Hook-sedge Sedge Restionaceae 45 Empodisma minus Spreading Rope-rush Rush Juncaceae 49 Juncus antarcticus Cushion Rush Rush 50. Juncus faleatus Sickle-leaf Rush Rush 5| Juncus thompsonianus Thompson's Rush Rush 52 Luzula acutifolia subsp. nanas Dwarf Woodrush Rush 53 Luzula alpestris Mountain Woodrush Rush Habitat Probable Dispersal Agent H Zoochory* STG, SAH, F, B Anemochory TAla, STG, F, B. FMa Hydrochory ? Anemochory TAHa, STG Anemochory STG, F, B, TAHa Hydrochory TAHa, STG Zoochory** TAHb Anemochory TAHa Anemochory STG Anemochory SAH Zoochory** STG, F, B, H Zoochory** TAHa, STG Zoochory** STG, TAHa Zoochory** TAHa Hydrochory STG, F, B, TAHa Hydrochory TAHa, STG Anemochory TAHa Anemochory TAHa Zoochory* SAH Hydrochory STG, TAHa, F Anemochory STG, TAHa, F Anemochory FMa Hydrochory TAHa, STG Anemochory B Hydrochory TAHa, STG Hydrochory F, B, TAHa, STG Hydrochory F, B. SAH, STG Hydrochory SAH, TAHa, B Hydrochory F, B, STG Hydrochory TAHa, STG Hydrochory F, B Hydrochory SAH, B, F, STG Hydrochory STG, F, B Hydrochory F, B Hydrochory SAH, B, F Zoochory* SAH, TAHa Zoochory* B Zoochory* SAH, F, STG Zoochory* SAH Zoochory* B, SAH, TAHa Zoochory* SAH, F Zoochory* SAH Zoochory** TAHa, STG Zoochory** TAHa, STG Zoochory** STG Zoochory** TAHa, STG Zoochory** B, STG, TAHa Iydrochory SAH, B Zoochory** PB Zoochory** B, F, SAH Zoochory** SAH Hydrochory STG, TAHa Hydrochory 264 The Victorian Naturalist Research Reports Appendix 1 continued. Species Common Name Growth Form Habitat 54 Luzula atrata Slender Woodrush Rush B, F, SAH SS om australasica subsp. — Feldmark Woodrush Rush Fma durae 56 Luzula modesta Bog Woodrush Rush B 57 Luzula novae-cambriae Roek Woodrush Rush TAHa, H Liliaceae 58 Astelia alpina var. Silver Astelia Herb B, TAHa novae-hollandiae 59 Astelia psychrocharis e Kosciuszko Pineapple-grass Herb B, TAHa 60 Dianella tasmanica Tasman Flax-lily Herb TAHa, H 61 Herpolirion novae-zelandiae Sky Lily Herb STG Orchidaceae 62 Caladenia alpina Alpine Caladenia Herb B 63 Prasophyllum alpestre Highland Leek-orchid Herb B, TAHa, STG 64 Prasophyllum tadgellianum | Tadgell's Leek-orchid Herb B, TAHa, STG Angiospermae: Dicotyledoneae Proteaceae 65 Grevillea australis Alpine Grevillea Shrub H 66 Grevillea victoriae subsp. nivalis Royal Grevillea Shrub H 67 Orites lancifolia Alpine Orites Shrub H Santalaceae 68 Exocarpos nanus Alpine Ballart Dwarf Shrub H, TAHa Portulacaceae 69 Neopaxia australasica White Purslane Herb SAH, TAH a Caryophyllaceae 70 Colobanthus affinis Alpine Colobanth Herb VAHa, FMa 71 Colobanthus nivicola e Snowpatch Cushion Cushion PMb, SAH, TAHa 72 Colobanthus pulvinatus Feldmark Cushion Cushion FMa, TAHa 73 Scleranthus biflorus Twin-flower Knawel Mat/Cushion LAHa, STG 74 Scleranthus brockier 75 Scleranthus singuliflorus 76 Stellaria multiflora Ranunculaceae 77 Caltha introloba 78 Ranunculus acrophilus e 79 Ranunculus anemoneus e 80 Ranunculus dissectifolius e 81 Ranunculus graniticola 32. Ranunculus gunnianus 83 Ranunculus millanii 84 Ranunculus muelleri 85 Ranunculus niphophilus e Winteraceae 86 Tasmannia xerophila subsp. xerophila Brassicaceae 87 Cardamine astoniae 88 Cardamine lilacina s.l. 89 Cardamine robusta e Droseraceae 90 Drosera arcturi Crassulaceae 91 Crassula sieberiana s.l. Rosaceae 92 Acaena sp. 93 Alchemilla xanthochlora auct. Fabaceae 94 Fovea montana 95 Oxylobium ellipticum 96 Podolobium alpestre Geraniaceae 97 Geranium antrorsum 98 Geranium potentillaides var, abditum 99 Geranium potentilloides var. 100 Pelargonium helmsii Rutaceae 101 Phebalium ovatifolium e Vol. 119 (6) 2002 Brockie's Knawel Mat/Cushion TAHa One-flowered Knawel — Herb/Cushion TAHa, STG, FMa Rayless Starwort Herb TAHa Alpine Marsh-marigold Herb SAH Feldmark Buttercup Herb FMa Anemone Buttercup Herb FMb, TAHa, SAH Feather Buttercup Herb TAHa, STG, H Granite Buttercup Herb TAHa, STG Gunn’s Alpine Buttercup Herb TAHa, STG Dwarf Buttercup Herb STG, F, B Felted Buttereup Herb TAHa, STG Snow Buttercup Herb SAH, TAHa Alpine Pepper Shrub H Aston's Bitter Cress Herb B Nalive Bitter Cress Herb STG, TAHa Snow Bitter Cress Herb SAH, TAHab Alpine Sundew Herb B, SAH Austral Stonecrop Herb TAHa Bidgee-widgee Subscrub TAHa, H, STG Lady's Mantle Herb TAHab Alpine Hovea Shrub H Common Shaggy Pea — Shrub/Subshrub IH Alpine Shaggy Pea Shrub/Subshrub NH Rosetted Crane's-bill Herb TAHa, STG, B Mountain Crane’s-bill Herb TAHa, STG, H Alpine Swamp Crane's-bill — Herb TAHa, STG Alpine Stork’s-bill Herb TAHa Ovate Phebalium Shrub H Dispersal Hydrochory Hydrochory Hydrochory Hydrochory Zoochory * Zoochory* Zoochory * Zoochory * Anemochory Anemochory Anemochory Anemochory Anemochory Anemochory Zoochory* Hydrochory Anemochory Anemochory Anemochory Hydrochory Hydrochory Hydrochory Anemochory Hydrochory Zoochory ** Zoochory ** Zoochory ** Zoochory** Zoochory** Zoochory** Zoochory** Zoochory** Zoochory* Autochory Autochory Autochory Hydrochory Anemochory Zoochory** Hydrochory Anemochory Anemochory Anemochory Anemochory Anemochory Anemochory Anemochory Anemochory 265 Research Reports Appendix 1 continued, Species Common Name Stackhousiaceae 02 Stackhousia pulvinaris Violaceae 03 Melicytus sp. (Hymenanthera auct.) 04 Viola betonicifolia subsp. hetonicifolia Thymelaeaceae 05 Kellaria dieffenbachii 106 Pimelea alpina 07 Pimelea axiflora subsp. alpina 08 Pimelea ligustrina subsp. ciliata Myrtaceae 109 Baeckea gunniana 110 Baeckea utilis var. utilis HE Kunzea muelleri Onagraceae 112 Epilobium gunnianum 113 Epilobium sarmentaceum 14 Epilobium tasmanicum Haloragaceac 15 Gonocarpus micranthus subsp. micranthus 16 Gonocarpus montanus 17 Myriophyllum pedunculatum subsp. pedunculatum Apiaceae 18 Aciphylla glacialis 19 Aeiphylla simplicifolia 20 Dichosciadium ranuncula- ceum* var, ranunculaceum e 121 Diplaspis nivis 22 Gingidia algens e 123 Oreomyrrhis brevipes 124 Oreomyrrhis ciliata 125 Oreomyrrhis eriopoda 26 Oreamyrrhis pulvinifica 27 Oschutzia cuneifolia 28 Schizeilema fragoseum Epacridaceae 29 Epacris glacialis 30 Epacris microphvila s.A. 31 Epacris paludosa 32 Epacris petrophila 33 Leucopogon montanus 34 Pentachondra pumila 35 Richea continentis Gentianaceae 136 Chionogentias muelleriana subsp. alpestris e Boraginaceae 137 Myosotis sp. Lamiaceae 138 Prostanthera cuneata Scrophulariaceae 139 Chionoliebe densifolia 140 Euphrasia alsa 141 Euphrasia collina var. diversicolor 142 Euphrasia collina subsp. glacialis e 143 Euphrasia collina var. lapidosa e 144 Veronica serpyllifolia s.l. Plantaginaceae 145 Plantago alpestris 146 Plantago euryphvlla 147 Plantago glacialis 148 Plantago muelleri Alpine Stackhousia Mat Woody Violet Subshrub Showy Violet Herb Alpine Kellaria Dwarf Shrub Alpine Rice-flower Dwarf Shrub Alpine Bootlace-bush Subshrub Kosciuszko Rose Shrub Alpine Baeckea Shrub Mountain Baeckea Yellow Kunzea Gunn's Willow-herb Herb Mountain Willow-herb Herb Snow Willow-herb Herb Creeping Raspwort Herb Mat Raspwort Herb Mat Water-mil foil Herb Mountain Celery Herb Mountain Aciphyll Herb Wreath Penny wort Herb Snow Penny wort Herb Kosciuszko Aniseed Herb Rock Carraway Herb Bog Carraway Herb Australian Carraway Herb Cushion Carraway Herb Wedge Oschatzia Herb Alpine Pennywort Herb Bog Heath Coral Heath Swamp Heath Snow Heath Shrub Snow Beard-heath Shrub Carpet Heath Mat/Subshrub Candle Heath Subshrub Mueller’s Snow-gentian Herb Forget-me-not Herb Alpine Mint Bush Shrub Feldmark Snow Hebe Mat/Subshrub Dwarf i Herb Variable Eyebright Herb Snow Eyebright Herb Feldmark Evebright Herb Thyme Speedwell Herb Veined Plantain Herb Broad Plantain Herb Small Star Plantain Herb Star Plantain Herb Growth Form Shrub/ Subshrub Shrub/ Subshrub Shrub/Subshrub Shrub/Subshrub Shrub/Subshrub Habitat Dispersal STG, TAHa Zoochory* H Zoochory* TAHa, STG Autochory FMa Zoochory* TAHa, STG, H Zoochory* H, TAHa, STG Zoochory* H Zoochory* B, H Anemochory H, B Anemochory H, STG Anemochory TAHa, STG, B, H Anemochory lAHa, STG Anemochory SAT, FMb Anemochory F, B, STG Ilydrochory TAHa Hydrochory F Hydrochory TAHa Anemochory TAHa, STG Anemochory SAH, B, TAHa Anemochory SAH, B, TAHa Anemochory TAHa Anemochory TAHa, FMa Anemochory B Anemochory TAHa, H Anemochory SAH, TAHa Anemochory TAHa, B Anemochory TAHa Anemochory H, B, STG, TAIHa Anemochory FMa, H, B Anemochory B, H Anemochory FMa Anemochory H Zoochory* H, TAHa, STG, FMa Zoochory* B Anemochory STG, TAI a Anemochory TAHab Zoochory* H Zoochory* FMa Anemochory FMa, STG, TA Ha Anemochory TAHa, STG, H Anemochory STG, SAH, F, TAlla — Anemochory FMa Anemochory STG, B Anemochory STG, TAHa Anemochory STG, TAHa Anemochory SAH, B Anemochory SAIL B Anemochory 266 The Victorian Naturalist Research Reports Appendix 1 continued. Species Common Name Growth Form Habitat Dispersal Rubiaceae 149 Asperula gunnii Mountain Woodruff Herb TAHa, STG, H Zoochory * 150 Asperula pusilla Alpine Woodruff Herb FAHa, STG, H Zoochory* 151 Coprosma niphophila Snowpatch Coprosma — Mat/Subshrub FMb Zoochory * 152 Nertera sp. Matted Nertera Herb STG.F, B Zoochory* Campanulaceae i 153 Wahlenhergia ceracea Waxy Bluebell Herb TAHa, STG Anemochory 154 Wahlenbergia gloriosa Royal Bluebell Herb TAHa Anemochory Lobeliaceae 155 Pratia surrepens s.l. Mud Pratia Herb PF, B, STG Zoochory* Goodeniaceae 156 Goodenia hederacea subsp. Ivy Goodenia Herb VAHa Zoochory** alpestris Stylidiaceae 157 Stvlidium sp. (alf. Alpine Trigger Plant Herb TAHa, STG, H, B Anemochory graminifolium) Asteraceae 158 Abrotanella nivigena Snow-wort Mat/Herb SAT Anemochory 159 Brachyscome nivalis Snow Daisy Herb TAHb Anemochory 160 Brachyscome obovata Baw Baw Daisy Herb LAHa Anemochory 161 Brachyscome scapigera Tufted Daisy Herb I AHa, STG, H, B Anemochory 162 Brachyscome spathulata Spoon Daisy Herh TAHa, STG, FMa Anemochory subsp. spathulata 163 Brachyscome stolonifera e — Gwenda's Daisy Herb SAH, TAHa, STG Anemochory 164 Brachyscome sp. (alf. Creeping Daisy Herb SAH, TAHa Anemochory tadgellii) 165 Brachyscome sp. (aff. Mountain Daisy Herb STG, TAHa Anemochory fenuiscapa) 166 Celmisia costiniana Herbfield Celmisia Herb TAHa, STG Anemochory 167 Celmisia pugioniformis Dagger-leaf Celmisia Herb TAHa, STG Anemochory 168 Celmisia tomentella Bog Celmisia Herb B Anemochory 169 Cotula alpina Alpine Cotula Herb B, TAHa, STG Anemochory 170 Craspedia alba Dwarf Billy-button Herb STG Anemochory 171 Craspedia aurantia Orange Billy-button Herb H, TAHa Anemochory 172 Craspedia costiniana e Hairy Billy-button Herb TAHa, STG Anemochory 173 Craspedia jamesii James's Billy-button Herb lAHa, STG Anemochory 174 Craspedia lamicola e Shiny-leaf Billy-button Herb TAHa, STG Anemochory 175 Craspedia leucantha Pale Billy-button Herb SAH, TATa Anemochory 176 Craspedia maxgrayi Woolly Billy-button Herb TAHa, STG Anemochory 177 Craspedia sp. B Sticky Billy-button Herb TAHab, FMa Anemochory 178 Erigeron bellidiodes Violet Fleabane Herb STG, TAIHa Anemochory 179 Erigeron nitidus Sticky Fleabane Herb STG, TAHa Anemochory 180 Erigeron paludicola Bog l'leabane Herb B Anemochory 181 Erigeron setosus » Dwarf Fleabane Merb SAH Anemochory 182 Euchiton argentifolius Silver Cudweed Mat/Herb TAHa, STG Anemochory 183 Euchiton fardianus Ford's Cudweed Herb VAHa, STG Anemochory 184 Euchiton nitidulus Shining Cudweed Mat/Ierb STG Anemochory 185 Euchiton poliochlorus Swamp Cudweed Herb B Anemochory 186 Euchiton umbricola Cliff Cudweed Herb TAHb Anemochory 187 Ewartia nubigena Silver Ewartia Mat/Subshrub FMa, TAHa Anemochory 188 Helichrysum scorpioides Button Everlasting Herb TAHa Anemochory 189 Lagenophora stipitata Blue Bottle-daisy Herb STG, TAHa Anemochory 190 Leptorhynchos squamatus s.|. Scaly Buttons Herb STG, TAHa, FMa Anemochory 191 Leucochrysum albicans Alpine Sunray Mat/Herb 'TAHa, FMa Anemochory subsp. alpinum 192 Microseris lanceolata Native Dandelion Herb TAHa, STG Anemochory 193 Olearia algida Alpine Daisy-bush Shrub H Anemochory 194 Olearia phlogopappa var. Dusty Daisy-bush Shrub H Anemochory flavescens 195 Olearia phlogopappa var. Dusty Daisy-bush Shrub H Anemochory subrepanda 196 Ozothamnus alpinus Alpine Everlasting Shrub B, H Anemochory 197 Ozothamnus sp. (aff. hooker?) Kerosene Bush Shrub B, H Anemochory 198 Ozothamnus secundiflorus Cascade Everlasting Shrub H Anemochory 199 Parantennaria uniceps Snowpatch Daisy Mat/Herb SAH, STG, B Anemochory 200 Picris angustifolius subsp. Mountain Picris Herb TAHa Anemochory merxmuelleri 201 Padolepis robusta Alpine Podolepis Herb VAHa, STG Anemochory 202 Rhodanthe anthemoides Chamomile Sunray Herb TAHa Anemochory 203 Senecio gunnii Gunn’s Groundsel Herb TAHa Anemochory 204 Senecio pinnatifolius var. Highland Groundsel Herb TAHa, STG Anemochory pleiocephalus Alpine Groundsel Herb TAHa, FMa Anemochory 205 Senecio pectinatus var. major Vol. 119 (6) 2002 267 Research Reports Appendix 2. Introduced species well established in the Kosciuszko alpine area. Taxa from Costin ef al. (2000). Species Common Name Probable Dispersal Agent Poaceae Agrostis capillaris Brown-top Bent Anemochory Dactylis glomerata Cocksfoot Anemochory Festuca rubra Red Fescue Anemochory Phleum pratense Timothy Grass Zoochory Poa annua Annual Meadow-grass Anemochory Poa pratensis Kentucky Blue-grass Anemochory Caryophyllaceae Cerastium vulgare (syn. Cerastium Jontanum subsp. trivale) Common Mouse-ear Chickweed Anemochory Spergularia rubra Red Sand-spurrey Anemochory Polygonaceae Acetosella vulgaris (syn. Rumex Sheep Sorrell Anemochory acetosella) Fabaceae Trifolium ambiguum Pellet Clover Anemochory Trifolium repens White Clover Anemochory Asteraceae Achillea millefolium Milfoil, Yarrow Anemochory Hypochoeris radicata Cat's-ear Anemochory Taraxacum officinale sp. agg. Dandelion Anemochory One Hundred Years Ago On The Fertilization of Phanerogams I.—DISPERSION OF POLLEN BY THE WIND. By G. WEINDORFER (Read before the Field Naturalists’ Club of Victoria, \3th July, 1902.) For the conveyance of pollen between flowers there exist two main agents, viz., the wind and insects, Phanerogamous plants have been separated by botanists into "anemophilae," or wind-fer- tilized, and “entomophilz,” or insect-fertilised plants. As would be naturally expected, it is, speaking generally, only pollen of a dusty consistency which is transported by the wind; but the pollen of some flowers is occasionally torn away from the anthers, in the form of sticky masses, and conveyed to the stigmas of neighbouring flowers by the wind, but the occurrence can only be looked upon as accidental, and would happen in the rarest instances. Still more remarkable is the fact that in certain water plants the pollen, though cohering in sticky masses, is blown by the wind in a kind of little boat to the stigmas, which are raised above the surface of the water. From The Victorian Naturalist XIX, p 98, November 6, 1902 Vale Club Members will be saddened to learn of the recent death of the follow- ing members: Natalie Smith in July Elsie Costermans in August Eric Allen in September Each made a great contribution to natural history and individual tributes will appear in later issues. 268 The Victorian Naturalist Research Reports The Red Fox Vulpes vulpes L. in the Dandenong Creek Valley: Impacts on Wildlife and an Integrated Program for their Control A Morton', D Tagg', R Wallis? and J White! Abstract Foxes in the Dandenong Creek Valley were found to consume many native vertebrate species, including three mammals, thirteen birds and at least one lizard. As well, foxes spread weeds by dis- persing viable Blackberry seeds in their scats. A Co-ordinated Fox Control Committee representing eight landholders in the study site oversees the continuing project on land which includes many parks, four golf courses. a freeway easement, a water retarding basin, a quarry, two waste transfer stations and small blocks used for agriculture and stock agistment, Recommended control methods include den fumigation and removal of diurnal weed shelter. (The Victorian Naturalist 119 (6), 2002, 269- 275) Introduction The Red Fox Vulpes vulpes L. is an intro- duced canid predator that is now wide- spread across the southern half of the Australian continent, Fox predation is con- sidered a major threat to the conservation of native Australian fauna, especially ground nesting birds and those mammals in the crit- ical weight range of between 35 and 5500 g (Burbidge and McKenzie 1989; Saunders e/ al. 1995). Predation by foxes is listed as a key threatening process under both Federal and Victorian Government legislation and appropriate plans have been devised to address the threat to wildlife (Mansergh and Marks 1993; Environment Australia 1999). Foxes can also be serious pests in agricul- tural areas, preying heavily on lambs and poultry in particular and are a potential vec- tor for the transmission of rabies (Saunders etal. 1995). Foxes are opportunistic in their diet, tak- ing a variety of vertebrates, insects and vegetation. A number of dietary studies have been conducted in rural Australia in both forested and agricultural settings (see Brunner and Wallis 1986), but there have only been a few reports published on fox diet (Wallis et al. 1996) or on fox densities in urban environments in Australia (Marks and Bloomfield 1999). In this report we describe a co-ordinated fox control program conducted by eight land manager/landholder groups in the Dandenong Creek Valley in Melbourne's School of Ecology and Environment, Deakin University, Melbourne Campus, 221 Burwood Highway, Burwood, Victoria 3125 School of Ecology and Environment, Deakin University, Warrnambool, Victoria 3280 Vol. 119 (6) 2002 eastern suburbs. The program relied on the establishment of a committee that oversaw a study into the diet, habitat use and con- trol of foxes conducted by staff and stu- dents from Deakin University's School of Ecology and Environment. We also report on ‘pre-control’ data gathered to date in this four-year program and an outline of planned future activities. Methods Study site The study site in the Dandenong Creek Valley is approximately 13 km long and 1-3 km wide. Situated in Melbourne's eastern suburbs, it extends from north of Boronia Road, Wantirna, to Stud Road, Rowville, in the south (Fig. 1). Dandenong Valley Parklands, managed by Parks Victoria, forms the largest portion of the study site and combines 1325 ha of popular recreation and parkland settings with conservation areas and farmland. Managed parks include Koomba Park, Bushy Park Wetlands, Nortons Park, Shepherds Bush, the Linear Trail, Jells Park and Chesterfield Farm. Other agencies that manage land in the study site and are members of the Co-ordi- nated Fox Control Committee are the Cities of Monash, Knox and Whitehorse, Vic Roads (easement of the Scoresby Freeway), Melbourne Water (Winton Wetlands north of Boronia Road and the Police Road Retarding Basin between Wellington Road and Stud Road), Boral Bricks (which man- ages a quarry and a farmland) and Kingston Links Golf Course. The study site includes four golf courses: Kingston Links, Tirhatuan, Waverley Municipal and 269 Research Reports Dandenong 4 Creek Boronia Rd Jc inten Wetlands Vermont d Morack Golf (/ Gauss Koomba Park Burwood Hwy. C Mountain Hwy Bushy Park Wantirna South Wetlands ie Glen Waverley High Street Rd Shepherds Bushy" Waverley Golf Course ~ Proposed Scoresby Freeway Waverley Road Corhanwarrabul Ferntree Gully Rd Corhanwarrabul Creek Section * Kingston Links ~ Golf Course Wellington Rd Rowville Dandenong Creek Scale (km) Fig. 1. Dandenong Creek Valley forms the bor- der between the municipalities of Whitehourse and Monash to the west and Knox to the east. Morack. Two waste transfer stations are present and large blocks of Parks Victoria, Vic Roads and Melbourne Water land are used for horse agistment, cattle grazing and fruit and flower growing. We believe such co-operation between all landholders in fox control in a semi-urban setting is unique and a necessary condition if successful management of foxes is to be achieved. The study area is fringed on all sides by residential and factory development and some open land. Dandenong Creek has been severely modified over time and is prone to heavy flooding up to three times per year. Study design and methods The project began in 1998. In the first two years the aims were to: + describe the diet of foxes in the area to determine the effects on wildlife; - describe the potential for foxes to spread Blackberry Rubus fruticosus spp. agg. via 270 seed germination from their scats; e survey for sites of weed harbour suitable as refuge for foxes; * survey the site for foxes and dens; + review methods suitable for urban envi- ronments for the control of foxes. Fox seats were collected weekly from January 1998 till January 1999 from Koomba Park and Boral Bricks sites. As well, less frequent, opportunistic collecting occurred over this period elsewhere, with monthly collections from transects estab- lished in the Police Road Retarding Basin, Corhanwarrabul Section, Jells Park, Shepherds Bush, Bushy Park Wetlands, Morack Golf Course, Kingston Links Golf Course and Drummies Bridge Reserve (Fig. 1). Scats were identified by size and shape (Triggs 1996), collected in manila envelopes, sterilised, washed, sorted and the food items identified and categorised using techniques described in Brunner and Wallis (1986) and Wilson and Wolrige (2000). Feathers found in the scats (and in den litter) were identified against specimens held at the Bird Observers Club of Australia premises; mammal bones were identified using speci- mens at Deakin University. Fox scats containing Blackberry seeds were collected over a 6-week period during February and March 1998. They were washed in water with a 10% solution of com- mercial fungicide to inhibit fungal growth, Blackberry seeds were placed onto filter paper in petrie dishes and kept in a germina- tion cabinet at 18°C over a 9-month period, where they were kept moist and monitored for seedling development. Some of these seeds were kept at 25°C for a period, Another group of seeds was first treated at 0°C and 4"C for a 3-week period before being placed into the germination cabinet at 18"C. Approximately half of the seeds were tested for viability using tetrazolium chlo- ride. Tetrazolium salts are used to indicate the presence of dehydrogenase enzymes, which provide reduction processes in liv- ing tissue. Dehydrogenase enzymes reduce tetrazolium salts to red or blue substances which appear as stains on viable seeds. Dead tissues remain unstained as there are no active enzymes present (MacKay 1972). The Blackberry seeds were placed in a 0.1% tetrazolium chloride and buffer solution at neutral pH and the number of The Victorian Naturalist stained seeds counted to estimate viability. In December 1998 the remaining seeds (those not used in viability testing) were placed into potting mix in four pots which were exposed to normal sunlight and rain. There was no additional watering. In April 1998 six scats containing Blackberry seeds were planted directly into potting mix. Fifty seeds from four of these were washed in a 10% fungicide solution and individually placed in the potting mix. The other two scats were not treated, but were planted whole into the pot. The pots were then placed in a glasshouse where they received regular watering and monitoring. The public was kept informed about the project through frequent articles in the local press and talks to local resident groups. As well, 1200 flyers were distrib- uted to households around the study site which sought reports from residents seeing foxes - people were invited to phone a "fox hotline’ at the university. Each management section was systemati- cally searched for den sites, Dens were classified as active if foxes were actually observed using them, if there were obvious signs of fox prints in freshly raked sand placed near the entrances or if there was den litter nearby (Coman 1972). The pres- ence of scats and flattened grass around a den also provide good evidence of activity (Macdonald 1987), Dens and weed har- bour patches were mapped using a GPS; volunteers, Green Corps personnel, student classes and Parks Victoria staff all assisted in these tasks. The recommendation of appropriate con- trol measures for each of the eight organi- sations was an aim of this research. These recommendations took into account cur- rent legislation, community concerns and the safety of domestic animals, Fumigation of den sites using Denco-fume carbon monoxide cartridges was selected as the most humane and species-specific method of control in an urban environment, Results and Discussion Diet studies A total of 719 scats was collected from seven areas. Bones were the most frequent- ly detected food item (56% of all fox scats examined contained bones). These includ- ed bones of mammalian and avian prey as Vol. 119 (6) 2002 Research Reports a Table 1. Occurrence of specific mammals in 219 fox scats containing hair collected over one year trom seven major locations in the Dandenong Valley Parklands and surrounding, sites. Percentages in parentheses, * denotes introduced species. Fox grooming hairs ignored. Hrs ris e aae Ik ia See id indc aaa ea ach Ld d Species Number of occurrences European Rabbit/Brown Hare 83 (29) Oryctolagus cuniculus: Lepus eurapaeus* Common Ringtail Possum Pseudocheirus peregrinus Black Rat Rattus rattus* Common Brushtail Possum Trichosurus vulpecula House Mouse Mus domesticus* Brown Rat Ratrus norvegicus* Sheep Ovis aries* Sugar Glider Petaurus breviceps Cattle Bos taurus Cat Felis eatus* Total seats with hair 29 71 (24) 56 (19) 40 (14) — 4 -—— [304 cC i well as those which probably came from garbage. Hair was found in 40% of scats. Other frequently found items included invertebrate (mainly insect) remains (55%), plant material (non-seed) (5394), seeds (41%) and feathers (28%). Of the 298 scats with seeds, 168 had Blackberry, all of which were found in summer/early autumn. Most invertebrate remains detect- ed in scats were collected in spring, sum- mer and autumn. On the other hand, feath- ers occurred in roughly similar percentage frequencies in all seasons. Table | shows the European Rabbit Oryctolagus cuniculus as the preferred food item followed by the Common Ringtail Possum Pseudocheirus peregrinus. Three scats contained the remains of the locally rare Sugar Glider Petaurus breviceps. Remains of birds were found in 204 scats and 17 species of birds were identified from their feathers (Table 2). Four of these species were also found as den litter, Foxes in the Dandenong Creek Valley were shown to consume a wide variety of prey. Mammals, birds and invertebrates (chiefly insects) are taken together with seeds such as Blackberry and fruit. Whilst rabbits, rats and mice appear frequently in fox seats, three native mammal species are eaten. The appearance of Sugar Glider remains in fox seats, whilst rare, is of 271 Research Reports Table 2. Bird species taken as prey by foxes in the study area. Feathers found in fox scats were compared with those from specimens. * indi- cates species also found as “den litter’ around a natal den in Jells Park between September and November 1998. * denotes an introduced species. Common name Australian White Ibis Purple Swamphen Australian Wood Duck Pacific Black Duck Silver Gull Buff-banded Rail Sulphur-crested Cockatoo Platycercus eximius" Eastern Rosella Trichoglossus haematodus Rainbow Lorikeet Accipiter fasciatus Brown Goshawk Grallina cyanoleuca Magpie-lark Gymnorhina tibicen* Australian Magpie Corvus mellori Little Raven Streptopelia chinensis* Spotted Turtle-Dove Acridotheres tristis * Common Myna Sturnus vulgaris* Common Starling Turdus merula** Common Blackbird Scientific name Threskiornis molucca Porphyrio porphyrio” Chenonetta jubata Anas superciliosa Larus novaehollandiae Gallirallus philippensis Cacatua galerita concern. This species is highly vulnerable to predation by cats and foxes and its dis- tribution in urban areas is rapidly declining (Brunner et al. 1991). Dandenong Valley Parklands is one of the closest sites to Melbourne inhabited by Sugar Gliders. Scats collected from different sites in the study area had different proportions of prey. For example, hair from Sugar Gliders was only found in scats collected from Koomba Park, while scats from Boral Quarry had higher numbers of feathers and bones than other areas. Although these feathers were not identified, both Boral Quarry and the proximate Knox Tip supported wetland bird populations. A large population of scav- enger birds including Silver Gull Larus novaehollandiae and Australian White Ibis Threskiornis molucca was present at the Tip. Many of the bone fragments were from domestic rubbish accessible to foxes at the open landfill site of Knox Tip. Rabbits and Brown Hares Lepus europaeus were common in fox scats collected at Boral and the Police Road Retarding Basin. Our data are similar to those reported in Wallis ef al. (1996) for fox scats collected in 1989 and 1990, although the proportion of scats 272 containing the remains of rabbits has increased significantly. As well, foxes are likely to prey on frogs and lizards — one Blue-tongued Lizard Tiliqua sp. was found with its skin removed beside the entrance of a fox natal den. Wallis et al. 1990 reported that Dandenong Valley Parklands represents a linear reserve of modified bushland in a ‘sea’ of suburbia providing largely unsuit- able habitat for sustainable wildlife com- munities. They compared the diet of foxes, dogs and cats in the Dandenong Valley Parklands and from the evidence found that predation by these three introduced species threatened the continued survival of some native vertebrates in the Parklands. Germination trials Those seeds tested for viability with tetra- zolium chloride showed a positive response with 120 of 391 seeds (or 31%) showing viability. However, there was no germina- tion from seeds whilst in the germination cabinet. In December 1998 the remaining seeds were planted into potting mix. In August 1999 these seeds germinated with 166 seedlings growing from a total of 660 seeds, a germination rate of 25%, 18 months after being deposited by the foxes (Table 3). In comparison, the scats that were planted directly into potting mix in March 1998 germinated in August 1998 just five months after deposit. The seats planted whole germinated at a much faster rate than the individual seeds. Of 50 individual seeds planted into each of four pots only 29 ger- minated — a maximum of 15% germination. Growth was uneven with one pot yielding 32%, but the others only 12%, although seedling growth in all four was strong and vigorous. In the other two pots planted with whole scats, many more seedlings germi- nated — 32 and >50 — but as the number of seeds planted were not counted no germi- nation rate could be calculated. Many of these seedlings were still present in 1999 although growth was limited by the lack of resources in the pot. Once these seedlings were removed more seedlings germinated in August 2000. One whole scat planting had 43 new seedlings present. We have demonstrated that Blackberry seeds in fox scats are viable and capable of The Victorian Naturalist Research Reports Table 3. Treatments of various groups of Blackberry seeds collected in fox scats during February/March 1998. GC, germination cabinet; R/F, refrigerator/f Group A Date collected — Feb/Mar ‘98 Ist treatment GC at 18°C 2nd treatment — - Group B Feb/Mar *98 GC at 18°C Tested for viability Jul *98 Planted Dec ‘98 Dec *98 Germination Aug ‘99 Aug *99 ezer. Group C Group D Group E Feb/Mar ‘98 Feb/Mar ‘98 Mar ‘98 GC at 18°C R/F 3 weeks = GC at 25°C GC at 18°C - Aug/Sep *98 Dee *98 Dec '98 Mar *98 Aug *99 Aug ‘99 Aug “98, Aug ‘00 germination, Fox scats may contain more than 50 seeds, which remain viable for at least two years in storage and pots. Since foxes may travel up to 10 km per night (Saunders et al. 1995), there is potential for widespread dispersal of Blackberry throughout this area. Blackberries may have a laxative effect on foxes as there are many more scats collected during the Blackberry fruiting season than at other times of the year. Blackberries provide an easy resource for foxes and require mini- mal energy expenditure to harvest them. Blackberry appears to benefit from dis- persal by foxes. The whole scats planted in potting mix without other treatment pro- duced higher germination rates than for seeds that were washed in fungicide. Seeds from the germination cabinet showed no germination until they were planted into potting mix, while none of the seeds, from the germination cabinet or direct sowing, germinated before late August. This may indicate that the length of daylight pro- vides the trigger for growth. The nutrient package provided by the fox may also improve the number of seeds germinating. Brunner et al. (1976) collected Blackberry seeds from scats of foxes and found germi- nation did not commence until early Spring, some six months after they had been col- lected. Overall they found germination rates of between 22% and 35%. Our conclusions concur with those of Brunner et al. (1976) and Amor and Richardson (1980) who con- cluded that foxes are a major dispersal agent for Blackberry in Victoria, particularly in sites which are prone to flooding after heavy rainfall. Weed mapping The presence of Blackberry, Gorse Ulex europeaus and Wandering Tradescantia Tradescantia fluminensis was mapped and the maps used by land managers to control Vol. 119 (6) 2002 infestations. Other weeds were also mapped if it was thought they were in such high densities that they might provide cover for foxes. Many organisations involved have since carried out weed con- trol and in some places have followed with landscaping and revegetation programs. 'These and other weeds found are declared noxious weeds and pest plants in the study area (Knox City Council and Maroondah City Council 1999). Fox Hotline Some 46 people telephoned the ‘lox Hotline’ reporting sightings, although some were for foxes seen outside the study area. Interestingly, a number expressed concern for the safety of their own pets, including aviary birds, from fox predation. Others were concerned with the noise made by foxes. Density estimate Marks and Bloomfield (1999) used natal den counts to estimate family group density in Melbourne's suburbs. They found foxes living, and in many cases breeding, in all parks larger than 20 ha within 10 km of the GPO. Foxes were especially common in parkland associated with creeks and rivers. Our study site was most similar to their Box Hill/Camberwell site in terms of hous- ing, parkland and presence of thick vegeta- tion and weed infestations used by foxes for diurnal shelter. An average of 1.13 independent active natal dens/km with a mean distance to the nearest neighbour of 1.09 km was found in that area, The natal dens in our study area were distributed in a similar fashion. Furthermore, Marks and Bloomfield (1999) found a mean of 4.36 cubs produced per den, a figure which is comparable to urban den litter sizes record- ed for foxes elsewhere (Harris and Smith 1987). Typically in Australia the predomi- 273 Research Reports nant social group consists of an adult breeding pair and cubs with perhaps one or two non-breeding vixens (often young of previous litters). However, in sites that have high resource availability (food and shelter), workers have observed polyga- mous social groups (Macdonald 1979) or tolerance of the presence of non-breeding males (both itinerant and non-dispersing) (Lovari et al. 1994). Using these numbers and an area of 16.5 km' it is reasonable to estimate that there may be approximately 80 foxes living in the study area. Given the observations mentioned in overseas studies this may be à conservative estimate with numbers vari- able across the year. Fox control There are few options available in urban areas for fox control. The poison 1080 (monosodium fluoroacetate) is one of the most selective and safe means of fox control and has been used successfully in Western Australia where native species have a higher tolerance to the poison (Mellroy 1986; King and Kinnear 1991). Fox poisoning has been especially successful when baits have been buried in bait stations (Saunders ef al. 1995), Poisons like 1080 and cyanide cannot be used in urban sites because of the risk to non-target species at bait stations or cache sites. Foxes are known to cache food and might carry a bait up to 800 m before caching it. Domestic dogs could be at risk if a fox were to cache a bait in a residential area (Kay et al. 1997). Similarly, shooting was ruled out because of the dangers involved in using firearms in built-up areas. Trapping with soft-jawed traps is an inefficient means of fox control (Saunders er al. 1995; Kay et al. 2000), The only practicable method for fox con- trol in the Dandenong Valley Parklands and surrounding sites was for natal den fumigation and destruction and removal of weed harbour used as cover by foxes. To date, 33 fox dens have been located, although not all were being used in the study period. Five were used as natal dens, whilst six others showed signs of recent use. Family groups tended to use multiple dens and den sites were regularly dispersed throughout the study site. Many dens were found under the cover of weeds such as Blackberry, Gorse and Wandering 274 Tradescantia. Other dens were found in mounds in the open with introduced grass cover, under trees with introduced or nat- ural grass cover, in drains or dug into dam walls (with or without overstorey cover). The most common factor for den sites was the use of a mound or earth wall which provided easy digging for the fox. A professional pest controller was engaged to supervise den fumigation and a total of 29 of the 33 possible sites was checked by his dogs. Nine sites were selected for fumigation from the amount of interest shown in the den by the dogs. Two other sites were unable to be fumigated due to the complete Blackberry cover. Two weeks later, three fumigated sites were opened by a backhoe to assess the success of the control exercise. Two sites had been reopened by foxes since the fumigation, one of which was still in use as a natal den. One cub was dispatched at this site. Six other sites were unable to be back- hoed due to the nature of the surrounding vegetation or terrain. Three of these were in sensitive remnant vegetation or were dug into dam walls. There was no access for the backhoe at the final three sites. Fumigation is neither as cost-effective nor as efficient as 1080 baiting. Locating fox dens is labour-intensive and time-con- suming and fumigation must be carried out within the first eight weeks after the birth of the cubs. After thís time both vixen and cubs leave the den. The dog fox and any sub-dominant females do not use the den but may support the vixen and cubs with the supplv of food (Macdonald 1979). At best, fumigation will remove only one gen- eration of foxes, whilst leaving other adult foxes to continue the attack on native mammals and birds. This study has shown that foxes will reopen den sites that have been closed for fumigation if the site is not levelled with a backhoe. Unfortunately, not all sites are accessible to a backhoe as they were locat- ed in important remnant vegetation. These sites are then available for reuse by foxes. Although studies indicate that fumigation may reduce predation by 92% (Hewson 1986) this would assume that no new foxes could inhabit the area. Marks and Bloomfield (1999) have estimated that there may be as many as 16 foxes/km? in residential areas. Once an area becomes The Victorian Naturalist vacant due the effects of a fox control pro- gram there will be immigration from areas of greater fox density. For these reasons fumigation cannot be considered by itself as a successful method of fox control. The manipulation of habitat might become the means of keeping fox numbers to a minimum in the Dandenong Creek Valley. This would necessitate the removal of Blackberry and Gorse, which provide food and harbour resources for foxes, and some of their favoured prey species, rab- bits and rodents. Blackberry also provides harbour for these prey; the removal of Blackberry and other weed species would support a program of fox control and aid in the removal of rabbits and rodents. A con- tinuation of this study will consider what effect habitat manipulation will have on the success rate of a control program. The next stage Follow-up fox surveys will be carried out in the next phase of the project after weed harbour and den destruction. As well, we will continue to collect and process fox scats to monitor change in diet over the seasons. The Co-ordinated Fox Control Committee which oversees the project was recently successful in receiving funding from the Natural Heritage Trust to com- pare fox behaviour, use of daytime habitat and home range in sites where weed har- bour has been removed with a control site. We hope this will provide insights into how fox activity and movements change in response to habitat modification. Acknowledgements We thank members of the Dandenong Creek Valley Co-ordinated Fox Control Committee for their support and advice, the National Feral Animal Control Program (NFACP) for funding, Hans Brunner for advice and help with hair identi- fication and Clive Marks for expert advice. We also thank those who helped with weed mapping and den location: Mick Van de Vreede, Craig Lupton, làn Morrisson and Gary Lavlor (Parks Victoria), the Dandenong Valley Parklands Green Corps group and students from Deakin University. References Amor RL and Richardson RG (1980) The biology of Australian weeds. 2, Rubus frulicosus spp. agg. L. Journal of the Australian Institute of Agricultural Science 46, 87-97, Brunner H, Harris RV and Amor RL (1976) A note on the dispersal of seeds of blackberry (Rubus procerus P. J. Muell) by foxes and emus, Weed Research 16, 171-173, Brunner H and Wallis R (1986) Roles of predator scat analysis in Australian mammal research. The Victoriam Vol. 119 (6) 2002 Research Reports Naturalist 103, 79-87, Brunner H, Moro D, Wallis R and Andrasek A (1991) Comparison of the diets of foxes, dogs and cats in an urban park. The Victorian Naturalist V08, 34-37. Burbidge AA and McKenzie NL. (1989) Patterns in the decline of Western Australia's vertebrate fauna: causes and conservation implications. Biological Conservation 80, 143-198. Coman BJ (1972) Some observations on the den litter of foxes (Vulpes vulpes L.) in Victoria. The Victorian Naiuralist 89, 231-233, Environment Australia (1999) Threat Abatement Plan for Predation by the European Red Fox, (Biodiversity Group, Environment Australia: Canberra) Harris S and Smith GC (1987) Demography of two urban fox populations. Journal of Applied Ecology 24, 75-86. Hewson R (1986) Distribution and density of fox breed- ing dens and the effects of management. Journal of Applied Ecology 23, 531-538. Kay B, McLeod L and Saunders G (1997) Caching of fox baits. In Proceedings of the 11" Australian Vertebrate Pest Conference, pp 313-315, Kay B, Gifford E, Perry R and van de Ven R (2000) Trapping efficiency. for foxes (Vulpes. vulpes) in cen- tral New South Wales: age and sex biases and the effects of reduced fox abundance. Wildlife Research 27, 5477-352, King DR and Kinnear J (1991) 1080: the toxic paradox. Landscope 6, 14-19. Knox City Council and Maroondah City Council (1999) Pest Plants: Guide to identification and management of environmental weeds in Knox and Maroondah. (Melbourne) Lovari S, Valier P and Ricci-Luechi M (1994) Ranging behaviour and activity of red foxes (Vulpes vulpes: Mammalia) in relation to environmental variables, in Mediterranean mixed pinewood. Journal af Zoology 232, 329-339, Macdonald DW (1979) Helpers in fox society, Nature 282, 69-71. Macdonald DW (1987) Running with the Fox. (Unwin Hyman: London) MacKay DB (1972) The measurement of viability, In Viahility of Seeds, pp 172-208. Ed EH Roberts, (London: Chapman and Hall) Mansergh | and Marks € (1993) Action Statement No 44. Predation of Native Wildlife by the Introduced Red Fox. (Flora and Fauna Guarantee Act, Department of Natural Resources and Environment, East Melbourne) Marks CA and Bloomfield TE (1999) Distribution and density estimates for urban foxes (Fulpes vulpes) in Melbourne: implications for rabies control, Wildlife Research 26, 763-776, Mellroy JC (1986) The sensitivity of Australian animals to 1080 poison, EX Comparisons between the major groups of animals, and the potential danger non-target species face from 1080-poisoning campaigns. Australian Wildlife Research V3, 39-48, Saunders G, Coman B, Kinnear J and Braysher M (1995) Managing Vertehrate Pests: Foxes, (Bureau of Resource Sciences: Canberra) Triggs B (1996) Tracks, Seats and Other Traces: a Field Guide to Australian Mammals. (Oxford University Press: Melbourne) Wallis RL, Brown PR, Brunner H and Andrasek AM (1990) The Veriebraie Fauna of Dandenong Valley Metropolitan Park, (Centre for Australian Applied Ecological Research, Victoria College: Melbourne) Wallis RL. Brunner H and Seebeck JH (1996) Diet of red foxes and cats: their impact on fauna living in parks near Melbourne, The Victorian Naturalist 113, 300-305. Wilson BA and Wolrige J (2000) Assessment of the diet of the fox, Vidpes vulpes, in habitats of the Eastern Otway Ranges, Victoria. Australian Mammalowy 21, 201-211. 275 Naturalist in the Mountains Flying Spiders and Crawling Flies December has come and the new year is fast approaching; with summer settling in it tends to be a quiet time in the mountains for the bigger wildlife. The birds have set- tled down, most of the migratory birds having arrived in the mountains for the summer in September or October; breeding is past the raucous courtship phase and parents are busy feeding their young. Even the Crescent Honeyeaters Phylidonyris pyrrhoptera have quietened down. The small mammals, Dusky and Agile Antechinus Antechinus swainsonii and A. agilis, and Mountain Pygmy Possum Burramys parvus, are carrying pouch young. The female antechinuses are hard to cateh, while the males are long gone, and at higher altitudes the young are diffi- cult to catch until some time into February. The Bogong Moths Agrotis infusa are in their aestivation sites and not going any- where in a hurry. At this time the flower- ing plants have it all their own way with the tourists, while the more obvious insects in your field of view tend to be the pollina- tors: butterflies, wasps and bees. But summer days drift on by to the sounds of everyone's least favourite, fies: March Flies, bushtlies, blowflies, mosquitoes and the knuckle-biting black flies — these are the ones that grab all the attention. Out of the limelight of the tourist-packed Main Range with its multitude of flowering plants and butterflies, other animals are equally busy. Everywhere spiders and flies are creeping, Creeping flies? The Soldier Fly Boreoides subulatus (Stratiomyidae) is one of the insects most commonly brought to entomol- ogists for identification and one which peo- ple only have to begin describing at this time of year for me immediately to know what they are talking about. This strange looking fly, in which the wingless female is many times the size of the male, looks vaguely threatening, Not so vaguely to some, who think they have been attacked by one when it tumbles out of a tree on top of them. At the lower altitudes of Canberra, there is a spring and an autumn brood, whereas in the snow-country Boreoides has just one breed- ing season per year. The female emerges already gravid and is mated by more than one of the winged males. Afier mating, the females climb — up a post, a tree, a tent pole, it doesn't matter — looking for a hole in 276 which to lay their eggs. They can be found with ovipositor buried in a hole carved out by beetle or moth larvae. The female does no digging herself but in some holes half of her body might disappear from view. Any hole will do. I have had them lay eggs in a fence post at home or in the apex of my tent way back when | had an A-frame tent. The female seems to lay all her eggs in the one hole; certainly she lays a lot. The young will later descend to live in the soil. Also creeping at this time (and the reason that years ago I went off the A-frame tent without the floor), are male Funnelwebs, one of the two still-undescribed species of Hadronyche (Hexathelidae) found in the mountains, It is at about this time that the males go in search of the females, who remain in their holes or beneath an exfoliat- ing slab of granite, For most people, the evi- dence won't be there until January when bodies of male Funnelwebs litter the alpine grassland. But at night the grasslands abound in them, to the extent that going out of the tent in bare feet in December can be a nerve-racking activity. For me it was at night in my floorless tent, with a Funnelweb glistening by candlelight on my pillow beside me as I read my book. A torch-lit search outside revealed another 13 males within a couple of metres of the tent. A tent with sewn-in floor was purchased soon after! The density is astounding, and the holiday season is the time when a number of bites (none yet fatal) occur. I have recorded flies among a horde of insects, moths, and wasps migrating across Dead Horse Gap (a Mecca for anyone inter- ested in migration of birds or insects; see Green 1982), but spiders also migrate. On summer days the gossamer threads, 2-3 m long, of spiders floating through the air can be seen against the sun. Young spiders use this technique, called ballooning, for disper- sal from nest sites. When ready for migra- tion, the abdomen is raised and silk extrud- ed, drying and being caught by the wind which finally lifts the spiderling from the ground, sometimes to heights in excess of 4000 m. The lines of silk on the ground are often the results of failed take-off attempts. Malaise traps (normally set to catch flying insects) set in the alpine zone between the top of the Thredbo chairlifts and Mt Kosciuszko during the “Biodiversity Blitz The Victorian Naturalist in January this year (Green 2002) collected over 100 such dispersing juvenile spiders. About 90% of the specimens collected in the malaise traps were thomisids (Thomisidae), comprising what appears to be two species of Diaea. Despite all this gossamer, aerial web building spiders are uncommon in the mountains in comparison to lower altitudes. The short summer sea- son, strong winds and snow probably make the capture of aerial food with a web a little problematie, and most spiders rely on ter- restrial hunting. But spiders have no diffi- culty getting to the mountains or even being some of the earliest colonisers of new mountains or newly exposed parts of old mountains, as snow and glaciers retreat. Ballooning is their major mode of transport and they are able to exist even above the limit of plant growth. This is what is called the aeolian zone, where life forms exist on the material brought in by the wind (a fairly obvious phenomenon from the Snowy Mountains to Canberra in October this year when a fair bit of the cropland out west came visiting). At times, on high moun- tains, spiders may be the only life form pre- sent (except man). Leslie Stephen wrote in 1874 ‘The only creature besides myself that could fairly be called living was a small black spider, which had been led by an apparently misguided spirit of enterprise to seek for prey in this loftiest zone of organic existence' (4 Bye Day in the Alps). Of the nearly 70 families of spiders found in Australia, only 27 have been recorded above the winter snowline (1500 m) in the Snowy Mountains, and 20 of those are only known from one or two species (Green in press). The best known are the Lycosidae (Wolf Spiders) where half of the eight known species have been described. In the herbfields and grasslands, burrows of Wolf Spiders are common, and you can sometimes find a burrow every one or two square metres. In December, the female Wolf Spiders sit at the entrance to their web-covered burrow, holding on to their egg case — scuttling back inside when danger arrives, Later in the summer they can be seen with young on their backs. Sometimes when you disturb them on a sunny day you can see hundreds of spider- lings scuttling back to their natal burrow on your approach. Vol. 119 (6) 2002 Naturalist in the Mountains One thing that constantly keeps me on my toes in the mountains is the appearance of the unusual among the mundane. Bogong Moths are well known for their gregarious aestivation in cracks among the rock tors and blockstreams. During my studies of the moths and associated arsenic last year (Green er al. 2001) I found the relative humidity in à bogong moth site over sum- mer averaged around 75% with the average air temperature below 8°C. These cool damp conditions also attract blowtlies, ever- present in the snow-country — even in win- ter — and small flies. These join the giant springtails and other detritivores crawling around on the Bogong Moth debris on the floors of caves. All this (apart from the arsenic) was expected, but as | checked a cave on one hot day 1 found a particularly fuzzy rock. On closer examination it was covered in hundreds, maybe thousands, of small flies, lined up side by side, end to end, just like Bogong Moths. These turned out to be Fungus Gnats Exechia sp. (Myceto- philidae) which are often associated with damp places, including caves, as are their relatives the glow worms. Were these Fungus Gnats just taking advantage of the cool moist environment to avoid the dessi- cating effects of altitude and alpine sun? Or. like the two species of parasitic nematodes Amphimermis bogongae and Hexamermis cavicola (Mermithidae) that do not depart with their host moths but await their return each year, do the Fungus Gnats have an organic connection with the caves? Are they also dependent upon the annual cycle of Bogong Moth migration, death, decay and fungal growth? These are the sorts of ques- tions that face the naturalist in our moun- tains, and yet another good reason for me to spend the summer sticking my head into any cave big enough to admit me. References Green K (1982) Migration of an ichneumonid wasp over a subalpine pass. The Victorian Naturalist 99, 260, Green K (2002a) The biodiversity blitz. The Victorian Naturalist 119, 36-37. Green K (ed) (2002) Biodiversity in the Snowy Mountains, (Australian Institute of Alpine Studies: Jindabyne) Green K, Broome L, Heinze D and Johnston S (2001) Long distance transport of arsenie by migrating Bogong Moths trom agricultural lowlands to mountain ecosystems. The Victorian Naturalist 118, 112-116. Ken Green National Parks and Wildlife Service PO Box 2228, Jindabyne, NSW 2627 Email 277 Book Reviews Grassed Up: Guidelines for Revegetating with Australian Native Grasses by Cathy Waters, Wal Whalley and Charles Huxtable Publisher: NSW Agriculture, 2001. 72 pages, black and white illustrations. RRP $33.00 The status of grasslands has been largely overshadowed in recent times by the envi- ronmental focus on planting trees, and more recently the inclusion of shrubs, Native grasses have generally been forgot- ten in the revegetation process, primarily because information on harvesting, dor- mancy and establishment has been scarce. Over the last few years, however, there has been a growing interest in native grasses in terms of pasture management and their environmental values, and consequently there has been a shift in emphasis from trees and shrubs to native vegetation as a whole. Landowners and land managers are now becoming aware of the role native grasses can play in rehabilitation of sites and are desperate for information on har- vesting and establishment techniques for native grasses. Grassed Up: Guidelines for Revegetating with Australian Native Grasses is the first of such information, It provides practical advice with step by step instructions on native grass collection and establishment. The Guidelines is an A4, 72 page spiral- bound booklet which the authors have divided into two easy-to-read sections, The first section provides general information on native grasses (chapter 1) and up to date techniques on collection (chapter 2), stor- age (chapter 4) and establishment (chapter 5). Whilst individual species’ responses to fertilisers are covered generally in section two under individual species information, | would have liked to see the authors discuss soil fertility in more detail and the likeli- hood of increased weed competition under higher soil fertility. Throughout the Guidlelines the authors have included a number of black and white photos to complement the text. The photos of the current machinery being used and diagrams of how they work are invaluable. The second section contains details on fourteen native grass species considered to have a high priority for commercial devel- opment or those that are already being used in revegetation, Each information sheet is complete with photos and a description with information on morpholo- gy, distribution, harvesting, sowing and management. Whilst a lot of information is still unknown for many species, it would have been worthwhile for the authors to include information sheets on other native grasses such as Austrostipa and Poa species, making it more applicable to sites outside of NSW. Included in the back of the book is a series of guidelines produced by FloraBank which outlines the protocols for seed collection and storage. There is also a useful list of publications on grass identifi- cation, harvesting and germination. Grassed Up: Guidelines for Revegetating with Australian Native Grasses is a well- written account of native grass revegeta- tion techniques, It is aimed at landowners, land managers or anyone interested in the practical application of the establishment of native grasses in revegetation, regenera- tion or the rehabilitation of degraded sites. Cheryl O’ Dwyer Institute of Land and Food Resources The University of Melbourne Dookie College, Victoria 3647 For assistance in preparing this issue, thanks to Kate Smith (desktop publishing), Ann Williamson (label printing) and Dorothy Mahler (administrative assistance). 278 The Victorian Naturalist Book Reviews Platypus: the Extraordinary Story of How a Curious Creature Baffled the World by Ann Moyal Publisher: Allen & Unwin, 2001. 2 Today, scientists confidently classify the platypus and echidnas as monotremes: egg-laying, milk-producing, fur-clad mam- mals. Based mainly on fossil evidence, it is believed that the many attributes which distinguish monotremes from marsupials and placental mammals — including differ- ences in the structure of the ear, backbone, limb girdles, brain and sex chromosomes — reflect the fact that monotremes have been evolving independently of other mammals for 100 million years or more. Ann Moyal has produced a fascinating and meticulously researched account of how the platypus’s place in nature has come to be defined, and how that process was interwoven with the rise of evolutionary theory. The story begins in 1798 when John Hunter, governor of the penal colony at Botany Bay, watched ‘a Small Amphibious Animal of the mole kind" being speared by an aboriginal man near the Hawkesbury River. The animals skin was preserved in a keg of spirits and sent (along with a wom- bat) to the Literary and Philosophical Society of Newcastle-upon-Tyne, which had recently honoured Hunter with a corre- sponding membership. Upon its arrival, the keg was collected by a woman servant, who was carrying the container on her head when the bottom gave way and soaked her with alcohol. Looking down, her distaste grew with the realisation that she had been carrying the remains of ‘a strange creature, half bird, half beast, lying at her feet’. The bemused reaction of George Shaw, the first professional zoologist to examine a platypus (a dried specimen arriving in England in 1799) was fundamentally the same as that of the servant. ‘Of all the Mammalia yet known, it seems the most extraordinary in its conformation, exhibit- ing the perfect resemblance of the beak of a Duck engrafted on the head of a quadruped.’ Suspecting that the specimen was a hoax, he carefully probed at the line where the bill joins the head, but could Vol. 119 (6) 2002 26 pages, hardback. RRP $29.95 find no stitching or other evidence of forgery. The mystery only deepened when a British anatomist, Everard Home, applied himself to the task of dissecting preserved platypus organs. Home’s studies revealed that the structure of the platypus bill was actually quite unlike that of a duck's beak. However, after examining the reproductive systems of males and females, he conclud- ed that they differed in many respects from the accepted mammalian pattern — and most closely resembled the organs of lizards which hatch eggs internally. Scientific consensus about whether or not the female platypus can produce milk was not reached for another three decades. Heated debate about the platypus’s mode of reproduction ~ live-bearing or egg-lay- ing — would not be resolved until 1884, As a research biologist, | particularly appreci- ated Moyal's description of the obstacles facing the most brilliant academic minds of the 19" century in discovering the truth about the platypus, including their appar- ently universal reluctance to countenance first-hand observations made by colonials. Moyal devotes relatively few pages to platypus-related achievements in the 20" century, though some interesting material is presented, including a description of the mission undertaken by David Fleay to sat- isfy Winston Churchill’s desire to see a live platypus midway through the Second World War. The text is complemented handsomely by illustrations of early platypus paintings and portraits of the zoologists and natural his- torians who contributed to our knowledge of the species. | commend the book to any- one with an interest either in Australian fauna or the argumentative and all-too- human process by which scientists reach agreement on how nature functions. Melody Serena Australian Platypus Conservancy PO Box 84 Whittlesea, Victoria 3757 279 Book Reviews Working on Country: Contemporary Indigenous Management of Australia's Land and Coastal Regions Edited by Richard Baker, Jocelyn Davies and Elspeth Young Publisher: Ox/ord University Press, 2001. xxiv * 351 pages, 27 figures, 5 tables. ISBN 0195512170. RRP $49.95 One of the more significant changes over the past 20 years or so, in a range of field disciplines that focus on natural resources, has been the increasing involvement of Aboriginal people. It has taken too long to recognise the rights of indigenous peoples or to give respect to their knowledge sys- tems, so that meaningful collaborations could occur. As this book illustrates, how- ever, indigenous people now not only have input, but are directing projects in all parts of Australia. Indeed, the major part of this volume consists of reports of close collab- orations between indigenous and non- indigenous people, working in situations that give accord to indigenous knowledge and experience. Working on Country is both a statement for the cause of eross cul- tural collaboration and a testament to its enormous value, Of course, collaborations and joint pro- jects of the kind reported in this volume do not happen easily or without attendant chal- lenges. Aboriginal understandings and uses of local land and sea resources are often at odds with those of non-indigenous man- agers, administrators, and academics; issues relating to ownership of resources and appropriate access also need to be resolved. And as the editors of this book point out, even the concepts of “work? and ‘country’ can have different meanings for different groups. The resolution of these issues is often a matter of protracted discussion but, if nothing else, such resolution and the resulling collaborations can be seen as points of reconciliation at a grass roots level, This book ts divided into four parts. In the first, headed ‘Contemporary indigenous management’, two summary chapters pro- vide an overview of the prime issues within the field, These essays are followed by a series of case studies grouped in three the- matic sections: * Approaches to managing 280 country’, ‘Sharing knowledge: tools and communication’, and ‘Negotiating manage- ment’. The first paper in each of these three parts, written by the editors, introduces the relevant issues, The studies that are detailed in this book were undertaken in different contexts and for a variety of purposes, including the man- agement of land and sea resource, biological surveys, and heritage studies. The chapters focus on locations in almost every state of Australia, the exception being Victoria, which barely receives a mention in the entire book. However, this omission should not be taken as an indication that Kooris and Gubbas (non-Indigenes) are not working together in Victoria. Although not represent- ed in this volume, collaborations of not dis- similar kinds are certainly taking place here. Working on Country works well as an introduction to the ways in which seeming- ly opposed perspectives can be reconciled. The book's breadth of coverage and the emphasis on non-technical language are aimed in the direction of a wide audience. Although they work in academic environ- ments, the editors have maintained a style that is both easy to read and informative. An interesting aspect of the presentation is the use of ‘boxes’ providing detail on a wide range of related subjects. These are inset in many of the chapters, and could usefully be read on their own. This book is an important contribution to the subject of resource management. It provides interesting insights into the nature of connections between indigenous popu- lation and land and should also help to dis- pel the myth of a monocultural indigenous population in Australia. Por these reasons alone, it should be recommended reading. Gary Presland 40 William Street Box Hill, Victoria 3128 The Victorian Naturalist Book Reviews Gardening With Australian Rainforest Plants by Ralph Bailey and Julie Lake Publisher: B/oomings Books, Melbourne. 2001. 144 pp, paperback. RRP 832.95 There is considerable interest in Australian rainforest plants for their con- servation as well as cultivation and they are certainly worthy of our attention. Rainforests contain some of the world's richest biological systems. It is vital that we appreciate these natural habitats and do all we can to ensure the preservation of the rainforest areas we still have in Australia, and, indeed, in other areas of the world. Ralph Bailey and Julie Lake, in Gardening With Australian Rainforest Plants, remind us that a staggering 95% of Australia's rain- forests have been felled in the last 200 years. We sometimes think of rainforest plants as being applicable only to tropical regions but rainforests extend right down the east- ern coast of Australia to Tasmania, with some pockets of rainforest also in Western Australia and the Northern Territory, The introductory chapter covers the vari- ous types of Australian rainforests includ- ing Monsoon rainforest; Lowland and Upland tropical rainforests; Lowland and Upland subtropical rainforests; Littoral rainforest, Warm temperate rainforest, Cool temperate rainforest and to make sure that absolutely nothing is missed there is a further heading of Other Rainforests. Many rainforest species are very adaptable to cultivation and quite a number of plants from north-eastern Australia are adaptable to cultivation in cool temperate zones. The book proceeds to dispel some of the common myths about rainforests and rain- forest plants. These include the incorrect assumptions that rainforest plants are diffi- cult to grow and don't have attractive flow- ers and that all rainforest trees are tall. The book also points out that rainforest plants do not necessarily need a lot of water. Five chapters give detailed advice on planning and planting a rainforest garden and its subsequent care. Small gardens, courtyards and container cultivation are covered in separate sections. Vol. 119 (6) 2002 Rainforests and rainforest gardens can be wildlife havens and the chapter on Wildlife in the Rainforest Garden covers this aspect in considerable detail. Birds, butterflies (including caterpillars), frogs, other pond life and lizards are all included together with fungi, lichens and mosses which are all an intrinsic part of the total ecology. Even unwanted creatures receive a men- tion and some helpful advice. Edible rainforest plants and a section on propagating rainforest plants are included prior to the final chapter which gives detailed descriptions of one hundred favourite rainforest plants. Gardening With Australian Rainforest Plants is illustrated throughout with clear colour photographs and there are also a number of helpful line drawings to com- plement the text. There is a Bibliography and comprehen- sive Index to complete its usefulness. Ralph Bailey is a landscape architect who has been involved with Australian plants for more than 30 years. He has written extensively on rainforest plants, bush tuck- er and ecologically sensitive design. Julie Lake is a horticultural writer and consultant with a particular interest in Australian rainforest plants. An active member of the Society for Growing Australian Plants and the Horticultural Media Association, she is a regular contrib- utor to several Australian magazines and lectures on rainforest plant identification, Gardening With Australian Rainforest Plants is à very easy-to-use book which will show readers how to turn a garden into a cool, green haven, and to transform the landscape into something distinctively Australian. Gwen and Rodger Elliot PO Box 655 Heathmont, Victoria 3135 281 Guidelines for Authors — The Victorian Naturalist Submission of all Manuscripts Authors may submit material in the form of research reports, contributions, naturalist notes, letters to the editor and book reviews. A Research Report is a succinct and original sci- entific paper written in the traditional format including abstract, introduction, methods, results and discussion, A Contribution may consist of reports, comments, observations, survey results, bibliographies or other material relating to nat- ural history. The scope of a contribution is broad and little defined to encourage material on a wide range of topics and in a range of styles. This allows inclusion of material that makes a contribution to our knowledge of natural history but for which the traditional format of scientific papers is not appropriate. Research reports and contributions must be accompanied by an abstract of not more than 200 words. The abstract should state the scope of the work, give the principal findings and be complete enough for use by abstracting services, Research reports and contributions will be refereed by external referees, Naturalist Notes are generally short, personal accounts of observations made in the field by anyone with an interest in natural histo- ry. These may also include reports on excur- sions and talks, where appropriate, or comment on maiters relating to natural history. Letters to the Editor must be no longer than 500 words. Book Reviews are usually commissioned. but the editors also welcome enquiries from poten- tial reviewers. ' Submission of a manuscript will be taken to mean that the material has not been published, nor is being considered for publication, elsewhere, aud that all authors agree fo its submission. Three copies of the manuscript should be pro- vided, each including all tables and copies of figures, Original artwork and photos can be withheld by the author until acceptance of the manuscript, Manuscripts should be typed, dou- ble spaced with wide margins and pages num- bered. Please indicate the telephone number (and email address if available) of the author who is to receive correspondence. An electronic version and one hard copy of the manuscript are required upon resubmission after referees’ comments have been incorporated. Documents should be in Microsoft Word for Windows v2 to ensure compatibility with the typesetting software Quark Xpress, Other PC for- mats may be accepted (e.g. RTF or later versions of MS Word), but additional type-setting time is required with the subsequent delay of publication. Taxonomic Names Cite references used for taxonomic names, References used by The Victorian Naturalist are listed at the end of these guidelines, Abbreviations The following abbreviations should be used in the manuscript (with italics where indicated): ef ul; pers. obs.; unpubl. data; and pers. comm. which are cited in the text as (RG Brown 1994 pers. comm. 3 May). Use ‘subsp.’ for subspecies. Units The International System of Units (SI units) should be used for exact measurement of physi- cal quantities. Figures and Tables All illustrations (including photographs) are considered as figures and will be designed to fit within a page (115 mm) or a column (55 mm) width. It is important that the legend is clear- ly visible at these sizes. For preference, pho- tographs should be of high quality/high contrast which will reproduce clearly in black-and-white, They may be colour slides, colour or black-and- white prints. Line drawings, maps and graphs may be computer generated or in black Indian Ink on stout white or tracing paper, The figure num- ber and the paper's title should be written on the back of each figure in pencil. Computer-generated figures should be submitted as high-quality TIFF or encapsulated postscript (EPS) files of at least 600 dpi, either separately on dise or embedded into a MS Word document. Low-resolution JPG files will not be accepted. Tables must fit into 55 mm or 115 mm. If using a table editor, such as that in MS Word, do not use carriage returns within cells. Use tabs and not spaces when setting up columns without a table editor. All figures and tables should be referred to in the text and numbered consecutively. Their captions must be numbered consecutively (Fig. 1, Fig. 2, etc.) and put on a separate page at the end of the manuscript. Tables should be numbered consecu- tively (Table 1, Table 2, etc.) and have an explana- tory caption at the top. Please consult the editors if additional details are required regarding document formats and image specifications. Authors who are not eomputer liter- ate should contact the editors to make special arrangements. Journal Style Authors are advised to note the layout of head- ings, tables and illustrations as given in recent issues of the Journal, Single spaces are used after full stops, and single quotation marks are used throughout. In all papers, at the first reference of a species, please use both the common name and binomial. However, where many species are mentioned, a list (an appendix at the end), with both common and binomial names, may be preferred. Lists must be in taxonomic order using the order in which they appear in the references recommend- ed below, The journal uses capitalised common names for species followed by the binomial in italies without brackets, e.g. Kangaroo Grass Themeda triandra. References References in the text should cite author and year, e.g. Brown (1990), (Brown 1990), (Brown 1990, 1991), (Brown 1995 unpubl.), (Brown and Green 1990), (Brown and Green 1990; Blue 1990; Red 1990). If there are more than two authors for a paper use Brown ef al. (1990), These should be included under References, in alphabetical order, at the end of the text (see below). The use of unpublished data is only accepted if the data is available on request for viewing. Pers. obs. and pers. comm. should not be included in the list of references. Journal titles should be quoted in full. Leigh J, Boden R and Briggs J (1984) Extiner and Endangered Plants of Australia. (Maemillan: South Melbourne) Lunney D (1995) Bush Rat. In The Mammals of Australia, pp 651-653, Ed R Strahan. (Australian Museum/Reed New Holland: Sydney) Phillips A and Watson R (1991) Xanthorrhoea: consequences of ‘horticultural fashion’, 7he Vietorian Naturalist 108, 130-133. Smith AB (1995) Flowering plants in north- eastern Victoria, (Unpublished PhD thesis, University of Melbourne) Wolf L and Chippendale GM (1981) The natural distribution of Eucalyptus in Australia. Australian National Parks and Wildlife Service, Special Publications No 6, Canberra. Other methods of referencing may be acceptable in manuscripts other than research reports, and the editors should be consulted. For those using the bibliographie software ‘EndNote 5°, a style guide for The Victorian Naturalist is available on our website, For further information on style, write to the editors, or consult the latest issue of The Victorian Naturalist or Style Manual for Authors, Editors and Printers (Australian Government Publishing Service: Canberra). Manuscript Corrections Authors ean verify the final copy of their man- uscript before it goes to the printer, A copy of their article as ‘ready for the printer’ will be sent and only minor changes may be made at this stage. Complimentary Copies After publication of an article in the journal, five complimentary copies of that issue are sent to the author(s) for each paper. Authors of Naturalist Notes and Book Reviews will receive two complimentary copies of the journal. Additional copies of The Victorian Naturalist: 25 copies, $50.00 (4 postage); 50 copies, $90.00 (+ postage), including GST, Checking species names is the responsibility of authors. The books we would like used as references for articles in The Victorian Naturalist are listed below. Authors should refer to the source used for species names in their manuscripts. In every case, the latest edition of the book should be used. Mammals Menkhorst PW (ed) (1995) Mammals of Victoria; Distribution, Ecology and Conservation, (Oxford University Press: South Melbourne) Reptiles and Amphibians — Cogger H (2000) Reptiles and Amphibians of Australia, 6 ed. (Reed Books: Chatswood, NSW) Insects — CSIRO (1991) The Insects of Australia: a textbook for students and research workers. Vol I and Il. (MUP: Melbourne) Birds — Christidis L and Boles W (1994) The Taxonomy and Species of Birds of Australia and its Territories. Royal Australian Ornithologists Union Monograph 2. (RAOU: Melbourne) Plants — Ross JH (ed) (2000) A Census of the Vascular Plants of Victoria, 6 ed. (Royal Botanic Gardens of Victoria: Melbourne) Please submit manuscripts and enquiries to: The Editor The Victorian Naturalist Locked Bag 3, P.O. Blackburn, Victoria 3130 Phone/Fax (03) 9877 9860. Email Web address: The Field Naturalists Club of Victoria Inc. Reg No A0033611X Established 1880 In which is incorporated the Microscopical Society of Victoria OBJECTIVES: To stimulate interest in natural history and to preserve and protect Australian flora and fauna. Membership is open to any person interested in natural history and includes beginners as well as experienced naturalists. Registered Office: ENCV, I Gardenia Street, Blackburn, Victoria 3130, Australia. Postal Address: FNCV, Locked Bag 3, PO Blackburn, Victoria 3130, Australia. Phone/Fax (03) 9877 9860; International Phone/Fax 61 3 9877 9860. Patron John Landy, Ac, MBE, The Governor of Victoria Key Office-Bearers President: Ms WENDY CLARK, 97 Pakenham Street, Blackburn 3130. 9877 9266 Vice Presidents: DR NOEL SCHLEIGER, | Astley Street, Montmorency 3094, 9435 8408 and DR ALAN YEN, 52-54 Brushy Park Road, Wonga Park, 3115. 9722 1665 Hon. Secretary: MRS ANNE MORTON, 10 Rupicola Court, Rowville 3178. 9790 0656 Hon. Treasurer: MS BARBARA Burns, 16 Montclair Court, Templestowe 3106. 9846 2608 Subscription-Secretary: FNCV, Locked Bag 3, PO Blackburn 3130. 9877 9860 Executive Editor, The Vic. Nat.: MRS MERILYN GREY, 8 Martin Road, Glen Iris 3146. 9889 6223 Editors, The Vie. Nat.: MR ALISTAIR EVANS, 3/1778 Dandenong Road, Clayton 3168. 8505 4339 and MRS ANNE MORTON, as above. Librarian: Mrs Sutia HouGnrov, FNCV, Locked Bag 3, PO Blackburn 3130. AH 5428 4097 Excursion Co-ordinator: MR DENNIS MELTZER, 8 Harcourt Avenue, Caufield 3162. 9523 1853 Book Brokerage: MR Ray Wutre, 9 Longtown Court, Craigieburn 3064. AH 9308 3770 Newsletter Editors: MR Kermi MARSHALL, 8/423 Tooronga Road, Hawthorn East 3123. 9882 3044, Mns JOAN BRoADBERRY, 2 Shaun Court, Templestowe 3106. 9846 1218 and DR Nori. SCHLEIGER, as above. Conservation Coordinator: MR JIM WALKER, 167 Balaclava Road, Caulfield 3162. 9527 5601 Group Secretaries Botany: MR KEITH MARSHALL, as above. Geology: MR ROB HAMSON, 5 Foster Street, McKinnon 3204. 9557 5215 Fauna Survey; Ms SOPHIE SMALL, 67 Frank Street, Frankston 3199. AH 9783 1216 Marine Research: MR MICHAEL LYONS, 18 High Street, Nunawading 3131. AH 9877 3987 Microscopical: MR RAY Power, 36 Schotters Road, Mernda 3754. 9717 3511 MEMBERSHIP Members receive The Vietorian Naturalist and the monthly Field Nat News free. The Club organis- es several monthly meetings (free to all) and excursions (transport costs may be charged). Field work, including botany, mammal and invertebrate surveys, is being done at a number of locations in Victoria, and all members are encouraged to participate. YEARLY SUBSCRIPTION RATES — The Field Naturalists Club of Victoria Inc. First Member Metropolitan $55 Concessional (pensioner/student/unemployed) $45 Country (more than 50 km from GPO) $45 Junior (under 18) $15 Family (1-2 adults, 1 or more under 18) $70 Overseas AU$65 Additional members $18 Institutional Libraries and Institutions (within Australia) $80 Libraries and Institutions (overseas) AU$90 Schools/Clubs $55 Send to: FNCV, Locked Bag 3, PO Blackburn, Victoria 3130, Australia. Printed by Brown Prior Anderson, 5 Evans Street, Burwood, Victoria 3125. The Victorian Naturalist Index to .— Volume 118, 2001 Compiled by KN Bell Authors Adams R, Simmons D and Lewis C, 16 Ahern L, 285 Archbold NW, 66 (Tribute), 178, 234 Ashton DIT, 321 Barker R, 61 (book review) Bell KN, 101 (book review) Bock P, 256 Boyd S, Coventry AJ, Dixon J, Gomon M, O'Loughlin M, Poore G, Walker K and Yen AL, 242 Broadberry J, 64 (book review), 65 (book review) Broome L, Heinze D, Johnston S and Green K, 112 Burgess DR and Wright MF, 117 Butcher BW, 226 Carkeek M, 151 Clemann N, 30 (book review) Conole L and Mac Nally R, 56 Coventry AJ, Dixon J, Gomon M, O'Loughlin M, Poore G, Walker K, Yen AL and Boyd S, 242 Dann P, Jessop R and Healy M, 76 Darragh TA, 160 Di Stefano J, 46 Dixon J, Gomon M, O'Loughlin M, Poore G, Walker K, Yen AL, Boyd S and Coventry AJ, 242 Earp C, 82 Editors, Vic. Nat., 107, 159, 233 Fleming A, 210 Fletcher RJ, 27 (book review) Gerdtz WR, 231 Gibson M, 102 (book review) Gillbank L, 297 Gomon M, O'Loughlin M, Poore G, Walker K, Yen AL, Boyd S, Coventry AJ and Dixon J, 242 Green K, Broome L, Heinze D and Johnston S, 112 Grey E, 74, 100 Grey P, 104 (software review) Healy M, Dann P and Jessop R, 76 Heinze D, Johnston S, Green K and Broome L, 112 Hell AJ, 294 Holland GJ, 123 Houghton S, 314 Jessop R, Dann P and Healy M, 76 Johnston F and Pickering CM, 21 Johnston S, Green K, Broome L and Heinze D, 112 Kasel S, 127 Leary EJ, Parris KM, McDonnell MJ and Williams NSG, 4 Lebel T, 38 Lewis C, Simmons D and Adams R, 16 McCann D, 146, 148, 165, 309, 319 Mace B, 287 McDonnell MJ, Williams NSG, Leary EJ and Parris KM, 4 McLean A and Meagher D, 92 Mac Nally R and Conole LE, 56 Maroske S, 305 May T, 44 Meagher D and McLean A, 92 Milne J and Thies AW, 89 Morton A, 62, (book review), 142 (book review) O’Brien M, 60 (book review) O’ Loughlin M, Poore G, Walker K, Yen AL, Boyd S, Coventry AJ, Dixon J and Gomon M, 242 Parkin A, 2 Parris KM, McDonnell MJ, Williams NSG and Leary EJ, 4 Pascoe G, 193 Pickering CM and Johnston F, 21 Pickering CM and Scherrer P, 93 Pierson R, 219 Poore G, Walker K, Yen AL, Boyd S, Coventry AJ, Dixon J, Gomon M and O'Loughlin M, 242 Rasmussen C, 200 Sault T, 106 (Tribute) Scherrer P and Pickering CM, 93 Schleiger N, 29 (Tribute), 266 Seebeck J and Warneke, RM 277 Simmons D, Lewis C and Adams R, 16 Sinclair B, 143 (book review) Slattery D, 25 (book review) Stefano J Di, 46 Thies AW and Milne J, 89 Traill A, 58, 59 Walker K, Yen AL, Boyd S, Coventry AJ, Dixon J, Gomon M, O’ Loughlin M, and Poore G, 242 Warne MT, 283 Warneke RM and Seebeck J, 277 Weste G, 140 Wilkinson I, 186 Williams NSG, Parris KM, McDonnell MJ and Leary EJ, 4 Wright MF and Burgess DR, 117 Yen AL, Boyd S, Coventry AJ, Dixon J, Gomon M, O'Loughlin M, Walker K and Poore G, 242 Birds Eudyptula minor, at sea, Western Port, 76 Little penguins, at sea, Western Port, 76 McCoy-Gould correspondence, 210 Red-chested Button-quail, identity, ecol- ogy, status, 56 Turnix pyrrhothorax, identity, ecology, status, 56 Book Reviews Birds of French Island Wetlands, D Quinn and G Lacey (M O’Brien), 60 Celebrating our Parks: Proceedings of the First Australian Symposium on Parks History, ed E Hamilton-Smith (D Slattery), 25 Common Australian Fungi: A Bushwalkers Guide, T Young (R Barker), 61 Field Guide to the Orchids of NSW and Victoria, 2 ed, T Bishop (J Broadberry ), 64 Flora of Australia, v 48: Ferns, Gymnosperms and Allied Groups, (M Gibson), 102 Guide to Squid, Cuttlefish and Octopuses of Australasia, M Norman and A Reid (K Bell), 101 Kosciuszko Alpine Flora, 2 ed, AB Costin, M Gray, GJ Totterdell and DJ Wimbush (RJ Fletcher), 27 Native Orchids of Southern Australia: A Field Guide, D and B Jones (J Broadberry), 65 Nature Photography, K Griffiths (A Morton), 142 Pythons of Australia; A Natural History, G Torr (N Clemann), 30 Wildflowers of the Brisbane Ranges, C and M Trigg (A Morton), 62 Wildflowers of Victoria, M Corrick and B Fuhrer (B Sinclair), 143 Botany Achillea millefolium, weed threat, Australian Alps, 21 Allocasuarina luehmannii, galls and mistletoes on, 117 Alpine vegetation, grazing, tourism, cli- mate effects, 93 Australian Edelweiss at Mount Hotham, 2 Buloke, galls and mistletoes on, 117 Eucalyptus erenulata, Buxton Silvergum Reserve, 16 Ewartia nubigena at Mount Hotham, 2 Dieback disease, impact, Mount Stapylton, 46 FUNGIMAP, target species notes, 44 Leafy liverwort, Yarra Ranges NP, 92 Mistletoes, galls on Buloke, 117 Moss collections, Lord Howe Island, addendum, 89 Native grasslands, potential freeway impact, 4 Pedinophyllum monoicum in Yarra Ranges, NP, 92 Phytophthora cinnamomi, Mount Stapylton, 46 System Garden, University of Melbourne, 193 Truffles, native Australian, 38 Yarrow, weed threat, Australian Alps, 21 Entomology Agrotis infusa, arsenic carriers, 112 Ant behaviour, 100 Bogong moths, arsenic carriers, 112 Galls and mistletoes on Buloke, 117 Leptopius sp. c.f. L. gravis, Simpson Desert, 74 Weevil, large, Simpson Desert, 74 Geology Black coal McCoy-Clarke dispute, 219 Cranbourne meteorites, fate of, 305 Geological time scale, 150 Tanjilian (Early Devonian) fossils, Dungaree Creek, 82 Honours David Ashton OAM (Gretna Weste), 140 Lyle Courtney OAM (The Editors), 107 Gwen Elliot AM (FNCV), 141 Roger Elliot AM (FNCV), 141 Localities Australian Alps, Yarrow weed threat, 21 Buxton Silver Gum Reserve, historic changes, 16 Dungaree, Creek, Central Victoria, Tanjilian fossils, 82 Hume Freeway-F2 link, impact on grass- lands, 4 Kosciuszko NP, grazing, tourism, climate effects on, 93 Lord Howe Island, moss collection in MEL, addendum, 89 Mount Hotham, Australian Edelweiss, 2 Mount Macedon, McCoy's property at, 319 Mount Stapylton, Grampian NP, dieback at, 46 Northern Victoria, Red-chested Button- quail, 56 Snowy Mountains, Bogong moths as arsenic carriers, 112 Victorian Alps, Bogong moths as arsenic carriers, 112 Western Port, Little penguins at, 76 Wimmera, galls and mistletoes on Buloke, 117 Yarra Ranges NP, leafy liverwort in, 92 Yellingbo Nature Conservation Reserve, human and natural impacts on, 127 MeCoy, Frederick Animal acclimatization society, 297 Antievolutionism, 226 Birds, Gould correspondence, 210 Black coal dispute with Clarke, 219 Brachiopoda, 178 Bryozoa, 256 Cranbourne meteorites, fate of, 305 The late F McCoy (extract Vic. Nat. 1899), 276 FNCV, 314 Graptolites, 266 Grave, McCoy’s, 304 Ichthyosaur, 294 Irish years, 160 McCoy society, 321 Mammals, McCoy’s, 277 Name, spelling of, 234 National Museum of Victoria, 200 Naturalist tradition, 309 Ostracoda, 283 Overview of his life, 151 Prodromus of Zoology of Victoria, 242 Property at Mount Macedon, 319 Snake, Western Brown, 285 Stratigraphic palaeontology, 165 System Garden, University of Melbourne, 193 Tasmanian devil, 231 Thylacoleo, 287 Timeline of his life, 148 University of Melbourne, 186 Mammals McCoy's mammals, 277 Petaurus norfolcensis, opportunistic ver- tebrate predation by, 123 Squirrel glider, opportunistic vertebrate predation by, 123 Tasmanian devil, 231 Thylacaleo, 287 Miscellaneous 100 vears ago, 15, 105, 140 Animal acelimatization society, 297 Antievolutionism, MeCoy, 226 Australian Ornithological Conference, 43 Flora and Fauna Guarantee Act 1988, 91 ENCV and McCoy, 314 FUNGIMAP National Conference, 45 Geological timescale, 150 Human and natural impacts, Yellingbo Nature Conservation Reserve, 127 International Ornithological Conference, 126 International Year of Mountains 116 Introduction, McCoy Special Issue, 146 Irish years, McCoy, 160 McCoy grave, 304 McCoy society, 321 Name, spelling of McCoy, 234 National Museum (extract Vic. Nat.), 209 National Museum of Victoria, 200 Naturalist tradition, 309 Overview of McCoy's life, 151 Prodromus of Zoology of Victoria, 242 McCoy's property at Mount Macedon, 319 Timeline of MeCoy's life, 148 University of Melbourne and McCoy, 186 VENCA Annual Camp, 141 Palaentology Brachiopoda, 178 Bryozoa, 256 The late F McCoy (extract ie. Nat. 1899), 276 Graptolites, 266 Ichthyosaur, 294 Ostracoda, 283 Stratigraphic palaeontology, 165 Tanjilian (Early Devonian) fossils, Dungaree Creek, 82 Tasmanian devil, 231 Thylacoleo, 287 Reptiles Black snake feeding, 59 Lampropholis guichenoti, mating behay- iour, 58 Pseudechis porphyriacus, feeding, 59 Skink mating behaviour, 58 Software Review Compendium of FUNGIMAP Target Species, V. 1.0 [CD-ROM] (P Grey), 104 Tributes Ilma Dunn, 110 Stefanie Rennick (T Sault), 106 John Paul Stewart (N Schleiger), 29 George Anthony Thomas (NW Archbold), 66 Issues 5 and 6 form the McCoy Special Issue